INGE MVNDVS WAS A surnamed Trolle, Knight, did live about the yeer of Christ 1250.

Nicholaus the first Knight and Councellor of the kingdome of Sweden, in the yeare of Christ, 1285.

Christiernus the first Knight, and Go­vernour [Page](under King Birgerius) in Stock­holme, the chiefe City in Sweden, Anno. 1290.

Christiernus 2. Knight, and Esquire to the kingdome of Sweden. 1301.

Charles 1. Esquire to the kingdome of Sweden.

Catillus 1. Esquire to the kingdome of Sweden, hee lived in the yeare of Christ, 1330.

His Wife was Christina, the daugh­ter [Page]of Bononis-Iohannis, Knight, hee had issue by her,

Nicholas 2. Of the Familie Fort­plantzer.

Charles 2. Esquire to the kingdome of Sweden, and Father to Charles 3. Knight, and Councellor to the king­dome of Sweden.

Nicholas 2. of Biorno, Knight, Go­vernour in Stockholme, vnder King Mag­nus, in the yeare of Christ, 1360.

His wife was Christina, the daughter of Iohn Nicholas of Guldenstern, also a Knight, and Councellor of the kingdome of Sweden, and had issue by her,

[Page] 1 Christiern 3. Of the family Ʋerme [...] ­rern.

2 Caecilia, which was married to Thore­tum Bendenum Governour in Wiburg.

3 Ingeburgim, which was a Nunne in the Cloyster of S. Clara in Stockhollme.

Christiern. 3. Chiefe Councellour, and Arch-Sewen of the Kingdome of Sweden, dyed in the yeare of Christ, 1442. His wife was Margaret, a daughter of Eric Krumdick of Tranecker, Knight, and Coun­cellor of the kingdome, who dyed 1451, they had issue together,

  • 1. John. 1. The Increaser of the Kings race.
  • 2. Charles 4. of whom more men­tion shall be made by and by.
  • 3. Nicholas 3. Baron of Diursholm, Knight, and Commander in We­strasien and Dalecarlien▪ Hee dyed 1462.
  • 4. Christina, who was married to Benedict Iohn, the Kings chiefe Iu­stice [Page]in Ʋpland; She was mother to
    • 1. Iohn, Archbishop of Vpsalia.
    • 2. Christiern, Lord of Salestadt.

Charles 4. Knight and Councellor of Sweden, dyed at Revell before his father, Anno 1440. Hee had issue with Ebba of Krumdick,

  • 1. Catillus 2. Bishop in Lincopin, who di­ed of the plague 1465.
  • 2. Eric of Norby, Knight and Councellor to the kingdome of Sweden. His wife was Anna, daughter of Charls Benedict of Winsetory, knight also, and Councel­lor to the kingdome; who the second time married and took to wife Erichen of Guldenstern; their first daughter was

Ebba, who was married to Erichen of Lo­bolm, Knight, and President of West-goth­land, the son of Abraham of Eckberg. This man was beheaded in Holm, in Anno 1520 by commandement of Christiern 2. King [Page]in Denmarke; Shee died, 1549. Shee had issue, amongst other children,

Margaret, which was the second wife to Gustavus the first of this line, King of the Goths and Ʋandales, &c. Shee depar­ted this life, August 26. 1551.


John of Oreby, the sonne of Christiern 3 Knight and Councellor of the kingdom of Sweden, departed out of this world vpon Easter day, in the yeere of Christ, 1477. He had to wife, Bridget; a daugh­ter of Gustavus Sture, and Bridget Turon, who was a sister of Steno Sture, the elder of Gripsolme, and Governour of the king­dome of Sweden.

The foresaid Bridget died in Anno, 1472. and had issue by her said husband, Ericus 1. Of the line of Fortsflanter. Christiern 4. Of Oreby, Knight. Anna, wife of Iohn Turo, Marshall [Page]of the kingdome.

