THE FIRST BOOKE OF The preseruation of King Henry the vij.
when he was but Earle of Richmond.
O Father Omnipotent, our Lord and only Redeemer,
(Which on a throne, deifi'd, there sits, and shines as a
And as a
Sardine stone, incompast round with a Raine-bow,
The first part of the Reuelation of Saint Iohn in effect, verbatim.
Like to the bright Emeraud) with thy grace my spirit endow.
From which throne, lightnings, voices, with lowde flashy thunders
Duly proceed. Where fowre and twenty colaudabil Elders
Seated in as many seats, all cloth'd with a white lily garment,
Crown'd with Crownes of gould, on their heads stately refulgent.
Seauen Lampes of fire, ar there eternaly burning:
Gods very godly spirits, on God there faithful atending.
Neare to the throne is a sea of glasse, which shin'd as a Crystal.
There fowre beasts ful of eyes ar about that stately Tribunal:
First was like a Lyon, next seemed a calfe to resembel,
Third had a face of a man, fourth beast was form'd as an eagel.
Euery beast of them, six wings had them to belonging:
And ful of eyes ar within, day and night ioyfuly singing
Three times, holy be God th'almightie, that euer is holy:
Holy before which was, which is, which shal be God only.
And when those fowre beasts gaue praise to the Lord God Iesus,
Which on that throne sate (who for euer liu'd, who redeem'd vs)
Those reuerent Elders their Crownes commendably threw downe,
And fell flatly before that Lord, that sate on a Tribune:
Worshiped him that liu'd, and liues with glory for euer.
For thou glory deseru'st, that made all things by thy power.
Vnto whom Archangels, and Angels greatly reioycing,
With Cherubins, Seraphins, are there eternaly singing.
Thou father only my God, which art, wast, shalt be for euer:
Gen. ch. 1. ver. 1.2. &c.
Who the terestriall Orbe (which staies it selfe by the Center)
Quadruply partiting; fire, ayre, earth, watery substance,
Out of an vgly
Chaos did'st frame, and store with abundance
Of seuerall creatures, and made man last (as an image
Like to thy selfe) vpright, to behold this globe with a visage:
Gen. ch. 1. v.
[...] &.
Placed him in
Paradice, in a sacred garden, in
Where, by the fondnes of
Eue, they lost those ioyes then of heauen:
Thou Lord only for aye, whose power and glory supernall
Genesis ca. 2. vers. 2.
This star-y spang'd Element, and this whole world vniuersal
Made (as a mightie Monarche) n six daies; only the seauenth
Day he reseru'd to be kept, as a sacred day, as a Saboth:
Which God by
Moyses did apoint and consecrat holy:
And that day to be kept (by the cou'nant) from labor, only.
Thou, he the same very God, three persons, one God in essence,
Exod. ca. 20. ver. 8.9.10.
Raise vp aloft to thy selfe, my weake spirit hale to thy presence.
Leauy the lines that I write, let thy law still be my load-starre;
Still to direct mee my course, here trewly to write; that I differ,
No not a word, fro thy word; that I may in minde as a Christi'an
Glorify Christ crucifi'd; to detest that sect of a Pagan.
Sanctify me, my
Iehoue, in Christ I repose al afiance:
Therefore I humbly beseech, of thee my Lord, an asistance:
Grant that I may Poetize that credibil history, written
By Sir
Thomas Moore; of an english story the maiden.
For why? The learned knight wrote that, that he knew to be certaine;
Trouth, with his art to deline, credit of both safely to maintaine.
For that he was then aliue in Court, in prime of his young yeares:
And by that experience, that he knew and learned of others
By good inteligence, he reseru'd for his historie faultlesse;
Thereby the truthe to deline; quite voide of flattery doubtlesse.
Which when he had manupend, in briefe prose skilfuly finnisht,
Streight he the same (to be knowne) in print did apoint to be publish
In which book I do meane, by the grace of God, to deliuer
Nothing els but a trouthe; gods name and glory to further:
Nor with a penne that is hyr'd, I write; verse smoothly to compile,
Like glauering parasite; with a veile, lewde states to depensile.
