THE THESAVRARYE, OR STOREHOVSE of Chyrurgerye: wherbye are also added Foure figures, or portrayctures of mans bodye: Two of the which doe demonstrate vnto vs, all the externall partes of the same: and the other tvvo, the most visiblest vaynes fit for phlebotomye, vvhich lye dispearced vnder the skinne Throughe Iaqves Gvillemean of Orleans, Ordinatede Chyrurgiane to the Kinge, and svvorne in his Chastelet at Paris.
The Praeface.
WE say in Fraunce for an aunciente, & verified proverbe: That it is not sufficiē te enoughe that vve doe anye thinge, but that vve doe the same exquisitlye, & profitablelye. VVhich can not vvith anye convenience be excuted or accomplished, vvithout knovvledge of the causes, vvhich doe leade, and conducte vs, to the perfectione of the effect: So that accordinge to the sayinges of the Philosophers, Science is nothinge els, then the knovvledge of that, What Sciēce i [...] vvhich vve have in handes, through his proper causes. Vnto the vvhich all Artificers must endevoure to attayne: throughe the vvhich Chyrurgerye, although notvvithstanding, vve can not attayne to the knovvledge, & cognisance of the presente subiecte, & the accidentes therof, throughe such occasions as vve have discribede, the same being as it vveare an inferioure science, and dependinge, on the Naturalle, and Physicall sciences: vve ought notvvithstandinge to knovv at the leaste this poyncte, and to observe, and follovve the same, and that throughe the most sensible, and apparent causes, vvhich are Materialle, and Instrumentalle.
VVhich hath movede me to represent, Wherfore the Aucthor hath collocated the Instrumētes in the forefrontutes of his booke. and as it vveare evidentlye vnto all mens eyes demonstrate, not onlye the materialle, and formalle principles, vvherof our subiecte, of mans bodye, is created, and compilede together, but the Instrumentalles, throughe the vvhich vve as by such meanes mayntayne the same in his naturall healthe, as longe as ther is anye health afore handes, and also agayne restore the same, beinge imbecillede, & debilitated, through the combate vvhich vve have agaynst the dissease, or sicknes.
Nether to speake truthe is it a thinge conveniente, and seemlye, that anye greate, or vvorthye Capitayne, shoulde assayle his enimye, before he apparantlye knovve him, and have for his ovvne commoditye, and advantage made electione, and choyse of the place, & feelde of cō bate, hath ordrede and alsoe armed his souldiours: noe lesse also, must he besiege anye stronge, The office, & dutye of a good Capitayne. and fortified Citye, vvithout first having advertisemente, & knovvledge, of the most feebleste place of the same, & vvher in storminge his souldiers may leaste of all be endamagede, he havinge sufficiente admunitione, to make a breatch.
In like sorte also vveare it greate temeritye, and rashenes, for anye Chyrurgiane, to take in hande anye operatione, of Chyrurgerye, vvithout first of all considering one the subiecte, The office of a good Chirurgiane. one the vvhich he intendeth, and purposeth to operate, or vvorcke, convenientlye to situate, and collocate the same, and being fournishede of all his Instrumentes conveniente for such an operatione, therbye to attayne vnto his pretended intente. I humblye reqveste, the most benevolent, and gentle Reader, to have me excusede, although I have not collocatede, them in such numbre, as I vvillingelye coulde vvishe and desire I had, havinge notvvithstanding causede the same to be representede: but throughe the iniuryes of this most disturbede, & molestede time, there are some of the Plates (vnto my greate molestatione, and sorrovve,) lost, and coulde not by anye meanes possible so suddaynlye be agayne pourtrayctede, & engraved: the vvhich notvvithstandinge in the nexte editione I hope to collocate them.
Explication of the Characters which are contayned in the first figure of mans bodye: wherin G. signifyeth a Greecke worde, and L. a Latine worde.
A, That vvhich from A, to a 10, is contaynede, is called the Heade, in Greecke Cephale, & in Latine Caput. And that parte vvhich is noted vvith, A, is in G, called Bregma, and in L, Synciput: In this place the futures Sagittale, & Coronale doe assemble themselves: on vvhich place vve may convenientlye applye the Cauteryes.
B, The forehead, G, Metopon, Episcyniō L, Frons, that vvhich frō the B, to a 10. is callede the face G, Prosopon, L, Facies, Vultus.
C, The Temples, G, Corcai, Cortaphai, L, Tempora, & that vvhich standethe besydes the same, G, louli, L, Lanugo, that vvhich is contayned, betvvixte, 2, 5, D, & E, is called the Eye, G, Omina, Ophthalmos, L, Oculus, the concavity of the same G, Pyelis, L, Oculi pelvis, the vvhite of the Eye, G, Legas, L, Albedo oculi, the Apple, G, Core, L, Pupilla, the Circle, or cō passe of the Eye, G, Iris, L, Iris, the Corners of the Eyes, G, Canthi, L, Hirci, Oculorū anguli: The great D, corners of the Eye close to the Nose, noted vvith D, in G, Ranteres, L, Magnus angulus, The lesser E, corner, finitimating the Temples, E, in G, Poropias, L, Parvus angulus. The Brovves, G, Blepharon, L, Palpebra, the externall parte of the Brovves, G, Chelas Entricomata, Tarsos, L, Palpebrarū crepido, The edges of the Eye liddes, G, Blepharides; L, Cilia: that 2, parte above the brovves, G, Tyloiophryes, Episcynia Latine supercilia, that separatiō, vvhich is betvveene 3, the brovves, noted vvith this figure 3, G, Mesophryon, L, Glabella, Intercilium.
F, The Apple of the Eye, G, Melon, L, Malum.
G, The concavitye of the Face.
H, The Cheeckes, G, Gnathos, L, Bucca.
4 The Nose, G, Rhis, Nyctor, L, Nasus, the end of the Nose, G, Sphairiō, L, Globulus, that vvhich hangeth one the end therof, G, Chyron, L, Columna: The Nostrells, G, Pterygia, L, Alae, Pinuloe, the separation betvveen the nostrells, G, Isthmion, Stylis, L, Nates. I, The little gutture vnder the nose in the vpper lippe, G, Philtron, L, Lacuna, Amatorium.
6 The Eare, G, Ous, L, Auris, the vvhole, G, Cyrtoeides, L, Cubiformis, the superioure parte therof noted vvith this figure 6, G, Pterygia, L, Pina, The inferiour part of the Eare Tendrō, noted vvith this figure 7, 7, G, Lobos, L, Fibra, Ansa Auriculae, the reduplicatede semicircle, G. Elix, Coclia, L, Capreolus, The 8, concavitye of the Eare, noted vvith the figure 8, G, Conc [...]e, L, Concha, Cavum auriculae, the eminence by the Tēples, G, Tragos, L, Antehircū. The auditory apertiō, G, Acoe, L, Meatus auris, The circumvolutions vvhich are therin, G, Camara, L, Testudo. 9, The Mouthe, G, Stoma Logeion, L, Os, the Corners of the Mouthe, G, Chalmus, L, Chalmus, The Lippe, G, Cheilos, L, Labrum, Labium the vpper parte of the Lippe, G, Proscheila, L, Prolabra: The Place vvher the Lippes ioyne themselves, G, Prostomione that place vvher the mustaches begine, G, Mystax. 10, The Chinne, G, Anthereon, L, Mentum, the concavitye vvhich is theron, G, Typos, Nympha, L, Nympha:
K, Λ, All that vvhich is comprehendede betvveen the K, and the a, Λ, is the Necke, G, Trachelos.
L, Collum the foremost parte therof is called the thro te, G, Hypodeins, L, Rumen, the nodatiō of the gorge, K, or throte, or Adams bitte, G, Branches, Larynx, Λ, L, Guttur, the Windepipe, G, Sphage, L, Iugulatio.
L, L, G, Leucama, L, Ingulis, proximum cavum.
M, M, G, Cleides, Ligulae, that vvhich is cōtayned from M, N, Q, is the Brest, G, Thorax, L, Pectus.
N N, The Brestes, G, Mastoi, Tittoi, L, Mammae, Vbera, the dugge, G, Thele L, Papilla, the circumtacent place of the dugges, G, Phos, L, Areolae.
O, The Brestbone, G, Sternon, L, Os pectoris.
P, P, The situatione of the Harte, G, Procardion, L, Antecardium.
Q, The concavitye, or pitte of the Stomacke, G, Stomachoilis, L, Os ventriculi.
θ, The little Brestebone in the pitte of the same, vnder the thorax, G. Xyphoides, L. Ensifornis, Malūgranatum, that vvhich is comprehendede betvveene Q, and Z, is the Bellye, G, Gaster, L, Venter.
R, The superiour part of the Belly, G, Epigastriō, L, Superventrale, vnder the vvhich, is situated, the inferiour orifice of the stomacke, as is the entrance therof vnder the fifte ribbe, of the Breste.
S, S, The sydes, G, Hypochondria, L, Praecordia, vnder the vvhich in the right syde is situatede the Liver, and in the left syde the stomacke.
T, The Navle, G, Omphalos, L, Vmbilicus, of some Vmbilicus castratus the middest of the same, G, Mesomphalon, L, Cavum, that vvhich is rimpeled, G, Graia, Vetula, L, Vetula, heer vnder is situated, the greate revolutione of the gutte Ieiunum, and this is the Centrum of the bodye.
V, V, The Loynes, or Lunges, G, Cholago, above the vvhich, the Kidnyes, are situated, and inferiourly in the right syde, the gutte Caecum, & in the lefte, the revolution of the gutt Colon.
X, The inferioure parte of the Belly, G, Hypogastrion, L, Abdomen, Sumen: vnder the vvhich is situated, the greate circumvolutione of the gutte Ileon, the Blather, the Wombe, and the Longanum.
Y, Y, The superioure parte of the Hippe, or Flanckes, G, Lagonas, L, Ilia: vnder the vvhich is situatede a parte of the gutte Ileon, the Testicles, or Hornes, of the Wombe, & the spermaticall vessells of the vvoemen, vvhen they are gravide vvith Childe, and the Vreteres.
