A TRVE AND BRIEFE RELATION OF THE FAMOVS SEIGE OF BREDA: BESEIGED, AND TAKEN IN Vnder the Able and Victorious Conduct of his Highnesse the Prince of Orange, Captaine Generall of the States Armie, and Admirall of the Seas, &c.

Composed by HENRY HEXHAM quartermaster to the Regiment of the honorable Coronell GORING.

Printed at Delft by JAMES MOXON, And are to be sould at Hendricus Hondius neere the gevangen Port in the Hagh, Anno 1637.

TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE, AND MOST Noble Lord, HENRY LORD RICH of KENSINGTON, Earle of HOLLAND, Captaine of his Majesties Guard, and Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber, Chancellor of the Vniversity of CAMBRIDGE, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, and one of his Majesties thost Honourable Privie Councill, &c.


YOVR LORDSHIPS GRACIOVS ACCEP­tance of my former Booke, intituled The Principles of the Art militarie, hath giuen mee encouragement, to annex a second addition to it, in the Practick of the famous seige, and ta­king in of Breda this yeere, by his Highnesse the Prince of Orange our Generall. Marquesse Spinola of famous memorie, one of the best Generals that euer his Maiestie the King of Spaine had, in his Nether­landish warres blockt it vp in the yeeres 1624, and 1625 eleuen months, and odd daies, and had his Herman Hugo a Jesuite, who in commendations of the Marquesse, wrot a relation of some memo­rable actions touching this seige to posteritie and did it well.

It is now my turne (according to my weake ability) to writ some thing also to succeeding ages, in the honour and memoriall of his Highnesse the Prince of Orange and those chiefe Commanders, Gentlemen, and Souldiers vnder his Commaund, that were at the seige this yeare, and I hope truely without giving offence to any man: Heere your honour shall see, the difference betweene a Towne blocked vp, which is a languishing death, and a Towne brauely be­seiged, & taken in by Approaches, which in a Souldiers opinion, is ac­counted [Page] more honorable. Againe, if your Lordship compare the times of the one, and of the other Generall together, you shall finde that there was neuer Towne so strongly fortified, hauing 3000 able men to defend it, regained in so short a time, to wit, in 50 daies, from the 18 of August, (namely the night, that wee first brak ground against this towne) till the sixth of October following, that the E­nemy cald for a parley, your Honor may see the admirable expediti­on (notwithstanding all opposition within and without to relieue it) his hignesse made which the oldest souldiers in these Warres haue not seene the like. This breife relation then craues that vnder your Lo: gracious patronage, it may finde fauour to come out in English to the view of the world, & to giue satisfaction to some of our owne nation, that were at this seige, which if it be acceptable to your ho­nour as my former was, then I am bound in a double Obligation to pray vnto the Almighty, to blesse your noble family with much en­crease of honour in this world, and to crowne you with eternall feli­city in the next, resting.

Your Lordships deuoted Seruant, euer to Commaund, HENRY HEXHAM.


CVRTEOVS READER, the Cittie of Breda, taken in this yeare by his Highnesse the Prince of Orange, lying in the Land of Kempen, is a part of the Dukedome of great Brabant, and the Head-Towne of a braue Barrony, hauing 16 villages, and a wal­led Towne vnder the Jurisdiction thereof. Among the which, there is Steen-bergen, a Towne newly fortifyed, with a Strong-Fort, or two vpon the hauen, Rosendale a great, and a very pleasant village, and Osterhout a goodly Lord-ship. This Citty is situated, vpon a riuer called the Marck, whose headspring beginneth some foure English Miles aboue Hoogh-strate. It lyeth one and twentie English miles & a halfe from Lier, one and twenty from Anwerpe, 15 from Bergin op Zoom, 15 from Turnhout, 9 from Seuenberke, and 6 from Getruyden­berke.

