Ane Compendious And breue Tractate, Concernyng ye Office and dewtie of Kyngis, Spirituall Pastoris, and temporall Iugis Laitlie Compylit be William Lauder. For the faith­full Instructioun of Kyngis, and Prencis.

Diligite Iusticiam. qui iudicatis terram.


¶And first contening the Diffinitioun of ane Kyng, and of his office.

¶Secundle, Declaryng quhat Difference is thair before God, betuix the Kyng and his Uassall.

¶And quhat sall becum to Kyngis, that con­tynewis in Iniquitie. and neclectis thair offi­ces.

¶Schewing siclyke. Ane Generall Instruc­tioun to Kyngis, how thay sal alsweill inhereit the Heuin, as the erth.

¶And how Kyngis suld Elect thare Spi­rituall Pastoris. And Temporall Iugis.

¶And how the Spiritual Pastor. And temporall Iugis, sulde haue thame in thare offi­cis,

¶Quhat sall becum to Kyngis, that Electis vnqualifyit Officiaris.

¶And last of all, vnto quhose actionis in spe­ciall, suld Kyngis geue rathest actendence.

❧Compylit be William Lauder. For the E­ruditioun of all Catholyke, Christin kyngis, and Prencis. To quhome he wyssis Grace, Mercy, and Peace. in Iesu Christ our Lorde.

So be it.

❧the Diffinition of Ane Kyng. And of his Office.

THOCHT God hes creat man [...]o ryng.
In euery realme to be as king
Roma. xiii.
And to be had in Reuerence
And w t fer more preheminēce
During his natural curse and lyfe
Sapi. vi Tim, iii. i. Pet. ii. .i. petr. ii. Titu. iii. Rom. xiii Sapi. vi.
Aboue y e mā y e chyld and wyfe
To be dred, seruit, and obeyit
And as thare maister to be weyit
¶ Ȝit is this Kyng, bot constitute
Under God, as ane Substitute
To minister, and cause ministrat be
Iustice, to all, with equitie
Nother to spair, for lufe, nor fede
To do dew Iustice, to the dede
Deu. xvii
Elyke boith to the ryche, and pure
And so, tyll euery Creature
Withoute respect, tyll ony wycht
Suld kyngs geue euery man thare rycht
Prouidyng that his Iustice be
Gratiouslie myxit with mercye
Pro xxvii
Exempyll taking of all kyngis kyng
Quhais mercy passith, euery thyng
No geir sulde do, the faltour bye
And kyngs suld heir, the pure mans crye
Deu. xvii
[Page]And helpe thame rather in distres
Nor thame that hes, the gret ryches
To ponysche Uice, and treit virtew
This is ane Prencis office dew.

Hov kyngis hes no erthlie Permanence.

THIR kyngs yai ar, bot kyngs of bane.
And schort wyl heir yare tyme be gane
And schorte is heir, thare Ioye I saye
Iob. xiiii
And euer schorter daye, be daye
Rycht as the sande hour in the glasse
Elykewyse dois, thare tyme heir passe
Thay haue no surenes heir to byde
Bot euer sure, that thay mon siyde.
Sapi. vi,
☞Sen it is so, sulde nocht ane kyng
Be Uigelant, to rewle his ryng
Miche. ii Deu. xvii
In Godlie maner, decentlie
To hauld his Realme in vnitie
Iere. v. Psal. cxxxi.
In Amytie, and in concorde
Without Diuisioun, or discorde
For doutles throuch diuisioun
Proceidis dissolatioun
And without Charitie, and Peace
Roma. xiii. Sapi. vi.
Thare is no Realme, that can haue grace
And kyngs sall geue ane compt tharefore
In presens of the kyng of glore.
❧At this ilke compt, quhat salbe said
To thame, and to thare chargis laid
[Page]It salbe said, vndouttitlie
Geue thay haif rewlit rychteuslie
Mathei. xxv.
Cum and resaue for euer more
The place prepaird, for ȝow in glore
¶Geue Uitiouslie, thay haue thame gydit
Go passe vnto the place prouidit
To ȝow for euer, to remaine
In the Infernall endles paine
Mathei. xxv. Sapi. vi.
Wo be to the, thow euyll seruande
That wald nocht keip, my Iuste commande.

Follouis the discrip­tioun of the Difference, betuix the Kyng, and his Uassall, in the sycht of God.

