[...]ie godlie, learned, and
[...]ll Sermon against the bad spi
[...] malignitie, malice, and vnmer
[...]es. Publikely preached by Tho
[...]as Bankes Maister of Arts and Preacher of the word.
[...]dge not, and ye shall not bee iudged:
[...]demne not, and ye shall not bee con
OUr Sauiour séeking throughout, by vertue of this his Sermon, to turne the peoples leadē nature into the golden metal of grace, and
[...]ecause nature did properlie hale
[...]on to deale as they were, and not
[...]ey would be dealt withall in way
[...]engeance: and grace forced them to
[...]s they would be & not as they were
[...]e to in way of beneuolence: Albeit
[...] say) for the spéedier conuersion & ex
[...]ange sake of their corrupt nature into
[...]ure regenerate substance, the Lord in
[...]s own person had immediately before
[...] this chapter, laid hard to their charge:
[Page] yet neuerthelesse dooth hee now afres
[...] (as it were) knocke vpon his Discip
[...] breasts, and roundlie now againe ru
[...] the memories of the residue of his au
[...] tors, charging thē straightly with th
[...] thrée speciall branches of Christianit
[...] The first concerneth the abandoning
[...] curious and rash iudgement, The sec
[...] cutteth off all malice & priuate reueng
[...] and the third is altogither conuersant
[...] bout the extending of almes: And the
[...] thrée seuerall precepts haue ech of the
[...] appendent to him, his kindly promise
[...] recompence. So that (as we sée) this i
[...] stant treatise stādeth iointly througho
[...] of bare propositions and confirmations, yea, vpon méere precepts and promises
[...] Wel then, touching the first proposition, sounding in maner of a proclamation against lauish iudgement, wee must well thinke, that Christes meaning thereby is not, to shorten the armes of ciuil Iudges, according to the fantasticall cōstruction of the Anabaptistes: yea, the Lord is so farre off from dashing or putting to silence this same seruiceable sort of Magistrates, that by his owne ordinance and appointment they doo hold their stā ding
[...]heir preheminence, and temporall
[...]mēt seat in iustice, as may appeare
[...]se sundrie places of Testament.
[...] 10.
Iudges & officers shalt thou
Deut. 16.
[...] thee in al thy cities, throughout
Esai. 1. Iudge the fatherles,
Esai. 1. Zach. 7.
[...]nd the widow.
Zach. 7. Execute
[...]udgement, and shew mercie and
[...]assion euery one to his brother.
[...]. By the controlement of wrong
[...]ote righteous iudgement cōman
[...] thus,
How long wil ye iudge vn
psal. 82.
& accept the persōs of the wic
[...] So then hereby we learne, y
• ciuill
[...]racie beautified w
t vpright iudg
[...] dooth goe for as singular good pai
[...] with the Lord as may be Neither
[...] this commandement any whit at
[...]isable or cut short ecclesiasticall per
[...] frō iudgement & sentence giuing in
[...] causes, as properly appertaine to
[...] vocation & iurisdictiō. For as afore
[...]e in y
e daies of Moses, y
e Priests were
[...]thorized to iudge of y
e lepry: so now in
[...]r age, the Church likewise is by office
[...]ioined to iudge, & for a season to put a
[...]art the retchlesse and notorious euill
[...]uers: and this in the Apostles time
[Page] was allowed off, as appeareth whe
[...] Paule commanded that such a one
[...] kept his fathers wife,
Should be deliuered vp vnto Satā for the destructiō
1. Cor. 5.
his flesh, that his spirit might be saue
[...] in the day of the Lord Iesus. Yea, such iudgement of ours (I say) is not prohibited here, as hath it warrant from manifest and infallible proofes, but that we may with Iohn the Baptist, terme the Phraises and Sadduces,
A generation of vipers, and say vnto the Scribes as Christ did.
How can yee speake anie thing that good is, whē ye your selues
Math. 3.
are euil? Yea, we may with the Apostle
1. Cor. 6. thunder out eternall condemnation against such as defile themselues with fornication, theft, wantonnes, adulterie drunkennes, idolatrie, & such like. Touching these most prophane & grosse impieties, which can in no wise possible proceed from a mean good mind, we may without all danger sears, & set Sathans marke vpō them, in token of their ouerthrow, which pollute themselues therewithall vnlesse that by repentance they take vp in time, and turne ouer a new leafe. For as the bad tree by the euil
[...]t may be accordingly iudged of: so
[...]y they which through euill conuersa
[...], without remorse of conscience op
[...] themselues against the will of God.
[...] reputed & iudged off what they are.
[...]sides, the Lord, who (as S. Ierome
[...]h) dooth not here forbid, but teacheth
[...] iudge: dehorteth vs not from iud
[...] our selues, but that we may after
[...]ostles aduise
Iudge our selues, that
1. Cor. 11.
[...]e not iudged of the Lord. Thus
[...]ée, what sorts of iudgemēt are priui
[...]d, vntoucht, & exempted here: Now
[...]s behold a litle, what iudgemēt our
[...]iour Christ aimeth at, and seketh to
[...]off in this place, as a most pestilent
[...] noious enemy against al true Chri
[...]nitie, and brotherly cōsent whatsoe
[...]. And this it is (my brethren) when
[...]en of sinister iudgement doo curiouslie
[...]t out the enormities, or openlie blaze
[...]discouer the nakednes of others, whose
[...]ults perhaps are fewer in number be
[...]g truely told, and lighter in weight be
[...]g rightly ballanced, then their owne
[...]e. Touching such péeuish and busibo
[...]ies, which for reproch and not for refor
[...]ation sake, roundly reprooue, and disdainfully
[Page] carpe at other men: thapostle
Paul dooth disappoint & wipe them of all excuse, where he saith,
Therefore thou
Rom. 2.
art inexcusable (O man) whosoeuer thou art that iudgest. For this cause y
e same Apostle els where warneth y
e Corinthians, y
t they shuld in no wise iudge any thing, vntil the comming of y
e Lord. Againd,
Who art thou (quoth hee)
[...] Cor. 4.
codemnest an other mās seruant? For such like rash and rouing condemnation, our sauior Christ rebuked the Scribes, as thus,
Wherfore think ye euil things
Mat. 9.
in your harts? This he said, when falsly within themselues in a mutinie, they charged him as a blasphemer. S. Iames likewise giueth vs this watche woord,
Speake not euil one of an other, brethrē.
[...]am. 4.
He that speaketh euil of his brother, or he that condemneth his brother, speaketh euill of the law, and cō demneth the law. And if thou condemnest the lawe, thou art no obseruer of the law, but a Iudge. That wee should not vpon superficiall and slender euidence iudge our neighbors: that place in the booke of Moses is of great force to perswade vs, where the Lorde saide,
[...]me on, let vs go down & there cō
Gen. 10.
their language. Which words
[...] our imitation sake, doo verie signifi
[...]tly import, what leisure & aduise the
[...]rd tooke, afore he would dash the buil
[...]s with cōfusion: For he said he wold
[...] go down, & then doo it. In the Euan
[...]st Luke we reade, that the rich man
Luk. 16.
[...]d néeds confer, and call his steward
[...] him, afore he did dimisse him. In
[...] Gospell of the Euangelist Iohn wée
[...]ow sparing our Sauior Christ was
[...]udging the Iewes, who because they
[...]a litle before sought to stone him, his
[...]ciples gaue him counsell y
t he should
[...] no more among them: and yet he
[...]ld not heare on y
t side, so lightlie to
[...] thē ouer, but madly made reply as
Are there not twelue houres in
Ioh. 12.
[...] day? As if he should haue said, Be it
[...] that heretofore they intēded mischiefe
[...]ainst vs, yet now perhaps their ma
[...]e is worne out, and they will no more
[...]eale thus roughly with vs. These are
[...]xamples to teach vs, & the other afore
[...]re places of testimonie for to assure vs
[...]he rather, that the Lord can in no wise
[...]rooke such impudent & vnrulie persons,
[Page] as are too rashe and headlong in iudging other men, by meanes whereof they bewray themselues with shame inough to bee both excéeding presumptuous, and no lesse hipocriticall. Presumptuous, for that they take vpon them as Maisters, béeing vnwoorthie the name of Disciples, For that (I say) they goe about to reach that a farre off, which they are too short armd to apprehend and reach hard at hand: I meane, for that they assay to iudge others, being altogither vnable to iudge aright of themselues, (vnlesse happelie they doo surpasse both Peter and Paul, the one whereof was deceiued in himselfe, when without faile hee purposed, yea, and stoutlie protested, that though he
[...]. 26. should die with Christ, hee would in no wise denie him, and yet when it came to the push, hee both denied him, and forswore him bitterlie: and the other for his share confessed, that hee was altogither
[...]. 4. vnméete accordinglie to iudge himselfe, and that because hee knew nothing by himselfe.) That such men also as doo curiouslie iudge others, are them selues woonderfull hypocriticall,
[...] case is moste plaine and euident:
[...] the kindlie propertie of an hypo
[...]te, is, to sée the sliding of an other
[...]an, but not the downfall of himselfe:
[...] point at other mens blemishes, bée
[...]y neuer so litle, but to ouerpasse
[...] owne deformities, be they neuer so
[...]at. And therefore well saide the
[...]e man,
An hypocrite with his
prou. 11.
[...]gue hurteth his neighbor: whose
[...]sight and parcialitie in déed is such,
[...]t the leaste moate in his fellowes
[...] séemeth a more sensible obiect, then
[...] greatest beame in his owne. And
[...] was the cause that moued Christ
[...] to saye to one of that leaden
[...]pe, as also to all the rest of that
[...]risaicall complexion,
Thou hy
Math. 7.
first cast out the beame out
[...] thine owne eye, and then shalt
[...]ou see clearelie to cast the mote
[...]t of thy brothers eye. But this
[...]e of the hipocrite (I feare me) and this
[...]eame are as harde to part a sunder,
[...]s the byrd
Acalanthis and the thistles
[...]herein shée bréedes, or the Grashopper and the grasse whereof
[...]hée springs, which naturallie rather chuse to die,
[Page] then depart thence. Thus doubtlesse did
Thales think, who being asked what thing of all other he tooke to be most hard and difficill in performance: returned this answere, For a man to know him selfe, (saith he.) And againe being asked what thing of all other hee thought to be easiest: For a man, (saith hée) to admonish or curiously to carpe at others. For so vile in déed is the disposition naturallie of vs all, that we blush not one whit to measure other mens dooings by the crooked line of our owne imagination: yea, wée are not ashamed to packe vp our owne faults in the wallets end that hangeth behinde vs, where they may lie alwaies vnséene and out of remembraunce: but other mens wée trusse vp in the wallettes ende that is before vs, where they come alwaies in sight and handling. Wée glaunce at our owne imperfections, as through a net or lattice: but other mens we view and looke at with open Eagles eies. Wée account our owne suspicion a sufficient proofe against others: but when they againe iustlie condemne vs, wée scarcelie take it for an accusation against
[Page] our selues. Wee can sooner grant
[...]er mens good wine for to bee shire
[...]ter, then confesse our owne vnsaue
[...]water not to be wine: yea, so close
[...]re wee pinned to our owne sléeues,
[...] so deuoutlie addicted to our owne o
[...]ons: that wee will péeuishlie con
[...]ne others which are to bee iustified,
[...]arciallie iustifie our selues, which
[...]ht are to be condemned. What
[...]ke yee) made
Cicero to say,
[...]io quo pacto) vt magis in aliis cerna
[...] quid delinquitur, quàm in nobismet
[...] It happeneth (saith hée,) (I know
[...]w) that wee can sooner espie out a
[...] in others then in our selues. Or
[...]. (I pray you) moued
Horace to
[...] um tua peruideas &c. But onelie
[...] that they both of them did sée this
[...]nation generallie inherent to flesh
[...] blood, with the Henne to scrape
[...] of the dunghill other mens rotten
[...]ges, with the Puttocke to sit sad
[...] vpon other mens sores, and with
[...] Pharisie to poste ouer their owne
[...]ltes, ripping and ransacking vp to
[...]e bottome other mens enormities? If
[...]ese two Heathen men were aliue in
[Page] this time, the one might spende all his Rhethorike hereabouts, and preuaile litle in persuading: and the other all his Poetrie, and yet (I feare me) leaue much vnsaide in the discourse, so large is the breach which this sinne hath made into mans heart, and so manifolde are the waies whereby shee dooth worke & wind her selfe in. For some men there are too too subtill and hollowminded, which hauing their tongues made of one flesh, and their heartes of an other: barke not, but pinch before warning. And these deale as the Butcher doeth, which claweth the Oxe with his hand that hee may the better come to lay his beetle on his head: Or as the Bee, which stingeth vs moste, when shee is fullest of honie. Some there are again of a currish kinde, whiche though they want teethe to bite vs, yet haue they tongues to babble, and open mouthes to barke at vs: and these (as God would haue it) beeing Dwarfes and Flies in force, though Gyants and Elephants in malice, are lyke to a kinde of Serpentes, whiche albeeit full of poison
[...] bee, yet because they bee toothlesse.
