A Caueat o [...] Common Curseto [...]
Uagabones, set forth by The [...] vtilitie and profit of his natur [...] larged by the first Author [...] the tale of the second tal [...] Crank, with the true [...] or, and also his puni [...] dissembling, mos [...] hearer or reader [...] Newly Imprinted. ANNO 1573.
their kind, will wind [...]
AS of Auncient and long tyme there [...] and is now at this prefent many good godly profita [...] [...]wes and actes, made and set forth in this moste noble and florishing Realme, for the reliefe, succour, com [...]orte and sustentacion of the pore, nedy, impotent and miserable creatures, beeing and inhabiting in all partes of the same. So is there (right honorable and myne especiall good Lady) most holsome estatutes, ordinances and necessery lawes, made, set foorth and published, for the extreme punishment of all vagarants [...] sturdy vagabonds as passeth through and by all partes of this fam [...] yle, most idelly and wickedly: and I (by good experience) w [...] standing and considering your most tender, pitifull, gentle and [...] nature, not only hauing a vigilant and mercifull eye to your poore indigēt & feeble parishioners: yea not only in the parish wher your honour most happely doth dwell, but also in others inuironing or nighe adioyning to the same As also aboundantly powring out dayly your ardent and bountifull charitie vppon all such as commeth for reliefe vnto your luckly gates.
I thought it good, necessary, and my bounden dutye to acquayn [...] your goodnes with the abhominable, wicked and detestable behauior of all these rowsey, ragged rabblement of rakehelles, that vnder the pretence of great misery, diseases and other innumerable calamities, which they fayne through great hipocrisie, doe win and gayne great almes in all places where they wyly wander, to the vtter deludinge of the good geuers: deceyiing and impouerishing of al such poore housholders both sicke and fore, as neyther can or may walke abroade for reliefe and comfort (where in deede most mercy is to be shewed,) And for that, I (most honorable Lady) being placed as a poore gentleman, haue kept a house these twenty yeares, where vnto pouerty dyily hath and doth repayre, not without some reliefe as my poore callinge and habilitie may and doth extende: I haue of late yeares gathered a great suspicion that all should not be well: and as the prouerbe sayeth: Some thing lurcke and laye hyd that dyd not playnely appeare. For I hauing more occasion (through sicknesse) to tary and remayne at home. then I haue bene accustomed, doe by my there abyding, talke and conferre daily with many of these wyly wanderars, of both sortes, as well men and women, as boyes and gyrles: by whom I haue gathered and [Page] derstand their depe dissimulation and detestable dealing, being maruelous suttle and crafty in their kinde, for not one amongest twenty will discouer, eyther declare their scelerous secretes: yet with fayr flattering wordes, money, and good chere, I haue attained to the typpe by such as the meanest of thē, hath wādered these xiii. yeres, & most xvi. & som xx. and vpward, and not without fatihful promisse made vnto them, neuer to discouer their names or any thinge they shewed mee: for they would all saye, if the vpright men should vnderstand thereof, they should not bee onely greeuously beaten, but put in daunger of their lyues, by the sayd vpright men. There was a fewe yeares since a small breefe set foorth of some zelous man to his countrey, of whom I knowe not, that made a little shewe of their names and vsage, and gaue a glymsing light not sufficient to perswade of their peuish pelting and pyncking practyses, but well worthy of prayse. But (good ma [...]me) with no lesse trauell then good will, I haue repayred and rigged the ship of knowledge, and haue hoyssed vp the sayles of good fortune, that shee may safely passe about and through all parts of this noble realme, and there make porte sale of hir wished wares, to the confusion of their drowsey demener, and vnlawfull lāguage, pylfring, pycking, wyly wandering and lyking lechery, of all these rablement of rascales that raunges about all the costes of the same, so that their vndesent dolefull dealing and execrable exercyses may appeare to all as it were in a glasse, that thereby the Iusticers and Shreeues maye in their circuites be more vigilant to punishe these malefactores, and the Constables, Baylifes and housholders, setting asyde all feare, slouth, & pitie, may bee more circumspect in executing the charge gyuen them by the aforesayd Iusticers. Then will no more this rascall rablement raunge about the countrey. Then greater reliefe may be shewed to the pouerty of eche parishe. Then shall wee keepe our horses in our pastures vnstolen. Then our lynnen clothes shall and may lye safely on our hedges vntouched. Then shall wee not haue our clothes and linnen hooked out at our windowes, as well by daye as by night Then shall wee not haue our houses broken vp in the nyght, as of late one of my neyghbours had and twoo great buckes of clothes stolen out, and most of the same fyne linnen. Then shall wee safely keepe our pigges and poultrey from pylfering Then shall wee surely passe by the high wayes leading to markets and faires vnharmed. Then shall our shops and bothes be vnpicked and spoiled. Then shall these vncomely companies bee dispersed and set to labour for their lyuing, or hastely hang for their demerites. Then shall it encourage a great number of gentlemen [Page] and others, seeinge this securitie, to set vp houses and keepe hospitalitie in the countrey, to the comfort of their neighbours, reliefe of the poore, and to the amendement of the common wealth. Then shal not sinne and wyckednes so much abounde among vs. Then will gods wrath be much the more pacified towards vs. Then shall wee not taste of so many and sundry plagues as now daylye raigneth ouer vs. And then shall this famous Empyre be in more welth and better floryshe, to the inestimable ioye and comforte of the Queenes most excellente maiestitie, whom God of his infinite goodnes, to his great glory, long and many yeares make most prosperously to raygne ouer vs, too the great felicitie of all the Peeres and nobles, and to the vnspeakable ioy, reliefe and quietnes of mynde of all hir faythfull commons and subiectes. Now, me thinketh I see how these peuish, peruerse and pestilent people begin to freat, fume, sweare, and stare at this my booke, theyr lyfe beinge layde open and apparantly paynted out, that their confusion and end draweth on apace: where as in deede if it be well wayed, it is set forth for theyr singular profyt and commoditie, for the sure sauegard of their liues here in this world, that thei shorten not the same before their time, and that by their true laboure and good lyfe, in the world to come they may saue their soules, that Christe the second person in Trinitie hath so derely bought with his most precious bloudso that hereby I shall do them more good then they could haue deuised for themselues. For behold, their life being so manifest wicked, & so apparantly knowne: the honorable will abhorre them: the woorshipfull will reiecte them: the yeoman will sharplye tawnte them: the husband men vtterly defye them: the labouringe men bluntlye chyde them: the wemen wyth a loude exclamation wonder at them: And all children wyth clappynge handes crye out at them. I manye tymes musing with my selfe at these mischeuous myslyuers marueled when they toke their original and beginning, howe longe they haue exercised their execrable wandringe about: I thought it meete to confer with a very olde man that I was well acquainted with, whose witte and memory is maruelous for his yeares, being about the age of foure score, what hee knewe when he was yonge of these lousey lewterars. And he shewed mee that when hee was yonge, he wayted vpon a man of much worship in Kent, who dyed immediatly after the last Duke of Buckingham was beheaded, at his buryall there [...] was suche a number of beggers, besides poore housholders dwelling there abouts, that vnneth they myght lye or stand aboute the house: then was thereto prepared for them a great and a large barne, and a great fatte oxe sod [Page] out in Furmenty for them with bread and drinke aboundantly to furnish out the premisses, and euery person had two pence for such was the dole VVhē night aproched the pore housholders repaired hom [...] to their houses, the other wayfaring bold beggers remained all night in the barn, and the same barne being serched with light in the night by this old man and then yonge and others, they tolde seuen score persons of men, euery of them hauing his woman, except it were two wemen that lay alone togyther for some especiall cause. Thus hauing their makes to make mery withall: the buriall was tourned to bousing and belly cheere, mourning to myrth, fasting to feasting, prayer to pastyme, and pressing of paps and lamenting to lecherye. So that it may appeare this vncomly company hath had a long continuance but then nothinge geuen so much to pylferinge, pyckinge and spoling, and as far as I can learne or vnderstande by the examination of a number of them, their language which they terme peddelers Frenche or Canting, began but within these xxx. yeres or litle aboue, and that the first inuenter thereof was hanged all saue the head, for that is the finall ende of them al, or elles to dye of some filthy and horrible diseases: but much harme is done in the meane space by their continuance as some x. xii. and xvi. yeares before they be consumed; and the number of them doth dayly renew. I hope their sinne is nowe at the hyghest, and that as short and as speedy redresse wilbe for these, as hath bene of late yeares for the wretched, wyly wandering vagabonds calling and naming them selues Egyptians, deeply dissembling and long hyding and couering their depe deceiteful practises, feeding the rude common people wholly addicted and geuen to nouelties, toyes, and new inuentions, delyting them with the straungenes of the attyre of their heades, and practising paulmistrye to such as would knowe their fortunes. And to be short, all theues and hoores (as I may well write) as some haue had true experience, a number can well witnesse, and a great sort hath well felte it. And nowe (thankes bee to God) through wholsome lawes and the due execution thereof, all bee dispersed, banished, and the memory of them cleane extinguished, that when they bee once named hereafter, our Chyldren will muche marueill what kind of people they were: and so I trust shall shortly happen of these. For what thing doth chiefely cause these rowsey rake helles thus to continew and dayly increase? surely a number of wicked persons that keepe typling houses in all shiers, where they haue succoure and reliefe, and what so euer they bryng, they are sure to receyue money for the same, for they sel good peny worthes. The byers haue the greatest [Page] gayne, yea yf they haue neither money nor ware, they wylbe trusted, their credit is much I haue taken a note of a good many of them, and will send their names and dwelling places to such Iusticers as dwelleth nere or next vnto them, that they by their good wisedomes may displace the same, and authorise such as haue honesty. I will not blot my booke with their names, because they be resident. But as for this fleeting fellowship, I haue truly set forth the most part of them, that be doers at this present with their names that they be knowne by. Also I haue placed in the end therof their leud language, callinge the same pedlers French or Canting. And now shall I ende my prologue, making true declaration (right honorable Lady) as they shall fall in order of their vntemely tryfelinge tyme, leude lyfe, and pernitious practises, trusting that the same shall neyther trouble or abashe your most tender, tymerous and pytyfull Nature, to thinke the smal mode should growe vnto you for such almes so geuen. For God our mercyfull and most louing father, well knoweth your harte and good entent, the gyuer neuer wanteth his rewarde, accordinge to the sayinge of Sainct Augustin: as there is (neyther shalbe) any sinne vnpunished euen so shall there not be any good deede vnrewarded But how comfortably speaketh Christ our Sauiour vnto vs in his gospell (giue ye and it shalbe gyuen you agayne) behold further, good Madam that for a cup of colde water, Christ hath promised a good rewarde. Nowe sainct Austine properly declareth why Christ speaketh of cold water, because the poorest man that is, shall not excuse him selfe from that charitable work, least he would peraduenture saye that he hath neyther wood, pot nor pan to warme any water with. See further what God speaketh in the mouth of his prophet Esaye. Break thy bread to him that is a hungred, he sayth not giue him a whole lofe: for peraduentute the poore man hath it not to gyue, then let him gyue a piece. This much is sayd because the poore that hath it should not be excused, now how much more then the riche. Thus you see good Madame, for your treasure here dispersed, where neede and lacke is, it shalbe heaped vp aboundantly for you in heauen, wher neither rust or moth shal corrupt or destroy the same. Vnto which triumphant place after many good happy, and fortunat yeres prosperously here dispended, you may for euer and euer, thero most ioyfully remayne.
The Epistle to the Reader.
ALthough; good Reader I wryte in playne termes, and not so playnely as truely, concerninge the matter, meaning honestly to all men, and wish them as much good, as to myne owne harte, yet as there hathe bene, so there is now, and hereafter wilbe curious heades to fynde faultes: wherefore I thought it necessary nowe at this second Impression, to acquaynt thee with a great faulte, as some taketh it, but not as I meane it, callinge these Uagabondes Cursetors, in the Intytuling of my booke, as runners or rangers about the Countrey, deriued of this Latin word ( C V R R O) neyther do I write it Cooresetores with a double oo, or Cowresetors wyth a w, which hath an other signification: is there no diuersitie betwene a gardein, and a garden, maynteynance, and maintenance: Streytes, & stretes: those that haue vnderstanding, knowe there is a great difference: who is so ignorant in these dayes, as knoweth not the meanynge of a vagabone? and if any ydell leuterar should so bee called of any man, woulde not hee thinke it bothe odyous and reprochfull? will he not shon the name? ye and where as he may and dare with bent browes, will reuenge that name of ignominy: yet this playn name vagabone is deriued as others be of Latin wordes, and now vse makes it common to all men: but let vs loke backe foure hundred yeares sithens, and let vs see whether this playne worde vagabon, was vsed or no? I beleue not, and why? because I read of no such name in the old estatuts of this realme, vnlesse it be in the margent of the Booke, or in the Table, which in the collection and printing was set in, but these were then the common names of these leud leuterars, say tores, Robardesmen, Drawlatches, & valiant beggers. If I should haue vsed such wordes, or the same order of [Page] writing, as this realme vsed in King Henry the thyrd, or Edward the firstes time. Oh what a grose, barbarous fellowe haue we here, his writing is both homely & darke, that we had nede to haue an enterpreter, yet then it was very well and in short season, a great change we see, well this delycatage shall haue his time on the othersyde, eloquence haue I none, I neuer was acquaynted with the Muses. I neuer tasted of Helycon. But accordinge to my playne order, I haue set forth this worke, simply and truly with such vsuall wordes and termes, as is amonge vs well knowne and frequented. So that as the prouerbe sayth (althoughe truth bee blamed, it shall neuer bee shamed,) well good reader, I meane not to be tedious vnto thee but haue added fyue or sixe more tales, because some of them were donne whyle my Booke was fyrste in the presse, and as I truste I haue deserued no rebuke, for my good will, euen so I desire no prayse for my payne, coste, and trauell. But faythfully for the profyt and benefyte of my country, I haue donne it, that the whole bodye of the Realme, may see and vnderstand their leud lyfe and pernitious practises, that all maye speedely helpe to amende that is amisse. Amen say all with me.
A Rufflar.
