THE HISTORIE of Guicciardin, CONTEINING THE VVARRES OF ITALIE AND OTHER PARTES, CONTI­nued for many yeares vnder sundry Kings and Princes, together with the variations and accidents of the same:

And also the Argumentes, vvith a Table at large expressing the principall matters through the vvhole historie.

Reduced into English by GEFFRAY FENTON▪

Mon heur viendra.

Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautroullier dvvelling in the Blackfriers by Ludgate. 1579.

TO THE QVEENES MOST EXCEL­LENT MAIESTIE, OVR MOST REDOVTED, MOST HAPPIE, AND TRVE SOVERAIGNE LADIE ELIZABETH, BY THE grace of God Queene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, principall defender of the faith, and next vnder God, the onely, absolute, and full supreame head ouer all cau­ses Ecclesiasticall and temporall through her Maiesties dominions: Geffray Fenton prayeth a perpetuall increasing of the spirite of Gods holy feare, and a continuall going on and confirmation of that godly course vvherein vvith so long peace and happines, her Maiestie hath gouer­ned the subiects and peoples of her Realmes and seuerall iurisdictions.

IT is not vvithout reason nor contrarie to example, that I presume to offer vp to the peculiar and graue vievv of your Maiestie, these my compositions and labors: for that the generall argument being historicall, a doctrine vvherein your Maiestie farre aboue all other Princes hath a most singular insight & iudgement, and the particular partes conteining discourse of state and go­uernment, in vvhich God hath expres­sed in the person of your Maiestie a most rare and diuine example to all other Kings of the earth for matter of pollicie and sound administration: All lavv of reason, of equitie, and of other impression vvhat so euer, do chalenge to appropriate the addresse and iustification of this vvorke to your Maiestie only, in vvhom, for your inspired science & spirit to iudge of Monuments and euents of times, and for the felicitie of your gouern­ment in seasons so perillous & conspiring, all Kings, and Kingdomes, and nations rounde about you, rise vp to reuerence in your fourme of go­uerning, that propertie of vvisdome and vertue, vvhich it seemes God hath restrayned to your Maiestie onely, vvithout participation to any of them: And in that regarde they holde you that sacred and fixed Starre, vvhose light God vvill not haue put out, though the deuises of men on [Page] all sides are busie to dravv clovvdes and darke vayles to obscure it.

I am also encoraged to make this oblation to your Maiestie by the example of many notable vvriters, both of the primitiue times and in all ages and posterities succeeding, suche as for the grauitie and fidelitie of their penne and style vvere cherished vvith the greatest Princes of those dayes, and vnder the authoritie and countenance of their names, their vvorks vvere vvith reputation and credite insinuated into many peo­ples, nations, and regiments, The same being an effect due to the vertue and pietie of great Princes, for that as it is God that giueth vvisdome and science to men, So it is authoritie that chiefly shovveth it to the vvorld, euen as the earth norisheth the roote of a tree, but the confor­table Sunne doth much to bring foorth the blossoms. So many are the testimonies and examples of this, and so familiar vvith your Maiestie is the doctrine of histories and information of times, that by so much lesse neede I to stande vpon authorities of antiquitie, or declarations relatiue, by hovv much more is knovven to be happily laied vp in your Maiesties brest, and effectually expressed in the forme of your gouernment and reigne, all that vvhich learning and bookes can set dovvne by rule and precept, your Maiestie being the onely consecrated Lampe from vvhom all other dominions about you do dravv their light, or rather that terre­striall Sunne, vpon vvhose influence God hath appoynted to depend the motions of all the Regions and Climats of the vvhole common vveale of Christendome: A calling and authoritie vvhich all other Potentates do honor in you vvith so much the more merite and reuerence, by hovv­much amid so many occasions and oportunities to ambition, they proue your equitie, pietie, and moderation of minde, to exceede all examples of former Princes and times, and farre surmount all humaine exspecta­tion: for that hauing as it vvere a soueraigne povver ouer them & theirs, you do notvvithstanding dispose of things according to the lavv of mea­sure and right. In regard of vvhich diuine properties, accompanied vvith your Maiesties other vertues vvhich God hath made infinite in you, and your felicitie vvhich is the revvarde and effect of the same, I may vvith good comelinesse resemble the gratious reigne of your Maiestie tou­ching these regions of Christendome, to the happy time & dayes of Cae­sar Augustus Emprour of Rome: vvho, after a long and generall combu­stion and harrying of the vvhole vvorlde vvith blood and vvarres, did so reforme and reduce the Regions confining his Empire, that vvith the Scepter and seate of peace he much more preuayled then euer he could haue done vvith the svvord: By his clemencie he brought to submission [Page] his neighbours that stoode out agaynst him, and by his constancie helde them assured being once reconciled: His vvisdome seemed an Oracle to the Nations about him to dispose of their counsels and svvaigh their enterprises: And touching quarrels and controuersies of state, eyther for his grauitie and iustice, the only arbitration and resolution vvas referred to him, or at least for the avve that vvas had of him, the factions durst not burst out to further limits then he liked of: Lastely, it vvas an approued Monarchie of God, for that Christ the sonne of God amid such an vni­uersall malice of man and mankinde, vvas contented to shevv himselfe in flesh in the dayes of his reigne. Euen so though the singular persons be chaunged, yet the effects and blessings of this time do nothing vary vnder the happy rule of your Maiestie, vvhom God hath raised and esta­blished a soueraigne Empresse ouer seuerall nations and languages, and vvith the frutes of a firme and continued peace, hath plentifully enriched the peoples of your Dominions: restored Religion and the Church of Christ to dvvell a nevv amongst vs: made your authoritie avvefull to all your neighbours and borderers: and lastly hath erected your seate vpon a high hill or sanctuarie, and put into your hands the ballance of povver and iustice, to peaze and counterpeaze at your vvill the actions and counsels of all the Christian kingdomes of your time: VVherin sure ac­cording to the course your Maiestie holdeth, much lesse that eyther for the present or in posterities to come, can be iustly obiected any matter of imputation agaynst you, seeing of the contrarie, most of them that be vvise and true obseruers of your dealings, do daily confesse and publish, that in your Maiestie hath bene orderly fulfilled all lavves and offices of a deuoute Nevvtralitie: For that like as amidde their heauy afflictions vvherein successiuely hath bene offred you no small causes to ambition, your Maiestie hath neuer stopped or cutte from them the refuge of your amitie and mercy: So neuerthelesse your compassion hath principally respected the equitie of the complaynts of such as implored it, esteming it not agreable to the lavv of vertue and account of your conscience, to make your profite vpon the diuisions of your neighbours, though there haue not vvanted reasons and titles to induce your desire.

I forbeare to make declaration to your Maiestie of the life and lear­ning of the first Author of this booke, A matter testified vvith sufficient credit and reputation in the high negociations and employments vvhich he managed long time vnder great Princes, Popes, & common vveales: And I am bolde (contrary to the custome of some vvriters) to leaue to particulate in my Epistle any part of the argument vvhich vvith so great [Page] grauitie he hath digested at large in so great a volume: Onely the man for his integritie and roundnes vvas such one, as vvhose vertues vvere farre from all suspicion of parcialitie, fauour, hatred, loue, revvard, or any other propertie of humaine affection, vvhich might haue force to corrupt or turne from the truth the minde of a vvriter: And for the generall mat­ter of his vvorke, it doth not onely conteine the vvarres and diuerse acci­dentes hapned in Italy and other partes for almost fortie yeres, but also he doth so distinctly set dovvne the causes, the counsells, and the fortunes of euery principall partie introduced into those actions, that by his studie and iudgement, is traced & made easie to the reader, the vvay to all those svvete and plentifull frutes vvhich vvith paynfulnes are sought for in Hi­stories of this nature.

And for mine ovvne part, vvhere in all my dedications heretofore, not my vvill vvhich vvas alvvayes vvarranted by the gracious demonstra­tions of your Maiestie, But my maner of life instituted vpon priuate cu­stomes and exercises, hath holden me from approching the authoritie of this place, affore vvhich nothing ought to be presented vvhich hath not a full perfection of spirite and studie: yet novv, taking my reason of the vvorthines of the vvorke, and obseruing the examples and inducements of others in like oblatiōs, I am bold vnder feare & humilitie to prostrate these my last payns afore that diuine moderation of mind vvhich alvvays hath holden for acceptable all things respecting learning or vertuous labours: Humbly beseeching your right excellent Maiestie, that vvhere the vvorke is novv to appeare in the open vievv of the vvorld, and stande before the vncertaine iudgements of so many sundry & straunge humors of men, you vvill vouchsafe to let it passe vnder the happie name of your Maiestie, and vnder your gracious authoritie to giue it defence and fa­uor agaynst the emulation of such as eyther through malice or ignorance may rise vp to interprete me and my labours sinisterly. The Lorde blesse your Maiestie vvith a long and peaceable life, and confirme in you to the comfort of your people, that course of vvell tempered gouern­ment, by the benefite vvhereof they haue so long time liued vnder the felicitie of your name.

Your Maiesties humble and true subiect, GEFFRAY FENTON.

THE GENERALL CONTENTES OF euery booke through the whole Historie.

LOdovvike Sforce vncle and tutor to Iohn Galeas Duke of Millan, fearing least Ferdinand vvould make vvarre vpon him, breaketh of from the Le [...] that had bene renevved betvveene the sayde Ferdinand, Iohn Galeas, a [...] th [...] Common vveale of Florence, agaynst the Venetians: he procureth the French king Charles the eight to passe into Italy to conquer the kingdome of Naples: Pope Alexander the sixth allieth himselfe vvith the king of Naples: The French king hauing ordred the affayres of his kingdome discendeth into Italy, vvhere he taketh many tovvnes: Diuerse emotions happen in the kingdome of Naples: The Pope is in great per­plexitie and trauell: Pisa rebelleth agaynst the Florentins: The Fr. king entreth into Flo­rence and Rome, and from thence passeth to Naples.
Fol. 1.
The Pisans continue their rebellion agaynst the Florentins: The French king taketh the Castles of Naples: The Pope, Venetians, and other Princes make league agaynst the king, vvho returning into Fraunce is fought vvithall neare the riuer Taro: Ferdinand vvin­neth agayne Naples: Nouaro is besieged by the Confederates: The fr. king maketh peace vvith the duke of Millan, and returneth into Fraunce.
Fol. 72.
Lodovvike Sforce keepeth not the treatie of peace: The Venetians take the tovvne of Pisa into their protection: The fr. king determineth to returne into Italy: The king of Ro­mains besiegeth Liuorna: The Pope makes vvarre vpon the Vrsins: The fr. king dyeth at Amboyse: Freare Ieronimo Sauonarola is hanged at Florence.
Fol. 129.
Lovvis Duke of Orleance succeedeth to the Crovvne of Fraunce: He determineth to recouer his Duchie of Millan: Pisa and Florence make vvarre: Lodovvike Sforce flieth from Millan: The Florentins giue battrie to Pisa, and agree vvith the French king: Pope Alexander aspireth for his sonne to the iurisdiction of Romania: Lodovvike Sforce recouereth Millan, but beeing betrayed by the Svvizzers he is taken and ledde into Fraunce.
Fol. 187.
The vvarre of Pisa continueth: The Duke Valentynois pursueth his enterprise vppon Romania: The kings of Spayne and Fraunce inuade ioyntly the kingdome of Naples: They occupie it and deuide it betvveene them, and aftervvardes make vvarre one vppon an o­ther: The Duke Valentynois putteth to death the Vrsins: The Svvizzers discend into the Duchie of Millan: The Spaniards remayne victors ouer the French at Corignolo, and take Naples.
Fol. 244.
The French king maketh his preparation to passe into Italy: Pope Alexander the sixt is poysoned: His successor Pope Pius the third dyeth vvithin xxvi. dayes: Iulius the se­conde is created Pope: The duke Valentynois is apprehended and made prisoner: The French men are ouerthrovven at Garillan: The Florentins fayle to take the Citie of Pisa: Peace is established betvvene the French king and the king of Spaniards.
Fol. 298.
Many treaties are made: Pope Iulio the seconde taketh the gouernment of Bolognia: The Genovvayes rebell agaynst the French king: The king of Aragon meeteth vvith the French king and communicateth vvith him: The Dyet of Constance: The king of Ro­mains [Page] demaundeth passage of the Venetians to go take the Crovvne at Rome: He inuadeth their lands, and aftervvards maketh truce vvith them.
Fol. 353.
Most of the Princes of Christendome dravv into league at Cambray agaynst the Ve­netians, vvho beeing ouerthrovven by the French king, render the tovvnes of the Church, and make submission to the king of Romains: Pisa returneth to the obedience of Florence: The Venetians recouer the tovvne of Padoa, vvhich is soone after besieged by Caesar: Aftervvards they make vvarre vpon the duke of Ferrara: The Pope giueth them absolution of the Church censures.
Fol. 405.
Pope Iulio the seconde turneth agaynst the French: The frenche king and king of Ro­mains enter league agaynst the Venetians, vvho besiege Verona: The Pope taketh Miran­dola, and maketh vvarre vpon the duke of Ferrara: The famulie of Bentiuoley returnes to Bolognia: A Councell is published at Pisa agaynst the Pope.
Fol. 463.
After the taking of Bolognia, the French armie returneth to the Duchie of Millan: The Councell that vvas to be holden at Pisa agaynst the Pope, is transferred to Millan, vvhere many stirres happen: The Popes armie besiegeth Bolognia: The French men take Bressia: The battell is giuen at Rauenna: The Pope publisheth the Councell at Rome: Af­tervvardes the affayres of the French begin to decline.
Fol. 531.
The Duke of Ferrara is in great trouble: The Medicis returne to Florence: The king of Romanes makes alliance vvith the Pope: Maxymylian Sforce is put in the possession of the Duchie of Myllan: The French king maketh his preparacion to recouer Myllan: Pope Iulio dyeth: Leo the tenth is created Pope: The French men are ouerthrovven neare to Nouaro, and the Venetians neare to Vincensa.
Fol. 602.
The king of England makes vvarre vppon the Fr. king: The Venetians recouer Fryull: The Pope as Arbitrator pronovvnceth peace betvveene them and the king of Romaines: king Lovvys the xij. dyeth: Frauncis the first commeth to the crovvne, and discendeth into Italy to reconquer Myllan.
Fol. 660.
The D. of Vrbyn makes an enterprise to recouer his estate out of the handes of Pope Leo: The Fr. king makes a league vvith the Pope: The conspiracie of Cardinall Petruccio against the Pope is discouered: Charles king of Spayne is chosen Emprour: Martyn Luther vvri­teth against the Pope: The Pope putteth to death Iohn Pavvle Baillon.
Fol. 729.
Pope Leo is the cause that the peace continueth not in Italy: He ioyneth in league vvith th Emprour against the French king: The French king loseth the Duchie of Myllan: Pope Leo dyeth: Adrian the sixt is created Pope: Frauncis Sforce reentreth vppon the Duchie of Myllan: Vvarre is made in Tuskane by Ranso de Cero.
Fol. 777.
Pope Adrian comes to Rome: The Venetians make league vvith th Emprour: The french men beseege Myllan and are constrayned to diuert from it: Cardinall Medicis is created Pope: King Frauncis discendeth into Italy, he taketh Myllan and beseegeth Pauya: Them­prour sendeth out an army to succour Pauya, vvhere a battell is fought and the French king taken prisoner.
Fol. 838.
[Page]The Pope is accorded vvith th Emprour: Many practises are made for the kings deliue­rie: Ierom Moron conspireth against the Emprour: The fr. king is deliuered out of prison & returneth into Fraunce.
Fol. 9004.
The Pope, the french king, Venetians, and Duke of Myllan dravve into league against th Emprour: The Duke of Burbon comes co Myllan: The army of the league breakes vp from before Myllan: The castell of Myllan is rendred to th Imperialls: Many enterprises are dressed against the Pope: The confederats sende their armies by sea to Genes: Rome is sur­prised by the Colonnois: The Pope makes peace vvith th Imperialls vvhich hurteth the de­uises of Lombardye: The D. of Ferrara is confederat vvith the Emprour.
Fol. 967.
The Duke of Burbon yssueth of Myllan: The Viceroy and the Colonnois make vvarre vpon the Pope in the states of the Church: The Marquis of Salussa entreth Bolognia: The Pope maketh vvarre in the kingdom of Naples: The Duke of Burbon leadeth his armie to Rome, taketh the tovvne and sacketh it and is slayne in the action: The Pope being abando­ned of all hope, accordeth vvith the Imperialls: Amutinie in Florence: The king of Eng­land against th Emprour: The confederats doe many enterprises.
Fol. 1034.
Lavvtrech beseegeth Naples: In the meane vvhile Anth. de Leua taketh Pauya and beseegeth Loda: Andre Dore leaueth the pay of the French: Lavvtrech dyeth: The french breake vp from before Naples: Monsr Saint Pol reconquereth Pauya: Andre Dore taketh Genovvay: The Genovvaies take Sauona and put themselues in libertie: Saint Pol is ta­ken by Anth. de Leua: Th Emprour falleth to accord vvith the Pope: Peace is made at Cam­bray betvvene the Emprour and French king: The Emprour passeth into Italy vvhere the vvarre goeth against the Florentyns, and peace is solicited vvith all others.
Fol. 1103.
The Emprour taketh th Imperiall crovvne at Bolognia, and from thence passeth into Ger­many: The famulies of Medicis by the ayde of th Emprours army returne to Florence: Fer­dinand is chosen king of Romaines: The Pope vvill not barken to a counsell: The French king stirreth vp the Turke against th Emprour, & hath conference vvith the Pope at Mar­seilles.
Fol. 1163.
The ende of the contents of the bookes.

LODOWYK SFORCE vncle and tutor to Iohn Galeas Duke of Myllan, fearing least Fer­dinand King of Naples would make warre vpon him, breaketh of from the league that had bene renewed betwene the sayd Ferdinand, Iohn Galeas, and the common weale of Florence, against the Ʋenetians: he procureth the French King Charles the viij. to passe into Italy to conquer the kingdom of Naples: Pope Alexander the vj. allieth himselfe with the King of Naples: The French King, ha­uing ordered th' affayres of the kingdom, descendeth into Italy, where he taketh many townes: Diuerse emotion; happen in the kingdom of Naples: The Pope is in great perplexitie and trauell: Pisa rebelleth against the Florentines: The French King entreth into Florence and Rome, and from thence passeth to Naples.

THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE historie and discoursse of Guicciardin.

HAVING in hand to write the affaires & fortunes of Ita­lie, Intention of the authour. I iudged it cōuenient to drawe into discoursse those par­ticularities that most nearest resemble our time and memo­rie, yea euen since the selfe princes of that country calling in the armies of Fraunce, gaue the first beginning to so great innouations. A matter, for the varietie, greatnes, and nature of suche thinges, verie notable, and well worthie of memorie: and for the heauie accidents, hatefull, blud­die and horrible: for that Italie for many yeres was trauel­led with all those sortes of calamities with the which principalities, countries, and mortall men, are wont to bee afflicted aswell by the iuste wroth and hand of God, as through the impietie and wickednes of other nations. The knowledge of these things so great and diuerse, may minister many wholsome instructions aswell to all men generally, as to euery one in particular, considering that by the trial, consent & demonstration of so many examples, all princes, people, and patrimonies may see (as a sea driuen with diuerse windes) to what inconstancie humane things are or­deined, & how harmefull are the ill measured counsells of princes, many times pre­iudiciall to them selues, but alwayes hurtefull to their people and subiects, special­ly when they are vainelie caried awaye either with their singular errours, or pri­uate couetousnes, without hauing any impression or remembrance of the ordinary chaunges of fortune, whereby turning to the domage and displeasure of others, the power which is giuen them for the safetie, protection, & pollicie of the whole, they make them selues, either by want of discression, or too much ambition, authours of innouations and new troubles.

But the better to make knowen the state and condition of Italie at that time, to­gether The estate wherein Ita­lie was anno 1490. with the occasions of so many afflictions happening, it is to be considered that their calamities begonne with so much the more displeasure & astonishement in mens mindes, by how muche the vniuersall estate and multitude of things stoode [Page 2] quiet, pleasant, and happie. For, it is true & well assured, that since the Romaine em­pire (weakened chiefly by the chaunge of auncient manners & customes) began a thousand yeares afore to decline from that greatnes whereunto it was raised by a wonderfull vertue and fortune: the principalities of Italy had not tasted of so great and generall prosperitie, nor reioysed in a condition so happy, plawsible and wel go­uerned, as was that wheron it was with great sewertie reapposed the yeare of grace 1490. and certeine yeares afore and after: for that being on all sides reduced into The good e­state of Italy afore the troubles. peace and tranquillitie, the hilles and barreine places tilled and made no lesse frute­full, then the valleyes and regions most fertill, and no potentacy or communaltie subiect to other Lordes or rulers then their owne. It was not onely plentifully re­plenished with people, societie, and riches, but also greatly honored with the estates and maiestie of many Princes, goodly aspect of sundry right stately cities, and with the seate and residencie of the throne of Religion: it florished in men rare and ex­cellent in administration of common weales, and infinite in good witts seene and studied in all sciences and artes of excellencie and industrie: lastly bearing also no small praise and glorie for the seruice in warre according to the vse and discipline of that time, it reteyned iustly (by these giftes and blessings) a peculiar merite and repu­tation amongst all other nations. This felicitie being gotten with diuerse occasions, there were many thinges to enterteyne and preserue it, and amongest others, com­mon voyce and consent gaue no small prayse and deseruing to the industrie and ver­tue of Laurence de medicis a Citisen of Florence, in whom was expressed such an ex­cellencie Laurence de medicis. of spirite and authoritie aboue the other Citisens of that regiment, that vpon his counsell was reapposed the gouernment of the affayres of that common weale, which was at that tyme more mightie for th'opportunitie of his situation, for the excellent witts and inuentions of men, and for the ready meanes and mynes of siluer and mettalles, then for the greatnes and circuite of Lordship or dominion: And by reason he was lately ioyned by parentage with Pope Innocent the viij. whom he had brought to reappose almost an absolute faith and credit in his councells, his name was great through all Italy, and his authoritie mightie in the deliberation of common affayres. He knewe well that it would be a thing preiudiciall to the com­mon weale of Florence, and no lesse hurtfull to him selfe, if any of the great Poten­tates of that nation stretched out further their power, and therefore he employed all his deuises, meanes, and directions that the thinges of Italy should be so euenly ballanced, that they shoulde not waigh more on the one side then of the other: A thing which he could not make to succeede, without the preseruation of peace, and a perpetuall care, diligence and watching ouer all accidents yea euen to the least, ba­sest, and most inferior.

In the same inclination to common tranquillitie was also concurrant Ferdinand Ferdinand King of Ara­gon. of Aragon King of Naples, a Prince for his councells deliberate, in his actions re­solute, & touching his affections very moderat, notwithstanding often times before, he had shewed many ambicious thoughts and farre of from all councell to peace. Wherein he was much gouerned in that time by Alphonso Duke of Calabria, his el­dest sonne, who vnwillingly suffered that Iohn Gale as Sforce his sonne in lawe Duke of Myllan, more then twenty yeares of age, but of a iudgement very incapable and vnapt to great affayres & reteyning onely the name of Duke, should be suppressed and as it were kept smothered by Lodovvike Sforce his vncle, who, more then tenne yeares afore by the misgouernment and vnchast life of Madame Bonne, mother to the sayd Galeas, was seazed vpon his minoritie, and by that meanes, had reduced by [Page 3] litle and litle into his power the strong holdes, men of warre, tributes and treasures, and all other the groundes and foundacions of the state of Myllan, perseuering in the gouernment not as tutor and regent, but (except the onely title of Duke) with all de­monstrations and actions of an absolute Prince. Ferdinand, with whom was more fa­miliar the impression of present vtilitie, then his auncient inclination, or tho'indigna­tion of his sonne (how iust so euer it were) desired that nothing should be innouated in Italy, nor the present policie fall into alteration: perhaps he had regard to the ex­perience of the yeres before, wherin (to his great daunger) he had proued the hate of his barons and vniuersall subiectes: & happily he had not forgotten (by the memo­ry of things past) what affection a great part of his people boare to the name of the house of Fraunce: which iust and wise coniectures drewe him to suspect least the dis­cordes of Italy might brede occasion to the french to inuade the kingdome of Na­ples: or perhaps, to make a counter strength agaynst the might of the Venetians, (at that tyme redowted throughout all Italy) he iudged it necessary to ally him selfe with others and chiefly with the estates of Myllan and Florence: Touching Lodo­vvyke Sforce, notwithstanding he was possest with a minde traueling, busie, and ambicious, yet by the necessitie of his condicion, he was driuen to embrace the inclination and purpose to peace, aswell for that they which commaunded at Myl­lan were no lesse threatned then others with the daunger which the residue fea­red touching the greatnes of Venice: as also for that it was more easie for him by the benefite of tranquillitie and peace, to keepe the authoritie he had vsurped, then by the trauells and troubles of warre. And albeit he kept a continuall dreade, ie­lousie and suspicion ouer the thoughtes and deuises of Ferdinand and Alphonso, yet waighing with the disposition of Laurence de medicis to peace, the ielousie he had likewise of their greatnes, and perswading him selfe also that for the diuersitie of affe­ctions and auncient hatredes betwene Ferdinand and the Venetians, it was a thing vaine to feare that betwene them should be contracted an amity firme and wel assu­red: he held for certeine that they of Aragon could not haue the strength, societie, or assistance of others to enterprise against him that, which alone and of their singu­lar power they were not sufficient to obteyne.

Thus Ferdinand, Lodovvyke, and Laurence hauing one equall will and deuotion to peace, partly for the perswasions afore sayd, and somewhat for other inducements & A league for 20 yeares be­twen the king of Naples, Duke of Myl­lan, and the Venetians. considerations: the league and confederation contracted in the name of Ferdinand King of Naples, Iohn Gale as Duke of Myllan, and the common weale of Florence, was easily recontinued: it was begonne many yeares before, and afterward broken by many accidents, and now eftsones renewed in the yeare 1480. for xxv. yeares, be­ing competitors & parties therin almost all the meaner Potentates of Italy in whom was any principall ende and purpose not to suffer the Venetians to become great: The Venetians (for their partes) being in deede more mighty and greater then any particular of the confederates, but farre lesse and inferior to them all togither, helde their councells separate from the common councell of the league, and watching to rayse and encrease their estate by the discord and trauells of others, they had a conti­nuall preparation and readines to take th'opportunitie of all occurrants and tymes which might open vnto them the way to the Empire & Monarchie of al Italy: wher­unto it was clearly seene that they did aspire in diuerse seasons, but chiefly when abu­sing the occasion of the death of Philip Maria Viscoūte Duke of Myllan, they attemp­ted vnder colour to defend the libertie of the people of Myllan, to make them selues Lordes of that state, conspiring in like sort (but of later memory) to bring the Duchie [Page 4] of Ferrara by the way of open warre, to their seruitude and subiection.

This confederation did easily bridle the couetousnes of the senate of Venice, but it could not entierly knit the confederats in a true and faithfull amitie, for that being indifferently replenished with enuie & ielousie, they ceased not to keepe a continuall care, obseruation, & eye ouer the thoughts and behauiours of one an other, breaking mutually all their resolucions and plotts by the which might come to any one of them enlargement of estate or reputacion. A thing which made not the peace lesse stable, but reuiued in them all a generall readines to be carefull to quench all such sparkes and brondes as might be the cause of new fires and burnings.

Such was the estate of the affayres, such were the foundacions of the tranquillitie of Italy, disposed and counterpeised in such sort, that much lesse that there was any dout of present mutacion, seeing the wisedome of man could not easily make conie­cture, by what councells, by what accidents, or with what innouacion or armies, so great a tranquillitie could be troubled, when in the month of Aprill 1492. chaun­ced the death of Laurence de medicis: A death very pitifull for him in respect of his Laurence de medicis dyeth 1492. age (hauing not yet fortie foure yeares) but more bitrer and intollerable to his con­trey, which, for the wisedome and reputacion of the man togither with the na­turall volubilitie of his witte raysed to all thinges concerning honour and great­nes, flourished plentifully with riches, loue, and ciuilitie, and with all other bene­fitts and felicities, which in thaffayres of the worlde are wont to accompany a long concord and peace. This death hapned also very ill for the residue of Italy, as well for his generall deuises, cares, and actions for the commonsewertie, as al­so for that he was a meane in particular to moderate & bridle the differences, coun­cells, and suspicions, which for diuerse occasions, were often kindled betwene Fer­dinand and Lodovvyk Sforce, Princes equall in ambicion, and nothing inferior in power. Like as when aduersities happen, it is seldom seene that one ill comes alone: So a litle after the death of Laurence (the time preparing euery day occasions to the calamities to come) chaunced the death of the Pope, whose life being in other Pope Innocēt the viij. dieth. thinges vnprofitable to the common weale, was at the least conuenient in this, that leauing sodeinly warre and armes vnhappily raysed in the entry and beginning of his popedom against Ferdinand at the incēsing of many barons of the realme of Naples, he turned soone after all his facultie, affections & spirite to pleasures vaine, dissolute, & idle, not acquainting his thoughts (neither for him selfe nor friendes) with any en­terprise which might trouble the rest, felicitie, & good accord of Italy. To Innocent succeded Roderyk Borgia borne at Valence one of the chiefe cities of Spayne: he was an auncient Cardinal & one of the greatest in all the court of Rome: one meane that rai­sed Creation of Pope Alex­ander 6. him to the seate of the Pope, was the difference betwene the Cardinals Ascanius Sforce, & Iulian S. Petri ad vincla: but the chiefest thing that accomplished his electi­on, was that with a new exāple for that time, he bought by the consent & knowledge of euery one, partly for money, and partly with promises of offices and great digni­ties, Corrupcion of Cardinalls in thelection of the Pope. many voyces of the Cardinals, who reiecting thinstruction of the Gospell, were not ashamed to passe to him by sale, an authoritie and power to make marchandize of the holy treasors, & that with the name of the celestiall authority in the most high and eminent part of the temple. To which abominable negociacion many of them were induced by the Cardinall Ascanius, but that was not more with perswasions and sutes, then with his example: for that being corrupted with the infinite desire of riches, he made the Pope promise him for his hyer and recompence of so great wic­kednes the office of vicechancellorshippe, (the principallest place in the Court of [Page 5] Rome) togither with benefices, castells, and his pallaice of Rome full of mouables of great valour. But the Pope for all this, coulde not auoyde neither for the tyme to come, the iustice and iudgement of God, nor for the present, the infamy and iust hate of men, in whom for this election, was no small impressions of astonishment & hor­ror, not only for that it was entāgled with meanes dishonest but also because the na­tures & condicions of the man chosen, were, (for the greatest part) knowen to many: many sentences & coniectures were made of his successe, & amongest others, Ferdi­nand king of Naples, dissembling openly the griefe he had of that election, signifi­ed to the Queene his wife with teares (which he was wont to forbeare euen in the death of his children) that there was created a Pope who woulde be most hurtfull to Italy and the whole common weale of Christendom. A iudgement not vnwor­thy of the wisedome of such a Prince: for that in Alexander the sixt (for so would this newe Pope be called) was a sutteltie, sharpenes, and expedicion of witte most singular, a councell excellent, a wonderfull efficacie in perswasion, and in all great Pope Alexander the sixt stay [...]d with man, [...]es affayres a iudgement and care incredible. But these vertues were maruelously de­faced by his vices, for, touching his manners and customes, they were very disho­nest, in his administrations he expressed litle sinceritie, in his countenance no shame, in his wordes small trueth, in his hart litle faith, and in his opinion lesse religion. Of the contrary, all his actions were defiled with an insatiable couetousnes, an im­moderate ambicion, a barbarous crueltie, and a burning desire to rayse and make greate (by what meanes so euer) his children, who were many in number, and a­mongest others, one, no lesse detestable then the father, to whose cursed councells he became a wicked instrument. Great was the chaunge in the affayres of the Church by the death of Innocent the eyght, but no lesse reuolucion happened in the common weale of Florence by the taking away of Laurence de medicis, to whose great­nes Peter de me­dicis heire to Laurence. (without contradiction) suceeded Peter the eldest of his three sonnes, who as well for his age being yet younge, as also for his other qualities was not fitte for the gouernment of so heauie a charge, and lesse capable to manage the affayres with that moderacion which his father was wont to vse in busines both forreyn and domesti­call, and knowing discreetely how to temporise betwene Princes confederate, he had whilest he liued augmented greatly the condicions and facultyes both publike and priuate, and at his death, left vnto euery one a firme opinion that the peace of Italy was principally preserued by his meanes.

Peter was no sooner succeeded to thadministracion of the common weale, then with a course directly contrary to the councells of his father, & not communicating with those auncient citisens which were wont to be called to the deliberacion of bu­sines of importance, he ioyned him selfe so straitly with Ferdinand and Alphonso, per­haps by the perswacion of Virginio Vrsin his parent depending wholy vppon them, that Lodovvyk Sforce had iust occasion to feare, that as often as the Aragons would Lod. Sforce i [...] ielous o [...] the amities betwene [...]. de medicis & the Aragons. annoy him, they should be ayded (by thauthoritie of Peter de medicis) with the forces of the common weale of Florence. This intelligence, seminary, and originall of all the troubles, albeit at the beginning was debated with no lesse iudgement and wisedome, then the resolucion secrete and priuate: yet by certeine obscure con­iectures, it beganne euen in the beginning to be suspected by Lodovvyk, a Prince very watchfull and of right suttle vnderstanding: for, as it hath bene an auncient custome in Christendome to sende Embassadors to congratulate with the newe Pope as Christes vicar on earth, and to offer him obedience: So Lodovvyk Sforce who appropriated to him self this peculiar custome to study to shew him selfe more [Page 6] wise then the rest and of inuentions straunge and vnaduised to others, had giuen counsell that thembassadors of the confederats should all enter Rome in one day, and presenting them selues altogither in the publike consistorie afore the Pope, the oration should be expressed by one of them onely in the name of them all: for that by that forme and order of doing, besides thencrease of their common reputation, it should appeare to all Italy that there was amongest them not onely a good will and confederation, but rather so great a coniunction, that they seemed as one body, one Prince, and one inuested corporation. To this he adioyned, that as touching the vti­litie of this councell, it was not onely expressed with the discourse of reason, but iu­stified with a late and familiar example, for that (as was beleued) the last Pope taking argument of the disunion of the confederates in that at seuerall seasons, and with councells separate, they had done him obedience, he was the more ready to inuade the kingdom of Naples. Ferdinand approued easily the aduise of Lodovvyk: the Flo­rentines allowed it for thauthoritie of the one and other: and Peter de medicis was not against it in open councell, albeit in particular, the deuise was nothing agree­able to him: for that being one of the elect Embassadors for that common weale, & hauing an intention to make his legacion glorious with proud and gorgeous de­monstrations, he feared that if he should make his entry into the citie and the Popes presence amongest the other Embassadors of the confederats, the magnificencie of his trayne would not be seene no more then a litle candle amidd a choyse sort of greater lights. This vanitie of the yong man was confirmed by the ambicious coun­cell of Gentyll Byshop of Arze, the other coembassador for Florence: to him belon­ged the authoritie of the oration in the name of the Florentines, by reason of his di­gnitie and profession in the studies of humanitie: And seeing by this maner no lesse vnlooked for then alwayes vnaccustomed, he saw him selfe depriued of thoccasion to publish his eloquence in an assemblie so honorable and solemne, he complayned as if he had suffered wrong in his perpetuall reputation. For this reason, Peter de me­dicis, pushed on partly by his proper vanitie and lightnes, and partely by the pompe and ambicion of the other, required the king of Naples (albeit with this caution to keepe from Lodovvyk that he did impugne his councell) to consider that that forme of legacion could not be executed in common without great confusion, and there­fore that he would take vpon him to perswade that thexpedicion might be separat, and passe according to the examples passed. The king of Naples desiring to gratifie him in his demaund (but yet not without the displeasure of Lodovvyk) satisfied him in theffect, but not in the maner, plainly declaring to Lodovvyk that he did not dis­condescend from the first plott and resolucion for thembassadors, for other occasi­on then at the instance and solicitation of Peter de medicis: Lodovvyk for this suddein mutacion, declared more perplexitie and trouble of mind, then the nature and im­portance of the thing could deserue, and amydd his complaintes, he impropriated to him selfe this degree of iniurie, that to diminish his reputation, they reuoked the first deuise wherof he was author and already had communicated it with the Pope and the whole court of Rome. But the point wherein he felt his most trouble and trauell of mind was, for that in this litle & vayne accident, he saw tokens, argument, and coniectures, that Peter de medicis had secret intelligence with Ferdinand, which by the euentes that followed he discouered dayly more apparantly. Languilare, Cer­uetre, and other small castells neare to Rome, were in the possession of Francisquin Cibo, a Genoway, bastard sonne to Pope Innocent, and he after the death of his father being gone to dwell at Florence, perhaps vnder the fauour and societie of Peter de [Page 7] medicis, brother to M. his wife: solde immediatly after his comming thether to Vir­ginio Vrsin by the negociation of Peter, those castells for the price of forty thousand duckats. A thing debated chiefly with Ferdinand who lent him most part of the mo­ney, perswading him selfe that it could not but turne to his profite, if the greatnes of Virginio who was his parent and in his pay, should enlarge and stretch farre about the confins of Rome. The king considered that the power of the Popes was an apt instrument to trouble the realme of Naples (an auncient freeholder and chiefe of the church of Rome) both for that it had large borders vpon thecclesiasticall territo­ries, and he had not yet forgotten what differences he and his father had with them: and also he wisely foresaw that there is alwayes some occasion of newe contencions about the iurisdiction of Confins, both for tributes and collacion of benefices, and for regard of entercourse of barons with many other quarrels hapning many tymes amongest estates borderers, and no lesse often betwene the vassall and the Lord Per­amount: for which reasons, he held alwayes for one of the firme foundacions of his securitie, that all or the greater part of the mightiest barons of the territory of Rome, should depend vpon him. A thing which in that time he wrought with so much the more care and diligence, by how much the world iudged that the authoritie of Lo­dovvyk Sforce was like to be great with the Pope by the meane of Cardinall Ascani­us his brother: And as many beleued, he was perhaps not the least pushed forward with feare least in Alexander were concurrant the couetousnes and hatred of his vn­cle Pope Calixtus the third, who, (sauing that death gaue impediment to his coun­cells) had immediatly after the decease of Alphonso father to Ferdinand, taken armes to dispoile him of the kingdome of Naples, (reuerted as he sayd to the Church). He did not remember (so litle force amongest men hath the memorie of benefits recei­ued) how by the meane of Alphonso (in whose kingdoms he was borne, and to whom he had bene a seruant long tyme) he had obteyned other ecclesiastical dignities with a liberal fauour and ayde to aspire to the popedom. ‘But it hath bene alwayes a thing very true that wisemen haue not at all tymes a discretion or iudgement perfect, see­ing it is necessary, that the signes of the weakenes and frailtie of mans vnderstan­ding should many tymes be discouered. The king of Naples, notwithstanding he was recommended for a Prince watchfull, pollitike,’ and foreseeing, yet did he ouer­see to consider how much this deliberation deserued to be reiected, for that contey­ning in no accident or fortune any other hope then of a small vtilitie, it bredde on the other side, many degrees and properties of mischiefes and harmes irreparable, for that in the sale of those small castels was no litle opportunitie to innouate to newe things, the mindes of those to whom it did either apperteyne, or had interest of pro­site to looke to the preseruation of the common peace and concord: for the Pope pretending that by such alienacion made without his knowledge, they were diuol­ued to the sea Apostolike by the disposing of the lawes, seemed not a litle iniuried: & looking withall into the endes and purposes of Ferdinand, filled all Italy with com­plaintes against him, Peter de medicis, and Virginio, whom he assured that so farre as his power would stretch, he would not spare any thing nor let passe any meane to preserue the dignitie and right of the sea of Rome. Lodovvyk Sforce was no lesse mo­ued, to whom were alwaies suspected the actions of Ferdinand, and who, for the false opinion he had that the Pope would be gouerned by the councells of Ascanius and himselfe, estemed it his proper losse, if any thing should be diminished of the great­nes of Alexander: But that which vexed him most, was that he could not but doubt, that betwene the Aragons and P. de medicis was contracted a secret and an assured [Page 8] league, drawing his coniecture from this that in that action they had proceded who­ly, vniformely, and reciprocally: And therefore to raise impediments to those plots & determinations as most daungerous to his affayres, & to make this occasion con­uenient Lodo. Sforce insinuateth enuy into the Pope against the Aragons and Medicis. to winne the Pope, he stirred him vp as much as he could to protect his pro­per dignitie: he perswaded with him that there was not so much necessitie to set be­fore his eyes thinges that were done presently, as to consider how much it imported him, to suffer in the first dayes of his pontificacie, to be despised the maiestie of such a degree euen by his proper vassalls: he told him he had not to beleue that the coue­tousnes of Virginio, or the importance of the castells, or other reason of that nature, had moued Ferdinand: But a certeine languishing desire (which he could no longer keepe smoothered) to assay his patience and courage with iniuries bearing litle face and shew at the beginning, but afterwards (if he would ioyne sufferance to those in­ferior wronges) he would not be without boldenes to tempt him euery day with of­fences offarre higher and greater qualitie: he aduised him to beleue, that the ambi­cion of Ferdinand did nothing differ from his auncestors kings of Naples and perpe­tuall enemies to the Church of Rome, who had not forborne to persecute the Popes with warres and armies, and some times had occupied Rome: That the example is fresh & green, that the king now reigning, in the person of his sonne, dispatched two armies at two seueral times against two Popes, & made inuasion euen to the wals of Rome: That he hath bene alwaies exercised in malice, conspiracies, and warres a­gainst his predecessors: And now not onely the example of other kinges, not onely his naturall couetousnes to beare rule, did stirre him vppe against him, but rather an olde infected desire of reuenge nowe burst out by the memorie of iniuries receiued of Calixtus his vncle. Therefore he aduised him with great diligence to looke into those thinges, least by giuing sufferance and patience to these first wronges, he were not the breeder of his proper dishonor and derogacion, making himselfe to be ho­nored with ceremonies and vayne titles, and in effect followed with dispite, derision and contempt of euery one: he told him that in this vnworthy tolleracion was se­cretly many oportunities of courage & boldnes to the party to conspire against him many daungerous enterprises: where, if he would take this to hart and call thinges into correction and iustice, he should with more facilitie preserue the auncient ma­iestie & greatnes with the true reuerence due by all the world to the Popoes of Rome. To these perswasions he ioyned many offices and promises of no small importance, but farre greater in efficacie and effect, for that he lent him readily forty thousand duckatts, and leuyed with him at their common charge three hundreth men at armes, vnder this condicion that they should be employed where it best pleased the Pope. Notwithstanding all this, Lodovvyk, desirous to shunne the necessitie to enter into new troubles, cōmunicated with Ferdinand, & councelled him to dispose Virgi­nio to appease the Pope by some honest meane, lest vpon so slēder beginnings, there arose not displeasures and troubles heauy and slaunderous. But with greater libertie and efficacy, he admonished often times Peter de medicis, that (considering how con­uenient it was for the common peace of Italy that his father Laurence was alwayes as the mediator and indifferent friend of Ferdinand and him) he would rather take the wayes, examples, and directions of his father specially touching a personage of so great valour, then beleuing new councells, to be driuen to giue occasion to an other, to make deliberacions which in the ende woulde proue hurtfull to euery one: he willed him to remember what great reputacion & sewertie the Sforces and Medicis had giuen reciprocally to their houses: and with what wronges and iniuries the fa­milie [Page 9] of Aragon had obtruded vpon his father, his auncestors, and common weale of Florence: and lastly by how many meanes and times Ferdinand and Alphonso his fa­ther had conspired sometimes by armes and open force, and often by traines & sut­telties, to make them selues Lordes of Tuskane.

These councells or aduertisements brought fourth litle frute according to thex­pectation of the author, for that Ferdinand, esteeming it much to his indignitie to giue place to Lodovvyk and Ascanius, by whose workings he supposed the Pope was setled into those discontentements and indignations which he shewed: gaue secrete councel to Virginio by thincitation of his sonne Alphonso, not to delay to take by ver­tue of his purchase, the possession of the castells, promising to defend him against all displeasures that might happen. And of the other side, gouerning himselfe with his naturall industrie, he communicated with the Pope diuerse meanes of composici­on, secretely incensing Virginio notwithstanding not to consent any but such, as might keepe the castells in his possession, satisfying the Pope with some portion of money: which comfortes set Virginio into such a courage & resolucion of mind, that many times afterwards he refused certein of the condicions, euen such as Ferdinand (not to incense the Pope to much) solicited him instantly to be accepted. By these a­ctions it was plainly perceiued that Peter de medicis perseuered to follow the autho­ritie of the king, & that all that was done to draw him away, was in vaine & without frute: therefore Lodovvyk Sforce deepely reuoluing how much it imported that the citie of Florence should be at the deuocion of his enemies, whose temperature and good gouernment was wont to be the principall foundacion of his securitie, and seming to see in his secret cogitacion many impressions of daungers threatning him on all sides, determined to prouide for his proper safetie, and to those newe perills to appropriate new remedies, specially his conscience interpreting vnto him with what vehement desire the Aragons thirsted to take from him the gouernment of his Ne­phew: which iust ambiciō, albeit Ferdinand (to whom nothing was more familiar thē to dissemble his intentions) had sought to couer in all his actions, yet in Alphonso, of nature more open and liberall, was not so great continencie and moderacion, but that he complayned publikely of thoppression of his sonne in lawe, pronouncing with more great libertie of wordes, then temperance of discression many iniurious speeches tending to manifest threatning. To these coniectures, Lodovvyk added this argument of suspicion: He knew well that Isabell wife to Iohn Galeas, a young Lady of high stomacke would vse a perpetuall diligence to incense her father & grandfather, that if thindignitie which was done to her husband and her would not moue them, at least the consideracion of the perills whereunto their owne liues were exposed, to­gither with the lamentable ruine of their children, might draw them to compassion. But that which chiefly occupied his mind with perplexitie and torment, was, that by the suggestion of his proper conscience, he knew how hatefull his name was to the subiectes of the Duchie of Myllan, as well for the greeuous and vnaccustomed mo­ney tributes which he had imposed vpon them, as also for the compassion that eue­ry one had of Iohn Galeas their rightfull Lord. And although he trauelled by all his best wayes to make them of Aragon suspected of a desire to impatronise them selues of that estate, as though they did assume a title by the auncient rightes of the testa­ment of Philip Maria Viscounte, who had instituted his heire Alphonso father to Fer­dinand, and vnder that pretence ment to wrest from him the gouernment of his Ne­phew: yet, he found himselfe vnable by all these meanes to remoue the hatredes that were conceyued agaynst him, and much lesse so to satisfie the world, but that all [Page 10] men might consider to how many miseries and wickednes the ambicion and wret­ched desire to beare rule, leades mortall men. Therefore after he had made discourse and conference with no small study and trauell of minde of the state of thinges pre­sent, and the daungers likely to happen, casting aside all other thoughts, his deuises at last brought forth this resolution to search newe confederats and new friendes: Touching this resolucion he found a great oportunitie in the Popes disdaine against Ferdinand, and in the desire which he beleued the state of Venice had, that this confe­deracion should chaunge and alter, which of long time had giuen no small impedi­ments to their purposes: he made solicitation to both these to contract in common a new confederacie for the publike benefite.

But the Pope reiecting all passions of anger, and all other affection, had his mind Thimpudency of the Pope to iustifie his children. onely possest with an vnbridled couetousnes to rayse and make mighty his sonnes, in whom hauing setled a blind fancie, he was not ashamed contrary to the custome of former Popes (who to cast some cloke ouer their infamie were wont to call them their Nephewes) called them his children, and expressed them to the world for such: And not finding as yet other fitte occasion to giue beginning to his ambicious in­tention: he made instance to marry one of his two sonnes to the bastard daughter of Alphonso demaunding a dowrie of some rich estate in the kingdom of Naples: from which hope so long as he was not excluded, he harkened rather with his eare then his hart to the confederacion offered by Lodovvyk. And if in this desire he had bene satisfied, the peace of Italy had not perhaps falne into so sodein alteracion & trouble.

Ferdinand happily had not his mind much estraunged from that motion: but Al­phonso to whom was hatefull the ambicion and pride of the Pope, denied constantly his consent, and yet keeping his intencions dissembled, they made no open chalenge or dislike to the mariage, but laying all the difficultie vpon the qualitie of the dowrie that was demaunded, they satisfied not Alexander, who rising for this cause into dis­contentement, resolued to embrace the councells of Lodovvyk, his humors being turned all into disdaine and ambicion, and his mind trauelled with feare for that not onely Virginio Vrsin was mercinary to Ferdinand. And for the many fauours he had receiued of him and them of Florence, and being withall of the faction of the Guelffes, was at that time very mighty throughout the whole dominions of the Church. But that which more was, Prosper and Fabricius principall heades of the familie of the Collonnoys, and the Cardinall of S. P. ad vincla, a Cardinall of great reputacion (then retyred to the Castell of Ostie, which he held as Bishop of the place, least the Pope should dresse some ambush against his life:) was now become a great friend to Fer­dinand, to whom before he was a professed enemie, and had many times stirred the Popes Sixtus and Innocent against him. But the Senate of Venice contrary to the opi­nion and expectation of the world made no great shew of readines to this confede­racion, for, albeit they tooke it to happen to their commoditie, and held withall very agreeable the disunion of others, yet they tooke occasion in the infidelitie of the Pope being euery day more and more suspected to euery one, to be slow to harken to the league, the remembrance of the alliances made by them with Sixtus & Innocent the Popes latest predecessors seruing much to their present distrust. This was when the warre was most hoate against the Duke of Ferrara, whereunto after he had pro­uoked them, & intangled them with the quarrell, receiuing of the one great displea­sures without any profit, and for Sixtus, he did not onely chaunge purpose, but also recompensed them with his spirituall curses, and (togither with the residue of all Ita­ly) he proceeded against them with his temporall corrections: But notwithstanding [Page 11] all these, the industrie and diligence of Lodovvyk continually soliciting the Senate, and priuatly working with many in particular, all these difficulties were vanquished, and at last was contracted in the month of Aprill 1493. betwene the Pope, the Se­nate Confederaci­on betwene the Pope, the Venetians & the Duke of Myllan. of Venice, and Iohn Gale as Duke of Myllan (for all expedicions were dispatched in his name). A new confederacion for their common defence and particular pre­seruation of the gouernment of Lodovvyk: one of the condicions was, that the Vene­tians and Duke of Myllan, and euery of them should send immediatly to Rome for the sewertie of the Pope and state ecclesiastick, an hundreth men at armes, as well with those, as with greater forces (if neede required) they should ioyne with him for the recouerie of the castells deteyned by Virginio.

These new councells moued not a litle the mindes of all Italy, for that the Duke of Myllan remayned now deuided from that league, by the which for more then a do­zen yeares, their common securitie was mainteyned, being in it expresly defended that none of the confederats should enter any new alliance without consent of the residue. And therefore seeing that vnitie was broken with vnequall diuision, where­in consisted the equalitie of their generall and common busines, and the mindes of the Princes replenished with suspicions and displeasures, there could be no expecta­cion of other successe then that, to a generall and common hurt, there would resort frutes equall and conformable to such seedes. Nowe, the Duke of Calabria and P. de medicis, iudging it more for the sewertie of their estates to preuent, then to be pre­uented, inclyned easily to Prosper and Fabricius Colonne, who being also secretely in­censed by the Cardinal S. P. ad vincla, offered to surprise the towne of Rome with their companies of men at armes & the ayde of the faction of the Gebelyns, so that the Vr­sins would follow them, and the Duke of Calabria march so neare, that he might re­skew them within three dayes after their entry into Rome.

But Ferdinand, who now desired no more to vexe but to appaise the courage of the Pope, and to correct that which heretofore had bene done by a rash councell & without discression, reiected altogither those councells wherein he iudged was infe­ction of commotion, and caried not intencion and matter to breede securitie, but to rayse and nourish greater troubles and daungers: he determined now, not faynedly but with all his hart to doe all he could to compound and accord the controuersie of the castells, perswading him selfe, that that occasion of so great emotion & chaunge being taken away, Italy would speedely returne with litle or no trauell, to her first e­state. But it hapneth not alwayes, that in taking away thoccasions, ‘theffectes doe cease, hauing had of them their first beginning: for, as it often tymes hapneth that resolucions made by feare, seeme to him that feareth, lesse then the perill: so Lodo­vvyk had no great confidence in that he had found a remedie sufficient for his secu­ritie:’ But dowting, by reason the Pope and the Venetians had intencions and endes other then his, that his foundacion could not long last which he had layd vppon the confederacion lately made with them, and that therefore his affayres by diuerse ac­cidents should be in daunger to be reduced into hard tearmes and many difficulties: he applyed all his thoughts more to cure euen to the roote the originall ill that he sett before his eyes, then to prouide a salue for such accidents as might happen by it, ‘neither remembring how daungerous it is to vse a medicine stronger then the na­ture of the disease or complexion of the patient will suffer, nor that to enter into greater perills can be the onely remedie for daungers present. And to the ende to build his sewertie vppon forreine strength,’ seeing he had no confidence in his owne forces, and lesse expectacion of trust in thitalyan amities, he determined to doe all [Page 12] that he could to stirre vp the French King Charles the viij. to assayle the kingdom of Naples, which he pretended to appertein to him by the auncient rightes & discentes of the house of Aniovv.

The kingdom of Naples, which, in the inuestitures & bulls of the Church of Rome The title of the house of Aniow, to the kingdom of Naples. whereof it is an auncient freehold, is absurdly called the Realme of Sicyle on this side the riuer of Far, and being vniustly vsurped by Manfroy bastard sonne to the Empe­rour Frederyk the second, was giuen in chiefe togither with the yle of Sicyle vnder the title of both Sicyles, the one on this side, and the other beyond Far, by Pope Vrbyn the 1264. fourth, to Charles Earle of Prouence and Aniovv, brother to that Levvys king of the french, who, much renowmed for his power & strength, but more recommended for the holines of his life, deserued (according to the vaine affections of the frenchmen) to be translated after his death into the number of Sainctes. This Charles with force of armes, obteyned effectually, that, which by title was giuen to him with thauthori­tie of the Church: after his death, succeeded to the kingdom, Charles his sonne called by the Italyans, (to distinguish him from his father) Charles the second, who left the inheritance of the Realme to Robert his sonne. But because Robert died without issue male, Iohane daughter of Charles Duke of Calabria sonne to Robert, who died in young age before his father, aspired to the kingdom: but her authoritie beganne imme­diately to be deiected, no lesse for thinfamie of her life and condicions, then for the common imbecillitie of that sexe: whereuppon, with thincrease of time, the Realme being throwne into many discordes and warres, not with straungers, but amongest the selfe successors of Charles the first, descending of diuerse children of Charles the seconde: Iohane despayring not to be able to defend her selfe, adop­ted for her sonne, Levvys Duke of Aniovv, brother to the frenche Kinge Charles the fift: he to whome the french men gaue the surname of wise, for that he had ob­teyned many victories without feeling the power of Fortune. This Levvys, after he had passed into Italy with a mighty armie ( Iohane being aforehand decessed by vio­lent meanes, and the kingdom transferred to Charles called Durazzo descending like­wise of Charles the first) died of a feuer in Apulia euen when he was almost in possessi­on of the victorie: so that there came no other thing to them of Aniovv by this ado­pcion, then thearldom of Prouence, which had bene alwaies possessed by the yssues of Charles the first. But yet of that rose the original of the colour vnder the which after­wards, both Levvys of Aniovv, sonne to the first Levvys, & at an other tyme a sonnes sonne of the same name both stirred vp by the Popes, being then in variance with the same kinges, to make many inuasions vppon the kingdom of Naples, but with great misfortune and preiudice. Touching Charles Durazzo, Ladislao his sonne suc­ceeded him, who dying without issue in the yeare 1414. the crowne diuolued to his The name of Iohane, a name vnhap­py for the kingdom of Naples. sister Iohane the second, A name much accursed for the kingdom of Naples, and no lesse vnhappy to both the one and other of the women, resembling one an other in dissolute gouernment and wanton customes of life: for this Iohane putting the pol­lecie and direction of the Realme into the handes of those persons with whom she communicated vnchastly her body, was immediatly brought into such straites and difficulties, that being tormented with Levvys the third, with the aide of Pope Mar­tyn the v. she was at last constrayned for her last refuge, to make her sonne by adop­cion, Alphonso king of Aragon & Sicyle. But entring soone after into contencion with him, she brake that adopcion vnder colour of ingratitude, & made a new adopcion, calling to her succours, the selfe Levvys, who persecuting her with warre, compel­led her by the necessities of warre, to make the first adopcion: In so much as hauing [Page 13] with force chassed Alphonso wholly out of the kingdom, she enioyed it in peace, all the residue of her life: And dying without yssue, she instituted for her heire (as the brute went) Rene Duke of Aniovv and Earle of Prouence brother to Levvys her sonne adoptyf, who perhaps died the same yeare. But the succession of Rene displeasing much the Barons of the realme (besides a brute running that the testament was for­ged by them of Naples) Alphonso was reuoked by a part of the Barons & people: And from thence kindled the fire of the warres betwene Alphonso & Rene, which by many yeres brought many afflictions to that noble realme, & yet the accidēts & actions of the warre▪ were more by the proper forces of the realme, then by the strength of the parties. In this sort (the wills of men being different and contrary) were kindled the factions not altogither in that time quenched betwene the Aragons and them of An­iovv, their titles and coulers of rightes chaunging with the time, for that the Popes following more their customs of couetousnes, or the propertie of times, then iustice or equitie cōsented diuersly to the inuestitures of them. But touching the warres be­twene Alphonso & Rene, the victory remained to Alphonso, a Prince for his valer, more renowmed, for his power, more mighty, & for his fortune, better fauored: who dying soone after without lawful heires, & without making any mēcion of Iohn his brother & successor to the realme of Sicile & Aragon, bequeathed by testament the kingdom of Naples to Ferdinand his bastard sonne, as a iust reward & testimonie of his proper getting & cōquest, & therfore he iudged it could not appertein to the crowne of A­ragon. This bastard, notwithstanding he was immediatly after the death of his father, inuaded by Iohn the sonne of Rene, & that by the supportacion of the principal barōs of the realme: yet with his fortune & vertue he mainteined not only good defēce, but also so chassed his aduersaries, that neuer after during the life of Rene (suruiuing many yeares his sonne,) he neither had to debate with those of Aniovv, nor yet stoode in feare of their inuacions. In the end Rene died, & hauing no yssue male, he established as heire ouer his whole estates, Charles the sōne of his brother, who dying soone after without childrē, left by his wil his inheritāce to the frēch king Levvys the xj. to whō did not only returne as to his Lord souereigne the Duchie of Aniovv (which suffreth no capacity of succession in the women, for that it is a mēber of the crowne) but also he put him selfe in the possession of Prouence, notwithstanding the Duke of Lorraine descending of one of the daughters of Rene, iustified the inheritance of his estates to appertein vnto him. And the sayd Levvys by iust vertue & prerogatiue of the same testamēt, had good power to pretend that the rightes which those of Aniovv had to the kingdom of Naples, should be appropriated to him. All which inheritāces being passed & cōtinued after his death to the person of Charles the viij. his sōne, Ferdinand king of Naples began to haue a mighty enemy, besides the oportunitie generally of­fring to who soeuer desired to annoy him. For, at that time, this was the state of the realme of Fraunce: it was very populous in multitudes of men, for wealth & riches e­uery particular region most fertill & plētiful, for glory in armes most florishing & re­nowmed: a pollicy wel directed, discipline administred, an authority dreadful, & in o­pinion The state of the Realme of Fraunce vn­der Charles the viij. & hope most mighty, lastly their generall condiciōs & faculties so wel furni­shed, as phaps it was not more happy in these mortal felicities since the daies of Charlemain. It was newly amplified in euery one of the 3. parts wherein all Gavvle stoode deuided by the aūcients: for, xl. yeares before vnder Charles the vij. (a Prince for his victories obteined with great daūgers called happy) Normādie & the Duchie of Guy­en holden by the english, were reduced to the obediēce of the frēch crowne. And in the last daies of Levvys the xj. the earldō of Prouence, the dukdom of Burgondy, almost [Page 14] all Picardy togither with the Duchie of Britaine, were by a newe mariage inuested in the power of Charles the viij. There was no wāt of inclinaciō in this king to aspire to conquer by warre and armes the kingdom of Naples as iustly apperteyning to him: which continuing from his infancie by a certeine naturall instinct, was enterteyned and nourished by such as were about him, and for the conformetie of humors, very agreeable with him: they raised his thoughts into vaine regions, and made him glo­rious aboue the triumphes of Caesar and Alexander: they told him that with his he­roicall minde, vertues, and disposition, did concurre a present occasion to make him surmount the renowme of his predecessors, for that in the conquest of Naples was a ready way for him to bring vnder his subiection thempire of the Turkes.

These things being knowne to many, brought many hopes to Lodovvyk Sforce to perswade easily the thing he desired, who also reapposed much in the frēdship & fa­miliaritie which the name of Sforce had in the french court▪ for, both in him & in his brother Galeas afore him was continued by many demonstracions & good offices, the amitie begon by Francis Sforce their father, who xxx. yeares before hauing recei­ued in fee of Levvys the xj. (whose mind abhorred alwaies the things of Italy) the ci­ty of Sauōe with the right which he pretēded to haue to Genes possessed aforetime by his father, neuer failed him in his daūgers, neither with coūcel, succors, nor affectiō.

But Lodovvik to solicite in Fraunce with more credit and authoritie, and iudging him selfe vnable alone both for the importance and daunger of the thing: to handle so great an enterprise: sought to communicate & perswade all things with the Pope, in whō he knew had most dominion two stirring humors, ambicion & disdayne: he told him that not by the fauors of the Princes of Italy, and much lesse by the meane Lodo. Sforce seeketh to draw the pope to his purpose of their armies and helpes, he should be reuenged of Ferdinand, nor haue hope to compasse estates worthy and honorable for thaduancement of his sonnes. He found the Pope to beare a vehement and ready wil to the matter, perhaps for a desire to in­nouate and alter thinges, but more likely to constraine the Aragons by feare to come to that which by consent & wil they would not accord to him. After they had com­municated their councells, they dispatched secretly into Fraunce, personages of trust to sound the will of the king & such as gouerned him: who shewing them selues not farre from their intencion, Lodovvyk turning his whole witts to the deuise of this en­terprise: sent in the sight of all the world (but shadowing it with other occasions) one Charles Balbyan Earle of Belioyense, who soliciting the king certeine dayes in priuate audience, & working particularly with sundry of his principal fauorits, was at last in­troduced into open councell, the king present, where in a publike hearing of the Prince, his Lordes and Prelates of the Court, he deliuered this forme of discourse.

‘Most christian king, Thexperiēce of the disposiciō of harts diuersly inclined▪ makes Thembas­sador of Myllan perswades the french king to the voyage of Naples. me dowtful, whether vnder a direct & absolute forme, I should begin my discours, or vsing the custome of Orators, bring into question such obiectiōs as may be opposed against the presēt matter: for, in causes of perswasion, the one with the other must or­derly cōcurre, least for want of due office in the speaker, the matter seeming to suffer imperfectiō & error, do not bring forth resolucion & effect according to thexpecta­cion of the parties for whom he solicites. And albeit the vniuersal coniecture & opi­niō of your maiesties many vertues, & the graue aspect & face of your right wise coū cel here assēbled, promise no lesse ready cōsent & liking, thē the matter is iust & inno­cēt▪ yet for your maiesties better inducemēt, & general satisfactiō of your Lordes & Prelats assisting, I wil ioyne my self to the refutaciō of that general dout which in ne­gociaciōs of this nature, are cōmonly obiected, more by custō, thē iust cause arising: [Page 15] If therefore (right Christian king) any man for what occasion so euer, will hold for suspected the integritie of mind and faith, with the which Lodovvik Sforce comes to councel you to beare armes to cōquer the kingdom of Naples: he may easily deliuer his mind of that ill grounded suspicion, if he either loke into the offers, offices, & cō ­dicions wherwith he doth accompany his perswasion & councell, offering you the cōmoditie of his treasors, men, & all other oportunities: or at least wil cal to his me­mory with what deuociō both he, Galeas his brother, & originally Francis his father, did honor the late king Levvys your father, continued with no lesse constancie, faith, & piety to the glorious name of your maiestie. Let him consider also that by this en­terprise, Lodovvyk standes possible to many great daungers with a very naked hope of any profit: yea in this is conteined the only benefit he shall haue, to see a iust re­uenge of the ambushes & wronges done by them of Aragon: where your maiestie by meane of the victory shal happily aspire to a most florishing kingdom, bringing with it a greater glory & oportunitie of farre more high and honorable merite, an action wherunto the thoughts of mighty Princes ought to be fashioned. And of the other part, if it happen that you come not to the end of this enterprise: yet your maiestie loseth no reputacion, nor your greatnes the more diminished: for that onely the for­tunes of Princes are subiect to opiniōs, but not their estate & maiesty impaired. But for Lodovvyk, he is of nothing more sure then to suffer general ill wil & contempt, & of nothing more vnsure then to find remedy in his perils: for that in him would con­curre all the displeasures & slaunders which may concerne his estate, life or reputa­cion. And therfore I see not how should be suspected the councels of him, whose cō ­dicions & fortunes are so vnequal & inferior to yours. But there be reasons stirring you to this honorable expedicion, which for the simplicity, roundnes, & innocency they conteine, will admitte no dowt: for that in them are liberally concurrant all the groundes & foundacions which inconsulting of enterprises, merit chiefest conside­racion: that is to say, the iustice of the cause, the facilitie of the conquest, & the great frut of the victory: it is manifest to all the world, how resolute & apparāt be the rights which the house of Aniovv, to whom you are lawful inheritor hath to the realme of Naples, & how iust is the succession which this crowne pretendes to it by the yssues of Charles, who first of the blood royall of Fraunce, obteyned the same kingdom both with thauthoritie of the Pope, and by his proper valour. And it is no lesse easie to conquer it, then the action is iust: for, who knowes not, howe much the King of Naples is inferior in force, authoritie, and fortune, to the most mightie King of all Christendom. And no nation dowteth with what terrour and renowne the name of the french thundreth throughout the regions of the world, neyther with what a­stonishment the brute of your armies, keepeth other contreys in dread. At no time did the inferior Dukes of Aniovv assaile the kingdom of Naples: that they put it not in great hazard: And it is to late to be forgotten, how Iohn sonne of Rene had in his hand the victorie against Ferdinand now reigning, if Pope Pius had not taken it from him: but much more Francys Sforce, who forbare (as is well knowen) to obey Levvys the xj. your father. If those small forces trained with thē so great fortunes, what may be hoped for of the armies & authoritie of so mighty a king, all oportunities being increased, and the difficulties obiected against Rene and Iohn, diminished, seeing the Princes of those estates which gaue impediments to their victories, haue now vnitie & confederacion with you: & in them be no small meanes to offend the kingdom of Naples: for, the Pope by lād, by reason the territories of the church are frōtiers to Na­ples, & the Duke of Myllan by sea, applying to you the cōmoditie & seruice of Genes: [Page 16] will be furtherers of your victorie with many helpes▪ fauours, and commodities: be­sides these, there is no potentacie or iurisdiction in Italy wil oppose against you: for, it can not be iudged of the Venetians that they will throwe them selues into expenses and daungers, and much lesse depriue their estate of the amitie wherein so long time they haue bene interteyned with the kinges of Fraunce: to preserue or protect Ferdi­nand an auncient enemy to their name & greatnes: for that amongest estates & king­doms the remēbrance of iniuries past kepes mens mindes from reconcilement. And there is no reason to beleue that the Florentyns wil depart from the natural deuocion which they haue borne to the crowne of Fraunce, seing it is but iust, to owe faith, ser­uice & affection, to those who gaue them their first creacion, dignitie, and greatnes. But be it, that, following the common ingratitude of mortall men, they would obiect them selues against you: what are they against so great a power, compounded vpon so warlike a nation, which many tymes, against the wils of all Italy hath passed the Alpes, & with a wonderful glory & happines, haue brought home many victories & triūphes: And in what time hath the realme of Fraunce bene euer more happy, more glorious, or more mighty then at this hower: neither had this crowne at any tyme heretofore so cōueniēt & ready meanes to establish a firme peace with all his neigh­bours. All which oportunities if they had so generally mette togither in the daies of your father, he would perhaps haue bene more ready to this selfe same expedicion: And touching them of Aragon your enemies, the difficulties be no lesse augmented against them, then to you the oportunities be fauoring, because in the same realme both the faction of Aniovv is yet mighty, & no lesse thintelligences of many Princes & gentlemen chassed out vniustly within these few yeares, besides, the iniuries done at all times by Ferdinand to the Barons & people, yea euen to them of the party of A­ragon, haue bene of so bitter tast and toleracion togither with his disloyaltie so great, his couetousnes so insatiable, and thexamples of crueltie in him and his eldest sonne Alphonso so notorious and horrible: that it is certeine that all the realme pushed for­ward with a iust hate against them, will rise into willing commocion at the brute of your cōming (so great authoritie hath as yet the remembrance of the liberalitie, sin­ceritie, humanitie, and iustice which the french kinges haue vsed:) the onely delibe­racion to make the enterprise is sufficient to make you victorious: for, your men at armes shall no sooner passe ouer the mounteynes, nor the armie at sea no sooner be prepared in the hauen of Genes, then Ferdinand and his sonne stricken with the con­science of their wickednes, will take more councell to flie then to fight: so shall you with great happines, recouer for the posteritie of your blood, a kingdom, which albeit can hold no comparison with the large realme of Fraunce, yet, besides his ri­ches, amplitude & fertility, it wel merits accompt & reckoning for the helpes & infi­nite cōmodities which by it may be increased to this your imperial crowne, matters which I would particulat, were it not that the noble mindes of the french reach to greater end, & that the high & excellent thoughts of so valiant and glorious a king, regard not so much profits priuat, or particular, as they behold the vniuersal greatnes of the whole cōmon weale of christendom: wherin touching this, what oportunitie more greater, what more ample occasions, what seate of contrey more proper or cō ­uenient to manage warre against the enemies of our religion? The sea that deuides the kingdom of Naples & Grece, conteines not in some part aboue lxx. miles in large­nes: A prouince so oppressed & torne in peeces with the tyrannies of the Turks, that they desire nothing with more general gladnes, then to see the bāners of Christians and men of warre marching for their deliuerie. There is nothing more easie then to [Page 17] runne euen into thintralls of that nation, and to batter Constantinople, the soueraigne residencie of that Empire. This enterprise, for the maiestie & nature of it, doth most worthely become your person & greatnes, with whose high and aspiring thoughts it seemes to haue a certeine liuely affinitie. And for the reason and necessitie of it, it can not so iustly apperteine to any as to you bearing the surname of Most Christian, a title wherin your predecessors haue flourished with no smal examples of triumph and glory, they yssuing in armed maner out of this realme, some times to deliuer the Church of God from thoppression of tyrannes, some times to inuade the infidels, & recouer the holy sepulcher, haue raised euen to the third heauen their names & ma­iestie of the french kinges: with these councells, with these meanes, with these acti­ons, with these ends, became great & emperour of Rome, that mighty & triumphant Charles, of whom as you beare the name, so nowe the time offereth you occasion to communicate with his glory & titles. But it is a time vainly spent to stand long vpon the recapitulacion of these reasons, as though it were not more conuenient & more agreing with the order of nature, to consider how to keepe, then how to get: for, con­sidering the oportunitie of so many and great occasions calling you, it could not but intangle your greatnes with apparant infamie & dishonor, to suffer any longer Fer­dinand to vsurp vpon you such a kingdom, which for almost ij. hundreth yeares hath had continuall possession in the kings of your blood. And seeing by cleare iustice & all iudiciall course of lawes, it apperteynes vnto you, who dowtes how iustly it agre­eth with your dignitie to recouer it: but specially how much it concernes your piety to deliuer from the cruel tyrannie of those Catelyns, those people which beare deuo­cion to your name, & doe craue by right to beare you the dutie & office of subiects? Thus most high & glorious king is the enterprise proued iust, easie, & necessary, & withall no lesse glorious & holy, as well for itself in particular, as for that it openeth the way to other enterprises worthy of a right christian king of Fraunce: whereunto not only the reasons of mē, but euē the self voice of God, doth call you with great & manifest occasiōs, assuring you afore the beginning, of a most great happines & for­tune, since no greater worldly happines can happen to no Prince, thē to see his deli­beracions & councels, (bringing glory & greatnes) to be accōpanied with such cir­cūstances & consequēces, that they concerne not only the benefit & vniuersal saue­tie, but much more do consider thexaltation of the whole cōmunitie of christēdom.’