[...] hurt none but them selues. Yea,
[...]e Viper which caught Paul by the
Act. 18.
[...]e, could not harme him, but fell
[...] the fire and there perished: And
[...]ee which smote
Iason on the breast
[...]ding to kill him, broke his impo
[...]e, whereby hee cured him and made
[...]s sounde as a boxe: so likewise fa
[...]t somewhiles with these euil dogs
[...] barke at their owne fellowes,
[...] these vnkindlie birdes whiche be
[...]heir owne nestes, that where they
[...] doo harme, they doo good in re
[...] of the parties against whom they
[...]de it: but to doo that harme, that
[...] good may come of it, is for them (in
[...]inion) a very indirect way to come
[...]ation. And therefore well saith
[...]st who is both
the way, the trueth,
Math. 7.
the life, Iudge not: that is, Call
[...] his name into suspence and que
[...]n, who giueth thee verie litle or no
[...]se at all, For some actions in out
[...]ard appearance are of such indifferen
[...], that whether way to take them, it
[...] a verie harde matter to determine.
[Page] Touching these wée may not (I say) vnaduisedlie passe our verdicte, but rather must wee suspende our iudgement, breathing often vpon our pillow. And for this end serueth that admonition of a learned Father, Seest thou a man, saith he, that dooth fast often? Praise him not too much for it, because thou kndwest not whether for deuotion or ambition sake hee dooth it. Againe, seest thou a Magistrate that dooth seuerelie punishe? Déeme him not euill for it, because hée may as well doo it charitablie for publike weale sake, as vpon stomack for priuate reuenge. Concerning these and suche like, wee ought either not to iudge at all, or if we doo, our part is to construe them the best way, and that because it is more sufferable and Christianlike, for vs to bee deluded on the right hand, by reputing the bad to bee good, then to bee deceiued on the left hand, by accounting the good to bee bad. And why? Wée ought one to take anothers part, because we are all men of Gods makyng: wee ought one to conceale anothers faults and frailties, because wee are all fel
[Page] seruants: and wee ought one to
[...]e with an others weakenesse the ra
[...] because all of vs haue our infirmi
[...] for ill may one théefe giue sentence
[...]nst an other: and ill may one sinfull
[...] condemne an other of sinne. But
[...] is our giddie rashnesse, that we wil
[...]utely giue sentence vpon euerie
[...] similitude and resemblance, no, we
[...] not sticke to iudge a mans conuer
[...]n by a blush of his countenance,
[...]h rule often proueth false: a Horse
[...]s furniture, which argument sel
[...] proueth true: and the people by
[...]rish Church, wherein we can not
[...]lie but iudge amisse. So that if
[...]st and his Apostle Paul were now
[...]ngst vs, & the one should say to the
[...]e of the palsie,
Sonne thy sinnes be
Mat. 9. Act. 28.
[...]rgiuē thee, he would quicklie be con
[...]mned for a blasphemer: and the other,
[...]he were séene to haue a Viper on his
[...]and: he would now surelie bee appre
[...]ended, as he was then but iudged for a
[...]urderer. But they are gone, and haue left behind them many honest men & godlie successors in their place, which are daylie choked with the like soure
[Page] sauce, & will be still, (I feare me) till the table be drawn, & al turnd vpside down: after which riddance, dissolution, & breaking vp of all, these our saucie enimies shalbe turned ouer into sathans cōmons at a dish of soure sops, when we on y
e other side, shall be dieted with the Angels in heauen, & haue all things at hearts desire. This shall be our portion for good, & that shalbe their punishment for euil. What good then haue they? or what harme haue we by this? if when we are liberal, they iudge vs ambitious: if whē we are sparing, they estéem vs couetous: if when wee are silent, they take vs as fooles: or if when we are ioyfull and merie in the Lord, they account vs as dissolute and licentious persons? Surelie, we are so greatly hurt, that wee neuer féele it, & therfore haue no cause to complaine. For as a guiltie conscience doth somewhile with anguish accuse it selfe, though it be no way spoken against: so the man which knoweth himselfe to be frée from those enormities, wherwithall others do burdē & charge him, doth take such hart at grasse & comfort in his own vnguiltinesse, that he waigheth it not a
[...]n, but shaketh it off with Paule,
[...] being rashly iudged off, & wrong
[...] discountenanced, said,
As for me I
1. Cor. 4.
[...] litle to be iudged of you, or of
[...]s iudgemēt. And yet surely a kind
[...]sse & punishment it is, for a man to
[...]uiled & hardly iudged off, for there
[...]man, vnlesse he be past grace and
[...]eles, but he tendereth his own good
[...] about al things els. Which as Sa
[...]n saith, being a thing much more
pto. 22.
[...]ous then riches, it must néedes fol
[...] that they which rack the same vpō
[...]nters, & do all they can to teare it
[...]es, are much more faultie & iniuri
[...]hen they which rob & spoile men of
[...]ure & goods: for this cōmeth nothing
[...]gh the quicke as thother. Let vs not
[...] (my brethrē) like vnruly & vntamed
[...]ses, leape thus brutishly vpō y
e backs
[...] others, but rather let vs contein, kéepe
[...]ithin compasse, & cease to iudge one an
[...]ther any more. And to the end we may
[...] better performe this, we must first of al
[...]ut out y
e thrée sinnowes, wherby this euil eie is fed: bruise & breake y
e shoulders by y
e which this monstrous head is born vp: & remoue the rootes frō whence this
[Page] vnkindlie Impe hath her sappe: which namelie are these three: Selfeloue, enuie,
Selfeloue. and our owne natiue wickednesse, which being bred in the bones, wil hardlie out of the flesh. The first of these made way for the Pharesie to condemn the poore Publicane, pointing at him with preiudice, as thus,
God, I thanke
Luke. 18.
thee that I am not as this Publicane is. The second gaue matter inough to
Enuie. the Iewes for to condemne our Sauior to death:
Pilate knew that of enuy they
Mat. 97.
had deliuered him. This was the broker or solicitor that made Ioseph to bee sold, Iacob troubled, Abel slaine, and Dauid persecuted. The third thing,
Our owne na
[...]iue wicked
[...]esse. which is a mans owne natiue corruption, wrought also this slander against Christ out of the Iewish people:
Thou hast a diuel (say they) and that because
Ioh. 8. in deed they them selues were throughlie polluted and pestered with diuels. For to remedie the first infirmity, which is Pharisaical selfeloue, we must learne to eye and admire those goodlie parts, & gracious gifts of other men, wherin we our selues are no waie their coequals: and againe, we must often vpbraide our
[...]with those our owne imperfecti
[...]ich we neither know nor suspect
[...] others. Whom, though we nei
[...]re nor sée anie good by them,
[...]e we no warrant, rouingly to
[...]uil of them. For to feare vp the
[...]ad sinnow, which is Iewish en
[...]malice, we must at Paules bid
[...] vpon vs as the elect of God,
[...] of loue and peace. And in so
Colos. 3.
[...] other mans eyesalue, shall no
[...]se our eye sore, an other mans
[...]p, shall no way become our mis
[...], as it fareth with the enuious,
[...]e it was verie fitly said,
[...]idè? tuumnè bonum, an alienum
[...] O thou enuious man, what do
[...] seeke for? thine owne good, or
[...]ghbors euil? For both these two
[...] one with the enuious men: whose
[...]e is so peruerse, yea, so owlish (as I
[...]earme it) because as the Owle can
[...]bide the sunshine, so no more can
[...] men away with other mens gliste
[...] beames and goodlie partes, that if
[...]ng Samson were aliue, they would
[...]elie iudge him a weakling: rich
[...], a bankerupt or beggers brat: aged
[Page] Enoch and Elias, short liuers: faire A
[...] solon, a deformed fellow: mightie O
[...] uian, a man of no power: yea and w
[...] Salomon, if he were landed and aliue
[...] this day, I think surely they would no
[...] sticke to begge him for a starke foole. This sinnow then must be seared vp (as I say) or els, I feare me, all wilbe ma
[...] red. Lastly, for the curing and recouering of the third sore, which is our ow
[...] inward corruption & wickednesse: we
[...] must seeke for to haue our selues cast into a new mold after the Apostles aduise
[...] who willeth vs for
to bee renewed in
1. Thes. 4.
spirite. And so when we our selues are godlie and single hearted, we shall hardlie deeme others to bee worse then wee our selues are, euen as afore when wee were bad, we could not possibly repute others to be better: resembling
Aesops moule, who because she was blind her selfe, she could in no wise be perswaded that anie other beast could see. And thus we note, how that by themselues men commonlie measure others. If they bee good them selues, they account others to be no worse: if they be bad, they rekon others to be no better. The former sort
[...]e Bée conuert that iuice into ho
[...]ch the latter sorte with the Spi
[...]e into méere poyson. Let vs
[...]e cast away this naughtie eye
[...]hese three sinnowes, and so shall
[...] aright: this drouping head with
[...]ree shoulders, and so shall wee
[...]ight: this vnkindely ympe, with
[...]ee rootes, and so shall we tast
[...] Whereas on the other side if we
[...]em still, our eiesight will be so
[...] that euerie moulehill will séeme
[...]taine: our hearing wil be so con
[...]at euerie light sound will seeme
[...]mne: and our tast so farre dis
[...]d, that one droppe of soure will
[...]entie: yea all our fraternitie
[...]so impoisoned, that we shall take
[...]rethren as bastards, and rekon
[...]ues onlie for right heires, ripping
[...]er folkes trifling sinnes, as most
[...]us and damnable, and fauouring
[...]wn as light and excusable in com
[...]on. By meanes wherof, we degene
[...] from God aboue, whom in charitie
[...]ught to resemble: and become all
[...] with Sathan beneath in malignity,
[...]ome wee ought to bee as vnlike
[Page] as vnlike may be. For in deede no eas
[...] a thing it is for to know the Sunne
[...] the brightnesse thereof, the fire by
[...] heate, or the honie by the swetenesse
[...] then it is to discerne Gods chosen children by their friendlie relation and charitable sentence giuing, touching other mens doubtfull dealings or demeanou
[...] And againe, no easier is it to know the night by the darkenesse, the serpent by his poyson, or the wormewood by the bitternesse, then it is to know bad an
[...] euil disposed men by their bolting out
[...] sharpe censures concerning other men
[...] indifferent actions: wherein, because they be doubtfull, wee ought to bee n
[...] lesse aduised afore sentence giuing, the
[...] we would be, for to aduenture a great wager about a paire of equall waights or ballances, whether side should fall down first: which in déede is a verie hard matter to foretell. Yea we ought to bee a great deale more aduised in the other, then in this, and that because the losses are much vnlike. For the one is but barelie the losse of our siluer, but the other is the shipwracke and losse of our soules. Let vs not then buye this pigge
[...]e poke, as some men do, which are
[...]redulous, but rather let vs handle
[...]d looke on it first, and that because
[...]rice and valuation thereof is of all
[...]rs the greatest. And here finallie
[...] we note this by the way, that as
[...]re enioyned not to iudge or con
[...]e the righteous, so are we forbid
[...]erein to boulster or iustifie anie
[...]d and vicious persons: for both
[...] two iniquities as one, are to God
[...]an offensiue alike. And therefore
[...]aith Salomon,
He that iustifieth
prou. 17.
[...]cked, and he that condemneth
[...]st, euen they both are abhomi
[...] to the Lord. Againe,
He that
prou. 24.
[...]to the wicked, Thou art righte
[...]im shall the people cursse, and
[...]ultitude shall abhorre him, saith
Woe vnto them, (saith Esai)
[...]ke good of euil, and euil of good,
Esa. 5.
