[...] [...] shopes & byssops of y e holy Coūseyll apostolyke of Rome cōsiderynge great necessyte & nedes of an holy hospytall named w tī this realme of Englōde saynt katheryne of Lyncoln̄ certefyed & founden w toute y e walles of y e sayd cyte of Lyncoln̄ & ī this sayd Hospitall is serteyne P̄estes & clarkes y t deyly & nyghtly & hourly serue god in all theyr seruys & [...]uery weke placebo & dirige w t all seruyce to y t belōgyng. They prayeng for all benefactours [...]d doers for euer ī y t place. This place not sufficiēt ī lōdes & goodꝭ but thorough y e gyftꝭ of all [...]ristē people / whefore our holy faders aforsayd haue geuē & graūted to all them y t giueth eny [...] or porciō of theyr goodes to y e supportaciō helpe & purchasyng of y e sayd hospitall to be parti [...] ꝑretaker of all suche p̄uilegis & ꝑdon as hereafter folowen. ¶Fyrste pope v [...]bā y e .iiii. graū [...] [...] penaūce enioined .ii. hole yeres & .ii. lētes of ꝑdon. ¶Also pope. vrban y e .v [...] graūteth at eue [...] [...]ncipal Feste in y e yere w t y e vtas of euery of thē .vii. yeres & .vii. Lētes & euery of y e .vi. day [...] [...] whitsō weke a .C. dayes of ꝑdon. ¶Also pope Martyne y e .iiii. graūteth .iiii. yere of ꝑdon. so pope Boniface y e .ix. moueth prayeth & exorteth all Cristē people in remissiō of theyr syn [...] [...] geuynge theyr almes to y e sustētaciō of y e sayd plase y t they may be releyue īto euerlastyng [...] he by the auctorite of Peter & paule graciouly absolueth them / & at y e our of deth graūteth [...] ry remissyō of all syns. ¶Also pope Nicolas y e .iiii. in y e Feste of saynt Katherin y e Virgin [...]
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