[Page] A TRVE REPORT of the gainefull, prosperous and speedy voiage to Iaua in the East Indies, performed by a fleete of eight ships of Amsterdam: WHICH SET FORTH FROM Texell in Holland, the first of Maie 1598. Stilo Nouo. Whereof foure returned againe the 19. of Iuly Anno 1599. in lesse then 15. moneths, the other foure went forward from Iaua for the Moluccas.
AT LONDON Printed by P. S. for W. Aspley, and are to be sold at the signe of the Tygers head in Paules Church-yard.
A True report of the gainfull, prosperous, and speedy voiage to Iaua in the East Indies, performed by a fleet of 8. ships of Amsterdam: which set forth from Texell in Holland the first of Maie 1598. Stilo Nouo. Whereof foure returned againe the 19. of Iuly Anno 1599. in lesse then 15. moneths: the other foure went forward from Iaua for the Moluccas.
WHEREAS in the yeare of our Lord 1595. a certaine company of substantial merchants of Amsterdam in Holland did build and set forth for the East Indies four well appointed shippes, whereof three came home An. 1597. with small profit (as already in sundry languages is declared) Yet neuerthelesse the aforesaid company, in hope of better successe, made out the last yeare 1598. for a second voiage, a fleete of eight gallant ships, to wit, The shippe called the Mauritius, lately returned from that former voyage, 1. Mauritius. being of burden two hundreth and thirty last, or foure hundreth and sixty tunnes, or thereabouts. This shippe was Admirall of the fleete. The Master wherof was Godevart Iohnson, the Commissarie or Factor Cornelius Heemskerck, and the Pilot Kees Collen.
[Page 2] The second ship called the Amsterdam, was of the 2. Amsterdam. burden of four hundreth & sixty tuns. The masters name was Claes Iohnson Melcknap; The Factor or commissarie Iacob Heemskerck.
The third was named Hollandia, about the burden 3. Hollandia. of sixe hundreth tuns: which had likewise been in the former voiage. The Master was Symon Lambertson or Mawe, the Factor Mast. Witte Nijn, who died in the voyage before Bantam, and in his roome succeeded Iohn Iohnson smith.
The name of the fourth ship was Gelderland, of 4. Gelderland. burden about foure hundreth tuns. Master wherof was Iohn Browne, Factor or commissarie Hans Hendrickson.
The fift was called Zeelandia, of the burden of 5. Zeelandia. three hundreth & sixtie tuns. The master was Iohn Cornelison, the Commissary or Factor N. Brewer.
The sixt ship named Vtrecht of the burden of 6. Vtrecht. two hundreth & sixtie tuns. The Master was Iohn Martsen, the Factor or commissary Adrian Veen.
The seuenth, a pinnas called Frisland, of burden 7. Frisland. about seuenty tuns. The Master Iacob Cornelison. The Factor Walter Willekens.
The eighth, a pinnas that had been in the former 8. Ouerissell. voiage, called the Pidgeon, now y e Oueriissel, of the burden of fifty tuns. The Master Symon Iohnson. The Factor Arent Hermanson.
Of this fleete was Generall and Admirall Master Iacob Neck: Viceadmirall Wybrand van Warwick: and Rereadmirall Iacob Heemskerck.
With this fleet of eight ships we made saile from Texell the first of May 1598. Stilo Nouo, being the 21. of Aprill, after the account of England, and sailed with good speed vnto the Cabo de bona speranza: as further shal appeare by a Iournal annexed vnto the end of this discourse.
[Page 3] Being past the Cape, the 7. and 8. of August, by a stonne of weather fiue ships were separated from the Admirall, who afterwardes came together againe before Bantam.
The 26. of August with three shippes wee came within the view of Madagascar, and the 29 wee They meete with a ship of Zeland. met with a ship of Zeeland called the Long-barke, which had put to sea before vs, and now kept aloofe from vs, supposing we were enemies: but at length perceiuing by our flagges what we were, they sent their Pinnas aboord vs, reioycing greatly to haue met with vs, because that diuers of their men were sicke, and ten were already dead: and they had in all but seuen men aboord the shippe that were meatwhole, and eleuen marriners to guide the shippe. Wee agreed to relieue them with some supplie of men: but through darkenesse and great winde wee lost them againe.