This Citty, and Barronie fell by marriage to the illustrious house of Nassaw Anno 1404, two hundred three and thirty yeares agoe: For that yeare Count Englebert Eare af Nassaw, Espoused the Lady Io ane the onely Inheritrix of this Barronie of Breda, and the Land of Leck: for a long time it was the Court, and ancient ressidency of the Earles of Nassaw, vntill such time that Duke D' Alva by his tirannie, droue Prince William the old Prince of Orange, and Earle of Nassaw (his Highnes Father of famous memorie) out of his ancient inheri­tance. It hath in it a goodly Castle double moated, founded by Count Henry of Nassaw, which if it had bene finished, according to the model thereof, it would haue bene one of the beautisullest, & good­liest Structures of Brabant. Since the Warres began, it hath bene strongly fortified with many Bulwarks, Horneworks, Halfe-moons, [Page] Rauelings, and a large moate round about the Towne in some pla­ces 14. rod, or 180 foote broade, & 9 or 10 foote deepe with a good Counterskarfe without it. This Towne hath suffered much by the warres, as by surprises, blocking vp, & Seiges & hath beene subiect to many changes, some times being lost, and other-wiles regayned on both sides: For in the yeere of our Lord 1585. Prince William of fa­mous memorie enioyed it peaceably & till Hautpenny, one of the En­nemies Commanders, surprized it that yeare on the 25 of Iune, plun­dred it, and burnt diuerse houses in it, and so it continewed vnder the power of the King of Spayne, vntill Prince Maurice (of famous Memorie) by a braue Stratagem, vnder the conduct of Captaine He­rangier, who with 70 other vailliant, and resolute men, hid vnder a Turfe-Schip, comming into the Castle by night, broke out of that couert Ambuscado, cutt of a Corps degard, and tooke in the Castle, & Prince Maurice marching with part of the States Army, to second his dessigne, tooke in both Castle, and Towne on the fourth of march in the yeare 1590. After this (being an ill neighbour to the Busse) Anthony Schtes the Gouenour thereof, and Lord of Grubbing donck, had an other enterprizce vpon it, and falling on in the night with 4000 foote, and eleuen troupe of horse, those of Breda takeiug the alarme betimes, he finding them in a readenesle to entertaine him, was beaten off with the losse of a hundred men.

Againe, Marquesse Spinola haueing (Anno 1622) layne long be­fore Bergin op zoom, and lost, and hurt in the space of twelue weekes a matter of ten thousand men before it, being so repulsed by my Lord Morgan (then commaunding with the Gouernour, the Comman­ders, Captaines, officers & souldiers of all Nations,) that he could not get so much as a foote of ground of them, though he attempted and assaulted oftentimes the outworkes, with the losse of a great many mē, who at last by the cōming of Prince Morrice of happie memorie, and Count Mansfeild to Rossendale with the States Armie, not wil­ling to stand them: on a sudden brake vp, and quitted the seige in the [Page] night with a great confusion, leauing be hinde him a great many sick, and hurt men, amunition, victuals, and other matterials. The Mar­quesse Spinola then being Iealous of his honour, after Prince Mau­rize had putt into Breda 6000 choise Souldiers, namely, his owne Guard, and most of the Coronels Companies, came and satt downe before it, on the 28 of August. 1624. and hauing sustayned the losse of a great many braue men before Bergin, feareing to attempt the same by Approches, (cōmanding a mighty Armie) choose rather to block it vp on all sides, and so knowing that many mouths, must eate many victualls, sought rather to famish it out. Prince Maurice com­ming with the States Armie to the May, hauing a greater dessigne in his head, to witt, an Enterprize vpon the Castle of Antwerpe, which would haue fetch the Marquesse from Breda: failing for want of Courage, and falling on (as it is reported) gaue the Marquesse time to fortifie himself the stronger before Breda, and to that end, made a double line of Circumvalation about it, with stronge Forts, Horneworkes, halfemoones, Redoubts, and Spurrs, and cutting the dike at Terhey, drownd all the lower grounds, and made a Steckado ouer the drownd meddowes, to hinder and keepe vs from relieuing it by water, and sloopes. Howsoeuer, his Highnesse the Prince of Orange to see if he could possibly relieue yt, gaue command to Sir Horace Vere of worthy Memory, Lord of Tylbery, and Coronell Ge­nerall of the English, with my Lord of Oxford, who commanded the new English, on the 16 of May 1625 to fall on vpon the dike of Ter­hey, betweene the drownd lands; the dike being not a boue 20, or 30 foote broad at the most: the ennemie hauing two, or three strong Re­doubts vpō it, ere you came to the Halfmoone before their quarter of Terhey. An hower before day, the new English fell on, first tooke two Redoubts vpō that Dike, & an other vpō Seuenberks-Dike, beate the Ennemie out of thē, slew many of thē, & after a long fight the new & the old English fell vpō the half moone, & disputed it a long with the Ennemie, till such time as the Marquesse sent fresh forces, horse and [Page] foote to second them of Terhey, & to defend that quarter: now after Sun rising, finding it not feisible, our mē were driuē to retreate. Vpon this seruice Sir Thomas Winne being a voluntier, Captaine Tubb, Cap­taine Dakers, Lieutenant Cheyney, Lieutenant Corbitt, and my Lord of Oxfords Ensigne, with diuerse Gentlemen and souildiers were slaine, & Capt: Shippon shott, so that from that time forward, this Citty by famine languished away, vntill the fifth of Iune 1625. On which day it fell againe vnder the power, and obedience of the King of Spaine, and became a Receptacle for a great many Freeboo­ters, which did much annoy the States Countries, that lay next vn­to yt, bringing them vnder Contribution: Till that this present yeare, his highnes the Prince of Orange beseiged it, & tooke it in againe, eue­ry nation striuing at this seige, to doe the land seruice, besides the per­ticular obligatiō they owed vnto his highnes, being his owne towne, it gaue the more life & courage vnto them. Now what memorable peeces of seruice, & actions haue bin performed during this Seige from the 23 of Iuly, vntill the 10 of October 1637. This true and briefe Relation (though I cannot remember all perticulars for want of due information,) will giue the worthy Reader reasonable satisfac­tion, & this as a preamble may serue to the matter it selfe following.