[...]ch put darkenesse for light, and
[...]t for darkenesse. And this woe (I
[...]re me) may wel be denounced against
[...]umber of wicked and waieward peo
[...] in this age, which taking their
[...]arkes amisse, preposterously misterme
[...]ce vertuous, & vertue vicious, wormwood
[Page] sweete, and hony sower: euil men good, and good men euil. For many there be doubtlesse now a daies, licentious and prodigall liuers, which will impudently vndertake to cleare and iustifie their fellowes, be they neuer so bad & notorious euil. So that if an honest zealous man do at anie time iustly reproue anie of that crew for his bad conditions: O, will an other say, you do him wrong sir, for I will auouch, he is as honest a man as euer brake bread, yea, thus will he say, though he be as bad a man as euer broacht drinke: and then is hee bad inough, for Tapsters we say are not alwaies the bestliuers. Let them then which are guiltie this way, as well as the other, betimes repent and amend: for better were it for them to slide an hundred times with their feete, then once to slide thus with their tongue, by iustifying the vniust. It followeth in the text,
And ye shall not be iudged. And this, in a word, is the confirmation or couenant, annexed to the proportion and commandement here. Wherein the Lord by way of promise sheweth, how good and gracious he is, in recompen
[Page] single good turn with a double re
[...]de. For by abandoning of one sorte
[...]dgement, & the same against others,
[...]re assured here from Christes own
[...]th, for to escape a double iudgement
[...]nst our selues: that is to say, the se
[...] iudgemēt of God at y
e last dreadfull
[...]f dome: & beside this, the sharp cen
[...] of men during this our mortalitie
[...]poral life time: for both sortes are
[...]y meant, though not seuerally mē
[...]d, here in this place. Thone of these
[...]elfe is most terrible & fearefull, and
[...]re with all might & maine now in
[...]f grace to be preuented: and the o
[...]e all take to be a thing most odi
[...] shameful, & therefore warelie for
[...]ly honestie sake to bee auoided.
[...]t y
e former is most horrible & dread
[...] this dooleful & irreuocable saying of
[...] Lord foretold vs in the Gospel, doth
[...]ciently declare.
Depart from me ye
Mat. 15.
[...]sed, into euerlasting fire. That the
[...]er also is a verie vnséemelie & shame
[...]l thing, it appeareth by the Apo
[...]es earnest exhortation directed to
[...]s fellow-labourers, where hee wil
[...]th them to contend, that through due
[Page] desert they might be honestly reported off among al men, & so stop the mouthes of malignant & euil speakers: who for the most part in séeking by this meanes wrongfullie to hurt others, do nothing els but raise vp a dust, whereby they put out their owne eies. For so it fareth with these men, as it doth with the Hen, which by long scraping in y
e dunghil, discouereth the knife that doth afterwards cut her owne throte: or as it doth with a hastie and hairebraind souldier, who desperatly rushing out vpon a mischieuous purpose for to smite & wound his fellow, returneth home againe himselfe with a broken pate. And herewithall agréeth this saying,
Qui quae vult loquitur, quae nō vult audiet. He that speaketh what he will, shall some whiles heare what he would not. Moses therefore vpon good consideratiō, among other precepts gaue the people this charge, that they should not in anie wise speake euil. And why? because the verie custome and practise hereof, is of it selfe so vncharitable and deuilish, that there can nothing be deuised, which doth sooner then it cal for vengeance at Gods handes. Of this minde
[...] King Dauid, saying,
Him that
[...]ily slaundereth his neighbor, will
psal. 101.
[...]stroy. And so was also King Salo
[...], when he said,
Put away from thee
prou. 4.
[...]ward mouth, & put wicked lips
[...]e from thee. We read of one, which
[...]ng the space of three yeares kept a
[...] within his mouth, for this end,
[...]et tacere, that he might learne the
[...] to inure and acquaint himselfe
[...]silence. We haue also by writers
[...]uered vnto vs, the nature of certain
[...]s, which when they draw nigh to
[...]ount Taurus, thrust their billes
[...] their winges for feare of noise
[...]g, and so consequentlie for feare
[...]ouring by the Eagles, which fre
[...] that place in great aboundance.
[...]n whence we are to draw and de
[...] thus much for our owne securitie
[...] safety sake, somewhiles to close and
[...]e vp our mouthes, for feare they
[...]ath & poure out anie hurtfull or vn
[...]istianlike speach against our neigh
[...]rs, the greatest harme whereof grow
[...]h in the end to be our own: for this one
[...] giuen blow is alwaies sure to bring
[...]me with it two wor
[...]e againe. Which
[Page] harme and inconuenience a great manie of pieuish and waiwarde people doe no whit at all foresee, and so by means of this their grosse ouersight, they commonlie catch their fall where they hoped for to haue had their rising: yea, by poring at other mens, they do nothing els but put out their owne eies. And why? By reprouing and iudging amisse of others, they bring (as I told you afore) both the heauie iudgement of God, and the like sharpe censures of men vppon their owne backes. For whereas the Lord saith here,
Iudge not, and ye shall not be iudged, it is as much in effect as if hee should haue saide, Take this for a warning at me, that if ye will needes be intermedling to iudge others, ye shall verelie in like case bee iudged your selues, and that not onelie by me when the last Trumpet shall sound, but also by other men, amongst whome yee liue here in this world. And albeit the case standeth thus, yet neuerthelesse sooner may the raging Sea be restrained within a hedge of willows, then wee within the compasse and precinct of this precept: so loose and vnru
[Page] we all of vs in this behalfe. For
[...]rre hath Sathan bewitcht the most
[...] of vs, that as heretofore among
[...] Egyptians, there was no man ac
[...]ted happie, which had not a beast
[...]of spots: so now a daies among vs,
[...]e is no man almost reckoned proui
[...] and worldlie wise inough, which
[...]not his heart al ouer bespotted with
[...]rmisings, his tongue beraied with
[...]es of reproch, and his handes de
[...]with sundrie actes of rash and ro
[...] condemnation against others.
[...] is our glorie for a while, which
[...]th vs to shame in the end: This
[...]ward apparance seemeth a kind
[...]doome we haue, which in it owne
[...]e proueth a point of slauerie: This
[...]l take to be a token of wisedome,
[...]h in déed is nothing els but a tricke
[...]eere foolishnesse: For thus saith
Euerie foole will be med
prou. 20. And here by y
e way we are to note
[...] milde & fauourable maner of aduer
[...]ment, which the Lord vseth where
[...] to winne & draw vs on obediently to
[...]actise this same special cōmandement
[...] his: for hereiu he doth not onely execute
[Page] his regall authoritie by forbidding vs that which he disliketh, but therwithall he sheweth also his father lie kindnes and clemencie by perswading vs thereunto, foretelling vs flatly what great good by meanes of this his precept kéeping, shal afterwards ensue to vs ward. And yet for all this, not one of vs almost amongst a thousand, doth weigh or performe this same aright, so blockish and carelesse are we, touching the saluation of our soules, which we ought to tender a thousand times more, then the safetie & good estate of our bodies. But marke I pray you, how farre wee are from this: for if an earthlie Prince should forbid vs a bad thing, commending vnto vs no reason therof, we would hardly gainsay him, fearing the danger of his displeasure, yea, if he should forbid vs y
e practise of a good & godly thing, afording vs no reason but this,
Sic volo, sic iubeo. Thus I wil haue it, thus I cōmand it to be: the most of vs would be afraid to withstand him, fearing the lesse of our life & goods. And yet when the Prince of all Princes, who is not onelie able to destroy the bodie, but the soule also, forfendeth a
[...]hing, and that with a most forcible
[...]n whereby to persuade, we carelesly
[...]ect the same, and prophanely with
[...]all feare or trembling incurre the
[...]h therof, as if thereupon there could
[...]e no danger, no penaltie, or harme
[...] against vs: wheras in déed we doo
[...]y prouoke Gods vengeance and
[...]full iudgement at the last generall
[...]nd in the meane time till that be
[...], we shal be as sure as is y
e skin be
[...] our eies, for this our own péeuish
[...]ment, to be bitterly stung againe,
[...] mo
[...]thes of malicious and malig
[...]ople. And therefore good is it for
[...]es attentiuely to giue eare to
[...]cept, and faithfully to relie vpon
[...]omise of our Sauior Christ, who
Iudge not, and ye shall not
[...]ged. Condemne not, & yee shall
[...]e condemned. For as touching
[...]ame latter proposition, because it is
[...]ng els but an
[...] a meere expo
[...], I meane, of the former, I thinke
[...] to ouerpasse it without any seuerall
[...]ourse, hauing inclusiuely handled it
[...]ady with this other part aforegoing.
Forgiue, and ye shall be forgiuen.
FOrgiue (saith our Sauiour Christ)
and yee shall bee forgiuen. In this same other waightie charge giuing vs, the Lord dooth whollie bende his force against the verie ground, and roote of the foresaid rash iudgement and rouing condemnation of ours, which I note to bée rancour, or malice procéeding of too too long remembraunce of iniuries done to vs: For when by this meanes and occasion, we grow to be out of ioynt, and at variance with others, then wil our eares itch to heare, and our tongues roundlie bestir themselues to speake euill of our brethren, (be they neuer so blamelesse.) For the preuenting therfore of this mischiefe, our Sauiour goeth about to doo away, and to wipe out the cause heere, where hée dooth enioyne vs to a certaine voluntarie forgetfulnesse and forgiuenesse of priuate harmes committed against vs, by whom, and how great soeuer. For, this iniunction or precept hath relation onelie to priuate
[...] which through furie and rage of
[...]nd blood, most commonlie séeke re
[...]e. This Commandement (I say)
[...]rneth these men onelie, & not them
[...]h sit in place of Iudgement, for iust
[...]ofe sake and punishment of pub
[...]ffenders: yea, they in regarde of
[...]alefactors, (as saith the Apostle)
[...]not, neither ought to beare the
Rom. 13.
[...] in vaine. For by them, with
[...] parcialitie, must the euill dooers
[...]like weale sake, be corrected and
[...]f, euen as by the Phisitions the
[...] and putrified members are seared
[...] the preseruation sake of y
e whole
[...] And yet must they doo all this
[...]t priuate grudge or indignation:
[...]ise, these, also as well as the o
[...] come within compasse and daun
[...] this Statute: for hereby in both
[...]s alike, is barred and condemned
[...]athful hatred and enimitie, (what
[...]er) may séeme either to boile in the
[...], or breake out from the stomacke
[...] man: whose inclination by nature
[...] so furious and malicious, that (vnlesse
[...]ods spirit beare the greater sway) it
[Page] will sooner breake a sunder, then bend to vndertake this burdenous and heauie charge. For, what is it that naturall man can more hardlie away withall, thē patiently to put vp, and clearley to forgiue all iniuries whatsoeuer are done or pretended against him, by his deadly enemie? Surely, this is such a matter, as mans frailtie (not regenerate) can of it selfe in no wise possible affoord the performance of: yea, an easier, and more vnsuall thing it is throughout amongst vs all, for to let a hundred good turnes done to vs, slip out of our remembrance, then to blot out by forgetfulnesse one bare iniurious act or pretence against vs. For the impressiō of a benefit being wrought in to waxe, is quickly wipte out: but an iniurie, grauē in marble, is hardly done away. A benefite like butter melteth apace out of our handes: but an iniurie like birdlime cleaueth fast to our fingers. A benefit hath both legs to run, and wings to flie out of eiesight: but an iniurie hauing neither of both, sitteth sadly with vs, and tarieth still by it. A benefit, when wee are waking, wee can seldom remember: but a bad turn, when
[...] sleeping, we can oftētimes dream
[...] The one (I say) is sooner wipte of
[...] feather, then the other conueyed
[...]pt aside with a beesome. Yea, so
[...]ard are we to requite a good turn,
[...] appliable to auenge a bad, y
t when
[...]d one calleth for the like againe,
[...] where to be found: but when
[...]e knocketh, be it neuer so light
[...]are alwaies at hand to recompēce
[...]s hardly for want of grace are we
[...] to doo good, & thus easily through
[...]ne iniquitie are wee set on fire to
[...]. And yet surely (my brethren)
Deut. 32.
[...]ings ought not so to be:
For ven
[...] and recompence is mine (saith
[...]rd) in whom alone as it is a thing
[...] most kindly and princelike: so in
[...]s a thing most vnnaturall, seruile,
[...]eastlike. For what can the sottish
[...]doo more, then when hee is hurt or
[...]n on, to spurn with his heele? Or a
[...]ish Dog, then when be is bitten, fu
[...]sly to bite again? This (no doubt) is
[...] that a beast can do, whose sense ruleth
[...]stead of reason: and this is more then
[...]an ought to doo, whose reason should
[...]ake his sensuall desire an handmaiden
[Page] or vnderling. Well therfore doth Salomon disswade vs from this euil as thus,
Say not thou, I will recompence euil,
[...]rou. 20.
but put thy trust in the Lord, & he wil deliuer thee. Here the wise man beginneth to find fault with the smoke in tokē that he can worse abide the flame or heat following. Here he séemeth so far to mislike y
e preamble, that he condemneth the wrathfull wordes vsually going afore, which are these,
I wil recōpence euill, I wil be quit with him: (for thus be speaketh in very familiar, & emphaticall maner, saying,) Say not thou,
I will recompence euill, Say it not, once again I tell thée: doo it therefore much lesse. I forewarne thée,
Thou shalt not auenge,
Leuit. 19.
nor be mindfull of wrong against the childrē of thy people, (saith the Lord.) Againe, (saith the wise man)
Forgiue thy neighbour the hurt that hee hath
Eccle. 28.
done to thee, so shall thy sinnes bee forgiuen thee also when thou praiest: for if hee that is but flesh nourish hatred: (saith he)
who will intreat for his sinnes? Remember the ende therefore, and let all enimitie passe. The Apostle vnto the Collossians saith,
If anie man
Colloss. 3.
among you haue a quarel to another,
[...] Christ forgaue you, euen so do yee.
