THE Second Part Of the Sanctuary of a troubled Soule.
Newly enlarged BY IO. HAYVVARD.
The poore shall not alwaies be forgotten, the patient abiding of the meeke shal not perish for euer.
LONDON. Printed by I. W. for Cuthbert Burbie. 1607.
- 1 THe state of the soule of man before his fall.
- 2 The state of the soule of man after his fall.
- 3 The state of the soule after regeneration.
- 4 The first cause wherefore the will is inclinable to sensualitie.
- 5 A s [...]id cause of the same inclination.
- 6 Remedies against the natural weakenesse or corruption of the powers of the soule.
- 7 Meditation and prayer inseperable twinnes.
- [Page] 8 Of imitating or collecting out of other authors.
To the Reader.
1 MAN, at his first creation, had a reasonable soule, (the very breath of God) infused into him: wherin original iustice (the image of God) was most liuely and louely by Gods hand engrauen. Hereby, al the powers of the soule were per [...] and accomplished in their nature, being both able and expedite, for the orderly execution of their functions. The reason and vnderstanding [Page] were cleare; the will and affections ordinate; the sensuall faculties, not onely restrained from euil, but constrained to be seruiceable to good. So that reason had full power and dominion ouer the will, and the wil did gouern the sensual appetites; being the mean to hold thē in obedience vnto reason.
But when, by the fall of Adam, originall iustice was 2 lost; when the image of God was defaced in man; reason, which is the life of the soule, was much enfeebled; the will was disordered and depraued; the sensual powers [Page] did tumult, and breake loose from their obedience: and haue euer since run to their obiects, with so violent a course, that commonly they draw the will after them. which also flattereth feeble reason (as Eue entised Adam) to taste of the forbidden fruit; euen to submit it selfe to the seruice of sensualitie; partly, in contriuing means for accōplishing that which it doth affect; & partly in framing, either iustifications, or excuse, or concealment for the same. So that then, the first order of subiection & rule being inuerted, [Page] or rather peruerted, subuerted, euerted in the soule; the sensuall faculties had full dominion ouer the will; and the will did gouern & guide reason; being the meane to holde it in obedience vnto sence.
And although after our 3 regeneration, reason, with assistance of the wil, first enabled, then directed and gouerned by grace, recouereth such power ouer the sensuall faculties, that it may (in some degree) and often doth reduce them to the first order of their obedience; yet for the most part it happeneth, [Page] that it is, either weake or vnwilling to execute this power: & that especially for two causes.
4 The first is, for that the will, which is placed between reason and sensualitie, and apt to be applied to eyther, contracteth the first familiarity (which commonly is most firme) with sensuality. And this is done, principally in our childish age, and partly also in the yeeres of our youth, in which time the will is guided by sence and is little or nothing commaunded by reason. Whereuppon it followeth that the passions [Page] of sensuality, being by long custome, strong, familiar, & pleasant to the will; and the first motions of reason, by reason of nouelty, weake, strange and distastefull: it geueth it selfe fully to the familiarity of sence, and is afterwardes hardly recouered, to breake that amity▪ and to knit into acquaintance with reason.
The second cause is, for 5 that the sence giueth present payment of a certain shadow or shewe of good; namely, of some sensual cōmodity or delight: but the reward of reason, the true essentiall good [Page] which reason promiseth, and faith assureth, for a vertuous and godly cariage of our liues, is vpō a day: nothing in presēt, but onely hope, & some small earnest of the promise. Now, although wee knowe that there is no comparison betweene these in valewe, yet this false shew in such sort bewitcheth the will, that it is content to entertaine and embrace the present apparance, and to desist from pursute of the true future good. And thus the will being depraued, and drawne downe to the loue of those thinges which are pleasing to the [Page] sence, reason is eyther soe seduced thereby, that it is caried in the same course of sensuality, or else remaineth so deiected in power, that it is altogether vnable to restrain the same. Eyther the iudgement is so blinded, that it cannot discerne what it ought to doe: or the strength so disabled, that it cannot doe that which it doeth discerne and iudge fitte to bee done.
Now, to correct this naturall eyther weakenesse or corruption 6 of the powers of the soule, and to retaine them in that order of obedience [Page] and commaund, which is not onely iust but expedient for the soule: three exercises of Religion are, both proper, and also necessarie: fasting, meditation, and prayer. Fasting, to breake the power of sensualitie; meditation, to stir vp and strengthen the forces of reason; prayer to inuocate & implore grace; which onely is able to rectifie the will, & to curbbe and controule the sensuall appetites.
The first of these, is properly an exercise of the body; the other two are exercises of the soule. Fasting may oftentimes be seperated from [Page] meditation and prayer; and is then only to be vsed, when the body is therby made more seruiceable to the soule But meditation and prayer are inseperable twinnes; like those 7 of Hyppocrates, which did feede together, sleepe together, ioy together, weepe together, liue together, die together: or like a paire of turtles; whereof one being taken away, the other will first languish, and afterwards die.
Prayer disposeth our soules to meditation; meditation supplieth matter to our prayer; both giue strēgth [Page] and life, the one to the other.
Meditation prepareth our soules, and maketh them fit to receiue God; prayer inuiteth that glorious guest; both do entertaine him, and make him pleased therein to abide.
Prayer is the speach of the soule vnto God; Meditation is the speech of God to the soule; both make a familiar conference and conuersing betweene God and the soule.
For this cause I haue endeauoured, in framing these deuotions (which are the best accompt that I can yeelde to [Page] the worlde of my Sabbaoth dayes employmentes) so to entermixe meditation and prayer, that they may seeme, as it were, twisted into one thredde. Alwaies to begin, and to end our meditation with prayer; oftentimes in the middest of meditation to breake into prayer; somtimes in the middest of prayer to pause vppon meditation. Which course, how comfortable it may bee to the consciences and soules of other men, I doe not certainely know, I could but only make thereof coniecture by my selfe.
What hath beene my performance herein, I wil neyther extenuate nor extoll. There is nothing, but the goodnesse of God, which I will extoll; there is nothing, but my owne weakenes, which I will extenuate and excuse. For other particular passages let them extol, who are priuy to their owne negligence, & want of paines; let them excuse, who will make others priuie to the same. Onely, I will adde a few wordes for aunswere to those, who make light estimation of these and the like labours, vpon conceite, that they are collected [Page] out of other Authors.
First, this argument hauing been so long, so often, 8 and yet neuer sufficientlie handled, and to the worth, it is impossible that much should bee saide therein, whereof much hath not been spoken by others. And yet the varietie may bee exceeding great. Euen as the same matter of wood and of stone, is neither polished nor fashioned in all buildinges alike.
Secondly, it is accounted our nicenesse, or rather negligence in this pointe, wherby many writinges are like vnto the plant Ephemeron; [Page] which springe [...]h, flourisheth and fadeth in one day. Whereas in all faculties, their writings haue stood for longest continuance, who haue made fairest vse of other Authors. For my own eyther iudgement or opinion, as I do nothing the more valew the Spiders webbe, for that she draweth it out of her owne bowels; so doe I not esteeme the lesse of the honey combe, because it is gathered out of many flowers.
THE Contents of this second part.
- AN Epistle to the Reader.
- A short prayer to he saide when we beginne to settle our selues to our deuotions.
- §. 1.
- The Sinner examining the actions of his life, findeth him selfe enfoulded i [...] the snare of [Page] Gods wrath: Fol. 1
- §. 2.
- Of the seueritie of God against sinne, and how greiuous euery sinne is which willingly we commit. fol. 24.
- §. 3.
- Of the paines and punishments which Christ endured for sinne, and first of his agony in the Garden fol. 47
- §. 4.
- Howe he was sold, betraied and apprehended. fol. 59.
- § 5.
- How he was caried before Annas, before Caiphas, before Pilate, before Herode, and lastly before Pilate againe. fol. 61
- § 6.
- How he was scourged. fol. 73.
- § 7
- How he was crowned with [...]orns, cloathed in purple, openly [...]corned, and presented to the Iewes. fol. 85
- § 8
- How he was condemned, & forthwith led to the place of execution fol. 99.
- § 9
- Howe hee was crucified. fol. 117
- § 10
- Howe hee was mocked, and [...]euiled, and how he prayed for his enemies. fol. 129.
- § 11.
- How he pardoned the thiefe, how he tasted vineger and gall, and howe hee cried to his Father. f [...]l. 143.
- § 12.
- Howe hee died and howe [Page] they opened his side with [...] speare. fol. 159
- § 13.
- Againe of the grieuousness [...] of sinne and what meanes Go [...] vseth to withdrawe vs from the same. fol. 178
- A Prayer. fol. 197
- Another Prayer. fol. 212
A Short Prayer, to bee said, when we beginne to settle our selues to our deuotions.
1 WHen God doth most obserue vs.
2 In what confidence we approach vnto God.
3 The preparation of our selues, before wee presume to speake vnto God.
4 Feruency without discretion [Page] is no other then fury.
5 Desire of spirituall thinges is the price whereat they are set.
6 Many petitions God can hardly deny.
7 The greater our perseuerance is, the greater shall be our aboundance.
8▪ Who especially are troubled with wandring thoughts.
9 We haue lost the rule ouer the powers of our soule.
10 The greatest misery of mans heart.
11 The powers of prayer to change our soule.
12 The condition which maketh our prayers effectuall before God.
13 Our falles should be an occasion to vs of more stable stāding
[Page] 14 God is a seuere exacter of thankes
15 Howe to craue spiritual, howe temporall benefits.
16 Howe our cause is to be debated before God.
17 What maketh our paines in seruing God to be sweete.
O Most glorious Lorde, most gracious Iesu Christ, giue me not onely leaue, but helpe, yea power, to prostrate my vnworthy Soule, and to powre out my weake petitions, in the presence of thine Almighty Maiesty, in the [Page] view of all thy holy, and honourable Courte of Heauen; both with feare to offend, and faith to 1 obtaine. For, although at al times, thou doest obserue, and they serue vs. yet most especialy, when wee present our selues to speake vnto thee face to face. Inspire my soule, with what affections it should thinke of thee: teach my tongue, with what wordes it should both praise thee, and pray vnto thee: instruct mee, O good Iesu, with such an humble [Page] heart to entreate thee, that thou maiest fauourably heare me, and mercifully grant mee my requests.
Beholde, O King of glory, as a weake & wretched 2 worme, to a God of infinite both maiestie and power, as a guilty & grieuous sinner, vnto a most iust and seuere Iudge; not standing vpō my owne eyther dignity or deserts, but in confidence of thy mercies, I approach vnto thee, to make manifest my miseries and necessities, and [Page] to craue thy most gracious comfort and supplie. O lord of all power, and peace, in regarde of the corruption both of my nature, and of my life, I acknowledge my selfe vnworthy to speake vnto thee, vnworthy to look towardes thee; but in regarde of thy manifolde mercies, I will not onely looke towards thee, but looke to bee relieued of thee; I will not onely speake, but assure my self that I shall speede.
And to this end, I earnestly craue thy gracious [Page] assistance, that I may now present my poore soule vnto thee, in those humble behauiours which are agreeable, both to my dutie, and thy deserts. That I may talke vnto thee with a reuerence, which dooth consist of loue and of dread; reioysing in thee with feare, & trembling before thee in ioy. And as a Musitian 3 will not offer to play, before he hath set his instrument in tune; so let mee not presume to speake vnto thee, without diligēt preparing my self; by calling [Page] into consideration; first, my offences; secōdly, thy maiesty and glory; thirdly my necessities; lastly, thy goodnes & mercy. That hereupon I may be iointlie, both cast down in humility, & confirmed in hope: and that placing my self, with all lowlines, at the lowest ende of thy banquet, thou maiest come vnto mee in thy good time, & say: Friend, sit vp higher.
[...]uk. 14.Inflame my soule with true zeale (the true seale of thy holy spirite) that it may bee carried in a full [Page] course towards thee, with a feruency gouerned by discretion: for feruencie without discretion is nothing else, but either a degree, 4 or resemblance of furie. Giue me an ardent desire of spirituall things, which is the onely price whereat they are set; euen 5 as thou hast saide, that whosoeuer doth hunger & thirst after righteousnes, he shal be satisfied.Mat. 5 6
If I doe not presentlie obtain that which I desire, let mee not therefore either desist, or relēt. For, although thou doest hold [Page] backe thy help for a time, 6 yet many petitions thou canst hardlie deny, & if we do perseuer to knock, thy promise doth binde thee to open vnto vs. Therefore, so stay my strength with constancie and courage, that I may with patience & humility expect thy pleasure; & persist with Iacob, euen in wrestling with thee, vntil Thou blesse me. [...]en. 32. Assuring my self also, that the greater my perseuerance shal be, the greater shalbe my aboundance; and that the comming at length, will [Page] recompence the long expecting; euen as thou diddest reserue the best wine vntill the end of the feast;Io. 2. and as the most famous men, Isaacke, Sampson, Samuel, Iohn Baptist were brought forth of women that had beene long time barren.
Defend my weake heart from spirituall assaultes. Restraine my wilde and wandring imaginations, which are like the fowles that came to hinder Abrahams offering.Gen. 15 11. Whip out of my soule those theeuish thoughts,Io. 2.15. which [Page] are like to buyers, and sellers, and changers in thy Temple. Wherewith, although all men are (in some measure) molested, yet more especially such wicked weakelinges as I. euen as flies swarme thicker about a sore beast, thē about a sound.
For, our nature being 9 depraued through sinne, wee haue lost the rule which at first we had, ouer the powers and faculties of our soules. Whereupon, the imagination oftentimes, eyther riotouslie rebelleth, and [Page] beareth it selfe in open licentiousnes; or else (like a slie slaue) priuily stealeth from vs, before we are aware. And among al the 10 miseries of mans life, this is one of the greatest, that it is so sensible in the things of this world, and so dull in thinges pertaining to thee: being to the one as a drie reede, and as green wood to the other; which cannot without paines bee kindled. And therefore, O good Iesu, settle thou my scattered thoughts, bind them together with the chaines [Page] of thy loue; that they rāge not whither they list freely, much lesse vnlawfuly. Let my mind be fixed so fast vppon thee, that it be not distracted with other cogitations, either offensiue or idle, or else impertinent; and by that means be, eyther altogether diuerted, from a true consideration of thy presence, or interchangeably diuided, in ioyning some other worship with thine; like the Philistines who placed the Arke & Dagon together: [...]. Reg. 5. Or like the new inhabitants which [Page] the king [...]f Ashur sēt into Samaria,2. Reg. 17 who worshipped the Lord, and also serued other Gods. For, if thou shouldest come with thy graces, to enter into my soule, and finde the dores shut against thee, or else the roomes taken vppe with straunge guests; thou wilt assuredly depart again, and make my praier to bee vnfruiteful.
O merciful Lord, thou wert transfigured whilest thou wert in prayer vpon the mount;Luk. 9:28 to signifie vnto vs by the glorious [Page] 11 chāge of thy body, what power is in prayer to change our soules. Moses also by talking with thee, had a beautifull brightnes cast vppon his countenāce. Grant now, I beseech thee, that I may feele this force of prayer within me: let it transport my soule from all drossie delights; let it chase all euil & idle motions out of my mind; euen as theeues doe vsually auoide & disperse, when he that is attempted calleth for help, if good friendes be with in hearing.
Grant vnto me (O Lord of life) a pure intention in mind; a firme and feruent attentiō in thoghts. Possesse, yea wholy rauish my soule, with pure zeal and deuotion towardes thee; that I may nowe poure forth my prayers vnto thee, for my selfe, with stedfast faith▪ for others, with ardent loue; with perfecte hope and 12 humility for both. For so much as the principall cōditiō which maketh our petitions effectual before thee, cōsisteth in presēting the same, without either [Page] presuming in our owne goodnesse,Iam, 1, 6. or doubting in thine.
Giue vnto me a cleare sight of my sinnes, giue mee also true teares to lament them. Let me craue forgiuenes of thee, with deepe contrition for my offences past, and resolute purpose of amendement hereafter: that my falls may not be like the fall of 13 an Elephant, whoe lieth still, vnable to arise, but that they may be an occasiō to me of more steady standing.
Graunte mee, to bee [Page] thankefull vnto thee for all thy benefits, with a ful feeling of my present wants. Grant that I bee not so transported, with desire of those good gifts whereof I stand in need, that I become eyther vnthankefull, or vnmindfull of those which I haue receiued: knowing that as thou art both a ready and liberall bestower of thy benefits, so art thou alsoe 14 a most seuere exacter of thanks.
Grant me to craue thy spirituall blessings, with 15 full and firme hope, thy [Page] temporall benefits, with intire resignation to the wisedome of thy will. Not importuning them, in greater number or measure, then thou shalt think conuenient to bestowe: and bearing my selfe assured, that whatsoeuer worldly thing I desire, thou wilt giue vnto me, either the very same, or that which shal be better for me. For I plainely see the blindnesse of my own iudgment: & thou knowest (I know) what is fittest both for thy glory, & for my good.
Giue such comfort & contentmēt to my disturbed conscience, as thou shalt thinke most expedient, either for my exercise or for my ease. Poure thy peace into my poore soule, and by the secret inspiration of thy holie Spirrit, kindle, yea inflame thy good motions within mee; that I may feele them forceablie, imbrace them ioyfullie, maintain them carefully, and prosecute thē vnto effect.
Let not the exercise of prayer seeme troblesome [Page] nor the time thereof tedious 16 vnto me. But grant that I may in such wise perseuer, and spend this little time of prayer, in debating my owne cause, against me to thy iustice, and for me to thy mercy, that in the end I may arise with new supply both of courage and strength, to doe such things as appertaine to thy seruice. And as seuen yeeres which Iacob 17 serued for Rachel, seemed to him but a few daies for the loue which he did beare her:Gen. 8. so let me esteeme both the time [Page] shorte, and the paynes sweet, in seruing thee for to enioy thee.
Receiue this my sacrifice of prayer and praise, inflame it with the comfortable heat of thy loue, and wherein it is vnperfect, amend thou the defects, who ōly art of power so to do: that it may be acceptable vnto thee, or at the lest, that thou maist not despise it. Giue mee thy grace (O most gracious Lord) that I may now bend all the forces of my soule, with thine Angels and saints to praise thee: [Page] with true repentant sinners to appease thee, with poor distressed wretches to intreate thee, and with all thy creatures duly and dutifullie to serue thee, sweete Iesu. Amen.
§. 1. THE Sinner examining the actions of his life, findeth himself enfolded in the snare of Gods wrath.
1. HAbite of sinne is dangerous to hold, and hard to leaue.
2 Pleasures of this life seem to be farre greater then they are.
3 All the time of our liues eyther sinnefull or vnfruitfull.
4 Our best [...]ctions are beutiful sins.
[Page] 5 Whatsoeuer is vnprofitable, the same is damnable.
6 All the good that we haue done is inferiour to our bodily benefits.
7 Sinnes more vnsauory vnto God, then anything vnto man.
8 No place of auoidance frō God.
9 Originall sinne is al sins in power.
10 Our offences against God.
11 Our offences against our neighbour.
12 Weakenesses and offences in our selues
13 A sinner may be said not to liue.
14 Our facillitie in sinning.
15 Our best actions examined.
16 Good instructions badly regarded.
17 Our deuotions short and abrupt.
18 How soone we are wearie of diuine exercises.
19 Our ostentation, our coldnesse, our errors, our defects in doing good
20 Our curiositie in matters of Religion.
21 Not any one of our actions iustifiable before God.
[Page 2] 22 Sinne, the death of the soule, & the life and soule of death.
23 Death i [...] to be adioyned to our life.
24 Pleasures of this life most deceitfull enemies.
25 Contempt and abasement of our felues not onely to be endured, but desired and laboured.
26 Griefe for want of griefe.
O My soule; O weake, O wretched soul; feeble to all goodnesse able to any euill: retire thy selfe a while from the tiring trauailes of this life; lay downe the loade, both of heauie cares and light conceits, with which thou art extreamlie clogged. Remoue the vaile from thine eyes, wherewith thou hast [Page] bin caried blindfold, without any true either sight or guide; in all thy endeuours, in all thy desires; in danger to step into euery pit of habituall 1 sinne, wherein it is fearefull to continue, and out of which it will be hard to arise.
Gather together, O my soule, gather thy scattered thoughts to-gether, from ranging after the light and loose pleasures of this life; 2 much more esteemed, of those who hunt after them, then of those who haue thē: being like vnto certaine apples which growe in Iudaea, faire in shew, but turning in touch to a filthie fume. Withdraw thy selfe into thy [Page 3] selfe, euen into the most secret closet of thy conscience; shut out all things but onely God, who both filleth and encloseth al things. Consider before him, the nobilitie, both of thy state, and of thy end; and examine diligently, how answerable thy workes are, vnto the worthienesse of them both. Say now to the world, as Iacob once saide to his Father in law Laban: these many yeeres haue I serued thee, and with exceeding both studie and paines followed thine affaires: it is now time to breake from thy bondage, for else wilt thou send me emptie handed away.
Certainely, if I doe diligently [Page] examine my actions, if I weigh my wayes, if I trie the footestepps that I haue troden; I shall find, that the whole time of my life hath beene, either sinful, or else 3 vnfruitefull: and if I haue done any thing that seemed good, it hath beene in such sort, either counterfeit, or corrupt, or some wayes vnperfect, that it was noe better then a beautiefull sinne. 4 For, wherein haue I spent my childhood? wherein my youth? wherein all the days of my life that are past? how haue I imployed my worldly estate? how my health? how my naturall forces and abilities? how haue I busied both the powers of my soul, [Page 4] and the parts of my body, which thou hast giuen vnto me? the one to know, and the other to serue thee? How? but either in idlenes, or in euill; either in committing sinne, or in doing nothing.
Therefore, O wretched soule, all the actions of thy life haue been, either hurtful, or else vnprofitable; either depraued with euill, or depriued of good: and if thus, contemptible; if so, damnable. But if they bee 5 vnprofitable, wherefore do I not account them also dānable? Is it not true which the truth hath saide, that euery tree which bringeth not forth good fruit, shal be [Page] hewen downe and cast into the fire?Mat. 7.19 Mat 11 14 Did not Christ curse the figge tree which did beare leaues & no fruit? Was not the idle & vnprofitable seruant condemned, for not imploying and encreasing his talent?Mat. 25.30 Shal not our carelesse either negligence or contempt of the seruice of God, be the greatest piece of euidence which Sathan will bring against vs at the dreadfull day of iudgement? According whereto sentence is already drawne, against those that shall bee damned; not for committing any actuall euil, but onely for omitting, to feede the hungrie,Mat. 25. to cloath the naked, to harbor [Page 5] the stranger, to visite those that were imprisoned or sicke. And doe I then esteeme it sufficient, that I haue sometimes abstained from euill, if I haue not also done that which is good.
No, no, I receiued my life for the seruice of God, and I must be accountable, how euery minute of my time hath beene employed to that end. If it were possible for me not to commit any sinne, it will be sufficient to condemne me, euen that I liued; If I were not both alwaies and entirelie busied, in discharging some peece of dutie towardes God▪
And, if all the good [Page] 6 which euer I haue done were laide together, set cleare either from corruption or from defect, yet is it nothing to the bodily benefites which I haue receiued. In regard whereof I haue beene like an vnprofitable beast, which eateth more then he doth earne: insomuch as it may be said vnto me, as Abraham saide to the rich glutton tormented in hell flames;Luke 26 Sonne thou hast receiued (the reward of all) thy good in thy life.
What man would endure? what man could forbeare that creature, wich is not only vnprofitable, but noysome vnto him? But thou, O gracious God, [Page 6] thou hast not onely endured, but expected me; thou doest not forbeare onely, but fauōur and feed me; more vnprofitable then any liuing creature; more noysome then any dead.
Out vpon me wretched 7 soule, full both of vanity & of ignorance; full of infinite miseries, & (which exceedeth all miserie) full of infinite vnsauorie sinnes▪ whereby I am made more vile then any beast, more abhominable thē any dung or carion, worse then any thing which we commonly cal nought. For nothing can bee, in worth so contemptible, in filthinesse so intollerable vnto men, as [Page] a sinfull soule is vnto God.
What doe I then? What thinke I? Into what a dumbe dumpe am I driuen? O my God, what shall I say now I am before thee? Being like vnto those who haue immoderately stuffed their stomacke with Onions and Garlicke; whome no man wil heare to speake for the strong stinke of their breath. With what yron eyes, with what flintie forehead shall I sustaine the presence of thy Maiesty, who art both iudge, & party, and witnesse against 8 me? And alas I haue lesse hope to auoid thy presēce, then I haue heart to abide it. Thou diddest follow Adam [Page 7] through the thicke bushes; Ionas into the bottome of the sea; Dauid did not thinke heauen so high, hel so low, the whole world so wide, that it could afford any place, either secret or distant enough to auoide thy pursuit. How then shall I answere thee, whose presence I am so little able, either to auoide or to abide?
For, besides my original 9 corruption, which is (in power) all sinnes that are; I haue very much, yea altogether failed in duty; against thee, against my neighbor, and against my selfe. I haue forgotten thee, I haue contemned other men, I haue not eyther remembred or [Page] regarded any thing but my selfe.
10 Towardes thee I haue beene vnthankfull for thy benefites, rebellious & stif-necked in yeelding to thy inspirations; vnreuerent & negligent in matters pertaining to thy seruice. which, either I haue lefte vndone, or els haue performed thē, neither with such readinesse, nor pure intention, as thou doest require: intermixing alwaies some regard, ither of estimation or aduantage to my selfe. I haue been more respectiue of ciuilitie, in offending the meanest friend of this life, then of conscience in offending thee; & haue bin more [Page 8] restrained both by shame & by feare, from committing a filthie fact in the viewe of man, then before thy pure and piercing eies. I feared men more thē thee, because I was blind, and did not see thee: I had onely fleshlie eyes, and therfore did I onely regard the sight of men; but I was spiritually blind, and therefore obserued not thy diuine presence.
For all the treasure of graces, which thou hast bestowed vpon me, I haue not returned to thee the tribute of glory; but haue vainely and falsely vsurped to my selfe the prerogatiue of praise, which doth in right pertaine vnto thee. I haue [Page] not been prouoked, to loue thee for thy goodnes, to feare thee for thy iustice, to trust in thee for thy power; My little loue hath appeared, by the little pains that I haue taken for thy sake; my little feare, by the great and manifold sinnes which I haue committed; my little confidence and trust, by the tempestes of my mind, vpō any troubles that haue happened vnto me; not staying and setling my hope vpon thee. How haue I contemned, how haue I grieued thee? in suffering thee to cal vpon me in vaine? Neuer answering, neuer accepting thy heauenly motions? Thou hast reuealed thy wil [Page 9] vnto me; yet so often as my will hath encountred therwith, either by false interpretation or flat resistance, my will hath preuailed, and thine hath taken the ouerthrow. Finally, if I make a true account betweene thy law and my obedience, why thē I am the foole, who hath said in his heart;Ps. 14.1. There is no God.
Towardes my neighbour, 11 I haue beene hard and seuere, not louing him as thou hast commaunded vs to loue one another, like members of one body, which receiue life of one spirit. I haue had no sence of sorow for his aduersities; and haue beene so far from [Page] [...] [Page 10] [...] [Page] relieuing either his troubles or his wantes, that I haue scarce pittied him, and somtimes both by speech and action haue been offensiue and grieuous vnto him. I haue abused my superiors, by flatterie; my inferiors, by contempt: bearing my selfe for the most part, as an Emmet to the one, and as an Elephant to the other. As for my equals, I haue either put my selfe before them, or else prosecuted them with extremitie of disdaine. I haue beene sharper sighted into all mens vices, then into their vertues; being easily carried, to aggrauate the one, and extenuate the other: and scarce haue I [Page 10] communicated with any, but some parte of my talke hath beene of other mens liues.
Now, is I put my hande 12 into my owne bosome, oh! how leprous shall I pull it forth againe? What shall I find that my hart hath bin, but a puddle, wherein filthy thoughts, like swine, haue alwaies beene wallowing? What hath my mouth been, but a vent, to breath forth the putrified sauour of my soule? what haue my eyes beene, but the windowes? what my eares, but the dores of destruction and death? My vnderstanding hath beene quicke to represent to my wil, both instruments [Page] and occasions to sinne; my wil hath been as a common Curtezan, embrasing euerie occasion which hath beene offered; my memory hath beene a storehouse of corruption, whereon my wicked fantasie hath alwaies fed: all the parts of my bodie, all the powers of my soule, haue altogether been imployed in sinne; all my life, motion, and being, haue beene a continuall prouocation of him, in whome I liue, moue, and do consist. And as many members being vnited, make one whole and entire body; so all my actions laide together, doe forme in mee one body of sinne.
I haue beene too lightlie carried, by the policie and strength of the Diuell against me; by my own lusts, either raging or tickling within me; by the worlde, outwardly either flattering or else pursuing mee. In which cursed course, I haue had one of those sixe things which thou abhorrest; Swift feete to commit euill: Pro. 6.18. esteeming alwaies forbidden fruit most faire, forbidden pleasures most sweet, forbidden waies most secure.
I haue not obserued eyther decencie or sincerity in my behauiour, but all my conuersation hath been clothed with vanitie. In opinion I haue beene obstinate, [Page] in iudgement sodaine, in good purposes inconstant, in will stubberne and stiffe, headlong in euill actions, heauie in good; full of waste wordes, readie to derogate from others, and to frame praises to my selfe; apt both to giue and to take offence. In humilitie I haue beene false, in desires violent, in hate implacable, in iesting sharpe; rash in cēsuring, peremptorie in talking, fastidious in hearing; haughtie to gouerne, harde to obey; being more readie to interprete then to execute that which hath been commaunded.
I haue burned more then the mountaine AEtna in [Page 12] rhe raging flames of my affections. What vanitie haue I not beene greedy to behold? what haue I seene whereon I haue not feasted my inordinate desire? what haue I desired which I haue not beene eager to effect? How liuely haue I felte the tickling of ambition & vain glory, and of dissimulation seruiceable to them both? in labouring to couer my defects, and to make mee to seem other then I am? How greedily haue I pursued the commodities and pleasures of this life? wherein my desires haue beene so farre frō being satisfied with thine allotment, that the whole world hath seemed too little [Page] to suffice them. I haue been in some sorte, more proud then Lucifer, more presumptuous then Adam: for they being in a high degree of beauty and perfection, had some motiue to thinke well and presume of themselues; but I, being bred (like certaine flies and wormes) onelie of putrisaction, being a vessell of most vile filth, haue notwithstanding presumed to rebell against thee. I haue shaken off thine obedience, and assumed a licentionsnesse to liue according to my proper lustes. I haue affected praise in all my actions, as though I had beene like thee, who onely art to bee [Page 13] praised in all thy workes: and if thou hast either crossed my purposes, or not fulfilled my desires, I haue becne stirred to storme against thee, as if thou haddest beene one of my seruantes.
Oftentimes vpon iniuries offered vnto mee, partly prouoked, and partlie light, a thicke swarme of thoughts haue made tumult within me; here upon, pensiue and blinde, I sought occasion of reuenge; I multiplied counsailes, I mustered all malitious conceites; and when I haue had no man present, I formed within my self a set contētion. I considered what was [Page] saide or done against me, I framed both action and answere thereto; exercising my minde in an idle and▪ imaginarie reuenge, whereto I wanted both opportunity and power. So I haue beene often carried by couetousnesse and ambition, to please my self in the vain conceites of riches and honour; alwaies immoderate, and many times impossible. In the vse of meates and of apparrell, vnder the colour of necessitie I haue prosecuted my pleasure, and that which would haue beene sufficient for the one, was little or nothing to the other. In a worde, I haue not endeauoured, either to [Page 14] abstaine from any pleasure, or to sustain any paine: the most light delightes haue swayed my iudgement; the most trifling troubles haue beene sufficient, not onelie to vexe, but to ouerwhelme mee.
Alas, how swinishly haue 13 I liued? nay, it cannot well be saide, that I haue liued at all; hauing my soule alwaies either buried, partlie in sleepe, and partly in sloath; or else so busied in the cares and considerations of the false, eyther plesures or necessities of this life, that I haue euer wanted sometimes mind, sometimes time to thinke vpon thee, and to doe any thing worthy [Page] the spirite and dignitie of man. O dead life! O obscure light of vnderstāding! wherewith I haue beene carried forth, forgetfull of thinges past, negligent of thinges present, improuident of thinges to come. I haue not respected any thing past, but iniuries or losse; nor regarded any thing present, but the contentment of my aduerse & peruerse wil; nor proiected for any future thing, but reuenge or pleasure, or else gaine. I haue beene studious, I haue been industrious in this vnprofitable pursuit; wherein my gatheringes are of no better reckoning, then is a building [Page 15] vpon sand; then an image of snow set against the sunne; then a heape of dust, subiect to dissipation by euery winde. Insomuch as I may now iustly complaine with S. Peter; I haue trauailed all day and taken nothing. Luke. 5.
And as for the manner of my sinning against thee, I 14 haue so oft hardned my cōscience, & cast away so far al shame, that I made no more scruple to sin, thē to speake; being carried against thee with such facilitie, yea boldnes, yea contentment & delight, that I could not haue done more, if I had expected no other life, if I had feared no iudgement, if I had belieued no God; but [Page] had beene perswaded, that all the pointes of Christian beliefe were meere fables, & not oracled from those diuine lips, that will not dissemble, that cannot erre.
Let me bring the best 15 of my actiōs to a true touch. All my deuotion hath been gilded with hypocrisie; I haue rather seemed then beene religious: hauing the voyce of Iacob, & the hands of Esau; in profession one, in practise another. Like vnto the serpent, which often changeth his skinne, but neuer disgorgeth his poyson. I haue entertained many vices vnder the shew and terme of vertues; as vaine science for true wisedome, [Page 16] crueltie for iustice, rashnes for resolution, cowardize for warines, obstinacie for constancie, couetousnesse for frugalitie, basenes for humilitie, pride for generositie, lightnes for affabilitie, presumption for hope, vnaduifednesse for zeale, distrust for feare; and generally, wanting eyther iudgement to discerne, or will to embrace the true meane, I haue alwayes run into one of the extreames; neuer endeuouring to reforme any vice, but onelie to conforme it to some apparance of vertue.
And although I haue receiued many good instructions, 16 yet was I like to [Page] the sea▪ which neither the riuers nor raines that fal into it, make any thing the sweeter; or like the leane kine which Pharao saw in his dream,Gen: 41. which, after they had deuoured the fat kine, remained notwithstanding as ill fauoured and leane as they were before. When I haue beene particularlie and plainely reproued for any euill, I woulde, either craftily, if not excuse, yet extenuate it; or else boldely, sometimes denie, somtimes defend it; or else maliciously reproach them who did reproue mee; or if none of these, yet did I neuerthākfully accept, & carefully regard it, or if at times [Page 17] I haue beene touched thereby with some sence of conscience for my sinne, yet haue I not left it; and so by reiterating the same, haue prouoked thy wrath more deepely against me.
If I haue set into any 17 course of deuoute exercises, I haue presētly broken the thred, and intermitted the continuance thereof; soone loathing the very Manna of heauen, the true streames of paradise, and lusting again after the onions of Egypt. And as one that taketh hote coales in his hand, and presently casteth them away, hath no sence of their effects; so I haue so lightlie touched the mysteries of [Page] saluation, that I haue scarce felt from them any heate: they haue beene to mee as meate swallowed downe without chewing, and passing through mee without digestion; so farre eyther from encreasing or maintaining strength, that it dooth rather endomage health. I haue wearied my selfe, I haue wasted my time, in going forward and backward, in rising and in falling, in building and pulling down, in rowling (as it is saide) the stone of Sysiphus; in purposing and not pursuing, in attempting, and presentlie shrinking backe. I haue turned my minde (like the weathercocke) vpon the [Page 18] least puffe of euery occasion; I haue changed it (like the Camelion) into so many shapes and formes, as accidentes haue beene offered vnto mee; not eonsidering how dangerous it is to cōceiue good inspirations, & not to bring them to ful effect. I haue worne out my whole age onely in beginning; I haue alwaies failed almost in the assay.
When I haue setled my 18 selfe to deuotion and prayer, O good God! how tedious hath the time seemed, how irkesome hath the exercise been vnto mee? how dul, drowsie and lumpish haue I beene therein? how were my thoughts distracted? [Page] what hast haue I made vntill I had giuen ouer, to attend some other businesse or delight, which was more agreeable to my taste and liking? By this meanes my prayers haue been, like the drinke which was offered to my Sauiour vppon the Crosse; wine mingled with mirrh and gall: and I haue beene as one of Pilates seruantes, who bowed their knees vnto Christ, and saluted him King; but therewith smote him, & spat in his face.
