A worke rare, learned, and excellent. By A. B.
LONDON Printed by Thomas Creede, and are to be sold by William Barley, at his shop in Gratious streete. 1595.
The Noblenesse of the Asse.
Attabaliba of Peru, to the Asse-fauouring Readers.
ALbeit amongst all the kinds of vnreasonable creatures, which are inclosed within the Moones great concaue, those appertaining to the earth, are euer reputed more perfect, then the other that swimme or flie, and therefore consequently are to be reckoned more Noble. Neuerthelesse, there is no one man knowne, that determinately hath censured, what one creature among those of earthly kinde, is to beheld most perfect and noble beyond all the other. Yet diuerse kindes haue bene continually at warre amongst themselues, Beasts contend, that man might iudge of their worthinesse. making choise of some before the rest, by their commendable behauiour: and haue showne the same to man, to the end he might pronounce the doubtfull sentence.
[Page] Herehence grew the reason, that men of iudgement made election of fiue kinds only, Fiue kindes of beasts made choyse of. which they haue opposed against all the other: and those are the Dogge, the Horsse, the Lyon, the Ape, and the Elephant.
But because humane iudgements are wont ordinarily to bee diuerse and variable, euen as their thoughts and opinions are of selfesame nature: so by proofe we find, some to perticularize his fauour one way, and other some (among these fiue kinds) to praise as himselfe pleaseth, which in their seueral writings is easily discerned. And as I haue oftentimes read them, so haue they raised no mean meruaile in my minde, why no one is found amongst the number of so many auncient writers that hath looked into the Asses kinde, finding him to be the most compleat, perfect, and the very Noblest beast, among all the rest that nature euer gaue life vnto in this world.
And albeit among our moderne men, VVriters of the Asse. Iulio Camillo, Pietro Messia, one called Academico Peregrino, & Rao in one of his letters, with another that made but a digression, haue written somewhat, declaring diuerse considerable qualities of the Asse: yet perhaps the same hath bene so succinctly, or rather vnskilfully performed, as they haue rather depriued then rendered such perfection, as makes him worthie the direct sentence, to bee the most Noble, aamong all the kindes of beasts vnreasonable, whatsoeuer.
[Page] But the worst is, that the foresaid writers haue shewen, The fault of the former writers. I will not say little iudgement, but indeed farre lesse conscience, being so ouer impudently bold, in seruing their turnes with authorities of holie scripture, to recount the Asses qualities: because the meaning therof neither should or ought be applied to Asse-fauouring iestes, which makes them the more worthie seuere punishment, for inconsiderately haue they giuen to words of the olde and new Testament, other expositions then should so be made of them.
Concerning what I intend to say, The Authors purpose in his proceeding. I meane to draw my prooues from sence, reason, authoritie, as also examples of men skilfull and learned: to the end, that this age of ours may be throughly persuaded in the trueth of the matter I vndertake, not to leaue buried in blinde obliuion, those admirable qualities, which makes this beast, not onely more perfect and Noble then the other, but the very perfectest and Noblest of all other.
And that I stand fearlesse of murmuring toongs, The Authors protestation to the captious. cutting taunts, first and foremost I protest to thee, who (with ascancing lookes) make profession of prying into other mens workes: that in the whole subiect of the matter, they shall find nothing to inueigh against, except after they haue peece-meale turnd it ouer, they chaunce to light on some error in the Orthographie. Then ere they offer to teare this my Asse-defending imprefe, I would let them vnderstand, that I mooued to write it by a strong perswasion, [Page] that the fortune hereof would be faire, good & conformable, to their Asse-fauouring proceeding.
If they accept it, The Authors reason, why his booke is not to be misliked. as reason requires they should, despight of all malicious enuie, themselues shall soone perceiue, that mine intent is good & honest; whence may ensue this conclusion, that this work of mine, notwithstanding how earnestly soeuer it is written on the Asses behalfe, deserues to be commended: either because (as I haue said) it is honest and good, or for the desire I haue it should prooue no otherwise. But what answere shall I make the foolish, or to backbiting maligners: when (being caught within their Griffen-like talents) they labour to make an Anatomie of me?
In sooth I know not what other answer I should make to fooles, How fooles and maligners are to be answered. then only not to regard them: because (in reason) they cannot well blame another bodies actions, till first they know how to rule and manage their owne. To the maligners I say, that in vsing me so hardly, it is the easier discerned how they can detract, and speake of others as of themselues. But if I light into the hands of wise & good men; I shall be assured, that they not knowing how to speake euil, will neuer say of me otherwise then well.
Heereto I may likewise adde, The differēce betweene fooles and wise men. that if by lawe a paine were appointed, that such as would not read this Asse-maintaining treatise of mine, should likewise be hindered from walking abroad, they might [Page] account it hard. But each one being at libertie to reade or leaue it, they may likewise in reason spare me this freedom, of giuing or withholding it from the print.
Then such as please to reade, Read that wil, & leaue that will. let them reade, and such as will not, let them leaue it. But this I may well say to such as read it, and yet receiue not that taste and Asse-delighting pleasure they expected, that mens vnderstandings are diuers, and therefore possibly it may be, that they differ farre from such, who doubtlesse shall finde therein a sauour of some sweetnesse. They that but beginning to read, finde neither words or sence fitting their humour: they may soone resolue on no further losse of time, but so giue ouer, and proceed no further.
Yet admit they go on, and read it out to the end, the blame notwithstanding will bee theirs, who made it after mine owne minde, and not to answere theirs. A reasonable admonition of the Author Yea, their shame will be the greater, when they shall detect the worke, that hath no sence but what defendes the Asse. And more agreeing is it with reason, that they should rather checke themselues: seeing without any taste of delight, they were so simple to proceed in reading this Asses progresse, a possession whereof they may (perhaps) find in themselues, a long while after.
Nor would I (learned Readers) that any of you should enter into conceit, that I had so much of the Asse in mee, as made mee bring to light this Nobilitie of the Asse, otherwise then to purge some [Page] short pleasure of this world. The Authors censure of himselfe. For I am assured, that it will be thought a most foolish fopperie, a proud folly, or rather the verie proudest foolerie in the world: by reason the world hath bin so many thousand yeares, without knowledge of the Asses Noblenesse, and happily it might haue continued so still to the end, had not I vndertooke this Asse-propagating labour: to make knowne the Asse in his kind (as I haue said) to be the most Noble, not only of the before named fiue sorts of fiue footed beasts, but of other beside, that euer were produced by our mother nature. Which I doubt not to accomplish, albeit I haue gathered into this currant discourse, the properties, vertues, graces, excellencies and naturall gifts, of those beasts whereof the former fiue seuerall kindes haue made mention. To the end, that they contending to be equall with the Asse, it may generally appeare to them that by reason and truth wil be perswaded, the sentence ought be pronounced on the Noble Asses behalfe.
In whose company I leaue ye (most kind Asse-fauouring Readers) offering my selfe readie & prepared to all your seruices.
From Peru, at the time appointed.
The Noblenesse of the Asse.
The first part.
Of the Dogge. 1.
WE will begin then with the Dogge, whose excellence (in sooth) is such, as he hath reason to contend for perfection and Noblenesse, with which soeuer you will name of those other beasts. If at large I would speake of the nature and powerfull quallities of this beast, euen but so much as is found written in histories of him: my labour would rise to a mightie volume. But to impaire no part of his honor, nor selecting any perticuler quallitie of his, more then I do of the other beasts which follow: I referre both you and my self therin, to such as haue most copiously written of him.
And euen so might I likewise do of the Asse, stood it not now on me to recount, not all I say (for that is impossible) but many of his qualities, which former writers haue let slip vnder silence.
First of all then, The gifts and quallities naturall in a Dogge. the Dogge only among beasts knoweth his maister, and by means meruellous inough, distinguisheth him from any other. He ioyeth and delighteth by [Page] his presence; hée beares his maister company; hée goeth before as a spie, and finding any ambuish, by barking hée discouers and manifesteth the same, daring to fight with his maisters enemy. Many haue bene so preserued by the aide of a Dogge. Hée is the onely dilligent kéeper of things, that by his maister are committed to his trust.
Théeues hauing slaine a man, his Dogge was founde kéeping his dead bodie, lest he should be deuoured by birds or wilde beasts.
Sabinus being imprisoned with all his seruants, The effectuall loue of a Dog [...]e. for Neros cause, the sonne to Germanicus, hauing his Dog with him, A place in Rome, from whence condemned men were throwne he could not be expeld the prison, nor from his bodie, when he was throwne forth from the Genioniae scalae, but laie by howling and crying wondrously, when bread was giuen him, he brought it to the mouth of his dead maister. Lastly, when the bodie was cast into the riuer of Tyber, he leapt immediately after it, and opposing his strength against the waight thereof, laboured to kéepe it aboue the water: a great number of people being then present to behold the wonderfull loue of this poore beast.
The Dogge knoweth his houshold soundes of voyces: The naturall instinct and gifts of a dog. he remembreth his name: call him, and he turneth to the place and person. He is not forgetfull of the way, how short or long soeuer it be. He is easily gouerned: he knoweth home friendes from straungers. Moste wise is hee in finding out his game, to rowse him from his place, or where he lies hidden: he pursues him, and hath a wonderfull sent.
The boldnesse of this he beast is such, that feare cannot boudge against the furie of the wildest creature, be he far greater or brauer then himselfe: but especially if his maister be in place to cheare him on, prouoke him, and call him by his name.
