• Three Iewes.
  • Three Gentiles.
  • Three Christians.

Written by the Author of the History of Women.

August. Lib de singul. Cleric.

Man was created out of Paradise, but Women in Paradise

London Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Richard Royston, and are to be sold at the signe of the Angell in Ivie Lane, 1640.

TO THE HONORABLE AND EMINENTLY VERTVOVS, THE EX­cellent Lady THEOPHILA, the Learned Consort of the right wor­thy Sir ROBERT COOKE, Knight, &c.

Excellent Madam,
SHould I present you with your merited praise,
What Muse should I invoke? what rapture raise?
For my minerva, tis too high a straine,
As farre surpassing both my pen and braine.
When I shall say, the Lilly doth excell
For whitenesse, or the Violet for the smell;
Or for a modest blush, the Garden Rose;
What speake I more in this then each man knowes?
[Page]Or if I shall proclaime the Turtle chast;
Or praise the ripe fruits for their pleasing taste,
The Nightingale commend for many a tune,
And say shee farre excells the Bird of Iune.
If in their grace I strive to doe my best,
What write I more, then is by all confest?
If I shall say y'are beautifull and faire,
Matchlesse, unparalleld, in all parts rare;
And to those outward should I then annex
The inward vertues, that most grace your Sex!
To name which, would exceede number, or to tell
The severall tongues, in which you so excell,
Greeke, Roman, French, Castillian, and with those,
Tuscan, Teutonick, in all which you pose
The forreigne Linguist: in the most select
Both native Ideom, and choise dalect.
Or, for all learning Morrall or Divine,
To list you a tenth Muse amongst the nine?
When to the height of all these I am growne,
I shall adde nothing to you save your owne.
Nor can my praise the least advantage win you
Since all that know you know these to be in you.
If to your honours, both of Birth and Booke,
You shall but daine an animating looke,
To' inlifen these dull papers; they shall strive,
Alternatly to make your name survive.
Acknowledging, in a submisse surrender
They had dy'd blind, not lightned by your splendor.
Your Honours absequiously devoted. THO. HEYVVOOd▪

TO THE EXCELLENTLY DISPOSED MISTRIS ELIZABETH THE VER­TVOVS CONSORT OF CLOVILL TANFIELD OF COPT-FOLD HALL, IN ESSEX (Esquire.) The memorable Acts of these nine most worthy Ladies are humbly presented by T. H.

Excellent Creature,

THat I presume to ap­proach so faire a shrine with so meane an offering, accept not (I pray) my unworthinesse but your owne worthy deservings; borrowing your unspotted name to usher in these nine most incomparable Ladies; neither is it improper, but rather materiall, for modesty and chastitie best accommo­dates [Page] magnanimity & courage; all ver­tuall decorements consists not in mas­culine spirited Viragoes, some of your sex being for their beautie beloved, some again more for their inward ver­tues, then outward features affected; as virgins for their chast and modest indowments; wives for the love and care they have to preserve their conju­gall tie untainted, some widdowes for their wisedome, and grave matrons for their gravitie; now in this misse­lany of your so much magnified sex, where you shall finde one excellently pollisht; it is in your choyse to make her your president; or if any for too much boldnesse branded, you may use her as a vaile to make your owne ver­tues shew the more conspicuous, for contrarieties in coulers best sets off each others luster; thus after a particu­lar acknowledgment of my dutie and service, with pardon craved for my too much boldnesse I remaine yours.

In all observance obliged, Tho. Haywood.


TO the most generous of both Sexes, I commend these few lines, devoted to the honour of all worthy women, of what qualitie or condition soever: come to their first creation; Adam was created from the dust of the earth, shee from the ribbe of man, Adam without she, within Paradise, and whether we take them nationall or singular, we shall finde them to parallell men, as well in the liberall Arts, as in high Facinorous Acts: For the nationall or pro­vinciall, what braver resolutions then in the Troá­des, [Page] the Phecides, the Chiae, the A [...]giuae, the Persides, the Salmanicae the Milasiae, the Cel­ticae, the Melicae, the Tyrhenae, the Liciae, the C [...]ae, or Cianae, &c. Of all whose magnanimities there are l [...]st to us memorable Histories. Come to particulars, Valeria and Cloelia, Micca and Megisto, Pieria, and Policrita, Lampsace, Aretaphila, Camm Sratonica, Chiomara, Timoclea, Erixo, Xenocrita, Pithis, Lucretia Telesilla, &c. and others without number.

And therefore was the opinion of Gorgias re­ceived before that of Thucidades, who gave pre­cedency and prioritie in place, to such as were least spoken of abroad, intimating that it was necessi­tous in a good woman to keepe as well her fame as her body within doores, neither of them daring to be heard or seene beyond the threshold; alluding to the French proverbe, La Femme in La Maiscu, et La Jambe rompue, that is, let the woman be in her house and her legge broke, intimating shee ought to busie her selfe about houshold affaires onely, and not to goe abroad: But more approved was Gorgias, allowing both their features and fames a liberall freedome to undergoe any publicke cen­sure.

And therefore commendable was that law amongst the Romans, which admitted funerall orations to be openly delivered at the obsequies of any grave and modest matron, to animate and incourage the living, who by imitating their excellent indowments and departments, might be partakers with them in [Page] their obituall prayses and extolments: Plutarch in the eightie fift of his Roman questions, saith thus, Cur antiquitus mulieres neque sinebant mo­lere ne que coquere, &c. that is, why in the an­cient times did they not suffer women eyther to grinde at the Mill, or to play the Cookes in the Kit­ch [...]n? His answer is, it is in the memory of the Cove­nant made betwixt the Romans and the Sabines; for after their rape of the Sabine Virgins, a peace being concluded betwixt the two opposite nations: There was a Law written that not any of their wives should be put to such petty workes, nor any of their daughters to the like servile drudgeries.

I spake at first of Arts and Armes, let a few in­stances serve for many: Come to painting; Timarete the daughter of Micaon, Irene of Cratinus, Mar­tia of Varro, Aristarche the scholler of Nearchus, or Lala Cizizena, &c. who might cōpare with A­pelles, Zeuxis, Apollidorus Atheniensis, Ari­stides, Thebanus or Nicomachus the sonne of Aristidamus; for musicke and songry Lamia, the beloved of King Demetreus, and Aglais the daughter of Megacles were no whit inferiour to Arion or Orpheus: In Poetry Sapho outshined Anacreon, and for learning what man was ever knowne to surpasse the Sibills and the Muses? and for masculine and heroicke spirits, though I could produce infinites to make this pocket booke rather voluminus then portable, let these nine serve to vin­dicate the entire number.

For whose greater honour and dignitie, the seven [Page] liberall sciences, the sences, all Cities and Countries. The Cardinall vertues, the foure parts of the world, the Muses, the Graces, the Charities are all figured and delivered in the portrackt of women, and even Sapientia, wisdome her selfe is of the same gender; who in her creation was not taken from the head of Adam, least she should presume to overtop him, nor from his soote, least she should be vilified by him, but from a ribbe neare unto his heart, that she might be ever deare and intire unto him; which showes the alternate love that ought to bee betwixt man and wife.

In the composure of bodies Philosophers say some consist of parts sejunct (as an Army by Land or Navy by Sea) others of parts compact (as an house, a Shippe and the like) others of parts vnite, or in one nature concreate (as man, beast, and other Ani­mals) so wedlocke consisting of naturall and recipro­call love, hath reference to that, composed of parts concreate: Children or issue to the compact, friends and alliance, to the sejunct, and as Physitians hold that humors in the body are totally in the totall, so in the true conjugall tie, the persons or bodies, riches, friends (or what else ought to preserve that unanimitie, consanguinitie and correspondencie, to be all in all, and wholly in the whole, which I wish to every one of that honorable order and consocietie, for, venare juvitis non facile est Canibus, Fare yee well.


GEnerous Reader (for all the Iudici­ous are so) know, that History in generall, A distinction of History. is either Nugatory as in all comicall Drammae's; or adhor­tatory, as in the Fables of Aesop, Poggius, &c. or fictionary, as in poeticall nar­rations; or Relatory, such as soly adheare to truth without deviation or digression; of which onely the ancient Gramarians admitted, as worthy the name, and in which ranke I intreate thee to receive this following tractate.

Of History there be foure species, The species. either taken from place, as Geography; from time, as Chro­nologie; from Generation as Geneologie; or from gests really done, which (not altogether un­properly) may be called Annologie: The Elemens The Ele­ments of which it consisteth are person, place, time, The defini­tion. manner, instrument, matter, and thing: It is defi­ned, [Page] Rerum gestarum expositio, a declaration of such things as have beene done: The derivati­on. Budaeus in his Greeke commentaries derives Historia from [...], that is, I narrate, I looke, I see, I inquire, aske, know, seeke, learne, dictate, &c. besides what­soever is gravely explicated, my goe under the name of History.

The profit that comes by reading of history. Simon Grinaeus speaking of the utilitie that ariseth unto us from the reading of History hath words to this purpose. What can be thought more pleasing or profitable then in this spatious Theater of humane life, for a man to instruct his understan­ding, by searching to know whatsoever is marve­lously carried in all the parts thereof? To view the danger of others without any perill to himselfe, thereby to make him the more wise and cau [...]elous? to make happy use of forreigne presidents and ex­amples by applying them to his owne perticulars? to be as it mere private with the greatest men, in their gravest counsells, and not onely privie to the purpose, but partaker of the event? To be acquain­ted with all the passages of state, the qualitie of times, the succession of Ages the vicessitude of both? The situation of countries, the originall of nations? the rare lives of good Princes, the lamen­table ends of Cruell Tirants? To make all that hath beene precedent, as familiar with us as the present, forreigne lands as well knowne unto us as that wherein we live: The acts of our fore fathers as visible unto our eyes as were they now in being: As ours (if we shall doe ought worthy remembrance) [Page] commended to all the posteritie: briefly such is the benefit of History, that comparing what is past with the present, we may better prepare our selves for the future.

Further to the exact composure of History, there belongs such an accurate curiositie, that whosoe­ver shall atta [...]ne to the true method and manner, may boast he hath transcended Herodatus, Xiphe­line, Dio, Trogus Pompeius, Justine, Livy, Curtius, Tacitus, Swetonius, and even Caesar in his Commentaries: To all which I must inge­niously confesse I am so many degrees inferiour that I dare not list my selfe in the number of the History­graphers being now rather a remembrancer or collector of some passages concerning the persons now in agitation.

But my discourse at this present is of women, and women onely, intimating to my selfe, that it is a kinde of duty in all that have had mothers, as far as they can to dignifie the Sex, which in my [...]: or History of Women, I have strived to doe with my utmost minerva; but that was a meare misce­laine of all ages, sexes, qualities, complexions, con­ditions dispositions, of rich, poore, learned, unlearned, faire, foule, well featured, deformed, barraine, bea­ring, matron, meretrix, and all in generall, from the Scepter to the sheepe booke. From the Court to the Cottage. But in this tractate I have onely com­memorated the lives and memorable Acts of nine [...]alluding to the number of the Muses.) Three Iewes, three Gentiles, three Christians. [Page] Courteous Reader, what is here proposed to thy view, peruse without prejudice. What thou fin­dest worthy just taxation, correct without mal­lice: which granted, the Nine worthy Women go­ing before, it may bee presumed that the Nine worthy Men may at some small distance follow.

Constantly devoted to thy content, THO. HEYVVOOD.

To his much respected Friend M r. Thomas Heywood, concerning his Worke of the Nine Wo­men Worthies.

IS't Natures wonder; that the dead revive?
You worke a wonder then, make dead alive;
Nor can you (being too much) create, them new,
Yet doe you (being enough) their being renew,
Who had existance by eternall will;
Have quasi-co-Existance by your Quill,
That gave them severall worth; and you joyne now
Their worths in one, (your worke) where, when, and how.
This worke as theirs speakes your deserving praise,
Raysing their, worthes in these our worthlesse dayes.
It intimates; dull spirits rouse for shame;
Behold nine Trophies, all of female fame:
Whom ye your selves (if not deject) may see
Honours high towring Pyramidds to be;
Which justice ever distributing dew,
Makes Tripartite to Christian, Gentile, Iew.
William Ball ( alias Bennet) Esquire.

To his learned, loving Friend M r. Thomas Heywood, upon his History of the Nine Wo­men worthies.

IS't not presumption for a Penscarce knowne,
To write in praise of him, that of his owne
Has Volumes of Eternallizing lines,
Such as have fathom'd ev'n the deepest mines
Of Poetrie, and Historie, weigh'd downe
With all Arts Plummets, to bring up renowne
And fix it on his head? will not men say
I light my Taper in a Sunshine day?
Sure such a censure would not seeme unjust;
And yet ther's a necessitie, I must
(To prove my loves profession does not faine
Thrust into th'world amid'st the Muses traine;
Who being Women, and in number Nine,
And (as of all mens honour) worthy mine:
Would say, I beare to vertue little love
When the Nine worthy Women could not move
Th'expression of a poore respest from me:
Let this then for my Pen the pleader be.
Withall I must confesse 'twas my maine end,
To boast, The Author's my deserving Friend.
So avoucheth Steph. Bradwell.

To the worthy Reviver of these Nine Women worthies, Master Thomas Heywood, Gent.

AMongst the many worthy, to attend
Thy worthy female, and thy worth commend,
Let me present my love too; to thy choice
Of this great subject, and th'eternall voyce,
Thy Pen has given their Ashes; to thy flame
Their second soule, now when their towring fame
Was well nie Buried with them: to thine Art,
Thy cost, thy care, cloathing thier every part,
In all th'adorements of such eminent stories,
So as to reade almost to see their glories
In their owne greatnesse acted: friend thy straine,
In these (these brave Viragoes of thy braine)
This Golden issue of thy Silver head,
Thy many such, shall when thy bodi's dead,
Live, as thy lines, now, make them live: for ever
Pompe lives, and dy's such worthie labours never.
Thomas Brewer.

To his worthy Friend Mr. Thomas Heywood, on his Nine Female Worthies.

WIll neither rugged time nor vast expence
Of thy unfathom'd fancy and cleare sence
Perswade thee to leave off, but thou wilt still
Make all'twixt heaven & hell flow from thy Quill?
Nay Heav'n it selfe, and all those
Heywood of Angels.
Angels there,
Those powr's and vertues will themselves declare
Thy Genuine searching soule: But these here
Thy female Angels, that doe grace this Spheare,
Thrice worthy, worthy women, whose great acts
Immortallize their mem'ries, and exacts
Not thee alone, but all the noblest wits
That in the courts of truth and judgement sits
To write their Legends: But thy learned Pen,
That writ (before) their
Heywoods History of women.
Story hath agen
From thy owne workes substracted Nine, to be
The great example to posteritie:
I doe not flatter but I may admire
To see fire turn'd t' Ashes returne to fire;
Thy age goes backward, and thy Phaenix braine,
From the old Ashes is growne younge Againe.
George Estoutevile.


DEbora the Prophetesse, and a mother in Israel.

Iudeth of Bethulia, the wid­dow of Manasses.

Ester, the Queene of King Ahashuerosh, and Neece to Mordecay the Iew.


BOnduca, or Boadicia the Dowager Queene of Prasu­tagus King of the Iceni, one of the Kingdomes of the Brittish Scepterchy.

Penthisilaea, the warlik Queen of the Amazons, and friend to Hector of Troy.

Queen Artimesia, wife to Mau­solus King of Caria, a Province in Greece, scituate betwixt Lycia and Iania.


ELphleda, Daughter to King Alured, and wife to Ethel­dredus, Duke of Mercia, or mid­dle England.

Queene Margaret, daugh­ter to the King of Cecile and Hierusalem, and wife to Henry the sixt King of England.

Elizabeth, Queene of England, France and Ireland, &c. Defen­der of the Faith.


HE that shall take in hand to speake at large
Of womens prayse, shall undergoe a charge
Beyond supporture: and he better were
Take Atlas burden on him, and to beare
The Heavens upon his shoulders: If then any
Inquisitive bee; why I (amongst so many)
Am now that undertaker? And shall aske
Why, to my selfe I durst assume this Taske?
I must appeale for answer, to my rare,
(Scarse patternd) Patroness (most learn'd, most fayr)
Whom, if these my unpolisht papers please;
It is a burden, to be borne with ease,
Whose Approbations (where soe'r Inscribd)
Shall passe a worke as currant, as to have bribd
All the Nine Sisters, or invokt their ayde.
She, now the sole, out of so many made.
As for our worthy Iewesse now in quest,
The sequent Traectate, can describe her best.
He, that made man the womans Head, that [...]he
Despis'd of her superiour might not-be,
Rais'd from her sex brave Dames (by Text allowd)
Least she might prove dejected, or he, proud.
If any one this Maxime shall gaine say,
Let him but reade Barach and Deborah.



OF THE NINE VVORTHIES AMONGST WOMEN; • Three Iewes, , • Three Gentiles, , and • Three Christians.  And first of DEBORAH.

TO Deborah I give the prio­rity, as first named in the ho­ly text, in which we reade of two of that name. The one Rebeckahs Nurse, Two Deborahs. (the wife of Iacob) who being dead, was buried beneath B [...]thel, under an Oake, which he called, Al [...]on Bachuth, or the Oake of Lamentation; the other a Pro­phetesse the wife of Lapidothe, who Iudged Is­rael, [Page 6] the Argument of our ensuing Discourse. The name Deborah in the originall, Her etimoly­gie. implyeth a Word, or a Bee; neither was her name any way a­verse to her nature, for as she was mellifluous in her tongue, when she either pronounced the sa­cred oracles of God, or sat upon any judicatory causes, amongst his people: so she had also a sting at all times, upon any just occasion to wound and be revenged on his enemies the Ca­nanite [...], who then most barbarously and cruelly oppressed his owne chosen nation. But the bet­ter to illustrate her history, it is necessary that I give you a briefe relation of that estate in which Israel then stood.

In what estate Israel then stood. Iosuah the sonne of Nun, who succeeded Moses in the Empyre, and was Captaine of the Lords people in his Masters place, after the subduing and slaughter of one and thirty Kings; and ha­ving divided the Land of Palastine amongst the twelve tribes of the Children of Israel by lots: All his time, and all the dayes of the Elders who were his Contemporaries and survivers, and [...]ad beene eye witness [...]s of those great and stupendi­ous wo [...]kes which the Almighty had done for them; served the Lord, and were obedient unto his Commandements. But he after he had lived an hundred and ten yeares, expiring, and being buried in the Coast of his inheritance; & all that generation being likewise gathered to their Fa­thers: Another ro [...]e after them, who neither knew the Lord, nor the great workes which hee [Page 7] had done for Israel. In so much that they dwelt amongst the Cananites, the Hittites, the Amo­rites, the Perizites, the Hevites, the Iebusites ▪ &c. Taking their daughters to be their wives, and gi­ving their owne daughters to their sonnes, and serving their gods, The cause of the Isralites bondage. which was contrary to the Commandement, and the Law of Moses; by which they incensed the wrath of the Lord which was now hot against them, in [...]o much that he delivered them into the hands of spoy­lers, who spoyled them, and sold them unto their enemies; so that they were no [...] able to stand against those that hated them; namely the Gentiles, and Idolaters.

Notwithstanding which, Gods great mercy. the Lord in his great mercy, according to his oath sworne to their Fore-fathers the Patriarchs, upon their least re­pentance and turning unto him, raysed up some eminent amongst them, whom they called Iud­ges, who delivered them from the hands of their oppressors: But no sooner were those Iudges dead, but they fell againe into their former re­bellion, and whoring after Idols. For the Lord (who knew them to bee a perverse and stiffe­necked generation) had sayd, I will no more cast out before them any of the nations which Iosuah left when he dyed, that through them I may prove Israel whether they will keepe my way to walke [...]herein, as their Fathers kept it or no: But they had soone forgot the God of their Fa­thers, and b [...]wed to the gods of the Gentiles, [Page 8] Baalim and Ashcroth, so that his wrath was kin­dled against them, and hee gave them into the hands of Cushan rishathaim King of Aram: (which is Mesopotamia) whom they were com­pelled to serve for the space of eight yeares; but groaning under so great a burden, and in this their great affliction, crying unto the Lord, hee raysed up Othniel the sonne of Kenaz, The Israelites repentance. Calebs younger brother, who Iudged the people and went to warre, overcomming the King of A­ram in battell, by whose valour the whole land was in rest forty yeares. But Othniel no sooner slept with his Fathers, but they fall againe into their former Idolatries, in so much that the Lord stirred and strengthned Egion King of Moab a­gainst them, who gathering unto him the Am­monites and Amalekites, smote Israel with a great slaughter, and held them under his subjection for the space of Eighteene yeares: But when they had againe submitted themselves and repented them of their evill wayes, The Lord stirred up Ehud the sonne of Gera the son of Geinni a man lame of his right hand, Gods mira­culous delive­rance. who slew the King of Moab in his summer parlour, and after caused a trumpet to bee blowne in Mount Ephrim; where assembling the people, he slew of the Moabites ten thousand of the strongest and most valiant men. After which victory the land was in security and quietnesse fourescore yeares. A third Deliverer they also had called Shamgar the sonne of Anath, who with an Oxe-goad [Page 9] slew six hundred of the Philistines.

Ehud and Shamgar yeilding to nature, were no sooner layd in their Fathers sepulchers, but this refractory and disobedient people, The Israelites [...]ngratitude towards God. altoge­ther unmindfull of their so great and miraculous deliverances, like the dogge returned to their owne vomit, and defiled themselves with all their former abhominations; and therefore the Lord sold them againe into the hands of Iabin, King of Canaan, who raigned in Hazor, and whose grand Captaine was Sisera, who dwelt in Haroshoth of the Gentiles. This potent King had for twenty yeares sore grieved and vexed the Children of Israel; Imposing upon them great taxes and tributes, and kept them in intol­lerable servitude and slavery: and the greater terror he stroke into them was, that besides innumerable strong and valiant souldiers, he had ready at all assayes, no lesse than nine hundred Chariots of Iron, which kept not onely them, but all the adjacent nations in awe, so that his power was held to be unresistable, (and so in­deede it was) in all humane understanding. But there is a Lord of Hoasts, Gods great power▪ and God of battels, who resisteth the proud, and at his pleasure is able to suppresse the fury of the greatest Ty­rants whatsoever.

Whilst these things were thus in agitation, and the Israelites were in this dejection, there li­ved Deborah who was a Prophetesse, Deborah. a woman of great sanctity and excellent knowledge, to [Page 10] whom the people resorted, not onely to heare those sacred and divine Oracles which she spake from God; but they also brought before her all differences and controversies, how dificult and doubtfull soever, which by her great wise­dome, she reconciled and ended, in so much that she lived as a Princesse or governesse; For as the Text reporteth of her, shee Iudged Israel. This excellent woman dwelt in Mount Ephraim, under a Palme tree, betweene Ramah and Bethel, whether (as to our Courts of Iustice) all the peo­ple of what condition or estate soever customa­bly came to have their causes heard, and by her great wisedome decided.

She (as I before related) being inspired wi [...]h the true spirit of prophesie, sent to call unto her Barak the sonne of Abinoham, from Kedesh of Nepthali, Deborah to Barak. who presenting himselfe before her, be spake him after this manner. Hath not the Lord God of Israel (now at the last commisera­ting the great affliction of his people) out of all others selected and made choyse of thee? com­manding thee saying, Goe Barak and draw to­wards Mount Tabor, and take with thee ten thousand men, pickt out of the two Tribes of Nepthali, and Zebulon, and I will draw unto thee neere unto the river Kishon, Sisera the great Captaine of mighty Iabins Army, with all his Iron Chariots and multitudes of men, and deli­ver them as a prey and spoyle into thine hands? which having thus spok [...]n unto him, shee kept silence, expecting his answer.

[Page 11]Who, whether distrusting in Gods almighty power and providence, or doubting whether this were uttered from divine inspiration, or meerely begot in her owne womanish fancy; or else dispairing in his owne weaknesse and dis­ability, hee thus replyd. Barak to De­borah. If Deborah thou thy [...]elfe in person wilt associate me, I will take on me this great and hazardous enterprize, but if thou deniest me thy presence, and that I shall not have thy company in this adventure; impose this charge on whom so ever else thou pleasest, for I for mine owne part will not bee the under­taker. She not well pleased with so cold an an­swer put on a masculine spirit and said againe: Yes Barak, that thou mayst know how little I feare or distrust the successe of this businesse, I will goe foot by foot with thee, Her magnani­mity. and pertake with thee in all damage whatsoever can happen. But [...]hat thou mayst know that I am a Prophe­tesse, and that I spake unto thee was from the Lord, know further that though thou undoub­tedly prevailest over the enemy, yet shall not this journey be al [...]ogether for thine honour, for the Lord shall sell Sisera the Captaine of the King of Canaans Army, into the hands of a wo­man: which having spoke, she instantly accom­modated her selfe, and after some words of com­fort and incouragement; she went up wi [...]h Barak unto Kedesh, who made a present muster of the two Tribes of Nepthali and Zebulon, (the nea­rest unto them) out of whom he made choyce [Page 12] onely of ten thousand fighting men, for no grea­ter was his Army: For he who is the great God of battels, disposeth not of the victory unto strength or number, for with an handfull of men he can subdue a multitude, (as you may reade in the warres of the Maccabees,) and else where, that his great power and stretched out arme may not onely be feared but magnified amongst the nations.

Heber the Ke­nite.At this time Heber the Kenite, who was one of the posterity of Hobab the father in law to Mo­ses, had left his owne Country and removed from the Kenites, and pitched his tent, as farre as from Zanaim unto Kedesh, which contained a great part of that Country, hee and his family living as neuters, and seeming friends both to the Israelites and the Canaanites: so temporizing and complying betwixt the Gentiles and the Iewes, that which way so ever the streame ranne or the winds blew, hee sayled without damage, for if the one prevailed he was safe, if the other he was likewise secure: yet was his heart whol­ly inclined to the good of the Children of Isra­el. Now the flattering of an enemy is like the melody which the Syrens make, who sing not to stirre up mirth, but rather allure unto mishap; and as a learned Philosopher observeth, It is much better to have an open foe, than a dissem­bling friend, as appeared in the fall of this great Captaine Sisera.

A definition of warre.Warre is of two sorts; Civill, and Forraigne; [Page 13] that which they call Civill, is meerely seditious and is indeed, a speedy overthrow of all estates, Kingdomes and Monarchies, and the very semi­nary of all kinde of evils though never so exe­crable. For it abandoneth all reverence to God, and obedience to Magistrates, it bredeth corruption of manners, change of lawes, and contempt of Iustice, &c. But Forraigne warre is that which Plato calleth a more generous or rather honourable contention, and is then onely lawfull when it is undertooke either in the de­fence of true religion, or to establish peace. In­deed nothing can make warre just but necessity; nor lawfull, but when it is warranted by the word, either for a Prince or people to defend their owne right, or to repulse Gods enemies, who are ever the opposites of truth: I conclude with the Poet,

Nulla salus bello pacem, te possimus omnes.

All Generals of Armies, The office of a Generall. ought to have their courages guided by wisedome, and their discre­tion armed with courage; neither must their hardinesse darken their judgement, nor their judgement extenuate their hardinesse: besides they ought to bee valiant, as not fearing death, and confident as not wont to be overcome; their feete ought to bee steddy, their hands diligent, their eyes watchfull, and their hearts resolute: all which this godly Matron and gratious mo­ther in Israel, with sweete oratory, and her pre­sence in the fields, being a president of her un­parraleld [Page 14] magnanimity, had deepely imprest in the heart of Barak.

Now concerning Iabin the King of the Cana­anites, it proved to his great dishonour, so that he had better to have studied to defend his owne Country by Iustice, then to have sought to sub­due other nations by Tyranny, and it little profiteth any Prince to bee Lord of many king­domes, if on the otherside he become bond slave to many vices: besides, it is not possible that to a man of much pride, fortune should bee long friendly. The desire of coveting and having more is a vice common to such great men, bre­ding in them for the most part a brutish nature, tempered with unsaciable cruelty. The nature of ambition. Ambition eateth gold, and drinketh blood; seeking to climbe so high by other mens heads, till at the length it breaketh its owne necke: It may not altogether unproperly bee compared to a vapor which ascendeth high, and being at the full height disapeareth and vanisheth into nothing; for commonly those that strive to suppresse and supplant others, in stead of honour and superiority, purchase to themselves, shame and indignitie. So much touching the King. Now thus briefly of his Captaine: That Generall who is bloody minded and thirsteth after revenge, is for the most part, either sold by his souldiers, or slaine by his enemies: but I shorten this digressi­on and come to the matter now in handling.

When Sisera had by his skouts and espials, [Page 15] understood, Sisera's pre­paration for he warre. that Barak had gathered his forces and was gone up to Mount Tabor, and there pit­ched his Tents, hee like a carefull and vigilant Generall, called for all his Chariots, even nine hundred Chariots of Iron, assembling all the people, even from Harosheth of the Gentiles, un­to the river Kishon. Now by the number of his Chariots, it is easie to guesse of what an infinite multitude his Army did consist; who confident in his owne strength, and despising the weake­nesse of the enemy, waited in the vallies their descent from the Mount, thinking to defeate and over runne them at an instant; but the event happened quite contrary to his expectation.

For the Heroicke and masculine spirited Championesse, Deborah in­courageth Barak. knowing that the Lord never failed his owne people, if they left their wicked wayes and turned unto him with unfaigned re­pentance; came unto Barak and said, seest thou this great and (seeming) invinceable Army which cover the plaines & Country that invirons us: feare not their foote, their horse, nor their Chariots; up therefore for this is the day that the Lord hath delivered Sisera and the hoast of the Canaanites into thine hand: Is not hee him­selfe gone before thee to fight his owne battell? Which words inspired such courage both into him and his souldiers, (howsoever weakely ac­commodated for so dangerous an adventure,) that with an unanimous resolution, as if so many mil-stones had beene precipitated from an high [Page 16] hill, they hurried downe Mount Tabor, and fell upon the campe of the Gentiles, with a sudden and violent assault, being upon them ere they could scarse imagine them to bee neere them, which strooke them with such a terror and a­mazement, (God having a hand therein) that they were so farre from assaulting their ene­mies, that they had not the power to use their weapons to defend themselves. For too much feare openeth the way to desparation, The effects of feare. being destitute of reason, and turning the greatest cou­rage into pusillanimity and cowardize, accor­ding to that of the Poet,

—nos auxius omnia cogit
quae possunt firei, fact a putare timor.

Where feare once taketh impression in the heart, what is easie to be done, it maketh to ap­peare impossible.

In briefe, Barak with his small Army of ten thousand, Sisera's Ar­my routed. rowted the great and puisant hoast of the Canaanites, who destroyed all their Chari­ots of Iron, and pursued the enemy, even to Ha­roshoth, with such an infinite slaughter, that they all fell by the edge of the sword, and not one [...] them escaped alive. In which tumultuous flight Sisera was compeld to alight from his Chariot, and cowardly to save his desparate life, fled a­way on foote, and finding no place wherein to hide or shelter himselfe from the pursute of the Israelites, he came at length t [...] the Tent of Iael the wife of Heber, (for peace was betwixt Ia­bin [Page 17] being of Hazor, and betweene the families of the Kenites,) who looking out from her Tent, and espying the great Commander Sisera, late attended by so many Chariots, now forced to goe upon his feete, and hee that led into the field such an innumerable Army, to have neither servant, or so much as a Page to waite on him. And no doubt having heard the successe of the battell, shee went out to meete him, and said; Turne in to me my Lord, turne in, and feare not; who glad of so good an opportunity to bee se­cured from the pursute of his enemies, accepted of her friendly offer, and entering into the Tent, she covered him with a mantle.