If so that enuy repine, and slaundring tongues do calmunize
Trouth wil in end be my praise, and shame the reward to the diuelish.
Feare not at all, sil-y Muse, to report so thankles an errant:
Boldly declare to the best, their faults: trouth shal be thy warrant.
This Knight Sir
Thomas, was made Lord Chaunceler after:
Who was knowne to be learn'd,, of a chiefe assembly the speaker:
He both lost his life, of his office made a refusall,
For that he would not agree to the Kings supremacy regal.
My Muse incouraged (first praising God as a giuer
Of all good benefits) these words she began to deliuer:
North Soueraigne
Phoenix, thou stout Queene, famus
Of grace and sapience (peerelesse Prince) sacred
Deigne with a gratius eye, to peruse (O Christian Empresse)
This prety booke manupend, manumiz'd to thy gratius Highnesse.
Al you earthly Kings, you Kings aduenturus, hearken:
You States pontificall, with atentiue eares to me listen:
You Lords imperiall, of her Highnesse wise priuie Counsel,
(Whose sapient wisdomes to record, my wits are vnabel)
You Lords, in generall, that atend in Court on a Princesse
(Only the worlds Soueraigne) lend listning eares to my verses:
You Catholike Diuines, graduat diuinity Doctors,
Which be the sauory salt, of Gods word liuely professors:
You sapient Senators of Innes of Court, that are ordain'd
To minister Iustice, by the Queenes authoritie constrain'd:
Arts reuerent
amatists, of both
Vniuersity famus
(Whose Orient fine wits, of Romane verse be desirus)
Deigne to beholde this verse, although it seeme but a trifel.
For many times you see, that a pearle is found in a Muskel.
Here I do meane to recite, how our Queenes Grandfather,
That King magnanimus, with a stout and conquerus armie,
With valerus chiuisance, did a tyrrant manfuly conquer,
Richard, lately the King, that vile, and shameful vsurper:
Henries fame to report, in scanning verse, as I purpose:
Edward stratagiz'd, and
Richards tyrrany disclose.
When stout King
Edward, at a field neere
Teuxbury gotten,
Where Queene
Marg'ret was, with her eld'st sonne, forcibly taken,
Nam'd to be Prince
Edward: which was there bluddily murdred
By tyranus
And she sent prisoner to
London: where she remained
Till that her owne father had, (that french Duke nam'd to be
Sicyl also the King) with a raunsome kindely redeem'd her.
Iasper (stout Earle of
Pembrooke) natural vncle
Vnto this Earle
Richmond, when he knew how stoutly the battel
Was fought and manupriz'd, and saw all things to go backward:
How stout Earle
Warwick, was slaine by conquerus
And how
Henry the sixt in Towre safe kept was abiding:
How London citizens disdain'd him, now to be their King:
How his confederates, and frieends grew weaker on each side:
And how King
Edward, himselfe and his cosen enui'd;
Wittily considering (as a wise Earle) sought to preuent it,
Both their liues to preserue, where they might safer inhabit.
In peril ambiguus, that course is best to be taken,
Which shal auaile to do good. In time priuy danger is holpen:
As by the sequel apeares.
Mindfuly Muse memorize, first how this vertuus
(Saued aliue many times, by the Lords protection only)
Came to the Crowne as a King, here sent by the Lord his apointment:
Sent to the Realme as a Prince, that should here make an atonement.
Exampels in diuers places of the Bibel.
For Gods sacred elect are straungely preseru'd by the Lord God.
Our Lord and Sauiour was sau'd from murtherus
From the Lyons,
Daniel: from strength of mighty
Dauid: Ioseph, from brethren: faithful
From wicked
Iesabel: that younger godly
Sau'd by the Lords Angell: and was not trustily
Kept in a whales bely safe, three nights? God sau'd
Noe with his owne families, was sau'd from destiny grieuus:
Exod. ch. 2. v.
Moses throwne in a flagge, to be drown'd, was sau'd by the daughter
Of tyranus
Pharaoh, manumiz'd to be nurst by the mother:
Israel, and
Shadrach, Meshach with
Abednego likewise.
Grafton. fol. 712. Edw, 4.
