O Glorious Ihesu. O mekest Ihesu. O mooste swettest Ihesu / I praye the / that I may haue trewe confession / contricion / and satisfaction or I dye / And that I maye see and receyue thy holy body god & man Sauyour of alle mankynde Cryst Ihesu withoute synne / And that thou wylt my lord god foryeue me alle my synnes for thy gloryous woundes & passion / And that I may ende my lyf in the trewe feythe of alle holy chirche / And in parfyght loue and charyte with my euen crysten as thy creature / And I commende my sowle in to thy holy handes thurgh the gloryous helpe of thy blessyd moder of mercy oure lady saynt Mary / and alle the holy companye of heuen Amen
¶The holy body of Cryst Ihesu be my saluacion of body and soule Amen / The Gloryous blood of Cryst Ihesu brynge my soule and body in to the euerlastynge blysse Amen / I crye god mercy / I crye god mercy / I crye god mercy / welcome my maker / welcome my redemer / welcome my sauyour / I crye the mercy with herte contryte of my grete vnkyndenesse that I haue had vnto the /
O The moost swettest spouse of my soule Cryste Ihesu desyryng hertely euermore for to be with the in mynde and wyll / And to lete none erthely thynge be soo nyhe myn hert as thow Cryste Ihesu / And that I drede not for to deye for to goo to the Cryst Ihesu / And that I may euermore saye vnto the with a gladde chere / My lord My god / my souerayne sauyour Cryst Ihesu / I byseche the hertely / take me synner vnto thy grete mercy and grace / For I loue the with al my herte / with all my mynde / with alle my myght / And no thynge soo moche in erth nor aboue erthe / as I doo the my swete lord Cryst Ihesu / And for that I haue not loued the / and worshipped the / aboue al thyng as my lord / My god / and my saueour / Cryst Ihesu / I byseche the with mekenesse and herte contryte / of mercy and of foryeuenesse of my grete vnkyndenesse / for the grete loue that thou shewdest for me and al mankynde / what tyme thou offredest thy gloryous body god and man vnto the Crosse / ther to be crucyfyed and woūded And vnto thy gloryous herte a sharp spere / ther rennyng out plentyuously blood and water for the redempcion and saluacion of me and al mankynde / And thus hauynge remembraunce stedfastly in my herte of the my sauyour Cryste Ihesu / I doubte not / but thou wylt be ful nyhe me / and comforte me bothe bodyly and goostly with thy gloryous presence / And at the last brynge me vnto thy euerlastynge blysse / the whiche shalle neuer haue ende / Amen /