Z, The bone pubis, G, Epiccion, L, Pecten, Pubes.
Δ, Δ, The Flanckes, G, Bubones, L, Ingvina: they are also called the Emunctoryes of the Liver, and therfore Areteus calleth them Loimodes, Bubones, L, Soboles Iecoris.
[...]The yarde, or virile membre, G, Caulos, L, Coles, Penis, Mentula, Virga: The Heade, G, Lalanos, L, Glans, the concavitye of the yarde, G, Ourita, L, Vrinarum iter: the topp therof, G, Posthi, L, Praeputium, the end of the toppe, G, Acoposthion, L Summum praeputij. γ, The purse, or bagge of the testicles, G, Oscheos, L, Scrotum, or Scortum: that suture, or seame vvhich passeth a long the viritilye and maketh a separatione in the Koddes or Scrotum, G, Raphe, L, Sutura, and from thence tovvardes the fundament, G. Taurus, that vvhich is one both sydes of this suture is callede, G, Perineon Femen.
a, a, The shoulder, G, Omos, L, Humerus, the superiour parte of the shoulder, G, Epomis, L, Humeri sū mitas: that vvhich is compraehended from a, vnto a, o, is called, G, Cheir, L, Manus, and from a, vnto a, b, is callede the lesser Arme, G, Brachion, L, Brachium. β, The Arme pitte, G, Maschale, L, Ala, Axilla.
[Page]This conseqventlye ensueth on the seconde leafe.
c, The Elbovve, G. Olecranō, L Cubitus. All the rotū dity of the left Arme, from a, to a, dis called, G. Brae [...]onos, L Humeri rotunditas: In the right Arme, d, d, demōstrateth, the end, and the Tendone, of the Mascle Delthoide,
e, The muscle of the Arme, G. Ancon, L. Lacertus.
Π, Π, The place on the Armes vvhere vve applye the Fontanelles.
f, The bendinge of the Arme: That vvhich is collocated betvveene the foresayede, f vnto a, g, is called the forearme, G. Olenos, L. cubitus, & the superioure parte of the arme, G. Cercis, L. Radius, the inferioure parte of the same, G. Pechys, L, Cubitus.
g, The fist, G Carpos, L. Brachiale.
h, The foremost parte of the fiste, G. Metacarpion, L. Postbrachiale, vvherin the palme of the hāde is called G. Do [...]on, L. Palma: The fingers G. Dactylos, L. Digiti.
m, The Thumbe, G. M [...]gas, L. Pollex.
i, l, Tenar, L. Hypotenar.
n, The Insignitoure, or forefinger, G. Lichanos, L. Index. Salutaris.
o, The middle finger, or as vve cōmonlye say the Fooles finger, G Melos, L, Medius, Impudicus, Infamis, Verpes: the rovve of the fingers are called, G. Phalages, L. Ordines.
p, The Medicinalle finger, or Ringe finger, betvveene the little finger, & the middle finger, G. Paramesos, L Annularis, Medicus.
q, The little or eare finger, G. Micros otitis, L, Minimus Auricularis. The Ioynctes of the fingers, are sōtimes called, G. Phalanges, L, Digitorum internodia.
* The end of the finger, close vnto the Nayle, G. Coryphe, L, Coryphe, the Nayle, G, Onix, L, Vngvis, the beginninge of the same, G, Anatole, L, Vngvis exortus, those little vvhite spottes vvhich at some times are one the Nayles, G, Nephelion, L, Nebecula.
Δ s, That vvhich is cōprehendede betvveen these tvvo lettres is the thighe, G, Meros, L, Femur.
14, 14, The superiour parte of the legge, G, Epigonides, L, Geniculares.
r, r, The internalle parte of the Hippe, G, Paramyria, L, Femina.
Π, Π, The flatnes of the same, vvheron vve apply the boxes, to suscitate the menstrualles of vvoemen, G, Mesometria. L. Interfemina.
ſ, s, The knees, G, Gonys, L, Genu, that vvhich is rotundelye elevatede, is called Rotula or the shive of the Knee, G, Epimy [...]s, Epigonatis, Myli, L, Patella, Mola. t, t, The shinne, G, Anticnimion, Chrea, L, Chrea.
v, v, The instepp of the foot G, Tarsos, L, Tarsus al that vvhich is compraehended betvveene, v, vnto a. s, c, is the legge, G, Cneme, L, Tibia, the remanent of the soote called, G, Acropos, L, Extremus pes.
xx, The superioure parte of the foote, G, Metatarsos, L, Metatarsus vvhervnto the toes are adioyninge.
y, z, The Anckles, G, Sphyra, L, Malleoli.
The Declaration of the Characters which are compraehēded one the posteriore, parte of the bodye.
A, The superiour part of the head, G, Coryphe, Mesocranion, L, Vertex.
B, The hinder parte of the heade, G, Inion, L, Occiput Occipitium.
C, The place vvhere vve applye the Cauteryes agaynst surdity, tovvardes the mamillare productions.
D, The Nape of the Necke, on vvhich place allsoe vve apply the Cauteryes, that vvhich is compraehended betvveene the foresayede, D, vnto a H, is callede the Backbone, G, Rachis, L, Spina dorsi.
*,*, The Necke, G, Auchyn, Deires, Opisthocranion, L, Cervix, It is the place, vvherin vve applye the Seton, or in the place therof tvvo Cauteryes.
E, E, The place vvheron vve applye the boxes, G, Epomis, L, Summitas humeri: the superioure parte of the shouldre.
F, F, That vvhich is collocatede betvveene these tvvo lettres, is called the Backe, G, Metaphrenon, Noton, L, Dorsum, Tergum.
G, That vvhich is comprisede, betvveene the lasté F, & a, G, Osphis, Ixis, L, Lumbi.
I, The bone Sacrum, G, Hieron, Platy, L, Os Magnum, Sacrum, Latum, vvhich is contaynede, betvveen I, and a, H.
H, The Cropion, or Rumpe, G, Coccyx, L, Cauda.
K, k, The Shouldre blade, G. Homoplata, L, Spatula.
L, L, The right situatione, and collocatione of the Kidnyes.
M, M, The beginninge of the Muscle Delthoide.
N, H, That vvhich is compraehendede betvvixte these tvvo letters, is called the forearme, G, Olenos, L, Cubitus.
O, The Elbovve, G, Olecranon, L, Cubitus.
P, Q, The fiste, vvhich is contaynede betvveene these tvvo lettres, G, Carpos, L, Brachiale.
Q, R, The fore most parte of the fiste, vvhich is cōpraehendede betvveene these tvvo characters, G, Metacarpion, L, Postbrachiale.
S, S, The Haunches, or Hippes, G, Ischia, L, Coxoe: On this place is the right combinatione, & the collocatione, of the heade of the bone in the Hippe, vvheron vve must apply the remedyes agaynste the Sciàtica.
*,*, The Buttockes, G, Gloutoi, L, Nates.
L, L, The crassitude of the Hippe, L, Femen
V, V, The externalle parre, vvhere the membranouse muscle is collocatede.
X, X, The Hockes, G, Ignya, L, Poplex, vvhere vve opē the Popleticalle Vayne.
Y, Y, The Calfe of the legge, G, Castrocnemion, L, Sura.
Z, Z, The greate Tendone of the Heele.
ω, ω, The Heele, G, Pterna, L, Calx.
Π, Π, The plante, or sole of the Foote, G, Pedion, L, Planta pedis, the concavity therof, G, Coilon podos, L, Vola pedis.
Declaratione of the Characters contaynede in the firste, and seconde figure, of the externalle Vaynes, which we vse to Phlebotomize.
A, Demonstratethe the Vayne in the Foreheade.
E, In the seconde figure, the Vayne Pupis.
2, The Temporalle Vayne in each figure.
*, The Eare vayne.
B, The Eye, or ocullare vayne.
d, The Iugulare, or organicke vayne, of the Arabians callede Guides.
f, f, In the 1, and 2, figure, the Cephalicke shouldre vayne.
G, g, In the first, & seconde figure, the Basilica, Hepatica, the liver vayne.
g, i, L, 4, The Mediane: but the right mediane is that vvhich is notede, vvith, L, and 4.
H, 5, In the first, and seconde figure, the Heade, or oculare Vayne.
1, 6, The Salvatella, of the Arabians Seynale, or Syelen.
L, The Mediane, or Blacke Vayne.
P, Q, The Iliaqve vayne, or Titillatis in Latine.
n, n, In the seconde figure, the Popliticalle vayne, V, V, p, p, The Saphena.
T, T, q, q, The Sciaticke Vayne.
R, R, The Crutalle, vvhich maketh the Saphena, noted vvith R, in the seconde figure.
S, The Sciaticalle vayne, vvhich also noteth the Sciaticalle vayne, in the externalle anckle.
P, P, A, A, Demonstrate the internalle anckle vayne.
O, O, B, B, The externalle anckle vayne, *f, *f, The Heele.
Declaratione of the Characters contaynede in the Table of Instrumentes, wher with we extracte, and drawe out the Bulletes, and all other vnnaturalle, and alienate thinges, forth of the bodye.
A, Demonstratethe such an Instrumente, vvhich consideringe the figure, & similutude, is in Latinne called Rostrum Lacerti: it is very necessary, to extracte, a bullet out of the body, vvhen they lye therin plettered, or els to dravve out of the vvound any smalle peeces of bones. The foresayed A, noteth only vnto vs the Pipe therof.
B, The vice, or meanes, vvherby this foresayed Instrumente, is opened, & shutte agayne, as much, and as little as pleaseth the Chyrurgiane.
