DUBLIN, Printed by the Society of Stationers.



THE Kings Maiestie, most graciously con­sidering the good-will, and faithfull hearts of his most louing and obedient Subiects, which as at all times, so at this present espe­cially, they hauing with most dutifull affecti­on, shewed towards his Highnes, and vn­derstanding, that the same his louing Sub­iects, haue many and sundry wayes, by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme, falue into the danger of di­uers great penalties & forfeitures, is of his Princely and merciful disposition, most graciously inclined, to extend vnto them, his libe­rall and free Pardon, trusting they wilbe the rather moued & in­duced henceforth, more carefully to obserue his Highnes Lawes & Statutes, and to continue in their legall & due obedience to his Maiestie. And therefore his Maiestie is well pleased and conten­ted, that it bee enacted by the authoritie of this present Parlia­ment, and be it enacted by the authority of the same, in manner and forme following, (that is to say) That all and euery the said Subiects, aswell Spirituall, as Temporall, of this his Highnes Realme of Ireland, the Heires, Successors, Executors, & Admi­nistrators of them, & euery of them, & all and singular bodies, in a­ny manner of wise corporated, Litties, Burroughs, Shires, Hundreds, Baronies, Townes, Villages, Hamlets, and Ty­things, and euery of them, and the Successor and Successors of euery of them, shal be by the authority of this present Parliament, acquitted, pardoned, released, & discharged, against the Kings Ma­iestie, his Heires, and Successors, and euery of them, of all man­ner of Treasons, Felonies, Offences, Contempts, Trespasses, Entries, Wrongs, Deceits, Misdemeanors, Forfeitures, penal­ties, and summes of money paines of death, paines corporall and pecuniarie, and generally, of all other things, causes, quarrells, suits, iudgments, and executions, in this present Act, hereafter not excepted, nor fore-prised, which may be, or can be, by his Highnes in any wise, or by any meanes pardoned; before, and vnto the three and twentieth day of May last past, to euery, or any of his said Subiects, Bodies corporate, Cittyes, Burroughs, Shires, Hundreds, Baronies, Townes, Villages, and Tythings, or any of them.

And also the Kings Maiestie is contented, that it be enacted by authoritie of this present Parliament, and be it enacted by the au­thoritie of the same, that this his said free Pardon, shal be as good & effectuall in the Law, to euery of his said Subiects, bodies Cor­porate, and others before rehearsed, in, for, and against all things, which be not hereafter in this present Act, excepted & fore-prised, as the same pardon should haue been, if all offences, contempts, forfeitures, causes, matters, suits, quarrells, iudgements, executi­ons, penalties, and all other things, not hereafter in this present Act, excepted and fore-prised, had beene particularly, singularly, e­specially, and playnely, named, rehearsed, and specified, & also par­doned by proper and expresse words, and names, in their kindes, natures, and qualities, by words and tearmes thereunto requisite to haue beene, put in, and expressed, in this present Act of free par­don: And that his said Subiects, nor any of them, nor the Heires, Executors or Administrators of any of them, nor the said bodies corporate, and others, before named and rehearsed, nor any of them be, nor shal be sued, vexed, or inquieted in their Bodies, Goods, Chattles, Lands, or Tenements, for any manner of matter, cause, contempt, misdemeanor, forfeiture, trespasse, offence, or any other thing, suffered, done, or committed, before the said three and twen­tieth day of May last past, against his Highnesse, his Crown, Di­gnity, prerogatiue, Lawes, or Statutes, but onely for such mat­ters, causes, and offences, as be rehearsed, mentioned, or in some wise touched in the exceptions of this present Act, to be foreprised and excepted, and for none other; any Statute or Statutes. Lawes, Customes, or Vsages, heeetofore had, made, or vsed to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

And the Kings Highnesse, of his bounteous liberality, by the authority of this present Parliament, granteth, and freely giueth to euery of his Subiects, and to euery of the said bodies corpo­rate, & other before rehearsed, and euery of them, all Goods, Chat­tels, debts, fines, issues, profits, amerciaments, forfeitures, and summes of money, by any of them forfeited, which to his Highnes doe, or should belong, or appertaine, by reason of any offence, con­tempt, trespasse, entry, misdemeanor, matter, cause, or quarrell, suffered, done, or committed, by them, or any of them, before the said three & twentieth day of May last past, which bee not here­after in this present Act, fore prised and excepted.

