Wherunto is adioyned Another Declaration of the same King, against the tovvnes of Paris, Orleance, Amyens, and Abbeuille and their adherentes.
Faithfully translated out of the French.
❧Printed at London, for Thomas Cadman. 1589.
❧THE KINGES DECLARATION vpon the Ryot, Felonie, & Rebellion of the Duke of Mayenne, the Duke and Knight of Aumalle and their assistants.
HENRY by the grace of God king of Fraunce, and Poland, to all men present and to come, greeting. Whereas there is no commaundement of God Religion, or humaine law that can excuse the subiect, for taking armes without the decree or permission of his soueraigne to whom it hath pleased his Deuine goodnesse, to giue all authoritie ouer him, & to whom onely he hath reserued the sword of power, to vse for the preseruation of the good and the punishment and correction of the bad, what may be thought of that subiect, that taketh armes against his owne most Christian, lawfull and naturall king? For in case this crime be abhominable in the sight both of God and man, and ought to redound to the shame and confusion of such as commit the same, then is there among all Christians no name odious enough for the Frenchmen, if through disloyaltie, riots, and fellonie they continue not the children of their fathers, those auncient Frenchmen, who so vertuously with the perill of their [Page 2] owne liues haue obteyned and bene noted among all nations in the world to be the faithfullest and most loyall to their kinges.
Againe if to this so horrible a crime there may be added any encrease in respect of such bondes, benefites, and particular gratifications receaued by the subiect that armeth himselfe against his benefactor and lawfull and naturall king, then are the Duke of Mayenne and the Duke and Knight of Aumalle worthy that name, which as yet is not in vse. And as their rebellion exceedeth all measure and example, so ought they likewise to be termed the most vnfaithfull and disloyall in this world, also to leaue to their posteritie this note of their ingratitude and rebellion, as a beautifying of the loyaltie of such as remayne stedfast in their fidelitie, and iust and lawfull obedience; which God commaundeth them to beare and yeld to their king.
All this notwithstanding, so farre did our clemencie and good will extend, that endeuoring to forget all former matters and iust occasions, that they had ministred vnto vs, to entreate and chastise them according to the desertes of their disloyaltie, euen of our selues seeking their safetie, with the care of their woundes through our owne, yea and the preseruation of their liues and honor, with the expense of our owne authoritie. We haue of late dayes sent vnto them sundry and many tymes, diuers of our good & faithful seruants & subiects, vvith our expresse letters, as also since our Herehaughts of armes to giue the to weet of our good & holy entent, withall that we were stil ready not only to forget all matters past, but also to receaue thē into our gracious fauor & cherish & embrace thē as our good & loyall subiects, so lōg as they should performe their duties & such their submissiōs as iustly they owe vnto vs. Neuertheles euē as an ambitious & treacherous soule is vtterly vncompatible of his Gods [Page 3] assistance, & through infidelitie is no longer capable of such reason as might cōteine or reduce him to his duety: As also the Spyder, which is norished with the same licour where out the Bee gathereth both hony and waxe, doth neuerthelesse conuert the same into poison, so our goodnes & clemency infused into the harts of such persons, abandoned both of God and his holy spirit, are conuerted into corruption, but not into that substāce which they ought therof to take, for in liew of humbling themselues as they ought, & not cōfessing their faults, they are growen more proud, & haue plunged themselues in the destruction of both soules, liues, honors and credits, together with whatsoeuer their domesticall goods, by seasing vpon our townes and castels, and through their trachery and rebellion, enterprising against our authoritie, our Magistrates, our good and loyall subiects and seruantes, yea, euen against our Prelates, Bishops, and other Cleargie men, whō they haue imprisoned, robbed, ransomed, & by torment enforced to resigne their benefices to their partakers, without respect of desert, or so much as quality, as being contented that they were partakers in their wickednes, with al other vnreasonable means of hostility, rebellion, and fellony, & al this vnder pretence and colour of religion & godlines, as if themselues could so much as once approch to ours, or to that of so many good & honorable persons, whom they persecute as guilty, only because they be their kings faithful seruantes and subiects, & wil not damne thēselues, or haue any portiō in their detestable rebellion stil hauing in their mouthes that vvhich is farthest from their harts, making a vaile and cloake of Gods honor thereby to resist his expresse vvord, and by their ambition, fellony, and treacherie, to subuert the Catholicke, Apostolicke, and Romish religion, as heretofore they haue sundrie times done, by seasing vpō our tovvnes & munitions, therby to diuert & hinder vs vvhen vve vver [Page 4] best disposed and most resolute in our owne person to warre vpon the heretickes, as also they would be very sory there should be no more in France, least thereby their ambitious purposes should haue no farther colour.
