Lac puero (rum) M. holti Mylke for chyldren.
¶ Ad reuerendissimū dn̄m suum dn̄m Iohannem morton Cantuarien̄. archipresulem / totius (que) Anglie primatem et titulo sancte Anastasie cardinalem Iohannes holt Epigramma.
¶ Thome more / diserti adolescentuli in lucubraciunculas Holtiade. Epigramma.
¶ Diuisio operis & modus procedendi per ordinem.
Prima pars opuscull
THere ben. viii. partes of speche. Nowne Pronowne. Uerbe. Aduerbe. Partycyple Coniunctyon. Preposicyon. and Interiectyō. ¶ Where of. iiii. be declyned and mouable / as Nowne / Pronowne: Uerbe: and particyple. And. iiii. vndeclyned and vnmouable. as Aduerbe: Cōiunctyon: Preposicyon: and Interiectyon. ¶ Of these. iiii. partes mouable / thre be declyned with case / as Nowne: Pronowne. and Partycyple. And verbe onely without case.
¶ Fyue thynges be expedient to the declynynge of a nowne. Artycle. Case: Gendre. Nombre: & Declēson
¶ Artycles be thre. hic hec and hoc.
¶ Also this aduerbe of callynge O. hath the rowme of an artycle in euery vocatyf case.
¶ Cases be. vi. Nominatyf. Genityf. Datyf. Accusatyf. Uocatyf. and the Ablatyf.
¶ Gendres be fyue. The masculyne / as hic poeta.
The feminyne / as hec musa. The neutre as hoc templum. The comyne / as hic et hec sacerdos. All gendres / as hic et hec et hoc felix.
¶ Nombres be two. The synguler / and plurell
¶ Declensons be fyue.
¶ The fyrst is knowen by his examples. Poeta and musa. And euermore his genityf case sȳguler endeth in e. and all nownes of the fyrst declenson shall be declyned after one of them.
¶ The seconde by his examples / magister: radius: and templum. And euermore his genityf case synguler endeth in i. and all nownes of the seconde declenson. &c.
¶ The thyrde by his examples. Bonitas: sacerdos & vulnus. And euermore his genityf synguler endeth in is. & all nownes of the thyrde declenson &c.
¶ The fourth by his examples. Uisus: and manus And euermore his genityf case synguler endeth ī us & all nownes of the fourth declenson &c.
¶ The fyfth by his examples. species and meridies. And euermore his genityf case synguler endeth in ei and all nownes of the fyfth declenson &c.
¶ The dyuysyon of nownes
¶ Of nownes. Some be propre / some appellatyf some substantyf / some adiectyf / some interrogatyf / some demonstratyf / some reddityf / & some relatyf
¶ Declenson of substantiues
¶ A nowne substantyf is declyned with one artycle as hic Poeta. or with two at the moost / as hic et hec sacerdos.
¶ Examples of the fyrst declenson.
Hic poeta. huiꝰ te huic te. hunc poetam. o poeta. ab hoc poeta. The plurell hi poete: ho (rum) poetarum: his poetis hos poetas: o poete: ab his poetis.
[Page]¶ Here is to be noted / that in euery plurell nombre the vocatyf shall be lyke the nominatyf / and the ablatyf lyke the datyf. Also whan the nominatyf singuler of this declenson endeth in as or in es / thou shalt put awayes to make the vocatyf / as hic Thomas / hic Anchises o thoma. o anchise. In all other of this declenson the vocatyf shall be lyke the nominatyf as hic poeta: o poeta.
The synguler. Hec musa: huius muse: huic muse. hāc sam. o sa. ab hac sa. The plurell he muse. harū sarum his sis. has sas. o muse: ab his musis.
¶ Here is to be noted that these. vii. nownes in this verse maketh the datyf and ablatyf plurell bothe in is and in abus
Filia nata deas liberta mulabus equabus.
Also the scrypture vseth aiabus: famulabꝰ: dn̄abus / the whiche of all suche other be not of vse
¶ These nownes of Hebrewe Pascha: manna: zizania. and mammona. be the neutre gendre and of no declenson. Though we fynde in holy scrypture the genityf and datyf in e. more of vse than of rule / and lyke wyse Adam and Abraham. As for alpha and iota and generally all names of letters they be both neutre and vndeclyned And some lettred men saye hoc pascha paschatis. And polenta is the feminyne gendre: vt Plautus. Ubi nequam homines polentam pransitant / how be it Ouide vseth hym in the neutre gendre / as Dulce dedit testa quod coxerat ante polenta:
¶ Examples of the seconde declenson.
[Page]¶ Here is to be noted that the datyf and the ablatyf synguler of this declenson endeth alwaye in o.
Hic radius. huiꝰ dii. huic dio hūc diū o die. ab hoc dio. The plurell his radii: ho (rum) radio (rum): his radiis. &c
All nownes of this declenson that in the nominatyf synguler endeth in us. chaungeth us in e. in the vocatyf / as hic radiꝰ o e hic dn̄s o e. hic petrꝰ o e. Except iii appellatyues filius deus & agnus / filius maketh fili deus & agnꝰ be lyke the noīatyf also agnus maketh agne. Saue propre names of men in ius. that doth a waye us and than remayneth y e vocatyf / as hic virgilius o virgilii. hic gregorius o ri.
Els in latyn the vocatyf shall be lyke the noīatyf by chaūgynge the artycle in to o / as hic vir o vir.
Hoc templū huiꝰ pli. huic plo. hoc plū. o plū ab hoc plo The plu. hec tēpla. ho (rum) plo (rum). his plis hec pla. o pla.
¶ Here is to be noted that all nownes of the neutre gendre / of what declenson that euer they be shall haue. ii. cases lyke in both nombres / the nominatyf accusatyf and vocatyf / as in templū. & these. iii. in y e plurell nombre euermore ende in a. outake ambo & duo the whiche be thus declyned.
The plurell Ambo be bo. bo (rum) ba (rum) bo (rum). bobꝰ babꝰ bo bus. bos bas bo. bo be bo. bobꝰ babꝰ bobꝰ. And so is duo declyned in euery case. In the thyrde / fourthe & fyfth declenson / the nominatyf accusatyf & vocatyf plurell shall alwaye be lyke / of what gendre soeuer y t nownes be / vt exempla docebunt.
¶ Examples of the thyrde declenson.
Hec bonitas huius tatis huic tati. hanc tatē. o tas. ab [Page] hac te. The plurel he tes. ha (rum) tum. his tibus.
Hic & hec sacerdos huiꝰ tis. huic ti. hunc et hanc tatē. o dos ab hoc et ab hac te vel ti. The plurell hi & he tes ho (rum) & ha (rum) tum. his tibus hos et has tes &c
Hoc vulnꝰ huiꝰ eris. huic ri. hoc nꝰ. o nꝰ ab hoc nere. The plurell hec nera. ho (rum) ne (rum). his neribus &c.
Whan the noīatyf synguler of this declenson endeth in is & y e genityf plurell in iū. than may y e accusatyf plurell ende both in es & in is. as hic ignis ho (rum) ignium hos ignes & ignis. hec restis ha (rum) restiū has restes et restis. hic hec testis ho (rum) ha (rum) testiū hos has testes & testis. hic hec oīs ho (rum) ha (rum) oīm hos has oēs & oīs.
¶ Examples of the fourthe declenson
Hic visus huiꝰ sus. huic sui hūc sum. o sus ab hoc visu The plu. hi sus. ho (rum) suū. his sibꝰ. hos sus. &c.
Hec manꝰ huiꝰ nus. huic iii. hāc nū. o nus. ab hac nu.
The plu. he nus. ha (rum) uum. his nibꝰ. has nꝰ. &c.
¶ Here is to be noted that these nownes folowynge make theyr datyf & ablatyf plurell in ubus. But all other of his declenson kepe i before bus. Uersus
¶ Examples of the fyfth declenson.
¶ Hic meredies huiꝰ ei. huic ei. hunc em. o es. ab hoc e.
The plurell hi meridies ho (rum) erū. his ebus &c.
Hec species huiꝰ ei. huic ei. hanc em. o es. ab hac c.
The plurell he es. ha (rum) erū. his ebus &c.
In the fyrst & the last declenson / the genityf & datys of the fyrste nombre be alwaye lyke / as huius poete, huic poete. huius meridiei. huic meridiei.
[Page]¶ Also all nownes of the fyfth declenson lacke thre cases in the plurell nombre / that is to saye / the genityf datyf and ablatyf. excepte these in these verses
¶ Declenson of adiectyues.
¶ Of adiectyues some be declyned with. iii. artycles and one terminacyon / as hic hec hoc felix: some with thre artycles and. ii. terminacyons: as hic hec turpis et hoc turpe. some with thre artycles and thre terminacyons / as hic saluber: hec salubris. et hoc salubre: some with. iii. diuerse endynges onely. and that thre wyses us. a um. as Bonus bona bonū. er. a. um. as.
Niger nigra nigrum. els ur. a. um. as Satur ra. um as the examples shewed.
Hic et hec et hoc felix. huius felicis. huic felici. hunc & hanc felicē. et hoc felix. o felix: ab hoc et hac et hoc ce. vel ci. The plurell hi & he felices & hec cia. ho (rum) & ha (rum) & ho (rum) cium. his cibus. hos & has ces & hec cia. o [...] ces et o felicia. ab his felicibus.
Hic et hec turpis & hoc turpe. huiꝰ pis. huic pi. hunc et hanc pem & hoc pe. o turpis & o pe. ab hoc & hac & hoc turpi. The plurell hi & he turpes & hec pia. ho (rum) & ha (rum) et ho (rum) turpiū. his turpibus.
Hic & hec doctior & hoc ctiꝰ. huiꝰ ctioris. huic ctiori hūc & hāc ctiorē & hoc ctius. o ctior & o ctius. ab hoc et hac & hoc ctiore [...] ctiori. The plurell hi & he ores & hec ora ho (rum) & ha (rum) & ho (rum) ctio (rum). his doctioribus. &c.
Bonus a. um. boni e. i. no. e. o. num. am. um. ne. a. um no. a. o. The plu. boni e. a. no (rum). a (rum). o (rum). bonis. &c.
[Page]¶ Here is to be noted that all adiectyues in the plurel nombre hath one voyce for all gendres in the datyf and the ablatyf case.
¶ Niger nigra nigrū. nigri nigre nigri. nigro nigre nigro nigrum grā grū. niger gra grū. nigro gra gro The plurell nigri nigre nigra. nigro (rum) grarum gro (rum) nigris. nigros gras gra. &c.
¶ Satur a um. suturi e i. saturo e o. saturum am um satur a um saturo a o &c. lyke to niger a um.
¶ All maner adiectyues with. iii. diu erse endynges oonly be the fyrst declenson & the seconde of nownes and lyke one of these. ¶ The mixte
¶ Hic saluber: hec salubris & hoc salubre. hui (que) salubris huic salubri. hunc hanc salubrē: et hoc salubre. o saluber: o salubris: et o salubre. hoc hac hoc salubri. The plurell hi & he salubres & hec salubria ho (rum) hatū horū salubrium. his salubribus. &c. Of this sorte ben. xii. as these verses sheweth.
The whiche all were somtyme declyned lyke turpis Also it is to be noted that all adiectyues lyke to turpis or saluber. make the adiectyf synguler oonly in i. But all comparatyues and adiectyues of one termi nacyon make both in e and in i.
¶ Sequitur figura terminationū instar sex candelarum:
¶ Figura quin (que) declinationum.
¶ Degrees of comparyson.
¶ All adiectyues that betoken thynges that may be made more or lesse / may receyue comparyson / as fay te / more fayre / lesse fayre / moost fayre / lest fayre / or els fayre fayrer fayrest.
¶ There be thre degrees of comparyson / the posityf the comparatyf / and the superlatyf.
¶ De cognitione positiut.
¶ The posytyf is grounder and foundament of the comparatyf and superlatyf / without excesse / and he is not formed / as fayre / foule / whyte / blacke
¶ De cognitione comparatiui
¶ The comparatyf passeth his posityf with this englysshe worde more or lesse / or els his englysshe endeth in er / as more fayre / lesse fayre or fayrer / & his latyn endeth in or. or els he hath this aduerbe magis or minus ioyned to his posityf / as doctior. or els magis doctus: vel minus doctus.
¶ De cognitione [...].
¶ The superlatyf passeth his posityf with this englysshe worde moost or leste / or els his englysshe endeth in est / as more fayre / lesse fayre or fayrest & his latyn endeth in mus. ma. mum. or els he hath this ad uerbe maxime or minime Ioyned to his posityf / as doctissimꝰ ma. mum. or elles maxime doctꝰ. maxime docta. maxime doctum. minime doctus. minime docta. doctum.
¶ Here is to be noted that all comparatyues be declyned after doctior. and all superlatyues lyke bonꝰ bona bonum.
¶ De formatione comparatiui.
¶ The cōparatif is formed of is positif of his fyrste case that endeth in i. by puttynge to this terminaciō or / els us as doctus cta ctum. [...] us. tenuis te nuis tenui tenuior us. felix cis ci. felicior ue.
¶ Out of this rule ben excepte these. vi. nownes folowynge the whiche make both the comparatyf and supcrlatyf out of rule / as Bonus melior optimꝰ. ma lus peior pessimus. magnus maior maximus. paruꝰ minor minimus: & paruissimus. multus plus plurimus. nequam nequior nequissimus. Also iuuenis ma keth [...]. Senex senior. and lacketh the neutre in us and also the superlatyf degre.
¶ Suche adiectyues that ende in us & haue a vowel before us. haue now no cōparatyf in or. but al waye this worde magis / and the posityf shall supplye the rowme of the comparatyf / as piue [...] pius. perpetuus magis perpetuus. extraneus magis extrane us. In suche the supcrlatyf foloweth the rule / as piꝰ pussimus strenuus issimus. Yf thou fynde ony other wyse / it is excused by antiquyte.
¶ All nownes that maketh theyr comparatyf in or may make the comꝑatyf with magis or minꝰ. & the posityf. ¶ Buth suche y t ende in us with the vowell &c. may no wyse make the comparatyf in or.
¶ Other partes of reson make comparyson as this verbe detero maketh deterior for his cōperatyf & de terrimus for his superlatyf. Also participles goynge in to nownes / as amans amantior tissimus
¶ These aduerbes and preposicyons in these verses [Page] with many other moo / make the comparatyf and superlatyf indirectly. Uersus.