After this, we the Admiral Mauritius, the Hollandia, & the pinnas Oueriissell keeping together, came to the Island of Santa Maria, before the The Isle of Santa Maria. great bay of Antogil in Madagascar: where wee got a small quantity of Rice. We tooke the King prisoner, who paide for his Ransome a Cow and a fat calfe.
In this Island we found no great commodity: for being the month of September, the season was not for any fruits: the Oranges had but flowers: Lemons were scant: of Sugar-canes and Hens there was some store, but the Inhabitants were not very forward in bringing them out.
Heere wee sawe the hunting of the Whale (a strange pastime) certaine Indians in a Canoa, or Killing of the Whale. boate following a great Whale, and with a harping Iron, which they cast forth, piercing the whals body, which yron was fastned to a long rope made of [Page 4] the barkes of trees, and so tied fast to their Canoa. All this while pricking and wounding the Whale so much as they could, they made him furiously to striue too and fro, swiftly swimming in the sea, plucking the canoa after him: sometimes tossing it vp and downe, as lightly as if it had been a strawe: the Indians in the meane time being cunning swimmers taking small care though they were cast ouerboord, tooke fast hold by the boat stil, and so after some continuance of this sport the whale wearied & waxing faint, and staining the sea red with his bloud, they haled him toward the shore, and when they had gotten him so neare shore on the shallowe that the most part of him appeared aboue water, they drew him aland and he wed him in pieces, euery one taking thereof what pleased them, which was to vs a strange sight. It is reported that the Indians of Terra Florida vse the like fishing for the Whale. Our men might haue taken some part thereof, but refused it: the pieces therof were so like larde or fat bacon.
From thence we made toward the great Bay of The Bay of Antogill. Antogill and ancored vnder the Island, where wee tooke in fresh water.
Our Indians that were brought from thence by them of the former voiage (the names of whome were Madagascar the one, and the other Laurence) wee offered to set there on land, but they refused, chusing rather to tarry with vs and to be apparelled, then to go naked in their owne countrey: working and moyling for a miserable liuing, opposing their bare skins to the vehemency of the sunne and weather: and their excuse was, that in that place they were strangers and had none acquaintance. How long their beere continued good.
Our beere continued good vntill we were passed the Cape de bona speranza. From thence we began to [Page 5] mingle it with water hauing a portion of wine allowed vs twise a day, and this allowance continued vntill our returne into Holland.
We went with our boates vp the riuer seeking refreshing: but the Inhabitants gaue vs to vnderstand by signes that wee might returne, for there was nothing to be had. Wee rowed into the riuer about three leagues, and found their report to bee true. The cause was, that the Kings made warre there one against an other, and so all the victuals were in manner destroied, insomuch that the Inhabitants themselues many of them perished for hunger, and in one of these battailes one of their Kings was lately slaine. Wherfore after fiue daies abode and no longer, we departed, & in Gods name made to sea again, directing our course the sixteenth of September for Iaua. About the ninteenth of Nouember we came within sight of Sumatra, and the 26. of the same moneth 1598. wee in the three shippes aforesaid, to wit, the Mauritius our Admirall, the Hollandia, and the Ouerissell, arriued They arriue at Bantam. befo [...]e the citty of Bantam in Iaua. Presently vpon this our arriuall, our Admirall and Generall Master Iacob van Neck, sought with all friendship to traffique with the people of the saide towne of Bantam, sending Master Cornelis Heemskerck on land to shew them what we were, for they thought vs to be the very same men that had been there the yeare before, and al that while guarded the sea-cost, as being assuredly persuaded that we were pirates and sea rouers. But we, to make them vnderstand the contrary, sent on lande one Abdoll of China a captiue of theirs, whom we brought from them in our first voyage; by whose meanes we got audience They present their letters and gifts. and credite: and so we presented our gifts and presents to the King, which was but a childe: and the [Page 6] chiefe gouernour called Cephat, hauing the kingly authority, most thankfully receiued the same in the name of his King. The said presents were a faire couered cup of siluer and gilt, certaine veluets and clothes of silke, with very fine drinking glasses and excellent looking glasses, and such other gifts more. Likewise we presented our letters sealed very costly with the great seale of the noble & mighty lords the Estates generall of the vnited Prouinces, and of prince Mauritz, whome they termed their Prince. Which letters were by them receiued with great reuerence, creeping vpon their knees: and (the same being well perused, read, and examined) they found thereby our honest intent and determination for traffike: insomuch that a mutuall league of friendship and alliance was concluded, and we were freely licensed to trade and traffike in such wise, that euen Trade licensed the fourth day of our arriual we began to lade; and within foure or fiue weekes all our foure ships hauing taken in their full fraight, were ready to depart.