C, The little Iron rodde, vvhich openeth, & shutteth the foresayed Efts bille: for vve dravvinge the same tovvardes vs, it shutteth, and thrusting the same frō vs, it openeth,
D, D, The Dilatorye, behoulder, or Enlarger, in Latine Dilatorium or Speculum: This Instrumente is internally concavouse, & dentified, or toothede, to retayne, & hould that fast vvhich shalbe ther betvveene: it may be vsed for tvvo purposes: first of all to dilate, & enlarge the vvounde, vvhether it be ether to vue the botome therof, or els to bring any other Instrumente therin, vvhervvith vve vvoulde dravve anye thinge out of a vvounde: secondlye it is also of it selfe commodiouse to dravve anye alienate thinge out of a vvounde.
a, The chayned bullete.
b, A little Chayne.
c, c, Certayne parcels of Mayle dubbletes.
E, E, The Cranes bille, In Latine, Rostrum Gruinum.
F, The springe to Keepe open the same, leaste that the Chyrurgian might be hindered in the opening therof: & because he shoulde allvvayes be preparede to shutte the same, as soone as vve perceave any thing to be betvveene the same.
G, The Bullete vvhich must be dravvne out.
H, H, The Ganders bille, In Latine, Rostrum anserinū: It is also callēd Rostrum latum, the broade bille: the extremitye, & end therof, is also dentified & toothede, because he shoulde the surer, retayne the Bullet. I, The bullete vvhich is betvveene the teeth.
K, The soundinge Iron, or Esprovette: vvhich may be vsede also for a Needle to make a Seton: & is verye conveniente to sound, & serche for bulletes, and all other alienate thinges in a vvounde: as also vve may make thervvith any Seton, the same beinge needefulle: some ther are vvhich ar made of tvvo peeces, becaus it should so be more portable. This foresayed searching Iron is called in Latine, Astilla tētoria, Radiolus, Explorator: & in G, it is callede Mele: Galen calleth it Thaumatiche, Mele, and Hippocrates, Ischyri,
L, The Bulletdravver or Grounde dravver, vvithout his canulle: This Grounde dravver is verye acute on his end, becaus the bullet might sticke fast therone: it is called in Latine, Terebellum simplex.
e, The vise, vvhervvith he is fastened in the pipe, or canulle, & vvhervvith he is boarede into the bulette, vvithout any great violence, or force.
M, The Pipe, or Canulle, vvith the hādefastening ther of. In Latine Canula simplex.
N, The hādle through the vvhich vve thrust the Groū de dravver.
O, The Bullet dravver, vvith his canulle, on vvhose end the bullet is fastened, to be dravvne out. We vse this Instrumente, vvhen the bullet is fastened in any bone, & vvhē the same vvith violence must be dravven therout: & is in Latine called Terebellum torculatum cum Canula.
d, The vise, vvhich entereth into her case, notede vvith Π.
Π, The vise vvhich is in ternallye occulted.
Q, An other Bulletdravver, the end vvherof is noted vvith R, vvhich causeth it to be so called, the bullet dravver vvith the ring, or vvith the spoone, must be hoaled, to give place vnto the bullet: and the other end, is recurved, & broad, & also somvvhat concavouse, vvith smalle teeth, to retayn, & hould the faster all alienate thinges, vvhich vve intend to dravv out, vvithout escaping therout.
R, The bullet dravver vvith the ring, or vvith the perforated spoon: this bullet dravver is very conveniēt, & necessary, becaus the bullet is the one halfe therin included, & is also by that meanes held stedfastly faste, vvithout sterring therout: And is called in Latine, Globulitraha annulate, or Cocleare.
S, The Croockede bullet dravver, in L, Globulitraha connexum: This bullet dravver is also very necessary, becaus he is dētified, becaus the bullet being ther in, it should not glibber therout, but may be therin retayned.
T, An other bullet dravver, vvhich through one of his endes, as through the superioure noted vvith V, he is also hoockishe, & recurvated: & at the other end noted vvith X, he is like vnto a hoock, vvhich is acute, & sharpe, notvvithstāding in such sorte, that in noe vvyse they may vvound, vvhether it vvear Synnue, Vayne, or Artery in the dravving out of any thige: these extremityes, or endes may serve to dravve any Linnē out of a vvound or any such like thing as Cotten, Woolle, or anye Mayles, vvhich mighte remayne faste stitckinge in the Wounde.
V, it is a recurved, & croocked bullet dravver, called in L. Hamulus recinus, Latus, Obtusus.
X, The bullet dravver vvith tvvo crochetes, or hoockes, called in L, Hamulus bifidus obtusus: And are called in G, Vncinos, & of the Latinistes, Vncus: and in French Croc, or Crochet, or Hams crochus, a Hoocke.
There is noe Chyrurgiane, vvhich hath anye bullet dravver of his fashone, or manner vvherevvith he contenteth himselfe: but I have heere placed, & collocatede, those vvhich are fitteste for vse, omittinge, and lettinge passe manye other fashons, to prevente, and evite all confusions vvhatsoever.
Declaration of the Characters contaynede in the Table, of the Instrumentes of the Heade.
A, Demonstrateth, an extractor, or dravver out, vvith three feete, the one vvhereof is verye thinne, and 1, smalle, notede vvith this figure, 1, the seconde is a 2, little grosser, and thicker, notede in this sorte, 2, the thirde of a greater crassitude defigurede vvithe this 3, marcke, 3, to accomodate them accordinge to the convenientnes of the fractures, or depressiones. We may take him, for the Instrumente, vvhich Hippocrates calleth Tripanon Periterion, and vve in English the Percer. Avicenna, and Albucasis, have not onlye thervvith contentede, and suffisede themselves to elevate, the depressede bones, but have allsoe thervvith perforatede the Cranium, and Trepanede it, vvherfore they accounte this Instrumente for a species of a Trepane.
B, The Handle, of the smalle Instrumētes of the Heade, vnto the vvhich everye of these Instrumentes are accommodatede, and fittinge. And is in Latine called Manubriolum.
C, The perforatione, or hole throughe the vvhich, the vises of the foresayed Instrumentes are thruste.
C, The smalle, and litttle Savve, In Latine Serrula, vvhich onlye serveth, to savve throughe the bones of the Heade.
E, F, H, Doe demonstrate vnto vs, the Raspes or scrapers, callede in Latine, Radulae, or Scalpta rasoria, In Greecke Xytera. There are divers, and sundrye figures heerof: that vvhich is noted vvith E, is round, that vvhich is marcked vvith F, is acute and poynctede. And that vvhich is broade, & dilateth it selfe, is callede in Latine, Scalper excisorius Lunatus, beinge not dislike vnto a halfe Moone: and callede in Greeck Cliscos, because it is like vnto a semicircle: The Aunciente, and Antiqve Chyrurgians have trepanede vvith these Instrumentes, but vve novv a dayes have farre more conveniente instrumentes, and vve doe onlye helpe our selves thervvith in searchinge vvhether the fracture doe penetrate both the Tables of the Heade or not.
G, The vise vvhich is thrust into the hole of the handle notede vvith C.
H, The Depressor, of the Membrane, vvhich vve vse immediatlye after trepaninge, thervvith to depresse the Membrane, to espye vvhether ther be nothinge situatede, and collocatede betvveene the Membrane, and the Cranium.
4, The end of the foresaede Depressor, vvhich is flatte, as a smooth Heade, of a vvell pollishede Nayle.
5, Scalper Lenticulatus, G, Phacotous, It is an Instrument like vnto a little chisell in forme of a penne-knife: soe callede, because in steede of a poyncte it hath a rounde, and flatt thinge like vnto a Vetche, leaste vve chaunced to hurte the membrane vvhen vve thervvith vvoulde playne the edges of the trepanede perforarione beinge verye sharpe.
6, The little Vetch vvhich is at the end of the forsayede Instrumente.
K, A certayne Kinde of Elevatorye, verye necessarye, callede in Latine Elevatorium, Vectis, G, Ostraga, L, The pillare, or branche of the Elevatorium, vvhich is quadranglede.
*, The end therof vvhich must be situatede, on the sounde and firme bone.
M, The Crochet, or hoocke, vvhich descendinge, elevateth it selfe, and recollocateth as much as is needefulle.
8, The poyncte vvhich is flattye, because it might be thruste into the dilaniation, or fissure of the Craniū. 7, A lesser hoocke, or crochete.
N, Inscisive, or cuttinge pinsers, or tonges, to cutt of anye, peeces, or splinters of bone.
O, O, The Rostrum lacerti, vvhich is verie conveniente. to dravve out anye splinters of bone, G. Anthetous, and Eistethois eccopeas.
P, The Ravens bille, in Latine called, Rostrū corvinū.
Q, An other Kinde of elevatorye, and is in Latine callede Elevatorium bifidum.
*, This demonstrateth to vs, that vvhich vve must lay one the firme bone.
R, That vvhich must entre into the splitte, or els betvveene the depressede bones, to the elevatione of the same.
S, An other Kinde of Elevatorye, vvhich at one end is toothede, and at the other end formede, like vnto a halfe Moone.
T, A rescindente Instrumente, the one end vvhereof servethe for a rasore, to cut throughe thervvithe the musculouse skinne of the Heade, and also the Pericranium: vvhich end is notede vvith X, and on the other end is it blunte, vvhich is verye conveniente, to scrape the Pericranium, the same cleaving to fast V, vnto the Craniū: the vvhich end is notede vvith V, the Greeckes call it, Hypospathisma, Spatiō, or Spatomele.
Y, A soundinge, or serchinge iron, to feele vvhether ther be any fracture in the Cranium, the end vvherof is rounde, and politelye polishede, and being Z, of a reasonable crassitude defigurede vvith Z, and a, on the other end a little elevatorye notede vvith a, b, Demonstrateth a parte of the Heade, vvhich is greatlye broken and hurte, as vve may behoulde, out of the vvhich it vveare needefull to have a greate peece of the Cranium taken avvay.
c, c, c, The circumference, and magnitude, vvhich vve purpose to take avvay, vvhich conveniently may be done through thre places, vvhich must be trepanede, to administre place to the savve.
d, d, d, The three places vvhich vve must trepane: by this meanes to take avvay directlye from Line, to Line the corruptede, and rotten bone, notede, vvith c, c, c, c, c, c, vvhich vvith the savve must be done. Some ther are vvhich vse this forme of trepaning, but it is tediouse, and troublesome, and in thus doing is there a greate qvantitye of bone taken avvay.