Citra citerior citimus | Ocys ocior ocissimus |
Prope propior proximus | Ultra vlterior vltimus. |
Post posterior postremꝰ | Pridem prior primus |
Extra exterior extremus et extimus | Penitus penitior penitissimus. |
Supra superior supremus / et sumus | Pene vel penes penior penissimus. |
Infra inferior infimus. | Diu diutior diutissimus. |
Intra interior intimus. | Sepe sepeus sepussime |
Nuper nuperior nuperimus |
¶ There be also some nownes y t maketh theyr comparatyf in rule and lacke theyr superlatyf / as Serꝰ serior. Celsus / celsior.
¶ De formatione superlatiuo (rum).
The superlatyf is formed of his posityf of the fyrste case that endeth in i. by puttynge to s and simus / as. Doctus docta doctū. docti. doctissimus. Felix felicis felici felicissimus. Except his posityf ende in er. For than he maketh the superlatyf by puttynge to rimꝰ as. Niger nigerrimus. Saluber saluberrimus with double rr. ¶ Saue Dexter maketh alwaye dextimꝰ Sinister sinistimus.
Also facilis maketh facillimus with double ll. Soo both agills make agillimus. gracilis gracilimus. humilis [Page] humilimus: & similis simillimꝰ. with theyr com poundes. Also maturus maketh maturimus & maturissimus. vetus veterrimus.
These it superlatyf degrees Intimus & ꝓximꝰ may somtyme be as [...] / & hath for theyr cōparatyues intimor & ꝓximor / & lacketh theyr supcrlatyues All adiectyues in cus y e come of dico facio and loquor chaunge us in entior for the comparatyf / & in entissimus for the superlatyf / as magnificꝰ centio. centissmus. fatidicus centior cētissimꝰ. grādiloquus quentior quētissimꝰ. yf thou fynde ony other wyse it is excused by antiquyte / as mirificior mirificissimus.
¶ Declenson and diuisyon of pronownes.
Here be. xv. ꝓnownes besyde theyr compoundes / as Ego: tu: [...]: [...]: ipse: iste: hic & is: meus: tuus: suus: no ster: vester. nostras: & vestras. Of the whiche. viii. be primatyues / as Ego tu sui &c. and. vii. deriuatyues / as meus tuus suus &c.
Of ꝓnowne primatiues Ego & tu ben only demonstratyues. Sui only relatyf. The resydue somtyme demonstratyf / as whanne they shewe a thynge not spoken of afore. Somtyme relatyues as whan they reporteth a thynge [...] of afore. All deriuatyues be demonstratyues. Except Suus that is somtyme demonstratyf and somtyme relatyf.
¶ Declenson of primatyues
Nominatiuo Ego. gtō mei. datiuo michi. actō me. [...] catiuo caret [...] a me. Anglice I or me. The plurel ntō Nos gtō nostrum vel nostri dtō nobis. actōnos. vtō caret, abltō a nobis. Anglice vs or we.
[Page]¶Here is to be noted that all ꝓnownes lacke the vo catyf case saue these. [...]. Tu meꝰ noster & nostras [...] Tu. gtō tui. dtō tibi. actō te. vtō tu. [...] ate. anglice thou or the. The plurel ntō vos. gtō vestrū vel vestri. dtō vobis. actō [...]. vtō o vos. abla [...] a vobis. anglice you or ye.
These genityues mis tis & sis. were somtymein vse / but now we take meus tuus suꝰ. theyr [...] and leue them.
Nominatiuo caret. gtō sui dtō sibi. actō se. vtō caret abltō a se. & lyke wyse in the seconde nombre. anglice he / she / hym or hyr / it / that / them / they / or those. and this is called the pronowne of reciprocacyon. All the se. iii. pronownes Ego tu sui. w t theyr cōpoundes be called of the fyrst declenson of ꝓnownes.
Ille illa illud illius illi | In all other cases of bothe nombres lyke bonus a um. |
Ipse ipsa ipsum ipsius ipsi | Iste ista istud [...] isti |
Hic hec hoc. vt prius. Anglice this or these. And iste isto istud. is of the same englysshe. Ille and ipse be en glysshed lyke Sui. Is ea id eius ci &c. lyke Bonꝰ. an glice lyke Sui.
¶ All these. v. ꝓnownes Ille ipse iste hic & is. be called of the seconde declenson of pronownes.
Of the same declenson be also. viii. nownes w t theyr compoundes. Unus / vllus / totus / solus / alter / alius quis / & vter as.
Unus vna vnum vnius vni
Ullus vlla vllum vllius vlli
Totus tota totum totius toti
Solus a. um. solius soli. | ¶ In all other casus lyke Bonus. And all these. lacke the vocatyf case. |
Alter a ū alterius alteri | |
Alius a um. alius alii | |
Uter. a um. vtrius vtri | Except totꝰ solus & vnꝰ. |
Neuter a. ū. neutrius tri. |
¶ Also it is to be noted y t all nownes of this declenson y t nowende inius in y e genityf / & in i. in the datyf made somtyme both genityf & datyf lyke Bonꝰ bona bonū. Also they sayd Illus Ipsus Istꝰ. Where we saye Ille ipse iste: vt adhuc est videre apud autores.
¶ Declenson of deriuatyues
¶ Meus a. um. vtō mi a. um. Tuꝰ a. um. Suꝰ a. um be lyke Bonꝰ. Noster a. um. is lyke Niger gra. grū.
Nostras and vestras in the synguler lyke Bonitas & in the plurell lyke Felix.
¶ Persones be. iii. The fyrst / the secunde / the thyrde wordes of the fyrste persone be Ego & nos w t theyr oblyques. Of y t seconde persone be tu & vos w t theyr oblyques / & euery vocatyf case. All other wordes declynable be of the thyrde persone.
¶ Here is to be noted y t all cases be called oblyques / except the nominatyf synguler / & the vocatyf whan he is lyke hym.
¶ Declenson of pronownes compoūdes.
Idē eadē idē. eiusdē. eidē eundē eandē idē. vtō caret ablto eodē eadē eodē. The plu. idē eedē eadē. eorundē earūdē eorundē. eisdē & iisdē. eosdē easdē eadē vtō ca ret. ablto eisdē & iisdē. anglice thesame or the selfe.
Nomīatiuo Isthic isthec isthocvel isthuc. Actō isthūc isthancisthoc vel isthuc. Ablatiuo isthoc isthac isthoc [Page] The noīatyf & accusatyf plu. Isthec for y t neutre gen dre. In the other cases he foloweth both Iste & hic.
Quis vel qui. Que vel qua. Quod vel quid. cuius cui quē quā quod vel quid. Uocatiuo caret. Quo qui qua qui. quo q. The plu. Qui que que vel qua. Quo (rum) quarū quo (rum). Quis vel quibus. Quos quas que vel qua. Utō caret. A quis vel a quibus. anglice. that whome or the whiche.
Note well that Quis & Quid be neuer relatyues but alwaye Interrogatyues & Infinityues Also qua in the nominatyf synguler & in the plurell stondeth for aliqua and is no relatyf
¶ Declenson of a verbe
Uerbe is declyned with ꝯiugacion / mode / tense / nombre / and persone.
¶ Coniugacyons be foure
¶ The fyrste coniugacyon hath this vowell a longe before re in the infinityf mode of the actyf voyce / as amare. Or elles a longe before the ris in the seconde worde declynynge of hym / as amaris
Excepte Do das with his foure compoundes of this coniugacyon / the whiche hath a shorte / as dare circū dare. venundare. pessundare. satisdare.
¶ Here is to be noted that euermore the fourth worde in declynynge of a verbe is the Infinityf mode / & the thyrde worde the preterperfectēs of the shewynge mode.
Also the actyfe voyce of a verbe is called o / as amo; And the passyf voyce r. as amor.
¶ The seconde coniugacyon.
[Page]The seconde coniugacyon hath e longe before re &c. as docere / els &c. as doceris.
The thyrde coniugacyon.
The thyrde coniugacyon hath e short before the re / &c. as legere / els &c. as legeris.
¶ The fourth coniugacyon.
The fourth hath i longe before the re. &c. as audire / els &c. os audiris.
¶ Modes of verbes.
Modes be. vii. the shewynge / the askynge / the byddyngy / the wysshynge / the potenciall / the subiunctyf and the infinityf.
¶ Tenses of verbes.
Tenses be. v the presentes / the preter imperfectens / the p̄terfectens / the preterpluꝑ. the future.
¶ Sygnes of tenses be these / do / dyde / haue / hadde wyll / and shall.
¶ Nombres of verbes
Nombres of verbes be. ii. the synguler / as lego Irede / the plurell / as legimus.
¶ Persones of verbes be. iii. the fyrst as lego I rede the seconde as legis thou redest / the thyrde as legit / he redeth.
¶ Declenson of the actyf voyce.
AMo amas. Amaui. Amare di. do. dū. atum. Amans. Amaturus. anglice to loue.
¶ The shewynge mode.
¶ The presentēs. amo. I loue or do loue. amas thou louest or doost loue. amat he loueth or doth loue. The plurell amamus we loue or do loue. amatis ye loue [Page] or do loue amant they loue or do loue.
Preterimperfectens amabam I loued or dyde loue / bas bat. The plu. bamus batis bant.
Preterꝑfectens amaui I haue loued: amauisti vel a masti auit. The plurell uimus uistis vel amastis. uerunt vel uere. els amarunt vel are
¶ Here is to be noted that the p̄terperfectens of the shewynge mode formed all tenses after hym that en de in ram rum ro. by chaungynge i in to e. as of amaui amaueram amauerim amauero.
Also all that ende in sem or in se. by puttynge in betwirt / as of amaui amauissem amauisse.
Also whan soeuer the preterperfectens of this niode endeth in this syllabe ui. than may he & all tenses formed of hym suffre syncopacyon. sc takynge awaye this syllabe ui or ue in the seconde persone of bothe nombres. And in y t thyrde persone plurell / as amasti amastis amarunt. Also in all tenses of the forsayd terminacyons / as amauerā amarā. But the preterperfectēs of two syllabes do not so / as Paui laui
Excepte these. iiii. Sciui: noui: flaui: fleui / the whiche make. Scisti. nosti: flasti: flesti.
The preterplu. amaueram I had loued. ras rat. The plurell amaueramus ratis rant
The future. amabo I wyll loue or shall loue. bis bit. The plurell bimus bitis bunt.
¶ The askynge mode.
¶ Here is to be noted that this same mode is vsed in questyons / and is called the askynge mode.
Also thenne he vseth his nominatyf case euer after [Page] the verbe / or els bytwene the sygne & the verbe / aslo ue I / do I loue / loued I / dyde I loue / haue I loued [...] I loued / wyll I loue / or shall I loue.
He is also called the promysse mode with dyuerse other names.
Also all these latyn wordes serue to the interrogatyf mode.
Num / nūquid / nonne / nūnā / ne non / an / et an ne.
¶The byddynge mode
The presente / ama loue thou amet loue he. In this mode is no fyrst persone synguler. The plu. amemꝰ amate ament.
Also in this mode the nominatyf case cometh after the verbe / as in the askynge mode / the pretertens lac keth in this mode. But we vse the preterꝑ / & plu / of the subiunctyf mode for them as it shall be shewed in the thyrde parte in circūlocutione.
The future. amato tu loue thou here after. amato ille The plu. amemus tote. anto vel antote.
These two [...] sygnes / let & myght / & all aduer bes of lettynge / or for byddynge serue to this mode.
¶ The wysshynge mode
The presente vtinā amem. god graunte I loue. es & The plu. emus etis ent. The preterin. vtinā [...] wolde god I loued: res ret. The plu. remus retis rēt
¶ Here is to be noted that the preterin. of the optatyf potencyall / & subiunctyf of this voyce be fourmed of the infinityf by puttynge to of m / as amare amarem The [...]. vtinā amauerim god graunt I haue lo ued. ris rit. The plu. [...] ritis rint. The preterplu. [Page] vtinā amauissem wolde god I had loued. The futur vtinā amauero god graūt I shall loue. To this mode serueth al aduerbes of wysshyng or desyryng / as vtinā osi. &c. & all suche englysshe sygnes / god graūt wold god I praye god / god sende / gyue or sēde grace
¶ The potencyall mode.
¶ The present. amem I may loue. I wolde loue. I shall loue &c. The preterin. amarem.
The preterper. amauerim.
The preterplu. amauissem.
The future amauero.
And this mode is vsed in all questyons with y e condicyons of the askynge mode in suche englysshe may I loue / wolde I loue / sholde I loue / as it shall be shewed playnlyer after.
¶ The subiunctyf mode.
The present. quū amem whan I loue
The preterin. quū amarem whan I loued
The preterꝑ. quū amauerim. whan I haue loued
The preterplu. quū amauissem whan I had loued
The future. quū amauero whan I shall loue.
¶ The infinityf mode.
The present and preterim. amare loue or to loue.
The preterper. and plu. amauisse haue loued / or had loued / or els to haue loued: or had loued.
The future lacketh in all verbes. But we take circū loquicion / as amatum ire / go to loue / vel amaturum esse. or be to loue herafter.
Also the infinityf mode hath neyther nombre ne persone. But generally an accusatyf case before hym [Page] expressed or vnderstonde.
Gerundyues in moost comen vse be these. amandi of louynge / or to loue / amando. in louȳge / or of louynge / amandū. to loue / and all gerūdyues be declyned lyke bonus na. um. And supynes be vndeclyned and be verbes / and euermore ende in um. and in u. by do doynges awaye m. as amatum. to loue / or go to loue amatu to be loued.
¶Here is to be noted that the supine in um. cometh of the actyf and betokeneth dede and mouynge to a place / also he is a verbe actyf. But the supyne in u be tokeneth suffrynge without mouynge / and is a verbe passyf and cometh of the passyf.
[...] secus inueneris / nō vsum voces / sedvsum
The particyples of this verbe be / amans. anglice louynge / and amaturus. anglice to loue.
¶ The verbe of beynge is thus declyned.
SUm es Fui. Esse essendi essendo essendū ens. futurus. And all these be his englysshes. am / art / it / was / were / an be.
¶ The shewynge mode or indicatyf.
The present Sum I am. es thou art. est he is. The plu. sumus we be. estis ye be. sunt they be.
The preterin. eram I was. eras thou was. erat he was. The plu. eramꝰ we ware. eratis ye ware. erant thy ware. The preterper. fui I haue ben. fuisti thou hast ben. fuit he hath ben. The plu. imꝰ istis erunt [...] ere. The preterplu. fueram I had ben ras. rat. The [...]. ramus ratis rant. The future ero I shall be. [...]. The plu. rimus ritis runt.
