A simple, and religious consultation of vs Herman by the grace of God Archebishop of Colone, and prince Electour. &c. by what meanes a Christian reformation, and foun­ded in Gods worde, Of doctrine, admini­stration of the deuine Sacramentes, of Ce­remonies, and the hole cure of soules, and o­ther ecclesiastical ministeries may be begon among men committed to our pasto­rall charge, vntil the lorde graunt a better to be appoynted either by a free, and Christian coū ­sayle, general, or national, or elles by the states of the Empire of the natiō of Germa­nie, gathered together in the holye Gost

¶ Imprinted in the yere of our Lorde. 1547. The. xxx of October. I. D.

¶ We Herman by Gods grace archbishop of Colone, Archchaunceler in Italye of the holye Romayne Empire, And prynce E­lectour, Duke of Westphalia and Angaria administratour of Padebourne, wysheth to al them that shal reade, heare, and vnder­stand this our boke, grace, peace, and blisfulnes from God our father through our Lorde, and onely sauiour Iesus Chryst.

IT is knowne to al men ma­nifestly that our most redouted Emperour Charles, our moost gratious Lorde hath ryght diligently sought sondry waies in many counsels wyth the prynces Electours, and other princes and states of the holye Romayne Em­pire in Germany, wherby these daūgerous and pernicious dissēcion, & altercatiō in holi religion myght be taken away, and a gene­ral and christian consent, and reformation of congregations myght be appoynted and in troduced through the whole nation of Ger­manye. But because the Emperours maie­stie could not hitherto deuyse and constitute this general and godly concorde, and refor­matiō of churches, he, for a godly cause, and very christian purpose, enioyned, and com­maunded, in the counsayle last assembled at [Page] Ratespone, with the bishpop of Romes Le­gate, to al prelates, that among them selues and their diocesanes, they shoulde begyne a christian correction of ecclesiastical matters which myght helpe to a comely and holsom administration of the congregations, and that they shoulde propoune the same to the congregation to be obserued, and mayntain it with ernest diligence, and suche faythful­nes as becometh ecclesiastical persos in thys matter, neither should haue any regarde of theim, whiche woulde hyndre or staye thys godlye purpose, because he trusted that by this meane a more cōmodious way myghte be made to the ordring & refurming of chur­ches, and that mens mindes might be prepared the soner to cōsent to a cōsultatiō of reli­gion. Besides this the states of our domini­on haue earnestlye required of vs in manye conuocations that we would make a godly and christian reformation. And moreouer, in the last Conuocation at Bone, the Erls, Knightes, Gentilmen, and cities of our do­minion: committed vnto vs, that after the sayd maner, we should procure a reformati­on of congregations to bee gathered to ge­ther, and to bee pubblished, and propouned to the congregations committed vnto o [...] charge, whiche they shoulde obserue, [...] [Page] hereunto that we our selues by most certain arguments of God, do perceiue daily, howe grate nede of amēdement our cōgregacions haue, because they be vtterlye destitute of godlie, and lerned ministers, and therefore no sincere, and certayne doctrine is handled amōg our men, where as yet the same ought alwaies to be preched, and taught before old men, and younge. For we perceiue that of thys neglectinge of perfecte, and pure doc­trine, horrible ignorance of God, pernitious supersticion, vnbelefe, most greuous fautes and confusion of all good thinges folowe necessarely.

Therefore whan we perceyued that the saide thynges preuailed horribly it semed that we ought to make no longer delaie, but rather we thought vpon the emendation of these thinges, and consulted aboute the same ernestly, & cheifely in this our extreme olde age which surely warneth vs, that we must shortely come before the iudgement seate of Christ, where we knowe that we must giue an accompe of this office enioyned vnto vs. Wherefore that we myght first shewe oure selues obedient to our saniour, and the Lord Christe the prynce of pastours, and to hys flocke, and secōdly acknowlege our supreme officer the emperour and finally seke the preseruacion, [Page] and correction of religion among the people of Christe committed vnto oure charge, accordinge to the office of a bishoppe enioyned vnto vs, we haue applied our hole diligence hereunto, accordinge to our simplicitie, and the gifte, which the almightie hath graūted to vs, that we might finde out some meane to reforme ecclesiasticall doctrine be­inge so necessarie in thys greate perturbaci­on of thinges, which afterwarde we mighte propoune to our men wherein if we should not do our dutie, surely we shoulde stirre vp greater anger of God to warde vs, and all godlie men perceiue that vndoubted, and vn couerable destruction of soules wold folow thereof. Wherefore we nether woulde nor coulde delaie our purpose of a reformacion. Therefore we called to our cōsultation ma­nie men, and those exercised men, and endued wyth the feare of God, and wyth spirituall wisdōe, and lerninge, with whom after that we had had longe communication, we consi­dered al thinges faithfulli, and at the last we ordanied the forme, and preparation folowinge of restoringe ecclesiastical doctrine, and discipline amonge our men. And thought I be their vnworthye bishop, yet I was lawe­fully made both archbishoppe, and curate of soules. And sette not furth this same forme, [Page] and maner of a reformation as thought no­thinge coulde be amēded, or chaunged in it, or as though other ought in anie wise to fo­lowe it. Thorough the grace of God we ac­knowledge the weaknes of our faith, and the slendernes of our iudgemēt in these matters of so greate difficultie, cōcerning the heauen lie kingdome of our Lorde Iesu Christe, and our saluation. But because our dere Lord Iesus Christe praised his father and gaue hym thāckes also for that, that he had hidden the misteries of the heauenlie kyngdome from the prudent and wise mē of this world, and had opened them to the simple, and despised and commaunded his holesome gospel to be preached without differēce to the lerned and vnlerned that they might attain euerlasting saluacion, and moreouer promised hys spi­rite, by whom we vndrestande, and receiue those thinges, whiche he hymselfe giueth vs in the gospel for our euerlastinge saluation, asmanie as would seke the same in the name of his dere sonne our Lord Iesus Christ, as Christe hymselfe witnesseth, it shoulde not haue becomed vs, whiche professe the name of Christe, & execute the office of a bishoppe (though we graūte we do not satisfy in both I meane in Chriistan life, and in the office of a bishoppe) to doubte of grace and gifte of [Page] God and to distruste God our most merci­full heauenlie father, as though he myght not be moued with our praiers, and the godlie praiers of oure men to gene vs mercifulli his hollye spirite, whereby we myght lerne of his gospel to adourne our office enioyned by him, and to dispose, and ordain that the peple cōmitted to our charge be faithfully and diligently taught by godlie, and mete minis­ters howe thorough true, and liuelie fayth they shoulde acknowledge oure Lorde Iesus Christ, and confesse him to be the only saui­our and calle for his helpe in al trobles with a verie trust and exercise them selues in such worckes as in dede be good and fruteful, in the holye sacramētes, and other ceremonies of the church accordinge to Christes institu­tion, that godlines maie daily encrease more and more, and that al thinges which be contrarie to Godes worde, all sinnes, and of­fences that be crept in to the church of God maye be abolisched wherefore attributinge nothinge ether to our wisdome, or to the wisdome, and doctrine of other but only encou­raged and trusting in y e true grace, and sure promise of God the father; and in the merite and strenghth of our Lord Iesus Christ the only hed, and vigilant pastour of hys com­gregation, we haue determined to set furth [Page] accordynge to oure simplicite, these thynges thus gathered after diligent deliberacion, and correction, asmuch as coulde be done in shorte tyme, and asmuch as God helped vs wyth hys grace, for some reformacion of Christian discipline. For we graunte that it is our office to fede christes shepe, and faith­fully to loke to the congregacions cōmitted vnto vs. And we cal God our creator to witnesse, whiche is euerlastinge truth, and kno­weth the hertes, and seeth al thoughtes, that we in al this matter of reformation, seke ne­ther our owne glorie, nor oure priuate com­modite, but only haue respecte hereunto that the glorie of the almightie maye bee mooste largely set furth to the euerlastinge saluaci­on of oure men.

Therfore we besech al christen men of what condicion soeuer thei be, which shal reade o [...] heare this our preparation of a reformation (by our Lord Iesus Christ whose cause, matter, and busines is hādled in this boke) if thei shal finde anie thinge in it that shal not seme to be agreable to goddes worde, and make to the true edificacion of fayth in Christe, whiche resteth in the augmentacion of god­des encrease, that they wil certifie vs thereof and gently teach vs out of the holie scriptur We wyll take the same, by goddes grace [Page] in good parte, and gladli embrace those thinges, that we shal perceiue to helpe to the re­paration of the church, and we be readie to do them more diligently, than it is set furth in this boke, that nothinge wante to the nessarie reformacion of the church. And contra­rie wise we require of them, that if they shal perceiue that the Lord hath mercifully giuē vs to attain his meaninge, and wil, they wil helpe vs wyth their beniuolence, and dili­gence asmuch as they maye, that these thin­ges (as the holsome commaundementes of oure maker, redemer, & iugde Iesus Christ) maye be sette furth, chiefely seing that they vnder stand, that it becōmeth vs in nowyse in those thinges, whiche we surely knowe to be enioyned and commaunded vnto vs by oure God, and sauiour out of hys worde to differ any lōger, either for the authorite and power of anie men, or for the expectacion of a councell generall, or nationall, the thinges which perteine to the glorie of God, and of his most dere sonne, and the saluation of the people, but rather as commodiously as we maye to propone the same to be obserued of our men, and other, asmuch as the almightie will helpe vs with hys diuine grace, whiche we wishe to al them, that seke the same truly thorough our Lord Iesus Christ. As we cō ­mende [Page] vnto them this our obedience such as it is in this our purpose, whiche we owe to the diuine maieste, with al our subiectes, and our office, desiringe the same children of god which with a sincere herte wishe the ampli­fication of Christes kingdom, to whome vndoubtedly our necessarie diligence though it be slender, shalbe acceptable, that they with their godlie praiers will diligentlye ayde in this our purpose, and ministerie, vs and our subiectes. Which thinge how acceptable it was vnto vs we desire to declare to euerie one, whan we shal be able.

❧ A Table of the principall Ar­ticles in this boke of a Re­formacion.
  • OF Doctrine.
  • That some Lesson muste be resited out of the holye Scripture before a Ser­mon, and declared vnto the people
  • That al Sermōs must be made to the magnifiyng of the Lord Christ
  • Of the Trinitie.
  • Of the creacion, and gouernaunce of all thynges.
  • Of the cause of synne and death.
  • Of original sinne, and mannes wekenes before regeneration.
  • Of the olde Testament.
  • Of the difference of the olde and newe Testament.
  • Of preachyng peculiar to the newe Testa­ment.
  • Of the preachyng of Repentaunce.
  • Of the true, and proper vse of Goddes lawe.
  • A short exposition of the .x. commaunde­mentes.
  • Of remission of synnes, and iustification.
  • Of good workes.
  • [Page]Of the true, and natural significatiō of this worde fayth.
  • Of the crosse and tribulations.
  • Of the church of God.
  • Of the vnitie, or concorde of the church.
  • Of christian prayer.
  • A short exposition of the Lordes praier.
  • Of the abuse in prayer.
  • Of the true, and false vse of Images.
  • Of Christian fast.
  • Of holy offerynges.
  • A premoniciō, and commaundement against the errours of the Anabaptistes.
  • Of the administration of religion.
  • Of Sacramentes generally.
  • Of Baptisme.
  • The fourme of a Catechisme before Bap­tisme.
  • The exorcisme.
  • Of the administration of Baptisme.
  • Howe Baptisme must be administred at times not prescribed.
  • Of Confirmation.
  • Of the Lordes Supper.
  • At what tyme the Lordes Supper ought to be celebrated.
  • Of the cōmuniō of straungers, and sickfolke
  • Howe sicke persōs must be visited, and how we must celebrate the cōmunion with thē
  • [Page]Of communion in priuate houses for menne in health.
  • Of turning from sins, and true repentaunce
  • Of excommunication.
  • Of the makyng of Pastours.
  • Of the blessyng of Mariages.
  • Of Buriyng.
  • Of holy and feastful dayes.
  • Of fastyng dayes and Lent.
  • Of the difference of meates.
  • Of certayne other ryghtes or ceremonies of the church.
  • Of ecclesiastical rites vpon working daies.
  • Of peculiar dayes of procession.
  • Of Letany.
  • Of commune almes.
  • Of scholes for chyldren
  • Of scholes of Diuinitie.
  • Of disputation.
  • By what meanes a christian reformation of holy ministerie, and cure of soules maye be begunne, and practised in parishes.
  • Of refourmyng of canonical colleges
  • Of the reformation of monasteries both of men and women.
  • Of free and not Monasticall Colleges of virgins.
  • Of the ordre of selbrethren, and laye brethrē The ende of the table.

Of Doctrine.

OUR sauiour Gods sonne Iesus Christ, which cam into this world to the intent to open that wonder ful, and hyd wil of God concer­nyng the saluation of mankynd, after this sort spake to his disciples, and to all them that are called to the ministery of his Gos­pel: As the father hath sente me, so I sende Iohn. x. Marke the last Chap. you. And in another place: Go into all the world, and preach the Gospel to euery cre­ature, teachyng theim to kepe all thynges that I haue cōmaunded you. Further God eternal, the father of our Lord Iesu Chryst, Mat. iii. xvii. spake thus from heauen of hys sonne: Him heare ye. Wherefore, let vs constitute hym a Doctoure of authoritie, and iudge of all writinges. Peruse Cypriās boke. ij. Epistle iij. And that Christ ought only to be heard, the father witnesseth also from heauen, say­ing: this is my sonne, in whom I am well pleased, heare hym. Wherfore, if Christ on­ly oughte to be hearde, we must not looke, what any mā before vs hath thought good to bee doone, but what Christe fyrste dyd, whych is before all. All preachin­ges ought to be taken out of the holie scriptures.

Forasmuch as thā this doctrine of God the father, and of oure Lorde Jesus Chryst is taught in no wrytinges, but in the wry­tynges of the Propheies, and the Apostles, [Page] and seyng that there is none other doctrine wherin the wyll of God from the begyn­nyng concernyng mannes saluation, is set furth with more certayne and strong testi­monies, Paule saiyng also that the churche Ephe. ij is buylded therupon, it is ryght necessary, that al the ministers of the Gospel read of­ten, & pondre the hole deuine scripture, with the feare of God, and exquisite diligence, both that they them selues maye be better learned, and also that they may enstruct o­ther of the euerlastyng wyl of God, of the law of synne, of the wrath of God, of grace and ryghteousnes promysed for Chryst the mediatour, of lyfe euerlastyng, and paynes euerlasting, which the dispisers of the word must nedes suffre.

This wysdome, as Paule witnesseth to the Corinth. doth far excel al mans wisdom For he saith: we speake the wisdome of God in mistery, which is hid, whych God prede­stinated before the worldes, vnto our glory whyche none of the prynces of this worlde hath knowne, but God hath opened it vnto vs by his spirit. i. Corin. xi. Wherefore for­asmuch as God hathe propouned vnto vs this his holesome and heauenlye doctryne onely in the writynges of the Prophetes, & of the holy Apostles, and because we can­not [Page] receiue the same certaine, and vndouted els where, al shepherdes & preachers ought to exercyse them selues diligently daye and nyght in these holy and deuyne bokes, that they may be apter to teach other. As the holy S. Ciprian to Pompeius a­gaynst Ste­phanes Epi­stle. I [...] beho­ueth a byshop not only to teach but al­so to learne. For he dothe better teache which dayely encreaseth, and profiteth in learnynge better thyn­ges. Se. s. Augu. also, boke. v. of Baptis­me agaynste the Donati­stes, Cha. xvi Gost requireth it in them by name, that they declare and shewe them selues appro­ued to God, and such workemen of Christ, as nede not to be ashamed of their myniste­ry, and whych also may rightly deuide the word of truth, and teach other with fruite. ij. Timoth. ij. Item that they holde fast that faythful word, whych is accordyng to doc­tryne that they may bee able to exhort tho­rough holsome doctrine, and to conuince the agaynsayers therof Titu. i.

In which deuine precept propouned to al teachers & ministers of congregations, the pastours, and preachers shall obserue dili­gently. Fyrst, that it is required of thē, that in teachyng they hold fast the certayne, and faythful word, that is to say: to whych cer­tayne, and vndouted fayth ought to be ge­uē. Wherof it foloweth, that thei must take ryght diligent hede, that they myngle none opinions of men, with their doctryne, and preachyng, but that they teache religiously and deliuer to the people the syncere worde Ther be ma▪ of God. For this saiyng is euer true, Eue­ry [Page] man is a lyar. Psalm. Cxvi. And Paule saith. The natural man vnderstandeth not those thynges that be of the spirite of God for thei be folyshnes vnto hym, and he can­not perceiue them. i. Cori. ij. After the same sort sayth Esay. xl. Al flesh is grasse, and al the glory therof is as the flour of the felde, the grasse wythereth, and the floure fadeth. But the word of the lorde abideth for euer. Seing then that men of theyr owne nature be deceyued, and can not of them selues vn­derstande the doctrine of grace, and seinge that theyr glorie or excellencie (by whiche worde the prophete would chiefely signi­fie mannes wysedome) falleth awaye lyke a floure, howe can mannes reason, and wis­dome, when it is not guyded and directed by the spirite and worde of God, perceyue and teache anie certentie, and truth, chiefely concernyng diuine matters, and the restitu­tion of man. And although al christian men haue the spirite of God, whiche as he lea­deth eche one into all truth, as muche as is sufficient for his owne saluation, and for the profitte of the congregation, so he hath wit­nessed in man the gospell of Christe wyth goodly bookes, and wrytynges, and doeth euen vnto thys daye wytnesse, and preache neuerthelesse fleshe and bloude abyde in al, [Page] men, be they neuer so holy, and spiritual, as Augustine. I can not denie nether ought to denie, that as in oure el­ders them selues, so there be many thinges in so ma­nie my wor­kes, that may be blamed wyth ryghte iudgement, and no rashe­nes at all. longe as they lyue here, whiche fleshe and bloude perceyue not the thynges that per­tayne vnto God. The sense and vnderstan­dyng of the fleshe remayneth, whiche stry­ueth agaynst God. Wherfore in thys lyfe there neyther hath ben, nor is anie man en­dued wyth so great holines, or doctrine, but that it hath chaunced hym often to fall, and to be deceyued. Wherefore as Saynte Au­gustine, so lykewyse other fathers and olde doctours allowed not all the writinges and sentences of them, whiche had taughte ey­ther before them, or in theyr tyme for thys cause, that those thynges came from men so excellent in godlines, and learnynge, but as farre as euerie man confirmed his doc­trine, The same antour in the Epistle to saint Hierome. and sentence with the worde of God, and sure reasons. And they counted those onely reasons to be sure and certaine, which thei perceiued to be deriued out of the word of God. Of which sort those be, with which S. Paule proueth that a woman muste co­uer Howe we muste iudge of the wry­tynges of the fathers. hyr heade in the congregation, and kepe silence, and not teache men. i. the Corhinth. xi. and. xiiii For the apostle cōfirmeth these thynges wyth thys reason namely because the worde of God testifieth that the womā is of the man, that she was made after the [Page] man, and first admitted the gyle of Satan Item that she oughte to be subiecte to hy husbande.

Wherfore al cōfirmations of godlie do­ctrine consiste in the onely testimonie of the Vppon what foundation al godly doctri­ne ought to stand. scripture, vpon wihche scripture al that we either beleue or teache of God, and oure Christe oughte to be grounded. For thys scripture only setteth before vs the word of God vnmixte, and certayne (wherunto one­ly we ought to giue credence in diuine mat­ters) for it was not taught of mē, but of the holy goste from heauen as. S. Petre wyt­nesseth, sayinge: knowe this first, that euerie prophetical scripture is not of priuate inter­pretation. For prophecie was not at anie tyme brought by the wyl of man, but the holy mē of God spake, being stirred of the holie goste, ii. Petre. i.

Wherfore all doctrines of men in the cō ­gregation that are not grounded vpon the worde of God, taughte in the holy scriptu­res Math. xv. Esay. xxix. be vnprofitable, & pernicious, as Christ witnesseth and Esay. But the holye scrip­ture is a certayne, and a holesome doctrine vnto vs as Paul teacheth, wher as he saith Euerye scrypture enspired from God, is profitable for doctrine, for reprouing, for in struction which is in ryghteousnes, that the [Page] man of God may be perfect, prepared vnto euery good worke. ij. Timo. iij.

Forasmuch as than this scripture pro­pheticall and inspired from God, is profi­fable, and abundauntly sufficient for the perfecte knoweledge of true and holesome do­ctrine, that the men of God maye be in­structed. and prepared to euery good worke and further that all erroures, whiche be a­gainst religiō & godlines, may be disclosed, and confuted, all pastours, and preachers muste alwaye needes take theyr sermons and doctrine out of the holy scripture. Thei muste also take diligent hede, leste at any tyme they mingle herewyth mannes do­ctrines, and interpretations, that haue not flowen out of thys pure foūtayne of Gods worde. Wherefore that feaders and prea­chers That prea­chers ought to praie for e [...] crease of the holigost, & not to bewrapped in busynesses of thys lyfe. maye ryghtly instructe the people of Christe, out of these bokes of the holie gost, in all thynges that be profitable, and neces­sarie to knowe for saluation, it is needefull that they geue thē selues to the studie of the holie scriptures wyth moste earnest, and cō ­tinuall care. And that they maye do thys thynge with more fruite and attayne to the true vnderstandynge of the holy scripture, let them pray continually wyth Godly pe­titions that the holie gooste maye be increa­sed [Page] to them, whiche is the onely interpreter of the holy scripture. For the naturall man vnderstandeth it not, as he also vnderstan­deth not other spirituall thynges, whiche thinge the Apostles teache vs sufficientlye wyth theyr owne example, whiche, as we reade in the last of Luke did not vnderstāde the scriptures, before that Christe opened theyr minde. The spirite thē before al thin­ges muste be sought for, and obtained with faythfull prayer, the spirit I saye of vnder­standyng the holy scripture a ryght both to the health, and profit of our selues, and also of other. Wherfore, it is nedeful that prea­chers wythdrawe them selues from carnal and worldly busines, asmuch as the necessi­tie of this present life wil suffre, & that they geue them selues throughly to all spirituall exercises, if they wyl both thē selues ryght­ly vnderstand godlines, and the holie scrip­tures, and also profitably administre and faythfully dispence to the congregation of God, the doctrine of saluation, that euerye one of them teach mē committed vnto their charge aswel the rude, as the quycke wyt­ted, and learned the most holy Gospel, and doctrine of godlines vnto theyr saluation. Item that they bryng to passe through that their ministery that euery man surely per­ceiue [Page] the prophetical & euāgelical spech, and geue hede therunto with al diligēce, as to a cādel shining in a darke place, that they wauer ii. of Petre. i. not like children, & be caried about with euery wynde of doctryne, but that folow­ing the truth in loue thei grow in him in al thinges, which is the head, namely Christ. Ephe. iiij.

Further, it is the office of pastours, and ministers of the word, that they exhorte thē Howe neede­ful exhortati­ons be. that be ryghtlye instructed in the doctryne of godlines, and that they cal vpon them instantly, that they abyde in that knowne do­ctrine, beyng prepared and redy to suffre al thynges, rather than that they wyll depart from it, and that they testify them selues to be the chyldren of God with good workes, and a christian lyfe. For our aduersarye the Deuyl neuer kepeth holy day, but walketh i. of Petre. v. Chap. about lyke a roaryng Lion, sekyng whom he maye deuoure, as Peter witnesseth. And this he doth not only within, with fiery dartes of temptations, and fleshly intisementes agaynst the lawe of God, but also without with the persecutions, and assaultes of the myghtie, and further with hypocrisie, and a vayne shewe of false doctryne, as our day­ly experience testifieth. Wherfore, Bishops and preachers must procure wyth al studye that they ryghte diligentlye warne, con­forte, [Page] and exhorte the weake in the fayth of Christ, that they labour to resyst manfully the olde enemy euer endeuouryng himselfe to assaulte on euerye syde the flocke of the Lord, and to continue in the fayth, as s. Pe­ter teacheth vs. i. Peter. v. And also Paul to the Ephesians. vi. Chapter.

But at what tyme and in what place such consolations and exhortations ought to be Exhortation to godlines, is euer nede­ful. vsed, it can not be certainly prescribed. For it is not onely requisite opēly in pulpettes, but often at other tymes, & in other places, as occasiō suffreth & necessitie requireth. As s. Paule with greate grauitie admonisheth Timothe. I besech the (sayeth he) before God, and the Lord Iesus Christ, which shal ij. Timot. iiij. iudge the quicke, and the dead in his appearing and in his kingdom, preach the word, calle vpon them in tyme, out of tyme, re­proue, rebuke, exhorte with al softnes, and doctrine The Apostle approueth the same thinge also with his owne exemple, in that last sermō, which he made at Miletes to the elders of the congregations. Youe knowe (saieth he) from the first daye that I entred in to Asia, after what sorte I was with you at al tymes, seruinge the Lorde God with al humblenes of minde, wyth many teares, and temptations, whiche chaūced vnto me [Page] throw the conspiracie of the Iewes, howe I with drew no parte of those thinges that mighte be for your profith, but I shewed vnto you, and taughte you openly, and in eue­rie house, testifiynge both to the Iewes and to the Gretians that repētaunce, that is to­wards God, and that faith, that is toward our lorde Iesus. Take hede therfore to your selues, and to the hole flocke. Item, watch ye, remēbringe that by the space of .iii. yeres I ceased not nyght nor daye with teares to warne euerie man. And in the first epistle to the Thess. the .ii. cha. You be wytnesses and you know, how we were affectioned towardes euerie one of you, as a father is towar­des his Children, desiring you, confortinge and beseching, that ye woulde walke wor­thely of God, whiche hath called you in to his kingdom and glorie. And it is necessary that such exhortatiōs be done grauely with a certaine Godly vehemencie of minde, and Let exhortati­ō be vehemēt and ernest. feruentnes that they may moue the people, and stere vp good affecions in mennes mindes, whereby they maye labour to conti­new, and go forth in the way of the Lorde▪ which thinge Paule signified by this say­ynge that he maye be able to exhorte &c. It shal much further thys grauitie and vehe­mencie, if the preachers with the comman­dementes [Page] of God shal diligently sette forth and declare the threates also, terrible exem­ples of Goddes wrath, that the people mai be fraied from sinninge. Item if they shall sette forth the mercie, and promises of God with no [...]able exemples of Goddes helpe & deliueraunce that in like maner men maye he allured to trust more constantly in God and to loue hym, and so beinge inflamed with the zealle, and loue of God they may goe forth in al good worekes, and valiauntly suffre, & ouercome afflictions for the glorie of the Lorde. The feeders thā and prea­chers, that wil faythfully serue theyr voca­tion must necessarely not only be furnished to exhort the sorowful, and to comforte the weake, but also they muste be readie, and haue a burnning zeale therunto. For the ob­taininge of both whyche thinges as they haue neede of continual readinge, and stu­diyng of the scripture so they haue neede of continual prayer, and all other spirituall ex­ercises, and therfore also of great werines, lest by anie meane they be entangled in the Howe er­rours and de­prauations of Gods worde must be refu­sed. busynesses of thys lyfe, and carnall cares. Thirdly it is required of feeders, & curates of Christes people that they be able also to confute the agaynsayers, and aduersaries wyth euident, and effectuall testimonies of [Page] the scripture. For Satan is busiest in thys poynte that he maye corrupte the perfecte and sincere doctrine, raysyng vp sundry he­resies, that the fayeth of Christe being sha­ken, and at the laste abolished, he maye sta­blishe, and mayntayne his owne tirannie. Hereof it commeth, that as we haue redde that in the tyme of the Apostles, and Mar­tyres longe sithens it happened, and a [...] al o­ther tymes when the pure doctrine of God hath bene sincerely preached, so in oure time also newe heretikes sprynge dayly, whiche labour, and establishe their wicked doctrine with depraued testimonies of the scriptures as. S. Petre wryteth, that such men euen in i. of Petre the la [...]t Chap. his tome beganne to wrest the writinges of S. Paule that be hearde to vnderstande, as the other scriptures vnto theyr owne destruction. Neither is it meruayle that Sa [...]ā worketh thys thynge in his ministers, I meane that he laboureth to corrupt, and ouerthrow the doctrine of godlines (whiche is taughte in the scripture onely) by the testimonies of the scripture it selfe, but the same being de­praued and corrupted. For wyth thys arte he durste assayle the Lorde Christe, when in the holie Citie Hierusalem, he sette him v­pon the pinacle of the temple, and sayed vn­to him, if thou be the sonne of God cast thy [Page] selfe downe. For it is wrytten, he hath geuē cōmaundement to his angelles concerninge the, they shal beare the in theyr handes, leste perchaunce thou shouldest hurte thy fote at a stone. Psal. xci. Math. iiii.

Wherfore let the faythfull ministers of Christe knowe that the more sincerely they preach the true word of God, with so much the greater diligence, and laboure shal Sa­tan lay in awayte for them, and theyr flocke and shall endeuoure him selfe by reason of the simplicitie of the comen people, & weake­nes of theyr iudgement, to begyle thē wyth depraued scriptures. For when he seeth that men wyll admitte no authoritie, but the au­thoritie of the scripture, he also layeth no­thynge more to theyr charge then scripture, that he maye more cōmodiously creepe into them that be accustomed to heare the scrip­ture onely, and thrust in his lyes more ease­ly, that the pastours, and ministers of the cō gregation may disclose this gyle of Satan, and stoppe the mouthes of Sophisters his ministers, and eyther preserue or cal againe the flocke cōmitted vnto them from wycked errours, they must watche, and labour with singuler diligence, and care in this behalfe. For as the Apostle sayeth, there be many vntreatable, and vayne ianglers, begylers [Page] of myndes, which ouerthrow whole houses teachynge thynges that oughte not to be taughte for fylthy gayne, whose mouthes muste be stopped. Tite. i.

But that such may be more cōmodiously Rules to re­proue, and cō ­fute heretikes and groundly conuinced, and cōfuted, these rules chiefely, are to be obserued. Fyrste that the articles of oure fayth be confirmed wyth sure, and euident testimonies of the scripture. The seconde rule is, that the wor­des in sentences and testimonies, which are alledged in disputation, be compared toge­ther, after the propre sense of the scripture wythout sophistrie, and that thorow suche conferryng the true sētence of the holie gost may be drawen forth, concerning anie que­stion of religion.

The thyrde rule is that darke sentences An exāple of the disputati­on against Arrius be declared with other places that are plain open, and pertaining to the controuersie. As when Arrius denied that the sonne of God sprange out of the substaunce of the father, and that he was god by nature, he corrupted the true sentence of thys saiyng. And God was the worde. For he sayed, that thys vo­cable God in this place did not signifie god Iohn. i. which by nature, & almightines is God but some excellent creature passinge all other in maiestie, & dignitee. This false interpretati­on [Page] holy goste by the apostle Paule hath layed vpon all bishoppes, and ministers of cōgre­gations, i. Petri. i. i. Petri. ij. when he sayeth thus: A bishoppe muste holde faste the faythfull worde, that he maye be able to exhorte, and confute the agaynsayers. Of which prouince, and bur­then we wyll al pastours, and preachers to be admonished, that they maye busely exer­cise them selues, day and night in the studie of the holy scriptures, and so that they may vse their ministerie wyth ample fruite, and therfore that they wythdrawe them selues not onely from worldely intisementes, and carnall concupiscences, but also from al oc­cupations, and businesses of the worlde, as muche as the vse of thys present lyfe wyll suffre, that they maye all togyther applye so harde, and diuine a ministerie, and exe­cute theyr office wyth al diligence. And yet this labour ought not to greue them, which the religion of theyr office requireth, seinge that otherwise it is the parte of euerie Christian mā to cōsume the whole course of hys lyfe in the study of Goddes worde. For we can not entre in to the kingdom of God, excepte we be borne agayne. As for this rege­neration it cōsisteth not of mortal seede, but of immortal seede, and euerlastinge, that is to say of the worde of God that liueth, and [Page] abideth for euer, as Petre witnesseth. Moreouer whan we are so borne agayne, and rē nued we haue neede of spirituall meat also which like wise is the word of God, where vnto S. Petre allureth vs, saiynge, Couette that reasonable milke not of the bodye, but of the mind, which knoweth no gile newly borne childrē, that ye may growe thorough it. Finally whan we growe forth, being fed vp, and nouryshed by the worde of God Satā seaseth not to assaut vs, and to resist, hym we haue neede of spiritual weapons and armour out of the worde of God, as, Paule witnesseth, saiynge: The swerde of the spirite, is the worde of god. Ephe. vi.

Seinge than the beginninge, the middle and the ende of oure newe lyfe, that is to say regeneration in to the saide lyfe, the en­crease of it. and victorie agaynst Satan, consisseth of the worde of God, the feeders of congregations maye easely see, in to what daunger of Goddes wrath they runne if anie be not parttakers of this regeneration thorough theyr negligence, or if they that be borne agayne of the spirite wante the feedinge of goddes worde, and the cheri­shinge of holesome doctrine, of exhortation, or if they falle from the lyfe, and commu­nion of Christe beinge sedused thoroughe [Page] false doctrines of men wherefore they that haue this office must euer with al diligence continue in readinge, doctrine, praier, and other exercises spiritual that they maie saie with that faythful seruaunte, Lorde thou deliueredest to me ten talētes, and lo I haue gained other ten. And that they maie heare agayne wel done faythful seruaunte, thou wast faithful ouer fewe thinges, I wil sette the ouer manie Entre in to the ioye of thy Lorde. Wherfore that feeders, and al mini­sters of congregations may the better vn­derstande and handle the holye scripture, we wil opē vnto thē a certaine way, and we wyll declare in ordre the more notable pla­ces of the Chrystiane doctrine, not that we would haue them to tary in these pla­ces, but because we desire to haue them brought by these more easelie to the holy scrip­ture it selfe, out of which afterward they may be in­structed more fully, and perfect­ly.

¶ That some leason out of the holie scripture muste be set forth to the peo­ple before the sermō, and that the same muste be declared to them.

FYrste we wyll that the pastours take all theyr sermons that they make to the people out of some leason of the holie scripture, whiche at the begyn­nynge of the sermon they shall recite wyth singuler reuerence, & grauitie. As we know that the olde holy fathers vsed it euen from the tyme of the Apostles. Which thing also was obserued in the synnagoges of the Ie­wes, as it appeareth by that, that we reade of the Lord. Luk. iiii. & of the synnagog Act. xiii. into the whiche Paule, and Baruabas entred vppon the Sabbath at Antioche of Pisidia. Wherfore in olde tyme euerie con­gregation had peculiar readers whiche red the bokes of the holie scripture to the people out of the pulpette. But this custome being abolished amonge other fautes of ecclesia­sticall administration, and in thys scarsnes of ministers of the worde, by reason wherof Peculiar readers cānot be appointed in eue­rie congregation, we wil that the pastours, and preachers execute theyr office, and reli­giouslie to reade to the people afore hande [Page] those thinges, wherof they wyl speake, that so thei may the more accustome them selues to heare the worde of God, and that they maye be more fullly enstructed of their sal­uation. It shall healpe also the pastours thē selues to make, and finishe their sermons with better ordre, if they shal folow the pre­scripte of the leason preposed, and keepe thē selues wythin the bandes therof. And they shall measure these leasons after the mea­sure of those lessons that are accustoma­blye recited in Masses. So the people maye more easily remēbre the thynges that shall be redde, and the preachers also maye more comodiouslie declare them. For they must diligently auoyd this faute that some haue, that they tarie not vpon one or two wordes of the premised leason, lettyng the reste passe vntoutched, or fall quite to other matters, then were redde. Oure fayth must leaue vpon the pure, and onelie worde of God, wherefore that worde must be hearde and vnderstanded of euerie person. Wher­fore it shalbe conuenient to reade out of the holie scripture, and declare so muche as by likelihode the people may perceyue and re­tayne to the edification of fayth.

¶ That al sermons must be made to set forth and magnifie Christ the Lorde.

FOrasmuch as Christ our Lorde is the ende of the lawe, and Moses, the psalmes, Rom. x Luke the last, Actes. x. and the prophetes doe testifi, and preach of hym that he is the onely sa­uiour of the chosen people, in whom whoso­euer shal beleue, shal receyue forgyuenes of sinnes thorowe his name: all pastours must directe & ordre theyr sermons to this marcke that they beare and declare witnesse of thys Christe. For so he himselfe commaundid the Al christian doctrine is a testimonie of Christ the sa­uiour. Actes, i. i. Cor. ij. apostles, a litle before his ascention into heauen, whan he instituted the holie ministerye of preaching, you shalbe witnesses vnto me at Hierusalē and in all Iurie, and Samary vnto the vttermost endes of the earth. Here of it cometh that S. Paule wryteth of hym selfe, I iudged not myselfe to knowe anye thinge amonge you sauinge Iesus Christe, and him crucified. And he had a good cause to saye so. For as he wrate to the Coloss. al thinges were created by him that be in hea­uen and in erth, visible, and inuisible, whe­ther they be thrones, dominations principates or powers. All thynges were made by him and in him, and he is before al thinges▪ & al thinges cōsist thorough is him. He is the head of the body of the church, which is the begining the frist begottē of the deade, that he may be the chief in al thinges, for it hath [Page] pleased the father that all fulnes shoulde dwelle in him, and thorough hym to reconcile al thinges towardes hymselfe, the thin­ges that be ether in heauen, or in erth being pacified by the bloud of his crosse thorough the same persō. Iohanne witnesseth the same thinges in the begininge of his gospel, and epistle. And the Lorde of hym selfe Iohan. v. iii. xii. xvii. and in manye other places.

Therefor Christe hym selfe comprehended the summe of the whole scripture in this sentence, Luke the last. repentaunce, and remission of synnes must be preched in the name of Christ. wherfore let the faythful ministers of congrega­tions alwayes magnifie the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe, testifiynge, that thys only sonne of God, the true God and man is he, by whome al thinges were made, be Ephe. i. gouerned, repared and renued, which also ruleth al thinges with the worde of his po­wer, whyche gathereth together the scatte­red chyldren of God, and straiyng sheepe Hebru. i. Iohn. x. and gyueth repentaunce, and remission of sinnes. For there is none other name vnder heauen gyuen to men, wherein they shalbe Act. v. Act. iiii. Iohn. xvii. Iohn. x. saued, the power of all fleshe is gyuen to him, that he maie gyue euerlastinge lyfe to al thē that the father hath gyuen hym. He is that good shepeherde that giueth his life [Page] for his sheepe, that he maye gyue them eter­nal lyfe, which so defendeth, and keepeth his sheepe, that noman can take them out of his hande. These and suche lyke testimonies of Christe must be often, and diligintlye beatē into the people in sermons.

¶ The article of the trinitie.

AL though mannes reason vnder­standeth not the nature of God, yet God hath opened hym selfe in the worde, and in his sonne, that we maye knowe him asmuch as he hath re­uelated him selfe, and calle vpon him. After whiche sorte whan we calle vpon God the father, there is a greate difference betwene our inuocation, and the inuocation of all o­ther people, and nations and this difference cōsisteth cheifely in. ij. pointes. One is that, inuocation thus ordered, is derected to the true, and natural God. Thother is, that our inuocation so vsed must needes please God and not be voyde, and frustrate.

Wherfore the preachers must teach out of the holy scripture of the true, and almightie Thre persōs but one sub­staunce. God, the father, the onely begotten sonne, and the holie goste, that they be one God of the same deuine nature, and power, but yet [Page] three distincted personnes. And that thys one God made, and maynteneth all thyn­ges. Further that the sonne of God by the vnspeakeable purpose and vnmeasurable mercie of God, dyd put on mannes nature that he might be a sacrifice, and a raunsome for vs, and that these two natures, that is to saye, mannes nature, and Goddes is one, and vndiuided personne Iesus Christe. Two natu­res vnited in Christ. Howe be it these two natures be so knytte in Christe, that they be not confounded, or mixte, but eche hath by it selfe his owne substaunce, and proprietie. As al these thynges are well knowen out of the worde of God administred by the Apostles, and Prophe­tes, and be declared in sundry confessions of the holie fathers agaynste sundrie heresies, in the crede made in the counsel of Nice, and in the crede of Athanasius. Item in the agreable decrees and confestions of the olde, and very holy counselles, as Nicene, Cōstātino­politane, Ephesine, Calchedonēse, & cōstāti­nopolitane againe: Further by the wrytin­ges of the fathers cōsēting herunto, whiche faught earnestly for the worde of God, as by the bokes of Athanasius, Basilius, Na­zianzenus, and Augustine it appeareth.

Wherfore the sentence, and doctrine of thys article muste be diligently propouned to the people, and commended, and defen­ded, [Page] that the true knowledged of God may be mayntayned, and that we maye retayne a difference betwene the inuocation of chri­stian men, and other nations, whiche is verye necessarye, namely that thou mayste call vpon thys true God the father of Ie­sus Christe, together wyth his sonne Ie­sus Christe, and the holie gooste, whiche hath reueyled hym selfe in the sonne, for whose sake he wyll be mercifull, and wyll geue the holie gooste to them that thus call vpon hym in fayeth, whiche also stireeth vp in the hertes of men, the true knowledge of God, feare, fayeth, and other motions The differēce betwene the i [...]uocation of Christians and other na­tions. of newe lyfe. For thoughe the excellente Philolophers among the heathē, the Iewes and the Mahometistes do glorye that they worshyppe not ymages and Idolles, but the eternal God maker of heauē and earth, of mē and of all other thinges, neuertheles semge that they wil not acknowledge thys God whiche hath opened him selfe in his word by his sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ, they do not worship and call vpon the true God, but they worshippe the vayne imagi­nations of their owne hertes, and handes. Neither can they persuade them selues that God is mercifull vnto them, and heareth them, because they refuse the Gospell and the onelye mediatoure. And therfore [Page] their inuocation can in no wyse be directed to the true God the father of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ, but these men imagin to thē selues. A peculiar God, whiche is not the father of oure mediatour Iesus Christe, and therfore is not the true God, for whiche cause they can not persuade them sellues, that theyr prayers be harde. Their inuocati­on then hāgeth and abideth in the vayne de­uices of theyr owne reason, in images and Idoles stāding before thē, and they remaine verie straūgers, and abominable to the true God, bicause they lyue without Christ and the worde of God, as Christ sayeth, he that honoureth not the sonne, honoureth not the father. And Paule to the Roma. v. thorowe Christe we haue entraunce vnto the father. Thus God also reueiled hym selfe to Iohn How the ho­ly Trinitie was reueiled to Iohn Baptiste at the baptisme of Christ. the sonne of Zacharie, that he afterwarde mighte instructe the churche, of true know­ledge and right inuocation, for in thys sorte God eternall the father witnesseth his sōne. Thys is my beloued sonne in whom I am wel pleased, the sonne him selfe standeth at baptisme, the holie goste cōmeth downe opē ly vpon him, to testifie that the holie gooste should be geuen both to Christ and to his cō gregation. Wherfore thre personnes appea­red in thys place. This appering thē ought [Page] to be wel considered of euerie christen man, whiche chaunced not for Ihon his sake one­ly, but for the whole congregation his sake, that the same might offre praiers to the on­ly eternall and almightie God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ, which made al thinges with the eternal sōne and the holy gost. And whiche also wyl heare the churche, go­uerne and sanctifie it wyth his holy spirite for Christe the mediatoure his sake.

The wordes of Baptisme signifie the same thinge, wheras it is saied. I baptise the A declarati­on of the wordes of baptisme. in the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holie goste. For here be three per­sonnes numbred, of one equall power, and diuitie, to whō alone the whole cause of our saluatiō is ascribed, for thys is the meaning of the wordes. I baptise the, that is to saye, I testifie by thys token of dipping or sprinklynge, that thy synnes be forgeuen the, and that thou art receyued into the grace of the eternall and the true God the father of Ie­sus Christ, and that for this his sōnes sake. Item that the holie gooste shal worke in the effectuouslie. Surely thys is an highe do­ctrine, and aboue mannes wysedome of the nature, wyl, and efficacie of God towardes vs, whiche maketh a difference betwene vs and al heythen, comprehending most ample [Page] promises as we wyll declare herafter, of whiche promises it is very requisite that the people be admonished as often as the texte of the scripture requireth it, that the congre­gation maye be well instructed of the one and singuler diuine substaunce and of the there personnes. For thys article muste be obserued of al mē and exercised in our day­ly inuocation. And our inuocation muste be discerned frō the inuocation of the heathen, the Iewes and the mahometistes, that we do beleue that God certaynly heareth vs, if in oure prayer we apprehende the media­tour, wherof no heathen, Iewe, no mahome­tist can certifie hym selfe. For thus we must pray, Almightie and eternal god the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ which with thy A fourme of christen pray­er. onely begotten sonne and the holy gost ma­dest al thinges, and preseruest the same, haue mercie on me for thy sonnes Iesus Christe, whiche for our sakes was made a sacrifice. Kindle my minde with thy lighte, and go­uerne me with thy holy spirite, whiche thou haste promised vs for thy sōnes sake. Thus in our praier we must euer cōprehēd Christ the mediatour, as the church hath vsen in collets A fourme of calling vpon Christ. frō the beginning, adding these wordes in thende, thorow Christ our Lorde. More­ouer this is a true inuocation & acceptable [Page] to God. O Lorde Iesu Christe the sonne of God heare me, loke vpō me, & pitie me, and geue me thy holy spirite, and eternal lyfe. Thus we reade that S. Stephan. Act. viij. called vpō Christ, Lorde Iesu receiue my spirite. Such prayer attibuteth vnto Christ the glorie of diuinitie, for that, that God hath reueiled him selfe in hym, and worketh to­gether with hym, as we reade Io. v. what so euer the father worketh, the same doeth the sonne also. And in the xiiij. He that seeth me seeth the father. I am in the father, and the father is in me. This is the sentence of such an inuocation, Lorde Iesu Christe sōne of God healpe me, geue me thy holy spirite which together cōfesseth the father, the sōne whiche is mediatoure and the holy gooste. Wherefore this article of the diuine sub­staūce and of the thre persons must be lear­ned and exercised in dayly prayers.

But forasmuch as this sincere doctrine of true and godly inuocatiō, is horribly darkened Agaynst the inuocation of dead sayntes and ymages. thorow that abomimable wickednesse, and madnes vpon Idols, whiche is cōmit­ted in calling vpō dead men, & their images & bones, wherunto they haue boūd not on­ly diuine power, but also a certen peculiar strēgth and efficacie of saintes, wheras yet it is euidēt that we must assigne the power & working of god, to nothing, in which god [Page] him selfe hath not expressedly witnessed in his worde, that he wyl gyue the same, but it is playne that deade mē helpe nobody. Nor worke in ydoles, for these causes I saye the people muste be called backe from suche y­dolotrye vnto the true and religiouse inuo­cation of God as to a moste godlye worke and principall worshypping of God wher­in we chiefely learne and feele which is the true fayth, yea this is the only worke wherby the true people of God may be most dis­cerned from the vngodly.

Of the creation and gouernaunce of al thinges.

OVre hole saluatiō and euerlasting lyfe consisteth herin, that we truly knowe God in oure Lorde Iesus Christe that is to saye, with a sure and lyuely fayth. In thys knowledge the chiefest poynt is to knowe, that it is God which made all thinges and preserueth and gouerneth the same alone, wherfore the preachers shall studye to declare to the people wyth singuler dylygence, and to beate into their heads those places of the scripture that teach and testifie of the eternal substaūce of God, of his power, knowledge, goodnesse, and seueritie, for wythout this knowledge [Page] and fayth we can neuer truely and effectu­ously, fele our sinnes much lesse repent and amende our selues, neyther shal the law a­lone driue vs therunto, for what shal eyther his preceptes or threates moue or feare vs, of whose power bowntuousnes or seueritie as yet we knowe or fele nothinge substan­tially and effectuosely, wherfore he that wil comme to God muste necessarily knowe a­fore hande and beleue that it is God which made, preserueth and iudgeth all men, and largelye rewardeth them that loue him. Very many boste them selues to knowe God but in that, that thei studi not to frame their life according to the wil of god dispising the worde of God they beare sufficiente witnes of thē selfe to the cōtrary, namely that they say in theyr hertes, there is no God though they confesse the same before men.

It is therfore ryght necessarye, that preachers often tymes and with great diligence do propounde and beate in to theyr eares the common place of creation preseruacion and gouernaūce of all thynges. And in the article of the creation of thynges the pa­stours shal diligently teach that, that Lorde whiche delyuered the ten commaundemen­tes, the whole holy scripture and the go­spell it selfe: is the only true God and ma­ker [Page] of thinges, whiche of no thinge created heauen, earth the sea, and whatsoeuer is conteined in thē & our selues also, and alone preserueth the same throughe his power, and hath partly made the other creatures sub­iecte vnto vs beinge created to his ymage appoyntynge them to a profitable vse, and partly ordeyned them to the ministerye of the health both of the bodye and soule.

Wherfore the preachers shal often allege, faythfully declare and printe in the mindes of theyr herers those places of the scripture that teache that God made vs and al other thinges of no thinge, and that we were fa­shoned after the ymage of god, finally that inferiour creatures be subiecte vnto oure rule by Goddes ordinance, and that the su­periour creatures be appoynted to procure oure healthe, that the same herers maye dayly lerne more and more, the almightines and goodnes of Goddes maiestie, and that in them selues and in all other thinges that they handle in whyche they be occupyed, whyche they beholde, here, or by any mea­nes do exercise, they knowe hym, haue him in reuerēce, prayse him & cal vpon him. And that therby they may trust more fully in the almightines & goodnes of God, and more cherefully obey his cōmaūdementes and also [Page] feare his wrathe the more, and that they maye vse all thinges whiche they do vse in this lyfe as the moste holy creatures and gistes of God and our sauiour, wyth more holynes dayly and thankfulnes, and larger liberalytie towardes theyr neighbours▪

For this cause, the prophets in the prayses of God do so magnifie and sette before our eyes with moste elegant descripcions, the principal and notablest workes of God in the vniuersall nature of thynges, as the heauens, the son, the moone, the sterres, the Why the ho­ly scripture often propoū neth vnto vs the meruey­lous workes of God. clowdes, the wyndes, mystes, rayne, dewe, snowe, froste, thunder, lyghtnynge, moun­taynes, valleys, fildes, contreys, medowes, springes, riuers, standinge waters, sondry trees and herbes, the pryncypall kyndes of beastes both tame and wylde, men, and o­ther innumerable workes of God. For whiche many psalmes doe greatly magni­fie the glory of God, as psal. xix. xcv. Ciiii. Cxxxvi. Cxlv. Cxlvii. Cxlviii. Iob doeth the same thinge from the xxxviii. Chapiter to thende of his booke. And Esay in the .xl. chapter vnto thende of hys boke. Lyke pla­ces ye shal finde in other canonicall bookes euery where. This contemplaciō of the no­table workes of God and admiracion of the diuine maieste was the cause why Christe [Page] the Lorde hym selfe, and other sayntes lyf­ted vp theyr eyes, and handes to heauē whē they praye. And in the fourme of prayinge the Lorde taught vs to saye. Oure father whiche arte in heauen, for when we behold wyth oure eyes and myndes those mooste excellent and wonderfull workes of God, the heauens, the sonne, the moone, the ster­res, and other celestial workes: a religiouse consideration, admiration, and worship­pyng of Goddes maiestie muste needes be stirred vp in vs, and growe meruaylouslye and be confirmed, excepte we be Godles altogyther. And a religiouse, and attentyue contemplation of the rest of Goddes wor­kes in the myndes of the Godlye, worketh the selfe same thynge.

Wherfore the preachers shal often recite, and declare in their sermons wyth great di­ligencie suche places of the scripture tout­ching the creation and workes of God, and therwith exhorte men that they accustome them selues with asmuch diligencie as they may, that, as often, as they beholde them selues, or other men, the heauens, the earth, the waters, and thynges conteyned therein, as oftē as they vse, and take fruition of the same, they cal to remembraunce, and consi­dre religiously with them selues, that those [Page] be the workes, and gyftes of God our ma­ker and father, and that they were made of him and set before vs for this purpose, that in them we shoulde acknowledge God him selfe, and oure father, and his almightines, his euerlasting wisedome, and goodnes in Christ the sauiour, that we shoulde cal vpō him, and magnifie him. And herein let them labour to cal to theyr myndes, and conside­ration, that there is none other God the maker and preseruer of al thinges, then the fa­ther of our Lorde Iesus Christ, which gaue thys his sonne vnto vs, and wyth hym all thinges perteynynge to the vse, and salua­tion both of bodie, and soule. Whiche hath opened his word, and doctrine of lyfe in the holie writinges, that so they maye learne to comprehend, and ioyne together the worde, and workes of God, and to knowe, and be­holde hym, and his workes in his worde, and to reuolue the same in theyr myndes, whē they se, and vse the creatures of God, Lo this is thy God, and maker, which gaue the his sōne Christ our Lorde that he might brynge the from eternall death to eternall lyfe, and hath reueiled his fatherly wyll toutchynge thy saluation in his scriptures, whiche also caused his lawe and Gospell to be preached to the, he of nothing made these [Page] heauens, thys earth, these waters, these bea­stes, these men, thys meate, drynke, garmen­tes, and what soeuer is before our eyes, and handes, and he hath layed them before the, and geuen the them for thys entente, that they myght serue the, for thy vse and health, that in these his workes and gyftes thou mayest more fully knowe hym, prayse, and magnifie him, and serue hym frō thy whole herte, wyth the very same thynges to sette forth his glorie, & further the health of men. Whiche thynge if thou laboure to do, these creatures, and all the workes of God shall serue to procure thy health. And if thou do not so, they shall be agaynst the wyth God theyr maker, and shall serue to reuenge thy vngodlines.

Suche a faythfull meditation, and con­templation of the creatures of God bryn­geth to passe, that euerie worke of god prea­cheth God vnto vs, and admonisheth vs of his diuinitie, power, and goodnes. For whiche purpose they were also sette before vs, that as the Apostle wryteth, we may vnderstande by his workes, thorowe the crea­tion, his eternall power, and Godheade. For we oughte so to beholde and considre euerie worke of God, that sterynge vp a re­ligiouse admiration of his deuine power, [Page] wysedome, and goodnes, we maye crye out wyth Dauid. Howe greate be thy workes O Lorde, thou haste made al thynges wise­ly, the earth is full of thy goodnes, Psalm. Ciiii. Thys wyse all the worlde is, and oughte to he vnto vs the tēple of God, that we may acknowledge, call vpon, magnifie, and worshyppe God not in certayne places onely, as vngodlines naturally grafted in vs alloweth, but euery where, in euery place of his dominion, as God oure creatour and maynteyner.

Whereof thys foloweth, that whyle in our busines, and doinges we folowe the cō ­maūdemētes of God, and cal for his healpe we feare nothynge that anie man can do to vs, we be nothynge agaste, or tremble. For as sone as we behold, and cōsidre those men, wyth whō we haue to do, and which seame terrible vnto vs, or the thynges them selues in whiche there appeareth some daunger, or disticultie, as the creatures of god, and with that contemplation call to our remēbraunce and thynke religiously vpon God the ma­ker of those men, those thynges, and of vs, then our fayth in Goddes promyse, and te­stimonie namely that all thinges were both made for oure health, and felicitie, & do also necessarely worke the same styll, and that [Page] they can be none other thinges, then the in­strumētes of God to perfourme our health and felicitie, oure fayth, I saye, is so stered vp, and strengthned, to do al thynges, that we take in hande to do by the commaunde­ment of God, that all feare of daunger, and vnabilitie muste needes departe, wyth all doubte of well bryngyng to passe the thing that we Godly take in hande to do, that is to saye, by the commaundement of God.

Thys cōsideration of thynges, whiche pon­dreth that all thynges be the creatures of God, and that God as he made them, so he preserueth them for our profite, and daylye bringeth them forth, and giueth them vs to vse, bringeth this thing to passe also, that we abuse nothinge, but that we haue, & esteame al thinges, that come to our vse, as the wor­kes of the father hym selfe, as they be in dede. And it causeth vs to vse them wyth all moderation, and holines, wyth all thankes­geuyng, and reuerent praysing before other and magnifiynge of Gooddes bountuous­nes, finally wyth liberall dealyng, and be­stowyng vpon them, that neede.

It is righte necessarie that the people be taught moost diligently these thynges con­cernyng the beliefe of the creation, and con­seruation of all thynges, and the faythfull [Page] contemplation, and vse of the creatures of God. For the comen people be muche far­ther drawen then men beleue from the true, and lyuely knowledge, and consideration of God the creatour and of his workes, thorow that monstrous magnifiyng of saintes and of theyr power to healpe vs, which they haue vntruely attributed vnto thē, and tho­rowe those madde processions, that settinge forth and worshippynge of images, and of Sayntes bones. All men in dede behold the heauens, the earth, and other godlye, and wōderful creatures, & workes of God, they toutch them, they haue them in theyr hādes, and also enioye the commoditie of them, but they seldome, or neuer remembre God the maker, they thanke not God for these his so greate gyftes and benifittes, whiche made, preserueth, and giueth vs al thynges for our cōmoditie, health, and felicitie. And they de­fer al thynkyng on God, all worshippynge of God, tyl they come to theyr temples, and chapelles, there they wyll execute all theyr veneration, worshippyng, and Goddes ser­uice, that with more securitie, in all other places they maye lyue after theyr owne plea­sure, and nothyng at all remembre God, as they shoulde, and that manie wayes they maye abuse the holie creatures, and gyftes [Page] of God. Wherfore it is merueylous neces­sarie that the preachers do euer wyth singu­ler reuerence, propoune, declare, and beate into the people thys article of the creation, and preseruation of thynges, that is to wit, that God made all thynges of nothynge, and preserueth the same thorowe his owne onely power, bringeth forth, and gyueth vs al thynge thorowe his bountiousnes, to the entent that they may serue to our vse, health and felicite, and that he maye require to be knowen and worshypped in these his wor­kes, and creatures. For whiche cause those places of scripture which testifie, & set forth thys article shall be often alledged in their sermons, faythfully declared, and printed in the myndes of the people.

Of the gouernaunce, and administra­tion of all thynges.

IT is lyke necessary, diligently to teache, and admonishe the people, of the gouer­naunce, and administration of thynges, that they may know that they must aske and loke for healpe from God, and learne therwyth that sinne, and other horrible mis­cheifes in the world, were not made by god but sprange from an other begynnynge, as [Page] we wil shewe herafter. Wherfore that, that the scripture teacheth of the creation of thinges, must be so taken, as that, that is taught Genes. i. and. ii. Psal. xxxij. Esai. xliij. and in manie other places by the prophetes, and a­postles, and as that churche euer beleued, that is to saye, that God hath not lefte his worke once made, as the carpenter leaueth the shippe that he hath made, and cōmitteth it vnto the shyppeman, beinge litle, or no­thynge carefull for it afterwarde. But we must thinke thus that he is present with his worke, and perpetually susteineth, and go­uerneth the same, that he knoweth, and be­holdeth the doinges of all creatures, that he seeth also the thoughtes of angelles, men and diuelles, and that there is nothing done wythout hym, that it is he, whiche wyth perpetual mouing gouerneth the heauenlie bo­dies, maketh the grounde fruiteful, gyueth life both to man, and beast, adding fode, and other necessarie thynges, as we reade actes, xvij. In hym we lyue, are moued, and haue oure beinge. Hebr. i. he susteyneth al thinges wyth the worde of his power. Coloss. i. All thynges consist thorowe hym. i. Tiuint. iiii. We trust in the liuinge god, which is the sauiour of al mē, chiefly of the faythful. Here Paule testifieth that God gyueth lyfe not [Page] only to the faythful, but also to the reste, howe beit that is done in vnlike maner, not with standinge he teacheth vs that God susteineth, preserueth & gouerneth the lyfe of al. As he defended Dauid against Goliath Saull, Absalō, and other his enemies, and gaue hym manye other temporal gyftes, and lykewyse encreased hym with spiritual benifittes and other gyftes, with grace, and the holye goste. But amonge the heaten he healpeth manye with corporal giftes only, as with victorye peace, and ritches, that po­litye maye be mainteined, and that man­kinde maye endure in erth so longe, tyl he haue gathered together his whole congre­gation, as Paul witnesseth. i. Tim. vi. God which quyckneth. Item, gyue precepte vnto the riche that they truste in God which gy­ueth vs al thinges abundantly to our com­moditie. Math. x. Two sparowes are sold for a farthinge, and one of them falleth not vpon the groūde, wyth out the wil of your father. And the heares of your heades be al nombred.

Psal. Ciii. All thynges looke vpon the, that thou wylte gyue them theyr foode in due ceason, whan thou gyueste them they shal gather. Whan thou openest thy hand, all shalbe filled wyth bountuousnes. But [Page] when thou turneste awaye thy face they shalbe trobled. Thoue shalte take awaye theyr breath, and they shall fayle, and re­turne to theyr dust. Thou shalt sende forth thy spirite, and they shalbe created, & thou shal renue the face of the erth.

Psal. xxxiii. God looke from heauen, he seeth all the children of men, he frameth theyr hertes euerye one, and vndrestandeth al theyr workes.

Psal. xxxvi. Men, and beastes shalte thou saue Lorde. Psal. Cxlvii. Whiche couereth the heauē with cloudes, and prepareth raine to the erth, whiche bringeth forth grasse in the mountaynes whyche gyueth foode to theyr catail, and to the yong crowes that cal vpon hym.

Psal. Cxlv. The eyes of al loke vpon the Lorde, and thou gyueste them foode in due ceason. Thou openest thy hande, and filleste euery creature wyth thy goodnes. Io. v. my father vnto thys tyme worketh, & I worke.

By these places of the scripture we are taughte, that God is present euerie where, knoweth althinges, conserueth, and sustei­neth all thynges, and gyueth lyfe and mo­uinge. Wherefore this article muste be dy­ligently thaughte the peoqle, and lerned of the same. For though the heathē graūt that [Page] the world was made by god yet thei doute, whether therebe anye prouidence, whether God hath anye care of mennes matters, and iudgeth them, whether he heareth men that calle vpon hym, whether he ministre fode. peace, helth, and other benifittes to men, but they thinke that these thinges be­gotten, and mainteined by mans industrie. As euer such heatheuish persuasions hange in the myndes of men, whiche thinge many wordes, and sentences of the vngodlye doe wel proue, against which Ieremie in his la­mētatiōs Cha. iii. crieth myghtely. Who is this that sayeth, out of the mouth of the highest nether good thynges, nor badde come forth, what murmureth man againste God and thincketh not howe greuously he offen­deth God.

That the myndes of men than maye be deliuered from those heathnishe opinions, the alleged testimonies of the scripture, and suche lyke cōcerning the preuidence of God and goueruance of thinges must be deli­gētly cōsidered, & we must hold fast in me­mory, that God looketh vpon the hertes of men and wyl iudge the doinges of euerye one, that he with out doubte heareth them, that cal ryghtly vpon him, as it shalbe she­wed here after. Item that he gyueth beni­fittes [Page] to men, and frutefulnes of the erth, defendeth them and theyr ofspringe from ene­mies, preserueth commen weales et cet.

As we are cōmanded to aske these thinges, and to looke for them from God, whan we praye, gyue vs this daye oure dayly breade and psal. iv. Cast thy care vpon the Lorde, and he shal nonrishe the vp. But howe can a man desire helpe from God, if he dreame that God neglecteth creatures, that he wor­keth not in al, but that the creatures are caried at al auentures, and that men doe al thinges, as they list, and of theyr owne strength. This darcknes of mannes mynde must be ernestly reproued, and we must laye euidēt testimonies, of the scripture agaynst it. For mannes mynde is far gone from God, and is ful of doubtinge, and horrible darckenes concerning God, whiche that God mighte dreue out of oure myndes, from the begin­ninge he hath opened him selfe wyth great miracles. He sente also his sonne into the worlde openly, which rose from death, and raised many other from the dead. Al which thinges oughte to strengthen oure faythe, that we maye certifie our selfe that God is not ydle, but worcketh euer, bestoweth be­nifittes, and doeth al thinges for the felicite of men whereby we myght iustly acknow­ledge [Page] his exeding loue towardes vs. Moreouer thys article muste be taughte the peo­ple, and be commended to them with singuler diligence for thys cause also, that the vn Godlye custome of callinge vpon sayntes departed, and desiringe of them good helth temperatines of the ayer, peace, and such benifittes, maye be taken awaye feinge that these thinges be not the worckes of holye men, nor of anye creature, but be the workes, and benifittes of God onely.

Of the cause of sinne and death.

VVhan mention is made of the cre­atiō, the preachers must together Agaynste the vngodlie do­ctrine concer­ning saintes. teache playnly and distinctly, that synne, that is to saye, concupis­cence, corruption of iudgement and wyll, and further more al noughtye motions, or il doinges, be not created of God, but springe from the libertye of the apostata spirite, and of man, as it is written Iohan. viii. whā the diuel speaketh a lye he spea­keth of hys owne, for he is a lyer, and the father of lyes, that is to saye, the cause and the autour. Psal. v. Thou art not the God that willeth iniquitye. Zacharye. viii. Lette not euerye one of you deuise euil agaynste [Page] hys frende, and loue not a falfe oth for all these be the thinges that I hate, sayth the Lorde. Roma. v. Thorowe one man synne entred into the worlde, and death thorowe synne. i. Iohn. ij. the lust of the fleshe and the lust of the eyes, and pryde of lyfe is not frō the father, but from the worlde.

By these and manie other testimonies it is euident that God wyl not synne, neyther Euerie synne that man cō ­mitteth, is cō mitted tho­row his own wyll. created, nor worketh the same. But after that the deuyll, and man slydde from God suche slydynge, and turnynge awaye came frome theyr owne wyll. And thoughe af­ter the fall of Adam all men conceyued by mannes seede, are borne in originall synne, neuertheles actuall synne is the propre, and free worke of mānes wil, and not necessary, that is to saye, al be it that the deuyl pricked forth Cain to the slaughter of his brother, and though he were enflamed wyth anger, neuertheles he myghte yet haue holden his handes, and he cōmitted that mischiefe, not thorowe a constrayned wyll, but thorowe a readie wyl, and agreable. He shoulde haue resisted his anger and lust, and haue prayed God for remission of the euyll sprongen vp in him & haue asked the healpe of god to re­sist that mischiefe. So vndoutedly he should haue felte strength to resiste Satan, and the [Page] tentations of his proper fleshe.

Now punishmentes iustly accompanye sin­ful, Synne is the cause of death and all mise­ries. Roma. v. and wycked actes. Wherefore Paule sayth wel, thorough sinne death entred in­to the worlde. And agayne we maye plain­ly see that whole mankinde is subiecte both to perpetual sinnes, and also punyshmētes, and oppressed with so manye, and so greate calamities, that mannes mynde can not cō ­prehende them in thoughte but he must nee­des be agaste, whyle he cōsidereth so greate a sea of mischeiues here we must diligently discerne betwene the creature of God, and our sinne. God made mā ryght and blessed hym, but man gaue hym selfe amiserable wounde. This wounde remaineth perpetu­ally in the creatures thorough propagation Originall synne. and generation, and other infinite sinnes, and punishmētes folowe this wounde. And this is our faute not Gods, as Oseas testi­fieth cha. xiii. Thy destruction cometh from thy selfe Israel, but thy helpe is in me only. Item Psal. xxxix. For iniquitie thou rebu­kest man, and al his beautie wasteth awaye lyke agarment gnawen of mothes. Euerye man is a certaine vaine thinge.

Wherfore whē we see those horrible pu­nishmētes, death, sicknes, war, and sūdrie lyke miseries, lette vs knowe that they be [Page] the punishmētes of sinne, and that thei hap­pen not to mankinde by chaunce, but by the wyll and permission of God by reason of God sendeth greuouser a­fliction to the sayntes that he may make them vnder­stande the horriblenes of synne. sin. And though the saintes be acceptable to God, and please hym for Christes sake, yet thorough the meruailous purpose of God in this lyfe they be subiecte vnto the crosse. For God wyll that the churche do ernestly acknowledge hys wrath agaynst sinne, and therefore be exercised wyth sorer discipline. For this is the ende of tribulatiōs. Where­fore S. Petre sayth also, indgement begin­neth at the house of God. As for the cōforte that the Godlye oughte to haue in afflicti­ons, we wyll speake of it in the place of the crosse. Here it is sufficient to haue admoni­sched that those afflictions chaunce not to the congregation with out Goddes proui­dence, and that God wyl not for sake hys vndre the crosse, but that he wil helpe them callinge vpon him, yea and he commaūdeth that we praye, and looke for deliueraunce from hym. As Esai. xlix. sayeth. Can the woman forgette her childe, that she wil not haue pitie on the child of hir wōbe. Though she forget it, yet I wil not forgette the. Be­holde I haue written the in my handes etc. This shal suffice concerninge the conserua­tion, and gouernaunce of thinges, Hereafter [Page] we wyll declare what we oughte to thynke of the cause of synne, and of the corruption of mannes nature, and agayne what conso­lation we haue in so greate miseries.

¶ Of originall synne, and mannes weaknes before regeration.

GOd the euerlastyng father gaue in creation to oure fyrste parentes A­dam, and Eue, not onely a free, but also an vpryght wyll. Further he dyd put into theyr myndes an exceadynge greate lyght, that before the fal they might truely knowe God, worshyp, and loue him. The other powers obeyed willynglye to thys lyght. As Paule sayeth, that man was made after the image of God, that is to say in the knowledge of God, and in right wil, that he myghte perfectly obeye, and satisfie the law, and be as it were the tēple of God, wherin God woulde haue dwelled present­ly, and woulde haue exercised his power.

When man was now settled and consti­tuted in so great blisfulnes, and glorie, Sa­tā to deface the worke of God, borded Eue wyth gyle, and at length draue hyr so farre that togither wyth Adam she became vno­bedient to the commaundement of God, as [Page] Moyses deseribeth the fall of mā. Gene. iii.

Thorowe this inobedience oure first pa­rentes lost those godlie gyftes of innocencie and originall rightuousnes with al theyr posteritie, whiche commeth from them, so that all men conceyued, and borne thorow mans seede, be subiecte to originall synne, as Da­uid testifieth Psal. li. and Paule. Roma. v

Wherfore the preachers muste teache of original synne after suche sort, as the worde of God prescribeth vnto vs, and which the sincerer, and ryghte beleuing fathers folo­wed, chiefly Augustine, and Anselme, name­ly that it is the wante of originall ryghtu­ousnes, What origi­nall synne is. wherwyth we ought to excell, that is to saye, that men before regeneration be not in the fauour of God, nor heyres of eternall lyfe, but cast from God, and that they haue a wyl turned frō God, horrible darke­nes concernynge God, corrupte, and vici­ous motions, and inclinations in all theyr strenghthes agaynste the commaundemen­tes of God. A certayne image, whereof is sette for [...]h in hym, whom the Lorde by a parable declared to be wounded of theues in the waye towarde Ierico, and lefte halfe dead. For thys thiefe Satan hath drowned the miserable nature of man in so great nu­series, that it is not onely despoiled of spiri­tuall, [Page] and moost excellent gyfres, but also is miserably wounded in all hyr powers.

Wherof it foloweth that mannes nature wythout the healpe of the holie goste cā not turne hir selfe vnto God wyth true feare, Naturall strength be­fore regeneration. ture soue, and fayth, and that thys thynge muste needes be done through the worde of God, and the holye goste, by whom the mynde beinge allumined may beleue God in Christe the lorde out of the gospell, and knowe hym thorough fayth, and the wyll beynge stirred vp wyth the reuerence of God, and enflamed with his loue, may ap­plye hyr selfe to the commaundementes of god, and turne the whole mā to the preaise, and worshippinge of God.

But mannes wil euen before regenera­tion, by the common healpe of God, maye Of free wyll or outwarde discipline. so performe and exercise outward discipline that is to saye the outwarde workes of the lawe. Whiche discipline God requireth se­uerelye, and punisheth the contempte there­of both wyth corporal peines, in thys lyfe, and with euerlastinge after this lyfe. i. Ti­mo. i. The lawe was made for the vurygh­teous. Itē to the Hebr. xiii. God shal iudge fornicatours, & auouterers. Itē honour thy father and mother, that thou maiste belong liued vpon the earth. Also Gene. ix. he that [Page] shall shedde mannes blond vpon the earth, hys bloude shal also be shedde. For man is made after the image of God.

Wyth these, and lyke sentences all men muste be admonished and steared to per­fourme the outwarde workes of the lawe.

Furthermore Paule sayeth, that the lawe is a guyde vnto Christe, whereby we vnder­stande that he that continueth in synnes a­gaynst his conscience, and commeth not to a better mynde, casteth awaye the worde of his owne accorde, and despiceth the holye goste, and hyndreth his owne health, that he be not broughte to Christe.

In the meane whyle thys thynge also muste be taught, that thys outwarde disci­pline deserueth not remission of synnes, is not that ryghtuousnes, for which we be pronounced ryghtuouse or acceptable before God. For thys honoure is due onely to the sonne of God Christ the me­diatoure, which alone hath de­serued vnto vs remission of synnes, and euerla­stynge lyfe, whiche we obtaine with fayeth alone, or truste in hym, as we wyl declare more largely hereafter.

¶ Of the olde testament.

AFter, declaration of the benifittes of God, whych he hath perfour­med, and doth perfourme towar­des al men and nations in the cre­ation, cōseruation, and gouernaunce of thinges, the preachers shal propoune to the peo­ple What thyn­ges so euer God com­maunded, promised, or threatened to the people of the olde Te­stament the same pertain vnto vs also. also those vnmeasurable benifits, which he bestowed vpon the holye fathers, and the whole people of Israel. Item they shal declare the iudgemētes, which he executed vpon the same, whan they beleued him not nether obeyed his commaundementes. For the thinges that the scripture reherseth of them, be writen for our doctrine, as Paule sayeth, those thinges happened vnto them, that they myght be figures, and exemples vnto vs, and they were wrytten for our en­structiō vpon whō the endes of the worlde be come. Wherefore, as in the articles be­fore toutchinge the creation, conseruation and goueruaunce of al thynges the power, and glorie of god is knowne, in al his crea­tures, and workes, and in all nations, so in thys place, out of the benifittes, and pu­nishmētes which he laied vpon our fathers in the olde testament, we shal learne the power, mercye, and ryghteousnes of God, which he vsed towardes his peculyare peo­ple, whome he chose out of all other nati­ons [Page] of the earth, and bound vnto hym selfe wyth the leige of grace, that he myght not onely be vnto them a creatoure, and Lorde, but also a God, that is to saye, an euerla­stynge sauiour of body, and soule. Al which thinges pertayne vnto vs, whiche beleue in Christe. For we are nowe the peculiar peo­ple, and heritage of God, the true chyldren of Abraham, the true Israelites, as manie of vs as beleue in Christ, and put hym on tho­rowe Baptisme, as Paule teacheth playnly to the Roma. ix. to the Gala. iii. Yea Christ hym selfe sayeth of them that truely beleue amonge the heathen: Manie shal come frō the Est, and the West, and shall sit downe wyth Abrahā, Isaac, and Iacob, in the king­dome of heauen, but the childrē of the king­dome shal be caste into outwarde darkenes.

Wherfore it perteyneth to the ministers of the worde to teache the people diligently that al the promises, and benifittes exibited to the fathers (yea vniuersally to Israell, I­tem the threates, punishmentes, and precep­tes, saueing those that perteyne to the out­warde discipline, and ciuilitie of that peo­ple, which ought to stande in effecte onely, tyl the tyme of Christ) belonge vnto vs al­so. The same thinges are commaunded vs, the same thynges are forbydden to vs, and [Page] therfore we also muste loke for the same be­nefittes from the godnes of God thorowe Christ, whyle we continue in the fayth, and loue of God, and we muste feare the same punishmentes, if we cast from vs the fayth, and loue of God. Wherfore the Apostle in the place alledged before, setteth the olde people before vs for an ensample, saiynge: Many of them God allowed not. For they were throwen downe in the wildernes. But these thynges happened for a figure, and exemple vnto vs, that we luste not after euyll thynges, as they lusted, neither be made I­dolaters, as some of them were. In the same place he addeth exemples of fornication, tentation, and murmuration against God, and the punishmentes that God therfore toke of them, and agayne he testifieth that all these thinges happened vnto thē, that they might be exemplars, and figures vnto vs, wherin we myght know how God abhorreth these abominable mischeuous actes, and that we also should learne to abhorre, & fle the same.

But before al other thinges the preachers must set forth, and beate into the people the promises, the leige and couenaunt of Gods beniuolence made wyth Abraham and his sede, in which he promiseth him that he wil be his God, that is to saye, an euerlastynge [Page] sauiour, and greate rewarde. Item thorowe his onely free beniuolence, he embraced him Howe the patriarches were enstru­cted in the sayth. and brought hym from the laude of his na­tiuite, further that he was iustified by fayth only, and manie nations, yea of al beleuing personnes, a citizin of the heauenlie citie ha­uing a sure fundation, whose artificer and maker God is. Item thoughe thorowe the trust of Goddes promises he obtayned the couenaūt of grace and of his saluation, and became deare to God, yet that he dyed a straunger in the lande promised to hym, and to hys posteritie. Whō neuertheles though he were a straūger, and had no certayne po­ssession in the lande, God merueilously guyded wyth his posteritie, and defended from all harme, and encreased hym wyth as ma­ner of blessinges. Of whō singeth the Psal. Ciij. When they were verie fewe in num­bre, and went from nation to nation, and frō kyngdome to kyngdome, he suffered not a­nie man to do them wronge, and he pinished kinges for theyr sakes, toutche not myne a­noynted, and hurte not my prophetes. Vnbeliefe was the cause of miseries, and punishe­mentes in the olde people.

Thorowe the same fayth of his grace he gouerned, and guided the other patriarches and the vniuersal people of Israell, whiche were truly the people of Israel, and the childrē of the promises. And what so euer cala­mitie [Page] happened vnto them, it was a punish­ment of theyr vnbeliefe, bycause they had not obeyed to Goddes voice.

Finally the cōgregation must be taught thys thinge also diligently that, that coue­naunte Thorowe Christ all be­nifittes hap­pened to the fathers. of grace, and al other benifites were obtained, confirmed, and exhibited to the fathers by the sonne of God Christ the Lorde the euerlastinge worde of the father. Al thei desired to see hys daye, and than they be­ganne to enioye the promised blessinges, whan they sawe that daye he speake wyth the fathers, he guyded them, and fedde thē not onely wyth corporal manna rayninge doune from heauen, and wyth water dra­wne out of the rocke by the power of God, but also with spiritual meate, and drinke of blessede participation wyth hym, and hea­uenly lyfe, whiche he gyueth to his, where­of Paule speaketh, saiyng. Al eate the same spirituall meate, and dranke the same spi­ritual drinke. For they dranke of the spiritu­al stone folowynge them, that is, of Christ.

Wherfore they receiued the same spiritu­all meate, and drinke namely Christe the Lorde not onely amonge them selues, but also together with vs though that meate, and drinke horough vnbeliefe profited not al.

Wherfore lette the preachers with al di­ligence [Page] teach and cōfirme this thinge perpetually, that al benifittes of God that were exhibited to the fathers frō the beginninge, and al that be bestowed vpon vs, haue ben gyuen, and be gyuen by Christe onely the blessed seede of Abraham, the heade, and sa­uiour of the vniuersal churche.

¶ Of the difference of the olde, and newe Testament.

FOr as muche as not onelye Saynte Paule, but also the prophete Ieremie putteth a playne difference betwene the newe and olde Testamente, af­firmynge that the newe Testamente per­tayneth to the commynge of Christe and the olde to Moses, and the olde people, the preachers shal diligently obserue this diffe­rence, that the places of the scripture con­cerning the olde testamēt, and the new, and olde people maye be handsomely interpre­ted, that they wythdrawe nothynge from the grace, and benifittes of God promised, and exhibited either to the fathers, or to vs, as some are wounte to doe not vnderstan­dinge sufficiently the wordes of Paule. Of which men some affirme that those thinges that God did with the fathers were al only corporall, and erathle, and so much as they can, they ouer throwe, or doe not ryghtly [Page] regarde manye goodlye benifities of God amonge vs, and holesome ordinaunces, as officers, iudgementes, restraynynge of ma­lefactours, whiche thynges, they saye, per­tayne not at all to the newe Testament.

Other thorowe the same ignoraunce of the Gospell, and newe Testament, gyue more then is conueniente to iudaicall rytes, and ceremonies, and they set forth the obserua­tion of them wyth the hurte of fayeth in Christ, euē in this time of christian libertie.

Wherfore the preachers shal obserue that A double vn­derstandynge of the olde te­stamente, one as God instituted it, an o­ther as men, abuse it. the prophetes, & the apostles speake muche otherwise of the olde Testament, whē they speake of it, as it was at the begyunyng cō ­firmed to Abraham, Moyses, and all the olde people, then when they haue matter in hande conceruyng the Iewes, whiche brake thys couenaunte in dede, and onely bosted outwarde ceremonies wythout fayeth in Christe, and true obedience towardes God. For when they speake of the olde Testa­ment after the first maner, that is to saye, as it was deliuered from God to the fathers, they testifie that it is the couenaunte of the grace of God, and that it conteyneth in it the promises of Christe the Mediatoure.

They call the people that keepe it, the fyrst begotten, and peculiar people of God, the [Page] kinglie priesthode, the holy people, to whom in thys promise, I wyll be your God etc.

God promised thorowe his sonne his euer­lastyng mercie, remission of synnes, adopti­on to be sonnes, and heyres, and therfore a newe and blessed lyfe. For God bestoweth all these benifites vpon them, to whom he sheweth hym selfe God. Which thing may appeare hereby, that Christe proueth to the Saddnceis the blessed resurrection of sain­tes, which is a passage into a newe, and ble­ssed lyfe, by thys that God testified, that he was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Ia­cob, which then were deade in theyr bodies. For it was knowen euen amonge the Sadduceis that God is not the God of the dead, but of the quycke, that is to saye, of them that lyue well, and blisfully. Thys folowed then euidently that al they to whō suche promise was made, muste necessarely be raysed from death to lyfe, wherein they should be heyres, euē after the fleshe, of sal­uation, and euerlastyng lyfe, whiche God promised them, whē he testified that he was theyr God.

Wherfore that olde couenaūt, or Testamēt made with the fathes cōprehēdeth also remission of sinnes grace, and adoption in­to the children of God, the gyuinge of the [Page] holye goste, by whome he circumcided and renued theyr hertes, and certified them of saluation, and perpetual gouernaunce, and protection. And for the confirmation of thys grace he deliuered vnto them the whole re­ligion, the lawe, and the possession of the lande of Canaan, & al that did he thorough Christe our onely mediator, and sauioure. and for this cause god setteth forth so great­ly this his leige, and he calleth the lawe, and his statutes the couenaunte of life, and wysedome, wherein the people of Israel ex­celled a [...] nations he wytnessed wyth thys leige that he is presēt with his, that he dwelleth amonge them, heareth theyr prayers, and deliuereth them from al daungers.

For whiche causes. Paule also wrote of the Iewes Romano. iii. and ix cha. that the oracles of God were deliuered vnto them and adoption, and the glorye of the childrē of God, and the worshippinge of God and that Christ the Lorde was gyuē them with all the benifittes of God. For thys cause also he declareth, and proueth to the Gala. iii. that we whiche beleue in Christe be the children of Abraham, and of the new testa­ment, after that we haue putte on Christe thorough baptisme Item to the Ro. xi. he sayeth that we be brainches of the wylde o­lyue, [Page] and be grafted into the naturall olyue, that is to saye, into the people of God, tho­rowe Christ, and that the roote beareth vs, and not we the roote. In an other place he sayeth, that we haue receyued the same spi­rite of fayth with the fathers. ij. Corhin. iiij. Item Petre in the actes. xv. We truste that we shall be saued not by the lawe, but by Christ onely, as our fathers dyd also, which were vnder the law. For thys cause not on­ly the Apostles, but also the prophetes con­dempned al them as bastardes, and straun­gers from the Testament, and breakers of Goddes couenaunt, whiche wythout fayth, and the spirite of adoption, would be called Israelites, by reason of the lawe that they had receyued, and for the onely keepyng of the ceremonies outwardly. For the law, and the couenaunte of God, requireth chiefelye fayth towardes God, and loue from the whole hert, and whole soule, and al strēgh­thes: and commaundeth vs so to loue oure neighbour, as we loue our selfe, where vpō, In al ceremonies Christe was shado­wed and fay­eth in hym was requi­red. as Christe wytnesseth, the whole lawe, and the prophetes depende. Thus also Christe was shadowed, and after a certaine wise exhibited in all ceremonies, and fayeth in hym was required. Finally all promises eyther of spirituall, or corporall thynges were therfore [Page] made to the fathers, as Christ him selfe promiseth vnto vs all good thynges, if we seeke the kyngdome of God, and the rygh­tuousnes thereof, that being deliuered from all euyls, and daungers, and enryched with all good gyftes, we maye loue God more feruently, and studie the more to obeye his cōmaundementes, and magnifie his name.

