A declaration of prayer / made by Ihon Knox.
VNto the small and dispersed flocke of Iesus Christ / How necessary is the right inuocatiō of Gods name / otherwise called perfit prayer / becō meth no christiā to misknow. Prayer sprī geth out off true fayth. Rom. 10. Seyng it is the very braūch / which sprigeth forth of tru faith. Wherof / yf man be distitute / notwithstāding he be induid with whatsoeuer other vertues / yet in the presens of God is he reputid for no Christian / Men negligēt ī praier are not perfit in fayth. therfore a manifest signe vnderstād nothing of perfyt fayth / for yf the fyre may be without heate / or the burning lampe without lighte / then true fayth maye be without feruēt prayer. But because in tymes passed was / and yet alas / within smal multitude is / that recoued to be prayer / whiche in the sighte of God was and is nothing lesse. I intende shortly too touch the circonstaunce of prayer.
¶What prayer is.
wHo wil praye / must knowe and vnderstande that praier is an erust & familiar talking with God / to whom we declare our miseries / whose supporte and helpe / we implore and desyre in our aduersities / & whom we laude & prayse for our benefytes receiued. Vvhat prayer contayneth. So that prayer contayneth the exposition of our dolours / the desyre of Gods defence / and [Page] louinge of his magnificēt name / as the Psalmes of Dauid clearly teacheth.
¶What is to be obserued in prayer.
THat this be most reuerētly done should prouoke vs the consideracion / in whose presens we stande / to whome we speke / and what we desyre / standinge in the presence of the omnipotent creator of heauen & earth / and of all the contentes therof / to whome assist & serue a thousande thousande of aungels / Daniel. 3 Iob. 16. geuing obedience to his eternal maiestie / & speking vnto hym / who knoweth the secretes off our hartes / dissimulation & lyes are alwayes odious / & hated. And asking that thing / which without we receiue of all other creators we are most miserable / diligētly should we attēde that suche thinges as maye offende his godly presence to the vttermost of our power be remoued. And fyrst that worldly carēs / & fleshly cogitacions / suche as drawe vs from contemplacion of God be expellid from them / that it may frely without interrupcion call vppon God. Note. But howe diffysed & harde is this one thing in prayer to performe / knoweth no mā better / then such as in their prayers / not content to remayne within the bandes of their owne vanitie / but as it were rauished / do intēde to a pure worde of God / asking not such thinges as the blinde & folish reason of mā desireth / but what may be plesaunt & acceptable in Gods presens. Petre. 5 Our aduersary sathā / at all tymes cōpassing vs about / is neuer more busy then when we adresse & bēde vs to prayer / for [Page iij] o / how secretly & subtilly crepeth he in oure brestes / & calling vs backe frō God / causeth vs to forget what we haue to do.
¶Let euer man iudge his owne hart.
SO that frequently / when we with all reuerince should speake to God / we fynde oure harts talkīg with the vanites of the world or with the folish imaginacions of our own cō sent / so that without the sprete of God.
¶How the sprete maketh intercession for vs. Roma. 8.
SVportinge oure infirmities / mightely making intercession for vs / with incessable grō nes / which can not be expressed with toūge / hope is there none / that any thing we can desire / according to Gods wil. I meane not that the holy ghost mournes or prayes / but that he sterith vp our myndes / geuing vnto vs a desire or boldnes for to pray / & causeth vs to mourne when we are extracted & plucked there from / which thinges to conceiue / no strength of man suffiseth / neither is able of it selfe. Who prayeth not. Hereof it is playne / that such as vnderstāde not what they praye / or expoūdes not / or declare not the desire of their hartes / clearly in Gods presens. And in tyme of praier / to their possibilite with out their expell vaine cogitacions from their myndes profyt / nothinge in prayer.
¶Why we should pray / and also vnderstande what we do praye.
Obiectiō BVt some wil obiect & say: albeit / we vnderstād not what we do pray / ye God vnderstādeth / who knoweth the secret of our hartes / knoweth also what we nede / [Page] although we expounde not or declare our necessites vnto hym. Such mē verely declareth them selfs / neuer to haue vnderstāding / what profit prayer ment / nor too what ende Iesus Christ cōmaundeth vs to pray. Which is first that our hartes may be enflamed with continuall feare / honor & loue of God / to whome we runne for supporte & helpe / when soeuer daunger or necessitie requireth / that we so lerninge to notefye oure desiers in his presence / may teache vs what is earnestly to be axed / & what not. Secōdarely that we knowing our peticions to be graūted by God / to hym alone we muste referre & geue lande and prayse. And that we euer hauing his infinite goodnes / fixid in our myndes / may constantly abide to receiue that / which with feruent prayers we desier / Vvhif God deffereth to graunt our praier for sometime God deffereth or prolōgeth to graunt oure peticions / for the excercision & trial of our faythe / & not that he slepeth / or is absente frome vs at any tyme / but that with more gladnes we mighte receiue that / whiche with longe expectacion we haue abyden / that therby we assured of his eternall prouidence / (so farre as the infirmetie of our corruptie & most weked nature wil permitte) doubte not / but his merciful hande shal releaf vs in moste vrgent necessite & extreme tribulaciō. Therefore such men as teacheth vs / that necessarely it is not required that we vnderstād not what we pray / because God knoweth what we nede wold also teach vs / that neither we honor God nor yet referre / or geue vnto hī thākes for benefites [Page iiij] receiued / for howe shall we honor and prayse hī / whose goodnes & liberalite we know not / how shal we know / oneles we receiue / and sometime haue experiens. And howe shall we know that we haue receiued / onlesse we know verely what we haue asked.