[Page] Many other things might be said for proofe of his noblenesse, but I referre the Reader to the writings of both our auncient and moderne historians.
Of the Horsse. 2.
NOw beholde the Horsse, The beautie, greatnesse, and strength of the horse. who will not be out gone (in perfections and Noblenesse) by the Dogge: first the greatnesse of his bodie, the beautie thereof, besides his strength, wherewith not only hée ouercommeth the Dogge, but a great many other valiantly beastes besides.
In Horsses is great and proude boldnesse, The Horsse by war shewes himselfe magnaim [...]us. and hereof they séeme to participate in better sorte (especially strength) then is conuenient for their nature. Bucephalus, the Horsse to Alexander the great, when he was royally furnished, he would neuer suffer himselfe to be ridden by any.
This Horsse being brought to the winning of Thebes, The horses of Alexander and Caesar. would not permit that Alexander should mount himselfe on any other horsse.
The like is read of Iulius Caesars most beautifull horse, who would not suffer any to come on his backe, but his owne maister.
Horsses are very easie to be maistred, Horses ea [...]ly [...] bold in war. and soone enstructed. At the sound of Drumme and Trumpet, he stirres and leapes, being forward of himselfe to runne into the battaile.
The kindnesse of a Horsse toward his maister, The [...]. hath béene founde excéeding great: for we reade that some of them haue wept themselues to death, as Virgill [Page] noteth of Aethon, the Horsse to Pallas, Euanders sonne, he wept excéedingly, while they did the funerall exsequies of his maister.
Nicomedes King of Bithinia, being dead, as Plinie reporteth, his Horse neuer afterward would touch haye or corne, but sterued himselfe to death.
The Horsse of Antiochus séeing his maister dead, would not suffer Centauretus of Galatia to sit quietly on his back, but threw himselfe downe from an high rocke, and so destroyed both his ryder and himselfe.
Nor can it be denied, A Horsse seemeth to haue bashfulnesse. but that Horses are bashfull and modest. A horse hiding his eyes, and perceiuing himselfe to be conioyned with his Dame, cast himselfe afterward from an high place, and there died so: this was knowne to happen in the territories of Reate in Vmbria.
How many graue histories are founde to discourse of horses? Some, that in a conflict, hath caught in his mouth an arme, before it could fal to the ground and hath brought the same vnto his maister.
Many other effectuall things concerning Horses, might be spoken of, which I omit in regard of the cause before alledged: here is inough in reason, to giue him the first place of Noblenesse, if the Lyon take it not from him.
Of the Lyon. 3.
THe Lion striues to aspire aboue the Horse: Temperance in the Lyon. for among other vertues, Temperance is attributed to him. He drinketh but sildome times; he taketh not his sustenance euery day. When he findes himselfe well fed, thrée dayes togither he abstaineth from meate: which likewise were conuenient for a man that were modest and temperately giuen.
The Lyon only (amongst other wilde beasts) sheweth most sign of clemencie, The Lyon is pittifull by nature. toward humble & submissiue actiōs.
[Page] A woman that through a Forrest escaped from prison, and from seruitude in Affrica, to returne home into her owne country, met with a Lyon, whom she perswaded her selfe would féede on her in steed of other meate. The Lyons mildnesse to a woman. But she shewing humble behauiour, falling on her knées to the ground, folding her armes crosse-wise, and y e teares trickling from her eyes, so asswaged & pacified his stearnnesse, that vntoucht he suffered her to part from him.
Being pursued by violence of Dogges and huntesmen, in despight of them he abideth boldly in the field, that they may looke on him: but when they begin to menace the woods, then he makes away with swiftest course.
When he is hurt, The Lyons nature toward his smiter or wounder. he well obserueth the man that did it, and with infinite vexation goes to séeke his launcer or smiter: and because he hath but wounded him, he smites him to the ground, but wil not kill him.
In the Lyon is no suspition or deceit, The Lion ioyeth to be beloued & regarded. his lookes are not trecherous or shamelesse, and in like manner he loueth to be regarded.
What friendship or kindnesse he hath receiued, he preserueth, and is thankfull for any benefit whatsoeuer.
Andronicus a seruaunt, being fled into the desarts of Affrica, The gratitude of a Lyon to his benefactor hauing there cured a Lyons foote, which he held vp to him, as requiring helpe: continued thrée yéeres with the same Lyon in his Caue, liuing all that while on the flesh of such wilde beasts, as the Lyon brought him. When this kinde of life was irkesome to him, he departed thence, being afterward (in processe of time) taken, and brought backe to his maister: when in a publike spectacle, he was deliuered to be deuoured of wilde beasts, of which company, the same Lyon with whom Andronicus had liued (being taken before, and brought to Rome) was one.
Immediately the Lyon knew Andronicus, and in all baste ran vnto him, no otherwise, but euen as one friend would do to another, that had long time desired his louing [Page] company: which mooued Caesar (then present) to enquire further thereof, when being satisfied, he freed him from the punishment: and at the peoples entreatie, the Lyon was giuen to Andronicus, who got much mony afterward by him in Rome.
Beside all this, The Lyon is liberall by nature. the Lyon is liberall, leauing part of his praie to other beasts that follow him. And therefore he is called the king of all beastes terrestriall. These and such like are his qualities, whereby it appeareth, that the Lion goes beyond the other in perfection and nobilitie.
Of the Ape. 4.
THe Ape comes, The Ape like to man. and would precéed the Lyon, by reason of his similitude to a humane bodie: his eyes, eyebrowes, forehead, mouth, téeth, brest & pappes, which other beastes haue not in that place: His armes turning toward him, his hands with fingers, the middlemost wherof is longest; his nayles distinctly placed, and his inward parts resembling them of man.
The Ape hath a quicke apprehension & tractable, The Ape easily apprehendeth and imitateth. wherby he vnderstandeth what he is commaunded, and verie gently performeth the same.
He wil imitate the Shoomaker, not only in shooing himselfe, but in exercising the same beside.
Many other humane actions he hath beside, as eating, putting the meate to his mouth with his hand, making himselfe clean from filth and noysomenesse, euen no otherwise then as a man doth.
It is read of some Apes, that they haue playd y e théeues. Their yoong which are engendred in their owne abiding, The nature of the Ape. they bring abroad, ioying that other shall take them and nourish them: as vnderstanding what pleasure they will conceiue in their ioying, which behauiour is farre from all other kinde of beasts.
[Page] And last of all, the Ape (in many other things) shewes himselfe to be the most perfect, next to man, and more néer to humane nature, then any beast else whatsoeuer: so consequently, most worthy to beare the palme of greatest perfection and noblenesse.
Of the Elephant. 5.
YEt the Elephant would sléepe before the Ape, and as he is bigger of bodie then the other, so he pretendeth to be of farre greater Noblenesse and perfection. For great matters are read and registred of this beast, whereof, one is, a certain nature verie neare to humane sence.
He reuerenceth the Starres, the Moone and the Sun. In the fields of Mauritania, there is a certain Riuer, wherto (at euery new Moone) the Elephant goeth to purifie himselfe verie solemnely: and bathing in the water, after he hath saluted or honoured the Moone, he returneth back to the Forrest.
His apprehension is meruailous, for if he espie the print of a mans foote, presently he feareth to be entrapped. Then staying himselfe, very héedfully he turnes about, snoring, and very angerly heated.
So soone as he sees the footing, he markes how the steps follow one another, going on, till he come to the verie last of all: and hauing compassed each part of y e square or walk, then he prepareth to fight against man his enemie.
Elephants are of great capacitie, for they haue this order in their trauelling, that if any yoong ones be amongst them, they put them foremost, that they following, the other may pace the more gently.
They go alwaies in heards togither, and the eldest is the guide next him, the other that seconds him in yeares.
At the passage of any water, they put the yoongest foremost, lest their huge bodies going before, should cause such [Page] a strong water fall from them, as the yo [...]nger comming behinde, might easily be drowned thereby.
There were certaine Elephants transported in a ship of Puteoli, and being enforced to come forth, they were affraid of the spaciousnesse of the Bridge, and therefore went backward, to be guile their owne conceit of the Bridges length.
Wee reade of an Elephant that learned the Gréeke Charracters, and with his truncke or snoute wrote Greeke Letters: as Aubus Gellius witnessing, saith; I my selfe haue written this, and dedicate it to the Celtique spoyles.
To breake an Armie, or make sport, is a thing common: hee hath sounde memorie, and so is recorded of his name.
Were he not a beast, who could deny the Elephant to be the picture of clemencie. For Plinie writeth, that if hée méete a man alone in any desart place, wandring out of his way, hee will goe before him, and so well guide his way, as he will defend him from all other beasts.
Let them be publikely among women, they know no adulterie, nor euer was woman hurt among them, as they haue bene among other, especially men.
They are much subiect to amourous passione. In Egipt, an Elephant loued a yoong mayden, that solde chaplets of flowers. Another likewise loued a yoong man in Ptolomies Armie. And another, a yoong damosell, that was a Perfumer.
The substance of their loue is made manifest, by delighting in the presence of the partie beloued: their faire pleasing shewes, and playing on their brest with such mony as people giues them.
These things with many more, the Gréeke and Latin Historians haue written of them: so that now I might conclude, the Elephant (of all spéediest beasts) to be the [Page] most Noble and perfect, his quallities being so nears in neighbourhood to humane nature: but that the Asse now presenteth himselfe.