Who hoping that the worst was now past, and his life in no further danger, called unto her and sayd; Give mee I pray thee a little water, for my travaile hath made me very thirsty, who fetched presently a bottle of milke, and gave him to drinke, with which having sufficiently re­freshed himselfe, he layd him downe againe, and she againe covered him; and as shee was depar­ting from him, hee called once more unto her saying, stand I pray thee in the doore of the Tent, and if any shall come and inquire of thee, and say, is any man here? thou shalt answer him and say, nay; which having spoken being wea­ry, and over tyred in his flight, he fell suddenly into a deepe and dead sleepe, (for so indeede it proved,) for he never awakned after.

Which she perceiving, and being in heart an [Page 18] Israelite, howsoever for necessities sake, they with their whole Tribe complide with the Gen­tiles, shee would not let slip so good an advan­tage, but unwilling to let one of Gods enemies escape out of her hands, like a bold virago shee tooke a nayle of the Tent in her hand, and in the other an hammer, and comming softly towards him, The death of Sisera. she strooke the nayle into his temples, and fastned it into the ground, peircing his skull unto the braine, with which wound he instantly ex­pired.

Now Barak after the great hoast was defea­ted, having intelligence which way Sisera was fled, Iael came out to meete him, and bespake him thus: Come in with mee and I will shew thee the man whom thou seekest, who entring with her into the Tent, she discovered unto him the body of Sisera which lay groveling on the earth dead, and the nayle still sticking in his tem­ples; which object put him in mind of the words of Deborah, when he denied to go into the field without her company; that the honour of great Siseras, death should be taken from him, and bee conferd upon a woman, which accordingly hap­pened. For Deborah in her song of thanksgiving, after that great and miraculous victory over Si­sera and his hoast, giveth unto her this extraor­dinary character: Deborah of Iael. Iael the wife of Heber the Ke­nite shall be blessed above other women, blessed shall she bee above women dwelling in Tents; He asked water, and shee gave him milke, shee [Page 19] brought him butter in a Lordly dish: shee put her hand to the nayle, and her right hand to the workemans hammer, with the hammer smote she Sisera, shee smote off his head after shee had wounded and peirced his temples, hee bowed him downe at her feete, hee fell downe and lay still at her feet, hee bowed him downe and fell, and when hee had suncke downe, hee lay there dead. By which so often iteration of the same words, she strived both to magnifie her act, and eternize her memory.

Neither did this great honour done unto Iael, any way take off or derogate from the merit and magnanimity of Deborah, that any man need question which of them did better deserve the name of a Worthy. Deborah's art and Iaels compared. The precedence and priori­ty undoubtedly belonging to her who was a Prophetesse, a Iudgesse, and a mother in Israel, the other onely a secondary minister and agent to have the will of the Almighty executed; De­borah in person out-braving danger, and stan­ding the brunt of the battell, against many thousands, living Armed and awake; and Iael onely taking the advantage of one single man flying, trembling with feare, and after to kill him slee­ping. I conclude of her with her owne words in her holy song, after so glorious a conquest: So let all thine enemies perish O Lord, but they that love him, shall be as the Sunne when he riseth in his might. After which great discomfiture, the Land had rest forty yeares.


THe great Assyrian King, puft up with pride
Because no Prince, was able to abide
His potency in battle: having subdu'd
By his (scarce to be numbred) multitude,
All bordring Kingdomes; at his mighty cost
An hundred twenty dayes feasted his Host,
Then, his chiefe Captaine, Olophernes sent
With a most puissant army, with intent
To sweepe all flesh from earth, who had denayd
To send him, in his last great battle, ayde
He seekes to invade Iudea, 'mongst the rest,
When of all other Cities, most distrest,
Bethalmi was: where Iudeth made abod,
Who in their great'st dispaire cald upon God,
And more, their nations honour to advance,
Did undertake their free deliverance,
And when the spirits of the souldiers faild,
Put on a masculine spirit, and prevaild.
Match me this woman amongst men, who dar'd
Against an Host invincible (prepar'd
For her whole nations ruine) to invade
That potent army, singly with her maid,
And in her bold adventure so well sped,
To cut off, and bring thence the Generals head.




KING Nabuchodonosor, and King Arphaxad were Contempora­ries, Of King Na­buchodonosor and Arphaxad two mighty potent Prin­ces, the one raigned in Ninevey the great City, over the As­syrians, the other in Echbatane, over the Medes: A place as well strongly munified, as most gloriously beautified. It happened, that King Nabuchodonosor purposed to make warre against King Arphaxad, in the great Champian Countrey, in the Coasts of Ra­gan, and to that purpose hee assembled all those that dwelt in the Mountaines, and by [Page 23] Euphrates, Tigris, and Hidaspes, the Coun­tries of Arioche, The names of sundry rivers. the Elimeans, the streames of Chelod, with many other Nations and Languages. He sent also into Persia, and to all that dwelt in the West, to Cilicia, Damas­cus, Libanus, Antilibanus, and all those that dwelt by the Sea coast, and to all the people that are in Carmel, in Galahaad, in hither Galilee, and the great field of Esdrelam, and to all in Samaria, and the Cities thereof, and beyond Iordan, unto Ierusalem, &c. But all the Inhabitans of these Countries, Nabuchodono­sors comman­dement despi­sed. despised the commandements of the King of the As­syrians, neither would they come with him unto the battle, but sent away his Embassa­dours sleightly and with dishonour: there­fore he was greatly incensed against all these Nations, and swore by his Throne and King­dome, he would be avenged upon them, and destroy all their inhabitants, with the edge of the sword.

In which interim, he marched in battle a­ray against the King of the Medes, in the se­venteenth yeare of his raigne, and prevailed against him. Arphaxad dis­comfitted. For he overthrew all the pow­er of King Arphaxad, his Infantry, Horse­men and Chariots, he woone all his Cities, and entring Echbat [...]ne, tooke the Towers, defaced the streetes, ruined the walls, and turned the beauty thereof into shame. Hee also surprised the King in the mountaines of [Page 24] Ragan, and caused him to be thrust through with darts, after which great victory he re­turned unto his owne City Ninivey. Both he and all his Princes and Souldiers, which were a great multitude, where he passed the time in pleasure and jollity, and banqueted his Hoast an hundred and twenty dayes.

During which triumphall feasting, he com­municated with those Princes and Nobles which were of his intimate counsell, to de­stroy all flesh from the earth, which had not obeyed his commandement, and to that pur­pose called unto him Olophernes, Olophernes his chiefe Captaine, and gave him a strickt Commissi­on, to execute the will of the great King, and Lord of the whole earth, (for so he sti­led himselfe,) Then went forth Olophernes from the presence of his Lord, and called to­gether, all the Governours, Captaines, and Officers, of the army of Ashur, and selected an hoast, of an hundred and twenty thousand foote, with twelve thousand Archers on Horse backe, besides Camels, and Asses, for burdens, and Sheepe, Goates, and Oxen without number, and victuall for every man in the army, besides great store of treasure out of the Kings house, with multitudes of strangers like swarmes of Grasse-hoppers, which attended on the Army, and to pertake with the Assyrians in the spoyle.

Who from the upper Cilicia, even to Da­mascus, [Page 25] overrunne many Nations, robbed their Cities, laid waste their Countries, and put all their young men to the edge of the sword, His Tyranny. so that feare and trembling fell upon all the inhabitants of the Sea coasts, who sent Ambassadors unto him, and laid themselves prostrate to his mercy, and after received him with Crownes, Timbrels, and Dances, into their borders, and Cities, notwithstan­ding which he cut downe their woods, set Garrisons in their chiefe Cities, and tooke out of them their chosen men of warre, de­stroyed all their gods, commanding them to worship Nabuchodonosor onely, and that all tongues and Tribes should call upon him as their God.

Now when the children of Israel, who dwelt in Iudea, The prepara­tion of the Is­ralites against Oloferues. had hard what was done un­to the Nations, they were greatly troubled for Ierusalem, and the Temple, for they were but newly returned from the Captivity: therefore they sent into all the Coasts of Sa­maria, and the bordering Cities. And tooke all the toppes of the high mountaines, and walled in their Villages, and put in vittailes for the provision of warre: And [...]oachim the High Priest sent to them of Bethulia, and the adjacent Cities, exhorting them to keepe the passages of the mountaines, for by them was an entry into Iudea: but so narrow was the passage, that two men could but elbow there [Page 26] at the most. Then cryed they unto the Lord, even every man of Israel; Their prayer and repen­tance. their wives and their children, all with one consent, and fell downe before the Temple, in sacke-cloath, and ashes on their heads, praying that hee would not give their children for a prey, nor their wives for a spoyle, nor the Cities of their Inheritance to destruction▪ nor the san­ctuary, to pollution and reproach, and a de­rision to the Heathen; the High Priest also, and the Levites stood before the Alter, their loynes gi [...]t with sacke-cloath and ashes upon their Miters, and called upon the Lord, who heard their prayer.

In this interim, it was declared to the great Captaine of the Assyrian army, that the Isra­elites had prepared for warre, and shut the passage of the mountaines, and laid impedi­ments in the champion Country, where with being exceedingly mooved, he assembled all the Princes of Moab, and the Captaines of Ammon, and all the Governours of the Sea coast, and demanded of them who that peo­ple were? what their Cities? and what the multitude of their army? and why they a­lone have not come downe, to submit them­selves, more then all the inhabitants of the West? Achior Cap­taine of the Ammonites. To whom Achior Captaine of the Ammonites replyed: Let my Lord heare the words of his servant, and I will declare unto thee the truth concerning this people; [Page 27] and gave him a free relation of their estate from the beginning, rehearsing punctually all those great wonders that God had done for them, in delivering them from the Ae­gyptians slavery; In dividing the red Sea, and overwhelming Pharaoh and his hoast, and destroying the nations before them, &c. Adding moreover, that when they sinned not before their God they prospered, but when they departed from his way, they were destroyed in many battles, and led Captives into strange Countries, but now (saith hee) they are turned unto their God, and are come up from the scattering wherein they were scattered, and possesse Ierusalem, where their Temple stands, and dwell in the moun­taines which were desolate, therefore if they have now againe sinned, they shall be easily overcome. Strange words to pro­ceede from the mouth of an Heathen. But if there be none iniquity, found in this people, let my Lord passe by them, least the Lord whom they serve de­fend them, and we become a reproch before all the world.

Whose words were no sooner ended, but all the Captaines of the Hoast began greatly to murmur, And would in their fury, have slaine him, but when the tumult was appea­sed Olofernes said unto Achior, because thou hast prophesied amongst us this day, The blasphe­my of Olefer­nes. that the people of Ierusalem is able to fight against us, because their God is able to defend them: [Page 28] and who is God but Nabuchodonosor? there­fore will I destroy them from the face of the earth, and their God shall not deliver them, but we will destroy them all as one man. And thou Achior, because thou hast spoken these words in the day of thine iniquity, thou shalt see my face no more, till I take vengeance of that people which is come from Aegypt, and then shall the Iron of mine army, and the multitude that serve mee, passe through thy sides, and thou shalt fall amongst their slaine, nor shalt thou perish till thou beest destroy­ed with them. Then commanded hee his servants concerning Achior, that they should bring him before Bethulia bound, and deli­ver him into the hands of the Israelites, which was accordingly done: then came the men of the City and loosed him, and brought him into Bethulia, and presented him unto the governours of the place, which were O­zias, the sonne of Micha, The Gover­nours of Be­thulia. of the Tribe of Simeon, and Chabris the sonne of Gothoniel, and Charmis the sonne of Melchiel, who de­maunded of him, of all that was done, of which he gave them ample satisfaction, de­claring unto them the purpose of Olofernes, and the words he had spoken in the midst of the Princes of Ashur, For which having first praysed God, they comforted Achior, and commended him greatly, and Ozias tooke him into his house, and made a feast to the [Page 29] Elders, calling upon the God of Israel.

The next day Olophernes removed his whole army neere unto Bethulia, and cut off all their Springs of water, thinking without the hazard of his people, to make them pe­rish by thirst, (for so he was counselled,) and besieged the City for the space of foure and thirty dayes: The great di­stresse of the Bethulians. in which time all their places of water failed, and their Cisternes were empty, insomuch that they had not supply for one day, so that their children swouned, and their wives and young men failed and fel downe in the streetes, so that they murmured against the Elders, desiring them to deliver up the City to the enemy, for it is better for us (said they) to be a spoyle unto them, then to dye of thirst, since the Lord hath delive­red us into their hands: which they prest upon them so urgently, that Ozias said unto them; my brethren be of good courage, let us yet waite five dayes, in which time the Lord our God may turne his mercy towards us, for he will not forsake us in the end, and if these passe without helpe and succour from above, we will doe according to your saying, with which words he appeased them for the present, and separated them, every one unto his charge.

Now when Iudeth heard thereof, Iudeth the wife of Ma­nasses. who was once the wife of Manasses, and after his death, had continued a Widdow for the [Page 30] space of three yeares and foure moneths, in which time shee wore sackecloath, and her mourning apparell, and fasted all the dayes of her Widdow-hood, save the day before the Sabbath, and the Sabbaths, and the day before the new Moone, and in the feasts and sollemne dayes, of the house of Israel, who was of a goodly countenance, and very beau­tifull, having great plenty of gold, silver, and Iewels, with men-servants, and maide-ser­vants, and cattell, of whom there was none could give any evill report, for shee feared God greatly. Shee (I say) hearing how the people had murmured against the gover­nours, and that Ozias had sworne unto them to deliver the City unto the Assyrians with­in five dayes, she sent her maide, who had the governement of all that shee had, to call Ozias, Chabris, and Charmis, the ancients of the people, who came unto her, and she gree­ted them thus: Iud [...]ths speech to the Gover­nours. Oh you the governours of the Inhabitants of Bethulia, the words which you have spoken before the people this day are not right; for who are you that have tempted God? and set your selves in his place, amongst the children of men? For if he will not helpe us within these five dayes; Hath hee not power to defend us when hee will? Do not you therefore binde the coun­sels of the Lord our God, for hee is not as man to be threatned, neither as the sonne [Page 31] of man to be brought unto Iudgment, &c.

To whom Ozias replyed. The reply of Ozias. All that thou hast spoken, hast thou spoken with a good heart, and there is none that is able to resist thy words: but the people were thirsty, and compelled us to doe as wee have done, and have brought us to an oath, which wee may not transgresse, therefore pray for us, be­cause thou art an holy woman, that the Lord may send us raine to fill our Cisternes, and that wee may saint no more: then saide Iu­deth unto them. Heare me; for I will doe an act which shall be declared in all successive ages, to the children of our nation, you shall stand this night in the gate, and I will goe forth with mine handmaid, and within the dayes that you have promised to deliver the City to the Enemy, the Lord will visit Isra­el, by mine hand, but inquire not of mine act, for I will not declare it unto you till you see the event. Then saide Ozias, and the Princes unto her, goe in peace, and the Lord God be before thee, to take vengeance on our enemies, so they left her, and went un [...]o their charge.

Then Iudeth, after she had prayed unto the Lord, rose from her knees, and calling her maide, Iudeth chan­geth her habit went downe into the house, and ca­sting off her sackecloath, and putting of the garments of her Widdow-hood, she wash­ed her body, and annointed her with sweet [Page 32] oyntment, and dressed the haire of her head, and put a rich attire upon it, and cloathed her selfe with the garments of gladnesse, even those with which shee was decked in the dayes of Manasses her husband, and shee put slippers on her feete, and adorned her with bracelets, and sleeves, and rings, and eare­rings, and decked her selfe bravely, to al­lure the eyes of all that should behold her, and she gave her maide a bottle of wine, and a pot of oyle, and filled a scrip with flower, and dryed figges, and fine bread, and wrap­ped all together, and laide them upon her; thus she went downe unto the gate, and when they saw how her face was changed, and her garments altered, they marvelled greatly at her wonderfull beauty, and saide unto her, the God of our Fathers give thee favour, and accomplish thine enterprize, to the glory of the children of Israel, and to the exaltation of Ierusalem, and the Temple: which said, she commanded the gates of the City to be opened.

Then went she forth with her maide, and the men of the City looked after her till they could see her no more, who came into the valley, and the first watch of the Assyrian army met her, demanding of her of what people shee was? whence shee came? and whether she was then bound? who answe­red, she was a woman of the Hebrewes, and [Page 33] fled from them to save her life, because shee assuredly knew that they should bee utter­ly consumed, desiring them to bring her before the great Captaine Olofernes, to whom she would shew a way, how to winne all the Mountaines, without hazarding the life of any one of his servants; which hea­ring, they chose out an hundred men, and prepared a Chariot for her and her maide, Iudeth brought be­fore O [...]ofernes and brought her to the tent of the Generall, and they marvelled at her great beauty, and wondred at her Nation because of Her. At that time Olofernes rested upon his bed, un­der a Canopy, woven with purple, and gold, Emeraulds, and other pretious stones, who at the newes of her comming, came to the entry of the tent, and they carryed lamps of silver before him.

Now when Iudeth saw him, she fell on her face and did him reverence, but his servants tooke her up, and he said unto her, Woman be of good comfort and feare not, but tell me wherefore thou art fled from thy people? For none shall hurt thee, but intreate thee as one of the servants of my Lord, King Nabu­chodonosor: To which she answered, receive the words of thy servant, Iudeths speech and suffer thine hand maide to speake in thy presence: wee have heard of thy wisdome, and of thy pru­dent spirit, and it is declared through the whole earth, that thou onely art excellent in [Page 34] all the Kingdome, of a wonderfull know­ledge, and in feates of warre marvellous. Now as concerning that which Achior did speake in thy counsell: Wee have heard his words in the presence of the Elders, of Be­thulia and doe not thou reject them, but set them in thine heart, for they were most true▪ there is no punishment against our people, nor can the sword or speare prevaile against them: unlesse they sinne against their God, which they are now about to doe, for be­cause their victuals faile, and their water is wasted, they are compelled to consume all things, which their God hath forbidden them to eate, by his Lawes, which when they doe, they shall be given unto thee, to be destroyed the same day: wherefore, I thine handmaide am fled from their presence, for thy servant worshippeth the God that made Heaven and Earth, and now let me remaine with thee, and goe out in the night into the valley, and I will pray unto my God, that he will reveale unto mee, when this is to be done, then I will come and shew it thee, and thou shalt goe forth with all thine Army, and I will leade thee through the midst of Iudea, till thou come before Ierusalem; and I will set thy Throne in the midst thereof, and thou shalt drive [...]hem as sheepe that have no shep­heard, and not a dogge shall barke against thee, for these things have beene declared [Page 35] unto mee according to my foreknowledge, and I am sent to shew thee.

Which words greatly pleased Olofernes, and his servants, who marvelled at her wis­dome and said, there is no such woman in the world, both for beauty and wisdome: Moreover Olofernes replyed, The answer of Olofernes. God hath done this to send thee before the people, that strength might be in our hands, and destru­ction upon them that despise my Lord. Thou art both beautifull in thy countenance, and witty in thy words; If thou doe as thou hast spoken; thy God shall be my God, thou shalt dwell in the house of Nabuchodonosor, and shall bee renouned through the whole earth: then he commanded to bring her in, where his treasures were, and that they should prepare for her of his owne meate, and his owne Wine, who said unto him; I may neither eate nor drinke of them, least there should be an offence: For I can suffice my selfe with the provision that I have brought: but hee replyed, if those things thou hast should faile; how should wee give thee the like, for there is none with us of thy Nation? to which she answered, as thy soule liveth, thy handmaide shall not spend those things that I have, before the Lord worke by mine hand what he hath determined.

Then the servants of Olofernes brought her into the tent, Iudeth recei­ved into the Tent. and she slept there till midnight, [Page 36] and rose at the morning watch, and sent un­to Olofernes, saying, let my Lord command that thine handmaid may goe forth to pray­er, who presently gave order to his guard that they should not stay her: thus she abode in the Campe three dayes, and went out in the night, into the valley of Bethulia, and washed her selfe in a Fountaine, in the water by the Campe, and when she came out, she prayed unto the Lord God of Israel, that he would direct her way to the exaltation of the children of her people, so she returned, and remained pure in the Tent, untill she ate her meate at evening.

A great feast made by Olo­fernes.In the fourth day Olofernes made a feast to his owne servants onely, and saide to Bagoas the Eunuch, goe call the Hebrew Woman that is with thee, that shee may come and feast with us, for it were a shame for us to let such a beauty alone, and not talke with her; For if wee tempt not her chastity shee will mocke us: who came unto her and said, make no difficulty to goe in unto my Lord, and to be honoured in his presence, and to drinke wine with us joyfully, and to be intreated as one of the daughters of the children of Assur, which remaine in the house of Nabuchodono­sor; who answered him againe, who am I, that I should gainesay my Lord? so shee a rose and trimmed her with garments, and with all the ornaments that belong to wo­men, [Page 37] and her maide went and spread forth her skinnes on the ground, over against the place where Olofernes sate, whose heart was ravished, and his spirits mooved, and hee greatly desired her company, for he waited to insidiate her chastity, from the day that he had first seene her, who said unto her, drinke now and be merry with us: who answered and saide, Shee eateth and drinketh in the presence of Olofernes. I drinke now my Lord, because my state is exalted this day more then ever: then shee ate and dranke before him, such things as her maide had prepared. And O­lofernes rejoyced, because of her, and dranke more wine, than he had ever done at one time since the day of his birth.

The evening being come, his servants made haste to depart, and Bagoas shut his Tent without, and dismissed all from the presence of his Lord, but Iudeth was left a­lone in the tent, and Olofernes was stretched upon his bed, for the feast had beene long, and hee was filled with much wine. Now Iudeth had commanded her maid to stand without, and attend her comming forth, as she had done dayly, for shee said shee would anon goe forth to prayers, and had spoken to Bagoas to that purpose. Then Iudeth stan­ding by the bed, came to the post which was at the head of Olofernes, and tooke downe his Faulchion, and laid hold of the haire of his head, and said, strengthen mee O Lord [Page 38] God of Israel this day, then she smote twice upon his necke with all her strength, Olofernes slaine by Iudeth. and tooke his head from him, and roulled his body downe from the bed, and pulled down the Canope from the Pillars, and after went forth, and gave the head to her maide, who put it in her scrip of meate, so they went to­gether (as their custome was) to prayer, and pressing through the Tents, past about by the Valley, and so up to the Mountaine of Bethulia, and knocked at the Gates there­of.

Iudeth comes backe to Be­thulia.Then Iudeth said to the watchmen, open to me the gate? Now when the men of the City heard her voyce, they made haste to goe downe and called the Elders, and they ranne altogether both small and great, (for it was beyond their expectation that shee should returne) so they opened the gate and received her, and made a great fire for a light and stood about them two: then she spake unto them with a loud voyce, and said, praise God, prayse the Lord, for he hath not taken away his mercy from the house of Israel, but by my hand, hath this night destroyed his enemies, so shee tooke the head out of the scrip, and showed it them saying, behold the head of Olofernes the great Captaine of the Army of Assur, and behold the Cano­pie under which he lay in his drunkennesse, the Lord hath smitten him by the hand of a [Page 39] woman, as the Lord liveth, who kept mee in the way which I went, my beauty hath deceived him to his destruction, yet hath he not committed with me any sinne, then all the people were astonished, and blessed the Lord, and Ozias said unto her, O daughter blessed art thou of the most high God, above all the women of the earth, surely this thine hope shall never depart out of the hearts of men, for they shall remember the power of God for ever, &c.

Then said Iudeth unto them, heare me al­so my brethren, Her counsell to the gover­nours. take this head, and hang it upon the highest turret of your walls, and as soon as the morning appeares, take every va­liant man his weapon in his hand, & set a Cap­taine over them, as if you would goe downe into the field towards the watch of the As­syrians, but goe not downe. Then they shall runne to the tent of Olofernes, but shall not finde him, and feare shall fall upon them and they shall flye before your face. So you and all that inhabite the coasts of Israel shall pursue and overthrow them. But first call unto me Achior the Ammonite, who was presently fetcht from the house of Ozias, and when he saw the head of Olofernes, Achiors exta­sie. in the hand of one of the people, he sunke downe to the earth, for his spirit failed him, but af­ter he was taken up, he laide himselfe downe at Iudeths feete, who seeing all things that [Page 40] God had done to Israel, beleeved in him un­fainedly, was circumcised and joyned him­selfe to the house of Israel.

In the morning all things being ended ac­cording as Iudeth had directed, and that the Bethulians were come downe by bands, un­to the straits of the mountaines, the Assyri­ans seeing them, sent to their Captaines, who went to the Governours and Rulers, and came to the Generalls tent, and intreated them to waken Olofernes. For these slaves (said they) are come downe against us unto battle. Then went Bagoas unto the Tent doore and knocked, for he had thought hee slept with Iudeth, but when none answered, hee opened the doore and went into the chamber, and found him cast upon the floore, and his head was taken from him. There­fore he cryed with a loud voyce, and after went into the Tent of Iudeth, but found her not, and then he ranne unto the Captaines and people, with a loud acclamation, and said, a woman of the Hebrewes hath brought shame upon the hoast of King Nabuchodono­sor, for behold Olofernes lyeth upon the ground, without an head, which when they heard, The Assyrians disheartned. their hearts were wonderfully trou­bled, and there was a great noyse through the army.

So that feare and trembling fell upon them all, and as men amazed, they fled every way [Page 41] both by the Valleyes, and the Mountaines, then the children of Israel rushed out upon them: And Oz [...]as sent to all the Coasts of Iudea, that all should come freely upon the enemy to destroy them. Which when they heard, they fell upon them together, they came also from Ierusalem and the mountaines (for they were told what was done in the Campe of their enemies, and they that were in Galahad, and Galilee, chased them with a great slaughter, till they came to Damascus; and the rest of them of Bethulia, fell upon the Campe of Assur and spoyled it, and were greatly enritched, and the Israelites who re­turned from the slaughter had the rest, and the Villages, and Cityes, that were in the Mountaines, and the Plaines, had a great booty.

Then Ioachim the High Priest, and the Elders of Ierusalem, came to see Iudeth, and to salute her, and blessed her with one ac­cord, saying, thou art the exaltation of Ieru­salem, the glory of Israel, and the great re­joycing of our Nation; blessed bee thou of the Almighty Lord for ever, and all the peo­ple said, Amen. And they spoyled the campe for the space of thirty dayes, and gave to Iudeth the Tent of Olofernes, and all his sil­ver, beds, and basins, and all his stuffe, and she tooke it and laid it upon her Mules, and made ready her Chariots, and laide them [Page 42] thereon, then came all the women of Israel to see her, The Honour done to Iudeth for their mira­culous delive­rance. and blessed her, and made a dance amongst them for her, and shee tooke bran­ches in her hand, and gave unto the women which were with her, they also crowned her with Ollives, and the maide that was with her, and she went before the people in the dance, and all the men of Israel followed after in their Armour, with Crownes, and Songs, &c.

Iudeths thankesgivingThen Iudeth beganne a song of thankesgi­ving unto the Lord, who had saved his peo­ple, by so great and miraculous a delive­rance, and after they went up to Ierusalem to worship the Lord, and when the people were pacified, they offered their burnt offe­rings, and their free offrings, and their gifts, Iudeth also offered all the stuffe of Olofernes, which the people had given her, and gave the Canopie which shee had taken from his bed, for an oblation to the Lord, so the peo­ple rejoyced in Ierusalem, for the sanctuary, for the space of three moneths, and Iudeth remained with them: after that every one returned to their owne inheritance, and Iu­deth went to Bethulia, and kept in her owne possession, and was for that time hono­rable in her Country, and many desired her in marriage, Her constant Widow-hood. but none had her company all the daies of her life, after Manasses her husband was dead and gathered to his Fathers.

[Page 43]But she increased more and more in honour and waxed old in her husbands house, being an hundred and five yeares old, and made her mayde free, Her age, and death. and shee dyed in Bethulia, and they buryed her in the grave of her husband Manasses, and all the house of Israel lamen­ted her seven daies, and before she expired, shee distributed her goods to all them that were of the next of kin to her husband, and to her owne kindred, and there was none that made the childen of Israel any more af­fraid in the dayes of Iudeth, nor a long time after.


INstead of Vasthi, a proud insolent Queene,
Esther, a captiv'd Virgin is next seene
In the throne Royall, and being there plac't
By King Ahashuerus lov'd and grac't;
Who when all other earths assistance fail'd,
Her beauty so far with the King prevail'd
(Ioyn'd with her prayer, and fasting) she redeemd
All her sad Nation, then, most dis-esteemd.
And for her Vnckle Mordecai, 'cause he
Denide to Hamman, both his cap and knee:
The Agagite, when he his ruine sought
Was forc't, to doe him honour above thought.
This God can doe, who, by their prudence sav'd
His chosen people, when they most were brav'd,
And thus destruction threaten'd on the lives
Of the sad Iewes, their children and their wives
Powrd on their enemies heads, who shal with stād
When God himselfe, the quarrel takes in hand?
Hamman a gallowes makes fifty foote high,
Where he doth threaten to hang Mordecai,
On which he after with his ten sons dy'de,
So sentenc't by the King (the fruites of pride
And swolne ambition) such was their sad fate,
Whilst Mordecai and she, guide the whole state.




BEcause of the diversity of names, by which they used to title their Kings, and the supputation of yeares, in which the Hebrewes and the Greekes do much vary, divers Authours write diversly touching A­hashuerus, What Ahasu­erus was. some thinke him to have beene Darius the sonne of Histasp [...]is, called also Ar­taxerxes, but it may appeare by the Prophet Daniel, Chap. 6. v. 1. and Chap. 9. v. 1. that he was Darius, soveraigne Monarch o­ver the Medes, Persians, and Chaldeans, the [Page 47] Sonne of Astiages, called also Ahasuerus, which was a name of honour, and signified, Great, Chiefe, or Chiefe head: who raigned from India, even unto Aethiopia, over an hundred and seven and twenty Provinces.

This Ahasuerus in the third yeare of his raigne, His feast to his Princes. sate upon his royall throne, in the pal­lace of Shushan, and made a great feast unto all his Princes and Servants, and to the Cap­taines, and Governours of the Provinces, to shew the riches and glory of his Kingdome, and the honour of his great Majesty, which continued for the space of an hundred and fourescore dayes, which time being expired, he made a second feast, His feast to his people. for the people that were found in the pallace of Shushan, (which continued seven dayes, in the Court of the Garden of the Kings Pallace, under an hang­ing of white, greene, and blew clothes, fa­stened with cords of fine linnen, and purple, in silver rings, and pillars of Marble; the beds were of gold, and of silver, upon a pave­ment of porphyre, and marble, and alabla­ster, and blew colour, and their drinke was filled in vessels of gold, and they changed vessell after vessell, and there was royall wine in abundance, according to the power of the King; Temperance observed in feasting. and their drinking was by order, no man was compeld, for the King had gi­ven a charge to all the officers of his house, that every man should drinke according to his owne pleasure.

[Page 48] Queen Vasthi her feast.The Queene Vasthi made also a feast for the women, in the royall house of the King: now it happened that upon the seventh day, which was the last of the feast, that Ahasu­erus being merry with Wine, commanded the seven chiefe Eunuches, that waited in his presence, to bring the Queene before him, with the Crowne Royall upon her head, that he might shew the Princes, and the People her beauty, for shee was exceeding faire to looke upon: Her contempt of the Kings command. but the Queene refused to come at the Kings sending for, wherefore he was very angry, and his wrath was kindled in him, then the King said to thē wise men, (who knew the times, and had experience in the Law, and the Iudgements:) who were next him, and saw the Kings face, and sate the first in the Kingdome: whose names were Carshena, His chiefe Princes. Shethar, Admatha, Tarshis, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan, what shall we doe unto the Queene, according to the Law; because shee hath refused to doe the Kings pleasure, by the Commission of the Eunuches?

