¶ A gloryous medytacyon Of Ihesus crystes passyon

[woodcut of a wounded Christ]
[woodcut of several men]
[woodcut of mother with book, child beside her]

A woman recluse and solytary coueytyng to knowe▪ the nombres of the woūdes of our lord Ihesu cryst prayed often to god of hys specyal grace y t he wolde vouche saue to shewe to her the sayde woundes And at the last our lord Iesu cryste spake to her and sayd. Say euery day in y e hole yere .xv, pater nosters & .xv. aues and at theyet [...]s ende thou shalt worshyp euery wounde and fulfyl the nombre of the same And also our lorde sayd euery man that sayeth these [Page] pater noster / and these aues and these oraysons folowynge euery day in the yere And as oftē as he sayth these oraysones he shall haue .xl. dayes of pardon. And he that redeth to ony other ꝑsone these present oray­sons shall haue Ioye and blysse that neuer shall fayle but euer laste withouten ende And where soo euer these present oraysons be sayd or where he be that sayth theym. I am present as. I was whan saynt. Paule dyde praye / and. I shall kepe hym from all pery [...]les / and. I shall defende hym fro wycked spyrytes what man or woman so euer it be y e doth say euery daye these oraysōs of my bytter passyon for hys owne medycyne.

¶ An aungel came vnto a good holy man and badde hym that he sholde shewe to eue­ry man and woman that shold lerne y e sayd oraysons and say them deuoutly euery day And thys holy mā came into a monastery. of systers and shewed these oraysons to the abbesse of the sayd monastery and she shewed yt to her systers / and some of them sayde theym with grete deuocyon / and some for / [Page] they sholde not trespace but they sholde be delyuered frome euerlastynge penury / and honger. And I shall gyue them of my blode that they shall neuer haue thyrste. And I shall put before hym the sygne of my vycto­ryous passyon in defence & subsydye ayenst All his ennemyes. And before hys dethe I / shall come with my dere moder and. I shall take / & lede his soule to euerlastynge blysse. And whan that. I haue it thyder brought. I shall gyue it a draught of the chalyce of my good hede. And though a man had lyen .xx. yeres in synne and he wolde say these oray­sones deuoutly. I wyll forgyue hym all hys synnes / and saue hym from all temptacyōs and kepe his fyue wyttes / and defende hym from sodayne dethe and euermore kepe hym and his soule from euerlastynge payne / and all the synnes / that he hath doone from hys chylde hode vnto this presente daye / I wyll forgyue him / and by my grace he shall be better than he was before. And what soo euer [...]e / asketh ryghtfully of me or of my moder [Page] he shall not be denyed and. I shall kepe hym perfyte agaynst all deuylles. It pleaseth so moche god moost of myght that it is graun­ted to hym that sayth these oraysons though he were in the estate of euerlastynge damp­nacyon our lorde Ihesu cryste shall chaunge euerlastynge payne in to the puryfycacyon of purgatory And yf he were in y e moost payne of purgatory our lorde chaungeth it in to the payne of this present worlde / and bryn­geth his blissed soule in to the glori of heuen that neuer shall haue endynge vnto the whi­che the creatour and redemptour of humay­ne lygnage brynge vs all