And albeit through Gods grace we be not bound to geue accompt of our actions to any but himselfe, yet to the ende the simplicitie of some of our subiectes be not through their false suggestions abused and that they should wrongfully imagine the late Duke of Guise to haue bene punished for being the protector and defender of the Catholicke Apostolicke and Romish Religion, or for his good affection to the commons, and that in respect thereof the said Duke of Mayenne, Duke and Knight of Aumalle, and their associates may haue had great and lawfull occasion to vnite themselues, as well for their own particular preseruation, together with the maintenaunce of Religion, as for the reuenge of him that dyed for them, as they doe report whereby to stirre vp and seduce our subiects and to cloake their ambitious rebellion. Our pleasure is thereby fullie to giue them, to vnderstand that wickedly they haue sought to couer their disloyaltie with the honour of God, the increase of Religion and affection to the common wealth: for not to stay vpon the particularities of the said Duke of Guise and his brothers liues, the memory whereof is but to fresh yet in this Realme, especially among such as were best acquainted with them, & not to wast so much time about the writing thereof, it shall suffise vs onely to say that a few daies before the Duke of Guises death, the said Duke of Mayenne sent vs word by an honorable Knight, Syr Alphonso Corse, whom he sent to vs, that it was not enough for his brother to weare beades about his necke, but that also it was requisite he should haue a soule or conscience: that we should looke well to our selues: that it were good himselfe the sayd Duke of Mayenne, or the [Page 5] said Knight should come to aduertise vs, and that the terme was so short, as it was to be feared he could not arriue time enough. As also we haue not lost the remembrances and letters conteyning his practises and procuring of amitie with the king of Nauarre, aud the heretickes, as well within the Realme as without, vpon what soeuer conditions in case they would promise him their amitie and assistance for his establishment.
It is likewise sufficiently knowen what pensions he receaued from straungers, vpon what promises, and to what end: & his confederates with such as he did most condemne before men as fauorers of heresie, are not vnknowen to any, but those that list not to know the same. These be those notable actes that he hath taken out of the liues of the Apostles and Gods commaundementes, for the preseruation of the Catholicke Apostolicke, and Romish Religion and the relief of the people: whereas contrariwise it is well knowen where abouts our armies were employed, that our intent was this spring personally to haue gone forward, and that there was no let in vs, why the said Duke of Mayne should not warre vpon the heretickes, as well as our deare and faithfull Cosin the Duke of Neuers, who had yet continued our enterprise, had not our forces bene diuerted by the said Duke of Mayenne and the Duke and Knight of Aumalle, as already the said Duke of Aumalle did the like the last yeare by surprising our Townes in Picardie: and it may be said by the workes of their handes, that the Huguenots had neuer found so great fauour, neither this poore Realme such misery and oppression, but in the soule and life of the late Duke of Guise, the Duke of Mayenne, and the Duke and Knight of Aumalle: As for the relief of the people let the present estate of this Realme be considered, the losses & destructions that it hath encurred since the yeare 1585 when the said late Duke of Guise, with the aforesaid of [Page 6] Mayenne and Aumalle tooke armes against vs & our authoritie, & let the iminent destruction of this realme be deemed by such occurrēces as haue happened since that time, & so compared with the former yeares of 83. & 84. as also the order that we had begon to take & establishe in this our sayd Realm to the honor of God, & the ease of our people, and agree their relief and the charges of the warre with the actions of the said late Duke of Guise, and the aforenamed, who since that time neuer laid aside their weapons, sometimes vnder one pretence & sometimes vnder an other, note also the countenaunce of the sayd late Duke of Guise and his assistantes when we, contrary to his expectation, graunted vnto the deputies of our Estats, the discharge and reductions of tallages to the state they were in An. 1576. alwayes prouided that they would minister meanes to supply the stocke and satisfie the enterteinement of the Royall dignitie and the estate, and to prosecute the warre which they all had so solemnely desired and sworne, wherein them selues should by our decree, haue the administration of the coyne, as they had promised vs: for at that tyme on the one side he disswaded vs from doing it, willing vs not to abase our authority so far, but to make our selues to be beleued, and on the other side he vrged his partakers to proceede in such their instant suites, yet not vpon any earnest desire thereto, but rather to bring vs either into necessitie or into hatred with our said subiectes, with firm resolution, vpon our refusall, to breake vp the Estates, vpon so plausible a grounde to the people and him selfe to reape the honour and thankes for that whiche he least meant, reiecting vpon vs the enuie for that which we extremely desired: and whiche we did vpon our great affection to the relief of our subiectes, so farre as in vs might lye, and that the preseruation of our Estate woulde permitte, euen contrary to his aduise and [Page 7] counsell, and all such perswasions as he vsed either by him selfe or his to the contrary.