This proposicion had no willing passage into the eares or hartes of the great Lordes of Fraunce, but specially of such, who for their nobilitie and opinion of wise­dom held greatest authority: They iudged that such a warre wherof he hath opened the way and entrey, could not but conteyne many difficulties & daungers, both for the conduct of armies into a countrey straunge, & farre remoued from the realme of Fraunce, & also against enemies bearing reputaciō of valour, pollicie, & discipline: for, for wisedō, forecast, & staied discresiō, Ferdinād bare a high recōmēdacion: & for valour, conduct & direction in warre, his sonne Alphonso was no lesse renowmed. Be­sides, they made this coniecture, that Ferdinand hauing raigned xxx. yeres & sacked & cōfisked at sundry times many of the Barōs, had heaped togither no smal treasor: on the behalf of the king, they considered that his capacitie was to green to susteine alone so heauy a burdē, & for the direction of warres & estats, the councel weake, & thexperiēce lesse assured of such as he beleued most in. To these they added the want of mony wherof they estemed to neede a great quātity. They wished that the deceits & suttleties of thitaliās might be depely loked into, assuring them selues that it could not be pleasing, neither to others nor to Lodovvik Sforce him selfe: A man confessed [Page 18] by all the Italians to be of litle faith) that the kingdom of Naples should passe into the power of a king of Fraunce: they iudged it harde to winne, and lesse easie to keepe those thinges that should be wonne: For that reason (sayd they) Levvys father to Charles, (a Prince in all his actions following more the truth then the apparance of thinges) would neuer accept the hopes which were offered him of the matters of I­taly, and much lesse make reckoning of the rightes falne to him in the Realme of Na­ples: No, he saw in his iudgement, that to send armies beyond the mounteynes, was no other thing then to search enemies and daungers with the wast of infinite treasor and blood of the realme of Fraunce: They held it necessary afore all thinges (if this expedicion should proceede) to reunite controuersies with the kinges borderers, for that with Ferdinand king of Spayne, was no want of occasions of quarrells and suspi­cions, and with Maximilyan king of Romaines, and Philip Archduke of Austrich his sonne, not onely many hartburnings and ielousies, but also displeasures and iniuries: whose minds albeit could not be reconciled without condescending to some things hurtfull to the crowne of Fraunce, yet neuertheles such reconcilements would be more by demonstracions then effects: for, say they, if any ill accident happen to the kinges armie in Italy, ‘what accord can be so well assured which will hold them from inuading the realme of Fraunce, seeing this is familiar with Princes to hold for suspe­cted the greatnes and fortunes of their neighbours, and are ouer nothing so watch­full as ouer oportunities and occasions.’ And touching the king of England, Henry the vij. it was not to be dowted that the naturall hate of thenglish toward the french had not more force then the peace made with him two monthes before, for that it is ma­nifest that no one thing brought him more to the composicion, then that the pre­paracions of the king of Romaines aūswered not the promises wherwith he had indu­ced him to lay seege to Bollogne. Of this nature were the reasōs alleaged by the great Lordes, partly debated amongest them selues, and partly disputed in the presence of the king. The chiefest of those that iustified these arguments afore the king, was one Iames Grauille Admiral of Fraunce, whose greatnes albeit was somewhat diminished, yet his authoritie suffered no alteracion for the auncient name and credit of his wis­dom rouing liberally thorow all the realme of Fraunce. But the kinges minde with a wonderful gredines, was wholly inclined to the cōtrary aduise: what with the green­nes of his yeares aspiring nowe to xxij. and by his vnstayed nature, not yet experien­ced in thaffayres of the world, he was caried into a wonderfull ambicion to enlarge his imperie, following an appetite of glorie, founded rather vpon a light will and fu­rie of youth, then vpon maturitie of councel, seeing that either by his proper nature, or rather thexamples and admonishments of his parents, he reapposed litle faith in his Lordes and Nobles of his realme. And since he came forth of the tutorship and iurisdiction of Anne Duchesse of Burbon his sister, he bare no more care to the coun­cells of thadmirall, nor to others that had bene great in the gouernment: But gaue him selfe ouer to the directions of certeine men of base condicion, trained vp almost alwaies in the seruice of his person: of these, such as had most fauour and place with him, perswaded him greatly to embrace the enterprise, being partly corrupted, (for the councells of Princes are often times mercenarie) with the promises and presents of Lodovvykes Embassador by whom was not forgotten any diligence or art to draw the fauours of such as might doe most in this action. They were partly pushed on by certeine hopes, either to be raysed to estates in the kingdom of Naples, or to ob­teyne of the Pope, dignities and pensions in the Church. The principall of all these, was one Stephen de Vers, borne in Languedock, of base place, but bredd vp of long time [Page 19] with the king, in whose chamber he vsed to lye, and by the kings creacion made Se­neshall of Beucaire: with this man did communicate one VVilliam Briconnet, who of a marchaunt created first generall of Fraunce, and after made Bishop of S. Malo, had not onely the charge and administracion of the kings reuenue, (which the french cal superintendant of the finances,) but also hauing confederacie with Stephen, had by his meanes a great entry into all thaffayres of importance, albeit he had no great in­sight in the pollicie and gouernment of matters of estate. To the helpe of this enter­prise were adioyned the perswasions of Autouell of S. Seuerin, Prince of Salerne, and of Vernaedin of the same familie, Prince of Bysignan, togither with many other Barons banished the Realme of Naples, who being withdrawne many yeares before into Fraunce, had continually solicited the king to that enterprise, laying before his eyes the great calamitie or rather generall despaire of the whole kingdom, and the facti­ons and many followers which they promised them selues to haue in the same.

In this diuersitie of perswasions, the deliberacion remained suspended for certein dayes, others being not onely in dowt what to determine, but also the kings will va­uering and vncerteine, for that some times inclining to his ambicion and glory, and some times restrained with feares and daungers, he would often be irresolute, & est­sones turne to the contrary of that which he had afore determined. But in the ende, his first inclinacion togither with the cursed destinie of Italy, being of more force thē any thing that could be sayd to the contrary, the well gouerned and peasible coun­cells of his Nobles were altogither reiected, and communicating onely with the bi­shop of S. Malo and the Seneshall of Beucaire, and partaking nothing with the assent & priuitie of all others, there was a conuencion made with Lodovvyks Embassador, whose condicions albeit were holden secrete for many monthes, yet this is the capi­tulacion and summe of them.

That king Charles either going in person into Italy, or sending thether any armie Confederaci­on betwene the kinge of Fraunce and Lodo. Sforce. for the conquest of Naples, the Duke of Myllan was bound to giue him passage tho­row his iurisdictions. To send thether with his men, fiue hundreth men at armes paied: To suffer him to arme at Genes so many vessells as he will: And to lend him before he departed out of Fraunce, two hundreth thowsand ducketts.

Touching the king, he was bound to the defence and protection of the Duchie of Myllan against all men, with particular mencion to preserue the authoritie of Lo­dovvyk: to enterteine during the warre within the citie of Ast belonging to the Duke of Orleance, two hundreth launces to giue succours to the necessities of that Duchie. Lastly he promised either at that time or soone after, by a writing subsigned with his owne hand, that hauing once conquered the realme of Naples, he should giue to Lo­dovvyk the principalitie of Tarente.

But let vs looke somewhat into the variacion of times and thinges of the worlde: ‘Albeit Francis Sforce, father to Lodovvyk, a Prince of rare wisedom and valour, was a professed enemie to those of Aragon, for the many displeasures he had receiued of Alphonso, Ferdinands father: and an auncient friend to the house of Aniovv: yet this was his moderacion in the actions concerning those two families, that in the yeare 1457. when Iohn sonne of Rene, inuaded the kingdom of Naples, he ministred suc­cours to Ferdinand with such a wonderfull diligence and readines, that the victorie was acknowledged to happen wholly by his helpe: he was stirred to this for no other reason, then that he saw it was to perillous for his Duchie of Myllan, that the french his neare neighbours, should make them selues Lordes ouer so mighty an estate. The same reason induced Philip Maria Viscounte (abandoning them of Aniovv, to whom [Page 20] he had alwaies before borne fauour) to deliuer Alphonso his enemie, who taken of the Geneuoys in a battell at sea neare to Caiette, was brought to him prisoner to Myllan, with all the nobilitie of his realmes: on the other side, Levvys the xj. father to Charles, being often times perswaded by many and not with light occasions, to harken to the thinges of Naples, and being withall with great instance, called by the Geneuoys to be Lord ouer their contreyes, as Charles his father had bene afore him: Did alwayes re­fuse to intangle him selfe with the doings of Italy, as matters full of expenses and dif­ficulties, and in the ende hurtfull to the realme of Fraunce. But now the opinions of men being chaunged, but perhapps not chaunged the reason of thinges, we see how Lodovvyk calls the french ouer the mounteynes, not fearing by so mighty a king (if Naples should fall into his handes) that daunger which his father no lesse valiant in armes then he, would haue feared, if but a litle Earle of Prouence had conquered it. And of the other side, we see Charles now raigning inflamed with a desire to make warre in Italy, preferring the rashnes of men of base place and vnexperienced, afore the councell of his father: A Prince of singular wisedom, temperance, and forecast. ‘It hapneth too often, that new Princes haue newe councells, and of newe councells commonly resort new effectes, euen such as in a ship, when a rawe man is put to the helme, the course must needes alter.’

It is not vnlikely that Lodovvyk was drawne to so great a deliberacion by Hercules de Este Duke of Ferrara, his father in law, who, nourishing a vehement appetite to re­couer Polesine de Rouigne, a contrey consining and importing much the sewertie of Ferrara which the Venetians had taken from him in the warres ten yeares past, fore­saw that the onely meane to recouer it was to set all Italy in trouble, and innouate the states with most great emotions. Besides this, many beleued, that albeit in Hercules appeared a disguised apparance and will to wish well to his sonne in law, yet in secret he followed him with an extreme hatred, for that in the same warre all the residue of Italy which had taken armes for him being farre more mighty then the Venetians, Lodovvyk gouerning then the state of Myllan, and regarding his proper respectes & particular interestes, constrayned the others to make peace with condicion that Po­lesine should remayne to the Venetians: And therefore Hercules hauing no meanes to reuenge so great an iniurie by armes and warre, ‘sought to execute his long smothe­red malice by giuing him a daungerous councell: such are the operacions of malice working in mindes mighty, who seldom hold it any breach of iustice to be reuenged of him that offereth the first iniurie.’

But now Italy being possessed with a brute of those thinges which were in practise on the otherside the mounteynes, and whose first authors at the beginning were vn­certeyne, many thoughtes and discourses appeared in the vnderstandings of men: to many, waighing with the power and strength of the french king, and the readines of that nation to new broyles and innouacions, the present diuisions and factions of thitalians, it seemed a busines of great qualitie and importance: others, interpreting the age and greenes of the king, and iudging much of the negligence naturall to that nation, and lastly looking into the great impediments which great enterprises haue, construed all not to a councell well grounded, but to a hotte and vnbridled affection of youth, which after it had a litle throwne out his fume and fire, would easily vanish and dissolue. Ferdinand him selfe (against whom all this busines was conspired) shew­ed The thoughts of Ferdinand King of Na­ples. litle appearance of feare, saying it was an enterprise intangled with many diffi­culties, for that if they made their inuasion by sea, they should find him furnished with a plentifull nauie, armed able to giue him battel in the plaine sea, his portes be­ing [Page 21] furnished, and his fortes well manned and vittelled: neither was there any baron in the realme able to receiue them, as had bene done afore to Iohn of Aniovv, by the Prince of Bossane, and other great ones of the land. And touching their expedicion by land, it was full of incommodities, suspicious to many, and a painefull march farre of, for that their way lying all a long the length of Italy, the residue of the Princes could not be without their particular feares, and perhaps Lodovvyk Sforce more then the others, notwithstanding he made shew of the contrary, seming as though a com­mon perill brought interest to euery particular: for that the proximitie and neigh­bourhood of Myllan with Fraunce, gaue vnto the king a greater oportunitie, (but in true likelyhood) a greater desire to possesse and occupie that Duchie. And seeing the yong and true Duke of Myllan was of neare kinred to the king, Lodovvyk could not other waies assure him self, but that the king caried an intencion to deliuer him from his oppression, hauing not many yeares before protested openly, that he would not endure that Iohn Galeas his cosin should be so vnworthely restrayned and kept vn­der: That the state of them of Aragon, stoode not vpon such tearmes and condici­ons, as the hope of their weaknes might induce the courage of the french to make inuasions vpon them, for that they were plentifully furnished with many numbers of valiant men at armes, great trowpes of horses of seruice, many stoares of munici­ons and artilleries, and all other necessary things for the warre, togither with so rich a mynt of money, that it sufficed against all wantes, prouicions and fortunes: that besides many honorable capteines trayned and experienced, he had for the conduct of his armies, his eldest sonne, Duke of Calabria, a leader of great renowme & no lesse vertue, growen into a mind resolute, a councell stayed and well aduised, and an assu­red experience, by following all the warres in Italy, for many yeares before. To these forces he added the powers of his parents and allies, of whose ready ayde and assi­stance he nothing dowted, hauing speciall expectation to receiue plentifull succors from the king of Spayne his cosin, and brother to his wife, not onely in respect of the double knotte of parentage, but also for that in good pollicie it stoode him vpon to holde for suspected the neighbourhood of the french men to Sicyle.

This was the glorious humor of Ferdinand, bringing forth in publike many bragges touching his owne power and greatnes, and to the contempt and lessening of the forces and meanes of his aduersaries. ‘These be properties often times famili­ar with Princes, to whom there can not be a more sensible and apparant token of their aduersitie or ruine, then when they esteeme them selues more then they are, & make their enemies lesse then they finde them.’

But Ferdinand, as he was a Prince of singular wisedom and well assured experi­ence: so, in him self he found his mind tormēted with many very greuous thoughts beholding with a fresh memorie the troubles he had receiued of the french nation, in the beginning of his raigne: he debated deepely that he should haue to doe with enemies warlike and mighty, for their trowpes of horsemen farre aboue him: in footemen infinite, in ensignes well appoynted, trayned, and disciplined: for prouisi­ons at sea, nothing wanting to an armie royall: for artilleries, plentifull, sundry, and terrible: for money, his mynes and myntings furnished aboue all wantes that could happen: And of men, infinite in multitudes, resolute in mindes, for seruice apt, of faith assured, of wills tractable, for commaundement obedient, and lastly, bearing all one common desire to commit their liues to any daunger for the glory and greatnes of their naturall king. But of the contrary, touching him selfe, all thinges were suspe­cted to him, his realme being full of hatred against the name of the Aragons, or at [Page 22] least of no litle inclinacion to commocion, and the most part of the residue, of an or­dinary desire to haue new kings, wherein fortune may be of more power then faith: his strength was mightier in opinion, then in true forces: his treasor layd vp and re­serued, not sufficient to cary the necessary expenses for his defence, since all thinges by the warre being turned into rebellion and tumults, his reuenewes would conuert to nothing in a moment: he saw that in Italy he had many enemies, and with none any frendship firme or well assured, hauing at some times bene greuous to all, either by armes or other violent meanes. And for Spayne, according to thexamples past, & condicions of the same realme, he had no expectacion of other succours for his pe­rills, then large promises with a great name of operacions, but very slender and slow effectes. Lastly his feares were augmented by the vnfortunat predictions that went of his howse, come to his knowledge at sundry times, partly by auncient writinges found out of new, partly by thinterpretacions and wordes of men for the most parte vncerteine of the present, and yet will referre certeinly to thinges to come: ‘those be thinges that in prosperitie we beleue litle, & in aduersitie too much, specially if there arise any apparance.’

The king of Naples wandring in these consideracions, and his feares being greater without comparison then his hopes, he saw there were no better remedies against so great daungers, then either with all speede possible, to remoue by some agreement, such thoughtes from the french kinges mind, or at least to take from him part of the foundacions which stirred him to the warre.

And therefore hauing sent Embassadors into Fraunce, to treate of a mariage be­twene the king of Scots, and Charlotte daughter of Dom Federyk his second sonne, the disposicion of which mariage was gouerned by the french king: for that the yōg Lady was nourished in his court, and borne of a sister of the mother of king Charles: he dispatched new commissions for the matters present & running: he ioyned with them in deputacion and assistance Camille Pandon, hauing bene vsed in negociacion for him there before, the better to labour priuatly such as were chiefest guiders of the kinges councells, and others bearing inclinacion to profit, promises, and corrupt offers: and if they could not by other meanes appease or remoue the kinges intenci­on to the warre, then to offer him condicions of tribute and other submissions: & so, if it were possible, to obteine peace. Besides this, he applied not only all his thoughts, diligence & authoritie to compose the difference of the castells bought by Virginio (to whose intractabilitie and obstinacie, he referred the chiefe occasion of all these disorders) but also he studied to giue a new life to the practises of parentage, com­moned vpon before betwene the Pope and him. But aboue all others, his deepest care and thought was to appease and assure Lodovvyk Sforce (first author and mouer of all the mischiefe) perswading him selfe that feare, more then other occasion ledde him to so daungerous a councell. And therefore (according to the necessities that followed him) preferring his particular sewertie, afore the naturall respect and inte­rest of his Neece, or the sauetie of the sonne borne of her: he offered by many em­bassages, to referre him selfe wholly to his will touching the things of Iohn Galeas, & the Duchie of Myllan: In which offers more generall then honorable, he had no re­gard to the aduise of his sonne Alphonso, who to amase, confuse, and threaten Lodo­vvyk, iudged it the readiest meane to make him giue ouer those new coūcells: ‘wher­in albeit he might take courage of the naturall fearefulnes of Lodovvyk, yet we often se, that no lesse easily is the timerous man caried by despaire into deliberaciōs head­long and hurtfull, then the rash man, by credulitie, furie, and want of consideracion, [Page 23] runnes into enterprises, that bring forth daunger, dishonor, and shame.’

At last were appeased the controuersies of the castells after many difficulties pro­ceeding more of Virginio then of the Pope, to the conclusion of which composici­on, came Dom Federyk sent to Rome by his father for that effect. The accord runne that they should remaine in the possession and right of Virginio, repaying to the Pope equall proporcion of money which he had giuen at first to Francisquin Cibo: togither with this was knit vp the mariage of the Ladie Sances bastard daughter to Alphonso, with Dom Geffray youngest sonne to the Pope, (both the one & other by rea­son of their greene age vnable to consomat or accomplish the mariage.) These were the condicions: That Dom Geffray should goe to remayne at Naples after a few mo­neths: that he should receiue in dowrie and respect of the mariage, the principalitie of Squillaco valued at tenne thowsand duckats in yearly reuenue, and that Ferdinand should giue to him an estate of an hundreth men at armes. This confirmed thopini­on of many, that all that the Pope solicited in Fraunce, bare no other meaning, then by feare to draw them of Aragon to these conuencions: this was one argument to approue their coniectures, that Ferdinand laboured to make a confederacion with him for their common defence: but the Pope obiected so many difficulties, that there was no other thing obteyned of him, then a very secret promise by writing to defend the kingdom of Naples, so that Ferdinand would equally promise to protect the estate of the Church.

These thinges dispatched, the companies of men at armes which the Venetians & the Duke of Myllan had sent to the Pope for his succors, retired with licence and fa­uour out of the Church dominions: Ferdinand also began now with no lesse hope of happy successe to treate with Lodovvyk Sforce, who with a wonderfull suttletie & The suttleties of Lod. Sforce. arte, shewed him selfe some times ill contented with the inclinacion of the french king to the matters of Italy, and some times excused and iustified him selfe vpon his necessitie, for that by reason of his chiefe for Genes and the auncient confederacion with the house of Fraunce: he was constrayned to tender the desires and requestes made to him (as he sayd) by the same king. But some times he promised to Ferdinand in publike, and some times to the Pope and P. de medicis apart and seuerally, to do all he could to moderate the kinges desire, assaying to lull them a sleepe in this hope, to the ende they conspired or dressed nothing against him, before thaffayres of Fraunce were well proceeded and established: wherein they were the more easie to beleue him, by how much they iudged the resolucion to bring the french king into Italy so ill for his owne sewertie, that in consideracion of his particular perill, and the com­mon inuest of Italy, they supposed he would vtterly disclaime and shake it of. All this sōmer past in this nature of doings, Lodovvyk working vnder such disguised formes and maners, that without giuing any suspicion to the french king, neither Ferdinand, the Pope, nor the Florentyns dispaired of his promises, nor yet altogither trusted him.

But in this meane while, were layed in Fraunce with no small studie, the foundaci­ons Preparacions in Fraunce for the warres of Italy. of the warre and expedicion to come, whereunto (contrary to the councells of most of the greatest) inclined more & more thaffection of the king, who, to be more at libertie, accorded the differēces he had with Ferdinand and Isabell king & Queene of Spayne: Princes in those times of great reapport and name for gouernment and wisedom, both for that they had drawne their Realmes out of great troubles into a setled tranquillitie, & also, had recouered to Christianitie, with a warre of ten yeares continuance, the kingdom of Granado vsurped by the Moares of Affrica for almost viij. hundreth yeares: it was expressed in this capitulacion (solemnly iustified by pub­like [Page 24] oth of both partes in the church) that in Ferdinand nor Isabell (for Spayne was go­uerned vnder their common name) should be no action of ayde to the Aragons dire­ctly nor indirectly: no contract of any new affinitiue or alliance: nor that in no sort they should oppose against king Charles for the defence of the realme of Naples. The king, in counter chaunge and recompence of these, (beginning by a losse certein, for a hope of gaine vncerteine) restored without any repayment of money, Parpignian, with all the earldom of Rossellion, pawned many yeares before to Levvys his father by Iohn king of Aragon and father to Ferdinand. An exchaunge altogither against the will & liking of the whole nation of Fraunce, for that that earldom seated at the foote of the hills Pyrennei, & consequently according to thauncient diuision, part of Gallia, gaue alwayes necessary impediments to them of Aragon for entring into Fraunce on that side.

The king, for the same occasion, made peace with Maximylian king of Romaines, and with his sonne Phillip Archduke of Austrich, in whom was no want of occasion either of olde or newe hatreds against him: but specially for that his father Levvys by the death of Charles, Duke of Burgondie and Earle of Flaunders, with many other contries conioyning, did impatronize him selfe vpon the Duchie of Burgondie, and Earldom of Artoys, with many other places which the sayd Duke possessed: whereof growing no small warres betwene king Levvys, & Marie the onely daughter of Duke Charles, married after the death of her father to Maximilian: there was made at last ( Marie being dead and Phillip the common sonne of Maximilian and her succeding to thinheritance of his mother) an accord amongest them, more by the wills of the people of Flaunders, then readines of Maximylian. The better to cōfirme this accord, Margaret the sister of Phillip was married to Charles sonne of Levvys, and (notwith­standing she was very yong,) ledde into Fraunce: where after she had remained many The Duchie of Brittain in­uested in the crowne of Fraunce. yeares, Charles refused her, and tooke to wife Anne, to whom by the death of Francis her father leauing no yssue male, the Duchie of Bryttaine was descended. This was a double iniurie to Maximylian, being at one time made frustrate the mariage of his daughter, and his owne, hauing by procuracion afore married the sayd Anne: And yet, for that he was not able of him selfe to susteyne the warre recontinued by occa­sion of this iniurie, and that the people of Flaunders (gouerning them selues by their proper councell and authoritie, by reason of the minoritie of Phillip) would not dwel in warre with the realme of Fraunce. And seeing lastly that the kings of Spayne & Eng­land had dissolued their armies which they had leuyed against the french: he con­sented to the peace, by the which king Charles restored to Phillip, his sister Margaret deteyned in Fraunce till then, togither with the townes of the Earldom of Artoys, re­seruing to him selfe the castells, but vnder bond to render them at foure yeares ende, at what time Phillip being risen to his maioritie might in good validitie confirme the accord past. Those townes when the peace was made by king Levvys, were acknow­ledged by common agreement as the proper right of the sayd Margaret. The gene­rall peace thus established with all the neighbours to the realme of Fraunce, the reso­lucion of the warre against the kingdom of Naples, was confirmed for the yeare fol­lowing: in which time were prepared all prouisions necessary continually solicited by Lodovvyk Sforce: who (the thoughts of men aduauncing from degree to degree) occupied his witts now not onely how to assure the gouernment to him, but lifting vp his mind to higher conceites, he had an intencion to transferre to him selfe the Duchie of Myllan vnder thoccasion of the warre against thArragons, wherein to giue some couler of iustice to so great an iniustice, and with more firme foundacions to [Page 25] assure his affayres against all fortunes that might happen: he married Blanche Mary Mariage of Blanche Ma­ry Sforce with themprour Maximylian. sister to Iohn Gales and his Neece to Maximylian newly aspired to thempire of Rome by the death of Federyk his father: to him he promised in dowrie to be payd within a certeine time iiij. hundreth thowsand duckatts of ready money, with iewells and o­ther ornaments to the value of xl. thowsand duckatts: and of the other parte Maxi­mylian thirsting more after money then affinitie by this mariage, bound him selfe to indue Lodovvyk, (to the preiudice of Iohn Galeas his new brother in law) with thinue­stiture of the Duchie of Myllan, for him, his children, & offpringe, as though that e­state had remained without lawfull Dukes euer since the death of Phillip Maria Vis­count. At the latter payment of the money, he promised to giue him all the priuilead­ges and prerogatiues accomplished in most ample forme.

The Viscounteis, gentlemen of Myllan, during the bluddy factions in Italy, betwene the Gebelyns and Guelffes, and after the Guelffes were suppressed: of principall men of one part of Myllan, became Lordes and absolute maisters of the whole citie, (such frutes for the most are bredd by ciuill discordes.) And in this greatnes after they had continued many yeares, they sought (according to the common aduauncement of tyrannies the better to disguise their vsurpacion with a show of right) to strengthen first with colers lawful, & after to set out their fortune, with most ample titles: there­fore after they had first obteyned of themprours (of whome Italy began to know ra­ther the name then their power) the title of capteines & then vicaires of thempire: In the ende Iohn Galeas (who for that his father in lawe Iohn king of Fraunce had giuen him the earldom of Vertus, called him self Earle of Vertus) obteyned of Vincislao king of Romaines for him & his yssues males, the dignitie of Duke of Myllan, in which suc­ceded him the one after the other Iohn Maria and Phillip Maria his sonnes. But the lyne masculyne being determined by the death of Phillip, albeit, by his testament he had instituted as his heire Alphonso king of Aragon and Naples, partly for the recom­pense of the amitie he shewed at his deliuery, but more, for that the Duchie of Myl­lan defended by so mighty a Prince, should not fall into the subiection of the Veneti­ans aspiring manifestly to it: yet Francis Sforce, at that time a capteine valiant and e­qually seene in affaires of peace and warre, being assisted with many occasions then occurrant, and more esteeming to reigne then to keepe faith: held with armes the sayd Duchie as apperteining to Blanche Maria his wife, the bastard daughter of Phil­lip. And albeit it was supposed that soone after with a small porcion of money, he might haue purchased of themprour Federyk thinuestiture of that state: yet trusting he was able to kepe it by the same meanes wherwith he had wonne it, he made small reckoning of that office in themprour: thus without inuestiture continued Galeaz his sonne, & Iohn Galeaz his later sonne: by reasō whereof Lodovvyk bearing him self wic­kedly at one time against his Nephew liuing, & doing wrong to the memory of his father & brother decessed, mainteined that not one of thē were lawful dukes of Myl­lan, procuring him self, as of an estate diuolued to thempire, to be inuested by Maxi­mylian, & by that reason bare the title not of the 7. but of the 4. Duke of Myllan, which thinges (so long as his Nephew liued) were not suffered to come but to a fewe mens knowledge. Besids, following thexample of Cyrus yonger brother to Artexerses king of Persia, (which also he confirmed with thauthority of many lawyers) he aduowched that he was before his brother not in yeares & age, but for that he was the first borne after their father became Duke of Myllan: This reason togither with the first was be­stowed amongest the imperiall priuileadges, wherin to cloke with a vaine couer the ambicion of Lodovvyk, there was also written in letters separate, that it was not the [Page 26] custom of the holy Empire to consent or passe any estate to any that afore had hol­den it vnder thauthoritie of an other, for which cause Maximylian had kept no rec­koning of the peticions made by Lodovvyk to obteyne thinuestiture for Iohn Galeas, hauing afore acknowledged the same Duchie of the people of Myllan.

In this mariage made by Lodovvyk of his Neece with Maximylian, Ferdinand tooke encrease of hope that Lodovvyk would estraunge him selfe from the amitie of the french king: these were the reasons and arguments of his hope: for that he had knitt him selfe with Maximylian enemie and Corriuall to the french king by ma­ny occasions: the departing with so great a sunme of money might induce the kings suspicion agaynst him: And lastly this newe coniunction ministring occasion of co­rage & hart, he supposed he would not be fearful to diuide him selfe from the french doings: This hope Lodovvyk nourished with great conning, and with the vayle of the same so blinded all others, that at one time he communicated with Ferdinand & the other Potentates in Italy, and withall enterteyned the king of Romaines, and yet kept the french from ielousie: Ferdinand also iudged that it could not but be displea­sing and intollerable to the Senate of Venice (to whom he had sent Embassadors) that a Prince so mightie aboue them should enter the hart of Italy, wherein they had the chiefest place, opinion, and authoritie: besides, he fedd much of the hopes in the king and Queene of Spayne, who had promised him great succors, if neither by per­swasions, offers, nor authoritie, he could not breake the enterprise. On the other side, the french king hauing taken away all impediments, on that side the mountes began to practise to remoue such difficulties as might fall to his hinderance on the other side the hills: In that action he sent Peron de la bache, a man not ignorant in thaffayres of Italy, by thexperience he had there vnder Iohn of Aniovv: who after he had made knowen to the Pope, the Senate of Venice, and the Florentyns, the resoluci­on of his king to recouer the kingdom of Naples, he made peticion to them all to enter societie, fellowshippe, and communitie with him: But he reaped no other frute then frayle hopes and generall aunsweres, for that the warre being not to be executed till the next yeare, euery one refused to discouer so long before, his in­tencion: In like sort, the king required of thembassadors of Florence, (sent to him a litle before by Ferdinands consent to excuse them selues of thimputacion that they inclined to the partie of thAragons) to haue passage and vittells for his armie in their iurisdictions at reasonable rate, and that to accompanie him to the kingdom of Naples, they would furnish him with an hundreth men at armes, which he sayd he required as a signe that the common weale of Florence stoode with him in amitie: Albeit they aunswered him with many reasons and declaracions, that they could not in that sort protest without great perill vntill his armie were past into Italy: And albert they affirmed that he might be well assured that in all accidents and fortunes, that citie should not faile to minister to him, all those conuenient effects, of office, obseruāce, & deuocion, which of long time they had borne to the crown of Fraunce: yet they were constrayned according to the french importunities to promise all those thinges, otherwaies they were threatned to suffer priuacion of that great mart and traffike of marchandize which the Florentyne nation had in that realme: it was knowen after that these compulsions were inforced by Lodovvyk at that time the principall disposer of all the french practises with thItalians.

Peter de medicis labored much to perswade Ferdinand, that those demaunds impor­ted so litle the substance of the warre, that it would be more for his profit if the com­mon weale & he continued amitie with the french king, hauing by that meane good [Page 27] way and oportunitie to make some composicion, then in refusing those small de­maundes, to declare them selues his enemies, and so suffer no possibilitie to doe good to him: he alleadged with all the generall complaynts and hatreds which he should heape vpon him selfe, if the traffike of Florence were restrayned in Fraunce: or that thentercourse there so necessary to thupholding of the citie, should suspende and perhaps come in time to lose his libertie and practise: he told him it was con­uenient in good faith and meaning (the principall ground of consederacions) that euery confederate should suffer patiently some incommoditie, to thende the other ronne not into more greater harmes: But Ferdinand who considered how much of his reputacion and sewertie would diminish if the Florentyns were deuided from him: was not satisfied with these reasons, but complayned greeuously that the faith and constancie of Peter beganne so soone not to aunswer his owne promise & thex­pectacion he had conceiued of him: by reason whereof, Peter resolutly disposed a­boue all thinges to continue in amitie with them of Aragon, vsed many meanes to suspend and deferre the aunswer importunatly demaunded by the french, referring them in the ende to vnderstand the full wills and intencions of the common weale by new Embassadors.

About the ende of this yeare, the alliance made betwene the Pope and Ferdinand, beganne to wauer and shake, either for that the Pope in obiecting newe difficulties, aspyred to obteyne of him greater thinges then he had: or else that he perswaded him selfe to induce him by this meane to bring agayne to his obedience the Cardi­nall S. P. advincula, whom (offering first for his securitie the faith of the colleadge of Cardinalls, of Ferdinand and of the Venetians) he desired much to see returned to Rome: he held his absence much suspected for thimportance of the rocke of Ostia, holding in his handes about Rome, Roncillon and Grotaferare, by the fauors, opinion and authoritie which he had in the court: But chiefly he was ielous ouer him, for that naturally he was desirous of innouacion, and obstinate to hazarde rather all daunger, then to be cut of from one poynt of his councells and purposes. Ferdinand excused him selfe much, that he had no power to apply the Cardinall thereunto, whose suspicion was so great, that all sewertie seemed to him lesse then the perill: he complained to the Pope of his hard fortune, that on him alwayes was layd thimpu­tacion of thinges which in truth proceeded from others: he was sory that the Pope had beleued that by his mocion and by his money, Virginio had bought the castells, being in deede bought without his priuitie or medling▪ In deed he had disposed Vir­ginio to the composicion, & for that effect had furnished him with the money which was giuen in repayment & recompense of the castells: The Pope receiued not these excuses, but with hard and bitter wordes complayned of Ferdinand, & so gaue shew that there could be layed no firme ground of their reconciliacion.

With such a disposicion of mindes and confusion of thinges so apparantly draw­ing to new troubles, began the yeare 1494. (I enterpret the yeare according to the vse of Rome.) A yeare very vnhappy for Italy, and in deede the first of the vnfortunate and miserable yeares, for that in it was made open the way to infinite and horrible calamities, whereof we may well say a great part of the worlde by many accidents, hath tasted euer since. In the beginning of this yeare, King Charles refusing to heare speake of any agreement with Ferdinand, enioyned his Embassadors as messengers of a king enemie, to depart with speede out of the realme of Fraunce: And almost in the same concurrance of time, the sayd Ferdinand dyed suddeinly of an appoplexy Death of Fer­dinand king of Aragon being more trauelled with cares & perplexities of mind, then loaden with yeares, or [Page 28] weakned with olde age: he was a Prince of singular wisedom and industrie, with the which (accompanied with happy fortune) he kept him selfe in the kingdom newly obteyned by his father against many difficulties appearing euen in the beginning of his reigne, and brought to it much more amplitude and greatnes, then was done vn­der any other king perhaps long before: A good king, if he had continued to reigne, in the same maner he began: But either with the variation of times or chaunge of maners, because he knew not (with most Princes now a dayes) how to resist the furie of dominion and rule, or perhaps according to the iudgement of euery one his na­ture and inclinacion beginning nowe to disclose which he had couered afore with great conning: he was esteemed a man of litle faith, and of such violent and cruell moodes, that euen by his owne followers he was iudged worthy of the name of in­humanitie. The opinion was, that the death of Ferdinand hapned very inconuenient for the common affayres, for that, where he would haue proued all remedies to hin­der the descending of the french men, it was not now to be dowted but it would be more hard to make Lodovvyk assure him selfe of the haughtie & immoderate nature of Alphonso, then it was to dispose him to renew amitie with Ferdinand, in whom was for the most part expressed a ready inclinacion (the better to auoyd all quarrels with the state of Myllan) to yeld and condescend to his will: And amongest other things, it is manifest that when Isabell Alphonsoes daughter was brought to Iohn Galeas her husband, Lodovvyk at the first sight suffred him self to slide into so great affection to­wards her, that he desired her of Alphonso for his wife, and to that ende (according to the vniuersall opinion of Italy) he did so much by magick and enchauntments, that Iohn Galeas for many monethes was made vnable to the actiō of mariage: Ferdinand was not intractable to this mariage, but Alphonso so refused and resisted it, that Lo­dovvyk making no hope of it, tooke an other wife by whom hauing children, he tur­ned all his studies and thoughtes to transferre to them the Duchie of Myllan: some suppose and write, that Ferdinand, being determined (for the auoyding of the present warre) to suffer all indignities and incommodities: had an intencion, as soone as the calmnes of the tyme woulde suffer, to goe by sea to Genes, and from thence by lande to Myllan, to satisfie Lodovvyk in all his desires, and to bring againe to Naples his Neece, hoping that not onely with effectes, but also with this publike confession by the which he acknowledged to holde all his estate and well doing vppon him, he should remoue his mind from the warre, or at least somewhat moderate his conspi­ring intencions, the rather for that it was seene to all men of obseruacion, with what wonderfull ambicion and desire, he aspired to be noted the onely arbitrator and oracle of all Italy: Alphonso immediatly after the death of his father, dispat­cheth foure Embassadors to the Pope, who albeit shewed manifest signes that he was returned to the first inclinacion of amitie with the french, and had at the same tyme by bull subsigned by the colleadge of Cardinalles, promised at the french Kinges request, the estate of Cardinall to the Byshoppe of S. Malo, and retey­ned in common with the Duke of Myllan Prosper Colonne whome the Kinge afore had taken to his pay, togither with other Capteynes and leaders of men of warre: yet he made no greate difficultie to accorde in regarde of the profitable condici­ons offered by Alphonso, who desired much to be assured of him and to bynd him to his protection and defence: They made these open conuencions, that there Confederaci­on betwene the Pope and Alphonso k▪ of Naples. should be betwene them a confederacion for the defence of their estates, with equal leuyes of men by both: That the Pope shoulde conferre vnto Alphonso the inuesti­ture of the kingdom, with diminucion of tribute obteyned by Ferdinand of other [Page 29] Popes for his life onely: that the Pope should send a legatt to crowne him: That he should create Cardinall Lodovvyk sonne of Henry, bastard brother to Alphonso, who afterwardes was called Cardinall of Aragon: That king Alphonso should pay imme­diatly to the Pope thirtie thowsand duckatts: That he should indue the Duke of Can­dia with estates within the realme of xij. thowsand duckatts reuenue yearly, togither with the first of the seauen principall offices that should be voyd: That he should in­terteyne him so long as the Pope liued in his pay with three hundreth men at armes, with the which he should be bounde to serue the one and the other equally and in­differently: That he should giue to Dom Geffray, (who for the pawne of his fathers fayth was nowe to goe to his father in lawe) the estate of Pronotorye and one of the seuen offices, ouer and besides the promises of the first contracte: That he shoulde bestowe the reuenue of benefices in the Realme vppon Caesar Borgia the Popes sonne, who a litle before was created Cardinall by his father, wherein, to auoyde impediments of being a bastard, to whom it hath not bene accustomed to graunt such dignities) he made proofe by subborned testimonies that he was the sonne lawefull of an other: Besides all this, Virginio Vrsin (who by the Kinges sen­ding for came to this capitulacion) promised that the King shoulde ayde the Pope to recouer the rocke of Ostia, if the Cardinall S. P. ad vincula refused to come to Rome. This promise King Alphonso affirmed without his consent or priuitie, and well saw that in so daungerous seasons, it would bring no litle preiudice to him to be de­priued of the Cardinall whose authoritie was not small ouer the towne of Genes, which he determined to surprise by the setting on of the Cardinall. And because a­midd so great troubles and emotions, there might perhaps be treaties of councells or other matters preiudiciall to the sea apostolike, he did what he could to vnite him with the Pope, who not satisfied with any condicion if the Cardinall returned not to Rome, and the Cardinall being most obstinate to hazard his life vnder the faith of those Catylins as he termed them, the diligence of Alphonso was in vayne, and his desire of no effect: for after the Cardinall with many dissembled and flourishing shewes, had giuen almost assured hope to accept the condicions: he stale away by night from Ostia in a brigantyne well appoynted, and at a time when was least rea­son to dowt any such euasion, leauing the rocke armed with sufficient garrison: And reapposing certeine dayes at Sauone, and spending some litle time at Auignion, (of which citie he was Legatt) he went lastly to Lyons, where king Charles was come a litle before, to prepare with better oportunitie and reputacion the prouisions of the warre which he published he would execute in person: he was receiued of the king with great ioy and honor, and immediatly ioyned him selfe to those that studied to trouble Italy.

In this meane while Alphonso, more by feare then proper inclinacion, forgott not to continue with Lodovvyk Sforce that which had bene begonne by his father, offering him the same satisfactions: But Lodovvyk to whom nothing was more fa­miliar then to dissemble, deuised to enterteyne him with diuerse hopes, but with de­monstracions that he was constrained to proceede in such exact order and conside­racion, least the warre determined against others, tooke not his beginning against him, he left not for all this to solicite and vrge the preparacions in Fraunce, where­in to expresse the deuocion of his minde with better effect, and to resolue all parti­cularities occurrant in that expedicion, and lastly least the execution of all thinges determined shoulde suffer suspence or haue slowe action: he sent thether (coulering it with a brute of the Kinges pleasure) Galeaz of S. Seuerin husband to one of his [Page 30] bastard daughters and in whom he reapposed great confidence and fauors. Accor­ding to the councells of Lodovvyk, king Charles sendes to the Pope foure Embassa­dors, with charge that in passing by Florence, they shoulde make instance for the de­claracion The french k. sendeth Em­bassadors to the Pope, Flo­rentins and Venice. of that common weale. The Embassadors were Eberard Daubigny a Scot­tish Capteine of nation, the generall of Fraunce, the President of the parliament of Prouence, & the same Peron la Bache, that had bene with them the yeare before. They according to their instructions (set downe chiefly at Myllan,) recounted in both the one and other places the rightes which the french king (as successor to the house of Aniovv, and for want of yssue in Charles the first,) pretended to the realme of Naples, togither with his royall determinacion to passe that yeare into Italy in person, not to intrude into any thing that belonged to an other, but to reobteyne that which iustly was his owne: And to giue his voyage a more pawsible passage in the mindes of men, they sayd his mind and meaninges were not so much fixed vpon the conquest of Naples, as that afterwards he would turne his forces against the Turkes, for the ser­uice of Iesu Christ, & glory of his name. They declared to the Florentynes, how much their king assured him selfe of that citie hauing bene reedified by Charlemain, and fa­uored alwaies of the kinges his predecessors, and lately of king Levvys his father in the warres vniustly managed against them by Pope Sixtus, by Ferdinand last dead, & Alphonso now raigning. They willed them to loke into the great profits comming to their nation by traffike and entercourse in the realme of Fraunce, where they were fauored with familiaritie and offices as if they were naturall of the region itself And with that example they might hope to haue in the kingdom of Naples, (if he became Lord of it) the selfe same libertie of trade, sewertie and benefit, where, of them of A­ragon they neuer receiued other thinges, then domage, daungers, and displeasures. They recommended to their good councells the consideracion of these things, and to protest by some token that they would ioyne with him in this enterprise. But if they were restrayned by some iust impediment, reason or excuse, atleast that they would graunt libertie of passage to his armie thorow their territories, and refreshing and vittells for his money. They debated these thinges with the common weale and generall state, but they recommended particularly to P. de medicis, the respect of ma­ny goodturnes and honors done by Levvys the xj. to his father and auncestors: how he in very ielous and daungerous seasons, had made many demonstracions for the preseruacion of their greatnes, and in signe of amitie, had honored them with the skotchio [...]s and armes proper to the house of Fraunce: where, Ferdinand not satisfi­ed to persecute them with open and violent warre, did also with a minde sworne to their ruine, take parte with the ciuill conspiracies wherein Iulyan his vncle was kil­led, and Lavvrence his father sore hurt. The Embassadors went out of Florence with­out resolucion, & being at Rome, they preferred to the Popes remembrance the aun­cient merits and perpetuall deuocion of the crowne of Fraunce to the sea apostolike, whereof were autentike testimonies, all recordes both auncient and present, and of the contrary, they insinuated the ordinary contumacie and disobedience of them of Aragon, and referred the proofe to the view and construction of their actions past. Then they demaunded that the realme of Naples might be inuested in the person of their king, as iustly apperteyning to him. They allured him with many hopes, and made many offers, so that he woulde be fauorable to thenterprise, which their king had taken vpon him as much by his perswasions and authoritie, as for other occasi­ons. To this demaund the Pope aunswered that thinuestiture of that realme hauing bene graunted by so many his predecessors to three kinges of the house of Aragon [Page 31] successiuely (for in thinuestiture graunted to Ferdinand, Alphonso was comprehended by name) it was not conuenient to giue it to king Charles afore it was declared by forme of iustice that he had good right, whereunto thinuestiture graunted to Al­phonso was not preiudiciall, for that for such consideracion it conteyned expresse mencion, that it was ment without the preiudice of any person: he tolde them that the realme of Naples did directly belong to the sea apostolike, whose authoritie he knew was farre from the kings will to violat, and no lesse contrary to thintencions of his auncestors who had bene alwayes the principall defenders of the same: But if he should doe any violent action vpon Naples, it could not be without manifest in­trusion & transgression of the holy sea, and bring dishonor to the reputacion & me­rits of his elders: it would better become his dignitie and vertues, to seeke to iustifie his pretence of right by course of iustice & moderate equitie, wherein as Lord, Pa­trone, & onely iudge of such a cause he offered him selfe ready to administer to him: And that a Christian king ought not to demaund more of a Pope, whose office was to restraine and forbid, and not to enterteyne and nourish warres betwene Princes christened: And though he should so farre incline to the kings will, yet he shewed many difficulties and daungers both by the neighbourhood of Alphonso and the Flo­rentyns, whose vnitie all Tuskane followed, and also for the consanguinitie & alliance of so many Barons holding of the king of Naples, whose estates stretched euen to the gates of Rome. Notwithstanding all this, he enforced him selfe, not to cut of their hope altogither, albeit he bare priuatly this setled resolucion not to depart from the confederacion made with Alphonso. At Florence thinclinacion was great and gene­rall to the house of Fraunce, for the liberall mart & traffike which that state had with the french: for an olde opinion (but vntrue) that Charlemain was the reedifier of their citie destroyed by Tottila kinge of Gothes: for the auncient coniunction and ami­tie which their auncestors the Guelffes haue had long time with Charles the first, king of Naples, and with many of his lyne protectors of the faction of Guelffes in Italy. And [...]4 [...] lastly for the memorie of the warres, which the olde Alphonso, & after him Ferdinand in the person of his sonne, had areared against that citie. By the reason, recordacion, and memorie of these thinges, the communaltie and multitude cried to consent to free conduct and passage, desiring no lesse the best authorised and wise citisens in that common weale to whom it seemed a great partialitie and ouersight to pull vp­on the countrey of Florence, (for the controuersies of an other) so present and daungerous a warre: they held it no pollicie to oppose them selues against so mighty an armie managed in the personne of A king of Fraunce, descending into Italy with the fauour of the state of Myllan, and no resistance of the gouernment of Venice, though they publish no manifest consent: this councell they confirmed with thauthoritie of Cosmo de medicis (esteemed in his time one of the wisest in Italy) who, in the warres betwene Iohn of Aniovv and Ferdinand, gaue alwayes this councell, that the citie of Florence should not obiect it selfe against Iohn: notwithstanding the Pope & Duke of Myllan were ioyned with Ferdinand. They remembred withall, the example of Lavvrence father to Peter, who was of the same aduise vppon euery brute of the re­turne of them of Aniovv: yea so much was he amased with the power of the french since the same king obteyned Britaine, that he would often times say, that great trou­bles were prepared for all Italians, if the king of Fraunce knew his owne strength. But Peter de medicis who measured thinges more by will then by wisedome, abused him selfe to much with his owne opinion, beleuing that these emocions would rather re­solue into brutes then into effects: wherein being gouerned by some his speciall fa­uorits [Page 32] corrupted perhaps with the presents of Alphonso, determined resolutly to con­tinue in amitie with the Aragons, ‘whereunto in the ende all the residue of the Citi­sens must condescend by reason of his greatnes: Ambicion is an vnquiet humor in man:’ it may be that Peter not content with thauthoritie which his father had got in the common weale (& yet such, by his disposing, that though Magistrats were crea­ted, yet they determined no matters of importāce without his aduise) aspired to a po­wer more absolute euen to the title of Prince: he did not debate with discression the condicions of that citie, who, at that time being populous in multitudes, and migh­ty in riches, and nourished by many ages with an apparance of a common weale, the principall Citisens being accustomed to participate in the gouernment, rather in forme of companions then subiectes, would hardly endure so great and suddein mu­tacion: And therefore, Peter knowing that to the holding vpp of his ambicion must be ioyned foundacions extraordinary: and the better to haue a mighty piller to sup­port his new principallitie: he restrained him selfe immoderatly to thAragons, deter­mining in their course to communicate with their fortunes. Thus perhaps was fur­thered by this accident: not many dayes before thembassadors of the french ariued at Florence, there came to light certeine practises, which Lavvrence and Iohn de me­dicis, yong men rich, and neare in bludd to Peter, and lately become his enemies vp­on certein light occasions of youth, conspired with Lodovvik Sforce and by him with the french king directly against the greatnes of Peter: But being arested by the Ma­gistrates, they were with light punishment returned to their houses in the countrey, for that the temperance of the Magistrates preuailing with Peter not without some difficulties, induced him not to suffer the lawes to execute any extreme action vpon his kinred and bludd: But receiuing warning by this accident that Lodovvyk Sforce thirsted after his ruine, he esteemed it so much the more needefull to remaine still in his first purpose: At last thembassadors were aunswered, but much to their discon­tentment, and more contrary to their desire: in place of the conclusion they hoped The Floren­tyns aunswere the french Embassadors. for, they were told with wordes reuerent and respectiue, with what naturall deuoci­on the people of Florence, honored the house of Fraunce, togither with their commō desire to satisfie so great a king: on the other side they made declaracion of their im­pediments, as that there could be nothing more vnworthy of Princes and common weales, then not to keepe faith promised, which vnlesse they should apparantly de­file and breake, they could not now satisfie his demaundes, and content the time to­gither: They sayd, as yet was not ended the confederacion which by thauthoritie of king Levvys his father was made with Ferdinand with couenant, that after his death it should stretch to Alphonso: wherein they were bound by special condicion not on­ly to defend the realme of Naples, but also to giue no passage thorow their countries to any that went about to inuade it: Lastly that it brought no small greefe to them, that there was such difference betwene their desires and wills, and that they had no power to make other resolucions then such as must either make the king displeased, or bring great preiudice to their whole estate: Onely they hoped that the king be­ing wise and iust, would interpret them according to their good wills, and referre to those reasonable impediments that which they could not promise.

The king made angrie with this aunswere, commaunded immediatly thembassa­dors The french king angry with the Flo­rentyns aun­swere. of Florence to depart out of Fraunce, and following the councell of Lodovvyk Sforce, he banished out of Lyons, not the generall marchauntes, but onely the factors and bankers of P. de medicis, to the ende that they might iudge at Florence, that he ac­knowledged this iniurie particularly vpon Peter, and not vpon the body of the state.

[Page 33]The other Potentats of Italy being diuided amongest them selues, some bearing fauor to the french, and some fearing calamities and extreme fortunes, the Venetians onely determined to remaine newters, and with an idle eye to behold the yssue of all thinges, perhaps they were not much troubled that Italy should fall into garboyle, hoping that the long warres of others would giue them oportunitie to enlarge their estate: or perhaps the opinion of their greatnes would not suffer them to be dowt­full of perills: And therefore not fearing that the victors could haue any fortune o­uer them, they iudged it a folly to make proper to them, the warres of others, & had no apparant necessitie. And yet Ferdinand ceassed not to solicite them continually, The french king prayeth amitie of the Venetians. and the french king the yeare before, and euen then had sent to them Embassadors who forgat not to declare that betwene the house of Fraunce & that common weale, was alwayes amitie and good will, and as occasion offered mutuall effectes and offi­ces expressed. The which disposicion, the king seeking to augment and ratifie, he de­sired of that wise Senate councell and fauor in his enterprise, whereunto they aun­swered The aunswer of the Vene­tians. with this moderacion and breuitie: that the king for him selfe was so wise & foreseeing, & enuironed with a councel so graue and ripe, that it could not be with­out too much presuming to ioyne to him their opinions and councells. They would be alwayes glad of his prosperities & good fortunes for the obseruances which they had alwaies borne to the crowne of Fraunce: They were not a litle greeued, that they could not accompany the readines of their mindes with those effectes they desired, for that by the suspicion wherein the Turke kept them continually wanting neither desire nor oportunities to vexe them: Necessitie compelled them to keepe alwayes with great charges many yles and coast townes fronting vppon him, the same being the cause that they could not make them selues parties to the warre of an other But the preparacions which were made on all sides as well by lande as sea, were of farre greater importance then eyther the orations of thembassadors, or the aunsweres made to them: for, king Charles had sent Peter d'Vrfe his great Esquier, to Genes (o­uer which citie the duke of Myllan commaunded by the ayde of the faction of Ador­ne and I. L. de fiesco signo) to rigge vp a mighty armie of shippes and gallies, causing also to be armed other vessells in the portes of Ville Franche and Marselles. This was the cause of the brute in his court, that he determined to enter the kingdom of Na­ples by sea, as had done afore time Iohn sonne of Rene against Ferdinand: In Fraunce albeit many beleued, that what for the youth of the king, and the base condicion & slender conduct of such as stirred him to this expedicion, togither with the want & necessitie of money, these preparacions in them would dissolue & vanish into smoke: yet, to satisfie the desire of the king who by the aduise of his fauorits had newly taken vpon him the title of king of Ierusalem and both Cycylyes (then the title of the kinges of Naples:) There was generall and diligent order giuen on all partes for the prouisi­ons of the warre: as making of musters, gathering of money, remouing of men, with other industries due to such expedicions: And no councell had but with Galeas de S. Seuerin, who held inclosed in his mind all the secrets & purposes of Lodovvyk Sforce: Of the other side Alphonso in whom had wanted no pollicie or diligence to fortifie him selfe by sea and by land (iudging now there was no more time to suffer him selfe to be mocked with the hopes of Lodovvyk Sforce, and that it serued better for him to amaze and vexe him, then to trauell to assure or appaise him) commaunded them­bassador of Myllan to retyre out of Naples, and reuoked his that was resident at Myl­lan: he sequestred also and tooke into his possession the reuenues of the Duchie of Bary, which Lodovvyk had enioyed many yeares by the gift of Ferdinand. And not [Page 34] content with these thinges, which were rather demonstracions of open hatred, then wronges or offences, he disposed all his witts, to turne from the Duke of Myllan, the citie of Genes, A matter of right great importance for the present affayres, for that by the reuolt and chaunge of that citie, would happen many meanes to trouble Lodo­vvyk in his gouernment of Myllan, and from the french king should be taken away all oportunities to molest the realme of Naples by sea: Therefore hauing made secrete pact with Cardinall Pavvle Fregose, afore times Duke of Genes, & still followed with many of the same familie: and with Obietto de fiesquo, two principal men both for the towne and sea, togither with some particulars of the Adorneys, all banished out of Ge­nes for diuerse occasions: he determined to assaie with a strong armie at sea, to sett them all in the towne againe (following that he was wont to say, that warres are o­uercomen either in preuenting thennemie, or diuerting him: he determined in like sort to goe him selfe into Romagnia with a mighty armie, and to make suddeine inua­sion vpon the landes of Parma, where publishing the name of Iohn Galeas, and display­ing his banners, he hoped that the peoples of the Duchie of Myllan would rise a­gainst Lodovvik: And be it that in this were found many difficulties, yet he iudged it profitable that the warre should beginne farre from his realme: he esteemed it also to great importance for the substance of the warre, that the french men should be surprised with the winter in Lombardye: wherein hauing greate experience in the warres of Italy, (whose armies attending the riping of grasse and forrage for the fee­ding of horses, were not wont to take the fielde afore the ende of Aprill:) he iudged that to eschew the sharpnes of winter, they would be constrayned to stay in a coun­trey of their frendes till spring time: In which intermission and respi [...]e of time he ho­ped that some occasion for his benefit might happen. Besides, he sent Embassadors to Constantinople, to demaund succors as in a common daunger of B. Ottoman Prince of the Turkes, for that it was resolued in the french kinges intencion to passe into Greece after he had wonne Naples, which daunger he knew wel the Turke would not despise, for that by the memory of the warres made in times past against the Infidels in Asia by the french nation, the feare which the Turkes had of their armes was not litle.

Whilest these thinges were thus solicited on all partes, the Pope sent his men to Ostia vnder the gouernment of Nicholas Vrsin Counte of Petillane, to whom Alphonso sent strength and succors both by sea and land: he tooke the towne without difficul­tie, and then beganne to batter the castell, which (by the meane of Fabrice Colonne, and consent of Iohn de la Rouere prefect of Rome, and brother to Cardinall S. P. ad vin­cula) was easily rendred to him by the castell keeper, with this condicion, that the Pope neither with censures of the Church, nor temporall armes, should pursue the Cardinall nor the prefect, if they gaue him no new occasions: And it was suffered to Fabrice, in whose handes the Cardinall had left Grotta Ferrara, to continue the pos­session of the same with the same rights, paying to the Pope ten thowsand duckatts. But Lodovvyk Sforce (to whom the Cardinall when he passed by Sauonne, had made knowen that which Alphonso by his meanes and councells negociated secretly with the exiles of Genes) declared to king Charles what a great impediment that would giue to his enterprise, & therfore induced him to send to Genes two thowsand Svvis­sers, & dispatch into Italy with speede three hundreth launces to be ready vnder the gouernment of Mons. d'aubigny, (who returning from Rome, stayed by the kings com­maundement at Myllan) both to assure Lombardye, and to passe further according to occasions and necessities: To these should be ioyned fiue hundreth men at armes, I­talians [Page 35] enterteyned at that time in the Kinges pay vnder Iohn fr. de S. Seuerin Counte of Gaiazze, Galeot Pico Counte of Myrandola, and Radolphe of Gonsague, togither with fiue hundreth which the Duke of Myllan was bound to furnish: who not leauing his oldeshiftes and suttleties, continued to confirme in the Pope and Peter de medicis his inclinacion to the peace & sewertie of Italy, nourishing them with varietie of hopes which were not without their apparant demonstracions.

It can not almost be, but that which men make great sewertie of, ‘ingendreth some dowte, euen in the mindes of such as haue determined to beleue the contrary: for albeit there was no great faith giuen to the promises of Lodovvyk: yet it hapned not for all that, that their determined enterprises suffered in any sort slowe successe or proceedings: And the Pope & P. de medicis could haue bene well content that then­terprise had bene proued to surprise Genes: But because in the action they should di­rectly offend thestate of Myllan, the Pope, (Alphonso requiring his gallies & to ioyne his men with him in Romagnia,) consented to the seruice of his men for the common defence in Romagnia, but not to passe further: And touching the gallies, he made dif­ficultie, saying it was not yet time to put Lodovvyk so much in despaire. The Floren­tyns being required to receiue Alphonsoes armie by sea in the port of Lyuorne, and to refresh them, remained in suspence vpon the matter, for that making excuses to the demaundes of the french king, and being acquited vnder the pretence of the confe­deracion passed with Ferdinand, they were very vnwillingly disposed to doe more without necessitie, then they were bound vnto by that confederacion.

Matters being now not able to suffer any longer delay, the armie by sea of Alphon­so The king of Naples sen­deth out his forces. departed at last from Naples vnder the charge of thAdmirall Dom Federyk: & Al­phonso in person assembled his armie in Abruzze to passe into Romania: But afore a­ny further action was done, he thought it necessary to communicat with the Pope, who had the same desire, the better to establish all thinges that were to be done for their common safetie.

The Pope and Alphonso met togither the xiij of Iuly at Vicouare, a place appertei­ning to Virginio Vrsin, where after they had spent three dayes, they returned well a­greed: In this meeting and consultacion it was determined by the councell of the Pope, that the person of the king of Naples should passe no further: his armie contei­ned litle lesse then a hundreth squadrons of men at armes, accompting xx. men to a squadron: And very neare three thowsand crosboweshott and light horsemen: Of this armie it was agreed that one part should stay with him vpon the frontyers of A­bruzze for his safetie and sewertie of the state ecclesiastike: And that Virginio should remeine in the town of Rome to make head against the Collonoys: for dread of whom, also it was agreed that two hundreth of the men at armes of the Pope and a part of the light horsemen of the king should not stirre out of Rome: That thexpedicion in­to Romania should be performed in the person of Ferdinand Duke of Calabria, (that was the title of the eldest sonne to the king of Naples) A yong Prince of great hope: leading with him lxx. squadrons with the residue of the light horsemen, and most part of the Popes companies such as he erected for defence: There were ioyned with him (as moderators of his youth) Iohn Iacques Triuulso gouerner of the souldiers of the king of Naples, and the Counte Petillane, who from the Popes pay was become mercynary to the king of Naples, both Capteynes of great experience and reputaci­on: Seeing they ment to leade an armie into Lombardye, it was thought good that it should passe in the person of Ferdinand, for the societie of blud and duble parentage which he had with Iohn Galeas husband to Isabell his sister, and sonne of Iohn Galeas, [Page 36] brother to Hipollita who was mother to Ferdinand: But touching the actions of this parliament betwene the Pope and Alphonso, that of most importance, was, concer­ning the Collonois, for that it was discerned by manifest signes that they aspired to new intelligences: seeing that Prosper and Fabricius hauing serued in the pay of the late king of Naples, and by him recompensed with estates and honorable places: Prosper (the king being dead) after many promises made to Alphonso to reenter into his pay, was by the working of Cardinall Ascanius, entred into the common pay of the Pope and the Duke of Myllan, refusing afterwards to take the Popes pay being much soli­cited: And Fabricius, who had continued in the seruice of Alphonso hauing regard to the disdayne of the Pope and the king of Naples against Prosper: made difficultie to goe with the Duke of Calabria into Romania, if first by some conuenient meanes were not reestablished and assured the affayres of Prasper and all the familie of Colonne: This was the cooler of their difficulties: But secretly they both were become merce­nary to the french king, (partly drawne by the great amitie they had with Cardinall Ascanius, who forsaking Rome a few dayes afore for suspicion of the Pope, was retired to their landes) and partly for hope of larger payes, but much more moued with displeasure that Virginio Vrsin chiefe of the contrary faction bare greatest rule with Alphonso, and participated more then they in his prosperities: But to keepe this thing conceiled vntill they might with sewertie declare them selues his souldiers, they trea­ted continually with the Pope and Alphonso, by whom was made great instance, that Prosper taking pay of them, would leaue the wages of the Duke of Myllan, for that o­therwayes they could not be assured of him: The Collonoys made show of desire to accord with them, but to thende to determine nothing, they moued one tyme one difficultie and sometimes an other, vpon the condicions that were offered.

In that practise, there was diuersitie of wills betwene Alexander and Alphonso, for that Alexander desiring to dispoyle them of the places they held about Rome, cheri­shed the occasion to assayle them: and Alphonso who had no other intencion then to assure them, was not inclined to the warre but for a last remedie: but he durst not oppose against the couetousnes of the Pope. At last they determined to constrayne them by armes, and appointed forces and orders howe it should be done, assaying notwithstanding afore, if within few dayes their controuersies might be accorded.

These things, with many others, were debated on all partes, mens witts wandring The beginning of the warre. and their mindes vnresolute, their feares generall, but their hopes full of suspicions and incerteinties, in their wills no consent or vnitie, and all their coniectures and iudgements full of error, no, none that could moderat their expectacion, and much lesse iudge what woulde be the ende of those tragicall preparacions: but at last the warre of Italy tooke beginning by the going of Dom Federyk to the enterprise of Ge­nes The king of Naples sen­deth out an armie to take the citie of Genes. leading an armie no dowt of greater proporcion and better prouision, then had bene seene of long time before ronne ouer the streames and sea of Tyrrennum: it con­teyned xxxv. light or suttle galleyes, eighteene shippes, with many other lesser ves­sells, great quantitie of artillerie, and three thowsand footemen to put on lande: By reason of which great equipage, and leading with them the exiles, the armie depar­ted out of Naples with great hope of the victorie: But their lingring and slow depar­ting, caused by those difficulties which commonly follow great enterprises, & partly abused by the conning hopes which Lodovvyk gaue them, and partly for that they stayed in the portes of Sienna to leuye to the number of v. thowsand footemen, made hard and daungerous, that, which being assayed one moneth afore, would haue ben easie and without perill: for, the enemies (by their slow proceedings) had leasure to [Page 37] dresse a stronge prouision, putting within Genes the baylif of Dyon, with two thow­sand Svvyzzers leuyed and payed by the french, and already ordered and rigged a great part of the shippes and galleyes which were armed in that port, and one parte of the vessells furnished at Marseilles, being there arriued also: Besides, Lodovvyk for his part spared for no expēses, but dispatched thether Gasper de S. Seuerin, called Fra­casse, with Anthonie Maria his brother, with many footemen: And because he would compound his strength no lesse vpon the good wills & hartes of Genes, then of for­reine forces, he confirmed with giftes, pensions, and promises of many recompenses the courage and intencion of Iohn Loys de Fiesquo, brother to Obietto, the Adornes, and many other gentlemen and populars much importing to keepe that citie in his de­uocion: he had also called to Myllan many factions of the banished men aswell of the towne as riuers of Genes: To these prouicions mighty enough of them selues, did giue great reputacion and sewertie the person and presence of Lovvys Duke of Lowys Duke of Orleans entreth Genes, and preserues it. Orleance, who about the same tymes that the Aragons flete was discouered in the sea of Genes, entred that citie by commission of the french king, hauing first communi­cated in Alexandria vpon the common affayres with Lodovvyk Sforce, who (as the doings of mortall men are full of thicke darknes) had receiued him with great glad­nes and honor, but as a companion, not knowing howe soone his whole estate and life would fall into his power.

These accidentes were the causes why the Aragons (determined before to present their fleete afore the port of Genes, vnder hope that the parties and confe­derates with thexiles would draw into some insurrection) chaunging now councell with the occasion, resolued to assayle the riuer: And after some diuersitie of opini­ons, whether in the riuer of Leuant or the West, were best to beginne: the aduise of Obietto preuayled, who promising him selfe much vppon them of the waters of Leuant, they adressed them selues to the towne of Portouenere, to the which they gaue assault for many howers in vayne, for that it was refurnished from Genes with fowre hundreth footemen, and the courages of thinhabitants well resolute and confirmed by Iohn Lovvys de Fyesquo lately come thither: Being out of hope to carie the towne by assault, they retyred to the porte of Lyuorne, to reuittell their shippes, and refurnish their companies of footemen: for, when they vnderstood that the townes and peeces vppon the riuer were in good condicion of defence and prouicion, they iudged that to that action was necessary a greater supply of force: At Lyuorna, Federyk being aduertised that the french armie inferior to his in gal­lyes, but mightier in shippes was in preparacion to fall out of the port of Genes: sent backe agayne to Naples his shippes to be able with more readines by the swift­nes of his galleyes to keepe aloof from thennemie, if with their shippes and gallyes togither they shoulde sett on him, hoping notwithstanding to vanquish them, if their gallyes were separate from their shippes, eyther by aduenture, or by will.

In the selfe same seasons, the Duke of Calabria marched towardes Romania, with The Duke of Calabria mar­cheth towards Calabria. the armie by lande, with intencion to passe afterwardes into Lombardye, according to the first resolucions: But to haue his passage more free and easie, and to leaue no impediments or perills behind his backe, it was needefull to ioyne to him the state of Bologne, and the cities of Gmola and Furly: for Cesene a citie immediatly sub­iect to the Pope and the citie of Faense, belonging to Astor de Manfreddi, a young gentleman, pensionary and gouerned vnder the protection of the Florentyns, were to giue willingly all commodities to the Aragons armie. Octauyan sonne to Ieronimo de Riare, was Lord of Furly and Gmola, with a title of vicaire of the Church, but in mi­noritie [Page 38] & vnder gouernment of Katthern Sforce his mother, with whom many mo­nethes before, the Pope and Alphonso had practised to enterteyne Octauyan in their common pay, with condicion to defend his estates: but the matter remeyned im­perfect, partly by the difficulties she alleaged, to the ende to get better condicions: And partly for that the Florentyns dwelling still in their former purpose not to ex­ceede the bondes they had with Alphonso to the preiudice of the french king, could not be resolued to be concurrant in this practise, to the which their consent was ne­cessary, because the Pope & the king would not alone susteyne the charge: but much more for that Kattherne would not put in daunger that citie, onles with the others, the Florentyns would be bound to the gard and defense of the estates of her sonne: These difficulties were taken away by the meting and speaking togither, which Fer­dinand, (drawing his armie by the way of Marrechia into Romania) had with Peter de medicis in the village of S. Sepulcher: where he offered him in the name of his fa­ther king Alphonso, franke power to dispose of him and his armie in all the seruices which he had intencion to execute for the affayres of Florence, Siena, & Faensa: these offers giuing a newe life to the auncient courage of Peter, as soone as he was retur­ned to Florence, he ordeyned (notwithstanding the disswasions of the wisest Citi­sens) that thaccord should be subsigned, for that Ferdinand had instātly desired him. This being dispatched at the common charges of the Pope, Alphonso, and the Flo­rentyns, not many dayes after, they had the citie of Bolognia at their deuocion, enter­teyning Iohn Bentyuole (vnder whose authoritie and direction the citie was gouer­ned) in the same maner the Pope promised, hauing withall the faith of king Alphon­so and P. de medicis, to create Cardinall Anthonie Galeas his sonne, then pronotorye of the sea.

These thinges gaue to the armie of Ferdinand a great reputacion, which yet had bene more great, if with those successes he had sooner entred into Romania: But by his slow speede to march out of the kingdom, and the diligent care and watching of Lodovvyk Sforce, Ferdinand was no soner arriued at Cesena, then Monsr. D'aubygny, and the Count Caiazze, gouernor ouer the companies of Sforce, togither with a great part of the armie appoynted to make heade against the Aragons, being passed with­out let by Bolognia, entred the countrey of Ymola: by meanes whereof, Ferdinand ha­uing lost his first hopes to passe into Lombardie, was compelled to setle the warre in Romania, where (other cities following the partie of thAragons) Rauenna and Ceruia, cities of the Venetian iurisdiction, barefauor to neither side. This litle countrey stret­ching along the riuer of Pavv, & in the possession of the Duke of Ferrara, spared no one cōmoditie to the companies of the french & Sforce. Touching P. de medicis, nei­ther the difficulties hapning in thenterprise of Genes, nor thimpediments occurring in Romania, could bridle his rashnes: for, being bownd by a secret cōuencion without the knowledge of the common weale, made with the Pope and Alphonso to oppose him self openly against the french king: he had not only cōsented that the Neapolytan armie at sea should be receiued & refreshed in the hauē of Lyuorne, with power to le­uye footemē through the whole territory of Florence: but also restraining his rashnes to no limit, he wrought so, that Anniball Bētiuole, sonne of Iohn, mercenary to the Flo­rentyns, wēt with his charge, & the cōpanies of Astor de Manfreddi, & ioyned with the campp of Ferdinand, as soone as he entred into the contrey of Furly, & sent besides, to the sayd Bentyuole, a thowsand footemen with artilleries. Such a like disposicion was alwaies diserned in the Pope, who, besides the prouisions of warre, not contented to haue exhorted by writing the yeare before, king Charles not to passe into Italy, but to [Page 39] proceede by way of iustice and not armes, reinioyned him eftsoones by an other sig­neture, The [...]. the selfe same thinges vppon payne of the Church censures: And by the bi­shop of Calagorre his Nuncio at Venice, (whether for the same effect were gone thē ­bassadors of Alphonso, & they of Florence, who notwithstanding made not such open demaundes) he perswaded much that Senate, that for the common benefite of Italy, they would protest publike resistance against the french purposes, or at least to giue Lodovvyk roundly to vnderstand, that he was much discontented with this innoua­cion: But the Senate aunswered by the Duke, that it was farre from the office of a The Vereti­ans [...]rs. wise Prince, to pull the warre vpon his owne howse, and take it from an other, nor to consent to doe either by demonstracions or effects, any thing that may displease ei­ther of the parties: And because the king of Spaine, solicited instantly by the Pope & Alphonso, promised (for the succors of Naples) to send into Scycile an armie by sea well furnished, and at last made excuse that it could not be so soone ready for want of money: the Pope gaue consent (besides a certeine porcion which Alphonso sent him) & power, that he might conuert into that vse, the moneyes gathered in Spaine by the Apostolike authoritie vnder coler of the Croysade, which ought not to be em­ployed against others then thennemies to the faith Christian: Alphonso also, besides those he had already sent to the great Turke, dispatched of new Camylla Pandon, with whom was sēt secretly by the Pope George Bucciardo a Genovvay, whose seruice Pope Innocent had vsed there afore, who being receiued with great honor of Baiazet, & di­spatched with no lesse expedicion, brought home large promises of succors: which albeit was confirmed a litle after by an Embassador sent by the Turke to Naples, yet either for the distance of places, or for the distrust he had of the Christians, those promises brought forth no effect: In this time, Alphonso & P. de medicis seing their ar­mies succeeded not happily by land nor sea, they labored to beguile L. Sforce, vsing his owne craftes & connings, but their industrie brought forth no betteryssue, then theirforces. It was thopinion of many, that Lodovvyk, for the consideracion of his Coniectures against the suttelties of Lodowyk Sforce. proper daunger, was not content that the french king should conquere Naples: but his plot was, that assoone as he was made Duke of Myllan, and that the french armie had passed into Tuscane, to worke some accorde, by the which Alphonso should ac­knowledge him selfe tributarie to the crowne of Fraunce, with assurance to the king of office and obseruancie, and so the king (the places which the Florentyns helde in Lunigiane, reuerting perhaps out of their hands) to returne into Fraunce: So that the Florentynes by this meane should remeyne battered, the king of Naples diminished of force and authoritie, and he become Duke of Myllan, should haue got for his sew­ertie so much as was sufficient, without feare to fall into the daungers which might happen by the victorie of the french: he had hope also that the winter comming on, the king would suffer such difficulties as would let the course of his victorie: Lastly he iudged that waighing with thimpacience of the french, the kinges slender proui­cion of money, and the wills of many of his people estranged from thenterprise, there would not want meanes to worke composicion.