QVHAT is yir kings, more thā y e pure.
Except thair office, & thair cure
Nothing at all, to [...]kin rycht
Different in to Goddis sycht
.ii. para. xix. Ephe. vi. Collo. iii
Than bene the purest Creature
That euir wes formit of nature
For Christe did suffer wyllinglie
To saif Man Uniuersallie
Actu. x.
And sched also, quha vnderstude
Iaco. ii.
Als gret abundance of his blude
For the pure sely nakit thyng
.i. petri. i. Mat. vii. Roma. ii.
As he sched for, the Potent kyng
And he thame boith, did mak of claye
Quhare to, thay mon returne sum daye
[Page]Quhat geue thay boith to heuin ascend
Quhare thare is Ioye withouttin end
Sall this gret kyng, be sett more hie
Amangs the heuinlie companye
Be reasoun of his land and rent
That he had in to erth, to spent
Than the pure sely naikit wycht.
¶ I can nocht solue, that questioun rycht.
Bot I trow, as thay boith deseruit
Thay sall elykewyse, thare be seruit
[...]. xxii.
☞ Bot I knaw, and thay boith discend
Tyll hell, quhare thare is paine but end
As God forbid, that ony do
That ever he pat lyfe in to
Geue that thare ony places be
More creuell than vthers, in degre
Sapi. vi.
Thare sall it be, the kyngis dwellyng
With gretyng, raryng, and with zellyng
¶Because, the kyng had in his handis
The rewle, of hunders, and thousandis
Quhome that he sufferit, in his dayis
To tyne, and perysche. mony wayis
And the vile Catyue, naikit, and pure
Had of hym self, bot onlye cure.

Follouis quhat sall Becum to kyngis, that Uitiouslie ryngis, nec­lectand thare Offices.

O KYNGIS, I mak ȝow traist and sure
Geue ȝe neclect, ȝour Prencelie cure
Prouer. iiii.xxix.
And becum Auaritious
Parciall, creuell, or Couatus
With sum dispensand, for pure pakkis
Sapi. vi.
That thay may brek, ȝour Prencelie actis
Raisand gret derth, exhorbitent
Aganis ȝour actis of Parliament
Oppressand ȝour Communytie
And bryngand thame to pouertie
To hounger, hirscheip, and rewyne
Puttand the pure, in poynt to tyne
And selland so, the Commoun weill
Off thame, that ar ȝour liegis leill
Sufferand sic wrang, for to be done
That kyng, that sitts all kyngis abone
Quha heiris, and seis all that is wrocht
Sapi, [...].
And knawis euery hartis thocht
Sall nocht onlye heir, ȝow torment
With greuous plaige, and ponyschement
Bot sall, quhen ȝe may nocht amend
Plaige ȝow with paine, that hes no end.
¶Ȝour namis thay salbe scrapit oute
Furth of the Buke of lyfe, but doute
And ȝour successioun thay sall be
Eradicat, frome ȝour ryngs trewlie
And geuin to vncouth Natioun
To Ioyse ȝour Habitatioun.
Ȝour vitious lyfe, and Couatyce
And the abusyng of ȝour Offyce
[Page]Usand ȝour fleschelie vane plesuris
Oppressand ȝour pure creaturis
And ȝour fals glosing of the wrang
Sall nocht mak ȝow to rax heir lang
Bot it sall be the foirmeir thyng
Pro. xxxix. Psal. ii. Esay. xxx.vii
Sall first depose ȝow frome ȝour ryng
And mak ȝow lose ȝour latter waige
Quhilk is the heuinnis heritage
So for ȝour wrang but proces more
Ȝe sall tyne heuin, and wardlie glore
Geue ȝe contynew and Indure
Off thir forsaids, ȝe sall be sure.
Mark kyngs, how I haue heir breiflie
Diffynit ȝour names, and Dignitie
Ȝour office dewtie, and ȝour cure
That ȝe aucht tyll all Creature
And quhat gret difference is at all
Betuix ȝow, and ȝour pure Uassall
And last how I haue fynallie
Declaird quhat wo and miserie
Sall lycht on ȝow, and on ȝour seid
That to ȝour office taks no heid
¶And now geue that ȝe wald be leird
To bruke, and to Inioye the eird
And geue ȝe wald, that ȝour ofspryng
Did lang in to ȝour regiones ryng
In welfare, and prosperytie
In grace, peace, and cherytie
And also geue ȝe do pretende
Haue heuinlie Ioye vnto ȝour ende
[Page]Than fowoll, this nyxt Instructioun
Maid for ȝour Eruditioun.