Gods diuine prouidence his blessed will wil acomplish.
First when he was but an Earle, he being then but of young yeares,
Was by the Lords prouidence preserued from many dangers
And peril of losing his life, and life of his vncle
Martial Earle
Pembrocke: who behau'd himselfe as a nobel
And valiant Chiuali'r, when they were like to be taken
Roger hight
Vaghan; whose craft was speedily foreseene:
And he the said
Vaghan, who thought them surely to murder,
Grafton. fol. eodem.
Rightly receiued a death, that he purpos'd falsely for other.
Those fraudulent Iudges, that acused falsly
Rightfuly were condemn'd, by the Prophet sent by
Worthily ston'd to death, as they had wrongfuly iudged
Susanna to die: thus God th'vngodly rewarded.
History of Susanna. Ester.
And on a Gallow tree, that proud presumptuus
Rightly was hang'd, that aledg'd to guiltlesse
Mardoche treason,
This foresaid
Vaughan was charg'd, by the King his apointment,
For to aprehend those Earles; but he therein mist of his intent.
Each self-will of a King, or commaund, is not a godly
Thing to be done. For a Prince enraged fiercely with enuy,
Seekes to do wrong causelesse; which God will auenge in his anger.
(For God on high, God aboue, knowes all) for he plagues an ofender.
Marke what a chaunce foloed. These Earles fled thence to the Castel.
Pembrooke: who were eftsoones pursu'd by the subtil
Morgan Thomas, who the Castel strongly besieged,
Enuironed with a trench: yet they were safely preserued
Dauid ap Tbomas, who the siege rais'd; yet very brother
Vnto the said
Morgan. Can men gods purposes alter?
1. Sam. ch. 20. ver. 35, &c.
Was not godly
Dauid, by the meanes and faithful atonement
Ionathan, preseru'd from King
Saules murderus intent?
Henry the sixt propheci'd (who this Earles state & very fauor
View'd for a while; noting his Princelike witty behaui'or:)
Lo this is he, for a trouth, that in end shall surely by wisdome,
Grafton fol. 692. Edw, 4.
By valor of Knighthood, and stoutnes ataine to the Kingdome.
This good King (as a Prince inspir'd) did prophecy trewly,
For what he told, proou'd trew, by gods reuelation only.
For God alowes his elect, seuerall gifts. Euery perfit
Good gift comes fro the Lord, by the gift of gods very spirit.
Iam, 1.17.
For the Prophets propheci'd of Christ: God gaue his Apostels
Maruelus and strange gifts, as he gaue his glorius Angels.
1. Pet. 1. v. 10.11.
Now to my matter againe.
These Earles, safely preseru'd, durst not stay there any longer;
But got away, in al hast, from thence, for feare of a danger.
Like as a light foote Roe, from quick-sent houndes to the greene wood,
Lustily bounceth away, to saue life, skips on a maine scud:
So these Earles got away from thence, to
Timby, that hauen
Towne in
Wales: to the which by constraint luckily driuen,
They made prouision for shippes. And like as a Swallow
Quickly the skyes doth sheare; or rather like as an arrow
Flies from a strong mans bow: So they from thence with a Nauie
Grafton fol. 713. Edw. 4.
Sail'd to the Duke
Francis; who receiued them both very friendly:
Faithfuly them promising, that they should haue his asistance
For to do them pleasure, and what they wanted, alowance.
Where these fortunate Earles, in great security liuing,
Safely remained a while, King
Edwards anger auoiding:
Ioyfuly there passing their time, where he with his vncle
Highly regarded at Armes, at Tylt, and Turnee did excell.
Tempora mutantur, &c.
Euery time hath a chaunge: we in times mutabil alter.
Gods will prescîent prescribes a determinate order,
His great glory to raise.
Can mindes associat to kingdomes, amity foster?
Or perfit louers, can they riuality suffer?
In Lucan.
Caesar could not abide to be submisse, or to be loyall
To valiant
Pompey, that acounted no man his equall.
Euery King hath his heyre, or next to the Crowne, in a suspect:
For that he thinks, that he will not proue so trew, as a subiect.
