The Country-mans new care away. To the tune of, Loue will find out the way.
IF there were imployments
for men, as haue béene,
And Drummes, Pikes, and Muskets
inth' field to be séene,
And euery worthy Souldier
had truely their pay,
Then might they be bolder,
to sing, Care away.
If there were no Rooking,
but plaine dealing vsed,
If honest Religion
were no wayes abused,
If pride in the Country
did not beare sway,
The poore, and the Gentry
might sing, Care away.
If Farmers consider'd
the dearenesse of graine,
How honest poore Tradesmen
their charge should maintaine,
And would b
[...]te the price on't
to sing, Care away.
We should not be nice on't,
of what we did pay.
Af poore Tenants Land-lords,
would not racke their rents,
Which oft is the cause of
their great discontents:
If againe good house kéeping
inth' Land did heare sway,
The poore that sits wéeping,
might sing, Care away.
If to liue vprightly
all men were concurring,
If Lawyers with Clients
would vse no demurring,
But kindly would vse them,
for what they did pay;
They néed not sit musing,
but sing, Care away.
If Spendthrifts were carefull
and would leaue their follies,
Ebriety hating,
Cards, Dice, Bowling-Alleyes,
Or with wantons to dally
by night or by day,
Their wiues might be merry,
and sing, Care away.
The second part. To the same tune.
IF Children to Parents,
would dutifull be,
If Seruants with Masters;
would deale faithfully,
If Gallants poore Tradesmen
would honestly pay,
Then might they haue comfort,
to sing, Care away.
There is no contentment,
to a conscience thats cleare,
That man is most wretched,
a bad mind doth beare,
To wrong his poore Neighbour,
by night or by day,
He wants the true comfort
to sing, Care away.
But he that is ready,
by goodnesse to labour,
In what he is able
to helps is poore Neighbour,
The Lord will euer blesse him
by night and by day,
All ioyes shall possesse him
to sing, Care away.
Would wiues with their husbands,
and husbands with wiue,
In loue and true friendship
would so lead their liues,
As best might be pleasing,
to God night and day,
Then they with hearts easing,
might sing, Care away.
No crosse can be greater,
vnto a goodmind,
Than a man to be matched
with a woman vnkind,
Whose tongue is never quiet,
but scolds night and day,
That man wants the comfort
to sing, Care away.
A vertuous woman
a husband that hath,
That's giuen vnto lewdnesse,
to enuy and wrath,
Who after wicked women,
does hunt for his prey,
That woman wants comfort,
to sing, Care away.
Were there no resorting,
to houses of vice,
Or were there no courting
a wench that is nice,
Yet ere she will refuse it,
the wanton will play,
Poore men might be merry,
and sing, Care away.
Like true subiects loyall,
to God let vs pray,
Our good King so Royall,
to preserue night and day:
With the Quéen, Prince and Nobles,
the Lord blesse them aye:
Then may we all haue comfort,
to sing, Care away.