WHereas for preuention of such disorders, ryots and rebellions within this Realme, as might grow by loose and disloyall people, hauing meanes to arme themselues, to doe mischiefe against his Maiestie and the Common wealth, diuers Proclamations haue beene heretofore published by the late Lo: Deputies and Councell of this Kingdome, cōmanding that no Master or owner of any Ship, Barque, or any Merchant, Factor, or other Tradseman, nor any other person or persons whatsoeuer, denizen or stranger, should bring or cause to be brought into this Kingdome or any part thereof, without speciall licence from the Lords of the Councell in England, or from the Lord Deputy and Councell here, any quantity or quantities of Gunpowder, or any Muskets, Calliuers, Hand-gunns, Pistols, or other Peeces, Morrions, Head-peeces, Armors, or any other furniture for the warres (Swords and Rapiers, and Sword and Rapier blades onely excepted) vpon paine of his Maiesties displeasure and indignation, and vpon p [...]ine of se [...]sure and so, feyture of the same, whereof the one moytie to be to the vse of the Kings most excellent Maiestie, and the other moytie to the vse of such person or persons as should so discouer and seise the same to his Maiesties vse. And Wee being now againe informed that the said Proclamations haue of late beene little regarded, but that great quantities of Powder, Armes, and other warlike munition of all kindes haue beene daily brought into this Kingdome from forraine parts, and sale thereof made to all sorts of people, without respect of persons, so as many loose [...]earnes, and idle persons of bad and lewd behauiour, being furnished and armed with powder, peeces and othe [...] warlike weapons, doe not onely make great spoile and hauocke of red and fallow Deere, and other game within the proper lands of sundrie Noblemen and Gentlemen of this kingdome, but are thereby the rather imboldned to commit diuers insolent ryots, burglaries, robberies and murders, and many times to runne into open action of rebellion, to the great disturbance of the publike peace and trouble of the State and Common-wealth of this Kingdome: By meanes whereof, greater mischiefes and inconueniences may happen in this Realme, if due care and circumspection bee not speedily had for preuenting the same. And although after so many warnings giuen, Wee may iustly call such persons to account as haue offended against the said Proclamations, by imposing the vtmost penaltie that by the Tenor of the same might be inflicted vpon them for their wilfull contempt against his Maiestie and the State in that behalfe: Yet hoping that by the renewing of the said former Proclamations once more, the same will from henceforth be more strictly obserued and kept then heretofore it hath beene, We therefore doe againe in the name of the Kings most excellent Maiestie, declare, publish, and command, That no Master or owner of any Ship or Barque, or any Merchant, Factor, or other tradesman, nor any other person or persons whatsoeuer, denizen or stranger, shall from henceforth bring or cause to be brought into this Kingdome, or any part thereof, (without speciall licence from the Lords of the Councell in England, or from Us the Lord Deputie and Councell of this kingdome) any quantitie or quantities of Gunpowder, or any Muskets, Caliuers, Handguns, Pistols, or other Peeces, Murrions, Head-peeces, Armours, or other furniture for the Warres (Swords and Rapiers, and Sword and Rapier blades onely excepted) vpon paine of his Maiesties displeasure and indignation, and vpon paine of seysure and forfeyture of the same, whereof the one moytie shall be to the vse of the Kings Maiestie, and the one halfe of the other moytie to be for the Officer of his Maiesties Store, where the same be seised, and the other moytie, and halfe of the aforesaid moytie, to be giuen to him who shall discouer and seise the same, or the value thereof, according to his Maiesties rates. And We doe further in his Maiesties name declare and publish, That if any merchant, factor, or tradesman, or any other person or persons within this Realme, now haue or at any time hereafter shall happen to haue any quantitie or quantities of Gunpowder, or any Muskets, Caliuers, handguns, or other Peeces, Murrions, head-peeces, Armour, or other abiliments of warre (Swords and Rapiers, and Sword and Rapier blades excepted) in his or their hands or possession, to the intent to sell the same or any part thereof to any person or persons, that then such merchant, factor, or other person or persons, within one moneth after the date of this Proclamation, or within one moneth after the said powder or munition; shall come to his or their hands shall vpon paine of seisure, and forfeiture thereof, and vpon paine of his Maiesties displeasure and indignation, bring or cause to bee brought all such powder, and other munition, into one of his Maiesties Stores of Ordinance and munition, whereupon Wee the Lord Deputie and Councell shall from time to time take order, and prouide that the Officers of his Maiesties Ordinance and munition shall receiue the same, and the Owner or Owners thereof immediately vpon the deliuerie thereof into his Maiesties Store, be fully satisfied and pa [...]ed for the same, at such rates and prices, as the Master of the Ordnance hath vsually issued the same. Prouided alwayes that it shall and may be lawfull to and for euerie Citie or Towne corporate within this Realme, to retaine and keepe within their seuerall Stores, such powder or munition for the necessarie defence of the said Cities and Townes Corporate, so as the said corporations doe within fortie dayes after the date hereof, certifie Us the Lord Deputie and Councell, what quantitie or quantities of powder or other munition they and every of them haue now in their Stores, and so as they nor any of them doe not issue the same nor any part thereof by way of sale. And We doe further declare and publish. That if any Nobleman, Gentleman, or person of honest and good behauiour, or if any Citie or Corporation, or any