Loue to be Kings and Kings breed brothers mutual hatred,
No faith obseruing, like tyrrants set by no kindred.
Can faith and falshoode, in selfe same seat be resiaunt?
Such contrarieties are placed flatly repugnant.
Marke what a chaunce hapned, that counter-checkt, in a moment,
All their Courtly delights, to their cleane contrary Iudgement:
For when as
Edvvard namely the fourth, did know for a certaine,
That these venturus Earles were sailed safely to
Vnto the foresaid Duke, and there liu'd friendly together;
Highly regarded of him, nor at all did feare any danger.
Grafton fol. 715. Edw. 4.
These sory new tydings, did aflict his minde not a littel:
For that he thought those Earles, might bring him quickly to trubbel.
Embassadors therefore to the Duke he sent of a purpose,
With graue discretion, his message wisely to disclose:
Who did acomplish his heasts, like wise States made many proffers
Vnto the Duke, promising large gifts, and bountiful offers:
So that he would vouchsafe, those English Lords to deliuer.
Vnto whom immediate, this Duke thus framed an answere:
So to do, it were not requisite, nor stood with his honnor.
But least that those Lords, should seeke elswhere any succor,
To preiudice their King, he deuis'd to seclude them asunder,
With vigilant persons to be safe kept, one from another:
And from them to remoue each Page, and euery seruant,
Which was an English man, that there were on them atendant.
Answered in this sort, they toke their leaue with obeisance:
And so return'd to the King, to shew their faithful atendance.
Who when he heard these newes, he beleeu'd that he stoode in a safety:
His minde was quieted, quite freed from factius enuy.
Therewithal, he to the Duke forthwith then wrote in a letter,
How that he would him yearely reward; with thankes for his answer:
Friendly requesting him, that he would those words but acomplish,
Which of his owne free will, he did so faithfuly promise.
See what a suspitius minde works: how greedines of gould
Princelike mindes doth ataint, by force of flattery contrould.
Like as a sulphurus heate (encompast round) lyeth hollow,
Clos'd in a vapory clowd, there struggling striues for an issue;
Which with a straunge rattling, with a rumbilo lowd flashy thunder,
Filles th'element with a noyse, and center of earth with a wonder:
So priuy suspition, conceiued in heart with a fury,
Breedes great displeasure, and raging cankerus enuie.
Ouid. Principijs obsta Scrò medicina paratur, &c.
For when King
Edward had better pondered all things,
He (that had experience) sought first to preuent the beginnings,
Least that he might be depos'd. When a wound with mallady festreth,
And growes inueterate, that sore what surgery cureth?
When nature vanisheth, which cannot worke any longer,
What medicine can auaile, mans former health to recouer?
Flexibil at first is young tender tree to be bowed:
Growne by continuance very bigge, disdeignes to be moued.
For when he considered, that rightly this Earle fro the lynage
Sprouted of
Henry the sixt, then he sought for a further auantage.
Grafton. fol 73
[...]. Edw 4.
For that he knew wel inough, if that there were any liuing
Righteus heire to the Crowne, that lin'aly came from his ofspring,
Might bring his Diademe, and regal scepter in hazard.
Therefore againe to the Duke he charg'd graue men to go forward,
Stillinton with two more, sent with a treasure
Once yet againe to present, his Grace more largely to pleasure;
If that he would but alow and permit curteus
(Nam'd Earle of
Richmond) with them to returne in a safety,
For speciall causes; that their King, bountiful
Would ioyne in mariage (wherein then he seem'd to be forward)
Elizabeth to this Earle; which was wel knowne to be daughter
To their liege Soueraigne: which luckily fortuned after.
Thereby this Earle might haue those landes that he claim'd in asurance,
If that he were maried so nere to the King in alyance.
And so the King stood sure, that none might make any tytel
Vnto the Crowne, but he might all forraine faction expel.
They in al hast get away their message wisely to transpose:
Who to the Duke at large, each particularity disclose.