Wherefore it perteyneth to preachers, to applie handsomely vnto vs the promises, and threates propouned to the people of Is­rael sundrie wayes, aswel in open sermons of the lawe, as in exemples, and therof they must euer diligently warne the people, that God wyl bountuously exhibite his healpe, and gyue them all good thynges, beleuyng in hym, and obeyinge his commaundemen­tes. And cōtrarie wyse that he wyl vndoub­tedly rendre punishemenent aswell present­ly, as in the lyfe to come, to the vnfaythfull and despicers of his worde. These thynges shal cause the people to be returned, and furthered in the feare, and zeale of God.

As for the difference of the olde Testa­ment The differēce of the olde, and new Te­stament. made with the fathers, and the newe instituted, by Christ, & the apostles: it is thre folde. First because the olde Testamēt was made wyth Abraham onely, and his seede namely the people of Israel after the fleshe, [Page] and wyth them, whiche outwardelye also embraced the same religion. But the newe Testamente was made wyth all men, and nations thorowe the whole worlde, as ma­nie as beleue the Golspell, and become his chyldren thorowe fayeth.

Secondly, because in the olde Testament beside fayth, & obedience of the law, circum­cision, & other outward rytes of ceremonies were required. But in the new Testament nothyng is required, but fayth, & loue wyth the fruites of those vertues and a fewe cere­monies, which Christ him selfe did ordaine.

Thyrdely, for that, that God had not yet opened so clearly to the olde people the grace of the Mediatoure Christe, and be­cause he helde them in great feare, and bon­dage. But the whole misterie of Christe is more fully reueiled to the newe people, and a greater libertie of outwarde thynges is graūted. For in the new Testamēt there is no differēce of personnes, places, or ciuilitie cōmaūded, but Christe bad that his gospel, should be preached to euery creature, that al men of all nations shoulde be called to his kingdom, affirming that al should be saued, that shoulde beleue and be baptised. Wher­fore Paule also wrate that those heathē that were cōuerted, were not now straūgers, but [Page] the citizens of the saintes, and housholde of God. This in the steede of circumcision, and other ceremonies, with which thei were innumerably laden in the olde Testament, Christe hath lefte sacramentes wyth hys church, as S. Augustine sayth, verie few in nombre, moste certaine in obseruation, and moste reuerende in signification, that is to saye, baptisme, and the celebration of his bodye, and bloude Finally he hath nowe ope­ned the mysteries of hys grace much more clearely, than in tymes paste to the fathers and he hath powred vpon vs more abun­dantly the spirite of ad optiō, and hath mad vs fre frō Mosaical rites, & al rudimētes of the world. And he so gouerneth our hertes with his spirite, that of our owne accorde we submitte oure selfe to euerie ordinaunce of man for the profit of our neighbours, appliynge oure selfe to euery mannes health and edificacion towardes saluation, and seruinge plainly with a free, and wyllinge spi­rite, not constrained,

Furthermore they must obserue that there is other maner of speakynge of the olde te­stament, whiche Paule, and the prophetes than vse, whan they reproue the vaine con­fidence of the Iewes in the Testament, and lawe of God, whiche they obserued onely [Page] outwardly, with out fayth in Christe. For in this place they shewe, what the olde Testament After what sorte sacrifi­ces were commaunded in olde tyme. is, and what it aualeth wyth out grace, and fayth in Christe. Of whiche Ieremie speaketh cha. vii. Thys sayeth the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, put your brunt offeryngs to your sacrifices, and eate felsh. for I spake not to your fathers, and I gaue them no cōmaundement in the daye whan I brought them out of the laude of Aegipte, cōcerninge brunte offringes, and sacrifices but I cōmaūded them this thinge saiynge, heare my voyce, and I wilbe your God, and you shalbe my people and walke in all the wayes that I haue commaunded you, that you maye be in good case. Lo the Lorde witnesseth that he gaue not the lawe of brunte offringes, and sacrifices, that he commaunded hys people notinge concer­ning this matter which thinge the prophete spake not absolutely of the lawe, but as it was corruptly obserued of the vngodly Ie­wes, whiche though they stil apeace prouoked God with al maner of wickid deedes, yet they laboured in vaine to appease God with sacrifices done with out repentaunce and fayth, That the prophete than myght more strougly throwe doune thys false confidence in them, vsinge an hyperbolical, or [Page] exedynge speache, he sayeth that God com­maunded nothynge concernynge sacrifices. For God ordeyned sacrifices for thys pur­pose, that in them faith towardes God and Messias myghte be exercised, not that a li­bertie of sinning, and careles lyuing should be established.

In lyke maner. S. Paule speaketh of the olde Testament to the Gala. iiij. Where he maynteyneth the doctrine of the Gospell a­gaynste false apostles, whiche taughte that fayeth in Christe sufficed not vnto saluati­on, but that men had neede of circumcision, and other Mosaicall ceremonies, whereby it came to passe, that while they despiced the grace of Christ, they retayned nothynge of the lawe and the olde Testamente, but the letter, and a certayne outwarde visour. For he that putteth not all hys hope, and salua­tion in Christe onely, hath nowe cast away Christe altogyther. Wherefore that the A­postle myghte open more euidently to the Galathians, that the lawe, and ceremonies, of Moyses do not profitte nowe, wythout Christe, yea that they hurte verie muche. He compareth the olde Testamente to Hagar Abrahams handmayde, and the newe Te­stament of Christ to free Sara. And he maketh the olde Testament or lawe to brynge [Page] forth bondemen, and carnall chyldren lyke Hagar, whiche wyll persecute the spiritual chyldren borne of the free woman, where­fore at the laste they be put from the enheri­taunce of God, as Hagar was dryuen out Howe the olde Testa­ment engen­d [...]eth bond­men and ene­mies of the verie God [...]ie. of Abrahams house wyth hyr sonne. And surely as manie as seeke not al health from Christe alone, but aske part of the lawe, and outwarde ceremonies, they are the bondmē of the lettre, and rudimentes of the worlde, and not the children of God, yea they hate, and persecute all maner of wayes the chyl­dren of God, which studie to worship God in spirite, and truth, and be borne agayne of the spirite.

But God made not his couenaūt nether with Abraham, nor with Moyses for thys ende, that thei should glory in the lettre, and prerogatiue of the flesh, refusing Christ, but that they should put al theyr trust, and hope of saluation in the promised Messias, for whose sake god would be theyr sauiour and protectour, and they thorow the faith of the same messias should be the people, and worshyppers of God. Seinge then that the Galathians beinge seduced thorowe fals [...] Apostles dyd putte some hope in the lawe, and in the Ceremonies that the lawe ap­poynteth, the Apostle propouned vnto them [Page] the olde testamēt to cōsider what it brought to passe after that sorte, that they trusted in it. So in an other place he cōpareth the mi­nisterie of Moyses wyth the ministery of the Gospell, and newe Testamente, and he testifieth that the fyrste is the ministerie of the lettre, and of domnation, as it is in dede to al them, whose hertes God hath not purged with the fayth of his sonne, and confir­med vnto them the new Testamēt of grace and adoption of the chyldren of God tho­rowe the holie goste, whiche gyueth witnes vnto our spirite, that we be the chyldren of God, and teacheth vs to cal vpō God with confidence, and affection of chyldren, and to crye Abba, O father. Hither the lawe, and ministerie of Moyses ought to brynge vs, Christe sayeth to the Iewes. If ye beleued Moyses, ye would beleue me to, for he wit nesseth of me. Paule also, the law is a guide vnto Christe. But the false Apostles wyth whom Paule fighteth in no wyse taughte this vse of the olde Testament, but they cō ­tended that Mosaical ceremonies must be keepte of necessitie, euen in the newe Testa­ment, and that we shoulde not seeke for sal­uation in Christe onely. As they then abu­sed the ministerie of Moises against Christ and to make the fayth of Christe of none ef­fecte, [Page] so they made the Testament of suche sort vnto them selues, as the Apostle calleth the ministerie of the lettre, and of damnati­on. Wherefore the Apostle dyd ryghtly set that ministerie agaynste the ministerie of Christ, and of the newe Testament, to whō it oughte to serue, and to brynge to Christe the onely Mediatour, obteiner, and confir­mer of the newe Testament, yea of all Te­stamentes, and leiges of Goddes beniuo­lence. Out of thys maner of speakynge of the olde Testamente the lawe and Moyses his ceremonies, cometh it that S. Paule af­ter the preaching of the kingdome of Christ in the gospel called the ceremonies of Moyses beggerly and weake rudimētes, because that after the appearyng of Christe, and the comen publishing of the Gospell into al the worlde, they ledde no more to Christe, but rather were an hyndraunce and let.

The epistle to the Hebr. speaketh also of thys abrogation of the olde Testamēt, saying. The olde Testament is abrogated, and abolished. But the couenaunt of the olde te­stament, as it was made of God wyth the olde sayntes, is euerlastynge, and consisteth herein, that he sheweth and exhibiteth hym selfe vnto them a God, a gyuer of eternall lyfe, and that they be his people. Thys co­uenaunt [Page] of God wyth the chosen is establi­shed thorowe the preachynge of the Gos­pell, and the olde Testamente is fulfylled wyth the newe.

And though all the couenauntes of gods beniuolence, whiche from the begynnynge of the worlde haue bene made wyth men, were obteyned and confirmed, thorowe Ie­sus Christe, whiche renueth our hertes, and onely writeth the lawe in them, neuertheles the knowledge of Christe, and a more plen­tifull dealynge forth of the holie goste was gyuen after the ascention of Christe, and preachynge of the Gospell published tho­rowe the worlde. And as there was feare, and bondage in the olde people, so loue, and libertie of the spirite is more gyuen to the newe. But seinge that feare, and loue, bon­dage, and fredome be togyther, and at one tyme, and haue bene in all Godlie men, the one Testament is conteyned in the other a­monge all the chyldren of God, as saynte Austen sayth, there is one grace, one Christ, one fayeth, one adoption, and therefore also one people of God, and one couenaunte of saluation.

Onely as I sayed the glorie, and know­ledge of Christe was further, and more plentyfull reueyled after the ascention of [Page] Christ into heauen, and the grace of the ho­lie gooste was more aboundauntly shedde forth, and therefore true and euerlastynge ryghtuousnes was communicated to more people, and more effectuouslie.

For whiche cause Saynt Paule magni­fieth so greatlie the rytches of the new Te­stamente, and calleth it a misterie hydden from the begynnynge of the worlde, say­inge that it was reueyled in the tyme of the Gospell by the Apostles thorowe the holie Goste, namely that the heathen be co­heriters, and of the same body with the olde people, and partetakers of the same promi­ses in Christe Iesu.

Wherefore if after thys sorte the prea­chers shall discerne, and declare the thyn­ges that as well in common, as appropri­atly be attributed in the scriptures to the olde, and newe Testamente, they shall teache the people the wrytynges of the pro­phetes, and Apostles more certaynlye, and more fruitefullye, and beynge truely in­structed vnto the kyngdome of God, as a rytche and liberall householder, they shall brynge out of the treasures of the scriptu­res all the promises, threates, exemples, and commaundementes of God deliuered vnto both the people.

And they shall declare that in al the pro­mises euen of bodily thinges the promises Howe Christ is enclosed in al the promi­ses of Moy­ses. of grace in Christ, and euerlastyng lyfe, be enclosed. For thys promise is conteyned in all the promises of God made to the electe people of God, lyke as vppon the beni­fit of reconciliation, and adoption by Christ all other depende, yea wythout thys there be no true benifittes, and worthy of the chil­dren of God.

So they shall teache that the threates of Al the threat­nynges of Moyses per­tayne vnto vs. Goddes wrathe and eternall damnation, where vnto all men be subiecte, be contey­ned in all the threatenynges of Moyses, if Iesus Christe deliuer them not, gyuynge them repentance, and remission of synnes thorowe fayth in hym selfe.

Thus also in all the exemples of healpe, and saluation, whiche chaunced to the olde Howe the exemples of the scripture must be handled. people thorowe princes, and kynges, they shall declare that euerlastynge healpe, and redemption in Christ was shadowed, and exhibited. Agayne in the Satanicall furie and crueltie of tyrannes, and wicked men a­gaynst the good, they shall admonishe that we muste considre the power, woodnes, and tyrannie of the deuyl, and of antichrist. Out of the lyues and dedes of cōmune sayntes they shall put the people in remembraunce [Page] of the merueilous gouernaunce, and preser­uynge of the churche, of fayeth, of repen­taunce, and of the true fruites of fayth, and repentaunce, and finally of the true blisful­nes that euer foloweth these thynges. In the exēples of them that haue despiced God and his lawe, they shall declare the wrathe of God, the reprobate sense, the vngodly­nes, obstinate minde, and damnation, which suche pull vpon them selues wyllyngly, be­inge them selues the cause of theyr owne destruction.

Thus they shall teache that in all the cō ­maundementes of God fayth out of a true Howe the cō ­maundemen­tes of Moy­ses muste be declared. herte, and loue is required. For the whole lawe, though it prescribe bodily offices, is spirituall, and requireth the true, and spiri­tual rightuousnes of the herte, which Christ our Lorde, who onely satisfied the lawe, be­gynneth, and worketh in vs.

Wherefore the preachers in declarynge euerie one of the commaundementes, shall pearce vnto the hert it selfe, and shal require the obedience of the herte, and shall so de­clare, and set before theyr eyes theyr natural stubburnes, and rebellion agaynste God, that they shall dryue them to distruste them selues, and to seeke, and call for the healpe of Christe, of whom as of the onely sauiour [Page] and phisition they may require a newe hert, and the holy goste.

Thys muste be done in declarynge of euerie precepte of God, and thus all the cō ­maundementes of the whole lawe muste From what lawes of Moyses chri­sten men be free. be opened to the people of God, whiche ne­uertheles must not be laded wyth any thin­ges, from whiche Christe hath deliuered them, as those be, that properly pertayne to the policie and discipline of Moyses, in whiche the people of the lawe were kepte enclosed, in the feare, and fayth of God vn­to Christe, whiche be not necessarie vnto sal­uation, I meane circumcision, and the other ceremonies, and rytes of the tabernacle, and temple, the ministeries of priestes, sacrifices washynges, and other bodilie purgynges. holie dayes, difference of meates, politike obseruations of iudgementes, and other fa­cions of ciuile gouernaunce. But as God What preceptes of religi­on pertayne vnto vs. in euery precepte of religion taught and re­quired thys thynge chiefelye, that the peo­ple shoulde come togyther in his name to heare his worde wyth a fayethfull herte, to praye, to call for healpe, to sacrifice vn­to hym, and in sacrifices to enioye the Sa­cramentes of his grace, and redemption in Christe, and required all these thynges for thys purpose, that the people therby should exer­cise [Page] and stablishe fayeth in his mercye, and in the onelye Mediatoure Christe, whose death, and oure reconciliation, and hole­some communion obtayned by the same, those sacrifices dyd shadowe, and exibite. So we Christen men also muste learne out of suche preceptes, wyth howe greate reli­gion, wyth howe true sanctification, and faythfull preparation of bodye, and soule, we muste come togyther into the cōmon companye before the Lorde, to heare the worde of God, to praye, and to gyue thankes, to gyue oblations vnto Christe the Lorde hongriynge, and thurstynge in his members, to receyue the Sacramen­tes, and in them the communion of oure Lorde Iesu Christe, and of all his merites, and grace.

And so we must know also thys thynge out of the same kynde of preceptes, howe greuous a synne we committe, and howe horrible paynes we deserue, if at anye tyme we so lytle esteame the worde of God, the vse of the Sacramentes, so Godlye gyftes of God, and the com­mon prayers of the congregation, that nei­ther we oure selfe studye to nourishe, and strengthen oure fayeth thorowe these thyn­ges, nor serue other in mayntaynynge, and [Page] commendinge these exercises, and aydes of religion cheifely on the sondayes, and holy dayes, whā the whole cogregation is wont to come together Thus seinge that it is knowen that God thorogh those sondrye wa­shinges, Howe the preceptes of wa­shynges and purginges of the olde Te­stament must be declared. and bodilye purgynges, whiche he prescribed to the olde people, woulde stirre vp and moue the same, that before all thin­ges they shoulde remēber that they ought to seeke the cleanes of herte, and that they shoulde diligently beware, and auoyde in theyr whole lyfe, and conuersacion al those thinges, that maye be abominable, loth­some or in anye wyse vnacceptable, and vnpleasaunte to God, and theyr nighboure: we oughte also in such preceptes to stirrevp and exhorte bothe our selues, and also those that be committed to oure charge to thys poynte, where vnto S. Paule also exhor­teth ii. Co. vii. saiynge: For asmuch as than we haue these promisses derely beloued, let vs clense oure selfe from al spottes of the flesche, and of the spirite, workinge holines with the feare of God,

After the same sorte the preceptes deliue­red Howe the po­litical precep­tes of Israell must be declared. to Israel concerninge the forme, and religion of iudgemētes, and administration of that whole politie, muste be confidered, and hādled. For in al these thinges obedience to­warde [Page] the officers is commaunded, whiche must be shewed from the hert, and readely, and further there is required in them an honeste and ciuile conuersation with al sortes of men, what so euer they be, and finally a good, and godlye administration of the commen weale, wherein euerie man maye haue his ryght, and al the people maye be instituted, and gouerned to liue godly, and honestly, and be kepte pure from al mischeuous, and abominable actes.

For though we haue the Romaine lawes or other and verditis be gyuen accordynge there vnto, and though God bounde vs not to the lawes of Moyses his politie, ne­uertheles we must knowe the wil of God out of the selfe same lawes, whiche wolde haue all greuous offences, to be rigorously punisched, and that men be enstructed, and putte forth with good lawes, and with the obseruation, and punishmente of the same, to al godlines and honestie. Item that inno­cent, and good men be constantly defended, and malefactours restrayned and caste out of the comē weale, or vtterly putte to death that they hurte not the good. Finally thys thinge must be taught also out of these pre­ceptes, that euerie gouernaunce of a com­men weale is Goddes, and that the officers [Page] occupy the roume, & office of God, to iudge the iudgementes of the Lorde, as Iosaphat saide to his officers, and therefore that God wil require a straite cōpte of the gouerners of his people toucthing their administratiō.

If the preachers shal propoune and de­clare to the people after this sorte, what thinges God hath commaunded, and dyd to the olde people, aswel in heapinge most ample benifites vpon them as in chastisynge wyth horrible punishmentes, and if they shal sette forth al the exemples, that God hath exhibited in the scriptures to be consi­dered, either of his bountiousnes, and seue­ritie, or of hys kindnes, and vnkindnes of the people, they shal for theyr measure per­fourme that thing, that the Lorde witnessed of hym selfe, I come not to breake the lawe, but to fulfil it. And that, that the apostle saieth, we abolishe not the law, but astablish it.

¶ Of preachinge appropriated to the newe Testament.

The preachinge of the newe Testa­ment is to preach repentaunce, and remission of sinnes in the name of our Lorde Iesu Christe. For so the Lorde him selfe sayde, and prescribed, Luke xxiiii. Bicause it is so written, and so it be, houed Christe to suffre, and to ryse agayne [Page] from the deade the third daye and that re­pētaunce, and forgyuenes of sinnes shoulde be preached in his name amonge al nations begynninge at Ierusalem.

Out of this cōmaundement of Christe S. Petre also testified before the assemble of the Iewes, and the priestes, actes. v. in this sorte. The God of our fathers hath raised vp Iesus whome ye slue. & hanged vpon the crosse This prince, and sauiour God hath exalted with his ryght hande, to gyue repē taunce, and remission of sinnes vnto Israel. In lyke maner he preacheth also before Cornelius act. x. he cōmaunded that we shoulde preach to the people, and testifie, that it is he, that was appoynted of God a iudge of the dead and quicke, to him al the prophetes beare witnes, that whosoeuer beleueth in hym shall receyue remission of sinnes tho­rowgh hys name. Paule also in the syna­goge at antioche of pisidia actes. xiii. sayeth thus. Be it knowen to euerie one of you bretherne, that thorowgh thys man remission of sinnes is preached vnto you, & thorough thys man euerye one that beleueth is in­stified frō al thinges, from which ye coulde not be iustified by the lawe of Moyses. So he sayeth also to the elders, whiche he called from Ephesus to Milites cha. xx. ye [Page] knowe from the first daye that I entred in to Asia, howe I was with yon at al tymes, seruing God with al humblenes of minde, and wyth manye teares, and tentations, which chaunced vnto me thorough the lay­inges awaite of the Iewes, how I ouer slipped nothinge that myght be profitable vnto you, but preached vnto you, and taught you openly, and in euerie house, testifiyng both to the Iewes, & also to the greekes, that repē taunce, that is towarde God, and that faith that is towardes our Lorde Iesus.

By these testimonies it is euident, that A double preachyng of the Gospell. there be two partes of the preachinge of the gospel, or newe testament, that is to saye, a preachinge of repentaunce, and of remission of sinnes. Wherefore the preachinge of the newe testamēt must be ginne at repētaunce as the exemples of Iohan baptiste, of oure Lorde Iesus Christe, and the apostles doe teach. For al these men beganne theyr prea­chinge wyth these wordes, repent your for­mer lyfe, for the kingdome of God appro­cheth, and beleue the gospel, that is to saye, the preachinge of remission of sinnes. But in thys place the preachers muste declare, what repētaunce we ought to vnderstande. Whiche is true repen­taunce. For thys saiynge muste not be taken of euery repentaunce but of that, that is towarde [Page] God, which Christ the Lorde him selfe rai­seth vp in our myndes. And that is true contritiō, and a iust griefe for our sinnes, which we haue committed in thought, wordes or deedes agaynste the lawe of God. Whiche griefe, & anguish driueth vs to fle to Christe with fayth, and truste, that for hys sake we shalbe deliuered from al our sinnes, and frō the wrath of God, and that for hys sake we shalbe nombred amonge the ryghteous be­fore God, and shalbe compted heyres of euerlastinge lyfe,

This is a verie euangelical, and Christian repentaunce. For it is not inoughe for holsome repētaunce to be grieued, and vex­ed for oure synnes, and to feare the iudge, mēt of God, with which repentaunce Cain, and Iudas perished, & wherewith at length al vngodlye men perishe, after that they be­ginne to feele what anger of God, & what dānation they haue purchased to them selfe thorough theyr sinful actes. But as Paule sayeth we must necessarely haue repētaunce towardes God, that is to saye, we muste therfore be greued for our sinnes, and feare the iudgemēt of God, because we haue offē ded god our creator, and redemer, and haue forsaken hym thorough sinnes, that besydes contrition for our sinnes there be in vs also [Page] a burninge desire, and studie of reconciliatiō with God, a truste to obtaine the same, and a sure purpose to amende our lyues, and to yelde our selues wholy in to the obediēce of God. Al whiche thinges a true repentaunce muste haue, desire, and perceyue, and that thorough our onely bischoppe, and redemer Iesus Cehrist, which alone stirreth vp and worketh true repentaunce in vs, whyle he maketh the preachinge of repentaunce effectual in our hertes, gyuinge his encrease.

Of the preachinge of repentaunce.

But to raise vp this repētaunce in our hertes we must cheifely vse the preachinge of the death and passiō of our Lorde Iesus Christe, wherewith he satisfied God the father for our sinnes. And we muste also vse a continual declaration, and repetinge of the lawe of God, wherein God sheweth what thinges he alloweth in vs, and what he disaloweth, and how gētly and bountiously he handleth them that obey hys commaūdimentes, and howe rigorous­ly That repen­taunce muste be taught out of the ignominious death of Christe. he punisheth thē, that contemne the same Wherefore the preachers in theyr, sermons and in the administration of the sacramētes must preach the death of the Lorde with singuler diligence, and sette before the eyes of the people, and warne them studiously that [Page] the sonne of God whiche neuer committed anye sinne suffred that most bitter, and shā ­ful death onely for our sinnes. For thei shal teach that thei be so abominable in the sight of the lorde, that they could be purged with none other sacrifice, with no merites or pey­nes either of men, or angells, but only with the precious death of the sonne of God, For this cause the preachers shall admonish mē of the greatnes of sinne, and of the wrath of God, and they shal stirre them vp to repent earnessly.

And because Christe our Lorde is the onely glasse and exemplar of a godly lyfe, we maie learne certainly, and substantially out of the lyfe and obedience of Christe, to what maner of lyfe we be made, and called what stubburnes ther is in vs agaynst god and what corruption of nature whereby su­rely we haue deserued, that we shulde suffre eternally those punishmentes that the sonne of God suffred for vs, seynge that inobedi­ence and stubburnnes agaynste God do e­uer remayne in vs.

Hereof it commeth that the Apostles in theyr sermons as we maye see in the actes, were wonte to ioyne together the deathe, and resurrection of Christe, as the principal poyntes of Christian doctrine, which al mē [Page] ought euer to haue in theyr sight. And vn­doubtedly they euer declared the same dili­gently and taught thereby howe Christe thorough the preordeined purpose, and pro­uidence of God, was deliuered and died for our sinnes, and rose for oure ryghteousnes.

Wherefore thorough the preachinge of the passion, and death of Christ they exhor­ted the people to acknowledge theyr sinnes and to repent truly, and by the testimonies of the resurrection they stirred them vp to fayth and truste of grace, and for gyuenes of synnes. For they that can truly beleue, and perswade them selues that the sonne of God was smitten for theyr sinnes, and that the horriblenes of oure synnes is so greate, that it behoued the sonne of god to suffre so shameful, and cruel a punishmente for the purgation of them, while he would redeme vs from eternal death, these men vndoub­tedly shalbe ashamed, & repentaunt of theyr sinnes, & such men shal abhorre excedinglye and feare synnes. And so they shal conceyue a liuely, and substātial repentaunce. Wher­fore whan Paule exhorteth to profit, and go forwarde in repentaunce of sinnes, and warneth that we liue not to satisfie sinnes, but to kille them in vs, and to dye concerninge the same, he is wonte to make mention of [Page] the passion, and death of Christe. Roma. vi. Knowe ye brethern that as manie of vs, as be baptised into Christe Iesus, we be bap­tised into his death. That he dyed, he dyed for synne. Item, hym whiche knew not sinne he made sinne for vs, that is to saye a sacri­fice for synne. The Apostle doeth the same thynge in manie other places, where he al­lureth to a newe lyfe, and to amendement, that is to saye, to true repentaunce, Ephesi. iiij. Philip. ij. iij. and. Collo. ij. and in other places. For whiche cause also in mentioning both the Sacramentes, Baptisme, and the the supper of the Lorde, he preacheth of the death, and passion of Christ. For as he sayd of baptisme, that we are buried with Christ so he addeth in the description of the supper do thys in my remembraunce. For as often as ye shall eate thys breade, and drynke of this cuppe, ye shall shewe forth the death of the Lorde tyll he come. So. S. Petre sayeth also. Se that hauyng your conuersation in feare, ye passe the tyme of your dwellynge, knowyng that you were redemed frō your vayne conuersation, whiche ye receyued of the fathers teachynge, not wyth transitorye thynges, as with syluer and golde, but with the precious bloude as of an vnspotted and vndefiled lambe Christe.

After the same sorte it shall be the prea­chers parte aswell in sermons, as in the ad­ministration of the Sacramentes, to shewe forth diligently to the people the death of the Lorde, as the onely satisfaction for oure synnes, and thorowe the same to rayse them vp, and to dryue them vnto repentaunce.

And they muste witnesse to them that synne careleslie, and stubburnly, the thynge that is in the Epistle to the Hebru, that is to saye, that suche with theyr wicked life do stampe the sonne of God with theyr fete, and defile the bloude of the Testament, and therefore shall be punished of God at length horriblebly, and euerlastyngly.

¶ Of the true, & propre vse of Gods lawe.

FOrasmuche as the true acknowled­gynge of synnes is necessarie to repē ­taunce, or contrition, the lawe of God must be continually declared, and beaten into the people, and the horrible punish­mentes whiche God in the lawe threatneth to them that synne, both wyth terrible wor­des, and moste dreadfull exemples, whiche he sheweth in punishing the vngodlie, must be sette before them. For though Christe a­lone be the author of repentaunce towardes God, that is to saye, of holesome contrition, [Page] and griefe for synne, whereby the herte of man is perfectlye turned vnto God, and brought agayne vnto the obedience of him, yet he wyll that the preachynge of his lawe be applied to thys purpose, and he wyll not denie the encrease of his spirite, when it is faythfully applied.

Thys thynge then is chiefely to be war­ned, to the entent that men maye be ryghtly taught of the lawe, namely that all that, is called the lawe or commaundemēt of God, & is so in dede, that declareth vnto vs what god requireth of vs, what pleaseth him, and what displeaseth hym. And this thing must What is to be vnderstā ­ded by the name of the lawe. necessarely be taughte, because of thē which thinke that the lawe is not conteyned in the bokes of the newe Testamēt, and that there be no cōmaundementes taught therein. And agayne that there is no Gospell in the olde Testament. Which errour maketh mē vn­fitte, and vntowarde to vnderstāde the scripture a right. Wherefore where so euer com­maundemētes are taught, with whiche god sheweth, what he alloweth ordisalloweth in vs, whether they be in the newe Testament or in the olde, they ought to be compted for the lawe of God, and they must be none o­therwyse taughte, and declared, then those that Moyses taught.

Secondly we must knowe thys also, that there is a double vnderstādyng of the law. A double vn­derstandinge of the lawe. The fyrste is flesly, and grosse, when men thynke that onely outwarde actes are pro­hibited in the lawe, whiche if a man auoyed metely wel, he hath satisfied the law, though there remayne styll in the mynde euyll affe­ctions, and concupiscence repugnant and cō ­trarie to the lawe, which is onely restrained for feare of punishmentes, that it breake not forth into outwarde mischeuous actes. As if a man should thinke, when the law sayth. Thou shalte not steale, that he hath obeyed thys precept, when he hath holden him selfe from manifest robberie, and thefte, though in the meane whyle his herte boyle wyth couetise, and carefulnesse of thys lyfe, and burne wyth the desire of an others good.

Surely thys vnderstandynge of the lawe, is a false and a verie heathnishe erroure, whiche maketh nothing els then hipocrites, of whiche sorte that pharisee was standyng in the tēple, and praying, I thanke the God that I am not, as other men be raueners, vn iuste, adulterers, as also thys publicane is.

They then that thynke so carnally of the lawe, haue muche a do and greate difficultie to come to the knowedge of Christe. For they loke onely to outwarde workes, which [Page] they thynke they can perfourme wyth their owne strength, and therfore they truste that they maye obteyne forgyuenes of synnes and saluation wyth theyr owne workes.

And as for the preachynge of free remission of synnes thorowe Christe, and the ryghtu­ousnes of fayeth, they are either offended wyth it, or despice it, as folishe. The vayle in olde tyme layed ouer the face of Moyses when the chyldren of Israell coulde not di­recte theyr eyes vnto his face, signified thys vngodlie persuasion. For suche men haue theyr wyttes blynded, as the Apostle sayth. For as then the Isralites onely behelde the vayle layed vpon Moyses his face, and not the face it selfe. So these hypocrites se not the true meanynge of Goddes lawe, but styckynge in the letter they folowe a car­nall vnderstandynge, whiche they falsely laye vpon the clearnes of the lawe as, a cer­tayne couer. Thys vayle remayneth vnto thys daye in readynge of the olde Testa­ment in all them, from whom Christ taketh it not awaye, whiche onely with his spirite openeth the true vnderstāding of the lawe. Wherefore the Apostle sayeth, but when they shall be turned to God, the vayle shall be taken awaye.

The other vnderstandyng of the lawe is [Page] true, and spiritual, whē we vnderstand that not onely outwarde naughtie workes are prohibited, but also inwarde, that is to say, euyl cōc [...]piscēce, euyl affections, al though­tes, wordes, dedes, wyll, inclination, and what so euer thynges either in our body, or soule be moued in anie wyse agaynste the lawe of God. Then we acknowledge that not onely outward discipline is required of vs, and vertues whiche wythout grace we maye perfourme of our owne strength, but suche workes, as the holie gooste hym selfe worketh in vs, as, a true and perfecte truste of grace and Gods healpe thorow Christe Iesus, true inuocation in al perilles, feruent loue of God, and oure neighboure, perfecte obedience from the whole herte, and al oure strengthes, to be pure and fre frō al naugh­tie motions, and to be inclined and caryed onely hereunto, that thou serue God onely, that thou prayse and magnifie hym onely with the true loue of hym, and of thy neighbour with al kindes of good workes, wher­by thou mayest further the health of men, and therein sette forth the glorie of God.

Thys true, and holesome vnderstandynge of the lawe is necessarie for all men, where­wyth as all men be reproued of synne, so al­so they be called backe vnto repentaūce, and [Page] a waye vnto theyr hertes is prepared for the Lorde. Thus also oure Lorde Iesus Christe interpreted certayne commaunde­mentes of the lawe. Math. v. wyllynge vn­doubtedly that the rest shoulde be so vnder­standed, and declared.

After the same sorte Paule lykewyse de­clareth the strength of the lawe. Roma. viij. saying the lawe is spiritual, but I am flesh­ly solde vnder synne. Seinge then that the lawe is spiritual, it requireth spiritual wor­kes. But man beinge fleshly, doeth onely the workes of the fleshe. For an euyll tree bryngeth not forth good fruites. He then that wyll satisfie the lawe muste be made a pirituall man, and he muste do spirituall workes, as those be that the holy spirite worketh in vs, as, the true faith of Goddes worde, and burnynge loue, and feare of God, and the fruites of these vertues. We keepe no precept of our owne strēgth Whereof it appeareth that we can not do the leste cōmaundementes of the lawe tho­rowe oure owne strengthes wythout the healpe of the holie goste. The brightnes that shone in Moyses his face, whiche the eyes of the Israelites coulde not abide, sig­nified the vnderstandynge of the lawe. For as the Israelites could not suffre with there eyes this bryghtnesse but beinge afrayed [Page] fledde away. So carnal reason can not at­taine this vnderstandinge of the lawe, but rather abhorreth it, and iudgeth it veri mad For if it were so, thincketh she, al men must needes be damned eneriechon, and she we­neth that God doeth vniustly wyth vs, if he commaunde those thynges that we can not perfurme of our owne strength. This reasō casteth away the true vnderstandinge of the lawe, and casteth a vaile before hyr eyes and conforteth hir selfe with this false opinion, that we haue free wil and if we do asmuch as lyeth in vs, that God can not but take it in good worth, and that he requireth nomore of vs at al. But we that beleue in Christe, and be taught of the holye goste knowe that thys is the true sentence of the lawe, whiche we haue proposed. For we see the face of Moyses vncouered, and haue obtained that, that Paule spaketh of. ii. Cor. iii, But whan they shalbe conuerted vnto the Lorde the vayle shalbe takē awaye, For after that we haue knowne, and do beholde Christ thorough fayth, a new glorie of god shyneth in vs, and we are transformed to the same image of Christe, goynge forth dailye from the clearnes of thys new lyfe be, gon in vs, to the clearnes of Christes lyfe, and that thorough the spirite of the Lorde. [Page] Seinge that Christ thā thorough the know ledge of hym selfe gyueth vs thys spiritual lyght, and clearnes of newe lyfe, it is cer­taine that it is required of vs in the lawe and that it is necessarie for vs vnto saluati­on. For Christ came for thys purpose, rose agayne, and entred in to his heauenly kingdome, that he myght restore and finishe the same in vs, where vnto we were first made, and are called agayne by the lawe of God. Wherefore the face of Moyses is now vn­couered and the true vnderstandinge of the lawe is disclosed vnto vs, which be conuer­ted to Christe the Lorde, and be holde hym thorough fayth, and in hym partly knowe. enioye, and liue the lyfe, that God alloweth

Thirdly whan that it is declared, what muste be vnderstanded by the name of the lawe of God, & what is the true meaninge, and interpretation of the lawe, we must considre, and teach diligētly, for what vse and ende the lawe was gyuē to vs of God. For thought we haue in few wordes some what toutched it, that is to wit, that the lawe was gyuen for this purpose, that thorough the knowledge of synnes, whiche it causeth, it myght worke repentaunce, neuer theles we must declare this thing some what more plē tifully. And for asmuch as, S. Paul taught [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] the strenghth and nature of the lawe wyth singuler diligence, and plaines, as a man that perceyued, that the strength of the lawe beinge not wel declared, and knowen, men wilbe iustified rather with the keepinge of outward discipline, and coūterfaite workes of the lawe, than with fayth in Christe: we thinke good to consider three sentences of Paule, where wyth he moste clearely, and playnly expouned the strength, and nature, and vse of the lawe, that thus, asmuch as is possible, we maye take awaye that festred errour of mē, wherby they go about to satisfie the law with theyr owne strēgth and be­ing cōtēted with anoutward, & vaine shewe of rightuousnes, they neglecte Christe, and haue no care at al of the true ryghtuousnes of the herte: these be the sayinges of Paule. Thorow the lawe is the knowledge of syn. Ro. iii. the lawe worketh wrath. Ro. iiii. The lawe is our scholemaister to Christ: Ga. iii.

Out of the first saiynge, whiche is thys thorough the lawe cometh knowledge of synne, we muste learne, and, teach that tho­rough the falle of Adam there is so greate darkenes broughte in to mannes reasō, that of our selfe we can not vnderstande, what synne is, and therefore that God gaue vs the lawe that we might know sinne therebi [Page] For thys cause we muste be resolued here­vpon, that, that is synne in ded, that God Reason of hir selfe vnder­standeth not what is sinne forbiddeth, and contrarye wyse that, that is a good worke, that God commaundeth. Wherefore whan we turne our selues from the lowe of God, and looke vpon it negli­gētly, as we haue done a greate while with the great hurte of the church, the true knowledge also of synne is clearely lost, and lykewyse of ryghteousnes, & than wyth coūter­faite sinnes, and good workes we vexe both our selues, and other in vaine, which thinge manie haue done, and do yet vnto this day. For if anye thynge be omytted agaynst su­prestious vowes and against other thinges What sinnes were falsely fayned. whiche God requireth not, if we haue been slacke in the afflictions of the bodye taken vpon vs for no regarde of Godlynes, and much lesse for the vsynge of the same, or if we haue lette passe anye other inuention of men, that profiteth nothinge to true ryghteousnes, for these thinges superstitions men are meruailously grieued, and compte them for synnes, they shryue them selues of these thinges carefully, and thinke that they must wash thē awaye with singuler repentaunce Contrarywyse if they haue perfourmed a­nie thinge herein, they thinke that they haue done a noble act, and haue deserued much of [Page] God. In the meane whyle they neglecte in them selues and wincke at those true, and most greuous synnes, frō whiche (as from headspringes) al other euil thoughtes, wordes, and deedes flowe out, as these be, the neglectinge of God, and hys worde, vnbe­lefe, distruste of Godds promise, despiceing of hys threates, sondrye nawghtye lustes naturally engendred in vs. But whyle these verye synnes and vices be not yet knowen to vs, and therefore grieue vs not, how can we ryghtly acknowledge thē, and aske for­giuenes of them thorough Christe. Where­fore that we maye truly acknowledge oure synnes, and be deliuered frō them thorough Christe, we muste needes knowe them and considre them, not after our reason nor mannes Paule knewe not synne without the lawe. traditions, but after the lawe of God. Paule so greate an apostle in, vii, to the. Ro. wryteth thus of him felfe, I know not sinne but thorough the lawe, yea I had not knowen, that concupiscence is sinne, excepte the lawe had saide. Thou shalte not luste. And though the same apostle say in the same E­pistle cha. ii. that the heathen which haue no lawe doe the thinges of the lawe by nature and that they hauinge no lawe, be a lawe to them selues, shewinge the workes of the lawe wrytten in theyr hertes, yet it is knowen [Page] by the whole doctrine of this apostle, and al the scripture, that men endued onely wyth the iudgement of nature, and whyche haue not the spirite that begetteth a newe, determine nothynge effectuouslye, but of outwarde discipline, and of sinnes commit­ted agaynst the same, to stirre vp true repentaunce thereof in thē sleues. For they which onely haue the lyght of reason, neglecte the thinges that they cōmitte agaynst the faith in God and true worshippinge of God, because they beleue not, nor truste in God, nor calle vpō him wyth a true herte. They are nothinge payned for those thinges, ne­ther haue they anye care at al to amende the same, and to turne to God, and to approue them selues vnto hym with true fayth, and truste. Thys the apostle wrate of the wyse amonge the heathen whyche had gotten a­nye knowledge of God. Where as they know God, saieth he, they honored not him as God, neither were thankefull, but were begiled thorough theyr thoughtes, and their ignoraunte herte was darckned. Whan thei beleued them selues to be wyse, they where made fooles, and chaūged the glory of thim mortal God thorough an image not onely made after the lyknes of manne, but also of forefooted, and crepinge beastes.

But God which is ritche in mercie gaue his spirite, the teacher of all truth to manie of them both before, and after the geuynge of the lawe, wythout the ministerie of thys lawe, onely thorowe the comon lawe of na­ture, and doctrine receiued from the fathers And by thys spirite they both knewe, and dyd the thynges that pertayne to the lawe, and were to them selues in steede of a lawe. Of whiche thynges they coulde do none, thorow the only light of that nature, wher­wyth they were borne into thys world. For seinge that Paule coulde not acknowledge synne without the lawe gyuē, & reueiled frō aboue, vndoubtedly the doctrine of the law of God is necessarie to all men, that they maye knowe theyr synne therby. Wherfore the lawe muste be sette forth, and repeted to the people wyth all diligence, that they may learne to haue it euer in theyr eyes, and to considre it reuerently, and to directe theyr myndes, and all theyr doinges thereunto, that thorow true and substantial knowled­gyng of synne, a lyuely repentaunce of the same maye be prycked vp.

For that is a true, and holesome know­ledge of synne, when we do not onely ac­knowledge, what synne is, but also that we are giltie of synne. And the lawe was gyuē [Page] to steare vp in vs, such a knowledge of sinne For it sayeth not onely that murther, auou­trie, thefte, and suche lyke, be synnes, but it sayeth, kyl not thou, yea be not angrie with out a cause, committe not thou auoutrie, yea desire not an other mannes wyfe, steale not thou, yea defraude not thy neyghboure in anie busines. He that heareth these thynges wyth a purged mynde, and lyghtened wyth the spirite of adoption, acknoledgeth that it is required in the law, that we embrace and perfourme the thinge that God commaun­deth wyth all our herte, wyth all our soule, and wyth all our strength, and that we all togyther abhorre from that, that he forbyd­deth, wyth al our vnderstandynge, all oure wyll, and all our nature. Therefore when a man perceyueth that he is yet farre frō this true obedience, and studie of Goddes lawe, he acknowledgeth hym selfe, though he ab­steyne outwardly from murther, adulterie, theft and fraude of his neighbour, to be ne­uertheles before God a murtheer, an adul­terer, and a thefe, and to be in daunger for giltines of all these euyls. For all be it that he hath not conceyued in his mynde ani re­uengeaunce, luste, or wronge, nor hath con­sented to cōmitte the same (whereof no man wyl lightly boste) neuerthels he shall fynde [Page] in him selfe an inclination, and a readines of mynde to the same mischiues. Thus when he laboureth to lift vp his mynde vnto ver­tue, gētlenes, liberalitie, and patiēce, he fee­leth his mynde repugnynge, and euer wyth drawyng it selfe from those dedes, and if it be somewhat steared vp thereunto, yet he perceyueth it to faynt therin, and not to be moued, and to burne wyth so greate desire, as it shoulde.

But this lust to do euil, this repugnaūce to good, this difficultie, slownes, fayntnes, and slarkenes be verie synnes before God, because they be agaynste the lawe of God, whiche of right requireth of vs, that we do the thinges, that he commaundeth vs to do moste desirously, and abhorre the thynges that he forbiddeth with al our herte, and all our strength, so that we abhorre nothynge more in all oure lyfe.

Here of it appeareth playnly, that we are taughte by the lawe of God, whyle we be­holde it after the meaning of Christ, that we be not onely sinners, but also prisoners, and solde vnder synne. For we can not represse in any wise those inward motions with our owne strength, which thing whē we learne, and acknowledge out of the lawe, then we haue a true, and an holesome knowledge of [Page] the lawe. Therfore as the Apostle teacheth diligently, and beateth in thys knowledge of the law, so al preachers must be most di­ligēt, to teach, and print the same in the peo­ple, omitting the subtile disputations of the lawe, that make nothinge to the purpose. For while they cōtinually beate in this sub­stantial obseruaūce of the law, which Paule teacheth, they shall steare vp in men a true knowledge of synnes, and thereby a lyuely and effectuous repentaunce, and a careful, and earnest conuersation vnto Christe. For they that geue them selues earnestly to thys perfecte obediēce of the law, and turne their lyfe thereunto, shall muche better perceyue, then anie man can teache, how great corrup­tion there is of nature, and howe greate ti­rannie of synne in vs.

An other sayinge of Paule, whereby we may know the true vse of the lawe, is thys. The lawe worketh wrath, wherwith the A­postle signifieth, that we do not onely not acknowledge sin of our selues, but also neglecte it when we haue acknowledged it, and dispice carelesly the iudgement, and wrath of god against synne, which the law threat­neth, as though God were not so much of­fēded with our sinnes, as the scripture wyt­nesseth, and as though he could wynke at [Page] them. Where as yet Dauid testifieth, that God wyl not iniquitie. For thus he sayeth: Thou arte not the God, that wylleth ini­quitie. And thou hatest al that worke iniqui­tie, and shalt destroy them that speake lyes.

Wherfore God would fraye, steare, and moue vs agayne wyth his heauenly voice, that we myght feele his wrath in oure con­sciences. And thys he doeth wyth threate­ninges of punishmētes, and miseries, which he added to his cōmaundemētes in the law, both corporall, and euerlastynge manie ty­mes, and ryght horribly, and al sinners shal suffre them, if they repent not, and be deliue­red thorowe Christ. Therfore the preachers muste diligently declare to the people these punishmētes & miseries, that at length they maye vnderstande the wrath of God, and feele it in theyr cōsciences, that being frayed wyth the intollerable iudgement of God, they may be steared to seke grace in Christ, and deliueraunce from thys wrath of God.

Hereof it appeareth sufficiently that the law was not geuē to testifie, and to quicke, but that thorowe it we mighte vnderstande that synne raygneth myghtely in vs, and that we shoulde seeke an other waye, wher­by we myghte come into Goddes fauoure, and obtayne that lyfe, that the Gospell she­weth, [Page] namely fayeth in Christ. Wherof. S Paule wrate to the Galathians. iij. For if there had bene a lawe, that had bene able to quycken, ryghtuousnes had ben of the lawe in dede. But the lawe iustifieth not, but con­demneth, while it prescribeth, and requireth that, that God requireth of man to be done, and threateneth death, and hell to all them, that perfourme not the thynge, that it pre­scribeth and requireth, whiche thynge no man can do. For we are so destitute of the glorie of God, and true ryghtuousnes, so solde to sinne, and plainly so dead, as Paule witnesseth, that the law it self, which should be a remedie vnto vs, and brynge vs againe to lyfe, is turned into oure destruction, and casteth vs further into hell, concupiscence beinge steared vp thorowe it, and synne encreased.

Wherefore thys is the vse of the whole lawe, that it shewe vs thys oure perdition thorowe synne, and that it dryue vs (beinge stryken wyth true griefe for syne, and wyth the feare of Goddes iudgement, and being destistute of all hope of saluation to begot­ten otherwyse) to Christe the sauiour, which thorowe his passion, and death hath remo­ued the wrath of God from vs, hath obtay­ned fauoure, gyueth the spirite of regenera­tion, [Page] thorowe whiche spirite beinge sancti­fied, and strengthened, we are dryuen forth to worke well, and we are stayed wyth this consolation, that he is oure onely Medi­toure, and Sauiour, whiche maye sette his perfect obediēce, and rightuousnes betwene the father, and vs, and at length in the resurrection wyll deliuer vs from all synnes, and gyue vs perfecte ryghtuousnes.

The thyrde place of Paule is thys. The The lawe is our guyde or scholemaister to Christe. law was made vnto vs a scholemaister vn­to Christ. Thys ende then of the lawe must be diligentlye declared and repeted in ser­mons. For all we haue yet neede of thys scholemaistringe, accordyng to the measure of fayth, and the spirite gyuen to euery one. For there remayneth a greate weakenesse in vs all, by reason whereof we haue neede thorowe the feare of the seruile spirite, to be euer dryuen to Christe, and to be kept in the obedience of God, vnto a fulle libertie of the spirite of chyldren.

Further more no small parte of christi­an people, in thys laste, and so corrupte age of the worlde, after so notable a defection from the lawe of God, foloweth theyr lu­stes without care, and lyueth in manifest vi­ces. It is then as necessarie to preache the lawe to thys kynde of people, and to rayse [Page] them vp from the sleepe of theyr vices, tho­rowe the feare of Goddes iudgementes, and to dryue them to Christe, as it was to the olde people. Therefore it shall pertayne to the preachers, whyle they exhort to good workes, to beate in diligently the cōmaun­dementes of the lawe, the promises, and threates ioyned to the commaundementes. Howe be it they muste do it wyth such mo­deration, that togyther wyth principall di­ligence, they teache that it is Christe onely, that worketh the true obedience of the lawe, and that he satisfied thorowe his obedience that, that wāted in ours, wherin there is no perfection. For as longe as we lyue here, oure obedience is verie sclender, and vnper­fecte, nor satissieth the lawe at anie tyme, whiche lawe setteth thys marke of our obe­dience, that we loue God wyth our whole herte, our whole soule, and all our strengh­thes. Wherefore those places in the lawe, and in the prophetes that preache of Christ, Euē the lawe leadeth and remitteth to Christe. whereof there be manie in the scripture, shal be declared, and commended to the people wyth greate diligence.

For the lawe profiteth vs not onely in this poynte, that thorouge the knowledge of synne, whiche it stirreth vp, and the feare of Goddes wrath, whiche it causeth, it cal­leth [Page] vs agayne to Christe, and keepeth vs thorough obediēce towardes god, in Christ and yet by none other strēgth, thā of Christ but also it magnifieth, and sheweth Christ wyth pleasaunte preachinge, and remitteth and leadeth sweetely vnto hym, because it preacheth hym be the onely obteiner of mercie, and our sauiour, whiche thinge it doeth two maner of waies, First with plaine, and open testimonies, as thys is, that we reade in Deutro. xxiii. The Lorde shal raise vp to the a prophete syke me. Secondly wyth shadowes, and pleasaunte allegories, as that is of the pascal lambe. So the prophetes also prophetied of Christ many waies, and more openly and plētifully thē Moyses, til at the last Iohn baptiste shewed hym with his singer beinge present. Al whiche thinges must be preached, & expouned to the people wyth greate diligence out of the lawe, and the prophetes.

These than be the causes, why the lawe was gyuen, whyche God knewe that we would not keepe, namely that being taught and admonisched thorough it, we shoulde acknowledge our weaknes, and infirmitie, and feele the excidinge wrath of God, and thorowe a certaine Godly discipline be led vnto Christe, & put al our trust in him and [Page] appliynge good workes, shoulde growe in to hym daylye, whiche is the heade, beynge furnished wyth all Godlynes, and vertue. After that the ministers shalbe instructed of the lawe, and haue taught the people fayth­fully, than they shal both them selues vse the lawe a ryght, and shal bringe the people in to the true knowledge of it, & shall moue thē to true repentaunce, and griefe for theyr synnes, and so stirre thē vp, and driue them vnto Christe the redemer, to serue him with al desire.

And because the commen people can nat vndrestande and remembre al the preceptes of the lawe, seynge that they be verye ma­ny, and euerye one hath a large dominion, the preachers muste after recite and printe in the myndes of the hearers: the briefe summes, and cheife articles of Goddes law, as that is, that we haue in Math. xxii. Thou shalte loue the Lorde thy God wyth thy whole herte, and in thy whole soule, and in thy whole mynde. Thys is the principall, and greate commaundement. The seconde is lyke therunto, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour, as thy selfe. Vpō these two commaun­dementes the whole lawe, and the Prophe­tes depende. Item, that the apostle wrate to Timothe. The ende of the commaunde­ment [Page] is loue frō a pure herte, and good con­science, and faith not fayned. And in asmuch as it was most mercifully permitted in olde tyme, that Godlie parentes shoulde teache theyr chyldren wyth al diligence the ten cō ­maundementes, wherein the whole doctrine of godlines is playnly cōprehended, whiche thinge brought such profitte, as no man can expresse, the preachers shall diligently and often recite thys summe of Goddes lawe, and shall declare in theyr sermons briefely, and playnely the true meanynge of euery precepte.

¶ A briefe declaration of the ten com­maundementes.

IN the fyrst sentence then of the ten com­maundemētes, I am the Lorde thy God, A sum of the first cōmaun­dement. whiche broughte the out of Egipte. etc. The preachers shal first teach, that God wytnesseth with this his worde, that he him selfe, whiche gyueth vs thys commaunde­mente, is the onely Lorde, that is to saye, the almightie maker, and gouerner of all thyn­ges, onely good, and the cause of goodnes, and the dryuer awaye of all euyls,

Secondly that thorowe the preaching of the Gospell, and baptisme, he hath receyued vs into his people, as in olde tyme he recey­ued Israell, bryngyng him out of Egipte, [Page] and the house of bondage, and geuing hym his Sacramentes. And that in Christe oure Lorde, he wil be a God also to al vs, to whō he hath caused these thinges to be preached, that is to saye, an author, and gyuer of euer­lastinge saluation, of restitution both of bo­die, and soule.

And seing that it is extreme vngodlines, not to heare God, whē he speaketh, and not to beleue him, when he promiseth, all good thinges, the preachers cōcerning this worde next before, shal teache, that God requireth, that with al our herte we beleue this his te­stimonie, and promise, and that we rest ther­in, namely that we acknowledge hym to be our God, and Sauiour, that we worshyppe him, and alwaies cal for his mercie, succour, and ayde thorowe our Lorde Iesus Christ, and that we feare, loue, and magnifie hym wyth all oure hertes aboue all thynges for his vnmeasurable grace & great benifittes.

In the seconde commaundemente, thou shalt haue no straunge Goddes before me, thou shalt make to thy selfe n [...] grauē image to bowe downe to it, or to worshyppe it, the people muste be admonished fyrste, that thorow straunge Gods, and worship­pyng Images al trust of Gods healpe is to be put in nothing besides God in Christ, [Page] and that all worshyppynges of God, as all those be, that are in hande wythout the worde of God, as the worshippynges, of the Mahometistes, Iewes, and of them whiche goe aboute to worshyppe God and to obtaine hys helpe with such ceremonies, as be not taken out of the worde of God, nor serue effectuously to the gospel of Christ or wyth ceremonies not instituted by the Lorde hym selfe, but vsed wyth out repen­taunce, and fayth. The Lorde also forbid­deth in this place all Witchcrafte, and all that abuse of creatures whan men either re­quire that profite of thinges, for which they were not made of God, whiche thinge is committed in false dominations, and other witchcrafte, or whan they require profite of thinges, for which they were made in dede, but they require it not as coming frō God, and hangynge vpō his grace, praiynge for it firste of the Lorde, thorough Christe, and to his glorie.

Further they shal teach, that in this commaundement there is reueled vnto vs that corruption of our defiled nature, and that vngodlines that is naturally grafted in vs, by reason whereof we be euer ignoraunte, we fle, and neglecte the true, and only God, and we seeke no helpe of God trustinge in [Page] mannes strenght, and in our owne, or we seke it not frō hym, the onley, and true God in Christe, but from counterfaite, and false Goddes, and that sometymes vndre the name of the true God hym selfe, whan we calle vpō God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ thorough thys only Mediator with out repentaunce, and fayth, and some tymes vndre other names, as whā mē aske of sain­tes deliueraunce from synnes and helpe of this presente lyfe, and of the life to come, or finally whan we vse ceremonies straunge frō the worde, wyth true cōuersion to God, and worshippinge of the herte, to seeke the helpe of God thereby, and to make God bounde to vs. For al thys vngodlynes be­inge naturally engendred in vs is disclosed in this seconde commaundement, and sette before oure eyes to be consydered by the worde of God.

Thirdly we haue also in thys worde a Howe this cō maundement is fulfylled. certaine holye scholemastringe, where with God by thys commaundement shewynge, vs the corruptiō, and weaknes of our na­ture, wyl bringe vs to Christe hys sonne, whyche maye turne awaye, and pacifie hys wrath agaynst thys vngodlynes, and sinne cleaninge in nature, whiche moreouer may mortifie the remnauntes of thys euil, tho­rowe [Page] the holye goste, and keepe vs in true fayth, and calling vpon Goddes grace, and gyue vs, encrease therein dayly more, and more, that in Christ by the healpe of the ho­ly goste we maye attayne so farre at length that we shall seeke, and desire al good thyn­ges, and deliueraūce from al euyls of God only, and not of anie creature, nor any other wyse then he hath appoynted, briefely that we shall beholde, acknowledge, and glorifie his goodnesse onely in all the creatures of God made for our vse, and not the creatu­res them selues, and thys we shall do accor­dyng to his worde, and that waye, that he hath ordained, either after the general wor­kyng of nature, gouernaunce, and admini­stration of the worlde, or after some peculi­ar constitution of religion, and gouernaūce of the chosē vnto the kingdom of his sonne.

As God made the sunne, moone, and o­ther sterres, the ayre, the cloudes, and other heauenlie creatures, for this entent that they shoulde shyne, discerne the tymes, make the earth fruitefull, and serue men for other cō ­modities, and also for such punishmētes, as God wyl laye vpon his despicers.

They now that require of the sterres, or loke for other effectes, as good fortune, and successe in thynges, an oportunitie of taking [Page] matters in hande, not simply hanging vpon God, and his worde, as in tyme paste the heathen, Iewes, and false christians did pro­uoke God moste greuously agaynste them, these men I saye, gyue that to sterres, that perteineth to God the maker of sterres, and they abuse them to thynges, wherunto they were not ordayned for vs of God.

They wrappe them selues in the same vngodlynesse that burne hallowed herbes a­gainst tempestes, and visions of the deuyll, whiche vse herbes, or other thinges to cause health of the bodye, or to procure successe of theyr busines, to whiche God hath gyuen no vertue for that purpose, whiche madnes raygneth muche now a dayes in the comon people. For thorowe the vngodlines that is naturally engendred in euery one of vs, and thorowe our turnynge from the true God, and true worshipping of the same, it cometh to passe, that al thei that be not borne againe in Christe, neuer seeke Goddes healpe sim­ply from God him selfe, nor by those instrumentes, that he hath sette before vs, nor af­ter that sorte, that he hath appoynted. But they deuise alwayes newe Goddes, newe instrumentes, and newe wayes to obtayne Goddes healpe.

And mē admitte this vngodlie froward­nes [Page] not onely in naturall thynges, but also in ciuile. For the officer is ordained of God, The Idola­trie that is cō mitted in ci­ulle power. to maynteyne ciuile ordre, and to further his people to godlinesse, and to an honeste lyfe thorowe lawes, iudgemētes, and procuring of thynges, wherewyth thys present lyfe is susteyned, and thorow propulsation of those thynges, that hurt thys lyfe. They thē that require these benifittes of God, first of god him selfe, and afterwarde of the gouerners, but as the ministers, and stewardes of god, and require them by a lawfull meanes, that is to say, by such as agreeth wyth the fayth in God and loue of oure neighboure, and is receiued by the comon lawes, and customes they do well and godly, and vse the instru­mentes of Godes bountiousnes arighte.

But they that receyue of them the lawes of religion, and gouerne their whole lyfe after theyr wyll, not after the worde of God, and thynke them selues happie, if they be theyr friendes and miserable, if the matter be o­therwise, though they runne into the displeasure of God, these men preferrynge the po­wer, and empery of men, before the power & empyre of the maker, do vngodly, & peruer­sly, & pernitiously abuse these instrumentes of Gods prouidēce, offēdyng in thys com­maūdemēt, which forbideth to haue straūg [Page] Gods. After the same sort God hath cōstituted religion in certayne bondes and prescribed The Idola­trie that ry­seth out of re­ligion and ce­remonies. limites. For he hath deliuered vs propre instrumentes, and a certayne waye, wherby he wyll haue vs to aske of hym, and to en­ioye the benifittes of regeneration, and hea­uenlie lyfe, that is to say, his worde, his sa­cramentes, and ecclesiasticall ordre. If then we vse these thynges, as Christe hym selfe hath propouned them vnto vs, conceyne, en­crease, and worke fayeth in Christe, we do Godly and religiously, a new and a blessed lyfe is framed, encreased, and finished in vs, and we present to God a true and accepta­ble seruice. But if we vse these ordinaunces, and ceremonies, whiche God gaue vs with the outwarde worke onely, without true re­pentaunce of synnes, and liuely fayth of the redemption of Christ, or if we deuyse newe ceremonies, and sacramentes, whiche were neither taughte of God, nor leade to Christ wherewyth we purpose to purge synnes, to procure the benifittes of God, and to wor­shippe God, for whiche entent the common people abuse images, and relikes of sayntes candelles, holie water, salte, and other con­iured and consecrated thynges, we do vn­godly and vnreligiously, and procure di­structiō to our selues in the steade of health, [Page] and we worshyp not God acceptably, but we present vnto hym a thynge that he ab­horreth, and counteth abhominable, and we do hym great despite.

Wherefore the people muste be diligent­ly, True fayth asketh all good thyn­ges and help from God onely. and continually taught, that true religi­on, and right worshipping of God cōsisteth herein, that we require, and loke for al good thinges, and the auoidaunce of al euyls frō God alone, thorowe the onely Mediatour Christe, and by those instrumentes either of nature, policie, or religion, whiche God him selfe hath made, and commended wyth his worde for euerie thinge, and that we vse the same, after suche sorte, as Christe hath ap­poynted, that is to saye, that the same maye serue effectuously to repentaunce of synnes and fayth in Christ. Thus we cleaue plain­ly to the one, and true God, and we exhi­bite worshyppe pleasaunt vnto hym, and wholesome for our selues, syngynge to him wyth the Psalme wryter, who is there in heauen besyde the, or whom woulde I haue Psal. lxxij. in earth wyth the. My fleshe and my herte is wasted, the strength of my herte, and my portion God is for euer. etc

To al these thinges the law is our schole­maister thorowe thys cōmaundemēt, wher­in God forbiddeth vs to worshyp straunge [Page] Gods, and also forbiddeth al straunge worshippyng of himselfe. But thys cōmaunde­mēt must be declared, & set forth with al di­ligēce in Christ the lorde, that mē may be alwais steared vp, & driuē with this scholing to Christe, and to the true worshippynge of God in him. After the same sort the thirde precept also shalbe declared. Thou shalt not take the name of the lorde thy god in vaine. And firste the people muste be taughte that God forbideth with this commaundement what so euer is so spoken or kept in silence, that it diminisheth the glory of god and the magnifying of his name. For they that loke for al good thinges frō the fre beniuolēce of god in Christ, & put their hope of eternal life therin only, say with Dauid, I wil praise the lorde alwaies, his prayse shalbe euer in my mouth. etc. Secōdly they must warne mē that god throw this cōmaundemēt setteth the wickednes of our hert and whol nature before our eyes to be acknoledged, by reasō wherof we neglect the due praising & mag­nifying of god, wherunto we should haue a burning desire. For by nature we are so cor­rupted with vngodlines, that it is tedious to vs to heare god praysed, so far of it is, that we study worthely to cōfesse him, to cal vpō him, & to magnifie the glory of his maiestie. [Page] Thorowe whiche faute it cometh to passe, that wyth the lest incommodities, or com­modities of the worlde, we suffre our selues to be frayed, and to be turned awaye from the true cōfession of Goddes name, and frō testifying of the Gospel. And if god did not sufteyne, vs wyth his power, we shoulde al sone fall to thys poynte, that we should ab­use his holie name to periurie, lyes, supersti­tion, and open blasphemie.

Thyrdly the instruction of this cōmaun­dement How this cō ­maundement is fulfilled. must be taught, that mē may learne that God thorowe thys commaundement sheweth vs our natural disease of vngodli­nes, that therby he may dryue vs to Christe his sonne the true and onely Mediatoure, whiche before hym may entreate for vs, and obtayne forgyuenes of thys euyll, and day­ly represse the same thorowe the holie goste, and at length vtterly abolishe it, which may moue, and kendle oure hertes wyth his spi­rite, that we maye begynne the sanctificati­on of his name in confessynge, testifyinge, and praysing his name, and his worde with out feare, in all places, wyth all reuerence, and chiefely keepynge oure selues from all abusyng of the name, and worde of God.

Thus in the fourth commaundemente, remembre that thou keepe holy the Saboth [Page] daye, the preachers shal teache, fyrste that it is commaunded that in those appoynted ty­mes when the cōgregation is wont to come togither to heare the worde of God, to pray and to receyue the sacramentes, all christian men assemble thyther setting asyde al other busines, chiefely on the sondayes, and holie dayes, and that they heare the holie lessons deuoutly, gyue somewhat to the poore, vse the sacramentes. etc. For we muste all seeke an encrease, and confirmation of fayeth, and of al godlines for our selues, and for them that be committed to theyr charge thorowe these instrumentes of religion, whiche the Lorde hym selfe gaue and commended vnto vs for that purpose, and we muste thorowe oure exemples approue mayntaine, set forth and commende to other the common mini­sterie of the congregation, and the admini­stration of the worde, and sacramentes, and other ecclesiasticall offices. And moreouer, euerie Christian man ought priuately with hym selfe, and wyth his familie to exercise hym selfe often, and busely in readyng the holy scriptures, and in prayers. Therefore preachers shal fyrst teache that this is com­mended in the thyrde commaundement.

Secondly they shal teache that in this cō maundemente oure vice and vngodlines is [Page] shewed vnto vs, forasmuche as we neglecte holie cōpanies, the hādeling of Gods word, the participation of the sacramentes, and o­ther exercises of religion, and bicause it is paynefull to vs to appeare in the syghte of God our father, and there to learne the ho­ly knowledge of him, and his wyl towarde vs, and to gyue him thankes wyth worthy magnifying of his name, and holy gyftes.

Thirdly they shall teache that the Lorde discloseth vnto vs the vice of oure nature to thentent to cal vs to the repentaunce therof, and to dryue vs to Christ, which turneth a­way his wrath agaynst the same synne, and represseth it dayly more and more wyth his holy spirite, and gyueth vs strength to resist that euil, and kendleth in vs a loue of God­ly doctrine, prayer, sacramentes, al holy as­sembles, and exercises of religion, chiefly of them that be vsed vpō holy dayes. For such daies we must with principal studie, & reli­gion sanctifie to the Lorde, and ceasse from bodili workes, and seculer busines, and giue our selues wholly to the exercises of religi­on. Howe be it we muste also at other ty­mes come diligentlye togyther to praye, to heare, and to learne the worde of God, and priuately euery man ought to gyue at­tendaunce for his owne parte, and with his [Page] housholde, to reading of the scripture, to ex­hortation and prayer, as we haue sayd. For all these thynges this piece of the lawe con­cerning the Sabbath, shalbe our scholemai­ster vnto Christe, if it be applied to our life. After the same maner concerning the fyrste cōmaundement, honour thy father, and thy mother, the people muste be taughte that by the honour of our parentes, it is cōmaunded that we honour al them, which exhibite vn­to vs fatherly and motherly kindnes, either in teachyng, and warnyng thynges that be Godly, and wholesome, or in ministrynge necessarie thynges for our lyfe, or in defen­dyng vs frō wronge, of whiche sort the mi­nisters and pastours be chiefely, and the ci­uile officers, whiche we oughte to acknow­ledge, to heare and to worshippe, as our fa­thers with al humilitie, obedience, and thāk­fulnes. And bycause there is no man but at some tymes he maye do vs some good turne, the preachers ought to teache the peo­ple, that God requireth in thys commaun­dement al that, that. S. Paule commaunded to the Ro. xiij. saying, go one before an other in honour. Item to the Phil. ij. Let nothinge be done by contention, or vayne glorie, but thorowe humilitie of mynde let euerie man thynke an other better then hym selfe.

Secondly it must be taughte out of thys commaundemēt that we haue such natural pryde, that we wyl submit our selues to nobody, obey nobody, nor requite the benifites that we haue receuied, wherof spring many variaunces, diuisions of myndes, and disso­lution of al necessary frendshyp.

Thirdly, thei must teach that God tho­row the disclosyng of this euyl, would ster vs vp to true, & holsome repentaunce, & driue vs to Christ the sauiour, whiche turneth a­waye the wrathe of God, that we deserue with this vice, and mortifieth the remnaunt thérof in the fleshe throughe the holye gost, and bringeth vs so ferfurth, that we studye dayly to represse that naturall arrogantie, and pryde, and that we compte worthy ho­nour and do worshyp our parentes, our ec­clesiastical curates, and other ciuile gouer­nours, and al those that do vs good in doc­trine, warnyng, counsel, correction, or with any other benefitte, and further al mē with whom we lyue, euery one accordyng to his state, and dignitie. Moreouer that we take al mēnes admonitiōs, and rebukes in good worth, submitte our selues gladly vnto thē obeye theyr pleasure, and recompence theyr benifittes, that thorowe out al oure lyfe, we maye do good to many vnto the glorye of [Page] God wyth our moderation, obedience, and thankfulnes. Whereunto thys precepte con­ceruynge the honouryng of oure parentes, ought to be our scholemaister into Christe.

But in thys commaundement it is not to be omitted that. S. Paule monisheth vs of, that it is the fyrst with promise. For it hath a peculiar, and large promise of longe lyfe, in the lande whiche the Lorde our God gy­ueth, namely in whiche God is called vpon and worshipped, whereupon his eyes loke to shewe bountiousnes on it. For it beco­meth them to haue longe lyfe in the people of God, whiche submitte them selues, and shewe them selues obedient, and thankefull to theyr parentes, to the powers, and to all men.

So in the sixte comaundement the prea­chers shal teache, fyrste that by manslaugh­ter all violence and wronge agaynst the bo­die of our neighbours, al reuengeaunce, and vniust cōmotion of the mynde, angre, wrath hatred, enuye, and all signes, wordes, and dedes that come of angre be forbidden, as Christe hym selfe interpreted thys sayinge Mathewe. v.

Secondly they shal teach that God warneth vs in thys precepte of oure natural ar­rogācie, iniquitie, and impacience: Thorow [Page] whych vices it cometh to passe, that we can suffer nothyng that is vnpleasaunt vnto vs but wee wyll haue all other to folowe oure lustes, though they be naughti and infinite, where as we in the meane ceasone wyll not onely omitte to do the thinges that be right and good to our neyghbours, but we wyll also cōmitte many vnrightful and vnseame­ly thynges.

God than wyll condemne wyth thys com­maundement oure naturall ignoraunce, vn­patientnes, luste, and those that spryng ther­of, I meane anger hatred, enuy, brawlynge, fyghtyng. etc. And God wyl set before oure eyes howe euyl these thinges be, forbidding slaughter by name, but aswel that, that is cō mitted wyth the mynde, as wyth the han­des. Whereby he requireth that as we ab­horre all slaughter, so we shoulde abhorre all causes, and affection of slaughter, and to do our neighbour any wrōge. Thirdly they shall admonishe, that God wyll with thys precepte when our vice is knowen, prouoke vs to repent it, and dryue vs to seeke his grace, and mercie in Christe, whiche onely appeaseth the wrath of God deserued tho­rowe these our euylles, and abolisheth, and mortifieth the remnauntes thereof with the holy goste, and worketh, and encreaseth softnes [Page] in vs, that we maye ouercome the vice of impatientnes, and frowarde way ward­nes in other, wyth oure patience, gentlenes, and humanitie, and recompence wronges done, wyth benifittes, and be gentle, and good towardes all men, forgyuynge as Christe hath forgyuen vs. Ephe. iiij. wher­unto thys commaundement ministreth vn­to vs an instruction in Christe.

In the seuenth cōmaundemēt, thou shalt not committe auoutrie, the people shall be taughte, that God forbiddeth, and damneth all copulations beside matrimonie, whiche he hym selfe ordeyned, and moreuer al lust, and inordinate motions, all intemperaunce, al delites and pleasures vnseamely for christian men, al riote and vncomelines in mea­tes, drynkes, garmentes, gesture, wordes, and dedes, of whiche any cause of vnchast­nes may rise, or of any perturbation, wher­by the bodie shall be made vnpliable, rebel­lious and stubburne towarde the seruice of the spirite.

Secondly that God warneth and accu­seth vs in thys commaundement of our na­tural lecherie, fylthy, and immoderate con­rupiscēce in al thynges, whiche he him selfe gaue to susteyne, and cherishe our bodies.

Thyrdly that thorow the knowledge of [Page] thys disease we are dryuen to repentaunce of the same, and to seeke the grace, and mer­cie of Christe, whiche turneth away the fa­thers wrath deserued thorowe thys euyll, and whiche quencheth the remnauntes of thys disease remaynynge in the fleshe, and worketh in vs true cōtinencie, chastitie, and perfecte holines in all thynges, that beinge healped wyth the assistence of the holy gost we maye resiste euyl concupiscences, and al intemperaunce, cleansinge oure selues from all fylth of the fleshe, and of the spirite, and workynge holines wyth the feare of God. ij. Cor. vij. To the perfourmaunce wherof thys cōmaundement warneth and steareth vs, as a scholemaister.

Lykewyse out of the eight commaunde­ment, thou shalt not steale, we muste learne that God here, by theft forbiddeth al fraud and wronge in matters perteyuynge to the vse of thys lyfe. And furthermore all coue­tousnes, nigardnes, desire of more thē other haue, and slacknes of due liberalitie.

Secondly that in thys commaundement God warneth and accuseth vs of thys co­uetousnes, desire of more, carefulnes, & ni­gardnes in thinges pertaining to this lyfe.

Thyrdly that he dryueth vs thorow the knowledge and condemnation of this euyl [Page] to repentaunce therof, and fayth in Christe, whiche remoueth the wrath of God deser­ued thorowe thys erockednes, and damned desire, and represseth the same in vs, and cō ­trarie wyse steareth vp, and cōfirmeth suche truste of his goodnes that we maye surely certifie oure selues that God the heauenly father regardeth vs, and hath care of vs, and that he wyl ministre al thinges aboun­dauntly, wherby we may susteyne, cherishe and also delite this our life. Thorow which truste beinge raysed vp, let vs also learne to exercise true liberalitie towardes our neighbour leauing of all carefulnes for this lyfe, and let vs gyue liberally to al men of that, that the almightie hath gyuen vs, asmuche as we be able, and asmuche as the necessitie of oure neighboure requireth. Whereunto this cōmaūdemēt exhorteth vs, as a schole­maister.

In the ninth precept we must teache that God by false wytnesse forbiddeth all wor­des, and sayinges, yea silence, and dissēbling of witnesse, and priuie prayse, whereby the fame and reputation of our neighbours is hurted, or not defended, as we would haue ours to be defēded of other. Finally al false and vayne speache, that profiteth nothynge neither them to whom it is spoken, nor them [Page] of whom it is spoken. Secondly that God wyll brynge vs to acknowledge thys cor­ruption of our nature, this ambition, male­uolence, enuie. etc. wherewyth we diminishe the estimation and excellencie of other, and dissemble, neglect, yea and often couer, and darken the thynges that pertayne to the prayse, and reputation of our neighbour.

Thirdly that God wyll thorowe the knowledge of thys oure frowardnes pro­uoke vs to repētaūce therof, & raise vp in vs a diligence and desire to cal for the grace of Christe, whiche came to pacifie thys wrath of God agaynste these oure euylles, and to quenche them in vs wyth his holie spirite, and to beginne suche humilitie of mynde, suche loue of an others dignitie, and excel­lencie, that we be delited with the good esti­mation, honest fame, and worthy praises of other, and that we wyll labour to set forth those good thynges, wyth no lesse diligence then our owne fame, and dignitie, and that we vse in al our cōmunication truth, honest interpretation and gentlenes, to the edifica­tion of the hearers, speaking alwayes those thynges to other, and of other, as we wishe other to speake to vs, and of vs, wyth a right iudgement of the spirite.

In the tenth commaūdement, thou shalt [Page] not couette etc. They must fyrst teache, that by the couetynge of an others thynges, as his house, wyfe, familie. etc. all euyll concu­piscence is generally prohibited, and all in­clination, motions, and prones to euyll, and al lothsomnes, and neglecting of good workes. Secondly mē must be diligently warned of this, that they loke exactly vpon this commaundement, and to examine wel them selues accordyng therunto. For in it God pulleth vp by the rootes, and setteth before our eyes the vniuersall corruption of oure nature, and the inwarde frowardnes, and deprauation of the same, that in thys com­maundement as in a glasse we myghte se, howe wretchedly, and horribly we are de­praued, and lost thorough the fall of Adam in all our bodye, all our soule, and all oure strength, that we maye instly crye with the Apostle, wretched man that I am, who shal deliuer me frō the bodie of thys death? For though some mā come so farre by the grace and healpe of God, that he acknowledge God wyth true fayth, that he worshyp, and call vpon hym, as the fyrst cōmaundement requireth, neither regardeth straung Gods nor admitteth false worshippynge of God, neither in purpose of mynde, nor in wordes and dedes, whiche thynge the seconde com­maundement [Page] forbiddeth, neyther thynketh, speaketh, or doeth anie thynge that is cōtra­rie to the confession, and sanctification of Goddes name, whiche thynge the thirde cō maundement requireth, and that he be dili­gently occupied in all exercises of religion, whiche thinge the fourth commaundement requireth, that he submitte hym selfe, and gyue due honour both to the officers, and to all men wyth whō he lyueth, as the fyrst commaundement requireth, that he conteine hym selfe frō anger, and all bitter though­tes, wordes, dedes agaynst his neighbour, as the sixt commaundement requireth, that he conteine hym selfe from all lecherous lu­stes, and lyue temperatly, as the seuenth cō ­maundement requireth, that he moderate his couetous desire, and be liberal to al men as the eight commaundement biddeth, that he represse the disease of backebitynge, and enuiyng an others excellencie, and fauoure the estimation, and iust prayses of all men, whither the nynth commaundement calleth vs, although I saye, a man thorowe the be­nifit of Christ come to thys victory against natural vices, & to this great towre of ver­tues (whiche felicitie yet none of the sayn­tes euer knowledged to haue chaunced vn­to hym) neuertheles the same man by thys [Page] tenth commaundement shalbe conuicted, to be a wretche styl, and a damned synner, and the enemie of God, and when he hath well loked vpon thys commaundement, he hym selfe shall bewayle that he is suche a one.

For as longe as he shal fynde in hym selfe, I saye some motion of mynde to that, that God forbyddeth, and damneth, but anie in­clination, or prones at all, and a faynt and slacke courage to do that, that God requi­reth, not only a lothsomnes, and resistence: he shall acknowledge him selfe to be repro­ned, and condempned by this commaunde­ment, as a transgressour of Goddes lawe. For where as the lawe requireth, that no forbydden thynge please vs, it requireth the same to be done of vs wyth all our hert all our soule, and all our strength. For the lawe requireth, that God shoulde so be lo­ued and worshipped of vs. But no man can brynge thys to passe, that we be farre from all those thynges that God forbyddeth, ex­cepte the loue of God, and of those thynges that God commaundeth so haue enflamed a man altogyther, that he abhorre from all that, that God forbiddeth, wyth his whole hert, his whole soule, and al his strengthes. But none of the sayntes atteined hereunto, whyle they lyued here. Wherefore it beho­ued [Page] to graunte, that all men are conuicted by thys commaundement, and that no man lyueth in thys worlde whiche in dede is of a cleane herte, and hath no neede to be deli­uered from the curse, and damnation of the lawe thorowe Christe.

Seynge then that the whole lawe de­pendeth hereupon, that we loue God wyth all oure herte. etc. We are conuicted trans­gressours of the whole lawe by thys tenth commaundemente, bycause it is proued that we haue not satisfied that poynte of the lawe where vpon the whole lawe de­pendeth.

Therefore by thys commaundemente oure crokednesse, and all oure miserie to­gyther is mooste largelye and fullye sette before oure eyes, and we are mooste mygh­tely dryuen to seeke repentaunce thereof, and the grace, and satisfaction of oure Lorde Iesus Christe, whiche turneth awaye the anger, and the curse of God, deserued tho­rowe thys in obedience and stubburnesse of oure lyfe, and offreth to the father for vs his obedience, and perfecte ryghtuousnesse, and wyth his spirite mortifieth oure fleshe corrupted thorowe concupiscences, and re­nueth vs all togyther, and rayseth vp in vs a feruent zeale towardes hym selfe, and [Page] his commaundementes, that wyth the spi­rite we maye constantly, and manfullye fyghte agaynste the fleshe, and cutte of the lawe of oure members, and kyll the olde A­dam dayly more, and more, puttynge on the newe man Iesus Christe, whiche onely hath satisfied the lawe, and is so acceptable to the father, that he compteth vs pleasaunt and acceptable in that dear beloued, though we be euer yet as transgressours of the law so in daunger of his wrath.

Thys generall summe, and interpreta­tion of the commaundementes muste bee mooste diligentlye repeted, and beaten in­to the peoples heades, in all sermons, that they maye both truely acknowledge theyr owne synnes, and learne to be repentaunt of them effectuouslye, and that they maye be myghtelye dryuen to Christe the one­lye leache, and Sauioure of oure soules, and also that they maye be raysed, and pro­moted in him to true vertues, to verie good workes, and to worshyppynge acceptable vnto God.

Furthermore the people muste euer be taughte thys thynge also that the promi­ses, and threates agaynst the worshyppyng of false Goddes, and Idolatrie pertayne to euerie commaundement.

For the cause why they be ioyned to the commaundement that toutcheth false reli­gion, is thys, namely for that, that the kee­pyng, and transgression of the whole law is conteined herein, that we acknowledge, call vpon and worshippe wyth true fayth, and feare the true God in Christe, the Lorde, no departe from hym to false Goddes, and to a worshyppyng straunge from that, that he hym selfe taughte.

For who so asketh euerlasting health, and all good thinges wholly from God tho­rowe Christ Iesus, and not from anie crea­ture, he shall also endeuour hym selfe dili­gently to keepe al those thynges, that God hath cōmaunded. For he can not once thinke what better thynge he maye do, as one that beleueth that a blessed, and eternall lyfe is prescribed vnto hym in these commaunde­mentes. For what thinge can he gladder do then to gratifie God, whō he loueth aboue all thynges. Wherfore the Lorde also sayed he that ha [...]h my cōmaundementes and kee­peth them, he it is that loueth me. Therfore who so studieth not to keepe the commaun­dementes of God, he loueth not God nei­ther, and therfore he beleueth not that he is God, whiche commaundeth these thynges. Wherfore he asketh his felicitie and blisful­nes [Page] of some other, then of thys true, and one God, and he hath straung Goddes. Seing then that the obseruation of al the cōmaun­dementes of God dependeth vpon the ob­seruation of thys commaundement concer­nynge the eschuinge of false Goddes, and false worshyppyng of God, the promise of the benifites of God, and the threatenynge of Goddes reuengeaunce, were ordeyned for thys purpose. But as we transgresse no cōmaundement of God wythout the trans­gression of thys, so neuertheles both thys promise and threatenyng perteyne to euerie commaundement.

Secondly the preachers shal also diligēt­ly warne thys thynge cōcerning this place, (I wyl visite iniquities. etc.) that al maner of euyls, punishementes corporall, and spi­rituall, temporall, and eternall be cōprehen­ded therein, amonge whiche thys is the so­rest, when God forsaketh men, when he ta­keth his holy spirite from them, and giueth them to the desires of theyr hertes, into a re­probate sense, into concupiscences, and lu­stes. etc. Ro. i. Wherof the Psal. lxxxi. spea­keth. But my people hearde not my voice, Israell attended not vnto me, wherfore I let them go in the crokednes of theyr hertes.

Furthermore in thys place the people [Page] muste be ryghte diligently taughte, that what so euer aduersitie chaunseth vnto men either in soule, or in goodes, it is vndoub­tedly the punishmēt of God for our sinnes, whether it be blyndnes, ignoraunce, darcke­nes of mynde, perturbations, naughtie de­sires, and affections of the hert vnto vnlaw­full thynges, diseases, corporall pestilences either in oure owne bodies, or in the bodies of oure chyldren, friende, cattayle, euyl wea­ther for thynges of the earth, euyll lucke, dammages in oure businesse, discorde, se­dition, warre, and all troublynge of com­mon peace. For all these thynges are sent vpon men from God for synnes, and vn­godlines.

In thys place the preachers shall adde, God exerci­seth vs wyth aflictions to call vs backe to repentaūce that God when he exerciseth the fayhthfull wyth sundrie aflictions, correcteth them fa­therly, and for theyr profitte, and draweth them backe to hym selfe, and to his sonne Christe, that they be not damned wyth the wicked worlde, and that he loueth them no­thynge the worse, whom he punisheth wyth outwarde punishmentes, and sore calami­ties. For he is wonte to begynne his iudge­ment from his owne house, and to chasten them, whom he loueth, and in them to shewe to the worlde the vehemencie of his wrath, [Page] that other men beynge frayed wyth these iudgementes, and wyth thys so greate se­ueritie of God vpon his owne chyldren, shoulde forthynke the synnes, in which they stycke, and amende, and take more diligent hede afterwarde that they synne not.

