FOr asmuche as the deuyll is moste redye to make stryfe where there ought to be most loue: and hath with heddy wyl fulnes, concupiscence, and ignoraunce so blinded the hartes of those which lyue vnder the iocke of matrimonye, that as I maye iudge by their frutes there be very fewe that lede their lyues therin accordinge to the lawes of Christ. Therfore (my deare & welbeloued Christians whyche profes the Gospell) to the intent that you shulde lyue therin according to your professyon and knowledge, I haue here brefely and playnlye set forthe what it is, and howe you oughte to lede youre lyues therin accordynge to the rules of the holye scryptures, so that youre pure and [Page] godly life may be a good example and also make suche asshamed as wolde sclander the holy Gospell, and professars of the same, yee and that there wunted worde (whyche is marke these newe men by their liuing) maye sounde to Goddes glory, to the honoure of hys moste holye worde and prayse of al them in Christe whych do profes the same.
You shall fyrste vnderstande What wedlok is. that wedlocke is an hye and blessed order ordeyned of God in Paradyse whyche hath euer bene had in greate honoure and reuerence wherin one man and one woman are coupled & knyt together in one fleshe and body in the feare and loue of GOD, by the free, louynge, hartye, and good consente of them bothe, to [Page] the intente that they two maye dwell together, as one flesshe and bodye of one wyll and mind in all Godlynes, moste louyngly to helpe and comfort one another, to brynge forthe chyldren, and to instructe them in the lawes of GOD. Also to a voyde fornicacyon and all vnclennes, and so in all onestye vertue and Godlynes to spende theyr lyues in the equall partakynge of all suche thynges as God shall sende them wyth thankes geuynge.
And because that the wyfe is in subiectyon to hyr husbande. I wyll begynne wyth hyr and shortelye declare what dewtye and obedyens she oweth vnto hym by the commaundementes of the scriptures.
Saynt Paul sayeth, ye wyues [Page] submyt youre owne husbandes Ephe. 5. The duetye of y e wife to her huseband. as to the Lorde, for the husbande is the wyues heade as Christe is the heade of the congregacion, Therefore as the congregatyon is in subiectyon vnto Christe lykewyse let wyues be in subiectyon to theyre husbandes in all thinges so that the wyfe muste be obedyent vnto hyr husbande as vnto Christ hymselfe, wheroute it foloweth that the sayde obedyens extendeth not vnto anye wyckednes or euyll, but vnto that whyche is good, oneste, and comely. In asmuche as God delyteth onlye in goodnes and forbyddeth euil euerye where, it foloweth also that the disobediens that a wife showeth to hyr husbande dysplayseth God noles, then when he is dysobeyed hymselfe. For [Page] the wyfe ought to obey hyr husbande in all poyntes as the congregation to Christe whych loueth Christe onelye, and aboue all thynges, she is glad and willyng to suffer for Christes sake, she doth all for the loue of hym Christe onelye is hyr comforte ioye and all togethers, vpon Christe is hyr thought day and nyghte, she longeth onelye after Christe, for Christes sake (yf it maye serue to hys glorye) she is hartelye wel contented to dye yee she geueth ouer hyr selfe hole thereto for Christes loue, knowynge assuredlye that hyr soule, hyr honoure, bodye, lyfe, and all that she hath is Christes owne. Thus also muste euerye oneste wyfe submyt her selfe, to playse hyr husbande wyth all hyr power and geue hyr selfe fre [Page] lye and wyllynge to loue hym and obeye hym, and neuer too forsake hym tyll the houre of deathe.
And forther (sayeth sayeth 3 Peter) Let the wyues be in subiectyon to theyr husbandes that euen they whych beleue not the worde may wythout the word be wonne by the conuersacyon of the wyues, whyle they beholde youre pure conuersacyon couplyd wyth feare, whose aparell shall not be outwarde wyth brodryd heare and hangynge on of golde ether in puttyng on of gorgius apparell, but let the hydman of the harte be vncorrupte wyth a meke and quyet sprete, whyche sprete is before God much set by, for after thys maner in the olde tyme dyd the holye women whyche trusted in [Page] God tyre themselfes, and were obedyente to theyr husbandes, euen as Sara obeyed Abraham: and called him hyr Lorde, whose doughters ye are as lōg as ye do wel.