THE ARTICLES OF COMPOSITION, Granted by this highnesse the Prince of Orange to the Gouernour GOMAR FOVRDINE Captaines, & Souldiers within the Towne of BREDA.


THat the Gouernour of Breda and all military Comman­ders, and Souldiers, of what condition soeuer they bee, none excepted, albeit that they had forsaken the seruice of the high and mighty Lords the States Generall, and had ta­ken entertaynment on the Cardinals side, may depart without any molestation with their armes, and baggage, with drums beating, flying colours, light matches vpon both ends, bullets in mouth, as they vsually are wont to march, and all their goods with a free con­duct vnto the Citty of Machlyne.

2. That the Gouernour at this present may take with him foure peeces of ordinance, and two Morters with their carriages, Equi­page, and amunition of Warre at his pleasure, with twelue Char­ges for euery peece.

3 Likewise they shall haue Canon-Horses, Waggons, and Driuers Lent them, sufficient to draw their ordinance with their traine to the Citty aboue sayd.

4 That all amunition of warre, and victuals (belonging to the King of Spayne) shalbe deliuered without any fraude into the hands of those which his highnesse shall appoynt, saucing such as is sould before the sixth of October, when they began first to parley. That which is sould shall remaine sould, without any inquirie, who hath bought it.

[Page 2] 5 Likewise all Officers and souldiers, aswell sick as hurt, Lying in the gesthouse, or else where, shall remaine there, till they haue reco­uered their former health & then shall goe to Machline, with free conduct, and waggons to carry their armes, and baggage with them.

6 That also a number of horses, and waggons, as many as the Gouernour shall require for his owne particular vse, as also for the officers, and souldiers shallbe lent them to carry their baggage, and other goods to Machline, including therein all manner of Armes, as also for the souldiers of the garrison, absent, dead, sick, hurt, or runaway, and that the said waggons shall in no wise be searched.

7 And those which desire to haue their goods transported by shipping to Machline, shall haue good shipping appointed them to passe through Holland: saueing all manner of wares, or Commodi­ties. And it is granted them ouer and aboue, to make choise of men that shall haue a care of the bringing of their goods, and baggage thither, which shall not be searched, nor arrested in any place, vn­der what pretence soeuer, but maye passe freely to Machline.

