☜☜A mysterye of inyquite opened of Iohan Bale / by the manifes [...]acion of Ponce Pantolabus Genealogye of heresye / in the year of owr lorde. M.D. and. xlii.
• 1 The Genealogye of heresye. , and • 2 Compyled by Ponce Pantolabus ¶The openinge.
O Therwyse can I not coni [...]cture of Pantolabus / but that he hath put forth these preciouse poesyes of some sett purpose / eyther to be seane a famouse poete / or els to apere a mightye vpholder of the Popes holye churche. But yf he thinketh herin to haue mynistered vnto hys natiue region of Englande a doctrine of christen religion / he wonderfullye deceyueth himselfe. What they wyl s [...]me to be by the towche stone of Gods worde / the sequele of this boke shall declare. I thinke nō other than the verye doctrine of deuyls / y • lyes of a popyshe hypocrite / the errours of a cruell Antichrist / the fylthye drinke of the whores cuppe of Babylon / and the stinkynge frutes of the bo [...]tomlesse pytt. Expende first of all the tyttle of his tragedye / which ys / the Genealogye of heresye / and ye shall fynde in yt small [Page] goodnesse I suppose. Saint Paule ernestlye admonished his derelye beloued disciples Tymothe and Tytus in anye wyse to shurne Genealogyes and fables as thinges most super [...]luouse and vayne.
2 Panotlabus as one of a contrarye sprete and iudgement hath not onelye taken this for bydden office vpon him / but also vsed yt here in a moche worse kynde. For there is yt spoken concerninge. Iudaysme or vnnecessarye doubtes in Moyses lawe. Here doth he vsurpe yt in blasphemouse raylinges and vnshamefast lyes ageynst them whose lyues were moste innocent and godlye. He sheweth himselfe therfor in this not onlye a spyghtfull aduersarye vnto Paules lerning / but also a cruell enemye both to Christ & his kynge / mynistrynge vnto that people soche doctrine of deuilyshnesse / of whome the one is the head the other his depute / in that he is vndre him a christen gouernour. Of this vnwholsom tyttle is yt easye to iudge / what the frutes are thervpon folowynge. Lete the Reader therfore marke them / and beware of those false Apostles whiche brynge them soche messages of myschefe. The Genealogye of Pantalabus now foloweth in course.
• 1 Blynde obstynacye. , • 2 Begate heresye. , • 3 By a myschaunce , • 4 Of dame ignoraunce. , and • [Page 2] Malicia eorum excecauit eos. Sap. 2. ¶The openinge.
A Monstruouse beginninge hath this Genealogye declarynge at the first flushe both the mōstruouse hart of the author / & also the monstruouse nature of that malignaunt churche of Anticrist / of whom he is a professed membre. Non other frute can the yll tre rendre / I se wele / than his owne frowarde nature permitteth hi. For nought is yt not that manye excellent writers in discribinge Anticristis kyngedome / hath called yt a false / fylthye / fleshlye / whoryshe / preposterouse / prostybulouse / promiscuouse / and abhominable generacion. Here is the childe sayd to begett his father / or the sonnes childe his grandefather / & all in y • femynine gendre. Wherfor yt is lyke to be a straūge hindred by that tyme that it be al brought forth. For here is blinde obstinacie reported to beget heresye / & yet was heresye manye years in the world before him. Non cā be obstynate in errour before he doth erre / nor wilfullye resyst y • verite before he doth hate it.
2 Rather shuld heresye therfore seme to brynge forth obstinacye / than obstinacye to engendre heresye. For after the vocabulystes Tortellius / Valla / Perottꝰ / Polycattus / Crestonus / Calepinus / Guarinꝰ / & soche other vocabulystes: heresis / is not els but a choyse / opiniō / or secte. Not moche vnlyke vnto this doth Saynt Luke vse yt in the actes / and Saynt Paule also declaringe himselfe there a pharyse. [Page] Be it ones cowpled withean obstinate frowardnesse or a wylfull resistaunce of the open verite / no longar is it an heresye / but an obstinacye / rebellion / or diuisyon. Thus doth the scripture call the aduersaryes of Gods truthe [...]on heretiques / but false prophetes / sewde apostles / deceitful teachers / and Anticristes. Therfore goeth Pantolabus vnlernedlye to worke in his Generacion of heresye. Rather shuld he haue begōne at the denyll which first begate darkenesse / and so haue gone forth frō darkenesse to ignoraunce / and from ignoraunce to errour / with his bretherne in the captiuite of Babylon. Or els frō Anticrist to auarice frō auarice to symonye / & frō symonye to heresye in that veyne. And in so doynge / he myght at the las [...] haue founde out his owne stinkynge sodomitycall generacion.
3 If this course had not pleased him for y • obseruacion of his meters / because he is a poete lorrel / he might haue taken this waye with him. The false generacion. Of the popishe nacion. Begonne by the deuyll. The grounder of euyll. Of enuye and hate. The deuyll first begate / The subtyle serpēt / Or worme pestilent The serpent by Cayne / Gote the kyndered vayne / Of bretherne vntrewe / That gods seruauntes slewe. And so forth with the carnall chyldren of [...] / with Cham / Nem roth / the Sodomites / Ismael / Esau / Pharao / Manasses / Antiochus / Phassur / the pres [...]es of Baall & of Bell. Herode / Cayphas / Iudas / Symon [Page 3] magus / Bariehu / Diotrephes / with their successours the Pope and his college of cardinalles / with his smered swarme of shauelynges both pylled & pye pecked. But this sort he cowde not fynde out / his eye syght is so yll on that syde. If blynde obstinacte were not his father I maruele / so moche lyght of the veryte being a brode and heretayninge so lyttle. I dare boldelye saye he was his leader & his great prouoker [...]ohā he made this worke. I thinke al discrete readers will haue y • same opinion of him in that point that I haue here. Iugde thā whether he be out of his own Genealogye or naye.
4 Dame ignoraunce whom he here verefyeth to be y • mother of heresye / shuld seme to haue a great stroke in him / all circūstaūces marked / to make vp the generacion towardes him. The myschaunce wherof / though it be not perseyued of him for wāte of grace / yet is it knowne vnto vs by the frutes here. For neuer had we known what Pantolabusis / had not these poesyes declared him. All contrarye is he in opynion to the auncient doctours / yf he thinketh that the olde heretiques were ignoraunt & vnlerned. Saint Hierome reporteth of Tacianus / that he famouslye taught the art of rhetoryck / and that he also wrote innumerable workes. Marcellus was excedinge wittye / and Sabinus was naturallye eloquent. Basilides compiled more than. xxiiii. volumes vpon the scripturs. What Iustinus saith of Marcion / Hireneus of Montanus / Tertulyane [Page] of Valentinus / Cypriane of Nouatus / Saynt Augustin of Donatus Faustus and Felix. Saynt Cyryst of Nestorius / Pelagius / and Eunomius and other doctors of Arrius / Eutices / Fotinus / and soche other it were ve [...]ye moche to wryte. And as concerninge Wyclef / Husse / Luther / Melanchton / and their felawes here regestred / it shall here after apere what they were. So that it shal wele be knowne that dame ignoraūce kepeth howse rather with Pantolabus and with other of his f [...]llawes more in papistrye / than with them or with soche as they be in their sorte.
5 The text that he boroweth here of Sapience / Masicia corum exce [...]auit / is as insypientlye bestowed / as it had bene in the hande lynge of a moste insipient alle. The wyse man speaketh it of them whiche cruellye oppresseth the rightouse for rebukinge their euils / takinge for their auctoryte the lawes of vnrightousnesse. And of soche as examineth them w t spyghtfull rebukes and tormentes / so condēpninge them to most shamefull deathe. Their malyce (sayth he) hath blynded them. So that it perteyneth whole to the blodye generacion of anticrist. Beholde therfor the blynde vnderstandinge of this papist / howe he geueth it to blynde obstinacye / therwith to begett heresye of ignoraunce. Thinke ye not this scripture wele handeled? yes / and the deuil of hel shuld haue had the handelynge of it. yet is he nō heretyque amonge the bysshoppes / nor his boke [Page 4] founde euyll / but put forth by the kynges pryuilege as a necessarye doctrine of their holye churche. O Englande Englande / miserablye plaged artthou to haue soche leaders. Praye to the eternall God to better it / and repēt thy vnthākefulnesse past / least thou perisshe with the wycked. Marke that foloweth in the next clause of the same Chapter of Sapience. Etne scie [...]unt sacramenta Dei &c. And ye shall fynde there that they which shuld be your instructers / vnderstandeth not the misteryes of God. They neyther hope for the rewarde of tightousnesse / nor yet regarde y • worship that the sayntes shall possesse.
• 1 Herefye begate. , • 2 Stryfe and debate. , • 3 Debate and ambycyon. , • 4 Begate supersticyon. , and • 5 Odium suscitat rixas. Prouerb. 10. ¶The openinge. 1.
BOldelye passeth forth this blynde poete with his prodigyouse poesyes / to non other ende but to seduce the simple. Nedes wyll he haue heresye the father to stryfe & debate. And I am not ageynst it in that vnlerned kynde that he taketh it in without the auctoryte of all good authors. But than I wolde not haue him to forget that heresye also begate y • Popes power / with purgatorye / perdones / [Page] & pylgrymages. He begate popishe presthode also of dame deuylyshnesse to synge. Masses at callettes heles for all christmas hooles. For sowles they may [...] wele destroye / as they daylye do innumerable / but non can they saue by ther Masses. If their heresye hath not begotten all abhominacions of Idolatrye in Images / rodes / and rellyques / shrines / sorceryes / and subtyl [...]ees / besydes their bastardes a brode / whose heresye hath done it? If their he resye begate not the gapinge rode of boxleye / the duckes blood of hayles / the worme [...]aten ladye of walsyngham / holye Thomas Becket the trayter with a thousande soche other / besydes their holye occupiēge in Sodome and Gomorre / manye menne are sore deceyned.
2 And as concerninge stryfe and debate / who hath engēdred more myschefe therin thā they? which to bringe their purposes to passe / hath subuerted so manye landes / destroyed so many dominiōs / subdewed so many emprours and kinges / besides their poysoninges / puttinge out of eyes / and shaninge the right inheritours into monkeryes / sumtyme y • father sumtyme the sonne / sumtyme y • dowter / sumtyme the mother / for non haue they spared in their furyes. yea / within the realme of Englande who cawsed kynge herolde to be slayne / kynge Iohan to be poysened / kynge Rycharde the seconde to be famished / and in a maner all other kynges to be vexed of their cōmons but they? was Iack Srawe and Wat Tyler with soche [Page 5] other scysmatyckes / & now in owr dayes master Aske and captayne Cobler / raysed by any other than by their oyled owlyshe generaciō? No trulye. For yf they were / the kynges laws hath done them wronge / to hange vp so manye in rochettes / whodes / cowles / and typpettes / so smal reuerence had to their vnccions & shauinges.
3 This semeth Pantolabus to conferme in the next tyme folowinge / though he doth not so vtter it. Debate / (saith he) and ambiciō begate supersticion. And he telleth the truthe of it / though it be sumwhat vnlernedlye for lacke of godlye iudgement. For in dede after the papistes had by ther manifolde s [...]ysmes and diuisyons ones gotten the ouer handes of princes and worldlye gouerners by a tytle of spiritualte / so crepinge into the weake consciences of menne. They beganne anon after ambyciouslye to regne. Not onlye there exaltyng thē selues a boue God / & their owne stynkinge tradiciōs aboue his eternall verite / but also they outwardlye auaunced themselues by a mundy all Monarchie of pryde / Pompe / & vayne glorye. Than mustred they in their myters / they sayled in their sylkes / they glyttred ī their goldes / ruffled ī ther rochettes / flickered in their furres / and ratled in ther rynges.
4 And to mainteyne that lucyferouse estate of spirituall wickednesse in the stede of heauenlye thynges / as Saint Paule doth call it / that they might sogloriouslye gouerne here in [Page] darkenesse / they inuented all kyndes of supersticions in blessynges / bones / belles / candelstyckes / cuppes / cruettes / oyle / waxe / light / ashes / palmes / and holye water / with soche other lyke. They dedicated stone walles / they cristened belles / they consecrated vestimētes they ano [...]ted chalyces / they hallowed aulters they tabernacled Images / they shryned dead mennes bones / they coniured / crossed / sensed / spatled / and breathed / with turne and halfe turne / and with seyst me and seyst me not / and a thousande feates more of cleane legerde mayne / to vpholde that mart of theyr maintenaunce. And therfor he sayth wele here that ambicyon begate supersticion / yf it had bene so trulye applyed. For bysshoppes / monkes / and prestes / hathe brought forthe all these spirituall frutes.
5 But where as he allegeth this text out of Salomons Prouerbes / Odium suscitatrix as / to proue that heresye begate stryfe and debate / he sheweth himselfe no verie wyse interpretour of the scripturs. But that he thought parauenture than / he might of thē make a welche mannes hole / hauynge his lorde of Wynchestire vpon his syde. Who can accuse him for an heretyque yf the Bysshoppes saye naye to it? though he playeth the deuyll with the scripturs of god. It is their office neuer to pōnisshe them that peruerteth Gods worde / but to burne them alwayes that trulye preacheth it. Salomon sayth there / that hate engendreth brawlynges [Page 6] or scysmes / & not that heresye begate stryfe. And that is spoken there of your vngodlye generacion / yf yow be they that are Idell worke menne and haue sluggyshe handes / oppressers of the poore and norryshers of synne / as all the worlde knoweth that ye are / hauinge vnshame fast faces and presumptuouse mouthes. I matuele ye coude not fynde there. Qut profert contumeliam insipiens est / he that speaketh anye slaundre is a fole. Surelye dame ignoraunce threw her napkyn before your eyes whan ye redde that chapter. But take hede of it and ye wyll ye are promised there that the thinge ye are most a frayde of shall come vpon yow. yowr hope shall perishe / and yowr years shall be shortened. For the wickednesse of Samariu is come to light.
• 1 Supersticion playne. Begate disdayne. , • 2 Dysdayne of trovvthe. Begate slovvthe. , • 3 Slovvthe & sluggyshnesse. Begate vvylfulnesse. , and • 2 Vult & non vult piger. Prouer. 13. ¶The openinge. 1.
CVryouslye styll countereth this chaunter of babylon with his mangye māgled meters. For here one of thē halteth on y • one syde lyke a greye / being a syllabe shorter than [Page] darkenesse / they inuented all kyndes of supersticions in blessynges / bones / belles / candelstyckes / cuppes / cruettes / oyle / waxe / light / ashes / palmes / and holye water / with soche other lyke. They dedicated stone walles / they cristened belles / they consecrated restimētes they anoīted chalyces / they hallowed aulters they tabernacled Images / they shryned dead mennes bones / they coniured / crossed / sensed / spatled / and breathed / with turne and halfe turne / and with seyst me and seyst me not / and a thousande feates more of cleane legerde mayne / to vpholde that mart of theyr maintenaunce. And therfor he sayth wele here that ambicyon begate supersticion / yf it had bene so trulye applyed. For bysshoppes / monkes / and prestes / hathe brought forthe all these spirituall frutes.
5 But where as he allegeth this text out of Salomons Prouerbes / Odium suscitatrix as / to proue that heresye begate stryfe and debate / he sheweth himselfe no verie wyse interpretour of the scripturs. But that he thought parauenture than / he might of thē make a welche mannes hose / hauynge his lorde of Wynchestre vpon his syde. Who can accuse him for an heretyque yf the Bysshoppes saye naye to it: though he playeth the deuyll with the scripturs of god. It is their office neuer to pōnisshe them that peruerteth Gods worde / but to burne them alwayes that trulye preacheth it. Salomon sayth there / that hate engendreth bra [...] lynges [Page 6] or scysmes / ¬ that heresye begate stryfe. And that is spoken there of your vngodlye generacion / yf yow be they that are Idell workemenne and haue sluggyshe handes / oppressers of the poore and norryshers of synne / as all the worlde knoweth that ye are / hauinge vnshamef [...]st faces and presumptuouse mouthes. I maruele ye coude not fynde there. Qui profert contumeliam insipiens est / he that speaketh anye slaundre is a fole. Surelye dame ignoraunce threw her napkyn before your eyes whan ye redde that chapter. But take hede of it and ye wyll. ye are promised there that the thinge ye are most a frayde of shall come vpon yow. yowr hope shall perishe / and yowr years shall be shortened. For the wickednesse of Samari [...] is come to light.
• 1 Supersticion playne. Begate disdayne. , • 2 Dysdayne of trovvthe. Begate slovvthe. , • 3 Slovvthe & sluggyshnesse. Begate vvylfulnesse. , and • 2 Vult & non vult piger. Prouer. 13. ¶The openinge. 1.
CVryouslye styll countereth this chaunter of babylon with his mangye māgled meters. For here one of thē halteth on y • one syde lyke a greye / being a syllabe shorter than [Page] his fellawe. It is no maruele therfor though his name be slowthe / for in dede he commeth but slowlye after. Supersticion (ye saye begate disdayne. And it maye welebe: for rather are his frutes afore rehersed of disdayne / than of loue / of hate than of fauer / of malyce than of pyte. And in dede the scripture sayth they are mockers and scorners / deridinge the verite / and withs [...]andinge the helthe of the people. But surelye supersticion hath more children thā disdayne / yf Pantolabꝰ loke wele abought him. Hypocresye which brought forthe latten houres / longe prayers without deuocion / letanies / frydaye fastinges / owr ladies psalters / monkes / chanōs / fryres / nonnes / ankers / hermites / bedes / portasses / diurnals / tapers / torches / wepiges / crowchinges / knelynges / gaddinges / and soche other beggeryes els / shuld seme to be one of them. So shuld blasphemye also with all his abhominable of springe.
2 What disdayne this shuld be / he declareth folowinglye / callynge it disdayne of trouthe and the father of slouthe. This contēpt of godlynesse and verite sprange vp first in Cain and increased in the carnall children of mēne. And though it were in processe of tyme destroied in the generall flood / yet rose it vp ageyne after the dayes of No [...] in Cham / and so grewe forth styll in Nemroth / Ismael / & in their wycked sede. After this had it continuaunce in the false prophetes and Idolatrouse prestes of Baal / in the Pharysees / Scribes / Bisshoppes [Page 7] and heretyques / tyll the pope toke holde of it. Euer sens hath it bene gloryouslye mainteyned of his anoynted clergye / with churches / minsters / monasteryes / couentes / cloysters / colleges / vniuersytees / prīces lawes / swerde fyre / & halter. Whiche gloriouse habytacions hath pampred vp fatt foggye monkes / proude porkyshe prestes / great bellyed bysshoppes / as brockyshe bores in a swynes flye / in all bodylye ease of slouthfull sluggyshnesse / Idelnesse / lechery / and beasilynesse / there wallowynge in Sodome and Gomorre. But trulye I thī ke it a great ouersyght of Pantolabus / that he here forgate scolasticall diuinite / which made the Pope Gods vicar / the head of the churche and the keye berer of purgatorye to lete out & in at his pleasure / for it hath also rysen of disdayne of the truthe.
3 Of a lykelyhode wylfulnesse had .ii. fathers / not all vnlyke to bishoppes bastardes / & to the popishe prestes children [...] Which hath one father that beareth the name / & an other that toke paynes to begett him. For here are slouthe & slughyshnesse both named to be his fathers. But doubtlesse the right hayres are not here remembred / nor yet they that styll occupye their landes. And that are all puffed vp prelates / with persones / vicars / and curates. And hardelye lete not syr hugh holye water swynger be forgotten amonge thē. The throwinge a syde of the sacred scripturs / and the false deceyuinge of the poore laboringe manne / [Page] shuld seme also to be twygges of the same braunche and sprayes of the same sprygge / yea and to be sumwhat afore wylfulnesse in this generacion. And therfore Pantolabꝰ is but a [...]ole / and foloweth to moche the counsell of dame ignoraūce in the descripciō of this Genealogie / or els he is a parciall frinde to wylfulnesse. And I thinke that be the verie cause in dede. This sure holde also he hath vpon his syde / that painters / poetes / and Rome tōners maye lye by auciorite.
4 The text whiche he hathe torne out of Salomons prouerbes / vult et non vult piger / proueth nothinge to the purpose that sluggishnesse and slouthe begate wylfulnesse. More honeste were it for him that dame ignoraunce were farder of from his elbowe / whan he shall sett his handes to the scripturs. Sathan in y • desert neuer bestowed Angelis suis Deus mā dauit dete more vnclarkelye / than this text is here bestowed. Salomons mynde is / that y • sluggarde wold fayne haue / but it cometh not so vnto him / where as the diligent labourer is habundauntlye suffysed. For thus standeth y • text after the truer translacion. Concupiscit anima pigri / et non est ei quod optat. But as the sainge is / the full fedde sowe seketh myre / the vyle vermine corrupcion / as Pantolabus hath done here the corrupt translacion for his purpose. And yet will it not serue for slouthe to beget wilfulnesse / though he turne it .xxiiii. wayes / as fryre martyn ded his desardes hart [Page 8] Wonderfullye now a dayes are the scripturs handeled in Englande / yet are there non heretyques on that syde of the waye. For how can a papist be an heretyque to his hinderaunce / whan papistes weare styll myters and robes. It foloweth in the same chapter. Astutus omnia agir cum consilio / qui autem factuꝰ est / aperit stulticiam. A wyse manne doth all with discressiō but a foole declareth his folye. But this coude not Pantolabus fynde out / w t other godlye coūsels there mēcioned. Wherfore his part here after is lyke to be sumwhat y • worse.
• 1 Vvylfulnesse verelye. Nygh cosyne to heresye. , • 2 Begate myschefe. Father of vvyclefe. , • 3 Vvhich ded bringe inne. His grand father synne. , and • 4 Qui facit peccatum ex diabolo est, quoniam ab inicio diabolus peccat. Ioan. 3. The openinge. 1.
DIuerslye doth this popishe poete resemble himselfe / alwayes as blynde as a byttle / and wotteth not wele which waye to wandre. yet will he styll forewarde with his pedlarie wares Wilfulnesse he saith (whō he hath preferred here in his Genealogye to his other brethern / I am sure for some olde familyar [Page] acquayntaunce) beynge nigh cosyne to heresye / begate mischefe. It shuld seme here vnto me / that Pantolabꝰ is not verie wele seane in genealogyes / or els he daunseth withe Iacke of Bedlem a voluntarye rounde or a galearde at his pleasure. For here he calleth heresye cosyne to wylfulnesse / and yet he is .vi. degrees afore him. yea / and to make his owne asynishe rudenesse more manifest therin / he calleth him here his nigh cosyne. Trulye this is to folyshe to haue y t scripturs coupled withe it / yf Boner and Wynchestre with other holye fathers wynke not vpon it whā they honte for heretyques. But parauenture he doth it here that wylfulnesse shuld be known to be all one with heresye / or els to make good his purpose folowinge / as to proue Ioan Wyclef an heretyque. But as the Prophete sayth / he that prepareth a snare for an other / most cōmonlye falleth into it his selfe / as Pantolabꝰ hath done here / yf the abhominable peruertige of Gods worde be a kinde therof.
2 He saith that wylfulnesse begate mischefe / and I beleue it wele. For Pope Hyld [...]brandus (which inhibited prestes mariage) poysoned: vi. of his predecessours to optaine the papacye. Pope victor the thirde was poysoned at his masse by a spirituall chaplayne of his. So was henrye the .vii. Emprour by one Bernardinus de monte policiano a dominick fryre / in receyuinge the sacrament. Pope Clement the seconde / vigilius. Sisinnius / Ioannes septimus / [Page 9] Alexander / and aboue .xl. of them more / were sent out of the worlde by the same spirituall polecye. How manye poore cristen innocentes the .ii. horned termagauntes of Englande hath put vnto deathe for the onlye truthe of God / it were moche to write. Wynchestre yet aliue is foūde no sluggarde in tha [...] tormēting office of Anticrist though he neyther s [...]yth Standyshe nor Pantolabꝰ fryre wattes nor quarry y • pardoner / w t soche other abhominable blasphemers of Gods worde. Therfor tyrannye also might haue [...] in for a childe of wyckednesse and a brother of myschefe / yf it had pleased master Pantolabus. So might cruell murther / the slaughter of saintes / and the vtter contempt of God / haue bene called the fylthye of springe therof / and not poore Iohan wycclef the verie manne of God / for withstandinge Anticrist and his false kingedome / yf the true quarell of Christ had here bene so ernestlye sought as is the Popes quarell / though it be not so spoken.
3 That anye manne shuld be father to his grande father / as Pantolabus here noteth Iohan Wyclef / it is a matter impossible in the right course of generacion. But as he hath a monstruouse wytt / so sendeth he forth mōstruouse frutes to deceyue y • simple. Of a spyghtfull malice is it / not of Wyclef but of the verite that he taught / that he thꝰ nameth him the sonne of mischefe. For Wycleues [Page] father as cōcerninge the fleshe was a christen beleuer / and a manne geuen to nō yll [...]ha [...] we rede of. I can not tell what euill sprete hath taught Pantolabus to be a slaū derouse accuser of his brother / vnlesse it were he that accused Iob. And as concerninge the inwarde manne / he was a sonne of God / lyke as all they are by his heauenlye gyft that beleue in his name. For non can protest that Iesus is the Lorde God / as he ded most constauntlye ageynst the whole regne of Anticrist / but in the holye ghost. For so moche as raylinge Pantolabꝰ falselye reporteth of Iohan Wyclef without auctorite that he brought in his grandefather synne / I am enforced to answer in his behalfe by y • auctorite of soche notable writers as I haue seane and redde.
Iohan Wyclef beynge an Englyshe mā ne borne / and a doctor of diuinite / aboute y • year of owr Lorde a .M.CCC. and .lx. redde the common lecture at oxforde / and so cō tynued many yeares after. And as cōcerninge his eloquence / witt / manyfolde lerninge and most innocent lyfe / Philippus repingedon Bysshop of Lyncolne / Nicolaus herforde a Doctor / Ioannes Treuisa / Galfridus Chawcer / Ioannes Husse / Eneas Siluius Hermannus Shedel / and now in owr tyme O tho Brunfelsius hath in most ample forme described them / besides the large witnesse of his enemies / as of Iohan kyuyngham / [Page 10] Thomas Walden / and soche other. yea / soche tyme as Wyllyā Thorpe in his examinacion reported him to be a manne of most christen sobryete / conforminge his lyfe and lerninge to the doctrine of Christ and the lyuinge of his Apostles. Thomas Arondell than Archebysshop of Canterberye / beinge both an aduersarye to him and to the verite that he had taught / affermed him with his owne mouthe to be a great clarke and a perfight lyuer. The stomake that he bare ageīst him was for his doctrine. For that (he sayd) was▪ not agreable to the lawes of holye churche. And yet he graunteth afore that it was agreable to Christ and to his Apostles. He coude not awaye in dede with their popishe tradicions / but called them the fylthye frutes of Anticrist. He sayd he wolde no longar aparell the Asse that Christ shuld ryde vpō with their vayne rytes and ceremonies / but folowe the clere doctrine of his Sauer Iesus / which glorified in heauē / hath nede of no soche Idell offices to be done to him.
kynge Edwarde the thirde sumwhat fauored him for his godlye giftis / as I haue sufficientlye to proue it. So ded kinge Rycharde the seconde as he durst preuylye / w t afterwarde cost him his lyfe. In this beleue Iohan Wyclef contynued / and was person of Lutterworth in lyncolne shere. And in the year of owr lorde a .M.CCC.lxxxvii. this true Apostle of Christ most constantlye and [Page] cristenlye departed from this worlde commēdinge his sowle into the handes of God. His workes were wonderful and manye / as I intende to declare God lendinge me lyfe in an other worke. Of whom Subinco lepus than Bysshop of Prage / brent more than .ii. hondreth great volumes fayre written / as witnesseth Eneas Siluius in his boke de origine Bohemorum. The .xli. yeare after his deathe / which was the year from Christes incarnaciō a M.CCCC. and .xxviii. by a cruell decree from the generall counsell of Cōstance / were his bones taken vp ageyne and brent by the clergye of Englande / as testifieth Walden in lib. de sacramentalibꝰ Cap. 89. et fo. 199. to make foles afrayed. Nō hath condempned this wyclef for an heretyque / but the Pope and his sworne soudiours whose cause / matter / and quarell Pantolabꝰ hath here taken vpō him to defende / though it be with a small faythe to God & his Prince / and moche lesse honeste to his owne preciouse persone.