The seconde thinge to be obserued in perfit prayer is / that standing in the presens of God / we be found such as beryes to his holy law reuerence / Prou. 18. earnestly repēting our iniquite passed and intēding to leade a new lyfe / for otherwise in vayne are all our prayers / as it is written / who withdrawes his ear / that he wil not hear the lawe of God / his oration or prayer shalbe abhominable. And also ye shall multeply your prayers / & I shal not heare / because your handes are full of bloude / that is off all crueltie and mischeuous workes. And the sprete of God appeareth by the mouthe of the blynde / Ioh. 9. whome Iesus Christ doth illuminate by these wordes / we knowe that God heareth no synners / that is such as glories / & do continew in iniquites.
¶Whē sinners are not hard of God
SO that of necessite true repētaūce most nedes be had / & passe before perfitte prayer / or syncere inuocaciō of gods name. And vnto these two presidēces must be annexed the thride which is the directiō of our selfs in godes presence. Vtterly refusing & castīg of own iustice with all cogitaciōs & opinion therof / that nothinge proceding of our selfes / that we should be harde / for all suche as auaunce / boast or depende any thing vpon their own iustice / from [Page] the presence of his mercye / repellith & holdeth with the hygh proude pharesey. And therfore the moste holy men / we fynde in praiers most deiected & hūble. Psal. 79. Dauid sayeth: o Lorde our sauiour help vs / for the glory of thy own name deliuer vs / be mercifull vnto oure synnes for thy owne name. Remēber not oure olde iniquities / but hast thou o Lorde / & let thy mercy preuent vs. Ieremie sayeth: yf oure iniquities beare testimoni against vs / do thou accordyng to thy owne name. And behold I say / thou art crabbid / O Lorde / because we haue synned / & are replenished with all wickednes. Esay. 64 And oure iustice is like a filthy clothe. &c. But now O Lord / thou art our father / we are claye / thou arte the worke mā / & we the workemāship of thy hādes. Daniel. 9 Be not crabid O Lord / remember not our iniquities for euer. And Daniel greatly cōmēdid of God / maketh in his prayer most hūble cōfessiō in these wordes / we be sinners / & haue offeded / we haue done vngodly / & fallē frō thy cōmaūdemēt / but not in our own righteousnes make we our prayers before the / but thy most rych & great mercy brīg we forth for vs. O Lord heare / Lord be merciful / & spare vs Lord / attēd / helpe & cease not my God / euē for thy names sake / do it for thy people & thy citie called after thy name. Behold / that in these prayers is no mēciō of their own iustice / their owne satisfaction / or their owne merites / but most humble confession / procedinge frō a sorowfull and penitent harte / hauing nothinge wherupon it might depende / but the mercy of [Page v] God alone / who had promised to be their God that is their help / cōfort / defendor / & deliuerer (as he hath also don to vs by Iesus Crist) in tyme of tribulacion. Note. And therfore / they / dispayrid not / but after knowlege of ther Sinnes / callid for mercy & obtayned thesame / wherfore it is playne / that suche men as in theyr prayrs / haue respecte to any vertue / proceding of them selffe / thinkinge therby theyr prayrs to be accepted / neuer prayd aright.
¶What fastinge almoses dedes are without praye.
ANd albeit to feruent prayer be Ioynyd / fastinge / waking and almos dede / yet are none of these the cause / that God dothe except our prayrs but they are spurres which suffer vs not to vary / but make vs more able to continew in prayr / Psal. 38.86. which the mercy of God dothe accepte. But here maye it be obiectid / Dauid praythe / kepe mi lyfe o Lorde for I am holy / o Lorde here my iustice and suffer me not to be confoundid / 4. reg. 20 and Ezechius remēbre Lorde I beseche the / that I haue walked righteously before the / and that I haue wrought that which is good in thy sight. These wordes are not spokē of mē glorious / neither yet trusting in ther owne workes. Note we But here in they testefy them selfes to be the sonnes of God by regeneraciō / to whom he promisid alwayes to be merciful / & at al tims to hear theyr praiers.
¶The cause of ther boldnes was Iesus Crist.
ANd so theyr wordes springe a wontyd / constante and feruent faythe / surely beleuinge [Page] that as God of hys infinitie mercy / had callid them to his knowlege / not sufferinge them to walke after theyr owne natural wickednes / but partly had through them to confirme them to his holy lawe / and that for the promised sedes sake / so mighte he not leaue them destitute or comfort / consolacion and defence / in so great and extreme necessite. And so theyr iustice a leage they not to glory therof / or to put trust therin / but to confyrme and strengthen them selfes in Godes promyses / and this consolation I wolde wyshe to al Christians in theyr prayers / a testimony of good conscience to assure them of Godes promises / but to obtayne what they aske must depende vpon his mercy / al opinion and through of our own iustice layd aside. And more ouer Dauid in the wordes aboue compareth hym selfe with Kinge Saule / and with the rest of his enemies / who wrōgfully did persecute hym / desyiringe of God that they preuayle not agaynste hym (as who saye) iniustlye doo they persecute me & therfore according to my innocensi defende me / for otherwyse he confessith him self moost greuously to haue offendid God / as in the precident places he clearly testifieth.