To which Memucan stood up and answe­red, the Queene Vasthi, hath not in this act of disobedience, done evill unto the King onely, but to all the Princes, and to all the people of the Empire, for this act of the Queene, when it shall come abroad unto the women, they shall by her example, despise their hus­bands, [Page 49] and say, King Ahasuerus commanded the Queene Vasthi to be brought before him but she denyed to come. So also shall the Princesses of Persia, What obedi­ence is. of Media, and Chaldea, say unto the Princes their Husbands, which shall be the occasion of much despitefulnesse and wrath. Obedience sheweth nurture, but rebellion, corrupt nature, and whosoever o­bey their Superiours, instruct their Inferiours. The humble and obedient gaine ho­nour, but the stubborne and obstinate, re­proofe, obedience formeth peace, establish­eth common weales, and prevents disorders; for obedience to the Law, is the mainete­nance of the Law, &c.

Now therefore if it please the King, let a Royall decree passe from him, and let it be written amongst the Lawes of Persia, and Me­dia, (not to be transgressed) that Queene Vasthi come no more into his presence, but let the King dispose of her estate to her Companion, who is better, and more obe­dient then she, which Decree, when it shall be published through all your large Domini­ons, the women shall give unto their hus­bands, all due worship and honour, A decree a­gainst the Queene. which saying, much pleased the King, and the Prin­ces, and he did after the words of Memucan, publishing unto all Nations and Languages, that every man had power to beare rule in his owne house: after these things, when the [Page 50] Kings wrath was appeased, those that mini­stred unto him, said, let them seeke for the King, beautifull young Virgins, and Officers be appointed through all his Provinces, to bring them unto the pallace of Shushan, and the maide that shall best please the King, let her raigne in the stead of Vasthi, and the saying pleased the King.

There was at that time in the City of Shu­shan, a Iew, whose name was Mordecai, (which implyeth bitter, Mordecai. or Contrition,) who was the sonne of Iair, the sonne of Shimei, the sonne of Kish, a man of Iemini, who had beene carryed away in the captivity from Ie­rusalem, with Ieconia King of Iudah, by Nebuchadnezzar King of Babell, who then had in his tuition Esther, Esther or Ha­dassah. whom some call Hester, or Hadassah, his Vnckles daughter, who was an Orphant without Father or Mo­ther, and was very faire and beautifull: now when many Virgins were brought together, into the pallace, Esther recei­ved into the pallace. under the hand of Hege, one of the Kings Eunuches, Esther was found a­mongst them, and the Maide pleased him, and shee found favour in his sight. There­fore hee caused her things for purification to bee given her speedily, and seven comely maides out of the King house to attend her: but shee did not shew this to her kindred or people, for Mordecai had charged her to the contrary.

[Page 51]Now when the course of Esther, the daugh­ter of Abthail, the Vnckle of Mordecai, came that she should goe into the King, shee desired nothing but what Hege gave unto her, and she found favour in the eyes of all that beheld her, who was taken in unto the King, Esther crow­ned Queene. who loved her above all the women, so that he set the Crowne of the Kingdome upon her head, and made her Queene in the stead of Vasthi, and made a great feast unto all his Princes, and his servants, and called it the feast of Esther after her name, and gave rest unto all his Provinces, and great gifts according to the power of a King. In these dayes when Mordecai sate in the Kings gate, too of the Kings Eunuches, whose names were Bigthan and Teresh, which kept the doore of the Chamber, conspired together and intended to lay hands on the King Ahasu­erus, Treason a­gainst the King discove­red by Morde­cai. which was knowne unto Mordecai, and he told it to Queene Esther, and she certifi­ed the King thereof, in Mordecha's name. And when inquisition was made, it was found to be so, therefore they were both hanged on a tree, and this was written in the Choni­cles in the presence of the King.

After all these things, it pleased the great King Ahasuerus, The exaltati­on of Haman. to exalt Haman, the sonne of Hammedatha, the Agagite, and set his seate above al the Princes that were with him, inso­much that all the Kings servants that were at his [Page 52] the gate at his going out, and comming in, bowed unto him, and did him reverence, (for so the King had commanded) Mordecai, onely bended not the knee, nor made unto him any obeysance. To whom the Kings servants said, why transgressest thou the Kings commandement? but he harkned not unto them, therefore they told Haman of Mordecai, and withall that he was of the na­tion of the Iewes. Which when he under­stood, he was full of indignation and wrath, and thinking it too little, to lay his hands on Mordecai onely, he sought to destroy all the Iewes, which were in the dominions of A­hasuerus, Hamans pur­pose utterly to supplant the Iewes. and to sweepe them from the face of the earth, and to that purpose hee came unto the King and said: There is a people scattered and dispersed amongst the nations throughout all the Provinces of thy King­domes, and their lawes are diverse from all other people, neither observe they their Kings lawes, nor is it his profit to suffer them: Therefore let it be written that they be de­stroyed, and I will pay ten thousand tallents of silver by the hands of them th [...]t take charge of the businesse, to bring into the Kings treasury.

To whom the King (taking the Ring from his finger, and giving it unto Haman,) said let the silver be thine, and the people thine, to doe with them as it shall seeme good in [Page 53] thine eyes. Then were the Kings Scribes called, The decree s [...]aled for the destructi [...]n of the Iewes. and they writ according to all things which Haman did dictate unto them, unto the Captaines, and Chiefe Officers in every Province, and the Letters were sealed with the Kings Signet, and sent by Posts, into all the Provinces, to roote out, kill, and destroy, all the Iewes, young and old, children and women, in one day, namely, the thirteenth of the moneth Adar, which is the twelfth moneth, and to spoyle them as a prey, and the Posts (compelled by the Kings Com­mandement) went forth, and the writing was given at the pallace of Shushan, and the King and Haman sate drinking together, but the Iewes that were in the City, were all at that time in great perplexity and trouble.

Which when it was related unto Mordecai, Mordecaies sorrow for his people he rent his cloathes, and put on sacke-cloth and ashes, and went into the middest of the City and cryed out with a great cry, and a bitter: and then came before the Kings gate but was not suffered to enter, being clothed in sacke-cloth, and in every Province and place where the Commission was read, there was great sorrow, and fasting, and weeping, and mourning, and many of the Iewes lay in sacke-cloth and ashes, then Esthers maids and the Eunuches, told all these things unto her, for which she was very heavy, and sent rayment to cloathe Mordecai, and to take [Page 54] his sack-cloth from him, but he received it not, then the Queene called Hatach the Eunuch, and gave him a commandement to goe unto Mordecai, and to know of him, what and why such things were? so Hatach went forth and met him at the gate, to whom Mordecai punctually related all that had hap­pened, even to the least circumstance, and gave him the coppy of the writing, to shew unto Esther, Esthers first knowledge thereof. and charged her by him, that she should goe in to the King, and make hum­ble supplication for her and her people.

Now when the Eunuch had delivered unto her the Coppy of the Commission, and all that Mordecai had said unto him, shee com­manded him to returne unto him and say, that whosoever man or woman came to the King, into the inner Court not being called, there is a law of his, that all such shall dye, except him to whom the King shall hold up his gol­den Scepter, that he may live. Now (saide shee) I have not beene called to come before the King these thirty dayes, so hee certified Mordecai of all the words which Queene Esther had spoken, who said, that they should answer her againe thus. Thinke not with thy selfe that thou shalt escape in the Kings house more then all the rest of thy Nation, for if thou holdest thy peace at this time, comfort and deliverance, shall appeare to us from some other place and person, but thou and [Page 55] thy Fathers house shall assuredly perish, yet who knoweth, but thou art come into the Kingdome for such a purpose? Then Esther commanded him to go backe againe to Mor­decai, and answer hi [...] thus: goe and assem­ble all the Iewes in Shushan, and fast yee for me and neither eate nor drinke any thing, for the space of three dayes, and nights, I also and my Maides will fast likewise, and after­ward I will goe in to the King, which is a­gainst the Law, A Queene by her resolution and if I perish, I perish, which having heard, Mordecai departed, and did according to all that the Queene had com­manded him.

And on the third day she put on her Roy­all apparell, and stood in the Court of the Kings pallace within, over against the house, and the King sate upon his throne of Maje­sty, Esther [...]rac't by the King. who when hee saw Esther the Queene standing in the Court, shee found favour in his sight, and he held out the golden Scep­ter that was in his hand, so shee drew neere, and touched the toppe of the Scepter, to whom the King spake, and saide, what wilt thou Queene Esther, and what is thy request? It shall be granted thee, even to the halfe of my kingdome: Who humbly bowing unto him said, if it please your high Majesty, let the King and Haman come this day unto the banquet that I have prepared for them. To whom the King answered, goe and cause Ha­man [Page 56] to make haste, that he may come to the banquet of Queene Esther, at which when they were sate; the King said what is thy re­quest? (I speake it againe) it shall bee per­formed, even to the halfe of my Kingdome: To whom she replyed. If I have found fa­vour in the sight of the King, The King and Haman invited to her banquet. and that it please him to grant my request; let the King and Haman come to the banquet that I shall to morrow make ready, and then I will de­clare what my petition is to the King.

So Haman departed thence joyfully, but when he found Mordecai standing in the gate and that hee stood not up nor mooved unto him, Haman, hate to Mordecai. he was mightily incensed against him. Notwithstanding, for that time hee refrained himselfe, and when he came home hee sent and invited his friends in the presence of Ze­resh his wife: and Haman told to them of the glory of his riches, and the multitude of his children, and all the honours to which the King had exalted him, and that hee had set him above all the Princes, Hamans pride and confi­dence. and servants of the King, adding moreover that Esther the Queen suffred no man to come unto the ban­quet with the King save himselfe, and to morrow, saith he, I am invited, but all this doth nothing please mee, whilst I see stub­borne Mordecai sit at the gate of the pallace Then said Zeresh his wife and all his friends unto him, let there be made a tree of fifty cu­bits [Page 57] high, and to morrow speake unto the King, that Mordecai, may be hanged there­on, then shalt thou goe joyfully with the King to the banquet, and the motion plea­sed Haman, who caused the gibbet to be e­rected.

Now it happened that the same night, that the King slept not quietly, and therefore commanded the Bookes of the Chronicles to be read before him, in which it was found written, what Mordecai had told of Bigthan and Teresh, the Kings Eunuches, keepers of the doore, who sought to lay violent hands on the King. Which having heard, hee de­manded what honour, or what dignity had beene done unto him for that service? to whom it was answered by his servants that nothing at all had beene done for him: Gods provi­dence to pre­serve his peo­ple. He thinking it most unworthy his imperiall dig­nity, to receive so great a benefit as his life, and not to reward it, asking what one of note was in the Court? (now Haman was newly come into the Inner Court of the Kings pallace, to speake unto him that Mor­decai might be hanged on the tree which he had prepared for him) and his servants said, Haman standeth in the Court, and the King said, let him come in, who no sooner ap­peared before him, but Ahasuerus spake unto him and said: what shall be done unto the man whom the King will honour? then [Page 58] Haman thinking in his heart, to whom would the King doe honour more then to my selfe? answered. To him whom the King will ho­nour, let them bring forth Royall apparell, Pride catcht in her owne net. such as the King useth to weare, and the Horse on which hee rideth, and let the Crowne Royall be set upon his head, and let the rayment and the Horse be delivered by the hand of one of the Kings most noble Princes, and let them apparel the man whom the King will honour, and cause him to ride upon the Horse through the City, and pro­clame before him, saying: thus shall it be done unto the man whom the King will ho­nour.

Then said the King to Haman, goe speedi­ly and take the rayment and the Horse, (as thou haste saide) with the royall Crowne and doe so unto Mordecai the Iew, The case is altered with Haman. and see that thou let nothing faile of what thou hast spoken: which how unpleasing it was to the Agagite, may be easily conjectured, since he was made the Minister, and servant to doe such grace and honour to the man, whom of all the men living he most hated, but man purposeth and God disposeth, who confoun­deth the wicked in the mallice of their hearts, and recompense [...]h the innocence of the Righteous and upright man, as well in the justice of his cause, as to give the world a te­stimony how he never suffreth the innocent [Page 59] to fall, nor the godly to perish.

Wee finde by proofe infallible, What envy is that en­vy ayming at others, still woundeth her selfe, shee is blinde and can doe nothing but dis­praise vertue, she is the slime and Impostume of the soule, a venome, a poyson which con­sumeth the flesh, and dryeth up the marrow in the bones, it is a sicknesse growing from o­ther mens happinesse, shee barketh at the starres, and spurnes at that which she cannot reach, she is imagined by the Poets to dwell in a darke cave, to be pale, leane, and loo­king a squint, full of gall, never rejoycing but in other mens harmes, ever unquiet, and continually tormenting her selfe, shee ma­keth the body to be ill disposed, and is cal­led the feaver-hepticke of the Spirit, and may be thus distinguished from hatred, the one is secret, the other is open, and as griefe is a disease of the body, so is shee a sickenesse of the soule. Shee alwayes waites at vertues elbow, but glory in the end erecteth that, which envy in the beginning seekes to de­presse, as may appeare by the sequell.

For Haman, whether pleased or displea­sed, was forced to take the rayment and the Horse, and brought him mounted through the streetes of the City, and procla­med before him, thus shall it be done to him whom the King will honour, Honour done to Mordecai. which done Mordecai went againe to the Kings gate, but [Page 60] Haman hasted home to his house mourning, and his head covered, and told unto Zeresh his wife, and to all his friends what had be­falne him, to whom (after some pause) they replyed: If Mordecai be of the seede of the Iewes, before whom thou hast begunne to fall, thou shalt not prevaile against him, but shall assuredly fall before him, and whilst they were yet talking with him, came the Kings Eunuches and invited him unto the banquet.

So the King and Haman sate downe with Queene Esther, and the King said againe unto her, what is thy petition, that it may be gi­ven to thee? and what is thy request? who answered and said, qsthers re­Euest to the King. if I have found favour in thy sight O King, and if it so please his high Majesty, let my life be given me at my peti­tion, and the lives of my people at my re­quest. For wee are sold, I and my people to be destroyed, to be slaine, and to perish, but if wee were sold for servants, and hand­maides, I should have held my tongue, and beene silent, although the adversary could not profi [...] the King so much by his mallice, as hee should hinder him by the losse of my people. Then King Ahasuerus saide unto Queene Esther, who is he? or where is hee that presumeth to doe thus? who answered againe, the adversary and enemy is this wick­ed Haman, at which words Haman was start­led [Page 61] and sore afraid, before the King and the Queene, then the King arose from the ban­quet of wine in his wrath: and who know­eth not, but that the anger of a Prince, is like the lightning from the East, Hamans pride turned into base feare. and the threats of a King like the noyse of thunder, and went into the Pallace Garden, and Haman stood up to the Queene, to make request for his life, for his heart failed him, because he saw there was a mischiefe prepared for him from the King.

Who when hē returned from the Garden, into the house where they had drunke wine, Haman was falne upon the bed where the Queene sate, at which hee being incensed, said, and will he force the Queene also be­fore me in the house? which words were no sooner uttered, but those which were atten­dants on the King covered Hamans face, which was the manner of the Persians, when any one was out of the Princes favour: then Harbonah one of the chiefe Eunuches, saide in the presence of the King, behold, there standeth yet the tree in Hamans house, fifty cubits high, which Haman had prepared for Mordecai that spake good for the King, who said let him be hanged thereon, Haman hang­ed on the tree prepared for Mordecai. so they han­ged Haman on the tree which he had prepa­red for Mordecai, and then the Kings wrath was appeased.

The same day did King Ahasuerus, give [Page 62] the house of Haman to Queene Esther, and Mordecai came and stood before the King, for the Queene had told him, of what neere alliance he was unto her, and the King tooke off his Ring, which he had before taken from Haman, and gave it unto Mordecai, and Esther set him over the house of Haman, and shee spake yet more before the King, and fell pro­strate at his feete weeping, and besought him that he would utterly abolish all those wick­ed decrees of Haman the Agagite, and those inhumane devices, Esther petiti­oneth for the Iewes. which he had imagined against her people, and the King held his golden Scepter towards her, and shee arose from the earth, and stood before him and said, if it please the King, and that it may be acceptable unto him, let it be written that those Letters of Haman the sonne of Amme­datha, be revoked, which he wrote concer­ning the destruction of my Nation, through­out all the Kings Provinces, for how shall I suffer, to see the evill that shall come unto my people? or how can I indure the depo­pulation of my Kindred.

And the King said unto the Queene, and to Mordecai, behold, I have given Esther the house of Haman, whom they have hanged upon the tree, because hee presumed to lay hands upon the Iewes, The decree a­gainst the Iewes re­nounced. write ye also for them as it liketh you in my name; and seale it with my Ring, for the writings are written in my [Page 63] name, and sealed with my Ring, may no man revoke. Then were the Kings Scribes called who wrote according to al that Mordecai did dictate unto them, unto the Iewes and to the Princes, and Captaines, and Governours of the Provinces, which were from India even unto Aethiopia, an hundred and seven and twenty Provinces, and unto every Province in such Letters and Language as was used a­mongst the people, that lived therein, which having sealed with the Kings Ring, he sent them by posts on Horsebacke, and those that rode upon beasts of price, as Dromidaries, and Mules, Liberty gran­ted to the Iewes. in which the King granted liber­ty to the Iewes, that in what Cities soever they were resident to assemble themselves together, and stand for their lives, and to roote out and destroy all the power of that people, and that province which vexed them both men, women, and children, and to make spoile of their goods; so the posts went forth, to execute the Kings Commande­ment, and the decree was given in Shushan the pallace.

Then Mordecai went out from the King in Royall apparell, Mordecaies royall apparel of blew, and white, and with a great Crowne of gold upon his head, and with a garment of fine linnen, and pur­ple, and the Iewes in the City rejoyced and were glad, to whom was come light, and joy, and gladnesse, and honour, and in all [Page 64] and every Province, and in all and every Ci­ty, and place, where the Kings Comman­dement and Decree was read, there was great rejoycing, a feast and a good day, and many of the people of the Land became Iewes, for the feare of the Nation fell upon them.

Now when this Decree grew neare to be put in execution, in the day that their ene­mies hoped to have power over them. It is worthy observation, that Gods great pro­vidence, turneth the joy of the wicked into sorrow, and the teares of the godly into glad­nesse, for the Iewes gathered themselves to­gether into their Cities, throughout all the Dominions of King Abasuerus, to lay hands on such as sought their dammage, and no man durst withstand them, for the feare of them fell upon all the people, and the Ru­lers of the Provinces, Princes, Captaines, and Officers of the King, Exalted the Iewes, did them honour and showed them friendship, for the feare of Queene Esther and Mordecai was upon them. For he still grew in favour, power, and honour, greater and greater. Thus the Iewes smote all their enemies with the sword, The Iewes revenged up­on their ene­mies. with slaughter, and destruction, and what seemed pleasing in their owne eyes unto all those who had conspired their death, by the instigation of wicked Haman: At Shushan they slew five hundred men, as [Page 65] also the ten sonnes of Haman, but they laid not their hands on the spoyle, and their num­ber was brought unto the King.

Who said unto Queene Esther, thy people have slaine in Shushan the pallace, five hun­dred men, and the ten sonnes of Haman, what have they done in the rest of the Provinces? and what is thy petition further, that it may be given thee? or what is thy request more­over, that it may be performed unto thee? then said Esther, if it please the King, let it be granted also, that they may hang upon the tree, Hamans ten sons hanged. Hamans ten sonnes, and the King gave present order that it should be so done. The Iewes also that were in Shushan, assembled themselves upon the foureteenth day of the moneth Adar, and slew of their enemies three hundred men, but they laid not their hands on the spoyle, and the rest of the Iewes that were in the Kings provinces, assembled themselves and stood up for their lives, and slew them that hated them, seventy and five thousand, but on the spoyle laid they no hand. So they kept solemne, the foureteenth and the fifteenth dayes of the moneth Adar, (which was the twelfth moneth) in memory of their great deliverance, A memorall for their great deliverance. by the hand of Esther, which dayes were turned unto them from sorrow unto joy, and from mourning into a glad season, to keepe them as dayes of solemnity, and feasting, in which they [Page 66] sent presents every man unto his neighbour, and gifts to the poore. Thus raigned shee a blessed Mother in Israel, and Mordecai was the second man in the Kingdome, next to A­hashuerosh, who was great amongst the Iews, and accepted of his Brethren, who procu­red the wealth of his people, and spake peaceably unto all his seede, and whose dig­nity and honours, done unto him by the King, are written at large in the Booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Med [...]a, and Persia.


Whose Names are,

  • Bunduca.
  • Penthisilaea.
  • Artimethia.


HOw much O Brittaine, are we bound to thee
Mother, and Nurse of magnanimity?
Of which thou from antiquity hast lent
Vnto all ages famous president,
Witnes this British Queen, whose masculine spirit
Shall to all future, glorious fame inherit,
Beyond all tongues or pens, who may be proud,
Not thunders voyce, can speake it self more loud,
Of whom, although our moderne Authors wrote
But sparingly, least they should seeme to dote
Too much upon their Natives, forraigne inke
Hath beene so lavish, it would make man thinke
Her valour inexpressible; Tacitus
Made her his ample theame, and to discusse,
Her gifts, were Dio's labour: Xiphiline,
(With many others) made her acts divine,
As above all womans performance farre,
To whom I onely leave this Character.
This British Queen whom just incensment fires,
Against the Roman Monarchy conspires,
And her revenge more hotly to pursue,
Of their best souldiers fourescore thousand slew.
Whose name all other glories might transcend
Had not adverse fate crost her in the end.




THis Bunduca (cald also by severall Authours, Boo­dicia, Boudicea, Voadica, and Bowndvica) was the dowager Queen, of Pra­sutagus, King of the Iceni a Province which con­tained foure shires in England, and was one of the prime of the Sceptarchy, who all the time of his raigne remained in amity with the [Page 71] Romans, and was reckoned amongst their so­ciall Kings, who having disposed of his king­dome to Nero Caesar, (then Emperour) and to his owne two daughters, Prasutagus maketh Caesar co-heire with his Queene and daughters intending, that having Caesar their guardian, and in hope of his favour towards them (receiving a childs part) that they should be Queenes of their owne shires, or co-partners after their Mo­ther, which being ratified by his last will and testament, he deceased.

But the daughters, (poore Ladies) found but a sorry partnership, where the Lion was to make the partition: For Neroe [...] Captaines and Officers, exercised intollerable violence throughout the Kingdome, and not the least upon them, for the Pallace of Prasutagus their Father, The unjust proceeding of the Romans. as also his great Riches, which were abundant, and long in gathering, toge­ther with his whole Realm, was not received into custody, for the good of the Orphans, nor Neroes part sequestered, and laid apart as a bequest and legacy, but that, and all that which belonged to the Virgins was ransackt, and made a meere booty: they also that were of the blood Royall, and kinsmen to the King, were no better reckoned of, then prisoners and vassals, surprised in the warre, and held in the nature of slaves and bond­men.

These injust begi [...]nin [...]s, pressing in the first place, were [...] by others fame more [Page 72] barbarous, and villanous, for the too Prince­ly sisters, being yet under the wing of their Mother, were vitiated, and irrecoverably dishonoured in their bodies, Their barba­rous lust and cruelty. and Bunduca her selfe, their infortunate mother, full of most just griefe and wrath, and all the tem­pestuous passions which embased nobility, or violated nature can suggest, was thought to bleede in person under smarting whips, and cutting lashes, nor to be priviledged from being forced and ravished by the lascivious Romans: of all which inhumane violences, she after in an Oration made unto her Army, grievously complained, but before I enter further into her History, I will give a lively description of her person and quality.

Bundula's per­son and con­dition.This Bunduca or Bondicia the Widdow of Prasutagus was not as some have described her a martiall Bosse, or Amazonian Giantesse, but tall of stature, and moderately fat and corpulent, her face excellently comely, yet with all incomparably terrible, her com­plexion very faire and beautifull, which who will wonder at in a Lady borne in Brittaine? her copious tresses flowing about her shoul­ders, and dangling in compasse even to her knees, were of a most bright yellow, though by her complection, her constitution might seeme to be cold, yet her noble actions de­clared that choller had the predominance in her, even to adustion, her eyes were sparkling [Page 73] sharpe and piercing, her tongue shrill and harsh, as her person was tall and great, her progenitors, Kings in Brittaine, and as it may be Heralisd, discended even from mighty Cassibiline himselfe.

Now the generall reasons (besides those particular before alledged) which made the Brittaines to attempt the massacre of the Ro­mans, Reasons indu­cing the Brit­taines to re­bell against the Romans. were great and many; a deepe con­tempt of Nero was one, for that imboldned his Officers to doe wrong, and drove the sufferers to dispaire of an orderly redresse: some assigne too principall causes. The con­fiscation of goods, and Senecaes intollera­ble usuries, and Bunduca's quarrell to be the chiefe, which prepared the Brittaines for an open hostility: now in the absence of Sueto­nious Paulinus, who with his forces was bu­sie in taking in the Isle of Nerva, or Anglesee, upon an earnest desire to annex it to the rest of the Empire, (which Suetonius was Neroes Leifetenant in Brittaine, and commanded in chiefe over all the Roman forces) Bunduca taking the advantage of his employment, in a place so farre remote from them; interpre­ted it as a good Omen, sent from Heaven, which gave her fit opportunity to assemble the Brittaines her friends to a suddaine insur­rection, their conventions were first private to avoid all suspition, and after publicke to defie all prevention.

[Page 74]Now the forwardnesse of the Dowager Queene, Their first insurrection. unlockt all hearts and tongues a­mongst themselves, and whilst every one laide open their griefes which in telling, kind­ly, they all agree to rise with her in armes: as for the sworne covenants betweene the Romans and the Brittaines, they are adnihi­lated and broken: the sword is made the Iudge and Vmpire, to decide all causes be­twixt them; Right, and common liberty, the maine of their quarrell; and confusion, spoyle, and thirst of blood, the successe of their combustion: One hundred and twenty thousand men appeared openly for warre at Bunduca's musters, A royall army being out of all the Brit­tish Kingdome a strange effect, of a close and sudden conspiracy.

Now Bunduca, the head and life of these revolted Brittaines came forth in state, Her habit in battle. atten­ded with the chiefe of that conspiracy, her body cloathed in a deepe and full gathered garment, embroydered with divers collours, all over, about her necke a chaine of great wreathed linkes of gold, upon her shoulders, shee wore a military clo [...]ke, o [...] a thicke wrought mantle, buttond before, her faire goodly tresses flowing in length downe her backe, served in the stead of a vaile or gol­den cover to all the rest, and such was her at­tire. Shee held more over with the one hand in the lap of her gowne a young Haire or Le­veret [Page 75] as a mistery, and in the other a Lance for terrour; upon her head she wore an hel­met with a Crowne, and rising from thence a goodly plume of feathers, and thus acou­tred shee takes her stand upon a square hil­locke of turfs rising after the fashion of a Ro­man tribunall in field, The place where she in­camped. the place where the campe was then, is supposed to be either in Marshland, or in the Isle of Ely, amongst all those in the Icenis Country, a place of the most safety: her selfe in her owne person being most conspicuous, had her naturall tallnesse, so holpen out with the advantage of that earthy stage, mounted upon the le­vell flatnesse of the open Land, that she easi­ly over lookt all their heads, whilst their eies were intentive upon her, the effects of whose Oration to her people, are these as I have ga­thered them from a worthy and very learned Authour.

The Romans are few and strangers, The effect of her Oration to her souldi­ers. the Brittaines are domesticke and many: the Romans have their Helmets, and Curaces, which loade them with their brazen weight, and render them unapt for pursuite; the Brit­taines have neither Helmets nor Curaces, but Swords, and Bucklers, and Darts, which are not burdensome: The Romans trust to their wals, trenches, and parapets, which consist­ing of Oaken stubs, one fretted and woven into another, doe shew them as shut up in [Page 76] boxes. The Brittaines have their tents in the open field, and for their defence Marishes, Bogges, and Mountaines. The Romans must have their shady bowers, houses over head, bread of ground Corne, Wine, and Oyle, or else they cannot continue in the Army: the Brittaines brooke hunger and thirst, cold and heate, when any roote or stocke serves them for food: water will quench their thirst, and every tree is to them a Roofe, or Ca­nopy.

The Romans sow Corne, and are handicraft men; the Brittaines have learned nothing, but to fight: the Romans must have their warme bathes, their catamites, their dain­ty fare, and their bodyes suppled with oyle; the Brittaines use none of these, but have their wives, and other things in common, and count all children their owne, which makes the females as valiant as the men: the Ro­mans are insolent, injust, insatiable, and wor­thy to be the slaves unto bungling Fidlars: the Brittaines by such base fellowes are wronged and overborne: the Romans who so long have indured the yoke of their Lady and Mistresse, Madam Nero, (for who can thinke him to be a man?) deserve to conti­nue slaves still. The Brittaines have hereto­fore beene free, and though others should be so base, as to spend their dayes under a Donitia, or Neronia, (fitter names for him [Page 77] then any of the masculine gender) yet it is certainely my last resolution, rather then live basely, to dye bravely. The Romans are Foxes, and Hares, the Brittaines are wolves and Greyhounds.

At which word, she suffered the Hare to slip out, A pretended Omen to stir up the spirits of her Souldi­ers. which had all that time beene hid in the folds of her skirt, which they taking for a lucky Omen, spent their mouthes in an universall shout, making both heaven and earth to eccho againe, to the name of Bun­duca, she accepts of their loving and hearty acclamation, The goddesse Audate. and after thankes given to Au­date, (the goddesse to whom she was chiefe­ly devoted, and the same which Victoria was amongst the Romans,) she recommended her cause to her speciall protection, and when her Orisons and other Rites were finished, she rideth and leadeth them fiercely on, ut­terly to extirpate, and roote out with sword and fire, and all the extremities of warre whatsoever, was Roman in Brittaine, against which for the present there could be no pre­vention or stop, the suddaine Torrent grew so great and violent, and Camolodunum felt the first mischiefe of that tempest, and perisht under it.

Now Paulinus Suetonius, The provi­dence of Pau­linus Suetonius being absent (as before was said) in the conquest of Anglesee, he like a provident Governour, tooke not all his Forces along with him, to that underta­king [Page 78] but he left both the Provinces and their Borders, full of Legionary Souldiers, and of their Aydes, three men are named to have remained behind. Catus Decia­nus, procurator under Caesar. Catus Decianus Principall, as being the Steward, Atturney, and Auditor generall of all Caesars profits in Brittaine, and the Romans call such a man Procurator, Petilius Ce­realis. Paenius posthu­mus. Ostorius Sca­pulae. Peti­linus Cerealis, who commanded over the ninth Legion, and was quartered about Gils­borrow, and Daintree, the third Paenius post­humus, Campemaster of the second Legion, (surnamed, Augusta, and these two seates, of Legions Ostorius Scapula, ordained when hee was Generall here under Claudius Cae­sar.

The twentieth Legion, as some are of o­pinion, was not transported hither, till af­ter Neroes dayes: yet Tacitus writes that the Vexillaries, which some read the Vicesima­rians themselves, (that is, the twentieth Le­gion) were with Suetonius at the great bat­taile: as for the foureteenth Legion; (of all other in Brittaine the most renouned;) there is scarcely any word mentioned concerning it, The strength of the Romans in Brittaine. till the battle against Bunduca: now, all the Countries were full of Roman Castles, Holds, and Forts, full of dwellings and inha­bitants all over, and not at Camolodunum, Lon­don, and Virolam onely, though they be so­ly named for their singular misfortunes: o­ther stayes and affiances they also had which [Page 79] consisted not in Armed power, but in amity, for the Romans were too provident, to relye themselves, where they came upon their owne strength wholly, and for that cause made themselves as many Confederates and Friends, as they could possibly with their ho­nour.

In this famous place of Camolodunum, Claudius Caesar. Clau­dius Caesar had placed a Colony of old Soul­diers, who did not onely thrust the Natives out of their permitted dwellings, and dispos­sest them of their Lands, but heightned these wrongs with revilings, tearming them cap­tives and slaves, wherein they much mis­tooke. For the Brittaines were conquered to yeeld, but not to be trod upon, for though force had mastered their strength, yet their naturall indignation remained, and looke how many old souldiers so many new Lords there were, this bred so deepe an hatred, that they began to side with Bunduca, as fore­seeing that it was no short bondage they were likely to undergoe, but in the purpose of the Romans, a perpetuall; this Towne at that sea­son lay open on all sides, The estate of the City at that time. having neither wall, ditch, trench, or pallisad, onely the Majesty of the Roman name? which was reputed as a wall of Brasse for the defence thereof.