Of the Asse. 6.
BVt behold the Asse approaching, who commeth Garlanded with glorie, and with a palme, in signe of victorie, obtained by his Noblenesse and perfections. Wherein he hath very much outgone the Dogge, the Horsse, the Lyon, the Ape, the Elephant, and whatsoeuer other beast ye can deuise to name, not onely by his head, and the other partes of his bodie, but in excellencie of minde, [Page] which (to speake truth) is plainly manifested, and is much more honorable then the bodie, that but serues and obeyes in the emperie of the minde.
Simplicitie is so naturally propper and giuen to the Asse, The Asse eateth of all things without making any differēce. as in one or other kinde of meate, he contends not, or makes any difference at all. Let him come into a Gardain, sooner falles he to feeding on bryers and thistles, then on good lettice, or other rootes.
In life (beyond all other beasts in the world) is he most sparing, The Asse most sparing in life. suffising himselfe with any little foode. And so long time will he endure hunger and thirst, as it is thought he rather eateth to liue, then liueth to eate.
To his other noble qualities, this of patience may well be adioyned, patiently enduring all kinde of labor; without any alteration, without chaunge of place, without kicking against, or making signe of any dislike at all. At continuall strokes, he standeth stedfastly, he weigheth not the woundes that comes by sterne stripes, or the gréeuous blowes that teares his flesh to the bares bones: but willingly applieth himselfe alwaies to his maisters seruice.
He refuseth no burthen, The Asse refuseth no load, and is good in all parts. he goes whither hee is sent, without any contradiction. He lifts not his foote against any one, he bytes not, he is no fugitiue, nor maliciously affected. He doth all things in good sort, and to his liking that hath cause to imploy him. If strokes bee giuen him, he cares not for them: and as our moderns Poeth singeth;
He ioyeth in peace, and takes such déepe delight therein, The Asse a louer of peace. as ye can finde no one beast with whom he would willingly meddle. For we sée he stands peaceably conuersing with them, yea, so kindly and louingly, as all beasts are accounted [Page] brutish to him, in regard of carnall brotherhood, notwithstanding they are of so many diuers kindes. He will not defend his owne part of prouender layde before him, as we sée all other beasts do, nor offers he to exclude any, that puts head with him in the maunger, not only is he content curteously to let him haue part, but to expresse more greatnesse of mind, many times he withdrawes him selfe, most liberally leauing all the foode to other, though himselfe were oppressed with neuer so great hunger.
Nor néedes his maister prouide varietie of meate for him, because
Not only in eating (as we haue said) is he modest, The Asse is moderate in drinking▪ being contented with allowance of simplest meat: but likewise he is most manerly in drinking, which was very well noted by our Poet, when he said;
Columella affirmeth, The Asse addicted to many lab [...]. that there is no beast, whereof a men hath more need, then of the Asse. He breakes the earth with the plough, draweth great burthens for the mill, the bakehouse, and carrieth corne from place to place, so that his labour is beyond all other. There is no Towne, no house, and lastly no place, that can imploy a more necessary beast then the Asse is.
Commodiously with necke, No beast so necessary as the Asse. shoulders, and all his whole bodie, can he draw, beare, and carry vp & downe, all kindes of graine, and all things necessary for the vse of man: so is [Page] there no other beast that can do it, or is so apt for it.
The Horsse, Mule, and Oxe, are apt to draw and beare great lading: yet enter they not the house, or if they be brought in, it is forcibly by stripes, or such like prouoking. But the Asse, verie mildely, or rather familiarly, yea, at a nod or becke only, goes euery where at his maisters pleasure. Into by-places, lodgings, halles, chambers, vp the staires into Grayneries, carrying thither all things beséeming each place: ascending and descending very perfectly, being not troubled with the impediment of hornes, as the Oxe is, nor headstrong, or vntoward to driue, as the Horsse and Mule are.
His maister is not molested with thought or griefe, to make his prouision for all the yeare, as ye sée what care is had for all other beasts: because (as hath bene alreadie declared) he giues himselfe tr all sorts of meates.
By the way as he goes (although he be loaden) hée takes his féeding, and let him come into what place soeuer, he will catch a bit, if commodiously he may. When it so falles out, that he happens to stand two or three dayes without meate, he is not therefore offended with his maister, nor makes any murmure there at by his voyce. Hée makes no signe of chusing his meate, by any kinde of testure; as the horsse doth by often neighing and stamping with his féet, if prouender be not brought him at time conuenient. But the Asse, whether he féede or fast, still goes to beare his ordinary burthens.
We know that all kindes of beasts were created by God, for the seruice of man: but what beast can ye finde, [Page] wherewith man may more be serued, then the Asse? He, beside all the commodities whereof alreadie we haue spoken, yet necessary for man: suffer the bridle to be put in his mouth, carries the saddle, and endures all other kinde of harnesse for horsemanship, greatly reioycing therein; whereby our Poet procéeding in his praise, saith:
When hée is on the way adorned with his maister on his backe, not a little doth he delight him with his swéete trot, and so paceth lightly on, without any wearinesse to his ryder.
Mooued (as I imagined) by these and other his honourable quallities, nature our most louing mother giue him a priuiledge, whereof he only might vaunt aboue all other creatures in the world. And this it is, that he is neuer molested with any of this hated small vermine, which we call Lice: and this very elegantly was noted by our Poet Praelibato, when of his gifts and praises, thus he sung.
An other priuiledge is sollumne to himselfe, and nature most bounteously hath bestowed it on him: which is (as Plinie faithfully reporteth) that the hearbe vulgarely called Ferula, sodeinly killeth all other beasts that eates thereof, except the Asse, who thereon [...]eedes boldly, without any dread of harme.
[Page] Beside this, he hath no gall within him, as by Anatomie hard euidently appeared: a proofe sufficient inough, without calling Aristotle to witnesse, who confesseth the same in his fourth booke of the parts of beasts.
Therefore it is not to be meruailed at, that so brotherlike he goeth with all beasts, and trauelleth with man so quietly: which likewise was regarded by the same Poet, when he said:
Such as delight themselues in ryding on the Asse, séem to haue no common or vulgare iudgement, because they make choyse of the very noblest beast, that euer was produced by nature. Wherfore it is not to be thought strange, why our Poet exhorteth to ryde on him, saying:
Afterward, to honor the Asse the more, thus he procéedeth.
[Page] The same Poet, to confirme how pleasing the delight of ryding on the Asse is, declares in a fewe verses, a little merrie storie, in this maner.
That the Asse is a beast, as apt to be taught as the Elephant, and goes very farre beyond him, though daily experience shewes vs much, yet shall it not be offensiue for me to recount an Asse-fauouring historie, which maister Iohn Lyon, a most diligent and faithfull Cosmographer of Affrica, noteth in the eight part of his great volumme, where describing what notable things are found in Affrica, he discourseth on matters concerning the great Cittie of Cayro, and (among other) speaketh thus as followeth.
Hither were brought many pleasant iestes, especially such as teach Cammels, Asses and Dogges to daunce, a sight very pleasing to behold, chiefly in the Asse: for at a certaine time, one of these Iesters, when his Asse had danced a while, speaking to him, said in this maner:
The Soldane meanes to erect a goodly building, wherfore he shall néede to imploy all the Asses in Cayro, for carriage of lime, stone, and other necessary things. At these words, the Asse sodeinly fell to the grounde, turning his [Page] héeles vp toward heauen, his belly swollen, and his eyes closed, euen in such sort as if he had bene dead. Then fell the man to many lamentable circumstances, how he had lost his Asse, and entreated the by standers, that they wold helpe to requite him with another, and therefore to make some gathering among them: yet they saide, they did not imagine his Asse to be dead, albeit he stirred not, but knew his counterfeit drift was, to get himselfe some money and prouender for his beast. Then they turned to the Asse, bidding him to arise: but he stirred not, although they laboured him with many stripes, and could not get to rise by all their endeuour: then the man pursuing his former practise, said to the standers by;
Gentlemen, I giue ye all to vnderstand, how the Soldane hath caused to be published by sound of Trompet, that to morrow all the people in Cayro must goe forth to sée his tryumph: commaunding all the faire gentlewomen in the Cittie, to be mounted on goodly Asses, afterward, the beasts shall eate good barley, and drinke the pure water of Nylus. No sooner had the Iester spoken these words, but the Asse leapt vp on his féet, and brauely shewed signs of excéeding contentment: whereon the Iester thus began againe.
I heare it for credible, that a certaine peazant of the Countrey where I was borne, hath euen now made a request to me, that this faire Asse of mine, might serue his foule ill fauoured wife to ryde on. The Asse, at these spéeches, (as if he had humane vnderstanding) laid downe his cares flat, and beganne to goe about halting, feyning as if he had bene starke lame. Then said the Iester; doth yoong and faire women please thée? Heereat the Asse merely lifted vp his head, euen as if he had replied, that they did.
His maister procéeding said; Here are many both yoong and faire: shewe me which of them best liketh thée. The [Page] Asse running to make search, where diuers women stood to behold him, and making choyse of the verie fairest and most honourable, to her he went, and touched her with his head. Then all the standers by cried with a loude voyce: Behold the Ladie of the Asse, as making a merie iest of the matter. And the man mounting on his Asse, rode to shewe his quallities else where.