¶Ipocrisie is not alowid with god.
THirdly in prayer is to obserued / that what we aske of God / that we moste ernistly desier / the same knowleginge vs to be indigent voyde therof / and that God allone may graunte the peticion of our hartes. mark wel For nothyng is more odious before God then [Page vi] Ipocrisie and dissimulaciō (that is) whan mā dothe aske of God a thinge / wherof he hathe no neade / or that he beleueth to attayne / by others then by God allone. As if a man aske of God remission of his sinnes / thinkinge neuerthelesse to obtayne thesame by his owne workes / papistical pardōs / merytes of masses / or whatsoeuer other meanes / dothe mocke God / and in suche causes doth a greate number offende principally / the mighte and riche of the earth / who for a common confuetude & custome / wil pray this parte of Godes prayer geue vs this day our dayly breade / Dayly bread. that is a moderate and resonable sustentacion / & yet theyr owne hartes will testefy that they neade not so to pray / seinge they abounde in al wordly solace and felicitie. I meane not that riche men should not pray this parte of prayer / but I wolde they vnderstode / what they ougt to pray in it (wherof we intende after to speake) and that they asked nothinge wherof they felt not them selfs maruelous ind [...]gent and nedeful, / for onelesse we cal in verite / he wil not graunte / & without we speake with oure hole harte / we shall not finde him. The fourthe rule / necessary to be folowed in prayer / is a sure hope to obtayn what we aske for nothing more offendeth God / then when we as [...]e doubtyng wether he wil graunte oure peticions / for in so doinge we doubt if G [...]d be true / if he be mighty and good. Iaco. 1. Suche faythe Iames obtayne nothynge of God / and therfore Ihesus Christe commaundeth [Page] that we fyrmly beleue to obtayne whatsoeuer we aske / for al thinges is possible vnto hym that beleueth / and therfore in our prayrs alwayes is to be expellid desperacion. Note wel I meane not that any mā in extreamite of troble / cā be without a present dolour / and without a greater feare of troble to folow.
Sporris stire vs to prayerTroble & feare are the very spures to pray for when man compassid aboute with vehement calamyte / and vexid with continual solicitude / hauinge by healpe of man / no hope of deliueraunce with sore oppressed an punished harte / ferynge also greater punishement to folow frome the depe pyt of trybulacion / dothe cal to God / for comforte and supporte.
¶God deliuerith his chosen frome theyr enymyes.
THat prayer ascendith into goddes presence and retourneth not in vayne / as Dauid in the vehement persecucion of Saule / Psal. 7. hunted and chased from euery hole / fearing that one day or other he shulde fal in to the hā des of his persecutors / after that he had complayned / that no place of rest was lefte for him vehemently / prayde sayinge / o Lorde which art my God / in whome I haue trusted / saue me frome al that persecute me / and delyuer me / let not th [...]s man (meninge Kinge Saule) deuoure my life as the liō doth his pray / seing their is no man to delyuer me / in the myddest of these āguishes / the goodnes of God sustainid hym / that the present tribulacion was tollerable / and the infallible promysis of God / so [Page vij] assured him of deliueraunce / that feare was partly nitegate and gone / as playnly apereth to suche as diligently marke the prosses of his prayer / for after longe meniss [...]nge and threateninge made to his enemye / he concludith with these wordes. The dollor which he entē dith vnto me / shal fal vppon his own head / & the violence wherwith he wolde haue oppressed me / shal cast doun his owne head / and I shal magnify the Lord / accordinge to his iustice / and shal prayse the name of the most higest. A cōforte to the writer / being in aduersite.
This is not written for Dauid only / but for al suche as shal suffer tribulacion / to the ende of the worlde / for I the writer hereof (let this be sayd to the lāde & prayse of God alon) in anguishe of mynde / & vehemēt tribulaciō & affliction called vnto the Lorde / when not only the vngodly / but euen my faytheful brother / yea and my owne selfe / that is / al natural vnderstandinge. Iudge my cause to be irremydiceble & yet in my greatest calamyte. And whē my paynes wher most cruel / wold his eternal wisdome / that my hande shuld write (farre contrary to the iudgemēte of carnal reason) which his mercy hathe prouyd true / and therfore dare I be in the veryte of Godes worde to permit that not withstandinge / the vehemency of troble / the longe continuance therof / the desperacion of al men / the fearfulnes dolore / and anguishe of our own hartes / yet yf we cal constantly to God / that by expectacion of al men he shal delyuer.
[Page] Notewel Vvhere cō stant praier is, this graū ted the peticion. Psal. 41. Psal. 119.Let no mā thinke him selfe vnworthy to cal and pray vnto God / because he hath greuously offendid God in tymes past / but let hym bryng to God a sorowful and repentynge harte / sayinge with Dauid / heale my soule o Lorde / for I haue offendid agaynst the / before I fel in mysery I transgressed / but now let me obserue thy commaūdementes.
To mitegate or ease the sorowes of our woū did conscience / two playsters hath our most prudent phisition prouyd to geue vs / in corrage for to pray / notwithstanding the knowlege of offences committed / that is a precepte and a promyse / the precept or commaūdement to pray is vniuersal frequently inculeate and repetyd in Godes scripturs. Mat. 7. Psal. 49. Matt. 26. 1. Tim. 2. 1. Tessa. 5 Aske and it shalbe geuen vnto you. Cal vppon me in the day of thy tribulacion / watche and pray that ye fal not into temptacion. I commaunde that euer ye make deprecacions / pray incessable and geue thankes in al thynge / which commaundement / who contemneth or dispiseth / doth e [...]ally sinne with hym that doth steale.