Ericus 1. of Gripsolm, Knight, and Councellour to the kingdome of Swe­den, Governour of Eland, &c. He was by Christiern 2. King of Denmarke, behea­ded in the Market-place, at Holm, in Anno Christi, 1520, the 8 of November. His wife was Caecilia, a daughter of Magnus Charles of Eka, Knight and Councellour of the kingdome of Sweden. Shee was also, together with other Ladies and yong Gentlewomen, cast into prison by the said King of Denmarke, and shortly after carried into Denmarke, in the yeare of Christ, 1520, having before brought in­to the world,

  • 1 Gustavus of the line of Vermehren.
  • 2 Marg [...]et, first married to Peter Brahe, Earle of Wisingsburg, and Baron of Rib­deholm. Shee was married after to Iohn, Earle of Hoien, who was slaine in a [Page]battell that happened at Ochsenbring, in Finland in the yeare of Christ 1534, the 11 of Iune. He was the father of Iohn, Bishop of Munster, and Osnabruck, who died, Anno 1574.
  • 3 Magnus 1.
  • 4 Iohn 2
  • 5 Bridget.
  • 6 Anna, who died in the yeare 1514.

Gustavus, a Knight of Sweden, was borne in the yeare of Christ, 1490: he had his education from his youth in the Court of Steno Sture his Grandmothers brother: hee shewed his first Act of valour under Suanto, Marshall of the said kingdome, and was mad chiefe Cornet of the Ca­volarie vnder the command of Steno the younger, where hee behaved himselfe so well in two severall Battels, in which [Page] Steno had the victory, that his valour was highly commended: hee was after wards, and his Consorts, being deman­ded hostages by Christiern 2. King in Denmarke, carried Prisoners into Den­marke, and so kept in a Castle called Kalp, in Iutland; out of which, hee not long after, in a disguised habit, being un­knowne, escaped and arrived safe at Lu­beck, in Anno 1519; from thence passing through many dangers, arrived, in the end, safely in his owne Countrey Sweden, and came into Reffnas, his Cousins pa­trimony. But when hee understood that his Father, with others principall States of the kingdome were lately before strangely put to death, he was so incen­sed against the enemies of his native Country, that he did assemble together his Countrey-men from all places, to whom hee represented the miserable estate of their native Country, and that they were all dead men, if they did not free them­selves from the present tyranny by ioynt [Page]ayd and assistance. Whereupon hee was instantly chosen, by the Sates of Dalien, Governour, named and proclaimed to be the Protectour of the liberties in the yeare of Christ, 1521. Hee had out of Darlecarlien a brave Companie of men, which are accounted the valiantest men in the whole kingdome of Sweden, with whom he did pursue the Danes who had enquartered themselves in Scandia, and did besiege Holm for the space of two yeares, which is the chiefe City in the kingdome, and in the end took the same, and by the helpe of the valiant Townes­men, did beate out the Danes that were there in Garrison. For this heroicall fact he was chosen King of Sweden and Goth­land, the fourth of Iune, in Anno 1523, and named a Deliuerer of the Native Countrey, with much ioy and alacrity by all that did truly loue their Countrey.

This being done, he did first of all (to the end hee might manifest his thankfull disposition, and that he was not vnmind­full [Page]of the kinde deeds expressed towards him) ratifie and confirme in his owne and the States name of Sweden to the Ci­tie of Lubeck, Dantzick, and to other neigh­bour Cities, stately and great privileges, rights and immunities granted vnto them. Hee did not receive the Crowne till the 12. of Ianuary, 1528, after such time as hee had caused all those to be ex­ecuted who might have beene an hinde­rance vnto him, and who through the ‘Bishops power, and abundance of riches, were growne stubborne, who did raise one disquietnesse vpon ano­ther against the Kings,’ and who were also the onely occasion of all the former warres and insurrections.