THe Rufflar, bicause he is first in degre of this odious order: and is so called in a statut made for the punishment of vagabonds: In the xxvij. yeare of king Henry the eight late of most famous memory: He shalbe first placed as the worthiest of this vnraly rablemēt. And he is so called when he goeth first abroad, either he hath serued in the warres, or els be hath ben a seruing man and weary of well doing, shaking of all payne, dooth chuse him this ydle lyfe, and wretchedly wanders about the most shyres of this realme. And with stout audacity h [...] demaundeth where he thinketh he may be bolde, and circumspecte ynough, as he seeth cause to aske charity, rufully and lamentably, that it would make a fiynty hart to relent, and pitte his miserable estate, how he hath bene maymed and broused in the warres, & peraduenture some will shew you som outward wounde, which he gotte at some dronken fraye, eyther haltinge of some pre [...]y wounde [...]estred with a fylthy firy flankard. For be well assured that the hardiest souldiers be eyther slayn or maymed, either if they escape all hassardes, and retourne home agayne, if they bee without reliefe of their friends, they wil surely desperatly robbe and steale, or eyther shortly bee hanged or miserably dye in pryson, for they be so much ashamed and disdayne to beg or aske charity, that rather they wil as desperately fight for to lyue and mainteyne them selues as manfully, and valiantly they ventred them selues in the Princes quarell. Now, these Rufflars the outcastes of seruinge men when begginge or crauinge fayles, then they picke and pylfer from other inferiour beggers that they mée [...]e by the way, as Roges, Pal [...]yardes, Mortes, and Dores: yea if they méete with a woman alone ridinge to the market, eyther old man or boye, that hée well knoweth will not resiste, such they filche and spoyle. These Rufflars after a yeare or two at the farthest become vpright men, vnlesse the [...] be preuented by twinde [...]empe.
I had of late yeares an old man to my tenant, who customablye a great tyme, went twise in the wéeke to London, eyther with fruit or with pescodes, when time serued therefore. And as hee was comming homewarde on blacke heathe, at the ende thereof next to shooters hill, he ouertoke two Rufflars, the one manerly waiting on y e other, as one had ben the maister, and the other the man or seruant [Page] carying his maister cloke: This olde man was very gladde that hée might haue their cōpany ouer the bill, bicause that day he had made a good market, for he had seuen shillings in his purse, and an olde angell, which this pore man had thought had not bene in his purse, for he willed his wife ouer night to take out the same Angell, and lay it vp vntill his comming home againe. And he verely thought that his wyfe had so done, which in deed forgot to doe it. Thus after salutations, had this maister rufflar entred into cōmunication with this simple olde man, who ryding softly beside them commoned of many matters. Thus feding this old man with pleasant talke, vntill they were on the toppe of the hyll where these rufflars myghte well behold the coaste about them cleare, quickly steppes vnto this poore man, and taketh holde of his horse brydell, and leadeth him in to the wode, and demaundeth of him what and how much money he had in his purse. Now by my troth quoth this old man, you ar a mery gentleman, I knowe you meane not to take awaye any thinge from me, but rather to giue me some if I should aske it of you. By and by this seruant thiefe casteth the clok that he caried on his arms about this poore mans face, that he should not marke or vew them, with sharp words to deliuer quicly that he had and to confesse truly what was in his purse. This poore man then al abashed yelded and confessed he had but iust seuen shillinges in his purse and the truth is be knew of no more. This old angel was falen out of a little purse into the botome of a great purse. Now this seuen shillings in whyt money they quickly found, thinkinge in deed that there had bene no more, yet farther groping and searching, found this old angell. And with great admiration this gentle man theese began to blesse him, saying: good Lorde what a worlde is this, howe maye (quoth hee) a man beleue or trust in the same, see you not (quod he) this old knau [...] tolde me that he had but seuen shillinges, and here is more by an angell, what an old knaeu and a false knaue haue we here (quoth this rufflar) our lord haue mercy on vs, will this worlde neuer bee better, and therewith went their waye, and lesse the olde man in the wood doing him no more harme. But sorowfull sighinge this olde man returning home declared his misaduenture, with al the words and circumstances aboue shewed, whereat for the tyme was great laughing, and this pore man for his losses among his louing neighboures well considered in the ende.
¶ A Upryght man, Cap. 2.
[Page]A Upright man the second in secte of this vnsemely sort must be next placed of these rainging rablement of rascales, some be seruing men, artificers, and laboring men, traded vpp in husbādry: These not minding to get their liuing with the sweat of their face, but casting of all payne, wil wander after their wicked maner, through the most shyres of this realme.
As Sommerset shyre, Wyll shyre. Barke shyre, Oxforde shyre, Harforde shyre, Myddilsex, Esse [...], Suffolke, Northfolke, Suffex, Surrye, and Kent, as the chiefe and best shyres of reliefe. Yea not without punishment by stockes, whyppinges, and imprisonment, in most of these places aboue sayd: yet notwithstandinge they haue so good lyking in their lewde lecherous loyteringe, that full quicklye all their punishmentes be forgotten. And repentaunce is neuer thought vpon, vntill they clyme thrée trées with a ladder. These vnrewly rascales in their roylinge, disperse them selues into seuerall companies, as occasion serueth, sometime more and sometime lesse. As if they repayre to a poore husbandmans house, hée will go alone or one with him, and stoutely demaund his charitie, eyther shewing how he hath serued in the warres and their maymed, eyther that he seeketh seruice and sayth he would be gladde to take payne for hys lyuinge, althoughe he meaneth nothing lesse: If he be offered anye meate or drinke, he vtterly refuseth scornefullye, and will nought but money, and if he espye yong pygges or poultry, he well noteth the place, & then the next night or shortly after, he wil be sure to haue some of them, which they bringe to their stawlinge kens, whiche is their tippling houses, as well knowen to them according to the olde prouerbe (as the begger knows his dishe.) For you must vnderstand euery Typplyng ale house will neither receiue them or their wares but some certayne houses, in euery shyre, especially for that purpose, where they shalbe better welcome to them, then honester men For by such haue they most gayne, and shalbe conuayd eyther into some loft out of the way, or other secret corner not common to any other, and thither repayre at accustomed tymes their barlotes which they terme mortes and Dores, not with emty hands, for they be as skilfull in picking, riffling & filching, as the vpright men, and nothing inferior to them in all kinde of wickednes, as in other places herafter they shalbe touched. At these foresaid pelting penish places and vnmanerly meetings, O how the pottes walk about, their talking tounges talke at large: They howle and howse one to anther, and for the tyme bowsing belly chere. And after their ruysting recreatiō [Page] if there be not rome ynough in the house, they haue cleane straw in some barne or backe house nere adioining, where they couch comly togither, as it were dogge and byche, and he that is hardyest mays haue his choyse, vnlesse for a litlte good maner, some wil take their owne that they haue made promyse vnto [...] vntill they be out of sight, and accordinge to the olde adage (out of minde) Yet these vpright men stand so much vpon their reputatiō, as thei wil in no case haue their wemen walke with them, but seperate themselues for a time, a moneth or more. And mete at fayres or great markets where they mete to pilfer and steale [...] from staules, shoppes, or boothes. At these fayres the vpright men, vse commonly to lye, & lingar in hye wayes by lanes, some prety way or distance frō the place, by which wayes they be assured that company passeth still to and fro, and there they will demaund with cap in hand and comly curtesye, the deuotion & charitie of y e people. They haue ben much lately whipped at fayrs. If thei aske at a stout yemans or farmers house his charity, thei wil goe strong as thre or foure in a company: where for feare more then good will they often haue reliefe, they seldome or neuer passe by a Iuststes house, but haue by wayes, vnlesse he dwell alone, and but weakely manned, thither will they also goe strong after a slye suttle sorte, as with their armes bounde vp with kercher or lyste, hauinge wrapt about the same filthy clothes, eyther their legges in such maner be wrapped halting down right, not vnprouided of good codgils, which they cary to sustayne them, and as they fayne to kéepe dogges from them, when they come to such good gentlemens houses, if any searthe be made or they suspected for pilfering clothes of hedges, or breaking of houses which they commonly do, when the owners bée eyther at the market, church, or other wayes occupied about their busines, eyther robbe some sely man or woman by the hye way, as many times they do. Then they hygh them into wodes, great thickets, and other ruffe corners where they lye lurking three or foure dayes togyther, and haue meate and drinke brought them by theyr mortes and Dores: and whyle they thus lye bidden in conert, in the night they be not idle neither as y e common saying is (wel occupied) for then as the wyly fore, creping out of his den, seketh his praye for pultery, so do these for [...]nnen and any thing else worth money, that lyeth about or nere a house. As somtime a whole buck of clothes caried away at time. When they haue a greatter booty, then they may cary away quickly to their stawlinge kennes as is aboue said, they will hyde the same for a thre dayes in some thicke, couert and [Page] in the night time cary the same lyke good water Spannels to their foresayd houses, to whom they will discouer where or in what places they had the same where the markes shalbe picked out cleane, & conuayd craftely far of to sell if the mā or woman of the house want money themselues: and if these vpright men haue nether mony nor wares, at these houses they shalbe trusted for their vitalles and it amount to twenty or thirty shillinges: yea if it fortune any of these vpright men to be taken, either suspected or charged with fellony or pety brybrye don at such a time or such a place, he will saye he was in his hostes house. And if the mā or wyfe of that house be examined by an officer, they boldely vouche that they lodged him such a time, whereby the truth cannot apeare. And if they chance to be retained into seruice, through their lamentable wordes, with any welthy mā they will tary but a small time, eyther robbing his maister, or some of his fellowes. And some of them vseth this policy, that althoughe they trauaill into all these shyres aboue said, yit will thei haue good credite, especially in one shyre, where at diuers good farmers houses they be well knowne, wher thei worke a moneth in place or more and will for that time behaue themselues very honestly & paynfully. And may at any time for their good vsage haue woorke of them, and to these at a dead lift or last refuge, thei may safely repayre vnto, & be welcom, when in other places for a knacke of knauery that they haue plaid thei dare not tary. These vpright mē wil sildom or neuer want, for what is gotten by any Morte or Dore, if it please him hée doth commaund the same: and if he mete any begger, whether he be sturdy or impotent, he will demaund of him whether euer hee was stalled to the roge or no. If he say he was, he will know of whom, & his name y • stalled him. And if he be not learnedly able to shew him the whole circumstance thereof, he will spoyle him of his money, either of his best garment if it be worth any money, and haue him to the bowsing ken: which is, to some typpling house next adioyninge and layeth ther to gage the best thing that he hath for twenty pence or two shillings: this man obeyeth for feare of beating. Then dooth this vpright man call for a gage of bowse, which is a quarte potte of drinke and powres the same vpon his peld pate, adding these words I. G. P, do stalle thee W. T. to the Roge, and that from hencefoorth it shalbe lawfull for thee to Cant, that is to aske or begge for thi liuing in al places. Here you sée y • the vpright man is of great auctority for all sortes of beggers are obedient to his hests, and surmounte [...] all tothers in pylfring and stealing. ¶ I lately had standinge in my [Page] wel house which standeth on the backeside of my house a great cawdron of copper being then full of water, hauinge in the same halfe a dosen of pewter dishes well marked and stamped w t the con [...]zance of my armes: which beeinge well noted when they were taken out were set a side, the water powred out, and my caudron taken a way, being of such bignes that one man vnlesse he wer of great strength was not able far to cary the same. Notwithstandinge the same was one night within this two yeares, conuayed more then half a myle from my house, into a commen or heth, and ther bestowed in a gret firbushe. I then immediatly the next day sent one of my men to Lō don and there gaue warning in Southwark. Kent strete, & Barm [...] sey streat, to al the Tynckars there dwelling, that if any such Caudron came thither to be sold, the bringar therof should be stayed, and promised twenty shillings for a reward. I gaue also intelligence to the watermen that kept the [...]erres that no such vessell should be eyther conueyed to London, or into Essex, promising the lyke reward, to haue vnderstanding therof. This my doing was well vnderstand in many places about, and that the feare of espying so troubled th [...] conscience of the stealer, that my Caudron lay vntouched in y • thick [...] firbushe more then halfe a yere: after which by a great chaunce was found by hunters for conne [...]s: for one chaunced to runne into y • same bushe where my caudron was, and being perceyued, one thrust hys staffe into the same bushe & hyt my caudron a great blow, the sound whereof dyd cause the man to thinke and hope that there was some great treasure hidden, wherby be thought to be the better whyle hée lyued. And in further searching he found my Caudron, so had I the same agayn vnloked for.
¶ A Hoker or Anglear. Cap. 3.
THese hokers or Anglers be perillous and most wicked knaues, and be deriued or procede forth from the vpright men, they commonly goe in fréese yerkynes and gally [...]loppes, pointeth beneth the knée: these when they practise their pilfryng, it is al by night, for as they walk a day times from house to house to demaund charitie, thei vigilantly mark where, or in what place they may attayne to there pray, casting their eyes vp to euery window, wel noting what they sée ther, whether apparell or linnen, hanging neere vnto the sayde wyndows, and that wil they be sure to haue y • next night folowing, for they customably cary with them a staffe of v. or vi. foote long, in which, within one inch of y • top therof is a little hole [...]ored through: [Page] in which hole they putte an yron hoke, and with the same they will pluck vnto them quikly any thing y t thei may reach therwith, which hoke in the day time they couertly cary about thē, and is neuer sene or taken out till they come to the place where they worke their feat, such haue I sene at my house & haue oft talked with them and haue handled their staues not thē vnderstanding to what vse or intent thei serued, although I had and perceyued by their talke and behauiour great likelihode of euill suspition in them, they wil either leane vppon their staffe to hyde the hole therof, when they talk with you, or hold their hande vpon the hole, and what stuffe either wollen or linnen, they thus hoke out, thei neuer cary the same forthwith to their stauling kens, but hides the same a iii. daies in some secret corner, & after conueis the same to their houses abouesaid where their host or hostys giueth them money for the same but half the value that it is worth, or els their Doxes shal a far of sell the same at the like houses. I was credibly informed that a hoker came to a farmers house in the dead of the night, and putting abacke a drawe windowe of a low chamber, the bed standing hard by the said window, in whiche lay thrée persons, a man and two bigge boyes: this hoker wyth hys staffe plucked of their garments which lay vpon them to kepe them warme, with the couerlet and shete, and left them lying a slepe naked sauing their shyrtes, and had away all cleane & neuer could vnderstand where it became. I verely suppose that when they were wel waked with cold, they surely thought that Robin good fellow, (according to the old saying) had bene with them that night.
¶ A Roge. Cap. 4.