For as this commaundement / thou shal not steale / is a precept negatyue / so thou shalt pray is commaūdement affirmatyne / and God requireth equal obedience of / and to al his commaūdementes (yet more boldly wil I say) whē necessite cōstraynth desireth / Notewel not supporte and helpe at God / doth prouoke his wrathe no lesse then suche as make falsse Gods / doo or openly deny God.
¶Who prayth not in tribulaciō denieth God.
[Page vij]FOr like as it is to know no phisicion or medicine / and in knowinge them refuse to vse and receyue the same / so not to cal vppon God in thy tribulacion is / lyke as thou not God / or els vtterly denye hym.
¶Not to pray is sinne most odious.
O Why ceasse we to cal instantly to his mercy / hauinge his commaūdement so to do aboue al our iniquities / we worke manifest contemtion and dispisinge / when by wekid negligens / we delay to cal for his supporte / we doth cal to God obeyth his wil / Iere. 7. & fyndeth therin no small consolacion / knowynge no sacryfice / so acceptable to his maiestye / as humble obedience is.
To his commaūdement he addeth his most vndoubted promyse in many places / Mat. 7. aske and ye shal haue / seke and ye shal fynde / Ierem. 27 and by the Prophet Ieremy ye shal cal vppon me / and I shal hear you / ye shal seke and shal find me / and by Esaye / may the father forget his natural sonne / or the mother the child of her wombe / and although they do / yet shal I not forget suche as cal vpō me. And hereto correspondēt and agree the wordes of Iesus Christ / saying / yf ye beynge wekid / Lucke. 1. can geue good gyftes to your sonnes / muche more my celestial father shal geue the holy ghoste too them that aske of hym. And that we should not thinke God to be absent or not heare vs accurreth. Moyses saying / Deut. 4 there is no naciō that haue theyr godes so adherent or nyghe vnto them as our God is present / at al our prayers. And the psalmist [Page] / nyghe is the lord to al / which cal vpō him in veryte / & Iesus Crist sayth / wheresoeuer are two or thre gathered together in my name / there am I in the myddes of them.
¶Reddines of God to heare sinners.
THat we shal not thynke that God wil not heare vs / Esay sayng befor they crye I shal hear / and while they yet speake / I shal aunswer / and also yf at euen / come sorowe or calamiti / before the morninge springe I shal redresse & turne gladnes / and his most comfortable worde / spoken not to carnal Israel only / but to al men sore oppressed / abidinge Gods deliuerance. Frome a moment and a lyttel season haue I turned my face frome the / but in euerlastinge mercye shall I comforte the.
¶The hope to obteyn our peticions / shuld depende vppon the promyses of God.
O Stony are the harts / whome so manyfolde most swete & sure promis is dothe not molyfye / wherevppon shoulde depend the hope to obtayne our peticions / the dingnite or vnworthynes of our selfes is not to be regarded / for albeit to the chosen / which are departed in holynes and purite of lyfe / we be inferiors / yet in that parte we are equal in that we haue / the same Commaūdement to pray / and the same promise to be harde / for he estimeth not the prayer / neither grauntith the peticion / for any dingnite of the person that prayth / but for his owne promyse sake. And therfore sayth Dauid. 1. King. 7 Thou hast promysed vnto thy seruāt / o Lorde that thou wilte build [Page ix] an house for hym / and therefore thy seruaunt hath founde conueniēt matter to pray in thy presence. Now so o Lord God / thou art God / and thy wonders are true / thou haste spoken these good thinges vnto thy seruaunte / begin therfore to do / according to thy promise / multiplie o Lorde the housholde of thy seruaunte. Gene. 23. Beholde / Dauid altogether dependith vppon Gods promise / as also did Iacobe / who after he had confessed hym selfe vnworthy of all the benefites receyued / yet dare he boldely aske greater benefytes in tymes subsequent / & that because God had promised. In the lyke maner let vs be encouraged / too aske whatsoeuer the goodnes of God hath frely promised / what we should aske prīcipally we after shal heare.
¶Obseruacion in godly prayer.
THe fifth obseruaciō / which godly praier requireth / is the perfyt knowledge off the aduocate interceffour & mediatour for seing no man is of hym selfe worthy to cō pare / or apeare in Gods presence by reason / that in all men cōtinually resteth synne.
¶Of necessyte we must haue a mediator.
WHiche by the selfe doth offende the maiestie of God / reasinge also / debate / stryfe / hatered / and deuision betwixt his inuiolable iustice and vs. Wherunto / oneles satisfactiō be made by any other then by our selfs / so littel hope resteth that any thyng from him. We can attayne / that no suerty may we haue with hym at all.
To examine vs of hys horrible confusion / [Page] knowinge that our mindes most fragile / here by continually shuld haue ben deiectid / our merciful father hathe geuen vnto vs his onely begotton sonne Iesus Christ to be aduocate and forespeaker for vs / 1. Ioh. 2. Hebre. 8. that we ledde by suche a guyde with whose iustice (yf in him we beleue) we are so clede that we may with boldnes cōpayr and apeare before the trone of goddes mercy / doubtyng nothing / but whatsoeuer we aske by our mediator / Heb. 4. the same we shal obtayn in mose opportunite.