And Paul vnto Tytus speak [...] (sayth he) that the elder women be in suche apparell as becommeth holynes, Not beynge false accusars, not geuen to muche wyne, but that they teache onest thinges to make the yōg wemē sober minded, to loue their husbandes, to loue their chyldrē, to be discrete, chaste, husewyfelye, good, obedyent vnto theyr husbādes that y e word of GOD be not euyll spoken of.
Here maye you learne that What a wife ought to be. a wyfe oughte to be dyscrete, chaste, huswyfelye, shamefaste, good, meke, pacyent and sober, [Page] not lyghte in countynans nor garyshe in apparall, wyth dyed or curlyd heare paynted nor pasted, but wyth a comelye grauytye and a sadde behauoure of a constante mynde, true tonged and of fewe wordes, wyth suche obedyens in all Godlynes too hyr husbande and heade, as it be semes a Christian to haue vnto Christe, and to the intente that the husbande in lyke cause maye learne hys dewtye let hym harken what Saynt Paul sayeth, & take hede that he turne not hys auctorite to tiranny.
Husbandes loue youre wyues Ephe. 5. The duety of the husebande to his wife (sayeth he) as Christe loued the congregacion and gaue him selfe for to sanctifye it, now must you vnderstande that the husebande is the wyues heade: as Christe is the heade of the congregacyon, [Page] and Christ showeth to the congregacyon the same thynge that the heade showeth to the bodye, for lyke as the heade seyth and hearyth for the whole bodye, stodyeth and deui seth for to preserue it in strength and lyfe, euen so dothe Christe defende, teache and preserue his congregatyon. For he is the eye hart, wysedome and gide thereof, so oughte husbandes (then) to loue theyr wyues & be theyr heades in lyke maner to showe them lyke kyndnes, and offer the same fassyon to gyde them and rule thē wyth dyscrecyon for there presaruatyon and not wyth fors or wylfulnes to intrete them, and saynt Paul saith forther, so oughte men to loue theyr wyues as theyr owne bodyes, he that loueth hys wyfe loueth [Page] ueth hym selfe, for no man hath at anye tyme hated hys owne fleshe, but dothe noreshe and chereshe it euen as the Lorde doth the congregacyon. Therefore oughte euerye man moste faruentlye to loue hys wyfe equallye wyth hym selfe in all poyntes, for thys is the measure of mutuall loue Matrymonyall, that eyther parte haue nothing so deare that they can not be contended to bystowe one vpon another, yee and yī nede shulde be, they shulde also not spare theyr owne lyues one for another, no more then Christe dyd for hys congregacyon.
And lyke as when we repent and beleue in y e promes of God in Christe (tho we were neuer so poore synners) are as ryche as Christe and all meretes oures, [Page] so is a woman (tho she were neuer so pore afore she was maryed) as ryche as hyr husbande, for all that he hath is hyrs, yee hys owne bodye and hath power ouer it as sayeth Saynte Paul.
And yf it so chaunce that you Cor. vii fynde not youre wyfe so perfect in all poyntes as you wolde or as youre selfe, yet muste you not despyse hyr, nor be bytter nor cruell vnto hyr for hyr fautes, but gentelye and louynglye seke to amende and wynne hyr. For lyke as Christe thoughte no scorne of hys churche, despysed hyr not, neyther forsoke hyr for hyr vnclennes and synnes, so shulde no Christen man spurne at hys wyfe nor set lyghte by hyr because that sometyme she feleth, offendeth, or goyth not [Page] ryghte, but euen as Christe norisheth and techeth hys churche so oughte euerye oneste husebande (also) louyngly and gentlye to informe and instructe hys wyfe.