Now the civill and forraigne warres be­ing thus happily brought to an end, and the wished peace appearing againe, to the end that the kingdome which was thus recovered by meanes of his heroicall vertues and valour might bee so maintai­ned, he tooke special care that good lawes [Page]and discipline with the exercise of the true Religion, should be setled and esta­blished throughout the whole king­dome. And thus hee continued and reigned peaceably the space of 40 yeares, untill his death, which happened the 29 of November, in the yeare of Christ, 1560, at the age of 70 yeares, and was bu­ried in Ʋpsalia, He had three wives, the first, Katharine, the daughter of Magnus 2. Duke of Low-Saxony in Engern and West­phalia, they was married at Stockholm the 24 of September, 1531. Shee had, foure yeares after, a fall from her horse, whereof shee died the 23 of September, 1535.

The second was Margaret his Kins­woman, the daughter of Eric Abraham of Loholm, Knight, and Governour of West­gothland. This Eric Abraham was also be­headed in Anno 1520, by the command of Christiern 2. King of Denmarke: he did marry her the first of October, 1536, in which yeare she was also crowned. This Margaret dyed the 26 of August, 1551.

The third wife was Katherine, the daugh­ter of Gustavus Governour in West Goth­land, with whom he was married in Wa­stein 1552 ( Chytr. lib. 17. Saxon.) Hee had issue by these three wives six sonnes, and three daughters.

With the first.

1. Ericke, second King of the Swedes and Goths, of his name the XIIII. was borne the 13. of December in the yeere of Christ 1533. He was chosen King in the assembly of his own and forraigne Prin­ces and Ambassadours the 24 Iune 1561. He had war 7 yeeres together with Frede­ricke the 2 King of Denmarke, which in the ‘end, namely in Anno 1570. was happi­ly composed & agreed upon in Stetin in Pomeren, where were present Ambassa­dors & Commissioners from Maximilian the 2 Roman Emperor, from Charles the 9. King of France, from Sigismund August King of Polonia, from Augustus Elector [Page]of Saxe, and from other Princes. Also those of Stetin obtained this privilege. That for all the goods in a ship, tho­row the Sound, they should pay for ship and all for custome, no more than one Rose-noble.’ At the beginning of these warres, this Eric caused his Brother Iohn, Duke of Finland to be apprehended in the night, and committed Prisoner in the Castle Aboen at that time when the said John least thought of it; Eric having no other cause than a suspition which he had of him that he was not to be trusted because the said Iohn his wife, who was sister to Sigismund, King of Polonia was his enemie, and made all his neighbours to rise against him. Having thus held Iohn sundry yeares in Prison, with his sonne, a childe of two yeares old, in the end hee purposed to put them both to death, that hee might afterwards give his brothers wife in marriage to the Musco­uit, whereunto they two were before a­greed. But before that hee could accom­plish [Page]that purpose of his, hee became di­stracted in his senses, whereat the whole kingdome was much troubled, and his Brother Iohn obtained his liberty againe, who held Eric Prisoner in Orbey, and so the chance was turned; All which hap­ned in the yeare of Christ, 1568. Eric dyed in Prison, in the yeare 1578, and was buried in Westrasia in Finland. Hee had issue from Katharine his Concubine, a woman of meane parentage, whom at last, as some report, hee did marry the 4 of Iuly, 1568.

Gustavus a Bastard who was sent for unto Moschkaw by Boride Fedrowitz, to the end hee should marrie his daughter, but hee returned home a­gaine without her. He lived a while at Prague in the Court of Rodulph the second Emperour, (whereof M. Da­niel Adamus of Mulaslaw in his Bohemi­an hystoricall Kalender,) some write that hee dyed in Aulitz, in Muscovia, [Page]in the yeere 1607.


Syria, who was married unto Henry Tadden Baron in Finlandt.

With the second.