A Roge is neither so stout or hardy as the vpryght man: Many of them will go fayntly and looke piteousely when they sée eyther méete any person, hauing a kercher as white as my shoes tyed about their head, with a short staffe in their hand, halting althoughe they nede not, requiring almes of such as thei mete or to what house thei shal come. But you may easely perceue by their coloure y t they cary both helth & hipocrisy about them, wherby they get gain, when others want that cannot fayne and dissemble. Others there be that walke sturdely about y e coūtry, & faineth to seke a brother or kinsmā of his, dwelling within som part of y e shier ether that he hath a letter to deliuer to som honest housholder dwelling out of an other shyre, and wil shewe you the same fayre, sealed, with the superscription to [Page] the party he speaketh of, because you shall not thinke him to runne idelly about the countrey, either haue they this shifte, they will [...]ary a certificat or pasport about them from some Iusticer of the peace, with his hand and seale vnto the same, how hee hath bene whipped and punished for a vagabonde according to the lawes of this realme and that he must returne to [...] T. where he was borne or last dwelt, by a certayn day limited in the same, which shalbe a good long day, And all this fayned, because without feare they woulde wickedly wander, and wil renewe the same where or when it pleaseth them: for they haue of their affinitie that can write and reade. These also will picke and steale as the vpright men, and hath their women and méetings at places appoynted, and nothing to them inferiour in all kind of knauery There be of these Roges Curtales, wearing short [...]lokes, that will change their apparell as occasion serueth, and their end is eyther hanging, which they call Trming in their language, or dye miserably of the pockes
¶ There was not long sithens two Roges that always did associat themselues togither & would neuer seperat themselues vnles it were for some especiall causes, for thei were sworn brothers, & were both of one age and much like of fauor: these two traueling into east kent, resorted vnto an ale house, being weried with traueling, saluting with short curtesie (when they came into the house) such as thei saw fitting there: in which cōpany was the parson of the parish, and calling for a pot of the best ale, sat down at the tables end: the liquor liked them so well that they had pot vpon pot, & sometime for a little good maner would drink and offer the cup to such as thei best fancied and to be short they sat out al the cōpany, for ech man departed home about their busines: when they had well refreshed themselues, then these rowsy roges requested the good man of the house with his wife to sit down and drink with them: of whom thei inquired what priest the same was and wher he dwelt, then thei faining that they had an vncle a priest, & that he should dwell in these partes which by al presumptions it should be he, and that they came of purpose to speak w t him, but bicause thei had not seen him sithens they were sire yeares old, they durst not be bold to take acquaintāce of him vntil thei wer farther instructed of the truth, and began to inquire of his name, & how long he had dwelt there, and how far his house was of from y • place they wer [...] in, the good wyfe of the house, thinkinge them honest men without dilceit, bicause they so far enquired of their kinsman, was [...]ut of a good zelous natural intent, shewed them chéerefully [Page] that he was an honest man and wel beloued in the parish and of good welth, and had ben there resident xv. yeares at the least, but saith she, are you both brothers? yea surely said they, wee haue bene both in one belly and were twinnes: mercy God quoth this folishe woman, it may well be, for ye be not much vnlike, & went vnto her hall window calling these yong men vnto her, & looking out pointed. with her finger and shewed them the house standing alone, no house neere the same by almost a quarter of a myle, that sayd she is your vncles house: nay saith one of them he is not onely my vncle, but also my Godfather, it may well be quoth shee, nature will bind him to bee the better vnto you: well quod they, we be weary & mean not to trouble our vncle to night, but to morrow god willinge, wée will see him and do our duty. But I pray you doth our vncle occupye husbandry, what company hath he in his house? alas saith shée, but one old woman & a boy he hath no occupying at all: tush q this good wife you be mad mē, go to him this night for he hath better lodging for you then I haue, and yit I speak folishly against myne own profit, for by your taring here I should gayn y e more by you Now by my troth q one of them, we thank you good hostes for your holsom coū cell, and we meane to do as you will vs, we will pause a whyle and by that tyme it wilbe almost night, and I pray you geue vs a reckening (so manerly paying for that they tooke) had their hoste & hostes farewell with taking leaue of the cup: marched merelye out of the dores towards this parsons house, vewed the same well roūd about and passed by two bowshotes of into a yong wood where they laye consulting what they should do vntill midnight, quoth one of them (of sharper wyt and subtiller then the other) to his fellow, thou seest that this house is stone walled about, and that we cannot wel break in, in any part therof: thou séest also that the windowes be thicke of mullions, that there is no kreeping in betwene, wherfore we must of necessi [...]y vse some pollicy when strength will not serue. I haue a horse locke here about me, saith he, and this I hope shall serue oure turne: so when it was about xii of the clock they came to the house & lurked neere vnto his chamber windowe: the dog of the house barked a good, that with the noise, this priest waketh out of his sleepe, & began to cough and hem: then one of these roges steps forth necrer the window & maketh a rufull & pityfull noyse, requiring for Christ sake some relief that was both hungry & thirsty and was like to lye without the dores all night and starue for cold, vnles he were relee [...]ed by him with some small piece of money. Where dwellest thou, [Page] qthis parson? alas syr sayth this roge. I haue small dwelling, and haue come out of my way: & I should now saith he, go to any towne now at this tyme of night, they would set me in the stockes and punish me: well quoth this pitifull parson, away from my house, eyther lye in some of my outhouses vntill the morning and hold here is a couple of pence for thée. A God reward you, quoth this roge, & in heauen may you find it. The parson openeth his widow & thrusteth out his arme to giue his almes to this roge that [...] came whi [...]ing to receiue it, and quickly taketh hold of his hand and calleth his fellow to him, which was redy at hand with the horse lock & clappeth the same about the wrest of his arme that the mullions standing so close togither for strēgth, that for his lyfe he could not pluck in his arme again, and made him beleue, vnles he would at the least giue them i [...] pound, they would smi [...]e of his arme from the body, so that this poore parson in feare to lose his hand, called vp his old woman that lay in the loft oner him, and willed her to take out all the money he had, which was iiij. markes, which he said was all y • money in his house, for he had lent vi. poūd to one of his neighbors not iiij. dayes before. Wel q they, maister parson if you haue no more, vpon this condicion we will take of the locke that you will drink xij. pence for our sakes to morow at the ale house where he found you & thāk the good wife for the good chere she made vs: be promised faithfully that he would so do: so they toke of the lock and went their way so far ere it was day, that the parson coulde neuer haue any vnderstanding more of them: now this parson sorowfully slumberinge y t night betwene feare and hope, though it was but folly to make two sorows of one, he vsed cōtentation for his remedy, not forgettyng in the morning to performe his promise but wēt betimes to his neighbour that kept tipling, and asked angerly where the same two men were that drank with her yester daye: which two men qthis good wyfe? the straungers that came in, when I was at your house with my neighbors yesterday: what your neuewes q she. My neuews q this parson, I trow thou art mad. Nay by god q this good wife, as sober as you, for they told me faithfully that you wer their vncle, but in faith are you not so in déed, for by my troth they are straungers to me, I neuer saw them before. O out vpon them q the parson, thei be false theues, & this night they cōpelled me to giue them all this money in my house. Benedicite q this good wife, & haue they so in déed? as I shall aunswere before god, one of them told me besides y t you were godfather to him and that he trusted to haue your blessinge before [Page] he departed, what did he, quoth this parson, a halter blesse him for me, me thinketh by the masse by your countenance you loked so wildly when you came in quoth this good wyfe, that somthing was amis [...] I vse not to iest quoth this parson when I speak so earnestly, why all your sorowes goe with it quoth his good wife, & sit downe here and I will fil a freshe pot of ale to make you mery again, yee saith this parson fil in & giue me som meat, for they made me swear and promise them faithfully that I should drinke xij. pence with you this day? what did they quoth she, nowe by the mary masse they bee mery knaues, I warrant you they meane to bye no lande with your money: but how could they come vnto you in the night, your dores being shut fast? your house is very strong, then this parson shewed her all the whole circumstance how he gaue thē his a [...]mes, out at the window, they made such lamentable crye, that it pitied him at the hart, for he sawe but one when he put out his hand at the window, he ruled by me quoth this good wyfe, wherein quoth this parson [...] by by troth neuer speake more of it when they shal vnderstand of it in the parish they will but laugh you to skorne, why then quoth this parson [...] the deuill goe with it, and their an ende.
¶ A Wylde Roge. Cap. 5.
A Wilde Roge is he that is borne a Roge, he is more subtill and more gyuen by nature to all kind of knauery then the other, as heastly begotten in barn or bushes, and from his infancy traded vp in trechery: yea and before rypenes of yeares doth permit, wallowing in lewd lechery, but that is counted amongst them no sin. For this is their custome, that when they méete in barne at night, euery one getteth a mate to lye withall, and there chaunce to be twentye in a company, as their is sometime more, and sometime lesse: for to one man that goeth abroad, there ar at the least two women, which neuer make it straunge when they bee called, although shee neuer knew him before. Then when the day doth appeare, hée rouses him vp and shakes his eares, and away wandering where he maye gette ought to the hurt of others. Yet before he skyppeth out of his couche and departeth from his darling (if he like her well) he will appoynte her where to méete shortly after, with a warning to worke warely for some chetes, that their méeting might be the merier.
Not long sithens, a wild roge chaunced to mete a pore neighbor of mine who for honesty & good nature surmounteth many. This pore man riding homeward from London, where he had made his market: [Page] this roge demaunded a peny for Gods sake to keepe him a tru [...] man. This simple man beholding him wel, and saw he was of tal [...] personage with a good quarter staffe in his hand, it much pi [...]ied him as he sayd to see him want, for he was well able to serue his prince in the warres. Thus being moued with pitie, loked in his purse too find out a peny, and in loking for the same, he plucked out viii. shillings in whyt money, and raked therin to find a single peny, and at the last finding one, doth offer the same to this wild roge but he séeing so much money in this simple mans hand, beeing striken to the hart with a couetous desire, hid him forthwith to deliuer all that hée had, or else he would with his staffe beat out his braynes: for it was not a peny would nowe quench his thirst séeing so much as he dyd: thus swallowing his spittell gredely down, spoyled this poore man of all the money that hee had, and lept ouer the hedge into a thicke wood, and went his way as merely as this good simple man came home sorowfully. I once rebucking a wilde Roge, because he wente idelly about: he shewed me that he was a begger by inheritance, his Grandfather was a begger, his father was one, and he must nedes be one by good reason.
A Prigger of Prauncers. Cap. 6.
A Prigger of Prauncers be horse stealers, for to prigge signifieth in their language to steale, & a Prauncer is a horse, so being put togither, the matter was playn. These go commonly in Ierkins of leather or of whyt fréese, & cary little wands in their hands, and wil walke through grounds and pastures, to search and sée horses méete for their purpose, and if they chaunce to be met & asked by the ownners of the ground what they make there, they fayne strayghte that they haue lost their way and desire to be instructed the best waye to such a place. These will also repayre to gentlemens houses & aske their charitie [...] and will offer their seruice. And if you aske thē what they can doe, they will say that they can kepe two or three Geldings and wayte vpon a Gentleman. These haue also their women that walking from them in other places, marke where and what they sée abroade, and sheweth these Priggars therof, whē they méet, which is within a weeke or two, and looke where they steale any thinge, they conuey the same at the least thrée score myles of or more.
¶ There was a Gentleman, a very friend of myne, ryding from London homeward into Kent, hauinge wyth in thrée myles of hys house businesse, alyghted of his horse, and his man also, in a pretye [Page] village, where diuers houses were, and looked about him where he might haue a conuenient person to walke his horse, because hee would speake w t a Farmer that dwelt on the backe side of the sayde villag [...] litle aboue a quarter of a myle from the place where he lighted and had his man to waight vpon him [...] as it was mete for his callinge, espying a Priggar there standing, thinking the same to dwel there, charging this prety prigging person to walke his horse well, and that they might not stand still for taking of colde, and at his returne (which he said should not be longe) he would giue him a peny to drinke, and so went about his busines. This pelting Priggar, proud of his praye, walketh his horse vp and downe, tyll hee sawe the Gentleman out of sight, and [...]eapes him into the saddell, and away he goeth a mayne. This Gentleman returninge, and fynding not his horses, sent his man to the one end of the village, & he went himselfe vnto the other end [...] and enquired as he went for his horses that were walked [...] and began somewhat to suspecte, bicause neither he nor his man could sée nor find him. Then this getleman diligently enquired of three or foure town dwellers there, whether any such person, declaring his stature, age, apparell, with so many linaments of his body as he could call to remembrance. And vna voce all sayde that no such man dwelt in their streat, neither in the parish that thei knew of, but somy did wel remember that such a one [...]ey saw ther lyrking and huggering twoo houres before the Gentleman came thither and a straunger to them. I had thought quoth this Gentleman, he had here dwelled [...] and marched home manerly in his botes far from the place he dwelt not. I suppose at his comming home he sent such wayes as he suspected or thought méete to searche for thys Prigger, but hetherto he neuer hard any tydings againe of his palfreys. I had the best gelding stolen out of my pasture that I had amongst others, whyle this booke was fi [...] a printing.
¶ A Pallyard. Cap. 7.
THese Palliards be called also Clapperdogens, these go wit patched clokes, & haue their Morts with them which they cal wiues: and if he goe to one house to aske his almes, his wyfe shall go to an other, for what they get, as bread, chéese, malte, and wol [...], they s [...]l the same for redy money, for so they get more, and if they went togither, although they be thus deuided in the daye, yet they meete [...]ompe at night: if they chaunce to come to some gentilmans house standinge [Page] alone, and be demaunded whether they be man and wyfe, and if he perceyue that any doubteth therof, he sheweth them a Testimonial with the ministers name and others of the same parishe, naminge a parish in some shyre far distant from the place where he sheweth [...] the same. This writing he carieth to salue that sore: There be many Irish men that go about with counterfeat licences, and if they perceyue you will straitly examin them, they will immediatly say they can speake no English.
¶ Farther vnderstand for truth, that the worst and wickedst of all this beastly generation ar scarce comparable to these prating pallyards. All for y e most part of these will either lay to their legs an herb called Sperewort, either Arsnicke, which is called Ratesbane. The nature of this Spereworte will rayse a great blyster in a night vpō the soundest part of his body, and if y e same be taken away, it wil dry vp again and no harme. But this Arsnick will so poyson the same legge or sore, that it wil euer after be incurable, this do thei for gayn and to be pitied. The most of these that walke about be walchmen.