And be it enacted neuerthelesse, that all grants thereof, or of any part thereof, made by any such, as haue so forfeited the same, and are hereby restored, as aforesaid, and all Executions thereof, or of any part thereof, had against any such, after such forfeiture thereof, committed or made, shall be of such force, and effect, as if no such forfeiture thereof had beene had, or made, and of no other, The same forfeiture, or any thing before in this Act to the contrary, notwithstanding. And that all & euery the Kings said Subiects, [Page]and all and singular bodies corporate, & others before rehearsed, may by him, or themselues, or by his, or their Deputie, or Depu­ties, or by his, or their Attourney, or Attourneyes, according to the Lawes of this Realme, plead, and minister this present Act of free pardon, for his, or their discharge, of, & for any thing, that is by vertue of this present Act pardoned, discharged, giuen, or gran­ted, without any Fee, or other thing paying, to any person or per­sons, for writing, or entry of the Iudgments, or other cause, con­cerning such plea, writing, or entry, but only sixteene pence, to bee payed to the Officer, or Clerke, that shall enter such plea, matter, or Iudgment, for the parties discharge in that behalfe: any Law, Statute, Vsage, or Custome to the contrary, notwithstanding.

And furthermore, the Kings Maiestie is contented & pleased, That it be enacted by the authority of this present Parliament, that this his said free pardon, by the generall words, clauses, and sentences before rehearsed, shal be reputed, deemed, adiudged, ex­pounded, allowed, & taken, in all manner of Courts, of his High­nesse, and elsewhere, most beneficiall, and availeable, to all and sin­gular the said Subiects, bodies corporate, and others before re­hearsed, & to euery of them, in all things not in this present Act, ex­cepted, or fore-prised, without any ambiguitie, question, or other delay, whatsoeuer it shall be, to be made, pleaded, obiected, or alled­ged, by the King our Soueraigne Lord, his Heires, or Successors, or by his, or any of their generall Attourney, or Atourneyes, or by any person or persons, for his Highnesse, or any of his Heires, or Successors.

And furthermore, it is enacted by the King our Soueraigne Lord, and by the authoritie of this present Parliament, That if any Officer, or Clerke, of any his Highnesse Courts, commonly called the Chantery, Kings Bench, and Gommon-pleas, or of his Exchequer, or any other Officer, or Clerks, of any other of his Highnesse Courts, within this Realme, at any time after the last day of this present Session of Parliament, make out, or write out any manner of Writs, processe, summons, or other precepts, wher­by any of the said Subiects, or any of the said bodies corporated, or others before rehearsed, or any of them, shal be in any wise arre­sted, attached, distreyned, summoned, or otherwise vexed, inquie­ted, or grieued, in his, or their bodies, Lands, Tenements, Goods or Chattles, or in any of them, for, or because of any manner of thing pardoned, or discharged, by vertue of this Act of free par­don: or if any Sheriffe, or Escheator, or any of their Deputie, or Deputies, or any Bayliffe or other Officer whatsoeuer, by colour of his, or their Office, or otherwise after the said last day of this present Session of Parliament, doe levie, receiue, take, or with­hold, of, or from any person or persons, any thing pardoned, or dis­charged by this Act, that then euery such person so offending, and thereof lawfully convicted or condemned, by any sufficient Testi­mony, [Page]witnesse, or proofe, shall yeeld, and pay for recompence ther­of to the partie so grieued or offended thereby, his, or their treble damages, besides all costs of the Suit, & shall also forfeit & loose to the Kings Maiesty, for euery such default, Ten pounds: And neuerthelesse all and singular such Writs, processe, and precepts so to be made, for, or vpon any manner of thing pardoned, or dis­charged by this present Act of free pardon, shall be vtterly voyde, and of none effect.