Also in respect of his behauiours toward vs, after we had remitted and pardoned al his former transgressions, his rash arrogancie was growen to be such, that the opinions in our Counsell were no longer free, he made him selfe to be beleeued. The execution also of sentences and iudgementes giuen in our soueraigne Courtes, agaynst the most lewde and guiltie in this lande was deferred in that they could not be caught, and yet were they safe in his trayne and chamber, yea and he procured them to be lodged in our Court, so as they were the honestest men & most zealous Catholickes of this Realme, if once they were his partakers: And contrarywise the honestest, and best Catholicque was an hereticque, or at the least a Politicque, in case hee would not sweare and take parte in their treason.
Hee likewise did all that hee might, that euerye man might know (and it was one of his pollicyes) that he could doe what hee would: and that we had euen cast our selues into his armes, so farre foorth as to cause such rumours to bee spread throughout our Prouinces, and to face the Deputies of our Generall Estates, whiche woulde not depende vppon him, and alter their bookes at his pleasure, albeit there were but ouer manye such chosen and nominated through his violence. Witnesse that dayly at set houres there was in his chamber a Counsell holden of matters propounded, also what should be concluded in the Estates by purchase, driftes or violence according as the sayd Duke of Guise and his partakers had resolued, euen in the face of the world, yea and he boasted of it, and that there was no greater safetie then in his protection, likewise that it was a poinct of treason, to [Page 8] be our faithfull seruant, giuing out as a badge of iniurie this terme HE IS ROYALL, and for a badge of honor, HE IS A GVISART. He sought vniustly to command ouer him, whom God had constituted in all authoritie, & soueraign power ouer him, & endeuored by the meer benefites, honors and authoritie, which his king had bestowed vpon him to take from him both crowne & life, at the least so soone as he had founde meanes somewhat better to establish his authoritie then as yet it was, if peraduenture he could haue graunted vs so long life: for it is most certaine and sufficiently verified that he had already taken such order for his drifts that he accompted him selfe Maister of our Castle and person, yea he had vnlawfully seased vpon the keyes, euen of our Chambers: The cōuenient weapons for the execution of his practise and vnfit for any other warrelick exploict were found, albeit his fauorers had vsed all meanes to conuey them away, so to take away all notice thereof, and his men were round about vs. The companies of our ordinaunces whom we had ordeyned for the safetie of our selues, and our estates were by him dismissed, yea so farre did he proceede as by his letters signed by himselfe and sealed, with his seale of armes, the inhabitantes of Remorantine were exempted from receauing a part of the Lord of Souurays companie whom we had there ordeyned: as also he tooke them into his protection and safegarde, contrary to our letters patentes vpon the partition, that we had made with him selfe: expressely forbidding the generall Commissarie for victuals, throughout our Realme, to take from them any victuals, for the said company or any other.
Againe the more to shewe that he would no longer depend vpon any other then him selfe, such was his presumption, in the closet and presence of the late Queene, our most honorable Lady and good mother, and sundry other Princes and Lordes there present, as when the trespasses [Page 9] of treasons came to be propounded, to the ende to be renewed and sworne vnto in full assembly of our Estats, to aunswere vs most impudently that he would not doe any thing, neither would sweare thereto: but that if he transgressed we should cause him to be punished: and yet all this notwithstanding, together with diuers others warninges of his driftes and dealinges, dayly giuen vs by our good, faithfull and loyall subicts and seruaunts, we passed ouer all these thinges quietly, as perswading our selues that our great patience and benefites, wherein we spared not any one gratification that lay in our power, to them and theirs, would mollifie the hardnesse of their hartes, and reduce them to their iust obedience due vnto vs, considering the fiercenesse of Lyons, and other the most wild beastes is commonly tamed by benefites: but as the ambitious desire to raigne is insatiable and infinite, and that he that offendeth doth neuer forgiue: so these mens insolencies daily increased, and by an expresse messenger whō the said D. of Aumalle sent vs vve were aduertised that himselfe had bene present in person, but not in will (said he) in a counsell holden at Paris, wherein it was resolued that the Duke of Guise should fease vpon our person and bring vs to Paris, which notwithstanding, we would not vpon our first considerations haue such respect to this aduice as we ought: howbeit vpon the view of him whom since the aforesaid D. of Mayenne sent vnto vs, seeing also the terme so short as there was no safetie for vs, but in the preuention of the liues of those who sought to take away ours, and to vsurpe our estate and Crowne: we were forced to vse and practise vpon their persons, not what through their treacherous felonie they deserued, but according as the season would bear that which we ought, yet would not haue done.