But what greater example of an Asses instruction can we alleadge, then that which Ammonius Alexandrinus, a Philosopher of no meane estéeme, affirmeth? to wit, that he had an Asse was his scholler, and came ordinarily to hear his readings. This meruell moued our Poet to sing:
But whither wander I, to gather matter of his praise in this print? when it might suffise me only to speake of him, that which followeth in our Poets Canto, that is:
How wise and well aduised (beside all this) the Asse appeares to be, I think there is not any man in the world but remembers & knows it wel inough: because he wil neuer return any way, where he hath once stumbled or falne. [Page] And although he may be enforced thereto by his maisters stripes, yet he hath a very respectiue care of his stepping his foote in the former place of offence: as with great wit our Poet noteth the same, saying;
We cannot deny, but that the Asse serueth as a spectacle, and most singuler example of patience, because it is a vsuall thing for fathers, mothers, and such like, simply to aduise their children or friendes, that in affaires of this world, they should séeme to haue the backe of an Asse: meaning, that it behoues them (in all things) to arme themselues with patience.
Should we spare to speake of his constancie, wherwith how much he is endued, the Asse which was so displeased with them of Padua, doth very well declare. For they hauing drawne into the Cittie, the water of * Bacchiglione, where first of all the Asse vsed ordinarily to drinke: so outragiously did he shew himselfe offended at this water mingling, as it is impossible euer after to make him drinke of that water. And herehence grew the Prouerbe: All Padua had not the power to make the Asse drinke, by reason he perseuered most constantly in his honourable resolution. In regard whereof, if we would giue him that due, which we owe as a debt.
[Page] But to kéep nothing from him that is reputed of worth, yet hold him still in estéeme, and render him such honour as is conuenient for him: let it suffise vs, before we offer in ought to despise him, that first we call to memorie, that through contemning and reprouing the Asse, some notable daunger hath ensued: yea, matter of death.
Who knowes not what happened to great King Mydas, because he offered wrong to the Asse? Let them looke on his picture, and they shall sée his eares shaped like to the Asses. And therefore very wisely our Poet wrote of him, saying.
But let vs speake of some, who by the meanes of such wrongs offered, haue brought themselues to the extréemest point of death.
There are now certaine yeares past, since I being in Zara, a citie of Sclauonia, I sawe one led to the gallowes to be executed, whose name was Iiacomo Schiffalasino, who being first brought to prison among other malefactors, and by the discréet Iudge appointed to the torture, because he should confesse wherein they had offended, (he not hauing any detection wherewith to charge them, or that was sufficient to touch them as they should be.) But first he beganne to consider on the sirname of Schiffalasino, and approuing that sir-name for a sufficient detection, terrified him thereby so strictly, and in such sort, as the poore man confessed the faults, which both he and his companions had committed. Whereupon, he caused him with the rest, to be hanged by the neckes, and (as the common prouerbe is) sent them to shake their héeles against the winde.
If this example may not be thought sufficient, let vs [Page] then call to mind the death of Philemon the Philosopher, who tooke offence at one of his Asses, that in token of a singular or magnificent minde, put forth himselfe to eate of preserued figges, which were serued in to the Table for his maister. Hereat he fell into such extremitie of laughter or derision, that there sodeinly he died; as our Poet verie excellently singing, affirmeth,
But if contrariwise we would consider, what good and happie successe hath ensued, such encounters wherein the Asse hath receiued no iniurie, we might the more easily resolue to honor and hold them in such estéeme, as fortunate diuining auguries haue deserued to be. And whosoeuer hath made diligent obseruation of them, shall finde they haue saued the liues of many, yea in doubtfull battailes and most bloodie fights, they shewed before hand assured victorie.
What saued the life of great Caius Marius, who had bene Consull six times, but only an Asse? whose iestures be diligently obseruing, when by the Minturnes he was committed prisoner to Fauuias house: where he noted how swiftly he rusht out of doore, and ranne to drinke at the néerest fountaine.
He then aduising on this progresse of the Asse, sayd: That the Goddes had sent this beast before hand, to signifie, that by his sodeine running to the [...]ountaine, he should receiue thereby most certaine augurie, that there was no other meane left for him to escape with life, then by water. Whereupon, (hauing gotten forth of the aforesaid prison) he went and imbarqued himselfe at the next port, and fled into Affrica, where he saued himselfe.
Vincentio Cartari, in his booke of Images of the auncient Gods, saith, that the Ambraciotti and Sicioni, people of Greece, being in warre togither, an ambush was laide [Page] in a wood, to intrap them that were to issue forth of the Citie. At the same time it happened, that a man driuing his Asse toward the Citie, with certaine lading on his backe, his beast (by chance) sented a shée Asse going before, which made him follow after, braying so loud as possibly he could. And pacing on faster then his maister would willingly he should, both the Asses (at length) began to bray togither, each beast answering the other, falling and rising with their voyces, in such straunge and confused noyse, that the Sicioni (terrified with the murmure) were glad to be gone from where they laie hid, and so betooke themselues to flight. The Ambraciotti being aduertised thereof, pursued and ouerthrew them.
Afterward they made a goodly Asse of mettall, which they sent to be offred at Delphos, in the Temple of Apollo, for a memorie of their good fortune by the Asse: and which they perswaded themselues had not else happened to them, but only by that singular beast.
Higinus the Historian, recordeth, that when the Goddes Bacchus and Vulcan fought with the Giants, they entred the battaile mounted on Asses.
We read likewise in Hedorotus, the father of the Grecian historie, that Darius going to warre against the Scithians, led with him a great nomber of Asses, that only by their noyse and braying, made all the enemies horses take them to their héeles. Afterwards the Scithians comming to assault Persia, their horses were againe so affrighted with the dreadfull voyce of Asses, as they fled, and could not be enforced to abide.
Our Poet, by these and such like effects, being earnestly sollicited, very elegantly singeth in this maner.
Beholde then, whether wee haue good cause or no, to holde the Asse in all estimation: yet in these vnthankfull [Page] dayes of ours, we sée him folde for a most base, or rather a vile price: albeit in elder ages he was of dearer value then euer was any other beast in the world.
Marcus Varro rehearseth, that in his time an Asse was solde for seuentie Sestertiaes: which according to Budeus and other Computists, amounteth to the summe of a thousand and fiue hundred crownes. Moreouer he addeth hereto, that he sawe foure Asies rated at foure hundred Sestertiaes.
Plinie testifieth, that an Asse was sold for a very great number of Crownes, albeit the certaine summe I doo not now readily remember, but any one may reade it truly set downe, in the seuenth booke of his naturall historie.
Lampridius telleth vs, that Heliogabalus the Emperour, when he would bestow a magnificent gift on the people of Rome, vsed to giue them certaine Asses: meaning, that a speciall and rare estimation consisted therein, because indéed it was the gift of an Emperour.
Marcus Polus, in the first booke of his voyage to the great Cane of Cathaia, the eleuenth Chapter, where he speaketh of the Persian kingdome, saith; In this kingdome are there likewise Asses, the very fairest and greatest that are in the world, which are wont to be sooner sold then horses. And the reason is, because they eate lesse, and beare greater burthens: beside, they dispatch more myles in a day, then the Horses or Mules are able to do, nor can they endure so much labour as the Asses will.
Wherefore the Merchants of those parts going from one Prouince to another, passe through great desarts and sandie places, where growes [...] hearbes or grasse at all: and by reason of the great distance of wells and swéete water, they make their dayes iourney the longer, wherefore the more gladly they vse these Asses, because they are swifter, runne better, and serues them with very small expences. They vse Camells like wise, who beare great lading, [Page] and are not chargeable: but yet they are not so swift as their Asses.
But let vs admit that the Asse had not these vertues, nor that there were founde in him any of the quallities whereon we haue discoursed: yet can we not deny, but he hath one only gift, which in Nobilitie & perfection, makes him alone to surpasse any other kinde of beast whatsoeuer (I meane those vnreasonable) that euer nature brought foorth. For the neuer meant to produce the kindes of he or shée Mules, whereas the Asse is the only cause they are engendred, and maintains them in the world, to the great commoditie of man, as daily experience sufficiently testifies. Wherefore our Poet thus sings thereof.
But because I would drawe to an ende, I conclude, that of his honorable qualities, worthie all commendation, I haue not as yet declared the least particuler: by reason they are such and so great, that whosoeuer would collect them all togither, may as easily conuey all the water of the sea into a little glasse, or contend with a thing that of it selfe is infinite.
Yet will I not so giue ouer, but adioyne to the ende of this first part, that which our Part firmely beléeued of the Asse, when he said,
In conclusion, for whatsoeuer either hath bene or may be said, the nature of the Asse is good, pleasing, humble and [Page] curteous: which foure rare quallities, are farre contrary to the theft, pride, vnrulinesse and villany of other beasts.
The Noblenesse of the Asse.
The second part.
ALl the matters wherof we haue spoken in the former part, to shewe the perfection and Noblenesse of the Asse, I may safely affirme to be of little or no auaile at all, or profitable in ought to humane kinde: considering what benefit is to be receiued by his excrements, as also from the members of his bodie, after he is dead.
But to the end that all men (of what condition soeuer) may perceiue I speake nothing but the truth, I am determined in this second part, to make choyse of other matters then is before. Beginning with his flesh, which when the Asse is yoong, is very sauourie and delicate, and may compare with all other sorts of flesh whatsoeuer.