Owner or master of Barque or Ship going to Sea, shall haue occasion to vse any reasonable quantitie of powder, or any muskets, Calliuers, or other furniture of Warre, That euery such person and persons, and euery such Citie, Towne or corporation, shalbe from time to time, by the warrant of the Lord Deputie, or by the warrant of the seuerall Presidents of the prouinces of Munster and Connaght, or of other Commanders or gouernors within their seuerall commands, furnished and supplyed of any such competent quantitie of powder or munition as he or they shall desire to vse, at such reasonable and easie rates as his Maiestie doth vsually issue the same to his Armie within this land. And We doe hereby expresly charge and command all and euery gouernor and gouernors, Mayors, Soueraignes, Portriffes, Bayliffes, Constables, and all Custo [...]ers, Searchers, and Councellers, within all and euery the Ports, Hauens and Creekes of this Realme, and all other his Maiesties Officers and ministers to whom it may appertaine, That they and euery of them doe from time to time vse and imploy their best diligence and endeuours to discouer and leise to his Maiesties vse as aforesaid, such quantities of powder, muskets, Calliuers, hand guns, Peeces, and other munition and furniture of warre, as shall be brought into this Kingdome or any part thereof, to be sold to any person or persons, or which any merchant, factor, or other person or persons shall deteyne and keept in his hands or possession, to the intent to sell the same, contrarie to the purport of this Proclamation, and that herein they fayle not to performe their duties, as they will answere the contrarie at their perils. Prouided alwayes, that it shall not be lawfull for any person or persons whatsoeuer, wearing any Irish ma [...]tle or Trowses, to vse, carrie or keepe any musket, Calliuer, hand-gun, Pistoll, or other Peece or Peeces, nor to haue or vse any gun-powder, nor to weare, carrie or keepe any murrion, head peece, Swordes, Rapiers, Skeynes, or any other armes whatsoeuer inuasiue or defensiue, upon paine to forfeyt the same to his Maiestie. And that it shall be lawfull for euerie Nobleman, Gentleman, or other person of honest and good behauiour, conforming him or themselues vnto the English fashion of apparell, to seize and take away the same, and the same so seized and taken away, to carrie to the next Iustice of the peace, to the intent the same may be deliuered into his Maiesties next magazin or Store-house of the munition and armour in those parts, or to such person or persons as shall haue ouersight or command of the same.
And whereas many times heretofore instructions haue beene giuen, aswell to the Lords Presidents in the seuerall Prouinces, as to the Justices of Assize in their seuerall circuites and sessions, for abolishing the vse of Irish apparell, & the reducing of all men to vse a ciuill and comely attire, according to the Lawes and Statutes of this kingdome: Yet although they haue (according to the said instructions) indeuoured to take away the barbarous custome of wearing Mantles, Trowses, Skeynes, and such like vnciuill and vncomely apparell, We see notwithstanding the vse of them rather increased then any wayes reformed or abated, euen to this day, to the great contempt of authoritie, and the disgrace of this kingdome among other ciuill nations. For reformation whereof, We haue thought fit hereby once more to giue all men notice, that as his Maiestie hath often recommended the care of the redresse of the said barbarous custome unto Us, and abolishing the vse of such vnseemely apparell, so now W [...] intend to inflict the vtmost penaltie of law vpon such as from and after the time hereby prescribed shall presume eyther to weare the said barbarous attire, or to suffer any within their family or rule to weare and vse the same, contrary to the Lawes and Statutes of this Kingdome, And doe therefore hereby straightly charge and command, That from and after the first day of August next no Man doe weare any Mantle, Trowses, or long Skeynes, nor doe suffer any to be worne by any within his family, gouernement or rule but by the time aforesaid doe attire themselues, their children, seruants, and followers in such comely manner as the ciuillest subiects of this kingdome now vse to doe: In default whereof, they are to expect no fauour, but to be proceeded against for their wilfull and obstinate contempt in the seuerest maner that by the Lawes and Statutes of this kingdome may be taken against them, and besides such other punishments to be inflicted vpon them, as the Law doth impose. We hereby charge and command, That no person which from and after the time aforesaid, shall weare or vse any Irish apparell or weapon shall presume to come, nor shalbe admitted to haue accesse or audience to or at the Councell table, or in any Court of Justice in this kingdome, nor before any Judge or Magistrate, vpon any matter or cause of priuate complaint whatsoeuer. And Wee doe likewise hereby straightly commaund all Sheriffes, Prouosts, marshals, and other Officers, that as they shall finde any man that after the said day shall weare any such long Skeyne, to take the same and breake them, And such men as they shall finde wearing of Mantles or Trowses out of their owne houses, to take the same from them, and before their faces to cut them into peeces, that they neuer be worne againe. Of the erecution whereof, Wee require the said Sheriffes and prouost-marshals, and other his Maiesties Officers, to be verie carefull, as they will answere the contrarie and their neglect or remissenesse therein. Prouided alwayes, that it shall and may be lawfull to or for any person or persons to vse or weare any Mantle within his or their houses, notwithstanding any thing in this Proclamation, to the contrarie.
- Adam Loftus Canc. Lanc. Dublin.
- Charl. Wilmot. Dom. Kinsale.
- Henry Docwra
- Francis Aungier.
- George Shurley.
- Adam Loftus.
Imprinted at DUBLIN by the Company of Stationers, Printers to the Kings most excellent Maiestie. Anno Domini 1625.