Here is most diligently to be eschewed / that without our mediatour for speaker / & peace maker / Note diligently, by Vvhom vve must praie. we enter into prayer / so the benifite of suche as pray without Iesus Crist / are not only vayn / but also they are odious / & abhomenable before God / which thing to vs in the leuitical priesthode moost euident was prefigurate & declarid / for as within santum santorū entred no mā / [...]. par. 26. but the hige priest allone / and as al sacrifices offred by any other then by priestes only / prouoked the wraught of God vppon the sacrifice maker / so who dothe intende to enter into goddes presence / or to make prayrs without Iesus Crist shal find nothīg / but fearful iudgmēt & horrible dānacion. Wherfore it is playne that Turkes & Iewes not withstāding that they do appearaūtly / Turkes Iewes. & most verfently pray vnto God / who created heauē & earth / who guideth & ruleth thesame / who defendeth the good / & punisheth the euil / yet neuer are theyr prayers pleasant vnto God / neither honor they his maiesty in any thyng / because they acknowlege not [Page x] Ihesus Christ.
¶When we be not hearde.
FOr who honoreth not the sonne / honorith not the father / for as the lawe is a statute / that we shall call vnto God / and as the promise is made that he shal heare vs / so are we cōmaunded only to cal by Iesus Christ / 2. Cor. 1 [...] by whome alone our peticions we obtayne / for in hym allone are al the promises of God confirmed & cōpleant / wherof without all contreuerses / it is playne that suche as haue caullid or calleth presentlye vnto God / by anye other meane / thē by Iesus Crist allone / doth nothing regarde Godes wil / but obstinatly preuaricat / & do agaynst his cōmaundementes / & therfore neither obtaī thei their peticiō / nor yet haue entres in his mercy. For no mā cōmeth to the father (sayith Iesus Christ / but by me he is the right way / who declineth frō him errith and goyth wronge / he is oure leder / whome without we folowe / we shal walke in darknes / & he alone is our captain / without whome neither praise nor victory we shal obtayne agaynst such as depend vpon the intercession of sayntes / no otherwyse wil I cōtend / but shortly touche the propertis of a perfyt mediatour.
¶Intercession to sayntes.
FIrst are the wordes most sure of Paule / a mediatoure is not the mediatour of one / that is / wheresoeuer is required a mediator / there are also two parties / to wyte one party offendant & the other party / which is offendid whiche partise by thēselfe maye in no wise be reconsiled.
[Page]Secondly the mediator / Mediator. which taketh vppon hym the recōsiling of these two parties / must be suche one as haue truste and fauor of both parties in some thinges / And differre frome bothe / and muste be cleane and innocent / also of the cryme / committed agaynst the party offended / let thys be more playne by thys subsequent declaration.
¶Aungels may not be mediators.
THe eternall God standeth vppon the one parte / and all naturall men / descē ding of Adam vpon the other / the infinite iustice of God is so offended with the trāsgession of all men / that in no wyse can amyte be made / excepte suche one be founde as fully maye make satisfaccion / for mans offences / amonge the sonnes of men none was founde able. For all they were founde criminall in the faulte of one / and God infinite in iustice must abhorre the societie and sacrifice of sinners. And vnto aungelles / what preuailed the preuarication of man / who albeit / they wolde haue interponed them selfes mediators / had not the iustice infinite / who shall here be foūd peace maker. The infinite goodnes and mercy of God / might not suffer the perpetuall losse and repudiaciō of his creature / & therfore his eternall wysedome / prouyde such an medyator hauing wherwith to satisfy. The iustice of God differeth also frō the godhead / his onely sonne / cledde in the nature of manhead / who interponed him self mediator / not as mā only.
¶Iesus Christ / God & man is mediator.
[Page xi]FOr the pure humanitie of Christe of it selfe / might neither make intercess [...]ō nor satisfacciō for vs / but God & man in that that he is God / he might complete the will of the father / & in that / that he is man pure and cleane / without spot or sinne he might offer sacrifice / for purgacion of our synnes & satisfaction of Gods iustice / without sainctes. Haue these twoo godhead equale with the father / & humanite without synne / the office of mediators they may not vsurpe / Obiectiō but here wilbe obiected / who knoweth not Iesus Christ / to be the onely mediator of our redemciō / Aūswere. but that impedites or letteth nothing. Sainctes and holy men / to be mediators to make intercession for vs / as though that Iesus Christe had bene one houre or mediator / & after had resined thoffice vnto his seruauntes.
¶Who maketh other mediators then Iesus Christ / taketh ouer from hym.
