BE it knowen to all Cristē people that syr Iohn̄ Pyllet Eng [...] Knyght of the holy sepulcre of Criste cōmynge from Iherusalem / was ta [...] Mauris & Infidels cruel ennemys vnto cristes feithe / and by them throu [...] their great to rmentꝭ and thretnyngꝭ of dethe was compelled eyther to leu [...] feithe and to folowe & obserue theyr moost dāpnable secte & lawes outhe [...] vnto them many millions of ducatꝭ of golde / and bycause the sayd Knyg [...] to lose the goodes of this worlde than he woldꝭ denye the faithe of Christ [...] the ioye of euerlastynge lyfe / hath bounde hymselfe in the sūme of .ii.M. d [...] [...] tayne Venycians the whiche dyd pay the sayd sūme of .ii.M. ducatis oute of handꝭ to the fore [...] [...] ris & Infidels for the delyueraūce of the sayd Knyght from theyr pryson and tourmentꝭ. Fert [...] foresayd Knyght is boūde by the othe of his religion and by laudable ordynaūces and statut [...] to come in his owne ꝑsone or by some sufficient man for hymnat withoute his great costes a [...] his great Maister nowe and for the tyme beynge as often as he shalbe called to fight for the [...] Cristen feithe ayenst the sayd Infidels cruell ennemies vnto cristen religion. And where also [...] full to the sayd Knyght to come contrarie to his othe and profession. And it is also honeste t [...] [...] chauntꝭ of Venyce shuld be recompensed and satisfied of theyr duty the whiche can nat be d [...] Knyght excepte he shulde selle suche landes and goodes Immouable whiche he hath within [...] ducates. And also the sayd [...] the honoure of that religion and Knyghtes of the same shulde be cōpelled to begge [...], his [...] tendre consideracion wherof y t the sayd Knyght myght be som what relyued / and that cristē [...] be the more gladder to put to theyr helpynge handes to the premisses in asmoche as by suche [...] they may truste to optayne the helthe of theyr soules / Our holy father pope Leo that nowe is [...] selfe nat sufficient to socoure all suche parsones that be oppressed and cometh to Rome for a [...] by the mercy of almyghty god and by the auctorite of saynt Peter & Paule to euery mā & we [...] truly penytent and confessed / whiche by hym selfe or by any other man shall, put to theyr help and gyue theyr almes vnto the foresayd Iohn̄ Knyght of the sayd holy sepulcre or to his de [...] payment of the sayd sūme of .ii.M. ducates hath released as often as they shall do it .xv. yer [...] [...] ny lents of penaūce inioyned. And in like maner for these consideracions aboue sayd .xii. Car [...] graunted .xii.C. dayes of pardon for euery tyme so doynge. ¶Also my lorde Archebyshope [...] [...] ry Prymat of Englande hath graūted .xl. dayes of ꝑdon. ¶Also my lorde byshope of Lynce [...] [...] ted .xl. dayes of pardon. ¶Also my lorde Byshope of Rochester hath graūted .xl. dayes of ꝑ [...] [...] my lorde Byshope of Chester hath graunted of his special grace .xl. dayes of pardon. ¶Als [...] [...] Salisbury hath graūted .xl. dayes of ꝑdon. ¶The sūme of y e hole Indulgence is .vii.M.v. [...]
¶Also our soueraygne lorde Kynge Henry the .viii. hath gyuen oute his letters Patentes v [...] Seale requyrynge & praynge to all them that be his trewe louers & subiectis fauorablye t [...] messangers. Ferthermore hath straytly charged & cōmaūded to all singular heed officers y t Mayres / baylyues / & Cōstables of euery Cyte / brough / & towne / aswell within the libertie [...] they to gether the almes dedes of euery charitable & well disposed persone / and it so gathere [...] [...] red to the sayd Collectours / and they to haue for theyr good dede Goddis blessynge and ou [...]
¶God saue the kynge.