‘This was a grosse error in his pollecie, to breede the storme, and leaue the de­fence to possibilities dowtefull: it is too daungerous to broach a vessell of poyson, and haue the vertue of the antydote vncerteyne: fier suffered to ronne, burnes with­out lymitt, euen to the consuming of such as first kyndled it. But whatsoeuer was his secret intencion,’ it is certeyne that albeit at the beginning Lodovvyk studied to separate Pe. de medicis from thAragons, yet after he perswaded him secretly to per­seuere in his opinion, promising him so to worke that the french Kinge shoulde [Page 40] not march at all, or at least if he did passe, he should with the same speede returne afore he did any action on that side the mountes: this he did often reiterate by his Embassador resident at Florence, eyther for that such was his iust intencion, or else hauing determined to ruinate Peter, he desired that he might bring him to doe so much agaynst the kinge, as there might be no meane to reconcyle them. But Peter determining by the consent of Alphonso to make these behauiours knowen to the french king, called one day into his howse, thembassador of Myllan, vnder couler of being ill disposed of his person: afore he came, he caused to hyde secret­ly the french Embassador resident at Florence, in a place where he might easily heare their communication. There Peter repeated to thembassador plainly, distinct­ly, and at large, the perswasions and promises of Lodovvyk, and that for his autho­ritie he was vnwilling to consent to the demaundes of the french king: taking oc­casion to complayne greeuously, for that with so diligent instance he solicited the king to passe: he concluded, that seeing theffectes aunswered not his wordes, he was constrayned to ioyne him selfe to thenterprise, to auoyd his proper and present perill: The Myllanoys Embassador aunswered, that he ought not to dowte of the faith of Lodovvyk, if for no other reason, at least for this, that in comparison and consideracion of thinges, it was no lesse daungerous to Lodovvyk then to any o­ther, that the french should enioy Naples▪ And therefore with all the councell, courage, and reasons that he could, he perswaded him to perseuere in his first o­pinion, least by such hurtfull alteracion of his minde, he were not the cause to bring him selfe and all Italy into perpetuall seruitude: This discourse with all his a­ctions and circumstances, the french Embassador with present speede communi­cated with the kinge his maister, assuring him that he was betrayed by Lodovvyk, whose deuise tended all to his particular purposse and profite, and all his intencions dissembled and disguised.

This pollicie and priuate manner of Peter bredd not the effect which Peter and Alphonso hoped for, but, of the contrary, the matter and manner being reuea­led to Lodovvyk, euen by the french them selues, the disdayne and hate conceaued afore against Peter, redobled and tooke a stronger qualitie, and Lodovvyk with a new diligence and quicknes, solicited the french king to consume no more time vn­profitably.

But now not onely the preparacions that were made in so great plenty both by Foreshowes of the calamities of Italy. sea and lande, but also the consent of the heauens and of men, pronounced to Ita­ly their calamities to come: for that such as made profession, to haue iudgement eyther by science or diuine inspiracion in the thinges to come, assured with one voyce that there were in preparing, both more great mutacions and more straunge & horrible accidents, then for many worldes before, had bene discerned in any part or circuit of the earth. There were seene in the night in Pouylle three sunnes in the middest of the firmament, but many clowdes about them, with ryght fearefull thunders and lightninges: In the territorie of Aretze, were visibly seene passing in the ayre, infinite numbers of armed men vpon myghtie horses, with a terrible noise of drommes and trumpettes: The Images and figures of Sainctes did manifestly sweate in many partes of Italy: In euery place were brought forth many monsters of men and other creatures, with many other thinges against the order of nature concurring all at one time, but in diuerse places: by meanes wherof the people were caried into incredible feares, being already amased with the brute of the french po­wers & fury of that nation, with the which according to the testimonie of histories, [Page 41] they had aforetyme ronne ouer all Italy, sackt and made desolate with fire and sword the citie of Rome, and subdued in Asia many prouinces, and generally no part of the world which had not felt the vertue of their armes: But albeit these iudgements are often tymes fallible, and rather coniectures vncerteyne, then effectes hapning, yet the accidents that drew on, brought to them, in the spirites of frayle men, an ab­solute fayth, credit, and religion: for, king Charles, holding his first purpose, was now come to Viena in D'auphine, and would not suffer him selfe to be stayed from his per­sonall expedicion into Italy, neither by the iust and generall peticions of his whole realme, nor with the consideracion of his vniuersall wants of money, which were such as he had no meane to furnish the necessities present, but by pawning for a great summe of money, certeine iewells lent him by the Duke of Sauoye, the Marquiss of Mountferat, and other great Lordes of the Court: of the summes he had gathe­red before of the reuenues of Fraunce, and such as were lent to him by Lodovvyk, he had employed a great quantitie vppon the armies at sea, wherein at the begin­ning was reapposed a great hope of the victorie: and of the residue, he had made many indiscreete liberalities to diuerse persons before he went from Lyons: And his Princes and noble men hauing at that tyme not so ready wayes to exact money vp­on their peoples, as their immoderat couetousnes hath brought them since, with­out regard to God or men, it was not easie for him to leuye new tributes: so slender were the prouisions and groundes of so great a warre, furie and rashnes guiding the king more, then wisedom and councell.

But as it often hapneth in thexecucion of things new, great, and difficult, that al­beit all thinges are ordeyned and foreseene: yet the reasons that may be considered in the contrary come then to appeare in thunderstanding of men, when thenterprise is toward his action and beginning: So, the king being vppon the poynt to depart, yea his soldiers marching towardes the mountes, there arose a great murmure tho­roughout the court: some brought into consideracion the difficulties ordinarie in so great an enterprise, and some disputed of the generall daungers and infidelitie of th Italians, but specially there was an vniuersall ielowsie of Lodovvyk Sforce, both for thaduertisement lately come from Florence, and also certeyne money expected from him, remeyned yet behind: So that not onely such as had alwayes reproued this en­terprise, rose vp eftsoones to resist it with more audacitie (as hapneth in those cases when councell is confirmed by the euent of thinges) but euen those that had bene the principall workers, as chiefly the Bishop of S. Mallo, beganne so to shake, that The [...] king [...]full to g [...] with th [...] ­pri [...] Na­ples. the brute comming to the eares of the king and the whole Court inclyning to mur­mure and confusion of opinions, caused such an inclynacion in the king to passe no further, that suddeinly commaundement was giuen to make staye of all the bandes and companies of souldiers: by meane whereof many that were already on their way, returned with willing speede to the Court, following a reaport pub­lished, that it was a resolucion sette downe, that the camppe shoulde not passe into Italy: it was then beleeued that all had turned into alteracion and chaunge, if the Cardinall of S. P. ad vincla, (the fatall instrument both at that tyme, before, and after, of all the miseries of Italy) had not with his authoritie and vehemencie gi­uen a newe life to thexpedicion, recomforted the heartes of the noble men, and Cardinal S. P. ad [...]la, giues a new life to th [...] pedicion. brought agayne the spirite of the king to his first determinacion: ‘he layed before him not onely the reasons that had first styrred him vppe to so glorious an enter­pryse, but also with a sharppe and quicke eloquence, willed him to looke into thin­famie which myght ronne throughout all the worlde for so lyght a mutacion of so [Page 42] noble a councell: he asked his maiestie for what occasion, in restoring the places in the countie of Artoys, he had weakened on that side, the frontyers of his realme: why had he with so great displeasing of his nobilitie and populars, made open to the king of Spayne one of the portes of Fraunce, in giuing him the countie of Rus [...]illon: o­ther kinges his predecessors, had not wont to consent to those thinges, but either to be deliuered from great and imminent perills, or at least, in counter chaunge of pro­fitts more importing: he made not those restitutions by any necessitie, his perills were but reasonable, And for frute or recompense, there was no other expectation, then that with a great price, he had bought a present losse, which would perpetually nourish greefe, dishonour, and infamie: what newe accidents haue appeared, (sayth he) or what straunge daungers and difficulties are disclosed since thenterprise hath bene published throughout all the world? No, rather the hope of the victorie is en­creased, the foundacions being shaken wherupon the enemie had built all the hopes of his defense, for that if both the armie at sea of thAragons shamefully retyred to the port of Liuorne after they had giuen a vaine assault to Portouenere, was able to at­tempt no further action against Genes so well defended with souldiours and a nauie more mightie then theirs, And also in their armie by lande stayed in Romania by the resistance of small numbers of the french, was left no courage to passe further: what would be their seares, when they heard by all the countreyes in Italy, that the king was to passe the mountes with an armie royall: townes would fall into tumultes, men would draw into mutinie, hauing their mindes amased, how could they be stayed or conteined? The Pope would not be a litle amazed when he should see from his pro­per pallaice, the armes of the Collonoys at the gates of Rome: No lesse would be tha­stonishment of P. de medicis, who hath for his enemies his owne blud, knoweth what affection the towne of Florence beareth to the name of the french, & is not ignorant how desirous it is to recouer the libertie which he holdes opprest: That there was no impediment, no difficultie, no daunger to stay the furious descending of the king vpon the confins of Naples, which he should no sooner approch, then he should find all things disposed to flight or to rebellion: he told him the feare was vayne to dowt want of money, for that his artillerie should be no sooner hard thunder, then thItali­ans with a swift liberalitie, would supply him from all partes: And if he should finde any resistance or defense, the spoiles, the booties, the riches of the vanquished would suffice to nourish his armie, for that Italy for many yeares, hauing bene more ac­customed to apparances of warre, then trayned in the true experience of warres, there was no strength, foundacion, nor power to susteyne the furie of the french. In a matter debated with so long councell, and prepared so neare to his action▪ in an enterprise so possible▪ and bringing so many profits: in an expedicion so hawtie and glorious, and giuen ouer, so vile and infamous: he aduised him to be firme and reso­lute, & for feares, suspicions, and ielowsies, he willed him to thinke them as dreames rising vpon some superfluous humor, or as shadowes to whome can be assigned no bodies: he tolde him it became iustely his name and greatnes to march on with the same magnanimitie and courage, wherewith not iiij. dayes since, he vaunted to be able to vanquish Italy being vnited all togither: he sayd, he had to consider that his councells were now no more in his owne power, and that thinges had gott to great forwardnes by reason of the alienacion he had made of many landes and territories, for thembassadors he had heard, sent, and banished, for the great charges he had su­steyned, for so many and mighty prouisions, and lastly for the renowne that ronne thorow the world, and his person being brought almost to the toppe of the Alpes: [Page 43] And finally saith he, albeit the enterprise were neuer so perillous, yet necessitie con­strayned him to follow it, seeing betwene glory and infamie, betwene dishonour and triumph, betwene thopinion to be estemed a king, and a man vile, priuat, and abiect, there remeyned no meane. These speches in substance deliuered by the Cardinall, but according to his nature, in more graue & vehement gesture, kindled such a new life and courage in the king, that without hearing any, then such as perswaded him to the warre, he departed the same day from Vyena accompanied with all the barons and capteynes of the realme,’ except the Duke of Burbon, to whom in his absence, he left thadministracion of the kingdom, & the Admirall, with certeine others appoin­ted to the gouernment and gard of prouinces most importing: Him self with the ar­mie passing into Italy by the mount Geneura, which yeldes a farre more easie passage then the mount Ceuis, and by the which (but with incredible difficulties) Hannibal of The french king in Ast. Carthage made his way into Italy: entred into the towne of Ast the ix. of September, a thowsand fowre hundreth lxxx. and fowreteene, leading with him into Italy the seedes of innumerable calamities, & most horrible accidents, with a chaunge almost and innouacion of all thinges: for, of his passage did not onely take beginning muta­cion of estates, subuersion of realmes, desolacion of countreys, destruction of cities, and murders ciuill and most cruell: but also he brought with him newe fashions of habytes, new customes, new and bluddy maners of making warres, and diseases till those tymes vnknowen, yea he did so disorder thinstruments of peace and concord in Italy, that being neuer able since to reorder & reduce them, other nations straunge & barbarous, haue had good meane to oppresse them miserably: And for thincrea­sing of thinfelicitie (because their shame and dishonour shoulde not be diminished by the valour and vertues of the victor) he whose comming brought all those cala­mities, (albeit he lackt nothing of the liberalities & fauours of fortune,) was voyde The french king discri­bed. almost of all the giftes of nature & the mind: for, it is most certeine that king Charles from his infancie was of complexion very delicat, and of body vnsownde and disea­sed, of small stature, and of face (if thaspect and dignitie of his eyes had bene taken away) fowle and deformed, his other members bearing such equall proporcion, that he seemed more a monster then a man: he was not onely without all knowledge of good sciences, but skarcely he knew the distinct carecters of letters: his mind desi­rous to commaund, but more proper to any other thing, for that being enuironed alwayes with his familiars & fauorits, he reteyned with them no maiestie or autho­ritie: he reiected all affayres and busines▪ and yet if he did debate and consider in a­ny, he shewed a weake discression and iudgement: And if he had any thing in him that caried apparance of merit or praise, yet, being thorowly waighed and sounded, it was found further of from vertue then from vice: he had an inclinacion to glory, but it was tempered more with rashnes and furie then with moderacion and coun­cell: his liberalities were without discression, measure, or distinction: immouable often tymes in his purposes, but that was rather an ill grounded obstinacie then constancie, and that which many call bowntie, deserued more reasonably in him the name of coldnes and slacknes of spirite.

The same day the king arriued in the towne of Ast, the fauours of fortune began to appeare to him with a ioyfull token or prediction: for, there came from Genes glad newes, that Dom Federyk (who after his retyre from Portouenere to the hauen of Lyuorne, and that he had refreshed his armie by sea, and leuyed new companies of landmen, was eftsoones returned into the same riuer) had put on land Obietto de Fi­esquo, with iij. thowsand footemen, who without difficultie had made him selfe Lord [Page 44] of the towne of Rapalle which is xx. miles from Genes, and then sent companies to espie and spoyle the countrey there about: That such a beginning being of no litle importance, for that touching the affayres of the towne of Genes, all emotions howe litle so euer they were, would be daungerous considering the contagiousnes & mul­titude of parties and factions, those within the towne esteemed it not good that the enemies should haue further aduantage: And therefore, leauing part of their com­panies to the gard of Genes, the ij. brethern S. Seuerins and Iohn Adorne brother to Augustyn gouerner of the towne, with thItalian footemen, putte them selues on the way to goe to Rapalle, the Duke of Orleance with a thowsand Svvizzers leading thi­ther tharmy by sea, which contained xviij. galleyes, vj. gallions, and ix. great shipps. And being all ioyned nere to Rapalle: they furiously gaue vpon the enemies that made head against the bridge which was betwene the suburbes of Rapalle and a litle straite plaine that stretched to the sea: That besides, the proper forces of thAragons, the seate of the place fought with aduantage for them, by whose steepenes & sharpnes more thē other municion or art, the places of that riuer are wel fortified: the beginning of the skirmish semed prosperous to thēnemie, the Svvizzers being in a place very vn­proper to bestow their ordenāce, beginning almost to retyre: but by the cōtinual cō ­curse & flocking of the peasants ronning after the faction of the Adornes, for their a­gilitie & experience in those stonie & mountenous places, men of speciall merit in seruice, and the Aragons beaten in flanck with the artilleries of the gallies of Fraunce which were brought as nere the banks as could be: they begā very hardly to susteine the charge: And that lastly, as they were beaten from the bridge, Obietto was aduer­tised (in whose fauour his pertakers did not yet stirre) that Iohn Lovvys de fiesquo was at hand with a great trowpe of footemen, And therefore fearing to be charged on the backe, they fledd to the mounteynes, Obietto being the first according to the cu­stom of rebells: That there was slayne of them in this encounter partly by fighting, and partly by fleeing, more then a hundreth bodies: A slaughter not litle, conside­ring the maner of the warre in Italy in those tymes: with these aduertisements came accompanied the reapport of the prisoners taken, amongest whom was Iulius Vrsin, who with xl. men at armes and certeine crosbow shott on horsbacke, had followed the sea armie of Alphonso, in whose pay he was: Fregosin sonne to the Cardinall Fre­gose and Orlandin of the same familie, remeyned also prisoners. This victorie assured altogither thaffayres of Genes, for that Dom Federyk (who as soone as he had put his footemen on land, spred him selfe vpon the mayne sea, as not to be constrayned to fight with thennemie in the gulphe of Rapalle) despairing to doe any profitable ser­uice at that time, retyred his armie once againe to the port of Liuorne: where albeit he refurnished his numbers with new souldiers, & had many plots to assayle the ri­uers in some other place: yet (by infortunate beginnings of enterprises often tymes men lose both courage & councells) he attempted no other action of consequence, leauing a iust occasion to Lodovvyk to vaunt, that with his industrie and his coun­cells, he had giuen the baye to his aduersaries, seeing there was no other thing that saued the state of Genes, but their too slow speede to depart, whereof Lodovvyk was the cause by his conning and vayne hopes breeding their deceitfull securitie.

At this time went Lodovvyk Sforce to visit the king at Ast, whether he caried with Lodo. Sforce goeth to visit the french king in Ast. him Beatrix his wife, followed with great pomp and a trayne of the most honorable and singular fayre Ladies within all the Duchie of Myllan: he was also accompanied with Hercules, Duke of Ferrara. There they debated of their common affayres, and by generall councell it was resolued that the armie should march with as much speede [Page 45] as was possible▪ wherein for the more diligence and expedicion of things, Lodovvyk who had not a litle feare, that the hard season of the yeare hapning, they would so­iorne all the winter in the territories of his Duchie, lent eftsones to the king a great quantitie of money, wherof he had not a litle necessitie and want: Notwithstanding, the king falling into the disease which we call the small pockes, he remeyned about a moneth within the towne of Ast, the armie being dispersed into quarters and pla­ces thereabowts: Touching the numbers of his armie, (as may be truely gathered out of so many diuersities) it conteined, (besides the two hundreth gentlemen for his gard, and reckoning the Svvyzers gone before to Genes, and the companies in­terteyning The number of the [...]h kings armie. the warre in Romania, vnder Monsr D'aubygny) xvj. hundred men at armes, allowing to euery of them according to the custom of Fraunce, two Archers, so that vnder euery launce (for so they call their men at armes) are comprehended vj. hor­ses: of the Svvyzzers vj. thowsand footemen, and vj. thowsand of the realme of Fraunce: whereof the one halfe were Gascoine souldiers, for their furniture gallant and well appoynted, and for their naturall aptnes to the warres, a people aboue all others, soonest traynd to seruice. And to ioyne to this armie, there was caried to Ge­nes by sea, a huge proporcion of artilleries of sundry natures, both for batterie and seruice of the field, but of such sortes as Italy neuer saw the like.

This hell or torment of artillerie being deuised many yeares since in Iermanie, was How & when great shot came first into Italy. brought first into Italy by the Venetians, hauing warre about the yeare 1380. with the Genovvaies: wherin the Venetians vanquished by sea, and much afflicted by the losse of Chioze, were ready to receiue such cōdicions as it pleased the victors, if in so good an occasion, there had not bene want of moderate councell: The greatest sort was called bombardes, which, after the inuencion was spred thorow Italy, were employ­ed to the battering of townes: some of them were of yron, and some of brasse, but conteyning such grosse and huge proporcion, that for their waight and ignorance of men, and instruments vnapt, they were caried slowly, and with great difficultie: And being with intollerable trauels planted afore townes, yet there was so much re­spitt betwene one shott and an other, that in comparison of their vse at this day, they gaue litle frute or successe to the seruice, but left to the defenders leasure and opor­tunity at wil, to reenforce their rampiers and fortifications: And yet, by the violence of the saltpeter, with the which their powder had his mixture, the bulletts flew into the ayre with such horrible noyse and furie, that that instrument (yea afore he had his perfection) put to skorne and silence all those engynes and deuises, wherewith the auncients were wont to pull downe townes, to the great fame of Archymedes, & other notable enginistes: But the frenchmen fordging peeces of farre greater faci­litie, and of no worse mettall then brasse, which they called cannons, vsing bulletts of yron, in place of those of stone of the first inuencion, vsed to drawe them vppon wheeles, not with oxen (as was the custom in Italy) but with horses, and with such agilitie of men & instruments appointed to that seruice, that they almost kept march with the armie: And being brought afore townes or walls, they were braked and planted with an incredible diligence, and with a very small intermission betwene the shotts, they battered with such violent furie, that▪ what before was wont to be done in Italy in many daies, they dispatched it in few howers: These deuillish instruments they vsed also in the field, making some times the cannon seruiceable there, & some­times peeces of lesser fordge, haled according to their proporcion, with the self same speede and nymblenes. Those artilleries were the cause, that all Italy stoode in great feare of the kinges armie, which was also holden more redowted and dreadfull, not [Page 46] by the numbers, but for the valour of the souldiers: for, the men at armes, being al­most all of the kings subiectes, gentlemen and not of the popular sort, were not sim­ply vnder the direction and discipline of capteynes, nor payed by them, but by the kinges officers: by which meane, companies and bandes had not onely their com­pleate numbers, but they were men of choyce, and in good point for horse and ar­mor, (being well able to make their owne furnitures) and contended in seruice, as­well for the desire of honor (which naturally is nourished in the hartes of men of noble race) as also that by their actions in armes and fight, they might aspire to re­compense aswell out of warre as the warre during, and by degrees, rise worthely to the name and places of capteyns: The same respectes pushed forward the capteines Barons, and great Lordes, or at least such as did communicat in honorable discent and bludd, for the most part subiectes of the crowne of Fraunce, who hauing their numbers set & limited, (for according to the warres of that realme, there is no com­panie aboue a hundreth launces) had no other intencion, then by seruice to meritt well of their king: So that there was not amongest them any humor of inconstan­cie, either by ambicion or couerousnes to chaunge their Lord, or for enuie to ex­ceede other Capteynes in numbers of men at armes: customs meare contrary to the ordering of the men at armes in Italy: where many of the men at armes, are either peasantes, or populars, subiectes of an other Prince, and depending wholy of their Capteines, with whom they contract fot their pay, and serue vnder their arbitraci­on: they haue neither by nature nor by accident, any extraordinary spur or prouo­cacion to serue well: The Capteines are very rarely vassalls of him that enterteynes them: they haue for the most part diuerse interests, purposes, and endes: full of enuy and hatreds: And being bound to no tearme fixed for their payes, & absolute com­maūders ouer their companies, they oftentimes beguile the seruice with lesse num­bers then they are payed for: And sometimes not contented with honest condici­ons, they put their patrons vpon euery occasion to raunsom: At their pleasures they will passe from the seruice of one, and enter into the pay of an other, ambicion, co­uetousnes, or other particular interests, making them not onely inconstant, but also vnfaithfull: There was also seene no lesse difference betwene the footemen of Italy, and those that serued vnder king Charles, for that thItalians fought not in squadrons set and ordered, but in trowpes, and dispersed in the field, and oftentimes retyring to the aduauntages of hills and ditches: But the Svvyzzers, a nation warlike, and by the long vse of warre and many victories, had renewed their auncient glorie and hardi­nes, vsed to feight with bandes ordered, and distinct in numbers certeine: And neuer forsaking their rankes, they vsed to stand against their enemies as a wall, firme, and al­most inuincible, so farre forth as they fought in a plaine or place large to stretch out their battell: euen with the same discipline and orders, but not with the like courage and vertue, did fight the footemen of the french and Gascoynes.

Whilest the king by reason of his sicknes, soiorned in the citie of Ast, there hap­ned The Colōnoys for the french king. a new tumult about the borders of Rome: for, the Colonnoys (notwithstanding Alphonso had accorded to all their immoderat demaundes) as soone as Monsr D'au­bygny was entred Romania, declared them selues for the french king without more dissembling, & tooke the rocke of Ostia by intelligences they had with certeine spa­nish footemen left there in garrison. This raised the Pope into passion, & made him bitterly complaine to all Princes in Christendom, of the iniuries done to him by the french: he addressed his complaintes chiefly to the king of Spayne, and Senate of Ve­nice, of whom (but in vaine) he prayed ayde and succors according to the contract [Page 47] of confederacion made betwene them the last yeare before: And turning alltogi­ther his witts, authoritie and courage, to the prouisions of the warres, after he had cited Prosper and Fabricius, (whose houses he caused to be rased in Rome,) and assem­bled his companies with part of those of Alphonso, vnder Virginio, at the riuer of Ty­uerone, neare Tyuoly: he sent them all vpon the landes of the Collonnoys, whose strength was no greater then two hundreth men at armes, and a thowsand footemen: But af­terwards the Pope dowting least the french armie at sea supposed to come from Ge­nes to the succors of Ostia, should be receiued into the port of Neptune, belonging to the Collonnoys: Alphonso after he had gathered at Terracina all the companies that the Pope and he had in those quarters, established his campe there, hoping to haue it ea­sily. Notwithstanding the Collonnoys defending it with great franknes of courage, & being also passed into their contreyes without impediments, with the companies of Camylla Vitelli, of the citie of Castello, and the bandes of their brethern which the french king had newly taken into his pay: The Pope reuoked to Rome, part of his people which were in Romania with Ferdinand, whose affaires continued not with that felicitie and fortune which they seemed to show in the beginning: for, as he was arriued at Villefranche, betwene Furly and Faenze, and from thence was entred into the highway of Ymola: the armie of thennemie encamped neare to Villefranche, see­ing their forces inferior, retyred betwene the forrest of Lugo and Columuare, neare the forde of Geniuola: A place very strong by nature, and apperteining to Hecules d'Este, out of whose contreyes they were vittelled: So that Ferdinand, seeing that by the strength and situacion of the place, he could not charge them, but with manifest & generall perill, issued out of Ymola, and went to incampein Tos kanella, neare the vil­lage of S. Peter in the contreyes of Bolonia: for, being desirous to fight, by the showe he made to goe towards Bolonia, he sought to put thennemies (to whom he would not leaue libertie to passe further) in necessitie to incampe in places not so stronge: But they, approching certeine dayes after neare Ymola, pitched their campe vppon the riuer of Santerne, betwene Lugo and S. Agathe, the place being well fortified, and had for their backe, the riuer of Pavv: The same day Ferdinand incamped six miles from them vpon the same riuer neare Mordane and Bubane, presenting his armie the day after in battell ringed within a mile of them: where, after he had looked for them in vaine for certeine howers, the place ministring all commodities to fight, by rea­son of his skope, largenes, and plainnes, and seeing he could not set vpon them in their trenches without absolute daunger, went to incampe at Balbiana, not holding any more the way of the mounteyne as he had done till then, but accoasting the en­nemie, he marched alwayes with this intencion, to constraine them, if he could, to forsake their trenches so full of aduantage and strength.

It hath seemed till now that thaffaires of the Duke of Calabria caried good estate and fortune, and a gouernment with reputacion, seeing the ennemies had apparant­ly refused to fight, defending them selues more with the strength and situacion of their trenches, then with actions of armes, and in all encounters of the light horse­men, thAragons caried away alwayes the best: but the campe of the french & Sforce, receiuing continuall strength by supplies of companies, which at the beginning re­meyned behind, the estate of the warre began to chaunge: for that, the Duke, whose heate and forwardnes was moderated by the councell of those capteynes that fol­lowed him, to thende he would not commit all to fortune without aduantage: re­tyred to S. Agathe, a towne of the Duke of Ferrara, where, finding diminucion of his footemen, and of that part of the horsemen of the Church, which the Pope had cal­led [Page 48] backe, and lastly in the middest of the contreyes of the Duke of Ferrara, began to looke to fortefie him selfe: But after he had remeyned there certeine dayes, he vn­derstoode by espiall that there was expectacion in the ennemies campe, of two hun­dred launces, and a thowsand Svvyzzer footemen, which the french king had cau­sed to march as soone as he entred into Ast: And therefore he retyred to the wast of Faenza, a place betwene the walls of the same towne, and a ditch which reculeth a­bout a thowsand passes from the towne, and inuyroning it round about, makes that situacion very strong. And by reason of his retraite, thennemie came to S. Agatha, which he had abandoned. Sewerly both these armies showed great tokens of cou­rage, when they saw their ennemie inferior: but when things were brought to an e­quallitie, the place apt, their forces indifferent, & all other oportunities consenting, either one eschewed to assay the fortune of battell, and in them both was approued that which very rarely hapneth, that one councell was pleasing to two armies, be­ing ennemies: For, the french thought they shoulde accomplish their intencion, for the which they were come out of Lombardie, if they hindred thAragons for pas­sing further: And Alphonso iudged it greatly to his benefit, if he could amuse & hold thennemies bridle vntill winter: And therefore gaue expresse charge to his sonne, and Ioh Iacques Tryuulso, with the Count de Petillane, that without great occasion, they should not put in the power of fortune, the realme of Naples, which was vtterly lost, if that armie were defeated: But these remedies sufficed not for his sauetie, for that king Charles, whose forwardnes could not berestrained, neither by the season of the time, nor any other difficulties, marched into the field with his armie as soone as he had recouered his health: And because Iohn Galeas Duke of Myllan, & his cosin ier­mayne, (for the king & he discended of two sisters, daughters to Lovvys the second, Duke of Sauoye) lay sore sicke in the castell of Pauya, he went with great humanitie to The french king visites Iohn Galeas; duke of Myl­lan. visit him, making his way by the towne, & lodging in the same castell: The speches he vsed to him were generall for the presence of Lodovvyk, onely expressing howe much greeued he was for his sicknes, and perswaded him to take hope and courage to recouer his health: But touching the effect of the minde, the king with all those that were with him, had great compassion of him, euery one iudging for certeyne, that the yong gentleman, by the wickednes of his Vncle, had not long to liue. This compassion was much encreased by the presence of Isabell his wife, who not onely full of many sorrowes for thinfirmitie of her husband, and estate of her litle sonne borne by him, but also much afflicted for the perill of her father and his adherents, she fell with great humilitie, in the publike presence, at the feete of the king, recom­mending to him with pitifull teares, her father, and his howse of Aragon: towardes whom, albeit the king, for her age▪ for her bewtie, and her present fortune, expressed an apparant inclinacion to pitie, yet, being not able to staye the course of so great a matter, for so light occasion, he aunswered her with signes of will to doe that he could not, saying, thenterprise being so farre aduaunced, he was constrayned to pro­secute and continue it.

From Pauya the king marched to Plaisance, and during the aboade he made there, newes came of the death of Iohn Galeas, by which occasion Lodovvyk, that had fol­lowed The death of Iohn Galeas. him thether, returned in no small diligence to Myllan, where by the principals of the councell, which the Duke had subborned, it was propownded, that in regarde of the greatnes of that estate, and the daungerous times that prepared now for Italy, The manifest aspiring of Lo dowrk Sforce, to the duke dō. it would be a thing preiudiciall, that the sonne of Iohn Galeas, (hauing not v. yeares in age) should succeede his father: And therefore, aswell to keepe the liberties of [Page 49] the state in protection, as to be able to meete with thinconueniences which the time threatneth: they thought it iust and necessary (derogating somewhat, for the publike benefite, and for the necessitie present, the disposicion of the lawes, as the lawes them selues doe suffer) to constraine Lodovvyk, for the better stay of the com­mon weale, to suffer that into him might be transported the title & dignitie of Duke, a burden very waighty in so conspiring a season: with the which couler, honestie giuing place to ambicion, the morning following (vsing some forme of resistance) Lodo. Sforce Duke of Myl [...]an by v­surpacion. he tooke vpon him the name and armes of the Duchie of Myllan, hauing secretly protested before, that he receiued them as apperteining to him, by thinuestiture of the king of Romaines: It was published that the death of Galeas hapned by immode­rat cohabitacion, but the vniuersall iudgement of Italy was, that he dyed not of infir­mities naturall, nor by incontinencie, but by poyson and violent compulsion, wher­of Theodor de Pauya, one of the Phisicions, assisting when the king visited him, assured the king to see most apparant & manifest signes: And if he were dispatched by poy­son, there was none that dowted that his Vncle was innocent either directly or in­directly, as he, who not content with an absolute power to be gouerner of the state, but aspiring according to the common desires of great men, to make them selues glorious with titles & honors, and specially he iudged that both for his proper sew­ertie, and the succession of his children, the death of the lawfull Prince was necessa­ry, and therfore sought to establish in him selfe the power and name of Duke, wher­in ambicion and couetousnes preuailed aboue conscience and law of nature, & the ielous desire of dominion, enforced his disposicion, (otherwayes abhorring bludd) to that vile action: It was beleued of many wisemen, that he hath had that intenci­on euer since he began to solicite the french kinges iorney into Italy, iudging thoc­casion and the time would well concurre to aduaunce theffect, for that the french houering vppon the borders of that state with a mayne armie, it would alter mens coniectures and humors, and cary their witts from remembrance of an act so wic­ked: But some hauing opinions more particular, supposed both for the suddainnes of his death, & diligent transferring the imperie to the other, that it hapned by a new thought proceeding of feare, least the king (the councells of the french are suddain) would turne him self with a contrary course to deliuer his cosin Galeas from so great a subiection, being induced thereunto, either for respect of parentage and compas­sion of his age, or that he might thinke it was a thing more sure for him selfe, that the Duchie of Myllan were in the power of his cosin, rather then commaunded by Lo­dovvyk whose fidelitie many of his great Lordes laboured continually to make sus­pected with him: But because Lodovvyk had gott the yeare before thinuestiture of the Duchie of Myllan, and a litle before the death of his nephew, had dispatched with diligence thimperiall priui eadges, it makes a congruent construction, that it was a deliberacion voluntary and foredeuised, and not suddeine, nor in respect of the present daunger: The king stayed certeine dayes at Plaisance, not without inclina­cion The french king in mind to returne in­to Fraunce. to returne into France, for that aswel the want of money, which being the more generall, was so much more intollerable, as not seeing any new thing in Italy disco­uer in his fauour, he had many dowtes of his successe, hauing withall no litle suspici­on of the new Duke of Myllan, who notwithstanding when he parted, sayd he would returne, yet the iudgement was, that he would not come againe at all: it is not out of all likelihood, that being vnknowen to the nations on thother side the mountes that wicked custom to poyson men, which is a practise very common and familiar in all partes of Italy: but that the king and all his court, besides the suspicion they [Page 50] had conceyued against the faith of Lodovvyk, had his name in honor, yea the king esteemed it an iniurie done to his owne honor and greatnes, that he had solicited his comming into Italy, to be the better able without daunger to execute an act so abo­minable: yet in the ende, the resolucion was to march on, Lodovvyk continually la­boring him thereunto, with promise to returne and visit the king within few dayes, for that both the kinges aboade in Lombardie, & his hastie returne into Fraunce, were wholly contrary to his intencions.

The same day the king departed from Plaisance, Lavvrence and Iohn de medicis Laurence and Iohn de me­dicis with the french king. came to him, who being secretly fledd from their howses in the contrey, made great instance that his maiestie would come neare Florence, promising him much of the affections and goodwill of the people towardes the howse of Fraunce, and no lesse of the hate against P. de medicis, against whom the king was aggrauated by occasions new and greene: for, the king sent from Ast an Embassador to Florence, to propound many offers, if they would graunt him passage, and absteyne hereafter from ayding of Alphonso: and of the other side to pronounce threatnings to them, if they perseue­red in their former councell: wherein to astonish them the more, he gaue expresse charge to his Embassador to returne immediatly, if they would not giue speedy re­solucion: he was aunswered with excuses to deferre and expect, for that the chiefest Citisens of the gouernment being withdrawne to their howses of solace in the con­trey▪ according to the custom of the Florentyns in that season, they could not with such speede giue him an aunswere certeine, but would with all diligence aduertise the king of their intencion by a particular Embassador: it is most certeine, that it was agreed in the kinges councell without contradiction, that the armie should ra­ther The way that the french armie tooke to Naples. take the way that leades thorow Tuskane, and the territories of Rome directly to Naples, then that, which, lying along Romania, & la marque, passing the riuer of Troute, entreth into Abruzze, not for that they did distrust to giue the chase to the bandes of thAragons, which with difficultie resisted Monsr D'Aubygny: But for that it seemed a thing vnworthy of the greatnes of such a king, and no lesse infamous to the glorie of his armies, (the Pope and Florentyns being declared against him) to giue occasion to men to thinke that he eschewed the way for distrust, that he was not able to force them: But much more because they esteemed it daungerous to make warre in the realme of Naples, and leaue as ennemies at their backes, the state ecclesiastike and Tuskane: And therefore the armie turning to the way of Tuskane, it was determi­ned to passe rather the Appenyn, by the mountaine of Parme, then to march the direct way to Bolonia: This was Lodovvyks direction, when he was at Ast, for that he had a desire to make him selfe Lord of Pysa.

So that the vauntgard, ouer whom was gouerner and leader, Gilbert de Montpen­sier, M. Montpen­sier leader of the vaūtgard. of the house of Burbon, and Prince of the bludd: And the king following, with the residue of the armie, passed to Pontreme, a towne of the Duchie of Myllan, sett at the foote of thAppenyn, vpon the riuer of Magre, which diuides the contrey of Genes, (aū ­ciently called Liguria) from Tuskane: from Pontreme M. Montpensier entred the con­trey of Lunigiana, a part of which obeyd the Florentyns, certeyne castells belonged to the Genovvays, and the residue were subiect to the Marquis of Malespine, who main­teyned their small estates vnder the protection sometimes of the Duke of Myllan, sometimes of the Florentyns, and sometimes of the Genovvays. About those quarters ioyned with M. Mountpensier, the Svvyzzers, which had ben at the defence of Geno­vvay, togither with thartillerie which was come by sea to Spetia: And being come neare the towne of Finizana, belonging at that time to the Florentyns, whether they [Page 51] were guided by Gabriell Malespina, Marquiss of Fodisnoue, who was recommended to them, they tooke it by force, and sackt it, making slaughter of al the souldiers straun­gers that were within, and many of thinhabitants: A maner of making warre very newe, and so much the more terrible to all Italy accustomed for many yeares past to warres, rather flourishing in pompes and fine furniture like to warres showed by maskers in a stage playes, then to skirmishes bluddy and daungerous: The Florentyns were determined to make their principall resistance at Serezana, which they had greatly fortified, but not with strength sufficient and necessary to resist so mighty an ennemie, because they had not furnished it with any Capteine of warre, that had au­thoritie to minister discipline, nor yet souldiers, neither resolute nor seruiceable, o­ther then such as lost hart at the first voyce of thapproch of the french armie: yet they of Florence were of opinion that it coulde not be easiely taken, specially the castell, and much lesse the rocke Serazana, both wel furnished, and bearing his situa­cion vpon the hil aboue the towne: Besides, it was not possible that tharmie should remeyne long time in those places, the contrey being barreine and straite, & being inclosed betwene the sea and the mountaynes, was not sufficient to nourish so great a multitude, and their vittells comming farre of, could not obserue such iust tyme & oportunitie, as to serue their present necessities: by reason whereof it seemed the kinges affayres began to fall vpon hard tearmes, and that his armie stoode possible to many daungers & distresses: for, albeit he could not with conuenient impediments be let from assayling Pysa, leauing behind him the towne and castell of Serazana, and the rocke, nor kept by the contrey of Lucques, (which citie, by the working of the Duke of Myllan, had secretly determined to receiue them) that he entred not an o­ther part of the territorie of Florence: yet he could hardly be brought to that delibe­racion, and much lesse condescend to it, because he had a perswacion in his secrete fancie, that if he wonne not the first towne that resisted him, it would diminish much his reputacion, and leaue a daungerous example to others to vse insolencie against him.

But so it was ordeyned, that eyther by the grace and blessing of fortune, or by an ordenance of more high power, (if at the least thindiscressions and faults of men de­serue such excuses) to such an impediment hapned a suddeine remedie: seeing that neither the courage nor constancie of P. de medicis, were greater in his aduersities, then had bene his modestie and discression in his prosperities: By this must be vn­derstanded that the displeasures which the citie of Florence had receiued from the beginning, for thimpediments which were giuen to the king, were continually mul­tiplied, both for a new chase and banishment of their marchauntes, out of all partes of the realme of Fraunce, and also for feare of the power of the french, which did so much the more grow rising in the harts of men, by how much they heard that thar­my had begon to passe thAppenyn mountes: but specially they fell all into dread and feare, by the crueltie showed at the taking of Finizana: for these causes euery one did publikly detest the rashnes of P. de medicis, who, without necessitie, beleuing more in his owne weening, & the councels of certeine rash ministers, men arrogant in times of peace, and vnprofitable, and cowardes in times of warre: then following the di­rections of those Citisens that were friends to his father, and had alwayes instructed him with no lesse graue councells: had so indiscreetely prouoked the armes of so mightie a king, assisted with the Duke of Myllan: seeing withall, he was ignorant in thaffayres of warre, leauing the citie, and other places of their obedience not forte­fied, but ill furnished with souldiours and municions necessary to make defense a­gainst [Page 52] so great a force: Besides that, there had as yet appeared none of those Ara­gons, for whom they had exposed themselues to so great daunger: So that their cō ­trey abandoned of euery one, remained in the deepe hatred of so mighty a king, and was ready to fall as a manifest pray to him, who with so great instance, had sought not to fall into occasion and necessitie to hurt it.

This disposicion which was almost in all those of the towne, was further kindled by many noble Citisens, much displeased with the present gouernment, & that one onely familie had risen so much in presuming, as to appropriat to him selfe the rule of the whole common weale: in so much as one increasing the feares of an other, and all laboring in one common dreade, and ministring stomacke and courage to such as desired new thinges, they had so stirred the braynes & spirites of the people, that there was generall feare of some tumult in the towne, whereunto the multitude was the rather prouoked by the pride & immoderat behauiors of Peter, who, in ma­ny thinges forsaking the ciuil customs and modestie of his auncestors, had bene fol­lowed from his infancie with a perpetuall hatred and ill wil, by the generalitie of the Citisens: his father seemed to haue a great speculacion in his vices and vile condi­cions, for that he would often say to his secret friendes, that thindiscression and ar­rogancie of his sonne, would one day be the cause of the ruine of his house. ‘It is a good propertie of wisedom in fathers, to find out the disposicions of their children, but it is a principall effect of their iudgementes, to cutte of with discipline all course of humors, that feede and minister to their naturall corrupcions, which is an office no lesse iust in parents, then it belongeth to the art of the Phisicion, first to seeke out the humor that offendes, and then to apply the remedie proper to cure, and not to leaue the body to a setled infection.’

Peter being now amased with the peril, which with rashnes he contemned afore, and seeing he fayled of the succors and aydes which were promised by the Pope & Alphonso, who as well for the losse of Ostia, seege of the port Neptune, as for feare of the french armie by sea, had euen their handes and heades full: determined with a councell suddeine and particular, to goe search of thennemie that safetie, which he hoped no more to finde in his friendes, following therein thexample of his father, who, in the yeare 1479. being brought to desperat tearmes of daunger, by a warre which Pope Sixtus and Ferdinand king of Naples, managed against the Florentyns, went to seeke Ferdinand in the towne of Naples, ‘from whom he brought to Florence publike peace and priuat sewertie. But it is a thing very daungerous for men to go­uerne them selues by examples, if there be not a concurrance of the selfe reasons, not onely in generall, but euen in all particularities: and if thinges be not ruled with the same wisedom: And if lastly, ouer and besides all other foundacions, the selfe same fortune haue not her part.’ Being parted from Florence in this deliberacion, & not farre of his way, he had aduertisement that the horsemen of Pavvle Vrsin, and 3. hundreth footemen sent by the Florentyns to enter Serezana, were broken by certein companies of the french, which were come skowring euen on this side the riuer of Magre, the most of them either slaine or made prisoners. This made him tary for the kinges safe conduct at S. Peters, whether went for his conduct and sewertie the Bi­shop of S. Mallo, with certeine Lordes of the Court, in whose companie he ariued at the campe the same day that the king, with the residue of his strength ioyned him selfe to the vauntgard, which incamping before Serazanella, battred that rocke, but not with such successe as there was hope to cary it: After he was presented to the P. de medicis comes to the french king. king, who enterteyned him with good countenance, but more in apparance, then in [Page 53] affection: he appaised immediatly all his displeasures, in consenting to his whole demaundes, which were great and immoderat: namely, that the forteresses and ca­stells of S. Peter, Serezana and Serezanella, which were (as it were) the keyes of the dominions of Florence on that side: and the fortresses of Pysa, and the port of Lyuorne (members principall of their estate) should be all putte into the handes of the king, who, for his part, should bind him selfe by promise and by his proper signiture, to re­deliuer Peter de me­d [...] accorde [...] with the f [...]ch king. them, as soone as he had conquered the kingdom of Naples: That Peter should do so much, that the Florentyns should lende to the king two hundreth thow­sand duckats, and that then he would receiue them into his alliance and protection: Touching the ratificacion of which promises, made with simple wordes, it was sayd there should be letters dispatched to Florence, by the which the king ment to passe: but the consignacion of the castells and fortresses was not deferred: for, Peter ioy­ning meaning to his wordes, caused to be deliuered without tarying, to the king, those peeces Serezana, S. Peter, and Serezanella, and not many dayes after, according to the agreement, the like was done of the peeces of Pysa, and port of Lyuorne.

The french men wondred, that Peter with so great facilitie accorded to thinges of so great importance, for that there was no dowt but the king would haue bene contented with farre meaner condicions: I will not let passe in this place without reapport, that which was suttelly aunswered to P. de medicis, by Lodovvyk Sforce, arri­uing the day following at the campe: As Peter in going to meete him to doe him honour, excused him selfe that he had miscaried, for that Lodovvyk, was some what gone out of the way: he aunswered very properly: That the one of them two went out of the way, but perhaps (sayth he) it light vpon your selfe, as reproching vnto him that he was falne into so great difficulties & daungers, for not giuing faith to his councells: But the euents of thinges falling out afterwardes, did well declare, that they both had gone out of the right way, but it was with a greater infamie and calamitie to him, who raysed into greater degree, made profession with his wise­dom, to be the guide of all others.

This resolucion and accord of P. de medicis, did not onely assure the king of the things of Tuskane, but it tooke out of his way all blockes and obstacles in Romagnia, where the Aragons beganne now much to declyne: for, as it is a thing very hard to him that skarcely defendes him selfe from daungers imminent, to prouide in one season for the perills of an other: So, whilest Ferdinand remeyned in sewertie within the strong fort of Faenza, thennemie returned to the contrey of Ymola, where, after they had with a part of tharmie assailed the borow of Bubane, but in vaine, because by his litle circuite a small strength sufficed to defend it, and for his base situacion, the contrey ronne ouer with waters: They tooke by force the towne of Mordane, not­withstanding it was very strong, and plentifully furnished with souldiers to defend it: But such was the furie of thartillerie, and such the desperat hardines of the french in thassalt, (many being drowned as they passed ouer the waterie ditches) that there was no abilitie of resistance by those that were within, against whom the victors ac­companied their fortune with such bluddy crueltie, without regard to age or sex, that they filled all Romania with generall feares and astonishments: By reason of this accident, Kathern Sforce despairing of succors, accorded with the frenchmē, to avoid the perill present, and promised to their armie all commodities of the estates subiect to her sonne: the same being the cause that Ferdinand (now dowting of the wills of them of Faenza, yea & held it so much the more daungerous, to remeyne in the mid­dest of Ymola and Furly, by how much he was wel aduertised of the going of P. de me­dicis [Page 54] to Serazana) retyred neare to the walls of Cesena, showing so great a feare, that because he would not passe neare to Furly, he led his armie by the hills, (a way more long and combersom) neare to Castrocare, a borow of the Florentyns. And within few dayes after, hearing of the conuencion which Peter had made with the french, for which cause the bandes of the Florentyns forsooke him, he tooke the way to Rome: Like as also Dom Federyk being parted from the port of Lyuorne, retyred with his ar­mie towards the kingdom of Naples, where begonne to be necessary for Alphonso, those armies which he had sent abroad with so great hopes to inuade the estates of others: for, his affayres were ful of many aduersities on his side, seeing that the seege of the port of Neptune not succeeding, he had ledd backe his armie to Terracina. And the armie by sea for the french, whereof were leaders the Prince of Salerne, and M. de Serenon, were discouered aboue Ostia, but yet giuing it out that they would not of­fend the states of the Church, they put no men on lande, nor showed any token of displeasure to the Pope, notwithstanding their king many dayes before had refused to heare Frauncis Piccolhomini, Cardinall of Siena, Legat, sent by the Pope to his ma­iestie.

But to returne to P. de medicis, after the Florentyns were aduertised of the conuen­tions The [...]l [...]ren­ [...]ns discon­tented with P. de medicis. he had made, so greatly to the diminucion of their territories, & with so slaun­derous and dangerous a wound and gall to the common weale, there was no litle displeasure and discontentement through out all the citie: besides their great losses, their hartes were moued against him, for that with a newe forme and order of dea­ling, and contrary to thexamples of his predecessors, he had alyened without the councell of his citie, and solemne decree of the Magistrates, so great a parte of the state of Florence: in so much, that to the bitter complaintes made against him, were ioyned the murmures and secret grudgings of the people, incensing one an other to rise and recouer their libertie, without that any of those that in their hartes bare fauors to the doings of Peter, durst either with force, or perswacion, set them selues against so great an inclinacion: Albeit the Florentyns hauing no strength to defend Pysa and Lyuorne, had also no hope to turne the kinges will from hauing them: yet because they would separate the councells of the common weale, from the coun­cels of Peter, or at least that that should not be attributed to one in particular, which apperteyned to them all in publike, they addressed to him many Embassadors of those families, which were ill contented with the Medicis: But Peter knowing that that was a beginning of a mutacion of estate, to thende to prouide for his affayres afore greater disorders hapned, applyed his deliberacions to the time, & tooke leaue of the king, vnder couler to giue perfection to that he had promised: At this tyme also the king parted from Serazana, to goe to Pysa, and Lodovvyk Sforce returned to Myllan, hauing obteyned for money that thinuestiture of Genes, graunted by the king a few yeres before to Iohn Galeas for him and his yssue, should be transferred to him and his posteritie: he went away very much discontented, for that the king woulde not leaue in his keeping (as he sayd he had promised) S. Peter and Serazane, which places seruing him as a ladder to rayse him to the citie of Pysa, he demaunded as vn­iustly taken from the Genovvays, a fewey eres before by the Florentyns. But when Pe­ter was returned to Florence, he found the citie estraunged from him, and the minds of his chiefe friendes in suspence, for that against their councell, and against thopor­tunitie of the time, he had vndiscreetly gouerned all thinges: The communaltie al­so was drawne into such an vprore & mutinie, that as the next day after his returne, he would haue entred into the pallace, wherein rested the authoritie and great ma­gistracie [Page 55] of the common weale, it was forbidden him by certeine Magistrats which A [...]umul [...] in Florence. kept the gate armed, of whom the chiefest was Iacques de Nerly, a yong man of equal nobilitie and riches: This being spred abroad thorow the citie, the people ronne with swift tumult to armes, being the more moued to this vproare, for that Pavvle Vrsin, whom Peter had sent for, was at hand with his band of armed men: The aspect and consideracion of these daungers, caused Peter (eftsoones returned to his house) and hauing lost both courage and councell, and whilest the state declared him re­bell, P. de medicis fleeth out of Florence. to flee in great hast out of Florence, following him Iohn Cardinal of the Church of Rome, and Iulyan his brethren, vppon whom in like sort were imposed the paynes ordeyned against Rebells: he went directly to Bolognia, where Iohn Bentyuole, desiring in an other that constancie and resolucion of courage, which he could not showe since in his owne aduersities, reproued him bitterly at the beginning, for that not onely to his owne preiudice, but also to the ill example of all that oppressed the li­bertie of their contreyes, he had so cowardly without the death of one man, aban­doned such a greatnes. In this sort, by the rashnes of one yong man, did at that time fall the house of Medicis from that rule and power, which, vnder the name and ap­parance almost of a ciuill administracion, it had obteyned in Florence lx. yeares: it began in Cosmo his great grandfather, a citisen of singular wisedom, & infinit wealth, and for those regardes very notable through all the parts of Europe: But much more was he recommended, for that with a wonderful magnificencie and hart truely roy­all, regarding more theternitie of his name, then the profit of his posteritie: he em­ployed more then fowre hundreth thowsand duckats, in building of Churches, e­recting of Monasteries, with other buildings of sumptuous costes, not onely in his owne countrey, but also in many partes of the world: And his sonnes sonne Lavv­rence, a man for vnderstanding and iudgement, excellent, in councell graue and singular, in liberalitie equall with his grandfather, and for greatnes of hart, nothing inferior, for ministracion in the common weale, of authoritie more absolute, but for wealth, of lesse abilitie, and of life farre more short: gat generall reputacion through out Italy, & with many straūg Princes, which after his death, was turned into a cleare monument and memorie, for that it hath semed euer since, that the concord and fe­licitie of Italy ended with his life.

The same day the state of Florence fell into chaunge, the french king being in the The Pysan [...] offer to reuolt. citie of Pysa, the townesmen in popular trowpes with cryes and showtinges, ronne to him and demaunded libertie, complayning greeuously of the oppressions and wrongs which they sayd they had receiued vnder the gouernment of the Florentyns: certeyne of the kinges councell assisting, assured him that their demaund was iust, for that the Florentyns held them in to hard seruitude. The king not seing into thim­portance of their request, nor how farre it was contrary to the contract of Serazane, told them, they should haue libertie: with the which aunswere the Pysans ronne to armes, and throwing downe to the earth all the enseignes and armories of the Flo­rentyns, they put them selues into an absolute libertie so long desired: Notwithstan­ding, the king, contrary to him selfe, and no lesse ignorant in the thinges he had ac­corded, would that the Florentyn officers should still administer their accustomed iurisdictions, and of the other part, left the olde citadell in the handes of the Pysans, and kept to him selfe the new, of farre more importance: In these accidents of Pysa and Florence, may be wel discerned a true experience of the olde saying, or common prouerbe as we call it: That men when their aduersities approche, ‘lose chiefly that wisedom, with the which they might haue hindred or auoyded the ills that happen: [Page 56] And this is common to men and kingdoms, that draw towardes their destinies, that when their ill fortune comes, it blyndes their eyes that they can not discerne it, and bynds their hands, that they can not help it, making them instruments against them selues in thexecucion of their mishaps:’ for, both the Florentyns, who in all tymes haue held the fidelitie of the Pysans suspected, seeing so daungerous a warre at their gates, forgat to reuoke to Florence the principall Citisens of Pysa, as for their better sewertie they had wont to call home a great number of them, vppon neuer so light occasions, or litle accidents: And P. de medicis, seing a concurrance of so many great difficulties togither, was to much ouerseene, that he did not arme the place & pub­like pallaice with such strength of straungers, as he had often tymes done before in farre lesser suspicions: That foresight had kept him stil in his estate and rule, & such prouisions had much hindred those great mutacions: But touching the affayres of Pysa, it is manifest, that that which gaue them greatest incouragement to make this commocion, (naturally hating the name of the Florentyns) was thauthoritie of Lo­dovvyk Sforce, who to that ende had interteyned certeyne intelligences and practi­ses with some Citisens of the place banished for priuat offences: And the day pre­sent of the reuolt, Galeas de S. Seueryn, whom he had left to be alwayes about the king, incensed the people to the tumult, by which meane Lodovvyk perswaded him selfe, that the dominion of Pysa would fall speedely into his handes, not knowing that a litle after in such a matter, was wrought the cause of all his miseries: But it is also manifest, that certeyne of the Citisens communicating the night before with the Cardinall S. P. ad vincla, what they had desire and resolucion to doe: The Cardinall, who, perhaps till that day had neuer bene author of peasible councells, admonished Cardinal S. P. ad vincla, per swades the Pysans not to reuolt. them with wordes graue and well instructing, that they should not consider onely the superficiall and beginning of thinges, but see deepely that which with time, and in tyme may happen: he told them libertie was a thing precious, and of very vehe­ment desire, well meriting that men should oppose them selues to all daungers, ‘ha­uing a true & sensible hope to be able to defend it on all sides: But as touching their citie, naked of peoples, and mearely drayned of wealth and substance, he sawe very weake possibilities to iustefie it against the power of the Florentyns: and to promise to them selues that thauthoritie of the french king should be turned to their prote­ction, were hopes deceitfull, and an expectacion too full of incerteynties & dowtes: for that albeit the moneyes and treasors of Florence should doe litle with him, (as it is like they may preuayle a great deale, specially looking into the contract of Seraza­na) yet his armies would not be alwaies in Italy, according to thexperience & iudge­ment of examples past: Besides, it were too great an indiscression to bind them selues to a perpetuall perill, vnder foundacions frayle, and not perpetuall: And for most vncerteyne hopes, to leuye against ennemies farre more mighty then they, a warre certeyne and absolute, wherein they could promise them selues no succors, seeing they depended vpon the will of an other, and that which more is, of very diuerse ac­cidents: yea, be it they should obteyne succors, much lesse were that to auoyde or shake of, but rather to redouble and make greater, the calamities of the warre, being vexed at one tyme by the inuasions and souldiers of thennemie, and tormented with thoppressions & insolencies of the men of warre that come to their succors: Which miseries (he sayd) would be so much the more greeuous to them to beare, by how much in the ende they would come to see and know that it was not for their proper liberty, they tooke armes, but for thimperie of a straunger, chaunging one seruitude for an other: for that this is proper to all Princes, not to enter into the trauells and [Page 57] expenses of a warre, but to raigne ouer those for whom they fight: And yet your warre (sayth he) seeing the great wealth and neighbourhedd of the Florentyns, (by whom you shall find many and perpetuall vexacions) you can not be able to sustein, but with very great difficulties.’

‘In this generall confusion of thinges, the king departeth from Pysa towardes Flo­rence, The french king drawe [...] toward Flo­rence. and is not resolued what forme he would giue to thaffayres of the Pysans, he stayed in a place called Signa, vij. myles from Florence, to be aduertised, afore he en­tred the citie: whether the tumult of the people were in any sort reappaysed, who had not discontinued their vproares, since the day that P. de medicis was chassed out of the citie: he had withall this intencion to giue tyme to M. D'aubygny, whome he had sent for, (to thende his entrey might so much the more astonish the Florentyns) with direction to leaue thartillerieat Castrocare, and giue leaue to the fiue hundred men at armes Italians, which were with him in Romagnia, togither with the men at armes of the Duke of Myllan, except the Count Caiazze, which followed M. D aubyg­ny with three hundreth light horsemen: it was supposed by many tokens and conie­ctures, that thintēcion of the king was, to draw the Florentyns by feare of his power, to yeld vnto him the dominion absolute of the citie: A thing which him selfe could not dissemble with their Embassadors, hauing often recourse to Signa, to make per­fect thaccord that was contracted: it was without dowt, that the king bare a minde inflamed against them, and nourished many ill disposed meanings against their citie, for that they sought to hinder him in his enterprise: And albeit it was manifest, that that resistance proceeded not of the will of the common weale, which in reasonable sort had iustefied them selues: yet he could not so easily forget & dissolue thimpres­sion of the offence, being (as it was supposed) much induced to their disfauors, by many of his councell and Lordes: who, iudging it not meete to let passe thoppor­tunitie to make him selfe Lord ouer the citie, or perhaps pushed forward with their proper ambicion & couetousnes, were loth to lose thoccasion to sacke a citie, aboū ­ding in such treasors & wealth: in so much as there ronne a brute thorow the camp, that the citie had deserued to be punished, to serue as an example to others, being the first towne in Italy that had presumed to oppose against the power and armie of Fraunce: There were also of the chiefest of his councell, that solicited him to restore P. de medicis to his former degree: for whom with a peculiar diligence aboue all the residue, did labor Phillip Lord of Bresse, brother to the Duke of Sauoye, being induced to that office by the priuat friendshipps & promises that had passed betwene them: in so much, that eyther by the perswasions of them that could doe most, (notwith­standing the Bishop of S. Mallo councelled the contrary) or by a hope to make the Florentyns more inclyned to his will by this feare, or lastly to haue occasion to take vpon the suddeine what parte or way he would: the king wrote to Peter, causing al­so the L. Phillip to doe the like, and aduised him to come neare to Florence, for that for the auncient friendship that had bene betwene their howses, & for his owne par­ticular readines and good will showed in the consignacion of the fortresses: he was determined to readdresse him, and restore him to his first authoritie: But these let­ters found him not at Bolonia, according to the kinges weening, for that what by the rough wordes of Iohn Bentyuole, & dowte he should be pursued by the Duke of Myl­lan, and happly also by the french king, he was for his misfortunes retyred to Venice, whether they were sent to him by his brother, the Cardinall remayning then at Bo­lonia. At Florence they dowted much of the kinges will: & yet, not seeing with what force, or with what hopes they might resist him, they agreed as a councell least daū ­gerous, [Page 58] to receiue him into their citie, hoping there would some meane arise to ap­pease him. And yet making the best of their perills, and because they would be pro­uided for all fortunes, they ordeyned that the houses of most of the Citisens should be secretely replenished with men naturall of the dominion of Florence, and that the Capteynes which were in the pay of the common weale, (dissembling notwith­standing thoccasion) should enter the citie with many of their bandes and souldiers, and that euery one within the towne and places about it, should stand vpon ready garde to take armes at the alarme of the great bell of the publike pallaice. After this the king marched to Florence with his armie, wherein was expressed no litle pompe, aswel by the glorie & magnificencie of those of his Court, as by them of the towne: The french king entreth Florence. he entred in signe of victorie, armed him selfe and his horse, with his launce vppon his thigh, and immediatly began to speake of composicion, but that was not with­out many difficulties: for, besides the immoderat fauors which some of the french Court bare to P. de medicis, and the demaundes of money intollerable made by the king, he demaunded openly the imperie of Florence, alleaging that according to the orders of warre in the realme of Fraunce, he had lawfully wonne it, seeing his entrey was armed according to the customs of Conquerors: from which demaund, albeit he went in the ende, yet sought he to leaue at Florence certeyne men of the longe coate, (so are called in Fraunce lawyers, doctors, and men of iustice) as his Embas­sadors, with such authoritie, that according to thinstitucions of Fraunce, he might pretende to be giuen to him for euer no litle iurisdiction: But of the contrary, the Florentyns were obstinat to preserue their full libertie, hapning what perills so euer, in so much that communicating togither with such a contrarietie of wills, albeit the mindes of both partes were continually kept in hoat and angry moodes, yet neither faction shewed readines to determine the difference by armes: for, the people of Florence giuen of long to the following of marchaundize, and not to thexercise of warre, suffered no smal feares, hauing within their owne walls one so mightie a king with his armie full of nations vnknowen and furious: And to the french men was no litle amaze the consideracion of the great multitude of peoples, who, since the dayes that the gouernment changed, had gathered boldenes and audacitie aboue expectacion: They were astonished besides at the common brute, that at the alarme of the great bell, there would flocke infinite trowpes of people from all the partes confining: In which common feare on both sides, at the noyse of euery false alarme that was heard, eyther part for his proper sewertie, tooke armes, but not one did as­sayle or prouoke an other. The foundacion which the king sought to worke by P. de medicis, was supplanted, for that Peter wauering betwene the hope that was promi­sed him, and the feare that he should be giuen vp as a pray to his aduersaries, ‘asked councell of the Senat of Venice, touching the kinges letters: Truely there is nothing more necessary in great deliberacions, and on the otherside nothing more daunge­rous, then to demaund councell: And albeit councell is lesse necessary to men dis­creete, then to such as are not tempered, yet no dowt the profits are not fewe which wise men reape by councells, seeing no man hath that perfect wisedom to consider alwayes and know all thinges of him selfe, and in reasons contrary or different, is a­ble alwayes to discerne the better part. But what assurance hath he that asketh coū ­cell, to receiue councell according to the faith he reapposeth: seeing if there be no equall fidelitie nor affection, but regard to particular interests, as profit, reuenge, or some other mocion: he that giueth the councell, dresseth it to that ende which best aunswereth his purpose: So that those endes being for the most part vnknowen to [Page 59] him that comes to aske councell, he perceiueth not (if he be not wise) the treason and infidelitie of the councell: Thexperience was seene in the condicion of P. de me­dicis: for, the Venetians iudging, that if he returned into his countrey, it would be a cause to giue the king a greater facilitie to his demaundes and desires of the Floren­tyns, (A thing preiudiciall to them, and contrary to the course of their affayres) per­swaded him by many liuely reasons, (councelling rather for them selues then for him) that he should not put him selfe in the power of a king of Fraunce, holding him selfe iniuried by him: Wherein the better to encourage him to thymitacion of their councell, they offered him to embrace his affayres, and as time and necessitie requi­red, to minister to him all meanes and fauors conuenient for his restitucion, where­in the better to be assured that he should not then depart Venice, they set vpon him, (if the common brute be true) very secrete espiall and guard. But now for Florence, in this meane while mens hartes were inflamed on all partes, and almost caried into manifest contencion: the king would nothing abate of his later demaundes, nor the Florentyns be bownd to summes of money so intollerable, and much lesse consent to any iurisdiction or preeminence in their estate: All which difficulties not being a­ble almost to be dissolued without armes, were euen presently decided by the vertue of Peter Capponi, one of the fowre deputed to treate with the king: This Capponi was a man of spirite and great courage, and of speciall reputacion in Florence, aswell for his partes and qualities, as for that he was of an honorable familie, and discended of personages, who had borne great rule in the common weale. As he and his compa­nions were one day in the presence and audience of the king, & that one of the kings A resolut part of a Coi [...]er Secretories redde the vnreasonable capitulacions offered by the king, at the last, he, in a great furie snatched the articles out of the Secretories hands, and tare them be­fore the eyes of the king, saying with a hart resolute, and a voyce framed, seeing you demaund of vs thinges so dishonest, sound you vp your trompets, and we will ringe our bells, let all thinges be ruled by the sentence of the sworde, and in the same heate flinges with great suddeines out of the chamber, being followed with his compani­ons: The wordes of this Citisen whom the king and his court had already knowen, for that a fewe monthes before he had bene in Fraunce in legacion for them of Flo­rence, astonished them all in such sort, specially for that they could not beleue that such a boldnes was without occasion: that they called him backe againe, and with­out speaking more of demaundes, whereunto the Florentyns had no will to condis­cend: the king and the citie fell to composicion in this sort: That all quarrells and iniuries forgotten and cancelled, the citie of Florence should be friend, confederate, Capitulacion betwene the french king and the [...] rentynes. and in the perpetuall protection of the crowne of Fraunce: That for the sewertie of the king, the citie of Pysa and towne of Lyuorne, with all their castels, should remeine in his hands: And that he should be bownd to restore them to the Florentyns, without any expēses or charges, as sone as he had brought to end his enterprise of the king­dom of Naples, the which should be cōstrued to be at an end whensoeuer he shoulde haue cōquered the citie of Naples, or accorded the warre by meane of peace or truce for lesse then two yeares, or that for any other occasiō his person should be gone out of Italy: That those that had the keeping of the sayd castells, should be sworne from the present to render them in the cases aforesayd: That in the meane while the im­perie, the iurisdiction, the gouernmēt, & the reuenue of the townes should be in the administraciō of the Florētyns, as they were accustomed: That the like should be of S. Peter, Serezane, & Serezanelle: But (for that the Genovvays pretēded right to them) the king should procure either by cōposiciō or iustice some reasōable end betwene thē, & if within the time afore said he could not determine the titles, that then he should [Page 60] restore them to the Florentyns: That the king might leaue at Florence two Embas­sadors, and that during his expedicion for Naples, there should be nothing debated concerning that action, without their priuitie and calling them to it: And that du­ring the sayd tyme, they should not chuse a capteine generall ouer their companies, without communicating with the sayd Embassadors: That all the other peeces ta­ken away or reuolted from the Florentyns, should be immediatly rēdred, & that they might be suffred to recouer them by armes, where deniall was made: That, to ayde the king in his enterprise, they shoulde giue him fiftie thowsand duckats within fif­teene dayes, forty thowsand in the month of March, & thirty thowsand in Iune next comming: That the Florentyns should pardon the Pysans their rebellions, and all o­ther faults committed during their reuolt: That they should deliuer Peter de medicis and his brethern from condemnacion and confiskacion, with this condicion not­withstanding, that Peter should not come by an hundred miles neare the confines of the dominion of Florence, (that was because he should not remaine at Rome) nor his brethern nearer then a hundred myles of the citie of Florence: These were tharticles of most importance in the capitulacion made betwene the king and the Florentyns, which, after they were lawfully passed & contracted, were, in great ceremonie pub­lished in the great Church at diuine seruice, where the king in person (at whosere­quest this was done) & the Magistrates of the citie, promised by solemne othe vpon the high altar, in the presence of the Court and the whole face of Florence, to ob­serue the contents of the same. Within two dayes after, the king left Florence, and went to Siena, which citie being confederat with the king of Naples, & with the Flo­rentyns, had followed their authoritie, vntil the going of Peter de medicis to Serezana warned them to looke to their proper safetie.

