❧A Medicinable Morall, that is, the two Bookes of Horace his Satyres, En­glyshed accordyng to the prescription of saint Hierome.

Episto. ad Ruffin.

Quod malum est, muta.
Quod bonum est, prode.

The Wailyngs of the Prophet Hieremiah, done into Englyshe verse. Also Epigrammes.

T. Drant.

Antidotis salutaris amaror.

Perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes Maie­sties Iniunctions.

Imprinted at London in Fletestrete by Thomas Marshe. M.D.LXVI.

TO THE RIGHT HONO­rable my Lady Ba [...]on, and my lady Ci­cell, sisters, fauourers of lear­nyng and vertue.


GENTLE and Christian Reader, miserie from our beginninge: and ty­ranye of appetyte to our ending. The one will maister vs by that wee be borne: and the other disquyet vs to the verye momente that we dye. The selynes of miserye, shoulde, and might be cawse in vs to kill, and mortefie the appetyte: but we make the soueraintye of our appetyte, a speedie introduction to all kynde of myserie. Appetyte is one waye naturall, and so farre to be allowed of. Againe she is a lawles lustinge of the fleshe, the whiche fleshe is our owne, so that such appetyte, or luste, is our neare allye, and in dede altogether sibbe vs. By the whith knotte of alli­aunce she will still be acquainted, and vppon longe ac­quaintaunce growe to a stronge, and mightie credit with vs: as, to leade, & misleade vs, and most vnnatu­rallye abuse vs, her owne naturall kinsefolke, and fo­sterers. The fleshe wisheth after sundrye thinges, and that in sundrye maner: All the whyche lustynge, is concupiscence, or appetite: so that Appetite is diuers, therfore her fruictes are manifold, her fruictes are sin­nes, the gua [...]don of synne is deathe: and because we are all lothe to dye, it were wel done we should marke some lessons auailable, and restoratiue to lyfe. Sinne is not onely fruitfull in springinge, but if she be crop­ped, lyke Hydraes heades in multiplyinge. It is ther­fore halfe a victorye to beate her downe: and a try­umphante conqueste to houlde her downe. Neither is shee more stronge then flye, so that when she can not ouercum vs by puissaunce, she will, and doth deceyue [Page] vs by guyle: and failinge to preuaile as a tyraunte, she neuer faileth to plaie her pagiaunte as an Hypocryte. Worthilye therfore is she portrayed of the beste prac­tysed, and moste heedefull painters halfe cladde, and halfe bare. The philophers saye, the more grosse parte is apparant: and the more hurtefull parte couered or dissembled. So that here is wysedome There was neuer yet coyne so well stamped, but there hathe bene forged dyuers the lyke counterfeyts: and the better coyne, the more counterfeites thereof. The moste cleare and brighte vertue, that hathe, or shall florishe was neuer so modeste in attyre, but vyce (howe drabbishe so euer she hath ben) hath brought to passe to be comp­ted as demure, and matrone like. The more beautifull the vertue is the more dangerous is her vitious counterfaite. And because eche like thing tendreth his like, therfore, semblable vertues are deceiued in semblable vices. So that those vertues (sely innocentes as they be) receiue for frendes their enemies, for true and very sisters, vntrue and deceitfull foes. Under the winges of many a good vertue, slepeth soundly many a lewd vice. Likewise the likelyhode that hipocrites seme to haue with the best lyued, is to them frō tyme to tyme, a quiet and most easefull harbour. Yea, the godly oft tymes not so much had in price, as their counterfaits, dissemblyng naughtie packs. And how cometh (think you) to passe, this so blynde and disordered a tragedie? because (as I erst sayde) the more parte of vice is co­uered. And as fewe or none with insyghte can pearce through her clothes: so fewe or none doo attempt to deuest or plucke of her vaile of hypocrisie. Horace was excellent good in his time, a muche zelous controller [Page] of sinne, but chiefly one that with sharpe satyres and cutting quippies, coulde wel displaie and disease a glo­ser. The holy Prophete Ieremie dyd rufully and way­lingly lam [...]nte the deepe and massie enormities of his tymes, & earnestly prognosticate and forspeake the so­rie and sower consequents that came after, and sauce with teares the hard plagues that had gone before. Therfore as it is mete for a man of god rather to wepe then to iest: and not vndecent for a prophane writer to be iestyng, and merie spoken: I haue brought to passe that the plaintiue Prophete Ieremie shoulde wepe at synne: and the pleasant poet Horace shoulde laugh at synne Not one kynde of musike deliteth all passions: nor one salue for all greuances. If a man woulde ca­lender in mynde the sequele of tymes, and whome the world dubbeth as worthies, and culleth as her whel­pes, and how for shewes and pratling of pietie, she proclaimeth fooles holy, admireth fooles, magnifieth foo­les: and how for not pratyng of pietie, or not glosyng, she misiudgeth the wise, discrediteth the wise, propha­neth the wise: not a thousand Democrati, coulde suffise to laugh at the one, nor a thousād Heracliti be enough to wepe at the other. Horace because he was not in a­ny such time, wherin pretenced forwardnesse, was an haruest to those that pretended it, and a despoiling winter blaste, to that religion, wherfore it semed to be pre­tēded: he neuer se, y t with the view of his eie, which his pensiue translater can not but oueruew with the lan­guishe of his soule. Natheles such vices as were then flydge, and incident into that age, he assaileth fearcely, and ratleth vp bitterly. His eloquence is somtyme to sharpe, and therfore I haue blunted it, and somtymes [Page] to dull, and therefore I haue whetted it: helpyng hym to ebbe, and helpyng hym to rife. I began this worke (a thyng of small accompt) two yeres agone, or more, and haue dispatched it by piece meale, or inche meale, with smal preiudice or none to my studie or profession. In the first and second Satire I haue taken it a note beyond the text: afterward plodded on much more precisely. At y begynning he is loftie, but afterward wonderfully calmed. I dare not warraunt the Reader) to vnderstand him in all places, no more then he did me. Howbeit I haue made him more lightsom, well nie by the tone halfe (a small accomplishement for one of my continuance) and if thou canst not nowe in all points perceiue him (thou must beare with me) in soothe the default is thyne own. This is a true assertion: who so but knewe the least part of Horace his satyres, as they were before. may nowe vnderstande them all in their new Englyshe liuerey.

Deut. 21. cha. FYRST I haue done as the people of god wer cōmanded to do with their captiue women that were hansome and beautifull: I haue shaued of his heare, & pared of his nayles (that is) I haue wyped awaye all his vanitie and superfinitie of matter. Further, I haue for the moste part drawen his priuate carpyng of this or that man to a general mor [...]l. I haue englished thin­ges not accordyng to the vain of the Latin proprietie, but of our own vulgar tongue. I haue interfarced (to remoue his obscuritie, and sometymes to better his matter) much of myne owne deuysinge. I haue pee­ced his reason, eekede, and mended his similitudes, mollyfied his hardnes, prolonged his cortall kynd of speches, changed▪ & muche altered his wordes, but not [Page] his sentence: or at leaste (I dare say) not his purpose. For shorte if thou canste credit me: do so. If not aske counsaile at his interpreters: and if some thinge shall seeme to the straunglye, or not reasonablye done thou shalte fynde (I am sewer) that it came so to passe not vppon negligence but iudgemente. Otherwyse if anie will deceyue him selfe in mysiudgynge, he shall haue muche a doe to make me angrye. For what so is spo­ken of me sinisterlye through the speakers eyther euill will, or small skill, my fashion is to be loth to heare it: but not wrothe to reuenge it▪ The poet is thus: some­tymes he wadeth verye farre in fetchinge out his mat­ter, and somtymes he is brittle, and soone broken of from his matter: So that thou muste be deepe witted to begyn with him and wel witted to take him with thee▪ Thou must (gentle reader) bring in thy self help to the vnderstandinge of him, and will lykewyse to thyne owne amendmente. Or ells it will but fall out with the accordinge to the tenour of this distichon.

Not he can gette great lore, that skylles comes to heare,
Nor those y e neuer good wer taught, can naught hēs beare

Priscus Grammaticus de Satyra. ‘Satyra est carmen acerbum, instrumētum mordax. &c.’

A Satyre, is a tarte and carpyng kynd of verse,
An instrument to pynche the prankes of men,
And for as muche as pynchynge instrumentes do perse,
Yclept it was full well a Satyre then.
A name of Arabique to it they gaue:
For Satyre there, doothe signifye a glaue.
Or Satyra, of Satyrus, the mossye rude,
Unciuile god: for those that wyll them write
With taunting gyrds & glikes and gibes must vexe the lewde,
Strayne curtesy: ne reck of mortall spyte.
Shrouded in Mosse, not shrynkyng for a shower
Deemyng of mosse as of a regall bower.
Satyre of writhled waspyshe Saturne may be namde
The Satyrist must be a wasper in moode,
Testie and wrothe with vice and hers, to see bothe blamde
But courteous and frendly to the good.
As Saturne cuttes of tymes with equall sythe:
So this man cuttes downe synne, to coy and blythe.
Or Satyra of Satur thauthors must be full
Of fostred arte, infarst in ballasde breste.
To teach the worldlyngs wyt, whose witched braines are dull
The worste wyll pardie hearken to the best.
If that the Poet be not learnde in deede,
Muche maye he chatte, but fewe wyll marke his reede.
Lus [...]ll, (I wene) was parent of this nyppyng ryme:
Next hudlyng Horace, braue in Satyres grace.
Thy praysed Pamphlet (Persie) well detected cryme
Syr Iuu [...]nall deserues the latter place.
The Satyrist loues Truthe, none more then he.
An vtter foe to fraude in eache degree.

❧ THE POET SPEAKETH Reuerently to his patron Maecenas, bytterly con­trolleth the vnconstancye of men, and their chaungeable affections, that none of them will con­tente him with his share: and herevpon taking occa­sion, he doeth bende a greate parte of his artillarye a­gainst the couetous: whose rauenous and vnsatiable doings, he doeth egerly deteste and abhorre.

RIght drad Mecenas whats the cause
that none contente abyde
In trayn [...]d trade, that whylome choyse
or chaunce to them affyed?
But loues, and lykes, an others lote,
and nouell lyfe pursues.
Still flotes and flyts, from former fate
Ne brookes the same to vse.
Thunwyldye warryer waste with toyle
wyth grouelyng elde for spente,
O makelesse marchaunte mumbleth he
O state with blisse Yblent.
The fearefull marchaunt he again,
When waltring wynd [...]s amayne
With plunging puffes, from Sothren coste
and hydiouse hissing rayne,
Torments the Sea, hoistes vp the waues
that doth surmounte the sayle,
Saunce pere doth deme the souldyers guyse
for why, they tugge▪ they hayle
They pr [...]ase in plumpes on mortall yron
where eftesones eyther bayne
Is prest: or gladsum trumpets clang
dooth blase tryumphante gayne.
The counsailer for Meede, or fee
that parles, and pledes the lawes
When at cockes crow, his gats are pushte
with hastinge Clyentes pawes.
[Page]Then happye farmer ofte sayth he
for thou in golden sleepe
Arte soust: of mout or suite vndreamde
of barre thou beares no kepe.
The chubbyshe gnof that toyles and moyles
and delueth in the downe,
If happlye he a suertie be,
so sente for into towne;
Who gapes, who gawes, who pores, who pries
who proggs his mate but he?
Perfaye (saith he), hers all things ryse,
these people blessed be
The resydue that rests vnroulde,
the remnaunte that remayne,
Of this new fanglde fickle flocke,
woulde pose and put to paines
Fabie a com­mon pratler.
The fabling Fabies tatling toungue:
to deskaunte and descriue
The route, and rabble, all a rowe
(a draughte to longe to dryue)
But that no tracte neede trouble thee,
nor ambage breede delaye,
Harke well how I will coutche this gere,
put case som god woulde saye
Your lykings all, allowde shalbe,
and thou that erste in feilde
The maces keene, the grounded sworde,
the Tucke, the targe, the sheilde,
Was wunte to wilde, wyth passage moyst
shall cutte the frothie playne,
A merye marchaunte shalte thou row.
and thou that didste disdayne
To lyue and leade the Lawyers lyfe
shalt mucker in the grounde.
Be trudgging hence, your trades are turnde,
why stande you still in stounde?
[Page]They wyll not tho, although they mighte
accepte this blisfulle boune.
Then whats the cause that Ioue thus mockd
may not condinglye soone
In irefull mode, and dyre reuenge
engourge his puffed cheekes
Gaynste all this sorte? and spreed no eare
to them that hensforth seekes
And suies with pratlynge prayer to chop
and chaunge their proued plighte.
But leste som man shoulde houlde me in hande
my tretys is to lyghte,
To muche with laughter interlasde
(albeit the gester may
Harpe on a soothe, (ells God for byd)
and toyes may kepe and staye
Sumtimes the reeder veray well,
as those that teache in schooles,
With buttred bread, or featusse knacks
will lewre the little fooles,
To learne a pase theyr A. B. C.
I will be at a poynte
Wyth nyfles now. Ile turne the leafe
and waightye thinges disiointe.
The Churle that shreds the earth, with share,
and wreakes the yeeldynge leas,
The marryner that shaues the streame
and furrouse vncouthe seas:
The Tauerner that falsethe othes
and litle reckes to lye,
The souldyer that doth deale the battes
and makes his foes to flye
They say the cause they trauayle thus,
that thus they care and carke
Is this: That when vnnimble age
hath reste them of their warke:
[Page]When fumbling foote denyes to meeue
when hande nil houlde or hente
That then they might suffisaunce haue
leste easles neede them shente.
Not muche vnlyke the lytle ant
(a beaste of tydye toyle)
Who drawes and dragges her delycates
ore wharte the hillie soyle
By myghte of mouth, in all she may
and placed in her cell,
She stickleth, and bestirres her selfe
She huswyfes it right well.
She carues it fyne, and mings it thicke
and shroudes it vnder roofe
As one, that of the wynters wrathe
Were not to learne the proofe,
Ne yet to care for after clappes.
Whereby when Ianyuere
That myrethe all the costs wyth slete
and saddes the ginning yeare.
With aspere shours dooth cause the cloudes
and welken aye to wepe
Then Ladye Pismyer stirrs no where
shees claspde in closset deepe.
Shee keepes her Chrystenmasse in caue
and there they make bone cheare.
They feede and feele the fruit of that,
which once they gott yfeare:
And wyselye to, but the (alas)
not Phebus flaminge brande,
Nor greuouse, mumming could that maks
the chillyng sen [...]elesse hande
Nor fearefull fyer, that flusheth vp
and fumes to pitchye smoke:
Nor stormye seas whose oppen iawes
suppes vp wythout all choke
[Page]The straglinge shippes: nor weapon whet
Nor oughte canne the deterre
From huntynge after hurtfull horde
for whilste som such there are
That swimme in wealthe, and the surpasse
in rytches or in robes,
Thy glutton mynde will neuer staye
still, still thy stomake crobbs.
What vayles it the so quakinglye
to grubbe and grip the moulde,
And there in hucker mucker hyde
thy Idalle God thy goulde?
If that thou spende and sparple it
no dodkin wyll abyde:
The deuille may daunce in crosslesse purse
when coyne hathe tooke his tyde.
And if thou snudge, and saue it sounde
and cofferte from the sonne
What shewe then hathe thy hidden hepe
what luste is therebye wonn?
Admit on flore thou haste in store
an hundreth thousande mets
Of corne dehuskde: what cums thereby?
thy belly houldes nor getts
No more then myne: as if in case
to feelde thou shouldeste fayre
With scrippe on backe, fulle frayghte with foode
and straighte as thou cums theire
The hungrye hunts muste haue it all,
what makes thou by this matche?
As much as he that carryeth noughte
(certes a woorthye catche.)
Or els per frendship answer this,
to him that doothe propounde
Nature his guyde, and treads her steppes,
what booteth him of grounde
[Page]Whether an hundreth acres he
or els a thousande tills:
Thou saiste he feddes the eye the more,
that from the huge hepe fills▪
Well syr no force, if that you will
but condescende to this
That our repaste doth ryot shun,
and reasonable is
To kepe the soule and Carcas cheyn [...]
to stynte the pyning stynge
Of hungers gnaw, and that we haue
a meane of euery thyng:
Why thē what doste thou boste so much,
thy plumes why doste thou spreade?
What better is thy barnes, then our
smale sackes that serue our neade?
Muche lyke for southe, as if that thou
a potte or pitcher muste
With lykor lode, and mights it fille
at fountayne hereby tuste,
And yet for fonde affection, thou,
to please thy gredye eye,
Shouldste wende: vnto the flowing streame
where greater gulfes do flye.
At whiche whilste som haue reached farre
and proferde ouer faste,
The bācke hath burste, that down they lush,
and so be drente at laste.
But he that leanes to temperaunce,
and anchoures on her lore,
And takes so muche as serues his turne,
and gapes to grype no more,
Him needes not draw the drubbled dreggs
of fawle by durtye poole,
Nor yet for deuelishe thirste to haue
(as one from vertues schoole
[Page]Exempted quite) fetche from the brim
and ouerwhelming waues,
Where now and then (O iust rewarde)
in raginge surge sum taues.
The Cristalle springe shall woorke his will
and syluer channelde wells
Shall yeelde ynoughe, where lurcks no dreade,
where slyme ne slabber dwells.
But out (alas) the greater parte,
with sweete empoysned bate
Of welthe bewitchde do weeue their wants
aboundaunce in eache state
For monye maks and mars (say they
and coyne it keepes the coyle
It byndes the beare, it rules the roste
it putts all things to foyle.
A mannes his money and no more,
wherin confused is
An heauen of happs, a worlde of weeles,
an hunnye bath of blisse.
O dottrells dome, and is it so▪
what guardon for these doultes
Shall we deuyse? lets suffer still
the foolishe frantycke foultes
To wallowe in their wilfulnes,
whose vnder eating myndes
Is neuer crainde, but prools for more
and swarues not from their kyndes.
Such one we reade of in olde tyme
that dwelte in Athins towne
A man in substance passinge rytche
nathlesse a niggerde cloune,
At whose scarceheade and couetyce
the worlde did outas make,
But all in vayne, he forest it not
he sought not howe to slake.
[Page]Blacke fame, that frisked euerye wheare
and bounsed at ytche ear [...],
A figge for them (ꝙ brasen face)
I force not howe I heare.
They hauke, they hem, they hisse at me,
I weygh it not an hawe,
Whilste I may harbor in mine arke,
and lodge wythin my lawe.
My darlynge goulde, my leaueste gueste,
my solace and my glee,
He is the bone companion,
its he that cheares vp me.
Ah simple cheare consyderynge all,
graue Tantale in thyn hearte,
His fee dyd feede his fatalle falle,
his mucke procured his smarte.
Whose lippes as drye as any kykkes
dothe ofte assay to taste,
The licker, to allay the droughte?
that hathe nye, all to waste
His intralls sterude for lacke of moyste,
the fluds to be his paine
They clim vnto his veray chinne
and then declyne againe.
He catcheth and he snatcheth aye,
and stille he grates in teene,
And stille shall do, for panges stille springe
and freatinge sorowes grene.
I pray the now what cause haste thou
to sporte and pleasaunce take?
To faune vppon thy foolishe goulde
whiche endlesse greefe doth make.
For thou induriste Tantalls fate,
and takynge but his name,
This tale maye well be toulde of the
thou arte the veray same.
[Page]Thy house, the hell, thy good the flood,
which thoughe it doe not starte,
Nor stirre from the, yet hath it so
in houlde thy seruyle hearte,
That though in foysonne fulle thou swimmes,
and rattles in thy bagges,
Yet toste thou arte with dreadefulle dreames,
thy mynde it waues and wagges,
And wisheth after greater things,
and that, thats woorste of all,
Thou sparest it, as an hollye thynge,
and doste thy selfe in thralle
Unto thy lowte, and cockescome lyke
thou doste but fille thine eye
With that, which shoulde thy porte preserue
and hoyste thyne honor hye.
Thou scannes it, and thou toots vpponte
as thoughe it were a warke
By practysde painters hande portrayde
with shaddowes suttle darke.
Is this the perfytte ende of coyne?
be these the veray vayles
That money hath, to serue thy syghte?
fye fye thy wysedome fayles.
Tharte misse insenste, thou canste not vste
thou wotes not what to do
Withall, by cates, bye breade bye drincke,
in fyne disburse it so,
That nature neede not moue her selfe,
nor with a betments scant
Distrainte, and prickd, passe forth her dayes
in pyne and pinchinge want.
To wake all nyghte, with shiueringe corpse,
both nighte and day to quake,
To set in dreade, and stande in awe
of theeues, leste they shoulde breake
[Page]Perforce thy dores, and robb thy chests,
and carue thy weasaunte pype:
Leste flickeryng fyer shoulde stroye thy denne,
and sease wyth wastefull grype,
Uppon thyne house leste runagats
should pilfer ought from thee,
Be these thy gaines, by rytches repde?
then this beheste to me.
O Ioue betake, that I may be
deuoyde of all those gooddes
That brewes such banefull broyles, or bring [...]
of feare suche gastfull fluddes.
But if so bene the pauling colde
thy limmes dooth ouergo.
Or els sum other worse disease
hath daunte thy body so,
That downe thou must, and byde in bed,
thy vauntage then is great,
At elbowe preste thou hast thy frendes
who will prouide the meate.
And tender the euen as them selues,
confections sweete or tarte
Theylle minge for the, such as beste lykes
thy quasye wamblynge hearte.
Theyle treate the fyne physition
with potions sounde and sure,
By force and vertue of his skill
thy corps for to recure,
And to restore thee to thy sonnes
and kyndely fryndes againe.
Alas the whyle its no pointe so,
thy wyfe she workes thy bayne,
Thy sonne he inlye lothes thy lyfe,
his regreate and his plainte
Is euer freshe, because that death
doth linger to attaynte
[Page]Thy hatefull heade, thy neyghbours, and
thy cheefe acquaintaunce all
Thy sacke, thy gille, thy kith, thy kinne
doth prosecute thy fall.
What maruayle ist, when thou hast loude
thy syluer as thy lorde,
If none loue the, whose loutishe lyfe
deserude no louinge worde?
But if thou thinckes thy alyes to linke
in frindshippe and in faythe,
And wenste thou maiste with smale a do
from breache and folishe wrathe
Kepe tyde the knot that nature knit:
Ah sillye manne, in vayne
Thou doste surmise this fruitlesse fetche,
its farre beyonte thy brayne:
Perseueraunce in amitie,
and duraunce still in loue
Discordeth muche from fickle man,
thou maiste as well aboue
The sluggishe asse a saddle couche,
with golde and perle befret,
And strayne his iawes, with brydle braue
with goldsmithrye ybet,
And so to make him praunce, and plunge,
to friske, and gamballs fetche,
To chewe vppon the spewinge bit,
and at his foes to retche,
With harneste house: as thou causte learne
the fraile retyryng man
To treade in trace of trouthe outryghte
in truth as he beganne.
In fyne, suppresse thy lewde desyre:
the more thou haste in store
The lesse passe thou for pouertye,
do trauaile for no more
[Page]Sence thou accomplishde haste thy wille,
and purchesde wealthe at ease:
O be not lyke Vmidius
whose rauenouse disease.
It is not longe for to discourse,
he that he myght vpturne
His coumed coyne, with shoules wyde,
him selfe durste not adorne
With any weede that wealthe besettes,
but lyke a miser ryghte,
More ragged then a tatterde coulte
did passe the poreste wyghte
In peces and in tatter wagges:
whylste that he had his wynde,
And drewe his breathe: he spent no iote,
afraide that he shoulde fynde
Neade in oulde age: but (loe his wyfe
of greakishe dames most stoute:
With grounded axe cutte him in twaine,
and rifted him throughoute.
What? is it beste lyke Meuius
the make away, to lyue? prodigall personnes.
Or shalle I lyke Nomen [...]anus
my gooddes to giglotts geue?
A goodlye dishe, who taughte the this?
why doste thou thus compare
Extremyties? Is there no shifte,
all spende, or els all spare?
I woulde the not a nipfarthinge,
nor yet a niggarde haue,
Wilte thou therefore, a drunkard be,
a dingthrifte, and a knaue?
There is a difference betwixte
the gelded Eunuke [...]aue:
And [...]erniosus, hote as coles
that rancke vnclenly swaine.
[Page]A meane there is in matters all,
and certaine bondes be pyghte,
On this syde or beyonde the whiche
no thinge thats good canne lyghte.
But after longe vagaryes fetchde,
to come to my requeste,
How happeneth it, his owne estate
that no man lyketh beste?
But teenes if that his neyghbours goate
a bygger bagge doth beare
Then his, or yeeldes her mylke sum deale
more flowyng and more cleare:
Nor euer will compare him selfe
vnto the greater sorte,
Whose state is base, and bad as his,
who lyues in meane apporte.
But roues, and shoots at further marks,
now him he doth contende
To passe in coyne: now him again,
and so there is no ende.
For he that thincks to coate all men
and all to ouergoe,
In runnyng shall sum ritcher fynde
who still will bid him hoe.
Suche posters may be likened well
vnto the carters oulde
Of forayne worlde, on mounte Olimpe
whose carts when they were roulde
With gyrefull sway, by course swyfters,
to winne the glistring branche.
They ierted vp their horse with whippes,
that forth they made them launche,
With boysterouse noyse, lyke thunder clappes,
they made the quaueryng soyle
To dindle and to shake againe,
in hope of lawrell spoyle.
[Page]They neuer had respecte to those
that once were caste behynde,
But scourde to geue the reste the slip,
wyth course as wyghte as wynde.
Ryght semblablye, this carkynge kynde
of men, doe neuer eye
The route that they haue ouerrun
in goodes but haste, and hye
To retche the resydue and soe
do ayme aboue theyr strengthe
To pricke, and pearse those marks, and whyts
that lye withoute their lengthe.
Loe this is euen the veray grounde,
this is the perfytte cause,
That most mislyke them selues so muche,
and can no season pause
In blesfulnes: and this is it.
why very selde we fynde
A man so cloyed with the worlde
as he that new hathe dynde
Is with his meate, and that thers none
which in their extreame dayes
Will parte from lyfe, as full from feaste
to goe theyr homewarde wayes.
To bannish all excesse of talke,
let this suffyce as now,
And leste thou shouldste suppose by space
my talke myghte ouergrow
In bulke the bleare eyde Crispins roole
Crispine a writer against couetouse to excessiue in talke.
whose tounge on pattans free
Did retchlesse run, euen here I cease
not one worde more of me.

THE POET STIL BLAMETH ficklenes and vnstedfastnes as of those, whiche [Page] laborynge to sayle fro the yrcksom poole of auarice, do willyngly contende to make shipwracke by the infortunate waues of prodigalitye: he spea­keth againste fashions: they are thoughte to be noorses of pryde, and follye.

The seconde Satyre.