¶ The noumber of the dropys all
I wyll reherse in generall.
¶ Fyue .C. thousand for to tell.
And .xlviii. thousand well.
¶ Fyue .C. also grete and smalle.
Here is the noumber of theym alle.
[woodcut of image of Christ's face on a cloth]
The veronycle I honour in worshyp of the
That made it through his preuyte
The clothe set ouer his face
His mouthe / his nose / his eyen twayne
Shelde me lorde for that in my lyue
I haue synned with my wyttes fyue
Namely with mouthe of sclaunderynge
Of fals othes and backebytynge
And makynge boost with my tongue also
Of grete synnes that I haue do
Lorde of heuen forgyue them me
Thrugh vertu of y e fygure that I here se
[woodcut of pelican feeding its young with its blood]
¶ The pelycan his blode dooth blede
Ther wyth his byrdes for to fede
It fygureth that god with his blode
Vs fedde hangynge on the rode
whan he vs brought out of helle
In Ioye and blysse with hym to dwelle
And be our fader and our fode
And we his chyldren meke and good
[woodcut of the host]
The pens also. that Iudas tolde.
For the whiche our lorde was solde
Lorde kepe me from treason and couetyse.
Therin to deye in no maner wyse
[woodcut of lantern, axe, and mace]
The lantren that they bare in the lyght
whan Cryst was taken in the nyght
Lorde kepe me fro nyght synne
That I neuer deye therin
[woodcut of weapons]
The swerdes / and battes y t they dyde bare
Therwith Ihesu cryste to fere
From fendes lorde kepe thou me
Of them aferde neuer to be
[woodcut of staff]
with a staffe thou had a stroke
Therwith Iewes thy heed broke
with good chere and mylde mode.
All this thou suffred and styll stode
whan I mysse do ony or ony me
It be forgyuen for thy pyte
[woodcut of hands]
¶ The handes lorde that rate thyn heere
And the hande that smote the vnder y e eers
For that payne lorde be my socoure there
That. I haue synned with pryde of here
And oll other synnes also
That. I with eeres haue herkened to
[woodcut of cloth hung on rod]
¶ The clothe before thyn eyen two
They bobbed the, they knytted so
Lord kepe me fro vengaunce
Of chyldhod and of ygnoraunce
And of many synnes also
That I se with myn eyn two
And my nose in smelles of swetenesse
By vanytes & wantonnesse
[woodcut of coat]
The Iewes also kest lote
On thy precioꝰ purple cote
A grete dysayte to y e alway
whan ony with dyce playe
Lorde be thou my helpinge
yf. I haue vsed mysclothȳg
By vaynglory and vanite
Gracyous lorde pardon me
[woodcut of flails]
with roddes grete thou were to dasshed
And with knotted whyppes all to lasshed
Socour me lorde of my grete synnes
Of slouthe and of ydlenesse gynnes
[woodcut of crown of thornes]
¶ The crowne of thorne on thy heed fast.
Thy heere to torne / thy skynne all brast.
Lorde kepe me from payne of hell pytte
Neuer to deserue it by mysspent wytte
[woodcut of pillar wrapped with rope]
To the pyller lorde also
with a rope men bounde the so
Herde drawne and strayned fast
That synewes from the bones brast
Lord lose me of bandes in dystresse
Though I am vnkynde ayenst kyndnesse
[woodcut of Christ carrying cross]
Thou bare the crosse vpon thy backe
Out of Iherusalem it ys no lacke
Thy fete sleppes as thou forthe yode
were seen thrugh shedynge of thy blode
Thou mettest with womem of Bedleem
Also with women of Iherusalem
All they wept for thy grete tourment
To them thou sayd apertiment
Ne wepe ye not for my smerte
But for your chyldren wepe ye at herte
For they shal haue tourment and payne
And hondred yere here after certayne
The steppes of grace to vs ye pardon
whan we go with deuocyon
On pylgrymage with good mynde
Of my synnes lorde thou me vnbynde
[woodcut of nails]
¶ The nayles through fote & hande also
Lorde kepe me out synne and wo
That I haue in all my lyfe done
with handes handled & fete mysse gone
[woodcut of hammers]
The hamers bothe stronge and grete
That perced holes in handes and fete
Lorde be my socour in al my lyfe
And kepe me harmles frowerde or knyfe
[woodcut of jars]
¶ The vessell of eysell and gall
Lorde kepe me from synnes all
That to the soule be no venym
That I neuer be poysoned therin
[woodcut of large hammer]
¶ whan thou had grete thyrst and nede
They gaue the eysell and gall on a rede
Of that I haue wasted in glotonye
Lorde forgyue me whan I dye
[woodcut of spear]
Lorde the spere so sharpe ygrounde
That in thy herte made a wounde
It quenchehe the synne y t I haue wrought
And with my harte in ydelnesse thought
with my prydde and boost therto
And myn vnburumnesse also
[woodcut of ladder]
¶ The ladder that was reysed hy
From the crosse to take thy body
whan I am lorde in dedly synne
Gyue me repentaunce & shryfte to wynne.
[woodcut of tongs]
The tonges that drewe the nayles out
Of fete and handes withouten dout
And losed thy body from the tre
Of my synnes lorde lose thou me
[woodcut of men spitting on Christ's face]
¶ The Iewes that spytte lord in thy face
All thou suffred & gaue them grace
That I haue offended or ony man me
Forgyue it lorde for thy pyte
[woodcut of Christ surrounded by items relevant to the passion]
¶ The crosse behynde thy backe bone
That thou suffred passyon vpon
Lorde gyue me grace in my lyue
Clene of my synnes me to shryue
And therto veray repentaunce
with space to perfourme my penaunce
[woodcut of Christ's body in the tomb]
¶ The seyulere wherin thou were layde
Thy blyssed body all to brayde
Lorde graunt me or that I deye
Sorowe of herte with teeres of eye
And clene remyssyon for to haue
Or I be buryed and layde in graue
And heuen to haue at my laste ende
Iesu cryst vs thyder sende


¶ Innocentiꝰ papa secūdus cōcessit cuius­libet hanc orationem sequētem deuore dicē ­ti quatuor milia dierū Indulgentia ⸫

AVe vulnꝰ lateris nostri saluatoris.
Ex quo fluxit flumīs fōs (que) cruoris.
Medicina miseria esto nunc doloris.
Aue plaga lacetis la [...]ge et fecunda.
Laua multitudinis fordes et emunda.
Ne ledat inferius tuos mors secunda.
Sed in visu numinis fiat mens [...]ocunda.

Amen. Pater noster. Aue maria. Credo in deum. &c̄

¶ Here foloweth the prayers of y e .v. woundes of our lorde. Ihesu cryste
¶ Of the fyue woundes of our lorde.