4 As touchinge his allegacion out of Iohans first Epistle. Qui facit peccatum exdiabolo est / to proue that mischefe begate Wyclef. The deuyll his master (of whom it is there spoken) might haue vttered [...] as godlye and to as moche edificacion of y • [...] the as he hath done here. He that doth synne (sayth the text) is of the deuill. For the deuill styll synneth after his olde wō [...]e and can do non other. I maruele of Pantolabus [Page 11] that he coude thus with this clause blaspheme his dead brother in the handes of God / without all godlye feare / & thinke not therin to synne. If he had marked the argumēt of that chapter wele / he shuld haue founde in it Gods singular loue towardes vs / to that ende that we shuld loue here one an other. And not to condempne by name or to make raylinge rymes of him bycause the Pope hath condempned him afore. For by non other auctorite is Wyclef condēpned. Who securses God doth blesse / and ageyne doth curse his blessinges. Lete Pantolabus therfor be ware. For though he hath nowe both his good lorde of Wynchesters blessynge and the Popes / he maye chaunce yet to dwell vndre Gods curse.
I Wondre that the Bysshppes so narrowlye serchinge for heretiq̄s / cā not here smell out both an heretique and a traytour. Happlye thei are so vsed to that sauer out of their owne bosomes / that thei knowe not the one from the other. But maye saye. Thu and I are both one mannis children. Saye wele by me / and I shall do as moche forthe. By this text folowinge is Wyclef discharged of that Pantolabus layeth to him. Qui natus est ex deo / peccatum non facit / quoniāsemen ipsius in Deo manet. He that is borne of God (as Iohan Wyclef was receyuynge Christes doctrine in faythe) synneth not / he folowing that doctrine in his lyfe though [Page] he doth despyse all the Popes tradicions / as he ded also. For the sede of God which is his eternall worde remayninge styll in him / wyll not permyt hī to synne by no soche blasphemouse popetrye. Thys strayght waye hauinge the sure promises of God perseyueth not Pantolab (que) / but strayeth wyldelye a brode with the renegate Cain / desperatlye trustinge to the promises of menne syckle and vncertayne / as their tradicions hath non other.
• 1 After this brother. Came forth an other. , • 2 His name to discusse. Menne called him husse. , • 3 He and his cumpanye. Began in Germanye. , and • 4. He [...] est gens que non audiuit vocer [...] domini sui. Hiere. 2. The openinge. 1.
EVermore doth pantolabꝰ pranke forth with his pylde Popyshe Poesyes not vnlyke Iacke of Bedlem with his net full of wolle. From that bryer hath he gathered that lock all tarrye / and from that thorne that patche all dryseled. Lete him that hath eyther lerninge or witt / marke what dyrtye gete this is / and from what good authors [Page 12] borrowed. The grounde therof was first taken out of Pope Benedyct the .xiii. pope Gregorye the .xii. and Pope Iohan the .xxiii. all thre deposed at ones in the generall counsell of Cōstance / & out of the cowyshe actes and proclamacyons of Pope Martyne the fift which after supplied their rome there vpon the seate of the beast in the darke kyngedom of Anticrist or the chayre of pestylence whether ye wyll. Here is the name of a brother most scornefullye vsed / whiche is in the scripturs both holye and preciouse And no maruele. For crist sayd there shuld come soche swyne as wolde treade the fayre pearles vndre their fete / and soche dogges also as wolde turne ageyne & teare his true disciples. The chefe cause of it is / that his hipocrites eyes can abyde no light. But lete him not thinke so to auoyde the great indignacion of God / nor yet anye other soche scorner as he is.
2 Iohan Husse that holye Apostle and true Martyr of Iesus Christ / moche pyteynge to se y • churche so wretchedlye deformed with hypocresye / pryde / Idolatrye / & other abhominaciōs of Anticrist / after he had sum what perseyued therof by the doctrine of Iohan Wyclef / put forth his owne bodye to y • crosse for it / to suffre the death yf nede shuld require it. The pure lawe of the Gospell wa [...] the scripturs of both testamētes ded he most constantlye preache to the pople of Boheme [Page] ageynst that kyngdom of wyckednesse / detestinge all errours / heresyes / & scysmes. His conuersacion was accordinge to his instruccyons / perfight and holye. Not onlye by the report of .liiii. noble menne of the lande of Morania / but also by the testimonye of his enemyes / Pope Pius otherwyse called E [...]e as Siluius / Pogius the Florentyne / Platina / Sabellicus / and soche other. In the opē counsell of Constance spared not he to confesse y • true fayth of his Lorde Iesus Christ to the deathe / and was at the last condempned thervnto at the suggestions of the Dominick fryres & other vnlerned sophisters. He sayd that it behoued the Bysshoppes & clergie to be poore after the exāple of christ and not so to fyue in pryde an [...] voluptuousnesse. And this was the onlye artycle wherfor he was brent there to ashes / though the papistes hath practised other.
3 What Pantolabꝰ meaneth by that cū panye of his which begāne in Germanye / I can not tell / vnlesse they be the Hussytes as the wytlesse Papistes doth call them. I knowe wele that both the Apostles and Prophetes were of that opinion / yet were they no Germanes borne. Nomore dishonour is it to the most worihye lande of Germanye to bescornefullie dispraysed of pantolabus / than it is vnto golde to be bespryncled with swynes dyrt. Consideringe that after the mynde of Seneca it is so fylthye a thinge to be cōmēded of him that is vyle / as to be cōmended [Page 13] for fylthynesse. But this maketh me greatlye to wondre. That so manye heretiques beynge afore this tyme / as were Hebion / Cerinthus / Carpocras / Marcion / Basilides / Arrius / Cerdo / Pelagius / Eunomius / Nestoriꝰ / Dioscorꝰ / E [...]tices / Sabinꝰ / Faustꝰ / Donatꝰ / Heluidiꝰ / Manes / Montanꝰ / Nouatꝰ / Porphiriꝰ / Petulianꝰ / Sabelliꝰ / Sergius / Simachꝰ / Vigilanciꝰ / Valens / Macedoniꝰ / Artemon / Symon Magꝰ / & a great nā bre besydes / which were heretyques indede blasphemige the godhede & diuinite of crist besydes his humanite & deathe / yet is there not one of them in all this Genealogie.
The cause parauēture whye he towcheth them not is this. They were for y • more part Bysshoppes & great Prelates / whose quarel he hath here takē vpon him to defende & not so to blemishe. There were in the olde lawe yll sectes / as Pharisees / Saducees / Herodyanes / & Samaritanes. And in the new law also Saracenes / Turkes / Iewes / & Iacobynes. There hath bene Popes which hath bene poyseners / Byshoppes that hath bē bawdes / Prests that hath ben trayters / fryres / monkes / & chanōs which hath bene hypocrites / so [...]cerers / & sodomites / & that in a wonderful nōbre / yet is there not one regestred in all this generacion of heresye. Not one heretyque is yet here named / but poore Iohan Wyclef & Iohan Husse / of all the heretiques that hath bene sens christes ascensiō. [Page] And they are here regestred because they were the Popes vtter enemies. If anye other heresyes than that had moued the stomake of Pantolabus / all the other coude not thus haue bene left out. But a manne maye smell the tree by the frute. He that seyth not some light at this hoole / is wurthye to be blynde alwayes. It wyll not awaye (they saye) that is bred by the bone. Full swete vnto them is that holye father of theirs.
4 The clause of Hieremye that he hath here vnto annexed / Hee est gēs que non audiuit vocem dominisui / is not there writen in the seconde Chapter. And yf it were / yet wolde it not serue to proue that Husse and his cumpanye beganne in Germanye / nor yet that the Germanes neglected the voice of God whan they forsoke the Pope. For the Pope is not their Lorde. But in dede this text is in that Chapter. Tenentes legem / nescierunt me. They which haue the lawe in their handes knoweth me not. They haue walked after their owne fantasies / & are now become all vayne. They haue defyled my pleasaunt lande (sayth the Lorde) & turned myne heretage into abhominaciō. The prestes haue dishonoured me / and the preachers haue done their homage vnto Baall. They haue forsaken me the well of lyuinge water / and dygged them broken pyttes that wyll holde no moystre. They haue called y • stocke their father / and the stone their creator. [Page 14] They haue stayned my wayes with blasphemie / thei haue taught their owne malycyouse mischefe / and vpon their winges is founde the blood of innocēt sowles. All this with moche more is in that seconde chapter of Hieremie / yet coude it not serue the purpose of Pantolabus / but he must brynge forth a text of his own makinge ageynst the Germanes / bycause they haue not obeyed the Pope.
• 1 And after that. Came in a gnat. , • 2 Of the same kynde. Vvhose sovvle is blynde. , and • 3 His name you shall here. Menne call him Luthere. ¶The openinge .1.
F [...]rth halteth Pantolabus and styll taketh great paynes hereto manifest his owne madnesse / and to defende y • smal veriu & lesse grace of his popishe generaciō: The gnat that his blinde predecessers hath so longe strayned out / hath he no grace to perseyue / for all the lyght that hath bene in the worlde these .xx. years and more. He fareth lyke a frowarde curre which barketh ageynst the mone for shyninge in his face in the nyght. He seyth not that those blinde gydes of his are curyouslye busyed in thinges [Page] of no value / but in the wayghtye causes of the gospell they are all negligēt & vntowarde. Great religion sh [...]we they in foppryes for auaūtage / but the holye cōmaūdemētes of God they miserablye contēpne. Bysshop Bōner made To [...]wyn to stande forth at Paules Crosse for a notoryouse heretyque nowe of late / bycause he made not his holye water relygiouslye after the popes olde rewles & by cause he went not procession with Orapro nobis at [...]uensonge But ye neuer se him nor other of his f [...]llawes put anye to open shame for not preachinge the Gospell / or for doinge Idolatrye / sorcerye / murther / rape / & violence. Or for misusinge mēnis wyues / dowrers / seruauntes / & children / with soche other fysthye enormite [...]s. Of all the Sodomitee they haue as there are amonge them innumerable) ye neuer sawe one yet stande forth for an heretyque. No / alsoche mattere are discharged in y • court without consciēce.
2 Whom Pantolabus meaneth by that gnatt that shuld be of the same kynde with Wyclef & Husse / & whom he iudgeth in sowle to be blinde / we vnderstāde by that which foloweth here after. It is Mariyne Luther the verye trompet of this latter age of Christes Churche / whose bootes to rubbe / & to folowe him with a wyspe to the Iakes Pantolabus shuld seme to be more fyt / than eyther to iudge his lerninge or decerne his faythe. Who hath s [...]ane a more dodypoll fole and a [Page 15] more blynde assehead / than he sheweth himselfe here in these dyrtye Poesyes? He that iudgeth them not to be the frutes of a sowle supersticiouse & most wretchedly darkened / hath verye small godlye vnderstādinge. If that sowle be not blinde w t iudgeth whight to be blacke & vertu to be synne / there is no sowle blinde in my opinion. Sum tyme was he rekened for an heretyque that dissented in opinion from the Gospell & from the speciall articles of owr Christen faythe. But now is it nothinge so. For in this whole descripcion of heresye is not one founde of that hinde / as I haue shewed twyse afore. But here are they noted onlye for heretyques which hath renounced the Popes obedience. Therfor it is a newe maner of heresye that is here set out for menne to be ware of / than was in those dayes.
3 God hath at a tyme permitted the false Prophete to speake that was true. As we haue for exāple. Balaam the sorcerer / Saul the disobedient kynge / Cayphas the cruell Bysshoppe / and Pylate the vnryghtfull iudge. But he gaue them not with it to vnderstande that they vttered. Pantolabus hath here mencioned Martyne Luther to be of the same kynde that Wyclef and Husse were of. yet hath he done yt of a wycked sprete / and knoweth not what he hath written. But the Prophecye of the seyd Iohan Husse whiche he vttred at the houre of [Page] his deathe / shall make that saynge good. Centum reuolutis annis / Deo respondebitis e [...] mihi. An hondreth years ones past (sayth he to the papystes) to God shall ye answer and to me. By this he ment that after an hondreth years / they shuld beginne to cō sent to his doctrine whō at y • tyme they condempned / and in proces of tyme graunt it to be agreable to the scriptures of God. This Prophecye ded the Bohemes inprint vpon the one syde of their coynes and so reserued it from the yeare of owr Lorde a. M.CCCC and .xv. tyll vnto the yeare of owr Lorde ageyne a. M.CCCCC. and .xvii. In the w c Martyne Luther impugned the Popes pardons / power / and auctorite by the open worde of God. And therfor Pantolabꝰ hath spoken it trulye / that Luther is of the same kynde. But where as he hath done it of spyght and malyce / he sheweth himselfe to be of a contrarye part. As where that Luther is the popes great enemye / he is his trustye frinde and louer.
• 1 He by his meane. Hath bānyshed cleane. , • 2 Out of that coste. The holye ghoste. , • 3 And hath brought inne. Lyberte and synne. , and • 4 Posuerunt templū sanctum. Psal. 78. [Page 16] The openinge. 1.
GReat busynesse maketh Pantolabus herewith Martyne Luther for bannishynge that sprete of theirs which hath so longe vpholden their popishe churche of proude porkelynges / the synagoge of Sathan / the rose coloured whore / and the spowse of the deuyll. This sprete is not the holye ghost as he is here reported / but the sprete which went out from the manne and returned ageyne with .vii. spretes worse thā himselfe. As with the sprete of errour / the sprete of falshede / the sprete of sorcerye / the sprete of lyes / the sprete of fornicacion / the sprete of hypocresye / and the sprete of the vtter contēpt of God with all other abhominacyons of vayneglorye malyce / muther / and Idolatrye. In these spretes haue they gouerned their gloriouse churche of Antichrist / euer sens they sprange vp vndre Phocas w t Mahomete. Specyallye sens Syluester the sorcerer fat the deuyll from hell to graunt to his confirmacion and to geue him the iurisdiccyon of both swerdes. In these fylthye spretes also haue their horned whoremongers euer sens by the same auctoryte bannished all godlye veritees and knowlege / ex [...]rcysynge all tyrannye / cruelte / and vyolence possible / to holde the peple in darkenesse and ignoraunt blyndenesse. And this in dede hath Martyne Luther lyke christes true disciple with all dilygence sought to redresse / [Page] which moueth not a lyttle here the sycke stomake of Pantolabus / he beinge the Popes Apostle.
2 But that holye ghost which is the spre of wysdome / knowlege / counsell / force / science / pyte / and the true feare of God / hath not Martyne Luther exyled / as he is here of this lymme of the deuyll most falselye reported. His workes shall in this poynt stande with him as wytnesses ageynst Wynchestre Bonner / Standishe / Wattes / Quarrye the pardoner / Pantolabus / and all their affinite / though they haue all the deuyls of hell vpon their syde. He that shal reade his boke ageynst y • Iewes / quod Christus Iude [...]s sit natus / & his commentaries vpon the scripturs with his other treatyses / conferrynge them with the Popes olde diuinite / Decrees / and Decretals / Extrauagantes / Clementynes / and Synodals / shall fynde them so moche to dyffer from them as lyght doth dyffer from darkenesse or Christ frō Belial / yf he be Christenlye lerned. It fareth here by Pantolabus as it doth by him that daunseth naked in a n [...]t / thinkynge that no manne seyth him whan all the world beholdeth him a presumptuouse Idyote fole. No māne there is which seyth anye truthe / but perseyueth that the sprete which prouoketh Martyne Luther to destroye the Popes kyngedō / is a cleane contrarye sprete to that w c hath regned in the Pope and his clergye. And [Page 17] [...] therfor yf the Popes sprete be of y • deuyll as the scripture sayth it is / his sprete must nede [...] b [...]: of God. And therfor Pantolabus holye ghost (whom Luther hath bannisshed) is not of God but of the deuyll.
3 What lyberte this is that Pantalabꝰ here coupleth with synne makinge them all one / [...] cā not wele tell / vnlesse it be fre will. And ther vnto geueth Martyne Luther no lyberte that is godlye / as testifyeth his boke de Seruo arbitrio. And therfor is Pantolaꝰ moche to be blamed so to slaundre him. But in dede his Lorde of Wynchestre hath brought in that lyberte now of late by y • good helpe of Ecki [...]s the dowtye doctor of the papystes / and taketh great paynes vpon him to make it a newe article of the fayth of Englande. I thinke not the contrarye but his great hot stodye is also to sett vp purgatorye ageyne / reparinge the broken chest of y • churches olde suffrages / deseruinges / and merites / to redeme the brent sowles and sende them to hauē by the vertu of Scala cel [...]. And therfor yf Pantolabus fynde fawte in the bringinge in of that lyberte / lete him blame his good lorde for it & not Luther. The synne that he here speaketh of shuld seme to be Prestes marryage. For that in dede they put out as an horryble synne whan they toke their oyled orders and were marryed to Sodome & Gomor. If Luther hath brought that in ageyne and dryuen out their souerayne [Page] [...] [Page 17] [...] [Page] ladye and swete sacred Sodomye / he is worthye to be condempned of them for an heretyqye. For holye Pope Hyldebrāde which was a Necromanser made this constitucion / that non shuld be admitted to holye orders / vnlesse he forsware marriage for terme of his lyfe. Which constitucion hurt him nothinge at all / he hauinge at his pleasur Mawde y • Duchesse of Lotharyne with manye other more out of marryage.
4 Farre out of frame is the scripture / which he hath here alleged to conferme w t his folyshe purpose / Polluerunt templum tuum. O lorde God (sayth Asaph the prophete) a peple is broken into thyne herytage / which hath defyled thy holye temple. If the Popes churche were ment by that temple / this text is falselye applyed to Luther and his companye. For they haue not broken into that churche / but gone out of it as all the worlde knoweth. And in the verses folowinge are they mencyoned / that destroyed the faythfull seruaūtes of God by sheding their blood and geuynge their fleshe to the fowles of the ayre. Effuderunt sanguinem corum tanquam aquam. What they are that haue y • true beleuers in soche deadlye derysiō / it were easye ynough to perseyue though we had nothinge els to proue it but this present Genealogye. Neuer shall ye [...]e that spiritualte of theirs persecute anye other / thā the louers of the truthe. Wynchestre at this [Page 18] houre honteth nether for thefe nor murtherer / aduouterer nor whore keper. If he ded / there shuld not so manye of them so boldelye diuell at the next dore to him. But there shall not apere a reader of Christes gospell / that he shall not haue by the sleue by and by. He s [...]yth not Pantolabus here / which is an heretyque in dede / yf an heretyque be a peruerter of y • scripturs / for they are of an other veyne that he coueteth. He shuld not els be his mothers owne darlynge.
HEre though I seme sumwhat to digrede / yet shall it be no digressyon / but a necessarye rela [...]yon / consyderyng that Pantolabus hath so spyghtfullye accused matrymonye for synne. Sumwhat shall it be nedefull to shewe here to the commendacyon of that godlye estate of lyuynge / and to the vtter reproche and shame of the contempners therof by the scriptures & chronicles. To non other ende ded y • Pope w t his prelates first inhybyt prestis their marryage / but to apere therby an holy spirituall kyngdome deuyded from the prophane multitude / & to lyue in all voluptuousnesse & deceyt. Marke fyrst their vngodlye sprete by this. The lorde cō maunded not Dauid to put from him Bersabe after the death of Vrias for the aduouterye afore committed / but both allowed her after for his wyfe / & also greatlye loued the seconde frute of her begotten which was Salomon. The Rome churche as a congregacyon [Page] cleane contrarye to God in that / cō maunded their prestes first not onlye to forsake their most lawfull wyues / but also to leaue their most dere chyldren as frutes of fornicacyon / which cruelte we haue also felt in this age. And thus hath holye wedlock bene vnto them euer sens a most pernycyouse poyson / and stynkynge whoredome with buggerye a most suffren remedye of their naturall dyssease. Soche hath bene their sathanycall tyrannye euer sens.
A great aduersarye to that holye office was Pope Nycolas the first in the yeare of oure lorde. D.ccc.lxiiii. tyll Huldrichus the good bishop of Augus [...]a in Germanye withstode his deuyllyshe hypocresye. yet was a wyfe non impediment to holye [...]aynt Nycolas longe afore that / which was of a cōmon cytezen made the archebisshop of Myr [...]hea and metropolytane of all the whole lande of Lycia. Nomore was it to Ignaciꝰ / Hermas / An [...]anus / Pheleas / Spiridion / Valens / Hilarius / Polycrates / Dionysius Corintheorum / Tartulianus / Cheremon / Basilius senior / Gregorius Nazianzenus / Eupsichtꝰ / Philogonius / Vitalis / Apollinaris / Vrsinꝰ / Pharo Burgundus / Genebaudus / Geroldus / and a great sort more / which had both wyu [...]s and chyldren / & yet they all were prestes and bisshoppes. Moche better (sayth Baptista Mantuanꝰ) was their [...]yfe in marryage / than is now the lyfe of the spiritualte [Page 19] without it. For a great consyderacyon (sayth Pius the Seconde Pope / otherwyse called Eneas Siluius) was marriage first inhibited to prestes / but for a moche greatter ought yt ageyne to be graunted them. Saynt Peter y • holye Apostle was not ashamed at Antiochia / whan his wyfe was ledde vnto death to cal her by her name (which was Eolam / or in the latyne Perpetua after writers) And to saye vnto her in the myddes of the multitude. Swete wyfe remēbre thy Lorde Iesus Christ / & feare not thē which sleyth the bodye / for they can do no harme to the sowle.
Onlye couetousnesse & ambycion interdicted this marryage / which hath geuen or casion to wonderfull mischeues / as I haue declared at large in my answer for Tolwyn ageynst the Bysshop of London. To whom I haue added these historyes folowynge vpon iust occasyons here geuen me / bycause they are yet so good vnto marriage. Pope Iohan the. viii. was a woman / & was begotten with chylde by her owne dere chaplayne & chamberlayne a Cardinall / which God at that tyme wolde haue known to the worlde that their churche might apere as it was in dede / all whorishe / fylthye / and beastlye / lyke as the Apocalips hath described her. yet was the worlde so blynde / that it neuer perseyued it / tyll nowe of late years. Marozia caused her husbande Guido / which was [Page] [...] [Page 19] [...] [Page] than Marques of Chuscia / to strangle Pope Iohan the .ix. with a pyllowe and to slee his brother Peter / that the bastarde which she had by Pope Sergi [...]s the thirde whan she was his concubyne / myght be saynt Peters vycar after his father. As he was sone after in dede / and was called Pope Iohan the .x. Iohan the .xii. Pope begate of his whore Iohan the .xiii. Pope / & in short space after was stryken to death of the denyll as he was in doynge an other holye acte of bytcherye.
By the auctorite and commaundement of this holye vycar of sathan / ded saynt Donstane here in Englande forbydde Prestes their wyues / and had thervnto the assistence of kynge Edgare. By the which occasyon Oswaldꝰ than bisshop of Worcestre / expelled the canons out of their cathedrall churche and out of .vi. churches more of his dyocese / and thrist in monkes there to supplye their romes / onlye bycause they worlde not leaue their wyues / for he his selfe had also bene a monke. E [...]helwoldus in lyke case the bisshop of Wynchestre / ded the same selfe holye acte also at the same tyme in his dyocese / for [...]e arose also of y • same generacyon. The prestes not cōtented w t so spyghtfull an [...]niurye / thought they wolde be euen with saynt Donstane for it / as they were in dede. For whan he shuld make his purgacyon before the kynge in y • generall synode / for soche [Page 20] matters as they had by that tyme bulted out / he had moche a do to saue all thynges honest / yet had he both the prelated and kynge vpon his syde. For holye fathers wyll at a tyme be as wanton as other poore menne / and smell after smockes for all their holynesse. Holye Tomas Becket wold sumtyme for his pleasure make a iournaye of pylgrymage to the prymerose peerlesse of Stafforde / as his holye lyfe mencyoneth.
He that shall narrowlye serche saynt Hieromes Epistles / shall fynde him sumwhat famylyar with Marcella. So shall he fynde Saynt Gregorye with Domicella / and also saynt Bonifacius the archebisshop of Magunce with Tecla and Lieba .ii. Englysshe women of his owne cuntre natyue. After the death of kynge Edgare this bredde moche trouble in Englande. For the great menne of the realme put out y • monkes by vyolence / and restored agayne the Prestes with their wyues / tyll soche tyme as a counsell was holden at Wynchestre. Where as the prestes were agayne dyscharged / by vertu of a voyce which came from a rode in the freyter wall (here was propre packynge) or els from the deuyll speakynge in him. For in dede the deuyll loueth wele / and first sought out that holye kynde of chastyte for to bewtyfye therwith the Popes holye churche / & also to fyll hell. We rede of a watchynge deuyll (whether he were a prest or no that can I not tell) [Page] but he begate Marlyne the great Prophete of Wales of an holye nonne of saynt Peters in Carmalyn / which was the dowter of the kynge of Demecia / to conferme this blessed storye with all.
About a fourescore yeares after that was one Alwinus then bysshop also of Wynchestre accused of yll rule with Emme kyng Edwardes mother / & so commytted to the examynacyon of the clergye in the yeare of oure Lorde a thousande & fyftye / but through spirituall fauer he escaped it full well. As wytnesseth Rhegino pruniensis / whan Charles the seconde Emprour returned agayne into Almanye from his warres with the Norm̄ nes / he founde Limphardus the bysshop of Versell (which was his chefe councellour) so famylyar with his wyfe or empresse Richarda / that he coude do no lesse than laye aduouterye to his charge. Remigius the bisshop of Dorcestre / was depryued of his bisshoprycke by Pope Alexander the seconde / bycause he was proued a prestes sonne. Eyther had prestes wyues of their owne in those dayes / or els there was some other good workemanshyp a brode. As [...]uda [...]icus y • archebisshop of [...]adeburge was daunsynge at mydnyght in a towne called Ca [...]ua with her that he loued best / he sodenlye fell dead and neuer recouered it / in the yeare of oure Lorde a M.CCC.lxxxiii.
[Page 21] As that holye nonne laye a dyenge which brought forth at one byrthe / Petrus Lombatdus the master of the sentēces / Petrus Commestor the master of the hystories / and Gracianus monachus the master of the Popes lawes or decrees / and was admonisshed of her ghostlye father to be sorye for that aduo [...] trye / for soth father (quoth she) I can not repent it / consyderynge that holye churche hath receyued soche thre lyghtes thereof. Iohan Eckius that impudēt warryour of anticrist / and the onlye instructour of Englande in that article and certen other / in the boke which he farelye made agaynst Martyne Luther / graūteth himselfe not to be Amartiton / o [...] a māne all without synne. He can not (he sayth) excuse himselfe / but that he hath bene as other menne are which hath not obserued the chastyte of Hypolitus / for yf he ded we knowe the cōtrarye. yet will not that brent consciensed hypocrite / afferme it to be lawfull for a prest to marye in the lorde / so indurate is he to this houre.