For in manye thynges (saith saynte Peter) God hath made the men stronger then the women, not to rage vpon them & tobe tyrans vnto them, but to helpe them and bere theyr wekenes. Be curtes therefore (sayth he) and wynne them to Christe, and ouercome thē with kyndnes that of loue they may obey the ordynans that GOD made betwene man and wyfe. Oh howe ashamed be those men to loke vpon thys texte whiche wyth vyolens in theyr fury will intrete theyr wyues, no beeste so beestelye, for in the moste crewelst [Page] waye is not mete as when the wife is sadde and disquieted, then with spitful wordes & wanton fashions, so prouoking hir to anger. Where it is not the duetye of the husebande, but rather ashamed to hys owne heade: lykewyse it is worshyppe for a mā to haue the feare of the Lorde before his eyes, that he prouoke not the plage of vengeaunce. Let vs therefore haue humy lytye in oure heartes: For as a wyse man loketh well to hys owne goinges, euen so pleasaūte are the wordes spoken in due season, whyche moueth the womā in hir wrath vnto pacyence, wherof Salamō saith: feare wordes Pro. 16 c are an hony combe, a refresshing of the minde and a healthe of y e bones, for it is syldome sene that any beast is found in y • crewelst [Page] rage the male doth neuer hurte hys female, and howe vnnaturall a thynge it is for a man to hurte hys owne fleshe and bodye, who wyll vyolentelye reuenge hym selfe (yee) on hys fote yf it chaunce to stombele: but wyll not rather yf he haue an yll body cheresh it to make it better.
The stronge (sayeth saynte [...]o. 14. Paul) oughte to bere the frelenes of the weke, let one suffer wyth another, bere ye one anothers burden and so shall ye fulfyll the lawes of Christe and aboue all thynge (sayeth Saynt 4. Peter) haue feruente loue amongeste you, for loue couereth the multytude of fautes, so that loue in all thynge and at all tymes ought to be the whole doar and only instrumente to worke [Page] and frame all thynges betwene man and wife.
By all thys maye ye gether What the husbande ought to be. and learne that the man is the heed, gouernar, rular, and instructar (both with gentill wordes and good example) the prouydar, defendar, and whole comforte of the woman, and oweth vnto hyr mooste faruente loue and affectyon all gentyll behauoure all faythfulnes and helpe, all comforte and kyndnes as to hym selfe hys owne fleshe and bodye, so that vnder God there is no loue no affectyon no frendshyp, no nerenes of kynne, to be compared vnto thys, nor any one thyng vnder the sunne that pleaseth God more then man and wyfe that agre well togethers, whyche lyue in the feare of GOD, and how can [Page] that be more lyuelye expressed, then in that, that Jesus Christe the sonne of God, and the holye Christen churche and the holye Ecc. 25 body of them both, are set forth for an example or myror of the state of wedlocke or coniugall loue, a more holye, a more godly and purer example coulde not be showed. Undoutydlye thys dothe playnely showe that loue matrymonyall is mooste hyelye accepted afore GOD, and the contrarye muste nedes folowe, that vnquyetnes hatred, stryfe, brawlynge, chydynge, and frowardenes in maryage doth excedingly displease God, and is clerelye forbydden by saynte Paul, where he sayeth, Ephe. 4 let all bytternes, fyersnes, and wrethe, rourynge, and cursed speakynge be put awaye from [Page] you, be ye curtes and louynge one to another and marcyfull forgeuynge one another euen as God for Christes sake forgaue you. Surelye it is an hye and pure loue perfecte and constante that God requyreth to be betwene maryed couples, and therefore oughte they by all wayes, menes, and laboure to get, maynteyne, and increse thys excedynge loue, and to exchewe, forbere and cut of all thynges that myghte occasyon anye parte of the contrarye. And vndoutedlye there is nothynge that longer mayntayneth concorde and quyetnes nor more increseth perfecte loue in maryage, then swete & fayre wordes, gentyll and frendelye dedes, and wyth a louyng patyens to take