8 That the Gouernour, Captaynes, Officers, Councellors of Warre, and souldiers, takeing pay from the King of Spayne (aswell Spirituall as Temporall men) none excepted, as also widdowes, with their children, whosoeuer of them which haue any houses in­heritances, rents in this Citty, or vpon the States of Brabant in this quarter, or haue any houses in the Towne, or any inheritances of perticular goods, maye enioy them two yeares after the date and sealing of this composition, to transport them according to their de­sire, to sell them, to morgage them, or otherwise to dispose of their goods, and during this time shall enioy the rents, and hires of their houses, and the fruits of their goods, or such as they may get vpon any condition Whatsoeuer.

9 That the officers, and souldiers in what seruice, or State soeuer they bee, may Leaue their wiues, and children in the Towne, and that during the time of two yeares shall dispose of their goods, moue­able [Page 3] or immoueable, lying within this Citty, or else where, none excepted: so that noe man shall confiscate them neither shall any confiscation take place of them.

10 Neither shall any officer or souldier be arrested, or stayed at this present, or in future times, for the hire of their howses wherein they haue dwelt, neither their baggage for any debts, whither they march out with the garrison or stay behinde being sick or hurt, when they are well they shall depart from hemce.

11 All souldiers prisoners, aswell on the one side, as on the o­ther, of what quality soeuer they bee, shalbe set at liberty, without paying any thing for their ransomes, but onely for their dyet, accor­ding to the taxation of the quarter, as also the preachers and other prisonners shalbe set free paying their dyet.

12 That all the boote which hath bin made before, or since the seige shall not be required of them, but shall remayne their owne.

13 That after the signing of the articles of this composition it is granted to the Gouernour of Breda, that he may send an expresse Messenger to his highnesse the Cardinall Infant, with free conduct, and safety to aduertize him of all things, happened in this seige, which the Gouernour may doe the very same day, as these articles are signed.

14 These conditions being attested, the Gouernour and the souldiers shall haue two daies respite giuen them at the least, to make themselues ready for their departure, which time being expi­red, the Gouernour and Officers of the same garrison shall promise to depart, to witt, vpon Satterday next being the tenth of October 1637 new Stile-

15 With intention, that during the time of two dayes, none of the towne shall come into our army, nor any of our army goe into the Towne, to the end all disorders may be preuented, and all men shall conteyne themselues within their trenches, and fortifications without being permitted to approach neerer, or to shew any hosti­lity [Page 4] one against an other, for the assurance whereof Hostages shalbe giuen on both sides.

16 That before and ere the garrison shall depart, two Sufficient Hostages shall be giuen, who in the behalfe of his highnesse, shall march with the said garrison, armes, and Baggage to Machlin with­them, and on the otherside two Hostages shall remayne there from the Gouernour, till the two Hostages on his highnesse side shall re­turne back againe with the waggons, and that his highnesse shall send to them the aforesaid Hostages, remayning in the towne with free Conduct and assurance to Machline.

17 That the Officers, Souldiers, comprehended in the Articles of this composition, hauing any armes, Barkes, sloopes, or other equipage of warre, belonging to particular persons, maye either sell, or transport them, without being mosested, or stayed for any such things, as they shall haue sould, or will transport.

18 That there shall be made noe restitution of any horses, Ar­mes, Marchandizes, moueables, and other commodities sould, or held for boote, for which no man shalbe stayed.

THE COPIE OF THE ARTICLES AND Demands propounded by the Spirituality, the Drossard Schout, Burgomasters, Aldermen, and the Councill of the citty of BREDA, to his highnesse my Lord the Prince of Orange, Lord and Baron of BREDA with his highnesse An­swere thereunto.

I. Demand.

IMprimis, that all fautes, enmitie, and offences, howe great, and of what quality soeuer they bee, or maye be held to be, without exception of any, either of any spi­rituall or temporall men present within, or without the a foresaid citty, whither in generall or perticular which haue bene committed, shall be forgotten and forgiuen, as if they had neuer hapned.

I. Answere.

His highnesse hauing seene, and examined the Articles aboue men­tioned, hath declared, & declareth by these, that he granteth this Arcicle vpon condition, that all persons mentioned therein, shall hence forward carry themselues, as they are bound to doe.