Though Benedict the .xii. Pope graunted to Franciscus Petrarcha / which was a Canon of Padua / & archedeacon of Parma to take one Laureta to wyfe / retayninge styll his benefices / yet wolde he not afferme it lawfull that prestes myght marrye / but onelye by soch blynde dispensaciōs for his owne carnall purpose. For this was the chefe cause of his beneuolence towarde him. Petrarcha [Page] had a fayre syster in Auinion in the howse of his brother Ghirarde / whose felyship the holy father ded inwardlye couete / workynge manye feate polycies for it. He promised besydes this speciall prerogatiue vnto y • seyd Petrarcha / to make him a Cardinall / and to geue him greate goodes / in case he wolde bringe it to passe. Vnto whom as a manne fearynge God Petrarcha made this answer. The lorde of heuen forbydde (sayth he) that euer so fylthye a diademe shulde couer my head. And with this he departed the Popis court / and so fled into Italie / recompensynge there shortlye after by wrytinge this vnworthye demaunde of the Pope / as testifyeth Philelphus. His impacable furye not yet qualyfyed / this holye father by manyfolde gyftes and rewardes made Ghirarde his brother a mannefyt for his hande and so at the last abhominably corrupted the mayde. For the which the seyde Ghirarde hauynge great remorse of conscience / made himselfe a Charterose monke in Materne not farre from Marsilia / to make all to the deuyll.
Petruo Ryarius a mynorite or graye fryre of Genua / and prest cardinall of saynt Sixte in Rome / procured of Pope Sixtus y • fort his vncle by the helpe of his brother Hierome / a dispensacyon for the whole how sholde of the cardinall of Saynt Lucie / to haue the fre occupyenge of buggerye boyes for the .iii. [Page 22] hotter monthes of the yeare / with this clause in the ende / F [...]at vt petitur. O fylthynesse no [...] to be spoken / but that their hypocresye requireth it in these latter dayes / the vengeaūce of God most depelye hangynge ouer them. Nomore am I now ashamed to open their abhominacions / than they are yet styll with the dissemblynge tytle of their stynkinge chastyte to couer them. The seyd religions [...] cardinall Peter spent within the space of two yeares .ii. hondred thousande florence in most prodigiouse lecherye. And dyed all rotted in that fylthynesse in the .xxviii. yeare of his age / the yeare of oure lorde [...] M .CCCC.lxxiiii. Petrus Mendosa the cardinall of Valencia in Spayne was not onlye satisfyed with y • quene vndre kyng Ferdinandus nose / besydes other whores / but he sent to the Pope for a lycence to occupye his owne sonne the marques of zanet. What ruff [...]lynge Pope Iulius made with the cardinall of Nantes in Brytayne for two yonge laddes which the French quene Anne cō mytted vnto him / it wolde abhorre honeste eares to heare.
Pope Clement the .vii. was reported of some wryters to be a bastarde / a manqueller a po [...]sener / abawde / a symonyake / a Sodomyte / a periure / a rauysher / a sorcerer / a sacreleger / & a worker of all other myscheues / as Wynchestre is now in Englande / whose chast lyfe men maye cōiecture by his chekes [Page] and ordre. Oh / that the earthe open not at soche wretchednesse. I thinke in Sodome and Gomorre were neuer soche prodigiouse kyndes of fylthynesse as are yet in that spiritualte / yet will they be styll a chast generacyon and holde marryage for synne. The syster of Alexander farnesius (which is now saynt Peters vycar / yf he hath anye / vndre the name of the .iii. Paule) was at this narraw poynt with Pope Leo the .x. no longar to be his owne swete lemanne vnlesse he wold make her brother a cardinall after his wyfe was dead / which was than but his scrybe and cōueyar. In all hast possyble was this graunted and perfourmed / he constitute bysshop of Hostyense. These and soche other lyke examples of holye churche are the frutes of Pantolabus holye ghost / that Luther hath bannysshed by his manyfolde heresyes. And in the sted of them hath he brought in maryage / whom Pantolabꝰ hath dyffyned to be synne here / though it be the clere institucyon of God? But parauenture Pantolabꝰ God is not the God that made marryage / and therefore he dare do that wele ynough.
• 1 Next after him Is his chefe lym. , • 2 One Melanchtonus. Nequaquam bonus. , and • [Page 23] 3 Euanuerun [...] in cogitationibus sut [...]. [...]. [...] The openinge. 1.
IN this processe folowynge is Pantolabus compelled to playe Myhell make shyft. No longar will his wittes serue him to cōtinue forth his genealogie by anye maner waye of naturall propagacyon. But now he boroweth a lymme of him / & an other lymme of him. Now seketh he to fatche in that cōmer in and that captayne a brode. Philip Melanchton is here brought in for a lymme of Martyn Luther / and after that Peter Franke for a lymme of Lambert / yet were they neuer cuntre menne. Oecolampadius with zwinglius is made a cōmer into helpe here at a pynche / [...]o is Barnes with Garade and Hierome. And poore Iohan Frith is fatt out a farre of / to playe the symple captayne. So that we are lyke ere we come to the ende / to close germanes lyppes / which neuer came togyther (they saye) by seuen myles. First he begāne his hygh thetorykes in subtyle tropes of allegorye with Blynde obstinacie / Dame ignoraunce / Debate / Ambicion / and so forth. And when that wolde no longar serue him / he stept to the playne storye / and brought forth out of that / Wyclef / Husse / and Luther by name. As moche agre they .ii. in one veyne of speakynge / as doth fyre and water / which be of a contrarye nature. And therefore we are lyke to haue a wyse conclusyon. yet yf all other thinges [Page] fayl [...] / we shall haue the frutes of an folysshe ydle brayne.
2 Now cometh he to the declaracyon of the two subtyle verses which went afore / wherin ye shall fynde moche good lernyng / yf ye marke them wele whan he hath expowned them. One Melanchtonus (he sayth) nequaquam bonus / and he sheweth nomore of him. Is not here thynke you a lompe of good doctryne: Doth not the prelates of Englande moche to the common welthe of the realme / to sende forth soche an wholsom teacher: yes marrye I trow / and they wolde be sorye to sende forth anye other. Here is Philip Melanchion (whom all Christendome commendeth for his most excellent leruynge) detected for an heretyque of this braynelesse hypocrite and blasphe mouse beastlye babler / non artycles of heresye expressed. But neuer the worse is the fayre fyne golde / though the fylthye ratte beshyteth it. For nought is it not that this is done in Latyne he shuld not els apere so well lerned. Sumwhat we must haue to sprede forth oure shyrtes with / & to haue oure phylacteri [...]s seane / all were not els worth a fart. But yf Nequa quam bonus / with insipiēs colonus / had be put to Hōtyngtonꝰ / it had made a better sonus. O insipient papistes / that ye haue nomore wytt but to vttre soche folyshnesse. All the worlde maye se by this and soche other / how vayne ye are in youre stodyes / [Page 24] and soydle in youre fantasyes.
3 The scripture that ye haue brought forth here / out of saynt Paules Epistle to the Romanes / Euanuerunt in cogitationibus suis is as ryghtlye youre owne good as is possyble. For yt is spoken there vnto them that withholde the truth of God in vnryghtousnesse / as you do here in this iest of yours / and as doth youre whole popysshe generacyon / becōmynge all vayne in youre thoughtes / & hauynge youre folysshe hartes so darkened. But I maruele sore whan ye redde that chapter / whye ye marked not this clause folowynge. Propterea tradidit vos Deus in passiones ignominie &c. For youre obstynate frowardnesse hath the sorde geuen you ouer into most shamefull lustes / and suffred you to worke fylthynesse amonge yourselues leauynge the naturall vse of women. This hath he geuen you as a due rewarde of your errour / for that ye haue turned his verite to a lye / and serued the creature rathe [...] than y • creator or maker. This therfore doth rather perteyne to you than to Melanchton: for yo [...] contempne marryage / & not he / you are the Sodomites / and not he. you are the abhominable ydolaters / sensynge styll stockes and stones / and not he. It is you most execrable papistes that are there now noted to be full of iniquite / malyce / fornicacyon / [...] / falshede / enuye / murther / contencyon / fraude / frowardnesse / and so forth as foloweth [Page] there in course / and not these godlye men.
• 1 Next after this vvhelpe Came in to helpe. , and • 2 One Oecolampadius / Vvith his brother zvinglius. ¶The openinge. 1.
KNowlege I thynke verye small hath Pantolabus of y • godlye lerned menne whom here he rayleth vpon in his folysshe iest / and that apereth by the vndiscrete ordre therof. For here he reporteth Oecolampadius and zwinglius to come after Melanchton in the mayntenaunce of that doctryne. Where as they were auncyēt men whan Melanchton was but a chylde / & were promoters of the Lordes veryte whan he knewe nothynge of yt. And therfore the mā ne is wele ouerseane in the matters he taketh in hande. Before was Melanchton a lymme of Luther / and now he is become a whelpe / but we knowe not wherof. Dogges / cattes / and all will be lytle ynough ere we haue done I feare me / to make a wys [...] ende of oure genealogye. We fare syke him that putt to his cart both his bore and his sowe with pygges / whan he had not horse ynough to drawe home his haruest. Salomon calleth you the wylye whespes of the foxe which hath destroyd the vynes. Hieremye telleth [Page 25] you that ye haue broken downe the Lordes byne yarde / and troden vndre youre fete his pleas [...]unt possessyon / makynge his lande a wyldernesse. I maruele therfore ye regestre them not here for heretyques. Both Christ & Iohan Baptist doth call you adders whelpes and the fylthye frye of the serpent / yet haue you no grace to beleue yt.
2 Ioannes Decolampadius is the first of the two that ye here blaspheme / which was borne in the lande of Sueuia. This was a manne of incomparable lernynge / & a most pure professour of the Gospell. An excellent Oratour / Poete / Philosopher / Historiane / Lawer / and doctor of diuynite / throughlye expert in the Latyne / Greke / Hebrue / and Chaldie / whose innocēt lyfe no manne coude iustlye reproue. In Bononie / Hyltprunne / Heydelberge / Basyle / and Augusta was he both a common reader and also an open preacher / not without great name of his auditorye. He translated out of the Greke into the Latyne / manye workes of saynt Iohan Chrisostome / saynt Lyrillus / Athanasiꝰ / Damascenꝰ / Theophilactus / & other. More than lvi. volumes vpon the scripturs with other treatyses compyled he / which are greatlye cōmended of them that be lerned. Moche a do he had with Iohan Faber a Suffragan and fryre / with Eckius / Empser / Cochleus Fysher of Rochestre / Latomus / Clichtoueꝰ / Pyrkeimerus / Pelargus / and diuerse other [Page] great warryours of Antichristes host / whom he answered by Apologyes / besydes his contynuall conflictes with the Anabaptistes / & other sectes. At the last he departed hence most godlye in the .liii. yeare of his age / and in the yeare from Christes incarnacyon a M. D. and .xxxi. euen the verye bewtye of Christen lernynge / whom Erasmus an other lyght of oure age / called a verye pure the [...]logyane.
3 Husdricus zwingliꝰ borne in the lande of Heluecia / was a manne also of moste syngular erudicyon & equall with y • other in all feates of lernynge. In all that he ded in his cōmon lecturs and preachynges / he stodyed to be brefe and playne. Neuer was ther anye that euer kynt vp more surelye / nor that sent agayne the aduersaryes dartes more sharpelye. He that shall rede his boke De prouidē cia D [...] / besydes his other .xxxvi. workes / shall saye yf he be lerned / that he is equall with the best that euer sett penne to paper. M [...]che labour he toke to extyrpe soche vyces as the p [...]ple of custome were geuen vnto. For [...]he which at the last he suffred most cruell death in the .xlviii. yeare of his age / a M.D. and .xxxi. from Christes incarnacyon / the .xi daye of Octobre. Of them was he slayne / cutt in peces / and brent in defendynge the common welthe of his cyte / for whom he had afore taken wonderfull peynes to brynge them into the waye of ryghtuousnesse. [Page 26] [...]o these are the two bretherne that Pantolabus here rayleth vpon in his rustycall [...]ymes without lernynge / wytt / and all godlynesse. Myght we not (thynke you) saye to him with Apelles? Come downe ser sowter / and holde ye styll to youre last. Be contented with youre homblye occupacyon / and meddle not with that which is beyonde youre compas.
• 1 These praters of dyuynite vvith their affynyte. hath sought about , • 2 The vvorlde through out , • 3 For vngracyou [...]e teachers to be their preachers. , and • 4 Conuenerunt in vnum aduersus dominum & aduersus Christum eius. psal. 2. The openinge. 1.
LIke himselfe is Pantolabus alwayes / as the common sayinge is. A fole in the mornynge and all daye after not wyse. He calleth these greate lerned menne praters of diuynyte / yet was he neuer able to vnderstande one leafe of their workes. I thynke yf he were narrowlye examyned / he shulde a pere not to knowe what true diuy [...]ite is Of late yeares now at Oxforde their principall diuynes / as doctor Roper / doctor kyngton [Page] doctor Molle / & soche other / made their open complayntes that in .xxviii. yeares stodye they coude not vnderstande Dons. And as for Christes diuynite / I will beare them recorde / they knewe yt nothynge at all. I thynke these for that tyme in their disputacyons and lecturs were Iolye pratlers of diuynite. And their frutes wolde declare a great sort of them to be lyttle better now. Is not here (thynke you) in this worke of Pantolabus / a plesaūt patche of diuynite: It is no maruele though so noble a clarke as he complayneth of pratynge / whan his selfe pratleth here so folyshlye. youre draffyshe diuynes / as Dons / Thomas / Guido / Gyles / Ockam / Baconthorpe / Durande / Gabriel / Dorbel / and a thousande more / hath done lyttle other these .iii. hondreth yeares but establyshe lyes in hypocresye to falsyfye the scripturs / yet were they no praters of diuynite but good doctors of holye churche. O beastlye Baalamytes / lerne ones to be godlye wyse.
2 What you & youre affynite haue sought the worlde ouer / and what ye seke yet s [...]yll / yt is knowne in this age to manye / yet are ye not ashamed of yt. ye haue sought out all the sorceryes of the Gentiles / to fyll the peple with their supersticyons. ye haue robbed y • Sophisters of their subtyle conueyaunces / to begyle y • poore innocent sowles. The wylye inuencyons of [...]ogycke / the craftye colours [Page 27] of Rhetoryke / & the preuye practyses of philosophie haue ye gathered togyther / to deceyue all y • worlde that knoweth not your craftes. Not one slayght is there nor cast of good legerdemayne that anye iugler hath / but ye haue sought yt oute for auauntage. Soche subtyle sekers ye are yet to this daye: What ye haue sought in other mennis howses / hawles / stabyls / barnes / butteryes / kychy [...]s / chambers / parlours / and sumtyme in the good mannys bedde / I thynke there be fewe alyue but knoweth. There is not a poore wenche that taketh wages / but ye must haue y • tent part for preuye tythes. There is not a labourer which lyueth by the sweate of his browes / but ye must haue a patche therof / though his chyldren shulde famyshe at home. youre sekynge about y • worlde through oute is an other maner of matter than the trauayle of those godlye menne hath bene / whom ye here accuse in youre ydelnesse.
3 If euer there were in the worlde teachers more vngracyouse than you / I ma [...]uele / or yf there euer were more peruerse preachers / I wondre. What other hath bene youre doctryne afore tyme / but that the peple shul'd beleue as holye churche doth teache them? That is to saye that the Pope was Gods vycar in earthe / & the head of that holye churche. That he coude not erre / & that his curse was most to be feared. That purgatorye was peynefull / pylgrimages wholsom / [Page] masses merytoryouse / diryges medicynable / holye water good for spretes / & soche other wretched wytcherye. All the [...]odye of youre bysshoppes / practyse of youre prestes / dilygence of youre relygiouse / and labour of youre vnyuersytees / was about non other thynge / but to maynteyne soche beggerlye baggage. And yt apereth by Wynchestre / Bonner / Tonstall / & soche other / that ye seke yet non other thynge els. The solempne declara [...]yōs of Seyton & Tolwyn shall yet stande forth for wytnesses / yf nede be / besydes the workes of Standysshe & Pantolabꝰ. O most shamelesse hypocrites / how dare ye be so bolde to report other menne for vngracyouse teachers / your selues offerynge so vngracyouse documētes to y • worlde [...] Remoue first of all y • great beame of your owne / ere ye take y • small mote from your neyber. He that shall conferre your teachynges w t y • worde of God / shall fynde them vngracyouse ynough
4 The scripture here alleged for your vngracyouse purpose: Conuenerū [...]t in [...] adu [...]rsus domin [...] & aduersus Chrisium eius / maye saye that he is full vngracyouslye handled. Dauid spake it in prophecye agaynst y • heythē tyraūtes / that shuld withstande both y • lord & his worde. These (sayth he) come togyther agaynst God & his Christ. Into this myschefe fell at y • last y • cruell counsell also of y • Iewes / y • bishopes / pharisees / lawers / scribes / & doctours w t the vndiscrete rewlers peruerted by thē. And euer sens yt hath ben [...] [Page 28] your bloodthurstye generacyon / styll persecutyng Christ in his faythfull members. They are y • false peple that ymagyne vayne thynges. They are the tyraūtes that withstande gods veryte / burnyng / hāgyng / & drownyng y • poore innocentes for yt. Who are y • kynges of y • earth but they? The other beare onlye y • name / & are but their bochers & slaues. But this shuld Pantolabꝰ haue also consydered. Qui habitat in celis / irridebiteos / & tanqu [...] ̄ vas figuli confringet eos. He that sitteth in heuen shall scorne their practyses in y • dredefull daye / & dashe them in peces lyke an earthen vessell that is throwne agaynst an harde wall. Let not those termagauntes thynke so to escape y • great vengeaūce of his indigna [...]cyon. For there yt doth abyde thē in dede. Though they take here their vayne pleasurs for y • tyme / yet is not y • iudgemēt farre of / neyther slepeth their dānacyon / but is redye to lyght vpon thē w t vengeaūce.
• 1 And here in this londe Certayne they fonde. , • 2 Vvhich by and bye Dyd them applye. , • 3 For to sett forth Thynges nothynge vvorth. , and • 4 And preached openlye Both treason and heresye. ¶The openinge. 1.
[Page] MA [...]uele yt is to me / yf these men soughte oute vngracyouse teachers in Englande / that they founde not out Standysshe and Pantolabus / Bonner and Wynchestre. I thynke they coude not haue founde moche worse yf they had sought the worlde all ouer. No / though they had founde out the deuyll himselfe. For in their doctryne is y • true Christen fayth blasphemed / the sacred scripturs perue [...]ted moste wretchedlye / the seruauntes of God ma [...]y [...]ned / the peple of the worlde deluded / the pryce of oure redempcyon contempned / and all Eabylonishe beggerye for them persuaded. yea / Standyshe was not ashamed ones in his fylthye preachynge to make Christes blood no better than the blood of a swyne. There are yet in London a greate sort lyuynge that harde him yet is he a lewde preacher styll / and not condempned of the bysshoppes for an heretyque. There shall no soche come in the Gen [...]alogie of heresye. Pantolabꝰ hath here full honorably beshytt the scripturs / and full lyke a worshypfull gentylman of y • Popes churche. And so hath he putt them forth a brode vndre the kynges pryuylege. Ad imprimendum solum / both by Robert Wyer and also by Iohan Redman / which care not what they do for moneye. yet is he not founde out for an vngracyouse teacher. But yf he had ryghtlye taught the Gospell / he had bene founde out ere this tyme.
[Page 29] 2 What labours ye haue taken and how busylye ye haue applyed yt to set vp the kyngedome of the deuyll by all madde mastryes of ydolatrye / the Chronycles declareth at large. And how ye sturre about ye now with olde rotten poles and sparres to holde vp youre holye mother for fallynge / we are not so blynde but we perseyue yt. Prouyde ye for necessaryes apace / & se that she droppe not awaye sodenlye in the feuer she hath now a dayes. Bynde vp her head for sweruynge / lappe vp her bodye warme for sursetynge / and prouyde her a cawdell of calues egges to recouer her agayne yf yt maye be. Luther hath febled her sore / so hath Oecolampadiꝰ and zwinglius. Barnes here in Englande was not all behynde with his part / nomore was Iohan Frith and Tyndale. But happye ye are that Thomas Crōwell lyued not / for he had by this tyme made her no verye beuityfull gentyll woman. Wele / now ye haue gotten the ouerhande of her enemyes / applye ye apace whyle ye haue layser / to set her vp agayne. Be now no sluggardes in youre holye water makynge / nor yet in youre sensynges and goynge processyon: ye shall fynde my lorde Gardyner of Wynchestre / & my lorde Bonner of London with other good prelates of the realme verye fauorable and assis [...]ent vnto you / so that ye meddle not with the Gospell. Therfore applye ye apace / & se there be founde in ye no slackenesse.
[Page] 3 The precyouse worthynesse of thynges [...] out by your Egypciall generacyon / is sone valued. I report me here to this worthye genealogye of yours. Forsoth yt is honorable ware and worthye to haue soche a Poete for y • author. It is no maruele though these newe bokes now a dayes be thynges nothynge worth. For they bring neyther tythes nor offerynges / deuocyōs nor trētals / purgatorye pens nor pyssages. Ther are more swete profyghtes to be pycked oute of one Sarum masse boke / than out of them all: yea / God saue Sermones discipuli / w t the portas / processyoner / & olde festiuall. For a moch better worlde was yt whan they were vsed / than yt is now a dayes. It was a good worlde w t prestes / whan they stodyed nothynge els but fryre Albert de secretis mulierū / & to fatche in their tythes & other profyghtes. Longe was [...]t ere Iohan Maior in Parys a great lerned manne / coude proue by naturall reason & by the scripturs that watchyng spretes myght begett wemen with chylde / as one of them ded the nōne of wales that was Marlynes mother: Was not this thynke you a good vertuouse stodye & sumwhat worth / when it was ones brought to lyght: They haue sett forth manye of these good workes / lyke good vertuouse fathers and profytable workemen / yet hath fewe or non founde sawte in them.
4 Sumwhat meaneth Pantolabꝰ here by this heresye and treason that was so openlye [Page 30] preached. But I trust he will discoue [...] nō of his owne affynite / though manye of them were hanged for them at y • rysynge vp in the Northe. Doctor Baylye in Sothfolke wroughte great myracles by syr Roger Wenforthes dowter to auaūce the great ladye of Ippes wyche. Doctor Bockynge lyke wyse ded wonderfull feates at Caunterberye in kent by Elyzabeth Berton to sett vp a newe pylgrimage at Court vp strete. Doctor Cronke [...]orne had certen reuelaciōs of a newe kyngedome that was cōmynge vpon this clause of Te Deū / Aperuisti credētibus regna celorū. And preached thē in dyuerse townes of Easisexe as y • monasteryes were in suppressynge / by y • vertu of this text. Tempꝰ faci [...] di domine / dissipauerūt legem tu [...]. It is tyme lorde to sturre about y •. For yf thu tarrye moche longar / y • heretyques will marre all. Doctor Pyckerynge & other prelates ded lyttle other for .2. years space / but moue the prest [...]s of the North to prouoke y • peple in their lent confessyons to the pylgrimage of grace agaynst y • kynge & his counsell. Besydes y • propre feates that were done by doctor Macketell / y • vycar of Lowthe / Reynoldꝰ of Shene / y • charterouse monkes / y • obseruaūt fryers & dyuerse other that were hanged & quartered. But these will not Pantolabꝰ accuse for preachers of heresye & treason / because their doctryne doth please him well / & specyallye because y • pope hath newly canonysed thē for his sayntes.
• 1 The first captayne Of this false trayne. , • 2 Vvas one Iohan Frith / Vvhich had no pyth. , • 3 Of lernynge nor vvytt Not vvorth a nytt. , and • 4. Via stulti recta in oculis eius. psal. 12. The openinge. 1.
NOt one of these scysmatiques afore rehersed / coude Pantolabus fynde in his hart to appoynt oute for a captayne. yet were they of a false sedicyouse trayne both of heresye and treason / as his selfe is yet s [...]yll with other of that affynite. The lorde Datsye was in those dayes a myghtye great captayne. So was the lorde Husseye. So were syr Robert Constable / syr Thomas Percye / syr Iohan Bulmer / syr Steuen Hamerton / syr George Lumlaye / with Rafe Bulmet / Nycolas Tempest / & a great sort more. Robert Aske was in that pylgrimage of grace for y • Popes holye churche no small doar / though he had but one eye. Nomore was captayne Cobler / that valeaūt George on horse backe with his Lyncolne shere bowes and baggepypes: yet are they not founde fytt to occupye a rome in this noble Genealogye. Manye spirituall captaynes also and wyse counsellers were at the same selfe tyme verye [Page 31] busye to promote that ghostlye quarell for [...]warde. As Iames Locherell the prior of Gysburgh / Wyllyam Wytlesse the prior of Brydlyngton / Adam Sedbar Abbot of Garbeleye / Wyllyam Thyrske abbot of Fenleye the abbot of Oborne / the abbot of Sawleye / the abbot of Whawleye / the abbot of Glasten [...]erye / the abbot of Redynge / the abbot of Lolchestre / and the prior of Lenton not farre from Nothyngham. Besydes that was done at Walsyngham in Northfolke / by syr Nycolas Mylam a Chanon / George Gysborow fryre Peckoc / and other more. But all these captaynes were out of Pantolabus remembraunce at this tyme.
2 Onlye is poore Iohan Frith a captayne sounde out here to his purpose / because he was to the Pope a capitall enemye. Though Pantolabus be but a fole / he knoweth what he wotteth wele ynough. I warande you he hath no worse opinyon of all these former captaynes / than hath the holye father of Rome. That is to saye / though they were byheaded / hanged / & quartered / yet dyed they full vertuouse menne / as ded holye Thomas Beckett for the lybertees of holye churche. By this maye ye se that yt is not all one to dye forholye churche and to dye for the Gospell. For they that dye for holye churche are holye sayntes and martyrs / where as they that dye for the Gospell are but heretyques and trayters. But what this will apere in y • [Page] latter iudgement / that daye shall declare / when no worldlye polycies will helpe. This poore yonge manne Iohan Frith / which is here cōtempned for the veruytees sake / maye chaunce at that daye as the membre with y • head / with Christ to iudge y • truthes aduersaryes / for folowynge him in the same persecucyon. For an offyce yt is to a certen sort belongynge. But sure I am that they are not those which lyue here voluptuouslye. Than must yt nedes be they that suffre all wronges here in that verytees cause.
3 The wyfe man sayth / that they are those whom y • worlde had sumtyme in dirisyon / thynkynge their doctryne madde folyshnesse and their latter endes withoute honour. yet are they rekened amonge the chyldren of God / & their porcyon is plentyfull amonge the holye sayntes. Of this vnlerned hypocrite and braynelesse babler / is Iohan Frith noted to be without pyth of lernynge & wyte Where as the contrarye is knowne to his whole generacyon / which neuer were yet able to confute his boke of purgatorye agenst Rastell / More / and Rochestre / besydes his other workes. The veryte hath yet victorye at his hande / though he for a tyme be throwne vndre the aulter / there callynge for a iust reuengement of that vnpytefull violence so cruellye here ministred vnto him. What pythe of wytt and lernynge Pantolabus had whan he wrote this Genealogie / yt is wele [Page 32] perseyued of them that hath redde yt / yf they were not as he is / all wytlesse and gracelesse. Scarselye worth a nytt is the best verse therof / to him that shall seke eyther wytt or lernynge. But as the sayinge is / draffe is good ynough for swyne / and dyrtye puddynges for dogges. As good as the best is this fylthye baggage for the Papistes / which seketh nothynge els but errours and lyes in hypocrisye.