¶ The byddynge mode or Imperatyf
The present sis vel es be thou. sit. The plu. simus sitis vel. este sint. The future. esto tu be thou herafter / esto ille. The plu. simus estote sunto vel suntote.
The wysshynge mode or Optatyf.
The present. vtinā sim god graūte I be. sis sit. The plu. simus sitis sint. The preterin. vtinam essem wol de god I were esses esset &c.
The preterper. vtinā fuerim god graunte I haue be
The p̄terplu. vtinā fuissem wolde god I had ben
The future. vtinā fuero god graunt I shall be &c.
The potencyall and subiunctyf mode lyke wyse.
¶ The Infinityf mode.
The present and preterin. esse be or to be
The preterper. and plu. fuisse haue ben or had ben
The future as doth y e verbes y t lacken theyr supynes
The gerundyues. essendi of beynge / or to be. essendo in beynge / or of beynge. essendū to be.
The particyple of the present & preterim / ens beyng
The future. futurus. anglice to be
¶ Declenson of the passyf voyce.
A Mor amaris amatus sum. amari. amatu. amatus. amandus. to be loued.
The p̄sent. amor I am loued. amaris vel amare thou art loued. amat he is loued. The plu. amur we be loued. [...] ye be loued. ant̄ they be loued.
The preterin. amabar I was loued. baris vel bare batur. The plu. bamur bamini bantur.
The preterper. in this mode and in all modes folowynge of this voyce lacketh. But we vse for it is the [Page] partycyple of the pretertens / and this verbe sum. of suche tens as the verbe sholde be / in this wyse / amatus sum vel fui. I haue be loued. es vel fuisti est vel fuit. The plu. amati sumus vel fuimus estis vel fuistis sunt fuetunt vel fuere.
The preterplu. amatus eram vel furam I had be lo ued. eras vel fueras erat vel fuerat. The plu. eramꝰ vel fueramus eratis vel fueratis erāt vel fuerāt
The future. amabor I wyl be loued / or shal be loued amaberis vel bere bitur. The plurell amabimur bimi ni buntur.
¶ The byddynge mode or imperatyf
The present. amare be thou loued. amatur. The plu. amemur amemini amentur.
The future. amator tu be thou loued hereaftr. amator ille. The plu. amemur minor amantor.
The wysshynge mode or Optatyf.
The present. vtinā amer. god graūt I be loued. ame ris vel ere etur. The plu. emur emini entur.
The preterin vtinā amarer wold god I were loued reris vel rere retur. The plu. remur reminirētur
The p̄terper. vtinā amatꝰ sim vel fuerim. god graūt
I haue be loued. sis vel fueris sit vel fuerit. The plu simꝰ vel fuerimꝰ sitis vel fueritis sint vel fuerint
The preterpluperfectens. vtinam amatus essem vel fuissem. wolde god I had be loued. &c.
The future vtinā amatus ero vel fuero. god graunte I shall be loued &c.
¶ The potencyall mode.
The present. Amer I may be loued / wolde be loued [Page] or sholde be loued.
The preterin. amarer I myght be loued.
The preterꝑ. amatꝰ sim vel fuerim I myght haue be loued / wolde haue be loued / or sholde haue be loued.
The preterplu. amatus essē vel fuissē I myght haue had be loued / wolde haue hadde / or sholde haue hadde be loued.
The future. amatꝰ ero vel fuero I may be loued her after / wyll be loued herafter / or I shall mowe be loued herafter.
¶ The subiunctyf mode.
The present. quū amer. whan I be loued.
The preterin. quū amarer whan I was loued.
The p̄terꝑ. quū aniatus sim vel fuerim. whan I haue be loued.
The p̄terplu. quū amatus essem vel fuissem
The future quum amatus ero vel fuero.
¶ The Infinityf mode.
The presēt & preterin. amari to be loued.
The p̄terꝑ. & plu. amatū esse vel fuisse. to haue be loued / or had be loued. The futur amatū iri. to go to be loued. vel amaturū esse. or to be loued.
The particyple of the preterꝑ. & plu. amatus I loued
The latter futur. amandus to be loued.
¶ The seconde coniugacyon.
OOceo doces. Docui. docere. di. do. doctū. Docens. Docturus anglice to teche.
¶ The indicatyf mode.
The presēt. Doceo I teche ces. cet. The plu. cemꝰ cetis cēt The p̄terin. Docebā I taught &c.
[Page]The preteꝑ. docui I haue taught. docuisti docuit
The plu. cuimꝰ istis etunt vel ere. The preterplu. docueram I had taught &c. The future docebo I shall teche or wyll teche. The interrogatyf. vt prius.
¶ The imperatyf mode.
The presēt Doce at. The plu. ceamus cete ceant
The future doceto tu. to ille. The plu. amus tote cento vel centote.
¶ The optatyf mode.
Utinam doceam god graunte I teche.
Utinam docerē. wolde god I taught
Utinam docuerim. god graunte I haue taught
Utinam docuissē. wolde god I had taught.
Utinam docuero god graunte I shall teche.
¶ The potēcyall mode.
Doceam. I may wolde or sholde teche.
Docerē &c. | Docuerim &c. |
Docuissē &c. | Docuero &c. |
¶ The coniunctyf mode.
Quū doceam. whan I teche
Quū docerē &c. | Quū docuerim &c |
Quū docuissē &c. | Quū docuero &c |
The Infinityf mode
Presēt and preterin. docere
Preterꝑ. and plu. Docuisse
Future Doctum ire vel docturum esse
¶ The gerundyues. Docendi do dum.
The supyne Doctum.
The particyple of the presēt & preterin. Docēs
The particyple of the future / Dociurus
¶ The passyf voyce
[Page]OOceor doceris Doctus sū Doceri doctu. Do ctus Docendus.
¶ The shewynge mode.
¶The present Doceor I am taught. ceris vel docere cetur. The plurell. cemur cemini centur
The preterin. Docebar
The preter. and plu. vt prius
The future Docebor
¶ The byddynge mode.
The present docere at̄. The plu. ceamur cemini ant.
The future Docetor tu. tor ille. The plu. ceamur ceminor centor.
¶ The wysshynge mode.
Utinam docear Utinam docerer
Utinam doctus sim vel fuerim.
Utinam doctus essē vel fuissē.
Utinam doctus ero vel fuero.
¶ The potencyall mode & the subiūctyf / vt prius.
¶ The Infinityf mode
The present and preterin. Doceri.
The p̄terper and plu. Doctum esse vel fuisse.
The future Doctum iri vel docturum esse.
The supyne. Doctu. to be taught
The preterper and plu. Doctus taught
¶ The thyrde coniugacyon. ¶ The shewynge medo.
LEgo legis. Legi. Legere. Legendi do dum. Lectum legens. lecturus. anglice to rede. Lego I rede. gis git The plu. legimus gitis gunt Legebam bas bat. The plu. bamus batis bant
[Page]Legi gisti git. The plu. gimus gistis gerunt
Legeram ras rat. The plu. geramus ratis rant
Legam ges get. The plu. gemus getis gēt
¶ Here is to be noted y e whan y e future of the shewȳ ge mode endeth in am or in ar than in y e seconde ꝑsone & all persones folowynge I shall chaūge a in to e.
¶ The byddynge mode
Legam gas gat. gamus gite gant.
Legito tu gito ille. gamus tote gunto guntote
¶ The wysshynge mode.
Legam gas gat. gamus gatis gant
Legerē res ret remus retis rēt.
Legerim ris rit. rimus ritis rint.
Legissē ses set. gissemus setis sēt.
Legero ris rit. rimus ritis rint.
¶ The potencyall mode and subiunctyf vt prius.
¶ The infinityf mode.
Legere. legisse lectum ire vellecturum esse
¶ The gerundyues
Legēdilegēdo legēdum
¶ The supyne Lectum.
¶ The particyples / one of the presentēs & preterin. as legēs / an other of the fyrst futur / as lecturus.
¶ The passyf voyce.
LEgor legeris. lectus sum. legi. lectu lectus. le gēdus. anglice to be redde.
¶ The shewynge mode.
Legor I am redde. legeris vellegere legit̄. The plu. legimur gimini guntur.
Legebar baris vel bare batur
[Page]Lectus sum vel fui es vel fuisti &c.
Lectus eram vel fueram eras vel fueras &c.
Legar legeris vel gere getur. gemur gemini gentur.
¶ The byddynge mode
Legere legatur The plu. legamur gimini gantur
Legitor tu legitor ille gamur gimini guntor
¶ The wysshynge mode.
Legar garis vel gare gatur &c.
Legerer reris vel rere retur &c.
Lectus sim vel fuerim
Lectus essē vel fuissem
Lectus ero vl fuero eris vel fueris erit vel fuerit
¶ The potencyall mode & subiunctyf. vt prius
¶ The Infinityf mode.
Legi. lectū esse vel fuisse. lectū iri vel lecturum esse
¶ The supyne lectu to be redde
¶ The particyples of the preterper. & plu. as lectus: an other of the last futur / as legēdus
¶ The fourth Coniugacyon
AUdio dis. Audiui. Audire. Audiendi. do. dū.
Auditū. Audiens. Auditurus / to here.
¶ The shewynge mode
Audio audis audit. The plu. dimus ditis diunt.
Preterin. audiebam bas bat &c.
Preterꝑ audiui audiuisti audiuit &c.
Preterplu. audiueram audiueras audiuerat &c.
Future. audiam audies audiet. &c.
¶ The Imperatyf mode
Audi audiat. audiamus audite audiant
Audito tu. dito ille. diamꝰ tote diunto vel diuntote.
¶ The potencyall mode and Subtunctyf mode vt supra. ¶ The shewynge mode.
Audire | Audiuisse |
Auditum ire vel auditurum esse.
¶ The supyne auditum.
¶ The particyple audiens auditurus
¶ The passyf voyce.
AUdior audiris auditus sum. audiri. [...]? auditus audiendus.
¶ The shewynge mode.
Audior I am herde. audiris vel audire auditur. audi dimur [...] diuntur.
Audicbar &c.
Auditus sum vel fui &c.
Auditus cram vel fueram. vt prius
Audiar &c.
¶ The byddynge mode
Audire audiatur. amur amim antur.
Audiuntor tu tor ille. amur minor untor
¶ The wysshynge mode.
Audiar &c.
Auditus sim vel fuerim.
Auditus essem vel fuissem.
Auditus ero vel fuero.
[Page]¶ Thepotencyall and subiunctyf mode. vt prius
¶ The Infinityf mode
Auditum esse vel fuisse.
Auditum iri vel audiendum esse.
¶ The supyne auditu
¶ The partityple. auditus audiendus
¶ The particyple
A particyple hath gendre and case as hath a nowne tyme & sygnificacyon as hath a verbe / nombre & fygure as they haue bothe.
¶ There be vii. endynges of particyples. Ens / ans / tus / sus / xus / rus / dus.
Ens ans. be of the presentēs and preterin.
Tus sus xus. be of the preterper. and plu.
Rus and dus. be of the future
The particyples in ens. & in ans. be formed of y e p̄ter imperfectens of the shewynge mode / by chaūgynge bam. bar. or ram. in to n & s. as amabā: loquebar: poterā. chaūge &c. & it wyll be amās loquēs potēs.
Out take ibam & quibam / the whiche make iens and quiens with theyr compoundes.
Saue ambiebam the whiche foloweth the generall rule in euery poynte.
¶ The particyples in tus sus or xus be formed of y e supyne in u. by puttynge to s. as lectu lectus. visu vi sus. nexu nexus
The particyple of the fyrst future is formed of the su pyne in u. by puttynge to rus / as lectu lecturus
The particyple of the later futur is formed of the ge [Page] nityf case synguler of the particyple in ens or in ans by chaūgynge tis in to dus / as legētis legendus.
All in ens or in ans be of the thyrde declenson of now nes / and lyke felix.
All other be lyke Bonus bona bonū.
The gerundyf is declyned with thre dyuerse endynges / dus da dum. lyke bonus.
¶ Here is to be noted that iens & quiens chaūge e in to u in all oblique cases with theyr compoūdes & also i in to e. as iens euntis. quiens queuntis.
¶ The aduerbe.
There be many significacyons of aduerbes / some be of tyme / as qn̄. heri. some of place / as quo? domum.
Of nombre / as quotiens. semel
Of ordre / as primo secundo Of continuacyon as inde deinde. Of denyenge / as nō nequa (que).
Of admyttynge or puttynge of case / as esto licet.
Of grauntynge / as ita sic.
Of confirmynge / as prorecto quidem
Of swerynge / as pol mediusfidius
Of flaterynge / as sodes ambo
Of shewynge / as an ecce. Of metynge / as aduersum [...]. Of callynge / as heus eho
Of answerynge / as heu hou.
Of exortynge / as eya age
Of lettynge or forbiddynge / as ne neue
Of askynge / as cur quare. Of pryce / as care vili
Of determynge or qualyte / as bene perperam
Of quantyte / as multum satis
Of exclusyon / as tantum solum
[Page]Of disconfort / as penitus prorsus
Of intendynge / as adeo: valde
Of remittynges / as paulatim: sensim
Of excesse / as nimis: nimium:
Of similytude / as quasi: tan (que)
Of doubtynge / as forsan: forsitan
Of gaderynge / as simul: vna
Of departynge / as seorsum: secus
Of comparison / as magis: maxime
Of chaunce / as forte: fortuito
Of choyse / as potius: immo
Of hastynge / as propere: festinanter.
¶ Preposicyon.
Of preposicyon separable there ben thre sortes.
¶ The fyrste sorte.
Ad Apud Ante Aduersum Cis Citra Circum Circa Cōtra Extra Erga Inter Intra Infra Iuxta Ob Pone Per Propter Prope Secundū Post Trans Ultra Preter Supra Circiter Us (que) Secus Penes Pridie Postridie Aduersus Subtus Foras.
All these wyll haue an accusatyf after them.
¶ The seconde sorte.
A ab abs / Cum coram clam De E ex Pro Pre palā Sine abs (que) tenus Procul
All these wyll haue an ablatyf case after them.
¶ The thyrde sorte.
In Sub Super & Subter.
All these wyll haue some tyme an accusatyf case. and some tyme an ablatyf case.
Tenus in the plurell nombre may haue indifferently [Page] a genityf case or an ablatyf case
Preposicyons inseparable be these. vii. An. Di. Dis. Re. Se. Co. Con.
¶ A coniunction.
