A SHORT RELATION OF The departure of the high and mightie Prince Fre­derick King Elect of Bohemia: with his royall & ver­tuous Ladie Elizabeth; And the thryse hopefull yong Prince Henrie, from Heydelberg towards Prague, to receiue the Crowne of that Kingdome.

Whearvnto is annexed the Solempnitie or maner of the Coronation. Translated out of dutch.

And now both togither published (with other reasons, and iustifications) to giue satisfaction to the world, as touching the ground, and truth, of his Ma ties. proceedings, & vndertaking of that Kingdome of Bohemia: lawfully and freelie Elected, by the generall consent of the States, not ambiti­ouslie aspiring thearvnto.

As also to encourage all other noble & heroicall spirits (especiallie our owne nation, whom in hônour it first and chieffelie concerneth) by prerogative of that high, and soveraigne Title, haeredi­tarie to our Kings & Princes: defendees of the faith) to the lyke Christian resolusion, against Antichrist and his Adharents.

Si Deus nobiscum quis contra nos.

At Dort, Printed by George Waters. 1619.

To the Reader.

THis was my meditation coming downe the Rhyne, (the day after their Ma ties departure from Heydelberg) writtē in my table booke, among other observations; which vpon my arrivall, I thought to have published; ut for some reserved reasons (not heare to be ex­pressed) as then not thought convenient. So deferred till now (as may be thought also) vnseasonable; after the newes of their Ma ties entrie, Corona­tion & all other Solempnities past. Yet the two principall motives remayne still thearin mentioned; to wit, my zeale & affectiō, which I can not supresse, but must crave leave vpon so good a warrant (as my conscience assureth me of) to expresse And (perhaps) may be of some further vse to incense o­thers. And hearvnto I have annexed some Anagrams which à frend of myne gave me: yet not privie to my intent of publishing eyther the one or the other. I say they are not myne, but a frend (whose name I conceale) did them. The honour wherof I dare not assume, lest (perhaps) he should vnder­write:

Hos ego versiculos feci tulit alter honores.

If I have offended either in the one, or the other; the two former motives shall excuse me: I take all to my selfe: Me me, adsum qui feci.

Iohn Harrison.

Fridericus quintus Elector Palatinus

Quanta fide prole inclytus is recturus?
Iure legant illum populi suffragia regem,
Cui sit chara fides, quem soboles (que) beat.
Ecce cluit talis Rheno qui praesidet Heros:
Omen eum talem nominis esse docet.
Nempe side quanta prole inclytus (vt sonat illud)
Is recturus ovans Regia Sceptra geret?
Aliud Anagramma
En qualis prudens viret, ac fortis cluit
En qualis prudens viret, ac fortis cluit Heros
Inclytus, hoc faustum nominis omen habens.
Pectore, re, verbis, vireat cum vere iuventae,
Haud senibus prudens est minus ille catis.
Fortis & arma movens cluit aevi in flore tremendus.
Quale dein belli fulmen adultus erit?

Fredericus quintus Elector Palatinus

Qui stirpe it clarus, non fraude Electus
Qui stirpe it clarus, non fraude electus, an illi
Iure neget quisquam Regia sceptra dari:
Sic tibi dant, Heros, Regnum suffragia iure
Hoc quo (que) ius firmant nomine fata tuo.
Aliud eiusdem nominis Anagramma
Qui clarus nuper est lectus ordine fati
Nominis augurio Rex clarus, qui ordine fati
Est nuper lectus gestiat vs (que) licet:
Vt pote qui iuvenis par tanto oft lectus honori,
Imperij fato dum duce culmen adit.

Ferdinandus secundus Archidux Austriae

Nudandus servis ac foedandus ruit hic Rex,
Si qua sides laevo nominis Augurio.

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