A Frater. Cap. 8.
SOme of these Fraters wil cary black bores at their girdel, wherin they haue a briefe of the Quenes maiesties letters patents giuen to such poore spittle house for the relief of y e poore there, whiche brief is a coppie of the letters patents, & vtterly fained, if it be in paper or in parchment without the great seal: also if y e same brief be in print, it is also of authoritie For y e printers wil sae & well vnderstād before it com in presse, that the same is lawful. Also I am credibly informed that the chief Proctors of many of these houses, that seldome trauel abrod thēselues, but haue their factors to gather for thē, which looke very slenderly to the impotent & miserable creatures cōmitted to their charge [...] & die for wāt of cherishīg wheras they & their wiues are wel crāmed & cloted & wil haue of the best And the founders of euery such house, or the chief of the parish wher they be, would better see vnto these proctors, that they might do their duty, thei should be wel spokē of here, and in the world to come aboūdantly therfore rewarded. I had of late an honest man and of good wealth, repayred to my house to common with me about certayne affaires. I inuited the same to dinner, and dinner being done, I demaunded of him some newes of these parties were hee dwelt. Thankes bee to God syr (saith he) all is well & good now. Now (quoth I) this same nowe [Page] declareth y • some things of late hath not bene wel. Yes syr ( q he) the matter is not great, I had thought I should haue bene well beaten within this seuenth night: how so (quoth I) mary syr sayd hee, I am Constable for fault of a better, and was commaunded by the Iusticer to watch. The watch being set, I toke an honest man one of my neighbours with me and went vp to the end of the town as farre as the spittle house: at which house I heard a great noyse, and drawing neere stode close vnder the wall, and this was at one of the clocks after midnight [...] where he harde swearinge, pratinge, and wagers laying, and the pot apace walking, and xl. pence gaged vpon a matche of wrastling, pitching of the barre, and casting of the sledge: and out they go in a fustian sume into the back syde, where was a great Axiltry, and there fell to pitching of the bar, being thrée to three: the Moone did shyne bright, the Constable with his neighboure might sée and beholde al that was done. And howe the wyfe of the house was rosting of a Pyg, whyle her gestes were in their match. At the last they could not agrée vpon a caste and fell at wordes, and from wordes to blowes. The Constable wyth his fellowe runnes vntoo them to parte them, and in the parting lyckes a drye blowe or two. Then the noyse increased, the Constable would haue had them too the stockes. The wyfe of the house runnes out with hir good man to intreat the Constable for her grstes, and leaues the Pyg at the fyre alone. In commeth two or thrée of the next neighboures being waked with this noyse, and into the house they come and fynde none therein but the Pygge well rosted, and carieth the same away with them, spit and all, with such breade and drinke also as stoode vppon the table. When the goodman and the good wyfe of the house had intreated and pacified the Constable, she winge vnto him that they were Proctors and Factors, all of Spyttle houses, and that they taryed there but to breake their faste, and woulde ryde away immediately after, for they had farre to goe, and therefore mente to ryde so earely. And comminge into their house agayn, fyndinge the Pygge with bread and drinke al gone, made a great exclamation, for they knew not who had the same.
The Constable returning and hearing the lamentable words of the good wyfe how she had lost both meate and drinke, and sawe it was so indeed, he laughed in his sleue, and commaunded her to dresse no more at vnlawfull houres for any gestes: for he thought if better bestowed vpon those smel feastes his pore neighbours, then vppon suche sturdye Lubbares. The next morninge betymes, the [Page] the spitte and pottes were set at the Spittle house doore for the owner? Thus were these Factours begyled of their breakfast, and one of them had well beaten an other: and by my troth (quoth this Constable) I was glad when I was well ryd of them. Why quoth I, could they cast the barre and sledge well? I will tell you syr (quoth hée) you know there hath bene many games this sommer, I thinck verely, that if some of these Lubbars had bene there, and practysed amongest others. I beleue they would haue caryed aways the best games: for they were so stronge and sturdy that I was not able to stand in their handes. Well (quoth I) at these games you speak of, both legges and armes be tryed: yea (quoth this officer, they be wicked men. I haue seene some of them sithens with cloutes bounde aboute their legges, and ha [...]ng with their staffe in their handes. Wherefore some of them (by God) be all naught.
¶ A Abraham man. Cap. 9.
THese Abraham men be those that fayn themselues to haue bene mad, and haue bene kept either in Bethelem, or in some other pryson a good time, and not one amongst twenty that euer came in prison for any such cause: yet will they say how pityously and moste extreemely they haue bene beaten and dealt with all. Some of these be mery and very pleasaunt, they will daunce and sing, some others be as colde and reasonable to talke withall. These begge money, eyther when they come at y • armoures houses, they will demaund Baken, eyther chéese, or wooll or any thinge that is worth money, and if they espye small company within, they will with [...]rce countenaunce demaunde somewhat. Where for feare the maydes will giue them largely to be ryd of them.
¶ If they may conueniently come by any cheate, they wil pick [...] and [...]eale as the vpright man or Roge, poultrey or lynnen. And all wemen that wander, be at their commaundement. Of all that euer I sawe of this kinde, one naming him selfe Stradlinge, is the craftiest and moste dissemblingest knaue. Hée is able wyth hys tounge and vsage, to deceyue and abuse the wysest man that is. And surely for the proporcion of his body, with euery member therunto appa [...]ning, it cannot be amended But as the prouerbe is (God hath done his part.) This Stradling sayth he was the Lorde Sturtons man, and when he was executed for very pensiuenes of minde [Page] he fell out of his witte, and so continued a yeare after and more, and that with the very gréefe and feare, he was taken with a maruelous palsey, that both head and handes will shake when he talketh with any and that apace or faste, whereby he is much pytied, and getteth greatly. And if I hadde not demaunded of others both men and women, that commonly walketh as he doth, and knowne by them his déepe dissimulation, I neuer had vnderstande the same. And thus I end with these kinde of vagabondes.
¶ A freshe water Mariner or Whip [...]acke. Cap. 10.
THese fresh water Mariners, their shippes were drowned in the playne of Salisbury. These kinde of Caterpillers, counterfet great losses on the sea, these be some Western men, and moste bee Irish men. These will runne about the countrey with a counterfet licence, fayninge eyther shipwracke, or spoyled by Pyrates, neare the coaste of Cornwall or Deuonshyre and set a lande at some hauen towne there, hauing a large and formall writinge, as is aboue sayd, with the names and seales of such men of woorshippe at the least foure or fiue as dwelleth neare or next to the place where they fayne their landing. And neare to those shyeres will they not begge vntill they come into Wylshyre, Hamshyre, Barkeshyre, O [...]fordshyre, Harford shyre, Middelsex, and to London, and downe by the ryuer to seeke for their shippe and goods that they neuer hadde, then passe they through Surrey, Sussex, by the sea coastes, & so into kent, demaunding almes to bringe them home to their countrey.
Sometime they counterfet the seale of the Admiraltie, I haue diuers times taken awaye from them their licences of bothe sortes, with suche money as they haue gathered, and haue confiscated the same to the pouertie nighe adioyninge to me. And they will not be longe without an other, for at any good Towne they will renewe the same. Once with muche threatninge and fayre promises, I required to knowe of one companye who made their licence. And they sware that they bought the same at Portsmouth of a Mariner there, and it cost them two shillings, with such warrants to bee so good and effectual, that if any of the best men of lawe or learned aboute London shoulde peruse the same, they were able to fynde no faute therewith, but would assuredly allow the same.
- A vpright man
- Nicolas Blunt.
- The coūterfet Cranke.
- Nicolas Genings.
A counterfet Cranke. Cap. 11.
THese that do counterfet the Cranke be yong knaues and yonge harlots, that déeply dissemble the falling sicknes. For the Crank in their language is the fallinge euill, I haue séene some of these with fayre writing [...]s testimonials, with the names and [...]eales of s [...]me men of worship in Shropshyre, and in other Shires farre of, that I haue wel known and haue taken the same from them. Many of these do go without writings, and will go halfe naked, and looke most pitiously. And if any clothes be giuen them they immediately sell the same, for weare it they will not, because they would be the more pitied, and we are filthy clothes on their heads, and neuer goe without a péece of whyte sope about them, which if they sée cause or present gayn, they will priuely conuay the same into their mouth, & so worke the same there, that they will fome as it were a Boore, and maruelosly for a tyme torment them selues, and thus deceiue they the common people, and gayne much. These haue commonly their harlots as the other.
¶ Uppon Alhallonday in the morning last Anno Domini 1566. or my boke was halfe printed, I meane the first impression, there came earely in the morninge a counterfet Cranke vnder my lodginge at the whyte Fryers within the cloyster, in a little yard or court wherabouts lay two or thre great Ladyes, being without the liberties of London, wherby he hoped for the greatter gayne: this Cranke there lamentably lamenting, and pitifully crying to be relieued, declared to diuers there his paynful and miserable disease. I being rysen and not halfe ready, hard his dolful words and ruful mournings, hear i [...] him name the fallen sicknes, thought assuredlye to my selfe, that hée was a depe desembler: so comming out at a sodayne, and beholding his ougly and yrksome attyre, his lothsom and horible coūtinance, it made me in a maruelous perplexity what to think of him, whether it were fained or trueth for after this maner went he: he was naked from y • wast vpward, sauing he had an old Ierkin of leather, patched and that was lose about him, that all his bodye lay out bare a filthy soul cloth he ware on his head, being cut for the purpose, hauing a narow place to put out his face, w t a bauer made to trusse vp his beard, and a string that tyed the same down close about his necke, with an old felt hat which he still caried in his hand, to receyue the charitye and deuotion of the people, for that would he hold out from him, hauing his face from the eyes downward, all smerd with fresh bloud, [Page] as though he had new fallen, and bin tormented with his paynefull panges, his ierken being all berayde with durte and myre, and hys harte and hosen also, as thoughe hée hadde wallowed in the myer: surely the sight was monstrous and terrible. I called him vnto me and demaunded of him what he ayled. A good maister, quoth he, I haue the gréeuous and payneful disease called the falling sickenes: why, quoth I, how commeth thy ierkin, hose and hat so berayd wyth durt and myer, and thy skin also? A good maister I fell down on the backesyde here in a fowle lane harde by the water syde, and there I laye almost all night, and haue bled all moste all the bloude out in my body. It raynd that morninge very faste: and whyle I was thus talking with him, a honest poore woman that dwelt thereby, brought him a fayre lynnen cloth, and bid hym wype his face therewith, and there being a tobbe standing full of rayn water, offered to giue him some in a dishe, that he might make himselfe cleane, he refuseth the same: why dost thou so quoth I? A syr saith he, if I shoulde washe my selfe, I should fall to bleding a fresh agayne, and then I shoulde not stop my selfe: these words made me the more to suspecte hym.
Then I asked of him where he was born, what his name was, how long he had this disease, and what time he had ben here about London, and in [...] what place [...] syr (sayth he) I was borne at Leycestar, my name is Nicholas Genings, and I haue had this falling sicknes viij yeares, and I can get no remedy for the same, for I haue it by kind, my father had it and my friends before mee, and I haue bene these two yeares here about London, and a yere and a half in Bethelem: why wast thou out of thy wittes, quoth I? yea syr that I was.
What is the kepers name of the house? his name is (quoth he) Iohn Smith [...] then quoth I, hée muste vnderstande of thy disease, if thou hadest the same for the time thou wa [...]t there, he knoweth it wel, ye not only he, but all the house besyde, quoth this Cranke, for I came thens but within this fortnight. I had stand so longe reasoning the matter with him, that I was a cold and went into my chamber and made me ready, and commaunded my seruant to repayr to bethlem and bring me true word from the kéeper there, whether anye suche man hath ben with him as a prisoner, hauing the disease aforesayd, and gaue him a no [...]e of his name & the kéepers also: my seruant returning to my lodging, dyd assure me that neyther was there euer any such man there, neither yet any keper of any suche name, but hee that was the kéeper sent mée his name in writing, affirminge that he letteth no man depart from him, vnlesse he be fet aways by [Page] his friendes, and that none that came from him begged aboute the Citie: then I sent for the Printer of this booke, and shewed him of this dissembling Crank, and how I had sent to Bethelem to vnderstand the tr [...]th, and what aunsweare I receiued againe, requiringe him that I might haue some seruant of his to watch him faythfully that daye, that I might vnderstand trustely to what place he would repaire at night vnto, and thyther I promysed to goe my selfe, to see their order, and that I would haue him to associate me thyther: hée gladly graunted to my request, and sent two boyes that bothe diligently & vigilantly, accomplisht the charge giuen them, & found the same Cranke about the Temple, where about the most parte of the day he begged, vnlesse it were abou [...] xii. of the clocke, hee wente on the backsyde of Clementes Ine without Temple barre, there is a lane that goeth into the Fieldes, there hée renewed his face agayne with freshe bloud, which he caried about him in a bladder, and dawbed on fresh dyrte vpon his, ierken, hat and hosen.
And so came backe agayne vnto the Temple, and sometyme to the Water syde, and begged of all that passed by: the boyes behelde how some gaue grotes, some sire pence, some gaue more: for hée looked so ougley and yrksomly, that euery one pitied his miserable case that beheld him: to be shorte, there he passed all the daye tyll night approched [...] and when it began to be some what dark, he went to the water syde and toke a Skoll [...]er, and was set ouer the water into Saincte Georges fieldes, contrary to my expectation: for I had thought he would haue gonne into Holborne, or to saynt Gylles in the field: but these boyes with (Argues and Lynces tyes) sette sure watch vppon him, and the one toke a Boate and followed him, and the other went back to tell his maister.