This was the recompence that they had prepared for our gratifications and benefites, and is at this day prosecuted [Page 10] by these, who during their liues seemed to condēne their counsels, and did themselues giue vs vvarning of the same, to the end (as we do finde by their workes) to reserue to themselues, and to turne to their particular profit the fruite of this ambitious drift of empire, according to this ancient prouerbe. If equitie be violable, it is to be violated for a Kingdome, and either we haue no iudgement, or els by their actions we must beleeue as they nowe do agree together to take from vs our life and crown, which GOD hath giuen vs, so shortlie they would haue scattered it, or els fallen a debate among themselues, who shoulde emoy that which they seeke so vniustlie to vsurpe, in case they had any opportunitie to inuade it: as hauing already vndertaken authoritie to dispose, and by letters patentes to determine of the gouernement of out prouinces, and of the leueying and distributing of our treasure.
But seing pacience ought to be limitted and restrained within certaine boundes, beyond the which it can not be cōmendable in a Prince that oweth the preseruation of his honor, authoritie, & life vnto his estate and him selfe. We vpō these causes with other iust considerations vs moouing, with the aduise of the Princes of our blood, the Cardinals, Prelates, Lords, and others of our Counsel, haue declared, and by these presentes signed with our owne hande doe declare the sayd Duke of Mayenne and Duke and Knight of Aumalle to be fallen from all their callinges, offices, honors, authorities, gouernementes, charges, dignities, priuiledges and prerogatiues which heretofore they haue had and holden ofvs or our predecessours kings of this land: & that all the same we haue & do at this present reuoke: also we haue and do denounce and declare them infidels, rebels, attaint aud conuict of rebellion, fellony and treason in the highest degree: farther our pleasure is that as such they be prosecuted, both [Page 11] they and all that shall assist them with victuals, counsell, comfort, aide, strength or goods what soeuer: likewise against all their posteritie by all meanes and rigours of the statutes made against such transgressions. Onlesse by the first day of March next ensuing the date hereof, without further delay they confesse their fault and returne into that obediēce, which iustly they own vnto vs, euen by the cōmaundement & expresse word ofGod, withstandyng the which, they can not terme themselues Christiās to the end wee satisfye our selues in that we haue not omitted any one curtesie, clemency, or fauour that might reclaime thē frō their offence & reduce thē to their duety. Enioyning our chief vshers, sergeants or other officers to signifie vnto them these presents either personally & together or particularly: Also in case with safety they cā not do it, our wil & pleasure is that the notice therof made at the gates or walles of their dwellings, or of the townes or suburbes wherein they shall chance to be, by our chief trōpetter: or if he can not safely for this purpose come so neare them, in the next borrough or village, shalbe effectuall and of as great force and strength, as if it were done to their owne persons. Moreouer we commaunde and adiure all our good, faithfull and loyall subiectes, of what soeuer callyng or condition they bee, by that loyaltie which iustly they owe vnto vs, which also God and their honour doe commaund, and by the ashes and memory of their forefathers, who so many yeares and with so great paines, sweat & labor haue purchased thē that precious treasure, and immortall name of most faithfull to their Kings, that in this affaire of such importance as is the preseruation or subuersion, not onely of our authority, but of christian religion, the state & thēselues, they ouerrun the said infidels and rebelles, and assist vs with their forces & power & drawe vnto vs vpon the first sommons to the end to punish such as wilfully vvil persist in their rebelliō [Page 10] [...] [Page 11] [...] [Page 12] and to restore our authoritie, together with our estate into their former eminency and dignitie, to the honour of God, the preseruation of the Catholique, Apostolique & Romish religion, and the reliefe of our subiectes, whereto we are resolued to employ whatsoeuer our meanes & our ovvne life.
