A SHORT RELATION OF The departure of the high and mightie Prince Frederick King Elect of Bohemia: with his royall & vertuous Ladie Elizabeth; And the thryse hopefull yong Prince Henrie, from Heydelberg towards Prague, to receiue the Crowne of that Kingdome.
Whearvnto is annexed the Solempnitie or maner of the Coronation. Translated out of dutch.
And now both togither published (with other reasons, and iustifications) to giue satisfaction to the world, as touching the ground, and truth, of his Ma ties. proceedings, & vndertaking of that Kingdome of Bohemia: lawfully and freelie Elected, by the generall consent of the States, not ambitiouslie aspiring thearvnto.
As also to encourage all other noble & heroicall spirits (especiallie our owne nation, whom in hônour it first and chieffelie concerneth) by prerogative of that high, and soveraigne Title, haereditarie to our Kings & Princes: defendees of the faith) to the lyke Christian resolusion, against Antichrist and his Adharents.
At Dort, Printed by George Waters. 1619.
To the Reader.
THis was my meditation coming downe the Rhyne, (the day after their Ma ties departure from Heydelberg) writtē in my table booke, among other observations; which vpon my arrivall, I thought to have published; ut for some reserved reasons (not heare to be expressed) as then not thought convenient. So deferred till now (as may be thought also) vnseasonable; after the newes of their Ma ties entrie, Coronation & all other Solempnities past. Yet the two principall motives remayne still thearin mentioned; to wit, my zeale & affectiō, which I can not supresse, but must crave leave vpon so good a warrant (as my conscience assureth me of) to expresse And (perhaps) may be of some further vse to incense others. And hearvnto I have annexed some Anagrams which à frend of myne gave me: yet not privie to my intent of publishing eyther the one or the other. I say they are not myne, but a frend (whose name I conceale) did them. The honour wherof I dare not assume, lest (perhaps) he should vnderwrite:
If I have offended either in the one, or the other; the two former motives shall excuse me: I take all to my selfe: Me me, adsum qui feci.
THE DEPARTVRE OF the high & mighty Prince Frederick King Elect of Bohemia: with his royall, & vertuous ladie Elizabeth: and the most hopefull yong Prince Henrie, from Heydelberg, towards Prague, to receave the crowne of that Kingdome.
HIs Highnes formerlie elected by the generall consent of the Bohemian State to this high honour, & dignitie; afterwards consulting with his fellow-princes of the vnion, and by their approbation thearvnto encouraged: (the mayn motiue being the cause, and defence of religion, and the professors thearof, oppressed, and otherwise, like to be suppressed, and vtterlie rooted out of that countrie of Bohemia: and elswhearc also to be feared) Thearafter preparing all things necessarie for his expeditiō: (monday the 27 of Septēber being the day appointed for his iourney) the day before being the holy Sabbath, betimes in the morning, with the yōg Prince & his whole house hold, & trayne he humblie made his repayre to the publique assemblie and Church in Heydelberg, thear first to offer sacrifice to the god of heauen, and with the ioyntprayers, & teares of his people (of whom at that time he tooke his solempne leave) with strong cries to beseech Almighty god for his good successe: the day also all mournfull and raynie sutable thear vnto. No lesse religious, & devoute was that worthie, and vertuous ladie in her private chappell, and with her private, and religious familie, whear her zealous & godly chaplayne D. Chapman taking a verie fit text for that time, and occasion, handled the same so effectually, with so [Page] many good, and godlie admonitions, and in the end so fervent and zealous a prayer as moved much: whearvnto all said amen which sermon I wished at the same time had been preached at Paules crosse, and in all the churches of great Britayne, that all the people (even the whole church of god) might lykewise haue said amen. I was verie earnest with him after to haue had the copy of it to haue published it (so worthie) but the next day being the day of remove, and the time so short, his bookes and meditations alreadie packed vp, and sent away, I could not obtayne; yet promised to send me: which promisse of his I hear chalenge publiquelie. In the meane time. I will before hand publish his text which was this, out of saint Iames 4. 