The boy that so folowed him by water, had no money to pay for his boate hyre, but layd his Penner and his [...]nckhorne to gage for a penny, and by that tyme the boye was set ouer: his maister wyth all celeritie had taken a Boate and followed him a pace. Now had they a syght still of the Cranke, whiche crossed ouer the fieldes towardes Newington, and thither the went, & by that time they came thether, it was very darke. The Printer had there no acquaintance, neyther any kinde of weapon about him, neyther knewe he howe farre the Cranke would goe, because hee then suspected that they dogged him of purpose, hee there stayed him, and called for y • Constable, which came foorth diligently, to inquire what the matter was. This zelous Printer charged this officer with him as a malefactor, [Page] and a dissembling vagabond: the Constable woulde haue layd him all night in the Cage that stode in the streat: nay saith this pytyfull Printer, I pray you haue him into your house, for this is lyke to be a cold night and he is naked, you kepe a vittelling house, let him be well cherished this night, for he is well able to paye for the same, I knowe well his gaynes hath ben great to day, and your house is a sufficient pryson for the tyme, and we will there searche him: the Constable agreed thereunto, they hadde him in and caused him to washe himself: that done, they demaunded what money hée had about him, sayth this Cranke, so God helpe me I haue but xij. pence, and plucked out the same of a little purse. Why haue you no more quoth they? no sayth this Cranke, as God shall saue my soule at the day of iudgment. We must sée more quoth they and began to strip him, then he plucked out another purse wherein was xl. pence. Tush sayth this Printer I must sée more, this Cranke sayth, I pray God I be damned both body and soule, if I haue any more: No saith this Printer, thou false knaue here is my boye that did watch thée al this day, and sawe when suche men gaue thée péeces of sire pence, grot [...]s and other money, and yit thou hast shewed vs none but smal money. When this Cranke heard this, and the boy vowing it to his face, he relented and plucked out another purse wherein was eight shillings & od money, so had they in the whole that he had begged y • day. xiij. shillings iij. pence half peny: then they stript him starke naked, and as many as saw him, sayd they neuer saw hansommer mā, with a yellow fleren beard, and fayre skinned without any spot or greffe, then the good wyfe of the hause fet her goodmans old cloke, and caused the same to be cast about him, because the sight shoulde not abashe her shamefast maydens, nether loth hir squaimish sight. Thus he set him downe at the Chemnes end, and called for a pot of Béere and dranke of a quart at a drafte, and called for another, and so the third, that one had ben sufficient for any reasonable man: the drynk was so stronge, that I my self the next morning tasted therof, but let the reader iudge what, and how much he would haue dronke if he had bene out of fear. Then when they had thus wrong water out of a flint, in spoylīg him to his euill gottē goods, his passing pence & fleting trashe. The Printer with this officer were in ioly ioylitie, and deuised to search a barne for som roges, & vpright men, a quarter of a myle from the house, that stode alone in the fieldes, & wente out about their busines, leauing this cranke alone with hys wyfe & maydens: this crafty Crāk espying al gon, requested y • good wife that [Page] he might go out on the backsyde to make water and to exonerat his pa [...]ch, sh [...] had him draw the [...]atch of the doore & go out, neither thin king or mistrusting he would haue gone away naked: but to cōclude
when [...]e was out, he cast away the cloke, and as naked as euer he was born he ran away ouer the fields to his own house, as hée afterward said. Now y e next morning betimes I wente vnto [...] Newingtō to vnder [...]stand what was do [...] because I had worde or it was day y e there my printer was, & at my comming thither I harde y e whole circūstance, as I aboue haue written: and I seeing the matter so fal out, toke order w t the chief of y e parish y e this xiij shillings & iij. pence halfpeny might he the next day equally distributed by their good discretions to the pouertie of the same parish, wherof this crafty cranck had part him selfe, for he had both house and wife in the same parishe, as after you shall heare. But this iewde lewterar could not laye his bones to labour hauing got once the tast of this lewed laysy lyfe, for al this fayr admonition but deuised other suttell sleights to maintaine his ydell liuing, and so craftely clothed him selfe in Mariners apparel, and asociated him self with another of his companions, they hauing both Mariners apparel, went abroad to aske charity of y • people, fayning they hadde loste their shippe with all their goods by casualty on the seas, wherewith they gayned much. This crafty Cranke fearing [...] to be mistrusted, fell to another kinde of begging as bad or worse, & apparelled himselfe very well with a fayre black fréese cote, a new [...] payre of whyte hose, a fyne felt hat on his head, a shert of flaunders worke, esteemed to be worth xvi. shillings: and vpon newe yeares day came againe into the whyt fryers to beg: the Printer hauing [...] [Page] occas [...]on to go that ways, not thinking of this Cranke, by chaunce met with him who asked his charitie for Gods sake: the printer vewing him well did mistrust him, to be the counterfet Cranke which deceiued him vpon [...] Alhollen daye at night, demaunded to whence he was and what was his name, forsoth saith he, my name is Nicolas Genings, and I came from Lecester to séekeworke, and I am a hat maker by my occupation, and all my money is spent, and if I coulde get money to paye for my lodging this night: I would seke work tomorowe amongst the hatters. The printer perceiuing his depe dissimulation putting his hand into his purse seeming to giue him some money, and with fayre allus [...]ons brought him into the stréete, where he charged the Constable with him, affirminge him to be the counterfet Cranke that ranne away vpon Alholon daye last. The Constable being very loth to medle with him, but the printer knowing him and his depe disceit, desyred he mought be brought before the Debutie of the ward, which straight was accomplished, which whē he came before the debu [...]y, he demaunded of him of whence he was and what was his name, he answered as before he did vnto y e printer: the Debutie asked the Printer what he woulde laye vnto hys charge, he answered & aleged him to be a vagabond and depe deceyuer of the people, and the counterfet Crank that ran away vpon Alhallon day last from the Constable of Newington and him, and requested him earnestly to send him to ward: the debuty thinking him to be deceiued, but neuerthelesse laid his cōmaundement vpon him, so that the Printer should beare his charges if he could not iustifie it he agréed thereunto. And so he and the Constable went to cary him to the Counter, and as they were going vnder Ludgate, this crafty Crank toke his héeles & ran down the hill as fast as he could dryue, the Constable and the Printer after him as fast as they coulde, but the Printer of y e twayn being lighter of fote, ouertoke him at fleete bridge, and with strong hand caried him to the Counter, and safely deliuered him. In y e morow y e printer sent his boy that stripped him vpon Alhalon day at night to view him because he would b [...]e sure, which boy knew him very well: this Crank confessed vnto the Debuty, y e he had hosted the night before in Kent stréet in Southwarke at the signe of the Cock, which thing to be true, the printer sente to know & found him a lyer, but further, inquiring at length found out his habitation, dwelling in maister Hilles rentes, hauinge a pretye house well stuffed with a fayre ioyne table, and a fayre Cubbard garnished with peuter, hauing an old auncient woman to his wife. [Page] The Printer being sure therof, repaired vnto the Counter, and rebuked him for his beastly behauiour, & told him of his false fayning, willed him to confesse it and aske forgiuenes: he perceyued him to know his depe dissimulation, relented and confessed all his disceit, & so remayning in the counter thrée dayes, was remoued to Brydwel where he was stript starke naked, and his ougly attyre put vpō him before the maisters thereof, who wondred greatly at his dissimulation: for which offence he stode vpon the Pillery in Cheapsyde, both in his ougly and handsome attyre. And after that went in the myll whyle his ougly picture was a drawing, and then was whypped at a Cartes tayle through London, and his displayd banner caried before him, vnto his own doore, and so backe to Bryde well again, and their remayned for a time, & at length let at libertie on that condiciō he would proue an honest man and labour truly to get his liuing. And his picture remayneth in Brydewell for a monyment.
A Dommerar. Cap. 12.
THese Dommerars are leud and moste subtill people, the moste part of these are Walch men, and will neuer speak, vnlesse they haue extréeme punishment but will gape, and with a marucious force will hold downe their toungs doubled, groninge for your charitie, and holding vp their handes full piteously, so that with their déepe dissimulation they get very much. There are of these many, & but one that I vnderstand of hath lost his toung in déed: hauing on a tyme occasion to ryde to Dartford to speake with a priest there, who maketh all kind of cōserues very well, and vseth stilling of waters. And repayring to his house, I found a Dommerar at his doore, and the priest himselfe perusing his licence, vnder the seales and handes of certayne worshipfull men, had thought the same to bee good and effectual. I taking the same writing and reading it ouer and no [...]ing the seales, found one of the seales like vnto a seale that I had about me: which seale I bought besides Charinge crosse, that I was out of doubt it was none of those Gentlemens seales that had subscribed. And hauing vnderstanding before of their pe [...]ish practises, made me to conceiue that al was forged & nought. I made the more hast home for wel I wist that he would and must of force passe through the parish where I dwelt, for there was no other way for him. And comming homeward, I found them in the towne accordinge to my expectation, wher they where staid, for there was a Palliard associate [Page] with the Dommerar and partaker of his gaynes, which Pallyards I saw not at Darford. The staiers of them was a gentleman called Chayne, & a seruant of my Lord Kéepers, called Wostestow, which was the chief causer of the staying of them, being a Surgien & cunning in his science, had séene the like practises, and as he sayd hadde caused one to speake afore that was dome. It was my chaunce to come at the beginnīg of the matter. Syr ( q this Surgien) I am bold here to vtter some part of my cunning, I trust (quoth he) you shall sée a myracle wrought anon: for I once (quoth he) made a domme man to speak. Quoth I you are wel met, and somwhat you haue preuented me [...] for I had thought to haue done no lesse or they hadde passed this towne, for I well knowe their writing is fayned, and they depe dissemblers. The Surgien made him gape, & we could sée but halfe a toung. I required the Surgien to put his finger in his mouth, & to pull out his toung, and so he did, notwithstanding he held strongly a prety whyle: at the length he pluckt out the same, to the great admiration of many that stode by: yet when we sawe his tounge, hée would neither speake nor yet could heare. Quoth I to the Surgien, knit t [...]o of his fingers togither and thrust a stycke betwene them, and rubbe the same vp and downe a little whyle, and for my lyfe he speaketh by and by. Syr quoth this Surgien, I pray let me practise an other way, I was well contented to sée the same. He had him into a house, and tyed a halter aboute the wrestes of his handes and [...]oysed him vp ouer a beam, and their did let him hang a good while at length for very paine he required for gods sake to let him downe. So he that was both deafe and dume could in short tyme both heare and speake. Then I tooke that money I could find in his purse, and distributed the same to the poore people dwelling there, which was xv. pence halfpeny, being all that wee coulde finde. That done, and this mery myracle madly made. I sent them with my seruant to the nect Iusticer, where they preached on the pyllery for want of a pulpet, and were well whypped, and none did bewayle them.
A Dronken Tinckar. Cap. 13.
THese dronken Tinckars called also prygges, be beastly people, & these yong knaues be y e worst: these neuer goe w tout their dores and if their woman haue any thing about them, as apparell or linnen that is worth the selling, they lay the same to gage or sell it out right (for bene house) and their bowsing ken. And full sone will they [Page] bée weary of them, and haue a new When they happen one worke at any good house, their Dores lynger alooft, and tarry for them in some corner, and if he taryeth longe from her, then the knoweth he hath worke, and walketh neare, and sitteth downe by him. For besydes money he loketh for meate and drink for doing his dame pleasure. For if she haue thrée or foure holes in a pan, hee will make as many more for spedy gayne. And if he see any olde kettle, chafer or pe [...]ter dish abroad in the yarde where he worketh, he quickly snappeth the same vp, and into the booget it goeth rounde. Thus they liue with deceyte.
¶ I was credibly informed by such as could well tell [...] that one of these tipling Tinckers w t his dogge robbed by the high way iii [...]. Pallyards and two Roges six persons togither. and toke from them aboue foure pound in ready money, & hidd him after in a thicke wood a day or two and so escaped vntaken. Thus with picking and stealing, mingled with a little worke for a colour, they passe their time
¶ A Swadder or Pedler. Cap. 14.
THese Swadders and Pedlers be not all euill, but of an indifferent behauiour. These stand in great awe of the vpright men, for they haue often both wares and mony of them. But for as much as they seeke gayne vnlawfully agaynst the lawes and statutes of this noble realme, they are well worthy to be registred amonge the number of vacabonds: and vndoutedly I haue hadde some of them brought before me when I was in commission of the peace as malefactors for brybering and stealing. And now of late it is a greate practice of the vpright man, when he had gotten a bo [...]ye to bestowe the same vpon a packeful of wares, and so goeth a time for his pleasure, because he would lyue without suspicion.
A Iarke man, and a Patrico. Cap. 15.
FOR as much as these two names a Iarkeman and a Patrico be in the old briefs of vacabonds, and set forth as two kindes of euil doers, you shall vnderstande that a Iarkeman hath hys name of a Iarke, which is a seale in their Language, as one should make writings and set seales for licences and pasports. And for trueth there is none that goeth about the countrey of them that can eyther wryte so good and fayre a hand, eyther indite so learnedly as I haue sene & [Page] handled a number of them: but haue the same made in good townes where they come, as what can not be had for money, as the prouerbe saith, Omnia venalia Romae, and many hath confessed the same to me Now also there is a Patrico [...] and not a Patriarcha, whiche in their language is a priest that should make mariages till death did depart but they haue none such I am well assured. for I put you out of dout that not one amongst a hundreth of them are maried, for they take lechery for no sinne, but naturall felowship and good liking loue, so that I will not blot my booke with these two that be not.
A Demaunder for glymmar. Cap. 16.
THese Demaunders for glymmar be for the most parte women, for glymmar in their language is fyer: these goe with fayned lycences and counterfayted writings, hauing the hands and seales of suche Gentlemen as dwelleth neare to the place where they fayne themselues to haue bene burnt, and their goods consumed with fyre. They will most lamentably demaund your charity and wil quickly shed salt teares [...] they be so tender harted. They will neuer begge in that shyre where their losses (as they saye) was. Some of these goe with states at their backes, which is a sheete to lye in a nights. The vpright men be very familiar with these kinde of women, and one of them helpes another.