all thynges to the [Page] beste. Frelye to breke their mindes What mainteineth loue & quietnes in mariage Ephe. 5 Gene. 2 togethers and all thynges to be kepte secrete, doth glad and wyllynge to amende that is amys, and aboue all thynge not ones one to here yll of another, for saynte Paul warneth you, that ye geue no place to the backbyters, but take them as yll wyllars to you both tho that [...]e neuer so nere frendes or kinne, and GOD sayeth a man shall for sake father and mother and cleue vnto hys wyfe and they two shalbe one flesh, which in lyke case is meante to the woman. Therefore oughte no creature alyue to be in suche extymaty on, credyte, fauer and loue as eche of you wyth others. Also to be of a sober and temperate dyet dothe muche forther a good agremente, and where [Page] the contrarye is, there is muche vnquyetnes. For Salamon askynge where is woo, where is stryfe, where is braulynge, euen amongest those (sayeth he) that be euer at the wyne, therefore it is moste comelye for Christyans to be temporate in dyet, temporate in wordes, temporate in dedes and temporate in all thynges, so that at all tymes ye exchewe all exses and surfet rage and furye whyche makes no dyfferens betwyxte man and beeste, and all other thynges whyche maye brede anye Eccl. 25 parte of vnquyetnes. For Salamon sayeth, better is a drye morsell wyth quyetnes, then a full house and manye sat cattell wyth stryfe. Therefore oughte ye to extreme and imbrase thys concorde and quyetnes [Page] as the mentenat and onely vpholder of the whole felyssytye in maryage, whyche is in gendred of faruente loue, faythfulnes and kyndnes, and mayntayned by the same wherin ye ought contynuallye to walke in all chastenes and purenes of lyuynge whyche (assuredlye) shyneth as a most precyous thynge in the syghte of God, and in the cōmendacyon of the same sayeth Salamon in the boke of wysedome. The cō mendacion of chastite. O fayre is a chaste generatyon wyth vertu, for it is wyth good men, where it is presente men take example there at, and yf it goo awaye yet they desyre it, it is alwayes crowned and holden in honoure, and winneth the rewarde of the vndefyled battell, but the multytude of vngodlye chyldren are vnprofytable, [Page] and the thynge that are planted in whoredome shall take no depe rote, nor laye anye faste foundacyon, thoughe they be grene in the braunches for a tyme, yet shall they be shaken wyth the wynde for they stonde not faste, and thoroughe the vehemencye of the wynde they shalbe rooted oute, for the vnprofytable braunches shalbe broken, theyr frute shalbe vnprofytable & sower to eate, yee meate for nothynge, and why, all the chyldren of the wycked muste bere recorde of the wickednes of theyr fathers and mothers, when they be asked, but to the ryghteous be ouer taken wyth deathe yet shall he be in reste. Here maye you se howe vyle filthye and abominable aduoutry, fornycacyon and basterdye is, [Page] and howe hye in extymatyon a chaste lyfe is amongeste al good and godlye folke and in specyallye in the syghte of GOD to whome no secrete synne is hyde.
And as a chaste louynge lyfe That maried folke ought to haue chastmaners & cōmunicatiō. in maryage is moste commendyd, so oughte ye to be of chastemaners, to haue chaste talke▪ and to exchewe all wanton fassyons, vnclenlye communycatyon, fylthye handelynge, and all vnsemelynes, and to be the speakars and very dores of all vertue and godlynes, for Saynte Paul sayeth, be ye folowers of GOD as deare chyldren and walke in loue euen as Christ loued you and gaue hym selfe for vs an offerynge and a sacryfyce of [...]ete sauoure to God, so that fornycacyon and all vnclenes or [Page] couetousnes be not ones named amongeste you as becommeth sayntes, neyther fylthye nor folyshe tawlke, neyther gestynge, whyche are not comelye, but rather geuyng of thankes for this ye knowe that whoremongers eyther vnclene parsons or couytous parsons whyche is the woreshypper of Images shall haue anye enterans in thee Kyngedome of GOD and of Christ.