When our three shippes aforesaid had remained there welnigh a moneth, about Newyears-tide arriued the other fiue shippes of our company before mentioned in very good manner, and well conditioned. And so our whole fleete of eight ships ioyfully The whole fleet meet before Bantam. met together, and had none or very fewe sicke persons among them, hauing lost by death in the whole fleete but 35 men in all, of which number some perished through their owne negligence. Vpon this happy meeting wee displaied our flags, streamers, and ensignes after the brauest manner, honouring and greeting one one another with volleies of shot, making good cheere, and (which was no small matter) growing more deeply in fauour with the townsmen of Bantam. Vnto vs were daily brought aboord [Page 7] in Prauwes or Indian boats great quantity of hens, egs, Cocos, bonanes, sugar-canes, cakes made of rice, and a certaine kinde of good drinke which is there made by the men of China. Thus the people daily bartered with vs for pewter and other wares, giuing so much virtuals for a pewter spoone, as might well suffice one man for an whole weeke. Wee trucked likewise for diuers other things, as for porcellan dishes and such like. Howbe it that which our Indian Abdoll declared (namely, that more ships were comming besides the three aforesaid, and that others beside them also were sent out of Zeland) little tended to our commodity: for thereupon the Iauans tooke occasion to inhanse The price of pepperinhansed. the price of their pepper; insomuch that we were forced to pay for 55 pounds of pepper first three, and afterward foure Reals of eight: neither did they demaund or call for any thing so much as for the said Reals of eight. Mercery or haberdashers wares were in no such request as money. Also we much marueiled how the Iauans should tell vs of more shippes to come, making signes with their foure fingers and thumb, that foure Lyma (which word in their language signifieth shippes) were comming.
And here you are to vnderstand, that our Generall Master Van Neck, together with the commissaries or factors, thought good, besides the three forsaid Foure ships laden. ships that came first, to lade one other, to wit, the greater pinnasse called Frisland, whereof was Master Iacob Cornelison, and Factor Walter Willekens. These foure shippes hauing receiued their ful fraight, and giuen notice on land of their departure (to the end that none of their creditours might bee vnpaid) and also hauing well prouided themselues of rice and water, departed the thirteenth of Ianuary [Page 8] 1599. and sayled to Sumatra, where they tooke Their departure from Iaua the 13. of Ianuary 1599. in fresh water; for that the water of Bantam first waxeth white, and afterward crawleth full of magots.
Upon the land of Sumatra we bartered kniues, spoones, looking-glasses, bels, needles and such like, for sundry fruits, to wit, melons, cucumbers, onions, garlike, and pepper though little in quantity, yet exceeding good.
We had to deale with a notable Merchant of Sasemolonke a notable marchant of Bantam. Bantam, named [...]asemolonke, whose father was a Castilian, which sold vs not much lesse then an hundreth last of pepper▪ He was most desirous to haue traueiled with vs into Holland: but misdoubting the displeasure and euil will or the king, and fearing least his goods might haue bin confiscated, he durst not aduenture vpon the voiage.
Certaine daies before our departure from Bantam were the other foure shippes dispatched to go The four other ships sent to the Moluccas. for the Moluccas, and ouer them was appointed as Admirall and Generall Master Wybrant van Warwicke in the shippe called Amsterdam, & Iacob Heemskerck Viceadmirall in the shippe Gelderland, the other two shippes in consort with them being Zeland and Vtrecht before mentioned
These foure made saile towards the Moluccas, and parted from vs the 8. of Ianuary in the night, and in taking of our leaues both of vs together, made such a terrible thundering noise with our ordinance, that the townsemen were vp in Alarme, vntill they knewe the reason thereof. The people were glad of their departure, hauing some mistrust of vs, remaining there so strong with 8. ships. And they asked daily when wee should depart, making great speed to help vs vnto our lading, and shewing themselues most seruiceable vnto vs.
[Page 9] The 11 of Ianuary 1599. we in the foure shippes laden with pepper departed from Bantam homeward. The 13 we arriued at Sumatra. The 19 we shaped our course directly for Holland. The 3 of April we had sight of Capo de buona esperanza. The 8 of Aprill we doubled the said Cape, proceeding on for the Isle of Saint Helena, whither we came the twenty sixt of the same moneth, and there refreshed our selues for the space of eight daies.