This place, Bunduca suddenly assaulted, as also all other of the Roman Souldiers, who lay scattered here and there upon the Fron­tiers, [Page 80] in Forts, and Castles, and fencing the Garrisons, rusht over them with such vio­lence, into the bosome of the Country, as a Sea at a breach; making up with all speede to the Colony it selfe, the maine object of their greatest fury: now, the Roman party upon the first appearance of danger, had sent to Catus Decianus for ayde, who onely spa­red them two hundred Souldiers, and those not compleatly armed. The Colony it selfe with their Wives, Children, and Servants, could not amout to above 20000. yet it was that brave and noble Legion, surnamed Gemina Martia victoria, first planted there by Claudius Caesar, Gemina mar­tia victoria. Victricensia. and by him stiled Victri­censia, but these auncient Souldiers, for the space of ten years, living secure and in peace, had abandoned the use of Armes, and being over mellow, with ease and pleasure, held it enough to watch up and downe with War­ders, and trouncheons in their hands, (a fashi­on of honour.)

The Souldi­ers resistance.The Souldiers being so suddenly and vio­lently assaulted, seeing no hope left for a common defence, quit the streetes and market place, and thronged themselves within the great temple, built by Claudius: which in veneration of him was held as a san­ctuary: (but the name of Nero the present Emperour, was voyde of all honour,) yet all was to no purpose; for Bunduca being [Page 81] Mistresse of all the Towne at an instant, did suddenly sacke and fire whatsoever lay with­out the walls of the Temple, the assault whereof was never intermitted till it was wonne; The City de­molished. which hapned upon the second day of the siege, then all went to wracke there­in, as in the rest; sword, fury and fire concur­ring in the execution: neither was any thing which might be called Roman, which force spoyled not, or revenge devoured not.

The Brittaines were so flesht with this bloody handsell, Bunduca in­tercepteth the Roman expe­dition. that Bunduca, or Bondicia, understanding how Petilius Cerealis, who commanded the ninth Legion, was marching to the succour of the Colony, shee encoun­ters him, giving in with so round and home a charge, that utterly unable to resist, hee was beaten from his ground, and compelled to flye away upon the spurre, with his troops of Horse onely: the Infantry of the Legion being thus left naked, and immediately over­laid, was driven to the earth, and cut in pee­ces, and not any one taken to mercy; shee then fell upon such places as had the fattest booties, She prosecu­teth her victo­ry. and least defenses, upon which they committed many insolent and bloody outrages.

Whilest these things were thus in agitati­on, Suetonius Paulinus sensible of the dan­ger, A carefull Generall. the whole land stood in at that time, he left off the Conquest of Nerva, or Anglesee, [Page 82] and through many difficulties with an admi­rable constancy, through swarmes of ene­mies, got safe to London, but by reason of the weakenesse of his Forces, not able to maine­taine the place, at the rumour of Bunduca's approach, he was forced to abandon it, who had no sooner quit the place, but shee sud­denly became absolute Mistresse therof, and all therein: then the wild uplandish crew of her irregular troopes, spared nothing, quicke or dead: thirst of revenge in her, and rapine in them, banisht all humanity: the streetes and houses were filled with miserable mur­ders; The wares and goods found ruder Owners, then the right ones, nor did they content themselves with a simple mas­sacre? but they fired the whole City: but whilst they consumed what persons or things it pleased them, Rage above reason. they also consumed time to their undoing, which was the cause that they utterly miscarryed.

But the same misery that the Londoners suffered, Virulum sackt and spoyled. befell unto Virulum, which was totally over runne by Bunduca, and though the Officers, and chiefe of the Towne, were naturall Brittaines, yet because they had beene received into the freedome of Rome, they gave them equall quarter with the Ro­mans not sparing any of them; Where sword and fire (the instruments of all wrath and fu­ry) devoured what rape and robbery had [Page 83] left. Nor fewer thousands then ten, (of these foure score which the Bunducans slew in all) could probably perish therein.

And thus farre the Actions of that mighty, yet much misgoverned body of her Army, (assembled under a most glorious Title, namely, the recovery of the common liber­ty, and commanded in chiefe by Bunduca) prospered above president; but now being at the top-most he [...]ght, as well for successe as insolence, it fell suddenly to the ground; neither was it any wonder, in regard of their ill demeanour, and badnesse of their carri­age, for there was no quarter allowed, no hope of ransome, (as in other warres,) one­ly swords, The cruell behaviour of the inraged Brittaines. halters, fire, gibbets, they not onely striving to match their oppressors, for wrongs formerly done unto them, but to out-doe them in worse, and greater: for they tooke the most honourable Dames a­mongst their enemies, stript them naked, then cut of their paps or dugges, and stitcht them to their mouthes, to make them seeme feeding, and after put their bodyes upon stakes, the mens bellyes whom they tooke prisoners, they ript up alive, cut out their bowels, and others they gored upon burning spikes, or sod to death in oyle, or water, cru­elties at which barbarisme it selfe might blush, and in themselves most horrible.

Whilst this brave Championesse and her [Page 84] people grew ripe for ruine, the Roman Ge­nerall mainetained retreate, whom shee hot­ly pursued: but he preferring safe courses, grounded upon reason, before good fortune imagined to happen by chance; wh [...]n hee beheld the bravery of the woman, maintai­ning a personall chace upon him, he thought it now was high time, either to redeeme his fame or to dye with honour, The courage of the Roman Generall. and necessity of action, often begets felicity in Action, and a state of feare proveth often a state of guard: the number of his army, some held to be a­bout ten thousand, but with his auxiliary Forces, some voluntaries addicted to the Ro­man faction, and other aides which apper­tained to the Legions, might make up to the number of nineteene thousand; now concer­ning the number of men that were in Bundi­cia's army, their nations, qualities and armes, it thus followeth.

The number of Bunduca's Army.Shee had two hundred and thirty thou­sand fighting men in field, which were as­sembled from all the parts of the Kingdome, some say that she had in her Campe six thou­sand armed Ladies, but that is not altogether approved: onely it is probable, that she had Souldiers compleatly armed and light, both horse and foote, with chariots for warre, &c. the Levell or ground, on which the two hosts were imbattelled must of necessity bee a plaine, Of the place where she in­camped. at the least five or sixe miles over in [Page 85] breadth, and betwixt two woods at either end one, some thinke it was upon Salisbury Plaine, and some further of, besides Severne, but of the two, that which seemes to carry the greater credit, that this battle was fought upon the skirts of the Plaine of Salisbury, not farre from Stone hedge, or Stonage, about which place there survive to this age the me­morable Relickes of three ancient Camps, distinguist by the common people by three severall names Yanesbury Castle, Dunshot, and Woldsbury; and notwithstanding Vespati­an was the Founder or Auther of Yanesbury, under Claudius Caesar, It hinders not, but that Paulinus Suetonius might make use of it at that time under Nero, both as a strength, rea­dy wrought, and a fortunate handsell, by the lucke of so great a Commander, The time of the yeare. and concer­ning the time of the yeare, it is probably con­jectured to be towards Winter, and in the moneth of September.

N [...]w the Roman Generall like a provident and wise Captaine, did principally labour to keepe all his enemies before him, least their number might enclose or any way op­presse him, The manage­ment of the Roman Army. and therefore he made choise of a place, with a wood at his backe, to serve as a wall or Bullwarke behind; and ground well selected for fight, is no small step to victory: and having thus devised for the best, and forestalled the choyce of the field, he drew [Page 86] out his Souldiers, well furnisht, and refresht, and set them in order of battle, deviding the body of his army (within these straights) in­to three wards or bands, so that hee might fight at once, and in front quite through, the middle ward, or maine consisted on such as were armed with Helmets, and Brest plates, each of them ballancing too or three piles, or darting Iavelings in their hands, plated with Iron, which they could deliver with such vi­olence to strike through a Corslet, and sometimes the Armour, and Man toge­ther.

The fashion of their Tar­gets.Ever one had also a Target, either ovall, or round, or square and hollow, about thirty inches thwart, and about fifty long, with a broad Spanish sword, which hung somewhat off behinde, the blade not much above two foote in length, but of excellent temper, fine and thin, able to lop of limbes, and besides very sharpe and poynant; their troopes of horse stood ready in winges; the ordinary proportion to a Legion, The proporti­on of a legion was but three hun­dred, which they divided into two maine bodies, and subdivided by thirties into Cor­nets, indeed they were all so carefully dispo­sed, that fighting all close together, they might at once be inpenitrable, and invinci­ble: then the Generall passing from Com­pany to Company, inspiring them with cou­rage, by the life of his presence, and power [Page 87] of his language, which done (as my Authour saith) he prepared himselfe for a Grave or a Garland.

On the contrary part Queene Bunduca brings up her two hundred and thirty thou­sand men, Bunduca in the battle. and casting aside the softnesse of her sex, she performes in person all the duties of a most vigilent and diligent Chiefetaine, and being mounted in an open Chariot, with her two ravisht daughters, (the objects of compassion, and with all a spurre, to their greater fury) she rideth about the Plaine, and marshalleth her Army, even to the last man, arranging all her severall Nations, into seve­rall Battalions: The order of her battles, the Front of her battle ex­tended it selfe to five or sixe miles out right, and the frame thereof was semicircular, as meaning to inclose them, and before this huge, and wide spread battle of the Brit­taines, Chariots of warre were placed, with sharpe sithes, standing out to mow downe their enemies.

Against the maine body of the Roman Bat­talia, she set her Corslet men, such as were whole armed, behind shee placed the Carri­ages, walling the backe of her Battala's with Waggons, Waines, and Carts, in which the Brittish Wives and Women, Her incoura­ging of her Souldiers. stood as spectators; of the presupposed victory, neither was shee more wanting to her peoples incourage­ment, then to their disposure for fight, her [Page 88] person, conspicuity, and postures in speaking, adding to the life of her words, for riding a­bout from one embatteld people to another, she turned her selfe to them all, in her open Chariot, Royally accommodated, presen­ting unto them her owne just quarrell, with the miserable fortunes of her Princely daughters, who sate with her in sight, (a live­ly and stirring instigation to revenge) this done, by giving the word shee prepared for battle.

The first assault beganne with shrill sounds and clamours, The begin­ning of the battle. but quickly to be dampt with the grones of the dying: on the contrary Sue­tonius Paulinus finding his men prompt and fiery after signal given, stood to receive them in great silence, the Romans (holding loud ac­clamations, no more then a terrible toy,) kept close together, as well to encrease their enemies presumption, as to prevent their owne circumvention, and when the Brit­taines had discharged their Arrowes at ran­dome, and were advanced within the reach of mischiefe, the Romans (before silent) now joyne together, in an universall and martiall shout, and flinging their heavy darts into the thickest of their cōming enemies, they drew their swords, and clashing them against their shields, sallyed out at once with all the strength they could possibly make, and now they encountered together every where, and [Page 89] all over: the fight continued hot and doubt­full to the evening, which by one of our best and latest Writers, is thus described.

The light armed of the one side, lay fierce­ly at the light armed of the other: A description of the fight. the well armed oppose their like, as, Horse incounter Horse, the Roman Archers, let flye at the Chariots of the Brittaines, they againe runne headlong against the Romans, and tumble them over, but for want of Armour to mocke the shot, they were inforc't with the stormes of Roman Arrowes, to fall off againe, the foote, trampled under foote by the horse, and the horse beaten backe by the foote: many close together, to make up with a joynt force, against the waggons of warre: they on the other side beare many downe before them, and compell others to flye, here the Archers advancing over forward­ly beyond the protection of their Cavallary are glad to save themselves by running a­way: there others keepe aloofe, for feare of the piercing Arrowes: these things whilst they were not acted in one place onely, but in three at once (according to the triple de­stinction of the Roman host,) the conflict was long maintained of both parts with equall boldnesse and bravery. Valour on both sides.

Now in this remarkeable conflict, where the naturall liberty of Brittaine, and the ti­tle of the Empire lay at stake, the Romans [Page 90] dashing in with the whole breadth of their Battalia teare their rankes in peeces, and strooke the rest of the adverse Army with a­mazement and terrour, whom their weapons could not reach: ingaging themselves so far as that they were inforced by reason of their in­closure, to fight all at once and about the set­ting of the sun, found themselves every where through out the field victorious, now when the Brittaines in the head of the battle began to shrinke, The Romans Vict [...]rs. it was a shrewd blow to all that were behinde them, who being many thou­sands, and remained untoucht, during the for­mer fight, because they could not come up to handy strokes, by reason of want of roome in the narrownesse of the field: It was the cause that those who first turned their backs and fled, The Brittanes Army routed were amongst their owne friends, as unresistable as their enemies, carrying a­long a strong necessity, to disband, and scat­ter, and wholly to rely on flight, for their present safety.

In this confusion, Bunduca seeing how the dye of warre went, left the field and fled, but the Romans, as bold in attempting, as nim­ble in pursuing, fell upon slaughter, making no difference betwixt sex and sex, for all pe­rished together, yet many were saved alive, after there was an infinite great glut of blood, and a victory assured: Multitudes al­so escaped, some by their swift running, o­thers [Page 91] by the benefit of night. In which Bat­talia, (as our best approved remembrancers have left recorded) there fell of the Brit­taines to the number of fourescore thousand, The numbers slaine on both sides. and of the Romans but foure hundred slaine, and few more hurt, for which cause this fa­mous victory was remarkt amongst the most famous of old, and deservedly it might be so, for besides, the glory of the day, it reduced Brittaine to the Roman Empire, and fixed it to endure for sundry ages after.

Some say that after this defeate Bunduca (this brave Brittish Championesse) slew her selfe by falling on her Lance, Of Bunduca after the bat­tle. some that shee dyed by sicknesse, others by poyson, yet all conclude, that shee was one of the bravest Shee Worthyes in the whole universe: her death was grievously lamented of all her sur­viving friends, Her death. who honoured her funerall with most stately Rites, and buryed her re­maines ambitiously brave. I conclude her History with the place of her buriall.

In her death, Of the place of her buriall. the two injured Princesses (her Daughters) lye obscured, of them there is no remembrance (after her) remaining to Posterity; now concerning the place of In­terrement, (as many be gathered from the premises it was the admirable monument of the stones upon Salisbury Plaine, not being any worke of the Romans, but of the Brit­taines, (who were wont to make stones Vo­call [Page 92] by inscriptions) It is cald to this day Stone­hendge, or Stonage, though some thinke them to have beene brought from Ireland by Mer­lin: The Roman Histriographers, report that shee was buryed pompously, and with great magnificence by the Brittaines, and what greater then that could be consecrated to the perpetuall memory of Bunduca? then this, whose History the whole globe of the earth affordeth not a rarer? If any man shall think, as some of our Chronologers write, that it was the place where those murdred Lords in the time of Aurelius Ambrosius (whom the Pagan Hengist most traterously slew) were buryed, yet it is no hinderance to give cre­dit, that it had beene first erected in honour of that Heroycall, and Masculine spiritted Championesse Bunduca, since the bones of men digged up neere that place, convince it to have beene sepulcrall, but Armours of a large and antique fashion; A probability assuring truth. upon which the spade and picke-axe, have sometimes hit; doe cleare the Owners from being in the num­ber of those Brittish Lords, whom the traite­rous Danes slew unarmed, and weaponlesse.


SOme, in their criticke fancies would maintaine,
(As having Womens honour in disdaine.)
Averring, it not possible can be,
That such should equall men in Chivalree.
And they would ground a Maxime thereupon,
That never in the world was Amazon,
Nor can I scarce conjecture, which is chiefe
In such, their ignorance, or misbeliefe.
But had such stupids, but the least commerce
With Homer, or read Ovids amorous verse:
Or almost any of the Poets; they
Of force must sing a Palinode, and say
In their blind errour they were much misled,
Or had they either Quintus Curtius read,
Or Iustine: (both Historians) they'd confesse,
Their Learning to be small, their Iudgement lesse,
But leaving them, now thus much understand,
Concerning this Virago now in hand,
This Amazon, though many were of name,
May 'bove the rest, a just Precedence claime.
The first brave Championesse observed in field,
Arm'd with a Polleax and a Mooved shield.
And shall a lasting memory injoy.
For ayding Priam in the warres of Troy.




Virago. ALL these Heroyicke Ladies are generally called Vira­goes, which is derived of Masculine Spirits, and to attempt those brave and Martial Enterprises, which belong to the honour of men, in which num­ber this Penthisilaea hath prime place, a­mongst the ancient remembrancers, we read of many warlike Women, of the like condi­tion and quality, Women of masculine spi­rits. of some few of them, I will give a particular denomination.

Camilla. Camilla, Queene of the Volscians, gave ma­nifest [Page 97] signes of her future eminence in armes, even from her Infancy, not being effemi­nately, educated with carefull and indulgent Nurses, but brought up in the Woods, and Forrests, and fed with the milke of wilde beasts, for so she was disposed of by her Fa­ther Metabus, who growing to maturity, cast aside the action of those common exerci­ses, whose practise belong to women, as the Needle, the Web, and the like, but cloathing her selfe in the skinnes of savage beasts, she followed Hunting and the Chase, using the Iavelin, the Bow and Quiver, and to outstrip the Hart in running, and in the warres be­twixt Turnus and Aeneus, she sided with the Rutilians against the Trojans, of whom Virgil giveth a notable Character.

Hilerna also the Daughter of Ianus, Hilerna. her Father being dead raigned by the River Ti­ber, taking upon her the sole soveraignety, which before her time belonged to the men onely.

Semiramis ambitious of soveraignety, Semiramis. de­manded the guidance of the Scepter for five dayes onely, in which interim she comman­ded the King her Ninus. Husband to be first impri­soned and after slaine, then taking the whole Principallity upon her, she raigned over the Assyrians, who at least royally repaired, if nor really built the Walls about Babilon.

Zenobia Queene of the Palmireans, Zenobia. after [Page 98] the death of her Husband Odenatus tooke upon her the Soveraignty of all Syria, neither feared she to take up armes against the Em­perour Aurelianus, of whom being van­quisht, and led in triumph after his victori­ous chariot, it being objected unto him as a dishonour, that he being so potent an Em­perour, would triumph over a woman? made answer, that it was no shame for him, being over such a woman, who was inspired with a more then masculine spirit: Hipsicratea. and Hipsicratea, the wife of Methridates, in all the dangers of warre, never left the side of her Husband, but cut her haire short, lest it might be any im­pediment to the sitting close of her Hel­met.

Tomyris. Tomyris Queene of the Scithians, opposed in battle great Cyrus, the most puissant King of the Persians, and in revenge of her siers death, rifled his Tents, spoyled his Campe, and slew him, and after cutting off his head, caused it to be cast into a great vessell, brim­med with blood, saying, after humane blood thou ever thirsted in thy life, and now drinke thy fill thereof in death: Teuca. and Teuca the wife of Argon Queene of the Illyrians, in person in sundry battles opposed the Romans and be­came victresse overthem. Maria Pute­olana.

Maria Puteolana, who had that namē con­ferd upon her, from Puteolis, a City of Cam­pania, (the place of her discent) flourisht in [Page 99] the time of the famous Italian Poet, Francis Petrarch,, by whom shee is thus deciphered: she was patient in all labour and travaile, spa­ring of dyet, and abstinent from Wine; Ne­ver applying her selfe to any of those chares, belonging to Women, but was wholly ex­ercised in the practise of armes, delighting in the Bow, the Dart, the Helmet, and shee was so vigilant that she would watch some nights together with out sleepe, and that little rest which shee tooke, was not upon a bed, but the bare earth, her head instead of a pillow being laide upon her Target, and though she was alwayes conversant amongst Souldiers, and armed men, for which some might have laid upon her the aspertion of impudence and incontinence, yet she studyed nothing more then Virginall Chastity, in which she conti­nued even to death, and was worthily rank­ed in the life of the Heroicke Ladies. Let these suffice for the present, and being to dis­course of an Amazonian Championesse, it shall not be altogether impertinent to the Story now in hand, if I speake something of their Originall.

The Scythians a warlike nation, having spent many yeares in opposing Xexores King of Egypt, Of the Ama­zones in ge­nerall. and after, staying long in the sub­duing of Asia, their wives sent unto them, that if they made not speedy hast home, they would provide themselves of issue from their [Page 100] neighbour Nations, in processe of time, two Princely youths of the Scythians, Plinos, and Scolopytus, by a decree of the Optimates, be­ing exilde their Country, tooke with them along, a great number of young men, to seeke a new fortune, planting a new Colony upon the Borders of Capadocia, neere to the River Thermodoon, and having subdued the Temiscerians, occupyed their grounds, these having long tyrannized over the bordering Nations, were at the last insidiated by the e­nemy, and treacherously slaine, which their Wives at home hearing, tooke Armes to de­fend their owne territories, which was not without good and great successe; and find­ing the sweetenesse of liberty, and soveraign­ty added, they refused to take Husbands, ei­ther of friends or enemies, Their Origi­nall. accounting Ma­trimony, no better then a miserable servi­tude.

Notwithstanding, they not onely (with­out the ayde of men) maintained their owne, but trencht upon others: holding the mascu­line sex in meere contempt, and because they would beare a like fortune, and that no one should be held more happy than the other, they slew all those Husbands which yet re­mained amongst them, and now after many conflicts, having setled peace, lest their poste­rity shold fal, they desired congres with their neighbours: all the male children borne un­to [Page 101] them they strangled, but the female they preserved, and brought them up in the pra­ctise of Armes, searing of their right paps, least otherwise it might be an impediment unto them in the use of the Bow or the Speare, of which they had the denomination of Amazones or Vnimammae. Whence they derived their names. Marthesia. Lampedo.

Of these were two Queenes Marthesia, and Lampedo, who, the more to increase their Dignity, and Authority, proclamed them­selves to be the Daughters of Mars, and having subdued a great part of Europe, inva­ded Asia also, erecting diverse famous Cities, as Ephesus and others, and having sent part of their Army with great preyes and booties into their Country, the rest who stayed to mainetaine the Empire of Asia, under the Command of Marthesia, were with her selfe, by the Barbarians miserably slaine: In her place succeeded Orythia, Orythia, or Otreta. who for her martiall discipline, and many glorious victo­ries, and for her constant vow of Virginity, as she was much famed, so shee was much ho­noured.

Two of foure sisters raigned at once, Antiope. Ory­thia, whom some call Otreta, and Antiope, In whose time Hercules, with many of the prime Heroes of Greece, invaded their con­fines at such a time of their security, that their troopes were carelesly scattered abroad, by taking which advantage, hee slew many of [Page 102] them, and tooke other prisoners, amongst which were two of those Princely sisters, Antiope, whom Hercules ransomed for her golden baldricke, Menalippe. and Menalip, of whom Theseus after her surprisall grew inamoured, and tooke her to wife by whom he had issue, Hippolitus: Orithia taking grievously this affront done to her sisters, purposed to make warre upon Greece, and to that end she nego­tiated with King Sagillus, who then raigned over the Scythians, solliciting his aide, who sent to them his sonne Penegagaras, with a mighty army of Horsemen: but the Ama­zones and he falling to dissention, by which the Grecians set upon them, disbanded them, and were victorious over them; yet they had before fortified so many places by the way that in their retreate unto their Country they were not dammaged by any nation, through whose Provinces they were compelled to make their passage.

Orythia deceasing Penthisilaea succeeded, she for the great love she bare unto the fame of Hector, Penthisilaea. came with a thousand armed Vi­ragoes, to take part with the Trojans, against the Greekes, but Hector being before coward­ly slaine by Achilles, and his Myrmidons, and Achilles soone after, shot by the hand of Pa­ris, in the Temple of Apollo, where hee should have marryed Polixna, the daughter of Priam and Hecuba, And now Pyrrbus, o­therwaies [Page 103] called Neoptolemus, the Sonne of Dejademeia, the daughter of Lycomedes, re­maining the sole Champion of hope, upon the party of the Greekes, she marked out him as the maine ayme of her revenge: shee is said to be the first that ever devised the Pole­axe, and therefore because she much practi­sed that weapon, Sncurigera. shee was called securigera, as bearing an Axe, Vexilifera. she was also called Vexil­lifera, as bearing upon her Lances point, a flagge or Ensigne, Peltifera. and Peltifera from those shields, made in the forme of halfe Moones, which the Amazones used to weare. Of her Virgil in the first of his Aeneiids, thus writes:

Ducit Amazonidum lunatis Agmina peltis
Penthisilaea [...]urens mediis (que) in millibus ardet
Arm'd with their Moony sheilds, the Queene her Amazonians leads,
And raging seemes to burne, amidst those thousands where she treades.

Of her rare beauty added to her valour, di­verse Authours give ample testimony, and amongst them not the least, Propertius in these words,

Ausa feroxab e quo quondam appugnare sagitis
Moetis Danaum Penthisilaea rates,
Aurea cui posi quam nudavit Cassida frontem,
Vixit victorem candida forma virum.

Thus paraphrased.

The bold Penthisilaea durst the Danish fleete oppose:
[Page 104]And from her steede sharpe arrowes shoote to gall her armed foes:
No sooner was the battaile done (Her golden helme laid by,
But whom by armes she could not take, she captiv'd with her eye.

Valerius Flaccus lib. 5, Statius lib. 12. Hor. lib. 4. and Ovid in his Epistles of Phaedra, to Hippolitus, useth these words, speaking of her.

Prima securigeras inter virtute puellas.

Shee is also by him remembered in his se­cond booke De Ponto, and the third booke De Arte Amandi, he sportively begins thus:

Arm'd at all points, the Greeke to field is gone
To encounter with the naked Amazon,
Behold, like weapons in my power remaine,
For thee Penthisilaea and thy traine. &c.

The death of Penthesil [...]a.Some thinke her to have beene slaine in single combat by Achilles, but the most are of opinion that she fell by the hand his sonne Neoptolemus, about the beginning of the tenth and last yeare of the siege: after whose death the Trojans altogether unable to resist the fury of the enemy, where forc't to im­mure themselves and keepe close within their walles, till after the Grecians entered the City by stratagem, as you may read it fully and excellently delivered by the Prince of Poets, Virgil, To whom I referre you.

Penthisilaea thus dead, and many of her La­dies [Page 105] perishing with her, those few which re­mained alive retyred themselves with much difficulty into their Country, where they had much adoe to defend their Frontiers, and support themselves against their bordering Nations, and others, overwhom they had for a long time tyrannized, in which incertaine state they remained untill the time of Alex­ander the Great, over whom Minothaea, or Monithaea, Monithaea, or Thalestris. called also Thalestris, then raign­ed she in admiration of his great conquests, made earnest suite unto him to enjoy his company in bed for the space of foureteene nights together, which shee obtained at his hands, and so returned with her traine unto her owne Country, in great hope that her expected issue would equall the fame and fortunes of the Father, but the successe it seemes came short of her hope, for after her decease the Amazonian Nation, The end of the Amazo­nian race. with their name, were quite swept away from the face of the earth.

Genera [...]ly, of the Nation of the Scythians, their manners and their customes, The manner of the Soithi­ans. (from whence the Amazonians claime their dis­cent) it is further left thus recorded: their dwelling houses are but small, not built up­on he earth, but lifted and reared upon Waines and Waggons, to shift and remoove from place to place; as the necessity of oc­cations, or their private fancies leade them. [Page 106] Horrace cals them Campestres, and Lucan calls them Errantes, wanderers, for they are ne­ver constant to one place, but remove accor­ding to the nature of the seasons. By the ver­tue of one herbe called Spartiana, the taste thereof giveth them ability to abstaine from meate and drinke for the space of twelve daies together, they are bold, and much glo­ry in the thundring of their Horses hoofes.

There custome is at Cessant times to drinkē deepe, as being naturally much addicted that way, but when they finde themselves to have transgressed order, and tooke their cups too much, they strike hard upon the strings of their bent Bowes, by which they make an harmony and such a kinde of mu­sicke, as weaneth them from their voluptu­ousnesse, and recalle [...]h them to their Pristime continence: sometimes, (but that of neces­sity) they have not spared to feede on hu­maine flesh, and such strangers as have been accidentally cast upon their coasts, they have sacrifized to Mars, and after kept their skulls to make their quaffing bowles, they are for the most part pale of complection, and of condition bold and hardy: for so much the nature of the climate under which they live, (being very cold) implies, the beads of their Arrowes they dip in the blood of Man, and Vipers mixt together, the least wound, racing but the skinne, being irreco­verable, [Page 107] and necessitous death.

The Scythians live by theft, The Scithians nor will they labour of themselves, but feede onely upon the prey, which they can gaine from others, but [...] [...]aturall Scythians, (I meane the most ancient, of whom I spake before,) have all things amongst themselves common, saving their swords, and their quaffing bowles, those they reserve as peculiar to themselves. Their Wives and their Children, they hold promiscuously begot, the one knowledge no certaine Fathers, and the other acknow­ledging no constant husbands, they were in the originall a most simple people, and most observant in the exact lawes of justice, as al­lotting suum cui (que), i. to every man his owne: but falling of from that regularity, they grew as violent in the contrary, extreame, as ob­serving none at all, Forsoone after they grew to that inhumane barbarisme, that whosoe­ver of any forraigne Nation came within their confines, they cut off his nose as a marke to distinguish him from the rest of their Na­tion.

They are naturally inclined to wrath and anger: Sauromates. and betwixt them and the Saura­mates, this one thing is common, that they sacrifice their living wives at the obsequies of the dead husbands: they wholly studdy grasse and cattle, but neglect Tillage, and graine, as feeding upon rootes rather then [Page 108] bread, their habit or attire is the skinnes of wilde beasts, which being tanned they weare the hairy side outwards, that to the Foe they may seeme the more terrible: Theft they abhorre, because they have all the gs a­mongst them free and common: Drunken­nesse is fr [...]quent amongst them: in somuch that to be toxt with Wine, to give it the more emphaticall expression, the Latine saith Sci­thissare, which is the same with Inebriari. Both which words imply to be drunke.

In their sollemne feasts, their custome is to have a great massie bowle brimmed with Wine to be carryed from man to man, in which none is suffered to drinke, who cannot give account of the slaughter of some ene­my, and hee that hath slaine most hath the honour to drinke deep [...]st: they have neither walled Townes, nor Cities, but whether so­ever they travell, they carry their houses in Waggons or Chariots, along with them; I­mages, Altars, and Temples they abhorre, onely such as are dedicate to Mars; they im­brace wood, they have scarce any or none at all, and therefore such cattle as they kill, they eate the flesh sod, or rosted with a fire made of the bones: in any set battle, the first enemy they surprise, they first kill him, and then quaffe healths the one to another in his blood: Those are most honoured amongst thēm, who can give account that by his owne hand he hath slaine most of the enemies; and [Page 109] of thē contrary, those that have done no fa­cinorious act, they extreamely vilifie.

When the King shall command any man to death, Barbarous cruelty. all his male children, under goe the like censure, but the wife and daughters are free; in all contracts and covenants, they drinke the one to the other, in wine mixt with blood and such compacts are held inviolable: no slave is admitted, or mercenary man, to at­tend upon the supreame Majesty, who being dead, fifty of the prime who attended him, are strangled, and as many of his best horse, who are also buryed with him in his sepul­chre.