And though it be not in vse, as the flesh of the Calfe, Kidde, or such like: questionlesse the reason may be, that nature, the most wise preseruer of all kindes of beastes, [Page] hath prouided that man shall not be drawen with any desire to eate thereof, but first hath rather chosen to put into our mindes, that such as heare the meaning of such flesh, are wont to make a scornfull looke thereat. And this may be to the end, that if perhaps men should taste therof, they would become so coueting thereafter, as despising al other kindes of flesh, they would giue themselues only to féede on the Asse, whereby sodeinly might ensue the destruction of the Asses kinde: and so they should become of such deare value, as they were in the times wherof alreadie we haue spoken, as Marcus Varro sawe them solde, and Plinie reporteth.
Herehence doubtlesse would arise this hurt, that poore men, who maintaine themselues and family by the helpe of an Asse onely, should not be able to buy any, not hauing the meanes to laie out so great a summe of mony.
That this kinde of flesh in swéetnesse excell all other, the noble men in the kingdome of Scotland are so perswaded: for I haue heard of a Scottish Gentleman, who in Sciences hath made so great profit, as the principall students in all Italy haue not a little admired him, when he heard that such a miserable slaughter of Asses was made in Mantua. The aforesaid Gentleman affirmed to me, that no banquet in Scotland was reputed of any value, where the flesh of a young Asse was not to be had.
In the good and memorable time of Pius Quartus, began they not to make a vsuall seruice therof, both in feasts and banquets of greatest importance? And if the rounde table of the mightie Lord of T. called Triclinium, could speake, hardly would be credited the quantitie of Asses flesh, which in those times was eaten thereon.
And did not Mecenates vse Asses flesh, as a foode most delicate?
We read at a certaine time, in the Citie of Samaria, [Page] an Asses head was sold for foure score pence. And they that so bought them, [...]ed thereon with such sweetnesse and delight, as if they had eaten the very daintiest meate, that could be bought for a greater price.
Plutarche rehearseth, that in a certaine warre King Artaxerxes made, an Asses head was likewise sold in his Campe for seuentie Drachmaes.
But leaue we the Asses head in so great estéeme to be eaten, as also the flesh wherein the bones thereof are closed: and speake we of the last and chiefe benefite, which we receiue by the head of the Asse, when it is cut off, and the flesh parted from it.
What merueilous properties and vertue is included in the said Asses head, the poore husbandman wel knows, and great proofe is made thereof in many places of Italy, as also diuers other territories beyond the mountaines.
Hence ensues it, that in the other partes of the lande about Brescia, we sée in many places, the heades of Asses fixed on the ridge of walls and buildings: which in opinion of the vulgare was, because Goblins and dancing Fairies that runne in courses, haue bene séene to plaie vp and downe vpon them.
The Lapidaries say, that there is a stone in the Asses necke, called the Asse stone, which by the opinion of Magitians, hath no small vertue: and perhaps it may be the same stone, which Albertus Magnus calleth the stone Asia.
Dioscorides writes, that the liuer of an Asse eaten fasting, helpes them that are afflicted with the falling sicknesse. The selfesame power and vertue (saith he) hath the Asses hoofe beaten into powder, and drunk in white wine.
The dung of an Asse, wrapped in a linnen cloth, and layd on his head that hath much blood abounding in his nose, doth withdraw it, and makes it perfectly sound, as al Authors that haue written in Phisicke do affirme.
[Page] Plinie saith, that the drinking of an Asses milke, is the chiefest remedie to helpe them that haue receiued poyson. Hereto we may ioyne, that it is a present remedie for the swelling of the ioynts, as also it cures the gout.
Besides this, he addeth, that the same milke mingled with a quantitie of honie, is a most admirable helpe for them troubled with the Dissenteria, especially if it bee drunke fasting.
Finally, the vniuersall Academie of Phisitians doe herein agrée, that the drinking of an Asses milke, cureth many and sundry infirmities, whereof my skill serues me not to make report.
But well I know, and thereof am able to yéeld a most certaine testimony, that to an especiall friend of mine, who not long since was greatly gréeued with the stone, report was made of the vertue of this milke, wherof he drinking as the very latest remedie of hope, not only receiued the most singular benefit of recouerie from the point of death, which he sawe him vnlikely to escape; but likewise attained his former health and good disposition.
Suetonius Tranquillus reports, that Poppea wife to Nero, euery morning vsed to wash all her bodie with Asses milke: only to cherish and maintaine health, beautie and softnesse, as also to make the bodie amiable and delicate. For this purpose she had fiue hundreth Asses continually kept, and such especially as very lately before had foled their yoong: which vse, from that time to this present day, hath bene obserued by many of our greatest Matrons, and among all the rest, by Ione that was the Quéen of Naples.
But to speak some what concerning the vertue of this beasts skinne, do we not reade, that if it be taken and vsed as a mantle, to wrappe about a childe while he is in the Cradle, that it causeth the vertue of courage and boldnesse in such sort, as when he comes to yeares, he shall neuer [Page] know the man to be affraide of?
See we not likewise by daily experience, that such as sléepe vppon an Asses skinne, or vse it vppon them as a couering, shalbe frée from vermine or Lice about them?
Hereof procéeds it, that maisters, maisters mates, mariners, captaines and such like, as serue eisher in shippes or gallies, haue ordinarily these skinnes about them.
The forenamed vertue, quallitie and gift, considered by our Poet, altogither enforced him to sing in this maner.
Yet will I not forbeare to rehearse, that if we haue such consideration, as ought be vsed about matter of great profit, we shall receiue some by this skinne, when it is laboured and made wih holes in many places, that it may serue as Siue or Searse, wherewith commodiously we take vp corne, or whatsoeuer kind of pulse beside, to clense it from the dust and other matter of annoyance: we shall then be enforced to confesse, that without the benefite of this skin, very hardly could we deale in such businesse.
Hereto let vs adioyne another commoditie, which we receiue by this skinne in the sharpe assaults of warre, séeing thereof is made the Drums and Tamburines, with other such like instruments fit for the vse of warre: which being to such proportion as they should be, and smitten on (as men are instructed in the manner how) they deliuer such an apt sound, as awakes and cheares the minde of a [Page] man, although he were neuer so cowardly or timorous, prouoking him to the battaile, making him withall, fierce and couragious, bee the assault neuer so hotte and perillous.
What shall wee then say of the Asses bones? Is it not a thing especially to be noted, that the marrow being taken foorth, such a kinde of Flute is of them, as yéeldes a very sweete and pleasing harmonie?
This was the cause which moued the Ambassadour of the great Duke of Moscouia, that went to Rome the last yeare, to demaund whereof those instruments that wee call Cornets, which in honour of him (among other musicall instruments) were sounded when he entred his lodging, which the noble Gouernour of Verona had prouided for him. And being answered that they were of wood, couered with this beastes skinne, he meruailed greatly thereat. And albeit he graunted, that they gaue a moste pleasing melodie, yet hée saide, they were not comparable to them made of Asses bones in his owne Countrey.
Then may we safely (on the Asses behalfe) affirme with our Poet.
I am resolued then to reade no further in what I haue spoken of, concerning the quallitie, vertue and properties of the Asse, and of his bones: because if I would, it were conuenient for me (according to our Poets opinion) principally to recount.
Then at this Cantōs end let vs cōclude this point, only [Page] we must néeds except, what may not wel be shadowed with silence, because it is little lesse then miraculous, and is rehearsed by Apuleius, in his booke of Country matters. If any man bitten by a Scorpion, doth sodeinly mount vppon an Asse, sitting with his face toward the Asses taile, all the venome of the Scorpion which the man hath receiued, shal part from him, and enter into the Asses bodie whereupon he rydes, and the Asse shal presently be séene swolne, changed, and complaining, as if he had bene bitten by the Scorpion: so that the man shalbe soundly recouered from any peril of the poyson. The proofe heereof, the before named Author affirmeth, that by himselfe it hath very often and many times bene séene. If men then receiue such a benefit by the Asse, he that should conceale it from being knowne, I leaue to the iudgement of the Asse-fauouring Reader.
Likewise let him be so censured, that spares to speake, what Plinie rehearseth in his second booke and twentieth Chapter, that of the corruption in the Asses carcasse, is engendered the blacke Flie called a béetle: which Flie, as is said in the thirtieth booke and second Chapter, the people of Egypt worshipped as a God, perswading themselues, that it was the very image of the Sun. And this was, because all the Béetles (as Elianus writes, and Snydas likewise confirmeth) are male-kinde, and haue no female among them: in this maner then is their engendring continued.
The séed of the Oxe, Horse, or dung of the Asse, spilt or spred on the ground, which afterward they turne togither with their féete, making therof the fashion of a bed, and so lye thereon, and circle it for twentie eight dayes togither, when it receiueth forcible heate at the time for them to take life, and thus appeares new engendred Béetles theron, which are like to the Sun, because he likewise spreads on the earth his vertue seminall. Thus by his continuall course are they encreased, flying vp toward heauen and the [Page] heate of his beames, and as the Mooue reneweth euerie moneth, so doth this kinde of Béetle stil renew.
Now let vs speake a little of the vertue which naturally appertaineth to the hoofe of the Asse, according to Plinie, when it is boyled in Asses milke, and applied to weak sighted eyes, it helpes them greatly, taking all offence whatsoeuer from them, and cleares the sight most miraculously.