Follouis the instructioun to Prencis. How thay sall alsweil Inhe­reit the Heuin, as the reth.

ATTEND O Prencis, and tak tent.
Unto this Doctryne Subsequent
And thareto wyselie do aduert
And prent the famyn, in ȝour hert
☞First cause ȝour prechours, all and od
Trewlie sett furth, the wourd of God
Tim. iiii. Sapi. vi, Luc. xix.
But fictioun, fraude, or flatterie
Latt it be knawin, to ilk degre
That all may vnderstand and knaw
To lufe and feir, his Godlie law
Dani. vi.
In the quhilk Law, ȝe may vpbryng
Ȝour liegis, as ane godlie kyng
Throw quhilk Law, also thay may leir
Ȝow as thare kyngs, and Prencis feir
And do ȝow homage, and reuerence
i. Tim. ii.
With all detfull Obedience
For thay that ar, ane faithles clan
Can nother dreid God, kyng, nor man
Quhare faith is nocht, no grace can be
Bot Myscheif, wo, and myserie
[Page]And quhare faith is, thare is all grace
Thare is prosperitie, lufe and peace
Prouer. iiii.xxix.
¶The Liegis, of the vngodlie kyng
In daylie trubbyll, thay sall ryng
For thay tak nother thocht nor cure
But reuth, for to oppresse the pure
Thay haue nocht God, before thare Ee
Bot seruis, thare Sensualytie
And swa that realme, is neuer at rest
Bot styll the pure, ar sore opprest.
¶Thus without kyngs, Ygroundit be
In Goddis wourd, of verytie
Thare Liegis also, godlie men
Doand goddꝭ wourd, parfytlie ken
And but trew precheours, I mak plaine
All Realmes sall, vnderly gret paine
And sall nocht mys, the scurge and rod
Off the hie puissant, and mychtie god.
Also (I saye) vnto ȝow Kyngis.
Ȝe sall be plukkit, frome ȝour ryngis
Rycht dulefullie, withouttin dreid
Nocht onely ȝe, bot als ȝour seid
And haistelie, or euer ȝe knaw
Ȝe salbe plagit, one and aw
Boith with the sweird, the fyre, and pest
I mak it to ȝow manyfest
Sett ȝe nocht furth, Godds wourd on hycht
And mak it cum, vnto the lycht
Geue ȝe Indure, vnto ȝour fyne
Ȝe sall nocht mys, the sam rewyne
[Page]For God sall steir vpe Nationis
Aganis ȝour Generationis
Quhilk sall at schorte Narratioun
Bryng ȝow to dissolatioun.
¶Thocht to defend ȝow, ȝe wald prea [...],
Ȝe sall haue nother harts, nor grace
Eccept with godds wourd, ȝe be armit
And it into, ȝour herts confermit
❧Itt suld nocht be hid, nor obscurit
It suld nocht be throung down nor smurit
Itt suld nocht wreistit be, nor wryit
Nor vnto prophane thyngs applyit
Itt suld be precheit, to all dois seik it
Itt nother suld be paird, nor ekit
Saif Scripture, with Scripture, ȝe expone
Conforme vnto, the trewtwiche stone
Apoc. xxii
Quhilk is the auld, and new Testament
Quhilk suld be taucht, most deligent
Be faithfull Pastors, that preche can
But feir of ony erthlie man
Thay suld nocht be, abasit to preche
Nor for no kynde of fauour fleche
Bot trewlie thay suld do thare cure
But feir, of ony creature
☞Wo be to thame, that dois knaw
Godds wourd, syne dois the contrar schaw
Hebru. x.
In Pulpet, or in preching place
Speking, aganis godds wourd of grace
Better to thame, haue bene vnborne
Thay ar the peple, that ar forlorne
[Page]Quhilk nother sall be heir nor hyne
Remittit, for thare fals Doctryne.
☞Preis neuer, O Prencis in ȝour cure
No waye, for to oppresse the pure
Be nocht gredie, nor Couatus
Be Liberall, gude and gratious
Eccle. xxxii. Deu. xvii Rom. xii.
Be humyll meik, and pacient
And to do Iustice diligent
Help thame, that help of ȝow requyris
Conforme vnto thare Iuste desyris
Be nocht ouir facill for to trow
Quhill that ȝe try, the mater throw
¶Preis euir to win, ȝour Liegis hartis
Rather than Conqueis gold in cartis
Haue ȝe thare herts, I say expresse
Than all is ȝours, that thay possesse
Than neid ȝe nocht, no tyme nor ceasone
Be ferit for falset, or for treasone
Than cau ȝe, be no maner want
Gold, thocht ȝour pose, wer neuer sa skant
¶And gredie Prencis, dowtleslie
Sall nocht faill, to end myserablie
For oftymes, it is cleirly kend
Wrang Conquest, maks myscheuous end
Att schorte ȝe daylie do aduert
To serue ȝour God, with faithfull hert.
NOVV Haue ȝe Kyngs, my Document.
Quhilk in ȝour herts, I pray ȝow prent
And doyng this, ȝe be nocht feird
But doute, for to possesse the eird
Ȝour seid, and ȝour Posteritie
Sall efter ȝow, ryng happelie
And sall at last, but proces more
Heir throw, cum to the heuinnis glore.
ZItt want ȝe Kyngs, ȝour Officiaris.
Ciuile, And Gostlie Mynistaris
Attend heirfor, quhow ȝe sulde chuse
Ȝour Pastorꝭ, that suld precheing vse.