Of coniunctions. Some be
Copulatyues / as et at (que)
Disiunctyues / as aut ve
Continuatyues / as seu siue
Subcontinuatyues / as quin quia
Causales / as vt enim
Condicyonals / as si quāuis
Temporals / as quum dum.
Resumynge or concludynge / as ergo ideo
Aduersatyues / as et si tamen
Exceptyues / as nisi preter (que)
Diminutyues / as saltem at
Doubtynge / as or Askynge / as an ne.
Approbatyues as nam nam (que)
Explatyues / as quidem autem
Of chosynge / as or Comparyson as (quam) tam
¶ All other be reduced to some of these
¶ Interiection
¶ Of interiections. Some be
Of Ioye / as eya euge
Of cursynge / as malum racha
Of mornynge / as hoi hei.
Of wondre / as atat pape
Of angre / as ah hem
Of laughynge / as haha tehe
Of Indignacyon / as ah au.
[Page]Of sodeyn answere / as ha hem
Of reprouynge as vath phi
Of exclamacyon / as o oho
Of sodeyn espyenge / as en ehem
Of scorne / as hui.
¶ All other be reduced to some of these
¶ Sequitur secunda pars principalis opusculi
¶ Secunda pars principalis
¶ Diffinicyon of nownes
A Nowne betokeneth a thynge w tout ony difference of tyme. Also the name of all y t I may see fele or perceyue by ony of my fyue wytes / is a nowne.
¶ A nowne propre betokeneth a thynge cōmune but to one thynge alone of his fyrst ordynaū ce / as Uirgilius. roma.
¶ A nowne appellatyf betokeneth a thynge commu ne to many thynges of his fyrst ordynaunce / & euery thynge after of the same kynde is called by the same name / as homo. lapis albus niger.
¶ A nowne substantyf may stande by hymself with out the helpe of an adiectyf / as homo. lapis. and cometh comenly with one of these tokens a / an / the. as a man / an horse / the sonne.
¶ A nowne adiectyf may not stande byhym self w t out the helpe of a substautyf / as albus niger.
[Page]¶ All adiectyues of nownes & pronownes cōmenly goth before the substantyf / whan they be Ioyned to gyder / as a good man / a fayre maydē / my fader / my moder. A particyple cometh after his substantyf / as the moder techynge / the belle ronge
¶ Here is to be noted that adiectyues in the neutre gendre. hauynge after them exprest or vnderstonde ony of these englysshe wordes / thynge / thynges / or gere / be as substantyues / and be called substātyues and stande substantyuate / as album differt a nigro. pauca habeo multis indigeo.
So may be an Iufinityf mode / as amare legere. or ony other worde I put materyally / as Ego est pnomen / amo est verbū / y e whiche be alwaye vnmouable & the synguler nōbre & y e thyrde persone.
A nowne iuterrogatyf betokeneth askȳge of a thyn ge as [...] qualis quotꝰ quot cuiꝰ quotenꝰ quotēnts. A nowne reddityf answereth to a questyon by some lykenes or shewynge / as talis. tantus. tot. solus. vinꝰ biennis.
A nowne relatyf maketh rehersynge of a thȳge that was spoken of afore / as qui: qualis quantus: quotus quot: & cuius.
A nowne distributyf or vniuersal is thus englysshed all / eche / euery / none. & they be. ii. sortes. Affirmatyues / as quilibet. oīs. vter (que). Negatyues / as nemonul lus nichil / & all suche as begynneth w t. N.
A nowne partityf betokeneth a parte / as alter. vnꝰ ali (que)s. & suche as ben thus englylshed / some or ony
A nowne Infinityf hath in his englysshe / maner / & [Page] euery / as quicū (que). quisquis. quiuis. anglice what maner of man or who so euer.
¶ Diffinicyon of Gendres:
¶ The masculyne gendre is that / that is accordyng to males onely / in them that hath both male and female / as vir. or els is wonte of auctours to be Ioyened to masculynes where is no difference of male or female / as lapis.
The feminyne gendre is that / that is accordynge to to females onely in thē &c. as mulier. Or elles is wonte of auctours to be Ioyned w t feminynes where is no &c. as petra.
The neutre gendre is that / y e is In different to both of them &c. as iumentū. or els is wonte of auctours to be Ioyned with neutres where is &c. as saxum.
The comon gēdre is that / that is comon both to males and females in thynges onely that haue lyfe / as parens miles.
These nownes be of all gendres that to all thynges may pertayne / Indifferently / as felix velox
There be also besyde all these some nownes that be called of the dubyn gendre / the whiche without ony discrecyon of sygnificacyon be supposed now to the masculyne / and now to the feminyne terminacyon / as margo dies.
There be some of the Epycen gendre / the whiche vnder one voyce & vnder one artycle comprehēde both, male & female / as hic passer hec dama. bothe for male and female.
¶ Diffinicyon of cases.
[Page]The [...] case is that / that nameth a thynge as it is onely / and not in other respecte / and his englysshe may answere to this questyon / who / or what sette be fore the englysshe of a verbe of certayne nombre and certayne persone / as poeta.
The genityf case generally betokeneth a thynge as the hauer / as poete. & y t is the cause it may be torned in to y t possessyf / his sygne in englysshe is this worde of / therfore whan y e worde of cometh before a nowne propre or appellatyf / it shall be put in y e genityf case yf the reason may be torned in to this wyse / y t haft of my knyf / my knyues hafte / or els comenly it may be sayd by a preposicyon / as arguor a preceptore
The datyf case betokeneth a thynge as to whiche is geuȳge / wantynge / profyt or hurte / or to the whiche is lykenesse / euynnesse / sendȳge or pleasure / & his fyg ne in englysshe is this worde to / as I am profytable lyke or egalle to the / sū vtilis similis vel equalis tibi.
¶ Here is to be noted that this englysshe worde tobe fore a casuel worde without bodely mouynge / requy teth the datyf case / but with bodely mouynge the accusatyf with this preposicyon ad.
The accusatyf case betokeneth a thynge as sufferynge / & generally all that / that may receyue the dede of the verbe actyf / or the actyf significacyon shall be the accusatyf case.
The vocatyf betokeneth a thȳge as called or spokē to
The ablatyf case betokeneth a thynge as frome the whiche some what is taken a waye. He betokeneth al so tyme / pryce / or instrument / & all these be y t sygnes [Page] of y t accusatyf case. In / by / with thorowe / for / from & fro / also by a place / & this worde then / after a comparatyf degree / be sygnes of the ablatyf case.
The worde y e sygnifyeth Instrumente / hath comen ly vnderstonde or sette out this englysshe sygne w & wyll haue neuer after y e crafte this p̄posicyon Cū.
¶ Diffinicyon of nombre:
¶ The synguler nombre speketh but of one thynge / as vix. a man.
¶ The plurell speketh of many thynges / as vixi. as men.
¶ Here is to be noted that nownes of multitude as populus. gens. though they be the synguler nombre / they haue the strength of the plurell / lyke as haue. ii. or mo propres or appellatyues / as virgilius and Ful gentius. Grāmaticus and [...].
¶ Diffinicyon of persones.
The fyrst persone is knowen by these sygnes. I me vs / & we. & is onely appropered to y e thynge that speketh / & of this persone be but. ii. latyn wordes with theyr oblyques Ego & nos. vt prius
The seconde ꝑsone is knowen by these sygnes / thou the / you / or ye. and longeth onely to the thynges that is spoken to.
Of this persone also be but. ii. latyn wordes w t theyr oblyques. tu & vos and euery vocatyf case.
All other casuell wordes in the worlde be of the thyr de persone.
¶ Diffinicyon of pronownes
¶ A pronowne is a parte of speche y e whiche is sette [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] and to the moost perfyte sentence he requyreth some thynge after hȳ to answere to this questyon of whō or of what / as amor a te I am loued of the.
To these verbes be reduced. vi. verbes that ende in [...] as Exulo. Liceo. Uapulo. Ueneo. Fio. and Nubo.
A verbe deponente endeth in r. and hath diffinicyon onely of the actyf / as loquor. Or els onely of the passyf / as nascor.
And generally verbes that ende in r. & haue none of these sayd sygnes be verbes deponentes / as sequor to folowe / opinor to wene / trowe / or suppose
A verbe cōmune endeth in r. & hath diffinicyon both of the actyf and of the passyf / as largior to graunte / or to be graunted.
¶ Diffinicyon of tenses.
¶ The presentens betokeneth a thynge that is in do ynge now / and hath expressed or vnderstonde this englysshe sygne do / in all verbes transityues / as I loue or do loue.
The p̄terimꝑfytens betokeneth a thynge as late be gonne / but not yet ꝑfytly ended or fynysshed & hath exprest or vnderstonde w t y t condicōn afore sayd this englysshe sygne dyde / as I loued / or dyde loue.
The preterper. betokeneth a thynge as perfytly finis shed & hath alwaye expressed or vnderstonde this englysshe sygne haue / as I haue loued. I haue taught The p̄terplu. betokeneth a thynge that was perfytly past / of longe tyme agone / and he hath alwaye expressed or vnderstōde this englysshe sygne had as I had loued. I had taught.
[Page]The future betokeneth a thynge that is to come and euermore hath exprest vnderstonde one of these englysshe sygnes / wyll or shall. as I wyll loue / or shall loue. I wyll teche / or I shall teche.
¶ Here is to be noted that yf the verbe may receyue in his englysshe this sygne. haue after to / as misereor misereris. to haue mercy or pyte. Abūdo das. I ha ue ynough.
Than must I altre some of my sygnes / & some must I double in this wyse.
In the present haue. In the preterin. hadde. In the p̄terper. haue had. In the p̄terplu. had had. In y t future. wyll haue or shall haue.
¶ Diffinicyon of modes.
¶ The shewynge mode sygnifyeth a thynge as told as I loue. I do loue / & requyreth a nomīatyf or a vo catyf case before hym / as ego lego. Uirgili lege.
¶ The askynge mode signifyeth a thȳge as questyō as loue I. do I loue / & comenly requyreth his noīa tyf or vocatyf after hym. Elles betwixte his sygne & hym both in comyn spcche / & also in latyn / as doost thou here hym? Audiuisti tu illum?
¶ The byddynge mode signifyeth a thynge as byddynge or cōmaundȳge. And requyreth his nomīatyf case or vocatyf / lyke the askynge mode / as speke virgyll. Loquere virgili. Here you. Audite vos.
¶ The wysshynge mode or [...] signifyeth a thyn ge as desyred / & hath exprest or vnderstonde both in latyn & in englysshe. vt priꝰ in prima parte.
¶ The potencyall mode betokeneth a thynge as not [Page] done / but that may or myght haue be done & hathas grete strength as one of these verbes Possum. volo. debeo. And the Infinityf mode of the verbe that he cometh of / and his sygnes in englysshe be these / may myght / wold / sholde / ought / must. & other lyke / as ra perem I wolde pulle. obtunderē I wolde knocke
This mode also is vsed comenly eyther with a nega tyf / or with an other condicyonall clause / as. Si hoc non possum. flumina amen. Non expectet
Si esset in his fides. non laboraremus
Some tyme he is vsed without negacyon or condicy on exprest / as videas [...] dixerit aliquis.
Also this mode may be vsed in questyon / as quid igi tur faciam? Non eam. Quid agas iust &c. with suche condicyons as were shewed afore.
¶ The subiūctyf mode betokeneth a thynge / as ioyned incertayne persone and certayne nombre to an other verbe / as Iubeo ne facias.
His sygnes in englysshe be these / yf / but / & when after that / and many other more.
And also these latyns may haue after them the subiunctyf mode. Uersus
¶ The infinityf mode betokeneth a thynge / as done or to be done / without other nombre or persone / and somtyme hath exprest these sygnes to / or to be / as to loue / or to be loued.
¶ Diffinicyon of a Particyple
[Page]A Particyple is a parte of speche declyned w t case y e whiche taketh parte of a nowne / parte of a verbe / and parte of bothe.
He taketh of a nowne gendre and case / of a verbe tyme & significacyon / of both nombre and fygure.
¶ A particyple was ordeyned to make y t reason shor ter and more or not auoydynge y e concurse of relatyues / aduerbes / & coniunctions / w t the whiche / were not he / the reason sholde be foule accombred.
¶ There be. v. tenses in a particyple / as be in a verbe One of the presentens & preterinꝑ. in one voyce An other of y t p̄terper. & plu. in one voyce. And two particyples of y e future in two voyces. One of y t fyrst future in rus / & an other of y e later future in dus
¶ The particyple of the presentens & preterinper. is knowen both by his englysshe & by his latyn / for his englysshe endeth in ynge or in and / as louȳge louand And his latyn endeth in ens or in ans / as legens. amans. and he is formed vt prius.
¶ The particyple of y t p̄terper. & plu. is knowen &c. For his englysshe begynneth w t I or a. & endeth in d t or in n. as I loued. I taught. I seen a goon / & his latyn endeth in rus. sus. or xus. & is formed vt prius.
¶ The particyple of the fyrste future is knowen &c. for his englysshe begynneth with to / without be / as to loue. to teche / & his latyn endeth in rus / as amatu rus. lecturus. & he is formed vt prius.
¶ The particyple of the later future is knowen &c. for his englysshe begȳneth w t to & be togyder / as to be loued. to be taughte / & his latyn endeth in dus / as
¶ Tercia pars principalis
¶ The thre concordes in Grāmer.
Tercia be but thre concordes in grammer. The fyrste betwixt the nominaty for the vocatyf & the verbe. These conde betwixt the adiectyf & the substantyf. The thyrde betwixt the relatyf & the antecedēt. It hath ben sayd there be. ii. more / but lerned men reduce them to y t se conde / as rosa est pulcherrimꝰ flo (rum). Where is vnder stonde this substātyf flos. Alter isto (rum) currit. Where vnderstonde vir. puer. or some lyke.
¶ The fyrste concorde.
¶ The verbe personall & his noīaty for vocatyf case must agree in. ii. accidētes / nombre & persone as ego amo. O virgili. ama.
¶ Here is to be noted y e yf I shall make an englyssh in latyn. I must reherce it tyll I haue it ꝑfytly and see how many verbes be in thesame reason / & yf the re be but one / he is the princypall verbe / than must I put before hym this questyon who or what / and that worde thatanswereth to the questyon shall be y t nominatyf or the vocatyf to the verbe / as the mayster techeth this worde techeth is the verbe who or what techeth the mayster / this worde mayster here answe reth to this questyon / & therefore it shall be noīatyf case / as magister docet & lyke wyse of the vocatyf / as Uirgyll loue / Uirgiliama.