In this Island we found a church with certaine boothes or tents in it, and the image of Saint Helena, as likewise a holy water-fat, and a sprinkle to cast or sprinkle y e holy water: but we left all things in as good order as we found them.
More ouer here we left behinde vs some remembrances in writing, in token of our being there. At this place died of the bloudy flixe, the Pilot of our Admirall Kees Collen of Munickendam, a worthy man, to our great griefe.
This Island (as Iohn Huighen van Linschotten describeth it) is replenished with manifold commodities, as namely with goates, wilde swine, Turkies, partriges, pidgeons, &c. But by reason that those which arriue there vse to discharge their ordinance, and to hunt and pursue the saide beastes and fowles, they are now growen exceeding wilde and hard to be come by. Certaine goates whereat we shotte fled vp to the high cliffes, so that it was impossible to get them. Likewise fishes wee could not catch so many as wee needed; but wee tooke in fresh water enough to serue vs till our arriuall in Holland.
Here we left on land as a man banished out of our A man left on land at Saint Helena. society, one Peter Gisbrecht the masters mate of the great pinnasse, because hee had stroken the Master.
[Page 9] Very penitent hee was and sorie for his misdemeauour, and all of vs did our best endeuour to obtain his pardon: but (the orders & ordinances whereunto our whole company was sworne being read before vs) we were constrained to surcease our importunate suit, and he for the example of others to vndergo the seuere doome that was allotted him.
There was deliuered vnto him a certaine quantity of bread, oile, and rice, with hookes and instruments to fish withall, as also a hand gun and gunpoulder.
Hereupon we bad him generally farewell, beseeching God to keepe and preserue him from misfortunes, and hoping that at some one time or other he should finde deliuerance; for that all shippes sailing to the West Indies must there of necessity refresh themselues.
Not far from this place we descried a saile which wee iudged to be some Frenchman, by whom peraduenture the saide banished party might bee deliuered.
The fourth of May we set saile from Saint Helena, The Isle of Ascension. and the tenth of the same moneth wee passed by the Isle of Ascension. The 17 day wee passed the line. The 21 we sawe the Pole-starre. The 10 and 11 of Iune we had sight of the Canaries. About the Azores wee stood in feare to meete with some spanish Armada, because our men were growen faint and feeble by reason of their long voiage. The 27 of Iune we entered the Spanish sea. The 29 we found our selues to be in fortie foure degrees of northerly latitude. The 6 of Iuly our Admirall y e Mauritius had two of his mastes blowne ouerboord; for which cause we were constrained to towe him along. The 11 of Iuly wee passed the Sorlings. The 13 we sayled by Falmouth, Dartmouth [Page 11] and the Quasquets. The 17 we passed by Douer. The 19 meeting with some stormes and rainy weather we arriued at Texell in our owne natiue countrey, without any great misfortune, saue that the Mauritius once stroke on ground.
Thus hauing attained to our wished home, we gaue God thankes for this our so happy and prosperous voiage: because there neuer arriued in Holland any shippes so richly laden.
Of pepper we brought eight hundreth tunnes, of The particulars of their rich lading. Cloues two hundreth, besides great quantity of Mace, Nutmegs, Cinamom, and other principall commodities. To conclude, this voiage was performed in one yeare, two monethes and nineteene daies.
We were sailing outward from Texell to Bantam seuen moneths, we remained there sixe weekes to take in our lading, and in six moneths we returned from Bantam in Iaua to Holland.
The performance of this long and daungerous voiage in so short time we ascribed to Gods deuine & wonderfull prouidence, hauing sailed at the least 8000. leagues, that is to say, twenty four thousand English miles.
The ioye of the safe arriuall of these shippes in Holland was exceeding great: and postes were dispatched to euery principall towne and citty to publish these acceptable newes.
The merchants that were owners of these ships went straight toward Texell for the refreshing of their men, and for other necessary considerations, The Commissary or factor master Cornelis Heemskerck together with Cornelis Knick, hied them with all speed towardes the Estates generall and prince Mauritz his excellency, not onely to carry the saide good newes, but withal to present the letters of the [Page 12] King of Iaua importing mutuall alliance, friendship Friendly letters and presents from the king of Iaua. and free intercourse of traffike in consideration of their honourable, liberal, and iust dealings: they brought gifts also from the said king of great price and value.