Follouis the Electiō Off the Spirituall Pastores.

O KYNGIS, quhē that ȝe go to chuse.
Ȝour pastours, that suld preching vse
Ȝe suld not chuse thaim for yair blude
Nor for thare ryches, nor thare gude
Nor for thare plesand parsonage
Nor for thare strenth, nor vassallage
Ȝe sulde nocht chuse, vnto that cure
Ane Uinolent, nor wod Pasture
No sleprie hird, nor errogant
Bot prudent, wyse, and vigelant
i. Tim. iii
No Pastor gewin, to feid the flesche
[Page]All sic ȝe suld, frome ȝow depesche
None couatus, of wardly glore
None to heape, ryches vpe in store
None hasardours, at cards. nor dyce
None geuin to foule, nor fylthie vyce
Ȝe suld not chuse thame, cause ȝe lufe thame
Nor for no fauour, suld promoue thame
To that most gret, and wechty cure
Except ȝe vnderstude moste sure
i Tim. iii
Thame apt, and ganand for the zok
For to Instruct, the christin flok
And with exempyll, of thare lyfe
To edefye, Man, Maid, and wyffe
¶Ȝour Hirdis, thay suld be harborus
Godlie, gude, and gratious
Mercyfull, modest, and meik
i Tim. iii
Cheritabyll, to the pure and seik
Hirds suld nocht spair, for fleschelie paine
To passe, in wynd, frost, snaw, or raine
But hors, or mule, vpon thare feit
To preche with humyll hert, and spreit
Godds trew wourd, moist clene and pure
To euery kynde, of Creature
As Peter did, thare predecessour
Geue thay wald be, his trew successour
¶Bot thocht thay ryde, on mulis, or hors
Itt is bot small regarde, or fors
Swa thay godds wourd, wald trewly teche
And it plaine to the peple preche
☞So suld ȝe cheis, ȝour Pastoris gude
[Page]That hes the fouth, of heuinly fude
To satisfie, the houngre scheip
i Tim. iii
Quhillk in thare cure, thay haue to keip
❧Sic Pastoris, wyll be weill content
To leif vpon, the fer les rent
Nor hes sum Uicare, for his waige
Or Rector, for his Rectoraige
¶Heir quhat our Pastoris thay may spend
Me neidis nocht schew, sen it is kend
Geue thay godds wourd, hes weill declaird
I saye thare leueings, ar weill waird
And geue thay haue, the floke abusit
Ȝe Kyngs sall be, for that accusit
Be the gret potent kyng, of kyngis
That heris, and seis, all thir thyngis
Because, ȝe mouit thame to sic curis
Quhilk nother techis, ryche nor puris
☞Heirfor considder, O ȝe kyngis
That at thir present houris ryngis
Geue ȝe haue chosin, ȝour Pastoris thus
As I afore, haue done discus
And geue thay haue, thir properteis
Thir gude conditionis, and qualyteis
And geue thay dewly, do thair cure
To euery kynd of Creature
That thay ar detbound, for to do
I pray ȝow tak gude hed heir to
❧Geue myster be, mak reformatioun
i. Tim. iii
Rycht as ȝe lufe, ȝour awin Saluatioun
It wyll be to ȝour chargis laid
[Page]And to ȝow Kyngs, It wyll be said
Wo be to ȝow, that gaif my scheip
To gredie raueand Wolfis to keip
Ȝe kyngs hes wyte, of this be sure
That pat sic Pastorꝭ, to sic cure
Mend this O kyngs, or it be lait
For ȝe leue in ane feirfull stait.
MErk heir, how I haue schawin ȝow cleir.
The way, the fassoun and maneir
hov ȝe ȝour spiritual hirdꝭ suld chuse
And how yai hirdꝭ, yar lyffs suld vse
And how thay suld, Instruct thare floke
That ar subiectit to thare zoke
And als quhow God, sall ȝow correct
Geue ȝe vnqualifeit hirds Elect
❧Now followis nyxt, and first of all
To chuse ȝour Iugis temporall
To quhilk my pen, I sall prepare
With helpe of God, for to declare
How ȝe sulde cheis thame faithfullie
And of quhat fassonis, thay suld be
And quhat gret Maledictionis
Quhat plagis, and sore afflictionis
Sall fall wpon, the realmes and kyngis
Quharin, no faithfull Iugis ryngis

