CHARLES, Earle of Nottingham, Barron Howard of E [...]ingham, Knight of the most Noble order of the Garter, Lord Lietetenant of his Maiesties Counties of Sussex, and Surry, Constable of his Maiesties Honour and Castle of Windsor chiefe Iustice and Iustice Itinerant of all his Maiesties Forrests, Parkes, Chases & Warrens on this side Trent. Lord high Admirall of England, Ireland, and Wales, and the Dominions and Isles of the same, of the towne of Callis, and Ma [...]hes thereof, Normandy, Gascoigne, and Gwines, and Captaine Generall of his Maiesties Seas, and Nauy royall.
TO all & singuler Viceadmiralles, Iustices of peace, Mayors, Sheriffes, Bayliffs, Parsons, Vicars, Curates, Cunstables, Churchwardens, Headboroughes, Tythingmen, Collectors, and all other his Maiesties Officers, Ministers, and l [...]uing Subiects whatsoeuer, to whom thiese Presents shall be [...] gréeting.
WHEREAS the bearer hereof Anastasius Ioseph, borne in Amasia the chiefe Cittie of Capadocia, a Marchant by his t [...]de, and of good accompt and worth, was by the malice of some wicked men in Walachia, enuying his wealth and prosperitie, accused, falsely, cast in prison, robbed of all his goods, and his onely Sonne taken from him and sould to the Turkes, who keepes him still in slauery and bondage vntill such time he eyther deny his Sauiour Christ & turning Turke, embrace Mahometisme, or pay for his ransome and libertie seauen hundred Crownes, vpon consideration whereof hee hath a Testimoniall vnder the most high and mightie Emperour of Germanie, his hand and seale of the Duke of Walachia, of the Patriarch of Constantinople, of the Archbishops of Lacedemonia, and Bulgaria, of the Earles of Pembrooke, and Mountgomery, of diuers Bishops, Deanes, Mayors of Citties, and sundry learned men of this kingdome, and of the Councell of Scotland, who haue fauourably assisted him with their [...] Almes for his owne better reliefe in his trauels, and the more speedy redemption of his sonne. Thiefe are therefore in his Maiesties name, and by highnes authoritie royall to me in this behalfe Directed: to require you and euery of you in your seuerall places, to recommend his miserable estate and condition vnto the charitable deuotion of the people, and to permit and suffer him the said Anastasius Ioseph (he behauing himselfe honestly and soberly according to his Maiesties lawes) to trauell by you and euery of you, through any parts of this Realme without any trouble or molestation, and by the way to helpe him with conuenient lodging, he demaunding the same in due time: And hereof faile ye not. Giuen at London in his Maiesties High Court of the Admiraltie of England, the second day of Iuly in the yeare of our Lord God 1613. and in the eleuenth yeare of the Raigne of our Soueraigne Lord Iames. By the grace of God King of England, Scotland, Fraunce, and Ireland, Defendor of the Faith, &c. And of his Raigne of Scotland the [...]xe and [...]or [...]eth. 1613.