Iohn the third King of Sweden and of the Gothes, Duke of Finland, &c. was borne in Steckburge in the Province of O­strogoth 1537, the 21 of December. After that his brother Erick, by Gods iust iudge­ment, was growne out of his senses; this Iohn, together with his wife and his Son, were delivered out of their imprison­ment the 28. of Iuly, in the yeere of Christ 1568. and was crowned King the 13. of October following: and considering that his brother Erick would not give eare, nor follow any good advice, nor admit any friendly treaty, Iohn, with the generall consent and assistance of the whole States and Commons in the Kingdome, besie­ged [Page]him in Stockholm; the reason there of was then made knowne to all men by publike Proclamation, and thereupon as soon as the City of Stockholm had yeelded, Erick was taken and put into the same prison wherein Iohn had beene kept be­fore. Two yeeres after Iohn had made a peace with Frederick the 2. King in Den­marke, which was confirmed and ratified by the interposition of the Emperor and other Kings and Princes: hee did also in the yeere of Christ 1580 conclude a leagu with Stephon Bathori King of Polonia: the next yeere being 1581, he tooke Finlandt from the Muscouite, & sent a fleet of Ships into Leiflandt, tooke the City of Narue, and slew 5000. Muscouites. This Iohn dyed the 17. of Nouember in Anno 1592. of 55 yeers of age, and was buried in Ʋpsalia, leaving issue as followeth: By Katherine (the daughter of Sigismund first King in Polonia and Bona Sfortza, Dutchesse of Milan, with [Page]whom hee was married the 4 of Octo­ber, 1562, and shee also crowned the 10 of Iune, 1569. Shee dyed the 16 of September, 1593, and was the next bu­ried by her Husband in Vpsalia; as wri­teth Iohn Mesen in his description of the ancient and following Kings of Sweden and Goths.

Their Issue.

Sigismund 3. of that name, King of Po­lonia, of whom hereafter more mention shall be made under the letter B.

Isabella, horne in the yeare of Christ, 1567, dyed in her infancie, and was bu­ried at Stregniez.

Anna Infanta of Sweden, borne at Es­chilstan, the 8 of May, Anno 1568. Shee lived, for a time, in the Court of her bro­ther Sigismund, King of Polonia, and dyed in Stratsburg in Prusse, 27 Ianuary, 1615.

By Gumilla, the daughter of Iohn B [...]elki, Governour in Ostrogoth, a principall Family.

Iohn, Prince in Finland and Ostrogoth, born in Ʋpsalia, in Anno 1589, the 18 of A­prill. Hee married the 29 of Novem­ber, 1612, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Charls, King of Sweden, and of the Goths, his fathers brothers daughter. He dyed at VVasten where he kept his Court, in Anno 1618, and shee dyed 1619, and both are buried in the Pa­rish Church of Lyncopin.

3. Katharine was borne 6 Iune, in Anno 1539 and was married to Ezard 2, Earle of East Friesland, the 1. of October, 1559.

4. Caecilia was borne 6 November, 1540. and was married to Christopher, Marquis of Baden, in the yeare of Christ, 1564.

[Page] 5 Magnus Duke of Eastgothland Earle; of Dalien, was born 25. Iuly, in Anno 1542 died distracted in Anno 1595. and is buri­ed in Wasten.

6 Steno was borne in the yeere of Christ 1544. and died in Anno 1549. and is buri­ed in the chiefe Church of Lyncopin.

7 Anna was borne the 9 of Iune, in the yeere of Christ 1545. She was married to George Iohn Count Palatine of the Rhyne in Leitzelstein and Landereck 18. October, in the yeere of Christ 1563. She was amongst other by George Gustaue Count Palatine of the Rhyne, a Grandmother to Charles Ludo­uick Count Palatine of the Rhyne, &c. born the fift of February in the yeere of Christ 1609.

8 Charles the fift was born in Ann. 1546. but died presently after hee was baptized, and was buried at Stockholm.

9 Sophia was borne 29. Octo. Ann. 1547. and was married unto Magnus, Duke in Lower Saxe, the sonne of Francis I. the 4. of Iuly 1568.

[Page] 10 Elizabeth was borne in Anno 1549. and was married unto Christopher Duke of Mechelburg in Anno 1581. in Stockholm, and there she died 19. Nouember in Anno 1597.