Follouis the Electiō Off the Temporall Iugis.

O Prudent Prencis, marke wyseslie
With Pringnāt wyttꝭ, & walkryfe Ee
Ȝour Iugis, quhen ȝe go to chuse
That vnder ȝow, suld Iustice vse
That thyng is gret, ȝe go to do
And ȝe sulde tak gude heid thare to
In this Consistis, withouttin faill
Boith the wynning, and tinsaill
Off ȝour haill Regioun, and ryng
That ȝe haue in ȝour gouernyng.
¶Thay suld be of ane lynage leill
And suthlie ȝe suld knaw thame weill
That ȝe promoue, to sic ane place
Seyng so wechtie, is the cace.
Goddis worde, suld cleir to thame be knawin
And in thare harts, it suld be sawin
And ȝe suld prudentlie considder
Thare lyfe, and it aggre to gidder
For mony with thare mouth professis
Goddis wourd, that daylie it transgressis
Wourdꝭ ar bot wynd, I say in deid
Iaco. ii.
Withoute gude werks, of thame proceid
¶We may wyrk weill, and we liste call
The Lorde hes hecht, to heir ws all
Mat. vii.
And for to geue ws, liberallye
[Page]With gude wyll grace, and mercy fre
❧Swa without Iugis, cleirly knaw
The wourd of God, and als his law
It is impossibyll verralie
That he ane faithfull Iuge can be
¶Bot quha goddis wourd, hes in his hert
And thareto daylie dois aduert
ii. Para. xix.
The feir of God, sall hym defend
Frome wyrking wrang, vntyll his end
So that he sall, tyll euery wycht
Do that thyng, quhilk accords of rycht
¶Ungodlie Iugis, for Solistatioun
Of Potestatis, with wrang Nerratioun
Wyll tak bot lytill thocht or cure
Pro. xxi.
But reuth, for to oppresse the pure
This Iuge is blynd, and may nocht se
For he wants God, afore his Ee
He knawis nocht god, nor ȝit his saw
And so of hym, he stands no aw
In Court in Parliament or Cessioun
Pro. xxix
Planelie for to commit Oppressioun.
Iust Iugis, aucht with humyll hertis
To heir the playnt of boith the partis
And nocht on heid, without discretioun
Determe, withouttin Iust cognitioun.
¶Gret murmour is, and mony fayis.
That sum Solistars, now thir dayis
Uincusis Laweris, in thare cause
For all thare ledgin, of the lawis.
Suithlie, I thynk sic Solistatioun
[Page]Gret myster hes, of Reformatioun
Because it smellis vnfenȝe [...]tlie
To verray percialytie
Quhilk Percialytie, smoris doun
Iustice, in euery land and toun
❧I saye ȝour temporall officiaris
Thay suld be faithfull Mynistaris
Nocht haue and respect, regaird nor Ee
To wardlye ryches, nor dignytie
To Tergats, Chenis, nor goldin Ryngis
Hors, clethyng, money, nor siclyke thyngis
For fauour of Freindis, nor fois feid
No wrang Decretis, thay aucht to leid
Thay suld be sober and pacient
Thay suld be secreit, and prudent
Thay suld be wyse, and virtuus
Thay suld be gude and gratius
Thay suld be walkryfe, on thare curis
Thay suld haue knawlage, of boith the Iuris
Als weill the Canone, as Ciuile law
Thay suld thame vnderstand and knaw
For blynd men (as I haue feill)
Can nocht decerne, fair colours weill
No more can Iudgis, Illitturate
Discus ane mater (weill I wat)
Frome all Inuye, thay suld be fre
Frome Malyce, Yre, and Creueltie
Frome flattrie, falset, and dissait
Frome toulze, bergane, and debait
Frome heycht, frome haitrent and frome luste
[Page]Quhilk makis Iugis, leif Iniuste
Thay suld be clene, of euery vyce
And speciallie, of Couatyce
For gredie Iugis, I ȝow assure
Eccle. xx
Doith sell the causis, of the pure
¶Geue thare be sic, I knaw of nane
Thay knaw thare selfꝭ, that buddꝭ hes tane
To hurte the pure, syne latt passe fre
The ryche, O Lord, to this haue Ee
And help the pure, that ar in stres
Opprest and hereit mercyles
Traist Kyngis, that thare is no refuge
Except ȝour Iugis, Iustlie Iuge
The causis of all Creaturis
Boith of the ryche, and of the puris
Ȝour Crown, Sworde, Ceptour, & ȝour wand
Thay sall be tane out of ȝour hand
And geuin to vtheris, frome ȝow and [...]ouris
That wyll do Iustice, at all houris.
The Maledictione of the pure.
Sall on ȝow, and ȝour seid Indure
Untyll that ȝe, be rutit oute
This sall nocht faill, withouttin doute
Bot it sall lycht, quhen god dois pleis
Howbeit ȝe leif now, at gret eis
Thocht God ane quhyle, he dois ouir se ȝow
Thynk weill he dois, behauld and Ee ȝow
And wyll ȝow vesy, quhen ȝe leist weine
Syne turne ȝour myrth, and Ioye in teine
Be wer tharefor, with walkryfe Ee
[Page]And mend geue ony myster be.
NOw Kyngis, I pray ȝow fynalie.
Prent euer in ȝour Memorie
To help the pure, and Fatherles
Eccl. iiii.
That lyis drownyng in distres
The pure Wedow, that wantis hir man
zacha. vii
Help hir with Iustice, geue thow can
Geue that ȝe fynd, thare actionis rycht
Help thame, with all ȝour strenth and mycht
For no rewarde, gyft, nor propyne
Thole none of thir twois causis tyne
For geue thow do, gret God trewlie
Hes hecht on the, Auengit be.
Leuitt. xxiiii.
⚜Now haue I breuelie, heir furthschawin
And to ȝow kyngis, I haue maid knawin
Efter my sober wytt, and mycht
How that ȝe suld, Elect moist rycht
Ȝour Iugis, that suld Iustice vse
And quhome ȝe aucht, for to refuse
Frome that gret office, chairge and cure
And of quhat plagis, ȝe sall be sure
Geue ȝe chuse, I must Officiaris
Gredie, and peruerst Mynistaris
And how ȝe suld, nocht spair for panis
To help the wedowis, and pure Orphanis.
QUhilk thyngs, I pray ȝow wysely merk
And thynk it is, ane wechtie werk
To chuse thame rycht, as I haue said
The haill thyng, to ȝour charge is laid
[Page]Geue thay wyrk weill, the better is ȝouris
Ȝour Hearis, and als ȝour Successouris
Geue thay do nocht, ȝe may sure trow
The haill wyte sall, redound to ȝow
And ȝe sall poynist be thairfore
Be the gret potent Prence of glore.