Thyrdly the people must be taught con­cernynge thys promise and threatenynge of God, I wyll visite the iniquities of the fa­thers vpon the chyldren to the thyrde, and fourth generation. etc. that God wyll exer­cise Other mens goodnes pro­fiteth not the vngodlie, nor others vn­godlines hurteth not the godlie. thys reuengeaunce, whiche he threate­neth here to his dispicers beinge vngodlie parentes, and elders vpon those chyldren onely, whiche thorowe their owne wicked­nes haue lyke wyse well deserued the pu­nishmentes that they suffre, so that yet in thys worlde they suffre muche lesse, then is due to theyr synnes, and peruersitie. So in lyke maner that no Godlinesse of the pa­rentes, and elders profiteth theyr chyl­dren, whiche be vngodlie them selues, and continue in theyr vngodlinesse, but that it profiteth them onely, whiche be inheriters of theyr elders godlines. For thys threate, and promyse of God can not be contra­rie to his Oracle sette forth by Ezechiell, that is to saye, that euerie father, or chylde shall either perishe thorowe his owne vn­godlines, [Page] or lyue thorowe his owne Godli­nes, and that the father shall not be well en­treated for the sonnes godlines, nor yll, for the sonnes wyckednes, but that euerie man shall heare his owne synnes, if he lyue vn­godlie, and shall enioye his rewardes, if he lyue Godlie.

For by reason of originall synne, all men are borne vndre the wrath of God, and ty­rannie God puni­sheth the wic­kednes of the parentes in wicked chyl­dren. of the deuyll. Wherefore if God to shewe vs his iust iudgement, leaue the chil­dren of the vngodlie in the power of Satan and therefore thorowe theyr owne mische­uous actes bringe vpon them selues so hor­rible punishmētes that the verie world per­ceiueth the vngodlines of the parentes to be punished in the children also, neuertheles no wronge is done to those chyldren, neither is God to be accused of iniquitie, seinge that they be euyll, and the chyldren of wrath by nature, to whom God can owe notyng but euerlasting punishmēt. So if God thorowe his vnspeakable mercie in Christe Iesu, de­liuer thorowe his sonne, the chyldrē of them that loued him, from all perdition, wherun­to they were borne, and adourne them wyth excellent godlines thorowe the gifte of his spirite, and so heape so many benifittes vpō them, that euery godlie man maye easely [Page] iudge, that in thē both their owne, and their parentes godlines is recompensed, and that it is declared, how deare they were to God: the vnmeasurable goodnes of God oughte to be embraced, and magnified therein, and therefore God is more to be loued, and his worde to be receyued more desirously, but the vnsearchable iudgementes of his mercie oughte not to be soughte out, the deape bo­tome of his goodnes muste not be pored into, much lesse ought we to blame thys his so greate bountiousnes, whiche doeth wyth his owne, as pleaseth hym.

¶ Howe the preachers muste teache of remission of synnes, and iustification.

AFter that men beinge moued tho­rowe the preachynge of the lawe beginne truelye to acknowledge their synne, and to repēt, and now detestyng synne, sigh for rightuousnes and carefully desire to come to Goddes fauour agayne, and to worshippe hym religiously, the preachynge of the Gospel muste also be added. For to be sorie for synne, sufficeth not to rightuousnes before God, though the so­rowe be so vehement, that it maye consume and kyl a man, as there was in Iudas. But satisfaction for synnes is also required and a sure trust of Goddes mercie, wyth a pur­posed [Page] amendement of lyfe, and a continuall studie of ryghtuousnes afterwarde.

But mā cā perfourme none of these thin­ges thorow his owne strēgth, neither satisfy for his synnes committed and restore hym selfe into the fauour of God, nor embrace a better lyfe afterwarde. Oure Lorde Iesus Christe is alone, whiche thorowe his death hath satisfied for our synnes, as Iohn sayth, he is a propitiation or attonement for oure synnes, and not for oure synnes onely, but for the synnes of the whole worlde. He tho­rowe the preachynge of the Gospell, setteth forth, and offreth the rytches of Goddes grace, and goodnes, and his owne satisfac­tion for our synnes, and the gyft of the spi­rite of adoption, and iustifieth, deliuereth from the wrath of God, and maketh parte takers of eternall lyfe, all those, that wyth sure fayeth whiche he hym selfe steareth vp and nourisheth in vs, acknowledge hym, and the father in hym, and thys same, his mercie, redemption, and satisfaction. Thys is the thinge that Esaye preacheth, that my ryghtuous seruaunt shal iustifie many tho­rowe the knowledge of hym selfe, that is to saye, thorowe fayeth, whereby we acknow­ledge hym, as a sauiour. And Daniel in the fourth Chapter. Thorowe Christe trans­gression [Page] shall be finished, synne shal take an ende, and euerlastynge ryghtuousnesse shall be brought in.

As for the Gospell it is the ioyfull prea­chyng, What the Gospel is. and muche wished for, of oure Lorde Iesus Christe, namely that he came for thys cause into the worlde beinge made man, to deliuer all them that beleue in hym from synne, death, and eternall damnation, and to gyue them a newe, and perpetuall ryghtu­ousnes, and lyfe. Whiche thynge al the pro­phetes spake afore hāde of him, as the lorde him selfe expouned in the laste of Luke. So, sayeth he, it behoued Christ to suffre, and to ryse from the dead the thirde daye, and that repentaunce, and remission of synnes should be preached in his name among all nations. The Apostles taught the same thynge eue­rie where, as it appeareth in theyr actes. For thus Petre preacheth, repente your fautes, and let euerie one of you be baptised in the name of Iesus Christ for the forgyuenes of synnes, and ye shall receyue the gyfte of the holy goste, actes. ij. Item, the God of oure fathers hath raysed Iesus, whom ye kylled hangyng vpon wodde, hym God hath ex­alted wyth his ryght hande a prince and a sauiour, to gyue repentaunce vnto Israell and forgyuenes of synnes. etc. And agayne, [Page] he commaunded vs that we shoulde preach to the people, and testifie that it is he, which was appointed of god a iudge of the quicke and the deade. To hym all the Prophe­tes beare wytnes, that who so beleueth in hym, he shall receyue remission of synnes thorowe his name. Saynt Paule preacheth the same thynge actes. xiij. Be it knowen to you then bretherne that thorowe thys man remission of synnes is preached. etc.

Though thys preachyng of the Gospell be short, neuertheles it is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleueth, Ro. i. Wherfore Christe also compareth the Gospell to a mustarde corne, to a treasure hidde in a felde, to a precious margarite, for the gettyng wherof we must sell, and leaue all thynges. Math. xiiij.

But that the strēgth, and efficacie of the Gospel may be more euident, the preachers muste euer studiously set forth Christe, and religiously preache howe great thynges he suffered for our saluation, howe great thyn­ges he did. Further howe he wil haue these thynges shewed vnto vs, and what he wyll worke in vs thorowe thys preaching.

It is euident thorow the preachyng of the lawe, that all we be synners of oure selues, and destitute of the glorie of God. Rom. iij. [Page] Item that we are deade thorowe misdedes, and synnes, and be by nature the children of wrath, as other be. Ephesi. ij. prisoners, and solde vnder synne, that we oure selues can not ryse out of thys perdition of oure owne strengthe. Roma. viij

Wherfore to obtaine saluation there nee­ded a mediatour, and sauiour, whiche might pacifie God beinge angrie, and recōcile vs to God, and deliuer vs frō synne, and death and make vs heyres of euerlastynge lyfe.

Suche a sauiour and intercessour Christe is made vnto vs. i. Timo. ij. one God, and one attonemaker of God and men, Christe Ie­sus a man, whiche gaue hym selfe a price of redemption for al men. etc.

Thys Mediatour first entreateth wyth God the father thorowe his lyfe, death, pas­sion, and intercession, to turne his wrath frō vs, to receyue vs into fauour, and to gyue to vs, as to his children the holy spirite, and euerlastyng lyfe.

Further he cometh to vs and handleth his matter with vs thorowe the misterie of the Gospell, his holy spirite, and the crosse, that we maye beleue hym, and thorow faith obtayne ryghtuousnes, and euerlasting life.

And he handleth his matter wyth God after thys sorte, firste he ordred his whole [Page] lyfe accordyng to the wyl of the father, be­inge made obedient vnto hym vnto death, whiche thynges we should haue done. But bicause he sawe that they were impossible vnto vs, he perfourmed them hym selfe he fulfylled the lawe, as he sayth in Mathew. I came not to destroye the lawe, but to ful­fyll it. And Paule to the Gala. iiij. Whē the fulnes of tyme came, God sent forth his sonne made of a woman, made subiecte to the lawe, to redeame them that were sub­iecte to the lawe. Therfore he wrate also to the Cor. Christe is made rightuousnes vnto vs of God, that is to saye, his rightuousnes was perfourmed for our sakes, and gyuen vnto vs. Item Phil. iij. Yea and I thynke all thinges to be losse for the excellencie of the knowledge of Christe my Lorde, and I cōpt them for refuse, that I maye wynne Christe and be founde in hym, not hauing my righ­tuousnes of the lawe, but that, that is tho­rowe the fayth of Christe. etc. For whoso beleueth in Christ, to him whole Christ, and his perfecte ryghtuousnesse is imputed at once, and togyther.

Secondly Christe translateth and remo­ueth all our synnes vpon him selfe, dieth for them, and suffreth al those thinges that we should haue suffred for our sinnes. As Iohn [Page] Baptiste testifieth, Beholde the lambe of God, whiche taketh awaye the synnes of the worlde. Item Esaie, of a truth he bare our diseases, and he susteyned our sorowes, and we cōpted hym stricken wyth a plage, and depressed of God. But he was woun­ded for oure iniquities, and beaten for oure synnes, the chasteninge of peace was vpon hym, and we were healed wyth his stripes. And we haue strayed lyke sheepe, euery mā into his owne way, and God hath putte v­pon him the iniquities of al vs. Item Paule Rom. viij. God spared not his owne sonne, but gaue him for vs all, and Chap. iiij. He was deliuered for oure synnes, and raysed for our iustification. So Gala. iij. Christ re­deamed vs from the curse of the lawe, be­inge made a curse for vs, for it is wrytten, cursed is euerie one that hangeth on tree.

Thirdly he is a mediatour for vs, that God wyll receyue vs into fauoure. Esaie. liij. He bare the synnes of manie, and prayed for transgressours. The prayer of Christe Iohn. xvij. teacheth the same thynge, I praye for them, not for the worlde, but for those whome thou hast gyuen me, keepe them in thy name. etc. And Paule Ro. viij. Christe is at the right hande of the father, and maketh intercession for vs. Itē to the Hebr. v. whiche [Page] in the dayes of his fleshe, when he had offe­red vp with strōge criyng, and teares, pray­ers and supplications before him, that was able to deliuer him. etc. Yea the whole epi­stle sheweth thys thinge mooste euidently, that Christe oure high bishoppe offred hym selfe for our sinnes, and entred into the most holie place wyth his owne bloude, an euer­lastyng redemption beinge founde out. So then Christe handled, and doeth handle the matter for vs thorowe his death, and obedi­ence shewed to the father, and thorowe his intercession, that he reconcileth vs to God the father, and for thys cause he is made Lorde ouer all thynges, as the Apostle wit­nesseth Psal. ij. whiche beinge in the fourme of God thought it no robberie to be equall wyth God, but he emptied him selfe taking the fourme of a seruaunt, constituted in the lykenes of men, and in shape founde as a man, he humbled him selfe, made obedient vnto the death, and that of the crosse. Wherfore God raysed him vp vnto supreme highnes, and gaue hym a name aboue al names, that in the name of Iesus all knees shoulde bowe. etc.

After that Christ hath thus handled our matter before the father, and pleased his an­ger, afterwarde he executeth the office of a [Page] faithful intercessour and patrone, he turneth him self to vs, he entreateth vs, that he may heale oure synnes, and weaknes. For thys cause he sayed to his disciples. All power in heauen, and in earth is gyuen vnto me, go therfore, and teache al nations, and receyue them into my discipline, preache the Gospel to euerie creature, baptising thē in the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the ho­lie goste, he that beleueth, and is baptised, shalbe saued, and he that beleueth not, shalbe damned. And teache them to keepe all those thinges that I haue cōmaunded you. Thus thorowe thys shorte, and simple preachinge of the Gospell, he executeth the busines of oure iustification after a merueylous sorte. Therfore as the strēgth, and vse of the law muste be declared to the people, so the vse, and vertue of the Gospell muste be propou­ned, and beaten in wyth singuler diligence. For it is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleueth. Ro. i.

First then the preachers shall teache, that the Gospell bringeth to vs remission of syn­nes, if we beleue it truely, and vnfaynedly, and determine thorow this fayth, that God for his sonnes sake wyll be mercifull vnto vs, and accepte vs, and compt vs for sonnes not for the dignitie of our workes, and they [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] shall teache that therfore it bryngeth peace to our consciences, which by reason of synne were fearefull, and brused, of whiche peace the angelles sange in the tyme of the nati­uitie of Christe, Glorie in the highest to God, and in the earth peace to men. And E­saie, the discipline of peace is vpon hym, Itē Paule. Roma. v. Iustified of fayth, we haue peace towardes God thorowe oure Lorde Christe Iesus. Ephe. ij. he is our peace. etc. Esaie. lij. Ro. x. howe beautiful are the feete of them that preach peace. etc. For where the voice of the Gospel soundeth not, oure con­sciences can haue no peace, as Dauid wyt­nesseth Psal. xxxvij. There is no whole part in my bodie by reason of thy wrath, neither is there peace in my bones bycause of my synne. etc.

Secondly the Gospell bryngeth to vs the ryghtuousnes of Christe, in whiche we maye trust, as done for vs, and gyuen vnto vs, aswell as, if we had perfourmed it oure selues. For so Paule sayeth. i. Cor. i. Christe Iesus is made vnto vs of God, wysedome, ryghtuousnes, sanctification, and redempti­on, and Philip. iij. That I may be founde in hym not hauynge my ryghtuousnes of the lawe, but that, that is thorowe the fayth of Iesus Christ, etc. For thys is a perfect, true, [Page] and euerlastyng rightuousnes. For our ver­tues be farre from that ryghtuousnes, and perfection of lyfe, whiche the lawe of God requireth. And besydes that, verie manie synnes abyde euer in vs, and wonderfull weaknes, as Esaie sayeth. lxiij. all we are as one defiled, and all oure ryghtuousnes as a garmēt of beggerlie patches. And the Psal. O Lorde entre not into iudgemente wyth me. etc. which sentence, teacheth merueilous playnelye, that we can not sette oure wor­thines agaynste the iudgement of God.

Wherfore if our saluation shall be certayne vnto vs, it must leaue vpō some other righ­tuousnes, and that a perfecte rightuousnes, namely vpon the ryghtuousnes of Christe, as Paule wytnesseth Ro. viij. God hath not spared his owne sonne. etc.

Therefore oure Iustification, and oure rightuousnes before God, which. S. Paule and all the other Apostles teache, consisteth in two thinges, in forgiuenes of synnes, and gyuynge of the rightuousnes of Christ tho­rowe fayeth. And thys onely is a sure, cer­tayne, and perpetuall ryghtuousnes, which Christ hath caryed vp into heauē with him selfe, to the ryght hande of God, where no man can oppresse it or ouerthrowe it, as in­numerable daungers fal vpon our ryghtu­ousnes [Page] dayly. Therefore our lyfe is sayed to be hidden wyth Christe in God. Col. iij. And seing that we glorie of thys our Lorde and sauiour, and his rightuousnes, our lyfe is in the heauens. Philip. iij. For where our treasure is, there is our herte.

Wherfore the ryghtuousnes of God gy­uen to vs in Christe, must be diligently, and continually beaten into the people by the preachers, and they muste take verie good hede that the knowledge, and truste thereof be not corrupted, and that men slyde not backe agayne to the confidence of mannes ryghtuousnes.

For though that true fayth in Christ, be neuer wythout good workes, and loue, yet workes deserue not remission of synnes, nei­ther is a man acceptable to God for wor­kes, but for Christes sake, whyle he embra­ceth, and holdeth by fayth his rightuousnes and redemption gyuen vnto hym.

Thirdly when a mynde affrayed wyth the feelyng of Goddes wrath, susteyneth it selfe wyth the voice of the Gospel, and tho­rowe the knowledge of the sauiour Christ, and promises of God, whiche Christe ful­filleth vnto vs, the holie spirite is present and worketh in our hertes, a sure truste of Goddes beniuolence, and adoption of euer­lastyng [Page] lyfe. For in hearinge of the Gospel the holie spirite is gyuen, as Paule wytnes­seth, Gala. iij. Thys one thinge I desire to learne of you, receiued ye the spirite thorow the dedes of the lawe, or thorowe the prea­ching of fayth. Item. iiij. Bicause ye be chil­dren, God hath sent forth the spirite of his sonne. etc. And Iohn. vij. he that beleueth in me, as the scripture sayeth, fluddes of lyue­ly, water shall flowe out of his bealy, thys thynge (sayeth Iohn) he spake of the spirite, whom they shoulde receyue, that beleued in hym. And thorowe thys receyuynge of the holie gooste, a newe generation is caused, whereof Iohn speaketh. i. Chap. As many as receyued him, he gaue them power to be the sonnes of God, them I say that had be­leued in his name, whiche were not borne of bloud, nor of the wyll of man, but of God, Item Ro. vij. who so euer be ledde wyth the spirite of God, they be the children of God. And. ii. Cor. iii. we representing the glorie of the Lorde in a glasse wyth a ryght face, are transfigured to the same Image from glory to glorie, as of the spirite of the Lorde, that is to saye, when we receyue thorow fayeth the exedinge mercie of God promised, and exhibited in Christe, the holy goste worketh in vs a newe lyfe, and a newe knowledge of [Page] God vnknowen to mannes reason.

Moreouer thys fayth, thys knowledge of God in Christ, and assenting to his pro­mises, thorowe the worke of the same holie spirite, the spirite of adoption, kendleth, su­steyneth, cōserueth, and encreaseth such loue of God, suche desire to gratifie, and to serue God, and to approue our selues to hym in all thynges, to glorifie hym, that wyth ve­rie great diligence, and carefulnes we keepe our selues from al synne, and moste earnest­ly applie oure selues to all good workes. The holy scriptures describe euerie where thys nature, thys strength of a newe crea­ture in Christe, and of a man borne agayne, thys ordre, and consequentie, or rather lync­kynge togyther of the workes of the holie gooste in the beleuynge. Whiche places the preachers muste often wyth singuler dili­gence propoune, faythfully declare, and continually beate into the people.

Of whiche places these be some, Ro. viii. But ye be not in the fleshe, but in the spirite for the spirite of God dwelleth in you. And if anie man haue not the spirite of Christe, the same is not his. Nowe if Christe be in you, the bodie is dead concerning synne, but the spirite is life cōcerning Iustification. etc. Wherefore bretherne we are detters not to [Page] the fleshe, that we should liue after the fleshe for if ye lyue after the fleshe, ye shall dye. But if ye mortifie the dedes of the fleshe with the spirite, ye shall lyue. For as manie as shal be ledde wyth the spirite of God, be the chyldren of God. etc. ii. Cor. v. Iudgyng thys that if one died for all, then all were dead, and he dyed for all, that they, whiche lyue after thys, myght not lyue to them sel­ues, but to hym, that died for them, and rose againe. etc. Gala. v. walke in the spirite, and ye shall not perfourme the concupiscence of the fleshe. Item, but the fruite of the spirite is charitie, ioye, peace. etc. Ephe. v. Ye were sometyme darkenes, but nowe lyghte in the Lorde, walke as the chyldren of lyghte. etc. Item, Se then that ye walke circumspectly, not as vnwyse, but as wyse, redeamyng oc­casion, bicause the dayes be euyl. etc. Phil i. Thys I praye that your loue may abounde more and more, in knowledge, and all vn­derstandynge, that ye may allowe the thin­ges that be ryghte good, that ye be sincere etc. Collo. iii. putte on then, as the chosen of God, holie, and beloued the bowels of com­passion, gentlenes, sobrenes. etc. Tit. ii. Iesus Christ gaue hym selfe for vs for to redeame vs from all iniquitie, and to purifie vs to hym selfe a peculiar people, a folower of [Page] good workes. i. Iohn. i. And thys is the ty­dynges that we hearde of hym, and shewe vnto you, that God is lyghte, and there is no darkenes in hym. If we shall saye, we haue felowshyppe wyth him, and walke in darkenes, we lye. etc. Item. iii. Euerie one that hath thys hope in hym, purifieth hym selfe, as he is pure, all that committe synne, the same committe iniquitie, and synne is iniquitie. And ye know that he appeared to take awaye synnes. etc.

These places, and suche other, in whiche the nature of regeneration, and of a newe creature, and the ordre, cōsequence, or rather the knittyng of the workes of the holy gost, be declared, the preachers must often recite, faythfully expoune, and printe into the peo­ple in theyr sermons, that they maye learne thorowly, and euer diligently reuolue in theyr myndes, that they whiche be borne a­gayne in Christ, and grafted in him, and be made fruitefull braunches in thys lyfe, and good trees, muste also brynge forth good fruites, and forasmuche as they be a newe, and diuine creation, made vnto good wor­kes, they muste trauayle also in newe, and diuine workes, whiche God hath prepared in them wyth his commaundement, calling and gifte, and worketh cōtinually wyth his [Page] spirite, to his owne glorie, and to the edifi­cation, and repayryng of our neighbours.

But alwayes, and before al thinges they muste be taught moste diligently, that a cō ­science fearfull by reason of hir synnes, and the wrath of God, muste comforte hyr selfe wyth the voice of the Gospell, and certifie hyr selfe therby, that God wyll surely gyue his holie spirite, whyle we praye for it in thys distresse, and that thys petition is a true, and principall worshyppyng of God, which god chiefly requireth of vs. And this high worshyppyng of God, muste be lear­ned onely wyth the exercise of true fayeth, wherof the blinde men of this world know nothynge, putting theyr ryghtuousnes, and holines, in outwarde ceremonies, and truste of theyr owne rightuousnes. But when the herte wrastleth wyth the feelynge of the wrath of God, and lyuely knowledge of synnes, and comforteth hyr selfe with fayth in Christe the mediatoure, in thys case, that sweete word of Esaie is vnderstāded, which is the place of my reste, sayeth the Lorde, I wyll loke vpon the humble, and broken in spirite, and tremblynge at my worde. For then the Lorde dwelleth in vs in dede, when we flee to Christe the mediatour, and deter­mine wyth our selues, that for his sake we [Page] be accepted and hearde of the heauenly fa­ther, and made heyres of euerlastyng lyfe.

Wherfore the true fayth of the Gospel, whereof we speake in this place, signifieth not onely the knowledge of the storie, as in Iames, when he sayeth, the deuylles beleue, but it signifieth that knowledge of the Go­spell, and assentyng caused thorowe the spi­rite of Christe, whereby there spryngeth in our hertes a sure truste of Goddes beniuo­lence, and adoption, thorow which we haue affiaūce that God is mercifull vnto vs, and hath made vs heyres of euerlasting lyfe for his sonnes sake, whiche fayth excludeth all trust of our owne ryghtuousnes, and all er­rour concernyng God, & his wyl towardes vs. For thys fayth comprehendeth a sincere and perfecte vnderstandinge of all the arti­cles of our religion, and an assent therunto. Therfore thys pure doctrine of the Gospel muste be reteyned of fearfull consciences, that they maye knowe, that they obteyne re­mission of synnes frely for Christes sake by fayth, and not by the deseruyng of workes. And let them beware that they remoue not thys glorie of the Mediatour Christe vnto mennes workes. For if the promise of sal­uation dyd hange vpon our worthines, the conscience shoulde remayne vncertaine, stic­kyng [Page] in perpetuall doubte, and shoulde flee from God. For we can not satisfie the lawe of God at all, and many sinnes cleaue euer in vs, and there remayneth great weaknes. Neither could the hert call certaynely vpon God, if oure owne deseruynges were to be brought forth, for it should be frayed awaye perceyuing him selfe to be destitute of those merites, that God requireth. Therefore we muste come vnto God wyth thys fayeth, wherby we beleue that we are accepted and iustified before God for Christes sake, and not for our merites. Thys fundation muste be layed fyrste of al, wherby we be planted in Christ, and disseuered from all vngodlie men, and aliauntes frō Christe. Afterwarde it is necessarie to enstruct the people a right of good workes, chiefely after thys sorte.

¶ Of good workes.

That thys place may be more easely vn­derstanded, it shall be conuenient to deuide it into these fyue questions.

¶ The first.

What workes are to be done.

¶ The seconde.

Howe they may be done, seing that there is so great weaknes of mannes nature, and so great lettes of Satan.

¶ The thirde.

Howe they may please God, beinge vn­perfecte, and verie sclender.

¶ The fourth.

Why we must do good workes, and a­uoyed euyll.

¶ The fyfth.

Of the difference of synnes.

¶ The first question.

What good workes must be taught, and done?

¶ The answer.

Those that God hath cōmaunded in the ten cōmaūdemātes, & those that be cōteyned in the same after the interpretatiō of Christ, and his Apostles. For we must take ryght good hede, that we deuyse not worshyp­pinges of God, and good workes wythout the worde. Therfore Christe also sayeth. They worshippe me in vayne wyth the cō ­maūdemētes of men. For God wil that not onely fayth, but also al our good workes be limited with his worde, as with a sure rule, leste after the maner of the heathen we de­uyse to our selues vayne imaginations, and workes of our owne, as it hath chaunsed in callynge vpon sayntes, in voued pilgrima­ges to the bones of sayntes, in forbiddynge of mariage and suche lyke.

¶ The seconde question.

Howe maye good workes be done?

¶ Answer.

Mānes diligēce perfourmeth outwarde discipline metely so so. But the commaun­dementes of God require also the inwarde workes of the herte, as the feare of God, fayth, loue towardes the cōmaundementes of God, true inuocatiō, patience in troubles chastitie. & cet. And it is well knowen that mannes weakenes can in nowise perfourme such workes without Godds healpe. Ther fore God poureth his spirite into the hertes of the Godlye, which helpeth them, whiche gyueth them newe lyght, and strength, and this is a true exercise wherin God wil haue vs to call vpon Christe, and to flee to hym, that he maye gyue vs the holie goste, and guyde vs therwyth, that we fall not. For it was an harde thynge for Dauid not to fal into desperation, when he was dryuen out of his realme, and appeared to be cast away of God. Therfore he fled to praier, as to an onely holde that was lefte, and he required to be stayed, and strengthned wyth the holy goste, that he myghte call vpon God, and loke for the ende of the matter in patience. Wherfore Christe sayeth, I wyll not leaue you fatherles. Item the Lorde sayth in Za­charie [Page] Cha. xij. I wyl poure vpon the house of Dauid the spirite of grace, and prayer, that is to saye, he gyueth vs the holie goste, that we maye beleue vnfaynedly, that we are in the fauour of God, by whiche fayth our mynde is steared vp to inuocation. For whē we knowledge that the mercie of God is present wyth vs, we loke for healpe and comfort from him, and we submitte our sel­ues to his wyll. etc. Therfore God dyd not onely commaunde vs, what we shoulde do, but also he promiseth and offereth vs healp to do the same. The cause why few men vnderstande thys thing, and considre it a right is the dissolute, and vnreligious lyfe, and great securitie that reigneth in the common people. For they fyght not agaynst synnes, but vtterly folow all maner of lust, and fall into greate blyndnes of mynde, so that they know neither God, nor his workes in men. But they that lyue in the feare of God, and call earnestly for thys healpe, and ayde of the holie goste, haue true experience howe present, and effectuous his healpe is in affic­tions. Wherfore it is ryghte expedient fo [...] fearfull and weake myndes, whiche haue some begynnyng and desire of godlines, to considre diligently the sayinge of. S. Paule Philip. ij. It is God that worketh in you [Page] both to wyll, and to brynge to passe, accor­dynge to the good purpose of his mynde, that is to saye, though thou feele thy selfe to be weake, neuertheles when thou goest a­boute any good thynge in thy lyfe, accor­dyng vnto thy vocation, vnto the glorie of God, be of good comforte, and knowledge that God wyll healpe the in thys endeuour and gyue the his holie spirite, and good suc­cesse to thy worke.

¶ The thirde question.

Howe do good workes please God, se­inge that there remaineth euer in thys fleshe so great weaknes in thys lyfe. For we all haue experience dayly, that there sticketh in vs as yet, muche doubtyng cōceruyng God and his worde, distrust of his presence, and healpe, inordinate motions, and carefulnesse of thys lyfe. Whiche woundes of mannes weaknes the sayntes feele, to be so much the greuouser, as they more studie to remedie them. Whiche thinge Paule bewayleth of him selfe, Roma. vij.

It is profitable that the people be often, and playnely admonished of thys question. For a great parte of men be encombred in two errours. Some be in perpetual doubte, being vncertaine whether their lyfe, or wor­kes please God, and lyuynge in an heath­nishe [Page] vngodlines. For they can not call vpō God, but they flee his syghte. There is a verie great multitude of thys sorte amonge men. Wherfore thys heathnishe blyndnesse of men muste be diligently reproued. An o­ther arrogancie, and trust of our owne righ­tuousnes, and workes, as was the errour of that pharisie, whiche in the temple gloried of the keepyng of the lawe, not perceyuyng his owne vncleanes, and synnes.

Therefore that thys double errour, and thys blyndnes maye be ouoyded, we muste knowe that three thinges are required here­vnto, that good workes please God. Fyrste, that the mā him selfe be acceptable to God, and be iustified freely for Christes sake.

Secondly that it is requisite that a newe lyfe folowe, and obedience towardes God, though it be vnperfecte, and though muche weakenes, and manie vices remayne in vs. Wherfore we muste remēbre that it is euer needfull to aske forgyuenes of synnes. As Christe taught vs all to praye to the father. Forgyue vs our dettes. For no man vnder­standeth sufficiently, howe greate the anger of God is agaynste synne, oure reconciler Christ dyd onely fully perceyue it, when he sayed. If they do thys in the grene wood what wyl they do in the drye? we muste not [Page] then extenuate, and diminishe synne.

Thirdly though thys obediēce be weake yet we must determine, that it pleaseth God in the reconciled for his sonne sake, as saynt Petre exhorteth to offre spirituall sacrifices, acceptable vnto God thorow Iesus Christ as if he woulde say not for their owne wor­thines, but for the Mediatours sake Christ our only high bishoppe euer makyng inter­cession for vs.

Thys is it that is wonte to be sayed at other tymes, that good workes oughte to be done out of fayth, that is, that a man should not wauer, doubtynge whether his lyfe or workes please God, but certayne determine that he is acceptable to God for Christes sake, as we haue often sayed, and therefore that his workes, being commaunded by the worde of God, be acceptable vnto God for the same Christes sake, thoughe they be weake, and vnperfecte.

Therfore faith must be exercised in good workes two wayes. Firste that we beleue they please God. Secondly that we praye to God, that for Christes sake, he wil healp vs both to lyue godlie, and also to do those workes, that shall profitte the common lyfe of mē, & that he wyll giue thē good successe.

Nowe let euerie man considre wyth him [Page] selfe, howe greate thys mercie of God is, and howe sweete thys doctrine is. It semeth a small worke when the mother bryngeth vp hyr childrē, gyueth sucke, washeth them, and doth other thinges pertainyng to nure­sing, and when she enstructeh them vnto the inuocation of God, and religion. But the chiefest worshipping of God resteth in these poyntes, if they be done in fayth, that is, if the mother truste, that she is acceptable to God for Christes sake, and beleue that hyr doinges please God for the same mans sake if she call for healpe of God to the perfour­maunce of those thynges that he wyll pros­per them, and make them holesome, finally that he wyll keepe, and nourishe vp hir in­fant, and gouerne his lyfe in all thynges.

After thys sorte our fayth muste be exer­cised in al other busines, and offices of thys lyfe. Magistrates, and wariars be exercised wyth sundrie daungers, troubles, and diffi­culties. Neuertheles if they execute their of­fice after thys maner, and wyth suche fayth as we haue spoken of, all suche thynges be worshippinges of God. Thys is no small consolation to a godlie mynde. And it is the true, & propre doctrine of the Gospel, which Adam, Noe, Abraham, Iacob, Ioseph, Sa­muel, Dauid, and Paule taught.

¶ The fourth question.

Why are good workes to be done?

¶ Answer.

Firste because God hath commaunded them. Al creatures serue God, and be made to the obedience of God. It is euident then, that seinge that man ought to shewe obedi­ence vnto God, Goddes commaundement is the fyrst & chiefest cause, why we shoulde do good workes. And in as muche as God hath cōmaunded good workes, it foloweth of the same cause, that they that exercise not them selues in wel working, but continue in the contempt of Goddes cōmanndementes, deserue euerlastynge paynes. Howe be it God punisheth sinnes in this lyfe also with infinite miseries. Thys thē is an other cause whiche oughte to steare vp our myndes to worke well, that we fal not into euerlasting paynes. For so Paule sayeth. i. Corhin. vi. Erre not. Neither adulterers, nor worship­pers of Images. etc. shall possesse the kyng­dome of God. And Gala. v. They whiche do suche thynges shall not possesse the king­dome of God.

The thyrde cause of doing good workes is verie necessarie for that, that it is not pos­sible that a true fayth, and a certayne truste in Christe can stande wythout perfecte con­uersion [Page] vnto God, or wyth synnes, whiche are committed agaynst a mannes cōscience. These thynges appeare playnly by the ve­rie nature of fayth. For fayth is that assent to the Gospell, out of whiche there aryseth a sure confidence of Goddes mercie promi­sed for Christes sake. But suche a trust can not stande with a purpose of sinning, wher­in there is a manifest comtempte of God, and an vndoubted prouocation of Goddes wrath.

By reason of thys fyghtynge betwene fayth, and synne, Paule sayed, that what so euer is not of fayeth, is synne, signifiynge that the nature of fayth is suche, that it brin­geth forth good fruites of it selfe. Wherfore whē a mā sinneth, as that is done by wrōge confidence, so the truste in Christe is re­iected, and grace, and eternall lyfe is cast a­waye and mannes saluation is paste reme­die, excepte he recouer a trust in Christe, and puttynge awaye all wronge affiaunce, he wholly restore hym selfe into the obedience of God.

The large promises of Goddes reward ministre the forth cause of good workes. For it is the commaundement of God, that his moste ample promises shoulde be prea­ched to all men. As Paule sayeth, Godlines [Page] is profitable vnto all thynges, and hath a promise of the present lyfe, and of the lyfe to come. And we shewed before that euyll workes be punished wyth euerlastyng pay­nes, whiche yet often tymes haue their be­gynnynge in thys lyfe, as it apppeareth in Saul, Achab, Iuda. So contrarie wise God requireth their workes, that repent wyth eternall rewardes. Howe be it thys funda­tion of our saluation standeth styll, that is to say, the trust of euerlasting lyfe in Christ the Lorde, whereof we spake before, namely that we obtaine remission of synnes, & euer­lastyng lyfe thorow fayth for Christes sake and not for the worthines of our workes. For thys sentence standeth fast and sure, in which the Lorde testifieth of him selfe. Ihō. vi. Thys is the wyll of the father, that eue­rie one, that beleueth in the sonne, shall haue eternall lyfe.

For though God thorowe a merueilous purpose suffre his churche to be pressed gre­uously with the crosse, and exerciseth it with great miseries, as shalbe sayed hereafter, yet forasmuche as he wyll be knowen to men in thys lyfe, and be magnified, he steareth vp, preserueth, and defendeth the preachers of his name, the teachers of his Gospell, and also the hearers, as he promised that his [Page] churche shoulde continue here vnto the ende of the worlde. Therfore for thys purpose, that his church maye continue perpetually, he dealeth forth sundrie giftes of his spirite, and he gyueth to his sayntes that thorowe good workes they deserue the encrease of vertues, accordynge to the worde of Christ, there shalbe gyuen to him that hath. And se­inge that in thys life we haue neede of fode, peace, lawfull gouernaunce of the common weale, health. etc. God addeth these thynges also, and recompenseth the good workes of his therwyth, & yet with thys moderation, that neuertheles he holdeth styll his churche vndre the crosse. Of thys rewarde of good workes Christe speaketh. Gyue, and there it shal be gyuen vnto you. And Esaie. xxxiij. He that walketh in ryghtuousnes. etc. shall dwell in an high, and therfore a sure place. He shall not wante meate and drynke, his eyes shall se the kynge in his glorie. So though Esaie, Hieremie, Daniel, and Paule were pressed wyth sundrie, and moste gre­nous aflictions, yet God after a meruey­lous forte preserued them a greate whyle in lyfe, and ministred vnto them abundauntly thynges necessarie for lyfe. And surely for thys cause God promised vs corporall goo­des, that being steared vp thorowe such pro­mises, [Page] we shoulde exercise fayth, and inuo­cation, and laboure the more to be busie in good workes. When thou hearest then, that God commaundeth the to gyue almes, and addeth his promises, that he wyll gyue the agayne fode, and other good thinges. Giue thyne almes liberally, and exercise thy faith therin, and confirme thy mynde, that it is God, that gyueth the corne, a lyuynge, and all good thinges, that maynteyneth the, and thyne, and that he wyll recompence thy li­beralitie shewed for his sake. And whē thou considerest these thynges wyth fayeth, and hast afterwarde confirmed thys sentence of fayth in thy mynde, thou muste exercise also the inuocation of God, and trustynge in his promises, thou muste praye hym thorowe Christe his sonne, that as he hath promised, he wyll gyue the thynges necessarie for life, and maynteyne the, and thyne, and thou muste also wyth a sure hope loke for those thynges, whiche thou haste so prayed for of hym, nothynge doubtynge but that he wyl gyue them to the, as farre as they maye be good for the in dede.

For if the mynde be so farre from God, and so emptie of the truste of his goodnes, that it can not so muche as aske, hope and loke for corporall goodes from him, neither [Page] exercise fayeth in askynge, and lokynge for those thinges from him, suche a mynde shal feele muche lesse of desire, and hope of spiri­tual, and euerlastynge goodes.

Such causes then of good workes must be driuen into men diligently, that they may be steared vp to worke well, and to auoyed euyll workes. Neither haue we neede of a small fyght in thys case, that we beware of euyll workes, and trauayle constantly in good workes. For the weaknes of nature doeth not onely prouoke vs to euyl workes but the deuyll layeth in awayte for vs, to dryue vs thereunto wyth merueylous en­ginnes, as S. Petre sayeth that the deuyll goeth about roarynge lyke a Lion, and see­kyng whom ue maye deuoure. And though these thynges seame folishe to thē that lacke the feare of God, which folowe theyr lustes without care, yet we haue experiēce by day­ly exemples, that verie manie men are mise­rably driuen of the deuyl into horrible mis­cheuous actes, and so into temporall, and euerlastyng punishmentes. For howe many doeth he sende headlyng into Idolatrie, and moste pernitious errours concernynge reli­gion? How manie driueth he to vniust mur­thers? Howe manie leadeth he to abhomina­ble, and incestuous lecherie? Whiche euyll [Page] thys thinge also is wonte to folowe whiche is moste horrible of all, that synnes are pu­nished wyth synnes, whereby greater mis­chiues, and abhominations sprynge forth. For howe greate, and howe horrible synnes folowed of the adulterie of Dauid. No sinne is alone, there cleaue alwayes to one verie manie other. Wherfore the healpe of God muste be called for continually, and wyth moste feruent wishes, and we our sel­ues muste lyue in feare, and continuall care, whiche thynge the Apostle cammaundeth, Philippi. ij. worke your owne health wyth feare, and tremblyng.

¶ The fyfte question. what difference is there of synnes?

Thys question muste be handled, bycause, as we haue sayd, that sinne remaymeth euer in sayntes, whyle they lyue here. There is a question thē, what maner of syn that should be, that is euer founde in sayntes. For thys thynge muste be wel declared, and we must make a difference betwene the sinnes, which the sayntes auoyd not in this lyfe, and those that stāde not with faith. Therfore we must knowe that there is a synne agaynst consci­ence, that is to saye, whiche a man commit­teth wyllyngly and knowyngly. Thys in saintes hath no place. And if they committe [Page] anie suche synne, they caste awaye the grace of God and fayth, and dryue the holy goste from them, and be no longer saintes, and ac­ceptable to god. Those sayinges of the holy goste testifie thys thynge clearely. i. Cor. vi. and Gala. v. They that do suche thynges shal not possesse the kingdome of God. And i. Iohn. iij. My litle chyldren let no man de­ceyue you, he that doeth ryghtuousnes, is ryghtuous, but he that doeth synne is of the deuyll. Wherefore Paule sayeth also. i. Ti­mo. i. The summe of the commaundement is loue out of a pure herte, a good consciēce, and fayth not fayned. Itē afterwarde, keepe fayth, and a good conscience. Wherefore he that synneth agaynste his conscience, he fal­leth from grace, and ryghtuousnes. To this kynde of synne wylfull ignoraunce pertay­neth also, as the ignoraunce of the heathen, and pharisies was, whiche reiected the Go­spel preached of Christe, and of the Apostle, and woulde be ignoraunt. And in all tymes there be many suche men, whiche wyll nei­ther heare of Christe the sauiour, nor knowe hym, and do playnely contemne the voice of God soundyng from heauen. Thys is my deare sonne heare hym. Suche in oure tyme are the Iewes, and the Mahometistes, and manie other amonge the aduersaries of the [Page] Gospel, which fayne that they vnderstande not the Gospell, whereas notwithstanding they wyl neither heare it, nor admitte it into theyr hertes.

Hitherto we haue spoken of their synnes that continue not in the grace of God, but in committing suche synnes make them sel­nes subiecte agayne to the wrath of God. Neuerthelesse greate corruption of nature, weakenes, and euyll concupiscence, whereof manie naughtie affections sprynge continu­ally, remaine in thē that are in fauoure, and be reconciled. But whyle the sayntes resiste those corrupte motions, and beseche the hea­uenlie father to forgyue them the same for Christes sake, beleuyng that thys weaknes and naughtie affections be pardoned to thē for the same Christes sake, they keepe styll fayth, grace, and the holie goste, they conti­nue ryghtuous, acceptable to God, sayntes, and heyres of euerlastyng lyfe, as S. Paule teacheth excellently. Ro. vij. viij. Testifiyng that no damnation remayneth vnto them that be in Christe Iesu, whiche walke not after the fleshe, but after the spirite. The godlie muste be exercised wyth thys fyght, and so they shall wel vnderstande the grace and victorie of Christe agaynste synne, and Satan, and they shall go forwarde in god­lines, [Page] and in the gyftes of God. For the ho­lie goste is not gyuen to the reconciled, to maynteyne Idle slouthfulnes, but that they shoulde fyghte wyth a perpetuall battayle agaynst synne and Satan, and that in such a confflicte they myghte feele the healpe of the spirite. Wherefore Paule sayeth. i. Cor. vi. We exhort you that ye take not the grace of God in vayne.

Of the true, and Germane significati­of thys worde, fayth.

BYcause we haue heretofore spoken muche of fayth in Christe, out of S. Paule, whereby as the Lorde hym selfe, and the whole scripture witnes­seth, we obtayne remission of sinnes, enheri­taunce amonge the sayntes, and euerlasting life, the ministers must remembre, and teach the people diligently, that thys iustifiynge fayeth is the worke of the holie goste in the chosen of God, whereby theyr myndes are so illumined and taught, that they certayn­ly assent to the Gospell of Christ, and ther­fore to the whole scripture, and euerie word of God, that a man out of the Gospel maye knowe, and determine certaynly that God gyueth hym remission of synnes, and euer­lastyng lyfe for the onely Mediatours sake Christe, that he is, and wyl be his God, and [Page] father, and accompte hym for his sonne, and that he shal be enheriter of eternal lyfe. Out of thys fayeth there spryngeth necessarely a true confidence in Christe, a loue of God, and a desire to lyue after his commaunde­mentes. All whiche thynges the holie goste worketh in them that beleue, thorowe whō we are borne agayne, and be become a new creature of God, made in Christe Iesu vnto good workes, whiche God prepared that we shulde walke in them.

Therfore the ministers, as we haue sayd must diligently teache the people, whē they entreate of iustifiynge and sauynge fayth, that thys lyuely, and workyng fayth is vn­derstanded, whiche we defined a litle before and not suche a fayth, as maye be wythout the loue of God, and wythout good wor­kes. For suche one is not true fayth, but as it were a dreamyng or rather a dead fayth, neither that we vnderstande a maimed faith as is in Satā, as was in Iudas, and is in al them that despeyre of the mercie of God.

For this fayth beleueth not the holie Gos­pell, but onely parte of the Gospel, I meane that part wherin God pronoūceth the euer­lasting punishment of the euyl, and not that part, wherein he offereth his grace to them, that beleue. For they that haue thys fayth, [Page] beleue that there is a God, that made and ruleth all thynges, that punisheth the euyll, but they beleue not, that God wyll be mer­ciful vnto them, & forgiue them theyr sinnes freely for his sonnes sake. Finally that we muste not vnderstande a temperarie fayeth, wherewyth men beleue the whole Gospell in dede, but it is but for a tyme. For they re­ceyue the worde of God with ioye, but whē afliction, and persecution chaunceth for the Gospell, they fall agayne, and theyr fayeth vanishinge out of theyr myndes, the sede of Goddes worde, though it be spronge vp, is kylled, and dryeth awaye wyth the heate of persecution. Wherefore the preachers muste teache men diligently, that when they heare that we, whiche beleue in Christe haue euer­lastynge life, that we be borne agayne tho­rowe fayth, that the chyldren of God be in­stified and saued thorowe fayth, they muste vnderstande, and considre that these thinges be spoken of true, and lyuely fayeth, whiche steareth vp in them that beleue, a sure truste of Goddes beniuolence, and of adoption vnto euerlastyng life. And hereby breadeth in them, and enflameth an earnest, and feruent loue of God, and worketh also a perpetuall and effectuous studie of all holines, and sin­cere, & seruiceable loue towardes our neigh­bours. [Page] Finally bryngeth to passe, that they that beleue, giue them selues altogyther to the fulfilling of the lawe.

¶ Of the crosse, and aflictions.

VVHē this faith is sincerely taught and learned, and preuaileth in the lyfe of the sayntes, it can not be, God so orderinge, and finishinge the renuinge of his, but the crosse, and aflic­tih [...] wyl folow sincere doctrine, and a god­lie life. For God willing thorow his secrete purpose to trie the faith of his, and to dryue them to call for his healpe, permitteth Sa­tan to exercise them with sundrie tētations, whiche is an enemie of pure doctrine, and christian. Wherfore while this is permitted vnto him, he resisteth, and wrastleth against good doctrine, and godlie life with all the crafte and might that he can, and moueth a­gainst the same what so euer he hath in his power. And he hath the whole world in his power. Wherefore Christe calleth him the prince of the worlde. Iohn. xij. If he be then the prince of the worlde, what other thynge shall we loke for, then that he wil be against vs with al the worlde, and wil fight against pure doctrine, and pure life. Of doctrine Christes worde testifieth. Iohn. xv. If they haue harde me, they will heare you also. If [Page] they haue persecuted me, they wil persecute you also. etc. And that they wyll persecute a godly life. S. Paul teacheth. ij. Tim. iij. As manie as wyll lyue godlie in Christe shall suffre persecution.

It is then ryghte necessarie that the mi­nisters of the worde, teache, comforte, and strengthen the people wyth all faythfulnes and diligence to beare the crosse, & to learne to ouercome aduersities wyth patience.

For we maye heare euerie where the vn­godlie, and blasphemous wordes of men that be in aflictions. For whē they are war­ned to arme theyr mynde with patience, by­cause that aflictiōs are sent of God, agaynst that, they crie streyght waye, that they are not sent of God, but of Satan, and if thou wylte saye styll that God chastiseth them, whom he loueth, they saye, they wishe that he woulde not loue them so muche. When anie incommoditie, or aduersitie chaunceth to them vnloked for, the cause whereof they can not attayne wyth theyr folishe reason, forthwyth they ascribe it to arte magike. Whiche errour, and superstition is chiefely in vplandishe men, and other rude felowes. Thorowe whiche errour it cometh to passe that when they fall into anie calamitie, they runne streyght waies to wisardes, and wit­ches, [Page] they aske counsell of them, and beleue their lyes, and for the moste parte burthen them wyth iniuste suspicions, and falsely sclaunder them, that be innocent. Further also they embrace their enchauntmētes, and magike remedies, vsing the ayde of deuyls, which is an horrible defectiō from the true God, and a deniyng of him, whiche surely be great, and heynous synnes, for reuenge­aunce wherof the wrath of God, and mani­fest punishmentes are wonte to come vpon the vnfaythfull, as the Apostle witnesseth. Therfore that we maye resist so great wic­kednes, and abhomination, and that men maye be broughte to haue true patience in the crosse, the preachers muste teache some what after thys sorte of the crosse.

First, though the deuyll wyth his garde burne wyth an incredible hatred agaynste the godlie, and desireth excedingly to hurte them by all meanes, and in what thynge so euer he can, in bodie, soule, goodes, fame, as Petre testifieth, sayinge the deuill walketh about. etc. Neuertheles this is certaine, that he can not once moue an heare of our heade, excepte God suffre hym so to do, as Christe sayth. Math. x. Are not two sparowes solde for a farthynge, and one of them falleth not vpō the earth wythout your father. And the [Page] verie heares of your heade are al numbred. The storie of Iob witnesseth the same, whō Satan coulde not hurte, but by the permis­sion of God, neither in goodes, nor bodie. For we are enuironned wyth manie thou­sandes of Angels, which haue charge of vs, as the prophete Eliseus sayeth to his ladde, iiij. of kynges. vi. When the kynge of Siria commaunded the prophete to be taken. Da­uid in the Psalm. xxxiij. wytnesseth that the same is gyuen not onely to Eliseus, but al­so to all the godlie sayinge. They that feare the Lorde, he compasseth them aboute, as it were with pauilions, and the watching An­gell keepeth them safe But where tentes be pitched, there the holiest muste needes be present. So Christe hym selfe sayeth also of the yonge children. Their angels se alwaies the face of my father, whiche is in heauen.

We maye dayly se and feele thys defence, garde, and custodie of the Angels, if we wilturne oure myndes to the workes of God, and considre them wyth the eyes of fayth. For how many new enginnes deuiseth Sa­tan daily: What mischiues inuēteth he tho­rowe wicked men, wherewyth he yet profi­teth nothyng, so that we must needes graūt that God disapoynteth those deuises of Satan, and not anie wisedome of man. Wher­fore [Page] men muste be taughte diligently that what so euer good or euyll chaunce to them (synne onely excepted) they beleue it chaun­ceth to them from God, and his prouidence though it be done by the ministerie of Sa­tan, and of the vngodly.

Secondly forasmuche as it is well kno­wen that aduersitie cometh not by chaunce, but by the permission, and determined pur­pose of God, we oughte not to doubte, but that it chaunceth to vs for good, and that suche thynges be as signes of Goddes be­niuolence, and not of his wrath, as the Epi­stle to the Hebrues teacheth. xij. My sonne neglecte not the correction of God, nor faint thou when thou arte rebuked of hym, for whō the Lorde loueth, him he correcteth. etc. S. Paule sayeth the same thynge. i. Cor. xi. When we are chastised, we are corrected of the Lorde, that we be not condemned wyth thys worlde. Item Ro. viij. We knowe that to them that loue God, all thynges worke for good, to them I saye, whiche be called according to his determined will.

Thirdly they muste be taughte that the crosse, and aflictions be a schole, wherein we are wel nourtured, and enstructed of the wil of God. For Christe sayeth, Luke. xiiij. He that beareth not his crosse, and foloweth me [Page] can not be my disciple. For we ought not to acknowledge an other maister vpon earth. If then we can not be his disciples, excepte we take our crosse vpō vs, we can not learne of hym the thynges that pertayne to oure saluation, wythout the crosse, and afliction. Wherefore S. Paule exhorteth vs also Ro. xij. to gyue our bodies a lyuely sacrifice, to be killed with the crosse, and that we should trie what the good wyl of God is. etc. For we learne manie thynges vnder the crosse, and aflictions, which it skylleth vs to know vnto our saluation. Of al whiche neuerthe­les the summe, and ende is, to acknowledge the good and fatherly wil of God towarde vs. But we wyll reherse some of these thin­ges. Some vndre the crosse acknowledge their weaknes, and sinnes, which otherwise they would not haue founde in them selues, as Iob. For when he had a while keept and shewed patience vnto God, at the last being broken, and ouercome wyth the moste gre­uous calamities, wherewith the Lorde exer­cised hym, he curssed the daye of his natiui­tie, and murmured agaynste God, whiche faute he would neuer haue thought to haue bene in hym, wythout the crosse.

In the crosse then, we feele, how much euil hangeth yet in vs, the secrete vices of oure [Page] herte, and naughtie concupiscence of our na­ture is brought forth, and disclosed vnto vs. Wherfore they whiche are impatient in tri­bulations, whiche be discouraged, or moued wyth some kynde of reuengynge, or flee to euyll craftes, and remedies of deuyls, or a­bout the confession of the name of Christe shoulde backe, and abiure the Gospel, or do some thynge vngodlie, and vnworthie of christian profession, suche men maye learne thorowe theyr fall, that they do not yet tru­ly beleue God. For such falles are vndoub­ted fruites of infidelitie, and thei proue those men, whiche so fall to distruste God, and to despeyre of his gooddes, & healpe, and that they truste in them selues, and in other cre­atures, yea in witchcraftes, and moreouer in the deuyl hym selfe. They then whiche be­inge tried wyth the crosse fynde that there hangeth in them greate wickednes, whiche they knewe not before, and that they were counterfaites, and emptie of true fayeth, ought to be agast, and to quake at this their [...]ngodlines, and to be moued wyth earneste repentaunce, and to flee wyth all their herte vnto Christe whiche maye deliuer them of thys infidelitie, & gyue them stronge fayth, etc. For God sendeth such miseries, and tri­bulations for thys purpose, that in them mē [Page] myghte beholde, trie, and acknowledge thē selues in a glasse. For whyle they be in pro­speritie, they lyue carelesly, they runne not to God, they neglecte to heare his worde, they call not vpon God, they thynke that they knowe him, and haue all thynges that they neede.

Some vndre the crosse call their synnes passed, to remembraunce, and weygh them worthely at length, and lamente them, and truly repent of them. For whyle they haue all thynges at pleasure, for the moste parte, they neglecte their sinnes, they despice the wrath of God, and thynke it not to be so muche as, they heare it to be preached. But when the crosse, and afliction cometh vpon thē, their mynde is aflight, it cōsidereth not that the thynges, whiche it suffereth, be the scourges of Goddes wrath, it feareth leste God wyll shewe him selfe hereafter a rigo­rous iudge, and reuenger of wicked actes, and not a gentle father. The man conside­reth in thys chastising of God al his sinnes whereby he desirued the punishmentes a greate whyle before, whiche he nowe suffe­reth, he weigheth them worthely at the last, and condemneth him selfe, and sayeth wyth him selfe in thys, and that synne, I well de­serued thys correction of God.

If then true repentaunce come into his mynde, and if he flee to the mercie of God in Christ, he is healped also with grace. For God therfore sendeth vs aflictions that we shoulde acknowledge oure sinnes, that we shoulde condemne our selues, and turne to the Lorde, as Paul monisheth. i. Cor. xi. say­inge, for this cause, that is to saye, bicause ye celebrate the supper of the Lorde vnworthe­ly, and not religiously, there be many weake and feeble amonge you, and manie sleepe, and he addeth, if we had iudged our selues, that is to say, if we had repented our sinnes and amended our life, we should not be iud­ged, that is, we should not be subiected to so manie euyls. But when we iudge not oure selues, God iudgeth and chastiseth vs, not wyth an enemous, but wyth a beniuolent, and fatherlie mynde, that he maye putte vs in remembraunce of our synnes, and call vs againe to repentaunce, and this it is, that he sayeth afterwarde. But when we be iudged of God, we be corrected, that we be not cō ­demned wyth the worlde. Such then learne in the crosse the boūtuous, and fatherly will of God in that, that they knowe that God wyll not the death of a synner, but rather that he be conuerted, and lyue, as Eze­chiell testifieth. xviij. Whereunto he dri­ueth [Page] euen wyth his scourges.

Other in the crosse acknowledge not their synnes onely, or not chiefely, as men hauing obteyned remission therof, and which sinnes be couered by the mercie of God, but they gette muche more knowledge, of the mercie and excedynge goodnes of God, as he that was borne blyude, Iohn. ix. Of whom whē the disciples had moued a questiō, whether he or his Parentes had synned, that he shoulde be borne blynde. Iesus answe­red, neither hath thys man synned nor his Parentes, but that the workes of God maye be made manifest in him. etc. Of thys sorte be the aflictions of them, whiche haue somwhat profited in christian religion. For God is muche redier to giue, and to healpe, then we be to aske it, whiche thynge appea­reth euidently by thys, that he steareth vs vp wyth so manie his preceptes, and promi­ses to pray to him selfe, promising also that he wyl gyue vs, what so euer we aske in the name of Christe his sonne. Therefore that we maye acknowledge this his so bountu­ous, and verie fatherly loue towardes vs, he layeth a crosse vpon vs, wherein he con­strayneth vs to call vpon hym, that hearing vs, and deliuering from euyls, and heaping benifittes vpon vs, he may declare his good [Page] wyll towarde vs, and moue vs to loue hym agayne, and to magnifie hym, accordyng to the sentence of the Psal. Call vpon me in the daye of trouble, and I wyll deliuer the, and thou shalte glorifie me. This way the crosse is easely suffered, and becometh pleasaunt. For who woulde not be blynde for a whyle if he knewe that his syght shoulde be resto­red to him sone after by the hādes of Christ hym selfe, and also inwarde syght wyth the outwarde. Who woulde not wishe exie, and persecution with Dauid, if he knewe that he shoulde be merueylously deliuered of God, and that he shoulde be extolled to sanctifie his name, and dilate his knyngdome. Who woulde not chose to be troubled, and despi­ced wyth Iob, if he knewe that at length, he shoulde be pronounced ryghtuous by the iudgement of the diuine maiestie it selfe, and that he shoulde recouer his former dignitie, yea and more to both in temporal, and euer­lasting goodes. But we must be as certaine of the healpe of God, and deliueraunce, as Dauid, Iob and other were, whose exem­ples the scripture setteth before vs, so that we call vpon God wyth true fayth. Wher­fore the people muste be often warned here­of bi the ministers, that by this meane, faith and the inuocation of God, beinge nowe [Page] welnigh quenched, may be raised vp againe and florishe.

There be some also whiche whyle they are aflicted, learne the peculiar loue of god towardes them, and gette glorie euen in the crosse, as the Apostles. Act. v. When they were beaten wyth roddes for the name of Christe, and confession of the Gospel, went from the councell reioysinge that they were compted worthie to be spitefully handled for his names sake. Therefore it muste be a­scribed to the peculiar goodnes of god, whē he iudgeth vs worthy to be troubled for his names sake, for if we suffre wyth hym, we shall also be glorified wyth him, as Paule witnesseth. Ro. viij. Surely it was a greate benifitte, and greate glorie to the Apostles that they had so great fayth, and loue to promote the kingdō of God, that they thought they oughte to reioyse, and to glorie in the trouble and despite whiche they suffered for the name of Christe, whereof vndoubtedly they toke great consolation. Therefore chri­stian men muste euer labour to gette suche perfection, whiche reade that manie Mar­tyres shewed, men, women, chyldren, yonge, and olde, learned, and vnlearned, so that we maye once saye wyth Paule. Be it farre from me that I glorie, sauynge in the crosse [Page] of oure Lorde Iesu Christe. etc.

In this place it shal pertayne to the prea­chers to arme the people agaynste the er­rours of the Anabaptistes, whiche contende that no crosse auayleth to health, sauynge that, that is layed vpon vs for faythes sake, and for the confession of Christe, neither wil they acknowledge anie to be a christian mā, which hath not this crosse that he suffre per­secution for the cōfession of Christe. Whose errour is lyke the erroure of the donatistes, whiche as S. Augustine witnesseth, draue men euen agaynste theyr wylles to kylle them selues.

Therfore the preachers muste teache the people three kyndes of aflictions, and of the crosse. First, when we suffre persecution for the confession of Christe, and for rightuous­nes, whiche afliction, & crosse is moste hole­some, and most to be wished for accordynge to the saying of Christe Math. v. Blessed be they that suffre persecutions for ryghtuous­nes sake. etc.

The seconde kinde of tribulatiō is, wher­by God correcteth vs for synne, and calleth vs agayne vnto repentaunce, as be diseases, pouertie, hūgre, pestilence. etc. In these if we shewe patience to God, and obey his wyll, and seeke his grace in Christe, being so pric­ked [Page] wyth true repentaunce of synnes, and earnest fayth, thys shalbe a pleasaunt sacri­fice vnto God, whiche thynge is toutched in the parable Luke. xiij. Of the great bane­kette, to whiche the bidden gestes refused to come, and the pore, lame blynde. etc. were brought, and compelled to come.

The thirde kynde of the crosse is, when malefactours are punished for their wicked actes, as he murtherers, adulterers, theues, robbers. Thys kynde of tribulation beco­meth not christian men. Wherfore we must take diligent hede, that we be not troubled thys waye, as wicked, and euylles doers. i. Petri. iiij. Lette none of you be aflicted as a murtherer, as these. etc. But if anie man be troubled as a christian, let hym not be asha­med, but glorifie God in thys behalfe. But if anie suche thing chaunce, and if some hey­nous act be committed, the person must not despeare therfore, but he must acknowledge that he is punished for his deseruing. Wher fore he muste haue patience, and praye for forgyuenes, and so thys crosse though it be brought vpon vs thorowe our wicked actes becometh holie, & acceptable to God, as we may se in the thiefe, whiche on the crosse ac­knowledged, and called vpon Christe.

Here the preachers shall also warne dili­gently, [Page] that it is not in our choyse to lay the crosse vpon vs, as we liste, but that euerie man muste beare that crosse, whiche God layeth vpon hym, accordynge to the sayinge of Christ, he that wyl be my disciple let him take vp his owne crosse, not Christes crosse, or Petres, or Paules, but his owne. Th [...]re­fore lette euerie man be contented wyth h [...]s owne crosse, onely lette him [...]w are that he pull not a crosse vpon hym selfe wyth his owne wicked dedes. The onely exemple of Iohn the Euangeliste proueth sufficiently that it is not necessarie that euerie man be exercised wyth the crosse, for the confession of fayth. For thys mā hough he were right deare vnto Christe, yet he dyed a naturall death and in extreme age, and was not put to death for the confession of fayeth, as the moste parte of the other Apostles were.

Furthermore thys thynge also must be taught about thys place, that it is not onely profitable, but also necessarie that we be troubled in thys lyfe, and exercised with sū ­drie aduersities, by reason of our naughtie fleshe, and olde Adam, to whiche it is neede­full, to be repressed, & tamed wyth the crosse, as meate and drynke be needeful for the bo­die. For oure olde man in prosperitie for the moste parte wareth riotous, and insolent, [Page] forgetteth God, and looseth the brydle to allustes, and mischiues, as Moyses testifieth, Deut. xxxij. The beloued was batted, and kycked, he was batted, and made fatte, and lefte God his maker, and departed from God his health. Wherfore Solomon pray­eth. Pro. xxx. Neither pouertie, nor rytches gyue me, leste I beinge fylled denie the, and saye who is the Lorde. etc. To auoyed these so great euyls, the crosse is surely necessarie, so that if God lay vpō vs no peculiar crosse we must humble, and chastise our fleshe our selues, as Paule wrate of hym selfe. i. Cor. ix. I chastise my bodie, and brynge it into bondage. etc. For the olde man must needes be mortified and perishe, if the newe shalbe renued. And thys the holie goste worketh in vs, chiefely by the law and aflictiōs, where­with we are moued, and nurtured to vnder­stande the lawe. Wherefore in baptisme we submitte oure selues, to the crosse, and to death, accordynge to the sayinge of Paule, Ro. vi. As manie of vs as be baptised into Christe, are baptised into his death. etc. And a litle after, we knowe that our olde man is crucified wyth hym, that the bodie of synne myght be abolished, that hereafter we serue not synne, that is to saye, that God hath set vs forth an exemple in Christe, in whom we [Page] shoulde learne that our olde man must dye, and that therefore he is euer subiecte to the crosse. For he that is dead, sayeth Paule, is iustified from synne. Therfore as necessarie as it is that oure olde man dye, and cease from synnes, so necessarie is the crosse, with­out whiche the olde man can neither be ta­med nor mortified.

Besyde thys profitte and necessitie of the crosse, the dignitie also, and glorie of the same muste be diligently commended to the people. For God woulde haue his owne sonne, in whom he had delite, as he testified wyth a voice from heauen, to be exalted by the crosse, and death, and to be crouned with glorie, and honour. Hebr. ij. If then the sonne of God suffered, so horrible thynges, and th [...]rowe the crosse entred into glorie, the dis­ciple is not greater, nor ought to be in better case, then the maister. Wherefore thoughe there were none other profitte in the crosse, yet for thys cause onely we oughte to suffre it, patiently and gladly, that we maye be made lyke vnto Christe. For seinge that Christ was ryght deare, and acceptable vn­to God thorowe obedience of the crosse, the fathers wyll was, that al whiche shoulde be glorified wyth him, should suffre with him, as Paule fayeth, Ro. viij. Whom he knewe [Page] aforehande, the same he preordined lyke the Image of his sonne. etc. And a litle after. And if we be chyldren, then be we heyres, heyres I saye of God, and coheyres wyth Christe, if we suffre wyth him, that we may be glorified wyth hym. Our afliction also is planted in the passion of Christe, for tho­row baptisme we are grafted into his death Ro. vi. So that we maye knowe certaynly that our crosse & sufferinges please God, as the passion of his sonne pleased hym. For he is our head, and we are his membres, wher­fore aflictions are come to both. For whiche cause it was sayed to Paule persecuting the christiās, Saul, Saul why persecutest thou me. Wherfore if the heade if selfe were sub­iecte to the same, as Paule witnesseth Cor. i. I reioyse in my tribulations for you. etc.

The crosse then is an entraunce to glory, and lyfe, as Paule saye [...]h. ij. Timo. ii. Thys is a sure saying, if we be dead with him, we shall lyue wyth hym, if we suffre, we shall reygne wyth hym. etc. Neither is our tribu­lation at anie tyme equal wyth the greatnes of glorie, according to the sayinge of Paule, Ro. viii. I compte that the aflictions of thys present worlde are not equall wyth the glo­rie, whiche shalbe reueyled towardes vs.

Seinge then that euerie crosse is from [Page] God, and Satan wyth the whole worlde can not hurte one heare of oure heade wyth out the wyll of our father, men oughte to be warned diligētly, that in trouble they turne not their eyes so muche vpon the malice of Satan, and wicked men, as to the good wil and fatherly affection of God, whiche aflic­teth vs for thys purpose, that we maye ac­knowledge our synnes, and weakenes, that we may be moued to true, and holesome re­pentaunce of our sinnes, and driuen to seeke grace in Christe, and that we maye go for­warde in al godlines, fayth, inuocation, and magnifiyng of Goddes name, mortifiynge the fleshe, and euer more fully facionynge our selues to the Image of Christe, that be­inge dayly more and more werie and full of thys lyfe, we maye more gredely desire the lyfe to come, and sone after enioye it plentu­ousely, and reygne wyth Christe in euerla­styng glorie.

If these thynges shalbe prynted in men diligently, and commended vnto them, they shalbe easely retayned, that they be not dis­couraged in aduersities, that some fall not into impatiencie, some slee to vngodlie aides agaynst affictions, but hauing their mindes stablished wyth the trust of Goddes good­nes, they shall gladly submitte them seues [Page] to the yoke of the Lorde, and shall fynde rest to theyr soules Mat. xi. Chiefely seinge that we haue thys cōsolation that God is fayth­full, whiche wyll not suffre vs to be temp­ted, aboue that, that we be able to beare, yea wyth tentation he shal make away out, that we maye suffre. Besydes thys we haue an healpe, and moste present counsell ordeined of God, in al maner of persecutions, as a­gaynst the Deuyll hym selfe, we haue the Lordes worde, agaynst violent and wycked men, we haue officers ordeined of God, a­gaynste diseases we haue sundry remedies, and the arte of phisicke. Finally agaynst al these togythrr, we haue a mightie weapon, the prayer of fayth. Wherefore there is no cause why we should aske healpe of Satan in aduersitie, or of magike, or of other which serue the deuyll, and not God, as all they be, that labour to seduce vs, or to dryue vs frō the obedience of God. Wherfore let vs vse the saied remedies commended of God, agaynst the euyls that vexe vs, and lette vs vse them accordynge to the worde of God wyth a good, and simple conscience, and if God wyl not streyght waye take our aflic­tions from vs, by those remedies whiche he hym selfe hath ordeyned and appoynted to put awaye such euyls, let vs suffre styll the [Page] hande of the Lorde with a contented mynde and neuerthelesse let vs aske cōsolation, and healpe of hym with cōtinuall, and buruyng praiers thorow our Lorde Iesus Christ, our onely Sauiour. Vndoubtedly at length he shall turne all our aduersities to our health, and profitte both present, and to come.

¶ Of the churche of God.

THe visible churche of God in this life, is a cōpany of personnes truly beleuyng the worde of God deli­uered vnto vs by Christe, and the Apostles, & of personnes borne agayne tho­rowe the holy goste. In whiche compa­nie manie abyde in thys lyfe not borne a­gayne, hauyng sinnes agaynst theyr consci­ence, and yet cōsentyng in doctrine, and true vse of the sacramentes. As in Paules tyme there were at Corinthe, and in other places amonge christians, both godlie men hauing the holie goste, and also some that synned agaynste theyr conscience, whiche neuerthe­les spake not agaynst the true doctrine, and ryght vse of the sacramentes, but toke them wyth other in the congregation. And it is receyued by custome, that the godlie be cal­led the quicke mēbres of the churche. These men whyle they be not excommunicated, may execute ecclesiastical offices in teaching [Page] and ministringe the sacramētes, neither shal theyr vngodlines hurt the godlines of them whiche vse theyr ministerie wythout allo­wyng of their vngodlines.

Al be it then that the congregations, and ministers of the same ought to take diligent hede, that vnworthy men be not receyued to the holie ministerie, and if they be receyued that as sone as theyr vngodlines is spied, they be remoued from the same agayne, ne­uertheles of what meane sorte so euer they be that ministre in holie thynges, whyle the congregation suffereth them, they to whom they ministre the sacramētes of Christ must neuer regarde the person, or worthines of the ministers, but the commaundement, and promise of Christe in the holie ministerie.

For the Lorde maketh those thynges which he hym selfe hath ordeined in his churche, to be effectuous vnto the health of his, though the ministers be neuer so vnworthy, and he requireth that the fayeth of his people be groūded vpon his worde, and not vpon the worthinesse of the ministers. Therefore Christe sayeth he that heareth you, heareth me, that is to say, it is my worde, and it worketh thorowe me, the fayeth of myne muste leane hereupon, and not vpō the vertue, and worthines of the ministers. For thys cause [Page] he compareth the churche to a fishers nette wherewith good, and euyl fishes are taken. And math. xiij. He testifieth that the euyll muste not be seuered from the good before the later daye. The churche muste be exerci­sed here, and warre vndre the crosse, not one­ly against fleshe, and bloud, but also against the deuyll hym selfe, some of the membres thereof as it were stonpynge and gyuynge place, some beinge quite ouerthrowen, and some recoueryng them selues agayne, and renuinge the fyghte. And though manie in the churche shall gyue place to Satan, and to the fleshe, and shall be oppressed of these enemies, yet euer some membres of the con­gregation must stande, and ouercome, some tyme more, and sometyme fewer.

Wherfore there shal euer be some visible congregation on the earth, as Christe hym selfe promiseth Mathewe the laste. Lo I am wyth you vnto the ende of the worlde. And Esaie. xlix. The Lorde sayeth. And I haue made thys couenaunt wyth them, sayth the Lorde, my spirite which is vpon the, and the workes, whiche I haue putte in thy mouth shall not departe from thy mouth, nor from the mouth of thy sede, sayth the Lorde, from thys tyme vnto euerlastyng.

Thys sentence teacheth what the church [Page] is, and that it shall endure euer. And it is a great consolation to holde both partes, that we maye be sure, that God hath not cast a­waye whole mankynde, but that he wyll euer heare, and saue vs. But where wyll he do thys thynge? Answer. Not amonge the heathen, or desperate Iewes, or Mahome­tistes, or obstinate aduersaries of Christe, but amonge thē onely whiche heare, retayne and beleue the worde, whiche the heauenlie father hath putte in the mouthe of the Pro­phetes, and of his sonne, and call vpon hym accordynge to his moste ample promises.

Thys consolation taken out of the doctrine concernynge the congregation is diligently to be considered, and printed deeply into our myndes, and therefore the preachers muste often rehearse these thynges to the people.

Furthermore that grosse, and pernitious errour of the Donatistes, and Anabaptistes muste be reproued, whiche called the people from the worde of God, and the sacramētes to the person of the ministers deniyng there ministery to be effectuous, which had sinnes agaynst conscience. How be it this is the cō ­maundement of God, in the callynge of by­shoppes, and ministers, that suche ministers be chosen for the cōgregations, as be not re­proueable. And if while they be in theyr mi­nisterie [Page] they fal into wycked actes, that they be remoued from the same agayne, accor­dyng to the ordre, whiche the Lorde hath appoynted, wherof we wyll speake hereafter. In the meane whyle, as I sayed, we muste euer haue regarde to the commaundement of God in the worde, and the sacramentes, and not to the person of the ministers. For we speake here of the visible churche, wher­in good, and badde be mengled togyther in thys lyfe. And god made mankinde for this purpose, that there myght be some amonge whom he myght be knowen, whiche should call vpon him, and magnifie hym. And ther­fore also he sent his sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christ, and in hym he hath opened the exce­ding rytches of his grace towardes vs, that they mygh [...]e be vnfolded and distributed a­monge vs, wherby many myght be saued. And bicause that these workes of Goddes goodnes muste be manifeste in the worlde, there muste needes be a visible churche, that is to saye, suche a companie, in whiche thys wyl of God towardes mē is preached, and celebrated. Therefore the Psalme sayeth of suche a visible churche. Their sounde went into all the worlde.

But that the churche maye be knowen, and discerned from other polities, and peo­ple, [Page] it hath certayne propre signes, namely these that folowe. The first signe is true do­ctrine deliuered to the church in the Gospel, by Christe, and the Apostles after a true vnderstanding. The seconde is the true and lawfull vse of the sacramētes, which Christ ordeined. The thirde signe is confession of godlie doctrine, whiche is made both in cal­lyng vpon God, and reteynynge the cōmu­nion, and discipline of Christe wyth the sayntes, and also in professynge and mayn­teinyng the Gospel when neede is amonge them, whiche be wythout the churche.

¶ Of the vnitie or concorde of the churche.

AL be it that the churche in manie thynges be vnlyke the politike or­ders of the worlde, (for it is sub­iecte vnto the crosse) yet it is like in that poynt, that is principall, and best in all comon weales, that is to saye, in greate vni­tie, and coniunction of the membres amonge them selues. And the coniunction, and vnitie of the churche consisteth in three poyntes chiefely. The first is a cōsent in the doctrine of the Gospell, and true vnderstandynge of the same, which seinge that the Iewes, Ma­hometistes, heretikes, and aduersaries of [Page] the Gospell haue not, they be not the mem­bres of the churche, though the Iewes, and Mahometistes glorie much, that they wor­shyppe the true God, and manie of thē lyue well, and honestly. For it is certayne that they are not of the people of God, and ther fore that they be cast away from God, and damned for euer, as many as blaspheme the sonne of God our sauiour, and professe opē ­ly that they acknowledge hym not, nor re­ceyue his doctrine deliuered to the churche by Christ, and his Apostles. Therfore they be the enemies of god, and subiected to eter­nall damnation.

In lyke maner though heretikes, and persecutours of the Gospell, reteyne some arti­cles of the euangelicall doctrine, and boste them selues to be christians, and manie of them lyue honestly, and excell in vertues of the outwarde lyfe, yet they be not membres of the churche. For the sentence Math. xij. is sure and certayne, he that blasphemeth the holie goste, it shall not be forgyuen hym in thys worlde, nor in the worlde to come. For to blaspheme the holie gost, is to speake euil of the allowed truth, whiche was reueyled by the holie goste, and the ministerie of the Apostles. Item. ij. Iohn. i. Euerie one that transgresseth, and tarieth not in the doctrine [Page] of Christe, hath not God. So Gala. i. If a­nie man preache a Gospell to you besyde that, that ye haue receyued, be he accursed. Hereof it maye be knowen also, that they be none of the churche of Christ, whiche folow straunge doctrine, bicause that suche haue partly heathnishe opinions of the diuine na­ture, as Manicheus, whiche fayned that there were two Goddes, one good, an other euyll, both eternall, and partly they haue Iewishe errours of the sonne of God, and the holie Goste, as Samosatenus and suche lyke. Neither is it obscure that they perteine not to the churche of Christe, whiche wyth­drawe from Christe the Lorde, the glorie of a Mediatoure, assignynge the remission of synnes to the deseruynges of workes, and deuising peculiar workes or worshippinges of God. The same thynge do they, whiche denie originall synne, and seeke iustice tho­rowe theyr owne worthines, whiche take a­waye proprietie of goodes, whiche cōdemne officers, and iudgementes ordeined by the commaundement of God, as the Anabap­tistes do, these felowes pinche from Christ, and from the holiegoste, whiche holy goste rebuketh original synne, and ordeyneth, and defēdeth politike ordres. Wherof it appea­reth that suche be not the true membres of [Page] the churche, bycause that either they refuse all togyther the doctrine of the Apostles, or mangle some article of the the same inter­pretyng them agaynst the vniuersal consent of the true churche.

The seconde thynge required to the vn­nitie of the churche, is concorde concernyng the ryght vse of those sacramentes, whiche Christe instituted.

The third is obedience towardes the mi­nisterie of the Gospell in all those thynges for whiche we haue the commaundementes of God, I meane that the people heare the worde of God of the ministers of the Gos­pell, whiche be lawfully called, and teache sincerely. Item that they receyue the Sa­cramentes of them, and obey them, if tho­rowe the authoritie, and iurisdiction of the churche ordeyned of Christe, they be war­ned, rebuked, and punished for their synnes, or excommunicated. For the ministers must be necessarely obeied in those thinges, which are commaunded in the Gospell Luke. x. He that heareth you, heareth me. etc. Hebr. xiij. Obey thē that be your gouerners, for they watche for your soules, as men that shall gyue accompte of their office. etc. But the faythfull ministers suffre persecution of the open aduersaries of the Gospel, and the ad­ministration [Page] by it selfe, is full of great dif­ficulties, cares, and miseries. Wherfore it is a great crosse, if there be added vnto it arro­gant behauiour, and contempt of theyr hea­rers. So contrarie wyse it is a great conso­lation, and disburthenyng of theyr labours, and paynes, when their hearers obey them in the Lorde, and declare a thankfull mynde for their labours, and cares. Whiche thinge maketh also for thys purpose, that the cōsent of the whole church be maynteyned, that the doctrine of Christe be sette forth more, and more. Finally that the offices of loue be bu­sely excercised, and that the instauration of the whole churche go wel forwarde. As cō ­trarie wyse where there is contempte, and stubburnes of the subiectes, the holie cōcord of the people of God is drawen a sundre, the doctrine of the Gospell is obscured, and corrupted, mutuall offices of edification are hindred, and manie other offences sprynge vp, and the wylde behauiour of manie en­creaseth. Therefore that the churche of the Lorde may be maynteyned, and grow forth he cōmaunded him selfe, that necessarie obe­dience should be shewed to the ministers of congregations, in those thynges whiche be committed vnto them in the Gospell. For they muste exercise the authoritie of Christ, [Page] & not of their owne. Wherefore of them sel­ues they haue no ryght to commaunde anie thing to the people of Christ, neither ought the people to obey them, if they do so. For christian men can obey no man in those thin­ges, whiche be agaynste God, as all those thynges be, whiche are ordeyned, and enac­ted concernyng religion not of the cōmaun­dement of Christe. But whyle the pastours require, & enioyne those thynges, for which they haue the commaundement of Christe, they that in thys case refuse to obey, caste of the yoke of Christe. Paule wyth a great spi­rite exhorteth to thys concorde of the church and agreinge togyther of the membres of Christe amonge them selues, both in other places, and also in the epistle to the Eph. iiij Therefore, I whiche am a prisoner of the Lorde, exhorte you, that you so walke, as it becometh the vocation, wherwith ye are cal­led, with all submission, and meakenes, with softnes of mynde, sufferynge one an other thorowe loue, labourynge to keepe the vni­tie of spirite by the bonde of peace. One bo­die, and spirite. etc.

But it is manifest that Paul calleth that the vnitie of the spirite in thys place, that is in the true doctrine of Christe, and in the o­bedience of the commaundementes of God. [Page] For the holie goste worketh thys vnitie in them whiche beleue, and thys vnitie of spi­rite bryngeth, and preserueth the true peace, and edification of the churche.

And the maner and ordre of chosynge or callynge the ministers of the congregation, which the holie goste hath appoynted in the scriptures, maketh for the preseruation of thys vnitie. For as S. Paule sayeth, Ephe. iiij. Christe ascending vp on high ledde cap­tiuitie captyue, and gaue gyftes vnto men, prophetes, apostles, feeders and teachers. And though Christe hym selfe, as the apo­stle wytnesseth, doth chose and appoynt mi­nisters to his churche, yet he doth the same for the moste parte by the worke, and mini­sterie of his churche. To whiche churche he hath cōmaunded to bringe vp, and to teache perpetuallye some vnto thys ministerye, whiche beinge furnished for the same mini­sterie, must be called, and appointed by law­full chosynge, and triall. Wherefore there hath remayned euer in the churche a maner to bryng vp, and frame some to the holie of­fices of the church, and also to receyue them whē they be brought vp, and furnished, and to ordeyne them, when they be fitte for that purpose. And thys ordinaunce must be euer religiously kepte that the churche may euer [Page] be edified by me [...]e teachers and curates, as the Apostle teacheth diligently, and comen­deth to the Ephe. iiij. and. i. Timo. iij. Tit. i. And thys must be one of the principal char­ges of the byshoppes, that euer some be brought vp, and taught, and afterwarde al­so chosen and ordeyned beinge tryed, to exe­cute the same religiously, as the apostle pre­scribed to his Timothe, & Tite, and it was enacted, and renued afterwarde by the de­crees, and canons of many counselles.

¶ Of christian prayer.

TRue Christen praier healpeth also verie muche to the conseruation, maynteynyng, and encreasyng of godlines as we warned before.

For thorowe it we muste aske, and receyue what so euer we loke for of God by fayth. But thys exercise also of religion is waxen so colde, yea is so quenched almoste, that scarcely any know howe to praye truly, and christianly. In the begynnyng of the church the studie of praying so florished that not a fewe miracles were done by prayer, wher­of we haue manie exemples. Neither should the strength of prayer be any thynge lesse nowe, if we dyd applie it, studiously, and wyth true fayth. Therfore that the diligen­cie of prayer maye be restored againe, it shal [Page] be the ministers dutie, to exhorte the people vnto it diligētly, and to enstruct them of the same after thys sorte.

Fyrste forasmuche as it can not be, that anie man shall praye truely, and earnest­ly excepte some daunger, or necessitie of lyfe driue hym thereto, the preacher shall labour diligently to set before the peoples eyes the necessitie of prayinge by reason of the euyls and daungers whiche hange ouer all men, & ought to driue euery mā to pray earnestly.

Two kyndes of euylles, and daungers moue vs to praye. The one kynde is mani­fest, the other is secrete. To the firste, as all men knowe, diseases pertaine, and pouertie, persecution, infamie, hatred, warre, pesti­lence, death, heresies. etc. What so euer be o­penly hurtfull, whether they be corporall, or spirituall.

And though all men do feele, and take greuously these euylles, yet there be fewe, whiche so take them, and be so greued for them, as they shoulde, and as the religion of Christ requireth, that is to say, as the scour­ges of God, & punishmentes of their sinnes whiche they shoulde labour to auoyed with true repentaunce and fayth. Therefore the preachers muste teache and warne the peo­ple diligently, that all these euylles happen [Page] thorowe the wrath of God agaynst synnes, that in the same, they maye learne to consi­dre not onely theyr daunger, and griefe, but muche more the angre of God. And further what damages, what destruction of bodie, and soule, and of al honestie ryseth vpon the same, that so the people maye be steared vp to religious, and feruent prayer.