¶ Yfony thynge come after the verbe I must put befeor the verbe this questyon / whom or what / and [Page] that worde that answereth to this questyō whom or what shall be the accusatyf case moost comenly as y e mayster techeth me / whom or what doth he techeth me / this worde me. answereth to this questyō whom or what / & therfore it shall be the accusatyf case to y e verbe / as Magister docet me. Uirgyll loue god. Uirgili ama deum.
But and yf the worde that foloweth the verbe / may cōueniently answere to this questyon of whom or of what / it shall be put in y e ablatyf case with one of the se p̄posicyons A. ab. abs. De. E. Ex. as I am bete of the mayster. Uapulo a preceptore.
Two noīatyf cases synguler with a coniunctyon copulatyf &c. wyll haue a verbe plurell alway / excepte the reason be fyguratyf. vt planiꝰ post patebit. as Io hannes et Robertus currunt.
One nominatyf case synguler with an ablatyf case hauynge this preposicyon cū. betwixt theym / yf they be coupled to some sentence / be of the same strength as Petrus cū Paulo coronabuntur in celis. Oratores cum poeta loquuntur.
A nowne of multytude in the nominatyf case synguler is of the same strength / as Turba strauerunt vestimenta suam via.
¶ Whan I haue. u. nomīatyf cases / one of the fyrst persone & an other of the seconde els of y e thyrde the verbe shall alway accorde with the nomīatyf case of the fyrst persone / as Ego & tusumꝰ. Uir & ego stamꝰ Also yf I haue an nomīatyf case of the seconde persone / & an other of the thyrde / the verbe shall accorde [Page] with the noīatyf case of the seconde / & of the thyrde as tu & frater tuus estis discipuli.
¶ The seconde concorde.
The adiectyf & the substantyf must agree in thre acci dentes / gendre / nombre / & case / as vir doctus legit
¶ Here is to be noted that. ii. substantyues synguler with a coniunction copulatyf comynge bytwene / or els hauynge this preposicyon cū. wyll haue an adiectyf plurell / as Iohānes et robertꝰ sedent scribentes Petrus cū paulo sunt coronādi in celo.
And whan I haue two substantyues comynge togy der one of the masculyne gendre and an other of the feminyne or of the neutre Ioyned w t an adiectyf thā shall the adiectyf agree with the substātyf of the mas culyne in gendre & lyke wyse it is betwixt the feminyne & the neutre / as Ego & soror mea sumꝰ albi. soror tua & iumentū estis pulchre. For lyke as the fyrst persone is more worthy than the seconde or y t thyrde so is the masculyne more worthy than the femmyne or the neutre.
Also whan so euer I haue a nowne or a ꝓnowne ad iectyf I must put to this questyon who / whome / or what / after hym. & than alwaye the worde y t answereth shall be the substantyf / as moche brede / moche what / brede / my gowne / my what / gowne.
Yf the adiectyf be a particyple / this questyō must go before / as growȳge trees / who or what growē trees
¶ Here is generally to be noted y t al wordes that stan de as one persone / must euer be put in one case / & all that be in one case stande as one persone. Therfore it [Page] is comenly sayd / that all y t longeth to one thȳge shall be putte in one case / as my fader a man loueth me a chylde. Pater meus vir diligit me pue (rum).
¶ The thyrde concorde.
The thyrde is betwixt the relatyf of substaunce and his antecedente / y e whiche must euer agree in. iii. acci dētes. Gendre / nombre / & persone / how be it he may dyscorde with the verbe some tyme in persone / as equus quē video currit.
¶ Here is to be vnderstande y t there be. ii. maner of re latyues / one of substaūce / and one of accidence. The relatyf of substaunce requyreth a substantyf for his antecedentes / as Qui. Ille. Ipse. Sui. Is & Idem. The relatyf of accidēce reherseth an adiectyf for his antecedente / as Talis. qualis. tantus. quantus.
Also whan I haue a relatyf of substaūce I shal put after hym this questyon / who / whom / or what & that worde that answereth to this questyon shall be y e an tecedente to the relatyf / as Uirgyll is deed, y e whiche was a poete. The whiche what virgyll. This worde Uirgyll answereth to the questyon / and therfore it is his antecedente.
This relatyf Quis is knowen by these sygnes that whome / or the whiche.
¶ Whan there cometh a noīatyf case betwixt the relatyf & his next verbe / than shall the relatyf be suche case as the verbe wyll haue after hym / as Ego quent preceptor docet aduerto.
And whan no noīatyf case &c. The relatyf shall be y t noīatyf case to y e verbe / as Ego qui sedeo scribo
[Page]It is to be noted also / that the relatyf may agree w t his antecedent in. iiii. Gendre / case / nombre / & ꝑsone as Homo mouetur. Idē homo currit.
¶ Whan this worde y e cometh in a reason yf it may put this englysshe the whiche in his place it shall be made by this relatyf qui yf not so that it reporte ony thynge afore sayd by some pronowne relatyf / yf it be token shewȳge / by ille illa. illud. or some other ꝓnow nes demōstratyf / & whan it betokeneth a thynge as wylled to be done by vt & a thynge as tellynge y e cau se by ꝙ or q ia or other casuall coniunctions.
Coniūctions copulatyues & disiūctyues dubitatyf & interrogatyues wyll Ioyne comynly lyke case / gendre / nombre / mode and tens.
Also two antecedentes synguler w t an et. coniuncti on copulatyf comynge bytwene wyll haue a relatyf plurell / as Iohannes et Petrus quos ego docui non discunt diligenter.
¶ Whan I haue a relatyf comȳge [...] two sub stantyues of dyuerse gendres longynge bothe to one thynge / yf the substātyf that foloweth be appellatyf than the relatyf may accorde with eyther of them in differently / as in gendre / as eo Oxoniam que vel qui est locus studendi.
But & yf the substantyf y e foloweth be of a nowne ꝓpre / y e relatyf shall accorde with y e later alway in gendre / as Est locus in carcere qd tullianū appellat
¶ Whan there be many verbes in a reason / euermore the fyrst verbe shall be y e princypallverbe. Excepte he come soone after one of these sygnes. That / whome / [Page] or the whiche / or ony of these. yf. But. whenne. After that Before that. Although. Syth. Excepte. or other lyke. Or els after ony of these latyn wordes Si (quam)uis &c. Or els after ony of these sygnes. To / or To be / as To loue / or To beloued.
¶ Here is to be noted that where as many verbes be in a reason / that verbe is pryncypall that maketh y e reason perfyte.
Also where as be many verbes / one verbe at the lest wyse cometh betwixt the forsayd sygnes and y e princypal verbe / as the boke that I begynne to wryte yf it were ended sholde profyte chyldren moche. Liber quem incipio scribere si perficeretur multum prodesset pueris.
A nowne relatyf may not be sette in that same reason / that his antecedente is in. But euermore he maketh a reason imperfyte in hymselfe.
¶ A ꝓnowne relatyf may be sette in a reason with his antecedente / as Patrē sequitur sua proles. Sua cui (que) satis placebant. Dominū formidabunt aduersarii eius.
¶ Strength of compulynge case
¶ The verbe of substaūce / and all that be of lyke englysshe wyll haue suche case after them as they haue before them / as I am a man. Ego sum vir.
Thesame strength hath all verbes vocatyues / as no minor Appellor. I am called Thomas. Ego vocor. Thomas. Also appareo. sedeo. w t other lyke.
And generally all verbes may couple lyke case when the worde that gooth before the verbe / & the worde [Page] that cometh after the verbe longe bothe to one thynge / as Latcus non sedet index in causis ecclesiasticis.
¶ Note well.
A noīatyf els̄ a vocatyf may not stande withoute a verbe finite sette out / or vnderstonde.
Nor lyke wyse a verbe finite without a noīatyf or vo catyf case.
A verbe is called finite in all modes / excepte y e Infinityf. Also euery Infinityf mode may haue an accusatyf case sette before hym expressyd or vnderstonde as for suche maner of speche. Cui nūc cognomen Iu lo. Is more after vse than crafte.
Nor an aduerbe may not stonde without a verbe.
Nor a coniunction without. ii. clauses / and. ii. verbes set out / as Ego lego. & tu legis. or vnderstode / as Le go Uirgilium et Ciceronem. for Lego Uirgilium et. lego Ciceronem.
Nor. ii. clauses or. ii. verbes without a cōiunction except that one be an Infinityf mode or els Ioyned w t a relatyf.
Nor a preposicyon withoute a case. Nor an adiectyf withoute a substantyf. Nor a relatyf withoute some worde rehersed of the reason afore / the whiche may be called the anteccdente.
Nor a relatyf without a verbe dyuers from the verbe of the antecedēt / yf the relatyf be a nowne.
¶ Whan wordes must be construed togyder betoke nynge thynges that be of one ꝑsone / they must agree in as many accidētes as they may.
A persone is called in gramer the beer / the doer / the [Page] suffrer / the hauer / the thynge that is had / that / that groweth to / as auaūtage / or hurte / angre / or pleasure. Also pryce / tyme / Instrument / & other lyke
Accidentes I calle case / gendre / nōbre / persone / mode / and tense &c:
This Infinityf mode esse whan he cometh after ony of these verbes Uolo. soleo. cupio. īcipio. disco. or ony other lyke stondynge personally wyll haue after hȳ a noīatyf case / after esse vse of grekes what soeuer be vnderstonde afore / as volo esse rex. Soleo esse amicꝰ cupio esse doctus. disco esse pater.
But and yf the verbe that cometh afore esse. be imꝑsonall / the worde that foloweth shall some tyme be y e datyf case / as Licet michi esse bono. Placet tibi esse regi.
The whiche spekynge though it be approued by the vse of Grekes & latynes / yet it is not after the crafte Nownes of the comparatyf degre wyll haue after them an ablatyf case / whā this sygne than. foloweth them. as I am wyser than these. Sum doctior his. And a genityf whan this sygne of foloweth them as this is the wyser of you tweyne. Hic est doctior vest (rum) duorum.
The superlatyf wyll haue a genityf plurell of allwor des / except the nowne of multytude / of whome he is contente with a genityf case synguler / as Uirgilius erat doctissimus poetarum. Troiane gentis fortissimus erat. Hector.
Euery verbe is construed with case after his [...]. Therfore yf it be not englysshed after his [Page] construccyon / it is not englysshed after his significacyon / wherfore these verbes Noceo and placeo / and suche other the whiche haue after theym a datyf case must haue these englysshes. I do greue I do pleasure / & contrary wyse. Ledo & offendo. I hurte or offen de rather than I do hurte / or offence / & lyke wyse in one verbe / as Uaco tibi. I take hede to the. Uaco doctrina I lacke connynge. But where it is harde to en glysshe theym after theyr construccyon / we must go as nyghe as we may / and for theyr construccyon / to be knowen saye generally y t all verbes actyues. depo nentes. and cōmunes / may haue after theym an accusatyf case / or some what sette in the stede of it / as. Amo. Loquor. Ueneror orationē. Amo legere. cupio vt legas. & so they haue the nature of actyues.
All verbes may haue after theym a datyf case to y t thynge the wiche is gyuynge / sendynge / vauntage / or domage / or suche other lyke of thesame strengthe / be all verbes that betoken preferrynge or cōparyson as Homo prestat homini.
Euery verbe adiectyf that hath no passyf signe with his englysshe / may haue after hym an accusatyf case of a worde that is of the same significacyon / or els that mesureth his significacyon / and so is as an actyf as Curro cursum. or stadiū. or multum. viuo vitam infelicem.
Euery verbe may haue after hȳ an ablatyf case that standeth as pryce / clothynge / or armure
And generally of all verbes that be as instrumente as emi equū centum uummis. Induo tetunica. percussus [Page] pugione.
Out of this rule be excepte adiectyues of vncertyn pryce / the whiche shall euer be put in the genityf case synguler / and neutre gendre substātyuate yf they be without substantyues / as magni interest / parui constat.
But & yf the substantyf be exprest / they shall both be put in the ablatyf / as Penus emitur magno precio vel multa pecunia.
To these be reduced verbes betokenynge lackynge / as Careo. vaco.
Also suche verbes Exulo. spolio. nudo. priuo.
Also verbes betokenynge mouynge wyll haue after them the fyrste supyne / or els the gerundyf in dum. w t this p̄posicyon ad as eo cubitū vel ad cubandum And where this generall rule wyll not satysfye we must saye specyally that some verbes wyll haue after them a genityf case / as Insimulo. accuso. memini. re cordor. potior. and misereor. Some w t the ablatyf case / as Dignor indignor. Some passyues with the ac cusatyf / as grauor. doceor. postulor To these be redu ced two particyples Exosus. & pertesus. as exosus cō tubernium. pertesus ignauiā.
¶ The ablatyf case absolute.
¶ Whan so euer I haue in a reason a nowne or a pro nowne substantyf with nowne. pronowne. or particyple adiectyf comynge togyder without ony verbe. or other worde of whom they may be gouerned / they shall be put in y t ablatyf case / whiche is called the ablatyf case inconsequent. yf there come a noīatyf case [Page] with his verbe hangynge other before or after / as cesar teynynge virgyll was borne. Cesare regnāte Uir gilius natus est vel natus erat.
This case is called absolute or inconsequēte bycause that he is loused from the power of all gouernaunce and standeth in a reason / as the mayster techȳge / the scolers muste take hede. Docente preceptore. discipu los oportet animaduertere. In beynge deed y u shalte lacke helpe. Mortuo me. indigebis [...].
The ablatyf inconsequēt may be expowned or decla red by these aduerbes. Dum. quū. or quando. & suche tenses of the verbes / as the partycyples be / whan I haue a partycyple in the sayd ablatyf case as Docen te preceptore disco vel disccbā. i. Dum. quū. or quādo preceptor docet. vel docebat.
¶ More ouer whan soeuer I haue in a reason ony su che sygne / whyles as longe as / after y t / yf / althoughe notwithstondynge / or neuertheles. Than I may tor ne the nexte verbe in to a partycyple / & set hym in ab latyf case inconsequent in conformyte of case / gendre and nombre / to the worde that semeth to be the nominatyf case to the sayd verbe / as whyles I lyue / y u canst lacke no thynge. Dum ego viuo. vel me viuēte potest [...] nichil [...]. Preestys after theyr matens be sayd hye theym selfe to masse. Sacerdotes dictis prius matutinis parant sese ad missam. Fyrst serue thy maker / whan thou hast do so / go about other thȳ ges. Primum serui creatori quo facto: alias res [...] age.