A Demaunder of glymmar came to a good towne in Kente, to aske the charitie of the people, hauing a fayned licēce about her that declared her misfortune by fyer done in Somershet shyre, walkinge with a wallet on her shoulders wherin she put the deuotion of such as hadde no money to gyue her, that is to say, malte, wooll, baken, bread and cheese: and alwayes as the same was full, so was it ready money to her when the emptyed the same, wher so euer shee traueled. This harlot was (as they terme it) snowt fayre, and hadde an vpright man or two alwayes attending on her watche (which is on her person) and yet so circumspect, that they would neuer be seene in her company in any good Towne, vnles it were in small villages, where typling houses where, eyther traueling togither by the high wayes, but the truth is by report) she would wéekely be worth vi. or seuen shillings with her begging and bychery. This glymmerynge Morte repayring to an Ine in the said town where dwelt a widow of fifty yeare old, of good wealth, but shee had an vnthrifty sonne, whom she vsed as a chamberlaine to attend gestes whē thei repaired [Page] to her house, this amerous man beholding with ardant eyes: thys glymmering glauncer, was presently piteousely persed to the hart, and lewdly longed to be clothen vnder her liuery, and bestowing a fewe fonde wordes with her, vnderstood straight that she would be easely perswaded to liking lechery, and as a man mased, mused how to attayne to his purpose, for be hadde no money. Yet considering with him selfe that wares would bee welcome where money wanteth, he went with a wanion to his mothers chamber and there séeking about for odde endes, at length found a little wishell of siluer that his mother did vse customably to weare on, and had forgot the same for haste that morning, and offeres the same closely to this manerly marian, that if she would méete him on the backesyde of the town, and curteously kys him without constraint, she should be mystresse therof and it were much better: wel sayth she you are a wanton, and beholding the wishell, was farther in loue therewith, then rauisht with his person, and agréed to méete him presently and to accomplish his fond fancy: to be short and not tedious, a quarter of a myle from the towne he merely toke measure of her vnder a baudy bush (so she gaue him that she had not, and he receyued that he could not) and taking leaue of ech other with a curteous kisse, she pleasantly passed forth on her iorney, and this vntoward lecherous chamberlayne repayred homeward. But or these twoo tortylles tooke their leaue, the good wyfe had missed her whishle, & sent one of her maydens into her chamber for the same, and being long sought for, none could be found, her mystres hearing that, diligent search was made for the same, and that it was taken a way, began to suspecte her vnblessed babe, and demaunded of her maydens whether none of them saw hir sonne in her chamber that morning, and one of them aunswered that she saw him not there but comming from thence, then had she ynough, for well she wist that he had the same, and sente for him, but he could not be found: then she caused her hosteler, in whō she had better affiance in for his trueth, and yet not one amongest twenty of them but haue well left their honesty (as I heare a greate sort say) to come vnto her, which attended to know her pleasure, goe séeke out saith she my vntoward sonne, and bid him come speake with me. I saw him goe out saith hee, halfe an houre sithens on the backsyde, I had thought you had sent him of your arrant. I sent him not quoth she, goe looke him out.
This hollow hosteler toke his staffe in his neck, and trudged out apace that way he saw him before go, and had some vnderstanding [Page] by one of the maydens that his mistres had her wishell stolen & suspected her sonne, and he had not gon far but that he espyed him comming homeward alone, and meting him, asked where he had bene? where haue I ben q he, and began to smyle, now by the masse thou hast ben at some baudy banquet: thou haste euen tolde troth q this chamberlayne: surely q this hosteler, thou haddest the same woman that begged at our house to day, for the harmes she had by fire, wher is she q he? she is almost a myle by this tyme q this chamberlayne, where is my mistres whishel quoth this hosteler, for I am wel assured that thou haddest it, & I feare me thou hast giuen it to that harlot. Why, is it missed quoth this chamberlayn? yea q this hosteler, and shewed him al the whole circumstance what was both said and thought on him for the thing. Well I wil tel thée quoth this chamberlayne, I will be playne with thée. I had in dede & haue giuen the same to this woman, and I pray thée make the beste of it, and helpe now to excuse the matter, and yet surely and thou wouldest take so much payne for me as to ouertake her, for she goeth but softly and is not yit farre of and take the same from her, & I am euer thyne assured friend. Why then go with me quoth this hosteler, nay in fayth quoth this Chamberlayne what is frear then gift, and I had preaty pastime for the same: hade [...]t thou so quoth this hosteler? now by the masse and I will haue some to, or I will lye in the duste or I come a gain. Passing with hast to ouertake this paramoure within a myle frō y • place wher he departed he ouertoke hir hauing an vprightmā in her company a strong and a sturdy vacabond, somewhat amased was this hosteler to see one familiarly in hir company, for he had wel hoped to haue had some delicate daliaunce as his fellow hadde, but séeing the matter so fal out, and being of good corage, and thinking to him selfe that one true man was better then two false knaues, & being on the high way thought vpon helpe if nede had bene, by such as had passed to and fro: demaūded fiersely the whishel that she had euen now of his fellow: why husband quoth she, can you suffer this wretch to slaunder your wife? auaunt verlet quoth this vpright man and letes dryue withall his force at this hosteler, and after half a dosen blowes he stricks his staffe out of his hand, and as this hosteler stept backe to haue taken vp his staffe agayne: this glymmerynge Morte flinges a great stone at him and strake him on the head, that downe he fales with the bloud about his eares, and whyle hée laye thus amased, the vpright man snatches awaye his pursse, where in he hadde money of his mistresses, as well as of his owne, and there [Page] let him lye and went away with spede, that they were neuer hearde of more. When this drye beaten hosteler was come to himselfe hée fayntly wandereth home, and créepeth into his couche and restes his ydell head: hys mystres heard that he was come in, and layd him downe on his bed, repayred straight vnto him, and asked him what be ayled, and what the cause was of his so sodden lyinge on his bed? what is the cause q this hostele, your whyshell, your wishell, speaking the same piteously thrée or foure tymes: why sole quoth his mystres, take no care for that for I do not greatly way it, it was worth but thrée shillings four pence. I would it had ben burnt for sour yeeres agon. I pray thée why so quoth his mystres? I thinke thou arte mad. Nay not yet quoth this hostler, but I haue ben madly handled: why, what is the matter q his mystres, and was more desirous to know the case: and you will forgiue my fellow & mee. I will shewe you, or els I will neuer do it: she made him presently faythfull promise that she would, then sayth hée send for your sonne home again, which is ashamed to looke you in the face. I agree thereto sayth she, well then quoth this hosteler, your sonne hath geuen the same mort that begged here, for the burninge of her house, a whishell, and you haue giuen her fyue shillings in money, and I haue geuen her ten shillings of myn own: why so quoth shee, then he sadly shewed her of his mishap, with all the circumstance that you haue hearde before, and how his purse was taken away, and xv. shillinges in the same, whereof v. shillings was her money, and x shillings his owne money. Is this true quoth his mystres? I by my trouth quoth thys hosteler and nothing gréeues me so much, neyther my beatynge, neyther the losse of my money, as doth my euill & wretched lucke. Why, what is the matter quoth his mystres? your sonne sayth this hostler had some chere and pastime for that whishell, for he lay with her, and I haue ben well beaten and haue had my pursse taken from me, and you know your sonne is mery and pleasaunt and can kéepe no great councell, and then shall I be mocked & laoghed to skorn in all places, when they shall heare how I haue ben serued. Nowe out vpon you knaues both, quoth his mystres, and laughes out the matter, for she well sawe it would not otherwyse preuayle.
A Baudy Basket. Cap. 17.
THese Baudye Basketes bée also women, and goe with baskets and Capcases on their armes, where in they haue Laces, [Page] pinnes, nedels, whyte inkel, and round sylke gyrdels of all colours. These will bye conueskines, and st [...]ale linnen clothes of on hedges. And for their tryfles they will procure of mayden seruaunts, when their mistres or dame is out of the ware, eyther some good péece of béefe, bakē or cheese, that shalbe worth xii. pēce for ii. pence of their toyes. And as they walke by the way, they often gaine some money with their instrument, by such as they sodaynly mete withall. The vpright men haue good acquayntance with these, and wil helpe and relieue them when they want. Thus they trade their liues in leude lothsome lechery. Amongst them all is but one honest woman, and she is of good yeares: her name is Ione Messenger I haue had good proofe of her, as I haue learned by the true report of diuers.
There came to my gate the last sommer Anno Domini 1566. a very miserable man and much deformed as burnt in the face, bler [...] eyde, and lame of one of his legges that he went with a crouche. I asked him wher he was borne & wher he dwelt last, and shewed him that thither he must repaire and be releued, and not to range about the countrey, & seeing some cause of charity, I caused him to haue meate and drink, and when he had dronk, I demaunded of him whether he was neuer spoyled of the vpright man or roge, yes that I haue q he, but yet these seuen yeres, for so long haue I gon abroad I had not so much taken from me nor so euil hādled as I was within these iiij. dayes why, how [...]so q I? in good fayth sir quoth hée, I chaunced to mete with one of these baudy baskets which had an vpright man in hir cōpany: and as I would haue passed quietly by her, man saith she vnto her mate, do you not sée this ilfauored windshaken knaue? yes q the vpright man, what say you to him, this knaue oweth me ij. shillings for wares he had of mee halfe a yere a go, I think it well said this vpright man: syrra saide he, pay your deths, said this poore man I owe hir none, nether did I euer bargayne w t her for any thing, and as I am aduised I neuer saw her before in all my lyfe, mercy god quoth she what a lying knaue is this, and he wil not pay you husband beat him surely, and the vpright man gaue mee thre or foure blowes on my back and shoolders and would haue beat me worse and I had not giuen him all the money in my purse, and in good faith for very feare I was fayn to giue him xiiij. pens which was al the money that I had: why said this baudy basket hast thou no more, then thou owest ten pence styll, and be well assured that I will be payde the next tyme I meete with thee. And so they let me passe by them. I pray god saue and blesse me & all others in my case [Page] from such wicked persons quoth this poore mā, why whether went they, then quoth I, into east Kent, for I met with them on thys side of Rochester. I haue diuers tymes bene attempted but I neuer lost much before. I thanke God ther came still company by, afore this vnhappy time. Well quoth I, thanke God of all, and repaire home into thy natiue countrey.
A Autem Morte. Cap. 18.
THese Autem Mortes be maried wemen, as there be but a fewe: For Autem in their language is a Church, so shee is a wyfe maried at the Church, and they be as chaste as a Cowe: I haue y • gooeth to Bull euery moone, with what Bull she careth not. These walke most rymes from their husbands company a moneth and more togither, being associate with another as honest as her selfe. These will pilfer clothes of hedges some of them go with children of ten or xij. yeares of age [...] if time and place serue for their purpose they wil send them into some house at the window to steale and robbe, which they [...]all in their language, Milling of the ken, & will goe with wallets on their shoulders and slates at their backs, there is one of these Autem Mortes, she is now a widow of fifty yeares old, her name is Alice Milson, she goeth about with a couple of great boyes, the yōgest of them is fast vpon xx. yeares of age, and these two do lie with her euery night, and [...]he lyeth in the middes, she saith y • they be her children that be [...]cled be the babes borne of such abhominable belly.
¶ A Walking Morte. Cap. 19.
THese walking Mortes be not maryed, these for their vnhappye yeares doth go as a Autem Morte, and will saye their husbands died either at Newhauen Ireland, or in some seruice of the Prince. These make laces vpon staues & purses that they cary in their hands and white vallance for beddes. Many of these hath hadde, and haue children: when these get ought, either with begging bychery or brybery as money or apparell, they are quickly shaken out of all by the vpright men, that they are in a maruelous feare to cary any thing about them that is of any value. Wherefore, this pollicy they vse, they leaue their money now with one and then with another tru [...]ty housholder, eyther with the good man or good wyfe, some tyme in one shire, and then in another as they trauell: this haue I knowne y • [Page] iiij. or v. shillings, yea x. shillinges left in a place, and the same will they come for againe within one quarter of a yere or some time not in halfe a yeare, and all this is to little purpose, for all their p [...]nishe pollicie: for when they bye them lynnen or garmentes, it is taken away from them and worse giuen them, or none at all.