When I haue done good 19 vnto any man, I haue not forborne to boast thereof, like vnto the henne, which cackleth at euery egge that [Page 19] she doth lay: insomuch as the thiefe of vaine-glory hath stoln away the acceptation of that which I haue done. In performing any other good worke, with what coldnes haue I beene carried? with how many eyther errors or defectes hath it beene fraughted? And if it bee true that thou regardest, not so much the action as the intent, how many of my workes haue beene so free from vaine respects, that they shoulde be, I will not say acceptable, but tollerable in thy sight? for I find that I haue beene moued to doe them, somtimes at the importunitie of other, sometimes for [Page] custom & for maners sake; sometimes for my own particular either estimation, or contentment; neuer sincerely for the loue and seruice of thee. I haue neuer eyther loued or serued thee alone, because I haue not loued and serued thee for thy selfe.
20 If I haue busied my self in talking or meditating vpon diuine matters, it hath been rather in curious questions, then in pointes eyther necessarie to instruct, or profitable to stirre me. I haue beene more studious to enquire where hell is, thē how to auoide it: I haue beene more carefull to know whether wee shall know one another [Page 20] in heauen, then eyther careful or painful how to come there. I haue beene forward to learn, what thou hast not esteemed necessary to teach; I haue had eares to listen, where thou wouldest not haue a tong to speake. To conclude then as I begā; If I examine my actions, if I weigh my wayes, if I trie the footsteps that I haue troden, I shall not finde any one of them; one is a smal number, and yet I assure my selfe, I shall not find any one, that may bee iustified in thy 21 sight. My beginning was corruption; my cōtinuance hath beene sinne; my ende shall bee death, the reward of sinne.
22 O sinne! the death of the soule, and the very life and soule of death; I would not repell thee when thou diddest present thy felfe vnto mee, and after entertainement I am not able to expell thee. O voide of all sparkes of pietie! O worthy to be lamēted with nō other teares, then were shed for the destruction of Ierusalem! miserable is the day of my birth, but more miserable shall bee the day of my death: for then all the delightes of this life, will be turned to a smoake, to a shadow, to a dreame, to nothing; and then will bee the beginning of euerlasting torments.
My soul is weary of my wicked life; I grieue to liue, and I feare to die. What 23 then shall I do, perplexed sinner, but absolutelie neither, and in a maner both? euen to die so long as I liue: to liue, I say, in lamenting the errours of my life, and to consume all the parts of my life which are to come, in bewailing euerie parte thereof which is past.
I will therefore esteeme both the pleasures and preferments of this present life, my most deceitfull and flattering enemies. I will reioyce onely, when I can bee sorrowfull for my sinnes: when all dishonours and punishmentes doe runne [Page] vpon mee for the same. I will also take armes against my selfe, and be cruelly seuere, both in punishing and despising this vile dunghil, the stink whereof I am vnable to endure. In all things I wil seeke nothing but the honour of God, & the contempt and confusion of my selfe. And because I alone am not sufficient to abase and abhorre, my selfe as I haue deserued (because man being in himselfe either sin or no thing; who can descēd to the bottome of his miseries, and contemne himselfe as these two require?) I will therefore craue aide of all the creatures in the world, and will desire to be despised [Page 22] by them, for so much as I haue done the like to the Creator of them all. I will pray and prouoke all men to take compassion vpon me, and wil loue them with true affection that shal help me herein
But, it is a greate increase 26 of my mesery, that I am not yet so sharply touched with sorrow, as both my present distresse & imminent daungers do vrgently require. It greiueth mee that I am not sufficiently grieued for my sinnes; but do still go on so carelessely affected, drawing in the delightes of this Worlde soe securelie; as though I were vtterly ignorant of my owne condition, [Page] as though I had already passed the day of my death, the day of my accoumpte; as though I had already escaped the paines of hell, and did euen now raigne with thee in the state of glory.
What dost thou, O vnprofitable soule? O sinneful! O sencelesse soule, wherefore art not thou more liuely moued? What presente tast of ioy dost thou enioy? What future either hope or expectaton dost thou either feel or feede? Thy sins do wrap thee in the wrath of God; and thy death, thy iudgement, thy torment is at hand.
O condition! O times! And how then sleepest thou, O [Page 23] dull Soule? not dull but dead if thou startest, if thou tremblest not at the sound of these terrours, Drie and withered tree, worthie to be cutte downe and cast into that fire, which doth alwayes burne and neuer cōsume, where are thy fruits? What haste thou euer brought forth but sharp and sower Sinnes?
§. 2. OF The seuerity of God against Sinne; and how greiuous euery sinne is which willingly we commit.
1 GOds seueritie against sinne by example.
2 Gods seueritie against sinne by his word.
3 Multitude of Sinners, is no excuse for Sinne.
4 No Sinne is to be esteemed smal.
5 Euerie Sin is a contempt of God.
6 The lesse our Sins seem vnto vs, the greater is our contempt.
7 Sinne breedeth in vs a hate against [Page 24] God.
8 The difference betwene an Ati eist and a Sinner.
9 Sinners are in open hostilitie with God.
10 In regard of ourselues our sinnes are iniurious to God many waies,
11 The losse which a soule incurreth by Sinne.
12 Wherefore eternall punishment is inflicted for a temporall offence
13 The first reason drawne from the goodnesse of God.
14 God vseth mercie towardes the Damned.
15 The second reason is drawne frō the greatnesse of God.
16 A siner only is rebellious against God.
17 Seuere iudgementes of God aganst Sinne.
18 God declared his hatred against Sinne by the sufferings of his Son.
19 A prayer.
20 The crucifiing of Christ is the greatest action that euer was in the world.
[Page] 21 Our life should bee a dying with Christ,
22 Mindes set vpon matters of this world, are alwayes vnfruitefull.
23 What God requireth of vs.
PEraduēture thou supposest, that God noteth not the number of thy sinnes. What? hee that numbreth thy haires, will hee not number and note thy sinnes? Consider then, (O willing to deceiue thy selfe) how seuere and rigorous God hath declared himself at all times, both by example and also by his word, as well in obseruing, as in punishing offences. This is manifest, by the curse which was cast vpon [Page 25] Adam, and vpon all his posterity, and (in a sort) vpon all Creatures, for once violating one commandement; by the drowning of the whole world together: by the reprobation of Esau & of Saul: by the destruction of Chore, Dathan and Abiram, and of the whole tribe of Beniamin: by the punishment of Moses and of Dauid: and by the like iudgements vpon many other, whom God had more cause to spare, then he hath to tollerate thee; for lesse & fewer sinnes also then thou hast committed.
Hereupon it is said, that 1 God is a iust, a great, a terrible God,Deut, 10. and that it is a [Page] horrible thing to fall into his handesHeb. 10.31. And although Christ came into the world, in al mercy and mildenesse, with infinite loue, with inestimable liberality, to redeeme vs; yet in the pointe of taking account for our actions, hee professeth that he is a seuere man, reaping where he sowed not, and gathering where hee cast not abroade; punishing, not onely those, who eyther riotously or negligētly mispend his treasures, but those also who idely refuse, both to exercise and encrease the sameMath. 25.. Hee threateneth damnation also, not onelie to those, who worke iniquityMat. [...]3.41., but [Page 26] to those likewise who are not cloathed with righteousnesseMat. 22.13.; whom he shall find a sleepeMac. 1▪ 33.35., whom not attending his suddain comming with Oyle in their lampesMat 25.12.. He prescribed to the ruler noe other rule, whereby he might be saued, but by keeping the commādementsLuc. 18. Mat. 19, 17., He left also in charge to his disciple, to keepe his commaundemenses 10, 14.1 and to teach men to obserue all his commaundementes, whatsoeuerMat: 28.20., otherwise they should bee so far from louing himIo. 14.15,, that they could not know him1. Io. 2..
Further hee hath eyther thretned or warned vs, that whosoeuer shall break one [Page] of the least of his commandements, he shall bee called the least in the kingdom of heauenMat. 5 9,; that his creditors must pay the vttermost farthingMat. 5 6,; That we shall be called to a most strict accomptMat, 25., insomuch, as not somuch, as not an idle wordMat. 12.36. as our erroursEccles 15., as our very righteousnes shall escape iudgementLuk. 12: that all other respectes set aside euery man shall bee dealte withal euen as he hath doneMat. 16.27.: that the way is so hard, and the Gate so straighte which leadeth vnto life, that fewe shall either find or follow the sameMat. 7.
3 But thou wilt say perhaps that there are, if not greater, [Page 27] yet moe sinners besides thy selfe; and those also not of the meanest sort. Ah foole; dooth hee deserue a lesse punishmēt, who kileth an innocent accompanied with others, then hee that murdereth an innocent alone, doth a man endure lesse paine if hee burneth with many, then no other doth burne but himselfe? This is indeede the complement of absurditie, to suppose that one Sinner shall beare out another: for herein also might the Diuels receiue some comfort, beecause they are manie. But it is rather an agrauating of thy sinnes,Mat.5. [...] that hauing examples [Page] on both sides set before thee, thou haste in thy corrupte choise followed, not the best, but the most, that hauing companie of both sortes offered vnto thee, thou hast ioyned thy self to the great men, rather then to the good; that vnderstanding both the importance, and necessitie of thy daunger, thou diddest weakely want, eyther will to abhorre or indeauour to decline it.
But thou supposest peraduenture, that thy sinnes are not great, and therefore althoughe they may bee seuerely examined, yet shall they not be so sharpely punished. [Page 28] Sinnes not great? I woulde the greate Iudge would so esteeme them: I would I could rightly say so; I would indeede it were so. And yet a Citty may as well bee taken, at a little hole, as at the large gates: a man may as soone be drowned, in a small riuer, as in the maine Sea, a Souldier may as readily bee slaine, by a round Bullette as by a long Speare, and those sinnes which wee esteeme not great, are alwayes sufficiente enough, and sometimes most daungerous in working our destruction.
But howe dare a man accounte any Sinne to bee small? Is not euery sinne by [Page] preuarication) an opprobrious reiecting of God?
And can it bee a small offence to dishonour, to despise so great a Maiestie? & one that is so exceeding both beautiful in himselfe, and beneficiall towardes thee? Consider then O wretched soule, eyther maliciously blind, or groslie ignorant, what an intollerable iniurie thou offerest vnto God by euery sinne, which wittingly thou doest commit, and that as wel in regard of him, as also in regarde of thy selfe.
In regard of God euery sinne is extreamely iniurious, by reason, partly of the contempt, and partly [Page 29] of the hatred which by that means is occasioned against him.
For, as in euery other election, so whensoeuer with aduisement thou giuest cōfent 5 vnto sinne, thy vnderstanding entreth into an actuall deliberation, (although at al times thou doest not discerne it) in weighing the sweetenesse of the sinne which thou art about to commit, with the fauour and friendship of Almighty God, which therby thou must assuredly loose. And hauing deliberately examined and ballanced them both, thou reprouest the wisedome of God, and shakest off thy obedience to [Page] his order and disposition, preferring before it the law of thy lustes and bearing, thy selfe rebellious against him: thou contemnest that infinite goodnes and grace, which ought of al creaturs to bee affected; and shewest thy selfe vngratefull to his loue, which with all submission thou art bound to embrace.
Now, what greater indignitie can bee imagined, then thus vilely to valew the maiestie of God, to which as to their last ende all men ought to referre their actions, as to prefer a vaine point of estimation, a trifling delight or aduantage before it? and (as [Page 30] God himselfe complaineth by one of his prophets) To dishonour him for a handfull of barley, Eze. 13, 12. and for a peece of bread? Insomuch as the lesse thy sinne seemeth vnto 6 thee, the greater is thy cōtempt, in forsaking him to pursue it, in reiecting him to enioy it. What like iniury was euer offered to Christ in this world? That of Iudas in selling him? But Iudas soulde him for thirtie peeces of siluer, and thou many times for a base and beastlie pleasure. That of the Iewes in refusing him, and choosing Barrabas? But they refused they knew not whome; and thou knowest whom thou doest [Page] refuse. Finally, Iudas sould, and the Iewes reiected Christ but once; but thou doest both, so often, as with deliberation thou committest any sinne.
And it is not onely a carelesse contempt which a sinner beareth against the maiesty of God, in valuing 7 euery vanity aboue him; but therewith also such a cruell hate, that hee woulde (if hee were able) disarme him of his authority, pul away his power, and euen cast him out of his state: secretly wishing (howsoeuer hee carrieth his countenāce and speech) that there were no immortality of the soul, no account of our actions, [Page 31] no rewarde, no reuenge; & in a worde, no God to punish sinne, that hee might more boldly bath himselfe in the imaginarie contentments and pleasures thereof. For which cause there seemeth to be no great difference 8 between an Atheist and a sinner; because, as the one thinketh that there is no God, so the other wisheth that there were none.
Hereupon God, who exactly feeleth the pulse of our heartes, who searcheth the most secret thoughtes, and seeth this traiterous affection of sinners against him, declareth them for his enemies in diuers places of the Scripture, and denounceth [Page] 9 open hostilitie against them. As namely, where it is saide, that hee hateth both iniquitie and those that worke it; that all the thoughtes,Psal. 5. & psal. 11. wordes and workes of the wicked, euen their good actions also are abhominable vnto him: insomuch,Pro. 15. Esd, 1, Psal. 50. as he cānot endure sinners to praise him, or to talke of his testament, or to prophane his name with their vnleauened lips. The Prophet Daeuid saith:Psal. 92. Loe thine enemies (O Lord) Loe thine enemies shall perish; and all the workers of wickednesse shall be destroyed. Also the Lord himselfe thus threateneth the wicked, thus thūdreth against them, in these [Page 32] tearmes doth openly defie them. If I whet my glittring sword, Deut, 32.41. and my hand take hold on iudgement, I will execute vengeance on my enemies, and rewarde them that hate me. I will make mine arrowes drunk with bloud, and my sworde shal eate flesh, when I beginne to take vengeance of the enemie.
In regard of thy self thou 10 offerest iniurie vnto God, whensoeuer thou doest sin, in that thou doest thereby deface and mangle his liuely image, drawen by himselfe in the substance of thy soule: thou prophanest his holy Temple, which he had clensed and consecrated for himselfe, and makest the same a dunghill of vnclean [Page] drosse, a very denne of dragons and of diuels: thou expellest him out of the iust possession which hee helde ouer thee as a father, and compellest him as a Iudge to iayle thee by iustice: thou dispoylest thy soule of her riches, of her roabes and heauenly attire, thou woundest it euen to the centre, and doest very abhominably both deface & defile it. Thou abusest all the giftes and benefites of God to his dishonour, like vngrate & vngracious debters, who oppugn their creditours with their owne goods. For that vnderstanding which God gaue thee to meditate vpon his lawe, [Page 33] thou doest conuert or rather peruert to deuise how to transgresse it; the wil which God gaue thee to loue him aboue all thinges, and thy neighbour as thy selfe, thou doest defile with horrible hate; the tongue which hee lent thee to poure forth his praises, thou blottest with blasphemies & vglie othes; those hands which hee framed as instrumentes to feed and defend the poore, doe waste their strength in crueltie and rapine; thy whole soule and body, all the faculties of the one, all the sences and members of the other; thy abilities, thy health, thy strength, thy life, which were appointed [Page] for the holy seruice of God; are wholy imployed to his dishonour-
Hereupon the Scriptures conclude,Pro. 13.21 that sinne maketh men miserable; and that they who commit iniquity hate their own soule.Psal. 10 Because by embracing of 11 sinne the soule looseth; first, the grace of God, with all the vertues and consolations of the holy Ghost, (especially the comfortable gueste of a good conscience) which do vsually eyther attend or as companie that grace: Secondly, it is cast out of the fauour of God; whereby it looseth, first, his protection and prouidence in matters of [Page 34] this life; secondly, all expectation and right of the ioyes & felicities of the life to come. And vpon the priuation of all this good, it standeth necessarily possessed with three contrary euils. First, that it is made subiect vnto sinne, with all the impurities and horrors (especially, the sting of a guilty conscience,) which do vsually attend or accompany the same. Secondly, that it remaineth in this life in the power and possessiō of the Diuel, who ordereth all the actions thereof, who directeth whatsoeuer it doth. Thirdly, that hauing renounced Christ, and made it selfe a persecuter of him, [Page] defiling and treading vnder foote his most precious blood, it is engrossed in the booke of perdition, and abideth in terrible expectation of iudgement and fire.
And that thou maiest 12 not, O secure soule, eyther maruaile or doubt, that eternall punishment should bee inflicted for a temporall offence, consider further, that euery sinne is so infinitely both heinous in it selfe, and hatefull vnto God, as it is impossible for any mortall wit, eyther to vtter or vnderstand. The reason hereof consisteth in two pointes; the one drawn from the goodnes of God, the other frō his greatnes.
For the goodnesse of a partie as it doth much increase 13 the qualitie of an offence offered vnto him, so doth it cause in him an hatred of euill, answerable in proportion to it selfe: insomuch as the better any one is, the greater is an offence committed against him, and the more doth he hate and abhorre any euill.
And therefore, as God is infinitely good, so is any sin against him infinitely euil; so doth hee infinitely both loue vertue and hate vice; and so will hee infinitely in the ende, recompence the one; and punish the other.
And hereby an errour appeareth; [Page] wherewith many are possessed, who, because God is mercifull and good, are emboldned to presume to perseuere in their sinne. Assuredly, God is mercifull, and therefore to be praised; God is good, and therfore most worthy to be honoured and obeyed. If thou doest dishonour so good a God, the more thou shalt extol his goodnes, the more doest thou aggrauate thine own offence; thou doublest thy euill in making his goodnesse the cause thereof. It is the part of iustice to defend the dignity of this goodnes, and not to suffer so high an iniurie to passe vnpunished.
O vnspeakeable goodnes of God, knowne vnto vs by faith, pursued by hope, tasted by loue, possessed by glorie; O insearchable goodnes, which iustifieth the law of eternal punishment, for a temporall offence; then which, in the iudgement of man, nothing seemeth more strict, nothing more rigorous. For, seeing thou O Lord, art a bottomles depth of goodnes, an endlesse Ocean of mercies, as thou art liberall in rewardes, so art thou pittifull in reuenge: alwaies thy rewards are greater thē our labours, & thy punishmentes alwaies lesse then our euill. Thy mercies are [Page] aboue all thy workes; thou fillest all places with thy 14 mercies: not heauen and earth onely, but hell also, which is the place of the rigour of thy iustice. For no man dareth affirme, that thou vsest not mercy towardes the damned; and that their sinnes are farre above their torments-How then may wee say, that the paines of hell, both endlesse and intollerable, are not onely iust, but fauourable also, in regard of any temporall sinne? Thy goodnes, O Lord, is so incomprehensible, that all the torments of hel are to be esteemed a milde punishment, to him that presumeth to offend [Page 37] the same.
Againe, the greatenes of an offence is esteemed, 15 according to the greatnes and worthinesse of the partie against whom it is committed; as the same iniurie offered to a peasant, and to a Prince, standeth not in one degree; as principally of offence, so consequently of punishment. Hereupon it followeth, that seeing God is a God of vengeanceHeb. 8.30., A great God, mightie and terrible Deut. 10.17,, who sitteth vpon the heauens, and presseth the earth with his footEs. 66 1., Whose looke drieth vp the depthes, & whose wrath maketh the mountaines to melt Es. 8 23.. Who with a word [Page] made all thinges, and with the same facilitie doth gouerne, and is able againe to destroy the same. Who worketh all thinges, and is neuer distracted; who worketh alwaies, and is alwayes quiet. Who is in all places and neuer moueth: who both filleth and also incloseth all things. who sitteth in his throne of estate, enuironed with flaming chariots, and casting a swift floud of fire from his countenance, whome many millions of Angels doe attend and adoreDā. 3.. whose face is burning, whose lips are full of indignation, whose tong is a deuouring fire, & whose breath is a violent floudEs. 3.27. [Page 38] Before whome the stars are obscure, the angels vnclean, all beautie base, all strength feeble, all knowledge vain, all goodnes eyther imperfect or euill, all perfections farre more dimme then is the light of a candle in the clear sunshine. At whose presence all powers, euen the diuels stoupe and tremble. Vpon whose vertue and will all ereatures do depend, receiuing the influence of some beames of his maiesty, wherby they doe both act and consist, & without which they presētly perish: whereupon they doe, (with a reuerence composed of ioy and of feare) both honor and serue him, [Page] 16 in accōplishing those actions for which they were created; except onely a sinner, who emboldneth himselfe to rebell against him. In a word; seeing he is who he isExo. 3 an infinite being, in comparison of whome all thinges that are haue no true being; as proceeding and depending altogether of him, who proceedeth & dependeth onely of himselfe. Who onely knoweth what he is; and the more inferiout we are vnto his Essence, the further wee are from comprehending the same; insomuch as hee that thinketh fully eyther to discribe or praise him, shal infinitely abase his greatnes [Page 39] by the one, and his glory by the other. Seeing, I say, that the gratnesse of God is infinite; seeing also that euery sinne which aduisedly we commit, is not only a proude contempt of him, but a malicious blow set vpon his face; It followeth, that the greatnes or guilt of euery such sinne is also infinite; & consequētly, that it deserueth infinite both hatred and reuenge; euen equall to the Maiesty that is offended.
Hereupon is grounded a 17 iustification of many iudgementes of God in punishing of sinne, which in the shallow sence and censure of man, do seeme, not onelie [Page] strange, but admirable, and almost incredible. As that for one proud thought against his Maiesty, so many millions of Angels, created with exceeding priuiledges of perfection, were cast out of glory, and irreuocably condemned to hel fire. That for eating the forbidden fruit, at the prouocation of an other, Adam, with all his posteritie, yea al creatures of the earth were cursed. And although many are deliuered from the guilt of that sinne, yet doth the chasticement therof, by many temporall miseries, beate grieuously vpon them. Neither would the wrath of God the Father [Page 40] be satisfied, for the eternall punishment of that disobediēce, but by the sufferinges of his onely sonne. who although he was both innocent, & infinitely beloued, yet, when hee had subiected himselfe in our flesh to his fatherr iustice, he ceased not ro loade him with miseries, to double many heauy blowes vpon him, vntill he laid down his life, and surrendred his soule into his fathers hands.
And that thou mayest 18 (O my soule) most plainely perceiue, the inestimable hatred of the Father against sinne, together with the liberall loue of the sonne towardes thee, call to thy [Page] consideration, what sharpe and seuere stripes, the one inflicted, the other endured; that thou maiest bee prouoked thereby to order thy actions, with feare of that iustice, and loue of this mercie: otherwise to assure thy selfe, that thy charge shall receiue incredible increase, for contemning the one, & abusing the other.
AND thou, O sweete 19 Sauiour, make clay againe with thy spittle, to annoint my eyes; that I may see the sorrows which thou diddest sustaine. Bring mee, thy vnworthy seruant, into the treasury of the true temple; that I may behold what an offering thou hast made to thy father for me: peraduenture I shal be stirred thereby, to offer vnto thee some two mites of praise, which thy goodnes will vouchsafe to accept. I beseech thee, wounded Christ, to guide my vnderstanding, that I may [Page] thinke of thee what I ought, and soften my soule, that I may feele what I doe thinke. I summon you all the thoughtes of my soule, that you presentlie appeare, and attend my Sauiour, in the greatest action 20 that euer was in the world: for all actions are but shadowes, in regard of the crucifying of the son of God. And in vaine did he suffer tormentes forme, if I take not a touch of them, if I doe not vnderstand them.
O good Iesu, O the loue of my soule, open to mee thy bloody side, that I may collect therin my dispersed desires: let me esteeme the pouerty, the ignominie, the [Page 42] foolishnesse of thy crosse, before all the glorie and gaine of this mortall life, before all the wisedome & wealth that this world can affoorde. Let thy paines quench in mee all sensuall pleasures; Let the continual memory of thy sharpe & shamefull passion, restraine my desires, from the riotous pursuit after worldly vanity
O sweet Iēsu, I desire nothing more in this life, 21 then with thee to bee crucified; I would not liue but to die with thee: for I would not liue, but onely in thee; and it is manifest that I liue not in thee, if thou diest without me. Therefore O Lord Iesu, either take away [Page] [...] [Page 42] [...] [Page] my life, or work in my soule the effectes of thy death: for wherefore was I born but to die with thee? to embrace thy naked body vpon the Crosse, with the armes of all my affections? to runne into thy wounds, & there to settle my abode? this. I must endeauour, this I do entreate, this with al the forces of my soule, I will both pray for and pursue: for this I renounce all other things; for this I will forsake my selfe. O sweete Sauiour, feede me with thy flesh, inebriate me with thy blood; giue me thy woūds, O Lord, & I desire nothing else. They are my phisicke, my foode, my raiment, my [Page 43] riches, my ornamentes, my defence: they are my whole life; they only are sufficient for me.
Gracious Lord, wherefore hidest thou thy selfe? wherefore hearest thou not thy distressed seruāt? Thou camest into the worlde to seeke sinners, and wilt not thou thy selfe bee founde? thou hast giuen thy self, vnto me, and for me, and shal I not bee pertaker of thee? Thou hast made for me the heauens, the earth, and all the riches therein contained; but who desireth these thinges at thy hand? Take them, O Lord. take them all vnto thee; and distribute them where thou thinkest [Page] meete: I haue neither need, nor pleasure in them; they are not able to satisfie my 22 soule. As the mountaines which contain mines of siluer & gold, are alwayes vnfruitfull; so are the mindes that are set vppon them. I demaund of thee nothing but thy woundes, nothing but thy blood; all thinges are base vnto me in regard of thy ignominious death This is al my want, this only doe I desire I desire neither the plenty, nor pleasures, nor prefermēts of this world, but only thy woūds; my soul is desirous to enter into rhy wounds, and to be refreshed with thy blood.
What am I, O desire of my [Page 44] soule, that thou shouldest not admit my poore petition? I am vnworthy, I grant, to receiue any fauour from thee; but of thy goodnes I beseech thee, do vnto mee that fauour which thou diddest to the thiefe; that I may be crucified with thee, that I may suffer by thy side, that thy death may inseparably adhere vnto my life: that all my happinesse, al my hopes, may bee fast fixed vpon thy crosse. For, as it was the greatest fauour which thou couldest do vnto vs, to giue vs thy life; so is it the next, to giue vs licence to suffer with thee.
O good Iesu, what shall I returne vnto thee for this [Page] thy passion? for it is a greater benefit, that thou diddest die for me, then that thou diddest make all creatures for me. What recompence then shal I giue vnto thee? For I haue nothing but frō thee, neither can I doe any thing without thee. O my redemption, I doe heare thee crie hourely vnto me; Sonne giue mee thy heart. Pro. 23, 26. My heart liberall Lord? Why, 23 thou hast giuen thy selfe wholy vnto me, and shall I returne vnto thee nothing but my heart? Ah, how gladly wold I giue it to thee; but it is so vnquiet, and so vnclean, that I dare not presume to presēt it before thee. But take it, louing Lord, [Page 45] take that wherof thou talkest, command that which thou demaundest: and as S. Peter saide vnto thee, when thou diddest washe his feete,Io. 13.9. not my feet only but also my head and my hands; so, not my heart onely, but all my members. Take my heart, I say, vnto thee, which thou hast bought with the deerest bloude that euer was shed; scourge it, crucifie it, kil it & reuiue it, that it may becom both willing & worthy to remaine with thee.
O king of glory, what an honour is it to our hearts, to be both accepted and desired of thee? whoe would not prefer it, before all the preferment of this worlde? [Page] Mercifull Lord, is this all thy gaine? is this al our gift? I see then, that thou desirest nothing but our aduauncement: that wee cannot giue thee any thinge but that which doth encrease our good. Thou desirest not our substance, but only our selues, not for any necessity, but altogether for pittie; & for this thou giuest thy self to vs again: thou giuest thy selfe wholy vnto vs, if wee will giue our hearts vnto thee. Certainly, if my hart were as great as the heauēs, if it were worth ten thousand worlds, seeing thou, O Lord, desirest to haue it, it shall noe longer abide with mee; I will not apply it vnto [Page 46] any creature, but wil intirely yeeld it vnto thee. O my kindred and kind frinds, O all creatures of this world, yee thieues and harlots in stealing away my hart from my God; depart from me, I will not serue you; you are noe wayes able, either to comfort or cōtent me. take thou my heart, O Lord, and tye it to thee with the chaines of thy loue; that it may follow thee in all the passages which thou hast troden for mee. Let it attende thee into the garden, before the high priests, before Herod, before Pilate; take it vp to the crosse vnto thee, put it into thy bosome, through the wide wound of thy side; [Page] take it with thee [...]nto thy graue; that it may also arise with thee from the dead ascend with thee from sinners, and reigne with thee among 12 thy Saintes.
§. 3. OF The paines & punishmentes which Christ endured for Sinne. And first of his agony in the Garden.
1 CHrist did most manifest and declare his loue towards the end of his life.
2 The doctrine of Christ what it was.
3 What were the actions and cariages of his life.
[Page] 4 VVith whō Christ was accōpanicd in the Garden of Gethsaminie.
5 Christ begun his conflict with prayer.
6 Four pointes to bee obstrued in prayer.
7 VVherefore Christ prayed that this cuppe might passe from him.
8 The bodilie tormentes of Christ were not comparable to the torments of his Soule.
9 These torments are testified, by his bloudie sweat.
10 Our sinnes were the burthen vnder which he did sweat.
11 Sinne did lye most heauie vpon Christ.
12 The sufferinges of Christ were intollerable.
13 VVee are prouoked thereby to loue him and abhorre our sinnes.
14 A Prayer.
ANd, omitting the basenesse of his birth, the manifolde miseries of [Page 48] his whole life, wherein hee toke vpon him the shape, not onely of a sinner, but of a seruant: consider, (O my soule) the time onely of his death, wherein most especially hee manifested his loue. For as euery naturall motion, groweth more vehement towardes the end, so the loue of Christ towardes the true Church, his spouse, and consequently towardes euerie soule which is in the state of grace, receiued no increase, because it could not, (for he loued vs alwaies in the same degree, whererin he loueth 1 himselfe. And if he could haue borne greater loue to himeself the same he would [Page] haue borne towards vs) bu [...] did more manifest and declare it selfe towardes th [...] end of his life. And as many kindes of fire, the more water wee cast vpon them, the hotter they burne; so, both the apprehension, and presence of death, were so far eyther frō quenching or frō cooling his loue, that they, gaue a more liuely 2 light to the same. Therefore, as in al the passages of his life, from his cradle to his crosse, so most especially towardes his death, all his doctrine was, the true rule of wisedome; milke for the weake, meate for the strong, medicine for the sicke; not too deepe for the [Page 49] simple, not too shallow for the wise; but as a foorde, wherein the Lambe may wade, and the Elephant swim. Al his actions were, the workes of iustice & of mercy, examples of al vertues, but most especially of humility, the foundation of al other vertues, and of loue and pitty, whereof our miseries stoode most in need. All his ca [...]riage was, euen a pure glasse, wherin we may espie, whatsoeuer is eyther wanting or amisse in our behauiours; euen the book which the Prophet saw,Ezech. 2. written both within and without; within by instruction, without by example of life; wherein we haue, [Page] what to contemplate, what to imitate, what to admire; whereuppon whosoeuer doth, not onely studie, but (like the Prophet) feede, hee shall attaine vnto admirable both knowledge and vertue.
When hee entred then 4 the combate of his passion in the garden of Gethsemenie, accompanied with those three disciples, who (not long before) had seene his glorious transfiguration vpon mount Thabor; to the end, that seeing in him then so different a change, they might esteeme thereby the inestimable greatenes, both of the seuerity of God, & of his loue: O treasure of heauen! [Page 50] O light and life of the world! how was thy glorie obscured? thy strength abated? thy courage appalled? insomuch as thou diddest acknowledge to thy disciples, that thy soule was heauie vnto the death.
Forthwith thou diddest 5 beginne thy conflict with prayer, giuing example to vs, in all our enterprises to doe the like; teaching vs also, after what manner wee ought to pray. For first, in that thou diddest fall prostrate 6 vpon the grounde, thou diddest therby instruct vs, that with all humility & reuerence we must present our selues before the maiesty of God; & not with gesture, [Page] either so stately, or negligent, as though wee did onely talke with him, & not sue vnto him. Secondly, by thy earnest praying we are instructed, with what attention and feruencie we should beate at heauen gates- Thirdly, by thy often praying, we haue example of perseuerance; vntil he that doth giue vs courage to continue, shal giue vs also grace to obtaine. Lastly, thou hast taught vs to renounce our owne will, and resigne our desires to the pleasure of God: whose will whosoeuer doth praise and approue, hee is truely humble. These points, if at all times we endeauour to performe, [Page 51] but chiefly in the agonies of death, when the flesh panteth, and trēbleth, and strugleth for life, the Angels will assuredly come to comfort vs; and God wil send vs strength to beare, whatsoeuer hee doth not please to remoue.
But wherfore diddest thou 7 pray (O my Sauiour) that if it were possible this cuppe might passe from thee? Diddest thou not willingly offer thy selfe in sacrifice for sinne? O desirously. For no necessity could be cast vpō thee: no necessity of iustice, because thou wert innocēt: no necessity of constraint, because thou wert almighty, and haddest twelue legions [Page] 8 of Angels at thy cōmād. But thou wouldest giue a comfort to the weake mēbers, that they cast not downe their courage, in any tribulation, whensoeuer the flesh eyther murmureth, or striueth against the spirrit. Also thou wouldest euidently declare, that thou diddest beare the naturall weaknes of our flesh; and that not without a most sharp sence of griefe, thou diddest passe through the thorns of thy passion.
Assuredlie, the paines which our Sauiour in body did endure, were exceeding great; yet nothing comparable to the tormēts of his soule. In bodilie [Page 52] paines it is possible, that some haue been as deepelie toucded as hee; but in sorrowe of the soule, in the vnknowne sorrowes of his soule, there was neuer any came neere vnto him. And indeed, the paine of the bodie, is but the body of pain: the very soule of sorrowe, is the sorrowe of the soule.Pro. 18.1 [...] The spirrit of a man (saith Solomon) shall sustaine his other infirmities; but a wounded spirit who can beare?
To manifest this griefe and sorrowe of his soule one of the Euangelists said:Mat. 26.37. Mar. 14.3 [...] Hee began to waxe sorrowfull and grieuously troubled. Another; He began to be afraide & in great heauines: Another; [Page] He was in an agony. Luke. But most especially hee did expresse it himselselfe, partely by speech,Mat, 26. [...]8 Mar. 14. [...]4. in that he said; now is my soule troubled: now my soule is very heuyeuē vnto the death: but principally by action, in that, when no violence was offred him in body, whē 9 no man touched him, no man stoode neere him; he was inwardly anguished with so great agonie, that, in a colde night, (for which cause afterwarde they kindled a fire) in the open aire, and lying vppon the bare earth, all the forces of his body were distracted, the humours disturbed, the powers opened, and he was cast into a bloody sweate. [Page 53] Not a thinne faint sweate; but consisting of greate drops, which issued so plēteous from euery parte of his body, that they passed through his apparrel, and trickled to the grounde in great aboundance.
O my soule, looke now, both vpon thy Sauiour, and vpon thy selfe: vpon thy Sauiour, as vpon the true Adam, not cast, but come out of paradise for thy sinnes, and labouring in a bloodie sweate, to gette for thee the bread of life; vpon thy selfe, as vpon one of those, who at that time were his only tormentors. For, the executioners did not then teare him [Page] with whips, they did not then presse a crowne of thornes vpon his heade; it was not the nailes, not the spear, which the did pierce 10 him: but thy offences did thus afflict him, thy sinnes were the sad burthen, vnder which so greuouslie he did sweate. For, then were represented vnto him the sinnes of the whole world, both past & to come; which to him, who bare so great loue and zeale to the honour of his father, coulde not but worke vnspeakable griefe. Also hee beheld the ingratitude of many, who woulde not endeauour to make profite of this benefite; which was a sharper [Page 54] touch vnto him, then al the tormentes which outwardly he endured: euen as it is lesse grieuous for a man to take pains for another, thē to know that his paines shall not be regarded.
O my Sauiour, now diddest thou bend to vndergo thy burthē; now begannest thou to dip thy garmentes in bloud. Thou diddest lay vpon our shoulders a light burthen, and a sweet yoke; but wee laide vpon thee so heauie a loade, that none but thy selfe was able to 11 beare. No element is heauy in his proper place; & therfore as one that diueth into the water, feeleth no weight of the water which is aboue [Page] him; so he that is plunged in the depth of his sinnes, hath no sene [...] how heauie they are; because sinne is there in his naturall place: but sinne in thee was out of his place, it was farre aboue his proper sphere, & therefore lay most grieuously vpon thee: for if a sinner that is sanctified is often times so pressed with his- own sins, that he crieth out with holy Dauid, My iniquities are a sore burthen, too heauy for me to beare: Psal. 38. How grieuous was this sea of sin vnto thee, from whom all sanctification doth flow?
