¶A deuout Intercescion and praier to our sauiour Iesu Christ.

Respice in faciē xp̄i tui



MOst merciful Iesu my swete sauioure & most gracious lorde god I thanke the hyghly for that thou hast create and made me of nought / and for thy manyfold bene­fites and graces that thou hast gyuen vn­to me here in this worlde befor many other not only preseruyng me from all vyle and lothsom sickenes / from shame and many mysfortunes / but also geuynge vnto me most vnwothy / many great and inrecompensable gyftes. All whiche giftes moste swete Iesu I wote verely and knowlege mekely cōmes of thy goodnesse only / and nothing of my deseruyng. wherfore most myghty lorde god / my creatour / my rede­mer / & most mercifull sauiour Iesu chryst / whiche whan we were lost bought and redemed vs agayn with thyne owne p̄cious blod / haue mercy of me most vnworthyest wretche / which hathe cōmytted and done [Page] many greatsyn̄es and tresspaces agaynst thy merciful goodnes / and hathe my spent thy gyftes of grace that thou so louyngly did giue vnto me / and hath so vngentylly behauyd my selfe to the / that surely I am moche vnworthy to be called thy son̄ / yet most benyng lorde Iesu / thou art so boun­tyfull of thy mercy and pyte that not with standyng my vnkyndnes toward the yet duryng my lyfe I wyll put my hole trust and confidence in thy mercy. For thou cō ­maundist (I wote) to crye and call vpon the / that thou therby myght haue occasion togyue vnto vs thy most gracious giftes. ¶wherfore moste glorious Iesu whyche forsakest no syn̄er / but gladly receyuest to thy mercy all them that mekely wyl calle for it. Gyue me now and euer grace to drede the / to loue the and to serue the / with all my harte and mynde / with all my wyll & reason / w t all my myght power & strength of body and soule. And graunte me good lorde that of all myne actes & dedes done to [Page] thy wyll and pleasure I may rendre all y e honour lawde and praysynges vnto the / as vnto whome of very dewty it belong­eth. For in me I cōfesse nothyng but syn̄ & wretchednes. And now I beseche y e most gracious lorde of thyne infinite marcy / let all my mysspent lyfe in tymes past be for­gotten before the / that I haue consumed & spent very yl / & send me good perseueraūce of vertuous lyuyng / that I may now frō henseforth order my lyfe here in this vale of mysery to thy pleasure. First with con­tricion to make a clene & a pure confession Also my swete sauiour graunt me tyme & space here to do penaūce & dew satisfaccion with all the cyrcūstances belongyng ther­to. And that I may receyue thy holy body in forme of breade very god and man or I departe out of this worlde in cleane lyfe / For the cōfort and saluacion of my syn̄ful soule. And most mercyful Iesu I pray the to preserue me from sodeyn deth / and sende me my right mynde at my departyng. w t [Page] stedfast faith / very trew hope / and feruent charite / and moost swete lorde Iesu chryst gyue me now thy mercyfull ayde and grace to pursue and folow alwayes thy wyll and cōmaundementes / & to eschew myne owne frayle wyll and desyres / & the false entysementes of our mortall enmy y t fend [...] So that in thy syghte I may appere to be as I am namyd / thy son̄. and a trew chri­sten man. And that after this lyfe I may come to the syghte of thy moost glorious face in heuen. Amen. Pater noster. Aue maria. Credo in deum.

Ihesus nazarenus rex iudeorum, Titulus trium­phalis defendat nos ab omnibus malis. Amen. Sancte deus Sancte fortis Sancte et immortalis miserere nobis.

¶we worshyppen to and blyssen to the. For by thy deth thou hast bought agayne the worlde. Praye we.

LOrde Iesu christ goddes son̄ of he­uen set thy passion / thy crosse & thy deth bytwyxt thy iugemēt and our soules [Page] now & in the houre of our deth. And vou­chesafe to gyue to leuynge men mercy and grace / and to dead men forgyuenes & rest. and to vs synful parsons lyfe and ioye w t out ende. Thou that lyuest & raynest god by all worldes of worldes. Amen.

The ioyful passion of our lorde Iesu christ lede vs to the ioyes of paradyce Amen.

Deus propicius esto michi peccatori, Deus propicius esto michi peccatori. Deus propicius esto michi peccatori. Et omnes iniquitates meas dele, Sancta maria mater dei ora pro nobis peccatoribus / nunc et in hora mortis. Amen, In manus tuas domine,
¶ Deo gratias.

¶ Imprynted in Durham rentes by Richard Fawkes.

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