THe stewes, and stained house of drabbes,
thappotycaryes neate,
The beggers, and the tumblynge trulle [...]
the horehunters, the greate
And flockynge rakehell rabblement
of ragges and raskals all
Be pensife, and throughe plungde with panges
to see the funeralle
Of Tygille, trustye frinde of theires,
who whilste he lyued here,
Dyd carolle shrille, and trimly tune
his sonets sweete, and cleare.
Their cause of greafe is sone expressde:
he was both free and francke,
They hanged on him, his purse kepte them
so croustye, and so crancke.
But this man,
cleane contrarye wyse.
teschue, and shun the name
Of spendall, and of scatter good,
and fearyng such lyke blame
That doth ensue outragiouse spence,
he will not geue nor lende
One crosse of coyne, to clothe or feede
his nedie naked frende.
An other,
if thou question him
why that he doth deuoure
His syre, and gransyres goodes,
and turneth towne, and tow [...]
[Page]All into noughte, throughe greedynes
and foule delyting throte:
And why that he by gluttanye,
and stomake raging hote
Miscounsailed, doth make assayle
of landes, and lordshippe wyde
To bye such curiouse cates, as beste
will done his gullet glyde:
His answer is not farre to fetch,
posthaste he will the saye,
That he doth thus set cocke on hoope
and lauishly outlay
This mucke, & drosse the worlde hath sent,
because he woulde not seeme
Lyke one of carlish abiecte minde,
so vyle a thing testeme.
That answer say the neuer thriftes,
was geuen in the Cue,
Well fare his hearte: the chuffes the same
with deepe disprayse pursue.
Fusidius, a landed man,
a man whose fertyle feyldes,
Whose medowes fayre, & glebye groundes
reuenues ample yeeldes:
A man by art of vsarye,
by guyle, and treachers trade,
By fraude, and couin full of goods,
is veray sore afrayd
To spende amongste good companie,
leaste on such prankes might springe
A iauall, or a ruffins name,
or sum such heynouse thinge.
This Fusidie, to fille his purse,
and to enritch his store,
What soeuer cums by vsers skylle,
to get, and gender more,
[Page]He lays it to the captaine heape,
whereof it rose, and grew:
He takes by yeare the fiftes of all,
and so he bredeth new.
And if a man through negligence,
perhapps be caste behynde,
At partyng he shall pay for that
such fetches will he fynde.
Heild go me lyke a craftye coulte,
and listen euerye where,
To vnderstande the names of those
that late delyuered were
From gouernment of masters sharpe,
and ginnes to weare the weede,
That onlye manhood doth beseme:
there there, he sowes his seede.
He mings deceite, he plyes the boxe,
he strues me suche a trayne,
That straighte he is with them to bringe,
(God wotes) vnto their payne.
Thunbrydled brutes, the younckers that
are paste the cure and charge
Of Tutors graue, lyke lustye laddes,
do loue, to roue at large,
To roiste, and reuell wyth the beste,
in suits of silkes to flaunte:
The harde headed fathers they denye
such spences vaine to graunte:
Then cums this foxe, this Fusidie,
wyth money preste in hande,
He byes before their fathers death
their lyueloode, and their lande,
Who hearynge such malingen wroughte
doth not abrade, and crye,
Uppon the greateste God of all,
that flings the fates from hye?
[Page]But they, the sillye fonded fooles,
(suche be the youthfull braines)
Do feaste him, for his lonesom loue,
and highly praise his paines
Certes, a man shoulde scarse beleue,
how much this louelye wighte,
Whome others loue, doth loue him selfe,
how he doth decke, and dighte
His surlye corps in rytche aray,
what table he doth kepe,
Almoste as greate as did the snudge,
whome Terence toulde to stepe,
And syncke in sorowes, and in sobbes,
for that he chaste his sonne
To Asie, there to pyke his crums,
which déed vnkynde ons donne:
He brake vp house, put myse to grasse,
him selfe fed nothing fyne,
With colewortes, and such carters cates,
ofte woulde the caytife dyne,
But here, if sum precysly aske,
what doth this processe meane?
It is to shew, that whilste sum men
take care to kepe them cleane,
From blame, & blotte of one grosse sinne,
incontinente they are caughte,
Intangled with the contrarye:
lyke dullerdes neuer taughte.
A new fāgled minion of that age.
Malkin ▪ to make him singuler,
a fashion freshe hath founde,
He swings and swoupes from stréete to stréete,
with gowne that sweepes the grounde,
And thincke you Malkin wants his mates?
no fye, that were a misse,
Another pleasaunte headed chylde,
in no sauce lyketh this.
[Page]To proue himselfe a pretye man,
and quaynte in his deuyse,
He maks his garmente to be shapde,
not of so large a syse:
For wote you what? he coortails it,
it hardlye hydes his rumpe,
Rufillus, he is perfumde with muske
Gorgom [...],
Sweate and fyne.
smelles oth pumpe.
Meane, hath no mantion in this flocke,
they kepe no steedy stay
In matter, and in nouell shape,
they varye euery day.
Sum one, or other lode starre stille,
and what that he doth vse,
The resydue may not ne will,
for fashion sake refuse.
Fashions in all our gesterings,
fashions, in our attyre,
Which (as the wyse haue thoughte) do cum,
and goe in circled gyre.
Fashions, in nottynge of the heare,
in parynge of the nayles,
In Otho, and mustacho beardes,
thus fashions neuer fayles.
In thother sexe, who woulde rehearse
their fashions, as they be,
Myghte euen as well by augrisme tell,
the grauell of the See.
Those curiouse croustinge courtly dames,
whose spangled vestures sheene,
With stones and pearles, of pryde, and pryse,
and emrades heauenlye gréene,
Doth geue the glimmeringe, gloriouse shewe,
that feedes the gasers eyes,
And da [...]les quyte the simple lokes,
with leames, that from them flyes:
[Page]The worlde perchaunce doth thincke them gay,
and in a chiefe degree:
They be no better creatures,
then other people be:
Noe outwarde thinge doth better vs,
no not our noble kynde:
Not pearles, or golde: but pearlesse giftes
be praysed in Godlye mynde.
All els is toyes, and all is vayne,
and all when they haue tryde,
Will once confesse these things to be,
but nutriments of pryde.

❧ HE REPREHENDETH those▪ who be sharpe accusers of others vyces, and can be contente, either not to see, or dissem­ble their owne. He dispraiseth the Stoickes discipline, who thoughte, all sinnes to be a lyke, and equallye to be punished: merylye after his maner, he beginneth with the ministrel Tygill, and disaloweth of his mu­tabilitie of lyfe.

The third Satyre.

IT is a faulte, a common faulte,
that all our minstrels vse:
The more you seme to craue a songe,
the more they will refuse.
Requeste them not they neuer cease:
righte so woulde Tygille fayre,
A singer of Sardinia,
thoughe Cesar shoulde not spare,
For his, and for his fathers sake
sum musyke to requyre.
[Page]Yet woulde his humble suite ofte tymes
cum shorte of his desyre.
He myghte haue forsde him therunto:
but Tygille, if it had
Cumde in his braine, woulde of him selfe,
take on, as he were mad.
He, Bacchus ballets woulde recorde
sumtymes the trible parte
Sum tymes, the quauerynge deskantdur [...]
sumtymes, to vaunte his arte,
A boysterouse basse he bounsed out,
and iumbled on his stringes,
No dram he had of constancy:
so fickle in his things.
Ofte tymes, he ran, as fled from foe
oftetymes in solemne pace
He woulde proceade, as thoughe he were
in seruynge Iunos grace.
Sumtymes, an hundreth wayting men,
sumtymes he kepte but ten:
Sumtymes he spoke of potentats,
and on his honour then
Was all his talke: sumtymes, let me
one dishe well dighted haue,
(Thus would he say), and one course gowne
my corps from coulde to saue.
To this good husbande, that coulde be
with pittance smale content,
If sum good frendly man, of hope
ten hundred crownes had lent.
Within fyue dayes, no groate he had,
in purse, ne yet in cheste:
All nighte he wakde, whilste morning came,
all day he tooke his reste.
Was neuer man so litle stayde.
but sum, will say to me,
[Page]And what are you, sum selye saincte?
nay, halfe as ill as he:
One Meuius, did frumpe and floute
at Neuie, then awaye:
A frende of his, a stander by,
what serray what I say?
(Quod he): doste thou not know thy selfe,
nor thincke that we the knowe?
My selfe, yes, I wincke at my selfe:
Po therfore, a wincking dawe.
This is, a wicked, witlesse, loue,
not to be wincked at:
Synce, thou doste know, and see thy sinne,
and vse to wyncke at that:
What meaneste thou, in others faults,
so pearsantly to prye
With Egles syghte, or Epidaurs
Epidaure taken for all kynde of ser­pents.
that suttle serpentes eye?
But if in case, an other carpe
sum cryme, he sees in thee,
He is too rashe, and vndiscreete,
and no good fellowe he.
A sheepe, a verey gestynge stocke,
he treades his shoe awrye,
His gowne sitts slacke, his heade vnkempte,
vnciuyle, by and by.
But he his good, and godly to,
and one that wills the well,
And thoughe his bodye be not braue,
greate witte may in him dwell.
Well, ryfle thou thy conscience,
and looke thou be not led
With any vyce, which nature hath,
or custome in the bred.
"In feildes vnforowde frute is none,
for brakes all ouer growes:
[Page]To blowe retreate, and to returne
from whence my matter flowes:
If we doe strongly loue a thing,
and lyke verey muche,
Thoughe faultes in it be euidente,
Yet we will see none suche.
I woulde, in race of amytye
such dotage we might vse,
And that vertue, by honeste name,
such curtsye woulde excuse.
For as the father for ill shape,"
his sonne doth not disdayne:"
So frendes, at times, must beare with frendes,"
though faultes in them remayne."
The sonne he squynts,
the father saythe
he hath a pincking eye,
His legges misshapde, the father sayth,
his legge but standes awrye.
The parents pleasure much, to prayse,
and prattle to the ladde,
Thy foote is verey greate (sayth he)
thy foote is swelde to badde.
Haste thou, a frende, that dyets harde?
Well, call him thriftye than:"
Haste thou, a frende, a bragging lout?"
call him a follye man:"
The king of fellowes, amongste frendes,"
for hym no better name."
Haste thou, a frende, with face of brasse,"
that bragges without all shame?"
Compte him, of stearne, and haughtye hearte,
that, well dare speake his mynde:"
That will not flatter, nor yet feare,
how soeuer blowes the wynde.
If, he be suttle, call him sage,"
if wylye, call him wyse:
[Page]This, this is it, that winnes thy frendes,
and wun, in frendship tyes.
But we, full ill construction,
of vertue selfe, do make
And eftsones, do eclipps the praise
thats due for vertues sake.
For, if wyth vs be conuersaunte
sum humble, lowly soule
We calle him goose, and disarde doulte,
and fowlye fatted nowle.
And, if a man deale warylye,
and beare him selfe v [...]pryghte,
Amongste such folke, as fos [...]er fraude,
and practise slylye sleighte,
For name of skilfull, wyttye man,
and one that takes good heede
He is a deepe dissemblyng man,
and craftye for his meede.
If, that a man can not conceale,
but tell his verdicte free,
(As I Maecenas patrone myne)
haue done full ofte to thee:
If, that he speake to one thats whishte,
or looketh on his booke,
Or talke not all in printe or tune,
(say we) this coddes heade, (looke)
This asse, doth wante his comon sence.
woes me, and oute, (alas)
How doe we aggrauate such lawes,
as gainste our selues doth passe?
For, faultlesse (doubtles) borne is none,
and he, is euen the beste,
Whose, lyfe syncere admitteth fewe,
and with the leaste is preste.
A frindly man, (as meete it is)
the good, with bad will wey,
[Page]If much be bad, and more be good,
let soulderde frendship stay.
Let vs, in equall ballaunce paise,
and do as we woulde haue:
Wouldste thou thyne owne offences cloke?
in others faultes not raue.
It is but ryght, that mum, shoulde mum,
and perdon, perdon craue.
For shorte, in that, the vyce of wrathe
will be our tenaunte still,
And brutishe parte of moodie mynde,
will lodge fections ill:
Why do we not, by reasons rule,
and by proportion iuste,
Deme of the cryme, as it is done,
and mulcte it as we muste?
If, that the maister byd his man,
from borde to take a dishe,
The man, doth sipple vp the brothe,
or feede on broken fishe:
His maister, hangs him straighte vpponte:
who will not houlde him mad
As Labec?
Lab [...]o a la­uishe toun­gu [...]d lo set. who still was bar­kyng at Au­guste.
and why not thou
as frantyke, and as bad?
Thy frende offendes, and graunts his guilt,
thou, wilt him not forgeue,
What arte thou then? a testye churle,
greate pittye thou shouldste lyue.
If thou him hate, and shun his syghte,
(as Drusos detters doe)
Thou shalte be dresde, lyke Drusos selfe,
A creditours
for to lend to moe,
Doth sheare, and shaue and powle, and presse,
well, when his audit cums,
When he most hopes of best recepte
and to surue we his sums.
[Page]Then, gawlye wordes (for feare of strypes)
(when he his coumpts hath red)
He doth put vp, with cap, and knee,
at those which from him fled.
A good felow.
Euander cums vnto my house,
perhapps, he drincks to much,
Or breaks a iugge, or staines my gowne,
or, eats my dyat, suche,
As was preparde, and plasde for me,
is he, the lesse for this,
A merry grigge, a iocande frende,
for euery sillye misse?
Shoulde I, go baull a main [...]at him,
as he had pickte my purse,
Or me discryde, his pledge denyed
or done sum thinge, thats woorse?
Who, almost hath at any tyme
thoughte faltes of equall weyghte?
Philosophers, (that bookish broode)
may, teache the thinge by sleighte
But skille, and practyse counterplea,
and profit it denyes,
Iustice ra­ther by pro­fyte then na­ture.
Profyt, the nurse of iuste, and righte,
as tyme, and sequele tryes.
When man, abandon firste the earth,
and scraulde out of the moulde,
(A dum vnwyldye creature)
through hunger, and through coulde,
For foode, and harboure gan they fray:
at firste, with tooth, and nayle,
And then, with clubbes, and then with swor [...]
which vse, had taughte tassayle:
Whilste wordes, ambasdors of the heart
(for to bewray the mynde)
Were put in vre: and names applyed,
then, to conserue their kynde,
[Page]They seaste from warres: made reare vp walles:
and poundinge lawes did make,
That none should filche, nor any robbe,
that none shoulde wedlocke brake.
For, or that cytyes had their walls,
or, Helen, came to Troye,
Haue women, bathde the worlde in blood,
(the cause of dyre annoye)
But, of the slayne was no recorde.
they raunged, in eatche where,
No spousailes knowne, more brute, then beastes,
the make; knew not his feare.
The mightieste man, lyke Bulle in herde,
did wreake, the meaner sorte:
Thus, graunte you must, that feare of wronge,
set ladye lawe in forte.
If, thou wilte calender in mynde,
the consequents of tydes,
By notinge, longe dyssente of tyme,
in what effecte, it glydes:
Well maiste thou see, that nature felth,
What lyke, what leaue, we muste,
Yet, nature, hath no pollycye,
to seuer wronge, from iuste.
But reason, bearing stroke in that,
for profit patrons ryghte
If, reason reele, thē, profytte paynts,
reason, saues both, by mighte,
And, as she dothe: so, will not shee,
vse argument, that he,
Which stealthe from hedge, and stealthe from churche,
in lyke offence shoulde be,
Let, discipline alleuied be,
in measure, to the vyce,
When, lyghte correction may take place,
fare not, in tyraunts wyse:
[Page]Ne yet, when greate outrage, is wroughte,
with ferule, doe not stryke.
Where iustice slakes, there feare decayes,
when, thou makste all faults lyke,
As purloyninge, with burglarye,
or robbinge by the way,
Trespasse, with cryme, doth not thy doume,
fordome to vs, and say?
That, thou, indede, in lyke effecte,
wouldste execute, the thinge▪
If choyse, by voyce, had hoyste the vp,
inuested, once a Kynge:
A kyng, eche stoicke, is kynge,
for, stoicks all, be wyse:
And, wysdome, is it selfe, a wealthe:
throughe wealthe, do princes ryse:
Wysedom, is all: but, thou arte wyse:
then, safelye, be of cheare,
Thou art fayre, stronge, and eke, a kinge,
a cobler, though thou were.
What, wilte thou more? Sto: yes, Chrysip sayes,
the wyse man, mends no moyle,
Nor, soles no shoes: Poe: lo, thus, thou weanes,
to turne me, to a toyle.
The wyse man, thoughe, he leaue the acte,
reteynes the arte, as how?
Hermogines, sings not, at all:
Yet, musyke, he doth know.
Alphenus, made away, his tooles,
broke, shop vp, longe a goe,
Is he, not, an artyficer,
or not, a craftes man, thoe?
The wyse knowes moste, who, knoweth moste,
muste, beare awaye the name
Of facultye: de barre, them not,
but, let them, haue the same:
[Page]To rule a realme, is facultye,
which, none, but wyse, can tell:
If they can rule, though, they rule not,
Kynges, are they, by this spell.
The stoicke, wyse: the wyse, can rule:
to can, is, full as muche,
As, though he did: a Realme, he can:
then, let his name, be suche.
Can rule, is rule: none can, but wyse:
the stoicke, only wyse:
The stoicke, therfore, only kinge,
by this, so strayte a ryse.
Witte alone insufficiaun [...]e in regalitie, if it be bereft of other solemne and laudable appertinente.
stoicke, arte, thou create kynge,
then, must thou, mainteyne porte:
Els, wagges, in streets, will twitche, thy bearde▪
and make, at the, a sporte.
Excepte, thou take the, to thy handes,
and fence the, with a stick:
Theille, make the braste, for agonye,
in crowding, the so thicke.
And, thou, a wyse, wit puisaunte kinge,
that, houlde thy crowne, by witte:
Shalte, be enforste, to howle, and crye,
(for suche a state, vnfitte.)
In briefe, when, thou, a king, at meales,
doste ryse, or, syt thee downe,
So, sore precyse, thou arte, that, none
will byde thee,
but, sum clowne.
But, if, that I, miscarye oughte,
my frendes, will make, the beste,
So, I, to them, so, they, to me,
and this, ingendreth reste.
Thus, doe I passe, my pleasaunte dayes,
and feare, no stormye thinge,
This priuate lyfe, I woulde not chaunge,
with the, pretensed kynge.

❧ HE DEFENDETH HIM selfe, againste those who had reported him to haue ben slaunderouse, sharpe, and corrosiue: He toucheth Lusilius not to condemne his doings, but to haue thē amended. He professeth to speake againste no man, vppon superfluitie or disease of the braine, but vpon a mere francknesse, & libertye of the mynde: specially, he rebuketh them, which will kycke & resiste when they should be cured.

The fourth Satyre.

THe Poet Aristophanes
Eupolis, and Cratyne,
And auncients moe, whose interludes,
are sauste, with sayinges fyne,
If any person were mislyude,
in thefte, or leachers lore,
Or were a roisting quareller,
they woulde display him sore,
Hence, Lusill boroud all his vaine,
those presidents, he tooke
The matter sharpe, the féete, but chaungde,
the forme, full sleke, did looke.
In deed, the sence [...] was too to tarte,
within an howers space,
Two hundredth verses he woulde make,
thoughte he, a gifte of grace.
And woulde not moue his foote withall,
But, huddle he would roule,
To halfe, mighte wellbene scummed of
an ydle chatting soule.
A milke sop long to pen a woorke,
much more to pen it well,
The lengthe is not materiall,
the scapes he muste expell.
[Page] Crispinus, that greate length louer
with finger, doth me call,
And darreins combats, if I dare,
should Crispine me appall?
Nay, thers my gloue, geue velom here,
geue iudges tyme and place,
Lets sée which one can more indyte,
and with a better grace.
Well haue the godds appointed me,
of no corragious witte,
And speakynge seelde that I ne shoulde,
confounde the foule with it.
But thou (syr Crispine) in thy mynde,
assembles fansyes ofte,
As bellowes sup and beltch out wyndes,
to make the yron soffe.
O learne not so to puffe and blowe,
saincte Fannie followe well,
Fannie an arche Asse or blockheade in whose memo­riall was ere­cted a block.
That thou bestowde in surlye tombe
thy statues here may dwel
As for my woorkes obliuion.
will raze them out of minde:
A fewe or none that will, or dare,
behoulde them can I fynde.
Wote you not why? corrosyue style,
is corsey to the eye."
They dreame a thing that blamed here,
their counterfette should lye.
They dreame a truth for fynde me one,
amongste the sonnes of men:
But loue of goods, or loue of rule,
doth fonde him now and then.
Sum, lyue catesnd in cupids chaines,
and sum loue blasinge golde,
And sum a sum of syluer whyte,
or curraunte metall woulde.
[Page]Sum, kepe exchaunge, from Easte, to Weste,
and sore vpon the Seas:
Toste and retoste, (lyke wherlywynde duste)
ekynge theyr owne disease,
For mainteynaunce, of gotten stocke,
or els to make it more.
All these do stande in awe, of rymes,
and hate the Poets sore.
The Poets proyne, beware (say they)
that they may ieste their fill,
They spare no speache, they spare no frende
fooles lauishe, and to ill.
And if their toyes, in letters lymde
be printed once in booke:
Then all the worlde muste take the vewe
and all sortes on them looke.
If this be true: then harke againe,
I am no Poet, I.
No Poet, such as is discryude,
am not I so? and why?
Not he a Poet, that can make
an haltinge hudlynge verse:
Nor he in paltrye daylie talke
that can his tale reherse.
Him Poet dub, whose wit is sharpe,
whose mynd doth mounte on hye
Whose throat is shyrle in trumpet wyse,
to coutche mennes ads in skye.
Therfore demaunde hath once bene made,
if comedies myghte be
A poecye, sythence in them
the spirit puffes not free.
No gorgiouse sounde in worde or sence,
saue that in verse it runs:
From prose in differs but by foote,
but (lo) the father burns
[Page]In pelting chafe, for that his sonne
on wantons madded is,
And leaues a spouse of noble dowre
this breedes a tempeste, this.
And that with torche in twylightinge
he treades the romye stréets.
How say you haue not comedies
theyr vigors, and their spreets.
Olde Pomponie,
Pomponius an impacient nygard.
if he had lyude,
what stirre now woulde he kéepe,
(Thinge comicall because his sonne,
is drente in debte so deepe?
And what thoughe father [...]ompon [...]e,
should grate his gaule in twaine,
Affection makes no poecye,
but lustye, loftye vayne.
Its not inough to pen a verse,
in vernishde wordes and pure,
Eche worde alone, muste haue his sounde,
and seme not to demure.
Those simple wordes, playmakers vse,
those vse Lusille and I.
So nyse, so neate, so numberouse,
that alls not worthe a flye.
Disorder but the glydinge gate,
the wordes appe [...]reth tame,
No glose there is of maiestie,
not such as in this same.
Foule moodie Mars broke brasen bars,
bare boulstred boulwarkes backe.
These wordes transposde, yet eche one hath
of Poesye a smacke:
And thus much now an other tyme
if rymes allowde may be.
But now, why shoulde this kynde of style,
be so suspecte in me.
[Page]Promoters séeke, and pere eche where,
and vse to woorke much woe,
Accusynge and molestyng men,
wheresoeuer they do goe.
Feared, and muche addrad of theues,
and losels loose of lyfe,
Not fearde, of those that pilfer not,
nor broche no brabling stryfe
Birrus and C [...]lius, for all naugh­tie packes.
Admit, thou warte a naughtie packe,
as dyuers other be,
I am not one that doth promote,
why arte thou frayde of me?
My verses geue no gase from walls,
ne yet in tauernes flye,
Not [...]gille nor such alecunners
my woorkes do ouerprye.
I shew them but to veray frendes,
and at their greate requeste:
Not to eche hobb, nor euery where.
sum be that thincke it beste,
Their quaynte deuyses to proclame,
in market fayre, and marte:
To reade them graue, & sounde them braue,
and to vnfoulde their arte.
Such pleasure, haue pryde practisers,
who do it not to mende,
Nor learne a decencie in thinges,
for no such honest ende.
A malliperte, a merchaunte I
of mallyce (thou wilte say)
I vse this talke: whence issude this,
gainste me that thou doste lay:
Or which of my companions
hath this instilde to the?
Who pincheth at his frende not preste,
or if he burdned be.
[Page]Doth not alleuyate his blame,"
who scoffes to make men smyle,
Who plyes for to be plausible,"
and doth his flowtinge file.
Who can inuente things neuer mente,"
who nothynge can conceale:
Such one is naughtes, beware of him,
and naughte to him reueale."
Sumtymes, at table thou shalte see,
a dosen more or lesse,
Eche séekynge eche, ort wharte the thums,
with tauntes and tearmes to dresse.
Their hoste they spare, for manner sake,
till Bacchus tyde be vp:
Then out muste all mine hoste, myne hoste
is scande at euery cup.
Rayling thou hates, yet doste thou coumpte
raylers but mery men,
Good felowes, francke and free of speache,
If I haue iested then,
A Rufills taste, Gorgonies smell,
(two paragons of pryde)
I am no freatinge ghoste therfore,
nor slaundrouse: all things tryde.
If chaunce we talke of Petills pranckes
how he from tower stole,
A massye péece of bullion golde,
(to twyne thy tale in hole)
Thou shapes it thus: (as is thy trade)
Petille I know him well,
I haue sum cause, to speake for him,
for he and I did dwell
Of childerne little, in one house,
my fellow and my frende,
Much hath he done, for me at tymes,
I founde him euer kynde.
[Page]And yet I maruayle how he coulde
rub out this trespasse so.
Logille a fishe whyte with­out & blacke within.
(Lo) here a craftye postles parte,
loe here a Logille lo
Ha, false malignaunte wreaking minde,
this vyce I do expell,
As cancre freate, from hearte and booke,
moste true it is I tell,
For certaintie I lyke it not,
then lycence me the more,
To gesse aloufe, not hard to scratche
but clawe about the sore.
My father, he did vsuallie,
dehorte me from this sin,
By manifolde examples, which,
through talke, he woulde bringe in.
Still warning me not to ingrate,
nor séeke not much to lyue
But thryftylie contentedly

Olde Horace his talke.

I [...]bie and Barns Scat­tergooddes.

enioye that he would geue.
Maiste thou not see younge Alba now
how he is cumde to naughte,
Backbyting Bar most begge [...]like▪
Ingrayle them in thy thoughte.
Two presidents, that thou ne shouldste,
thy fathers good mispende,
But when he woulde dehorte from loue,
his talke was to this ende.
Dissemblable to Sectans sorte,
Sectan wan­ton and amou­ [...]ouse. So Trebon.
no brothelmonger be,
Kepe wedlocke chaste, let Trebons name,
be warninge vnto thee.
The wyse men with their moralls sage,
by reason coulde the guide,
Suffyseth me that I can geue,
such counsayle as I tryde.
[Page]And if my sawes, in time take place,
for teacher haste thou none,
When groweth, and yeares shall make the man,
youthes shipwracke, will be gone.
Thus woulde he turne my plyant youth,
and what he wilde in worde,
For patterne, he woulde bid me marke,
the lyfe of sum good Lorde.
So, if he woulde inhibit me,
this is no godly déede
My sonne (sayth he): and here vppon,
sum foule reporte will breede.
For euen like, as when neighbours dye,
the sickmans chaunging luste,
For feare doth stay, and is contente,"
to cum to dyet iuste:
So skillesse youth to see defame,"
of others, may take héede,
And slip not into vyces snare,"
nor listen to her réede.
Hereby I stayed my tempting age,"
and did no haynouse sin
In easye crymes, and veniall
I haue bene trapped in.
And these, (no doubte) wil wayne awaye
and ebb as they did ryse,
By helpe of yeares, by frendes reproofe,
and by myne owne aduyce.
As I lye in my bed sumtymes,
on matters thus I muse,
Thrifte, would do thus, righte doth diswade.
that I shoulde thus me vse.
Thus coulde I make my chearfull frendes:
this was a foolishe parte:
Was I so fondlye ouerseene?
a foole sone flings his darte
[Page]Thus do I mutter in my mynde,
Ere whyle at cardes I play,
(A faulte, amongste the meaner faultes)
forgeue me. Thou saieste nay.
Then Poets all, preas on, preas on
helpe at a pinche: no dreede,
We be so ryotouse a route,
who sayes but we shall spéede?
The multi­tude can not be sed frō their fan [...]ses, no not for truthes sake.
As Iewes do measure all by myghte,
that none dare them forsake:
So we by number will men force.
in league with vs to take.

❧ THE FIFTE SATIRE, whiche the Poet had written of his iorneying to and fro, wholye altered by the translator.

