[papal blazon or coat of arms]



[royal English blazon or coat of arms]

¶Indulgences graunted to all and euery crysten man and whoman in what someuer party of the worlde they be entrynge in to the fraternyite of saynt Katheryn in the mounte of Synay.

S. K.

P. F.

IN the name of our lorde Ihesu Cryste his blessyd mother vyrgyne Mary and saynt katheryne the whiche vowed her vyrgynyte vnto our lorde Ihesu cryst. &c̄. Be it knowe vnto al & euery crysten man and woman that in the deserte of Araby the myddell parte of the infydelles is a certayne moū t [...]yne called the mounte of Synay hauynge in euery syde infydelles borderynge .viii. C. myles fro the company of crysten men in the whiche mountayne almyghty god appered & as Dauyd the profyte testefyeth spake with Moyses face to face and gaue to hym the .x. commaundementes where and Moyses sawe a bu [...]she brennynge all in fyre & by that fyre nothynge consumed / sygnyfyenge the Incar­nacyon of the sone of god to the toppe of the whiche Mountayne god by his aungelles cauled the body of that blessyd vyrgyne saynt katheryne to be brought whereby processe of tyme for a remembraunce of so grete meruaylles in the honoure of the sayd saynt Katheryne was buylded a deuoute monastery. For the fauoure of whome also our holy fathers Innocentius the .viii. Iulyus the seconde and Leo the .x. popes of Rome hath graunted the Indulgences folowynge for .iii. specyall causes. Fyrst for the mayunyenaunce of the monkes of the sayd place y e multytude of whome is grete there seruynge god vnder the rule of saynt Basyle and with grete reuerence kepynge the gloryous body of the sayd saynt katheryne whiche monkes in the myddes of the sayd Infydell [...]s lyke shepe amonge wolues lede theyr lyfe in extreme pouerte and tere bothe by cause they dwell .viii. C. myles from any crysten men as we sayd before / & also bycause the coun­trees lyenge .C. C. Myles rounde aboute The sayd Monastery is vnfruytefull bryngynge torthe nother corne nor wyne. Secondely the sayd Indulgences were graunted that the sayd monastery myght be the better repayred in buyldynges and maynteyned w t bokes chalyses & other ornamentes longynge to y e chyrche for bycause it hath no smale ruyne & decay by y e inuasyons & oppressyons nowe lately done bothe by y e grete tyranny of the Turke and the Sowdan. Thyrdely the sayd indulgences were graunted to the sayd monastery & hospytall for the charytable receyuynge of pylgrymes resortynge to the same whiche pylgry­mes w tin the space of. CC. myles can fynde nother house nor habytacyon to put theyr heedes in but onely y e sayd monastery whiche pylgrymes yf they sholde not mekely & charytable be receyued of the sayd monkes doubtelesse many of them sholde take sykenesse and other bodely inconuenyentes thrughe tedyousnes and laboure of theyr Iourneys.

[...] of causes papall.

[...] auctoryte of our say [...] [...]ly [...] popes [...] that they may chose theym a suffycyent confessoure seculer or reguler whiche dylygē [...]ely h [...] ­rynge theyr confessyon may assoyle them of all & euery one of theyr synnes crymes excesses or causes reserued to the [...]ee of Rome ones in theyr lyfe excepte onely suche causes that be conteyned in the bulle that is redde on Sherethursdaye.

¶Absolucyon tociens quociens.

¶Also the sayd auctoryte is graunted to the foresayd Bretherne & Systerne & benefactours y t they may chose a suffycyent confessoure as is specy­fyed aboue / the whiche dylygently herynge theyr confessyon may assoyle them as often tymes as it shall be nedefull from al theyr synnes or causes excepte them that be reserued to the see of Rome.

¶Full remyssyon in the artycle of dethe.

¶Also by the sayd auctoryte is graunted to the bretherne and systerne that they may chose them in y e artycle of dethe a suffycyent confessoure whiche may assoyle them from all theyr synnes and causes howe greuous and enorme someuer they be and to graunte them full pardon & remyssyon of all theyr synnes and to remytte paynes dewe for theyr synnes in purgatory.

¶The reuerent Abbot w t the couent of the sayd monastery hathe wylled & by theyr letters hathe declared that the foresayd Bretherne & systerne may be partakers for euermore in tyme to come of all masses prayers & other spyrytuall suffrages whiche shall be done by thē in y e sayd monastery

¶Punysshment for lettynge of this commyssyon.

¶Also our foresayd holy father. Leo the x. nowe beynge Pope is infourmed by the recorde of credyble parsones that Dane Clement is a true mō ke & a true proctoure of y e sayd monastery wherfore he exorteth all maner of lordes / patryarkes / Archebysshops / bysshops / Abbottes / & theyr depu­tyes and all other hauynge dygnyte of Crystes chyrche that they wyll withstande & punysshe by the Censures of the chyrche & other remedyes of the lawe all appelynge set asyde suche men that contraryeth and letteth the foresayd Clement or ony commyssyoners by hym for y e tyme deputyed in publysshynge of the sayd pardons takynge vnto them yf necessyte shall requyre helpe and assystence of the laytye.

¶Also it is commaunded by the auctoryte of the pope vnder the payne of excommunycacyon in doynge the contrary that all maner of abbottes Pryours and parsones of parysshe chyrches shewe and publysshe to the people the sayd Indulgences when they shall be requyred for the behalfe of y e sayd Dane Clement or of ony other by hym deputyed whiche Indulgence our foresayd holy father Leo nowe beynge pope hathe determyned not for to be comprehended vnder ony maner of reuokynge lymyttynge or modefyeng of other Indulgences as for the fauoure of buyldynge of saynt Peters chyrche in Rome but alwaye to be excepte.

¶Also out holy father Leo the .x. nowe beynge pope requyreth al & euery one beynge parsones & mynysters of parysshe chyrches y t immedyately after the receyuynge of this present artycles they shewe & publysshe the sayd Indulgences and pryuyleges to the people assygned vnto them with out contradyccyon vnder the payne of excōmunycacyon. ¶Also the foresayd Dane Clement besecheth and prayeth the parsones & mynysters of parysshe chyrches for the loue of god & saynt Katheryne that they wyll whytsawfe to do these .iii. thynges folowynge. ¶Fyrst after suche declara­cyon of Indulgences made by them that the almes gadered that thay wyll wytsaffe for to wryte euery man & womans name in there letter or con­fessōnall wan that be requyryd. Secondely that they delyuer confessyonalles or letters testemonyalles for the sayd fraternyte to all good crysten people gyuynge of theyr goodes as theyr deuocyon or conscyēs gyueth them. Thyrdely that they shewe to the people that they may enioy these fore sayd Indulgences not onely by gyuyng [...] theyr almes in redy money but also by gyuynge suche other goodes as god sendeth them.

¶Commaundement vnder the seale of our souerayne lorde the kynge.

¶Also our souerayne lorde kynge Henry the .viii. by the grace of god kynge of Englonde & of Fraunce & lorde of Irelonde consyderynge y e grete trybulacyon & sorowe of the sayd monastery as the wryttynge of our holy father the pope testefyeth vnder leade & fourme of a breffe moued by the way of pyte hath gracyously graunted the sayd Indulgences to be publysshed thrughout all his royalme vnder his letter pattent & cōmendeth all offycers & mynysters of chyrches to ryse vp & gather suche almes as shall be gyuen vnto them. And fauourably gyue it to y e sayd Dane Clemēt or his deputyes.

God saue the kynge.

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