O heauenly Father, what is this, that thy Sonne, thy innocent Sonne, thy onely [Page 55] Sonne; thy Son in whom thou art wel pleased, in this humble and heauy manner laboureth before thee? The Fathers hoped in thee, and thou diddest deliuer them; they called vpon thee, and were not confoūded: wherfore then is thine innocent and onely Sonne, begotten of thy substance, forsaken of thee? wherefore art thou so seuere vnto him? so mercifull a Father, to so good and louing a Sonne. Is not thy wrath appeased, with this miserable spectable of him that is so deare vnto thee? this bloody sweate, whereof euery droppe is of greater value then all the Treasures of the [Page] worlde, is it not a sufficient satisfaction for our sinnes? a sufficient price for our redemption? O ad, mirable iustice! these were the light skirmishes to the maine battell which did ensue. Thy eyes, O holie Father, were sixed vppon the Crosse; whereto vntill thy Sonne was fastened, thou wouldest not bee satisfied, thou wouldest not bee appeased. For so thou haddest before ordained, that death which was the curse of sinne, must also bee the punishment of thy Son; that the Diuel who preuailed by a tree, should likewise by a tree bee subdued.
O sweet Sauiour, what [Page 56] a painefull purchase hast thou made? what a sharpe price hast thou payed for my redemption? how intollerable (may I thinke) was 12 the ende of thy sufferinges, whereof the entrance was so admirably straunge? and how cruell were those tormentes to bee endured, which were so terrible in being expected? O my soule, let the sight of thy sinnes draw some droppes of teares now from thine eyes, seeing they did drawe so many droppes of bloud from euery part of thy Redeemers body. Take a little touch of that griefe, which did lie so heauy vpon him, whose power sustaineth [Page] the heauens, that it made his soule heauie vnto the death; being so deepe drowned in the nature of man, that he seemed to forget that hee was God. Accuse thy selfe, (O my soule) nay, condemne thy selfe of sencelesse dulnesse, if thou take not a deepe impression of sorrowe, both for loue to thy Sauiour, and for hatred 13 to thy sinnes; the one for enduring for thy sake, the other for requiring so sharpe a remedy. Be not in this point like vnto the disciples that were with Christ who fel into a soūd & secure sleepe, whilest their maister both watched & sweat for their redēptiō; like a louing [Page 57] Father, whoe laboureth oftentimes to feed his childrē whilst they remaine free, both from trauaile & care. Or if I bee so drousilie affected, wake mee, sweete Lord, with thy heauenlie voice; and if that will not serue, pinch mee then with some kind of punishment, that I may watch and pray, least I fall into temptation
And, O good Iesu, by this greiuous agony which 14 seazed vpon thy soule, by this terrour and tremblinge which wholie possessed thy holie fleshe; by all the paines wherein thou wert plunged for mee, detestable sinner, I most humbly beeseech thee; that in the last [Page] houre of my passage from this life, in that heauie hour, in that dangerous passage, in that cruell combate beetweene life and death; whē feares and distresses both innumerable and extreem, will set vpon and beset my soule: giue mee stedfaste strength and confidence in thy mercy. O sweete Lord; in that houre of leauing the world, do not thou leaue mee; in that fearefull conflict, doe not thou forsake mee; but send thy holy Angel to assist mee, to minister courage and comfort vnto mee. Let not the temptations of the euill Spirite preuaile against me: let not his force ouerthrowe, let [Page 58] not his herswasions seduce me. Arme my heart with the power of thy patience, that it be not distépered or distracted with any griefe; but that in all things my desires may bee conformable to thy disposition, euen as thou diddest submit thy naturall will, to the pleasure of thy father: assuring my selfe, that the thing cannot perish which is conmitted into thy charge. O my strength, I doe not sue for a sweet death, not for softe paines not for a gentle and fauourable disease; all this I refer to thy pleasure and pittie; dispose herein, not accordinge to my desires, but according to the profit [Page] and necessitie of my soule. I intreat at thy hand such cōstant courage, such faith, such hope, such loue towardes thee, that the frailty of my flesh bee not beaten downe with any feare or force of death: but that I may both safely and sweetly passe, from the societie which in this life we haue with thee by grace, to the societie which thy Saints inioy with thee in glory Amen.
§ 4. HOW Hee was sold, betraied, and apprehended.
1. INequallitie of affection betwene God and man.
2 Christ was willing to be crucified.
3 VVherefore Christ would suffer Iudas to kisse him.
4 VVherefore hee called Iudas friend.
5 VVherefore hee cast the band of men which came to apprehende him to the ground.
6 It was vnnecessarie, eyther to [Page] guard, or to bind Iesus, for feare of his escape.
7 Of the infinite abasement of Christ.
8 A thankeful commemoration of the same.
9 How Christ des [...]ended from heauen.
10 Christ was apprehended for our discharge.
BVt when the son of God did in so high a degree, both loue & valme the sonnes of men; that he thought nothing paineful to him self, which might be profitable vnto them; how did the sonnes of men againe, either loue or value the Sonne of God? they imbraced euery occasion first to slaunder, and afterwards [Page 53] to flea him: they solde him one to another, for thirtie peeces of siluer.
O malicious iniury! soe mortally to hate the author of life, as noe meanes are thought to meane to bringe him to his death: so vilelie to value the Lord of all creatures, as not many beastes are set at so base a price. O infinite inequality of affection betweene God and man! God came to saue man, and man goeth about to destroy god; god bought man, with the deerest drops of his bloud, & man sould God for thirty peeces of siluer. O good Iesu, the redeemer of those that were lost, the Sauiour of those [Page] [...] [Page 54] [...] [Page] that are redeemed, whether did thy loue descend? Thou cammest into the world, when thou hadst no need, when wee had no merite; to sanctifie it with thy iustice, to inrich it with thy grace, to instruct it with thy doctrine, to confirme it by thy example, to redeeme it with thy bloud: that as by the pride of one, who being but man, did aspire to be as God, wee were condemned; so by the humilitie of another, who being God, became man. we should be saued. O Christ, if it was thy pitty, which brought thee to this basenes, it was thy goodnesse; if it were our prayers it was [Page 54] thy gift.
Being sold at this price, to such cruel Merchantes as desired nothing of him but his life, the Traytor Iudas (whose feete a little before he had washed) came vnto him, attended with a bloody band: And how willing hee was to this his passion it did appeare, by his voluntarie presenting himselfe vnto them; and in that hee turned not away his face from the barbarous beast, who offered to kisse him. But, O innocent Lorde, what haddest thou to deale with traytors and tormentors? What courtesie betweene the Lambe and the Wolfe? What commerce betweene [Page] God and Belial? Wherfore wouldest thou apply those lips wherein was found no deceite, to the mouth that flowed with fraude & malice? Thou knewest right 3 well, that mildenesse is a most forceable meanes, eyther to mollifie or conuince a malitious purpose: and therefore thou diddest not onely permit him to kisse thee, but diddest also smite his obstinate hart with this soft speech; Friend wherefore commest thou? Doest thou betray the sonne of man with a 4 kisse? But wherefore diddest thou tearm him friend, who had betrayed thee? Euen to testifie, that although the knot of friendship was broken [Page 55] on his part, yet with thee it remained whole and entire; euen to reduce them againe to thy friendship, thou diddest cal him friend. For could he but haue said with Dauid, I haue sinned; he should presētly haue heard, I haue forgiuen thee.
Herewith, Behold Sampson, the Philistines are vpon thee. Whom, although with thy omnipotent arme thou diddest cast to the ground, not for thy owne defence 5 or escape, but to teach humane presumption, that it is able to doe no more against thee, then it pleaseth thee to permit; yet did they not thereby cease to assault thee. Neither diddest thou [Page] for this cause cease to shew thy mildenesse and mercie; thy lips were like the lillies; thy fingers did still droppe pure myrrh: thou diddest both represse and reproue the force which was vsed in thy defence; thou diddest also heale the harme which thy enemies had receiued O cursed crueltie! cursed because obstinate; cruel, because vniust; which neither the power of a miracle was able to astonish, nor the kindnesse of a benefit could any deale appease: but they proceeded notwithstanding to lay sacriligeous hands vpon thee, as vpon a malefactor; to bind thy holy hands, which had [Page 56] wrought so many miracles amongst them; with rough and knottie cordes; and (thy disciples eyther forsaking thee, or following all of) to leade thee away in a farre more opprobrious manner, then the Arke of the Testament was taken and carried away,1. Sam. 4.18 by the vncircumcised Philistines.
But what folly is this, 6 O ye Iewes; yea, how farre is it beyond all folly, to carry him with bands of men, who went to die of his free accord? Into whose braine could it sinke, that he wold breake away, who did voluntarily present himselfe vnto you? He that had power to giue life to the dead, [Page] could hee not haue kepte himselfe in life? Hee that deliuered others from diuels, could hee not haue deliuered himselfe from you? Assure your selues, such is the infinite charity wherewith hee goeth to the Crosse, to appease the wrath of his father, and redeeme the sins of the world, that you shold haue more to doe, to keepe him in life, then you take vpon you to carrie him to his death; hee hath far greater both care and haste to redeeme you, then you can possiblie haue to murther him. His Father hauing giuen, and hee accepted the sentence of death, doe not feare eyther rescue or escape; [Page 57] because he goeth therto, not driuen by force, but drawn by his obedience & loue. There is no man that feares death, but hee whom death is able to kill; but death had no such power ouer the Sonne of God, who did voluntarily lay downe his soule, euen when he would himselfe. O sencelesse Iewes; he that is to burie so many figures, to fulfill so many prophesies, to accomplish so great a businesse, as the redemption of the whole world; how is it possible that he shoulde runne from you?
O good Iesu, what base 7 abuse was here offered vnto thee? Certainely, if it had [Page] not beene the will of thy father and of thy selfe, it had beene better that mankind should haue rotted in their owne corruption, then that thou, the infinit vertue, the perfect felicity, the true glory, the eternall worde & wisedome of the Father, shouldest haue been so vilely violated by them: but since it was thy pleasure, & because in this worke especially thou wouldest manifest thy loue, it is our parte to accept it with a thankefull minde, and with reuerence both to loue & praise thee for the same.
8 Let vs list vp our voices then in all places; let all creatures be summoned to [Page 58] giue thankes vnto thee for this exceeding benefite. Lord thou hast pittied the basenesse of our condition; thou diddest descend into our distresse, and therby exalt vs to thine owne estate. O admirable dispensation of grace! thou hast powred foorth thy treasures without measure vpon vs: thou hast left nothing worth the wondering, after that a creature so vile hy nature, so abhominable by sinne, was by this meanes exalted aboue the heauens, & ioyned vnto thee. What shame could bee added vnto him, who was ioyned to vs? what glory can bee added vnto him, who is ioyned vnto [Page] thee?
Thou wert seated in thy maiesty, enuironed with Angels, hearing the sweet harmony of thy owne praise, doing wonderfull thinges, in heauen, and in earth, and in all deepe places: wee laye in the mire of our miseries, voide of the poorest comfortes of calamity, eyther helpelesse pitty, or vaine hope. Thou 9 diddest bow the heauens and come downe, not by changing place, but by manifesting thy selfe in thy holy humanity. Thou, who werte admirable in heauen, becammest miserable and contemptible vpon earth: thou didst chaunge [Page 59] the name of maiesty, into the name of mercy; thou diddest couer thy self with the sackcloth of our mortalitie, and diddest enter into the puddle of perdition, wherein wee did both willingly wallow, and necessarily sticke; receiuing not one spot of soile vpon thee. Thou diddest stretch forth thy hand to the worke of thy hands; thou didest draw vs forth; thou diddest clēse, thou diddest cloath, thou diddest comfort, and thou diddest confirm vs. Thou diddest reach forth thy hand by thy blessed birth; thou diddest draw vs forth by thy doctrine; thou diddest clense vs by thy death; [Page] thou diddest cloath vs by thy resurrection; thou diddest comfort vs by thy ascētion; and thou diddest confirme vs by sending the holy Ghost. The heauens, the earth, and all creatures praise thee, O Lord, for thou wouldest needes loue vs not ignorant how dee [...]e this loue would cost thee. In al thy works thou wouldest more bee ours, then thou wouldest bee thine owne; thou hast taken the burthen of our miseries vpon thee, and laid the benefite of thy merites vppon vs. Thou hast heard the cries of the poore, and camest from the high tower of thy strength, into the [Page 60] dungeon of this worlde, to deliuer them from their distresse, and to restore them both to the innocency and immortality from which they were fallē. Thou wert solde to redeem vs, thou wert apprehended to discharge vs, and thou werte boūd to vnfetter vs: which 10 thou diddest plainely signifie, when thou saidest to those who came to take thee; I said vnto you, Io. 18.2. that I am he; therefore if yet seeke mee, let let these go theirway.
§. 5. HOVV Hee was caried beefore Annas, before Caiphas, before Pilate, beefore Herode, and lastly before Pilate againe.
1 CHrist came to direct vs, not only by doctrine but also by example.
2 The Iewes toke pleasure in tormenting Christ.
3 The patience and humilitie of Christ.
4 God and pride cannot dwell together.
[Page 61] 5 The exccellency of humility
6 Counterfeit humillitie is a base pride
7 Temptations of pride are most hard to be knowne.
8 A Prayer.
9 VVherefore Christ answered nothing to Herode.
10 VVherefore Christ was clothed in white.
11 The prayse of the worlde is of light valuation.
12 Christ neither desired nor accepted worldly glory
13 The constant cariage of Christ
14 The vaine varietie of mens affections.
15 Glorie of this world how to bee esteemed.
16 Comforts both diuine and morall against the miseries of this life.
17 The businesse of Gods glory is resolutely to be vndertaken.
FIrst, they led him before Annas, the father in lawe to Caiphas, the high priest; before whom he receiued a blow on the face, and was notwithstanding so farre, either from reuenging, or from reuiling, that hee was readie rather to haue turned the other cheeke. Which patience if thou obseruest (O my soule) together with all his behauiours in the, other passages of his passiō thou shalt therein find a perfecte 1 cure for all thy imperfections, a straight rule to direct thee in all the carriages of this life, For, as it had been vnprofitable, to know how [Page 62] to walke, if wee had beene still detayned in prison; so had it not bin sufficient for vs to haue bin set free, if we had not receiued directions for our way: if goinge blindfold with ignorance, the first that shoulde haue met vs, might haue caried vs backe to prison againe. To this end, hee hath not onlie pointed out our path, but hath troden euery step before vs; he hath giuen vs instructiones by manie other but none were euer sufficient for example but him selfe. From Annas they ledde him vnto Caiphas; where innocencie was arrraigned, truth accused, and iustice condemned [Page] And then like mad dogs, more fiercely they assaulte and insult vpon him, some casting on his face the scourings of their filthie mouthes; others striuinge who might strike him: and with a wanton and merry malice, aggrauating iniurie with scorne, they couer his eyes, and bidde him aread, 2 who it was that did smite him. And so great pleasure they took in this time both of tormenting his bodie, & vexing his soule, that they woulde not suffer him to take any rest; but vsed this despite for their disport, to passe away the dulnesse of that night.
O gratious countenance [Page 63] which fillest the heauens with glory, which the Angels with ioy & rauishmēt doe desire to behold; O perfect image of the Father, how deeply was thy beautie, thy maiestitie ouerclouded with disgrace? And couldest thou holde thy handes, O mighty Lord? 3 Why, they were bounde: but couldest thou also hold thy tongue? or were the handes of thine Angels bound? diddest thou not at the least complaine? O infinite humilitie! O sweet Lord is it possible that ther shoulde remaine in the worlde any footstepes of pride: after this admirable example of patience? O [Page] earth and ashes; thy God did with deepe silence indure all these indignities, & thou stirrest, thou starest, thou turmoilest thy selfe (good man) and tormentest others, vpon the lest touch of thy reputation Thy god did pray for those who thus blasphemed him; and thou disdaynest to speak or once to looke vpon a man, who hath offered to thee a light disgrace. Thy God would bee esteemed a sinner, when hee was pure from any soile of Sinne; but thou being a detestable sinner, dost strain to bee esteemed righteous. Thy God was abased beeneath the most vile villains vpon earth; but thou wouldest [Page 64] bee aduaunced aboue all men; yea, aboue the Angels; yea, God himselfe.
Ah proud flesh, thou canst not swell so high, but vēgeance wil sit aboue thee thou canst not lift vp thy selfe so loftie, but Gods hād will ding thee down. God & 4 pride could not dwell together in one heauen, much lesse can they harboure in one hearte. Certaynelie, if thou knewest, O my soule, the value of this high virtue humilitie, thou wouldest abandō the whole world to attaine it. Desirest thou to receiue mercy, humitie wil help thee as it did the Publicā. wilt thou haue thy 5 part in the grace of the Gospel? [Page] The Lord saith, that he was sent to preach it to the pooreLuke 4.8.; It is hid from the wise, and reuealed vnto little onesMat. 11.21.; Wilt thou haue thy prayers heard? The prayer of the humble shall pierce the cloudes, and will not depart vntill the highest regard it Eccle. 35.17,. Desirest thou glory and long life to enioy it? They are the rewards of humilityPro. 22 4.. Wilt thou liue vnder the protection of God, & participate of his graces? The Lord preserueth the lowly Psal. 34.17., & giueth grace to the hūble 1, Pet. 5.5.: For as waters do run to the low groundes, so the graces of God doe flow to the humble hearts. In a word, art thou desirous to enter [Page 65] the kingdom of God? thou must then humble thy selfe as a little child (g). For,Mat. 18.4. heauen is like a stately pallace, with a low dore, whereinto no man can enter, except he 6 stoupe. But take heede, O my soule, that thou deceiue not thy selfe with the counterfeite of humilitie, with the outward shew and shadow thereof. It is an easie thing to goe in base attire, to salute submisly, to kisse the hand, to embrace the knee, to cast down the coūtenance, to speake with a weake broken voice, to sigh often and deepe, to crie and confesse at euerie worde, that thou art a miserable sinner: many will [Page] performe these pointes in order, but vppon a verie light disgrace, all their humility is turned into wilde furie. It is but a base pride which is shrowded vnder the signes of humility: and vices do become more vile, whē they are ouercast with a countenance of vertue. 7 Take especiall heed also of the temptations of pride, which of all other are most slie and daungerous, and hardest to be known. Tēptations of other vices are somewhat open and plaine; but pride creepeth craftilie, as it were with wollen feet; flattering a man, and perswading him, that for many causes much respect is [Page 66] due vnto him. Which a man blinded with self-loue doth easily belieue, and therupon openeth his mouth to draw in that spirite, whereby the glorious Angels were turned into deuils. But he that is truely humble, will say with the Apostle: He that thinketh himselfe to bee something when he is nothing, Gal, 6, 3 deceiueth himselfe.
O sweet Sauiour, I molt 8 humbly beseech thee, by all thy mercies, and by all the miseries which thou diddest sustaine, euen for their sakes, who did thus villainously both blaspheme and tormente thee, cast backe thine eyes vpon me, as thou diddest vpon [Page] Peter, when in these extremities hee did forsweare thee; that silent look, which is full of vertue, not only to bee vnderstoode, but also to worke: euen those eyes which doe open our eyes, and caus vs to awake out of the sleep of security: which thou castest vpon vs so often, as we are truely touched with sorrow for our sins. & grant, that this spitting vpon thy face, may quench in meal fierie passions; that these blowes which were dealt vpon thee, may beate downe my presumption & pride. Grant I say, that thy abasement may abate in me al high swelling and raging desires; that thy patience, [Page 67] thy silence, thy humility, which was sufficient to asswage the wrath of thy father against sinners, may suffice also to asswage and alter, my vaine both angrie and haughtie affections. Graunt, O gracious Lord, that, as thou casting vpon mee from thy high heauens, the eyes of thy pitty, the streams of thy graces doe flow into my soul; so I, beholding thee with true humilitie and reuerēce from the earth, may readily receiue the beames of that light; euen as the stars, by beholding the Sunne, receiue both light & vertue from it. That these eyes being the conduits, whereby [Page] thy mercies are deriued into our soules, I may neuer cease to set thē vpon thee; but as all inferiour thinges depend vpon the influence of the celestiall and superior bodies, so my spirite may wholy depend vppon thee, and receiue by that influence, both the light & law of all my life.
This vnquiet night being scarse ended indeede, they led him to Pilate, the Romane president of that prouince; but when Pilate vnderstoode that hee was borne in Galile, which pertained to the iurisdiction of Herod the Tetrarch, he sent him vnto Herod, who at that time also was abiding at Ierusalem. [Page 68] Now, Herod had been desirous of a long season to see Iesus, because of the admirable report which ran of him; whereupon hee was then ioyfull of his cōming, hoping to haue seen him wroght some miracles. So he questioned him concerning many thinges; but 9 because he enquired vpon vaine curiositie, and with no true entent or ende, Christ aunswered him nothing; according to that which Saint Iames saith: Ye aske and ye doe not rceceiue, because ye aske an isse. Iam, 4
Hereupon Herod, with all his graue Counsailors, 10 and gallant Courtiers, interpreting this silence for [Page] simplicity, did openly contemne him; and for plaine declaration, not of his innocencie, but of his simplicitie, they arrayed him in a white garment, & sent him backe again to Pilate. That hee who had beene taken before, for a man of euil behauiour; and namely, a glutton, a drinker of wine, and a companion of sinnersMat. 11, 19.; a stirrer of seditionLuk, 23.2,; A blasphemerMark. 27.; a sorcererMat, 12, 24,; possessed with a diuellIo: 8.48.; should then also passe for a passing simple man.
O true comfort of all afflictions, whether by publike iniustice, or by priuate iniuries. Learne, O my soule, learne by these exemplarie [Page 69] instructions of thy master, to make smal accoūt 11 of the iudgements and estimations of this world. And leaue off ambitiously to affect the vaine breath of humane praise, which is like to an Eccho; a meere sounde without any substance: and in whose voice a man is in that degree, eyther good or bad, wherein he is esteemed a friend or a foe. Christ had 12 professed before, that hee sought not his owne praise; and told them who affected glory, that they sought they knewe not what. To whose glory it was,Io, 8, 50. Mat. 20, 22 that he neither desired nor accepted the glorie of the world; looking with no other eye [Page] vpon the glosse therof, then Phisitions doe vpon the vlcers and diseases of their Patients.
And now, in this height 13 of scorne, in this depth of disgrace, our Sauiour did not once change his cheere, nor cast downe his countenance, not let fale any eyther intemperate, or submisse, or otherwise vnseemly worde: but remained like a firme rocke, which repelleth and turneth into froath all the waues that beate vpon it. And as the body of a man abideth at a stay, although his shadow be at one time long, and at another time short: so hee retained the same constant [Page 70] courage, both in the sweet gale of the applause of mē, and in the bitter blastes of their opprobrious outrage: expressing still, a modestie in the one, and a grauity in the other. Trees well rooted do beare all stormes; the wind tosseth, not the wheat but the chaffe: and vaine eyther honour or infamie moueth no man, who is not eyther light or weake.
Behold also, how vainly 14 variable the opinions of men are; constant onely in inconstancie, and persisting in nothing but in change. They who cried, Hosanna in the highect; doe in short time after crie, Let him be crucified: They who saluted him [Page] for their king, do presētlie professe that they haue no King but Caesar: they who met him with oliue brāches, doe now present him with swordes and staues: they who had spread their garments before him, did now dispoile him of his owne garmentes. Finally, they who did both acknowledge and adore him for the son of God, within few dayes preferred Barrabas before 15 him. Who therefore will esteeme the base breath of this mutable monster for true glorie? Who will credite the iudg [...]ment? who will trust the affection therof? who will bee so base, to fawne thereon for a few [Page 71] crummes of credite? Who is so seruile to vndertake all paines to please it? to loose all liberty, rather then to loose the liking thereof? being more carefull in casting what the worlde will say of him, then what God will say to him when the world shall be at an end.
From hence thou mayest 16 draw both diuine and morall comforts, in all the miseries that eyther malice or vnkindnesse can lay vpon thee. Diuine, for that no greater reproch can be offered vnto thee, then was offered, not onely to thy maister, but to thy maker for thy sake: morall, for that thou seest how foolish, yea [Page] how franticke and false the opinions of mē are; prone alwaies to iudge, well of the wicked, and hardly of the good.
Behold here, vertue is accounted vice; truth, blasphemie; & wisedom, follie: behold, the peacemaker of the world, is iudged a seditious person; the fulfiller of the law, a breaker of the law; our Sauior, a sinner; our God a Diuell. O poore ond troubled man, wherefore doest thou weakelie waile for any iniurie or abuse that is offered vnto thee? God handleth thee no otherwise in this world, then hee handled his onely [Page 72] sonne; who hath begunne to thee this bitter potion, not only taking assay therof, but drinking to thee a full draught: & it is not only a comfort, but a glory, to be a partner and fellow sufferer with Christ; who delighteth also to see in vs, some representation of him self: dogs do not bark at those whom they know, & with whom they are familiar, but against strangers they vsually barke; not alwaies for any hurt, which they feele or feare, but commonly by nature or vppon euill custome. How then canst thou be a stranger to the world, if it doth not molest thee, if it detracteth not from thee? [Page] How art thou a member of Christ, if thou wilt not participate with him of the iniuries and persecutions of this life. How canst thou be accoūted a friend vnto him, if, seeing him so miserablie handled by the world, thou wilt notwithstanding loue and embrace it; thou wilte vouchsafe to be eyther kindly or honorably vsed of it?
Here also wee are further taught, that the busines of Gods glory, & of the health of mens soules, how soeuer base and ignominious it seemeth, must bee resolutely both vndertaken and performed by vs; althogh we be princes and potentates of the erth: for to serue God, is truely to raigne.
§ 4. HOVV Hee was scourged.
1 Scourging was a punishment, both seuere and also ignominious.
2 Christ our true Sampson.
3 VVherefore the wise men of this world account the doctrine the Gospell folly.
4 VVherefore they do account it madnesse.
5 God did that for men which [Page] they esteeme madnesse.
6 The loue of God hath dazeled the wisedome of this world.
7 Our sinnes torment Christ soe oft as wee commit them.
8 A meditation agaynst suggestions of Sinne.
9 The torments of Christ were not so great as his loue made him desirous to suffer.
10 A short prayer and thankesgiuing.
11 The force of loue.
12 Loue subdued him whoe subdued death.
13 The violence of loue is sweete.
14 The excellencie of loue
15 The vniō of God & man by loue
16 A praise of loue.
17 The price whereat the purchase of loue is set.
NOw, Pilate perceiuing that it was onely vpon a mad malice, that the [Page 73] Iewes did thus violentlie prosecute Iesus; & suposing that partlie, by respite, and partlie by seuerity, the heat 1 of their hate might bee appeased, he determined to lay vpon him so sharp a punishment as might suffice to satissie their cruell desires. Hereupon, he commaunded that Iesus should bee scourged a puninishment which for the seuerity, was appointed by Moses for malefactors, according to the qualitie of their offence;Deu. 25.3 yet with limitation, that it should not exceede fortie stripes:Act 22 25 and for the infamie therof the Romans did exempte their Cittizens from it. Forthwith the tormentours [Page] did strip him out of his garments, and charge vpon him with such bloudy blowes, as if hee had beene the greatest offender, and the basest slaue in the world
Behold now O my soul, what a butchery thy Sauiour hath suffered for thy sake: behold him dispoiled of his garmēts, who clotheth the heauēs with cloudes, adorneth the fieldes with flowers, giueth rayment to euery liuing creature; apparelleth his Saints with righteousnes and glory. Behold him torne with whippes, whose seruants were wont in his name to scourge the diuels: hauing no man on his part, eyther with hand to [Page 75] helpe or with heart to pitty him. And where was thy beauty become? Where was 2 then thy glory? O true Sampson, who hath cut the haires of thy strength? who hath bound thy hands and thy feete, and deliuered thee to the power of the Philistims? Certainely, it was only the loue of Dalila; onely the loue of thy church that did cause this calamity: the desire which thou haddest to wash her with thy bloud, hath deliuered thee to the power and pleasure of thy enemies.
O ye Saints of God, if euer you are rauished & transported from your bodilie sences by contemplation of [Page] heauenly things, let it be at this exceeding goodnesse and loue of Christ, in being thus humbled and tormented for miserable men. This hath made the wise men of the worlde to esteeme the doctrine of the Gospell, not onely folly but extream madnesse. For they esteem 3 it folly when they heare, that riches is in pouerty, ioy in teares, liberty in subiection, in humility glory; in mortification peace, in the crosse a Kingdome, in renouncing all thinges, the dominion of all thinges: but when they heare that the diuine 4 substance, most glorious most pure, would thus bee abased, and iniuried by [Page 76] men, they esteeme it a point of meere madnes.
O all yee powers of the 5 world, let this astonish you that God would vouchsafe to doe that for men, which they themselues should esteeme madnesse. And you wise men of this world, you know right well, you haue often both obserued and saide, that maiesty and loue are scarce compatible; that the actions of loue can neyther be ruled nor esteemed by wisedome. Lay aside 6 your wisedome then, and looke into his loue: for his loue hath dazeled your worldly wisedome. Hee hath planted a vinyeard in this worlde; and beareth [Page] so great loue towardes it, that he is (as it were) inebriated thereby; and put, in a manner, euen from himself. But laugh not (O ye wise men) hereat, as Cham did at the nakednesse of his Father; least he cast vpon you a cruell curse.
And thou, O my soule, what saiest thou? what thinkest thou? where are thy teares, O drie soule, to bath those bruses which thy Sauiour in loue did suffer to heale thee? where is thy sorrow? where is thy detestation of thy sinnes, which were the procurers of all this punishment? For certaine 7 it is, that thy sinnes, not onely did then but doe [Page 77] so often tormēt him, as thou doest commit them: euen as the Apostle hath said; Hee that sinneth▪ Heb. 6.6 crucifieth the son of God, and maketh a mocke of him. He that breaketh the law of Christ by wilfull sinne, Heb. 10 treadeth the sonne of God vnder his feet, polluteth the bloud of the new Testament, and reprocheth the holy Ghost.
Whensoeuer therefore thou art about to consent to 8 any sinne, present vnto thy selfe the forme of thy Sauiour, vnder the hands of the cruell souldiers, wholy imbrued in his own bloud; not desperately raging, not weaklie wailing, but in this mild manner, partly exhorting, and partly intreating [Page] thee.
Friend, thou hast often heard how I haue loued thee; If wordes beare no weight to assure thee hereof; behold effects. Behold me desirous, so aboundantlie to satisfie the iustice of my Father, for thine offēces, that I haue shut from my selfe all meanes, eyther of helpe to withstand, or of comfort to mittigate these extremities; which notwithstanding are much lesse thē my loue hath made me desirous to suffer for thy sake, in case the iustice of my Father had so required. See here, this my loue registred with my bloud; listen how euery lash, both giueth [Page 78] a liuely testimony thereof, and perswadeth, yea beseecheth thee with an heauenly voice, to loue me againe. But if thou wilt not afforde me this kinde affection, let me at the least (I pray thee,) obtaine so much pitty at thy handes, to forbeare thy sinnes; which do not onely renue, bur very much increase my smart. For certain it is, that thy offēces do daylie torment me; & that these souldiers should neuer haue had any power to touch me, had not thy sinnes enabled them therevnto.
Sweete Iesus, with reuerence I kisse thy blessed 10 stripes, and doe thankfullie both acknowledge and [Page] embrace thy loue; most earnestly entreating thee, so to kindle, so to enflame thy loue also within me, that it may melt the frozen moisture of my hart into teares; both in compassion of thy sufferinges, and in sorrowe for my sinnes which drewe them vpon thee. Oh, how happy am I that haue so louing a Lord? what can I neede? what neede I feare? Oh, how cruell am I, if I will commit any fact, which dooth not onely displease, but dishonour and torment him? What pitty shouldest thou haue in punishing me, if I haue none in offending thee? There was no greater mercy then to cast such [Page 79] loue vppon vs: there is no greater miserie, then not to acknowledge, and in some degree of duty to aunswere the same.
O loue, more strong then 11 death;Cant. 8 6, death subdueth all worldly thinges, and yet thou subduest death; thou triumphest ouer all power, either by resisting, or by enduring. Thou art the bushe which did burne,Exod, 3, but not consume; thou art the most perfect adamant, which wil wearie all armes; which wil breake all hammers before it will yeeld:Rom. 8 Thou madest the apostle say; Nothing shall separate vs from the loue of Christ; in all things we are more the cōquerors, through him who [Page] loueth vs.
12 Death subdueth all worldly thinges; but thou hast subdued him who hath ouercome death, and made him subiect vnto thy yoke. For what drew him downe from heauen, into the mire of miseries? what made him a scorne of men? wherefore did he fast, weepe, labour, and watch? wherfore liued hee both in pouerty and contempt? wherfore endured hee both an ignominious and paineful death, but for the loue of our redemption? O inuincible vertue, who hast ouercom the Lord of all thinges, wilt thou not ouercom a weake man? shal my heart onely bee able to [Page 80] resist the force of thy fire? O sweet tyrant, with what soft flatteringes doest thou 13 enforce mē to great attēpts? without any feelyng of difficultie, without any feare of dāger, being carried with delight to that which they desire: which delight in going forward, drowneth all griefe of labour, through which they wrestle. Nothing is therefore so sweet as loue, nothing so strong; nothing maketh men more cruell, nothing more compassionate. It is strong in obtaining, it is sweet in enioying; it maketh men cruell to themselues, and compassionate to him whome they do loue.
14 And it is meet that we should liue in subiection of loue; for whatsoeuer is cōtained in the Scriptures, eyther is loue, or pertaineth vnto loue: and nothing is so precious as a soule that loueth, but only God who giueth loue. Loue is the Queene of all vertues. It is the end of all the commandements and counsailes of God. Yea, all creatures are made seruiceable vnto man for this end. It is the soule, life and perfection of other vertues; the stone, which turneth all that it toucheth into gold; the stampe, which maketh all our coine currāt with God. Insomuch as if we loue, we may do what [Page 81] wee will; for whatsoeuer is done in loue, God doth accept. Yea, by louing the good actions of other men, (by reason of the community of the Church) we make them our own. It is a sword to cut in sunder the sinewes of all vices, and a spurre to stirre vs vp to all vertuous atchieuments. It is the certaine measure, as well of perfection which the iust haue in this life, as of glory which they shal haue in the life to come. If I haue not loue, (sayeth Saint Paul) I am nothing; for God wil giue vnto euery man, according to the proportion wherein hee offereth himselfe vnto him by loue. Lastly, it vniteth [Page] vs vnto God; for loue is a meane, which knitteth two extreames, the louer and that which is loued, into one. Doe wee loue the earth? wee are earth: doe we loue God? what shall I say? are wee God? assuredly we are combined with God. Yet this vnion is not naturall, 15 but spirituall; not trāsforming the nature of man, but chāging his affections, and whole manner of life. that as the shadow followeth the bodie, so the will of man adhaereth to the wil of God, louing and hating as he doth prescribe; without any respect vnto himselfe, but onely to the honour of God. For, as iron cast into [Page 82] the fire, taketh the nature of fire, and yet ceaseth not to remaine iron; so he that burneth in the loue of God, is partaker of the puritie and sanctitie of God, & yet abideth still man.
O loue, the roote of all 16 vertues; the daughter of grace, the mother of sanctitie, the mistresse of truth; the glasse of religion, the ballance of reward, the mariage garment, the key of Paradise; the strength of those that fight, the crown of those that conquere; the felicitie of Saintes, the ioy of Angels, the terrour of Diuels. Without thee, faith is dead; hope a vaine presuming; holinesse, hypocrisie; [Page] zeale, furie: with thee a man standeth, in prosperities humble; in aduersities secure; in hard passions strōg; in good workes cheareful; in temptations safe. Are we poore, and able to giue little? are we eyther ignorant or weake, and able to doe little? let vs loue much, and that will be a supplie vnto both: for he that loueth, is of abilitie to doe much; and hee giueth much who giueth himselfe.
Is it not meete therefore that wee sell all that wee haue to purchase this pearle? can any thing bee too deare to giue? can any thing be too hard to suffer, that wee may obtaine it? Is [Page 83] it a small matter that it is saide; God is loue? Is it a smal matter to dwell in God,1. Io. 4, & to haue God dwell in vs? God is loue: what more precious? He that dwelleth in loue, dwelleth in God; what more secure? And God in him: what more glorious? It is not said, God is humility, God is patience, God is obedience; but God is loue: al other vertues, are the gifts & graces of God; but loue is said to be God himselfe.
O diuine vertue, so often, so greately, but neuer enough commended; O sacred loue, which alwayes burnest in the bosome of God. I cannot value thee to thy worth, I haue nothing [Page] in me, that is a fitte price for thee: but I will 17 giue for thee all that I haue; all my delightes, all my desires; I will leaue all for his loue, who hath left his kingdome and throane for loue towardes me. And when I shall haue giuen all, I shall thinke that I haue giuen no more thē nothing; for thou wilt more sweetely refresh, more aboundantly satisfie, more assuredly defende me, then all that I am able to giue.
§. 5. HOVV Hee was crowned with Thornes, cloathed in purple, openly scorned and presented to the Iewes
1 THe Iewes did more indeuoure to take away the reputation of Christ, then to take away his life.
z Iustice is to be executed with grauitie and griefe.