FRende Horace thoughe you maye me vse
as to translate your verse,
Yet your exployte I do refues,
at this tyme [...]o reherse.
Not euery tricke, nor euery toye,
that floweth from your braine,
Are incident into my p [...]n,
nor worthie of my paine.
(If all be true that sum surmyse)
for dyuers thincke it good,
To haue discriude the clatteringe broyles,
of Mauors raging wood:
Or for to know the climats hye,
to clym vnto the skyes:
To view the starres, their placing éeke
and how they set and ryse.
Or for to reade the quiddityes
and queerks of logique darke,
[Page]To heare the babblinge sophisters,
how they for naughte can barke.
Or for to wryte things naturall,
thinges misticall and geason:
The harmonie of elements
how they accorde by reason.
To sterte vp in astrologie
the casuals of men
To limit, and forlote by arte,
to shew by whom and when,
Thinges were conueyde: and to erecte
through what aspecte and why,
Pompey abroad, Cesar at home,
were fortuned to dye.
To tell how man a creature,
of reasonable mynde
Is sociable, apte, and fitt,
to companie by kynde.
To read the sacred histories,
of man how he began:
How firste he f [...]ll, through whome he fell,
what of him selfe he can.
To learne the helpes of holye tongue
the doctors to peruse:
To course the schoolmen, as they [...]ye
and Horace to refuse.
Those cacklinge pyes, that vse to prate,
so much againste humanytye,
Are commonly the lewdest dawes,
and skillesse in diuinitie.
The antique fathers vsde it much,
thapostle doth the same:
Now all muste downe, in pullinge downe
that fooles may get a name.
Som innouation must be made
or chaunge of vsed things,
[Page]Needes muste there be: when all woulde passe
and all woulde needes be kynges.
Moyses in writinge his fyue bookes
confearde with prophane tyme
Yet fewe or none, that I haue harde,
appeached him of cryme.
From Egipte, we may borow stil,
it neuer was forbed,
So it be for the weale of man
and glory of our God.
To reade sole scriptures, is I graunte
a thinge of lesser paynes,
And those that fayne woulde haue it so
woulde haue it so for gaines:
Unable for to get of toungues.
or scyences a skyll
Then crye they soule diuinitye,
as though the rest were ill.
Diuinitie is gloriouse
and they but idle praters
Gainste whose outrage, a man mighte well
wryte forty godlye Satyres.
The wyse can reade humanitye
and beautifye their witte,
whileste fooles syt tatlyng to and fro
in talkinge againste it.
A good diuyne mighte the translate
(Horace) I can it proue:
Who so denyes, I do not doubte
to caste him downe my gloue.
And yet suche is the matter now
whereon thou doste indyte,
That I must play the Poet néedes,
and wots not what to wryte.
Thy lawrell gréene betake to me,
thy gowne of scarlet reade,
[Page]And proue a nouice howe I can
in after steppes I treade.
Feigne me to haue a Poets arte,
a natyue Poets brayne:
A veray Poete, sauyng that
I vse not for to fayne.
Dames of Pernas, of Helicon,
whence Pegas horse dyd flye:
(If yours it be) graunt this to me,
in processe not to lye.
Nay, thou O truthe, bothe God and man,
of whome I stande in awe:
Rule ore my wordes, that I [...]e passe
the compasse of thy lawe.
What shoulde I wryte gaynst wickednes
howe synne hath all the hyre:
Howe wyghtes are wed to wretchednes,
captiues to theyr desyre?
The Prophets haue bewayled that,
and he whose voyce so shryll:
Both heauen and earth with plaintife tune,
and dolours deepe dyd fyll.
The truthe hymselfe when he was here,
dyd truely thyngs foretell:
And wepte to see the sory plagues,
that afterwarde befell.
If they moude fewe, yf fewe woulde marke
the wordes of suche lyke men:
Howe may the silly Satyrists,
hope for amendment then.
In vayne for me to styrre or kepe
a racket wyth my rymes:
The sonnes of men, wyll styll be men
and plyaunt to the tymes.
What shoulde I wryte gaynst wyckednesse?
the worlde by her aduyce,
[Page]Hath broughte to passe, that moste beleue,
there is no kynde of vice.
For couetyse is coloured,
and though the Prophete kyng
Damne vsurers, yet styll we see
more practise of the thyng.
Dame Gluttony is too to hye:
she keepes in [...]ately halls,
And gurmundyse is fellowshyp,
for so the worlde it calls.
So luste is nowe a lordly thyng,
and swearyng hath a gra [...]e,
For swearynge couerde vnder zeale,
(alas) the cursed case.
What shoulde one write, dissemblyng dawes
(a wondrous tale to tell)
The better birdes of noble price,
by creakyng woulde expell.
The Popishe dawes, whom all men knowes,
To be styll blacke of hue:
Doo sweare them selues best protestants,
and byrdes thats onely true.
What shoulde I write? by colour all
true tytles they doo steale,
And couer thousande trecheries,
vnder pretensed zeale.
To knowe the matter perfectly,
to vnderstande it well:
Marke here what precise Commod [...]s,
to Pertinax doothe tell.
Thynke Commodus to be such one,
as couertly in herte,
Doothe worshyp all Idolatrie,
and myndes not to conuerte.
And yet through shewe of godly zeale,
oure churche woulde quite deface,
[Page]To helpe the popyshe kyngdome vp,
and to reteyne his place.
Thynke Pertinax a penyshe impe,
an impe of popyshe lyne.
Who styll wyll be a Catholike,
(though all the bookes) diuine,
Doo proue hys churche an heretike.)
Sir Commodus kepes styll
In Englande for commoditie:
Syr Pertinax he wyll
To Louayne, to the mother churche,
but howe they bothe haue sped,
Perceaue that by theyr proper talkes,
and what lyues they haue led.
The hunger waxeth sharpe and kene,
in Flemmyshe bareyn lande,
And Pertinax bet home with pyne,
takes Commodus by the hande.
God saue you gentyll Commodus,
howe haue you fared longe?
veryly euen as you see,
well lykyng, fatte, and strong,
Of credite neuer better I:
what vrgent cause doothe make
You at this tyme from sacred soyle,
your iourney for to take?
When we went to the holy towne,
from Englyshe flocke infe [...]te,
Our want was wealthe, and coyne at wyll,
we were an happye secte.
But our long staye, was oure decaye,
men grudgde to geue vs more:
And Sarum with hys subtile booke,
hath cropte our credite sore.
Before, we gaue a countenaunce,
to all the worlde so wyde:
[Page]That our intent was wholly [...]ent,
to haue our quarell tryde.
Suche cautels had we to beare of,
that who gainst vs dyd wryte,
We swore he was falne from the Churche,
of gyddynesse or spyte.
We bare them down that they wer nought,
rashe, raylyng, and yll spoken,
Lewde, and vnlearnde, but now [...] our stythe
of forgery is broken.
Sarum hath walkde so waryly,
(it greuthe me to name hym)
That moste of men doo see his truthe,
we wote not why to blame hym.
Nowe they dispaire oure prostrate cause,
and of our safe retourne:
And suffer vs in beggery,
(Ah silly case) to mourne.
Ah silly case, nay silly fooles,
you myght haue lyued here,
In wealth and blisse, and euen as there,
haue kepte your conscience clere.
In deede your letter writ to me,
dyd signifye n [...] lesse:
But howe that you can vse it so,
I woulde you shoulde expresse.
Synce I came laste into the realme,
it was toulde me of trouthe,
That you aboue the rest of men,
vse to be freattynge wrothe
With ceremonies, is it so?
Iesu, what shoulde one hope?
They say that you doo caste them of,
as brought in by the Pope.
Can you speake so precisely here:
and beare vs so in hande?
[Page]You are no doubte no Catholike
as now the case doth stande.
No Catholyke:
Ah Pertinax
thou arte a mery man.
I speake, I graunte against the pope
and speake the worste I can.
And profitte him yet more then you.
(perhappes ye gin to muse)
But harke to me and listen well
what practise I doe vse.
When you did cut the salte sea some,
with framed timbre borde,
And yeade to Louaine there to heare,
the Latine Romishe worde,
Then stormynge in my thoughtfull brests,
and sharpe beset with cares,
In mortall waues I wandred still,
in maze of my affayres.
Feare caste in all extremities
what shoulde I do thoughte I?
To sanctuarie of papistes
to Louaine shoulde I flye?
That were a way to begger me
to bringe me vnto neede:
And in so doinge, I shoulde woorke,
the mother churche smalle meede.
Aeneas came into my mynde,
that feynde him selfe a gréeke,
And by that meanes made manye soules,
Lorde Dyt [...]s hall to seeke.
He can not hurte his foe the moste
that kepes the furste away:
I was resolude to keepe me close,
and sée a furder stay.
I sayde my wounded conscience
did prickle more and more,
[Page]And wyshed after some of skyll
to remedye my sore.
I sayde my doubte was dangerous,
and therfore fayne woulde haue
Some clarkly man of eyensyght deepe,
within the same to raue.
Thys was the tenour of my tale,
that I woulde common fayne,
If some learnde man on thother syde,
woulde take on hym the payne.
The Protestants be mercyfull,
and glad to wyn vs all:
In brefe the chiefe woulde me at length
to common with them call.
Theyr reasonyng was to and fro,
to wyn me yf they coulde:
And I began as debonayre,
to render vp the houlde.
Nowe hearken (oulde frende Pertinax)
what was the spedy key:
To ope the locke of credits forte,
for me to beare a swey.
He that was counted too to fearse
and angry wyth the Pope,
I went to hym, and prayde hym ofte
my conscience for to grope.
Parted from hym, I woulde proteste,
and openly woulde saye:
That suche one was the greatest clarke
that was on lyue thys daye.
He that was holden moste of zeale,
and to the worlde the best:
Hym woulde I prayse aboue the sonne,
and so I purchast reste.
No more demaunde made of my faythe.
I faynde me very [...]elous:
[Page]Of other men, and sayde they were
drawebackes, and nothyng zealous.
And styll I praysde my confessours,
and made them so to swell,
Suche pulpit hornetts by my meanes,
That none durste with them mell.
And what that they to feede theyr mynde,
Or coloure ells woulde speake:
I mayntaynde it with toothe and nayle,
in all that I coulde creake.
Then was I dubde as true precise,
and faithfull by and by,
And none was compted hoate enough,
saue he and he and I.
I whysperde to and fro a pare,
and playde my parte so free:
That quarells stept vp fal [...]e and faste,
A noble game to see.
And that the reste myght learne to stoupe,
and I myght growe vp styll:
An other fetche by peecemeale, I
into them dydde instyll.
My maysters lysten well (quod I)
take kepe what I shall saye.
Me thynks this church, this englishe churche,
is clogged at this daye,
With ceremonies more then nedes,
to tell you at a worde,
I would haue all thyngs iuste as they
were left vs by the Lorde.
This knewe I was the deyntye dyshe,
that so theyr passions fed:
I am not nowe to learne I trowe,
to bryng a babe to bed.
Nowe, whether for true conscience,
or els that they myght seeme
[Page]Sole gospellers, and that the worlde,
mighte so of them esteme:
Or els through our suggestions,
they gnawed so this bone,
That O good God, I woulde to God
they had bene let alone.
Nay truste me truly Pertinax
men woulde haue bene ful fayne,
To thruste out all those gospellers,
and sende for you againe.
How say you, was not this a drifte,
and that a drifte of hope?
Am I not nowe, as lege as you,
to our good lord the pope?
If there were talke of gospels grace,
of francknesse of our lybertie,
Then woulde I whet my tongue to speake,
againste the gifte of pollyci [...].
And that our seruice was consumde,
onlye in adoration:
Wheras the pryme church, vsde one prayer,
the reste in exhortation.
That ministers, why shoulde they not?
mighte goe euen lyke the reste
In suits of silke, in sheynes of golde,
apparelde with the beste.
That ministers mighte take and leaue
their orders when they woulde:
I wente about to make all naughte
by all the meanes I coulde.
This was my greateste anchoure hold,
I euer caste it thus:
The worse it fared with their churche,
the better much for vs.
Untowarde case, vnluckye case
Ah Pertinax I say
[Page](As erst I sayde) a trumpe a trumpe,
was caste downe in our waye.
And he that caste it, hath surueyde,
and markde our cardes so well,
That all oure driftes is nowe fordone,
and you abrode muste dwell.
As for my selfe, who but my selfe
I neuer felte lyke ease:
Not stoutest of the protestants
dare me in ought displease.
I made my matche I trowe with suche,
as dare not but vpbeare me:
What yf I knowe their giltie prankes
and there vppon they feare me?
Those wryng and wreste the meaner sorte,
whose myndes and tongues are free,
And so imbecill all theyr strengthe,
that they are naught to me.
I nowe can dubbe a protestant,
and eke disdubbe agayne:
And make a Papiste graduate,
if he wyll quite my payne.
Liuinges are myne, geuynges are myne,
the countenance is myne:
Promotions come to me alone,
or where I will assygne.
Yea Pertinax if thou wilte come,
of Laberinth ne dreede.
I can conducte thee safe and sounde,
by vertue of a threede.
I knowe who plaies the catte, and howe
her ioly krttles mouses,
I and my patrons leaue small lore,
in some right famous houses.
And if there be not speedie healpe.
against me and my fooles.
[Page]Ile driue their Gospell from the churche,
and learnyng from the Schooles.
In deede I studye harde my selfe,
but to what ende or why?
That I myght gette the greatest fee,
and put all others by.
As nowe I am, I coulde not wyshe
almoste a better staye:
If the precyse crepe vp agayne,
I knowe my wonted playe.
In the meane tyme I tell them playne
they are the greatest clarkes,
And that for theyr greate constancie,
the totall worlde them markes.
Yea I can tell them clawyngly
(but that is in their eare.)
That those whiche haue deposde them thus,
are persecuters cleare.
And if that some by pollicie,
in tyme doo not preuent them,
Ile egge them on to speake some thyng,
whiche spoken may repent them.
Well yf that those get vp agayne,
I kepe my iolly stay:
And if sir Pertinax you come,
I wyll not go away.
So that come papist, or precyse,
or formall conformable,
The precisde Papist kepes his roume,
lyke promontorie stable.
And yet, yf thou as palpable,
my conscience couldst grope,
Shaklo [...]kes profession.
Of honestie, I am full true,
vnto my lorde the Pope.
May happs when I haue filde my purse,
with takyng all this payne.
[Page]I wyll go turne from Commodus
to Pertinax agayne.
What Commodus thou turnes thy selfe
as one shoulde turne the groate
Turne rounde, or else thou will be spyde
in turninge ofte thy coate.
Becawse, you talked of gropinge erste,
howe chauncde it heretofore,
That you agaynst the blessed pope,
so solemnlye haue swore.
Speake oute man, are you in a dumpe?
howe durste you so farre go?
Iuraui lingus,
sed mentem
non iuratam gero.
I tould them then, I spoke with tongue,
but neuer mente it so.
Why do you heare their seruice still,
a thing of such abusion?
I could not els abyde with them,
to helpe them to confusion.
What say you to the precyse stocke,
are they resolude that waye?
Sum parte of them is lyke my selfe,
the conformable say
That halfe of those whiche busylye
against those orders clatter,
Are Papistes ranke: as those may see
whiche wyll suruey the matter.
Why doo they make so straite accompt
of thynges that bee but meane?
Pythagoras, why dyd he put
mans soule within a beane?
What if your selfe for not wearyng
hereafter may be wrounge?
Tushe man I made them longe ago,
a verey Aesops tongue.
Synce you agaynst these churchly rites
so longe and sore dyd wynche,
Howe coulde you nowe resume agayne
so bucksome at a pynche?
I sayde (as ofte I vse to say)
that I was very poore,
Nathlesse woulde geue tone halfe I had
that I myght weare no more.
I go to healpe a papist nowe,
that ginnes for to recant,
And I go nowe, for to moleste
a silly protestant.
O noble force of flattery,
Farewell olde fellowe myne,
But so farewell that you kepe close
and come to me to dyne.
Farewell a payre of hellyshe impes
of cankred Sathans race:
For you are enmies vnto God,
And his in euery place.
The true precise, none doo despise,
but all men knowe it well,
That they in learnynge and good lyfe,
moste commonly excell.
Not one of vs, but wylls them well
to keepe their godly name.
Nor euer thought to preiudice,
or to eclips the same.
Some be so wyse by Papistes guile,
they can not be abusde:
Yet Commodus hath fonded some,
it can not be excusde.
If I shoulde wryte of Commodus
the craftes of suche lyke men,
The tricklynge teares for hearty griefe
woulde overlode my pen.
[Page]But none wyll looke to Commodus,
he beares the bell awaye,
Some guardon due for his deserte,
The Lorde wyll sende one day.
The worlde is blearde with duskyng shoes,
and daselde with a glose:
But I appeale vnto the wyse,
and craue redresse of those.
Come what can come, howe muche can come,
I am at staye in mynde:
Theyr net of zeale, wherwith they steale,
for euer to vnwynde.
Since God and our liege Soueraigne
bulwarkes to Truthe doo stande:
We feare not Commodus his crafte,
nor Pertinax his hande.

❀ THE POET REBVKETH those which d [...]cōmend vices in the nobilitie▪ and do iudge such worthie to bear rule, as also those whiche thinke, that none base borne oughte to haue any accesse to promotion. He speaketh to Mece­nas, and commendeth hym as one whiche hath respect onely to vertue and godly qualities.

The sixte Satyre.

NOt due discent from haughtie house,
nor thyne Hetrurie lande,
(Myne owne good Lord) do the cause thy name,
and honour styll to stande.
Not fathers syre, not mothers syre
to cheu [...]tant in fielde:
(About whose banners suche a route
of lustye bloods bare shielde.)
[Page]Induce thee to be insolent,
(as moste of gentrie be)
To make a mocke of meaner men,
for thou acceptest me.
Whose mother was infranchised,
and sayste, it dothe not skyll
Of petigree, so that oure owne
demeanour be not yll.
Of this full well thou arte resolude
Tullus a sor­pressor of ver­tue.
before kyng Tullie gan
So tyrannous a monarchie
imbecelyng freedome than
By vertues spray, the basest borne
myght be the noblest man.
Leuynus a­greate gentle­man hated of the people for his naughty­nes notwith­standinge the great admyration th [...]y haue to gentry.
Leuinus, he whose ancestours
kyng Tarquine droue away:
Through lyfe corrupt, and rainlesse youth
dyd worke his fames decay.
Neglected of the commoners,
who onely doo admyre,
Nobilitie, and none but them
to honors would aspyre.
If it be so that lawlesse prankes
Yea nobles, discommendeth:
Who will prayse vs of baser blood
except our lyfe amendeth?
For what if Leuyn were estemde
and Decie were not so?
Decius base borne.
Leuyn a lowte, and Decie stoute,
Yet Leuins kyndred tho,
Myght be induction to the rude,
to deeme of hym so well.
If that the counsayles President,
perchaunce should me expell,
From Senate house, for vulgar stocke,
This colour woulde he make,
[Page]That base must byde in baser roume
for ciuile profites sake.
But glitterynge glorie rauysheth"
the poore and princely state:
And pleasurs not a iote at lengthe:"
lette Tullie spell his fate.
He myght haue past, hys tyme in peace"
declinyng lordly lyfe,
His royall robes rasde rancour vp,
and rancoure termelesse stryfe."
Suche is the worlde, who beares the swey
assuredly is scande,
Howe he came vp, what parentage,"
what was his fathers lande.
For, as the yonger that would seme"
moste hansome and moste braue,
Dothe make the mo to marke the more"
if he suche features haue:
So, who so thinks to rule in realmes,"
and aufull swey to beare,
To place, displace, to dubbe disdubbe,"
to kepe the costes in feare:
The riflyng of his petigree,"
muste thynke erewhyle to heare.
Durste thou (say they) a beggers brat,
in suche outtakyng rage,
Take on thee thus, to heade the peare,
to hang and drawe the page?
Nouie a pety sobber Paulus et Mass [...]la.
woulde be a counsayler
in lawe I passe hym farre.
Though not lyke some of fyled tongue
to parle a case at barre,
But, he can sett a face of it,
with his forpenned tayle,
In solemne syghtes, he thunders so,
that fauters neuer fayle.
[Page]Lette me speake well, speake what I can,
They laugh me styll to scorne:
He is to base to rule saye they,
in deede to basely borne.
Nowe grudge they me, because I am
becomde your houshold guest:
Before, because in warre and f [...]ewe
my rule was nexte the beste.
Thyngs muche vnlyke: for be it so,
that honours enuyde be,
As fortunes gyftes, yet maye I well
be suppliaunt to the:
Whiche art by choyce of ponderyng witte,
of frendes prouided (lo)
Not roumerakers, nor rente rackers,
nor staynde with vices mo.
I dare not saye that fortune coulde
haue wrought me suche a blisse,
Not loreles chaunce, but Uirgils lore,
dyd helpe me vp to this.
Fyrst Uirgils voyce, then Uaries prayse,
your presence dyd procure:
At myne income, I lowted lawe,
And muttred full demure.
For bashefull shame dyd styll my voice
and muche abridge my talke:
Therfore in blasing of my bloode,
my tongue it dothe not walke.
Nor howe that I doo mount on mule,
in countrey gawyshe games:
I platly power out my mynde,
thou answere also frames.
In bri [...]fe and fewe, suche is thy wont
and after certayne dayes:
Thou calls me home, and calls my frende,
and this my griefe alayes.
[Page]A ioy, to haue Mecene my frende,
who good from bad dothe parte,
Not by dissente, but lyfe well led,
and ballaste breast with arte.
For if with slender single sinnes
and those but very few,
My vpright nature be infecte,"
(as if in cumlye hue
A warte or twayne be euidente)
it is not muche to rue.
If gamegroper or muckmunger,
I can not proue it be,
Nor spente my youth in daliaunce,
the case is well with me.
And be in charitable lyfe,
withall and euery frende:
I thancke my father for this gere,
he sente me to this ende.
Flauio [...].
He sente me not to lawyers shop:
to learne accoumpte to caste,
To be recorder, auditor,
to know to fetche in faste.
Nor as the gentles sende their sonnes,
to chatter in a plea,
Professing law, learne lawlesse lyfe,
and sayle in reade Sea.
But lyke the babes of noble birthe,
to Rome I was conducted
With lordly artes, that might be séene,
the beste I was instructed.
My garments suche, retynue suche
that most men did beleue,
My gransyres goodds, did stay the route,
that hangde vppon my sleue.
My maister graue, well studied,
and much vnlyke a sorte,
[Page]Who dissolute at eche smale suite,
do let their youth, go sporte.
For few, (as tip of all good name)
he taughte me shamfastnes,
That shendful shame through worde or [...]
did neuer me oppresse
Not fearing, though I wente to la [...]e,
on him I shoulde complaine,
Nor doe: I can him hartye thancke,
and praise him, for his paine.
Except I mad, I may be glad,
eke, of my parente base,
And do milyke such kynd of skuse
which sum vse in this case.
Pardie (say they) not our faulte is,
our parage is so meane:
Pardye, say I, my voyce and heart
doth go against that clean [...].
For, if that nature woulde and coulde
reclayme my dulcet dayes,
And bid me picke my parents out,
mongst those, that beares the swayes,
Sum would no doubte bid me take one,
that liftes the loftye mace,
And praunceth in the purple throne,
contented with my place.
I would [...] not chaunge: the moste of men,
wil thincke me straughte of witte,
But you, can wey the waightie state,
and i udge a ryghte of it.
For, as auctoritie is greate,
so substaunce must be great [...]
My viaundes greate my charges greate,
my frendes I muste, intreate,
Som, one, or other, must I haue
where so that I be gone,
[Page]To towne or countrye farre or neare,
a shame to be alone.
My many muche, my traine of men,
my geldings fatte and fayre,
My waggons, coches, horselitters,
for coste I muste not spare.
In cytte, I must set vppon
my golde bespangled mule,
In déeper way, a traunsinge steede,
whome vneth ought can rule.
Els sum will checke me for my thryfte,
Lorde Tullus so woulde thriue,
Who Pretor woulde ride through the stréetes,
his trayne no more but fyue.
Fyue peltinge laddes, (good senator)
at least must wayte on the,
And I may rome my mastership,
wheresoeuer lyketh me.
My selfe alone can chepen things,
and make my market well,
At euen and morne in fayre or marte
from thence to where I dwell:
So suche pore cates, as I well lyke,
my supper reddie set,
A pot of drinke, a glasse of oyle
my housholde stuffe not greate.
From that to bed not crampte with care,
of that whiche may betyde,
Nor bente to go a pilgremage,
for my greate stryfe or pryde.
I ryse at ease walke forth at ease,
Nou [...]
and then a caste at booke,
All secretly, (a ioy of ioyes
at it to syt and loke)
For weryed with my bookishe gase,
I noynte with supple oyle,
[Page]My loytrous limmes, and when six Phebe
with brande beginnes to broyle:
I washe my corps in cooly shade,
my dyat smale and thin,
Of pretie pittaunce, not so muche,
as stomacke woulde let in.
I calculate the coursinge starres,
how eche doth run, and rayne,
When noysom dogge doth flame in rage,
I cum not at the bayne,
But sytt at home: this is the lyfe,
so iollye, and so free,
That cherisheth, and [...]heareth vp,
and so recumforts me.
As though my father grandfather,
and vncle erste had bene,
Lordes treasurers, and lefte me knighte,
and ryche in chyldhood grene.

❧ A DERISION OF CHIDING and brawling. The stryfe is betwixte Rupilius king of Pryneste, and one Persius: a wonder­ful vndecente thing, for a noble man to be a scoulder.

The seuenth Satyre.

THe fellone tongue of Rupilie,
that traytor mungrill king,
How Persius hath dreste in kynde,
it is no nouell thing.
As common as the carts way that.
This Persie for the moste,
Did make his bode at Ginnia:
with Rupilie at hoste.
With gybes, and glickes, and taunting stryfe
a brawler sharpe and sore
[Page]Rashe, arrogante, and by vse had
of ribaldrye suche store:
That from a dosen cacklinge drabbes,
the bell he mighte haue bore
Well, to the kinge, lyke dogge, and catte,
these two did then agrée,
Lyke champions fell, their toylesum tongues
they vsde as weapons free.
For eche man séekes to noy his foe,
(the olde sayde saw doth tell,
With prowes, and those martiall feats,
wherein he doth excell.
Twixte Priams hautie Hector, and
corragiouse Achill,
So keene and mortall was their wrathe,
that he did Hector kyll.
And for no other cause I trow,
but that, in those same twayne,
Lyke force in principallitie,
and parfytnesse did raine.
D [...]sterds will quickly parte them selues,
vnequall if they be,
(As Glaucus was to Diomede)
the weaker shrinketh, he
Departs in peace, as recreante,
his ransom maks him frée.
Lorde Brutus was lyeutenaunte, then
of Asia the lesse,
When Rupilie, and Persius,
to combat do addresse.
Lyke as two masters of the fence,
vn [...]hathe their blades of mighte,
So, these same two, tongue puisaunte knyghts,
with scoulding, ginn the fyghte.
The auditorye numberouse,
the Persye onset gaue,
[Page]The people laugh, he praiseth Brute,
and his retenue braue.
Duke Brute, the sonne of As [...]a,
his men, he cals the starres,
Balde Rupilie, he rattles vp,
to combat, if he darres.
He calde him hurtefull hatefull dogge,
to earthe, a gréenouse sine,
Lyke pleasaunte streame beset with woode,
so flowes his talke diuine.
Then Rupilie let issue out,
his well ycouched wordes,
Through seasonde, as the drubled lakes,
that kéepeth aye in fordes.
So perfyt and exacte a scoulde,
that women mighte geue place,
Whose tatling tongues, had won a wispe,
to stande before theyr face.
The Persie see, his foe so fell,
and how he did him snape,
[...]rayl [...]rs tōg i [...]supporta­ble, therefore not to be aun­swered by wordes, but repressed by ri [...]or of the maiestrate.
Thoughte impossible to resiste,
ne wiste he how to scape.
Lorde Brute (quod he) my liege lord Brute,
for all the gods aboue,
Thou, that arte wonte to hauerd all,
to win, thy countryes loue,
To wringe the maces forth their handes,
to daunte the dukes a downe,
Be wrekde, be wrekde (thy onely prayse)
vpon this doggishe clowne.

❧ THE GARDINGE GOD Priapus beinge erected as a watche to driue awaye byrdes and theues, complaineth hym selfe to be sore scarred of the olde witche Canadie, her fellowe sorcerers Sagana, and such lyke. He partlye toucheth the maner of their practisynge.

The eyght Satyre.

I Was sumtimes a very blocke,
the bodye of a tree,
The wryghte vncertaine what to make,
a stoole or God of me,
His pleasure was to make me God,
mine office is to fray,
Both birdes and theues that wolde cum filtche
our fruite from hence awaye.
As images (most commonly)
the woorkemen vse to make,
To purchase ease or wealthe to men,
and for their lucre sake.
This orcharde was a sepulchre
indeede, a publique graue,
For Nomentane and Pantoble,
and euerye rascall slaue.
The plat of grounde, was brode and square,
and of a mightie lengthe,
Sum tombes there were righte beautifull,
and of a during strengthe.
This place that was a dampishe soyle,
and whyte, with dead mens bones,
Is now a pleasaunte paradise,
to walke in for the nones.
The veluet grasse, the holsom herbes,
the trees, in motley lyuerie,
[Page]Both arte and nature haue bestowde,
abundantlye their tapestrye.
I am molested very muche
with fowles, and cléekynge theues,
Yet moste these charmynge sorcerers,
vndoubtedly me greues.
Who doe with poyson, and with spells,
bereue men of their witts
I can not stay these mother mabbes,
but they will charme by fyttes.
When as the moone beginnes to shew
her younge and cumlye face,
They cum to gather, deade mens bones,
and hurtefull herbes a pace.
I saw my selfe olde Canadie,
Canadie a witche.
about twelue of the clocke,
Bare foote, hyr lockes about her heade,
Ytuckde in pukishe frocke.
She howled with an other hagge,
a color sallow wan
Made them to looke, lyke gastefull goosts,
(good for to curse and ban)
These two with téeth, did rente in twaine
a lambe of blackithe hue
The blood resorted to an hole,
purple, and smoking new.
Thence did they scyte, the damned soules,
from Plutos pallace large:
The soules, that al things should expounde,
as it was geuen in charge.
Stode statues two, the greate of wull,
of wax was made the lesse,
The greater gurnde with visage grim,
as thoughe he woulde oppresse
The lesse which lowred lowtishlye,
dispairinge all redresse.
[Page]The one she calde of Heccatye,
Kinge Plutos chamber feare,
The other calde Tisephonie,
that hath in spite no peare,
Fyndes, serpentes, furyes, hellish impes.
the moone inflamde to reade,
Thou mightes haue séene, the witches couch
behynde the tombes of deade.
For beinge spyde, If that I lye,
the dawes defyle my noule,
And all the theues of Rome cum in,
and of my fruite take toule.
What shoulde I shew particulers?
by course how they did speake,
The witche and goosts how they did houle,
againe how they did squeake,
How they enterred in the grounde,
a speakled serpentes hyde:
And hare of woolfes, and by and by,
a flame there out did glyde.
And as the flame did grow in bulke,
and gan for to increase:
So did the waxen image (lo.)
by smale and smale decrease.
I markte the drabbishe sorcerers
and harde their dismall spell
The matter, went so harde with me,
(there was no other boote)
I let a scape? Dame Cannadie
she moude her aged foote,
And trotteth on her way so harde,
that all her teethe out fall:
The other trot loste her read hyue,
she did her bushe with all.
There mightes thou fynde their coniurde hearbes,
their threades and knackes of arte▪
[Page]And, for to see the beldoms scarde,
haue laughed out thy parte.