4 In his allegacyon of scripture / Pantolabus shulde seme neyther to be wytty nor lerned. For in both his cappyes imprinted by Iohan Redman and Robert Wyer / he noteth yt to be in the .xii. Psalme of Dauid / and yt is not there / but in the .xii. chapter of Salomons Prouerbes. There is this text in dede. Via stulti recta in oculis eius. Loke what a fole taketh in hande / that thynketh he onlye wele done. A verye folyshe syght hath Pantolabus in Genealogies to take y • father for y • sonne. Of a lykelyhode he dreamed that he was at Mattens whan he was at masse / by takynge of Dauid for Salomon By the orderyng of his scripturs / he semeth better lerned in his portas or Masse boke / than in the sacred Byble. No where had that text bene better bestowed / than vpon his owne precyouse bodye / yf he had seane himselfe ryghtlye. For by his shadowe we maye trace out an ydyote / moche more by his persone / & most of all by his doltyshe doctryne [Page] here ministred. In the same chapter is this text also: verte impios & non erunt / domus [...]ustorum permanebit. Turne ouer the wycked / and they are nomore seane / but the buyldynge of the ryghtouse shall neuer perishe. Frith shall be cōmended for his godlye wysdome / whan Pantolabus shall be reputed a presumptuouse fole. Abominable are deceytfull lyppes before the Lorde / but they that labour for the truthe doth please him greatlye.
• 1 He dyd saye playne There ded not remayne. , • 2 Rya [...]ye present In the blessed sacrament. , and • 3 Os iusti pascitur imperitia. Pro. 15. ¶The openinge. 1.
ODyouse vnto Pantolabus is Iohan Frith aboue all other / and that apereth by this. Though he hath afore here accused Wyclef / Husse / Luther / Melanchton / Oecolampadius / and zwinglius for heretyques / yet hath he layde agaynste them non artycles of heresye. But now in a great fume he layeth to Iohan Frithes charge the sacramēt of the aultre / and that with no small circumstaūce. Manye menne thynketh that this hote enterpryse of his / is more for the losse that he and soche other hath sustayned in dyrge pens / sowle grotes / masse [Page 33] offerynges / trētals / monthmyndes / yearmyndes / and soche lyke / than for anye other de [...]ryon. That is the comberouse colly [...]k that pangeth him & his generacyon daylye at the verye hart ro [...]e / & that maketh them so malancholye / madde / and modye agaynst heretyques. They are not cōtented that Iohan Frith was so playne in his wrytynges concernynge that matter / wherin all their commodyte and profyghtes lyeth enclosed. Had he medled with anye other thynge els / he had not so fore displeased them. For yf that ones were taken awaye / small substaū ce wold remayne vnto them / towardes their spirituall mayntenaunce in pryde / whoredom / slouthe / ydelnesse / glottonye / buggerye and soch other beastlye frutes of their vn [...] cyons and shauynges.
2 Wonderfullye haue they busyed themselues to holde vp that buyldynge of theirs. That holye Masse or sacrifice for the quyeke and the dead / patched togyther by so manye holye Popes / with so manye ceremonyes dysgysynges / syghtes / instrumentes / gy [...] nes / legerdemaynes / turnynges / beckynges / dreamynges / dottynges / mowynges / gapynges / breathynges with ho he haue at all / cryenges / crossynges / doppynges / dossynges / blessynges / breakynges / de [...]owrynges / syppynges / rynsynges / thombe lyckynges / & manye other toyes besydes. All their wyttes / labour / disygence / and stodye haue [Page] they with Demetrius occupyed / to prepare stronge bulwerkes for this shryne of Dyana. Afterthat their Pope had ones optayned of Phocas the false emprour to be head of y • churche. By the craftye practyses of the mō kes / Paschasiꝰ / Berno / Guido / Humbertꝰ / Gulmundus / Algerus / Rogerus / Lanfrancus / Ans [...]lmus / and soche other / was realyte adioyned to the sacrament. Than were vnyuersytees founded euerye where by monkes also to vpholde that newe buylded butteras. Than stode forth Peter the Lombarde or the Master of their sentences / which was begotten / bredde / and borne of an holye whore / a nonne I shulde saye / vndre the sacred vowe of chastyte / and he gaue vnto yt transubstanciacyon. Than folowed transmutacyon / transicyon / and transaccidentacyon / but not transsyguracyon yet to this daye.
Than ded Pope Innocent the .iii. of that name make yt Accidens sine subiecto / Thomas of Aq [...]yne supportynge that doctryne by his doltyshe diuynite. Iohan Parys and other wolde haue added vnto yt Impanacyon of y • worde / but that was reiected anon for daungers therevpon ensewynge. After that came in ydemptyte / realyte / formalyte / materyalyte / propryete / veracyte / absolute beynge / multiplicacyon / vnyon / diffynitacyon / essenciacyon / vbiquite fyguralite / symbolycalite / naturalyte / potencialite / personalyte / [Page 34] presencialyte / proporcionalite / perticipalite / habitualite / virtualite / dymencionalite / substancialite / deificalite / carnalite corporalite / modalite / supposytalite / ypostaticalite / and a great sort more amonge their Sentencioners and Scolistes. Than was y [...] boxed / pyxed / and tabernacled / & so borne forth in processyon with torche / lyght / banner / crosse / candels [...]yck / cope / & canape / with knelynge and crowchynge / manye wonderfull myracles folowynge / as was seane at Lynos / Parys / Calys / Brucels / Schiedam / and in manye other places els. And so was yt clerelye altred from Christes institucyon / and became throughlye the abominacyon of desolacyon / as wytnesseth Iohan Wyclef in his .iii. chapter de Eucharistia. Than had the bisshoppes at their handes their Sophisters and Summystes / their Sentēcyoners and Canonistes with all supers [...]iciouse subtyltees to defende yt for a blessed sacramēt. And whan that lowsye lernynge wolde not serue them / than had they vpon their sydes to dispute with agaynst y • heretyques / both sweedes and halters / fyre and faggottes / as they haue yet styll to this houre.
3 I wolde that the text which Pantolabꝰ bringeth in here out of Salomons Prouerbes / to proue that Christes bodye is reallye present in the blessed sacrament / were dilygentlye marked of the reader. It is not these / De stusti pascitur imperitia / as Pantol [...] bus [Page] hath here layed it forth. But it is in that xv. chapter. De stultorum pascetur imper [...] tia / yf ye take their olde text. The mouthe of fooles shall befedde with all folyshnesse. Of a lykelyhode Pantolabꝰ hath some priuylege of the Pope / that he maye at his pleasur peruert the scripturs in the defence of holye churche. yet proueth not this peruerted text that Christ is reallye present in the sacrament. But in dede it declareth what Pantolabus is / both reallye / naturallye / formallye / and substanciallye / and so doth in a maner all the whole chapter besydes. Sone after the begynnynge therof / is soche an other: lyke clause. De fatuorum ebullit stultitiam. The mouth of lewde fooles boyleth out folyshe bablynges / as are the Poeticall verses of Pantolabus boke here / and all the ynke horne termes also of their doctors afore rehersed here for their blessed sacramēt. More fytlye had this clause of the same chapter bene applyed to that sacrament as it is now vsed. Victime impiorum abominabiles Domino. Abhominable to y • Lorde are the sacrifyces of the wycked / where as the prayer of the ryghtouse is acceptable. Fylthye is the waye of the vngodlye / but he that foloweth ryghtousnesse is in Gods fauer. For whye y • ceremonyes therof are the Popes & not his. The brekefast is the prestes alone / and no communyon of Christes peple to knytt them vp togyther as members into his mysticall bodye.
• 1 The flesshe and blood And lyuelye food. , • 2 And onlye vvelthe Of oure soule helthe. , and • 3 Qul manducat hunc panem, viuet in aeternum. Ioan. 6. ¶The openinge. 1.
PRoudelye styll pratleth this popishe Poete / accusynge Iohan Frith for not graūtynge Christes reall presence in their sacrament. And here he cōuerteth his fantasyed realyte into Christes fleshe and blood / callynge it the lyuelye fode of y • sowle Godlye wyse was Iohan Frith / and so shall he fynde it in the latter daye / in that he wolde not attribute vnto Christ that thynge / w t is not founde in y • scripturs. A popishe lyuerye is that realite of theirs / sophisticallye borrowed of Aristotles logyck. He wolde in no case be accursed of the mouthe of God for addynge soche beggerye to his worde. Rather ded he (good creature) offre his bodye to the fyre. I thynke not the contrarye of I [...] han Frith / but yf their sacrament had bene Christes as it is the Popes / in the colours it is in now / he had graunted vnto it moche more than he ded. Christes fleshe is no soche pouetrye / nor his blood soche māmetrye / as their mangye myracles hath made it. [Page] For yf their corruptyble breade were that lyuelye fode of sowle / than had all they peryshed / which hath not so outwardlye receyued it afore tyme. As Adam / Noe / Abraham / Moyses / Dauid / Helias / with all the other fathers which dyed afore Christ. They receyued both his bodye and blood / els had they not bene saued. For saynt Paule doth saye that all they and we haue eaten of one spirituall meate and drōcke of one spirituall drincke / one harde rocke ministrynge it vnto ve both. In sprete & veryte (sayth Christ) shall the true worshippers worshippe him / and not in outwarde thynges that are seane with the eye / for they remayne onlye to the false worshippers or ydolaters.
2 Neyther haue youre Realyte power to make youre blessed sacrament Christes flesshe nor yet his blood. Neyther can ye therby proue it oure lyuelye food nor yet oure [...]owles helthe / though ye a thousande tymes put it thervnto. For so moche as it cometh not from y • expresse worde of God / but from the fylthye doctryne of youre Philosophers / which were non other but fylthye ydolaters. Rathe [...] shulde it seme therfore to conuert it into an ydoll to oure sowles destruccyon / than into Christes fleshe to oure sowles cō solacyon. A lyuelye fode it maye wele be vnto you which are fedde therwith daylye at youre austers / but wele I wote in that kynde it is non vnto vs in y • churches bodye which [Page 36] haue no part therof. An onlye welthe it maye be vnto youre generacyon which take the swete profytes therof / & lyueth therby in all boluptuouse pleasurs of ydelnesse. But how it shulde be the helthe of youre sowles in that kynde of clowtynge / that can I not wele tell you. Wele I wote it is neyther welthe nor helthe vnto vs. For a great vndoynge hath it bene to the comonwelthe / and is yet a most ruynouse decaye of the peples sowle helthe / the eternall father redressel it. ye will saye parauenture ye make it Christes fleshe by the speakynge of his worde vnto it Christ neuer taughte yow to preache his worde in a foren language to a thynge that is dumme / but to the lyuynge peple in their natyue language / that they myght beleue and be saued. He bad you distribute that brede vnto other / and not to slaffe it vp youre selues. He commaunded also the peple to eate it / but in no case to worship it. Neuer was it worshipped in the churche / tyll it had youre Realyte / which Christ neuer graunted to youre breathynge.
3 The scripture that is here alleged oute of the sixt of Iohan. Qui manducat hunc panem / viuet in eternum / condempneth the whole doctrine of Pantolabꝰ madde meters here / both by the sequele of the same chap. and also by the opynion of all the olde doctors which nameth it a spirituall eatynge. In all that processe doth Christ reproue the [Page] Capernaytes or carnall hearers of his worde / requirynge a beleue of them that will be saued. For at that tyme nor yet of a yeare after was not that holye supper of his instituted. Christ there admonished both his owne disciples and y • Capernaytes not to labour for the meate that perisheth with the bellye / but for that which endureth into the lyfe euerlastynge which is his eternall worde. And whan they grodged at his heaueulye aduertysementes / he declared vnto them what he ment by that eatynge / fayeng. Qui credit in me / habet vitam eternam. He that beleueth on me / hath the lyfe euerlastynge. As who shulde saye / that there to eate / is to beleue accordynge to his worde. Whan Christe after that he had declared hymselfe to be the breade of lyfe / and that his fleshe was meate and his blood verye drincke / and that they which ded eate him shuld lyue for euer. He gaue them this for a full cōclusyon of the vnderstandynge of that eatynge and drinckynge. Spiritus est qui vi [...]ificat / caro non prodest quicquā. It is onlye the sprete that quyckeneth / the carnall eatynge profyteth nothynge at all. For the bisshoppes behelde him / Iudas ded kysse him / and the cruell Iewes towched his bodye / yet were they for that neuer the better. Nomore than the prestes are yet to this houre / which (as they saye) do daylye receyue him with their mouthe / eate him with their lyppes / and teare [Page 37] him with their teathe.
• 1 O braynelesse nodye Christ sayd my bodye , • 2 Is verelye meate For manne to eate. , and • 3 Caro mea vere est cibus, &c. Ioan. 6. The openinge. 1.
QVycke is Pantolabus in his matters now / & quauereth in his quybybles at large. He cutteth his crotchettes as short as chyldes dyrt / that they shulde tonne rounde on his tonge. Now is Iohan Frith a braynelesse nodye / because he hath not written to his mynde. But what a wytlesse wrangeler is he / and a dodypoll dawe pat [...] / that thus will talke with a dead manner. A cōmon custom is it amonge the vnlerned papistes / onlye to inueye agaynst them that are gone. Neuer will they meddle with them which are alyue / vnlesse they be sure to burne them or to hange them. Truthe it is that Christ hath sayd / that his bodye is meate / and that he which doth not receyue that meate cā haue no lyfe in him. But what that eatynge is can not Pantolabꝰ tell / or at y • last he hath not yet taught it. Christ sayth that to eate his flesshe and to dryncke his blood / is to dwell in him by fayth and loue / and he agayne to dwell in vs by his sprete of [Page] veryte / and not to heare youre popishe masse or to receyue youre sacrament. An infynite nombre of people haue thus eaten him and droncke him / which neuer knewe what your massynge or how sellynge ment / & shall lyue perpetuallye in that refeccyon. Not one euer perished that so hath receyued him / where as thousandes hath bene lost that hath bene fedde at youre aulters.
2 Whereas his fleshe is eaten and surelye dygested / there is seane nomore whoremongynge / theft / fornicacyon / ydelnesse / wytchecraft / cruelte / spyght / couetousnesse / ydolatrye / hatred / glotonye / and other fylthye vyces of the fleshe. But loue / ioye / peace / pacience / longe sufferynge / gentylnesse / goodnesse / faythfulnesse / mekenesse / clennesse / temperaunce / with other frutes of the sprete. It is not youre oyled generacyon therfore / nor yet they that are howseled at their masses that eateth Christes fleshe & drynketh his blood / which for the more part styll remayne whoremongers / buggerers / robbers / cloyners / catchers / false teachers / hypocrites / ydolaters / trayters / deceyuers / bellye goddes / extorcy [...]ners / murtherers of sowles / and burnets of innocentes for their true Christen beleue. Where as Christ is eaten / he dwelleth. And whereas he dwelleth / he will suffre no soche workes to be done. That persone can be no blasphemouse babler / no instructour of lyes / no dysdayner [Page 38] of Gods worde / no peruetter of y • scripturs / as Pantolabus is here through oute all his iest. He shall not iudge that to be whyghte that is blacke / nor yet that is blacke to be whyght. But his syght shall be soche by the gyft of his sprete / that the thynge which is nought he shall so discerne it / hath it neuer so manye gloryouse glytterynge colours to the contrarye.
3 As Pantolabus is in his poesyes / so is he in his allegacyons of the scripture / a verye vnlerned ydyote / applyenge them both to his folyshe fleshlye purpose. He thynketh with Caromea vere est cibus / to proue that Christes fleshe is reallye present in their popyshe sacrament. And Christ meaneth nothyngelesse in that whole chapter. He sayth not there my fleshe shall be naturallye present in youre sacrament / whan ye haue ones prouyded youre oyled offycers and consecrate coniurers for that purpose. But my fleshe is meate / and my blood is vnfaynedlye drynke / afore there were anye soche [...]wlyshe orders. He promysed nor to dwell in that / but to dwell in vs euermore. The kyngedome of God (sayth he) cometh not with outwarde obseruacyon of lo here / and se there. For beholde the kyngdome of God is within yow. youre members (sayth saynt Paule) are the temple of God / and youre sowles the habitacles of the holy ghost. It foloweth in that Gospell hic est panis qui de celo descendit. [Page] He is the breade which came from heauen / & not that breade which came from the wafer backers or from the breathyng of syr Laurence Loyterer at the aulter. The worke of God is onlye to beleue / & not to fatche that bread at youre ydell handes. They dye that eate youre breade / and ronne headlynges to the deuyll a greate sort of them / as ded manye of the Iewes that eate Manna in the desart. But they that eate this breade shall neuer perishe.
• 1 Vvhye vvist thu then / Sett to thy penne. , • 2 And so playnelye Christes vvordes denye / , • 3 Thy peuyshe pyld reasons Vvere not vvorthe .ii. peasons , • 4Vvherfore in a [...]yre Thu haddest thy hyre. , and • 5 Iuste patiebantur secundum suas nequitias. Sapien. 19. ¶The openinge. 1.
RIallye styll ruffleth this rutter in his ragged rymes of rustycall rudenesse. He reasoneth here his matter full clarkelye with this dead manne / whye he sett his penne to b [...]oke aganyst the profytable wares of their markett. But so longe [Page 39] as he was alyue he wolde not meddle with him. Lyke a valeaūt warryour of the Popes armye / he thynketh the victorye sone gotten of him that is gone awaye. The manne alredye ouerthrowne / is sone beatten. But lete him not thynke so to wynne anye greate worshyp at Iohan Frithes hande. For thoughe his corps be dead / his sprete is alyue. Whan his fleshe was in burnyng / his fayth was most quycke / the veryte in him remaynynge inuincyble. The power of hell with the whole swarme of Antichrist shall neuer pre [...]ayle agaynst that stronge buysdynge. Non other victorye haue ye / than had Cayphas ouer Christ / and the deuyll ouer Iob / tryumphe ye neuer so fast. ye maye ponnyshe the bodye and geue it to death / but ouer the sowle ye haue no power. Blessed is that mā ne that euer he was borne / which perseuereth faythfull to the ende / as Iohan Frith hath done. That he penned by his lyfe concernynge the sacrament and their popyshe purgatorye / is not greatlye hyndred here as yet ōy Pantolabus dyrtye dartes. The greatest acte he hath done / is that he hath here paynted vs out a fole of himselfe.
2 Here is it layed vnto Iohan Frithes charge / that he shulde denye Christes wordes / because he wolde not in his boke admyt Aristotles realyte in their sacramēt. In dede he neuer denyed Christes worde / for than he shulde haue done as you do alwayes / & so [Page] haue denyed Christ himselfe which is all one with his worde. He euermore affermed that Christes fleshe was verye meate & his blood verye dryncke / but not for the bodye. yet denyed he not the corporall eatynge. He graunted also that he was verye bread / and that he which eateth that breade shall lyue for euer. yet wolde he not haue that bread which came from the waffer backers / to be all one with that breade which came from heuen. For saynt Augustine sayth that their eatynges be diuerse. The one is eaten with the mouthe / the other with y • fayth. The one with the lyppes / the other with the harte. The one with the bodye / the other with the sowle. He wolde in no case haue them to come in both at one dore. youre [...]ordes wolde not Frith afferme / because they are not Christes but Aristotles. youre wayes are all after the Master of your sentēces / which was in an whoryshe nonne a fylthye frute of your vowed chastyte. ye folowe in youre fayth the fore steppes of Bonauenture / Thomas / Dons / Osbert / Albert / Baconthorpe / Gerarde / Gyles / Gandauus / Guido / Ockham Helyoth / Holcoth / Brulifer / Dorbel / & other dyrtye diuynes forth yssuynge from him (in whom sathā hath wrought euer sens he was sett at large) refusynge the Apostles doctryne. And that caused Iohan Frith neuer to agre vnto you.
3 His reasons are neuer the worse that [Page 40] youre pylde popyshe brayne do not allowe them. Peuysh ynough are your poesyes / and more peuyshe a great deale youre pylde wyttes. What youre reasons are / it is playne to all them / which hath eyther wytt or lernynge. The value of them is sone rekened now that they are come to y • towche stone. I thynke verelye they are neyther worth two peasons / nor yet worth two nyttes or antes egges. The reasons and auctorytees of Iohan Frith concernynge Christes bodye & blood / standeth yet vntowched for all you. Moche more vndischarged. It is ynough for you to rayle and to prate / to bragge & to lye / though ye do nothynge els. ye fare lyke a gargull in a wall with a spowte in his mouthe / which doth nothynge els but spewe oute water. ye sett a greate face here vpon the matter / as though the Popes churche were holden vp by you / and nothynge do ye at all but vomete fylthye swyllynges. More lyke are you and a sort of youre fellawes more / to pull downe youre holye mother / than to kepe her vp longe / yf ye haue no better lernynge than ye shewe here. Iohan Wyclef prophecyed that your churche shuld haue an ende / had veryte ones the victorye. Which is in short space lyke to be founde true / yf ye plye not youre matters apace.
4 Disdaynefullye cast ye it in Iohan Frithes teathe here / that he dyed in the fyre at [...] procuremēt of your prelates. As though it [Page] were a greate ignominye to dye for the Lordes veryte. But precyouse in y • syght of that lorde was the death of that faythfull yonge manne / though it were verye wretched in your syghtes regardynge nothynge but that which is pleasaunt to the fleshe. What your ende shall be / the Lorde of heauen knoweth. ye haue yet layser ynough to playe the felde bysshop / and to blesse with youre heles in an hempen corde / as a great sort of youre fellawes haue done which were as true menne as you are here. Therfore ye are not wyse to disdayne anye mannys ende / nor yet to iudge him yll that departeth in Christes fayth. ye maye wele knowe that Christes deathe was not verye precyouse to your proude predecessors the bysshoppes / pharysees / & lawers / whan they went vp and downe there mockynge and mowynge as you do now here with youre meters. No better is the seruaūt than his master / nor yet the disciple than he that sent him. Full vnlyke is y • syght of god to youre syght / and his ins [...]rutable iudgementes to youre carnall iudgemētes. Blessed is Iohan Frith that he suffreth styll at your handes these obprobryes for his holye names sake / for sure is he of the kyngedome of heauen.
5 The clause that ye haue here ins [...]pientlye raught out of the last chapter of S [...]pience / to make good with it your malicyouse meters agaynst Iohan Frith / will not Sapience [Page 41] allowe now for his / ye haue so disuygured yt. If ye had gentyllye borowed it / & not so theuishlye stolne it / he wolde gladlye haue receyued it of you agayne. But now it is youre owne ragged stuffe & not his. He hath there / Iuste patiebātur secundum suas nequitias / and not patiebatur. The Egypcyanes (sayth he) which cruellye persecuted the chosen people of God vndre Pharao / hath worthelye sufferd accordynge to their many folde wyckednesses. He is not contented w t you nor yet with soche other false Prophetes as will so preposterouslye bestowe his scripturs / as to geue that to gods fryndes which belongeth to his enemyes. In the ende of that chapter is this text folowynge / wherin Iohan Frith hath now his porcyon / but that coude not Pantalabꝰ perseyue. In omnibus enim magnificasti populum tuum Domine / & honorasti. In all thynges lorde hast thu done the best for thy people / & so brought them to honoure. Thu hast not despysed thē but alwaye and in all places hast thu gracyouslye stande by them. The Egypcyanes now are you / as wytnesseth saynt Iohan in the Apocalyps. 11. youre greate cyte (sayth he) hath a spirituall name / youre churche is called Sodoma and Egyptus. For there ye daylye crucifye the Lorde in his members / besydes that ye do in youre daylye Masses / or newe founde sacrifices for the quycke and the dead.
• 1 Next of this secte That vvas suspecte. , • 2 Vvas one Lamberte A manne peruerte. , • 3 And almost vvood. , and • 4 Probauerunt habere Deum in notitia, tradidit illos Deus in reprobum sensum. Rom. 1. ¶The openinge. 1.
SEryouslye hath Pantolabus sought his wyttes here / to clowte vp his Genealogie with sumwhat. But I maruele moche that for .v. years space betwixt the burnynges of Iohan Frith and Iohan Lambert / he coude fynde out non els for his purpose. His bloodye generacyon of mytred mahoundes and their shauen sergeaūtes / were not wonte to be so longe vnoccupyed. His holye mother (whom saynt Iohan reporteth to be droncke in the blood of martyrs) was not wonte to fast so longe from that drynke / but wolde coole her hote thirst ere that tyme / hauynge so fyerye a stomake / wele I wote that manye than suffred at London / Colchestre / Hadleye / Ippeswyck / Norwyche / Lynne / and in other more places of Englande. Good Wyllyā Tyndale was done to death also at Vylforde in Braban within the same years / by the procurement of youre craftye [Page 42] Cayphases / in the yeare of oure Lorde a M. V. and .xxxv. in the moneth of Septembre And therfore I wondre they escaped youre hande. This maketh vs to thynke that ye entended of these onlye with those that here foloweth to iest at youre pleasure / vpon soche malyce as ye had agaynst them conceyued. Sure are you to be of soche a secte / as will worke lyttle goodnesse. Lete menne suspect of you what they will / but these popyshe poesyes of yours smell knauyshlye / whan ye can fynde out non other heretyques but these alone / of so manye Popes / poyseners / trayters / sorcerers / Sodomites / scysmatyques / and pestylent papistes as hath bene / and are yet styll to this daye.
2 Because ye are here in hande with Lambert / I will saye sumwhat for him / for I knewe his cōuersacyon. The truthe of it is / he was sumtyme a prest of youre generacyon / called syr Iohan Nycols / and was borne in the cyte of Norwyche. After that he had in Cambryge geuen himselfe to good letters / and became sumwhat expert both in the Latyne and the Greke / at the preachynges of the good menne Arthure and Bylneye / he toke repentaunce of his former lyfe. And after that the kynge by his lawfull offycers had taken of him an othe to renounce the Pope as a false vsurper / he threwe from him that Antichristes yoke with his lyuerye and marke to shewe himselfe throughlye obediēt [Page] Than leauyng papistycall customes / he enbraced the Gospell for his lyfes direccyon / & lyued otherafter a vertuouse Christen lyfe / which you iudge here a lyfe peruert / soche is youre owne Englyshe terme. This wolde I not wryte so manyfestlye / yf I knewe it not for a certente. Where as he was before an ydell Massemonger and an hater of the scripturs / he became than a fauorer and folower of them. yea / he taught them vnto other and lyued his selfe accordynge to the same. Manye Christen instruccyons wrote he to his bretherne / & brought vp their chyldren in all vertu. Dyuerse workes of Erasm [...]s / and of other good authors more / translated he into the vulgar Englyshe tonge to the Christen commodyte of other.
3 And whereas Pantolabus wryteth him here to be a manne almost woode / for that he was not in fayth and opinyon to his folyshe mynde agreable. He declareth himselfe to be of lyke iudgement with those relygyouse curates of the Iewes Synagoge / which reported Iohan Baptist to be a madde manne for his abstinence / and Christ to be a dronckarde for his good felyship kepyng. But lete him not thynke easlye to auoyde this slaunderouse report before the eternall iudge / vnlesse he repent in tyme. What so euer thu art (sayth saynt Paule) that iudgest an other / this shalt thu be sure of forthyne owne part / to condemne thyselfe / perfourmynge the same [Page 43] selfe thynges that thu condemnest him of. Moche more than / yf it be left in wrytynge / as this outragyouse slaundre is / that he was a manne peruert and almost wood. Though I and soche other which haue redde ouer Pantolabus iest here / ded not iudge him a fellawe of a peruerse opinyon and doctryne / and a Bedlem beast more than madde / the seyd iest it selfe wolde do it for vs. Therfore lete him not saye that we iudge him agayne here / for his owne fylthye frutes declareth him. How abhomynably the scripturs are here peruerted for a trayterouse popyshe purpose / to vpholde the fylthye kyngedome of Antichrist / it will be euydent to him that shall serche the places.