I have heere endevourede, to presente, the moste convenienteste sortes of Elevatoryes, vvhich novve a dayes are most in vse, in such magnitude, & greatnes of forme, as might be most conveniente for the Chyrurgiane, consideringe all other smalle instrumentes or ferramentes of the Heade, as are the Raspers, vvhich of sett purpose I omittede, least I shoulde cloye the Chyrurgiane vvith to manye Instrumentes, becaus by those in place of others he might contente and suffice himselfe, because that such an infinite, numbre of instrumētes doe serve more for ostentatione, and pride then for anye necessarye vse.
Declaratione of the Characters contaynede in the portrayctures of sundrye, and divers sortes of Trepanes, and nipinge tonges.
A, A, A, A, Demonstrate the vvhole Trepane in his forme, and fashone.
B, The coverture, or cappe of the Handle.
C, D, That vvhich properly is callede the Trepane, G. Trepanon Chynicida, or Chenicion & Priona characton: vvhich vve must soe vnderstande, vvhen the same is vvithoute coverture: In latine it is callede, Terebellum, Trepanum striatum Serateres, & of Celso, Modiolus, and vvhen the coverture is therbye, E, vvhich is noted vvith E, it is then G, callede Abaptiston, & in Latine Trepanum securitatis, because it can entre noe deeper thē the arreste, vvill suffer.
F, G, The Piramide vvhich passeth cleane through the Trepane, vvhich must a little excelle the trepane because in the turninge of the Trepane it might stande stedye, and havinge her circle, may be taken out, closinge that end vvhich is notede, vvith G.
H, The Perforative Trepane, vvhervvith vve only note the place, vvhere vve intende to sett the Pyramide.
I, The little vise vvhich vve vvinde into the coverture of the Trepane, to assure the same, that it may stand stedefastlye,
K, An other Kinde of Trepane vvhich is a little larger in her basis, then in the beginninge therof: & is in latine callede Terebellum alatum, & such a Trepane can not sincke invvardes.
L, The vvinges of the Trepane, vvhich delicatelye and easilye cutt.
M, N, The Piramide vvhich passeth cleane throughe vvhich vve must remove the Trepane having made his circle.
O, An other Kinde of Trepane, vvhich onlye cutteth the fleshe: & is verye necessarye vvhē vve must suddaynlye trepane, becaus vve feare any greate fluxiōs of bloode. It cutteth and perforateth throughe the musculouse fleshe of the Heade the same being first vvith a potentialle Cauterye cauterizede.
*, The circle, or circuite vvhich must cutt as vvel as a Kinfe, nether muste it be toothede.
P, The Pyramide as is in the other fore rehearsede.
Q, An other Kinde of Trepane, to perforate the bone, vvhich is not dislike vnto a thimble, & is also alatede, and delicatelye cuttinge, as vvell above, as one the sydes.
R, The little poyncte, vvhich servethe in steede of the Pyramyde, leaste that shee shoulde stirre out of her place, vvhich must as long be vsede therin vntill the Trepane, be rightlye settlede, & fastenede therin.
r, The little poyncte beinge taken avvay.
Q, The handle of the Trepane.
R, The quoyse, or cappe vvhich turnethe.
S, The vise vvhich fastenethe the Trepane assuredlye.
T, The hole vvherin the foresayede vise must be turnede.
V, The trepane beinge taken in peeces, vvithout cappe or Pyramide.
X, The Cappe.
Y, The vise vvich houldeth faste the capp, the vvhich is scruede into that hole, notede vvith. Π.
Z, The Piramide beinge alone.
1, The hole or apertiō, vvherout the Pyramide sticketh 3, A little eminence by the vvhich the Pyramide is steadefastlye helde fast, in the Trepane.
4, The end of the Pyramide, vvhich must entre throughe the hole of the trepane notede vvith 1
6, 6, The exfoliative trepane.
7, 7, Rounde pinsers, or tenacles, very necessary to take avvay the trepanede percelle of bone.
The Declaration of the Characters contaynede in the capitalle Instrumentes, or Pinsers.
A, Demonstrate the pinsers, vvhich are callede parates billes, L, Rostrum Psitaci.
B, B, The openede parrates bill,
C, That parte vvhich rescindentlye is removede vp, & dovvne,
D, on the end therof notede vvith, D.
E, The other end vvhich houldeth faste, vvhich is also rescindente.
F, The vise vvhich openethe the sayede Bille, & agayn shuttethe the same.
G, G, The little Glysorye, or Glidere vp and dovvne.
H, H, The recludede Parrates Bille.
a, b, A little pincette.
Declaratiō of the Characters, which are contaynede in the Trepanes with vises.
O, R, The trepane vvith vises beinge taken a sunder. P, P, The vise.
Q, The end, or extremity vvhich shutteth in the quoyfe, or Cappe.
n, The Cappe in the vvhich is a vise.
f, The trepane vvith the vise, beinge readye.
g, The quoyfe, or Cappe.
h, The trepane.
i, i, The vise vvhich is on the end.
l, m. The Pyramide, vvhich passeth cleane throughe.
Declaratiō of the Characters, which in the Cranio are contaynede, being in two places Trepanede.
P, P, The Cranium, vvhich demōstrateth the tvvo bones, to vvitt the Foreheade, and the Parietale, noted vvith a, a.
b, b, b, The fissure, or fracture vvhich crossethe the suture.
c, c, c, The Coronalle Suture.
d, d, The tvvo hoales, vvhervvith these tvvo bones vve are boarede, and pearcede throughe.
e, e, The tvvo rounde parcelles of bone vvhich are taken out of the holes.
T, V, A ground dravver vvith three feete, or branches, the first vvherof is notede vvith V, & serveth for a soundinge irone, to knovve hovv * deepe vve have pearcede the bone.
X, A little Elevatorye, thervvith to move the bone, & marke vvhether it be allmost throughe.
Y, The grounde dravver, to sublevate out of the hoale, the Trepanede bone.
Explicatione of the Characters contaynede in the figure of the Hare mouthe.
A, A, Demonstrate vnto vs both the cloven lippes, as they are separatede the one from the other.
B, B, The distance vvhich is betvveen them.
C, C, Both these places vvhich vvithe the needle must be percede, & must be farre distante the one frō the other becaus the stitches doe not breacke through.
D, The defiguratione, or portraycture of the Haremouth.
E, E, Both the endes of the Needle.
F, F, Both the inscisions vvhich are semilunare, or halfe moone vvyse, & must onlye be made in the skinne vvithout penetratione of the mouth, becaus the superior skinne may stretch vvhen vve dravve the same tovvardes vs.
G, G, Both the endes of the clovene Hare mouthe the same beinge aegallye combine de together.
H, H, The threde vvhich is involvede rovvnde aboute the Needle.
Explanatione of the Characters notede on the syde of the throte, in the portraycture of the Haremouth: which demōstrate vnto vs, a wounde receavede in the Ingulare Vayne: and the meanes also howe to circumligate the same.
e, e, Shevve the magnitude of the vvounde.
f, f, The superficies of the Iugulare Vayn vvhich is discidede.
g, Demonstrate the seconde puncture of the Needle, vvhich is done, internally in the Wounde, on the syde of the Iugulare Vayne.
h, The firste pricke or stitch of the needle, vvhich hath his originalle one the skinne, on the other syde of the sayede Iugulare.
i, A little compressione, vvhich must be collocatede betvveene both the stitches, a little more inferiour then the lettre f, to knitte, the knotte therone, leaste that the threde shoulde to suddaynlye cutte throughe the skinne.
l, l, Both the endes of the threde, vvhervvith the Iugulare Vayne is overthvvartelye tyede, vvith a little compression vvhich is notede vvith i.
Declaratiō of the Characters, which are contaynede in the drye Suture, or stitchinges.
K, The portraycture one the vvhich the drye suture is applyede.
L, L, The longitude of the vvounde vvhich is in the cheeke.
M, M, Tvvo Linnen cloutes, vvhich are gluede on the face.
*,*,*,*; The thredes vvhich passe throughe the Linnen cloutes, therbye to be dravvne, ioynede, and knittede together.
N, N, Bothe the peeces of Linnē clothe vvhich are separatede the one from the other.
*,*,*,*, The thredes vvhich are passe de throughe both the endes.
The Declaration of the Characters which are contaynde in the Instrumentes of a little portable case.
O, Demonstrateth vnto vs a thicke, concavouse sounder, at the greatest parte, as easilye vve may perceave by the one starre, * vnto the other *, such a concavity receaveth the poyncte of a croockede Lancette, to make an inscisione because vve might contayne the same vvithout entring to deepe, vvhether shee glide this vvay or that vvay, the end heerof is recurvatede, and explanede to purifye thervvith the circumiacēte places of the vvounde, it may also be taken for that vvhich Celsus calleth Speculū Latum, G. Plateie Mele.
P, A little pincet, in Latine Volsellae: the Superiour end therof may be taken for that vvhich the aunciente Greeckes callede Spatomele, like vnto halfe a Spatula. This little Instrumente, is verye necessarye, as vvell to purify the circumiacēte places of the vvoū de externallye, as internallye vvith the pincet.
Q, The scraper, thervvith to scrape a corruptede, cariede, and putrifyede bone.
R, A Spatula of the Greeckes callede Amphimelon, & L, Spatula, the end beinge thinne, & may be vsede in place of a privet, or sounder, havinge a little button on the end, & is then called Pyrin meles, vvhich signifiethe the buttone of the privet, as the same is a, noted vvith a and the same beinge hoockevvijse, it is then callede Agrimeles, as that is vvhich is b, noted b, and vvhen it is concavouse like ane are picker it is then callede Cyatisire Meles, the fame is c, c, notede vvith c, c.
d, A little sounder, vvhich vve may also vse the same in the ligatione of the fistles in the fundamente, and is then callede of Hippocrates Scorodou Physinga: to conclude it is a sounder, vvith tvvo endes, vvherof the one is perforatede in forme of a Needle, and the other rounde like vnto a buttone.