13. Goe to now ye that say to day, or tomorrow we will goe into such a citie, and continue theare a yeare, and buy, and sell, & get gayne: wheareas ye knowe not what shall be on the morowe. For what is your lyfe? It is even a vapour that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth awaie. For that ye ought to say: yf the lord will, we shall liue, and doe this or that. In the afternoone agayne this religious Prince, with the yong Prince, and the rest (in like humble maner as in the forenoone repayred to church in his owne pallace, to sanctify the rest of the Sabbath. which ended the next morning about eight of the clocke, these Princelie personages (after manifold visitations the dayes be fore) with theyr trayne, in theyr caroches, and some on horses, & wagons, without any vayne pompe or ostentation, but rather teares in theyr eyes lifted vp to heaven, quietlie departed. yet not wythout strong cries, praiers, well wishes and acclamations following them: whear vnto let all true christians of all nations (especially of ours as in dutie more nearelie bound) say Amen. And not onlie with theyr praiers and well wishes, but otherwise also as further occasion shall be [Page] offered aide and assiste them. The glorie of god and generall good of his church dependeth thear vpon: pro qua quis pius dubitaret mortem oppetere si ei sit profuturus. They that doe, they are worse than the verie heathens: and well may these worthie personages, Debora and Barak now alreadie on their march, pronounce against them that bitter curse: Iud. 5. 23. Curse ye Meros (said the angel of the lord, curse ye bitterlie the inhabitants thear of because they came not to help the Lord, to help the Lord against the mightie. To help the Lord. I say it is the lords cause: yea and it is everie mans particular cause that feareth god; for if religion be put to the worst, and suffer, so of consequence must everie one that professeth the same lykewise, of what nation or condition soever. But it may be hoped rather these good beginnings make waie to the finall destruction of that man of sin, and desolation of that great City Babylon: according to that prophecie in the Revelation, which of necessitie must be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall passe awaye, but not one iote of Gods word be vnfulfilled. Macte virtute Princeps. Ride prosperouslie on the word of truth, of meekenes, and of righteousnes, and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things. Even now (I say) it may be hoped, god will put into the hearts of Christian Princes: (Princes of the vnion) with one consent to fullfill his will, against that menstruous, and monstrous whore of Babylon: that is, to burne her with fire for strong is the lord god which will condemne her. And to this service of Almightie god against the enemies of his church, this noble, & religious yong Prince hath whollie devoted himself, having before his departure (as I was told) given awaie his hounds & other things pertayning to his pleasure: minding (as it should seeme) to forbeare even his ordinarie, and lawfull recreations, till such time as he hath effected this great worke, & fulfilled gods good will and pleasure in those things whevnto [Page] it hath pleased god to call him, His demeanour so religious, humble, and milde, with such a chearfull assurednes in the faith & promisses of Almightie god, imprinted even in his countenance, as promiseth all good successe. For god refisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble. So lykewise in the face and countenance of that hopefull yong Prince Henrie, methinkes, I observed some diuine thing extrordinarie which ravished my heart, & may giue the world to conceave, he will one day make good all those great hopes which wear dead in Prince Henrie, but revived againe in him. And no heart but would haue been ravished to haue seene the sweete demeanour of that great ladie at her departure: with teares trickling downe her cheekes; so milde courteous, and affable (yet with a princelie reservation of state well beseeming so great a maiestie) lyke another Queene Elizabeth revived also agayne in her, the only Phoenix of the world. Gonne is this sweete Princesse, with her now-more-than-princelie houseband (and more and more may they growe togither in grace and favour both with god and men) towards the place whear his armie attendeth, to march forward: shewing herself like that virago at Tilburie in eightie