THE Hollanders Decla­ration of the affaires of the East INDIES.

OR A TRVE RE­LATION OF THAT WHICH PASSED IN THE Ilands of Banda, in the East Indies: In the yeare of our Lord God, 1621. and before.

Faithfully Translated according to the Dutch Copie.

Printed at Amsterdam.


A TRVE RELATION OF THAT WHICH PASSED IN THE ILANDS OF BANDA, IN the East Indies: In the yeare of our Lord God 1621. and before.

ALL the Ilands of Banda, from the tenth of Au­gust 1609. were by a speciall treaty & agree­ment made with the Orang-cayas, or Magi­strates of the fore-said Ilands, were put vnder the protection of the high and mighty, the States generall of the vnited Prouinces, on conditi­on to defend them from the Portugall, and other their Enemies, prouided that they of the said Ilands are bound to deliuer vnto the Fort called Nassau, or vnto the Committes of the said Company, all their fruits or spices at a certaine price, and so forth, as by the said treaty of agreement more at large appea­reth. These articles of agreement, being for a time by them performed, were afterward broken and violated [Page 2] as well in keeping backe, and with-holding the said frui [...]s and spices, which they were tyed to to the Netherlands Company; as also en­forcing and robbing their Warehouses, and con­trary to solemne treaty and promise, murthering at sundry times and places, diuers of the principall Of­ficers, Committees, and Seruants of the said Ne­therlands Company, in taking away diuers small Ship prouision, their open inuading of the places and Countries, withstood also lately vnder the sub­iection of the high and mighty, the States generall and in conquering the inhabitants thereof, whom with a strong hand they forced from being Christi­ans to become Mores againe, or those which with­stood or gaine-said them, they sold as Slaues, and in committing all kinde of peruerse wickednesse and trechery: during which passages & doings, there was again certain contracts on the aforesaid conditions agreed vpon, with the said Bandaneseis, as in May in the yeare 1616. by one of the Netherlands Com­maunders called Lam, and by their Gouernour Ge­nerall Lawrance Reaell, in the yeare 1617. which in­deed were shortly after broken and violated by the Bandaneseis, and that through the animating by the English, who did openly ayde and assist the fore-said Ilands, and maintained them in warrage, the Ne­therlands Company with victuals, and Munition, great Ordnance, Men, and Ships, thereby to with­hold from vs the fruits and spices, which the Ban­daneseis were tyed to deliuer. In this wilfulnesse [Page 3] the Bandaneseis continued, till in Iune 1620. Till that at laccatra was published both amongst the English and the Netherlands Fleet, then riding there in the Road: the treaty concluded and agreed vpon, betweene his most excellent Maiesty, the King of great Britaine, and the high and mighty Lords the States generall, for to reconcile vpon certaine conditions, the English and Netherlands East India Companies.

The which Treaty, and by conference of hand­ling concerning the Molluccoes, Amboyna, and Banda, all disputes and differences betweene the English and the Netherlands Company concer­ning the same, were to that time abollished, and a generall force of Ships of Warre was ordained be­tweene them, for the defence of both Companies in their rights, and the commerce which they had ob­tained in the Indies.

The Reduction of the wilfull Bandaneseis vnto the Netherlands Camp, was hindred a yeare or two, through the actuall proceedings which the English in Banda it selfe, since the yeare 1616. and after­wards in the yeare 1618. About the coast of Iaua, and whole India through, by open hostility did at­tempt: whereby the aforesaid Bandaneseis being en­couraged, and made bolder, did withdraw them­selues wholly from vnder the subiection of the Ca­stle of Nassaw, doing vnto vs and ours all wrong and hostility, and with-holding from vs their fruits (to say) Nutmegs and Maces, which they did not onely [Page 4] sell vnto the English, and to the Indians, but also to the Portugalls, who are both their and our Ene­mies, with whom they seeke to make neerer aliance of friendship, as already in the great Iland named Banda, were come fifty or three score Portugalls, who by some more affistance, considering the natu­rall force of the said Iland, would haue beene suffi­cient to haue depriued both the English and the Netherlands Companie of the rights therein, and the fruits thereof, without hope hereafter to haue any redresse.