4 Now cometh here one in / borowed of y • first chapter of saynt Paule to the Romanes Marke the good workemanlye handelynge (I praye ye) therof. Sicut non probauerunt (sayth he) hab ere Deum in notitia / tradidit [...]llos Deus in reprobrum sensum. As they haue not regarded to knowe their lord god / so hath he geuen them ouer into a lewde mynde. And what is this text to the purpose to proue that Iohan Lambert was a manne peruert and almost wood? This is there a conclusyon of an olde stynkynge matter of yours goynge but a lyttle afore / and therfore lete it not be left so cowardlye behynde you. Relicto naturali vsu femine / exarserunt in desyderiis suis in inuicem / masculi in masculos [Page] turpitudinem operātes. They which haue vnrightouslye with holden the truthe of the lorde in vnrightousnesse / leauinge y • naturall vse of women / haue burned in lustes amonge themselues / workinge menne with menne vnspekable fylthynesse. Be ashamed wretches / be ashamed / and bestowe ones the scripturs whereas they shuld be bestowed. Lerne to amende yowr abhominable lyuinge / and leaue to blaspheme the poore innocētes by them. For yf ye can no rightlyar bestowe them / trulye yf yowr wrytinges come to owr handes / we shall teache yow the right waye / bycause yowr own shepeherdes are slacke.
• 1 Vvhich vvolde make good. Vvith tonge and penne. Before all menne. , • 2 That in the Masse. Nothinge els vvas. , • 3 But a signifycacion. Of Christes passion. , and • 4 Ne sis sapiens a pud te ipsum. Prou. 1. ¶The openinge. 1.
THough this verse agreeth with his other fellawe in sownde / yet doth he not agre with him in matter / & therfor I haue disseuered them. It is not all one [Page 44] to be wood or madde and to do good / & therfor I haue put the good doer from the madde. Pantolabꝰ saith here that Lambert wolde make. Than is he moche better by his owne report than is his holye generacyon / for they haue euer marred▪ yea / farthermor he saith that he wolde make good. He cānot so report of his owne monstruouse mustre / for they haue made all thinges euyll. No [...] one thinge is there vndre the heauens / that they haue not defyled with one kynde of Idolatrye or other. Besydes their hypocresye whoredome / Idelnesse / buggerye / and the deuill and all of soche vyces / their shameful abhorringe of marryage / their superstic [...]ouse forbyddynge of meates / and their abhominable peruerting of the scripturs with their sophistrye / sorcerye / wyles / wytchecraftes / decrees / decretals / actes / clementynes / extrauagantes / pryuileges / bulles / & prouinciall synodals / makynge playne merchandyce both of the bodyes and sowles of menne. This have they done before all menne both with tunge and penne / lyke as Pantolabus here reporteth of Lambert.
2 I wyst wele this goodnesse had a tayle which at the latter ende wolde not seme verye good. Lambert both with tunge and penne was a contynuall aduersarye to their holye Masse / which is their princypall market / and that is the cause that he is here regestred for an heretyq̄ [...] yea / marrye set / now [Page] vnderstande the matter moche better than I coude afore. Now can I tell yow what heresye is as ye take it / and who be the heretyques that yow meane. Not they that speake ageynst the father of heauen with Sabellius and Arrius. Nor they that blaspheme y • sonne with Porphirius and Photinus / Nor yet they which impugne the holye ghost w t Macedonius and Eunomius. But they onlye which replye ageynst yowr Masse / made by so manye holye Popes. They poore sowles are alone in this yowr Genealogye / and non other heretyques els. By this we perscyue that ye are those yll stewardes whō saint Paule speaketh of / that seke yowr owne and not Iesus Christes / makynge of yowr bellyes your God. yowr vayne glorye (sayth he) wyll be yowr confusion / for nothinge ye sauer but that which is earthlye. What is yowr Masse els but a gawdishe fopperye or a toye of yowr owne ymaginacyon? Nomore is it lyke the holye supper of Christ / than y • earthe is lyke heauē or fylthye dyrt lyke golde. No / make of it the best ye cāne with your lyghtes / vestymentes / copes / Iewels / aultres / Images / organes / prycksonge / sensynges / & the deuyll and all / as y • paganes ded in their olde sacrifices before their Idols.
3 If Lambert graunted yow that in yowr Masse so patched and peced with papystrye was a synifycacion of Christes deathe / ye were moche to blame so to burne him. For [Page 45] he graunted yow more than anye māne will do els / that is godlye wyse and lerned. But surelye he neuer graūted that to yowr Masse / but to the most holye supper of the lorde / and therfor ye haue mysvnderstande his saynges. In yowr Masse is nothinge but that ye make yowrselues by the vertu of Arystotles realyte. No / though ye .vii. tymes breathe ouer it / Hoc est corpus meum. For christ is neuer made but in vs / and that is by the vertu of his worde trulye taught. And that is the cause that Saynt Paule ded saye. So oft as ye shall eate this breade and drynke of this cuppe / ye shall shewe the lordes deathe tyll he come. Whan Christ badde ye do it in his remembraunce he badde ye not make him ageyne. The trayuelynge womā which is with childe in the Apocalyps / betokeneth Christes people / hauinge him within them and not without them. More ouer Dauid sayth that the bewtyfull dowter of y • kynge is all from within. yowr Masse mongers turne their tayles to the people & preache to the wall as Antichrist hath thaught them / but neuer turne they to them declaringe the true meaninge therof / as Christ hath commaūded. And therfor their fylthye sacrifyces are Antichristes and not Christs and that they make there is an Idoll and no God / and therfor vnmete to be worshipped. They shal aryse in the morninge (saith the lorde) and not fynde me / they shall call vnto me whan I shall not heare them / and [Page] whan they holde vp their polluted handes / I shall turne awaye my face.
4 Nothynge to the purpose is this allegacyon of Salomons Prouerbes. [...]esis sapiens apud temetipsum. To proue that the Masse is sumwhat more than a signifycacyon of Christes passyon. And agayne y • text is falselye placed / for it is not in y • first chapter / but in the .iii. This craftye cōueyaunce of yours / is to playe boo pepe with the symple people. ye ruffle out youre scripturs / but whan menne shall seke them / they shall be sure not to fynde them where you appoynt them / least they shulde with them fynde out also youre iuglynges. This is now the .iii. tyme ye haue played this towche / lete youre conueyaūce be sumwhat cleaner. If ye laye that text vnto Lambertes charge / that he was to wyse in his owne conceyt / ye do him moche wronge / for that cōcept is yours and not his. you haue for that folyshe conceyt of yours / putta syde all the wysdome of God. Vtterlye despyse you Christes institucyon / accountynge him / but an ydyote fole that coude not make soche solempne preparaciōs as ye haue made. Full lyttle consydered you in the same selfe chapter. Quod abominatio Domino est omnis illusor / & cum simplicibus sermocinatio eius. Abhominable to the Lorde is e [...]eye disdaynefull scorner / where as the simple disdayned shall knowe his secrete counsels. The mocker will he lawgh [Page 46] to scorne / and yet will he geue his grace to the lowlye. The wyse shall possesse his glorye / and the braggynge of foles / confusyon.
• 1 And vtterlye He ded denye. , • 2 That Christ vnfayned Vvas there contayned. , • 3 Both ryastye And substancyallye. , and • 4 Quotiescunc (que) manducabitis panem hunc▪ & calicem bibetis &c. 1. Cor. 10. The openinge. 1.
UErelye these poesyes are straunge & diuerse. They make me to remembre the processyon of Maydston in kent. For some of them daunse lyke greate gyauntes and are eyght syllabes a pece. As this verse here afore. But a significacyon. Some come doppynge after lyke lyttle hoppe on my thombes / and are but .iiii. syllabes as. And vtterlye / with his fellawe as short as he. And therfore it is but madde gere. But what is it (I praye you) that Lambert ded denye? That Christ was his Lorde. No verelye ded he not / but stode stedefastlye by it vnto the verye death / that he was his onlye sauer / peacemaker / helthe / ryghtuousnesse / and redemer. He alone was the lambe that dyed for him. And he alone was y • head [Page] of that churche that he was a membre of. In this fayth perseuered he vnto his latter ende / and in the same departed vnto his lorde God. yet sought your generacion by most turkyshe tyrannye to compell him to remoue his fote from that rocke. But mercyfull was that lorde vnto him. In the myddes of the fyre denyed not he his veryte / but departed hence with the clere victorye ouer you. Non of the Popes sworne subiectes dyed he / but the verye true seruaunt of Iesus Christ.
2 His denyall was in dede that Christ shuld be contayned in the bankett of youre blessynge. Remembre first from whens your blessynges come / and out of whose auctorite they sprange first of all. Saynt Iohan sayth in the Apocalyps that the Dragon (ye wote whom he meaneth) gaue his auctoryte / seate / and power vnto the great Beast that arose out of the see. And in an other chapter folowyng he sayth also / that y • worldlye gouernours / as emprours / kynges / and princes / shuld applye their strengthes (which consisteth in their lawes / swerdes / & scepturs) vnto the same fylthye freke. Of this Beast haue you that marke wherwith ye bye & sell. youre [...]yles and shauynges are not of Christ nomore are youre myters and typpettes. If he wolde haue sent forth soche minysters / he neded to haue gone no farther than to Annas and Cayphas / Ioān [...]s and Alexander / with other of y • same affynite / for they were [Page 47] of a kyndred prouyded of God to soche offyces of externe obseruacions / but yet not to make newe goddes nor yet to sence ymages. youre vncommaunded exorcysmes and blessynges are non other than the playne practyses of Necromancye. By the vertu wherof / though ye maye with youre Pope fatche the deuyll from hell (for youre sacrifices are all one) yet can ye not drawe the sonne of God out of heauen and so make oure crede of non effecte.
3 yet can ye not out of youre ragged realyte / borowed of the Paganes lernynge / for [...]ant of scripturs to youre mynde. Ther will ye haue him to be reallye / onlye whan ye shall commaunde him. That is to saye / that the thynge there in syght made of flower and water / is verye he in dede by the vertu of youre office. ye will haue him there also substanciallye in his owne propre persone / in lengthe and in breadethe / in form [...] and proporcion / with fleshe / blood / skynne / bones / heare / tethe / and nayles. ye are verye connynge worke menne that ye can do so moche in so lyttle tyme and with so fewe wordes. But ye can not tell vs whether he sytteth or standeth / lawgheth or wepeth. I thinke verelye he myght wepe in dede yf that naturall affect were now styll regnynge in his glorifyed bodye / lyke as he sumtyme wepte vpon Hierusalem / to se his dere heryta [...]e so wretchedlye abused of you. I can not / [Page] but moche maruele that ye requyre so great honour to those wares of yowr makinge / & so little worshipp to the eternall testament of Iesus Christ. Whye holde ye not vp that euerlastinge treasure before the people? Whye tell ye thē not that he is therin both reallye and sus [...]anciallye contained? No / ye will non therof. For it is neyther to yowr spirituall commodite nor yet auaū [...]age. ye will cruellye persecute it and blaspheme it makinge the people to beleue that it is most detestable heresye.
4. yowr text here of / Quocies [...]unque mā ducabitis panem hune / et calicem bibetis & c. is nothinge at all vpon yowr syde / but directlye ageynst yow. So oft as ye shall eate this breade (sayth Saint Paule) and drinke of this cuppe &c. Here is the communion of Christes holye supper not called Christ him selfe / but breade & drynke receyued of christ. Moche lesse than is yowr waffer cake christ which yow haue receyued of the Pope. A curtal haue ye made of that text / cutting awaye this tayle cleane from his rompe / Mortē dominianunciabitis donec veniat / least other menne shuld knowe the truthe of the thinge & what were the true office in that ministracion. Herin are ye tolde that whan ye so [...]ate / ye shuld shewe the lordes deathe tyll he come / but that will ye neuer do. If ye marke wele the same (Tyll he come) yowr realite and substancialite of Christes presen [...]. [Page 48] there bodylye / will sone apere nothinge at all. Both here & afore ye haue writē it ryallye with a y in both yowr prented coppyes. If it be yowr fawte / ye are but a fole in yowr owne occupacion. If the fawte be of yowr .ii. prenters / than are both yow lewde for teachinge of them soche wytcherye as they can not vnderstande / and they beastlye also to beleue soche blinde beggerye / mynistrynge it so a brode for moneye. ye off [...]e vs here ageyne in both yowr coppyes one chapter for an other / and I am verye glad of it. For in so doinge / ye bringe vs to the truthe of yowr matter. In that .x. chapter is it writen. Nolo autem vos socios / fieri demonior [...] I wyll yow in no case (saith Saint Paule) to haue felyshyp with deuils. ye cā not at ones be partakers of the lordes table / and of the table of deuils. That is offred to yowr Idols is no mete refecciō for the christianes. As yowr daylye sacrifices are / which ye make before the Images of yowr aulters / and not before the people of God. It shuld seme a farre other catinge and drinkinge that Saint Paule doth meane / than this yowr morninge brekefast is / by that which goth afore there. For he sayth that all y • fathers afore Christes comminge. As Adam / Noe / Abraham / Moyses / Dauid / and soche other ded eate of one spirituall meate / though that Christ came longe after / yet had they neuer yowr whyght God w t so many blessinges.
• [...] But lyke a fole He vvas set at scole. , • [...] By a dyuyne For to declyne. , • 3 This prono vvne hoc. , and • 4 Hoc est corpus meum. Matth. 26. ¶The openinge. 1.
WOrshyplye doth this Poete bestowe his wyttes here / yf ye marke him wele / flatterynglye fawnynge vpon some great pyller of his churche for a vaun [...]age / though it be not vpon his good lorde of Wynchestre. A common custome is it of these vayne hypocrites and ydell wytted papistes / to cloyne with all craftye colours and ingyns possyble for to crepe into the fauer of those that the worlde lawheth vpon. Wo be vnto you false prophetes (sayth Ezechiel) that some pyllowes vndre mennys arme holes and bolsters vndre their heades / to catche sowles with all for lucre. Moche better (sayth Salomon) are the strypes of a louer / than the frawdelent kysses of a flatterer. More profyght is it to be chastened of a wyse manne / than to be deceyued by the lawhynge of foles. Soche a false flatterer wolde not Dauid regarde / but cōmaunded him strayght wayes to be slayne. By these flatterynge meters it is easye to perseyue what [Page 49] Pantolabus seketh here. A benefyce of my lorde to synge for butterflyes / that the profyghtes therof myght pamper him vp in all ydelnesse. And for that he hath magnyfyed his good lordeshyppe here with a lye / in reportynge him to proue Lambert a fole in the disputacion of their sacrament / and to sett him agayne to scole to declyne this pronowne hoc. But I feare me they will proue foles both / his good lorde and he / ere the matter be fullye ended.
2 The diuynite of this great diuyne of his / will scarselye apere good sophistrye or yet simple gramer after olde Alexanders rewles / be it ones tryed by the scripturs. I thynke it be no better than course legerdemayne / for all these gloriouse glauerynges. Diuinare is sumtyme to gesse at a venture / and thervpon (I suppose) he calleth him here a diuyne / and not for anye truthe he hath vttered therin / or in anye other godlye matter els as yet. Not onlye is this great pyller of holye churche thus regestred here of Pantolabus in this his genealogie of heresye / that he shulde be good lorde vnto him in an other matter / as yf a benefyce fell that he myght be preferred for this his good zele / but also his good diuynite is putt in here with him. The nature of this dowtye diuynite is to stande moche in the declynynge of pronownes / as he hath here full poeticallye described it. This was in the olde tyme but [Page] boyes playe in the gramer scoles / and now it is taken vp for hygh diuynite in the consistorye scoles of the papistes / to proue Christ reallye and substanciallye present in their sacrament. Lyke is it to be no small matter for menne to be burned for / are they haue done with it / that hath so substancyall proues or argumentes. Necessarye is it to declyne a pronowne wele / for him that will knowe the mysterye therof after their meanynge. Now forsoth here is godlye Christen lernynge crept latelye into Englande for the mayntenaunce of their newe Christen beleue.
3 Sumwhat must these braggynge hypocrites haue alwayes to blynde with the eyes of the simple / which neuer seketh oute their wyles. So folyshe are they that they nothynge els beleue / but that they haue in falsehede taught them / as the blynde with the blynde so fallynge into the dytche. Here is it boasted of Pātolabꝰ that his good lorde of Wynchestre that greate diuyne proued lambert an heretyque with this pronowne hoc. The sentence that Christ spoke at his last supper amonge his disciples and bretherne / had neyther hic nor hoc / for it was in the Hebrue speche which hath neyther of both. Wherefore the declynynge of hoc maketh nothynge at all for the tryall of anye veryte therin. More to the purpose had the comparynge or conferrynge of that Latine pronowne with panis or with corpus bene / than the declyn [...]nge [Page 50] therof. That is yet all togither to folyshe. I put Wynchestre and Pantolabus the case / that the Hebrue hath not the newtre gendre / as it hath not in dede. How will they thā with their newe diuinite declyne their pronowne hoc? I thinke both their wittes wyll scarselye wele serue them / hauinge no better helpe thā themselues. Erasmꝰ saith also in his annotacions / that this verbe substantyue est / is not in the Greke nomore than it is in the Hebrue. I maruele how they wolde handle this matter also yf they shuld grāmaticallye declyne it. It is a worlde (they saye) to heare foles prate whan they be vpon their alebenche.
4 Now cometh forth the text / that must make vp all their market / yf it be not all togither ageynst thē / which is to be feared. We fynde not in y • Gospell neyther of Matthew Marke / nor Luke / nor yet in Paule to the Corinthes / that Christ breathed vpon y • bread whan he seyd / Hoc est corpus meum. For all they make mensyon that it was out of his handes and delyuered to his Apostles befor he spake those wordes. Therfor that breathinge of yowrs vpon the breade / is but a newe sounde toye of yowr owne sorcerye / to make men beleue that ye are great doers by the vertu of yowr oylinges and shauinges. He gaue thankes in dede vnto God his father but the wordes of his thankesgeuinge (which were the wordes of his consecraciō) [Page] he lest not here be hinde him / soryow to df yowr feates with. For he knewe yow subty [...]e worke menne. ye haue alwayes a craftye custome (for your occupaciō is nothinge els but crafte) to gelde yowr scriptures of so moche as ye thinke shuld discouer yow. Quod pro vobis tradetur / had as good place and was as wele allowed in Christes consecracion (as yow falselye take it) as had Hoc est corpus meū. And I thinke verely that y • one declareth the other after his meanyng / but not after your subtile meaning for your aduā tage. He called that his body that shuld be betrayed for thē / now construe you y • rest because yeare so cōning in construcciōs. By as clarkely diuinite as you do vse here / a māne might axe yow whether ye call that hoc of yowrs / this or that? As this is my bodye w t sitteth / or that is my bodye which ye haue eaten. For he badde them both take and eate / and paused sumwhat after / before he sayd This is my bodye which shall be betrayed for yow.
• 1 But lyke a blocke. He had nought to saye. Nother ye nor naye. , • 2 Vvher for lyke a davve. He vvas iudged by the lavve. , • 3 To be dravvne verelye. And burned for heresye. , and • [Page 51] 4 Confuse sunt sapientes. Hiere. 3. ¶The openinge. 1.
XErxes the cruell kyng of the Parthyanes in his frantyck furye made proude preparacions of .x. h [...]ndreth thousande soudiours ageynst the Grekes / yet was he at y • latter slayne but of one simple captayne called Artabanus. Verye lyke is it to be so here with Pantolabus yf he taketh not hede. Though he hath vpō his syde the Popes great armye or infynite host of cardinals / Bisshoppes / suffraganes / archedeacons / chauncellers / officials / cōmissaryes / deanes / prebendes / colligeners / doctors / bachyllers / persones / curates / prestes / lawers purgatorye prowlers / and holye water mongers / with hattes / whodes / myters / scarlettes / furres / cattes tayles / cōmissiōs / scrowles / cytacions / pardons / surpleses / crysmatoryes / stoles / and oyle boxes with the deuill and all / yet shall poore Christ with one blast or puffe of his mouthe ouerthrow him. Here scornefullye disdayneth he Iohan lambert a poore membre of his / full blockyshlye callinge him a blocke hauinge nought to saye (he saith) whan his reuerende lorde disputed with him / neyther yea nor naye. And I beleue it wele. For Lambert afore had lerned this wyse lesson of Salomon. Ne respō deas stulto iuxta stulticiamsuam &c. Answere not a fole accordinge to his folyshnesnesse / least thu apere lyke to him. He considered [Page] also that his master Iesus Christ had verye fewe wordes before Annas and Cayphas / and non at all before Herode / least he shuld haue geuen that was holye to dogges and that was preciouse vnto swyne.
2 What skylleth it how dawyshe and fo [...]yshe you iudge him which haue no iudgement that is godlye / whyls Christ hath promised him a plentuouse reward in heauē for that he suffreth here of yow. Saint Paule saith that the worde of the crosse is euermore iudged folyshnesse to them that shall perishe. But vnto them that shall be saued it is y • power of God. In that he was iudged by the law at your procuremēt / he hath that rewarde which his master promised him / & that he his selfe had afore. If they haue persecuted me (saith he) they shall also persecu [...]e yow. For no better is the scruaunt thā his master. If yowr madde modye generaciō called Christ afore tyme / samaritane / dronkarde / deuill / heretyque / & traytour / what maruele is it though yow folowinge after in the same selfe fore steppes call so his poore mē bre? No lesse rewarde hath Iohan Lambert (as I beleue) for sufferinge yowr violence at London / than had Antipas the faithfull wytnesse of y • lorde which was cruellye slayne at Pergamos. For that stronge victorye which he had ouer yow / not beinge ouercomen in his faithe by the terrour of deathe w t yow procured him / he hath now of his lorde [Page 52] God that swete Manna which is hydde frō the wyse of this worlde / & that fayre whight Stone which hath the newe name writen that no manne knoweth saue he that receyueth it.
3 A great sort of your shorne generacion [...]o ere drawne to the gallowes in the seconde yeare of kynge henrye the forth / and now in owr tyme also for betrayenge this realme to the Pope as I haue tolde you afore / but at them ye triumphe nothinge at all. Fryre Iohan forest a wyse prelate of yowrs was both hanged and brent for heresye and treason / yet is he non of your Genealogye. The marques of E [...]etur / the lorde Moūtegue / sir Edwarde neuele / sir Adryan foscue / & a great nombre of trayters more / suffred deathe openlye / yet are they not here remēbred. But easye it is the cause to coniecture / for they were your fryndes. They dyed for the lybertees of your whorishe churche / as ded your holy trayter Thomas Becket / to mainteyne ye in all pryde and voluptuousnesse. ye knowe what ye do wele ynough / though / ye be not all with the godlye wysest. yowr quarell in this iest is onlye ageynst heretyques / speciallye ageynst soche as hath deminisshed your lyuīges. As this Lambert was one / whom here ye repart to be burned for heresye / not yll apayed therof. To them that are brent for Christes veritees sake / remayneth the same crowne of rightousnesse / that [Page] remayned vnto Polycarpus the Bisshop of Smyrna / which was also brent for the same for whan the ryghtfull iudge shall come at the latter daye / that now semeth ryght in youre eyes will than apere otherwyse. Nothynge shall there be decysed after youre popishe lawes / but all accordynge to that worde whom ye now condemne for heresye.
4 For a custome in a maner ye take it / falselye to allege youre scripturs. And to amende the matter ye haue made it false Latine / wherby I iudge you but a sengle syr Iohan. ye occupye here the feminyne gendre for the masculyne. I suppose it is for some good loue ye beare to that gendre out of the ryght rewle. If these fawtes had bene but in one of youre coppyes / we myght haue thought it the printers neglygence. But now we are cō pelled to iudge it youre ignoraunce. Confusi sunt sapientes / is not in the .iii. chapter of Hieremie / but in the .viii. And it is there spoken of those prestes and preachers / which ministreth vnto the people lyenge lernynge for lucre. For it foloweth immediatly after / Verbum enim Domini proiecerunt / & sapiē tia nulla est in eis. The worde of the Lorde haue they throwne at their tayles / and haue now no maner of wysdome. Their rebuke (sayth the prophete) is open / for they do abhominable thynges / yet are they not ashamed. No / they will knowe of no maner of shame. If this be not spoken of youre fylthye generacion / [Page 53] I report me to you. ye wolde fayne haue it serue for Frith & Lambert. As who shuld saye: They were confounded of youre bisshoppes for all their wysdome. No / no / youre bisshoppes are confounded by them / though the worldlye eyes seyth it not. And they are departed hence with victorye in the veryte.
• 1 Next after him Came in a lymme. , • 2 Of Antichrist An Anabaptyst. , • 3 One Peter Franke. , and • 4 Hi sunt fontes sine aqua, quibus caligo tenebrarum reseruatur. 2. Pet. 2. ¶The openinge. 1.
YMagyne yow neuer so manye craftye colours / yet can ye not hyde a wolfe. Now couple ye these good menne with the Anabaptistes / y • more to blemishe their names / though they neuer agreed to that supersticyouse secte. Rather shuld the Anabaptistes seme to be of youre sorte than of theirs For they haue in a maner the same opinion of fre will / & of iustificacion by workes that you haue. They will obeye no temporall magistrates / and nomore will you but by compulsyon. They force not to breake their othe [Page] of allegeaunce / & nomore do you. They wolde haue all mennes goodes in common / & so wolde you also / youre owne alwayes excepted. And this foredele of them ye haue in that article. ye are sure in euery mānes goodes to haue a porcion by tyttle of tythes / offerynges / confessions / testaments / masses / & so forth / doynge lyttle or nothynge for it / and so are not they. And therfore I can not se / but ye are a membre of theirs / as daungerouse / coyeshe / and diuerse as ye make it. Marrye in dede a zele they haue vnto the Gospell / thoughe nothynge to knowlege / which yow neuer had yet / but a most bytter hate in the stede therof. And therfore ye seme rather to be lymmes of the denyll (which hath bene a murtherer in youre spyghtfull generacion euer sens the beginnynge) than of anye congregacion that is godlye.
2 If ye knewe so wele what an Antichrist were as ye can name him / ye shuld here plucke youre selfe by the nose harde. But I perseyue wele now ye are but a wytlesse fole. It is not y • [...]ebaptisynge or retynctynge agayne in water that maketh an Antichrist / but the obstinate resistaunce of that heauenlye veryte which Christ ones taught. He is a verye Antichrist which vndre Christes tyttle playeth a part cleane contrarye to Christ. As where as Christ was meke / gentyll / sowlye / mercyfull / peceable / poore / pytefull / iust and true. He is cruell / ferce / frowarde / frantyck / [Page 54] tyrannouse / proude / vaynegloriouse / spyghtfull / wycked / and false / and yet is all done in Christes stede what blasphemye so euer he worketh. Antichrist after y • scripturs is he which calleth himselfe holye / changeth y • lawes / obserueth dayes and tymes / doth manye false miracles / denyeth Christ / destroyeth peoples / woundeth vnto death / assoyleth for monye / iudgeth euyll good and good euyll / is worshypped of Princes / burneth in concupiscence / and shall be destroyed with the onlye breath of Gods mouthe. Now blowe in both youre fystes / & tell me whom they meane. ye knowe I am sure [...] they are which worketh all these feates / els are ye a manne of verye small experience. But here perauenture ye playe Tom Nytygo. ye knowe it / but ye will not be acknowne of it.