3 The Iewes would be satisfied as well with the shame of Christ as with his bloud
4 VVherefore Christ was cloathed [Page] with purple.
5 VVherefore he was crowned with Thornes.
6 Christ hid more of his goodnesse then he shewed to the world
7 VVe are to thinke of the tormēts of Christ both with ioy & with griefe.
8 How our Soules are defiled with sinne.
9 The loue of Christ is a prouocation to vs to loue him again
10 A Prayer and thanks-giuing.
11 The fruite which wee must yeald
12 Christ hath not onlie freede vs from euill, but inriched vs with good.
13 Pilats shewing of Christ did plainly shewe that he was then made a wofull spectacle.
14 It is the diuel [...] mind not to bee satisfied but by death.
15 The agreement of the wicked in doing euil.
16 VVant of compassion sheweth want of loue.
17 By sinning wee ioyne with the Iewes in crying against Christ [Page 85] Let him be crucified.
18 A meditation to restraine vs frō Sinne.
19 A prayer to Iesus Christ
20 A prayer to God the Father.
WHen the Souldiers had thus scourged our Sauioure, they brought him into the common hall, and there againe they stripped him, and put vpon him a purple roab; and pressed vpon his head, (a very sencible and tender part, which the whips before had passed ouer) a crowne of sharp thornes, and put a reede in his hand insteede of a scepter: and scornefully bowing themselues, saluted him king of [Page] the Iewes, and spat vpon him; and tooke the reede which he held in his hand, and smote him therewith vpon the head. By which 1 actiones, it appeareth that they were more desirous to take away his reputation, then to take away his life. For they sought but only the ordinary torment of the crosse, to take away his life; but to take a-his reputatiō, they ran into al theis & many other strāge inuētions, equaly cōposed of torment & of shame, wherin cruelty seemed pleasant, and mirth conioyned with malice. Manie Heathen 2 people haue obserued this rule, to execute iustice with [Page 86] some shewe of grauitie and griefe: and not with any light eyther iestures or ieastes, to moue suspition, of taking plesure, in taking punishment: not with any extraordinarie seueritie, to giue token of priuate reuenge. But it was not sufficient for these sauages, to crucifie Iesus, except 3 they did it, both with derision and despight: their malitious mindes, must of necessitie bee satisfied, as wel with his shame, as with his bloud; and that after a very vnusuall manner. For, when was purple beefore that time vsed for dishonor; who euer vntil that day had bin crowned with thornes? [Page] The purple reached but to a scorne, but the thornes went further; for, how manie thornes did pierce his flesh, so many streames of 4 bloud issued from him, It was not by chance & aduenture, that he was cloathed in purple, and therin mocked; but as the holy Ghost made Caiphas to say, It is expedient that one should die: And likewise Pilate, what I haue written I haue written; so it made the Souldiers to scorne him in a purple garmēt, in tokē that whatsoeuer they did to his reproach, should follow to his honour and praise. 5 Neithere was it without a mystery that they set vp- his head a crown of thorns. [Page 87] For God had cursed the earth, because of the transgression of Adam, to bringe forth thornes and bryars vnto vs; this curse hath our Sauiour taken vpon him; the pointes of these thorns are broken in his flesh. Now are all things blessed, all thinges reconciled; all thinges both healed and hallowed with his bloud.
O my Sauiour, how large lie diddest thou satisfie the lieuetenant Pilate, for remaining one night in his house, by sprinkelinge euery parte thereof wherein thou cammest with thy blessed bloude: O cruell Souldiers, doe you knowe eyther, what you doe, or [Page] whome you haue in hand? assure your selues, you see not that which in him appeareth; and yet doth not that nowe appeare in him, which hereafter shall.
For as in vs, that goodnesse which we either presume in our selues, or make shewe to others, is more then that which in truth wee haue; so in the Sonne of God, that which hee hidde of his goodnesse, was more then that which hee shewed to the world.
But as the Souldiers in tormentinge thy Sauioure, combined sportte with spight: so thou O my [Page 88] soule, so often as thou thinkest thereon, doe it iointly 7 both with ioy and with griefe: with ioy, for the benefit which thereby thou hast receiued; with griefe, for the miseries which hee did endure: with ioy, for his exceeding loue towardes thee, in that he was rather defirous then content, to endure so base, both insamies and paines for thy sake; with grief, for the grieuousnesse of thy sinnes, which prouoked the iustice of GOD to so great seuerity.
Woe is me, alas, wretch 8 that I am, how doe my sins defile my own soule; seeing they haue so defiled the [Page] pure glasse of the Maiestie of the Father? so troubled the cleere fountaine of all beauty and delight? O Son of iustice! O light of thy Fathers glory! wherefore wert thou contēt, to receiue the filthinesse and deformities of my soule, and to endure the paines which my sinnes did de serue?Es 63, 2. Wherefore is thy apparrell red, & thy garmentes like him that treadeth in the Wine-presse? Were it not fitter that offenders should suffer for their own deserts, then that thou (O innocent Lord) shouldest thus be torne with tormēts for them? had it not beene fitter that this filthinesse should haue remained vppon [Page 89] the proper dunghil, thē to be cast vppon thee, the purity of all beautie and glory?
What loue moued thee to haue so great care of me, 9 that thou wert vtterly carelesse of thy selfe? to bee so desirous of the cleannesse of my soule, that thou wouldest bee thus defiled to bestow it on me? O my Sauiour, what am I in respect of thee? What am I to thee, but trouble, torment, infamie, death? What art thou to mee, but rest, pleasure, honour, life? If therefore thou louest me, who am so grieuous vnto thee; wherefore do I not loue thee, who art my saluation? wherefore [Page] am I not prouoked to abstaine from sinne, to cast out all vncleane desires, which are so many thorns to thy blessed body? to despise the vaine braueries of the world, which were here applied to despise thee? to put my whole affiance in thee, who thus hast loued me, and with chains of perpetuall duety to linke my selfe most strongly to thee?
10 O my redeemer, receiue me thy weake and vnworthy seruant, to yeelde vnto thee both obedience and prayse; shut mee not from thee, whom thou hast created for thy selfe, whom by thy selfe thou hast redeemed. I am thine, O my [Page 90] GOD, I desire to bee thine; I doe and will resolue to be thine. I will not deliuer the keyes of thy riches to any other then to thy selfe. I will not beare fruit to any but to thee, who hast planted, and doest cōtinually both water and purge mee. The branches of this vine, which are the faculties of my soule, shall bring foorth flowers vnto thee; namely, good desires: they shal bring forth fruite vnto thee; euen my wordes and my workes. Mine eyes shal regard thee, my tongue shal praise thee, 11 my feete shall follow thee, my hands shall serue thee; my vnderstanding shall alwaies [Page] contemplate vppon thee, my memory shal neuer let thee goe; my will shall delight onely in thee; my soule shall be enfolded in the flames of thy loue. This is the fruit which thy vine must yeeld; this is the profite which thou doest expect. Enuiron it, O Lord, with fierie walles, shut all the gates thereof; Set the Cherubins to keep the way, that nothing may enter but thy selfe. I pray you all the creatures of this worlde, & if you wil not be entreated, I do adiure you, in the vertue of obedience to our common Lord; come not neere, trample not within this garden, touch not anie [Page 91] thing that groweth therein: all is the Lordes, I will reserue all to serue him; you shall bee meere strangers vnto me. I abandon al creaturs for the loue of him, who hath abandoned his kingdome for loue towardes me. For, to this end I was created; and I can yeeld him no other recompence for all his sufferinges, but to loue onelie, and alwaies to praise him.
Blessed art thou, O most mercifull and mighty Lord, the comfort of my life, the light of my eyes, the porte of my desires. All thy Angels and Saintes, all thy creatures for euer prayse thee: for that by the merite [Page] of thine vnspeakeable charity and humility, which bowed thy backe to vndergoe the miseries due to vs for our sinnes, thou hast not onelie freede vs from all our 12 euill, but participated thy heauenly graces vnto vs. Thou diddest cast no trauell vpon thy selfe, whereof thou diddest not vnburthen vs. And further, in taking vpon thee our flesh, thou hast giuen vs thy spirit; in taking vpon thee our sins, thou hast giuen vs thy righteousnes; in taking vpō thee our death, thou hast giuē vs thy life: in taking vpō thee, the punishment which we did deserue, thou hast giuen vs the glory which [Page 92] thou didest possesse; in making thy selfe like vnto vs, thou hast made vs in the sight of thy Farher, after a sort, and in our degree, like vnto thee. By suffering that which wee had deserued, thou hast procured vs that which we could not deserue: by suffering that which pertained vnto vs, thou hast cast that vpon vs, which in right pertained onely to thy selfe. So that all thy paines are our preferments, thy dishonor our glorie, thy pouerty our riches, thy miseries our merites, thy sufferings our satisfaction: thy reproches make vs without blame, thy bandes free vs, thy stripes [Page] heale vs, thy sorrows cōfort vs, thy trauailes refresh vs, thy condemnation iustifieth vs, thy death reduceth vs to life.
Now, when Pilate sawe that Iesus was in so pittiful a plight, that he supposed the sight of him sufficient, to breake the bloudy purposes of his enemies; he took him by the hand, and ledde him forth to the people, and said vnto them, Behold the man: What woulde you haue more? If it bee for malice that you are so violent against him, beholde how miserable hee is; if for feare, behold how contēptibie: fault hee hath done none. Assuredly, this shewing [Page 93] of Iesus doth plainelie 13 shew, that hee was then made a wofull spectacle: So wofull, as Pilate did verily belieue, that the verie sight of him woulde haue moued, the hardest heart of his enemies to relent and say; This is enough; wee desire no more. But they, infatiable in cruelty, importuned Pilate, some with perswasions, others with confused clamours & cries, that hee might bee crucified. They had the Diuels mind, 14 which is not sarisfied but by death. No punishment but death, no death but by the Crosse, coulde satisfie their desires. And among all that multitude, there 15 [Page] was not anie varietie of opinion. They all agreed to take away life from the Sonne of GOD; they all agreede that hee should be crucified; they all agreede to preferre Barrabas, who had slain the liuing, before him, who had reuiued the dead. For, it is a property cf the wicked, in matters of vertue, to disagree one from another; so many men, so many mindes: but in wickednesse and mischiefe, they all iumpe in one iudgement; they alwaies concurre in one desire.
Seeing then (O my soule) thy Sauiour hath founde so little pitty amōg the Iewes, turn thou thine [Page 94] eyes vpon this lamentable forme, and say vnto thy selfe; Beholde the man. Beholde his bountie, beeholde his loue, behold his distresse. And it thou feelest no compassion of the paines and anguishes 16 whiche hee endured, assure thy self, thou wantest loue: for they who loue, are alwaies sorrowfull for the miseries of the partie whome they doe affect. If thou findest not within thee, this testimonie of loue, yet abhorre to ioyne in malice with the barbarous Iewes, in crying against him; let him bee crucified. Which 17 voyce thou doest so often cast forth, as thou consentest [Page] to any sinne; forsomuch as thou doest a thing, wherby thou wouldest binde him to die againe, if his sormer death were not sufficient.
18 So often therefore as thou art inclinable to any euill, present this mournefull spectacle before thee, and say to thy selfe; Beholde the man. Which words, although they are but fewe, and seem to contain small matter; yet if thou examine them well, they will not onely stay thee from executing thy euill intentes, but strike thee downe to the earth, a thousand times to kisse it, vpon conscience of thy wicked vnworthines; [Page 95] and to poure forth praises vnto him, both f [...]r those thing [...]s which once hee did endure, and for those which daylie hee dooth for thee. Behold therfore the greatenesse of thy sinnes, by the great sorrows which thy Sauiour did sustaine: beholde how necessa [...]ie it was to satisfie for sinne; beholde how grieuous the fatisfaction was. Consider herevpon, the rigour of Gods iustice; consider, how abhominable a thing sinne is vnto him; coniecture also, what reuenge GOD will take vppon sinners themselues, who doe not either acknowledge or accept the benefite of their redemption, [Page] seeing so seuerely hee punished his most deere and innocent Sonne for their sinnes.
19 O sweete Christ, graue this thy shape deepe within my heart; that continuing in the contemplation of these pointes, I may not bee so, both vnthankefull and cruell in affection towardes thee; nor yet so, eyther sencelesse or desperate in care of my selfe; as to commit that, which is so painefull and ignominious to thee, and to me so daungerous. Remember, O my Lord, what I am to thee, and thou to me; and doe not flie from mee, that I may finde thee. I doe [Page 96] make a long iourney vnto thee, I proceede slowlie, I doe often make stay, often I goe backe: strengthen mee, O Lorde, guide my stumbling steppes, drawe mee after thee with the line of thy loue; be not wearie to expect him, who is not able to hold out pace.
And because my weakenesse is so greate, that I doe often fale, either in purpose, or in power to resist sinne: cease not (I beseech thee) to present this thy freshe bleeding forme, to the mercifull Maiesty of thy father for me. And with that loue wherewith thou diddest not onely suffer, but offer thy bodie, to bee thus dishonoured [Page] for my sake, vouchsafe alwayes to interpose the same between his iustice and mee. And although the sight thereof was not sufficient to appease the hatred of thine enemies, yet will it pacifie the wrath of thy Father; because whatsoeuer thou diddest suffer, it was vnder his obedience, to restore his honour, and to satisfie 20 his Iustice.
O almighty God, behold here the man, whom thou hast appointed to be a mediatour betweene thee and sinners;Mat. 3.17. euen the man in whome thou art well pleased. Behold the man, whose righteousnesse wil answere [Page 97] thy iustice in euerie point; and whose punishments are sufficient to satisfie the penaltie of all my sinnes. Behold his humilitie, beholde his obedience, beholde his satisfaction. Oh, that his sufferinges were ballanced against my sinnes; certainly, they would so far exceed, both in waighte and in worth, that thou shouldest in iustice, rather poure foorth thy mercies vppon mee for the one, then hold them still in displeasure for the other. O most iust and mercifull God, let this brused body bee alwaies in thy sight; first fixe thy heauenly eyes vpon his merites, then vouchsafe to looke towardes [Page] me, and for his sake haue pitty vpon me. And gratiouslie graunt, not onely pardon of my iniquities, but participation also of his righteousnesse: that in the puritie thereof, I may bee approued by thee, whē I shal bee proued.
§ 8. HOVV Hee was condemned and forthwith led to the place of execution.
1 THe iudgement of Pilate, by his owne iudgement was vniust.
2 The iustice of the sentence against Christ.
3 Christ was charged as asurety, and as sacrifice:
4 The loue of Christ, & his fathers Iustice [Page] were causes of his condemnation.
5 The loue of Christ is a prouocatiō for vs to loue him againe.
6 A Prayer to that end.
7 The loue of Christ is a prouocation for vs to settle our assurance in him.
8 It is Iustice now that offenders for whom Christ suffered shoulde be discharged.
9 The merites of Christ inualuable.
10 The diuell iustlie depriued of the power which hee had ouer vs.
11 The Diuel by stinging our Sauiour hath slaine himselfe.
11 Wherefore Christ suffered vpon mount Caluarie.
13 Our seruice to Christ must not be vpon necessitie and constraint.
14 Wee may bee bould to cast our sinnes vpon Christs shoulders.
15 Wherefore Christ did turne & speake to the women that went after him,
16 The force of teares.
17 Wherefore Christ saide to the [Page 99] wemen that they should not weep for him.
18 The right weeping,
19 A prayer and thankesgiuing.
NOw, although Pilate had openlie declared, both that Christ was innocent, and that he had authoritie to acquite him; yet giuing place, either to the fauour or furie of the Iewes, rather then to iustice; he pronounced sentence of death against him, and deliuered him to the pleasure of his enemies- Therefore, O president, 1 by thine owne iudgment, thy iudgement was vniust. For thou gauest sentence of death against him, whome thrice beefore thou [Page] haddest pronounced innocent. Certainly, in thee, O president, it was the greapiece of iniustice that could possibly be committed; but it was a iust sentence in the high president of Heauen, 2 before whom all the sinnes of the world stand in naked view, and who will not suffer one of them to passe vnpunished. Therefore, beecause the whole worlde was not sufficient to satisfie for anie one sinne, he drew the sworde of his Iustice, and smote therwith this innocent Son; who onely was able among al men, both to beare & to break his wrath against sin. But O iust Iudge thou art neuer stirred [Page 100] to wrath but by sinne; thou art neuer greiuously wroth but with greiuous sinne. At this time thou wert greiuously wroth, and diddest greiuosly smite thine onely Sonne: But in him thou couldest find no greiuous siin; in him thou couldest find no sin at all.
What? diddest thou not onely release offenders, but (as did Annas the high Priest) cause the innocent without cause to bee smitten?Io. 18 22. And is it not more against the law of iustice, to condemne the innocent, thē to discharge and acquit the guiltie? How then may we esteeme it iustice, which doth not only release offenders, [Page] but layeth so seuere a sētence vpon the innocēt?
O light, which haddest decreede this mystery in thy holy counsaile from the beginning, open my vnder standing, breake the mistines of my minde, that I may see this worke of Iustice & of mercy, wherein thou art more admirable then in all thy works beside.
3 Assuredly, hee is not vniustly charged, who owing nothing from himselfe, vndertaketh the debt of another man: neither doth the Iudge any more wrong, in giuing sentence against a voluntary surety, then hee doth against a principall debtor. It is pitty lo see a [Page 101] man pay that which he neuer tooke, but if he will submit himself to be a surety, if in kindnes he will represent the person of the debtor, Iustice must haue her cours against him. It is pittie to see a harmelesse Lambe lye bleeding to death; but if it be appointed for a sacrifice, it is the nature of a sacrifice so to be vsed. And therefore, although he was with out sinne in himselfe, yet as a surety, as as sacrifice, hee did iustly suffer for the sins of other. Although by innocency he was free, yet by loue hee became intangled in debt. For his owne innocency, God was wel pleased in him; but for our impurities: [Page] hee iustlie gaue way to his wrath against him. He was iustly charged, not with that which he had done, but for that which he did vndertake. we in iustice, shoulde haue beene smitten with these sorrowes: this blow in iustice was bent against vs: but he in loue stepped betweene the blow and vs, & receiued the full dint thereof vpon himselfe.Esay. 53 4.5.6. He tooke vpon him our infirmities, and bare our sorrowes, he was wounded for our iniquities and broken for our transgressions. The chasticement of our peace was laid vpon him, and with his stripes were we healed. All we as sheepe were gone astray, and turned euery man to his owne [Page 102] way, & the Lord hath laid vpon him the iniquity of vs al. So thē it was his loue, & his fathers iustice, that cast him into 4 these extremities. Loue entreted that sinners might be saued; & iustice exacted that sin might be punished; to satisfie both which suits, the mean was found, that one vnspotted Innocēt, not subiect to death, & yet willing to die; who was without sin, & yet able to make satisfaction for sin, should thus cruelly suffer for all offenders.
This, O Lord, is the nature of thy debt; this is the cause of thy condemnation. Innocency maketh thee free, but loue hath brought thee vnder charge of our [Page] accounts. In innocencie, thou art purer then the starres, but loue hath plunged thee in the depth of our deformities. By the greatnesse of thy loue, our sins haue so iled the beautie of thy innocency. And therefore, although Pilate, respecting thy desert, could finde in thee no cause of death; yet wee, respecting thy loue, doe finde so many causes thereof, as there are sinnes in all the world.
Come hither then, & I will, tell you in a worde, the cause of his sentence. It was not for his fault, but it was for his loue; his loue & our faults were the groūd of this iustice. He that loued, [Page 103] both so ardently, and such sinners as wee, was iustly condemned.
O my soule, what a forceable prouocation is this vnto thee, not onely to loue thy Sauiour, but to settle thy assurance in him. For, how is it possible, that 5 thou sholdest not loue him, who reiected his own Maiesty, and subiected himselfe to this miserie, to saue thee? O good Iesu, O health of my soule, haue mercy vpon 6 me, I beseech thee, and helpe me; strike this fire within my hart; let my soule be satiated with thy sacred loue. Thou art (O Lorde) my full felicity, my last end, the marke whereat I aime, [Page] the porte whereto I saile, the terme, the rest of all my desires. Wherefore then doe I not loue thee? wherfore doe I not desire thee with that ardencie, wherewith all creatures doe loue and desire the place of their rest? The fire, and the aire do ouerthrow mountaines, rend vp rockes, shake the whole earth, to breakeforth to their naturall place: and wherefore do not I breake through all impediments? make way through al creatures, to come vnto thee? who art the only place both of my refuge and rest? O my desire, O my hope, my sweet solace, my assured strength; wrap my soule in [Page 104] the flames of thy loue, that all carelesse coldnesse may be consumed thereby: possesse it so entirely with that diuine fire, that I may haue no sence of any worldlie thing. Most sweet, louing, beautifull, noble, rich, wise, glorious; and worthy to be both loued and adored; O life of my soule, who didest die to giue me life; who diddest die to kill death; mortifie me wholy, euen my wil, and all my euil inclinations, and whatsoeuer is mine, within me. Then reuiue me againe in thy liuely loue, by vniting all the faculties of my soule vnto thee, and making them obedient to thy will.
7 Seeing also thou hast (O my soule) so rich a treasure, & so liberall a distributer of the same, how is it possible, that thou shouldest not rise in hope? Iustice hath foūd a way to strike the innocent; and cannot mercy find a meane to saue the guiltie? Assuredly, yes. For it is a greater miracle that God was condemned and crucified, then that man shoulde be acquited and liue. If therfore wee haue the greater, we haue no cause to doubt of the lesse Iustice hath executed her seuerity vpon the innocent; & mercy will shew her fauour vpon offenders. Yea, if it was iustice, that the innocent shoulde [Page 105] be condemned & executed 8 for satisfaction of sinne; it is Iustice also, that the offenders for whom hee suffered should be discharged. It is Iustice, I say, that the principal should be discharged of that debt, which the voluntarie suretie hath freelie paid. Therefore, although grace is not due to a sinner, as he is a sinner; yet is it du to him as he is redeemed. It is mercy that a sinner should be saued, in respect of the sinner; but it is iustice, in respect of Christ. The iust was handled as a sinner, that sinners might bee accepted for Iust. and it is not agreeable to the rules of iustice, that one offence should be twice [Page] punished; that a debt once paide, should be exacted againe. Hee hath ioyned, hee hath vnited himselfe vnto vs: as he cannot bee condemned again, so cannot we likewise be condemned; except we breake vnion, and willinglie fall from him.
Further, it cannot bee esteemed, 9 how acceptable to his Father was, the obedience, patience, humility & loue, wherewith hee offered himself to this opprobrious death; to restore his Fathers honour, and to worke the redemption of mankinde. Seeing therefore his merits are inualuable, and that all are referred to the saluation of our soules, there is no [Page 106] doubt but the same shall be obtained. The Father will not deny him that, for which he did so grieuously afflict him. This is the couenant which the Lord hath made with our Noah: the floude of his fury shall neuer againe vniuersally inuolue vs; he wil neuer hold backe his mercy frō those, for whome his sonne dooth intreate mercy.
Lastly, as Adam for eating of one forbidden tree 10 in Paradise, was iustly depriued of the vse of the rest, whereof before hee was permitted to eate; so when God permitted the diuel, as his Goaler & executioner, to arrest, by his Sergeant [Page] Death, al the sons of Adam; because his issue was attainted, & his whole bloud corrupted by that offence: but with exception, that if any were innocent and free frō sin, he should not be touched: the Diuell by laying an vniust gripe vpon our Sauior, who was without spot of sin, is iustly depriued of the power, which before he had ouer all others. He hath brokē his teeth, he hath left 11 his sting in that vnspotted body; yea, by stinging another (as often doth the Bee) he hath slaine himself. Hee is now no longer able to enforce; only he suggesteth euill aduice, wherby he seduceth some vnhappy soules, [Page 107] and entangleth thē within his nets. But Christ againe, hath giuē vs so large light, both by doctrine & by exāple; the supply of his grace also is so sufficiēt; that these corrupt counsails may easilie be, discerned by the one, and auoided by the other.
I he sētence of death being once giuen, forthwith the crosse was prepared. & then they brought forth Iesus, & laid that heauy tree vpō his shoulders, which had beene vnmercifully battered with whips before: tormenting him, not only with the sight but with the weight of that which was appointed to be the instrument of his death. Which painefull burthen, [Page] together with the weight of al our sins, he refused not to take vpon him; but proceeded on his way with incredible alacrity, both in loue towardes vs, and in obedience to satisfie his fathers iustice; as a true Isaacke, bearing the wood for the sacrificing of himselfe. But whither goest thou, O innocent 12 Lord? what hast thou to do vpō the stinking hil Caluarie? which being a place of cōmon execution, is tainted with the smell of putrified bodies: thou shalt find there no sicke persons to cure, no deuils to cast forth, no temples wherein to teach. True Lord, but there thou shalt find dead to raise, & sinners [Page 108] to forgiue. Thou shalt there find many scattered sculs of executed offenders which expect thy comming; that, as the true Elizeus, thy dead bodie should restore them vnto life.
What meneth this? O good Iesu, what doth it mean? that thou hast not onely made choise of an infamous death, but of an infamous place wherein thou wouldest dye. Wert thou so enamored of malefactors and sinners, that with them, and among them, and for them, and by them, and as one of them thou wouldest be crucrucified? Certainely, thy death containeth soe many mysteries, that it is not enough [Page] for vs to say, thou diddest die for our sinnes; but wee are further to consider how thou wouldest die? which was, by the ignominious & cursed death of the crosse: with whome also? euen with malefactors: when? in the principall strength and beauty of thy age: vpon what day? at the great solemnitie of the passeouer: in what place? on the infamous & vnsauory hil Caluarie, onely made glorious by thy death.
O glorious Caluarie where the Prince of light did incounter and ouercom the Prince of darkenesse; whereat one instant our life for a time ended life, and [Page 109] our death did for euer dye: I will not hereafter seek my Sauiour in the temple, but vpon thee, for in the temple hee scourged sinners, but vpō thee he died for them; vpon thee hee opened his armes to embrace them.
Therefore, O my soule, accompany him in his pain full passage towardes this place of his combate, and 13 bowe thy selfe also vnder his crosse, not vpon necessitie and by constraint, as did Symon Cireneus; for nothing is more greiuous, then eyto serue, or to be serued by constraint, but freely, and chearefully; which manner of doing, is better accepted of him, then the thing it [Page] selfe which we doe. For, although he might cōmand vs as slaues, yet wil he haue vs intreated as sonnes. And if thou wilt take a poore aduice, 14 howsoeuer thou seest him eyther burthened or weary, forbeare not to cast thy sinnes vpon him; for woe be vnto thee; if when they naile him to the crosse, they crucifie not also thine offences with him. Feare not that hee will eyther shrinke from them, or shake them off; for he hath manifestly declared both his courage and his care. His courage appeared, in that hee forbadde the women, which followed him, to weepe for for him; he manifested [Page 110] his care, in shewing himselfe more sensible of their calamities, then of his owne.
But stay heare a little, O my soule, and do not runne so fast by so high a mystery. What new thing is this, O my redeemer? Thou wouldest not speak one word to Herode; thou wouldest not answer Pilate, although thou wert vrged; and without 15 request thou turnest thy face, and speakest to those who weep after thee. Doest thou more at the silent tears of poore women, then eyther at the entreatie or commaund of powerfull men? O good Iesu, thou doest much esteeme those [Page] that are pittifull; seeing it was thy pleasure, that the tears of these women shold be registred in thy Gospel, and put in one record with thy blood. Herod questioned vpon curiositie: Pilat by way of autority: but the daughters of Sion wept for pure pitty. And therefore the words of the one, reached no further then vnto thine eares; but the lukewarme drops of the other; pierced thy heart. Thou takest pitty vpon those, who take pitty vpō others; thou makest more account of the teares of the pittifull, then of the words of the mighty For which cause thou diddest not onely turne and [Page 111] speake to these weeping women, but thou diddest seem more sensible of their tears, then of thine own tormēts: thou diddest seeme to shew more care and compassion for their miseries, then for thine owne.
O my soule, if thou hast any businesse to negotiate 16 with our Lord, if thou wouldest obtaine any curtesie of him, thou maist here see the best forme of petition and and plea. For, it is better to sue vnto God with force of teares, then with multitude of words: a few teares are more regarded of him, then many words. Because wordes are formed by the tongue, but teares proceed [Page] commonly from a heart, Possessed either with griefe or with loue. Vse fewe words then, and weepe, O my soule; for this is the language of heauen, this is the most stronge voyce to call vpon God. Teares ouercome the inuincible, appease the omnipotent, and torment the diuell more thē hell fire. When teares cry vnto God, when he is importuned by true teares, hee will not delay both to come & to cōfort vs: he wil grow presently familiar with vs.
But, O redeemer of my life, wherefore is it thy pleasure 17 that wee shoulde not weepe for thee? Thou diddest weepe for thy friende [Page 112] Laaarus, thou diddest also weepe for the stones and walls of Ierusalem, and dost thou not permit vs to weep for thee? doest thou set soe light by the losse of thy life? shall wee so ordinarily esteeme the shedding of thy blood? Or wherefore doest thou consent that we should weep for our selues, and not weep for thee? Are wee of greater value then thou? or can any of vs be either lesse worthily, or more shamefully & cruelly punished? What shall I say, O the solace of my soul? shal I with reuerence leaue this high & obscure mystery, among many other, to thy diuine iudgmēt? Or dost thou giue [Page] vs to vnderstand, that it sufficeth not that wee weepe for thee, if wee doe not obserue how wee weepe? because 18 the right weeping consisteth, not in multitude, but in well placing of our teares. Or is it thy pleasure that we should not weepe for thy death, but for the workers of thy death? according to which rule, we haue cause to beewayle, rather those that commit, then those that suffer outrage & wrong. Or wouldest thou signifie vnto vs that our life shold be a long martyrdom a continuall crucifiing of our selues; and that we haue more reason to shewe compassion for the wicked that [Page 113] liue then for the good whē they dye. For it is betteer to dy thē to liue amōg euil men because in death their is but one bitter morsell to swallow, but the societie of the wicked is a continuall torment. Or lastlie, diddest thou meane that we should not weepe for thee, in comparison of our selues? beecause our sins are soe great that we haue time little enoughe to lament them. and as thou art more grieued at our sinnes, then at thine owne sufferinges, soe thou takest greater pleasure that wee let fall teares, for them, then for thee: for if we doe not beewaile our sinnes, it little auaileth vs [Page] that thou hast suffered. First therfore, we must weep for compassion of our selues, and then for thy passion: wee must bewaile our offences first, and then busie our selues in weeping for thy wounds. For, if thou haddest suffered for thy selfe, it had bene great reason wee should haue wept onely for thee; but seeing thou didest suffer for our Sinnes, it is conuenient that we poure forth teares principally for them.
Howsoeuer it is, forbid vs not, O good Iesu, forbidde vs not, I beeseech thee, to weepe for thee; for if thou doest, with teares wee will intreate thee that wee may [Page 114] weepe. We will intreat thee rather not to weepe for the trayterous cittie Ierusalem, thē not to suffer vs to weep for thee. O Lord of all life, doe not onely permit, but enable vs to weepe; and accept 19 our prayses watered with our teares.
With bended knees of my heart, & swalowed vp in the depth of mine owne vnworthin [...]sse; with al fear and reuerence which can possibly fall into this weak worme, I prostrate my selfe before thee, O Lord Iesu Christ and yeeld vnto thee most humble and heartie thankes for thy exceeding mercy and loue towardes mee. What haue I, O Lord [Page] which I haue not altogether receiued from thee? What am I, eyther presently in hope, but onelie by thee? Thou art my Creator, my sanctifier, my glorifier, for thou hast giuen vnto mee the state both of nature and of grace, & hast also prepared for me the state of glory. And because to this high end many means are required, of thine infinite goodnesse thou art vnto me, as wel the meanes as the end. Thou art my defender, my keeper, my gouernour; the mercifull scourge of my sinnes; the curer of my infirmities, the instructer of my ignorances, the directer both of [Page 115] my knowledg and power; thou sustainest, thou stirrest, thou orderest mee in all my indeauours. Finally, thou art my Lord and my God; euen all the goodnesse that I haue; euen all the good that I expect.
§. 9. HOW Hee was crucified
1 THe ladder which Iacob saw in a vision.
2 Wherfore Christ was crucified naked.
3 The l [...]mmes of Christ were loaden with our sinnes
4 Example to be merciful towards the needy.
5 Example of moderation in the aboundance of worldly thinges.
6 The bodily torments of Christ
7 His spirituall incounter.
[Page 116]8 Man was more easily ruined then redeemed.
9 The continuall miseries and trauailes of Christ.
10 Wee are vn [...]ble to comprehend the mysteries of the death of Christ.
11 The death of Christ was prefigured in many.
12 Who were the principall, whoe the secondarie or instrumentall causes of the death of Christ.
13 Christ tooke the medicine for our diseases.
14 We can neither honour Christ nor abase our selues as bothe are worthie.
15 It is reason wee shoulde despise our selues.
16 The incomparable loue of Christ
17 Wee are more bound vnto Christ for enduring t [...]rmentes for vs, then for all his other benefits.
18 We are more bound vnto Christ for the manner of our redemptiō then for our redemption it selfe.
19 A Thanksegiuing
20 Diuers figures of Christ.
WHen he came to mount Caluarie, there was the bloudie banner displaied; there planted hee the tree of life, the fruite whereof expelleth the poison which the fruite of the forbiddē tree had wrought. There pitched hee the ladder,Gen. 8.12 1 which Iacob saw but in a vision, The top whereof reached vp to heauē; whervpon not onely the Angels goe vp & downe, with our prayers vnto God, and his mercies vnto vs, but God himself descendeth to man, and man ascendeth vp to God. And first, to make his death the more reproachful they stripped him of all his [Page 117] garments, which the Souldiers put to diuision and lot. Insomuch as hee, who in all the passages of his life was so pressed with pouertie, that hee had not of his own where to rest his head; was now driuen to that naked necessitie, that hee had not, in a cold season of the yeare, so much as a figtree leafe to couer his body.
But, although the lawe commanded that malefactors should be crucified, yet 2 did it not commaund that they should be crucified naked. Wherefore then, O good Iesu, was this extremitie vsed against thee? were the executioners soe couetous to enioy thy apparell? [Page] [...] [Page 117] [...] [Page] or were they soe cruell to encrease thy shame? or would [...]st thou testifie thy loue, in shewing vs thy flesh, and not hiding any part of thy body from vs? When Ad [...]m had sinned hee would haue hid himselfe from the presēce of god, because he was naked; But our second Adam, took both this sinne and this shame vpon his naked members, to carrie them to the crosse, and crucifie them with him. Assuredly, O my saluation, howsoeuer thy body was naked of apparell, all thy 3 limmes were loaden with our sinnes: euen as thy Apostle Saint Peter hath said: He bare our sinnes in his body [Page 118] on the tree. 1. Pet. 2.24. For who could haue violated thy holy mēbers, if thy father had not found our offences in them? If he had not foūd this accusation against thee, This man receiueth sinners and harboreth malefactors. Diddest thou not knowe, O my redeemer, that in whose hande the theft is found, hee must be answerable for the same? should not the Father handle thee as a Sinner, seeing hee findeth thee soe charged with sinnes. The Iustice of the Father finding al our Sins vpon thy body, executed vpon thee, and crucified them and thee together.
Hereby thou hast giuen vs example, first, to be mercifull 4 towardes the needy, seeing that for compassion to vs, thou haddest no pitty vpon thy selfe; but wert cloathed with our sinnes and our shame, to cloath vs with thy innocency and glory.
5 Secondly, to moderate our desires, in the vaine either brauaries or abundance of worldly thinges, the bellowes of pride and and of presuption, which doe not onely clog, but quench the deuotion of our spirit: euen as a tree by hauing many superfluous branches, becommeth lesse fruitfell; and as a lampe, [Page 119] which with a little oyle is cherished, but choaked with much.
Then they strayned his naked body vpon the hard 6 death-bed of the crosse, and fastened it thereunto with blunt and rough nailes, driuen through his hands and through his feete: out of which wounds issued foure golden streames, like the foure riuers of the garden Eden, to water and fructifie the whole world.
Then they raised him vppe beetweene twoo theeues, and placed him in open view, to be tormented with a cruell lingering death; the whole [Page] weight of his bodie bearing downewardes, nd rending wider the wounds of his handes and feet; which, by concourse of sinewes (the instrumentes of feeling) are the most sensible parts of the whole body. Hauing also to encounter 7 with the world, and with the diuell, who is the Prince of the world; with death also, and with sinne, which is the cause of death.
Alasse, how farre is the madnesse of the world? how farre is the loue and liberalitie of Christ nowe extended? Was GOD thus angrie against sinne? Woulde no other satisfaction [Page 120] serue? Was the iustice of God so rigorous? Was the redemption of mā 8 so precious? One disobedience was sufficient to destroy mankind, and were al these workes requisite for their redemption? Truth Lord, for [...]xperiēce teacheth vs, that it is more easie to ruinate, then to repaire. One firebrand is sufficient to prostrate a whole Citty, which cannot without much both time, and toile, and charge be repaired.