Also to the end no man pretend cause of ignorance, we haue ordained and doe ordaine that these presents be read and published throughout al our soueraigne courts and seas royal, for such is our pleasure. In vvitnesse vvherof, vve haue to the same set and fixed our seale, that it may remaine firme and inuiolable for euer. Giuen at Bloys, in the month of Februarie, the yeare of grace 1589. and of our Raigne 15.
Thus signed Henry, and vnderneath. BY THE KING. Ruzé. Sealed vvith the great seale in greene vvaxe vpon laces of red and greene silke.
¶THE KINGES DECLARATION vpon the Riot, Felonie, and Rebellion of the Townes of Paris, Orleance, Amyens and Abbeuille, with other their adherents.
HENRY by the grace of God king ofFraunce and Polande, to all men present and to come, greetyng. God who of his deuine goodnesse of nothing hath created man to his owne similitude, and all thinges to serue him: The same God hath also constituted kinges withall authoritie and soueraigne power ouer the nations, whom he hath giuen thē to rule & gouern: with this good order that they shall obey what soeuer they shall be commanded, and the Prince shall commaund what soeuer his pleasure, as to his subiectes, in such maner as it can not be denied, but that he that disobeyeth his lawfull and naturall Prince, resisteth the expresse word of God: & he that fulfilleth not his commaundements and yet termeth him selfe his sonne, is a lyer.
Now among all kinges instituted by God, we through his grace beare the title of Most Christian, and be the chiefest of all Christian Kinges, as also the Frenchmen [Page 14] haue euermore bene noted aboue all natiōs in the world, to haue bene most faithfull and loyall seruants and subiectes to their kings, and to that Royall dignitie which God of his grace hath giuen vs, together with the sword of povver, for the preseruation of the good and the punishment of the vvicked: hereto haue vve added all the fauours and benefites, all the giftes, grauntes and honours, wherewith we haue bene able to beautifie enrich and augment our Tovvnes of Paris, Orleance, Amyens and Abbeuille, and neuer denyed thē any thing that might tend to their relief and increase, thereby to conteyne and still moue them more and more, to that obedience vvhich iustly they owe vnto vs: But as the horse pampered vp vvith the care and charges that his master hath bestovved vpon him to haue him vvell tended, doth kicke his benefactor, onely because he is too fat and hath bene too vvell vsed, and therefore vvill not suffer his master to take his backe, so the said Townes of Paris, Orleance, Amyens and Abbeuille, through our great fauour aboue all the Tovvnes in this our realme& by enioying to much liberty haue in contempt of Gods commaundementes, and of too great ingratitude taken armes & risen against vs their naturall and lawfull king, endeuoring by their treacherie to depriue vs of our liues & authoritie, in recompence of our liberalities, & because vve had exalted them aboue their desertes. Howbeit in consideration that the simplicitie of some may haue bene seduced through false suggestions, and vnder pretence of pietie or Religion: vvaying also the innocencie of others vvhich inhabite the same townes, & yet were no partakers in so damnable coūsels, to the end not to vndoe the good through the wickednes of the bad: Al these considerations, together with our naturall clemency had procured vs not onely to forget all matters past, but also of our selues to [Page 15] seek vnto those that had so grieuously offended vs, to the end to haue receiued them into our fauour, and to haue cherished & embraced them as our good and loyal subiects, vpon the confession of their faults, & such submission as iustly they owe vnto vs: But in liew of acknowledging their errours and humbling themselues, as men forsaken of God for their contempt and disobedience against his expresse commandement, and vpon their Felonye and Riot committed against their lavvfull and naturall Kinge, they haue spitte their venoume against the Bishoppes, Prelates, Magistrates, Nobilitie, and al sorts of people vvithout distinction or consideration of calling or crime, onlie because that obeying the expresse vvord of God, they remained faithfull to their prince, and vvould not with them become rebelles and infidels to God and their king: yea they exceeded so far as to kill and violently to dismisse the Curates of their charges only for exhorting the people to praye to God for their king: & as the said townes are extreme in their treacheries, fellonies, and rebellions, so haue they not to this hower fogottē or absteined frō any one iot of crueltie, no not of sacriliege: and yet wil they do worse in case they be not preuented by punishments worthy their fellony and detestable rebellion. We vpon these causes with other iust considerations therunto vs mouing, haue with the aduise of the Princes of our blood, the Cardinals, Prelats, Lords & others of our counsell, declared, & by these presents signed with our owne hand, do declare the said townes of Paris, Orleance, Amyens & Abbeuille, fallen frō all estats, honors, power, gouernment, charges, dignities, priuiledges, gifts or graunts what soeuer they haue had of vs or other the kinges our predecessors, all vvhich vve haue and at this present doe reuoke. And vve haue denounced and declared and do denounce and declare thē to be rebels attaint, and conuict of the crimes of [Page 16] Riot, Felonie and Treason, in the highest degree. Also vve vvill that as such they be proceeded against, as vvell they as al those that do inhabite among them or shal assist thē vvith victuals, counsell, comfort, aid, force, or goods, and against their posteritie, by all meanes and rigours of any ordinances made against the said transgressions: vnles by the 15. day of the moneth of March next ensuing the date hereof, they acknowledge their trespasse, and returne into the obedience that iustlie they ovve vnto vs, euen by the commandement and expresse vvord of God, contrarie to the which, they cannot be called Christians.