❀ IN GENERALL HE CON­trowleth people inquisitiue, and importunable tatlers. That he doth dialogue wyse, and yet without naming of any person.

The nynthe Satyre.

I Chaunced, to roome me in the stréets,
(as ofte I vse to doe)
Musing, I wate not, of what toyes,
but scanninge to and froe.
Runs, vnto me a certaine man,
whome erste I vnneth see.
Imbracing me, oh pleasaunte lad,
how mightes thou fare (quod he?)
Well at this tyme, and wishe to the,
all that thou canste require.
When as I see him haunte me still,
I askde him his desyre.
Why pardye, syr, know you not me?
I am a greate lernde man.
If it be so, I deme of you,
so muche the better than.
Lyues fayne, I woulde haue le [...]te him there,
and hereuppon, I wente
Now swifte, now slow and told my boy,
tryfles to none intente.
In faith I was through bathde in sweate,
and thoughte them in good [...]ase,
That were well in their chambers set,
or in sum secret place.
[Page]When he woulde prayse, the towne, or stréet [...],
I answerde nought againe.
I see, (quod he you woulde, that we
were parted verye fayne.
But all for naughte, it may not be,
Ile wayte vppon you now.
(Quod I) syr, spare your coortesie,
I haue no néede of you.
I muste go sée, a frende of mine
whome you did neuer know,
Nye Cesars Orchardes, yonde Tyber,
he dwelleth farre below.
No busnes I, néedes muste I walke,
haue with you for this day,
Then, (lyke the heuye lodened asse)
myne eares downe did I lay.
Syr, if you knew my qualityes,
there is no reason, why,
Or Uiske, or Uarus shoulde be more,
enteire to you then I.
Uiske, & U [...] ­rus: wo ioly [...] Poets.
For who, for number or for grace,
dare mell with me in ryme?
Or who can daunce so footinglye,
obseruing tune and time?
I can singe so melodiouslye,
that verye Hermogene,
Woulde enuye me or if he harde
woulde yeelde to me I wene
I thoughte to interchaunge a worde,
thy mother lyueth she,
Or any of thy kynsfolke els,
that standeth neede of the?
In good time they are broughte to stay,
and I remaine alone,
Dispatch thou me, so it must be:
for many yeres a gone,
Sabella a­Prophetes.
Sabella, (I a very chylde)
did reede, my drerye fate,
In folowynge forme, with tendre hande,
pressed vpon my pate.
Not poyson keene, nor emnies sworde,
this babe away shall draw,
Not stitch or coughe, or knobbyng gowte,
that makes the patiente slaw,
A prater shall becom his death,
therfore, let him alwayes
If he be wyse shun iangling iacks,
after his youthefull dayes.
We came to Lady Uestas churche.
the fourth parte of the day
Whilste language passed to and fro,
was passed cleane away.
He stode in bondes, (as he toulde me)
in courte for to apeare,
Or sentence els definitiue,
shoulde passe againste him cleare.
If thou doste loue me frende (quod he)
to tharches with me draw,
Nor can I stande, vpon my féete,
nor knowe the cyuile law.
I doubte if I shoulde leaue my cause,
or els thy frendlye companie.
I pray the me, not yet (quod he
before me, by and by
He preseth on: my victor guyde
I did succeade a pace,
How doth your lorde Mecenas now,
how stande you in his grace?
It is a rare and wyt [...]ye parte,
in frendship long to dwell,
Horace, I tell the as a frende,
thou haste vsde fortune well,
[Page]If that thou woldste plante me in once,
(in forfitte of my heade)
Thou shouldste no doubte, haue me a frende,
woulde stande the in good steade.
Within a monethes space or twaine,
Mecenas I woulde claw
That all the reaste mighte blow their nayles,
or go to shough the dawe.
We lyue not so, as thou doste thincke,
no house, more pure then this,
Nor none, that from those mischeues vyle,
more cleane and spotles is.
His, riches, or his learning is,
no preiudice to me:
There is a place accordingly,
for eche in his degree.
A thinge thou tells vncredible.
I tell a [...]othefaste tale.
Thou makes me glow faine woulde I cum
to be of his counsaile.
If that you will, you haue a grace,
his fauour for to win
The first assaulte is very harde,
by suite thou maiste get in.
I will not fayle, brybes shall corrupte,
his cheefist seruinge men
Though once or twyce the gats be shut
I will not cease yet then
*Ile wayte my opportunitie,
to meete him in the way.
To leade him home, to curtsey,
and cap him when he stayes.
There is no good for to be done,
whilste we are lyuing here:
Excepte we lye, [...]aune flatter, face,
cap, kneele ducke, crouche smile, flere.
[Page]He pratling thus, a frende of mine
one Fuscus Arisie,
Met me, who knew this chatting syr
almoste as well as I.
Stocke stille we stande, he askde me whence,
or whether, that I woulde,
I halde him backe, and by the hande,
of frendship did him houlde.
Squintinge his eyes, he gan to nod,
to call me thence away,
And yet dissemblingly he thoughte,
to dallie and to play.
My harte in choller perboylde was,
I wis my frende (quod I)
You sayd, that you a matter had
to tell me secretly.
An other tyme. I muste go see
the circumcised Iues
In kéeping of their Sabot [...]ay,
what holye rytes they vse.
I loue not that religion.
I, of infirmitie
Am scrupulouse: and therfore syr,
I pray the beare with me.
Hereafter I wilbe your man,
both when and where you will,
This day dismis me to go roume,
throughout the stréets my fill.
The churle departes, and lefte me still [...]
to féele my sharpe distresse.
By chaunce there cums this fellowes [...]o [...],
who, now had got redresse,
At him by law: varlet, (quod he)
I charge the for to stay,
And pray you (Horace) geue me leaue,
my mynde to him to say.
[Page]C [...]ntente, (quod I), you may be boulde,
to worke your will for me,
My troublesum companion
arested then I see.
Both partyes crye, the croude growes great [...]
throughe greate Appollos grace,
It was my lucke for to escape,
so comberouse a case.

❧ SOME HAD EVIL SPOKEN of Horace, for reprehendynge Lu [...]ille. He pro­testeth that he by no meanes, meaneth to de­same the person, but to haue his, or their doinges bet­tred. Pretye other conceits and notes of versefyinge.

The tenthe Satyre.

FOrsoth, I sayd, (Lusill) I sayde,
your verses run not rounde.
Doth any loue Lusill so well,
to praise his Iarringe sounde?
But he, through ticklinge vp the towne,
with mirth, hath wun a name:
And yet this doth not proue him lernde,
though I shoulde graunte the same.
So mighte our minstrell Laberie,
be coumpted learned then,
Laberie dele [...] table in min­strelsey, & ye [...] not learned.
If merye mirthe and onlye mirthe,
coulde make a learned man.
To make the re [...]der laughe a pace,
is not a Poets parte:
I meane not all: though therein be,"
a prety peece of arte.
He muste be quic [...] to make his pause,"
and sentence, fall in time
[Page] [...]ls tra [...]ing longe, to weryed eares,
will make a lothesum ryme.
His treatice interchaungeable:
now merye and now sad,
In Poets puffe and now againe,
in Retorique florishe clad.
Sumtimes, a fable trymlye toulde,
doth worke in better force,
Then if the plaintife Poet shoulde
besing his musies horce.
Sumtime to spare his eloquence,
and speake not what he can:
Such were the auncient interludes,
so were they lyked than.
And so farre to be imitate,
but neyther Hermogen,
Nor other, who woulde seeme to be,
so gay deuysinge men,
Did euer reade (I dare make good)
those lettred Poets woorkes,
Saue Cafull, and Caluus, wheras
such paltrye baggage lurkes.
Tush, now I glaunce, and blame ami [...]
for Lusill hath deuised,
A tricksye woorke in Lattin coate,
and greakishe gardes comprysed.
An auntrus [...]e, I promise you,
O thou that knowes not muche▪
Cease to admire a man for that
the matter is not suche,
As it is thoughte, to sprincle here,
and there a worde of gréeke,
Sum a [...]ehead doultes in baggish style,
of gréeke are not to séeke.
Excepte thou thincke that diuerse tongues,
are better when they méete
[Page]A [...] mixed wynes, (what els:) become
more wholsome and pure swete.
Well, in thy verse vse Greke at wyll
beware, that when at barre
Thou pleadest for thy clyent,
thou goest not ouerfarre.
I meane as yf some passyng man
shoulde stande in plea thy foe,
Poblicula or Coruinus.
And sweate agayne to grauayle thee,
and worke thy clyent woo.
Use not thy two tongude phrases then,
lyke one of Canues towne,
Canues, a towne where was spoken both greke and Laten.
Thou mayst perchaunce become nonesuite,
thou and thy cause borne downe.
Once on a tyme, a Greke poeme
I dreamed to indite,
(A Romayne I disioynde by sea,
vnured so to write)
Lorde Romulus dyd byd me stinte,
in pitchye silent nyght,
At mydnyght, when suche vysions
are coumpted moste of myght.
In grekyshe tongue (sayeth he) to write
write vpon writyng styll,
Is as to powre on fatted sowe,
more draffe drynke and more swill.
Therfore whylst Alphin shriketh out
Alphin, a tragicall Port.
the murdred Memnons bayne
And reigne descriues I leauyng Greke
am of my Satyre fayne.
Whiche neyther shall in Guyld hall once,
be iudged of the Mayre:
Nor fede the eye on stately stage,
to make a meyny stare.
Fundanus may at his good luste,
Fundanus, a Comical poet.
of nyncetie fynceties wryte,
[Page](I say) of harlots he [...]full guyle
of Dau [...]s what a spyte,
He wrought to Chremes by his crafte,
That facultie therfore
I leaue to hym as capitayne
in scoffyng comyke lore.
And Polleo, the princely iestes,
in loftie Iambiques maye
By vertue of that gracious verse,
in tragike wyse displaye:
So [...]arie makes his Elegies,
of quicke and lyuely myght,
And Uirgile, well in rurall ryme,
His gamesome [...]use can dight,
A Satyre I, more sauerly,
and with more lucke attempted
That Uarro, and a number suche,
(all arrogance exempted.)
I doo not say, before my tyme,
But Lusille dyd deuyse,
Nor euer ment to preiudice
his crowne in any wyse
Lawrell Crowne.
But nowe and then outtakyngly.
he wyll be ouerseene,
And bryng suche stuffe, wherof the most [...]
omitted myght haue bene.
I pray you (Lusille) saye me soothe,
nor be you not offended,
Hath not your wysedome sayd or now,
that Homer myght be mended?
And hath not ioly Lusill to,
the dolefull Actie chaunged?
And for to car [...]e hym for his phrase
E [...]ilus.
all ouer Ennie raunged.
Yet, when he speaketh of hymselfe,
He speakes not, as he were
[Page]A better [...]larke, then those he blamde.
Why maye not we inquyre
In waye of talke? yf his harde style,
a matter good hath marde:
Or if the matter to vntoward,
hath made his style to harde.
If that a man thynke it enough,
and for a poet mete,
Twixt meale & meale, two hundre [...]h rimes,
to reare vp on their fete:
Lyke Casse, whose lauyshe eloquence,
Cassus bur­ned for his tou [...]he bokes.
was rushyng as the streames:
Therfore were burnt, his corps, his bokes,
(his hastye trauaylde dreames.)
If this be good, Lusill is good,
in suche respecte may he,
Of pleasant head, and depe deuice,
and clarkly iudgement be.
He may be thought to haue enritchde
Greace, with his Satyre verse,
Muche better then an elder sorte,
whiche I coulde nowe rehearse.
Kyght happye Lusill, that dydst see
so plausible a tyme:
If he had ben in these our dayes,
he muste haue razde his ryme."
And parde of all that was not trym,"
and so haue bent his brayne:
That bothe he should haue scratchde his head [...]"
and bitte his thombes for payne.
For nowe, who lookes to beare the bell,"
his doyngs he muste cull,
At home with [...]ym, and better adde,"
then he dyd erste out pull.
Contented, to haue pleasde the wyse,"
lette go the skyllesse hobbes,
[Page]Who woulde esteme the clappyng of
a flocke of luskyshe lobbes.
(Not I in soothe: the iudgement of
one worthy personage,
In learnyng rype, in vertue iuste,
in verdite sharpe and sage:
Geue me before a thousande low [...]es,
and all their lowde suffrage.
Tygille he kepes a prattlynge stylle,
his pages doo me pynche:
Prate what they can, the worste they can,
I mynde not once to wynche.
Suche carelesse, brainlesse, senslesse shrubbs,
suche sucklyng maultwormes, who,
Dothe take their woordes, but as of course,
and so can lette them go?
The lorde Mecenas and Uirgill,
The wise clerkes of that age.
Plotie, and Uarius,
Ualgie, and our drad soueraigne
the great O [...]auius,
And Polle [...] (I fawne not nowe,
not flatter, thankes to pyke)
Fuscus, and eke the Uiscie bothe,
I woulde they should me lyke,
Thou Messala, thy brother to,
You Bubilie also,
You Seruie, and thou Furnius,
bothe you and suche lyke mo,
Frendly and learnde, whiche nowe for hast
vnnamed I lette go,
Your praise I saye, fayne would I haue
full sorie and full sad:
If I ne can fulfyll the hope,
whiche of my selfe I had.
Sir Tygill, and syr Demetrie,
Your dumpishe domes in schooles,
[Page]You may bestowe where as you lyste,
emongst your flocke of fooles.
As for the wyse, they wynke at them,
nor will not on them looke:
Go boy, go note these sayinges well,
and put them in a booke.


❧ THE POET IS AT ALTER­cation with him selfe, and reasoneth if he should any further procede, in indityng of Satyres, si­thens he was thought of some enuious persones to be sharpe spoken, and in dede a backbyter. He demandeth counsayle of the lawyer Trebatius: he de [...]endeth his owne dede, and conuinceth his misiudgers.

The fi [...]ste Satyre.

SOme thynke my satyres too to tarte,
to kepe no constant lawe,
And some haue thought it lously pen [...]e
what so of myne they sawe.
And weane a thousand such lyke rimes,
one myght within a daye,
Write and dispatch: (old frend Trebate)
what should I doo? a way
To me prescribe, you byd me reste,
my Mustes to appall.
Na, truste me truly by my thryfte,
that were the best of all.
But I muste nedes be doyng styll,
you byd me, I knowe not what,
[Page]To swymme in Tyber all the daye
at nyght to keepe a chat.
To drynke for lyfe, to quasse carouse,
to l [...]ade my tottye noule,
And by suche meanes restrayne my pen,
and to surcharge my soule.
Or yf I haue suche vrgent luste,
and lykyng to indite,
That then I should of Cesars fraies
and passyng triumphes write.
For that woulde fetche vs in the pence,
and healpe me for to lyue.
Alas (God knowes) full fayne woulde I [...]
my courage wyll not geue
Me so to doo. Not euery man
the warlyke troupes so gaye,
To morishe pykes, and brochyng speares▪
the frenchemen slayne in fray,
The puissaunt Percie pluckte from horse,
prayse worthie can display.
Why myght I not iust S [...]ipio,
thy martiall feates haue praysed,
As learned Lusille once tofore,
suche bloodie bankets blased?
I will assay, as tyme shall serue,
Onlesse I wayte my tyme,
It is in vayne, to exhibite,
to Cesar any ryme.
Whome, yf a man attempte to clawe,
inflexible he standes,
Yet, better were so to presume,
then, for to fyle our handes.
With bankroute slaue Pantobolus,
and Nomentanus prankes.
Sithe causeles all mystrust them selues,
and cannes me litle thankes.
What way for me? they say that I,
[Page]am subiecte vnto drinke,
And shotishely vppon excesse,
laye out what so I thynke:
Like dronken folke that hoppe and skippe,
when lickour lodes their braine,
And when through [...]ll affected eie,
Pollux and Castor, Iuptter and Le [...] their sonnes brethren to [...]elena.
one candell semeth twayne.
Borne of one egge, Pollux on foote,
and Castor loues to ryde,
Eche man his mynde. In studyinge
howe many waies be tryde▪
I kepe one staie of writing (they saie)
in melancholie moode,
Like Lusill, sauyng that my witte,
is not all out so good.
Lusill, as to his very frende,
so woulde he to his booke,
His secretes good or bad bewray,
looke on them, who woulde looke.
Hym followe I in Lucanie,
or bred in Appulie
I wote not:
Uenu [...]n [...]n, iuste be [...]wene Lucanie, and [...]ppulie, the [...] was the post borne.
For Uenuce my towne
betwixte them bothe dothe lye.
They Romayns Uenucine possesse,
so sen [...]e into that place,
Leste people nygh aborderyng,
myght wyn the same in space.
And therby noy the Romyshe wealthe,
what so my countrey is:
What so my wytte, my bytter style,
strikes not a whytte amis.
It maye bee lykened to a sworde,
In sheathe for my defence.
Synce no false lofels hurte me then,
why doo I drawe it thence?
O kyng, O father Iupiter,
Woulde God the tymes were so,
[Page]That ruste myght well deuoure this sworde,
that none woulde worke me wo.
But worke they doo, but who so does,
though he be diuelyshe fell,
I blason farre and nere his armes,
and wanton touches tell.
He may go howle land pule for wo,
the citizens will scorne hym,
And cause hym wyshe full many a [...]tyme,
his damme had neuer borne hym.
The Lawyer when that he is chaft,
will threaten iudgement fell:
So Canadie our sorceresse
with poyson will vs quell:
Eche officer dothe menace eke,
the worste that they can doe:
All bragge of that, whiche is theyr best,
and therwith feare their foe.
And that nature allowes of this
marke thou these notes with me:
The wolfe with toothe, the bull with horne
and howe this same myght b [...],
Dame Nature teacheth inwardly.
thou doste agayne replye,
Stronge Sheua, wold not with his sworde,
hys mother cause to dye,
Though she had wrought him much mischief
No meruayle, for the oxe
Strikes not with tooth, nor wolfe with hele,
strong poyson vsde this fore.
So he and they, the good and lewde
theyr weapons haue by kynde,
And vse the same to worke theyr weale:
The gyftes therfore of mynde
Shall be my be [...]te artilleri [...]:
For whether quiete age,
[Page]Abydeth me, or blacke wyngde deathe
encompasse me in rage,
Come wealthe or want, at home, or els
perchaunce an exilde man,
I wyll not fayle, to write my state,
if possibly I can.
My sonne, if that thou write to sharpe,
Tre [...]tte.
no doubte thou shalte not lyue,
Some one or other, wyll to thee
Thy fatall wounde ygeue.
Why? Lusill lyude, who euer vsde,
all fayners to detect,
With satyres sharpe, and quippies rounde,
of deathe he neuer reckt.
But blamed those, whiche outwardly
doo g [...]ue a shynynge shoe,
And inwardly are chargde with synne,
that vnnethes they can goe.
Good Lelie dyd not hate his witte,
nor he that got renown
For pollicie, and pruice too,
For beatyng Carthage downe.
I say they were not myscontent,
That lewde Metellus once,
And lowtishe Lupus were reformde,
Metellus and Lupus noble men, yet reprehended for [...]yce. [...]c [...]pi [...] and L [...]lius no [...] repyning.
with Satyres for the nonce.
He woulde not spare the officers,
nor priuate men to blame.
A frende to none saue honestie,
and those that vsde the same.
With doughtie stoute duke Scipio,
and Lelie learnde and wyse,
He woulde teste very iocundly,
One pointe of wysedom, not to be merp [...] a­mong [...]ste a­multitude.
and frankly in his guyse,
At meales, when he sequestred was
frome the vnlettred sorte.
[Page]What so I am, though farre I wote,
from Lusils witte and porte.
Yet enuie selfe can not denye,
but I haue ledde my life,
Amongst the best, though some men thynke
me dedicate to stryfe:
Me thynks my grounde, is good and sure,
excepte you frende Trebat,
By lawe, doo disalowe of it,
I will pursue my state.
Trebu [...]
Beware, beware, the warinde may lyue,
be circumspect and slawe,
Leste you by wordes vndoo your selfe,
through ignorance of lawe.
For who that writeth slaundrously,
we lawyers muste amende hym:
And who that wryteth true and well,
our Cesar muste [...]efende hym,
If that a man speake of a zeale,
And blame the bad alone,
Dispatche youre rowles, there is no gayne,
the Lawyer may be gone.

❀ VNDER THE PERSON AGE of the Stoike Ofellus, he controlleth the glutto­nous and riottous: he sheweth the varietie of meates them selues, not to be so dilectable, as they are so made by abstinence, and sharpe appetite. He cōmen­deth muche frugalitie, whiche is chiefly in sparynge and thryftie diete.

The second Satyre.

HOwe good it is, and laudable,
to lyue but with a small:
It passeth me for to discriue,
Ofellus folde it all.
[Page]A rudesb [...]e, and vnruly, wyse,
and yet vnlucky man,
Who neuer could bryng to an ende,
The thynge whiche he began.
Learne abstinence, O learne of me
not when your paunche is full,
Or when with grosse vpflyngyng fumes,
Your syght is ma [...]de and dull:
Or when your lust leanes to the worst,
and wyll not brooke the beste,
Come soberly, not ouerchargde,
With intrayls all at reste.
Some thyng to say: the wastefull wombe,
dothe plague and kyll the brayne;
As that iudge dothe his countrey hurt,
who gapeth after gayne.
When thou doste trace the hastyng hare,
or tame the Iennet wylde,
Or fyght in fielde, lyke Romayn stoute,
(vnlyke a Grekyshe chylde.)
Or when thou doest at footeball playe,
or tennice for pastyme:
Whylste loue of game dothe ease thy toyle,
and helpe awaye the tyme:
Or when thou slyngest in the ayre:
with myght auoyde the stone:
What so thou doste, do earnestly,
and when thy toyle is gone,
Thou shalt haue stomake quick and sharpe,
that when thou comes to dyne,
It will not loke for sweete conceytes,
or fragrant friskyng wyne.
If that the rude and vgly sea,
doo lette the fyshers arte,
If foode doo fayle, of breade and salte,
to take and eate thy parte.
[Page]Thou wilt be glad. Why is it thus?
[...]o [...]e soundeth thys wyth reason?
The smell of hoate and smokyng roast,
though it be deare and geason,
Dothe not delyte of it owne selfe:
thou makes the culleis good.
Thy sweate and pyne, makes sweete and fyne,
and sauours all thy food.
What taste is there, yf thou beiste gordgde▪
ne can it well endue,
In lampre, or in leueret,
or choppyn oysters newe.
Nathelesse, I can not thee perswade,
but yf they bothe be dreste,
The Pecocke, and the pubble hen,
the Pecocke tasteth best.
Begyled with apparances:
because her costly sayle
Is rare: and that a circled pryde
She beareth in her tayle.
As though that were materiall:
her feathers doste thou eate,
So gaye to thee? or is she ells,
in brothe the better meate?
The fleshe of bothe is muche alike:
thou loues the pecocke, tho,
Because of gallant gawyshe plumes:
well, lette it then be so.
The Dogge fyshe, that from Tyber cums,
Tulcus, a [...] strete in Ro­me, nere to a creke of the sea.
or streame in Tuscus streete,
Why is it worse, then that, from sea
where wrastlynge waues doo méete?
O dotyng worlde, aboue the rest,
they loue the Hullet greate,
And yet doo mynce her smale and smale
before they doo her eate.
[Page]Thus may we see, the syght is all:
If syght make thynges excell,
Great Porposes, shoulde be in price:
na, sothely I can tell
Why they be not: this porpose fyshe,
with vs is euery where:
A mullet for the mincyng dames,
for that is rare and dere.
Farre sought farre brought deare bought good for La­dyes.
The temperate will litle eate
and feede of simple chere.
Some gluttons would eate greater fyshe,
to satisfye theyr mawes,
(Lyke hellyshe Harpies) from a panne,
with gredie gnawyng iawes.
But you, you wastefull southerne wyndes,
corrupt their viandes all:
It needes not muche: for bore or brytte,
dothe taste to them as galle.
When to muche hauocke hath them cloyde,
then gyn they sore to longe
For rapes, and Helicampane roote,
and doo the beggers wronge.
So kynges (to haue theyr courses iust)
Reiect not pore mens cates,
As egges, and oyle, with suche the lyke
receyude and vsde of states.
The heraulde Gallo for a dyshe

The dish [...], was a fishe cawl [...]d [...]c [...] ­penser a while vsuall y [...]a and no [...]le, after­ward cōtemptible.

Pr [...]torie, [...] frende to the kychin.

He vsde vppon a day,
Was yll rebukde. But they to blame:
for brittes fewe durste assay.
The Britte dyd scope abroade in seas,
The Storke dyd kepe her neste,
Before paunche pampryng Pretorie,
tolde howe they shoulde be dreste.
If some, the rosted cormoraunt,
delytefull woulde reporte,
[Page]Our youthe (soone taught to naughtynesse)
would trye it for a sporte.
The couetous and sparynge man
we muste not note for one,
(As Ofell saythe) if thou, percase
from one synne wouldste be gone,
And therby happe into a worse,
that were a bootlesse case.
Canis a couetouse myser.
Canis, in whome for his deserte,
that name maye well take place,
Olde olyues.
Olde oliues, and the dogtree frui [...]te,
and lees of chaunged wyne,
And vyle vnpleasaunt greasye oyle,
to lothesome for a swyne.
(If he dyd feast his frende at home,
or kepe his natiue daye,

One good note of a churl to be liberal o [...] that which is naughte.