O most righteous and vpright Iudge, how mercifull wert thou towards sinners, & how seuere against thine owne Sonne? hee was borne in great basenes; the [Page] 9 world no sooner receiued him, but it persecuted him, and chased him into forrain countries. As his body grew, so encreased the burthen, both of his labours & wants; vntill in the end he was betrayed to his enemies by one of those that were his followers. Is any thing more admirable then this? Liberty was solde, liberality tyed, innocency accused, iustice condemned, and life executed. Is any thing more admirable? The wlsedome of the Father was derided, his power beaten & bound, his beauty defiled, his glory with reproches and reproofes obscured. Is any thing yet more admirable? [Page 121] God was buffeted, God was scourged, God was nayled to a Crosse, and set vp to the open shew and shame of the worlde; what shall I say? God in his humanity dyed.
Stay now (O my soule) for thou art not able to step any further. Lord, Abac. 1.3 I heard thy wordes and was afraid; I saw thy workes and my bowels were troubled; I was amazed and my lips did shake. Assuredly, our feeble faculties 10 are farre vnable to comprehend this mysterie: they cā neuer reach this boundlesse heigth; they can neuer fathom this bottomles depth. Wee may coldly speake of it, and drowsely affect it; [Page] but principalities and powers stand astonished at it. Stay here then (O my soul) and lift vppe thy lumpish thoughts after him; euen after the mā of griefe,Cap. 53. as Esay termeth him. Cast off all delight in thinges of this world, & fasten thy desires onely vpon him; that thou maiest with thy naked arms embrace thy naked Sauiour; and bee more neerelie ioined vnto him. That thou maiest with free affection kisse those handes, which were so liberall, as to bee nayled for thee vpon the Crosse.
11 Behold him who was prefigured by the brazen Serpent, the sight of whom [Page 122] cureth the sting of the old Serpent the Diuell: behold the true Moses, stretching forth his bloudy armes towards heauen, that his people may obtaine the victorie: beholde the true Rachel, trauelling vnto death for thy new birth: behold the second Adam, out of whose bloody side, the Church his Spouse is fashioned: beholde the true Sampson, who with his death destroyeth his enemies: beholde the true Elias, who stretching himselfe vppon thc dead children, restoreth them to life: behold the true Elizeus, who being deade, hath raised vp the worlde to life: beholde the true [Page] Salomon, who hath made a perfect peace between God and man: beholde the true Paschall Lambe, whose blood hath freede vs from the destroyer. He was wholy giuen for vs, and is wholy expended for our vse. Behold him from the crown of his heade, to the soles of his feete, and thou shalt finde no parte free from woundes and bloud.
But, O King of glory, what haddest thou deserued? what haddest thou done? Pilate could finde in thee no cause of death; neither can I finde any, but onely the aboundance of thy goodnesse and loue. For it was my sinne that hath [Page 123] thus distressed thee; these nailes, these whippes, these streames of bloud, are perpetuall monumentes of my wicked life. Pilate, and Caiphas, and all the rest, eyther 12 thy Iudges or tormenters, vpon whom we deriue this cursed crueltie, were onelie secondarie and instrumentall causes. I was the principall, I was (in part) the cause of al these causes: I can not shift it to any other, but must say to my selfe, as the Prophet Nathan saide vnto Dauid: Thou art the man: 2. Sam. 12.7 euen thou art he who did thus afflict him. I had cōmitted the offence, and thou wouldest beare the punishment; I had surfeited, I was diseased, & [Page] 13 thou wouldest take the bitter portion. Thou diddest fast for m [...]e in the wildernesse, thou diddest sweate for mee in the garden, and thou diddest bleed for mee vppon the Crosse. So the head suffered that cure for the mēbers, which was not necessarie for it selfe; euen as in our naturall bodies, appliances are made oftentimes to one part, to cure the infirmities of another: Insomuch as I must acknowledge my selfe, the originall of all thine anguishes and paines, the disease which caused thee to die.
Oh then! that I could turne my selfe into teares, that I might wash the [Page 124] woundes, and bath the bruises which I haue made. Behold, O my God, how I sigh now vnto thee, not so much for griefe, as for want of griefe, for thy grieuous sufferinges. Oh! that I could in such sorte both honour thee, and abase my selfe, as both of vs are worthy: thou, 14 for thy loue; I, for my disobedience. Thou knewest this loue would cost thee thy life; and yet wouldest not thou forbeare to loue me. And seeing thou diddest die for my disobediēce, 15 it is reason that I shoulde extreamely despise my self, being the very party that hath offeended,
O gracious Lord, what [Page] couldest thou haue done for vs more? What greater testimony 16 of thy loue couldest thou haue giuen, then in being thus prodigall of thy bloud for thy very enemies? then in being so cruelly tormented for those, who had so cruelly offended thee? Wee were a sort of forlorne sinners, damned so fast as borne: Wee were by nature the Children of wrath; and yet (by the errors of our life) continually encreasing wrath, against the day of wrath: whē thou wert moued with mercy to vndertake these tormentes for vs. The Innocent hath suffered for the guilty; the Lord for the seruantes; hee [Page 125] that receiued the iniurie, for those who did it: not for any commodity to himself, nor prouoked by any desert of ours; but moued thervnto onely by his mercy & loue, wherewith hee hath vouchsafed to visite vs frō on high. Wee were so far from deseruing this mercy and loue, that wee neither desired the same before, nor regarded it when it was done. Certainely, (O my Lord,) I hold my selfe more 17 beholding to thee, for enduring these tormentes for my sake, then for all thy other benefites beside. For, as nothing is more agreeable to thy infinite goodnes, then to bestow benefites, so is [Page] nothing more strange from thine infinite happinesse, then to suffer miseries: whereby it appeareth, that I am more bound vnto thee 18 for the manner of this thy benefite, then I am for the very benefite it selfe.
I worshippe and adore thee (O Lord Iesus Christ) I praise thy holy name, & yeelde vnto thee most hūble and earnest thanks, because thou hast so loued vs, as with thy most blessed bloude to wash away our sinnes, and reconcile vs again to thy fathers fauour. Blessed bee thou therefore for euer, who art the reconciler, the redeemer, the Sauiour of mankind; the vanquisher [Page 126] of hel and of the diuell; the repairer of life, the destroyer of death. What doth stay our hearts, O Lord, that they runne not vnto thee? is any clog so heauy, is any chaine so strong, that can either hold, or hinder vs from hastening vnto thee? If all the things of this worlde are nothing but a flower; shall so light matters, either breake or slacke our course vnto thee? Can a light straw stay a stone in the aire from falling to his naturall place? and shall the light chaffe of this worlde (for all is no more) stoppe our comming vnto thee? who art our last ende, our perfect [Page] felicity, the true rest and center of our soules?
Come vnto him therfore 20 all hungrie and thirsty soules; this is the handfull of meale, and the little oile of the widdow of Sareptha, which will neuer waste;1. Reg. 17 this is the misticall rock which Moses stroke with his rod in the wildernesse,Exod, 17.6 out of which gusheth forth riuers of water of life.Io, 4, 14 All you that dislike your sinnefull birth, come hither and you may be borne again. Come all afflicted consciences, this is the good Samaritan, who will poure oyle and wine into your woundes. Come,Luk. 10.34. all yee that are pressed with pouerty, bring [Page 127] hither your emptie vessels; this is the pot of oyle,2. Reg, 4. of the widdow which came to Elizeus; wherewith and by no other meanes you may pay your debtes. Bee not discouraged because it is little, the vertue thereof is great; it will neuer cease running, so long as there be any vessels to fill. Come, all ye that desire to be at peace with God; this is the perfect peace-offering; this is the sweet sacrifice, whose blood crieth not for vengeance, as the blood of Abel; but craueth pardon for all offenders. This is the gate, through which wee must passe, if wee goe into heauen: this is the [Page] arke whereinto wee must enter, if wee will bee saued: this is the Pallace of peace; This is my resting place for euer, Psal. 132.14 & euer; here wil I dwel, for I haue delight therin.
§ 10. HOVV Hee was mocked and reuiled, & how he prayed for his enemies.
1 THe euill example of greate men is dangerous.
2 It is naturall to shewe compassion to those that are distressed,
3 Great men wanting vertue, support themselues by suppressing others.
[Page] 4 The Iewes endeauored to pull from Iesus whatsoeuer they could,
5 The infamie of Christ, was helth full in regard of vs,
6 In regard of the Iewes it was pernicious.
7 In regarde of him selfe it was most grieuous.
8 Naturally we desire to bee pittied in distresse.
9 Death ioyned with infamie and reproach is most intollerable.
10 Iniuries were so much the more sencible to Christ, by how much hee had deserued the contrary.
11 The tormentes of Christ did not so grieue him, as to see that they did his tormentors no good.
12 Christ woulde not be prouoked to come downe from the crosse.
13 The loue that Christ bare to the crosse.
14 The dissimulation of the Iewes in saying they would beleeue Christ if he would come downe from the crosse.
15 It was not conueniēt that Christ [Page 129] should come downe.
16 Christ was neuer intreated to go vp to the crosse.
17 Riches, honour and life bestowed vpō the crosse for our redēptiō.
18 A Prayer.
19 The loue of Christ knowen by imparting to vs some part of his passiō.
20 It is the greatest glory of a christian to draw neere vnto Christ in likenes of life.
21 We must hold not only patience but loue with all men.
22 Patience is proued, not by auoiding but by enduring occasions.
23 The Iewes more tormented Christ by their blasphemies, then by their blowes,
24 Christ was more carefull for his enemies thē either for his friendes or for himselfe.
25 How wee are afflicted when any iniury is offered vnto vs.
26 Christ did pray for his enemies as an intercessour & plead for them as an aduocate.
27 The will of man is so peeuish and peruerse, that it is most safe to [Page] commit our selues to the will of God
AFter they had thus cruelly crucified Iesus, the high priests with the Scribes and Elders, and Pharisies; and after them (so daungerous are the euill examples 1 of Great men) the multitude which passed by, the Souldiers also that tormēted him, and one of the theeues that suffered with him, reuiled and blasphemed him; rending his reputation, and deprauing the doctrine that he had taught. One said, thou that destroyest the Temple and buildest it in three dayes saue thy selfe. Another bad him come downe [Page 130] from the crosse, and they would belieue in him. Another cried; Hee saued others, himselfe he cannot saue. Another; If thou be the son of God, come downe from the crosse. Another; Hee trusted in God, let him deliuer him if hee will haue him; for hee said, I am the sonne of God. He that suffered for all, had all against him. And whereas it is so naturall for a man to feele compassion, 2 when others like himself do suffer, that there is none so wicked and worthy of death, but men doe pitty him when he is at the point to die: Whereas euery good eye will expresse griefe, for those that lie in distresse; because there [Page] is no case of humaine calamity, which is not incident to our selues. These ministers or rather monsters of hell, did not onely solace themselues in the sorrowes and death of Christ, but vsed al malitious means to obscure his fame, and 3 discredite his doctrine: like men voide of vertue, and in some place of power, who support themselues by suppressing others. And if 4 good Iesus could haue lost any other thing, they would also haue endeauored to pul it from him.
Goe too, go too, you abortiue children of the Synagogue, 5 mocke on, good leaue haue you in regard of [Page 131] vs, double your malice in reuiling, if you please; you doe vs a greater pleasure hereby then you perceiue. For, looke bow fast his infamie doth grow, so fast doth our shame (assure you) decrease. Whatsoeuer could do vs good, he hath imparted vnto vs, and hath taken to himselfe whatsoeuer might doe vs harme. But in 6 regarde of your selues, O ye Iewes, it had beene better your tongues had been torne out of your throates, then they shoulde haue beene thus impiously imployed. All this insulting is like the putting of redde hote iron into colde water, a great noyse of extinguishing [Page] your selues. For, since you haue disauowed the God of your Fathers, and haue saide, you would haue no King but Caesar, since you haue saide, his bloud be vpon vs, and vpon our children; since you haue so maliciously, both persecuted his life, and reproched his death; your walles haue beene throwne downe, your temple burnt, your kingdome ruined; your selues eyther slaine, or captiuated, or chased into straunge countries; where you haue been hated and oppressed, and neuer suffered to knit into one body againe: which curse shall lie vppon you vntil the end of the worlde.
But in regard of thee, 7 O good Iesu, what can bee sufficiently said? To be so afflicted as neuer was any, it is exceeding much; to be despised and despighted in this affliction, what can bee more? In all calamities it is a kinde of comfort to find some compassion. Naturallie wee desire, if we cannot be deliuered, if wee cannot 8 be eased, yet to bee pittied; to see some who condole our miserie, who wish vs well, who want not the wil but the power to relieue vs. But, these bandogges of Sathan had vtterly exiled all sence of humanitie; they were so far from pitty, that they expressed [Page] great pleasure, in viewing the iniurious cruelty of thē selues, and calamitie of Christ. Againe, a generous heart is more touched with griefe, to see his enemies take pleasure at his death, then to endure it: yea, oftentimes a free and noble spirite esteemeth not 9 so much of death as of one spitefull speech. If therfore to liue with infamie bee worse then death, what is it then with infamie to die? Againe, these iniuries and despightes were so much more sencible to the Sonne of God, by how much more then others hee had deserued 10 the contrary. For, in all our calamities, it dooth [Page 133] much ease the paine which wee endure, to compare it with the fault which wee haue committed. But, because our Sauiour could compare these contempts, not with his fault, not with his innocency onely, but with his innumerable and inestimable deserts; hee did the more grieue at them, or rather at the malice from whence they did proceede. And further, his loue was so great for the saluation of 11 mens soules, that his tormentes were not so grieuous vnto him, as to see that they did his tormenters no good. It was worse then death, that his executioners would take no profite [Page] by his death: euen as a louing friend esteemeth lesse his labour for another, then to finde it vnprofitable, and not accepted: or as a good mother grieueth more, at the vngrateful and vngracious behauiour of her childe, then at the trauailes which she endured at his birth.
But what is this, O yee obstinate Iewes, which you importune the son of God to doe? would you haue him in earnest to come downe from the crosse? No, no: hee loueth it too wel; he was too 12 willing to come vnto it; his patience and his constancy were greater then so. The deuill might as easily haue [Page 134] perswaded him to cast himself headlong frō the pinacle of the tēple, as you can perswade him to come downe frō the crosse: he would neuer haue gone vp, if it had been conuenient so soon to come down. The crosse and hee were no new acquaintāce, they had bin affianced together 33. yeers before, & now they haue consūmated the mariage; he hath ioyned therwith, not his hands only, but also his feet. Therfore you are deceiued, O ye 13 Iews, you are altogther blinded with malice: hee is not fastened to the crosse, but he doth embrace it; he stayeth not because he is nailed, but rather because he is enamored. [Page] It is not aboue his power to come downe, but it is not agreeable to his pleasure. His loue to the Crosse was so exceeding great, that if all the Angels had entreated him on their knees if all mē had besought him with teares, he would neuer haue departed from it aliue. Not his bitter drinke, not his nakednesse, not his tormēts, not his death, not your perswasions, and which is more then all, not your ingratitude, coulde either hinder him from going vppe, or cause him to come downe: to saue others, himselfe hee would not saue. Although you tell him, that if he will come down you wil belieue [Page 135] him, yet will he not doe it; because hee knoweth you will not make good your word. O perfidious Iewes, 14 wherfore doe you lie vnto h [...]m, who knoweth your secrets beter then your selues? you that would not belieue him when he rose from the dead, wold you haue belieued if hee had come downe from the Crosse? was it a greater matter to descende from the crosse, then to arise out of the graue?
If thou be the son of God come down from the crosse. Nay, because 15 he is the son of God, it is not conuenient he should come down. If he had been one of the thieues, it had little concerned vs what hee [Page] had done; but beeinge the Sonne of God, what shold haue become vs, miserable wretches, if he had condescended to your infamous request? Howe then shoulde the prophesies haue bin fulfilled, the deuill vanquished and the whole world redeemed?
O crucified Iesus, what 16 loue hath ouercome? what goodnesse did guide thee? thou wert neuer intreated to goe vp to the crosse to redeeme vs, but thou wouldest bee neither perswaded not prouoked to come down from it, vntill thou haddest perfected oure redemption.
O crucified Iesu, on the crosse I loue thee, on the [Page 136] crosse I adore thee, on the crosse I belieue in thee, who vpon the crosse diddest giue thy selfe to death for me. What hath a man 17 more then riches, honour, and life? all which thou diddest bestow vpō the crosse to redeeme me For thou, whoe diddest create all things,Io. 1.3. 1, Philip. [...]. diddest hang naked vpon the crosse; thou, whoe diddest thinke it no robbery to bee equall with God, wert sorted with malefactors: thou,Io. 1:4. who art the Lord of life, diddest suffer a most opprobrious death. And that I may not loose this exceeding benefite, that thy precious bloud bee not vnprofitably 18 shed for mee, [Page] I prostrate my vnworthy soule, and cry vnto thee; not as the Iewes did, to come down from the crosse; but (which is more) to raise mee vp, and fasten me vnto 19 thee (For they whom thou louest, are knowne by nothing more, then by imparting to them some parte of thy passion) not to saue thy self, but to saue mee.
Saue me (O Lord) from my sinnes, saue mee from the power of my spirituall enemie; saue me from the deceipts of the wicked world, saue me from the flattering force of owne appetite, which is both the mightiest and basest Tyrant that can be. Defend the dignitie & [Page 137] glory of my soule, that it be not seruil to my sēsuall lust; that it be not captiuated to the familiarity of the false pleasures of this life: like a blind whelpe, which sucketh euery thing that is put into the mouth, supposing it to be the teat of the dam.
Deliuer me from variety of desires, from vaine hope, frome vayne feare: aboue all, deliuer mee from thy wrath, and from thy curse, and from the inseperable companion thereof, eternall death. Let one small drop of thy bloud distill into my soule, that I may present the same vnto thy Father, in full satisfaction of all my sinnes, Participate vnto [Page] me thy poor vnworthy seruant, the full fruit of thy death; here by grace, and hereafter by glory.
And to this ende, giue vnto me both ability, and endeauour, to follow these thy last examples; seeing it is the greatest glory wherto 20 a Christian can aspire, to draw as neere vnto thee in likenesse of life, as thou diddest vnto vs in likenesse of nature: according as thou diddest commaunde, when thou saidest: I haue giuen you an example, that as I haue done, Io. 13.15 so shoulde yee doe likewise.
Graunt therefore, that I 21 may hold patience & peace, yea loue with all men; not [Page 138] so much by auoiding occasions, both of anger, and hate (for that is a meane to couer, but not to cure my imperfections) as by sustaining them when they are presented to mee; euen in the presse, and throng of 22 the world, enuironed with Dragons, and treading vppon Scorpions: I mean, amiddest the daungerous conuersation with wicked persons, and against all occasions which can be offered. For, as the tree is not saide immoueable, which stirreth not when no wind bloweth: nor the wood incombustible, which burneth not when no fire touch it: so a man is not to bee iudged [Page] patient, who dooth not fret, fume, and foame, when no prouocation of iniurie is offered.
Therefore, if my friends forsake me, let mee not bee for that cause disquieted; seeing thou werte forsaken for my sake, not onely of thine acquaintance, but of thy Disciples also; yea, for a time of thy heauenly Father; and in regard of comforte and ease, of thy owne selfe. If men worke me iniurie or abuse, either in my estate, or estimation, let mee not therefore breake peace with them; seeing thou diddest pray for thy malitious and mortal persecuters. Euen then when they exercised [Page 139] vpon thee all cruelties 23 & contempts; when they breathed high blastes of blasphemie against thee, which were more painefull to thy heart, then the nailes were to thy hands, and thy feete: Then I say, omitting to comforte thy sorrowfull friends, omitting to cōplain of any thing done vnto thy selfe, thou wert careful for the saluation of thine enemies; thou wert more grieued for thine enemies, 24 then for thy friendes; thou wert more sensible of their torments thē of thine own. Noah cursed that sonne, who laughed at his nakednesse; Elizeus cursed those childrē, who mocked at his [Page] baldenesse: but thou diddest pray for those, who made thee naked; who solaced themselues, not at thy deformitie, but at thy death.
25 When a light iniurie is offered vnto vs, wee must commonly be expected, till time weareth out the impression of griefe; wee require also satisfaction, or submission, or at the least acknowledgement of abuse; whereby wee make remission, rather another mans vertue then our owne. but thou, in the middest of thy miseries, in the height of their iniuries, when thou coulde [...]t no [...] stirr [...] any o [...] [...] did l [...]bo [...] [...] [Page 140] thou diddest not onely pray for them, as an intercessor: 26 Father forgiue them: but also pleade for them, as an aduucate: For they knowe not what they doe. Assuredly, if Pilate coulde haue deliuered the Iewes to thy will, as hee permitted them to worke their will vpon thee, thou wouldest haue vsed them after a better sort; seeing the more obstinate they were to take away thy life, the more earnest wert thou to procure their pardon. 27 Considering therefore, that the wil of man is so peeuish and peruerse, I abandon my desires, and resigne my selfe wholy to thy will: for it is more safe for miserable [Page] man to commit himselfe to the will of God, then that God should bee committed to the will of man.
O Lord Iesu, O the saluation of my soule, beholde I come vnto thee, as a most poore and vile creature; I approach to the riuers of thy mercy, to the sweete streams of thy grace; to the true Sonne of thy iustice; whose beames are spreade ouer the whole worlde, & powreth large light vnto al those, who doe not shut their eyes against it. Behold I prostrate my vnworthie soule at thy feet; I doe not reuile, but I praise and adore thee: I doe not mocke, but I mourne at thy passion. [Page 141] O thou who wert pittifull to thine enemies, bee not hard to thy suppliants; thou who diddest pray for those who did reproch thee; pray for him (I pray thee) who prayeth vnto thee. Lift vp thy voice to thy Father for me; cease not to entreate him, that hee wil forgiue mee.
11 HOW Hee pardoned the thiefe, how he tasted Ʋineger and Gall, and how hee cried to his Father.
1 CHrist did declare himselfe to be both our aduocate and our Iudge.
2 Christ giueth more then wee do desire.
3 The conuersion of the thiefe as [Page 142] it was the last worke which Christ did in this life, so was it not the least.
4 What encouragements we haue to come vnto Christ.
5 Christ, accepteth our willingnes, our desire, our purpose for performance.
6 The goodnesse of Christ perfecteth that which we haue, and supplyeth that which me want.
7 VVho are to bee dismayed, whoe comforted at the iustice of Christ.
8 Noe sinner did euer turne vnto Christ and was reiected.
9 The different demaundes of the two thieues.
10 The different hearing of the woords of Christ.
11 How the kingdome of Christ is not of this world.
12 For all that wee can doe or suffer for Christ, we are to respect no worldly reward.
13 VVorldlings doe not pertaine vnto Christ.
14 A Prayer.
15 Christ hath annexed his grace [Page] to his griefe
16 The torments of Christ increased towards his death.
17 [...] is daungerous to determine what were the sufferinges of Christ.
18 Christ was depriued of all earth lie comfors.
19 Christ was depriued of all heauenlie comfort.
20 How Christ was forsaken of his Father.
21 How Martyres haue beene able to endure most exquisite torments
22 Wherefore the least torment in Christ might haue sufficed for redeeming many worlds.
23 Wherefore Christ would endure greater tormentes then can bee conceiued.
24 The disconsolate estate of Christ
25 Wherefore Christ was forsaken of hi [...] father.
26 A Thank [...]egiuing.
27 We are more bound to God for our redemption then for our creation.
28 We are to bee more thankeful [Page 143] for our redemption then for all other benefits.
29 A Prayer.
30 VV [...]erein the foundation of a Christian life doth consist.
31 Afflictions wherefore and howe they are assured signes of Gods fauoure
32 A seasoning for all the pleasures of this life.
33 If wee will succeede in the merites of Christ, wee must doe the like in his temperance, and in his trauailes.
34 It is more to moderate our desires then our actions.
I Am further encoraged (O my redeemer) to craue, not thy prayer only, but also thy pardon, by example of the thiefe whoe dyed with thee. Who, although he had spent all the [Page] time of his life, in open outragies, yet when he desired thee to be mindfull of him, thou diddest presently returne answere: This day shalt thou be with mee in Paradise. O sweete word! O hearte more yeeldable then waxe! truly, O Lord, thy lips are the hony comb; honey and 1 milke doe flowe from thy tonge. Thou diddest pray for sinners on the crosse, to shew thy selfe our aduocate: and thou diddest pardon sinnes, to shewe that thou art our iudge.
What is this? O liberall Lord, howe meruailous are thy mercies towards vs? our petitiones are no sooner made, but forthwith they [Page 144] are graunted; thou giuest more also then wee desire. The thiefe desired thee only 2 to remember him, and thou doest promise him the kingdome of heauen. But whē, O gracious Lord? that present day: with whome? euen with thy selfe. What wouldest thou then deny vs, O the sweetnesse of my soul, if we were to thee such seruants, as thou art vnto vs a Lord? seing thou art both so ready, and so bountefull to open offenders? Which, although it ought not to imbolden vs, to defer our repentance vntill the end of 3 our liues, (because this conuersion of the thiefe, as it was the last worke which [Page] thou didest in this life, so was it not the least) yet it may incourage vs, neuer to think, either our sinnes too great, or our time to short, to obtaine thy pardon.
Come vnto mee then, all 4 ye that are feeble hearted, and euer thinke you shal be damned; see what a louer of man he is and how desirous of our saluation; see how easie he is to be entreated, how ready to giue his glory at the first demand. He apprehendeth, he seeketh all occasions, hee desireth nothing more then to bestow it vpon vs. If yee will say, you haue done litle seruice, whereby you should hope for soe high a rewarde fear [Page 145] not, it sufficeth that you haue a desire to serue him. 5 This is a property of him that is liberall, and merciful, (For which vertues he is especially commended.) not so much to regarde the works of our bodies, as the willingnes of our minds.
He soe thristeth after the saluation of our soules, that he often accepteth our purpose for performance; it sufficeth many times that wee are prepared in will, the rest hee doth supply by his grace. His gratious goodnes 6 both perfecteth that which we haue, & supplieth whatsoeuer wee want.
Bee not therefore dismaied 7 at his terrible Iustice, [Page] but rather comforted. Let them feare, who are flintie hearted, who will not conuer [...] and come vnto him; who follow vanities freelie, who doe boldly sinne, and then say, What euill haue I done? Let thē tremble, who are so farre from calling vpon him, that they wil not know him: it is dreadfull for such to fal into his hāds. But they who are smitten with sorrow for their sins, they who rise, and returne vnto him, let them be confident; for hee that hath drawne them will assuredly 8 receiue them. It is not the thiefe alone who was receiued, but, let al sinners be brought forth, & ther cānot [Page 146] any one be named, were he neuer so greate, who conuerted to him and was not iustified: He so loueth cōuerted sinners, that if it were necessarie so to do, he would rather suffer death again, then consent that one of them should be damned.
O happy thiefe, how pleasant were thy paines? how delightfull was thy death vnto thee? being assured, that thou shouldest forthwith raigne with him in heauē, who suffered with thee, & for thee vpon earth. The other thiefe demanded of Christ to bee deliuered 9 from the Crosse; but the cōuerted thief, hauing heard him openly professe, that [Page] his kingdome was of another worlde, desired no bodily benefite, but onely to bee remembred of him, whē hee came into his kingdom. Pilate in his tribunall, the people standing by, and the 10 thiefe in fetters heard these wordes of Iesus alike; but hereupon Pilate contemned him, the multitude mocked him, the thiefe onelie did belieue him.
Seeing then, O good Iesu, thy kingdome (thou hast 11 said) is not of this worlde, what shall I aske? what shal I hope for of thee, that this worlde doth affoord? If I aske honour, riches, creadite, quiet, thou maiest send mee for them to the [Page 147] Princes of this worlde; or else aunswere me, as thou diddest the sonnes of Zebedeus; Mat. 10 38. You aske you know not what. There is another world, whereof thou (& no other) art King; whereby we are giuen to vnderstand, that for all the seruices which we can doe, for al the aduersities which we suffer for thy sake, we are to expect 12 no worldly rewarde. Because thou so esteemest those who loue thee, that to rewarde one of them alone, thou thinkest the whole worlde not to be sufficient: and for no other cause diddest thou come into this world, and suffer for vs, but to take vs into an other [Page] worlde to raigne with thee. 13 Seeing therefore I esteeme of my selfe, because I am thine; and thou hast saide, thou hast nothing in this world; I dare not be a worldling, for then I shall not bee thine. I will not eyther praise or desire the cōmodities of this life, but doe crie vnto thee with the happie thiefe, Lord remember me now thou art in thy kingdome. 14 Remember not my iniquities, remēber not my errours, but remember that I am a fraile and feeble creature; remember that I am the worke of thy hands, remember that thou gauest mee a spirite to thine own likenes; remēber that thou [Page 148] tookest flesh, like vnto me. Remember al the miseries, which for me thou hast endured; remember thy goodnesse, not my euill; not the greatenesse of my sins, but thy grieuous sufferinges. Lord, I desire not with the other thiefe, to bee freede from the crosses, and calamities of this life; giue mee rather thy griefe, and so shal 15 I be sure to haue therewith also thy grace. For vnto none hast thou imparted thy loue, vnto whom thou hast not also imparted thy labour; and with none doest thou communicate thy griefe, but thou doest therwith communicate thy grace.
THOV ART A LILLIE AMIDDEST MANIE THORNES: thou canst not be attained with idle ease. Wee must endure not only labour, but smart, if we wil enioy thee. If wee will haue thy head, it is crowned with thorns; if thy hart, it is pierced, with a speare; if thy handes and thy feet, they are strooke through with nailes. THOV ART A LILLIE AMIDDEST THE THORNES.
Now, the neerer Christ 16 drew towardes his death, the heauier was his Fathers hand, the waightier his wrath, the more stripes did bee double vpon him. In the garden of Gethsemanie [Page 149] he cried to his father; Father, if it be possible let this cup passe from me: but now, feeling that which then hee feared; the storm now breaking vpon him, which did but then begin to appeare; hee cried againe; My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken mee? At both these times, 17 what were eyther his feelings, or his feares, what the tormentes of his body, what the anguish of his soule, it is daungerous to define; Wee know them not, wee may be too aduenterous to determine of them. But, to be altogether abandoned in these extremities, to haue no comfort affoorded, no care taken; to be bereaued, [Page] not onely of the helpe, but of the pitty of all, which in some degree euery man dooth finde, seemeth to bee the accomplishment of miserie. First, hee was depriued 18 of all earthly comfort; For of his Disciples, some betrayed, and solde him; others forswore him; all fell away, and fled from him. And as for the people among whome hee liued, working miracles, and doing all the good that hee could, it was they who preferred Barabbas before him; it was they, who in the middest of his miserable estate, did most insolently insulte vpon him. It was they who when he cried out, Eli, Eli, [Page 150] did in a barbarous sorte deride him, as if he had called for Elias; it was they, who, when with extreame faintnesse, and paines, when by reason of the large losse of his bloud hee did thirst, not onely denied him a droppe of water,Luk. 16 as Abraham denied to the rich glutton in hel, but gaue him gal to redouble his tormente. Secondly, 19 hee was depriued of all heauenly comforte, which is the true lenitiue in al dolorous distresse. And this was the cause of his heauie crie; not that his friends, but that his father did then forsake him; not that earth, but that heauē did not yeeld him any comfort. The heauenly [Page] Father did then forsake his innocent, and only 20 sonne, and yet was not the vnion betweene them dissolued. Hee dissolued not the vnion, but withdrewe his vision; and restrained the influēce of those beams, which might any way refresh the passioned powers of his soule.
Many Martyrs haue 21 beene assailed with terrible tormentes, which they did not only quietly, but cherefully endure. Wil you know the reason? They were not deliuered, indeed, but therewith also, they were not forsaken. For, the grace of God did minister vnto them, such sweet, and secret supply of [Page 151] comforte, that they tyred their tormentours, in sustaining all extremities, which mercilesse tyranny could execute or inuēt. But in Christ, although in regarde of his infinite dignity (for that is it which setteth this sacrifice at so high a price) the least torment, although only in body might haue sufficed 22 for redeeming manie worldes; yet would he not onely suffer greater tormentes then can bee conceiued; partly to manifest 23 thereby his exceeding loue, in making our redemption so aboundant (for, the lesse he had suffered, the lesse would his loue haue beene esteemed) partly to awake [Page] our regard, and to leaue vs inexcusable if wee loue him not againe: to stirre vs also to settle in him our assurance, and hope, especially in our tribulations, & most especially when wee suffer 24 for his sake. But further, he excluded all consolation from him; hee receiued no comfort, eyther from heauen, or from the earth, eyther frō his father, or from himselfe: euen as it is in the Psalme;Psal. 38 I looked aboute me, and there was none to comforte me. His naked body was left desolate & forlorn, like a weather-beaten tree; the force and furies of hell, tempestuous vpon him; the influence of cōfort restrained [Page 152] from his reliefe. His apostles had forsaken him before; but here he was forsaken of his heauenly Father, and in a manner of his his owne selfe. O forsaken lest, expect not what 25 aunswere thy Father will make, we miserable sinners are able to aunswere to this thy question: thy Father hath forsaken thee, to saue the worlde, which otherwise had perished; to saue those who were both sinners and seruāts, he did forsake his innocent sonne.
O mercifull Father, let euery knee bowe, let euerie 26 tongue poure forth praises vnto thee; for that in fauour of me, thou hast not [Page] spared thine onely sonne; but diddest fastē vpon him these bitter blowes, to satisfie thy iustice for my transgressions, and that I might haue him a faithfull Aduocate before thee in heauen. 7 How much more am I boūd vnto thee, O my God, for this benefit of my redemptiō, then for the great work of my creation? Thou diddest create mee when I was nothing, but thou diddest redeeme mee when I was worse then nothing: thou diddest create mee by thy worde, but thou diddest redeeme mee with the bloude of thine onely sonne: In my creation I was made to the image of God; but in my redemption, [Page 153] God was made according to my image: In my creation thou diddest giue vnto me the state of Nature, but in my redemption thou diddest giue vnto me the state of grace: when thou diddest create mee, thou diddest giue vnto mee my selfe, but when thou diddest redeeme mee, thou diddest giue thy sonne vnto me: when thou diddest create me, thou diddest giue me to my selfe; but whē thou diddest redeeme mee, thou diddest take mee vnto 28 thee. O my God, a thousand times more I thanke thee for my redemption, thē for all thy other benefites beside: for if I had not been [Page] redeemed, all thy other benefites shoulde haue beene to me a burthen, & charge. And I most humbly beeseech thee, by this thy great 29 goodnesse tow [...]rdes vs, by this obedience of thy sonne towardes thee, to giue vnto me thy grace, that I may also bee pittifull for the miseries which fall vpon others, and patient in those which are laide vppon my 30 selfe; in which two pointes, the foundation of a Christian life doth consist.
Grant also, that in al the distresses of this life, I neuer loose, or let fal my confidence in thee: seeing, that when thy sonne had cried in his extremities; My God, [Page 154] my God, why hast thou forsaken mee? he presentlie resumed his confidence, and saide; Father, into thy handes I commend my spirit. For, aduersities 31 and afflictions are sure signes, not alwaies that wee are forsaken of thee, but most often that wee are in thy grace and fauour;Heb. 12. [...] being therby made (though in a low degree) somewhat like to thy beloued sō. who, perceiuing vs to be terrified by troubles & death, did take thē vpon himselfe, to blesse & sanctifie them, and season thē with some sweetnes; that we should not only endure, but reioice and triumph, in & for our afflictions. Hee hath now made [Page] aduersities, the straight passage and entrance into heauen; death is now no more death, but the leader vnto life. The diuine Iustice permitteth not any of our offences to escape without punishiment: seeing therefore thy children haue many imperfections, there is no greater comforte vnto them, then to bee scourged in this worlde; there is no greater punishment in this life, then in this life not to bee punished. There is no sacrifice more acceptable vnto thee, then a troubled and afflicted heart; there is no truer token, and lesse to be suspected (bee our other seruices neuer so many and [Page 155] great) both of thy loue towardes vs, and of our loue towardes thee, then quie [...]ly to endure the calamities of this life; not as hauing no sence of thy hand, but by subduing our naturall both reason and will to thine obedience. If it bee for our offences that we suffer, let vs take it patiently, and repent, and then wee suffer with the saued thiefe: If it be without offence, let vs take it patiently, and reioyce, for then wee suffer with Christ himselfe: who hath giuen vs such an example in suffering for vs, that it must needs seeme little, that wee can suffer for him.
