For he tolde me when he foorth went:
That thou shouldst come back again incontinent.
To bring me to supper where he now is:
And thou hast played by the way & they haue doon by this
But no force I shall thou maist trust me:
Teache all naughtie knaues to beware by thee.
¶ Careaway.
Forsooth mistres if you knew as muche as I:
You would not be with me halfe so angry.
For the fault is neyther in my maister, nor in me, nor you
But in another knaue that was heer euen now.
And his name was Ienkin Careaway.
¶ Dame Coy.
What? I see my man is disposed to play.
I ween he be druncken or mad I make God a vow:
¶ Careaway.
Nay I haue been made sober and tame I now.
I was neuer so handled before in all my life:
I would euery man in England had so beaten his wife,
I haue forgotten with tousing by the hear:
What I deuised to say a little ere.
¶ Dame Coy.
Haue I lost my supper this night through thy negligece:
¶ Careaway.
Nay then were I a knaue sauing your reuerence.
¶ Dame Coy.
Why? I am sure that by this time it is doon:
¶ Careaway.
Yea that it was more then an houre agone.
¶ Dame Coy.
And wast not thou sent to fetche me thither:
¶ Careaway.
Yes and had come right quickly hither.
But that by the way I had a great fall:
And my name, body, shape, legges and all.
And met with one that from me did it steal:
By by God first be and I some blowes did deal.
I would he were present now before your gate:
For you could pummel him ioylyly about the pate.
¶ Dame Coy.
Truly this wagpastie is eyther drunck or mad:
¶ Careaway.
Neuer man suffced so mucke wrong as I had.
But mistres I should say a thing to you:
Tary it wil come to my remembrance euen now.
I must needs vse a substantiall premeditation:
For the matter lyeth greatly me vpon.
I beseeche your mistreship of pardon and forgiuenes:
Desyring you to impute it to my simple & rude dulnes.
I haue forgotten what I haue thought to haue said:
And ain therof ful is apaid.
But when I lost my self this mischaunce also fel:
I lost also that I should you tel.
¶ Dame Coy.
Why thou wretched villain doth thou me scorn & mock:
To make me to these folke a laughing stock.
Ere thou go out of my hands thou shalt hanesome thing
I wil rechen better in the morning.
¶ Careaway.
[...] beat me maistres
[...] you:
[...] none of your seruants now.
[...]er I is now your page:
[...] longer in your boudage.
¶ Dame Coy.
Now walke precious theef get thee out of my sight:
And come no more in my presence this night.
Get thee hence and wait on thy maister at once:
¶ Careaway.
Mary sir this is handling for the nonce.
I would I had been hanged before that I was lost:
I was neuer this canuased and tost.
That if my maister on his part also:
Handle me as my mistres and the other I doo.
I shall surely be killed between them three:
And all the deuils in hel shall not saue me.
But yet if the other I might with me haue part:
All this would neuer greeue my hart.
¶ Iugler.
How say you maisters I pray you tel:
Haue not I required my marchant wel?
Haue not I handled him after a good sorte:
Had it not been pittie to haue lost this sporte.
Anon his maister on his behalfe:
You shall see how he wil handle the Calfe,
For if he throughly an angred be:
He wil make him smart so mote I thee.
I would not for the price of a new pair of shoon:
That any parte of this had been vndoon.
Wel, sith that now reuenged is my quarel:
I wil go doo of mine apparel.
And now let Careaway be Careaway again:
I haue doon with that name now certain.
Except peraduenture I shall take the self same weed:
Some other time again for a like cause and need.
¶ Boungrace.
Why then darest thou to presume to tel me:
That I knowe is no wise possible for to be?
¶ Careaway.
Now by my truthe maister I haue tolde no lie.
And all these folke knowe as wel as I.
I had no sooner knocked at the gate:
But straight wayes he had me by the pate.
Therfore if you beat me til I fart and shite again:
You shall not cause me for any pain.
But I wil affirm as I said before:
That when I came neer another stood at the door.
¶ Maister Boungrace.
Why thou naughtie villain darest thou affirm to me?
That whiche was neuer seen nor heer after shalbe?
That one man may haue two bodies and two faces?
And that one man at one time may be in two places?
Tel me, drankest thou any where by the way?
¶ Careaway.
Beshrew me if I dranck any more then twise to day:
Til I met euen now with that other I:
And with him I supped and drank truly.
But as for you if you gaue m
[...] drinck and meat:
As oftentimes as you doo me beat.
I were the best fed page in all this Citti
But as touching that you haue o
[...]e no pittie.
And not onely I but all that doo you serue:
For meat and drinck may rather starue.
¶ Maister Boungrace.
What you saucy malapart knaue:
Begin you with your maister to prate and raue?
Your tung is liberall and all out of frame:
I must needs cumure it and make it tame
Wher is that other Careaway that thou saydst was heer