Or solemnise the tyme by chaunce,
in surly ryche araye.)
Abundance of suche corrupt stuffe,
Mongst his, he woulde outlaye.
What dyet shall the wyse man then,
twixte two contraries vse?
Shall he the trade of couetyse,
or prodigall refuse?
Unspotted he, that kepes hym free,
and leanes to neither syde.
He shall not be lyke Albutye,
who, when he dothe deuyde,
His housholde charge, emongst his men,
himselfe wyll nothyng doo:
Nor yet lyke Neuie wayte at boorde,
for that is foolyshe too.
Nowe lysten well, howe great the fruicts,
of sparyng di [...]te be:
First good for healthe, for thys thou must,
perswade thy selfe with me:
[Page]That many thyngs annnoyeth man,
And meates doo muche offende,
Though they be pleasant, yea and good,
yet, when thou doste them blende,
As, fyshe with fowle, roste meates with boylde,
to choler goes the sweete:
The moyst to fleume, for stomacke fleume
a guest is moste vnmete.
Agayne, the corps chargde with excesse,
dothe ouercharge the mynde,
Abandonyng to earthly thyngs,
the sowle of heauenly kynde.
The temperate may soone dispose
his membres to their reste,
And ryse agayne delyuerly,
to labour quicke and preste.
He shall be in the better plyte,
In tyme that happen may,
As when the yeare by compaste course,
shall bryng the pagiaunt day.
Or if he take confortatiues
to helpe hym at his neede:
For yeares wyll come, and crasye age▪
Worthy fruttes of tempe­rance.
who d [...]yntily must feede.
In age, or sycknesse, what shall be,
delityng vnto thee?
Who haste preuented in thy youthe
suche pleasure as myght bee?
The rammyshe Bore, they wont to prayse,
not that they had no nose
To feele hym smell, but to this ende,
that he whiche dyd repose
Hym selfe with them, myght egerly
fall to, and eate his meate:
Because they woulde not gluttonlyke,
theyr whole prouision eate.
[Page]In those dayes, I woulde haue ben borne,
in suche an honeste tyme:
I loue well hospitalitie,
If riot cause not crime.
If thou doste stan [...]e in awe of verse,
or force a rymers reede:
Take heede suche sortes and subtilties
of cates wyll make thee neede.
Bothe shame and harme they wyll procure,
agayne, adde to this same,
Thy kynsmen wroth, thy frends made foes,
thy selfe foe to thy name.
Wyshyng for deathe, and shalt not dye,
but lyue to wayle and mone
Thy wanton wealth, thy beggers plight
thy treasures that be gone.
(Saythe tauntyng Tracy) maye not I
lay out my coyne at wyll?
My rentes come to me thicke and thicke,
my want is foyson styll,
Not three kynges can dispende with me,
who sayth, I may not spende?
[...]o [...]t [...].
Therfore, the surplus of thy goodes
applye to better ende.
Why want the silly needie soules
refreshyng at thy hande?
Why doo the temples of the godds,
without repayryng stande?
Thou corsye carle, thy countrey dere,
from hougie substance, suche
Shall she haue naught? wylt onely thou
deuoure alone so muche?
O ieste, vnto thy very foes,
For, whether may haue more,
(If fortune frowne, and grefes growe on)
esperance to his store?
[Page]Thou: whiche was maried to thy mucke,
and freshe in gay attyre,
Or he: that dreading chaunce to cum,
a litle dothe desyre
And keepes it well, and warylye
to helpe in hopelesse tyde,
Lyke as the wyse, in golden peace
for stormye warre prouide.
For more beleefe in this behalfe,
I then a little boy
Can now reporte, that Ofellus,
put not so greate a ioy.
Nor pleasured so, in his chéefe wealthe,
Ofels talke in prosperytie.
as in his worste decay.
This was a common talke of his
when he bare greateste sway.
Als one to me: on woorkyday
I neuer coulde be taken
With better meate, in féelde or towne,
then roots or chimnye bacon.
I, and my sonnes, keepe thus in fe [...]lde,
our cattell seelde forsaken.
Horace. [...] more honest kynde of libe­ralitye.
But if old acquaintaunce cum,
Who hath bene longe away
Or sum good honest neyghboure els,
through sléetie drisling daye,
Do cease from woorke, we mery make
not with suche costlie fyshe,
But with a chicken, or a kyd,
and grapes our seconde dishe,
A nutte, or els sum kynde of figge,
the table tayne awaye
We drincke about, and afterwarde
for Ceres giftes we pray.
So, flye awaye the freating cares,
that bringe the wimpled age.
[Page]Let fur;ouse fortune frowne and fume,
and roste hyr selfe in rage,
She can not much empyre our cates:
my seruaunts haue not founde.
Their cheare much woorse sence Umbrenus
Umbrenus a souldier who had y e grounde geuen him by Augustus.
hath gotte away our grounde.
It matters not for nature gaue
not me this proper lande,
At firste, nor him, nor any els.
he chaste vs forth with hande,
His beastelynes will chase him out,
or sum expulsiue lawe,
Or els his heire that shall suruiue,
when he muste couche full lawe.
Now Umbrens grounde, of late Ofells
(a thing not very stable)
Now myne, now thyne, so muste we take,
the worlde as variable.
Let nothing cause your courage quayle,
in care be constante stille,
And bende your brestes to beare the blawes
of fortune that be ille.

❧THE POET SHEVVETH a greate skill or workemanship in this Satyre, especiallie, in that he earnestlye studying to make others good, is himselfe partely contented to be controwled by the stoicke Damasip, as a sluggarde and pretermitter of dueti­full occasions. The stoicke proues sinne to be a certayne kynde of madnesse.

The thirde Satyre.

YOu write so seldom vnto me,
Damas [...]y.
that fowre tymes in a yeare
Scarse cums a pen within your hande,
perusinge written geare.
Halfe angrie with your selfe I weane,
that drente in wyne and slepe,
You spendinge time in sylente pause,
of Satyres beres no kéepe.
Performe thy promis once at lengthe,
goe too, what shall we haue?
Thou coms from Saturnes feaste I trow,
from drinke thy selfe to saue.
Will nothing be? You blame your muse,
so do you Poets all,
Accuse your pen, when to your mynde,
your sentence will not fall.
When thou camste to the countrye towne,
to lyue a parte from strife,
Thy visage gaue, as thoughe thou wouldste
haue written bookes for lyfe.
Menander, and dan Platos woorkes,
why do they on you wayte?
Why broughte you Cupolis to towne,
and Archilog his mate?
You meane for feare of spytefull folke,
all vertue to disclame,
Thou ca [...]ife shalte cum to co [...]tempte,
shun idle ioyes for shame:
Or els surrender all suche praise,
as thou haste got before:
By woorke of witte, in full intente
to mell with it no more.
The Poet [...]onte [...] t [...] be reprou [...]d but not at such [...] a p [...]uishe [...]a [...] ­c [...]a [...]nte [...].
For this sage counsaile, (Damasipe)
the heauenly goddes I pray,
this stoicke damasip.
To sende a barber speedelye,
to wype your berds awaye.
In deede, and knowe you me so wel,
how cums it so to passe?
I sufferde shipwracke of my gooddes,
whilste I a merchaunte was.
And therefore now can spare an eye,
the worlde to ouervewe.
Then was I plunged in affaires,
as they me droue and drewe,
To know what vauntage by exchaunge,
to clippe and washe my goulde,
By subtilties in mineralles,
my state for to vphoulde.
By suche lyke sorte came I to haue,
an ample wealthie share
To purchasse orchardes for mine ease,
and bowers bryghte and fayre.
My witte so déepe soe sore to deale,
such lucke, to win or saue,
That me a Mercurialiste,
to surname then they gaue.
I know it well and maruaile much,
If that be ridde and gone:
Excepte thou haste sum worse diseas
whiche needes will rayne alone.
As Phisikes cure from heade to breste,
diseases can conuey,
As by excesse of much madnes,
dryue lythergie away.
Perchaunce you setting fraude a parte,
the mad mans part will play.
Frende Horace, you are mad lykewyse.
And so is euerye foole,
If stoicke Stertin taughte vs once,
true doctrine in his schoole.
[Page]Of whome, I learnde this trade of lyfe,
no trewande in my lore,
He dubde me then a stoick sage,
and bad me morne no more.
Though all the worlde shoulde go to wracke,
(for from a brydge I mente
All headlonge to haue horlde my selfe
so things againste me wente.)
Approchinge nygh. O do not so,
frende Damasip (quod he)
What thirlinge throwes doth twitche thy harte [...]
what shame confoundeth the?
The stoicke. Startine supplyeth with his talke al­moste all the satyre folo­winge.
The people cawle the giddishe mad,
why, all the worlde is so:
If thou be mad, and thou alone:
be drounde: I lette the goe.
But what is madnes to defyne?
Crysip, that noble clarke,
Cals all fooles mad, and all whose mindes,
are duskde with errors darke.
This rule, makes mad a noumberouse swarme,
of subiects and of kinges,
And none exemptes, saue those in whome,
the well of wysdome springes.
Now leane thyne eares, and listen well,
perceaue howe all be mad,
Yea those who earste to make the woorse,
such mockeryes haue had.
Admit there be through darkesum wood,"
a spéedie footepathe way,
On ryghte syde same, on lefte syde sum:"
and all do go a stray.
Through wilsumnes of wildernes:
the error is all one,
Though through miswandringe diuerslye,
they diuers [...]ye haue gone.
[Page]Thou maist he mad, (frende Damasip)
A reason to proue [...] ma [...], whiche treade not in one tru [...] foote­pathe of wise­dome.
thou maiste be muche vnwyse,
Thy mockers staringe mad also,
though in an other guyse.
One manner frensie is, to feare
when nothinge is a misse,
As hilles on plaines, or seas on mountes,
this kynde of buggor this:
An other like a desperate,
nothinge at all to feare,
To trudge through déepe, high, hoate, and coulde,
to prease vppon a speare.
His frendes reclames his sister deare,
his parentes and his wyfe,
Theirs rockes, theirs Seas greate drea [...] (say they)
swéete kinseman saue your lyfe.
He will not heare, for all their crye,
no more then Fusie coulde,
When he through force of drowsie drincke,
was falne in slumber coulde.
He shoulde recyte the drunkards parte,
he druncke his parte away,
The people egde him for to speake,
he wiste not what to say.
One way or other all are mad,
as Damasip, which oulde
Pictures did bye, was mad, and he,
that lente to him the goulde.
Moste mad is he, that takes a truste,
not hauynge hope to pay:
Moste mad is he, which may make boulde
and dare not his assay.
Assay (quod you) but who woulde truste,
for now the worlde is suche,
That lende a man, a thousand crownes,
or more, or nye so muche,
[Page]And take a bill of his hande wryt,
an obligation make,
So lawyer lyke, so clarklie drawne,
that none coulde it mistake,
And bynde him strayte, to kepe a day,
in payne of marks and poundes,
Shew witnes write, and what thou canste,
or lowse, or shake thy groundes
The one will he do: lyke Proteus,
to shapes ychaunged, he
Somtime a bore, a birde, a stone,
and when he liste a tree.
No doubte he will attempte all shiftes,
to shifte him selfe from the.
If wyse men vse for to do well,
and fooles for to do ill,
What say you to our creditor,
our vsurer Petill?
Petill vsurer
Is he not mad? who when he lendes,
for increase asketh more,
Then the pore debter can performe,
though he shoulde swelt therfore.
Ye lecherouse, luxuriou [...]e,
ye supersticiouse:
Ye shottishe, dotishe, doultishe dawes,
that nothing can discusse.
Drawe on my Clyents one by one,
be not agreiste ne sad,
Stande still in stounde; kepe whishte (I say)
whilste I doe proue you mad.
I charge you, you ambitious,
and you that mucker good,
To gerde your gownes, to sytt and harcke,
whilste I doe proue you wood.
The couetouse, of Helibore
the greater parte muste haue,
One parte of a mad man, to seeke, vayne glorye after his deathe.
Or rather all the pilles, for the head
as they which moste do raue.
The executours of Staberie,
engraylde on his graue,
What were his ample legaces,
and what to them he gaue.
For so he bad in testament,
and if they woulde not so,
That then to maintayne sworde players
moste of his gooddes shoulde go.
Areus super­uisor of y e wil.
Arrey did superuise this will,
who shoulde geue them in wheate,
To preserue sporte, as muche as halfe
a countrye coulde well eate.
What though I did (misiudge me not,
I had a wittie meaninge.
No doubte you had, to this intente,
was all his gylefull gleaninge.
To haue his heyres, entayle in stones
his honnorable will:
Neade was to him a wickednes,
yea an vngodly ill.
Therefore in deede full dréedefullie,
he wayed it as goddes curse:
If at his death, then in his lyfe,
one dodkin he were worse.
For all and euerie thinge (quod he)
vertue, renoumne, and fame,
The corpes, the goste, doth crouche to coyne,
and serue vnto the same.
Which who so hath all at his luste,
him néedes no further thinge,
He maye be famouse, stonte, and iuste,
a wyseman and a kynge.
And this is euen as good as if
by vertue he vp grue:
[Page]But Staberie or Aristippe,
Aristippe a Philosopher that flattered Alexander.
of lykely, iudge not true.
Who trauaylinge in Lybie coste
his golde caste away,
Because it did from iorneyinge,
his men a litle stay.
Whiche is the madder of the twaine?
but we ne can, ne will
Sample, againste example bringe,
to samples that be ill.
If that a man bye instruments,
and horde them in a place,
Him selfe not weyinge of the sounde,
nor forcinge musikes grace:
If that a man shoulde bye him stuffe,
and tooles to sett vp shop:
Or bye him sayles to hange in ship
to hale her by the top:
And neuer meane to practise oughte,
is he not staringe mad?
Why is not this our couetouse
as much in frensye clad?
Who hoordes his monye, and his gould,
and vnneth dare auouche it,
Because it is so preciouse,
to péepe at it, or touche it.
If that a man an hudge heape
of corne shoulde euer kéepe,
With stretched arme, and club in hande,
for feare berefte of sleepe,
And beinge owner, durste not take,
one graine, (misdreadinge waste),
Eatinge most bitter rootes and leaues,
vnmilde vnto the taste:
If, one haue manie vessels full,
a thousande fun of wyne,
[Page]And drincke nothing but vinaiger,
vntastie and vnfyne:
Goe to, if one of fyue score yeares
do lye on couche of grounde,
And haue his downe, and fetherbeddes,
(where he mighte sleepe full sounde)
Stufte vp in chestes, for wormes and mothes:
sum will not houlde them mad,
Because the moste of wealthie men,
be now as vyle and bad.
O hatefull head, forlorne to God,
spares thou for tyme to cum?
Na, na, thou spares that thy lewde childe
may spende the totall sum.
Eche day will spende sum portion,
(thou thinckes) if thou do spende
Oyle to annointe, oyle for thy borde,
mongste thy meates to blende.
Further, thou sayste, it is the beste,
to lyue vppon a small
Why doste thou then forsweare thy selfe,
and filtche in places all?
Testie anger a kynde of madnes.
Haste thou the wittes, that beates thy men,
because nothinge can please the?
Which thou with purse, haste purcheste deare,
to ayde the and to ease the.
When thou doste poyson thy parentes,
and strangle vp thy wyfe,
Arte thou not mad, though in Arge towne,
thou droue not out her lyfe
Nor yet with sworde as Dreste did,
or do not it inacte?
Yes, yf for hope of gaine thou haste,
but thoughte vppon thy facte.
A mā is mad at the first cō cept of mis­chiefe.
Was he not mad before his blade
had brusde his mothers baine?
[Page]Or forthwith, as this cruell fitte,
Was exepte into his braine?
Synce that Orestes hath bene clepte
giddie and mad by name,
After the cryme, he hath not done,
a facte, of haynouse blame.
His syster deare, nor Pylades,
he neuer stroke with sworde.
To him, and her sumtimes he gaue,
a foule vntowarde worde.
Her feende him woorse, as him to speake,
his pearsinge choler woulde:
But thou in harte kilste all thy frendes,
that thou mightes haue their goulde.
The penyfather Opimie,
who had so muche in store,
Who holyday and workyngday,
did toyle whilste he were sore,
Was troubled so with lythergie,
for sléepe he coulde not stere,
His heyre wente rounde aboute the chestes,
with blythe and iocaunte cheare:
A frendlye quicke Phisition,
to make, Opymie starte,
Contriude it thus: he bad them bringe,
a borde into the place
A sorte, eeke to vnseale the bagges,
and tell the coyne a pace.
He rearde the sickman from his bed,
Syr (quod he) houlde it faste
Or els no doubte, those will haue all,
and sparple all at laste.
In my life tyme? Phi. awake betime,
be lyuely then in déede
What shall I doe? Ph. fall to thy meate,
there is no way but féede.
[Page]Eis, will thy spirits be for faynte,
thy vigour fall away,
Thy stomake weake and languishinge,
will bringe the to decay.
You geue me naughte. Ph. drincke vp forthewith,
this Ptysande made of ryce.
What shall I pay? Ph. a small Op. how much.
Ph. Two pence. Op. alacke, the pryce.
Such costes is woorse, then sworde or théefe,
cum death I will not ryse.
Now who is mad? Sto. Eche foolish man,
what is the couetouse?
Dam. St.
A fool [...] and mad. Dam. what if a man
be nothinge rauenouse,
Eftsones shall be coumpted sounde?
no: Dam. Stoicke tell me why?
Put case the restlesse paciente,
full ill at ease shoulde lye,
His pulse doth shew, he hath no stitche,
nor straininge at his harte:
Is that ynough to warraunte him,
forth of his coutche to starte?
Sharpe panges may twitch him in the reynes,
and twitche him in the syde:
So, though one be not couetouse,
yet may he swell with pryde.
"They neade no salue, to say a sooth.
that vse not for to lye,
"Nathelesse the testie may take pilles,
to purge melancolye.
"Almoste as ill to hoorde thy goodes,
that they geue no releefe,
As if thou shouldste bestow them on,
an arraunte pilferinge theefe.
Olde Oppidie two manors kepte
of longe in Cauufe towne
[Page]Entas [...]de to him by due descente
who sicke, and lyinge downe,
On deade bed then calde for his sonnes,
(which were no more but twaine)
And thus to speake vnto them both,
the parente woulde him paine.
A pretie note for parents.
Aulus, my sonne, when thou in youth,
counters in purse didste beare,
And francklie on thy playféers wouldste,
bestow them here and theare
Tyber my sonne when thou thy nuttes
wouldste tell and tell againe,
By this I gatherd, that in you,
two diuers sinnes woulde raine:
That Aulus would be ryotouse,
that Tyber naught would spende,
Wherfore, for gods own loue deare sonne
vnto my lore attende.
Aulus, looke thou diminishe not,
not Tyber thou increase.
That, which your father thoughte ynoughe
to mantayne you in peace.
And, that which nature lymiteth:
Leste, ticklinge glorie may
Incense your heartes, take here an othe,
before I passe away:
That which of you shall sewe in Rome,
for roume or for degrée,
Shall take him selfe, as most deteste,
and quyte accurste of me.
Alas, Aulus (mine elder childe)
to geue the giftes of pryce,
So deale amongste the Citizens;
that they gainste the may ryse
That thou maiste walke in pompe and porte,
Lyke Ag [...]ip­pa.
thy statues stande in brasse,
[Page]What vayleth that? when all is gone
what vayleth that (alas.
Excepte to win a princes fame,
and plausible estate,
Esop [...] his [...]oxe.
Lyke foxe: thou weare a lyons skin
to seeme a lyons mate.
Insolence noted in princes in Agamem­nons perso­n [...]g [...].
What, though thou warte a prince in deede? in pride thou mighte offende,
As Agamemnon, in whose wordes
most princes wordes are pende.
Syr kinge, why maye not Aiax be enterred in his graue?
I am a kinge, my lusts a lawe,
your answer (lo you haue.
Moste puissaunt prince, my suite is iuste,
if anie can say nay,
Without all stop, or ieoperdie,
his sentence let him say.
God graunte, your noble maiestie,
to see your natyue soyle.
Leege prynce, take pause a space, and then,
my pore demaunde assoyle.
Demaunde at once? Tew: shall duke Aiax,
the nexte to fearse Achill,
Who famouse was, by sauinge greakes,
vntombed tarrye still?
That Priame, and his folke may ioy,
to see him lacke his graue:
By whome their Troiane younkers stayne,
no countrie toumbe coulde haue?
Agamem [...].
A thousande shéepe, he slewe in rage,
the famouse Vlixes
Menelaus and me with sworde
he thoughte he did disease.
When thou in Auled for a cowe,
didste slay thy louing childe,
[Page]And salte her heade on alter stone,
waste thou then mad or mylde?
In what degrée did Aiax rage?
what did he? stay the sheepe.
From lemans bayne, and daughters baine,
his blade he coulde ykeepe
Perchaunce he curste and bande at large,
the, and thy brother to:
With me, nor Vlixes his foe,
he neuer had to doe.
The lingering shippes, that they might sayle,
from hauen where they stoode,
Of purpose good, I pacifyed,
the wrothefull goddes with blood.
With blood of thyne, thou mad kinge, thou,
Tucer. Agam. Stocke.
with mine, but I not mad.
Who doth confounde things good and ill
(as you) is euen as bad.
To folow shewes, and vttershapes,
to gesse but at the good
Is follie leude: as is the deede,
that coms of angrie moode.
Aiax he slew the sillie lambes,
therfore, distraughte of witte:
And thou for tytles, and renoume,
fell murther doste commit.
Mast thou thy wittes? or arte thou good,
all swelled vp with pryde?
If in a couche, a fyne fleesde lambe,
a kinge shoulde cause to ryde,
And geue it rayments neate, and gay,
and geue it maydes and goulde,
And call it pugges and pretye peate,
and make as though he woulde,
In woorthy wedlocke it bestowe:
the pretor woulde fordoe it,
[Page]And make his frendes looke to his witte,
for feare he shoulde forgoe it:
What if a kynge, for a doumbe shéepe,
his daughter sacrifice,
I wene the kyng will graunte himselfe,
not to be verye wyse.
"Fondnesse is madnesse, so is sinne,
and who that huntes for name
"Is lyke Bellona chasinge dame,
Bellons god­desse of warr.
that loues to see a mame:
"Who scales fames forte ofte times doth see,
dyre feates and vse the same.
Againste the riotouse, as he promised.
But now a crashe at Nomentane
to reuellers a whyle,
No reason is this foultishe flocke
from madnes to exile.
The prodigall, by witte worde hath
ten talentes: in his heate,
He biddes the costerdmongers, and
thappothycaries neate.
Foulers, fishers, sculls, poding wrightes,
the trulls of Tuscus streate,
All cookes and all the shambles éeke,
to morow him to meate
At home. How are they occupyde
when they are mette in one?
The baude (as spokes man for the reste)
its thine (sayth he alone,
What so all those or I, possesse,
at home or anie wheare,
Demaunde it (master when you will.
now syr, vnto this geare,
Harke, how our younker frames his tale,
Ah trustie frendes (saith he)
The fouler wades through froste and snowe
that he may banquet me.
[Page]The fysher drawes the wyntrye seas,
whylste I doo sytte at ease,
In faythe, good felowes, fayne woulde I,
your great turmoylyng please:
Take thou some thynge, take tenne tymes m [...],
take thou as muche agayne,
And thou threfolde, because with me,
your wyfe hath taken payne.
Younge Aesope, snatchde a ryng awaye,
from madame Metells eare:
Betells, a la­dy of Rome.
The pearle well worthe fyue hundreth crownes,
He dronke in vinigeare:
He as much besydes hym selfe
as braynlesse in this case,
As yf he hadde it drent in flood
or in some vyler place.
The broode of Quinctus Arius,
Arius, a no­ble man of Rome.
the famous brethren twayne.
Through lewd conceites, and babysh pranks
do make theyr stomacke fayne
And lyuely with the lynnets fleshe,
that be of costly price.
Be these men, wene you, well in wytte?
be these men madde or wyse?
To buylde an house of chippes and cardes,
to watche the trappe for myse:
To playe at euen and odde, to ryde
cockhorse in chyldyshe guyse:
If these shoulde please a bearded syre,
the foole myght haue a hood,
Muche more, to haunte an harlots house,
dothe proue an olde man wood.
An olde man, for to spyll his teares,
to please a womans mynde,
Is as an olde man shoulde in duste,
go taue, and toyes out fynde:
[Page]I woulde haue all these naughty packes
to doo lyke Palamon:
As he for shame vppon a tyme,
A [...]ondlinge knowē by his ensignes.
With drynke all ouergon,
The badges of a fondlynge, as,
braue napkyns, braceletts, rynges,
He layde away, and went to schoole,
to learne more sober thynges.
Commaunde a chylde, to eate a peare,
he wyll not eate a byt:
Commaunde hym, not to eate the peare,
the chylde wyll long for yt.
So fares it, with oure fondlyng (lo)
though he desyres to go,
And woulde this coyishe paramour,
vnbodden wende vnto.
Yea when she daygnes to sende for hym,
then mammeryng he dothe doute,
What should I go, as suppliaunt?
or beare my sorowes stoute?
She shutte me out, she sendes for me,
shoulde I come there agayne?
No, though she shoulde vpon her knées,
Praye me, to take the payne.
Me thynkes the seruaunt Parmeno.
hath muche the better brayne.
The thynge mayster, that hathe in [...] it
no measure, nor aduice,
"By reason, can not well be rulde:
Loue hath in it muche vyce.
"Theres stormy warre, and caulmie peace,
whiche (passyng as a blaste,
"And flotynge on, in blynde successe)
Who seeketh to make faste,
"Shall take in hande, an harde attempte,
miraculous, and geason:
As yf he woulde at once be madde,
[Page]and haue his perfite reason.
A man that faultreth in hys speache,"
for age, and yet is gladde,
To playe at quoytes, or spancounter,"
may well be counted madde:
A man, that faultreth in his speache,"
and wyll by sworde and myght,
Obteyne his loue, or murther her"
in cruell blooddy plyght:
As Marrius slewe Hilade,"

Marius a knowen Romane: esprisede with the loue of H [...] lade.

Ouide do­tage mere madnesse. Supersticion proued mad­nes.

and slewe hymselfe also,
Because she sought by godly meanes,"
his dotage to vndo.
This perturbation maye be calde,"
a wodnesse of the mynde:
Suche wyckednes and madnes, haue"
no dyuers names by kynde.
An olde man late enfraunchised,
in dawnynge of the day,
With hāds fair washt, wold walk the stretes
and moste deuoutlye praye.
The more deale was to this effecte:
O Godds aboue, (for you
Can doo the thyng) lette me ylyue
in earthe where I am nowe:
This man was sounde enoughe in corps,
in mynde I thynke hym madde,
Except his maister lyke not that,
In ould time, if anie sould [...] seruaunte, who after­warde proued mad, it turned to the sellers endamage.
who soulde hym of a ladde.
Suche folke, so supersticious,
Chrysip doothe greatly charge,
And pleades by ryght, that they should sayle
in madame Madnesse barge.
O Ioue, whiche bothe canst eke and ease,
all dolour and all teene,
Rue on my chylde (the mother crieth)
who nowe fiue weekes hathe bene,
[Page]With feuer quartayne, felly toste,
yf thou wylte heale my sonne,
Byd me to faste, what day thou wylt,
thy great wyll shall be donne:
My sonne lykewyse recouerde once,
in Tyber flood shall stande,
If thou wylt send hym helpe by chaunce,
or by phisitions hande.
And so she will (to kepe her vowe)
her chyld in Tyber sette:
The boye through chille benummednesse,
his ague worse shall gette.
This woman maddeth of her selfe,
or by the will of God.
Thus Stertin theyght wyse man of Grece,
taught me, and gaue a nod:
As to his frende, at knittynge vp:
this armour he me gaue:
If any man be busye nowe,
his guardon he shall haue.
Who so that calls me wood or madde,
maye learne his propre lacke,
And knowe the ferdle of his faultes,
that hange behynde his backe.
Frende Damasip, though you haue los [...]e
your trafficke and your ware:
Yet may you gayne, for some will geue
that you theyr faultes maye spare.
Because thers many kyndes of madde,
in what sorte doo I dote?
Yet to my selfe I seme not madde,
nor from my witte a iote.
No more semed Agaue to her selfe,
when she of dolefull chylde,
The head detrunde dyd beare about,
she thought her selfe full mylde.
[Page]If soothe it be, that I am madde,
yet stoicke tell me this,
What vice is it, through whiche I seeme
so muche to doo amys?
Thou arte a very little man,
scarce three small cubites hye,
And yet thou buyldes a hautie house,
and makes it threate the skye.
Thou laughste at Turbo sworde player,
a little dandie prat,
To see hym stoute: thou lesse, and stoute:
I déeme thee madde for that.
Thynks thou, to buyld lyke lorde Maecene,
to doo, what he shall doo?
A matche vnmete betwixte you twayne,
and yll appoynted too.
The mother frogge vppon a tyme
abrode to feede, or playe:
A Calfe kylde all her young, with foote,
but one, that scapde awaye:
Which brought the tydynges to her damme,
howe suche a myghtie beaste,
Had slayne her noble progenie,
(to tell a blouddie feast.)
Canste thou with swellyng make thy selfe,
(quod tholde) as bygge as he?
The yong assayde,
The [...]xte ap­plyeth the wil­ling rather to the old frogge but it skillech not so resumption be eschue [...]d in olde and younge.
it woulde not proue
(quod tholde) so lette it be.
Nowe moralise this fable, and
iwys it toucheth thée,
That styll wyll swell, and make thy matche
aboue thyne owne degree.
Besydes, thy pratlynge Poemes to,
be matter playne and clere,
To proue thée madde, in poemes madde,
yf euer any were.
[Page]It is a madnesse, thée thy coyne,
so frankly to disburse.
(Frende Damasip, abate thy spence,
be counsailde by thy purse.
Well Stoicke, thou haste taught vs playne,
that moste of men be wood:
As not to proue me so, agayne,
I praye thee be so good.

THE POETE COMMONETH with the Epicure Catius, who reueleth vnto hym a great companie of scholetrickes of that secte. The poet nyppeth hym floutyngly, as he dyd els where the precisde Stoike, and suche the lyke fondlynges.

The fourthe Satyre.