Plutarche writeth, in the life of Alexander the great, that the poyson giuen him to drinke, was an excéeding cold water, gathered from a certaine Rocke in the Countrey of Nouaria, which cannot be kept but in an Asses hoofe: for all other things are not able to hold it, but wil breake by reason of the extreame coldnesse.
Such then, and so many are the stupendious actions, notable graces, and supernaturall gifts or quallities of the Asse, which can neuer be sufficiently commended: as therfore he deserueth to haue the chiefe place, amongst all brutish beasts liuing on the earth. By iust equitie whereof, our Poet being intirely moued, thus singeth.
Hence is it, that wee néede make no great meruaile, why the auncient Astrologers, mooued by his so many natural perfections, Noblenesse and excellencie, doo honour him in heauen with the name of two starres, placed in the signe of Cancer, called Asinelle, and in an other place they set downe thrée, named Praesepe Asinelli, the Asses maunger.
Nor can I but declare (as succéeding in this place) the great and diligent regard, which euermore the auncient [Page] magnificent Lords had, to make (as one would say) the Asses name immortall, perswaded, mooued, and prouoked thereto, by his so many rare and excellent qualities, in aboundant sort bestowed on him by nature, and speciall benignitie of celestiall fauour.
To the end I may then with some gratitude of mind, leaue such a memorie to posteritie, as shall make the Asses name to be perpetuall: note how these things following haue bene entitled, and honoured with the name of the Asse.
- 1. Cities.
- 2. Castles.
- 3. Boroughes.
- 4. Villages,
- 5. Islands.
- 6. Seas.
- 7. Ports.
- 8. Mountaines.
- 9. Riuers.
- 10. Bridges.
- 11. Stréetes.
- 12. High waies.
- 13. Vallies.
- 14. Towers.
- 15. Fountaines.
- 16. Sepulchers.
- 17. Bookes.
- 18. Lawes.
- 19. Frutes.
- 20. Feastes.
- 21. Games.
- 22. Oathes.
- 23. Proper names.
- 24. Families.
- 25. Prouerbes.
And to the end this which I haue said may appearantly bee knowne, binding my selfe willingly to the Asses name, it wil be hard for me to gather, and consort in this place two named things, for each of the fiue and twentie before declared: that only beare memorie of the Asse, and so shall do for euer.
Nor shall I néed to collect any more then two of each, though for euery one I could set downe ten at the least: because I am loth to be troublesome to my selfe, as also fearefull to hinder any from imitating the steppes of such Asse-friends.
[Page] 1 One of the most principall Cities in Persia, not farre off from the great Citie of Selencia, is called in the Persian tongue Zaucamora, which in our language, is as much to say, as the Asses Citie.
2 In Peloponesus, or Morea, if we wil so call it, néere to the sea that lieth toward the West, is the Citie named Asinari.
1 In Calabria, at the Marquesate of Oluito, there is a Castle called, Castello del gl'Asini.
2 In Friuli, about ten myles distant from Asola, is an other, tearmed Castello Asinino.
1 In the territorie of Placentia, is a village named Villa discontral Asino.
2 Neare to Rome, as ye go toward Braciano, is a Village that hight Asina bella.
1 In the territorie of Siena, is a Borough called Asina luuga.
2 On the way as we ryde from Bologna to Florence, betwéene Loiano and Pietramala, we come to a Borough tearmed Scarcalasino.
1 Asinetta, is an Island at the mouth of the red sea, not much distant from the land on the East side, where stands the strong Citie of Aden.
2 In the Eupine sea, called Mare Maiore, on the North part, neare to Palus Meotides, there is a little Islande, which aboundeth with swéete water, and it is called Isola Asinina.
1 Olaius Magnus, a most diligent writer of the North parts, affirmeth, that the sea which from Norway we saile by, to the Prouince of Lapponia called Schiuziroffi, in our language is tearmed Mare Asinone.
2 The great spacious [...] which from the Realme of Ireland, passeth on to Iseland▪ of the Countrey people is called Mare Asinesco.
1 In the Aegean sea, neare to the Castle which vulgarely [Page] is called Dardanelli, on the side of Asia; is to be séene a most faire Port, though not ouer bigge, and it is named Porto Asinino.
2 In the Isle of Cyprus, before we arriue at the hauen of Famogosta, a Port is found, which is not very sure, for yéelding shelter from the colde Northeast winde, it is called Porto Asinetto.
1 Ten myles of from Florence, may ye discerne the mountain Asinaro, where the obseruant Fryers of a Monasterie builded on the top of the mountaine, daily serue God.
2 On the part where Abrutium is seated in Italy, is Mount Asinello, on the top whereof is a Church dedicated to S. Eustatius.
1 Neare the water Treuio, by Abrucium, is a little Riuer named the Riuer of Asino.
2 In the territories of Ragusa, or Epidaurus, within sixe myles distance of the Cittie, runneth the Riuer Asinesco, which is a nauigable water, and hath a defenceable Port at the Sea mouth.
1 Among the ruines of Aquileia, which was destroyed by Attyla, is to be séene part of a most sumptuous Bridge, at the head whereof, stands a huge Asse of very pure marble, which with her Dugges séedes two yoong Asses, and this Bridge is yet called Pont' Asinone. On the other part of the same Bridge now ruined, as the eldest men of the Countrey auouch, was another goodly Asse made like the former, the reliques whereof are yet to be there séene on the ground.
2 In Cicilia, neare to the Citie of Catauea, within two myles, there passeth an indifferent great Riuer, ouer which is a goodly Bridge of wood, whereon foure Cartes may easily méete togither, and it is named Pous Asini.
1 The large stréete, whereby we passe along from the Market place, vnto the Cathedral Church of S. Mauritus, [Page] in the Cittie of Lypara, is called Asinesca stréete.
2 In the auncient Cittie of Perugia, there is a stréete which direct to the Monasterie of Couented Fryers of S. Fraunces, and it is tearmed the Paradise of the Asini.
1 In Friuli, on certaine high downe bearing hilles, where the auncient familie of the Gordes of Sauorgnani haue their iurisdiction, is a way that leadeth to a certaine Castle of theirs, named, Here fell I with mine Asse. Which words are there engrauen in very hard stones, that so faire a memorie of the Asse might not be forgotten.
2 In Apulia is a great way of tenne large myles, by which they passe from the great Tower, till they come to Mount Iargano, it is called Longasina.
1 There is a vale by the way, as ye goe along from Fabriano to Cammerino, neare to the shipping place of the auncient Varrani, now Lordes of the said Cittie, and it is named the vale of Asini.
2 Neare to the parts of Heluetia, among the Cantons where Zurich is named, ye haue a valley called Asinari.
1 At the Citie of Bologna, there is a Tower which for height contendeth with the starres, called the Tower of the Asinelli.
2 A Tower of lesser height is to be séene in the Prouince of Basilicata, otherwise called Lucania, without the walles of the Citie of Venafro, on the West side, and it is tearmed the Tower Asino.
1 A Fountaine plentifully abounding with water, is to be séene on the confines, betwéene Pipeono and the Castle of Souino, it is nominated, Fountaine Asini.
2 Passing the Riuer Pauara, and leauing the corner of the way, whereby we goe to Modoua, there turning on the left hand, and within a quarter of a myle onwarde, standes a Fountaine beautified with engrauen stone, yet passing vnder a goodly vault by thrée great pipes of mettall, wel neare rotten and defaced; out of them comes great [Page] aboundance of water, and it is called Fountaine Asinara.
Hauing so lately mentioned the Citie of Modeua, I call to minde a memorie concerning the Asse, which the said Citie long time kept among other things, with good regard. And it was a milking paile, wherin a citizens Asse of Bologna had drunke: for it happened, that about matter of the confines, warres ensued betwéene them of Bologna and Modeua. They of this part, at one time among other, made a tumultuous inuasion on the territories of Bologna, and finding some encounter which they looked not for, by reason of their vnorderly proceeding: they were enforced to returne, yet they sought for some bootie in the stable of Bolognian Cittizen, from whence the maister thereof had but lately before taken foorth his Asse, and for feare escaped away thereon. There found they the milking paile, wherin the Asse before spoken on had drunke, which they tooke away with them, and mounting it on the point of a Launce, after the maner of carrying some great Trophée, they returned there with to the Cittie, all the people of Modeua running to gaze theron, as at a most rich spoyle gotten by conquest of warre: which by them long time after was kept as an especiall example: as we reade in the booke called the Annales of Lombardie.
But nowe returne wee to the other memories of the Asse.
1 At the Cittie of Vercellis, in the Church of Saint Lazarus, is to bee séene a goodly auncient Sepulcher of Marble, on the couerture whereof, is verie linely carued an Asse lying along verie formally, euen as the figures of men are shaped vppon Toombes. And there are certaine letters engrauen at the féete of the said Asse: but nothing can be made of any sillable, by reason they are so defaced by antiquitie.
Here I confesse, and that for some reuerence, which dutifully I beare to the Asse, not to haue founde any other [Page] Sepulcher, carrying remembrance of the Asse, but only this one: albeit I haue spared no labour, in reading ouer bookes sufficient, beside all other possible dilligence imployed.
1 Apuleius wrote a booke intituled, the golden Asse.
2 Plautus composed a Comedie, called Asinaria.
I could neuer know what booke that was, which gaue matter to our Poet thus to sing.