II. Demand.

That in the aboue said citty of Breda, now and allwaies the exer­cise of the Catholique Romish Religion shalbe publikly taught in the great Church in the Cloisters, and Nunneries, as it hath bin in vse these last twelue yeares: so that noe man of what quality soeuer he be, either ciuill or militarie, shall giue any hinerance, obstakle or scan­dall [Page 6] in Churches, or vpon streets, by word, or deede vpon arbitriall punishment.

II. Answere.

The two Cloisters of Nunnes shall be held in the same manner, as they were before the yeare 1625. vnder the gouerment of the high, and migh­ty Lords the States Generall.

III. Demaund.

That the Magistrates shall be made indifferent of persons, as well indifferent of the Romish Catholiques, as of those of the reformed Religion, and that all permanent offices, yea those Administrations that were the yeare 1625. of men now deceased, and afterward such as were conferred by Count Iohn of Nassaw maye be continued.

III. Answere.

The Magistrates shall be chosen out of the best and qualifiest per­sons of the citty, according to the Lawes, and Priuileges of BRABANT, and of the citty of BREDA aforesaid.

IV. Demaund.

That the Masters of the Chapiter, with their Supposts, the Pryor, and the Nunnes Cloister of Saint Catherins-dale, the Pastor, the Col­ledge of the Society of Iesus, the Conuents of the Fathers Capuchians, the gray Fryers, the Nunnes court, and the clergie of the Gesthowse, with all other spirituall men, of what state, or order soeuer they bee, who haue bene accepted by the citty before the date hereof, maye continew in the peaceable possession off all their goods, rents, dona­tions tenths, and incomes whatsoeuer they be, aswell within as without the citty without any exception, to receiue them a new, or to surrogate others, and as all and euery one, haue held possessed and enioyed the same heitherto, without doing any hindrance, dāmage, or hurt vnto them, and all Canonists, and Benefices, which shall come to be vacant, shall be giuen to the Romish Catholiques, according to [Page 7] to the fundamentall Lawes and Statutes made thereof.

IV. Answere.

That all Spirituall persons shall enioy, and haue the administration of their goods, as they had in the yeare 1625. And as for those which will depart out of the Citty they maye take their goods, and moueables a long with them, as also if they haue houses, or other things they maye sell them as the Burgers doe.

V. Demaund.

The yearely reuenew of the goods belonging to the Orphans Hospitall in the said citty, aswell by inheritance, as by will and Testa­ment, which they now enioy, or may enioy hereafter, either by will, gift, purchase, or otherwise gotten, shall be dristributed Prorate, and according as the number of the poore Orphans shall be found of the one and the other religion, they shall haue a Lodging, and masters a part, and the goods, collections and almes of the Holy Ghost, and the man-house vpon the end of the Gest-house situated vpon the Haghs dicke, shall be gouerned, and distributed by persons, and giuen to the poore of the one and the other Religion, as it hath ben to this day, on which side soeuer the towne was.

V. Answere.

That the goods, Collections, Almes, of euery Almehouse mentioned aboue, shall be employed, and administred as they were before the yeare 1625. without hauing respect of what Religion soeuer the persons bee, which shall be employed thereto.

VI. Demaund.

That the Citty of Breda, and the Jnhabitants thereof shall hold all their priuiledges and freedomes, and that noe more taxations shall bee imposed vpon them, then those which were instituted there from the yeare 1590. to the yeare 1625. during the time that it was [Page 8] vnder the Gouerment of the vnited Netherlands: and seing the Citty with this hard seige is wholly ruinated, to recouer the decay thereof, that they may be free from paying of Licent for the Space of two yeares.

The VI. Answere.

His Highnesse agreeth vnto this article: but for that, which concerns the point of Licences. He will recommend that for their good to the High and Mighty Lords the States Generall.