Horace. Catius.
FRom whence, and whether Catius?
I haue no tyme, farewell,
To teache a schoole of newe preceptes,
not suche as doo excelle,
Pythagoras, or Socrates,
or lettred Dan Plato.
I graunt my gylte, at yll aspecte,
to speake vnto you so:
Nathelesse, I hope your maystershyppe,
Wyll beare with me thys ones,
Some dayntie doctrine of your secte,
and nouell for the nones
Propounde, of nature, or of arte,
for you in bothe doo passe.
Yea syr, to speake of matters all,
that aye my commynge was:
And for to speake accordyngly,
of rude and homely matter.
[Page]A Romayne,
nor an Alyen,
that taughte you so to clatter?
I wyll disclose his mysteries,
but not bewray his name:
Least some, myslykyng his preceptes,
the author selfe myght blame.
The Epicure his schoole.
Egges longe and whyte, be nutritiue
muche better then the rounde:
Egges rosted harde, be costiue, yea
vnholsome and vnsounde.
The gardeyne herbes be not so swete,
As those on mountaynes bee:
The watrye soyle, the vertue slakes,
that it is not so free.
The moushrom that doth spring in meades,
or in a supple grounde:
Is beste, for suche as growe els where,
moste noysome haue ben founde.
If guestes come to thee at vnwares,
in water myxte with wyne,
Souse thou thy henne, she wyll become,
shorte, tender, neshe, and fyne.
Who after meate, eates Mulberies,
soone ryped of the sonne:
Shall lyue in health and iolytie,
whylste many sommers ronne.
Aufidius, a [...] yll scholer for the Epicur [...] [...]is dyete.
myxt heddy wyne,
and honey all in one,
No craftesman he: for symple wynes
doo breede a force alone,
A louely force in symple wynes:
Meathe, vrine doothe prouoke,
The Muge f [...]she, and the Muscles cheape,
In purgynge beare a stroke.
So Coos wyne, with sorell meynt,
hath vertue to expell.
[Page]Shelfyshe, in growynge of the moone,
is beste to eate or sell:
Not euery sea, hath fyshe a lyke:
Pelore in Lucrin growes,
The Murer fishe from Baiae cums,
whence purple coloure flowes
From Circes choppynge oysters newe,
From Micen vrchen fishe,
Of sealed Scalop, Tarento
bragges, as her proper dyshe.
To furnyshe well a feast, is harde,
a thynge not learnde in haste:
He that woulde doo it gorgious,
must haue a practisde taste.
Its not enough to fraight the boorde
with sea fyshe out of measure:
There muste be brothe for squaymous folke,
and spices all of pleasure.
In Vmbria the maste fedde bores,
doo charge the vessels greate:
Uessells, whiche haue not in them borne,
the common sortes of meate.
The bore is yll in Laurente soyle,
that feedes on reakes and reeds,
Somtymes, frome goodly pleasant vine,
a sower tendrell speedes.
Who lykes to eate the fruitfull hare,
The Epicure a Benefactor to the Ca [...]at.
her forepartes are the beste,
The choyce and vse of fyshe and fleshe
by me fyrste were expreste.
I made them so delicious,
so welcome to the taste:
Some can vouchesafe theyr wittes and paynes
in pastrye for to waste.
It is not muche commendable,
to knowe a knacke or twayne:
[Page]As if in brewinge spyced wynes,
thou shouldst bestow muche paine:
And sauce thy meate with foystie oyles,
thy gesse wooulde the disdaine.
If thou wilte purge mounteflascon wynes,
and make them pure and cleare,
Set them abrode in open ayre,
when many starres appeare.
The greuouse smell, by force of ayre,
will passe and fade away:
Through streyning of them through a clothe,
the good smell woulde decay.
To mingle in thyne egge at meales,
a litle sacke and saulte,
Doth mende the yelke or whyte therof,
if it haue anye faulte.
With Africke cocles or with shrimpes,
he that is cloyed may,
Be freshe againe: in stomacke sharpe,
the lettise it doth play.
The stronge may eate good looshiouse meate,
in kytchins whiche be dreste,
The kitchin phisicke, is for them,
simplye, the very beste.
It is behouable to knowe,
of sauce a double kynde,
The one, of simple olyue oyle,
as we in arte do fynde.
The compounde hath that goes therto,
Constantinoble bryne,
Herbes shred, and minced very thicke,
some kynde of compounde wyne:
An oyle from Uenefratuum broughte,
(Lo) that is passinge fyne.
Moste commonly, that fruite is beste,
that lyketh best the eye.
[Page]Some grapes may be conserude by meanes,
some pressed by and by,
I taught the waye, to kepe them greene,
without all ylde or faulte,
To eate hearryng with iuyce of grapes,
white pepper, and blacke saulte.
All those I badde, for to be borne,
In vessels of greate pryde.
A fayre brode fishe muste aye be borne,
in vessells large and wyde.
To lashe out all, is not the beste,
it can not be denyde.
Muche thynge dothe hurte the stomake muche,
as if thy boye or mayde
The Epicure cannot fynde in his hart to eate with a pore man nor to haue hym eate or drinke in his companye.
Hathe eate in syghte, or haue thy cuppe,
With slauyshe hande assayde.
Or in some creuysse motes do stycke,
vnmoued to or fro:
Therfore broomes, napkyns, must be bought,
Wyth many trinkets mo,
It is a [...]ilthy ouersyghte,
yf all thynges be not cleane:
To rubbe thynges with thy purple cloths,
I wis it woulde them steane.
To haue suche necessary thynges
is hansome, and lesse deare,
Seclude neatenesse, and then no waste,
Can make delitefull cheare.
Sir Catius, for Goddes dere loue
and myne, my prayer is,
An other tyme, to leade me, where
I maye heare more of this.
Though well I wote, you coulde for skille,
haue played the maisters parte,
Yet nothyng lyke the Epicure,
the father of the arte.
[Page]Besydes his graue and mode [...]te lookes,
and reuerent attyre,
Woulde make one heare him muche the more,
with zeale, and great desyre.
Whome you perchance esteme the lesse,
because you happie stille,
Enioye His syght: but I doo wishe
to go vnto my fill,
The christall fountaynes harde to fynde,
and there from vertues rife,
To take and practise perfecte rules,
of pure and blessed lyfe.

☞ VLISSES AT HIS HOME commynge, beyng brought to greate extremitie and miserie asketh the counsaile of Tyretias, a prophete in hell, howe he may be riche agayne. In Vlis­ses consyder the state of pou [...]rtie, in Tyretias talke the vngodly counsayle, of the deuyll, and the priuie sugge­stions of the worlde, and her practises.

The fyfte Satyre.

at my request,
tell me a little more,
Howe maye I be, so riche a man,
as I was once before?
By what meanes, or what pollicie?
(prophete) why doste thou smyle?
O suttill pate, arte thou not well,
from shypwracke, and exile,
To haue escapde, thy housholde goddes,
and Ithacke Isles to see?
O prophete soothefaste in thy speche,
alas) but seest thou me,
[Page]How bare and beggerly I cum,
into my natiue lande?
(Thou hauyng so foretoulde my fate)
nothinge in plyghte doth stande:
The wooers spende vp all my gooddes,
and howses do defyle.
My stocke and vertue, withoute gooddes,
are thoughte as thinges most vyle.
To cut of talke, since pouertie
thou doste abhorre in harte,
Now harken how from deepe distresse,
a wittie man maye starte.
By sending, pretie presents still,
be sewer thy giftes to geue,
Unto the wealthie ritch mans house,
that is not lyke to lyue.
The turtle doue, the orcharde fruite,
the honours of the feelde,
The rich must haue before goddes selfe,
what so thy grounde doth yéelde.
Who though he be a periurde man,
of currishe kyndred borne,
All gored in his brothers blood,
a runagate forlorne:
Yet coortsye him, and woorship hym,
and if he woulde it so,
Thou maiste not stay to wayte on him,
in place where he shall go.
Vlixes [...].
Can I becum a page to slaues,
to get a sillie catch,
Who, erste in Troye, euen with the beste,
was wonte to make my matche?
Therfore, still poore. Applie the worlde,
and beare it as it is,
Yes, I haue borne, and can abyde,
thinges waightier then this.
[Page](Good wysarde) tell a speedie way,
and driue me of no more:
Howe maye I fyll my pouches full,
as they were heretofore?
I sayde,
Tyre [...]
and eftsoones saye to thee,
be pregnaunt aye in guyle,
Thou muste be forgynge olde mens wylles,
And if that in thy wyle,
Thou arte perceyude, yf none wyll byte,
but all from hooke doo flye:
Though ones deceyude, dispaire not tho,
persyste thyne arte to trye.
If there be in arbiterment,
a matter great or small,
Inquyre vpon the parties bothe,
and circumstances all.
If thone be ryche, and chyldrenles,
though all the grounde [...] of stryfe
Procede of hym, sette thou in foote,
and pleade his cause of lyfe.
The other, if he haue a wyfe,
or hope of progenye,
Thoughe all the worlde proclaym hym good
lette thou his quarell lye.
Do clepe the other, by his names,
(fayre wordes with fooles take place:)
Right worshipfull, your vertues (saye)
hath made me pleade your case.
I haue some practise in the lawe,
to parle and maynteyne plea,
In faythe, I rather woulde myne eyes
were drenched in the sea,
Then any of these fyled tongues,
Your worshyppe shoulde abuse:
Or spende your goodes. Well go you home,
and cease you thus to muse.
[Page]Plucke vp your hearte, leaue all to me,
trye what a frend can doo.
In heate or colde, I am your owne
to ryde or els to go.
Assay the consequence hereof,
some one or other wyll,
Name thee, an heartie frendly man
a man of witte and skyll.
Thy hunger shall be great excesse,
thy wante muche wealthe at ease,
The Tunnye and the whale wyll be,
scarce presentes thée to please,
But here a caution for the, least
some shoulde replye agayne,
That thou doest good to sole olde men,
as gapyng after gayne.
If thou canst spye a wealthie man,
that hath a wearyshe chylde,
There, shewe thy selfe officious,
muche debonaire and mylde:
And caste out talke as though thou couldst▪
proue thee, his seconde sonne,
Then plye the olde man, so to saye
perchaunce, when he hath done,
The chylde may dye, then, who but thou?
make entrie on thy right,
Suche loose begynnynges, oftentymes,
growe vp to force and myght.
If, that the olde man offer thée
his testament to reade,
Make, as thou coulde not, for great grese,
put it awaye with speede:
But take a superficiall syght,
if thou muste all possesse:
Or dyuers mo cooparteners:
them thou with crafte muste dresse.
[Page]By threatnynges or by flatterie,
by smothe talke gette thou all,
As Esops foxe allurde the dawe,
to lette her breake faste fall.
As Corauus with suche lyke sorte,
deceyued Scipio.
Why art thou mad, or mockst for nonce,
for doomyng harde thynges so?
Laertes sonne,
what so I say,
muste be, or ells not be,
For great Apollo hath bestowde.
a prophetes gyfte of me.
Unfolde this fable vnto me,
this mysterie bewraye.
What tyme this yong man, feare of Parths,
begynnes to beare a swaye,
( Augustus Prince) by lyne extract
from duke Aeneas race,
When he shall beare the countenance,
and welde the wreakefull mace,
A noble dame to Corauus,
shall Scipio the bolde
Dispouse, and yet for couetyse
her dowrie large withholde,
Corauus shall a feoffement force,
and eke the writyng seale,
A cuttyng wrytte for Scipio,
whiche he ne shall repeale.
I geue thee furthermore in charge,
yf any dotynge syer,
Be ruled by his mayde or man,
thralled to theyr desyre,
Acquainte thy selfe, forthwith with them,
Praise them, that thee awaye,
With gratefull praise, and lyke for lyke,
they may agayne repaye.
A worldly rule to seeke acquaintaunce at or better: A safe rule Cum aequali aequale tibi uis erit.
But what of them? seeke euer to
the chiefest, and the beste,
Prayse hym, laude hym, so shalte thou be,
in tyme a welcome gueste.
In case the carle be leacherous,
his byddyng doo not byde:
Bryng hym thy chaste Penelope,
to whome thou waste affyde.
Penelope, so temperate,
so continent a dame,
Whome suche a route of reuellers,
coulde neuer stayne with shame.
Those younkers came not for to geue,
Tyr. Prostitution practised for couetise.
but hunger for to staunche,
They came for lucre, not for loue,
to paumper vp the paunche.
But this (lo) were a present wase,
for her and thee to lyue.
Losse made your dame, so temperate,
Her trouthe to none to geue.
I (beynge then well elderly)
at Thebes, there was a wyfe,
Who charged strayghtly her assignes,
whylste she was yet in lyfe,
That they shoulde noynte, and hold her fast,
if she could wraste away,
That then their hope shoulde want his hyre,
and mis his wyshed praye.
These shewe to thee, that he that woulde,
ryse vp by deade mens bones,
Muste play the bawde, the slaue, and loute,
and paynfull for the nones.
Beare well thy selfe, serue in suche sorte,
that naught maie be amended:
The testie, tethye, waspishe churle,
with pratlynge is offended.
[Page]Yet sumtymes that thou merelie,
lyke Dauus in the play,
Abate thy lookes, as thoughe the man
with presence did the fray.
Be euer duckinge downe to him:
if all things be not warme,
Besech him thou, to keepe him close,
leste haplie cum sum harme.
Be stille, and whishte, whilste he speakes oughte,
stretch out thy listninge eare,
And neuer cease to magnifye,
whatsoeuer thou doste heare.
In case he will be blasoned,
sounde and resounde his prayse
Forge and deuyse, puffe vp his harte
by any kynde of wayes.
What time the wretche drawes to his ende,
releasinge the of paine,
Then will he say, geue Vlixes,
a quarter of my gayne:
Of all my substaunce of this worlde.
which voice, then thou doste heare,
Alas (say thou) Dama my frende,
shall he no more appeare?
O Dama frende, wilte thou be gone?
how maye I haue so good,
So trusty true and stedfaste frende?
howle, crye as thou werte woode.
Weepe, if thou canste, a litle crashe,
dissemble all thy ioy,
Uppon his toumbe, an hansom coste,
and laboure éeke employ,
That neighbours maye commende thy fade,
and yet, a further note:
If one of thy cooparteners gin,
to rutle in the throte,
[Page]Take him asyde, and salue him fayre,
and tell him if he please,
He shall by howse, an lande of you,
for vse, or for his ease.
Muche more (as thou doste lyke of this)
to the I coulde haue sayde
But, I muste to my hellishe taske
perforce my toungue is stayde,
Proserpina. our tyraunte Quene,
so vengefull, and so fell,
Dothe hayle me hence, to byde the smarte,
with smouldred soules in hell.
Ye, worldlinges make suche shiftes as those,
adew, and fare you well.

❧ MODERAT AND SPARING Liuinge highlye commended the Countrey muche Preferred before the Citie: the pleasure of the one, and the trouble of thother.

The sixte Satyre.

THis, was the thinge, I wished for,
an hansum roume of grounde,
An orcharde place, a fountayne bryghte,
with stones empounded rounde.
Sume trees, to ouer shade the same,
the goddes, this good beheste
Haue graunted me: they haue fulfilde,
and betterde my requeste.
Content. Graunte this, frend [...] Mercurie,
(for nothinge elles I craue)
Graunte this good god, for tearme of lyfe,
this lyuelod I maye haue.
If I got not my goodes by fraude,
nor pore man did oppresse.
[Page]Nor thorough ryot, on negligence,
do meane to make it lesse?
And, do not vse to wishe, so vaine,
as foolishe worldlings do.
Uain wishe [...] proper to foo­les.
O that yond peece of grounde, were myne
it mames myne orcharde so.
O that it were myne happie chaunce,
to fynde a pot of goulde,
To purchesse fearmes, such worthy fermes
as now are to be soulde.
As some haue done, as he to whome,
God hercules did bringe,
A gubbe of goulde, who sence hath bought,
a woorthie wealthie thinge.
A manor, here and now dothe till
his grounde, and cherelie singe.
If god haue lente me anie thinge,
I thanke him much for that.
And praye him, for to make my sheepe,
and cattle verye fatte.
And, for to fatten all I haue,
excepte my witte alone:
If that be fatte, adew good lorde,
our musies maye be gone.
Synce I am cumde from cyty now,
into the countrye towne,
What shall be done (my ryming muse?)
shall I in satyres frowne?
Not lewde ambition vexethe here,
nor washye southerne wynde:
Nor fruitlesse harueste, burninge tyme
vnto the feeldes vnkynde.
Thou father of the morninge tyde
god Iames, by thy name,
In whom, men take in hande their woorkes
and sett vppon the same:
[Page]O Ianus, helpe thou on my verse,
thou knowes the cruell coyle
In Citie kepte, as éeke the eases
of quiet countrie soyle.
In Rome, I needes muste ryse bytime,
to be some suretie,
To speake to him, and him for them
they still do call on me.
Though whiskinge wyndes, do shaue the earth,
and though the snawishe day,
Be shorte, and sharpe, I muste abrode
they wil not let me stay.
If that I speake not pleasinglye,
but vprighte in my mynde,
Then sure I am in places all,
ynough of foes to fynde.
I muste be crowded in the throng,
and staie, when I woulde walke,
What ayls this foole? how shoues he on?
suche is their angrie talke.
Or if we to Mecenas walke
(for that is all in all,)
That makes our greate vnquietnesse
to seme to vs so small.
(I make no lye) as sone as I
draw neare the Pallace place,
An hundreth suiters call to me,
to speake vnto his grace.
One cals on me, at two a clocke,
to moute hall for to go.
The scribes pray me, for maine affayres
to haste the moute hal fro.
If there be any grauntes drawne out,
that tarrye for the seale,
They cry on me, vnto my lorde
the thinge for to reueale.
[Page]A seuen, or eyght yeares, now it is,
synce that Mecene my lorde,
Did dub me his, and bad me cum
aye welcom to his borde.
Not to debate of graunde affaires:
in waggen, for to ryde,
To tell, or heare sum tryfled thing,
I placed by his syde.
As thus, how that the day doth spende,
in maygames, and in play
The Tracian, or the Serian,
whiche bare the pryse away.
And of the season of the yeare,
and how the morning coulde,
Did nip the foole, in summer tyde,
that looke to nothinge woulde.
Suche talke, as into eares of drabbes,
safelye man mighte power.
Through this, mine hatred, quickned firsts
and kyndled euerye hower.
For if in case the noble duke,
did solace hym abrode,
(Lo) yonder (sayde they) fortunes whelpe,
and mokde me where I rode.
If from the preeuie councell cum,
sum muttring of the warre,
Then, who that meetes me, questions me,
and greetes me fayre from farre.
Good master,
(you do know those goddes
because of neare accesse)
Must we to warre on Dasia,
our selues in armoure dresse?
I harde it not.
Peo. By gisse, (Horace)
you wil not leaue your mockinge:
Then on my heade (in stiddie wyse,)
let all the goddes be knocking.
Cesar, made promisse he woulde geu [...]
his souldiers grounde to tyll:
In Seyeilie, or Italie?
Sir, what is Cesars will?
We swearinge, that I know nothinge,
they maruaile, as at one,
Of famouse taciturnitie,
and secret gyfte alone.
In cise, thus I spende my dayes,
in muche recourse of care:
O manor place, when shall I see,
thy groues so freshe, and fayre?
When shall I soundlye plye my booke,
and at my vacante howers
C (ut from the worlde) profoundlye sleepe,
amid the fragraunte flowers?
Pithagoras, when shall thy beanes,
or colewoorte sybbe of kynde,
Refreshe, my hungry appetyte.
whilste I haue supte or dynde?
O nightes, and suppers of the goddes,
in whiche both I and myne.
Make cheare, at home: my iollie men
do feede so cleane, and fyne?
Of all the townishe delicates,
of what, so lykes them beste,
Mystraungers francklye take repaste,
with lyuelye harte, at reste.
When, that our sobre companye,
begins to warme with drincke,
Of purchasinge, or supplantinge,
we do not eftsones thinke:
In trothe, our talke it multyplyes,
but not of baude, or queane,
Or who dothe friske it beste in daunce,
no, it is chaste, and cleane.
[Page]Of knowledge, most behoueable
as if in ryches be,
Or in vertue, the chefest good,
(I clepde felicitie.)
If frendship springe of vse, or gaine,
or do to vertue tende
What is the good calde soueraigne,
what is her verye ende.
If any praysinge hurtefull goodes,
of ignoraunce do fayle,
Our neyghbour Seruie, hearing that,
steppes in to tell his tale:
Full gosseplike, the father sage,
beginnes his fable then:
Fable toulde.
The countrye mouse, did enterteyne,
within her homelie den,
The citie mouse, the olde hostesse,
her olde acquainted frende,
Doth welcum, loth to sparple muche:
and yet for to vnbynde,
The corsey anguishe of her geste,
with syghtes of daintie fare:
Not hurded pulfe, nor longe stalkd otes,
(the prodigal) doth spare.
She serues in mouth the curnell drye,
the gobbets chewde of larde,
To please her geste, with cheefeste meates,
was cheeflie her regarde:
(Her geste that tasted on eche thinge
with toth of muche disdaine)
The rurall mouse eate new thrushde chaffe,
and put her selfe to paine:
Reseruing wheate, and cockle flower,
(two dishes of muche toy)
Unto the fyne fed citizen,
a straunger all to coy.
[Page]At lengthe bespeakes, the cytie mouse,
my frende why lyke you still,
To lyue in countrye fastynglye,
vppon a craggie hill?
How say you? can you fynde in hearte
to haunte, and set more by
The citie, then the saluage woodes?
marche on, be boulde to trye.
"Our earthelie soule is ruinouse,
not possible to flye,
"From dinte of death, by any meanes,
the longeste liude muste dye.
Wherfore good sister, whilste thou maiste,
do bayth they selfe in blisse,
Remember aye, how shadowye,
and shorte this lyfe tyme is.
These sayings, moued the rusticall,
full lightlie leapeth she,
They both begin this gay exployte,
the citye for to see.
Benighted cum they to the towne:
(for, midnighte then did hyde
The midle parte of roumie skye)
when both at equall tyde,
Did presse their foote, in pallas proude:
where scarlet vestures reade,
On Iuery beddes, did glose with gleames,
as it were glowing gleade.
Muche was the noble remainder,
or gorgiouse supper paste,
Whiche was bestowed in baskets shutte,
not clasped very faste.
Therfore, this straunger (countrie mouse)
on purple quishion set,
The townishe dame (as nurturde well,)
her noble cattes doth fette.
[Page]A feaste, of much varyatie.
she like a seruinge page,
Dyd daine to go to bring, to taste,
in proper personage.
The trauailer, dothe lyke her chaunge,
and quyte deuoyde of feare,
As dedicate to feaste, and wealthe,
doth glade her selfe with cheare.
All sodeynly, the clappynge dore,
doth fraye them into flore,
Affrighted sore, a rounde they trip,
Dismayed more, and more.
Also the vaste, and ample house,
of mastie dogges did sounde,
The mowse, beset in sorye wyse,
doth shape her answere rounde:
Farewell. I neade not suche a lyfe:
the harmelesse wood, and caue,
Can comforte me, with fatche, and tare,
and so my bodye saue.

☞ IT IS GOOD AND PROFI­table, for the Maister somtymes to beare, the true, and honest instruction and aduertisment of his seruant. In olde tyme, seruantes might speake in the moneth of December, whi­lest Saturnes feastes were solem­nised, frankly and at randon. The Poet bryngeth in Dauus, detectyng his maysters practises.

The seuenth Satyre.

ERe whyles, I listned to your wordes,
and sumthinge woulde haue sayde,
But, I a seruaunte, and Dauus,
was halfe, and more a frayde.
Dauus, a true, and trustie page,
so much as sence will geue.
A frende sir, so farre vnto you,
as I my selfe may lyue.
Becawse our auncitours so woulde,
the freedom of decembre
Enioy speake out, all things amisse,
that, thou doste nowe remembre.
Some men do stifflye sticke to voyce,
and still pursue theire praye,
Sum, to, and fro, now well now woorse,
and kepe no common stay.
Lyke Priscus, chaunginge of his ringes,
who such attyre had boughte,
And chaungde his suites, so ofte a day,
him selfe hathe chaungde to noughte.
His house, and lande, to morgage layde,
yea, neede dothe him compell,
In simple cotage to abyde,
where scarce a slaue woulde dwell.
At Athins, verye studente lyke,
at Rome, a lustie lad,
I maruaile, what vnstable starres
what byrthsygnes, once he had,
Volauery, stickes to, one trade,
for gowte, he can not ryse,
And therefore nowe he fees a man,
to caste for him the dyse.
Such constaunte folke, be better, then
those chaunglings in and oute,
Who plunge in euerye follye which
theire heades can bringe aboute.
[Page]Wilte thou not say,
thou stretche hempe, th [...]u
whome thou meanes in thy pratlynge?
I meane euen the Si. How so sir knaue?
Da. For, thou wilte still be tatling.
In praysinge, state of forayn tymes,
but, if that thou mighste chuse,
And god would place the in those worldes,
no doubte, thou wouldste refuse.
Or thou in hearte didste neuer thincke,
whiche thou in worde hast sayde,
Or thou not stoutlie cleauiste to
the truth as halfe vnstayde.
Scarce fullie yet resolude, to plucke,
thy foote out of the myer.
At Rome thou loues to be abrode,
abrode thou doste desyre
To cum to Rome, and doste extoll,
that lyfe aboue the skye.
If thou beeste no mans geste abrode,
then doste thou magnifye,
The priuate cleare, as thoughe thou wouldste.
be bounde to lyue so still:
And thinckes it well, that thou ne goste,
to tipple, and to swill.
But if sum bid the cum indede,
thou lins, not then to crie,
Oyle, water, haste my seruants haste,
awaye, thou doste the hye.
Full manie sillie seruiters,
that wayte with emptie paunche,
Say to them selues, when will this churle,
his glutton stomake staunche?
I am a smelfeaste bellygod,
idle and full of slouthe
A greedie gut, and at a worde,
a seruaunte to my tothe.
[Page]Synce thou arte euen as yll, as I,
and worse to, in thyne harte,
Howe durst thou fyrst begynne with me,
as though thou better wart?
Thou canste disguyse thy synne with woordes,
thy wyckednesse vnfoulde,
Thou arte more foole, then I, which earste,
for fyftye grotes was soulde.
The satyre sitered.
Explaine thy browes, restraine thy handes.
alay thyne anger fell,
What Cryspins porter, toulde of the
I will make boulde to tell.
(Quod he) Dauus, that sillye foole,
hathe not his masters caste,
His harte, is euer in his toungue,
for if the facte be paste:
He takes no sounder reste, whileste he,
hath chatterde oute the thinge,
Then dothe the swyne, that hathe her groyne
new wounded with a ringe.
In open day, in open streets,
he praunces, and he prates.
He makes the younkers, all a flote,
to breake the brothells gates.
His acts, are euer euydente,
and therefore, ryfe in talke,
Because, he doth not make pretence,
nor vnder coler walke.
His master, goes in sage attyre:
that geues a sober shue.
His master, solempne in his wordes:
that makes him seme so true.
Dauus in sighte of all the worlde,
dothe as I sayd before.
Simo, dothe all that pryuilye
much willinge, to do more.
[Page] Simo is ryche and rubbes it out:
for goulde hath this by kynde,
To louse or tye the tongues of men,
and to contente their mynde.
Simo maye be a goose, a sheepe,
a noddie, and a daw,
And haue not giftes, or qualities,
to counterpeyse a straw:
Yet Parasytes, will tearme him good,
and wyse, at all assayes.
I wisse, redde goulde, can make a doulte,
a paragon of prayse.
If Dauus do but talke amisse,
a cockescombe, or a bell,
Such badges, mighte beséeme oft tyme,
the masters very well.
The reyster weares not alwaye plumes,
nor yet the deuill a tayle,
If euery foole did were a bell,
there would be iollye sayle.
Simo can laye to vsurie,
and yet by plea of sleighte,
He will persuade the thinge to be,
a sinne of little weighte.
So drunckennesse, is felowship,
furye, is manhood boulde,
Fondnesse, is francknesse, and scarcehead,
for thriftynesse, is houlde.
In fyne, no cryme, no vyce, no sinne
in Simo, muste be knowne:
No faulte in Dauus, but forthwith
with trumpet, it is blowne.
Yea, Simo can cloke leacherie,
or clepe it, by such name
That nowe, it seemes, a neyghborhood,
a thinge of little blame.
He slaundered me, ( Dauus my man,
I am no leacher, I.
Nor I a theese, though, I woulde steale,
and yet for feare passe by
A peece of plate, but this I say,
take punishemente awaye:
Masters the more dissolute for defaulte of correction.
Nature woulde breake her brydle straighte
vnrulye without staye.
Canste thou, be calde my gouernoure,
which arte to vyces thrall,
To fansyes, pleasures, wrathe, and teene
sythens, I shun them all?
If all the customes of our courte,
woulde franchyse thee in libertie,
Thy feare of gooddes, wold make the slaue,
and keepe the still in villanie.
Also, an other argumente:
if, that your customes all,
A seruantes man, a substitute,
or fellowe seruaunte call,
What am I, respecte of you?
for thou haste rule on me,
A wretche a subiecte, to thy luste,
as anye wretche can be.
My master, to a sencelesse blocke,
thats moued, by others mighte,
Pufte vp with pleasures plungie puffes,
may be resembled ryghte.
Who then is free? Da. The wyse, that can
his owne affections stay.
Whom, neyther, neede nor death, nor grefs
of massye gyues can fraye.
Who, can be lorde vppon his lustes,
and hawghtie roumes dispyse,
Stronge, and sufficyente, in him selfe,
in full and perfitte wyse.
[Page]Nor passe vppon externall thinges,
commoditye, or gaine:
On whom fortune, his heuie frende,
doth make assaulte in vayne.
Canste, thou not note, by these fewe thinges
who maye be coumpted free?
Admit, an harlotte, pickde thy purse,
and much abused the,
And calls the to her house againe:
from yoke, and seruyle snare,
If thou beeste free, ridde then thy selfe,
thou canste not quenche thy care:
In dede, a tyraunte forces the,
and broaddes the forwarde still,
Doth twyne thy chappes and pricke the forth
full sore againste thy wyll.
Appetyde [...] ­tyraunte.
When, thou doste gase, on womans shape,
by Pausies hand portrayde:
Pausie a co­paynter.
And I of other painters, workes,
my stedfaste lookes haue layde?
(To marke the rankes, the warlyke troupes
in letter lymmed playne:
And, howe they stryke, and how they warde,
and how they take their bayne:)
Thou altogether womannishe.
her portrature doste viewe:
Synne in for newing effe­minate pictu­res.
Who sinneth more, or thou, or I?
speake soothe, say me trewe.
Dauus, is counted slacke, and stowe,
if he do them suruey:
Simo, doth loue antiquities,
and iudgeth well they say.
They counte me naughte, if that I doe,
but make a little cheare:
It is a vertue thoughte in the
to banket all the yeare.
[Page]Why, is the pampringe of the paunche,
so hurtefull vnto me?
Becawse, my backe dothe beare the blowes,
if oughte displeaseth the.
How, doste not thou deserue the whip
that costlie cates doste bye,
And eates, and drinkes, and reuells still
Without all modestie?
One commo­ditie of gloto­nie.
Dainties, becum no daintie thinges,
where, there is naughte, but cheare,
Thy stackeringe stumpes, thy corsey corps
at lengthe will hardlie beare:
The seruante, if he steale but grapes,
is streighte attachde of felonie:
My master, sells his landes for meate
doth he not sinne in gluttonie?
A gaine thou arte not with thy selfe,
thou neuer arte at leasure,
Thou canste not reste, nor take a pause,
nor muse at thinges of pleasure.
Thou shunste, to reason with thy sowle,
her counsaile thou doste hate,
Per consequens, thou shunnes thy selfe
A verye ha [...]d thing to heare our faultes without coller
(full lyke a runnagate.)
Thou thinkes by sleepe, and bibbinge wyne
to banishe out all woes
Ah sirre, where myghte I get a staffe?
wherefore? Simo: or ells a stone?
My master maddes, or maketh rymes,
he museth so alone.
Excepte thou wilte be trudginge hence,
and make no more delayes,
Thou shalte goe to my manour place,
to woorke this nyne longe dayes.