¶the Excusatioun Off the maker to all Catholyke Kyngis and Prencis.

THOCHT I haue said y e veritie.
In sempyll maner faithfullie
As to my knawlage dois apeir
Ȝit humelie with hert Inteir
I wald beseik ȝour Maiesteis
my dytemēt did zov not disple is
Bot into gude part tak it weil
Sen I haue wrocht it, of gude zeill
And of na Malyce, nor Iniure
To ony erthlye Creature
Bot onely for the prosperitie
Of Prencis, and thare Posterytie
As I sall answeir, to heuinnis Kyng
That heris and seis, euerye thyng.

❧the Deprecatioun Of the Maker, for all Catholyke Kyngis and Prencis. And thare Liegis.

THE Potent Kyng of kyngis all
Preserue all Prencis, Catholycall
The leill trew Liegis, of ilk land
That thay, in perfyte faith may stād
And grant to thame, sic happye grace
That thay may leue, in rest and peace
In Lufe, Amytie, and in concorde
Without Diuisioun, or discorde
As suld all faithfull Prencis, trew
Fair weill I saye, no more adew.

☞And Imprentit, In the zeir of God Ane M.U.C.LUI.

[...]respice finem
❧The Lord Menteine the Faithfull Floke.
With Strenth, to Drawe in to his Zoke,

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