DO not such men ientelly intreate Iesus Christ / detracting frō him such porcion of his honor / otherwise speaketh the scriptures of God / testefying hym to be made mā / & to haue proued oure infirmites to haue suffred death willingly / to haue ouercome the same / & all to this ende / that he might be oure perpetuall hyghe souerayne & pryse / Heb. in whose place or dignitie none other mighte entre / as Ihon sayth / yf any man sinne / we haue an aduocate with the father / euen Iesus Christ the iust / marke well this wordes / Ihon sayth / Ioh. 3. Rom. 8. we haue presently a sufficiente aduocate / whome [Page] Paule affirmeth to sit / at the righte hande of God the father / and to be the only mediator betwene God and man / for he alone (sayeth Ambrose) is our mouth / by whome we speake to God / he is our eyes / by whome we se God / & also oure righte hande / by whome we offer any thinge vnto the father / who onelesse he make intercession / neither we / neither any off the sainctes maye haue any societe or felowship with God. Libro de Isaac de anima. True membres. Note diligently. What creator may say to God the father / let mankinde be receyued into thy fauoure / for the payne of hys transgression that haue I sustayned in my owne bodye / for hys cause cōpassed with all infirmety became I the most contempted & dispraysed of all mē / and yet in my mouth was foūd no disceyt nor gyle / but always obedient to thy will / suffred death / that for mankynd. Obedience of Christ. And therfore behold not the sinner / but me / who by my infinitie iustice / haue perfetly satisfied for hys offences / maye any other Iesus Christ / except I / in these wordes make intercession for sinners / yf they may not then / are they not neither mediators nor intercessors. Libro cō tra parme niz, ca For albeit / sayeth Augustine Christians do cōmend one another vnto God in theyr prayers / yet not make intercission / or dare vsurpeth office of a mediator / not Paule albeit vnder the head / he was a principale mē bre / yet because he commendeth hym selfe too the prayer of faithfull men Obiectiō yf any do obiecte. Such is not the condicions of the saynctes departed / who nowe hathe put of immortalite / and beareth no lenger the fragilite of the flesh. [Page xij] Aūswer. Which albeit / I graunte to be moste true / yet are they all compelled to caste theyr crounes before hym that dothe sitte in the throne / Apoc. 6. knowleginge them selfes to be deliuered from greate affliccion / too haue bene purged by the bloud of the Lam / and therfore none of them do attempt to be a mediator / seynge they neyther haue being / nor iustice of them selfe / but in so great light of the Gospel (prayse be to the omnipotent) it is not necessary vpō such matter longe to remayne. Note this wel. Some say / we will vse but one mediator Iesus Christ to God the father / but we muste haue sainctes / and chiefly the virgin Mary / mother of Iesus Christ too praye for vs vnto hym.
¶Agaynste suche as wolde haue mediators too Iesus Christe.
A Lace / whosoeuer is so mīded / sheweth playnly them self to know nothing of Iesus Christ righteously / is he who discended frō heauen / conuersed among sinners. Commaunded all / vexid sore / Math. 11. seke too come vnto hym / who hanginge vppon the crosse / prayde fyrst for hys enemies / become newe so vntractable / that he will not heare vs withoute a parson to be a meane. O Lorde / open the eye of suche / that they maye clearly perceyue thy infinete kyndnes / gentelnes and loue towardes mankynde. Aboue all precidentes is to be obserued / that what we aske of God / oughte too de proffitable to oure selfe and too others / and hurte or daunger of no man.
[Page]Secondarely / we muste consider whether our peticions extenditeth to spirituall or corporall thinges. Spirituall thinges shoulde be axid vvithout cōditiō. Spirituall thinges / such as are deliuerance from impiete / remission of their sinnes / the gifte of the holy ghoste / and of lyfe euerlasting should we desire absolutely / without any condicion by Iesus Christ / in whome alone all these are promised / & in asking hereof / we should not pray thus: O father forgeue our sinnes / yf thou wilt / for his will he hath expressed / sayinge: as I lyue / I desire not the death of a synner / but rather that he conuert and lyue / mark wel which in mutable and solēpned othe / who calleth in doubt / maketh God a liar / and so farre as in hym lyeth / wolde spoyle God of hys godhead / for he cā not be God / but he must be eternal & infallible veritie / as Ihon sayth: 1. Ioh. 5. This is the testimony / which God hath testified of hys sonne / that who beleueth in the sonne / hath eternal lyfe to the verite whereof we shoulde stedfastly cleue / although calamite and worldly dolor apprehendith vs / 2. Reg. 15 as Dauid exiled from hys kyngdom / and depriued of all hys glorie / secluded not frome God / but stedfastly beleued reconsiliacion by the promyse made / notwithstandinge that all creators in earth had refused / obiected / & rebelled agaynst hym / happy is the man whome thou shalle inspire o Lorde. Corporal thinges. In asking corporal thinges / first let vs inquire / yf we be at peace with God in our conscience by Iesus Christe / Fyrmly beleuinge our sinnes to be remitted in hys bloud. Secondly / let vs inquire our owne hartes / yf [Page xiij] we know temporall ryches or substaunce / not to come to man by accidēte fortune or chaūce / neither yet by the industre & diligence of mās labor / but to be the liberall gyft of God onely / wherof we ought to lande & prayse hys goodnes / wysedome / & prouidence alone.
¶What should be prayed for.
ANd yf this we do truly knowlege & confesse / let vs boldely aske of him / whatsoeuer is necessary for vs / as sustentacion of the body / health therof / defence frō misery deliueraunce from troble / tranquilite & peace to our cōmon wealthes / prosperous successe in our vocaciōs / labours & affaires / & whatsoeuer which God wil / we aske all of hym too certify vs / that all thing stande in his regimēt and dispocition. And also by asking and receyuinge this corporall commodites / we may tast of hys sweatnes / and be inflamed with hys loue / that therby our fayth of reconciliation & remission of our synnes maye be exercised and take increace.
