THE COPIE OF THE Pblication of the trewse made betwene the most Cristien Kynge Henry second of that name Them­perour: and the Kyng of Ingland his sonne published at roan on thursday the xx. daye of Fe­bruarry.

Translated out of Frenche into inglishe.


To the readers.

Sythens thes warres so hearde and durats
Is now ceassed betwene princes and Kynges
Let vs praye to our lorde Immaculate
To graunte vs peace in eternall thinges.
That we may taste of his blessed wel springes
whiche is free for them that dothe it craue.
For he sayeth aske, and gratis ye shall haue.

IT is to be vnderstande that all good sewer: treue and loyal trewse commu­nicatiue and marchant estat: abstinence of warre and cessation of armes is esta­blished: accorded: agreed & paste: betwen the most excellent and puissant Princes: the Kyng our soueraine Lord: the Em­perour Charles the fyfte of that name: and Philip his sonne Kyng of Englād their heris: successours: Royalmes: countreis: landes and seigneuries what so e­uer they be: aswel on this syde the mounteynes as be yonde: for the terme & space of fyue yeres nexte ensuyng: to begynne on the fyfte daye of February: the which trewse oure sayde souereigne Kynge willeth and commandeth this to be in­uiolatly obserued and kepte: and that al contradictours and geyne sayers to be chastised and examplairely punyshed as infractors and brekers of the treuse and peace: and also the subiectes on thone syde and of the other: to go: comme: se­iourne traffique: by and sell in all places aswel from the Occident as Orient: by sea: lande: and freshe waters: saufly and franckly: payinge alwayes the dueties and subsydes dewe and accoustomed: as in tyme of good and entier peace: with out cōtradiction or empechement.

Signed by Henry the Frenche Kynge.

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