Grant also, O gracious 32 [Page] God, that the vinegar and gal whereof thy son tooke a tast, may bee to mee a seasoning of all the pleasures of this life; that I may bee restrained thereby from running into excesse, and from drowning the life of my soule in bodily delights. For goodly christians they are, who, knowing what a sowre sauce was tempered for Adams apple, will follow their appetites with full saile; stuffing their stomackes with all kind of delicates, and in one acte of eating, both consume, and 33 be consumed. I aduise thee, O my soule, yea I doe most strictly charge and enioyn thee, that as thou desirest [Page 156] to succeede in the merites of thy Sauiour, so thou refuse not to doe the like, both in his temperance, and in his trauails; seeing it is agreeable to all lawes, that whosoeuer will enter vpon an inheritance, hee cannot enioy the commodities without the charge. Thy Sauiour woulde leaue that which seemed necessarie, that thou shouldest leaue what is superfluous; for thou shalt finde in thy generall account, that thou hast stolne so much from the poore, as thou hast bestowed superfluouslie vpon thy selfe. If thou wilte say, thou enioyest not many pleasures, either [Page] to moderate or forsake, see then that thou weane thy 34 will from pursuing them by desire. For in the house of our Lord it is much more esteemed, to ouercome our wil, in that which we desire, then to [...]et light by that which we possesse: beca [...]se the pleasures and contentments of this life, seeme far greater in shew, then in substance they are found.
Lastly, O my God, graunt vnto me thy vnworthy seruant, I beseech thee, that at the separation of my miserable soule, from the fetters of my flesh, I may spend my last breath with these wordes of my Sauiour, Father, into thy handes, I commende [Page 157] my spirite. Comfort me then with the vertue of his passion; which is, life to the dead, pardon to the wicked, and glorie to the Saintes: that e [...]ding the last minute of my life in the middest of his woundes, in the very depth of his death and bloud, I may confidently commit my soule, & thou receiue it readily into thy hands. Heauenly Father, receiue the sweet soule, which thy sonne hath offered obediently vnto thee: Receiue, I say, thy precious son for a ransome, and withall receiue thy seruaut whome hee hath redeemed. For as he died in thine obedience, so died hee also for my redemption. [Page] I haue nothing to offer vnto thee but his death, nothing but his bloud, and the loue wherewith he gaue vs his bloud. His soule he hath committed vnto thee; but vnto vs hee hath giuen his bloude. This is all our treasure, this is our assured trust: whereof we wil not rerurn, so much as one droppe vnto thee, vnlesse it be in exchāge of euerlasting life.
§ 12. HOVV Hee died, and how they opened his side with a Speare.
1 Contraries combined together in Christ.
2 Christ at his death declared what hee was.
3 In all the actions of Christ, his diuinitie & his humanitie did appeare.
4 VVherefore the sunne was darkened
5 Mention remaineth at this day of the rocks which did rend.
6 The power of Christ did not end with his life.
7 Of the greate voice, and cry of [Page] Christ.
8 A ray [...]r,
9 How powerfull, and terrible Christ will be in iugement.
10 Of our account for the bloude of Christ.
11 VVhat the rending of the vale of the Temple did signifie.
12 Christ [...] would haue nothing hiddē
13 A Prayer.
14 VVhat was signified in that some deade were restored to life.
15 VVhat Christ did giue vpon the Crosse.
16 That which man purposeth to one end, God often times disposeth to another.
17 The Centurions confessions.
18 One drope of Christs bloud might haue sufficed for all the damned in hell.
19 Our teares turned into ioye.
20 VVhat this sacrifice was to Christ, what to his Father, and what to vs.
21 VVee got more by the death of Christ then wee lost by the fall of Adame.
[Page 159] 22 A thankesgiuing and prayer.
23 No part of Christ body was lest vnsmitten.
24 The misteries of Christs sufferings cannot be conceiued.
25 The bloud of Christ was a most pretious thing.
26 VVhat quantitie of this precious bloud, Christ gaue for vs.
27 One drop of Christs bloud might haue beene a large price for all things in heauen and in earth.
28 VVe are double debters vnto Christ.
29 Ghrist alone is sufficient for [...]
30 Christ doth not onely helpe, [...] guide those that come vnto hi [...].
31 The Iewes were scrupulous in small matters, but of no conscience in matters of weight,
32 The nature of sinners in a desperate degree.
AFter, when Iesus knew that al things were performed, hee cryed with a [Page] greate voyce, and bowed his heade, Io, 19.30 and gaue vp the Ghost. And the sunne was darkened, and the vaile of the Temple rent through the midst, Luc. 23. Math., 27 and the earth did quake, and the stones were cl [...]uen, and the graues did open, and many bodies of the Saintes which slept, arose, and came out of the graues after his resurrection, and appeared vnto many. When the Centurion, and they that were with him, watching Iesus, sawe the earthquake, and the things that were done they feared greatly, and saide: Mar. 15. truly, this man was the Sonne of God.
1 What is this? O gratious God; whoe euer sawe two such contraries combined together? whoe euer sawe [Page 160] such misery ioyned to such might? when was so greate glory accompanied at any time with so great griefe? whoe is hee that is soe humbled, and yet so high? whoe is so powerfull, and yet soe poore? Hee that is contemned vpon earth, is honoured in heauen; hee that is fastened naked to a crosse, maketh the earth to quake; hee that dyeth, raiseth the dead to life. O sweete Sauiour, 2 thou didst now manifestly declare, both whoe thou art, & wherefore thou camest into the world.
The Centurion, and they whoe were with him, did acknowledge thee to bee the Sonne [Page] of God; and the dead whoe were raised to life, did testifie that thou camest to ouercome death. Wee will make smal reckoning therefore, that the Iewes did scoste at thee, seeing the heauens, the earth, the liuing, and the dead, did witnesse with thee.
And thus likewise, in all the other passages of his life, our Sauiour did so bear and behaue himselfe, that he neuer did, either so high a mericle, but therein his humanity did apear, or so meā a work, but h [...]s diuinitie did therein shine. All his actiōs participated of both his natures; in euerie thing which hee did or suffered, [Page 161] the glory of the one, was alwaies ioyned with the humility of the other. It was great humility to be conceiued, but it was greate glory to bee conceiued by the holy Ghost. It was great humilitie to bee borne, but it was great glory to be born of a virgine; It was greate humilitie to bee borne in a stable, but it was greate glory to bee worshipped of the wise men. It was great humilitie to lie among beasts, but it was great glory to be honored of the angels: It was greate humilitie for him to bee circumcised, but it was great glory to be named Sauiour▪ It was great humilitie to bee baptised amonge [Page] siners, but it was great glory that the heauēs opened, that the Father spake vnto him, and that the spirit visibly descended vpon him. Lastly, it was great humilitie to dye vpon the crosse, but it was great glory that both heauen ann earth, were disturbed thereat; that all creatures adored his death, except man only for whome hee dyed. Of the one of these the prophet Esay saith; Hee hath neither forme nor beauty, Cap, 53 2 he is despised and reiected of men, hee is a man of sorrowes, and hath experience of infirmities: Io. 1, 14. Of the other Saint Iohn speaketh: And we sawe the glory thereof, as the glory of the only begotten [Page 162] sonne of the Father. By the first, our wil is subdued, and our manners corrected; by the second, our vnderstanding is enlightened, and our faith confirmed. If therefore this humility of Christ bee offensiue vnto vs, let vs turne our eyes to all the particular circumstances thereof; and we shal finde it not vnworthy, that with so great Maiesty hee was humbled.
First, the Sunne, beholding his Creator naked, drew in his light to couer him with darkenesse; which being vpon the day of the full moone, could not proceed frō an ordinary cause; but, as our Sauiour was betrayed, 4 [Page] apprehended, scorned, reuiled, spat vpon and buffeted in the night, so it was not inconuenient, that the residue of this worke of darkenesse should in darkenesse be accomplished: euen as he had said to the Iews; this is your very houre, and the power of darkenesse. Luk. 22 52. And when he cried with a great voyce, and yeelded vp his spirite, 5 the earth trembled also, and the rockes did rend; whereof in the land of Iewrie, in the kingdome of Damasco, and in the mountaines of Arabia, mention remaineth vntill this day.
Therefore do not think (O ye Iewes) that as his life doth end, so you haue also [Page 163] extinguished his power; 6 hee that hath laid down his life, retaineth power, both in the heauens, and vpon the whole earth: and it is a lesse matter for him to rise againe, then it was to suffer himselfe to die. You cannot say, that these thinges which happened at the very instant of his death, were done by any ordinary meanes: Wherevpon you must acknowledge, eyther in him diuine Maiesty, or deuelish malice in your selues. O good Iesu, it 7 was a great voice, indeed, wherat the principal powers of Heauen, Earth, and Hell did shake; which did astonish the liuing, and [Page] the deade. As the crie of our sinnes did reach vnto the iustice of thy Father, so did thy voyce reach vnto his mercy. Thou diddest crie with a great voyce, to call the liuing, and summon the dead; that if any should loose himselfe, if any should not bee conuerted vnto thee, it shoulde not bee, because hee was not called, but because hee would not come.
But woe bee vnto euery soule, which is not conuerted, which will not come; woe bee vnto euery soule which is not moued at this mighty voice. O crucified Iesu, haue mercy 8 vpon mee, poore sinner, [Page 164] prostrate before thee, and let my humble voyce enter into thine eares, that thy mighty voyce may sinke into my soule. Giue vnto mee a true touch at these thy sufferinges; both [...] compassion (as it is reason, that the mēbers should condole with the heade) and also of feare. That my minde bee not more heauy then the earth, which did tremble; that my heart be not more harde then the stones, which did cleaue; and that my soule bee not more sleepie then the dead, which did arise, at the power of thy passion. O greate Redeemer of the worlde, if all creatures did feare [Page] 9 thee, hanging vpon the crosse, what will they doe when thou shalt come to iudgement? If thou werte so potent in thy greatest debility, what wilt thou be in thy greatest glory? If these effectes did accompanie the worke of thy mercy, and the voyce of thy loue, wherewith thou diddest call al men to come vnto thee; what wil the worke of thy iustice doe, and the voyce of thy fury; departe from mee yee cursed into euerlasting fire? I am much afraid O good Iesu, of the strict accompt wherewith I shal bee charged at that day, what aduantage I haue 10 made of thy bloud, whereof [Page 165] I shall yeelde a slender reckoning, seeing I haue scarse retained it in memorie. Because, so much as I do loue and cherish my self, so much doe I forget thee; and [...]s no lesse fault, not to make profite of thy bloud, then it was to shed it. Sweet Sauiour, let thy precious bloude alwayes streame within my soule, that all my thoughts may bee bathed therein; let all actions bee to me, either valuable or vile, according as they participate thereof; let mee be carefull for nothing more, then that I bee not careful for my felfe, in matters of this life; let mee feare thy iustice now, that then I [Page] may bee confident in thy mercies.
Now, in that the vaile, 11 which did hang in the middest of the Temple, did also rend from the toppe to the bottome, what [...] the obstinate Iewes pretende, that all their mysteries are not laide open? that all their signes are not verefied? that all their ceremonies are not at an ende? The vaile of the Temple was torne at the death of Christ, and the Temple it selfe was beaten downe in shorte time after; and coulde neuer since, nor euer shall bee againe repaired. The transgressors of the law, by killing the giuer of the law, [Page 166] haue discouered the secrets, and finished the ceremonies of the lawe. They may still seperate themselues with the vaile of malice, and of ignorance, but with the vaile of the lawe they cannot. The vaile of the law cannot couer him, who did hang naked beecause hee would bee seene. O how happy are we that 12 haue Iesus Christ for our God, whose pleasure is that nothing shoulde bee hidden. There is no God like our God, who sheweth that which is secrete, and openeth that which is shut; who instructeth vs, what is necessary, & what is needlesse, eyther to doe, or to [Page] auoide. What desirest thou, O my foule, to see of him, which he hath not manifested vnto thee? If thou wilt see his workes, looke vpon the world; if thou wilt see his wil, read the Gospel. He hath not onely shewen thee his flesh, but hath opened also his heart vnto thee. He was borne in a common Inne, that all might make resort vnto him; he suffered vpon an open mount, that all might set their sight vppon 13 him. O my Redeemer, rende from my heart the vaile of carelessenesse and contempt, that I may bende it to beholde the secrets which thou hast opened. Breake also the [Page 167] vaile of grosse dulnesse; for so long as my soule shall be couered therewith, it is impossible for mee to see thee.
So then, this rending of the vaile is a testimonie vnto vs, that the law is accomplished▪ and that wee are freed, as from the strict obseruation, so from the seuere sentence of the same. B [...]t, O good Iesu, O greate redeemer of soules, what 14 greater testimony can wee desire, that death was put to death, by the force of thy death, then that many bodies which death had vnder the key of his power, did rise out of their graues? For if they had been still subiect vnto death, they could neuer [Page] haue brake from his arrest. O glorious death, which tooke life frō death; who woulde euer haue expected, that one death could haue slaine another? Who did euer see before, a mā fast bound, vanquish one that was at liberty? a naked man, one that was apparelled & armed? a wounded man, one that was sounde? a dead mā, one that was in life? Oh! how presētly woldest thou make proofe, of the value of thy blood, and how far the force of thy death did extend; seeing that vpon the crosse thou diddest giue, to the thiefe, glory; and life 15 vnto the dead. What is not he able to do, who giueth [Page 168] glory to the dying, & life to the dead? He wil neuer take away life from those that liue, who came to restore the dead to life.
Finally, as thou diddest manifest thy diuine working, in that the high priest, who consulted against thee, did prophesie that thou shouldest die for the people; in that Iudas, who betrayed thee, did acknowledge thee to be innocēt; in that Pilate, who condemned thee, declared that he found no faulte in thee: so diddest thou the like, in that the Centurion, who watched thee, confessed that thou werte the Sonne of GOD. Heereby wee [Page] 16 may plainly see the blindenesse of our iudgement, and the weakenes of our power; because that which mā doth purpose for one ende, thou doest oftentimes dispose to another.Exo. 1.10 Whē Pharaoh saide, come, let vs work wisely; thē did his foolishnesse most appeare; and when the Iewes supposed to deale most sure against thee, then was their deuise most of al disappointed. For they had procured the Centurion to guarde thee; but thou diddest vse him to confes thee. He confessed 17 that thou wert man; (This man:) he cōfessed that thou wert God (was the sonne of God:) he cōfessed that thou wert iust; (This was a iust [Page 169] man.) He confessed thy diuinity, thy humanity, & thy innocency; which is so high and perfect a confession, that the Angels haue not more to acknowledge, nor men to belieue.
Now, the malice of the executioners was so implacable against Iesus, that this cruell death was not sufficient to asswage it; but after he had voluntarily laide down his life and soule for vs, one of them, (violating the lawe of mercy, against him, whoe neuer violated the lawe of Iustice) stroke him into the side with a speare, and forthwith there gushed out water & blood; water to cleanse, and bloud [Page] to cure all our infirmities.
18 O blessed streame, where of one small drop is sufficient to satisfie all our thirst; whereof, if one small drop had fallen into hell, all the damned might thereby haue 19 beene saued. Weepe nowe no more, O my soule, but reioyce and sing praises; for now the gates of hel are beaten downe, and the chaines of death are broken in sunder. Now is the Cherubim, who kept the entrance into paradise with a fiery sword, remoued from his charge; Christ hath receiued the wound of that sword, the water which issued out of his side hath quenched that fire. Nowe is the porte [Page 170] of righteousnes opened; as by man came death, so now by man came life into the world. This is the houre which was so often promised, so many waies prefigured, soe long expected, soe much desired. By this worke, the wrath of God is appeased, the heauens are repaired, the earth is renewed; our sinnes are cleansed, our enemies vanquished, & our soules deliuered. Although this sacrifice was 20 costly to him, yet was it grateful to his Father, & to vs profitable. It is more glorious vnto himself, that hee reigneth in heauen; but it is more helthfull vnto vs, that he did hang vpō the crosse. [Page] To him, this was a day of the fiercenes of gods wrath; but to vs, it was a day of the fulnesse of his fauour: In respect of that hee suffered, this was indeed a heauy day, but in respect of that he obtayned for vs, it was a day of Saluation. For, it doeth not only free vs from that punishment, which by our sinnes we had incurred, but it doth restore vs to that happy state, whereof wee were disseised by our sinnes. By his death as hee was our sacrifice, we are acquitted frō destruction: by his death, as he was our high Priest (for he was both our sacrifice & our Priest) wee are aduaunced to a most high and happy [Page 171] condition. Not the same wherof we were dispossessed 21 by our sinnes, but to a farre more excellent estate. Our sins dispossessed vs of Paradise, vpon earth, but his death doth intitle vs to the kingdome of heauen. His bloud is not only the bloud of remission, to discharge vs of our Sinnes; but it is also the bloud of the testament, to bequeath vnto vs the inheritance of heauen.
Haile, holy wound of my Sauiours side; the entrance to his heart, the issue of his [...]oue. Haile, holy riuer of Paradise; the veine of liuing water, the true treasure of the Church. Haile, O window of the heauenly Arke; 22 [Page] whereinto whosoeuer ent [...] reth, shall escape the vniuersall inundation of God wrath. Open vnto mee thi [...] gate, O Lord, and receiu [...] mee into thy bosome t [...] dwell; euen into the secre [...] closet of thy loue. I ador [...] thee: O my Lord Iesu [...] Christ; the king of glorie the prince of peace, the eternall vertue and wisedo [...] of the Father. I adore thee the ioy of Heauen, th [...] hope of earth, the life an [...] light of all the worlde: th [...] ease of them that labour the comfort of those tha [...] are afflicted, the aduocate [...] sinners, the ioy of the iust, adore thee, the greate redeemer of mankinde, th [...] [Page 172] peace-offering, the acceptable sacrifice; who, by expēce of thy bloude, hast inclined thy Father, to looke vpon our miseries, and heare our cryes.
O heire of heauen, O the glory of the blessed, what [...]oue is this which thou [...]earest to the world, that for it, thou shouldest not [...]oue thy selfe? that thou wouldest loose thy life for [...]hose, who hated thee vnto the death? Thy blessed bo [...]y was made an Anuile; all thy sences, all thy members were loaden with blowes: no part was left vnsmitten, [...]n working out the saluation of thine enemies. Before 23 thy death, thy skinne and [Page] thy flesh were torne with whips, thy head rent with thornes, thy hands and thy feete wounded with nailes: nowe after thy death, thy heart and thy bowels were pierced with a speare. This 24 is a high mysterie, all words forsake vs, it cannot bee expressed so liuely as it should In silence wee may both admire and adore it: but, no [...] our words, not our thoghts can reach vnto it. What wo [...] thy thanks thē can we giue vnto thee (O blessed Sauiour) who wert plunged in this mire of miseries, to draw our soules out of the mire of Sinne? Thou diddes [...] buy our soules, with th [...] price of thy bloud: and if any [Page 172] thing could haue beene 25 more precious, a more precious thing thou wouldest haue giuen for vs. But what quantitie of his bloud did he giue? O my soul, dispute 26 not whether it were little or much, seeing he hath giuen for thee all that he had. Hee hath poured forth his bloud to thee without count, and wilt thou haue a reckoning of it? he gaue it not in that measure, because he would giue no more; but because he had no more to giue.
O most liberal Lord, how prodigall wert thou of thy precious blood? If thou wouldest haue paide for vs according to our worth, if thou haddest esteemed vs [Page] [...] [Page 172] [...] [Page] no better then our merit, it is certaine, that of one drop halfe had beene to much: but to manifest thy loue, and to make our redemption the more aboundant, thou diddest poure forth euery 27 droppe vnto vs. One drop of thy blessed blood woulde haue beene a large price for all thinges, in heauen and in earth; and yet wouldest not thou, for our sake, reserue one drop thereof to thy selfe.
28 O most liberal Lord, thou hast bound me to thee in a double debt, both for giuing thy soule to death for mee, and for restoring mine to life. For restoring my soule, I haue nothing but [Page 174] the same which I can iustly giue thee; but for giuinge thy sweet soul to death for me, there is nothing in man which can worthily be rendered: the heauen, the earth and all their furniture, are lesse thē nothing in comparisō therof. We can but loue thee, we can but laud thee; & this we cānot do but by thy gift. Helpe me therefore, O louing Lord, that I may be able to loue and laud thee, that I may die to my selfe and to all creatures for loue of thee: that my soule may adhere only vnto thee, vpon whom her forces do depend. I adore thee, O my strength and my redeemer, I repose all my confidence [Page] in thee; all my desires (after my imperfect maner) aspire vnto thee. I bow my soule to thy blessed passion, and with reuerence I salute thy rosie wounds. I adore thy blood, thy death, thy buriall, thy victorious resurrection, thy ascention into glory: by these I am refreshed; from these I draw the breath of life. O my Sauiour, I desire thee only; I offer my self wholy vnto thee. I want nothing I wish nothing but onely thee; for 29 thou alone art sufficient for mee. Thou art my King, thou art my Lord, my tutor, my gouernour, my father; the paradise of my hart, the nest wherein my soule [Page 175] resteth, the hauen wherein it is saued, the glasse where in it beholdeth it selfe; the staffe whereby it stayeth, the stone whereon it standeth, the treasure whereto it trusteth. Who is so liberal as he? who hath giuen himselfe for so vile a creature? who is so louing as he, who hath not spared himselfe for his very enemies?
O most liberall and louing Lord, whoe despisest none that come vnto thee; 30 but doest rather help him, but dost rather preuēt him; but rather dost accompany him, doest follow him, dost leade him in the way. Receiue my loose, my lost soule, which seeketh after [Page] thee; raise mee, by the vertue of thy passion, from the death of sinne: and by the same vertue indue mee with wisdom and strength, that by the one I may preuent, and by the other resist the attempts of my most daungerous enemies, the flesh, the world, and the diuell. The flesh, idle and voluptuous; the world, vaine and curious; the diuell, subtill and malicious. Graunt vnto mee, by the same vertue, I beseech thee, that the yoake of thy commaundements may be sweete, that the burthen of thy crosse may be light vnto mee; that I may contemne the transitory trifles of this worlde; [Page 176] that I may not weakely yeeld eyther to the calamities or pleasures of this life; but that with vnmoueable mind, I may beare the one, and forbeare the other.
All this was done against Iesus, vpon the day of the preparation of the passeouer. And, because the day following was a high Sabboath, the Iewes desired of Pilate, that the crucified bodies might not remain vpō the crosse; being very scrupulous in small matters, but of wide and brokē consciences 31 in matters of weight. Against Iesus they made particular suit, that his sepulchre shoulde bee made sure for three dayes, least [Page] his bodie might be taken away; because hee had saide, that within three daies, hee would arise againe to life. So they set a guarde vpon his body, and sealed the stone vpon the mouth of the sepulchre. But, when hee that would not descend from the crosse, did rise out of his graue; when he had broken the chains of death; when he was returned, with Daniel, out of the Lions den; and with Ionas, out of the Whales belly: they corrupted the watch to giue forth, that whilst they slept, his disciples came and stole him away and this was the accomplishment of their malice; this did set them altother [Page 177] without excuse. This is also the nature of sinners in a desperate degree; whatsoeuer 32 sinne they are not able by some colour to defend, they will endeauour by any other sin to conceale.
§. 13 Againe of the grieuousnesse of sinne, and what means God vseth to withdraw vs from the same.
1 AN inference of Gods iustice.
2 The conuersation which God expecteth from vs.
3 The punishments that are appointed for the wicked.
4 The manifolde meanes which God vseth for our conuersion.
5 The first meanes is the lawe of nature.
[Page 178] 6 Of the naked nature of vertue and of vice.
7 Of the feare wherewith sinners are afflicted.
8 Of the shame which doth attend vpō sinne.
9 Of the remorse of conscience.
10 The second meanes to withdraw vs from sin, is the holie scripture.
11 The scriptures were formerlie written in the booke of nature,
12 Thre natural principles of the iudgement of God.
13 The 3. means to draw vs from sinne, are the positiue lawes of euery state.
14 The fourth meanes are the instructions and examples which God hath giuen vs.
15 The secret meanes which God vseth to reteine vs from Sinne.
16 The Sacramentes are also a meane to stay vs from sinne.
17 The Prayers of all the faithfull do labour for vs to this end.
18 All creatures are meanes to diswade vs from Sinne.
19 The flatteries and smothings of [Page] sin.
20 God is the same in iustice that euer he hath been.
21 Sinne is more odious to God, thē the diuell.
22 The diuel is an excellēt creature if it were not for Sinne.
23 Wherefore sinne is most detestable vnto God
24 [...]wo principall causes of sinne.
25 The forbearance of God, is noe discharge.
26 The way to heauen is narrow & harde.
27 Nothing can bee saide in God, eyther greater or lesser.
28 Gods workes of iustice seeme to exceede his works of mercy
29 Our knowledge of Gods iudgements maketh vs with out excuse
30 No pleasure to be taken vntill we be reconciled to God.
31 Delay is not the weakest thred in the Diuels net.
32 An acknowledgement of a sinne full life.
33 By sinnes we incurre the enmitie of all creatures.
[Page 178] 34 The cry of all creatures against a sinner.
35 The pleasure which the creatures doe to a sinner, is onely for aggrauation of his punishment.
36 The refuge of a distressed sinner.
37 Three things do strictlie hold vs obliged to Christ.
38 The sweetnesse of hope.
39 Two things excuse our boldnesse in comming to Christ.
40 How we must present ourselues vnto Christ.
NOw then, secure sinner, summon [...]hy senses a little together, and as Saint Paule in this manner argueth against vs: If God spared not the naturall branches, be not high minded, Rom. 11 but feare, and take heede, least hee spare not thee: Euen so make [Page] 1 thou the like inference against thy selfe. If God thus seuerely punished his Angels if Adam (who were his immediate workemanshippe) for one sinne; if his dearely beloued sonne, for the sinnes of others: will hee breake the course of his iustice for thy sake? wil hee priuiledge thee from his ordinarie proceeding, for so many, & so grieuous sinnes, wherein thou hast so long continued? Remember (O my soule) with what price, and from what misery thou art redeemed; remember of what head, and of what body thou werte made a member. He that in mercy hath redeemed thee, [Page 180] will in truth iudge thee. If 2 a great King should take to wife a woman of base estate, and make her Queen of all his dominions, will he not exact of her, to cast off her old attire, to leaue her former both companie and behauiour, and compose her selfe to a courtlie carriage? Therfore since the King of heauen and of earth, by the mystery of his holy incarnatiō, hath espoused himselfe vnto thee, and endued thee in his whole estate: will it be lawfull for thee nothing to change thy life, nothing to alter thy conuersation.
But what needeth it that I reason this matter? It is expreslie [Page] 3 oracled by the holy Ghost; that death, bloude, strife, the sworde, oppression, famine, destruction, and punishment are created for the wickedEc. 40: that God wil raine vpō them snares, fire, and brimstone, with tempestuous stormesPs. 10: that they shall not stand in iudgment:Ps. 1. that they shall bee scattered & consumedPs, 144; that they shall be cast down, & turned into helPs. 36. & Ps. 9: that God shall breake their iawes, & dash their teeth in their mouthesps. 58: that their arme shall be broken, and their sworde turned into their owne bowelsps. 10. & 37.: that they shall perish, & wither from the earth, & that euill shall [Page 182] hunt them to destructiōPs. 140: that they shall be crushed in peecesPs. 2.: that God shall laugh at them in the day of their destruction37: & that the righteous man shall reioyce at the reuēge that shal be executed vpon them; and shall also wash his feete in their bloudPs, 58.
If all this batterie will not serue, to make a main breach into our obstinate soules, & cause vs to abhorre sinne more then a serpent; or at the least to conceiue some feare in committing therof, which being wel nourished, may in time drawe vs altogether to forsake it: then are wee possessed with the spirite of fury; then are wee [Page] filled with the poison of serpents; then are wee like the deafe Adder (as the princely Prophet saide of wilfull sinners) in stopping our eares against the voyce of the charmer.Ps. 58 Namely, against the manifold means 4 which God dooth vse for our conuersion; some internall, some externall some of grace, some of nature, some instructing the vnderstanding, some enclining the wil, some continual, and some by times; the chiefest whereof are these that follow.
5 First, the law of nature imprinted in our vnderstāding, together with the inclination of our will to follow [Page 182] the same: which yeeldeth vnto vs so large a light for our direction in the offices of this life, that Saint Paul accounted it sufficient to condemne the Gentiles,Rom. ca. 2. & 3 who neuer receiued the law written. By this law wee are incited to vertue, and retained from vice, in regard of the naked nature of them both. For such is [...]he grace 6 and beauty of the one, that it is to be embraced; & such is the basenes and deformity of the other, that it is to be abhorred, without any particular respect of benefit, or preiudice to our selues. But if this wil not serue, thē doe wee receiue from this law three other more forceable [Page] effectes, before sin as a bridle, and after sinne as a whip; feare, shame, and remorse: feare of iudgement, shame of men, and remorse of conscience.
7 For, the most sencelesse sinners, the most prophane Infidels, as they haue by instinct of nature, a full perswasio [...] of the iustice of God, so are they touched with terrour thereof. According whereto the wise man saith, that the conscience of the wicked is alwaies feareful.Sap. 17.10. And so likewise God himself hath threatned;Deu. 28 65, 66 that he wold giue to the wicked, a trēbli [...]g heart, that they shal feare both night & day, & haue no assurance of their liues.
And not onely feare, but 8 shame also and vgly infamy do attend vpon sin. For men do beare such a natural, both auersion from euill, & inclinatiō to good, that they abhor euen their owne vices in other men; and are forward to praise those vertues which they will not practise. So was Adam ashamed so soone as hee had sinned;Deut. 28.20 Rom. 6 21. so God threatneth to sende shame vpon the wicked; & so S- Paul hath written; what fruit had ye then of those things, whereof ye are now ashamed.
But the remorse of conscience, doth more secretly, yet sharpely and surely adhere 9 vnto sin. Which keeping as it were the watch of our [Page] soules, before the act of sinning by barking warneth vs, that enemies are present, to breake vpon vs; and after the act by biting remēbreth vs, that infernall thieues haue dispoiled vs of the treasure of grace, and made vs captiues to their damnable deuotion. This is called by our Sauiour,Mar. 9.44 Reuel. 20 12 the worme which dieth not; & by S. Iohn, the booke whereby wee shall be iudged. And by this remorse it happeneth, that no sinne is without punishment; because, euen to sinne is a greate punishment 10 vnto sinners.
The second meanes which God hath vsed, to retire vs from sin▪ are the holy scriptures; [Page 184] deliuered vnto vs by himselfe, as liuely registers 11 of that eternall law, which before he had more obscurely written, only in the book of nature. These scriptures are vnto vs as letters of Gods loue, inuiting vs to good, & deterring vs from euil; by propounding many rewards for the one, and punishmentes for the other. Some in this life, (wherof in al ages we may obserue pregnant exāples) but most especially in the life to come; in threatning the torments of hell, and promising the ioies of heauen; endeuoring, to bridle our wantonnes by the one, & to spur on our slothfulnes by the other. Of [Page] which iudgement of God, euen they who groaped in the fogs of infidelity, obtained a ful and firme perswasion, 12 receiuing from the law of nature three principles cōcerning this point: first, that the soule of man is immortall: secondly, that there is a God; thirdly, that he is iust.
13 A thirde meanes are the particular lawes and customes of euery well ordered state; whereby, punishments are appointed for vice, according to the quality thereof, & likewise rewardes and aduancements for vertue. Of which means the Apostle S. Paul hath thus written:Rom: 1.3 Wilt thou then [Page 185] bee without feare of the power? doe well: so shalt thou haue praise of the same: for he is the minister of God for thy wealth. But if thou doest euill, feare; for he beareth not the sworde for naught: for he is the minister of God, to take vengeance of thē that do euill.
Besides the precepts of 14 these three lawes, naturall, diuine and positiue, God also in loue hath continually raised vnto vs many guides, to direct vs in the same; not onely in words, filling our eares with godly perswasions; but also by example, representing vertue most liuely to our eyes. So was Iesus Christ as a glorious sunne; so were diuers Saints [Page] in al ages as so many starres; beames of that brightnesse, sparkes of that fire, both to light and to leade vs (aswell by exhortations as also by example) through the dark and dangerous passages of this life.
To these hee hath added 15 many secret meanes; without which, all outwarde means would be altogether vnprofitable Namely, his sweete and secrete inspirations, without which all outward calling is like musicke to one that is deafe. Also, the manifold giftes and graces of the holy spirite; wherby our soules are both armed against our enemies, and adorned in the sight of [Page 186] God Likewise the continual guard of Angels aboute vs; keeping vs from many euils, and assisting all our good endeauors. And generally, his prouidence ouer all his creatures. For, seeing that he feadeth the fowles, and apparrelleth the flowers, in how different a degree is he more careful ouer men?
Further, hee hath giuen 16 vnto vs the sacraments of the Church, which are conduites of grace, whereby forces are infused into our soules; to resist vice, and to insist in all the exercises of vertue. The prayers also & supplications of al the faithfull, (by reason of the communion 17 [Page] of the Church) doe continually beate at the gate of Gods mercy, as well for vs, as for themselues; & doubtlesse receiue not an emptie answere.
Lastly, all the creatures 18 which God hath appointed for the vse and seruice of man, are so many silent Sermons to exhort vs, so many trumpets to summon vs, to lay down our weapōs of rebellion, and to yeelde our selues seruiceable vnto him: partly, by general example of their obedience, in subordinating thēselues to the will of their Creator; partly, by euery particular action, wherin they are imployed vpon vs. For, if they [Page 187] bring vs any benefite, they admonish vs thereby to bee respectiue towardes their Creator, who hath made them the meanes of imparting his goodnes vnto vs: if they crosse vs with any calamity, they admonish vs therby of our disobedience; which, as it first brought into the world, diseases, dangers, death, labour, losse, & all other kindes of miserie and molestation, so doth it daily renue the same effects.
Go too then (O wretched soule) snort on in the sleepe of thy security; solace thy self stil in thy sweet sins; &, the beter to deceiue thy self, smooth them ouer also with soft and tender termes. Call 19 [Page] pride, decency; surfetting, good fellowshippe; couetousnes, honest care; wantōnes, mirth; lust, youthfulnes. Or with a more flat kind of flatterie, entitle these and other vices with the names of vertue. Call pride, courage; enuie, zeale; cruelty, iustice; ambition, desire of ability to doe good. Or if these colours will not take, perswade thy self, that some 20 counterfaite good qualities are sufficiēt to ouershadow them. Will God be eyther blinded or mocked? Is hee not the same God that hee was frō the beginning? doth he not as much hate sin as euer he did? doth he not loue iustice as wel as mercy? Thē [Page 188] assuredly, what account so euer thou now keepest of the actions of thy life, thou shalt one day yeeld as seuere an account of thē, as others haue done before thee. Thou shalt neuer be able to conceale any offence, or to smooth it ouer, or to reas [...] away; but the more thou doest forget or flatter thy self, with these foolish dreams, the greater will bee the waight of Gods wrath against thee; both for abusing his patience, and contemning the merciful means which he hath vsed, to withdraw thee from sinne.
These means, the more also they are, the more doe they manifest the nature of [Page] 21 sin; how nothing is more odious vnto God, nothing more contrarie to his nature. No not the deuil himselfe. Because God hateth the deuil for no other cause, but onely for sinne: whereof if hee were discharged, hee is of a more noble substance, and endued with 22 many prerogatiues, in a far higher degree of excellencie then mortal man. But, in sinne there is no goodnesse, it is altogether composed of euil; by contagion whereof other thinges also become euill. And therefore 23 is it most detestable vnto God, as entirely contrary to his nature, and as the corruption of those thinges [Page 189] which he hath created. It is a dreadfull darkenes which no light can illuminate; it is an extreame cold which no heate can abate; and it is a very hatefull thing which the infinite goodnesse of God cannot make tollerable. A very hard thing also it seemeth to bee, which his infinite power is vnable to doe. Such a thing is sin; wherein notwithstanding wee place all our pleasure; and wherevpon all our endeauours do busily beat.
The Prophet most truely 24 describeth two principall causes of sin; one, for that the sinner prayseth,Ps, 10. or at the least flattereth himselfe in his desires. Another, for [Page] that the iudgements of God are not in his sight. But, if God hath damned many millions (O my soule) for fewer sinnes then thou hast committed; if infants & innocents, if children vnborne haue not beene spared, shall the multitude of thy grieuous sinnes neuer be sentenced? neuer examined? 25 If hee hath taken longer day with thee thē with many others, will he therefore neuer demand his due? Assuredly, how soeuer thou art desirous to deceiue thy selfe, he is, (as hee hath professed himselfe) a hard man in exacting our accountes; and hath a heauy hande against offenders. The longer [Page 190] hee permitteth thy reckoning to runne, the deeper doest thou diue into his debt; and the more slowlie hee doth strike, the more surely will he set his blow.
And if it be true, that Heauē is like a Citty builded 26 vpon a broade fielde, 2. Esd. 77 and full of all good thinges; the entrance whereof is narrow, and in a dangerous place to fall, & there is fire at the right hand, and a deepe water at the left: and there is but one path betweene them, euen betwixt the fire and the water, so that there can but one man goe there. If it bee true (I say) which the scripture saith, that the way to heauen is so hard, & the entrance so narrow, that fewe [Page] [...] [Page 190] [...] [Page] shall finde it;Mat. 7.15 [...]. Pet. 4.18. that the righteous shall scarsely bee saued: how fearefull, how miserable is thy estate (O my soule) who plungest thy selfe in all sorts of pleasure, and wallowest in all kinde both of security and ease; so farre from labouring, that thou doest seldome busie, either thy desires, or thy thoughtes about this passage. Thinkest thou that God is more mercifull then 27 iust? assuredly no. Nothing can be saide in God eyther greater or lesse; because whatsoeuer is in him, is his very selfe. But if thou consider these thinges by their effects, it seemeth that the 28 workes of iustice exceede: [Page 191] for, many are called but fewe are chosen.