Siena, citie well peopled and planted in a region very fertill, and which (of anti­quitie) The french king at Siena. had bene the most renowmed & mighty towne of Tuskane next to Florence, was gouerned by a peculiar pollecie proper & particular to it selfe, but so, as it knew rather the name of libertie then theffects: for that being diuided into many factions or members of Citisens, which they cal orders, it obeyde that part which according to the accidents of tymes, and fauors of forreyne Potentates, was more stronge then the others: At that tyme helde most rule and authoritie the order of Mont None: After the king had taried a very fewe dayes at Siena, he planted a garrison there, (for that hauing bene alwaies at the deuocion of thempire, he held it suspected) & tooke his way to Rome, rising euery day more insolent then other, for his successe and for­tunes, which were alwayes greater then euer were his hopes: And being also fauo­red with the ayre, and wether more then the natural temperature of that season had wont to show, he determined to put diligence to his fortune, and vse those prospe­rities, not as terrible to his enemies manifest and professed, but euen to those that were conioyned with him, or at least had not prouoked him in any thing: therefore, the Senat of Venice, and the Duke of Myllan, no lesse astonished with these successes, then dowtfull that the kinges thoughtes would not be at rest by the conquest of Na­ples, (specially seing him possest of the fortresses of the Florentyns, and to leaue a gar­rison at Stena) began for a remedie of their common daunger, to common to make a new confederacion, whereunto, they had with more speede and ease giuen perfe­ction, if there had bene made that resistance to the king at Rome that was hoped for, the intencion of the Duke of Calabria (with whom were ioyned in one strength the bandes of the Pope, and Virginio Vrsin, with the residue of thAragons armie) being to incampe at Vicerba, to giue impediment to the king for passing further: To this he [Page 61] was drawne, besides many occasions by thopportunitie of the place inuironed with townes of the Church, and neare the states of the Vrsins: But all the circumference and contreyes about Rome, drawing into tumult by thincursions which the Colonnoys made beyond the riuer of Tyber, and for thimpediments of the vittells (by meane of Ostia) which should come to Rome by sea, he durst not abide there: he dowted with all, of thintencion of the Pope, for that since he vnderstoode that P. de medicis was turned, he had begonne to open his eares to the demaundes of the french, for the which, and the reasons of them, Cardinall Askanius went to him, after, in pledge of his sewertie, the Cardinall of Valence was come to Marina, a towne of the Colonnoys: And albeit Askanius was gone without resolucion certeine, for that Alexander di­strusted much thintencion of the king, and of the other side was in great feare of his forces, which bredd no small torment and conflict in his hart: yet after the king was parted from Florence, they returned eftsoones to common of thaccord: wherein for the more diligent accomplishment of thinges, the Pople dispatched to the king the Bishops of Concorde, and Terny, and M. Gratian his confessor, with commission that they should compownd aswell for the affayres of Alphonso, as for his owne: But the king was of a contrary meaning, hauing setled his resolucion to accord onely and particularly with the Pope: And for that cause he sent to him the L. de la Trimouille, and the President of Ganuy being there also for the same occasion: the Cardinal As­kanius and Prosper Collonne, who were no sooner come to Rome, then the Pope (for what cause I know not) chaunging aduise, bestowed the Duke of Calabria within Rome, with all his armie: he caused to be arested Askanius and Prosper, & restrayning them within the tower of Adrian, of olde called the castell of Crescence, and now na­med the castell S. Ange, he demaunded of them restitucion of Ostia: In this tumulte also the frenche Embassadors were made prisoners by the Aragons: But the Pope caused them with a present speede to be redeliuered, and within a few dayes after, restored to libertie Askanius and Prosper, constrayning them notwithstanding to de­part suddenly out of Rome: After this, he sent to the french king, lying then at Nepi Cardinall Federyk of S. Seuerin, beginning to treate onely of his proper affayres, and The Pope is ielous of his [...] yet in great dowt and declyning of mind, for that some times he determined to stand to the defence of Rome, and therefore gaue sufferance to Ferdinand & the capteines to looke to fortefie it in the partes most weake: and earste againe, he iudged greate hardnes and impossibilitie to defend it, for thimpediments of vittells restrayned by those of Ostia: In which respectes, waighing also with the infinit numbers of straun­gers, being of mindes and of wills different, the diuersitie of factions euen amongest the Romaines, he began to thinke to goe from Rome, requiring in the colleage that e­uery Cardinal would promise by a writing subsigned, to follow him: And euen stan­ding amased with the daungers and difficulties imminent, vpon euery one of his de­liberacions he turned his mind to accorde: But whilest his minde wauered in these ambiguities, the french men forbare not to ouerronne the whole contrey on this side Tyber, making them selues Lordes of one towne after an other, no place offe­ring resistance to their incursiōs, No, not one peece or fort which gaue not place to their importunāt furie, according to thexample of the others, no, not such as had good occasion to oppose them selues against them, as Virginio Vrsin, drawne by so many bondes of faith, office, and honor to the house of Aragon, Capteine generall of tharmie of Alphonso, grand Constable of the realme of Naples, and very neare pa­rent to Alphonso, for that Iohn Iordan his sonne had maried a bastard daughter to the late king Ferdinand. But he turning all these thinges into forgetfulnes, & as vnthank­full [Page 62] for the states and fauors he had receiued in the kingdom of Naples, as vnmind­full that the calamities of the Aragons were first kindled for his occasions, and nou­rished chiefly in his particular interestes: consented that his person continuing still in the pay of the king of Naples, his children should compownd with the french, and be bound to giue them passage and libertie of vittells and othet friendships, through all the estates which he held of the dominions of the Churche, leauing the french men not a litle amased with his example and forme of dealing, being not acquain­ted with these sutle and vnaccustomed distinctions of the souldiers of Italy: he suffe­red withall that Campagnane, and certeine other places were put in deputacion into the handes of the Cardinall of Gurcy, who promised to restore them so soone as the armie was out of the territories of Rome: This forme of agreement was vsed also by the Count de Petillane, with all the residue of the familie of the Vrsins: immediatly vp­on these accordes, king Charles went from Nepi to Bracciane, a chiefe towne of Virgi­nio, and sent to Ostia Lovvys the L. of Ligny, and Yues L. of Alegre, with fiue hundred launces, & two thowsand Svvyzzers: to thende that passing Tyber, and ioyning with the Collonnoys, they might make a strength to enter Rome, and that so much the bet­ter, by how much the Collonnoys, by the meane of their factions and partakers within Rome, had a resolute hope to make their entrey in what sort so euer it were, notwith­standing by the season of the tyme being rough and stormie, the difficulties were much increased. By this tyme Ciuitaueche Cornette, and in the ende almost all the ter­ritorie of Rome were brought to the deuocion of the frēch, when a man might haue seene all the Court amased, all the Cardinalls dowtfull, and all the communaltie of the citie full of feares & emocion, demaunding vehemently peace: in so much that the Pope driuen to daungerous tearmes, seeing the foundacions which he had layd for his defence, shaken on all sides, was not reteyned with any other thing, then with the remembrance that he was one of the first that stirred the french king to thenter­prise of Naples: And had since without occasion giuen, obstinatly resisted him with authoritie, with councells, and with force, the same making him iustly dowt, that the faith which he should receiue of the king, should be like to that the king had recei­ued of him: To these feares he felte an other torment nothing inferior, vnderstan­ding the Cardinall S. P. ad vincla was very gracious in the kinges sight, with many other Cardinalls, his ennemies bearing no litle authoritie and rule in the kinges do­ings: By the perswasions of whom, and for the regard of the title of right Christian which the kinges of Fraunce beare, and for the auncient name which that nacion hath to be very religious, and lastly for that in ill men the conscience giltie and infe­cted, suspecteth not onely the worst, but also their mindes caried in shadowes, they expect and dread great thinges of those that are knowne to them, but by name one­ly: he feared least the king would turne his witts (according to a vayne brute) to re­forme the gouernment of the Church: the same being a right trembling thought & coniecture to him, when he remēbred with what infamie he was come to the Pope­dom, performing his ministracion with maners of life & meanes not differing from so fowle and vile a beginning: But he was cleared immediatly of these suspicions, by the diligence and promises of the king, full of efficacie and desire to aduaunce a­boue all things his going to the realme of Naples: And for that cause letting nothing passe that might take out of his way the blockes and impediments of the Pope, sent to him eftsoones as Embassadors the Seneschall of Beucaire, the Mareshall of Gie, & the sayd President of Gannay: they labored to perswade the Pope that the kinges in­tencion was not to medle with any thing that apperteined to thauthoritie of Popes, [Page 63] and that his demaundes stretched not but to thinges reasonable and necessary for the sewertie of his passage: They required him instantly to agree with good will to the kinges entrey into Rome, assuring him that it was a holy and peculiar desire in his maiestie: Not that it was not in his power to make his entrey by armes, but because he would not be constrayned to forbeare to vse those actions of reuerence, which had bene alwayes done by his elders to the Popes of Rome: They assured him that assoone as his maiesties person were possessed of the presence of the Pope within Rome, all those quarells that had bene raysed betwene them, would be conuerted into reconcilement, vnitie, and coniunction: It seemed to the Pope a hard compulsion, to despoyle him selfe afore all thinges of the ayde of his friendes, and committing his estate and life into the power of an ennemie, to receiue him within the walles of Rome, afore he had compownded or assured his affayres: Notwithstanding, making election of the daunger that was of least qualitie, he consented to all their demaūds, and caused to depart out of Rome the Duke of Calabria, for whom albeit he obteyned of the french king a safe conduit for his safe passage through all the dominions of the Church, yet the Duke, accompting it a diminucion of his reputacion and cou­rage, refused it, and issued out of Rome by the gate S. Sebastian, the last day of the yeare 1494. at the same hower, that at the gate de S. Maria de Popolo entred with the armie The french king entreth Rome. 1494. of Fraunce, the french king armed, with his launce vppon his thigh as he entred Florence: At the same tyme the Pope full of incredible feares and perplexities, was withdrawne to the castell S. Ange, and not accompanied with other Cardinalls then Baptista Vrsin, and Oliuer Caraffe a Neapolitan: But now began the Cardinalls ad vin­cla, Perswasions of some Car­dinalls to the french king to depose the Pope. Askanius, Collonne, and Sauelle, with many others, to solicite the king with vehe­ment instance, that taking from the sea a Pope ful of vices, and abominable to all the world, he would create and set vp an other: they told him it would be no lesse ver­tuous in him to deliuer the church of God from the tyrannie of a wicked Pope, then it was great glorie to Pepin & Charlemain his predecessors, to take the Popes of ho­ly life out of the persecucions of those that did vniustly oppresse them: that the acti­on was no lesse necessary for his securitie, then greatly concurring for his glorie: for, there was no expectacion of faith or trust in the promises of the Pope, being a man naturally full of fraude, insatiable in ambicion, shameles in all his doings, and accor­ding to the testimonie of experience, extremely hating the french, with whom the reconciliacion that now he made, was more by necessitie and feare, then of inclina­cion or good will: partly by these perswacions, and partly for that the Pope in the condicions that were debated, refused to let the king haue the castell of S. Ange, for the sewertie of those thinges he promised him: thartilleries were drawne twise from the pallaice of S. Marke where the king was lodged, to be planted before the castell: But the king bearing no inclinacion to offend the Pope and the presentes, and pro­mises Capitulacions betwene the Pope and the french king. of Alexander working much with some of those that gouerned most the kings councells: they fell to accord in this sort: That the Pope should giue to the king, to hold for his sewertie till he had conquered the kingdom of Naples, the Cytadells of Ciuitauechia, Terrachine, and Spolete, and yet this last was not put into his hands: That the Pope should keepe no remembrance of any offence or iniurie of the Cardinalls or any Barons subiectes to the church that had followed the kinges partie: That the Pope should inuest him in the kingdom of Naples: That he should giue to the king Gemyn Ottoman brother to Baiazet, who, after the death of their father, had bene per­secuted by the sayd Baiazet, according to the barbarous customes of the Ottomans, seeking to establish their succession in the Empire, with the bludd of their brethren [Page 64] their nearest kinne, and competytors: In which perill for safetie of his life, he was fledd to Rodes, from whence he was brought into Fraunce, & lastly past ouer into the power and custodie of Pope Innocent: By which occasion Baiazet, seruing his turne of the couetousnes of the Vicaires of Christ as instrumentes to holde in peace the Empire ennemie to the Christian faith, payed euery yeare (vnder the name of al­lowance towardes his norriture and keeping) forty thowsand duckats to the Popes, to thende they should be lesse ready to deliuer him into the handes of other Princes to serue their turnes against him: The king was so much the more desirous to haue him, by how much he supposed to turne him to many vses & oportunities for thad­uauncing of his pretended enterprise against the Turkes, (being greatly caried into glorie by the vayne flatteries of many of his fauorits) which he ment to beginne as soone as he had accomplished the conquest of thAragons: And because the last xl. thowsand duckats sent by the Turke, were taken at Sinigalle by the Prefect of Rome, he required that the Pope would remitte both the punishment and restitucion: To Cardinall Valence the Popes sonne. these capitulacions were added that the Cardinall of Valence should follow the king three monthes as Legat apostolike, but in meaning it was to stande as ostage for the promises of his father: The accord thus made and past, the Pope returned to the Vatican, where is his pallaice pontificall: And after, with pompes and ceremonies accustomed at the receiuing of great kinges, he receiued the king in the Church of S. Peter, and there (according to the maner) hauing kissed his feete kneeling, was af­terwards The french king kisseth the Popes feete. receiued to kisse his cheeke: An other day he assisted in presence the Popes masse, where he had his place the first after the first Bishop Cardinal, and according to the auncient custom, gaue water to the Pope celebrating masse: which offices, humilities & ceremonies, the Pope, to continue the memorie to all posterities, cau­sed to be curiously drawn in a table purtraied, & honge vp in a gallerie of the castell S. Ange: In this action, the Pope to gratifie the king, created & published Cardinalls the Bishop of S Mallo, & the Bishop of Maus, of the nation of Luxumburg, forgetting nothing that might expresse how sincerely and vnfaynedly he was reconciled.

The king remeyning in Rome about a month, forgat not to send bandes & trowps The king par­teth from Rome, and draweth to­wards Naples of souldiers euen vppon the confins of the kingdom of Naples: where was already such generall commotion, that Aquila, and almost all Abruzza, displayed enseignes afore he parted from Rome, as also Fabricius Collonne occupied the quarters of Albe & Taille cosse: The whole residue of the kingdom was almost in no more peasible e­state, for that as soone as Ferdinand was parted from Rome, the frutes of the hatredes The kingdom of Naples be­ginneth to conspire. which the people had long borne to Alphonso, began to appeare, helping much the remembrance of many rigors which his father Ferdinand had vsed against them: vp­on these they raysed ready occasions to complayne vehemently of the iniquities of the gouernments passed, togither with the cruelties and pride of Alphonso, expressing in these humors apparant desire that the french might come, and that in such sort, as the contemplacion of the auncient relykes and monuments of such as held with the house of Aniovv, albeit they were ioyned to the memorie of so many Barons as had bene chassed and emprisoned at sundry tymes by Ferdinand, (thinges of themselues of great consideracion and of no litle power to worke a chaunge) did litle in this tyme in regarde of the other occasions: so vehemently were the hartes of all the kingdom inflamed against Alphonso who for his part, as soone as he vnderstood that his sonne was gon out of Rome, entred into such present feares & astonishmēts, that, turning all memorie or regard to the great renowme and glorie which with so long experience he had got in many warres in Italy, into a present despaire not to be [Page 65] able to resist this fatall storme, determined to abandon the kingdom, and leaue to Ferdinand the name and authoritie royall: In this deuise perhaps he had hope that taking away with him selfe the generall hatred, and leauing to the people for their king a yong Prince of great expectacion, not yet hauing offended any of them, but gracious and plawsible to the vniuersall multitude, he should make lesse in his sub­iectes their desire to haue the french: which councell if it had bene sooner taken, would happily haue wrought to better purpose, but being differred, till things were not onely in motion and shaking, but euen beginning to fall, it was not able to stay so great a ruine: It was sayd also (if it be lawfull not to despise such thinges altogi­ther) that the spirite of Ferdinand appeared three tymes in sundry nightes to Iames chiefe Surgeon of the Court, charging him first with soft and mild words, and after with many threatnings, to warne Alphonso from him not to hope to be able to resist the french king, because it was a resolucion in destinie that his race trauelled with infinit aduentures and fortunes, and depriued at last of so large a kingdom, shoulde now ende and determine: he sayd their enormities began now to appeare in iustice, and the many tyrannies by them committed were the causes, but aboue all others that, which by his perswasion he had done in the church of S. Leonard in Caiaia neare Naples comming from Pozzolo: for that he expressed them no more particularly, men supposed that Alphonso had in that place perswaded Ferdinand to put to death secretly many Barons, whom he held prisoners long time before: But of what nature so euer was thoccasion, it is most certeine, that Alphonso vexed with his proper con­science, liued day and night in a discontented spirite, for that in his sleepes the sha­dowes and Ghostes of those dead Lordes were liuely afore him, and on the dayes he beheld the people prepard greatly to insurrections, for reuenge of his rigorous dea­linges: In which perplexitie of mind applying his councells to his fortunes, he com­municated onely his intencion with the Queene his mother in law, keeping it from his brother or his sonne, and departed from Naples accompanied with fowre light gallies loaden with implements rich and precious: he was so afflicted with dread & confusion, that at the earnest instance of his mother he would not stay two or three daies (a time to ende the whole yeare of his reigne) And at his departing expressing such tymerous disposicion of mind as if he had bene enuironed with the french mē: he sayled to a towne in Sicile called Mazare, which Ferdinand the king of Spayne had giuen him the yeare before: but his feares left not to followe him no more then his fortunes, showing at euery brute or small noyse no lesse perplexitie and terror, then if the heauens and elements had conspired against him.

As the french king departed out of Rome, he receiued aduertisement of the fleing of Alphonso: And assoone as he was arriued at Vellitre the Cardinall of Valence fledd secretly from him: with the which albeit the Pope showed him selfe much discon­tented, offering to giue the king such assurance as it pleased him: yet wise men be­leued that it was not without his practise and commaundement, as one that sought to haue in his power to obserue or not obserue the conuencions he had made with his maiestie: an action agreeing with his ambicion, which most gouerned him, but farre from the office of his profession which he least esteemed, making nothing vn­lawfull, for that he challenged to him self to haue power to dispense with all things: from Vellitre the vauntgarde marcheth to Montfortyn, a towne of the Church sea­ted in la Campagnia, and subiect to Iacques a gentleman Romayne, who had at first fol­lowed the pay of the french king, But since (the hate he bare to the Collōnoys preuai­ling more with him then his proper honor) he was become mercenarie to Alphonso: [Page 66] The place being well shaken with the great artillerie, was taken (notwithstanding his strong situacion) within few howres by the french, who executed by the sworde all that were found within it, except his three sonnes, and certeine others that rety­red into the castell, but made prisoners assoone as they saw thartillerie planted: from thence tharmie marched to Mont S. Iohn, a towne of the Marquiss of Piscaire, seated in the sayd Campagnia, vpon the confins of the kingdom: this towne, besides it was strong by nature and industrie of men, yet it was well furnished with souldiors to de­fende it, hauing in it three hundred footemen straungers, and fiue hundred of thin­habitants well appoynted for all daungers: In so much as it was not thought preg­nable but by a hard and long seege: But after the french men had somewhat sear­ched the walls with their cannons, they gaue in the presence of the king then come from Veruue, so hoat and violent assault, that vanquishing all difficulties, they tooke it by force the same day, And following their naturall furie, as also to warne others by this example not to be so obstinate to resist, they made lamentable slaughters, wherein sparing no sort of barbarous crueltie, they followed the desolacion of the place with setting fire on houses: A maner of making warre not vsed in Italy in ma­ny ages before, and therefore filled the whole realme with more generall feares and terrors: for, in Italy in all victories obteyned in what order so euer, the most extreme and last action wherein the Victor would stretch out his crueltie, was to disarme & spoyle the souldiors, and so let them goe vanquished: and for townes taken by force, to put them to sacke and pillage, and thinhabitants to raunsom, pardoning alwayes the life of men not slayne in the heate and furie of the fight.

This was all the resistance, the payne, and impedimentes which the french king had to conquere so large, so rich, and so populous a kingdom, for the defence wher­of, there was not showed in any sort any vertue, any courage, any councel, any force, any faith, nor any desire of honor: for, after the Duke of Calabria, (after his going out of Rome, retyred to the borders of the kingdom, and from thence called to Naples, by the flying of his father) had taken vpon him thautoritie and title of king, (but more with solemnities, then with pompe and ioyes accustomed) and that he had assem­bled his armie contayning fiftie squadorons of horsemen, and six thowsand foote­men of choysse, and ledd by the best reputed Capteynes in Italy: he incamped him selfe at S. Germayn, to stoppe thennemie for passing further, being drawne thither by thoportunitie of the place, inuyroned on the one side with high and rough moun­taynes, and of the other with a contrey full of mareshes and waters, and had in the front the riuer of Garillan, which the Auncients called Liri, albeit it was not so deepe in that place but at sometymes it was passible at a forde, by reason whereof, and that the passage is very narrow and straite, they say with good reason that S. Germayn is one of the keyes of the kingdom of Naples: he sent also bandes and trowpes to the next mounteynes to keepe the way of Cancella: But all was in vayne, and in these doinges he did no other thing then keepe his minde in languishing, like as the Sur­geon torments his patient by applying varietie of medicines to a wound that resistes all cures and remedies: for, his armie already stricken with a generall terror with the onely name of the french men, declared apparant tokens of pusillanimitie and faint­nes: And the Capteynes and leaders, partly tendring the safetie of them selues and their owne estates, distrusting already of the defense of the kingdom, and partly desi­ring innouacions and new thinges, began to wauer no lesse in faith then in courage: Lastly, all the kingdom being in insurrection, it was not without feare, that at their backes should happen some perillous disorder: Therefore councell giuing place to [Page 67] cowardnes, and frayle feares ouerruling resolucion and constancie of minde, vnder­standing after the taking of Mount S. Iohn that the Mareshal de Gie was at hand with three hundred launces, and two thowsand footemen, they discamped with shame from S. Germain, and retyred to Capua with such confusion and feare, that they lefte by the way viij. great peeces of artillerie without garde, giuing thennemie a meane to helpe forwarde their destruction with their owne weapons. This citie, the newe king, reapposing much in the amitie of the towne towards the house of Aragon, and in the strong seate of the place, he hoped to defend and to keepe also Naples and Ca­ietta, not making distribucion of his forces to other places: The french men went after, but dispersed and out of order, marching more after the manner of trauellers, then like men of warre, and without all regard either to keepe vnder their enseignes, or to be ruled by the direction of their Capteynes, they tooke libertie to goe where so euer they thought to find pillage: And so neare was the encounter of these two armies, that one part of them most often lodged the nightes in places where the A­ragons were dislodged in the mornings: Neither in Capua was any greater demon­stracion of vertue or fortune, for that after Ferdinand had there bestowed his armie, much diminished in numbers since the retraict from S. Germain, he was sent for by letters from the Queene, expressing that since the losse of S. Germain, there were such murmures and mutinies within Naples, as without his presence, there was manifest daunger of a generall tumult: for which cause he went thither with a smal company, by his presence to giue impediment to the perill present, promising to returne eft­soones to Capua the day following. Iohn Iacques Triuulce to whome he had left the Iohn Iacques Triuulce go­eth to the french king. garde of the citie, had secretly sent to the french king for a Heralde, to come vnder sewertie to speake with him, which being graunted, Triuulce with certeine gentle­men of Capua, went to Calui where the same day the king was entred: This did Tri­uulce notwithstanding that many others of the citie wel disposed to keepe their faith to Ferdinand, did speake against it with many braue and hawtie wordes: But being presented to the king all armed as he came in, he tolde him in the name of the Cap­uans and souldiers, That they seeing their forces, defence, and strength, to fayle in Ferdinand, whom they had faithfully serued whilest there remayned any apparance of hope: were now come to make offer of their seruices to him, bringing mindes to follow his fortunes where so euer he will employ them vnder honest condicions, ad­ding withall, that he dowted not to bring him Ferdinand him selfe, so that he would enterteyne and acknowledge him as apperteyned: The king made him this graci­ous aunswere, that he accepted the offers of the Capuans and the souldiers, as also the comming of Ferdinand should be no lesse welcome: onely that he should retein no porcion of the kingdom of Naples how litle so euer it were, but that he would in­due him with estates and honors in the realme of Fraunce.

It may be dowted with what maner of inducements this Triuulce, a capteyne va­liant and particular in the profession of honor, was drawne to reuolte and leaue his king: Touching him selfe, he affirmed, that he went by the wil and direction of Fer­dinand to solicit some composicion with the french, And being altogither excluded from all hopes, and the iudgement manifest that the kingdom of Naples could be no longer defended by armes, he thought it not onely lawful, but also allowable to pro­uide at one tyme for the safetie of the Capuans, and securitie of the souldiers: But the common opinion of men made an other construction, referring his reuolt to a de­sire he had that the french king might be Victor, for that he hoped when he had made a conquest of Naples, he would looke into the meanes by the which he might [Page 68] in like sort make him selfe maister of Myllan: In which citie, he being borne of a most noble familie, and because for the priuie fauors which the house of S. Seuerin had with Lodovvyk Sforce & with other occasions, he had not place according to his ver­tues and merits: he was wholly estranged from Lodovvyk: for those occasions ma­ny wise men iudged, that he had councelled Ferdinand to proceede in the actions & seruice of Romania, more temperatly then perhaps thoccasions required: But in Ca­pua, afore the returne of Triuulce, all began to declyne to reuolt, the souldiers had sac­ked the pallaice, armories, and stables of Ferdinand, the men at armes made diuisi­ons of them selues, and were bestowed in sundry quarters: And Virginio and the Count Petillane were retyred with their companies to the citie of Nola, belonging to the sayd Count by the donation of the Aragons, sending first to the french king to de­maund safeconduct for them and their people: Ferdinand returned according to his word and promise, hauing somewhat appeased according to the tyme the hu­mors of the Neapolytaines, by giuing them hope of the defense of Capua: he was come within two myles of the citie all ignorant of the chaunge that hapned since his departure: But the towne hearing of his returne and so neare approach, and the people wholly exclayming against his reentrey, drew into armes, and by a common voyce and councell sent forth to meete him certeyne of the nobilitie, to aduertise him to passe no further, for that the citie seeing he had left it abandoned, that Tri­uulce gouerner of the men of warre was gone to the french, his owne souldiers had made a spoyle of his pallaice, and Virginio and the Count Petillane left them to their fortunes, and that almost all his armie was broken: they were constrayned for their proper safetie to giue place to the conqueror: with these newes no lesse heauy thē troublesom, Ferdinand (after he had made vayne instance euen with teares to be re­ceiued) returnes to Naples, being wel assured that the example of Capua would draw the residue of the kingdom to reuolt, as the citie of Auerse seated betwene Capua and Naples, drawne into emotion dispatched present Embassadors to offer them selues to the french king: And the Neapolytans consulting also manifestly to doe the like, the infortunat king determined not to resist so obstinat a will of fortune, and there­fore assembling vpon the place of the new castell many of the nobilitie and people, he deliuered to them this last and lamentable speech.

I may call God to witnesse and the consciences of all those men, that heretofore The yong king Ferdi­nand speakes in great so­row to the multitude. haue had any informacion of my thoughtes and conceites, that no desire made me more to aspire to the crowne, then to expresse to the world with what greefe I mis­liked the rigorous gouernments of my father and grandfather, and with a recom­pense more iust & plawsible to reclayme by moderacion and benefits those hartes and affections which they had lost by their hard dealing and crueltie: But the infe­licitie of our house would neuer suffer that I shoulde receiue this frute, which I e­steeme more excellent and honorable then the kingdom itselfe: seeing that to be a king, is a thing that often tymes dependes vpon fortune, but to be such a king as to turne all his cares and endes to the welfare and felicitie of his peoples, that depends onely of him selfe and his proper vertue. These be hard tearmes in nature to detect my parentes, and chalenge their abuses to those to whom nothing is more welcome then thoccasion of reuenge, nor any thing further of, then hartes and affections to forgiue or forget. I could say enough to iustifie my selfe, for that it is easie for inno­cents to finde wordes to speake, but seeing there is so litle comparison betwene their offences past, and the merit of my innocencie present, it were but in vayne to vrge a hatefull remembrance of them, and yet nothing the more acquite you of the cala­mities [Page 69] that approach: ‘No, in cases of aduersitie it is a better temperance to prouide for the ill that is comming, then to amuse the tyme in complaintes against the Au­thors supposed, leauing the consideracion of the cause to God, with whom no mor­tall creature hath familiaritie in the vnderstanding and ordering of his iustice: I see our affayres suffer hard fortunes, and thextremitie wherein they are falne is of that nature, that we may complayne more to haue lost the kingdom by thinfidelitie and feares of our armies and Capteynes, then our ennemies can vaunt to haue wonne it by their proper vertue: And yet our fortune leaueth vs not altogither without hope, if we susteyne yet a litle tyme, for that both by the king of Spayne, and all the Princes of Italy, is preparing a mighty succor, their eyes being now opened that afore could not consider, that the fire which burnes our realme must in like sorte (without pro­uidence) cast his flames into their seuerall estates: And for me, at the least, courage shoulde not want to determine to gether the kingdom and my life, both with that glorie which becomes a yong king descēded by so long succession of so many kings, and also aunswering thexpectacion which hetherunto you haue had of my meritts and vertues: But because thinges can not be put to triall, without committing the common patrimonie to desperat perill, I am determined rather to giue place to for­tune and keepe hidd my vertue, then in striuing to lose the kingdom, to be the cau­ser of effectes contrary to those endes for the which I haue alwayes desired to be king: Therefore with teares I giue you this councell, that standing no more against the furie of the time, you send with speed to make your accord with the french king: And to thend you may be in better power, to do it without stayne to your honors, I absolue you willingly of the homage and othe which you made to me a few dayes past: wherein I exhort you according to the necessitie of your fortune, not to de­ferre your obedience, humilitie, and readines to receiue him, as by that meanes to stay the course of your proper aduersities, and helpe to moderat the naturall pride of that nation: If at any tyme their barbarous customs and manners cause you to hate their rule and imperie, and desire my returne, I will remeyne in place apt to minister ayde to your will, and be ready to offer vp my life for the redresse of your oppressi­ons and harmes: But if their gouernment content you, this realme shall neuer re­ceiue vexacion or trauell by me, your well doing and benefit seruing as a perpetuall consolacion to my miseries: and that so much the rather, if I may knowe that there remayne in you any memorie, that neither in the person of an eldest sonne to a king, nor in the power of a king, I haue done no wronge to any creature: My thoughtes were neuer subiect to mocions of ambicion, my mind neuer defiled with inclinaci­on to crueltie, myne owne sinnes bring me not this affliction, but by a diuine iustice I suffer for the wickednes of my parentes: I am determined not to be the cause that, either to preserue the realme, or to recouer it, any subiect of the same be oppressed: No, it is more sorow to me to lose the meane to make amendes for the transgressions of my parentes; then to forgoe the royall dignitie and kingdom it selfe: for, albeit I shall be estranged from you, and banished from my patrimonie, yet I will not holde my selfe altogither wretched, if to the memorie of these thinges, you ioyne a sted­fast beleefe, that I would haue bene king rather like to old Alphonso my great grand­father, then to Ferdinand, or the last Alphonso: It can not be that these wordes were deliuered without great compassion: But albeit they wrought many sorowfull im­pressions in the hartes of the hearers: yet, it did nothing to the stay of the tumult, so hatefull was the name of the two last kinges to the people,’ and so sweete the desire of the french gouernment to the nobilitie: he was no sooner retyred into the castel, [Page 70] then the multitude began to sacke his pauilions and hales then pitched in the place: which being an indignitie farre vnworthy his meritts and more then he could en­dure, he returned with great courage to the place to driue them from the spoyle, the maiestie and presence of a king being yet of such authoritie in a citie rebelled, that the souldiers restrayning their furie, euery one absteyned from pillage: But assoone as he was returned to the castell, and had set on fire and sonke most of the shippes in the hauen (hauing no other way to depriue the ennemie of thē) he began by tokens certeyne to dowt that the Lansknightes which were the gard of the castell contay­ning in number fiue hundred, conspyred to take him prisoner: And therefore the daunger being present, he vsed this suddeine councell, to giue them his wardropps, goods, and furnitures that were within the castell, and whilest they were busie to de­uide and share them, he slipt out of the castell by the gate of succors, deliuering first out of prison all those Barons that had bene restrayned by the crueltie of his father: he mounted vppon the light gallies that attended him in the hauen accompanied with Dom Federyk and the olde Queene wife to his grand father, who caried with her Iane her daughter: And being followed with very fewe of his people, he sayled into the yle of Yschia, called by the auncients Enaria, distant thirty myles from Naples: On his way, so long as his eyes were sedd with the prospect and sight of the kingdom, he made many repeticions with a pitifull voyce of this verse of the Psalme, that they vvatch in vayne vvhich keepe the citie, if it be not kept by the Lord: But finding now no more comfort of fortune, then when he was amydd the daungers of Naples, it fell to him to make tryall of his vertue in Yschia, togither with an experience of thingrati­tude and infidelitie of such as rise vp against those wretched persons that are perse­cuted with fortune: for the castell keeper of the place refusing to receiue him but with one man onely, he fell vpon him with such furie, that what by his agilitie and valour, and the impression of a king and maiestie royall, ‘he brought immediately vn­der his power both the castell and the keeper: This aduersitie albeit was much in­ferior to the losse and priuacion of his kingdom, yet it afflicted him no lesse, then if the action had bene of higher moment, for that in all miseries nothing more mity­gates the perturbacions of the minde, then to remember that the greatest mishapps are past, as in sorowes, it is a speciall comfort to know the vttermost: But fortune is infinit in her afflictions, and leaues no expectacion of remedie where a ruine is de­termined, the same making good thexperience of the olde saying, that to the man vnfortunat one ill neuer hapneth alone, but when they begin to fall they thunder all at once:’ After Ferdinand was gon out of Naples, euery one gaue way (as to a violent landflood) to the onely name and renowme of the victors, and that with such co­wardnes, that two hundred horsemen of M. Lignies went to Nole, whether Virginio and the Count Petillane were retyred with fowre hundred men at armes, and tooke them prisoners without resistance: either they had confidence in the safe conduict that was graunted them, or else their feares were no lesse then the others, seing with out triall or show of valour, they suffered them selues to be ledd captiues to the rock of Mondragon, and all their companies to suffer pillage and spoyle: In this meane while, thEmbassadors whom the Neapolitanes had sent to present to the french king the keyes of the citie, found him at Auerse, from whence after he had accorded to them with great liberalities, many priuileadges and exemptions, he went to Naples, and made his entrey the xxj. of February: he was receiued with generall reioysing The french king entreth Naples. on all sortes, neither person, kinde, age, condicion, quallitie, nor faction of men, spa­ring to ronne to behold him, as if he had bene their patrone and first founder of the [Page 71] citie: yea, there was a plentifull and willing presence of those, who either in them selues, or in their auncestors, had bene raysed to honors and estates by the house of Aragon: with this affluence and concurse of people, after he had visited the great Church, he was ledd (because new castell was yet to thennemies) to be lodged in the castell Capua the auncient resort and residence of the kinges of Fraunce, hauing with a wonderfull course of felicitie farre aboue the example of Iulius Caesar, rather vanquished then seene his enemie, and that with so ready fortune and facilitie: that during the whole expedicion, he neuer had neede to display one pauilion or tent, & much lesse to breake a launce: And touching helpes and prouisions, he had so great plenty and superfluitie, that his armie at sea prepared with so great expenses, being caried by violence of wether into the yle of Corse, was so long in approching the shoares of the kingdom, that the king had accomplished his conquest afore there was necessitie of their seruice.

Thus by ciuill discordes which so long hath blinded the Princes of Italy, to the great dishonor and skorne of the men of warre of that nation, and common daun­ger and ignominie of euery region of the same, was transferred one of the most goodly and mighty partes of Italy, and of the Empire of Italy, to an Empire and go­uernment of a nation beyond the mountes: for, albeit olde Ferdinand was borne in Spaine, yet, for that from his youth he had his trayning in Italy, either king or the sonne of a king, and holding no other principallitie in any region else, where togither that his sonnes and sonnes sonnes were bredd vppe in Naples: I may with good right ap­propper them to the contrey, and call them Italyans.

The ende of the first booke.

THE Pysans continue their rebellion against the Florentyns: The french king takes the castells of Naples: The Pope, the Venettans and other Princes make league against the king, who re­turning into Fraunce is fought withall neare the riuer Taro: Ferdmand wynnes agayne Na­ples: Nouarre is beseeged by the confederats: The king makes peace with the Duke of Myllan, and returnes into Fraunce.

THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE historie and discoursse of Guicciardin.

IN the booke before haue bene sett downe the foundacions of the french warres in Italy, both out of what founteyne they spronge, and with what course and mocions they had their proceedings euen to an action of conquest farre aboue the memorie and examples of all tymes and ages before. But as in all powers and causes naturall, this is a propertie infallible to haue their reuolucion by the same swift and vio­lent returne where with they did rise to their exaltacion and fulnes: So, the french king, rising with his felicitie, into hu­mors of securitie, saw the declinacion of his fortune and great triumphes, in the like measure and proporcion of tyme by the which he aspired to them, And suffering togither the priuacion of the kingdom, with the honor of his new cōquest, he shew­ed him selfe more happy to get glorie, then able to keepe it: Then whilest thinges went in this course at Rome and the kingdom of Naples, there kindled in an other parte of Italy, sparkes of a litle fier, wherein was nourished a smothering heate or­deyned Beginning of the warres of Pysa. to burst out to a great burning, to the hurt of many, but specially to the ru­yne of him, who, by too great a desire of dominion and rule, first kindled it and set it on slames, for, albeit the king was bownd by the contract of Florence, that Pysa remei­ning in his handes till he had conquered the realme of Naples, the iurisdiction & re­uenues should be administred by the Florentyns: yet, at his departure, he had sett no order for thexecucion of his word and promise: In so much that the Pysans, presu­ming much of the Capteynes and souldiers left by the king for the gard of the citie, did determine no more to returne to the obedience of Florence: And therefore ex­pulsing some of their officers and others that solicited there for the citie, they made the residue prisonners, with confiskacion of all their goods, and confirmed wholly their rebellion, both by demonstracions and actions: In this reuolte, to be the better able to continue it, they dispatched not onely Embassadors to the king to pray him of defence and protection to their doings, but also, for their stay and strength more assured, they recommended their cause vnder many argumentes of compassion to the cities of Syena and Lucques, who, being auncient ennemies to the name of Flo­rence, could heare of nothing more to their liking and gladnes, then of the reuolt of [Page 73] the Pysans, to whom in common they sent forthwith a proporcion of money, and Syenna a part furnished them with an ayde of horsemen: In like sort the Pysans sent Embassadors to Venice, to sownde the wills of that Senat, of whom albeit they were graciously receiued, yet they brought away nothing but hopes dowtfull and incer­teyne: But they reapposed their chiefest confidence and soundacion in the Duke of Myllan, for that as he was the first breeder of their rebellion, so they hoped he would not fayle to support them with succors, countenance and councell: The Duke, al­beit he made other showes and demonstracions to the Florentyns, yet he solicited secretly the confirmacion of this reuolt, and breathing courage into them with ma­ny offers, perswacions & promises, he communicated presently with the Genovvays to furnish the Pysans with armor and municions, and to sende to them a commissio­ner, with three hundred footemen: There hath bene auncient quarell betwene the [...] and [...] Florentyns and Genovvays, rising at first by the conquest of Pysa, and continued by many degrees of displeasures, both for buying the port of Lyuorne of their Duke To­masin Fregosa which they possessed, and also the taking away of Pietra Santa and Se­razena: The memorie of these, ioyned to thoccasion offered, was sufficient to arme them with a wonderfull readines to doe all thinges that might annoy the Florentyns: occupying euen already many of their places in the contrey of Lunigiane, and were become Lords of the borders of Pietra Santa, vnder cooller of a letter obteined from the french king for the restitucion of certein goods confisked: The Florentyns, com­playning of these actions at Myllan, were aunswered by the Duke, that according to the contract and capitulacions which he had with them of Genes, he could not well doe any thing to the restraint and impediment of them: And laboring to content them with wordes and diuersitie of hopes, he forbare not with a studie more secret and sutle, to practise and execute the contrary, as one that nourished an ambicious expectacion to draw Pysa to his obedience, if the Florentyns did not eftsoones reco­uer it, a thing much desired by him no lesse for the qualitie of the citie, then oportu­nitie of the scituacion: Neither was this desire new, but had bene nourished in him euer since he was expulsed Myllan, a litle after the death of Galeas his brother for a The preten­ded [...]a [...] of the Duke of Myllan [...] Pysa. ielowsie which the Ladye Bonne, mother and tutur to the litle Duke had of him, at what time soiorning many monthes vpon the borders of Pysa, he cast many plotts & deuises to get the rule and imperie of it: wherein, as touching the title, he was hol­pen with a recorde and memorie, that Pysa, afore it came into the iurisdiction of the Florentyns, had bene possessed by Iohn Galeas Viscounte, first Duke of Myllan: By rea­son whereof, he thought it would be an increase of his glorie, to recouer that which had beene possessed by his elders, and seemed that he might pretende a cooller of right, in not making lawfull, that Iohn Galeas might leaue by testament (to the pre­iudice of the Dukes of Myllan his successors) to Gabriell Maria his bastard sonne, the state of Pysa, which he had gotten, (albeit with the treasors & armies of the Duchie of Myllan: The Pysans, not content to haue drawne their citie from the obedience of the Florentyns, sought to obtrude vppon all the places and peeces of the generall de Mayne, all which for the most part (in a generall sturre examples may doe muche) following the authoritie of the citie, receiued their commissioners euen in the first dayes of the rebellion, the Florentyns making no resistance in the beginning, for that they were otherwise busied in affaires of greater importance, not hauing as yet com­posed with the french king, and did perhaps expect that he would apply remedie to those harmes according to his bonde protested by publike and solemne othe: But finding his order too slow and lingring, & happly aūswering the care he made, they [Page 74] sent thether bandes and companies, who eftsoones recouered partly by force, and partly by composicion, all that was occupied except Casine, Buti, and Vicopisan, into which places the Pysans (being not strong enough to make resistance against the whole) had withdrawne their forces: Touching the king, the doinges of the Pysans did nothing displease him, and much lesse was the maner of their proceedings disa­greeing from the estate of his endes and purposes: Their cause was apparantly fa­uored of many of his court, induced perhaps by a compassion that they had bene straitely gouerned by the Florentyns, the same notwithstanding being more in opini­on then in truth: But some of the chiefest both in his councells and of his court, vn­der thoccasion to pitie the Pysans, obiected them selues against the Cardinall of S. Mallo being wholly for the Florentyns: of these was principall the Seneshall of Beau­caire, with whom the money of the Pysans had much preuailed, but much more the discontentment he had of the greatnes of the Cardinall, from whom (according to the variations of Court) he beganne to be estranged & separate, being moued with the selfe same ambicion to embase him, with the which he had raysed him in the be­ginning: These men not hauing respect to that which concerned the honor & pro­mised faith of so great a king, perswaded that it agreed best with the profit and estate of his other enterprises, to keepe the Florentyns in this necessitie, and not to moderat the doings of the Pysans, at the least til he had made perfect his expedicion vpon the realme of Naples: The king caried with these perswasions, framed him selfe to en­terteyne both the one and other partie with seuerall hopes, And therefore whilest he remeyned yet at Rome, he called for thembassadors of Florence to heare in his pre­sence the complaints made to him by the Pysans, for whom spake Burgundio Loli Ci­tisen of Pysa, and aduocate of the consistorie in the Court of Rome: he complayned The com­plaintes of the Pysans afore the french king. bitterly that the Pysans had bene holden foureskore yeares in such an vniust and cru­ell seruitude, that that citie, which with many honorable victories heretofore had stretched out her iurisdiction euen to the partes of Leuant, ‘& had bene alwayes one of the most mighty and glorious members of all Italy, was now by the seueritie and couetousnes of the Florentyns come to her last desolacion: That the towne of Pysa was almost made naked of inhabitants, for that the most parte of the naturall and free borne Citisens, not able to beare so heauy yokes, had willingly abandoned the place of their patrimonie, possessions, and delites, whose councell hath bene proued wise by the miseries of others, whom the loue of their contrey hath made to abyde to serue as a wretched spectacle to all eyes of pitie, conscience, or humanitie: That they, for the great exactions of the Magistrates, and insolent robberies of persons priuate, were dispoyled almost of all their substance, and yet in no libertie nor way to nourish their liues, for that with a tyrannie and iniustice straunge and barbarous, they were forbidden to manage trades of marchandise, or to exercise any art except of the hande: They had no accesse or function in any office of qualitie, nor in the administracion of the gouernment of Florence, no not in thinges which were trans­ferred to persons straunge and forreine: That the Florentyns by many arguments exercised all sortes of crueltie against the health and benefite of their liues, And to haue a more ready way to their generall destruction, they haue of late yeares shaked of an auncient and necessary care to preserue the bankes and cawsseyes of the con­trey of Pysa, menteyned alwayes from age to age by the Lordes of that contrey with no small studie, for that otherwayes it was impossible, (seeing the shallownes of the contrey subiect to inundacions and water fludds) that they should not be euery yere stricken with diuersitie of diseases: That by this decay, were made ruinat euen flat [Page 75] with the earth, churches, pallaices, with many honorable buildings both publike & priuate erected by their predecessors with no litle expense and charge: That it was no shame to particular cities or townes, if, after the raigne and course of many worldes they fell into seruitude, for that all mortall and earthly thinges beare their proper destinie and subiection to corruption: But the memorie of their nobilitie & greatnes, alwaies disposed into the maiestie of a gouernment and common weale ought to breede in the spirites of conquerors more compassion then rigor, chiefly euery one hauing to consider thatit is not onely in the power of time, but also inci­dent to the iust course and destinie of earthly thinges, to bring vppon them the selfe same ende which is ordeyned to happen to all other cities and Empires: That in the Pysans there rested no more, wherein the inhumanitie and insatiable couetous­nes of the Florentyns coulde be exercised with further skoape: And therefore the yoke of those burdens bearing a waight aboue their strength, & the varietie of their miseries so infinit and intollerable, they had with one minde determined, rather to abandon their contrey, to giue vp their liues, and to forbeare the vse, societie, and de­lite of their goods, friendes, and kinred, then to returne eftsoones vnder so vniust, so tyrannous, and so vile a gouernment: beseching lastly the king with teares (which he besought him to imagine to be the plentifull teares of the whole people of Pysa miserably prostrate at his feete) to remember that, with the same pietie, with the same iustice, and with the same religion and conscience, he had restored them to that libertie, of the which they had bene so vniustly despoyled: he would eftsoones as a Prince resolut and constant, defend and keepe them in the same benefit, seeing the election was more honorable, more godly, more worthie his name & greatnes, to beare the name of the father and deliuerer of this citie so auncient and innocent, then in redeliuering it vp into a seruitude so wretched, to become the infamous mi­nister of the robberies, oppressions, and tyrannies of the prowd Florentyns. To these ThEmbassa­dor of Florëce confuteth those com­plaintes. accusements aunswered, with no lesse vehemencie, Frauncis Soderyn Bishop of Vol­terre, afterwards made Cardinall, and at that time one of the Embassadors for Flo­rence: He showed that the title of his common weale was iuste, for that they had bought Pysa in the yeare 1404. of Gabriel Maria Viscounte the lawfull Lord, by whom they were no sooner put in possession of their purchasse, then the Pysans redeliuered them selues by force: By which occasion they were driuen to seeke to reconquer it by a long warre, whose ende was no lesse prosperous, then the occasion was iust, and no lesse praise worthy the humanitie of the Florentyns, then the victorie glorious: for that hauing in their discressions to perish all the people of Pysa (languishing already with hunger) when they entred with their armie into the citie, they brought with them a greater quantitie of vittells then of weapons: And so in place to take away their liues by iust law of conquest and victorie, they breathed new liues with their refreshing and vittells, into bodies miserable and not worthy of life: That the citie of Pysa at no time had obteyned any greatnes in the firme lande, and much lesse had bene able in power to winne forreine and straunge peeces, seeing they could neuer make them selues Lordes ouer Lucques, A citie communicating with them in neare neighbourhed and borders: but they stoode alwayes restrayned and inclosed in a strait territorie, not seeking to make their fortune greater then was their vertue: And for their power at sea, neither hath it bene so mighty as there is left any monument of it, nor of such continuance as it hath any prescription of time: for that, by the iust iudgement of God, whom they had prouoked by many actes of prophane im­pietie, and for a skourge of the longe ciuill discordes amongest them selues, it was [Page 76] long time before the purchasse of the Florentyns, falne from all estate and greatnes, drayned of all wealth and habitants, and at last reduced to such a naked weakenes, that one Iacques d'Appian a simple notarie of the contrey, was of power to make him selfe Lord ouer them, leauing the citie and territorie as a succession to his children: That the land and contrey of Pysa was of litle importance to the Florentyns, except for thopportunitie of the scituacion, and conueniencie of the sea, seeing the reue­nues that were drawne from thence were of litle consideracion, the exactions be­ing so easie and light, that they exceeded very litle the necessary expenses, & yet the most parte were leuyed vpon marchant straungers, and by the meane of the port of Lyuorne: That touching trade of marchandise, artes, and offices, the Pysans were not bownde with other lawes, then did regulat all other cities subiect to the Florentyns, who, acknowledging to liue vnder a moderate and easie pollicie, had no desire to chaunge Lordes, not hauing in deede that obstinacie and pride of minde which is naturall in the Pysans, nor yet infected with a disloyaltie so notorius, as it is made ge­nerall and famous by the auncient prouerbe of all Tuskane: And albeit, since the Flo­rentyns had gouernment in Pysa, sundry of the Citisens tooke a willing banishment: yet it cōcludes nothing against the Florentyns, but detectes iustly their owne prowde stomackes and impacience, bearing no mindes to accommodat them selues to their owne forces nor fortune: And much lesse that vnder the gouernment of the Flo­rentyns, Pysa is diminished either in treasor or inhabitants, seeing of the contrary they haue at a great charge recouered the hauen of Lyuorne, without the which their citie would be no lesse vnprofitable then inconuenient: They haue also intro­duced the publike studie of all sciences, together with many other benefits, & lastly, diligently continued the reparacions of the bankes, the better to replenishe them with inhabitants: The truth of which thinges did shine with too cleare a light, then that the clowdes of false complaintes were able to ouershadow and darken it: he sayd it was suffered to euery one to desire to aspire to a better fortune, but withall it was an office iust in all inferior degrees to beare without grudging the ordenance & sentence of their lott: otherwise there woulde be confusion of all empires and go­uernments, if it were suffered to euery one that is subiect, to aspire to libertie: Lastly he told the king that to the Florentyns, it was neither necessary nor any way apper­teyning to their office, to perswade Charles a Christian king of Fraunce what he had to doe, for that being a Prince wise and iuste, they dowted not that he would suffer him selfe to be caried by so vaine complaintes and slaunders: that of him selfe he would remember him selfe of his promise made afore his armie was receiued into Pysa, togither with his word and oth of a king published solemnly at Florence, for that by how much a king is mighty and great, by so much is it more meritorious & glo­rious to him to vse his power & greatnes for the preseruacion of his faith & iustice:’ The king hearing the differences thus disclosed by both thembassadors, bare an in­clinacion partiall to the Pysans, and wished that during the warre of Naples, there might be a surceassing of armes betwene the two parties, or at least that the Floren­tyns would consent that he might hold the whole contrey, assuring them that assone as the conquest of Naples were accomplished, he would make perfect all his promi­ses giuen at Florence: This the Florentyns refused, holding euen now for suspected all the kinges wordes, and yet they forbare not with great constancie to presse him to keepe his promise: wherein, to make showe that he would satisfie them (his inten­cion in deede being to haue of them before the time the lxx. thowsande duckatts which they had promised him) he dispatched at the same instant he departed from [Page 77] Rome, the Cardinall of S. Mallo as Embassador to Florence, making as though he sent him thether to satisfie their demaundes: But in secret he charged him that, nouri­shing them with hopes till they had made payment of the money, he should leaue thinges in the same estate: of which shifte of time, albeit the Florentyns made suffici­ent dowt, yet they aduaunced xl. thowsand duckats afore the tearme, which assoone as the Cardinall had receiued, he went to Pysa, promising to recontinue the posses­sion of the estate to the Florentyns: But he made a speedy returne without any effect of his promise, and lesse aunswering thexpectacion of them of Florence, afore whom he excused him self by the obstinacie of the Pysans, & that being not able of him self to dispose them, his authoritie was lesse sufficient to constrayne them, hauing no ex­presse commission from the king: Lastly it was not conuenient for him being of ho­ly profession, to take or followe any councell whereon might arise effusion of Chri­stian bludd: yet he bestowed a new garrison within the new Citadell, and had done the like in the olde castell, if he could haue got the consent of the Pysans, who grewe daily more and more in courage and forces by the secret helping of the Duke of Myllan, who iudging it necessary, that there should be within Pysa a greater strength and a leader of experience & vallour, had sent to them (couering him selfe notwith­standing as he was wont with the name of the Genovvays) Luke Mavvezze, with newe bandes and companies: And letting passe no occasion that might keepe the Florentyns in busines the better to holde them from offending the Pysans, he inter­teyned into pay in common with the Siennoys, Iacques d'Appian Lord of Plombyn, and Iohn Sauelle, the rather to encourage the sayd people of Sienna to defend Montpulci­an, a place newly reuolted from the Florentyns, & accepted by them of Stenna, with­out hauing regarde to the confederacion which they had together: At the same time also the Florentyns were in no lesse care and trauell for suddeine busines newly hapned within the citie: for immediatly after the king was departed from Florence, the better to reestablish their gouernment, they had in their parliament (which in their custom is a congregacion assembled of all the citisens in the place before the townehouse, who deliberat with free voyce vpon matters propownded by the great Magistrat) instituted a kind of pollicie, which, vnder the name of a gouernment po­pular tended in many thinges, more to the power of a fewe, then of euery one in ge­nerall: The which being greeuous to many, who fashioned in their mindes a grea­ter libertie, and hauing the priuat ambicion of some one of the principall Citisens concurring, there was necessitie to dispute vpon a new forme of gouernment, wher­in as it was commoned vpon one day amongest the principall Magistrates and per­sons of greatest reputacion, Pavvle Anthony Soderyn, a Citisen, wise and much respe­cted, deliuered his opinion in this sort.

Albeit the estate popular is lesse esteemed then that wherein thinges are referred P. Anth. So­derin reaso­neth touching a forme of go­uernment for Florence. to one alone, or gouerned by the directions of graue men: yet, for that the desire of libertie is a desire auncient and almost naturall in this citie, and the condicions and estate of our Citisens are equally proporcioned, which is a necessary ground of po­pular gouernments: I might mainteyne by easie and reasonable discourse, ‘that it ought to be preferred before all other, were it not that the disputacion would be su­perfluous, seeing in all our assemblies since the parliament, it hath bene alwayes de­termined by a consent vniuersall, that the citie should be gouerned in the name and with thauthoritie of the people: But the diuersitie of opinions is risen vppon this, that certeine particulars, in things ordeyned in the parliament, seeke to come neare and resemble that forme of common weale, vnder the which the citie was gouerned [Page 78] before our libertie was oppressed by the familie of the Medicis and others, (of which nomber I confesse I am) supposing that the gouernment so established, bare in ma­ny thinges rather the name then theffects of a pollicie popular, and fearing thacci­dents which often happen by like gouernments, desire a forme more perfect and more regarding the preseruacion and protection of the concord and sewertie of the citisens: A thing which neither by reason, nor experience of times passed, can be hoped for in this citie, but vnder a gouernment depending alltogether vppon the power of the people so that it be well and duely ordeyned and regulated, which thing consistes principally in two foundacions: The first is, that all ministracions and offices aswell in the citie as thorow the whole demeane, be giuen (for a certeine time) by a councell vniuersall, which according to our lawes may participat in the gouernment, without the approbacion of which councell, new lawes can not be e­stablished: By this meane, not being in the power of citisens priuate, nor of any par­ticular faction or intelligence to distribute dignities & authorities, No man shall be excluded by passion or partialitie of others, but offices shall be bestowed according to the vertues and merits of men: And vertue bearing this propertie to transferre dignities to those persons to whom her selfe is conioyned, it will be a meane & en­couragement to eueryone to striue by his vertues and good partes, with the ayde publike and priuate, to open his way to honors and reputacion: it shall be necessary that euery one absteyne from vices, and forbeare to hurt one an other, and finally es­chew both the study & action of all hateful thinges in a citie welinstituted. And it can not be in the power of one or a fewe to introduce with newe lawes, or with au­thoritie of a Magistrate, an other gouernment, this being not to be chaunged, but by the will and priuitie of the councell vniuersall. The second ground is, that the de­liberacions and councells of importance, such as apperteyne to peace and warre, to the construing and examinacion of newe lawes, and generally to all thinges neces­sary for thadmmistracion of such a citie or empire, be managed by Magistrates par­ticularly appoynted to that charge, and by a councell more priuate compownded of wise and experienced citisens to be deputed and ordeined by the councell popu­lar: for that the knowledge and iudgement of such affayres, falling not familiarly in­to thunderstanding of euery one, it is necessary they be gouerned by such as are ca­pable to them, And requiring oftentymes diligence and secrecie, they are not to be consulted or communicated with the multitude, as not being necessary for the pre­seruacion of the publike libertie, that such thinges be handled in too great audience and companie, seeing the libertie is assured as often as the distribucion of Magistra­cies, and deliberacion of new lawes, depende of the vniuersall consent: These two foundacions thus layed, you haue a true popular gouernment ordeyned, the libertie of the citie grounded, and a perpetuall and commendable forme of common weale confirmed. There be many other thinges which tende to make this gouernment more perfect, but they are referred more conueniently to an other tyme, to thende not to confound in this beginning the mindes of men, which both suspicious by the memorie of tyrannies past, and not accustomed to manage gouernments free, can not wholly knowe all things necessary to be ordeyned for preseruacion of the liber­tie: and there be thinges, which for their litle importance and consideracion, may without daunger be differred vntill a tyme more apt and better occasion. No dowte, the citisens will embrace more and more this forme of commonweale, and being by experience, made daily more capable of the truth, they can not but desire that their gouernment be pollished and brought to his full perfection: Neither can it [Page 79] but be susteyned and holden vp by these two foundacions, which, how easie it is to lay and establish, and what frute they bring, is not to be proued onely by many rea­sons, but also appeares plainely by examples: for, albeit the gouernment of the Ve­netians standes properly vpon gentlemen, those gentlemen yet are no other then ci­tisens priuat, and what for their numbers, so many, and for their condicions so di­uerse, it can not be denied that it doth not much participat with a gouernment po­pular, although in many thinges it can not be imitated of vs: and yet it is principal­ly founded vpon these two pillers and bases, by the which hauing bene continued by many ages, together with a libertie, vnitie, and concord ciuil, it is risen to the glo­ry and greatnes which the world seeth: The vnitie & strength of the Venetians hath not growen as many suppose, by their scituacion, for that in the same may be and haue bene many discordes and sedicions: But it hath proceeded for that they had a forme of pollicie so wel sorted & proporcioned to it selfe, that necessarily it brought forth precious and wonderfull effectes, agreeable to the firme and sownd foundaci­ons. Our owne examples ought to moue vs no lesse then straungers, if we consider in the contrary, that because our city had neuer a forme of gouernment like vnto this, it was the cause that our estate and affayres haue bene so subiect to ordinary muta­cions, sometimes troden vnder feete by the violence of tyrantes, & sometymes rent and dismembred by the ambicious and couetous discordes of certeme particulars, and sometimes confounded by the vnbridled libertie of the cōmunaltie: Insomuch that where cities were built for the rest and happy life of thinhabitantes, our tran­quilletie, our felicities, and our ioyes haue bene the confiskacion of our goods, with banishment and execucion of our miserable Citisens: The gouernment brought into the parliament, differeth not from the pollicies heretofore ordeyned in this citie, which being all infected with discordes and calamities, after infinit trauels both publike and priuat, they finally ingendred tyrannies, like as in the time of our aunce­stors for none other then these occasions, the Duke of Athens oppressed the libertie and in the times succeeding, Cosmo de medicis followed his example, whereof it is not to be maruelled: for, when the distribucion of Magistracies, and deliberacion of the lawes, haue not communitie with the common consent, but depend vpon tharbitra­cion of the lesser number: then the Citisens not carefull of the publike benefit, but seeking their profits and endes priuate, rise into sectes and conspiracies particular, whereunto are ioyned the diuisions of the whole citie, a plague most certeine to all common weales and Empires: So that it can not but be a greater discression to es­chew those formes of gouernment which by reasons and examples in our selues we finde to be hurtfull, and draw neare to those pollicies which with the reasons and examples of others we discerne to be wholsom and happy. And thus much I take boldnes to auouch (the truth and sinceritie of the matter much enforcing me) that the pollicie of our citie ronning alwayes in that order that a fewe Citisens shal haue an vnmeasured authoritie, will proue to be a gouernment of a fewe tyrants, who wil be so much more daungerous then one tyrant alone, by how much the ill is great, & hurtes more, by how much it is multiplied: And if there should be none other ill or mischiefe at all, yet at leastwise, what for the diuersitie of opinions, and for thambici­on and different couetousnes of men, there could be no expectacion of longe con­corde: And discorde, as it is hurtfull in all seasons, so it would be most daungerous at this time, wherein you haue sent into exile one so mightie a Citisen, and wherein you stand depriued of one of the principallest partes of your estate: And lastly, Italy hauing euen in her harte and intralls forreine armies, standes on all sides inuironed [Page 80] with manifest perill:’ Albeit very seldom or possible, neuer it hath bene absolutely in the power of all the citie to put order to it selfe according to our owne liking, yet seeing by the goodnes of God you haue that power, lose not thoccasion to institute a free gouernment and so well erected, that not onely you shall be made happy by it whilest you liue: but also may promise the same to your posteritie, and leaue as an inheritance to your children such a treasure and felicitie, as your auncestors neuer had nor knewe.

To the contrary of this, did reason Guid▪anthony Vespucci, a lawer notable for his Against this opinion reaso­neth Guido Anth. Ve­spucci. iudgment, and no lesse singular for his facilitie and sharpnes of witt: if the gouern­ment (sayth he) instituted in the forme of Pavvle Antonyne Soderyn, would as easily bring forth the frutes that are desired, as he hath liberally recounted them: ‘sewer we should show great corrupcion in iudgement, reason, and discression, if we would wishe to our contrey any other sort of pollicie, & right vnworthy should we seeme of the reputacion and benefits of good Citisens, if we would not embrace a forme of a commonweale wherin the vertues, merits, and valours of men, should be aboue all other thinges honored and recompenced: But I can not see how it may be ho­ped that a gouernment put wholly in the power of the people, can bring forth so many benefits: seeing no man dowtes but it is a lesson in reason, a trial in experience, and an authoritie confirmed by great men, that in so great a multitude can not be found that discression, that experience nor that order, as may be promised that they will preferre the wise afore the ignorant, the good afore the ill, and the experienced afore such as neuer knew what it was to manage affayres: for, like as of a iudge in­capable and ignorant can be no expectacion of iudgements righteous and iust: So, in a people full of confusion and vanitie, is no hope (but at aduenture) of election or deliberacion wise or reasonable: That which in publike gouernments wise men & such as follow the studie of no other affayres, can hardly discerne, let vs neuer beleue that a multitude vnexperienced, ignorant, compounded of so great diuersitie of spi­rits, of condicions and customs, and wholly giuen to thinges that concerne them particularly, can distinguish and know it: Besides, the immoderat perswacion that euery one will haue of him selfe, will kindle in euery one a couetousnes of honors, not sufficing to men in popular gouernment to enioy the honest frutes of libertie, but they will aspire all to the degrees principall, and seeke to haue place in the coun­cells of things of most importance and hardnes, for that lesse in vs then in any other citie, raigneth the modestie to giue place to such as knowe most, and deserue best: And so nourishing our selues with perswasion that of right we ought to be all equall in all thinges (the power resting in the multitude) places of vertue, valour, and me­rit will be confounded, and this couetousnes stretched out into the greatest parte, will bring to passe that such may doe most as know least and merit lesse, for that be­ing most in number, they wil haue most power, opinions being rather compted then considered. These thinges well waighed, what assurance is there, that contenting with the forme which now you would bring in, they would not immediatly fall to disorder, and confound with inuentions new and lawes vndiscreete which wise men could not resist, the wayes to gouerne a common weale which had bene wisely deli­berated and established: which thinges being daungerous at all times in such a sort of commonweale, would bring farre more peril at this present, seeing it is the nature of men when they come out of one extremitie wherein they haue bene holden by force, to ronne with a swift course to an other extremitie without staying in the middest: euen so, men drawne out of a tyrannie, if they be not restrayned, ronne [Page 81] headlong into an vnbridled libertie, which iustly may be called a tyrannie: Because in these actions a people and multitude is like to a tyrant when he giueth where is no cause of meritt, and taketh from him that hath well deserued, confounding the degrees and distinctions of persons, yea happly their tyrannie is so much the more hurtfull, by how much their ignorance (conteyning neither waight, measure, nor lawe) is greater then the malignitie, which yet perhapps is gouerned by some rule, with some bridle, or subiect to some limit: We ought not much to be moued with the example of the Venetians, for that in their behalfe the scituacion makes some thing, and the forme of gouernment receiued of long time may doe much, togither with the order and disposicion of thinges ruled in such sort that the councells of importance rest more in the power of a fewe then of many, and their spirits happely not being by nature so suttle as ours, they are more easie to be kept quiet and con­tented: Besides, the pollicie of the Venetians standes not onely vpon the two foun­dacions that haue bene considered, but for their perfection and firmenes it imports much that they haue a Duke perpetual, with many other ordenaunces, which who would introduce into this commonweale, should seeme to bring in innouacions & find many resistances, seeing our citie takes not nowe her being, nor at this present the first time of her institucion: And therefore auncient customs impugning often times common profit, and men suspecting that vnder cooler of preseruacion of the libertie there would be raised a new tyrannie, wholsom councels wil be of litle force, euen as in a body infected & replenished with ill humors, medicines are not of that seruice, as in a body purged: for which reasons, & for the nature of humane things which commonly goe impairing, it is more to be feared that that which in this be­ginning shall be imperfectly ordeyned, will be wholly disordered with time, then to hope that by time and with occasions, it may be reduced to perfection: we haue ex­amples of our owne and neede not the iustificacion of authorities and experiences of others: for, at what time hath the people gouerned absolutely this citie, that it hath not bene full of discordes, that it hath not suffered deformitie & dismembring, and lastly that the state hath not immediatly chaunged: And if we stande so much vpon the examples of others, why do we not remember, that the gouernmēt wholly popular, bredd in Rome so many tumultes, that had it not bene for the science, dili­gence, and discipline of warre, the life of that commonweale had bene short: Let vs remember that Athens a most florishing and mighty citie, lost not for other occasi­on her Empire and so sell into seruitude of the Citisens and straungers, then for that they did dispose of great affayres with the deliberacions and councells of the com­munaltie: But I see not for what occasion it may be sayd, that in the forme introdu­ced in the parliament the libertie is not there wholly founde, seeing all thinges are referred to the disposicion of Magistrates, and they not perpetuall, but chaunging, are not elected of few, but approued of many, & ought according to thauncient cu­stom of the citie to be referred to tharbytrement of the lott: then they can not be di­stributed by factions, or by the appetite of citisens particular: we shall haue a farre greater assurance when the affaires of most importance shall passe by thexaminaci­on and direction of the most wise, the most practised, and most graue men, who are to manage and gouerne them with an other order, an other secrecie, and an other iudgement, then would be expressed in a multitude or communaltie incapable of such thinges,’ some times when is least neede prodigall in expenses, and eftsoones in busines great and waighty, so sparing and restrained, that often times for sauing a very litle, they fall into great expenses and daungers, ‘euen as men that leaping ouer [Page 82] a great blocke, stumble vpon a litle strawe: In deede as P. Anthoyne hath sayd, thin­firmity of Italy, and particularly of our contrey, is great and of no litle consideracion, euen so the folly is so much the greater, when hauing neede of Phisicions experien­ced and wise, we will put our bodies into the handes of such as haue least skill and discression: Lastly, you haue to consider that you shall mainteyne your people in greater rest, and leade them most easily to councells wholsom both for them selues, and to the benefit of euery one, in giuing them in the common weale a moderate part and authoritie, seeing if you referre all thinges to their arbitracion, there will be daunger that they will become insolent and wholly disagreeing from the councells of your wise,’ carefull, and affectioned citisens.

In this councell, whereunto was not admitted the great number of citisens, the aduise then tended to a forme of gouernment not so large and popular, had caried it, if amongest the deliberacions of men, there had not bene mixed authoritie diuine pronounced by the mouth of Ieronimo Sauonarola a religious man of thorder of fre­ar Iero. Sauona­rola esteemed for a prophet in Florence. preachers. This man hauing bene continually exercised for many yeares in the publike preaching of Gods word at Florence, and hauing ioyned to his singular do­ctrine, a generall brute of holines of life, had gotten in the opinion of most part of the people, the name and authoritie of a Prophet: for that at times wherein in Italy was no other apparance in mans reason, then of common tranquillitie, he would in his sermons prophecie of the comming of forreine armies, with so great astonish­ment of men that neither walls nor camps were able to resist them: which thinges with many others of other nature, he would assure that he did not foretell by dis­course humane, or knowledge of the Scriptures, but simply did foresee them by re­uelacion diuine: In these wonders & warnings he would sometimes touch the mu­tacion of the state of Florence: At that time he detested publikely the forme of go­uernment agreed vpon in the parliament, affirming that it was the will and pleasure of God that they did erect a pollicy mearely popular, in sort that there should not be power in a few citisens to alter nether the sewertie nor the libertie of the residue: inso much that for the reuerēce of one so great a name, ioined to the desire of many, such as were of thother opinion, should not be able to resist so great an inclinacion: Ther­fore this matter being many times propounded and debated, it was lastly determi­ned, that there should be made a councel of all the citisens, wherein should haue no accesse (so it was spredd in many places in Italy) the dreggs of the people, but onely such as by the auncient lawes of the citie might participate in the gouernment. In this councell should not be hādled nor they should not dispose of other things then of the election of all the Magistrates for the city & for the demeane, & of the confir­macion of prouisions of money, together with all the lawes ordeyned before by the Magistrates and other councells more priuat and straite: And to thende that thoc­casions of ciuill discordes shoulde be taken away, and the spiritts of euery one the more assured, it was prohibited by decree publike according to thexample of thaue­niens, not to remember the errors and transgressions committed in the tymes past in thaffayres of estate: vpon which foundacions, might perhapps haue bene consti­tuted a gouernment well regulated and established, if at the same time they had in­troduced all the ordenances which then came into the consideracion of wise men. But such thinges being not able to be deliberated without the consent of many who for the memorie of thinges past were full of suspicions: it was iudged and determi­ned that for the present, the grand councell shoulde be established as a ground and foundacion of the newe libertie, referring to accomplish that which wanted vntill a [Page 38] better oportunitie of time, and vntill (by the meane of experience) the publike vti­litie should be knowne of such as had no capacitie to knowe it by reason and iudge­ment: This was the course & condicion of thaffayres of Tuskane. But in this meane while, the french king, after he had with a ready fortune conquered the citie of Na­ples, to giue a full perfection to his victorie, he had principally to looke to remoue two impediments: The one how he might get new castel, and the castell of the egge, which are two fortresses of Naples, holding good yet for Ferdinand, but for the towne of S. Vincent, builded for the garde of the hauen, he had it without much resistance: his other consideracion was how he might reduce the whole kingdom to his obe­dience: In which two thinges fortune still followed him with a full sayle of her fa­uors, for, new castel, the habitacion of the kinges builded vpon the banke or shoares of the sea, by the couetousnes and cowardise of fiue hundred launceknightes hol­ding garrison there, was rendred with condicion that they might departe in safetie with all the goods and moueables they were able to cary: In this castell was founde great quantities of vittells, whereof the king without consideracion to that might happen, made prodigall liberalities to certeyne of his owne people: And touching the castell called the egge, built within the sea vpon a rocke, afore tymes parcell of the firme lande, but now deuided from it by the operacion of Lucullus, was ioyned with a narrow bridge to the next brinkes or shoares of Naples: they within the rocke, seeing them selues battered without ceasing with a perpetuall furie of thartillerie, which might well shake the walls, but nothing moue the naturall rocke, agreed to yeld vp the place, if within viij. dayes they were not succored: The Barons also and gouernors of communalties, would goe many dayes iorneyes to meete the french capteines and companies of souldiers sent into sundry partes of the realme: whose example in yelding, and the humanitie and inclinacion of the french in receiuing them, bredd such a generall minde of reuolt in cities, fortes, and peeces particular, that almost all the places of strength were rendred by those that kept them, either with no resistance at all, or at least without perill or difficultie: yea the rocke of Ca­ietta notwithstanding it was made stronge with men, vittells, municion, and other thinges necessary for defence, yet after a few light assaults, it yelded to the discression of the victors: This selicitie of the king followed with so full streame, that within▪ very few dayes, and with a wonderfull facilitie, all the kingdom was brought into his obedience, except the yle of Yschia, the castells of Brondusia and Galipoly in Povvylla, and in Calabria the rocke of Regge, scituate in the poynt of Italy right ouer against Sicile, the citie holding for the king: and except also Turpia and Mantia, who in the beginning displayed the banners of Fraunce, but refusing to liue vnder the subiecti­on of others then the king, who had already disposed them to certeyne of his fauo­rits, they chaunged councell, and returned to their first Lorde: The like was done within a litle tyme after by the citie of Brondusa, to the which the french king hauing sent no men, but vsing negligence where was necessitie of care and councell, did skarcely heare their Magistrates sent to him to Naples to capitulat: by which occa­sion ioyning with thoportunitie offered, those that kept the castells in the name of Ferdinand, had good meane by perswasions to draw agayne the citie to the deuoci­on of the Aragons: by which example also, the citie of Otrante lately declared for the french, & no creature sent thether to receiue them, continued not long in their affection: All the Lordes and Barons of the realme (except Alphonso Daualo Mar­quiss of Pisouire, who left within new castell by Ferdinand, was gone to him when he perceiued the inclinacion of the launceknightes to yeld: and except two others, who [Page 84] for that the french king had giuen away their estates, were fled into Sicile) came to doe homage to the new king: who, desiring to assure wholly so great a conquest by the way of concorde, called afore him vnder safe conduit afore he had wonne the rocke of the egge, Dom Federyk, who, aswell for that he had remeyned many yeares in the court of Fraunce in the tyme of the kinges father, as also for that he touched his maiestie in parentage, was much fauored of all the Lordes of Fraunce. The king The french king makes offers to Dom Federyk. told him, he would indue Ferdinand (leauing all that was his in the realme of Na­ples) with estates and large reuenues in Fraunce: And touching him, to recompense him liberally with all that he possessed there: But Federyk, well knowing that his ne­phew was determined to accept no condicion, except he might haue Calabria, aun­swered Dom Federyk aunswereth the king. with a countenance of humilitie and reuerence, and wordes graue and wise: That seeing God, fortune, and the good wills of men haue concurred in his present felicities to giue him the kingdom of Naples, Ferdinand was not determined to make resistance against so fatall a disposicion: but, rather esteeming it no shame to giue place to a king so happy and mighty, he would no lesse then others, remeyne in his obedience and deuocion, so that his maiestie would contribute to him some parte of the kingdome (touching Calabria by a secret meaning) to thende that dwelling therein not as king, but in the condicion of one of his Barons, he might honor the clemencie and magnanimitie of the french king, in whose seruice he hoped to haue once occasion to showe that vertue which his malicious fortune would not suffer him to expresse in the action of his owne safetie: That, nothing could turne more to the glorie of king Charles then that councell, bearing resemblance and affinitie with the councells of those kinges whom antiquitie doth so much recommend vn­to vs, who, by such operacions had raysed their names to immortalitie, and establi­shed amongest peoples and nations, diuine honors: That, it was a councell no lesse for his sewertie then for his glorie, for that Ferdinand brought to his deuocion, the realme would be so assured to him, ‘that he should not hereafter feare the chaunge of fortune, who had this common propertie: that as often as victories were not assu­red with moderacion and discression, she would defile by some accident vnlooked for,’ the vertue and reputacion of the glory gotten. But the king dowting that if he communicated any parte of the kingdome with his competitor, he shoulde open a waye to manifest perill for the residue, Dom Federyk parted from him without any thing doing: Ferdinand, vnderstanding of the rendring of the castells, sayled into Si­cile with xiiij. light gallyes slenderly appoynted, wherein he passed from Naples: This he did to be ready vpon all occasions, leauing the gard of the rocke of Yschia to Ianick Daualo brother to Alphonso, both men of great vallour, and of singular faith to­wards their Lord: But the french king, to take from thennemie that receptacle ve­ry conuenient to trouble the realme, sent thether his armie by sea, which arriued at length in the port of Naples, and finding the towne abandoned, they forbare to as­saile the rocke, wherein, for his inuincible strength by scituacion, they discerned ma­ny The french king sendes an armie to inuade Ys­chia. impossibilities to preuayle: And therefore, to giue a greater helpe to their ver­tue, the king determined to assemble all the vessells of Prouence and of Genes, to take Yschia, and assure the sea which Ferdinand vexed some tymes: But their councel and diligence were not equall to their fortune, seeing, according to thinfirmitie of all their doings, all thinges had a slow proceeding, and were guided in most great neg­ligence and confusion: for, the french king turning the prosperitie of his affayres to serue his vanities, his companies in like sort, by so great felicitie became more inso­lent then of custom, and let goe at aduenture thaffayres of importance, not recey­uing [Page 85] into their thoughts any other impression then of feasting and pleasures: And such as were great in the councells and fauors of the king, cared not but for their owne particular, and to draw of the victory all the profit they could, without respe­cting the dignitie or vtilitie of their Prince.