When that he their message did know, he paus'd for a good while,
What was best to be done, since th'Earle liu'd there but in exile:
But when he considered that he should be matcht with a Virgin,
Their owne Kings daughter, to be linktin league with his owne kinne:
Where that he might be prefer'd to some great dignity present,
There as an Earle, or a Duke, to rule by the King his apointment;
First he began to deny: but pleas'd with treasurie giuen,
What with soliciting, and gould so gainfuly gotten,
Kindly this answer he gaue; that he was content to deliuer
Henry that Earle, not a sheepe to the wolfe, but a sonne to the father.
And in a letter he wrote, how th'Earle was much had in honor,
Both for his owne wisdome, valiaunce, and witty behaui'our.
They then seiz'd of a prey, which they had greatly desired,
Thankfuly tooke their leaue, and from thence quickly departed
Vnto the towne of Saint
Malo, bord'ring neare to the sea shore:
Minding thence to depart, when ships were made ready. Wherefore
Th'Earle when he knew that he should be return'd home, for very sorrow
Since that he was so betrai'd, he fell sore sicke of an ague:
Imagining that he should, as soone as he landed in England,
Be stratagiz'd; but see: who can Gods dignity withstand?
Gods diuine prouidence, and sacred dignity supreame
Ruleth al humane cause; though humane causes ar extreame.
Marke gods omnipotence: whose workes ar wonderus, extant
Still to be seene: who preseru'd this venturus Earle at an instant,
Sau'd (as a strange miracle) by the faithfull loue of a stranger,
For many times men ar helpt, and sau'd by the meanes of another,
Like as a Physition doth seeke mans health to recouer:
So wil a friend, for a friend, in trubbels stand a defender.
Vulcan against
Troy was: but
Troians friend was
Venus indiferent,
Pallas not: mortaly
Aeneas, as alyed wholy to
Yet was he by
Venus helpe, preseru'd from her enmitie grieuus,
Pylades was a friend to woful
Damon, Pythias: Patrocles friended
Diuers examples.
Alcyde ayded
Hylas, Aeneas friend was
Eurialus, Nisus: Diomedes friended
And to be chiefe memoriz'd, that firme and trusty
*Who cut his owne eares off,
Babilon to procure
Darius stout King in his hand faire Pomegranat hauing,
[...]tarch. in Apo.
One of his especial friends askt him (merrily iesting)
What things especiall (if he might haue that that he wished)
Would he request for his owne? As there were graines to be counted,
So many friendly
Zopyres (as a wise King) wisely did answer.
For what more pretius, then a friend that friendeth another?
Pluta. in Apo.
As fire and heate both, cannot be parted asonder:
So loue and friendship cannot be without one another.
For when on
Iohn Chewlet (that was for a Courtier, only
Counted a stout man at armes) who lou'd this gratius
Heard that he was very sick, and from thence like to be conueigh'd,
Grafton. fol. 738. Edw. 4.
Shortly to King
Edward, he (therewith wofuly dismaid)
Posted amaine to the Court, and present stept to the Kings Grace,
Heauily perplexed: who looking sad with a pale face,
Stood as amased afore this Duke, with a stearne heuy count'nance,
And not a word did speake: as a man that wanted his vttrance,
Therewithal astonied, to behold so feareful an obiect
(Like as a Prince vigilant) he did some treachery suspect:
Yet when he considered this Knights state, chearefuly thus spake;
Shew me the cause (good
Iohn) that thou so monefuly dost looke.
Therewithal he, to the Duke reuerent, with an humbel obeysance,
Boldly declar'd what he meant, and spake with a treatibel vttrance;
Pardon I craue, Soueraigne, if I speake: Truth verily neuer
Shameth his owne master. What auailes then fondly to flatter?
Heare then a truth, O Duke, for like as
Cynthia shining,
Inueloped with a clowde, obscures her selfe from ilustring:
Semblably truth for a time obscur'd, many times lieth hidden;
Truth yet in end wil apeare: truth neuer permaneth vnknowne.
O my renowned Duke, wilt thou now falsify promisse,
Firmely betroth'd to this Earle? What a fault is this, what a blemmish?
O that I were buried. Shal I liue to know thy dishonor?
Truly my minde (O Duke) is vext with an infinit honor,
For that I greatly do grieue, that this stout Earle to the slaughter
Should (as a lambe) be betrai'd, and there to be slaine of a Butcher.
