Come buy this new Ballad, before you doe goe: If you raile at the Author, I know what I know. To the Tune of, Ile tell you but so.

IT is an old saying,
that few words are best,
And he that sayes little,
shall liue most at rest:
And I by experience
doe finde it right so,
Therefore ile spare speech,
but I know what I know.
Yet shall you perceiue well,
though little I say,
That many enormities
I will display:
You may gusse my meaning,
by that which I show,
I will not tell all,
but I know &c.
There be some great climbers,
compos'd of ambition,
To whom better-borne men
doe bend, with submission:
Proud Lucifer climbing,
was cast very low,
Ile not stay these men,
but I know &c.
There be many Foxes
that goe on two legges,
They steale greater matters
then Cocks, Hennes, and Egges,
To catch many Guls
in Sheepes cloathing they goe,
They might be destroy [...]
but I know &c.
There be many men
that Deuotion pretend,
And make vs beleeue,
that true Faith they'le defend:
Three times in one day
to Church they will goe,
They cozen the world,
but I know &c.
There be many rich men,
both Yeomen and Gentry,
That for their owne priuate gaine
hurt a whole Coun [...]rey,
By closing free Commons,
yet they'le make as though
Twere for common good,
but I know &c.
There be diuers Papists,
that to saue their Fine,
Come to Church once a moneth,
to heare Seruice Diuine,
The Pope giues them power,
as they say, to doe so,
They saue money by't too,
but I know &c.
There be many Upstarts
that spring from the Cart,
Who gotten to th'Court,
play the Gentlemans part:
Their fathers were plaine men,
they scorne to be so,
They thinke themselues braue,
but I know &c.
There be many Officers,
men of great place,
To whom if one sue
for their fauour and grace.
[...]e must bribe their seruants,
while they make as though
They know no such thing,
but I know &c.

The Second Part. To the same Tune.

THere be many Women
that seeme very pure,
A kisse from a stranger
they'le hardly endure,
They are like Lucretia,
modest in show,
I will accuse none,
but I know &c.
Likewise there be many
dissembling men,
That seeme to hate Drinking
and Whoring, yet when
They meet with a Wench,
to the Tauerne they'le goe,
They are ciuill all day,
but I know &c.
There be many Batchelors,
that to beguile
Beleeuing kind Lasses,
vse many a wile,
They all sweare that they loue,
when they meane nothing so,
And boast of these trickes,
but I know &c.
There's many an Usurer,
that like a Drone
Doth idly liue
vpon his moneys Lone,
From Tens vnto Hundreds
his money doth grow:
He sayes he doth good,
but I know &c.
There be many Gallants
that goe in gay Rayment,
For which the Taylor
did neuer receiue payment,
They ruffle it out
with a gorgeous show,
Some take them for Knights,
but I know &c.
There be many Rorers
that swagger and rore,
As though they in th'warres had b [...]
seuen yeeres and more,
And yet they neuer looke
in the face of a F [...]e:
They seeme gallant Sparkes,
but I know &c,
There's many, both Women
and Men that appeare
With beautifull Out-sides,
the Worlds eyes to bleare:
But all is not Gold,
that doth glister in show,
They are fine with a Pox,
but I know &c.
There's many rich Trades-men
who liue by Deceit,
And in Weight and Measure
the poore they doe cheat,
They'le not sweare an Oath,
but indeed, I, and No,
They truely protest,
but I know &c.
There be many people
so giuen to strife,
That they'le goe to Law
for a two-penny Knife:
The Lawyers nere aske them
why they doe so,
He gets by their hate,
but I know &c.
I know there be many
will carpe at this Ballet,
Because it is like
sowre Sawce to their Pallet:
But he, shee, or they,
let me tell ere I goe,
If they speake against this Song,
I know what I know.
Fini [...].

Printed by the Assignes of Thomas Symcocke.

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