The 27 of Iuly the Mauritius our Admirall together with the Hollandia came before Amsterdam: where they were ioyfully saluted with the sound of eight trumpets, with banqueting, with ringing of bels, and with peales of ordinance, the Generall and other men of command being honourably receiued and welcommed by the citty.
The merchants that aduentured in these voyages A new supply of foure Hollandish ships sent this last spring 1599. to the East Indies. being in number sixeteene or seauenteene (notwithstanding the foure shippes gone from Iaua to the Moluccas, as is before mentioned) haue sent this last spring 1599. foure ships more to continue this their traffique so happely begun: intending moreouer the next spring to send a newe supply of other ships. And diuers other Marchants are likewise An intent of the marchants of Amsterdam to send more ships the next spring 1600. determined to enter into the same action.
Of them that departed from Zeland these bring no newes, otherwise then is aforesaide. Neither doe they report any thing of the two fleetes or companies, that went from Roterdam the last sommer 1598. shaping their course for the streites of Magellan
Wee haue before made mention of an Indian called Abdoll, which was brought from Bantamin the first voiage, and had continued an whole winter or some eight monethes at Amsterdam in Holland.
Where during that space (being a man of good obseruation and experience, and borne about China) hee was well entreated, cherished, and much made of.
[Page 13] This Abdoll vpon his returne to Iaua being demanded The relation of Abdoll an Indian, concerning the Netherlands. concerning the state of the Netherlands, made vnto the principall men of Bantam a full declaration thereof, with all the rarities and singularities which he had there seene and obserued.
Which albeit to the greatest part of readers, who haue trauailed those countries may seeme nothing strange, and scarce worthy the relation: yet because the report was made by so meere a stranger, & with the Iauans that heard it wrought so good effect, I thought it not altogether impertinent here in this place to make rehearsall thereof.
First therefore he tolde them (to their great admiration in that hoat climate) That hee had seene aboue a thousand sleds drawen, and great numbers of horsemen riding vpon the frozen water in winter time, and that he had beheld more then two hundreth thousand people trauailing on foote and on horseback vpon the yce, as likewise that the said sleds were by horses drawen so swiftly, that they made more way in three houres than any man could go on foote in tenne. And also that himselfe for pleasure had been so drawen, the horses being brauely adorned with bels and cymbals.
Howbeit they would hardly be induced to beleeue that those countries should be so extreamely colde, and the waters so mightely frozen, as to beare such an huge waight.
Hee tolde them moreouer, that Holland was a free countrey, and that euery man there was his owne Master, and that there was not one slaue or captiue in the whole land.
Moreouer, that the houses, in regarde of their beautifull and lofty building, resembled stately pallaces, their inward rich furniture being altogether answerable to their outward glorious shew.
[Page 14] Also, that the Churches (which he called Mesquitas) were of such bignesse & capacity, as they might receiue the people of any prety towne.
He affirmed likewise, that the Hollanders with the assistance of their confederates and friendes, maintained warres against the King of Spaine, whose mighty puissance is feared and redoubted of all the potentates of Europa.
And albeit the said warres had continued aboue thirty yeares, yet that during all that time the saide Hollanders increased both in might & wealth.
In like sort he informed them of the strange situation of Holland, as being a countrey driuing vpon the water, the earth or ground whereof, they vse insteed of fewell, and that he had oft times warmed himselfe, and had seene meat dressed with fires made of the same earth.
In briefe, that it was a waterish and fenny countrey, and full of riuers, chanels, and ditches, and that therein was an innume [...]able multitude of boates and small shippes, as likewise great store of tall and seruiceable ships, wherwith they sailed vnto all quarters of the world, &c.
This man Abdoll wee found to bee a captiue or slaue, and sawe there his wife and children in very poore estate dwelling in a little cottage not so bigge as an hogsty: but by oure meanes he was made free and well rewarded.
Not withstanding he did but euil recompence vs: for he was charged to be the cause why pepper was solde dearer then ordinary vnto vs by a penny in the pounde: for hee told them that certaine shippes of Zeland and of other places were comming thitherwardes.