But in asayng suche temporal thinges / we must obserue. Note we Vvhy Go [...] differreth or prolongeth to graunt vs our peticion. Fyrst / that yf God differrith or prolonge to graunt our peticions / euen so long that he doth apparantly reiecte vs / yet let vs not seace to call / prescribing to hym / neither tyme nor maner of deliuerance / as it is written / yf he prolonge tyme abyde paciently vpon hym / and also let not the faythful be to hasty. For God sometyme differreth / and will not hastely graunt to the probacion of oure eontinuaūce / as the wordes of Iseus Christ testefie / [Page] & also that we may receiue with greater gladnes / which with hardent desire we long haue loked for / as Anna / Sara & Elizabeth / after great ingnontye of their barranenes & sterilite / receiued frute of their bosumes with ioye.
Secondarely / because we knowe the churche at all tymes to be vnder the crosse / in askynge temporall commodites / and specially deliueraunce frome troble let vs offer vnto God obedience / 2. Re. 15. yf it shall please hys goodnes we lō ger be exercised / that we may paciently abyde it / as Dauid desired to be restored to his kyngdome / what tyme he was exiled by his owne sonne offereth vnto God obedience / saying: yf I haue founde fauoure in the presence of the Lorde / he shall bryng me home agayne / and yf he shall saye / thou pleasest my not longer too beare auctorite / I am obediēt / let hym do what semed good vnto hym. Dani. 3. And the thre chyldren vnto Nabuchodonosor saye: we knowe that our God / whome we worship / maye deliuer vs / but if it shall not please hym so to do / let it be knowen to the o kynge / that thy Gods we will not worship.
¶Better it is to obey God then man.
HEre geue they a true confessiō of their perfit fayth / knowing nothinge to be impossible to the omnipotēcy of God / affirming also themself to stāde in his mercy for otherwise the nature of man coulde not willingly geue it self to so horrible a torment / but offer they vnto God moste humble obedience to be deliuered at hys pleasure & godly [Page xiiij] will. As we shoulde do in all afflictions / for we knowe not what too aske / or desire as we ought / that is the frayle flesh / oppresseth with feare and payne / desireth deliueraunce euer abhorring and drawing backe from obedience geuen. (O Christen brother / I write by experience) but the sprite of God calleth backe the mynde to obedience / that albeit / it doth desire and abyde for deliueraunce / yea / wolde it not repyng the goodwil of God incessantly asketh that it may abyde with pacience. Howe harde is the battail / no man knoweth but he / whiche in hym selfe hath suffred triall / Note wel it is to be noted that God sometime doth graunt the peticion of the sprete / wyle he yet defferreth the desired of the flesh.
¶The peticion of the sprete. Gene. 9
AS who doubteth / but God did mitigate the heauines of Ioseph / althoughe he sent not hasty deliueraunce in his longe imprisonemēt / & that as he gaue hym fauour / in the sighte of his iaylour / so inwardly also gaue he vnto hym consolation in sprite. And more ouer / God sometime graūteth the peticiō of the sprite / where all vtterly he repelleth the desyre of the flesh / for the peticion always of the sprete is / that we may obtayn to felicite wherunto we nedes must enter by tribulaciō / and the finall death / both which doth euer the nature of man abhorre / and therfore the fleshe vnder the crosse / & at the sight of death / call [...]h and trusteth for hasty deliueraunce / but God who alone knoweth what is expediēt for vs.
¶Flesh striueth agaynste the sprete.
[Page] Percecuciō of the fay [...]ful.Sometyme prolongeth the deliueraūce of hys chosen / and sometime permitteth them to drinke / before the maturite of age / the bitter cuppe of corporal death / that therby they may receyue medicine and care from all infirmite / but who doubtith / but Ihon the Baptiser / desired to haue sene more dayes of Iesus Christ / and to haue bene longer with hym in conuersacion. [...]. 7. Or that Steuen wolde not haue labored more dayes in preaching Christes gospell / whome neuerthelesse / both he suffered hastely to vnderlye the statute and generall sentence. And albeit / we se therfore no apparant / helpe to oure selfe / nor yet to others afflicted / let vs not cease to call / thinkinge oure prayers to be in vayne / whatsoeuer become of oure bodies. Cōforte to the afflictyd God shall geue vnspeakable comforte too the sprete / and shall turne all to our commodite / by our owne expectacion. The cause I am so longe and tedious in this matter is / I knowe how harde the battaill is betwixt the fleshe & the sprete.
¶Impedimentes cōmith of the weakenes off the fleshe.
SPrete vnder the heauy crocē of affliccion / where no worldely defence / but presence death doth appeare / I know the grudging and murmoringe complayntes of the fleshe / I know the anger wrathe & indignacion / which it conceiueth agaynst God / calling all hys promises into doubte / & beinge redy euery houre / vtterly to fall from hym. Agaynst whiche all resteth in faith / prouoking vs to call instantly [Page xv] and to praye for assistaunce of Gods sprete. Whereunto / yf we continew our moste desperat calamites / shall he turne to gladnes & ioye and prosperous fyne.
¶To the o Lorde alone be prayse / for with experience I write this & speake: it is not too be permitted / where / for whome / and at what tyme we ought to praye.
PRiuate prayer / Priuate prayer. Matt. 6. such as men secretly offer vnto God by them selfe / require no speciall place / althoughe that Iesus Christe commaūdeth / when we praye to enter in our chaumber / and to close the dore after vs / & so to pray secretly vnto oure father / To enter in to thi chamber to pray whereby he wolde we shoulde chuse to our prayers suche place as might offer least occasion too call vs backe from prayer / and also that we shoulde expell forthe of our myndes in tyme of oure prayer all vayne cogitacions / for otherwyse Iesus Christ hym selfe doth obserue no special place of prayers / for we finde hym sometyme pray in mounte Oliuete / sometyme in the deserte / sometime in the temple. Actū. 10. Peter coueteth to praye vppon the toppe of the house / Paule prayeth in pryson / & was harde of God / who also commaundeth men to pray in all places / Priuate places to praie in. lifting vp vnto God pure and cleane handes / as we fynde that the Prophetes & muste holy men did / wheresouer daunger or necessitie requyred.