VII. Demaund.

That all Burgers, and Inhabitans of the afore said citty, as well such as are present, as those which are absent and fledd, of what qua­lity soeuer they bee, whether they were in the King of Spayne his seruice, or no, according to the tenour of this treaty, maye depart out of it whither they will, with their families, moueables, writtings, and other moueable goods, or if they desire to continew their dwel­lings in it still they may for the time, of foure yeares next ensuing, & then to resolue within the said time whither they will continew their habitation there or no. And during the afore said time, that they maye freely conuerse, and goe into the Country, to see if they can finde a place conuenient for them to dwell in, according to their de­sire, as also for other their particular affaires. And if so bee that they within the foresaid terme of foure yeares, or at the expiration there­of, resolue to depart the Towne, they may doe it freely with their wiues, children, and goods, whither they please, either by water, or by land, without paying any toles, Licences, or searching of their shipping, yea allthough any one of them, during the time of foure yeares a boue said had bin in any particular ministration, and that they maye freely dispose of all their goods, make saile of them, morgage, or make transportation of them, or by letters of atturney maye en­trust others with their goods that maye receiue, and dispose of them, and if it should happen that they come to decease, within or [Page 9] without the afore said citty; testate, or intestate the same goods shall come vnto their instituted Heires, or to these of their next blood and kindred ab intestato respectiuè, and all their moueables, goods, Marchandizes, and others, that they may carry them away at their will, without seeking for any other pasport then this present treaty, and those that will dwell in newtrall lands, or resolue to dwell in the plaine Countrie, maye come to dwell againe in the said citty at their pleasure, without desiring any other consent.

VII. Answere.

His highnesse granteth this request, for the time of three yeares next en­suing, especially for those that haue left the Towne, vpon condition that those, which shall dwell in newtrall Lands, or in the plaine Country, and are desirous to dwell againe in Breda, shall be bound first to giue his high­nesse, or the Gouuernour knowledge thereof.

VIII. Demaund.

That those which are desirous for their particular affaires, to goe into the Countries, and townes vnder the commaund of the King of Spayne, may doe it during the time of the aforesaid foure yeares, as often as they please, and euery time may returne freely againe into the towne, to remayne there, or to depart from thence as is aboue­said.

The VIII. Answer.

They maye depart during the time of three years into the Enemyes Countries, and townes, and returne againe into Breda with the fore­knowledge, and consent of the Gouernour.

The IX. Demand.

Jn this Contract all Burgers, and Jnhabitants of the abouesaid citty, shall be included, as also all Pastors, and spirituall persons fled into the Citty, as likewise all Pesants or husbandmen, which are fled into the Towne, or else where out of the Country, who, by vertue hereof [Page 10] maye freely returne into their villages, and houses, or may remaine in the towne during the time of the foure yeares at their pleasure. And the Pastors of the Barronie of Breda, being present, or absent, and their successors may returne againe vnto their parochiall Chur­ches, and Benefices, that they may excercise in them their pastorall functious & ministry, and keepe their incomes, as they did before the retorsion was made.

The IX Answer.

This article is graunteds for so much as concernes the Burgers, but for the Pastors, and other Spirituall persons mentioned herein, they maye depart out of the Citty, but afterwards shall gouerne themselues, accor­ding to the edicts of Retrosion, made by the Lords the Statess, vntill some other order be taken touching that point.

The X. Demand.

That all sentences pronounced by the Magistrates of the aforesaid Citty, and by the high-bench, from which noe appeale hath bene, shall continew in full vigour, power, and effect, as likewise all con­tracts, made before, & during the time of the seige, whatsoeuer they bee.

The X Answer.

This article is graunted, according to the contents thereof.

The XI. Demand.

That all Accovnts passed by the Towne, and likewise all those which were made by the Magistrates shall stand good, and be of va­luation.

The XI. Answre.

This article is likewise aggreed vnto, as it lies, vpon condition that all Charters, Records, and writings concerning fee-simples, Domaines [Page 11] others, either touching spirituall, or temporall goods, and Lands: belong­ing to his Highnesse, shall be deliuered into the hands of those whome his Hignesse shall commit thereunto.

XII. Demaund.

That those which haue rents and debts from the citty, they maye be payd them euery yeare without any deduction.

XII. Answer

This is Likewise condiscended vnto.

XIII. Demaund

That the citty of Breda shall not be bound to make repaire, or maintayne the walles, ramparts, Bridges, Corps de Guards and other workes of Fortification, neither to giue fire and candle light to the Corps de guard, like as they haue benefree thereof these last 12. yeeres vnder the gouernment of the King of Spaine.