OF this brave Carian Queene, my pen's at strife
Whether, she better Widdow was, or Wife.
In both, there's none that reads her can deny
But she observ'd, her true Conjugall tye.
For Chastity, or Valour▪ those fam'd most
Cann [...]t (before her) least precedence boast,
In either; who shall strive her to surmount,
Needes must they come farre short in their account,
For who so reades Herodotus shall finde
She was of such a chaste Heroicke minde,
That both in peace and warre she was like glorious,
In the Court Famous, in the Campe Victorious,
Who, to her Country (till her time) obscure,
Hath left a Name, for ever to indure,
For all the monuments, on Vertue plac't,
No Envy can demolish, nor Time waste,
But they shall brave all Ages to ensue,
Whose Attributes. I summe up in these few.
Three hundred thousand Persians this brave Queene
(In a great Navall conflict, fought betweene
Them and the Greekes) out shin'd; yet honoured most
For one of the seaven wonders; at her cost
Erected to Posterity: which rariety
Shee built, to expresse her true Conjugall Piety.




ALmost all places, but most sure I am all ages have brought forth brave and il­lustrious women, renowned for sundry Vertues and qua­lities, as also severall Coun­tries: Heroicke wo­men in all a­ges. for instance, we read of a Semiramis amongst the Assyrians, a Camilla of the Vol­scians, a Thomyris of the Scithians, an Hester [Page 113] of the Persians, a Cleopatra of the Egiptians, a Zenobia of the Palmirians, an Amalasan­tha of the Gothes, a Theolinda of the Longo­bards, a Radegunda of the Frankes or Galls, a Bunduca of the Brittaines, a Maria of the Hungarians, an Isabella of the Spaniards, a Cassiope of the Ethiopians, an Harpalice of the Amazones, an Hippolite of the Magnesians, an Electra of the Thebans, a Teuca of the Illy­rians, a Lucresse amongst the Romans, a In­turna of the Rutilians, a Cassandane of the Medes, a Cassandra of the Trojans, an Hermo­dice among the Lidians, a Penelope amongst the Larissaeans, a Dido of the Carthaginians, &c.

And of others promiscuously thus: Renowned women. An­dromache the Wife of Hector, Creusa of Enae­us, Monima of Mithridates, Erfilia of Romu­lus, Herpilida of Aristotle, Amastrix of Xerxes Hotina of Trajanus, Atossa of Darius, Portia of Brutus, Pyrha of Deucalion, Euridice of Orpheus, and this our Artimesia of Mousolus, &c.

She was the Daughter of King Lydamnius, Queene Ar­timesia. her Paternall blood shee derived from Hali­carnassus, the prime City of Caria, her Ma­ternall from Cre [...]te: now Caria hath its name from Capitalis, i. a head Country, but as o­thers would have it, from King Cara, who first reduc't it to a Monarchy, and is scituate in Greece, upon one side of the mountane, Tau­rus, [Page 114] betwixt the two Regions of Licia and Ionia, this illustrious Lady, as well for her Conjugall Love and Chastity, as for her He­roicke Spirit and magnanimity, is worthily remembred to all Posterity.

There are said to be Septem orbes miracu­la, i. seven wonders of the World, The seven wonders of the world. who for their state, magnimity and cost deserved a prime admiration above all others, of which her pompous and most magnificent structure was not the least, upon this just oc­casion, I will as briefely as I can, The Pyra­mids of Egipt. render them unto you in order: the first were [...]he Egipti­an Pyramides built upon square stones below, but sharpe and pointed above, which the E­giptian Kings, erected over their Tombes, and Funerall Monuments, as well in a vaine ostentation, of their Riches, as to set their people upon imployment, to keepe them from sloth and idlenesse, one of which was built of one entire stone, which either grew or was made in their owne Country, in Lon­gitude, an hundred forty and three foote: in Altitude, threescore and two,) a second was ma [...]e of stone fetcht from Arabia, which sixe hundred thousand men were twenty yeares in building, three others there were, which from their first foundation till they were compleately finisht lasted threescore and eighteene yeares, with sixe moneths added.

[Page 115] Pliny writeth that King Cleopes consumed upon the workemen in one of them, King Cleopas. one thousand and eight hundred talents in no­thing else but Leekes, Onions, and Garlike, by which may easily be conjectured how great and prodigious his expense was in their meate, when their sallets cost him so much: the scituation thereof tooke up eight acres of ground: which unheard of prodigality so exhausted his treasure, and drew him to that penury, that he was forced to prostitute the fairest of his daughters to supply his present necessities. Herodotus in his Eutirpe speaketh of diverse others, too long to recite in this place, one of which but the least was erected by the famous strumpet Rhodope, Rhodope. (once the Mistresse of Esopus samius, (still knowne to us in his excellent fables) with the great riches shee gathered together by her Meretrician practise, of these Lucan speaketh in his eight Booke, as also Martiall in these words: Barbara Pyramidum sileat Miracula memphis.

A second Wonder, The second wonder. was that excellent structure, built at the charge of Ptolomeus the great, in the Isle of Pharos, for no other use but to continue a lampe all the night long, to direct Navigators in their course, and how to avoide the rockes, shelves, and Quicke-sands, frequent in those places: It is said to have cost eight hundred talents of which Sostratus was the famous Archi­tector, Sostratus a fa­mous Archi­tecture. in the most e­minent [Page 116] place whereof he left his name inscri­bed.

In the rancke of these miraculous Edisi­cees, are numbred the walls of Babilon, A third won­der. either first renued or royally repaired by Queene Semiramis in height two hundred foote, and in breadth fifty, upon the top Chariots might meete without jetting one against the other, they had moreover three hundred Towers, and more should have had but that the Ma­rishes, and Fennes, were of the one side a suf­ficient defence for the City. In this worke three hundred thousand workemen were for some yeares imployed at once: Herodatus writeth that these walls were two hundreth cubits in height, and fifty cubits in thicknesse, and that there were an hundred gates of brasse that mooved upon hinges, the swift River of Euphrates running through the Towne.

A fourth wonder.To the former is added the magnificent Temple of Diana in Ephesus, to which all A­sia contributed towards the buildings, which was ere it was fully perfected, the space of two hundred and twenty yeares, the foun­dation whereof was laid in a Marish, or Fen­ny ground, because it should not be subject to any earth-quake: it was in longitude three hundred twenty and five foote, according to the standard, and in latitude, two hundred and twenty, being supported by two hun­dred [Page 117] and seven and twenty Collumnes every one of those pillars being at the charge of a severall King, of which number twenty se­ven were curiously and most artificially car­ved and graven, of which glorious worke C [...]esiphon is nominated to be the prime over­seer. Clesiphon.

A fifth Wonder was the Colossus at Rhodes, A fifth won­der. being the figure or Image of Apollo, made of Brasse, and of that magnitude that it bestri­ded a small arme of the Sea, betweene whose legges ships might saile, without vayling their maine tops, it was in height threescore and ten cubits, which after it had stood by the space of fifty and sixe yeares, was utter­ly demolisht by an earthquake, one of his thumbes a man could scarcely fadome, and his fingers were like large statues, yet not one joynt about it, which was not proporti­onably suiting with the size thereof: this Colossus was lined with stones of an extra­ordinary bignesse, with smaller intermixed amongst them, it was twelve yeares in com­posing, and the charge thereof amounted to three hundred talents. Chares Lyn­dius. The chiefe Artifex was Chares Lyndius, the Scholler of Lysippus. The Souldan of Aegypt invading Rhodes, La­ded Nine hundred Camels with the brasse thereof, from this Colosse, The Rhodians were called Colossians, and the Island it selfe Colossicula.

[Page 117] The sixth wonder.A sixth to these was the Image of Iupiter, which Phidias the most excellent Artist made of Ivory, Gold, and other precious ma­terialls, Aelians. for the Aelians of which Propertius the excellent Poet speakes, lib. I. in these words.

Nam neque Pyramidum sumptus ad sidera ducti
Nec Iovis Elaei caelum imit at a Domus.
For not the least of the great Pyramids
Even to the starres elate.
Nor the Elean house of love
Which Heaven did imitate.

The Pallace of Cyrus.Some ranke with this the Pallace of Cyrus King of the Medes and Persians, all the stones whereof were simmond with gold, whereas others are done with plaister, of which Memnon was the Architector, but having occasion to speake of this sixth wonder, Memnon. though I make a small deviation, I hope no Iudiciall Reader, but he will say it is some­what to purpose, A remarkea­ble contro­versie. It thus followeth.

Amongst the Grecians there was a generall Law enacted, of which every particular pro­vince tooke notice, that whosoever should rob the statue of any of their heathen gods, or any Temple dedicated unto him, it was held sacriledge in the highest degree, A law among the Grecians. and he must imiaedtely upon his apprehension for­feit his hands to be cut of: it so fell out that the senate of Elis, having a purpose to erect the Image of Iupiter, sent to the Arerpagita, [Page 118] who were the optimates of Athens to bor­row of them the most excellent Artist, Phidias. Phi­dias, who was at that time the choyse and prime workeman of the World: they wil­ling to further so pious a worke, (for so they thought it) as to make a god, assented to the motion, and delivered Phidias unto them, but upon condition, that they should returne him backe (the worke being perfected) eve­ry way as sound and compleate, as they recei­ved him from them or else to forfeit an hun­dred Talents.

Which contract being drawne and con­cluded upon, betwixt these two famous Ci­ties, Phidias is sent to undertake the worke, and finisheth it, which was done with such inimitable Art, that it begot in them infinite admiration: insomuch that they ambitiously covetous to engrosse so excellent a peece to themselves, knowing it was not to be paral­leld through the world, and presuming that he who had done that, was able to compose the like, or perchance a better, having now before him so faire a president, therefore to prevent all such doubts and feares, they laid unto his charge, that he having received from them such a quantity of gold, and so much Ivory, with sundry other costly and preci­ous materialls, had detained a great part of them, not bestowing all upon the same; and therefore reserving somewhat to his owne [Page 120] peculiar use, had incurred the due penalty, belonging to a sacrilegious person, for which he was convented, convicted, and by the Se­nate condemned, A cruell and an injust sentence. so that Manus tanquam sa­crilego praeci [...]erunt, they cut off his hands as a punishment imposed on him who had committed sacriledge: and so sent him backe handlesse unto the Athenians.

Who with great sorrow and pitty commi­serating the wretched estate of their dis­membred Country man and Friend, deman­ded by their Ambassadors, of the Elians, the hundred talents, according to their for­mer covenant, who thus argued against them: The plea of the Athenians we can no more lend to you, or to o­thers, a Phidias, who had hands to helpe himselfe, before he tooke in hand your em­ployment, he made you a god, nay a Iupi­ter, you then, not he, are the sacrilegious, who durst offer violence to hands consecrated: and your owne god (made by him) shall doubtlesse revenge on you the blood of his owne maker, for which wee testate, and withall implore Iupiter, now the proper god of our Friend, Artist, and Countryman, Phidias.

It is Art that supplyeth others in their neede: the excellency of his Art hath one­ly made him necessitous and withall misera­ble, The hands of Phidias were the onely ground of our covenant; now wanting [Page 121] these hands, how are our covenants perfor­med, and what hope have wee, that we can receive him from you; if he be not returned unto us, as he was delivered unto you?

We sent you one whose hands could make gods, you send us one backe, who hath not hands to lift up unto the gods: Moreover, are you not ashamed, to owe your god to one whom you call sacrilegious? most true it is that the man liveth but the Artist is perished: you returne not unto us Phidias, but the pu­nishment which was not due unto Phidias: for those hands which before have made gods, cannot now be mooved to intreate men: he made you such a Iupiter as that you desired, it should bee the last Iupiter that should be made: Hands we lent you, and of these hands we desire (nay, the same hands) restitution; for how could there be a compe­tent tryall, when the Elians were the accu­sers, the Elians witnesses; and the Elians judges? onely our poore friendlesse Coun­try man, the accused and sufferer? wee in­voke the gods, even these whom Phidias hath already made, and those which (but for your barbarous cruelty) he might have made, against your unjust proceedings, for we cannot say we have received a Phidias, unlesse you had delivered him unto us, in the same state that wee gave him unto you, and might upon the like occasion have lent him unto others.

[Page 122] The answer of [...]he Elians.To which the Elians made this short an­swer, wee had gold which was hallowed, we had Ivory which was sacred, and divers Iewels and G [...]mmes, which were to holy u­ses consecrate, for the imployment of these we desired and sought an Artist, to dispose of them to our owne pious, not his proper u­ses; with these and the like materials, our purpose was that your Phidias should have made us other gods: but we thought it not so needefull and just to adorne them as to vindicate them, &c. This controversie, for arguments came after to be decided by armes. In which it may be presumed (by the justice of their cause) the Athenians were victors, I hope any understanding Reader will excu [...]e this my short digression, I come now to the argument in hand, namely a se­venth Wonder of the world, which was e­rected by this Artimesia, (which was a sump­tuous tombe or monument) over Mausolus her deceased husband.

The seventh wonder.The heighth whereof was twenty five cu­bits, and girt or compast with thirty fixe col­lumnes, or pillars. It was apparant from the South to the North, threescore and twelve foote, the whole compasse thereof amoun­ted unto foure hundred and eleven foote. That part which looked towards the East, one Scopas ingraved: Scopas. Briay. that which lay to­wards the North, one Briax, that which re­flected [Page 123] upon the South one Tymotheus, and that part which looked upon the West, Tymothius. Leocares. Leo­cares. This rare Queene of Caria, ever to be remarkt for this her conjugall piety, though she yeelded unto fate and dyed before this admirable worke was accomplished, yet by her last testiment, left such order and meanes withall, that the worke should still goe on, which was compleated and absolutely fini­shed, by the workemen before named. A rare president in a woman which shewed that her love to her deceased Husband, end­ed not in her death, but that she desired to have it live to all posterity that should suc­ceede her.

We reade of divers sundry Architectors, and famous structures made by them, but to this none to be paralleld, as being worthy to be reckoned one of the seven wonders: For instance, Spintharus Corinthius built the Temple of Apollo, Rare buil­dings and Architectors. Melagines that of Mi­nerva, Theodorus Phocensis made the glori­ous Altar, on which all the great offerings presented to the Delphicke Oracle were laid. Philo Atheniensis made the Pyraan Arcenal, or armory, Hermogines, the Doricke house dedicated to Iuno, of Magnesia, Hermodorus, a stately Obelisque, Dedalus, Zmilus, Rholus, and Theodorus, were famous for sundry La­borinthes, Valerius Ostiensis, for building the great Roman Theater, Romulus for his A [Page 124] silum; Mnesiclus, for a famous Tower in A­thens, and to omit infinite others, you may reade Machab. 2.13. That Simon Prince and High Priest, the Sonne of Mattathias, and brother to that famous worthy Iudas Macha­beus, after his brother Ionathan, who pre­ceaded him in the government, was treche­rously slaine. He tooke up his bones, and bu­ryed them in Media his Fathers City, and he made upon the sepulchre of his Father, A glorious tombe built by Simon the High Priest. and his Brethren, a building high to looke unto, of hewn stone, behind and before, and set up seven stately graven pillers upon it, one a­gainst the other, for his Father, his Mother, and his foure Brethren, and set other great pillars round about them, and set armes up­on the pillars for a perpetuall memory, and carved ships besides the Armes, that they might be seene by the Navigators, sayling nere unto that coast by sea, which sepulchre (according to the phrase of the Text) stand­eth even to this day.

Yet neither that, nor the others before na­med (it seemes) could parallell the former structure built by this Queene Artimesia, from which all the funerall monuments e­rected upon the bones of Princes, Kings, and Emperours, built with great magnificence and state, are even to these times called Mausolea, Mausolea. of which Propertius, lib. 3. speakes.

[Page 125]
Nec Mausolaei dives fortuna sepulcri
Mortis ab extrema conditione vacat.
Mausolus rich tombe can no warrant have,
To keepe it selfe from the devouring grave.

And we read Martiall lib. 1. thus.

A ere nec vacuo pendentia Mausolaea
Laudibus immodicis cares ad astra ferunt.
The great Mausolean tombe that seemes hanging in the ayre to be,
Even to the starres O Carian Queene shall loudly eccho thee.

So much for her conjugall love towards her Husbands, an imitable example for all Wives, and chaste Matrons whatsoever, it remaineth now to speake something of her heroicall magnanimity, in which she was no way inferiour to the former.

For being a Dowager Queene, The magna­nimity of Queene Arti­mesia. after the de­cease of her husband, and the dayes of her mourning now growne over, she laid by her Widdowes habit, and resumed the robes and regall ornaments belonging to a Prin­cesse, but finding the affaires of state, too burdensome for her free and unlimitted spi­rit, shee disposed of her estate to those of her Counsell, whom shee best trusted, and because her very pallace grew distastefull un­to her, without the consociety of her dead Lord, shee utterly abandoned it, nay, her very Country growing as irke some to her, as her pallace, after she had given order for the [Page 126] erecting of her Husbands monument, shee purposed for a time to forsake it, and seeke out for some forraigne adventures.

Xerxes.It happened at that time Xerxes, the great Persian Monarch, ambitiously ayming to re­duce all Greece under his Scepter, and subje­ction, having gathered an innumerable host by Land, and a seeming invincible Navy by Sea, shee adhering unto his party, rigged and manned three ships of her owne, of which she her selfe was Archithalassa, or Ar­mirall: her people that tooke part with her in that adventure were Carians, or Halicar­nassians, Coeans, of the Isle Coos, Nysimiaus, and Calydinians, and being thus plenally ac­comodated, she put her selfe under the patro­nage of the Persian Emperour.

It would aske too long a circumstance to discourse of the whole navall conflict, I will onely deliver unto you so much as concer­neth the person of Artimesis, who so valiant­ly did beare her selfe in that blooddy fight, that her ships (knowne by their flagges and streamers) were eminent above all others of the Persians, Her demeanor in the Navall fight. both for defence and offence, for her small squadron, more dangered the Greekish Navy, then ten times their number, notwithstanding which her brave oppositi­on, the Persians were vanquisht, and the Greekes (though against infinite odds) the glorious victors, in which Marine honour: [Page 127] the Eginita had the first place, and the Athe­nians the second: The Greekes prime Commanders. and of the Commanders, Policrates of Egineta, and of the Athenians, Eumena, Anagyrasius, and Aminius Palena­us, who above all others, most hotly pursu­ed Artimesia in her flight, but when hee had found that she was too swift of saile for him, he sent other light vessels after, proclaiming ten thousand Drachnes to him that could take her alive, as holding it an indignity that a woman should give such an affront to their A thenian Navy, notwithstanding al, she with some few others escaped and safely arrived at Phalerum.

On the contrary part, Herodatus in his V­runia, thus reports of her that Xerxes him­selfe beholding how bravely above all in his fleet, shee in her ship behaved her selfe even at that time, when his Navy was almost quite defeated, one who knew the vessell by the colours, answered it was Queene Arti­mesia, he fetching a deepe sigh uttered these words Viri quidem extiterant mibi femina: Xerxes his character of Queene Arti­mesia. femina autem viri. i. All my men this day have proved themselves women, and the women onely shewed themselves to be men: And so much concerning Artimesia, who as in her life time she was gloriously famous, so after death, even to all perpetuity shall sur­vive famously glorious, &c.


Whose Names are,

  • Elpheda.
  • Queene Margaret.
  • Queene Elizabeth.


HEr royall birth my Muse dares not to smoother
A great Kings Daughter, a great King her Bro­ther,
Who, though she never to that height arriv'd,
To be stil'd Queene, yet was she Prince-like wiv'd,
Her Husband Duke of Mercia, which we
Number amongst the Brittish Sceptarche,
By which a Kingdomes name it after gaind,
When as at once, seven Kings in Brittaine raignd,
Which bred this war like Lady n [...]re the place
Whence brave Bunduca doth derive her race.
I should but Antedate her life to tell
How, and in what this Lady did excell,
Not possible it is that one small page
Should comprehend the wonder of her age.
And therefore further to expresse her glory,
I must referre the Reader to her story.
For that (as of the rest) is still the chiefe
Of my intent, yet thus of her in briefe.
Brittish Elpheda, of the Saxon race,
To none of all the former neede give place,
Who for her Masculine Spirit much honour gaines
In many battles fought against the Danes.
And might with any of her Sex compare,
As being Religious, Valiant, Wise, and Faire.




AMongst so many reckoned up for their Valour and Vertue. It shall not be a­misse to present the Reader with a commemoration of some who have beene the occasion of much combustion and trouble. Of turbulent and combusti­ous women. Helena.

Helena was the cause of the Trojan warres, [Page 133] and Pelops succeeding in the Kingdome of Phrigia, brought an army against King Oe­nimaus, because hee denyed unto him his daughter Hippodamia, Hippodamie. of whom he was great­ly inamored: the Poet Arcbillus, an Iambicke Writer, writ so bitterly against Lycambes, because he refused to give him his Daughter in marriage, that upon the reading of them, he presently hanged himselfe, and Pericles at the instigation of his concubine Aspatia, Aspatia: made warre upon the Sabines, and subdued them to the Milesians; Teuca. we read also of Teuca Queene of the Illirians, who because Titus Cornucanus, then Ambassadour from the Ro­mans delivered unto her a bold and peremp­tory message, commanded him to be slaine in her presence, against the Law of Armes, which was the ground of much blood-shed and slaughter.

Menelaus being dead, Megapenthus, and Nicastratus, the sonnes of Orestes, pursued Helena, (cause of the tenne yeares warre be­twixt the Trojans and Greekes) into the Island of Rhodes, In hope to shelter her selfe un­der the patronage of Triptolemus: of whom Polizo his wife growing jealous, Polizo. shee caused her to be strangled, for so writes Voletaranus: Lavinia, Lavinia. the daughter of King Latinus, and Amata the Queene: were the sole occasion of so many bloody conflicts betwixt the Trojans and the Rutilians, and lastly, of the [Page 134] death of Turnus, slaine by Aeneas: Dejanei­ra was the motive, Dejaneira. to the duell betwixt Her­cules and Achelous, and of the conflict with Nessus the Centaur, and after of his owne death, by sending him the shirt which was poysoned. Evander Nephew to Pallas, King of the Arcadians, at the instigation of his Mother Nicostrate, Nicostrate. slew his owne Father, and Ptelerus King of the Thebans by the treason of his owne daughter Polidices, Polidices. was betraid into the hands of Creon and slaine.

Lucretia Lucretia being violated by Sextus Tarqui­nius, after long warre, was the cause that the Romans regained their liberty, and Virginia the daughter of Virginius that the governe­ment of the Triumviri, Virginia was utterly abroga­ted: Hippolitus being falsly accused by his step-mother Phedra, for unlawfully attemp­ting to corrupt her chastity, Phedra. flying his Fa­thers fury, was hurld from his Chariot, and being bruised with the fall perished. Mar­tia, Martia. the strumpet of Antonius Commodus the Emperour, betraide him into the hands of a Groome, on whom she doted, by whom he was trecherously slaine. Alexander the great, Thais. at the instigation of Thais the prosti­tute, caused the great City Persepolis to be burned, be with his owne hands giving the first fire, and then his Concubines after Octa­via the sister of Augustus Caesar, being re­pudiated by M. Anrony, was the occasion [Page 135] of a civill warre, and Antiochus warring against the Romans by his effemiary, and do­tage on a Chalcidonian Damsell, lost all his honour, giving way to the enemy, for an ea­sie victory of these and the like, we thus read Ovid Elegiar: lib. 2.

— nisirapta fuisset
Tyndaris, Europa, pax Asiae (que) foret,
Femina silvestres Lapit has populum (que) biformem, &c.
But for the rape made of the Spartian Queene,
Europe and Asia, still in peace had beene,
Woman and Wine, that blooddy banquet made,
In which the two shap't Centaurs did invade
The Lapithes, who doubly text with lust,
And the grapes juyce, lay tumbling in the dust.
In Latin's kingdome (for his Iustice praisd
Woman, a second Trojan tumult raisd,
Two buls I have seene for a faire heifer fight,
With lustfull fire inraged at her sight, &c.

But contrary to these, A briefe cata­logue of emi­nent and ex­cellent wo­men. diverse of the same sex (though not in that great number) have beene very eminent in advancing both the profit and honour of their Nations, as Domi­nica, the wife of the Emperour Valence, Dominica. with her great eloquence, and hazard of her per­son withall, pacified the barbarous Goths, from sacking, and utterly subverting Constan­tinople, the Metropolis of the Grecian Empire. Iuguldis Iuguldis the sister of Childebert, King of France, by her Arguments and earnest solli­citations, [Page 136] brought her Husband Hermogillus, the Sonne of Lemigildus, King of the Goths, quite to abjure all paganisme, and sincerely to professe the true Christian Religion; Clo­tildis Queene of France, after the like man­ner brought her Husband Clodoveus, Clotildis. the son of Chilpericke, to the profession of the faith, In the yeare of grace, three hundred and twelve, Autaulphus, King of the Goths, laid his seige against Rome, to assault it at least, if not to spoyle it, and to change the name thereof, and for Roma to call it Gothia, But Placida the wife of Honorius with her sweete perswasive language, Placida. so insinuated into the ferocity of his barbarous diposition, that she caused him to relent, and quite altering his bloody purpose, Pompeia Paulina. to raise the siege, and leave the City in safety: Pompeia Paulina wrought the like upon the tyrannous disposition of the Emperour Iulianus her husband, causing him to take of those taxes, and heavy impo­sitions, which he had with great rigour laid upon his people. To which number may be added Helena the Mother of Constantine, and Monica, Helena. Monica. the Mother of Saint Augustine, and some others, and not the least meriting, this Lady Elpheda, Elpheda. the subject of our present trea­tise.

Whose Father Aluredus, (whom some of our Chronologers, call Alphredus,) the fourth Sonne to Adolphus, and Brother to [Page 137] Etheldredus, late King: began his raigne o­ver the West Saxons, and divers other Pro­vinces of England, in the yeare of Grace, eight hundred threescore and twelve, and in the thirtyeth yeare of Charles, surnamed the Bald, King of France. It is written of him that he was twelve yeares of age, before he was taught to know any Letter, but after by his great industry, he not onely excelled in lear­ning his brothers, but many others, who were before him in time. The first Schoole in Oxford. Hee was the first raised a Schoole in Oxford, and gave that Towne great freedomes and Immunities. He caused also many Lawes to be translated out of the Brittish tongue into the Saxons, Espe­cially the Mercean Lawes, Mercia. which Mercia was an absolute Kingdome, called also mid­dle England, he was further a very skillfull Architector, as having great knowledge in building, and for hunting, and hawking, hee was able to instruct any, but needed directi­on from none, hee was of a comely stature, and faire, both of countenance and condi­tion, and of all his other children, the best beloved of his Father.

He when he came to maturity, espoused a noble Lady, Ethel [...]ida. whose name was Etheluida, by whom he had two sons, King Alareds issue. Edward surnamed the elder, and a second called Egelward, Elpheda, whom he after marryed to Ethel­dredus, whom hee made Duke, or Prince of [Page 138] Mercia) the second was called Ethelgota, he made a Nunrie or Votaresse, and the third had to name Elphrida, all his children as well daughters as sonnes, he caused to be diligent­ly instructed, in the art of grammer (so much he affected learning) and was in many bat­tles victorious over the Danes, who often and in sundry places invaded the Land, and tyrannized therein, and amongst many other his Heroyicke acts, one passage I cannot omit being so remarkeable.

A remarke­able accidentBeing in one battle much overset, by rea­son of the multitude of his enemies, he was forced with a small traine to hide himselfe in the wooddy Country, about Summerset shire, and had no other food save such as hee could provide by hunting, and fishing, yet at length being better comforted, he began to shew himselfe more publicke, and at large, so that dayly there resorted unto him, men out of Wiltshire, Summerset shire, Hampeshire, and other places of the Kingdome, so that in Processe of time, he was strongly accompa­nied, and much better accommodated, then the Danes any way dreamed of, upon a time the King in person tooke upon him the ha­bit of a Bard or Musician, and with his Harpe or some such instrument, he entered the Tents, and Pavilions of the Danes, and sung unto them many pleasant Ballads, and Dit­ties, which greatly delighted them, in which [Page 139] interim he espyed their sloth and idlenesse, tooke full view of their hoast, their strength and how it was ordered, and withall disco­vered much of their Counsell and purposes, and after returned unto his owne company, The Danes defeated by stratagem. who with some chosen men, fell upon them in the night, and utterly defeated and rou­ted them, having ever after, the upper hand of his enemies.

It is further remembred of him, The day well divided. that hee divided the night and day into three parts, (if he were not otherwise hindered and mole­sted by his enemies,) whereof eight houres he spent in study, and other eight in Almes deeds, and prayer, and the remainder in his dyet, exercise, and affaires of the Realme: he raigned three and twenty yeares, and dyed a notable, and most memorable pre­sident, to all that should hereafter sit on the throne of Majesty, whom succeeded his son Edward, Brother to this our Elpheda, who though he was lower degreed then his Fa­ther in Arts, and Literature, yet excelled him in state and Majesty.

This high spirited Virago quite abando­ning all softnesse, Elpheda too as Virago. and effeminacy, betooke herselfe wholly to the practice of Armes, by which she grew famously glorious, assisting her Brother in all those great conflicts against the Danes, but ere I come to give you a par­ticular character of the sister, let it be held [Page 140] no unnecessary digression to speake some­what of the King her Brother, who by his first wife named Edwina, had a Sonne called Ethelstane, King Edwards Royall and numerous issue. who after succeeded him in the Throne. By his second wife two Sonnes, Edredus, and Edwinus, and seven daughters, of which the eldest named Alnuda, or Al­mida, he marryed to the Emperour Otto, the first of that name, and Algina, the se­cond, to Charles King of France, surnamed the simple, and the youngest of his daugh­ters to Lewis King of Guien: By his third wife. Ethelswida, he received two sonnes, Edmond and Eldred, and two daughters, Edburga, and Edgina, thus was he blest with a numerous Issue, setting all his sonnes to Schoole, to teach them knowledge in the Liberall Arts, but the Ladies his daughters to spinne, and card wooll, taking his presi­dent from Charles, of France surnamed the Conquerour, from which, even our greatest Ladyes, nay even Princesses themselves, if they be either cited in Court, Spinster from whence it came. or arraigned upon any Capitoll offence, they are indited by the name of such an one Spinster, to this day.

About the first yeare of his raigne, one Clito Ethelwaldus, a neere kinsman to the King, rebelled against him, and strengthned himselfe at a place called Win-burne, neere unto Bathe, and tooke thence perforce a [Page 141] beautifull Nunne, and with her fled unto the Danes, A Nunne ra­visht. who then had peaceably seated them­selves in Northumberland, animating them by very pregnant and perswasive reasons, to take armes (in his behalfe) against the King his Nephew, who notwithstanding so hot­ly pursued him, that hee was compelled to forsake that Country quite, leaving the Nun behind him, and for his safety flye into France, so that the King with drew his for­ces, and left off his pursuite, restoring the Nunne unto the same cloyster from whence she was violently taken: In all which expe­ditions, this brave Heroina, The first profe of El­phedaes va­lour. with Etheldre­dus her Husband, Duke of Mercia, assisted the King her Brother, as also in that which followeth, being highly extolled above ma­ny other prime Commanders, for her for­ward and excellent service.

The next yeare following, this Clito (be­fore spoken off,) with a crew of Frenchmen landed in the East part of England, and gathe­red unto him all the Danes of that Country, robbing and pillaging all the Townes and Villages, as they marched onwards, espe­cially those about Crekingsford, and Crick­land, and after passed the River of Thames, and spoyled all the Lands neere unto Bra­denstuake, and so from thence retyred them­selves into Hast Anglia, which were the two Counties of Northfolke, and Suffolke.

[Page 142]But the King with his sister made after them with all possible speed, making ha­vocke of all those Lands, which they then held of him by composition from the River of Owse, as farre as the borders, of Saint Edmonds bury, and soone after the two hosts, encountered, where a bloody battle was fought, to the great losse of both sides, in which conflict Elpheda, Her mono­machy. fought hand to hand with Clito, and though sundred by the mul­titude, yet came off with the best; the event was, that Clito with many of the Danes were slaine, and left dead in the field, and the King and his Sister shared in the honour of the day. Those that survived were forced to seeke and sue for peace, upon condition that they should keepe themselves within the bounds to them limitted, and moreover pay an annuall tribute for all those grounds they held of the King.