[...]d this worthy example of our Saui
[...], though it be not the first y
t wee read
[...]n Scripture, yet is it simply the best
[...]t we ought in word & déed to conform
[...] selues after: whose innocent méeke
[...] was so great, that he spake thē faire
[...]ch reuiled him, and whose patience
[...] zeale was such, that hee instantlie
[...]d for them y
t crucified him, as thus
[...]er, forgiue them, for they knowe
Luke 23.
[...] what they do. Other presidents be
[...] this, there be manie in Gods booke,
[...]ch we ought to take our directiō by:
[...]auid, who when hee might easilie
1. Sam. 24.
[...] slain his deadly enemy Saul, cut
[...] off the lap of his garment onelie, in
[...]en that he could haue done more, and
[...] was touched in heart, and did great
[...]forethink this daliance, as if it had bin
[...]matter of death. The other Prophets
[...]sides whō we read of, were all of them
[...] far off frō recompensing euil, that they
[...]auelled mightily night and day, for the
[...]enefit and saluatiō sake of them, which
[...]n the other hande greedily sought their
[...]uerthrow & desiructiō. Thus dealt Moses in the behalf of his enemies y
e Israelites, whē he praied vnto y
e lord his god,
[Page] and said,
O Lord, why doth thy wrath
Exod. 32.
waxe hote against thy people, which thou hast brought out of the lande of Egypt? The godlie Martyr S. Steuen is also to bee enrolled heere, as one that hath no litle part and share in this cake, who praied thus for the Iewes, whose hearts brast for anger, whose teeth gnashed at him, & whose handes stoned him to death,
Lord, lay not this sin to their
Acts. 7.
charge. Whereby it seemeth that hee was so mindfull to forgiue, and to intreat the Lord for them, that he left out and quit
[...] forgot himselfe: for wee read not here that hee praied for himselfe, but for them at his last gaspe,
For when he had thus spoken, he slept. And yet may we rightly say, that in this his praier for them, was couertly included also another praier for himselfe: for as our right hand by washing the left, cannot misse but also bee washed againe, so in praying for our enemies, wee are alwayes on the surer hande to pray for our selues, because wee are either copartners with them, or els full possessours without them, of the finall vse and benefite of that Prayer. Wisely there
[Page] Paul and his fellow Apostles
[...] they tooke this innocent & harme
We are reuiled, (say they)
1. Cor. 4.
[...] yet we blesse: we are persecuted,
[...]suffer it. Wee are euil spoken of,
[...] yet we pray. These coole complexio
[...]emperate, and heauenly wise men
[...] well inough, that soft fire made
That a gentle answer did
prou. 15.
[...]ay displeasure, & that for a time
[...]h they were dasht out of counte
[...] & ouercrowed, yet in the end they
[...]d either by patiēce ouercome their
[...]ies, as the foresaid Dauid without
[...]edding: by forhearing onely, got
[...]per hande of Saule: or els if this
[...] they happely failed of their hope,
[...]h would haue beene no more but a
[...]hearts ease for them, yet were they
[...]e assured, that on the other side they
[...]d not miscarry, but become coheirs,
[...] haue share, and share like with the
[...]intes, in that great dole and rich re
[...]rd in heauen promised by Christ him
[...]fe to all them,
Which should be re
Matth. 5.
persecuted, and haue all ma
[...]er of euill saide against them for
[...]s names sake. This they made
[Page] reckoning of, as y
e largest recompence, though perhaps it might séem vnto them somwhat long in comming: And thus after their ensample in hope of this heauenlie hire, though we misse (as misse we may) of that other worldlie heartes case, wee must also forbeare, and forgiue all men, whosoeuer haue doone or profered vs anie wrong: For if wee doo not thus, we
[...] shall deale hardlie in respect of them, and verie vnwiselie in regarde of our selues: for as wee hold him as a foole, and most fit for slauerie still, who will not abide an houres imprisonment for a thousande yeares libertie: And as wee doo account him an vnwise husbandman, and woorthie himselfe to starue through hunger, who refuseth to sowe that one bushell of grayne, whiche within a while afterwardes woulde yeelde him a whole barnefull: so likewise maye wee repute him an improuident straitlaced striplin, and woorthie himselfe to smart for his extremitie, who will not remit that one poore penie debt to his brother, which woulde growe to bee a pounde in his
[...] way at the handes of his father.
[...] thus I speake the rather meta
[...]callie, because it is the verie fi
[...] in this text vsed by Christ him
[...], deriued and drawen from Cre
[...]s, which were wont fréely to strike
[...]f their debtbookes, the names of
[...]nable debtors, and so likewise
[...] wee to wipe awaye out of our
[...]brances, all mens iniuries what
[...]: for otherwise, wee our selues
[...]e without all redemption to lye
[...] till the vttermost farthing which
[...]we, bee also paide. The which
[...]nd extreme requitall wee are fore
[...]by Christ himselfe, as thus,
Math. 6.
[...]oo not forgiue men theirs, no
[...] shall your heauenlie Father for
[...] you your trespasses. We may not
[...] (I say) for any cause (whatsoeuer,)
[...] such broad way vnto malice and in
[...]anitie, as that we should account o
[...] mens danger our owne securitie,
[...]er mens losse our own aduantage, o
[...]r mens dishonour our owne credit,
[...]er mens weaknes our own strength,
[...]d other mens ouerthrow our own vp
[...]ng. For in so doing, wee shall become
[Page] monsters whom nature hath no stroke in, streames of a corrupt fountain, branches of a rotten roote, beames of a wrong Sunshine, yea, the verie ofspring of Satan, and no true Christians. And why? The Lord no doubt, who saieth,
The mountaines shal remoue, and the hils shal fall down, but my louing kindnes shall in no wise moue, euen the same Lord I say, looketh for some like louely agréement, vnitie, and mutuall kindnes againe at the handes of all of vs in some measure and proportion among our selues, and therefore hée saieth,
A new
Iohn. 13.
Commandement giue I you, that as I haue loued you, so ye loue one another. This must bée our conformation to Christ, herein must wée haue our resemblance with God, in this must wée bée at vtter discorde and defiance with the Deuill, yea thus must wée (I say) which bée true Gospellers, countreymen and fellowe Christians, inseparablie cleaue together, as stones of one Temple, orderly growe vp together as impes of one stocke, louinglie agrée together as children of one mother, and (if néede bee) whollie burn
[Page] together as the leaues of one booke. For
[...]ng thus beset and besieged as wée
[...] with manie both forren and do
[...]ticall enemies: our next way for
[...]ipe them of all aduantage, and
[...]et the vpper hande in this gene
[...]quarrell for Gods cause, is, peacea
[...]héere at home among our selues,
[...] take vp all priuate matters of
[...]burning and variance. And that
[...]se our owne vnitie is alwayes
[...]nemies dissolution, our own con
[...], their disagréement, and our own
[...]full coherence, their back cast and
[...]rance, in whatsoeuer mischieuous
[...]se they haue either heretofore, or
[...] héereafter take in hande agaynst
[...] Maiesties person and vs, whom
[...] Lorde (as hée hath thus farre,) so
[...] by his outstretched arme mightily
[...]e and protect (wée beséech him.) But
[...]s (my brethren) wee which are all
[...] one nation, vnder one regiment,
[...]id all of one familie as it were, like
[...]relesse men for our owne safetie, and the enemies confusion, are verie far off from this same brotherlie affection: for now a dayes the Courtier against
[Page] his coequall, the Preacher against his fellow Preacher, the Citizen against his fellowe freeman, the Commoner against his copartner, the husbande against the wife, the father against the sonne, and the Mother against the daughter, all and euerie one of these (I say) one against another, (yea for the least thing done amisse) doo on euerie hande breath out vengeaunce and recompence. Some doo it by bloodsheading in the streetes, as the Courtier: Some by defacing their fellowe labourers in the pulpits, as the Preacher: Some by annoying their neighbours about the sale of their wares, as the Merchaunt: Some by open and causelesse defamation where secrecies shoulde moste bee concealed, as the husbande and the wife: Some by disinheriting through a litle displeasure taking, as the Father against the sonne: And some one way, some an other. Seeing therefore all the members of this whole bodie of ours are altogether out of ioynte, and are so farre off from beeing armed in warlike
[Page] sort, that they want in deed their
[...]e naturall habite in waye of de
[...] against the aduersarie: what can
[...] looke for else, but either to bee
[...]anted and ouerrunne by forreine
[...]er, whiche woulde bee a heauie
[...]: or els to bee swallowed vp and
[...]red one of another, which would
[...]thing much more lamentable and
For a house deuided a
Matth. 9.
it selfe can no way stand: but
[...]s must it some waye fall downe
[...] For the appeasing therefore of
[...] wrath, whiche (no doubt) is
[...]indled, and for the preuenting
[...]s our owne vniuersall calamitie
[...]ownfall, which wee see immi
[...] and harde at hande: let vs all of
[...] of what degree soeuer,) acquaint
[...] selues to forgiue, to brooke, and to
[...]eare one another, yea though wee
[...]e neuer so great cause of priuate of
[...]ce profered vs. For greater cause can
[...]ee haue no waye giuen vs, then
[...]hrist him selfe had by traiterous Iu
Matth. 2. Abell by his malicious brother
Gen. 4. Gen. 37.
[...]ain, Ioseph by the whole crew of
[Page] his brethren, and yet tooke they all in good woorth, as ensamples to vs in waye of sufferaunce: shall wee the
[...] whiche say wee are Christians, relinquish Christes barne, because of the chaffe that is in it? Shall wée break asunder the Lordes Net, for the bad Fishes sake? Shall wee quite forsake the Lordes flocke because of the Kiddes, in the ende to bee put by? Or shall we giue ouer the Lords house for the Vesselles of dishonour, to bee reiected? I meane, shall wee so rashlie make hauocke and breache of the bonde of Charitie and peace heere among our selues, as to seeke vengeance against a whole corporation, for one members offence? Against a whole familie, for one mans fault? Against the Father for the sonnes, and against the Sonne for the Fathers trespasse? Surelie, me thinkes, this outreacheth the limittes of all modestie and reason, and yet hath it beene heretofore, and is a thing at this instant most rife and vsuall among vs, so that (as I say) if wee take not vp quicklie and grow to one among our selues by way
[...]onstliation, out of this same foule
[...]ie weather of ours here at home:
[...]nimies abroad for their turne will
[...]re me) picke a faire haruest time,
[...]hich desolate visitatiō to vs ward,
[...]ord for his mercie sake deliuer vs
Forgiue (saith our Sauiour)
[...]ll be forgiuen. This the Lordes
[...]ant together with the commande
[...] is all one in nature with that con
[...] in his praier hard afore, wherein
[...]ght vs thus to say:
Lord, forgiue
[...]r trespasses, as we forgiue them
Mat. 6.
[...]trespasse against vs. This same
(sicut dimitttimus, as we forgiue)
[...]slike not greatly that it should still
[...]e it standing here in the praier: but
[...] it should be liuelie, or carie anie
[...]y at al with vs, we allow not of that
[...]ie saucs. For when it should actu
[...]e do our errand to almightie God,
[...] remission of our sinnes, we thrust it
[...]t by the shoulders, and put it by this
[...]fice, as though it were vnfit for this
[...]essage: and yet none so fit, as it, nay,
[...] dare say more, none fit, but onelie it.
[...]or if this clause be left behind at home,
[...]ooke whosoeuer goeth vpon this our errand
[Page] vnto almightie God for remission of sinnes, is like to returne as emptie a
[...] he went. If we will then spéede of th
[...] message,
Dimitte nobis, we must alwaie
[...] aforehand send out this same,
Sicut dimittimus. For this is one in deed which carieth his warrant about him, and
[...] will not be said nay. Wherefore, truely saith Augustine.