Excepted and alwayes fore-prised, out of this generall and free pardon, all, and all manner of high Treasons, & other offen­ces, committed, or done by any person or persons, against the King or Queenes most Royall persons, or either of them, or the person of the Prince his Highnesse, and all conspiracies and confedera­cies, trayterously had, committed, or done by any person or per­sons, against the King, or Queenes Maiesties Royall persons, or either of them, or the person of the Prince his Highnes; and all, and all manner of levying of Marre, and all Rebellions, and In­surrections whatsoeuer: And also excepted all & euery manner of Treasons, committed or done, by any person or persons, in the parts beyond the Seas, or in any other place out of the Kings Dominions: And also all suits, punishments, executions, paines of death, forfeitures and penalties, for, or by reason, or occasion of any the Treasons and offences before excepted.

And also excepted out of this pardon, all offences of forging, & false counterfeiting the Kings Maiesties Great, or privy Seale, signe Manuell, or priuy Signet, or of any the Moneyes currant within this Realme: And also all offences of vnlawful diminishing of any the said Moneyes, by any way or meanes whatsoeuer, con­trary to the Lawes & Statutes of this Realme: And also excep­ted out of this generall pardon, all other Treasons whatsoeuer, of what nature, kinde, or quality soeuer: And also all misprisions and concealements of high Treason; And all abetting, ayding, comforting, or procuring of the same offences, or any of the said Treasons.

And also excepted out of this pardon, all manner of voluntary Murders, petit Treasons, and willfull poysoning, done, or com­mitted, by any person or persons, and all and euery the accessaries to the same offences, or any of them, before the said offences com­mitted.

And also excepted and fore-prised out of this generall Pardon, all and euery offences of Piracy, and Robbery, done vpon the Seas, and all & euery procuring or abbetting of any such offen­dors, and the comforting & receiuing of them, or any of them, or of any goods taken away by way of piracy, or robbery, vpon the Seas, as aforesaid, or of any goods, forfeited, or due vnto his Maiestie, by reason of any piracy, or robbery vpon the Seas.

And also excepted out of this pardon, all Burglaryes, commit­ted, [Page]or done, in any dwelling-house, or houses, and all accessaryes to any the said Burglaryes, before the same Burglary commit­ted.

And also excepted all Robberyes, done vpon, or to any mans or womans person in the high-way, or else where: And all and sin­gular accessaryes, of, or to any such Robberies, before the said Rob­bery committed: And also excepted the fellonious stealing of any Horse, Gelding; Garran, or Mare, and all accessaryes thereunto, before the same felony committed, and all Iudgments and Execu­tions, of, and for the same: And also excepted all willfull burnings of any dwelling house, or houses, or of any Barne or Barnes, wherein any Lorne was.

And also excepted the detestable and abhominable vice of Bug­gery, committed with Mankind, or Beasts. And also excepted all Rapes, and carnall Rauishments of Women.

And also excepted all rauishments, and willfull taking away or marrying of any Mayde, Widdow, or Damosell, against her will, or without the assent or agreement of her parents, or of such as then had her in custody: And also all offences of ayding, com­forting, procuring, or abetting of any such ravishment, willfull ta­king, or marrying, had, committed, or done.

And also excepted all willfull Escapes of any Traytors.

And also excepted out of this pardon, all persons, now attain­ted, or out-lawed, of, or for any Treason, petit Treason; Murder, willfull poysoning, Burglary, or Robbery, and all Executions, of and for the same.

And also excepted, all offences of Invocations, Coniurations, Witch-crafts, Sorceries, Inchantments, & Charmes; and all of­fences of procuring, abetting, or comforting of the same, and all persons now attained, or convicted of any of the said offences.

And also excepted all and euery person & persons, which being out-lawed of, or for any felony, or felonies, and their out-lawries; standing in force sithence the said outlawries haue eftsoones com­witted any other felony.

And also excepted all and euery manner of taking from the Kings Maiestie of any Goods or Chàttles, or the Issues, Rents, Reuenues, or Drosits, of any Manors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, which were of any Traytor, Murderer, Fellon; Clerke, or Clerkes, attainted, or convicted, or Fugitiues, or any of them.