And here the reader is to vnderstand, that some foure moneths before the said three ships arriued at [Page 15] Bantam, the Portugales came with an Armada The Portugals go about to hinder the trade of the Hollanders. of gallies and fustes, being set foorth by the Viceroy of Goa and the gouernour of Molucca, to intercept the traffique of the Hollanders vnto those partes, and to make them loose all their expenses, labour, and time which they had bestowed: and also that their great and rich presentes which they gaue vnto the Iauans the yeare before, to bring them into vtter detestation of the Hollanders, might not be altogether in vaine.
The Generall of them that came from Goa was Don Luis, and of those that came from Molucca Don Emanuell: who brought their Armada before Bantam, intending to surprize the citty, vnder pretence that the same preparation was made to resist certaine pirates that came thither out of Holland the last yeare, and were determined this yeare also to come againe. Vnder these colours they sought to take the towne and to fortifie the same, & they built certaine sconces in the countrey, committing great outrages, rauishing the Women, with many other villanies. Hereupon the townsemen of Bantam very secretly prouided certaine gallies and fustes in great hast, and sodainly assailed the Portugales before they were well aware of them: for which cause finding but small resistance, they tooke 3 Portugale gallies with certaine shippes, and slewe about The Portugals vanquished. 300 of them, taking 150 Portugales prisoners, of which we daily saw some going vp & downe the streetes of Bantam like slaues and captiues. Besides these they tooke about 900 galli-slaues prisoners.
Vpon this hard successe the rest of the Portugals betooke themselues to flight: but whither they bee arriued at Goa or Molucca, or what is become of them since, we are not able to auouch. The foresaid [Page 16] attempt and ouerthrowe, bred greater enmity betweene the Portugales and them of Bantam, and gaue an especiall occasion for the aduauncement of our traffique.
The fiue ships (whereof we haue before signified The course which the fiue ships tooke after they were separated from their three consorts about the Cape of buona esperanza. that foure were dispatched by the whole companie for the Moluccas) being seuered beyonde the Cape of buona speranza from the other three of their company, and hauing quite lost them, came all of them shortly after vnder an Island called (as it is thought) by the Portugals Isola de Don Galopes: but they named it the Island of Mauritius. Here they entered into an hauen, calling the same Warwicke, after the name of their Viceadmirall, wherin they found very good harborow in twenty degrees of southerly latitude.
This Island being situate to the East of Madagascar, The Isle of Mauritius described. and containing as much in compasse as all Holland, is a very high, goodly, and pleasant land, full of green & fruitfull vallies, and replenished with Palmito-trees, from the which droppeth holesome wine. Likewise here are very many trees of right Great store of Ebenwood. Ebenwood as black asiet, and as smooth & hard as the very Iuory: and the quantity of this wood is so exceeding, that many ships may be laden herewith.
For to saile into this hauen you must bring the two highest mountaines one ouer the other, leauing sixe small Islands on your right hand, and so you may enter in vpon 30 fadomes of water. Lying win the bay, they had 10. 12. & 14. fadoms. On their left hād was a litle Island which they named Hemskerk Island, and the bay it selfe they called Warwick bay, as is before mentioned. Here they tarried 12 daies to refresh themselues, finding in this place great quantity of foules twise as bigge as swans, which they called Walghstocks or Wallowbirdes [Page 17] being very good meat. But finding also aboundance of piogeons & popiniayes, they disdained any more to eat of those great foules, calling them (as before) Wallowbirds, that is to say, lothsome or fulsome birdes.
Of the saide Pidgeons and Popiniayes they found great plenty being very fat and good meate, which they could easily take and kil euen with little stickes: so tame they are by reason y t the Isle is not inhabited, neither be the liuing creatures therein accustomed to the sight of men.
Here they found rauens also, and such abundance of fish, that two men were able to catch enough for all fiue ships.
Tortoises they founde so huge, that tenne men Huge Tortoises. might sit and dine in one of their shelles, and one of them would creepe away, while two men stood vpon the backe thereof.
Here was founde waxe also whiter then any of ours, lying about the strande, bleached (as it is like) by the sunne: and in some of this waxe there were Arabian letters or characters printed: wherby it is probable, that some Arabian ship might bee cast away thereabout, out of which the said waxe might be driuen on land.
They found like wise Corall on this land, and many Corall. trees which we call Palmitos, whereout droppeth Palmitos. wine as out of the Coco-tree: which wine being kept, hath his operation as our new prest wine, but after some time it commeth vnto the tul vertue and perfection.