The secrete daungers to whiche we be subiecte, are the snares that Satan layeth for vs by all occasions, seekyng the destruc­tion of bodie, soule, goodes, & name. Which snares we coulde neuer scape, excepte God of his vnmeasurable mercie, and loue dyd defende vs by his angelles. Otherwyse he woulde easely take away our lyfe wyth his venemous breath, in some places he woulde steare vp robberies, and murthers in other tempestes, in other warres: he woulde take from some men theyr mynde wyth horrible visions, he woulde leade some out of theyr waye into vnknowen places, he woulde throwe some from theyr horses, some from steares, some into waters. Some shoulde be killed with the fal of an house, some shoulde be torne of wylde beastes. Some shoulde be infected, or leese theyr lyfe wyth venemous beastes. In some places he would sette hou­ses on fyre, in some he woulde droune all, he [Page] woulde cause some to kyll them selues, he woulde dryue some out of theyr wyttes, he woulde furnishe some wyth euyl craftes to hurte other mennes lyfe, and goodes, as we se done wyth sundrie enchauntmentes. In other places he woulde ouerthrowe disci­pline, and honestie wyth all kyndes of mis­cheues. In some places he woulde fyll ma­ried folkes, and householders wyth hatred, brawlynges, venimmes, and murthers. In some places he would trouble comō weales wyth greate cōmotions, and seditions. He woulde gyue some men witte and minde to depraue the scriptures, and to corrupt ciuile lawes. He woulde tangle some wyth plea­sures, and destroye the same in bodie, and soule. He woulde so opresse some wyth per­secutions, that he woulde drawe them from godlines to a careles, impenitent, and Epi­cureous lyfe. He woulde dryue some hauing committed greuous offences vnto despera­tion. Some tyme he woulde trouble the churche wyth sore sclaunders, and somtyme (counterfaiting an angel of lyght) he would brynge in false doctrine and noysome exem­ples of lyfe. Some tymes he woulde steare vp heresies, and Idolatries. Briefely there shoulde be nothynge in all the worlde, safe from his malice, & violence, which he would [Page] not depraue, corrupt, and destroy, he would fyll all the worlde wyth calamities, synnes, death, and all mischiefe, excepte that God dyd breake, and lette his tirannie. For he is the prince of the worlde, merueylous mygh­tie, whiche beareth rule in the ayre. Ephe. ij. And he worketh in the vnfaythfull, so that it is not harde for hym to sowe such errours and offences, wherewyth euen the chosen myghte be brought to destruction if it were possible. As we maye well se in Iob, neither want we lyke exēples in these dayes, wher­wyth God admonisheth vs both of the daū ger, whiche hangeth ouer vs thorowe the malice of Satan, and also of his protection whereby he disapoynteth Satans purpo­ses, that we shoulde euer praye for thys his defence, and acknowledge it wyth thankes gyuyng. Wherefore the preachers shall de­clare these daungers diligently, that they maye learne how manie, and necessarie cau­ses there be, that oughte euer to steare and dryue vs to prayer, and to learne of that our carnall carelesnes.

Secondly the preachers shal note the promises of God, whiche are sette forth euerie where in the scripture, wherein God promi­seth that he wyll turne awaye suche perils, and deliuer vs, when we be fallen in them. [Page] And they shall cōmende the same to the peo­ple diligently, when occasion shal serue, that they maye learne to loke vpon them religi­ously in theyr prayers, and to rayse vp their myndes therewyth vnto a sure truste to ob­tayne Goddes healpe. For that prayer may be harde, it muste needes be done in fayeth, and in the name of Christe, as Christe hymselfe warneth, what so euer ye aske in my name beleuynge, ye shall receyue it. Math. xxi. Item, what so euer ye shall aske the fa­ther in my name, he shal giue it you. Io. xvi.

Therfore that we maye beleue that oure praier is harde, we must needes haue Gods worde, and promise, whiche we may beleue. For otherwise it shoulde be a false trust, and vngodlines, if we dyd learne onely vpō our owne iudgement, and persuasion. A promise then out of the worde of God, where vpon our prayer maye leane, is necessarie, without the whiche we can in no wyse praye truely, neither yet be harde. But thys thynge must also be added, that it be done in the name of Christ. And that we do, not onely when we praye wyth these wordes, we beseche the fa­ther almyghtie God thorowe Iesus Christ thy sonne our Lorde, but also when we pray onely for those thinges, whiche Christ com­maunded vs to praye for, so that after thys [Page] sorte we maye praye truely, O Lorde God heauēly father we come not to pray vnto the thorowe our owne lust, or confidence, but by the institution, and commaundement of thy onely begotten sonne, of whō we haue thys sentence, and promise, that thou wylte heare vs for his sake. Neither do we praye, tru­styng in our worthines, or in oure merites, for we knowe that we haue deserued no­thinge sauinge wrath, and punishment, but in the name of thy sonne, that is to saye, that thou wylt heare vs for his sake and merite. This is to pray truly in the name of Christ neither can it be, but that we shall be hearde as often as we praye wyth suche a mynde, and suche a sure cōfidence, as Iohn wytnes­seth. i. Epist. v. Thys is the truste that we haue towardes God, that it we shal aske a­ny thynge accordyng to his wyll, he heareth vs. etc. Therefore the preachers shal declare to the people diligently, what a great synne doubtyng is in prayer. For seinge that our prayer hath the promise of God laied before it, it foloweth, that he which doubteth whe­ther he be hearde or no, doubteth also whe­ther God be true, whether he perfourm the thynge, that he promiseth. And there can be no greater shame done to God, then if we doubte whether he be true. And therfore the [Page] prayer of a man that doubteth can obtayne nothynge, as Iames teacheth. i. Chap. He that doubteth, is lyke the waues of the sea, whiche is tossed wyth the wyndes. Let not a doubtynge man thinke, that he shal receyue any thynge of the Lorde. A man that wane­reth in all his dedes can do nothynge wyth a quiet conscience.

In the meane whyle the preachers muste loke hereunto, that they gently handle the weake consciences of the godlie, which stag­ger in the promises of God, and that they healpe theyr weakenes wyth some good cō ­solation, teachyng that Christe wyll merci­fully beare their weaknes for a ceason, as he beare the weakenes of his disciples, to whō euen after his resurrection he vnbrayded vn beliefe wyth muche softnes. But they shall exhorte them to praye thus constantly wyth the disciples, Lorde encrease our fayth.

Thirdly they shal teache the people, that God hath cōmaunded vs, that what so euer good thynges we lacke, we shoulde aske thē of hym, and also that he wyll remoue the euyls that oppresse vs. Aske, sayeth Christe, Math. vij. And ye shal receyue. Item, Iohn. xvi. Aske, and ye shal receyue, that your ioy maye be ful. Luke. xviij. He teacheth vs with an apte similitude, that we muste praye euer [Page] and wythout ceasyng. The Lorde requireth the same thynge in the beginnyng of the ten commaundementes, when he sayeth, I am the Lorde thy God, thou shalte not haue straunge Goddes before me, sanctifie my name. For he that acknowledgeth the Lorde his God, that is to saye, hym whiche onely giueth all good thynges, and alone putteth awaye all euyll, and he that setteth his trust in no creature besydes the Lorde, and there­fore desireth wyth all his herte, all his soule and all his strength to sanctifie, extoll, and glorifie the name of the Lorde, this mā must needes aske al thynges of God, and require healpe of hym agaynst al euyls, and prayse and magnifie hym for the same, accordynge to the Psalme. l. Call vpon me in the day of tribulation, and I wyl deliuer the, and thou shalt glorifie me. Wherfore as he sinneth a­gaynste the lawe, whiche honoureth not his parentes, whiche committeth thefte, lyeth, and offendeth agaynste other commaunde­mentes, so they synne ryghte greuously, and agaynste the principall commaundementes of the lawe, whiche call not vpon God in theyr doinges, neither aske of hym, what thynge so euer they neede, whether it be cor­porall, or spirituall.

And that thys synne maye be more ease­ly [Page] auoyded, it is a christian, and godlie ordi­naunce, that chyldren be diligently instruc­ted, and accustomed to prayer, and that a fourme, maner, and ordre of praying be ap­poynted vnto them, when, where, howe oftē and what they ought to pray. Not that this thynge be made by a lawe, wherby their cō sciences maye be entangled in superstition, but onely that theyr myndes maye be indu­ced, and accustomed to praye, whom also it is conuenient to allure to praye wyth chyl­dishe entisementes, and gyftes. For what so euer is broughte into custome in youth, the same cleaueth faste in al ages, whether it be good, or bad. Agayne thynges not accusto­med are learned wyth greate difficultie in olde age, though they be ryghte profitable, and good, and though we greatly desire to haue the vse of the same. But to them that feare God, and set much by his commaun­dementes, there is nothynge harde. Lette the ministers then admonishe the parentes, that they also healpe them therein, that chyldren may be enstructed, and accustomed to pray­er from their chyldhode, chiefely when they go to bedde, when they ryse, whē they come to the table, and go from the same, in the tē ­ple, when the tyme requireth not to herken to the readynge of the holie scripture, or ser­mons, [Page] or when they muste synge wyth the congregation. It shal be good also for the confirmation of godlines in them, to accu­stome them to praye alwayes, when they be alone, or to call to theyr myndes some parte of the holie scripture, or some workes of God. For it is incredible howe manie and greuous euyls maye be auoyded, if idlenes, and those their wanton, and wanderynge thoughtes, when they are alone, be restray­ned wyth godlie prayers, or holie meditati­ons. And God commaūded by Moyses al­so suche an institution, and exercise of chyl­dren, saying. Deut. vi. These wordes, which I commaunde the thys daye, shalbe in thine herte, and thou shalt declare them, and print them in, and muse vpon them sittynge in thyne house, and walkynge in thy iourney, goyng to bedde, and rysynge. And that we myghte haue no cause of excuse, either that we haue no leysure, by reason of oure busi­nesse, or that we can not learne, howe we shoulde praye, Christe hym selfe hath not onely warned vs that we neede not manie wordes, but he also hath sette before vs a moste apte, shorte, and easy fourme of pray­ing, which we cal the Lordes prayer, wherin he hath briefely comprehended what so euer we maye praye for, so that we learne truely [Page] to vnderstande, and weigh it. And howe it ought to be vnderstanded, and pondred the preachers maye teache out of our institution if they haue not a more commodious waye them selues.

¶ A shorte exposition of the Lordes prayer.

ANd this is a summe of those thin­ges, that ought to be considered in thys fourme of praying. First we muste marke the fūdation of god­lie prayer, whiche is the truste of fatherlie beniuolence, whereof the Lorde warned vs in thys, that he commaunded to call God father, though we be miserable synners. Thys truste before al thinges must be con­firmed thorowe fayeth in oure Lorde Iesus Christe, that we maye determine, that God is a father to vs also, and that he wyll denie no fatherlie thynge to vs beinge nowe his chyldren, for Christes sake his onely begot­ten sonne, amonge manie brethern, in whom he hath receyued vs into fauour beinge dis­herited, and caste awaye for synne, and hath begotten vs agayne, and adopted vs into his sonnes, and made vs partakers, & heyres of eternall lyfe. Wherfore accordyng to his fatherlie loue towardes vs, he wyll suffre hym selfe to be entreated, if we shall pray in [Page] the name of his sonne, as he hymselfe hathe commaunded vs. He made mencion of the heauens, that we should remember, that for asmuch as we are now lifted vp into heauē ly thynges in Christ, we ought to aske hea­uenly thinges, & to thynke vpon the same. Wherfore, in thinges that wepraye for, or woulde haue taken awaye of God, he hath prescribed this order, that our wishes for spiritual thinges should go before our wy­shes for bodely thynges. For firste, he tea­cheth vs to pray, that the name of god be sā ctified, that is to say: that the name of God the eternal power of God, wysedome and goodnes, diuine maiestie, God hymselfe in Christ the Lord may be preached, glorified, acknoledged, called vpon, and magnified a­mong our selues, and in all the world tho­rowe manifest, sincere, and constant confe­ssion, and preachyng of the Gospel openly, and priuately, with al mennes wordes and dedes. The second wish is, that at this preachyng of Gods name, his kyngdome come dayly to vs, & to al called to the same more mightely, and aboundauntly, that is to say, that the heauenly father wil poure vpon vs euer more plentifully the spirit of his sonne, which maye brynge to passe, that a iust, and pure ministration of religion, and dispensation [Page] of the worde, sacramētes, and holy ler­nyng may florysh and preuayle among vs, and euery where, all they whiche beleue in his name beyng so ioyned together, and co­pled as it were members into his bodye so that thys selfe same body maye be repared, and augmented, both in number of thē that pertayne to the church, & also in encrease of their godlines, which be alredy come to the church, by euery manne that liueth in Christ specially by the holy ministre of the church.

But because sinne dwelling in vs, and of­fences commyng from without, hindre thys worke of the holy Gost, that though we be in the church, in the kyngdom of Christ, and therein be dayly enstructed to godlines, yet we go slouly forwarde in the same, he dyd well to adde the thirde petition, wherewyth we praye that Goddes wyll be done in vs, whiche yet lyue in the earth, and be depres­sed with the grosse lompe of the bodie, so as it is done in heauē by the holie spirites, thys burthen of the fleshe, and these lettes of the worlde beinge remoued, wyth lyke promp­nes and studie, whether we muste do, or sus­fre any thynge for the name of Christ.

And bicause that as long as we lyue here we haue neede of meate, and drynke, and o­ther necessaries of thys lyfe, as prosperous [Page] health, and good administration of the com­mon weale, in the fourth petition we desire that also, vndre the name of dayly breade that we maye the better, and more cōmodi­ouslie sanctifie the name of God, promute his kyngdome, and go forwarde in the same wyth all godlines. We are commaunded to aske these necessaries of lyfe dayly, that we maye considre, that they be not layed vp in oure storehouses, but in the prouidence of God, and that they be euer ministred vnto vs of the free beniuolence of God, and not gotten by our industrie, or strength, howe be it euerie man oughte to applie his indu­strie, and labour to thys bountuousnes of God, accordynge to the worde of God. He addeth our, and dayly bread, epiousion, that is to saye, that, whiche the instant, and pre­sent vse of lyfe requireth, that he maye teach vs, that in these bodilie thynges we oughte to aske nor gette no more, then the neede of our lyfe requireth, to prouide the kyngdome of Christe in our neighbours, and moreouer that we shoulde acknowledge that measure of thys oure neede, that the heauenlie father hath limited, and not that oure vnmeasura­ble desire appointeth, to whom it perteineth alone to meate out to vs his chyldren oure measure, that we maye thinke that to be our [Page] breade, and not doubte but that it shall suf­fice vs abundauntly to lyue well, and god­lie, that the heauenlie father shall gyue vs, what so euer it be.

In these partes then of thys fourme of prayinge, the Lorde hath taughte vs, what good thinges we muste pray for of the hea­uenlie father both spirituall, and corporall. Afterwarde he teacheth to praye for the re­mouing of euyls, namely our misdedes and synnes, whiche we euer cōmitte, and the pu­nishmentes that we owe to Goddes iustice for the same. Wherefore he taughte vs to praye. Forgyue vs oure dettes. For we do neuer our duetie so religiouslie in those thin­ges whiche God hath cōmaunded, but that yet we owe a great deale more vnto the full obedience of Gods lawe. Nowe we do not onely runne into those dettes of the law not fulfilled, and heape daylie more and more, but also we committe manie thinges playn­lie against the lawe, for which we are endet­ted to God of greuous punishmentes. And we can paye neither of these two kyndes of dettes. For we do not only neuer satisfie the lawe, whereby we runne in newe dettes of the lawe not fulfilled, but also oftentymes we committe manie thynges agaynste the lawe of God, whereby we runne into infi­nite [Page] dettes of punishmentes. Wherefore the Lorde taught vs to fleee onely to the mercie of the heauenlie father thorowe hym selfe (for we muste praye for all these thynges in his name) and to desire forgyuenes of oure dettes, and he addeth no condition of satis­fiyng. For the Lorde alone hath satisfied for our synnes, and he gyueth vs that satisfacti­on, when we committe our selues vnto him. But he woulde haue vs to professe, that we wyll forgyue all the dettes that oure neigh­bours maye owe vnto vs, either bicause a­gainst humanitie they haue done vs wrong or bicause they haue not done theyr duetie towardes vs, and he wyl that this thinge be surely perfourmed.

For seinge that God in al his commaun­dementes, prescribeth onely those thynges vnto vs, whiche perteine to our health, and felicitie, he made this the summe of our pre­ceptes, that we loue, and healpe one an other with a sincere herte, and perpetuall beniuo­lence, and he requireth verie straitlie that frō the hert we forgiue one an other mutual of­fences, which euer more happen thorow the naughtines, and weaknes of our nature, yea and that we studie one to ouercome an o­thers wronges with benifites, and leaue the reuengeaunce to hym, and praye that he wil [Page] remitte the same to them that hurte vs. He wyll haue suche a sure and perpetuall beni­uolence to growe amonge vs, and to be con­firmed with all kindes of gentlenes. More­ouer bicause no man can aske of the heauen­lie father forgiuenes of his dettes, except he humble him selfe al togither vndre his hāde and vtterly yelde him selfe to his commaundementes, the Lorde hath well prescribed in this fourme of praying, that we should pro­fesse before the heauenlie father, that we woulde forgiue our bretherne what so euer dueties or punishmentes, they myghte seme to be endetted for vnto vs, in that place of prayer, where we pray vnto him to forgiue vs our dettes, whiche we owe vnto him in­finite, either for oure obedience whiche we haue not fullie perfourmed, or for the pu­nishmentes that we deserue both for neglec­tyng our dueties, and also for the despitefull wronges that we do to his maiestie cōmit­tynge so manie thynges againste the duetie that we owe him.

Which our dettes if we rightlie acknowledge, as we muste needes acknowledge thē if we aske forgiuenes of them with all oure herte, we shal not doubt, but that the wron­ges that oure neighbours do vs, be the fa­therlie chastisement of God muche gentler [Page] then we haue deserued, and that they shalbe also an holesome remedie for vs againste synnes. For whiche causes it shall be easie for vs earnestly to forgiue oure neighbours al offences. Therfore the preachers shal ad­monishe the people with singuler diligence aboute this place (As we forgiue) also that it is not suche a maner of forgyuynge, as though we did aske of God that he woulde so forgiue vs our synnes, as we forgiue, but that it is a profession of forgiuenes, whiche we also make to our detters before the hea­uēly father, as we require of him to forgiue vs our dettes, as if we shoulde saye, O hea­uenly father forgyue vs oure dettes, as for vs we gladlie remitte, and forgyue al them, that maye seme to owe vs anie thinge. For we acknowledge that we suffre so greuous thinges of no bodie, but that we haue deser­ued muche worse, and therfore we beare thē gladly, and forgiue them wyth all our her­tes that haue done vs anie harme.

But bycause it is not inough that God forgyue vs our synnes and the paynes that we haue deserued for them, but also it is ne­cessarie that we be kepte by him, that Satan drawe vs not afterwarde to sinnes thorowe sundrie tentations, the Lorde hath added an other petition for the remouinge of euylles, leade [Page] ought not to pray for, which thinge is done more wayes then can be numbred. For the correction of these abuses, those wordes of Paule, Ro. viij. ought to be diligently com­mended, and weighed. For we knowe not the thynge that we shall praye, as it beho­ueth, but the spirite it selfe prayeth for vs wyth vnspeakeable gronynges. For if we oure selues knowe not what, or howe we shoulde praye, and if prayer be the propre worke of the holie goste, it is meete, that the people be called backe to those prayers, that are propouned in the holy scriptures, that they maye learne to pray to God according to his wyll, and be certaine that theyr pray­ers be allowed.

The seconde abuse in prayinge is, when we aske any thinge of them, of whō it ought not to be asked, as when men praye saintes, whiche nowe lyue wyth the Lorde, that they wyll make intercession for them, that they wyl gyue thē those thynges that they neede as when they pray S. Sebastian to defende them agaynste arowes, and venimmes. S. Antonie agaynst the Aposteme called com­monly S. Antonies fyer. S. Appollonie a­gaynst the touthache. etc. Itē when they call vpon the Images, and stockes of saintes, as the sayntes them selues, as they do, whiche [Page] vow pilgrimages to certayn stockes, which idolatrie hath welnigh ouerflowē the whole worlde, and that it maye be taken away the people muste be diligently called backe frō sayntes to God, chiefely wyth these argu­mentes. Fyrst that there is no commaunde­ment, that we shoulde cal vpon sayntes de­parted, wherefore we can be but doubtfull whether that be well done, or no, whether it be acceptable to god, or vnacceptable. And that, that is done with doubtyng, can not be done of fayth, and therefore it is synne. For what so euer is not of fayth, is synne, as S. Paule witnesseth Ro. viij.

Secondly it is euident that the prayers that be in the scriptures were made of the spirite of God hym selfe, and came frō him, and therefore that they be most perfecte, and chiefely to be folowed of vs. But in all the scripture there is no exemple of suche inuo­cation directed to sayntes, wherfore no man can vse suche a fourme, for therein he shal set the authoritie of men before the authority of god For he foloweth their authoritie, whose exemples he vseth in prayings, and therfore setteth it before the authoritie of the holie goste. And that is a wonderous greate dis­pite agaynst the diuine maiestie. Further if we shall vse the fourme of prayinge, whiche [Page] the scripture propouneth, the same shall shewe howe muche it is not cōuenient to cal vpon sayntes. For who would not tremble to say to saynt Petre, or to some other of the sayntes, oure father whiche arte in heauen, whiche kynde of prayinge Christe him selfe prescribed vnto vs. For he is not God, he is not our father. Neither can it agree at all, if we would cal vpon S. Petre, or some other wyth some Psalme. They then that cal vpō sayntes, do it out of the Imaginations of men. Therefore seinge that no man can pre­ferre the deuises of men, before the doctrine, and exemples of the holy goste wythout a moste haynous dispite of God, and seinge that al the exemples of praiers deliuered by the holy goste, teache to cal vpon God one­ly, neither is there any, wherein sayntes be spoken vnto, euery man easely perceyueth howe vnworthie a thynge it is for christen mē, which ought to seeke the healpe of God wyth true prayers, to vse thys newe inuen­tion of callynge vpon sayntes, whiche in no wyse agreeth wyth the doctrine, and exem­ples of the holie goste, wherein they refuse to folowe the rule of the holy goste, where­vnto they ought to sticke with al reuerence.

Thyrdly suche an abuse is stroungly re­iected by the worde of God, whiche oure sa­uiour [Page] Christ layed agaynst Satā, Mat. iiij. Thou shalte reuerence the Lorde thy God, and him only shalt thou worshyp. And god wyll haue none other Mediatoure, but his sonne our Lorde Iesus Christe. i. Timo. ij. For there is one God, one Mediatoure of God, and men, a man Iesus Christe, whiche hath gyuen hym selfe a price of redemption for all. And god witnesseth that he wil heare for his sake, and wyll so be worshypped. As we haue a testimonie of Christe, thou arte a priest for euer. Item Math. xi. Come vnto me all ye that faynt, and be laden, and I wil refreshe you. Iohn. xv. What soeuer ye shall aske in my name he shall gyue it you. And Ro. ij. Whom God hath sette forth a recon­ler. For therfore our trust is fixed in Christe bicause that of hym we haue a promise, and commaundement of God, but of the saintes we haue no suche worde, that God wyll be worshipped thorowe the inuocation of them or that he wyll heare vs for theyr sakes. Therefore it is an horrible wyckednesse to transferre & remoue the truste due to Christ vnto sayntes wythout the worde, and com­maundement of God. Moreouer that ser­uice is condemned for this cause, that it was instituted onely by mannes opinion. But in condemny [...] thys abuse lette the preachers [Page] vse such moderation, that rude men beginne not to thinke, or speake vnreuerently of the sayntes. For it is one thynge to call vpon sayntes, and an other, to haue them in reue­rence, and honour. We muste honour them, but we muste not call vpon them, nor wor­shyppe them, whiche thynge yet the comon people do.

And this is a true honour, and godly ve­neration of sayntes, to prayse God for that, that he adourned them with so godly giftes I meane constant fayth, true feare, and sun­drie vertues. Al whiche thynges must be set before the people, that they may diligently thynke vpon them, and magnifie them, and chiefely prayse God, and gyue him thankes whiche worketh suche thynges in sayntes. Furthermore they shal also prayse the sain­tes, which vsed those benifites so godly. For thys waye the fayth of Christ is confirmed in vs, that God wyll also be good vnto vs accordynge to our portion, and there is a de­sire steared vp in vs to folowe their exem­ples. Thus the olde church worshypped the sayntes, which thing appeareth by certayne soleme prayers called collectes. For thus the churche prayeth.

¶ In the memorie of the Apostles, Pe­tre and Paule.

Gd whiche haste consecrated thys daye wyth the martyrdome of thine apostles Pe­tre, and Paule, graunt to thy churche to fo­lowe theyr precepte in all thynges, by whō it receyued the begynnyng of religion, tho­rowe Christe our Lorde.

¶ On the feast of S. Iohn Baptist.

God whiche hast giuen vs thys present day honourable in the natiuitie of blessed Iohn, graunte thy people the grace of spirituall ioyes, and guyde the mindes of al the faith­full into the waye of euerlastynge lyfe tho­rowe Christe our Lorde.

¶ On the natiuitie of S. Stephane.

Graunt vs we beseche the Lorde, to folowe the thynge that we haue in reuerence, that we maye learne to loue euen oure enemies, for we celebrate his natiuitie, whiche coulde praye euen for his persecutours, thorowe Christe our Lorde.

¶ In the cōmemoration of saynt Lau­rence.

Graunt we besech the almightie God that we maye quenche the flames of oure vices, whiche gauest the blessed Laurence thy martyre to ouercome the fyer of his tormentes thorowe our Lorde Iesus Christe.

¶ In the memorie of S. Agatha.

God whiche amonge other miracles of thy [Page] power gaueste the victorie of martyrdome euen in a fraile kynde, graunte mercifully that we maye walke vnto the, by hyr exem­ples, whose natiuitie we celebrate thorowe Christe our Lorde.

¶ In the cōmemoration of S. Cecilie.

God which makest vs merie with the yere­ly solemnitie of thy martyr blessed Cecilie, graunt that we may folowe hyr in exemple of godlie conuersation, whom we reuerence wyth humanitie.

Of thys sort be all suche prayers, that be anie thinge olde. In other made longe after­warde, though there be somewhat mengled of the merites, and intercessions of sayntes, yet they be not called vpon, as Lordes, they be not spokē to, they be not desired, that they wyll offre theyr owne merites for vs to the father, or that they wil healpe vs with their intercessions, but God onely the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe is called vpon, and desired, that he wyl vouchsafe to recompēce the good dedes euē of his sayntes in vs, and that he wyll both steare vp, and make effe­ctuous theyr intercession for vs thorow our Lorde Iesus Christ, not by the vertue of the sayntes.

The thirde abuse is when the wordes of a prayer otherwyse godlie, and christian are [Page] drawen to an vngodly and vnlawfull ende, as when thorowe the Lordes prayer we wil staunche bloude, or dryue awaye wolues, that they deuoure not our sheepe. As some go about to wrest the Psalme. xxxv. To a­uoyed woundes. Of whiche kinde innume­rable superstitiōs, and impieties are vsed of vngodlie enchaunters. Therefore the prea­chers shal warne the people diligently how greuous a synne it is, howe great wydked­nes to abuse the word of god to such witch­craftes, and enchauntmentes. Which abuse is pernitious, and abhommable, no lesse thē the abuse of other false, and idolatrious do­ctrine.

The fourth abuse is, when the ende of prayer is peruerted, when men reherse the wordes of the prayers wyth thys opinion, that they thynke they do acceptable seruice to God, and to the sayntes euen wyth thys worke of rehersyng, whereas we must pray to God, not to do hym some seruice wyth that worke, but that we may call for the free healpe of God, being in daunger of perils, and euyls, whiche we haue deserued, or that being vnworthie we may receyue benifittes whiche we haue not deserued. And that we maye praye wyth a fuller feelynge, both of our owne miserie, and of the diuine good­nes [Page] of Christe, and wyth feruenter desire of Goddes healpe, we muste vse holy wordes in our prayes. But the comon people hath ben brought into thys errour longe sithens by vnfaythfull pastours, that they offre the wordes of the Lordes prayer, of the Angels salutation, of the Psalmes, and other pray­ers to God, the blessed virgin, & other sayn­tes, as some acceptable seruice, or gift, wher­by they thinke they deserue muche of God, and sayntes, & that they purge their synnes and obtayne the benifittes of God. Which abuse of praying doth not onely fyght with the worde of God, but also is folishe, and mad euen by the iudgemente of reason, and it may easely be taken away, if the people be so enstructed of prayer, as we haue shewed before.

The fyrst abuse in prayinge, and no lesse to be reproued and corrected is thys, that men communely beleue that theyr prayer is more commended to God, and soner hearde by reason of places, of whiche they thynke some to be more holy, then some, as if the prayers be made at certaine grauen stockes or relikes of sayntes, or other places, where­vnto men go on pilgrimage, whiche is a greate dispitefull wronge to the grace and merite of our Lorde Iesu Christe, by whom [Page] onely our prayers be acceptable vnto God, in what place so euer they be made, as he hym selfe promised. Iohn. xv. What soeuer ye aske the father in my name, he shall gyue it you. And moreouer he sayed to the womā of Samarie. Woman beleue me the houre cometh when ye shall worshippe the father neither in thys hille, nor at Hierusalē, God is a spirite, and they that worship him, must worshippe hym in spirite, and truth, Iohn iiij. And Mathew. xviij. He sayeth. If two of you consente togyther vpon the earth of anie thynge, what so euer they aske, it shalbe done vnto them of my father, whiche is in heauen. For where two or three are gathe­red togyther in my name, there am I in the middest of them. Lo here the Lorde promi­seth that we shall be hearde, if we consent in prayer, and that he wyl be a meane betwene vs and obtayne al thynges for vs of the fa­ther, whē so euer, and where so euer we shall come and agree in his name. These promi­ses al they diminishe, that thynke they shall be hearde more certaynly, and soner in anie place for the respect of grauen stockes, or re­likes of sayntes, or some other outward pre­rogatiue of the place. Howebeit it becometh vs to come to the temples, and cōmon pla­ces, and it healpeth to praye more deuoutly [Page] for this cause, that the congregation cometh togyther in those places to prayer, and by­cause we are there more steared vp to praier thorowe the ministerie of the worde, and o­ther holie exercises, and thorowe the very cō panie of men prayinge togyther wyth vs. So priuate places haue thys comoditie to prayer, that in them we maye praye wyth a more attentiue minde, and more lifted vp to God. For in these places there chaūce fewer thynges to call our myndes frō the thinges that we go about in our prayers. For thys cause we reade that the Lorde Iesus prayed often in mountaynes, and gardines, as he comaunded vs to praye to the father in se­crete shyttynge the chambre. For that oure prayer maye be hearde, no place by it selfe healpeth more then other, but the efficacie of prayer leaneth altogyther vpon the merite of Christe, and his intercession for vs, and v­pon a sure fayth of the promises of God, in whiche a beleuing mynde receyueth the me­rite, and intercession of Christe. And where as prayers were wonte to be sayed amonge the forefathers and holy assembles celebra­ted, at the sepulchres of holy martyres, it was done for thys purpose, that thorow the remembraunce of the fayeth, whiche shined forth so goodly in the martyres, the people [Page] shoulde be more steared, & enflamed to pray God to gyue them lyke godlines and fayth and also shoulde more encourage them sel­ues to the same. For both the place it selfe, and also the prayses of the martyres, which were wonte to be declared wyth the prea­chyng of the Gospell, and vse of the Sacra­mentes, dyd warne, and testifie that the ver­tues of the martyres were the gyftes of the free goodnes of God, obteyned vnto them by the merite of Christ, and wrought in thē thorowe the holie goste, and therefore sette before vs that we should aske the same thin­ges of the heauēly father, and trust to haue them thorowe Christe, and the more steare vp our selues to the desire of them.

¶ Of the true & false vse of Images.

IT is playnely knowen that the cōmon people be yet sore entangled in the abuse and superstition of Images, and grauen stockes. For moste cōmonly they thynke that then they praye with effecte, when they saye theyr prayers before grauē wodde, and Images, & therefore they are wont to decke thē sundrie wayes, and to honour, and wor­shippe them wyth burning of candles, with incense, and other oblations, and further­more wyth vowed pilgrimages from farre places. Yea and they attribute to some a certaine [Page] strength to healpe with no lesse furour of wyckednes and Idolatrie, then we reade that the heathen, and the Iewes dyd in ty­mes paste. Therefore the pastours shall la­bour diligently to call the people from this Idolemadnes, and al abuse of Images, and grauen stockes. First then they shall teache that there cā be no vse of Images vnto chri­sten men, but when Images are sette forth, whiche declare true thynges, and suche, and after that sorte, that the remembraunce of those thynges may healpe to steare vp faith and prouoke men to the office of godlines. And though there were none other faute, yet thys thinge is moste vnworthie of chri­stian men in the vse of Images, that liynge Images are sette forth, whiche offre to the thoughtes of men thynges either playnely or partly fayned, and also oftentymes su­perstitious and vngodlie. For as they paynt or graue Antonie wyth fyer, and a pigge, Rocke wyth a sore, whiche the Angel cureth Leonarde wyth a chaine, they are vngodlie faynynges, wherewyth the miserable peo­ple are taught to aske remedie of Antonie a­gaynste the fierie boyle wyth the gyfte of pigges, of Rocke remedie agaynst the pesti­lence wyth gyftes and seruice peculiar to hym, of Leonarde escapynge or loosynge of [Page] chaines. The temples for the moste yart are ful of suche false Images, whiche cause and confirme manifest vngodlines, and Idola­trie. Whiche vngodlie Images seinge that they oughte to be suffered of christen men in no place, it is euidēt how vnworthie a thing it is that they be seen in tēples, where God onely in Christ should be preached, and wor shipped, and that in spirite, and truth. Bokes whiche cōteine false, and vngodlie doctrines be taken out of the hādes of christen people and that ryghte well, for we muste auoyed all occasions of offence. What shamefull spite is it then to the diuine maiestie to sette forth in places dedicated to his name, and seruice, a doctrine of so manifest vngodlines in pictures, and Images, chiefely seing that they wyll haue Images to be the bokes of the laye people.

There is an abuse also of Images, and grauen wodde in this point, that the resem­blaunces of sayntes are grauen, and made wyth the garmentes, and trimminge of the worlde facioned after the wantonues, and pompe of the worlde, from whiche vanitie, and ryote the sayntes dyd greatly abhorre. Therefore thorowe thys liynge of Images and grauen stockes, the exemples of mode­ration, & humiltie, which were in the saintes [Page] in al their lyfe, and vse of thynges of thys present world, be not onely obscured, but al­so the contrarie vices are commended. For mē gather that they also should desire those thynges, whiche they se to be assigned to sayntes now liuing in heauē, as ornamētes. For euen the Poete Terence perceiued how muche pictures representing naughtie actes wyth some commendation do prouoke men to folowe naughtines. For the Poete bryn­geth in a yonge man openly declaryng, that he was [...]ncouraged to fornication by behol­ding a table, wherin the fornication of Iup­piter was painted, and that he gathered this thynge thereof. Should not I seelie man do the same.

Further the preachers with lyke diligēce oughte to teache the people to forgette the worshyppnge of grauen wodde, and Ima­ges, that they fall not doune before them, or howe their knees. For that the scripture cal­leth worshyppynge, and forbiddeth it moste straitly, both in many other places, and also in the ten cōmaundemētes, adding a threat­nynge of reuengiaunce vnto the thirde, and fourth generation. For thus he commaun­deth, Exo. xx. Make not to thy selfe a grauē Image, neither anie lykenesse of heauenlie thinges, nor earthlie, nor of them that be vn­dre [Page] the earth in the waters, thou shalte not worshyppe, that is to saye, thou shalte not fall doune to them, or bowe thy knees, nei­ther shalt thou do them seruice or reuerence. For I am the Lorde thy God, a ielous god, whiche punishe the iniquitie of the fathers in the chyldren vnto the thirde and forth ge­neratiō. Therfore the preachers shal warne, and teach the people wyth all diligence, first that all they whiche fall doune before Ima­ges, and grauen wodde, bowe theyr knees and encline theyr heades, or putte of theyr cappes, lyfte vp theyr handes and eyes to them, after the maner of prayinge do open­ly agaynst thys commaundement of God.

Furthermore that they also do the same, whiche cloth, and decke them, whiche sense them, sette vp candels, offre, and hange vp giftes, sing Hymnes, and do them honours and worshippinges due to God alone, whē I saye they are exhibited to seeke the secrete healpe of God. For peculiar honours, and worshippynges are due to princes, and ho­nourable personages. For so the interpreter of the scripture doth translate the worde supplicare, which signifieth to bowe doune hū ­bly. But we muste shewe them these signes of beniuolence, and reuerence, oure mynde euer beholdyng, and worshippyng the ma­iestie [Page] of God in thē, and seekyng the healpe of God, not theyr healpe, yea and not onely of them, but by them, and accordynge to the worde of God. But as for Idolles as they feele nothynge, nor be instrumentes of anie worke of God, whereunto they myght mi­nistre wyth theyr wyll, and worke, God would haue no honour gyuen to them. Frō whiche Idolatrie the Apostle also draweth vs wrytyng to the Cor. Neither be ye wor­shippers of Images, as some of them were. Item flee from the worshippynge of Ima­ges. i. Cor. x. And. i. Iohn. v. My little chyl­drē beware of Images. Further they which attribute some secrete power of God to I­mages (as men are wonte to attribute vnto those Images, to whiche they go on pilgri­mage) they make them selues Goddes of Images, and committe that moste grosse wyckednes, whiche God cōdemneth euerie wherein the scriptures, & also in the seconde sentence of the ten cōmaundementes, where he forbiddeth vs to haue, and to worshyppe straunge Goddes, for whiche also in tyme paste, after the moste earnest threates of the prophetes, he punished wyth extreme cala­mities the Iewes, and other nations, and draue them out of the lande of his promise and bountuousnes. In this vngodlines they [Page] stycke also whiche make theyr prayers tur­nyng them selues, and bowing before Ima­ges, and grauen stockes, for thys cause, that they truste, that they shall so be more effect­tuouse.

Therefore the preachers shall wyth all possible studie call back, dissuade, and fraye awaye the people from thys so detestable, and moste noysome superstitions, wycked worshppynges, and Idolatries, which haue longe time horribly reigned thorow all peo­ple of christendome. And for thys purpose they shall often rehearse, and declare vnto thē, what terrible punishmentes God in the law, and the prophetes hath threatened, and throwen vpon them, whiche had wrapped them selues in thys abominable acte of I­latrie.

They must also diligently admonishe the people of the daunger of vngodlines, which is euer ioyned with the vse of images, chief­ly of those, by whiche thynges, and men ha­uing some commendation of holines are re­presēted. For mannes nature is merueilous prone to Idolatrie. Wherefore we ought to suspecte so great diligence of makyng Ima­ges and grauen stockes, and settynge them in temples, whiche thynge though it were only done for an ornament, & to prouoke the [Page] mindes of the beholders to good thoughtes yet the greate coste whiche is spent aboute suche Images, and grauen wodde that feele nothynge, and be the workes of men, is dra­wen from the lyuely Images, the membres of Christe, whiche are Goddes creatures. And moreouer there wanteth not a sore oc­casion of the abuse it selfe. Wherefore saynt Epiphanius, whose epistle saynte Herome added to his wrytynges agaynste Iohn by­shoppe of Hierusalem, testified thus: They haue iudged that it is agaynst our religion, and the authoritie of the scriptures to haue Images in temples. And thys he wrote as the common sentence of the churche, wherof no man shoulde doubte.

Therefore the preachers shall exhort the people, that they rather gette them the holy Bible, whiche thynge they maye do better cheape, then images, that they diligētly read the same, and that they learne to acknow­ledge, wondre at, remembre, and worshyppe the diuine maiestie, out of the creation of all thynges, and merueylous gouernaunce of God, and preseruation, and protectiō of the godly from the begynynge, and punishmē ­tes of the wicked, which the bible setteth be­fore vs, rather than to learne the same in carned stockes. Further that they be present in [Page] the holy assembles, heare the treatyng of the worde of God religiously, receyue the Sa­cramentes godly, and praye faythfully. For God hym selfe hath layed these thinges be­fore vs for thys entent, that we should gette preserue and encrase in vs thereby know­ledge, loue, and zeale of hym. Wherefore whyle we rightly vse these instrumentes of religion, we are sure that the encrase of the holie goste is present, and all perill of super­stition is away, whereas in the vse of Ima­ges daunger wanteth not, as in an inuenti­on of mā, and the holy goste can not be pre­sent wyth them. For howe much so euer the diligence of setting Images in temples, and the admonition of holy thynges, which they assigne to those Images, be decked wyth wordes, and paynted forth, yet it can not be denied, but that what so euer can be brought for settynge forth of Images and carned wodde in temples, is but the inuētion of mē, whiche somuch is not grounded vpō Gods worde, that God forbadde the olde people suche vse of Images, and the holy fathers in the new people suffered it not, whiche thing appeareth playnely out of the deede, and wrytyng of saint Epiphanius, whereof we made mention before.

Wherefore the preachers shal diligently [Page] teache and warne the people, that it is tyme that we worshippe, and honour God in spi­rite, and truth, and that we godly vse those instrumentes, whiche he hym selfe hath gy­uen vs to steare vp thys worshypping, with religious readynge, and hearynge the holy scriptures, and sermons, whereby the same scriptures are declared openly, or priuately, moreouer wyth religious vsyng of the Sa­cramētes, cōtinuaunce of holy prayers, and also wyth a godly cōsideration, and cōtem­plation of the workes, and iudgementes of God, whiche euer offre them selues to oure eyes, to oure handes, to oure myndes, and whiche we euer enioye and take fruite of them, of whiche stearynge of oure myndes towardes God, and kendlynge of studie to all the offices of godlines, we haue spoken a lytle before in the exposition of the seconde commaundement.

The godlie preachers shal also adde this thynge and printe it in the people diligently about thys place, that what outwarde goo­des so euer God hath gyuen vs, we muste bestowe the same vpon the lyuely Images of Christe, our neighbours, the membres of Christe, that we may feede Christe in them, gyue hym drynke, cloth hym, harbour hym, cure hym and comforte hym beinge sycke, [Page] and succour hym being in bondes. And that we caste not awaye oure goods in makyng deckyng, clothyng, and honouring Images and carued stockes, whiche haue no lyfe, no feelynge, namely wodde, stones, metalles, vayne workes of our owne handes. Finally vpon thynges that be abominable to God, as he often wytnesseth in his prophetes. Which in the laste iudgement, when he shal testifie that to be done, or not done to hym what so euer we dyd, or omitted to do to the leste bretherne, that lyued with vs, vndoub­tedly he shal speake terribly vnto thē, which neglecting his membres the lyuely Images in pouertie, penurie, and miseries, haue pou­red out not theyr owne goodes, but his vpō carued stockes, and Images, whiche haue no feelyng of suche benifittes. Therfore the preachers shall diligently go about vtterly to roote out of the mindes of christiā people this errour also of praying before Images, and stockes, and the rest which we haue no­ted. For they fight against the chiefest poin­tis of the ten commaundementes. And they shal teach and declare, and prynt in alwaies those thynges, out of which the people may learne al deuotion to praye to God religi­ously and effectuously, and that they accu­stome them selues, and stycke fast to that [Page] holesome exercise of godlines, so that what euyl so euer chaunce to them, or hange ouer them, or what so euer good thynge they de­sire, they go euer forthwyth, and the ryghte waye to the heauenly father, thorowe oure onely mediatour Christe, and cal vpon hym onely in the name of his sonne, wyth a sure truste of childrē towardes his more then fa­therly loue, wyth earneste feare also and re­uerence, and carefull supplication, of mynde towardes his maiestie. And to steare vp, kendle, and feede suche inuocation, and prai­yng. Let them vse those instrumentes religi­ously, whiche God hym selfe hath appoyn­ted, and cōmēded for thys purpose, I meane holy assembles, the diuine scriptures, the sa­cramentes, and a godly contemplation of al his gyftes, workes, and iudgementes.

¶ Of christian faste.

THe holy scriptures sette fastynge Augustine to Consulaine Priest epist. lxxxviij. Of the fa­stes of the olde fathers I, sayth he, in the wrytyn­ges of the A­postles, and euangelistes, and all the newe testa­ment, reuol­uyng that thinge in my mynde, I se that fastynge is commaunded. But v­pon what dayes we shoulde faste or not fast by the commaū demente of the Lorde, or the Apostles I finde it not determined. before vs, as a certeyne peculiar preparation, and way to more ear­nest prayer for the remission of sin­nes, for the singuler mercie, & grace of God and other singuler benifittes, and gyftes. As the Niniuites humbly prayed to God wyth moste straite fastyng, for remission of synnes, and forgyuenes of the punishment, which God had declared vnto them. Ionas [Page] iij. Such a faste it was also, whiche God cō maunded to the people of Israel the .x. daye of the .viij. moneth, whiche was the daye of purgation, in whiche all the people humbly praye God for the remission of synnes. Le­uiti. iij.

God also cōmaunded such a fast Ioel. ij. When the people was punished of corne, and wyth greuous warre for theyr synnes. Turne vnto me (sayeth he) wyth all your herte, wyth fastyng, weepyng, and beway­lynge. Item in the same place. Blowe vp a trompe in Sion, sanctifie a faste. etc. Such a fast also is described. i. Samuel. vij. and thei came togyther in Masphath, and drue wa­ter & shedde it forth in the syght of the Lorde and fasted on that daye, and sayed there, we haue synned vnto the Lorde. Item Dauides faste in the syckenes of his sonne, whom he had fyrste of Bathseba. God strucke also the yonge chylde, whom the wyfe of Vrias brought forth vnto Dauid, and he was de­speyred of, and Dauid humbly praied to the Lorde for the yonge chylde, and Dauid fa­sted a faste, and wente asyde, and laye vpon the grounde. Item Achab, when Elias had declared vnto hym the reuengeaūce of god for the death of Naboth. i. Kynges. xx. Of thys sorte was that faste of Paule which cō tinued [Page] three dayes, when the Lorde had con­uerted hym nigh Damasco, and had taken away his sight actes. ix. The faste that Io­saphat ordeyned, when the Moabites, and Ammonites had brought forth an huge ar­mie agaynst hym, was ioyned wyth prayer for the singuler benifitte, and healpe of god. The faste of Esdras was lyke, whē he pre­pared to returne into Iurie. And that which Hester inioyned to hyr people whē she wold speake to the kinge for the health of the peo­ple. Of the same sorte it was also, which the congregation of the sayntes at Antioche, in­ioyned to them selues, when laying on their handes they shoulde sende forth Paule, and Barnabas to preache the Gospel to the hea­then Actes. xiij. And it was also such a faste whiche the same two Apostles kepte, when they woulde appoynte elders in the congre­gations of Asia, whiche they had wonne to Christe, Act. xiiij.

And that fasting ought alway to be ioy­ned to euerie earnest and solemne prayer, the thyng that Paule wryteth of maried folkes teacheth sufficiently. Let the husbande ren­dre due beniuolence to his wyfe, and lykewyse the wife to hyr husbande, defraude not one an other, excepte anie thynge be done of agremente for a reason, that ye maye gyue [Page] your selues to fastynge, and prayer.

The preachers shall diligently obserue these, and suche other testimonies of the ho­ly scripture concernynge fastynge, and they shal faithfully teach the people by the same. Fyrst that fastyng is a certeyne propre ma­ner, and a certeyne parte of careful, and ear­nest prayer vnto God, as the places alled­ged, and such other testifie, and that it is not a worke acceptable to God, by it self, or hol­some vnto vs.

Secondly they shal diligētly warne this also, that fasting, as prayer, excepte it be ob­serued out of true fayeth, and earnest repen­taunce for our synnes, it is not onely a thing vnacceptable to God, but also abominable, as if we faste by reason of the institution, and custome of men, or also to boste our sel­ues, whiche thinge Christe the Lorde noted, Math. vi. They darken theyr faces, that it maye appeare vnto men, that they faste. A true faste, and acceptable to God muste be taken in hande wyllyngly, of mannes owne accorde, of one whiche feeleth the burthen of synnes in his conscience, whiche feareth the angre & reuēgeaunce of God for his sinnes, whiche therefore is dryuen diligētly to seeke and praye for remission of synnes, or whiche desireth to make readie hym selfe, and after [Page] a certeyne wyse to sanctifie him selfe to pray more religiously for the benifittes of God.

Wherfore thys thynge whiche is in Ioel ij. Chap. muste be euer diligently beaten in­to the people, when we speake of fastynge. Turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde, wyth all your herte, wyth fastyng. etc. that men may learne that no fastynge pleaseth God, but that, that springeth out of true repentaunce, and lyuely griefe for synnes, and true con­uersion to the mercie of God, of whom we seeke remission of sinnes wyth singuler, and feruent desire.

Thyrdly the preachers shall teache out [...]f the alledged places, and suche lyke, that fastyng is not onely abstinence from meate and drynke, but that there is required more­ouer (forasmuche as fastyng oughte to be a parte of carefull prayer for remission of sin­nes, and the grace of God) that on the fa­stynge dayes we wythdrawe our selues vt­terly from al pleasures, and busynes of this lyfe, and gyue our selues wholy to prayer, wyth great humilitie of all our lyfe cōming from the herte, and chastisynge of the bodie. Hereof it came that the Lorde in Ioell com­maunded to sanctifie a faste, to call an assē ­ble, to gather the elders together, the spouse, and the spousesse, al the inhabitauntes of the [Page] lande into the house of God, and crie vnto the Lorde. He cōmaundeth also the infantes, and the suckelynges to be broughte, that by the syght and pitie of them they myghte be moued to greater repentaunce of theyr syn­nes, and feruenter prayer for forgiuenes.

This is the cause why God so sore rebu­keth the Iewes, Esaie. lviij. Bycause on the fasting dayes they regarded theyr busynes, and required theyr dettes. And he testifyeth, that he abhorreth theyr fastynges, and that they be not those, that he commaunded. In whiche place thys thinge is diligently to be considered, that therefore he hearde not their prayers, nor accepted theyr fastes, bicause they folowed theyr owne desires vpon the fastyng dayes. Lo, sayeth he, in your fastin­ges, your wyll is founde. Wherefore it is conuenient that vpon those dayes when fa­stynges are prescribed, the people absteyne frō all other workes, and busynes, and who­ly gyue them selues to heare Gods worde, and to praye. For thys cōmon prayer of the churche, hath a verie large promise propou­ned, Math. xviij. If two of you consent to­gether vpon earth. etc. Therefore we muste assemble together vnto prayer, and we must applie the same that we do none other thing and that our hert, and mynde be bent who­ly [Page] bent thereunto. Howbeit in priuate fastes in which the whole congregation is not cal­led togyther to the worde of God, and prai­er: honeste, and moderate labours of the bo­dy nothynge hyndre fastynge, as they hyn­dre not prayer. For the laboure it selfe heal­peth to chastise the bodie, and to drawe the mynde from the vauinitie of the world, and to moue it to prayer, and also to succour the poore. And though at al tymes we must vse labour of the bodie for thys purpose, that we may ease the neede, of our brethern, whē we desirously call for the mercie, and boun­tuousnes of God. Then let thys sayinge of Paule haue place: He that hath stolen, lette him steale no more, but let him rather worke wyth his handes, that he maye succoure the needie. But that faste that we take vpon vs of carefull desire to appease, and to praye God, wherof we recited some exemples out of the scripture, byndeth a man wholy [...]o prayers, and other exercises of religion, and draweth hym from al other cares, and busi­nes. As we maye se in the faste of Dauid, whiche he toke vpon hym, his sonne borne of Bathseba beinge sycke, he laye onely in duste, lamented, and knocked vpon the mer­cie of God wyth prayers. Paule dyd the same thynge in that faste of three dayes, [Page] when the Lorde had conuerted hym.

Fourthly the preachers shall teache, that large almes muste be added to a godly fast, that al vniuste burthens of our neighbours must be loosed, and discharged, and that we must succour the needie liberally. For so the Lorde fayeth, Esaie. lviij. Shoulde thys be the fast that I haue chosen, that a mā should daily vexe his soule, & wryth his heade lyke a circle, and caste on sacke cloth, and ashes? Wylt thou call thys a faste, and an accep­table daye to the Lorde? Is not thys rather the faste, that the Lorde hath chosen? Loose vngodly bondes, remitte vsuries vniustly oppressynge, make them free, that be broken wyth pouertie, and breake all burthens of dettes, breake thy breade to the hūgrie, har­bour the needie, and harbourles, when thou seest the naked, cloth hym.

For thys cause the holie fathers condem­ned all fastes, as not christian, nor acceptable to God, though neuer so straite abstinence be kept in them and sharpe chastisyng of the bodie vsed, if they that faste conuerte not thē selues from synnes wyth all their hertes to the Lorde, and settynge asyde all cares, and busines of thys lyfe, giue them selues who­ly to prayer, and other exercises of religion, and vse moste liberalitie towardes the pore. [Page] Wherfore they taught that they which wil faste godly shoulde bestowe all that vpon the pore that they had spared in fastynge. whiche is a verie rightfull thynge, and takē out of the verie nature of godlines. I saye that the faythfull whyle they studiously cal for the mercie of God, and desire his libera­litie, shew thē selues also at that tyme chief­ly, mercifull, and bountuous to their needie neighbours. For we please God wyth such sacrifices. Hebr. xiij.

Out of thys doctrine of christian fastes the councell Cabilonense enacted that there is required to true fastyng, that the fasters The olde fa­thers celebrated the com­muniō of the supper of the Lorde on fa­stynge dayes at euentyde as ye may se in Athanasi­us de virgi­nitate. be presēt at the euening praiers, which done and the cōmunion celebrated, and alines di­stributed, they shoulde receyue meate. For the olde fathers celebrated the cōmunion of the holy eucharistia, or thankesgyuynge on fastinges dayes at euētyde. But thys much of cōmon fastyng. For christian men haue a double faste, a priuate faste whiche euerie man ioyneth to hym selfe, or to his familie onely. And a cōmon faste, which the gouer­nours of the cōmon weale, or the prouostes of the church, inioyne to the whole cōgrega­tion, for some cōmon, and greate necessitie that lyeth vpon all men.

When Dauid bewayled his synne, and [Page] prayed that health myght be restored to his sicke sonne, he kepte a priuate faste. The fast of Cornilius was priuate, whereof Luke speaketh, act. x. Item the faste of the Prophe­tisse. But the faste of the Niniuites, Hester, Iosaphat, and of many other was a cōmon faste, which thynge is required Ioell. ij. And an yerely faste in the daye of purgation, is inioyned. Leuiti. xxiij.

The holy bishoppes in olde tyme, and the auncient church kept two maner of these cōmon fastes. Some were yerely at certeine and appoynted tymes. Some were not cer­teyne, but were vsed accordyng to the neces­sitie that happened, that they myght be rea­dier to prayer. Of the fyrst sorte lent is, and other fastes returning euery yere at certeine dayes, whiche dayly haue bene heaped in numbre wyth mennes traditions, but verie muche hath bene wythdrawen from godlie abstinence, and religious studie of prayinge to god. For the institutiō of the olde churche is longe sithens corrupted. For the olde by­shoppes diligently exhorted the people to faste, but they lefte mennes conscience free, neither condemned them, whiche would not or coulde not faste. As Paule also onely ex­horteth to faste, and the Lorde him selfe lay­ed no commaundement vpon vs cōcernyng [Page] thys thinge, but taught only how it should be kepte to the acceptation of the father, not of men. In thys moderation of exhortation, and christian libertie, manie wyll faste god­lie, and truly. Now whereas fastes be most straitly inioyned, no parte of fastynge or li­tle is kepte, yea the greatest parte of the people know not what a true faste is. And if a­nie faste, and chastise theyr bodies, they do it wyth manifeste vngodlines, and despite of Goddes grace, for wyth that worke they wyll satisfie for theyr synnes, and deserue somewhat. Forthermore the fathers condē ­ned them openly, whiche were more careful for choyse of meates, then for true abstinēce and chastisyng of the bodie. And they repro­ued them also, which though they vexed thē selues wyth abstinence, yet in fastynge they regarded nothynge elles but abstinence nor dyd no more. For we must faste for thys en­tent, that we maye be more readie, attentyue and feruent to prayer. Now a daies fasting is thoughte nothynge els, then to absteyne from the fleshe of foure foted beastes, of birdes. etc. For they serue theyr gul more dain­tily, and exquisitely wyth fishes, and other meates vpon fastyng dayes, then vpō other and they take asmuche at dynner, as myght suffice for a good supper to. And further [Page] that they maye seme accordynge to the olde custome to take meat after the euening prai­ers, they haue those prayers before none, Euensonge. whiche accordynge to the name shoulde be sayed in the euenyng. What other thynge is thys, then a mocke, and despite of the diuine maiestie. From whiche the preachers muste dissuade the people wyth greate diligence, and call them agayne to the true maner of fastyng, whiche we haue declared. But we wyl determine at a conuenient tyme of the maner of inioynynge, and keepyng cōmon fastes, and we wyll vse suche moderation as we truste shall profitte oure people vnto the maynteynyng, and amplifyinge of the studies of godlines, euen as thys muste be the ende, and marke of all ecclesiasticall or­dinaunces, that they serue to the mayntey­nyng and settyng forth of godlines.

Wherefore as often as there shalbe occa­sion of treatynge of faystynge, either out of the scriptures, that shalbe expouned, or by reason of the tyme appoynted to fastes, or thorowe some other chaunce, the preachers shal diligently warne the people of the vn­godlines and abuses of fastes, and shall la­bour to corret thē. First, and before all thin­ges, sette no man thynke that he oughte to faste for thys purpose, that he maye deserue [Page] somwhat of God wyth that worke, neither let hym be persuaded that anie fast, be it ne­uer so hard, is allowed of God, except it be taken vpon vs out of true repentaunce of synnes, and a sure truste of Goddes mercie to be obteyned for oure Lordes sake Iesus Christe, that is to saye, with a conuersion to God from the whole hert. Further that fa­styng be so ordeyned, and kept, that it serue to true, and godly humblynge, chastisynge. and sanctifyinge of the bodie, that the spi­rite maye be readier to prayer, and other ex­ercises of religion. Thys is a godlie and ac­ceptable fast, wherunto the preachers must busily exhorte the people.

And cheiefly the preachers shall call the people frō that vngodlines, thorow whiche some faste vnto sayntes, either of inioyned satisfaction, as they call it, or of theyr owne wylles, or that they maye obteine with that worke certeyne benifittes of the sayntes thē selues, or that they may haue theyr interces­sion before God for certeyne benifittes. For as we sayed before, christian tastyng is a certeyne preparation of a true, and faythfull prayer vnto God, thorow Christ our Lorde and not a worke wherewyth God is wor­shypped by it selfe, muche lesse wherewyth we might deserue anie thyng at the sayntes [Page] handes. For wyth fastyng we humble oure selues, and pray for remission of synnes, and Origene in Leui. Ho. x. Chap. xvi. Faste from euyl doinges absteine fom euyl commu­nication, con­teyne frō euil thoughtes. Touche not the stolen breade of peruers doctrine desire not the deceyuable meate of phi­losophie, whiche maye se­duce the frō the truth. Suche a fast pleaseth god. Item Athasi­us de virginitate. for the holy goste, wherby we may do those thinges that be acceptable vnto God, which neuertheles are onely acceptable thorowe Christe, not for oure merite, bycause that God onely is to be called vpon, and wor­shypped of vs, and not the sayntes.

And forasmuche as the true maner of fa­styng is so muche corrupted, and excesse in meates, and drynkes so much encreased, that some on the fastynge dayes wyll absteyne verie straitly from meate, and some tymes from drynke to, vsynge onely water, whiche the next daye, and on the verie holie dayes of the saintes, whereunto they prepared thē selues wyth fastynge, are not ashamed to drynke tyll they be dronken, & to lyue sham­fully, the preachers (whiche thinge the holie fathers dyd also) shall chiefely beate in ab­stinence frō synnes, and all excesse, and flesh­ly pleasures, and they shall exhorte them to moderation, and temperance of lyfe, whiche thynge we reade that the Apostles did also, Thus the people at length shal be broughte to true and godly fastyng.

¶ Of holie oblations.


THE people muste diligently be taughte thys thynge that Christe is that only acceptable, and propi­ciatorie Chrisostome in the epistle to the Hebr. Homeli. xvii. chapi. ix. And Cirill. to the quenes of the ryght faythe do testifye of the one onely offeringe. sacrifice, thorowe whiche we obteyne of God, grace, saluation, and al benifittes, as all the prophetes, and the A­postles wytnesse, and chiefly the epistle to the Hebrues from the fourth Cha. vnto the tenth. Nowe moreouer thorowe Christe we offre to god the father both our bodies, and oure soules, an acceptable sacrifice thorowe fayth, vnto the prayse, & glorie of his name. Whereunto S. Paule exhorteth vs, Ro. xij. saiyng, I beseche you bretherne by the mer­cie of God, that ye giue your bodies, that is to saye, your selues, and your whole lyfe a lyuely sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, your reasonable seruice, and frame not your selues after the figure of thys worlde. etc. So Chap. xv. He glorieth that he so admini­stred the Gospoll of God, that the offering of the heathen shoulde be acceptable, sancti­fied thorowe the holie goste. Suche a sacri­fice is that also, whereof the Psal. li. syngeth A broken spirite, and an humbled herte tho­rowe the true knowledge of synne, and re­pentaunce (for so he meaneth) is a sacrifice vnto God. For they which thorowe the go­spell haue truly knowen Christ & by Christ haue wholy yelded them selues vnto God, [Page] whē being circūuēted of Satan & ouercom­med of theyr owne lustes they fal into great synnes, and therefore be punished of God, and exercised with sundrie afliction, they of­fre to god in their prayers for grace, an hert strycken wyth the repentaunce of synnes, and touched with the feare of gods iudge­mēt, and an hūbled, and brokē spirite. Whē God conforteth these men agayne, and lyf­teth vp theyr conscience, and deliuereth from all perils and tribulations, they thāke God, they glorifie hym, and offre vnto hym a sa­crifice of prayse, the fruite of lyppes confes­sing vnto his name, Hebr. xiij. As the Psal. Cvij. wytnesseth, rehearsyng vp the chiefest daungers, and calamities, wherewith God is wont to chastise, and exercise men. They cryed to the Lorde, when they were aflicted, and he deliuered them from theyr necessities wherefore they gyue thākes vnto the Lorde for his mercie, and for his wonderful actes towardes the chyldren of men.

To these sacrifices of prayinge, magni­fiynge God, and gyuynge of thankes, the sacrifice of liberalitie towardes oure neigh­bours, chiefly the needie, is ioyned. For with suche sacrifices we please God, Hebr. xiij. For when the godly praye for so ample be­nifites of God, or gyue thankes for recey­uyng [Page] the same, thē the verie nature, and pro­prietie of godlines requireth, that for Gods sake, and his prayse, they be liberall, and bountuous towardes the pore, chiefely se­ynge that they knowe that God accepteth these benifittes, as done vnto hym selfe. For which cause God commaunded the fathers also in the olde testament, that at those three yerelie feastes, in which al the males should appeare in his syght, they shoulde not come emptie before him, but that euery mā should offre accordynge to his abilitie of that bles­synge, that euerie one had receyued of the Lorde, Exod. xxij. and Deut. xv. Which ob­lations he would haue to be gyuen forth to susteine the Leuites, wydowes, orphanes, straungers, and other pore people. And ther fore the olde churche reteyned that custome that when they come togyther to heare the worde, and to receyue the sacramentes, the faythfull shoulde offre theyr oblations to the Lorde, and consecrate them to hym for the vse of the pore.

Out of these places of the scripture, and institution of the olde churche the preachers shall teache the people, fyrste that the sacri­fice of Christe is that onely propitiatorie sa­crifice, of good sauour, whiche by it selfe is accepted to God the father, and deserueth [Page] vnto vs forgyuenes of synnes, grace, and other benifittes of God, and that it is the sacrifice which was shadowed in al the sacrifices of the law, & whiche made al the other acceptable vnto God. As also the sacrifice of our selues, and what so euer pleasaunte thynges we can do to God, be allowed, and accepted of God for respecte of thys onely propitiatorie sacrifice. Without Christ there is nothynge acceptable. No man can do any acceptable thynge wythout Christ.

Wherefore the preachers muste busely beate into the people that they thynke not, that, acceptable seruice, or worshyppe maye be done vnto God, with any sacrifice or ob­lation be it neuer so precious, for the digni­fie, and worthines either of the thynge, or of the offerer, if the same sacrifice, or oblati­on be not offered, and made acceptable in Christe the Lorde thorowe his merite.

Secondly that they go not about to giue any other sacrifices to God, thē those which we rehearsed before, that is to say, the sacri­fice of them selues, of a brused spirite, and herte afflicted thorowe synnes. Item a sacri­fice of prayse, and thankesgyuynge for the benifittes that they haue receyued, wyth li­beralitie towardes the pore, and other thin­ges, that make for the promotynge of the [Page] kyngdome of Christe. Wherfore to offre to God great gyftes, to buylde, adourne, and enriche tēples, altares, monasteries farther then that it prouoketh the religion of Christ wyth thys false opinion, as thoughe these thynges were muche moore acceptable to God then if suche gyftes were bestowed v­pon the pore for Christes sake, be in no wise those sacrifices, which God requireth, or al­loweth, but wherewyth the wrath of God is more prouoked. And therefore the people must be warned, that corporal goodes must be offered to God for none other vse, then that the religion of Christe maye be furthe­red, that the holie ministerie maye be ordey­ned, and maynteyned, that the necessitie of the pore maye be prouided for. Finally that there maye be ministered to euerie bodie as muche as is needfull to lyue godly.

Therefore to buylde huge temples, and to decke them wyth more thynges, then be requisite to thys purpose, that the congregation maye haue a comelie place, whereunto they maye come togyther to heare Goddes worde, to receiue the sacramentes, and to do other thinges perteynyng to religion, is not allowed of God. For these thynges make nothing for the edification of faith in Christ or for the health of our neighbours, where­vnto [Page] all christian mēnes benifites, and good workes should be referred, seing that Christ Iesus is the summe of all the commaunde­mentes of God, and thende of the lawe, that we (I saye) maye truly knowe him, and take holde vpon hym, so that we maye lyue in hym, and he in vs. And further seinge that the ende of the law is loue out of a pure hert and good conscience, and fayth vnfayued. i. Timo. i. Therefore lette the thynge that S. Hierome teacheth haue place, that is to wit, that the temples of christen men muste be so builded, and decked, that out of them it may appeare, our riches, and glorie to be sette in the crosse of Christ, and that we serue suche a Lorde, that gathered his congregation in the moste pouertie of the worlde wythout golde. The matter stode otherwise with the people of the olde testament, wich had theyr peculiar rites, theyr ceremonies, theyr poli­cie, their ornamētes in the tabernacle, and in the temple, all whiche thynges after the cōmyng of Christe, ceased. That people had onely one temple, whiche they decked wyth some outwarde gorgiousnes, & in the meane whyle neuertheles they were commaunded that they shoulde haue no begger amonge them. Deut. xv.

In the daye of iudgemente when Christe [Page] shall pronounce the laste sentence of al men, he shall say thus. I haue hungred, thyrsted, I was naked, a straunger, weake, in bondes and you ministered vnto me. For what so euer ye dyd to one of these litleones, I take it to be done vnto my selfe, entre therefore into the kyngedome of my father, whiche was prepared for you from the begynning. But to those, whiche haue not done these thynges to his litleones, he shall saye. Go into euerlastyng fyer. etc. But we shal heare no mention made of buyldyng of temples, and monasteries, and deckynge of the same. Let the pastours then teach the people to ex­hibite true worshippynges vnto God, to decke his true, and liuely temples, that is to succour the pore and afflicted, whiche be the true membres, and bretherne of Christe.

Thys thynge God hym selfe dyd not one­ly commaunde vs, but the holie fathers al­so require the same of vs. S. Ambrose wry­teth thus in the .ij. boke of offices. Chap. xx. When the Lorde shal cōplayne, and require why the goodes of the churche, golde, and costlie vessels were not bestowed vpon the vse of the pore, and redemyng of prisoners, if a man wyll laye the ornamentes of tem­ples, for his excuse, and saye, I was a feard lest the temple of God shoulde want ornamentes, [Page] he shall heare of the Lorde: Sacra­mentes require not golde, neither do those thynges please by reason of golde, whiche are not bought wyth golde. The raunsom­ming of prisoners, is the verie ornamēt of sacramentes, and they be verie precious ves­selles, whiche redeme soules from death. That is the true treasure of the Lord, which worketh the same thynge, that his bloude wrought. Then (sayeth he) I acknowledge the vessel of the Lordes bloud, when the chalice redemeth them from the enemie, whom the bloud redemed from synne. etc. But our naturall blyndnes, and rebellion agaynste God, causeth, that we neuer worshyppe him according to his prescription. And tho­rowe our naturall pryde, and vngentlenes, and neglectyng of our bretherne, it cometh to passe, that we thinke those thynges vayn­ly wasted, and loste, or not well bestowed, whiche are spent vpon the needie, and despi­sed men before the worlde. Therefore men fall so farre, that they had leuer offre theyr gyftes to God for an ornament of wodde, stones, and deade bones, and for the mayn­teinaunce of vnprofitable felowes, then for the vse of the pore, where as yet he testifieth that he wyll compte those thinges done vn­to him selfe, what so euer we bestowe vpon [Page] the pore for his sake, promisyng that he wyl recompence the same in thys worlde, and in the worlde to come.

Wherefore thys false, and peruerse opi­nion of the fleshe muste be earnestly rebu­ked, and diligently corrected, that they maye omitte those sacrifices vnacceptable to god, and that they succour the needie, and afflic­ted persones wyth true sacrifices, and accep­table to God. And the preachers must teach and exhorte the people diligently, that they brynge all their gyftes, and oblations into a cōmon treasurie of the churche, and that li­berallie. And they shall declare moreouer that this is the deutie not onely of the riche, but also of all men, after the measure of the goodes, whiche the Lorde hath graunted to euerie one of them. For Christe offered him selfe for al men, no lesse for the pore, then for the riche. It becometh then al mē to be thāk­full, and to remembre that pore wydowe whiche by the iudgement of Christe in offe­rynge of a farthynge gaue more into the cō ­mon hutche, then all the other. Marke. xij.

We also, God wyllyng, shall take suche ordre for the makynge of a cōmon treasurie of the churche, wherwyth not onely the pore and beggers shal be succurred, but also sti­pendes shall be appoynted for certayne to­warde [Page] yonge men, whiche shall be brought vp, and instituted vnto the ministeries of the churche.

Wherefore the preachers shal diligently exhort the people, that they offre their obla­tions to the Lorde liberally, as often as they come togyther to heare the Lordes worde, to the holie baptisme, to the receyuynge of the cōmunion of the supper of the Lorde, to the cōmon prayers, or on the sūdayes, and other accustomed festes, when mariages are bles­sed, when thankes are gyuen to the Lorde for them, which haue recouered them selues from some syckenes, whē women lately de­liuered go to churche, and when so euer god hath gyuen peculiar gyftes to men, whiche thynge he doeth euen dayly. For we dayly enioye the moste ample benifites of God, wherefore we must dayly declare our thāk­fulnes, wyth godlie oblations, that the mi­nisterie of the churche maye be euer repared and susteyned, and that all mennes necessi­ties maye be bountuously succurred. For it is a great, and an vngodlie vnthākefulnes, that whereas men bestowed so manie thin­ges most liberally vpon stones, wodde, and dead mennes bones, vpon stationaries, and such other vnprofitable fellowes, and were cōstrained to bye sacramentes and other ec­clesiasticall [Page] thynges wyth money, nowe in the lyght of the Gospell they wyll not con­tribute a litle to maynteyne the necessarie, and holesome ministerie of the churche, to feede the pore, the membres of Christe oure bretherne, chiefly seinge that they be deliue­red of manie superfluous charges, whiche we haue rehearsed. Therefore the people must be called by the preachers with greate diligence frō those superstitious oblations whiche they were wonte to offre vnto dead sayntes, theyr stockes, and relikes, and they muste be enstructed, and exhorted to true, and acceptable sacrifices vnto God, wherof we haue spoken.

¶ A forefence, and commaundemente agaynste the errours of the anabap­tistes.

VVe are many wayes premonished both out of the worde of God, and also out of histories of ecclesiasti­cal matters, that Satan laboureth by al meanes to steare vp and to brynge in­to the church sundrie sclaunders, and offen­ces aswell of doctrine, as of lyfe. Wherefore the pastours shall watch diligently to turne awaye and disapoynt these pernitious ende­uours of Satā, and to keepe and deliuer the people of God from all false doctrine. In [Page] whiche thynge they muste watche chiefely at this tyme. For it is manifest that the ana­baptistes runne vp and doune in moste pla­ces, and with merueylous craftes, and giles creepe in, amonge the simple, whiche also haue dryuen not a fewe out of theyr wittes, whō they hold entāgled, & caught in a snare.

Agaynst this incōuenience it shal be right expedient, if the pastours often enstructe the people of those articles of oure religion, for whiche the anabaptistes chiefely moue con­trouersies, and cōfute their dotyng dreames substātially out of the worde of God. Here­by the people certaynly knowyng how vn­godly theyr opinions be, being so armed a­forehande shal easely determine that the au­thours of suche doctrine must be necessarily eschued, and condemned. And the more that they shal abhorre frō the vngodly faininges and blasphemies of these men, the more ease­ly they shall be reteyned in the studie of sin­cere doctrine, and ecclesiastical consent. And the diligent handlynge and large exposition of suche places causeth al men in the cōgre­tion to be more plentifully, and certeynely enstructed, and confirmed in the doctrine of Christe. And that the people maye be armed aforehande agaynste the vngodlie imagina­tions of these men, the preachers muste en­treate [Page] playnely, and clearely of all theyr ar­ticles and shewe howe noysome, and pesti­lent they be, and full of all pernitious per­turbation of the cōmon weale, sedition, & horrible blasphemies against god, and his holy Gospell. For some make for the ouerthro­wyng of outwarde politie, some for the confirmation, and ignoraūce of synnes, to blow vp a truste of oure owne ryghtuousnes, and establishe a contempte, and violation of the sacramētes, & holy ministerie of the church. The chiefest then of these muste be declared to the people by name, and often repeted.

As these be, where as they say, that to ad­ministre the cōmon weale, to exercise cōmon iudgementes to punishe yll doers, be offices and workes contrarie to the preceptes of Christ, whiche a christian man ought not to do. Itē that to offre an othe, or to sweare at the commaundement of them that admini­stre the cōmon power, or be lawfull Iudges is agaynst the Gospell. Item that it is sinne for a man to haue anie thynge propre, but that all christen men oughte to make theyr goodes common. Item that a Catabaptiste maye forsake his wyfe, whiche alloweth not his errours, and contrarie wyse.

It is euident that these errours be sediti­ous, and that they muste be aswell restray­ned, [Page] as other seditious deuises, and dedes are wonte to be. Wherefore the cōmon of­ficers muste punishe these felowes with cō ­ueniēt rigorousnes. And the preachers must shewe the people by the scriptures that these Imaginations be agaynst the Gospell, and that they haue theyr begynnyng frō the na­turall arrogantie of mē, rebellion, and cōfu­sion, whiche fyghte agaynste the kyngdome of Christe. The Anabaptistes whiche keepe not the difference of spirituall and politike lyfe, vnderstande not that the Gospell tea­cheth the knowledge of God, and the inuo­cation of hym, in Christe Iesu oure Lorde, and eternall ryghtuousnes, and that neuer­theles it improueth not these outward thyn­ges, to eate, and to drynke wyth thankesgy­uyng. Item these ciuile thynges, to gouerne the common weale, exercise Iudgementes to make warre, to go a warfare, to obeye the officers, to marie, to keepe oure owne goodes, to gette, and mainteyne riches with labour, and lawfull bargaynes, to set forth sciences profitable for our lyfe, to teache wel the youth, and suche lyke, whiche in godlie men are the verie worshippinges of God. These thinges further godlines, and cōmon tranquillitie, and it is profitable to amplifie thys dignitie of polityke thynges, whiche [Page] when they beginne to vnderstande, then mē shall applie them selues more gladly to this diuine ordinaunce, and they shall learne to exercise fayeth, and loue in these actions of life. And they shall obeye the officers wyth all theyr hertes, and as muche as in them li­eth they shall studie to maynteyne common peace, and honest maner of lyuyng.

But besyde the forsayed seditious opini­ons, some haue brought forth yet more abo­minable, of whiche company they were that inuaded the Citie Monster, whiche taughte that the officers dissentyng frō them oughte to be abrogate, and they dyd sette vp a newe tirannie vndre the name of the kingdome of Christe. Whiche thynge perteyneth not on­ly to the ouerthrowynge, and reprouynge of the ordinaunce of God, as euerie cōmon po­wer is, but it is a sinne agaynst the cōmaun­dement cōcerning the magnifiyng of Gods name, vndre a false pretence of Gods name, to oppresse the cōmon officers, and to turne the Gospell into an outwarde politike go­uernaunce. And to make this leude doctrine more pleasaunt, they fayned the holy goste to be the authour of theyr furour, falsly imaginyng visions, and prophetes, whiche they brought forth most vnshamefastly agaynst the word of God wryttē, which they taugh [...] [Page] to be playnely despised. All whiche thynges be the actes of extreme vngodlines, and barbarousnes, whiche God is wont to punishe with notable, and horrible exemples euen in thys lyfe, as appeared in the verie same men of Monster, whom we named before. For the thynges that chaunced amonge them, were surely horrible, and to be cōpared with the moste notable thynges that euer happe­ned in the worlde. The preachers shall ex­horte men diligently to considre religiously these so sore, rigorous, and terrible exemples and iudgementes of God, whiche being cō ­sidered they wyll more vehemently abhorre both from Anabaptistes, and all other here­tikes, and they shall learne to iudge, and de­termine more certainly of hearing the word of God, which God hym selfe hath so boūtuousnes set before vs in the holy scriptures and so merueilously preserueth vnto thys daye. And they shal begynne to order theyr lyfe accordyng to the prescription of Gods worde, wyth all feare, and godly carefulnes they shall also haunt ecclesiastical assembles studiously, and they shall caste awaye the loue of them selues, and the despisynge of the congregation, and the holie ministerie, and shall not inuade other mennes offices.

Surely our aduersarie the deuyl ceaseth not [Page] nor slu [...]breth, but watcheth, and seeketh to pull men from God wyth infinite craftes, gyles, deceits, and sclaūders. Wherefore the preachers shal exhort the people wyth great diligence to the feare of the Lorde, and they shall be reteyned in sinceritie of fayth, and communion of the congregation, and ledde in the waye of the Lorde wyth continuall prayers, holesome doctrine, and diligent ex­hortation.

An other kynde of vngodlie doctrine, wherewyth the Anabaptistes fight agaynst the congregation of Christe, is concernyng spirituall matters. For fyrste they denie ori­ginal synne, and they wyl not acknowledge howe greate filthines, howe greate impietie and euer pestilent corruption was broughte vpon vs all thorowe the fall of Adam. Fur­ther bicause they admitte not original sinne, they also refuse the baptiisme of chyldren, and in asmuche as in them lyeth, they drawe awaye the moste parte of men from God, and eternall saluation.

Thyrdly they boste them selues to be ryghtuous, and to please God, not purely and absolutely for Christes sake, but for theyr owne mortification of them selues, for theyr owne good workes, and persecution, if they suffre any. Wherfore thei deuise many [Page] workes to them selues, for which they haue not the commaundement of God, and boste them selues wyth arrogant hypocrisie, they refuse the dignitie of ciuile matters, and thei thynke that, that imagined crosse is a greate passion, asmuche as they maye they quenche the doctrine of fayth, teachyng men to trust in their owne workes.

Fourthly they despise the outwarde mi­nisterie and doctrine of the churche, they de­nie that God worketh by them. They teach that we must loke for priuate illuminations and vilions. Wherefore they auoyed the cō ­mon sermons of the churche, and holie as­sembles of the people of Christe, they with­drawe frō the sacramentes, whiche they wil to be nothyng els, than outward sygnes of oure professiō, and felowship, as the badges of capitaines be in warre, thei deni that they be workes and ceremonies instituted of god for this purpose, that in them we shulde ac­knowledge, embrace, and receyue thorough fayth the mercie of God, & the merite and cō muniō of Christ, and that God worketh by these signes, and exhibiteth vnto vs the gy­tes in dede, whiche he offereth wyth these signes.

And though all the Anabaptistes do not holde all these vngodlie opinions, yet there [Page] be verie fewe, that haue not the moste parte of these. And there be some, whiche followe, and teache thynges yet more abmominable then these.

Agaynst these common errours of Ana­baptistes, the preachers must teach the peo­ple, at certayne tymes, and declare the verie same places of the scripture, for which chief­ly the Anabaptistes make all thys busines. Wherin they shall not onely do the congre­gations good in thys poynte, that they shall be ware leste the leauen of the Anabaptistes spreade anie farther, and corrupte more, but they shal also brynge to passe that the fayth­ful of Christe shall be more plentuously, and certaynely enstructed, and cōfirmed of al the doctrine of Christe, and chiefely of the con­trouersies, whiche these heretikes moue, that is to saye, of ciuile officers, of the dignitie of the politike thinges, of othes, of cōmon iud­gemētes, of punishmētes, of the proprietie of goodes, of lawful bargaines. And it shal be verie profitable oftē to repete these thynges in teachynge, that the myndes of Christes faithful may be armed against the doinges of the Anabaptistes. They shal labour dili­gently to declare out of the scriptures, and propre testimonies of the holy goste, that this whole maner of ciuile lyfe, fellowship [...] [Page] and gouernaunce was taught, and ordeined vndoubtedly of God hym selfe, that they be the verie workes, and benifittes of God, whiche he wyll adurne wyth his benifittes, as Paule testifieth, Ro. xiij. And all the pro­phetes, and Apostles preache wyth Moy­ses, that it is the commaundement of God, that we shoulde obey the officers lawefully ordeyned, that the subiectes be not rebelli­ous to the officers, nor go aboute to plucke them frō theyr place. And thys place of S. Paule concernyng officers muste be truely, proprely, and diligently declared, by reason of the busie spirites, whiche thynke that the kyngdome of Christe is not wel exalted, ex­cepte all earthlie powers be abolished, and that they vse not the libertie, whiche he gaue excepte they caste of all yokes of mannes bondage. But the Gospell teacheth, and of­fereth a spirituall kyngdome, that is to say, that Christ sitteth on the ryght hande of his father, and prayeth for vs, and gyueth for­gyuenes of synnes, and the holy goste vnto the church, that is to saye, to thē that beleue in hym, and call vpon hym. The Gospell not onely wythdraweth nothynge from the ciuile lyfe, fellowshippe, or gouernaunce, nor troubleth nothynge in the same, but also it encourageth, & instructeth, rightly to mayn­teyne [Page] thys lyfe, felowship, and gouernaunce of ciuile matters. For it bryngeth to passe that all they whiche beleue the Gospel, sub­mitte them selues to all men wyth all theyr hertes for the Lorde Christes sake, that they serue al maner of men, and do them good in all thynges, that perteyne to the neede of the bodie, or to ciuile societie. Therefore in thys ciuile lyfe & societie they exercise theyr fayth and shewe exemples of loue towardes their neighbours, wyth whom they lyue, in all theyr necessities all maner of wayes. What soeuer gētle behauiour there is in the world what so euer perteyneth, or healpeth to faythfull, and honest ciuilitie, and participation of present thynges, and to the mayntei­nyng and adurnyng of the common weale, that christē mē only do rightly vnderstand, & labour to perfourme most prōptly. In like maner the pastours must often substantial­ly declare, and excusse those doctrines also, that perteyne to a spirituall lyfe, for whiche the Anabaptistes make muche busines, as, of originall synne, of the baptisme of infātes of the rightuousnes of fayth, and these thin­ges they shall teache out of the holie scrip­tures, as, of original synne, what an horrible euyll it is, bycause mannes reason doeth no [...] se those thynges to be damned, whiche remayne [Page] in the nature of man, I meane the ig­noraunce of God, want of the feare of God and distrusting of God. Item that God al­loweth the baptisme of our infantes, recey­ueth our infantes into his chyldren thorowe baptisme, and maketh them heyres of his grace, and euerlastyng lyfe. That remission of synnes, the communion of Christe, the fe­lowshoppe of a newe, and blessed lyfe is on­ly in the congregation of Christ, and not a­monge the Iewes, or Turbes, or other men amonge whom the Gospell is not preached the sacramentes of Christe are not admini­stered, but rather the name, and doctrine of Christ is blasphemed. The matter standing thus, and seinge that it is euident that God wyl be the God of our seede also, that is to saye, a sauiour, and authour of a newe, and blessed lyfe, to vs, which thorowe Christ be made the sonnes of Abraham, and heyres of the promyse, and couenaunte, whiche God Gene. xvij. Gala, iii. made wyth hym the father of all them that beleue, the matter beinge thus (I saye) sure­ly we maye conclude, and it is playne, that our infantes borne of vs synners and loste through synnes, muste be offered to Christ, & be incorporated to him thorowe baptisme, that by hym they maye be washed in the churche from synnes, and haue his ryghtu­ousenes [Page] gyuē thē, & put vpon them. For se­ing that the kingdome of Christ is reueiled amounge vs, and the mistery of redemptiō, and saluation wrought by Christe, is more clearely, and abundaūtly exhibited and preached then before (for manye Kynges, and prophetes desired to heare, and see the thin­ges that we heare and se, and it was not gi­uen to them) it muste needes be that they playnlie knowe not the Gospell of Christe and cōmunion of sayntes amonge them sel­ues, that were sayntes in dede, and accepta­ble to God, or els that they inuade Christe, and his churche with a wicked furie, whosoeuer they be that wyl not haue our infantes to be purged from synnes wyth the Sacra­mente of regeneration, and to be planted in the churche of God, seinge that it behoued infantes of the olde people to be sanctified, and planted into the bodie of Christ, whiche is the churche, wyth that Sacramente, that God then gaue them for thys purpose. For why shoulde oure infantes perteyne lesse to the kyngdome of God then theirs, seinge that thorow Christ we be grafted in the ho­ly roote of that people, and made partakers of the blessed fatnes of thys Olyue? Ro. x [...] Furthermore we haue giuē vnto vs a mig [...] tier spirite, Romo. viij. But we be gotten i [...] [Page] synnes, aswel as the Iewes, and haue neede to be deliuered from synnes thorowe Christ and to be brought vnto the life of God, and that in Christes church. For there is not sal­uation wythout the churche, where neither the worde, nor Sacrament is. Infantes then muste be planted into the church, & we must gyue them the signe that wytnesseth, that the promise perteyneth vnto thē. And foras­muche as in this time the Gospel, the grace of God, and redemption of Christe be more clearely, and effectuously exhibited and preached in the churche both wyth wordes, and sacramentes, then amonge the olde people, euerie man surely beinge rightly warned hereof, excepte he be a verie vngodlie person shall acknowledge that oure infantes also muste be washed from synnes by baptisme, whiche is the Sacrament of regeneration, and that they muste be planted into Christe our Lorde, and his churche, in whiche church Christe worketh thorowe his worde, and sa­cramentes, as Ephes [...]. v. Paule sayeth that Christ loued the cōgregation, and gaue him selfe for it, to sanctifie it, and cleanse it, wyth the lauer of water. etc. He describeth not the congregation wythout signes, and without the worde. Wherefore he sayeth also in an other place, one bodie, one spirite, one Lorde, [Page] one fayth, one baptisme. Whiche thynges surely do testifie that they whiche perteyne to the cōgregation, be planted into the same wyth some outwarde signe also. If mē shall be warned hereof often, and substantially, they shal reuerentlie vse holie baptisme, they shal come to it, and stande by it more religi­ously, and they shal more feruently pray for the grace of God to them selues, and to the infātes, and wyth purer myndes, and grea­ter sanctification of them selues they shal la­bour to offre to Christe the Lorde both their owne chyldren, and also the chyldren of the whole church, according to the Lordes wor­des, suffre the litelones to come vnto me for the kingdome of heauen perteyneth to such. Whiche moste sweete sayinge of the Lorde oure sauioure they shall also embrace wyth more certeyne fayth, and wyth greater de­uotion gyue God thankes for his so greate benifitte. Men shall moreouer be moued, and enflamed to procure theyr chyldren be­inge grafted in Christe to be brought vp to hym, and to his churche wyth greater dili­gence, and they shall cause them to be nosse­led in the knowledge of him, that they may profite the church, and whē they be growen vp, they shall dedicate them betymes, as the membres of Christe, vnto his churche, being [Page] the sonnes, and heyres of God, and ioynte heyres wyth Christ.