eight: an other Queene Elizabeth, for so now she is: and what more she may be in time, or her royall yssue, is in gods hands to dispose to his glorie, and the good of his church: pro qua (as I said before) quis pius dubitaret mortem oppetere? what good man would not adventure his life, & runne even in the face of death, Such a ladie going before, and marching in the front It is the maner of the Moores in their most deadlie battayles, to make choice of one of their chieffest, and fayrest virgins, to goe before them into the field: her to be surprized, and taken from them they hold it an everlasting shame, and thearfore will fight it out to the last man. And shall we suffer our sweete Princesse, our royall infanta, the only daughter of our soveraigne [Page] lord and king, to goe before vs into the field and not fol low after her? then (I may say agayne) we are worse than the verie infidels, and they shall rise in iudgement against vs at that great day. The glorie of God, and generall good of his Church depending hearupon; with a particular obligation besides, I owe to her Highnes (which in all dutie I am bound to acknowledge) hath vrged me to expresse my zeale and affection thus far, as a testimonie of my thankfulnes: readie further to adventure my lyfe, and spend my dearest blood in confirmation thearof; as in a common cause, whearin (as I said before) all true Christians are lykewise obliged. And thearfore let vs all ioyne togither in praiers to Almightie God, for the good successe of these princelie personages, and namelie in that praier which the people of God praied for the good successe of that good, and Godlie King, before he went to fight against the Ammonites, whear with I will conclude; psal▪ 20. The Lord heare thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Iaacob defend thee. Send thee help from the sanctuarie, and strength thee out of Sion. Remember all thyne offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice, Graunt thee according to thyne owne heart, and fulfill all thy counsell. We will reioyce in thy salvation, and in the name of our God, we will set vp our banners. The Lord fulfill all thy petitions, &c. Amen:
Fridericus quintus Elector Palatinus
Fredericus quintus Elector Palatinus
Ferdinandus secundus Archidux Austriae
A SHORT AND TRVE RELATION OF The Coronation of the King of Bohemia Fridericke the first of that name. With the Ceremonies, and prayers accustomed at the Crownotion, and receiuing of the King. As also the Triumphes, and showes their don in Honour of the Kings Maiestie.
NOw when the day of the Kings Crownation was come, their assembled the principall of the Court. And first, before the King was to goe to the Church, accompanyed with the chiefe of the kingdome: the Administrater, and State holder of the Bishoppricke of Prague, (by name Georgius Dicastus Mirzcovinus, and Iohannes Cyrillus Trebicensis Elder of the Consistorie, both executing Episcopall function) went towards the Church, and attended there for his Maiesties comming in a by-chappell called by the Romanists the Sachristi. A little after that, the Kings Maiestie was led by the chiefe of the kingdome vnto the Church, into the chappell of S. Wonceslaus to put on the Royall Robes. In the meane time, the King there staying at the doore of the same Chappell, for the comming of the Administrator, and the Elder. Now, the King comming out of the Chappell, the Administrator gaue him this blessing: Lord God blesse this our chosen King, that he going out, and in, may walke in thy way faithfully, and constantly, according to thy holy word: through our Lord Iesus Christ.
[Page] Thus the King going, there went first afore him they of the Consistorie, taking the way vnto the high Altar. After these followed those that held their Offices by inheritance, to wit: the cheife Sewer, cariyng two loaues of bread, the one covered with gold, the other with siluer. And the cheife Cup-bearer, cariyng two vessels of wine, also couered with gold and siluer. Then after followed those which are set in the cheifest Offices in the Kingdome, cariyng the Royall Robes, and garnishings. The Scepter, or Staffe, caried the cheiffe Secretorie: And the golden Apple the cheife Iudge. The Crowne, the cheiffe Burgraue. And the Red Myter, the chife Chamberlaine. The Sword, the cheife Marshall: and these went before the Kings Maiestie. The King following with the Administrator on the right hand, and the Elder on the left.