¶ Construccyon of verbes with diuerse cases
¶ Desino. Cesso. Defisto
¶ These. iii. verbes Desino desinis. Cesso cessa. and Desisto desistis haue all one englysshe. anglyce / to leue / cesse / or let be.
But desino desinis wyl haue after hym a genytyf or an ablatyf case with a preposicyon of the thȳge that we bydde to be lefte / as leue thy playenge. Desine lu di. vel a ludo.
Cesso cessas wyll haue an accusatyf case / or els an ab latyf with a preposicyon indifferently / as Cease thy vengeaunce. Cessa vindictā tuā. vel a vindicta tua.
Desisto desistis wyll haue an ablatyf case w t a p̄posicyon onely / as Excepte you leue your malyce I wyll slee you. Nisi desistas a malicia: interficiā vos.
¶ Supersedeo
This verbe supersedeo. anglice to leue of wyll haue after hym a datyf case. vt inquit Aulus gellius. Exemplis supersedeo I leue of Examples
¶ Abstineo.
Abstineo es. anglice to absteyne / with holde / or [...] re / as metes / drynkes / or delectacyons / may haue af ter hym a genityf or an ablatyf case with a preposicy on / or without of the thynge that we kepe our selfe fro / as we must forbere flesshe the frydayes. Sextis feriis carnium carnibus: vel a carnibus abstinere de bemus. But there is comenly expreste or vnderston de the accusatyf Reciprocatyf / as debemus abstinexe nos a carnibus.
[Page]Otherwhyle he is thus englysshed / to holde or kepe / & than he hath [...] accusatyf or an ablatyf with a preposicyon exprest or vnderstonde. And so wyll Contineo. as kepe thy honde out of the dysshe. Abstine manum a disco. I kepe my fyste from his cheke. Contineo pugnū a mala. Therentius. Nō manū abstines mastigia. Idē. Uix me xtineo quin in capillū inuolē.
¶ Egeo Indigeo Careo.
¶ These. iii. verbes Egeo. indigeo. and careo hath al waye one englysshe. anglice to lacke / want / mysse / ne de / haue mysse / or haue nede.
But Egeo & indigeo may haue indifferently a genityf or an ablatyf w t a preposicyon of y t thynge y t is awaye or myst / as Ego vel indigeo salutis vel salute. and Careo euermore an ablatyf / as Careo bireto.
They hadde other cases of antiquyte / but it is not af ter crafte.
¶ Desum Deficio.
¶ These two verbes Desum es. deficio cis. be of the same englysshe / but they wyll haue a noīatyf case of thynge that is awaye or myst. And a datyf of the per sone that nedeth or lacketh / as in psalmo Nichil michi deerit. Deficiunt michi pecunie.
¶ Abundo Affluo.
¶ These. ii. verbes Affluo is. & abundo as anglice to haue plente or ynoughe haue a nomīatyf of the lorde or possessour / & an ablatyf of the thynge y t is had / as rex affluit diuitus / anglia abōdat militibꝰ. Els a nominatyf of thȳge that is had / & a datyf the lorde or possessour / as Diuitie affluūt regi. Milites abundāt [Page] anglie.
¶ Dominor. Misereor
¶ Dominor naris. anglice to haue lordshyppe to gouerne / to haue power / or to be owner of / and Misere or sereris. anglice to haue pyte or mercy may haue af ter theym Indifferently a genityf or a datyf / as Pa ter meus dominabit multa (rum) terra (rum) vel multis terris. Deus misareatur nostri vel nobis.
¶ Arguo. moneo. accuso.
¶ All verbes that betoken accusynge / reprouynge / damnynge / monysshynge or warnynge / as Arguo. moneo. accuso. damno. reprehendo. & other lyke may gouerne after them an accusatyf of the persone / & a genityf els an ablatyf with a preposicōn of the faute or voyce. as Preceptor arguit discipulos tardi aduen tus. vel de tardo aduentu.
¶ Obliuiscor. reminiscor
¶ All verbes y t betoken remembrynge or forgetynge / as Obliuiscor. reminiscor. & recordor. may gouer ne after them a genityf / an accusatyf / or an ablatyf with a preposicyon / as I thynke vpon thy gētylnes Recordor tue humanitatis. vel tuā humanitatē. vel de tua humanitate.
¶ Priuo. Spolio.
¶ These. ii. verbes priuo as. and spolio as. anglice to robbe steele / or to take awaye. wyl haue an accusatyf of the owner / & an ablatyf without a preposicyon of thynge taken awaye / as Iohānes priuauit me cultel lo. And theyr passyues alwaye with an ablatyf of the thynge taken awaye / as Priuor quin (que) libris. Spolior [Page] diuitiis.
¶ All passyues hath before them a noīatyf of the suffrer / & an ablatyf w t a preposicyon of the doer. And some tyme a datyf / in the whiche is vnderstonde an ablatyf / as Daryppa amatur a me. vel michi. They may haue also all suche cases as theyr actyues / as Ar guor abs te mei tardi aduētꝰ [...] meo tardo aduētu
¶ Aufero. rapio eripio. adimo
¶ These. iiii. verbes Aufero fers rapio pis. eripio pis & adimo is. anglice to robbe / steele / or to take awaye And generally all verbes that betoken diminucyon or takynge fro. gouerne an accusatyf of the thynge stolen / & a datys or els an ablatyf with a p̄posicōn of the owner / as Latro aufert pecuniā michi vel a me. Eripuit argentū tibi vel a te. Rapiā faciē igni vel ab igne. Mors adimit vitā nobis vel a nobis.
¶ Benedico. malidico.
¶ These. ii. verbes Benedico. anglice to blysse / & ma ledico. to curse / gouerne after them indifferētly a datyf / els an accusatyf on y t suffrer / as [...] tibi vel te The scripture is full of suche examples
¶ But benedico. anglice saye well of / and maledico saye yll of / wyll somtyme haue an accusatyf of y e laude and an ablatyf with a preposicyon of the person / as Pater multa benedicit dete. Omnes benedicunt dete.
But whan I shall make ony suche englysshe / I am bounde to blysse my fader. Thou shalt blysse me or ony other lyke. I may moche better make them by Opto as. Precor aris. Execro as. Deuoueo es. Imprecor [Page] aris. And suche other lyke with bene. or male. Ioyned to them / as Discipuli habent benedicere nō maledicere preceptori. Scolers ought to saye well & not yll by theyr mayster. Habeo bene optare preceptori Uel habeo bene precari magistro. et tu habes im precari illi.
Consulo is. anglice to aske counsell is a verbe [...] and may gouerne an accusatyf of the persone that I aske of / & a genityf or els an ablatyf with a preposicy on of the thynge that I counsell for / as Consulo te remedu vel de remedio.
Consulo is. anglice to gyue counseyll is somtyme a verbe neutre & wyll haue a datyf of the persone that I gyue counsell to / as Medici consulunt michi. He is also in this significacyon somtyme a verbe actyf / and wyll haue after hym an accusatyf of thynge that I gyue coūsell for / & a datyf of the persone / as Consulo commodum tibi.
Consulo is. anglice to see or to prouide or to helpe / is alwaye a verbe neutre & hath after hym a datyf case onely / as helpe me in this mater. Cōsule michi in hac re. See to thy sone. Consule filio tuo.
¶ Sum es fui.
¶ This verbe Sū es fui whan he betokeneth cōmē dacyon or dispraysynge may haue after hym a genityf or an ablatyf case of the laude or reproue / vt Uir go est pulchre venustatis. Uir forti animo
Whan this englysshe for may be chaunged into this worde to / it is alwaye the sygne of the datyf case / vt [...] est bonum pueris.
¶Ualeo. Consto.
Ualeo es. anglice to be worth / & Cōsto as. anglice to coste / whan they betoken certayne pryce / gouerne [...] ter them an ablatyf case of y t worde that betokeneth pryce / as Liber meus ꝯstabat viginti denariis. Equꝰ tuus valet centū solidis.
But when they betoken vncertayne pryce. they gouerne a genityf case / as Liber meus cōstabat pluris (quam) valet. Equus tuus multi valet. Cicero. Quod michi constat pluris (quam) sim foro emissem.
Somtyme he is put for this verbe Scitur or Patet & than he gouerneth a datyf case also as This is opē or knowen to euery body. Hoc constat oībus / & somtyme he is latyn to cost / vt supra.
Also after Guarrē he is englysshed some tyme to stan de [...] as Salustius sayth. Multitudinē [...] hostiū constare viderūt. Also for Conuenire. anglice to agree to or agree with. vt Cicero. Adhuc que dicta sūt arbitror mihi constare cū ceteris artium scriptori bus Also for manifestum esse. anglice to be open or knowen / as Cice. Hoc michi at (que) aduersariis constat Also for consistere & firmū esse. as Constat pedibus. constat animo. constat mente.
Some tyme he is taken for this verbe Est. fio. or construor. & than he is construed with an ablatyf case w t apreposicōn / as Domus cōstat ex tecto pariete & fundamento. i. Est fit. vel construitur. Quattuor sūt ele menta ex quibus omnia constant.
¶Attineo pertmeo. specto
These. ii. verbes Attineo. & pertineo. anglice / to ꝑteyne / [Page] or longe to haue after them alwaye an accusatyf with this p̄posicyon ad. as Cōperiebā nichil ad Pamphilū quic (quam) attinere. Hec res pertinet ad te.
This verbe Specto is of the same construccyon. vt hoc ad partes spectat vt filii probe educantur.
¶ Illudo.
Illudo dis. anglice to mocke or to laugh to scorne / may gouerne after hym a datyf / an accusatyf / or an ablatyf with this p̄posicyon in / as Certant (que) illudere capto. Uerbis virtutē illude superbis. Therentius in Andria. In quibus sic illudatis.
¶ Metuo. timeo. vereor
These. iii. verbes metuo. timeo. & vereor anglice to fe re / whan they betoken loue or fauour they gouerne after them a datyf case / as Timeo vel metuo michi ne moriar. But whā they betoken hatred / they must haue after them an accusatyf case or els an ablatyf w t one of these. vi. preposicyons A ab. abs De. E. Ex vt timeo vel metuo te: vel abs te: ne percutias me. [...] reor dyabolum vel a dyabolo. Therentius in Andria Ego non nichil veritus Daue abs te.
¶ Also all verbes that betoken feere / haue the same strength / as Paueo. formido & other lyke.
¶ Fugio. Caueo.
These ii. verbes Fugio fugis. & Caueo caues. anglice to flee or to be ware / to eschewe or auoyde / gouerne after them an accusatyf / or els an ablatyf w t a prepo sicyon / as fuge vel caue equū vel ab equo.
Moreouer this verbe Caueo whan he betokeneth loue or fauour / wyll nede haue after hym a datyf case / [Page] as Caue capiti ne hoc frangaturictu.
¶ Abrenuncio.
This verbe abrenūcio / anglice to forsake / gouerneth after hym a datyf case / as Abrenuncio sathane.
¶ Sum.
Here is to be noted / that whan the verbe of substaun ce gouerneth after hym a noīatyf case with a datyf / than may the sayd noīatyf be put in to the datyf and so he may gouerne a double datyf / as Mors est michi cura. & mors est michi cure. et michi vita pudor. sic est michi vita pudori.
Composita de sum.
All the compoūdes of Sū es fui. may gouerne after them a datyf case / as prosū tibi. desū inimicis
¶ Insum.
Moroeuer this [...] Insū es besyde his datyf may haue an ablatyf with this preposicyon In as Inest mihi vel in me marima virtis. Tibi vel in te magnū inest vitium. Insunt etiam in temporibus hyemo. estas. ver. autumnus
All these verbes in these verses folowynge gouerne after them a datyf case / as Obuio tibi parco pueris placeo regi. noceo michi &c.
[Page]¶ Whā soeuer I haue a fore ony of these forsayd verbes / ony of these sygnes am / art / is / was / were / or be That that semeth to be the noīatyf case shall be y e datyf / & the thynge that doth the dede shall be y e ablatyf with a preposicyon / as I am serued of my sone. Michi seruitur a filio meo. The kynge is pleased of his subgettes. Regi placetur a suis subditis
All these verbes folowynge in these verses / may gouerne aftter theym a double accusatyf case as Postulo te veniam. Doceo te grāmaticā.
The latter accusatyf of whom may be gouerned of theyr passyues / as postulor veniam. Doceor grāmaticam. Uersus
But these verbes postulo posco peto rogo flagito oro & interrogo anglice to aske or desyre / & all other lyke may moche better gouerne an accusatyf case / of the thynge asked or desyred / & an ablatyf w t one of these forsayd vi. preposicyons of y e persone y t we aske or desyre ought of as Postulo veniā abs te.
¶ These. v. verbes exuo. vestio. induo. calceo & cingo & all lyke may moche better & eleganter gouerne an accusatyf of the body & an ablatyf without a preposicyon of the garment / or of y e thȳge whome / as Exuo me tunica. I do out my cote. Paulus in epistolis. Ac cinxit lumbos suos fortitudine.
And the passyues of y e forsayd. v. verbes may gouerne elegantly an ablatyf case withoute a preposicyon / [Page] as Exuor tunica In psalmo. Accingere gladio tuo su per femur tuū potentissime.
¶ Celo.
¶ This verbe celo as. anglice to couer / or to hyde coū sell may gouerne besyde his strength an accusatyf ca se of the thynge that is couered or hyde / & a datyf of the persone that is ignoraunt / as Celo meū consiliū tibi. Or els he may haue an accusatyf of the thynge that is couered or hydde & an ablatyf case with a pre posicyon of the persone that is ignoraūt / as Celo me um consilium ate.
¶ These verbes folowynge in this verse wyll gouer ne an ablatyf case w t apposicōn / as vescor solo pane.
Uescitur et fruitur vror fungor (que) potitur.
Uescor ris. caret preteritis et supinis. anglice to ete. Fruor ris fruitꝰ vel fretus. anglice to vse at our plea sure / or to do after.
Utor vteris. anglice to vse or to occupye as thynges necessarye.
Potior eris vel iris. āglice to occupye / as pleasure or delyte.
Fungor ris anglice to do our offyce or dewty
¶ Particyples. Gerundyues. & Supynes.
All may gouerne after them al suche cases as doth y e verbes that they come of / as Doceo grāmaticā vel sū docens grāmaticā. Loquor tibi vel sū loquēs tibi. Duco Uirgiliū & vem gratia discendi Uirgiliū. Audio missam & vado auditū missam.