In lyke maner the rightuousnes of fayth must be declared, and sette forth, by compa­ryng of the Anabaptisticall imaginations. For that comparison shall brynge greater lyght to thys ministerie, I saye when it shal be playnely shewed howe greate difference there is betwene the true ryghtuousnes of Christ, and the hypocrisie of these heretikes. For that rightuousnes, that the Gospel tea­cheth, is to take handfast of Christ the lorde with sure faith, so that the mynde trust ther­in constantly, and call vpon God the father thorowe Christe wyth the cōfidence of chyl­dren, and studie to glorifie the same wyth good workes, wherewyth our neighbours may be holpen by al possible meanes, accor­dynge to all the power of the holie goste, that it hath receyued. But the rightuousnes whiche the Anabaptistes teache, and wher­in they boste themselues, is al spent in wor­kes fained by thē selues, and in suffraūce of euyls, whiche they laye, or pulle vpon them selues, bicause they abstaine from the admi­nistration of the cōmon weale, whereby ne­uertheles singuler benifittes are exhibited vnto men, bycause they contemne other ci­uile societie, reiecte iudgementes, refuse to [Page] go a warre fare, eschewe bying and sellyng and other contractes necessarie in thys lyfe, wyth all whiche thynges christen men shall studie to do good to theyr bretherne, and neighbours. Furthermore bycause also they wythdrawe them selues from ecclesiasticall communion, and mocke holie assembles, cō ­mon doctrine, and the Sacramentes of the church, and denie their healpe to their negh­bours. Finallie bycause that wyth obstinate madnes they suffre spoilynge of theyr goo­des, exile, imprisonment, scourgynges, and maymyng of theyr lymmes, and sūdrie kin­des of death, for these forsayed thynges, and other seditious sayinges, & doinges. These be the good workes of these felowes, this is theyr rightuousnes, whiche when the prea­chers shal trie in theyr sermons, and priuate admonitiōs wyth the diuine scriptures, and trie the nature of christen religion, and shal cōpare them wyth verie good workes, and wyth the ryghtuousnes of fayth, the know­ledge, and desire of true ryghtuousnes shall be merueylously confirmed, and kendled a­monge the people of Christe, and they shall eschewe, and abhorre hypocrisie, and thys counterfaited ryghtuousnes of frantike fe­lowes.

Thus when the preachers shal with sin­guler [Page] diligence declare and commende often to the people, howe the Lorde instituted the ministerie of the church, and howe reuerent­ly he would haue it executed, and receyued, what great thinges he vouchsafeth to worke thorow the same vnto our health, exhibiting his grace, and the redemption, and commu­nion of his sonne thorowe these thynges, mē shall more esteme the holie ministerie, and vse it more religiously, omitting those vaine illuminations, and visions, whiche frantike men loke for, and exhorte other to seeke, the common ministerie of the churche beinge despised.

We thoughte it good to putte into thys place, thys generall and shorte instructi­on concernynge the errours, wycked doc­trines, and pernitious sisme of the Catabaptistes that the preachers being warned may learne, howe they maye call them backe into the way of holsome doctrine, and ecclesiasti­call communion, whom they haue founde seduced of those madde spirites, and be not yet obstinate with hereticall furie. And that they maye arme them, whiche stande yet in the holesome doctrine, and consent of the cō ­gregation, agaynste the gyles, and hypocri­sie of them, whom Satan holdeth cōfirmed in thys madnes, and keepe them in the sin­ceritie [Page] of fayth, and cōmunion of the cōgre­gation, and drawe them from al felowship, and cōmunion of those felowes. For their talke, as a canker, eateth vp the hole flesh in the bodie of Christe. And forasmuche as he­retikes be verie subtile, and haue a wonder­full madde zeale to defende theyr vngodlie imaginatiōs, the feders of the Lordes flocke leste anie perishe thorowe theyr slouggish­nes, or ignorantie, & be caried away by these wolues, muste furnishe them selues against theyr Sophistrie, and diuelishe subtilties wyth readyng of the holie scriptures, and those wrytynges, whiche in oure tyme haue bene sette forth of godlie, and learned men agaynst these thynges.

After thys sorte then lette the pastours watche in theyr sermons agaynste deceites, and craftie awaytes, wyth the care of euery man one by one, if neede be, of them whiche be committed to theyr charge. But who so euer perceiueth that there is some one in the citie, toune or village, where he dwelleth, whiche cōsenteth to the errours of the Ana­baptistes, and alloweth them, we cōmaunde such a man by the authoritie of the electorall dignitie, whiche we execute, that he vtter the same personne to the cōstable, or gouer­noure of the place wyth all speede, whiche [Page] thynge becometh a good and a christian ci­tizin to do, whiche ought to preferre the sin­ceritie of religion, and health of the churche before all other commodities. And we com­maunde oure officers that they procure spe­dely the personne that shalbe accused, or su­spected of anabaptisme to be called before them, hauyng wyth them the pastoure, and other meete ministrrs of the churche, and other good, and godly men. Then the pa­stour, or some of the ministers, whiche shall be better furnished for that purpose, shall propoune to hym, that is accused of anabaptisticall errours, those thinges wherof he is accused. Whiche man if he shall cōfesse anie errour, he shal be kept in some tollerable cō ­mō prison, til at cōuenient leasure he may be more fully examined, and taught. But if he acknowledge no errour, neither can be con­uicted thereof by true witnesses, they shall lette hym go free. But concernynge them, whiche shal confesse them selues to be of the Anabaptistes opinion in one, or two doc­trines, we wyll haue thys thynge obserued. The officer of that place, where suche one shalbe, as sone as he maye, shall call the su­perintendent of that cōgregation, and other fitte for that purpose, both of the ministers, and also of other tryed men of the congre­gation. [Page] Before these men, and the officer, the superintendent, or byshoppe moue interro­gatories to hym, whiche is fallen into anie anabaptisticall doctrine, not onely of that, that he hym selfe acknowledgeth, but of the principall imaginations of these men, wher­of we spake before, if he shall perchaunce be founde, or if there be feare that he is snared in some other madde doctrines, For there be catabaptistes, whiche beare aboute in theyr brest that detestable, and damnable indaical errour, whiche faine that the church shall be before the laste daye, a certeyne worldlie kyngdome, wherein the godlie shall reygne and destroy with weapons al the vngodly, and holde all the kingdomes in the worlde. Some confounde the natures in Christe, partly acknowledgynge in hym the diuine nature onely, and partly the manhode one­ly. Therfore they must be dilligētly demaū ded of these, and suche other errours, and they must be earnestly and wyth all softnes of the spirite of Christe, warned of those er­rours, whiche they acknowledge, and they must be brought again frō al errours to the sinceritie of faith, and consent of the congre­gation. And thys thynge muste be often as­sayed. For we go about theyr saluation, for whom the sonne of God was crucified, and [Page] suffered a moste bitter and shamefull death, that they myghte be called backe from er­rours. Wherefore we muste shonne no la­bour, so that we maye brynge agayne Chri­stes sheepe begynnyg to straye to the sheep­folde of Christ. We must assay then so lōge to deliuer suche frō theyr errours as longe as of charitie we shall perceyue anie hope to remaine, that we may winne our neighbour

If the Lorde shall be present at thys cor­rection of men in errours, and shal gyue his encrease, that some maye turne from theyr errours, we wyl that those whiche haue suf­fered them selues to be brought agayne in­to the waye, shal playnely, and particulerly renie and abiure that errour, into which they are fallen, and al other vngodlie doctrines, whiche chiefly in thys tyme vexe the church, before all them, that shall be present in theyr exammation and conuersion.

But if anie refusyng godlie admonition, and doctrine shall obstinately continue in theyr impietie, the officer of that place, muste brynge theyr cause before an higher magi­strate. He shall punishe suche accordynge to the state of the personne, and erroure, wyth banishmente, or other sore paynes after the law of the empire, and the tēporal cōstitutiō decreed, & set forth cōceruyng these matters.

For we wyll that thys be knowen to all men, that none in our dominions, or places subiecte to our rule shalbe suffered, that da­reth alowe one or more of the Anabaptisti­call errours.

We wyl haue the same maner vsed, with all them, whiche steare vp, spreade abrode, or allowe anie false doctrine that fighteth with the receyued articles of our fayth.

¶ Of the administration of religion, that is to saye, of the handlynge, and dispensation of the doctrine, Sacra­mentes, and discipline of Christ in the churche. And fyrste of the maner, and ordre of holy sermons.

ON the sondaies and holie daies the preachers shal reherse, and declare to the people the wonted lesson of the Gospell, betwene the admini­stration of the Sacramente, as the custome is, and out of that lesson they shal teache the people, admonishe, and argue those thinges which they shall perceyue to be moste neces­sarie, and profitable for christian lyfe. And forasmuch as al the lessons of the holy scrip­ture preache vnto vs of God, to be acknow­ledged in Christe, of his almightines, and mercie, of repentaunce, and forgyuenes of synnes in the name of Christe, a wyse and [Page] faithful preacher shal easely chose that thing chiefely out of euerie lesson, that shall make to the health, and edification of the present congregation. Wherfore the pastours must haue great care of the people, and trye at certeyne tymes, howe muche euerie one hath profited in religion, in what partenerie one staggereth, and is readie to fal, whether it be in the doctrine of fayth, or concernynge the trust of Gods mercie, or in the feare of the iudgement of God, or in patience, loue, or orderynge of maners, that timelie, and hole­some remedies maye euer be brought out of the worde of God, as out of a plentifull a­pothe caries shop, and layed to the greuous diseases and vices of the people.

The lessons of the scripture beinge reci­ted in the begynnynge of sermons, muste be diligently declared to the people, and that whole togither. For the worde of God must be propouned to the people, that they maye learne it, and be enstructed to godlines ther­by. Wherfore so muche shalbe declared, as was reade to the people, that they maye re­ceyue some fruite of godlines thereby. But the preachers and ministers of the cōgrega­tions shall labour diligently herein, that the doctrine, and exhortation, whiche they wyll vse before the lessons, euer be referred to [Page] those thynges, wherein the people is wea­keste, and they shall instantly beate in the thynges, whiche they shall perceyue to fur­ther the amendemēt of the people, and hole­some institution, whiche thynge we se that the holy fathers dyd also, which fyrst decla­red in ordre the lesson that was recited, and afterwarde taryed in those places chiefely in teachyng, exhortyng, and reprouyng, that semed moste to further the institution, ad­monition, and correction of the people.

But bycause all doctrine, and exhortation is then ryghtly perceyued, and lette to sinke deeper into the mynde, if it be deriued out of certaine principles knowen before, as fundacion, and cōcluded in the same, the preachers muste referre all doctrine, and exortation in theyr sermones, to some place of a Catachis­me or institution, as to the ten commaunde­mentes, to the articles of our faithe, the Lor­des praier, the Sacramentes, and suche lyke principall poyntes of our religion. And by­cause that the whole christiane doctrine, and what so euer perteyneth to godlines, consi­steth in these sūmaries, and be meetelie well knowē to the people, it bringeth great light to the doctrine and it moueth the people the more, if the sermons shalbe referred to these poyntes, as to a certeyne marke, and they [Page] shall shewe the people, to what parte of the catechisme that, that they teache, perteyneth. Thys thynge shall healpe muche to thys purpose, that the people maye, dayly growe more, and more in all godlines, fayeth in Christe, and loue towarde theyr neighbour.

The pastoure muste also teache the peo­ple, the common offices, and dueties of thys lyfe, accordynge to euerie mannes vocation, as the office of maried folke one towardes an other, the office of the parentes towarde theyr chyldrē, and cōtrary wise. What mai­sters owe to their seruaūtes, and seruauntes to theyr maisters. Howe the officers oughte to be estemed, and all other gouernours, howe greate reuerence we owe them, howe we oughte to lyue wyth oure superiours, equalles, and inferiours. These thynges must be often propouned, and repeted in sermons, chiefely on the holie dayes, when a greate cōpany of people resorteth togyther. And the prayses of ciuile lyfe muste be dili­gētly beaten into mē, and chiefely the youth muste be accustomed wyth great diligence, and arte, to learne to haue a reuerent opini­on of the officers, of the lawes, and of al po­litike thinges. This reuerence is profitable to the common weale, and is the nurse of great vertues.

On the sundayes, and holie dayes at the euenyng prayers some exhortation muste be made, which shalbe chosen out of the epistle of the sundaye, or holie day, whiche the prea­chers, when it is reade to the people, shal in­terprete diligently They may, if they wyll, declare to the people the actes of the Apo­stles, or one of the euangelistes, or some epi­stle of Paule, or the Psa [...]ter in ordre. But let none of the preachers take in hāde to declare the bokes of Moyses, the histories of the olde Testamente, the prophetes, but they to whom the Deanes shal committe that mat­ter. We wyll also that vpon the sundayes, and holie dayes, aswel in the mornynges, as eueninges holie assembles be vsed, holie les­sons be propouned and prayers be made, if there be ministers inowe, and if muche peo­ple come thereunto. For so seruauntes and other of the common people shall be better prouided for, which can not euer come to the principall assembles of the churche. In the mornyng let the catechisme be declared, if it maye be, if not, let it be declared at euentide when the people resorte togyther. For a cer­teyne houre on the holie dayes muste be ap­poynted for the ruder sorte, and the youth to haue the Catechisme declared. And that houre for the Catechisme shalbe appoynted [Page] that is moste conuenient for the people. And A Catechis­me is an in­troductiō in­stitution, and instruction of the vnlearned. in the wicke dayes, two dayes, or one at the leste, muste be appoynted for the Cate­chisme, from Marche, to Nouember. From that tyme vnto the spryngtyde, the Cate­chisme maye be omitted on the workynge dayes, by reason of youge chyldren, whiche can not be present for the great colde.

In euerie congregation suche ministers must be chosen to the handling of the Cate­chisme as may be foūd most readie, & meete thereunto, though they be not priestes, or in other ordinarie ministeries. But howe, and after what fourme the Catechisme must be expouned, we wyll declare hereafter. In ci­ties we wyll that euen vpon the workynge dayes, there be two holy assēbles euerie day in the which, holie lessons shalbe reade, with prayers, and Psalmes, if ministers wante not, and if the people wyll be entreated to come togyther diligently. Let suche houres be appoynted for these assembles, as shal be moste comodiouse to the people.

In villages, if it maye be for the people, let holie assembles be called togyther thryse a wieke, in whiche mornynge prayers and exhortations shall be vsed out the scriptu­res. If by reason of the negligence of the people it can not be done so often, they shall [Page] procure that they come togyther once, or twyse.

¶ Of the holy Sacramentes generally.

LEtte the pastours, and teachers re­membre that it is there duetie, to en­struct the people diligentlie not one­ly in the administration it selfe of the Sacramētes, but also oftē in their sermons when the place shall require it, what is done, and exhibited in the handlynge, and dispensation of euery Sacrament. How mē ought to prepare them selues to receyue the Sacramētes, and wyth what trust we must take them, and wherein we muste putte con­fidence of receyuing the benifitte of God in the Sacramentes, and howe much diligence & religion is required to the handlyng of sa­cramētes, not only of them which thē selues vse the sacramētes, but also of thē which be present at the administration, and dispensa­tion of the same, and chiefly of the ministers whiche exhibite, and distribute thē to other.

But chiefely they shall warne the people that they thynke not, that they maye obteine the grace of God, and communion wyth Christe, in the Sacramentes thorowe the strēgth, and worthines of outwarde worke, either in him, that ministreth the sacramētes or of hym that receyueth thē, but onely tho­rowe [Page] the strength of God, and merite of Christe, whiche wil worke in his worde and Sacramentes, and perfourme al those thin­ges vndoubtedly, whiche he offereth in the Sacramentes, and testifieth wyth his wor­des, to all them, whiche receyue the Sacra­mentes accordynge to his worde wyth true fayth.

¶ Of Baptisme.

BAptisme is a Sacrament of regene­ration, whereby we be planted and incorporated into Christe the Lorde, and be buried into his death, and put on the same, and be made thorowe hym the sonnes, and heryes of God. Wherefore we muste handle, and receyue thys Sacrament wyth greate reuerence, and religion. And therfore we must vse that maner of admini­strynge thys Sacramente, and suche tyme muste be appoynted for the administration of the same, that all thynges maye serue to steare vp, and encrease reuerence, and religi­on, that this holy Sacramnent may be god­ly, and holesomly administred and receiued.

Amonge the auncient fathers Baptisme was openly ministred onely at two tymes in the yere, at Ester, & Witsontyde. Which constitution bicause it shoulde be harde per­chaunce to renue, we wyl that Baptisme be [Page] ministred onely vpon the sundayes, and ho­lie dayes, when the whole congregation is wonte to come togyther, if the weakenes of the infantes lette not the same, so that it is to be feared, that they wyll not lyue tyll the nexte holie daye, for oure mynde is that the handlyng of the Sacrament of Christes bodie, and bloude called Eucharistia maye be ioyned with Baptisme, and that they which brynge the infantes to Baptisme, maye vse the bodie, and bloude of oure Lorde Iesus Christ after the maner, and institution of the primitiue churche.

But that all thynges maye be ministred, and receyued religiously, and reuerently, the par [...]es of the infātes shall signifie the mat­ter betymes to the pastours, and wyth the godfathers shall humbly require Baptisme for their infantes. That if the parentes, or the godfathers, or both be subiecte to mani­fest crimes, they may be corrected of the pa­stoure, if they wyll admitte correction, or if they be incorrigible, that they maye be kepte from the communion of Baptisme, lest they be present at so diuine a ministration vnto damnation, and wyth daunger of offending the churche. For they aswell make them sel­ues gyltie of the bodie, and death of Christ, whiche vnworthelie be present at thys Sa­cramente [Page] of Baptisme, and require the same for theyr Infantes wythout true fayeth in Christe, as they whiche take the bodie, and bloude of the Lorde vnworthely, that is to saye, not after the institution of Christe, namely wythout true repentaūce, and faith in Christe. Whrefore if suche come vnto the pastours to aske holie Baptisme, whe­ther they be the parentes of the chyldren, or theyr godfathers, as be defiled wyth mani­feste crimes, and abominatiōs, the preachers shall exhorte them vnto repentaunce, and warne them, that they be not present at the administration of the Sacramente for that tyme leste they pull damnation vpon them selues, and offende the churche. For suche by reason of theyr wycked actes haue no parte in the kyngdome of God, neyther be they to be admitted to the participation of the sacramentes, excepte they repent openly. But if the parentes be founde in suche crimes, they shall desire theyr kinsfolke, or other frendes, whiche be as yet the true, and lyuely mem­bres of the churche, that in theyr steede they wyll aske Baptisme for theyr infantes. If the godfathers shalbe iudged vnworthie of the church, other shal be desired, which haue good testimonie. In the request of Baptisme the pastours shal aske them, whether the in­fantes [Page] haue not receiued Baptisme already, whiche thinge is wont to chaunce, when the chylde is in perill of death. For if they be baptised, then the pastours shall do those thynges, that we wyll declare hereafter cō ­cernyng suche infantes. But if they be not baptised, or not certeynly baptised, or not as it behoued, and if the parentes, and godfa­thers be not subiecte to those crimes, for whiche they shoulde be kepte of from Bap­tisme, they muste be diligently warned by the pastours of the exceadynge benefitte of regeneration in Christe, whiche they desire to theyr chyldren. Item of the horrible fall, and gilte from whiche the infantes are deli­uered in Baptisme thorowe Christe. Then he shall exhorte them, that they be present re­ligiously at the exorcisme, and Catechisme, and so afterward at the ministration of baptisme, laste of all that they vse togyther the Sacrament of the bodie, and bloude of the Lorde. For it becometh thys thynge to be done, not onely for thys cause, that they be the membres of Christe, and it behoueth not to be present at the Lordes borde wythout part takynge, but also bycause it is an vn­worthie thynge, to aske the communion of Christ for infantes, and to receyue it in baptisme, and not to receiue the same in the Sa­crament [Page] for them selues, wherein it is offe­red to thē also. For if they aske, and receyue the communion of Christ in Baptisme with true fayth, they can not but aske the same for them selues, and receiue it desirously be­inge offered in the Sacramente of Christes bodie, and bloude.

The olde fathers administred thys Sa­cramente of the supper of the Lorde euen to infantes wyth Baptisme. But seynge that, that custome is worne awaye, not wythout a cause, it is conuenient, and it perteyneth to godlines, that the parētes wyth the god­fathers, and the kinsfolke, whiche obteyne the moste holie Sacrament of regeneration for theyr infantes shoulde vse the supper of the Lorde, wyth singuler desire of the spirite that they maye receyue the communion of Christe to them selues, whiche they obteyne in Baptisme for theyr infātes. Which thing healpeth to the edification of other also, yea of the whole congregation, and it commen­deth the holie cōmunion of Christe to other.

Therfore that all thynges maye be done more diligently, and wyth greater religion in the administration of holie Baptisme, we wyll that, when so euer it maye be conueni­ently done, the Catechisme or instruction of the parentes, and godfathers, and the exor­cisme [Page] of the infātes be exhibited the day be­fore the holie daye, or sunday, that baptisme shalbe ministred. For seinge that Baptisme muste be ministred in an high administrati­on, whē al the church is gathered togither, it is cōuenient that in these holie actions, suche moderation of both the sacramētes be vsed, that maye healpe to steare vp the deuotion of the people, and that thorowe longe tary­inge it gyue not some occasion of negligēce, or of diminishynge the godlie feruentnes of the mynde. Wherefore, when it maye so be, it shall be profitable to seperate in tyme the handlinge of the Catechisme and exorcisme from the ministration of baptisme after the custome of the olde fathers. But when the people can not be commodiously present, bi­cause that manie of them dwell farre from the temple, or for some other iuste cause, then the exorcisme and Catechisme may be hand­led wyth Baptisme.

Howe be it the pastours shall laboure, as muche as is possible, that thys moste holie Sacrament of Baptisme, whiche is the first adoption, receyuyng, and entrynge into the kyngdome of Christe, be not administred, and receyued, but before the whole congre­gation, wyth greate grauitie and reuerence.

Whē the Catechisme then, and exorcisme [Page] shalbe handled the daye before Baptime: let the infantes be brought forth at the euening assēble, at the whiche people, bycause of the holie day folowyng, or sundaye, is wont to be present. The parentes, and the kinsfolke after the exemple of the olde saintes muste also be presente, and brynge theyr Infantes to the temple. Which, and other being come togyther, the pastours, and ministers muste fyrste playnely declare the misterie of holie Baptisme, and the exceadynge benifittes of God exhibited therein, to them, whiche brought the chyldren, and to the reste of the people, with singuler grauitie, and religion. Secondly they shal exhorte thē to a godlie, and faythfull receyuyng of so greate a Sa­cramente, and so inestimable benefittes of Christe. Then they shall require of the pa­rētes, & godfathers to renounce Satā, & the worlde, and to confesse the principal articles of our fayth, and religion, whiche confession and renunciation they muste make playnly, and grauely before the whole congregati­on.

¶ A fourme of Catechisme, that is to saye, of institution, exhortation, and demaundes made to the godfathers, and all them that brynge infantes to holie Baptisme.

FYrste the pastoure, other ministers standynge by hym, shall thus exhorte them, whiche brynge the infantes to Baptisme.

Beloued in Christe Iesu, we heare dayly out of the worde of God, and learne by our owne experience that all we, from the fal of Adam, are conceyued, and borne in synnes, that we are giltie of the wrath of God, and damned thorowe the synne of Adam, except we be deliuered by the death, and merites of the sonne of God Christe Iesu our onely sauiour. Seinge then that these present in­fantes be borne in the same state and condi­tion, that we were, it is playne, that they al­so be spotted wyth originall synne and dis­ease, and that they be subiecte to eternall death, and damnation. But God the father accordynge to his vnspeakeable gentlenes, and mercie towardes mankynde, sent his sonne, to saue the worlde. Wherfore he wyll also that these infantes be saued. He bare the synnes of all the worlde, and deliuered, and saued aswell the infantes, as vs, whiche be of greater age, from synnes, death, the diuel, and euerlastynge damnation, which would haue the infantes to be offered vnto hym, that he myghte gyue them his blessynge.

Wherfore according to your christiā godli­nes [Page] take thys childe, bryng him vnto Christ and offre hym wyth your godly prayers, that he may obteyne of him remission of his synnes, and be remoued into the kyngdome of grace, beinge deliuered from the tirrannie of Satan, and that he maye be made heyre of eternal saluation. And be ye most certeine hereof, that oure Lorde Iesus Christe wyll mercifully regarde thys worke of your cha­ritie, towardes thys infant, and that he wyll heare your prayers, for he him selfe thus cō ­maunded wyth hys worde: Suffre the litle­ones to come vnto me, for vnto such pertey­neth the kingdome of God. Wherefore, be­loued I exhorte you, and beseche you as ma­nie as be present, that you wyll religiously considre wyth your selues the greatnes of thys ministration, and worke, that we go a­boute. For ye se howe the churche humbly, but constantly bryngeth hither these misera­ble weake infantes, & destitute of al strēgth. Wyth whiche dede they confesse playnely, that they be the childrē of the wrath of God of synne, and euerlastyng death. They pray for them wyth godlie, and feruent wishes, desiring to obteyne for them the grace, and healpe of God, that thorowe baptisme be­inge borne agayne of God, they may be the chyldren of God. Thynke not then, that a­nie [Page] triflynge, or chyldishe thynge is hand­led in thys holie administration, wherein warre is taken in hande agaynste Satan, wherein he is not onely dryuen out of the infant, but the infant is bound with an othe, that he euer warre agayng hym, as the ene­mie of his kynge Christ vnto his last breath wyth all his power. Wherefore God must be called vpon wyth greate confidence, and moste feruent prayers, that he wyll not one­ly deliuer thys chylde from the power of Satan, but also strēgthen, and defende hym that thorowe out all his lyfe, and chiefely in the poynt of death, he maye stande, & fyght agaynst Satan valiauntly.

Wherefore lyfte ye vp your myndes al­so, and thynke that you muste in thys place heare the worde of God wyth singuler de­uotion, that you muste call vpon God with lyuely fayth, and that here you are prouo­ked to prayer for a moste weightie cause.

Therefore behaue your selues so, that God maye se your religion, and allowe it, neither suffre ye that thys moste holie Sacramente of Baptisme, be vnworthelie handled tho­rowe you, and be made a mocke vnto Sa­tan, and so shame be done to God, whiche here powreth forth so greate ryches of his grace. For he hym selfe calleth thys Sacra­mente, [Page] the lauer of regeneration, whereby he maketh vs his owne sonnes, heyres of euerlastynge lyfe, and part takers of all his benifittes, bycause we be the coheyres of his Christe, beinge deliuered from the tirannie of the diuell, synne, death, and hell. Where­fore I beseche you for Gods sake, and your saluation, that ye wyll worthely esteme and thankefully embrace so wonderfull abun­daunt grace of God, whiche is exhibited in thys Sacrament. For Baptisme is a greate comforte vnto vs in oure daungers, and af­flictions, and it is the fyrste entraunce vnto all the benifittes of God, and to the blessed feloshyppe of all saintes.

Therefore that we maye considre thys vnspeakeable benifitte of God wyth a pre­senter minde, and greater religion, we must fyrste remembre, into howe greate euyls the fall of Adam thrue vs. And contrariewyse how vnmeasurable grace God exhibited to mankynde thorow his sonne in that, that he hath redemed vs from the same euylles by baptisme. Thirdly howe thys so great mer­cie of God ought to be euer before our eyes in all perilles, and with howe great prayses we should magnifie the grace of god, which we haue receyued thorowe baptisme.

Fyrste then we muste considre wyth all [Page] diligence, that all we thorowe the synne of Adam, and enuie of Satan, be subiect to the wrath of God, and moreouer damned, and be holden prisonners vnder the power, and kyngdome of the diuell, vndre death, synne, and hell, so that we being by nature the chil­dren of wrath, coulde appease God by no strength of man, no vertues, or workes. For all that is in vs, and all our workes be cur­sed of God, and subiecte to the tirannie of Satan, by reason of our corrupted nature.

For seinge that thorowe the inobedience of our fyrst Adam (of whō we are all borne into this natural, and earthlie lyfe) we come al into the worlde giltie, and cursed of God so that we muste all dye in hym, and beare his earthie Image in thys mortall bodie, it feloweth, that all our lyfe, and all the dedes of our nature so corrupted, be condemned of God, though they appeare neuer so godlie, and holie before men. For what so euer is borne of fleshe, is flesh, that is to say, straūge from God, repugning to the spirite, and ad­iudged to death, and hell. Wherefore fleshe and bloud shal not atteine to the kyngdome of God. For whatsoeuer is fleshe, it sauou­reth fleshely thynges, and so lyueth, it is an aduersarie to God, for it is not subiecte to the lawe of God. Wherefore they that be [Page] fleshely can not please God, the wysedome of the fleshe is death. And therefore oure Lorde Christe disputyng wyth Nicodemus concludeth thus. Verely, verely I saye vnto the, excepte a man be borne agayne of water and of the spirite, he can not entre into the kyngdome of God.

Secondly we must considre, howe plen­tifull the grace of God gyuen to vs in bap­tisme, is, wherin his bountuousnes, and loue towardes men, truly appeareth in asmuche as he hath saued vs, not thorowe the wor­kes of ryghtuousnes, whiche we had done, but accordyng to his mercie, by the lauer of regeneration, and renouation of the holie gost. For he, thorow the vertue of his worde washeth awaye, and abolisheth whatsoeuer maketh vs giltie, and condemneth vs, as in olde tyme, he drouned in the redde sea, the enemies of his people, and destroyed al mā ­kynde wyth the floude, eyghte soules reser­ued, whiche were saued in the arke. So this lauer of water saueth vs, thorow the word, not in washyng away the fyl [...]h of the fleshe as it chaunseth in all other washynges, but thorowe the certification of a good cōscience towardes God, by the resurrectiō of Iesus Christ. For by the vertue of Goddes coue­naunt we are cleansed in our cōsciences, and [Page] we are certified both thorow the worde, and an outwarde signe, that all the synnes that defiled, and condemned vs, be playnly abo­lished, bycause they be forgyuē and be dead. Therfore thorowe baptisme, we determine certeynly, that we are acceptable vnto God and ioyned vnto hym wyth an euerlastyng couenaunt of grace, so that nothynge can se­perate vs frō hym, or condemne vs. Wher­fore hensforth we muste not onely eschewe synnes, but also feare them, and abhorre frō them, none otherwyse then from hel, as men dead vnto synnes. For all we, as S. Paule wytnesseth, whiche be baptised into Christe Iesus, be baptised into his death, for we are buryed wyth hym into death. Therfore we be dead to synne, and to the whole olde mā, and broughte forth in Christe so farre, that nothynge can condemne vs, or seperate vs from the grace of God. For he that is deade is iustified from synne, he is no more sub­iecte to the tirannie of synne, death, and hell, though he feele the remnauntes of synne in the fleshe, yet those be not imputed vnto cō ­demnation by reason of the iustification of the spirite in Christe.

Furthermore Baptisme worketh a newe lyfe in vs, and acceptable to God. For as Christe was reysed from the deade, by the [Page] glory of the father, so he worketh in vs with his spirite, that we also maye walke in new­nes of lyfe. For if we be grafted in hym by the lykenes of his death, surely we shal also be part takers of his resurrection vnto euer­lastyng lyfe, knowinge thys that oure olde man is crucified wyth him, that the bodie of synne should be abolished, that hereafter we serue not vnto synne.

Wherfore let vs recōpte that we be dead to sinnes in dede, and liue to God in Christ our Lorde, in whom also we be circumcised wyth a circūcision made wythout handes, whyle we put of the bodie of synnes, tho­row the circūcision of Christ. We are buri­ed wyth hym thorow baptisme, wherein we haue also rysen agayne wyth hym, by the fayth of the workynge of God. For God whiche raysed Christe from the deade, hath quickened vs with him, euen when we were dead thorowe synnes, by the vncircumcision of the fleshe, or fleshly lyfe. For though our lyfe be hidden in God with Christ, yet whē Christe our lyfe shall appeare, then shall we also in hym be manifested in glorie, as men, whom God of his exceadyng mercie, hath begotten agayne into a lyuely hope, thorow the resurrection of Iesus Christe from the dead, vnto (I saye) an incorriruptible inheri­taunce, [Page] vndefiled, and that fadeth not away, not of corruptible seede, but vncorruptible, namely the lyuely worde of God, by which worde baptisme consisteth, and worketh all the forsayed thynges in vs truely, and effe­ctuously.

Thyrdly we shall cōfort our selues with so great excellencie of the grace of God, and benifittes bestowed vpon vs thorowe bap­tisme, and we shall euer thanke God, and that so muche the more studiously, as we shall be oppressed, wyth more greuous cala­mities, confirmynge our fayth hereby, that God worketh in vs, mortifieth the olde mā and repayreth the newe, though not after a visible sorte, yet by the vertue of baptisme thorowe the worde, and the spirite. Where­fore lette vs confirme oure consciences, and thynke that God careth for vs, and that for the merite of his sonne, we be acceptable, and deare to hym, and when we be exercised wyth aduersitie, and sundrie miseries, we must remēbre, that we are baptised, and that in baptisme al our sinnes, & euils be ouerco­med, and deade, and that they be dayly wa­sted, and obolished more and more thorowe the crosse and sūdry afflictions, which God sendeth vnto vs, and that the newe man is continually renued and repared thorow the [Page] vertue of the resurrection of Christe. Therfore of ryght we oughte to thanke God, for his so vnspeakeable mercie, and we muste also praye therwyth, that he wyll vouchsafe euer to further, and at the last to finishe his worke whiche he hath begonne in vs, and in all them, whom he hath called to baptisme. The preachers shal vse such exhortatiōs lō ­ger or shorter, accordyng to the tyme, out of the forsaid places of the scripture, and other lyke, and then they shall adde the interroga­tions folowyng.

¶ Interrogatiōs, or demaūdes, which shall be propouned to the godfathers, and to the parentes of infantes.

Do ye beleue that those thynges be true, whiche I shewed you out of the worde of God, concernyng the corruption of nature, thorowe originall synnne, and concernynge regeneration in Christ our Lorde, and euer­lastyng communion wyth God, whiche is exhibited thorowe holie baptisme.

  • ¶ Answere.
  • ¶ We beleue.

Do you require then, wyth al your her­tes, and wyth true fayth, that thys your in­fant, whom ye haue brought and offered to Christe, be deliuered from thys corruption of nature, thorowe the merite, and vertue of Christe in baptisme, and be reconciled to [Page] God, and borne againe into a new and per­petuall lyfe.

  • ¶ Answer.
  • ¶ We require it.

Do ye then renounce in your name, and in the name of the chylde, the deuyll and all his workes?

  • ¶ Answere.
  • ¶ We renounce.

And the worlde also, and all his concu­piscence.

  • ¶ Answere.
  • ¶ We renounce.

Do ye beleue in God the father almigh­tie maker of heauen, and earth?

  • ¶ Answere.
  • We beleue.

And do ye beleue that God wyll be a fa­ther to you, and to thys Infante, when it is baptised, and that he wyll keepe you frō all euyll, thorowe his almightie power, wyse­dome, and mercie, and heape benifittes vpon you, and that therefore you oughte to feare hym, and loue hym aboue al thynges?

  • ¶ Answere.
  • We beleue.

Do ye beleue in our Lorde Iesus Christe his onely sonne, which to redeme vs became mā, suffered & died, & was raysed frō death, ascended into heauē, and sitteth on the ryght hāde of the father, & frō thēce gouerneth his churche, thorowe his almightie power, and shal come in thende of the worlde & appeare to al mē, a iudge of the dead, and the quicke.

Do ye confesse out of this fayth, that our Lorde Iesus Christe is also your Sauiour, and Sauiour of thys chylde, whiche by his death hathe purged your synnes also, and hath recōciled you to God and instified you thorowe his resurrection, and wyl at length fully finishe vp the Image, and lyfe of God in you, beinge cleansed from all synne?

  • ❧ Answere.
  • We confesse.

Do ye beleue also in the holie goste, the holie and vniuersall churche, the communi­on of saintes, the remission of synnes, the re­surrection of the fleshe, and lyfe euerlasting▪

  • ❧ Answere.
  • We beleue.

Out of thys confession do you beleue, that the holie goste wyl be your teacher, and comforter, and the teacher and comforter of thys chylde, and that you be the true mem­bres of the bodie of Chris [...]e oure Lorde, and of his churche, and that thys childe by bap­tisme shall be a membre of Christe, and his churche, wherein he shall haue remission of sinnes, a sure hope of resurrection, and life euerlastynge.

  • ❧ Answere.
  • We beleue.

Wyll ye then take the infante from bap­tisme, and compte hym for a verie sonne of God, a brother, and membre of Christe, and [Page] as soone as he cometh to the vse of reason, if peraduenture he shall leese his parentes, or, if they shall be negligente in thys behalfe, wyll ye take the charge of him, that he may learne the ten commaundementes, the arti­cles of oure fayth, the Lordes prayer, the sa­cramentes both at home, and in the congre­gation, that from his chyldehode he maye beginne to vnderstande the misterie of bap­tisme, and the benefittes of Christe gyuen to hym therin, and afterwarde when he is wel instructed in the religion of Christe, that he confesse his fayth in the congregation wyth his owne mouth, and thorow the participa­tion of Christe, that he gyue hym selfe to obedience towardes God, and the congre­gation.

  • ¶ Answere.
  • We wyll.

❧ Here the past oure shall exhorte a­gayne the parentes, and the multitude standyng by.

Remēbre then beloued, that ye must with all faythfulnes and diligence perfourme the thynge, that ye haue promised here in the sight of god & Christ our sauiour, which is amonge vs, and before his holie cōgregati­on. And all you parentes, godfathers, and other that stāde by, acknowledge this childe after that he hath receyued baptisme, as the [Page] sonne of God, and membre of Iesus Christ to whom the Angelles be presente as mini­sters, and serue hym, neither doubte ye but that what so euer good, or euyll ye do to thys seelie Infant, you do the same to God, and to Christe the Lorde. Lette it not be anie payne to you then, that euery one of you ac­cordynge to his state, kynred, and vncation, procure thys chylde to be godlie, and religi­ously broughte vp, and instructed, that at length he maye keepe all those thinges, that Christe oure Sauiour commaunded to vs. It perteyneth then vnto you, whiche are gi­uen of God to thys chylde, to be parentes, kynsfolke, or godfathers to procure, as sone as he is growen vp, to brynge hym to scho­les, to the cōgregatiō, that he may be instru­cted moore fully in the misteries of Christe, and in other thynges, that he may perceyue the grace, and exceadyng benifittes of God gyuen in baptisme, that he gyue accompt of his fayth before the cōgregation, that he re­nounce in dede the diuyl, & the worlde wyth al concupiscences, that he wholie gyue hym selfe to Christe our Lorde, and to his cōgre­gation to be obedient in all poyntes, accor­dyng to his gospel, and so cōtinue in Christ our Lorde vnto thende, and euer go forward in newnes of lyfe, as a lyuely membre of [Page] Christe, and that beinge a fruiteful braunch in thys vinyarde he brynge forth the plenti­full fruite of all good workes, to the prayse of God and edification of the churche.

❧ Here foloweth the Exorcisme, or adiuration.

HEre the past oure shall cōmaunde the chylde to be brought nere him and shal demaūd his name, which knowen, he shal say: I cōmaunde all euyll spirites, in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ, to departe frō thys infant, and to do hym no hurt anie maner of wayes.

❧ After thys makyng the figure of the crosse wyth his thombe vpon his foreheade, and vpon his brest, let hym saye.

Take the figure of the holie crosse, in thy foreheade, that thou neuer be ashamed of God, and Christ thy sauiour, or of his Gos­pell, take it also on thy brest, that the power of Christe crucified may be euer thy succour and sure protection in all thynge.

  • ❧ Then let hym saye to the people.
  • The Lorde be wyth you.
  • ❧ Let the the people answere.
  • And wyth thy spirite.
  • ❧ The pastour. Let vs praye.
  • Almightie, and euerlastyng God the fa­ther [Page] of oure Lorde Iesus Christe, I call the vpon thys N. thy seruaunte, for whom the churche requireth the Sacramente of bap­tisme, and therein thy grace, and spirituall regeneration, and thou saydeste, aske and ye shal receyue. etc. so gyue thy grace, and mer­cie to thys chylde, as thy church prayeth the that he maye obteine the redemption of thy sonne, and inheritaunce of euerlastynge, and blessed lyfe, whiche thy cōgregation seeketh for hym, thorowe baptisme. Open to hym the dore of thy kyngdome, at whiche thy churche knocketh for hym, thorowe Christe our Lorde. Amen.

❧ Let vs praye.

Further almightie God, whiche in olde tyme dyddeste destroye the wycked worlde wyth the floude, accordynge to thy terrible iudgement, and dyddeste preserue onely the familie of godly Noe, eighte soules, of thy vnspeakable mercie, and which also dyddest droune in the redde sea, obstinate Pharao the Kynge of the Egiptians wyth all his armie, and warlike power, and causedist thy people of Israel to passe ouer with dry feete and wouldest shadowe in them holy baptis­tisme, the lauer of regeneration, further­more whiche dyddeste consecrate Iordane wyth the Baptisme of thy sonne Christe [Page] Iesu, and other waters to holie deepynge, and washynge of synnes, we praye the for thy exceadynge mercie loke fauourably v­pon thys Infante, gyue hym true fayeth, and thy holie spirite, that what so euer fylth he hath taken of Adam, it maye be drou­ned, and be put awaye by thys holie floude, that being seperated from the numbre of the vngodlie, he maye be kepte safe in the holie arke of the churche, and maye confesse and sanctifie thy name wyth a lustie, and feruent spirite, and serue thy kyngdome wyth con­stant truste and sure hope, that at length he maye atteyne to the promises of eternal lyfe wyth all the godlie. Amen.

  • ❧ The pastour. The Lorde be with you.
  • ❧ The people. And wyth thy spirite. Heare the Gospell of oure Lorde Iesus Christe.
  • Marke. x.

In that tyme they broughte chyldren to Ie­sus, that he might toutch them. But the dis­ciples rebuked them, that broughte them. When Iesus sawe that, he toke indigna ion and sayed vnto them, sulfure the litleoues to come vnto me. etc.

Beleue these wordes, and thys deede of our Lorde Iesu Christe vpō them, and doubt not but that he wyll so receyue your chyl­dren also, and embrace them wyth the armes [Page] of his mercie, and gyue them the blessynge of eternall lyfe, and the euerlasting commu­nion of the kyngdome of God. The same Lorde, and our Sauiour Iesus Christe con­firme and encrease thys your fayth. Amen.

❧ After thys the pastoure shall laye his handes vpon the chyldes heade, and the godfathers touching the child shall praye wyth hym. Oure father whiche arte. etc. Then they shall al­so rehearse the crede. I beleue in God the father. etc.

¶ Let vs praye.

After thys the churche shall synge the Psal. Cxiiij. Item. Cxv. and. Cxxxvi. When Israell went forth. etc. Not to vs Lorde. etc. Item prayse the name of the Lorde. etc. Ye seruauntes prayse the Lorde.

  • ❧ The pastour. The Lorde be with you.
  • ¶ The people. And wyth thy spirite.

❧ Let vs praye.

Almightie, and euerlastynge God, hea­uenlie father, we gyue the eternall thankes, that thou haste vouchsafed to cal vs to thys knowledge of thy grace, & fayth towardes the. Encrease, and confirme this fayth in vs euermore. Gyue thy holie spirite to thys in­fant, that he maye be borne agayne, and be made heyre of euerlastyng saluation, which [Page] of thy groce, and mercie thou hast promised to thy holie churche, to olde men, and to chil­dren, thorow our Lorde Iesus Christ, which liueth, and reigneth wyth the nowe and for euer. Amen.

  • ❧ Thus gyuynge his blessynge let hym dimisse the congregation.
  • ❧ Of administration of Bap­tisme.

The daye folowinge let the infantes be­inge exorcised the daye before, be broughte agayne to the cōgregation, a litle before the supper of the Lorde, whō there the pastour, after that the Gospel is reade, and declared and the crede songe, shal bid, to be broughte to the foūtstone, and shal exhort the parētes the godfathers, and kinsfolke after the ma­ner folowinge.

Beloued in Christ, yesterday by the grace of God we hearde, how exceading, and vn­speakable mercie is exhibited in Baptisme. Ye haue renounced Satā, and the worlde, ye haue cōfessed the fayth of Christe, & ye haue promised obedience to Christ, and the cōgre­gation, and ye haue required of God the fa­ther, that for his sōnes sake our Lorde Iesus Christ, he will deliuer these infātes from the kingdome of darkenes, and settle thē in the kingdome of his beloued sōne. You must re­mēbre [Page] these thinges, and doubt nothing, but that we shal receyue all these thynges, that we require, if we beleue. Therefore liftynge vp your mindes vnto the Lorde, appeare ye here with all religion, as in the sighte of al­mightie God, the father, the sōne, and the holie gost, and receiue ye sure fayth, and than­kesgiuing the benifitte of regeneration, and adoptiō into euerlastyng life, of the one god him selfe, the father, the sonne, and the holie goste. And bicause the Lorde hym selfe com­maunded vs to baptise in the name of the father, the sōne, and the holie gost, vndoubted­ly god him selfe baptiseth our infātes, clean­seth thē frō sinnes, deliuereth thē frō euerla­sting death, putteth vpō thē his owne righ­tuousnes, and gyueth them life eternal. We must acknowledge with true faith, and euer magnifie these exceading benifittes of God. Wherfore that we may steare vp our fayth and mindes. Let vs heare the wordes of S. Paule folowing, concernynge thys matter.

❧ To Tite Chapter. iij.

But after that the goodnes, and loue of oure sauiour God towardes mē appeared, not of the workes of ryghtuousnes whiche we dyd, but after his mercie he saued vs, by the lauer of regeneration and renuing of the holie goste. etc.

  • [Page]❧ The pastour. The Lorde be wyth you.
  • ❧ The people. And wyth thy spirite.

¶ Out of the Gospell of Mathewe the laste Chapter.

The Lorde Iesus said vnto his disciples All power in heauen, and in earth, is gyuen vnto me. Go ye therfore into al the worlde, and preache the Gospell to al creatures, and teach al the heathē, baptising thē in the name of the father, & the sonne, & the holie gost. etc

  • ❧ The pastour. The Lorde be with you.
  • ❧ The people. And wyth thy spiritie.

❧ Let vs praye.

Almightie, and mercifull God, and fa­ther, thou diddest promise to Abraham oure father, and the father of all that beleue, and in him thou dyddeste promise to vs also his chyldren, that thou wouldeste be a God to vs, and to oure seede. Wherefore, as thou diddest receyue the infantes of the olde people into grace, and into thyne owne people by circumcisiō. And thy sonne Christe Iesus our Lorde, and sauiour, admitted chyldrē of­fered vnto hym right gently, and blessed thē testifiynge that the kyngdome of God per­teyneth to such. So let it be thy pleasure, to begette our infantes agayne, and to adopte thē into sonnes, vnto the felowship of euer­lastynge lyfe, by the sacrament of baptisme. [Page] Graūt then heauēly father, that we may earnestly requir so gret riches of grace setfurth in baptisme, for these infātes, & that we may acknowledge, and receyue them wyth true fayth beinge offered both in the worde, and in the sacrament, finallie that we maye euer thanke the, and magnifie the for them. And impute not to these infantes the synne of A­dam, issued into thē, and engendred by their parentes, & regarde not the merites of theyr parentes, and of all thys people, but let the death, and merite of thy sonne our Lorde Ie­sus Christ preuayle in them, and impute vn­to them his rightuousnes, and obedience. Plant them into his death, and resurrection, make them membres of his bodie, put hym vpon thē, that they maye be thy sonnes, and heyres, and continue for euer. Graunte vs also that after Baptisme, we maye acknow­ledge them for thy chyldren, and membres of the bodie of thy sonne, that we may god­ly brynge them vp in the feare of the, vnto thy glorie, that we maye healpe them in all corporall, and spirituall thynges, that also by them thy holie name maye be more mag­nified, the kyngdome of thy sonne enlarged, thy wyl be done in thys earth, as in heauen. Furthermore keepe them safe, gyue them bountuously the necessaries of lyfe, and pre­serue [Page] them from all euyll. Amen.

❧ Thys prayer ended, lette the pa­stoure require the Infantes to be gy­uen hym, let hym aske the names, that they shall haue, and lette hym Baptise them, saiynge.

I baptise the, N. in the name of the father the sonne, and the holie goste.

Let the godfathers forthwith receyue the Infant from Baptisme, the priest saying, as it foloweth.

The almyghtie euerlastynge God, and father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe, whiche hath begotten the agayne wyth water, and the holie goste, and hath forgiuen the al thy synnes, confirme the wyth his grace, vnto euerlastynge lyfe. Amen.

  • ❧ The Pastour. The peace of the Lorde be wyth you.
  • ❧ Answere. Amen.

Here lette the whole congregation synge in Douche. Nowe all thankes. etc. or the Psalme. God be mercifull vnto vs. Then let the pastour go forth in the ministratiō of the Lordes supper.

¶ How baptisme must be meni­stead at other tymes.

But if the infantes be weake so that it is to be feared that they wyll not lyue to the nexte sondaie, or holye daie, or if for weygh­tie matters Baptisme cannot bee ministred vppon those dayes, the Pastoures shall warne the people, that yet they bringe their chyldren to bee Baptised at those houres whan after the custoume, the people resorteteth together to heare the lordes wo [...]de.

But if that thynge cannot bee doone neyther, baptisme in the meane whyle must not be denyed to the infantes offered there­vnto, whan so euer they be brought for as much as lieth in vs, we must not suffer that any departe out of this lyfe, without the sa­crament of baptisme. For the Lorde institu­ted baptisme that it maye be to vs a sacra­ment of regenecion and wasshinge of sinnes from whiche in this lyfe no man is free, no not an infante one daye olde for it is oure parte, to do in all thynges after the Lordes word, and to receyue his giftes, and benefi­tes that way, that he him selfe hath appoyn­ted vnto vs.

Whan baptisme than shalbe mynistred vpon workynge dayes, lette the pastours ioyne to gether in order the Catechisme, ex­orcisme, and baptisme, and they shal mode­rate [Page] their exhortacions, & prayers according to the companie, and strength of the child. For if thei se that the childe is in daunger of lyfe, and that the cōpanye is small, they shal be shorte in all thynges. And they shall vse only the first part of the admonicion, which we willed to be saide before the Catachisme vnto these wordes, wherefore, we exhorte, and praye you beloued. etc. So they shal vse the firste parte only of the demaundes of e­uery article and in the exorcisme thei shal vse only one praier wyth the Lordes prayer, the Crede and the Gospell. Which thinges pre­mised, lette them Baptise the infante furth­with, and let them exhort the parentes, God fathers, and other that stand by, that thei determine certainly that the infant whether he lyue or dye, is the sonne of God, and heyre of euerlastinge life, and if he lyue that they procure him to be broughte vp vnto religiō and goddes glorye, according to the exhor­tacion sette before, whiche beginneth. After that beloued, etc.

¶ Of baptisme ministred to childrē assone as they be borne for danger of lyfe.

The peple shalbe taught and warned in sermōs that they presume, not lightly to ministre priuatli, this most diuine sacramēt for [Page] it is worthie to be ministred in the cōgrega­cion & bi peculiar ministers, with al grauitie and reuerēce and that maketh much for this purpose that it maye be holesomely mynis­tred, and receyued. But if exterme necessitie pres vs, that thei that be presēt with the child beinge in danger, mayei ioyne them selues together in the Lorde, and lyftinge vp their mindes religiously vnto God, lette them calle for his mercye promised, and exhibited in Christ Iesus our Lord vpon the infante, and whan they haue sayde the Lordes pra­yer, lette them baptis him in the name of the father, the sōne, and the hollye gost. Which done lette them not doubte, but that their in­fante is trulye baptised, washed from sinnes borne agayne in Christ, and made the sonne, and heire of god lette thē than giue thankes to god, for this his so greate benifite, and let them not thynke that baptisme muste be re­nued in children so baptised for in all poin­tes, asmuch as we maye, we muste so do al­thynges, as the Lord hath appoynted. If a­ny godlie man be present, whan the infant is in extremitie, lette hys ministerie be vsed to baptysme.

Further if it chaunce that the infante so baptised at home, do liue, it is conuenient, that he be brought afterwarde to the temple [Page] of hys parentes kynsfolke, and godfathers, which must com with a good company, and religiously, as men that ought to giue than­kes for this excedinge benifite of regenera­cion ministred to their infante, and to offer him to god, and his sauiour in the congregatiō. The pastours than shall aske theis men after what sort, and with what wordes they baptised the infante, whether they dyd bap­tise him, as the Lord commaunded in water, and in the name of the father, the sonne, and the holye gost. Whiche if they shall answer that they called god vpon the childe, and prayed for him, and baptised in the name of the father the sonne, and the holye goste, and that thei beleue that he is truly clensed from sinnes, & borne againe to God, the pastours must confirme them in this belefe and in no wise Baptise suche an infante againe. And that men maye be more cōforted, and the ce­lebration of so great a sacrament, more aug­mented, and the benifite of Christ bestowed vppon the childe throughe Baptisme more commended, the preachers shall alowe the same in the congregacion, vsinge a lesson of the holye Gospel and praier after this sorte▪

The pastor whā thei become which bring such an infante vnto the Lorde, shal first demande of them.

Beloued in Christe, forasmuche, as we be al borne in synne, and the wrath of God, giltie of eternall death, and damnacion, and can by none other meanes get remissyon of sinnes, righteousnes, and euerlastinge lyfe, than through faith in Christ, and forasmuch as also this infant is borne subiect to these e­uils, I meane of death, and the wrath of god I aske of you, whether he were offered to Christ, and plāted in hym through baptisme If they answere that they so beleue, he shal aske thē further, by whom it was done, and who wer presēt. And whā they haue named them, he shall aske him, whiche bi there rela­cion, Baptised the childe if he bee present, or other whiche then were presente whether the name of the Lorde were called vpon him and prayer made for him. If they answere that they did so, he shall aske how the childe was baptised. If thei than answere in water and wyth these wordes, I baptise the in the name of the father the sonne, and the holye gost, he shal aske them laste of all, whether they certainly knowe that thei haue rightly vsed the worde of god, and if they answere, that thei know and remembre that they dyd so, lette the pastoure saye this moreouer.

Forasmuch as beloued in Christe, I here that althynges concerninge the baptisme of [Page] this infante, haue been done in the name of God, and according to his institution, I pronounce in the name of Christe, that ye haue doone well. For infantes wante the grace of God, whych our sauiour Christ denieth not vnto theym, whensoeuer it is asked for children, according to his worde for he hath not bound the benifite of his redemption to anye places, times, or persōnes. For in what place soeuer they that beleue in hym come to gether in hys name, he is present in the middest of them, and whan he is caled vpon thoroughe fayth, he worketh in hys worde, and sacramentes, and he performeth in ded whatsoeuer he offreth in hys sacramentes, promiseth in hys wordes. And to confirme this fayeth, and that we maye sterre vp our selues, to thanke the Lorde for thys hys so greate benifyte ministred to this infante by baptisme, lette vs heare out of the gospell, howe the Lorde wyll haue children brought vnto hym, and howe he wyll bountouslye blesse them, whyche be offered vnto hym.

Marcke. x.

¶ And thei brought children vnto him, that he myght touche them. etc.

By these wordes of Christe we bee certi­fied that as manye infantes, as bee offered vnto Christ according to his word, pertayne [Page] to the kingdome of God, bee the chyldren of God, the mēbres of Christ, that the Angels be present with them as mynistres, and that al the creatures of god be subiecte vnto thē, to do them good. Wherfore we must mini­stre to such with singuler diligēce, that they maye bee well broughte vp in Christe, and growe in him, and this charge pertaineth to you parētes, kinsfolkes, godfathers, and all other frendes, which be of the body of thys our congregacion. I commende than thys infante, the sonne, and heire of God, the bro­ther, and coheire of christ, the mēbre of christ and youre membre in Christe: to your faithfulnes, & charge, that ye procure hym wyth al diligence to be noryshied, brought vp and enstructed to the Lord, to whom he is borne again, and to the kingdom of god, to which he is borne againe, eueri man accordinge to his vocation, and power, that assone as he can for hys age, he maye learne to keepe all those thinges, that Christe commaunded to bee kepte. Wherefore it pertayneth to you chiefely parentes, godfathers, and kinsfoke thought all other in this congregation, and all chrystian men to whome soeuer he shall come, ought not to denye theire labour and healpe to procure, that this infante assone as he may for his age, be brought to the schole, [Page] and to the congregaciō, and be enstructed in the misteries wyth all faythfulnes, that he may lerne to acknoledge, and magnifie the moste ample benifites of God receyued in baptisme, that afterwarde he maye professe his faith him selfe in the congregacion, that with his owne voyce he maye renounce sa­tan, and the worlde with all his entysemen­tes, and workes before the holy congregacion that he may bynd himselfe to Christ, and to his congregacion, vnto all obedience, and continue in the same vnto the ende, as a liuelye membre of Christ, and a branch continu­yng in Christ, and brynging furth plentiful frute vnto the praise and glorie of god, and edificacion of his church, After thys let him saie lainge his hande on the childe, The lord bee with you. Answere. And with thy spi­rite. Lette vs praye. Lorde God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ, whiche haste be gotten agayne this infant of water, and the holye goste, and haste giuen him in holye Baptisme, remission of all sinnes, confirme the same with thy grace, and guide, and fur­ther this new life, whyche thou haste giuen, and fynyshe it vp where vnto thou haste bounde the infante with this hollye Sacra­mente. Graunte also to hys parentes, and to vs all that we maye faythfully, and dili­gently [Page] serue the in takinge charge of, hym that thoroughe hym, and vs all, they name dayly be more, and more sanctified and thei kingdom promoted, vnto the full fruision of blesfulnes, thorough Christ our Lord. Amē.

But if they, whiche offre the infante, can not answere sufficiently to the sayd deman­des, so that thei graūt that they doe not wel knowe what they thought, or dyd in bapti­sing, being, sore trobled with the present dā ­ger, as it often chauceth than, omittinge cu­rious disputacions, lette the pastoure iudge such an infante not to be yet baptised, and let him do all those thinges that pertaninge to this ministracion, as we described before that is to say, let him vse an admonicion and catechisme to theim that brynge the chylde, and an exorsisme of the childe, the commen confession of the faith, and al other thinges, which done lette him baptise the infant with out condicion, in the name of the father the soonne, and the hollye goste.

¶ Of the confirmacion of thildren baptised And sōlemne profession of theyr fayth in Christ, and of therir obedience to be she­wed to Christe, and to his congregation.

THys custome hath beene obserued in the olde, and newe testament, of the institution of God, that those, whych in theyr first infancie were receiued into the grace of the Lord, a mong the olde people, by circumsicion, and in the newe people by baptisme, assone as they had vnderstanded this benifite of God, whiche they had receyued, and assone as they hadde a fore conceyued fayth in God, they them selues shoulde professe theyre fayth in the congregacion, and they them selues shoulde bynde them selues to the obedience of God, and of the cōgregacion.

At whyche confession of fayth, and pro­fession of obedience in the cōgregacion they were wonte to bee solemly confirmed of the congregacion in religion, thoroughe praier, and some token of Goddes confirmacion, which vnder Moses consisted in sacrifices, and oblations, and in the tyme of the Go­spell, in layinge on of handes and partici­pation of the supper of the Lord. For this is the nature of true, and liuelye fayth, that e­ueri man desireth to sette forth, and magni­fye the benifites, that god hath shewed him, and for his parte to offer, and cōsecrate him­selfe, to the glorifiynge of his name with all offices of godlines. Wherfor the Psal. xxii. [Page] singeth of the is my prayse, in the great con­gregacion. Psal. xxxv, I wyl giue thankes vnto the in a greate assemble. et. ce.

❧ Forthermore we are so grafted in Christ thorough Baptisme, and so made the members of his bodye, that is to saye, of the congregacion, and so ioyned in Christ to o­ther members of Christ, that we must serue al them, with whom we haue anye aquain­taunce any perticipacion of kindnes, cheifely for the furtheraunce of godlines, & religion, and afterwarde also in thynges necessarye for this present life, I meane that one of vs acknoledge another, and embrace one another in Christe with sincere loue. And fyrst that we teach one another, warne, correct, cōforte and exhorte in those thynges, that pertaine to a new lyfe in Christ. Secōdly that we al­so helpe one another in thynges necessarye for this present lyfe, with coūcel, worke, and seruise.

Therfore the comunion of both liues in Christe the Lord, and the recompensation of good turnes one to another, requireth that euerie man openly offere and giue himselfe to this felowshyppe of the outwarde, and inward man, and to this change an recom­pensacion of benefites. Seynge than, that this confession of fayth, and geuyng of our [Page] selues to the obedience of Christe, and com­mendacion of his church, which the very na­ture of fayth, and necessite of this cōmunica­cion of Christe requireth, canne not be done in baptisme, whan infantes be baptised, it must nedes be done of them, that were bap­tised in their infantie, whan they be meetely wel enstructed of relegion, and whan they some what vnderstande those greate benifites that we giue in baptisme.

But whan they solemly professe their fayth, and obedience before the cōgregacion the verie nature of fayth requireth agayne, that the cōgregacion praie for them solemli, and desire for them the encrease of the holye gost, that he wyll confirme, and preserue thē in the fayth of Christe, and obedience of the congregacion, and that he will euer leade hym into all truethe. And for asmuche as such praier made in the name of Christ, and truste of his promises can not bee but effec­tuous, it pertanieth to the mynisterie of the congregacion, to strengthen theym with the confirmacion of the hollye Gost, for whom the churche hath prayed. Therefore oure el­ders folowinge the exemple of Christ, and the Apostle did vse laiyng on of handes, as a signe, at this confirmacion.

This ceremonie thā obserued in the fayth of [Page] Christ because it is vndoutedly the office of faith, and christian loue, agreable all maner of wayes to the wordes, and institutions of the Lord, and edifiyng the religion of Christ we wyl that it be restored in the congregacion to a godlie, and holesome vse, all abuses remoued, that haue crepte into the place of this ceremonie, whiche howe shameful, and noysome they were to oure religion euerie Christian manne maye easelye iudge.

Heretofore this ministerie of confirmacion was a peculier worcke of a suffragayne.

But forasmuche as al thinges in the church must be referred, ordained, and done for the commune profite of Christen menne, wee wil that hereafter this ministerye of confir­macion, if it can not be done commodiously by a suffragayne, or not as it ought to be done, shalbe done by visitours, twyse a yere in principall solemnities. For where as at the begynninge, the office of confirmacion was only committed to bishoppes, bishop­rikes were not so large as they be nowe, nether wer theyr dioces greater, than that the bishops might visit once a yere euery parish and here him selfe, and confirme the childrē beinge catechised, or instructed. But nowe the world is other wyse, and bishoprikes be after another fashion, so that it is impossi­ble [Page] that one byshoppe, or sustragaine maye wyth conueniēt leasure administre this con­firmaciō in hys diocese. For euerie yere ther growe vp some in euerye churche, whome it shal be come to professe their fayth, and to be solemli cōfirmed. Wherefore forasmuch as euerie congregation hath neade of yerely lookinge to, and visitation, and solemne pro­fession of fayth and confirmacion of them, which in age, and knoledge of Christ be growen so fare: the necessarie procuracion of the Lordes flocke committed vnto vs constray­neth vs, that wee prouide that the congre­gacion wante not a mete minister for thys purpose. For the health of the shepe of christ muste not serue the personnes of the myni­sters, but the persones of the ministers must serue to their health, that al thinges maye be done according to this sayinge, al are yours whether it be Paule, or Apollo, or Cephas. i. Cor. iij.

And as S. Hierome witnesseth this con­firmacion was not therefore the proper of­fice of bishoppes in olde time, bicause it was not lawful for other to administre the same seing that euē commen ministers yea euerie Christen man, if ordinare ministres wāted, might minister Baptisme, a muche more excellent sacramēt, but it was cōmitted to by­shops [Page] peculiarly for this cause, that the by­shops of euerie cōgregacion, mighte attaine more certaine knoledge, & might haue more holesome care, and charge while they them selues enquired euerie yere with what faith fulnes, and diligence the pastours hade in­structed bothe the rest, and cheifly the yong children of Christ.

It holpe also togreater consent of religiō, and reuerence and obedience towardes the holie ministerie, when eureie one professed hys fayth, and obedience of Christe to one bishoppe.

But forasmuch as to many congregaci­ons be cōmitted to the charge of one bishop, that euerie one can not be visited by one bi­shoppe, or suffragane, we must neades pro­cure that this office of examinacion, and confirmacion, which cannot bee deferred more than a yere without the great incommoditie of the congregacions, and peril of religion, bee executed by more personnes, seinge that it cannot be doone by one, howbeit the pa­rish preistes in euery cōgregacion with their companions, certaine dayes before the com­ming of the visiters, shal diligently prepare the children, whome they purpose to offre to confirmacion to make theyr confessyon of fayth, and profession of Christen communion [Page] and obediēce decētly and semely, whiche must be done of theym after this sorte. The demande. Dost thou professe thy selfe to be a christian▪ Answer. I professe. Demaunde. What is it to be a Christian: Answere. To be borne agayn in Christ, and to haue remi­ssion of sinnes, and partipation of euerla­stinge lyfe through him. Demaunde. Wher by trusteste thou, that these thynges be ge­uen the? Answere. Bicause I am Baptised in the name of the father, the sonne, and the holie gost. Demaunde. What beleuest thou of God the father, the sonne, and the ho­lie gooste: Answere. The same that the ar­ticles of oure crede do comprehende. Demā. Rehearse them. Answer. I do beleue in God the father almightie. etc.

¶ Let the chylde in this place recite al the articles of the crede playnely, and distinctlie.

Demaun. What vnderstādest thou, whā thou sayest, I beleue in God the father, in the sonne, and in the holie goste: Answere. That they be three personnes of one sub­stance, and power, and yet but one God. Demaun. Why sayest thou God almighti [...] maker of heauen and earth? Answere. By­cause I beleue that god, as he made al othe [...] thynges, so he made me of nothynge by hi [...] [Page] onely sonne, oure Lorde Iesus Christe, and preserueth, and gouerneth thorowe the same Iesus Christe alone, and is present in euerie place, and worketh all good thynges in all men, thorowe his onely euer wyse purpose and ryghtuous wyl. Demaund. How doest thou vnderstand the second article of Christ our Lorde? Answere. I knowledge thereby that our nature thorowe the fal of Adam is so corrupted, that no angell, nor man coulde purge oure synnes, and satisfie for them, so that it was necessarie that the eternal worde the sonne of God, shoulde be made man, cō ­ceyued of the holie goste, and borne of the substance of the virgin Marie, a verie man vndoubtedly, but wythout sinne, which tho­rowe his death satisfied for our synnes, and thorowe his resurrection, and ascention into heauen, he sat vs wyth hym selfe in heauen­ly thynges, to whom the father hath gyuen alpower in heauē and in earth, that he may gouerne vs, and restore in vs his owne I­mage, and at length, when he shall come to iudge the quicke, and the deade, that he may [...]ayse vs from the deade, and that he maye gyue to vs, whiche were perfectly framed againe to his owne Image, the enheritaunce of eternall bliffulnes in heauen, and deliuer other to be punished in euerlastynge fyre, [Page] whiche haue obstinately despised him. De­maund. What is the meanyng of the thirde article: Answere. Thus, that Christe the Lorde hath gyuē the holy goste to vs, which thorowe the ministerie of the Gospel gathe­reth togyther the faythfull into his congre­gation, wherin they must be euer steared vp vnto repentaunce, and vnto fayth, and to re­ceyue remission of synnes by the worde of God, and sacramētes of the communion of Christ, and so in leadyng a lyfe holie, godly, and profitable to theyr neyghbours, wyth a good cōscience, that they loke for Christ the sauiour, which shal take thē vp to him selfe in heauen out of thys worlde, and shall also rayse vp agayne theyr bodies in the daye of iudgement vnto an heauenlie life. Demaun. Doest thou then surelie beleue al these thin­ges? Answere. I beleue them al, and I praye God, that he wyl vouchsafe to encrease this fayth in me. Demaunde. What ought thys fayth to worke in the. Answ. That I doubte nothynge, but that God, and the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe, whiche wyth this his sonne, sent vs his word, and gaue vs all thynges, is the only true God, that he made all thynges of nothynge, that he onely wor­keth, and gyueth all good thynges, and that he wyl shewe hym selfe a father vnto me al­so, [Page] for the same his sōnes sake our Lorde Ie­sus Christe, that he washed me from synnes wyth holie Baptisme, that he gaue me his holie spirite, that he incorporated me to his deare sonne, & so receiued me into his church and adopted me, to be his sonne, and heyre, that also he wyll keepe me in his congrega­tion, gyue me in the same repentaunce, and remission of synnes, and the communion of his sonne, that thorowe hym I may euer cal vpō his name with childrens trust, and that in the renuing of my self, I may profit day­ly vnto his Image, furthemore I beleue that thorowe his worde and sacramentes he wyll confirme, and encrease the same in me, so that I maye studie continually to sancti­fie his name, and to serue his congregation wyth all maner of good workes, tyl he take me out of thys worlde vnto heauenlie ioyes and the blessed resurrection. Al which thyn­ges I acknowledge that thei be perfourmed vnto me, and shal be thorowe the onely free mercie of the heauenlie father, and thorowe the inestable merite of his sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christ. Demaund. God and our hea­uenlie father encrease and confirme this thy fayth, thorowe his sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christe. Amen. Doest thou thynke then, and doest thou acknowledge in thys fayth, that [Page] thou art verily the sonne of god, & his hey [...]e the brother, and ioynt heyre of our lorde Ie­su Christ, and therfore a mēbre of his bodie, which the cōgregation is? Ans. I thinke so, & acknowledge trustyng in the most certeyne promise of Gods beniuolēce and in the me­rite of our lorde Iesus Christ. Dem. Doeth that please the thē, and doest thou allowe it, and wilte thou continue in the same, that thy godfathers promised, and professed in thy name at holy baptisme, when in thy steede thei renoūced Satā, & the world, and bound the to Christe and to his congregation that thou shouldest be thorowlie obedient to the Gospel: Ans. I allowe these thinges, and by the healpe of our Lorde Iesus Christ, I wyl cōtinue in the same vnto thende. Dem. And doest thou thy selfe renounce Satan, and all his workes, wyth thy herte, and mouth here in the syght of God, and before his holie cō ­gregation: Ans. I renounce. Dema. And the worlde, and all his cōcupiscences: Ans. I re­nounce. Dema. And doest thou wholy giue selfe vnto al obedience of Christ and his cō ­gregation? Ans. I wholy giue ouer my selfe thereunto. Dema. How wast thou first ad­opted, of God to be his sonne, & to be recey­ued into his cōgregation: Ans. By holie baptisme. Dema. What is baptisme: The la [...]e [...] [Page] of regeneration, wherby I am washed from sinnes, and grafted in Christe the Lorde, and haue put him vpon me. Dem. Wilt thou cō tinue in this cōmuniō of Christ vnto thende? Ans. I will by the healpe of our Lorde Iesu Christ. Dem. What requireth this cōmuniō of Christe: Ans. That I cōtinue in this doc­trine, that I haue cōfessed, & in al the articles of our fayeth, and that I beleue that I haue remission of sinnes in Christ the Lord, & that I am iustified, acceptable to God, and heyre of euerlastynge lyfe, for this deare beloued sōnes sake, & not thorow myne owne merite of rigtuousnes, further that I studie to liue according to al the cōmaūdementes of God And that I may go forwarde in this know­ledge of God, and obediēce, it requireth that I diligently heare the worde of God by the ministers chiefely vpō the sūdaies, and holy dayes, and if the Elders of the congregati­on, or other that wyll shewe me suche loue, do reproue me of sinne, that I take it in good parte, and amende my lyfe, that I also tho­row a sincere zeale of Christ, & their health, warne my neighbours liuing il, and inordi­nately, and amende them if I can, but if I cā not, that I take other wyth me, whiche I thinke may do more wyth them, and if they wyl not heare them neither, that I bring the [Page] whole matter before the elders of the cōgre­gatiōs, whō if they despise to heare, & be therfore excōmunicated, that I take thē for hea­thē, & publicanes, and auoide their cōpanies asmuch as my vocacion wil suffer, and ciuile busines wyth them, and their necessitie accordyng to the word of God. Demaūd. What doeth the communion of the congregacion of Christ require beside? Answ. It requireth also, that I receyue the supper of the Lorde with other Christian men, to whom I come, and with whom I dwell, as one, that is one breade, and one bodie with them in Christe. Demaunde. What is this sacramēt? Ans. It is the communion of the bodye, and bloude of Christ, whiche in the Lordes supper, whā it is celebrated accordinge to the institution of the lord, be truly exhibited with the bread and wine? De. To what vse doest thou re­ceiue the bodie, and bloude of the Lord. Ans­wer. That mi fayth in him, and truste of the newe, and eternal testament, of the grace of God, redemptiō of Christ, and communion wyth hym, maye be confirmed in me more, and more, and that I maye lyue lesse to my selfe, & more in hym, & that he may repaire a new & holy life in me For as cōcerning mine owne flesh, and bloud, I canne do nothyng but sinne, and lyue an vngodly lyfe. Demā.

What more doeth the communion of the [Page] congregation require? Ans. That I adde my prayers to the commen prayers of the churche, that I come together with thē, and gyue their oblations and almes lyberally to the vse of the pore, and so behaue my selfe in al thynges as a mēbre of Christe ioyned in Christe, and cleauynge togyther with all godly men, and that I acknowledge, and re­uerently vse in all thynges, those, whom the Lorde hath made feeders of his cōgregatiōs curates of soules, and elders, as it becometh an obedient sonne of God, finally that I be thankeful for these exceadinge benifittes, the Gospel, and cōmunion of his sōne our Lorde Iesus Christ. Dema. Wilt thou faythfully perfourme, and obserue, al these thynges, as thou haste nowe professed. I wyll, by the healpe of oure Lorde Iesus Christe.

After that one of the chyldrē hath rehear­sed a ful cōfession of his fayth, & hath profes­sed the obedience of Christ before the whole cōgregation, it shal be sufficient to propoune questiōs to the other childrē after thys sorte. Demaūd. Doest thou also thy sonne beleue, and cōfesse, and wylt thou wholy gyue ouer thy selfe vnto the cōmunion, and obedience of Christ, and his cōgregatiō, as thou hear­dest euen now thys childe to beleue, and cō ­fesse, that he woulde bynde hym selfe to the [Page] obedience of Christe, and his congregation.

❧ Here it shall suffice, that euerie one answere thus for hym selfe.

I beleue, and confesse the same, and yelde vp my selfe to Christe, and his cōgregation, trusting in the grace and healpe of our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ. But where chyl­dren be not so exercised in the knowledge of religion, that they can answere by herte ac­cording to the prescribed fourme, the visiter, whiche shal administer confirmation, muste reade al the answers to suche children, and it shalbe sufficient, if they answere simply, that they beleue the thinges, that were read, how be it he shall labour so to declare all thinges vnto them, that they may vnderstande what thei go about, and what thei cōfesse, and professe. Howbeit they must be diligently war­ned, that they remēbre, that they stand in the sight of god, whō they cā not deceyue, which beholdeth the herte. And that therefore they must procure with al reuerēce, that they de­clare the same thinge in their lyfe, that they professe wyth their mouth, and thynke in their herte.

But, as we warned before, al the chyldrē one by one muste be exercised, and prepared hereunto, and diligētly examined the wieke before, by the ministers and Elders of eue­rie [Page] congregation, and the pastours and El­ders must bring no childrē before the visiter to be cōfirmed, but such as they trust, know the summe of religion, and beleue truely in Christe. It is not to be required precisely, that the childrē answer featly cōcerning the wordes, for it chaūceth oftē, that they which be wel enstructed in the knowledge of faith can not verie handsomely vtter the thynges that they meane, chiefly in an open place, ei­ther for shame or some other weaknesse of minde. Wherefore we muste more regarde, which childrē truly vnderstāde the thynges that perteine to religion, then which cā feat­ly declare them with wordes, wherein those excell moore often, whiche haue lesse godlie myndes. Nowe further, when the children, which shalbe confirmed, haue confessed their fayth, and professed the obediēce of the Go­spell, the cōgregation muste be warned, that they humbly pray for these chyldrē. Whose prayer the pastoure shall offre to the Lorde, wyth suche a collecte.

❧ The Collecte.

Almightie, and merciful God, heauēly father, whiche onely workest in vs to wil and to performe the thynges that please the, and be good in dede, we besech the for these chil­drē, whō thou hast gyuen to thy church, and [Page] hast begottē againe to thy selfe by holy baptisme, and in whom thou haste powred that light, that they acknowledge and cōfesse be­fore the cōgregatiō thy grace, and benifittes towardes them selues, and their redemption in Christ Iesu, and wil wholy giue ouer thē selues to the, and thy congregation, to be obedient to thy cōmaundementes, confirme this thy worke, which thou hast wrought in them, encrease in them the gift of thy spirite that euer going forwarde in the knowledge and obedience of thy Gospell, in thy cōgre­gation, they may cōtinue to thende, and that they go no where aside from that fayth, and obedience of the Gospell, whiche they haue now confessed and professed, beinge seduced thorowe some peruerse doctrine, or dryuen forth by the lustes of the fleshe. Graūt them that they luckely springinge vp in thy sonne our Lorde Iesu Christe, the heade of vs all, may grow into him tyl they come to mānes age fully, and perfectly in al wysedome, ho­lines and rightuousnes, that they may more fully know, and more feruently loue the, the father, and thy sōne our Lorde Iesus Christ and that they may confesse, exhalt, and mag­nifie the same more earnestly, and effectuously before their neyghbours, both in wordes and deedes. And as thou haste promised vs, [Page] that thou wilt giue vs, what so euer we shal aske of the in the name of thy deare sonne, & as thy sonne promised vs, that thou woul­dest gyue vs requirynge the, a good spirite much more prōptly, then any father gyueth his children good thinges, when they praye him: so giue these chyldrē the thinge, that we pray the for, thorowe thy sonne Christ, that when we shal now say our hādes vpō them in thy name and shall certifie them by thys signe, that thy fatherly hande shall be euer stretched forth vpon thē, and that they shall neuer wante thy holy spirite to keepe, leade, and gouerne thē in the way of health, and in a very christian life, graunt thou, I say, vn­to them, that they maye acknowledge these thinges wyth true fayth, and that they may certeynly beleue, that thou wilte defende thē with thy almightie ryghte hande, and keepe them frō al euil, and deliuer them, and leade them to al good workes. Finally that thou wylt neuer take thy holy spirite from them thorowe our Lorde Iesus Christ.

❧ Here the pastour laying his hā ­des vpon them, shal say.

O Lorde Iesu Christ the sonne of God, which saidest in the Gospel. If you then be­inge euyl, cā gyue good gyftes to your chil­dren, howe muche more shal my father giue [Page] the holie goste to them, that aske hym. Item, If two consent together vpon the earth. etc. Confirme thys thy seruante wyth thy holie spirite, that he may cōtinue in the obedience of thy Gospell, and strongly resist the diuel and his owne weakenes, and not greue the holie goste, or trouble or offende thy churche wyth sclaunders, but that his whole lyfe maye serue to the prayse of thy glorie, his owne health and commune profitte of thy congregation, as thou hast prescribed to vs, and as thou haste promised that thou wylte gyue to them that aske the. Amen.

❧ After thys lette the Hymne be songe. Nowe al thankes. etc.

Nowe a good whyle sithens the signe of oyle was wonte to be vsed in confirmation but bycause they abused thys signe moost superstitiously, and forasmuche as also a­monge christian men, signes and shadowes of spiritual thinges ought not to be so much regarded, as the thynge, and trueth it selfe, the signe of layinge on of handes shall be sufficient in thys ministration, whiche the Apostles, and olde fathers thoughte suffi­cient. And that thys Ceremonie maye be hādled wyth greater granitie, and reuerence and wyth more fruite both of the chyldren and of the whole congregation, the deanes [Page] wyth the visiters, or parishe priestes, of eue­rie congregation, shal chose out suche a place in the temples frō whence the cōfession, and profession of the chyldren, and other thinges that muste be done there wyth all, maye be clearely hearde, and perceyued of the whole congregation.

❧ Of the Lordes supper.

MEn muste be muche, and often taught, and warned of this most holie Sacrament, that it is, as Paule witnesseth a cōmunion of the bodye and bloude of oure Lorde Iesus Christ wherin we muste so celebrate the re­mēbraūce of him, wyth greate religion, and graue preachynge of his death, and resurre­ction, and of al thinges, which he was made for vs, whiche he dyd and suffered for oure saluation, that our fayth in hym may be cō ­firmed, that we maye cleaue faster and lyne more fully in hym, and he in vs.

And forasmuch as the Lorde, when he iu­stituted thys holie supper, dyd saye. Do thys in remembraunce of me, the preachers shall diligently warne thys also, that the Lorde cōmaunded, that we shoulde do those thynges in this Sacrament, whiche he hym selfe shewed to be done by his exemple.

Therefore we muste set the same acte of the Lorde before vs, neither muste we in any wyse decline from the same, or chaunge any thynge of it, though an Angel from heauen, or an Apostle did counsel and bidde vs so to do. Which thinge the right holy bishop, and martyr Ciprian, gathereth well and truely out of these, and many other wordes of the Lorde. For if Christ be our onely Lorde, and maister, we as the ministers, and disciples of hym muste needes folowe and do, not the worde or dede of anie man, or Angel, but we muste folowe, and do wyth al reuerence the thynges that he dyd, and layed before vs to do, neither maye we regarde, what other dyd before vs, but what Christe oure Lorde fyrste dyd, whiche is before al thynges. And al they that do not thys, but chaunge some­what of the institution of the Lorde in thys moste holie misterie, ought not to be iudged his vicares, or his priestes, seing that for the traditions of men, they caste away the com­maundement of Christe. The holie martyr wryteth these, and muche moore seuere and earneste thynges in the same Epistle, a­gaynste them, that in the administration of this most holy Sacramēt chaung any point of that the Lorde hym selfe did in his sup­per. For he cōmaunded vs to do that onely. [Page] Nowe if we consider howe Christe institu­ted this holye supper, it appeareth clearelie out of the declarations of the euangelistes, and saynt. Paull, that first he made his holie supper with his disciples, and that he made the same, one, and commune to al that were presēt and with suche disciples, as had who­lye gyue theym selues to hys doctrine. For thoughe Iudas were a fayned disciple, and as Christ calleth him a diuyll, neuertheles, the other disciples dyd not yet knowe that, for he dyd cleane to the Lorde in outwarde profession, and lyfe, as the rest did.