And also excepted, all Goods and Chattles, in any wise forfei­ted to the Kings Maiestie, by reason of any Treason, petit Trea­son, Murder, or Felonie heretofore committed, or done.

And also excepted, all offences, of, or in making, Writing, Prin­ting, or publishing, or in consenting vnto the making, writing, printing, or publishing, of any false, seditions, or scandalous Book or Bookes, Libell or Libells, in any wise against the Kings Ma­iestie, [Page]or the present gouernment of this Realme, in causes either Ecclesiasticall, or Temporall, or against any person or persons whatsoeuer.

And also excepted out of this Pardon, all intrussons, had, made, or done, by any person or persons, in, or vpon any the Manors, Lands, Tenements, or other Hereditaments of the Kings Maie­stie, and all wastes, done, committed, or suffered, vpon any such Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments; and the wrongfull taking of any the rents, issues, and profits of the same Manors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, of the Kings Highnesse: And al­so all Suits, Accompts & Impetitions, of and for the same.

And also excepted out of this Pardon all Alienations, made of and Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, with out licence, and all fines, issues, & prosits, that may, or ought to grow, or come to the Kings Maiestie, by reason of any such Alienation, without li­cence.

And also excepted out of this Pardon, all wastes committed, or done, in any of the Kings Wards-Lands, or in the Wards-lands of any of the Kings Committees: And also all and euery Fine & Fines, for the single & double value of the Marriage, or Marria­ges, of all & euery Ward or Wards, at any time heretofore grown to the Kings Maiestie, sithenee the beginning of his Maiesties Raigne.

And also excepted, all Wards, and the Lands of such Wards, as haue growne to the Kings Maiestie, sithence the beginning of his Maiesties Raigne: and all Liveryes, Primer Seisins, & Ou­ster-lemains, that ought to be had, done, or sued, for, or in respect of any the Ward or Wards-Lands, before excepted.

And also excepted out of this generall Pardon, all rauishments & wrongfull taking, & with-holding of any of the Kings Wards, or Wards-Lands before excepted, or the rents and profits of the same, & all misdemeanors & offences concerning the same. And e­uery thing that by reason of any Ward, or Wards-Lands before excepted, or for default of suing, or prosecuting of any Livery of the same, ought to come, or be to the Kings Maiestie, & which as yet is not discharged.

And also excepted all Fines that should, or ought to grow to the Kings Maiestie that now is, of any of his Widdowes, that haue marryed without Licence, since the beginning of his Maiesties Raigne.

Prouided alwayes, and bee it enacted by the authority of this present Parliament, That the Kings Maiestie, his Heires and Successors, shall haue and inioy, the full & whole Interest, Bene­at, Profit, and advantage of all Wardships before excepted, and of all Liveryes, Primer Seisins, and Duster lemaines, of all Ma­nors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, whatsoeuer, and all means issues, rates, & profits, for not prosecuting, or not sueing [Page]of any Liuery, or Ouster-lemaine, happening, growing, or accrew­ing sithence the begining of his Maiesties Raigne; as if this Act had neuer been had or made.

Prouided also, and be it enacted, That all and euery person & persons, which haue tendered, or ought to sue, his, her, or their, or any of their Liueryes, or Ouster-lemaines, of, or for any Manors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, whatsoeuer they bee, shal sue his, her, or their Liuery, & Liueryes, and Ouster lemaines; out of our said Soueraigne Lord the Kings hands, and shall an­swere & pay their fines, issues, & meane profits, for his, or their Ma­nors, Lands, Tenements, & Hereditaments, which haue growne and accrewed sithence the beginning of his Maiesties Raigne, in like manner and forme, to euery respect, as they, & euery of them, should, or ought to haue done, if this Act had neuer beene had, nor made; notwithstanding the not finding of any Office, or Offices, or any other matter whatsoeuer; any article, thing, or things, to this present Act of generall Pardon, comprised, and specified to the contrary, notwithstanding.

And also excepted and fore-prised out of this Pardon, all such persons, as the last day of this present Session of Parliament, bee in prison within the Castle of Dublin, or in the prison of the Mar­shalsey of the foure Courts, or otherwise restrayned of liberty, by expresse commandement, or directions of the Lord Deputy, or of any his Matesties Priuy Louncell.

