THE PRINCIPLES of the DOCTRINE of CHRIST, set downe most briefely.
Sect. 1.
GOD is a Ioh. 4.24. God is a Spirit. Spiritual This word, essence, signifieth a being. God is the first and chiefest being. He saith. Exod. 3.14. I am: implying his selfe-being. And he giueth beeing to all other things. Essence, Psal. 90. verse 2. From everlasting to everlasting thou art God. Ier. 23.24. I fill heauen and earth. infinite and Gen. 17.1. I am the Almightie God. Almightie, Psal. 147.5. His understanding is infinite. most Wise and Isa. 6.3. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts. most Holy, 2. Cor. 1.3. The Father of mercies. most Mercifull and Psal. 11.7. The just Lord loveth justice. most Iust.
The Godhead is distinguished [Page 2]into 1. Ioh. 5.7. There are three that beare record in heauen, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost: and these three are one. three divine Persons: the Father, who is of himselfe; the Sonne, who is of the Father; the holy Ghost, who is of them both.
All these three are one, and the same God.
Sect. 2.
This God; the Father, the Son, the holy Ghost; Nehem. 9.6. Thou hast made heauen, the heauen of heauens with all their hoste, the earth and all things that are therein, the seas and all that is therein; and thou preservest them all. created all things: things invisible, as Angels; and visible, as Men, and other creatures. And he gouerneth them all.
Sect. 3.
God created our first parents in Gen. 1.27. God created man in his owne image. Man resembled his Creator in excellent gifts: in soule, in body, in both. blessed estate. Hee adorned their soules with wise-dome, and righteousnesse: their bodies with beautie, and glorie: and both with immortalitie, and dominion over other creatures.
But by the Gen. 3.4, 5. The serpent said unto the woman yee shall not surely die: — Yee shall be as Gods— inticement of [Page 3]the Divell, they Gen. 3. [...]. When the woman saw, that the tree was — to bee desired to make one wise, (to wit, in her seduced iudgement) shee tooke of the fruite thereof, and did eate: and gaue also unto her husband — fell willingly from God, and Rom. 5.19. By the disobedience of one man, many were made sinners. This man was Adam, our first parent: his fosleritie, who are many, which issue by generation from him, are made sinners by imputation of his sinne. wee, their posterity, fel with them. Hereby, our whole nature is corrupted, and inclined to all evil. Whereupon wee are Deut. 27.26. and Gal. 3.10. Cursed is every one that continueth not in al things which are written in the booke of the law, to doe them. The curse of God containeth all troubles of this life; and torment of the text. subject to eternall miserie: beginning in this life, in manifold calamities: and continuing after this life, in unquenchable fire.
Sect. 4.
Gal 4.4, 5. God sent forth his Sonne — made under the law: to redeeme them that were under the law.To redeeme us out of this miserie, and to bring us againe to felicitie, God hath given to us a Sauiour: His Sonne, Iesus Christ.
Christ consisteth of Ioh. 1.14. The word was made flesh. That is, the Sonne of God was made man: and so is, both the Sonne of God; and the Sonne of man. two natures: a divine nature, wherby he is perfect God: and an humane nature, whereby he is perfect man.
That being God, he might be able to beare the punishment due to us: and might make the obedience of his manhood of infinite value. And being man, sinne might be punished in that nature which sinned: and in the same, the righteousnesse of the law might be fulfilled.
He hath three offices: Hee is a Heb. 5.5. God glorified Christ, to bee made an high Priest. Priest. a Luk. 7.16. A great Prophet is risen up among us. Prophet, and a Luk. 1.33. He shall reigne for ever, over the house of Iacob. That is, over the whole Church of God: which was first confined within Iacobs familie: and now into it all beleevers are adopted. King.
He is a Priest, to make satisfaction & intercession for us.
Hee maketh satisfaction, by 1. Pet. 2.24. His owne selfe bare our sinnes, in his owne body, on the tree. suffering the punishment of our sinnes: and by Rom. 5.19. By the obedience of one, shall many be made righteous. This one is Christ: the whole multitude of beleevers in him, are made righteous, by imputation of his righteousnesse. fulfilling, on our behalfe, all the righteousnesse of the law.
He maketh intercession, by Heb. 9.24. Christ is entred into heauen, to appeare in the presence of God for us, His appearing hath the force of an intreating. intreating God the Father to accept his satisfaction for us.
He is a Prophet, Ioh. 15.15. All things that I haue heard of my Father, I haue made knowne unto you. to teach us the will of God; and the meanes of salvation.
He is a King, to governe us: and to Ioh. 10.28. My sheepe shal never perish: none shall pluck thē out of my hand. keepe us in the way of salvation.
Sect. 5.
Of this Saviour, and of his salvation, we are Ioh. 3.36. He that beleeueth on the Sonne, hath everlasting life. partakers by faith in him.
Faith is a speciall grace of God, whereby wee Ioh. 1.12. To as many as received him, he gave power to become the sons of God: even to thē that beleeue on his name. Here, the receiving of Christ, is the same with beleeving on Christ. Therefore when hee is beleeved on, he is received. apply Christ to our selues: and are 1. Ioh. 5.13. These things haue I writē unto you, that beleeue on the name of the Son of God, that yee may know, that yee haue eternall life. assured, through his merits, of our eternall salvation.
Sect. 6.