But the Lorde, whan he gaue his disci­ples, an exemple in hys supper, where as he admitted Iudas, he would not followe hys owne secret iudgement, but that open & ma­nifest iudgemēt, which his disciples might, & shoulde folowe afterwarde. For thys cause [...]n the old church, which obserued that thing [...]hat it had receiued of the Aposteles, no mā [...]as admitted vnto the holye communion, whiche hadde not witnessed hymselfe, to be he disciple of the Lorde. Further more such [...] any companie, and congregacion of the [...]aythful, had one supper only, and that com [...]une to al, so that thei al receiued the lordes [...]ody in one bread, and his blod, in one cup. Whereof Paule writeth thus. The cuppe [Page] of blessing, whiche we blesse, that is to saye, wherwyth we giue thankes, is it not the cō ­munion of the bloude of Christe? And the breade, whiche we breake, is it not the com­munion of the bodye of Christe? For we be­inge many are one breade, and one bodie for we receiue al of one bread, and of one cuppe, Loo, the Apostle speaketh of one cup, in whō one man gyueth not thankes for hym selfe, and he speaketh of one bread, whiche all we that come together breake beinge commune and he witnesseth, that this is the cōmunion of the bodie, and bloude of Christe, whyche communion all we receyue together oute o [...] one Sacrament, and we confirme the same, because we are the members, and bodye o [...] Christ. Wherefore the Apostle willinge t [...] strēgth the thinge, that he had say, I meame that the breade, whiche we breake in the holie supper, is the communion of the bodie o [...] Christ, vsed these wordes, we, beinge many saieth he, are one breade, and one bodie, as [...] he woulde saye, one breade is broken, an [...] one sacrament is distributed amonge vs beinge manie for this purpose, that we being many, which receiue this sacramēt with tr [...] faith, shoulde be more and more vnited in [...] one bodie, euen the bodie of Christ, and th [...] we should altogether abide, and liue in hi [...] [Page] and he in vs, after that we hade gotten the true communion of his bodie.

Thys is singulerly to be noted, that the Apostle willinge to proue that we, which in the holye supper of the Lorde, are partakers of the Lordes bodye, and bloude, be one bo­dye, added furthwith. For al we be partta­kers of one bread, whereby he signifyed also the communion of one cuppe. Lette vs than consider this reason of the Apostle diligent­li. For if we testifie, and declare therebi, that we are one bodye, and one breade of Christ, and that we truly receyue, and obteyne the communion of Christes bodye and bloude from the Lordes table, whā al we that come [...]ogether to the Lordes table, be parttakers [...]f one breade, and one cup, two thinges suer [...] folow hereof, one, that they, which in one [...]ongregacion of the faythfull, doe minister [...]ore than one supper of the Lord, testifie of [...]em selues therby, that they be not one bo­ [...]ye, and one breade of Christ, nether rightly [...]ceiue nor haue the cōmunion of the Lordes [...]odye, and bloude. The other is, that they, [...]hiche be present at the Lordes supper, and [...]eyue not the sacramentes, testifie by thys [...]eir abstinences from the lordes table, that [...] wil not be a mēber with other Christi­ [...]s, whyche receyue the sacramentes, that [Page] they wyll not be one bodye with them, and one breade of Christe, if they be sufficiently enstructed of thys institution of the Lorde, and haue not a lawful cause to abstaine frō the sacramentes.

Therefore for thys verye cause, that the Lord conmanded vs to do that, in his holie supper, that he himselfe dyd, and he celebra­ted it wyth those hys disciples only, whych had wholy giuen thēselues to hys doctrine, and euer folowed hym, and celebrated one supper only, the prechers shal obserue two thynges. First they shall teach, and exhorte the people wyth all diligence, that in thys most holy sacrament they shewe them sel­ues the true disciples of the Lord, that is to saye, such as putte al their trust in the Lord hymself, and haue bound them selues who­ly to his worde, and folowe the fame studi­ously in al thinges. For thus the lord sayeth Iohn. iij. If ye abyde in my worde, ye are my disciples in deade. But they that wyll declare themselues to be faythful ministres of the Lorde, in the administracion of these misteries, shall not admitte anie other to the lordes supper, but such as be tried, and haue confessed before the congregacion, that they haue giuen thē selues to the Lorde, and haue proued the same with theyr life, as the Lord [Page] also celebrated the supper wyth chosen disciples. Secondly that in one cōgregaciō of the faythfull, one supper be ministred, and that the pastour himself celebrate it, if he may by anie meanes, at such tyme whan the whole congregacion is wont to come together, as vpon sondayes, and holye dayes, if so be there shalbe present, that wyl communicate, as men, that be one bodye, and one breade of Christ, and are so outwardly also ioyned together of the Lord that thei pertain to one congregacion, and pastoral cure, and receiue the communiō of the Lord out of one bread, and one cuppe.

The seconde thynge that the Lorde dyd in his supper, is this, he gaue thanges to the father, and that in such language, as the disciples might vnderstand al thinges, and be sterred vp wyth hym to prayse God. For whyche cause the pastours shall warne the people, firste, that in the administracion of thys sacrament, we must gyue thankes to God throughe oure Lorde Iesus Christe, for al the benifites that he hath gyuen, and giueth to vs dayly, and cheifely for that benifite, out of whyche al other come, and be made true benifites vnto vs, I meane, that he so loued vs, that he gaue vs hys sonne a redemer, that, all that beleue in him shoulde [Page] not perishe, but haue euerlasting lyfe Iohn iij. wherefore he hath giuen vs all thynges wyth hym. Ro. viij. remyssion of synnes, the spirite of adoption, and al thinges that may dooe vs good ether in body or soule, in this lyfe or in the life to come.

Secondly that the prieste, and ministre of this sacrament in gyuinge thankes to God, giueth thankes in his owne name, and in the name of the whole cōgregacion wherfor the people must lyft vp theyr mindes, and herkē to the thinges, that are spoken of the priest, that thei maye praise, and thanke God toge­ther with the preist. For in thys giuinge of thankes, as Chrisostome well warneth, all thinges must be commune betwene the peo­ple, and the prieste, where vnto all men that be present, are called, whan the preiste saieth, lifte vp your hertes. Item lette vs giue thankes to oure Lord God. And they promise the same, whan they Answer, we haue vnto the Lord. It is worthi and right. For in old time as S. Cipriane testifieth, whan the prieste, or ministre sayde, lyfte vp your hertes, the people aunswered, we haue vnto the Lorde. But all these thinges must be done before the Lord in spirite, and truth. Wherefore the people must wyth all dyligence, ioyne they [...] myndes wyth the wordes of the priest, tha [...] [Page] with one hert, & one mouth thei may magnifi and thank God with him. The. iii. and prin­cipal poynt in the Lordes supper is this, that he distributed the bread, and the cuppe to al, and bad al take both, that al should eate the bread, and drink of the cup, and added. This is mi bodi, which is giuē for you This is mi bloud of the new Testamēte, which for you and for many, is shed furth vnto the remyssion of sins. Out of these wordes of the Lord, the pastour shal teach the people with great reuerēce, and diligence that this is the princi­pal point and work in the supper of the Lord that sacramētes be distributed according to the insttituciō of our Lorde Iesus Christ and receyued with true faith in Christ, with this faith, I saie, that we certanly beleue that our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe is here present in the midest of vs, and that he himself, though i [...] be bi the ministerie of the church, doth tru­ly giue vs his body, & blod and together al­thinges, whatsoeuer he obteined, & deserued by the offryng of his bodye on the crosse, I meane remissiō of sins, the euerlastyng coue­nant of Gods grace, the blessed adoption of God, that we be the sons, & heires of God, & [...]is coheires. Out of these thinges, y pastors [...]hal teach, & warne the peple with al possible [...]iligence. First that they come to these most [Page] deuyne misteries, not as the common sorte were wont to do heretofore, wyth cold myndes far from a faythful, and religious consideration of the thynges, that bee here execu­ted, but that they sterre vp theim selues, and come with a godly burning desyre of Christ flamynge furthe with true repentaunce, and griefe of synnes, and fayth fixed vpon oure Lord. Further that thei heare & embrace the wordes here of the lord, and al giftes, as the words & giftes of saluatiō & euerlasting life as thei be in dede. For this actiō is a proper, and principal work of our saluatiō, wherin Christ himself offceth, & geueth to vs, all his thinges, that he was made for vs, that he suffred and deserued, & accordinge to hys name Iesus, he sheweth himself a sauiour vnto vs in wordes and dedes. Neyther is there anye word, or dede of his set before vs to be folo­wed or done, that doth not properly, and ef­fectuously make to our euerlastyng helth, so that we take holde of it, and vse it with true fayth. As in this present action of the holye supper, he hath heaped together with singu­ler, and most feruente desyre to do vs good, and hath comprehended in a summe, and set befor vs to be knowne, embraced, and enioyed al those thynges, that for oure saluation, he spake, commaunded, suffred, dyd, and willed [Page] vs to do. Wherfore whan we here those holsome wordes of Chryst in the holy Supper, Take, eate, drynke, Surely we must re­ceyue the Sacramentes with great religion and moste bounden thankfulnes of mynde. And it is a great abhominatiō, to dispise the Lorde callyng vs so gently, and so louingly bidding vs to this feast of health, and meat of euerlastyng lyfe, & not to make hast most gredely to this heauenly, and blessed banket

Thirdly, the pastours shal warne the pe­ple, that they dout nothing but the Lord him selfe is present in the myddest of theym, and geueth them this very body and bloude, that thei euer may more fully liue in hym, and he in thē, and that they may dayly grow more and more into hym, whych is the heade, and be moued of him, as hys lyuely, and vncor­rupt members, and require of him confidently al good thynges, and al euils to be taken away, and finally that they may receiue the thynges most aboundantly, which thei aske For as we receiue hym in this sacrament so we receiue with him al thinges that pertain to the children of God.

And forasmuch, as this exhibition, and receiuyng of the body and bloude of Chryste, this thinge, and action is so heauenlye, and diuine a matter of fayth, and of the newe te­stament, [Page] the pastours shall warne this also, that men excludyng the iudgement of theyr owne reason, geue fayth simply to the Lor­des wordes, and that they study to receyue this heauenly meat, and this blessed communion of our onelye sauioure and Lorde with singuler desire, and thankfulnes of mynde.

Fourthly, the preachers shall diligentlye warne the people, that they ernestly considre those most blessed wordes of the Lord, which is geuē for you, which is shed furth for you and for many vnto the forgeuenes of sinnes Item this is the newe testamēt in my bloud or this is the bloud of the newe testamente. For by this only thyng, that Chryst on the crosse offred his holi body and bloud to the father for our sinnes, we be recōsiled to God and deliuered from the power of satan, and hel, beyng made the sonnes & heyres of God and the newe leyge of grace, the testamente of eternal saluation, is ordained, and confir­med betwene God and vs, that God wilbe our father also, and acknowledge vs to bee his people: yea, his sonnes and heyres, that he wyll driue al euils from vs, and heape al good thynges vpon vs, both present, and to come, finally that in the last day he wil raise vs from the dead, and settle vs in an heauenly and ful blessed lyfe.

The fourth thinge that the Lorde deliue­red, and dyd in his holye supper is this, that he saide, Do this in the remembraūce of me. And he gaue manie other holsome cōmaun­dementes to his disciples, and exhortacions. For he taught thē, and warned them afore hande wyth manye wordes, of hys passion, and the fruit that we receyue by the same, of his resurrection and heauenly kingdome, of the office, and ministerie of christen men, and chiefely of theyr apostolike offyce to preach hys kingdome in al the world, and together in to it the scatered children of God, and to confirme and further them in the same. For this cause than the preachers shal warne di­ligently, as often as this sacrament is mini­stred, that thei must studiously stirre vp, and celebrated the remembraunce of Christe by godlye, and diligente handelynge, and prea­ching of the Gospel, whereby thei shal faithfully declare to the people, how necessarie it was for vs that the sonne of God shoulde take oure flesh, and with hys death deliuer vs from eternall death, and the terannye of Satan, and howe greate benifites he obtay­ned, and gaue vs, and dayly gyueth vs tho­ought hys death, and resurrection, that is to wit remission of sinnes, the spirite of adop­tion, a newe, and blessed powre of liuinge, [Page] the felloshippe of resurrection vnto a verie heauenlye, diuine, and euerlastinge lyfe. All whiche thinges muste be muste religiously preached, and considered in the holie supper.

Wherefore in this must hollie action the doctrine of the Gospell, and the lawe muste be diligently beaten in, that the Lordes death and resurrectiō, and al thinges, that he was made for vs, that he dyd and suffred, that he obteyned for vs, and perfourmed and dayly perfourmeth, be muste studyously preached and that the remembraunce of him be fully, and perfectly celebrated, to this end that our fayth in him, and new and blessed lyfe in the lame, maye be euer confirmed, and augmen­ted. Therefore we vse yet of the custome of the olde church, that open, and principal ser­mons be made a boute this ministracion of the holye masse.

The pastours, and teachers of cōgrega­cions shall often and faythfully warne, and enstructe the people of all these thinges. So the chosen of God shal easly suffer them sel­ues to be led awaye from al abuses of thys most reuerende and holie sacramente and be brought agayne to the true, and holsome vse of the same. For the shepe of Christe knowe the voyce of theyr shepeherde, and folowe him hertely. This maner surly canne not be [Page] obscure, or vncertayn to they in that sauour anye thynge of Christ. All christiane Doc­trine consisteth herein, and is grounded her­vpon, that men be taught to kepe all those thinges, that oure Lorde Iesus Christe com­maunded, as the father hym selfe witnessed of hym from heauen, sayinge, Thys is my welbeloued sonne, here him. And he sayeth of himselfe to the Apostles, al power in hea­uen, and erth is giuen to me, teach and make all the heathen my disciples, baptise them in the name of the father, and the sōne, and the holye goste, and teache them to kepe al these thsnges that I haue commaunded you.

But it is euident that this our only ma­ster, and Lorde, instituted the sacramente of thanckes gyuinge wyth these wordes, and commended it vnto vs. Do this in the remē braunce of me, meaninge that, that he hym­selfe dyd, and that, that the Euangelistes Mathew, Marcke, Luke, and Paule cleare­ly describe vnto vs, as we shewed before.

Who is he than, whiche beinge well ad­monished hereof, wil not cōclude furthwith that al they that wil christianely, and hole­somely handle this sacrament, must consider and folowe (as S. Ciprian very godly warneth) not that, that some other hath done before vs, no not what the hole world doth, or [Page] thyncketh to be done, but what Christe the Lord dyd, and cōmaunded to be done, which is before al thinges, whych is the maker and redemer of the world, nether only the high­est amonge vs, but also our only master, and teacher, and finaly they must further consy­der that all they, whyche dare other wise administer this sacrament, do administer it vnworthyly, that is to say: other wise than it be cometh and thei do make them selues gyltie of the body, and bloud of the Lord. The fautes that we haue cōmitted heretofore in this most holy mistery, vsing it otherwyse, than the Lord cōmaunded, the Lord hath mercifully forgeuē vnto his, which haue put al their trust in him, & his merite, & not in the worke of the sacramēt other mynistred, or receiued But we to whom the lorde hath giuen sure knoledge of his instituciō, and commaunde­mēt shal not be pardonned, if we neglect the thing that Christ did in this sacrament, and commaunded vs to do preferring that befor the Lords institution, that hath ben brought in by men swaruynge from hys worde, and cōmaūdmēt. Before al thinges the pastours must labour to take out of mennes myndes that false, and wicked opinion, wherebi men thincke communly, that the prieste in masses offreth vp Christe oure Lorde to God the father, [Page] after that [...] [...]at wyth hys intention and prayer he [...] Christe to become a newe, and acceptable sacryfice to the father for the saluacio [...] [...] [...]en, applyeth and com­municateth the [...] of the passion of christ and of the sauing [...]rifice, wherebi the lord hym selfe offred h [...]lfe to the father a sa­crifice the crosse, to [...]hem, that receiue not the same with theyr owne fayth

For to make men partakers in the supper of the Lorde, of the sacrifice, and merite of oure Lorde Iesu Christe, the minister canne helpe no more, than that firste he exsibite, and ministre the holye supper as the Lord insti­tuted, and than faythfully declare, and cele­brate religiously the ministerie of it, the re­demption, and communion of oure Lord Ie­sus Christe and further more dispense the sacramentes, whereby he maye stirre vp, and confirme in them, that be present, tru faith in Christ, by which faith euerye man maie him selfe apprehend, and receyue the merite, and sacrifice of Christe as gyuen vnto hym. Fy­naly that he praye for suche fayth to all men in the name of the hole congregacion, and of his owne charite. For he, that without hys owne fayth ether ministreth thys supper of the Lorde, or is presente at it, or receyueth it, pulleth damnacion vpon hym selfe, and is [Page] made gyltie of the Lor [...]s body, and blond.

But it is plaine, that [...] euerie where in this errour, that they beleue, if they be present whan the prieste sayeth masse, and take parte of the masse only wyth theyr presence, that this verie worcke and sacrifice of the preiste whereby he offer [...] th [...] sonne to the father for their sinnes, that [...] setteth him before the father with his [...] prayer, is of suche efficacie, that it turneth al euil from them, and bringeth them al felicite of bodie and soule, though they continue in all maner of sinnes, and mischeues againste God, and their cōsciēce, and nether perceiue or receyue the sacramentes oute of the masse but onely beholde the outwarde action, as a spectacle, and honour it wyth bowynge of knes, and other gestures, and signes of ve­neracion.

But what more spightfull shame can be doone to goddes maieste, and to the kynge of glorye Iesu Christe, than that thys moste diuine sacrament, whiche he himselfe institu­ted, and commended vnto vs, that throught it we shoulde be confirmed in fayth towar­des hym, and shoulde dye more, and more to sinnes, and liue more fully in hym, is so per­uerted, that of goddes instituciō, it is made a playn inuention of manne, and suche one, [Page] that men trust moste in it, against God and our Lorde Christe. For thorowe thys worke of the masse, thei are made more careles, and stronger in theyr synnes, and contempte of Christe, thynkynge that, by that ceremonie the wrath of God is turned from them, and all other euilles. That the grace of God is gotten to them, and all blisfulnes, though thorowe theyr whole lyfe, they be agaynste God, and abuse all thynges agaynst God and that wythout anie earnest thoughte of repentaunce. Wherefore the preachers shall enstruct the people wyth al diligence of this vngodlie truste of the worke and sacrifice of a priest, and they shall call them frō the same by all maner of wayes.

And where as the holie fathers call the ministration of thys Sacrament a sacrifice and oblation, and wryte sometyme that the priest in administrynge the supper, offereth Christe, let the preachers knowe, and teache other when neede shall be, that the holie fa­thers by the name of a sacrifice, vnderstode not application, whiche was deuised a great whyle after the fathers, and preuaised wyth other abuses, but a solemne remembraunce of the sacrifice of Christe, as Augustine ex­pouneth it.

For whyle the supper of the Lorde is mi­nistred, [Page] as the Lorde instituted it, the sacri­fice of Christe is celebrated, and exhibited therein thorowe the preachynge of his death and distribution of the sacramentes, that al they, whiche rightly vse the holie supper, re­ceiue the fruit of this sacrifice. The pastours shall warne moreouer that it is no smal ab­use of thys Sacrament, that it is wonte to be set forth, and caried about to be gased vpō and to be worshypped wyth golde, and syl­uer, and other suche carnall ornamentes, and that wyth thys opinion, as though thys ca­riynge aboute, and shewing forth, and out­warde worshppyng of the Sacramēt were able to turne away all incōmodities, though they do not once thynke of true repentaunce of sinnes, & fayth in our Lorde Iesus Christ. Wherfore we wyl in anie wyse, that the pa­stours hereafter set not forth, nor cary about the Sacramēt wyth lyke diligence they shal teache the people, that the Lorde instituted, and commended to all that beleue in hym both partes of the Sacrament, the cuppe no lesse then the bread, that in them they might receyue his bodie and bloude. For thus it is in Paule, I receyued of the Lorde that, that I deliuered also vnto you. But the Apostle deliuered to the whole congregation of the Corhinthians the communion aswell of the [Page] cup, as of the breade. Wherefore some make a rashe, and a lyght argumēt, that the Lorde in his supper gaue the whole Sacrament to his Apostles, whiche were all priestes, and that we can not gather therof, that the cuppe must be also gyuē to the lay mē. For in thys Sacrament, saith S. Chrisostome, and that out of the testimonies of the holie scripture, the priestes haue nothyng more, then the lay men, but all thynges are commune to both, and one breade of the Lorde, and one cuppe, is sette before al men togyther, and equally. Thus the Lorde instituted, thus the olde churche obserued alwayes. Therefore none other thynge coulde be instituted of mē, nei­ther dyd the fathers euer institute anie other thynge. But in these later tymes, when the gouernours of congregations dyd vtterlie neglecte theyr office, thys abuse crepte in se­cretely, that in the holy supper the Lordes breade onely should be distributed, whether priestes or laye men dyd communicate.

But that all the abuses, that haue crepte into thys Sacrament maye be vtterly takē away, and rooted vp, by the true vse of thys Sacrament, whiche the Lorde hym selfe cō ­maunded, the pastours and preachers shall diligently warne, and exhort the people, that as often as they come togyther to the holie [Page] supper of the Lorde with the bretherne, they gyue them selues wholy to the Lorde, to be his disciples, that they thynke that all his wordes be spoken vnto them, and that they beleue them certeynely, that they feruently desire the communion of the Lorde to be en­creased in them, and that they receyue the same offered in the Sacramēt wyth a faith­full and thankeful minde, briefely that they euer go forwarde in the faith of Christ, and in the whole newe lyfe wyth Christ, neither stande there as dispisers of so great gyftes, whiche in the holie supper be offered to all that are present, nor make to them selues an hurtfull spectacle of a blessed teaste. Surely he that is not meete to receyue the Sacra­ment, is not meete neither to praye wyth the cōgregation, as S. Chrisostome doth right­ly gather. Thys Sacrament is not only the meate of the stronger, but also the medicine of the weake, onely lette no man receyue it, whiche sticketh in synnes agaynste his con­science. For he that cōtinueth in such sinnes, wyll not lyue in Christe the Lorde, he refu­seth his communion in dede, and vtterly re­nounceth Christ and his kyngdome. Wher­fore he must absteyne frō those Sacramētes in whiche the cōmunion of Christe is exhi­bited. And such sticke also in the condemna­tion [Page] of hell, and haue no parte in the kyng­dome of Christe. Wherfore they can neither be present, nor ought to be present at the ho­lie supper, nor pray wyth the congregation. For no man that determineth to continue in open synnes, and in the despite of God, can call vpon God his father wyth true fayth, and praye for the sanctification of his name, the commyng of his kyngdome, and obedi­ence of his wyll. But they that repent them selues of theyr synnes, that desire the grace of God, and reteyne the cōmunion, and lyfe in Christe our Lorde, and wishe the same to be encreased in them, neither be commaun­ded by the congregation to absteyne, these men I saye, maye muche lyfte vp, and con­forte them selues wyth fayth, and kendle them selues wyth the desire of a newe lyfe, thorowe the participation of Sacramentes at euerie supper, whereat they be present.

Therfore they ought not in anie wyse to despice so great bountuousnes of Christ the Lorde, beinge freely offered to them, but [...] ther receyue it wyth mooste feruent [...] and great thankefulnes, remembryng [...] blessed worde of the Lorde alluryng [...] [...] to him. Come vnto me al ye that [...]. Item, take, eate, thys is my bodie. [...] of thys al, thys is my bloude. etc. [...] [Page] thys meate and drynke, he truly refresheth and receyueth vs vnto euerlastyng lyfe.

The fathers in the primitiue church which obserued the Apostles tradition, estemed so muche these wordes of Christ, that they ex­cōmunicated them, that were present at the Lordes supper, and woulde not be parte ta­kers of the sacramentes wyth the rest.

For thys cause was that ordeined, that we reade, distinct. ij. of the cōstitutions, whē the consecration is ended, let al cōmunicate, they that wil not, let them not come into the temple. For so the Apostles ordeyned, and the holie Romaine churche holdeth.

Lo this decree speaketh of one consecrati­on, and it requireth that al, that be present, do cōmunicate, and that vndre the payne of ex­cōmunication. It witnesseth also that the A­postles so constituted, whiche had receiued it of the Lorde. Item that the Romaine church doth so holde, which thinge also al other cō ­gregations obserued as many as had [...]etei­ned thordinaūce of the lorde, & of thapostles.

This is the cause why S. Chrisostome so sore rebuked thē whiche in his cōgregation taried in the temple at the celebration of the Lordes supper, & yet did not cōmunicate, and he saied that they stode at the Lordes supper vnshāfastly, and stubburnly, and not wyth­out [Page] the dispite of Christ, and cōtempt of his so great bountuousnes, which he offereth vs in the holie supper.

For thei that be not the mēbres of Christ neither of true repētaūce, and griefe of their synnes, seeke renuinge of lyfe in Christe, but wil cōtinue in their sinnes willingly, or haue offended the cōgregation of Christe with so greuous sinnes, that except they first repent and approue them selues wyth a better lyfe thei cā not come to the Lordes borde, al these whiles the Lordes moste holy supper is mi­nistred oughte to be awaye, and not once to beholde the Sacrament of the Lorde, as S. Chrisostome with greate grauitie warneth and that out of the deede, and wordes of the Lorde, whiche as he hym selfe did, so he cō ­maunded that this supper shoulde not be ce­lebrated, but wyth his disciples, wyth suche I saye, which haue gyuen them selues to his worde, which desire remission of synnes and saluation out of true repētaunce, and griefe of synnes, which be made part takers of the newe Testamēt, and be the sonnes of God. Al which thinges, as we shewed before, are cōprehēded in the very wordes of the Lorde.

As the pastours then, muste deligently teache and dissuade them, whiche wyth the rest of the congregation, can not communi­cate, [Page] bycause they sticke in open synnes, that they be not present at the holie supper, and testifie vnto them, that if they stande at the supper wyth suche a mynde, they do spite vnto Christe, and that it shall be damnation vnto them. So they muste also diligently warne, and exhort them, which wyth a good conscience may be present at the supper, that is to saye, whiche truly beleue in Christ the Lorde, that they receyue the Sacramentes wyth other membres of Christe.

But forasmuch as thys institution of the Lorde, that all they, whiche be present at the same supper of the Lorde, should communi­cate of one breade and cuppe, his bodie and bloude, is to muche out of vse, and couered a greate whyle sithens, thorowe commune ignoraunce, it shall be needefull to call men backe agayne treateably, and gently to the obseruation of thys tradition of the Lorde, and they muste beware, that the myndes of the simple, whiche neuertheles be the true disciples of the Lorde, and are entangled in no mischiuous, and wycked actes, for the whiche they shoulde be restrayned from the Lordes bourde, be striken, and troubled wyth sore rebukes, or vntymely thrustynge vnto the receyuynge of the Sacrament. For there be not a fewe, whiche though they can [Page] not thorowlie vnderstande this misterie, and the perfecte vse of Sacramentes, yet they haue suche fayth in Christe, that they can praye wyth the congregation, and be some­what edified in fayth, thorow holie doctrine and exhortations, that be wonte to be vsed, aboute the holie supper, and the ministrati­on thereof, yea and they maye be taughte, and moued by litle and litle to a perfecter knowledge of thys misterie, and an oftner vse of the Sacramentes euen by thys, that they be present at the holie supper, which absteyne not from the Lordes supper of anie contempte of the Sacramentes, which they acknowledge in them selues, but of a cer­teine weakenes of men, and preposterous reuerence of the Sacramente. These men the pastoures muste fatherlie, and gentlie teach, and enstructe dayly of these misteries and brynge them fayre and softlie to a per­fecter knowledge, and vse of the same, declarynge diligently, and printynge in them the thynges, that we haue taughte in this place concerning the true, and perfect administra­tiō, and vse of this Sacramēt, and they must not fray them away, and driue them frō the hole action of the supper, whyle they haue anie hope of them, that they wil go forward in the studie and communion of Christ.

¶ At what tyme the supper of the Lorde muste be celebrated.

❧ Therfore that thys moste holie Sacra­ment may be better knowen among al god­lie men, and that the true vse of it maye be more easely restored, and muche estemed, we wyll that it be ministred, as sone as the peo­ple of euerie cōgregation for the moste part be well enstructe out of Goddes worde of the true vse of it, onely vpon the sundayes and holie dayes, or vpon suche dayes when great companies assemble together to com­mune prayer. Thys thynge was obserued in the time of the fathers also in greater, and muche more populous cōgregations, then we haue. For the Lorde instituted not thys Sacramēt vnto vs for a thinge to be behol­ded, but he commaunded it to be ministred, for the commune and holsome receyuyng of his bodie and bloude, whiche thynges al the membres ought equally to receyue in euery great holie assemble from one table and one altare. Hereof S. Ciprian amonge other al­ledgeth thys cause why we celebrate this holy supper in the mornyng, whereas Christe dyd it after supper, bycause, sayeth he, that when we suppe we can not cal the commune people to our feaste, that we maye celebrate the trueth of the Sacrament, al the brother­hode [Page] beinge present. These be the wordes of Ciprian, whiche he toke out of the doctrine of Paul. i. Cor. x. which we alledged before. For the truth of thys Sacrament is, as the Apostle teacheth in the same place, that all we, whiche are the membres and bodie of Christe should receyue the bodie and bloud out of the same Sacramēt. Wherfore the fathers iudged that thys supper is not truly & rightly celebrated, except the whole brother­hode be present, I meane thys commune supper. For the holie bishoppes dyd sometymes celebrate the holie supper priuately, that is to saye, the whole congregation not beinge present, sometymes wyth straungers, and sometymes wyth the better and feruenter sorte of bretherne, and that in their peculiar prayinge places, and sometymes also in pri­uate houses wyth sicke folke, of whose com­munion we wyll speake hereafter. And these the holie fathers called priuate masses, not bicause that in them the Sacramentes were distributed to no bodie, but bycause they were distributed to fewe, and the whole cō ­gregation not beinge present, and that euen as it were in a priuate place. For the holie fathers celebrated no supper wythout distri­bution of the Sacramentes. For they doub­ted not but that, that dyd vtterly fyghte [Page] wyth the Lordes Institution.

❧ Of the preparation to the sup­per of the Lorde.

Seinge that the Lordes supper, as we sayed before, ought not to be celebrated but wyth his disciples, and for asmuche as the ministers must be faythfull disposers of the misteries of God, and must take great hede that they caste not an holie thynge before dogges, and pearles before swyne, we wyll that the pastours admitte no mā to the Lor­des supper, which hath not first offered him selfe to thē, and after that he hath first made a confession of his synnes being Catechised he receyue absolution accordyng to the Lor­des worde. And that there may be a certeine and appoynted tyme for the doinge hereof, I meane that they whiche shall cōmunicate be prepared, and sanctified to the cōmunion of Christ with an holy instructiō, and pray­er, let the pastours procure that the people be called together in the temple at euentyde the day before the celebration of the Lordes supper, and lette them make a preparation, and sanctification vnto the Lordes bourde, after thys sorte. Wheree clerkes shall be, or scholers, let them in the meane ceason, while the people come together syng a Psalme, or two with a dominical antiphone or Hymne, [Page] whiche yet we wyll haue to be pure, that is to saye, diffenting in no parte from the holie scripture. To these let them adde the songe of the Lordes mother, Magnificat, and some conuenient Collecte.

Afterwarde when the people be come to­gether, they shall synge a Psalme in the Douche tonge. And then the pastour or mi­nistre, to whom the office of thys preparati­on is committed, shall reade some place of the Lordes supper, out of the Euangelistes or out of Paule Chap. x. xi. Of the firste to the Corhinthi. or out of the Lordes sermon Iohn. vi. For though the Lorde speake not in that place of the Sacramēt of the supper whiche he had not yet made, neuertheles he preacheth of the true eatynge of his bodie, and drynkyng of his bloude, for the exhibi­tion wherof he afterwarde instituted the ho­lie supper. Out of such lessons the ministers shall diligently teache the people, to what vse the Lorde ordeined his supper, and howe we may receiue it holsomely, after this sort.

¶ Ashorte institution or sermon of the Lordes supper.

Forasmuche as we entende to keepe to­morowe the moste holie supper of our saui­our Christe, by his healpe, for the celebrati­on of a blessed remembraūce of him, and cō ­firmation [Page] of our fayth, first it is conuenient to declare with fewe wordes, and call to our mindes the misterie of this right diuine Sa­crament.

Before al thinges then the Lorde offereth vnto vs his fleshe, and his bloude, and bid­deth vs to take the same, and affirming that we shall not haue lyfe, but shall remayne in euerlasting death, excepte we eate his fleshe and drinke his bloud. Let vs remembre and acknowledge that our fleshe and bloud, that is to saye, our whole nature is thorow wic­kednes so loste, & adiudged to eternal death by the iust wrath of God, that of our selues we can neuer obteyne euerlastynge life, and the inheritaunce of the heauenly kingdome.

Thys remembraunce, & acknowledging of our destruction ought vnterly to humble and caste vs doune before the Lorde, and to cutte our hertes wyth suche repentaunce of synnes, that we shoulde be pricked forth, and enflamed to seeke, & receyue with sure fayth and greatly desire the grace of God offered to vs in the worde and sacramentes, and the restitution, and renuinge of our selues, tho­rowe the cōmunion of Christe, and holsome participation of his fleshe and bloude. Fur­thermore let vs diligently considre, that the eternal worde of God, the sonne of God al. [Page] mightie to deliuer vs out of thys meserie, was made flesh, was made our brother, that there myght be some holie fleshe, and holie bloude, that is to saye, a verie heauenlie, and diuine man, by whom the fleshe and bloude of all vs mighte be restored, and sanctified, whiche thinge is then brought to passe, whē we truly eate his flesh and drinke his bloud Iohn. vi. Here it is meete that we be moued the more to wondre at, and to embrace with certeyner fayth and gredier wil in this one­ly begotten sonne of God our sauiour, the exceadynge, and vnspeakable loue of God towardes vs, whiche gaue his sonne vnto vs, that beleuyng in him, we should not pe­rishe, as we were borne, and as we deserued but haue euerlastynge lyfe, whiche he deser­ued, and gyueth vnto vs.

Thirdly let vs acknowledge, and firme­ly beleue that the Lorde Iesus truely offe­reth vnto vs this his sanctifiyng fleshe, and bloude in his holie supper wyth visible sig­nes of breade, and wyne by the ministerie of the congregation, and exibiteth the same vn­to the remission of synnes, to be meate of euerlastyng lyfe, to confirme the couenaunt of Gods adoption, and of euerlastyng lyfe, for so be his wordes. Wherefore they cā not deceyue, and they shall remayne when hea­uen [Page] and earth passe awaye, and they truely exhibite, and gyue vnto vs the thinges that they preache, so that we applie true fayeth vnto them. Take, sayeth he, eate, thys is my bodie, that is gyuen for you. Item, drinke of thys all, thys is my bloud of the newe testa­ment, whiche is shedde forth for you, and for many vnto the remission of synnes, we must receyue these wordes wyth true fayth, and doubte nothynge, but that the Lorde, when we celebrate the holie supper after his insti­tution is in the middeste of vs, and offereth hym selfe vnto vs, by the ministerie of the congregation, whiche he instituted for the same purpose, and deliuereth his bodie, and bloude, and all his merites, and satisfaction for oure synnes, whiche he perfourmed, his bodie, and his bloude beynge offered on the crosse, remission of synnes, and the grace of the father, and the ryghte of the Testament of the euerlastynge couenaunte, of adoption and communion vnto the lyfe of God, so that the breade that we breake in the holie supper is truely euen to vs the communi­on of his bodie, and the cuppe at whiche we blesse the communion of his bloude. Therefore lette vs euer religiously consi­dre, why the Lorde doeth often exhibite vn­to vs, thys holie, and holesome communion [Page] of himselfe in the sacrament, namely for this purpose that he maye brynge vs daily in to the knowlege of our sinnes, and more ernest repentaunce, that we maye desire more fer­uently remission of the same by him, and re­ceyue it with perfecter fayth, & gredier min­des, and so be more confirmed, and sette for warde in a new lyfe thorough the true com­munion of him, that so we maye daily more and more abide, and lyue in hym, and he in vs, and be more fully his dodie and mēbers and he our heade, whiche thinge we professe whan we all receiue the communion of him, in his sacrament, so beinge parttakers of his bodye, and bloude, as we in cōmen be part­takes of one brade, and cuppe.

Finally we must praye, and labour also, to receyue these heauenlye giftes wyth true fayth, and greate reuerence, and that we ce­lebrate the holesome remēbraūce of the Lord wyth godly ioye, and pleasaunt thankfull­nes, and that we gyue vp our selues, and all ours to him, and testifie the same with collacions, and almes for the vse of the poore ly­berally, and accordinge to euerie mans power, finally that we euer prayse, and magnifie Christe, in al oure wordes, and worckes for these so greate benifites, for his incarnacion whereby he was made oure heade, and bro­ther, [Page] for hys most bitter death, whereby he satisfied for our sinnes, for his resurrection, and ascenciō in to heauen & heauēly kingdō, which he administreth at the ryght hand of the father, & maketh vs perfect, and absolute in his lyfe beinge quickened with his spirite and sette in heauenlye thinges, whiche lyfe he hath gyuen in the lyfe of God, and it is an euerlastinge lyfe, for this holesome com­munion of hys bodie and bloude, whereby we are confirmed in this same lyfe of God, and are sette forwarde, and euer finyshed vp. For al which thynges we must chiefely geue thanckes in the cōmunion of this sup­per. And forasmuch as our God is such one, as alloweth not wickednes, nether canne all thei stande before him, which worcke iniqui­tie it is necessarie that we knowe, that those men muste not be admitted to the supper of the Lorde, that is to saye, to his communion, whiche lyue without true faith, and loue, by whome the glorie of God is manifestly blemisched, and hys congregacion is offended, I meane all vnbeleuers, and manyfest Ido­laters, whiche calle vppon, and worshippe saints departed, Angels or other creatures, whiche honour paynted, or grauen stockes. Item all enchaunters, and sothsaiers, which wil preserue catel, and other thinges against [Page] perils, with their consecrations, yea, and I meane those to, which beleue shuch enchau­mentes, and the manifest despicers, and bla­sphemers of God, the mockers of goddes worde, and sacramētes. Item al those, which at appointed tymes wildely continue in ne­glectinge sermons, and other open exercises of the congregacion, which obeye not accor­dinge to goddes commaundement theyr pa­rentes, ordinarye officers, and maisters, but speake euil of thē, and rayle vpon thē, do thē spight, and resiste them seditiously, and stubburnly, whiche bringe not vp their children, familie. & shuch as they haue charge of, nor enstructe them to godlynes, honestie, and iustice. Furthermore I meane murtherers, and all those, whych willingely continue in hatred of their bretherne, in braulinges, and shedinge of their neygboures bloude. Item al whoremongers, aduo [...]erers, and Dron­kerdes, al theues, vserers, raueners, disers, vnlaufull gainers, exercisers of faulse mar­chandises, al those lykewise which lyue idely without a lawful excuse, and burthen other, al ilspeakers, liers, periuers, backbyters, and whych confesse not the truth, and rightuous­nes, and confirme not the same wyth theyr testimonies, where they are bounde to do it by reasone of their vocacion. All these fe­lowes, [Page] as longe as thei liue, and continue in such sinnes, nether haue a true purpose to a­mende their liues, maye in no wise be admit­ted to the holye supper of the Lorde, seinge that they be restrayned, and excluded from thens by God, by his owne worde.

Another exhortacion.

Forasmuch as deareli beloued in the lord we wyll celebrate to morowe by goddes grace, the most holye supper of oure Lorde Iesu Christ, where in he hath giuen vs hys flesh for meate, and his bloud for drincke, to confirme oure fayth, and verie christane life: it is conuenient, that euerye man trye hym selfe, with greate diligence as S. Paule ex­horteth vs. For thys sacrament was giuen of the Lord for singuler cōsolacion, and com­forte to wretched, and afflicted consciences, which do ernestly fele, and confesse their sin­nes, whyche be striken with the feare of the wrath of god, and of death, and hongre, and thurste the rightuousnes of God. But if euerie one of vs will examen oure selues, as S. Paule teacheth, we shall fynde none other thynge, but all maner of horrible sinnes, and euerlastinge death, which we haue deserued thorought oure synnes. For the rewarde of sinne is death frome whyche we can by no meanes deliuer oure selues. Wherefore our [Page] Lord Iesus Christ taking pitie vpon vs, was made man for oure synnes, that he myght fulfyll the lawe, and the whole wil of God for vs, and procure our saluacion, and that he hymselfe might suffer death, and al that we had deserued thorough our sinnes, only for vs and our redēption. Which thing that we might firmely beleue, and that thorough faith we might ioyfully lyue after his will, whā supper was ended, he toke breade, gaue thankes, and brake it, sayinge, take, eate, this is my bodye, that is gyuen for you, that is to saye, that I am made man, and further whatsoeuer I do, and suffer, all that is yours and it is giuen to you, and is done for your saluacion. For the testificacion, and confir­macion whereof, and that you maye daily a hide & liue more, & more in me, and I in you I giue my bodye vnto you to be meate, and meate of euerlastynge lyfe. After the same maner he toke the cuppe also, saiyng, Take, drincke of thys all, thys is the cuppe of the new testament in my bloude, whiche is shed furth for you, and for many, vnto remission of synnes. As often as ye shall do thys, do it in the remembraunce of me, that is to saye, seinge that I haue now taken the charge of you, and haue translated your synnes vpon me, I will deliuer miselfe vnto death for thē, [Page] I wil shedde mi bloude, I wil deserue grace, and remission of sinnes for you, and I wyll sette vp a newe testament, wherein synnes shalbe perdoned, and all remembraunce of thē shalbe abolished. For a pledge, and wit­nesse of al these thynges, and to cōfirme, and further my life in you, I giue you my bloud to drincke. He than that eateth of this breade after thys sorte, and dryncketh of the cuppe, and firmely beleueth these wordes, whiche he heareth of the Lorde, and signes, whiche he receiueth, eateth truly, & holesomely the flesh of Christ, and drinketh his bloude, and more fully receiueth in to him selfe hole God, and man, with al his merites and fauour, where wyth the father embraceth hym, wyth the ryght and participation of euerlainge lyfe, he abydeth in Christ the Lorde, and the Lord in him, & he shal liue for euer. Let vs thā god li recompēse these thinges with our selues & let vs confirme, and ster vp our faith in him lette vs celebrate the remembraunce of hym worthely, let vs most studoyusly in al oure wordes, and dedes exalte his death, resurreccion, heauenlye glorie, and kingdome, let vs reioyse in our owne behalfe that this sonne of God died for our sinnes, rosse againe forour instificacion, ascended into heauen, and reigneth at the right hand of the father, fur­thermore [Page] lette vs couragiousli euerie one of vs take vp our crosse, and valiantly folowe this our capitaine, and loue one another ac­cording to his cōmaundemēt, as he loued vs. For al we are one bread, & one bodi, because we be parttakers of one breade and one cup.

After this praier, there shall a praier be made for al the necessites of the congregaciō and cheifely for those men, which shall com­municate the nexte daye.

And whan the people haue ended their se­crete praier, the minister shal cōclude the pre­paracion with this collecte.

Almightie euerlastinge God, heauealye father, because we can please the only in thy deare sonne, sanctifie our bodies, and soules, and graunte vs, that to morowe we maye receiue the holesome communion of him, in his holie supper with a godlie, and faithfull desier, and all thanckefulnes, that beinge confirmed agayne conceruynge thy perpe­tual mercie, and loue towardes vs, and euer goinge forwarde in a new life, we maye liue vnto the and serue the thorough our Lorde Iesus Christ with more feare, and studie, to the prayse of thy name, and profyte of thy people. A men.

¶ How the Lordes supper must be celebrated

Whan the people be come to gether vn­to this ministration, for asmuch as it is agreable to godlines, that as often as we appere before the lorde, before althinges we should acknowledge, and confesse our sinnes, and praye for remission of the same, the minister, whiche shall administer the Lordes supper, whan he shal come to the altare shall make a confession in the name of the whole cōgregacion, and that in the douche tonge, whiche al maye vnderstande, after this sorte.

Almightye euerlastinge God, the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe, the maker of all thynges, the iudge of all men, we acknow­lege, and we lament, that we were conceiued and borne in sinnes, and that therefore we be prone to al euils, and abhorre from all good thynges, that we haue also transgressed thy holie commaundmentes with out ende, and measure in despisinge the, and thy worde, in distrustinge thy aide, in trusting our selues, and the worlde in wycked studies, and wor­kes, where with we haue most greuousli of­fended thy maiestie, and hurted oure neigh­boures. Therefore we haue more, and more buried oure selues in to eternall death. And we are sorie for it with al our hertes, and we desire pardone of the for al the thinges that we haue commited agaynst the, we calle for [Page] thy helpe against sinne dwellinge in vs, and Satan the kendler thereof kepe vs that we do nothyng hereafter against the, and couer the wickednes, that remaneth in vs, with the rightuousnes of they sonne and represse it in vs with thy spirite, and at length purdge it cleane out. Haue mercye vpon vs most gen­tle father, thorough thy sonne oure Lord Ie­sus Christe. Giue, and encrease thy holye spirite in vs, which maie teach vs to acknowlege our synnes truly, and thoroughly, and to be pricked wyth a liuelye repentaunce of the same, and with true fayth to apprehend, and retayne remission of them in Christ our Lord, that dyinge to sinnes dailye more and more, we maie serue, and please the in anewe lyfe to the glorie of thy name, and edifiynge of thy congregacion. For we acknowledge that thou iustly requirest these thynges of vs, wherefore wee desire to perfourme the same. Vouchsafe thou o father of heauen, which hast giuen vs a wil, to graunte vs al­so that we maye studye to do those thynges with al oure hertes, whiche pertaine to oure helth, thorough oure Lorde Iesus Christe.

¶ Heare ye the Gospel. Iohn. iij.

God so loued the worlde that he gaue his only begotten sonne, that al whych beleue in him, shoulde haue lyfe euerlainge.

¶ Or. i. Timo. i.

¶ This is a sure sainge, and worthey of all embrachynge that Iesus Christe came in to this worlde to saue sinners.

¶ Or Iohan. iij.

❧ The father loueth the sonne, and hath giuen althinges in to his handes, he that be­leueth in the sonne, hath lyfe euerlastynge.

❧ Or Acte. x.

❧ All the prophetes beare wytnesse vnto Christ, that all that beleue in him, receiue re­mission of theyr sinnes thorought hym.

❧ Or. i. Iohan. ij.

❧ My litel children if anye haue synned, we haue o iuste aduocate with the father, Iesus Christ and he is an attomement for our synnes.

❧ Whan the pastour hath shewed to The people one of the sayde Gospels He shal saye further.

Because our blessed Lorde hath lefte thys power to his congregacion, that it maye ab­solue them from sinnes, and restore them in to the sauour of the heauenlie father, which being repētance for theyr sinnes, do truly beleue in christ the lord, I the minister of christ & the congregacion, declare and pronoūce re­mission of synnes, the fauoure of God, and life euerlastinge, thorought our Lord Iesus [Page] Christ, to all thē, which be sorie for their sin­nes, which haue true faith in Christ the Lord and desire to opproue them selues vnto him

After this where clerckes or scholars shal be, they shal syng some what in latine taken out of the holye scriptures, for an entraunce or begininge.

After that thei shal singe kyrie eleson, and gloria in excelses, but because that kyrie ele­son, is a cōmune praier of the congregacion and gloria in excelses is also a cōmune than­kes giuing, let the people sing both in douch

After this songe, he that shall execute the holie ministerie, shal recite a collect in douch but yet so that all the people maye well vn­derstand it. For therefore the ministre spea­keth thys sentence to the people, The Lorde be with you, And, let vs praie, and the peo­ple answereth, And with thy spirite, signifi­inge thereby that they also praye together with the minister. For so Chrisostome inter­preteth this saiynge.

And because thys must be a cōmune praier of the whole congregacion, it is called a collet, for that, that a praier gathered of the wyshes of al that be presēte, is offred to god by the minister, or because it is a prayer of the cōgregacion gathered together, and pra­inge together vnto the Lord, But the purer [Page] collectes, and more cōsonāt to the holie scriptures must be chosen out, of which sorte, we wil cause some to be set furth After the col­lectes there shall folowe, accordynge to the custoume, a lesson of an epistle, which shalbe red in suche a place (the reader turninge hys face to the people) that it maie be hearde, and vnderstāded of the whole cōgregaciō. Wher fore it shalbe also red in douch, because that lesson pertayneth to the instruction, and ad­monition of all the people.

After the epistle, where clerckes be lette alleluia be songe in latine, or a graile, or se­quence, if they haue anye pure, and some douch songe. Than let the Gospel be red in douche to the people, whych reading, an in­terpretacion, and ordinarie sermon, shall fo­lowe furth with, and after the sermon, a praier for al states of men and necessites of the congregation after this sorte.

Almightie euerlastinge God, and mercy­full father, which by thy dere sonne our Lord Iesus Christ, and his Apostles cōmaundest, that we shoulde come before the in his name and diddest promise, that thou wouldest mercifully giue vs, whatsoeuer agreinge toge­ther we should aske in his name, we beseche the by thy sonne, our only sauiour, first that thou wilte mercifully forgiue vs al our sin­nes, [Page] & iniquites, which we acknowledge and cōfesse here in thy sighte, and that thou wilte fauourally turne awaye from vs thorough the bloude and satisfaction of thy sonne our mediator, thy most iuste wrath, whyche we haue deserued thorough so manifolde trans­gression of thy commaundementes. But confirme thou in vs thy holye spirite, that we maye holy giue ouer our selues to the obedience of the now and euer, that calinge vpon the alwaies for our selues, and for other we maye obteine thy grace, and helpe.

We praie therefore cheifely for thy con­gregacions, deliuer them from a [...]olues, hired seruauntes which ether spoile, and de­uour thy shepe miserabli, or tratrouously for sake them, and destroy them, and proudly reioise, and delite thēselues in theyr destruc­tion. Geue thē good and faithful ministers, and pastours, & preserue the same. Encrease thy holie spirite in al persones, whiche be at this holie ministerie, that therein they maye faythfully serue the, and with the profite of thy flocke, that thy scatered sheepe, maye thorough thy gospell be gathered to thy deare­sōne, the high, and only true shepeherde and bishoppe of oure soules Iesus Christe, from all straynge ether of errours, or of synnes, breifely that they maie be brought againe to [Page] the true communion of him, that there maye be one flocke, and one shepeherde.

So we praie the also holie father for thy seruauntes the ministers of ciuile gouernaū ces, for our most gracious emperour, & king for all other kynges princes, and magistra­tes. And specially we praie the for our most reuerende archebisoppe, and ryght excellent prince, for his consel, and officers for the consel, and magystrates of thys citie. Gyue all these thy holie spirite, that they maye truly knowe, and embrace Christe thy sonne, to whom thou hast giuen al power, and al iud­gement in heauen, and in erth, and that accordinge to their strength they maye so serue his kingdome, that thei maie so gouerne vs, whiche are in dede subiectes to them, but be the creatures of thy hande, and the shepe of thy pastures, that in thys place, and euerye where we maye lyue a peacible, and quiete life with al godlines, and honesti, and being deliuered fro al fear of our enimies, we maie serue the in al righteousnes, and holines we pray also heauenlie father for al those, more­ouer, whiche yet pertayne not to thy kynge­dome, cause the lyght of thy gospel to shyne vnto them also, drawe thē to they sonne oure sauioure, that beleuinge in him they bee sa­ued with vs. And as touchinge them, whom [Page] thou haste some what drawen vnto hym, so that thei graunt him to be their sauiour, and the sauioure of al men, but neuer theles thei haue not yet bound them selues to al obedi­ence of the gospel, encrease in these the faith, and knowledge of they sōne, which thou hast giuen thē, that they maye thoroughlye geue ouer their selues vnto the obedience of him, and of his congregacion, and that they may magnifie the in the same thorugh out al their lyfe wyth godlie saiynges, and doinges.

Furthermore we praye the father, mercy­ful God, the great conforter of the afflicted, for al those, whome thou chastisest with the crosse, and some affliction, and exercisest vnto patience with pouertie, exile, fetters, infamie disceases, and other calamites, and mischaunces. Graunt to them, that thei maye acknowlege thy fatherlie and medicinable hand, vn­dre which thei maye humble thē selues with al their hertes. Conforte their minnes wyth fayth, and confidence of thy mercye, whiche moderateth all thinges, yea euen aduersites for the helth of thine, and deliuer them from al euils. Graunte to vs also, that thorough their correction, and punishment, we maye acknow [...]ege that we haue deserued thinges much more greuous, that we maye amende oure liues in time, before worse plages hap­pen [Page] vnto vs. Last of al, we praie the eter­nal God, heauēlye father, for vs, which here come together in thy sight, to thi word, praier and sacramentes, lighten the eyes of our minde, graunte vs to considre with perfecte fayth, that we haue a nature corrupted from the beginning, that our flesh & bloud cannot enioy thy kingdome, but only commit sin, & delerue eternal death, and encrease the same destruction with daily sinnes, and that thou most mercifull father of thy vnmeasurable mercy didest loke vpon vs, and sendest into this world thy eternal worde, thy sonne our flesh and brother, that he myght deliuer vs by his death, from this our destruction, and restore vs to thy Image and prayse of thy name, that thou deliuerest him to the crosse and death, and that he gladly offred himself vnto the in the crosse for our sinnes, and sa­tisfied for the same through loue and pitie of vs, that he reconsiled vs vnto the, and more ouer that he offered vnto vs his bodye and bloud to be meate and drinke, that we may lyue in him, and he in vs. Graunt heauenly father, that we may consider and apprehend al these thynges with true and liuely fayth now, and throughout al our lyues, that de­niyng our selues, we may vtterly refuse the folysh and blynd iudgement of our reason, [Page] and represse naughtie and noysome lustes, and wholy geue ouer our selues to him, thy dere sonne our Lord, and onely sauiour, and restorer that we seke, and receiue comfort in al thynges, al helpe, ayde, and sauegarde in hym onely, in his death, crosse and resurrec­tion. Now also let vs receiue his holy body and bloud with sincere fayth, and al thanke fulnes, and let vs euer magnifie him, and the in hym, for all thy exceadyng benifites, whych thou hast geuen in makynge, gouer­nyng, and restoryng vs, for the incarnation passion and death of thy sonne, whereby he purged oure synnes, and reconsiled vs vn­to the, for his resurrection, ascēsion into hea­uen, and heauenly gouernaunce, wherby he restored vs vnto the, and moueth, and renu­eth vs vnto al thy pleasure.

Finally for this most ample benifite that he here deliuered hym selfe vnto vs to be meate and drynke vnto eternall lyfe, that so thy diuine name may be dayly more & more sanctified by vs & in vs, thy kingdome may be established and spredde abrode by vs vn­to other, that all thynges maye be done a­monge vs in the earth accordyng to thy wil with suche feruētie, and cherefulnes, as they be done in heauen. And that these thynges maye be done in vs, gyue vs also our dayly [Page] breade, all necessarie thynges for our bodies prosperous health, and peace, that we maye enioye these thynges vnto the glorie of thy name. And forgiue vs our dettes, and sinnes whiche we dayly committe, and mercifully pardone vs of the punishmentes whiche we haue deserued, as we also in the sight of thy maiestie, do gladly, and hertely forgyue all them, whiche haue offended vs. And suffre not our tentator, the olde enemie, which stu­dieth euer to leade vs frō the, and thy worde to ouerthrowe vs at anie tyme wyth his tē ­tations. But deliuer vs from hym, and all euyl, for thou onely art our God and father thyne is the kyngdome, the power, and glo­rie for euer. Amen.

¶ An other, and a shorte fourme of prayinge.

Mercifull God, heauenly father, whiche commaundedest vs to come together in thy name, and in the name of thy sonne oure Lorde and sauiour Christe, and thorowe the same our onely Mediatour to praye the for al thynges, the whiche we desire for our sel­ues, and for other addynge a moste ample promise, that we shoulde obteyne, what soeuer we woulde aske of them, trustyng in this thy cōmaundement and promise, we stande in the syght of thy diuine maiestie, we praye [Page] and beseche the, in the name of thy deare sonne, our onely sauiour, that thou wilt for­gyue vs all our iniquities and synnes, that thou wylte renue our hertes wyth thy holie spirite, and steare vp, and kendle the same, to thy sonne Christe, & that for all the neces­sities of thy cōgregation & of al mē we may call vpon the, and obteyne what so euer is good for vs vnto the glorie of thy name.

We praye the then chiefely for thy con­gregations, deliuer and preserue them from al those ministers, whom thou hast not sent, sende them suche ministers, whiche wyth all faythfulnes, and diligence wyl seeke thy scatered sheepe, and brynge them to Christ our Lorde, which is onely their good shepeherde and wyll studie to feede them faythfully vndre hym, that all vngodlines, heresies, sectes all naughtie doctrines, and peruerse seruice of God may be taken away, and that in the vnitie of true fayth, and knowledge of thy sonne, we maye growe and go forwarde to al thynges that please the.

So we pray the also for the Emperoure, for our kynge, for all kynges, princes, and comune powers, and officers, and specially for oure moste reuerende archbishoppe, for his counsellers, and officers for the counsell and communaltie of thys Citie, graunt that [Page] all these maye execute theyr office according to thy wyll, that they maye turne awaye all noysome thynges from theyr subiectes, and procure and maynteyne all good thynges, that beinge deliuered out of the handes of our enemies we maye serue the wyth a qui­et mynde in all holines, and ryghtuousnes.

We praye furthermore mercifull father for all men, as thou wylte be the sauiour of all men, drawe them to thy sonne, which yet perteyne not to hym, and graunt that they, whom thou haste drawen to hym alreadie, maye growe and be confirmed dayly more, and more in the knowledge, & loue of him.

We praye also for them, whom thou cha­stifest wyth sundrie miseries and afflictions for an exemple vnto vs, that thou wylt con­forte them, and deliuer them from al euilles & graūt vs that we may diligently regarde thy fatherlie nurture, whiche thou settest be­fore vs in them, considerynge that we haue deserued greuouser thinges, that in time we maye iudge, and amende our selues, that it be not needful, that we be corrected, and con­demned of the.

Graunt also to vs all, whiche here in thy sight come together to thy worde, prayer, al­mes and diuine sacramentes, that we maye truly come together onely in thy name, and [Page] in the name of thy deare sonne, that we may take holde of thy diuine law, and holie Go­spel wyth true fayth, that dying dayly more and more to our selues, we may wholy giue ouer our selues to thy deare sonne, our one­ly sauiour, which onely thorowe his stripes and moste bitter death, hath redemed vs frō sinnes, and eternal damnation, hath restored vs into thy fauour, thorow his resurrection and heauenly kyngdome, hath called vs vn­to him selfe into his congregation, and hath planted vs into hym selfe vnto euerlystyng lyfe, and made vs his owne membres, that we shoulde lyue more and more in hym, and he in vs, that thy holie name maye be more largely sanctified by vs in all oure lyfe, and all our doinges, that thy kyngdome may be amplified, by vs, and in other, that at lēgth all thynges maye be done amonge vs vpon earth, wyth suche prompnes and chereful­nes, as they be done in heauen. And for thys purpose, that we maye wholy liue and serue vnto the, gyue vs also our dayly bread. etc. as in the prayer before. After thys solemne prayer lette the whole congregation synge the Crede. For thys confession of our fayth when the Gospell is hearde, and declared oughte to be done of ryght by all men com­munely, as al equally heard the Gospel, and [Page] the declaration therof.

And bicause no man can heare the Gos­pell wyth fayth, and knowe, and cōsidre out of the same howe greate loue and gentlenes God hath shewed towardes vs in that, that he gaue vs his sonne, and all thynges wyth hym, which shal not out of this fayth who­ly gyue ouer, and bynde hym selfe to oure Lorde Iesus Christe, thys thynge foloweth also out of the nature of true fayth, that the faythfull studie to declare thys byndyng of them selues to the obedience of Christe, and thankefulnes of theyr myndes for so greate godnes of God towardes thē selues, which at that tyme they more earnestly remembre wyth holie oblations for Christe being nee­die in his litleons. Therefore whyle the Crede is in syngynge, lette the faythfull of­fre theyr free oblations, euerie mā according to the blessyng, whiche he hath receyued of the liberall and bountuous hande of God. To whiche office of fayth and godlines, the pastours and teachers shall diligētly exhort the people, teachyng them, that these oblati­ons ought to folowe the confession of fayth and prayer euen by the verie nature of true religion, neither cā be absent from the same, when we wante not wherewyth to declare thys liberalitie. And that thys worke of re­ligion [Page] maye be cōueniently done, and right­ly commended to the faythfull, we wyl that there be some notable place appoynted in euerie temple, not farre frō the altare, which euerie man maye comely go to, and where the faythful may offre theyr oblations opē ­ly before the whole congregation. Whiche after that the sacramēt is ended, the officers of the holie treasure shall gather together, and shal lay the same vp in the treasurie, the congregation lokyng vpon them.

It was the maner of the olde church, and that taken out of Goddes worde, that after the preachyng of the Gospell, before the mi­nistration of the Sacramēt should beginne, not onely those shoulde be commaunded to go out of the tēple, whiche were not admit­ted into the cōgregation, nor perteined there vnto, but they also whiche were yet in repē ­taunce, and not reconciled to the congrega­tion wyth open absolution of sinnes. Ther­fore bycause thys discipline was taughte of the Lorde hym selfe, and oughte of ryghte to be called agayne into the congregation, the pastours shall diligently, and often exhorte those, whiche lyue in suche synnes, as be a­gainst theyr conscience, that they leaue them and turne them selues wyth all theyr hertes vnto the Lorde. And after that they be resto­red [Page] into the fauour of God, and begynne a­gayne to be the true disciples of the Lorde, then lette them be present at the Lordes sup­per, and communicate.

But if anie will not suffre them selues to be brought thereunto, and wyll continue in theyr synnes wyth so great cōtempt of God and his Christe, let the preachers declare to suche, that they maye not be present at the Lordes holie supper, and if they take vpon them to be present, that they do despite vnto Christe, and prouoke vpon them selues the muste greuous iudgement of God. As for other whiche lyue not wyth an euyll consci­ence, and yet receyue not the sacramet wyth other, or seldome receiue it: the pastour must often warne them, that it perteyneth to the dutie of a christen man, to be often partaker of the Lordes bourde, and so to feede, and strēgthen his fayth, and to witnes the same vnto the congregation to the edification of many, seinge that God hath instituted thys moste holie exercise of religion for his, that they myght therby be established and enfla­med in fayth, and study of godlines. Wher­fore we see that they, whiche neglect so great a benifite of God, become dayly colder in al godlines, and religion. For they greuously offende God thorowe cōtempt of his boun­tuousnes, [Page] and they hurt the cōgregation ve­rie sore wyth that euyll exemple, and more­ouer they make thē selues giltie of the Lor­des bodie and bloude, abhorryng this meate and drynke of euerlastynge lyfe, so irreligi­ously and so vnthankefully.

But forasmuch as both the knowledge of thys misterie, and moreouer al the discipline of the congregation, is so much gone out of vse, and therof cometh so great weakenes of the verie faythful: the pastours must restore to the people, the knowledge & existimation of so greate misteries, wyth conuenient and tymelie admonition, and not trouble anie man wyth vntimely rigorousnes, as we ad­monished before. For firste the sheepe of Christe so miserably scatered, and diseased, muste be fully broughte to Christe, and be healed, before that any rigorous discipline be restored, and exercised amonge them. But howe so euer the rest be handled in the con­gregation at thys tyme, they neuertheles that shall be admitted to the communion, as sone as they haue made theyr oblation, must go together to that place, that shall be ap­poynted vnto them, nigh to the altare. For in euerie temple, there muste some place be appoynted nigh the altare for them, whiche shal communicate, accordyng to the oportu­nitie [Page] and fitnes of euerie temple. They then whiche shal be admitted to the cōmunion of the Lordes bourde, shal stande in that place, the men in theyr propre place, and the womē in theyr place, and there they shall gyue thā ­kes, and pray religiously wyth the pastour. The gyuynge of thankes shall be handled after the accustomed maner, but in douche that the people vniuersally may gyue than­kes, as both the exemple, and the commaun­dement of the Lorde requireth, and also the olde churche obserued.

  • ❧ The priest. The Lorde be with you.
  • ¶ The people. And wyth thy spirite.
  • ❧ The priest. Lyfte vp your hertes.
  • The people. We haue vnto the Lorde.
  • The priest. Lette vs gyue thankes vnto the Lorde oure God.
  • ❧ The people. It is meete, and right.

¶ The priest.

It is verely a thing worthy, right, meete and holsome, that we gyue thankes vnto the alwayes, and euerie where, that we prayse and magnifie the, Lorde holie father, almightie, euerlastyng God, thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde, by whom thou madest vs of no­thinge vnto thy image, and haste appoynted al other creatures to our vses, and where as we thorowe the synne of Adam slidynge frō [Page] the were made thyne enemies, and therefore subiecte to death, and eternall damnation, thou of thy infinite mercie, and vnspeakable loue, dyddest sende the same thy sonne, the eternall worde, into thys worlde, who tho­rowe the crosse, and death deliuered vs from synnes and the power of the Deuyll, and brought vs agayne into thy fauoure, by his holie spirite, whom he sent to vs from the, and gaue his bodie, and bloude to be the fode of a newe, and eternall lyfe, that being more confirmed thorowe the truste of thy mercie, and loue, we should euer go forward to all that, that is thy pleasure by renuinge, and sanctifiynge of our selues, and that we should glorifie, and exalte the here and euer­more in all our wordes, and dedes, and singe vnto the without ende, with al thy holie An­gels, and beloued chyldren. After these thin­ges, Sanctus shall be songe, where clerkes be, in latine, but of the people in douche, one syde answerynge the other, thryse of bothe partes. As for that, that is wont to be added The Lorde God of hostes, and Benedictus it shal be songe cōmunely of the whole con­gregation, and therefore in douche.

Streyght waye after thys, let the priest synge the wordes of the Lordes supper in douche. Our Lorde the nighte, in whiche he [Page] was deliuered. etc. But these wordes muste be songe of the priest wyth great reuerence, and playnely, that they maye be wel vnder­standed of all men. And the people shal saye to these wordes. Amen. Whiche all the olde church obserued, and the Grekes do yet ob­serue the same. For the whole substance of this Sacrament, is conteyned in these wor­des. And it consisteth altogether in the true vnderstandyng, and fayth of these wordes, that the Sacrament be holesomely admini­stred and receyued.

❧ Whē the people then haue answe­red. Amen. The priest shall adde, lette vs praye. Oure father whiche arte in heauen. etc.

To whiche prayer of the Lorde, the peo­ple shal say agayne. Amen.

  • ¶ The priest. The Lordes peace be euer wyth you.
  • ¶ The people. And with thy spirite.

After thys, they which be admitted to the cōmunion, and do loke for the same in their place, shal come to the Lordes bourde religi­ously. Firste men, and then women, and the whole Sacrament shal be gyuen to them al that they may be partakers of the body and bloud of the Lorde, receiuing not only bread but also the Cuppe, euen as he instituted it.

¶ At the exhibition of the bodi, let the the pastour saye.

Take, and eate to thy health the body of the Lorde, whiche was deliuered for thy synnes.

¶ At the exhibition of the cuppe.

Take, and drinke to thy health the bloud of the Lorde, whiche was shedde for thy synnes.

¶ After the communion, lette Agnus dei be songe both in douche, and in latine, one syde answeryng the other, where clerkes be. And then lette thys douch songe, be songe. Gotte sey gelobette. Item Iesus Christus Vnser Heylant. If the communion shall gyue so muche tyme, and leasure.

¶ When the communion is ended, let the priest synge turnyng to the people. The Lorde be wyth ynn.

  • ❧ The people. And with thy spirite.
  • ¶ The priest. Let vs praye.

Almightie, euerlastynge God, we gyue thankes to thy exceadynge godnes, bicause thou haste fedde vs wyth the bodie of thy only begottē sonne, and gyuen vs his bloud to drynke. We humbly beseche the, worke in vs wyth thy spirite, that as we haue re­ceyued thys diuine Sacrament wyth oure mouthes, so we maye also receyue and euer [Page] holde fast with true fayth, thy grace, remis­sion of synnes, and communion with Christ thy sonne. Al whiche thinges, thou haste ex­hibited vnto vs in these sacramentes, thorow our Lorde Iesus Christe thy sonne, whiche lyueth, and reygneth wyth the in vnitie of the holie gost, verie God and verie man, foreuer. Amen.

❧ An other thankesgyuyng.

We gyue the thankes father, almightie God, whiche haste refreshed vs wyth the singuler gyfte of thy bodie and bloude, we beseche thy goodnesse, that the same maye healpe to confirme our fayth in the, and to kendle mutual loue amonge vs, by the same our Lorde Iesus Christ. etc.

¶ Laste of all lette the pastoure blesse the people wyth these wordes.

The Lorde blesse the, and keepe the, the Lorde lighten his coūtenaunce vpon the, and haue mercie on the. The Lorde lyfte vp his face vpon the, and settle the in peace.

❧ Or thus.

God haue mercie on vs, and blesse vs, lyghten his countenaunce vpō vs, and gyue vs his peace. Amen.

❧ Or thus.

God the father, the sonne, and the holie goste blesse and keepe vs. Amen.

❧ Or thus.

The blessyng of god the father, the sonne and the holie gooste be wyth vs, & remaine wyth vs for euer. Amen.

But where clerkes be not, as in villages, there lette all be reade, and songe in douche. But lette the songes be so moderated, as in euerie congregation shall make to the edifi­cation of godlines.

But forasmuche as our Lorde instituted thys his sacrament onely for thys purpose that we shoulde eate it, and drynke it for the remēbraunce of him, and not that we should set it forth, or carie it about to be loked vpon forasmuch as sundrie abuses be brought in, the true vse of this sacramēt being ouer pas­sed & so this sacrament hath bene drawen to horrible superstition, and vngodlines, for the takyng awaye both of this superstition and vngodlines, and also sundrie scruples of the worke, and irreligious questions a­boute these misteries, the pastours, and they that administre the Sacramente, shall ende­uoure them selues, that as often as the sup­per shalbe ministred, whether it be in the cō ­gregatiō, or in priuate houses for sicke folke, they compte the numbre of them certeynely whiche shall communicate, that accordynge to the same, thei may receiue pieces of bread [Page] and measure of wyne. As for the remnaun­tes, after that the communion is ended, lette the pastours them selues receyue them forthwith, and lette them not keepe the same nor lay them vp in any place, nor eary them away, or set them forth to be beholded. For the worde of God, whiche saueth vs, if we beleue, and obey it, and damneth perpetual­ly, if we do not beleue, nor obey it, hath thus prescribed cōcerning his sacramētes. Take, and eate, this is my bodie. Take, and drinke this is my bloude. Therfore we must stand in thys institution of Christe, and not insti­tute a newe vsage wythout Goddes worde about thys moste holy Sacrament. And bi­cause also that here the Lordes death muste be preached, and the communion of hym cō ­firmed in vs, that thorowe hym we maye be daily more crucified to the world, al world­ly pompe muste lykewyse be taken frō thys ministration, and all tynges muste be so or­deined and moderated, that thei may healpe forth, and adurne the preaching of the crosse and of the death of Christe.

❧ Of the communion of wayfaring men and sicke folke.

When it shall chaunce that wayefaryng men, or such as cōmitte them selues to daun­gerous iourneis, or be sicke, shal require the [Page] Lordes supper vpon workynge dayes, fea­ryng that they can not come to the commu­nion the nexte holy daye, the pastours shall ministre the Lordes supper vnto them vpon any daye, after that they haue receyued of them a conuenient confession of theyr sinnes and fayth in Christ. Howe be it, as much as maye be, it shalbe done in the mornyng, and at suche time as some assemble of the people is wont to be gathered, or at the leste, they shal call some together to thys ministration of the supper. When then they haue admo­nished, and exhorted in the assemble suche as wyll take iourneis in hande, or be sickely, of these misteries, and the whole fayth in Christe: they shall administre the holy sup­per, and distribute the sacramentes, in that fourme, and facion, that we described before saueing that they maye omitte singyng, and reade all thynges, whiche neuertheles muste be done playnely, and clearely, and wyth greate grauitie. But if the sicke folke be in suche case, that they can not come to the tem­ple, the pastours muste go to them, and giue them the holy supper at home, so that they do all thynges according to the fourme pre­scribed, or thys that foloweth, whiche is pe­culiarly appoynted for sicke folke, asmuche as the state of them, to whom the sacramēt [Page] shalbe ministred, wyll suffre, and asmuch as shal make for the edification of saith in them that be present.

The pastours muste also exhort the peo­ple, that not onely theyr householde, but al­so the neighbours and kinsfolke of the sicke, endeuoure to come together to the celebrati­on of that holie supper, and to receyue the sacramentes together.

  • ❧ Howe sicke folke muste be visited and howe the communion muste be ce­lebrated wyth them.
  • ❧ An other exhortation to the sycke person.

My brother in the Lorde, forasmuche as the Lorde visiteth the wyth sicknes of the bodie, that thou mayest reste the better in his wil thou must faythfully cōsidre & recompt first, that diseases are sent to vs frō the Lord God for none other cause, then for synnes, and that originall synne, whiche was deri­ued from Adā vnto vs, draweth death wyth it selfe, and what so euer perteyneth to the kingdome of death, that is to saye, al maner of diseases, sicknesses, miseries, and calami­ties. For if we had continued in originall ryghtuousnes wythout synne, death should not haue had any right vpon vs, muche lesse diseases, and other calamities.

Further thou muste remembre that, leste we should despeare by reason of our sinnes, diseases, and other tētations and anguishes of death, the Gospel was giuen vs, that out of the same we shoulde learne, and beleue that Christe the sonne of God deliuereth vs frō synnes and saueth vs, if we beleue in hym, and that two maner wayes. Firste in purifiynge our hertes frō the wyll, and gylt of synnes, here in earth by the Gospell, and sacramentes. Act. xv. purifiynge their hertes wyth fayth. Secondly when that oure con­sciences be thus cleansed from synnes, and reconciled to God the father by fayth, in ta­kyng away and purgyng synne by litle and litle out of our nature, that at length beinge made pure and perfecte from all vices, and holie in all poyntes, we maye lyue wyth the holie God in heauē, in diuine rightuousnes and innocencie. Thyrdly that, for the wor­kyng and fulfyllynge hereof, God oure fa­ther sendeth vnto vs sūdrie diseases & death it selfe, not bicause he is angrie wyth vs, or wyll destroye vs, but bicause thorowe verie fatherlie beniuolence and care, he wyl steare vs vp vnto true repentaunce of synnes and fayth of his sonne, and so deliuer vs bothe frō synnes, wherin we yet sticke, and more­ouer from all euyls both corporall, and spi­rituall, [Page] vnto whiche we be subiect by reason of synnes, whiche thing the holie scriptures testifie abūdātly. For thus saith S. Paule. i. Cor. xi. When we are iudged of the Lorde, we are corrected, that we be not dāned wyth thys worlde. Roma. viij. To them that loue God, all thynges worke health, neither can anie thynge disseuer them from the loue of God, whiche is in Christe Iesu, not afflicti­tion, nor anguyshe, nor persecution. etc.

Fourthly forasmuch as these thynges be euen so as I haue said, and bicause thou arte taught & certified out of the Gospell, which the sonne of God him selfe preached and cō ­firmed with his death and resurrection, that al thy synnes are caste vpon Christe, yea vt­terly taken awaye and abolished for euer of Christe him selfe, so that God hath now no cause of wrath, and condemnation agaynste the beleuynge in Christ, but the grace of the father, mercie, lyfe and health be certeynely restored to the thorowe Christe, considre all these so exceading benifites of god towards the wyth sure and certeyne fayth, and con­firme thys truste in thy selfe, that God the father compteth the not nowe for suche one, as thou waste borne of Adā and made tho rowe thyne owne synnes, that is to saye, hatefull vnto hym and appoynted vnto de­struction, [Page] but compteth the for Christes sake deare, and destined to eternall lyfe, and be thou persuaded that thou shalt lyue for euer by the ryghtuousnes and lyfe of Christe in perfecte blisfulnes as certeynly, as it is cer­teyne that he suffered the wrath of God and death not for his owne synnes, but for thine. Seinge then that it is so, see that thou com­forte thy selfe wyth so great benifites and knowledge certeynely that synne, death, and hell hath nowe no ryght vpon the, but that Christe the lambe of God hath taken away al those. Iohn. i. For he hath translated those thynges vpon hym selfe, he hath ouercomed them by hym selfe, and blotted them out foreuer. Wherefore be of God comforte, thy synnes be forgiuen the, and there is no cause (if from thy herte thou beleue in Christe the Lorde) but thou maist certeynely, and con­stantly thorowe Christe oure Lorde, loke for al grace, consolation, tymely healpe, and sal­uation from God. Therefore wyth suche truste cōmitte, and gyue vp thy selfe wholy to his mercifull and fatherly wyll, sayinge wyth Dauid, God is my lyght, of whō shal I be a frayed? Heauenly father thy wyll be done. Into thy handes I commende my spi­rite. Amen.

After thys exhortation, if the state of the [Page] sicke person wyll suffre, the pastoure shall reade before hym, and the present congrega­tiō, the Lordes wordes out of the .vi. of Iohn Frō thys place verely, verely I saye vnto you, excepte ye eate the fleshe of the sonne of man: vnto the wordes of the Euāgeliste. These wordes he spake in the synagoge.

And he shall declare the same texte for the cō forte and edification, aswel of the sicke, as of the congregation, that is present. But the ex­position shalbe moderated accordyng to the commoditie of the sicke person. When thex­position is ended, lette the pastour rehearse a commune confession of synnes, whereunto he shall adde an absolution. Then he shall recite the Crede, & shal make suche a prayer.

  • ¶ The pastour. The Lorde be with you.
  • ¶ They whiche be present. And wyth thy spirite.

Almightie, euerlastyng God, whiche of thy exceadyng mercie haste gyuen vs thy sonne and all thynges wyth hym, lighten our her­tes and myndes, that we may certeynly be­leue and acknowledge thy sonne to be oure onely sauiour, and the in hym our God and father, and that we maye so receyue and en­ioye the communion of his bodie and bloud from thys his table ordeined by his cōmaū ­dement, that his newe and diuine lyfe wyth [Page] al trust of his grace, and sure expectation, of blessed resurrection may be cōfirmed and encreased in thys oure sicke brother, or sicke sister and in vs all, that we also may be con­tent to susteyne thy hande in this present vi­sitation and loke wyth affiaunce for thy cal­lyng out of thys wycked worlde, and that as longe as it shall please the, we maye lyue here, and more sanctifie thy name, and sette forth thy kyngdome, thorowe the same thy beloued sonne our Lorde.

Here the pastoure shall saye the Lordes prayer. That done, he shall wishe peace to the sicke person, and all that be present. Thē he shall rehearse the wordes of the supper playnely and reuerently. The Lorde that night that he was betrayed. etc.

When he hath rehearsed those wordes, lette hym giue the whole Sacrament to the sicke personnes, and to those of the standers by, which shal offre them selues gistes to the Lordes bourde, as it behoueth, wyth those wordes, that we rehearsed before. After the cōmnunion, let hym cōclude the Lordes sup­per with thākesgiuyng & blessyng, as is de­scribed before. The sicke folke also muste be euer exhorted to liberalitie towards the pore

Of cōmunion in priuate houses for men in health.

Bicause some both of the ordre of knight­hode and men of other degrees dwell far­ther from temples, then that they can euer come together to the commune assemble of theyr parish in the winter & other incommo­dious tymes of the yere, the pastours shall not be grieued to celebrate the holie supper in theyr houses at conuenient tymes, when they shall require it, and when there shall be iust causes so to do by thē selues, or by other meete ministers, after the maner, and facion that is described before. But they whiche dwell so nigh the temples of theyr parishes that they maye well come together to the cō mune communion of theyr parish, shal haue no priuate cōmunion in theyr houses admi­nistred, whiche thynge the olde holie fathers forbadde to be done.

❧ Of conuersion from sinnes, or re­pentaunce and christian excommuni­cation.

IT is greatly to be lamēted that mannes weakenes & the diuyls power is so great that so manie of thē which be receyued a­monge the childrē of God, fal so sone frō the begonne obedience of God, and caste a­waye the grace, whiche they had receyued, and the holie goste, beinge vnthankefull to­wardes God theyr father, whom they of­fende [Page] so vngodly, and towardes theyr saui­our Christ, whō they madly put from them and agaynste the holy goste, whom they so traiterously agrieue, and finallie moste noy­some agaynste thē selues. For they prouoke the wrath of God agaynst thē selues, which shall punishe thē euē with temporal paynes and not onely them, but also those that be ioyned vnto them by any meanes. Whiche thynge the historie of Saul, Dauid, and o­ther testifieth. Furthermore they take from them selues the mooste excellent consolati­on in thys lyfe, I meane, the callynge vpon God. For they that cōtinue in synne against theyr conscience, can not call vpon God. Fi­nallie they bynde them selues to eternal dā ­nation, and that, that is moste horrible, they whiche haue fallen, suffre not them selues to be moued for the moste parte, that they may returne vnto God. Wherefore it shall per­teyne to a good pastour to be euer more bu­sie aboute hym selfe, and other in godlie ex­hortatiōs, that they may worke theyr health wyth feare & trēbling, as Paule sayeth, and that they suffre not the gyfte of God to be idle in them, and to vanishe awaye, but that they steare vp, and exercise the same, desiring that the same may be confirmed in them, fle­inge peruerse entisementes, and resistynge [Page] naughtie affections, as we sayed before, in the place of good workes.

But if any man hath fallen, and hath sin­ned euen agaynst his conscience, secretely or openly, let hym neuertheles heare the worde of god, so fatherly alluring vs vnto amend­ment, when he sayeth, in Ezechiell, as truely as I lyue, I wyll not the death of a synner but that he be conuerted, and lyue.

Therfore God would also, and so great­ly commaunded that in the cōgregation the doctrine of repentaunce should be beaten in, whiche he hym selfe beganne in Paradise, when he rebuked Adam, and Eue after the fall, and cōforted them agayne wyth a most ample promise of grace, by the seede that shoulde come. Al the sermons of the prophe­tes teach the same thinge, and therfore Iohn Baptist, and Christ hym selfe, and the Apo­stles groūded the summe of theyr preaching hereupon. Come agayne to your selues, re­pent. etc.

As for repentaunce, it is a griefe and an­guishe of mynde, by reason of synne, out of a faythful consideration of the filthines, and abomination, whiche the lawe sheweth to be in synne, and out of the feare of Gods iud­gement agaynst sinne, which the law threa­teneth, driuynge vs to seeke forgyuenes of [Page] synnes, and the grace of God wyth all dili­gence. And therfore Ioell. ij. Cutte, sayeth he your hertes, and not your garmentes, and turne to the Lorde your God, for he is gen­tle and mercifull, patient, and of great com­passiō, recōcileable touchyng wickednes. etc.

Itē in Esai. Where shal the Lorde dwel? in a broken, and humbled spirite. etc.

Psalme. xxxviij. My bones haue no peace frō the sight of my synnes. Esaie. i. Cease to do frowardly, learne to do well,

The preachers must be diligent to steare vp thys repentaunce wyth preachynge of Goddes worde, whiche is taughte vs in the lawe, and Gospell. For thereby synne is vt­tered and reproued, as Paule sayth, thorowe the lawe is the knowledge of synne. It ad­monisheth also that these miserable calami­ties of mankynd, so manie warres, so daun­gerous commotions, and all destruction of peace, and politie wyth other euyls, whiche dayly sprynge vp newe, by the punishmētes of Goddes angre kendled agaynste vs for synnes. Finally it rehearseth vnto vs terri­ble exemples of gods chastisinge, the floude, the dronynge of Pharao, the destruction of the kyngdome of Israel, and Hierusalē. etc

And where as the Lordes word testifieth that what so euer aduersitie chaunceth vnto [Page] vs, it is sent from God for oure synnes, the same worde of the Lorde by these dayly mi­series and incommodities, admonesheth vs of our sinnes, and calleth vs vnto repētaūce Finally the Gospel most vehemently rebu­keth the contempte of Christ, that men wyll not acknowledge hym, and his exceadynge benifites, that they refuse his grace offered to them, that they neglecte to cal vpon God wyth true fayth thorowe hym. For whiche contempte, it threateneth present peynes and euerlastyng to come.

All these thynges muste be often beaten in, that men maye be steared vp to true con­trition, whereunto they healpe verie muche, if they be set forth grauely, and religiously.