11 Charles the 6 of this family, was born betweene the 4 and 5 of October in Anno 1550. Duke of Finland, Sudermania and Nericia, &c. after that he had continued in warres with Sigismund King of Polonia and Suede (who was his brothers Nephew) was by the States of the Kingdome ele­cted King of Sueden, of the Goths and Van­dales, the 19 of March 1600. and accor­ding to the accustomed manner hee was also the 15 of March 1607. crowned. He died in Norcopin the 29 of October in Anno 1611. of the age of 61 yeeres, and is buri­ed in Stregnitz He had issue.

☞ With Mary daughter of Ludovick Count Palatine of the Rhine, Elector. She was married to him the 11 of May in An. 1579. and died 29 Iuly 1589. and [Page]had issue by him

1 Margaret Elizabeth, borne in Ny­copin the 23 September, in anno 1580. and died the 27 of August 1585.

2 Elizabeth Sabina born 12 of March, in anno 1582. but died in Nycopin the 6 July 1585.

3 Ludouicke Duke of Suderman, &c. was borne in Heidelberg 17 March in the yeere 1583. but he died few dayes after.

4 Katherin was borne in Nycopin the 10 or 11 of Nouember 1584. and was married the 11 of Iune, in anno 1615. un­to Iohn Casimire Count Palatine of the Rhyne in New Castel, being sonne unto Iohn Duke of Zweybrucken.

5 Gustauus 2, Duke of Suderman, &c. was borne in Nycopin in anno 1587 the 12 of Iune, & died the 4 of Decemb. fol­lowing.

[Page] 6 Mary borne in Marienholm the 18. of December in anno 1588 and dyed the 24 of Aprill 1589.

☞ With Christina the daughter of A­dolph, Duke of Holstein, and neece to Frede­rick the I. King of Denmarke and Norway, &c. married the 27 of August, in anno 1592. they two had issue together

  • 1 Christina, borne in Nycopin the 26 nouem­ber, in anno 1593. and dyed the 25 of may 1594.
  • 2 Gustauus Adolphus King of the Suedes, Goths and Ʋandales, great Prince in Fin­land, Duke in Esthen and Carelia, Lord of Ingermanlande, &c. was borne in the Kingly Palace of Stockholm the 9 of De­cember, in the yeere 1594. He was crow­ned the 12 of October 1617. He was mar­ried the 25 of October 1620. unto Marie Eleonora, daughter to Iohn Sigismund, Marquesse and Elector of Brandenburg. [Page]Shee was crowned Queene of Suede three daies after. Their issue
    • 1 A daughter borne dead the 24 Iuly in the yeere of Christ 1621.
    • 2 Christina the I. borne in October 1623, but died the next yeere fol­lowing.
    • 3 Christina II. borne the 8 of Decem­ber 1626 at Stockholm.
    • 3 Marie Elizabeth born the 1 [...] of March in anno 1596. in Orebrog, was mar­ried the 29 of November 1612 vn­to Iohn Duke of Finlandt and Oster­gothland. She died in the yeere 1619 in Lyncopin and was buried there in the chiefe Church neere her hus­band.
    • 4 Charles Phillip Duke in Suderman, Nericia and Verhmlandt, &c. was borne the 23 of Aprill in anno 1600. He died the 25. of Ianuarie 1622. of [Page]a burning Fever in his returne to­wards Norcopin upon the frontiers of Russia, after that his brother Gu­stavus Adolphus had taken Rugen the chiefe Citie in Leiflandt.