The said Palmitos they esteemed to bee a kinde of wilde date-trees.
We sought all the Island ouer for men, but could find none, for that it was wholly destitute of Inhabitants.
[Page 18] Vpon this Island we built an house with a pulpit therein, and left behind vs certaine writings as a token and remembrance of our being there, and vpon the pulpit we left a Bible and a psalter lying.
Thus after 12 daies aboad at this Island, being well refreshed, they tooke in excellent fresh water being A good watering place. easie to get, and very sweet and sauory to drinke, and then set saile, meeting the three other ships their consorts at the time and place before mentioned.
A briefe description of the voiage be fore handled, in manner of a Iournall.
THE first of Maie 1598. with the eight shippes before mentioned, we set saile in the name of God from Texell in Holland.
The third of May we passed along the coast of England, descrying some of her Maiesties ships, and they vs, whom we honoured with discharge of our artillery.
The fourteenth, we had sight of the Isle of Porto Santo lying in thirty two degrees.
The sixteenth, wee came within sight of the Canaries.
The twenty two, we first saw flying fishes.
The twenty three, we passed by the Isle Dell Sall.
The thirty one, we had a great storme, so that we lost sight one of another: but by night we came together againe.
The eighth of Iune wee crossed the Equinoctiall line.
The twenty foure wee sayled by the sholdes of Brasile lying vnder eighteene degrees of Southerly Latitude.
The twenty one of Iuly we got to the height of the Cape of buona esperanza.
From the thirtith of Iuly till the second of August, we continually sayled in sight of the land of the foresaid Cape.
The seuenth and eighth of August wee had such foule and stormy weather, that fiue ships of our company were separated from vs, whom we saw no more vntill they came to vs before Bantam.
The Twenty sixt we descryed the Island of Madagascar.
The twenty nine came by vs the ship called the Long barke of Zeland, hauing in her but nine sound men, tenne dead, and the rest all sicke: but the same night we lost the sight of her againe.
The seauenth of September, we came before the Island of Santa Maria, and afterward wee put into the great bay of Antogill.
The sixteenth of September, wee set saile from thence, directing our course for Iaua.
The first of October, wee got to the heighth of Bantam.
The fifteenth, died the first man in our Admirall.
THe nineteenth of Nouember, we came within sight of Sumatra.
The twenty ninth, wee road before the citty of Bantam: And the thirtith, we payed our toll to the gouernour.
ANd vpon Newyeares date 1599. Stilo Nouo, we began to take in ourlading.
Then came vnto vs before Bantam, with great idie and triumph, our fiue separated shippes, all the people standing vpon the shore gazing, and suspecting some harme intended against them.
The eighth of Ianuary, foure of the said 5 newcome shippes (God send them a prosperous voyage) set saile toward the Moluccas.
Moreouer our foure shippes being well and richly laden at Bantam made saile homewarde the eleuenth of Ianuary, and the thirteenth, wee were shot as farre as the Isles of Sumatra.
The nineteenth, we proceeded thence on our voiage, and the same day, to the great griefe of vs all, died the Pilot of our Admirall.
THe third of Aprill, we descried the land of Capo de buona esperanza.
The eighth, wee doubled the same Cape, thence shaping our course for the Island of Saint Helena, where the twenty sixt we happily arriued, and departed from thence vpon the fourth of Maie.
THe tenth of Maie, wee sailed by the Isle of Ascension.
The seauenteenth, we passed the Equinoctiall line.
The twenty one, we saw the North starre.
THe ninth and tenth of Iune, we had sight of the Canaries.
The twenty seauen, wee sayled vpon the Spanish Sea.
The twenty nine, we were in fortie four degrees.
THe fourth of Iuly, we saw behind vs two sailes, one before the other, which were the first that we had seene of a long time.
The sixt of Iuly our Admirall had both his Foremast and Maine-mast blowne ouer boord.
The eleuenth, we passed the Sorlings, the thirteenth, Falmouth, Plimmouth, and the Quasquets.
The seauenteenth, we came before Douer.
[Page 23] The nineteenth, wee had foule and stormy weather, at what time by Gods good blessing wee arriued in our natiue countrey at Texell in Holland, hauing performed in the short space of one yeare, two moneths and nineteene daies, almost as long a voiage, as if we should haue compassed the globe of the earth, and bringing home with vs our full straight of rich and gainfull Marchandize.