Wherfore then doest thou not feare? wherefore doest thou not tremble at thine owne condition? being (by reason of thy sinnefull life) in the high hatred of God; and hourely subiect to his irreuocable iudgementes. Whereof the knowledge 29 which hee hath reuealed, shall bee vnto thee like Vrias letters, which hee did beare against himself, in leauing the with out excuse: in that thou werte so fully instructed, both of thy duety, & of thy dāger, and yet diddest so litle, follow the one, and feare the other. How canst thou not onely admit 30 [Page] any pleasure, but eate or sleepe securely, vntill thou hast disburthened thy cōscience of that putrifaction, which will breede therein immortall wormes? vntill by true repentance thou be reconciled vnto God, and receiued again into his protection? vntil thou be freed from the force of thine enemies, and deliuered from that destruction whereinto they do endeauour to draw thee? Many thousand accidents whereof thou standest euery minute in daunger, may put thee in that case, as will be impossible to ease, and intollerable to endure. And still thou delaiest to strike off delay (not [Page 192] the weakest thred in the diuels 31 net) in turning frō thy wicked waies, & in making such account of the seuerity of Gods iudgements, as hee by threatning the same would haue thee to doe.
O iust Iudge! who shall deliuer me from thy seuere 32 sentence? how terrible will thine anger execute vppon me? what power is in me to wrastle with thy wrath? how shall I bee able eyther to appease or auoide thy fiery fury? Alasse, if I examine my actions, if I weigh my waies, if I trie the footesteps that I haue trodē, I shal find that the whole course of my life hath been, a web of vices, a sinke of corruption, [Page] away full of thornes and thystles, euen a froward and willfull disobedience against thee. I haue dishonoured thee, I haue sinned against thee, I haue prouoked thy wrath, and caused thee to open vpon me the cuppe of thy curses. I haue offended the Lord 33 and Creator of all thinges, and therewith also haue incurred the enmitie of all creatures. And now (mee thinketh) they tumult vpō mee, and are all ready with clamors and curses to flie in my face? crying with full voyce, in this sorte against mee.
34 This is the rebell that hath forsaken our common [Page 193] Lord, and sought meanes to betray, and to crucifie him againe. This is he that hath more regarded the deceiptfull showes and alurements of the diuell, then either the benefits or threats of Almighty God. This is he whoe hath fastened his thoughts vpon corruptible creatures; contemning▪ and so much as in him lieth, vtterly abolishing the power, wisedome, and goodnesse whereby they doe consist. This is he who hath abused vs al; for whereas he should haue vsed vs in the seruice, and for the glory of our Creator, hee hath applied vs to iniury and reproach him; and to serue the will [Page] and pleasure of the diuell. He hath put his confidence in vs: hee hath loued, hee hath desired vs onely for our selues, preferring vs therein before our maker. Neither hath he been content to dishonour God alone, but hee hath cast his poyson also vpon many be sides; alluring some, & animating others, to knit with him in his riotous reuolt. Come on therfore, let vs be no longer seruiceable vnto him, but let vs bēd al the forces we haue to destroy him. Let vs fal vpō him by force; let vs lay our selues in await 35 against him; let all the pleasure which we seeme to do him, bee only to aggrauate his punishment, onely to [Page 194] encrease the charge of his accompt.
Alas miserable wretch, what shall I doe? whither shall I turne me? where may I be either defended or hid? Almighty God I haue dishonored, & all creatures are in his quarrell in armes against me. I cā find nothing that wil take my part, nothing that will pitty me: whatsoeuer I see, whatsoeuer I heare, bring banners against mee. All thinges are violently bent to oppresse mee: yea, my owne conscience persecuteth me, and teareth the very entrailes within mee. Distressed and distracted sinner, which way wilt thou turne? whither wilt thou [Page] goe for counsaile? from whence expectest thou any comfort? who is the great Angell of wisedome, whose pitty is equall to his power, who is hee that is called Sauiour, that I may runne vnto him and call vpon his name?
It is euen hee: euen the 36 same Iesus before whose countenāce I quake; euē the same Iudge vnder whose hand I do tremble. Resume then thy confidence, O confused wretch, hope in him, of whome thou art afraide; follow him frō whom thou wouldest flie; neuer despair to repaire vnto Iesus. Three 37 thinges doe most strictly hold thee obliged to him; [Page 195] the multitude of his benefites, for which thou art to giue him thankes; the multitude of thy sins, for which thou art to pray his pardon; and the multitude of thy infirmities and necessities, for which thou art continually to craue his supportance & supplie. If feare perswadeth thee, that it is presumption to approch to so high a Maiestie; answere for thy selfe, that these three obligations doe peremptorilie impose that necessity vpon thee.
O sweet necessitie, which constraineth thee to come, 38 to speake, to pray vnto him. O happy hope, how pleasāt is thy power? what louely [Page] looks doest thou cast vp on them whoe open their armes to embrace and hold thee? what vnspeakeable both courage and ioy, dost thou kindle in their hearts, who giue thee entertainement? Goe vnto him then, 39 O distressed soule, necessity driueth, hope draweth thee: go I say, vnto him boldlie, and these two shall excuse 40 thee before him. Presente thy selfe vnto him whome proudly thou hast prouoked, if not in innocency, yet in humility; if not with a cleane, yet at least with a broken and contrite heart: and seeing by thy righteousnesse thou canst not, endeauour to be saued by thy [Page 196] repentance. Behold,Can. 5.9. euen now hee knocketh at thy doore; Oh! doe not stay, for then hee will bee gone, and thou shalt not knowe where to find him. Arise, runne, and open vnto him; arise by faith, runne with hope, and open with loue. Cast thy selfe at his feete, with such humility & feare, as is answerable to the state of soe magnificent a King.
Let thy wordes wade in teares, let thy complaints be distinquished with sobs; and call vpon him with importunity, whilst opportunity doeth last.
1 INnocency is bold, guiltinesse bashfull.
2 Our miseries do plead for vs.
3 All the torments in hell, not a sufficient punishment for one Sinner.
4 The hope and confidence of a sinner.
5 God by being mercifull, declareth himselfe almighty, in ouercomming his owne wrath.
6 The mercies of God surmount all sinnes vnmeasurably
7 Wherefore our sinnes may encorage [Page 197] vs to call vpon God.
8 How we desire God to turne away his eyes or his knowledge frō our sinnes.
9 Howe wee desire God to looke vpon our sinnes.
10 God dealeth with sinners not according to their deserts, but according to their necessities.
11 Christ gaue example of that which he did teach.
12 The deedes of Christ are larger then his words.
13 No goodnes in vs but when God draweth vs from occasions of euill.
14 By greatest sinners god hath greatest glory.
15 God giueth more then men can desire or vnderstand when they haue it.
16 So many righteous men as there are, soe many are the mercies of God toward them
17 With the loue of God no iniquitie can abide.
18 Iesus, the onely name of Saluation
19 Hope draweth vs to Christ.
[Page] 20 Necessity driueth vs vnto him.
21 What we haue to offer vnto Christ.
22 Neither can hell bee satisfied, nor heauen streightned.
O IESV most glorious, most gracious Lord Iesu Christ, I come not here before thy presence, to debate the transgressions which I haue done, but to offer my selfe guilty in so many faults, as it shal please thee to heape vpon me. The innocent dooth easily finde what to say for himselfe; but to the offender, the sting of conscience lameth the liberty of his speech, and maketh him more af [...]aide to confesse his faultes, then hee was to commit them: [Page 198] especially when both the nature and number of his offences, exeeede the ordinarie expectation of mercy. O Lord Iesu, my sinnes, so many, so grieuous, and so apparant, giue twitching testimonies to my owne soule, how little I holde of innocency▪ and if I coulde be so sottishly, eyther silent or blind, as not to confesse, or not to conceiue how impure I am, yet my miserable estate, by meanes therof, would pleade before thy pitty for me.
But (O my God) I acknowledge 2 my wickednes, I feele what a grieuous burthen it is, how heauy, how dangerous; I am not ignorant [Page] of my sinnes, I do not conceile them; I set them euen before my eyes, that I may happily sprinckle thē with my teares. Alasse, I haue grieuously offended thee, not with light faults, but with such as haue been staines, euen in the face of my profession. I am that great enemy of thine, who (in presence of thy diuine eyes) haue committed such hainous abhominatiōs, who acknowledgeth my selfe guilty of so many grieuous crimes, that althogh I alone should endure all the torments, 3 which both the Deuils and damned persons do suffer in hell, yet would it not suffice to satisfie for [Page 199] them.
And because my offences can beare no conformity with any excuse, I present my self before thee, accompanied with no other hope, then such as doth proceede from the riches of thy mercy; 4 and with sorrow in my heart, & shame in my countenance, do here submit my self to that goodnes, which I confesse I haue offended: neither debating nor doubting how farre it may extende, but reposing my self absolutely therin. Thou hast saide (O louing Lorde) Come vnto me al ye that labour and are heauy laden, Mat. 11.28 [...] and I will ease you. Loe, I come vnto thee, labouring in sorrowe, [Page] laden with sinnes and miseries; who now shall ease me? who shall relieue mee? who I pray thee, but onely thou, who art so gentle as to offer vs thine aide? O my God, who doest inuite mee to come vnto thee, vouchsafe, I beseech thee, fauourably to receiue mee It is one of thy chiefest properties to forgiue and to bee mercifull, for thereby thou 5 declarest thy selfe to bee almighty, in ouercomming thy owne wrath.
There are no sins which thy mercies do not vnmeasurably surmoūt. And therfore, although my offences 6 are, in regarde of me abhominable, and in their owne [Page 200] nature hatefull, and by any worldly eyther iudgement, or meanes irrepaireable, yet can they not beare such intollerable respect, as thy infinite goodnesse is not sufficient to qualifie. O infinite goodnesse, wheresore lookest thou so sharpely vpon my sinnes? wherefore doest thou number them? wherfore doest thou so exactly waigh them? Alasse, wherefore doe I see thee angrie against me? I confesse indeed, that I haue offended, I confesse also, that my offenccs are exceeding great; but shall I therfore dispaire? neuer; but rather take courage to call vpon thee. For, thy mercy [Page] 7 is neuer out of action, & the exercise thereof is onely amongst sinners; partly, in forbearing, and in forgiuing them; partly in sustaining their weakenesse, and supplying their wants. Now, the greater my sins are, the greater is my necessitie; and the greater my necessitie is, the more fitte am I for the right vse and end of thy mercy, & with the more confidence may I craue the same. Euen as, by how much men are in greatest misery and distresse, so much the better title haue they to aske at places of hospitality and reliefe.
Who will not pittie [Page 201] one that is sicke? who will not helpe one that is distressed? Come, come, sweete Samaritane, come doe thy worke, shew thy nature, exercise thy power: the more wretched & weake I am, the more doe thou comfort and confirme mee. Haue mercy vpon me, O Lorde Iesu Christ, haue mercy vpon me, most miserable sinner; who of my selfe am nothing, and by reason of my sinnes, am far worse thē nothing. Turn from my corruption thy pure eyes, which is nothing else but thy knowledge; for thy great mercies sake I say, turne away thy knowledge from my 8 [Page] sinnes. Not that knowledge whereby thou discernest and vnderstandest all thinges, but that whereby thou doest either approue, or disalow them; whereby thou approuest the workes of the righteous, and condemnest the reproueable deedes of the wicked. Take no such knowledge & sight of my sinnes, to impute thē to me, to lay them to my charge; but rather burie them in obliuion, hide them rather with thy mercy. Looke, Lorde, vppon the creature that thou hast made, looke vppon thine owne image; looke not vppon my sin, which is the image of the deuil: or if thou [Page 202] wilt not but looke vpon my 9 transgressions, doe it not as a Iudge to punish, but as a Physitian to cure.
O my God, with bended knees, and prostrate soule, with all feare and reuerence which so base a worme, loaden with his own loathsomnesse, is able to conceiue, I approach vnto thee; to the streames of thy mercy, to the treasure of thy merits. Cast me not off, for then am I cast away; remit vnto him who submitteth himselfe; let not the deuil make a pray of him, who doth pray vnto thee; let me not perish with the sauing name of Iesus, with the sweet name of mercy in my [Page] mouth. Let the good shephearde reioyce at the recouery of his lost sheepe; let the sweet louing Father reioice at the return of his vnthrifty son, who acknowledgeth himselfe vnworthy to be called thy sonne, vnworthy in any meane place to serue thee. Throw thy armes of compassion about my neck; giue me the cōfortable kisses of peace; cast the cloake of thy righteousnes vpon me; let thy mercy recouer that again, which the malice of the deuill, and my owne madnes hath drawne from thee. Lord let not my infirmities so much offende 10 thee, as prouoke thee vnto pitty; & deale not with mee [Page 203] according to my deserts, but according to my necessities; like a good husbandman, who bestoweth more labour & cost vpon barrē soile, thē vpon that which is fruitful; or like a good householder, who giueth to his sicke seruant more dainty meat then vnto the rest; not because he is more worthy, but because more weake.
I graunt that heretofore thou hast often forgiuē me, and receiued mee to fauour, yet forgiue and fauour mee now againe; because I haue againe transgressed against thee.Mat. 18. Thou hast enioyned vs to forgiue our brother seauenty times seauē times; taking a certaine number [Page] for that which is infinite, euen so oftē as he offendeth: and wilt not thou, who art the Ocean of mercy, do the 11 like vnto vs? diddest thou not giue example of all that thou diddest teach? Is thy goodnes limited? wilt thou spare vntill a certaine number of offences? wilt thou bee exceeded in forgiuing by miserable mā? Halt thou not said,Ezec. 18. that in what houre soeuer a sinner doth return vnto thee, thou wilt not remember any of his iniquities? O the safety of my soule, loe, I am before thee, not in my owne presumption, but in hope of thy promise; 12 & seeing thy deeds are larger thē thy words, what [Page 204] may wee not hope of thee whoe hast promised soe much? Loe, it is greiuous vnto me that so grieuously I haue been offensiue vnto thee: now, shew thy goodnesse, in relieuing him who is so euill; shewe thy greatnesse, in sauing him whoe is so weake, and hath such mighty and malicious enemies against him. Remember not mine iniquities, lay downe thy wrath, put away my sinne, put away the punishment thereof, put away also both occasion and nourishment of the like. For I find noe goodnesse in my selfe, but when thou drawest 13 mee from occasion of euill. O great redeemer of [Page] mankinde, loe, a great sinner is before thee, in whom thou hast very much to forgiue; shew mercy, O my Sauiour, 14 for with such greate sinners as I am thou doest get greatest glory.
When thou wert here in this miserable world, thou diddest cast out diuels, restore the diseased, raise the dead: thy mercy was euer pardoning, thy wisedome teaching, thy liberalitie giuing, thy power helping. And canst thou now forget to bee pittifull, & to relieue; beeing in the high state of thy strength? Is thy nature now changed, being in the very throane of mercy?
Behold, O louing Lord, behold, I mourne to thee in [Page 205] the depth of my miseries; and my very soule is disquieted within mee. Behold, I stand trēbling before thee, exposing my griefe and expecting thy grace: cast me not confounded from thy presence, for who euer craued comfort of thee and receiued confusion? who euer sued for thy mercy, either to to his preiudice or in vain? Surely, thou exceedest in thine aboundant pitty, both the deseruings, and also the desires of those that pray vnto thee: for thou giuest more then men can desire, yea, or vnderstand whē 15 they doe receiue it. And it was neuer yet heard, that any sorrowefull sinner, departed [Page] either heauie, or emptie from thee. Shall I then (O Lord) bee the first? wilt thou beare a hard hand onely towardes mee? or wilt thou neuer again shew mercy and compassion?
Our Fathers trusted in thee, and thou diddest deliuer them, they hoped in thee, & were not confounded: and looke how many righteous men there are, whether in heauen 16 or in earth, so many are thy great mercies, & compassions towards them. Let thē all come, and let vs aske them before thee, by whose merites they are sanctified? by what power they are saued? surely, not one of them will glory in himselfe, they [Page 206] will all cry and confesse: Not vnto vs, Lord not vnto vs, but vnto thy name giue the praise: for thy mercy and for thy truthes sake. For wee in our owne sworde possesse not the land, our owne power hath not saued vs; but thy right hand, & thine arme, and the light of thy countenance. Sith therefore thou art vnchangeable; sith I am thy creature so well as they, sith they were sinners so well as I, wherfore dost thou not poure likewise thy pitty vpon mee? where fore doest thou not receiue mee with them into mercy? diddest thou not shedde thy blood for vs all? are all thy merites spent and none left? Hast thou but one blessing, [Page] my Father? Ge. 27.38 Blesse mee, euen me also, O my Father. O mercifull Lord God, I most humbly beseech thee, that as thou hast receiued innumerable sinners, soe thou wouldest also receiue mee to thy fauoure, and make me righteous through thy grace. Clēse and purifie my hart, that all my transgressions being put out, it may be a cleane table, wherein thy finger may write the 17 law of thy loue, with which can no iniquity abide.
O good Iesu, for this thy names sake, doe vnto mee, according to thy name; thy sweete name, thy louing name, the onely name both of comforte and of happie [Page 207] hope to all distressed sinners; 18 beside which,Rom. 10, 9. Act. 8.12. there is no name, wherein wee may bee saued. For what is Iesus but a Sauiour? Therfore, O good Iesu, bee indeed vnto me, as thou art in name; euen my Iesus, euen my Sauior. Thou who hast created me, do not destroy me; thou who hast redeemed mee, do not condemne mee. Haue mercy vpon mee, O good Iesu, acording to thy great mercy, which exceedeth all sins without cōparison. According to thy vnmesurable mercy, whereby thou wert made man, and crucified for men, whereby thou hast so loued the world, that thou gauest thy selfe to death for [Page] it. What loue, what mercy is comparable to this? Whoe will despaire? whoe will distrust? Haue mercie vpon mee, O Lord Iesu Christ, according to this in comprehensible mercy, by which thou hast takē away the sinnes of the world, by which thou hast redressed all things in heauen and in earth; according to this mercy, haue mercy vpon mee Let not my wickednes destroy this worke of thy goodnesse; let not mine iniquity preuaile against thi [...] mercy. Touch my soul [...] and turne it to thee, take away my sinnes, giue vnto mee thy righteousnesse; acknowledge thine own [...] [Page 208] works in mee, and wipe away mine.
I acknowledg that I am altogether vnworthy, either to receiue or craue thy exceding mercy; but hope hath incouraged 19 mee, euen the high hope which thou so dearly louest, which thou so diligently commendest and commaundest vnto vs: shee hath brought mee beefore thee, she hath instructed me to be bold; loe, shee is present to testifie the same. I was afraid to approach neer thy presence, beause of my sinnes; but shee, beautifiing her face with a sweet smile, saide thus vnto mee: milde and mercifull is the Lord, hee will not bee angrie, [Page] he will not driue the distressed from him; he will gladly heare the prayers of the poore. Necessitie added, that there was none other, who 20 was able to relieue me. I beleeued, and therefore doe I speake.
Gratious Lord, I beseech thee for thy mercies sake, which can neuer be encountred with any kinde of iniquitie, yeld to this petition of my sobbing soule; doe away my sinnes, seale thy pardon within my consc [...] ence. Giue vnto me the like discharge, as thou gauest to the man whome thou diddest cure of the paulsie; Sonne, Mar. 2.5. thy Sinnes are forgiuen thee. Or as thou gauest to [Page 209] the woman that was taken in adultery: Goe thy way and sinne no more. Or,Io. 8.11. as thou gauest to the woman whō thou diddest cure of the blody issue:Mar. 5:54. Thy faith hath saued thee, depart in peace.
I haue nothing in my self that may appease thy wrath, all that I bring with me doth accuse & indite me: I haue nothing to offer vnto thee, but the memory of thy passion. Looke not, O Lord, vpon my sinnes, but looke vpon thy sufferings; whereby thou hast taken the charge of my debts, and vndertaken paiment for me poore sinner. Sprinkle mee with thy blood, open thy wounds vnto me, and protect [Page] mee with thy death; and then will iustice cease to pursue me, then will she put vp her sword, and therewith also her furie, and bee at peace perpetually with mee.
Come vnto me, O comfort of my soule, for without thee I die; come heate my heart with thy liuely loue, and then I shall reuiue. O long delay; O tedious tarying! Alas, when wilt thou come; wherefore dost thou not heare mee? O greate Redeemer what profit wil there be in my destruction? Shall the damned prayse thee? shall they not blaspheme thee? both for the sharpe sence of thy iustice, [Page 210] and for despaire of thy mercy? If thou throwest mee downe into hell, will it bee the more satisfied? If thou 22 receiuest mee into the bosome of thy mercy, will it bee the more straightened? Admit therefore, O good Iesu, admitte mee into the number of thine electe; that with them I may praise thee, with them enioy thee; that with them I may, both glorifie thee, and glory in thee.
Cleanse my soule from al corruption, that it may bee the more fit to receiue the influence of thy diuine grace; euen as a glasse, the more pure and cleane it is, the more clearely will the [Page] beames of the Sunne reflect vpon it. Pardon mee (O Lord) in this time of mercy, that in the time of Iustice thou maist not condemne mee.
1 VVE know not by what name to expresse God.
2 God is all thinges that are in him.
3 The proper worke of mercy
4 Our sinnes are our extreame miserie.
5 In what case our sinnes past doe neuer condemne vs.
6 Grace is the diuine forme of the Soule.
7 By Creation wee were like vnto God, by redemption God was [Page] like vnto vs.
8 God delighteth to bee with the children of men.
9 How God is seene.
10 Wherefore wee doe not loue god.
11 The glorious being of God.
12 The being of God in all his creatures,
13 The being of God in the soule of man.
14 Wherefore we see not God within vs.
15 Pleasure in things created, not so greate in their birthe as in the begetting.
16 Immoderate affection of a good thing is euell.
17 Howe worldly thinges are to bee vsed.
18 False necessities of this life, are like the flies and frogges of AEgypt.
19 If wee applie our selues to God, hee will supply his benefits to vs.
20 Howe wee are to hate and contemne our selues.
21 The perpetuall combate of a Christian,
[Page 212] 22 Inordinate loue of the body is the originall of all sinnes.
23 The subduing of our wil is a most acceptable sacrifice and wherefore.
24 The summe of all Christian doctrine.
25 The right cariage of our outward man.
26 The example of Christ is alwaies to be set before vs.
27 The excellency of humilitie.
28 VVhat humility is & how attained.
29 The principal businesse & labor of this life,
30 The office and exercise of Temperance
31 VVhereto our life may be compared,
32 VVherefore we should yeeld our selues wholy vnto God,
33 The excellent effectes of faith,
34 The grounds of our hope.
35 The excellency of loue.
36 VVhat shoulde stirre vs to the loue and desire of God.
[Page] 37 All goodnesse is more aboundant in God then in all cretures ioyned together.
38 The pleasures which proceede frō creatures is false.
39 The pleasures of this life are particular.
40 All pleasures are full and perfectlie in God.
41 Wherefore wee should adhere vnto God.
42 Wee must soe walke betweene feare and loue as God walketh betweene Iustice and mercy,
O My God, most mighty, and yet most mild, whose iustice shineth to vs through thy loue, whose Maiestie is seated in the throane of mercy: O inuisible and indiuisible God, who canst not be expressed, whoe canst not bee vnderstood.
Whatsoeuer thou art, I inuocate and adore thee; for I know thou art a most high and holy thing; if it be lawfull to call thee a thing, who art the cause of all thinges; if it be lawfull also to call thee a cause, vppon whom al causes do depend. 1 I know not by what name I should expresse thee, and therefore doe I come stammering to thee, like a little child; for thou art aboue all thinges; thou art all things 2 that are in thee. Thou art thy holines, thy happines, thy wisedome, thy power, and whatsoeuer else is saide to be in thee. Seeing therefore that thou art mercifull, it followeth also that thou [Page] art very mercy; and I am so exceeding miserable, that I am nothing but meere miserie. Behold therefore, O thou that art mercy, behold misery is before thee; what now shalt thou do? truly thy proper worke; euen to 3 take away my misery, and to relieue my distressed state. Haue mercy vpon mee, O my mercy; O God, which art mercy, haue mercy vpon mee: declare thy nature, shewe thy power, take away my misery, take away my sinnes, for that is 4 my extreame misery. One depth caleth another: [...]al. 42 the deph of misery calleth vnto the depth of mercy the depth of sinne cryeth vnto the [Page 214] depth of pardon & grace. Thy mercies are incomparablie deeper then are my miseries: let one depth therefore swallow vp another: let the infinite depth of thy mercy and grace swallowe vppe the greate, depth of my sinne and misery.
And that I may not, by returning to my former passages of life, plunge my selfe againe in thy displeasure, touch my soule (I beseech thee) with continuall remembraunce and remorse of my sins; that I may spend all the time of my life which is to come; in lamenting the time thereof that is gone: [Page] 5 for our sins past do neuer condemne vs, if we be not either contented in remembring, or content to forget them.
6 Giue vnto mee also the grace of thy holy spirite, which, as a forme supernaturall and diuine, is sufficient to direct the soule (whē it once hath entred thereinto) to the acting of al the offices of a spirituall life; enforming the vnderstanding, and conforming the will, to euery duetie, which is expedient to bee performed. Euen as the Soule infused into the body, is sufficient to moue and direct all the members thereof, to the exercise of their seueral [Page 215] functions.
For it is not enough that thou doest clense mee from mine iniquities, except also thou commest to mee with thy grace; excepte thou abidest with me, and preseruest mee from falling into the like filthinesse againe. Come therefore vnto me, O my God; O sweete hope, O sure strength, hold mee with thy hande, embrace me with thy loue; and suffer mee nor eyther to fall from thee, or to follow thee in vaine. O health, O life of my soule; O life of all those that liue in thy loue, necessity constraineth mee to crie vnto thee; open (I beseech thee) thine [Page] 7 eares to my prayers, and thy handes to my distresse: contemne not that which in creating, thou diddest innoble with thy likenesse; and in redeeming whereof, thou diddest abase thy selfe to become like vnto it.
O high and glorious Lord, I acknowledge my selfe vnworthy, that thou shouldest enter vnder my 8 roofe; but thy delight is to bee with the sonnes of men. And what doest thou finde in vs but sinnes and miseries, that thou shouldest haue a delight to abide with vs? was it not sufficient that thou diddest suffer for vs, and appoint thine Angels to bee our guarde? but [Page 216] that thou the Lord of Maiesty, wouldest also remain with vs? The Angels, and all thy creatures blesse thee, O Lord; for it is not any worthinesse in vs, but thine onely infinite goodnesse, which draweth thee downe to abide with vs. Come therefore, O inestimable treasure, euen for thine infinite goodnesse sake, I beseech thee, come vnto mee, and let vs enter couenant together. That thou maiest neuer departe from me, nor I euer desire any thing but thee; that thou maiest bee ready to helpe mee, and I carefull to serue thee. O desire of my soule, my perfect pleasure, [Page] my assured strength, vouchsafe perpetually to remaine with me: that collecting my spirit, (without 9 which thou art neuer seen) and retiring it into my self, and shutting the dore to all worldly imaginations, I may by the light of thy beauty, both see and know thee! and bee thereby so enflamed with thy loue, that all other obiects may seeme abiectes vnto mee. For the onely cause wherefore 10 I do not so loue thee, is because I doe not sufficiently see and know thee▪ and except it please thee to come vnto me, where shall I see thee? and how shall I know thee? who dwellest [Page 217] in the light which cannot bee approached?
The light which cannot be approached Wh?1. Tim. 6.16. y then the dul wil doubt of it; the malitious will deny it. O light of my vnderstāding, where is that light? how shall I attaine? how shall I sustain it? O Lord my God, what shall thy exiled seruant do? languishing in thy loue, & banished from thy presēce? I am desirous to see thee, but no man shall euer see thee, and liue:Ezod. 33 20 1. Tim. 6 16. I would come vnto thee, but thy place is vnapproachable.
But beside thy glorious 11 beeing, wherein thou art knowne onelie to thy selfe, wherein wee know thee [Page] best, when we acknowledge 12 our selues vnable to know thee thou art also generally in all thy creatures; but more specially in a reasonable soule, as in thy liuely Image: but most especially 13 in a soule that thou hast regenerated. And yet wee are so miserably blind, our 14 eyes so wildly wander after the vaine thinges of this world, that, although thou art within vs, wee are soe farre from knowing, that wee doe not discerne thee: euen accordinge to that which the Euangelist hath written of thee: [...]o. 1.10. He came into the worlde and the worlde did not know him. Sende [Page 218] therefore into my soule, O fountaine of pleasure, if not a beame, yet a sparke of thy grace; that my vnderstanding being enlightened, & the mistinesse of my minde dispelled thereby, I may beginne to discerne thee, to yeelde thanks & obedience vnto thee, to beare my selfe reuerentlie before thee, & confidently against mine enemies. For thou art my Lorde and my God, thou hast made mee, and giuen vnto mee all thinges that I haue, and yet (alas) I do not know thee.
And that I may more clearely discerne, and by discerning knowe, and by knowing loue, and by louing [Page] serue thee; draw away my desires from sensual delight in thinges created; whose pleasures are not so great in the birth, as in the 15 begetting. Let mee not prosecute with immoderate affectiō any creature, althogh it be good; for albeit the obiect 16 be good, yet the affection is euill, if it bee immoderate: for that the sight may as well bee hindered, by a plate of gold, as of lead. Let mee vse all worldlie thinges, rather with my hand then with my heart that I may bee like a carefull 17 Pilote, who althoug [...] hee beareth his hand on th [...] helme, yet hath his eyes fixed vppon the starres. And [Page 219] as a waxe candle may bee put into the water, and yet not one droppe of moisture will remaine vpon it; so although I both liue & deale in the world, yet let not the affaires thereof cleaue close vnto me. Let me not be infected with the pleasures thereof, no more then fishes are with the saltnesse of the sea, wherein they do abide. Ease mee of the intollerable taske of cares, for the false 18 necessities of this life; for who can rest amiddest those flies and frogs of AEgypt? Let me cast all my care vpon thee; let me commit all my necessities into those handes that made mee: assuring my selfe, that if I doe 19 [Page] wholy apply my selfe to serue thee, thou wilt largely supply to me whatsoeuer is expedient.
Giue vnto mee a holy hatred and contempt of my selfe; not as I am thy creature, but as I am the worke 20 of the olde Serpent the Diuell: who by his venemous biting hath so infected our flesh with inordinate appetites, that we cannot cherish the one, but therewith also we giue strength to the other. Let mee therefore easily fall to euil entreating, and harde handling of my flesh, for giuing both harbour and heart to my mortall enemies, and for conspiring with them the subuersion [Page 220] of my soule. For, this 21 is the perpetuall combate of a Christian, to beate downe his owne inclinations, to tame the flesh, as a rider breaketh his horse; that hee may trauell him, both the way and the pace which he shall thinke fitte. Yea, this is no hate, but the only true loue; as the Father hateth not his child, eyther when he correcteth him for his offences, or when he denieth him meat, either hurtfull or superfluous. For, the high feeding of the flesh, is no other thing, then the feeding of swine with the prodigall childe; and hee hateth his soule, who is too farre in loue with his body. [Page] 22 This inordinate loue, is the very originall of all sinnes; it buildeih the Cittie of Babel, and replenisheth it with new inhabitants, euen with innumerable childrē of confusion. Giue therefore vnto me a constant courage, to ouercome all difficulties & labours, in maintaining mortall warre against these 23 appetites. Giue me strength to striue in subduing my owne will, then which no offering is more acceptable vnto thee. Because man doth naturally loue nothing more. That my desires beeing mortified, I may (which is the summe of all Christian 24 doctrine) yeelde perfect obedience to thy will; as [Page 221] well in doing those thinges which thou hast commanded, as in suffering those thinges which thou hast ordained.
Giue mee a comely composition 25 of the outwarde man, to direct my actions by the iudgement of discretion; to moderate my tong, & to take a strict accompte thereof; to vse rigour and austerity in the gouernement of my person; to behaue my selfe as before thy presence, who art both Iudge and witnesse of all my life. And as to the last end to whome all my actions ought to bee directed, let euery moment and motion of my life, tend to the [Page] loue and obedience of thee. Let mee neuer bee so outwardely busied, but that some part of my vnderstanding bee free, to contemplate vpon thee with reuerence and feare. In al things that I say or doe, let mee haue respect to thine example: If I speake, let me first thinke how thou hast spoken; 26 If I be silent, how thou wert silent. Whatsoeuer I doe, let mee cast and consider with my self, how thou diddest, or wouldest haue done the like: that I may now beginne, to follow the Lambe whithersoeuer he goeth; Reuel. 14 4 which hereafter I shall in a more perfect manner accomplish.
Giue me humility both 27 inwarde and outwarde, the grounde and foundation of all other vertues, which maketh vs to descend to the knowledge of our selues, and to ascend to the knowledge of God; which causeth them that are despised vpon earth, to bee esteemed in heauen; which raiseth vs from the dungeon of sinne, to the gates of Paradise. And because 28 this vertue is nothing else but the contempte of our selues, which cannot bee without knowledge of our selues; enlighten my vnderstanding, that I may wade farre into this knowledge, and digge into this [Page] dunghill very deepe; that 29 seeing what I am, I may the more abhorre and humble my selfe; the more straine my strength, to attaine the true effectes of mortification; to submit my desires to thy disposition; not to entangle my selfe with superfluous cogitations; to represse the care of my self; to repel the pleasures of the world; to restraine and limit the lusts of my flesh; to iudge my selfe most vile; to leaue al iudgement of other men vnto thee; not to ioye in praise, as not being the same vnto thee, as I am esteemed among men; not to be sorrowfull for reproofe, as knowing more by my [Page 223] selfe, then any man is able to obiect: to beare both iniuries and aduersities patiently; to obey men willingly in regard of thee; to complaine of no man; to open the bosome of my heart vnto all; and to respect them as thy liuely temples. Let this bee the principall busines of my life; graunt that in the middest of these labours I may breath out my soule.
Giue mee the vertue of temperance, which is an vpright Iudge betweene 30 pleasure and necessitie, and appointeth to eyther of them that which is their due; giuing to necessity that which is sufficient, and taking from pleasure what is [Page] superfluous. Let mee bee content, yea glad to suffer 31 troubles & trauailes in this world; esteeming the whole time of my life, as the forty yeeres trauell vnto the land of promise, as the sixe dayes of labour which goe before the Sabbaoth of rest. Behold, O louing Lord; a lumpe of clay, an vnpolished peece of wood is presented vnto thee; make therof what thou wilt, for thou knowest what is expedient for me. And I offer my self wholy vnto thee, and desire to depend altogether vpon thee: for seeing thou knowest not how to giue thy self, 32 vnlesse thou giue thy selfe wholy vnto vs; it is greate [Page 224] reason that wee yeelde our selues wholy and entirelie vnto thee againe.
Giue vnto mee a firme faith in these mysteries that thou hast reuealed; for this 33 is a meane, to bridle our wils, and direct our desire [...]; this is the life of them that are iust; this is the shield,Rom. 17 Heb. 38 Gal. 3 Eph. [...] which breaketh all the fiery darts of the deuill. Fasten this my faith to the crosse of thy Sonne, that it may not shake: found it vppon that rocke, that it may not be confounded. Lord, I belieue; helpe, Lorde, my vnbeliefe.
In all the necessities & tribulations of this life, giue 34 me an assured hope and cōfidence [Page] in thee; seeing thy power is almighty, thy promises most true, thy mercies infinite, and thy merites which doe make intercession for me inestimable.
Kindle in me the burning light of thy loue; burning, 35 as zealous; light, as cōspicuous. Giue vnto mee that vertue which maketh thy yoake sweete, and thy burthen light; which is the accomplishment of the law, and the life or soule of all vertues. Without which, nothing is acceptable vnto thee in this life, and whereby thy glory shal be apportioned vnto vs in the life to come. Illuminate, and 36 teach my vnderstanding, [Page 225] how excellent thou art; both in regard of thy selfe, for the greatenes of thy diuine perfections, whereby thou art worthy of infinite loue; & also in respect of vs, for the greatenes of thy benefites and mercies, for which all our loue is due vnto thee. That my wil (which is a blinde power, & desireth nothing but when the vnderstanding leadeth it) may bee stirred, by the beauty of the one, & the bounty of the other, to place all my thoughts & desires in thee.