XIII. Answere.

Those of the citty shall governe themselves herein, as it was before the yeare 1625.

XIV. Demaund.

That the Souldiers of the garrison, which shall be layd in the sayd citty, as well foote as horsmen shall be lodged in Baracaes, or other­wise, without any charge to the Towne, and Burgesses thereof. And in case any Souldiers be billitted vpon the Burgers, that then they shall receiue seruice mony for them, without any charge to the Citty.

XIV. Answere.

The Souldiers shall be lodged vpon service mony, as they are in other Townes of the vnited Provinces.

A true Liste of the Officers, Gentlemen, and Souldiers Slaine, and hurt be­fore the Seige of BREDA, 1637.

  The Gards Slaine. Hurt.
Of His Highnesse Owne Companie 5. 6.
Sariant Maiour General Wits 7. 8.

Of the English Tercia.
    Companies. Slaine. Hurt.
The Rege­ment of Coronell Morgan 11. 46. 83.
Coronell Herbert 11. 45. 70.
Coronell Goring 11. 30. 50.
Coronell Colepepper 10. 35. 55.
The Lord of Brederode 5. 21. 28.
Count Solms 7. 19. 59.
Summa. 55. 196. 344.
Officers Slaine and Hurt of the English Tercia.
  • 7. Officiers Slaine.
    • Captaine Crofts.
    • Treymaine L. to Capt: Hamond.
    • Lieu: Kiuet, Lieu: to Sariant.
    • Maiour Duick.
    • Ensigne Kirke Ensigne to Captaine Hamond.
    • Ensigne Carey, Ensigne to C. White
    • Ensigne Rommeler Ensigne to Count Solms.
    • Sariant Raymond.
    15 English Officiers hurt.
    • My Lord Morgan.
    • Coronell Goring.
    • Captaine Skippon.
    • Captaine Stanton.
    • Captaine Meteren.
    • Count Solmes his Cap: Lie: Loofe,
    • Lieu: to Lieu: Cor: Thienen.
    • Lieutenant Baxter.
    • Lieutenant Moyle.
    • Lieutenant Aires.
    • Ensigne Mack Worth.
    • Ensigne Harcourt.
    • Ensigne Squib.
    • Sariant Sheldrake.
    • Sariant Goddard.


Of the French Tercia.
    Companies. Slaine Hurt.
The Regi­ment of Monsieur Chastillon 11. 37. 44.
Coronell Hauteriue 9. 25. 42.
Duke de Candale 9. 26. 54.
Maisonnefve 9. 31. 46.
Douchans 10. 35. 74.
Count Maurice 5. 20. 26.
Summa. 51. 182. 303.
Officers Slaine and Hurt in his Highnesse Quarter of the French Tercia.
  • 7. Officiers Slaine.
    • Monsieur Charnaze Ambassadour and Coronell.
    • Captaine de Cars.
    • Mons. Sailly L. to Capt: Valandre.
    • Captaine Barrier his Ensigne.
    • Monsieur Corafel his Lieutenant.
    • Des Maries Lieut: to Mons: de Candale.
    • Saint Sire Ensigne to Monsieur de Buat.
    13. Hurt.
    • Captaine Beauchaine.
    • Captaine Bantelu.
    • Sauuet at Lieutenant to Monsieur Beauchaine.
    • Mr. Brot Lie: to Capt: de Gonne.
    • Mons: Pisel. Lieutenant to Capt: de Barriere.
    • Saint Hermin, Ensigne to Capt: Creuset.
    • Mons: Lerbalde Lieut: to L: Co: Capt: la Cappelle.
    • The Ensigne de Mons: la Cappelle.
    • Remon Lieut: du Capt: Estrade.
    • Olomme Ensigne to Sar: Maiour Autege.
    • Hertain, Ensigne to Count Maurice his Companie.
    • Le Chevalier Vaucelar.
    • La Borde Sariant to Monsieur le
    • Mareschals Chastillons Companie.