Sigismund, the first Sonne of Iohn the III. King of Suede and of the Goths, was borne at Gripsolm the 20 of Iune 1566. He was elected in Cracaw King of Polonia, of this name the III, December 27. in the yeere 1587. and the 20 of February 1594. Hee was also crowned King of Suede in Vpsalia, Hee married

Anna, the daughter of Charles Duke of Austria, the 21 of May 1592. and was crowned Queene of Polonia the 31. of the said May. She died the 31 of Ianua­ry 1598. having had issue together

  • 1 Anna Maria, borne at Worschaw the 23 of May 1593. and died the 9 of February 1600.
  • [Page]2 Katherine I. borne at Stockholm the 9 of may, in the yeere 1594 and dyed al­so there the 15 of iune, but buried in Cracaw.
  • 3 Wladistaus Sigismund, Prince of Polonia, Administrator of the Dukedome of Seuerin and Zeruico, &c. was born in Cracaw in the yeer of Christ 1595. the 9 of Iune.
  • 4 Katherine II. was borne at Worsaw the 17 of Septemb. in anno 1596. Shee died the 2 of Iune 1597.
  • 5 Christopher was taken alive out of his mothers belly, the same being cut, the highest necessity requiring it, the 2 of February 1598. presently baptized, & lived not full an houre after.

Constantia, sister of the full bloud to Aune the former wife, was by Paul the [Page]fift Pope of Rome his dispensation marri­ed the 9 of Decemb. in the yeere of Christ 1605. to the foresaid Sigismund of Polonia, and had issue by her

  • 1 Iohn Casimire I. borne in Cracaw the 25 of December 1607. he died the next yeere the 14 of Ianuary.
  • 2 Iohn Casimire II. Prince of Polonia, &c. was borne at Cracaw the 22 of March 1609.
  • 3 Iohn Albiet Prince of Polonia, &c. was borne at Worsaw, the 25 of May. 1612.
  • 4 Charles Ferdinand, Prince of Polonia, was borne the 13 of October, 1613, at Worsaw.
  • 5 Alexander Charles, Prince of Polonia &c. was borne the 4 of November, 1614, at Worsaw.
  • [Page]6 Anna Constantia was borne the 26 of Ianuarie 1616 at Ʋ Ʋorsaw, and di­ed 24 of May the same yeere.
  • 7 Anna Katherine was borne the 17, of August 1619. at VVorsaw.


IOHN the first of Oreby, Knigh, and Councellor of the Kingdome of Sueden, sonne of Christi­ern the III. chiefe Coun­cellour and Arch-sewer of the said Kingdome, and Nephew to Nicholas the II. of Biorne, Knight and Go­vernour of Stockholm under King Mag­nus.

Ericke I. of Gripsolm Kinght and Councellor of the Kingdom of Sueden, and governor in A­landt.

Christiern, 4 of Oreby, Knight.

Anna, the wife of Iohn Turon, the Kings Marshall.

Gustauus I. Gouernor the first time of Sueden, and af­terwards ele­cted in the yeere 1523. King of Sueden and Gothland.

Margaret first the wife of Peter Brahe, Earle of Wisingburg, then the wife of Iohn Earle of Hoten.

Iohn, Bishop of Munster and Osna­brough, who dy­ed in the yeere 1574.

Of Katherine Queene, the daughter of Magnus Duke of Lowe Sax­onte.

Erick 2. King of Sueden and Gothlād, the 14 of this name.

Gustaus a ba­stard, who di­ed in Muscouia after hee had lived a while in the Court of Rudolph II. Emperour.

Syria, the wife of Hen. Toddens, Baron in Finland.

Of Queen Margaret his kins­woman in bloud, the daugh ter of E­ricke Abra­ham of Lo­holm Kn ht. & Gover­nour in Westgoth­land.

  • 1 Iohn 3. King of Sueden & Gothland, Du. of Finland.
  • 2 Katherine wife Ezard 2. Earle of astfrie­slandt.
  • 3 Cecilia wife to Christopher Marquesse of Baden.
  • [Page]4 Magnus, Duke of Eastgoth­land.
  • 5 Anne, wife to George Iohn, Duke of Lut­zelstein Count Palatine.
  • 6 Sophia, wife to Magnus the se­cond, Duke of Low Saxonie.
  • 7 Elizabeth, wife to Chri­stopher Duke of Mechel­burg.
  • 8 Charles, Duke first of Fin­landt, Sudermanlandt and Ne­ricia, chosen afterwards, viz. Anno 1600. King of Sueden, Gothland and Wandalia, and crowned ann. 1607. looke at the letter A.