In the twelfth yeare of this Edwards raigne the Danes repenting of those Covenants be­fore made (as thinking it an impairing to their honour, assembled a mighty hoast, with which the King and his sister met in Staford­shire, at a place called Toten-hall, A brave victory. and soone after, at Wodnesfield, at which two places, they slew two Kings, two Earles, and di­vers Commanders of note, besides many thousands of the Danes, of which the Chro­nocles afford us no exact number, most of [Page 143] which came out of the Country of Nor­thumberland, where they had beene peace­ably seated.

This excellent Lady was as Religious, as Valiant, Her valour and piety. who amongst other of her pious acts, prevailed so farre with her Husband, that they betwixt them at their proper charge, translated the bones of King Oswal, (who had beene Cannonized for a Saint) from Bradony to Glocester, and there erected a faire and beautifull Monastery, dedicated to the honour of Saint Peter, soone after which (for it presently ensued) the last bat­tle before spoken of) dyed Etheldredus Duke of Mercia, The death of Etheldredus. or middle England, after whose expiration the King having had so long proofe of his Sisters love, valour, and wisdome, conferred on her the sole and en­tire rule and governement of that Country, in as ample possession, as her Lord had be­fore injoyed it, the City of London only ex­cepted, which he reserved to be under his owne patronage.

Of this masculine Spirited Lady, to reck­on up all her vertues would aske long cir­cumstance, Elphedaes Acts, Buil­dings, &c. and reparati­ons of decay­ed Cities. but I will particularize unto you some few of those brave deedes, she hath left memorable to all posterity, as building, and repairing many Townes, Cities, and Castles, as Tamworth, besides Lychfield, Stafford, War­wicke, Shrowsbury, Watersbury, and Eldes­bury, [Page 144] in the Forrest besides Chester, shee e­rected also a Castle in the North end of Mer­cia, upon the River cald Merce, in the Sax­on tongue Ramcofan, and since Runcora, shee also built a bridge over the River Severne, called Brimsbury Bridge, she more over both by her purse and wisdome, greatly assisted the King her Brother, as well in the manna­ging the affaires of the Realme, as in erect­ing sundry Forts, and Cittadels, as the strong Castle of Hereford, in the edge of Wales, and in repairing the wals and City of Chester, by the Danes much defaced, which he much inlarged, so that the Castle which was before without the Walles, is from his time, even to this day contained within them.

Her rare Chastity.It is further reported of her, that after she had once prooved the paine of travaile in Child birth, shee for ever after abandoned the bed, and embraces of the Duke her Hus­band: saying, it was neither convenient nor seemely for a Kings Daughter, and Sister to a King, to expose her selfe to any such lust full action, which might beget those pangs, and throws, which women were inforced to in­dure in travell, a rare continence and not found in many, and that was one prime oc­casion, Elswin [...]. why after the birth of her sole and onely Daughter Elswina, she left all other effeminacies, and applying her selfe unto [Page 145] the condition of those turbulent and com­bustious times, became a stout and warlike Virago, whose example could not chuse, but put courage into the most dastardly co­wards, beholding a woman so valiant.

Of her rare continence and vowed cha­stity: too much cannot be spoke in her praise for Chastity as Solon defineth, it is the beau­ty of the soule, Chastity. the grace of the body, and peace of the minde: it is a vertue alwayes companion with fortitude, and as it is both in Virginity and the Widdowed, much ap­prooved, so even in Wedlocke it cannot be but commendable: and as idlenesse is the greatest enemy unto it, so by being in conti­nuall action, is to oppose it, abstinence from fleshly lusts, are best tryed in extremity, and in the end crowned with eternity: for let the body be never so faire, without that, it cannot be truely cald beautifull: Beauty, may be compared to the flowers of the Spring, Beauty. which soone fade, but Chastity to the starres of Heaven, which last ever, for with the reines of reason it curbeth the rage of lust. The greatest honour conferd upon women, without that, is but like a Man­drakes Apple, faire in shew, and poyson in taste, it is the seale of Grace, the staffe of De­votion, the glory of life, the comfort in death which when it is joyned with Humility, and Charity, they may be called the three ver­tues of the soule:

[Page 146]I come now to the thirteenth of this King Edwards raigne and the first or second at the most, Further of Elphedaes va­lour. of her Widdow-hood, at which time a great Navy of Danes, which in the time of King Alured, were beaten from the coast, and forced to flye into France, now retur­ned and sayled about the West Country, The outrages of the Danes. and landing in diverse places, tooke sundry preies at their best advantage, and then retyred themselves into their shippes againe, and a­mongst other of their direptions, they spoy­led a towne called Irchinfield, from which place they tooke a Bishop, and carryed him aboord their ships, whom they soone after ransomed for forty pounds sterling, but as soone as the King and his Noble Sister, had intelligens of these out-rages, he assembled his Forces, and they sped them West-ward by Land, and sent out a Navy by Sea, of which the Danes hearing, they cowardly quit the Land, and fled into Ireland.

And therefore to prevent the like incon­veniences, to which the Realme in those dayes was much subject, the King by the advise of his fellow Championesse, built a Castle at the mouth of the River Avon, and another at Buckingham, and a third neare un­to it, and after returned into Northampton­shire, and gave battle to the Danes, who had there planted themselves under a great Duke cald Turbetillus, Turbetillus de­feated. whom they utterly defea­ted, [Page 147] and had of them an honourable victo­ry.

It is further Recorded of this Martiall Vi­rago, that she without the ayde of her Bro­ther, gathered her Knights together, and where the Welsh-men made invation into the Land, about Brecknocke, shee valiantly op­posed them in all violent Hostility, and a­mongst other prisoners, and preyes surpri­sed, the Queene of their Country, An Emlation betwixt two women. who came in person to the field, and thinking to aspire unto her fame, came farre short of her For­ture. The yeare following, which was the foureteenth of the Kings raigne, hee caused to be erected, (or at the least reedified) the Townes of Torsetor, and Wigmore. Vtterly demolishing a strong and famous Castle, which the Danes for their security and de­fence, had built at Temesford.

The same yeare also, this Noble Lady won the Towne of Derby, from the power of the Danes, in which assault, they put her to that hard adventure, that foure Knights which were called the guardians of her Corps, A strange de­liverance. were slaine close by her, yet shee (notwithstanding) by her great valour esca­ped; and after so many perils, hazards, bat­tles, and conflicts, in all which, both for magnanimity and action, shee out did the most, and equalled the best: death which durst not looke upon her, in her Armour, [Page 148] as being frighted at the terrour of her angry countenance, stole upon her unawares, when her plumed helmet, victorious sword, and impenetrable Curace, was laid by, arrested her by the hand of his minister sickenesse, and then taking the advantage of her infirmi­ty and weakenesse, Elphedaes death. strucke her dead about the Summer Solstice, which is the middle of Iune. Who was much lamented by the King and the Commons, and her body with great solemnity interred, in the Monastery of Saint Peters, which the Duke her Lord, and shee had before erected in Glocester, which was after in the troublesome combustions of the Danes, quite raced and demolished, but in the processe of time, againe reedified by Aldredus, Bishop both of Yorke, and Worce­ster, who was loath that the memory of so magnanimous a Lady should be drowned in Lethe, and not her monument remaine to all posterity.

Elphedaes Daughter.This excellent Lady being dead, her young daughter Elswina was possessed of all her seigniory for a season, having a like prin­cipality with her mother, who preceaded her, and was stiled Princesse of Mercia, or middle England: but the King her Vnckle taking the affaire into his more mature consi­deration, by the advice of his Nobles, thought it to be too great a burden for her to support, especially her indisposition com­ming [Page 149] so farre short of the wisedome, and va­lour of her Mother, and therefore dischar­ged and dispossessed her thereof, annexing it to the Crowne, and making it a prime limbe, of the body of his Kingdome: which though it was done with some contention, and difficulty; yet the King prevailed in his purpose, allotting unto her the Townes of Notingham, Tom-woorth, and Derby: expe­cting shee would have defended them in as brave and warlike a manner, as her Mother before her had done, but finding the contra­ry, he tooke them also from her, and redu­ced them into his owne subjection.

Henry, Arch-bishop of Huntington, an Histriographer, and Poet (such as those times afforded) wrote much of the Chronicles of England, and composed many Elegies, and Ditties of this noble Lady Elpheda, of which these ensuing are a part.

Caesars triumphs were not so much to praise,
Her Epitaph.
As was of Elpheda, that shields so oft did raise
Against her enemies, this noble vanqueresse
Virago, whose vertues can I not expresse.

These amongst others are remembred by Fabiam, one of our English Chronologers, whom in this briefe tractate (for the contra­ctednesse used in his Annals) I have strived to imitate.

King Edward, in the death of his Royall sister Elpheda, having lost his chiefe suppor­tresse, [Page 150] yet notwithstanding builded a new Towne directly over against old Nothing­ham, and made a faire Bridge, to make a pas­sage betwixt them, of whom Marianus the Scot, William of Malmsbury, and Henry of Huntington further report, that he subdued the two Kings of Scotland and Wales, King Edward subdued the two Kings of Scotland and Wales. who about the twentieth yeare of his raigne e­lected, and acknowledged him for their Lord and Patron. Hee also in the North part of Mercia, by the River Merce, built a City or Towne called Thylwall, and after repaired the City of Mouchester, which had beene much defaced by the Danes, after which and many other his structures, and noble at­chievements, which would appeare too te­dious here to relate. He finally expired, (ha­ving raigned in great honour and trouble) at Tarringdon; in the twenty fourth yeare of his raigne, and from thence his body was conveighed to Winchester, and interred in the Monastery of Saint Swithine: leaving behinde him divers Sonners, of which Ethel­stane was the eldest, and succeeded in the Throne Imperiall, who began his raigne o­ver the greatest part of England, in the yeare of grace, nine hundred and twenty five, and in the third yeare of Rodolphus King of France this Ethelstane, King Ethel­stane. much beautified the tombe of his Aunt Elpheda, and is said to be the first annointed King of this Land, &c.


QVeene Margarets Father, as all pens agree,
King of Ierusalem and Sicilee.
Had neither Crowne nor Country (th' Annals say)
And what's command, where none are to obey?
Yet those meere timpanous Titles, Suffolke drew
Twixt her, and the sixt Henry to pursue,
A speedy match, mauger the prae-contract,
Tweene him and th' heire to the Earle Arminack,
Which raised strange combustions in the state,
This flourishing Kingdome, nigh to ruinate.
In which, she tooke on her a Soveraigne power,
S [...]iting her present fortunes, not her Dower,
Her: many strange desasters did befall,
But her undaunted spirit ore-came them all.
She knew the mannage both of Pen and Pike,
The Court and Campe to her were both alike,
In bloody battles she tooke great delight,
And would, (if flie to day) to morrow fight.
Who can this Queenes heroicke spirit expresse,
A foe to Peace, in field, a Championesse,
Vsurping all that Majesty could claime,
Leaving her Husband, nothing save his name,
He weares the Crowne, she Sword and Scepter bore,
What could the brave Semiramis doe more?




IN the yeare of grace, one thousand foure hundred for­ty and two, Embassadours were sent from England in­to Guian, Preparation for a marri­age. where a match was concluded betwixt King Henry the sixth, then of the age of one [Page 155] and twenty, and the Daughter of the Earle of Arminacke, which after was disannulled by the Earle of Suffolke, (a mighty man in those times) which occasioned a great afront betwixt the Lord Protector and him, which grew unto much rage and blood-shed, (as may after appeare,) but to follow the Histo­ry close, the before named Earle of Suffolke, after the former match fell off, went with o­thers his Assotiates, and concluded a marri­age betwixt the King, and the Lady Mar­garet, Daughter to the King of Cicile, and Ierusalem, upon which contract were deli­vered unto the said King, the Dutchy of Angeon, and the Earledome of Maine, then called the two keyes, to open the way into Normandy, and in the next yeare after, the Earle of Suffolke, being created Marquesse, with his wife and other of the most honou­rable Ladyes of the Realme, The Lady Margaret brought over into England. sayled into France, to bring over this Lady into Eng­land, which was done with all solemnity; when Thomas Catwoorthe, was Lord Major, and Nicholas Wilford, and Iohn Norman were Sherifes of London.

The moneth after her arrivall into the Kingdome, The marriage of the King to the Lady Margaret. shee was espoused to the King, at a Towne called Sowthwicke, in the County of Hamshire, and from thence was honoura­bly conveyed, by the Lords and Peeres of the Land, to Blacke-Heath, and there met [Page 156] by the Lord Major, and the Citizens, and in great triumph brought to Westminster, and upon the thirtyeth day of May, which was the Sunday after Trinity Sunday, was so­lemnely Crowned; great Feasts, Iusts, and other martiall exercises, were held in the Sanctuary, before the Abby, for the space of three dayes after: But this match was held to be very unprofitable for the Kingdome; An unprofi­table match. first by giving up out of the Kings possession Angeon and Maine: And then, that for the charge of her comming over, there was demanded in Parliament, a fifteene and an halfe, by the Marquesse of Suffolke, which drew him into such a contempt and hatred of the people, that it after cost him his life.

Some also held it very ominous, because that after this Match, as the King lost his re­venues in France, so hee also hazarded the Natives and people of his owne Nation, for presently after, all the Common weale, and affaires of the estate, were mannaged by the Queene, The Queene assumes regall prerogative. and her Counsell, (being a woman of a brave and Heroicke Spirit) she assumed prerogative into her hands, all things began after to goe retrograds, and preposterous, which many conjectured was by the breach of that promise made by the King, unto the Earle of Arminackes daughter, for there fell upon this, that the King lost all his right in [Page 157] Norwaige, upon which followed a dissention and division of the Lord within the Realme; the rebellion of the Commonalty, against the Prince their Soveraigne, and in conclusion, the deposing of the King, and the Queene, with the Prince her Sonne, to be compelled to avoid the Land.

In the five and twentyeth yeare of this Kings raigne, a Parliament was held at Saint Edmunds bury, in Suffolke, to which all the Commons of that Country, were comman­ded in their most defensible aray, to waite upon the person of the King, where the Lords were no sooner assembled, Humphrey Duke of Glocester the Kings Vnckle but Humphrey Duke of Glocester, and Vnckle to the King, was arrested by Viscount Bewmount, then High Constable of England, (accompanyed with the Duke of Buckingham, and others) and two and thirty of his Principal Servants, committed unto severall prisons: His death. after which arrest, the Duke after sixe dayes was found dead in his bed, being the foure and twenti­eth day of February. And his body being exposed to the publicke view of all men, there was no wound found about him, not­withstanding which, of his death the Mar­quesse of Suffolke, A true cha­racter of Duke Hum­phrey. was shrowdly suspected, he was a man greatly honoured, and beloved of the Commons, as well for his discreete go­vernement of the Realme, during the Kings nonage, as for his brave and noble hospita­lity, [Page 158] in which none ever exceeded him, for which and many other of his unparalleld vertues, he purchased unto himselfe, (and not without cause) to bee called the good Duke of Glocester, whose body was after conveighed unto Saint Albones, and neere unto the shrine sollemnely interred.

Not long after, in the yeare one thousand foure hundred and fifty, during the foresaid Parliament, the Marquesse of Suffolke was arrested and sent to the Tower, where hee lived a moneth at his pleasure, which Parli­ament being after adjourned to Lecester, A Parliament at Lecester. thi­ther the King came, attended by Suffolke, where the Commons made great complaint of the delivering up of Angeou and Maine, to the dishonour of the kingdome; For which they accused the Marquesse, and others as guilty, as also for the murther of the good Duke of Glocester: to appease whom, they Exiled him the Land for five yeares, who obeying the sentence, tooke shipping in Northfolke, intending to have sayled, into France, but was met by the way by a ship of warre, called the Nicolas of the Tower, whose Captaine knowing the Duke, put into the Road of Dover, and caused his head to be strucke off on the side of a Boat, The death of the Marquesse of Suffolke and there left both head and body upon the sands, and then put to Sea againe, and this was the end of the Queenes great favourite, who save of [Page 159] her, and some of his owne creatures, dyed altogether unlamented.

I omit to speake of sundry insurrections, as that of Blew-beard, Blew-beard, Iacke Cade. and the Kentish men, with their Captaine Iacke Cade, who called himselfe Mortimer, and Cousin to the Duke of Yorke, with others, and come to tell you that the Duke of Somerset, succeeded Suffolke in the Queenes favour, by whom, and her Counsell, all the affaires of the Realme were mannaged: For she was a Lady of an haugh­ty and invincible spirit, and in the thirty se­cond yeare of the Kings raigne, The birth of Prince Ed­ward. was delive­red of a Princely Sonne called Edward: In which interim great discontent arose among the Nobles and Peeres of the Land, especi­ally the Duke of Somerset, and others of the Queenes Counsell grew in great hatred, for the giving up of Normandy by appointment: for which and other grievances, the Duke of Yorke (father to him who was after King Edward the fourth,) with other con­federate Lords, opposed the Queene, and her faction, of which mortall warre ensu­ed.

The King being much instigated by this magnanimous Lady his Queene, The Queene the instigator of all combu­stions. accompa­nyed with the Duke of Somerset, with a great army, tooke their journey towards the Mar­ches of Wales, being ascertained that the Duke of Yorke, with sundry other Lords, [Page 160] were up in Armes, who understanding of the Kings comming with so great a power, The procee­ding of the Duke of Yorke swarved from his Hoast, and tooke his way towards London, but because hee could not be received into the City, to refresh his peo­ple, he went over Kingstone Bridge, and so into Kent, where on a place cald Bremt heath he embatteld himselfe: soone after came the King to Blacke-heath, and did the like; these two Armies affronting each other, a motion was made to mediate a peace betwixt them, to further which, to the Duke were sent the Bishops of Winchester, and Elye, and the Earles of Warwicke, and Salisbury, to whom the answer was, that he intended no violence against the person of the King, A Peace me­diated be­twixt the King and the Duke. onely to re­moove from about him, some evill disposed persons, by whose meanes his people was much oppressed, and the Commons greatly impoverished, the chiefest of which was the Duke of Somerset, to satisfie whom, it was concluded by the King, that hee should be kept in durance to answer all such Articles, as the Duke could object against him.

Vpon which promise made by the King, the first day of March, being thursday, the Duke broke up his Campe, and personally came to the Kings tent, where he found the Duke of Sommerset at liberty, and the next attending on the King, The Duke of Yorke sent to the Tower. and by the Queenes meanes, the Duke of Yorke was sent to Lon­don, [Page 161] where he remained in a sort a prisoner, and more straitly had beene kept, The Earle of March soone to the Duke of Yorke. if present newes had not come, that his Sonne Edward then Earle of Marsh, was hastning up towards London, with a strong power of Welsh, and Marchmen, which stroke so suddaine a ter­rour into the Queene and her Counsell, that the Duke was set at large, having liberty to retire himselfe into his owne country: soone after by meanes of the Queene, Summerset created Cap­taine of Ca [...]is. the Duke of Summerset, was created Captaine of Callis, which kindled a new fire in the Yorkists, in­somuch that the Duke being in the Marches of Wales, called unto him the Earles of War­wicke and Salisbury, A new com­bustion. with divers other Lords, Knights, and Esquires, and sufficiently strengthened himselfe, and in Aprill, made what speed he could towards London.

Which hearing the King and the Queene, shee suddenly caused, (using the Kings name and Authority, in all things) a strong Army to be levyed, entending to conveigh the King West-ward, without incountring the Duke of Yorke. In which were imployed the Dukes of Summerset and Buckingham, Lords of the Queenes party the Earles of Stafford and Northumberland, the Lord Clif­ford and others, who held their journey to­wards Saint Albones, which the Duke hea­ring coasted the Country, and upon Thurs­day before Whitsunday: tooke one end of the Towne, where whilst motion of peace [Page 162] was treated on the one party, the Earle of Warwicke with the March-men, entered on the other, and skirmished violently against the Kings people: The battle at Saint Al [...]ones In conclusion, the day fell to the Yorkists, where that time was slaine the Duke of Sommerset, the Earle of Northumberland, and the Lord Cl [...]fford, with many other Noble Gentlemen: which vi­ctory thus obtained by the Duke, hee with great seeming honour and reverence, the morrow following, The Kings prison. The Duke of Yorke Pro­tector. conveighed the King to London, and lodged him in the Bishops pal­lace, and soone after by a Parliament held at Westminster, the Duke of Yorke, was made Protector of England, the Earle of Salisbu­ry, Chancellour, and the Earle of Warwicke, Captaine of Callis, and all persons (before) neere unto the King, remooved, and the Queene and her Counsell, who before ruled all, both King, and land, utterly disabled for having voyce in either: at all which her high Spirit seemed nothing daunted.

But with some Lords, who secretly adhe­red unto her party, she so far perswaded that in making the King insufficient, it was such a dishonour to him, and disgrace to the Realme, Yorke dis­charged of his Protector­ship. that by pollicy and friendship, shee caused the Duke of Yorke, to be discharged of his Protectors place, and the Earle of Sa­lisbury, from being Chancellour, which was the cause of new combustion, and finding (as [Page 163] shee thought) the City of London, to fa­vour more the Yorkists, then her faction, shee caused the King to remove thence to Coven­try, whether the Duke with the Earles of Warwicke and Salisbury, were sent for, who in their way were so ambusht, that with great difficulty they escaped from being surprised: an other assembly of all the Lords, was ap­pointed at London, where all of them were richly accompanyed, and strongly attended where a seeming attonement was made be­twixt them, for joy of which, upon our Ladyes day in Lent, the King, the Queene, and Lords of both parties, Procession to Pauls. went in sollemne pro­cession to Pauls.

But this smothered fire broke quickely into open flame, I will let passe many of the circumstances, and come to the matter: The Duke of Yorke knowing the inveterate ma­lice, which the Queene bore unto him: as­sembled his Friends, and gathered a strong army of March-men and others, in the be­ginning of the thirty eight yeare of the King, and strongly encamped himselfe at Ludlow; the Queene also gathered like strength, to encounter the Duke, unto whose aide the Earle of Warwicke sent a strong band of men from Callis, Andrew Trollope. in whose company one Andrew Trollop, who the night before the incounter, with the entire company of those Callis soul­diers, left the Dukes Hoast, and went unto [Page 164] the Kings, where they were joyfully recei­ved, which much dismaide the Yorkists, and the more because they were privy to all their counsell, Yorkes flight and his Army dissolved. wherefore upon mature delibera­tion, they resolved to flye and leave their Campe standing, as if they had still kept the field: the Duke with his two sons, and some few others fled into Wales, and so after into Ireland, and there remained: the o­ther Lords of his confederacy, tooke their way into Devonshire, from thence they say­led into Garnesy, and after to Callis.

In the morning, when all this was knowne to the adverse party, there was sending and running to all Ports, The Dutchesse of Yorke priso­ner, and Lud­low spoyled. and places, to surprise these Lords, but their pursuite came to late, so that the Kings Army spoyled Ludlow, and the Castles, and tooke the Dutchesse of Yorke, and her children, and sent them to the Dutchesse of Buckingham, her sister, then were all the Yorkists proclaimed Rebels, The Yorkists proclaimed Traitors. and Traitors, and the young Duke of Summerset made by the Queene, Captaine of Callis: but notwithstanding, all the Kings Authori­ty joyned with hers, hee could not be there received, which was the cause of many skir­mishes, and much blood shed, in which, though the Lords lost many men, yet they came dayly so thicke unto them, out of di­verse parts of England, that their losse was not perceived; In which interim one Iohn [Page 165] Dinham, was sent with certaine ships, to set upon the Kings Navy at Portsmouth, Iohn Dinham surprised the Kings Navy. who sped him so well that he tooke the Lord Ri­vers in his bed, with the Lord Skales his son, with other rich preys, taking of the Kings Navy what shippes them best liked; which some conjecture was not without the consent of the Mariners, who bore a singular affecti­on to the Earle of Warwicke.

With part of these ships the Earle of War­wicke sayled into Ireland, to conferre with the Duke of Yorke, about their re-entry into the Land, and returned into Callis with safe­ty, in which time a Parliment was held at Coventry, by Authority whereof, the Duke of Yorke with the other Lords were attain­ted and their Lands and goods ceased to the Kings use, then provision was made to de­fend the Havens, and Ports, and at Sandwich was ordained a new strength, under the command of one Sir Simon Mountford, that none should passe unto the aide of the Lords, of which they having intelligence, sent out a­nother Navy un [...]o Sandwich, and after long fight with the said Mountford, Simon Mountford beheaded by the York­ists. tooke him, and at a place called Ris-banke, smote off his head: after which the confederate Lords seeing what power they had with them, and knowing that many hearts in England adhe­red to their faction, after they had set Callis in order, they prepared for England, and [Page 166] landed at Dover, and marching through Kent, The York [...]sts land in Eng­land. came to London the second day of Iu­ly, where having well refreshed their peo­ple, they sped them towards the King, who was then at Coventry, and awaited there with a sufficient army.

The battle at Northampton.Who marching as farre as Northampton, the ninth day of Iuly both hosts incountred, where betwixt them was a blooddy battle fought, but in the end, the victory fell to the Earles of Warwicke and Salisbury, and the Kings host were utterly defeated, The Kings host discom­fitted. and many of his Noblemen slaine, amongst which were the Duke of Buckingham, the Earle of Shrewsbury, the Vicount Bewmount, Lord Egremond and others, and the King taken in the field: The King ta­ken. after which victory by the Lords obtained, they brought the King (still kee­ping his estate) up to London, and lodged him in the Bishops pallace, and sent newes of their happy successe to the Duke of Yorke who was at that time in Ireland: A Parlia­ment was then cald in the name of the King, and holden at Westminster, during which, the Duke of Yorke, upon the tenth day of October came to the City of Westminster, and lodged him in the Kings pallace, Yorke lodgeth in the Kings Pallace. upon which a rumour rose that Henry should be deposed, and the Duke of Yorke made King.

Whilst these things were thus in agitation, the Duke came one day unto the Parliament [Page 167] Chamber, Yorke layeth claime to the Crowne. and in the presence of the Lords, sate him downe in the Kings Chaire, and boldly made claime to the Crowne, as his rightfull inheritance. At which the Lords began to murmure, as well his friends, as o­thers, and after the matter was long dispu­ted, the Duke was perswaded to renounce that claime, during the life of King Henry: In all which time the Queene, whom all these terrours could not daunt, The Queenes magnanimity. kept her selfe with the Lords of her party, in the North, and using the Kings name, gathered a strong power, which (as she protested in the front of her Campe) was to be revenged on the Kings Rebells, and Enemies: There is one thing worthy observation, that during this Competitorship betwixt the King and the Duke, though they lodged both within one pallace, yet would he for no intercession or intreaty, Yorks pride. once visit the King, which could be little lesse interpreted, then an haughty, and ambitious insolence.

To proceede, it was after concluded by the Authority of the whole Parliament, The decree of the Parlia­ment. that King Henry should continue King all his na­turall life, but after his death, Prince Ed­ward his sonne to be made incapable of that Royall dignity, but the Duke and his Heires to be Kings; and he in the meane time to be made Protector, and Regent of the Land and if at any time the King of his owne free [Page 168] will, were disposed to resigne, it should be to the Duke, if he then lived, or else to his Heires after him: which on the Saturday next, being the ninth day of November, was proclaimed through the City. And further, because Queene Margaret, with the Prince her Sonne, the Dukes of Summerset, and Exeter, with divers other Lords, kept her still in the North, and came not up at the Kings sending, it was concluded by the Lords there present, that the Duke of Yorke with the Earle of Salisbury, and others, should raise an Army to fetch in the said Queene, and Lords, who hearing of their comming met with him neere unto Wakefield, where was fought betwixt them a sharpe and bloo­dy battle, The battle of Wakefield. The Duke of Yorke slaine. in which the Duke of Yorke was slaine with his young Sonne, the Earle of Rutland, with Sir Thomas Nevell, sonne to the Earle of Salisbury, and the Earle him­selfe was taken alive, and soone after be­headed.

It is said that the Duke of Yorke being sore wounded, was brought before the Queene, who in great derision and scorne, placed him on a molehill, instead of a Throne, and put a Crowne of paper on his head for a Diadem, and after she had sufficiently taunted, his am­bition, caused him to be slaine; this done with her victorious host, shee made what speede shee could towards London, and at [Page 169] Saint Albones was met by the Earle of War­wicke and the Duke of Northfolke (who brought the King with them to the field, Another bat­tle at Saint Albons. where after a strong fight, upon a Shrove­tuesday in the morning, the Duke, and Earles Army were routed, and the King againe ta­ken and brought unto the Queene. Prince Ed­ward made Knight. The same day she caused her sonne Edward to be made Knight, with other Gentlemen to the num­ber of thirty persons.

The Queene being now in her former su­preame command, and thinking to sway all things as before, at her owne pleasure: newes were brought that Edward Earle of March, eldest Sonne to the Duke of Yorke, Edward Earle of March rai­seth new for­ces. and the Earle of Warwicke were met, with a great strength of March-men, and others, and were speeding towards London; which tidings compelled the King and Queene, to retire them with their Army Northward, the other taking this advantage entred the City, the first weeke in Lent; to whom resorted great numbers of Gentlemen, from the South and East, then was a great Counsell called of the Lords, spirituall and temporall, who after many argumen [...]s debated, gave up this sen­tence, that forasmuch as King Henry contra­ry to his honour, and promise at the last par­liament made, and also that he was reputed unable and insufficient to governe the Realme, by their generall assents he was [Page 170] thought worthy to be deposed, and dischar­ged of all royall dignity. Henry thought wor­thy to be de­posed.

Then incontinently by the Authority of the said Counsell, and consent of the Com­mons, there present: Edward the eldest son to the Duke of Yorke, with an unanimous suffrage was elected King, Edward Earle of March made King. and being royally accompanyed to Westminster, was invested in the Throne, and tooke possion of the Crowne, thence by the Clergy, he was con­veighed in sollemne procession to Saint Ed­munds shrine, and there offered as King, re­ceiving the Homage and [...]ealty, of all the Lords there present, &c. Then was great provision made for the North, against the Queene and her partisans, the Earle of War­wicke, upon a Saturday, in the beginning of March, with a great puissance of people, departed from London Northward, and on the Wednesday following, the Kings Infan­try followed, and upon Fryday next after, being the tenth of March, the King rode through the City, with a great band of men, passing Bishopsgate, and so holding on his journey, sped him so well, that he with the rest of his Forces, met with their enemies, at a Village, The bloody battle at Towton, or Shirborne. nine miles and an halfe on this side Yorke, called Towton or Shirborne.

Vpon Palme sunday he gave them battle, which was fought with such eagernesse and fury, that in the field, and in the chase were [Page 171] slaine of the Queenes party, thirty thousand men, besides those of speciall note and name, amongst which are numbred the Earle of Northumberland, the Earle of Westmerland, the Lord Clifford, the Lord Egremond, Sir Andrew Trollop, (who had before revol­ted with his Callis Souldiers, from the York­ists at Ludlow) with divers others, there were taken also the Earle of Willshire, or De­vonshire, who was sent to Yorke, and there after beheaded, Henry with his Queene flye into Scotland. of which bloody conflict, and irrecoverable losse, Henry and Mar­garet, having notice, they with their sonne Edward, the Duke of Summerset, the Lord Rosse, and others, in all hast fled towards Scotland, and the King upon the morrow, with much of his people entred into Yorke, and there kept his Easter.