3 To assertayne yowe fullye of the matter / the great Antichrist is youre whole clergye with the layte of the same false faythe. Of the which youre holye father the Pope with his college of cardinals is the head / All Patriarkes / Archebishoppes / metropolytanes / bisshoppes / lawers / doctors / prestes / presones / curates / monkes / chanons / and nonnes are the bodye / & the .iiii. orders of fryers which came last of all are the tayle that couereth his arse / which is now cutt of in Englande / and therfore he is there become a curtall. This is the great bodye of sathan [Page] which ministreth to the worlde all fylthynesse of ydolatrie and necrolatrie. What Peter Franke was by his lyfe (whom ye call here a lymme of Antichrist) I can not iustlye report / for he was of an other nacyon. But yf that mannes lyfe maye be called good / whose ende is godlye and perfyght / I dare boldelye saye that his lyfe was good. For in his death confessed he the Lorde Iesus Christ to be his onlye sauer and redemer / which is the true seale marke of the seruaunt of God. In the myddes of the fyre also he stode withoute feare / sorowe / tremblynge / changynge of countenaūce / or dissolute mouyng: which were playne tokens of a conscience not trobled / but assertayned throughlye of a moche better lyfe after this lyfe. This lerned I in Colchestre of them which were by his onlye deathe or pacient sufferaūce / cōuerted from youre papisme vnto true repentaunce / where as nothynge afore coude conuert them.
4 A verye theues part haue ye played here with the text / which ye haue taken out of saint Peters seconde epistle. Hi sunt fontes sine aqua / quibus caligo tenebrarū reseruatur. For ye haue left oute of it no lesse than these .iiii. wordes / & nebule turbinibus exagitate. These (saith saint Peter) are y • welles without water / & clowdes carryed forth with tempestes / to whom is reserued the myste of darkenesse. This was neuer spoken for anye that euer yet dyed for the veryte. [Page 55] But for soche subtyle soth sayers as deceyue the people / lyuinge here in all voluptuousnesse. For thus beginneth the chapter. Fuerunt pseudo Prophete in populo / s [...]cut & in vob is erunt magistri mendaces. Amongest the people were false prophetes / lyke as there shall be amonge yow lyenge masters also. These shall preuilye bringe in dampnable sectes / denienge the verye lorde that bought them. Manye will folowe their voluptuouse wayes / by whom y • verite shall be blasphemed. For couetousnesse shall they with fayned wordes make merchaundyse of you (saith he) but their iudgement is not farre of / neyther slepeth their vtter dampnacion. All this with moche more yet folowinge of Balaam the false prophete / and of Sodom and Gomor / is spokē of your fylthye spiritualte / yf it be indifferentlye marked. And therfor kepe it vnto yow as yowr owne propre good / and turne it not vnto those poste menne which haue no porcion therin.
• 1 Vvhich sayd full ranke. That Christ and God. Toke not manhode. , • 2 Of Marye the virgine. Vvhich vvas vvithout synne , and • 3 Verbum caro factum est. Ioan. 1. ¶The openinge.
[Page] ZElouse wolde this Poete fayne be seane in his holye mothers quarell by y • vyllenouse contempt of other. But marke the ende of it. Whyls he rankelye accuseth other menne of heresyes / he playeth the ranke heretyque his selfe. He deuydeth me here Christ and God by intermingling a coniuncciō copulatiue / as though they were .ii. and not one. Though Athanastus made a difference of the godhede from the mā hede / yet knyt he them togither in Christ. But this rāke heretique Papist disseuereth Christ from the godhede / so makinge owr ladye the mother of .ii. chyldren. He willeth also by this proposicion / that Christ beinge manne a fore / shuld take his manhode with God ageyne in Marye. Thus concludeth he .iii. abhominable heresies in one. In this had he nede to go to scole ageyne with his great diuine / & sumwhat better to be taught to declyne this matter. Ranker heresyes thā these / were neuer taught of Marcion / Manes / Arrius / nor Eutices / the greatrest heretyques of all. Therfor Pantolabꝰ maye wele stande in the fore warde of heretyques / & be first here of his owne Genealogye. But he is sure to haue no harme of the Bysshoppes / for their smellinge serueth thē not that waye. But se how true the promises of the lorde are. He that layeth a snare shall fall into it. Who stryketh with the swerde / shall peryshe with the same. And he that iudgeth [Page 56] his poore brother / condempneth himselfe. Well / blessed / be the name of that lorde.
2 The doctrine of these papystes haue a great shyne of godlynesse / yet is it but fylthye hypocresye. The blessed virgine Marye which was the elect mother of Christ / detesteth soche fryuolouse and blasphemouse bablinges as they geue vnto her. As that she was without sinne in her concepcion / with soche other folysh fantasyes. Was not her father a synner? was not her mother an offender? Was she not brought forth in Adam? Declined not she with all other? Had she no nede of Christes sufferinges with other? Though the papistes supersticiouslye denye all this / yet doth she swete virgine afferme it. My sowle (saith she) magnifyeth y • lorde / and my spretereioyseth in God my sauer. What neded he to haue bene her sauer / yf nothinge had bene in the waye to condēpnacion ageinst her? Oh / blasphemouse here tyques and excertable papystes / which thus denye her the benefight of owr redempcion. Christ came to saue synners onlye / and not the arrogaunt rightouse / which had no nede of hi. Lyke as ye are false iusti [...]iaryes / so do ye bestowe your stodyes. She neuer couered as yow do with the proude Pharise / not to be as other menne are. But she was wele contented to be of the common sort / to be exalted vp from mekenesse. And as touchinge Peter Franke that he shuld denye Christ to [Page] take manhode of her / ye lye falselye of him. He dyed in no soche wycked opinion as manye haue crediblye reported. But sumthynge ye must nedes laye for your selues / whan ye haue done soche murther and mischefe.
3 Full lyke a wyse clarke brynge ye forth that text: Verbum caro factum est / the worde became fleshe / and lyke a fleshlye gentylmanne. I maruele where this clause was afore / that ye ioyned not God with Christe therwith / but made them two by the vertue of youre coniunccion copulatyue. ye do manye madde miracles / whan ye come to youre owne wyttes without the scripturs. In ipso vita erat / sayth the Gospell afore. In that worde was the lyfe and the lyght of menne. But of that worde will you fatche no lyght / nor yet suffre other menne to fatche lyght there / so farre as ye maye withstande yt. They must fatche lyght at you / & yet ye are those folyshe virgynes that Christ speaketh of / whose lampes are oute / for ye are chast geldynges all. ye are that folyshe fygge tree which hath nothynge els but leaues. Whan ye are in youre most pryde / ye shall wyther awaye lyke a thynge of nought. It is not this text that confuteth the vngodlye opinion of the Anabaptistes. For all they beleue that he became fleshe. But to proue that he toke that fleshe of the virgyne / we must go vnto the stronge promyses of God made vnto the Serpent / to Abraham / and to Dauid. That [Page 57] Sede of the woman (sayth the Lorde) shall treade the on the head. In thy Sede (sayth he to Abraham) shall all the kyndredes of y • earthe be blessed. Blessed is the frute of thy wombe / sayth the holye ghost in Elizabeth to Marie: and so forth. That illius and that Tui in the textes must be groundelye remembred / & than shall they not be able ones to hysse at it.
• 1 Next after this Came in yvvys. , • 2 Barnes the blynde That neuer coude fynde. , • 3 By nyght nor daye The ryght path vvaye , • 4 To Christes lore. , and • 5 Qui peruersi cordis est, non inuenit bonum. Prouer. 17. ¶The openynge. 1.
BRagyngly styll brawleth this babler and can fynde non ende of his insolent madnesse. The mouthe of a wytlesse nodye (saith Salomon) poureth out all folyshnesse. The hart of a fole (saith Ecclesia [...]ticus) is lyke a pott that is broken / for it neuer retayneth wysdome. Here is now moche matter agaynst Robert Barnes / and all is not worth a nutt. Now cometh Pantolabus [Page] in with his rhetoryckes of this & yrcey [...] It is verye harde aborde with vs whan we are dryuen to soche narrowe shyftes / that we must nedes haue to make vp our meters / verelye / ywys / & certayne w t soch lyke. They that are exercysed in makyng / wil iudge those meters lowsye. But it is lernynge good ynough for the gracelesse Papistes / lyke as draffe is most fyt for swyne. The more folyshe y • better for thē / & the more dawyshe it be y • fytter it is for their grosse wyttes. No / they will be non of these newe heretyques they. The wysdome of this worlde hath taught them an other lesson than so. They will slepe in an whole skynne though they shuld to the deuyll for their errours. Next after this shall come in sumwhat / but I thyncke no great wysdome into Pantolabꝰ brayne / vnlesse he change from this frantycke frenesye into some purpose godlye / and repent soche willfull wodenesse. But I doubt verye moche in that.
2 I thynke in conscience that a blynder beast than Pantolabus / is not this daye alyue. If I had nothynge els / but these blynde poesyes of his to beare me wytnesse / they were sufficient ynough. For soche blynde beggerye yet sawe I neuer / & so garnyshed with the scripturs. O bloderynge Balaamites which stodye nothynge els / but to prouoke the people to folowe youre whoredome. What Barnes was in the iuste quarell of [Page 58] God agaynst youre blynde beastlye kyngedome of Antichrist / we are not so blynde but we knowe. And yf oure testimonye shulde fayle / the workes which he compyled are sufficient wytnesses to declare his godlye wytt and lernynge / of the which we haue seane more than .x. vndre diuerse tyttles. So blynde is youre popishe generacion that they neuer yet were able to answer one of them. Which of you all with youre dyrtye diuynite hath yet soluted but the least of his argumentes in his boke of prestes matrymoney or yet of the Masses abusyon? Naye / ye are non of those. It is ynough for you to crye heretyque / heretyque / whan ye playe nō other but an heretyques part yourselues. Neuer are you good in Christen disputaciōs but whan ye haue halters and fyre vpon youre syde. Verye blynde Asses ye apere now a dayes / for anye good lernynge ye shewe / & that is wele seane in the treatyse of Standys [...]e / in Bonners declaraciōs / and in this worshypfull worke here of yours.
3 I praye you hartelye what swete pathes haue you founde out euer sens the yeare of oure Lorde a M. and one? In the which yeare was sathan youre great grandesyre sett at large by youre holye father Pope Syluestre y • seconde (which obtayned of him by Necromancye / to be saint Peters vycar) to worke in the worlde all myschefe by you which are his ryght fashyoned members. I thynke the [Page] wayes are wonderfull / yf we shuld laye th [...] out here togither. Neyther haue you spared the nyght nor yet the daye to fynde out all fylthynesse. Ded not you fynde out the worshippinge of Images / the prayēge to rodes / the knelinge to ladyes / the kyssinge of relyques / the sensinge of aultres / and the sekinge of shrynes / with soche lyke abhominacyons? It is vnspekable what nombre of sowles ye haue lost by these & soche other path wayes of yours besydes your own wretched sowles. This ded ye neuer yet recant / by protestinge vnto your cures. Good people we haue ledde ye wronge wayes by these vncommaunded sacrifices & heythnishe worshippinges. No / I dare boldelye saye before God and manne / that ye neuer yet repented it for all your oft goinge to confession / so farre are ye from grace and all godlynesse. The lorde of his great mercye delyuer ones his people of that malignaūt generaciō of yours For neuer shall they be but blinde / so longe as they haue yow for their gydes.
4 Here ye are not ashamed to accuse good Doctor Barnes that right disciple of Christ / that he neuer coude fynde the right waye vnto Christes lore. As who shuld saye the pathes that yow leade are the verye iust wayes vnto Christes lore. And this do yow write that the people shuld so beleue it. Lete vs pondre yowr doinges vpon your most prī cipall feastes of the yeare / as vpon cristmas [Page 59] daye / good frydaye / easter daye / and penthecost day. And so se whether they be soche wayes as Christ hath walked or no. For whye / those pathes which he hath gone afore / are the onlye wayes to his lore. First ye haue euen songe and compline in latyne withe the sensinge of your aultres to beginne the solempnite with / & these path wayes Christ neuer knewe. The next daye folowinge ye haue mattens / prime / & houres in the same vnknowne language. ye haue holye water makinge / procession / and hygh masse with double sensinge of Images. ye haue at nyght ageyne euensonge and cōpline with sensinges. With these abhominable wayes and soche other was Christ yet neuer acquainted. But he demaundeth of yow this question by his holye sprete in Esaye / who hath required these thinges at yowr handes? Cō cludinge with you / that his wayes are not your wayes nor yet his pathes. Therfor all your pretensed colours are false here.
5 Full true is the clause which ye haue here alleged out of Salomons prouerbes / sauinge onlye that ye haue changed the tyme to come into the tyme present. Qui peruersi cordis est / nō inuenit bonum / saye you. And it is there. Non inueniet bonum. Who so hath an hart geuen to mischefe / shall in the conclusion wine no profight therbye. I maruele ye toke not with it the clause next folowinge. Et qui vertit linguam incidet in m [...] lum. [Page] Lykewyse he that hath an ouerwhart tonge / shal come to a myschefe. This myght haue bene a premonishment for you / that ye shuld not thus haue raged to youre owne cō fusyon. Of a wonderfull nature are the scripturs / that they neuer will serue you vnlesse they be peruerted / mangled / & spoyled of sumwhat. This text here alleged agreeth better with no manne than with you. For I thynke the deuyll hath not a more peruerse stomake than you haue as youre frutes here declareth. I maruele ye marked not this in the chapter afore. He that disdayneth the poore / blasphemeth him that made him. And he that is glad of an other mānes hurt / shall neuer be vnponnished. Almost in the ende of that chapter / is this text for Barnes. Preciosi spiritus / vir eruditus. A preciouse sprete hath he that is lerned / speciallye of God. Though youre whole generacion denyeth him this / yet is it knowne to the Christen worlde by his godlye workes to youre vtter confusyon and shame.
• 1 But euermore By meane of ambycyon Ded so vve sedycyon. , • 2 He sayd certayne In vvordes playne. , • 3 It coude not be founde [Page 60] That vve vvere bounde. , • 4 To be obedient. , and • 5 Vir apostara iurgia seminat. Sap. 6. The openinge. 1.
YDyotyshe and folyshe are youre poesyes euermore and full of blasphemose lyes. Malyciouslye accuse ye here doctor Barnes of ambicion / which soughte nothynge lesse than ambiciouslye to regne after that maner of youre proude modye mustre. Where as Ambicion is in his most pryde / there fynde ye no fawte with him. But there ye worshyp him with cappe / legge / and knee / and wolde kysse his arse to please him. To currye fauell he shall be youre singular good lorde / and a prelate most wyse and pregnaūt / though he haue nomore godlye wytt than an ape. Thus at a tyme Ambicion shall be youre God / and yet to rebuke an other / ye can take him for a vyce. Oh vngodlye flatterer and false glosynge hypocrite. Lerne first to se that vyce / where it is most depelye regnyng / and correcte it in yours selfe whan ye playe soche an hypocrites part. For all youre crepynge and crowchyng to soche ydolouse shepeherdes / is for that swete Ambicion whom youre hart so sore coueteth. And as concernynge sedicions and scysmes. Not one hath bene in Christendome notable these D.CCC. yeares / but youre false generacion hath bene therin the chefe doers / as all [Page] the Chronicles mencioneth. What myschefe ye ded ones in the cyte of London in kynge Rychardes tyme the seconde abought an horse lofe / it is shame yet to reherse / besydes that ye haue wrought there & in other quarters of Englande euer sens that tyme.
2 He that doth speake the thynge that is true and certayne / & without false colours of cauteles doth vtter it in wordes playne / is moche better occupyed than euer were you yet. For that which you haue taught in the churche and yet do styll teache daylye / so but the verye doctryne of deuyls / so vncertayne and vntrue as they are. Nothynge els are youre histories of the Saintes but fables / lyes / and fantasyes taken out of Legenda aurea made by fryre Iames de voragine. The promyses that ye make to the people concernynge youre Masses / that some of them shuld be wholsom for the poxe / somme for the pestylence / somme for the ague / somme for the headake / somme for y • f [...]wle euyll and soche other / are false and abhominably practysed of you to deceyue the simple for moneye. And lyke wyse youre frydaye fastynges / ladyes psalters / and rosaryes / with bedes / primers / py [...]turs / candels / holye waxe & other wytcherye more. Neuer are the swete promyses of the Gospell made playne vnto the people by you / but darkened euermore with youre hypocrites gloses. Neyther will ye entre into the kyngedome of God youreselues / [Page 61] nor yet suffre anye other that wolde gladlye entre. All youre stodye is to vpholde those mytred Mahometes the Bisshoppes to maynteyne you styll in the kyngedome of fleshlye ydelnesse. And for that ye care not how manye Christen sowles ye murther.
3 As connynge as ye make ye in fyndynge / ye shewe youre selfe here but a false and a deceytfull sercher. ye saye first to Barnes charge that he sowed sedicion. This is no newe thynge in you / but an olde vsed practyse in youre craftye generacion. Of sedicion was Christ accused by the hyghe Prestes / yet caused they Barrabas that was the sedicion worker and a murtherer also / by their instaunt labour to be saued. Paule was complayned of to the debyte Felix to be a commocion maker / not without the false counsell of the Bisshoppe Ananias / yet was he a manne most peceable and godlye. Happye is Robert Barnes therfore with them so to be noted of. the same selfe sort. Playne are his wordes good manne / in all the workes he hath made / cōcernynge obediēce dewe both to God and to his prince. In all his wrytynges can not I fynde one clause of disobediē ce to eyther of them. Manifestlye declared he his obedience towardes God / in that he for his truthes sake forsoke all worldlye estimacion that he myght [...]ele haue had / & at the latter ende gaue his lyfe for it also. And as touchynge the kynges mageste / his large [Page] supplycacion vnto him directed / is a sufficient wtynesse therof towardes him / besydes y • boke which he wrote vnto him in Latine cōcernynge the lyues of the Romishe Popes. But it will here after apete some other obedience that Pantolabꝰ complayneth of / than eyther of these be.
4 I perseyue by the circumstaunce of this matter / that the holye obediēce which Pantolabꝰ meaneth here / that coude not be founde out of Barnes / smelleth towardes Rome. For it is a spirituall obedience belongynge onlye to his mother holye churche / which is no congregacion of the lewde layte / but of spirituall prelates / as his holye father the Pope with all his college of carde makers / arche byteshepes / and byteshepes / dockers / presters / and currates. These are the hyghe powers that he speaketh of here after / to whom he wolde haue vs so sore bounde to be obedient in peyne of deadlye synne / because that his honorable mastershyp myght be loked vpon also as a ryght worshypfull curat [...] amonge them / concernynge his tythes & offerynges. For it is an yll worlde whan the people will not knowe their dewtye to h [...] lye churche. A great decaye is it to their holye mother that the cursynge sentence is gone. This was the obediēce that doctor Barnes coude neuer fynde in all the scripturs / & therfore meanes were sought out to haue him brent for an heretyque without examinacion [Page 62] of his articles. Where as yf he had acknowledged this / he had bene styll a lyue. Thus playe these Romishe gentylmenne / colle vndre the candelstick / cloynige vndre craftye colours to clought vp their false kingedom of deuyllishnesse ageyne yf it may be The subtilte of the serpent is not yet all dead / but lyeth styll lurkinge in their generacion / to worke all myschefes.
5 Scripturs haue we non of this wretched Papyst / but eyther they are wrasted / hacked / māgled / or els falselye alleged. Vir Apostata iurgia seminat / is here now brought in / whiche wanteth no lessethan .xvii. wordes of the whole sentence to serue his false purpose. And to amende the matter he noteth it the .vi. Chapter of Sapience / where is it is not so / but the .vi. Chapter of Salomons Prouerbes. His concordaunce there deceyued him. For that onlye he sought for this text and not the Byble. And thꝰ ly [...]th the text there. Homo apostata vir inuitlis graditur ore peruerso / annuit oculis / terit pede / digito loquitur / prauo corde machina turmalum / et omni tempore iurgia seminat. A dissemblynge persone / a manne myndinge no goodnesse / hath all these propyrte [...] with him. He carryeth a deceitfull mouthe / his eyes winketh wyles / his fete traceth toyes / he pointeth with his fingars / he is alwayes Imageninge euill / and in euery place cōmonlye he soweth discorde. To this [Page] ende doth not Pantalabus bringe in this text here / but onlye to proue Barnes an apostata for leauinge his fryres cote with y • Popes obedience. And in this hath he shewed himselfe here in his owne right colours / a through Papyst in dede (I will not saye a rā ke traytour) to approue my coniecture afore. Easye is it to se what lyeth in the hartes of these pestilent poyseners of the people / whā the forsakinge of a pylde frytes cote is so wayghtye a matter with them yet styll. The sequele of that Chapter ded not Pantolabꝰ marke / for his owne amendement & others. For he found it not in his cōcordaunce. Sex sunt que odit Dominus / et septimum detestatue anima eius. Sex thinges are there which the lorde hateth / and the seuenth he abhorreth without remedye. A proude loke a dissemblinge tonge / handes shedinge innocent blood / an hart Imageninge euill / fete that are swyft to do myschefe / a false lyenge wytnesse / and he that soweth discorde amonge bretherne. In this clere myrrour he might haue seane himselfe in the hate of God / and a great sort more of his cumpany.
• 1 To the commanndement. Of the hygh povvers At anye hovvres. , • 2 On payne of synne But vvhat ded he vvynne. , • 3 He vvas tyed at a poste. And there ded roste. , and • 4 Onnis anima potestatibus subdita sit. Rom. 8. ¶The openinge .1.
MAlice hath so blinded this imprudēt pratler / that he seyth not the waye he goeth in. And though he doth se it playne ynough yet doubteth he not the daungers therof. And parauenture he nedeth nor neyther. For the wynker of wyles and y • seker out of subtyltees hath put him and his companye in assuraunce / that though they slyde a lytle in the darke / yet shall they catche no scathe. For nought is it not that they daunse attendaunce / plainge placebo with Reynarde the foxe. At all tymes shall they be redye to geue warninge / yf anye parell be towardes their whelpes. Lete them do nothinge els in the meane season / but se alwayes that the people obeye the commaundement of the high powers / meaninge by thē the spiritual prelates. And that they beleue as holye churche doth teache thē after the olde customes of their aūciēt elders / for these newe falshyoned wayes are nothinge worthe. If any be busye with these newe bokes ageynst those hygh powers / lete them cause their sworne satellites to indite them of heresye. Come they ones that wayes vndretheir spirituall handes / they shall fynde lesse [Page] ease of it than eyther thefe or murtherer. Therfor it shall be mete at all houres & seasons for him that will lyue in rest / to be obediēt to these hygh powers / though he shuld for their obedience vtterlye forsake God and obeye the deuyll. For their obedience is non other.
2 A farre diuerse obedience is this frō al other. For it bideth vnto sinne / as witnesseth also the great wyse clarke Iohan Standishe in his treatise of reporche ageīst Barnes. And I beleue it wele / for their lawes / commaundementes / and customes / to whō they wolde binde vs / are nothinge els but fylthye Idolatrye & sinne. Agreinge with y • sainge of Saint Paule. That is not of the faithe which Christ hath taught / is wickednesse and sinne. I wote that of a craft they wyll saye here they meane the kīge / though they mynde nothinge lesse / but vndre that coloure to establishe ageyne the decayed a [...] ctorite of their whorishe churche. Whye shuld Pantolabus els call Barnes here craftelye / an Apostata. That clause was not all brought in for nought. The manne ment sumwhat more thā he durst wele vtter. But where as he doth scornefullye axe this question / what Barnes ded winne by so disobeinge the holye fathers? I will answere it for him / bycause he is now dead. He hath wonne so moche as Christ promised him / which set him a worke. That is / persecucion / enprisonment [Page 64] and deathe. And trulye that was a swete winninge / for therwith hath he wonne also the lyfe euerlastinge. Who so euer will saue his lyfe (saith Christ) shall lose it. And he that shall lose his lyfe for my sake / shall fynde it ageyne in the lyfe euerlasting. Saint Paule sayed boldelye vnto the Philippyanes that deathe was vnto him a winninge. And I knowe that the lyberall hande of the lorde is not yet abreuiated.
3 Now steppeth forth Pantolabꝰ as bragge a bodye lowse / and as one depelye lerned in y • scole of scornefulnesse / he soluteth his owne wyse questiō. He declareth to the worlde what Barnes d [...]d [...] wynne for not obeienge holye churche / as though menne were ignoraunt therof. He telleth them with so moche spight as he can wele Imagine / that Barnes was tyed to a poste in Smytfelde at London with .ii. companions more / and that he there ded roste. But he sayeth nothinge (I trowe) of the Popes .iii. sworne chaplaynes Powell / Abell / and fetherston his owne swete companions which were the some daye & houre in the same selfe smithfelde both hanged and quartered for treason. No / that disobedience toucheth not Pantolabus. I tolde yow afore that he wolde at the last declare vnto yow for all his craftye colours what obediēce he ment. O holy Rome holy Rome / thu spirituall Sodome and Egipt / moche beholden art thu to thy secrete louers [Page] in Englande so workemāly to cloyne in thy cause. As concerninge good Robert Barnes whose ende is thought without honour of y • daintye babes of this worlde. He is counted amonge the dere children of God / and hath his porcion with the saintes. Though he semeth lost to y • vngodlye wise / yet resteth he swetelye in the peace of the lorde. As golde in the hote fyerye fornace tryeth he his electes / and as a brent offeringe receyueth thē For soche matters passeth not after y e blinde iudgement of menne lyuinge here in wā tonnesse.
4 Alwayes is Pantolabus lyke him w c tempted Christ in the desart / whose Apostleship he hath here deuoutlye taken vpō him. Styll vseth he his olde roberyes and legerdemaynes with the scripture. Here geueth he vs a mangled texte of Saint Paule to the Romanes / appointing vs the .viii. chapter instede of the. xiii. If it be not honest playe and cleane conueyaunce / I report me to yow. Omnis anima potestatibus subdit [...] sit sayth he in both his coppyes but sublimioribus is out there / for seruinge his spirituall purpose. Lete euerye sowle (sayth he) submit it selfe to the powrs / but the hyghar powers he nameth not / least he shuld haue mencioned the kynge / myndinge nothingelesse. For he is the hygher power / and God is y • hyghest of all. Powers without hygher or hyghest are alwayes indifferent / & maye [Page 65] be iudgled with / & therfor he putteth them here for the Prelates of his churche. But Saint Iohan sayth in the Apocalyps / that their powers are of the Serpent / which gaue his auctorite and seate to that beastlye Antichrist of theirs. Whan Christ spake of worldlye powers / he ernestlye charged his Apostles to obeye them / but in no case to take them vpon them. I wondre of the blyndenesse of Pantolabus / that he perseyueth not what foloweth in the same Chapter. Nemini debeatis quicquam / nisi vt inuicem diliga [...]is. Lete nothinge be donne amonge yow but in mutuall loue / sayth Saint Paule. Lete charite be the power that yow shall occupye / for that fulfylleth the lawe. If this power regned in Prelates / and were so well taught of them as it is commaunded / neyther shuld the hygh powers haue so moche a do in ponnyshinge theft / whoredome / and murther / nor yet so many of their spirituall swarme be whoremongers / murtherers / & robbers of the common people as they are.
• 1 On his ryght syde Vvas also tyed. , • 2 A brother of his One garretyvvys. , and • 3 Vna enim cachena tenebrarum colligati erant. Eccle. 17. [Page] ¶The openinge. 1.