[woodcut of the five wounds of Christ]
Gracyous lorde for thy gret passyon
Obserue my prayers that I do repete
And on my soule take compassyon
At my deth for thy woundes grete

¶ Of the ryght hande.

¶ wel of mercy passynge all mysdede.
Of mercy I pray that I may spede.
[woodcut of angel holding image of right hand]

¶ wel of mercy

Thy ryght hande lord of trouthe & [...]yte
That was through ꝑced w t a rugged nayle.
Be my socour in the extremyte
Of dethe whan he shal me assayle

¶ To the lyfte hande.

¶ wel of grace y t be my gyude
Nyght & day on eche syne
[woodcut of angel holding image of left hand]

¶ well of grace.

¶ Thy lyfte hande of ryght and Iustyce
Fallen [...] to the crosse by grete vyolence
Delyuer me of euery deedly vyce
That I may come vnto thy presence

¶ Of the herte

well of lyfe that euer shall laste
My herte in the make y u stedfaste




Welle of lyfe.

¶ Thy herte that alway had mynde
By pycefull loue and charite
with feruent fauour to mankynde
was launced with grete inyquyte
The tyrauntes fell without pyte
Openned thy syde blyssed sauyoure
Bothe blode and water therout gan poure
The vertue of that precyous blode
In honger and thyrst of mortall synne
Be euermore my helthfull fode
Ther by thy blysse for to wynne
No dampnable werke lete me begynne
And that my herte may so enclyne
The for to serue as one of thyne
The water that there gan yssue
Vpon the crosse tre dystylynge
Kepe my harte in menynge true
And clenlynesse of all thynkynge
The vyle werkes done in my lyuynge
By vertue of that water clere
Be clensed and neuer to appere

¶ Of the ryght fote

[woodcut of angel holding image of right foot]

¶ welle of pyte.

The ryght fote with the wounde so wyd [...]
whiche in this worlde was all bare
Graunte me grace my selfe to guyde
That in thy seruyce I may fare

¶ Of the lyfte fote

¶ well of cōfort y t neuer shall fayle
Kepe me fro syn̄es y t me assayle
[woodcut of angel holding image of left foot]

¶ welle of cōforte.

¶ The wounde made in the lyfte fote
with a sturdy nayle to the crosse ere
Gracyously be my refuge and bote
And comforte in aduersyte.
¶ Amen

¶ To the gloryous vyrgyn Mary Quene of heuen and moder of mercy

Sancta maria Ora pro nobis.

Dei Memento Mei:


BLyssed Mary moder vyrgynall
Integrate mayde sterre of the se
Haue in remēbraūce at the day fynall.
Of thy poore seruant now pr [...] to the
Myrour w tout spot reed rose of Ieryco
Close gardyn of grace / hope in dysparage
whan my soule the body parteth fro
Socour it fro myn enmyes rage

Of saynt George the noble knyght. Of whome no torment coude haue myght.

[woodcut of knight on horseback slaying beast]

O Blyssed martyr of god saint George to y e begyuē laude and glory aboue al other knyghtes by whose vertue a kynges doughter beynge in drede and daūger to be deuoured of on horryble dragon was gracyously preserued & saued with in any other I poore and myserable synner the requyre w t stedfast herte & feythfull mynde that it wyll / please the to be my defēder in this lyfe from all temptatyous and persuacyons dyabolycalles / as of the worlde the flesshe and the deuyll. And at the moost dredefull houre of my dethe I humble beseche the by thy blyssed intercessions to be as aduocat and mediatour towarde the souerayne Iuge for me whan y e moost tedious & dampnable dragons of hell shall be redy to take my pore soule & engloute it within theyr infernall belyes / to thende y t. I may be one of the nombre of the saued and chosen people of paradyce. To the whyche we may come by y e meryte of thy glorioꝰ martyrdome. Amen.

¶ To the blyssed martyr saynt Sebastyan whose greuous paynes none tell can.

[woodcut of saint flanked by archers and pierced with many arrows]

GLoryous martyr of god saynte. Sebastyan whiche had leuer to be gre­uously tourmented & shotte to dethe than to worshyppe and do sacryfyce to the ydolles and fals goddes. I synfull creature beseche the for the sayd passyon to ayde and socoure me whan the false and cursed enmyes sho­teth and casteth at me arowes of dāpnable temptacyons of synne to enforce me to do oblacyons and seruyces to y e sensual voluptuosytes of my frayle body for to brȳge me to the dethe eternall of hell from the whiche kepe vs al / he that was borne in an oxe stal. Amen. Amen. For charyte.

¶ Inprynted by me Rychard Fakes Dwellynge in Durā Rent / or ells in Poules chyrche yearde at the sygne / of the. A B C

xps resurgēs ex mor

tuis iam non moritur

Here endyth A glorious Medytacyon Of Iesus Crystes Passyon

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