And also excepted out of this Pardon, all and euery such person & persons, which at any time sithence the beginning of the Raigne of our late most gracious Soueraigne Lord King Iames of blessed memory, haue fled out of this Realme of Ireland, or any other his Maiesties Dominions, for any offence of high Treason, petit Treason, or misprison of Treason.

And also excepted all such persons as be gone or fled out of this Realme, for any cause, contrary to the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme, without the Licence of the Kings Maiestie, or of the Lord Deputy, or other thiese Gouernour, or Gouernours of this Realme.

And also excepted all such persons, as haue obtayned & had Li­cence to depart this Realme for a certaine time, and now doe abide out of the Realme, without any lawfull excuse, after the time of their Licence expired.

And also excepted out of this Pardon, all and euery conceale­ments, and wrongfull detaynments, of any Custome, Subsidie, Poundage, or Impost, due to the Kings Maiestie that now is, & all corruptions and misdemeanors of any Officer, or Minister of, or concerning any Custome, Subsidie, Poundage, or Impost, and all accompts, impetitions, and suits to bee had, made, or done for the same.

And also excepted all and singular accompts, of all and euery [Page]Collector and Collectors of any Subsidie, Poundage, Custome, Imposition, Composition, or other thing; & all accompts of euery other person whatsoeuer, that ought to bee accomptant to the Kings Highnesse, and the Heires, Executors, and Administra­tors, of euery such person, that ought to accompt for all things touching onely the same accompts: And all and singular Arre­rages of accoinpts, & vutrue accompts, and all impetitions, Char­ges, Seisures, Suits, Demaunds, and Executions, which may, or can bee had, of, or for any such accompt or accompts, or any Ar­rerages of the same.

And also excepted all titles and actions of Quare impedit.

And also excepted all homages. And also excepted all reliefe, and reliefes, heriots, rents-seruices, reuts-charges, rents-serkes, & the arrerages of the same, not done or payde to the Kings High­nesse.

And also excepted all conditions, and couenants, and penalties, titles and forfeitures of condition, or conditions, couenant, or co­uenants, acctued, or geowne to the Kings Marestie, by reason of the breach, & not performing of any couenant, or condition what­soeuer.

And also excepted all summes of Money, granted to the Kings Maiestie that now is, or any of his noble Progeuitors, by way or name of Subsidie, contribution, composition, or otherwise, and all concealements, fraudes and offentes, by which his Maiestie hath beene deceiued, and not truly answered, of, or for the same.

And also excepted out of this Pardon, all debts, which were, or be due to onr Soueraigne Lord the King, or our late most graci­ous Soueraigne Lord King Iames of samous memory, (his Ma­iesties Royall Father,) or to any person or persons, for, or to any of their vses, by any condemnation, terognizance, obligation, or o­therwise, (other theu such debts as are due, vpon any obligation, or recognizauce, forfeited before the said three & twentieth day of May last past, for not keeping the peace; or not being of good be­hauiour) which debts geowne, or accrewed vpon these causes, viz. for not keeping of the peace, of not being of the good behauior, by this free Pardon, be, & shall be, clearely pardoned and dischar­ged.

And also excepted & fore-prised out of this Pardan, all and sin­gular penalties, forfeitures, and summes of money, being due, or accrewed to our Soueraigne Lord the King, by reason of any Act, Statute, or statutes, which forfeitures, panalties, & summes of money, be converted into the nature of debts, by any Iudgment, order, or decree, or by the agreement of the offend or, or offendors, fithence the beginning of the raigne of our late gracious. Soue­raigne King Iames of samous meinory.

And also excepted all forfeitures of all Leases, Estates, or Iu­terests, of any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, holden of [Page]out Soueratgue Lord the Kings Maiestie, by knights seruice, or in sorage, in Capite, or otherwise by knights seruice, made in one, or seuerall assurances, or leases, for any tearme, or tearmes of yeares, whereupon the olde and accustomed rent, or more, is not reserued.

And also excepted all first fruits, and twentieth parts, growne due, since the beginning of his Maiesties Raigne, and at this pre­sent being due to be payed to his Maiestie, by force of any Act, or Statute, or otherwise.