Of Queene Ka­therine, the wife of Sigismund King of Poland.

1. Sigismund, King of Polonia and Sue­den.

Of Queene Gunill [...] descended of ancient and principall Gentry in East-gothland.

Iohn, Duke of Fin­land and East-goth­land.

Of Queene Anne Arch-dutchesse of Austria.

  • 1 Anna Maria.
  • 2 Kathe­rine.
  • 3 Vladislaus Sigism [...] ­dus Prince of Poland.
  • 4 Katherine.
  • 5 Christopher.

Of Queene Constantia, Arch-dutchesse of Austria.

  • 1 Iohn Casimire.
  • 2 Iohn Ca­simire II. Prince of Poland.
  • 3 Iohn Al­bert Prince of Poland.
  • 4 Charles Ferdinād Prince of Poland.
  • 5 Alexander Charles Prince of Poland.
  • 6 Anna Con­stantia.
  • 7 Anna Ca­therin [...].


Charles 6. of this name, King of Sue­den, Gothland and Wandalia.

Of Mary Countesse Palatine, daugh­ter to Ludowicke Count Palatine and E­lector.

  • 1. Margaret Elizabeth.
  • 2. Elizabeth Sabina.
  • 3. Lewis Duke of Sudermanland.
  • 4 Kathe­rine.
  • 5 Gustavus 2. Duke of Sudermanland.
  • 6 Marie.

Of the Dutchesse Christina the daugh­ter of Adolph Duke of Holstein neece to Fre­der. 1 King of Denmarke and Norway.

  • 1. Chri­stina.
  • 2. Gustavus Adolphus, Ki. of Sueden, Gothland, great Prince of Finland,
  • 3. Many Elizabeth wif to Iohn Duke of Finland & Eastgothlād. Charles Philip Duk of Suder­manland, Nericia & Vermlād.
  • Christina 1.
  • Christina 2.


THE Dutch Copie of this Pedegree first penned and printed, where, and by whom (as thou seest) was sent into England to a Person of note and qualitie, who being well af­fected to the advancement of the honor of Christian Princes, thought it fit to be published, and therefore translated it. Now it appeares by this Genealogie faithfully collected and set forth, that this most noble King of Sueden (Gustavus A­dolphus) is lineally descended not onely of Atavis Regibus, but of a Race of Delive­rers, and himselfe the greatest; for the [Page] German Churches groaning as loud, though not so long as the Iewes (who were delivered by Gedeon, Iephtah and o­thers) have cause to call him so; howsoe­ver Generall Tilly in his Letter to his Ma­iesty of Sueden termes him, (who is Gods anointed King) but In the Suedish Intelligen­cer pa. 121 Cavalier; of whom that were much rather to bee uttered which Seneca relates one to have said of Caesar, Qui apud Caesarem dicere audent, mag­nitudinem ejus ignorant, qui non audent, hu­manitatem. God prosper the Person, Pro­genie and proceedings of this Heroicall and religious Prince, Mutus sit oportet qui non lauda­rit Hercu­lem. Pin­dar. to whole highest ho­nour and happines my hearty desires and prayers being devoted (as I trust thine is) doe thus expresse themselves in this short Panegyrick. And so farewell.

SPlendida quàm Generis series ab origine prima
Surgit, Suecorum qualis pertexitur Ordo,
Maiorum patet hìc, Gentisque Propago perosae,
Perstrictam stellae Borealis lumine Romam.
Eccè genus quantum in seros conferre Nepotes
Et Proavi possunt, nascenti affulsit Adolpho,
Et quantum in Proavos possunt conferre Nepotes,
Gustavus parta Rex cum virtute rependit.
Ignorant gentes genus illius; Anglus at Atlas,
Quique bibit Tanaim, torrentis & accola Gangis,
Gesta scient eius praeclara, peric'la, labores,
Quanta tulit fecitque pius pronomine Christi.

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