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[woodcut of several men][woodcut of mother with book, child beside her]
A woman recluse and solytary coueytyng to knowe▪ the nombres of the woūdes of our lord Ihesu cryst prayed often to god of hys specyal grace y
t he wolde vouche saue to shewe to her the sayde woundes And at the last our lord Iesu cryste spake to her and sayd. Say euery day in y
e hole yere .xv, pater nosters & .xv. aues and at theyet
[...]s ende thou shalt worshyp euery wounde and fulfyl the nombre of the same And also our lorde sayd euery man that sayeth these
[Page] pater noster / and these aues and these oraysons folowynge euery day in the yere And as oftē as he sayth these oraysones he shall haue .xl. dayes of pardon. And he that redeth to ony other ꝑsone these present oraysons shall haue Ioye and blysse that neuer shall fayle but euer laste withouten ende And where soo euer these present oraysons be sayd or where he be that sayth theym. I am present as. I was whan saynt. Paule dyde praye / and. I shall kepe hym from all pery
[...]les / and. I shall defende hym fro wycked spyrytes what man or woman so euer it be y
e doth say euery daye these oraysōs of my bytter passyon for hys owne medycyne.
¶ An aungel came vnto a good holy man and badde hym that he sholde shewe to euery man and woman that shold lerne y
e sayd oraysons and say them deuoutly euery day And thys holy mā came into a monastery. of systers and shewed these oraysons to the abbesse of the sayd monastery and she shewed yt to her systers / and some of them sayde theym with grete deuocyon / and some for /
[Page] they sholde not trespace but they sholde be delyuered frome euerlastynge penury / and honger. And I shall gyue them of my blode that they shall neuer haue thyrste. And I shall put before hym the sygne of my vyctoryous passyon in defence & subsydye ayenst All his ennemyes. And before hys dethe I / shall come with my dere moder and. I shall take / & lede his soule to euerlastynge blysse. And whan that. I haue it thyder brought. I shall gyue it a draught of the chalyce of my good hede. And though a man had lyen .xx. yeres in synne and he wolde say these oraysones deuoutly. I wyll forgyue hym all hys synnes / and saue hym from all temptacyōs and kepe his fyue wyttes / and defende hym from sodayne dethe and euermore kepe hym and his soule from euerlastynge payne / and all the synnes / that he hath doone from hys chylde hode vnto this presente daye / I wyll forgyue him / and by my grace he shall be better than he was before. And what soo euer
[...]e / asketh ryghtfully of me or of my moder
[Page] he shall not be denyed and. I shall kepe hym perfyte agaynst all deuylles. It pleaseth so moche god moost of myght that it is graunted to hym that sayth these oraysons though he were in the estate of euerlastynge dampnacyon our lorde Ihesu cryste shall chaunge euerlastynge payne in to the puryfycacyon of purgatory And yf he were in y
e moost payne of purgatory our lorde chaungeth it in to the payne of this present worlde / and bryngeth his blissed soule in to the glori of heuen that neuer shall haue endynge vnto the whiche the creatour and redemptour of humayne lygnage brynge vs all
O Blyssed martyr of god saint George to y
e begyuē laude and glory aboue al other knyghtes by whose vertue a kynges doughter beynge in drede and daūger to be deuoured of on horryble dragon was gracyously preserued & saued with in any other I poore and myserable synner the requyre w
t stedfast herte & feythfull mynde that it wyll / please the to be my defēder in this lyfe from all temptatyous and persuacyons dyabolycalles / as of the worlde the flesshe and the deuyll. And at the moost dredefull houre of my dethe I humble beseche the by thy blyssed intercessions to be as aduocat and mediatour towarde the souerayne Iuge for me whan y
e moost tedious & dampnable dragons of hell shall be redy to take my pore soule & engloute it within theyr infernall belyes / to thende y
t. I may be one of the nombre of the saued and chosen people of paradyce. To the whyche we may come by y
e meryte of thy glorioꝰ martyrdome. Amen.
GLoryous martyr of god saynte. Sebastyan whiche had leuer to be greuously tourmented & shotte to dethe than to worshyppe and do sacryfyce to the ydolles and fals goddes. I synfull creature beseche the for the sayd passyon to ayde and socoure me whan the false and cursed enmyes shoteth and casteth at me arowes of dāpnable temptacyons of synne to enforce me to do oblacyons and seruyces to y
e sensual voluptuosytes of my frayle body for to brȳge me to the dethe eternall of hell from the whiche kepe vs al / he that was borne in an oxe stal. Amen. Amen. For charyte.
¶ Inprynted by me Rychard Fakes Dwellynge in Durā Rent / or ells in Poules chyrche yearde at the sygne / of the. A B C