¶ Perfyguram Synodochen
¶ Whan this englysshe sygne the. foloweth an adiectyf [Page] nowne / particyple / or els a verbe passyf / or neutre & cometh before the parte of a body / y e parte of y t body may be put in the accusatyf case without a preposicyon / by this fygure Synodochen / as Hec estvir go venusta faciē. Frater meus est locus tibiam. doleo caput Ego frangor brachium.
Moreouer al nownes adiectyues that may gouerne an accusatyf case by the forsayd fygure may gouerne an ablatyf by the strength. vt hec est virgo venusta faciē vel facie. Uir fortis brachiū vel brachio. Tu es hylaris vultū vel vultu.
Quam coniunctio.
¶ This coniunction (quam). anglice than / causeth y e wordes that be compared to be of one case / as I loue brede better than chese. Amo panē plus (quam) caseum I loue my mayster better than thou. Diligo preceptorem melius (quam) tu.
¶ Nisi Preter (que).
¶ These two coniunctions. Nisi & preter (quam). anglice. But saue or excepte causeth the substantyf of the syg ne vniuersalis / and the worde that is excepte to be of one case / as Oīs homo preter (que) symon currit. Uidco oēm hoiem preter (quam) symonē currere. Nemo discit nisi ego. Neminē videtis discere nisi me.
¶ Signa vniuersalia
All these adiectiues ben called sygnes vniuersales. Omis Quiuis. Quilibet. Quis (que). [...]. Qui cun (que) / & Uter. anglice. Eche or euery / & Nullus [...]. anglice none or neuerone. Also nichil & nemo / be sygnes vniuersales substantiues.
¶ Opus.
This nowne opus. anglice for nede / vndeclyned wyl haue after hym an ablatyf case of thynge that I nede of / as habeo opus [...]
¶ Fulnes Emtynes.
All wordes that betoken fulnes & emtynes / may haue after theym a genityf case / or an ablatyf case / as. Maria est plena gratie vel gratia. Tu es vacuus vir tutis vel virtute.
¶ Worthynes vnworthynes
Also nownes that betokeneth worthynes & vnworthynes be of the same strength / as Sū dignꝰ laudis vel laude indignus honoris vel honore
¶ Plentefulnes. pouerte.
All nownes that betoken plentefulnes or pouerte be of the same strength as Sū diues auri vel auro. Tu es impotens sanitati vel samtate.
¶ Praysynge. dispraysynge.
Whan there cometh anowne substantyf w t y t token of [...] genityf case. [...] of whiche substantyf hath an ad [...] Ioyned to hym betokenynge praysynge or dis praysynge / than sette them both in y t genityf case or ablatyf / whiche is more elegant. And this may be af ter a nowne substantyf / a ꝓnowne demōstratyf & af ter Sū es fui. as Uidi mulierē nigre faciei. vel nigra facie. Sū elegātis forme. vel eleganti forma.
Ille pressorum narium vel pressis naribus est inimicus patris mei.
¶ Similis dissimilis.
These nownes similis and dissimilis may haue after [Page] them a genityf or a datyf / as sum similis tui vel tibi.
¶ Tyme
All nownes y t betoken tyme may be put indifferētly in the accusatyf or ablatyf case. Except they be y e nomiatyf case to the verbe or otherwyse gouerned as in example folowe. Therentius in eunucho. Dies noctes (que) me ames. tercentūvixerat annis. & other whyle in y e genityf case / as Sū decē & septē anno (rum).
Length / brede / space.
All wordes y t betoken Length brede / or space / may be put in y t ablatyf case Hec virga est decē pedibꝰ lon ga Hec scola est tribꝰ vinis lata. Distāt Londonie ab Oxonia quinquaginta milibus passuum
And also in the accusatyf. vt Ouidius. Milia qui nouies distat ab vrbe decē. Erant eis iacula quaternos longa pedes.
¶ Infinitiuus modus.
The Infinityf mode taken in the neutre gendre & in declynable / may be the noiatyf case to a verbe some tyme sette alone some tyme Ioyned w t other wordes and so may some tyme a hole sentence as in the exā ples. It is good to rede / what is good / to rede. This Infinityf mode to rede is nomiatyf case to this ver be is / as Legere est bonū. It is holsome to ete lyttell Pauxillum comedere est salubre.
¶ Endynges of gerundyues
¶ How many endynges of gerūdyues ben there? as many as be of particyples of the last future tens. & so they be declyned in all cases & all nombres as ntō Amandus da. dum
¶ Dyfference of Gerundiues & Particyples
¶ What dyfference is bytwene Gerundiues & participles. Gerundiues betoken necessyte and dede with out tyme. And participles betoken tyme without ne cessyte or dede.
Examples of Gerūdiues. Tenet me occupatio iuris dicendi. Tenet me cura dotis numerande.
Examples of Participles. Cras legēdos esse ais Nasonem et Uirgilium. anglice. To morowe thou sayst that Uirgyll & Ouide shall be redde.
¶ How many Gerundiues be moost in vse / thre / whi the thre. Di. do. dū. How shall they be occupyed / thus as it foloweth.
De gerundiuo in Di.
¶ What soeuer the englysshe of the Infinityf mode cometh after ony of these nownes. Tempus causa. locus. libertas. ius. volūtas. ars licentia. modus. ocium / & ony other nownes that betokeneth accident / whiche nowne hathe his gouernynge of some other worde. I may put the genytyf in di in the stede of y e Infinityf mode / as it is tyme to praye / tēpus est orā di. I haue cause to wepe. Habeo causam flendi.
¶ And whan soeuer I muste speke by a relatyfe. I shall occupye the gerūdyf in di / as hic dies attullit inicium dicendi que vellē. Non autē dicēdorum corum que vellem.
Also a gerundyf in di may gouerne after hym a genityf case plurell. Plautus in cap̄. scdo.
Noīandi tibi isto (rum) erit magis (quam) edēdicopia.
Participles & many adiectiues that come of verbes [Page] be enioyned as well to the gerundyf in di as to the in finityf mode / as Timens nauigare & nauigandi. do ctus cantare & cantandi. cupiens. peritus. promptus consuetus & similia. Timidus. cupidus. auidus habe re & habendi. et similia.
¶ De gerundiuo in do.
¶ Whan the englysshe of the inifinityf mode cometh after a verbe that betokeneth prayenge or besechȳge it shall be put in a gerundyf in Do. w t this p̄posicyon de. before hym. Or els I may take the cōiunctyf mode / as Oro te de scribēdo michi latinitatē. Et oro scri bas vel vt scribas michi latinitatē.
Also whan the englysshe of a particyple of the presen tens with this englysshe sygne of / afore hym cometh after a nowne adiectyf it may be put in a gerundyf in do. with this preposicyon in. or de. vel sine prepositione si placet / as I am wery of syttynge. Fessus sū sedendo vel de sedendo
¶ Also whan I haue the englysshe of a particyple of the presentens with this preposicyon. In. afore hym ioyned with no substātyf / the sayd englysshe may be put in a gerūdyue in do. with this preposicyon In or without si placet. as scolers in takynge hede growe to connynge. Scolastici aduertendo vel in aduerten do euadunt docti.
¶ Also may haue a gerundyf in do. after ony of these vi. preposicyons A. ab. abs. De. E Ex. as in these examples & in all other lyke Plinius posterior. Sermo nibus dies trāsiebat quū a scribendo vacaret. Cicero Ex quo ardescit siue amore siue amicicia. vtrun (que) em̄ [Page] dictū est ab amando. Itē ab edendo factus est satur Itē tu quid cogites detranseundo in epy (rum) scire sane velini. Ediscendo [...] cōmodi capio. Ex defendēdo (quam) accusando [...] gloria comparatur.
Also I may haue a gerundyf in do. without a preposicyon whan I haue these englysshe wordes / whan whyles / or aslonge Ioyned with a passyf significacyon / as aslonge as mȳde is occupyed / it is encressed as all other thynges. Memoria excolendo sicut alia oia augentur. Excolēdo. i. dū colitur. Urit femina. videndo. i. quū videtur.
¶ De gerundiuo in Dum.
¶ Whan the englysshe of the infinityf mode cometh after a reason & telleth the cause of the reason it may be put in the gerūdyfin dū. with this preposicyon ad before hym / as I am come to lerne grāmer Uenio ad discendum grammaticā.
Also I may haue a gerūdyf in dū with these preposi cyons In. ob propter. or ante. as in the exāples & all other lyke / as Uado in capiendū hostem vel ad si pla cet. Ego venio ob te. vel ꝓpter te redimēdū. Uirgiliꝰ Nā (que) ante domandū ingentes tollent animos
Also I may haue a gerūdyfin dū. with this preposicyon Inter / whan soeuer I haue one of these englys she wordes / whan / whyles / or aslonge / put before a coniunctyf mode / as whyles thou playest / thou forge test moche thynge Inter ludendum multa de discis Uirgiliꝰ. Age tytire & inter agendū occursare caprocornu ferit ille caueto.
¶ Whan the englysshe of y e infinityf mode foloweth [Page] this englysshe it is / it may be put in a gerūdyf in dū. with this verbe est. sette impersonally / & that that semeth to be the noīatyf shalbe the datyf / as the kynge it is to fyght. Regi pugnandū est.
Also whā I haue this englysshe must / where as it set meth to be made by this verbe Oportet. it may be ma de lyke wyse / as I must nedes coste goo to towne.
Michi eundū est oppidū.
After all suche verbes that betoken callyge she wȳ ge / mouynge / or rest. I shall euermore haue a gerundyf in dū. & neuer the Infinityf mode / as Uocaui te ad currendū nō currere. Surgo ad audiendū nō audire. Sto ad predandū nō predari.
But these verbes folowynge the Inifinityf / & not y t gerūdyf / as Iubeo te amare non ad arandū cogito timeo edificare nō ad edificanū Some be indifferent to bothe / as hortor te studere & ad studendū. Flagitor paratus sum aptus. idoneus militare & ad militādū But suche for the moost parte wyll haue the gerūdyf and leue the Infinityf mode.
The getūdyf is knowen fro the particyple in dus by that that it betokeneth the doynge of a thynge without ony respect of the tyme / as Sum occupatus in docendo pueros. or in docendis pueris.
¶ The particyple in dus betokeneth a thȳge to be do ne in tyme to come / as Chremes est exorādus a me. By twene In docendo pueros & In docēdis pueris is this difference y t in docendo pueros. is of the actyf significacyon & may be expowned eyther by y t nowne verbale in to. or by the present subiunctyf and / vt [Page] Occupatus sum in docendo pueros or in doctiōe pu ero (rum). or vt doceā pueros. In docēdis pueris is of the passyf and passyfly expowned / as Occupatus sum in docēdis pueris. for vt doceantur.
And generally all gerundyues be actyfly expowned excepte they stande absolutely / as Utri (que) videndo id est dum videatur illustria ad cognoscendū hoc est vt cognoscantur.
¶ The gerundyfin do hath these preposicōns In or De. as In or De transeūdo in epy (rum). with E. & Ex A or Ab. as Ex discedendo. Ab audiendo. with cum. as Cum loquendo.
¶ De supinis
Whan y t englysshe of y e Infinityf mode cometh after a verbe or a particyple betokenynge mouynge or go ynge to a place it shal be put ī y e fyrst supyne / as I go to huntynge. Ego vado venatū. Also I may haue y t fyrst supyue after all suche verbes y t betokē pryue mo uynge / as Do. cōcedo admitto. recipto & many other lyke / as Do filiā nuptū. Cōcedo. edes venū. Admitto te spectatum. Conceduntur edes venū admittuntur spectatum. Also I may haue the latter supyne after all nownes of y t neutre gendre y t be of the comparatyf & superlatyf degre / as quo qd magis abhoīabile eo turpiꝰ dictu. Et [...] magis est aliqd studiosū tāto dignius honoratu. Optimū factu qd scit nescio. Dig [...] intellectu est illud opus.
Also I may haue y e latter supyne after all these now nes adiectyues in all gendres & nombres. [...] Dignꝰ turpis. rarus. iocundus. absurdus. seuerꝰ. seuꝰ. obseuus. [Page] superbus. austerus. clarus. dutus & all other lyke significacyon as Naso dignꝰ lectu. Pes digna vi su. Pecus dignum amatu.
¶ Also it is to be noted that supynes may in no wyse be Ioyned with adiectyues in conformyte of case gendre & nombre. Nor they may not be gouerned of no preposicōn. Also they haue no case / but alwaye be verbes. Also they be not gouerned of verbes / nor of particyples / but of adiectyues / vt miserabilis visu id est vt videatur. Also they be of affinyte with the In finityf mode.
¶ De Infinitiuo modo.
whan two verbes come togyder withoute a relatyf or a coniūction comȳge bytwene them / y e latterverbe shall be the infinityf mode / as Uolo legere. cupio doceri. And one infinityf mode may cause an other verbe to be the Infinityf mode / as dico me nō posse venire. Therētius ait se videre te cupere
Suche adiectyues Dignus. indignus. iocūdus. letus tristis. be enioyned better to the infinitys mode than to the gerundyf / vt tu es dignus habere opes tu es di gnus honorari. tu es letus me bene valere. tues letꝰ me honorari.
Moreouer where soeuer I take the Inifinityf mode of the presentens / & p̄terꝑfytens of the [...] significacyon / there may take the latter supyne of the same verbe / as tues dignus honorari vel honoratu. sed nō versa vice.
Also whan soeuer I take the fyrste supyne / there I may take the neutre gendre substantyuate with this [Page] more made with one of these two wordes Esse or fuisse & y t particyple in tus w t cōformyte of case gendre & nombre betwixt the particyple & the casuell worde that gooth before the infinityf mode / as Uir [...] amatus fuisse. Uirgo amata fuisse. Caput amatū fuisse. Uiri amati fuisse. Uirgines amate fuisse. Capita amata fuisse. Et similiter de esse.
¶ De circūlocutione futuri temporis actiui significationis modi Infinitiui
The circūlocucōn of the future tens of y t actyf voyce of the forsayd mode is made with this Infinityf mo de Ire. & the particyple in tus or in sus. or w t this In finityf mode esse / & the particyple in rus. with confor myte of case gendre & nombre betwixt the particyple and the casuall worde. Also the sayd future tens beto keneth tyme / mouynge / and bodely dede / as Uolo te amatū ire vel amaturum esse. Amatam ire vel amaturam esse me. &c.