☞ Against the Epicures vsages, that to kepe a rio­tous route of seruyng men, is no true hospita­litie. Agaynst excesse in bely chere. Horace talketh with Fundanus.

The eyght Satyre.

HOwe doo you lyke the Epicures
repaste, so ryche, and gay?
This other daye, I sent for you,
and then I dyd heare say,
You dynd abrode. Fund. In faith, my frend
it lyked me so muche,
That ere this tyme, I doo beleue,
there neuer was one suche.
Horace [...]
that it be not tedious,
nor doo not you displease,
What meate was fyrst, your angrye mawe,
that gan for to appease?
Fyrst, had we brawne from Lucanie
the Father of the feaste,
Sayde, he was slayne, when southerne wynde
his blusteryng blastes releaste.
Rapes, radishe, lettice, Sherwicke rootes.
brothes tarte in taste, and quicke
Came next, to make our stomake slowe,
more vrgently to pricke.
Fayre trenchers then was calde for straight
the purple carpett dreste
Eche man desyres to sytte nexte hym,
that tauntyngly can ieste:
Ribauldes and cockescombes are in dede,
a sauce vnto our feast.
Fooles haue with vs a priuiledge
to tell who, what, and when,
Fooles speake ofte tymes, the very thoughtes
of wyse and wittie men.
[Page]There was the costly cullices,
the Turbut, and the Pyke,
The Porpose and the Porpentyne,
with many suche the lyke.
Pygge, partrige, peacocke, sparrowe, whale,
so many of a rowe,
That scarce the eater leaueth roome,
to fetche his wynde, or blowe.
All thynges, so formally brought in,
so solemnely assayde,
As though on alters to the Goddes,
the bankette had bene made.
What drinke you maisters (quod our hoste?)
Gascoyne, or Kennyshe wyne?
We haue of all sortes in this howse,
bothe lately brochde, and fyne.
Then, when that wyne had wonne the field,
and maisterde all our guesse,
Lorde, what it was a ioye to see,
howe some it downe dothe presse:
Lyke as the thynge that heauy is,
of Nature so is made,
(Excepte the same by violence
forholden be, and stayde)
To fall to grounde: lyke as the oke,
of substance styffe and stoute,
Cums downe, when he with dyntyng are
is hewed rounde aboute:
So doo our hoglynges synke foorthewith,
(theyr heade a Baccus barge)
Wyne, is I tell you burdeynous,
and passyng full of charge.
Some synges of loue, and louers fittes,
and howe Cupides darte
Dyd smyte hym gentyll sowle amysse,
so beautyfull an harte.
[Page]Some mourne and blame their sorie fate,
why Fortune shoulde be suche,
That they suche blouddes, shoulde nothynge haue,
and others ouermuche.
Some chyde, some chatte, some raue, some reele,
and some can take the payne,
Of curtesye to geue myne hoste,
his supper vp agayne.
Some wyll vnfould bygge mysteries,
and frame his matter so,
As though he had aboue the reste,
gotte Phebus by the foe.
Some, wyll lament the state of tymes,
and howe that all is nought,
Howe thynges be rysen in theyr price,
and howe they haue ben bought.
Some sweare, that they haue lyued yll,
and howe to morowe daye,
They will accorde with all the worlde,
and gynne an other playe.
Howe Uertue is a perelesse dame,
howe fewe doo her imbrace:
This will they preachè in gestryng wyse,
as though in publike place
The thynge were done (lo Horace lo)
our suppers and our cheare:
We spare no coste, we may not aske
if it be cheape or deare.
We kéepe a troupe of seruynge men,
a crewe of lusty brutes,
And these for our great honours sake,
muste cutte it in theyr sutes.
These be our handye instrumentes,
to woorchen all our will,
Not scrupulous for to inquire
yf it be good or yll.
[Page]So many, so officious,
that not one heare may lye
Amisse on vs, but he or he,
will spye it by and by.
We laugh at those, when the [...] are drunke,
those make a sporte alone:
To scoffe at straungers, when as they
with drinke are ouergone.
So, so, no more Cupide can not
from hyue of honey lycke,
But one or other bee, forthewith
will sting hym with her prycke.
The world, the hyue, the combes, the welth
whiche who so dothe assaye,
Pleasure in face, poyson in tayle,
Lyke Scorpion they wyll paye.
The stynges, that pricke, be chokyng cares
These hony tasters haue:
Whilst they are toste within them selues,
to seeke, or howe to saue.
Wealthe is a thynge moste venomous,
and fewe or none we fynde,
But pleasure hath lyke Circes cuppes
yturnde them from their kynde.
Why shoulde the wyse esteme so muche,
a rowte of waytyng men?
Who, in theyr age moste commonly,
what are they? beggers then.
Brought vp so lewde, contynue lewde
retchelesse, and ydell swaynes:
Not knowyng arte, or handycrafte,
nor able to take paynes.
To kepe them braue, doothe euen as muche
thyne honour true vpholde,
As yf thou shouldste make thee a tayle,
and gylde the same with golde.
[Page]Is hospitalitie in those,
in feedyng any suche?
In kepyng stronge and heddy drynkes,
in beluynge ouermuche?
Lyke spunges neuer satisfied,
and lyke Ulisses foes,
From meate to bed, from bed to meate,
and so their circle goes.
Deuisers of all wantonnesse,
what should I tell you more?
Good, to increase and multiplye,
their lorde or maysters skore.
I do suppose, that yf mens wealthes,
shoulde answere to theyr wylles,
That nyght and daye woulde scarse suffice,
to reuell out theyr fylles.
Eche man is counted of moste price,
and mete to be a lorde,
As he with dyshes can depaynt,
and ouercharge a borde.
No talke howe wyse, how vertuous,
or to take paynes howe able,
But yf he kepe great store of drynke,
or honourable table.
Therfore some people parasites,
that they may seeme to passe,
Wyll spende out maluesey, muscadell,
and fumyshe hypocrasse.
And make their cookes looshiously,
theyr delicates to dresse
Their very meates in insensiue,
broughte in, in suche excesse:
That I doo lothe them more in mynde,
as thynges more full of harme,
Then, if that witche, that Canadie,
had cursde them with her charme.


NOn vt aduersariis, sed vt amicis scripsi­mus. Nec tam inuecti sumus in eos qui pec­cant: sed ne peceent monuimus. Ne (que) in illos tantum: sed in nosmetipsos seueri iudices fui­mus. Generalis de vitiis disputatio est. Qui mihi irasci voluerit, prius ipse de se, quod talis sit, confitebitur.

Virtus, est vitium fugere.

¶ The wailynges of Hieremie, done into En­glishe Uerse.

☞ The argument tendyng moste to the ruine of the citte, as it was destroyed by Uespatian and Titus Romaynes, and theyr souldiours.
IErusalem, is iustly plagude,
and lefte disconsolate,
The dame of towns the prince of realms
deuested from her state,
The sheene and glosyng paragone,
that blased as the sonne,
With wreakefull hande of iuste Iehoue,
for synne is quite vndone.
Synne, synne, vpturneth towne and tower,
though it be stronge and hye,
Great Babell fell with hautie toppe,
that menaced the skye:
Ierusalem tormented sore,
and bruised in her walles,
Remedylesse is ruinous,
and therfore downe she falles.
And holdyng vp her broyled lymmes,
and gastfull scorched face,
Woulde nowe fayne flee to God for healpe,
and call vppon his grace,
Good Hieremie with sobbes and syghes,
that all the Citie heares,
Dothe waile and wayle, the ruthfull case,
his penne full fraight with teares.

To the Reader.

WHAT should I informe thee of frendly Reader, or wherof myght not I inform thee? Thou maist reade a prophane writer, if thee lyste, and yf he be prophane, thou mayst chuse thee: towardes the di­uine writer, there is no dispence or franchise, but if he be diuine, thou oughtest to reade hym, neither canst thou chuse thee. I geue thee here an holy kynde of sadnesse, an exacte myrrour of a contrite soule, the heauy procedynges of iust God, against his vniust creatures. The Hebrue prophetes write an vnfallible trouth: the Greke and Latine Poetes write forgeries & leasyngs. The Prophetes necessary to be vnderstanded, & the other, because of those not clerely to be neglected. That thou mightest haue this ruful parcel of scripture, pure & sincere, not swarued or altered: I laid it to the touchestone, the natiue tongue. I waied it with the Chaldic Targum, & the Septuaginta. I desired to iumpe so nigh with the Hebrue, y it doth ere while deforme the vayn of the english: the proprieties of that language, & ours, being in some spe­ches so muche dissemblable. There is one God, but one: out of whose breast doth procede the spirite & worde of efficacie & effect. Thus muche I say, because thou sholdest not attri­bute the sharpe showers of calamities, sent downe for syn, vpon Ierusalem (wherin God would haue betraied the pre­rogatiue of his maiestie and power, to the aukward aspects of planets, and infortunate constellations, nor to the vn­steady and muche accused whele of chaungeable Fortune. His hande, that hath destroyed the greater, can easily con­found the lesse. And he that woulde not take compassion of greate cities, plentifully peopled, because of theyr trans­gression, will in suche case hardly beare with priuate men. I thought it my parte to sette it open to thyne eyes, and I suppose it behouable to thee, or at lest, it shall not hurt thee, to laye it to thy heart. Fare well.

☞ The fyrste Chapter.

HOwe sytts the Citie desolate,
so populous a place?
The ladye of so many landes,
Becumde in wydowes case.
The Princes of the prouinces,
her tribute nowe muste paye,
Full sore wepte she, full sore wepte she,
all nyght her longe decaye.
Alongst her cheekes, the furrowyng teares,
from watrishe eyes dyd rayne:
Of all her louers, nowe not one,
to comforte her in payne,
Her frendes thynke muche to visite her,
her frendes are turnde to foes,
Ichoudah the [...]ribe of Iuda
captiue ledde away
a captiue for the woes.
And slauerie she brought men to)
she takes no kynde of reste:
Mongste pagans, where she makes her bode,
with foes she is oppreste.
Oppreste or taken.
The stretes of Syon mourne and wayle,
Because there nowe is none,
That cums and goes to see their feast,
as heretofore haue gone.
The gates deuoyde of folke, the priestes
doo sygh in sorowes keene,
The damsels drent, in moyste of teares,
the dame her selfe in teene.
Her enemies rule, and who but they?
in wealthe surcreasyng faste,
The Lorde hathe shente her greuouslye,
for heapes of lewdnes paste.
Theyr younge, wente captiuate before,
her muche dysdaynfull foe,
[Page]From chylde of Tsyon, all her grace,
and noble hue dydde goe.
The Potentates lyke strayinge rambes,
not fyndyng where to feede,
Without all courage, went with those,
that dyd them dryue or leede.
Hierusalem bethought her selfe,
vpon the dismall daye:
Of scourge, and of her rebell heart,
of all delytefull gay
Thynges, whiche she had in alder age,
what tyme her folkes so coy,
Fell into foyshe hande, and none,
woulde succour their annoy.
Her enmies hauyng throughly seene,
and noted her at will.
Dyd scorne her sacred sabboth day,
and gyggle out theyr fyll.
Ierusalem, outragingly
was dedicate to vyce.
Therefore is she a mockynge stocke,
all those in aufull guyse,
That honourde her, and dyd to her,
theyr homage heretofore,
Doo clepe her, as a fylthy drabbe,
and sette by her no more.
What shoulde she doo? she gaue a sighe,
and lookde askaunce awrye,
Polluted foule within her skirtes,
Her ende she woulde not eye:
And therfore lushed downe at once.
All comfortlesse was she:
Rue O lorde, rue vppon my panges,
the foe is prowde at me.
The foe hath stretched foorthe his arme
at all her thynges of pleasure.
[Page]She sawe, she sawe the prophane route,
rushe in, without all measure:
Unto thy sacred holy house,
that route, whiche thou (O Lorde)
Forboddste, that they, ne shoulde come in,
the mansion of thy worde.
Her numbrous folke (a syghyng flocke)
and seekyng after foode,
Dyd geue for meate, what so they had,
thynges precious or good.
To cheryshe theyr so needie sowles.
Marke Lorde, and weye on this,
Howe vile I am, howe beggerly,
My caytife plight it is.
O all wayfaryng passengers,
for Gods loue, locke and see,
If euer griefe were lyke my grefe:
for he hath scourged me.
The Lorde (I say) hathe spoke the worde,
in daye of furye fell
From hye, he flonge the fyre adowne,
my mortall bones to quell.
It tamed me: Before my feete,
a trappynge nette he layde,
And turnde me backe, to captiue yoke,
He, he, (alacke) hath made
Me desolate: in gulfes of grefes,
all day longe dydde I wade.
My heynous synnes, my swarming crimes,
to Gods dyre hande are tyde,
And thence amayne vppon my necke,
from tyme to tyme dyd glyde.
Empired I: The Lorde hath put
me in suche straynyng clawes,
That neuer shall I wrinche me from,
the pressyng of their pawes.
[Page]My woorthies, and my valiantes,
he trode them vnder feete,
Within my selfe, agaynst my selfe,
he made assembles meete,
To slay my youthe, was neuer yet,
Wynepresse bestamped so,
On one virgin Iehoudahs chylde,
the Lorde hath stamped (lo.)
Therefore wepe I, and from myne eye,
as from a water spoute,
A flowyng streame, of gushyng teares,
eftsoones doothe issue out.
My comforter, he kepte aloofe,
that shoulde my sowle relieue,
My broode berefte of hope, and those
preuaylde, that dyd me greue:
Ofte proferde Tsyon, foorthe her hande,
but none woulde healpe her tho.
Great Iacobs rase, the Lorde had plasde
amydde her enemies so.
Ierusalem, mydst all her foes,
is lyke a drabbishe queane,
Foule steynd with fylth of mouthly floures:
a strompet muche vncleane.
Iosias their kynge.
The Lorde is iuste, disloyall I,
haue forsde hym vnto ire,
Hearken O worlde, hearken all worldes,
once harke at my desyre.
And viewe and viewe my thyrlyng throwes
what plunges me assaye:
My virgins, and my yonge men eeke,
are captiues gone away.
I calde my louers, one by one,
but they begyled me.
My priestes and elders in the towne,
throughe famyne peryshde be.
[Page]For foode to theyr forefainted soules,
longe soughte they farre and neare,
See Lorde, and see, because that I
am troubled in eche where:
Myne intrayles swollne: my hearte yturnde
(suche is my strugglynge paine,)
The swoorde denoures abrode: our home
a slaughter house of bayne.
Full well knewe they, howe sadde I was,
but none woulde solace me,
My foes pursewde my harmes, and ioyde,
to see them sente from the.
But as for sinne, thou broughste on me,
a wreakefull vengaunce day:
Deale iustlye (Lorde [...]: and as to me,
to them their guardon paye,
Surueye their mischeefes all in mynde,
and deale with them as sore,
As thou haste dealte with me pore wretche,
for trespasse here to sore.
They made the surgyes of my sighes,
to multiplie eche daye,
They made my heart a well of woes,
wearyng it selfe away.

¶ The seconde Chapter.

HOwe hath the Lord in furie fell,
beduskde his daughter dere,
Tsyon his chylde of Israell,
The glory bryght and cleare
From heauen, to earthe translated lyes:
and in his vengefull day,
To batter downe his owne footestole,
irefull would not stay.
He flung it headlonge, neyther sparde,
Iacobs fayre blasyng bowers.
[Page]So, shoke he downe, of Iudas chylde,
her fortresses and towers.
Through glowyng furye, to the soyle:
the kyngdome he prophainde,
And wreakde for state, the royall wyghtes,
that ouer it had raignde.
What so was in all Israell,
of passynge price and grace,
He marde it quite, turnyng his hande
backe, from the enmies face,
He kyndled vp in Iacobs sonns,
a wastefull flashe of fyre,
Which consumde all thynges rounde about,
as it were in a gyre.
He bent his bowe in foyshe guyse,
and further, lyke a foe,
He stretchde his arme, what so was fayre,
or of muche beautie (lo)
In tabernacle of Tsyon,
he dyd it all deuoure,
And stockmeale lyke [...] to many flames,
his wrathes he dyd out powre.
The Lorde hymselfe was nowe a foe,
he flonge great Iacob downe,
Flung strong wals down, huge rāpirs down
and bulwarkes of the towne.
Fylde Syon full of heartie griefe,
appallynge all her ioye:
His tente, as it a gardeyne were,
tramplynge he dyd destroye.
He stroyde his folke, he rasde theyr feastes,
and sabbothes out of mynde
In Tsyon: To their kynges and priestes,
through Ire he is vnkynde.
The Lorde hath lefte his altar, and
hath cursde, whiche ones he bleste,
[Page]He gaue vnto the enmies handes,
suche houldes as were the beste.
The prophane flocke, within Gods house,
in mockerye dyd crye,
As in theyr sacred Sabboth, once,
thelecte dydde synge on hye.
Resolude was he, to thwacke downe walles,
to euen theim with the flore,
And not to turne his hande from waste,
theyr rampyre mournde therfore:
The battred wall, prostrate dyd fall,
flatte leuelde to the grounde,
The earthe supte vp the gorgious gates:
their yron barres so sounde,
He knapte in twayne: mongste Heathens are
her Kynges, and puissant peares:
The lawe is not: the Prophetes nowe,
from Goddes mouthe nothynge heares.
Fayre Tsyons elders, in the lande
sytte downe in silence deepe.
Theyr heade yrubde with ashes pale,
theyr corps styll dydde they kepe
In sacke clothe wrapte. Hierusalem,
thy virgins freshe and fayre
Doo hange theyr heades with poutynge lookes,
(as caste away with care.)
My streamyng eyes, dissolue to naught,
my belchyng bowels rumble,
My lyuer pyckte vp, through great force,
tremblyng on grounde dyd tumble.
Suche was my pitie towardes myne,
because my babes dyd faynt,
And sucklynges tawmed in the streetes,
through pyne dyd them attaynt.
Ofte cryed they to theyr mothers sadde,
where is theyr wyne or breade?
[Page]Lyke wounded wightes throughout the streetes,
they sounded in eche stede:
Unbodyinge theyr sely soules,
vppon theyr mothers lappes.
What should I name? to what should I
resemble thy myshappes?
O daughter of Hierusalem?
what myght I beste compare,
To thee, O myne, O Tsyons chylde,
to mitigate thy care?
Lyke droppes, in hougie tomblyng waues
thy flockynge troubles greue the.
Ai me, myne owne good gyrle,
(dere God) who shall releue thee?
False prophetes blearde thyn eies with lies
who woulde not playnly tell,
Thy synnes to thee, to penitence,
that they myght thee compell.
They scanned theyr lewde prophecies,
and reasons false woulde geue,
Why, thou shouldste draw in captiue yoke
and longe in bondage lyue.
At the (chylde of Hierusalem)
all those that passed by,
Dyd clap theyr handes, and nod their heades
and fauntyngly say: Why?
Is this the towne so perfecte buylt,
the Paragon of hewe,
The ioye of all the worlde so wyde,
that gaue the gladsome shewe?
Gaynst the all foes dyd ope theyr mouthes,
with vyle reproches fraight,
And hyssde, and gnashde, and cryed marche on,
Lette vs deuoure her straight.
This is the daye, the wyshed daye,
we haue her found and sene:
[Page]The lorde hath done, what in his minde
of longe tyme erste hath bene.
Fulfilde hath he, his greate beheste,
forspoken long before,
Hauoke made he in all excesse,
of nothinge made he store.
He stirde thy foes, to laughe at the,
and thy yll willers all,
By his sole meanes, did mounte aloofe,
as thou from hye didste fall.
Theire hartes abrayded to the lorde:
O wall of Syon towne,
Forthe of the fludgates of thyne eyes,
let fluddes of teares run downe.
Unceassauntlye. do way all reste,
the apple of thyne eye
Applye it still, with moister still,
take heede, it neuer drye.
Aryse, praise him in silente nighte,
prayse him in earlye day,
Power oute thyne harte, to him as thou.
wouldste water power awaye.
Lifte vp thyne handes, to god, that sittes,
in empyre, and in seate,
That he maye helpe thy babee for faynte,
with pyne in euerye streate.
See, o lorde, see, consyder well,
with home thou hast delte: O,
And shall the mothers eate their yonge
why lorde, and shall they so?
Shall they thus grinde with teeth the fleshe,
that from their fleshe did ryse,
(Their children scase a full span longe?)
the preistes, and prophetes wyse,
Be murdered (yea) in thyne owne house
alas, and shall they dye?
[Page]Both yonge and olde, through all the stréetes,
Uppon the could grounde lye.
My virgins and my youthfull Brutes,
are fallen with stroke of sworde,
Thou haste them kilde, and sparde not one▪
in day of moodye worde.
Thou calste as in a solemne day,
my terrors rounde about,
And in that day such was thy ire,
not one on lyue got oute
Those that by me were choyslye fed,
and tenderlye vp broughte,
Are all consumde: (woes me) consumde,
and vanishde all to naughte.

¶ The third Chap.

I Am that wighte, that abiecte wighte,
whiche mine owne neade haue seene,
Whilste that, the massie rod of God,
vppon my backe hath bene.
He tooke me and conducted me,
to darknes, not to lighte,
Turnde gainste my quite, all daye his hāde,
he turnde againste me righte.
He filde my skin, and fleshe with [...]elde,
and brusde my bones in small,
He buylte in gyre and compaste me,
with trauaile and with gall.
Bestowinge me in darkesum shades,
(as one forlorne for aye)
Inuironing me rounde about,
leste I shoulde scape awaye.
And pressinge downe with pondrouse gyues,
my féete whiche els mighte flye,
He will not heare me when to him,
besechinglye I crye.
He hath forestopde my pathes with stone,
and crokde my wayes a syde,
[Page]He was a rampinge beare in waite,
a Lyon dyre, vnspyde,
My waies he staied and nie dismaide,
of hope he made me bare,
He bente his bow, and for his shaftes,
a marke he set me fare.
He causde his quyuer arrowes kéen,
my raynes for to assay,
I was a mocke to all my folke.
their sonnett all the daye.
Woormewood my drincke he ballasde me,
with balefull bitternes,
He brake my téethe, and ashes gaue,
to féede me in distresse.
All reste disharboured from my soule,
my wealthe, slipte out of minde,
My strengthe is gone in god (quod I
no further hope I fynde.
I beare in mynde the stertlinge panges,
the woormewood, and the gall,
Freshe, freshe, ingraued in my soule,
my courage downe doth fall.
Nathlesse, this vnderpropte my soule
that truste coulde neuer quaile,
Goddes grace makes vs not to reuelte,
his mercy cannot faile.
A wounder woorker is our God,
beleue in him, will I
God is my part,
Meaninge o [...] Christ.
(so sayde my soule)
I looke for him from hye.
The lorde is good to those in him,
that put esperaunce woulde,
Good to that soule, that sóekes for him,
as for an anchor houlde.
Its good to truste vppon the lorde,
his sauinge health tabyde:
[Page]Ex [...]ading good for all, whiche from
his preceptes doe not slyde.
He that was proude and bare him hye,
muste lyt in hushte alone,
And humble him vnto the duste
(If all hope be not gone.)
And lende his cheeke vnto the stroke,
nor recke at wordes of spite,
This man the lorde will not forsake,
he will not leaue him quite.
Though smartingly he visit him,
and bitterlie him beate,
Yet, can he not but rue on him,
suche is his mercie greate.
For, man because he will not stoupe,
nor bannishe pryde from harte,
Therfore such men God tryes and makes,
them féele such netlinge smarte.
He treadeth vnderneath his feete,
the captiues of all landes,
Who so doth iniurie the pore,
before the lorde he standes,
Wronge iudgement and iniustice all
Understā ­des after the Caldie targū
the lorde he vnderstandes.
Who now can say but all thinges cum,
by goddes mere prouidence?
Prosperi­tie or aduer­sitie.
Frō his sole mouth, things swéete or sharpe
do they not flowe from thence?
Why is man loth for lawlesse lyfe,
by law to suffer paine,
Let vs insearche and trye our selues,
and turne to God againe.
Let vs arreare our handes and hearts
to God on hye alone,
Declynde haue we, rebelde haue we,
therefore thou spareste none.
[Page]Thou hast orewhelmde vs in thy wrathe,
and bet vs to too sore,
Slaine, and dispatchde, dispatched all,
with none lorde haste thou bore.
Thou haste inwrapte the, so in cloudes,
our prayers can not perse,
We are like rages, and runagates
amid the pagans fearse.
Our enmies gainste vs in despite,
did ope their gapinge chappes,
Our feare, and éeke our snare is cumde,
déepe daunger, and mishappes.
Myne eye, doth sende out goulfes of teares,
to mourne my folke oppreste,
Mine eye, lyke stillitorie runs,
and wéepes, and knowes no reste,
Mine eye doth melte mine hearte, for all
my daughters of the Citie,
Whilste that the lord throw down his lookes,
and from aboue take pittie.
My foes pursude me as a birde,
Yet iuste cause had they none,
They thruste me downe, in dungen darke,
and stopte it with a stone.
The water surgies wet my heade,
I am forlorne (quod I)
Therfore lorde from mine erksom den,
vppon the did I crye.
Thou hardste my voyce, shit not thine eare,
but heare my dryrie plainte,
Thou stoodste nye me when I did crye
and badste me not to fainte.
Thou waste the proctor of my soule,
and didste my lyfe restore,
(O Lorde) thou didste perceaue my wronge,
adiudge my cause therfore
[Page]Thou séest gainste me, their furie all,
their damnable intente,
Thou hardste their wordes of villanie,
their thoughtes how they were bente.
Their bablynge lippes, that rose at me
their corner muttrings sée,
At downe sittynge, and vprisinge
they make a songe of me.
Accordinge to their dealyngs lorde,
rewarde to them disburse,
Geue them for agonie of soule,
thy gréeuouse shendfull curse.
Pursue, pursue them in thy mode,
confounde them by and by.
Where so (O lorde) they make abode,
vnder the shrowdinge skye.

¶ The forth Chap.