This wil bring thy renowne, O Prince (which euery mans mouth
Extols vp to the clowdes) to decay. For (plainely to tell trouth)
If so be (my Soueraigne) thou wilt so shamefuly suffer
Henry this Earle to depart, thou stain'st thy glory for euer:
Thy former valiance, and fame that shine to the worlds end,
Shall as a smoake pas away. Shal a Prince such craftines intend?
Peace good
Iohn (quoth the Duke) peace, peace: I pray thee beleeue mee:
For these Embasadors do protest and say that he shal be
Grafton. fol.
[...]38. Edw. 4.
Spows'd to the Kings daughter (which their King faithfuly promist)
And to be next to the King, plaste in authority chiefest.
Well, said
Iohn to the Duke, in whom shall shame be reputed,
If that he dye by the way, or in English Realme be beheaded?
For that I dare venture my life, that it is but a practice
This sily soule to deceiue, this sicke Earles life to relinquish:
If that he shal be beguil'd in such sort, let me no longer
Liue to repaire to thy Court: if he should dye, dye had I rather.
Laertius. lib. 4 chap. 2.
Dionise the tyrant, would needes haue
Plato beheaded,
Zenocrates answer'd; not afore that mine be depriued.
But many say, that a King that knowes not how to disembel,
Knowes not at all to rule: such sleights be deuis'd by the Diuell.
If that I may be so bould to speake but a word in his absence,
O my benigne Soueraigne, lend eare and giue to me credence.
For why? This Earle of a truth lyes sick, and likely to perish.
If fro thy Realme he depart, what Prince will trust to thy promise?
Nothing more perilus, then a compound poysonus honny:
No body more trecherus, then a foe, that seemes to be friendly.
With tunes harmonicall sweete singing merrily Meremaides
Falsly betray Mariners: So these men sent, as aforesaid,
Smoothly deceiue your Grace, with faire speach, and mony giuen.
Vnder a cloake of loue, lies concea'ld craftines hidden.
O fond discrecion, on faire wordes wholly relying.
Experiment best is, where wordes, and deedes are agreeing.
Craft hath a godly pretence; but a murderus end.
For a fowler
Merrily playes on a pipe, when he craftily taketh a plouer.
Iscariot Iudas, that false and wicked Apostel,
Falsely betrai'd with a kisse, and sould our Lord for a trifel.
Laomedons falshood (
Priamus father, and son of
Caused his owne bludy death, and losse of
Troy, city famus.
1 Macha. ch. 11
Was not
Alexander, by craft of King
His false fath'r in law, depriu'd of his Empery famus?
Polymnestor (which of gould was so desirus)
Beastly did obtruncate
Priamus sonne, young
More to recite, what auailes?
Therefor I humbly beseech your Grace (O Duke) to remember
Grafton fol. 739. Edw, 4.
This disconsolate Earle, that lyes neare dead of a feauer:
Send that he may be retain'd. Let not thy glory be blemmisht:
Keepe faith inuiolate, let a prince performe what he promist.
Thus this Knight, to the Duke, his whole minde (wofuly distrest)
Plainely without any guile, or dissimulation, exprest.
Lastly, by perswasions, this wise Duke (rul'd by the Counsell
Of good
Iohn Chewlet; who this Earles state knew to be feebel)
Peter Landoyse, chiefe Treasurer, only the foresaid
Embassadors to delay; that th'Earle might safely be conuai'd
Vnto the Sanct'ary there: which was with speede then efected.
Which so delighted his heart, that his health there quickly reuiued.
Like as an Hart in a chace, that is hurt or pincht with a greyhound,
Bounceth away on a maine, and runnes most swiftly, to get ground:
Yer that he should b'imbost, fro the greyhound speedily doth get,
And priuy lewnes in a brake, imbaies himselfe in a thicket;
There to recouer his hurt: So this Earle (escapte from a daunger)
Liu'd in a place priuiledg'd, his former health to recouer.
Would to God euery Prince, that ruleth in euery Kingdome,
Would be so rul'd by the good wise counsell, and by the wisdome
Of plaine trouth-speakers, and also that euery Courti'er
Would not aledge any lyes to the Prince, to defame on another.