S, A little stone dravver beinge superiorlye hollovve, like an earepicker, and inferiorlye like vnto a hoocke this Instrumēte may be vsed, to dravve out a bullet, a needle, or anye other alienate thinge beinge in the vvounde.
Explanatiō of the Characters contaynede in the Discription of the Needle pipes, cases or Canons.
T, Indicateth the Needle case,, vvherin vve may sticke thredede Needles, & also vvinde threde theron.
V, The coverture, or opercle of the sayede case.
X, X, Y, Little round plates of the largenes of a french croune, vvhich are perforatede, vvherin the Needles are reservede, and Kepte.
Y, The extremitye, or end of the sayede needlecase, vvhich is clefte, ther throughe to let the threde the easyer passe through, vvhen as vve thervvith vvoulde sovve.
Z, Z, The tvvo Needles, the one to combine, & stitch the vvounde together, vvhich is quadranglede, and the other rounde to sovve together all the rovvlers of the dressinges.
1, The case onlye vvith the inferiour parte turned vpvvardes, profitable for the sutures of the face, vvhē the same must be done close by the Nose, & in more other places vvhere the extendede, & rectifyede pipe can not be vsed.
2, The splitte vvhich is one the end.
3, The recurvede Needle for the sutures of the face, & other partes, vvhere the righte needle can not be vsede.
4, The rectifyede, or extende de case or pipe.
5, The splitte vvhich is one the end.
6, The Needle for vvoundes, vvhich at her acuitye, or poyncte is triangulate and rescindente because by that meanes shee might the easyer entre: for in thru stinge shee inscideth vvith her edges.
7, The Needle to sovve together all cloutes, and roulers to dresse vvithall.
Explicatione of the Characters contaynede in the table of these Instrumētes which are propre and necessarye to the extirpatione of membres.
A, A, Indicateth the Knife vvhervvith on the suddayn, vve may cutt the skinne, and the muscles to the bone vvhen vve desire to extirpate anye mortifyede Ioyncte, or membre. And is of the Latinistes callede Culter excisorius lunatus, in Englishe a semilunare cuttinge-Knife: it is in this forme composed because it might the easyer comprehende all the fleshe in the circuite,
*, Demonstrateth the superioure parte of the backe, vvhich after a sorte ought to be somvvhate acute, & sharpe, to scrape thervvith the Periostium from the bone, vvhich at the firste time coulde not all at once be cutte throughe,
B, The persoratione, or hole vvhich is beneath in the blade, vvhich yealdeth backvvardes in to the handle and ther occulteth it selfe ther by to contayne the knife steadye.
C, A hole vvhich is in the handle, vvherin is a little iron barre, vvhich passeth cleane throughe vvhervvithe the blade is fastenede.
D The end of the foresayed blade, through the vvhich he is impedited to stirre backvvardes in effectuatinge of the operation. Some ther are vvhich contente themselves vvith a common razer, vvhich behinde they involve vvith linnen, leaste that it shoulde revolute backvvardes, and are of opinione that it vvould beter be done vvith a razor havinge an eminent bellye, then vvith a semilunare knife: and for confirmatione heerof they take example of the Laniators, or Bouchers, and of Coockes, vvhich much rather take a knife vvith an eminente belly, and in manner, and forme of a razor, then of such an one vvhich representeth a halfe moone.
E, E, E, Demonstrate the Savve vvhich is vvholye amountede, vvith the, Bovve, Blade, and handle, and is in Latine callede Serra, she is not heere placede in her magnitude, because the place, can not heere be soe greate, vvhich must notvvithstanding be a good foote, and tvvo inches of length in her blade, & the handle foure, or five inches longe.
F, A little pegge of Iron, vvhich houldeth together the tvvo peeces of the Bovve.
G, An other iron scrue, vvhich combineth the blade, & the bovve together.
H, H, Tvvo branches of the Bovve.
I, A vise.
K, The separatede Handle.
L, The Blade alone separatede.
M, The end of the Bovve, vvhich is clefte, in the vvhich, the end of the blade vvith the hole therof is put.
*, The hole, or perforatione, vvhich is in the blade.
Δ, The scrue, vvhich must have his penetratione cleane throughe the bovve, and the blade, as playnlye vve may behoulde the same notede vvith G,
N, Signifieth the vise vvhich is occultede in the end of the handle, vvhich attayneth to the end of the blade notede vvith O, by that meanes to dravve in the same, and fasten the sayede blade.
O, The end of the blade, vvher there is a scrue to receave the vise.
P, A splitte, vvhich is in the blade, to receave therin a scrue notede vvith the figure 4.
4, The scrue, vvhich is thrust cleane throughe the bovve therbye to houlde fast the blade.
Q, The end of the sayde Bovve, vvhich is receavede of the end of the handle, in the vvhich is a splitte, throughe the vvhich the blade passeth, vvhen vve desire to prepare the savves.
1, 2, 3, Demonstrate certayne little scrues, to vse the same in time of necessitye.
R, A dentifiede, or toothede Crovves bill to clenche the vaynes, and take houlde theron, the Ioyncte beinge extirpatede, and vve desire to religate the sayede vaynes, it is in Latine callede Rostrum Corvinum.
S, A resorte, or springe because it might allvvayes be aperte.
T, The bille of the same, vvhich on his end is rovvnd, and toothede because the threde might vvith the more facillitye glide therover vvith out beinge in anye place stayede.
V, The Needle, vvhervvith vve convenientlye may stitch, vvhen vve desire to religate a Vayne and is in Latine callede Acus.
X, A hollovve knife L, Culter fistularis, G, Syringotome this Instrument occludeth it selfe in the pipe.
Π, The puncture, or poyncte of the same, vnder the vvhich a little bullet of vvaxe is fastenede, or some other plaster, least that the poyncte shoulde hurte some other places vvhen as vve intrude the same in anye fistle, thrustinge as it vveare in anye founde fleshe, vayne, arterye, or sinnue, vvith this Instrumē te in a shorte time vve maye descide through a greate qvantitye of fleshe, there are some also vvhich vvith this knife at one time cā cut of a greate quantitye of fleshe.
Y, Rescindente, instrumentes to cut of fingers: L, Forceps excisoria, this instrumente must be greate, and stronge.
The Finger vvhich is spoylede, and corruptede.
How we ought restraygne the bloode after the extirpatione of a Ioyncte, without vsinge anye hot Iron, onlye throughe ligature, which is of two sortes, ether with the Crowesbille, or with the Needle.
a, a, Signifye a hippe from the vvhich the legge is extirpated.
b, b, The Vaynes & Arteryes by the vvhich the bloode exsulteth, and springeth out.
c, c Both the endes of the Crovvesbille, vvhervvith the Vaynes are compraehendede, by that meanes to tye them.
d, The Crovvesbille.
e, e, Both the focilles of the Legge.
f, The springe, or resorte of the Crovves bille.
g, g, The Arme the fiste vvherof is extirpatede.
h, The orifices, or mouth of the Vaynes, out of the vvhich issueth bloode.
i, The situatione of the Vayne.
l, The place vvher the firste stitch must he placede on the one syde of the Vayne: and heere is to be notede, that vve must first thruste, in the skinne of the Arme, vvithout vvholye dravvinge throughe the threde.
m, The evente of the seconde stitche, vvhich must, be begūne one the other syde of the Vayne internally in the Arme, and must pearce throughe the skinne. n, The little compressione, vvhich must be intersituatede betvveene the stitches, as tovvardes the lettre a & thē knittinge, theron both the endes of the threde reasonable stiffelye: this little compresse, preventeth the cuttinge throughe of the threde, and causeth noe payne.
Declaratione of the Characters contaynede in the Instrumentes, which are apte to opene anye Apostemations.
A, A, A, Indicate vnto vs thre copper, or silver plates, of the magnitude of a crovvne, or like acoūter, in the middeste vvherof ther is fastenede the acuitye of a Lancett, notede vvith B.
The vse of those sayede plates, is onlye to hallucionate, & deceave, those, vvhich vvill not permitt an apertione to be made in theire Apostemationes, and are to timorouse, & fearfulle of the hande, or lancet of the Chyrurgiane, as commonlye are vvoemen, & little children: & to open the Apostemation besyde theire expectation, and intelligence: you must have in preparation your Caraplasma, and before the application therof you must have in a readines a playster of Diapalma, or some such like, vvhich must be somvvhat larger then your plate, on the vvhich plaster you must applye the plate, vvhich in like sorte also, vvith the acuity therof must be coverede vvith the salve Basilicon, vvhich beinge finishe de, you must applye this plaster beinge in this sorte preparede, on the place, vvhere you coniecture the foresayede Apostematione must be openede, & therone the Cataplasma, on the vvhich you must thē stiflye crushe, and by that meanes make and apertione at one crushinge in the Apostematione, throughe the poyncte of the Lancette, vvhich is one the plate fastenede, into the concavitye vvherof the matter as then vvill issue out: I my selfe have oftentimes vsede this same manner of apertione, vvhich although it seeme to be but a simple shifte, it is notvvithstandinge an hallucionatione vvhich oftentimes is very necessarye.
B B, B, The thre poynctes of divers magnitude, accordinge to the Apostematione vvhich vve desire to open, vvhich must ether be greate or smalle accordinge to the Apostematione vvhich vve vvoulde open vvithout intelligence of the Patient.
C, C, Demonstrate the Ringes, vvherin are occultede certayn croocked Lancettes, vvhervvith vve secretlye can open an Apostematione vvithout the perceavinge of the Patiente.
D, The Croockede Lancette, beinge openede, & erectede.
E, The Ringe vvherin the foresayed Lancette is occultede and hidden, as a razor in his handle. This lancet erecteth it selfe throughe a little eminence, or hoocke notede vvith *, *.
*,*, The little eminence, or hoocke.