And also excepted, all penalties and forfeitures, whereof there is any verdier, since the beginning of his Maiesties Raigne, in any suite giuen, or past for the Kings Maiestie.

And also excepted all forfeitures, and other penalties and pro­fits, now due, accrued, and growne, or which shall, or may be due, accrow, or grow to the Kings Maiestie, by reason of any offence, misdemeanor, or contempt, or other Act, or Deed, had, suffered, committed, or done, contrary to any Act, Statute, or Statutes, or contrary to the common Lawes of this Realine, and whereof, or for the which, any action, bill, plaint, or information, at any time within eight yeares, next before the last day of this present session of Parliament, hath beene, or shal be exhibited, cōmenced, or sued in the Courts of Castie-Thamber, or Exchequer-Chamber, or in a­ny the Kings Maiesties Courts at Dublin, & now is, or the said last day of this Session of Parliament, shall be there depending & remaining, to be prosecuted, or whereof the Kings Maiestie by his Letters Pattents, vnder his great Seale of England, or Ire­land, or by any Letter, or Warrant, vnder his Highnesse priuy sig­net of England, hath heretofore made, or directed to be made, any gift. or assignment to any person or persons whatsoeuer.

And also excepted out of this generall & free pardon, all offen­ces, contempts, disorders, covins, frauds, deceits, & misdemeanors whatssoeuer heretofore committed, or done, by any person or per­sons, & whereof, or for the which any suite, by bill, plaint, or infor­mation, at any time within foure yeares, next before the last day of this present Session of Parliament, is, or shall be commenced, or exhibited in the Tourt of Castle-Chamber at Dublin, & shall be there, the same last day of this Session of Parliament depending, or whereupon any sentence, or decree, is giuen or entred.

And also excepted out of this Pardon, all offences of periuries, & the subornation of witnesses, & offences of forging, & counter­feiting of any false deeds, escripts or writings, or of any examina­tions, or testimonies of any witnesse, or witnesses, tending to bring an person or persons, into danger of his life, and the giuing of the same in evidence, & the counselling, or procuring of any such coun­terfeiting or forgeing, to be had, or made. And all false & malicious conspiracies, to bring any person or persons, into danger of his life.

And also excepted out of this Pardon, all & euery offence or of­fences, [Page]touching, or concerning the carrying, sending, or convey­ing ouer the Seas, out of this Realme, of any gold, siluer, Iewels, or any coyne of gold, or siluer, coutrary to the lawes, or Statutes of this Realme, vnlesse it were by the licence of the Kings Maiestie, or of the Lord Deputie, or other chiefe Gouernour, or Gouernors of this Realme.

And also excepted out of this Pardon, all offences of Heresse, Schisme, Incest, Adultery, Fornication, & Simonie, & all Usury, where any interest hath beene receiued, or taken, aboue the rate & proportion of ten pounds, for the loane or forbearance of one hun­dred pounds for one yeare; and so ratably, for a greater, or lesser summe, or for a longer, or shorter time: & all misdemeanors, & di­sturbances, committed, or made, in any Church, or Chappell, in the time of Common-prayer; preaching, or diuine seruice there v­sed, to the disturbance thereof, & all out-lawries, & prosecutions v­pon the same.

And also excepted all offences of drawing of Weapons, vnlaw­full striking, or giuing of blowes, & all other force & violence, com­mitted, or done, in any Tearme-time, in the view of any the Kings Courts iudicially sitting, at, or in the kings Courts at Dublin, or defore the Iudges of Assize, in their seuerall Circuits, for the which, any person or persons, now stand indicted, convicted, or at­tainted, in any of his Maiesties said Courts.

And also excepted all offences, wherby any person may be char­ged with the penaltie & danger of Praemunire, & of the which offence or offences, any person standeth already indicted, or otherwise lawfully condemned, or convicted.

And also excepted all dilapidations, for which any Suite is, or before the end of this Session of Parliament, shal be depending.