About this tyme dyed at Naples Gemyn Otto to the great displeasure of the king, The death of Ge. Ott [...]a Tinke, and kept in refuge by the Pope. who layed vp in him many foundacions and oportunities for the warre he deter­mined to make against the Empire of the Turkes: It was beleued his death was bru­ed in a cup of poyson which the Pope had giuen him to worke his ende in a certein tyme: or that hauing deliuered him against his wil, and so depriued of the xl. thow­sand duckats which his brother payed him yearely, he tooke for consolacion that he that had taken him away, should receiue by him no commoditie or profit: or at least for entry he bare to the glory of the french king: or lastly for feare, that thinges succeeding happily with him against the Infidells, he would not afterwards turne his thoughtes to reforme the abuses of the Church, which being wholly alyened from the auncient deuocion, customs, & pietie, made euery day of lesse authoritie the re­ligion of Christ, euery one withall hauing an assured expectacion that they would further decline before the ende of his raigne, which being gotten by wicked meanes, was happly neuer in the memorie of men administred with worse orders: And there were that beleued (for the corrupt nature of the Pope made credible in him all wic­kednes) that Baiazet after he vnderstoode that the french king prepared to passe in­to Italy, practised with him by the meane of George Bucciardin corrupted with mo­ney, to oppresse the life of Gemyn: And yet the king (nourishing still his inclinacion to the warres of the Turkes, more vppon a greene humor of youth and volubilitie of minde, then by maturitie of councell) ceased not for his death to send into Greece tharbishop of Duraz of the nation of Albania, who put the king in hopes by the meanes of certeine factions of the banished and other vayne intelligences, to stirre vp some commocion in that prouince: But new accidents constrained him to turne his spirits to new thoughtes.

It hath bene set downe before, how the desire to vsurpe the Duchie of Myllan, ioy­ned Lodo. Sforce beginneth too late to feare the greatnes of the french. to a feare that Lodovvyk Sforce had of the Aragons and Peter de medicis, induced him to procure the french king to passe into Italy, by whose comming after he had obteined his ambicious pretence, and that the Aragons were brought into those ne­cessities, that there was no abilitie remeyning to defend their propper safetie: A se­cond feare both more great and reasonable then the first, beganne to occupie his thoughtes, his eyes, and all his senses: that was the seruitude and thraldom houe­ring ouer him, ouer him, and all thItalians, if the kingdom of Naples were ioyned to the power of the crowne of Fraunce, desiring for that cause (as hath bene noted) that by the Flo­rentyns should be obiected many difficulties and impediments against the resoluci­on of his enterprise. But when he saw his maiestie was easily ioyned with that com­mon weale, & with the same facilitie had ouercome all thimpediments of the Pope, and lastly without resistance had preuayled ouer the realme of Naples, the daunger semed euery day so much the greater to him, by how much the course of the french victories aduaunced more and more with facilitie, fortune and felicitie: A like feare also began to stirre in the mindes of the Senat of Venice, who in all their councells hetherunto had cōstantly perseuered in newtralitie, gouerning their abstinence with so great discression no lesse in action then in demōstracion, that there was no meane to suspect their inclinacion more to one partie then to an other: They had for Em­bassadors with the king Anthony Loredan and Dominick Treuisan, albeit they lingered [Page 86] so long to send them, that the king was not onely passed the mountes, but arriued at Florence afore they were presented to him: But now looking with iudgement and studie into the violent course of so great felicities, his armies ronning like a thunder, without resistance thorow all Italy, they beganne to esteeme as their owne, the do­mage of their neighbours, and to feare that in the ruine of others, their destruction were not conspired, But chiefly the king hauing made him selfe Lorde of Pysa and other fortresses of the Florentyns, leauing garrison in Sienna, and almost wonne the like imperie in the state of the Church: they construed all to arguments absolute, that the ambicion of his thoughtes was not limited within the realme and rule of Naples: for these causes the Senat gaue willing eare to the perswasions of Lodovvyk Sforce, who assoone as the Florentyns had yelded to the king, had begonne to solicite them to ioyne with him in a common remedie against common daungers: where­in it was beleued that if the french king had met with any impedimentes eyther at Rome, or at his entrye into the realme of Naples, they had together taken armes a­gainst him: But the kinges fortune preuented their councells, and in his victorie was more suddeinnes & expedicion, then in all thimpediments that could be obie­cted. The king also, dowting of the practises and factions of Lodovvyk, had reteyned in his pay since the conquest of Naples, Iohn Iacques Triuulce with an hundred laun­ces vnder a pension worthy and honorable, and ioyned vnto him with many promi­ses the Cardinall Fregosa and Obietto de Fiesque: the one for that they were mighty instruments to trouble and rayse emotions in the towne of Genes: and the other, for that being a chiefe leader of the Guelffes faction at Myllan, caried a minde much de­uided from Lodovvyk: To whom as yet the king refused to giue the principallitie of Tarenta, saying his bonde had no force till he had reduced into his power all the realme of Naples: These thinges being bitterly displeasing to Lodovvyk, he restray­ned twelue gallyes which were armed for the king at Genes, and denownced the ap­poynting of any more vessells there for the french seruice, which the king complay­ned to be the cause that he did not eftsoones reassayle with a new supply the rocke of Yschia.

Thus suspicions and disdaynes growing on all partes, and the suddeine conquest of Naples representing to the Venetians and the Duke of Myllan the present perill of their estates: they were constrayned to ioyne vertue to their councells, and deferre no longer to put their thoughtes in execucion: wherein, for the furthering of their resolucion & courage, they had the consideracion of the mighty companies of con­federats: for that to this the Pope was no lesse ready (to whom the greatnes of the french was fearefull and suspicious) then Maximylian king of Romaines wholly dis­posed, to whome aboue all other for many occasions of hatred to the crowne of France, and for the many iniuries receiued by the king raygning, the prosperities of France were hatefull: But the chiefe groundes and foundacions whereuppon the Venetians and Lodovvyk wrought, were the King and Queene of Spayne, who being a litle before bownd to the french king (not for other respect then to draw from him the earledom of Rossillion) not to hinder him in the conquest of Naples, had conning­ly reserued to them selues till that tyme a free power to doe the contrary: for, (if their brutes be true) there was a clause annexed to the capitulacions made for the restitucion of the Earledom of Rossillion, which bare that they should not be bownd to any thing that touched the preiudice of the Church: of which exception they inferred, that if the Pope, for thinterest of his chiefe, desired them to succor the realme of Naples, they had good right to doe so, without breaking their [...]aith, or cor­rupting [Page 87] their promises: To this they added afterwards, that by the same capitula­cions they were forbidden to oppose them selues against king Charles, in case it ap­peared that the same kingdom did iudicially apperteyne vnto him: But what diffe­rence so euer was betwene the truth and their constructions of thinges, it is cer­teyne, that hauing got that they desired, they beganne not onely to giue hope to the succors of them of Aragon, and secretly to solicite the Pope not to abandon their cause, but also, as they had in the beginning exhorted the french king with wordes moderat as louers of his glory and zealous to religion, to conuert his armies rather against Infidells then the Christian nations: So they continued eftsoones that course, but with so much more efficacie and wordes suspected, by howe much the victorie of the king aduaunced and flourished: And to thende they might couer their doinges with more authoritie, and to nourish in greater hopes the Pope and thAragons, (and of the other parte giuing out a brute that they had regard onely to the gard of Sicily) they were ready to sende thether an armie by sea, which arriued there after the losse of Naples, but yet with an equipage and furniture more in de­monstracions then in effectes, for that it conteyned not aboue eight hundred horse­men mounted vpon iennets, and a thowsand footemen Spanyards: They vsed their apparances vntill the taking of Ostia by the Collonnoys, and the threates of the french against the Pope gaue them a more honest occasion to aduaunce that which they had fashioned and resolued in their mindes: And following their deuise to an action and beginning, they protested openly to the king whilest he was at Florence by their Embassadors, that according to the office of Princes Christian, they would take the defence & protection of the Pope, and the realme of Naples (A chief of the church of Rome) wherein hauing already begonne (assoone as they vnderstoode of the flee­ing of the Aragons) to negociat with the Venetians and the Duke of Myllan for con­federacion, they eftsoones solicited them with a new instance, to communicat with them for their common sewertie against the french men.

So that, aswell by the solicitacion of the king of Spayne, as occasions of the tyme present, threatning indifferent perills to all the principalities in Italy: there was at length in the month of Aprill and in the citie of Venice where were thEmbassadors A confederat league against the french king. of all those Princes, contracted a confederacion betwene the Pope, the king of Ro­maines, the king of Spayne, the Venetians and the Duke of Myllan. The title and publi­cacion of this league was onely for the defence of the states of one an other, reser­uing places to whosoeuer would enter it with condicions reasonable: But they all being of opinion that it was necessary so to temper thinges as the french king might not holde Naples, it was agreed in capitulacions more secrete, that the bandes of Spanyardes arriued in Sicily should be a succor for the recouering of that kingdom to Ferdinand of Aragon, who with a great hope in the wills of the people, labored to en­ter into Calabria: That the Venetians at the same tyme with their armie by sea, should assayle the sea coastes of the sayd kingdom: That the Duke of Myllan (to hinder suc­cors that might come out of Fraunce) should doe what he could to get the citie of Ast wherein was the Duke of Orleans with a very small strength: That to the kings of Romaines and Spayne shoulde be contributed by the other confederats a certeine quantitie of money, to thende that either of them shoulde make warre vppon the realme of Fraunce with a puissant armie: The confederats withall desiring that all Italy would be vnited in the same concorde of will, made instance to the Florentyns and Duke of Ferrara to participat with this league: But the Duke being delt withall afore the league was published, refused to take armes against the french king, and [Page 88] yet, with an Italian suttlety he consented that Dom Alphonso his eldest sonne should take pay of the Duke of Myllan for cl [...]men at armes with title of Liefetenant ouer all his companies.

But the cause of the Florentyns was otherwise, hauing no lesse iust occasion to leaue the french king, then allured to the confederacion with many great offers: for that immediatly after the publicacion of the league, Lodovvyk offered them in the name of all the confederats (so that they would communicat in the league) all their forces to resist the king, if, in his returne from Naples, he would vexe them, and to ioyne with them assoone as might be for the recouering of Pysa and Lyuorne: And on thother side, they sawe the kinge neither make reckoning of the promises he had giuen at Florence, and much lesse had in the beginning restored them to the posses­sion of their townes, nor since the conquest of Naples redeliuered the castells of the same: They sawe him make his fayth and othe inferior to the councells of those, who, fauoring the cause of the Pysans, perswaded him that the Florentyns, assoone as they were restored would vnite with the other Italians: They saw also that notwith­standing the great summes of money & other corrupcions which they had bestow­ed vpon the Cardinall S. Mallovv, yet he resisted coldly such as incensed the king a­gainst them, as one that would not for the loue of the Florentyns come to contenci­on with the greatones of the kinges court: Aswell in these causes general as in mat­ters more particular, they found in the king by demonstracions manifest, that to the violacion of his faith, he had ioyned a careles estimacion of them, their merits, and amities, in so much that one day their Embassadors complayning of the rebellion of Montpulcian, and summoning him according to his bonde to compell them of Si­enna to render it: he aunswered in skorne what he had to doe if their subiectes re­belled, because they were ill gouerned. But all these notwithstanding the Florentyns, framing their councells according to the termes and necessities of their affayres, would not suffer disdayne to cary them against their propper profit, esteeming it to agree best with their present fortune, not to beare inclinacion to the requestes of the confederats: aswell not to prouoke against them of new the armie of Fraunce in the kinges returne, as for that they woulde yet expect and temporise and hope to haue restitucion of their places by such as kept them: and lastly, for that they reap­posed litle in those promises, knowing that they were hated of the Venetians, for thimpediments which at sundry tymes they had giuē to their enterprises, & know­ing manifestly that Lodovvyk aspired to the imperie of Pysa.

‘But nowe, as all thinges earthly are subiect to their seasons of reuolucion, and in mortall felicities can be no assurance nor perpetuitie:’ So, about these tymes the reputacion of the french began to diminish in the kingdom of Naples, for that ma­king their prosperities serue to their pleasures, and gouerning thinges at aduenture, they looked not to chase the ennemie out of these fewe places yet holden by them, ‘which they might easily haue done, if they had followed their fortune: They litle considered that armes doe litle aduaunce, where pollicie is not concurrant, and vi­ctory bringes a very short glorye,’ where the gouernment is vnperfect: But much more began they to decline in opinion, affection, and friendship: for, albeit the king The french king vseth negligence in ordering the thinges of Naples. expressed many honorable aspects and liberalities towards the people in graunting thorow out the realme so many priuileages and exempcions as they amounted to more then two hundreth thowsand duckatts by yeare: yet other thinges were not redressed nor gouerned with that order and discression that apperteyned: for that the king, holding it an action inferior to his authoritie & greatnes to heare the com­plaintes [Page 89] and sutes of men, referred ouer the whole charge of thaffayres to such as gouerned him selfe, and they partly by incapacitie, and partly by particular coue­tousnes confounded all thinges: for, the nobilitie were not embrased with that hu­manitie they looked for, and much lesse had recompenses equall to their merits, yea they founde many difficulties to enter into the chambers and audience of the king: There was made no distinction of persons: the merits and seruises of men were not considered but at aduenture: The mindes of such as naturally were estraunged from the house of Aragon were not confirmed: many delayes and difficulties were sub­borned touching the restitucion of the states and goods of those that were of the fa­ction of Aniovv, and of the other Barons that had bene banished by the olde Ferdi­nand: fauors and graces were imparted to such as procured them by corrupcion & meanes extraordinary: from many they tooke without iustice or reason, and to ma­ny they gaue without occasion or deseruing: Almost all offices and dignities were transferred to the french, in whom were also inuested (to the great greefe of the na­turall Lordes) all the townes of the demayne (such they call those that are wont to obey immediatly the king) thinges so much the more greeuous, by how much the king had promised there should be no alteracion of nature, estate, or possession of those gouernments. The discontentment of these things was much increased by the insolencie and naturall arrogancie of the french aggrauated much by the facilitie of the victorie, which caried them into those opinions and weenings, that they este­med nothing of the whole Monarchie of Italy, attributing that to their proper ver­tue and vallour which chaunced by their fortune and felicitie: And these publike & generall insolencies were made more intollerable by many priuat and inferior abu­ses, as the armie being furried in many partes of the realme, and the bandes disper­sed more at aduenture then by discression, liued in such vnbrideled incontinencie, that those wiues and daughters that had escaped their dissolucion in the tyme of ho­stilitie, were violently dishonored bearing the name of their hostes and friendes: In so much as these doinges drawing with them a suspicion of a perpetuall seruitude, that loue, that desire, that affection where with they honored them before, had now taken contrary qualitie, and not onely turned into hatred, conspiracie, & accursings against them, but also in place of the malice they bare to the Aragons, there was new insynuacion of compassion to Ferdinand, no lesse for the generall expectacion of his vertue, then for the memorie of the gracious speech which with so great sweetenes and constancie he deliuered to the Neapolytans the day of his departure: The same so working that that citie and almost all the kingdom expected with no lesse desire, an occasion to reappeale the Aragons, then a few monethes before, they had desired their destruction. Nowe began to be agreeable to them the name so hatefull of Al­phonso, calling iust seueritie, that which they had wont to note in him for crueltie: & interpreting to true sinceritie of mind, that which wrongfully they had wont to cō ­ster pride and fiercenes: such is the nature of communalties and peoples inclined to hope more then they ought, and endure lesse then is necessary, alwayes thirsting af­ter innouacions, and neuer contented with the tyme present. This infection chiefly goeth thorow thin habitants of Naples, who, of all the regions in Italy are most noted of inconstancie and desire of new thinges.

Before this new league was made, the french king had determined to returne in­to Fraunce with speede, moued more with a lightfancie, and a vehement desire of his court, then with consideracions discreete or well tempered: seeing that in the kingdom of Naples remeyned vndecided many and great affayres of Princes and e­states, [Page 90] and the partes of the realme being not fully conquered, his victory had not yet her iust perfection: But after he knew that so many Princes were drawne into The french king taketh councell of his Lordes a hat to d [...]e against the league of Consederat [...]. league against him, he was much moued in his minde, and fell to deuise with his Lordes what he were best to doe in so great an accident, specially euery one assu­ring him that it was long since those Princes had consented in conspiracie against him: Those of his councell were of aduise, that he should dispatche his departure, dowting that by how long he taried, by so much should he giue oportunitie to the difficulties to increase, seeing the Confederats woulde winne time to make greater prouisions, the brute ronning already that a great leuie of Almaines should passe in­to Italy, and that men beganne to speake much of the person of thEmprour: They perswaded that the king would prouide that there might passe with diligence out of Fraunce, new bandes of souldiers to the towne of Ast, both to garde that citie, and to keepe the Duke of Myllan in necessitie to defende his owne contrey, and withall to be in readines to passe further according to the occasions and necessities of his ma­iesties seruices: it was also determined in the same councell to labor with all dili­gence and corrupcion of offers, to separate the Pope from the other confederats, & to dispose him to transferre to the kinges person the inuestiture of the realme of Na­ples, which (notwithstanding he promised absolutely at Rome,) yet he had denied it til that day, and with declaracion that that graunt or concession should not beare pre­iudice to the title & rightes of an other. In a deliberacion so graue, and amongest so many thoughtes of such importance, was not lost the memorie of thaffayres of Py­sa: for, the king, desiring for many regardes, that in him might remeyne power to dispose of that estate, and dowting least by the ayde of the confederats the people of Pysa woulde not bereaue him of the citadell, he sent thether by sea together with thEmbassadors of the towne which were with him, six himdreth french footemen, who being arriued there, conceiued the same affection which others that had bene left there, had: for being gouerned with desire to spoyle and pray, after they had re­ceiued money of the Pysans, they went with their companies to encampe afore the towne of Libra frate, where the Pysans (whose Capteine was Luke Maluozze) had ben in campe certeyne dayes afore vpon an aduertisement that the Florentyns had sent part of their bandes to Montpulcian, and hearing of the approch of their enemies, were raysed and gone the day before: But returning thether eftsoones with the sup­ply of the french men, they tooke it in fewe dayes, for that the Florentyne armie sent to succor it, could not passe the riuer of Serele for the violence of waters, neyther durst they take the other way by the walls of Lucques, for the ill disposicion of that people who were much moued, and fauored greatly the libertie of the Pysans: These bandes with those of the french that remeyned of the conquest of Libra fratte, ronne ouer the whole contrey of Pysa as enemies manifest to the Florentyns, who, when they complained, the king gaue no other aunswere, then assoone as he should come into Tuskane, he would redeliuer all those places he had promised, desiring them to beare with patience that litle respit.

But the meanes of departure were not so easie to the king, as was ready his desire: for that his armie was not so great, as, being deuided into two partes, it was able to bring him into Ast without daunger, and to suffice both to auoyd thimpediments of the confederats, and defend the kingdom of Naples against so many exactions as are in preparing. In which difficulties he was constrayned (to thende the realme should not be naked of defence) to diminishe the prouicions reserued for his owne safetie, and yet to keepe his person from manifest perill, his necessities enforced him not to [Page 91] leaue in the kingdom so strong an armie as was needeful: so he determined to leaue there halfe of his Svvyzzers, and a parte of the frenche footemen, eyght hundreth launcemen of Fraunce, and about fiue hundreth men at armes of thItalians which were in his pay, deuided vnder the enseignes of the Prefect of Rome, the Collonnoys & Anthony Sauelle, Capteines who had tasted plentifully of his liberalities, in the distri­bucion of the townes and estates of the kingdom, but specially the Collonnoys: for that to Fabricius he had giuen the contrey of Alba and Taille cusse possessed before by Virginio Vrsin: and Prospero, he had indued with the Duchie of Tracette, and the citie of Fondi, with many castels which belonged to the familie of Caetane and Mont­fortin, together with many other peeces adioyning taken from the house of the Comtes: To these forces, he made reckoning that in all necessities, he shoulde vnite the forces of those Barons, who for their owne sewertie, were constrayned to desire his greatnes: but specially he reapposed much in the powers of the Prince of Saler­ne whom he had restored to thoffice of Admirall, and of the Prince of Bisignian: he Gil. Burbon D [...]s Mont­pensier the kinges Lief­tenant in Naples. created as Lieftenant generall ouer all the realme, Gilbert de Burbon Duke of Mont­pensier, a Capteine more esteemed for his greatnes of his house, and that he did par­ticipat in the bludd royall, then for his proper vertue: he assigned other Capteines in many partes of the realme, on whom he had bestowed estates and reuenues: of these the chief was M. D'aubygny, whom he had made great Constable of the realme for Calabria: In Caiette, the Seneshall of Beaucaire whom he had raysed to thoffice of highe Chamberlaine: And in Abruzze Gracian a valiant Capteine and of great re­putacion: promising them all in one generall faith and worde of a Prince to sende them speedy reskew of money and men: But in the meane while to enterteyne the warre, he left them no other prouicion, thē the assignacion of those moneyes which should be dayly gathered of the reuenues of the realme, which beganne already to The realme of Naples be­ginneth to re­clayme the name of thA­ragons. wauer and shake, for that the name of thAragons beganne to reuiue in many places: For, at the same tyme that the king would departe from Naples, Ferdinand accom­panied with the spanish armie that came by sea into the yle of Sicile, was discended into Calabria, to whom slocked with a swift readines many trowpes of the contrey­men, the citie of Regge rendring it selfe to him, whose castell had bene alwayes kept in his name: At the same tyme was discouered about the shoares of Pouylla the Ve­netian armie by sea, ouer whom was Capteine Anthony Grymany, a man in that com­mon weale of great authoritie: But neither for these, nor many other signes of chaū ­ges towardes the king, did not forbeare, no not once suspende or linger his delibe­racion to goe his way: for, besides that happly they were driuen by necessitie, the de­sire was incredible in the king and all his court to returne into Fraunce, ‘as though fortune that was sufficient to make them get so great a victorie, had bene still so able to preserue it for them: he did not remember that the getting of a victorie is refer­red to fortune, but the losse of a kingdom is imputed to the king, who standes then in most necessitie of councell and discression, when fortune makes him beleue he is in most securitie: it is familiar with fortune to doe more harme in one day, then she doth good in many yeares, vsing for her delite to rayse vp vayne men for her glory, and suffer them eftsoones to fall with the waight of their propper vanitie and want of gouernment: In this tyme also held good for Ferdinand, the yles of Yschia and of Lipara, which albeit were neare to Sicile, yet they are members of the kingdom of Naples: he held Reggi which he had newly recouered, and euen in Calabria, he com­maunded Villenenfue with the castell,’ and places about Brondusa where Federyk was retyred, also Galipoli, la Mantia, and Turpia.

[Page 92]Before the king parted from Naples, many thinges were innegociacion betwene him and the Pope: not without great hope of concorde: In which actions was sent from the Pope to the king, and after returned to Rome the Cardinall S. Denys, and for the french king, M. Franci: The king desired greatly thinuestiture of Naples, and that the Pope, if he would not ioyne with him, at the least that he would not be for his e­nemies & that he would receiue him into Rome as a friende: To which demaundes, albeit at the beginning the Pope bare some inclinaciō, yet, distrusting much in him selfe of the king, and esteeming that to separate him selfe from the confederats, and consent to thinuestiture, would be supposed a meane sufficient to make a faithfull re­conciliacion with him: he obiected many difficulties to thother demaundes, and to that of thinuestiture, (albeit the king would condiscende to take it vnder this con­dicion not to be preiudiciall to the rightes of an other) he aunswered, that he wished the lawes might be looked into afore, to see to whom the right apperteyned: And of the other side, seeking to giue impediment by force to the kinges entrye into Rome, he sent to the state of Venice and to the Duke of Myllan to refurnishe him with succors and strength of souldiers, who, immediatly sent him a thowsand light horse­men, and two thowsand footemen with promise of an ayde of a thowsande men at armes: with which bandes ioyned to his owne forces he hoped to be able to make resistance: But the Venetians and Duke of Myllan considering afterwards, that it was a thinge too daungerous to sende their strength and companies so farre from their owne estates, seeing that neither the whole armie agreed vpon was yet in order, and parte of their puoples occupied in thenterprise of Ast, and ioyning withall to these dowtes thinfidelitie of the Pope, remembred in a late experience when king Charles past that way, he called Ferdinand into Rome with his armie, & suddeinly with a coū ­cell chaunged, made him yssue forth againe: They began to perswade him to with­drawe to some place of sewertie rather then to aduenture his person to so great a daunger in striuing to defende Rome. These thinges increased the [...]nges hopes to come to composicion with the Pope.

The french king departed from Naples the xx. day of May: But for that he had not taken in the beginning with the ceremonies accustomed, the titles & enseignes regall of the kingdom: A fewe dayes afore his departure, he receiued solemnlie in The french king crowned king of Na­ples. the cathedrall Church with great pompe and celebracions the royall ornaments, the honors, othes and homages, accustomed to be done to new kinges: At this co­ronacion, the oracion was pronounced in the name of the people of Naples by Iohn Iouian Pontan, to whose prayses very cleare and shining for thexcellencie of his do­ctrine, his life, and ciuilitie of maners, this action brought no smal stayne and a slaun­der for that, as he had bene of long a principal Secretorie to the kinges of Aragon, & of very priuate and familiar authoritie, and the teacher and maister of Alphonso: So, whether it were to obserue iustly the partes proper to orators, or to show his affecti­on to the french, ‘he tooke too great a libertie to speake in the disprayses and dero­gacion of the kinges by whom he had bene so much aduaunced. So hard it is some­tymes for a man to keepe in him selfe that moderacion and those rules, which he following with so great doctrine, had taught to others writing of morall vertues, & by his wit and knowledge had made him selfe wonderfull to the world in all kindes of philosophie and learning:’ The king ledd with him viij. hundreth french launces, two hundred gentlemen for his garde, a hundreth launces vnder the Lord Triuulce, three thowsand Svvyzzers footemen, a thowsand frenchmen, and a thowsand Gas­coyns, hauing ordeyned that in Tuskane Camylla Vitelli and his brother should ioyne [Page 93] with him with two hundreth and fiftie men at armes, & that the armie by sea should draw towards Lyuorne. Virginio Vrsin and the Count Petillane followed the king with­out Virginio Vr­sin and the Count Petil­lane being the kings pri­soners, show reasons to be redeliuered. other garde or sewertie then their faith not to goe away without leaue: Their cause, for that they reasoned that they were not iustly made prisoners, had bene dis­puted in the kinges councell, afore whome they alleaged, that at the tyme they yel­ded them selues, the king had not onely graunted to those that they sent, but also set downe in writing vnder his owne signature their safe conduit, whereof being ad­uertised by their solicitors which attended the dispatch of the Secretories, they had vnder that trust at the sommonce of the first Herald that went to Nola, erected and displayed the enseignes of the king, and giuen the keyes to the first Capteine hauing with him but a few horsemen, notwithstanding their strength being foure hundreth men at armes, they might easily haue made resistance: They preferred besides, the auncient deuocion of the familie of Vrsins, who taking part alwayes with the facti­on of the Guelffes, had alwayes borne both in them selues and in all the predecessors of that house, perpetuall impressions of honor, reuerence, and seruice, to the crowne of Fraunce: And as from those regardes had proceeded, that with so great a readi­nes they had receiued the kinges Maiestie into their estates bordering vpon Rome: So therefore, it was neither conuenient nor iust, both hauing regard to the faith gi­uen by the king, and the merit of their operacions and actions, that they should be holden prisoners: But they were aunswered with no lesse roundnes by M. de Lygny, Their reasons are disproued by Monsr, de Ligny. whose souldiers tooke them within Nola: that the safe conduit, albeit it was deter­mined and subsigned by the king, yet it is to be vnderstand, that it was not perfectly giuen, but when it was confirmed with the kinges seale and with the seale of the Se­cretorie, and so deliuered to the partie: That in all grauntes and letters pattents such was thauncient custom in all courtes, to thende that if any thing were inconsiderat­ly passed the mouth of the Prince by reason of many thoughtes and affayres, or for not sufficient informacion of thinges, it might be moderated and goe forth with his due perfection: he alleaged that the confidence of that moued them not to yeld to so small a companie of souldiers, but they did communicat in the generall necessity and feare, for that there remayned no meane either to defende or to flee, the whole contrey about them swarming with the armies of the victors: That what they had alleaged of their merits was false, which if it should be affirmed by an other, them selues ought to deny it for their honor: for that it was manifest to all the world, that not of will or free consent, but to auoyde daunger (leauing in aduersitie the Aragons, of whom in prosperitie they had receiued great benefits) they agreed to giue the king passage thorow their landes: Therefore seeing they were in the pay of thenne­mie, and bare mindes estraunged from the name of the french, & that they had per­fectly no safe conduit or sewertie, they were made prisoners by good law and right of armes: These reasons thus aduouched against the Vrsins, and susteyned by the power of M. de Ligny, and authoritie of the Collonnoys, who aswell for auncient en­uies, as for the diuersitie of the factions, quarrelled them openly: there was no reso­lucion nor sentence, onely they were commaunded to follow the king, leauing them naked hopes to be deliuered when his maiestie was come to Ast.

But albeit the Pope, (the confederats hauing councelled him to goe his way) was not without inclinacion to be reconciled with the king, with whom he negociated continually: yet, suspicion and ielowsie being strong in him, he nourished the king with hopes that he woulde attende him: And yet after he had bestowed a sufficient garrison within the castell S. Ange, two dayes before the king should enter Rome, he [Page 94] went to Oruiette accompanied with the colleage of Cardinalls, and two hundred men at armes, a thowsand light horsemen, and three thowsand footemen: he left behinde him as Legat the Cardinall of S. Anastasio to receiue and honor the king, who entred by that quarter on the farre side of Tyber, to thende to auoyd the castell S. Ange: And refusing the lodging that was offered him by the Popes commission in the pallaice of the Mount Vatican, he went and lodged in the suburbes: And when the Pope vnderstoode that the king came neare to Viterbe, notwithstanding he in­terteyned him with newe hopes to compound with him in some place conuenient betwene Viterbe and Oruiette, he left Oruiette and went to Perouse, with intencion (if the king tooke that way) to goe to Ancona, the better to haue meane, by the commo­ditie of the sea, to retyre to some place absolutely assured: All this notwithstanding the king, being not a litle discontented with his vniust feares and ielousies, rendred the castells of Ciuitauechia and Terracina, reseruing Ostia, which when he came out of Italy, he gaue vp to the power of the Cardinall of S. P. ad vincla, who was bishop thereof: he passed in like sort by the contreyes of the Church, as thorow the domi­nions of a friend, sauing that they of Tuskanella refusing to receiue into their towne his vauntgarde, the souldiers tooke it by force, and sackt it, not without murder and slaughter of many.

After this, the king remeyned without any occasion at Siena six dayes, not con­sidering (neither of him selfe nor by the straite aduertisements of the Cardinall de S. P. ad vincla, and by Tryuulce) how hurtfull it was to giue time to his enemies to make their prouisions and vnite their forces: neither did he recompense the losse of the time, with the profit of councells or deliberacions: for there was debated at Sienna the restitucion of the fortresses of the Florentyns promised by the king at his depar­ture from Naples, & confirmed by many voluntary grauntes on the way: And there­fore, the Florentyns, besides that they were ready to pay the thirty thowsand duckats remeyning of the summe agreed at Florence, offered to lende lxx. thowsande more, and to sende with him till he were arriued at Ast, Francisco Secco their Capteyne with three hundreth men at armes and two thowsande footemen: The necessitie which the king had of money, the oportunitie to augment his armie, ioyned to the consideracion of his faith and othe, induced almost all those of his councell to per­swade effectually the restitucion of the castells and peeces of strength reseruing Pe­tra Santa and Serezana, as conuenient instruments to draw more easily to his deuo­cion the hartes of the Genovvays: But it was a resolucion in destinie that the matter of new calamities shoulde remeyne kindled in Italy: for, M. de Ligny, a man for his youth more ready to enterprise, then rype in councell, and whose experience had not yet wrought in him a perfection of iudgement, being borne of one of the kinges sisters, and of no small fauors with him, made his lightnes togither with the disdane he bare to the Florentyns, for that in all their sutes they addressed their meanes to the Cardinall of S. Mallovv, the onely impediment to this deliberacion, alleaging no o­ther reason then the pietie and compassion of the Pysans: And touching the offer of the forces which the Florentyns made, he despised them, vaunting that the armie of Fraunce was able to fight with all the men of warre in Italy knit in one strength: M. de Pienes was a supporter of his opinion, for that he thought the king would bestow vppon him the iurisdiction of Pysa and Lyuorne: There was debating also at Siena of the gouernment of that citie, for that many of the orders of the people and of the reformers (to plucke downe the brotherhood of the order of Montenoue,) made in­stance, that erecting a newe forme of gouernment, the garde which they of Monte­noue [Page 95] kept at the publike pallaice might be taken away, and the place supplyed by a garde of french men vnder the leading of M. de Ligny: And albeit this councell was reiected in the councell of the king, as a thing of litle continuance and impert [...]ent to the time present: yet M. de Ligny who had layed a vayne plott to make him selfe Lorde of it, obteyned that the king woulde take into his protection that citie vnder certeine condicions, binding him self to the defense of it and all the circumstances except Montpulcian, which he sayd he would not intangle him selfe withall, neyther for the Florentyns nor for the Sienoys: The communaltie of Siena (albeit no menci­on was made in the capitulacion) chused by the consent of the king M. de Ligny for their Capteine, promising him twenty thowsand duckats by yeare vpon condicion, that he would keepe there a Lieftenant with three hundreth footemen for the gard of the place, which strength he left there coolled out of such as were of the frenche armie: The vanitie of which deliberacions appeared immediatly, for that the order of Montnoue hauing eftsoones reconquered with armes their authoritie accusto­med, chassed out of Siena the garde, and gaue leaue to M. de Lysle whome the king had left there for his Embassador.

But there were now great stirres and emocions in Lombardye: for the Venetians, and Lodovvyk Sforce (who had euen then receiued from thEmprour with much so­lemnitie the priuileages of inuestiture of the Duchie of Myllan, and made publike The Veneti­ans and [...] prepare the french [...] Fraunce. homage and oth of fidelitie to thEmbassadors that brought them) raysed great pre­paracions to stoppe the king that he should not returne into Fraunce, or at least to assure the Duchie of Myllan, to come to the which he must passe ouer so great a cir­cuit and space of contreyes: To these endes, euery of them readdressed their forces, and leauied of new partely in common, and partly at expenses separat, many men at armes, obteyning after many difficulties that Iohn Bentyuole whome they had taken into their common pay, should sticke to the league with the citie of Bolognia: Lodo­vvyk armed at Genes for the garde of the same citie, tenne gallyes at his owne char­ges, and foure great shippes at the common expenses of the Pope, the Venetians and him selfe: And being at the poynt to execute that whereunto he was bownd by the couenants of the confederacion touching the towne of Ast, he sent into Iermany to leauy two thowsande footemen, and conuerted to that enterprise Galeas S. Seuerin with seuen hundred men at armes, and three thowsand footemen: in so much as as­suring him of the taking of that towne and to achieue all thinges to his honor, (he [...] was naturally very insolent in his prosperities) he sent this message to the Duke of Orleāce the more to terrifie him: That hereafter he should for beare to vsurpe the title of Duke of Myllan, which title Charles his father had taken since the death of Philipp Maria Visconte: That he suffered not newe bandes to passe out of Fraunce into Ita­ly: That he caused to returne home againe such as were already within the towne of Ast: And for thassurance of these things, that he should put the towne of Ast into the hāds of Galeas S. Seuerin, in whom the king might reappose trust aswel as in him, ha­uing the yere before bene receiued by the king into the brotherhood & order of S. Michell in Fraunce: he vaunted much in the same kind of boasting of his forces, of the prouisions the confederats made to make head against the king in Italy, the great preparacions of the king of Romaines and the king of Spayne to moue warre beyonde the Mountes: But the Duke of Orleance was made nothing affrayd with these vaine threates, and being well assured that there was made a newe confederacion, he stu­died to fortifie Ast, and solicited with great instance to send out of Fraunce new sup­plies and companies, who, vnderstanding that they were to be imployed in the pro­per [Page 96] succors of the kinges person, began with great diligence to passe the mountes: By reason where of the Duke of Orleans not fearing his enemies, marcheth into the fielde, and takes in the Marquisdom of Saluce the towne & castel of Galfinieres which Anthony Maria of S. Seuerin possessed: which being knowen to Galeas, who had a li­tle before taken certeine small villages, retyred with his armie to Anon, A towne of the Duchie of Myllan neare to Ast, neither hauing hope to be able to offende, nor feare to be offended: But the nature of Lodovvyk alwayes inclining to entangle him selfe with enterprises which demaund great expenses, and yet of a condicion to flee and feare (yea euen in greatest necessities) thinges that brought costes and charges, was the cause to commit his estate into right great daungers: for that by reason of his very spare and needy payments, a very fewe footemen came out of Iermany, and for the same nygardnes, the bandes that were with Galeas were diminished euery day: where, of the contrary, were increased continually the supplyes that came out of Fraunce, who for that they were called to the reskew of the kinges person, mar­ched with such diligence, that the Duke of Orleans had already assembled three hun­dreth launces, three thowsand Svvyzzers footemen, and three thowsande Gascoyns: And albeit the king by a commaundement speciall and peremptory had aduertised him, that absteyning from all enterprise, he should stande vpon continuall readines and preparacion to meete his maiestie when so euer he should be sent for: yet (it is harde for a man not to make reckoning of his proper profit and to resist it) he deter­mined to accept thoccasion to possesse the citie of Nouare, wherein he was offered to be put by two of the Opizins gentlemen of the same citie hating much the Duke of Myllan, for that aswell vpon them as many others of the towne, he had with vniust sentence and iudgement vsurped certeine condutes of waters and other possessions: Thenterprise and the manner of it being resolued vpon, the Duke of Orleans passed An attempt vpon the owne of No­uare. by night the riuer of Pavv at the bridge Sturo within the iurisdiction of the Marquis of Montferat, hauing in his company the Marquis of Saluce: he was receiued by the conspirators of thenterprise into the towne with all his forces, and founde no resi­stance: And from thence making suddeine incursions with parte of his horsemen euē vntil Vigeneua, it was beleued that if he had drawne his whole armie with speede towards Myllan, there would haue risen no small insurrections, for that the losse of Nouare and the present face and consideracion of troubles towardes, kindled in the Myllanoys a wonderfull inclinacion to reuolt and chaunge: wherein Lodovvyk, no lesse tymerous in aduersitie, then insolent in prosperitie, was seene with teares vn­profitable to acknowledge his cowardise (for the most part is ioyned in one self sub­iect, insolencie and tymerousnes:) they also that were with Galeas in whome onely consisted his defence, remeyning behinde, showed them selues in no place to his re­skew: but because the condicions and disorders of the ennemie, are not alwayes knowne to the other Capteynes, it hapneth often in warres that many goodly occa­sions are lost, there being also no apparance that so suddeine a mutacion could suc­ceede against so great a Prince, seeing withall it is a principall pollicie in Princes in seasons daungerous and conspiring, to make their strength at home free from feare, ielowsie, or suspicion: The Duke of Orleans, to assure the conquest of Nouare, determined to haue the castell, which the fift day accorded to yelde, if within xxiiij. howers they were not succored: during which tyme, Galeas de S. Seuerin had leasure to conuey his companies to Vigeneue, and the Duke (who the better to reconcile the minds of the people, had by proclamacion called in many exactions imposed afore vpon the communaltie) good respit to encrease and refurnish his armie: All which [Page 97] notwithstanding the Duke of Orleans, hauing ranged his bandes where the walls of Vigeneue offered battell to his enemies on whom fell so generall astonishment, that they were vppon the poynt to abandon the towne and passe the riuer of Thesin by a bridge they had made vppon boates and other matter necessary to their succors in the passage: Thennemie refusing to fight, the Duke of Orleans retyred to Trecas: from this time the affayres of Lodovvyk began to sayle with a better gale, many sup­plyes of horsemen and footemen arriuing in his armie: for the Venetians being con­tent that the charge to meete the french king should be in effect to them alone, con­sented that Lodovvyk should call backe parte of those bandes he had sent vppon the costes of Parmesan, and with all they refurnished him with foure hundreth stradiots: Insomuch as the meane to passe further was taken from the Duke of Orleans, who making a roade with fiue hundreth horsemen euen to Vigeneue, and the horsemen of thennemie encountring with them, a great losse light vpon the D. of Orleans: This encounter gaue courage to Galeas S. Seuerin, both superior in forces, and nothing in­ferior in fortune, to present battell to the Duke at Trecas: At length all the armie be­ing assembled (wherin besides thItalian souldiers, was arriued a thowsand horsemen & a thowsand footemen of Alemains) incamped within a myle of Nouaro, whether the D. of Orleans was retyred with all his regiments.

The newes of the reuolt of Nauaro procured the king being then at Syena, to make way: And therefore he auoyded all occasions that might make his departure slow, or hinder his resolucion: wherein being well aduertised that the Florentyns, warned by the perills past, and newly falne into suspicion for that Peter demedicis followed him, albeit they had determined to receiue him into Florence with honors due to his greatnes, yet for their more sewertie, they filled their towne with men of armes and pyked bandes: he drew to Pysa by the landes of the Florentyns, leauing the citie on the right hand: In the towne of Poggibonse met him Ieronimo Sauonarola, who accor­ding Ier. Sauona­rola a freas preacher in Florence. to his custome vsing the name and authoritie of God to his purpose, showed him vnder vehement inuectiues and gesture that he ought to restore to the Floren­tyns their townes, ioyning to his perswasions, threatnings absolute and terrible, that if he obserued not that he had sworne with so great solemnitie, and that vppon the holy Gospells, yea almost afore the eyes and presence of God, a punishment would follow equall to his infidelitie and periurie: The king made him sundry aunsweres according to his inconstancie, hauing as litle conscience to keepe his faith, as he had regard to giue it: sometymes he promised the frear to make restitucion assoone as he was come to Pysa, and immediatly (wresting his promise and othe) he sayd he had sworne to the Pysans to protect their libertie afore he made any oth at Florence: and yet he gaue hopes alwayes to their Embassadors for the restitucion of their pee­ces assoone as he was come to Pysa: where being arriued, the matter was eftsoones proponed in the kinges councell, for that the preparacions, vnitie, and strength of the confederats about the borders of Parma increasing dayly, they began to looke into the difficulties to passe thorow Lumbardye: for which cause many desired the moneyes and other succors offered by the Florentyns: But to these councells were contrary euen those Capteynes and gentlemen who had resisted them at Sienna: They alleaged, that albeit there hapned by the opposicion of the ennemie, any dis­order or difficultie to passe thorow Lumbardye, yet it were better to haue in their power the citie of Pysa (whether they might retyre) then to leaue it in the handes of the Florentynes, who, hauing once reobteined the places they demaunded, would be of no better faith, then had bene the other Italyans: They added, that in compa­rison [Page 98] of commodities, it was very conuenient for the sewertie of the kingdom of Naples, to holde the port of Lyuorne: for that the plot layd to alter the state of Ge­nes succeeding well to the king (wherof the hope could not be dowtefull) he should be souereigne Lord almost of all the seas euen to the hauen of Naples: sewer these reasons were able to doe much in the minde of the king as yet litle capable to chuse the best councell: but of farre greater power were the peticions and teares of the Pysans, who in great concurse of men, women, and children, sometymes prostrate at the kinges feete, and eftsoones recommending to euery one (yea euen the least of his court and the souldiers with lamentable cryinges and complaintes bewayled their miseries and calamities to come) the insatiable hatred of the Florentyns, and the last desolacion of their contrey: which should not haue cause to lament for any other thing then for that his maiestie had put them in libertie, and promised to pro­tect them in it: In assurance whereof, they beleuing the word of a right Christian king of Fraunce, to be a word firme and resolute, they had taken boldnes so much the more to prouoke the hatred of the Florentyns: with these complaintes and exclama­cions accompanied with the present aspect and view of their miseries, they discen­ded with such compassion into the hartes euen of the most simple men at armes, the archers of the armie, and many of the Svvyzzers: that they went in great numbers and tumult to the king, whom ( Salzart one of the Pensioners speaking in the name of them all) they besought with instance vehement and humble, that for the honor of his person, for the glorie of the crowne of Fraunce, and for the consolacion of so many of his seruaunts prepared alwayes to put their liues in hazard for him, & who perswaded him with a faith more loyal, simple, and innocent, then such as were cor­rupted with the money of the Florentyns, he would not take from those poore and naked Pysans the benefit which so graciously he had bestowed vpon them: They of­fered him, that if for want of money he suffered him selfe to be caried into a delibe­racion so infamous, he would rather take their chaynes, their iewells, and their trea­sors, yea and reteyne in his hand their payes & pensions which they were to receiue of him: This vehement affection of the souldiers tooke so great a libertie, that a sim­ple Archer had boldnes to threaten the Cardinall of S. Mallovv, and others by his example with ielous and braue speeches quarreled with the Mareshall of Gie and President of Gannay, whom they knew to labour the redeliuerie of the Pysans to the seruitude of Florence: Insomuch that the king somewhat confused by so great a va­rietie of his people let thinges hang in suspence, and was so farre of to take any cer­teine resolucion, that at one tyme he promised the Pysans neuer to passe them into the power of the Florentyns, and to thembassadors of Florence attending at Lucquea, he gaue intelligence, that that which he did not at that present for iust occasions, he would doe immediatly after he was arriued in Ast, willing that their common weale should sende Embassadors thether.

The king departed from Pysa after he had chaunged the Capteine and left suffi­cient garrison within the citadell, doing the like in the other fortresses and peeces of defence: And as it agreed with the greennes of his youth to embrase enterprises, & no lesse equall to his greatnes and title to nourish ambicion, so carying a desire in­credible The king aspireth to the surprising of Genes. to conquer the towne of Genes, being set on by the Cardinalls of Rouere and Fregose, and by Obietto de fiesquo and others of the banished, who gaue him hopes of a suddeine mutacion there: he sent with them from Serezane (contrary to thopini­on of all his councell who allowed not to diminish the forces of tharmie) the Lorde Phyllip de Brexe brother to the Duke of Sauoy, with six hundreth launces, and fiue [Page 99] hundred footemen newly arriued out of Fraunce by sea, ordeyning that the men at armes of the Vitellis comming behind with a slow marche, and therefore not able in tyme to ioyne with him, should follow them: And that certeyne others of the ba­nished, together with the bandes supplied by the Duke of Sauoye, should enter the ri­uer of the West, And lastly that tharmie by sea, reduced to seuen gallies, two gally­ons, and two foystes led by the Capteyne Miolaus, should go to make backe to thar­my by lande.

By this time the vauntgard guided by the Mareshal of Gie was come to Pontreme, which towne, after it had dismissed three hundred footemen straungers left there for the gard of the place, did yeld suddeinly by the meane of Triuulce with couenant that they should not be vexed neither in their persons nor in their goodes: But the faith giuen by the Capteines, could doe litle for the sewertie of the towne, for that the Svvyzzers, whose furie being long kept smothered, burst out now to a greater flame, and taking occasion of reuenge, for that when the army going to Naples pas­sed thorow Lunigiana, about xl. of their nation (for a quarrell hapning at aduenture) were slayne by them of Pontrema: they sacked and burnt the towne, after they had made barbarous slaughters of thinhabitants.

In these tymes, the army of the confederats assembled diligently about the bor­ders The armie of the confede­rats. of Parma: they conteyned about two thowsand, two hundred men at armes, eight thowsand footemen, and more then two thowsand light horsemen, the most parte Albanoys & of the prouinces neare to Grece, who brought into Italy by the Ve­netians, reteined the same name they had in their contrey and were called Stradyots: of this armie the sinewes and principall strength were the bandes of the Venetians, for that those of the Duke of Myllan (hauing turned most of his forces to the seruice of Nouaro) made not the fourth part of the whole armie: ouer the bands of the Vene­tians, wherein were many notable Capteines, commaunded as generall Francis Gon­zague Marquis of Mantua, a man albeit very younge, yet what for his great courage & natural desire of glory, his expectacion surmounted his age: with him were ioined as cōmissioers two of the chiefest of the Senat, Luke Pysan and Melchior Treuisan: o­uer the regiment of Lodovvyk Sforce, commaunded vnder the same title of generall, the Count Caiazze, in whome Lodovvyk reapposed muche: but for his partes, being nothing equall in armes to the glory of his father, he had rather gotte the name of a suttle and pollitike warrior, then of a hardie & resolute Capteyne, and with him was Commissioner Francis Barnardyn Viscounte chiefe of the faction of Gebelins at Myl­lan, and therefore vsed as opposit to Iohn Iackes Triuulce. Amongest these Capteines and principalls of tharmie consulting whether they should goe incampp at Furnoue, a litle village at the foote of the mountaine: it was determined, for the straitnes of the place, and perhaps (as was afterwardes spread abroad) to giue occasion to the ennemie to discend into the playne: that they should lodge in the abbay of Guiaruo­la distant three myles from Furnoue: This aduise was the cause that at Furnoue was lodged the vauntgarde of the french, which had passed the mounteyne much afore the residue of the armie being hindred by the great artillerie, which with many dif­ficulties was drawne ouer that sharpe mounteyne of thAppenyn, and yet had passed with farre greater troubles, if the Svvyzzers (desiring to satisfie the fault they had done to the kinges honor at Pontrema) had not applyed a wonderfull readines, dili­gence, and force.

The vauntgard being arriued at Furnoue, the Mareshall of Gie sent a trompet to thItalian campe to demaund passage for tharmie in the name of the king, who not [Page 100] offering to offend any person & receiuing vittells at conuenient prices, had to passe that way to returne into his realme of Fraunce, dispatching at the same instant cer­teyne light horsemen to view thennemie and the contrey, who were broken and put to flight by certeine Stradyotts which Francis Gonzague sent to thencownter: if this occasion had bene followed, and that thItalyans had giuen vpon the trenches of the french, they had easily (by all discourse and coniecture of warre) broken the vaunt­gard, and so taken away all possibilities of the kinges passage: This occasion remey­ned in their fauor also the day following, notwithstanding that the Mareshall after he had considered the daunger, had retyred his people into a place more high: But there lacked resolucion of mind to thopportunitie that was offered, for thItalian ca­pteines had not boldnes to assaile them, aswell for thaduauntage of the place whe­ther they were retyred: as for that they feared the ouergreatnes of the vauntgarde, and that they were the mayne armie: It is certeine that euen then the consederats had not assembled all their forces specially the bandes of the Venetians who were so slow to ioyne in one strength at Guaruola, that it is manifest, if the king had not dally­ed so long vpon the way at Pysa, Sienna, and other places without all occasion, he might haue passed without impediment or encownter of thennemie: he was ioy­ned at last to the vauntgard, and lodged the day after with all his armie at Furnoue.

The Princes confederat neuer beleued that the king durst haue passed thAppenyn by the high way with so small an armie, for they were of opinion, that leauing the greatest part of his people at Pysa, he woulde returne into Fraunce with the residue by sea: And afterwards vnderstanding that he continued his way by land, they sup­posed, that to eschew their armie, he would lay his plott to passe the mountaine by the way of the boroughs of Vandetar, & by the hill Cent [...]roig very sharpe and harde, and from thence to the borders of Vrtoney hoping to meete the Duke of Orleans vp­on the confynes of Alexandria: But when they knew certeinly that he was come to Furnoue, thItalian armie, very well resolued afore, both for the show of courage in so many valiant capteines, and for the reapport of the litle number of thennemies, be­gan now to wauer and shake, making opinions fearfull of the valour of the men at armes of Fraunce and the vertue of the Svvyzzers, to whom without al comparison, thItalian footemen were esteemed much inferior: they considered much of the agi­litie of such as managed the great artilleries: but specially (which moueth much the mindes of men when they haue taken a contrary impression.) They redowted great­ly the vnhoped for hardines of the french, who, not waighing thinequalitie of their numbers inferior to theirs, durst yet affront them: for these consideracions, the cou­rage of the Captaines being well moderated, they held a councell amongest them selues what aunswer they should make to the trompet sent by the Mareshall of Gie: on the one side it seemed too daungerous to put the state of all Italy in the discressi­on of fortune, and on the other side it could not but bring preiudice to the valour of all the souldiers and men of seruice in Italy, to show that they had no courage to op­pose against the armie of the french, who, being farre inferior in numbers, and lesse expectacion of other oportunities in a countrey straunger, durst yet offer to passe euen in the face and eyes of them: In this councell the aduise of the Capteines be­ing diuerse and all the best experienced & stayed, either giuen ouer wholly to feare, or at least very vnresolut after many disputacions, they lastly agreed to send aduer­tisement to Myllan of the kinges demaund, and to execute that which should be de­termined by the Duke and the Embassadors of the confederats: who being drawne into councell as a matter of generall importance, the Duke and the Venetians being [Page 101] most nearest the daunger, were of this opinion, not to stoppe the way of the enne­my, seeing he would goe, but rather according to an olde councell, to make him a bridge of siluer: otherwaies (according to many auncient examples) there might be daunger, that necessitie turned into despaire, he woulde not make his owne way with great effusion of blud of such as vndiscretely would hinder him: But the Spa­nish Embassador, desiring that without the daunger of his king, they would make a triall of fortune, perswaded vehemently & almost with protestacion not to let passe the king, nor to lose thoccasion to breake that armie, which passing in quiet, the matters of Italy would remeyne notwithstanding in greater daungers then before: for that the french king keeping Ast and Nouaro, all Pyemont obeyed his commaun­dements: And hauing at his backe the realme of Fraunce, a realme mighty and rich, and the Svvyzzers his neighbours ready to come into his pay in what numbers he would, And lastly being a great increase of his reputacion and courage, if the armie of the league so farre aboue him in numbers, would consent so cowardly to his pas­sage: he would eftsoones torment Italy with greater courage, knowing that the Ita­lians either would not or durst not fight with the french men: All this notwithstan­ding, the sewer opinion preuailing most in this councell, they determined to write to Venice with whom bare rule the same aduise.

But these consultacions were in vaine, like as the arrow being shot, it is to late to wishe it may do no hurt where it falls: for, the Capteines of tharmie after they had written to Myllan, waighing that by reason of thextremitie of tyme, they could not haue returne of aunswer in season conuenient, how much it would touch in disho­nor all the men of warre in Italy to leaue the passage free to the french men, sent backe the trompet without any aunswer certeine, being resolued to assayle the en­nemie, and charge them in the passage: the Commissioners of Venice being of the same aduise, but Treuisan much more then his companion: The french men mar­ched on with great arrogancie & boldnes, as they that till that time hauing encoun­tred no resistance in Italy, were perswaded that either the army durst not oppose any impediment, or at least if they did, they iudged their proper vertue inuincible, and disdaining the strength of thēnemies, they thought their fortune would be the same in this fight that it was in their late conquest of Naples: But when in discending from the mounteyne, they discouered the armie lodged in infinit numbers of tentes and pauilions, and in a place so large that (according to the custom of Italy) they might range them selues all in battell: And waighing what by their great numbers, and lodging so neare them, with other demonstracions of resolucion of mind, that there could want no wills nor disposicion to fight: their late arrogancie beganne to take an other habit, & in their councells began to fall so many coniectures of feare & dowt that they would haue receiued it for a good newes, to heare that thItalians would be content to let them passe: This feare was redoubled by this occasion: The kinge, since the aunswer, had written to the Duke of Orleans to meete him with all the power he could make, and to marche with such speede as he failed not at the day & place appointed: But the Duke returned aduertisement that the armie of Sforce (op­posed against him standing vpon a strength of nyne hundreth men at armes, twelue hundred light horsemen, and fiue thowsand footemen,) was so mighty, that without manifest perill he could not aduance to obserue his maiesties appoyntment, consi­dering besides, that he must be enforced to leaue parte of his bandes for the garde of Ast and Nouaro: These necessities constrayning the king to turne his minde to newe councells, he commaunded M. D Argenton (who, a litle before had bene his Embas­sador [Page 102] at Venice, where Pisan and Treuisan now their deputie Commissioners perswa­ded him to dispose the kinges minde to peace) to sende a trompet to the sayd Com­missioners to let them vnderstand that he woulde common with them for the com­mon benefit: they accepted his desire, and appointed the next morning to meete in a place conuenient betwene both the armies: But the king, either for that in that place he had want of vittells, or for some other occasion, chaunged aduise, & would not in that place attend the yssue of that meeting.

The front of the tents and trenches of the one and other armie, was distant litle lesse then three myles, stretched out along the right shore of the riuer of Taro, which is rather a lande fludde then a riuer, for that falling from the hill of Appenyn, after it hath ronne thorow a litle valley inclosed with two banks, it discendes into the large playnes of Lombardye, and so falls into Pavv: vppon one of these two bankes, which was that of the right hand discending euen to the shoare of the riuer, was lodged the armie of the confederats, incamped by councell of the Capteines rather on that side, then on the left shoare (where must be the wayes of the ennemies,) to thende they should not haue meane to turne to Parma: of which citie for the diuersitie of factions, the Duke of Myllan was not without suspicion, the rather for that the frēch king had by the appoyntment of the Florentyns for his conduit to Ast Francis Secco, whose daughter was maried into the house of Iorelli, a famulie noble and mightie in the territorie of Parma: The lodgings of the confederats were fortefied with ditches and rampiers, & well furnished with artillerie, by the mouth of the which, the french men going to Ast, must of necessitie passe Taro on the side of Furnoue, and marche, no other thing remeyning betwene them and thItalians then the riuer: All the night the french were in great trauell for the vexacions of thItalians who made their estra­diots to make incursions euen to their campe, which was so ready at euery brute as if there had bene a continuall alarme: to this trouble and perplexitie of minde, was ioyned a suddein and most thicke rayne mixed with lightnings and thunders feare­full, with many horrible crackes and flashes, that they tooke it as a foreshewing of some sorowfull accident, a matter which did more amaze them then the armie of thItalians: not onely for that, being in the middest of mounteynes and ennemies, & in a place which (if they preuailed not by fight) fauored them with no hopes or meanes of safetie, the consideracion of those great difficulties, gaue them iust occa­sion of extreame feares: But also (to mindes fearfull al fancies and coniectures seeme thinges of truth) they made constructions of the threatnings of the firmament not accustomed to show it selfe ill disposed but towards some great variacion, the storme (in their opinions) raging most toward that parte where was the person of the king of so great maiestie and power.

The morning following being the sixt of Iuly, the frenche armie beganne by the The battell of Taro. peepe of the day to passe the riuer: Afore, marched the most part of the artillerie, being followed with the vauntgard wherin the king (supposing that against it would be bent the greatest forces of the ennemic) had put three hundreth and fiftie french launces, Triuulce with his cōpanie of a hundreth launces, & three thowsand Svvyz­zers which were the sinewes & hope of that armie, & with them on foote Eugilbert brother to the Duke of Cleues, & the baylif of Dyon that had leauyed them: to these, the king adioyned three hundred archers, and certeine crosbowmen on horsebacke of his gard, whom he made alight on foote, and almost all the footemen which he had with him: After the vauntgard marched the battel, in the middest whereof was the person of the king armed at all partes and mounted vppon a fierce courser: and [Page 103] neare to him, (to gouerne with his councell and authoritie that parte of the armie) was the lord of Trymouille a leader much renowmed in the realme of Fraunce: Then followed the arearegarde guided by the Count de fois: and in the last place was be­stowed the baggage of the armie: Notwithstanding this marching of the armie and the present readines to fight, yet the king, who could haue bene cōtented with some accord, solicited Argenton to goe and negociate eftsoones with the Venetian Com­missioners, euen at the same time that the campe beganne to moue: But the Veneti­an armie being all in armes, and the Capteines determined to fight, the shortnes of the time and nearenes of thennemie, left no respitte or space of time to enterteyne Parley: for, now began the light horsemen on both sides to skyrmishe, the artillerie from all quarters to shoote of with a noyse horrible, and the Italians yssued out of their tentes, had spred vpon the shoare of the riuer their esquadrons and rankes pre­pared to the battell: These thinges notwithstanding, the french men forbare not to march, partly vpon the breache or greaue of the riuer, partely by the skirtes or stret­ching out of the banke for that in so straite a plaine they could not display their or­denance And the vauntgard being now led to the right way of the campe of then­nemies, the Marquis of Mantua with an esquadron of six hundred men at armes of the gallantest of all the armie, and with a great band of stradiots & other light horse­men followed with fiue thowsand footemen, passed the riuer at the backe of the are­aregard of the french, leauing vpon the banke on thother side Anthony of Montfeltre bastard to Federyk late Duke of Vrbyn with a great esquadrō, to passe whē he should be called to refreshe the first battel: he ordeyned besides, that when the fight was be­gonne, an other parte of the light horsemen should charge thennemie in flancke, & the residue of the estradiots passing the riuer at Furnoue, to giue vpon the baggage of the french, which either for want of men, or (as was bruted) by the councell of Tri­uulce, was left without garde to who woulde make pray of it: of the other side, the Count Caiazze with foure hundred men at armes (amongest whom was the compa­ny of Dom Alphonso D'este come to the campe without his person, for that his father would it so) and with two thowsand footemen, passed the riuer of Taro to assayle the french vauntgard: hauing in like sort left on the banke on the other side Annyball Bentyuole with two hundred men at armes, to giue reskew when he should be called: And for the defence of their lodginges and tentes, remeyned two great companies of men at armes and a thowsand footemen, for that the Commissioners of Venice would reserue in all fortunes a whole succor for their safetie: But the king seing that (contrary to that his Capteines had perswaded him) so great a strength came to charge the arearegard, he turned his backe to the vauntgard, & began to draw neare to the arearegard with the battell, hasting so diligently with an esquadron afore the rest, that when the charge began, he was in the forefront with the first that fought: Some haue written that the companies of the Marquis past the riuer not without disorder, both for the height of the banks, & for the impediments of trees, of blocks, and bowes, wherof commonly the riuers of landfluddes are full: To this others haue left in memorie that his footemen for the same difficultie, & because the water was swelled with the raine that fell in the night, either came late to the seruice of the battell, or at least all were not there, a great parte remeyning on thother side the ri­uer: howsoeuer he was followed, it is most certeine, that the charge which the Mar­quis gaue was resolut and furious, & was no lesse valiantly aunswered by the french, the esquadron on both sides entring the conflict Pellmelle and not according to the custom of the warres of Italy, which was to fight one esquadron against an other, & [Page 104] in place of him that was weary and began to retyre, to supply the fight with a fresh, making in the ende but one great esquadron of many esquadrons, in so much as for the most parte the skirmish or triall of armes wherein commonly died but very few people, endured almost a whole day, and often times the suddeine comming of the night was the cause that they brake of without victorie certeine of either parties. The launces being broken, at the encounter of whom fell to the earth aswell on the one parte as of the other, many men at armes, and many horses, euery one beganne with the same furie, to lay handes vpon their masses, estokados, and other short wea­pons, the horses fighting with their feete and their teeth, & with the shocke, no lesse then the men that gouerned them: And truely the vertue of thItalians gaue a great show in the beginning, but the vallour and resolucion of mind in the Marquis, who being followed with a valiant companye of younge gentlemen and Lancepezzades (these are braue and proued souldiers interteyned aboue the ordinary companies) forgot nothing which apperteyned to a Capteine coragious: The french men su­steyned with great vallour so hott & furious a charge, but being ouerlayed with such odds of numbers, they began almost manifestly to shake, not without the daūger of the king, within a very few passes of whom the bastard of Burbon was made prison­ner, notwithstanding he fought with great vertue: the fortune of him put hope into the Marquis, to haue the same successe against the person of the king, being vndis­creetely led into a place so daungerous without that garde & order which was con­uenient for so great a Prince: The Marquis with his people, made many aduentures to come neare him: against whom, the king albeit he had fewe of his people about him, yet his vertue defended his person, and his naturall courage ouercame his pre­sent daunger, the fiercenes and agilitie of his horse doing more to his safetie, then the succors of his people: In these greatperills, there wanted not in him, those coū ­cels, which in actious daungerous are wont most to appeare in mens memorie and fancies: for that in so great a distresse of fight seeing him selfe almost made naked of his garde, and abandoned of fortune & worldly succors, he had recourse to the hea­uenly aydes, making a vowe to S. Denys and S. Martyn reputed protectors particular of the realme of Fraunce, that if he passed safe into Pyemont with his armie, he would, assoone as he was returned on the other side the Mountes, make personall visitacion & that with great giftes, to the holy temples dedicated to their names, the one stan­ding neare to Parys, and the other in the towne of Tours: and that euery yeare with most solemne feastes and sacrifices, he would honor and celebrate so great a grace receiued by their meane: After this contemplacion & promise to accomplish these vowes, he entred into a new courage, the strength of his body redoubling in the spi­rit and comfort of his minde, and so beganne eftsoones to fight with greater valour then his complexion could naturally beare. The daunger of the king so touched & enflamed those that were left farre of, that ronning to couer with their persons, the person of the king, they susteined thItalians: And his battel which remeyned behind, pressing in at the same time, an esquadron of the same charged so furiously the enne­mies in the flancke, that it moderated somewhat their heate, and presently reskued the kinges daunger: whereunto was added this helpe, that Rodolphe Gonzague Vncle by the mother to the Marquis of Mantua, A Capteine of great experience, as he en­couraged the souldiers & reordered such as he saw out of order, doing alwayes ma­ny other good offices of an excellent Capteine, as he raysed by chaunce his beauer, was so hurt in the face with an estockado by a french mā, that falling from his horse, his people could neuer reskew him in so great a confusion and tumult, and so thicke [Page 105] trowpes of fierce horses raging without gouernment: But hauing other mē & hor­ses falling vpon him, he dyed rather stiffled and smothered with the thronge of hor­ses feete and treadings, then by the armes or blowes of the ennemies: A chaunce truely vnworthy such a man, for that in the councells of the day before, & the same morning, he perswaded contrary to the will of his nephewe to absteyne from fight, iudging it a great want of discression to hazarde them selues to the will of fortune without any necessitie. Thus the battell chaunging by diuerse accidents, and no ad­uauntage appearing more for thItalians then for the french men, the difference was now more then euer to whome the victorie would remeyne: In so much that hope and feare being equall on both partes, they fought with an incredible furie, euery one esteeming that the victorie rested in his right hand and strength, and not at the disposing of fortune: ‘An auncient perswasion in old souldiers, that in actions of bat­tell and warre, the successe of the victorie followeth not the number of the souldi­ers, but resteth in the resolucion of their mindes and innocencie of their cause: The french men had a desperat courage,’ aswell for the presence & daunger of their king (for that nation hath alwayes borneno lesse reuerence to the maiestic of their kings, then to things of diuinitie) as for that they were hemmed into such straites and pla­ces, as gaue no hopes of their safetie, but by the onely victorie: The Italians were incouraged, by the couetousnes of so rich a pillage, by the honorable example of the Marquis leading them to the battell with so happy successe, and with the great num­ber of their armie, by whome they had expectacion of great succors from their friendes and contreyes enuyroning, a thing which the frenche coulde not hope for, for that either their whole companies were already in the fight, or at least attended euery instant to be charged and brought into the fortune of their fellowes: ‘But it is not dowted, that the power of fortune is great in all our humane actions, more mighty in matters of warre then in any other thing, but most infinit and inestimable in the feates of armes, where, one commaundement ill vnderstanded, one order ill executed, one rashnes, one vaine voice, yea sometimes euen of the meanest souldi­our, carieth many times the victorie to such as seemed euen then vanquished and o­uercome,’ and where vnlooked for doe happen many suddeine accidents, which it is impossible to the Capteine by his experience to foresee, or let by his councell, or as­sure by his wisedom: In so much as, in so great a dowt, not fayling of her custom, she did that, which neither the vertue of men, nor the force of armes had not yet done: for, the estradiots sent to charge the tents and baggage of the french, hauing begonne to spoyle without any resistance, and beginning to leade away to the other side the water, some mulets, some sompters, and some armor: not onely the other e­stradiots appointed to charge the french in the flanke, but euen such as were already within the fight, stirred vp with the sight of the gaine wherwith they saw their com­panions goe laden to their tents, left the battell, and turned their weapons to pyll & spoyle that that was left of the french pillage: And one cause, one respect, and one example drawing the residue, you should see many horsemen, and footemen yssue by trowpes out of the battell, to doe the like: By which occasion, not onely the suc­cors ordeined, failing thItalians, but euen the numbers of those that fought dimini­shing with so great disorders, and Anthony of Montseltre not remouing for that no man called him, Gonzagua being slaine vpon whose calling he depended: The french men began to winne so much ground, that now nothing did more susteyne thItali­ans (manifestly declining) then the vertue of the Marquis, who expressing in his per­son all the actions required in a valiant capteine, made head yet against the new for­tune [Page 106] and furie of thennemies, and laboring with euery possibilitie to keepe them from the victorie, sometimes he encouraged his people by his owne example, and eftsoones with sweete and pearsing speeches perswaded them rather to lose then liues then their honors, seeking to resolue their mindes with all those respectes of honor, profit, reputacion, and necessitie, which make the souldier goe the battel. But it was impossible that in a few should be continued long resistance against many, or that the vertue which is not fauored with fortune should not at last fayle. The enne­mies multiplied vpō them on all sides, a great part of their owne were slayne, & ma­ny hurt without hope of further help to the seruice, yea euen of the particular band of the Marquis: by which extremities, they were driuen to fal into disorder & flee to repasse the riuer, which by the raine ouer night, and the hailes and watery stormes falling in great abundance during the fight, was risen so high that it gaue great im­pediments to such as were forced to repasse ouer it. The french men followed the chasse with a surie equall to their fortune euen to the riuer, regarding nothing more then to make slaughter of those that fledd, without taking any prisoner or respecting the spoyles and gaine of the chasse: onely they cryed with redoubled voices, com­panions remember Guiguegate: Guiguegate is a village in Piccardye neare to Teronaue, where, in the later yeares of the raigne of Lovvys the xj. the french men almost vi­ctorious in a battell against Maximylian king of Romaines, being disordered because they beganne to fall to pillage, were put to flight: But at the same time that on that side of tharmie the fight was valiant & obstinat, the vauntgard of the french (against the which the Count Caiazze led one part of the horsemen, came to the battell with so great a furie, that the Italians astonished when they saw they were not followed of their peoples, inclined of them selues so fast to disorder, that many of their leaders being slayne, amongest whom was Iohn Piccingu and Galeas of Correge, they returned in manifest flight to the great esquadron: But the Mareshall of Gie, discerning (be­sides the squadron of the Count) an other regiment of men at armes prepared to the battell on the other side the riuer, woulde not suffer his souldiers to followe them: which afterwards by some was reputed a councell discreete and wise, and by others, looking perhaps lesse into the reason then into the euent, it was iudged a resolucion rather cowardly, then constant: for that, if he had pursued them, the Count and his companies had giuen him their backes, by which disaray he had so amased the re­sidue of their strength remeyning on thother side the water, that there woulde haue bene great impossibilitie to reteyne them, seeing that the Marquis sleeing aswell as the others, & repassing the riuer as strongly and in as good order as he could, found them in such tumultes and separacions, as euery one thinking to saue him selfe with his cariage, the high way that goeth from Plaisanca to Parma was already ful of hor­ses, of men, and cariages which drewe to Parma: This tumult partely was stayed by the presence and authoritie of the Marquis, who reassembled them & put eftsoones all in order: But much more did reassure the deuided minds of the Italians the com­ming of the Count of Petillane, who in so generall a confusion of both the armies, v­sing thoccasion, fled to thItalian camp: where dispersing comfort to euery one, & af­firming that amongest the ennemies, was no lesse disorder and amaze, he eftsoones confirmed and reassured their mindes: In so much that both by opinion & reason, euery one supposed that without him, either at thinstant, or at least the night fol­lowing, all the campe had dispersed in great terror: Thus thItalians retired to their campe, except such as being caried by confusion and tumult, and thinking to finde safetie in fleing, were separat into sundry places, wherof many falling into the hands [Page 107] of the french men, found at one instant an ende of their life and fortunes: The king with his people drew to his vauntgarde which had not stirred: And there deuising with his capteines, whether he should suddeinly passe the riuer and giue vpon then­nemies in their lodgings, he was councelled by Triuulce & Camilla Vitelli, (who was come to the battell with a few horsemen, hauing sent the residue of his companie to thēterprise of Genes) to set vpon them: And Frauncis Secco furthering thexpedicion more then any other, tolde the king that the way that was seene so farre of, was full of men and horses, which argued that either they were fled to Parma, or hauing be­gon the chasse, were eftsoones returned to the campe: But truely the difficultie to passe the riuer was not litle: and the bandes that partly had fought, and partly were kept armed in the fielde, were so weary and ouertrauelled, that by the councell of the french capteines, it was determined to seeke harbor: And so they went to lodge vpon the hill in the village of Medesane, of litle more distance then a myle from the place of the battell: there they pitched their lodging without any order, but with great incommodity, for that the most part of their baggage and stuffe was made pil­lage by thennemie.