Excedinge hote and modye is this mā ne styll in his matters / and wyll not haue done with Barnes yet for a lyttle. He now describeth his standinge in the fyre betwixt Garade and Hierom. But he telleth not which of his own generacion hinge that daye in the myddes / of powell / Abell & fetherstō. No / that pleased him not so wele as this. For these were fryndes to his holy father of Rome / where as they were enemies. His eye syght therfor serued him not so wele vpon this syde as vpon that syde. The Popes enemies are the onlye heretiques in his Genealogye here / and not the enemyes of Christ and his kynge. Be that farre from him to iudge those good vertuouse fathers of holye churche any heretyques. No / I warande you / Cardinall Pole / fryre Peto / fryre Buckenham / & other ranke papistes abrode / are yet non heretyques with him / but relygiouse vpholders of that holye mother of his the churche of Rome. Truthe it is that Thomas Garade a bachelar of diuinite and person of honye lane / was tyed to that poste vpon his ryght syde / for preachinge ageynst Antichrist. And that ded Christ afore tyme promise hī in Peter for a rewarde / yf he wolde be a preacher in his kyngedome. Whan thu wert yonge (sayth he) thu gyrdedst thyselfe / & walkedst at thy pleasure. But whan thu art olde / thu shalt streche forth thy handes / [Page 66] and an other shall gyrde the / leadynge the contrarye to thy mynde. And therfore this was vnto him a promysed rewarde of his master / which had no better of the worlde his selfe.
2 If Garade were a brother of Barnes / of a lykelyhode he was non than of Pantolabꝰ brotherhede / as were Abell & Powell. For yf he were / he wolde nor regestre him for an heretyque. But I putt the case that Garade & Barnes both be now of that bretherhede which God the father hath allowed for his sonne Iesus sake / as it is most lyke to be so. For that heretage in Christ is not promysed vnto them which lyue here in wanton pleasurs and are murtherers in cō tempt of the Christen veryte / but vnto those despysed disciples that are persecuted & scorned / and that suffre death for thesame. What shall become than of Pantolabꝰ and soche other disciples of Antichrist / which hath with so villenouse spyght refused that bretherhede / yt is easye to cōiecture / yf they de [...]olye repent not in tyme. Happye is Thomas Garade that euer he was borne. Not onlye in that he taught Christ here for an onlye sauer without the mangye merytes of menne / but also in that he hath with his owne dere lyfe / sealed as a sure wytnesse vnto the same agaynst Antichrist. This singular profyght hath he all redye gotten therby That he shall from henceforth neyther honger [Page] nor thirst / and that God hath wyped awaye all teares from his eyes. Neuer more shall he tast of death / of losses / nor yet of sorowes / for the first sorowes are past. Now is he sure to be allowed for a fre cytezen in the newe Hierusalem / whan his lorde shall sytt in the regeneracion.
3 Pantolabus yet styll to conferme his doctryne with blasphemyes and lyes / allegeth here the .xvii. chapter of Ecclesiastes / otherwyse called the preacher / and the whole boke hath nomore but .xii. chapters in all. I warande yow the manne meaneth sumwhat by it. In dede this clause: Vna enim cathena tenebrarum colligati erant / is in y • xvii. chapter of Sapience. But I maruele sore where omnes is become. He was surelye layed asyde for some cloynynge purpose. That chapter is all togyther of the sore iudgementes of God / concernynge the Egypcyanes. They were all bounde (sayth the wyse manne) with one cheane of darkenesse. And this was for that they thought styll to haue in subieccion his holye people. Saint Iohan sayth in the Apocalyps that youre spirituall cy [...]e or holye mother churche is now that Egypt and Sodome. I praye God ye do not condempne him for an heretyque. He sayth there also that ye shulde in youre firetes throwe forth the bodyes of the lordes wytnesses / but ye shulde not suffre them to be layed in graues. Me thynketh he is [Page 67] there verye playne with you / and towcheth you sumwhat nyghlye. The wyse manne in the same chapter of yours appoynted oute youre generacion / & gaue ye a lawfull warnynge / sayenge there afore. Propter hoc indisciplinate anime errauerunt / &c. for this cause onlye do menne erre / that they will not be reformed (lorde) by thy wysdome. For that shall they be wrapped in the cheances of longe darkenesse. Their sorceryes and incha [...]ntmētis shall come to derisyon / & their proude wysdom shall be brought to shame.
• 1 And on the lefte hande One Hierome ded stande. , • 2 One of that nest As blynde as the best. , • 3 And thus they thre Novv burned be. , and • 4 Ipsi sibi grauiores tenebrae. Eccless. 17. ¶The openinge. 1.
I Ngenyouse wolde Pantolabus apere in this descripcion / leauynge oute no circumstaūce of doctor Barnes burnynge. Now bryngeth he forth Hierome the persone of Stepnaye / declarynge him to stande vpon his lefte hande / as though it had not bene knowne afore. But fetherstone he forgetreth which was a ryght brother of hi [...] / [Page] & was hanged there for treason the same selfe daye. ye heare him not tell here on which syde he honge. As for the kynges matters he passeth not gr [...]atlye vpon them / but holye churches matters are an other maner of thynge. He will not describe a trayterouse Papist / least he shulde so s [...]t forth his owne propre ymage. Wyllyam Hieriome in dede / a bachelar of diuynite also / & a manne eloquentlye lerned / for the veryte preachynge agaynst Antichrist / stode on the leftehande of Barnes in the fyre and was brent with him to ashes. And blessed is he that euer he had a lyfe so to bestowe agaynst that abhominable kyngdome of yours. That fyre was vnto him but a delyueraunce from miseries / restorynge his sowle to that quyet which he hath now in Christ Iesu. Not the more vnpure was that offred vp treasure which the lorde left with him in an carth [...]n vessell / though the vessell were scorfled in the heate of that flame / but the moche more oriēt and precyouse. For matters stande no [...] a fore god as yow do iudge them / but as he hath determyned them by his holye worde & promyse.
2 To enlarge his poesyes with some blynde thetoryckes / he sheweth that Wyllyam Hierome was one of that nest. But what that nest is / he declareth not / but leaueth it all blynde / as he is alwayes a blynde leader. A nest in the scripturs hath both a good origynall and a godlye significacion / though [Page 68] Pantolabus here mocketh with it for want of good lerninge. By the wysdome & apointment of God was it first fashioned / & sumtyme it betokeneth the true churche / sumtyme the conscience of manne. The false counterfet churche which Pantolabus here mainteyneth / is no wholsom nest in dede / but y • insaciable chaos or bottomlesse pyt that S. Iohan speaketh of / whiche hath darkened the sunne that is Gods worde / and sendeth forth nothinge els but a fylthie smoke of tradicions & of mennes lowsye lerninge with an innumerable swarme of their lecherouse locustes. As are mytred Byshopes / Gorgio [...] se Prelates / Prestes smered with grese / shauen sorcerers / and chaplaynes disgised lyke disardes in a mommerye in manye straūge kyndes and colours. Who can with lesse honeste call a man blynde / than he that is blinde all togither? Of all that Pantolabꝰ hath here taught in this Genealogye / is not one scripture trulye applyed nor yet after anye honest sort declared. But as a blinde sorgeon or dogge leche / he hath turned it all into one blynde eyesalue to blynde menne all togither. True is it in him that Saint Iohan ded saye. Though the lyght doth shyne in the darkenesse / yet wyll not the darkenesse receyue it. Moche water cometh by the myl [...] (they saye) that the myller taketh not in.
3 Now cōcludeth Pantolabus his lon [...] lowsye circumstaunce conceruinge Doctor [Page] Barnes and his companye / shewinge vs hete that all they thre are burned. And not a lyttle glad is he and his generation therof / for so moche as they thre ded them so deadlye noyaunce by their preachinges. It cost them no small stodye to bringe it to passe / nor yet small diligence and labour to haue it so to their mynde. But yet had they w t it a sowle displeasure / for so moche as there were the same selfe daye & houre .iii. mightye captaynes of their holy assemblye / hanged and quartered for treason / before the same selfe people. Lyke as the deathes of these. ii. companyes were diuerse / so were their opinions and causes. The one sort dyed for Christ / the other for the Pope. For vphold [...] ge of Antichrist was powell / Abell / and fetherston hanged. For helpinge downe his kingedom was Barnes / Garade / and Hierome burned. Fortunate are they which suffred for Christ / for their rewarde is sayed forth in the scripturs and promises of the lorde. For the other is there neyther scripture nor promise. Though they were most greuouslye tormented before menne / yet was their hope full of immortalyte which now they fele ineffect. Their sowles are now in the hā des of God / and sure to suffre nomore tormē tes. Though they semed before the vnwyse to dye / yet are they n [...]w in a lyfe moche better. As sunne beames shall they shyne in y • daye appointed / and iudge y • nacions which [Page 69] are now vnfaithfull.
4 Wele maye that spyghtfull spiritual t [...] be called the kyngedom of Antichrist or beasi [...]ye bodye of Sathan / as the Apocasyps doth name it / for their beastlye workinge. I thinke the deuyll of hell coude not more vnreuerently and mockingly handle the sacred scripturs / than this wreched fellawe doth. For here he bringeth in a text. Ipsi sibi grauiores tenebre / which he hath both spoyled of wordes / astered in sentēce / and distroyed for the true vnderstandinge / puttinge / the nominatiue case for the ablatiue. And bycause he wolde be behinde with vs in no point of falshede / he hath sent vs to seke it in the .xvii. Chapter of Ecclesiastes / and there is no Chapter so called in the whole Byble. In dede in the .xvii. Chapter of Sapience I fynde this clause. Ipsi ergo sibi erant grauiores tenebris. yea / they were worse vnto them selues (sayth Sapience) than anye other darkenesse possible. This was at that tyme spoken for the Egipcianes / and now it extendeth to yow Papystes folowinge them in the same selfe steppes of Idolatrye. The cause whye ye do so dāpnablye erre / is that ye will not be reformed by the wysdō of God as the beginninge of that Chapter specify [...]th / but ye take your owne wayes in all thinges. Frequenter enim (sayth he) preoccupāt pessini [...] / redarguente consciencia. Oft tymes do they those wicked thīges / that their [Page] conscience rebuketh them of Whan ye haue practised deceyt / spoken lyes / exercysed fylthynesse / done the innocent to deathe / with soche other feates / your myndes are not alwayes in quiet. In token wherof ye go oft to confession / yet are your lyues seldon the better.
• 1 I feare me sore There vvyll come more. , • 2 Vnto that ende Except they amende. , and • 3 Vix corriguntur impij. Eccle. 1. ¶The openinge. 1.
OVt of no small charite aryseth this feare of Pantolabus / least anye more shuld come to the ende of Barnes / or be brent in the fyre as he was. yea / so brotherlye he tendereth that matter / and with so moche Christen loue / that he wolde not greatlye care to be the first that shuld accuse a true Christen beleuer yf he knewe his faythe throughlye. As moche py [...] hath he in those matters / as hath eyther the foxe vpō the chyckens or the wolfe vpon the lambe. I wolde that Pantolabus shuld take care for his olde showes yf he hath them / and not for Christes dere members. For they must entre heauē by the strayght gote as he ded / & not by the brode waye which leadeth [...] [Page 70] to destrucciō. They must suffre hatred / wrō ge / spyght / vengeaunce / yll reportes / persecucions / exyle / curses / lyes / blasphemies / enprisonmētes / [...]hyrst / hongre / and deathe of their bodies / for ryghtousnesse sake / el [...] shall they not be lyke mēbers to their head For his spouse is a churche that suffreth / & not the pr [...]de gentyll womā that, mustreth with myters / canapees / copes / crysmatoryes / crosses / cruettes / and candelstyckes. A comp [...]nye of bretherne there are vnderneth the aulter (as Saint Iohā reporteth which daylye calleth to y • lorde to haue their blood reuenged of that gorgiouse apareled gentyl woman (which is dronken with the excesse therof and their nombre must be fulfylled with soche poor sowles. And tyll that be fynished / there must daylye folowe more / n [...] remedy.
2 Moche doubt hath Pantolabꝰ for this ende. But he had more nede to take care for himselfe / least an halter be bewixt him and his ende. For he hath so plentuouslye deserued it as hath anye other ranke Papist of that affinite / yf this Iest of his be but indifferentlye wayed. As for those good menne (whom he hee [...] moste cruellye blasphemeth without lerninge) though their deathes were not verye preciouse in his folyshe iudgemēt / bycause he is ledde of a contrarye sprete / yet were they right pleasaunt to their lorde God / in whose kyngedom nowe they rest [Page] with Abraham / Isaac / and Iacob. If they had dyed for fellonye / murther / whoredom / or treason / I wolde with Pantolabus haue iudged their deathes verye yll. Se that non of you suffre (sayth Saint Peter as an homicide / thefe / or yll doe [...]. If anye manne suffre as a cristiane / lete him not be ashamed therof / but glofy [...]e God in that behalfe. For w t standinge the false kingedom of Antichrist in the beiytees quarell dyed they / as it is euident to all ryght iudgementes / and therfor their deathes are gloriouse. The amendement which Pantolabus requireth here / concerneth the obedience of that malygnaunt mustre of those mitred mahoūdes / whō he wolde in no wyse to decaye. But lete him set his hart at rest / for the lorde is almost at a point with that wretched wytcherye.
3 Vnplesaūt euermore are the scripturs to Pantolabꝰ / and that apereth wele by his monstruouse handelynge of them. Here bringeth he in to cōferme his purpose / a ragged patche out of the first chapter of Ecclesiastes otherwyse called the preacher / but not as it is there spokē. For here it is / Vix corriguntur impi [...]. And there it is thus / peruers [...] diffici [...]e corriguntur. A verye harde thinge is it (sayth he) to make the croked strayght / or the frowarde wele disposed. Parauenture he hath made this alteracion here to shewe himselfe copiouse in the latyne speche. For most commonlye the papistes are full of [...]ayne [Page 71] glorye. But it is alwayes yll spede / whan pryde goeth afore and shame cometh after. But I thynke verelye this text folowynge was in his waye whan he made that change Ecce magnꝰ effectus sum / & precess [...]omnes sapientia &c. Loke vpon me wele / for I am a great wyse prelate. I haue gote more wysdome than they which went afore me. For soles manye tymes haue soche ymaginaciōs of theemselues. More mete were it both for Pantolabus and soche other to consydre by that chapter of Salomon / that all which is vndre the sunne / is but vanyte / the worde of the lorde excepted. And in so doynge / he shuld wele perseyue that all which he and his generacion here maynteyneth / is but fylthynesse / dyrt / and poyson / nothynge furderynge the sowle of manne / but destroyenge yt rather.
• 1 For vvithout doubte There is a rovvte. , • 2 Of these same slepers And corner crepers. , • 3 That vere a fayre face In euerye place. , and • 4 Multos enim supplantauit nequitia illorum. Sap. 19. The openinge. 1.
[Page] in preson also after the death of Iames / were glad to absent themselues for a tyme / & in diuerse howses to playe the corner crepers. This therfore is non of youre seuen deadlye synnes.
3 Nothynge agreeth this that foloweth here / with that which went afore. For he that is a sleper beareth no fayre face a brode so longe as he is a sleper. Neyther is he seane in euerye place / which is a corner crepet. Wherfore these rhetorycall poesyes of Pantolabus semeth verye folyshe and wytlesse. He shuld apere a moche better Poete / wolde he ones leaue the companye of dame ignoraunce. Trulye she is manye tymes to nygh his elbowe whan he setteth his penne to the boke. Lyke as she is also with Doctor yncke pott otherwyse called Iohan Standyshe. A fayre face hath youre holye mother y • churche of Antichrist borne outwardlye in euery place / with copes / crosses / ceremonyes / and sensynges. yet doth the scripturs call her a verye whore and the Synagoge of sathan. And that fayre face of hers was first represented as a preuyall signe / in him which was the first head of the Rome churche by the permissyon of Phocas the false emprour For his name at that tyme was Bonifaciꝰ / which is as moche to saye as bona facies / a good face or a glosynge pretence of counterfett holynesse. The dowter of a mourthere [...] is that holye mother of yours / therfore must [Page 73] she be geuen to murther of verye nature. For Phocas trayterouslye slewe his master Mauricius which was the Emprour afore him / & so entered into his rowme. In token that she shuld destroye the Empyre / & mayntayne her estate by murther.
4 I thynke verelye that Pantolabꝰ will neuer be at other poynt / but styll peruert the scripturs / and sende vs to Hierico to seke them. Soche a mockynge wretche harde I neuer of / dayes of my lyfe yet / neyther amonge Christianes nor Paganes / infydels nor deuyls. Here he taketh a spoyled text / Multos enim supplantauit nequitia illorum. And he appoynteth vs to seke yt in the .xix. chapter of Sapience / where as yt is but the iii. chapter of Ecclesiasticus or of Iesus Syrach. And there yt standeth thus. Multos enim s [...]pplanta [...]it suspicio illorum / & in vanitate detinuit sensus illorum / and are spoken vnto them which are to curyouse in the serche of Gods hydden secretes. The medlynge with soche mysteryes (sayth he) hath begyled manye a manne / and tangled their wyttes in vanyte. If his syght had serued him wele / he myght haue founde after in that chapter for a farder vnderstandynge of that text / this clause also. Synagoge superborum non erit sanitas / &c. To the Synagoge of the proude pampred vp porkelynges shall be left no helthe. For the synne that is planted in them / shall be roted out / and yet [Page] shall yt not be perceyued of them. But the hart of him which hath vnderstandynge / shall perceyue thynges verye hygh. The dilygent [...]are will harken to wysdome / and the hart that is wyse shall haue persyght intellygence. The godlye prudent will absteyne from vyces / and increase in the workes of ryghtuousnesse.
• 1 yet are they as frovvarde And as vnto vvarde. , • 2 As the other vvere Of vvhom ye ded here. , • 3 For vvithout doubt It vvill not out. , and • 4 That is bred by the bone. ¶The openynge. 1.
ALwayes is Pantolabꝰ one manne / styll yet blasphemynge these poore innocēt sowles. True is that Lorde of his worde and promes / which tolde them afore hande that they shulde alwayes haue the worlde an aduersarye. And that they shulde loke for non other frutes of gentylnesse therof / but scornefull rebukes and slaunders. In cō fyrmacion of this / Saynt Iohan sayth also in his reuelacion / that as the true preachers hath at anye tyme fynyshed their faythfull testimonye or massage / the beast that came [Page 74] out of the bottomlesse pyt (which is the great bodye of Sathan or swarme of Antichristes broode) shuld euermore make warre ageynst them / and styll ouercome them as cō cerninge the body / their faythe remayninge alwayes inuincible. Here doth Pantolabus (which is a maliciouse membre of the same mad mustre) report the true seruauntes of y • lorde to be verie frowarde in opinion & full vntowarde in faithe to his mynde. They be leue not the newe articles which his holye churche hath taught of Saintes / Images / relliques / ragges / rotten rodes / confessiōs / Masses / suffrages / diriges / purgatorye / processions / pylgrimages / and pardons withe soche other b [...]astlye beggeryes for their auauntage. But euermore blessed be the eternal name of that lorde for so visytinge his poore people with knowlege from aboue / which hath taught them to abhorre that fylthinesse / wherin is nothinge els but dampnacion.
2 As a naturall membre of the afore named bodye of Sathan / doth Pantolabus shewe himselfe here. For lyke as the seyd Sathan accused Iob before the lorde / and hath bene euer sens an accuser of owr bretherne in his members / so doth Pantalabus nowe accuse them also / as one naturallye geuē vnto the same feate. They are as frowarde (sayth he) ageynst holye churche / and as vntowarde to do anye thinge to her commodite / as the other sort / that is to saye / frith / Lambert [Page] Barnes / and soche other were afore / of whom ye haue harde here in this worshypfull Genealogye. Of them in dede we haue harde sufficientlye that they coude in no wyse awaye with the whoredome of your holye mother in her Idolatrouse ceremonies and sacrifices. If these be now in the same selfe takinge also / we haue cause moche to reioyce / and to geue hygh thankes vnto God so to delyuer thier consciences from your Babilonishe burdenes. It is a full manifest token that his persecuted churche is not yet all dead / but that he styll lyueth in his trobled members according to his iust promes and shall do to the ende of the worlde. For the churche that is his dere spouse / is not gloriouslye painted out to the worlde withe golde / syluer / preciouse stone / & pearle. But inwardlye decked with faythe / hope / charite / and the rightousnesse of Christ. And outwardlye she is adourned with calamitees / ve [...]acions / most slaunderouse rebukes / and deathe.
3 Glad are we to heare it / that the ernest sprete of Christ is not yet extinguished in them for all yowr most cruell assaultes of penaltees / inprisonmentes / famishemētes / halters / swerdes / faggottes / fryre / and all other tormentes els. A remnaūt is there yet lest of them which hath not bowed their knees to yowr false God Baal. To them hath the lorde promised a crowne of lyfe / yf they [Page 75] perseuer stedefast to the ende. For these do we praye dayly with teares w t are a brode in exyl [...] / that they do not swetue from that stedefast rocke at the venemouse suggestions of your fylthye generacion / as some fleshly wantons hath done now of late to their sowles detriment. Better had it bene for them that they neuer had geuen that is holye to dogges and swyne after Christes premonishementes / than thus shamefullye to become swyne with them and so to treade his preciouse pearles vndre their fete. For in so denienge the lordes verite before menne / they haue shewed themselues what they are / euē the flesshlye louers of themselues / and vnworthye of Christ. More harme haue they done than they which hyd the lordes treasure / neuer openinge their mouthes to declare it. Those are they which are neyther hote nor colde / whom the lorde hath promised to spewe out of his mouthe / or vtterlye to reiect them from the eternall her [...]tage of his / clerlye racinge their names out of the boke of lyfe / yf they repent it not sore.
4 If those good creaturs (whom Pātolabꝰ here spyghtfullye reporteth) cleaneth fast vnto their bone / we are greatlye ioyfull therof. For a more manifest token cā not be that they are Christes members than that. By that inseperable saythe apere they to be his naturall spouse in dede / a bone of his bones and a rybbe of his rybbes. Now are they by [Page] that meanes become his own dere mēbers / his misticall fleshe and bodye. He that shall now persecute them / shall persecute the apple of his eye / so dere and preciouse are they vnto him. For their faithfull perseueraūce make we daylye intercessions with teares from our hartes / which are now dispersed or scattred abrode in the regions of Samaria and Iudea / for the persecuciō that is at Hierusalē. With the wiges that the lorde hath graciouslye geuē vs which are his wordes and examples ded we flye into the wyldernesse / so sone as we perseyued that the rode Dragon vometed waters to destroye the saythe which we gat [...] by his worde▪ ye shall be persecuted (saith Christ) from cyte to cyte. For yf they haue persecuted me / they shall also persecute you. But as they shall pursue yow in one cyte / flee yow alwayes into an other. Not onlye was this Christes counsell but he ded it also in effect. He fledde into Egypt in his yowthe / he declyned from the malice of his enemies / and he absented himselfe from the Iewes. In that wyldernesse hath he prepared for vs as he ded for Helias to fede vs there for the space of a thousande ii. hondred and thre score dayes.
• 1 For though they be gone. yet is there behinde That are as blynde. , • 2 As the other before Vvhich kepe in store. , • 3 Full close and pryuelye Their cankered heresye. , and • 4 Stultorum infinitus est numerus. Eccles [...]. 1. ¶The openinge. 1.
NArrowlye doth Pant [...]labus loke to his matters now / least all wolde away frō his holye mother / to the great detryment of his popishe lyuinge. Though frith / Lambert / Barnes / and soche other be gone / yet are there (he sayeth) of the same sort styll remayninge / as yll to his generaciō as they Whose blood he wolde haue his holye mother to drinke / so bloodthurstye is the spirituall hart of the manne and zelouse in her quarell. He is verye glad that his good graciouse lorde of wynchestre doth sturre so wele aboute him as he doth. He turmoyleth in their kynde these newe Gospell readers / to cause all Englyshe menne to abhorre Christes testament / but vnto the Stewes of Lō don he is a full gentyll benefactor and founder. Not onlye doth he leaue them vnrebuked of verye tendre sauer and loue / but also full fatherlye he mainteyneth them with y • lordelye wages of his seruauntes / and sumtyme with the delycates of his owne table by the lyberalite of them. I thinke this fatherlye beniu [...]lence of his / is for some respect [Page] that he hath to the common welthe / or els to qualyfye the great heates of his hote howsholde / which euerye where tosseth lyke termagauntes with the blood of oure lorde / the sowle / the hart / the fleshe / the bodye / the bones. This is the holye Gospell that he maynteyneth. Blynde are they called here of Pantolabus / which will not folowe these vertuouse rewles to the vpholdynge of their markett in confessyons at lent. But the eternall father delyuer his flocke from the abhominable blyndenesse of them.
2 Non can ryghtlye se after the blynde opinion of Pantolabus / vnlesse they be ledde blyndefelde in the darke / by the sprete of his holye mother. She must sett vpon their noses y • spotted specularyes of her olde tradicions and customes / or els is yt nothynge worth. If they shulde be now without their Latine houres (wherwith neuer manne yet was Christenlye edifyed) their Christen relygyon were clerelye lost. If they shuld not haue their accustomed wainlynges in the temple / their processionynges / their sensynges / their holye water swyngynges with soche other ioyes of olde Troye / they wolde thynke that heauen were out of the worlde and hell comen home to their dores. This is the syght that Pantolabus requyreth / non other wolde he the people to haue / least they shulde in a whyle be moche godlyar wyse than he. This houglye syght despysed Iohan [Page 77] Wyclef and Iohan Husse. This fylthye syght contempned Mariyne Luther & Melanchton. It was nothynge for the appetyte of Oecolampadius and zwinglius / with soche other more. And that is the verye cause whye they are regestred here of Pantolabus for heretyques. These are they that were blynde afore / because they had not that syght of his holye mother. And they which cometh after kepeth now yet styl in store the same selfe blyndenesse in his folyshe opinion / and therfore he is not contented with them / but wolde verye fayne haue them burned for heretyques yf yt myght be.
3 Afore grefe is yt to the stomake of Pantolabus / that anye shulde be alyue which fauoreth not the Pope. This parauenture will be rekened a slaundre / but the denyll of lye yt is. What other is yt but to preferre a manne / whan we magnifye his workes? Are anye other thynges called vpon here than matters of Papistrye? No verelye. Not one poynt is sought here of Christes clere institucion. Neyther his holye Supper nor Baptym / compassion of y • poore nor mutuall charyte / nor yet the true preachynge of repentaunce by the Gospell of saluacion. But here seketh Pantolabus with all power possyble to holde vp Antichristes kyngedome for fallynge / and that with the most spyghtfull [...]omempt of his Christen bretherne which is but a fylthye buyldynge. For more enclynynge [Page] to Christes clere veryte than to their vnwolsom Papistye / he accuseth them here most malyciouslye of preuye vpstorynge and close enclosynge togyther of cankred heresye. As though the Gospell of y • lorde (which they haue receyued as his onlye power to saue them) were most cankred and pestylent heresye. Thus do they to cause the people to abhore yt / and to brynge the worlde in an yll opinion of them that oweth yt fauer. Non other is the nature of soche execrable lo [...]ustes / which are crept out of the smoke of the bottomlesse pytt / but alwayes to stynge / hurte / sle [...] / and destroye all that is grene vpon the earth. All that hath receyued anye quyekenesse of beleue by the worde of the lyuynge Lorde / wolde they wyther vp to the fyer of hell.