And also excepted all offences whatsoeuer in Shipping, or willingly assenting, or causing to bee shipped to bee transported into any the parts beyond the Seas, out of the obedience of his Matestie, any Gunnes, Ordinance, Shot, or Gun-mettall, con­trary to the Lawes & Statutes of this Realme, without Licence of his Matestie, or of the Lord Deputie, or other chiefe Gouernour or Gouernors of this Realme, in that behalfe first had & obtained. And also all such as covenously, or by consent, or for the reliefe of any such as haue offended, in, or against any popular, or penall Statute, haue for the same offence, or offences, exhibited any acti­on, bill, plaint, information, or suit, against any such offendor or offendors.

And also excepted all offences, in taking away, imbezelling, or purloyning, any the kings Maiesties Goods, Money, Chattles, Iewels, Armor, Munition, Ordinance, or Habiliments of warre.

And also excepted out of this pardon, all manner of Extortions & Briberies whatsoeuer: And also excepted all covins, fraudes, de­ceipts, & other diforders, & misdemeanors whatsoeuer, heretofore [Page]committed, or done, by any Steward of his Maiesties Manors or Courts, Sheriffe, or Under sheriffe, or by any officer, or minister, in any of his Highnes Courts, or any wayes trusted, or imployed, in, or about his Maiesties Lands, or Reuenue, in, or by reason or colour of any of their offices, or places, or any their Deputies, or Clerkes; & all offences of ayding, comforting, assisting, or procu­ring of any Sheriffe, Under-sheriff, or any such Officer, Minister, or Clerke, in contriuing, doing, or executing any such extortion, exaction, covin, fraud deceit, disorder, or misdemcanor.

And also excepted out of this Pardon, all Issues, Fines, & A­merciaments, lost, imposed, assessed, offered, or taxed, since the be­ginning of his Maiesties Raigne.

And also excepted all Issues, Fines, & Amerciaments, returned, afferred, taxed, set, or entred, seuerally, or particularly, in any Court of Record at Dublin. And yet neuerthelesse, his Maiestie of his abundant grace & fauour, towards all his louing Subiects, ta­king into his gracious & Princely consideration that many of his said Subiects, haue beene & yet are, continually to their exceeding great charges & expences, troubled & molested for sundry & diuers Issues, Fines, Amerciaments, forfeited Recognizances, & other forfeitures due to his Maiestie, which bee continually written for in schedula Pipe, in his Maiesttes Court of Ex­chequer, is graciously pleased, that it bee enacted, & bee it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid; That all such Issues, Fines, Americi­aments, forfeited Recognizances, & other forfeitures, as before the said 23. day of May last past haue been drawne downe in schedula Pipe, & not already receiued, nor totted vpon the accompt of any Sheriffe; nor granted, nor affigned, nor to be granted, or assigned, as aforesaid, shall by this free, gracious, & generall pardon, be tree­ly, & clearely, to all intents and purposes, exonerated, pardoned, and discharged, & that from henceforth, no further processe shal issue for levying or collecting the same.

And yet neuerthelesse, all Estreats of such Fines, Issues, and Americaments, as be now pardoned by this Act. & which be alrea­dy estreated forth of the Court of Exchequer, & bee remaining in the hands of the Sheriffe, Under-sheriffe, or Bayliffe, for collec­ting of the same Fines, Issues, & Imerciaments; shall vpon the re­turne of the same Estracts, be orderly charged, and deliuered by Scrowes into the Office of the Pipe, in the Court of Exchequer, as heretofore hath beene accustomed; to the intent, that thereupon order may be taken, that his Maiestie may be truely answered, of all such Fines, Issues, and Amerciaments, not by this Act par­doned, and which any Sheriffe, Under-sheriffe, Bayliffe, or other Officer, or Minister hath receiued, or ought to answere by force or colour, of any such Estreat, Processe, or precept, to him, or them made, for the levying thereof: and yet that not withstanding, all & euery Sheriffe and Sheriffes, and other accomptant, vpon his or [Page]their Petition or petitions, to be made, for the allowance of any such Fines, Issues, & amerciaments, as by this Act is pardoned, shall haue all and euery such his, and their petition allowed, in his and their accompt and accompts, without paying any Fee, or Re­ward to any Officer, Clerke, or other Minister, for the making, en­tring, or allowing of any such petition or petitions; any vsage or custome to the contrary thereof, notwithstanding.