The last Sommer Anno Domini 1566. beinge in familiar talks with a walkīg Mort, that came to my gate. I learned by hir what I could, & I thought I had gathered as much for my purpose as I desired, I began to rebuke her for hir leud life and beastly behauior, declaring to her what punishment was prepared & heaped vp for her in the world to come for hit filthy liuing and wretched conuersation. God helpe q she how should I liue, none will take me into seruice, but I labour in haruest time honestly. I think bat a whyle with honesty q I. Shall I tell you q she, the best of vs may bee amended, but yit I thanke God, I did one good déed within this xii. monthes, wherin q I. Saith she I would not haue it spoken of again: if it be méete and necessary, q I, it shall lye vnder my feete: what mean you by that quoth she. I meane q I, to hide the same and neuer to discouer it to any. Well q she and began to laugh as much as she could & sware by the masse that if I disclosed the same to any she would neuer tell me any thinge. The last sommer q she I was greate wyth childe and I traueled into east kent by the sea coast, for I lusted maruelously after oyster and m [...]skels and gathered many, & in the place where I found them, I opened them and eate them still, at the laste in séeking more, I reached after one and stept into a hole and fel in, into the wast & their did stick, and I had ben drowned if the tide had come, and espying a man a good way of, I cryed as much as I could for helpe. I was alone, he hard me and repaired as fast to me as hee might, and finding me their fast sticking, I required for Gods sake his helpe, and whether it was with stryuing and forcing my self or for ioy I had of his comming to me, I had a great colour in my face and loked red and well coloured. And to be playne with you, hee lyked me so well (as he said) that I should there lye still, and I would [...] not graūt him that she might lye with me. And by my trouth I wist not what to answere, I was in such a perpleritie, for I knew y e man well, he had a very honest womā to his wyfe and was of som welth and on the other syde, if I were not helpe out, I shoulde there haue perished, and I graunted him that I would obeye to his will, then be plucked me out. And because there was no conuenient place néer hand, I required him that I might go washe my selfe and make me [Page] somewhat clenly, and I would come to his house and lodge al night in his barne, whether he might repayre to me and accomplishe his desire, but let it not be quoth she before nine of the clocke at nyght, for then there wilbe small styrring. And I may repayre to the town q she to warme & drye my self, for this was about two of the clocke in the after none, do so quoth he, for I must be busie to looke out my cattell here by before I can come home. So I went away from him and glad was I, and why so quoth I, because quoth she his wife my good dame is my very friend, and I am much beholding to hir And she had donne mee so muche good or this, that I were loth nowe to harme hir any way. Why so quoth I? what and it had ben any other man and not your good dames husband. The matter hadd bene the lesse quoth she. Tell me I pray thee quoth I, who was the father of the childe, she studied a whyle and sayd that it had a father, but what was hee quoth I? Nowe by my troth I know not quoth shee, you bring me out of my matter, so you do, well say on quoth I, then I departed strayte to the towne and came to my dames house. And shewed her of my misfortune, also of her husbands vsage in al pointes and that I showed her the same for good will and bydd her take better héed to her husband and to her selfe, so shee gaue mee great thankes and made me good chéere, and byd me in anye case that I should be redy at the barne at that time and houre we had apointed for I know well quoth this good wife my husband will not breake with thée. And one thing I warne thée that thou giue me a watche word a loude when he goeth about to haue his pleasure of thée, and that shalbée fye for shame fye, and I will bee harde by you, wyth helpe. But I charge thee kepe this secret vntill all be finished, and hold sayth this good wyfe here is one of my pe [...]cotes I giue thee. I thanke you good dame quoth I, and I warrante you I will bee true and trusty vnto you. So my dame left me sittinge by a good fyer with meate and drinke, and wyth the oysters I brought wyth me, I hadde great chéere, she went strayte and repayred vnto her gossipes dwelling thereby, and as I did after vnderstand, she made her mone to them, what a naughtye lewed lecherous husband thee hadde, and how that she could not haue his companye for har [...]ottes, and that she was in feare to take some filthy disease of him, he was so common a man, hauing little respect whom he h [...]dde to do with all, and quoth she now here is one at my house a poore woman that goeth about the countrey that he would haue hadde to doe with all, wherfore good neighboures and louinge gossypes as you loue mee [Page] and as you would haue helpe at my hand another tyme, deuyse some remedy to make my husband a good man, y • I may liue in som suerty without disease, and that hée may saue his soule that God so dearely bought. After shée had tolde her tale they cast their perstnge eyes all vpon her, but one stout dame amongst the rest had these wordes: As your pacient bearing of troubles, your honest behauiour among vs your neighbours, your tender and pitifull harte to the poore of the parish, doth moue vs to lament your case, so the vnsatiable carnaliti of your faithlesse husband doth instigate and styrre vs to deuyse and inuent some spedy redresse for your case and the amendment of his lyfe. Wherfore this is my counceld and you wil be aduertised hyme I say to you all, vnlesse it be this good wyfe, who is chefely touched in this matter I haue the next cause, for hée was in hande with me not longe agoe, and company had not ben present whiche was by a maruelous chaunce, he had (I thinke) forced me. For often he hadde ben tempting with me, and yet haue I sharpely sayd him nay, therfore let vs assemble secretly into the place where hée hath appointed to méete this gyllot that is at your house and lyrke pryuely in some corner tyll he begin to goe about his busines. And then me thought I hard you say euen now, that you had a watch word, at which word we will all stepp forth beinge fiue of vs besides you, for you shalbe none because it is your husband, but get you to bed at your accustomed houre, and we will carry eche of vs a good byrchen rod in oure laps, and we will all be muffeled for knowing, and sée that you goe home and acquaint that walking mort with the matter forwe must haue her helpe to hold, for always foure must hold and two lay on. Alas saith this good wyfe, be is to strong for you al, I would be loth for my sake you should receiue harme at his hande: feare you not q these stout wemen, let her not giue the watch word vntill his hosen be about his legges, and I trow we all wilbe with him to bring before he shall haue leasuce to plucke them vp agayne: they with one voyce agréed to y t mattēr that y e way she had deuised was the best: so this good wife repaired home: but before she departed frō hir gosseps she shewed thē at what hour they shuld priuely cum in on y e backside & ther to tary their good hour, so by y e time she cam in, it was almost night and found the walking morte still sitting by the fier & declared to her al this new deuise aboue said, which promised faithfullye to fulfill to her small power as much as they had deuised, within a quarter of an houre after, in cōmeth y e good man who said y t hee was about his cartell, why what haue we here wife sitting by the fire, & [Page] if she haue eate and dronk send her into the barne to hir lodging for this night, for she troubleth the house: euen as you will husbande, saith his wife, you know she commeth once in two yeres into these quarters. Away sayth this good wyfe in your lodginge: yes good dame saith she as fast as I can, thus by loking one on the other eche knew others mynd, and so departed to her comely couche, the good man of the house shrodge him for ioy, thinkinge to him selfe I will make som pastime with you an one. And calling to his wyfe for his supper set him downe and was very pleasant & dranke to his wife & fel to his mammerings and moūched a pace, nothing vnderstāding of the banquet that was a preparing for him after supper, & accordīg to the prouerbe (that swéet meat will haue sowre sauce,) [...] thus when he was well refreshed, his spirites being reuiued entred into familiar talk with his wyfe, of many matters how well he had spent that day to both their profytes, saying some of his cattell were lyke to haue bin drowned in the diches, dryuing others of his neighboures cattel out that were in his pasturs, & mending his fences that were broken down. Thus profitably he had consumed the daye, nothinge talking of his helping out of the walking mort out of the mier, neither of his request nor yit of hir promise. Thus feding hir w t frendly fantasies consumed two houres and more. Then fayning howe hes would sée in what case his horse were in and how they were dressed, repaired couertly into the barne whereas his friendly foes lyrked priuely vnlesse it were this manerly Morte, that comly couched on a bottell of straw. What are you come q she, by y e masse I would not for a hundreth pound that my dame should know that you wer here either any els of your house. No I warrant thée saith this good man, they be all safe and fast inough at their work, and I will be at myne anon And lay downe by her and straight would haue had to do with her, nay fye saith she, I like not this order, if ye lye with me you shal surely vntxusse you & put down your hosen for that way is most easiest and best, saiest thou so quoth he, now my troth agréed: and whē he had vntrussed himself and put down, he began to assalt the vnsatiable sort, why quoth she that was without shame, sauinge for her promes, and are you not ashamed? neuer a whyt sayth he, lye downe quickely, nowe fye for shame, fye sayth shée aloude (which was the watch word) At the which word these fyue furious sturdy muffeled gossips flynges out and takes sure holde of this betrayed person, sone plucking his hosen down lower, and bindinge the same fast about his féete, then binding his handes and knittinge a hande char [...]her [Page] about his eyes, that hée should not sée, and when they had made him sure and fast, then they layd him on vntill they were windles: be good saith this Morte vnto my mayster for the passion of God, & layd on as fast as the rest, and still ceased not to crye vpon them too be mercyfull vnto him, and yet layd on a pace, and when they hadde well beaten him that the bloud braste plentifully out in most places they let him lye still bounde, with this exhortation, that he shoulde from that tyme foorth knowe his wyfe from other mens, and that this punishment was but a flebyting in respect of that which should follow, if he amended not his manners. Thus leauing him blustering, blowing and foming for payne and malencolye, that hée neyther might or could be reuenged of them: they vanished awaye and had this morte with them, a [...]d safely conuayd her out of the towne: soone after commeth into the barne one of the good mans boyes to set some haye for his horse. And fynding his maister lying fast boūd and gr [...]euously beaten with roddes, was sodainly abashed and wold haue runne out agayne to haue called for helpe, but his maister hyd him come vnto him and vnbinde him, and make no woordes quoth he of this. I wilbe reuenged well ynough, yet notwithstandinge after better aduyse, the matter being vnhonest, he thought it méeter to let the same passe, and not as the prouerbe sayth (to awake the sléeping dogge.) And by my troth quoth this walking morte, I com now from that place and w is neuer there sythens this parte was playd, which is somewhat more then a yeare. And I heare a verye good report of him now, that he loueth his l [...]yfe well and vseth hym selfe very honestly: and was not this a good acte, now how say you? It was pretely handeled quoth I, and is here all? yea quoth shee, here is the end.
A Doxe. Cap. 20.
THese Dores be broken & spoyled of their maydenhead by the vpright men, and then they haue their name of dores and not af [...]re. And afterward she is common and indifferent for any that will vse her, as homo [...] is a commō name to al men. Such as be fayre and somwhat handsome, kepe company with the walking Mortes, and are redy always for the vpright men, and are chiefly maynteined by them, for others shalbe spoiled for their sakes, the other interior sort will resorte to noble mens places, and gentlemens houses standing at the gate, eyther lurking on the backsyde about backe houses, eyther in hedge rowes or some other thycket, expectynge their praye, [Page] which is for the vncomly company of some courteous gest of whom they be refreshed with meate and some money, where eschaunge is made ware for ware: this bread and meate they vse to carye in their great hosen, so that these beastly brybinge bréeches, serue many tymes for bandy purposes. I chaunced not long sitbens familiarly to common with a Dore that came to my gate, and surely a pleasaunt harlot, and not so pleasant as witty, and not so witty as boyde of all grace and goodnes I found by her talk that she had passed her tyme lewdly eightene yeares in walking about. I thought this a necessary instrument to attayne some knowledge by, and before I woulde grope hir mind, I made her both to eate and drynk well, that done I made her faithfull promise to gyue her some money if she woulde open and discouer to me such questions as I would demaund of hir and neuer to bewraye hir, neyther to disclose her name. And you should sayth shee I were vndone: feare not that quoth I. but I pray thée quoth I, say nothing but truth. I will not sayth shee, then firsts tell me quoth I, how many vpright men and roges dost thou know or hast thou knowne and bene [...]dnuersant with, and what their names be? she paused a while and sayd, why do you aske me, or wherefore? For nothing els as I sayd, but that I would knowe them whē they come to my gate. Now by my troth (quoth she) then are yes neuer the nearer, for al myne acquaintance for the most part are dead, Dead quoth I? how dyed they for want of cherishing or of paynfull diseases? Then she sighed and sayde they were hanged. What all quoth I, and so many walke abroad as I dayly sée? By my trouth quoth she I know not paste six or seuen by their names, and named the same to mee. When were they hanged quoth I? Some seuen yeares agone, some three yeares, and some with in this fortnight, and declared the place where they weare erecuted, which I knewe well to be true, by report of others. Why (quoth I) dyd not this sorrowfull and fearefull sight much gréeue thee, and for thy tyme long and euill spent. I was sory quoth shee, by the masse, for some of them were good louing men, for I lacke not when they had it, and they wanted not when I had it, and diuers of them I neuer did forsake, vntill the Gallowes departed vs. O mercyfull God quoth I, and began to blesse me. Why blesse ye quoth she? Alas good genttleman, euery one must haue a liuing. Other matters I talked of, but this now may suffice to shewe the reader as it were in a glasse the bolde beastely lyfe of these Doxes. For suche as hath gonne any tyme abroade, will neuer forsake their trade, to dye therefore. [Page] I haue hadde good profe thereof. There is one notorious barlot o [...] this affinitie called Besse Bottomely, shee hath but one hande, and she hath murthered two children at the least.
A Dell. Cap. 21.
A Dell is a yonge wench, able for generation, and not yet known or broken by the upright man. These goe abroade yonge, eyther by the death of their parentes, and no body to looke vnto them or else by some sharpe mystres that they serue do runne awaye out of seruice, eyther she is naturally borne one, and then she is a wyld Dell: these are broken very yonge, when they haue ben lyen withall by the vpright man, then they bee Dores, and no Dell. These wylde Dels being traded vp with their monstrous mothers, musts of necessitie be as euil or worse then their parentes, for neyther we gather grapes from greene bryars, neyther fygges from I h [...]stels. But such buds, such blossems, such euil seede sowen, wel worsse being growen.
A Kynching Morte. Cap. 22.
A Kynching Mort is a little Gyrle, the Mortes their mothers carries them at their backes in their slates, whiche is their shetes, and bringes them vp sauagely, till they growe to be rype, and soone rype, soone rotten.
A Kynchen Co. Cap. 23.
A Kinchen Co, is a young boye traded vp to suche p [...]euish purposes, as you haue hard of other young ympes before, that when be groweth vnto yeares, he is better to hang then to draw foorth.
Their vsage in the night. Cap. 24.
NOw, I think it not vnnecessary to make the Reader vnderstand how and in what maner they lodge a nights in barnes or back-houses, and of their vsage there, for asmuch as I haue acquaynted them with their order and practises a day tymes. The arch and chief walkers that hath walked a long tyme, whose experience is great, because of their continuing practise, I meane all Mortes & Doxes, [Page] for their handsomnes & diligence, for making of their couches. The men neuer trouble themselues with that thing, but takes the same to be the duty of the wyfe. And she shuffels vp a quantitie of strawe or hay, into some prety corner of the barne where she may conueniently lye, and well shaketh the same, making the heade some what bye, and dryues the same vpon the sydes and set lyke a bed: then she layeth her wallet or other little pack of ragges, or scryppe vnder hir head in the strawe, to beare vp the same, and layeth her peticote or cloke vpon and ouer the strawe, so made lyke a bedde and that serueth for the blanket: then she layeth her slate which is her shéete vppon that, and shée haue no shéete, as fewe of them go without, then she spreddeth some large cloutes or rags ouer the same, and maketh hir ready and layeth her drousely downe. Many will plucke of their smockes and lay the same vpon them in stéede of their vpper shéete, and all her other pelte and trashe vpon her also, and many lyeth in their smockes. And if the rest of her clothes in cold weather bee not sufficient to kéepe her warme, then the taketh strawe or hay to performe the matter. The other sorte that haue no slates, but toumble down and couche a hogshead in their clothes, these be still lou [...]y and shall neuer be without vermin, vnlesse they put of their clothes, and lye as is aboue said. If the vpright man come in where they lye, hee hath his choyse, and créepeth in close by his Dore, the roge hath his leauings. If the Mortes or Dores lye or be lodged in some Farmers barne, and the dore be eyther locked or made fast to them, then will not the vpright man presse to come in, vnles it be in barnes and out houses standing alone, or some distance from houses, which [...]e commonly knowne to them: as sainct Quintens, thrée Cranes in the [...]intrey. Sainct Tybbes, & Knapsbery. These foure be within one myle compasse neare vnto London. Then haue you foure more in Middlesex, draw the pudding out of the fyre, in Harrow on the hill parish, the Crosse keyes in Crayford parish, saynt In [...]ans in Thystell worth parish, the house of pity in North hall parishe. These are their chief houses neare about London, where commonlye they resort vnto for lodging, and may repayre thyther fréely at all tymes. Sometime shall come in some roge, some pycking knaue, a nimble Prygge, he walketh in softly a nightes, when they be at their reste & plucketh of as many garmentes as be ought worth, that hee maye come by, and worth money, and may easely cary the same, and runneth away with the same with great selerity, and maketh port sale at some conuenient place of theirs, that some be soone ready in the [Page] morning, for wante of their Casters and Togemans. Where in stede of blessing is cursinge, in place of praying, pestilent pratinge with odious othes and terrible threatnings. The vpright men haue giuen all these nycke names, to the places aboue sayd. Yet haue we two notable places in Kent, not farre from London, the one is bettwene Detforde and Rothered called the Kinges barne, standinge alone, that they haunt commonly: the other is Ketbroke standinge by blacke heath [...]alse a myle from any house, there will they boldly draw the latch of the doore and go in, when the good man with hys family be at supper and sit downe without leaue and eate and d [...]ink with them, and either lye in the hall by the fyer at night or in y • barn if there be no roome in the house for them. If the doore be eyther bolted or lockt, if it be not opened vnto them when they will, they will breake the same open to his farther cost. And in this barne sometime do lye xl. vp [...]ight men with their Dores togither at one time. And this muste the poore Farmer suffer, or els they threaten him too burne him, and all that he hath.