F, F, The rectifyede Lancette, vvhervvith vve open an Apostemation, vvherin vve make incisiones, & scarifications: the Latinistes call it Scalprum Chirurgicum, the Grecians Smiles, & also Smilion or Pterigotomon.
G, G, A little Razer,
H, The poyncte of the same, vvhich cutteth on both sydes.
I, A Flammette, vvhich is verye necessarye to scarifye, & sometimes also the phlebotomize, or to open anye smalle Apostematione.
K; The Acute poyncte vvhich cutteth one both sydes.
L, The Lancet to phlebotomize called in Latine Scalpellus.
M, The casede Lancette.
*, The blade of the Lancette.
N, A little croockede Lancet L, Falx incisotia, Culter fistularis, & of Celsus, Spatumen curvum, becaus it is recurved, and semilunare.
O, O, The acuitye or poyncte vvhich cutteth one both sydes,
P, The croocked lancet vvhich is occluded in her case. Q, Q, A Cauterye vvhich is verye necessary to opē the Viceratiō Ranula vvhich is situated vnder the tung.
R, The eminence, or buttone, vvhich is as vvell cōmodious, to retayne the hot iron e, as alsoe to bestayede throughe the hole.
S, S, The plate to lay in the mouth, because vve shoulde nether burne the tunge, nor the mouthe.
T, The holde vvhich vve must situate on that place vvher vve purpose to make the apertione, and place the Cauterye.
V, The Empijqve Cauterye, verye necessarye to open the vlcerations, or Apostemations of the Breste, callede Empiemata.
X, The poyncte vvhich must be flat, and rescindente.
Y, The holes vvherin vve thruste an Iron pegge, to penetrate, as deepe, & as shallo vve as vve please.
Z, The little pinne.
1, 2, The croockede plate, vvhich must be religatede thvvarte over the bodye: the perforatione vvherof 3, is notede vvith 3, vvhich must be collocated, on that place vvhere vve desire to make an apertione.
4, 4, 4, 4, Little Ligamentes, vvhich houlde faste the plate on that place, & must be tyede on the bodye. a, A propre Instrumente to launce the fisties from the one hole to the other, & make a greate inscisione.
b, The recurvede Lancet.
c, The arreste vvhervvith it is restraynede, & held fast.
d, The extremitye, & poyncte vvhich is croockede, to receave the Provet.
e, The Provet, or sovvndinge irone.
The vse of this foresayed Instrument is this: to vvitte, that in those fistles in the vvhich are tvvo apertiōs, as in those in the vvhich is made a counter apertione: and vvher it is necessary, & requisite, to make of these, tvvo, holes or orifices one apertion it is first of all reqvitede, that vve sounde the depthe of the fistle, vvith this sounding irone vvhich is heere defigurede vnto you: vvhich at the one end hath a little buttone, & at the other end is pearcede, & eyede like a Needle, vvhere vvith vve make our Seton: vvhich beinge thruste from the one apertione to the f, f, other, as from the one f, to the other f, accordinge to the magnitude of the fistle: vvhich being done, vve must thrust the little hoocke of the croockede lācet into the eye of the privete, & then dravve the same vnto the buttone: conducinge the foresayede lancette vvith the other hande: and althoughe it vveare the crassitude of tvvo fingers, you shall not othervvyse chuse, but cut throughe the same, if so be at the leaste the foresaye decroockede lancet be but reasonable sharpe.
Declaratiō of the Charcters, which are contaynede in the Speculo oris, Matricis, & other more Instrumentes for the Mouthe.
A, A, Shevveth vnto vs the Speculum oris, G, Glossocatoptron.
B, The plate vvhich is layede in the mouth, to Keepe dovvne, & suppres the tunge.
C, C, The Brāches vvhich vve impose vnder the chinne, others, vse only the plate, vvithout the brāches.
G, G, The Instrumente, vvherevvith vve religate the Pallate of the mouthe, the same beinge to longe, & is in Latine callede Vinculum Gargateonis.
H, H, Both the braunches vvhich are placede in the mouthe.
I, The Knottede threde, in vvhich knott the Pallate must be layede, if so be vve desire to abbreviate the same.
K, The vise, vvheron vve muste impose the handle of the Instrumente the same being of tvvo peeces because it might be the more portable.
M, The handle,
N, The little irone barre, rovvnde aboute the vvhich vve must circūvolute the threde, it must be in tvvo places perforated, to let the threde passe ther throughe.
L, The Keye vvhich turneth aboute the little barre.
O, O, O, O, The miroure, or behouldre of the Wombe, L, Speculum matricis, G, Mycrocatoptron or Dioptron: It is verye necessarye to open the entrance, or necke of the matrice by that meanes to applye anye remedyes vnto the vlcerationes, & other bad dispositions of the Wombe.
P, P, P, The braunches vvhich must be 7, or 8, fingers breadth longe.
Q, The vise vvhich closeth, and disclosethe.
R, R, The handle vvhich causeth the vise to turne.
S, A verye necessarye Instrumente to Cauterize the Pallate of the mouth the same excelling his naturalle longitude, & crassitude, callede in Greecke, Staphylocoston.
T, A little spoone, vvherin may be layede any Causticke poulder, or aquafortis, therin to madefy the sayede Pallate or Vvula: It is right true that vve ought to cover the tunge, leaste there fall anye thinge ther one. Others in steede of any Caustickes, or Aqua fortis, vse Pepper, and Saulte, beinge together mixede, vvhervvith they touche the pendente pallate vvith this spoone, in the vvhich theye impose a little of this poulder.
V, Little Pincettes conveniente to apprehende the foresayede pallate, & turne about the same callede in Greecke Staphylagra, vvhich if they vveare rescindente, they are then callede Staphylotomon.
X, A Dilatory of the mouth, vvhich vvith a vise is turned aboute, & is very necessary thervvith to dilate, and open the mouthe, vvhen the teethe are closelye shutt together, as it commonlye, happeneth in the convulsions, vvherin are little furrovves, becaus the teethe may be fastenede thereon vvithout glidinge thereof.
Y, The one leafe of the foresayede Dilatorye, vvhich ioyneth it selfe vvith the other leafe noted vvith Z. vvhich also in the externalle syde therof is linede.
*, Heerin entereth the vise vvhich is fastenede in the inferioure plate.
m, m, The vise.
a, b, Little thinne, & longe pincetes to dravve all manner of little thinges out of the throte callede in Latine Spinarum eductorium, G, Acantabola.
c, c, c, c, An artificialle goulden roofe of the mouthe, vvhich is a gouldē plate, as thinn, as a frēche crovvne, L, Palatum, it is composede, to retayne thervvith the breath, from the roofe of the mouthe, therbye to evite the speaking throughe the Nose.
There are some vvhich can not verye vvell suffice thē selves vvith this plate, by reason that the gould smithe can not soe conveniently make the same, that it aequallye of all sydes doe touche the Pallate of the Mouth, so that in steade therof they vse, a tente made of linte, or of Sponge, to the vvhich intente there are divers vvhich are providede of them, because that if the one fell out, they incontinentlye have an other in a readines, & preparatione to put therin, because othervvyse they shoude speake throughe the Nose.
d, Demōstrateth that syde vvhich must lye next to the tunge.
e, A little plate, vvhervvith the great plate is fastenede vvhich is on the other syde, vvhich is thruste into b, the hole of the roofe, noted vvith h, to this end that it there might as it vveare suspende: There are some of the Greeckes vvhich call this Instrumente Hyperoe.
f, The extremitye of the sayed Plate, vvhich in the seconde Plate is notede vvith h, vvhich is thruste into the hole of the roofe of the mouthe.
g, The superior planitude, of the Plate, vvhich, sticketh fast to the roofe of the mouthe, as if it vveare gluede thereon.
h, The little plate vvhich is turnede vpsyde dovvne, & thruste into the hole of the roofe.
m, m, An artificialle toothe, vvhich is composede, and made of Ivorye, or some other bone, vvhich is fastenede, throughe some certayne goulde vvyer.
n, n, Thre artificialle teethe vvhich are combinede together, & fastenede the one to the other vvith some aureate filamēte, or gould vvyer, vnto the other teethe one both sydes.
These artificialle teethe are somtimes made of Ivorye but because Ivorye by reasone of the spittle vvaxeth immediatly yellovve, and fulvide, they are more fitter to make of anye other bone, the same being verye harde, and thicke and dence, or solyde, as is the bone of a fishe vvhich in French vve call Rovart. Farthermore anye bodye by atte may make teeth of vvhite vvaxe vvhich beinge meltede, & liquefactede vvith as much gumme Elemni, or a little Masticke, vvhite Coralle, and preparede pearles & ther of a paste beinge made, of the vvhich vve may forme as manye teethe as vve please. This paste is also verye commodiouse to replenish thervvith a hollovve toothe, because ther might noe viandes remayne therin, through vvhich the teethe doe more corrupte, and more intollerable payne is heer bye suscitatede.
Declaratiō of the Characters which are contaynede in the figures of the Hoockes, and Knives which are necessarye, and conveniente, to drawe forth a deade Child out of the Mothers bellye: also of the Pessaryes, Plates and of other thinges necessarye to the Ligatione of the fistles of the fundament.
A, Demonstrateth the Crochet vvith a dubble hoocke vvhich must not be sharp, but blunte, leaste that internallye they chaunce to vulnerate the Wombe, by vvhich meanes the vvoeman might be in greate perille, and daunger of her lyfe.
*, The hole throughe the vvhich must be thruste some certayne string, to tye thervnto a Naptkinne because there might tvvo at once pulle vvhen it is nedefull.
B, The seconde hoocke vvhich is flatte and blunte.
C, C, A little croockede knife vvhich is verye acute, & sharpe conveniente to inscide the Heade, and bellye of a deade Childe, internally in the Wombe, because the vvater, & aqvositye might heerbye have his issue.
