[depiction of St. George slaying the dragon]

_ [...] saynt George the martyr in Sowthwerke protecter & defender of th [...] [...] the of Englande any thynge or helpe with any parte of theyr goodes [...] Reparaciōs or maynteynynge the seruyce of almghty god done in [...] [...] me place / as in gyuyng any boke / belle / or lyght or any other churchly ornamētes they sh [...] of eche vs Cardinalles syngulerly aforesayd a .C. dayes of pardon. ¶Also there is foūde [...] same parysshe church aforesayd .iii. chauntre preestꝭ ꝑpetually to pray in the sayd churche [...] bretherne & systers of the same fraternite & for the soules of theym that be departed & for all [...] sten soules. And also .iiii. tymes by the yere Placebo & Dirige with .xiiii. preestꝭ & clerkes [...] iii. solempne masses one of out Lady / another of saynt George with a masse of Requiem. ¶Moreouer our holy fathers Cardynalles of Rome aforesayd haue graunted the pard [...] [...] foloweth to all theym that be bretherne and systers of the same fraternite at euery of these [...] [...] lowyng / that is to say the first sonday after the feest of saynt Ioh. baptyst on the whiche d [...] [...] same church was halowed .xii.C. dayes of pardon. ¶Also the feest of saynt Michaell y e a [...] gell .C. dayes of pardon. ¶Also the seconde son day in Lent .xii.C. dayes of ꝑdon. ¶ [...] frydaye / the whiche daye Christe suffered his passion .xii.C. dayes of pardon. ¶ [...] [...]daye in whytson weke .xii.C. dayes of pardon. ¶And also at euery feest of our le [...] [...]erly by hymselfe from the first euensong to the seconde euensong inclusiuely .xii.C. of ꝑdon. ¶Also my lord Cardinall & chaūceller of Englande hath gyuen a .C. dayes of pa [...] ¶The sūme of the pardon cōmeth to in the yere .xii.M.CCCC. & .xl. dayes of p [...] ¶The summe of the masses that is sayd & song within the same parysshe churche [...] George is a .M. and .xliiii.

¶God saue the kynge.

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