Ʋnusquisque talem indulgentiam accipiet a Deo, qualem ostend
[...] proximo. That is, Euerie one shall haue the like fauour & beneuolence at Gods handes, that he sheweth to his neighbour. And this falleth flat with that saying in the Gospel,
If ye do forgiue men
Mat. 6.
their trespasses, your heauenly Father will also forgiue you. For why?
Eccle. 2.
is gracious and mercifull, and forgiueth sins, & saueth in time of trouble. This the Lordes indulgencie & goodnes is couertly commended vnto vs by the storie of the prodigall sonne, who being
Luke. 15. reclaimed, was receiued into fauour againe, as also by that parable of the seruant who ought ten thousand talents,
Mat. 18. and yet through humbling himselfe, had all the whole debt forgiuen him. And this same discharge & acquittance from
[...] handes, is a thing worth gramer
[...]therwise Dauid would neuer haue
Blessed is the man whose vnrigh
[...]snesse is forgiuen, & whose sinne
psal. 32.
[...]uered. Besides this, when we our
[...]s forgiue our trespassers ther grow
[...]lso thence a new forgiuenesse to vs
[...]e, that is, other men by this means
[...] the rather wonne to pardon and
[...]e vs, when we come within their
[...]ger and fall into their hands. This
[...] (as you sée) is no robberie but a
[...]ge, & such a change, as we haue two
[...]e: the former at our death, the o
[...]efore: the former celestiall, y
e other
[...]oral: the one we haue immediately
[...] Gods own hands, and thother we
[...] also frō him, but yet mediately by
[...]s meanes. Two (I say) we haue for
[...], and that is great vsurie, yea & good
[...]rie: but there is an other kind of vsu
[...]lesse profitable, and yet (I feare me)
[...]re in practise: but let that go, for so
[...]ll it, and that for good dealing. Séeing
[...]en (my brethren) the benefit of peace
[...]le forgiuenesse and reconsiliation a
[...]ong our selues, is thus behouefull
[...]d necessarie both these wayes:
[Page] let vs not become like vnto that stone, which being once hote can not possibly be colde againe. Neither let vs resemble
Sydera errantia, the wandring Starres, which being once at discord could neuer afterwardes agrée with the heauens: but rather casting aside all debate and variance, let vs by how much the more able we are, be by so much the lesse willing to auenge our quarrels.
Debet enim nostrum vnusquisque quò magis nocere potest, hoc minùs velle. Euerie one of vs the more able he is, the lesse willing he ought to be for to auenge his quarrel. For as in our lot and abilitie, there is nothing greater then that we may: so in our good nature and humanitie there is nothing better then that we wil fréely pardon and forgiue our malefactors. Yea, I say, it is both a great matter for vs to be able, and a good matter also for vs, to be willing thus to do. Finallie therefore, as
Thrasybulus after the battell at
Peloponnesus, and the Romane Senate also after the death of Cesar, made a law which they called
[...], a law of forgetting and forgiuing iniuries: so likewise must we all
[...]vs duelie embrace and obserue the
[...]e law, as wee will answere to the
[...]trarie at the last dreadfull day of
[...]e, when the sonne of man shall send
[...] Angels with the sound of a great
[...]mpet, and come himself in the clouds
[...]eauen with power and great glorie,
[...]ly to iudge them which wrongfullie
[...]e iudged others, and to recompence
[...] in vengeance, which in way of re
[...]ge haue sought the spoile, the dis
[...]ce, and ouerthrow of their brethren.
Giue, and it shalbe giuen vnto you. &c.
THirdly and lastly, the Lord goeth
[...]on with his charge, & saith,
Giue, and it shall be giuen vnto you. And
[...]e, as by the giuing out of the other
[...]o precepts immediatly afore, so now
[...]y prescribing of this last point of Christianitie, our Sauiour commendeth vnto vs more at large the fulnesse of his
[...]nestimable wisedome and goodnesse. The former qualitie appeareth plainely in him, by this his wise maner of schooling his auditours: and the other propertie of his, wee may also perfectlie
[Page] perceiue by the due consideration of the verie good matter it selfe, wherewithall he chargeth vs here. As for Christes methode and maner in this place, whereby his wisedom is approued, it is in resemblance and effect all one with the skilfull dealing of the cunning surgeon or phisition: Whereof the one vseth to remoue the putrified matter out of the wound, before he applyeth his salue to heale withall: and the other telleth his patient first what meate hee shall not eate, before he doth enioin him what dyet he must kéepe. Euen so likewise our Sauiour hauing alreadie forewarned & premonished his Disciples, for to kéepe backe from thinking, speaking or doing euil to any of their brethren, he maketh there no finall stay or full period, as though he had said inough so soone as he had barred rash iudgement, condemnation & malice bearing: but he goeth on a large step further, & after his dehortatiō from doing euil, he chargeth them afresh with beneficence, and bountiful dealing, saying thus vnto them, Giue. And here as by the gradation & order of these his precepts giuing we are to note his wise
[Page] to be great, for that he wéedeth his
[...]d first, before he soweth it, for that
[...]seth vp y
e euil eie, before he openeth
[...]ood, & cutteth off the left hand from
[...]g euil, before he draweth out y
e right
[...] to distribute & do good withal: so in
[...]rt by the matter it selfe included
[...], we may gather the perfectiō and
[...] of Christes own goodnesse, which
[...]h not only in doing no euil at all,
[...]so in doing what good may be doon
[...]uallie, & to euerie one whomsoe
[...] For such as in this behalfe he wil
[...]s to be, such a one is he himselfe, &
[...]ond vs, if we should cōpare with
[...] due proportiō of perfectnes. And
[...]uch in a word, touching the wise
[...]nd goodnes of Christ the Authour
[...] apparantly séene by y
t verie maner
[...]tter of this portiō of his preaching.
[...] to come to the very point & charge
[...]fe giuen out for our vse & practise:
[...]ue (saith Christ)
& it shal be giuē vn
[...] you. Our Sauiour hauing premised
[...]rd before, forgiuing, as his forerunner
[...] harbenger: now he sendeth next after
[...]m, liberallity as his chiefe steward, for
[...] take vp his abod & mansion house in y
[...]crie bosome & heart of man. And this
[Page] officer vnder Christ, as we are to worship him for his maisters sake, so must we bid him welcome for his own: & that because he doth not anie way tyrannicallie ouercharge vs, but reasonablie aduertise vs for our owne best behoofe. For he willeth vs not to cut off our own legges, to giue them to him who wanteth legges: to pull out our owne eies, for to giue them to him who hath no eyes: to teare off our owne skinne from our flesh, for to couer the sore and gréene wound of an other: or to laie downe our owne life, for the safegarde of our brethren: (although S. Iohn accounteth it but our duetie thus to do, and that because Christ himselfe laide downe his owne life for vs:) but the Lord, I say,
1. Ioh. 3. giueth vs here an easier & lighter charge by much then this, which is to giue (as we may spare) of our owne temporall goodes to the needie and succourelesse, the rewarde and recompence whereof groweth ten folde againe, from Gods owne handes to vs warde. And this same worke of beneuolence, though the Lord in his mercie make reckoning of it, as a precious thing and gracious acte,
[...] eyesight: yet it is no more th
[...]rie instinct and law of nature
[...] bound to do. For we finde it alto
[...]er a thing most naturall, that one
[...]ber should suffer with an other, ac
[...]ng to Paules saying,
If one mem
1. Cor. 12.
all suffer with it: but we be
[...]any, are one bodie in Christ Ie
Rom. 12.
euerie one of vs one an others
[...]ers. Neither is this propertie of
[...]assion, & sympathie peculiar vnto
[...]alone, but inherent also in the na
[...]f bruite beastes: for they (saith the
[...]opher) which are of one and the
[...]e kinde, haue some feeling one
[...]thers griefe, and after a sorte suf
[...]gether, as appeareth by the Oxe.
[...] foules of the ayre also, as the Crow
[...]sample, when she hath found out a
[...]y and place of repast, she calleth vnto
[...] all her fellowes for to ioine with her
[...]opartners. In this behalfe then, let
aske the beastes, and they shall
Iob. 12.
[...]ach vs, and the foules of the ayre,
[...]d they shall tell vs. And what shall
[...]ey tell vs? This forsooth, to be so pitt
[...]ll and so tenderlie affectioned towardes our brethren, that we shall willingly
[Page] couer their nakednesse with clothing, expell their hunger & thirst with reliefe and sustenance, direct their ignorance with good counsell, deliuer them from slauerie by redemption, yea, we shall suffer with them in all their woes, as we ought, and supply all their wants as we may. For looke whatsoeuer the Lord beyond our necessitie giueth to anie
What soeuer y
e Lord beyond our necessitie
[...]eth vnto vs,
[...]e giueth vnto others by vs. of vs, he giueth it vnto others by vs. But to manie of vs (we see) he sendeth aboundance of meate, and yet but one bellie to put it in: great plentie of cloathing and yet but one backe to weare it on: huge masses of money, and yet but one paire of eyes and one paire of hands to behold and handle the same: What then meaneth this large reckoning and this litle place of receipte? This plentifull haruest, & this narrow houseroome? This great store of wine, and this small vessell to conteine the same? But this, that whatsoeuer God sendeth vs ouer & besides, should freely goe to the poore mans boxe, should couertly be conneyed into his bosome, and bountifullie poured into his pitcher. Againe, what betokeneth it that wee may as easilie
[...]tch our armes out, as draw them in
[...]d as soone spread our handes open
[...]nder, as shut them vp closely toge
[...]? But this to put vs in remēbrance
[...]t we ought to be as prompt and for
[...]rde to giue, as wee are applyable to
[...]iue a benefit, and as willing to prof
[...] good turne to others, as wee are
[...]e to take one againe at their hands.
[...]des, what doth our stomacke teach
[...] which conuerteth the meate that it
[...]iueth, to the vse and nourishment
[...]he whole bodie. The Bee which for
[...]ing the iuice out of our hearbs, yéel
[...] vs honie againe? The young
[...]nbe which by nature at the first
[...]g but slenderly wolled, casteth vs
[...]rwardes great fleeces of woll
[...]he earth, which for one corne re
[...]iued, returneth vs twentie folde? What doe they (all these I say) teach
[...]s els but this, that wee ought as good Stewardes, to imparte the Talents of that wisedome and riches which GOD hath lent vs, to the common vse and benefit of others? Which in deede is such a comfortable and Christianlike kinde of liuing that
[Page] Licurgus in regarde hereof, and that for more humanitie sake, schooled his Citizens, that they should not priuatelie liue euerie one to him selfe, but that they should as Bees ioyne handes all in one together, for the indifferent behoofe sake one of an other. So that as we see here, man onelie by naturall reason without grace, bruite beastes by sense alone without reason, and the earth it selfe by vegetation onely without sense, do prescribe and signifie vnto vs, that man ought to be beneficiall, harberous and bountifull to man. Well then, if the Lampe without oyle, yeelde vs this light, the bodie without soule, proffer vs this life, and the earth without tillage, afford vs this croppe of increase: how much more ought the Lampe which is oyled, to burne more brightlie? The bodie that is quickened, to be more liuelie? and the earth which is tilled, to fructifie more plenteously? I meane, when souls of the aire, and beastes of the field without reason, when the earth without sense or mouing, and man without regeneration, appeare thus bountifull and beneficiall one to another: How much
[Page] more ought we, which are regenerate
[...]dren by adoption and grace, & haue
[...] these wants supplied in vs, for to ex
[...]de in beneuolence and bountifulnes:
[...]he which vertue is so plausible and
[...]recious in the eysight of God, that
[...] is taken in, as a Quéene at the gates
[...]eauen. And therefore good cause there
[...], why, they which went afore
[...]ist, Christ himselfe in his time, and
[...] Apostles that came after in theyrs,
[...]all of them mightelie beats at this
[...]tue, and charge vs sore therewithall.
[...]ou shalt not hearden thine heart,
Deut. 15.
[...] shut thine hand from thy poore
[...]ther, saith the Lord by Moses.
[...]rcie and compassion euerie man
Zach. 7.
[...] his brother, saith Zacharie.
[...] him that asketh, & from him that
Mat. 5.