I have divers and sundrye times binne sente for, to divers Woemē, vvhich vveare in difficulte laboure & Childebearth, notvvithstandinge I never vsede any hoockes, or other ferrealle Instrumentes therto, for vvhich occasion I also councell all Chyrurgianes, to vse none of them, then in extreame necessitye, for if soe be there happen anye other accidente there vnto, as excoriatione, or anye effluxione of blood, vve muste then attribute the same vnto the Instrumente, vvhich the Chyrurgiane vsede thervnto: Neverthelesse I have heere causede them to be set dovvne vnto you, to vse them in the extreameste necessitye: and heere is to be notede, that the Insculptor, or Ingravere to adorne, & imbellishe his laboures, hath participatede some propre, and perpolite fashone to the handle, vvhich indeede is thereon invtile, and needeles, because it is better, that they be playne, & smoothe becaus they fastē themselves on nothinge. D, The Pessarye in forme of an Apple vvhich is made of Corke, and is circumvestede vvith vvhyte vvaxe: this pessarye preventeth the descendinge, and sinckinge out of the Matrix. The Greeckes calle it Pesson, and the Latinistes Pessarium. There are some also made after an Ovale figure, rovvnde, and somvvhat prologatinge like an Egge, and of divers magnitudes: but quotidiane experience hath taught vs, that they are not so necessarye, and commodious, as those vvhich are of this forme, because they are to slipperye, and cannot be hilde so faste in the entrance, or necke of the vvombe, so that oftentimes they sincke theroute, and in like sorte also the vvombe, vvhich notvvithstandinge reqvireth to be continuallye therin contaynede.
The firste vvhich I have seene vse such manner of Pessaryes, vvas the right vvorshipfulle M r. Rousset, on of the Kinges Chyrurgians, and of the Ladye of Nemours, vvhich hath learnedlye, and excellentlye vvritten, of divers sortes of the Woomens parturiō, vvhere this forme of Pissaryes are defigurede, and the manner also of his vse.
E, The hole vvhich is in the middeste, vvhich serveth to dravve therbye the pessarye out of the vvombe, vve thrustinge our finger in the hole.
*,*, The linte vvherone the Pessarye is fastenede rounde aboute the bodye of the vvoman.
F, An argentealle plate being semilunare, & somvvhat reflectinge invvardelye, tovvarde the internalle part beinge notede vvith G.
This plate, or this invention hath oftentimes binne vsede, of M r. Girart Raber Chyrurgiā at Paris, vvhich vvas a verye inventive, & perquiringe man, in searchinge out of Chyrurgicalle Instrumentes, and also the most experteste practitionere of his time.
G, the Knott vvhich is layede above the silver barre.
H, H, The argentealle, or silver barre, or pegge.
I, I, I, The little ringles, vvhervvith the little barre is fastenede, vvhen shee passeth therthroughe: this barre may be turnede as much and as little as vve please. Y, The Privet, or Needle to religate the fistles Hippocrates calleth it Scorodou Physinga, vve may allsoe make theire poyncte blunte, to vse the same the fistle beinge vvholye apparent, and may easylye be seene: but if she lye occulte, and invisible, and that vve must necessarily perforate any membrane, she must then conseqventlye be acute, and sharpe. She muste also be of silver, and verye vveake, because she may be suple to bende at our pleasure.
Explanation of the Characters contaynede in the figures of the Instrumētes to drawe, breake, and cut of teeth.
L, L, Demonstrate the tonges, vvhich are verye conveniente, to cut of all superfluouse teethe or at the least those vvhich are to longe: they are internally inflectede, by that meanes the better to fasten on the teeth.
e, A superfluouse tooth vvhich is halfe of.
M, The Polycampe, L, Polycampus, G, Odontagra, and Odontagegon. It is an Instrument vvith divers brā ches, vvhich are all of them intrudede in one handle, throughe a little serve.
N, The scrue vvhich is on the Instrumente.
O, One of the braunches of the Polycampe.
P, An other extendede braunche.
Q, The thirde braunche.
b, The vise beinge taken out:
S, S, Demonstrate the Instrumente, callede the Patretesbille: L, Denticeps, Dentiducum Celsus calleth it Forfex: G, Rhixan.
d, The tooth vvhich is helde fast betvveene the teeth of the Instrumente.
T, An Instrument vvhich loosenethe the gummes frō the teeth, callede in Latine Dentiscalpium, G, Pericharacter.
V, The expulser, or thruster out L, Pulsatorium, G, Oterion.
X, X, The Roote dravver, G, Rixagra, It is an Instrumē te verye necessary to dravve out any roote of a toothe, vvhich remaynethe in the Chavve vvhen the tooth is broken, or corruptede, and rotten.
The Declaration of the Characters which are contaynede in the table of the actualle Cauteryes.
A, Defigurate the a Cauterye vnto vs, vvhich hath a poyncte like vnto a Raper, and is callede in Latine Ensis, vvhich is partlye on both sydes rescindente.
B, The poynct vvhich must be of the crassitude of this lettre, because it might the longher Keepe hott.
G, Is the handle, vvhich is smaller then it is needefull, and must be foure, or five inches longe, and in like sorte also all the other handles of the other Cauteryes, vvhich are heere notede vnto you.
D, It is a backede Cauterye, vvhich hath a backe like vnto a knife, vvhich cutteth but one, the one syde, and for that occasione hath a thicke backe, because it shoulde continue the longer hott, and effectuate his operatione so much the better.
E, The rescindente syde.
Π, Π, The backe vvhich must be verye thicke.
F, The poyncte vvhich must be foure goode fingers breadth longe
G, This Cauterye is rotunde concavouse, & rescindente: vve vse it to cauterize the skinne of the Heade, vvhen as suddaynly vve vvoulde trepane the same, as beinge in anye compagnye, and in cuttinge vve feare anye greate fluxione of bloode, to the end to give, or make place to the Trepane.
H, The circle, vvhich is rovvnde, and on his end is rescindente.
I, The poyncte.
L, The punctualle Cautery, vvhich is quadrangulede, and acute, it is necessarye to open anye Apostemations.
M, The poyncte of the Cautery vvhich is allmost fourcornerede.
N, This Cauterye may allmost be callede the Olive Cauterye, because it is allmost like vnto an olive: It is a little hebede, and flatte on his end: We vse this Cautery, to cauterize the Heade evē vnto the Sculle, or Cranium: Alechampe calleth it Pyrinoides.
O, The Olive buttone.
P, A Plateformede Cauterye: vve vse it after the extirpatione of a membre, to cauterize the bone, & the fleshe, and the vvhole patte alsoe, vvhich might in anye sorte be aulterede by the corruptione, or Gangrene.
Q, The crassitude of the sayede Cauterye, because it might the longer continue hott.
△, △, The perforations, or holes vvhich are in the plate, becaus heerebye the smoke might exhalate, vvhich throughe the cauterizatione is made.
R, The Cauterye vvith the buttone, vvhich is verye profitable to singe the skinne in anye place there to make a fontanelle, in steade of a potētialle cautery. Hippocrates calleth this kinde of Cauterye Falacra, L. Calvata, because they are smoothe and even, like vnto the baldenes of a mans heade.
S, The even, & smoothe buttone of the Cauterye.
T, The plate vvhich vve imploy least vve should burne anye other thing, but that vvhich vve cauterize.
V, The hole throughe the vvhich vve thruste the end of the Cauterye.
1, 2, 3, 4, The little ribbons, vvhich are necessarye to rye the plate one the Arme, Hippe, or anye other parte of the bodye, vvhē vve vvoulde cauterize the same, leaste that in the operatione it shoulde glide avvay.
Y, A Cauterye vvhich is verye necessarye to cauterize the Pallate of the mouth, callede in Greecke Staphylocauston.
Z, The end of the same vvhich is rescindente.
X, The canule, or pype, vvhich is verye necessarye, to conducte the Cauterye into the mouth, vvhen vve desire to cauterize the pallate of the mouthe, or any other parte.
*,*, The little vvindovve, or apertione, vvherin the pallate of the mouth must be receavede, therein ether to be cauterizede, or extirpatede.
A, The place throughe the vvhich the Cauterye is applyede.
Π, The ringe of the canule, by the vvhich vve houlde the same, becaus the pipe being fervefyed the Chirurgiane chauncede not to burne his fingers, in executinge his operatione, by the vvhich his vvorcke might be interruptede.
ω, The hole of the ring, through the vvhich vve may thruste our finger, to houlde faste the foresayede canulle.
a, Another Cauterye, vvhich hath a rounde plate, and is verye necessarye to be vsede after an extirpatione, thervvith to correcte the corruptione vvhich is as yet remanente: it is allsoe necessarye to abolishe, all greate corruption of the bone, it is of the Greeckes callede Mylinō, becaus it is not mislike vnto a Milstone.
c, The crassitude, vvherebye the Cautery is longe continuede hott.
b, The place vvhere the holes are, throughe vvhich the smoocke, & the moysture, of the adustion may evaporate, as before vve have sayede in the Cavterye vvith the plate.
d, An other Kinde of Cautery vvith a sharpe buttone, necessary to restraygne all fluxions of bloode, vvhether it be out of an Arterye, or out of a vayne cut a sunder, vve collocatinge the same above one the apertione: It may alsoe be vsede after the extirpatione of anye Ioyncte.
e, The smoothe buttone, vvhich is somevvhate acute.
f, A rotunde Cauterye according to the longitude thereof, vvhich is verye necessarye, agaynste all caries of the bones.
g, The rotunditye of the foresayede Cauterye.
h, An other flatte Cautery, vvhich is also very commodiouse to correcte the caries of the bone.
i, The one syde of the Cauterye.
l, That vvhich muste onlye touch, the caries of the bone: We may alsoe heerevvith suffice ourselves in the Cauterisinge of the orifices of anye vaynes, or Arteryes, vvhich are situatede betvveen the bones of the arme, or of the Legge.
m, The handle, vvhich is somvvhat shorter, and thinner then it ought to be, because of the little qvantitye of place.