¶Apoynted places too praye in / maye not be neglectd.
[Page]BVt publike & cōmon prayers shuld be vsid in place apoynted / for assemblye of the cō gregacion / from whence / whosoeuer negligentlye extracte theym selfe is in nowyse excusable / I meane not that to absent frome that place is sinne / because it is more holy than another. For the hole earthe created by God / is equal holy / but the promise made / that whersoeuer two or thre be gathered together in my name / there shall I be in the middes of them / condemneth all suche as contemneth the cōgregation / gathered in hys name / but marke wel gathered / I saye not to heare pyping / singing or playing / not to patter vpon beades or bokes / wherof they haue no vnderstanding / not to cō mit Idolatrie / honoring that for God / which is no God indede / for with such wil I neither ioyne my selfe in cōmon prayer / nor receyuing of the externall sacramentes / for in so doyng I should affirme their supersticion and abhominable Idolatrie / which I neuer wil do nor coū sail other to do to the ende.
¶What is to be gathered in the name of Christ.
THis cōgregacion / which I meane / should be gathered in the name of Iesus Christ / that is to laude & magnefye God the father for the infinite benefites they had receiued by his onely sonne our Lord / in thys congregacion should be distributed the misticall and last supper of Iesus Christ / without supersticiō / or any more ceremonies then he hym selfe vsed / & hys apostels after hym indistribution thereof / in thys congregacion should inquisiciō be takē [Page xvi] of the poore among them / & sufficient support whyle the tyme of their next conuenciō / shuld be prouided and distributed.
In this congregacion shoulde be made common prayers / suche as all men hearing might vnderstande that the hartes of all subscribing to the voyce of one / mighte with vnfayned & ferfent mynde say Amē. Whosoeuer do withdrawe them selfe from suche a congregacion / but allace where shall it be founde / do declare them selfes too be no members of Christes bodye.
¶For whome and at what tyme we shoulde praye.
FOr all men / 1. Tim. 2. Vvhen and for vvhome vve should praie. & at all times doth Paule commaund that we shall praye / & principally for suche of the housholde of fayth / as suffer persecucion / and when cōmon wealths tyranniously we oppressed / then incessantly shoulde we call that God of hys infynite mercy and power woll withstande the violence of suche tyrauntes.
¶Gods sentence maye be chaunged.
ANd when we se the plagues of God / hū ger / pestilence / or warre / commynge or apearing to raygne / then should we with lamentable voyces & repēting hartes call vnto God / that it wolde please hys mercy to withdrawe his hādes / for with suche as do aleage / that God may not chaūge hys sentēce & oure prayers / therefore to be in vayne / can I in no wyse agree / beynge otherwyse taughte in the scripture by hys infallable & eternall veritie. [Page] He sayeth: I shall destroye this nacion frome the face of the earth / and when Moyses adressed to pray for thē the Lorde procedeth saying: Suffer me that I may vtterly destroy them / and then Moyses falleth on hys face flatling / and fourtye dayes contineweth in prayer / for the saluation of the people / to whome at the laste obtayned forgeuenes. Dauid in the vehement plague / lamentable calleth vnto God / & the kynge of Niniue sayeth: 2. King. last. who knoweth / yf God shalbe conuerted and led backe by repentaunce. Iona. 3. And be tourned from the furor of hys wrath / that we perish not / which examples & scriptures are not written in vayne / but too certefye vs / that God of hys natiue goodnes will metigate by our prayers offered by Iesus Christ / although he hath threatened to punish or presently by punishing / which he doth testefye by his owne wordes saying: Ierem. 18 Yf I haue propheried against any nacion or people / that thei shalbe destroyed. And yf they repent of theyr iniquitie / it shall repent me of the euel / which I haue spoken agaynst them. [...]a [...]enes in praier. This I write lamenting the great couldnes of men / which vnder so longe scorgis of God / is nothing kyndled to prayer by repentaunce / but carkese slepe in weked lyfe / euen as though their continuante warres / vrgent famyne / cotidian plagues off pestilence / and other contagious insolent and straunge maladis / were not the present signes of Gods wrath prouoked by our iniquite.
¶A plague threatned too Englande.
[Page xvij]O Englande / A plague threatened to Englāde. let thy intestiue batteries & domesticall murther / prouoke the to purety of lyfe / according to the worde / whiche openly hath bene proclaymed in the / other wise the cuppe of the Lordes wrathe / thou shalt shortly drinke of. The multitude shall not escape / but shall drynke the dregges / and haue the cuppe broken vpon their heades / The godlye punisshed. for iudgement beginninge in the house of the Lorde / commonly the least offendor is fyrst punished / to prouoke the more weked too repentaunce. But O Lorde / infinite mercye / yf thou shalt punishe / make not consumacion / but cut awaye the proude & luxuriant braū ches / which beare no fruyte / and preserue the cō mon wealths / of suche as geue succour & herber / to thy contempned messengers / which lōge haue suffred exile in deserte / so be it.