In regard of those inconueniences, after the pub­lication of the contract that was made, the Generall of the Netherland company, in the common Coun­sell for defence, (consisting of English-men and Ne­therlanders) propounded the necessity of the taking of Banda, as also of the redressing and assuring of those Quarters, and of the trade in Amboyna and Moluccoes, to the which end, both the Companies according to the contract were bound together, to vse all the force and power that he could, for the pre­feruation of the places, as much as concerned the trade, for both the Companies. And it appeareth by the Act made by those of the said Counsell for defence, bearing date the first of Ianuary 1621. stilo [...]oua, that the English Committies there declared, that the necessities of the businesse was well knowne vnto them; as also that they were very willing toge­ther with vs, to doe some common exploit: but for that as then, they wanted both power and meanes [Page 5] of men and ships, that they could not for that time furnish any thing towards the same: Whereupon, the Netherlands Gouernour Generall declared, that with the particular power of the Netherland Com­pany, he would take the same in hand, and effect it in such manner, as God should be pleased to prosper his proceedings.

And to that end, vpon the 13. of Ianuary, the Go­uernour Generall went from Iacotra to Amboyna, where he ariued vpon the 14. of February, and from thence went to Banda, to the Castle of Nassaw, ly­ing in the Iland Nera, vpō the 27. of February 1621. In the meane time, one of the English Counsell for defence, that had beene at Iacotra vpon the first of Ianuary 1621. and was priuy to the contract made, lying then in Amboyna, when the Gouernour Ge­nerall went from thence to Banda; sent Letters in our owne Ships to the English-men, lying in the small Iland Puleron, and made knowne and discoue­red vnto those of Banda, in what manner the Gene­rall of the Netherland Company, intended to as­saile the great Iland of Banda: and when the said Gouernor Generall was come to the Fort of Nassaw in Banda, hee vnderstood that the English-men in Puleron, had ayded them of the Towne of Lontor, in the great Iland of Banda, with 4. Peeces of great Ordnance; and that if they had had longer time, that the entrance of the Generall of the Nether­lands Army into Lantor Hauen, should haue beene let and withstood by a great battery. As also that some Englishmen in Lantor, assisted these of Banda, [Page 6] ours and (according to the contract) their enemies, both with counsell and force, encouraging them with their presence, and notwithstanding that the said Generall required the said Englishmen of Lon­tor to leaue the Towne, for the causes and reasons a­foresaid as also for that they themselues, according to the contract and Order made by the Counsell of Defence, before that time might not buy any Fruit in Molucques, Amboina, and Banda, as after the pub­lication of the Contract they might doe, and that onely together, and in common places with the Ne­therlanders, yet some few of them stayed still with them of Banda our common enemies. Notwith­standing also that the Gouernour Generall prote­sted, that hee was not therein to be blamed, if by that meanes any hurt were done vnto them, being among & with our common enemies, from whom they should & ought to haue seperated themselues.

First, tho Gouernors Generall, determined to as­sayle the great Island of Banda on the South side, (by some called Lontor, because the principall Towne is so called) by land in a place called Luchny, and to that end caused the Ship called the Hart to Anckor thereabouts, which lay not long there, but it was shot at by an English piece of Ordinance, whereby our men were forced to tow the said Ship with a Galley from the shore, and to leaue two An­ckors and two Cables behinde them, or else it had beene in great danger of sincking or burning, out men assuring vs, that an English Gunner had shot at them, and that they perfectly descryed and saw him, although the English-men seeme to deny it.

[Page 7] Whereby altering of their first purpose, the Ge­nerall of the Netherlanders resolued to land vpon the inward part of the Island of Banda, there to en­campe themselues, and then to goe vp vpon the Hilles, and there to plant there Ordinance, and to that end vpon the 8. of March, 1621. landing with 17. Companies betweene Comber and Ortatten, they marched along the shoreside, within the reach of three Pieces of great Ordinance lent then by the Englishmen, and not long before planted there, whereby if they had marched forward many of our men had been slaine, and so wee should haue found no place there to encampe our selues, but the Ene­my from the Hilles would haue domineer'd ouer vs, no man knowing what counsell to giue, whereby wee might get vp vpon the hilles. The way where on aboue Three yeares before wee had beene, being all intrenched, whereupon the Generall determi­ned to enter againe into his Ship with the whole Army, to take another course. They of Banda not once pursuing after vs, but with flowting and moc­king let vs goe, and so thinking thereby that they had gotten the vpper hand of vs, most part of them brought their Wiues and Children againe into Lontor. After these two enterprizes, partly hindred by the English Ordinance, were in that māner crost The Generall for a third resolution, determined to assayle the great Island of Banda, on both sides, that is on the inner side of the Land with 6. Companies, and on the South side with 10. Companies. That they on the Inner side should land an houre before [Page 8] the others should land, by that meanes to draw the enemy forth, and so to make place on the other side, while a Company of chosen men should land on the North side, to climbe vp vpon the Hilles, and o­thers in other places of the land should also bee in a readinesse, being 330. persons, whereof 150. were Musketiers, appointed for the manning and ashu­ring of 30. Boates which the said Company would bring on the South side of the Island.