Thus the most infortunate Prince Henry, (of whom it is truely observed, Henry in all his actions most infortu­nate. that he was never personally in any battle, but it was lost) when he had raigned full thirty eight yeares, sixe months and odde dayes, and that Heroycall Lady Margaret, (whom even this last disaster could not daunt) was forc't to flye, whilst King Edward having setled all the affaires in the North, under the charge of the Earle of Warwicke, visited all the Countryes, South and East, and about the beginning of Iune, came to his Mannor of Sheene, (since called Richmond) in which [Page 172] time of his abode there, provision was made for his royall Coronation. Then upon the twenty seventh of the same moneth being Fryday, hee rode to the Tower of London, attended by the Lord Major and his Bre­thren, and upon the morrow being Satur­day, he made twenty eight Knights of the Bathe, and foure more after: the same after­noone he was with great solemnity convey­ed through the City, The Corona­tion of King Edward, the fourth of that name. those two and thirty Knights riding before him in blew gownes, and hoods, and upon the morrow being Sun­day, and Saint Peters day, with great triumph Crowned, and annoyn [...]ed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, &c.

Queene Mar­garets Army.In the second yeare of this King, Mar­garet late Queene, came out of France into Scotland, and thence into England, with an Army of Frenchmen, and Scots, of which King Edward having notice, he sped him in­to the North, with a strong Army, at the rumour of which (by reason of the cowar­dice of her Souldiers, she was forced to dis­band and flye, Margaret di­stressed by Sea. and tooke a small ship, inten­ding to saile into France, but by reason of a great tempest, shee was forced to leave her owne barke, and take a small Fisher-boate, by meanes of which shee landed at Bar­wicke, and came unto the Scottish King, where shee heard her barke perished in the tempest in which shee had great riches [Page 173] and treasure: notwithstanding, at her insti­gation, the yeare after, shee with her Hus­band invaded England, with a great Army of Scottish men; which hearing, then the Lord Montague, (Brother to the Earle of Warwicke) he assembled the Northerne men and gave them battle at a place calld Exham, Exham field. and there routed them, chasing Henry so nere that he surprized certaine of his follow­ers, habited in Iackets of blew Velvet, gar­nished with Crownes of gold, and fretted with pearle, and other rich stones; not­withstanding his so narrow escape, in the end of the same yeare, Henry tooke Prisoner. hee was ta­ken in a wood in the North Country, by one named Cantlow, and presented to the King, who sent him as Prisoner to the Tower, where he remained a long time af­ter.

Some few moneths before this, King Ed­ward at a place called Graston, neere unto Stony Stratford, King Edward marryeth Eli­zabeth Gray. upon the first day of May, secretly espoused Elizabeth, late wife of Sir Iohn Grey, Knight, who was slaine at Tow­ton field neere unto Yorke, at which marri­age were present none save themselves, the Dutchesse of Bedford, her Mother, two Gentlewoman, and one Gentleman, who the next yeare after, upon Whitsunday, was with great sollemnity Crowned at Westmin­ster, which marriage was the occassion of [Page 174] much trouble in the Land, of which I am loath long to insist, as unwilling to meddle with any impertinences, not genuine with the particular actions, and fortunes of the Queene Margaret, the subject now in hand.

Yet thus farre I must travell in the Histo­ry, to informe you that the Earle of War­wicke, was before sent into France, to treate about a marriage betwixt the King and the Lady Bova, The Lady Bova. who by reason of the former match, thought himselfe much disparaged and dishonoured: therefore hee withdrew himselfe from the King, and confedered un­to him the Duke of Clarens, who had before marryed his daughter, and notwithstanding the King sent peaceably unto them, as desi­ring reconsilement, yet they sayled into France, solliciting the ayde of Lewis the e­leventh, who by reason of the former affront (concerning the Lady Bova) gladly condis­cended to their request, where they consul­ted with Queene Margaret, and the Earle of Oxford, The Duke of Clarens, and Earle of War­wicke procla­med Rebels. for their returne into England, in which meane space, King Edward com­manded them to be proclaimed as Rebels, and Traitours, throughout the Realme.

In the tenth yeare of the King, and the month of Sceptember, the Duke of Clarence, the Earles of Warwicke, Pembrooke, and Ox­ford, with others landed at Dertmouth in De­vonshire, and made Proclamations in the [Page 175] name of King Henry, Henry againe proclaimed King. to whom much people desirous of innovation resorted, and drew towards the King, (then being in the North,) who having with him, but small strength, and (of them too) those whom hee durst scarse trust, he with the Duke of Gloster, the Lord Hastings, and a few others, tooke the next way towards the Washes in Lincolne­shire, and with great danger, not without the losse of some of his company, King Edward flyes the land. got over into Flanders, and sped thence to Charles Duke of Burgoine, who had before marryed his sister, where he rested for a season, meane space the Duke of Clarence, and the other Lords drew nere unto the City, and after rode unto the Tower, and withall honour and reverence, Henry recei­ved as King. brought out King Henry, and conveighed him to Saint Pauls, and lodged him in the Bishops pallace who was general­ly admitted, and taken for King, through the whole Land.

And now was great expectation for the lan­ding of Queene Margaret, Strange alte­ration in the state. and her Sonne Prince Edward, and great provision made through all the coast, to oppose King Ed­wards landing, who in a Parliament then called, Glocester, who was after Richard the third. was proclaimed usurper of the Crowne, and the Duke of Glocester his youn­ger Brother Traytor, and both of them at­tainted by the said Parliament, then the Earle of Warwicke rid to Dover, to have re­ceived [Page 176] Queene Margaret, but was disappoin­ted, for the wind was to her so contrary, that shee lay at the Sea side, tarrying for a conve­nient passage, from November till Aprill, so that he was forced to returne without effect­ing his purpose.

Edward land­eth in EnglandIn the beginning of which moneth Aprill, King Edward landed in the North, with a small number of Flemmings, and others, all which could scarse m [...]ke up a thousand, and sped him towards Yorke, making his Pro­clamations in the name of King Henry, He maketh his Procla­mations in the name of King Henry. and protested to the people as he went, that hee came for no other intent but to claime his an­tient inheritance, the Dukedome of Yorke; notwithstanding which, the City denyde him admittance, till he tooke an oath, which having done, Edward pos­sesseth Yorke. they opened their gates unto him, when after he had refreshed his Souldi­ers, he held his way on towards London; and having passed (either favor of faire words) the Lord Marquesse Montacut, who lay with an Army in the way to interdict his journey, seeing that his strength was greatly increa­sed, and that the people dayly flockt unto him, hee then made proclamations in his owne name as King of England, and held on his way to London, where he was releeved, and the same day hee rode to Saint Pauls Church, Henry surpri­sed by Ed­ward. and offred at the Altar, which done hee went to the Bishops pallace, where hee [Page 177] found King Henry, allmost alone, for all the Lords, and others, to save their owne lives, had utterly forsaken him.

Then King Edward lodged himselfe, where King Henry lay, and committed him to strict keeping, and rested himselfe till Easter Eve, who hearing of his brothers comming, and the other Lords with him, with a strong host, unto Saint Albones, hee sped him thi­ther, and lay that night at Barnet, whether the Duke of Clarence, (contrary to his oath made to the French King) came with all the strength he had, and reconciled himselfe to his Brother: at which the Lords were much daunted, yet by the comfort and incourage­ment of the Earle of Oxford, The Earle of Oxford lead­eth the Van. they marched on to Barnet, (the foresaid Earle leading the van) and there they strongly embattelled themselves.

Vpon the morrow being the foureteenth of Aprill and Easterday, very earely in the morning, the two hosts defied each other, upon the one party were two Kings, Edward and Henry, (who brought him with him to the battle, The Battle at Barnet.) Clarence, and Glossester, the Lord Barnes, &c. And upon the other was the Duke of Exeter, the two Earles of Warwicke and Oxford, the Marquesse Mountacute, with many other men of note, and name: In which fight, the Earle of Oxford quit him­selfe so manfully, that he quite routed that [Page 178] part of the field which hee set upon, inso­much that newes was carryed to London, King Edward had lost the day, and if his Soul­diers, had kept their rankes, and not falne to rifling, most likely it had beene so. But after long and cruell fight King, Edward got the victory, Lords slaine in the battle. having slaine of his enemies, the Marquesse Mountacute, the Earle of War­wicke his brother, with many others: (on the Kings party, the Lord Barnes, and upon both parties, to the number of fifteene hun­dred and upwards: the same after noone came King Edward to London, and made his offring at Saint Pauls, and after rode to West­minster, and there lodged; and King Henry was againe committed to the Tower, where he remained till his death.

And now great preparation was made a­gainst the landing of Queene Margaret, and her sonne: who all this while had beene nere to the Sea side, expecting a winde, which after blew for her, Queene Mar­garet landeth in England. most infortunately: yet was shee safely landed, with an Army of French men, and others, and entered so farre within the Realme, till shee came to a place called Teuxbury, where the King met with her, The battle at Teuxbury. and after some resistance, distressed and chased her whole company, in which con­flict many were slaine, and their bodyes found dead in the place, Margaret with the Prince her son taken. and shee her selfe with her sonne Edward, both taken Prison­ers, [Page 179] and brought to the King: whom shee fronted with a bold and an undaunted coun­tenance, and forgetting what shee was then, a prisoner: Her magna­nimity. boldly spake to him, as what shee had beene, a commanding Princesse; which the King not having the patience to indure, commanded her from his pre­sence.

The Prince also, the true heire to his Mo­thers magnanimous spirit, being not onely reprooved, but somewhat villified by the King, whose blood was not yet cooled, since the late battle, replyed unto him in a lan­guage, best suiting his birth, and the Sonne of such a Mother, at which King Edward being highly mooved, and beyond all pati­ence incensed, (having then his Gantlet on) (for he had not yet put of his armour) strucke him upon the face, Prince Ed­ward murthe­red by the Duke of Glo­cester. which blow was no soo­ner given, but he was instantly dragged from the Kings presence, and by the Duke of Glo­cester (as same reports) most tyrannously murthered, and this hapned upon the fourth day of May.

When the Queene heard of the death of her Sonne, and the manner thereof, the more to aggravate it, great (no question) was her griefe, but much greater, and alto­gether inexpressible, her rage and fury, not having power to revenge her selfe upon her enemies: this more tormenting her, then [Page 180] the durance of the King her husband, her owne captivity, or the losse of her king­dome, yet outwardly shee is said to have borne all these disasters, with an incompara­ble magnanimity: who was first conveigh­ed to London, and from thence, (with small attendance, Queene Mar­garet sent into her owne Country. The death of Henry. and lesse estate) sent over into her owne Country, and upon Assention Eve next ensuing, the body of Henry the sixth late King, was brought unreverently from the Tower, through the high streetes of the City, to Saint Pauls, and there left for that night, and the next morrow with bills and glaves, (as he was the day before) brought from the Tower thither, conveighed to Chertsey, and without any sollemnity at all, there interred, His buriall. of the manner of whose death there be divers reports, but the common fame went, that he was stab'd to death with a dagger, by the bloody hand of Richard Duke of Glocester.


THis Virgin Soveraigne of our Maiden Isle.
On whom blind Fortune did both frowne, and smile
Great Honour, and great Horrour, did indure,
Not safe, being Subject, not being Queene, secure;
Examine both: It is not easily guest,
In which of them she did demeane her best;
And of those double Fates, tis hard to know
In which, she did most dangers undergoe.
Had I more heads then Spanish Gerion, he
Who to one body had no lesse them three,
More hands then great Briareus (to be wondred)
Whose active skill (at once) could moove an hundred,
In every one a pen: As many eyes,
As Iuno's Argus, waking; to devise.
Of her perfections onely; Head, Hands, Sight,
(In striving but to patterne her aright)
All, (though in their full vigour) I should sinde,
Strucke on the suddaine, Stupid, Dull, and Blinde.
Chaste Virgin, Royall Queene, belov'd and fear'd,
Much on the Earth admir'd, to Heaven indeer'd.
Single, and singular, (without another)
A Nurse to Belgia, and to France; a Mother
Potent by Land, sole Soveraigne of the Maine,
Antagonist to Rome, the scourge of Spaine.




AS the most famous Painter of his Time, Apelles, to frame the picture of one Venus, A Character of Queene E­lizabeth. had a [...] once exposed to his view an hundred of the most choyce and ex­quisite Virgins, of Greece, to take from one [Page 185] the smoothest brow, from a second, the most sparkling eye: a third, the Rosiest colloured cheeke, a fourth the best Corrall like lippe; a fifth, the sweetest dimpled chinne: a sixth the daintiest swelling brest, a seventh, the whitest hand: from another, the most deli­cate foote, and so of the rest: and all to make the exact portrature of that Emergent goddesse; so in the accurate expression of this rare Heroicke Elizabeth, should I peruse all the ancient, and Authenticke Histo­ries, and out of them select the lives of the most vertuous Ladyes, for their rare and ad­mirable indowments, commended to poste­rity, and perpetuity; taking and extr [...]cting from them severally, those sundry gifts and graces by which they were remarkeably eminent above others, (whether Piety, or Virgin [...]ll purity; Beauty, and bounty; Ma­jesty, and magnanimity; Language, and learning; polliticke Governement, or pra­ctise of goodnesse; pitty of forra [...]gne distres­sed nations, or indulgence over her owne Natives, &c.) Nay, what praecelling vertue soever, was commendable in any one parti­cular, or all in generall, may, without flatte­ry be justly conferred on her.

Shee was the Daughter of King Henry, the eighth of that name; Her descent. and of his second wife, the Lady Anne Bullaine, first created Marchionesse of Pembrooke, and then espou­sed [Page 186] to the King, the five and twentyeth day of Ianuary, 1533. and upon Whitsunday next following at Westminster crowned Queene, the seventh of September after, Her birth. shee was deli­vered of a faire Daughter, to the great and unspeakeable joy, both of the Prince, and people, shee was Christened the third day next ensuing, Her Baptisme. being Wednesday, in the Fry­ers Church in Greenewich, in a Font of silver, The old Dutchesse of Northfolke held the Babe: Her Godfather was Thomas Cran­mer, Arch-bishop of Canterbury, and Metro­politane of all England, her Godmothers, the Dutchesse of Northfolke, and the Mar­quionesse of Dorset, both Widdowes.

Not long after the birth of this young Princesse, An oath of Allegiance ta­ken. a generall oath of Allegiance past through the Kingdome to support and main­taine the successive heires, descending from the bodies of the King, and Queene Anne, lawfully begotten, in the possession of the Crowne and Scepter, and all Imperiall ho­nours to them belonging, Katherine the mother, and Mary the daughter dis­abled of all [...] regall claime. by which Kathe­rine of Spaine his former wife, and the Prin­cesse Mary their daughter were disabled to lay any claime at all to the Royall dignity: and for this cause were the two young La­dies brought up a part, which might be a reason also, why there was such distance in their dispositions.

I have further read of this young Lady E­lizabeth, [Page 187] that there were pregnant hopes of her, Vnder what Constellation she was borne. even in her Mothers conception, Mer­cury being the starre which was at that sea­son most predominant, whose influence is sharpenesse of wit, and ingenuity; Iupiter, at her birth being in conjunction with Venus; and Soi, with a favourable Aspect, shining on either, a doubtlesse presage, that the Infant borne under that Constellation, should bee faire and fortunate, powerfull in warre, yet a Patronesse of peace, excellent in Learning, exquisite in language, in life honoured, in death lamented: Her Infancy. who in her tender Infancy was said, almost as soone to speake as to goe, and that her words had sence, as soone as sound, and not being full foure yeares of age, Her Child­hood, used every morning when shee opened her eyes, to aske for her booke, before shee called for bread, and at all other times of the day was observed to bee more ready to pray, then to prattle.

Queene Annes life being taken away by a violent death, Queene Anne dead. the morrow after, the King was marryed to his third wife, the Lady Iane Seymer, daughter to Sir Iohn Seymer, who on the twelfth day of October, Prince Ed­ward borne. Created Prince of Wales. In the yeare of grace 1537. was at Hampton Court deli­vered of a Sonne, whose Mother dyed the second day after, much lamented and pitty­ed, and the young Prince called Edward, was the eighteenth of the same moneth created [Page 188] Prince of Wales, and Duke of Cornwall, and Chester: the Father being so joyfull of his Sonne, that hee cast a neglectfull eye on his two former daughters, Mary and Eliza­beth, but the later of the two was in the first grace, for when Mary was separated from comming neere the Court, Elizabeth was ad­mitted to keepe the young Prince company, and from his Tutors received all such neces­sary documents, that by her childish dicta­ting unto him, he might be the more capable to understand them, and such was their prox­inity in blood, An alternate aff [...]ction be­tweene the Prince and his sister Eli­zabeth. that it begot in them a mutu­all and alternate affection, insomuch that he no sooner knew her, but he beganne to ac­knowledge her, neither was their love the lesse, comming from one loynes, then had they issued from one and the same wombe, being equally fortunate and unfortunate, as having one Royall Father, but either of them to be deprived of a mother, and in that too, having a kinde of mutuall correspondence, that though her Mother suffered by the sword, and his dyed in Child bed, yet both indured violent and inforced deaths.

To cut off circumstance: in the yeare one thousand five hundred forty sixe, The death of King Henry the eighth. and of his raigne the thirty eighth, King Henry the eighth, expired the 28. of December, and was the sixteenth day of February, next follow­ing, with great solemnity buryed at Windsor.

[Page 189]And upon the one and thirtyeth day of Ia­nuary, Prince Ed­ward procl [...]i­med King. was Prince Edward proclaimed King over all his Fathers Dominions and Realmes by the stile of Edward, the sixth of that name, and on the nineteenth of February, he rode with his Vnckle, Sir Edward Seymor, Duke of Summerset, and Lord Protector through the City of London. And the day following was annoynted and Crowned King, at West­minster, by Thomas Cra [...]mer. Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, and Metropolitane of all Eng­land, who that day administred the holy Sa­craments, &c.

The King was no sooner Crowned, but the Lady Elizabeth gave way to the present state, His Corona­tion. neither continued they in that frequent familiarity as before, for whereas in former time she loved him as a Brother, her discre­tion now taught her to honour him as her King, for though hee was a Prince of great meekenesse and modesty: for that Royall Majesty, which makes the difference betwixt the Sonne and the Father, distinguisheth be­twixt the Sister and the Brother. for they which had lived in great familiarity, now meete not but at distance, which proceeded not from his will, but the Majesty of state, the death of the Father which raised him to the Crowne: Her retire­ment into the Country. Remooved her from the Court into the Country, in which retirement, be­ing nobly attended by divers voluntary La­dies, [Page 190] and Gentlewomen, as also her owne traine and houshold servants, shee led there (though a more solitary) yet a more safe and contented life, and being there setled, shee received, to adde unto her revenue, many private gifts, with often visits sent from the King, who was very indulgent over her ho­nour, and health.

Scarse was shee full foureteene yeares of age, when her second Vnckle Seymor, Bro­ther to the Lord Protector, and Lord High Admirall of England brought her a Princely suiter, Her first sui­ter. richly habited, aud nobly attended, who after much importunity, both by him­selfe and friends, finding himselfe by her modest repulses, and cold answers, crost in his purpose, His name is conceald. setled in his minde, though not satisfied in her denyall, retyred himselfe into his Country.

The first unwelcome motion of marriage, was a cause why she studyed a more retyred life, as being seldome seene abroad, and if at any time the King her Brother had sent to in­joy her company at Court, Her Virgin modesty. shee made there no longer stay, then to know his Highnesse pleasure, and make tender of her duty, and service; and that done, with all convenient speede, tooke her journey backe into the Country, where shee spent the entire season of her Brothers raigne; who the sixth day of Iuly, in the sixteenth yeare of hi [...] age, and the [Page 191] seventh of his Princely governement, The death of King Edward the sixth. depar­ted the world at Greenewich.

The two Vnckles of the King (the onely Supporters, on which the safety of his Mino­rity leaned) being cut off by violent deaths, It was a generall feare, through out the Kingdome, that the Nephew should not sur­vive long after them, which accordingly happened: for the two great Dukes of Nor­thumberland and Suffolke, being in the prime and sole authority, concluded a match be­twixt the Lord Guildford Dudley, Sonne to Northumberland, and the Lady Gray, Daugh­ter to Suffolke, thinking thereby to disable both the Sisters, The Lady Iane Gray proclaimed Queene. Mary and Elizabeth, from any claime to the Crowne: and therefore the fourth day after the Kings death, the La­dy Iane was proclaimed Queene.

The Lady Mary being then at Framingham was much perplexed with that newes, espe­cially when shee heard it was done by the consent of the whole Nobili [...]y: to whom the Suffolke men assembled themselves, of­fring her their volentary assistance, The Duke of Northumber­land sent a­gainst the La­dy Mary. to at­taine unto her lawfull inheritance; which bruited at Wort, The Duke of Northum­berland, having a large and strong Commissi­on granted him, from the body of the whole Counsell, raised an Army to suppresse both her and her Assassinates, which was no soo­ner advanced, but the Lords repenting of so [Page 192] great an injury done to the late Kings Sister, [...]ent a Countermaund after him and when he thought himselfe in his greatest security, the nobility forsaking him, and the Commons abandoni [...]g him: being at Cambridge, saving his sonnes and some few servants, he was left alone, where he proclaimed the Lady Ma­ry Queene, in the open Market place: Not­withstanding, he was arrested in Kings Col­ledge, of high Treason, Northumber­land beheaded and from thence was brought up to the Tower, where upon the Hill, at the common Execution place, he lost his head, the twelfth of August next en­suing, the like fate happened to the Duke of Suffolke, The deaths of Suffolke, the Lady Ian [...], and Gu [...]lford Dudley. not many weekes after, as also to the sweete young couple, the Lord Guilford Dudly, and the Lady Iane Grey, of whose much lamented deathes, I cannot now in­sist.

The Lady Mary was proclaimed by the Suffolkemen Queene at Framingham, Mary procla­med Queene. the twentyeth of Iuly: and the third of August next, went by water to take possession of the Tower: her sister, the Lady Elizabeth, (whom, shee had before sent for out of the Country) accompanying her in the Barge. from the Tower shee rode through London, towards the Pallace at Westminster: The Lady Elizabeth to whom all this time shee showed a pleasant and gracious countenance, rid in a Chariot next after her, drawne by [Page 193] six white Horses trapt in cloath of Silver, the Open Chariot being covered over with the same, in which sate, onely (to accompany her) the Lady Anne of Cleave. The first day of October, Her Corona­tion. Mary was crowned Queene at Westminster, by Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester; the Lady Elizabeth being most Princesse-like attended, and present at her si­sters Coronation.

I come now to her troubles, The troubles of the Lady Elizabeth. and notwith­standing her many and miraculous dangers and deliverances being an absolute Princesse, yet greater were the difficulties shee past be­ing a Prisoner, then those the which the Pope menac'st her with his Bulls abroad: Her danger greater in her solitude then in her sove­raigntie. now the Popes agents seeke to supplant her with their power at home, and then her adversa­ries were Alians, now her opposites are na­tives. Then forraigne Kings sought to in­vade her, now a moderne Queene laboureth to intrap her, they strangers, she a sister: She lived then at freedome and without their jurisdicti­on, The reasons. shee lives now a captive subject to an incensed sisters indignation; she was then at­tended by her Nobilitie and grave Counsel­lours; she hath now none to converse with her, but Keepers and Jaylours: she in her so­veraigntie never stirred abroad without a strong guard of tall Yeomen and Gentlemen Pentioners; shee now is kept within close prisoner, waited on onely by rude and unman­nerly [Page 194] white and blacke coate Souldiers.

But having before published a tractate of this excellent Lady, intituled from her cradle to her Crowne, I will now onely give you a briefe nomination of these passages most per­tinent to this project now in hand, referring the Reader for his better satisfaction to the discourse before remembred.

Winchester infidiateth her life. Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester, and other Romists, offended with her Religion, la­boured not onely to supplant her from the Queenes love, but (if possible) to deprive her of her life, possessing the Queene that shee was consenting unto Sir Thomas Wyats insurrection; therefore a strict Commission was sent downe to Ashridge, where she then sojourned and lay extreamly sicke, where the Lords, the Commissioners besieged the house with Souldiers, entred her Bed-cham­ber without leave. Doctor Guin and Doctor Wendiffe. And notwithstanding two learned Doctors affirmed she could not bee removed without danger of life, the next morning hoysted her into an Horslitter to­wards London: Being arived at Court, for foureteene dayes confin'd to her chamber, no acquaintance to confer with her, no friend to comfort her; whereafter she was strictly ex­amined and sharpely reprooved, and notwith­standing nothing could be proved against her, commanded to the Tower by water, Her commit­ting to the Tower. and at such a time when in shooting the Bridge, the [Page 195] Barge grated against the Arches, being in great danger of splitting: her landing at the Traytors staires, Her hard usage. her churlish entertainment, her keeping close prisoner, her Family dis­solved, her servants discharged, her frights by day, her terrours by night: her often examination to entangle her in her speeches: her very diet served into her by groomes and common Souldiers; her conducting from one place to another, no day without threat­ning of danger, Her infinite dangers. no night but menacing death: her very lodgings fierd about her eares (as at Woodstocke.) And after all these miseries and farre more inexpressible calamities, her owne sister to set her hand to a warrant for her exe­cution, out of all which, notwithstanding, God in his infinite mercy miraculously delivered her.

Thus I have given you a small taste of her troubles, in all which as the difficulties were almost inevitable, Her great pa­tience. so her patience was altoge­ther incomparable, neither though by meanes of King Phillip (mediating for her in her troubles, King Phillip favoureth the Lady Eliza­beth.) though her libertie was the grea­ter, were her feares any whit the lesse all the time of her sisters raigne, to the end of which I will come as briefly as I can.

A great rumor ran through the Land that the Queene was with child by King Philip, An imposte­rous birth. and the time of her reckoning being come, it was given forth she was brought to bed of a sonne, [Page 196] and such an one as it was suspected was rea­dy prepared, of which Philip being informed, he would not depart the chamber at the time of her delivery, King Phillip discovereth the plot. by which meanes the plot tooke no effect, yet this young heyre was so voyced abroad that the Bells rung merrily in London, and great triumphs were made at Ant­warpe and other places: Triumphs for the supposed heyre. some said shee never conceived at all, others gave out that shee was with child, but the Abortive miscaried, others reported she had onely a Timpany, and some that it was onely rumoured for policie: The truth is King Philip seeing himselfe frustrate of an heyre, King Phillips departure out of the Land. upon the foureteenth of Septem­ber tooke leave of the Queene, and went over to visit his father the Emperour, and to take possession of the Low Countries, to her great griefe, whom (as many were of opinion) he but little affected, staying there a yeare and six moneths: His returne. And after at his returne backe he was met by the Queene at Dover, and thence brought through London with as great state and solemnitie as at a Coronation.

Observations concerning Queene Ma­ries raigne.It is observed that Queene Maries raigne was the shortest of all Kings since the Con­quest (save Richard the third, and that more Christian blood was spilt in that small time then had beene (in case of Religion) in any one Kings raignes since Lucius the first esta­blisher of Christianitie in England. In the latter end of her raigne Callis was lost, Callis lost. which [Page 197] two hundred and eleven yeares had belonged to the Crowne of England: It was first won by Edward the third, (the eleveth King from William the Conquerer) who had besieged it some few moneths, it was lost by Mary, be­ing the eleventh from Edward, in eight dayes which when she heard, shee sayd; The losse of Callis is written in my heart, and therein may be read, when my body shall be dissected.

Her conception fayling, great dearth in the Land raigning, much harme done by thun­ders on shoare, and by fire on her Royall Fleete by Sea, home troubles, forreigne losses, King Philips absence, and unkindnesse. These with other discontents brought her into a burning Feaver, The death of Queene Mary. of which shee dyed at Saint Iames neare Westminster the seventeenth of No­vember, Anno. 1558. after she had raigned five yeares foure moneths and eleven dayes, ha­ving lived forty two yeares, nine moneths, and six dayes, and lyeth buried in a Chappell in the Minster of Saint Peters, without any mo­nument or other remembrance.

The same day that Queene Mary dyed, Lady Eliza­beth proclay­med. the Lady Elizabeth in the twentie fourth yeare, second moneth, and tenth day of her age re­mooved from Hatfield to the Charterhouse, f [...]om whence she was royally attended to the Tower, and the foureteenth of the same moneth passed from thence through the City of London towards Westminster: I omit the state­ly [Page 198] Pagents and presented in the way to this her inaguration (which would aske a large expression) to conclude the next day follow­ing being the fifteenth shee was with all so­lemnitie annointed and crowned. Her Corona­tion.

I proceede with the beginning of her raigne; How the state stood in the beginning of her raigne. when the state was not onely much weakned but greatly afflicted, having many enemies and few friends, notwithstanding with a dauntlesse and heroick spirit shee ex­posed the most potent Philip King of Spaine and of the Low Countries her brother in Law, upon the installing his great Grandfather Fer­dinando, whose daughter Katherine (by the Popes authoritie had beene before espowsed to two naturall brothers, Prince Arthur and Henry, so he likewise by the like dispensation endeavoured to marry with two sisters, first Mary and after Elizabeth: King Phillip a suiter to mar­ry Queene Elizabeth. but mauger all the dangers depending upon her deniall, abhor­ring in her chaste reservations any such ince­stuous contract, though hee pretended the connivence at least, if not the full approbati­on of the sea of Rome, by refusing the match made him her publick and professed enemy, which after broake out into defiance, and the publication of open wars.

A second observable thing was, that the French King Henry the second, having marri­ed his sonne Francis the Dolphin to Mary Queene of Scotland, (mooved by the house [Page 199] of Guise) had interlaced the Armes of Eng­land with those of Scotland, Great prepa­ [...]ation of the French to in­vade England. proclayming Ma­ry his Queene and wife the indubitate heyre to the Crowne of England, alleadging for their colour that Elizabeth, A weake ground to support so great a title. in regard she stood at that time convicted by the Pope of here­sie was uncapable of the Royall Crowne and dignitie: thus animated by the Guisians, they sent their Armies into Scotland with a con­stant assurance that as soone as Scotland was but entred, Sebastian Marteguinus two forward. England was as good as conquered: in so much that Sebastianus Marteguinus a young man of the family of Luxenburg ha­ving the command of a thousand foote could hardly be diswaded from subduing England first, and then to retire himselfe for his plea­sure into Scotland after.

Thus we see her Majestie not onely threat­ned, but ready to bee invaded on all sides by three puissant and spleenefull enemies, Spaine, France and Scotland combine a­gainst Queene Elizabeth. Spaine, France and Scotland: The state by her prede­cessours Edward and Mary mightily distract­ed, and much indebted, the treasure quite ex­hausted, Her debili­ties. the Frontier towne of Barwaick ly­ing unfortified; Callis the last yeare of her sister dishonorably lost. Her subjects in Re­ligion divided, her kingdome without strength naked of Souldiers, and unfurnisht of Armour: notwithstanding all which de­fects, difficulties and incombrances, she ma­naged all her affaires with that prudence and [Page 200] masculine spirit that manger King Philip who had then the entire government of the Low Countries, shee furnisht her kingdome with Armour and ammunition out of Germany, Her prudent preparations. provided herselfe of tormentary Engines fit for warre; caused Brasse and Iron Ordinance to be cast, Calievers and Musquets to be pre­pared, Gunpouder before fetcht from for­raigne Countries to bee made at home, strengthned Barwick, then weake and undefen­sible, built a strong and well accommodated Navie, fortified all her Ports and Havens, bred and incouraged noble and brave spirits, making them fit for action, so that in a short season before her great enemies were well aware, she was not onely able to maintaine a defensive but make an offensive warre, being ever as ready to maintaine the causes of others oppressed, as to support her owne ingaged.

I passe to the fourth yeare of her raigne in which Arthur Poole, Arthur Poole incouraged by the Guisi­ans, &c. with his brothers descen­ded from George Duke of Clarens, confede­red with one Anthony Fortescue, who had mar­ried their sister; these conspired with the Duke of Guise, to bring over an Army into Wales, and there to proclaime the Scottish Mary Queene of England; New invasi­ons t [...]eatned. then was sent abroad the thundring Bull of Pope Pius Quintus which Ipso facto deposed Queene Elizabeth, The Bull of Pope Pius Quintus. and infranchised all her subjects quitting them from their allegeance; this was the first [Page 201] animating and giving life to the insurrection in the North, first set on foot by the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland, into which the Duke of Norfolke that noble gentleman, A rebellion in the North. deluded with vaine hopes was so farre inga­ged that it cost him his head; but all this great conjuration was both prudently and politickly prevented.