4 True is the clause of Ecclesiastes that Pantolabus here allegeth for a full confirmacion of his matter / yf yt were trulye bestowed. Stultorum infinitus est numerus. Of foles is there an infynite noumbre or an innumerable sort. This was not spoken for the small flocke of Christes persecuted members / whom the worlde reputeth for foles / for they are but fewe in nombre. Manye are called (sayth he) but verye fewe are chosen. But this was first vttered for that pleasaūtlye disposed multitude of this worlde / whō God hath reputed / and styll doth yet repute foles in his scripturs, The noumbre of those [Page 78] foles are infynite in dede / and their swarme innumerable. Of his faythfull seruauntes doth the Lorde knowe the noumbre / for he hath their names wrytten in the boke of lyfe. But of these ruffelynge rutters he knoweth no noumbre / for his knowlege most cō monlye is his acceptacion / which they shall neuer enioye. Wysdome had yt bene for Pantolabus to haue consydered this text there also. Vidi cunc [...]a que fiunt sub sole. Et ecce vniuersa vanitas & afflictio spiritus. I behelde all thynges (sayth the wyse manne) done vndre the sunne. And I perceyued wele they were all but vanyte and vexacion of mynde. By this myght he haue consydered / what his folyshe Papistrye is / not rysynge of the expresse worde and commaundment of God / but of the syckle fantasyes of men. That yt is but mere vanyte and madnesse / and that the obseruacion therof is execrable fylthynesse.
• 1 But I praye God To spare the rod. , • 2 And that vvith hart They maye conuert. , • 3 And call for grace Vvhyle they haue space. , and • 4 Dum lucem habetis, credite in lucem, vt filij lucis sitis. Ioan. 12. [Page] ¶The openinge. 1.
By all p [...]uyshe pathwayes of Papistrye hath Pantolabꝰ wandered here / & at the last he playstreth vpp his pedlarye poesyes / and falleth full vndeuoutlye to his prayer. He desyereth God without that fayth which riseth of his veryte / to spare that rodde which he neuer yet threttened vnto manne. For the crosse of contynuall persecuciōs which cōmonlye lyghteth vpon the elect members of Christ / are not threttened vnto them but promysed with his eternall rewarde / yf they faythfullye beare them Only are plages threttened to the disobedient brea [...]e [...]s of the Lordes commaundementes. And those plages are the verye curses of God / where as persecu [...]ions for his truthes sake are his most wholsom blessynges. Blessed are your (sayth he) whan mēne reuyle yow / and falselye report yow for my names sake. For great is youre rewarde in heauen. A moche better waye therfore were yt for Pantolabus and for his bloodthurstye generacion / to leaue their murtherynge vp of innocentes / and to repent from the hart their manyfolde myscheues past. And that ones done / than to praye vnto the Lorde in faythe / to withdrawe from them that vengeaunce of innocent blood she dynge which hangeth ouer their heades as a perpetuall plage / rodde / or scourge of eternall dam [...]nacion. Thus doynge they myght beccome of publycanes [Page 79] true Apostles with Matthew / & of cruell murtherers faythfull minysters with Paule the elect vessell of God.
2 Charytable wolde Pantolabus gladlye apere / now that he hath spewed out all his poyson and myschefe agaynst y • true seruaū tes of God. A fayre colour sett they alwaye [...] vpon the matter / be their workynges neuer so vengeable. And in that they agre with their spirituall head the serpent / which temptynge Eua / shewed a bewtyfull face outwardlye with swete and pleasaunt wordes. Whan they sytt in their consistoryes vpon condempnacion of the innocētes with Cayphas / they outwardlye pretende all godlynesse. They first call vpon the name of God openly protestyng that they haue his ryght honour before their eyes in all that they go abought. They sweare also vpon the holye Euangelyes / that they will there do nothynge of displeasure / hate / percyalyte / nor malyce. Yet is the poore innocent in the ende cō dempned / accursed / geuen to the deuyll / disgraded / fyered / and burned / onlye for his fayth in the Lorde Iesus Christ. Neuer the more is Pantolabus here to be trusted / that he prayeth so bytterlye for their conuersyon. For abhomynable is that charyte which foloweth of so moche malyce as he hath afore here vttered / and that apereth by the fylthye frutes therof. Not vnto Christ and his holye verytees wolde he haue them here [Page] with all their hartes to conuert / but vnto the Antichrist of Rome by a newe obedience of his olde cankred customes whō their lorde God doth detest and abhorre. This is y • dissemblynge charite of this worme of way wardnesse or maliciouse membre of Sathā. This is the conclusion he seketh.
3 Fayne wolde Pantolabus haue them to conuert to that false obedience of Antichrist / that he might lyue lyke a gentylman and haue his dishes the fatter / and his purse the waghtyer. Oh / it is a pleasaunt thinge to haue the people on both sydes of the way salutinge them with cappe and knee. It is a good syght / (saye they) whan the flocke foloweth the shepeherde / and y • parryshynes their curate. yea / but alas what is it whan the lambes folowe the wolfe / which is a cruell thefe / a destroyer / and a murtherer? For whose grace wolde Pantolabus haue Christen menne to call? For the grace of holye churche / of his holye father the Pope / of his good lorde of Wynchestre / his good lorde of London. His good lordes of lyncolne / yorke and Durham / with soche other ghostlye fathers. If he meaneth the grace of God / I maruele that he forgetteth himselfe & his owne generacion. Me thinketh they ought in soche prayer / to be had most in remembraunce / consideringe they are fardest of all mē ne frō his grace. yf they seke not for it whil [...] they haue here space and layser / it wyll be wyde with them whan they shall come ones [Page 80] to their strayght reakininge. But they thynke it safe ynough / so longe as they haue y • Popes powr still in their handes / w t / Ego absoluote vndre a stulticia a stole I shuld saye. For yf they maye geue grace vnto others / they haue grace ynough for themselues / & so haue lyttle nede of Gods grace.
4 Manye a manne (they saye) shall vttre the thinge which he vnderstandeth not / lyke as Pantolabus doth here. And as we haue for example of Balaam / kynge Saul / Cayphas / and Pylate / whiche prophecyed they knewe not what. Dum lucem habetis (sayth he) credite in lucem / vt filii lucis sitis. Whyle ye haue the lyght / beleue on the lyght / that ye maye be the chydren of lyght. This hath he borowed of the. xii. Chapter of Iohā to clought vp his matter / yet doth he not knowe what it meaneth. For yf he ded he wolde not persecute that lyght as he hath done here most spight fully. The light that is there mentioned is the lordes eternall worde / which Pantolabus with soche other craftye cloyners calleth heresye / and wolde haue the people so to esteme it. But y • lyght that he wolde haue thē to beleue / is y • faythe of his holy mother with y • olde croked customes of her Papistrye / and that is no lyght but darkenesse most dampnable. Omnis qui credit in me / in tenebris non mane [...]. Non that beleueth in me (sayth Christ in y • same selfe Chapter) abydeth in that darkenesse / meaninge therbye the doctrine of hypocresye [Page] or of outwarde obseru [...]cions inuented by mēne. This promised he there to cast out with the prince of this worlde / by the mightye aperaunce of his worde / whiche shuld iudge those infidels also at the latter daye. The cause whye they se not this light nor beholde the misteryes therof / is that he hath blynded their eyes and hardened their hartes for their vnbeleues sake least they shuld be saued.
• 1 And for this tyme Here endeth my ryme. , and • 2 The Genealogye. Of stynkynge heresye. ¶The openinge. 1.
ACcordinge to the head and bodye / hath Pantolabus here fashyoned vs out a tayle. He hath geuen vs as folyshe a cō clusion / as he gaue vs a processe afore. And for this ryme (he sayth) thus endeth his ryme / as though he were mynded here after to compyle more fumouse workes. As for this / it had made no great matter yf it had ended before it beganne / for anye witte / grace / or good lerninge is in it. For non other frutes it containeth but the cruell contempt of our Christen bretherne and abhominable pe [...]ertinge of the scripturs. I call them Christen bretherne for the porcion that they haue [Page 81] in Christ / wherof no worldlye power can depryue them / though they maye take from them both bodye / goodes / and lyfe. For god is of no soche malyce as is manne neyther is he displeased alwayes whan manne is displeased. But euermore is he mercifull / whā he is called vpon in faythe. He receyued the thefe whan all the worlde had forsaken him and geuen him ouer vnto deathe / moche more his faythfull seruauntes which suffreth for his veritees sake. The tyme that Pantolabus here speaketh of is full wretchedlye bestowed / and that he shall wele knowe / as he shall geue the accountes therof. As for his tymes what they are / we nede not to describe them. For they euerye where declare the insipient head and the Idell brayne of their fantasticall author / sumtyme to short sumtyme to longe / with barbarouse termes / and more barbarouse matter.
[...] What his ryme is in qualite & quantite / and what it contayneth in lengthe and in bredthe / he manifesteth here in these .ii. verses folowinge. Confessinge them as he shuld do / to be his owne propre goodes / and he by them to be a stinkinge heretyque in dede. For he sayth that his ryme / which is a frute of his own propre popyshe faythe / witt and stodye / is the Genealogye of stynkinge heresye. Ergo he must be a stinkīge heretyq̄ / no remedy. For the tree in goodnesse is all one with his frute / and alwayes the frute declareth it. For a ranke Papyst and Antichristes [Page] great frynde had we neuer knowne Pā tolabus / had not these papysticall Poesyes so vttred and declared him. To stinkinge a matter is it to go vndre y • kynges pryuylege Ad imprimendū solū to y • vtter poyseninge of his people / the Scripturs so shamefullye torne / and their truthe so deuilyshlye peruerted. yet is it no m [...]ruele though this heretyque Pantolabus doth vtter soche pestilent poysons / consyderinge that a worme of that nest and a locust of that lake / canne geue nō other commodite.
• 1 Vvherin I requyre. And humblye desyre. , • 2 All menne y vvys. That shall rede this. , • 3 Aboue all thinge. To praye for our kynge. , and • 4 Domine in virtute tua letabitur rex, & super salutare tuum exultabit vehementer. Psal. 20. ¶The openinge. 1.
LAst of all now cometh Pantolabus in [...] his humble requestes / as lowlye as the foxe whan he seketh his praye / and as false as the fryre whan he stodieth to deceyue. But marke his rhetoricall style / how manerlye it passeth here. Wherin (sayth he) I requyre. That is to saye / in that stinkinge [Page 82] heresye (for that goeth inmediatlye afore) to praye for the kynge. Is not this (thinke you) full workemanlye handled and lyke a pregnaunt Poete of the Popes pultrye / thus to regestre his kynge in the Genealogye of stinkinge heresye as he calleth it. And to desyre his subiectes to praye for hī in y • same stiking heresye also? Abhominable is that prayer / whiche riseth out of so stinkinge a desyre. Is not Pantolabus (suppose ye) a pure handed artyficer and a cleane fyngered gentylmanne / that so can polyshe his poesyes? yes verelye is he / and lyke one of the scole that he cometh from. In the mart that he occupyeth / shall ye fynde nonother wares. All that is there done / commeth out of stinkinge heresye / yf antichrist their Pope be an heretyque. For all that they do in their churche as yet / are his dyrtye leauinges / not one obseruacion bournisshed with the verite of the lorde. If Pantolabus hath no better thinge to bestowe vpon his kynge but a prayer made out of stinkinge heresye / it were best for hi to kepe it styll vnto himselfe. For he hath no nede of that curse of God / for all their blessinges are curses / and their prayers synne after Malachias Prophecye.
2 Certayne / verelye / and ywys cometh neuer into owr meters / but whan we lacke matter and wytt to fulfyll them / as I tolde yow afore. ywys master Pantolabus the great grounded poete of the Popes greasye grauell [Page] pyttes / requireth all menne that shall reade with a good deuocion to Antichrist / this Genealogye of stinkige heresye (which he hath of an ydle Idyotes brayne compyled to pondre his good zele vnto holye churche / & to praye for the kynge whan they may wele intende it. For it is no gret good deuocion that here moueth him vnto prayer that waye / but that he must nedes saye sumwhat though it were but for maner sake. Great pyte were it but the manne shuld desyre to haue readers of his worke / it is so notable. As full is it of good Christen erudicion / as a dogges date is full of swete honye. How shuld they be stinkinge heretyques / styff necked scysmatyques / and obstynate Papistes / yf they shuld not reade soche pratye Poesyes amonge. Lete no manne thinke other wyse but that Pantolabus and soche other intē deth sumwhat by soche subtyle workemanshippe. The Bisshopes winketh at it / as though there were in it non heresye / whan it is all stinkinge heresye by their owne confession. They are wele contented whā they playe soch bussye partes / and wyll not be acknowe of it / but leteth them alone. If anye of them leape so farre that he is hanged vp for treason / they care lyttle for it / for they thinke thy haue so lost but a knaue.
3 After a farre fett style / and curyouslye compassed processe / cometh Pantolabus at the last to his full desyre. Exhortynge all [Page 83] menne to praye here for the kynge / with as lyttle true deuocion as he that myndeth nothynge lesse. And yt maketh no matter neyther. For moche better yt is to be vnprayed for / than to be prayed for out of stynkynge heresye / as all their Papistrye is non other. The prayer which ought to be made for kynges & for them that are in auctoryte / ought to aryse of the sacred scripturs whereof they haue their auctorytees / and not out of s [...]ynkynge heresye as yt is here requyred. Saynt Paule exhorted Timothe / which was no papistycall masse sayer but a preacher of the Gospell sufferynge daylye persecucions for the same / before all other thynges to praye for kynges and for all other which were in hyghe power / that Christes disciples and true beleuers myght lyue vndre them a peaceable lyfe in all godlynesse. And this is our prayer also with contynuall teares. Wherin we desyre the lorde for his eternall mercyes sake / alwayes to preserue him. But oute of stynkynge heresyes we praye not for him / neyther out of Mattenses nor Masses / euē songes nor complynes / which are the verye frutes of the Beast of Rome / least we shulde by those blasphemouse prayers brynge vpon him the great indignacion of God. The frutes are euermore all one with their tree in goodnesse / as those fylthye obseruacions with their first fylthye begynner / haue they neuer so fayre colours of gods seruice / gods [Page] owne worde / Christes Gospell / the vttera [...] ce of his name / with soche other / yet are they abhomynacions vnspekeable after that ydo latrouse handely [...]ge.
4 So farre are these blynde Papistes from the true sprete of Christ / that nothynge they ryghtlye vnderstande of the scripturs. This text of Dauid: Domine in virtute tu [...]let [...]bitur rex / & super salutare tuum exul [...]abit vehementer: Perteyneth alone vnto Christ / and not to anye earthlye kynge. For in that whole Psalme is described his triū phaunt glorye / with his reuengement ouer them w t hath him persecuted of cruell hate & spyght. Christes humanyte is it / that is so ioyfull of the strengthe that yt hath gotten / which is the Godhede. That is yt which reioyseth so ernestlye / & is so excedynge glady for the sauynge helthe of mankynde which yt hath by y • gyft of God obtayned. He hath his hartes desyre with the ful request of his lyppes / which is the eternall mercye of the Lorde. That manhode was preuented with lyberall blessynges / & now yt hath a crowne of immortalyte. He axed lyfe for him and for his / & lyfe was geuen him for euer and euer. Magna est gloria eius in salutari tuo / &c. His glorye is great / Lorde (sayth Dauid) in that sauynge helthe / and compassed he is now of the / w t eternall felycite. Soche mockers as is Pantolabus shall ones fele his hande / ones will he fynde out all them that [Page 84] so spyghtfullye hateth him. As an hote kyndeled ouen shall they at that daye apere / the fyre euerlastynge will deuoure them for euer [...]ot ashamed is this dissemblynge mocker and pestylent hypocrite / in his glosynge flat teryes ydolatrouslye to abuse his Prince. For what is ydolatrye els / but a worshyppe geuen to a creature / which peculyarlye belongeth vnto God. And full therof is all the seruyce / homages / and doynges of the Papistes / the Lorde ones delyuer all Christen princes from them.
• 1 And the quene also Vvhere so euer she go. , • 2 And for the sauegarde Of oure prince Edvvarde. , and • 3 Vvhom I praye Iesu Longe to contyne vve / Amen. The openinge. 1.
ERnest is Pantolabus yet styll in requestes sprynggynge out of his gentyll Genealogye of stynkynge heresye. For therin he homblye requyreth all these thynges by his owne confessyon afore. Herin he desyereth the dilygent readers of his worke / to praye for the quene also / which was sumtyme called the ladye kateryne howarde.
[Page] He shulde seme to be some blynde chaplayne of hers / by the blynde zele he sheweth here. For he wolde haue her remembred where so euer she go / in the waye or out of the waye. Trulye that prayer were of a straunge kynde / yf yt shuld so be made as yt is here requyred. Who hath harde prayers made for menne to go where they will / or whan they are out of the ryght waye to contynue so styll? I thynke fewe menne lyuynge I wolde haue no soche querestre of Baals quere / nor yet soche a chaplayne of Bels college to praye forme / as poore a man as I am Moche better grace parauenture had bene hers / yf she had chaunced of no soche ghostlye fathers. For where as the scripturs are / contempned / & their verytees sett at nought what els can folowe but vyce? which alwayes requyreth an yll ende. The true loue of Gods worde / is neuer without his feare. Neuer can that creature outragyouslye offende / which foloweth the true lyne therof. A [...]anterne to oure fete is that worde of the Lorde / and a lyght vnto oure pathe wayes in this shadowe of deathe / the eternall father geue vs his grace to folowe yt.
2 Fynallye Pantolabus exhorteth all his readers to praye for the sauegards of our most worthye prince Edwarde. If this were out of the Genealogye of stynkynge heresye / as yt is also therin / yt were moche more pleasynge vnto God. He abhorreth all that [Page 85] is straunge / and not lyke fashyoned to the exemplar that he hath left in the scripturs. He turneth awaye his face dysdaynouslye from all mockynge sacrifyces inuented by menne and not commaunded of him. As is the Papistycall Masse with all other blasph [...]mouse obseruacions of that mon [...]truouse madame / the [...]athanycall Synagoge of Antichrist. Nadab and Abihu the sonnes of Aaron the hyghe Prest / were consumed in the Lordes wrathe / for offerynge s [...]raunge fyre vncommaunded. Accursed is he which addeth his owne inuencyon vnto the Lordes seruyce / or anye thynge els that the scripture commaundeth not. I counsell therfore all faythfull beleuers / syncerelye to praye in sprete and in veryte after Christes holye doctryne / for their most worthye kynge and the prince his naturall sonne / that the one maye succede the other as Salomon ded Dauid / & as Iosaphat ded Asa / in the faythfull wayes of the Lorde. And this haue they good cause to do yf they remembre all thynges. As their delyueraunce from the greate Golye of Rome / with sufferaunce to reade the scripturs which is their syngular sowle [...] helthe. What though some of them at tymes be brent in the fyre for Christes testymonye / through the Bisshoppes olde tyrannye. Nothynge is there lost / but their corruptyble bodyes. Wheras he suffreth one bodye in their malyce so to peryshe / he saueth that [Page] [...]owle and a thousande more by the fredome of Christes Gospell. Blessed be the Lorde therfore that euer he was borne.
3 I coūsell no manne to make this prayer with Pantolabus nor with soche other execrable Papistes / so damnablye vayne in the corrupt practyses / stodyes / and deuyses of their wretched hartes / though yt semeth verye good and godlye. But praye after y • scripturs with y • dere heretage of Christ / which is a churche persecuted as he was / and not pampred vp here in pryde and in vayne glorye. It is a congregacion not knowne to the worlde nor regarded of fleshlye lyuers / nomore than he was knowne and receyued of them whan he came into his owne. Praye all from within / as that churche is from within lyke as Dauid wytnesseth with all the Apostles and Prophetes. And lete this be youre specyall prayer for youre kynge and prince euermore. Thu eternall God of our fathers thre distyncte persones in one euerlastynge Godhede. Thu omnypotent father and creatour of all. Thu eternall sonne and redemer Iesus Christ. Thu euerlastynge holy ghost & conforter equall vnto them both / all one God in power / substaunce / and nature of the Godhede / for thy tendre mercyes sake haue respect vnto oure kynge and yonge prince. And lyke as thu hast of thy munyfycence and lyberalyte geuen vnto them the imperyall crowne and scepture of Englande. [Page 86] So graunt them to lyue in thy feare / to walke in thy worde / and to do that is ryghtouse in thy syght euermore. Graunt them also Lorde with the swerde that they beare / that they carrye yt not in vayne / but alwayes to the ponnyshment of the yll doers / and to the syngular solace of thy faythfull seruauntes. For so is thy eternall will. Thus ought true subiectes to praye without all hypocresye / dissymulacyon / and glosynge flatterye.
• 1 Cōpyled by Ponce Pātolabus , • 2 Imprynted at London In Pater noster rovve. , • 3 At the signe of our ladye pytye By Iohan Redman Ad imprimendum solum. ¶The other coppye. , and • 4 Imprented by me Robert Vvyer. Ad imprimendum solum. ¶The openinge. 1.
NOw shuld soche a famouse worke / made in defence of holye churche / apere notable vnto the readers therof / except the name of a notable clarke (as master Pantolabus is) were putt ther vnto? fytt is yt that the carpenter shuld stande by his carpētrye / and the buylder by his buyldynge. A broken [Page] wall of Babylon hath Pantolabus dawbe [...]d vp here of old fauer and loue / but his dyrtye dawb [...]rye holdeth not. For lyke an vnworke manlye dawber he hath done yt with vntempred claye / contrarye to all godlye admonyshmentes. Most dampnably hath he peruerted the sacred scripturs here / to maynteyne his Popyshe malyce agaynst all Christen charyte. But Hieremye / Ezechiel / Micheas / and Aba [...]uk / with other holye Prophetes / byddeth him and soche other to sett their hartes at rest. For the cyte which is buylded with blood / and the howse that standeth by vnryghtousnesse / shall not alwayes contynue in the worlde. I shall cast donge in youre faces [...]sayth the Lorde by his Prophete Malachias) euen the verye donge of youre solempne feastes and ceremonyes. And yt shall cleaue fast vpon you and take you with yt to eternall perdicion. What Ponce Pantolabus is (which putteth himselfe forth here for y • Author of this Iest) I nede not to describe. For the verye worke it selfe setteth forth his lyuelye ymage. It manyfestlye declareth him a braynelesse babler / a presumptuouse ydyote / a frantyck Papist / a peruerter of the scripturs / a stynkynge heretyque / an enemye to God / a secrete louer of Antichrist / & a preuye conspyrer agaynst his prince for the Pope.
2 Moche accordinge to the ryght nature therof / is the settinge out here of this heretycall [Page 87] Genealogie. Abhominably blasphemouse it is / and therfor it passeth forth vndre some tytles of abhominacion. It is seyd first of all to be imprinted at London / which is a most noble cyte. Verye sorye I am that soche sylthye frutes shuld come from so worthye a place. Notwithstandinge I ascribe not this partycular euyll to that worshypful cyte / wherin (I knowe) to be people most vertuouse and godlye. But of this am I certayne. Though Hierusalem were holye and the verye cyte of the lorde allowed by the scripturs / yet was it in conclusion most greuouslye ponnyshed for sufferinge blasphemers / and for vnthankefullye receyuinge of Christ and his verite. Pater noster was wont to be a most wholsom prayer / ordayned and commaunded of Christ to dwell onlye within mannys sowle / and from thens to be sent in dayly massage to the eternall father of heauen. And now he is becomen an out strete dweller) the name of a lane / or the sygne of a tauerne. Farre is he changed from Christes first institucion / a [...]d from the office that he appointed him. A farre meane [...] change from a pylde popyshe ceremony / wolde be called a great heresye of y • Bysshoppes. What this is I leaue it to yowr coniecture.
3 [...] In this Pater noster rowe / or in bedealleye whether ye wyll / was this Genealogye imprinted / at the signe afowr ladye pyte. What that pyteouse ladye is I can not [Page] tell / but wele I wote she hath no [...]ust tyttle to be called owr ladye. No true fygure is she to Marye the mother of Christ. For neuer was she so farre from the ryght faythe / that she sorowed so largelye for that thīge which was vnto vs all most necessarye. I knowe she neuer wept so vndyscretely for the deathe of Christ / which was owr vniuersall helthe / but most hyghly reioysed therin. If she euer mourned / it was for the synnes of the people / and for that she sawe his veryte contēpned of the cruell clergye / as it is yet styll. They therfor which worshyp that sorowfull pyte of Marye / do honour that infydelyte w t she neuer had / and make them therof an Idoll. Thus is the sygne that Iohan Redmā dwelleth vndre / an exercrable Idoll / and he for so magnifyenge her with that tyttle / a verye Idoll worshypper. The lesse maruele is it / that soche fylthye frutes cometh out of his howse. Here is he not ashamed openlye to confesse / that he hath sett his handes to most wycked Papystrye / and vnto an heape of peruerted Scripturs / to the great dyshonour both of God and of his kynge. Adioyninge ther vnto his pryuylege / Ad imprimē dum solum / the rather to infect his people.
4 Now foloweth Robert wyer / & he graunteth also by his owne handye worke / that he hath promoted forewarde these Popyshe Poesyes and Scripturs abhominablye peruerted. Wherin he hath done all that hath [Page 88] lyen in him / to assure the kīges faythfull subiectes to geue their good hartes to y • Popes olde faythe. An vngodlye cruell waye were it / yf menne ded but mynistre that thinge w t shuld but poyson the bodyes of the people. What shall we than recken it / whan that fylthynesse is ministred of them / which infecteth their sowles to eternall deathe. Soche is the vnsacyable thirst of thē that are couetouse / that they care not what myschefes they do to get money. If the deuyll had geuen them a matter ageynst Christ / as his sworne Chaplayne hath done here ageynst his true seruauntes / and haue monyed them wele / they wolde surely haue done by that / lyke as they haue done by this. And the daye wyll ones come that they shall fynde it all one. The kynges priuylege. Ad imprimē dum solum / is put to the same / to bringe him also vndre the selfe same curse / of God / yf anye chaunce for it at the latter daye (whom he defende) so good subiectes are thy vnto him. By soche diuersite of printes is it easy to perseyue that the sale hath bene great & the profyghtes therof plentuouse. If the worke had bene Godly / yt neuer had gone so frelye abrode / nor with so moche fauer of y • Bysshoppes. The lorde ones be mercyfull to his afflicted famelye / and delyuer thē frō their my [...]cheues. Amen. ¶The conclusion.
¶Expreslye is it here to be seane (dere frynde in the lorde) what Pantolabꝰ was at the makinge of this iest / and what manye [Page] other are yet styll in the same synefull lyne of Antichrist. I perseyue by him and soche other more / that Leuiathan had than great strengthe in his loynes / to sende forth soche sturdye babes. Not longe afore that they hydde their heades / and durst not be seane abrode. But thā ded they on their mothers shamelesse face / and were ageyne as bragginge as in their Popes tyme. Small harme is it to them that the Beastes head was wounded / it is so wele and workemanlye healled vp ageyne. Not to Christes glorye haue they fashyoned thē a newe churche now after the Gospell preachinge / but after their owne vayne glorye ageyne yet for aduauntage. Destroyed yet vtterly shall that execrable mōstre be within short space (trust vpon it) by y • only breathe of y • lordes eternall mouthe For now doth he call to remembraunce the blood of his elect Seruauntes whō she hath slayne & seduced to establyshe her kyngedō of lyes & abhominaciōs. Now shal she be subdued of that heauenlye verite / whō she hath of so longe tyme suppressed / the beast peryshinge w t her whō she hath worshypped in so manye kyndes of Idolatrye. That lorde make spede to fulfyll his euerlastinge promes / to the confort of his electes. Amen.
¶Thu [...] endeth y • openinge of a darke mysterye of inyquite latelye spredde a brode in England [...] / by Ponce. Pantolabus / and dysclosed by Iohan Bale. 1542.