Also there ought to be a temporance Oftēporaūce in mariage betwene man and wife for God hath ordeyned maryage for a remedye or medycyne to asswage the hete of the burnynge fleshe and for procreatyon, and not beestelye for to fulfil the whole lustes of the deuelyshe mynde and wycked fleshe for tho ye haue a promes that [Page] the acte in maryage is no synne yf the man receyue hys wyfe as a gyfte geuen to hym of God, and the wyfe hyr husbande in lyke case, as ye haue a promes that ye synne not when ye eate and dryncke measurablye wyth thankes geuynge, yet yf ye take excesse or vse it beestelye, vylelye or inordynatelye, youre mistēperans make that yll which is good (beynge ryghtelye vsed and that whyche is clene ye defyle thoroughe youre abusynge of it, God hath not called you to vnclenes but vnto holynes sayeth saynte Paul) and forther Thes. 4. (sayeth he) it is the wyll of God euen that you shulde be holye, and that euery one of you shuld knowe howe to kepe hys vessell in holynes and honour and not in the lustes of concupyscens as [Page] do the hethen whyth know not God.
Also saynte Paul wylleth you that ye wythdrawe not youre Cor. 7. selfes nor departe not one from another, except it be wyth the good consente of bothe for a tyme to faste and to praye which fastynge and prayer I wolde to God were more vsed then it is, not as Ipocrytes were wonte, but as Christyans oughte and are commaunded (all moste) in euerye parte of the scryptures, for they that in eatyng and drinkynge fulfyll the whole lustes of the fleshe can not worke after the sprete, and as we daylye and hourelye contynuallye synne, so oughte we contynually to pray and call for grace. And in all the whole Byble you shall not finde a more godlye example of mariage [Page] (whyche I wolde to God all maryed folkes wolde rede) then that of Tobyach and Sara the doughter of Raguell, whyche were knytte together in fastynge and prayer, and ofte vsed the same lyuyng a godlye, pure and clene life, for the which they obtayned the blessynge of God and sawe theyr chylders chyldren to the fyfte generatyon. Whyche chyldren (vndoutydlye) is the hyeste gyfte and greateste tresure of thys world and mayntynans of the same. For chyldren is the verye sure y • cōmeudaciō of children bande and last knot of loue Matrymony all, by the whyche the parentes can neuer be clerelye separatyd a sunder, In asmuch as that whyche is of them both can not be deuyded, seyng both haue parte in euerye one. And [Page] chyldren are theyre parentes chefe ioye comforte and felycite nexte vnto GOD, theyr staye and staffe & vpholders of their age, and in theyr chyldren do the parentes leue (in a maner) after theyr death. For they dye not all togethers that leaue collopes Cor. vii of theyr owne fleshe alyue behynde them, and by theyr chyldren (yf they be vertuously and Godlye broughte vp) then is God honoured and the commen welthe auanced, so that the parentes and all men fare the better by them. Youre children (moste assuredlye) is the verye blessynge of God for the whiche ye oughte to geue hym mooste hartye thankes, & be contented and wyth suche as he doth sende you, be they manye or fewe sonnes or doughters. For yf they [Page] be manye he wyll prouyde for them yf they be faythfull. Yf they be fewe he maye sende you more, and geue you more ioye of one doughter then of x. sonnes, therefore be contente wyth hys wyll for he dothe all thynges for the beste and knoweth what is beste▪ for you, geue him moste hartye thankes for suche as you haue and be dylygent to see them vertuouslye and godlye broughte vp, and in any case suffer them not to be ydell.
For they that will not worke 7 Howe children ought to be broughte vp. (sayeth saynte Paul) let them not eate, therefore put them to learne some honeste scyens or crafte, wherunto of nature they be moste apte. For in that shall they moste proffet, by the which they maye get theyr owne lyuynge and serue the commen [Page] welthe. And aboue al thyng let them fyrst learne to knowe God and hys most holy word whiche is the ryght pathe and hye way to all vertue and Godlines, the sure shylde and stronge bukelar to defende vs from the deuyll and all hys cruell and crafty assawtes geue them daylye godlye and louyng exhortasyons, suffer no vyce to take rote in them, but rebuke them for their yll and commende them in their well doinge.