This was the discourse of the battell betwene the Italians and the french vpon the riuer of Taro, not vnworthy of memory for that it was the first of very long time that was fought in Italy with slaughter and bludd, seeing that in all battells or actions of warre in that contrey, the liues of men were wont more to be put to raunsom, then solde with the price of bludde: But in this, notwithstanding of the french parte, the slaughter skarcely conteyned three hundreth bodies, yet of thItalians were founde deade more then three hundreth men at armes, and of others as many as made vpp the number of three thowsand persons, amongest whom was Ramicciode farneze lea­der of the Venetian horsemen with many other gentlemen of marke: Barnardyn de Montone also a Capteine of horsemen vnder the Venetians, whose name was more populous and renowmed by Braccio de Montone his grandfather, one of the first bew­tifiers of thItalian discipline of warre, then by his proper vertue or fortune, receiued a blow with a masse vnder his helmet, with the which being fallen from his horse, he was left on the ground for dead. This slaughter was so much the more wonderfull to thItalians, by how much the encownter endured not aboue an hower, euery one on both sides fighting with his proper force and vallour without helpe of the artil­lerie or shott: Touching the honor of the iorney, either part labored to approyat to his particular, the renowme and glory of the victorie: ThItalians occupied this reason, for that their tentes and cariages remeyned vntouched, where the frenche of the contrary, had their lodgings rifled and lost much of their best stuffe, yea parte of the proper pauilions of the king: They alleaged further, that they had vtterly dis­confeted thennemies, if one part of their people appoynted to enter the battell, had not turned to the pillage of their trenches, a thing which the french confessed to be true: The Venetians were so partiall, that with a peculiar glorie they made them selues victors, and by publike commaundement thorow all the landes of their obe­dience, and specially at Venice they made bonfyers, with other feastes and testimo­nies of gladnes: This publike example was followed with no lesse affection of sun­dry particulars, for that vppon the sepulcher of Melchior Treuisan, were stamped these carecters of letters in the Church of the Frear minors, he fought prosperously vpon the riuer of Taro against Charles king of Fraunce: But by the vniuersall consent of men indifferent the palme, merit, and true glorie of the victorie, was adiudged to the french men, both for the numbers of the dead so farre different and vnequal, and [Page 108] for the chasse of thennemies ouer the riuer, and also for that they wonne their liber­tie to passe further, which was the controuersie for the which they came to the bat­tel. The king remeyned all the day following incamped in the same place, procuring by the meane of Argenton a parley with thennemies, by which was accorded a truce till night: that abstinence or truce was not vnwelcome to the king, for that he desi­red to passe with sewertie, knowing that many of thItalian armie had not yet fought, and remeyning in order about their trenches, the marche of so many dayes iorney thorow the Duchie of Myllan with thennemy in his tayle, could not but be daunge­rous: Besides, he knew not what resolucion to take, such was the simplenes of the councell with whom he vsed most conference and direction in his most waightiest deliberacions, reiecting for the most part the aduises of men graue & experienced: No lesse dowt and incerteintie trauelled also the mindes of thItalians, who albeit at the beginning were falne into no small astonishment, yet they were eftsoones so re­assured, that the night after the battell, they held councell, (by the encouraging and comfort chiefly of the Count Petillane) to inuade the french campe in the night, be­ing disordered with many incommodities, and not fortefied: by the pluralitie of voi­ces this councell was reiected, as bringing more perill then profitte. There ronne a brute thorow all Italy that the bandes of Lodovvyk Sforce, according to his secret di­rection, would not fight much, least hauing so strong an armie of the Venetians vpon his estates, he was in more feare of their victorie, then of the fortunes of the french, touching whom he was indifferent whether they were victors or vanquished: And therefore for his better sewertie in all chaunces, he was blamed for this suttletie to keepe his forces whole, vppon which was imposed thoccasion that thItalian armie did not obteyne the victorie: This opinion was mēteyned by the Marquis of Mantua and the other Venetian capteines, to make their reputacion the greater: neither was it receiued with lesse wil of all such as desired the augmentacion of the glorie of thI­talian souldiers: But I haue heard this brute confuted by a personage of iudgment & grauitie and remeyning then at Myllan in such degree, as the absolute & true know­ledge of affayres was brought to him: he purging Lodovvyk, assured the world, that hauing sent most of his forces to the seege of Nouaro, he had not so many at the bat­tell of Taro as were of great consequence for the victorie, which in deede the armie of the confederats had obteyned, if their proper disorders had not hurt them more then the want of a great number of men, seing withall, that many whole companies of the Venetians fought not at all: And where the Count Caiazze sent against then­nemie but one parte of his companies, and that very coldly: he did it perhaps, for that the vauntgard of the french was so stronge, that the daunger was apparant to committ him selfe to fortune, and perhaps because ordinarily actions couragious & venterous haue made him more wonderfull, then such wherein was sewertie: Not­withstanding, the companies of Sforce were not altogether vnprofitable, for that al­beit they fought not, yet they kept at a bay the vauntgard of the french, and were the cause that it gaue no succors to the king, who with the lesse or most weake parte of tharmie, susteyned with the great daunger of his person, all the brunt and swaigh of that dayes fight: In my iudgement this testimonie is no more confirmed with au­thoritie then with reason: for, how is it likely that if that intencion had bene in Lo­dovvyk, he would not rather haue instructed his capteines, to disswade from letting the french men to passe: seing that if the victorie had falne on the french, his bands being so neare thennemie, had bene no more in safetie then the others, notwithstan­ding they medled not in the battell: And with what discourse with what considera­cion, [Page 109] or with what experience of thinges could he promise to him selfe, that com­ming to the fight, fortune would be so equall, that the french king should neither be victor nor vanquished.

The morning following the king departed with his armie before day, without sownd of trompets to couer his discamping as much as he could: And for that day he was not followed by tharmie of the confederats, who though they had had will to haue pursued him, yet they should haue found impediments in the waters of the riuer, which were so much increased by raynes that fell in the night, that there was no possibilitie of passage for the day following: Only at the declining of the Sunne passed ouer not without daunger the Count Caiazze with two hundred light horse­men, & following the trace of the french men, who marched the right way towards Plaisance, he gaue them the day following many alarms and impediments: And yet, all wearied and trauelled as they were, they kept their way without disorder, the vil­lages refreshing them with plētie of vittells, partly for feare to receiue hurt by them, and partly by the meane of Triuulce, who skouring before for the same effect with the light horsemen of tharmie, made perswasions to men, sometimes by threates, & sometimes with his authoritie, great in that Duchie with all sortes, but more great with the famulie of the Guelffes: The armie of the league which remoued the day after the discamping of the french, and but litle disposed (specially the prouisors of the Venetians) to put them selues any more in the arbytrement of fortune, came ne­uer so neare them, as to annoy them with any litle discommoditie: But being lodged the second day vpon the riuer of [...]rebia a litle beyond Plaisance, (the Svvrzzers & two hundreth launces and almost all the artillerie remeyning betwene the riuer & the citie of Plaisance for the commoditie of incamping,) the sludds were so great by reason of the raines falling in the night that notwithstanding their extreame dili­gence, it was impossible that either the footemen or horsemen coulde passe but at high daies and then with difficultie, although the waters began to abate: notwith­standing all which oportunities fauoring tharmie of the league, yet they neuer exe­cuted any action against the french but a farre of, nor yet the Count de Caiazze who was entred within Plaisance for suspicion of reuolt or tumult: which suspicion was not altogether without occasion, for that it was beleeued that if the king according to the councell of Tryuulce, had displaied his enseignes vnder the name of Frauncis the litle sonne of Iohn Galeas, the Duchie would easily haue falne into some mutaci­on, so plawsible was the name of him whom they held for their lawful Lord, and so hatefull the remembrance of the vsurper, and of speciall importance the credit and friendships of Triuulce: But the king in whom was setled no other impression then to passe on, would not be intangled with newe practises, but followed his way with diligent and speedie marche, finding great want of vittells after the first dayes trauel, and in all places, the sortes & peeces well garded, Lodovvyk hauing distributed what into Tortone vnder Iasper S. Seuerin surnamed Frecasse, and what into Alexandria ma­ny horsemen with twelue hundred launceknightes which he had drawne from the campe of Nouaro: After the king was passed Trebia, his armie was alwayes vexed in the tayle by the Count Caiazze, who had ioyned to his light horsemen siue hundreth launceknightes of the garrison of Plaisance, not being able to obteine to be sent to him from the army, all the residue of the light horsemen and foure hundreth men at armes, for that the Venetian Commissioners, warned by the perill at the battell of Ta [...]o, would giue no consent eftsoones to hazard their forces: At last the french men taking (when they were neare to Alexandria) their way more high towards the moū ­taine [Page 110] where the riuer of Tanaro ronnes with shallowest water, were brought with­out losse of men in eight remoues or soiornings of the campe afore the walls of Ast: In which citie after the king was entred, he dispersed his men of warre into the champion with intencion to encrease his armie, and to abide in Italy vntill he had succored Nouaro: And the campe of the league which had pursued him to the con­trey of Tortone dispairing now to vexe him more, went & ioyned it selfe to the com­panies of Lodovvyk Sforce beseeging the sayd citie of Nouaro: which euen nowe be­gan to suffer great skarcetie of vittels, for that by the Duke of Orleans nor his people had bene vsed any diligence for prouision, which by reason of the fertilitie of the contrey, they might haue done in great plentie and at easie rate: but like men either blinded with securitie, or else of litle pollecie, they neuer considered of the daūgers, till the meane of the remedie were past, consuming without sparing all the store of vittells which they found there.

About this season returned to the king those Cardinals and capteines, who with The french kinges attēpt vpon Genes spedd euill. ill successe had bene at thenterprise of Genes: for after the kinges armie by sea had taken the towne of Spetia, it set vpon Rapalle and possessed it easily: But there yssued out of the port of Genes a nauie of eight light gallies, one carracke, and two barkes of biskayes, which by night put on lande seuen hundreth footemen, who without any difficultie tooke the borow of Rapalle with the french garrison that were within, and then accoasting the french nauie retired to the golffe, after long fight they remey­ned victors taking and burning all their vessells, the Capteines made prisoners, and the place, by this victorie made more renowmed, for that in they yeare before, th Ar­ragons were there defeated: Neither was this aduersitie recompensed by the armie that went by land, who guided by the east riuer to Valdibisague and so to the suburbs of Genes, found them selues deceiued in their hopes that in Genes would rise tumults: And therefore vnderstanding of the spoyle and losse of the nauie by sea, they tooke way with no lesse speede, then feare, to the mounteyne sharpe and vneasie, and from thence discended to the valley of Pozzeuere which is of the other part of the citie: from whence, notwithstanding their trowpes were stronge and great by the con­curse of paysants and other populars whom the Duke of Sauoye had sent in their fa­uors, they drew with the same diligence towards Pyemont: In the action of this enter­prise it is certeine, that if they within the towne had not bene restrained from yssu­ing forth for dowt least the faction of Fregosa woulde make some innouacion, they had wholly broken the french armie and put them to flight: The horsemen also of Vitelli (comen now to Chiauere, vnderstanding the successe & great disorder of those with whom they went to ioyne in strength) retired with no lesse hast then daunger, to Serezana: In so much, that except Spetia, all the places of that riuer that had bene occupied by the banished, reappealed or called againe forthwith the Genovvays, as did in like sort in the riuer of the ponent, the citie of Vintemille, which in the same dayes had bene occupied by Pavvle Baptista Fregosa, and certeine others of the ba­nished.

In the same times, the warre was also as hoat in the realme of Naples, as in the partes of Lumbardye, but with a more diuerse fortune: for, Ferdinand after he had ta­kē Ferdinand to reconquer his kingdom of Naples. Regge, considered how he might recouer the places bordring, hauing in his army six thowsand men comprehending such of the contrey and Sicile as willingly follow­ed him, togither with the horsemen and footemen of the Spanish, ouer whom was Capteine, Consaluo Eruandes of the house of D'aghilar and contrey of Cordone, A man very valiant and long exercised in the warres of Granado: This man, at his first com­ming [Page 111] into Italy, being called (by a Spanish bragge) the great Capteine, the better to signifie with this title, the soueraigne power that he had ouer them, did well deserue by many goodly victories which he there achiued, that that surname might be iust­ly appropriated, confirmed, and perpetuated in him by vniuersall consent in testi­mony of his great vertue and excellencie in the knowledge of warre: To this armie, which had already stirred vp a great part of the contrey, Monsr D'Aubygny presentes him selfe neare Somynare, a towne vppon the sea, with the men at armes of Fraunce remeyning for the gard of Calabria and such bandes of horsemen and sootemen as the Lordes of the contrey of the french faction had sent to him: And being come to the battell, the vallour of the souldiers which were oftrayne and exercise, caried the victorie against the ignorance of the other litle experienced: for, not onely the Italians and Sicilyans which Ferdinand had gathered in hast, but also euen the Spany­ardes, were souldiers new and vntrayned to seruice: with whom notwithstanding, he mainteyned the skirmishe with great stoutnes, for that the vertue and authoritie of the Capteines failing nothing of their place and office, susteyned such as for all o­ther regardes, were much inferior: Ferdinand aboue the residue, applying vertue to thinnocencie of his quarrell, behaued him selfe as well apperteyned to his vertue: [...]n so much as his horse being slayne vnder him, he had in all coniecture, remeyned ei­ther dead or taken, if Iohn de Capua brother to the Duke of Termyny, (who had bene his page from his childhood, & whom he intyerly loued in that flower of age) had not alighted and remounted him vpon his horse, and with an example of faith and loue very notable and worthy, offered his owne life for the safetie of his Lorde, in whose presence he was slaine vpon the place: Consaluo sleeth along the mounteines to Regge, and Ferdinand to Palma which lyeth vppon the sea neare to Semynara, and there tooke gallies and sayled to Messina: And as in aduersities necessitie is mightie to make men resolute, so by this ouerthrow, there increased in him a new courage and will to assay againe the triall of fortune: for, he was not onely aduertised that the whole citie of Naples thirsted with great desire to haue him, but also by secret in­telligence he knew that he was generally called by the principalls of the nobilitie & people: And therefore eschewing delayes where was so great necessitie of expedi­cion, and fearing least lingring ioyned to the reapport of his ouerthrow in Calabria, might not eftsoones make cold that new disposicion: After he had assembled (be­sides the gallies which he had led from Yschia, and the foure that serued his fathers first departure from Naples) the other vessels that brought the Spanyardes into Sicyle, with all others that he could recouer of the cities and Barons of Sicyle: he hoysseth sayle out of the port of Messina, not tarying for that he had not men of warre suffici­ent to arme them: wherein wanting forces conuenient for such an enterprise, he was constrained to furnish and serue his turne no lesse with demonstracion and ap­parance, then with theffect and substance of thinges: he departed from Sicyle with lxx. vessells of cable and anker, and twenty others of lesse proporcion, accompanied with Ricaiense of Catelognia Capteine of the Spanish vessels, a man whose experiēce was equall to his resolucion in seruices at sea: he had so small proporcions of figh­ting men, that in most parte of these vessells there were almost no other sortes of na­tures of men, then such as necessarily were appoynted to the seruice of the nauiga­cion: In this sort his forces were small, but great towards him were the fauors and goodwills of the people: in so much that being arriued in the roade of Salerne, Saler­ne it selfe, the coast of Melff, and of Cauo, hoyssed their streamers to the winde: After wards he remeined two daies aboue Naples, in expectacion to heare of some tumult [Page 112] in the towne: But for the time his fortune being slow made his desire vaine, for that the french men ronning presently to armes, and planting sure garde vpon places of perill, suppressed immediatly the rebellion that euen already was kindled: yea, they had put remedie to all their daungers, if they had valiantly followed the councell of some amongest them, who gessing that the vessells of th Arragons were ill manned with souldiers able to fight, aduised Monsr Montpensier to refurnish the french ves­sells which were in the hauen with bodies resolute and men of action, and so giue the charge to thennemie: The third day Ferdinand despairing of commotion in the citie, turned his sayles into the seaward to retyre to Yschia: by which it hapned, that the conspirators with Ferdinand, considering that their faction and intelligence was now discouered, and therefore his cause was become theirs, and proper and general to euery one of them, drew them to an assembly, and determined to be blind against all daungers and difficulties, making of their common necessitie a speciall vertue: This deliberacion was followed to effect, for that they dispatched secretely a litle boate to call home Ferdinand, beseching him to put on land either all or the greatest part of his companies, to thende to ioyne meane and courage to such as were incli­ned to make insurrection in his fauor: vppon this intelligence, Ferdinand returned eftsoones aboue Naples, and the day after the battell of Furnoue, he approched neare the shoare to take land at Magdalena a mile from Naples, and where the riuer of Se­beta falls into the sea: it is rather a small brooke then a riuer, which yet had lyen vn­knowen if the verses of the Poets of Naples had not giuen it a name: Monsr Mont­pensier to whom all thinges were disclosed, shewed him selfe no lesse hardy and ready to charge them when was cause to feare them, then he was vnresolute and fearefull the day before when courage was necessary: In so much that yssuing out of the ci­ty almost with all his strength to stoppe the discending of Ferdinand: The Neapoly­tans The citie of Naples riseth to let in Fer­dinand. taking thoportunitie of thoccasion (which was such as they could not haue de­sired better) rose suddeinly into armes: And sounding a larme by ringing the greate bell of the frears next to the walls of the towne, all the other Churches doing the like, they seazed vpon the gates of the towne, and began to publish the name of Fer­dinand: This suddeine tumult so amazed the french men, that holding it a place of no sewertie to remeyne betwene thennemies and the citie rebelled, and lesse exspe­ctacion to returne by that way they yssued out, they determined to reenter Naples by the gate that belonged to the new castell, for thaccomplishment whereof they must take a long way ful of hills & troublesom & compassing the walls of the towne: But in this meane while Ferdinand being entred, and mounted on horsebacke with certeine of his followers by the Neapolytaines, rode thorow the towne to thincredi­ble ioy and gladnes of euery one, the communaltie receiuing him with great cryes and shewtes, and the Ladies and women beholding him out of windowes and case­ments, could not be satisfied to couer him with flowers and sweete smelling waters: yea many of the nobles ronne in the streete to embrase him & wype the sweate from his face, not being negligent for all this in thinges necessary for the defence of the citie: for, the Marquis of Piscaire accompanied with the souldiers which were en­tred with Ferdinand and the youth of Naples, looked to the intrenching and fortefy­ing of all places for their defence against the french: who after they were come vp­on the greene of the new castell, and doing what they could to reenter into the hart of the citie, were so repulsed by crosbow men and small shot, that finding at all the entreyes and commings to the streetes, a resistance stronge and sufficient, and the night nowe drawing on, they retyred to the castell, leauing almost of all sortes two [Page 113] thowsand horses vpon the greene, hauing no place nor feeding for them in the ca­stell: within the castell were inclosed with Monsr Montpensier, Messire Yues D'alegro, a Capteine of reputacion, and Anthony Prince of Salerne, with many others french and Italians of marke: who albeit spent certeine dayes in skirmishing, aswell on the castell greene as about the port, discharging their artillerie into the towne, yet fin­ding in their repulses a redobled vallour in thennemie, they remeyned voyd of hope to be able to recouer the citie of them selues.

The example of Naples was immediatly followed by Capua, Auersa, the rocke of Montdragon, & many other peeces there aboutes, yea most part of the kingdom was suddeinly in reuolt: Amongest whom those of Caietta taking armes with more cou­rage then force, and their hopes farre greater then their fortune, for that certeine gallies of Ferdinand were discouered afore the hauē, they were with general slaugh­ter oppressed by the french garrisons there, who with a furie agreing with the cause giuen, sacked all their citie.

At the same time the nauie of the Venetians being come neare to Monopoly one of the cities of Povvylla, after they had set on lande their estradiots and many of their footemen, assalted it both by sea & land, where Peter Bembo owner of one of the Ve­netian gallyes was slayne with a shot out of the towne: But in the ende fortune yel­ding to vertue, the citie was taken by force, and the castell likewise rendred for feare which the french Capteine had that kept it: the sayd nauie tooke also by composi­cion the towne of Puligniane.

Ferdinand was not without apparant hopes to haue the new castell and the castel of the egge, for that famine (which is an ennemie troublesom) serued more for him then his force or pollicie there remeyning a very smal quantitie of vittells in regard of the proporcion of men that were within: And winning vppon them continually the places about the castel, to thend to keepe them at a straiter compasse: the french men succoring the aduersities of their fortune with industrie & pollicie, seeing their armie by sea had no sewertie in the hauen, which conteyned fiue shippes, foure light gallies, a galliot, and a gallion: they retyred them betwene the tower of S. Vincent, the eggecastell, and Pizifalcone, which yet they helde, as also the hinder partes or skirtes of new castell where were the gardyns of the kinges: In so much as keeping peeces euen to Capella, and fortefying the monasterie of the crosse, they made incursions e­uen to Piegrotte and S. Martyn: Against whom Ferdinand hauing taken and fortefy­ed Hipodrome, and made couert wayes by Incoronato, he possessed the Mount of S. Herme, and afterwards the hill of Pizifalcone, the french holding the castell seated in the highest part of it: To hinder the succors that were to come from it (for in taking it they might endomage and batter from the steepe places the nauie of thennemie) Ferdinand assailed the monasterie of the crosse: At whose first approch they receiued such harmes by the artillerie, that dispairing to winne it by force, they deuised to betray it by practise and intelligence: A deuise very vnhappy and wretched to him that was thautor: for that a Moare which was within, hauing fraudulently promised to the Marquis of Piscare (aforetimes his master) to put him within the place, and in that action, hauing made him come by night by a ladder fastened to the wall of the monasterie to speake with him, to thende to agree vpon the manner and time to en­ter it the same night: he was by great treason and double intelligence slaine with the Marquis [...] Pis [...]. shott of a crosbow ronning thorow his throate.

It was not of litle importance for the affayres of Ferdinand, the reuolt first of Pro­sper and then Fabrice Collonne, who during the bonde of their seruice and othe con­tracted [Page 114] with the french king, (going with the streame of the time) returned to the pay of Ferdinand almost assoone as he had recouered Naples: They excused them­selues that they were not satisfied in time of their due payments promised, And that to Virginio Vrsin and the Count Petillane (with small regard to their merits) were gi­uen many fauors and aduauncements of the king: A reason that seemed to many very weake, and farre inferior to the greatnes of the benefits which they had recey­ued of him: But it may be dowted, that that which reasonably ought to serue as a bridle to restrayne them, was the very mocion that led them to doe the contrary, se­ing by how much the benefits they had receiued were great and many, by so much perhaps was great in them the desire to keepe them, looking withall into the ill dis­posicion of the affayres of the french which began euen then to shake and declyne.

But now the castell thus hemmed in, and the sea restrayned by the names of Fer­dinand, the want of vittells increased more and more, and they that were beseeged interteyned themselues onely with hopes to haue succors out of Fraunce by sea, the rather for that the king (assoone as he was arriued at Ast) had dispatched Peron de la Basche to rigge in the hauen of Ville franche neare to Nice an armie at sea of two thowsand Gascoins and Svvyzzers with prouision of vittells, whose leader and Cap­teine should be Monsr D'Arban, a man warlike, but not experienced in the seruice of the sea: This nauie being put vnder sayle and arriued as farre as theyle of Poreze, discouering thereabout the nauie of Ferdinand conteyning thirty sayles and two great shippes of Genoua, retyred and fell forthwith into flight: And being pursued vnto theyle of Elba, they made way in such feare to the hauen of Lyuorne, with the losse of a litle shippe of Biskay, that it was not in the power of the Capteine to with­hold most of his men from going on shoare, and against his discipline and will to ronne amayne to Pysa: By reason of the retyre & deffeate of this armie at sea, Monsr Mountpensier with his companies, pressed with want of vittells, accorded to render the castell to Ferdinand hauing now endured the seege three monthes, & from thēce to goe to Prouence, if they were not reskewed within thirty dayes: This contract in­cluded sewertie of life and goodes to all such as were within the castell, giuing in o­stage to Ferdinand, Yues D'Alegre with three others for assurance of the condicions. But the shortnes of time made impossible all hope or expectacion of succors, other then such as they had within the realme: In which respect Monsr de Persy one of the Capteines of the king, accompanied with the Svvyzzers and parte of the french launces, and the Prince of Bysignian with many other Barons, drewe straight to Na­ples: Against whom, Ferdinand hauing espiall of their comming, sent out to Eboly the Count of Matalono with an armie for the most part confused, compownded vp­on bodies whom he trusted and esteemed his friendes: This armie albeit was much superior in numbers and furniture, yet encowntring thennemie at the lake of Pizzo­la which is a litle borow neare Eboly, they fell into generall disorder and present flee­ing without fighting: In which chase was taken prisoner Venantio sonne of Iulius Va­rano Lord of Camaryn: but being not pursued by the frenche, they retyred without great losse to Nola and so to Naples: The frenchmen (taking courage by this felici­tie) followed their enterprise to succour the castells, and that with so great reputaci­on for the victorie obteyned, that Ferdinand was at poynt once againe to abandon Naples: But receiuing courage by the comfortes of those of the towne, who were no lesse pushed forward perhaps with the feares they had of their liues, (remembring their rebellion) then with the friendship they bare to Ferdinand: incamped at Capel­la: And the better to let thennemies for approching the castel, casting a trench from [Page 115] the Mount S. Hermo vntill the egge castell, he furnished with artillerie and footemen all the hills vntill Capella and aboue Capella: In so muche that albeit the frenchmen, who being come to Nocere by the way of Salerna, passing by the caue and the hill Pi­egrotte, were guided to Chiaie neare to Naples: yet all thinges hauing good defence, and by the vallour of Ferdinand, the artilleries thundring vppon the frenchmen, but specially those that were planted vpon the hill of Pizifolcone which commaunded the egge castell (where earst were the singularities and pompes so much renowmed of Lucullus) they could passe no further, nor approach Capella: And hauing no meane to make further abode there, for that nature fauoreth the place with all pleasures & commodities sauing fresh waters, this necessitie constrayned them to retyre sooner then they would, leauing behinde at their discamping three peeces of artillerie, and parte of the releeffes which they had brought to reuittell the castells: They tooke their way towards Nola, against whom Ferdinand opposed him selfe leauing the ca­stell beseeged, and incamped with his companies in the plaine of Palma neare to Sarny: Monsr Mentpensier seeing by their departure, nothing but an vtter losse & pri­uacion of all hopes for reskewes, leauing three hundreth men within the castell (a number no lesse proporcioned for the vittells which nowe were short, then for the Monsr M [...] from N [...]. seruice and defence) and a garrison within the egge castell: drew away with him the residue (which were in all two thowsand fiue hundreth souldiers) and by night em­barking him selfe and companies in the vessells there, he went to Salerna, not with­out the great complaintes of Ferdinand, who pretended that it was not lawfull for him (during the tearme wherein he had promised to yeld) to depart with such a cō ­pany, onles he had rendred both the castells according to the contract: This escape wrought many passions in Ferdinand, in whom was no want of inclinacion (accor­ding to the rigour of the contract) to reuenge the iniurie and infidelitie of Mont­pensier, vpon the bludd and life of the Ostages: for that the castells not redeliuered at the tearme accorded, he had abused the wordes of his promise with a meaning dis­sembled: Notwithstanding extremities redoubling with time vppon those that re­meyned, not able any longer to keepe force against the rage of hunger, within lesse then one month after he was parted, they rendred the castell with condicions to haue the ostages deliuered: And almost at the same time, and for the same occasion they that were within the egge castell, agreed to yeld the first day of the next lent, if they were not reskewed before: Much about this time dyed at Messina Alphonso of Alphonso king of [...]th. Aragon: the glorie and fortune of whom (by the which whilest he was but Duke of Calabria, his name was made honorable and famous,) were conuerted into a great infamie & infelicitie when he came to be king of Naples: It was sayd, that a litle be­fore his death, he made instance to his sonne to returne to Naples, where the hatreds that were generall against him before time, were now almost reconuerted into affe­ctions and good lykinges: To whom it is supposed that Ferdinand (ambicion and de­sire to reigne bearing more rule in him then reuerence and respect to his father) an­swered no lesse suttelly then in skorne, that he should attend and expect til he had so assured the realme, that he should not eftsoones be driuen to abandon it and flee.

Ferdinand, to enterteyne him in the friendships of the king of Spayne with a bond more straite and assured, tooke to wife with dispensacion of the Pope, Iane his aunt, doughter to Ferdinand his grandfather and of Iane sister to the sayd king of the Spa­nishe.

In this meane while that the seege was continued with diuerse successe about the castells of Naples (as hath bene set downe) the seege of Nouaro also was still hol­den [Page 116] and brought to very straite and hard termes: for the Duke of Myllan had there The seege of Nouaro. a puissant armie, which the Venetians had succored with such a readines, that in no enterprise within memorie haue they bene knowen to make lesse sparing of char­ges, nor vsed more fidelitie and diligence: there were in this campe of the confede­rats three thowsand men at armes, three thowsand light horsemen, a thowsand Al­maines on horsbacke, & fiue thowsand footemen Italians: But the principal strength of their armie stoode vpon the tenne thowsand launce knightes (for so are the Al­maine footemen called) interteyned most part by the Duke of Myllan, to be opposed against the Svvyzzers, for that thItalian footemen could not endure their name, and much lesse heare speake of them without feare, so greatly were they diminished in reputacion and courage, since the french men had action in Italy: ouer them were gouerners many Capteines of vallour resolute, & for experience generally recom­mended, Amongest whom bare a name most singuler George Pietrepante of the con­trey of Austrich, who a few yeares before, being in the pay of Maximylian king of Ro­maines, conquered with an honorable prayse vpon the french king, the towne of S. Omer in Picardye: The Senat of Venice was not onely carefull to sende to this seege many bandes of souldiers, but also to interteyne them in a greater courage, they cre­ated gouernor and Capteine generall ouer the armie, the Marquis of Mantua, hono­ring in him by the collacion of that dignitie, the vertue he showed in the battell of Furnoue or Taro, and with an example worthy of eternall memorie, they had not on­ly increased the paies of such as showed vallour there, but also indued with pensions and sundry recompenses the sonnes of many that dyed in that battell, and transfer­red dowrie to their daughters: The seege of Nouaro was continued with this migh­ty armie, for that the councell of the confederats (referring all thinges apperteyning to that action to the will of Lodovvyk Sforce) was not to hazarde the triall of battell with the french king, onles they were constrayned, but rather in fortefying about Nouaro the places necessary, their intencions were to let vittells for entring: They hoped that those within could not hold out long, for that they had lesse store of vit­tells then would serue their numbers and proporcion, and no expectacion of reme­die in a case so restrayned: for, besides the people of the citie, and the paysants which were thether retyred, the Duke of Orleans had of french and Svvyzzers more then seuen thowsand of choyse: In which respectes, Galeas de S. Seuerin, giuing ouer all cogitacion to take the towne by force, for the multitudes of men of warre that were within, had incamped him selfe with the Dukes armie at Mugnes, a place of sewertie vppon the high way very conuenient to giue impediments to the prouicions that might come to Verceill: And the Marquis of Mantua with the bandes of the Veneti­ans, taking at his arriual by force, certeine peeces there about, together with the ca­stell of Brione, a seruice of some importance, had also refurnished Camarian and Bol­gare which are betwene Nouaro and Verceill, distributing the armie into sundry pla­ces about Nouaro, the better to stoppe the course of vittels, and fortefying euery par­ticular lodging and trench, to be the more easie and ready to resistance.

On the otherside the french king, to haue more oportunitie to the succors of No­uaro, was remoued from Ast to Thuryn: And albeit he made many iorneyes euen to Chyars, to make court to a Ladie remeyning there, yet that vanitie brought no negli­gence to the common affayres, for that they ceased not without intermission to cō ­sider of the prouicions for the warres, soliciting continually the companies come out of Fraunce, with intencion to put to the field two thowsand french launces: They were no lesse diligent to solicit the discending of tenne thowsand Svvyzzers for the [Page 117] leuie of whom was dispatched the Baylif of Dyon: Their resolucion was, that assoone as the armie was possessed of them, to aduaunce all meanes possible to reskew No­uaro: without the strength of the Svvyzzers, there was litle abilitie in the french to accomplish any worthy enterprise, seeing the realme of Fraunce in those tymes al­beit mighty in horsemen, and well furnished with artilleries and men most apt and nymble to manage them, yet it was very weake in footemen of the proper region: The reason was, that armes and exercises of warre resting onely in the nobilitie, the auncient vallour of that nation was failed in the multitudes of men of base condici­on, ignorant in seruice martiall for the long tyme they had not managed armes, in place of which they had giuen themselues ouer to trades, profits, & delites of peace: for, many of the auncient kinges before, fearing the furie of the popular sort by the example of diuerse conspiracies & rebellions hapning in the same kingdō, thought it necessary in pollicie to disarme them, and draw them from the vse and practise of armes: for these reasons the french men, not trusting in the vertue of their owne footemen, neuer went to the warres with courage, onles their armie were strength­ned with certeine bandes of the Svvyzzers: which nation in all ages resolute and hardy in armes, had about twenty yeares before much increased their reputacion, for that being assailed by a mighty armie led by Charles Duke of Burbon (he that for his power and fiercenes was much redowted not onely in the realme of Fraunce, but of all his neighbours) they had in lesse then one month put him thryse to flight, and at the last chase, either as he fought, or as he fled (the certeine manner being dowt­full) they tooke from him his life: So that, what for their resolute vallour, and that the french had no controuersie with them, and lesse feare to dowte them for their interests particular, as they had of the launce knightes, they interteyned no other forreine souldiers then the Svvyzzers, vsing their seruice in all their warres of im­portance: but more willingly at that time then at any other, for that they saw howe hard a thing it was and full of daunger, to reskew Nouaro enuyroned with so great an armie, and wherein were so many bandes of launce knightes gouerned by the same discipline that the Svvyzzers were.

The citie of Verceill is scituated in the middway betwene Thuryn and Nouaro, and hauing in auncient times bene a member of the Duchie of Myllan, it was giuen by Phillipp Maria Viscounte (during the long warres he had with the Venetians and the Florentyns) to Ayme Duke of Sauoye, to separat it from them: Into this citie was not yet entred any bandes of either part, for that the Duchesse mother and tutor to the yong Duke of Sauoye, who in her hart was wholly french, woulde not discouer her selfe for the king till he were more stronge, giuing in the meane while to the Duke of Myllan gracious wordes and hopes: But assoone as the king was stronge in men and come from Thuryn, a citie of the same Duchie, she consented that he & his soul­diers should enter within Verceill, when by the oportunitie of that place he entred into a greater hope to be able to succor Nouaro when all his strength should be assē ­bled: And on the otherside the confederats, for the same reason began so to dowt, that to debate with a more rype and full councel how they should proceede in such difficulties, Lodovvyk Sforce went to the armie with Beatrix his wife, who ordinarily accompanied him no lesse in matters of importance, then in actions familiar: In the presence of whom, and (as the brute went) chiefly by her councel, the capteines after many reasonings, concluded with one consent, that for the more common sewertie of them all, the bandes of the Venetians should be ioyned to tharmie of the Duke of Mugnes, leauing sufficient gard in all the other places about Nouaro seruing [Page 118] to the seege: That Volgaro should be abandoned, for that being within three myles of Verceile, it was necessary, if the french men came with strength to get it, either to loase it with infamie, or to succor it with the whole armie. That in Camarian three myles from Mugnes where the campe was, the garrison should be refurnished: last­ly, that the whole campe being fortefied with trenches and rampiers, and supplyed with sufficient artilleries, the Capteines and assistants should daily enter into other councells according to the behauiors of thennemie: They forgatt not in this con­sult to giue order to spoyle and cut downe all the trees euen to the walls of Nouaro, to giue incommodities to men and forage for horses, wherof there were great quan­tities in Nouaro: These resolucions established, and a generall mooster made of the whole armie, Lodovvyk returned to Myllan to make with more readines such proui­sions as daily should growe necessary for the seruice: wherein to giue fauors to the forces temporal, with the authoritie & armes spirituall, the Venetians & he wrought so much with the Pope, that he sent one of his officers at the mace to the king, cō ­maunding The Pope commaundes the french king to goe out of Italy. him within tenne dayes to depart Italy with all his armie, and within an other short tearme to send all his people out of the realme of Naples: otherwayes that vnder the spirituall paynes wherwith the church is wont to threaten, he should appeare before him personally at Rome: This remedie the auncient Popes haue v­sed in tymes before: for according to tradicions written, Adrian first of that name, constrayned with no other armes then these, Desiderius king of Lumbards going with a stronge armie to trouble the citie of Rome, to retyre from Terny (where he was ar­riued) to Pauia: But the reuerence and feare which for the holines of their life, was nourished in the hartes of men, being now sayled, it was a thing hard to hope, that of manners and examples so contrary, would come like effectes: The same enabling the french king, skorning at his commaundement, to aunswer the Messenger, that the Pope refusing at his returne from Naples to tary him in Rome, whether he went deuowtely to kisse his feete: he could not but maruell, by what reason he coulde re­quire him now to go thether: Notwithstanding he sayd, that to obey him, he would looke to open his way, and prayed him least he tooke those paynes in vayne, to at­tend him there till he came.

In this tyme, at Thuryn the king contracted with thEmbassadors of Florence new capitulacions not without the great contradiction of such as afore tymes had made resistance: who now had so much the more occasion to impugne it, by how­much the Florentyns (after they had recouered the other borowes and stronge pla­ces of the hills of Pysa) their campe being afore Pont de Sac, and the souldiers that were within rendring it with condicion to haue their life saued: they did (contrary to their faith and promise giuen) put to the sworde almost all the Gascon footemen which were found with the Pysans, and vsed many cruelties against the bodies dead: This accident albeit hapned against the wills of the Florentyn Commissioners, who with great difficultie saued a great part of them, but altogether by the stirring vp of certeine souldiers, who being prisoners to the frenche, were very rigourously dealt withall: yet in the court of the king, all being taken by their aduersaries as a signe manifest of mindes malicious to the name of all the frenchmen, many impediments were obiected to the solicitacion and practise of thaccord, which notwithstanding had his passage & full conclusion, hauing more power then all other respectes, not Capitulacion betwene the french king and the Flo­rentyns. the memorie of promises and othes solemnly made, but the vrgent necessitie and want of money, and other commodities to succor the affayres of the kingdom of Naples: This was thaccord: That without any delay, all the townes & castells which [Page 119] were in the kinges possession, should be restored to the Florentyns, vpon condicion that the state of Florence shoulde be bownd to deliuer (within two yeares next com­ming at the pleasure of his Maiestie receiuing sufficient recompense for them) Pie­trasanta and Serazana to the Genovvays, in case their estate should fall to the iurisdi­ction and obedience of the king: That vnder this hope, the Florentyns should make present paymēt of the thirty thowsand duckats remeyning of the capitulaciō made at Florence, receiuing a pawne of iewels for their sewertie and restitucion, if for any occasion their places were not rendred: That after the redeliuerie of their places, they should lende to the king vpon bondes of the generalls of the realme of Fraunce (so are called the foure officers royall which receiue the reuenues of the crowne) three score and tenne thowsand duckats, and to send parte of them in his Maiesties name to the bandes which were in the realme of Naples, and an other part to be mi­nistred to the Collonnoys, in case they were not reconciled and reaccorded with Fer­dinand, whereof his maiestie albeit he had some apparance, was not yet in such cer­teinty as to beleue it: That if they had no warres in Tuskane, they should send to Na­ples to thaide of the french armie there, two hundreth and fifty men at armes: And in case their warres were but for the quarrel of Montpulcian, yet they should be boūd to send them thether to accompanie the bandes of Vitelli, & not to interteyne them in that seruice longer then the month of October: That they should remit and par­don the Pysans for all their offences committed, giuing them a forme certeine for the restitucion of their goods which had bene taken from them, together with con­uenient and liberall meanes to exercise their traffikes and marchandise: That for the sewertie and obseruacion of these thinges, they should deliuer as ostages at the election of the king, six of the principall Citisens of Florence, and they to remeine a certeine tyme in his Court: This accord concluded, and the thirty thowsand duc­kats (which were immediately sent to make a leuie of Svvyzzers) giuen vnder gage of the kinges iewells, the commissions and commaundements of the king were im­mediately dispatched to the Capteines of the places, to make present redeliuerie to the Florentyns without any difficultie or standing.

But within Nouaro albeit the vertue of the souldiers was great, & most great (for the memory of the rebellion) the obstinacie of the townesmen to defend the towne, yet thinges diuolued daily to more hard and difficult tearmes the store of vittells so fast diminishing that they began euen now to be pinched with the want of necessa­ries, and (according to the nature of extremities) their hopes to be releued were no lesse desperat then their desires great, and their present lackes greeuous: Notwith­standing the Duke of Orleans, somwhat to ease and fauour the hardnes of their con­dicion, had ryd out of the towne all mouthes and members vnprofitable: yet it was no remedie sufficient to so great a calamitie, for that many souldiers of the french & Svvyzzers not able to beare the fretting anguish of hunger, and lesse enured to the other discommodities of a close seege, began to languishe in diseases and sicknes: By reason whereof the Duke, being also troubled with a feuer quartyne, made many so­licitacions to the king by messengers & letters not to deferre their succours: which could not be aduaunced with such readines as might be able to minister to their ge­nerall necessities, for that there was not assembled such sufficient strength as impor­ted the estate of their daunger: The french armie for their partes, showing more forwardnes of action then able to doe good, made many attempts to reuittell the towne by night, vsing in that purpose the seruice both of horsemen and footemen: But being alwayes discouered by thennemie, there succeeded no other frutes of [Page 120] their enterprises then great harmes to them selues, and no lesse disapoyntments to their friendes being made more wretched by their ill fortune: But to stoppe alto­gether the passage of vittells into the towne, the Marquis of Mantua assayled the monasterie of S. Frauncis standing neare to the wals of Nouaro, and taking it, he man­ned it forthwith with a garrison of two hundreth men at armes, and three thowsand footemen of the Almaines: By this meanes the armie confederat was discharged of a great care, the way being nowe made sure by the which releeffe was brought into the towne, the way also of the gate that leades to the mount Biandrane was stopped, for that in it was most facilitie to enter Nouaro: The day after he tooke also the ba­stylle made by the french vpon the poynt of the suburbes of S. Nazare, and the night following were surprised the whole suburbes together with the other plotteformes neare to the gate, wherein he bestowed a garde and fortefied the suburbes, the Count Petillane (whom the Venetians had taken into their pay with title of gouernor) being hurt there with a small shott neare the girdle place and in great daunger of death: For the successe of these places, the Duke of Orleans distrusting to be able to defende any more the other suburbes which he had at his entrey into Nouaro, he sette fire on them the night following, & drew all his strength to the defence & garde of the city onely: And touching the extremitie of famin, he yet nourished him self with hopes of succors, the rather for that the Svvyzzers beginning now to arriue at the campe, the kinges armie passing the riuer of Stesia was marched out of Verceill a myle to lodge in the fielde, and hauing bestowed a garde in Bolgare, exspected the residue of the Svvyzzers: who being once assembled, the armie was resolued to minister suc­cors to Nouaro: an action notwithstanding full of many difficulties, for that thItalian bandes were lodged in places of aduauntage well furnished and fortefied, and the way from Verceill to Nouaro, full of lakes and waters, and very vneasie for horsemen almost impassible for the broade and deepe ditches thorow the whole contrey: Be­sides, betwene Bolgare holden by the french, and the campes of thItalians, was Cama­rian, which the Italians garded: In respect of these difficulties, there appeared not in the mind of the king nor of the others, a readines answering thexpectacion of those that attended in distresse: And yet it was supposed, that if the Svvyzzers had sooner arriued, they had aduentured the fortune of battel, the euent whereof could not but be doutfull to either of the armies: And therefore, they both hauing regarde to the daunger present, there wanted no secret trauell to solicite an accorde betwene the king and the Duke of Myllan, albeit it was with smal hope for the indifferent distrust that was betwene those two Princes, and for that both the one and other, for their greater reputacion, made showes that they had no deuocion to peace. But fortune layed open an other meane more expedient for so great a conclusion. For about the same tymes, the Lady Marquise of Montserat being dead, and being in debate, who ought to take the gouernment of a litle sonne whom she had left, to which regent­ship aspired with one desire, the Marquis of Saluzze, and Constantyn brother to the sayd Lady decessed one of the auncient Lordes of Macodonia which Mahomet Otto­man had occupied many yeares before: The frenche king fauoring much the tran­quillitie of that estate, sent Argenton to Caesar Ceruas, to ordeyne and establishe a pro­tectorship according to the consent of the subiectes: and being gon thether also as a mourner for the death of the Ladie one of the principall officers of the Marquis of Mantua, they two meeting vppon the way, fell into discourse and deuises to haue a peace, alleaging many benefits that would redownd to both parties. This voluntary reasoning betwene them two succeeded to so good frute; that the Lord of Argenton [Page 121] tooke occasion to write to the Venetian Commissioners, reitterating the reasons and matters which had bene begon to be debated euer since they were at Taro: & they fauoring the mocion with very forward affections, communicated immediatly with the Capteines of the Duke of Myllan, and so with one agrement, sent to require the french king (nowe come to Verceill) that he would assigne some of his councell to meete in some place conuenient, to common with such as they should appoynt in deputacion for their part: whereunto the king consenting with a readines equall to his desire, there assembled the day following betwene Bolgare and Camarian for the Venetians the Marquis of Mantua and Bernard Contaryn gouernor of their estradiots: for the Duke of Myllan was sent Frauncis Barnardin Viscounte: & for the french king the Cardinall of S. Mallovv, the Prince of Orange (to whome being newly come to the campe, the king had giuen the principal charge ouer the whole armie) the Ma­reshall of Gie, Monsr de Pienes, and Monsrd Argenton: who making many meetings and certeine particulars of them making many iorneyes from the one armie to the other, the differences and chiefe controuersies fell at last vppon the citie of Nouaro: for that the french king making no difficulty in theffect of the restitucion, but in the manner, the lesse to offend his honor, labored that it might be referred (in the name of the king of Romaines direct Lord of the Duchie of Myllan) into the handes of one of the Almaine Capteines which was in the campe of thItalians: Of the contrary, the confederats required that it might be left frankly: These and other dowtes hap­ning, not being able to be resolued with that speede which they that were within Nouaro required, being now falne vpon such extremities that what by famine, and other raging diseases rising by it, there were dead of the Dukes companie aboue two thowsand bodies: A truce was made for eyght dayes, with sufferaunce to the sayde Duke and the Marquis of Saluzze, to goe with a small companie to Verceyll, but vn­der promise & faith to returne to Nouaro with the same companie, if the peace pro­ceeded not: And for the sewertie of the Dukes person (for that he was to passe tho­row the campe of thennemie) the Marquis of Mantua went into a tower neare to Bolgare in the keeping of the Count de Foix: The souldiers that were to remeyne in Nouaro, would not haue suffered him to depart, if he had not giuen them his faith, that within three dayes he would returne, or else by his meane they should haue li­bertie to goe out, the Mareshall of Gie being therefor his conduit leauing also one of his nephewes for ostage: for that not onely the vittells were consumed which or­dinarily serued for the sustenance of man, but also the vncleane and filthy skrappes, from which they could not absteyne in so great an extremitie: Immediatly after the Duke was come to the kinges presence, the truce was eftsoones proroaged for a cer­teine few dayes, with condicion that all his companies shoulde goe out of Nouaro: that the towne should be left in the power of the people, and they to make an othe not to giue it to either partie without common consent: And that thirty footemen, who should be vittelled daily by the campe of the Italians, should remeine in the ca­stell for the Duke of Orleans: Thus all the souldiers yssued out of Nouaro, whom the Marquis of Mantua and Galeas de S. Seuerin protected and conducted till they were in place of sewertie. But so much were they weakened and consumed with hunger, that they were no sooner arriued at Verceyll, then many of them died, and the residue remeyned altogether vnprofitable for the seruice of that warre.

About this tyme, the Baylyf of Dyon arriued at the campe with the residue of the Svvyzzers, of whom albeit his commission was to leauye but tenne thowsand, yet he could not chuse but at the reapport of the kinges money, there discēded by trowpes [Page 122] a farre greater number rising in the whole to an armie of twenty thowsand: The one halfe was admitted to ioyne to the campe neare Verceill, and the residue remeyned tenne miles of, because in pollicie it was not thought sure that so great a proporci­on of men of one nation should be at one tyme in one campe: if their comming had bene somewhat sooner, the practises of peace had bene easily broken, seeing with­out them there were in the campe eyght thowsand french footemen, two thowsand of those Svvyzzers which had bene at Naples, and eyghtteene hundreth launces.

But thinges being now so farre aduaunced, and Nouaro already abandoned, the enteruiewes did not discontinue, although the Duke of Orleans vsed all his labor to the contrary, hauing many of the greatest of the Court of his opinion: Therefore the Deputies were euery day at the campe of thItalians to solicit with the Duke of Myllan, who was newly returned thether to thend to debate him selfe in a matter of so great consequence, doing all thinges (notwithstanding) in the presence of the confederat Embassadors: At length the Deputies returned to the king, bringing the last conclusion of all thinges that they could for the accord: First that betwene the Peace be­twene the french king and the Con­federats. french king and the Duke of Myllan, there should be a peace and friendship perpe­tuall (the Duke nothing derogating notwithstanding his other confederacions:) That the king shoulde consent that the towne of Nouaro shoulde be rendred to the Duke by the people, together with the castell left to his Maiestie by the gard of xxx. footemen: That the towne of Spetia and all other places occupied by either parte, should be rendred: That it shoulde be lawfull to the king to arme at Genes (his free­hold and chiefe) so many vessells as he would, seruing his turne of all the commodi­ties of that citie, so that it were not in fauor of thennemies to the state of the same: That for assurance of this article, the Genovvays should giue him certeine ostages: That the Duke of Myllan should cause to be rendred to the king, the vessells lost at Rapale and the twelue gallies restrayned at Genes, and to arme for him presently at his proper charges two grosse carrakes of Genes, which with foure others of his own he determined to send to the succors of Naples: That the Duke should also deliuer to the king the yeare after, three others in the same manner: That the Duke should giue free and friendly passage to the companies that the king should send by land to the same succors, vnder this couenant that there should not passe by his estate more then two hundreth launces at a tyme: That if the kinge returned eftsoones to the same enterprise, the Duke should followe him with certeine bandes of men: That the Venetians should haue power to enter this contract within two monethes, And if they did enter, then to retyre their armie by sea from the kingdom of Naples, and to be bownd to giue no succors to Ferdinand: But if they did not obserue this & the king should leuye warre against them, the Duke should be bownde to ayde him, rea­ping to his vse all that should be conquered of the Venetian estates: That the Duke should pay fiftie thowsand duckats in the next march to the Duke of Orleans for the charges of the warre of Nouaro And acquite the king of lxxx. thowsand duckats per­cell of the money he had lent his Maiestie when he marched first into Italy, the resi­due to be rendred by his Maiesty at a longer tearme: That Iohn Iackes Triuulce should be absolued of the confiske and condemnacion wherein he had bene conuicted by the Duke, and enioy restitucion of all his goods: That the bastard of Burbon taken in the iorney of Furnoue, and the Lord of Myolans taken at Rapale, together with all o­ther prisoners shoulde be redeliuered: That the Duke shoulde withdraw from Pysa Fracasse whom he had sent thether a litle before, together with all his bandes and the companies of the Genovvays: That he should giue no impediment to the Florentyns [Page 123] to recouer that which apperteyned to their iurisdiction: That within one month he should put by way of confidence the castell of Genes into the handes of the Duke of Ferrara, who called to that ende by both the parties, was now come to the campe of thItalians, and that the sayd Duke of Ferrara shoulde keepe it two yeares at their common charges, and to be bownde by othe to redeliuer it within the sayd tyme to the handes of the french king in case the Duke of Myllan shoulde not holde his pro­mises, who immediatly vpon the conclusion of the peace, should giue ostages to the king for assurance to assigne the castell at the tyme agreed vpon: These condicions brought to the king by his Deputies that had debated them, were propownded in his publike and priuat councell, wherein being founde no lesse variacion of mindes thē contrariety of reasons, euery one disputing particularly, Monsr Trymouille reaso­ned in this sort. If in the councell present we had not to debate but of meanes to en­crease Monsr Trymouille [...] [...]. the glorie of the crowne of Fraunce by actions of vallour and vertue, I should not perhaps be so forward to encourage your Maiesties person to newe daungers, although the example of your selfe giues you councell to the contrary, ‘seeing be­ing caried with no other affection then a desire & ambicion of glory, you determi­ned the yeare past, against the councells and humble peticions of the face and body of your realme, to discend into Italy to conquer the kingdom of Naples: where your enterprise drawing a successe happy and with encrease of your name and honor, it is a thing manifest that nowe we haue not onely to deliberat whether thoccasion to winne new honors and glorie is to be reiected, but also if we may eftsoones lose a­gaine that reputacion which you haue got with so great aduentures, charges, and daungers, and conuerting the honors already wonne into imputacions & infamies perpetuall, whether you ought to be the personage so impugnant and contrary to your proper resolucions, as to reprehende and condemne the councells established by your selfe: for your Maiestie might without any losse to your reputacion haue re­meyned in Fraunce, and that which now the world will wrappe in opinions of disho­norable feares and cowardisse, could not as then be referred to any other thing then to negligence, or to an age occupied in pleasures: your maiestie assoone as you had bene arriued in Ast, might eftsoones haue returned into Fraunce, with the same speede, & lesse shame, making as though the matters of Nouaro concerned you no­thing at all: But nowe by the presence of your armie so long incamping here, you haue published your intencion, and that you were touched with desire to deliuer the towne from seege, for which regard also hauing assembled out of Fraunce so great a proporcion of nobilitie and a leuye of Svvyzzers at a charge intollerable: who will dowt that if you depart and not satisfie these exspectacions but leaue the towne to her perills, that your glorie, with the reputacion of your whole realme, will not take a contrary conuersion of iust reproch and infamie perpetuall. But (if in the hartes of great kings may be mocions more violent then desires of renowne and glorie) there be yet reasons more mighty, or at least more iust and necessary: seeing our retrait in­to Fraunce consenting to the losse of Nouaro neither is, nor wil be thought any other thing then the losse of the whole kingdom of Naples, and the vnworthy slaughter of so many Capteines and Nobles of Fraunce left there for the defence of the same vp­on your hopes ioyned with your faith and promises to sende them speedy succors: wherein, how miserable will be their expectacions, but more wretched and desperat their estates and condicions, when they shall vnderstand that your Maiestie incam­ping vppon the frontyers of Italy with an armie so populous, and forces so resolute, shal yet retyre & giue place to thennemie: The successe of warres, dependes partly [Page 124] of reputacion, which when it declines, declineth with all the vertue of the souldiers, the faith of the peoples diminisheth, and the reuenues appoynted to susteyne and defray the warres, fall to wants and diminucions: As of the contrary, the ennemie increaseth in courage, such as wander in feares and dowtes, come to be resolute and well assured, and all difficulties are aggrauated to their aduauntage: So that, for so wretched and miserable a newes, the strength and vertue of our armie falling into faintnes and feeble dowtes, and the vallour and reputacion of our ennemies rising into greater glorie and arrogancie, who dowtes not to see with this alteracion and chaunge, the reuolt and rebellion of all the kingdom of Naples: together with the disolacion of our whole armie, And so that honorable enterprise begonne with so great felicitie to bringe forth in the ende no other frute then harmes wretched for the present, & dishonorable to all ages hereafter: for he that is perswaded that this peace is made with good faith & meaning, lookes with slender iudgement into the condicion of things present, & much lesse knoweth the natures of those with whom we deale: seeing it is a thing of easie comprehension, that we shall no sooner haue turned our backes to the region of Italy, then all these treatises, promises, and con­tractes, will vanish and turne into smoke: yea in place to minister those aydes they haue promised, their infidelitie will cary them to apply succors to Ferdinand: Lastly, these bandes whose impudencie will fill the whole world with bragges that they haue chassed vs out of Italy, will marche to Naples to make them selues rich with the spoyles of our contreymen made wretched by our cowardisse: which infamie me thinkes might be easelier borne, if by any probable reason we might dowt of the vi­ctorie: But it is a dowt vayne, & by no sense can setle in the mindes of any, who ma­king consideracion of the greatnes of our armie, & the oportunities of the contrey adioyning, will remember how ouerwearied and trauelled with a long marche, dis­furnished of vittells, our numbers small, and in the middest of the cuntrey of then­nemie, we sought against a most huge armie at the riuer of Taro: making the riuer by our vallour swell higher with the bludde of our ennemies then with his propper streames: At what time also we opened our way with the sworde, and as Conque­rors rode eyght dayes iorney thorow the Duchie of Myllan ennemie to our enter­prises and greatnes: We haue now twyse as many horsemen, the numbers of our french footemen redobled, & in place of three thowsand Svvyzzers, our armie em­braseth at this instant two and twenty thowsand: And albeit thennemie is stronger then before in Almaine footemen, yet in all discourse of reason, they can not holde comparison with ours: Neither are their horsemen others then the selfe same, and their Capteines euen those, that hauing once yelded vnder the force of our armes, and by our furie suffered so great harmes, will not eftsoones returne to the fight but with mindes fearfull and appalled: But it may be obiected that the profits of the vi­ctorie are so small that they ought not to stand in regarde or computacion with vs: No, of the contrary, they are such for their nature and so great for their vse, that we ought to aspire to obteyne with what daunger so euer: for that they include not on­ly the preseruacion of so great a glorie gotten, the succors of so rich a kingdomes as Naples, the iust safetie of so many of your Capteines, and the honorable deliuerie of such a proporcion of your nobilitie: But also they make a secret offer to inuest you in the whole empire of Italy, the which if we remeyne here with the vpper hand, will be the pray, frute, and recompense of our victorie: for what other bandes, what o­ther armies remeyne to thennemies in whose campe are assembled all the forces, all the companies, and all the Capteines, which they could leauye, eyther by fauor, au­thoritie, [Page 125] or money, one trench which we shall winne, one rampier which we shall force, will put into our bosomes (things honorable and great) not onely the empire and treasors of Italy, but also the meane to be reuenged of all our common and pri­uat wronges: which two spurres or mocions alwayes accustomed to pricke forward mindes base and cowardly, if they stirre not with an other quicknes our nation war­like & resolute, we may iustly say that our vallour hath rather failed vs then our for­tune, by whom is prepared thoccasion to winne in so litle place, & in so few howers, so great and worthy recompenses, that the wisedom and desires of men reasonable can wishe no more: The time, the place, thoccasion, our fortune, & all other opor­tunities and circumstances to be considered in enterprises, offer vs the victorie there wanteth nothing but action in men, which for so much ought to be more ready in vs, by how much it importeth men of vertue not to lose the honor they haue got­ten, nor leaue suspicion that want of vallour makes them vnworthy of that which their fortune offereth with so great fauor and further reputacion. The Prince of O­range hauing a contrary affection, spake against this opinion in this sort.’

‘If your affayres (right Christian king) were not so much pressed with time, but The Prince of Orange speaketh. that they would giue you leasure to accompany your forces with industrie and dis­cression: or if they stoode not vpon degrees and condicions so immoderat, as you are constrained (if you will continue the warre) to proceede with importunities contrary to all the precepts and directions of warre: I coulde be one of those that would giue councell to reiect the peace: for that by many reasons we are encoura­ged not to accept it, as also it can not be denied that it would not be a thing honora­ble to continue the warre, and no lesse conuenient for the affayres of Naples: But the tearmes whereunto are brought the towne and castel of Nouaro, not prouided of vit­tells for one day, compell vs (if we will succor it) to set spedely vpon our enemies, & with a resolucion suddeine to take away that respitt which makes them stronge and able, and increaseth in our armie incommodities hurtfull and daungerous: And if (in suffering it to be lost) we meane to transport the warre into an other parte of the state of Myllan, The season of the winter nowe at hande very vnfit to make warre in places so low and full of waters, and the qualitie of our armie for the nature & great multitudes of Svvyzzers who being not spedely employed may be more preiudici­all to vs then to our ennemies: And lastly our generall want of money making our aboade here impossible for any long time, enforce vs (not accepting thaccorde) to seeke the meane to put suddeinly an ende to the warre: A thing which can not be done otherwayes, then directly to goe & charge thennemies, which aswell for their condicions, as the disauauntages of the contrey, is so daungerous, that in reasonable conference of thinges, the action cannot but hold of rashnes and indiseression: for that their campe is so strong by nature and art, according to the time they haue had to rampier and fortefie it: The places round about where their garrisons are so con­uenient for their defence, and so well manned: the contrey, for the quantitie of dit­ches and impediment of waters, so vnapt to the seruice of horsemen: That to goe seeke them directly, and not to accoast them with commodities and aduauntages, and (as the saying is) to winne vpon them by litle and litle: is no other thing then to tempt fortune, and aduenture vppon perills most certeine and desperat: for with what discourse, with what reason of warre, or with what example of notable Cap­teines, may we with such rashnes and importunitie inuade so great an armie, & that in trenches so strong and well furnished with artillerie? No, it is better (if you will proceede otherwayes then at aduenture) to seeke to driue them from their trenches [Page 126] by winning some place which they commaunde, or at least in restrayning their vit­tells: wherein I can see no other thing to assure our hopes, then by proceeding deli­beratly & with the length of time, which we haue no meane to attend, (our affayres bearing nothing more preiudicially then to tēporise & exspect:) Besides, our horse­men conteyne neither those numbers, nor that vallour, which happly many doe weene, for that many are made weake by diseases, many returned into Fraunce with leaue and without leaue, and many of those that remeyne, ouertrauelled with this long warre, haue more desire to goe home then to fight: And touching the Svvyz­zers, who for their vertue are the principall forces of our armie, yet their great num­ber may happly be more hurtfull, then would be vnprofitable a lesser proporcion: for such hath bene alwayes thexperience of the customs and nature of that nation, that to manage them being so strong and many together, can not almost be without certeinty of some daungerous tumult, (specially things (as is necessary) proceeding with sufferance and length of time:) During the which, by reason of their payments wherein they are insatiable, and other accidents which follow of course, may hap­pen a thowsand occasions to turne and chaunge them, & so we should remeyne vn­certeine whether their ayde would s [...]e vs as a medicine or a poyson: And in such an vncerteintie we can not establish any thing in our councells, and much lesse re­solue our mindes to any enterprise of vallour or importance: No man dowteth but the victorie is more honorable and sure for the defence of the kingdom of Naples, then the agreement to peace: But in all actions of men and specially in warres, we must accommodat our councels to necessitie, and not for the desire to obteyne that part which is hard and impossible, to put the whole in manifest perill, seeing it is an office as equall and iust in a Capteine to show wisedom in his actions, as courage: The enterprise of Nouaro (Sir) was not your principall intencion, neither doth it touch you but indirectly, for that you pretend no right to the Duchie of Myllan: and much lesse are you come out of Naples to stay to make warre in Pyemont, but to re­turne into Fraunce to giue order to leuye treasor & men, to thende with more migh­ty succors to minister ayde to your companies at Naples: who in the meane while, what with the reskew of your nauie departed from Nyce, and what with the men & moneyes of the Florentyns, will haue so good meane to defend their condicion, that they may without daunger attende the great prouisions which you are to areare at your returne into Fraunce: I am none of those that will assure that the Duke of Myl­lan will iustly obserue these capitulacions, yet receiuing ostages of him and the Ge­novvays, and the castell also committed according to the forme of the contract, you are not without pawne and sewertie: It is also reasonable in him to demaund peace, because lying nearest the daunger of your forces, his feares are no lesse iust, then his perills likely: Besides, leagues, which haue many competitors, of their propper na­ture haue not that stabilitie and concord, but vpon occasions they come to disagree and fall of one from an other, in which case, euery litle hoale that they shal make, yea euen the smallest cranell or creuish that shall appeare, will make to vs the victorie no lesse easie then well assured: So that seeing your affayres stand in these degrees, and that God hath made it impossible to mortall Princes to rule the time, my aduise is, that your Maiestie striue not against the streame of the time, but to frame your in­clinacions to the peace, not that it is of it selfe profitable or commendable, but be­cause it is an office in Princes wise and of stayed condicion, in causes difficult and daungerous, to allow for easie and commendable, that that is necessary and conue­nient, or at least wise such as are least intangled with daungers, and nothing at all de­rogat [Page 127] reputacion and honor. The Duke of Orleans rebuked sharpely the speeches of the Prince of Orange, either of them taking such libertie of passion, that falling from wordes to reproches and iniuries, the Duke gaue him the lye in the whole presence of the councell: But thinclinacion of most part of the councell and consequently of the multitude of tharmie, was to embrase the peace, bearing so much power in them all, and no lesse in the person of the king a sweete desire to returne into Fraunce, that they were not able to discerne the daunger of the kingdom of Naples, and much lesse to see how slaunderous it was to suffer to be lost afore their eyes the citie of Nouaro, and lastly to depart out of Italy with condicions so vnequall considering the incer­teintie of thobseruacion: which disposicion was so vehemently fauored by the Prince of Orange, that many dowted lest to gratifie the king of Romaines, to whom he was most affectioned, he had no lesse regard to the profit of the Duke of Myllan thē to the commodities of the french king, with whom truely his authoritie was great, partly for the excellencie of his wit, and partly for the credit of his vallour, but most of all, for that it is a custom and propertie with Princes, to esteme most wise, such as are most conformed to their inclinacions.

At last the peace was made, which was no sooner sworne by the Duke of Myllan, then the king, reiecting all other thoughtes then such as made for his returne into Fraunce, wēt forthwith to Thuryn: his hast was the more importunat to depart from Verceill, for that those bands of the Svvyzzers that were in the campe, to assure their payes of three whole moneths (according to the custom of Lovvys the xj. as they al­leaged) began to speake of staying the king or the chiefteines of his Court for the sewertie of their pay: notwithstanding they could not clayme so much by promise, nor yet had serued so long time: from which daunger albeit the person of the king was deliuered by his suddeine departure, yet they hauing made prisoners the Baylif of Dyon and others that leauyed them, he was in the ende constrayned to assure all their demaundes aswell with promises as with ostages: from Thuryn the king desi­ring to make a perfect establishment of the peace, sent to the Duke of Myllan the Mareshall of Gi [...], the President of Ganuay, and Argenton, to induce him to speake with his Maiestie: The Duke seemed to be of the same desire, but it was not without some dowt of treason: In so much, that either for that suspicion, or obiecting perhappes some expresse difficulties, as not to giue occasion of ielowsie to the confederats, or for that his ambicion woulde not suffer him to come in a behauior inferior to the french king: he propownded to haue the meting vpon the middest of a riuer, where a bridge being made either with barkes or other matter, there shoulde be betwene them a barre of wodde: A manner of commoning together vsed heretofore by the kinges of England and Fraunce, and other great Princes of the West: This the king refused as a thing vnworthy his greatnes, and therefore without any enteruiewe, he receiued his ostages, and dispatched Peron de la Basche to Genes to receiue the two carrakes that were promised him, and to rigge foure others at his owne charges for the succors of the castells of Naples, which he knew had not receiued the reskewes sent from Nice, for that they suffred so many impediments as they could not be pro­fitable to the seruice of Naples: In which respect, his peoples there beseged had made composicion to render vp the castells if they were not succored within thirty dayes: The king made his plot to arme the sayd vessells with three thowsand Svvyzzers, & to adioyne them to the sayd nauie parted from Nice nowe retyred to Lyuorne, and to certeine other vessells exspected from Prouence: All which (without the great ships of the Genovvays) had not bene sufficient for that succors, the hauen of Naples be­ing [Page 128] now full of a huge armie by sea both for the vessells of the prouisions of Ferdi­nand, and also for twenty gallies and foure shippes sent thether by the Venetians: The king after he had dispatched Monsr Argenton to Venice to solicit the Senat to enter into the peace and participat with thaccord, tooke his way into Fraunce with all his Court, & that with such equall speede and desire to be there, that there was nothing coulde stay him any fewe dayes in Italy, no not till the Genovvays had deliuered him their ostages promised vppon the contract at Verceill, which certeinly they had ac­complished, if his hastie departure had not preuented their true intencion and mea­ning. Thus then vpon the ende of October 1495. his maiestie returned on thother side the mountes, resembling rather a personage vanquished then a Prince victor (notwithstanding the conquest and victories he had obteyned:) he left as his Liefe­tenant in Ast (a citie which it should seeme he bought of the Duke of Orleans) Iohn Iacques Triuulce with fiue hundreth frenche launces, who not many dayes after of their propper authoritie followed the king, by whome was left no other succors for the kingdom of Naples, then the nauies preparing at Genes and Prouence, and the as­signacion of the aydes and moneyes promised by the Florentyns.

After the discourse of other things, me thinkes it can not be out of purpose (spe­cially The french po [...]ks & their beginning. it being a destinie fatall that the calamities of Italy should take their beginning of the passage of the french men, or at least were imputed to them) to leaue to me­morie and tradicion in what sort began the disease which the french call the euill of Naples, and the Italians name the botche, or more commonly the disease of Fraunce: It hapned as an infection to the french men whilest they were at Naples, and by them in their returne from that warre, was dispersed and spredd thorow all Italy: This di­sease either altogether newe, or at least vnknowne in that age in our hemispheare o­therwayes then in the most extreame and furthest partes, was for certeyne yeares so horrible, that it well deserueth mencion and monument, as a calamitie greeuous & lamentable: for it appeared alwayes either in vile botches or buttons, which often­times proued vlcers incurable, or else they tormented the whole bodye with payne and aches in the ioyntes and sinewes: And the Phisicions hauing no experience in maladies of that nature, and therefore ignorant in the remedies proper and naturall, applied oftentimes cures directly resisting and contrary, which inflamed the infecti­on to greater rage, euen to the killing of many bodies of all ages and sexes: Many became deformed with them, and subiect almost to perpetuall torments, yea some such as seemed to be deliuered of them, returned eftsoones in short time to the same miserie: But after the course of many yeares (either the influence aboue being ap­peased which bredd them so horrible and raging, or by long experience their pro­per remedies and cures being founde out) the disease began to be lesse malicious, chaunging it selfe into diuerse kindes of infirmitie, differing from the first calamitie, whereof truely the regions & people of our times might iustly complayne, if it hap­ned to them without their propper disorder, seeing it is well approued by all those that haue diligently studied and obserued the proprieties of that euil, that either ne­uer or very rarely it hapneth to any otherwayes then by contagious whoredom or immoderat incontinencie. The french thinke it reasonable to acquite them of thig­nominie, for that it is knowen since that such a disease was transported out of Spaine to Naples, & yet not proper or natural of that nation, but brought thether from the yles, which in those seasons began to be made familiar to our regions by the nauiga­cion of Christofer Colonus a Ganovvay: In which yles by the fauor of nature, are re­medies ready to the cure of that ill, by drinking onely of the iuice of a wodd (most [Page 129] singular for many other worthy properties) which growing plentifully in those pla­ces is a remedie no lesse easie, then absolut and assured to thinhabitants there.

The ende of the second booke.