The names of the vpright men, Roges, and Pallyards.
HEre followeth the vnruly rablement of rascals, and the moste notorious and wickedst walkers that are lyuing now at this presente with their true names as they be called and known by. And although I set and place here but three orders, yet good Reader vnderstande, that all the others aboue named are deriued and come out from the Vpright men and Roges. Concerning the nūber of Mortes and Doxes, it is superfluous to write of them. I could well haue, done it, but the nu [...]ber of them is great, and would aske a large volume.
- Antony Heymer.
- Antony Iackson.
- Burfet.
- Bryan Medcalfe.
- Core the Cuck [...]lde.
- Christouer Cooke.
- Dowsabell skylfull in fence.
- Dauid Coke.
- Dycke Glouer.
- Dicke Abrist [...]we.
- Dauid Edwards.
- Dauid Holland.
- Dauid Iones.
- Edmund Dun a singing man.
- Edward skiner, alias Ned Skinner.
- Edward Browne.
- Follentine Hylles.
- Fardinando Angell:
- Griffyn.
- Fraunces Dawghton.
- Great Iohn Braye.
- George marynar.
- George Hutchinson.
- Hary Hylles, alias
- Harry Godepar.
- [Page]Harry Agglyntyne.
- Harry Smith, hee dryue [...]eth whē he speaketh
- Harry Ionson.
- Iames Barnard.
- Iohn Myllar.
- Iohn Walchman.
- Iohn Iones.
- Iohn Tedar.
- Iohn Braye.
- Iohn Cutter.
- Iohn Bell.
- Iohn Stephens.
- Iohn Graye.
- Iohn Whyte.
- Iohn Rewe
- Iohn Morres.
- Iohn a Ferdinando.
- Iohn Newman.
- Iohn Win alias Williams.
- Iohn a Pycones.
- Iohn Thomas
- Iohn Arther.
- Iohn Palmer alias Tod.
- Iohn Geffrey.
- Iohn Goddard.
- Iohn Gray the great.
- Iohn Gray the little.
- Iohn Williams the Longer.
- Iohn Harwod a maker of wels, hee will take halfe his bargayne in hande, & when hée hath wrought ii. or iii. daies, he runneth away with his earnest.
- Iohn Peter.
- Iohn Porter.
- Iohn Appowes.
- Iohn Arter.
- Iohn Bates.
- Iohn Comes.
- Iohn Chiles, alias great Chyles.
- Iohn Leuet he maketh tappes and fausets.
- Iohn Louedall a mayster of fence.
- Iohn Louedale
- Iohn Mekes.
- Iohn Appowell.
- Iohn Chappell.
- Iohn Gryffen.
- Iohn Mason.
- Iohn Humfrey with the lame hand.
- Iohn Stradling with the shaking head.
- Iohn Franke
- Iohn Baker.
- Iohn Bascafelde.
- Lennard iust.
- Long gréene.
- Laurence Ladd.
- Laurence Marshall.
- Nicolas wilson.
- Ned Barington.
- Ned wetherdon.
- Ned Holmes.
- Phillip Gréene.
- Robart Grauener.
- Robart Gerse.
- Robart Kynge.
- Robart Egerton.
- Robart Bell. brother to Iohn Bell.
- Robart Maple.
- Robart Langton.
- Robyn Bell.
- Robyn Toppe.
- Robart Browswerd he weareth his heare long.
- Robart Curtes.
- Richard Briminish.
- Richard iustice.
- Richard Barton.
- Richard Constance.
- Richard Thomas.
- Richard Cadman.
- Richard scate good.
- Richard Aprice
- Richard Walker.
- Richard Coper.
- Steuen Neuet.
- Thomas Bulloke.
- Thomas Cutter.
- Thomas Garet.
- Thomas Newton.
- Thomas Web.
- Thomas Graye his toes begonne.
- Tom Bobell.
- Thomas Wast.
- Thomas Dawsō alias Thomas Iacklin.
- Thomas Basset.
- Thomas [...] Marchant
- Thomas Web.
- Thomas Awefeld.
- Thomas Gibbins.
- Thomas Lacon.
- Thomas Bate.
- Thomas Allen.
- well arayd Richard.
- William chamborn
- William Panell.
- [Page] William morgan.
- William Belson.
- William Ebes.
- William Garret.
- William Robinson
- William Umberuil
- William Dauids.
- Will Pen.
- William Iones.
- Will Powell.
- William Clarke.
- Water Wirall.
- William Browne.
- William Grace.
- William Pickering.
- Arch Dowglas a scot.
- Black Dycke.
- Dycke Durram.
- Dauid Dew neuet a counterfet Crank.
- Edward Ellys.
- Edward Anseley.
- George Belberby.
- Godman.
- Gerard Gybynes, a counterfet cranke.
- Harry walles wyth y e little mouth.
- Humfrey ward.
- Harry Mason.
- Iohn Warren
- Iohn Don w t one leg.
- Iohn Elson.
- Iohn raynoles Irish man.
- Iohn Harrys
- Iames Monkaster a counterfet Crank.
- Iohn Dewe.
- Iohn Crewe with one arme.
- Iohn Brown a great stammerar.
- Little Dycke.
- Little robyn.
- Lambart rose.
- Nicholas Adames.
- Nicholas Crispin.
- Nicholas Blunt, alias Nicholas Genins, a counterfet Crank.
- Nicholas Lynche.
- Richard Brewton.
- Richard Horwod, wel néer lxxx. yeare old he will bite a vi. peny nayle asunder w t his [...]e [...]h & a baudy dronkard.
- Richard Crane he carieth a Kynchen Co at his backe.
- Richard Iones.
- Raffe Ketley.
- Robert Harrison.
- Symond Kyng.
- Thomas Paske.
- Thomas Béere Irish man.
- Thomas Smith with the skalde skin.
- Thomas Shawneam
- William Carew.
- William wastfield.
- Wylson.
- William Gynkes w t a whyte beard, a lusty & strong man, he runneth about y • countrey to fecke worke with a big boy his sonne, caryinge his toles as a dawber or playsterer, but little woorke serueth him.
- Bashford.
- Dick Sehan Irish.
- Dauid Powell.
- Dauid Iones a counterfet Cranke.
- Edward Heyward hath his Mort following him, which faineth the Cranke.
- Edward Lewes, a Dummerar.
- Hugh Iones.
- Iohn Persk a counterfet cranke.
- Iohn Dauids.
- Iohn Harison.
- Iohn Carew.
- Iames Lane, with [Page] one eye Irish.
- Iehu Fisher.
- Iohn Dewe.
- Iohn Gilford Irish.
- w t a [...]ounterfet licence
- Laurence with the great legge.
- Nicholas Newton carieth a fayned licence.
- Nicholas Decase.
- Prestone.
- Robart Lacley.
- Robart Canloke.
- Richard Hilton carieth ii. kinchē mortes about him.
- Richard Thomas.
- Soth garde.
- Swanders.
- Thomas Edwards.
- Thomas Dauids.
- William Thomas.
- William Coper with the harelyp.
- Wil Pettet beareth a kichē mort at his back. wylliam Bowmer.
There is aboue an hundreth of Irish men and women that wander about to begge for their liuing, that hath come ouer within these two yeares. They saye they haue ben burned and spoyled by the Earle of Desmond and report well of the Earle of Urmond.
¶ All these aboue written for the most part walke aboute Essex, Middlesex, Sussex, Surrey & Kent. Then let the Reader iudge what nūbers walks in other Shieres. I feare me to great a nūber, if they be well vnderstand.
Here followeth their pelting speeche.
HEre I set before thee good Reader, the leud louse [...] language of these leutering Luskes, and laysy Lorels, wherewith they bye and sell the common people as they passe through the countrey: whiche language they terme Peddelers Frenche, an vnknowen tounge onely, but to these bold beastly bawdy beggers, and vayne vacabonds, being halfe myngled with Englishe, when it is familiarly talked, and fyrste placing things by their proper names, as an Introduction to this peeuish speache.
Nab | a toung. | prat | hosen. |
a head. | Crashing chetes | a buttocke. | stampers |
Nabchet | teeth. | stampes | shoes. |
a hat or cap. | Hearing chetes. | legges. | a mofling chete |
glasyers | [...]ares. | a caster | a napkin. |
eyes. | fambles | a cloke. | a belly chete |
a smelling chete. | handes. | a [...]ogman | an apren. |
a nose. | a fambling chete | a coate. | dudes |
gan | a ring on thy hand. | a commission | clothes. |
a mouth. | quaromes | a shirt. | a lag of dudes |
a pratling chete. | a body. | drawers | a bucke of clothes. |
a slate or slates | pek | a house. | woman. |
a sheete or shetes. | meate. | a stauling ken | the quier cuffyn |
lybbege | poppelars | a house that will receyue stollen wares. | the iusticer of peace |
a bed. | porrage. | the harmā beck | |
boung | ruff pek | a bowsing ken | the Constable. |
a purse. | baken. | a ale house. | the harmans |
lowre | a grunting chete or a patricos kinchen | a lypken | the stockes. |
money. | a house to lye in. | quyerkyn | |
mynt | alybbeg | a pryson house. | |
golde. | a pygge | a bedde. | quyer crampringes |
a borde | a cakling chete | glymmar | |
a shilling. | a coke or capon. | fyer. | boltes or fetters. |
halfe a borde | a margeri prater | Rome bouse | tryning |
sixe pence. | a hen. | wyne. | hanging. |
flagg | a roger or tyb of the butery | lag | chattes |
a groat. | water. | the gallowes. | |
a wyn | a gose. | a skypper | the [...]ygh pad |
a penny. | a quaking chete or a red shanke | a barne. | the high way. |
a make | strommell | the ruffmans | |
a halfepeny. | a drake or a ducke. | strawe. | the wods or bushes |
bowse | grannam | a gentry cofes k [...] | a smelling chete |
drinke. | corne. | a noble or gentleble mans house. | a gardē or orchard crasting chetes |
bene | a lowhing chete | a gyger | appels, peares, or any other fruit. |
good. | a Cowe. | a doore. | |
benship | a bleting chete | bufe | to fylche |
very good. | a calfe or sheepe. | a dogge. | to robbe. |
quier | a prauncer | the lightmans | to nyp a boung. |
nought. | a horse. | the day. | to cut a purse. |
a gage | autem | the darkemans | To skower the crampringes |
a quart pot. | a Church. | the night. | |
a skew | Salomon | Rome vyle | to weare boltes or fetters. |
a cuppe. | a altar or masse. | London. | |
yannam | patrico | dewse a vyle | to heue a b [...] ugh |
bread. | a priest. | the countrey. | to robbe or rifle a boweth. |
cassan | nosegent | rome mort | |
cheese. | a Nunne. | the Queene. | to cly the gerk [...] |
param | a gyb | a gentry cofe | to be whipped. |
mylke. | a writing. | a noble or gentlemā | to cut benle |
lap | a Iarke | a gentry mort | to speake gentle. |
butter mylke or whey. | a seale. | a Noble or gentle | to cut bene |
a ken | |||
whydds. | to see. | to robbe a house. | a woman eatnally. |
to speake or giue good words. | to [...]ouse, | to pr [...]gge | stow you, |
to drinke. | to ryde. | hold your peace. | |
to [...]tte quyer whyddes. | to maunde | to dup y • gyger, | [...]ynge a waste |
to geue euil words | to aske or require. | to open the dore. | go you hence. |
or euill language. | to stall. | to couch a hogs head | to the ruffian |
to make or ordain | to the Deuill. | ||
to cutte. | to cante | to ly downe and slepe | the ruffian cly thée. |
to saye. | to speake. | to nygle | |
to towre. | to mill a ken | to haue to dowith | the deuill take thee. |
¶ The vpright Cofe cateth to the Roge, The vpright man speaketh to the roge.
Bene Lightmans to thy quarromes in what lipken hast thou lipped in this darkemans, whether in a lybbege or in the strummell.
Good morrowe to thy bodye, in what house hast thou lyne in all night, whether in a bedde or in the strawe?
I say by the Salomon I will lage it of with a gage of bene bouse then cut to my nose watch.
I sweare by the masse I will washe it off wyth a quarte of good drinke, then say to me what thou wilt.
I cutte it is quyer bowse, I bowld a flagge the last darkmans.
I say it is small and naughty drinke, I dranke a groat there the last night.
Shee hath a Cacling chete, a gruntinge chete ruff pecke, cassan, and poppelars of yarum.
Shee hath a hen, a pygge, baken, cheese, and mylke porrage.
So may we happen on the harmans and clye the Iarke [Page] or to the quierken and skower quiare cramprings and so to trining on the chates.
So we may chaunce to syt in the stockes, eyther be whypped eyther had to prison house, and their be shackeled with boltes and setters, and then to hange on the gallowes.
What stowe you bene cofe and cut benar whyddes and byng we to Rome vyle to nyp a bounge, so shall we haue lower for the bowsing ken, and when we byng back to the deuseuyle, we will fylche some duddes of the Ruffmans or myll the ken for a lage of duddes.
What holde your peace good fellowe and speake better wordes, and go we to London to cut a purse, then shal wee haue money for the ale house, and when we come backe againe into the countrey, we will steale some lynuen clothes of some hedge, or robbe some house for a bucke of clothes.
¶ By this little ye may holy and fully vnderstande their vntoward talk and pelting spéech mingled without measure, and as they haue begon of la [...]e to deuyse some new termes for certayn things: so will they in time alter this and deuise as euill or worse. This language now being knowne and spreade abroade, yet one thing more I wil ad vnto, not meaning to English the same, because I learned that of a shameles Doxe, but for the phrase of specehe I set it forth only.
There was a proud patrico and a nosegent, he toke his Iockam in his famble, and a wapping he went, he dockt the Dell he prygge to praunce, he byngd a wast into the darkemans, he fylche the Cofe without any fylch man.
Imprinted at London by Henry Middle ton dwelling in Fletestreat at the signe of the Faucon: and are to be sold at his shop in S. Dunstones Churchyard. An. 1573.