But the Gospell doeth also by the truste of Goddes graces rayse vp, and comforte myndes being discouraged thorowe repen­taunce. For it biddeth an hert brused and so­rowinge for synnes, to acknowledge, and embrace mercie promised in Christe, and to determine, that it shall certeynely obteyue remission of synnes, if it beleue that synnes be forgyuen vs freely, not for oure merites, but for Christes sake, whiche offered hym selfe a sacrifice for vs vnto the father, as we haue declared before, and as it is clearly set forth, Ro. iij. Ephesi. ij. and in other places. [Page] But to obteyne thys consolation, we muste holde faste the worde of the Gospel. Wher­fore priuate absolution muste be reteyned, and vsed in congregations, that thorowe it the voice of the Gospell maye be preached to euerie man by hym selfe, and that the be­nifites of Christe maye be so exhibited, as Christ sayth. Iohn. xx. Whose sinnes ye shal remitte, they be remitted. etc. Item mat. xviij. Thou shalte not onely forgyue seuē tymes, but seuentie tymes seuen tymes. So Luke xvij. If he shall synne seuen tymes in a daye agaynst the, and beinge seuen times conuer­ted, shall saye, it repenteth me, forgyue hym.

These sentences teache clearely, and pre­scribe that they whiche acknowledge theyr synnes, and be striken wyth repentaunce of the same, muste not be lefte in doubte of for­gyuenes, but that remission of synnes muste be preached vnto them in the name, and by the commaundement of Christ, and that they must be absolued from synnes. Which absolution they muste receyue, and embrace as a sure voice of the Gospell, and beleue that they obteine remission of sinnes not for the worthines of thys worke, of whiche sort the heathen had an absolution, but for Chri­stes sake. Therfore that thys godly benifite of absolution maye be more commodiously [Page] reteined in cōgregations, we haue enioyned to all curates, and other ministers of cōgre­gations, which administre the sacramentes, that they admitte no bodie to the communi­on of the Lordes supper, whiche hath not re­ceyued before priuate absolution of the pa­stour, and other ministers of sacramentes. And for the reteynyng of this absolution in congregations, priuate cōfession muste also be kepte, not that numbring of synnes is ne­cessarie, but bicause that priuate teachinge, and the consolation of priuate absolution, whiche is wonte to be vsed in confession, is verie profitable, and necessarie for manie. Howe be it euerie man muste humbly con­fesse, that he hath synned, and muste be sorie from the herte, that he hath offended God, and muste haue a certeyne, and sure purpose to amende his lyfe, and to gouerne the same from thence forth accordynge to the worde of God, in the feare of God, obedience, in­uocation of Goddes name, and thankesgy­uyng, so that he be offensiue to no bodie, but edifie many in godlines, and further them to al good thynges. Further euerie mā must open to the ministre of Christe, to whom he confesseth his synnes, those fautes, and mis­deedes chiefely, whiche moste trouble, and vexe his conscience, and for whiche he hath [Page] neede of counsell, instruction, and consolati­on out of the worde of God, that he may af­terwarde lyue wyth more warines of syn­nynge, and certeyner truste of the mercie of God, and so serue God the better. Af­ter these thynges, it is conuenient to require absolution.

Suche cōfession avayleth much to warne and enstructe the repentant, and that the pa­stour maye knowe them before absolution, that they may the better be enstructed to the amendement of life, and that the pastour al­so maye knowe whether he, whiche confes­seth requireth absolution vnfeynedly. For pearles muste not be cast before swyne. And he that promise [...]h not amendmente of lyfe, muste not be absolued. For the repentaunce of suche a man muste needes be fayned.

In this confession the pastour must heare and examen euerie man of his fayth, and re­quire of hym the ten commaundementes in ordre, and warne that men learne to knowe, that it is synne agaynste God, when they transgresse the said commaundementes, that so they maye perceyue, what synne is, and thys examination, and enstruction muste be vsed wyth singuler diligence in yonge and rude personnes. After this, he that requireth absolution must be demaunded, whether he [Page] wil earnestly amēde his life, & liue frō thēce forth in the feare of God, and obey God vnfaynedly. If he promise that he wyl so do, he must be demaunded, whether he hath borne an offence to anie bodie, or hath vniustly hurted anie bodie, that asmuche as may be, such sclaunderous offence be taken away againe and that he labour to be reconciled to hym, whom he hath offēded. If the crime, and of­fence be opē, as if a mā keepe an other mans wyfe, or vse vnlawful companie wyth some other woman openly, or beare manifest hat­red agaynste some bodie, or wythholdeth some mannes goodes, if there be anie suche manifest sclaunder, the absolution muste be deferred, tyl the offence be openly remoued. He that asketh absolution must also be war­ned, that true repentaunce is required, and that, that is no small mattter, but an earnest, and vehement griefe for sinne, with a fayth­full desire of forgyuenes, and sure purpose of amendemēt of life, and that God is most greuously offended, if anie man require ab­solution not of true repentaunce, but rather for mennes pleasure, or for custome.

Finally, they which cōfesse must be war­ned, that it perteineth to true repentaunce, to auoyed diligently all occasions of synnes, al places, tymes, cōpanies of men, whiche may [Page] offre any occasion of synne, and to fyghte strongly agaynst euyll lustes, and entyse­mentes of synnes, and euer to call vpon the healpe of God. For thus fayth, and inuoca­tion muste be exercised in true repentaunce.

When he then whiche desireth to be ab­solued, hath promised that he wyll do al the thynges, that I haue rehearsed, lette hym be absolued frō synnes in the name of Christe, and after absolution, lette hym be admitted to the communion of the Lordes supper.

❧ Of excommunication.

IF any man continue in manifeste abomi­nable crimes, or if he may by conuenient witnesses, be cōuinced of suche a crime, as ought to be punished, and for which according to Goddes worde he can haue no part in the kyngdome of God, and neuertheles the mā is not moued wyth the remēbraunce of the wrath of God, in the daunger where­of he lyueth, nor of the greuous punishment that he deserueth, nor of the cōmune sclaun­der, and stomblynge blocke, whiche he lay­eth before other, and wyll not conuerte vn­to the Lorde, the pastoure wyth other godly men, whiche shall be chosen and appoynted out of tounes, and villages for this purpose muste warne suche a person wyth grauitie, that he come to hym selfe, repent his synnes [Page] and turne to God his father and sauiour, that he remoue the stombling blocke, which he hath layed before the congregation, and finally that he seeke recōciliation with God and the cōgregation by worthy repētaunce. And the verie obedience due vnto Christ re­quireth, that euerie man in his parishe obeye suche exhortation with al subiection, and hu­militie. For it is a parte of the ministerie, whereof Christe speaketh, Luke. x. He that heareth you, heareth me, he that despiceth you, despiseth me. etc. If he then whiche hath liued with an open scaunder, admitteth such an exhortation, and promiseth amendment, fyrst he muste take away the offence, that he had caused, as if he keepe vnlawfull compa­ny wyth some woman, he muste put hyr a­waye from hym, if he hath borne open hat­red agaynst any man, he muste be reconciled vnto hym, asmuche as perteyneth to hymselfe. etc. This done, he must come to his pa­stour, confesse his sinnes, and promise a bet­ter lyfe, and so require, and receyue abso­lution, and then be admitted to the Lordes supper.

But if suche a man, whiche continueth in open synnes, wyl not come to the pastours, and other ministers of repentaunce beinge called, lette him be called thrise, or if he come [Page] and yet abyde obstinately in his wycked ac­tes after the thirde admonition, let the whole matter be brought before the superintēdant, by the pastoure and one of them, which shal be ioyned with the pastour by the appoynt­ment of the cōgregation to execute thys bu­sines. The superintendāt must come to that congregation, where suche an obstinate wic­ked person shal be, and shall call hym againe before hym selfe, with the pastour and other appoynted to that office. And if he haue not yet lefte his naughtie actes, nor amēded his lyfe, neither yet earnestly promiseth amend­ment, all these personnes muste pronounce a sētence together agaynst such one, and iudge hym worthy to be cast out of the congrega­tion, and to be excommunicated, and wyth that theyr commune sentence they shall ex­clude hym from all communion of the con­gregation. And he, whom they shall so excō ­municate, muste bee compted of all the con­gregation as one not perteynyng to the bo­die of Christe, and he muste not be admitted to the holie supper, or to Baptisme, or to the institutynge of the ministers of the churche, or to the blessynge of mariage, whiche is wont to be done in the congregation. Howe be it he shall not be forbidden to come to ser­mons, yea he shall be exhorted the more to [Page] heare sermons, that by the worde of God he maye be admonished of the wrath of God, of euerlasting, and present punishmentes, of his vnthankefulnes agaynste the mercie of God, and the bitter death of Christ. For the ministerie of the Gospell muste euer iudge of al mē in the world good, and hadde, must rebuke the synne of all men, accordynge to thys saying of Christe. The spirite shal re­buke the worlde of synne. etc.

And that men maye rightly vnderstande the ministerie, and strength of excōmunicati­on, and that a true doctrine of thys matter may be reteyned in cōgregations, this thing is diligently to be marked, and taughte. I meane, what difference there is betwene ec­clesiastical, and ciuile punishmentes. The ci­uile officer restrayneth, and punisheth mē by the cōmaundement of God with bodily pu­nishmētes, enprisonment, exile, losse of goo­des and death. And he must execute this his office, not only for cōmune peace, but also for the glorie of God, and to reteyne discipline amonge men. Ro. xiij. Of whiche thinge the ministers must often admonishe the people. And if the ciuile officer graunt to a man be­ing excōmunicate the vse of the politike state and cōpanie with citizins, the excōmunicati­on of the cōgregation, must not hindre ciuile [Page] cōmunion, and the true, and obedient mem­bres of the cōgregation may vse the cōpany of such a person in ciuile matters, and in the administration of the cōmune weale, in commune iudgementes, in byinge, and sellinge, and suche other busines of ciuile felowshyp and of the necessitie of this life. But in other matters not necessarie, the mēbres of Christ must auoied the cōpany of such, lest they de­file thē selues with other mēnes sinnes. Yea they muste so behaue them selues towardes such men, that both the personnes thē selues and also other maye vnderstande that they be sore agrieued wyth theyr wicked actes, and sclaunders, wherewith they trouble the congregation of God.

If any die in excōmunication, let not the other mēbres of the congregation be present at his buriall, but let them compte hym as a cast awaye, seinge that he died wythout the inuocation of the name of Christe, and ac­knowledgyng of his synnes.

Therfore the superentendant, the pastour and other deputed to this ministerie, muste vse excōmunication onely agaynst open il li­uers, whiche wyl not amende, and not in ci­uile matters, as to require dettes, for of these thinges the politike iudgemētes of the offi­cers muste gyue sentence, and obserue that [Page] waye, whiche is described in our reformati­on set forth heretofore, cōcerning this matter and if neede shal require, it shall be yet more largely described by the aduise of our coun­sell. The pastours then, and teachers of con­gregations must diligētly teach, and warne men, that they despice not excōmunication, nor doubte, but that he whiche is lawfully excommunicated, is verely reiected of God, and that God to cōfirme the feare of excommunication, punisheth them often wyth bo­dilie paynes, whiche despice the excōmunica­tion of the cōgregation. For neither the bles­sing nor cursing of the congregation, and of godly men can be in vayne, as it is wrytten Gene. xiij. I wyl blesse them, that blesse the, and curse them that curse the. And psal. Cx. Let his dayes be fewe, and let an other take his bishopriche. Item, let him put on a curse, as a garmēt. The exēple also of the Cor. te­stifieth the same. So when S. Ambrose had excōmunicated Stilico the scribe, the diuell inuaded him forthwyth. Wherefore there is no doubte, but that he shall surely be pu­nished of God, whiche despiseth lawfull ex­communication.

But if the Lorde wyll gyue grace, that he whiche is excōmunicated, wyll come to hym selfe againe and leaue his wicked deedes, for [Page] whiche he was excōmunicated and wyll ac­knowledge, and confesse his synnes, and be reconciled to hym, whom he hath offended, and asketh humbly remission of his synnes, and disobedience agaynst God, and the cō ­gregation, let the pastour absolue thys man before the altare and restore him to Christe, and to the congregation, if he hertely cōfesse that he wyl obeye Christ, and the congrega­tion in all these poyntes, as a true penitent. Howe be it the other also whiche be appoyn­ted to this ministerie must stande by the pa­stour, as witnesses of those thinges, that the man, whiche shalbe absolued, promiseth, and as witnesses of the right handling of the absolution.

And that no mā may haue occasion to re­quire iudgementes, by whiche he maye ob­teyne his ryght in dettes without vnlawful delaies, and great charges, we by the aduise of our counsell wil take such away in iudge­mentes, which are executed in our name, and in the names of archdeacons, that they shall be dryuen to do that, that is ryghte, and the same wythout abuse of excommunication, and wronge of the kayes of Christe.

❧ Of the appoyntyng, and insti­tution of pastours.

AL men endued wyth the true feare of God and religion, vnderstande that thoffice of priesthod, that is to say, the ministerie of preaching the Gospel, and disposyng the sacramentes, and discipline of Christe, is, and was frō the be­ginning of the worlde, and shal be to thende of the same right necessarie, and holesome a­monge al other offices & ministeries, wher­by the cōmodities of mannes life are procu­red. For God sent his sonne into this world whiche was promised from the begynynge to mankynde, to execute thys office, he sent also to men his moste excellente prophetes, and patriarkes, and he mainteineth the same ministerie thorowe all ages by wonderfull meanes, & restoreth it oftē times gloriously.

Wherfore he hath enioyned to al curates of congregations, that they labour wyth all religion that thys treasure of euerlastynge life, thys ministerie of saluation and blessed cōmunion with him and his Christe, be not cōmitted but to faythful, and meete mē, that it may be euer kept sincere, nor be quēched at any tyme, as it hath chaunced amonge the heathen. Wherfore we ought most diligent­ly to cōsidre, and to renue in the cōgregatiōs as muche as is possible, the thinges that the holy goste hath prescribed, cōcerning the re­ligion of this ministerie both in other places [Page] & also to Timothe. Neither is it to be doub­ted, but that bishops were made presidentes ouer all priestes chiefely for thys cause, that they shoulde take singuler care and studie, that the puritie of christian doctrine, and dis­cipline might be mainteined in cōgregatiōs, and that meete mē might be admitted to the administration thereof. And it is manifeste that the cōgregations frō the beginninge of the worlde haue ben moste greuously endā ­maged thorowe the negligence, sluggishnes rashnes and boldnes of them whiche were made ouerseers of the doctrine & discipline of Christe. As other commune weales also were then moste afflicted, and came to ruine whē thei began to be administred by naughtie officers. For euer there wāt rather meete gouernours in commune weaels to keepe, mainteine and execute good lawes, thē there want good and cōmodious lawes. Where­fore we hertely wishe that principal diligēce be vsed hereof, that faythfull and meete cu­rates be appointed to euerie cōgregation, as it is moste necessarie, and as it toucheth oure office chiefely. Let no man then take it in ill parte, that we deuise a waye and meane wherby they that shalbe admitted to the procuration of cōgregations may be examined and tried with more religion, thē heretofore.

As for vs, we wyl not take from any mā his right of appoyntyng curates to congre­gations. But we exhort al men, whiche take this authoritie vpon them, that thorowe fa­uour & carnall loue, or for some other cause they thrust not such into the congregations, which be sclēderly furnished, or litle willing to execute thys moste holie ministerie, but that they seeke out wyth all diligence suche as wyll and be able to execute thys office, which thing the verie fayth of Christ great­ly requireth of al christian men, but chiefely of them, to whom congregations be singn­lerly committed for the same purpose.

And that we also may execute oure office in this behalfe, we cōmaund that no man be admitted to the cure of any congregation, whiche is not diligently tried and allowed by those examiners, whō we shall appoynte to this office, and bryngeth frō thexaminers a testimony of his probatiō, to those to whō it shal perteine to inuest, & to our suffragane.

In the examination of these mē, thre thin­ges must chiefely be required. First that he, that shall be admitted to the holy ministerie of the congregation, bringe to the examiners a cōuenient testimonie sealed in letters wor­thy of credite, concerninge his vocation, and former life. For God forbiddeth suche to be [Page] admitted to this right excellent office, which openly despice his lawes, and be subiecte to manifeste wycked actes.

Secondly the persone must be examined whether he sufficiently vnderstande the doc­trine of Christ, a somme wherof we haue cō prehended in this boke. And whether he ac­knowledge that the same doctrine in a sūme is truly described in this boke, as surely it is the onely, and vndoubted doctrine of Christe, whiche the true catholike churche of Christe euer holdeth, and foloweth.

Thyrdly it must be required of him that shall be admitted to the gouernaunce of the cōgregation of Christ, whē it shalbe percei­ued that he vnderstādeth sufficiently this doctrine and cōfesseth it to be true, that he pro­mise to continue in the same doctrine, and to deliuer the same faythfully to thē, of whom he shalbe made curate for that purpose, and to folowe the prescripte of thys boke in all thinges diligētly, and to execute his office in al pointes with al faythfulnes and diligēce.

When he is thus examined and proued, the examiners must giue him a testimony of theyr cōprobation vnto thē, whose office is to inuest him, and to the suffragane. Which suffragane shall vse nothinge in the ceremo­nies of ordination, nor enioyne anie thynge [Page] in ordeynynge, that agreeth not wyth thys same doctrine of Christe sette forth in thys boke. For it is euidente that thys doctrine, whiche is comprehended in thys boke, is the verie christian doctrine, and the certeyne sen­tence, and fayth of the catholike churche.

Now it perteineth to vs by reason of our byshoplye office, that we maynteyne not those obseruaunces, whiche haue crepte in besyde the cōmaundement of God, and vn­to the destruction of many priestes, but ra­ther that we seeke out, and deuise that waye and meane, whereby we maye fynde meete ministers vnto our congregations, and that they may execute their ministerie with good conscience not encombred with vniust tradi­tions of men or vowes, and call vpon God wyth sure trust, and be occupied in their mi­nisterie godly and luckely.

We trust also that they which nowe ad­ministre oure cōgregations, wyl gladly ap­plie them selues to this maner of teachynge and vsynge of holy ceremonies, when they shall haue thorowly perceyued it, and not leade a lyfe disagreinge to the same. If it chaunce otherwyse in anie place, the visiters shall haue commaundementes so to prouide the congregations of necessary and meete ministers, that no man shall haue cause to [Page] complayne of anie vniuste burthen.

❧ Of blessynge of mariages.

THey whiche haue mutually pro­mised matrimonie betwene them selues, shal go both the spouse and the spousesse, wyth their parentes of both sydes, or other kynsfolke, or two, or three friendes, to the Pastoure, or to some other ministre appoynted thereunto, and shall signifie vnto them theyr hand fa­stynge, and require the blessynge of the con­gregation whiche shal diligently demaunde of them whether theyr handfastynge were made after the wyll of the parentes of both parties, or of thē vndre whose gouernaunce and power they be, whether they haue done all other thynges lawfully, and after a chri­stian facion, whether theyr be anye lawe­full impediment of theyr copulation. For if there be any impediment that they can not lawefully and wythout sclaunder be ioyned together in matrimonie, let not the pastoure alowe theyr mariage in any wyse, or blesse it in the cōgregation, tyll that lette be remo­ned, and theyr copulation be alowed by thē, whiche shall be appoynted to suche matters and causes by our cōmaundement. Further the ministre shall exhorte them that they so­lemnise suche a mariage as becommeth chri­stians, [Page] and that they folowe not the pompe, and excesse of the heathen. Then lette hym wryte both theyr names, and aske the banes vpon three holie dayes, or sundayes after thys sorte.

Iohn N. and Anne N. haue made pro­mise eche to other of holie matrimonie, and thei desire that the same be alowed and bles­sed of the congregation. Therefore they re­quire that the congregation wyll praye for them, that they maye beginne thys kynde of lyfe in the Lordes name, and that they maye lyue in the same vnto the prayse and glorie of God. If anie man know anie lawful im­pediment of theyr copulation, let him shewe the same in tyme to the glorie of Christ, and for the remouinge of an offence to the cōgre­gation.

Such a publication, as I sayed, muste be made vpon three holy dayes nexte ensuinge one an other, except some special, and weightie cause require an other thynge, and suffre not so longe delayinge. But no man muste haue anie thinge dispensed of thys thryse as­kynge, excepte they permitte it, to whom we shal cōmitte the office of causes of matrimo­ny, and when it is manifeste, that there is no lawfull lette of theyr matrimonie. Howbeit the banes of suche personnes also muste be [Page] asked in the cōgregation at the lest vpon one holy daye.

Furthermore we wyll haue thys thynge obserued, that the weddyng of al personnes whether the brides be virgines or widowes be confirmed and sanctified in the cōgrega­tion by the worde of God, and prayer, and that they come to the congregation wyth al sobrietie, and honestie, as it becommeth thē whiche come together in the Lorde, and tru­ly desire the blessyng of the Lorde vnto their mariage. Wherefore they shall endeuoure them selues to brynge verie many wyth thē vnto the holie assemble, thoughe christian moderatiō requireth not so many to be bid­den to the mariage feast. For the prayers of many are godly desired. But bicause they come together to praye for the grace, and good spirite of God to be gyuen to the des­poused personnes thorowe our Lorde Iesus Christe, and hym crucified: they muste so appeare in his syghte, that the glorie of the crosse of Christ be not blemished by world­ly pompe and excesse.

Finally they must come into the tēple at that houre, when Christes congregation co­meth together at other times, and they must be at the begynnynge of the holie assemble that wyth the reste of the people of Christe [Page] they may heare the lordes worde, and make theyr prayers to God.

When they then be present in the temple wyth the congregation, in a place appoyn­ted thereunto, whiche shalbe open to al men the pastour shall saye to the brydgrome and the bryde.

Be ye then presente here in the syghte of God oure father, and of oure Lorde Iesus Christe, before his congregation, to professe your mariage, which ye haue promised eche to other in the Lorde, and that ye maye re­ceyue blessing and sanctification of the same from the Lorde, by the ministre of the cōgre­gacion?

  • ❧ The answer of the brydgrome and the bryde.
  • We are present for that purpose.
  • ¶ Then the Pastoure shal saye fur­ther.

Seinge then that after the open askynge of banes, no bodie hath come forth, whiche woulde gaynesaye the coniunction of these personnes, or coulde declare anie lawful im­pedement by reason of kinred, or of affinitie or for some other cause, the heauenly father vouchsafe to confirme that, that he hath wrought in you.

And that ye maie the better vnderstande, [Page] and acknowlege how great a grace, and be­nifite the heauenlie father hath gyuen youe herin, which hath ioyned you together with holie matrimonie, and that ye maye lerne to giue him condigne thanckes for this his be­niuolence, and bountiousnes towardes you and embrace one a nother wyth more firme fayth, as ioyned to gether by the hande of God, & cal for his helpe with more cōfidēce, and euer serue him in this state finally that ye maye more fully knowe the promisse and office of matrimonie, and perfurme the same more promptly, ye shal heare with reuerente mindes some testimonies, of the scripture, and a religious exhortacion out of the same. And first ye shal here out of the secōde. Cha of Genes. the firste institution of holye ma­trimonie. God saide, it is not good that mā be a loue, lette vs make hym an helpe, to be with him, & God sent a sleepe vpon Adā &c.

¶ Nowe heare ye the voice of Christ. out of the gospel Math. xix.

¶ The phariseis came vnto Iesus tēptinge hym, and sayinge to hym, maye a man make a diuorce with his wife for euerie cause? etc.

❧ Thirdly heare ye also the cōmaunde­ment of the holie Gost concerning the office of mariage. For thus he prescribed to maried folke Ephe. v.

❧ Men loue your wiues, as Christ loued the congregation &c. reade furth to the ende of the Chapter.

❧ Out of these places the despoused per­sones, and rest of the congregacion must be warned, that they lerne, and considre firste, howe holie a kinde of lyfe, and howe accep­table to God matrimonie is. For by these places we knowe, that God him selfe insti­tuted holye wedlocke, and that in paradise man beinge yet perfecte, and holye, and that he hath greatly blessed thys copulasion, and ioyneth hymselfe all those together, whyche contracte matrimonie in hys name, and gy­ueth the husband to be an heade, and sauiour to the wyfe, as Christe is the heade, and the sauioure of the congregacion and further more giueth the wife a bodie, and a helpe to the husbande, that here in thys worlde they maye leade a godlye, honest, and ioyous lyfe together.

Hereof a godlie minde shal certainly conclude, that this copulacion of man, and wo­man is without doubte acceptable to God, and therefore holye, and luckie which thinge appeareth by this, that God planteth in thē, whyche be ioyned in matrimonye, so greate and so meruailous faythfulnes, loue, and most serniceable mindes, both towardes thē [Page] selues mutually, & also towardes their chil­dren, kinsfoke, and allied by any meane to e­ther parte. For God is loue, and he that a­bydeth in loue, abideth in god, and the whole lawe is fulfiled with the loue of oure neigh­boure. Where fore in what soeuer state of life more faithfulnes, and loue, and a redier mynde to procure the commodites of oure neighboures accordinge to the Lordes word is wounte to spring furth, the same vndoub tedli is more acceptable to God, more holie, and blessed. But there is no surer faythful­nes, no feruenter loue, no nerer frendshippe no prompter will to warne on another than that is, which is among suche maryed folke, as be ioined together in the lord, and sofurth amonge their children, and all those, whome mariage hath allied together on both part­tes. Wherfor al they, whō god hath brought to thys kynde of lyfe, ought to geue greate thankes vnto God for this so greate a beni­fite, that he hath called thē, to so holie a kind of life, and so acceptable to him selfe. Nether must the husbaunde other wyle receiue hys spouse, nor the spouse hir husbande, than de­liuered and ioined together with the Lordes hāde, and whatsoeuer aduersite shal chaunce in matrimonie (as this copulacion is as you woulde saye a singler shoppe of godlie, and [Page] faythfull inuocation) they must fle to God with sure confidence, and require helpe, and consolation of him. For the most beninge father canne not for sake hys chyldren in that kinde of life, to whiche he himselfe appoyn­ted them, he cannot but aswage the difficul­ties, and exercises of obediēce, which he hym selfe will haue to be in this state, to trie, and to stirreup the fayth of hys, and not to af­flycte them.

The pastoures thā shal diligently warne and exhorte that men conclude these thinges out of the forsayde places of the scripture concerninge the hollines of matrimonie and the helpe of God prepared for thys state, and that they learne thereby to gyue God thanked for this so great a benifite, and call for his helpe with confidence in all distresses that shal happen in thys state.

Further more they shal teach and warne this also out of the same places with al pos­sible diligence, with how greate beniuolence and loue they that be coupled in matrimo­nie ought to embrace one another, by what meanes, and with what redines of mynde the one oughte to do the other good, wyth what diligence the man must shew himselfe an heade, and sauioure to his wife, and the womā a bodie, and faythful helpe in al thin­ges [Page] to hir husband, breifely with what care they must mainteine betwene themselues a­grement of mindes, and auoyde all disseue­ring of the same, seinge that they must nedes be one fleshe, one mā, and liue together with one minde and one herte, and haue al thiges commune both those that pertayne to God and those that partaine to menne. Greate is the coniunction and nere is the frendshyppe of allies, and kinsfolke, and other frendes a­monge them selues, and the same be greater betwene parentes, and children, but the greatest of al must be betwene maried persons.

For they must be so glued one to another with the affectiō of loue, that they make one mā, al other being left, and set apart, Imean not as touchig charite, & other duties, but as touchinge the vse, & companie of the hole life

Such an exhortation must be made wyth more, or fewer wordes, as it shal appere conuenient, or necessarie for the present congre­gacion, and the despoused persones whiche done, the pastour shal exhorte the newly maried folke, and the whole congregation that they make their praiers religiosly to God y t wyll graunte to the personnes entrynge in to holye wedlocke, so to beginne it, and kepe it thorough all their lyfe, as they be taught out of the worde of God. Whan the congre­gacion [Page] hath ended hir praiers in silence, lette the minister bidde the bridegrome, and the bride to come nere, and first lette hym de­maunde the bridegrome after thys sorte.

Iohan N. haste thou than determined be­fore the Lorde to take Anne N. to thy wyfe in the Lorde, and so to lyue wyth hir all thy life, as thou heardest euen now, that it is re­quired of a Christiane husbande.

Answere. I haue so determined by the Lordes helpe. Hast thou also determyned Anne N. before the Lorde to take Iohan N. to thy husband in the Lord and so to liue wyth him thorough out al thi life, as thou wast taught euen nowe, that it is required of a Christi­an wyfe.

Answere. I haue determined by the Lordes helpe. Than if perchaunce they haue ringes lette them put them one vpon anothers fin­ger, and so lette the minister ioine their right handes together, and saye, that, that God hath ioyned, lette no man disseuer. And lette the pastoure saye more ouer wyth a lowde voyce, that maye be hearde of all men.

Forasmuche as than this Iohan N. desireth thys Anne to be hys wife in the Lorde, and this Anne desireth thys Iohan to be hir hus­bande in the Lorde, and one hath made the other a promisse of holie, and Christian ma­trimonie, [Page] and haue now both professed the same openly, and haue confirmed it with gi­uinge of ringes ech to other, and ioininge of handes, I the minister of Christ, and the congregacion, pronounce that they be ioyned together with lawfull, & christian matrimony, & I confirme this their mariage in the name of the father, the sonne, and the holie Gost. Amen. After this lette the psal. Cxxvij. be redde, or sounge, excepte the Lorde builde the house &c. And the Psalme. Cxxviij. Blessed are all they, whiche feare the Lorde &c.

¶ Than lette the minister conclude the whole matter with this prayer.

Almyghtie God, and heauenlye father, whiche with thyn owne worde hast witnes­sed, that it is not good for man to be alone, and therefore at the begynninge madest a wife to man of himselfe, and diddest ioyne hir to him for an helpe, that thei might passe theyr whole lyfe luckely in all holynes, and rightuousnes, and diddest ordaine the man to be the heade, & the sauiour of the woman, which also shoulde gouerne, and ayde the wyfe his bodye to al godlines, and honestie, and hast adourned, and blessed this copula­tion, as holie, and acceptable to the, in it selfe a syngular exercise, and aide of fayth tho­rought thy goodnes, we beseche the for thy [Page] sonnes sake our Lorde, whō thou wouldest haue to be borne of a virgine despoused, and ioined to Ioseph in holie matrimonie, which also honoured matrimonie wyth hys pre­sence, and wyth the begininge of his mira­cles, and woulde haue it to be a token and misterie of his exceadinge loue to wardes the congregacion, we beseche the I saye, that thou wilt mercifully perdonne these thy children, if anie thinge hath crepte in, and ming­led it selfe in their copulation at the begin­ning, or at this present, beside thi constitutiō thorough mannes weaknes, and the craftye snares of Satan, and that thou wilte keepe them in the feare, and obedience of the, and encrease these thi giftes in the daily. Stren­then thou, and encrease their fayth, that they doubte not, but that they are ioyned toge­ther with thy hande, thoughe it bee by oure ministerie, that they maye be one man in th [...] sonne our Lorde Iesus Christe, and so lyue, and serue the with one herte, and one minde, that no creature may euer disseuer them, or anye thinge dimynishe this greate loue and consent betwene them, but that the husbāde maye be an heade to the wyfe and the wife an helpe to the husbāde in al thinges, which thou alowest in them. Giue them also plen­tiful fruite of their bodies, holye seede, and [Page] children of thy kyngdome. graunte that thei maye brynge theym vp to thy glorye, that thy holye name maye be euer more sanctifi­ed, and glorified by them, and by theyr chyl­dren, and by vs with them, in al our wordes and dedes, and that so thy kingdome maye be euer prōmoted, and amplified, and that al oure conuersation vpon erth, maye be so framed to thy pleasure, wyth lyke readynes of mynde and zeale, as they whiche be in heauē obeie they wil. And that these thinges maie preuaile in vs, and be dayly encreased, gyue vs also our dayly breade, necessarie thinges for the bodye, prosperous health, peace, and tranquillite, that we maye gette, and enioye those thinges, that be nedeful for oure life, to thi glorie. Forgiue vs also our dettes, which we dayly renne in to, thoroughe neglectinge oure duties, forgeue vs oure synnes, where­with we offēde the perpetually, and remoue mercyfully thei scourges, which we wel de­serue through our misdedes, and synnes, as we also before thine eyes doe gladli forgiue al them, whiche maye seme to owe vs anye thynge, either in omittinge theyr dutie, or in dowinge wronge, nether leade vs in to anye tentation, whom thou instly examinest, and tryest wyth sonder tentations, on the ryght hande, and the lyste, with prosperite, and ad­uersite. [Page] But deliuer vs frō the deuil the olde craftie enenie. Satan, and from al hys sub­tillities, and violente inuasions, wherewith he tempteth vs sondrie waies, and euer laboreth to pulle vs from the, and thi cōmaundementes, deliuer vs I saye that we maye ne­uer decline from the, and thy worde, nor su­ffer oure selues at anye tyme to bee drawen awaye, therwyth entisementes, or terrible threates, but that we maye continue to the ende in the fayth of thy worde, and in the o­bedience of thy commaundementes, as they true, and germain children, for thou arte our only God, and father, thine is the kingdome and the power, and the glorie with our lord Iesu Christe, thy sonne, and the holye goste, now, and euerlastingly.

❧ Or more breifely.

Lorde God, whyche wouldest ioyn man, and woman in matrimonie, and hast blessed them with the fruite of the wōbe, and woul­dest that in theyr copulacion, a sacrament of thy loue towardes the congregacion should be sette furth, we beseche thy mercifulnes, that thou wilte not suffer this thy instituci­on, and holie worcke to be in anye wife vio­lated in thy seruauntes, or thy blessinge to be turned from thē, but preserue thē thorough thy bountuousnes, and encrease in them the [Page] thinge, that thou hast begonne to the welth of them, and of thy congregacion, and giue them the ample blessinge of thy mercye, tho­rough our Lorde Iesus Christ.

The pastoures shal cause also, the names of them, whome he hath maried, or baptised to be writtē in a boke with a note of the daie and the yere.

And forasmuche as the ingnorauncie of degres, of consanguinite, and affinite, causeth often tymes muche busines, and manye er­rous, we wil procure that they shalbe clearely, and distinctly sette furth, whiche the pas­toures shal often declare to the people. Fur­thermore greuous offences, and many periuries growe of this, that yonge persones pro­mise matrimonie one to a nother rashly, and priuily, with out witnesses. For it sone chaū ceth that they forsweare theyr promisses we wil therefore that no promisse of matrimoni bee ratified, that is made the parentes not knowinge of it, or not consentynge ther vnto or agaynst the myndes of their kynsfoke, or tutors, if theyr parentes be absēt or not able to rule themselues. But if the parentes kins­folke, or tutors, wil haue yonge men, or mai­dens beinge of ripe age, to differre mariage, or dryue theym to vnpleasaunte mariages (which thing as it fighteth with humanite, [Page] and with the worde of God, so it is also forbiden by the lawes) than they that be so burthened, shal bringe the matter before the pastours, and officers, whiche shal labour to as­wage the rigorousnes of the parentes, kins­folke, or tutors wyth a frendlie exhortacion and if they can preuaile nothinge with that exhortacion, they shall referre the mater to an ordinarie officer, which by iudicial authoritie shall resiste the vniust rigorousnes of the parentes, kinsfolke, or tutors, and he shal chose, and appoynte some honest and wyse men, by whose aduise, some thinge shalbe determined to the glori of God, welth of the yong persons and edificacion of the churche concerninge the mariage of theym, to whō their parentes, kynsfolke, or tutors be some what vngentle in thys behalfe. And if anye haue nether parētes, nor tutors, neuertheles the despousation, and promisse of mariage, which they make, is not to be compted of ef­fecte, if both the parties acknowlege it not, or if there were not at the lest three or foure witnesses, at the handfastinge, which muste be honest men, and worthey to be beleued. For mariage is an holie thing, and therefore we must go aboute the same with good ad­uisement, and with the feare of God, not thorough anie passion, or desire of the flesh, ras­chnes, [Page] gylte, deceyte, and nawghtie craftes.

Whereof the pastours must often warne the people, and declare howe vnsemelye a thinge it is for Christian menne, to contracte matrimonie, the ryght holie copulacion of men, secretely, and raschly, that hereby yong men, and maydens maye be ware that they knytte not thēselues together folishlye, and craftely, whereof periuries, debates, diuor­ces, and miseries, and that, that is most gre­uous of all, the wrathe of God is wonte to folowe.

But that those cōtrouersies, which [...] often about matrimonie, may be more com­modiouslye declared, and decided, and [...]hat ignorante persones maye be the better pro­uided for, we wil appoynte iudgementes in certayne places of our dominion, to whiche suche matrimoniall causes shalbe referred.

It shal also pertayne to the pastoures, to enstruct to the people certaye tymes in the yere of Matrimonye, wyth what religion, and reuerence it ought to be taken in hande, and to be kepte. And they must teach wyth singular diligence, what an holie copulacion of men marige is, and what an excellent benifite it is of goddes prouidence, to obtyne a good, and tractable husbande, or wyfe, that they maye learne to praie God humbly, and [Page] relygiously that he wyll prouide them, and theyr children of conuenient mariages. Let the pastoures also warne how grate a sinne it is, and howe it is forbidden of God with a peculier curse, not to regarde religion a­boue al thinges in contractynge of mariage that euerye body seke principally a compa­nion of fayth, whiche dothe knowledge, call vpon, and worshippe Christ the Lord, which maye be with him one man in the Lord, and an helpe to goforwarde in the fayth, and seruice of Christ. Item after a consideracion of a consente in religion, that they muste also se, that there be a singuler cōsente of myndes and a likenes of maners, and honest desiers, whiche are wounte to be signes of goddes copulation fruther more that they must pre­fere the affinite of godlye, and honest men, by whom a man maye be encreased in godlines, and honestie, before the affinite of riche men, from whome only outwarde ryches come vnto vs.

The pastours than shal endeuoure them selues to enstructe the people diligently of the holines, nature, and hole strength of this most holye copulacion, as we haue here des­cribed it, that the youth knowinge the insti­tution of God and the dignitie of thys con­iunction, maye learne to a voide al those thin [Page] ges which in cōtracting and keping of wed­locke, are contrarie to the ordinaūce of God, and to the holynes of that kinde of life, finally that they may enter into, and mayntayn thys holie purpose of liuinge, as God hath cōmaunded, and as it may be to theyr welth

❧ Of Buriynge.

AS touchyng dead personnes, wee wyl haue thys difference obserued that if any departe in the manifest contempte of Christ, their corpses shal not be buried amonge the bodies of the faythful, nor anye of the ministers of the congregation shal folow them to theyr graues.

But if thei departe in the communion of Christ and of hys congregacion, cheyfely if in the extreme danger of life they haue pro­fessed the same, and haue receyued the holy sacrament of the Lordes bodye, and bloude, and absolucion, suche I saye shalbe caryed furth honorably, and bee buried in places appoynted there vnto. Neyther shall anye thinge either be required of anye man, or receyued for such buriynge, which thynge cannot be done without the manifeste wicked­nes of Simonie.

While the corpes is caried furth, it shalbe lawefull to synge in the mydde waye, the [Page] Psalme. From the deepe, or suche other lyke songes.

And that the people maye be more dili­gently admonished of those thynges, which are to be considered aboute burials, it shall not be vnprofitable, if a certeyne tyme of buriall shall be appoynted, at whiche tyme some apte place of scripture maye be reade, wyth a short exposition of the place, and ad­monition, and exhortatiō deriued out of the same, wherein thynges of thys sorte shal be sette forth. Chiefely the exceading greatnes of synne, and of the wrath of God, where­vpon death ensued.

Secondly the singuler, and inestimable benifite of the redemption of Christ, whiche trāslated synne vpon him selfe, and in diyng ouercame death, briefely purchased, and pre­pared to all the faythfull a newe and heauē ­ly lyfe, thorowe his moste holie resurrection and ascention. And hereof a consolation shal be taken, and applied to the departed person who beinge translated from death to lyfe, thorowe fayth in Christe, lyueth wyth the Lorde, and restynge in eternall peace, loketh for vs. Hereunto lette an exhortation be ad­ded for thē that stande by, namely that they shoulde dayly dye more and more to synne, and prepare them selues to the heauenly life [Page] that is to come, and so praye God continu­ally, that he wyll graunt them a luckie, and good ende of thys lyfe. And if there be anie notable proues of goddes goodnes decla­red towardes the deade person in his lyfe, or death, the ministre shall declare and prayse the same, wyth a good and godly comme­moration to the glorie of God and edificati­on of the church, wherin neuertheles he must beware that he seme not to haue gone about to please mennes eares, but to haue regar­ded wyth a pure herte the institution of the congregation and commendations of gods gyftes.

And as cōcernig buriyng, there is a most apte place in the first epistle of Paule, Thes­salo. Chap. iiij. We wyl not that ye be igno­raunt, concernyng them that sleepe. etc. Out of which place there may be a sermon made after thys sorte.

For asmuch as we are come togethee by the callynge of God to burie our brother, a membre of the same body of Christe, and se­inge also that in the companie of Christian men all thynges muste be done to commune edification, we haue thought good to declare some thynge vnto you more exactly out of the sermon, that S. Paul made of them that sleepe, that by the healpe of the holy goste, [Page] we maye receyue some godly and christian cōsolation thereof, in the sundry tentatiōs of our fayth, and in the straites of death.

S. Paule then wryteth after thys sorte, iiij. Thess. I wyll not that ye be ignoraunte bretherne, concernynge them that are fallen a sleepe, that ye sorowe not, as other mē do.

Thys is that notable place of S. Paule concernyng them that sleepe, that is to saye, concernynge christian men departed, whiche we ought to take, not as a deuise of mā, but as the true, and sincere oracle of god, wher­of we maye not onely gette consolation in thys mornefull sorowe, whiche we be in, by reason of the death of our brother, but also healpe and conforte agaynst the terrours of death.

The philosophers haue disputed of the despisyng of death wyth many, and sundry argumentes, as when they say, that death is a commune dette of mankynde, and an ende of all the miseries, that chaunce to the lyfe. Whiche sayinges amonge men in prospe­rous health, and such as are careles, as tou­chyng Goddes iudgement, seme godly, and haue a colour of wysedome. But in the true terrours of death, they are vayne, and can brynge no substantiall consolation. For if [...] mā loke more narrowly vpon the causes of [Page] death, he shall fynde, that death is in dede as Paule sayeth, the rewarde of synne. And as Moyses speaketh also, we are wasted tho­rowe thy wrath and by reason of thy hote indignation we are throwen donne. Thou hast sette our iniquities before thy syght. etc. Now it is well knowen that God so hateth synne, that he wyll punishe the same, not on­ly for a tyme, but for euer. Death thē is such a punishmēt of the moste ryghtful wrath of God, that man shall not onely be depriued of thys lyfe, but also of euerlastynge salua­tion, and shall be adiudged to euerlastynge damnation. So farre of it is then, that the ende of euyl is in death, as the philosophers falsely persuaded them selues, that rather, if ye haue a respecte to synne, it is a dore, and entrie vnto euerlastyng miserie.

These thinges than must be knowen, cō ­sidered, and sette before our eyes continual­ly, not that we shoulde take thereof an acca­sion to despeyre, or to doubte of our saluati­on, as the heathen and vngodly do, but ra­ther that beinge moued wyth thys condesi­deration, we maye be steared vp and dryuen to Christe, to seeke our only saluation in his Gospel thorowe faith, and to require of him onely deliueraunce from death.

And though death bringe certeine destru­ction [Page] and condemnation wyth it, if you put Christe a parte, and haue a respecte to synne yet seinge that Christ neuer committed any synne, & verie giltles, if ye regarde his owne person, suffred death, surely she had no right at all agaynst hym. Wherof it came to passe that she coulde not holde hym, nor destroye hym, but was compelled to restore him. For where as he was deade in the fleshe, and af­terwarde buried, forthwyth vpon the thyrde daye he rose agayne wyth greate glorie, and so openly and euidently declared the same, his resurrection, not onely by the testimonie of Angels and sundry appearynges to his disciples, but also by his ascension into hea­uen, and wonderfull sendynge of the holie goste, and many other miracles, and signes that nothynge more certeyne euer chaunced vndre the sunne.

Neither did he rise from the dead for his owne cause onely, but for asmuch as he abo­lished our dette and sinne thorowe his death the mercie and bountuousnes of God is so great towardes vs, whiche beleue in Christ that he wyll not onely forgyue our synnes for Christes sake, but wyll also gyue vs the fruite of his resurrection, and in verie death preserue vs vnto euerlastynge lyfe. He the [...] that trusteth in Christe, is plāted into Christ [Page] thorow faith, so far that he is made a mēbre of hym. Your bodies, sayeth Paule, be the membres of Christe. And in an other place. God hath putte all thynges vndre his feete, and hath made hym an heade aboue al thin­ges vnto the congregation it selfe, whiche is his bodye, the fulfyllynge of hym, whiche fulfylleth al thynges in all. Seing then that Christe the heade of the congregation attey­ned to euerlastyng lyfe, and glorie thorowe his resurrection from death, it is not possible that one of his membres planted in him tho­rowe fayth shoulde not atteyne to the same. For though it be deade, buried, rottē, wasted corrupted, yet it muste needes come to passe that it shalbe raysed vp againe in due tyme vnto lighte, and lyfe, and so enioyne eternall blisfulnes with Christe. For thys cause chri­stian men departed are not called deade, but are sayed to be a sleepe, euerye where in the scriptures.

S. Paule confirmeth this our fayth, whē he saith, that as Iesus died, and rose againe: so God shal bringe them agayne with hym whiche are fallen a sleepe thorowe Iesus.

He sayth thus also, Philip. iij. Our cōuer­sation is in heauen from whence we loke for a sauiour Iesus the Lorde, which shal transfigure our base bodie that he may make it like [Page] vnto his glorious bodie. etc. Whiche thynge that it may be more euident, the Apostle tea­cheth vs, not onely that the deliueraunce of the faythful frō death, & raysyng vp againe vnto euerlastyng reste, shalbe moste certeine but also he addeth wyth expresse wordes. i. Thessa. iiij. with howe great glorie, and ma­iestie these thynges shalbe done. For thus he speaketh. Thys we say to you in the worde of the Lorde, that no man shulde thynke that these be dreames, or imaginations of mēnes braynes, but that it is the Lordes worde, and therefore heauē and earth must needes passe awaye rather then one iote thereof shoulde fayle, and thys is that true and euerlastyng and vnchaungeable worde of the Lorde, that we, whiche shall lyue and remayne vnto the Lordes cōming, shal not preuent thē, whiche sleepe. For the Lorde him selfe shall descende from heauen wyth a shoute and voice of the Archangell, and trompe of God, that is to saye, wyth so great glorie and maiestie, as was neuer sene in the earth before, and the deade shal fyrste ryse agayne wyth Christe, and then we, whiche shalbe aliue, which shal remayne, shalbe caught vp with them in the cloudes, into the ayre to mete the Lorde, and so we shalbe euer wyth the Lorde.

Seinge then that thys our brother, whō [Page] we haue nowe brought to hys graue, was baptised in the name of Christe, and embra­ced his gospell, and confirmed, and declared the same his fayth with communicatinge at the Lordes supper, and finally departed in the confession of Christ, we haue good hope that God hath forgiuen him hys sinnes for Christ sake, hath receyued hym in to the fa­uour, and so ioyned him to the death, and re­surrection of hys beloued sonne, that at the sounde of the trompe of the archaungel, in a moment, in the twinckling of an eye, he shal come out of hys graue to meete Christ, and shall obteyne with al the sayntes the inheri­taūce of the heauenly kingdome, and enioye euerlastinge blisfulnes.

Wherefore lette vs also giue thankes to oure Lorde God for him, and lette vs besech hym ernestly that he wyll brynge vs to the true knowledge of Christ thorough the holi gost, whereby we maye ouer come death, and be kepte in death it selfe vnto euerla­stinge life, thorough Christe our Lorde praie ye, oure father which art &c.

❧ Another buriall sermon.

Forasmuch as it hath pleased almyghtye God, that accordynge to hys mercye, he woulde take thys oure brother out of thys worlde vnto hym selfe, to whose buriall we [Page] are come together of brotherlie loue in the name of Christe, it shall not be vnprofitable to set before you the Euangelicall lesson, of Lazarus raysed vp by Christe, whiche is in Iohn, Chap. xi. in thys sorte.

Martha sayed vnto Iesus, Lorde if thou haddest bene here, my brother had not bene dead. etc. In this Gospell Christe promiseth to Martha that hir brother shall ryse againe and streighte waye he called hym agayne to lyfe, beinge foure dayes dead.

Howbeit we must not thinke, that Christ wyth thys notable miracle woulde signifie, that euery mā after foure dayes shal be ray­sed vp to this temporall and momētaine life as Lazarꝰ was, but with this acte he would cōfirme and establishe the truth of his Gos­pell, whiche he comprehended in thys place with fewe wordes, and as it were in a sūme saiyng, I am the resurrectiō and lyfe, he that beleueth in me though he be deade, he shall lyue, and euery one that lyueth, and beleueth in me, shall not dye for euer.

And though the face of death by reason of sinne be very terrible, and horrible, as one that of hir owne nature draweth wyth hir euerlastyng dānation, yet seing that Christe hath abolished sinne, and escaped the domi­nion of death thorowe his resurrection, he [Page] hath taken also frō death, all hir power, and strength, so that who so beleueth in him, and is planted into his body thorowe fayth, as a liuely mēbre, he shall be preserued in death it selfe, and shalbe trāslated frō death to lyfe. As Paule testifieth, Christ is rissen from the deade, he was the first fruite of thē, that had fallen a sleepe. For seing that death came by man, the resurrection of the dead, cometh al­so by man. For as by Adam all men dye, so by Christe al men be quickened. etc.

Wherfore the death of thē, whiche cleane to the body of Christe thorowe fayth, ought not to be compted suche, as shoulde haue strēgth to destroye and condemne, but suche as before God is compted precious, and is, as it were entronised, & cōsecrated of Christ to be the dore, and entry into euerlasting life Though the bodie then beinge buried in the earth, vanishe away, and be cōfounded from the eyes of mē, yet God, which is almightie preserueth the life of it. As a grayne of corne cast vpō the earth, first dieth, and afterward bringeth forth fruite: so god hath also ordei­ned, that mānes body being now rotten, and consumed, shoulde yet be restored agayne vnto lyfe.

This is a diuinite, and an vnchaungea­ble truth, that this selfe same body shal ryse [Page] agayne thorowe the power of God, but ne­uertheles it shall not be subiecte to any incō ­moditie, or miseries, wherwith it is now af­flicted, yea rather it shalbe clarified wyth so great, and so excellēt glorie, as mānes minde cā atteine with no thought. Paule then spea­keth after this sorte. It is sowen in corrupti­on, and riseth againe in incorruptibilitie, it is sowen in dishonour, and riseth in glorie, it is sowen in weakenes, and ryseth in power, it is sowen a natural bodie, and riseth agayne a spiritual body. etc. Iohn also writeth thus. Now we are the chyldrē of god, and it hath not yet appeared what we shall be. But we know that when he shal appeare, we shalbe lyke vnto hym. etc.

Seing then that so singuler and excellent glorie is layed vp for vs thorow Christ Ie­sus, and nothinge ought to be more certeine vnto vs, thē this redemption frō death, and resurrectiō vnto eternal saluation, not surely for ani of our merites towards god, but for Christes sake in whō we beleue. Vndoub­tedly we oughte to endeuour our selues by all meanes, that some fruites of thys glori­ous resurreccion may appeare in vs thorow the holy goste euen in thys temporall lyfe, that is to say, that we rise agayne frō sinnes and liue a blameles lyfe, that we doubte not [Page] and despeyre wyth the vnfaythfull, but loke for the cōminge of oure Lorde Iesu Christe wyth a sure truste.

This our brother also, whō we brought forth euen nowe to be buried, seinge that be­inge baptised, he acknowledged, and profes­sed the same Iesus Christ, to be the true, and onely authour of his saluatiō, we ought not to doubt, but that he is coupled to the death and resurrection of Iesus Christe, that now thorowe Christe he hath obteyned remission of his sinnes, and hath receiued with Christ and all the sayntes the enheritaunce of euer­lastyng lyfe and peace. Wherfore let vs all gyue God thākes together, and let vs pray hym, to mainteyne true, and certeyne know­ledge of Christe in vs, and to make the same effectuous in vs thorowe his resurrection.

Praye ye, and saye the Lordes prayer.

❧ An other sermon at a burial of a yonge man, or yonge woman.

Christian loue, & cōpassion hath brought vs to thys place to the buryall of a yonge man in Goddes name. Seinge then that we can do nothynge, that maye be either more fruitefull or more comfortable to vs, then if we exercise oure selues in Goddes worde, and considre the doctrine, and actes of oure Lorde Iesu Christe diligently, lette vs sette [Page] before vs that lesson of the Gospell, whiche is wrytten in Luke, Chap. vij.

And it came to passe afterwarde, that Ie­sus went into a Citie called Naim, and ma­ny of his disciples wente wyth hym, and a great multitude. And as he approched to the gate of the Citie, beholde a corpse was in cariynge forth. etc.

❧ If it be a yonge mayden let the Gospel of Mathew be reade Cha­piter. ix.

A certeine Prince came to Iesus, and worshypped hym, sayinge: my daughter dyed euen nowe, but come and lay thy hande vpō hir, and she shall lyue. etc.

Thys present historie of the Gospell set­teth before vs a notable miracle of a maiden raysed vp agayne by Christ. Whiche deede we muste not so take, as though Christ dyd signifie, that all deade men before they be buried muste be called agayne into this life, whiche is temporall, wretched, and subiecte to death, but his purpose was to stablishe the truth of his Gospell, and by the waye to declare also thys thynge, that the fruite of his Gospell, and heauenlie ryches, pertey­neth not only to aged mē, but also to yonge personnes. And where as we see both olde men, and yonge to dye, thereof we may ga­ther [Page] that the same cometh not to passe at all auentures, and by chaunce, but by a certeine wōderful wysedome, and purpose of God.

God also wyll sette before our eyes tho­rowe suche exemples howe vncerteyne the lotte of thys lyfe is, and admonishe vs ther­wyth, that we passe not ouer thys lyfe wyth negligence, and sluggishnes, but seing wythout Christe there is no saluation, nor blisfulnes, that we prepare our selues to the true knowledge of Christe, and to christian obedience. Furthermore he woulde declare the greatnes of original synne, by the death of thys yonge personne. For though after mannes iudgement there be greater hope of saluation in the death of a yonge man, in whom so greate outwarde synnes be not founde, as in men of more age, yet in theyr causes we muste vse Goddes iudgemente, and not mannes. Neither oughte we in anie wyse to thynke, that anie man shall obteyne saluation thorowe his owne innocencie. But seinge that death, whiche is the rewarde of synne, inuadeth both yonge and olde, it is a playne testimonie, that they be not free frō synne, but are comprehended in that general sentence of Paule to the Romaines, where he sayeth, by one man synne entred into the world, and death thorow sinne, and so death [Page] went ouer all men, forasmuche as we haue synned.

Furthermore the nature of sinne vttereth it selfe euen in chyldrē, as they growe in age by sundrie fruites of vices.

Wherfore God forfende, that we should thynke that yonge men obteyne saluation thorowe the merite of their owne innocencie. Yea they oughte aswell as olde menne to acknowledge, that they receyue theyr whole saluation thorowe the innocencie of Christ. Wherfore that yonge men maye be saued, they muste needes enioye the innocencie of Christe. For as Peter sayeth, there is none other name gyuē to men, wherein they must be saued, but in the name of Iesus Christe. Nowe yonge folke, are so planted in Christe thorowe Baptisme, that they are made his lyuely mēbres, & by that meanes haue right to all his goodes. For Paule sayeth, al you that be baptised haue putte on Christe. For as before God there is neither bondmā nor free, neither male, nor female, so there is nei­ther chylde nor olde man, but all we be one in Christe Iesu. Vndoubtedly Christe hath deserued thorowe his death forgyuenes of synne, and is rissen agayne from death.

Wherefore it is a thynge ryghte certeyne, that younge folke also beinge Baptised in [Page] Christe, haue alreadie obteyned remission of synnes, and that it is not possible, that they shoulde vtterly perishe in death, but contrarie wyse they muste needes be raysed vp agayne frō death to life thorowe Christ. For so Paule sayth, we are buried with him thorowe Baptisme vnto death. If we be grafted in hym, by the lykenes of his death, we shall also be partakers of his resurre­ction.

Seinge then thys yonge personne, whose corpse we broughte forth euen nowe, was baptised in the name of Christ, and brought vp in Christian doctrine, and moreouer ac­knowledged Christ to be his only saluation and openly declared this his fayth, by com­municatynge at the Lordes Supper, surely we haue a good hope, that this death, is not death in deede, but rather is a sleepe vnto hym, out of whiche sleepe he shall be raysed inconuenient tyme, vnto the possession of the inheritaunce of the heauenly kyngdome.

Wherefore remembrynge so great bountu­ousnes, lette vs onely gyue thankes to the Lorde God, and praye, that he wyll teache vs earnestly, to considre the thynges that be in the Psalme writer, namely that our daies be shorte, that we slide awaye violently lyke a shoure of rayne, that we are as it were a [Page] dreame, that we maye be chaunged inconti­uently lyke an herbe, whiche florisheth and is freshe in the morninge, and in the euening wythereth, and is cutte vp. And these thyn­ges we muste do for thys entente, that we may come to our selues in tyme, and be con­uerted to a better lyfe, that we may leade an honeste lyfe, and acceptable to God in the feare of the Lord, and finally that in death it selfe we may be preserued vnto euerlastyng lyfe thorowe Christe our Lorde.

¶ Praye ye to God. Our father. etc. When the prayer is done, let the mi­ninister saye.

  • ❧ The Lorde be wyth you.
  • ❧ Let vs praye.

Almightie God, and moste louynge fa­ther, encrease in vs the belefe of the resurre­ction, where vnto thou haste called vs tho­rowe oure Lorde Iesus Christe, that beinge grounded vpon thys beliefe, we maye com­forte oure selues in the death of thys oure brother (or sister) whose bodie we haue now committed to the earth, accordyng to thy or­dinaunce, and that we maye also comforte oure selues in other calamities, whyche in thys valleye of teares, we worthyly suffre for oure synnes. Further that we maye lifte vp oure myndes, and thoughtes vnto the [Page] heauenlye lyfe to come, and seke the thinges that are aboue, where Christe thy sonne is, sittinge at they right hande, finally that di­inge to sinne daily, we maye serue the al the dayes of oure lyfe in all sanctification, and ryghtuousnes, throughe the same Christe oure Lorde.

❧ Another collecte.

We gyue thanckes vnto the almyghtye God, hauenlie father for that, that thou hast vouchsafed to cal this our brother (or sister) to the knowledge of thi deare sonne, and his communion, and to preserue him in the same and nowe to sende for hym, and remoue him to thy kingdome Graunte vs we besech the thorough the same thy sonne, that in thys place, and in al other we maie truly acknowlege our synnes, earnestly lament them, and knowe, and prayse the dayly more and more in the newnes of lyfe, and that so beynge strenghthned with good hope, we maie loke for that blessed hope and appearinge of the glorie of the greate God and oure sauiour Iesus Christe, whiche liueth God and raig­neth with the, in the vnite of the holye goste, thorough out al generations. Amen.

And for the consolacion of the faythfull in the Lord, and mouinge the zeale of godly­nes, it shallbe conuenient, whan the corpse is [Page] brought to the burynge place, to propoune, and declare before the people gathered ther together, the lesson folowinge out of the .xv. Chap. of the first to the Corinth, But nowe Christe is risen from the dead &c vnto this place what dooe we &c.

❧ Or From thys place.

❧ Thys I saye brethern that fleshe, and bloude, vnto the ende of the Chap.

❧ Or To the Philip. iij.

❧ For our conuersacion is in heauen vnto the ende of the Chap.

❧ Or To the Rom. vi.

❧ And if we be dead with Christe, we be­leue, that we shall lyue wyth hym &c. vnto thys place, lette not synne than reigne. &c.

¶ Of holy and festiual dayes.

FIrst we wyl that oure men vpon son­daies apply them selues wholy to the Lord, and cease from all corporal worckes, and busines, and also from all ior­neyes not necessarye, and practising of mer­chaundises. As God comaūded in his lawe. In six dayes lette them finish, and make an ende of all their worcke, and lette them sanc­tifie the sondaye altogether vnto the Lorde, that vpon that daie they maye be enstructed and renued in faith, and religion, out of goddes word. And seuerli it is a great profe that, [Page] that man careth litle for God, and his owne saluacion, which of the whole weke, wyl not bestowe somuch as one daye vpon heauen­lye matters, to make hym selfe readye vpon that daye, and to come together with a god­lye zeale, to heare goddes worde, and to re­ceyue the diuine sacramentes, and to praye together with the sayntes. For the spirite of the newe testament ought to kendle in vs a much more feruent studie of these thynges, than was stirred vp in the olde people tho­rough the lawe.

Wherefore the preachers shal oftē warne the people how greate a sinne it is, to spende those dayes in idlenes, surfettinge, dronckennes riotte, in nawghtye and filthye lustes, as we se done communely, which be appointed to God, and to relygious, and spirituall exercises. For thorough this vngodlines the calamites that we suffer, and that hange yet sorer ouer oure heades, are specially prouo­ked. The pastours than must pulle the peo­ple from thys vngodlines wyth all possible diligence by goddes worde.

¶ Beside sondaies we wyl haue holy daies to be kepte, and celebrated.

  • ❧ Christmas.
  • The daie of Stephane and Iohan.
  • ❧ Of Circumcision.
❧ Of the Epiphanie.
  • ¶ Of the conuersion of Paule.
  • ¶ Of the purificacion of Marie.
  • ¶ Of the Annunciation.
  • ¶ The thursdaie and fridaie before Ea­ster, for thys entente, that vpon those dayes the historie of the passion of Christe maye be propouned, and declared to the people.
  • ¶ Easter daye with the two dayes folo­winge.
  • ¶ Ascension daye.
  • ¶ Whittesondaye with the mondaie fo­lowinge.
  • The day of the natiuite of Iohn Baptist
  • ❧ Of Peter, and Paule.
  • ❧ The daie of the visitacion of Marie.
  • ❧ Of Michael, vpon which daie a ser­mon shalbe made of the Angels, out of thys place, Math. xviij. Their Angels euer se the face &c. Item hebru. i. Angels be ministringe spirites &c.
  • ¶ Out of these places the pastours shall warne the people of this singuler benifite of God to wardes vs, in that, that he hath gy­uen hys Angels to be the ministers of oure welth, and they shall exhorte them, to gyue God thankes continually for thys benifite and to take hede, that they grieue not the Angels with theyr synnes, but rather studie to [Page] make them gladde wyth all holynes, and godlynes.

Vpon the festeas of the Apostles we wyl that the people cease from labour, til the end of the holye sermon, & than it shalbe lawfull for euerie man to returue to his worcke. For it is euident that to cease from labour after dinner, is hurteful to agreat parte of the people. For in that time commenly they offende God with carnal wantōnes, more greuously than vpon other dayes. Therefore they that will kepe these h [...]lye dayes holye, must se hereunto, that they also sanctifie thē who­ly to God, and passe them ouer with godlie exercises of religion, and not bestowe them vpon those thynges, whereby the wrath of God, is cheifely prouoked. Vpō those holye dayes, on which we celebrate, and extol such benifites of God, as be peculierly mentio­ned in the histories of the holie scripture, the same histories shalbe propouned, and declared to the people.

And wereas we haue no certayne know­lege of the Apostles doynges, besyde those thynges that we reade in the Gospels, the Actes of the Apostles, and in theyr Epistles vpon the holye dayes of those Apostles, of whome the holye scripture maketh no pecu­liar mention, the pastoures muste warne the [Page] people, and enstructe thē of the office of the Apostles, and of the ministerie of the gospel generally, out of these lessons of the Gospel. Iesus sente his twelue disciples &c. Mathe. x. Item Iohā. xv. I am a true vyue, and you be braunches &c. Or out of some other lyke lesson. For hidden writinges called Apocri­pha or suche histories, as men doubte of the certaintie therof ought not to be red in churches, whiche thinge was also decreed in the holye counsels.

Forther vpon those dayes, on whiche the memories of the more notable sayntes haue ben customeably celebrated heretofore, whe­ther men cease from bodylye labour vpon those dayes, or not, lette the pastours make holye sermons, and theyr in, if there be anye historie of those saintes worthey belefe lette them bringe furth out of the same pure ex­amples of fayth and true frutes of fayth, and lette thē preach and exalte the same that they may be folowed.

So yet that some lesson of the holye scripture be red aforehande at the beginninge, that the sermon maye be deriued out of that lesson cheifely, as we reade that the holye fathers dyd also. And if anye supersticious tales, monstrous, & false miracles of sayne­tes haue ben accustommed to be sette furth [Page] heretofore vpon those dayes, the postours shal studie to bringe furth, and confute those lyes, as in lyke maner al false worshippinge of sayntes. And lette them alwayes declare in these sermons wyth al faythfulnes, and diligēce, how sondrie, and horrible impieties and abommacions, haue flowē ouer the people thoroughe suche monstrous praises, and false worshippinges of saintes, where with as the glorie of God, so the honour of sain­tes also hath ben horibly defaced, & obscured

Wherefore as often as anie holie daye, or memorie of Sayntes shal happen, the mini­sters of the congregacions shall warne the people, howe the memories of saintes maye be godly celebrated, namely thus, first that we knowe theyr fayth, and the frutes of the same, that we haue in reuerence the gyftes, and meruaylous worckes of God, that we prayse, and magnifie God for them, further that thereby we confirme in our selues faith and hope towardes God, and praye God with more confidence, to giue vs lyke fayth, and to confirme the same, for asmuch as he hath promysed that he wylbe our God no-lesse, than he is the God of the Sayntes de­parted. Thirdly that we be enflamed by the examples of the Sayntes to folowe them godly, that we also maie raise vp the giste of [Page] God that is giuē vs, and religiuossi folowe the steppes of the Saintes euery man accor­dinge to his vocacion. Finally forasmuch as almost in al the other holye dayes, yea euen in those whyche were appoynted for the re­mēbraunce of Christ the sauiour, manifold superstition is crepte in, and manie vngodlie fables, and very heathnish obseruaciōs haue borne aswinge lette the pastours enquire diligently what parte of these toyes, and su­perstitions remayneth yet in ani people, and lette them confute the same ernestly by the scriptures, and call men backe agayne from those erroures to worshippe God in spirite, and truth, and that purely, and simply accordinge to his word. For he hath redeined vs with the precious bloud of his sonne Christ the vnspotted lambe, from these vaine rites deliuered from the fathers. i. Peter. i.

¶ Of fastinge dayes, and of lent.

TThe pastours, and teachers of congregacyons shall dilygently teach the people what true fastynge is out of those thynges, that we haue touched before concerninge Christian faste. For thereby anye man maye easely se, that a true faste, and suche as wee beginne out of true fayth, must be taken vpon vs willingly with true repentaunce, and wyth a godlye [Page] geale to make our supplicacious to God, not bi anie necessite of a lawe, not for the custome of men, other wyse they shall teach that it is not only of none effecte before God, but is also abominacion vnto hym. For it is eui­dent, that, that wil to faste, that repentaunce, and desire to praye humbly to God, can be stiered vp by no commaundement outwardly vsed. For we haue not receiued the spirite of Christ by the lawe, but thorough the hea­ringe of the Gospell. Gala. iij. Wherefore nether the Lorde himselfe Christe, nor the Apostles or the saintes either after them, pres­cribed anye certayne daye for fastinge by a lawe, but only exhorted the congregacion, and euerie Christian man to fast godli, their consciences in the meane while beinge boūde with no lawe. So in the olde testament fas­tinge was commaunded by the lawe only vpon one daye in the yere. Wherefore it can not become vs the ministers of the new tes­tament, not of the letter, but of the spirite, to make lawes of fastynge, and there wyth to snare the consciences of Christian people.

Therefore we thincke it shalbe sufficient, that the pastours exhorte the people diligētely to godlie fastes, and vpō the fasting daies to allure them with those exercises of religi­on, whyche the fathers also vsed. Whereof [Page] we haue entreated before in theyr place.

Wherefore we wil haue lente to be kepte after thys sorte, Firste, that the preachers admonisch the congregacion dyligently as at al other ceasons, so at this tyme also, of their weaknes, and of theyr synnes, and exhorte them to true, and liuelie repentaunce, Secōdly that they declare that the more religious sorte of Christen men, and the feruenter in the zeale of Christe haue euer obserued to giue them selues somewhat more at certaine tymes to the worckes of repentaunce, as fas­ting, ernest supplications, and liberal almes, by that meanes renuinge in them selues the studie of godlines, and stirring vp themsel­ues frō their natural faintnes, and sluggishnes in goinge forwarde in the waye of the Lorde. For our nature is so defiled with vn­godlines, and peruerse lustes of thinges partaining to this life, that all care of god, wareth feble, and colde in vs, if we do not often raise it vp, and kendle it with singuler medi­tacion of goddes worde, and feruent preay­ers to God.

Further more lette them declare that the obseruacion of lente was instituted of the olde fathers for thys purpose, that if anie in the rest of the yere had fallen in to some greuous sinnes, or liued carelesly, being touched [Page] with no iuste repentaunce of theyr sinnes or other wyse had behaued them selues negly­gētli in religion both which euils are woūte to inuade verie manie, such persones should be stirred vp, and kendled at this tyme to er­nest repentaunce of their sinnes, and liuelye exercises of godlines, by sondrie, and graue sermōs, bi religious supplicatiōs of the whol congregacions, and also by the examples of them that were more feruent in the zeale of godlines, that they also myght applye them selues to relygious fastes, and praiers,

Therefore that oure men maye be so de­liuered from that supersticion, and hypocri­sie, where wyth they prouoked the wrath of God more greuously vpon thē, that neuer­theles they maye wante nothinge, whereby they maye be allured, & sette forwarde both to liuelye, and effections repentaunce of sin­nes, and to a cōstante carefulnes, to go fore ward in the Lordes waye, by which thinges the wrath of God is pacified, and his beni­fites be more plentuously obtained, we wyl, that euerie daye in the lente (if it maye be obtayned that the people wil come together) holye assembles bee made, and that lessons be reliouslired, and declared out of the scriptures, which do more vehementli prouoke to repentaunce of synnes, and to a diligēte stu­dye [Page] to goe forewarde in the waye of Christ. Whereout the pastoures shall make ernest, and feruent exhortations, and adde therevn to somewhat longe prayers, and they shall kepe this assēbles somewhat later & farther furth in the daye chiefely three dayes in the weeke, namely vpon the seconde the fourth, and the sixte daye, that they, in whom a wyl to fast godly is stirred vp, maye haue more occasion, and oportunite therunto.

For we can not wel hope that the olde maner of fastinge maye be called againe chiefe­ly among vs Germaines which was to dif­fer meate vnto the euening, and to bestowe the whole daie in holie doctrin, and praiers. Wherefore we shal be contente, if we maye obtayne, that after lessōs, sermons, and prayers, which shalbe ended at noone tyme, than, as the custome nowe is, euerye man take meate accordynge to the necessite of nature, and as euery man is stirred vp to faste, so that we calle it not ennynge whan it is not yet none, as we doe now a dayes to folishly I had almost sayde peruersly

But whereas we chiefely require lenten exercises three dayes only in the weeke, no­man shal thincke that we do remissi, and neglygently herein, which wyll godly consider to how fewe the true religion of fastinge is [Page] knowen now a dayes, where as in Christiā congregacions all thynges must be institu­ted, and done in spirite, and truth, and by all meanes we muste fle al hypocrisie, which is abominable to God. Thus we reade that in the tyme of the holye fathers.

Ambrose, and Augustine, euen at Rome, and in mani other places, vpon the fifte, and seuenth daye of the weke fastyng was remitted in the lent. Vpon the dayes of the foure tymes communli called quatuor temporum embring daies, let holy lessōs, sermones, and praiers, ernest and somwhat longe, be vsed, and later in the daie, as in lente, and lette the people be stirred vp diligently to true repē ­taunce, and the worckes of the same, fasting praier, and almes.

Of difference of meates.

NO true Christian doubteth hereof, al the fathers haue witnessed, and taught it with manie wordes, that the onlie difference of meates, with out the abstinence of thynges dilitinge this fleshe, whiche maye more prepare, and sanc­sifie our bodies to the spirite of Christ in vs for the performance of alworkes of godly­nes, is a verye vayne thynge, and vnplea­saunt to God, as he himselfe hath wytnessed Esaye, lviii. yea that it is an abomynable [Page] thinge, if anye trust of merite be putte in it before hym, which thinge he hym selfe hath also witnessed. Esaie. i. cha. howbeit, among Christen men there haue been now a greate whyle not a fewe, whych haue thought that it is a true faste, if vpon certaine dayes they abstayne only from the fleshe of fowle, and foure footed beastes, thoughe in the meane ceason they dilitiously fede them selues with the fleshe of fisthes, and other meates much costlier, and delicater, than the commune vse of fleshe is. The olde fathers in manye co­gregations, were wounte to faste vpon the fourth, and syxte daye of the weke, to which dayes some after warde added the saturdaie also, herof cam the custome to abstain from flesh, and egges vpon those dayes. For the old fathers vpon fastinge dayes abstayned from those meates, howbeit they abstained not onely from those, but also from fishes, and all delycate meates, and from wyne to.

But for asmuche as it hath been begonne a good wyle sithens, that grauntes be made to all sortes of men, and not to princes only to eate al maner of meates both in lent, and vpon other fastinge dayes, and our bischop­lye office requireth that we ordaine all thin­ges amonge our men acordinge to the word of God, and to the edification of fayth, con­sideringe [Page] these thinges, we see not what we maye enioyne to oure men concerninge the only differrence of meates, we commaunde our pastours and preachers this one thyng, that they teach the people what is the true and Christian abstinence, and moderatiō of meate and drincke, and other thinges, which God hath geuē for the nede of the body, and that they exhort them to the same most dili­gently, I saye to that obstimence, whereby the fleshe is more subdued, and made more obediēt to the spirite, and that the pore maye feale some comforte, while we giue thē that, that we withdrawe from our selues. They shall also warne this diligently, that all ab­stinence of thinges, which the Lord hath cre­ated, and giuen to vs for oure vse, if we take it not vpon vs for this intent, that thorough the same religion towardes God, and liberalitie towardes our neyghbour maye be en­creced, is very heathinish and Monkishe su­perstition, whiche God abhorreth though it be rigorous, and cause a sharpe chastisemēt of the bodye. Howe wyll God take such an vnshamefast faininge of abstinence, yea ra­ther not a fayning but a verie wicked moc­king of the diuie maiestie while vpon those dayes, in which abstimence of flesh is bosted men fede to the full, and delite them selu [...] [Page] wyth suche, and other meates much more costlye, and delicate than the cōmune meates of flesh be. But for our parte we ernestly desire, and exhorte al our men, and euerye one of the pastours, that they laboure to warne and exhorte them of whom they haue charge to turne them selues from the excesse, in tem perante and wastfulnes, whyche they nowe vse, to true sparing and moderacion of mea­tes, and drinkes, and other thynges, whyche this bodye nedeth, remembringe this saying of the Lorde, Take hede to your selues leste at anye tyme your hertes be laden with sur­fettinge, and dronckennes, and cares of this worlde Item Petr. i. v. Be sobre, and watch, for your aduersarie the diuel, walketh about lyke a roringe lion, seekinge whom he made deuoure.

❧ Of certayne other rites and ceremo­ ❧nies of the churche.

THat holie daies maye be consecra­ted, and sanctified truli, and wholy to God, we wyl that nothing be o­mitted, that pertaineth to the stir­ring vp, and prickinge furth of the people to this santificacion of Christ.

Wherefore in toūnes, and great villages, where schloles, or more ministers of the [...]ongregacion shalbe we will that an assēble [Page] of the people be appoynted there in the mor­nyng early as it shal be moste commodious for the people, for the behofe of seruauntes, and workemen, whiche can not alwayes be presente at the appoynted tyme of Goddes seruice, and betwene thys assemble, and the oppoynted tyme of commune seruice, there shalbe at the leste the space of an houre, that they whiche wyll be present at the commune seruice, maye haue leasure to prepare them selues thereunto. Let this assēble be begonne wyth a douch Psalme, and let it also depart wyth a douch Psalme. Finally let there be made suche a sermon as shall declare the Catechisme, wyth a shorte exposition of the Gospell.

And if there be in any congregation such a numbre of clerkes, as both wyll, and can synge the mornynge prayers, let them ende­noure them selues to syng songes out of the scripture onely, and that wyth true fayth, and pure myndes, that they maye steare vp, and confirme theyr fayth in Christe. And if it chaunce that some of the people come thi­ther, let some lesson be reade vnto them, and let them also be diligently moued to cōmune prayer. Where scholers be, let them come in to the church a litle before the commune ser­uice, and synge in latine these three Psalmes, [Page] Tedeum laudamus, Benedictus dominus deus. etc. wyth some pure antiphonie agre­inge wyth the scriptures, and a Responsorie and thus they maye be exercised in the scrip­tures, for the knowledge wherof they go to schole cheifely.

At the euenynge prayers, before the com­myng together of the people the same vsage shalbe obserued, and in the steede of Tede­um Laudamus, and Benedictus, they maye synge some pure Hymne, and Magnificat. When the people be come together, let them synge a Psalme or two in douch, and then Magnificat, and afterwarde let the Cate­chisme be handled, and let some lesson be ta­kē out of the scriptures, and reade to the people, whereunto there shalbe added a cōmune prayer, or collecte. And so let the people de­parte wyth thankesgyuynge, and blessynge.

If there be a custome receyued in any place to synge prayses a litle before nyghte, the same maye be obserued, so yet that in the steede of Salue regina, and suche lyke, some Hymne in douch with a commune prayer be songe to Christe the Lorde.

¶ Of ecclesiastical rites vpon workyng dayes.

IN cities and other places, where a meete­ly greate multitude of people, and mini­sters be, lette there be appoynted at the lest two assembles euerie daie, in the mor­nynge, and in the euenynge, and that at hou­res moste commodious for the people. In euerie assemble lette a lesson be reade, and briefe exposition of the same wyth Douche Psalmes at the begynnyng, and the ending and laste of al with commune prayer. In ve­rie populus cities, if the people, and mini­sters wyll permitte it, there shall be two as­sembles before none, one verie early in the mornyng for workmen, and hyred seruaūtes the other after the rysynge of the sunne for straungers, and citizins also, of whō there is a great multitude euerie where, whiche shal heaue leasure inough to appeare before God euerie daye, that they maye heare his worde and make their prayers.

To whiche thynge the preachers shall earnestly and diligently moue the people, for we haue verie greate neede of continuall doctrine, exhortation, and prayers vnto god. It is conuenient for them then, to whō God hath gyuen a sufficient lyuynge, so that they maye omitte their handie worke so longe, to occupie thē selues the more in spiritual wor­kes, to prayse God, and to make supplicati­ons vnto hym for theyr neighbours, chiefe­ly [Page] seing that if anie tyme be bestowed vpon suche spirituall and godly exercises, they do not onely leese nothynge of these temporall thynges, but they rather gayne, muche tem­porall, and spirituall riches.

And that the people maye come wyth greater companie to suche assembles, vpon the working daies, the whole seruice, which consisteth in syngyng, readyng, preachynge and prayers, shall endure but an houre. And the mornynge assemble of workmen shall be dimissed somewhat soner.

But as for the holie supper of the Lorde, which the Lorde instituted not to be set forth for a vayne fyght but to be receyued for a cō mune remembraunce of his death, and resurrection, and a true communion of his bodie, and bloude thorowe the Sacrament, we see no cause why it shoulde be obserued vpō the working dayes, when there is not a ful, and iust assemble of the people. For to handle thys right holie ceremonie, or to allure men to handle it otherwyse, then it was institu­ted, and cōmaunded of God, maketh vs gil­tie of the Lordes bodie and bloude, the con­tinuall, & dayly abuses of which Sacramēt, howe great calamities they haue brought in to the world, we feele (alas) dayly to much. And if a lyuely and effectuous remēbraunce [Page] of Christe, and gods benefites cā not be ob­teined and kepte with holy lessons, Psalmes and prayers, what other thynge shall we bringe to passe with the often celebration of the Lordes supper, then to heape vp offences and gilt against the Lordes body and bloud For how cā they rightly vse the sacramētes whiche can not encrease, and confirme their fayth, out of the pure doctrine of Christ, and cōtinual praier. The old and feruent fathers in the true zeale of godlines, thoughte that the matter was in right good case with thē if with semely attention, and earnest repen­taunce of misdeedes, they myghte celebrate the Lordes supper with their people, in whō the fayth of Christ as yet was more lyuely at the lest, vpon the sundaies. The pastours that dwel in villages shall ordeyne two as­sembles of the people euerie weke, and three in the wynter, in whiche some lesson shall be had wyth cōmune prayer.

¶ Of peculiar dayes of supplicati­ous communely called professions.

DAyes of such supplications shalbe appointed at certeine times, name­ly when some notable necessitie, or occasion shall chaunce, whiche may prouoke vs to cal for the healpe of the God more vehemently as when we be aflicted of [Page] God wyth intemperatnes, or corruption of the ayer, wyth wante of vitaile, seditions, warres, or wyth some other visitation, or at the lest when we be pressed by reason of the greuous wicked actes of the whole people, or of the ministers whiche haue rule of thē.

When these thinges happen, lette vs vn­derstande that we are chastised of God. Wherfore let vs turne to him wyth all oure herte, and wyth mooste earnest attention of mynde, in fasting, in weeping and lamētati­ons, as he him selfe warneth vs to do by his prophetes. We reade moreouer that the prophete Samuel, Kyng Iosaphat, Esdras, Ie­remie, and the Niniuites with other institu­ted, and called together assembles for suche supplications. We knowe also that suche prayers were made by the whole cōgrega­tion of Ierusalem when Petre was taken, whereby they obteined also deliueraunce of the same person.

There shall be then an ordinarie daye of supplication appoynted, euerie moneth, and that vpon wenesdaye, or fridaye, as it shall be moste commodious for the people. And the whole people shal come together to thys conuocation, none otherwise then they do vpon holy dayes. Then some lesson con­uenient for the place, and time shalbe recited [Page] whereby the people, may be steared vp to acknowledgyng of synne, and amendement of the same, wherewyth we prouoke the an­ger of God agaynst vs, and deserue al ma­ner of calamities. Furthermore they shall also be moued to prayer for remission of sin­nes, for Goddes mercie and healpe, and al­so they shall be steared to liberall almes.

Whereunto there shall succede a litanie in douch, after the fourme, that foloweth.

And whē the people haue also sayd their priuate prayers, at length the pastoure shall ende commune prayers wyth some one of those collectes, that folowe the litanie here.

Besides these cōmune prayers, in Cities and where a greate companie of people is, a litanie shall be songe wyth them that come together in the spirite, and commune pray­ers shall be made vpon an appoynted daye euerie weeke.

But in those supplications, which are ap­poynted for some notable necessitie, and af­flictiō sent of God, an holy daye, and fasting shall be proclaymed to the whole people, at lest vnto the ende of cōmune prayers.

And in suche solemne dayes of supplica­tion, some vehemente and earneste lessons, shall be reade out of the Prophetes, concer­nyng repentaunce and renuinge, and correc­tion [Page] of lyfe, and out of the same, the intolle­rable wrath of God shall be propouned to the people most diligently, and vehemently.

❧ Litanie.
  • ❧ Lorde haue mercie, Christe haue mercie,
  • Lorde haue mercie, Christe heare vs,
  • O God the heauēli father haue mercy on vs
  • O God the sonne redemer of the worlde haue mercie on vs.
  • O God the holy goste, haue mercie on vs.
  • ¶ Be fauourable. Spare vs O Lorde
  • Be fauourable. Deliuer vs O Lorde
  • From al synne. Deliuer vs O Lorde.
  • From al errour. Deliuer vs O Lorde.
  • From all euyll. Deliuer vs O Lorde.
  • From the awaytes of the diuyll. Deli. etc.
  • From sodeyne, and euyll death. Deliuer. etc.
  • From pestilence and hungre. Deliuer. etc.
  • From warre and slaughter. Deliuer vs.
  • From sedition, and priuie hatred. Deliuer.
  • From lightenyng and tempestes. Deliuer.
  • From euerlastynge death. Deliuer vs etc.
  • By the misterie of thy holy incarnation,
  • Deliuer vs O Lorde.
  • By thy holy natiuitie. Deliuer vs. etc.
  • By thy Baptisme, fastynge and tentations.
  • Deliner vs O Lorde.
  • By thyne agonie and sweatynge of bloude.
  • Deliuer vs O Lorde.
  • [Page]By thy crosse and passion. Deliuer vs. etc.
  • By thy death and buriynge. Deliuer vs.
  • By thy resurrection and ascension. Deliuer.
  • By the commyng of the holy goste the comforter. Deliuer vs O Lorde.
  • In all tymes of our tribulation. Deliuer.
  • In all tymes of our prosperitie. Deliuer vs.
  • In the houre of death. Deliuer vs O Lorde.
  • In the daye of Iudgement. Deliuer vs. etc.

We synners, beseche the to heare vs.

That thou wylte vouchsafe to rule and go­uerne thy holy and catholike churche. We.

That thou wylte vouchsafe to keepe the bi­shoppes, pastours, & ministers of the church in holsome doctrine, and holy lyfe. We be.

That thou wylte vouchsafe to take awaye sectes, and al offenses. We beseche the to. etc.

That thou wylt vouchsafe to brynge them agayne into the waye of truth, whiche stray and be seduced. We beseche the to heare vs.