This was effected vpon the 11. of March, and ac­cordingly 6. Companies by breake of day, went on Land betweene Comber and Ortatten. Captaine Vog­heel with certaine chosen Souldiers marching for­ward, who climbing vp vpon the hilles, found such resistance, that all their powder being spent, they were in great danger to bee spoyled, but being well followed and seconded by the rest, the enemy was forced to retire, and while this skirmish continued, the other 10. Companies landing out of the said 30. Boats, went on shore vpon the South side of Banda, in a small Bay, some with Laders and others with­out climbing vp vpon the Cliffes, and being gotten vp, they marched to the backside of Lontor without any resistance, but onely those that set vpon the first troopes, being some 10. or 20. Musketiers, by whom one of our men was slaine, and 4. or 5. hurt, whereby Lontor was taken on the South side by the said 10. Companies, while the other 5. Companies skirmi­shed with those of Banda vpon the Hils, and assoone as Lontor was taken, those of Madiangi, Luchny, Or­ [...]atten, and Sammer, presently forsooke their Townes [Page 9] in the said Island. When they of Banda saw the a­foresaid 30. Boates, they thought wee would haue sayled round about the Land, as wee had done three times before, whereupon making no reckning of our landing, they were sodainly surprized by breake of day.

Assoone as Lontor with the rest of the places a­foresaid were won, the rest of them of Banda, namely Slamma, Comber, Owendender, Wayer, and those of the Islands of Rossing [...], and Puloron, made composition with vs, which wee graunted vpon condition, that they should breake downe their Forts and walles, and giue vnto vs their Shot, Pieces and Mus­kets, &c. Which by them being done, all of them together, according to their Contract and promi­ses, yeelded to holde their Countries and Lands, of the Lords the generall States of the vnited Nether­land Prouinces, promising to doe whatsoeuer they should be commaunded, and acknowledge the said Lords the generall States for their Soueraignes, not withstanding their former Oathes taken vnto any others.

Those of Lontor and others being first ouercome and vanquished, and that saued themselues among others of Banda, also asked pardon and sought fo [...] Peace, which was granted vnto them vpon the con­dition aforesaid, though they hardly held the same, and secretly sought to begin a new rebellion, and were commaunded by the Generall to shew them selues all together vpon the Strand, that they might bee appointed in some other conuenient place to [Page 10] liue as fellow Cittizens freely together, without the losse of their goods which they then had. Where­unto some of them obayed, but the greatest part fled vpon the high Mountaines in the great Island of Banda, to whom also many other Townes resor­ted, and slew a Netherland Marchant, one other, and a Boy, where they were enclosed and hindred from victuals by our men. By this meanes all the Townes and Places in Banda were woone, and made sure, onely Puleron, which was not medled withall, be­cause they of Banda therein behaued themselues peaceably, for the ayde, or rather the seruice of those of Puleron. The English-men planted nine Peeces of Ordnance vpon a small Iland in Puleron, hauing entrenched the same: and when those of Puleron, according to the composition, were to yeeld vp their Armes, and disarme themselues, as they wil­lingly did; yet our Generall did not once speake of those nine peeces of Ordnance standing in the said small Island, because the English-men should haue no cause to make any question, that our men had done any thing against their Fort or men.

The English Commaunder, Humphrey Fitz Her­bert, with his Ship called the Exchange, lying before [...]he Castle of Amboina, and hauing intelligence of the Generall of the Netherlands victory in Banda, shot off Fourteene pieces of Ordinance for Ioy thereof.

This that is formerly declared, is the true state and proceedings of that, which hath beene done now lately, and before in the Island of Banda, [Page 11] wherein nothing hath beene done, but that which (according to the Law of Nations, & the aforesaid Contract, made, and promised to bee holden, and without any wrong done to the Liberties of the English Company, agreed vpon with the Compa­ny of the Netherland) might and ought to haue beene done.


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