Now his Maiestie being come to the Altar, fell vpon his knees; and the Administrator and the Elder both on their bowed knees sayd this prayer following. ‘Almightie euerlasting God, King of Kings, in whose power and prouidence are all the kingdomes of the world. Thou which through thy wisedome and free will, doest translate them where it pleaseth thee, and giuest to whom it pleaseth thee: blesse Frederick our King, chosen through thy diuine prouidence, and mercy, and giuen vs: that he not straying from the truth of thy lawe, may walke all the dayes of his life in thy wayes: through Iesus Christ our Lord.’ The Chorus or Assembly answered Amen. This prayer being ended, all kinde of Musick was song through the Church; the Kings Robes were layd vpon the Altar, and his Maiestie was led to his Royall chayre, by the Administrator, and the Elder. Aud then after was the Sermon Preached, which done the Administrator did sing this Letanie following.
[Page] God Father of heauen, haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners.
God Sonne Redeemer of the world, haue mercy &c.
God Holy Ghost, haue mercy &c.
Holy Trinitie, haue mercy &c.
That if it please thee to rule, governe, and defend, thy true Catholique Church. We pray thee heare vs.
That it will please thee to keepe all her Bishops, Sheepheards, and seruants in thy holy word, and a holy life. wee pray thee &c.
That it may please thee to giue peace, and unity to all Kings and Princes, we pray &c.
Lord God that it would please thee, to establish and strengthen this Prince Fredericke, whom we haue chosen for our King. we &c.
That it would please thee through thy powerfull hand to strengthen, and defend his Royall throne: Sonne of God we pray &c.
O Lambe of God that takest away the sinnes of the world, haue mercy vpon vs. three times over.
This last was song by the whole Chorus.
After this Letanie, was read the second Chapter of the first Epistle of Paule to Timothie, from the first verse to the end.
This being ended, this prayer following was made by the Administrator: Lord Iesus Christ, euerlasting King of Kings, and only Sauiour of all that doe beleeue in thee, our Mediator and Redeemer, which cals men out of all Nations to thy Kingdome, which settest godly Kings in thy Church, and commandest we should pray for them. We pray thy Divine Maiestie for our chosen King Fredericke who forthwith is to be crowned. That it will please thee to gouerne him through thy holy spirit, and to extend thy blessing ouer this solempnity: the which we (with calling on thy name, before and after [Page] his Crownation). shall accomplish. And moreouer powring out our prayers for our chosen King: as also for our selues; that vnder his gouernement, we may lead a a peaceable quiet life, in all honestie and godlines, through our Lord Iesus Christ. And the Chorus answered Amen. This prayer being ended, began all kind of Musicke, with voyces. After the Musicke, the Admonistrator and Elder comming to the Royall Chayre, led the Kings Maiestie to the Altar: to whom the Burgraue spake on this manner: Most illustrous Prince, King of BOHEMIA, and gracious Lord, before we set the Crowne vpon thy head, thou shalt sweare in our Language to the States of this Kingdome this Oath. Then read the Burgraue the Oath before the King, and the King did say it after him.
After the oath was done, the Administrator sayd this prayer following. Almightie God, euerlasting Lord, as thou art faithfull in all thy promises, so thy will is that all men should be faithfull: namely those whom it is thy pleasure to make Rulers ouer thy people, as well in Temporall as Ecclesiasticall Offices, and callings, grauut that our chosen King iustly ruling vs and we humble, faithfully and constantly obeying him (both thee our Euerlasting King) may accomplish our promises, according to thy holy word through our Lord Iesus Christ. And the Chorus or Assembly answered Amen. This prayer being ended, all kind of instruments were playd on, with sweete melodious and musicall voyces. Which ceassing, the Administrator tooke the Kings Robes from the Altar, and gaue them to the King: But first was the annoynting done on the tope of his head: and the Administrator spake to the King in this manner following. ‘Most gracious King, seeing that also in the Church of old, Kings were annoynted (which annoynting, was a signe of Gods lawfull calling, wherewith God hath sealed the godly and faithfull Kings, to the life which is prepared for vs in Christ Iesus) so the same God annoynt thee with his holy spirit, that thou as a true annoynted of God, mayst accomplish his holy will, and councell, through Iesus Christ our [Page] Lord.’ The Chorus or Assembly answered Amen.