That thou wylt vouchsafe to treade Satan vndre our feete. We beseche the to heare vs.

That thou wylt sende forth faythful work­men into thy haruest. We be.

That thou wylt vouchsafe to gyue to al the hearers encrease of thi worde, and the fruite of thy spirite. We beseche the to here vs.

That thou wylt vouchsafe to lifte them vp that be fallen, and to strengthen them that [Page] stande. We beseche the to heare vs.

That thou wylte vouchsafe to conforte and healpe the weaklinges and suche as be tem­pted. We beseche the to heare vs.

That thou wylte vouchsafe to gyue peace and concorde to al kynges and princes. We.

That thou wylte vouchsafe to gyue oure Emperour perpetuall victorie agaynste the enemies of God. We beseche.

That thou wylte vouchsafe to guyde & de­fende our prince wyth his officers. We be.

That thou wylte vouchsafe to blesse, and preserue our officer and cominaltie. We be.

That thou wylte vouchsafe to regarde, and saue the aflicted, and suche as be in daunger.

We beseche the to heare vs.

That thou wilt vouchsafe to giue luckie de­liueraunce, and encrease to women wyth chylde, and nurses. We beseche the.

That thou wylte vouchsafe to cherishe, and keepe Infantes, and sicke folke. We besech.

That thou wylt vouchsafe to deliuer priso­ners. We beseche the to heare vs.

That thou wylte vouchsafe to defende Or­phanes and wydowes, and to prouide for them. We beseche the to heare vs.

That thou wylte vouchsafe to haue mercie on all men. We beseche the to heare vs.

That thou wilt vouchsafe to perdon, and cō uert [Page] our enemies, persecutours and sclaun­derers. We beseche the to heare vs.

That thou wylt vouchsafe to gyue and pre­serue the fruites of the earth. We be.

That thou wilt vouchsafe to heare vs. We.

The lambe of God which takest away the sinnes of the worlde. Haue mercie on vs.

The lambe of God whiche takest away the synnes of the worlde. Haue mercie on vs.

The lambe of God whiche takest away the synnnes of the worlde. Gyue vs peace.

Christe heare vs.

Lorde haue mercie on vs.

Christe haue mercie on vs.

Lorde haue mercie on vs.


A prayer or collecte after litanie.

The minister.

Lorde deale not with vs after our sinnes.

The Quier.

Neither rendre vnto vs according to our iniquities.

The minister.

O God the mercifull father, whiche de­spifest not the groning of the cōtrite, nor contempnest the affection of them that morne, be presēt at our prayers, which we poure forth before the in the affictions, which cōtinually laie vpon vs, and heare the same mercifully [Page] that the thynge, that the gyles of Satā, and mē entende, maye be brought to naught, and dispersed by the deuise of thy goodnes, that beinge hurte wyth no persecutions, we may euer giue the thankes in thy holy congrega­tion, thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde. Amē.

An other Collecte.

The minister.

Call vpon me in the daye of tribulation.

The Quier.

And I wyll deliuer the, and thou shalte glorifie me.

The ministre.

Spare Lorde, spare oure synnes. And thoughe continuall payne be due vnto vs, whiche synne wythout ceasyng, yet graunte we beseche the, that the thynge, that we de­serue vnto perpetuall destruction, may passe frō vs vnto the furtheraunce of vertue, tho­rowe our Lorde, etc.

An other Collecte.

The ministre.

Healpe vs O God our health.

The Quier.

And for the glorie of thy name deliuer vs and be mercifull to oure synnes for thy names sake.

The minister.

Almightie, euerlastynge God, by whose [Page] spirite the whole bodie of the congregation is sanctified, and gouerned, heare vs pray­ing for al ordres, and degres, that bi the gift of thy grace al the same may serue the faith­fully, thorowe our Lorde, etc.

An other Collecte.

The minister.

Shewe vs Lorde thy mercie.

The Quier.

And gyue vs thy saluation.

The minister.

God from whom all holie desires, good purposes, and ryghtuous workes procede, gyue thy seruauntes that peace, whiche the worlde can not gyue, that our hertes beinge wholy cōsecrated, to thy cōmaundementes, and the feare of our enemies being remoued oure tyme thorowe thy protection maye be wythout stormes and quiet, thorowe oure Lorde, etc.

An other Collecte.

The minister.

Entre not Lorde into iudgemente wyth thy seruaunt.

The Quier.

For no liuing creature shalbe iustified in thy syght.

The minister.

Almightie God, which knowest that we [Page] beinge in the middest of so great perels, can not stande, by reason of mannes weakenes graunt vs saluation of bodie, and soule, that by thy healpe, we may ouercome those thin­ges, whiche aflicte vs for oure synnes, tho­rowe our Lorde, etc.

❧ Of cōmune almes.

IT is the propre, and necessarie office of euerie cōgregation rightly ordred, and in­stituted, to prouide that none amonge thē want necessarie thynges to lyue well and godly, but that euerie mā, whom God hath broughte, and enioyned to eche cōgregation, be ministred vnto, asmuche as shall suffice hym to lyue godly, and moreouer that they procure that no mā liue idly, and be burthe­uous to other, to which ministerie the primi­tiue churche appointed Stephane wyth his cōpanions. Act. vi. Wherefore we wyll also procure that in euerie cōgregation some mē of notable godlines, wysedome and fayth­fulnes, beinge approued by the testimonies of euerie cōgregatiō, shalbe appointed by the visiters, as many as shal seme to suffice, for that purpose in euerie place. These men shal note the names of all needie folke, and shall diligētly obserue, in what neede euerie man is, and howe he liueth, and they shal also ex­hort euerie man to worke, accordynge to his [Page] strēgth, and shal withdrawe almes frō them that cā worke, and wyl not, according to the saiynge of Paule, he that worketh not, lette hym not eate.

It shall perteyne to these prouostes of the holy almes, to laye vp in the ecclesiasticall treasurie all maner almes, and oblatiōs, that godly men shal offre to the Lorde in the con­gregatiō, or giue priuately, and therout they shal distribute to pore folke according to euerie mānes necessitie, and shal giue an accōpte of al that they receyue, and lay forth to thē, whom we wyll appoynt thereunto.

And that mē may offre their giftes to the Lorde more liberally, we wyl that there be a peculiar place, and chest ordeyned in euerie tēple for this purpose, not farre frō the alter that it maye be in the sighte of al the people. And the preachers shall diligently exhorte the people, that they appeare not emptie before the Lorde, chiefely vpon sūdaies, and as oftē, as a great cōpanie is gathered toge­ther, when baptisme is ministred, the Lordes supper, cōfirmation, the blessing of mariage, and when men resorte together, to a buriall. Itē as oftē as mē priuately either desire the healpe of God in some greate necessitie, or gyue thākes to God for singuler benifitee, as whē the Lorde hath sent, or remoued dis­eases, [Page] or other daungers, or hath otherwyse dealte bountuously wyth vs.

Furthermore we wyll that the foure offer­yng daies in a yere be kept, that thei which communicate at the Lordes table, may offre some gifte foure tymes in the yere, whiche thing they ought to do no we the more glad­ly for that, that they knowe, that they truly offre to Christ him selfe in his mēbres, according to his worde, wherfore they shal heare in time to come that blessed voice. Come the blessed of my father, & possesse a kyngdome prepared for you frō the begynnynge of the worlde, for I hungred, and you gaue me to eate. etc. We wyl also prouide by the healpe of God, that in no parte of these ablations of the faythfull, be gyuen to anie bodie, but suche as neede in deede, and chiefely to Citi­zins, and Iudwellers of euerie place, and a­monge those to them principally, that be in greatest neede, as to widowes, Orphanes sicke folke, & such as be otherwise oppressed with nede & miserie. Finalli asmuch as may be spared, shall also be giuen to straungers.

And forasmuche as this maner of gathe­rynge and distributing the offerynges, and almes of the faythfull was taught of God him selfe both in the newe testament, and in the olde, the faythfull wyl gladly applie thē [Page] selues therunto, and wil much rather cōferre these their almes into the cōmune treasurie of the cōgregatiō, thē distribute the same to poure folke after their owne myndes. For when most approued mē shal be made ouer­seers of this matter by the hole cōgregatiōs after the institution of the holie goste, what man is there that wyl stande so much in his owne conceyte, that he wyll not beleue, that suche men, shall both se better than he hym­selfe canne, in whome Christ the Lorde is to be cherished, and wyth a more sincere iudge­ment distribute to the membres of Christe. For God is not absente with his blessinges from his owne institucions.

As for commen almes remayninge, and other reuenues giuen to the Lord for the vse of the poore, Item the goodes that fraterni­tes haue for the same liberalite, we wyl pro­cure that they shalbe broughte together by the visitours into the commune treasurie of euerye cōgregacion, that al poore folke maie be more lyberally succoured. It is a verye harde thinge, and full of busines to minister thinges necessarie for lyfe, to all persones that nede, neuertheles bi the helpe of Christ the Lorde, wee wyll so order this promision for the pore, and cause it so to be administred that we doubte not it shall shortely come to [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] passe, that al maner of necessarie thinges shal be liberally ministred to all such as nede vn fainedly, and that wilful beggerie shalbe ta­ken awaye, and euerye man putte to such la­bour as shalbe profitable, and comodious for him, so that he shal burthen no man with out cause. If theyr remainie in anye plase hospitalles for poore people, for orphanes, for olde men and women, for sicke, and leprosse persones, we shal procure, that the same shal be diligently loked vpon, and reformed, that nedie, and miserable folke, for whome those prouisions were made, maye haue consola­cion, and comforte from thens as largely, and cōmodiously as maye be, And the cheife deacons of congregacions, and wardens of the holie treasure shal haue charge of them, so that by them, whiche heretofore haue had the procuration of such hospitalles, all thyn­ges shalbe so administred, as they were first instituted, that all the necessites of the fayth­ful maie be most commodiously holpen, and succourred, accordynge to the Lordes com­maundment, and that alfautes, and incom­modites whyche are wounte to crepe into these holi institutions shalbe resisted in tyme and that effectuosly.

❧ Of erectinge of Scholes for Children.

GOd hath comprehended in the wri­tinges of the prophetes and the A­postles, hys doctrine of saluacion, whereby he bringeth men to euer­lastinge life, and sheweth vs awaye to calle vpon him, and to praye to hym fore thinges, that be verie necessarie to passe furth this present life handsomely, and honestly. He hath cōmaūded that men be taught this doctrine most diligētli and, that it be lerned, and kept perpetualy. And this is a singular benifit of God, that he preserueth hys worde beinge sette furth in certayne bokes, from the beginning, vnto the ende of the worlde, wherein we haue a sure knowlege, and doctrine of hym, to lyue godly, and blisfully, and by the same we maye lerne the beginning the gro­wynge furth, and the spreadinge abrode of thys doctriue, in to the hole worlde. Thys benifite I saie of God is right excellent, and verie inestimable wherefore that studie, and care, wherewith mē labour, that this boke of lyfe, and euerlaystinge saluacion maye be kepte sincere, and faythfully taught and de­clared to men, that they maye lerne thereby the true knowlege of God, is vndoubtedly an office of godlines, & a seruice of god most acceptable. For which cause God instituted the kyngedome of Iuda, and mainteined it wonderfully so manye hundred yeres, name [Page] ly that there mighte be a people, a monge whome this booke shoulde be rightly kepte, and a monge whom there shoulde remayne sure testimone is of God, and of his wyl to­wardes vs, vnto the cominge of Christ. So God preserued also after the comminge of Christe, and shall euer preserue some kyng­domes, and cōmen weales, where this boke shalbe kepte to the ende of the worlde.

Seinge than that God, and our father regardeth so much that this boke be religiousli kepte, taught and lerned, it is surely the of­fice of all princes, and of them that ministre the commē weale, to erecte Scholes, and so to prouide mete teachers for the same, and such maner of teaching the youth of Christ, that thys heauenlie doctrine comprehended in the holie Byble, maye euer be kepte pure and faythfully taught in the congregacion.

For thys cause it is well knowen, that at the beginning the Apostles euer instituted scholes in the congregations.

There be moreouer other liberal sciēces, right goodlie giftes of God, whereby great commodites are procured to the commē lyfe of men, and preserued, whyche also be verie necessarie for the ciuile administracion of the worldly matters. It is than expediēt, that the youth be enstructed herein. Wherfore if we [Page] shall suffer schooles to fall downe, and the studie of lerninge to perishe, in shorte tyme the congregations shall want pastours and teachers, and professours of other good sci­ences, and the commen weale shall lacke go­uerners, whereby both the congregations, and the common weale must nedes vtterly perishe, and be ouerthrowen.

Wherefore we wyl, that in euerie towne aswel smale, as great, latine scholes be erec­ted for the behofe of the youth, as the condi­on of euerie place wyll suffer. And that the scholemasters, and such as shal worcke with them in scholasticale labour, may haue theyr rewarde and wages with lesse charge of the people, we wyll by thaduise, and assente of oure diosesanes after that we haue tried the cōmodite thereof, depute certaine vicarages, and other prebēdes to this vse. Neuertheles the children shal also paie parte of the stipēd to the maisters, namely such, as nede not the almes of the congregacion. Which rewarde euerie scholmaster shal equally dyuide with his assistantes.

Further more what order shalbe kepte in euerie schoole, what fourmes there shalbe, what howres shalbe appoynted to teach the youth: the scholmaster shal so order, as it shal seme moste conuenient for the teachinge of [Page] children, after that he hath consulted wyth the pastour, and suche as we shal make visi­tours, or ouerseers of this matter peculierly. For as in other thynges so in schooles also a conuenient order is of greate importaunce. The sholemasters, and theyr fellowes shall haue theyr office inioyned vnto them by the consul of euerie place, the pastour beinge present. To these persōs the scholemasters shal promise, that they wyll applye theyr office faythfully & teach the youth after thys sorte

First that they wyll teach the chyldren of the lowest fourme to reade, and write, and for that purpos they shal vse latyne bookes, wherein is the Lordes praier, the crede, & the ten cōmaundementes, and such like thynges pertainyng to the institution of chyldren in religion, so that wyth the first letters they may acquaynte theym selues wyth the pre­ceptes of godlines. Hereunto they shall adde the reading of Donate. And the schole­masters shall prescriebe to these children certayne latine wordes or sentences daily in the eueninge whyche they shal render the next daye in the moringe. They whiche haue ler­ned to reade, and beginne to assaye to write, shalbe remoued to another fourme. And the boke of Cato shalbe red vnto them, and thei shalbe sette to lerne Donate wythout boke [Page] whom whan they haue learned, some com­men grammer shalbe sette before thē, which they shall also lerne wythout booke in order worde bi worde. And the high procuratours of scholes shall principaully haue a regarde hereunto, that the childrē lerne some certaine and regular grammer. For that is necessarie for manie causes. But bicause greate labour and continuall repeticion is requisite to the printinge of grammaticall rules in childrē, and the children themselues abhorre from thys labour, the most parte of sholemasters neglect the rules of grammar, or teache thē negligently and make haste to the readinge of poets, and Tullie, and such like authors, whyche is pleasaunter both to the teachers, and heares, than the perpetual repeticion of the rules of grammare is. But by this pre­posterous maner of teachinge, the youth is greatli hindred, for thei neuer lerne to speake certaineli, and purely, whan they be not ac­customed to certayne rules of speakynge. Wherefore the sholemasters must be enioyned with singular diligence, and bounde by an other to teache a certayne accustoumed, and reguler grammer, and certayne precep­tes of speakinge, & to beate in the same with cōueniēt interrogaciones, and answeres that they maye be grammarians, and knowe a­certayne [Page] way to speake latine. In thys com­panie than of the seconde fourme, the childrē shalbe reteined so lōg, til they haue perfectly lerned Donate, and al grammar rules. And herwyth besides Cato, Aesopes fables, and some dialoges of Mosellane, or Erasmus, shalbe expouned, and such other good for ex­ercises, and preludies.

And the thynges that shalbe interpreted vpon one daye aboute eueninge, they thē sel­ues shall interprete the same the nexte daye, with the declinacion, and cōiugacion of some nownes, and verbes, wher rules of the gen­dre, case, preterperfectetens, & supine shalbe demaunded of thē, as al good scholmasters know they must do, and wil do also diligently. Further more this fourme must be daily exercised in writinge, and euerie one shall delyuer to the master some enioyned writinge

After the children haue lerned the Etimologie or rules of grammare metely well, a thirde fourme shal be appointed of suche, as haue profited so far in learninge. To these children the masters shal expoune Tirence, and the Aeneis of Virgil, and they must procure, that they learne perfectly the rules of construction which the masters shal declare with plaine, and euident exemples. Further in the repetion of a lesson, these two exercises [Page] must be diligently retained, namely that the childrē do euer declare the constructiō of the text, and also adde the rules so that they re­cite the coniugations, and declinations and shewe the rules of the same. In this exercise of repetinge, and examininge, a lerned, and faithful master shal teach, how manie waies the same sentence maye be spoken in latine, with such declaracions of the propriete, and elegancie of the latine toung, they shal cause more plentious fruit than may be here fully expressed. But this matter consisteth altoge­ther in the faythfulnes, and dexterite of the master. Wherfore men thoroughly learned faythfull, and prompte in teachinge, must be sought furth, to haue the gouernance of scholes, cheifely in greate townes.

In thys fourme there shalbe a certayne howre appoynted euerye weeke, at whyche howre the childrē shal reherse wythout boke the rules of grammar, that they forget them not. The masters maye also change thir lec­tures, and in the howre deputed to virgil, ex­poune Tullies epistles. In thys furme also euerie childe shall write, and delyuer euery weeke a latine Epistle, that together thei may learne both to speake & to write latyne

The fourth fourme shalbe of thē, whiche haue lerned theyr grammare rules, and con­struction, and haue attained a metly good latyne [Page] toung. To thē afterwarde some logike shalbe red, as the logik of Cesarius, Philip, or Sturmius, and some easie accentinge, as of Murmelius, or some other lyke. In thys fourme more ouer some bookes of Ouides Metamorphosis, de Pōto, and Tullies of­fices shalbe red, The childrē of this fourme shal also be sterred vp to write verses which they shall deliuer to the master euerie month. But forasmuch as manie be of that nature, that thei lern to mak verses with much difficultie, the shole master shal vse such modera­cion in requiringe thys studie, that he maye exercise euerie one in that, that he shall per­ceyue the nature of euerie one, to preuaile in. Howe be it he shall exhorte the dulle also to this arte, that thei do not vtterly caste a waie thys art, for the greate profite, which it hath vndoubtedly. But they shall stirre them to trauaile furth as much as they canne, and to write some verses though they be but fewe. For this exercise maketh perfite grammari­ans, and putteth the youth in remembraūce of manie necessarie thinges of figures, of sō ­drie wayes to speake latine, and fedeth mar­uailously copie of latine speach.

Two howres a weeke shal suffice for the readinge of logike. But whan it is ended, it must be begonne a gayne. At other howres [Page] the master shal interprete to theim, to whom logike is red, the greke grammare, if they be fitte for that purpose, & whan he hath ended the grammare he shal expoune Hesiodus, or Phocilides, or some like thinge, as a wise master shal percieue to be profitable for the children. But the exercises of grammar rules, and construction shal not be omitted in thys fourme, but shalbe vsed in the repeticion of Ouide.

These be the lectures, whiche maye con­uenently be reade the seconde, thirde, fifte, and sixte daye of the weke. For seinge that christiā scholes ought chifely to serue for the mainteinaunce, and furtheraūce of the knowlege of God among men, and to retaine, and promote the doctrine of Christe, and the ho­le true Christian religion, we wyll, and com­maund that vpon the furth daie of the weke the schole cease frō other lectures, and exerci­ses, and that thys daye be bestowed vpon teaching the catechisme, and demaūde, what the chilhren canne saye therein, And we wyll do oure endeuoure that some commē, and v­niforme Catechisme shalbe vsed thorought the hole diocese. For we must not graunte to the scholemasters that euerie one shall make a newe catechisme, but we wyll that they all vse the receyued, whiche they shal so decylre, [Page] and beate in to children, that the youth maye be kepte, and euer furthered in the syncere knowlege of Christ, in fayth, and communi­on of the congregacion.

And the selfe same doctrine must be taught in the scholes and in the cōgrgaciōs. Which thinges the ouerseers of the congregacions, shal cheifly loke to. Furthermore the schole­mayster shal exhorte his elder sholars to the communion of the Lords supper, but let him first enstructe them diligently of this sacra­ment, and examen them.

Finally in this fourth daye of the weke, whan the catechisme shabe handled, let eueri childe of the lowest fourme be hearde, whe­ther he can faye in latine, and in hys mother toung the partes of the catechisme, that is to saye, the Lordes praier, the crede, the ten commaundmentes, the wordes of baptisme, and of the Lordes supper, and of discipline, and christian correction, as they are wrytten, Math. xviij.

Vpon the same day the schole master shal grammatically interprete to hys elder sho­lers, and to suche as canne attaine to it, the Gospel of the sondaye nexte folowyng, and shal declare the sume of that lesson to them, and shewe them what thinges are touched therein concerninge faith, and other vertues [Page] that, the scholemaster, and the youth may accustome them selues to knowe more certainly, and to serch out more religiousli, the thiuges that be taught in the Gosples lette the Saturday be bestowed vpon Musike, that vpon that daye the rules of Musike may be taught and the yong men enstructed, and ex­ercised to singe, cheifely those songes, which vpon the nexte sondaye shalbe sounge in the temple. For scholemaysters and scholars must not only be present at the songes in the congregacions befor other, but they must al so beare the cheifeste stroke, not only vpon holie dayes, but also vpon other dayes, whā there shalbe holye assembles as it shalbe ap­pointed, after the cōdicion, and commodites of euerie place. In this mater suche modera­cion must be kept, that the childrens heath be not hurted in the winter thorought colde, if they be deteined to long in the temple, and that they be not so occupied in singinge that theyr study of lerninge be hindred. It pertai­neth also to the maintenaunce and encrese of grauite, and religion in temples, that to son­drie, and longe songes be not vsed. But these thinges, and suche other that pertaine to the dignitie of holie assembles & edificaciō of the people of Christ, the visiters shal appoint accordinge to the oportunitie of euerie place.

¶ Of the schole of deuinitie,

But for maiteinaunce of Christean doc­trine, and holesome administration of chur­ches, those firste beginninges are not onely required, whyche be gotten in the scholes of children, but furthermore it is necessarie that men giuen theym selues altogether, to lerne perfetly the vniuersal scripture of the prophetes, and the Apostles, and to excusse al the hearde questions whyche haue exercised the churche from the begninge, Item to knowe the waye, and meane, whereby the holy fa­thers in theyr time defēded the Lordes truth in the cōgregacion, and kepete the same pure vnto vs, and finallye howe we maye in our time defende, and retaiue the same.

That there maye bee euer in the congre­gation meete men, and well furnished to set furthe, and defende the doctrine of Christe, and that so the true doctrine of Christ reue­led vnto vs from God, and comended and beclared by the Appostles, which the true catholike church of Christe hath euer holden, maye be kepte, and sprede furth vnto oure posterite by the grace, and goodnes of christ thys of righte ought to be chiefeste care of great princes, and al gouerners of commenweales, as in dede, it is the principall seruice of God.

For these causes the Apostles, and their disciples instituted in theyr congregacions such peculiar lectures and scholes, as we read of Iohan the Euāgeliste, Pof olicarpus, of the scholes erected Antioch, Alexandre and con­stātinople. And such wer scholes at the beginning, whych nowe be ecclesiastical colleges.

And this maner of institutinge such scho­les was verie profitable to the cōgregacions for foure causes. First that the writinges of the Apostles, and prophet in such colleges, and scholes, might be preserued from perish­inge. Secōdly that there myght euer be wit­nesses of the Apostolike writinges, whyche shoulde be true, and which counterfeit. For euen streyght waye at the beginninge some wrytinges were carred aboute vnder the name of the Apostles vntruly, whyche were furth with reiected, and noted by these scho­les. As we reade that Ihon the Euangeliste reproued one, for addyng a false appendice, to the Actes of the Apostles. Thirdlye, that such scoles might bear witnes, what doctrin and vnderstandinge of the scriptures was taught by the Apostles, least straunge doc­trines, and enterpretations of the scriptures and suche as fyght with the doctrine of the Apostles might crepe in, the authours wher of should be vnknowne, or elles aduersaries [Page] to this testimoni of the cōgregacion. Fourthly that out of suche colleges, and scholes meete teachers and gouerners might be ta­ken for other churches also. These, I thinck wer the causes, whither wer alwaies in the congregations such companies and colled­ges from the beginninge, whyche after that they wer enriched by the liberalitie of prin­ces, and godlye men, thei were broughte to such colledges of Cannons, as we se nowe a dayes.

But forasmuch as the studie of the holie scriptures is euer quēched a greate while si­thens in these colledges, & many other slan­ders pernitious to the cōgregations ar com in with a lamentable ignorance of holy matters, surely, the great nede, & necessitie of the congregations requireth, that scholes be re­stored, and preserued asmuche as the Lorde wyl helpe thereunto.

Wherfore we also haue purposed to e­rect, and cōstitute such a schole of Diuinitie at Bonne, wherein after the custome, some mete readers shal teach the holye scriptures and other good learnyng, in which we wyll also procure that the studentes shal haue a place, and a table as the maner is in other vniuersities. And moreouer, we wyl depute somwhat for pore younge men.

There shall then be appoynted for a be­ginning seuē professours in this our schole. The firste shall professe diuinitie, and shall teache openly two dayes of the wieke in the olde testament, and two other in the newe, to whose iudgement we wyll permitte, that he shall chuse out of the holie bokes, those, that he thynketh wyll be moste profitable for the hearers, as in the olde Testament, Genesis, Deutoronomie, the Psalmes, Esaie. In the newe, Paule, Iohn, Luke. And this profe­ssoure shall so moderate his doctrine, that it agre with this sūme of holie doctrine, which we haue described in thys boke, and whiche is in deede the doctrine, and meanyng of the true, and catholike churche of Christe. This principall reader of diuinitie shall also exer­cise the office of the superintendant in the cō ­gregrations nigh aboute, and as the rector of thys schole, he shall haue charge of the o­ther reders and shal warne thē of their duti if neede be, and if they do not their duties he shal bryng the matter before them, whō we wyl appoint to be vphoders, and mayntey­ners of thys our ordinaunce. He shal labour also to maynteyne mutuall cōcorde betwene the professours, that one hurte not an other wyth wordes, writinges, or other wayes. And he shall decree, and put in execution, by [Page] the aduise and assent of the other readers, thynges perteynynge to the discipline, and correction of the youth.

The seconde reader shal also examine the holie scripture, but there wythall he shall teache the hebrue tonge. Two daye in the wicke, he shall enterprite some boke, wyth a theological exposition. Foure dayes he shall reade hebrue in order. First he shal teach the grammer, and then he shall expoune some boke of the Bible, and therin he shal declare the rules, and vse of the grammer, that thys tonge maye be more certeynely knowen of yonge men, and be made more familiar vn­to them.

The thyrde professour shal reade logike, and the greke tonge, both twaine euerie day in the wieke, in the which he muste teache, as vpon the seconde, the thyrde, the fifte, the sixt day of the wieke. Which thynge shal not be harde vnto hym, whiche hath atteyned but euen a meane knowledge of both the artes. For he that hath once wel perceyued the ru­ [...]es of Logike, shall not haue muche a do to teache them.

But he shal chuse some cōmune, and good Logike, as is the Logike of Cesarius, philip. or Sturmius. And he shal not chaunge that, that he hath begonne to teache, and moreo­uer [Page] as often as he hath ended the same, he shall adde some boke of Aritoteles his Lo­gike, whom he shall interprete in greke. But he shall chose the easiar bokes, as is the boke of Porphyrius or of the Predicamentes, or some parte of the Analitikes, that the youth maye be prepared to the readyng of Aristo­tle. And he shall moderate all these thynges accordynge to the capacitie of the hearers. When the boke of Aristotle is finished, he shall returne to the accostomed Logike of Cesarie, Philippe or Sturmius.

In the other houre, when he muste reade greke, this reader shal first teache the gram­mar, and afterward Hesiodus, or some part of Homere, or some Tragidies of Euripi­des, or Sophocles, or some oratiō of Isocra­tes, or somewhat of Luciane, or Herodotus. Those ended he shall returne to the gram­mare.

The fourth reader shall professe Rheto­rike, and shall reade euerie daye twyse, one houre he shal bestowe vpon the preceptes of Rhetorike, and he shal chuse some good Rhethorike cōmunely vsed in the scholes, which ended he shall expoune Erasmus his boke de copia rerum, and after that some bokes of Quintilian, namely the second, the thirde the eight, and the tenth.

On the other houre he shal expoune some [...]ration of Cicero, wherein asmuche as he shall thynke needfull, he shall declare howe the oration agreeth wyth the rules, and pre­ceptes of Rhethorike. Howbeit some tymes in the steede of oratiōs, he shall mengle some what out of the poetes. This reader of Rhethorike shal also professe moral philosophie. Therefore in the houre deputed to thys lec­ture, he shall expoune sometymes Tullies offices, and sometymes he shal interprete A­ristotles his Ethikes in greke, and shall in­troduce the youth to the readynge of these bokes.

The fifte reader shal be a grammarian, for though thys schole shall be appoynted and instituted for thē that haue learned grā ­mare in the scholes of chyldren, yet for as muche as the wittes of chyldren, and yonge folke be vnlike, and some when they come to these cōmune lectures, knowe not theyr grā ­mare fully, and some forget the same, it shall be necessarie that amonge other cōmune lec­tures some chyldely exercise in grammare be also reteyned.

Lette the professours then, whē they haue tried the learnynge of euerie one, distribute the chyldrē into certeyne, fourmes, as euerie one hath profited in learning, and lette them [Page] pricke those forwarde, whiche haue not bene sufficiently trained in grammare, to learne the same more perfectly. To thys reader there muste be two houres assigned euerie daye, in whiche he shall cause the youth to rehearse wythout boke the rules of gram­mare, euerie one in ordre. And thys custome must needes be euer reteyned in scholes, and not chaunged. And forasmuche as the youth vnwillingly susteyneth thys exercise, the professours muste all agree vpon the mayntey­naunce of thys statute, and cōpell the youth wyth punishmentes to thys exercise, eue­rie one accordynge to his age, and according as he hath profited in learnynge, that they may make theyr hearers perfecte gramma­rians, whiche thinge healpeth excedynge muche to true and substantiall learnynge. For cōmune studies are greatly endamaged in thys tyme, by reason that a perfecte in­stitution of grammare is neglected, and manie yonge men go to other professions, and artes, before that they haue perfectly lear­ned grammare. Of whiche hinderaunce though all faythfull enstructours of youth complayne, and as muche as in them lyeth, woulde gladly remoue the same from theyr scholars, and compell them to learne gram­mare perfectly, yet they wante the authori­tie, [Page] and ayde of them, whiche haue superi­our power in scholars. Wherefore we wyll that oure ouerfears shall diligently resiste thys euyll, and procure wyth all diligence that thys exercise of grammare be faythful­ly maynteyned, and sette forth. In the other houre thys reader shall cause the chyldren to rehearse without boke the accentynge of Mycillus, and shall require of them, that they exercise them selues in wrytyng of ver­ses. And for thys purpose he shall expoune some Poete vnto them.

We wyll that the sixte professoure shall reade Mathematicall sciences, and naturall Philosophie, and we thynke it sufficient that he reade one houre in a daye. Therefore on the seconde, and thyrde daye of the wieke, he shall teache Arithmetike, and that done he shal reade the litle boke of the Sphere made by Iohn de Sacro busto, whiche muste be diligently declared to the youth. Afterward he shall returne to Arithmetike, and shal cō ­tinue therin. On the other two daies, name­ly vpon the fifte, and the sixte, he shall pro­fesse somewhat in naturall Philosophie, and he shall chuse some vsed, and approued boke in thys arte, as summula Alberti, or Phi­lippes boke De anima, or some such that is not veri lōge, nor obscure. Whā these be en­ded, [Page] he shall take in hande to declare some short Cosmographie, as the Cosmographie of Appian, wherein he shal teache the youth the maner of comptyng diligently.

The seuenth reader shall be a lawyar, whyche shalle expowne the Institutions of Iustinian one houre euerie daye. For it shal be good to introduce gentlemēnes chil­dren, and the chyldren of other worshypfull Citizins, whiche shall come to thys schole, to the knowledge of the lawe, teachynge the fyrste principles of thys arte. Whiche thing shall haue thys commoditie, that while they trauayle in the lawe, they shal perceiue how greate the vse of other artes is, chiefely of Rhethorike, and Logike.

But bycause manie chyldren, and yonge men shall come into thys schole, a phisition, and an Apothecharies shoppe shall be need­full. Where we wyll haue an eye to this cō ­moditie also.

Euerie wieke on the fourth day thre pro­fessours shall come togyther, the Rethoriti­an, the Logitian, and the Grammarian, that they maye examen the yonge mennes wry­tynges, as well prose as verses, and amende some of them, that the youth maye see what thynges be fautie, and learne to auoyed the same, and to wryte better. The professours [Page] also shall procure asmuche as maye be, that the scholars do euer speake latine.

❧ Of disputation.

It pleaseth vs also that foure tymes in a yere, a disputation of diuinitie be kept, vpon a saturdaye, in whiche disputation the pro­fessours, of diuinitie shall sitte as Iudges by course. But the professours of artes shall procure, that some disputation, or declamati­on be vsed euerie moneth. In disputations lette the better learned amonge the studētes make argumentes, and then the professours thē selues. At these disputatiōs we wyl haue a Rector to be euer presente, that they maye dispute comely, and wyth friendlie myndes, and that the disputations gyue not occasi­on to pernitious brawlynges, and dissenti­ons. Further it shall perteyue to the Rector to see that profitable matters be sette forth to be disputed of, and suche as be offensiue to no man. The same man shall diligently exhorte the youth to the holie communion, and shal laboure to bringe to passe, that they go to the Lordes table often in the yere. But they that shal come to the communion, shall fyrste aske absolution, and then they shall be examined, what they haue profited in the doctrine of Christe.

But howe the houres shall be destribu­ted, [Page] when euerie professoure shall reade, the professours them selues wyth the Rectour, shall appoynte, whom we wyl also to make statutes by commune aduise, concernynge the maners of the studentes, whereby they maye be allured, and dryuen to those thyn­ges, that perteyne to godlines, and other vertues, and whereby also they maye be an exemple to other men, of godlinesse and honestie.

The Rectour then, and the professours shall make lawes, that the Scholars at con­uenient tymes go to the temple comely, and together, that they be present in the holie as­sembles, heare sermons, praye wyth the cō ­gregation, vse the Sacramentes, offre their gyfttes to Christe the Lorde for the pore, that they eschue vngodly othes, euyll speakyng, eursynge, and all noysome, and vncleane speache, all gloutonie, dronkennes, and vn­chastnes, that they weare comely and honest apparell, not iagged, or otherwise gaye, and proude, that theyr gounes come doune be­neth theyr knees. These thynges and suche lyke, perteynynge to discipline semely for christian Scholars, and to honestie, shall be comprehended in statutes, and ena [...]ted with punishmentes.

Suche a Schole, out of which most am­ple [Page] cōmodities shal come to the congregati­on, and that eueri ordre of mē mai be wel in­stituted, and mainteined, so that not only the professors shal haue iuste stipendes, but also certeine poore scholars shalbe founde, if the reuenues of one abbaie be appoynted here­unto, which now be wretchedly wasted. For ye maye fynde many Monasteries euerie where, in whiche there scarcely remaine fiue or sixe monkes, and such men, as neither be, nor cā be any waies profitable to the cōgre­gation, and whiche moste shamefully waste so greate riches consecrated to Christe the Lorde, and to his cōgregation. Wherfore al princes, and such as administre the supreme power ought to see that these thinges be corrected after a christian sort, and that these cō ­secrated gyftes of godly mē may be turned to that vse, for which they were dedicated to the Lorde. Whiche thinge we truste by the healpe of God we wyll procure not vnpro­fitably with the aduise of our men.

❧ By what meanes a christiā refor­mation of holy ministerie, and cure of soules may be begonne, and practised in parishes.

THat parishes, and the holye mi­nisteries in the people of Christe, [Page] maye be ryghtly seene vnto, it is chiefely necessarie, that euerie parishe haue his meete ministers, whiche wyll do theyr office in the congregations wyth al faythfulnes, and di­ligence. Wherfore first we wyl procure that al parishes be exactly visited by wyse and graue men, whiche woulde gladly Christes worde to be promoted. These men shal exa­mē, what maner of pastours, and ministers be in euerie congregation. For if the people shal be ryghtly brought to Christ the Lorde and be instituted, & edified in faith towardes hym, they muste needes haue suche guydes, and pastours, as be learned vnto the kyng­dome of God, as saynte Paule prescribeth vnto his disciples Timothe and Tite, and such as burne wyth a zeale to brynge many therunto, finally suche as be meete to teache other to keepe those thynges that Christe hath commaunded vs all to keepe, so that the pastours and ministers be furnished to teache other, faste keepers of the faythfull worde, that they may be able to exhorte tho­rowe holesome doctrine, and confute them, that gaynesaye the same. For if the salte be made vnsauerie, no thynge cā be salted ther­wyth, and if the light be darkened, darkenes obscureth all thynges. But it behoueth pa­stors, & techers of cōgregatiōs to be to other [Page] in the steede of salte, and a candle in the waye of the Lorde. You be, sayeth Christe to his disciples, the salte of the earth, and the light of the world. Wherefore by the healpe of God we wyll procure wyth as great di­ligence as we can, that in oure dominion suche be made pastours, and ministers ouer congregations, as wyth vnfeyned diligence laboure to lyue accordynge to the Canon taught of the holie goste by the ministerie of saynt Paule, and moste straitely required by all the Canons of the holie fathers, though being letted thorowe mannes weaknes they can not perfectly atteyne to the same, neuer­theles at the leste in the principall matters whiche perteyne to the holie ministerie, they shall ordre all theyr doinges accordynge to thys Canon. Firste then, whiche thynge is also necessary to the reformatiō of the church we haue determined to admitte none to the administration of congregations, [...]e to suf­fre anie in the same, whiche is in a manifeste crime of intemperantie, or vnchastnes, or co­uetousnes, by vniust gaine, by vsurie, or any other fraude in bargaining, or in any wrōge done to his neighbour, yea whiche declareth not a true zeale to lyue temperately, iustly, gently, friendly, and godly, and to enstructe their household in the same way. For where [Page] thys zeale wanteth, there lyuely fayth can not be, nor the true knowledge of Christe. Howe can suche then teache fruitefully, and be meete witnesses of the fayth in Christe? For, asmuche as they buyld wyth doctrine, so muche they pull doune agayne with their vncleane lyfe. For it can not be that suche should cōstantly teache true doctrine, seinge they loue not God truely. Wherefore it is muche more tollerable to haue fewe, and the same verie godly pastours, and feruent in the zeale of Christ, tyl God him selfe vouch safe to thruste forth more meete workmen in to his harnest, then to cōmitte the congrega­tions, though they be neuer so small, to their faythfulnes, whiche them selues knowe not Christ. For no man knoweth Christ, which studieth not to obey his commaundementes and to keepe him selfe cleane frō wicked, and mischeuous actes. i. Iohn. iij. Euerie one that sinneth, hath not sene God, nor knowē him.

And that al vnchastnes, and vncleane life may bemore easely turned awaye from the ministers of the congregations, we beseche, exhort and require of them al, whiche be now set ouer the cōgregations, or shal be hereaf­ter, that wyth all diligence they ordre theyr lyfe so godly, temperately, chastly, and holi­ly, that they maye be guydes to the people [Page] of Christe, not onely in doctrine, but also in exemple of life, and that they may bring the same to Christe, castinge before no man anie blocke to stumble at, thorowe dissolute and vnchast lyfe.

But to whō it is not giuē to liue blame­les, and holily without mariage, we thynke it not our parte to forbidde them holie mari­age. But thys we beseche them, and require of them, that if they wyl entre into holy ma­riage, they entre into it holily, and in the Lorde, that is to saye, lette them seeke them selues suche wyues, as they maye well hope shalbe an healpe to them, not onely to leade forth theyr priuate lyfe godly, and wythout reprofe, but also to execute the holie ministe­rie of the cōgregation more readely, and re­ligiously. Let them then desire of the Lorde, and wyth godly diligēce let them seeke wo­men excellinge in religion, and all honestie, godly, and holily brought vp, hauyng good testimonie amonge the congregation. For the holie goste requireth suche wyues of the ministers of the congregation, and the verie great necessitie of the congregations requi­reth the same.

They that desire to marie them, whom they had for concubines before, shall not be permitted so to do wythout the consent of [Page] the visitors, whiche shall determine herein that, that shall seme to be profitable for the congregation, and conuenient for the holie ministerie. For euen the familie of the pa­stours must garnishe the Gospel of Christ, and theyr wyues muste be an exemple to o­ther wiues in al godlinesse, and chastitie. As the holy goste commaunded by S. Paule.

Secondly we haue determined to admit no man to thys ministerie, nor to suffre anie therein, whiche applieth not the readynge of the holie Bible, and hath not profited so far in christian doctrine, and lyfe, and also in the knowledge of administringe the congrega­tion of God, that at the lest he be able to de­clare the customable, and communely vsed lessons, whiche are wonte to be propouned to the whole congregation out of the scrip­tures, and conueniently handle by the same the principal articles of oure doctrine, and moreouer enstructe tollerably chyldren, and more aged folke, yea the vniuersal people of Christ, in the religion of Christ.

Thirdly whereas that a mā may rightly ordre the holy ministerie, & profitably serue the cōgregations therin, it is necessarie, that he entangle not hym selfe in the busines of thys lyfe, but gyue hym selfe wholy with al diligence to readyng, doctrine, & prayer, we [Page] exhort and require by the cōmaundement of Christ, and by the authoritie of our archebi­shoply office, of al pastours, and curates of soules, that they vtterly bid al worldly, and fleshly cares, and busines farewel, and caste the same frō thē, as (beside the lawe of god) the canons require with great seueritie. For cōcerning the necessaries of life, we wil faith fully procure, that euery mā shalbe liberally prouided for, that beinge discharged of the care of this lyfe, they maye wholy gyue thē selues both to lerne the holy scripture, and to study the same day and night, whiche onely enstructeth vnto saluation thorowe fayth in Christ, and also to prayers, wyth which on­ly we may obteyne the true vnderstandyng of the scripture, and the gift and grace to de liuer the same wholsomely vnto other, and luckely to serue Christ the Lorde in thys of­fice vnto the edification of the cōgregation.

Fourthly we cōmaund that the pastours haue often cōuocations, and godly exercises in the same, whiche we wyl appoynte in cer­teyne, and conuenient places, and tymes, as the cōmoditie of the cōgregatiōs, and mini­sters shall suffre, and herein they shall vse none excuse, excepte it be verie necessarie.

In these conuocations one shall faythful­ly, enstructe, warne, and exhorte an other of [Page] the sincere vnderstandyng of the scriptures, and of the holesome administracion of their office. For seing that the knowledge, and vse of a pastorall office, is so miserably lost, we wyll appoynte by oure visitors, as much as we maye, some pastours, and teachers in certaine places, which be some what more fur­nished in the knowledge, and religion of the holie ministerie, to whōe the other pastours and ministers dweling nigh aboute, shal re­sorte euery weke, or as often as it shalbe conuenient, and shal heare of them the expositi­on of the scriptures, and other thinges pertaning to pastoral cure, & so better furnish thē selues vnto their office. And if cases, and difficultes hapē in theyr ministerie, out of which thei can not vnfolde thē selues, let thē vse the counsel of these men. And if they be warned that thei haue erred, or don amis in ani thing let them take that warninge in good parte, and regarde it wel, and diligentli amend thē selues in that, wherein they erred, and lette them, if they haue not, fully execuited theyr office in anye pointe, recompense the same studiously.

Further more we wil also institute great­ter conuocations to be kepe twise a yere, and beside those we wyll haue two to be kepte e­uerie yere in our cite of Colone, as the olde [Page] custome is, wherunto the Deanes onli shal resort, and thei which haue some peculier busines there, or be called thither.

To these conuocatiōs than, the pastours and Deanes euery man according to his or­dre, shal come together studiouslye, neyther shal they absent them selues from thens, ex­cept it be for a necessary cause, we wil pro­uyde also that euery congregation shalbe visited euery yeare by mete visiters, whiche if they haue perceiued any faute to haue crept into the parishes, which thei them selues cā ­not amende, they shall propoune the same in the greater conuocations, that it maye be a­mēded by the authoritie of a synode. Wher for we wyl chuse men excellyng in wysdom faythfulnes and authoritie, asmuche as the Lord shal geue, to rule this conuocatiōs, and to execute visitations, to whom we wil geue such authoritie, that they maye resist fautes, and inconueniences whan they aryse, and vse fit remedies.

Nowe all the actes of conuocations, and visitations must be referred hereunto, that al parishes may haue faythful, and mete ministers, whych may execute their ministerye faythfully accordyng to Gods worde, and want not iust defence against vniust violēce and cauillations of wicked menne. And that [Page] thei, which haue not faithfully executed the holy ministery, or be found to haue committed any faut in their liuyng, be corrected or if that cannot be brought to passe, that they be remoued from the holy ministery. Finally, forasmuch as sondry chaunses, & diseases and other lets of the holy ministery happen dayly vnto pastours, as vnto mē, this thing shal also be decreed in cōuocations, & visita­tions, whā it happeneth to some minister by reason of siknes, or some other cause, that he cannot execute his ministery himselfe, that some of his felowes, if ther be sondry mini­sters in the same congregation, as it happe­neth in tounes or some of his neighbours, if any haue no felow, as it is wont to be in vi­lages, shal supply the rome of the minister, so empesched, that the peple be not ani wher defrauded of the holye ministery of Christ.

❧ Of the reformation of cano­nical colledges

CAnonical colledges ar now a dai­es for the most parte of two sortes Some ther be, into which the sons of Dukes, Erles, knightes and noble men are only receiued. Ther be other, in to which the children of other men ar admitted. Nowe where as all these wilbe counted clearkes, and partly also priestes, deacons, & [Page] subdeacons, and some cānons, that is to say reguler clarkes, if a lawful and canonical reformation of these persons shoulde be taken in hand, it behoued surely, that al thei shuld buckle thē selfes to that maner of ministring to the cōgregatiō & also of liuyng, which the rules prescribe to such persons, that is to sai, they should apply them selues to the cure of soules, and to the edifiyng of the reste of the cōgregatiō in the doctrine of Christ, I mean that the preistes should endeuour thē selues to preach and minister the sacramentes, and gouerne ecclesiastical discipline, the deacons and subdeacons should apply the ministery of the same doctrine and sacramēts, and the distributing of almes, wherūto the other orders of the clerks shuld set their hands also, eueri mā according to his place & degre. For this is the proper office of al the cleargie, as the authorities of the cānōs and olde fathers testifie, to fede the flocke of Christ. Clerkes fede the shepe, I am fed sayth Ierome to He liodo, where he numbreth him selfe amonge Monckes, and sheweth a difference betwne Monckes and clearkes.

And where as in a christian reformation of churches, we ought to haue a regard here vnto & to seke this thing with al diligēc nāely that al thinges may be restored in the cō ­gregations [Page] right cōmodiously, & with as ly­tle offence of mē as may be, that the reformatiō consist not only in glorious writinges, & nothing in dede, for the christian mē must do al thinges sincerly, therfor in the reforma [...]iō of ecclesiasticall matters we must brynge to passe, that the holy ministery, and hole doc­trine of Christ may be restored to a sure in­stauratiō of religion, and to the welth of the vniuersal congregatiō. This ende thā being set before vs, & sincerely regarded, we think this way of reformation should be taken in hand in canonical colleges.

First we wil that our reuerēd chapter of the hiest, and principal colledge, shal retaine and kepe styl their free, and canonical election of al their felowes, and prelates, al their digni­tie, old laws, libertes, and preuileges as they hane had of old time, and vse the same frely, and frākly without let or perturbatiō of any man, howbeit vn [...]er this cōditiō, that in doc­trine, celebratiō of Masses, administratiō of the sacramētes, and other ecclesiastical mini­steries, thei so behaue them selues, as it is described in thys our forme of reforma [...]iō, and that thei ordre their life, as it becommeth thē that profes the discipline of clearks, and thei must passe other in religiō, that not only no­body be offēded with their conuersa [...]iō, but [Page] that manie by theyr exemple may be alured and stirred vp vnto al godlines, and honesti Further that thei so order and moderat their lessōs and sōges in the tēple, that thei fech al thinges that thei wil read, or sing out of the diuine scriptures or at the lest that thei dissēt not frō the same. Which thing that we may bring to passe more cōmodiously, & certainli we offer our selues to chuse, & to ioyne mete mē for this purpose to thē, whō it shal plea­se our suprēe cāons to depute to this matter which with their chosē mē, shal examen the bokes of holie lessōs, and sōges that ar now vsed, and shal frame al thinges that must be read, or songe in the temples thorough the yere, according to the rules of the holie scriptures. So that not only our principal Chap, & college, but also al other clerkes thorough oure citie, and diocese shal haue a forme, and maner, that they maye folowe to reade, and singe in temples. And that the vse of the la­tine tounge maye be keptein congregacions: we wil that it be fre, and lawful not only to our principal Cha. and college, but also to al other colleges thorough our diocese, to vse the latine tounge in goddes seruice, & yet so that wher as parishes be incorporated to colleges, those lessōs, and sōges, which are vsed for the peple, be red and sōg in douch, as it is [Page] cōstituted in this our fourme of reformacion that the cōmen people maye vnderstande the thinges, that shal bee red or songe out of the scripture, and adde their A men to the same.

Thirdly let the colleges of Canōs tho­rowe our whole dioses prouide, that the parishes which they haue had long time in corporated, wante not mete pastours, teachers, and scholemasters. And that they be not defrau­ded of iuste wages, lest these cōgregacions shoulde want lawful ministerie both of reli­giō, & also of cōmune lerninge. And if the colleges shall thyncke that they are burthened therewith, their maye some vicarages, whan they shall be vacant, be turned to thys vse, which is right necessarie for the cōgregaciōs. Fourthly that there be appointed in our prē cipal college tow men of excellēt lerninge, & religion to preach to the cōmen people daily to whom let their be tow prebēdes assigned and it shalbe cōueniēt that they be exēpted frō the quiare for the purpose rehersed. Fift­ly that thei order a schole of the college with singular diligēce, that the yonge princes, and Erles, whiche be appōinted to the high col­lege, and also other maye be so taught, and enstructed therein, that they maye be an ornament and aide boeth to thēselues and also to other, and to the hole congregacion of God

Sixtly we require that eueri prelate, and cānon of our principal colledges execute the ministerie, that is peculyarly enioyned to e­uery man faythfully, and diligently, that is to say, that the prouost, and eueri Archdeacō prouide euerye man in his Archdenerie, first that the congregations and scholes be fayth fulli loked vpō and renued in tyme. Secōd­ly that the goodes of the church be faithfully kept and distributed, and nothing wasted therof, or alienated from the congregation. Furthermore, that euery mā exercise his iu­risdictiō in his Archedenery after that sorte and reformation, that hertofore we haue prescribed in our seculer, and ecclesiastical iud­gemētes, and will prescribe hereafter by the aduise and consent of our counsayle.

Finallye, let this be the proper charge of the prouest, that asmuch as he may, he man­tain the goodes of al the churches, and suche as shalbe geuen to scholes, and that he bring to passe that al the ministeries of the congre­gaciōs of hys Archedenery be restored, and preserued euery where, and renued whā the matter shal so require accordinge to Gods word, and this is our forme of reformatiō. So it shal pertain to the Deane of the prin­cipal colledge, first to labour herein, that all ecclesiastical ministeries, administrations of [Page] sacramēts and their ceremones be ordred and executed chiefli in the principal college after­warde in other cōgregatiōs also accordynge to the lordes worde and thys our reformatiō Secondly that all the Canons of the princi­pal college, order theyr life wel and honestli, and liue in Christian discipline, as their pro­fession requireth. Further that he bestowe faithful labour aboute the colleges matters, that they maye be rightly, and timeli hādled and dispatched as cōmodiously as maye be. Finalli that he haue a peculiar charge of the preachers of the high college, that there be e­uer mete mē appointed, and that they, which be appointed do their dutie diligently.

For the perfurmaunce of al these thinges the Subdeāe or Vicedeāe muste be an helper to the Deane, and in the absense of the Dean he must exequute al the forerehersed matters pertaning to the Deane.

The ouerfear of the Quiar shal procure, that al thinges be cōely, and religiously red, and soung in the Quiar, and in the assemble that is wounte to come to gether to the prin­cipal temple, and that al troblesome, and vncomelie actiōs be eschwed. The office of the scholerulers of the principal college shallbe, first, to prouide diligently that the schole of the high colege haue faithfull, and mete tea­chers, [Page] and that the same order, and exequite their lecturs, and ecclesiastical exercises rightli, and cōely. Secōdli to procure that the yonger Canons be stirred vp, warned, and pric­ked furth to godlie, and honest studies of lerninge, and also to a semelie institution, and framinge of their life, and maners. Further to watch that thei, which must be appointed to the holie ministeries, be lawfully exami­ned, and that no mā be admitted or ordained to any holy ministery, except he be approued accordinge to this our reformacion. Finally he shall faythfully exequite his wounted of­fice in the chapter houses, in demaundinge of sentences, and in speakinge, and aunswering In the name of the chapter.

After the same sorte other Canons also must faithfully applie their office, and mini­sterie aswel noble mē as priestes in reading, and in hādlinge matters of the college in the Chapter, and obeinge theyr prelates, as it is conuenient.

And whā Canons, which be priestes shal not be boūd to somanie masses, as they haue ben heretofore, it woulde please vs, that this waie be kepte cōcernig them hereafter, namely that tow of them be deputed, and bounde vpon the sōdaies, and holie daies to celebrate the holie Eucharista, and to dispense sacra­mentes. [Page] Tow to preache, whyche therefore shoulde be fre frō the Quiar, Tow to reade diuinite in the scholes. Tow to studie the lawe, that they maye answere, and giue coū ­sel to the college and the chapter in doubts that shalarise, and that they maye exequite foraine busines. And we woulde this distri­bucion of offices so to be ordred amōg prei­stes, that yet all shoulde be fellowes of the Chap. and should haue their place there, and saye theyr mindes.

In like maner let the diacons applie their office not onely in reading the Gospel at the holie Eucharistia, but also in taking charge of the poore, and distributinge to the poore after the pleasure of the Chap. the thynges, that they which communicate at the Lordes table, shall offre vnto the Lorde.

Nether must the vicares be idle lette them be present in the Quiar, whan the tyme shall require let thē giue eare to the holie lectures and sermons. and endeuour that the same be done religiously, and cōely, further let them serue the people of Christ vnto edificacion e­uery mā according to the gift that God hath geuē him in other ministeries of the cleargy

As for those which heretofore were boūd to saye priuate masses, we wil haue thē to be presēt at cōmune masses religiousli, and that [Page] they al be parttakers of the sacrament toge­ther wyth the rest, & that they liue godli, and honestely beside furth as it becometh men de­diacted to holie thinges.

And bicause there be manie vicares, which after this reformaciō shal haue no ministerie in the cōgregacion beside holie lectures, and sermōs, it semeth not an euil aduise vnto vs, if some prebendes of vicares after their dis­sease, whiche now haue them, be turned to o­ther, and better vses by the counsel, and con­sente of our diocesanes.

And forasmuche as we se not, as we saide before, that it lieth in our power, to forbidde holie mariage to be vsed of anie man in the Lord, we wil that the congregations be pro­vided for, therein, that the children or wyues of the ministers deteine not the ecclesiasticall reuenues after the death of the ministers, but that al thinges returne to the congregacion furth wyth after the death of anie minister. And that euerie minister faithfulli mainteine those goodes, which he hath of the cōgrega­cion, and diminish them in no parte, ether in pelferinge, or in neglectinge, as the Canons, and euerie mannes othe requireth.

After this sorte we wish that our principal colege be renuid. Which waye and reforma­ciō we desire that it maye also preuaile in S. [Page] Gereous college. Nether do we go abonte to bring in anie chaūge in other colleges, thā that the Canons, and vicares of all colleges first confirme thē selues to the fourme pres­cribed in this boke in doctrine, celebration of masses, and other ceremonies, and that there fore they moderate and vse theyr holie lessōs, and sounges in temples after the maner de­clared before, & whiche we wil declare more largely, hereafter. Secōdli that they prouide the parisches, and scholes, which thei haue in corporated, of mete ministers, and gyue to the same liberally the necessaries of life, that they maie applie their ministeries to the true profite of the congregacion. Finally that in life, and maners they be an exemple vnto o­ther of godlynes, and honestie, auoiding all spottes, and offences in theyr conuersacion, asmuche as they maye by the Lordes helpe.

But because it is wel knowē that the grea­test parte of possessiōs came to colleges tho­rowe the liberalite of princes, erles, & knig h­tes, concerninge secondarie colleges we wyl seke these waies by the aduise, and assente of our men, that partli thei shalbe adiudged to the nobilite, so that none shalbe receiued in to them but gentlemen, partly they shalbe gi­uen to other honest men, vnder thys condici­on that they proue their nobilite from theyr [Page] grandefathers, and greate grādfathers, and thei which be of the honest kinred of citezins proue thēselues to be borne of lawful parentes, which were mē of honest cōdicion, & life.

As touchinge presbiteral prebendes in o­ther colleges, we wil that they be bestowed vpon sectures of diuinite, holie sermons, and ministracion of the secramentes, and further more vpon lawiers and such as gyue coun­sel to the colleges in temporal matters. And as touching the procuration of holie sermōs and institucion, and maintenaunce of scholes we wil haue al these thynges so ordred, and kepte, as we haue prescrided to our principal college, asmuch as the commoditie and faculties of euerie college wil susteine,

And it is cōuenient that to those principal ministeries, where presbiteral prebēdes wāte or suffice not, other prebendes be adiudged, and incorporated.

Thus we wil also haue the same waye obserued, in vicares, & diacōs of other colleges which we haue set furth in our high college.

Vessels of siluer, and golde, and other cost­lie vessels and ornamentes of churches, and colleges thorough our diocese, we wil haue be put in an innentorie, and to be kepte dili­gētly, and that none of thē be alienated from their congregations, and colleges, or chaunged [Page] to another vse with out the lawful con­sent of vs, and oure prouincials. Wee haue obserued also that the time of vacance in many colleges is required longer, than it is conuenient, whereby the cōgregacions are long destitute of their ministeries, and the newe ministers are burthened to much. Therefore that we may moderate this thing according to equitie, we wil that the tyme of wantinge new felowes be not prolonged more thā one yere. But as sone as euerie man hath lawe­fully obteyned a prebende, lete him enioye it after the first yere, without anie diminucion excepte therebe some lawful, and cananical impediment.

We haue obserued thys thynge also that residence of the first yere in manie colleges is required to preciseli, and scrupulusly, with out anie necessarie, or profitable cause. By whych supersticion manye fellowes are drawen from those ministeries of which agreat deale more profite myght come both to the colleges, and also to the congregacions, than if they shoulde be present euerie howre. Yea and other incōmodites, and herte burninges are wounte to aryse we will therefore that a remedie be laied to thys incommodite, and that the lawes of residence be so tempred, as Christian charite, and true edificacion of the [Page] congregacions shall require, and as the con­diciō, & facultes of euerie college shal permit

Finally we haue marcked that those fel­lowes, that studie in vniuersites, be worse entreated, thā right woulde. It pleaseth vs ther fore that hereafter hole prebendes be graun­ted to thē, whiche by the permission of theyr Chap, liue in vniuersites, and apyroued scholes, howe beit suche moderacion shalbe vsed herein, as shalbe agreable to euerie mannes age, witte, and studie. For seinge that al ecclesiastical prebendes were appointed for thys only purpose, that they, whiche are susteined thereby shoulde profitably serue the congre­gacions, and set forth their commodites, surely it is muche mor right, and more worship­ful, and profitable both for the colleges, and also for the congregation to geue hole prebē des to these young felowes which abide in scholes, and furnysh them selues with god­ly, and honest artes, wherwith they may af­terward bryng greater profite to the colled­ges and to the congregations, than that thei shuld spende in their colledges those good yeres idly in foule ignorancie, and so rather burthen the colledges, than do theym anye good.

¶ Of the reformation of monastaries both of men and women.

VVE canne not hope that the olde and true Mouckrie maye be re­stored agayne in thys tyme, as we haue no hope neither of resto­rynge of the olde discipline of Canons, of that sorte as it was once, and as it is descri­bed of Sayncte Augustine in the booke of the maners of the congregacion. Where­fore we wyll be contente wyth that refor­macion of the monasteries whyche yet re­maine, that we maye hope shalbe obtained, and kepte.

Firste therefore we wyll, that all monaste­ries conforme theim selues to that waye whiche we haue described in this booke, and shall hereafter appointe more largelye, in doctrine, in administracion of sacramentes, and ceremonies, in repurgacion and mode­racion of holie lessons, and songes. Second­ly that thei se the parishes which they haue incorporated, the reuenues, and tythes wherof they enioye, to be prouided of ecclesiasti­call and scholasticall ministeries, and of sti­pendes for theym, whiche muste exequite ministeries to the congregacions, in al pointes accordinge to that fourme which we prescribed before to colleges.

Thirdlye we will that they whiche in monasteries shall be founde meete to take [Page] the charge of soule shalbe apointed therūto, as also among the olde fathers clerckes, and pastours bee chosen frō the cōpanie of mon­kes. And now the greate necessite of the con­gregacion requireth the same. Fourthly concerning those which be vnfit to ministre, and haue not the gyfte, nor yet the wyll to lyue godly, and honestli in monasteries, we se not that it is lawful for vs to deteine thē in mo­nasteries, to be certainely offensiue to them selues and to other. Wherefore asmuche as pertaineth vnto vs, we wyll not grudge to graunte to suche cloisterers, if they vndre whome they liue, wil permitte the same, that leauinge theyr monasteries, and monasticall bondage, they shall conueye them selues to the commune honest, and christiā life, and to liue in mariage, or wiueles, so that their pur­pose be godlie, and vnfained. To which kind of liuinge, it shall not displease vs, that they whiche haue nede be holpen of the monaste­ries, whiche they leaue.

Fiftly we will that they, whiche wil tarie in monasteries, shal liue godly, and without offence, and kepe the commen discipline of christen men, and be contente to receiue thin­ges necessarie for the bodie by the adminis­tracion of the monasterie, and not to waste the goodes of the monasteries in shamefull [Page] riot. For monastaries oughte to serue to the cherishyng of honest and godly studies, and to bryng vp young men, which afterwarde may bryng certaine vtilitie to the cōgregations. Further we wyll haue the noumber of these mē so moderated, that euery yere some what may remain to the monasteries, wher by some children may be holpē, which haue not wherwith thei mai be honestly brought vp, and be taught some craft to mayntayne thē selues thereby. And moreouer that yong folcke of more age maye bee holpen, whiche though thei haue a craft, wherbi thei be able to get their owne liuyng, yet they haue not wherwyth to set vp their craft, or to fynd a commodious mariage.

So it semeth good to vs also that monaste­ries of beggynge friers be wholy dedicated to godly learnyng. For it is euidēt that thei were not made at the beginnynge that men should begge, or only read and sing in tem­ples, or sai masses, but for this purpose chiefly, that in them, men should be brought vp, and framed vnto the congregations, whych myghte supply the negligence of pastours, and susteyne the holy ministerye of the cure of soules, which than began to were out of vse. Wherefore, we wyll prouyde, that they whiche in these monasteries shalbe founde [Page] meete to ministre, shalbe deputed to the same in conuenient places.

And where as it is against christian sim­plicite, and the verie rules of the olde holi fathers prescribed vnto monckes, that cloiste­rers shoulde shewe furth themselues to be gased vpon, with such disgised, and so mani­folde variyng garment, where as monckes apparel shoulde be base, and of smale price, not differinge muche in shape, and colour of the gramentes of other meane and base men it shal please vs that, they, whiche wil abyde in monasteries shall vse comen garmentes not much varnyinge from other apparel of good men which yet shalbe homelie, and honest, and so ordred as it shalbe conueniēt for euerie mans ministerie and condicion of life

And because it is right expedient for the cō ­gregaciōs that there be scholes, where in the youth maye be godly, and commodiously taught, and framed, we wyl do oure diligēce that wher oportunitie hereof shalbe, certaine monasteries with the aduise and assente of our pronincialles, shalbe tourned in to scho­les, in which wee wyll studie to set learned and good scholemasters, asmuch as we maie and we will appointe some monasteries for the nobilite, and some for other honest men, that in thē their children maye be godly, and [Page] honestly brought vp, and be furnished with good lerninge and honest maners.

And because that folowinge the Lordes worde, we make it free to them, to whom it is not giuen to liue well, holy, and godly in monsteries to returne to the cōmune life of christen men, manie men feare sondrie daun­gers that maye come hereof. For some of the order of gentlemen, and other worship­full men, because they haue manie children and can not sette furth al their daughters to mariag, feare lest it maye chaunce, thorough this libertie of forsakinge monasteries, that their daughters shal returne to them, and be burthenous vnto them, or at the lest shalbe allured to vnauised, and vnsemelye maria­ges, or sedused, to some other spotte of lyfe. For oure weaknes is verie much in continu­yng in good, and honest studies, and our old enemie Sathan layeth meruailous waites a gainste al christian reformacion of thinges. Some feare also that greate, and pernicious contensions aboute inheritaunces wil come hereof, and an intolerable diminucion of pa­trimonies for thei are aferde, lest the women which shal forsake their nonries, wil require their protion of inheritaunce, and not onely of that inheritaunce that shalbe deuided, but also of that, that is deuided already.

But as for vs, seing that in the whole re­formation that we take in hand, we haue an hertie regard hereunto, and most studiously referre al thynges to the same poynte, that we may augment al commodities vnto our men to the glory of God fyrst spiritual, and secondly temporal, and not to intercepte, or diminishe any commoditie in any thyng, we wysh asmuch as we may possibly, to turne a way, and remoue both these thynges and al other, which men fear wyl happen, or which in dede wyl be paynful to some.

And therfore we exhort in the Lord most ernestlye all virgins, cloysterers and other whych are nowe in Abbaies, that they take good hede that this so necessarye, and hole­some worke of christian reformation be not made open in any part to the il speakyng of men nor hindred, nor defaced wyth anye a­buse, or offence, seyng that very many stom­blyng blockes, and lettes otherwyse happē to this worke, before it come to any purpose and be established, throughe so great weke­nes of men, and so sharpe and continuall a­waytes of Satan.

As for vs we must nedes folow the Lor­des worde, and not to go before it, whyche word not onli enioyneth not to mā wiueles lyfe, nether by necessitie of commaundemēt [Page] nor by commendation, or exaction of a vow or by the occasition of anye kynde of lyfe, or mynistery: but also it byndeth, and modera­teth the prayse of wyueles lyfe, and not of euery wyueles lyfe, but of that, which may cause a man to cleaue to God and godly ac­tions more fastly, and with greate continu­aunce. It moderateth the praise therof I say so studiousli, and with so singuler a promise that as often as it bryngeth furth any thing in the commendation of thys wyueles lyfe, and of the maner of seruyng. God wythout Mariage, it addeth furthwyth somewhat, wherby it admonisheth that it is not geuen to euery body to serue God out of wedlock and that eueri man ought to consider, what gift he hath receiued of the Lord, lest labou­rynge to higher thynges, he bee not able to stand in the lower, and lest whyle he folow­eth the higher vertue, he lese the lower, and laye a snare for himselfe. Thus the Lordes mouth, & the holy gost hath taught of wiue­les lyfe. Math. xix. i. Cor. vij. i. Timo. v.

Seyng than that the Lord himselfe, and master of religion commēdeth wineles lyfe after this sort, and with this warines bothe by hymselfe, and by his Apostle, it cannot surely be lawful to vs his disciples, to laye a snare to men commeuded to oure charge, [Page] that we should kepe thē in the grace of God ether by any renuyng of commaundemen­tes, or exaction of vowes, whereby they pe­rishe, and to thrust thē from that, that might be to them a better and a surer way (as it is to be ioyned in Matrimony to them which burne, and to dryue them to that, that is not good to theym, but daungerons. For as the Lorde wyll haue nothynge commaunded to manne in his name, but that, that certaynly pertayneth to his welth, so he wyll haue no vowe either to bee commended or required, whiche helpeth not to the same. For he came to saue that, that of mē had perished, and not to bryng them into anye daunger of salua­tion. He came not to presse doune his, wyth the burthen of vnprofitable comaundemen­tes, but to deliuer them. Wherfore we must stand herein, nether can it be lawful vnto vs to depart from the religion of our office, ey­ther that we may turne away anye tempo­ral displeasures, or get cōmodities. For we must not do euyll, that good maye happen.

In the meane while, as all christen men so al cloisterers to, must no lesse religiously cōsidre the thinges, that the lorde so ernestly cōmaundeth, & requireth cōcerning the reue­rēce & obediēce of parētes, kinsfolk, & such as in this lif ar made of the lord, our gonerners [Page] Item howe we shoulde not entre into mari­age but in hym, that is to saye accordyng to his worde and pleasure. Furthermore con­cernynge the eschuinge of offences, and the luste that we shoulde haue to approue oureselues to all men vnto theyr wealth, and edi­fication, in al our lyfe, and doinges. Item to folowe, and to studie for all those thynges that be acceptable, and of good reporte, and laudable, and wynne greater worshyppe to the Gospel.

Out of these commaundementes of the Lorde we admonishe and exhort in the Lorde and in his name, al virgines, cloisterers, and al other men, what so euer they be, that they wyl godly considre, and lay vp in theyr her­tes al these commaundementes of the Lorde that they trouble not them at any tyme with vntymely mariages, to whom they owe all honour, reuerence, and loue, and so diswor­shyppe the Gospel of Christe, and be offen­siue to the cōgregation of God, and to other mē, which offense by the healpe of God thei might auoied. For if any aske of God with true fayth, and cal for his spirite in the name of his sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christ, he wyl not denie his healpe to the perfourmance of those thynges, whiche he so muche cōmaun­deth, and requireth. Whiche thynge we see [Page] dayly in so many holy maydens, and wy­dowes, whom he preserueth in ryght puritie of lyfe, wythout all foule superstition, and offēce, while there chaunce to them no meete husbandes, to whom they myghte be mari­ed. And there is no gyfte surely perteynyng to the edifiyng, and adournynge of his con­gregation, but God wyl bountuously gyue it vs euen in this tyme, so that we do not di­spice, nor caste away his liberalitie, but seeke and praye for the same godly. Wherefore God wyll gyue no lesse in thys tyme, vir­gines, and wydowes, and other holie men, whiche shall gelde them selues for the king­dome of heauen, then he dyd in the tyme of the holie fathers, if we shal godly require of hym these ornamentes of the congregation. And there be some surelye in thys tyme, to whome the gyfte of godlye wyueles lyfe hath chaunced from God, if onely they wyl vse the same in the true feare of God, and zeale of promotynge the Gospell. Therfore let al cloisterers wyth al diligence, and care­fulnes beware, that they abuse not the liber­tie of Christe in any thynge, and make the good thynge, whiche they haue receyued of the Lorde, and the profession of the Gospell to be subiect to the yl speakyng of men. But that they loke aboute them religiously, trie [Page] and discerne, whither the Lorde hath called them, and doth cal thē, & not whither carnal curiositie and desire dryueth them, which yet the Lorde wyl giue them grace to ouercome if onely they wyl diligently pray for it, and labour studiosly to thys poynte, and facion thys whole lyfe wyth godly care, that they maye approue them selues to all men, but chiefely to them amonge whom they liue by Goddes ordinaunce, that they maye please them I saye unto theyr wealth, and edifica­tion, and seeke theyr owne in nothynge, but the thynges that profite other, as the Lorde requireth of all christen men by Paule.

To al these thynges we warne, and ex­hort cloisterers after that sort, and religion, that Paule dyd namely for the true profite of cloisterers, for that, that is comely to them and healpeth them hereunto, that they maye cleaue the better to the Lorde, and more nighly, and wyth lesse daunger of seperation.

And not in any wyse after that sort, & super­stition, that we shoulde laye a snare to anie man, that is to saye, that we shoulde gyue a­ny occasion, to enterprise more thynges, and higher, then euerie mā hath receyued power of the Lorde, as we protested before. Wher­fore as at other tymes so we euer adde also to thys oure admonition, and exhortion the [Page] sentence of Paule, if they conteyne not, lette them be maried. For it is better to be mari­ed, then to burne, what so euer men agaynste the same haue willed, or commaunded, or re­quire thorowe theyr authoritie, or fauour. For against that, that the Lord pronounceth to be better, no mā mai vowe or cōmaund, or require, or perfourme by any meanes.

Wherefore we beseche, and exhorte in the Lorde the parētes, and kinsfolke of these personnes, that in them, whom God hath com­mitted to theyr charge, which were borne of them, and be ioined to thē by bloude, or some other diuine copulation, they wyll not pre­ferre temporall cōmodites, and ornamentes before euerlastyng, and that they wyl rather considre thys thynge well, and religiously, that our whole wealth lyeth in the free, and bolde inuocatiō of Goddes mercie, thorowe our Lorde Iesus Christe. Which inuocation can not stande wyth an euyl conscience. But they whiche burne bicause they haue not the gyfte of geldyng them selues for the kyng­dome of God, if they refuse the remedie of burnynge, that is to witte, holie wedlocke, they can verie scantly maintaine a good conscience. For who so whyle he maye, studieth not to embrace that, that God hath iudged better, he vndoudtedly dispireth god, whose [Page] holsome counsel he regardeth not. The Lor­des worde standeth cleare and euident. It is better to be maried, then to burne. And it oughte to comforte godly parentes, whom God hath honoured, rather then burthened wyth a greate meanie of chyldren, that he hath promised, that all other thynges shalbe added vnto them, which seeke the kingdome of God, and the ryghtuousnes thereof, tho­rowe his prouidence, whiche surely can ne­uer leaue his destitute of anie maner of true commodities. Lette them comforte them sel­ues wyth thys, and suche other lyke promi­ses of God. They whiche haue more chyl­dren, then that they cā thynke, that they may prouide meete mariages for them all, accor­dynge to the dignitie of theyr familie, lette them not doubte, if principally they seeke the kyngdome of God, and the ryghtuousues thereof, for theyr daughters, and sonnes permittynge vnto them holie mariage, where as they haue not receyued the gyfte to serue God wythout the same, let them not doubte I saye, but that God wyll surely blesse both their chldren, & other so plentifully, that they shall haue plaine experience, that there is nothynge more profitable, that nothinge obtei­neth greater blessing of god for al necessities of life, thē faithfully, & simply to folowe his [Page] word, and wil. Furthermore how horrible a thing should it be to be heard, that christian, & noble mē, or other wyse exccellēt thorowe the singuler benifites of the Lorde, shoulde wyllyngly for temporal ritches, and worldfly glorie putte theyr chyldren in daunger o­eternall damnation, and laye before them a snare of synne, whom they had begotte to God, to enioye eternall lyfe, and not to the diuyll to suffre euerlastyng damnation, and whom also they had consecrated to Christe, to keepe al the thinges that he cōmaunded. Wo be vnto them, sayeth the Lorde, by whō an occasion of stumblyng commeth.

And if we hereafter by the councell, and aduise of our prouinciall states, can healpe godly, and honeste men aswell noble, as o­ther, whiche haue more chyldren, then they can, wel ioyne in matrimonie accordynge to theyr estate, that they maye couple all theyr chyldren whom the Lorde hath called to ho­ly wedlocke, in mariages meete for them, we wyl omitte no faythfulnes, and diligence. In the meane whyle lette the parentes, and kinsfolke which haue the gouernāce of their yongers, laboure to shewe suche loue, and faythfulnes to theyr chyldren, and kinsfolke in thys behalfe, whereby they maye declare, that they desire nothinge more, then the glo­rie [Page] of God to be sette forth in the wealth of they friendes. So agayne lette yonge priso­ners behaue them selues in suche sorte to­wardes theyr parentes and Elders, as men whiche next after the obedience of God, de­sire nothynge more then to ordre al theyr life to the acceptation, and worshyppe of theyr parentes, and kinsfolke, and to do and suffre al thynges, that God wyl haue them to do, and suffre, accordyng to theyr pleasure.

More then thys, neither we, nor other cā brynge any remedie, agaynste the former in­conuenience, whiche men feare wyll ensue of the remission of monastical bondes, I meane that virgines cloisterers returne not out of theyr abbayes to theyr frendes and be bur­thenous vnto them, and also a disworshippe thorow vnaduised mariages, or some worse chaunge of lyfe that is. But that we maye ease theyr carefulnes, whiche are troubled wyth the other incommoditie, and feare leste their inheritaunces, and patrimonies shal be diminished, we beseche thē, and exhorte thē in the Lorde, that first they wyl wel considre that we christen men ought so to regarde tē ­poral goodes, that we do not onely preferre them in no wyse before eternall goodes, but also that they be not an hidraūce to the same in any poynte. Secondly lette them remem­bre [Page] that Goddes lawe, after whiche Abra­ham, and other holie fathees lyued, graun­teth vnto parentes, that they maye so distri­bute theyr temporal goodes, amonge theyr chyldren, as they shall thynke moste profi­table, and worshypfull both for theyr fami­lie, and also for the congregation of Christ. For Abraham made Isaac his iust heyre and gaue to his other chyldrē though they were lawfulli begottē, only certain portiōs of his goodes, ordered and distributed accordynge to his pleasure. So Dauid made not his el­d [...]t sonne to be successour of his kyngdome but hym whom he iudged to be most meete to administre the same. For the same reason Moyses his lawe, whiche God him selfe gaue, commaundeth that two partes of the inheritage be gyuen to the eldest sonne.

Thys reason then being wel considered, if the same thynge shall seeme good to our diocesanes, we wyll thus determine, concer­nynge the enheritaunces of them, which shal forsake Monasteries, namely that none of them shall haue title to claime those enheri­tances, whiche were distributed amonge the other heyres, before that they came out of theyr Abbayes. As for the enheritaunces, which shal chaunce after that they haue lefte their Abbaies, we wil take this ordre in thē.

If it be great hinderaunce to anie man, to admitte thē to lyke portions, which after ce­ssion of inheritaunce, lefte their abbaies, be­caus that the persone trusting in that cession, and lokinge for agreater protion of inheri­taunce, enterprised to marie or beganne som other trade of life, so that he should be greatli endammaged if such cession of inheritaūce should be voide, and if they shoulde clame a­gaine their protion, whiche had giuen vp the same, at their entringe in to monasteries, in such a case we wil procure, that they whiche shalbe putte to such hinderaunce, shalbe p [...] ­uided for, and that they also which haue left their monasteries, shalbe brought to christiā equite, so that no body shall haue cause to cō ­plaine of wronge. Further it is conuenient that they which shalbe deliuered out of clois­ter bondage, shewe themselues so thanckeful to God for his inconparable benifite of the pure doctrine of the gospel restored vnto thē and of christian libertie, that they shall sone cōpte that sufficient, that shalbe allotted vnto them how litel soeuer it be, only if they maie therewith serue God with a free, and safe cō science. But howe soeuer these thinges shall happen, and howe soeuer these controuersies maie be prouided for, yet Christiā men must remembre, that we praie for dailie breade af­ter [Page] the sanctificaciō of goddes name and the cōminge of his kingdome, wherefore al care­fulnes for temporal thinges must serue and gyue place to the sanctificacion of goddes name, and to his kingdome.

❧ Of fre, and not monasticall Colleges of virgines.

FIrst we will that euerie college shalbe lefte in that cōdition, cōcerning dignite of birth, wherein it is nowe, I meane that suche colleges as were appointed to the daughters of Erles be lefte to them, and suche as were appointed to knightes daughters, be distributed to the same.

Secondly that abbasses, and other virgi­nes in colleges conforme themselues to this our reformacion in doctrine, administration of the sacramentes, & other ceremonies, item in the maner of readinge and singinge in the temples, so that they reade, and sing al thinges in a tounge which they vnderstande.

It shal be the abbasses parte to bringe vp and reteine the other virgines in the feare of the Lorde, in holie moderacion of lyfe and in al honeste, and therfore to stirre thē vp with diligēt warning, and with the exēple of their owne life. Lette the other virgines shew thē [Page] selues obedient to the abbasse, and other ru­lers in all godlines, sobrietie, & honest mode­raciō of meates, drinckes, clothing, and other thinges, and doinges.

❧ Of the ordre of sel bretherne And laie brethern.

SElle brethern in their profession are nexte to true monckrie, they liue toge­ther, they haunte scholes, and labour with their hādes. Wherefore we will maintein, and aide them for these purposes, requiring of them only that they purge, and moderate their ceremonies, lessons, and son­ges, accordinge to this our reformacion, and that they liue a blameles life, in the commu­nion of the congregation where they dwell, and in the obediēce of the cōmune pastours.

So likewise laie bretherne sustine them selues with their labours, minister to the sicke, and burie the dead. Wherefore we wyll also helpe them fatherly, and aide them in thys their holie kinde of life, asmanie as wil faith fulli exequite these ministeries, & leade furth all their lyfe godly in the communion of the rest of the cōgregacion, and in the obedience of the commune pastours.

Al these persones must be diligently exa­mined [Page] bi the visiters of their ministeries, and of their other conuersation, and they muste lerne of the same a certaine form, and rule of theyr lyfe, and treade of lyuinge, and they must obserue the same faythfully.

❧ The conclusion of the worcke.

IT hath semed good vnto vs to publishe and set abrode amonge our men, al the premisses beynge thus deuised, deliberated and gathered together, accordyng to oure simplicite but yet faithfully, and with a true zeale of our Lorde Iesus Christe, as a plaine introductiō to a christiā reformaciō of ecclesi­astical matters and therwyth asmuch as the Lord shal permit, to satisfie the office, and cō ­maūdemēt, which we acknowlege to be en­ioyned vnto vs bi God our creator, and also by the decree of the cōuocaciō of Ratespone, which thinge moreouer our diocesanes haue required of vs & haue cōmitted the same vn­to vs to set an order therein. Which thinges neuertheles we set furth to be receyued, and obserued of men committed to oure charge, none otherwise than as a beginninge of so holie, and necessarie a thinge vntil a generall reformacion of congregacions be made by the holie empire, by a fre, and christian coun­sel, [Page] vniuersall or nacionall, or by the most re­doubted emperour our most gracious Lord, with the princes electors, other princes, & cō ­mune estates of the holie empire gathered together in the holie Goste. Which that the Lord wil graunte to be appointed, and recei­ued with concorde of mindes for the settinge furth of hys glorie, and the promotinge of our helth, we ought cōtinually to desire, and praie of the same Lorde, and our God. And where as in the meane ceason we offer thys our deuise to our men we do it for none other cause than we haue declared. We labour to a voide the faute of inobedience chefely to­wardes God, whyche hath sondrie wayes prescribed vnto vs in hys lawe this charge, and thys worcke. Secondly also towardes our superiours, who inioyned the same thing vnto vs by the decre of the cōsel of Ratespōe Furthermore we studie to eschue the crime of vnfaithfulnes towardes our subiectes, to whome requiring nowe the seconde tyme, a godli reformacion of ecclesiastical ministerie and giueing vs authorite to order the same, we promised this our diligēce, which we al­so owe vnto thē, bi reason of our office of an Archbyshop. Therefore that we maye per­fourme though not fully, yet somewhat the thing, that was enioined to vs by God, and [Page] our sauiour, and by our superiors, and was required of oure men, and by vs promised vnto them, we bring furth these our deuises, and deliberate sentences, and deliuer them vnto our men, sekinge therewith to promote and maintayne, asmuche as the Lorde will vouchsafe to graunte, a godlie concorde, and holesome edificacion of al men, in doctrine, holie ceremonies, and discipline of Christe, and to preserue oure men, chefely in thys so daungerous a time, in whiche so many here­sies and wicked opinions are daili more per­niciousli stirred vp aboute vs, from al false doctrine, and perdicion, which certainli folo­weth, wicked doctrine. But if the Lorde here­after shall reuele his wil vnto vs more largely, & shal giue vs more of hys grace, and spi­rite, we now kepe this liberte vnto vs, to en­large, to shorten, to chaunge, to correcte to declare farther these our deuises, & institutiōs howbeit none other wise thā after the worde of God, and as the Lorde shall graunt vs to perceyue, that the same is for hys glorie, and the edifcacion of his people, whome he hath cōmitted vnto vs. We thought good to de­clare, and testifie these thinges to al christian men, which shal reade this boke vnto the glorie of God, and profite of his congregacion Whome almightie God, and our heauenlie [Page] father, vouchsafe to illumine dayely more plentifully wyth his spirite and to brynge them farther in to the knowledge of his wyl to giue, and encrease in theym mightie strength to folowe the same in all poyntes, and at lēgth to make theym throughly blessed, through oure sauioure the Lord Iesus Christ to whō be praise, honoure, glo­ry for euer and euer. Amen.


Imprinted at London by Iohn Daye dwellyng in Sepulchres paryshe at the sygne of the Resurrec­tion a lytle aboue Houl­bourne Conduyt❧ ☞ (✚) ☜

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