LODOWYK SFORCE keepeth not the treatie of peace: The Venetians take the towne of Pysa into their protection: The french king determineth to returne into Italy: The king of Ro­maines beseegeth Lyuorne: The Pope makes warre vppon the Vrsins: The french King dyeth at Amboyse: Frear Ierommo Sauonarolais hanged at Florence.

THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE historie and discoursse of Guicciardin.

BY the dishonorable returne of the frenche kinge ouer the Mountes, proceeding notwithstanding more of indiscressi­on and disorders, then by pusillanimitie or weakenes of his armie: wise men grew into hopes and iudgements, that Ita­ly, after so many skourges and greeuous stormes of infelici­ties, would now at last resume her libertie, or at least, be re­deliuered of the insolent iurisdiction of the french: where­in by so much more were worthy and notable the vertues & actions of the Senat of Venice and Duke of Myllan, by how much the taking armes with a wise and resolut councell, were the onely lets, that so goodly a part of the world fell not into the seruitude of straungers: But as nothing can satisfie the couetousnes of man, so if they had not bene caried with ambicious respectes touching their interests and desires particular, nor (to their propper infa­mie and common harmes) had so corrupted the vniuersall benefitte and common weale of that region: No man might haue dowted that Italy, (readdressed by their armies and councells, and eftsoones repossessed of her auncient dignities and prero­gatiues) had not bene for long time assured against the importunities, furies, and vi­olent inuasions of the prowde nations beyonde the Mountes: But ambicion, which would not suffer either of them to be contented with his lymitts, was the cause not onely to returne vpon Italy new inuasions and troubles, but also that they could not enioy the frute of the victorie which their fortune brought into their hands against those miserable remeynders of the frenche in the kingdome of Naples: A victorie which the negligence & vnwise councells of the king made of easie action to them, for that the succors which he had leuyed at his departure out of Italy, were either [Page 130] vtterly vaine, or at least of so litle frute, that they brought no comfort to his people, his prouicions of nauigacion and the aydes promised by the Florentyns seruing also to like effect.

‘This is a rule in the nature of man, that to him that is iniuried and can not haue iustice, nothing is more sweete then the passion of reuenge: euen so by howe much the remembrance of thoffence is greene and freshe, by so much stronger is the de­sire of reuenge in the mind greeued, and so much lesse the trust or confidence in the partie that hath offended:’ Lodovvyk Sforce consented not to the peace with the king with a sownd faith and meaning, for that remembring the iniuries he had done him, he thought it stoode not with his sewertie eftsoones to commit him selfe to the fi­delitie of the king: But the desire to recouer Nouaro, & deliuer his owne estate from thincommodities of the warre, induced him to promise that which he had no desire to keepe, following the kinges humor with wordes, and keeping his intencions dis­sembled: And it may be supposed, that in the peace made with this semblance, did participat the consent of the Senat of Venice, willing to disburden their state with­out their infamie, of the very huge and great expenses occupied vppon the warre of Nouaro: But Lodovvyk, to whom in actions of shift and conning, nothing was more Lodowyk sutle in dis­sembling. familiar then moderacion of wit, because he would not in vnaduised sort breake the articles of the capitulacion, but shadow his doings with some coller, accomplished that which he could not deny to be in his power: he deliuered ostages: he sette at li­bertie the prisoners paying their raunsoms of his propper treasors: he restored the vessells taken at Rapale: he withdrew from Pysa Frecasse whom he could not dissem­ble to be in his pay: lastly he put the castell of Genes into the handes of the Duke of Ferrare who went thether in person to receiue it: But on thother side, he left within Shiftes of Lod. Sforce to breake the peace. Pysa Luke Maluezzo with many bandes of souldiers as though he were in the wages and payes of the Genovvayes: he suffered that two carrakes which were armed at Genes went to Naples for the seruice of Ferdinand, vsing this excuse, that for that he had interteyned them afore the conclusion of the peace, they of Genes woulde not consent that they should be denied to him: he labored secretly that the Genovvays should not deliuer in their ostages to the king: And that which was of greater con­sequence for the losse of the castells of Naples, after the king had armed and manned the foure shippes, and that he had furnished him of the two for the which he was bownd: he wrought so with the Genovvays, that making semblances of feare, they gaue impediments that the kinges souldiers should not be armed, if first they recei­ued not of him sufficient caution that he shoulde not employe them against them selues, nor attempt with that force to chaunge the gouernment of Genes: For these cauillacions the king complayned by men expresse to Lodovvyk, who (according to his custom in euasions) aūswered him with exceptions, sometimes that he had pro­mised to furnish him with the shipps, but without consent that they should be man­ned with french souldiers: And sometymes he alleaged that the iurisdiction which he had of Genes was not absolut, but limited and restrayned to such condicions, as he had no power of compulsion, and much lesse was his authoritie to enforce their wills to his desires, specially in thinges which they pretended to be daungerous for their estate, or to derogat the liberties of their citie: wherein the better to iustifie his excuses, he wrought so that the Pope commaunded the Genovvays and him vppon payne of the Church censures, that they should not suffer to be drawne from Genes by the french king any vessells of no sort or nature: In so much as the succors exspe­cted with so great desire by the french which were wretched in the kingdom of Na­ples, [Page 131] soarted to no comfort or releeffe to them: No more did the aydes and moneyes promised by the Florentyns: seeing after thaccord made at Thuryn, Guind [...] Anthoine Vespucci one of their Embassadors assistant at the conclusion, departing immediatly with all the necessary dispatches, and passing without suspicion thorow the Duchie of Myllan, for that the common weale of Florence was not declared ennemie to ey­ther part: he was reteyned in Alexandria by the Dukes commission: And all his pa­pers and dispatches taken from him, he was led forthwith to Myllan, where the capi­tulacion and promises of the Florentyns being bewraied, the Venetians and the Duke tooke councell, not to suffer the Pysans to perish: who assoone as the french king was gone out of Italy, had by newe Embassadors recommended their affayres to Venice The Veneti­ans in mind to [...] the Pysans. and Myllan: Their resolucion to reskew the Pysans was not without the consent of the Pope and thEmbassadors of the other confederats, vnder pretence to hinder the money and aydes which the Florentyns reentring into Pysa and their other pla­ces, were to sende to the realme of Naples: And also for that being conioyned with the french king, and by the recouering of that citie, made more mighty, they might in many sortes endomage the common safetie of Italy: but the principall humor that sed that mocion was their ambicion & great desire to make them selues Lords ouer Pysa: A sweete pray to intyce ambicious mindes, and as it had bene afore tyme vehemently aspired by Lodovvyk, so the Venetians began nowe in like sort to looke into it with couetous eyes, as people, who seeing the auncient vnitie of other Po­tentats broken, and one parte of those weakned which had wont to oppose against them, embrased alreadye with thoughtes and hopes the Monarchie of all Italy: Whereunto they esteemed the imperie of Pysa a very conuenient instrument, to beginne with the commoditie of his hauen (which they thought could not be long kept by Florence not holding Pysa) to stretch out their lymits euen to the inferior sea: hauing withall by thopportunitie of that citie, an entrey of great importance into Tuskan: The Duke of Myllan showed most readines to minister to their succors, who interteyning at the same instant the Florentyns with diuerse practises, had ordeyned that Fracasse, vnder cooller of his priuat busines (for he had possessions in that con­trey) should goe to Pysa, and the Genovvays to refurnish them with newe supplies of footemen: The Venetians also forgot not to nourish them with promises and com­fortes of speedy succors, and accordingly dispatched one of their Secretories to Genes to make a leauye of footemen, and perswade the Genovvays not to abandon the Pysans: yet they were long in sending their strength thether, perhaps by this opi­nion, that so long as the citadell was holden by the french king, & so long as he were in Italy, it was not conuenient to lay any great foundacion of those thinges: On the otherside, the Florentyns, aduertised of the newe couenants made with the king by their Embassadors at Thuryn, had increased their armie, to be the more able to con­strayne the Pysans to receiue them assoone as they sawe the dispatches of the king: And albeit as you haue heard, they were restrayned together with their Embassa­dor by the Duke of Myllan, yet they forbare not to take the borow of Palay [...], and so planted their campe afore Vicopisan: the beseeging of which place was of no effect, partely for that the Capteines (either by ill councell, or for that they iudged their strength not sufficient to bring their campe on that side towards Pysa, the Pysans ha­uing erected a bastyllyon on a mount neare the towne) encamped on that side vn­derneath towardes Bientina: A place of litle commoditie to hurt Vico, and keeping it, the way of Pysa and Casina lay open to those that were beseeged: partely for that Pavvle Vitelli hauing receiued three thowsand duckats, went thether to defend it, [Page 132] entring with his companies and the bandes of his brethren vnder a fayned cooller to haue letters of the king, & commaundement from the generall of Languedok bro­ther to the Cardinall of S. Mallovv remeyning sicke at Pietra Santa, to protect Pysa and thappurtenance, vntil other order were taken: Certeinly it is a thing right won­derfull in reason, and no lesse rare in experience and example, that the Pysans were at one tyme defended by the souldiers of the french king, and ayded by the succors of the Duke of Myllan, and nourished also with hopes by the state of Venice, notwith­standing that Senat & the Duke of Myllan were in open warre with the french king: ‘But such is the rage of ambicion, and so sweete thinsinuacion of rule and imperie, that in whom they haue kindled their infection, they cease not to inflame more and more their desires without respect to fidelitie, conscience, difficultie, or common obseruancie, holding all thinges lawful that make for their purpose, and nothing vn­semely that may serue to satisfie their insatiable aspiring thoughts:’ with the reskew that came with the bandes of Vitelli, Vicopisan defended it selfe easily, and gaue no li­tle domage to the campe of the Florentyns, the same being pitched in a place so o­pen and discouered, that it receiued many harmes by the artilleries which the Pysans had caried within Vico: In so much that hauing endured the harmes by many dayes, the Capteines found it necessary to their safetie, to leuye the seege to their reproch and shame: After this, the kinges dispatches being at last come, which written into copies, were secretly sent out by many wayes, the towne, castell, and port of Liuorne were immediatly rendred to the Florentyns by Salliane Liefetenant to Monsr Beau­mont to whom the king had giuen them in charge: when M. D'isle Deputie Com­missioner to receiue of the Florentyns the ratificacion of thaccord made at Thuryn, and to see the restitucion executed, began to treate with Entragues Capteine of the cytadell of Pysa, and of the castells of Pietra Santa and Mutton, to resolue with him of the day and manner to resigne them vppe: But Entragues indused either by the selfe same inclinacion common with the other frenche men that were then in Pysa, or by some secret commissions from M. de Ligni, vnder whose name and as depending vpon him, he was preferred to that charge, or perhaps drawne by the loue which he bare to a litle Graciana doughter of one of the Citisens of Pysa (for it is not credible that onely the desire of money led him, since he might receiue a greater quantitie of the Florentyns) he began to oppose many difficulties: sometimes giuing to the kings letters pattents an interpretacion contrary to the true sense: and sometimes he al­leaged that at the beginning he had commaundement not to render them but by secret aduertisements from Monsr de Ligny: vpon which impediments, after they had in vayne disputed certeine dayes, it was necessary for the Florentyns to make a new instance to the king remeyning yet at Verceill, to remedie that disorder expres­sed with so great an offence to his maiestie, and hurt to his speciall profit: The king became much moued with the disobedience of Entragues, and commaunded M. de Ligny (not without indignacion) to constrayne him to obey, determining to sende thether a man of authoritie with newe letters pattents and threates from the Duke of Orleans whose seruant he was: But the resolut obstinacie of M. de Ligny and the fauors which he had in court, being of more power then the slender councell of the king, the dispatch was delayed certeine dayes, and in the ende sent not by a man of authoritie, but by M. Launcepugno a simple gentleman: with whome went Camylla Vitelli to leade his companies to the realme of Naples, and withall to conduit thether one part of the money to be defrayed by the Florentyns, to whose armie, assoone as the kinges letters pattents were arriued, were ioyned the men of warre of both the [Page 133] Vitellis: This dispatche wrought no more effect then the first, notwithstanding the Capteine had receiued two thowsand duckats of the Florentyns, to interteyne (vntil the kinges aunswer came) the bandes of footemen which were in garrison within the Citadell: And to Camilla were payed three thowsand duckats, because other­wayes he would haue hindred that the kinges letters should not haue bene presen­ted: for the Capteine of the citadell (to whom as was supposed de Ligni had sent by an other way, commissions quite contrary) After he had many dayes abused their exspectacion, and iudging that the Florentyns (for that there were within the towne besides thinhabitantes, a thowsand footemen forreyners,) coulde not force the sub­urbes of S. Marke ioyned to the gate of Florence leaning to the citadell where the Py­sans had made a great bastyllion, and that so he might come to the ende of his in­tencion without manifest obiecting against the kinges will: he sent thother Flo­rentyn Commissioners, to present their armie afore the sayd gate, (which they could not doe onles they wonne the suburbs) for that if the Pysans would not receiue them in by accorde, he would force them to abandon it, the same gate being so subiect to thartillerie of the citadell, that it was not able to meinteyne defence against the will of such as had it in gard: The Florentyns inclining readily to this deuise, went the­ther with a great preparacion, a courage resolute, and an inflamed disposicion of all the campe then lodging at S. Remy, a place neare to the suburbes: And with such vallour they assayled the bastyllion on three sides (in the forme, seate, and rampiers whereof, they had bene fully instructed by Pavvle Vitelli) that they brake and put to flight such as stoode in defence, and pursuing the chase, they enter Pelle Melle the suburbes by a draw bridge which ioyned to the bastyllion, killing and making priso­ners the most of them: In this furie there was no dowt, (without the ayde of the ci­tadell) but at the same instant they might haue made perfect the conquest of Pysa by that gate, many of their men at armes being entred, for that the Pysans put to flight, made no resistance: But the Capteine of the citadel seeing thinges succeede other­wayes then he looked for, began to discharge thartillerie vpon the Florentyns: with which accident vnlooked for, the Commissioners and leaders marueling not a litle, many of their souldiers slayne and hurt by thartillerie, and Pavvle Vitelli wounded in one of his legges, they sownded the retraict, holding it impossible to take Pysa at that time for the furious resistance of the citadell: yea within fewe dayes after, they were constrained for the harmes they receiued by thartillerie to abandon the sub­urbes which they had brought into their power, and so retyred with great discou­rage and no lesse discontented to Cassina, till the king had reformed so manifest a dis­obedience of his subiectes.

In this meane while also, the Florentyns were not without their perplexities, for Peter de me­dicis at the instigation of the Confede­rate determi­neth to re­turne to Flo­rence. new and daungerous practises stirred vp principally by the Potentats of the league: Who to giue the more impediments to the conquest of Pysa, and by some newe ne­cessities at home, to enforce them to leaue thalliance of the french king, incensed P. de medicis to make triall, with the ayde of Virginio Vrsin, (fled from the french campe the day of the battell of Taro,) to returne to Florence: A matter of right easie perswa­cion both to the one and other: for that to Virginio it soarted to good purpose (what so euer came to thenterprise) to reassemble at the charges of others, his auncient bandes and partakers, and readresse him selfe eftsoones in the reputacion of armes: And Peter according to the custom of men banished, had no want of diuerse hopes for the multitude of frendes which he had in the citie, by whom he had intelligence that the gouernment popular was displeasing to many of the nobles, and no lesse in­tollerable [Page 134] to many of his faction and followers, which by reason of the auncient greatnes of his house, was almost vniuersal thorow the whole dominion of Florence: It was beleued that this plot tooke his first deuise and beginning at Myllan, for that Virginio was no sooner escaped out of the hands of the french, then he made his first office to goe visit the Duke: but afterwards the resolucion succeeded at Rome, where did negociat many dayes with the Pope, thEmbassador of Venice and the Cardinall Askanius, who proceeded by commission from Lodovvyk his brother: These were the groundes and hopes of this enterprise: that besides the bandes which Virginio should leauye of his olde souldiers, and with tenne thowsand duckats gathered by P. de medicis of his owne and by the liberalities of his frendes: Iohn Bentyuole being then in the pay of the Venetians and the Duke of Myllan, should at the same instant make warre against them vppon the frontyer of Bolognia: And also that Kattherine Sforce whose sonne tooke pay of the Duke of Myllan, should vexe them by the cities of Y­mola and Furly, confyning vpon the landes of the Florentyns: Lastly they made pro­mise to them selues (not in vaine) to haue at their deuocion the Syennoys, no lesse in­flamed with an old hatred against the Florentyns, then desirous to embrase occasions to preserue Montpulcian, A towne which they distrusted not to be able to defend of them selues, for that hauing attempted not many monethes before with their owne strength, and the bandes of the Lord of Plombyn and Iohn Sauelle (whome the Duke interteyned in common with them) to make them selues Lordes of the contrey of the marrysse of Chianes, which marrysse had bene long time the lymit or markestone of that side betwene the Florentyns and them, and to that ende they had begonne to make neare to the bridge of Valiane, A bastyllion to beate a tower erected by the Flo­rentyns vpon the poynt towards Montpulcian: things fel out contrary to their hopes and exspectacion: for that the Florentyns, moued with the daunger of the losse of this bridge, which not onely tooke from them all meanes to molest Montpulcian, but also gaue entrie to thennemies into the territories of Cortona and Aretze and o­ther peeces, which on thother side of Chianes apperteyne to their iurisdiction, sent thether a stronge succor, which forced the bastyllion begon by the Syennoys: And for their full sewertie of that peece, they planted neare the bridge (but on thother side Chianes) a bastyllion conuenient to bestow many souldiers in: by whose helpe and commoditie they made roades euen to the gates of Montpulcian, vexing with like actions all the townes of the Siennoys on that side: To which successe was ioyned this fortune, that a litle after the passage of the french king, they had broken neare to Montpulcian, the bandes of the Siennoys and made prisoner Iohn Sauella their Cap­teine: But Virginio and Peter de medicis hoped to obteine place of retraite with other commodities of the people of Perusia, not onely for that the famulie of the Baillons, (who with armes and aydes of their followers were almost become Maisters of that citie) were vnited to Virginio in a common fidelitie to the name and faction of the Guelffs, and had withall familiar and straite frendshipps with Lavvrence and Peter de medicis whilest he ruled in Florence, by whose fauors and other ministracions they had speciall countenance against all action of their enemies: but also being the subiectes of the Church (but more in demonstracions then in effectes) it was bele­ued that in thinges concerning principally their estates, they would yeld to the will of the Pope, hauing communitie therein the consent of the Venetians and Duke of Myllan: Virginio then and Peter de medicis departed from Rome with these hopes, & occupying amongest them selues these perswacions, that the Florentyns trauelled with ciuill diuisions at home, and vexed by their neighbours abroad vnder the name [Page 135] of the confederats, coulde hardely make resistance: And remeyning certeine dayes betwene Terni and Todi and these confynes, where Virginio studying by all meanes to plucke downe the Gebelyn faction, leauyed men and money of the Guelsses: At last they setled their campe in fauor of the Perusins, before Gualde, A towne possessed by the communaltie of Fuligni, but solde before by the Pope for six thowsand duckatts to the Perusins, who were no lesse inflamed with a desire to haue it, then incensed with the contencion of the parties, by reason of whose dealinges all the townes a­bout inclined then to emocion and insurrection: for not many dayes before, the fa­mulie of the Oddies, banished from Perousa & chieftaines of the factiō contrary to the Bayllions, hauing aydes of them of Fuligni, Ascese, and other peeces there adioyning, which embrased the parte of the Gebylins, were entred Corciana, (a stronge peece within fiue myles of Perousa) with three hundreth horse, and fiue hundreth foote­men: for which accident, all the contrey being risen (for Spolette, Camerin, and other places of the Guelffes were fauorable to the Bayllons) they of Oddy within fewe dayes after entred by night within Perousa, and that with such astonishment to the Bayllons, that hauing lost hope & abilitie of defence, they began to put them selues to slight: But the Oddies, by a small and vnlooked for aduenture, lost that victorie, which the power of their ennemies coulde not depriue them of: for that being come without impediment to one of the entries of the principall place, and one of them who for that purpose caried a hatchet, offring to cut in peeces the chayne drawne ouer the way according to the custom of cities in faction: And being so troublesomly enuy­roned with the presse of his companies, that he had no space to list vp his arme to A [...] mi [...] d [...] enter­prise. hewe the chayne, cryed with a lowde voyce giue backe, giue backe, to thende that hauing more roome, his libertie might be more furthering to the action he went a­bout: This voyce being wrong vnderstanded, and repeated from hand to hand by such as followed him, and so deliuered to others in a sense sounding to retyre and flee, it was the cause that all the companies without other encownter or let, fell sud­deinly to flee, not one knowing by whom they were chassed, nor for what occasion they fledd: This disorder restored thaduersaries to such present courage, that reas­sembling their strength, they charged them in the chasse and made great slaughter taking prisoner Troyllo Sauello, who for the same affection to the faction, had bene sent to the succors of the Oddies by Cardinall Sauella: And applying their forces to thoccasion that was offered, they followed the chasse euen to Corciana, which they recouered in this action, and with the same furie: And lastly not contented with the death of such as they had slaine in the chasse, they hanged many at Perousa, follow­ing the crueltie which for the most part other factions are wont to vse: of which tu­multes, many murders hapning in the places bordring, for that in seasons dowtfull, [...] insurrections. the parties are carefull, and doe customably draw into insurrection, either for desire to cut of their ennemies, or for feare to be preuented by them: The Perusins inflamed against the Fulignians, had sent the campe to Gualda, And hauing giuen thassault to it in vaine, with no lesse distrust to cary it by their owne strength, they accepted the aydes of Virginio who offered him selfe to them, to thende that at the brute of boo­tie and spoyle, the souldiers might ronne with more readines to the warre: And al­beit they were pressed by him and by Peter de medicis to minister openly to their en­terprise, or at least to giue some peece of artillerie or place of retraite for their peo­ple at Chastillion du lac confyning vpon the territorie of Cortonne, with commoditie of vittells for tharmie: yet they consented to neuer one of the demaundes, notwith­standing the Cardinall Askanius made in the name of the Duke of Myllan great in­stance, [Page 136] and the Pope commaunding no lesse by writts vehement and full of threats: All this was, for that since the taking of Corciana, the Florentyns lending them mo­ney, and giuing yearly pension to Guido and Radolpho chiefe of the Baillons, and lastly hauing taken into their pay Iohn Pavvle sonne to Radolpho, they were of their side & conioyned with them: Besides these, they were estraunged from thamitie of the Pope, for that they feared he stoode fauorable and inclined to the cause of their ad­uersaries, or at least, by thoccasion of their diuisions, they suspected that he aspired to put absolutely that citie vnder the obedience of the Church: In this time, Pavvle Vrsin, who with three score men at armes of the olde companie of Virginio, had re­meyned many dayes at Montpulcian, and afterwards was gon to the borow of Pieua: interteyned (by the direction of Peter de medicis) A practise in the citie of Cortone, with intencion to execute it at such time as the bandes of Virginio should approch, whose numbers nor vertue aunswered not the first plots: But during that respitt of time, the practise being discouered which was builded vppon the foundacion and meane of one of the exiles of base condicion: one part of their generall groundes & deuises began to fayle, and withall many great impediments to appeare: for the Flo­rentyns, in whom was alwayes nourished a carefull pollicie to prouide for daungers, leauing in the contrey of Pysa three hundreth men at armes & two thowsand foote­men, had sent to encampe neare Cortone two hundred men at armes & 2. thowsand footemen vnder the leading of the Count Riuucce de Marciane whom they had made Mercenarye in their pay: And to thend the bandes of the Syennoys should haue no o­portunitie to ioyne with Virginio accordinge to the practise betweene them: they sent to Poggi imperiall vpon the borders of the contrey of Sienna (vnder the gouern­ment of Guidobalde of Montfeltre Duke of Vrbyn, whom they had interteyned into their pay a litle before) three hundreth men at armes, and fiueteene hundreth foote­men, besides many banished from Sienna (with whom they adioyned) to keepe the citie in greater feare: But after Virginio had giuen many assaultes to Gualda where Charles his bastard sonne receiued a wound with a small shot, and hauing embrased the moneyes sent secretely to him as was supposed by the Fulignians, he raysed his campe without mention or respect to thinterests of the Perusins, and marched to the tabernacles and so to Panicale in the contrey of Perousa, making newe instance that they would be declared against the Florentyns: A thing which they did not only de­ny to him, but also for the discontentment they had of his actions at Gualda, they cōpelled him almost with threatnings to depart out of their territories: In so much that Peter and he going first with foure hundreth horse to Orsaia a towne neare to Cortone, hoping that in that citie (which to auoyde the harmes of the souldiers had refused to receiue the men at armes of the Florentyns) they should find some tumult: After they saw all thinges in quiet and stabilitie, they passed ouer Chianes with three hundreth men at armes, and three thowsand footemen, but the most part in confu­sion & ill order, because they had bene driuen backe hauing but a very smal propor­cion of money: They retyred vpon the contrey of Sienna neare to Montpulcian be­twene Chianciana, Torrite, and Asinalongue, where they remeyned many dayes with­out other action then certeine incursions and pillages, hauing the bandes of the Florentyns, (which passed Chianes at the bridge of Valiance) in camped directly oppo­site vpon the hill Sansouyn and other places thereabouts. Neither of the side of Bo­lognia (as they hoped) was any insurrection, for that Bentyuole, not determining for the interests and regardes of an other to enter warre with a common weale mighty and his neighbour, refused the quarrell and the defense, notwithstanding the per­swacions of the confederats, to whom he made many excuses, and vsed no lesse de­layes, [Page 137] neither was he curious to consent that many demonstracions should be made by Iulian de medicis, who being come from Bolognia, laboured to stirre vp the frendes which they were accustomed to haue in the Mounteynes of that contrey: Amon­gest the consederats there was not one consent of will and inclinacion, for that it was very acceptable to the Duke of Myllan that the Florentyns should be vexed with those trauells, thereby to be lesse able for the matters of Pysa: but it nothing pleased him that P. de medicis so greatly iniuried by him, should returne to Florence, notwith­standing (to declare that hereafter he would wholly depend vpon his authoritie) he had sent to Myllan in solemne order his brother the Cardinall: And touching the Venetians, they liked not to haue the burden of that warre imposed vppon them, and much lesse to embrase alone the quarrell: Besides, the Duke and they were buysie to leauye prouisions to expulse the french out of the kingdom of Naples: In which re­spectes, fayling in Peter and Virginio not onely the hopes which they exspected, but also the moneyes greatly diminishing to enterteyne their bandes of footemen and horsemen: the necessities of their estates, and consideracion of their proper safeties, caused them to withdraw to Bagno Rapulano in the contrey of Chiusa, a citie subiect to the Siennoys: where not many dayes after ( Virginio being drawne by his destinie) arriued Camylla Vitelli and M. de Gemel, sent by the french king to interteyne him in­to Virgini. Vrsin with the french king. his pay and leade him into the kingdom of Naples, where the king desired to serue his purpose of him, hearing of the defection of the Colonnoys: This offer (albeit ma­ny of his frendes impugned it, aduising him rather to follow the seruice of the con­federats who made great solicitacion to him or else to become for thArragons) was embrased and accepted by him, either for that he hoped by that meane to be more able to recouer the landes and contrey of Alba and Taille couss: or else, remembring eftsoones how thinges hapned in the losse of the kingdom, and seeing the authority of the Collonnoys his auncient aduersaries was so great with Ferdinand, that there was no confidence of reconciliacion, and much lesse to be readdressed into his former greatnes: or lastly for that he was moued, (as him selfe did assure) with a discontent­ment which he had of the Princes consederat fayling to accomplish those promises which they made to him to minister fauors to Peter de medicis: Virginio then entred pay with the french king receiuing cōtract aswel for him, as for others of the house of the Vrsins for six hundreth men at armes: notwithstanding vnder this obligacion (such be the frutes of those that once haue made their faith suspected) to sende his sonne Charles into Fraunce for the kinges sewertie: And being possessed of the kings money, he prepared him selfe to goe with the Vitellies to the kingdome of Naples, where both before the losse of the castells and after, was continuall insurrection in many places with diuerse accidents and fortunes.

For, after Ferdinand had in the beginning made heade in the playne of Sarny, the frenchmen that were retyred from Piedgrotte, were incamped at Nocere within foure myles of thennemie, where their forces being equall, it appeared their disposicions did not differ, for that they consumed the time vnprofitably in skyrmishing without any action worthy of memorie: sauing that seuen hundred of the armie of Ferdi­nand aswell footemen as horsemen, being led by a double intelligence to enter the borow of Gisone neare the towne of S. Seuerin, remeyned almost all vppon the place either slaine or made prisoners: But the bandes of the Pope being come to the suc­cors of Ferdinand, and by that meane the french made more inferior, they retyred from Nocere, which by that occasion, together with the castell, was taken by Ferdi­nand [...] by [...] with a greater slaughter of such as had followed the french quarrell: In this [Page 138] time Monsr Montpensier had foreseene to furnish of horses and other thinges neces­sary for the warre, such as were come with him from the new castell: with whom, after he had remounted them in good order, he went to ioyne with the others, and after came to Ariana, A towne abounding with vittells: of the other side, Ferdinand seeing him selfe lesse stronge then thennemie, stayed at Montfuskule to temporise, without assaying of fortune vntill the confederats had refurnished him with a grea­ter succor: M. Montpensier tooke the towne, and afterwards the castell of S. Seuerin, and with that fortune had done farre greater thinges if the want present of mo­ney, and the difficulties to get some, had not bene impediments to his oportunitie and vertue: for hauing no releeffe sent out of Fraunce, nor meane to leauye any in the kingdom of Naples, he could not pay the souldiers, by which reason the armie inclining to discontentment, and the Svvyzzers drawing into murmure, he had no possibilitie to doe thinges whose effectes might aunswer the forces he had: In such like actions were consumed by the one and other armie, about three monethes: In which season, Dom Federyk hauing with him Caesar of Aragon, made warre in Pouylla: he was ayded by those of the contrey, against whom made head the Barons & peo­ples that embrased the french part: of the other side Gracian de Guerres made valiant defence in Abruzze against Ferdinand, and the Prefect of Rome who had the kinges pay for two hundreth men at armes, vexed with his estates the landes of Montcasin, and the contrey thereabouts, where was somewhat declined the prosperitie of the french by the long sicknes of M. d'Aubigny, the same breaking the course of his vi­ctorie, although almost all Calabria and the principallitie remeyned at the deuocion of the french king: But Consaluo, who with a strength of the spanish bandes, with such of the contrey as bare frendship to thArragons (now well increased by the conquest of Naples,) had taken there certeine places, and made stronge in that prouince the name of Ferdinand, where the french founde the same difficulties which were in the armie for want of money: Notwithstanding the citie of Cosenze being drawne into rebellion against them, they recouered it and sackt it: But in these great necessities and daungers, appeared no succors at all out of the realme of Fraunce: for that the king staying at Lyons, amused the time about iustes, torneyes, and other pleasures of Court, leauing there all his thoughtes of the warre: And albeit he assured his coun­cell alwayes that he would eftsoones consider of thaffayres of Italy, yet the effects & actions that proceeded from him, discredited the promises he had made to haue re­membraunce of them: And yet Argenton brought him this aunswere from the Se­nat of Venice, that they pretended to haue no disfrēdship with him, for that they en­tred not into armes vntill he had gotten Nocere, and yet for no other cause then for the defense of the Duke of Myllan their confederat: and therefore they thought it a thing superfluous, to ratifie eftsoones the auncient frendship with a new peace: Besides they offered him, that by the mediacion of persons indifferent, they woulde induce Ferdinand, to giue him presently some summe of money, with constitucion of a tribut of fifty thowsand duckats by yeare, and to leaue in his handes for his securi­tie, Tarenta vntill a certeine time: The king, as though he had had a prepared & pu­issant succor, refused to open his eares to these offers, notwithstanding (besides these perplexities of Italy) he was not without vexacions vpon the frontyers of Fraunce: seeing Ferdinand king of the Spanish come in person to Parpignian had made incur­sions into Languedock, where they did no small harmes, adding to their present furie other demonstracions of farre greater emocions: Besides it was not long since the Daulphyn of Fraunce the onely sonne of the king, dyed: All which thinges (if he had [Page 139] bene capable to make wise election of peace or warre) ought to haue brought him with more facilitie to condiscend to some accord.

About the ende of this yeare were determined the controuersies hapning by rea­son of the citadell of Pysa: for the french king vnderstanding by good informacion thobstinacie of the capteine, sent thether at last Monsr Gemel with threatnings and cōmaundements rigorous not only addressed to him, but generally to all the french apperteyning to the charge and seruice of the sayd citadell: And a litle after, he dis­patched thether expresly M. Bonne Cousin to the Capteine, to thende that being informed by a person whom he might trust, both of the kinges message, and also the meane to satisfie with present obedience his former faultes and contumacie: and of the other part, the daunger wherin he stoode continuing in disobedience: he might with more readines proceede to thexecucion of his Maiesties commaundement & iust will: All these could not remoue the Capteine from his first resolucion, who a­biding in his transgression, made no reckoning of the message of Gemell staying there a few dayes according to his commission to goe with Camylla Vitelli to find Virginio: And much lesse was thē comming of Bonne (who was hindred many dayes for that by direction of the Duke of Myllan he was reteyned at Serazena) to any purpose to turne the Capteine from his obstinacie: But hauing wrought Bonne to his consent & opinion, he made a contract with the Pysans (Luke Maluezze communicating in the name of the Duke) by vertue whereof he deliuered to the Pysans the first day of the yeare 1496. their citadell, receiuing of them twenty thowsand duckats, whereof xij. thowsand to remeyne to him selfe, and eyght thowsande to be deuided in shares a­mongest the particular souldiers: This money was not leuyed of the stores or welth of the Pysans, in whom was no meane to interteyne their proper condicion, & much lesse to refurnish expenses extraordinary, onely not to lose thopportunitie of the ci­tadell, they prayed the aydes of their frendes, hauing foure thowsand of the Veneti­ans, foure thowsand of the Genovvays and Luckoyes, and foure thowsand of the Duke of Myllan: who vsing at the same time his ordinary shiftes and practises (whereun­to was giuen litle faith) he solicited faintly to enter with the Florentyns into firme in­telligence and amitie, & was already agreed of condicions with their Embassadors.

It can not in any construction cary likelihood of truth, that Monsr de Ligny, or the Capteine, or any other would haue vsed so great transgression without the kings will and liking, seeming chiefly the matter was so much to his disauauntage: for that albeit the Capteine had capitulated that the citie of Pysa should continue in the o­bedience of the crowne of Fraunce, yet it remeyned manifestly at the deuocion of the confederats: and for that the restitucion tooke not effect, the french men that were left in the realme of Naples were naked of the succors of men and money promised in the contract of Thuryn: The Florentyns obseruing diligētly the action of all things, (albeit in the beginning they made great dowt) were possest at last with this opini­on, that all was done contrary to the will of the king: A thing which might seeme incredible to all others that knew not what was his nature, nor what were the con­dicions of his wit and customes, nor how litle authoritie he bare amongest his peo­ple, And lastly how easily men are emboldened against a Prince that is falne into in­dignitie and contempt.

After the Pysans were entred by heapes into the citadell, they razed it flat with the earth: And knowing their owne strength not sufficient to beare out the desense and protection of their cause, they sent at the same instant Embassadors to the Pope, to the king of Romans, to the Venetians, to the Duke of Myllan, to the Genovvays, to the [Page 140] Syennoys, and to the Lucquoys, praying succors of euery one by particular sute & dis­course, but with greater instance of the Venetians & Duke of Myllan, towards whom they nourished a franke inclinacion to transferre the iurisdiction of their citie: wher­in they had this cogitacion and seeming, that they were constrayned not so much to looke to the preseruacion of their libertie, as to eschew the necessitie to returne eft­soones into the power of the Florentyns: Their hopes also were more partiall in him then in any of the residue, for that besides he was the first stirrer of them to rebellion by reason of neighbourhood, yet reaping from the other confederats no other thing then generall hopes, they had alwayes receiued from him present & ready succors: But the Duke (notwithstanding his desire and ambicion were importunat) stoode dowtfull whether he shoulde accept it, for feare least the other confederats woulde grow deuided by it, in whose councells was now begonne to treate of the affayres of Pysa, as of a common cause: By reason whereof some times he woulde desire the Py­sans to deferre, and sometimes aduised them that it might be done in publike action & in the name of the Sainct Seueryns, and he to disclose that all was done to his pro­fit, when he should see his time: But in the ende (desire of dominion is troublesom till the appetite be satisfied) when he saw the french king was gone out of Italy, and finding withall that his necessities & occasions with the confederats were not now so great, he determined to embrase it.

But this inclinacion of the Pysans began to grow colde for the great hopes they had to be succored by the Senat of Venice: and withall, they had this councell of others, that more easily might they defend their estate with the ayde of many, then to stand vpon the succors of one alone, finding by this meane a more greater hope to menteyne their libertie with full protection: According to these consideracions, after they had obteyned the citadel, they labored to bring to their defense & strēgth, the fauors and succors of euery one: for the furtherance of which intencion, the disposicion of the estates of Italy serued to good purpose: for the Genovvays, for the malice they bare to Florence, and the Siennoys and Lucquoys for hatred and feare, were alwayes to minister ayde to them in some sort, wherein to proceede with more reso­lucion and order, they solicited to make a contract with obligacions resolut for that effect: To the Venetians and Duke of Myllan, interteyning one desire to be their so­ueraigne Lordes, it could not but be intollerable that they returned to the rule of the Florentyns: And with the Pope and thEmbassadors of the Spanish, much helped them, their common desire to plucke downe the Florentyns as being too much in­clined to the doings of Fraūce: So that hauing bene graciously heard in euery place, and obteyned of thelect Emprour the priuiledge of confirmacion of their libertie: they brought from Venice and Myllan the same promises to preserue them in their libertie which they had made afore with one common consent to helpe to deliuer them from the french: And the Pope in the name and consent of all the Potentats of the league, incouraged them by a special signeture, with promise that they should be mightely defended of euery one: But in these great promises & hopes, the most apparant succors came from the Venetians and Duke of Myllan, the Duke augmen­ting the number of men that were there first, and the Senat refurnishing them with a proporcion sufficient: An action wherein if they had both continued, the Pysans had not bene constrayned to sticke more to the one then to the other of them, & by that meane also the common benefit had bene more easily preserued: But as in all things not followed with the same industrie wherein they are begon, the ende is lesse then the exspectacion: so it hapned to the Duke of Myllan, who (fearing alwayes great [Page 141] expenses, and being inclined of nature to proceede in all actions with apparances and shiftes) made his accompt that the iurisdiction of Pysa coulde not but fall into his handes, and therefore beganne with smal proporcions to furnish thinges which the Pysans demaunded of him: In which distrust and incerteintie of dealing, they tooke occasion to transfer all their inclinacions to the Venetians, in whom they foūd a plentifull releeffe in all their necessities without any sparing: from whence proce­ded, The Veneti­ans in minde to take vpon them the de­fence of Py­sa. that a few monethes after the french had redeliuered the citadell, the Senat of Venice required by the generall and importunat sutes of the Pysans, determined to take the citie into their protection, the Duke of Myllan rather perswading them to it then making any show of disliking: This was done without the priuitie of the o­ther confederats, nor once communicating with them either generally or a parte, notwithstanding in the beginning they had giuen them comfort to send bandes of men to their succors: but nowe they alleaged that they were no more bownde to those promises, for that without their consent, they had particularly couenaunted with the Venetians.

It is most certeine, that neither the desire to preserue the libertie of their neigh­bours (which in their owne contrey they loue much) nor any regarde to the com­mon benefitt and safetie (as they did alwayes publish with honorable wordes) but the only desire to get the iurisdiction of Pysa, were the causes that the Venetians made this resolucion: By the meane whereof they dowted not in shorte time to reape a sweete frute of their ambicious desire, euen with the wil of the Pysans them selues, in whō was a willing election to liue vnder the rule of Venice, the better to be alwayes assured, not to be repassed eftsoones into the seruitude of the Florētyns: And yet not­withstanding this inclinacion to protect the Pysans, it was often times and with long The Senat of Venice de­bateth vpon the action of Pysa. discourse debated in the Senat, the generall disposicion being almost hindred for the authoritie of some of the most auncient and esteemed Senators, who impugning it with mighty reasons assured the residue, that to appropriat the gouernment and de­fense of Pysa, was a matter full of difficulties, for that by land it was a state farre from their confynes, and by sea much farther remoued from all their good oportunities, hauing no meane to goe thether, but by the dwellings and hauens of others fetching a compasse about both the seas that inuironeth Italy, for which reasons they could not defend it from the continuall vexacions of the Florentyns but with intollerable expenses: They could not deny but such an enlargement would be very honorable for the state of Venice: But they wished there might be made aduised consideracions of the difficulties to keepe it, and much more conference of the condicions of the time present, together with that which might happen by such a deliberacion: for that all Italy being suspicious of their greatnes, such an encrease of Lordship coulde not but be extremely ielous and displeasing to all, wherin would be bred easily more great and daungerous accidents then happly were looked into of many: such were greatly deceiued in whose perswacions was this sewertie, that the other Potentats would suffer without gainesaying, that to their Lordship and imperie so redowted thorowe all Italy, shoulde be ioyned so great oportunities by the demeane of Pysa: wherein if they were not (as they haue bene) so mighty to withstand it of their pro­per strength, they were not (seeing the way was tought to them on the other side the mountes to passe into Italy) without great occasion to oppose against them forreine force, to the which (no dowt) they would haue ready recourse aswell for hate as for feare (this being a vice common to all men, to seeke rather to serue straungers, then to giue place to their owne:) And touching the Duke of Myllan, how can it be bele­ued, [Page 142] ‘that he accustomed to be caried sometimes by ambicion and hope, sometimes by suspicion and feare, and now being stirred no lesse with disdaine then ielousie to see transferred to the Venetians, that pray which he had sought by so many meanes and studies for him selfe: will not rather be ready to bring new troubles vppon Italy, then endure that Pysa should be occupied by others then him selfe: And albeit with wordes and councells he declared the contrary, yet let it be an opinion absolut, that those apparances were but disguised and farre from the intencion and truth of his hart (conteyning no other thing) then ambushes and councells full of art tending to an ill ende: In felowship & company of whom, it were a necessary wisedom to sup­port that citie, if not for other respect, at the least to let that thinhabitants shoulde not transfer it to him: But to make it a cause propper or particular, drawing after it so great enuie and no lesse charges, were a councell neither wise nor well ruled: That they ought to consider how much contrary would be those thoughtes, to the works and actions wherein for so many monethes, they were so much trauelled and yet ve­xed continually: for that no other occasions did moue the Senate to take armes with so great expense & daunger, then the desire to deliuer and reassure aswell them selues as the other regions of Italy from the rule of straungers: wherein hauing gi­uen a beginning with a successe so glorious, and yet the french king skarcely repas­sed the Mountes, and the most part of the kingdom of Naples following his faction with a stronge armie: what indiscression, what infamie, what stayned reputacion would it be, (at a time needefull to confirme the libertie and sewertie of Italy) to re­plant and sow againe seedes of newe calamities: which might eftsoones make spee­dy and easie the returne of the french, or else the discending of the king of Romaines, to whom (pretending as euery one knoweth against their estate) coulde happen no greater occasion nor more stronge desire then this: That the common weale of Ve­nice was not brought to those tearmes, to embrase councells daungerous, nor to go before occasions and much lesse take them whilest they were greene: No, rather no estate in all Italy stoode vpon better tearmes to exspect thoportunitie of times, And with lesse perill could tary til occasions were rype: that deliberacions headlong, rash, or dowtfull, became well those that suffered hard or sinister condicions, or such as being pushed forward with ambicion and desire to make their name famous, feared to haue want of time: That such resolucions were altogether daungerous to a com­mon weale, who raysed into so great power, dignitie, and authoritie, stoode redow­ted and enuied of all the residue of principalities in Italy: And who in regard of o­ther kinges and Princes almost immortall and perpetuall reteyning alwayes one self and setled name of a Senat of Venice, had neuer occasions to dresse or hasten their deliberacions afore the time: That it apperteyned better to the wisedom and graui­tie of that Senat (considering according to the proppertie of men truely wise the daungers that lay hidden vnder those hopes and ambicions, and looking more into thendes then beginnings of thinges) to reiect those rash councells, and to absteyne aswell in thoccasion of Pysa, as others offering to astonish or kindle the spirits of o­thers, vntil at the least Italy were better assured of the suspicions & daungers of those on thother side the Mountes, forbearing in any wise to giue them new occasion eft­soones to reenter: for that experience had showed in very few monethes, how Italy when she was not oppressed by straunge nations, followed almost thauthoritie of the Senat of Venice, but so long as the forreine forces occupied place in this empire, in place to be followed and redowted of the others, they with the others had reason to feare power of straungers:’ These and like reasons conformed to the desires of the [Page 143] greatest number, were surmounted and caried ouer with the perswacions of Augu­styn Barbarin Duke of the same citie, whose rule was become so great and generall, that exceeding the modestie of the Dukes past, he aspired rather to a power abso­lut, then authoritie lymited or regulated: for that, besides that he had many yeares managed that dignitie with happy successe, and besides his many excellent giftes & graces of the minde, he had so preuayled with singularitie of conning dealing, that many Senators, (willingly opposed against such, as in a name to be wise for long ex­perience, and for that they had obteyned supreme dignities, were of greatest repu­tacion in that common weale) linked to him, and followed commonly his opinions rather in a manner of confederats and partakers, then with that forme of grauitie & integritie which duely is requisit in the office of Councellors. He desirous to leaue The Duke of Veni [...]e reaso­neth in fau [...]r of the P [...]sans and preuai­leth. with the increase of the state, a worthy memorie of his name, not putting any ende to his appetit after glorie, and much lesse contented that during his rule, the yle of Cypres (failing the kinges of the house of Lusignian) should be annexed to the Empire of Venice: was importunat to embrase euery occasion to make great their estate: In which inclinacion, ‘opposing him self against those who for the regard of Pysa, coun­celled the contrary, he showed with rounde discourse of wordes and reasons howe much it imported the Senat in vtilitie and conueniencie to haue Pysa, & how much it concerned them to represse by this meanes the arrogācie of the Florentyns, who in the death of Phillipp Maria Visconte, had made them lose thoccasion to be Lordes of the Duchie of Myllan, & of late in their action of loanes of money during the french warres, had done more harme then any one of thother Potentats: he declared that seldom are offered so goodly occasions, what infamie to lose them, and afterwardes what repentance would follow for not embrasing them: That the condicions of I­taly were not such, that in the other Potentats was power of them selues to oppose against thenterprise, and much lesse was their dowte, that for this indignacion or feare, they would haue recourse to the french king: for that neither the Duke of Myl­lan hauing so highly offended him, durst neuer eftsoones trust him, neither such thoughtes moued the Pope: And the king of Naples, when he had recouered his kingdom, would heare no more speaking of the french men: Besides their entrie in­to Pysa (albeit greeuous to others) was not an accident so furious, nor a perill so neare, as in regard of that, the other Potentats should runne rashly into those reme­dies which are vsed in the last dispaire, no more then in sleight diseases the Phisicion makes no haste to giue stronge medicines, esteeming that the patient hath time e­nough to take them: That if in this weakenes and separacion of the other Italians, they were fearfull to make reckoning of so goodly occasion, it were an exspectacion vaine, to tary to be able to doe it with more sewertie, the other Potentats being re­turned into their former strēgths, & no lesse assured from the feare of them on tho­ther side the Mountes: That for a remedie of too great a feare, they had to consider that all worldely actions were ordeyned to many perills: But wise men knewe that there falles not alwayes in question all the ills that may happen: for that either by the benefit of fortune, or by aduenture, many daungers are dissolued, and many auoyded with industrie and helpe of the time: And therefore it is no office in men deliberating vppon enterprises, to confound (as many affirme considering litle the proprietie of names and substance of thinges) feare with discression, and much lesse are to be reputed wise, those sortes of people, who making certeine all perills that are dowtfull, (and therefore haue feare of all,) doe rule their deliberacion as if they should all happen, seeing in no manner can merit the name of wise or discreete, such [Page 144] men as feare more then they ought, thinges that are to fal: That such title & praise was farre more conuenient for men valiant and coragious, for that looking into the state and nature of daungers (and in that regard different from the rash sort in whom is no impression of sense or iudgement of perills) they doe notwithstanding disco­uer how often men, some time by aduenture, and some times by vertue, are deliue­red from many difficulties: So that those that in deliberating call not into councell aswell hope, as feare, doe most commonly iudge for certeine, the euents that are vn­certeine, and reiect more easily then others, occasions profitable and honorable: In imitacion of whom, and withall setting afore our eyes, the weaknes and separacion of the other Potentats, the great power and fortune of the common weale of Ve­nice, the magnanimitie and glorious examples of our elders, we may embrase with a franke resolucion, the protection of the Pysans, by whose meane, we may in short time see our selues absolut Lordes of that citie,’ A ladder most conuenient to rayse vs to the Monarchie of all Italy: Thus the Senat receiued the Pysans into protection Pysa in the protection of Venice. by decree publike, and speciall promise to defend their libertie: which deliberacion was not in the beginning considered by the Duke of Myllan as was conuenient: For by this meanes being excluded to enterteyne any bandes there, he held it very ac­ceptable to be deliuered of such expenses: he esteemed it also not out of the way of his profit, that Pysa at one time shoulde be thoccasion of great charges both to the Venetians and the Florentyns: Lastly he perswaded him selfe that the Pysans, for the greatnes and neighbourhood of his estate, and for the memorie of thinges done by him for their deliuerie, would be so dedicated to him, that they would alwayes pre­ferre him before all others.

He tooke delite to feede the humor of these deuises and deceitfull hopes, with a perswacion wherewith (litle remembring the ordinary inconstancie of humane thinges) he nourished him selfe, to haue as it were vnder his feete, fortune, whose sonne he would not stick with publike vaunting to say he was: so much was he puf­fed vp with vayne glorie by the prosperous succeeding of his affayres, and no lesseo­uerruled with singular weening, for that by his meanes and his councells the french Lodowyk vauntes him selfe to be the sonne of for­tune. king first passed into Italy, appropriating to him selfe the chasse giuen to Peter de me­dicis by the Florentyns with losse of his estate, the rebellion of the Pysans, and the fle­ing of thArragons from the realme of Naples: And afterwards with a councel chaun­ged, he was the cause by his deuises and authoritie, of the confederacion of so many Potentats against the french king, of the returne of Ferdinand into the kingdom of Naples, of the departing of the french out of Italy with condicions vnworthy such a greatnes: And lastly in the action of the Capteine who had in charge the citadell of Pysa, wherein his industrie or his authoritie had more power then the wil & com­maundements of his king: with which rules measuring thinges to come, and iudg­ing the wisedom and pollicie of all others to be farre inferior to the excellencie of his spirit, he flattered him selfe to be alwayes able to addresse & gouerne the affayres of Italy as he would, and with his industrie to turne and wynde the mindes of euery one: This fonde perswacion he could not dissemble neither in him selfe, nor in his peoples, and no more in wordes and gestures, then in demonstracions and actions, making it a thinge acceptable to him that euery one beleued and spake so by him: In so much that Myllan day and night was replenished with voyces vayne and glori­ous, celebrating with verses latyne and vulgar, and with publike orations full of flat­tery, the wonderful wisedom of Lodovvyk Sforce, of the which they made to depend the peace and warre of all Italy: they magnified his name euen to the third heauen, [Page 145] & the surname of More, (imposed vpon him from his youth for that he was of com­plexion browne, and for thopinion of his craftes which now were manifest) he was contented to reteyne willingly so long as he remeyned Duke of Myllan: Then no lesse was thauthoritie of this More in the other castells of the Florentyns, then it had bene in the citadell of Pysa, so that in Italy, it seemed that aswell ennemies as frendes were ruled by the measure of his will so cloking his suttelties with apparances of frendship, that his intencions were not discerned, till his purpose was executed: for albeit the kinge of the french, hearing the greeuous complaintes made to him by thEmbassadors of Florence, was not a litle discontented, & to thend at leastwise that their other places might be rendred, had dispatched Robert de Veste his Chamber­laine with new commissions, and letters special from Monsr de Ligny: yet his autho­ritie bearing no more power with others, then with him self, the audacitie of Monsr de Ligny was so great (assuring many that he proceeded not but by the kinges will) that his Maiesties commaundements bare small reputacion by meane of his newe commissions ioyned to the froward will of the castell keepers: In so much that the bastard of Vyenne Lieftenant to Ligny in Serazana, after he had drawne his compa­nies thether with the commissioners of the Florentyns, to receiue possession of them, he gaue them to the Genovvays for the price of fiue and twenty thowsand duckats. The Capteine of Serazanella did the like for a summe of money, of which the author and onely meane was the More, who hauing opposed against the Florentyns (but vn­der the name of the Genovvays) Frecasse with a hundreth horse and foure hundreth footemen, gaue hindrance that the Florentyns, who by meane of their bandes sent to receiue Serazana, had recouered certeine peeces in the contrey Lunigane, shoulde not recouer all their places they had lost there: And a litle after, Entragues late cap­teine of the citadell of Pysa, vnder whose garde also remeyned yet the castells of Pie­tra Santa, and Mutron, together with that of Librafrate, which not many monethes after he gaue to the Pysans, sold the residue to the Lucquoys for six and twenty thow­sand duckats, as precisely was directed to him by the Duke of Myllan: who first wi­shed they might fall to the Genovvays, but afterwards chaunging aduise, he thought it better to gratifie them of Lucque, to thende they might haue occasion to minister ready aydes to the Pysans, and to reduce them more to his deuocion by this benefitt: All these thinges were caried into Fraunce, for the which albeit the king showed him selfe much discontented with Ligny, and pronounced Entragues banished out of all his realmes: yet at the returne of Bonne (who not participating with the money of the Pysans, had treated at Genes the sale of Serazana) his iustificacions were accepted, and graciously receiued an Embassador of the Pysans sent with him to perswade the king that the Pysans would remeyne faithfull subiects to the crowne of Fraunce, and to protest their fidelitie by othe, albeit a litle after, his commissions not being liked, he had franke leaue to depart: to Monsr de Ligny was imposed no other payne, then (to showe that he had no more the kinges fauor) the grace to lye in his Maiesties chamber as he was wont, was taken from him, to the which he was immediatly re­stored: and Entragues remeyned onely in contumacie, but no long time: to which thinges gaue good ayde (besides the kinges nature with other meanes and fauors) A true perswacion that was made, that such were the necessities of the Florentyns, that they could not endure separacion from him: for that the ambicion of the Venetians and Duke of Myllan being manifest, it was a certeine probabilitie in discourse & rea­son, that if they were not repossessed of Pysa, they would neuer accorde to be conse­derat with them for the defense of Italy, whereunto they sought to induce them by [Page 146] threatnings and meanes rigorous, and did not for the present, assaie any other thing against them, but rested sufficed, (with the bandes they had put into Pysa) to support that citie, and not suffer her wholly to lose her iurisdiction (the daunger of the king­dom of Naples drawing them from all other care) for Virginio, who had gathered at Bagno de Rapolano and in the contrey of Perusin, many companies of souldiers, mar­ched with the other Vrsins towards Abruzze, holding also the same way with their bandes, Camylla & Pavvle Vitelli, by whom the borow of Montlion (refusing to giue them vittells) was put to the sacke: which so amased the other places of the church by the which they should passe, that notwithstanding thexpresse defenses of the Pope, they were receiued in all townes and releeued with vittells: By the reapport of these marchings, but much more for the brute of an assured succor comming by sea out of Fraunce, by which the french affayres seemed to stand vpon good tearmes in the kingdom of Naples: Ferdinand no lesse destitute of money, then enuyroned on all sides with aspectes of daungers and difficulties of warre, and not able without great succors, to susteyne so great a burthen, was constrayned to study for new re­medies to his present defence: it is so, that in the beginning the other Potentats had not comprehended him in their league: And albeit since he had recouered Naples, the king of Spaine made instance to haue him admitted to the confederacion, yet the Venetians would neuer agree to that poynt, perswading them selues that his ne­cessities would be a ready meane to aduaunce thexpectacion of their plott that one part of that realme might fall into their obedience: So that Ferdinand left to the mi­series of many aduersities, and made naked of all hopes (for he exspected no newe succors from Spaine, and the other confederats would not intangle them selues with so great exspenses) was constrayned to couenant with the Senat of Venice, (promi­sing with all obseruances to the Pope and the kinge of Spaine:) That the Venetians Couenants be to [...]ne Ferdi­nand king of Naples and the Venetians should send to his succors into the realme of Naples, the Marquis of Mantua their Capteine with seuen hundred men at armes, fiue hundreth light horsemen, & three thowsand footemen, menteyning still their armie by sea which was there already: with this condicion notwithstanding to reuoke those aydes at all tymes when they should haue neede to imploy them in their proper affayres: That they should lende to him fiueteene thowsand duckats to serue his necessities present: And for the se­curitie of these expenses, Ferdinand to assigne vnto them Otrante, Brundusa, and Tra­ne, with consent that they might still reteyne Monopoli and Puligniana which then were in their hands, vnder this couenant to render them, when their expēses should be restored and satisfied: prouided alwayes, that neither by reason of the warre, nor for the garding or fortificacions which they shoulde make, they shoulde not rede­maunde of him aboue two hundred thowsand duckatts: Those portes being in the sea superior, & therfore of great oportunitie to Venice, augmented much their great­nes: which (no man now opposing against them, and since they embrased the pro­tection of Pysa, not hearing more of the councells of such, as wished that to windes so fauorable, they had giuen lesse sayles) began to be stretched thorow all the partes of Italy: for besides the thinges of the kingdome of Naples and Tuskane, they had of new taken to their pay, Astor Lorde of Faenza, and accepted the protection of his e­states: A man very conuenient to keepe in feare the Florentyns, the citie of Bolognia, with all the residue of Romagnia.

To these particular aydes of the Venetians, were added other succors of the con­federats, the Pope, the Duke of Myllan, and they sending to Ferdinand a ioynt supply of bandes of men at armes interteyned at their common paye: And albeit the Duke [Page 147] of Myllan, in whom remeyned as yet many semblances to keepe thaccord at Verceill, (notwithstanding the most parte of those thinges were directed by his councells) woulde not either in the leuies of men or money, or other demonstracions, that his name were vsed: yet he agreed secretly to contribute euery moneth tenne thowsand duckats for the succors of the kingdom of Naples.

The marching of the Vrsins and the Vitellies assured greately the affayres of A­bruzze which were in no small confusion, against the french men: seeing Terame & the citie of Chieta were drawne into rebellion, with great dowt that Aquilea the prin­cipall towne of that region, would doe the like: which they at their comming ha­uing reconfirmed in the deuocion of the french, and recouered Terame by compo­sicion, and sacked Iulyanoue, almost all Abruzze was with one fortune eftsoones so re­established, that thaffayres of Ferdinand began to showe manifest declinacion tho­rowe the whole kingdome: for that almost all Calabria was in the power of Monsr dAubigny, notwithstanding his long sicknes, for the which he stayed in Terace, gaue oportunitie to Consaluo to keepe the warre kindled in that prouince, with the Spanish bandes, and strength of some Lordes of the contrey: Besides, Caietta with many pla­ces assisting followed the obedience of the french: The Prefect of Rome, with his companie and the forces of his estate, after he had recouered the peeces of Montca­sin, inuaded the land of Lauora on that side: And Monsr Montpensier, albeit by the want of money he was muche restrayned to vse his forces, yet he compelled Ferdi­nand to inclose him selfe in stronge places, being vexed with the same necessitie of money, and many other wants, but wholly reapposed vpon the hope of the succors of Venice, which for that contract betwene them was made not long before, coulde not be aduaunced with readines and expedicion equall with the exspectacion of his affayres: Montpensier labored to betray Beneuent by intelligence, but Ferdinand ey­ther hauing dowt or some aduertisement of the practise, preuented thexecucion by his suddeine entring the towne with his bandes: The french notwithstanding came neare to Beneuent, and lodging vpon the bridge of Fynoche, they tooke S [...]nezana, A­pice, and many other townes bordering: But these places bearing no fauor to their armie for vittells, they discamped, hauing also regard to the tyme drawing on to ga­ther the tribute of the cattell of Povvylla, one of the greatest reuenues of the kinge­dom, for that it was wont to amount euery yeare to lxxx. thowsand duckats, which were all gathered almost in the space of a moneth: Monsr Montpensier to depriue them of this commoditie, and no lesse for thextreme necessities of his people, tur­ned his way to Povvylla, whereof one parte was holden by him, and the other at the deuocion of Ferdinand, marching after him by the same way, with intencion rather to hinder by art and diligence the actions of the ennemie vntill his succors were a­riued, then to fight with them in playne battell.

About this tyme arriued at Caietta, an armie by sea of the french, of xv. great ves­sells, The henc [...] nauie [...] at Ca [...]e. [...]a. and seuen others of lesser burden, in which were imbarked at Sauone eyght hun­dreth launceknightes, leauyed in the contreyes of the Duke of Gueldres, and those Svvyssers and Gascoyns appoynted before by the kinge to be sent with those great ships which were to be armed at Genes: To this nauie the armie of Ferdinand which were aboue Caietta to stoppe the passage of vittells (being in deede for want of mo­ney ill appoynted) gaue such place, that they entred the hauen without impedimēt, set their footemen on land, & with the same fortune toke Itry with other places assi­sting, And after they had made a great pray thorow the cōtrey, they hoped to haue Sesse by the meane of Dom Baptista Caracciol, by whom they had promise to be put se­cretely [Page 148] within it: But Dom Federyk (who with the bandes that followed him being withdrawne to the borders of Tarenta, was afterwardes sent by Ferdinand to the go­uernment of Naples) beinge aduertised of the conspiracie, marched thether with speede equall to the daunger, and made prisoner the Bishop with certeine others consenting to the treason.

In Povvylla, where was the force and strength of the warre, the affayres succeeded with diuersitie of fortunes to both the one and the other armie, which were disper­sed into the townes, aswel for the sharpnes of the season, as straitnes of the place not sufficing to receiue one of the armies wholly: Their exercises were to make incursi­ons and roades on horsebacke to pill and pray the cattell, vsing rather industrie and agilitie, then vertue or force of armes. Ferdinand was lodged in Fogge with one part of his people, and had bestowed the residue, partely in Troye, and partely in Nocere: where vnderstanding that betwene S. Seuera (within which towne was lodged Vir­ginio Vrsin with three hundreth men at armes come to be vnited with the armie of Montpensier) and the towne of Porcina (where was Marian Sauella with a hundreth men at armes) was brought almost an infinit quantitie of Muttons & other natures of cattell: he marcheth thether with six hundred men at armes, eyght hundred light horsemen, and fiueteene hundreth footemen: And comming by the breake of the day afore S. Seuera, he planted him self there with his men at armes to giue resistance to Virginio if he made any erupcion, & making his light horsemen to skowre abroad, they ouerspred forthwith the whole contrey, and led away almost lx. thowsand head of cattell: whereto Marian Sauella offering to make resistance, and yssuing forth of Porcina, they constrayned him to retyre with the losse of thirty men at armes: This losse and shame procured Monsr Montpensier, (reassembling all his forces) to march towardes Fogge, for the recouery of the praye and honor lost: where being fauored with a succor aboue his hopes or exspectation, he encowntred betwene Nocere and Troye, eyght hundreth launceknightes newly arriued by sea, and entred into the pay of Ferdinand: These launceknightes departing from Troye where they were incam­ped, went to Fogge to ioyne with Ferdinand: A iorney more vpon their owne braine and rashnes, then by the kinges commaundement, and altogether against the coun­cell of Fabrice Colonne, incamped likewise at Troye: And albeit they saw by thextre­mitie of their perill and place, that their fortune had left them no possibilitie of safe­tie, either by fleing or by fighting, yet they were obstinate and refused the libertie of the lawe of armes to be made prisonners, but were killed euery creature of them, ex­chaunginge their liues with a great deathe and slaughter of thennemie: After this, Montpensier presented him selfe before Fogge in aray of battell: but Ferdinand not suffering others to goe out then light horsemen, the french men went to incampe in the woode of Nicoronata where after they had remeyned two dayes with no small difficulties for vittels, and hauing recouered the most part of the cattel, they appea­red eftsoones afore Fogge, & abiding there a whole night, they returned the day fol­lowing to S. Seuera, but not with all the pray they had recouered, for that in their re­trait, the light horsemen of Ferdinand tooke a great part from them, In so much, as the cattell being harried by the one and the other, neither part drew any great pro­fit of the reuenues of that tribute. Not many dayes after the french men made wea­ry with want of vittells, went to Campobasso which was holden by them, and tooke by force Coglionessa or Grigonessa A towne fast by, where the Svvyzzers againste the will of the Capteines, vsed such execucion and crueltie, that albeit it brought great astonishment vpon the contrey, yet it estraunged from them thaffections of many: [Page 149] And Ferdinand laying to defende his estate aswell as he could, whilest he yet exspe­cted the Marquis of Mantua, he reordeyned his bandes, by the meane of sixteene thowsand duckatts which the Pope had sent him, and with such other proporcions as he could leauy of him selfe.

About this time, did ioyne with Montpensier the Svvyzzers, and other footbands which were come by sea to Caietta, as also on the other part, the Marquis of Mantua, The Marquis of Mantua for the Vene­tians in the kingdom of Naples. now entred into the kingdom of Naples by the way of S. Germyn, taking in his mar­ching partly by force, partely by composicion, many places (albeit of small impor­tance) about the beginning of Iune, vnited his forces with the king at Nocere, whe­ther Caesar of Aragon led the bandes that had lyen vpon the borders of Tarenta: And so by reason of the places, the forces of both the factions being almost made neigh­bours, the french more stronge in footemen, and thItalians more mighty in horse­men, the euent of thinges seemed very dowtfull, being not possible to discerne to whether of the parties the victorie should incline.

In this meane while, the french king made care for prouisions to reskew his peo­ple, And vnderstanding of the losse of the castells of Naples, and that his bands were not succored by the Florentyns neither with men nor money, for that they had not restitucion of their fortresses: seemed to draw to him a new spirit, and awaking out of that slumber of negligence with the which he seemed to haue returned out of Fraunce: he began eftsoones to turne his thoughtes to the actions of Italy: wherein to be more at libertie from all thinges that might reteyne him, and (showing to ac­knowledge the benefits receiued in his daungers) that he might with more cōfidēce haue recourse againe to the aydes celestial, he takes a iorney in post to Tours, & after The french king makes a p [...]sting pugri­mage to T [...]rs and S. [...]. to Parys, to satisfie to the vowes he made to S. Martyn, & S. Denys the day of the bat­tell of Furnoua: And returning from those places, with the same diligence to Lyons, he kindled more and more in those desires and thoughtes, whereunto of his owne nature he was most inclined: for he interpreted it as an action much to his reputa­cion and glorie, to haue made a conquest of such a kingdom, being the first of all the french kinges, in whose person haue bene renewed in Italy these many worldes, the memorie of the armies and victories of the french: he made perswacion to him self that the difficulties which he encowntred in his return from Naples, proceded more by his proper disorders then by the powers or vertue of thItalians, whose name (con­cerning the action of warre) caried no reputacion with the french: To his inclina­cions to discēd eftsones into Italy, were not a litle furthering thinticemēts of thEm­bassadors of Florence, of the Cardinall of S. Peter ad vincla, and of Triuulce, who was come to the Court for the same occasion, with whom were assistant in that instance Vitellezze and Charles Vrsin, together with the Count Montoire, sent to his Maiestie in that negociacion by the Barons of Naples holding parte with the french: as also there came to him at last by sea, the Seneshall of Beaucaire, by whom were declared many hopes of the victorie, in case his Maiestie did not deferre to sende a sufficient succor: as of the contrary to delay a releeffe so necessary, were to abandon the king­dom and be giltie of the death of so many noble Capteines and souldiers: To these were ioyned the fauorable perswacions of many the great Lordes of Fraunce, euen such as afore had giuen councell against thenterprise of Italy: they aduised the king to giue a new life to that expedicion, to auoyd the dishonor that would fal vpon the crowne of Fraunce, to lose by cowardisse that which they had conquered with so great felicitie and fortune, but much more to preuent the spoyle of so great a part of the nobilitie as lay open to destruction in the realme of Naples: Neither were these [Page 150] councells hindred by the emocions which the Kinge of the Spanishe made on the frontyer of Parpignian, seeing the preparacions being greater in brute then in effect, and the forces of that king more mighty to defend his proper realmes, then meete for thinuasion of an other, it was iudged sufficient to sende to Narbone and other townes vpon the frontyers of Spaine, bandes of men at armes with conuenient com­panies of Svvyzzers: So that in the presence of the councell of the kinge wherein were assembled all the Lordes and persons notable then at the Court: it was deter­mined that Tryuulce should returne to Ast with as much diligence as he could vnder The french king deter­mineth to send Triuulce into Italy as his Lieftenāt. the title of the kinges Lieftenant, leading with him eyght hundreth launces, two thowsand Svvyzzers, and two thowsand Gascoyns: That after him the Duke of Orle­ans should passe the Mountes with other bandes: and lastly should march the kings person with all other prouisions: and passing with a power royall, there was no dowt but the states of the Duke of Sauoye, of the Marquis of Montferat and Saluce, (very fit instruments to make warre vpon the Duchie of Myllan) woulde be for him: Like as also it was beleued, that except the Canton of Berne, who had promised the Duke of Myllan not to moue against him, all the other Svvyzzers would resort to the kinges paye with no lesse readines then full numbers: These resolucions were made with consents so much the more generall, by how much was great the desire of his Maie­stie, who afore they entred into councell, had much coniured the Duke of Burbon to set forth with vehement & liuely speeches, how reasonable and necessary it were to make a stronge warre: and of him selfe in open councel, with the same affection he refuted thAdmirall, who (not so much in impugning directly, as propownding ma­ny difficulties) assayed to qualifie indirectly the wills of the councell, hauing but a fewe fauorers of his opinion: The kinge aduauncing his particular desire aboue all councell, assured them publikely that it was not in his power to make other resolu­cion, for that such was the will of God that he shoulde in person marche eftsoones into Italy: it was agreed in the same councell, that a nauie of thirty shippes, (where­of was one most huge carrack called the Norman, and an other grosse carrack of the region of the roades) should passe along the coast of the Occean into the hauens of Prouence, where should be armed thirty gallies and gallions with a mighty succor of men, money, municion and vittells for the seruice of Naples, which was supposed to stand vpon such condicions of necessities and wantes, that afore this nauie could be disgested into order and poynt, it was determined to send forthwith certeine vessells charged with vittells and souldiers: it was ordeyned also in this councell, that Rigault the kinges Steward shoulde goe to Myllan, for that the Duke, (notwithstanding he had not redeliuered the two carrackes, nor suffered to rigge a nauie for the kinge at Genes, but onely restored the vessells taken at Rapale, & not the twelue gallies restray­ned in the port of Genes) labored to excuse him selfe vppon the disobedience of the Genovvays, and had alwayes with sundry practises interteyned some of his people a­bout the king, to whom he had newly sent Anthoyne Maria Paluoisin, both to assure his Maiestie that he was disposed to obserue thaccord past, and to demaund prolon­gacion of tearme to pay to the Duke of Orleans the fifty thowsand duckats promised in the same accord: of which deceites and suttelties, albeit he reaped but a very litle frute, the king being well informed of his intencion, aswell by thexamples of his a­ctions past, as for that by his letters and instructions which were surprised, it came to light that he stirred vp with continuall solicitacion the king of Romains and king of Spaine to make warre in Fraunce: yet hoping that feare perhaps would induce him to thinges whereunto his will was estraunged, Rigault was charged, that (without [Page 151] speaking of the disobedience past) he should signifie to him that it was in his power, to deface the memorie of offences, in beginning now to obserue, as to restore the gallies, to redeliuer the carrackes, and by giuing sufferance to arme a nauie at Genes: And that he shoulde adde to these aduertisements that the kinge was determined to returne into Italy in person, which should be to his great harmes, if whilest he was offered the meane, he would not reenter into that amitie, whereof his Maiestie was perswaded, that he had vndiscreetely made accompt, rather by vaine suspicions, then for any other occasions: This brute of these great prouisions being come into Italy, much troubled the mindes of the confederats: but aboue all Lodovvyk Sforce standing in the mouth of the daunger, & to be the first opposed to the furie of then­nemie, suffered no lesse perplexities then the consideracion of his perill required, specially vnderstanding that since the departure of Rigault, the king had dismissed & giuen leaue to all his agents with hard wordes and bitter demonstracions: By reason whereof, looking deepely into the greatnes of his daunger, as vppon whose estate would fal the substance of the warre: he had easily accorded to the kings demaunds, had it not bene for the suspicion and conscience of thoffences he had made to him, the same causing on al sides such a distrust, that it seemed more hard to find a meane to assure both the one and the other, then not to accord to the articles: for taking from the sewertie of the one, that which was consented to assure the other, the one would not referre to the faith of the other, that which the other refused to referre to his owne: So that necessitie compelling Lodovvyk to take the councel that was most greeuous, he thought (at least to make slow his daungers) to interteyne Rigault with the same connings which he had vsed to that present, assuring him with great firme­nes, that he would bring the Genovvays to obey whensoeuer the kinge would giue into the citie of Auignion sufficient sekuritie for the restitucion of the shippes, & that both parties woulde promise (giuing mutually ostages for all obseruacions) not to enterprise any thing preiudicially one to thother: which practise continuing many dayes, had lastly for many cauillacions & difficulties obiected, the same effect which others had had before: But Lodovvyk to whom it belonged not to wast time vnpro­fitably, dispatched during these areasonings, Embassadors to the king of Romaines, to induce him to passe into Italy with the ayde of him and the Venetians, to whom also he sent messengers to require that Senat, (to thende to prouide for the common pe­rill) to contribute to that charge, and to send into Alexandria a sufficient proporcion of force to make head against the french: To this they offered a ready action: But they showed not such facilitie to assist the passage of the king of Romaines bearing li­tle frendship to their common weale for those peeces which they possessed in the firme land apperteyning to thempire and house of Austrich: Neither were they con­tent, that at a common expense, should passe into Italy an armie, which should who­ly depend vpon Lodovvyk: Notwithstanding Lodovvyk continuing still to solicit & make instance, for that besides the other reasons that moued him, the onely forces of the Venetians in the state of Myllan were suspected to him: The Senat also fearing least he, in whom they knew was no litle feare, woulde suddeinly draw to reconcile­ment with the french king, gaue in the ende their consents, and for the same occasi­on, sent Embassadors to the king of Romaines: Besides these coniectures, the Veneti­ans and the Duke feared, least the Florentyns, assoone as the kinge were passed the Mountes, would not make alteracion or insurrection in the riuer of Genes: To meete with which accident, they sent to Iohn Bentyuole interteyned in the pay of the confe­derats with three hundreth men at armes, to make warre vpon the Florentyns in the [Page 152] frontyer of the contrey of Bullognia, promising that at the same time they should be vexed by the Syennoys: wherein as to giue him more courage to this action, they of­fered to be bownd, that if he tooke the towne of Pistoya, to keepe it for him: so albeit he fed them with hopes, yet his mind was farre remoued from that seruice, and fea­ring not a litle the comming of the french, he sent secretly to the king, to excuse him selfe for matters past vpon the necessitie of the place wherein Bolognia was seated, & to offer a good will to depend vpon his Maiestie hereafter, & for his sake, to absteine from vexing the Florentyns.