Prouyde honestly afore hand for al necessary thinges both for them and all youre housholde. For sayeth saynte Paul to Tymothee, [...] Yf there be anye that prouideth not for his owne and namelye for them of hys household, the same denieth the faith and is worse then an infydell.
[Page]Of the sparowes maye ye The order of y • house. karne the order of youre householde, for as the cocke flyeth to and fro to brynge all thynge to the neste, and as the damme kepeth the nest hatcheth and bringeth forth hyr yonge, so all prouysyon and whatsoeuer is to be done wythoute the house belongeth to thee man and the woman to take charge wythin, to see all thynges conuenyentelye saued or spente as it oughte, to bryng for the & noryshe hyr children, and to haue all the whole doynge of hyr doughters and women.
Also beiouynge vnto youre chyldren and be not fyerse nor cruell vnto them. For Saynte Col.▪ 3 Paul sayeth, fathers rate not youre chyldren, leste they be of [Page] a desperate mynde, but wy [...] dyscrete admonysyons, and wyth youre pure and good example of lyuynge (whyche is the chefeste persuasyon) lede them to all vertue and Godlynes.
Yf all parentes wolde vertuouslye brynge by theyr chyldren in the knowledge and fere of GOD, in the practyse and exarcyse of some honeste scyens or crafte. Then shulde we not see so manye ydell as be, so manye vacabundes, theues, and murderers, so manye vycious persons of all degres, nor suche vngodlynes taygne. But then shulde we se euery man honestlye get hys lyuynge prefarring hys neyghbours proffyt as his owne, then shuld we see all men [Page] ryghtelye do theyr dewtyes▪ then shulde loue and charyte spryng, and all godlynes raigne, then shulde the lawes and magystrates be wyllyngelye obeyed, the commen welthe floreshe, and God ryghtelye honoured, for in thys poynte onelye throughe the grace of God consystes the amendemente of all the whole worlde.
Therefore (my deare and welbeloued Chrystyans) seing that in thys blessed state of matrymonye and Godlye householde of husbande, wyfe, and chyldren consystes (next vnder GOD) the chefyste and hyest felysytye of thys worlde, and mayntynans of the same, wher in the commen welthe is wholy aduansed, and GOD mooste [Page] hyghelye honoured. I exhorte you in the name of▪ Jesus Christe, the sonne of the lyuyn [...] God, that you walke worth [...] therin accordynge to the wyll of Christe whyche you professe wythoute faynynge, and that you exchewe all workes and dedes of the fleshe, whyche be these sayeth saynte Paul, aduoutrye, Gala. 5. fornycation, vnclenes, wantonnes, ydolatre, whyche crafte hatred, varyans, wrath, stryfe sedicyon, sectes enuying, murther, drunkenes, gluttony, and suche lyke, of the whyche I tell you before as I haue tolde you in tymes past▪ that they whyche commyt suche thynges shall not inheret the kyngdom of God. Therefore folowe ye the sprete and workes of the [Page] same whyche be (sayeth saynte Paul) loue, ioye, peace, longe suffrynge, gentylnes, goodnes, faythfulnes, weakenes, temporans, and suche lyke, and yet ones agayne. I exhorte you wyth the exhortacyon of saynt Paul. Yf there be amongeste Ephe. 2. you anye consolatyon in Christ, Yf there be anye comfortable loue, Yf there be anye feloweshyppe of the sprette, Yf there be anye compassyon of mercye fulfyll you my ioy, that ye draw, one waye hauynge one loue, beynge of one accorde and of one mynde, that nothynge be done through stryfe or vayne glorye, but that in meakenes of mynde euerye one exteme other better then them selfe, and so shall you lede a ioyfull [Page] quyet and godlye lyfe in thys worlde and after, throughe Jesus Christe come to the lyfe euerlastynge wyth GOD the Father to whome be all honoure and glorye. Amen.