Now to my matter againe.
When these Embasadors perceiu'd they were so deluded,
Grafton. fol. 739. Edw 4.
Both of an Earle, their prey, and of gould freely deliuer'd;
Peter Landoyse, their king would take it in ill part,
They to retorne so deceiu'd, of their Earle and mony homeward.
Peter Landoyse assured them, that he should be
Safe in a sanct'ary kept (which they would warily foresee)
Or to be streightly detein'd, in a safer custody forthwith;
So they neede not at all, to doubt or feare any mischiefe.
They pacifi'd by the meanes of
Landoyse curteus answere,
Thought it a folly to stay in
Brittain Realme any longer:
But willed
Landoyse (to the Duke their duty remembring)
Those promises to be kept, their leaue there then fuly taking:
Who promised that he would.
So these Embasadors sail'd thence, and landed in England.
Grafton. fol. 755. Edw. 4.
And there tould to the King each chiefest point of his arrand.
Who when he heard their speach, perswaded partly by reason,
How that he should be detein'd there safe, or safe in a prison
(He not at all fearing th'intendment of fory persons)
Shew'd himselfe as a Prince, more bountiful vnto the Commons,
And liberal to the poore.
But time his course hath: time staylesse daiely doth happen,
With swift breach curelesse, with gould not againe to be gotten.
O wauering fortune, when thou seem'st most to be smiling,
Mutabil intendment meanest, and mischievus ending.
Euery time hath an end, O worldly varietie, neuer
Knowne to remaine constant! What is here that permaneth euer?
For stout king
Edward, when he found himselfe to be sore sick,
And when he thought that he was (in a manner) past any physick,
Streight to the Queenes kindred, did send on away in a poste-hast;
Grafton fol. 760. & fol. 761. Edw. 5.
Vnto the Lord
Riuers (whom he knew to be firme, to be stedfast)
And to the Lord
Hastings (Lord Chamberlaine then of England)
And to the Lord
Marquesse (whom she first had by her husband
Named Sir
Iohn Gray, which was made knight in a battell
Fought at
Saint Albons, and there was slaine: who did excell
In valor of Knighthood)
Willing them to repaire to the Court, with speedines, eftsoones,
And to resort to the King, for diuers and many reasons.
VVho to the Court in al hast did come: who courtly saluting
Were resaluted againe, on another semblably greeting.
Euery Lord that came to the Courte, by the King his apointment
VVent to the Kings presence. When he saw them there to be present,
He took them by the handes (though inward panges with a sorrow
Greatly molested his hart) and, vnderset with a pillow,
Spake to them, as foloeth:
My Lordes, and kynsmen, your presence hartily welcom:
King Edwards last will or admonition to the Queene, his children, and Nobility.
Whose frendshippes I found more sure to me, than a kingdom.
My life is but a blast, I feele death woful aproching:
And I reioyce, that I haue my freendes here at my departing.
My body wasteth away, I fynd my self to be feebel,
Also my blud to decay: I feele my self but vnabel
For to pronounce many wordes. Therefore, my Lordes, to me listen.
Concord in friendship, be faythfull vnto my chyldren:
And to my Sonne, your Prince, I charge you for to be loyall,
Safe to preserue his Grace, to defend this Realme vniuersall.
For the
Cicil tyrrants could find no greater a torment,
Then cruel enuy, that hagge, which fosters deadly reuengement.
Seneca in Epist. lib. 14.
Marcus Agrippa declar'd that small thinges daily, by concord,
Eftsoones grow to be great: and great thinges, fondly by discord,
Quickly declyne to ruine.
Plutark in reg. Apo. theg. & Stob. ser. 82.
That graue ould sapient
Scyllurus, nam'd
(Fowre score sonnes who begate) when he lay sick, thus did he publish:
Euery one, deare sonnes, in his hand here take but an arrow,
And break them forthwith. Which they did speedily. But now
Each on a sheafe of shaftes, my sonnes, take, forcibly break them,
Which to do, each did asay; but could not. Then with a solemne
Speach thus he spake; As you could not them break: So, my children,
Trew fyrme and constant coniunction of many brethren
No body can dissolue. Therefore liue frendly together.