[...]ould borrow of thee, turne not a
[...]ay, saith our Sauiour Christ. And
[...]hatsoeuer yee would that men should
[...]o vnto you, euen so do ye vnto them, according to the exhortation of the Apostle, who saith,
Remember them which
Heb. 13.
are in bondes, as though yee were bound with them: and them that are in affliction, as if yee your selues were
afflicted in the bodie. The same Apostle also willeth the Ephesians, that they should
bee curteous one to another,
Ephes. 4.
and tenderhearted. S. Peter likewise saith,
be ye harberous one to
1. pet. 4.
another without grudging. Thus much then for equiualent sayinges by way of exhortation. Examples & presidents we haue a great manie, for our better encouragement and imitation sake, touching hospitalitie and bountifulnesse: as the example of Abraham, & Lot, Iob, and Tobias, Ioseph, Ezechias and Iosias, Dauid, and Salomon, Zache, and Tabitha, Cornelius and Martha, Nichodemus, with manie moe: yea, our Sauiour Christ we haue as a chiefe paterne in this behalfe, who mercifully in the zeale of his spirite said,
[...] I haue
Mat. 8. compassion on the mnltitude, and so did throughlie vittaile and relieue them, before he would dimisse and send them away frō him. He did not by outwarde pretence and faire wordes onelie beare them in hand, that he pittied them and would do them good, as manie men now a daies vse to doe, resembling the
[...] Taurus, which hath a great voice,
[...] yet but a litle bodie, the thunder.
[...]ch hath a great clap and ye
[...] but
[...] stone, which comfort (as saith Pla
[...]is colde and vnsauerie, because it
[...]meth not wrapped with some kinde
[...]medie: but the Lord, I say, perfor
[...] it in deed, and all for our ensample
[...]the like, accordingly as S. Iohn
[...]h vs.
Let vs not loue in worde,
1. Iohn. 3.
[...]er in tongue only, but in deed &
[...]e. For as it is not the cutting, but
[...]rtue which valueth the precious
[...]: so is it not the faire glose in word,
[...]e full performance in deed, where
[...] neighbour is holpen, God the sa
[...]noured, and we our selues accep
[...]. For so saith S. Iames,
The wise
Iam. 3.
that is from aboue, is ful of mer
[...] & good fruites. But so coole (I say)
[...]e deuotion, & so churlish is the dis
[...]tion of many rich men in this age.
[...] they be found when time serueth,
[...]ee and forward to giue, as the flint
[...]ne is for to yeelde water: who in deed
[...]e more they haue, the lesse they giue,
[...]d the more they woulde haue, after
[...]e maner of the insatiable dropsie:
[Page] yea, by how much the more their coffers do encrease in store and substance, by so much the more do their mindes shrinke in and decrease in franknesse and beneficence: wherein they become like the Cypers tree, which the more it is watered, the more it withereth. And this surely is a straunge matter, that y
e longer a mans arme is, the shorter should bee his reach: that the stronger a mans bow is, the weaker should be his shet: that the fuller a mans handes bee, the emptier should bee his heart: I meane, it is a wonderfull point of ingratitude, that the more substance a man hath giuen him, the lesse hee againe shoulde giue and parte from: and yet shall wee finde this thing most true, if wee looke into the course of the worlde and condition of this time, wherein men for the most part are growne to bee so hard hearted, that rather then they will giue to others inough, or nigh inough, moderatelie to suffice them, they them selues will surfet by too much. Yea, rather then they will put out their Talent to aduantage, they will haplie burie it so deepely, as no man
[...]haue vse thereof: and yet better
[...] it for them by much, if they had
[...]orldly wealth at all, then hauing
[...]ame, not to cut and carue it out in
[...]sort, as both they themselues and
[...]s may bée the better for it. Let vs
[...], my brethren, be prouident and
[...]ll in this case,
That our riches
Iam. 5.
[...]ne not corrupt, our garments
[...]eaten, and our siluer and golde
[...]ed by too too long kéeping: for so
[...]ust of them shall bee a witness
[...]st vs, and shall eate our flesh as
[...]re fire. But rather let vs alwaies
[...]dfull, to disperse and giue to the
For so shall our righteousnes
psal. 112.
[...]e for euer. And heere for our
[...] direction fake in this point, let
[...]nsider a litle the parties to whom,
[...]anner whereafter, and the ende
[...]refore wee ought to giue. Touching
[...]st circumstance, we are thus taught
[...]he prophet Esai, saying:
Is not this
The parti whom we must giue.
Esai. 58.
[...]fasting that I haue chosen, to deal
[...] bread to the hungry, & that thou
[...]ing the poore that wandreth, vnto
[...]ine house, whē thou seest the naked,
[...]at thou couer him, & hide not thy
selfe from thine own flesh. When thou
[...]ke 14.
makest a feast (saith our Sauior Christ)
Call the poore, the maymed, the lame and the blind. And again,
If thou wilt
be perfect, saith he,
Go and sell all that thou hast, & giue to the poore. Herewithall agreeth that saying of S. Iames the Apostle,
Pure religion, & vndefiled
[...]am. 1.
before God the Father, is this, to visit the fatherlesse & widows in their aduersitie. The remembrance of this deuation towards the néedie and succourlesse, was Iobes chiefest comfort and heartes ease, when in the middest of his owne miseries hee brake out thus & said,
I was the eies to the blinde, the feete
[...]b. 29.
to the lame, and a father vnto the poore. Vnto this same distressed condition of men, verie bountifully did
Zache also put foorth his helping hande, when
[...]ke 19. deuiding his goods in two shares, hee imparted the one halfe to the poore. This then, as hereby wee learne, is the speciall state, whereunto by giuing wee ought to haue regarde: Now because as well our owne countrimen as strangers borne, as well Christians as infidels, as wel vertuous as godlesse people,
[...]ewhiles put to the like triall in
[...]rnace of aduersitie: it shall not
[...]se for vs to obserue a litle, whe
[...]t plunging in like distresse and
[...]e, must of duetie bee supported,
[...]lpen first. As for forreiners or
[...]gers, albeit the Lorde straightlie
[...]th vs both to loue & relieue them,
The straunger that
Leuit. 19.
[...]h with you, shall bee as one
[...]r selues, and thou shalt loue
[...]thy selfe. And againe in Deu
[...]y the Lord saith,
The stranger
Deut. 14.
[...]ome, and the fatherlesse which
[...]hin thy gates, and shall eate
[...]ee, and be satisfied: Although
[...] the generall title of Christiani
[...]mon to vs, and them, should
[...]et vs at one in mutuall loue and
[...]ce, then the diuers and seuerall
[...]s of Countries separate our af
[...]s asunder, seeing as the Apo
There is one Lord, one
Ephe. 4.
[...], one Baptisme, one God and
[...]er of all, which is aboue vs all,
[...] through vs all, and in vs all:
[...] notwithstāding, as nature cōman
[...] vs, so the spirit of God forbiddeth vs
[Page] not, but that we relieue, and euery way befriend our owne countreimen and neighbours born afore strangers, if th
[...] on both sides there be like necessitie, an
[...] not vnlike zeale to Godwarde, els not. For although we be enioyned by the holie Ghost, to doo good vnto all men without exceptiō, whether they be neighbor
[...] or strangers; friends, or enemies; gratefull, or thanklesse, godlie, or graceles
[...] people: yet be wee charged speciallie t
[...] be helpfull towards them, which in faith and singlenes of hart séeke the Lord. For so saith Paul,
While wee haue time, let
Galat. 6.
vs doo good vnto all men, but specially vnto them whiche are of the houshold of faith. This discretion d
[...] the same Apostle himselfe vse, when h
[...] caried the almes to Ierusalem and di
[...] minister it vnto saintes there. And vnto
Rom. 15. this same sincere sort of professours ou
[...] Sauiour Christ had relation, when hee said,
In as much as ye haue done alms
Matth. 25.
vnto the least of these my brethren, ye haue done it vnto mee. But now a daies among the richer sort, men of this simple outward condition, be they of neuer so sound inward complexiō, eftsoones
[...]orst of all: insomuch that Salo
[...]aying is verified,
Riches gather
prou. 19.
[...]riends, but the poore is separa
[...]m his neighbour. Again,
[...]ith he)
is friend to him that gi
[...]fts, according to that prouerbe,
[...], prosperitie is alwaies
[...]iended. For looke as our sha
[...] time of Sunshine, doo accom
[...] bodies, and in time of cloudie
[...] they vanish away from vs: and
[...]olphins of the Sea with ioyful
[...]n with vs, whiles we haue wa
[...]l, but when that faileth, they
[...] and forsake vs: so likewise
[...]hile they haue full fruition of
[...]nour, and wealth, shall be sure
[...]s euerie where: but when these
[...]s weare out and are ouercast,
[...]l friendship wheresoeuer. This
[...] is our frailty from the highest to
[...]est, frankly to giue where giftes
[...]lesse, be the parties neuer so bad
[...]ours: and vnkindly to withdraw
[...]nds where helpe is néedfull, be the
[...]s neuer so godlie and good deser
[...] Touching this circumstance there
[...]o the end wee may offend the lesse,
[Page] wee must as nigh as wee can resemb
[...] the integritie and incorrupt nature
[...] God Almightie, who specially by his power and prouidence, dooth relieue a
[...] aduance the sincerest, best, and worthie
[...] men. Concerning the commendable an
The maner whereafter we must giue. Christianlike maner of almes giuing wee must not as men wayward and vnwilling, foreslack the performance he
[...] of being once determined where néed r
[...] quireth: for so are wee tolde by the wi
[...] mā,
Say not vnto thy neighbor, Come
prou. 3.
again, and to morrow wil I giue thee, if thou now hast it: Neither may we do it frowningly or with an euill will, f
[...] this also dooth y
e Apostle forwarn vs off, saying,
Let euerie man doo according
[...]. Cor. 9.
as he is disposed in his hart, not grudgingly or of necessitie, & why?
God loueth a chearfull giuer. In all thy giftes shew a chearful countenance, saith the Preacher.
And looke what thy hand is able, giue with a chearfull eye. For a man not according to the measure of his gift and largition, but according to his pitifull minde and charitable affection, is accepted of with the Lorde, as may appeare by the great
[...]ing hee made of the poore wi
[...] two mites, afore the rich mans
[...]l and large offering.
Though I
Mark. 12. 1. Cor. 13.
[...] the poore (saieth the Apostle)
[...] all my goods, and haue not
[...] mee, it profiteth me no whit
[...] So that as wee see, this same
[...] loue and compassion, affoor
[...] kinde both of inwarde and out
[...] chearfulnes, must bee as a per
[...]r sweete powder whereof our
[...]must smell, as a garland where
[...] it must bee beautified, and in
[...] of a delightsome sauce whereof
[...] taste. Otherwise, the Lorde
[...] will abhorre and abandon it,
[...]ng vnpleasant to his nose, vn
[...]e to his eye, and vnsauourie to
[...]outh. For in trueth, without
[...] two foresaide appurtenances, I
[...]e both inwarde and outwarde
[...]fulnes, all mens giftes how great
[...]er, are but as flowers without
[...]ur, masses without shape, bones
[...]hout marow, and as lamps with
[...] oyle. If wee will then by dis
[...]rging our duetie accordinglie, right
[...]lease God in this behalf, we must be
[Page] as forward and prompt to giue, wh
[...] riches abounde, as the Sea men are to saile when winde and tide serueth, the birds to flacker when feathers come on, or the earth to fructifie when shée hath moisture at will. Yea, wee may not be so slack in our beneuolence as was
Pericles, who had his memorie rubde by his olde tutor
Anaxagoras, afore hée gaue him ought, as thus,
O Pericle, qui lucerna indiget, oleum instillet. This he sai
[...] when
Pericles, hearing that through want of maintenance hée was about to make a hand of himself, came to dissua
[...] him from doing that violence against his owne person, and the rather, because (as he said) hee and she whole Countrey besides, could hardlie forgo him. Why th
[...], saith
Anaxagoras, hee that néedeth a lampe or light, let him poure in oyle for to kéepe it burning: as if he should haue said, Hée that for his vse néedeth a man, let him relieue and succour him. This reasonable rounde saying was
Pericles ashamed of, who afterwards tooke more care ouer him, but lesse a great deale to his commendation and credit, then if hée had of his own accord doue it afore. For
[...]hich is quickly giuen, is twise gi
Qui cito dat, his dat. And yet bée
[...] I feare me) many well able and
[...]en, which take as much delight in
[...] as y
e Oxe in his yoke, or y
e Horse
[...]eauy harnes. As for these world
[...] which possesse not, but rather are
[...] of their goods, some will com
[...]em to Hogges, which serue for
[...]ill they come to the Butchers
[...] and some will liken them to
[...]de Dogges, which afore they
[...]ewed one peece of meate, gree
[...]e after another: and yet (mée
[...]) they may bée resembled to a
[...]enly beast, though more subtill
[...]her of these, and that is in déed to
[...], who had rather bruise & breake
[...]ile on the grounde, then giue or
[...] anye part of it to the silly Ape
[...] wanteth a taile. Let vs not then,
[...]rethren, when wee giue, bee closefi
[...] and when wee take, openhanded:
[...]rather let vs frankly both doo & say
Zache, Halfe of my goods I giue
Luke 19.