Wherefore I am now content to prosecute the search therof no further, in hope another time to vnderstand more of it.
1 Bartolus, the famous Lawier, in L. 1. F. de sup. L. leg. speaketh of a lawe, which willeth, that the Testator making a bond of his mooueables to a straunger, and letting passing his setled good to his kindred, that rightfully should as heires succéed: this lawe limitteth and appointteth, that his Asse (if he happened to haue any) is not comprehended among the mooueables. But as a good, stable and setled, without any other implication, the same Asse shall remain to his kindred y • do inherit the goods seated.
And this lawe (for this purpose) do I account sufficient, because I am loth to trouble myselfe, in searching huge lawe Libraries for any other: for my labour therin would excéed the Asses.
1 No sort of frutes are found, but beare name of some beaste, or of a man, as the Apple of Appius, the Prune Maximillian, of Maximillianus: and that of the Asse, which is the sort of Prunes, named great, good, faire and yelow, being rightly tearmed the Prune Asinare.
2 There is a kind of Cucumber, which much auaileth [Page] for medicine, and it is called Cucumber Asini.
2 Nouius Marcellus recordeth, that the Romanes of old would celebrate the feast of the gardein God, whereat the husbands children only should be present, each one outbrauing other vpon his Asse, and so ryding on this beast, thrée times they would circle the temple about. Afterward they should cast lottes, and his Asse to whome the lot fell, must haue his throte cut; with whose blood each filling a little glasse viall, they would striue to maister one another by throwing the same in the face of statue, which represented the God of the gardein.
2 Herodotus a most auncient writer reports, that the Gréekes were wont yearly to celebrate the feast Asinaria: in memorie of that notable victorie, which the Athenian had against the Persians, neare to the Riuer Asinone.
1 Among all the pastimes, wherein most and least delighted concerning table play, was the game called Scarralasino, to wit, vnlead the Asse: whereat, by imitation of the Asse, who suffers himselfe to be ridden by all persons indifferently, all the standers by may play, and easily learne it without any labour.
2 Schoole-children were went to put some heauie thing on their head, and binde an arme behinde being first hood winckled; then would the rest runne about him thus vsed, singing.
1 Diodorus Siculus declareth, that at such time as the Isle of Scicile was gouerned by tyrants, there was a statute, that a woman offending in adultrie should frée her selfe, swearing she had not committed adulterie, being brought before the head of an Asse, which for this purpose [Page] was kept in the temple dedicated to God Bacchus.
2 There was an vse among the Gentiles, that they (in iest) willing to giue an oath to children, they would fasten a lampe at their garment, with a haubercher after the fashion of a long triangle, and holding thereby, say, Sweare here vpon this eare of the Asse.
Here it remaines to speake of them, that of olde haue bene named by the Asse, and of families likewise, which haue called themselues of the Asse. But because they are infinit, and all the skinnes in the land of Madiam cannot containe them: I intend only to name two, as hitherto of the rest I haue done, leauing the endlesse number of the other, to them that list imploy their paines about such a businesse.
But yet among so many, I must not forget that famous nauall victory, which the auncient Persians brought with them out of Egypt: and Noacles a moste excellent Painter in those dayes, desirous to remember the same by his Arte, painted an Asse, drinking at the Riuer Nilus, in despight of the Crocadile: which being ouercome in power, and thus subiected, stoode patiently to see him drinke, as Plinie reporteth.
1 Then not to let passe in silence, the names of men called Asse, as their proper names, I may first alleadge the name of Asinius Gallus, who was sonne to Scipio Affricanus.
And who desires to know an infinite number of men, both Senators & of other discents, which by proper name were called Asini, let him reade Ciceros Epistles to Atticus, where he shall finde an endlesse beadrole.
2 Here may I wel insert the name of a famous man, a moderne Cittizen of Florence, of the auncient family of the Asini: to wit, maister Asino, whome the Historie of Florence faithfully reports, to reforme and correct the statutes [Page] of the merchaunts, for which his Asse-gloring name will for euer be renowmed in that Citie.
Pindarus, and Macrobius, in the fift booke of his Saturnalles affirmeth, that the famous Gréeke, which made the Horsse of wood, by meanes whereof the Grecians got the Citie of Troy, was called Asinon: whereas Virgill naming him Sinon, we may safely auouth, that the good Poet, who fauoured the Troyan part, from whence the Romanes had their originall, was procured to alter the name of the aforesaid Asinon: euen no otherwise then the Grecians did, when by publike decrée he was censured with banishment, that should speake of his name, who to get himselfe fame, set on fire the Temple of Diana at Ephesus. And so to conquere with obliuion such a famous Asinon, whose praise well deserues to liue for euer: they haue taken away his names first letter, and in stéed of Asinon, call him Sinon.
1 We haue alreadie declared, that in Florence liues the noble Familie of the Asini.
2 In Pisa likewise is there another, and in Bologna that of the Asinelli, where also is stil celebrate the famous Tower, which the noble Asinelli in elder times erected. But to what end trouble I my wittes in this maner, seeking by the light of an Asse-friending lanthorn, for names, sirnames, and families? séeing our Poet himselfe thus singeth.
[Page] Beside all this, I doo not meruaile a little, séeing such an infinit company of fooles, who being honoured with the excelling name of Asse, will yet runne he adiong to brabble and quarrell, when setling to their weapons, they will flash and cut they care not with whom. All which happeneth, by reason it is no common vse, to apply the name of so Noble a beast to man: who notwithstanding cares not for the ignomie, to bee tearmed after other wicked beastes more vnbeséeming, as to be called Beare, Lyon, Dogge, and such like.
This was the cause, that our Poet mooued by a thousand reasons, saith;
Now procéed we to speake of the Asses Prouerbes.
1 When a man will not repeate his wordes againe, he vseth to say, It is May no more, or May is past: so things are auoyded from twise speaking. The meaning here of may be this, because the first moneth that Asses doo make knowne to the worlde, their louing nature to each other, they send foorth their goodly, swéet, and continual brayings, whereof they forme a melodious and proportionable kinde of musicke. Nor thinke I that any of our immoderne Musitians can deny, but that their song is full of exceeding pleasure to be heard: because therein is to bee discerned, both concord, discord, singing the meane, the beginning to sing in large compasse, then following on, to rise and fall, the halfe note, whole note, musicke of fiue voyces, firme singing by foure voyces, thrée togither, [Page] or one voyce and a halfe. Then their variable contrarietie amongst them, when one deliuers foorth a long tenor or a short, the pausing for time, breathing in measure, breaking the minim, halfe minim, or verie least moment of time. Last of all, to heare musicke of fiue or sixe voyces, chaunged to so many of Asses, is amongst them to heare a song of world without end.
Hence is it, that a man being so attentiue to heare this kinde of Asse musicke, cannot listen or lende his eare to what else is said to him, and therefore it is lawfull, by perticular priulledge of the said May moneth, to repeate the words to such, as without offence would learne them by heart: nor shall it be taken so vnmanerly done, as it were in any of the other moneths.
2 When Apuleius sawe himselfe transformed into an Asse, he resolued to shewe his maister, by the effects of all his personage, the great loue he bare him. So after the maner of the house Dogge, kéeping his hinder féete on the ground, and rising vp with his former, he so clambred vpon his maister, as but a while before he had séene the litle Dogge doo. And albeit his kinde Assehith intent he disclosed to his maister, yet such maner of salutation in him was not taken in good part. Hereof then it comes, that when a man suspects or misdéemes of an others familiaritie, he vseth to say, He plaies the Asses pastime with me.
So was it went to be said; What the Asse giues in, such he receiues. But because this Prouerbe is euidently of it selfe, as if it were Omne agens repatitur in agendo: I will bestow no more paines in declaring it, nor yet of this which followes.
[Page] Nor likewise of this, to wit.
Nor will I stand trifeling the time, to know whence many words are deriued, which in regard of their excellencie, are breathed foorth but by a letter, or as we say in latine.
Asinus ad liram, and such like. This I say were no otherwise, then as one meaning to walke hande in hande with a Phisitian, should sodeinly breake his head: inough is well.
Now concerning the aforesaid qualities and memorie of the Asse, it is no great meruaile, that the auncient wise men should make such a great account of the Asse, which in like manner hath often made me to admire, considering, that with all they could procure, to make the said beastes name immortall, by so many denominations as we haue séene: neuerthelesse, there is not founde any Commonwealth, any Emperour or Prince, that cared to beare this signe of the Asse, not painting him in their Scutchions, as their proper Armes, not vsing him as an imprese. The reason hereof may be, that in prouing his déeds, they haue left him to vs, who being of the Christian name, should likewise shewe the same by déedes to the worlde: bearing him for our proper Armes, because we know the simplicitie, méeknesse, and other pleasing qualities, wherewith we haue séene the Asse to be richly endued.
Wherefore those auncient Common-weales, those Emperours and other Princes barbarous or Gentiles, [Page] which builded their gouernement vppon rapine, vyelence, deceipt, fraude, and all other tyrannicall behauiour, would haue their iron customes discerned, by the Armes and impreses of terrible, bloodie, and most cruell beasts.
Heereof grewe it, that the moste proude people of Rome, tooke the Eagle for their Ensign and Armes, which is a bird most rauenous and deuouring. But in reason they should rather haue made choyse of the Goose, remembring they preserued their Countrey, libertie, and proper liues: when the souldiers awaked by their noyse, by the means of the Géese; defended the Capital from the French mens assault.