Further vpon the same penalties enioyning all officers of our Courts of Parliament, Chamber of accoumptes, generall of Aydes, chauncery, recordes of our treasurie, chamber of moneys, presidiall sease, bayliwickes, seneschalsies, prouostships, elections & other bodies & companies, as well of iudgement as of our treasury, vshers, notaries and sergeantes, and generally all other our officers that are in the sayd townes, immediatly vpon notice of these presents to come forth, by what soeuer meanes or maner and to draw vnto vs, or to such other places as by vs they shall be appointed, and there to minister iustice to our subiectes, and to execute all other functions incident to their offices, the exercise whereof we haue suspended and forbidden, and do suspend and forbid in the sayd townes together with all Courtes, Iurisdictions, & notice of matters, declaring from henceforth to be voyde and of no effect or value, all and euery their actions by them to be done, wrought, or attempted contrary or to the preiudice of these presentes: whereby we commaund our chief vsher, sergeaunt or other officer, to signifie vnto them either ioyntly or seuerally these presentes: Also in case they can haue no safe accesse thereto, we will and our pleasure is, that the signification or placardes thereof set vs vpon the gates, walles, or suburbes of the sayd [Page 17] Tovvnes by our chief Trompetter, or if he can not safely approch so neare to that effect, then in the next Borough or Village, to be effectual and of like force and strength, as if it were done to their owne persons, bodies or companies. Inhibiting and forbidding al our subiectes whatsoeuer, not to prosecute in the sayd Townes, before the said Courtes, seas or officers any what soeuer expedition, whether of iustice or otherwise, vnder payne of nullitie, as also of being denounced fauorers and adherentes to the sayd rebelles, seditious and disloyall persons.
We doe moreouer commaunde and adiure all our good faithfull and loyall subiectes, of whatsoeuer function or calling, by the same fidelitie vvhich iustly they owe vnto vs, and vvhich God and their honour do commaunde, and by the ashes and memory of their forefathers, vvho so many yeares and with such payn, sweat & labour haue purchased vnto them, that precious treasure and immortall name of most faithfull to their king, that in this matter, of such importance, vvhereupon dependeth the preseruation or subuertion, not onely of our authoritie but also of Christian Religion, the state, and them selues, that they ouerrunne the said traytors and rebelles, and assist vs with their forces and habilitie, and draw vnto vs vppon our first summons, to punishe all such as will persist in their treasons, and to restore our authoritie together with our estate into their former eminencie and dignitie to the honour ofGod, the preseruation of our Catholicque Apostolicque and Romish Religion and the relief of our subiectes, wherein we are resolued to employ vvhat soeuer our meanes together with our life. Also to the ende none may pretend cause of ignoraunce we haue decreed and do decree that these presentes bee read and published, in all our soueraigne Courtes and sease Royall, that are of the ressort of the sayd Parliament: For such is our pleasure. In witnesse [Page 18] whereof, we haue caused our seale to be set and affixed hereto, that it may remaine firme and stedfast for euer.
Giuen at Bloys in the moneth of February the yeare of Grace. 1589. and of our raigne the 15. Thus signed HENRY, and vnderneath. By the King: Rusé, and sealed vvith the great seale, vvith greene vvaxe vpon red and greene silke laces.