[...]o the poore. For why? Wisedome
[...]t is hid, and treasure that is hourded
[...] what profite is there in them both?
[Page] And thus much for the maner how we
The end wherfore we ought to giue. ought to giue. Lastlie, touching the right ende wherefore, we ought to giue
[...] it may in no wise be this, to be séene
[...] men: I meane, for vaine glorie sake,
[...] so wée forgoe the rewarde at our heauenlie Fathers hande. And therefore saith Christ,
When thou giuest thine
Matth. 6.
almes, thou shalt not make a trumpet to be blowen before thee, as the hipocrites do in the Synagogues & street
[...] to be praised of men: but when tho
[...] doost thine almes, let not thy left hi
[...] know what thy right hand doth, that thine almes may bee in secret, and the father that seeth in secret, hee will reward thee openlie. Neither may we passe away our almes vpō hope of ma
[...] rewarde and retributron againe, for this dealing tasteth rather of vsur
[...] then of anie kindelie liberalitie: b
[...] when wee giue, wee must doo it fréelie
[...] through méere pitie and compassion towardes the néedie, and that because the Lorde himselfe hath straightly enioyn
[...] vs so to doo. So that, to be short, t
[...] verie ende and drift of this our ad
[...]on must alwaies bee this, to pleas
[...], who requireth it, whom we ought
[...]ake reckoning of aboue all, and to
[...]ue our neighbour, who néedeth it,
[...]m wée ought to loue as our selues.
[...] this then suffice that I haue spo
[...] concerning the parties to whom,
[...] manner whereafter, and the ende
[...]efore wee ought to giue. It fol
[...]h in the text as thus.
And it shall
[...]uē vnto you, &c. And this (I say)
[...]es promise or couenant of re
[...] & retribution, directed to so manie
[...], as be faithful Christian almoners,
[...]ein for our better encouragement
[...] the lord displaieth vnto vs, by way
[...]iliar description, the good & gainful
[...]ure of the saide rewarde, mutuallie
[...]ing to vs ward againe, as thus:
[...]d measure, pressed downe, shaken
[...]ither, & rūning ouer, shal mē giue
[...]o your bosome. First then, let vs
[...]ndle the promise in generall, omitting
[...]itle these circumstances, whereby the
[...]me lieth here notably enriched, & beau
It shalbe giuen vnto you, saieth Christ. If so be y
t in worldly affaires we account an honest mans word, as a reasonable good pledge, & take an able mans
[Page] obligation, for sufficient securitie, whose conditions are in both kindes variable, and therfore vntrustie and deceiueable: how much more securely may we relye vpon Gods promise héere, who accordyng to his immutable will and power ordereth mās goings, disposeth his hart, and hath vnder his wil all mans will at a
[...]eck? And this is he who hath here giuen vs his hand, that if by gifts giuing, we be helpful vnto others, we our selues likewise shall bee curteously entreated, and frankly recompensed again, both at his and at their hands. Such reckoning then and reputation must wee make of this, that no vsurie in comparison, may séeme so beneficiall vnto vs, nor yet any treasure, so surely laide or lockt vp for our vse, as that which is deuoutly giuen, and couertly conueyed into the needie mans bosome. For why, as saith the Apostle,
God is not vnrighteous, that
[...]ebr. 6.
hee will forget our workes, and labor, that proceedeth of loue. Who as hee maketh the earth to acknowledge y
e benefit of the Sun, by yelding againe a reflexion of his bright beames: And as hée causeth the tilled lande, seasonably with
[...]ntage for to repay that in haruest,
[...]h was sowen and lent out to inte
[...]in séede time: so dooth he by his good
[...]te enflame and stir vp mens hearts,
[...]ee thankfull for the benefites they
[...]e by others, and hée enforceth them
[...]eir ablenesse groweth on, for to re
[...] and render the like againe to their
[...]ctors and first founders. And
[...]this rule holdeth not throughout,
[...]son of mans slacknes, and ingra
[...]: Yet dooth the Lord of his owne
[...]e make this his word good, and
[...] this his promise, by way of re
[...] him selfe: according to Salo
[...]is saying,
Hee that hath pitie
prou. 19.
[...]e poore, lendeth vnto the lord,
[...]e Lorde will recompence him
[...] which hee layeth out. The libe
[...]an then (as we see here) hath two
[...]ges for his bowe, so that if the one
[...], the other will bee alwaies readie
[...]and to make supply. For the Lord
[...]h not alwaies poste ouer this matter
[...]o mans discretion onelie, (albeit he
[...]keth him somewhiles as his Fac
[...]r or Deputie in this point) but hee
[...]formeth this thing actually himselfe
[Page] also, without means or mediation. And here, for our further assurance and better resolution sake in this behalfe, we will a litle ouersée & suruey these seuerall places of scripture following. As first those of Salomon,
Honor the Lord with thy
[...]ou. 3.
riches, and with the first fruites of all thine encrease: So shal thy barnes be filled with abundance, and thy presses shal burst with new wine. The liberall
[...]rou. 11.
persou (saith he)
shal haue plentie, and he that watereth, shal haue raine. And again, he holdeth this as a rule infallible:
Hee which followeth after righteousnes
[...]rou. 21.
and mercie, shall finde life, righteousnes and glory. This doubtlesse was Tobias perswaded of, when hee spake thus to his sonne, by way of aduertisement,
Giue almes according to thy
Tob. 4.
substance, for thereby thou layest vp a good store for thy selfe againste the day of necessitie. Likewise saith the wise man,
Bestow thy treasure
Eccle. 29.
after the commaundement of the moste high, and it shall bring thee more profite then Golde. Againe hée saith,
Giue thine almes secretlie, and it shal keepe thee from al afflictiō,
[...]s also did king Dauid thinke in his
[...]ience, when he said,
Blessed is hee
psal. 41.
[...] iudgeth wiselie of the poore: the
[...]de shall deliuer him in the time of
[...]ble. And this falleth flat with y
e A
[...]es saying,
Whatsoeuer a mansow
Galat. 6.
that shal he reape. Let vs not then,
[...]ethren, bee wearie of well dooing,
[...] that in due time
We shal reape if
Galat. 6.
[...]nt not. For no doubt, the Lorde
[...]ath heere made this francke coue
[...]and promise with vs, hath allready
[...]rmed the same to our forefathers,
[...] whence there groweth also to vs
[...] no small encouragement & hope:
[...]ragement (I meane) for to deale
[...], as they our predecessours
[...] and hope againe for to haue plen
[...]lie, euen as they themselues had.
[...] some perchance will aske me, who
[...]re they? What did they? And
[...]at rewarde had they? Who they
[...]re, I tolde you afore, as namelie
[...]raham, Tobias, Dauid, Ezechias,
[...]seph, Iosias, Salomon, Corne
[...]us, Martha, Nichodemus, with ma
[...]ie moe besides these, all which for their
[...]mes deedes and compassion towardes
[Page] the poore, receiued againe in temporall blessings, some more, some lesse, some single, some double folde, according as the Lord in his secret wisedome, did foresee it to bee best & most expedient for them: and in the end they also reaped eternall life, which benefit they found far surpassing the other. Seeing thē the Lord who promiseth, hath so duely kept touch with these our elders before vs, wee for our parts may heereby assuredly perswade our selues, that we also as well as they, by scattering shall gather, by losing shal finde, by giuing shall take, by lessening shall augment, by emptying to the bottom, shall fill vp to the brim, yea by hauing nothing, wee shall surely possesse all things. For so manifold is the vse we haue alwaies by our giftes giuing, that though wee passe them from vs out of time, yet doo we receiue them againe in time: though they go from vs as things superfluous, yet returne they to vs againe, as thinges moste necessarie: and though wee giue them in earthen Cuppes, yet doo wee receiue them againe in golden Goblets: and what should I say else: whereby to rouse and
[...] vs vp vnto beneficence and boun
[...]nesse, but this, that contrarie
[...] by hoording vp, we shall make ha
[...]t: by kéeping, we shall forgoe: by
[...]ng, we shall spend: by pinching, we
[...] bring on pouertie: yea, when like
[...]ardes we thinke to make all, then
[...]gets shal we marre all? For why,
[...]sing to giue an inch, we defraude
[...]ues of an ell: by withholding one
[...]up of cold water from others, wee
[...]rred from a whole fountaine our
[...]: and for not emptying, the one
[...] by giuing, we forgo both our hands
[...] taking: according to that saying
There is that scattereth,
prou. 11.
[...] more increased: but hee that
[...]h more then is right, shall sure
[...]e to pouertie. Yea most true it
[...]o peny, no paternoster: nothing
[...] nothing take: for so saith the wise
He that stoppeth his eare at the
prou. 21.
[...]g of the poore, he shall also crye
[...] not be heard. And againe,
He that
[...]draweth the corne, the people
[...] curse him, saith he. Herewithall a
[...]th that saying of the Apostle,
[...]be iudgement mercilesse to him
Iam. 2.
that sheweth no mercie. The veritie and proofe hereof appeareth at large, by the wrathfull subuersion of Sodome: For among other iniquities which wrought her desolation & ouerthrow, the Prophet Ezechiel nameth this for one,
that she did not strengthen the
Ezech. 16.
hand of the poore and needie. The men of Succoth, for not relieuing Gideon
Iudg. 4. his people, when they craued sustenance, became in thend distressed them selues,
and torne asunder with thorns and briers. The rich glutton, for withholding
Luke. 16. his helping hand from Lazarus, fell himselfe finallie into a most miserable, distressed, and helpeles case. Well then if it fareth thus with them which giue not of their owne substance, when and where neede is: what (I pray you) shall befal vnto them, which being come of the takers, as we terme them, doe not onely not giue to, but take from the poore: doe not onely not helpe them vp againe, when they are fallen downe, but assay to hurle them downe flat, when they are faire standing: doe not onely not salue them when they see them sore wounded, but bitterlie
[...] them, when they see them per
[...] whole and sound: do not onely not
[...]en them, when they see them lye
[...]g, but cruellie smoother and
[...]w them vp, while they are yet
For such are the waies of euery
[...]at is greedie of gaine, that hee
prou. 1.
[...] take away the life of the ow
[...]ereof: what shall be their por
[...] I meane, which are so farre off
[...]iuing to others, that they at
[...] by open violence for to wring
[...]rest from them, that which of
[...]s theirs? Surelie these men if
[...]ten to and belieue the two Pro
[...] Esais and Ames, shall finde
[...]hey haue a heauie matter, and
[...]e colde suite in hand, and that
[...]se their ende shall bee vtter death
[...]esolation. For thus saith Esai,
[...]e to thee that spoilest, and wast
[...] spoiled, and doest wickedlie
Esai. 33.
[...] they did not wickedlie against
[...]e. When thou shalt cease from
[...]iling, thou shalt bee spoiled,
[...]d when thou shalt make an end
[...] doing wickedlie, they shall doe
[...]ckedlie against thee. The same
[Page] Prophet also elswhere, threatneth vtter ouerthrow against them
which ioyne house to house, and lay field to field,
Esai. 5. and foretelleth them
that manie houses euen faire and great ones, shall bee without inhabitant. The Prophet Amos also doth thus prophecie of these mercilesse and rauenous men:
Forasmuch, saith he,
as your treading is vppon the poore, and ye take from hi
Amos. 5.
burdens of wheat: ye haue built houses of hewen stone, but yee shall no
[...] dwell in them, ye haue planted pleasant vineyardes, but ye shall not drin
[...] wine of them: For thus doubtlesse falleth it out with al extorcioners, & oppressors whosoeuer, that in the winding vp, they themselues reape no more vse by their spoile and rapine, then Achan did by taking the Babilonish garment, Adoram
Ios. 6. by extorting the Israelites tribute,
1. King. 12. or Ahab by compassing of Nabothe
1. King. 22. vineyarde. Yea this bad end and misfortune, as we learne, befel to al the Canaanites, the Assyrians, the Babilonians, the Persians, the Grecians, and the Romanes, which were themselues mercilesse, and altogether giuen to spoile.