They which beleeue in Christ, are Act. 13.39. By him all that beleeue, are justified. iustified, and Act. 15.9. By faith our hearts are purified. sanctified: and therefore endeavour to be Ioh. 15.5. He that abideth in me — bringeth foorth much fruite. plentifull in all good workes.
Sect. 7.
We must be carefull to use all good means, that faith may be wrought, and increased in us.
The principall meanes are three: the hearing of the word of God, the receiving of the Sacraments, and Prayer.
Wee must heare the word of God with Act. 15.14. The Lord opened the heart of Lydia, that shee attended unto the things which were spoken. diligent attention: and keepe it in our hearts by Psa. 1.1, 2. Blessed is the man that — doth meditate in the law of the Lord, day and night. continuall meditation.
The Sacraments are holy Rom. 4.11. Abraham received the signe of circumcision, a seale of the righteousnes of faith. As circumcision was a signe of the Covenant of Grace, and a seale to assure the beleevers the remission of sinnes: so are the other Sacraments. signes and seales, by which God declareth and sealeth, for the satisfaction of Christ, remission of sinnes, and life everlasting, to every beleever.
There be two Sacraments Baptisme, and the Lords Supper.
Baptisme is a Sacrament, [Page 7]whereby is sealed to us, our Circumcision sealed to the people of Israel, that God for the merit of the promised seede would bee their God: and Baptisme, succeeding that Sacrament, sealeth the same to us. receiving into the Covenant of Grace, our Gal. 3.27. As many as haue beene baptized into Christ, haue put on Christ. ingrafting into Christ, and our Tit. 3.5. God saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the holy Ghost. regeneration by the holy Ghost.
The Lords Supper is a Sacrament, whereby is sealed to us, the continuance and increasing of the benefits confirmed by Baptisme. Namely our remaining in the Covenant of Grace: our further ingrafting into Christ, and regeneration by his Spirit: and so our neerer union and communion with him.
Foure things are required to the receiving of the Lords Supper. Knowledge of the Grounds of Religion: Exod. 12. The posts of every mans house were sprinkled with the blood of the Paschall Lambe: So every man must haue the satisfaction of Christ, by faith imputed to himselfe. This faith must shew it selfe in the fruits thereof. Faith in Christ: Repentance for our sinnes: Charitie to our neighbours.
Prayer is an Psal. 143.6. My soule thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land. earnest desire of a Prov. 28.9. He that turneth away his eare from hearing the law, euen his prayer is abomination. converted heart to God, [Page 8]according to his 1. Ioh. 5.14. If wee aske any thing according to his will, he heareth us. will, in the Ioh. 16.26. Ye shall aske in my name. name of Christ, with Mark. 11.24. What things soever ye desire when ye pray, beleeue that ye receiue them. confidence to be heard.
Sect. 8.
Having declared the estate of man in this life; what it was in his innocencie, and what it hath beene since his fall, both by nature, and by grace: I will also shew his estate after this life.
THE estate of the dead is this. The soules of the godly are in heauen, in Rev. 14 13. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord — that they may rest from there labours. blessed rest: Rev. 7.9, 10. A great multitude — stood before the throne — and cryed-Salvation to our God — and unto the Lambe. praising God; and Rev. 6.9, 10. The soules of them that were shine for the Word of God — cried—How long, Lord—doest thou not judge & avenge our blood. — desiring their perfect felicitie.
The soules of the wicked are 1. Pet. 3.19, 20. The spirits, which were disobedient in the daies of Noah, are in prison: So are the soules of all that haue died in their sinnes. imprisoned in hell: feeling the Luk. 16.23, 24. The rich man in hell, being in torments, cried, I am tormented in this flame. horrour thereof; in [Page 9]dreadfull expectation of the ful measure of their torments.
Thus both remaine till the last judgement. Then, the dead shall Ioh. 5.28, 29. All that are in the graues — shal come forth. rise, with their Iob 19.26, 27. In my flesh shall I see God: — Mine eyes shall behold him. — own bodies. The living shall be 1. Cor. 15.51. Wee shall not all sleepe: but wee shall all bee changed. changed. And all shal 2. Cor. 5.10. Wee must all appeare before the judgement seat of Christ: that every one may receiue — according to that hee hath done.— appeare before Christ: and be judged according to their workes.
After which, the godly shall Math. 25.34. Come yee blessed—inherite the kingdome prepared for you — Then, they shall bee Kings. inherite the kingdome of heauen. They shall haue Rev. 21.3. God will dwell with men. ful communion with Christ: and with the Father, and the holy Ghost. There soules shall be indued with the 1. Cor. 13.12. We shall see face to face. Evidently and clearely. The morall law, now impossible to our fallen nature, shall then be perfectly fulfilled. perfect knowledge, and loue of God. Their bodies shall bee Phil. 3.21. Christ will change our vile body, that it may bee fashioned like unto his glorious body. like the glorious body of Christ. And all shall haue Psal 16.11. In thy presence is fulnesse of joy. fulnesse of ioy, for ever.
But the wicked shall be cast Luk. 13.27: Depart from me all yee workers of iniquitie. from God: into Iude vers. 13. The blacknesse of darkenesse. The greatest and thickest darkenesse. extreame darkenesse, and Dan. 12.2. Shame and everlasting contempt. utter confusion; tormented in soule and body, in a Rev. 21.8. The fearefull, and unbeleeving, and adhominable — shall haue there part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone. lake burning with fire and brimstone, for Math. 25.46. They shall goe into everlasting punishment. ever.