O Lord my God, the beginning of my being, the end at which I aim: O light of my vnderstanding, O [Page] rest of my will; when shall I loue thee ardently? when shall I embrace thee with the naked armes of my soule? when shall I despise my selfe, and all thinges in the world, to loue thee more freely? when shal my soule, with all the powers & forces thereof be vnited vnto thee? when shal it be drowned and deuoured in the infinite depth of thy bright & burning loue? O my redēption, when all worldely helpes shall forsake me, thy loue will stand by me; and shall not I forsake al worldly both helpes and hopes, to settle my loue and assurance in thee. Thou diddest leaue thy glory and thy [Page 226] maiesty for loue towardes me; and shall not I leaue all vanities and impieties for loue to thee?
O my God and my saluation, wherefore am I so dull, as not to perceiue; wherfore so slothfull, as not to pursue, the most excellent & perfect good, which both containeth and exceedeth all other goodnesse? For, what goodnesse is not 37 more aboundant in thee, then in all Creatures ioyned together? Men desire riches, honour, wisedome, vertue, long life, pleasure, quiet, with so strōg a strain, that sometimes for the gaining of them, they aduenture to loose and destroy [Page] themselues. O course conceites! O rude and rashe esteemers of thinges! you loue the shadowe, & leaue the substance; you forsake the main sea, to fish in shallow puddles; you runne after creaturs, but regard not him, who may say vnto vs, as the Father of Samuel said vnto his wife, when she desired Children: Am not I more worth vnto thee then children?Sam. 1.
For, what rest? what riches? what delightes can bee found, in any or in all creatures, which are not more 38 pure and plentifull in thee (O Lorde) then in them? The pleasures which proceede from creatures, are [Page 227] fleshlie, false and short: they are attained with labour [...], they are possessed with feare, they are lost with griefe. They cloy, but doe not content; they fill the soule, but do not satisfie it; they do not delight, but delude the sence; in promising much, and performing nothing; in making some shew of felicity and rest, but turning it to effects of miserie and disquiet. For euery soule is miserable, which is entangled in the loue of temporall things; it is neyther satisfied with the vse of them, and yet tormented with the losse; it is tormented onely with thinking vpon the losse.
39 The pleasures of this life also are very scant, being particular, & affecting onely some one sence: but thou art an vniuersal pleasure, who doest spirituallie delight the whole man. All pleasures are in thee, & that in such both plentie & perfection, 40 that the wise mā said:Sap. 7. All thinges that can bee desired are nothing in comparison of him. Nothing indeede: for there can be no comparison, where there is no similitude or communiō. What comparison can there be thē, between that which is, and that which is not? A centre is not compared with the circumference thereof, yet both are finite: what [Page 228] comparison can there bee then, betweene that which is finite, and that which is infinite?
I will loue thee therefore, O Lord my God, from whome I doe assuredly expect all good) I will embrace thee with all the arms of my affections & desires. The Iuie, applying it selfe to a tree, dooth so embrace it, that euery braunch therof seemeth to be rooted in the same: by which helpe it riseth on high, and attayneth 41 his perfection. And wherefore doe not I cleaue close vnto thee, by whome I stand, by whome I grow, by whome I doe both fructifie and flourish? wherfore [Page] are not all my members turned into armes, that I may embrace thee on euery part? Helpe me O Lord my Sauiour, raise all my desires vnto thee; fasten my thoughts to the tree of thy crosse; draw all the forces of my soule on high after thee; for the waight of my mortalitie holdeth me down. Thou, O Lorde, who hast ascended the crosse, that thou mightest drawe all vnto thee; thou, who by thy infinite loue hast vnited two natures in one person, that thereby thou mightest bee one with vs; vouchsafe, I beseech thee, to vnite my heart vnto thee, with the knot of thy loue; that it may [Page 229] bee ioyned vnto thee, euen as thou hast ioyned thy selfe vnto vs. Let this loue bee followed with a feare & reuerence of thy maiesty and iustice, which shoulde euermore accompany al our workes. Let mee so walke betweene feare and loue, as thou doest betweene iustice and mercy; that in all the actions which I doe enterprise, I may begin in thy name, proceed in thy helpe, and ende in thy prayse,
A Table of the principal matters conteined in this second Part.
- VVE cannot Abase our selues as we are worthy. 124. a.
- How Abhominable to God sinne is. 95. a.
- Aboundance of worldly thinges [Page] quench the deuotion of our Spirit. 1 [...]8. b.
- God Accepteth our willingnesse, our desires, our endeauoures for performancies. 135. a.
- How Acceptable to God was the offring of Christ. 105 b
- The Accomplishment of calamitie in Christ. 149. b,
- Our Accompt for our aduantage by the bloud of Christ. 164 b
- In all the Actions of Christ his diuinitie and his humanity did appeare. 159. b & 160. a b
- The Actions of Christ what they were. 49. a.
- The Actions of Christ are larger then his words. 203 b.
- Christ our true Adame. 53. a.
- Aduersities are the streight passage to heauen. 154. b,
- How we ars Affected when iniury is offered vnto vs, 139. b.
- Affection how vnequall betweene God and man, 53, a,
- The Affection of Christ towards sinners. 108, a.
- Our Affection cruell towardes [Page] Christ, and desperate towardes our selues, if wee forsake not sinne, 95, b,
- Affection to a good thing is euill, if it bee immoderate, 218, b,
- Aflictiones wherefore and howe they are assured signs of Gods fauour, 154, a
- Wherefore Christ tooke Afflictions vpon him, ibid,
- Wherfore the godly are Afflicted in this life, ibid,
- The Agrement of the wicked in doing euill 93. b,
- All were against him who suffered for All. 130. a
- God declareth himselfe Almighty by ouercomming his owne wrath, 199, b.
- Angels wherefore they were cast out of glory, 39, b.
- God is neuer Angry but for sinne 100. a
- Appetites are fixed in our flesh, 219, b.
- The Apprehending of Christ was our discharge, 60, a
- Our Assurance grounded vpon [Page] the loue of God, 103, a, 104 b,
- Athiest, wherein he differeth from other sinners. 31, a,
- Noe Auoidance from God. 7, a,
- THe Behauiour of Christ what it was, [...]9, a
- No being is a true Being but only that of God, 38, b,
- The glorious Being of God. 217, a
- The Being of god in hi [...] creatures 217, b,
- The Being of God in the soule of man, ibid
- The Blasphemies of the Iews were a greater torment to Christ, thē their blowes, 139, a
- The Blindnesse of our owne iudgement., 168, b,
- The [...]loud of Christ could not satisfie the Iewes, but they desired also his shame, 86, a,
- Christ gaue his bloud vnto vs, 157, b.
- [Page]Not to profit by the Bloud of Christ, is as much as to shed it. 165, a
- Our thoughts must bee bathed in Bloud of Christ, ibid,
- All actions are estimable, as they participate of the Bloude of Christ ibid.
- Wherfore Bloud flowed from the side of Christ, 169, a,
- One drop of Christs Bloud might haue sufficed for al the damned in hell, 169, b,
- One droppe of Christs Bloude a large price for all things in heauen and in earth. 173, b
- The Bloud of Christ is not onlie the Bloud of remission, but the Bloud of the Testament, 171: a
- The Bloud of Christ, a most precious thing. 173, a,
- What quantity of this precious Bloud, Christ gaue for vs. ibid,
- Sin is a Blowe malitiously set vpon the face of God. 39, a,
- All the parts and powers of our Bodies imployed in Sinne, 10. a.
- [Page]Body of sinne what it is. 10, b,
- The Body of paine, 52, a
- The Bodilie torments of Christ, 119, a,
- No part of the Body of Christ was left vnsmitten, 172, a, b,
- Our Boldnes to Christ what doth excuse, 195. b,
- Wee may be Bold to cast our sins vpon Christ, 109, b
- Brauery of this world, wherefore to be despised, 89. b,
- No Burthen was laide vpon Christ wherof he did not vnloade vs, 9i, b
- OVr Carelesnesse in the seruice of God, shall be the grearest piece of euidence against vs, 4, b
- More Care in Christ for his enemies then for his friendes or himselfe. 139. a,
- Care, not to be Carefull, 165. a,
- The right Cariage of our outward man, 221. a.
- [Page]The constant Cariage of Christ, 69, b,
- Causes of the Condemnation of Christ, 102, a, et b
- Causes of the death of Christ who were principall, who instrumentall, 123, a,
- Two principall causes of sinne, 189, a
- The Ceremonies of the Iewes, brought to an end, 165, b
- Vntil Christ was fastened to the Crosse, God would not bee appeased, 55, b,
- Wherefore Christ came into the world, 53, b.
- Wherefore Christ suffered vpon mount Caluary, 107, b.
- What Christ is vnto vs, 174, b
- Christ both our sacrifice and our Priest. 170, b
- Circumstances c [...]̄siderable in the death of Christ. 108, b,
- Christ was Cloathed with our sin and shame, 10 Cloath vs with his innocency and glory, 118, b,
- [Page]To be Cleansed from sin it is not enough. 21 [...]. a.
- How wee come to Christ. 175. a,
- The perpetuall Combate of a Christian. 220. a
- Christ did manifest his courage and his care.. 109. b.
- ll Comforte excluded frō Christ. 151. b.
- Christ depriued of all earthly Comforts. 149. a.
- Christ depriued of all heauenly Comfort [...] 150. a.
- The poorest Comforts of Calamitie. 58. b.
- Want of Compassion for the sufferings of Christ sheweth want of loue. 94. a
- Comforts diuine and morall, against the Calamities of this life. 71. a. b.
- The Conuersion of the thiefe, the last but not the least worke that Christ did in this Life. 414. a.
- Conuerted sinners how they are loued of Christ. 146. a.
- It is reason wee Condole the passion [Page] of Christ. 164. a.
- The Confession of the Centurion. 168. b.
- Confidence in God neuer to bee let fall. 154. a
- What Contraries were combined in Christ. 159 b.
- Contempt of our selues is not only to be endured but desired. 21. b.
- Contempt of God is greatest in committing least sinnes. 30. a,
- How we must contemne our selus 219. b.
- What conuersation God exacte [...]h of vs. 180. a,
- When we do Cry against Christ, let him be crucified. 94. a.
- All Creatures depend vpon the vertue of God. 38. a.
- All Creatures to bee abandoned for the loue of Christ. 91. a,
- All Creatures are meanes to dissuade vs from sinne. 186 b
- All Creatures are enemies to vs by reason of sinne. 192. b.
- Creatures do no pleasure to a sinner, [Page] but for increase of his charge. 193. b.
- The Cry of all creatures against a sinner. 193 a
- Wherefore Christ did Cry vpon t [...]e Crosse, 150, a.
- Christ not intreated to go vp to the Crosse. 135. b
- Christ would not be prouoked to come downe from the Crosse. 133 b.
- It was not conuenient that Christ should come downe from the Crosse, 135. a,
- Christ vpon the Crosse, declared himselfe both our aduocate and iudge. 143. b
- The crucifying of Christ, is the greatest action that euer was in the world. 41. b.
- Our Curiositie in matters of religion. 19. b
- Herode vpon Curiosity questioned with Christ. 68 a
- The Curse which lieth vpon the Iewes, 131. b.
- The Couenant of the Father with [Page] Christ. 106. a
- The Day of Christs suffering what it was to himselfe, and what to vs. 170 b
- The Damned wherefore they sh [...]l blaspheme [...]od, 2 [...]9. b,
- Wherefore Darkenesse was vpon the earth when Christ did suff [...]r 162. b
- Wherefore the Dead did rise at the passion of Christ. 167. a
- Death is to bee adioyned to our life. 21. a
- Our combate with Death. 57. b.
- Death is better then to liue with the wicked. 113. a.
- Death with inf [...]my and reproach is most intoller [...]ble, 132 b.
- [...]eath is the g [...]te of life, 154. b.
- The Death of Christ decl [...]red who he was, and wherefore he came 160. a. et b.
- The death of Christ was adored of [Page] al creatures except those for whom he died. 161. b
- One Death hath slaine another, 167, b
- By the Death of Christ wee are not only freed from punishmēt but restored to our first estate, 170, b,
- We haue got more by the Death of Christ then wee had lost by the fall of Adame, 171, a,
- We are bound in a double Debt to Christ, 173, b,
- Delay not the weakest thred in the Diuels net, 192, a,
- The Deliberation of our vnderstanding whensoeuer we sinne, 29, a,
- Delight drowneth all griefe of labour, 80, a,
- The Delight of God is to be with men, 115, b,
- The Demands of the two theeues were very Different, 146. a
- How Christ Descended from heauen, 58, b,
- Christ was Desirous to suffer for vs [Page] 51. a
- Desires are more hard to moderat then possessions. 156, b
- No Despaire in the mercies of God. 207, b,
- Our Deuotion guilded with hypocrysie, 15, b,
- Our deuotions short and obrupt. 17, a
- Deuotion tedious and distas [...]full vnto vs. 18 a. b
- In our Deuotions we are oftē like to Pilates seruants, 18. b,
- What Disciples were with Christ in the garden, and wherefore. 49, b,
- Wee were the disease whereof Christ died. 123 b,
- The Dignitie of Christ hath set his sacrifice at so high a price, [...]51 a
- It is reasonable that we despise our selues, 124. a
- The Dissimulation of the Iewes, 135, a,
- It is the Diuells minde not to bee satisfied but by Death, 93, a,
- [Page]The Diuell iustly depriued of his power. 106 b.
- The Diuell now not able to enforce. 107 a
- The Diuell an excellent creature if it were not for sinne. 188. b.
- The Doctrine of Christ what it was. 48. b.
- The Doctrine of the gospel wherfore esteemed folly. 75. b.
- Wherefore that Doctrine is esteemed madnesse, ibid.
- The summe of all Christian Doctrine. 202. b
- VVIth ease Christ can not be attained. 148. b.
- Great Eaters in one action consume & are consumed, 155. b.
- Pilates Ecce homo, what it did import 93. a,
- Pilates Ecce homo, of what vse it should be vnto vs. 94. & 95.
- [Page]Pilates Ecce homo, able to appeale the wrath of the Father, 96. b.
- The Eyes of Christ of what force they are. 66. b.
- The eyes of pitty in Christ, and the Eyes of humility in vs, are the meanes to deriue the influence of grace into our soules, 67, a,
- Eliseus a figure of Christ, 108, a.
- What Encouragemēts we haue to go vnto Christ, 144. b
- The last End of all our actiones, 221. a
- The greatest Enemies of Christ did testifie for him, 168 b,
- Our Error in presuming to sinne, because God is good, 35, b
- The Estate of nature, of grace, and of glory, giuen vnto vs, 114. b
- Examples of Gods seuerity against sinne, 24, b, 25, a, 39, b
- Examples of [...]uell being followed aggrauateth our sins, 27, b,
- Christ onely was sufficient to giue vs Example. 62, a,
- Example of mercy towards the needy, 118 b.
- [Page]Example of moderation in worldly things, 118, b
- Euell Example of great men, how daungerous it is, 129, b,
- Christ gaue exāple of that which he did teach. 203. b,
- The Example of Christ is alwaies to be set before vs 221. b
- The Exhortations and Examples of good men, are meanes to withdraw vs from sinne. 185. b
- THe Excellent effects of Faith. 224, a,
- Wherefore they did Fall to the ground who came to take Christ 55. a.
- Our Facilitie in sinning. 15, a.
- The greatest Fauour we can aske of Christ, 44. a.
- Wherefore wee Feare man more then God. 8. a,
- Feare of sinne will draw vs to forsake it, 181. a,
- Feare alwaies accompanieth sinne 182, b
- [Page]Diuers Figures of the death of Christ. 122. a, b,
- Diuers Figures of Christ, 126, a, 127, b,
- Flatteries of sinne, 187, a
- We cannot cherish our Flesh, [...]ut we strengthē our appetites, 219, b,
- The Flesh wherefore it must be euell intreated, ibid.
- High Feeding the Flesh, is Feeding of swine. 220. a
- The Forbearaunce of God is no discharge; 189. b
- Force was not necessary to l [...]ade Christ to his death. 56 a.
- The diuine forme of the soule, 214 a
- Wee Forget God so much as wee loue our selues. 16, a
- Christ was Forsaken of all 13 [...] b
- How Christ was forsake [...] of his F [...] ther, 150 b
- Wherefore Christ was forsaken o [...] his Father. 152 a
- Foundation of a christian life wherin it doth consist. 153. b
- Wherefore Christ called Iudas, [Page] Freind, 55, a
- What fru [...]t we are to yeald, 90, a,
- THe glory of this world neither desired nor accepted by Christ. 69 a
- The Glory of this world how to be esteemed, 70, a, b
- The busines of Gods Glory must be resolutely vndertaken, 72, b,
- The greatest Glory of a Christian 137, b,
- God hath greatest Glory by greatest sinners, 204, b,
- God Giueth more then wee can desire or vnderstand, 144 a, 205, a
- God both filleth and encloseth all things, 3, a,
- God shall be iudge, party and witnes against the wicked. 6, b
- Our little loue feare & confidēnce towards God, how it appeareth, 8, b.
- Goodnesse is more aboundant in [Page] God then in all creatures together, 226, a.
- When God is loued and feared alone, 19, b.
- The infinite goodnesse of God, maketh euery sin infinitely euill, 35, a
- The goodnes of God iustifieth the law of eternall punishment for a temporall offence, 36, a
- The infinite greatnes of God maketh euery sin infinitely euil, 37, a
- God is to vs both the meanes and the end, 114, b,
- In God nothing is greater or lesse, 190, b
- God is all thinges that are in him, 218, b,
- How God is seene. 216, b,
- Wherefore we see not God within vs, 217, b,
- The Goodnes of God, perfect [...]th what we haue & supplieth what we want, 145, a,
- Christ hid more of his Goodnesse, thē he shewed to the world, 87, b
- Christ hath anexed his grace to [Page] his Griefe. 148. a
- Guiltines is bashfull. 197. b
- HAbite of sinne is hard to leaue 2. b.
- Sinne seemeth a Hard thing to do. 189, a.
- God is Hard by exacting acc [...]pts. 189. b.
- Hatred which a sinner beareth against G [...]d. 30. b.
- Hate and Hostility of God against Sinners. 31. b. 40. a.
- Hatred to our selues by sin, 33. b.
- God requireth our Heart, 24. b.
- All Heare not Christ alike. 146. b.
- Heauen is like a stately pallace, with a low dore. 65. a.
- Hell cannot be satisfied, nor Heauen streightened. 210. a.
- Christ would Hide nothing from vs. 166. a, b.
- Wee cannot honour Christ as hee is worthy. 124. a
- The sweetenes of Hope, 195. a.
- [Page]The Hope of a sinner. 169. a.
- Hope draweth vs to Christ. 208. a
- The grounds of our Hope. 224 b.
- Humility the foundation of all vertues. 49 a
- Who is truly Humble, 50 b,
- [...]y the Humilitie of Christ we are saued. 53. a.
- Humilitie an excellent vertue. 64. 223.
- To an Humble heart all graces flow. 64. b.
- Counterfeit Humility is a base pride. 65. a.
- Humilitie of Christ ioyned to his glory. 161.
- Humilite what it is and wherupon it dependeth. 222.
- THe Iews endeauored to pul frō Christ al that they could. 30. b
- The Iewes were scrupulous in smal matters but not in great 176. a,
- Wherefore Christ was borne in a common Inne. 166. b
- The Infamy of Christ what it was in regard of vs. 131. a.
- What it was in regarde of the [Page] Iewes, 131. b
- What it was in regard of himselfe. 132. a.
- An Inference of Gods Iustice against sinne 179. b
- Ingratitude a grieuous torment to Christ. 53, b
- They whoe doe Iniurie are more to bee pittied then they who suffer. 112. b.
- Iniuries wherefore they were most sensible to Christ 132. h
- What Iniury wee doe to Christ by sinne. 30. ae. 32 a
- To disgest Iniuries, is to beare a representation of Christ. 72. a
- Innocency is bold 197. b
- Good Inspirations not imbraced, become dangerous. 18 a
- Good Instructions how commonly regarded. 16. b
- Ioy for sorrow & for punishment. 21. a
- Isaac a figure of Christ. 107. b
- The Iudgement of [...]ilate by his owne Iudgemente was vniust. 99. a
- [Page]The [...]udgement of this world is of little weight. 69. a
- Christ in Iudgement how terrible he will be. 164. b
- Iustice is to be executed with grauity and with griefes 86. a
- The Iustice of Christ to whome it is terrible 145. b
- In Iniustice God is the same that euer he hath bin. 187. b
- Gods Iustice seemeth to exceede his mercy. 190. b
- Keeping of the commandements enioyned. 26.
- Wherefore Christ suffered Iudas to Kisse him. 54. b
- Kingdome of Christ how it is not of this world. 146. b
- Knowledge of Gods Iudgementes maketh vs without excuse. 191. a
- How God turneth his Knowledge from our sin. 201. b
- None knoweth what God is but [Page] himselfe. 38. b
- When we Know God best. 217. b
- The Labours of a Christian life. 222. 223.
- Lawes positiue are a meanes to holde vs from sin. 184. b
- The true Lenitiue in all distresse. 150. a
- The Liberality and loue of Christ. 175. a
- Our Life is either sinnefull or vnfruitfull. 3 b
- Life onely is sufficiente to condemne vs. 5. a
- Wherefore a sinner may bee saide nor to Liue. 14. a
- Our Life should be a dying with Christ. 42. 1.
- Our Life is a travaile and labour. 223. b
- Christ in being made Like vs, mad vs Like vnto him. 92. a
- How we desire God to Looke or [Page] not to Looke vpon our sinnes. 201. 202, a
- Our Losses by sin. 33. b
- The Loue of Christ was most manifested towards his death. 48. a
- The Loue wherewith Christ went to the crosse. 56. b 134. a
- The Loue of God was especially manifested in the worke of our redemption, 57. b
- The Loue of Christ how deare it cost him. 59. b. 124. a
- The Loue of Christ hath dazeled the wisedome of the world. 76. a
- Testimonies of the Loue of Christ 77. b 124. b
- The vnconquered and Invincible force of Loue, 79. a. 109. a
- Wherefore and how wee are to Loue God. 103. b
- The Loue of Christ strengthenth our hope. 104. b
- The violence of Loue is sweete. 80. a
- The excellency of Loue. 80. 81. (82. 83. 224. b
- How Loue vniteth mā to God. 81. b
- [Page]The price whereat this Loue is set. 83. b
- The Loue of Christ prouoketh vs to Loue him againe. 89. b. 105
- The Loue of Christ the onely motiue of his passion, 124. a
- The Loue of Christ is shewen by imparting to vs some part of his pas [...]ion 136. b
- The truest token of Gods Loue to vs, and of our Loue to him, 155. a
- Wherefore we doe not Loue God 216 b
- [...]nordinate Loue of the body is hatred of the soule, and the originall of all sin. 220.
- What shoulde mooue vs to Loue God 225.
- The Loue of temporall thinges is miserable. 227. a
- That esteemed Madnesse by men which God did for them. 76 a
- [Page]The Maiesty of God is vily valued whensoeuer we sin 29. b
- The Maiesty of Christ ouerclowded 63. a
- Our Manner of doing is more accepted of God then that which we doe, 109. a
- Man was more easily ruined then repaired, 120. a
- How Martyres were enabled to endure most exquisite torments 150. b
- Christ tooke the Medicine for our diseases, 123. b
- The Members of Christ were loaden with our sins and with our shame, 117. b. 118 a
- The exceeding Mercies or Christ, 207. a
- God is Mercy, we are Misery, 213. b
- God vseth Mercy towards the damned in hell, 36. b
- By the Merites of Christ wee are not onely freed from evil, but enriched with good, 91. b
- The Merites of Christ are invaluable, 105. b
- [Page]Mindes set vpon the things of this world are alwaies vnfruitfull. 43, b
- The continuall Miseries and trauels of Christ 120. b
- Our Miseries do plead for vs, 198 a
- Our Motion should bee towardes God as to the rest and center of our soules 126. a
- The Mysteryes of Christes passion cannot be conceiued 121, a, 172, b
- Multitude of Sinners is no excuse for Sinne 27. a
- Wherefore Christ suffered vpon a Mount 166, b
- Wherefore Christe was crucified naked 17, b
- The Naked nature of vertue and vice 182. a
- Wee know not by what Name to expresse God 213. a
- [Page]How deepe Christ was drowned in the Nature of man 56, b
- It is Naturall ro pitty the distresse of others 130. a
- Naturally wee desire to be pittyed in distresse 132. a
- The lawe of Nature bridleth vs from sinne 182. a
- The booke of Nature 184. b
- Three Naturall principles of the iudgements of God 184. a
- The Nature of sinners in a desperate degree 177. a
- Vnder coulor of Necessity we prosecute our pleasure 13. b
- No Necessity could be cast vppon Christ. 15. a
- How Necessary it was to satisfie for sinne. 95. a
- Of seruing God vpon necessitie and constraint. 109. a
- Christ considereth more our Necessities then our deserts. 203. a
- False Necessities of this life 219. a
- The Obstinate cruelty of the Iewes, 55 b
- What holdeth vs Obliged to Christ 195. a
- Christ did Offerre, and not onely suffer himselfe to bee dishonoured, 96, a
- What we haue to Offer vnto Christ 209 a
- The most acceptable Offring vnto God, 220. b
- Opinions of men how variable they are, 7 [...].
- Opinions of men apt to erre, 7 [...]. b
- Originall sinne is all sinnes in power, 7. a
- Paradise laid open 163. b
- The [...]atience of Christ 63. 139. a
- Patience when and how it is to bee [Page] showen 138, a. 155, a
- The best forme of petition to God 111, a
- The Pittyfull are much esteemed by Christ, 110, b
- Pleasures of this life are more esteemed before then after they are attained 2, b
- [...]leasures of this life are flattering enemies 21, a
- What Pleasures the Iewes tooke in tormenting Christ, 62, b, 132, b
- Plea [...]ure in thinges created is short 218 b
- And false 227 a
- And particulare 227, b
- All Pleasures are fully and perfectly in God 227, b
- The Poverty of Christ, 117, a
- The Power of Christ did not end with his life. 163, a
- Our Pride and our Presumption wherefore greater then that of Lucifer, and this of Adam 12, b
- God and Pride cannot dwell together 64. a
- Our Prayers are often like wine [Page] mingled with gall,
- Christ beganne his conflict with Prayer 50, a
- Foure points to bee obserued in Prayer ibid
- Wherefore Christ Prayed that the cup might passe from him, 51
- Christ did both Pray and Pleade vpon the Crosse 140. a
- The Prayers of all the faithfull doe labour for vs 186, b
- To affect Prayse in all things is to make our selues like God, 12 b
- Praise of men a vaine breath, 69. a
- Eternall Punishmente wherefore inflicted for a temporall euill. 34. b
- The Punishments of God are lesse then our euill 36. a
- Punishments for sinne 180, b
- Wherefore Christ was cloathed in Purple 86, a
- [Page]ONly a sinner is Rebellious against God, 38. b.
- What Recompence we can yealde for the suffrings of Christ. 91. a
- We are more bound to Christ for the manner of our Redemptiō then for our Redemption it selfe. 12 [...]. b.
- For our Redemption were giuen riches, honour and life. 136. a
- Wee are more bound to God for our Redemption, then for all other benefits 152. 153.
- What we Regard chiefly, of things past, present and to come. 14. b.
- Repentance not to be deferred till the end of our life, 144. a.
- Remorse of conscience adhereth to sinne. 183, a.
- The Rending of the Rockes at the passion of Christ do yet appeare. 162. b.
- Remission how it is made rather anothers vertue then our owne. 139. a.
- Reputation how desirous the Iews were to take from Christ, 45. b:
- Our aptnes for Reuenge, 13. a
- [Page]In Reuenge God is pittifull. 36. a.
- What Reuenge God will take vp on sinners. 95. a
- The Rewards of God are greater then our labours, 36. a
- To Rise from death was a lesse matter to Christ then it was to suffer himselfe to die. 163, a,
- We Rob from the poore what we bestow superfluously vpon our selues, [...]56. a:
- A perfect Rule for our life. 61, b
- THe Sacraments are a meane to reteine vs from sinne. 186. a
- The Sacrifice of Christ, what it was to himselfe, what to his father, and what to vs, 175. a
- Christ our true Sampson. 75. a
- Our Saluation how it is mercy, & how Iustice. 105. a
- Scourging was a punishment both ignominious and seuere. 74. a
- Scriptures are a meanes to with [Page] draw vs from sinne. 184. a
- The Scriptures were first written in the booke of nature. ibid.
- A Seasoning for all the pleasures of this life. 155. a.
- Secret meanes that God vseth to withdraw vs from sinne. 185. b
- Sentence against the damned, whereupon it shall be grounded 4. b,
- The Sentence of Pilate how it was vniust, and how iust, 99, b
- Shame artendeth vpon sinne. 183. a.
- Seuerity of God against sin. 25. 26.
- Sinne the death of the soule, and the life and soule of death. 20. b
- Sinnes which we accompt most smal, are oftentimes most daungerous. 28, a,
- No Sinne to be accounted small, 28. b
- Euery Sinne is a contempt of God 29, a
- Sinne breedeth in vs a hate against God, 30, b,
- Sinnes how iniurious to God in regard of our selues, 32. 33
- By Sinne what losses we incurre. [Page] 33, b,
- Wherefore Sinne did lie most heauy vpon Christ, 54
- Wherefore Christ was handled as a sinner, 118. a.
- What meanes God hath vsed to hold vs from sinne. 181. a
- To sin is a punishment, 183. b
- Sinne is more hatefell to God then the Diuel and wherefore, 188. b
- Our Sinnes may encourage vs to call vpon God, 200. b
- Sinnes are our misery 213. b
- Sinnes past when they do not condemne vs 214, b
- The Soule of sorrow, 52. a.
- The Spirituall encounter of Christ 119. b
- They who will Succeede Christ in his merits, must Succeede him in his temperance and travailes, 156. a
- Christe was charged as a Suertie 100 a
- What the Suffrings of Christ were, it is dangerous to determine 149. a
- The Sweat of Christ was grieuous [Page] and strange 53
- The manner and cause of that Sweat ibid.
- Teares, of what force they are with God and wherefore 111.
- The Temple of the Iewes neuer could nor can be repaired. 165. b
- Temptations of pride are most hard to be knowne. 64 b
- Temperance what it is and wherein busied, 223. a
- Wherefore Christ was crowned with Thornes. 87 a,
- Our euill thoughtes are Thornes in Christs body, 8 [...], b
- The bodily Tormentes of Christ were nothing comparable to the Torments of the soule, 51, b
- In Torments of soule none came euer [...]ee [...]e to Christ. 52
- The intollerable Tormentes of Christ wherto they do prouoke vs, 36, b, 88, a,
- Christ is Tormented daily by our sinnes, 77. a. 78, a
- The Torments of Christ were not so great as his loue made him [Page] desirous to suffer, 77. b,
- We are more bound to Christ for enduring Torments for vs, then for all his benefits beside, 125, a
- The Torments of Christ, not so grieuous to him as to see that they did his tormentours no good, 133, a,
- The Torments of Christ encreased toward his death, 148, b
- The least Torment in Christ mi [...]ht haue redeemed many worldes 151. a
- Wherefore Christ suffered greater Torments then can bee conceiued, ibid,
- All the Torments of hell not a sufficient punishment for one sinner, 108. b.
- What Tyrant is most mighty and yet most base. 136, b
- THe Vaile of the t [...]̄ple wherefore it did rend, 165, a
- The Vaile of dulnesse and of contempt, [Page] 166, b,
- How Christ did value man, and how by man he was valued, 52, b
- Vaine, either honour or infamy whom they do moue 70, a
- Our owne vices we abhor in other men, 183, a,
- Vices of men more noted then their vertues 9, b,
- Vices entertained vnder shew of Vertue, 15, b,
- Vices not reformed, but conformed, 16. a
- Vices are most vile when ouercast with a countenaunce of Vertue, 65. b
- Our Vnion with Christ auaileth to saluation. 105. b.
- More Vniust to condemne the innocent then to acquit the guilty 100. a,
- The most strong Voice to God, 111 b
- The great Voice of Christ vpon the crosse, and wherefore he so cried, 163
- The Voice of Christs fury how terrible it will be, 164 b,
- [Page]Christ did voluntarily lay downe his soule, 57. a
- WE must walke betweene feare and loue, as God walketh betweene iustice and mercy. 22 [...]. a,
- The watch of our soules, 183. b,
- The Way to heauen narrow and hard 190. a,
- To Weeping weomen wherefore Christ did turne and speake. 110,
- Wherefore [...]nd how Christ forbad to Weepe for him, 112, 1 [...]3,
- Wherefore a white garment was giuen to Christ. 68. a,
- Wholy wee must yeald to God & wherefore 223. b,
- [...]ur Will i [...] a common Curtis [...]n; 10. b
- The Willin [...]nesse of Christ to his [...], 54. a.
- [...]he VVil of man peeu [...]sh and peru [...]r [...]e 140. a,
- [Page]The subduing of our Will where fore it is a most acceptable offering, 220 b.
- Our Will is a blinde power, 225 a
- Our Will wherfore it is hard to be moderated. 156. b.
- The VVindowe of the heauenly Arke, 171 b
- Nothing Wonderfull in the regard of the work of our redēptiō, 58. b.
- Our best workes are beautiful sins 3, b
- Our VVorks are damnable if they be vnprofitable, 4. a.
- Our good Workes inferior to the bodily benefits which wee receiue, 5. b,
- Our good Works fraughted with vaine respects and not iustifiable 19. a, 20. a.
- The worke of Christ, 201. a. 213. b
- The World wherfore it molesteth the godly. 72, a
- Worldly things must be asked of Worldly Princes, 146 b
- Worldly benefits not to be expected, for all that we can do or suffer for Christ, & wherefore. 147
- [Page]Worldlinges doe not pertaine to Christ. ibid. b.
- Worldly thinges how to bee vsed 218, b.
- The Wounds of Christ are our life and only to be desired, 4 [...],
- No part of Christ was free from Woundes, 122. b.
- VVHat Yoake Chr [...]st laid vpon [...]ur shoulders, and what Yoake we laide vpon his, 54, a,
For euery, read every fol. 2. b. lin. 5 for receiued [...] receiued fol. 5, b, lin. 15. for of, read if fol. 10. a, lin, for not an idle, read an idle. fo. 26. b. li. 9. In marg. fo [...] Math. 3. read Math. 13. fol. 25. b In marg. for Io. 14 1. read lo. 14. 15. fol. 26 for then no other, read then if no other, fol. 27 a. lin, 11 for exeeeding, read exceeding, fo. 9, b, l. 6 for fatherr read fathers, fo, 40. a. lin. 9 for obstrved read observed, fol. 41. b, lin. 5 for toucded read touched, fol. 52. a. lin. 3 for herswasions reade perswasions, fol. 58. a, lin. 1 for distepered reade distempered ibid. lin 4 for valme read value, fol. 59. b lin 15 for time read kind, fol. 62. b, lin. 14 reade haddest thou no reuenge either to worke or to threaten? couldest thou, &c. fol. 63. a, lin. 15 for humity read humility, fol. 64. a, lin. 19 In marg. for Luke 4.8 read L [...]ke 4.18, fol. 64. b, for abasemute read abasement, fol. 66. h, lin 20 for substance read substance, fol. 69. a, lin. 9. for highest read highest, fol. 70. a, lin. 20, for satissie read satisfie, fol 74. a, lin. 9. read by which actions it appeareth fol 85. b, lin. 6 for vp reade vpon fol. 86. b, lin 21. for further read further fol, 92, b, lin, 21. for contemtibie read contemtible fol. 92, b, lin, 21. for suffitienre read sufficiente fol, 94, b, lin, 6 for fatisfaction re [...]d satisfaction. fol, 95, a. lin 12 for fale reade faile fol. 96. b, lin, [...]3 for grea read greatest fol, 99. b, lin, 3 for siin read sinne fol. 100, a. lin, 9, for meneth read meaneth fol, 10 [...], a, lin. 8 for ey read eyther fol. 109, ae, lin. 17 for La [...]arus read Lazarus fol, 112, ae, lin. 1 for betteer read better fol. 113, a. lin, 2 for Icaob read Iacob fol, 116. b lin, 11 for p [...]esuption read presumption fol, 118. b. lin. 16. read as did the bloud. fol. 127. ae lin 17. for afflicted read a [...]fe [...]ted, fol. 129. a. lin. [...]2, for beter read better. fol. 35. a. lin 7, for of owne read of m [...] owne, fol. 136. b. lin. 19, for mee read him. fol. 144. b lin. [...], fo [...] respect re [...]d expect, fol. 142, a lin. 23, for confessions read confe [...]sion. fol. 153. b. lin. 18. for [Page] [...] for endued reade en [...] [...] read bette [...]. fol. 87 [...] [...]ty read safety. fol, 203, b. lin. 17.
HEre are faults, enough indeed, but not all, you may say. Good, I make [...]bt, b [...] there are more faultes: and [...] not so many, as many (perhaps) wold haue [...] beleeue. Well thē, for those faults which [...]very broken braine wil either find or make, [...]ust (in my shallow search) professe that they are: first, I know not where, Secondly, [...]nke not many, Lastly, I care not what.