¶ De circumlo cutione futuri temporis passi ue significationis antedicti modi
The circūlocucyon of the future tens of the possyf significacyon is euermore made with this Infinityf mode iri. & the particyple in tus or in sus. or els with this infinityf mode esse. & the particyple in dus with conformyte of case gendre & nombre betwixt the par ticyple & the casuall worde / as Intelligo. scto credo. video. opinor. existimo. peccatū meū patefaciendum esse vel patefactū iri. Negligentiā meā patefaciendā esse vel patefactū iri. &c.
¶ Saue it is to be noted that the particyple in tus or [Page] in sus / with all circunlocucyons of the future tens of the actyf sygnifycacyon / betokeneth tyme present at hande / vs Uideo te accusatum ire me. id est nunc. an glice I se the now thou doost accuse me.
Also the particyple in Rus with all circunlocucyons of the future tens of the actyf significacyon betokeneth vacertayne tyme withoutende / as nunc video te accusaturū esse me. anglice now I se y u wylte ones accuse me. i. post hac tempore incerto.
But all circūlocucyons of the future of the passyf sig nificacyon betokeneth bothe tyme & dede present & to come indyfferently / as video me accusatū iri abs te. i. video te vel accusatū ire me vel accusaturum esse me &c. anglice I se I am accused of the now or elles I se I shall be accused of the here after
¶ Exulo. Uapulo. Ueneo. [...]
¶ Whan soeuer I am compelled to make a latyn by one of these foure verbes. Exulo. Uapulo. Ueneo / & Liceo. that thynge that dothe the dede shall be the ab latyf with a preposicyon and the sufferer shall be the nominatyf case as the kynge hath banysshed many a traytour. A rege multi traditores exulauerunt. The mayster beteth scolers. A preceptore vapulant discipuli. The fysshers selle theyr [...] dere. A piscariis pisces care [...]. Thou doost apprayse thy seruaunt A te tuus seruus licet.
¶ Nubo
This verbe Nubo bis. hath euermore the nominatyf case of the woman / and a datyf of the man in all comoȳ speches / as my brother hath wedded thy syster [Page] Fratri meo nupsit soror tua. I shall wedde thy moder. Michi nubet mater tua.
¶ De hoc vulgari signo At.
¶ Whan soeuer there cometh a propre name of a pla ce or to wne after this englysshe sygne at it shall be put in the genityf case / soo that it be in the synguler nombre & the fyrst declenson or the seconde / as I ler ne grammer at Oxford Disco grāmaticā. Oxonie. I dwelled a whyle at yorke. Ego manebam aliquan dius Eboraci.
But & yf the forsayd propre name be y e thyrde declen son or the plurell nombre it shall be put in the ablatyf casc withoute a preposicyon / as Thou wast borne at Chartage. Tu eras Chartagine natus Thou [...] studye at Achencs. Studuisti Athenis.
Moreouer I may take an accusatyf case or els an ab lacyf of y t forlayd nownes w t a preposicyon of a conuenyent significacyon / as maneo apud Chartaginē. & so of all other lyke / as sum apud Londonias
¶ De hoc vulgari signo To.
Whan soeuer I haue a propre name of a place after this [...] sygne To / it may be put in the accusatyf case with a preposicyon or without indifferentlywhatnombre or declenson soeuer he be / as Eo Oxoniam vel ad oxoniā. Londonias vel ad Londonias. Chartaginē vel ad chartaginē
¶ De hoc vulgari signo fro.
W soeuer ther come a propre name of a place after this englysshe sygne fro / it shall be put in the ablatyf case w t a preposicyon or without indifferently / [Page] what nombre or declenson soeuer he be / as venio oxo nia vel ab Oxonia Londoniis vel a londoniis. Chartagine vel a chartagine
These rules be alwaye true excepte the propre name of towne or place be compowned / for than I must euermore an accusatyf case or an ablatyf with a preposicyon of a cōuenient significacyon. as Eo ad san ctum Iacobū. Fui apud terrā sanctā. Uenio a sancto Iacobo vel a terra sancta
¶ [...] Domus. Humus. Militia.
These. iiii. nownes rus. domus. humꝰ. & militia. folo weth the ruler of the sayd ꝓpre names of places / as maneo ruti venio rure. vado rus. sū [...]. eo domū. proficiscor domo &c.
Of the same gouernaūce we fynde Belli. duelli. & ma ny other indiuers auctours / the whiche euerychone be aduerbes alwaye without they be Ioyned to the sayd preposicyons vt supra.
¶ Penitet tedet piget miseret pudet
These. v. verbes impersonales Penitet. anglice to be sory or to repente. Tedet & piget. anglice to be wery or to haue no lust. Miseret. anglice to haue pyte or mercy / or to be sory for fauour. Pudet. anglice to be asshamed gouerne an accusatyf case in the stede of y t nominatyf / & a genityf of the thynge that we be sory for / or haue pyte of / wery or asshamed of / as I repent me for my lewdenes. Me penitet mei maleficii. Tedet aīam meam vite mee. I am sory for thy losse Me miseret tue calamitatis. Nos pudet nostrorum [...]. Te pigeat immensi laboris.
¶ Iuuat. [...]. Decet. Oportet. Latet.
These. v. verbes impersonelles. Iuuat & dilecta. an glice to delyte or haue pleasure. Decet & oportet. anglice to must / or to be bounde / & Latet. anglice to wo tenere / or to can not tell / haue also euermore an accu satyf case of that that semeth to be the nominatyf / as me iuuat vel dilectat ludere. Te decet vel oportet au scultare p̄ceptori. Nos latet doctꝰ ne es an stolidus.
¶ Interest. Refert est
These. iii. verbes impersonelles. Interest refert & est anglice to be profitable or accordynge hath euermore a genytyf case of the worde that semeth to be the nominatyf / as Fratris mei interest amare me.
¶ Out of this rule be excepte the. v. pronownes primatyues. Ego. tu. sui. Nos & vos / & this nowne inter rogatyf. Quis. in stede of whome I shall take the ab latyf case feminyne gendre and synguler nombre of theyr possessyues. That is to saye. Mea. tua. sua. nostra. vestra. & cuia / as Mea interest discere. iua interreat docere. Sua interfuit audire. Nostra interfuerat canere. Uestra intererit monuisse. who is bounde to tell the trouth / but he that knoweth all the mater. Cuia interest enarrare veritatem nisi suo qui nouit om nem rem.
¶ Also whan I haue ony suche englysshe. It is my offyce / my duty / or my parte. It longeth for. It beho ued. It is good reason or accordynge / or ony suche o ther y e encludeth duty. I may conueniently occupye one of these. v. verbes. Decet. Oportet. Interest. Re fert. or est. with the foresayd gouernaūce of case.
[Page]¶ All these verbes in these verses folowȳge may haue a datyf case of the persone y t the dede longeth to / as Michi licet ludere. Thou carest not whether I ly ue or deye. Tibi nō vacat: moriar ne an viuā.
¶ All verbes imꝑsonalles of y e passyf voyce gouerne before them an ablatyf with a p̄posicyon / els a datyf of y e person that doth the dede / as a me vel mihi ama tur. & after them an accusatyf or an ablatyf w t a [...] posicyon / but neuer without / as a me itur in antiquā siluā. a me auditur a me statur in foro
Saue otherwyle they may haue after them suche ca ses as hath the verbes y t they be dyryued of / as a me seruit̄ tibi interdictū est tibi aqua & igni.
Euermore before the Infinityf mode of a verbe im personall of the passyf voyce I must expresse the ablatyf case with a preposicōn of the [...] / as volo a me [...]. idest bolo amare. volo a me [...]. idest. volo seruire.
¶ Benefit. malefit satisfit
¶ These verbes Benefit malefit. & satisfit wyll haue before them an ablatyf with a preposicyon of y e doer [...] after them a datyf case of the sufferer as a me be nefit tibi.
¶ Whan soeuer there cometh ony of these. vi. sygnes [Page] am art is / was / were / or be / before a verbe neutre [...] bodely [...]. I may euermore take y e preterꝑfytens of the Indicatyf mode or some other that is formed of hym as the vulgare doth requyre. And than y e p̄terperfytens of y e indicatyf mode standeth besyde his owne strength / both for y t presentens & the p̄terimperfytens. And so he & al tenses formed out of [...] haue the passyf significacyon / as my mayster is come. Preceptor meus venit. My felowes be gone / Mei condiscipuli abierunt
¶ How many particyples come of a verbe impersonal of the passyf voyce? one / whiche one / a particyple of the pretertēs & the neutre gendre onely / as Ntō hoc oppositum. ablatiuo ab hoc opposito. and he hath after hym a datyf case / as michi prius opposito tibi opponetur.
¶ Incipit. desinit. debet. potest. solet. vult
These. vi. verbes Incipit. desinit debet. potest. solet. and vult. Ioyneth to the Infinityf mode of verbes. Impersonalles and wyll haue before them suche cases as wyll the verbes impersonalles / as me incipit tedere vigilie. michi desinit placere studere. me debet puders maleficii bonos solet penitere flagitii me vult delectare dormire. Els they be alwaye verbes personalles / & haue before them a nominatyf case / as [...] legere. &c.
¶ Pono fero
These. ii. verbes actyues Pono & Fero compowned with pre or ante be thus englysshed / to telle more [...] / to sette more by / to loue better / to haue leuer / [...] [Page] haue after them an accusatyf of the thynge that we make moost of and a datyf of the thȳge that we make lest of / as Prepono virtutem vitus. Iam [...] prepones catoni Prefero panem potui. Nescio vtrū [...] anteferam.
And of this regiment be all these verbes with many other suche / as valeo es. prepondero as. presto as. an glice vr prius. as Ingenio vales.
Item otherwhyle with an ablatyf with a preposicōn vt Tullius ad modū valuit in genere dicendi. Ternarius numerus preponderat binario.
¶ Postpono
But postpono is of [...] construceyon to Antepono. as postpono auditum visui.
¶ Cello. Eo. Cedo.
These. iii. verbes cello eo & cedo. compowned w t ante pre. or extra. anglice to passe / excede / excelle / or to be better / gouerne afore them a nominatyf case of the thynge that we make moost of / and after theym an accusatyf of the thynge vt supra. as I passe ferre all my bretheren both in wrytynge & redynge. Ego ante cello om̄es fratres meos in scribendo & legendo. Also ablatyf case with this p̄posicyon In. vel sine si placet of the thynge that we compare in / as Thou excedest me in myght as moche as I passe y t in comynge. Tu antecedis me fortitudine vel in fortitudine tāto [...] te scientia. [...] antecellit alios poetas carmine vel in carmine.
The same strength hath Supero & all other as verbes that hath the forsayd englysshe.
[Page]Whan no worde lacketh in a reason to the moost perfyte sentence than it is called ful / as ego lego virgiliū And whan ony thynge that is requyred to perfyte sē tence lacketh yf it be vsed to be vnderstonde by the co mon customes of Romayns the reason may be called fygurate / as lego litteras where must nedes be vnderstonden ego & that sygne is called Eclypsis.
There be customably vnderstōde in latyn tonge the se / the relatyf w t euery worde that be rehersed of the reason afore in the same case / gendre / nombre & persone / as the relatyf is / as Lego Uirgiliū qui est poeta where is vnderstonde with qui virgilius / or els moregenerally / as Stude nā ea res proderit.
Oftētyme the worde that the relatyf reherseth is exprest with the relatyf / & vnderstonde afore as Urbē puā statuo vestra est. where is vnderstonde before est this worde Urbs.
Also in answeres comonly the verbe that is in the as kynge / as to this askȳge. Qui est. [...] I saye Ego. is vnderstonde sum.
Also ego. tu. meus. tuus. suus as Uerbero filiū. where is vnderstonde Ego. & after filiū meū. tuū or suum as the mater requyreth
Sum es est. as Bonū dicere. Doctior (quam) ille where is vnderstonde est
Also Ens where soeuer. ii. or mo ꝓpres or appellatyues or one propre an other appellatyf come to gydre in one case & one clause without ony verbe or coniun ctyon bytwene / as Urbē romam. for Urbem entem romam.
[Page]Also nownes after superlatyues whan they corde in gendre with the genityf after them / as pulcherrimꝰ florum. where is vnderstonde flos
And after partatiues / as alter duo (rum) [...]. where is vnderstonde homo but els they haue the construc cyon of adiectyues
Also coniūctions of all kyndes moost comonly in peres els not but the spekynge be chaunged in to inter rogacyon or dissimulacōn / as Surge para abs. whe re is to vnderstonde twyes et. & specyally vt before subiunctyues, as Fac mittas. for fac vt. mittas
Also p̄posicyon w t names of townes / as Uado romā where is vnderstonde ad. Ueni rhoma. where is vnderstonde a. Also fui thebis. where is vnderstonde in The whiche spekynge though it be fygurate is more vsed than y e full. The same fygure also is whan we saye. Fui rome or tarenti. But there is vnderstonde besyde y t p̄posicyon In locus vrbs or oppidū.
And lyke as in these y e fygurate is more vsed than y e full / so it is in Statur Currit̄. where is vnderstoude Statio & cursus. And in all suche / as Pluit. tonat. fulminat. is vnderstonde Deus. & in these fyue verbes Miseret. tedet. penitet. piget. and Pudet. as ofte as they haue not an Infinityf w t them is vnderstonde one of theyr owne nownes. miseratio. penitentia. pudor to the whiche nownes alwaye perteyneth the genityf y e foloweth these wordes / as Penitet me tui. for penitentia tui penitet or efficit me. the accusatyf is Ioyned to y e verbe as an actyf.
¶ Somtyme. ii. or more lyke clauses be closed togy [Page] der w t one worde synguler / the whiche is vnderstonde in euery clause / & sette out in one / as Cicero Uirgi lius Homerus scripsit. & of this spekynge the fygure is called zeugina.
¶ But of dyuers clauses none lyke other in gendre / nombre or persone be closed with one worde / than is the fygure Sylepsis / & the worde y t closeth is wonte to agre with the last / as Uir & mulier magna ad me [...]. Hic [...] arma hic currus fuit.
But yf the worde that closeth be plurell than it must agre in gendre and persone with the chyef / as Ego & vxor amati sumus. iu the whiche is sylepsis in person & gendre / but not in nombre.
To this fygure may be reduced suche construccyons Urbem quam statuo. & fabulas quas fecisset &c.
¶ Whan. ii. or more thynges be generally compared in one worde and afterwarde specyally sette out / as Aquile volauerunt vna ab oriente alia ab occidente. than is the fygure Prolepsis &c.
Cetera planius & plenius disces ex Sulpitio
¶ Thome more epygramma
¶ Enprynted at London. by Wynkyn de worde / in Fletestrete in the sygne of the sonne.