[...]efore all mightie men, and rich
[...]rdes, by the example of these
[...]e like afterclap, when they doe
[...]ely with drye eyes looke vpon
[...]ore tenants miseries, but by op
[...] and violence grinde their faces,
[...]n vp & deuour them, euē as the
[...]es in the Sea deuour the lesse
[...], I say, beware and looke to
[...] doubtlesse, the Councell of the
[...]ching their shamefull fall and
[...]n, shall surely stand. And let
[...]t onely learne hereby for the pu
[...]t sake, to abandon such mon
[...]mpietie in oppressing and ra
[...]ir poore brethren: but let them
[...] the rewarde sake, relieue and
[...] them with their owne wealth
[...]bstance: for this in deede is that
[...] smelling sacrifice, which the Lord
[...]eth here, as a riper branch and
[...]r degrée of true Christianitie, then
[...]ther. Yea, this is it finallie, where
[...] the Lord affixeth his promise of re
[...]all and retribution, saying,
Giue &
[...]all be giuen vnto you. Wherein
[...]dly with one breath (as it were) is
[...]ribed vnto vs, the perfect measure
[Page] and maner, how wee shall in due tim
[...] reape this rewarde againe, as thus a good measure, pressed downe, and
[...] forth as followeth in the text. And th
[...] same familiar meanes of perswading (I say) the Lorde doth sollicite vs by for this ende, that being acquainted
[...] forehand with the gainefull maner
[...] the recompence ensuing, wee for ou
[...] partes, shoulde the more couragiously goe on, to put in vre such charitabl
[...] workes of beneuolence, as wee an
[...] here charged withall. For hauing not onelie a rewarde, but the same
[...] most bountifull one promised vs according to this our Sauiour Christs amplification here, wee our selues by meanes of this francke proffer must needes become willing, yea most willing to performe this his will, by way of Almes and liberallitie. And herein as wee are to admire Christes wisedome, for the familiar and effectual maner sake of this his promise, as also to magnifie his goodnesse, for the finall performance hereof, when time doth serue: so are wee to condemne our owne dulnesse in conceiuing, and
[Page] to proue our owne slacknesse in exe
[...]g this and other such like deedes
[...]lmes, and all because our sense
[...]and churlish nature is such, that
[...]ll not of it owne accorde, conceiue
[...]elde from it anie thing that good
[...]vnlesse it bee thus roused vp and
[...] on in this maner, by faire and
[...]omises. This knew our Saui
[...]ell, who albeit of his owne an
[...]tie like a Lorde, hee might haue
[...]yned vs this charge without anie
[...]fer of rewarde at all: yet hath hee
[...] Father, dealt more mildlie with
[...] by waye of perswasion, including
[...] a bountifull promise, thereby,
[...]awe vs on the rather, obedientlie
[...] willinglie to embrace this his speciall desire. And this description of
[...]compence formallie framed by our Sauiour Christ, may séeme indifferently to afforde vs, a double sence and meaning: that is to say, both a celestiall and a temporall signification. Notwithstanding, whether way soeuer wee construe it, wee finde that the rewarde doth not onely counteruaile y
e desert, but doth also by manie degrees farre outgoe and
[Page] surpasse the same: for by giuing an euen, proportionable, and an equall measure vnto others, we are here warranted by Christ himselfe, that we shall reape the like againe, with a mendes, and large interest, either from them, whom before we our selues haue gratified, or els from some other more thankfull persons, whom the Lord in stead of their vnthankfulnesse will stirre vp againe for to recompence, and befriend vs. Hereupon it commeth, that Christ elswhere in the Gospel promiseth an
hundreth folde in temporall blessinges to them, warde againe,
which for his names sake and the Gospels, renounce and
Mar. 10.
willingly part from their earthly possessions, and substance. Yea wee read that our Sauiour himselfe, who by promise standeth payable for this targe account and reckoning, hath heretofore miraculously discharged himselfe thereof, as namely, when by his mightie power and prouidence, the Disciples after the satisfying of fiue thousand hungrie men,
with fiue loaues and two sillie
Mar. 6.
fishes, tooke vp againe twelue baskets full of the fragments, that were left,
[...]so when through his mighty hand,
[...]oore widow found her store fullie
2. King. 16.
[...]e vp, after she had frankly and frée
[...]otcht it out for the Prophets suste
[...]e and behoofe sake. Againe, besides
[...] two miracles, many other ordina
[...]oofes, & ensamples we haue, which
[...]irectly teach vs, that Christes li
[...] retribution hath beene alwaies
[...] at hand, and answerable to mans
[...]ifulnesse: but of these I made men
[...]fore, as occasion serued. I wil now
[...]fore ouerpasse them. Onely thus
[...] I say, and say againe, that the
[...] himselfe is so farre off from broo
[...]or bearing with any worldly iug
[...]egerdemaine, and deceite, that he
[...] no wise suffer his chosen children,
[...]g well dealt withall and done to by
[...]r brethren, so disloyallie to intreate
[...] delude them againe, as to re
[...]e them chaffe for good corne, light
[...]res for downe weight, bad mea
[...]e for good,
a stone for breade, or
[...]erpent in steade of a fish: but being
Luk. 11. their superuisour and guide, hee will make them (will they, nill they) or to repay such good measure
[Page] againe, as is here liuely described by three seuerall properties of integritie and perfectnesse, which namely be these,
pressed downe, shaken together, and running ouer. This measure then (as wee see here) shall not bee through any fraudulent or sleight deuise, heaued vp to the outwarde appearance, and so afterwarde faile on vs: but it shall be so roundly hudled vp, and so substantially coutcht together, that it shall not possibly shrinke in anie whit at all on any side. For first of all, it shall not be deceitefull in the bottom beneath, because it shall be pressed downe: againe, it shall not be hollow or sleight about the sides betwixt, because it shall bee shaken together: neither yet shall it deceiue vs at the toppe aboue, because it shall outreach and ouerflow the brim. Yea, this same measure (I say) promised vs by Christ, shall from head to foote, and from toppe to toe, as wee terme it, bee sound without vnperfectnesse, substantiall without guilefullnesse, and full without scarcenesse, and what els can bee wished ouer and besides, sauing onely the safe deliuerie and conueyance
[Page] thereof, vnto our handes.
[...] this also doth our Sauiour Christ
[...] assure vs off, where he saith that o
[...] men shall giue it into our bosomes:
[...] if hee shoulde haue saide, This mea
[...] shall not bee desperately cast to
[...], (for so it might miscarie by the
[...]) neither wrathfullie hurlde at
[...] (for so it might offende you)
[...] yet openly or ambitiously giuen
[...] (for so perhaps it might disgrace
[...]discounteuance you:) but it shall
[...]onueyed into your bosome, modest
[...]r securitie sake, chearefully for bet
[...]king sake, and couertly for your
[...]t sake. Note here (I pray you)
[...]ther with the perfectnesse of the
[...]sure, the secure and singular good
[...]er also of the conueyance thereof,
[...]o our besomes. And here finallie
[...]ncerning this worde
Bosome, I ob
[...]ue this as a speciall note among the
[...]t, that all mens good giftes what soeuer, ought to haue their chiefest reuolution, affiance, and setling place, about
[...]he heart, that is, from a beneuo
[...]nt heart must they come, and to a thankefull hearte must they goe.
[Page] For otherwise, if they halt betwixt both, they must néedes degenerate, goe out of kinde, and so consequently come to no proofe. So that, as you see, our heart must be our hand to giue from vs, and our heart must be our hand to take to vs, yea, our heart must be all in all. And thus much concerning the temporal meaning of this our sauiour Christs promised rewarde, amplified at large as ye haue heard alreadie, with a full description of the properties incident thereto. Now for the other more diuine interpretation, and celestiall acception of these wordes, if I should particularly by order as they lye, stand deskanting vpon them, I should thereby rather satisfie the curious, then edifie the simpler sort: I will not therefore meddle with the description of this incomprehensible heauenlie recompence. Onely thus much and no more dare I boldlie say with the Apostle,
that no eie hath seene, no eare hath heard,
1. Cor. 2.
nor heart of man conceiued the ioyes that the Lorde hath in store for them that loue him, yea for them which loue him aboue all, and their brethren
[...]m selues, which loue must needs
[...]re by their workes of charitie,
[...]lmes deedes. For,
with what
[...]ure yee mete, with the same shall
[...]mete to you againe, saith Christ,
[...]e which generall sentence deriued
[...]common sense, and approued by
[...]w of nature, all the foresaid seue
[...]ts of recompence are now round
[...]prised, wound vp, and ratified.
[...]us our sauiour Christ reasoneth,
[...]what measure yee mete withall,
[...]good or bad) with the same shall
[...]ete to you againe: If yee then
[...]l iudging, by forgiuing, and by
[...]also, afforde good measure vn
[...]rs, ye your selues likewise shall
[...] of the like beneuolence, mutual
[...]ine at their handes. And why,
[...] well thought off, when we thinke
[...] of others, is the still inward har
[...]ie: to be well spoken off when wee
[...]ke well, is the outward rebounding
[...]cho: and to be well done to, when we
[...]well to others, is the kindely proper
[...] of mans nature vniuersallie. This
[...]ubtlesse did Homer feele by good ex
[...]rience both in himselfe & others when
[Page] saide,
Talia dicentur tibi, qualia dixeris ipse. that is, Such wordes as thou broachest abroad by others, such like shall fall to thine owne share againe, bee they good or bad. And this same Homers saying may seeme of right to haue great affinitie with that saying of Salomon,
Hee that seeketh good
prou. 11.
thinges, getteth fauour: but he that seeketh euil, euil shall come to him. For as by Gods fauourable appointment, it commeth to passe, that men of integritie and vprightnesse, such I meane, as delite both to speake well, and to doe well by others, reape againe the like good reputation and beneuolence at their handes: euen so through Gods iust iudgement falleth it out, that men of sinister and maleuolent mindes, such I would say, as are viperous, hateful & illiberall persons, meete commonly in y
e end with like mates vnto them selues, which will sting them outwardly, disdaine them inwardlie, and draw backe their helping handes euen then, when assistance might stand them in most steade. Thus were the Sodomites, and the men of Succoth (as
[...]e you) for their owne vnmerci
[...]sse iustly dasht and dealt withall,
[...] when they might worst haue born
[...]Yea as there be none almost so vn
qui non gratiam benè merenti:
[...]ere be none in maner so innocent,
[...]alum malè merenti non reponent. As
[...] bee none (I say) so vngratefull,
[...] will not repay a good turne to
[...]at deserueth a good one: so is there
[...]o harmelesse, which will not doe
[...] bad turne, who deserueth no bet
[...] Well then, if most men accor
[...] as occasion shall bee giuen them
[...] good or bad, vse cōmonly to render
[...]epay the like againe, & all through
[...] owne permission and ordinance:
[...]r our partes, if so that wee wish to
[...]e backe the euil from vs, and to
[...]w on the good recompence into our
[...]soms, must alwaies thinke off, speake
[...], and doe to our brethren all good and
[...] euil. Yea, wee must (I say) con
[...]rme our heartes to thinke well, smooth
[...]d file our tongues to speake well, and
[...]oth bow and bend all our iointes to
[...]oe well to others, which no doubt
[...]oth may, and will be gratefull to vs in
[Page] like sorte, when time shall serue. And here perchaunce some will aske mee, How may these sayings hang together, and be reconciled aright? For whereas immediatly afore, the Lorde termed it measure running ouer that should bee giuen vs, now he seemeth to fall & light short of that proportion, promising no more but this, that y
e same measure shal be returned vs again, that we mete vnto others withall. We answere, that by the same measure here, is meant no more but this in generall, that for our well doing to others, we againe shalbe well done vnto. So that whether this rewarde bee more or lesse, whether it light short or exceede in quantitie, touching the verifying of these wordes, all (I say) is as one for that. Seeing therefore, my brethren, the Lorde himselfe hath enioyned vs here, liberallitie, and beneuolence, as asweete smelling sacrifice in his nostrels, and hath also promised a large retribution thereto, whereby is signified, that the neglecte thereof is a thinge punishable and vnrewarded. Let vs for these foure causes, that is, first
[...]e Commandement sake, second
[...] for the dignitie of the action it
[...] being elsewhere termed a sacrifice,
[...]ly for the promise sake, and lastlie,
[...]garde of the penaltie procéeding of
[...]ntrarie, let vs (I say) for these cau
[...] as bountifull, as harberous, and as
[...]ciall one towards another, as pos
[...]e may be. And to the end this acti
[...] be the more easie and delightsom
[...]s in the performance, let vs by
[...]f gradation obserue and put in vse
[...]paratiues, the other two precepts
[...]y going afore, touching the aban
[...]g of rashe iudgement and malice
[...]g. For these bee the chiefest ene
[...]nd obstacles that we haue, in the
[...]ianlike course of all our beneuo
[...] whatsoeuer. For the supplanting
[...]fore of these enormities, tending di
[...]y by way of almes, to the glorie of
[...], to the behoofe of our neighbors, and the safegard of our own soules, let vs say) with one accord, in all humilitie
[...] feruentnes of spirit, craue the assi
[...]nce of God the Father, God the Son,
[...] God the holie Ghost, in such deuout
[...]er and fourme as followeth.