The Forces that came with Count Harrie Cassimier, Gouernour of Frizland.
    Slaine. Hurt.
The 51 Companies under the com­maund of Count Harry 171. 250.
8 Companies vnder the command of Lieut: Coron: Boshuysen 27. 32.
12 Vnder Coronell Ferentz 8. 24.
Sum: 71 Companies 206. 306.
Officers Slaine, and Hurt in the quarter of my Lord Count Henry Casimir Gouernour of Friezland.
  • 5 Officers Slaine.
    • Captaine Nassaw.
    • Captaine vanden Brand.
    • Captaine Roussell.
    • Hattem Lieut: to Capt: Roussell.
    • Slip Ensigne to Capt: Slip.
    12. Hurt.
    • Coronell Potter.
    • Captaine Huygens.
    • Captaine Asima.
    • Captaine Iacob Slip.
    • Gesaw Capt: Lieut: to the Coronell
    • Lauwick Lieut: to Cap: Lauwick.
    • Martin Lieut: to Capt: Hoen.
    • Scape Lieut: to Coronell Ogle.
    • Capt: Dimers Lieutenant:
    • Meger Lieut: to Capt: Harsholt.
    • Ockinga Ensig: of the Frieze garde
    • The Inginier Slip.
Of Count Williams of Nassaws Tercia, Lord Marshall of the Feild.
    Companies Slaine. Hurt.
The Regi­ment of His Highnesse 9. 28. 39.
Count Williams 10. 37. 51.
Coronell Erentruiter 9. 18. 35.
The Lord of Beverward. 7. 19. 32.
Coron: Wynebergen 7. 24. 43.
Coronell Balford. 7. 32. 30.
Lord Aumont 7. 19. 40.
Coronell Sandalien 7. 47. 41.
Summa. 63. 224. 316.
Officiers Slaine and Hurt in Count Williams quarter Lord Marshall of the Feild.
  • [Page]
    7 Officiers Slaine.
    • Captaine Schuiren.
    • Captaine Williamson.
    • Sar: Ma: Caddet his Lieutenant Stoltenburck L: to Ca: Amerongē.
    • La Grandiere Ensig: vnto my Lord Beverweerd Coronell.
    • Hamelton Li. to Li. Cor: Erskins.
    • Ensigne Fargison Ensigne to Capt: Kilpatrick.
    12 Hurt.
    • Coronell Sandalien.
    • Coronell Wynebergen.
    • Lieut: Coronell Couts.
    • Captaine Balford.
    • Capt: Kilpatrick.
    • Sar: Maiour Erentruiter.
    • The Lieutenant of the Firelocks.
    • Ensigne Niece to Capt: Scott.
    • Sar: Corbit. Ensigne Drommont
    • Sar: Inglish.
    • Sar: Linesey.
    In Coronell Ferens quarter.
    • Capt. Boetzelar Hurt.
    • Horse Captaines Hurt.
    • Sir Iohn Connyers, Cap: Wilmot Officers of the Field Hurt.
    • Monsieur Percevall Quarter­master Generall.
    • Monsieur Abel Quartermaster Quart: Egmonds Inginier.
    • Quartermaster Stephanus.
    • Francis Perceval Inginier.
    4 Voluntiers Slaine.
    • Lieut: Coronell Henderson.
    • Captaine Crofts.
    • Monsieur Stuuer.
    • Monsieur Coklemonde.
    10 Voluntiers Hurt.
    • My Lord Grandisson.
    • Mr. Apsley.
    • Mr. Oneall.
    • Monsieur Rieux.
    • Monsieur Ferandiere.
    • Monsieur Bardona.
    • Monsieur Constantine.
    • Monsieur vanden Brande.
    • Monsieur Dumorier.
    • Monsieur Matinase.
    • Officiers & Voluntiers Slaine 30. Hurt 70.
  • Summa Totaliis of the Souldiers, and Gentlemen Slaine of these 246 Companies 820. 1283.
  • Canon Shott vpon the Towne 23130.
  • Powder Shott away in Canon and Musketts. 320000.

The Charges Extraordinarie of the Outworks, Approches Circumualation, Redoubts Batteries, Stop­ping the Riuers, makeing of Dammes with the Galleries, and all other Workes and Trenches, during the siege of Breda Cost the States 500000. Gilders

It is Recorded that while the Marquesso Spinila was a takeing of this Citty, it cost his Maiestie, the King of Spaine Eight Millions of Gilders.

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