Secondly, giuing him the Sword, he spake thus vnto him: ‘Receiue this Sword, O King Elect of God, for thou art the scruant of God, called hereunto by God, that thou maist not carie that sword in vaine, but therewith defending the good, and punishing the euill, thou doest accomplish his will: through Iesus Christ our Lord.’ The Chorus or Assembly answered Amen.
Thirdly, the Ring, ‘Receiue the Ring as a signe and Gods earnest pennie of thy Kingly calling, and the faithfulnes which thou must shew vnto God. The Holy Ghost seale thee, which is the Gods penny of the heauenly inheritance, through our Lord Iesus Christ.’ The Chorus or Assembly answered Amen.
Fourthly the Scepter. ‘Most gracious Prince, like as thou hast receiued the Sword. so receiue also the Scepter: for it is not seemely the King Maiestie should be garnished with the sword and armes only: but must also be armed with the Scepter of the Lawes, that he may in both the times, as well in peace as warre, duely rule and be watchfull, defending the godly and faithfull, and affrighting, and punishing the vngodly and vnfaithfull: offring the hand to those that are fallen and to rayse vp the humble: but the proud to abase through Iesus Christ.’ The Chous or Assembly answered Amen.
Fiftly, the Golden Apple: saying. ‘Receiue the Apple, the which as it doth signifie the power of the Kings of this world: so also it doth signifie vnto vs the ficklenes of Kingdomes, and Empyers. Therefore also all Kings of the world are admonished to seeke after that vnchaungable kingdome: through our Lord Iesus Christ.’ And the Chorus or assemblie answered amen▪
Sixtly the Royall Crowne, which the two cheife Princes of the Realme, standing on the right hand of the King, and the Administrator with the Elder on the left, setting it vpon the Kings head, spake these words: ‘Receiue the Crowne of the kingdome (O King Elect) which is set vpon thy head in the name of the Holy Trinitie: and out of the free consent of the States, and cheife of this kingdome, throughthe prouidence of God. The which vndoubtedly is a [Page] sure signe of the fauour of God towards thee: signifiyng that thou hauing power ouer the people, art made Partaker of Gods Highnes: for that thou being obedient vnto his holy will, in the end, with all Gods elect, art to receiue the crowne of euerlasting saluation, which our Sauiour Iesus Christ shall giue vnto all his faithfull ones, which doe looke for his glorious comming. vnto him be prayse and thanks, for euer and euer.’ The Chorus or Assembly answered Amen.