It is impossible for the Chyrurgiane to presente in this place all the figures, & portraytures of the Cauteryes, vvhervvith he must cōtente himselfe: for he must sometimes cause them to be forgede accordinge to the reqviringe of the Operatione, & the parte, vvhere on he intendeth to vse the same, vvherfore I in this place have done my endevour to place & collocate together such Cauteryes as are moste necessarye, & novvadayes in vse, vvherein I onlye have cōsiderede, & observede theire magnitude, & crassitud: And as cōcerninge their braunches, & the handles of the same, have onlye binne observed in tvvo, vvhich are notede vvith A, h, the Exsculptor havinge ingravene the same, somvvhat shorter, & smaller then he ought: I moste cōmonlye vse such Cauteryes vvhich be reasonable shorte, because those vvhich are of to greate a longitude, & bignes, doe affrighte the Patient, as allso those vvhich are too longe can not so easilye be conductede, & rulede, because they doe moste cōmonly vacillate, & turne this vvay, & that vvay in the hande.
The Declaratione of the Characters which are contaynede in the Table of those Instrumentes which are propre, and conveniente, to the executione of all manualle operations which in the Eyes may be by anye meanes vsede.
Althoughe that I in this Chyrurgerye have not discribede the manualle operatiō, vvhich may be vsede in the infirmityes of the Eyes: Yet notvvithstandinge I vvoulde not, nether indeede coulde omitte in this storehouse and treasurye of all Chyrurgicalle Instrumentes, the portrayctures, and figures of those Instrumentes, vvhich are necessarye, & commodiouse vnto such an effecte of deliberate, & set purpose omittinge the operations of the Eyes, becaus at large I have discribede, & amplely set forth, everye severalle operation, in my Treatize of the Infirmityes, and diseases of the Eyes, vvhich I committede to the Presse in the yeare M.D. Lxxxv. to the vvhich I committe the gentle Reader, there to behould the practice, & severalle vse of all operations of the Eyes.
A, Demonstrateth a trianglede Cauterye, to apply thervvith a Seton, vvhich both prickethe, & cuttethe: the vvhich Cauterye is applyede cleane through the perforate tonge, ortenacle, vvhervvith the skinne of the Necke is apprehendede, for the Seton to passe throughe.
Π, The Needle for the Seton, or transforatione.
B, An other Needle for the same intente, and purpose, vvherevvith vve transforate the skinne vvithout the tenacles, or tonges.
C, C, The tonges for the Seton, vvhich ar pearcede, to thruste there throughe the Seton.
D, D, Tvvo holes, vvhich must adioyne vnto the reflectione, vvhich is notede vvith n,
n, The reflectione vvhich is notede, & vvhich is made because the hott Cauterye, shoulde not chaunce to touche the skinne of the Necke.
E, The Needle to remove the Cataractes, and pearles of the Eyes: And is in Latine callede Acus ocularis.
F, The same Needle beinge taken out of the Case.
G, The handle of the Needle.
H, The Needle beinge vvholye takene out of her case.
I, The Coverture of the Needle.
*, The perforatiō out of the vvhich the Needle issueth.
g, f, Demonstrate certayne little pincers, vvhich are very necessarye to voyde, & take a vvay any fithines out of the Eyes, or if the same cleave therin, vvhere of the g, is like vnto a little, smoothe, & playne Earepicker, to relevate the same out of the Eye: And f, demōstrateth a little pincer vvhich is flatt, & smoothe, to dravve anye thing therout, if so be it clefte therin, as a thorne, or some such like thinge. They are also very necessarye to plucke out the hayr of the Eyliddes, It is of the Greeckes callede Madisterion tricolavis.
1, The portraycture of an Eye, vvherin is presentede a Staphylome, L. Vua, notede vvith 2.
2, The Vua, or Staphylome.
3, 4, 5, 6, The thredes passing clean through the Staphyme vvhich must be connectede together, vvhere of the 3, & the 5. must be connectede the one vvith the other & the 4. and the 6. also together, because every stitch might be tyed aparte the on from the other.
K, A Dilatorye of the Eyeliddes, or the Speculū of the Eye, vvhē vve endevoure to take anye alienate thinge therout, or els vvhen vve desite to tye the Staphylome, or els cut of an Vngula: It is in Latine callede Speculum oculi, Palpebrarum detentor, G Blepharocatocos.
L, On this place the miroure of the Eye openeth it selfe, accordinge to the magnitude of the Eye.
7 The discriptione of an Eye, in the vvhich is on Vngula.
8 The filamente vvhich passeth cleane throughe the Vngula, to elevate the same, and by that meanes the easyer to cut it of.
M An artificialle Eye of Gould, vvhich is engravene, & vnder hollovve.
N, A forme of an Eye, vvherin is defigurede an Ectropion, vvith the externalle and internalle inscisiō vvhich is require de to the curatione of the same.
O, The externalle inscisione, vvhich is made according to the length therof.
P, P, An internall inscisione, vvhich is alsoe made in the length therof, right over agaynste the externalle.
Q, Q, Bothe the fydelong, or contradictorye Inscisions.
R, A little hoocke to elevate the Zebel.
S, The Needle for the threde to passe vnder the Zebel.
T, A little Cautery for the Eyeliddes vvhen the little hayres thereof turne invvardes.
V, The Aegilopicke Cauterye, to cauterize the bone, of the greate corner of the Eye.
X, The Plate to lay one the Eye least vve should chaunce to hurte the same,
Y, The hole vvhich is in the Plate, to thruste the Cauterye there through, vvhich perforatione must be layede right on the Fistle.
a, A little canulle, or pipe for an other Cauterye.
We must heere note, that this pipe, or canulle, must have a little ringle, vvhere by vve might hould faste the same, for if soe be vvith a buttone vve houlde it, vve might then chaunce to burne our fingers, becaus the cauterye internallye passinge throughe the same, it shoulde not soe completlye be effectede, as it ought to be.
b, The Cauterye.
c, The handle.
d, The holes to thruste therein a little pegge, leaste vve shoulde penetrate to deepe thervvith, & may therebye be somevvhat retaynede.
e, The little irone pinne, or pegge.
The Declaration of the Characters, contaynede in the Figure, which demonstratethe vnto vs the meanes how we ought, and shoulde make a restauratione of a humeralle dislocation, by the meanes of an Instrumente callede Glossocomium, which Hippocrates calleth Ambi.
A, A, The extended Arme, on the Glossocome, or Ambi.
B, The Eare of the Ambi, vvhich houldeth faste shutte the superioure parte of the shoulder, because shee shoulde not stirre.
C, C, C, The Ligatures, vvhich firmelye contayne the Arme, leaste that he shoulde glide from the Instrumente.
D, D, The pilare vvhereon the Instrumente Ambi rest [...]th, and playeth, vvhen vve lifte the same vp, and dovvne.
E, E, E, Thre feete, of the foote of the Instrumente, to cause the Instrumente one a boarde to stand steadefastlye vvithout motione.
F, The scrues, or vises vvhich fasten the feete.
Declaratione of the Characters contaynede in the Glossocome, or Ambi, the same beinge taken a sunder.
G, The Instrument Ambi, beinge disamountede, & taken a sunder.
H, H, The Eares betvveene the vvhich, the superioure parte of the Arme is situatede.
I, The end of the foresayede Instrumente.
K, The eminence of The Instrumēte Ambi, vvhich muste be collocatede in the Pillare.
L, The splitte, or clefte of the Pillare.
M, The pegg vvhich fastenethe the Instrumente, in the pillare.
N, The pillare.
O, O, O, The three feete, of the standarde.
P, The hole vvhich is in one foote.
Q, The serve, or vise vvhich is thrust therein, to cause cause the foote to be helde faste, agaynst a boarde.
Declaratione of the Characters contaynede in the Cassolle, or Case necessarye to laye a brockene legge therin.
A, A, The occluded case.
B, Thé shuttinge of the sayede case, vvherin the heele is layede, leaste he shoulde beare to much vvayght.
C, C, C, C, The vvinges of the case, or canal, vvhich through little ioynctes doe, revolve, & open, & shut themselves.
E, E, The little vvinges vvhich doe also open, & shutt throughe little hinges.
D, D, The separations vvhich are in the vvinges being of tvvo peeces.
*,*, *, *, The ioynctures vvhich are one the vvinges.
F, F, F, The latches, vvhich passe throughe the Eares.
G, G, G, The eares through the vvhich the latches passe
H, H, H, The Buckles through vvhich the latches passe
I, I, T, T, The foote of the Cassole, or Canal.
M, M, The extremity of the sayede foote, vvhich passeth throughe tvvo little mortayses.
N, The morrayces, or ioynctes.
O, O, O, The aperre, or open case, or canal.
P A place vvherein the heele is situatede.
Q, Q, Q, Q, The Winges.
R, R, The place of separatione in tvvo peeces.
*,*, *, *, *, *, The ioynctes throughe the vvhich the foresayede vvinges, doe revolve, opē, & shutt themselves.
S, S, The foote.
V, The botome on the vvhich the afflictede foote taketh his repose.
X, X, The vvinges, of the sayede foote.
Y, Y, The end, or extremitye therof, vvhich passeth through little mortayses, vvhich are on the vvinges.
Declaratiō of the Characters, which are contaynede, in the brokene legge, with the bandages there of.
a, a, Demonstrate the brokene Legge.
b, The vulneratione of the bullete, vvhich hath brokene the Legge.
c, c, Apettione vvhich throughe the bullete vvas made, on the other syde in the issue thereof.
*,*, *, *, *, *, A ligature three times dubble.
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, The first dubble, beinge devidede in three.
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, The seconde dubble, cut in three.
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, The thirde dubble ligature partede in three,
All these foresayede dubble Ligatures, are revolutede, first the one, & then the other, smoothlye and evenlye situainge of the same: and then they are each aparte, vvith the poyncte of a needle fastened, according to the situatione, or collocatione of the Legge.
The end of the foure portrayctures of mans bodye, and of the Vaynes, vvhich are most commonly phlebotomizede: and allsoe of the the saurarye, or storehouse of the Instrumentes of Chyrurgerie.