But notwithstanding all this, the Goose was reputed a bird too simple for them & too vigilant: euen like estéeme would they haue made of the Asse, if by his braying they had receiued the selfesame benefit.
The people of Phrigia had for their Armes, the wilde Bore, a most pernicious beast.
They of Thrace had a fleshlesse carkasse, or the image of death as wee may tearme it, for the extreamest of all things terrible.
The Gothes beare a Feare, a most irefull beast.
The Alani that assaulted and sacked Spaine, had the Marten, a very fraudfull beast.
The French heare the Lyon, a most proud beast.
The Lumbardes serued themselues with the Ensigne of the Toade, a thing which both aliue and dead is poysonous.
The Cimbrians, that were ouercome by Caius Marius, they tooke the Bull, a beast hardly tamed.
[Page] The Saxons made choyse of the Horsse, a goodly beast.
The Hebrewes beare the Scorpion in their Ensigne, that carries his poyson hidden secretly in his tayle.
The Caithagenians had the Crocadile for their imprese, a fraudelent beast and most deceitfull.
Attila, who caused himselfe to be sirnamed, the scourge of God, had in his banner the Hawke, a fowle that liues by rapine.
Antigonus, King of Soria, gaue the Eagle, that strictly held in her tallents a fierce Dragon.
And last of all, not Common-weales onely and great Princes, serue themselues with these beastes, fierce, brutish, and venemous, but likewise families, and houses of priuate Gentlemen, yea, of simple Citizens, place in their Scutchione the selfesame signalles. Whereas if they had chaunged such customes, and embraced the true Christian faith, I am perswaded it would likewise will in them, to chaunge such Armes and impreses: and in stéed of those most rauenous deuourers, to place in their Banners simple and housholde beastes, shewing thereby to the world Christian simplicitie, friendlinesse and loue, as by the Goose, the Lambe, the Turtle Dooue, and such like harmelesse things.
But beyond these, they should shewe themselues possessed of all good and honourable custome, if they would take the Asse for their propper Armes, as that Noble societie of the Cittie of Vicenza hath done, who euer hath helde in estéeme, and vniuersally vsed the Ensigne of the noble Asse, whiche was taken from the [Page] Paduans in a controuersie, and had long time bene hanged vpon the gallowes: because the said Communitie of Vicenza knew not so soone, that the people of Padua had hanged vp the Asse, which they had sent to couenaunt with them, to giue them diuerse burthens of entrailes, which cloathed ouer and filled with hogges flesh cut into small pieces, we call a Saulsage, which by the Asses voyce was oft times specified in them. But when Vicenzians had effectually executed the same, the Saulsage was imparted to the people of Padua, and the Asse taken downe from the gallowes immediately: from whence ensued this song of children, which euen vntil this day the youth of Padua vse to sing, on the hanging of the said Asse, to wit:
In a certaine part of Arcadia, the name whereof I doo not well remember, is yearly preserued a memorie of the Asse, well worthie truly to be rehearsed in this my Asse-defending discourse.
Thus then it is, vppon one certaine determinate day, an infinite number of the people runne on heapes to the market place, where from the toppe of a very high Tower, he or they that is appointed for the office, make an Asse to descend downe so queintly vpon certaine ropes, two artificiall wingges being fastened to his shoulders, that in discent he séemeth to flie: and the multitude are wont to say after they haue dyned; Come, let vs goe into the market place, and sée the Asse flie. Nor will I spare to say, that some who holde a reuerend memorie of the Asse, gladly could affoord, that the foresaid Countrey was Empole in Tuscane: then I thinke they would imagine the better of [Page] mine Asse discourse.
Here I purposed to end my booke concerning the Asse, had I not sodeinly called to memorie, a matter worthie of great consideration, and to be preserued in minde euen to the end, for the compleate Noblenesse, excellencie and perfection of the Asse.
In the time of the Gentiles, there was a man borne blinde by nature, euen at the last steppe of his age, and the very finall moment of his life time. Among certaine circumstances offered to him, he was demaunded, what especiall thing more then any other he would desire to sée, if Ioue, to whose reuerence he submitted himselfe, woulde graunt, that he should sée that one thing and no more. To which demaund, without staying for any other premeditation, he answered, an Asse. Which reply vrged in them all an excéeding laughter, whereat the blinde man meruailing; said; Brethren, make not a iest of what I desire, because I imagine, that if any of you were in my case, you scant would haue the like desire. For since I came into this world (which now fulfilles a great number of yéeres) ther neuer passed one day, but that many hundred of times I haue heard and knowne that beast to bee named, and they applied him to all things whatsoeuer, that passed in spéech or could be named.
Forbeare to say, Beware the Asse, Make roome for the Asse; we may well let these passe, because I haue likewise heard said, Beware the Horsse, beware the Mule, beware the Oxe, and such like. But here rests the point, for common hearing this beast to be compared, to the likenesse of mans bodie, to the vertue and vices of his minde; beside, giuing him many and sundry preheminences and prerogatiues, well worthie of no light consideration. And to speak of some partes of resemblance to the bodie, there neuer passeth day or houre, but ye shall heare a thousand times [Page] said: Such a one is an Asse.
- He hath the face of an Asse.
- The heart of an Asse.
- The musicke of an Asse.
- The voyce of an Asse.
- The place of an Asse.
- The parts of an Asse.
- The head of an Asse.
- The eares of an Asse.
- The mouth of an Asse.
- The backe of an Asse.
- And flesht like an Asse.
Now as concerning morall vertues, fewe houres doo passe, but I heare, Such a one? Why, he is
- As wise as an Asse.
- As strong as an Asse.
- As modest as an Asse.
- As ingenious as an Asse.
- As discréet as an Asse.
- As curteous as an Asse.
With other such like vertues. Now for vices, to wit. Such a one is,
- As vicious as an Asse.
- As beastly as an Asse.
- As thanklesse as an Asse.
- As vnciuill as an Asse.
But when shall ye heare for any one respect, a beaste, [Page] thus compared to a man, in regarde of such and so many quallities, but that in the rest is séene quite contrary. Nor can they else remaine in one subiect, no more then in fire can be both heate and colde: but for proofe that they are euident in the Asse, and neuer can or shall be in any other, note what followes. Oft haue I heard, Such a one is, As
- Faire as an Asse.
- Wise as an Asse.
- Brutish as an Asse.
- Foolish as an Asse.
- Gentle as an Asse.
- Grosse witted as an Asse.
- Learned as an Asse.
- Ignorant as an Asse.
- Simple as an Asse.
- Good as an Asse.
- Sad as an Asse.
- Merie as an Asse.
- Melancholly as an Asse.
- Sléepie as an Asse.
- Watchfull as an Asse.
- Hard as an Asse.
- Tender as an Asse.
- Weary as an Asse.
- Reste like an Asse.
- Snorts like an Asse.
- Quiet as an Asse.
- Gallant as an Asse.
- Théeuish as an Asse.
- Braue as an Asse.
- Cleanly as an Asse.
- Shamelesse as an Asse.
- Manerly as an Asse.
- [Page] Rude as an Asse.
- Pleasing as an Asse.
- Obstinate as an Asse.
With other such like contradictions, as (my mind being troubled) I cannot now remember, but grow almost weary in this my Asse-labour: yet mée thinkes I heare some absolutely say;
- Oh that magnificent Asse.
- That solemne Asse.
- That gentle Asse.
- That daintie Asse.
Then rusheth in another, saying;
- Thou vsest me like an Asse.
- Thou wranglest like an Asse.
- Thou laughest like an Asse.
- Thou perswadest like an Asse.
- Thou sweate [...] like an Asse.
- Thou stinkest like an Asse.
- Thou art as amorous as an Asse.
- Thou art as vnnurt [...]de as an Asse.
- Thou eatest like an Asse.
- And filest like an Asse.
In these and many other things, the Asse claimeth a generall kindred.
Among schollers in the Schoole making their arguments, I haue heard them say; Homo est Asinus, Brunellus est Asinus, ergo tues Asinus. With so many diuers precheminences, prerogatiues, vertues, viced, contrarieties and denominations of the Asse, haue I so often heard, that my minde hath bene encited with most earnest desire, to sée [Page] (ere I had séene) what beast this renowmed and famous Asse was.
Now then séeming to haue spoken sufficiently, I perswade my selfe, that any man but meanely enstructed in Sciences speculatiue, may in conclusion giue the sentence in fauour of the Asse: declaring him for the noblest of all kindes of beasts whatsoeuer remaining on the earth, excelling the Dogge, Horse, Ape, Lyon, or Elephant.
And as a knitting vp of my Asse-defending Treatise, I commend my selfe to their consideration, whom daily I sée to vse such Asse-like behauiour, that in all their actions (I thinke) they intend to imitate the Asse. I would haue them resolue vpon instituting a company, which might be tearmed the societie or fellowwip of the Asse: and each of them should weare a tablet about his necke, whereon the image of the Asse shuld be engrauen, to the end they might the more apparently be knowne thereby.
So taking my leaue both of you and the Asse, with this one most honoured memorie of all concerning him; Remember the Sauiour of the world, that in all his life time had but one dayes tryumph, when hee refusing all other beasts beside, made choyse onely of the Asse, and rode theron in greatest maiestie to Ierusalem, yet néedes will our Poet with these verses knit vp this Treatise.