When as now the Crowne was set vpon his head, his Maiestie was led vnto his royall Chayre, and the Burgraue spake in the country Language these words: ‘Seeing that your King being lawfully chosen, and crowned, hath giuen his oath vnto vs, to defend you, and vphold your freedomes; so it becommeth you also, to sware vnto your King. Therefore all you that can come neare vnto the Royall Chayre, lay two fingers on the Kings Crowne, and the rest put vp your fingers.’ Instantly there was seene all the chiefe of the kingdome, with an excessiue ioy thronging to touch the Kings Crowne (as before ordered) and the rest of the people they put vp their fingers, in token of a willing, obedient, and faithfull oath. After this, followed presently melodious Musicke, and singing. All which being ended; the Administrator concluded this solempnity of the Coronation with this prayer following. ‘O Lord our God, looke heere in thy presence stands Frederick our lawfull, chosen, and crowned King. Wee haue accomplished the solempnitie of his Coronation with calling vpon thy name: most humbly praying thee, that thou wilt heare and accomplish our prayers, which for him we haue powred out in thy presence. Blesse our King as aforetime heare on earth, thy illustrious instruments sett in high places; that he may follow his fore-fathers: to wit, Abraham the Father of many people, strong in hope faith and fidelity. Moses the Prophet, and leader, in meeknes. Iosua in goodnes, and victories. Dauid in Hymmes, and extolling thy honour. Salomon in wise and peaceable ruling his people. Aza, Iosaphat, Ezekia and Iosia, godly Kings of Iuda, before times faithfull and very-zealous in furthering [Page] thy true worship. Graunt him also a long continuing life, that in his dayes iustice and iudgement may haue dominion, and that all we being faithfull & obedient to our King, according to thy commaundement, may cleaue vnto him. Finally with our King and all the elect (after we haue first furthered and done thy worke, and fulfilled thy counsell) may be translated into the euerlasting kingdome of Christ: as thy Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ shall wonderfully manifest himselfe in his glorious comming againe is all his Saints, that haue beleeued in his Gospell. Let our King liue, let our King liue: Let our King liue. With the godly Queene his wife, and children, and illustrious family: through thy grace and mercy, O Lord our God who with thy Sonne, and Holy Ghost, one God rulest, and be praysed for euer and euer Amen.’ The Chorus or assembly answered Amen. And all the people cryed with ioyfull voyces: Viuat Rex, Viuat Rex. Let our King liue, Let our King liue. All this being done his Maiestie (the spirituall order remayning in the Church) was led by the States of the Land to his Pallace; where was made ready a great and costly banquer. The people making great ioy, and iollitie, with all kind of shewes; triumpths and fires. So that the shewed forth sufficiently their inward ioy, by these outward signes. And thus ended the solempnitie of the crowning of the King of Bohemia.
Thus farre the Dutch Relation.
Wherevnto, I haue thought good to add this Appendix or supplement, the time of his Maiesties Coronation therein not mentioned, nor the Coronation of the Queene.
THis Solempnity was performed, on Monday the 25 of October last 1619. The Coronation of the Queene, on the Tursday after, being the 28. according to our account: old stile: the like solempnity vsed. Wherunto let the Chorus or assembly even the whole Church of Great Britayne applaud in like ioyfull manner. And as they cryed with on consent Viuat Rex &c. so let vs also answer with like ioyfull voyces, to cōclude the solēnity (as duty bindeth to our Soueraigne, & his royal posterity: with the Sacreed memorie of that precious name neuer to be [Page] now reviued againe, to Gods glory, and generall good of his Church: all likewise applauding therevnto,) Vivat Regina Elizabetha. Amen Amen.
There is yet another more particular Relation in Dutch, contayning divers other circumstances not heere expressed: with a representation of the whole manner of the solempnity, and Coronation both of the King and Queene in Pictures. Which I make account w [...]ll also heare-after be translated, and published, with other reasons more at large, to giue the world better satisfaction. Wherevnto, it hath pleased God to giue testimony; and to confirme this his sacred invnction, with the credible newes of most ioyfull, and succesfull beginnings, already atchiued against the enemyes, about the very same time, and since likewise, which God graunt may increase more and more to his glory: and run along still, like a traine of gun-powder, till at length, wee heare the finall report, of the sodaine downefall of that great Citie Babilon euen to the ground. In one day, in one houre. Reuel. 18. And a mightie Angel tooke vp a stone like a great Milstone, and cast it into the Sea, saying: with such violence shall that great Citie Babilon be throwne downe, and shall be found no more at all. MACTE VIRTVTE. Courage my hearts, the day is ours: the signe of victory alreadie giuen by the Lord of hoasts himselfe, who fighteth for vs, as he did for the Israelits against the Aegiptians, for these Aegiptians, whome ye haue seene this day, ye shall neuer see them agayne any more. The Lord shall fight for you, &c. Exod. 14. And therefore as I began, so I will conclude, and english it, that euery one may read it running.