And also excepted out of this Pardon, all such persons as bee, and remaine still attainted, or condemned, and not already pardo­ned, of, or for any Rebellion, or levying of Marre, or of, or for any conspiracy of any Rebelliō, or levying of Marre, within this Re­alme, or in any other the kings Dominions.

And also excepted all false forging and counterfeiting of any Commission, or Commissions, to enquire of any Lands, Tene­ments, or Hereditaments. And also all false forging and counter­feiting, of any vntrue Certificate, or returne of any Commission or Commissions, obtayned, or gotten forth of any Court or Courts, or by warrant from the Lord Deputie, or other chiefe Gouernour or Gouernours of this Realme; to enquire of any Lands, Tene­ments, or other things whatsoeuer. And all manner falsifying of any particular, or of any Bill or Bills, Fyant or Fyants, signed by his Maiestie, or by his Deputy, or other chiefe Gouernour or Go­nernours, Commissioner or Commissioners, in that behalf autho­rized, after the engrossing thereof, and before the passing the same vnto the Great Seale.

And also excepted out of this pardon, all goods, chattles, debts, actions, and suits, already forfeited, or whereof any right, or tittle is accrued, and growne to the kings Maiestie, by reason of any Out lawrie, whereof the kings Maiestie, by his Hignesse Letters Pattents, or otherwise, hath before the last day of this present ses­sion of Parliament, made any grant, covenant, or promise, to any person or persons whatsoeuer.

Prouided alwayes, and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that it shall and may be lawfull, to, and for all and euery Clerke, and other Officers of the kings Courts, to award and make Writs of Capias ut lagatum, at the suite of the party plaintiffe, a­gainst such persons out-lawed, as be pardoned by this Act, to the intent to compell the defendant and defendants, to make answere to the plaintiffe or plaintiffs, at whose suite, he, or they were out­lawed: And that euery person so out-lawed, shall sue a Writ of Scire facias, against the party or partyes, at whose suite, he, or they were so out-lawed before this Pardon, in that behalfe shal be al­lowed to him, or them that is so out-lawed.

Prouided also, and bee it enacted by the authority of this pre­sent Parliament, That this Act of generall Pardon, shall not in any wise extend to any person out-lawed vpon any Writ of Capi­as ad satisfaciendum, vntill such times, as the party so out-lawed, [Page]shall latiffie, or otherwise agree with the party, at whose suite the same person was so out-lawed, or condemned.

Prouided also, and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that neither this Act, nor any thing therin contained, shall not extend to pardon or discharge any offence committed or done by any Com­missioner, Captaine, or other person whatsoeuer, in the corrupt taking, or hauing of any Money, or other gift or reward, for the changing, releasing, or discharging of any Souldiour, prest, or ap­pointed to serue his Maiestie, in defence of the Realme, or other­wise.

Prouided alwayes, and be it enacted, that this Act, nor any thing therein contayned, shall not extend, or be construed, to par­don, or discharge any Debt, Accompt, Fine, Amerciament, Arre­rage, or other dutie, for which any Seisure, or Enstallment hath beene made, & vpon such Seisure or Enstallment, any thing an­swered to his Maiestie, sithence the beginning of his Maiesties Raigne; nor to pardon or discharge any Recognizance, Obligation or Bond, which is not yet forfeited, or being forfeited, is already giuen, granted, or assigned by his Maiestie, or by his Letters, or Marrant vnder his pridy Signet, directed to be giuen, granted, or assigned vnto any person or persons whatsoeuer.

Prouided alwayes, & bee it enacted by the authority aforesaid: that if any of the grants, made, or directed to be made, as aforesaid, of any debts, duties, penalties, or summes of money, mentioned in the aforesaid Exceptions, or any of them shal be hereafter surren­dered, revoked, or otherwise determined, or avoyded. That then, and from thenceforth, the said debts, duties penalties, & summes of money, shall by this gracious and free Pardon, be pardoned and discharged, as if no such clause had beene inserted in any of the said Exceptions.

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