If so be you seperate your selues each one from an other,
Then shall your enemies (as a prey snatcht vp of a Tyger)
You (disagreeing so) with a small force easily conquer.
So my beloued Lordes, if you, by malicius enuy,
Shall fall at variaunce, which of you standes in a safety?
Prosperus are Kingdomes, publick weales statefuly florish,
Where States concording do perfect amity stablish:
But when a Realme disagrees, that Realme is seene very seldom
Long to remaine a Monarche. For certaine euery Kingdome
Hatefuly disseuered (fayth and tranquillity wanting)
Turned is vp side downe, ruinus disconsolat ending.
Hate doth a Realme ruinate. Therefore my Lordes, I beseech you,
Euery one to be frendes, my precepts duly to follow.
Euery Lord, by the hand, there present tooke on an other
(Who did apeare to be frendes) though their heartes were far asunder.
And then he spake to the Queene sore greev'd: who mournefuly looking,
Teares from hir eyes gusht forth, as bubbling blobbes from a welspring.
Farewell dearly belov'd: your children charily cherish,
See them well to be bred with good and singular aduise.
And you, my children, be dutiful vnto the mother:
Vse these your kinsmens counsayle, in stead of a father.
For litel yong children should wisely be rul'd, by the counsayle
Of wity graue Senators, whose fame and vertue doth excell.
And, with a sorroful hart his children sadly beholding,
Stretched his hand to them all, these same wordes faintily speaking;
God blesse you children, farewell Lordes dearly beloued:
Who with trickling teares (sad sighing) wofully mourned.
And then he held vp his handes to the Lord, his mercy beseeching,
And to receiue his soule, to the ioyes that ar euer abiding.
Therewithal he faynting, in a swoune grewe straight to be speachlesse,
Gasping breath who did yeald, with a pale face and body senselesse.
Whose soule imparadiz'd, I belieue is with the Creator,
Our Lord
Emmanuell, our Christ, and sole mediator.
Who when he had regaliz'd 3. yeares and credibly twenty,
Tomb'd in a faire monument, at
Windsore lies, in an abbey.
How that he dy'd, many men did doubt. For he dy'd on a suddayn.
Sundry, by surfet, afirm'd: which no body knew to be certayn:
But many thought, that he was put away, by the vile priuy treason
Of tyranus
Richard, by the meanes of some sory poyson:
Sir Thomas More, in his owne book skilfuly penned,
Thought (by the speach that he learn'd) that he was sure priuily poysned.
And not a thing vnlyke. For he spared no body, whose life
Might dominire as a King, whose life might work him a mischiefe.
He was a vile
Machauile, and still tooke time at a vauntage.
To work such stratagemes, his lew'd mind gaue him a courage.
As wax is molify'd, and clay made hard, by the sun-shine:
So to the word of God, good mens hearts daily wil enclyne:
But lewd are hardned by the word. Such obstinat error
Permaneth in reprobates: whose end is damnable horror.
Description of Edward the fowerth.
This valiaunt
Edward was a Prince, of a beawtiful aspect:
Whose face shyn'd with a faire sanguine complexion indeckt:
Whose yelo burnished haire did shyne, like glorius amber:
Whose gray eyes twinkling, like starres, did cheerefuly glister,
Comelines of person, very tall of bodily stature:
Exquisit euery part was featured: and of a nature
Merciful and liberal: whose stout hart (bouldly by wisedom
And politick valiaunce) of right did atayn to the kingdom.
He was a Prince patient, in great prosperity pleasant,
And not at all arogant, in great aduersity constant,
Not timorus wauering: to steadfast friend very faithfull:
To fra'dulent enemyes, se
[...]ere, implacabel, hatefull:
Fortunat in warfare: but somewhat gi-uen (in excesse)
To womanish daliaunce, as his hystorie plainly doth expresse.
This stout king
Edward many times would say, that he lov'd well
Three speciall paragons, in seu'ral gifts who did excell:
First was wily by kind: but an other seem'd to be godly:
Shores wife was meriest, as a woman void of al enuy.