HOw is the gould bedimmed so?
the gold moste pure and fyne
Is chaungde. The stones and glittring perles,
of holy house deuine.
Flocke meale, to corners of eche stréete
are scatered, and roulde:
The peares, and nobles of Tsion,
compared well to goulde,
How are they now adnihilate,
accoumpted in the lande,
Lyke earthen, vessels woorkemanship,
of potters mortall hande?
The dragons, (beastes of famouse feare)
and dreadefull, with their tonge,
With propper brestes, (as kynde hath taughte,)
do nurse theyr cresyue yonge:
But mine, the daughters of my folke,
(wightes cruell, and vnkynde)
[Page]Lyke Ostriches in desertes flye,
and leue their fruite behinde.
My sucklings tounges, cleaue to their roufe,
they were so clammie drye:
They calde for breade but none was broughte,
therfore in vaine mighte crye.
Those whiche had fed so sumptuouse,
did pyne in streetes for meate
Babes wrapte in scarlet mantles once,
their ordure glad did eate.
My peoples crymes so manifolde,
were more innormouse vyle
Then Sodom sinne, Sodom, that suncke
in such a sodein whyle.
No enmie ought his tente at it,
it felte no mortall blow,
My straite lyuers whyter then milke,
Nazer y He­brue word signifieth separated: the trans­latours cal it the Nazireth, I thoughte better to call thē straite lyuers.
whyter, then driuen snow,
And rosall ruddish reade within
clare rede as preciouse stones,
And pollishde lyke the Saphyre gay,
cleane pollishde for the nones:
Their visage vernagde all with blacke,
y blackte with colishe smeare
Go now vnknowne, that once in stréetes,
so admirable were.
Their ryueled skinnes, clongde to their bones,
vnseparable be:
Their cracklinge hydes, britle and brashe,
as dryed barke of tree,
Better to dide vppon the bladde,
then perste with pyne to lye,
In lingringe languour, and at lengthe
for lacke of foode to dye.
The mothers (els much pittifull)
did boyle their sucklings small,
[Page]And eate them vp: so extreame was
my doulfull peoples fal.
The lorde hath wroughte his wrathe at full,
and powred out his ire,
And brente Tsion downe to the grounde,
with eger grypinge fyer.
Not kinges, or any man els wheare,
did euer thincke ▪it so,
That through Ierusalems stronge gates,
coulde entre anie foe.
Not sole Prophets, but preists haue set
God, in this chafinge moode,
Preists seruisable to Idols,
and gorde in blessed blood.
The blynde bloodmungers, blynde with bléed,
did straie the stréets aboute,
And when they coulde not sée the pathe,
Much other­wyse in the Geneue byble
beholde they trode it out.
Hence, blooddie wightes, hence (quod the foes)
fye, fye, awaye, awaie.
Touche nothing hence ye currishe bruits
and make no more delaye.
Both parties chid, both parties stormde,
some of the heathen sayed,
This people shall dwell here no more
the lorde will kéepe them stayed,
The aufull countinaunce of God,
hath scattred them in sundre,
Nor euer meanes to mynde them more,
pardye, it is no woundre:
For they vnto the roiall preists,
woulde yeue none honor due,
Nor on the grissed horye syers,
the retchlesse woulde not rue.
Whilste, that we lookde for our vaine hope,
our eye sighte gan to dase,
[Page]We lookde for landes that coulde not saue.
nor ride vs from the maze.
They hunte, our steppes and trase vs, that
in stréetes we can not go,
Our race is run, our dayes are don,
and death will proue it so.
Our persecutours, swifter then
the Egles of the skye,
Chaste vs on mounts, and in deserts,
in wayte for vs did lye.
Uitalls staye in the Hebrue nosethrills breth.
Our vitall stay, and steddie aide,
Iosiah nointed Kynge,
Our payze of sinne, and plage of payze,
did vnto bondage bringe.
Childe of Edom,
[...]dom flow­ted.
that in Husse dwels
thou needes not carcke nor care:
For thou shalte pledge vs on this cup,
thou shalte be druncke,
Geneue for bare saye the vomit. Edoms childe the Romanes pro [...]adinge for the more deale of the Edomites.
and bare.
Tsion, that scourge of thyne is paste,
God will no more exyle the,
But Edoms chylde hath plagde thy sonnes,
and shewde what did defyle the.

¶ The fyfth Chapter Ieremies prayer.

REmembre Lorde what hath bety [...]e
to vs beholde and see
Our opprobryes, and what they are,
and éeke are lyke to be.
Our heritaunce is cut of quyte,
and turnde to folke prophaine,
Our houses by the aliauntes
the barberouse is tayne.
Our mothers (sillie as they be)
like wydowes, sytt alone,
[Page]Orphanes are we pore Orphanes we,
and father haue we none.
We boughte the water whiche we druncke,
for wood our coyne we payde,
Our neckes were hamperde vnder yoke,
restlesse fainte, and ill stayde.
To Egipte, and Assiria,
our hande of league we lente:
That we might haue a smal of bred,
our carcas to contente.
Our parentes they transgreste thy law,
and now they are no more,
And we their burthynouse offence,
and masse of trespasse bore.
Slaues ruled vs, and none woulde ryd
vs, from their handes, and gyues
We earnde our bread with extreme toyle,
and hasarde of our lyues:
Because of wastefull sworde that from,
the deserte did issue.
Our skinne is blacke throughe pauling pyne,
and lyke to soote in hue.
The wedded wyfes in Tsion towne,
were wickedlie defeilde,
And Iudas virgins, were deflourde
(all chastitie exilde?
The princes and the potentates,
are hanged by the handes,
No man in feare, or reuerence,
of elders vysage standes.
Our yonge men, lyke to vylaine thraw [...]es,
in drudgerie did grinde,
Our children, (babes infortunate)
to gallowes were assignde.
The elders rauishte from the genets,
the yonge men from their songes,
[Page]Our ioyful harte is gone, our daunce
is whyninge at our wronges.
Our glittringe crowne, our temple braue,
the lorde did quyte fordoe,
Woe euer woe, and out alas,
that we haue sinned so.
Our hearte with sadnesse is surchargde,
our eyes can sée no whit,
Because mounte Tsion is forsakte,
and foxes run on it.
But thou, O Lorde for euer standes,
Ay [...] duringe is thy throne,
Why doste thou stil forsake vs, (Lorde)
still leauinge vs alone?
Turne, O Lorde, turne thée vnto vs,
that we maye turne to thée,
And make our dayes as at the firste,
from sinne, and mischiefes frée.
But thou haste clearely caste vs of,
and mells with vs no more,
Thou arte no doubte (Lorde) throughlie chafte,
and angerde verye sore.

❧ EPIGRAMMATA ANTE duos annos conscripta.

In obitum ornatiss & spectatiss faeminae,
Domine Franciscae quondam Suffolciae Ducis
Carmen, non tam lugubritatis quam laetitiae
Plenum, quod tàmpiè, sancte (que) mortem obierit.
NOx hyemalis erat, pulso cum lumine Phaebi,
Sessor equos cursu liquit dicteus anhelos,
Nec tunc argenti pallantem cornibus ire
Cernere Phaeben erat: non tardus plaustra Bootes,
Impulit, acturi non Labi cardine visi
Sunt summo spissus diffunditur vndique nigror.
Alta quies passim mortalia corda premebat:
Ipse soporiferum ducebam pectore somnum.
Ecce, ruit caelo, ventis & praepete penna
In thalamum diui interpres: (miranda (que) dictu)
Contundit pectus verbis (que) ita fatur amicis.
Somno soluere, (ait) dulcem seclude quietem:
Luminibus lustro tacitis, corpus (que) pererro
Immortale, volens multas prompsisse quaerelas,
Quod, prius ausonios nequij gustare liquores:
Ille recusabat, seriem (que) & tempora fandi.
[Page]Cinge capu [...], grandi versu super astra locabis
Franciscam, cui certa fides, cui vi [...]a pudica
Immotas ponunt sedes, iustosque triumphos.
Dixit: & extemplo nebulis caput occulit atris.
Protinus, intonuere poli, se fin dit Olympus
Numini mandantis diui, dispergitur aether.
Hisce oculis vidi, Franciscam tecta subire
Lucida, fulminei (ductante cohorte) tonantis
Murmure tum vario, mistum crepat vndi (que) caelū:
Amphion fidibus canit, Orphaeus (que) sonoris
Indulsit neruis, clarus testudine linus
Personat, ingeminant cantus, tum conscius aethe [...]
Et visus saltare fuit, & spargere murmur.
Fas vidisse deos choreas ductasse, de as (que)
Passibus haud aequis sectari, & iungere dextras.
Tunc reboare tubae, crebris tum pulsibus aera
Clangere ceperunt, necnon & plectra sonabant.
Cantor, ab vmbriferis ebuccinat arcibus. Euge
Aduena, pone metum tectis succede beatis.
Tunc musae ceptare melos & fundere versus.
Tellure corpus condidit,
Mens, aureos tenet polos
Carnis soluta carcere.
HIis ita digestis, praemitur tractabile caelum,
Et scissae coiere viae, clausere meatus.
[Page]Tum nostro lentum carmen sic creuit ab ore.
Euge, ter faelix, quater ô beata,
Sen [...]ies faelix, gemino marito,
Stirpe ter faelix, hominum voluptas.
Cura deorum.
Mors quasi Saxum Tantalo,
Impendens: Cic. definibus. 1.
Carmen gliconicum cori ambicum.
Mors, (ô) saeua, potens nimis,
O mors, mors, quid ages? quoue feres pedem?
Quātos saepe trahis, quan (que) bonos precipites viros?
Pergin dira? nec est modus?
Falcem cladiferam nemo ne reprimet?
Omnes tergeminū conspiciemus ne canem breui?
Sic stat numinibus [...]atum?
Sic parce voluerunt tetricae? quid hoc?
Non mōstri simile est? nemo supstes? dolor ô dolor▪
(pròh), fuluo diademate
Reges conspicui, sanguinei duces,
Miles dira fremens corruerint, cùm rutilo grege?
non circundata tempora
Ambitúmve caput fronde hederae sacrae,
Victrix palma nequit nos spolijs ducere abinferis,
[Page]fundabilis es dea:
Heu, quam te memorem? queisue parentibus
Cretam nonne, silex te genuit cautibus horridis?
formosas ne puellulas,
cordatosque viros, & iuuinem efferum,
Imbellesque senes, & memorē prelij anum rapis.
Fato, quàm premimur pari.
Oris nil decor vllus mouet aur [...]i.
Dijs nasci nihil est. stirpe sua nemo fugit necem.
mors est indocilis fugam.
Non vult illa nigro carmine pellier.
Robor, tela, faces, tûs, lachrymae, spretus honos ia­cet,
mors, aequo pede pulcitat
Turres magnificas: at (que) humiles casas.
Nunc sternit vigiles, nūc, inopinos premit ad ma­nes.
Quoquo, diffugias vagus,
aut vtcun (que) latens occuleris caput,
Mors (en) certa comes omnibus horis grauis im­minet.
Ergo, tunde Iouem prece
Qui quondam liquidos euoluit polos
Chao, qui (que) suis limitibus cuncta coercuit,
qui sedes quatit inferum,
Ne mors caedepotens (cum sopor algidus
It per corpora) nos falce recurua vrgeat inscios.

❧ PRESENTED TO THE QVEENES MAIESTIE BEING THEN at Cambridge, for the name of his degrée.

A Prince, extracte from hautie house,
a Prince of pompouse porte
Approcheth here, whose auncitours,
triumphe in glories forte.
Cum noble lustie Poets cum,
strike vp in regall rate,
To pennes, to pennes, pursue the cha [...]e,
ye haue a game of state.
If, wit maye win a woorthie name,
if vertue purchesse praise,
If heauenlye hue deserue an hyer,
her bruite then let vs blase.
Eche Realme, doth boste him of his prince:
eache wryter doth aduaunce
His soueraigne: then happie we,
thryse happie, is our chaunce,
To whome the mightie puissaunte God,
hath lente a Queene of pryce,
Whose fame we iustly maye procure,
vnto the cloudes to ryse.
What pleasaunte smylinge, twincklynge starres,
what goddes of witte so greate,
Coulde fynde, for such excellente giftes,
in place so small a seate?
Well nature well, now maiste thou daunce,
and pastyme for a tyme,
For neuer shalt thou creature woorke
so quyte deu [...]ide of crime.
O, maye not we: full rightly tearme,
that sacred Royall breste,
A paradize, where chaste aduice,
of godlinesse doth reste?
[Page]Ye kynges, that rule by seas and lande,
and ye infernall ghostes,
Beare wytnesse nowe, we haue a Queene,
of whome our Ilande bostes.
And Cambridge, nowe thou doest inclose,
(hye thankes to hym aboue:)
A wyght, whome all the worlde adores,
And God hym selfe dothe loue.
DIcite io vates, & io bis dicite vates,
Elizabetha venit, nil nisi dicite io.
Dicite io, Regina venit, regina moratur,
Sedibus in nostris, nonne sonatis io?
Audite voces (que) hominum, fremitus (que) tubarum:
Iupiter è caelis dicere visus io.
Cernimus heroes, heroarum (que) phalanges.
Cernimus & claram (plebe stupente deam
Clamet io, pandat (que) vlnas Academia laetas,
Ac clament villae, compita, rura, domus.
Dicat io crebris pulsatus vocibus aether,
Quam (que) potest latè personet axis io.
Explicet exangues rugas quaeribunda senectus,
Laeta dies, fastis adijcienda dies.
Sancta dies, intacta dies, caritura senecta,
Caelicolis magnis magna colenda dies.
Dicat io quicun (que) dies superauit iniquos,
Qui dia gaudet principe, dicat io.
Nunc, Pater omnipotens, oculis nos aspicis aequis,
Nunc sumus ergo tui, vociferemus io.

☞ TO THE RIGHT HONO­rable and moste noble Lorde, the Lord Robert Dudley, Erle of Leicester.

TO heare a pleasant penned verse,
Augustus tooke delyte:
And well allowde, the wittes that could,
his prayses well indite.
From massie care of common wealthe,
ofte woulde he, for a space,
Translate him selfe, to interuewe
and iudge a Poets grace.
Augustus nowe is dead and gone,
his fame hath founde her wynges,
Of hym, the broode of Pegasse house,
and noble Muses synges.
If Englande had suche curious wittes,
that coulde in stately verse,
The factes, the feates of worthy wightes,
and royall gestes reherse:
Your lordshyps honour, should be made,
the myrrour of our tyme,
Because you loue to laye your lookes
vpon a Poets ryme.
Some mountynge wittes, that loue to mount,
and soore aloofe in skie,
Bothe will and can arreare your fame,
and lodge it in the skie.
If we be not to rude vnkynde,
You and your golden yeares,
Wherin you lyue, shall geue assaulte
vnto the furthest eares.
Not onely we shall liue in you,
the daies that you dwell here,
Shall shine and shewe to other worldes,
in you sette foorthe so clere.
[Page]A iewell, welcome to the worlde,
by whom the worlde shall wynne,
And welcome to that happy age,
wherein you dyd begynne:
Moste hartie welcome vnto vs,
on your aduice dothe staye.
The pondrous peyse of publique weale,
and vrgent weyghtie swaye.

Graec. & Lat. des. IN ADVENTVM AMPLISSI­mi viri Domini Cecilli, equitis aurati Re­gine Maiestatis a secretis, & Cancellarii nostri honoratiss.

PLurima debemus multis, quid reddimus ergo?
Reddimus hoc vuum, posse, referre nih il.
Hos homines, debere sibi, quis fecerit assis?
Debent, an soluant, possis habere nihil.
Carmina; dicuntur caelo deducere lunam:
Traxerunt vates carmine saxa, feras.
Aspicis, vt dictant versus iuuenes (que) senex (que)?
Carmina si spernas, soluimus, ecce, nihil.
Carmina Maecenas, & carmina Caesar amauit,
Carmina si spectes, carmine diues eris.
Consilio polles, res hoc tibi publica debet:
Anglia te meriti commeminisse decet.
Doctrina polles, at (que) hoc tibi patria debet:
Culta doctrina: patria redde, tuum est.
Quod nos vicisti, debes academia soluas,
Aurea praestantem defer ad astra virum,
[Page]Hospita Iohannis quod te modo tecta receptant,
Hoc nos debemus, possumus at (que) nihil.
Sed tamen, ingentes reddemus carmine grates,
Isto, si fas▪ sit nos munerare modo.
Gratuses, & merito gratus, quicun (que) tuorum
Intret Iohannis limina gratus erit.
Tu merito gratus, tu maenia suggeris aedis,
Nos, nos nescimus, reddere, redde d [...]us.
Redde Deus, cito redde deus, cito redde merenti,
Quid reddas tandem? praemia redde Deus,
Praemia, quae possunt homines fecisse beatos
Quae reddis diuis, praemia redde deus.

IN ADVENTVM EIVSDEM, HO­noratis sin [...]aeque eius coniugis.

SPlendidam lucem celebrant Mycenae,
Qua, domum victor redit imperator,
Oppidum postquàm Priami iacebat, Littore truncus,
Gaudium magnum Menelaus, olim
In tulit Spartis, peregrè reuersus,
Quando, Neptuni cinis esset omne Ilion ingens.
Sulcat inuitum mare vi deorum
Gloriam magnam referens Vlisses:
Rettulit laudes, reperit (que) laudes [...] Praemia vitae.
[Page]Tu refers famam, rediens celebrem,
Tu tibi iustos cumulas honores,
Gratus es nobis, iterum (que) gratus, Magnae Cecillae.
Gratus aduentus dominae Cecillae,
Nobilis, doctae, pietate clarae,
Coniugis clari, patris at (que) clari Clara Cecilla.
Dignus (o) coniunx, domina Cecilla:
Digna (que) (o) coniunx, domino Cecillo:
Viuat (o) viuat, valeat (que) longum, Dignus vter (que).

In aduentum clariss. viri Thomae Hen­nagii Epigramma.

IF that my penne could paynt my mynd [...]
or wyt be wray my wyll:
Then shold your worship know my thoughts
that lurke for lacke of skyll.
I would excuse my rashe attempt,
the noblesse of your name,
I would sette foorthe in wordes of weyght,
and fynely fyled frame:
But eloquence she me denyes,
she dothe my hande repell:
And makes me shrynke to shewe myne arte,
to hym where arte dothe dwell.
Then blame your selfe, because I doo
indyte my mynde in fewe:
We simple Poetes, dare not byde,
Your heedfull learned vewe.
[Page]I iustly may mystrust my selfe,
that haue a gyltie mynde:
And moste mystruste, when he is iudgde,
that can the guylt vnwynde.
I felte a sharpe and harde conflicte,
in writynge of this rime:
Good wyll prickte on, rudenesse reclamde,
great strugglyng for a tyme.
But, eche thynge hath at last his ende,
aduaunst hym good wyll tho,
And shame exilde, he badde me wryte,
the victor vrgde me so.
That streyght, my base vnspiced style,
was subiecte to your syghte,
Whiche ought not once to touche your steppes,
vnworthy there to lyghte.
But geue hym leaue, by gyfte of verse,
his meanynge to escrie:
Whose handes, to present prouder price,
his power dothe denye.
And geue me leaue in fyne to saye,
thryse welcome to this place
Welcome, for shape, welcome for skyll,
welcome for ancient race.

To the same.

SEmper, ego tacito modulabor carmen in antro?
Quid meà num soli carmina facta mihi.
Pana per, & nymphas, procul, o procul iste camenae,
Cordi sit vobis, ire per ora virum.
Ite leues elegi, letae fulsere calendae,
Ite leues eligi, regia turba venit.
Scilicet, optatis mecum latitare parente?
Num iuuat occultos praeterijsse dies?
[Page]Cernetis proceres, operit quos tirea vestis,
Agmen, quod tellus ferre superbit, erit,
Forsitan, est aliquis, manibus qui sumet amicis▪
Nonne sub hoc casu dilituisse pudet?
Auratas inter turmas, Hennagius heros
Infert se socium, maenia nostra petens.
Illius ad vultus, cautos vos tendite gressus
Et curae tantam sit subijsse manum.
Audacem, verum si dixerit esse poetam,
Adme (confessae crimina) ferte pedem.


A Kyfe reporte dothe runne abroade,
that Fame hath fethered wynges:
By healpe wherof, from eare to eare,
posthaste the goddesse flinges.
An harbynger, oft tymes to wight,
to speedie in her flight,
She flynges and friskes, through landes and seas,
she neuer loues to light.
O fame, where dydste thou then soiorne?
Inuironde in what place,
Waste thou? that we in no wise knewe,
the commyng of his grace:
His worthie noble princely grace,
whose martiall feates of warre,
Whose high attemptes, and hardie hande,
dothe fraie his foes from farre.▪
If vnderstandyng had ben geuen,
yf thou hadste sayd the worde.
[Page]The Duke shall come, that valiant Duke,
That weeldes the wreakefull sworde.
No penne, no poet shoulde haue seaste,
nexte to the very beste,
In trymme attyre, of sundry toungues,
his praise we woulde haue dreste.
Then beare with vs, (O famous prince)
Your commynge was not knowne,
Though verses ebbe, yet loue aboundes,
our heartes is all your owne.

Ad eundem.

Non nisi grandisoni capient tua gesta cothurni:
Omnia, non factis carmina digna tuis.
Nec tamen, est quisque, quin gestit nomina tanti
Principis, exiguis vel cecinisse modis.
Vrget tantus amor: stimulas sie v [...] (que) poetas.
Tantum debemus, vir (que) senex (que) tibi.
Illa dies merito, nobis celebranda fuisset,
Qua, nobis visus ceperat esse tui:
Versibus illa dies caruit, letis (que) cam [...]nis,
Nullius & calamo claruit illa dies.
Splendeat ista dies, qua maenia nostra relinquis,
Alterius laudes, auferat ista dies.
Aduentum tacui: discessum [...]a udibus orno:
Non potui salue dicere: dico vale.

QVESTIO PRIMA IN CO­mitiis nostris Disputata. ANNO Domini. M. D. LXV. Corpus Christi non st vbi (que).

Brentius, longo memorandus aeuo,
calluit magni sacra iura Christi,
Perperam, Christi tamen esse dixit
Corpus vbi (que):
Calluit Luther, retulit salutem,
Retulit Christum, repulit (que) Papam,
Fregit, & strauit male soeuientis
cornuae monstri
Fregit errores, coluit (que) lucem,
Antesignanus, tulit ille palmam:
Quin, & audacter satanam Tyrannum
fregit ouante [...].
Attamen, res est, magis (o) Dolenda
Nesciit magnum columen salutis,
Quo modo Christus solet vs (que) sacrum
frangere panem.
Credidit, corpus simul exhiberi:
Credidit, panem simul exhiberi:
Corpus, & panem, simul esse posse
scripta reclam [...]nt.
Inde, turbatus nisi tradidifset,
Sedibus multis simul esse corpus:
Terminos dixit, Domini [...]
cingere nullos.
Hereses ceruis, quasi fune necti,
Cernis, & cautè docuisse Priscos.
Si quid absurdi dabis, inde per (que)
multa sequ [...]ntur.
[Page]Brentius, certe male somniauit,
Ipse Lutherus titubauit ingens,
Cuncta cognosci sua Christus olim
noluit illis.
Cinglius vidit tenebras relictas,
Vidit, & sensit tenebras opacas,
Rebus vt fractis voluit mederi:
concidit ense.
Occolamp [...] dius.
Lux Domus, vidit remanere lucem,
Obuiam muli is facilè sequacem,
[...] libris studiit vetustis.
Veritas, luxit radiis benignis,
Vidit, & scripsit nequiisse multis,
Corpus humanum, nequit esse multis
in locis: Christi [...],
Corpus, aut christi [...] implet omnem:
Implet aut certam propriam (que) sedem:
Termino certo nisi posset esse,
[...], si non teneatur vno
In loco certo, Deus est [...]:
Sanguinem,, carnem [...] esse credis?
Act. Apost. 3.
Suscipit coelum, Domini, [...],
Cingitur (quid ni?) [...] Patris
Spiritus, vires tamen vndequa (que)
fundit, opem (que)
[Page]Titii fundo,
stet it arbos olim,
Arboris radix stet it illa fundo:
Maeuii struncum, patulos (que) ramos
fundus habebat.
Arboris, quisnam Dominus [...]?
Titius: qui sic? quiae, mansit eius
Praediis radix: Erit eius, ergo,
arbor & vsus:
Corpus in coelis, [...] ergo Christus,
Numinis vires penetrant abissus,
Sol manet coelis, radii solares
Numen in terris,
ne (que) corpus illic,
Corpus [...], velut ante [...],
Terminos nouit, proprium (que) [...]:
cingitur ergo.
Trinitas esset, siquidem vel vn (que)
[...] capax [...] foret illa quanta:
At capax Christus, capit ille corpus
fert (que) refert (que)
Claudetur ille terminis.
Vbique non erit uagus.
Diuinit [...]s est libera.
Sed corpus intercluditur.

2. QVESTIO. Gratiam fides, fidem Dilectio sequitur.

QVid Iudaea dapes, Babilō, quid moenia iactas?
Quid iuuat hoc meruisse decus?
Quid, Sāpson gaudes? quod amas, tua gaudia tollet:
Te tua robora magna prement.
[Page]Saule, retro propera, ferro petiture Damascum
Quam cito corruit altus aequo?
[...] iacent. sunt o sunt numina coeli:
Gratia magna petenda Dei est.
Posse Deus facit hos, liber quos spiritus afflat.
Est opus improbitatis homo:
Nil facit ille boni, sed suggerit omnia faelix
Credere qui poteris, per te qui numina nescis?
Gratia numinis ante fidem.
Illa beat quos vult, quos vult facit illa fideles:
Prodiga, fontis & instar aquae.
Nascitur inde fides, Dilectio nascitur inde:
Haec (que) piam docet esse fidem.
Si volumus, nostram meritis expendere causam:
obruimur numero scelerum.
Sola fides liquidis superauerit aethera pennis,
(sed tamen illa probata Deo)
Sola fides, Domini si sit substantia Christi,
Quod (que) semel pateretur homo:
Quod (que) velit solus▪ quod possit crimina solus,
Demere maximus ille Deus.
Gratia, deinde fides, Dilectio claudit vtram (que)
filia posteriore loco.
[Page] [...],
Hebr. Car. de sunt.

Ad Heskins, quod Do. Iuellum laesi vel vt Heskins malit detruncati textus incusat.

HEschynus iccirco textum truncasse Iuellum,
Omnia quòd textus, non referebat, ait.
[Page]Artificem pulchrum: Quasi, cognita verba tacere,
Detruncare siet: quis nisi truncus ait?
Credidit haud truncis, sese scripsisse Iuellus,
Hunc tu fallebas Heschine, truncus eras.
Hauditerum falles, tecum quicun (que) loquetur,
Cautus (cuncta suo verba citare loco)
Ac si cum puero, vel trunco res ageretur,
Nil non in fauces, ingeret ille tuas,
Adscribi possit notissima verba [...]
Doctor: si nescit, quid nisi truncus erit?
Plures hoc norunt, ergo si percipis ipse:
Et petis adscribi: sic quo (que) truncus eris▪
Inconsultus homo, fors Heschynus, Aeschinus alter
Plus satis insanit, negligit at (que) pater.
Romanus Mitio, scelerum sacer ille magister,
Dedocet esse bonos, te docet esse malum.
Heschine, quin scortaris, ait, quin sculptile fingis?
Sculptile quin deamas? me patre gnate potes.
Non est hoc vitium: saltem me iudice non est.
Vtere tam belli commoditate patris.
Exordire dolos, faecundum consule pectus?
Aut dolus aut virtus, tu meditare dolos.
His ego vel solis, terras ac tartara vici:
Non aliter, gnati conualuere mei.
Sedulus hoc hortor, per viscera (chare) parentis
Praestes, praecepti summa sit ista mei:
Omnes quo fallas, mendacia plurima sperge,
[Page]Sic prodesse mihi, sic meus esse potes.
Sic solet haec Mitio▪ Non Heschinus vlla moratus,
Tam comicae vocis [...] esse cupit.
Protinus exclamat, textum truncasse Iuellum.
Heus primo mendax? Heschine patris eris.
Heschinus (obscuri vix caede cruentus Echyni)
Praesulis an nostri, caede cruentus erit?
Nugarum (que) potens, coniuratus (que) getarum,
Terribilis, no stram cogitat ipse necem.
Saeuiat ille, suis centum comitatus Echinis.
Si non truncus erit, saeuus Echinius erit.
Heschinus, Hardingus, Dorman, Rastal, Stapleton,
Multa edunt multis, ne videantur [...].
Heschinus, haeretici scribant, qnae quanta (que) possint,
Iurent se sanctos, catholicos (que) viros

IMPRINTED AT LONDON in Fletestrete by Thomas Marshe. Anno M.D. LXVI.

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