For it was so projected by the enemy, that if the two Earles Forces joyning with the Dukes could have beene brought to one head in any convenient place of the Land, one Ar­my was appointed to run from Ireland, Duke D'Alva ano­ther the Duke D'alva was to send out of the Low Countries to seaze upon the person of the Queene, subvert the state, supplant the Reli­gion, and to despose of the Crowne and king­dome at their pleasure, all this was cast but not compast; Man purpo­seth, God di­sposeth. so by them proposed, but by God Almightie otherwise dispos'd, yet this royall virago notwithstanding their menaces rested unmoved at all these devillish plots be­ing no whit daunted.

After these Leonard Dakers second sonne to William L. Dakers of Gellesland, Dakers re­volt from the Queene. after hee had given his faith to the Queene for the sup­pressing of these troubles in the North, and having tooke leave of her Majestie to that seeming purpose made a contract with those rebells first attempting to kill the Lord Scroope, and the Bishop of Carlile, but fayling [Page 202] in his project tooke Grastocke Castle with Naworth Castle and others fortifying them, Bakers Forces routed by the Lord Hunsden but the noble Lord Hunsden with the trained Souldiers of Barwick, met with him by the River of Geli, and rowted his people, who fled into Scotland, and thence into the Low Countries, and after dyed miserably at Lo­vaine.

Commotions in Ireland.After this were divers commotions raised in Ireland, but suppressed by the Earle of Or­mend, the King of Spaine never ceasing with his Ministers and agents to molest her Maje­stie in all places, and upon all occasions; he first pretended the deliverance of the Scotch Queene, but Duke D'alva being then his Ge­nerall in the Low Countries disswaded him from that enterprise, Spanish Plots. by reason of her former marriage with the French King, alledging that when England was first invaded, and then con­quered, which they presumed was to bee as soone atchieved as attempted, it would ra­ther fall to the French then the Spaniard, yet they concluded that they should never bee peaceably possest of the Low Countries till they had England in their possession; which to compasse they thought it best to beginne with Ireland, but after some vaine attempts not answering their hopes, and many prepa­rations which they kept smothered all, in the yeare eightie eight burst out into flame and combustion. Eighty eight.

[Page 203]In the interim were divers domestick con­spiracies discovered, Domestick conspiracies. in which were ingaged Thomas Standly and Edward his brother the younger sonnes of the Earle of Darby; in this were interessed Thomas Gerard, Hall, and Rolstone, a Pentioner to the Queene, who was the first that disclosed the dissigne: Sir Henry Percy made another attempt to the like pur­pose, upon condition that his brother the Earle of Northumberland might bee delivered out of Scotland, Discovered. where he sheltered himselfe; his assotiates were Powell Sanford, a Gentle­man pentioner, and one Owen, a servant to the Earle of Arundell; Prevented. about this businesse were committed the Earles of Arundell and South­hampton, the Lords Lumlee and Cobham, &c.

After these in the yeare 1576. Don Iohn of Austria brother to Phillip king of Spaine, Don Iohn of Austria aymes at the Crowne of England and Scotland. much tumored with the honour purchased in that incomparable Sea fight against the Turke, commonly called the battaile of Lepantho, in which he had beene chiefe Generall, and now being made Governour of the Low Countries, conceiving that poore title too narrow to li­mit his unbounded aymes, begins to cast divers projects how first by releasing, and af­ter marrying the Queene of Scots, to possesse himselfe of the two Crownes of England and Scotland, One brother crosseth the other. but King Phillip unwilling the youn­ger brother should parallell the elder, either in stile or state, and reserving England as a dain­tie [Page 204] morsell to relish his owne pallate, would neither afford him countenance nor assistance, though to that purpose he was earnestly solli­cited by one Escovedus sent by him out of the Neatherlands into Spaine; but being slightly put off by Peresius, Secretary to the Catholicke King, yet secretly and subtilly did Don Iohn negotiate this businesse, labouring to have in his intire possession, all the havens of Biskey where a Navie might bee prepared there to make their randevoues, ready at all opportu­nitie to invade England; England ay­med at by all. deepely dissembling all that while with Queene Elizabeth, under the colour of soliciting a perpetuall peace, which jugling was first discovered by the Prince of Orange; and shee finding it to bee true, concluded a league with the Low Coun­tries, with a promise of mutuall ayde one to another, which soever should bee first distres­sed: The death of Don Iohn. soone after Don Iohn in the height of his hopes and prime of his age expired, some thinke by poyson, others of the Plague, others of griefe, to be so slighted by the King his brother, after he successively had aymed at the kingdome of Funis, where Guleta in Affrick was left to his great dishonour.

Captaine Thomas Stuke­ley.I cannot here omit the trayterous attempts of captaine Thomas Stukeley, who after he had rioted his whole estate here in England went over into Ireland, and there having projected with some Romists, went thence into Italy, [Page 205] where by his great ostentations and bragges, he got admittance into the presence of Pope Pius quintus; whom by his insinuation hee made constantly beleeve that with a small Band of Italian Souldiers he would not one­ly expell all the English out of Ireland, Brave boasts. but bring it under the principalitie of Rome, bur­ning the Queenes Navy, &c. but Pope Pius dying before ought was concluded; he then importuned his successour Gregory the thir­teenth who hearkned unto him upon promise to make Iames Beulampagno (who went under the name of the Popes bastard, and was a lit­tle before made Marquesse of Vineola) King of Ireland; Tempting ti­tles. Stukeley also should be honored with the titles of Marquesse of Lageu, Earle of Wepford and Ca [...]erlogh, Viscount of Morough, and Baron of Rosse; all these things conclu­ded, Stukeley was made generall of eight hun­dred Italian Souldiers who were stipendaries to the king of Spaine. But Stukeley arriving with his army in Portugall, and entering the mouth of Tagus found there Sebastian the young King (before sollicited by Mahomet the sonne of Abdela King of Fesse (prepared for the African warres, which King so farre perswaded and prevailed with Stukeley that he assotiated him with his Italians into [...], Stukeley slaine in the great battaile of Alcazer. and was slaine in that great battaile of A'lcazer, where dyed with him that day three Kings; Sebastian, Mahomet, and A [...]del M [...]lech: [Page 206] by Sebastians death the King of Spaine altered his purpose, for the present invading England to possesse himselfe of the Crowne of Portu­gall, and his pretended invasion did not dis­cover it selfe till the yeare eightie eight.

Notwithstanding the death of Stukeley, new troubles were raysed in Ireland by one Nicolas Saunders, Nicolas Saun­ders a pesti­lent Traytor. a pestilent Traytor; whose pen and tongue were most maliciously saucie a­gainst her sacred Majestie, who in his contu­melious Libells neyther spared the Queenes mother dead, nor the daughter living; hee having purchased a consecrared Banner landed amongst the Rebells, Sam. Iosephus. with power Legantine, whether also was sent one Sam. Iosephus with seven hundred Italians and Spaniards to joyne with the rovolted Earle of Desmond his bro­ther Fitsmoris and others, but in small processe after much effusion of blood on both sides the Earle dyed miserably, The unpittied death of the rebells. and Saunders mad.

To passe over the Treason of Sommervele, and his father in Law Arderne, in which the young man animated by the Iesuits drew his sword in the Court to have slaine the Queen: Divers other conspirators. as also the conspiracie of Thomas Lord Paget, Francis Throgmorton,s Charles Arundell, with divers noble gentlemen, drawne into the suspition of horrible undertaking; as Henry Earle of Northumberland, Phillip Earle of Arundell, Hen­ry Howard, brother to the Duke of Norfolke, which drew themselves into question of their [Page 207] loyaltie by their severall commitments.

Monstrous also and unmanly were the pro­jections of Bernardinus Mendoza, Bernardinus Mendoza base procee­ding. Embassa­dour here for the Catholick King, who most perfidiously and against the Lawes of king­domes and nations, during his residence here, conspired against the life of her sacred Ma­jestie, not onely hiring Ruffaines and debnist male contents to that purpose, but even see­king to corrupt her Mayds of Honour next about her, which though proved against him, yet she suffered him to depart her presence, gently admonisht but no way disgraced, but stung in his owne conscience hee soone af­ter basely and shamefully as a man branded with all infamies stole out of the Land.

The like machinations were hatched by Cardinall Alan Engle-field and Rosse, Cardinall A­lan and others both against her person and Provinces, being all her naturall subjects, as also the Hispani [...]ied and Italionated Doctor Parry made up out of Spaines pollicie and Italies poyson, Doctor Parry. who not­withstanding her Majestie had pardoned his life forfeit for burglary, and after received him to grace, and vouchsafing him her pre­sence was armed with a Pistoll to have flaine her in her Garden.

Concerning the foureteene Traytors I will onely give you their names, The foure­teene traytors. whose Iesuiti­call plots began in one savadge, whom re­port gave out to bee Filius populi, a Bastard [Page 208] being (as he sayd) perswaded to that treason by Gilbert Gifford and one Hodstone, Priests, that (being begot in her) was seconded by Antho­ny Backington; incorporated into that blooddy action by Ballard Priest, to these were conlati­nated Edward Winsore a young Gentleman, Thomas Salsoury of an ancient house in Den­bigh-shire, Charles Filney, a young heyre, and the sole hope of his Family, Pentioner to the Queene, Chedioc Fitchburne of Hamshiere, Ed­ward Abenton, whose father was Cofferer, Ro­bert Gage of Surry, Iohn Traverse, Iohn Charnock of Lancashiere Gentlemen, Iohn Iones, whose father had beene Queene Maries Taylor, Henry Dunne a Clearke of the first fruits Of­fice, and Barowell an Irish Gentleman, who of all the rest was onely knowne to her Maje­jestie.

Queene Eli­zabeths con­fidence in the Almigh­tie.One thing I cannot here forget to observe her great magnanimitie and confidence in the Almightie, when this conspiracie was knowne unto her, notwithstanding all these lay lur­king about the Citie to waite their best op­portunitie, yet shee not forbearing to shew her selfe abroad, and living then at Richmond, and walking to take the Ayre upon the greene before the Court gate she espyed Barowell, and taking speciall notice of him as one that had vowed her death, though she saw him ar­med to the like purpose, she went towards him, when suddenly turning her selfe to [Page 209] Sir Christopher Hatton and the rest of the Lords she sayd, am not I well guarded thinke you my Lords, A rare spirit in a Princesse who conducting mee abroad if I should bee injured or assaulted have not one Sword amongst you all to defend me? then looking earnestly upon Barnwell sayd unto him; but here is a Gentleman I see who walkes better armed; this done shee retired her selfe, and thus much Barnwell the same night told to the rest of the conspirators, whom the devill had so blinded that they perceived not by that, their plot to be disclo­sed: all the use they made of it was to say, how easily might shee then have beene dis­patched if more of us had beene then present; but to come to their ends, The death of the foureteen Traytors. they were all ap­prehended, committed, convicted and con­demned, and on the twentieth of September in Lincolnes Inne fields hang'd and quartered.

In the yeare 1567. L' Aubespineus the French Embassadour, a man wholly ingaged into the Guisian faction, The French Embassador. was no lesse turbulent then Bernard Mendoza the Spaniard, he by his Se­cretary Trappius and others daily undermining the State, and insidiating the Queenes per­son, dealt with a Gentleman cald William Stafford, whose mother was of the Queenes Bedchamber, who promised him wonders both from the Guisians, and the King of Spaine, if hee would undertake to kill the Queene, which confessed by Stafford, and being palpa­bly [Page 210] proved against him he excused all his pro­ditory underminings with the priviledge of his place.

The Spanish Armado.Next was the great preparation of the Spa­nish Armado, stiled by the Pope the Navy in­vincible, provided with infinite care, and ac­commodated with inestimable cost, which till it was discovered upon the Seas, was not knowne to be ready for action, by reason that the Duke of Parma at that time continued his dissembled treatise of peace, and had De­ligates then in England with commission to the same purpose; but their supposed invin­cibilitie being really vanquisht and their great Armado most of it sunke, The Navie stiled invin­cible defeated. and the rest destitute and scattered, yet the beaten and battled Spaniard, seeing hee could neither in­danger her Land, nor damage her life, by force, set his Engines on worke to undermine them by fraud, and though in that great and inva­luable losse sustained in the perishing of his Navie; when his Coffers were almost quite exhausted, yet could they offord fiftie thou­sand crownes (promist, though not payd downe, to corrupt Doctor Lopez a Iew borne, and one of her sworne Phisitions to take a­way her life, Doctor Lopes his treason. by poysonous confection; the easilier to bee done because hee was one in whose fidelitie shee much trusted, which the avaritious wretch (whose motto was Quid labitis) undertaking, was like a perfidious [Page 211] Traytour soone after drawne, hangd, and quar­terd. His death.

Let me not here forget the Campe at Til­bery in which her Majestie was in person, Her Majesties deportment in the Campe at Tilbury. and that if the Spaniard had prevailed by Sea to have given him battaile by land, appea­ring in the head of her Troopes, and incoura­ging her Souldiers, habited like an Amazonian Queene, Buskind and plumed, having a gol­den Truncheon, Gantlet, and Gorget; Armes sufficient to expresse her high and magnani­mous spirit, who when she understood the proud enemie was utterly defeated, and that her English soyle was too hot for any inva­ders to tread upon, she dissolved her Campe. And to shew how much she vilefied their former undertakings, and how little she fea­red what they might attempt thence after; the very next yeare following shee sent an Army into Portugall, The next yeare she as­saulted Lys­bone. invading the invaders, and braving her much daunted enemy even in his owne dominions.

I conclude all her miraculous preservati­ons with that of Edward Squire, The treason of Edward Squire. one belong­ing to the Queenes stable; who being in Spaine received from one Walpoole a Iesuite, a strong and mortiferous confection in a bladder, to poyson the Pummell of her Saddle, who after his returne wayting his opportunitie, and by reason of his place and former acquaintance not being suspected, when her Majestie was [Page 212] to take horse, he came openly with a smiling countenance in the presence of many, and having prickt the bladder wearing a thicke can'd glove clapt his hand upon the Pummell of the Saddle, and with a chearefull voyce sayd, God save the Queene, wherein it pleased God (as mine author saith) to take his word not his meaning; for by Gods great provi­dence neither in mounting nor alighting, nor all the way she rode shee once touched the Pummell. A miraculous preservation. For which attempt he by his vo­luntary confession was convicted and con­demned.

Thus have I described unto you a Vestall for virginitie, A Character of Queene Elizabeth. a Mirrour of Majestie, no lesse celebrated for religious pietie, then regall dig­nitie; with no afflictions afrighted, no disa­sters daunted: to her friends a mother, her foes a terrour, maliciously pursued, miracu­lously preserved, of women the wonder, of Princesse, the Paravant, Elizabeth.


A briefe Index or Table of the Contents in the Premises.

In the life of DEBORAH.
  • WHat this Deborah was. Page 5.
  • The Etimoligy of her name. p. 6
  • Her Character. ibid.
  • In what estate Israel stood in her time. ibid.
  • Ioshuahs victories with the manner of his death. ib.
  • Israels Idolatry. p. 7
  • Gods great mercy towards them. ib.
  • The Iudges. ib.
  • Israels Tryall. ib.
  • Baalaim and Asheroth. p. 8
  • Of Cushan Kishataim, King of Aram. ib.
  • Othnill the sonne of Ken [...]z. ib.
  • Eglon King of Moab. ib.
  • Ehud the sonne of Gera who slew Eglon ib.
  • Shamgar the sonne of Anath. ib.
  • The Israelites ingratitude towards God. p. 9
  • The tiranny of Iabin, King of Canaan. ib.
  • Deborah a Iudgesse in Israel. p. 10
  • The place where she dwelt. ib.
  • Her speech to Barack the sonne of Abinoham. ib.
  • Baracks timerousnesse. p. 11.
  • Deborah's magnanimitie. ib.
  • [Page]The muster of the two Tribes of Nepthali and Zebulon. ibid.
  • Of Heber the Kenite. p. 12
  • His temporisings betwixt the Israelites and the Cana­nites. ib.
  • The dangerous effects of warre. p. 13
  • The office of a Generall. ib.
  • The fruits of tyranny. p. 14
  • The nature of Ambition ib.
  • Of Sysera and his preparation for warre. p. 15
  • Mount Tabor. ib.
  • The River Kishon. ib.
  • Deborah incourageth Baruck before the battaile. ib.
  • The effects of feare. p. 16
  • Syseras Army ro [...]ted. ib.
  • He flying, comes to the Tent of Jael the wife of Hebar. ib.
  • Her entertainment of Sysera. p. 17
  • His feare being in her tent. ib.
  • J [...]el killeth Sisera. p. 19
  • Debora and Jael compared for their masculine vertue. ib.
  • OF the two Kings Nabuchodonozer and Ar­phaxad. p. 22
  • The two great Cities of Ninivie and Echbatane. ib.
  • The nomination of sundry Rivers. p. 23
  • Nabuchodonozers commandment despised. ib.
  • King Arphaxad discomfited and slaine. ib.
  • Nebuchodonozer after his victory feasteth his boast an hundred and twentie dayes. p. 24
  • Holophernes his chiefe Captaine; and his Army. ib.
  • The magnificent provision of his boast. ib.
  • His tyranny. p. 25
  • Nabuchodonozer proclaymed a God. ib.
  • [Page]The preparations of Israel against Holophernes. ib.
  • Joachim the high Priest. ib.
  • The Israelites prayer and repentance. p. 26.
  • Achior Captaine of the Amorites. ib.
  • His speech to Holophernes. p. 27
  • The blasphemy of Holophernes. ib.
  • Achior brought into Bethulia. p. 28
  • Ozias, Chabris, and Charmis, Governors of Bethulia. ib.
  • Achior comforted and feasted by the Elders. ib.
  • The great distresse of Bethulia. p. 29
  • Judeth the widdow of Manaffes. ib.
  • Her zeale and abstinence. p. 30
  • She reproacheth the Elders of Bethulia. ib.
  • The reply of Ozias to Judeth. p. 31
  • She changeth her garments of widdow-hood. ib.
  • Her wonderfull beautie. p. 32
  • Her mayde. ib.
  • Judeth brought before Holophernes. p. 33
  • Her speech to him. ib.
  • The answer of Holophernes. p. 35
  • She is brought into his Tent. ib.
  • The feast of Holophernes to his servants. p. 36
  • Bagoas the Evenuch. ib.
  • Holophernes infidiateth her chastitie. ib.
  • She eateth and drinketh in his presence. p. 37
  • Holophernes overcome with wine. ib.
  • Holophernes slaine by Judeth. p. 38
  • Judeth with her maid come backe to Bethulia. ib.
  • Her counsell to the Governours. p. 39
  • Achiors extasie at the sight of the head of Holophernes. ib.
  • Holophernes found without an head. p. 40
  • The Assirians disheartned. ib.
  • Their buast utterly discomfited. p. 41
  • The High Priests and the Eldersblesse Judeth. ib.
  • Their honour done to her for their miraculous [...]. p. 42
  • [Page] Judeths thanksgiving and offering. ib.
  • Her age and death. p. 43
  • WHat Ahashueras was. p. 46
  • His great feast to his Princes. p. 47.
  • His feast to the people. ib.
  • Queene Vasthis feast. 48.
  • Her contempt of the Kings command. ib.
  • Memucans censure of Vasthi. ib.
  • A decree against the Queene. 49
  • Who Mordecai was. 50
  • Who Esther or Hadasha was. ib.
  • Esther received into the Kings Pallace. ib.
  • Esther crowned Queene. 51
  • Treason against the King discovered by Mordecai. ib.
  • The exaltation of Haman, Mordecai bendeth not the knee to Haman. ib.
  • Hamans purpose utterly to supplant the Jewes. 52
  • The decree sealed for the destruction of the Jewes. 53
  • Mordecai's sorrow for his people. ib.
  • Queene Esther comforteth her Vnckle Mordecai. 54
  • Queene Esthers fast. 55
  • Queene Esther appeares before the King and finds favour. ib.
  • The King and Haman invited to her banquet. 56
  • Hamans hate to Mordecai. ib.
  • His pride and confidence. ib.
  • Haman maketh a Gibbet fiftie foote high to hang Mordecai. 57
  • Gods providence to preserve his people. ib.
  • Pride catch [...] in her owne net. 58
  • Haman is force to honour Mordecai. ib.
  • What envie is. 59
  • [Page]The King and Haman at Esthers banquet. 60
  • Esthers request to the King. ib.
  • Hamans pride turned into base feare. 61
  • Haman hanged on the gallowes prepared for Mordecai. ib.
  • Esthers petition for the Jewes. 62
  • The decree against the Jewes broken. ib.
  • Libertie granted to the Jewes. 63
  • Mordecai's royall apparell. ib.
  • The Jewes revenge upon their enemy. 64
  • Hamans ten sons hang'd. 65
  • A memoriall for the Jewes great deliverance. ib.
  • Mordecai the second man in the kingdome. ib.
  • HEr severall appellations. 70
  • Prasutagus her husband maketh Caesar Co-keyre with his Queene and daughters. 71
  • The unjust proceedings of the Romans. ib.
  • Their barbarous lust and crueltie. 72
  • Bunduca's person and condition. ib.
  • Reasons Inducing the Brittaines so rebell against the Romans. 73
  • Swetonius Paulinus the Roman Generall. ib.
  • Bunduca's first insurrection. 74
  • Her royall Army. ib.
  • Her habit in Battaile. ib.
  • The place where shee encampt. 75
  • Her oration to her Souldiers. ib.
  • Her devision of the Romans 76
  • The goddesse Andate or victory. 77
  • The providence of Paulinus Swetonius. ib.
  • The strength of the Romans in Brittaine. 78
  • The estate of the Citie Comelodunum at that time. 79
  • [Page]The estate of the Roman Colonies. 80
  • The Citie demolished. 81
  • Bunduca intercepteth the Roman expidition. ib.
  • She prosecuteth her victory. ib.
  • The demeaner of the Roman Generall. 82
  • Virulam sackt and spoiled. ib.
  • The cruell behaviour of the inraged Brittains. 83
  • The courage of the Roman Generall. 84
  • The number of the Bunduca's Army. ib.
  • The place where she incamped. 85
  • The time of the years. ib.
  • The martialling of the Roman Army. 86
  • The proportion of a Legion. ib.
  • Bunduca in the Battaile. 87
  • The order of her Battaile. ib.
  • She incourageth her Souldiers. 88
  • The onset on both sides. ib.
  • A description of the Battaile. 89
  • Valour on both sides. ib.
  • The Romans Victors. 90
  • The Brittaines Army routed. ib.
  • The numbers slane on both sides. 91
  • Of Bunduca after the battaile. ib.
  • Her death and place of buriall. ib.
  • Divers opinions concerning her place of enterrement. ib.
  • OF Viragoes, or women of masculine Spirit. 96
  • Of Camilla, Helerna, Semiramis, Zenobia. 97
  • Hypsecratea, Tomyris, Teuca, Maria, Puteolana. 98
  • Of the Amazons in generall. 99
  • Their originall. 100
  • Whence they derived their names. 101
  • Marthesia, Lampedo, Orreta, Antiope. ib.
  • [Page] Menelippe, Penthifilaea. 102
  • Securigera, Vexillifera, Peltifera. 103
  • Penthisilaea's beauty. ib.
  • The death of Penthisilaea. 104
  • Monithaea or Thalestris in the time of Alexander. 105
  • The end of the Amazonean race. ib.
  • The manners of the Scithians. 106
  • The custome of the Sarromates. 107
  • Their Kings at their death. 109
  • HEroicke women in all ages. 112
  • Renowned women. 113
  • The seaven wonders of the world, and first of the Aegiptian Pyramids. 114
  • Of King Cleopas and Rhodopē, the second wonder. 115
  • The third and fourth wonder. 116
  • A fift wonder. 117
  • The sixt wonder. 118
  • The beautiful Pallace of Cyrus. ib.
  • A strange controversie betwixt the two Citties of Athens and Elis. ib.
  • Phidias. 118
  • The pleading of the Athenians. 120
  • The stout answer of the Aelians. 122
  • The seaventh wonder erected by Queene Artimesia. ib.
  • The gravers of King Mausolus Tombe. 123
  • Rare builders and Architectors. ib.
  • Mausolea. 124
  • The magnanimity of Queene Artime [...]ia. 125
  • Her brave demeanour in that great navall fight betwixt the Persians and the Grecians, Xerxes his character of Queene Artimesia. 126
  • OF com [...]ustions and [...] women. 132
  • Helena, Hyppodamia, Aspa [...]ia, Poli [...]o, Lavinia. 133
  • Dejareira, Nicostrate, Polidices, Lucretia. ibid.
  • Virginea, Phaedra, Martia, Thais. 134
  • A Catalogue of excellent and eminent women. ib.
  • Dominica, Iuguldis. 135
  • Glotildis, Placida, Pomp [...]ia, Paulin [...], Helena, Mo­nicha. 136
  • Etheldredus raised the first Schoole in Oxford. 137
  • King Alureds issue. ib.
  • A remarkable accident. 138
  • The Danes defeated by stratagem. 139
  • King Edwards numerous issue. 140
  • Whence Spinsters came. ib.
  • The first proofe of Elphledas valour. 141
  • Her monomachy, and brave victory. 142
  • Her valour and pietie. 143
  • Her Acts, buildings and repayring of decayed Cities. ib.
  • Her rare chastitie and of her daughter Elswina. 144
  • Of chastitie and beautie. 145
  • Further of her valour, the Danes outrages, and the death of Turbitillus. 146
  • An emulation betwixt two women, with a strange delive­rance. 147
  • Elphleda's death, and further of her daughter. 148
  • Her Epitaph. 149
  • Her brother King Edwards victories, and of King Ethel­stane. 150
  • A Preparation for her mariage. 154
  • Her bringing over into England with her marriage to King Edward the sixt. 155
  • She assumeth regall prerogative. 156
  • The death of Humphrey Duke of Gloster, with his Cha­racter. 157
  • A Parliament at Lecester: the death of the Marquesse of Suffolke. 158
  • Blew-beard, Iack Cade, the birth of Prince Edward. 159
  • The Queene the raiser of all combustions. ib.
  • The proceedings of the Duke of Yorke, a peace betwixt the King and the Duke; The Duke of Yorke sent to the Tower. 160
  • Sommerset made Captaine of Callis, new combustion by the Queenes partie. 161
  • The battaile at Saint Albans, the King prisoner, the Duke of Yorke Protector, and discharged of his Protectorship 162
  • Procession to Pauls, and of Andrew Trollop. 163
  • Iohn Dinham surpriseth the Kings Navy, and Simon Mountford beheaded by the Yorkists. 165
  • The bettaile at Northampton, the King taken, and Yorke lodged in the Kings Pallace. 166
  • Yorke claimes the Crowne, his pride, the decree of the Par­liament. 167
  • The battaile of Wakefield, the Duke of Yo [...]ke slaine. 168
  • Another battaile at Saint Albans, Prince Edward made King, the Earle of Marsh raiseth new Forces. 169
  • Edward Earle of Marsh made King, the bloody battaile at Sherborne. 170
  • Henry with his Queene flye into Scotland. 171
  • [Page] Edward crowned, Queene Margarets Army, her distresse by Sea. 172
  • Exam-field: Henry tooke prisoner, King Edward marri­eth the Lady Grey. 173
  • The Lady Bona, the Duke of Clarens, and Earle of Warwicke proclaimed Rebells. 174
  • Henry Proclaymed King againe, and Edward flyes the Land. 175
  • Edward Lands in England, possesseth Yorke, King Henry surprized by Edward. 176
  • The battaile at Barnet. 177
  • Queene Margaret Lands in England, the battaile at Teuxbury. 178
  • Queene Margarets magnanimitie, Prince Edward mur­dered by the Duke of Gloster. 179
  • Queene Margaret sent into her countrey, King Henries death and buriall. 180
  • A Character of Queene Elizabeth. 184
  • Her descent. 185
  • Her birth, baptisme; Queene Katherine the mother and Mary her daughter disabled of all regall clayme. 186
  • The Lady Elizabeths constellation, infancie, childhood. 187
  • Prince Edward created Prince of Wales. ibid.
  • The great love betwixt Edward and Elizabeth, brother and sister. 188
  • The death of King Henry the eighth. ibid.
  • Prince Edward proclaymed King, his Coronation. 189
  • The Lady Elizabeths first suiters, her modesty. 190
  • The death of King Edward the sixt, the Lady Jane pro­claimed Queene. 191
  • The Duke of Northumberland sent against the Lady Mary. ib.
  • [Page] Northumberland beheaded, the deaths of the Duke of Suf­folke, the Lady Jane, and Guilford Dudley. 192
  • Mary proclaymed Queene. ib.
  • Her Coronation, the Lady Elizabeths troubles. 193
  • The Bishop of Winchester pursueth her life, her commit­ting to the Tower. 194
  • Her cruell usage and patience, King Philip favoureth her. 195
  • An imposterous birth. ib.
  • King Phillip discovereth the plot, his departure out of the Land. 196
  • Observations concerning Q. Maries raigne, Callis lost. ib
  • The death of Queene Mary, the Lady Elizabeth proclaymed Queene. 197
  • Her Coronation, and how the state stood in the beginning of her raigne. 198
  • King Phillip would marry Queene Elizabeth. ib.
  • Preparations of the French to invade England, Spaine, France and Scotland combine against her. 199
  • Her prudent preparations, new invasions threatned, the Bull of Pope Pius Quintus. 200
  • A rebellion in the North, Leonard Dakers, his revolt from the Queene. 201
  • Dakers Forces routed by the Lord Hunsden, commotions in Ireland, Spanish plots. 202
  • Domestick conspiracies discovered, prevented, and of Don John of Austria. 203
  • The death of Don John, and of Captaine Thomas Stukeley 204
  • His brave boasts, tempting titles, and at length slaine in the battaile of Alcazar. 205
  • Nicholas Saunders a pestilent Traytor Sam. Josephus the Earle of Desmond, with divers others, conspirators. 206
  • Bernardin, Mendozas base proceedings, Cardin, Allan, Doctor Parry, the foureteene Traytors. 207
  • Q. Elizabeths great confidence in the Almightie. 208
  • [Page]The death of the foureteene Traytors, the French Embassa­dour 209
  • The Spanish Armado, stiled Invincible, Doctor Lopez, his Treaso [...] and death. 210
  • Her Majesties departments in the Campe of Tilbury, the Treason of Edward Squire. 211
  • Queene Elizabeths miraculous preservation, her Cha­racter. 212

Excusing the Compositor, who received this Coppy in a difficult and unacquainted hand, and the Corrector who could not bee alwayes ready in regard of some necessary im­ployments, I intreate the generous Reader to take notice of these Errata following, and to rectifie them in his reading after this man­ner,

FOr Geinni, reade Gemini Page 8. for firei, r. [...], p. 16. for Bethalmir. Beth [...] p. 10. for moved. r. mooned p. 94. for [...] r. sons p. 98. for [...]xores, r. ve [...]bres p. 99. for o [...]bes r. orbis p. 114. for Azerpegita r. Areopagitae p. 117 for for r. from p. 112. for Med [...] r. Modi [...]. p. 124. for Vru [...]ia r. Vrania, for [...]. El­phleda p. 130. and so through the whole history, for effeminary, Efferminacy p. 13 [...] for possion r. possession p. 170. for Lady Bov [...] r Bona p. 174. for wor [...] r Co [...]rt, p. 191. for exposed r. opposed, for demend r. ormard p. 202. for Funis r. Tunis ▪ for lest r. lost p. 204. for wepsond r we [...]sord p. 205. for Backington r. [...]ubington p. 208 for Conlatinated r. concatinated, ibid. for filney r. Tyl [...]ey, ibid, for Fichburne r. Tichburne, for [...] ibid, &c.


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