But touching the prouicions for Naples, the wil of the king (albeit very vehement and forward) was not sufficient to put in execucion the resolucions of the councell, notwithstanding aswel for his honor, as for the daungers of the kingdom, there nee­ded a most ready expedicion: for the Cardinall of S. Mallovv, in whose direction, besides the managing of the treasure, rested the substance of the whole gouernment, albeit he impugned not these doings apparantly, yet he made so slow all expedici­ons with delaying the necessary payments, that not one prouision was aduaunced in due tyme: it was thought that he did thus, either for that he iudged it was a bet­ter meane to perpetuat his greatnes (not making any expense which apperteyned not to the present profit or pleasures of the king) not to haue occasion to propownd euery day the difficulties of thaffayres and necessities of money: or else for that (as many dowted) being corrupted with presents and promises, he had secret intelli­gence with the Pope, or with the Duke of Myllan: To which dilatorie and ielous dealings, the expresse commaundements of the king ful of disdayne redoubled with wordes reprochfull, could giue no remedie: for that according to thexperience he had of his nature, he satisfied him alwayes with promises contrary to the effects: In so much as thexecucion of thinges determined, hauing bene begonne to be lingred by his meane: there hapned an accident, by the which they became more subiect to delayes, and almost desperat altogether: for the king in the ende of May, and when was generall exspectacion of his speedy passage into Italy, determined to goe to Pa­rys, alleaging these reasons, that following the custome of the auncient kinges of Fraunce, it was necessary afore he parted out of Fraunce, to take leaue of S. Denys with all the ceremonies vsuall, and likewise of S. Martyn in passing by Tours: And that be­ing determined to march into Italy with a great prouicion of money, it was neede­full (to auoyd the necessities wherein he had falne the yeare before) that he induced the other cities of Fraunce to contribucion by thexample of Parys, of whome he should not obteyne that he desired, onles he went thether in person: That being in those quarters, he should make to march in greater diligence the men at armes that came from Normandie and Picardy: he assured them that afore he departed from Ly­ons, he would dispatche the Duke of Orleans, and would make his returne thether a­gaine within one moneth: But it was supposed that the most true & principal cause of his going, was for that he was amarous of one of the ladies of the Queenes cham­ber, being gone a litle before to Tours with her Court: wherein he was so resolute, that neither the councels of his peoples, not thimportunat humilities followed with teares of thItalians, coulde withdrawe him from a voyage of such deuocion: They showed him how hurtfull it would be to waste tyme proper for the warre, specially in so great a necessitie of his seruice in the kingdome of Naples: to what slaunder he should be subiect in the mouthes of all Italy, to drawe backe when he ought most to goe forward: That the reputacion of enterprises chaunged for euery litle accident and light brute: That it was hard to recouer it, after it began once to declyne, yea [Page 153] though he should make greater offers, then afore were either promised or needful: That of all worldely thinges, nothing was more voluble then renowme, which fal­ling once into a clowde or shadow, shines neuer after with a cleare light: These per­swacions much lesse that they could draw his wauering minde from wandring, see­ing with an obstinacie vnruled, he vtterly deiected them, esteeming it perhappes a breache of his religion, to goe out of Fraunce afore he had gon on pilgrimage to the Sainct he so deuoutly worshipped: In so much that after he had yet taried a moneth longer at Lion: he tooke his way to goe to Tours, not hauing otherwayes dispatched the Duke of Orleans then only by sending Triuulce into Ast with a very slender com­panye, not so much prouided for the warres, as instructed to confirme in his frende­ship and deuocion, Phillipp new succeeded to the Duchie of Sauoye, by the death of the litle Duke his Nephewe: And touching the prouicions for Naples, all that was done afore his departure, was the dispatche of six shippes loaden with vittells to Ca­ietta, carying many hopes that the mayne armie by sea should followe with speede: And to set order with the Marchantes (but very late) to aduaunce forty thowsande duckats to Montpensier, to whom the Svvyzzers and the launceknightes had prote­sted, that if they were not payed before the ende of Iune, they would passe to the campe of thennemies: The Duke of Orleans, the Cardinall of S. Mallovv, and al the councell, remeyned at Lyon, with commission to hasten the prouicions, wherein if the Cardinall proceeded slowely in the presence of the kinge, it was nothing to the lingring he vsed in his absence.

But the affayres of Naples could not attend such slow remedies, the daungers be­ing drawne into those tearmes (both for thassembly of armed bandes on euery side, and many difficulties disclosed by both the parties) that if the delayes were long, the warre would determine by necessitie: for Ferdinand after he had ioyned to his pecu­liar force, the bāds of the Venetians, tooke the towne of Castelfranke, where arriued at his campe accompanied with two hundreth men at armes Iohn Sforce Lord of Pese­re, and Iohn Gonsague brother to the Marquis of Mantua, Capteines of the confede­rats: In so muche as the proporcion of his campe amounted to xij. hundreth men at armes, fifteene hundreth light horsemen, and foure thowsand footemen: At the same tyme the french men were incamped at Circelle tenne myles from Beneuent, to­wards whom Ferdinand marched, and approching them within foure myles, he pit­ched his campe before Frangette de Montfort, A place of so good prouicion & pro­uidence, that it was not taken at the first assault: The french raysed their campe from Circella to reskewe it, but they came not in tyme, for that the launceknightes which were within, yelded them selues for feare of the second assault, and left the place to discression: which occasion knowen to the french, had bene the cause of their feli­citie, if either by indiscression or ill fortune, they had not suffered it to be lost: for (as was confessed generally) they had at ease that day broken the whole armie of then­nemy, so vniuersally confused in the sacke of Frangette that they gaue no regarde to the directions of the Capteines, who seeing no other distance betwene the french and them then a valley, labored with all diligence to reassemble them: Montpensier sawe well enough into thoccasion, and Virginio was not ignorant in thoportunitie offered, the one commaunding, and the other perswading the victory to be certein, desired with teares in their eyes, to marche ouer the valley, whilest in the campe of thItalians all thinges were in tumult, some of the souldiers busie in the pillage, and some laboring to packe away the things they had pylled, no one within rule or com­maundement of his Capteine: But Monsr de Persy one of the chiestaines of tharmy [Page 154] next to Monsr Montpensier, ouerruled either with the naturall lightnes of a younge man, or else enuying the glory of the D. Montpensier, perswaded vehemently against the passage ouer the valley, alleaging that they shoulde rise euen vnder the feete of thennemie, which waighed with the stronge scituacion of their campe, he made an argument to the souldiers of no small daunger, And therefore wishing openly that they should not fight, he was the onely hinderer of so good a councel, and ioyned to their misfortune a perpetuall dishonor, the rather for that the Svvyzzers & launce­knightes receiuing courage by him, drew into mutiny and demaunded money: for this cause Montpensier compelled to retyre, returned to Circelle, where, as they were Cam [...]lla Vi­telli slayne. the day after in the action of thassaulte, Camylla Vitelli, whilest about the walls he did thoffice of an excellent Capteine, was stricken in the head with a quarrel, whereof he dyed: for which accident the french men leauing thinuasion of the place, brake vp from thence, and marched towards Argana, disposed to assaye the hazard of bat­tell if occasion were offered: To which resolucion was flat contrary the councell of the armie of thArragons, with whom specially the Commissioners of the Venetians consented in opinion, for that seeing into the condicion of thennemies, they iudged that to their present want of vittels was ioyned a generall lacke of money, & waigh­ing withall that the succors out of Fraunce were intangled with delayes and respits, they hoped that their misaduentures and necessities woulde rise dayly growing and increasing, standing subiect to as great displeasures in other partes of the kingdome: for that in Abruzze, Annyball naturall sonne to the Lord of Camerin, being voluntari­ly gon to the succors of Ferdinand with foure hundred horsemen leauyed at his pro­per charges, had newely broken the armie of the Marquis of Bitonte: besides there was exspectacion of the comming of the Duke of Vrbyn with three hundreth men at armes lately entred into the pay of the confederates, whose fortune and greater condicions hauing determined to followe, he had abandoned thalliance of the Flo­rentyns (to whom he was yet bownd for more then a yeare) vnder this excuse, that being feodarie of the Church, he was bownd in reason and equitie of office to obey the commaundements of the Pope: And Graciano dAguerre, who had taken the field to encownter him, was charged in the playne of Sermone by the Count of Cela­ne and the Count de Popoli, with three hundreth horses and three thowsand foote­men, whom he put to flight: But with the losse of thoccasion of the victorye about Frangette, the fortune also of the french began manifestly to declyne, concurring in them at one tyme these natures of difficulties, extreme want of money, skarcetie of The french began to de­cline in Na­ples. vittells, hate of the people, disagreement of Capteines, disobedience of souldiers, & the stealing away of many from the campe, partely by necessitie, and partely by will: They had no meane to draw out of the kingdome any great proporcion of money, neither had they receiued from Fraunce any summe notable, since the forty thow­sand duckats leauyed for their releeffe, were too late sent from Florence: In so much as no lesse for that cause, then for the neighbourhood of many townes supported by tharmie of thennemie, they could not rayse prouisions necessary for their foode and sustenance: And in their armie was nothing but disorder, aswell for that the coura­ges of the souldiers were abated, as for that the Svvyzzers & launceknightes draw­ing into tumult, demaunded importunatly their payes: And touching the discorde of the Capteines, that which most hurt all their deliberacions, was the continuall contradiction of Persy against Montpensier: to be short, such were their necessities and disorders, that the Prince of Bisignian was compelled to depart with his people to goe to the gard of his owne estate for feare of the bands of Consaluo, by whose ex­amples, [Page 155] the particular souldiers of the contrey abandoned the campe by trowpes, wherein they had reason, for besides they neuer receiued paye, yet the frenche and Svvyzzers vsed them very ill, aswell in the diuision of booties, as in distribucion of vittells: These difficulties, but chiefly thextreme want of vittells, constrained the french armie by litle & litle to retyre and wander from one place to an other, which diminished greatly their reputacion with the people: And albeit the ennemies fol­lowed them as it were in a continual chasse, yet they had no hope to be able to fight as was specially desired by Montpensier and Virginio: for that not to be enforced to battell, they incamped alwayes in places of strength, & where no impediment could be giuen to their commodities: At last, the french being incamped vnder Montcal­uole and Casalarbore neare to Arrtana, Ferdinand ouertaking them within the shoote of a crosbow (but alwayes keeping him in stronge places) brought them into great necessitie of vittells, taking from them in like forte the vse of freshe water: In so much as by the aspect and consideracion of these perils, they thought it best to draw towards Povvylla, where they hoped to find commoditie of vittells, And fearing by reason of the nearenes of thennemies, the difficulties that ordinarily follow armies that retyre, they raysed their campe in the beginning of the night, not making any brute to bewraye their goinge, and marched xxv. myles afore they rested: Ferdi­nand followed them in the morning, but dispairing to make that speede to ouertake them, which they did to goe from him, hauing so much lesse tyme, as they had more, he incamped before Gesnaldo, A towne which heretofore had susteyned a seege of foureteene moneths, and now taken by him in one day, greatly to the disapoynting of the frenche: for that determining to putt them selues within Venousa, A towne stronge by scituacion, and most plentifull with vettells, the opinion they had that Ferdinand coulde not so easily take Gesnaldo, was the cause that they amused them selues about the sacke of Atella which they had taken, & for the time they lost there, afore their departure, they found tharmie of Ferdinand at their backes, who assoone as he had taken Gesnaldo, dispatched way: And albeit they repulsed diuerse skowtes and foreriders, yet seeing the mayne armie marched after with such speede, as they had no meane nor ablenes to recouer Venousa which was eyght myles distant, they remeyned in the towne of Attella, with intencion to exspect if succors woulde come from some parte, hoping that for the nearenes of Venousa and many other peeces thereabout holding yet for them, to receiue fauors with many commodities of vit­tells and releeff: Ferdinand with a speede accordinge to his fortune, incamped be­fore Attella, laboring onely (for the hope he had to obteyne the victorie without pe­rill and blud) to cut them from vittels: for the better auauncement whereof, he cast many trenches about Attella, and lost no opportunitie to make him selfe Maister of the places adioyning, forgetting no diligence, trauell, or action of a Capteine polli­tike and valiant: And as in warres, there is no further assurance of the souldier Mer­cenary, ‘then he findes sewertie of his paye, and lesse confidence in his faith and ser­uice, by how much he is so strange of his owne nation, that he feareth not the disci­pline of his patron: So the difficulties of the french, made euery day all things more easie to Ferdinand, for that the launceknightes in the french campe, hauing receiued but two monethes pay since they departed from their houses, and seeing by so ma­ny disappoyntments of dayes and tearmes past, all further exspectacion was vayne, Mercenary [...] the m [...]st part vnfaithfull. they drew into councell & went wholly to the campe of Ferdinand: In so much that hauing meane so much the more to greeue thennemie, & to enlarge his armie with more skope, he suffered a more hard passage of vittels which came from Venousa and [Page 156] other places about, to Attella, wherin was not refreshing to suffice to feede the frēch numbers a very few dayes: for besides, that corne bare a very skant proporcion, yet the Arragons pluckt downe a myll standing vppon the riuer which ronneth neare to the walls, whereby they wanted meane to turne their litle store of corne into meale: neither were their discommodities present, ‘recomforted by hoping in any good to come, seeing that from no part appeared so much as one signe of succors: extremi­ties so much the more intollerable to the french, by how much their felicities in the conquest had sayled with so full gales, that they neuer looked backe to those reuolu­cions which naturally doe follow all humane actions: not that fortune doth so pro­uide (a reason which many vaine men occupy) but that so it is set downe in theter­nall councell of God, who by the same power doth dispose and gouerne all thinges of the earth,’ by the which he created them of nothing. But the cause of their full ru­ine, The declina­cion of the french in the kingdom of Naples. was the misauentures that fel in Calabria: for by occasion of the sicknes of Monsr d'Aubigny, in which infirmitie many of his people went to tharmie of Montpensier, Consaluo seruing his turne of his sicknes, tooke many peeces in that prouince, incam­ping at last with his Spanish bandes & strength of popular souldiers of the contrey, at Castrouillare: where hauing aduertisement that the Count Melete, and Albert de S. Seuerin, with many other Barons were at Laine with bands of souldiers almost equall to his, and that increasing their numbers daily, they made their plott to assaile him, when their whole strength was assembled: he determined to preuent them, hoping to surprise them vnprouided by the confidence they had in the scituacion of their place, the castell of Laine stāding vpon the riuer Sabry which deuideth Calabria from the principallitie: & the borow is on the other side the riuer, wherein being intren­ched, they were garded by the castell against all inuasions by the high way: lastly be­twene Laine and Castrouillare was Murana, with certeine other peeces of the Prince of Bisignian which held for them: But Consaluo with a councell all contrary, depar­ted a litle before night from Castrouillare, accompanied with all his bandes, and lea­uing the high way, he tooke the large way notwithstanding it was both more longe and harde, for that he was to marche by certeine mounteynes: And being arriued neare the riuer, he commaunded the footemen to take the way to the bridge which is betwene the castell of Laine & the borow, which bridge was but negligently gar­ded Consaluo sur­priseth the french. for thopinion of the sewertie of the place: And him selfe with his horsemen pas­sing the riuer at a foarde two myles higher, was at the borow before day, where fin­ding thennemies without watche and garde, he brake them in a moment sleeping in the securitie of the place: he made prisoners xj. Barons, and almost all the souldi­ers, for that fleeing to the castell, they fell amongest the footemen, which now were possest of the passage of the bridge: By this honorable victorie being the first which Consaluo had got in the kingdom of Naples, his strength was so increased, that hauing also with the like vertue and fortune, recouered certeine other places in Calabria, he determined with six thowsande men to goe and ioyne with the campe of Ferdinand, which was afore Attella: And in that campe was arriued a litle before, an hundreth men at armes of the Duke of Candia, Capteine of the confederats, but him selfe with the residue of his bandes remeyned in the towne of Rome.

By the comming of Consaluo, (caused by the surprise of those which were for the french in Calabria:) they that were beseeged were brought into harde straites, their towne being enuyroned on three sides, thArragons occupying one, the Venetians an other, and the Spanyards the third: In so muche that there was almost left no entrey for vittells, specially the Venetian stradiots ronning ouer the whole contrey, and ta­king [Page 157] many french men which brought releeffe from Venousa: They also that were within, had no meane to goe on forraging but at howers extraordinary, & that with a stronge garde: And Pavvle Vitelli making a saylly at midday with a hundreth men at armes, was drawne by the Marquis of Mantua into an ambush, where he lost part of his company.

And being thus depriued of all commodities without, they were at last reduced to that extremitie, that they could not with garde and strength serue their vse of the riuer to water their horses: and within the towne their necessities were no lesse of freshe water for the refreshing of their persons: So that being ouerwearied with so many aduersities, and no lesse abandoned of all hopes, their perills more generall & present, then their succors likely or assured: After they had endured the seege two and thirty dayes, and being now left to the last remedie in warre, they demaunded a safe conduit, which was graunted, vnder the protection whereof, they sent to capi­tulat with Ferdinand, Monsr de Persy, Bartlemevv d'Albyane, and one of the Svvyzzer The french send to capi­tulat with Ferdinand. Capteines: Amongest whom were agreed these couenants following: That there should be no enterprise attempted by either part one vppon an other for xxx. dayes: That during that time, not one of the beseeged, (to whom should be ministred day by day by thArragons necessary vittells) should depart out of Attella: That it shoulde be suffered to Montpensier, to aduertise his kinge of thaccorde: That if he were not reskewed in the sayd tearme of thirty dayes, he should leaue Attella, and all that he had in his power in the kingdom of Naples, together with all thartilleries that were there: That the souldiers should be in safetie for their persons and iewells, and with them it should be lawfull to euery one to goe into Fraunce either by land or sea: And to the Vrsins and other Italian Capteines, to returne with their bandes whether they would out of the kingdom: That to the Barons and others which had followed the faction of the french (In case they would returne to Ferdinand within xv. dayes) all punishments should be remitted, & restitucion of all the goods they possessed when the warre began: The tearme of this abstinence expired, Monsr Montpensier, with all the french, and many Svvyzzers, together with the Vrsins were conduted to sea ca­stell of Stabbie, where they began to dispute, if Montpensier as Lieftenant generall vn­der his king, and by that meanes aboue all others, were bownde (as Ferdinand sayd) to make to be rendred all that was possessed in the kingdome of Naples in the name of the french king: for that Monsr Montpensier pretended that he was bownd to no more then was in his owne power to render, and that his authoritie stretched not to commaunde other Capteines and castellkeepers which were in Calabria, Abruzze, Caietta & many other townes & peeces, which the king had giuen them in charge, and not to him: The argument being trauersed by many reasons on both sides for certeine daies, they were at last conduited to Baia, Ferdinand making semblance that he woulde lette them goe: And there (vnder cooller that the vessells wherein they should be imbarked, were not yet ready) they were so long reteyned, that being dis­persed betwene Baya and Pozzola, they fell into such diseases by the ill ayre and many other incommodities, that both Monsr Montpensier dyed, and of the residue of his Montpensier dyeth. company which were more then fiue thowsand bodies, there skarce returned into Fraunce safe and sownd, fiue hundreth. Virginio and Pavvle Vrsin (at the request of the Pope who was now determined to take from that famulie their estates) were sent prisoners to the egge castell, and their companies conduited by Iohn Iordan sonne to Virginio Vr­sin prisoner. Virginio, and Bartlemevv d'Aluiano, were by the appoyntment of the Pope, stripped in Abruzze by the Duke of Vrbyn: Iohn Iordan also and Aluiano, leauing their people [Page 158] in the way, & returning to Naples by the commaundement of Ferdinand, were made prisoners: but Aluiano, either by his industrie, or by the secret sufferance of Ferdinand (who loued him much) had meane to escape.

After Ferdinand had taken Attella, he made diuision of his armie into many parts, for the more easie recouering of the residue of the kingdome: he sent before Caietta, Federyk of Aragon & Prosper Colonne: And to Abruzze, where the towne of Aquila was already reuolted to his deuocion, he dispatched Fabrice Colonne: And him self taking by force the rocke of S. Seuerin, and cutte of the heades of the castell keeper and his sonne the more to terrifie others, went to incampe before Salerna, where the Prince The Prince of Bisignian compowndeth for himselfe and others. of Bisignian had parley with him, and compownded for him selfe, for the Prince of Salerne, for the Count of Capaccie, & for certeine other Barons, with condicion that they shoulde remeyne possessed of their estates, but that Ferdinand for his sewertie shoulde keepe in his handes the fortresses for a certeine time: After which accorde they went to Naples: In Abruzze was not made any great resistance, for that Gracia­no, who was there with viij. hundreth horsemen, hauing no more meane of defense, and lesse exspectacion of succors in a fortune so declining, retyred to Caietta: Into Calabria, of which the greatest quantitie held yet for the french, returned Consaluo, a­gainst whom, albeit Monsr d'Aubigny made some resistance, yet being in the ende driuen to take Groppoly after he had lost Manfredonie and Consensa, which had bene sac­ked before by the french, And lastly seeing all hopes became desperat, and no appa­raunce Monsr d'Au­bigny con­sents to de­part the king­dom of Na­ples. of succors from Fraunce, he consented to deliuer vp all Calabria, vppon suffe­rance to returne by land into Fraunce.

It is certeine that many of these reuoltes and chaunges hapned by the negligence & indiscression of the french: for albeit Manfredonia, for the scituacion of the place was stronge, for the fauors of the people there free from suspicion, and for the fer­tilitie of the contrey full of plentifull meanes and prouision of vittells, And that the king had left for the gard of it Gabriell Montfalcon esteemed a Capteine valiant: yet after it had endured a very short and easie seege, they were constrayned to render it for famine: Like as also (in misfortunes examples doe much) other peeces of good abilitie to defende them selues, became recreant, and yelded, either for feare, (which is propper to cowardes) or for impacience of thincommodities, which such must suffer as are beseeged: Some castellkeepers finding their rockes well prouided for, sold the vittells at their first entrey, and so assoone as thennemie appeared, made their willing necessities and wants a slaunderous detection of their infidelitie & co­wardise: By these disorders, ioyned to the negligence of the king, the french lost in the kingdom of Naples that reputacion, which the vertue of that man had won vnto them, who holding many yeares after the victorie of Ferdinand, the castell of the egge which Iohn of Aniovv had left in his charge, could neuer be brought to render it, but by compulsion of vittells altogether consumed.

Thus no more remeyning for the recouery of the whole realme then Tarenta and Caietta, with other peeces holden by Charles de Sanguyn: and Mont Saint Ange kept by Dom Iulyan de Lorraine, who with great merit and praise, made his vertue knowne in all the places thereabouts: it hapned that Ferdinand, raised into great glory, and no lesse hopes to be equall in greatnes with his predecessors, went to Somme, A towneseated at the foote of the hill Vesune to see the Queene his wife, where he be­came very sicke, either for his trauells past, or by new excessiue disorders: And fee­ling by his disposicion no hope of recouery, he caused him selfe to be caried to Na­ples, Ferdinand dyeth. where he dyed not many dayes after, somewhat before the ende of the yeare af­ter [Page 159] the death of his father king Alphonso: he left behind him, not onely in his king­dom but also thorow all Italy, a singular opinion of his vallour, not so much for his victories obteyned, which in times and condicions so deuided merited much, as by the life and readines of his spirit, wherein he was founde resolute in both fortunes, with many other royall vertues, wherein he became a worthy example to many: he dyed withoutyssue and therefore his Vncle Dom Federyk succeeded him, being the fift king seene to succeede in that kingdom in three yeares time.

Assoone as Federyk was aduertised of the death of his Nephew, he leauied his seege from before Caietta, and went to Naples where was the olde Queene his mo­ther in law, who put into his handes new castell, albeit many were of opinion that she would reteyne it for her brother Ferdinand king of the Spanish: In this accident Federyk made king of Na­ples. were most singular towards Federyk, not onely the wills of the peoples, but also thin­clinacions of the Princes of Salerne, and of Bisignan, together with the faith of the Count Capaccie, all which were the first that pronownced his name within Naples, & going to meete him saluted him as king at his discending from the ship: They were farre better content with him, then with the last king, no lesse for the mildenes and moderacion of his mind (which they honored with great reuerence and humilitie) then for the sewertie of their owne estates, hauing no small suspicion that Ferdinand assoone as he had addressed his affayres, had intencions to call to aunswere all those that in any sort had bene fauorers of the french.

But these alteracions and disorders hapning with so great dishonor and domage to the french faction, had no power to giue a new life to the king, & much lesse ha­sten his prouisions, who stāding intangled with the delites & pleasures of the court, made yt foure monethes afore he returned to Lyons: And albeit in this amarous neg­ligence, he often times recommended to such as he had left there, the solicitacion and dispatch of all prouisions aswel for sea as land, and the Duke of Orleans was pre­pared to depart: yet by the auncient connings of the Cardinall of S. Mallovv, the men at armes which were slenderly payed marched as slowly towards Italy, And the nauie by sea which was to be assembled at Marseilles, aduaunced so slackly, that the confederats had leasure enough, to sende first to Ville franche a large hauen neare to Nice, and afterwards euen to the roades of Marceilles, an armie by sea leauied at their common charges at Genes, to giue impediments to the vessells of Fraunce that were to goe to the realme of Naples: And to these great and generall delayes proceeding principally from the Cardinall of S. Mallovv, wise men dowted, that there was ioy­ned some other cause more secret, interteyned in the kinges mind with a singular art and diligence of such as with many reasons labored to turne him from the enterpri­ses of Italy, for that they thought, that for his proper regard and interest, he ought to beielous ouer the greatnes of the Duke of Orleans, on whom (if the victorie succee­ded) the Duchie of Myllan shoulde fall: Besides they occupied with him this dis­course of perswasions, that it was farre from pollicie and his propper sewertie to goe out of Fraunce, afore he had made some contract with the kinge of Spaine, who ex­pressing a desire to be reconciled, had sent Embassadors to his Maiestie to induce a truce, and insinuat an agreement: Many councelled him to tary till the Queene was brought to bed, for that it agreed not with his wisedom, & was contrary to the loue he ought to beare to his peoples, to obiect his person to so many perills, afore he had a sonne & heire to receiue so great a succession: A reason which made the deli­uerie of the Queene more painefull, and her frute more wretched & vnfortunat, see­ing that not many dayes after, the masculyn yssue which God had giuen him, dyed: [Page 160] So that partely by particular negligence in the king, but more by the errours & vi­ces of his simple councell, and partly by the difficulties which others suggested, the prouisions waued so long in delayes, that the ruine of his people, and whole losse of the kingdom, made lamentable vnto them, the operacions of their owne indiscressi­on: yea the like had hapned to his frendes and confederats in Italy, if of them selues they had not constantly defended their proper estates.

It hath bene set downe before, how for feare of the french prouicions, and more for the contentment of Lodovvyk Sforce, then any thing agreeable to the Venetians, there was a plot layd to make passe into Italy Maxymilian Caesar, with whom whilest that feare indured, it was agreed that the Venetians should giue him for three whole monethes twenty thowsande duckats for euery moneth, to thende he should bring with him a certeine proporcion of horsemen and footemen, vpon the which passing of accord, Lodovvyk accompanied with thEmbassadors of the confederats, went to Manza (a place on thother side the Mountes vpon the confyns of Almayne) to com­municat with his Maiestie: where after they had vsed great conference, Lodovvyk came backe againe the same day to Bormy, A towne of the Duchie of Myllan on this side the Mountes, whether came Maxymilian the day following vnder cooller of go­ing on hunting: And after in that enteruiewe of two dayes, they had set downe the Lodowyk will aswell serue his turne of the king of Romaines for his ambicion, as he had dōe of the french king in his necessitie. time and maner of his marching into Italy, Maxymilian returned into Iermany to soli­cit thexecucion of thinges that were contracted: But the brute of the prouisions of Fraunce inferior to all exspectacion, growing now so cold, that for that regard it se­med not necessary that the king of Romaines should marche: yet Lodovvyk determi­ning to serue his ambicion of that which afore he had procured for his proper sew­ertie, continued still to solicit him to descend into Italy, wherein to remoue all impe­diments that might hinder his desire, albeit the Venetians would not be concurrant in the promise of thirty thowsand duckats which he demaunded ouer and aboue the lx. thowsand that were accorded to him: yet he forbare not to binde him selfe alone to that demaund: Inso much that in the ende Maxymilian marched and passed in­to Italy, a litle afore the death of Ferdinand: of the which when he was aduertised, being neare to Myllan, he entred into thoughts and deuises so to handle thinges, as by his meane the kingdom of Naples might come to Iohn the only sonne of the king of Spaine, and his sonne in law: But that being farre from the purpose of Lodovvyk and his secrete ambicion, he tolde him that in that action he should discontent and trouble all Italy, and be the cause to dissolue the vnitie of the confederats, and con­sequently to make easie the enterprises of the king of Fraunce, occupying such other conning perswacions, that his suttelties so vanquished all the intencions of Caesar, as he did not onely giue ouer and denownce his first cogitacion, but also fauored and ratified by letters the succession of Federyk: he descended into Italy with a very small company of men, but the brute ronne, that there marched after euen to the propor­cion and quantitie which he had promised: And being come to Vigeneua, where he soiorned, Lodovvyk and the Cardinall of Santa Croce (sent vnto him as Legat by the Pope,) together with the Embassadors of the confederats, assembled with him in councell to resolue what were best to be done: therein this was thought the first and most necessary action, that he should march into Pyemont to take the towne of Ast, and separat from the french king the Duke of Sauoye, and Marquis of Montferat, as members depending of the Empire: to them he addressed aduertisements to come to speake with him in a towne in Pyemont: but his forces being inferior to his title & dignitie, and by that occasion theffects not aunswering thauthoritie of the name im­periall, [Page 161] they showed contempt, not one of them consenting to goe to him: like as also for thenterprise of Ast, there was no apparance that it should happily succeede: he made like instance to come to speake with him, to the Duke of Ferrara, who vn­der the name of Feodarye of thempire, possessed the towne of Modene and Regge: And albeit he offered him for his sewertie, the faith of Lodovvyk, his sonne in lawe, yet he refused to go to him, alleaging that the action were not cōuenient for his honor, for that he held as yet in deputacion, the castell of Genes. Finally Lodovvyk (led still with humors of his auncient couetousnes, and no lesse discontented that Pysa so ambici­ously desired of him, shoulde fall with the daunger of all Italy into the power of the Venetians, sought wonderfully to hinder such a matter) and councelled thEmprour to goe to Pysa, perswading him with discourses full of deceites, that the Florentyns, Lodowyk per­swades Caesar to goe to Py­sa. being not mighty enough to resist him and the strength of the confederats, woulde depart by necessitie from thalliance of the french king, and could not refuse to refer thaccord and arbitracion of all their controuersies to the person of Maxymilian, to thende that, if not by reconcilement, at least by way of iustice, might be determined the differences betwene them and the Pysans: In which regard as Pysa should be put into the handes of Caesar, and all the appurtenances apperteyning to it: So he hoped by his authoritie to make the Pysans consent, and that the Venetians (being concur­rant in this action the wills of all the other confederats) woulde not oppose themselues against a conclusion so conducible to the common benefit, and no lesse iust & honest of it selfe: for Pysa being aunciently a towne of the Empire, the reknowled­ging of the rightes of such as aspired to it, apperteyned to no other then to Caesar: & so being committed of trust into the hands of Caesar, Lodovvyk hoped that he should easily come by it, either by money, (which makes way into great kingdoms) or for the grace and authoritie which he had with him, the same seruing as an instrument to aduaunce his ambicion: This deuise was propownded in the councel vnder coo­ler, that seeing for the present, the feare of the french warres ceassed, the comming of Caesar might be vsed to induce the Florentyns to knitt with the other confederats against the french king: A deuise not displeasing to Maxymilian, who was not a li­tle discontented that his descending into Italy bred no effect, hoping withall, that where by reason of his infinit plots and inuencions, and no lesse for his disorders and vnbridled prodigalities, he had alwayes want of money, Pysa would be an instrumēt conuenient, to gather some great quantitie either of the Florentyns, or others. The deuise also was approued by all the confederats as a thing very profitable for the se­wertie of Italy: The Embassador of Venice not impugning it, for that that Senat, per­ceiuing well enough to what endes tended the thoughtes of Lodovvyk, dowted not to beguile him easily, and hoped that by meane of the presence of Caesar might be gotten the hauen of Lyuorne, which being vnited once to Pysa, the Florentyns had no further hope to recouer that citie.

It hath bene declared how the confederats afore made many meanes & requestes to the Florentyns to enter vnitie and league with them, And at the times when most they feared the descending of the frenchmen, they gaue them hopes so to worke & trauell in thinges, that Pysa should eftsoones returne vnder their iurisdiction: But the couetousnes of the Venetians and Lodovvyk being suspected to the Florentyns, who woulde not lightly deuide them selues from the amitie of the french kinge, bare no ready deuocion to those suggestions: wherein as one thinge that kept them backe, was a hope to recouer by the comming of the french king, Pietra sancta, and Seraze­na, places which they could not exspect by any working of the confederats: so that [Page 162] which turned them & drew them quite away, was an ouerweening no lesse vnprofi­table to the condicion of their affayres, then cōtrary to the course of the time: They measuring rather their owne merits, and that which they endured for the king, then his nature, or his customs, promised to them selues by the meane of his victorie, not onely the citie of Pysa, but almost all the residue of Tuskane: In which perswacion they were nourished by the opinion and wordes of Ieronimo Sauonarole, who in his sermons pronounced many felicities and augmentacion of imperie appoynted to that common weale after so many trauells & afflictions, publishing in like style most greeuous calamities and euills to happen to the court of Rome, and all the other Po­tentats of Italy: wherein albeit this fonde Preacher was not without his aduersaries skorning at this particular doctrine, yet what for his own authoritie, and the simple inclinacions of many, there was no litle faith giuen to his holy aduertisements, no lesse by most part of the popular multitude, then by many of the principall Citisens, wherof, some of innocent deuocion, some by ambicion, and some for feare, reappo­sed such religion in his vayne forewarnings, that the whole estate of Florence caried such generall disposicion to continue in the frenche amitie, that the confederatts thought it not vnreasonable to labor to reduce them by force, to that whereunto their wills were so straunge and contrary: They supposed thenterprise to inuade them coulde not conteyne many difficulties for that they were hated of all their neighbours, and no exspectacion or hope of succours from the french king, who a­bandoning the safetie of his owne people in Naples, coulde not in any reason be thought carefull to minister to the wants of others: Besides their great expenses for these three yeares, with so generall diminucion of their reuenues, had so drayned them, that it was not credible that they were able to susteyne long trauells: seeing withall they had for this yeare past continually followed the warres against Pysa, wherein thaccidents haue bene diuerse and notable, more for the resolucion of co­rage shewed in many valiant actes and factions of warre by either part, and by the desperat obstinacie wherewith such thinges were done, then for any huge propor­cion or greatnes of armies, and much lesse for the qualitie of places for the which they fought, being but villages and borowes not famous, & therefore of them selues of no great consequence: for (to vse more large discourse) a litle after the citadell was giuen to the Pysans, and afore the succors of Venice arriued there, the bandes of Florence hauing taken the borow of Buty, & from thence encamped at Calcy, and be­fore they tooke it, beginning (for their better sewertie of vittells) to build a bastillion vpon the Mount of Dolorosa: the bandes of footemen that were there for the garde of the place, were broken by their owne negligence, by the enseignes of the Pysans: And a litle after, as Francisco Secco was encamped with a great trowpe of horsemen in the borow of Buty to see to the safe conuey of vittells to Hercules Bentyuole, incam­ped with the footebandes of the Florentyns about the litle castell of the hill Verruco­le: he was so charged at vnwares by the footemen that came out of Pysa, that by thin­conueniencie of the place to apply the seruice of his horsemen, he lost a great parte of them: for which successes the affayres of Pysa seeming to rise increasing in for­tune and that with hope of greater prosperitie for that the succors of the Venetians beganne to arriue: Hercules Bentyuole lodging in the borow of Bientina, hearing that Iohn Pavvle Monfrin Capteine of the Venetians, was with the first part of their com­panies come to Vicopisan two myles from Bientina, fayned to haue feare, In so much that presently he raysed his companies and went into the fielde; and immediatly as­soone as the Venetian bandes were discouered, he eftsoones retyred into Bientina. [Page 163] But after he saw his ennemie full of boldnes and securitie, he trayned him one day with great pollicie into an ambush, where he put him to the worse, with the losse of the most part of his companies, giuing him the chasse euen to the wals of Vicopisan: In which encownter the victory was not in all pointes happye, for that Frauncisco Secco, come to the campe that morning to ioyne with Hercules, in the retyre was slayne with a shot of harquebuze: After these followed the other bandes of the Ve­netians, amongest whom were eight hundreth stradiots led by Iustynian Morosin: By whose comming the Pysans being nowe farre superior, Hercules Bentyuole to whome the partes of the contrey were well knowne, neither willing to put him selfe in daū ­ger, nor altogether disposed to abandon the field, encamped in a very stronge place, betwene the borow of Pontadere, and the riuer of Ere: with thopportunitie of this place, he restrayned much the importunitie of thennemies, who in all that tyme tooke no other place or peece then the borow of Buty which yelded to their discres­sion: And as they sent out their stradiots to make pillage of the contrey, there were three hundreth of them ronning vp euen to Valdere, charged and broken by certeine bandes which Hercules sent after them: The Florentyns were in the same seasons ve­xed by them of Sienna, who by thoccasion of the harmes they suffered in the con­trey of Pysa, and at the incensing of the confederats, sent to incampe afore the bastil­lion of the bridge of Valiane, the Lord of Plombyn and Iohn Sauelle: But hearing that Riuuccio de Marciano arriued with succors, they retyred in great haste from before the bastillion, leauing behind them one part of their artillerie: by reason whereof the Florentyns seeing them selues assured on that side, caused Riuuccio to turne his force to the quarter of Pysa: In so much that their strength being almost equall, the warre was nowe brought to the borowes about the hills: But for that they were at the deuocion of the Pysans, thinges fell out more to the disaduauntage of the Floren­tyns: for that the Pysans entring by intelligence into the borow of Pont de sac, strip­ped a whole company of men at armes, and tooke prisoner Lodovvyk Marciana, yet they abandoned forthwith the sayd borow for feare of the Florentyn bandes which were not farre of: But the better to commaund and gouerne the hilles, which were of great importance to them, aswell for the vittells brought from thence to Pysa, as for that they gaue impediments to the Florentyns in the traffike of the hauen of Ly­uorne: they fortefied the most part of those borowes, amongest the which Soiana was made noble by one accident by chaunce: for the campe of the Florentyns beinge marched thether with intencion to take it the same day, and for that cause, hauing spoyled all the passages of the riuer of Cascina, and put their men at armes in battell vpon the banke, to cut of the succors of thennemie: It hapned that Peter Capponi a Peter Cappo­ni. chiefe commaunder amongest the Florentyns, as he was about to plant thartilleries, was striken in the head by a bullet out of the towne, whereof he dyed presently: An end vnworthy of his vertue, aswell for the ignobilitie of the place, as for the litle im­portance of suche an enterprise: By the chaunce of this accident, they raysed the campe without attempting any further action: Besides, the Florentyns euen in those tymes were compelled to sende bandes of men into Lunigiana to the succors of the castell of Verroncole which the Marquis of Malespina held beseeged, by the ayde of the Genovvays, from whence he easily gaue them the chasse: So that the strength of the Pysans was mighty for certeine monethes, for that besides the townesmen and popular souldiers leuied of the contrey became bodies warlike by long experience, the Venetians and Duke of Myllan had there many bandes of horsemen and foote­men, the Venetian numbers being greatest: But for that afterwards the Dukes com­panies [Page 164] began to diminish because they were not payed as appertayned: the Veneti­ans vsing that defect to their aduauntage, sent thether a new supply of a hundreth men at armes, and six gallies loaden with prouision of vittells, wherein they spared no necessary exspenses for the sewertie of that citie, the same hapning in good sea­son to winne, and draw to them the affections of the Pysans, who euery day more and The Pysans begin to dis­clayme the Duke of Myllan. more estraunged their mindes from the deuocion of the Duke of Myllan, as ney­ther contented with his nigardise in thexpense and prouision of thinges necessary, nor with his incerteinties and variacions, expressing rather a mind neuter, then affe­ction resolut, for that sometimes he would be forward in the succor of their affaires, and eftsoones careles and colde, leauing all to aduenture: In so much as beginning almost to dowt of his will, they imposed vpon him by imputacion that Iohn Bentyuo­le did not aduaunce to endomage the Florentyns according to the commission he had of the confederats, the rather for that they knewe he had fayled him in a greate part of his payments, either through his couetousnes, or els, that the displeasures of the Florentyns were acceptable to him, but not their whole ruyne and oppression: By meane of which operations, he had layed of him selfe (touching the state of Pysa) foundacions contrary to his chiefest endes and intencions, for thaduauncement whereof he onely induced the councell of the confederats to determine that Maxy­mylian Caesar should goe to Pysa.

But now returning from whence we came: after it was resolued that Caesar should march to Pysa, he dispatched two Embassadors to Florence to aduertise them, that by Caesar sendes Embassadors to Florence. reason of an enterprise which he intended with a mighty armie against the Infidels, he iudged it first an action chiefe and necessary to passe into Italy, the better to paci­fie and assure the controuersies there, for which cause he exhorted the Florentyns that they would communicat together with the other confederats in the common defence of Italy, or at least if they had an other inclinacion, that they woulde make manifest their will and intencion: That for the same occasion, and for that it apper­teyned to thauthoritie imperiall, he woulde knowe the controuersies that were be­twene them and the Pysans, requiring them, till he had taken knowledge of the rea­sons of both the one and other, that they would surcease the warre, which he assured would not be refused by the Pysans, to whom he had imparted the like significations: lastly, he gaue them great sewertie with sweete and familiar wordes, that he woulde be ready to administer iustice indifferently: To which message (receiuing the offers of thEmprour with reuerence and recommendacion, & expressing no lesse showes of singular confidence in his iustice and pietie) was aunswered by the Florentyns, that they would giue him particularly to vnderstande of their intencion by speciall Embassadors to be addressed to his Maiestie with speede.

But in the meane while the Venetians, not to leaue to Maxymylian or the Duke of Myllan, any meane to be Maisters ouer Pisa, sent thether with consent of the Pisans a new supply of a hundreth and fiftie men at armes, some stradiots, and a thowsande footemen vnder the leading of Anniball Bentiuole, signifying to the Duke that they had sent those succors thether, for that their common weale, which loued to chea­rish free cities, was vniuersally inclined to ayde the Pisans to recouer their contrey, as indeede by the succor of those bandes, they went thorow with the recouerie of almost all the borowes of the hills: In regard of which benefits, and for the franke readines of the Venetians to gratifie their demaundes which were in great number, sometimes wanting men, sometimes lacking money, and most commonly suffering necessities of vittells and municions: The will of the Pisans was become so confor­mable [Page 165] to the desires of the Venetians, that all that office of deuocion and confidence which they were wont to owe to the Duke of Myllan, being now transported into them, they greatly desired that that Senat would continue their protectors, defen­ders, and patrons: And yet they solicited still the comming of Caesar, for hoping that what with the strength they had already within Pysa, and the bandes which his Ma­iestie would leade with him, they should with more facilitie get Liuorne: On the o­ther side, the Florentyns, who besides other encombrances, were at that tyme pres­sed with a great skarcetie of vittells, were occupied with no small feares, being left a­lone to resist the power of so many Princes: for that in Italy, there would not rise one in their ayde and fauor, and from their Embassadors in Fraunce, they were certefied The Floren­tyns haue small hope to be succored by the french king. by letters, that they could hope for no reskew in the king, to whome they had recō ­mended their daungers with many sutes and humilities, though not to haue of him a full succor, yet to be releeued with some quantitie and proporcion of money: But their petitions were in vayne, and all their requests embrased with the same coldnes of care wherewith he comforted the perplexities of his peculiar peoples in the kingdom of Naples: Peter de medicis alone did not molest them, because it was an ar­ticle in the councell of the confederats, not to vse in this action, either his name, or his fauor, knowing by experience, that the Florentyns for that feare, did the more in­crease their vnitie for the preseruacion of their libertie: And Lodovvyk Sforce, vnder cooler to be ielous of their safetie, but more discontented with the greatnes of the Venetians, ceased not to apply all his discourse of witt & perswacion, to induce them to refer all thinges to the arbitracion of Caesar, wherein he alleaged many great and sensible daungers, and insinuated with arguments and reasons, that this was the on­ly meane to draw the Venetians from Pysa, and so consequently to accomplish their full reintegracion: A thing very necessary for the vniuersall stabilitie of Italie, and no lesse (for that occasion) desired by the king of Spaine, and all the other confederats: But the Florentyns not suffering them selues to be carried with fayre and deceitfull apparaunces, and much lesse amased with the contemplacion of so many daungers and difficulties, determined to make no declaracion with Caesar, neither to refer their rightes to his arbyttrement, if first they were not restored to the possession of Pisa, for that they were not assured either of his will or of his authoritie, being manifest that hauing not of him selfe any forces, or money, he proceeded as it best seemed to the Duke of Millan: Neither did they discerne in the Venetians, any disposicion or neede to leaue Pisa: Therefore they prepared with a franke and liberall resolucion of courage, to fortifie and refurnishe Liuorna aswell as they could, and to drawe all their strength into the contrey of Pisa: And yet, for that they would not appeare e­straunged from the league, laboring withall to appease Caesar, they sent Embassadors who founde him at Genes where he was then arriued: Their commission was (for The Floren­tyns send aū ­swer to thEmprour. aunswer of the thinges propownded by his Embassadors at Florence) to aduertise him and perswade him, that it was not necessary to proceede to any declaracion, be­cause, for the reuerence they bare to his name he might promise to him selfe of the common weale of Florence, euen as much as he would desire: And to beseech him to thinke, that for his most holy resolucion to reduce Italie to peace, there was no­thing more conuenient then immediatly to restore Pisa to the Florentins, for that it was the roote and riuer from whence spronge all their deliberacions so disconten­ting to his Maiestie and the confederats, & Pisa also being in that regarde, the cause that made some to aspire to the Empire of Italie, who to that ende labored to keepe it in continuall trauells of warre, by which wordes (notwithstanding it was not o­therwayes [Page 166] expressed) was signified and ment the ambicion of the Venetians: That al­so it was not agreeable to his iustice, that such as had bene dispoiled by force, should be constrayned contrary to the disposicion of the lawes imperiall, to referre their rightes to compromise, if first they were not restored to their possession: concluding that the common weale of Florence obteyning this beginning of him, and by that meane, remeyninge no cause to desire any thinge but peace with euery one, they would make all such declaracions as he should thinke conuenient, and reapposing wholly in his iustice, would with ready humilitie recommende vnto him the know­ledge of their rightes.

This aunswer satisfied not Caesar, who desired aboue all thinges that they might enter into the league vnder faith and promise to be restored to the possession of Py­sa within a tearme conuenient: notwithstanding after many discourses and deba­ting of reasons, they could draw no other aunswer from him, then (vpon the plot­forme of Genes as he entred the sea) he told them they should vnderstande further of his will by the Popes Legat which was at Genes, by whom, being sent backe againe to the Duke, who from Tortone whether he had accompanied Caesar, was returned to Myllan, they went into the same citie, where as they were demaunding audience, they receiued Commissions from Florence, (already vnderstandinge the frute of their legacion) commaunding them without seeking other aunswer, to returne home: So that being come to the hower appoynted for their audience, they turned their demaund to haue aunswer, into a signification of their office, that returning to Florence, they were bolde to lengthen their way, to come to doe him reuerence a­fore they parted out of his contrey, as well apperteyned to the frendship which their common weale had mutually with him: The Duke thinking they would de­maund aunswer according to their direction from the Legat, had assembled all the Embassadors of the confederats, and the whole maiestie of his owne councell, to make show (according to his manner) of his eloquence, and his arte, & to take plea­sure in the calamities of others: But being not a litle confused with the nature of their proposicion altogether disappoynting his exspectacion and looking, he asked them suddeinly what aunswer they had of Caesar: to which demaund they aunswered, that according to the lawes of their common weale, they might not communicat nor treate of their commission, with any other Prince, then with him to whom they were assigned Embassadors: he replyed somewhat troubled: If we giue you aun­swer, for the which we know that Caesar hath referred you to vs, would you not heare it: It is not forbidden to heare (say they) & much lesse can we let an other to speak: he aunswered, we are content to giue you the aunswer, but that can not wel be don, if you pronownce not that which you haue sayd to him: The Embassadors eft­soones aunswered, that besides they had no power for the selfe same reasons allea­ged before, yet it would be superfluous, for that it was necessary that Caesar had im­parted their proposicion with those, to whom he had giuen thimmediat charge to make the aunswer in his name: for these resolut dealings of thEmbassadors, he could not, neither in wordes, nor in iestures dissemble his indignacion, And with moodes full of variacion and discontentment he dismissed thEmbassadors with all the resi­due which he had assembled, receiuing in him selfe one part of the mockerie, which he ment to haue giuen to an other.

In the meane while, Caesar departed from the hauen of Genes with six gallies which the Venetians had in the sea of Pysa, and with many other vessells of the Geno­vvays very well furnished with artillerie, but not with fighting men, for that there [Page 167] was no other men of warre, then a thowsand launceknightes: with whom he sayled Caesar is come to Pysa. to the hauen of Spetia, and from thence went by land to Pysa: And there hauing ioy­ned to his armie fiue hundreth horsemen & a thowsand other launceknights which had marched by land, he determined to incampe before Lyuorne, hauing for his back the companies of the Duke of Myllan, and one part of the Venetian bandes: his in­tencion was to charge it both by sea & land, sending the other Venetian companies to Pont de sac, to thende the Florentyn campe which was not stronge, should not be able to molest the Pysans, nor giue succors to Lyuorne: But there was no enterprise which lesse astonished the Pysans, then that of Lyuorne, sufficiently furnished with mē and artillerie, with dayly exspectacion of succors from Prouence: for that a litle be­fore, to augment their forces with the reputacion wherein were at that tyme in Ita­ly, the armies of the french, they had with the consent of the french king, interteined to their pay, Monsrd Albigois one of his capteines with a hundreth launces, and a thowsand footemen aswell Svvyzzers as Gascoins, which were to come by sea to Ly­uorne vpon certeine shipps, which by their directions were loden with graine, to re­leeue the generall want of vittells raigning in all the landes of their obedience: This deliberacion, made with other thoughts, and for other endes, then for their defence against Caesar, albeit it was full of difficulties, for that both Monsrd Albigois with his company already conduted to the shippes, refused to take the sea, only six hundreth footemen being imbarked: yet it found such plentifull fauors of fortune, that there could not be desired a prouision, neither more great nor more conuenient: seeing that the same day that a Commissioner of Pysa, (sent before by Caesar with a greate strength of horsemen and footemen to make bridges & plankes for the armie which was to follow) arriued before Lyuorne, the nauie of Prouence conteyning fiue shippes and certeine gallions, together with a great carracke of Normandie which the kinge appoynted to reuittell Caietta, were discouered aboue Lyuorna with so fauorable gales and tydes, that without any resistance of the fleete of Caesar (for they were con­strayned by the tyme to spred abroad aboue Melorie, a rocke very famous, for that in a sea battell made there in tymes past betwene the Genovvays and the Pysans, the Py­sans were ouerthrowne) they entred the port without other losse, then of one galli­on loden with corne, which was taken, as being strayed from the other nauie.

This succor gaue no lesse life & courage to those that were within Lyuorne, then much assured the mindes of the Florentyns, who interpreted this suddeine comming of the shippes to a signe, that though earthly and worldly forces would fayle them, yet God beholding their calamities, would not abandon them according to thassu­rance which often tymes Sauonarola had preached to the people euen when euery one was most astonished: But notwithstanding these discouragements of vittells & succors, the King of Romains ceased not to marche with his campe to Lyuorna, whe­ther Caesar mar­cheth to Ly­uorna. hauing sent by land fiue hundreth men at armes, a thowsand light horsemen, & foure thowsand footemen, he passed vppon gallies euen to the mouth of the poole which is betwene Pysa & Liuorna: And hauing appointed the one parte of the place to be inuaded by the Count Caietta whom the Duke of Myllan had sent with him, he presented him selfe afore the other: wherein albeit the first daye he had no small a doe to setle his campe there for the perillous impediments which thartilleries of Lyuorna gaue to him: yet after he had approched his armie before day on that side to the fountaine, and hauing a chiefe desire to be first maister of the hauen, he began to batter with the cannon, Magnane, which was well fortefied by them within, who seeing the campe drawne on that side, had on thother side ruyned Polazzotte and the [Page 168] tower standing on that side to the sea, as a thing not only not gardable, but also con­uenient to make them lose the newe tower. He caused at the same tyme to come neare the hauen, his armie by sea, to beate the partes on the sea side: for the french shippes, after they had landed their men, and vnladen one part of their corne as they were bownd, returned into Prouence, and the Normans set sayle to Caiette, notwith­standing many importunities & requestes to haue them tary, thinking to haue made thē to the seruice of this defense: The batterie that thundred against Magnane, nou­rishing an intencion to assault the towne afterwards by sea, profited very litle: for that the defense was sufficient against all assaultes, and had litle regard to the furie of the shot, the defendants also very often making sayllies to enterteyne skyrmish with thennemie. But as the hopes of the Florentyns began by the fauor of the windes, so it was a destinie that in the benefit of the windes should be wrought their whole per­fection, for by a great storme rising vpon the suddeine, the windes and all the ill dis­posed weathers agreeing, the nauie of Caesar was greatly crushed, and the great ship Grymavvda Genovvay which had caried his Maiesties person, after she had long en­dured the conflict of the weather and waues, and wrought against the rage of the storme, she was drowned right against the new tower of Lyuorne with all the men & artillerie that she bare within boarde: the like hapned at the poynt towardes S. Iac­ques, to two gallies of the Venetians, and all the other vessells so dispersed and shaked by this calamitie, that they became vnprofitable for the present enterprise, specially the defendants following the fauor of this accident, yssued out and recouered the gallion, which before had falne into the power of the ennemies: The consideracion of the losses and miseries hapned by this shipwracke, procured Caesar to returne to Pysa, where after many councels, euery one distrusting the possibilitie of thenterprise of Lyuorne, it was agreed to leauy the campe from thence, and transfer the warre to Caesar leaui­eth his campe from Lyuorna an other part: And therefore Caesar went to Vicopisan, and caused to be built a bridge vpon Arne, betweene cascine and Vico, and an other vpon Cilecchio: But whilest he oc­cupied men with exspectacion that he would passe ouer, he departed vpon the sud­deine, and returned by land the right way to Myllan, hauing brought forth no other action in Tuskane, sauing that foure hundred of his horsemen sackt Bolgheri, a towne almost vnknowen in the shoares of Pysa: he excused his suddeine departure vppon Caesar excu­seth his sud­deine depar­ture. the difficulties that increased vpon him euery day, aswell for that they supplyed him not with money as often as he demaunded, as for that the Venetian Commissioners would not consent that the greatest part of their bandes should yssue out of Pysa for the suspicion they had of him, besides that they had not fully satisfied him of their porcion of the threescore thowsand duckats, for which iniuries (extolling greatly the Duke of Myllan) he made many greeuous complaintes against them: he passed by Pauya, where was taken a newe councell: And albeit he had published that he would eftsoones returne into Almanie, yet he agreed to reappose in Italy all the win­ter with a thowsande horsemen, and two thowsande footemen, so that they woulde make pay to him for euery moneth, of xxij. thowsand florins of Rhein: wherein whi­lest the action of this plot was solicited, with exspectacion of aunswer from Venice, he went from thence to Lomelline, at the tyme when there was loking to receiue him at Myllan, being a thing fatal & ordeyned to him (asw as wel approued by thexperi­ences following) not to enter into that citie: from Lomellina, with a mind chaunged, he turned his way to Cusagne six myles from Myllan, from whence contrary to all o­pinions, & vnweeting to the Duke and his Embassadors which were there, he went to Coma: where vnderstanding as he sat at dinner, that the Popes Legat, to whom he [Page 169] had sent that he should not follow him, was arriued: he arose from the table, & em­barked Caesar stealeth in haste into Iermany. with so great hast, that there was skarce leasure to the Legat to deliuer to him a few words within the barke: to whom he aunswered in short, that he was constray­ned to goe into Almanie, but that he would returne with speede: And albeit, after he was brought by the lake of Coma to Vellasie, he was aduertised that the Venetians would condiscend to all thinges that were agreed vppon at Pauya: yet he continued his voyage, and gaue them new hopes to returne to Myllan: But a very fewe dayes after, according to thinconstancie and variacion of his nature, he left one part of his horsemen and footebandes, and sayled directly into Almanie, hauing showed with a very litle honor to the name imperiall, his weaknes in Italy wherein long tyme be­fore had not bene seene any Emprours armed: Lodovvyk dispayring now by the go­ing away of Caesar (without new remedies for new accidents) to be able any more to draw Pysa to him selfe, and much lesse to keepe it out of the handes of the Venetians, withdrew from thence all his people, making it some consolacion to his displeasurs, that the Venetians onely should remeyne intangled with the warre against the Flo­rentyns: wherein also he nourished this perswacion, that the long trauells and per­plexities of both the one and other part, might with tyme rayse vp some occasions fauorable to his desires: By the departure of the bandes of Lodovvyk, the Florentyns whose power was strongest in the contrey of Pysa, recouered againe all the borowes about the hills: by reason whereof the Venetians, constrayned to leauy newe prouisi­ons to hinder their further procedings, adioyned so many bandes more to the com­panies The compu­tacion of the Venetian ar­mie within Pysa. Tarente and Caiette are rendred to Federyk new king of Na­ples. they enterteyned already within Pysa, that in all, their armie contayned foure hundred men at armes, seuen hundred light horsemen, & more then two thowsand footemen: In this meane while in the kingdom of Naples, there was almost an ende put to all the residue of the warre against the french: for that the towne of Tarente, pressed with famin, was rendred with her castells to the Venetians, who had beseeged it by sea, and who, after they had kept it certeine dayes, growing into suspicion that they would appropriat it to themselues, rendred it at last to Federyk, by the great in­stance of the Pope and the Kinge of Spayne: And as it was vnderstanded at Caietta, that the greatship Normain, hauing fought aboue the port Hercules with certeyne Genovvay shippes which she encowntred, and sayling afterwards in her course, was ouerbeaten with the rage of stormes, and drowned: So the french men that defen­ded Caietta, whether the new king was eftsoones marched with his campe, albeit the brute went that there were vittells & municions enough to beare out the seege cer­teine monethes: yet entring into thexamples and actions of their kinge, in whome they iudged woulde be as slowe disposicion to minister to their succours, as he was carelesse of so great a part of his nobilitie, and to reskew so many places holding for him: they accorded with Federyk, by the solicitacion of Monsr d Aubigny (who for some difficulties hapning in the assignement of the fortresses in Calabria, was not yet departed from Naples) to leaue the towne and castel, and returne by sea into Fraunce with safetie and protection of their liues and goods: By reason of this agreement, the french king seeing him selfe deliuered of so many cares and thoughtes to mini­ster succors to the kingdom of Naples, and on thother side, being indifferently gree­ued with the harmes and infamies of those warres, determined to sette vppon Genes: The french king deter­mineth to set vpon Genes. wherein he hoped much in the faction of Baptistyn Fregosa (aforetimes Duke of that citie,) and in the trayne and followers which the Cardinall of S. Peter ad vincla, had in the towne of Sauone, and in those riuers: he applyed also to the fauor of his deuise, the occasion and consent of the tyme, for that in those seasons Iohn Lovvys de fiesco, [Page 170] and the famulie of the Adornes, were in discorde, and all the Genovvays generally ill contented with the Duke of Myllan, both for that in the sale of Pietra Sancta, he had preferred the Lucquoys before them, and also, hauing promised to reduce it eftsoones to their hands, vsing in that action (the better to appease thindignacion conceiued against him) the authoritie of the Venetians, he had nourished them many moneths with vayne hopes: But for feare of this determinacion of the king, Lodovvyk (who for thoccasion of Pysa was almost estraunged from the Venetians) was compelled to knit of new with them, and to send to Genes the horsemen and footemen of the Al­mains which Caesar had left in Italy, for whome (if this necessitie had not happened) there would haue bene neither employment nor prouicion made.

Whilest these thinges were thus in deuise & solicitacion, the Pope (finding now a great oportunitie to occupy the estates of the Vrsins, for that the principals of that famulie were restrayned in Naples) pronownced rebells in the consistory, Virginio & the residue of that race, & confisked their estates, for that contrary to his commaun­dement they had taken pay of the french: After which beginning he proceeded in further action to assayle their landes, hauing ordred that the Colonnoys shoulde doe 1497. the like in all those places where they confyne with the Vrsins: This enterprise was much comforted by the Cardinall Askanius, no lesse for the auncient amitie he had with the Colonnoys, then for a setled dissention and disagreement interteyned of long against the Vrsins: The Duke of Myllan also gaue readily his consent, but it displea­sed not a litle the Venetians, in whome were secret desires to winne that famulie and draw them to their deuocion: And yet not being able with any iustificacions to hin­der the Pope from pursuing his rightes, and withall holding it nothing profitable in that tyme to alyenat him from them: they consented that the Duke of Vrbyn, Mer­cenary in common to the Pope and to them, should march to ioyne with the bands of the Church, ouer whom was Capteine general the Duke of Candia, and in the of­fice The Duke of Candia gene­rall of the Popes armie. of Legat, the Cardinall La luna borne at Pauya, A Cardinall wholly depending vpon Askanius: to this armie also, king Federyk of Naples sent Fabricius Colonne: This armie now drawne into a campe, after it had compelled many peeces to be rende­red, marched to incampe at Tryuignian, which towne menteyning a valiant defence for certeine dayes, yelded at last to discression: But during the defense of that towne, Bartlemevv d'Aluyano yssuing out of Bracciane, put to flight within eyght myles of Rome, foure hundreth horsemen that guided the artilleries to the campe Ecclesia­sticke: And an other day ronning with the same fortune euen to the crosse of Mont­marie, he lacked not much of taking the Cardinall of Valence, who comming out of Rome to the chasse, found his best safetie in the swiftnes of his horse: After the ren­dring of Tryuignan the campe drewe to the yle, where after they had battered one part of the rocke with thartillerie, they obteyned it by cōposicion: At length all the warre was reduced to Bracciana, where the Vrsins had layed vp all the hope of their defense: for that the place which had bene made stronge before, was of new refor­tefied with municions and rampiers, and the suburbes reenforced, hauing at the en­try thereof erected a bastyllion, and bestowed within it a sufficient strength of men vnder the gouernment of Aluyano, whose youth gaue him a body disposed, and his wit no lesse quicke and resolut, then his diligence incredible, increased in him (with exercise in armes) those hopes & exspectacions to the which in tymes succeeding, his actions were nothing inferior: The Pope ceased not to increase dayly his armie which he had of new refurnished with eyght hundreth launceknights of those that had bene employed in the warres of Naples: There were dayly skyrmishes and tryal [Page 171] armes on both partes, and that with great contencion, the campe without planting their artillerie in many seueral places, and they within, not forgetting to repaire and fortefie with present diligence and assurance: And yet within fewe dayes, the defen­dants were constrayned to abandon the suburbes, which being taken, the ecclesia­sticks gaue a furious assault to the towne, wherein albeit their fortune made them a­ble to aduaunce their enseignes vpon the walls, yet by the vertue of the defendants they were eftsoones forced to retyre, suffering a great losse, in which action was hurt Anthony Sauelle: The defendants expressed the like vallour in an other assault, repul­sing the ennemy with a furie more resolut & a losse more generall, for that two hun­dred of them were either slayne or very sore wounded, wherein appeared with great merit the particular vallour of Aluyano, to whom was iustly giuen the principall glo­ry of that defense: for that within, he was of a liuely readines to all offices necessary, and without, with continuall erupcions and sallies, he kept tharmie of thennemie day and night in alarams: In this speciall action, he added much to his reputacion, that by his disposing, certeine light horsemen yssuing out of Ceruette (which the Vr­sins helde) should make incursions euen to the campe, and he him selfe taking thoc­casion of this tumult, charged them out of the towne, & put to flight the footebands that garded the artilleries, of which, he caried into Bracciana certeine small peeces: And albeit at length, rather ouerlayed with numbers, then ouercome in vallour, he and his companies were ouerwearied with the continuall trauells and perplexities of that warre, hauing neither the day nor the night fauorable to their quietnes: yet they began eftsoones to readresse them selues with hope of succors, for that Charles Vrsin, and Vitellozze, who was knit to the Vrsins by a bond of the faction of Guelffes, & being now passed into Italy vpon the vessells of Prouence come to Lyuorne, with mo­ney of the french king to reerect their bandes dispersed in the kingdome of Naples: they prepared to succor them in so great a daunger: for which cause Charles went to Soriana, to reassemble the olde souldiers, frendes and followers of the Vrsins: and Vitellozzo in Citta de Castello made the like leauy of the souldiers and footemen of the contrey, adioyning with great diligence, his whole strength to Charles at Soriano, ha­uing in his regiment two hundreth men at armes, and xviij. hundreth footemen of his owne, with proporcion of great artillerie vppon wheeles after the manner of Fraunce: By reason whereof the Capteines ecclesiastick, foreseeing that if they mar­ched forward, it could not but be daungerous to be inclosed in the middest of a cir­cle, betwene the new succors, and the olde ennemies within Bracciana, and withall, holding dishonorable to the renowme of merit and vallour, to leaue them in pray al the contrey thereaboutes, wherein he had sackt and made hauocke of diuerse bo­rowes: they leauied their campe from before Bracciana, and retyring all their great artilleries within Anguillare, they marched directly to that quarter where thenne­mies The encown­ter of Soriana were: And encowntring them betwene Soriana and Bassan, they fought toge­ther with great furie for certeine howers: But in the ende (the successe of warres de­pending chiefly vpon the innocencie of the quarrell) albeit at the entry into the en­cownter, thecclesiasticks tooke prisoner Franciot Vrsin, yet their whole campe was put to flight, with the losse of their baggage and artilleries: They lost, what in the slaughter, and by taking prisoners, more then fiue hundred men, Amongest which prisoners were the Duke of Vrbyn, Iohn Peter of Gonsague Count of Nugolare, with many other bodies of marke: the Duke of Candia, lightly hurt in the face, and with him the Popes Legat, and Fabrice Colonne found safetie by fleeing into Roncillon. A­boue all the residue, Vitellozze caried the honor and merit of this victorie, for that [Page 172] the bandes of footemen of Citta Castello, who had bene afore trayned and managed by him and his brethren, with the orders and disciplines of the french, were that day greatly ayded by his industrie, & hauing armed them with pykes longer by an arme length then those which were customably vsed, they had so much aduauntage when they came to the shock with the footemen of thēnemies, that wounding them with the oddes of length in their pykes, they put them easily to the chase, so much the more to their greater honor, by how much in the contrary battell, there were eight hundred footemen of thAlmaines, of which nation the infanterie of Italy, haue had a continuall feare euer since the discending of king Charles: After this victory, the vi­ctors begon to ronne without resistance ouer all the contrey on this side Tyber, And afterward hauing passed part of their companies ouer the riuer beneath the hill Ro­tonde, they still inuaded those wayes where they supposed was any retrait for then­nemie: In regard of which daungers, the Pope applying his witts to the necessities of his affayres, studying to make a new leauy of men of warre, called to his succors from the kingdom of Naples, Consaluo, and Prosper Colonne: And yet not many dayes after, what by the diligence of thEmbassadors of Venice, to doe pleasure to thVrsins, and the solicitacion of the king of Spayne, fearing least these beginnings would draw some ill consequence or innouacion to the league: A peace was made, with a most ready inclinacion aswell of the Pope, who naturally hated exspences, as of the Vr­sins, who being no lesse poore in money, then naked in frendes, knew that their neces­sitie in the ende would compell them to yeld to the power of the Pope: The articles Capitulacions betwene the Pope and the Vrsins. of the Pope were these: That it shoulde be suffered to the Vrsins to continue in the paye of the french till the ende of the tyme for the which they were hyered by the king, with expresse mention that they shoulde not be bownde to take armes against the Church: That all the places which they had lost in this warre should be resto­red, paying to the Pope fifty thowsand duckats, of the which thirty thowsand to be payd assoone as Iohn Iordan and Pavvle Vrsin shoulde be set at libertie, (for Virginio not many dayes before dyed within the castell of the egge, either of an ague, which was naturall, or by poyson which was violent and therefore much suspected) and the other twenty thowsand duckats within eight monethes: for assurance of which pay­ment, Anguillare and Ceruetre should be committed of trust into the keeping of the Cardinalls Askanius and S. Seuerin: That all the prisoners taken in the iorney at So­riana, shoulde be redeliuered, except the Duke of Vrbyn, for whose libertie, albeit thEmbassadors of the confederats made great trauell, yet the Pope would solicite nothing: for that he knew the Vrsins had ho meane to rayse the money they were to pay to him but by the raunsom of the Duke, for whome a litle after, was agreement made for xl. thowsand duckats, but with this adiection, that he should not be deliue­red afore Pavvle Vitelli (who remeyned prisoner to the Marquis of Mantua at the rendring of Atella) had obteyned his libertie without paying any raunsom.

The Pope hauing thus to his litle honor dispatched his hands of the warre against the Vrsins, made distribucion of money to the companies which Consaluo brought with him, whom ioyning to him his owne bandes, he sent to take Ostia as yet holden in the name of the Cardinall of S. P. ad vincla: wherein his successe communicating with his common fortune, was no lesse easie then speedy, for that assoone as he had braked his artilleries, the castell keeper rendred all to discression: After which victo­ry, Consaluo en­treth Rome. Consaluo made his entry into Rome almost in maner triumphant, with a hundreth men at armes, two hundreth light horsemen, & fifteene hundred footemen, all soul­diers of the spanish, leading before him as prisoner the castell keeper, whome a litle [Page 173] after he set at libertie: There came to meete him many Prelats of the Popes how­shold, with Cardinalls, followed with much people, and almost all the Court ron­ning with great desire to see a Capteine whose name bare so great fame and merit in Italy: By those Prelats he was led to the presence of the Pope sitting in the consisto­ry, who receiuing him with great honor, gaue him in testimony of his vallour, the rose which Popes are wont to bestow euery yeare: After this, Consaluo returned to reioyne eftsoones with king Federyk, who had inuaded the estate of the Prefect of Rome, and resumed all those places, which taken from the Marquis of Piscaire in the conquest of the kingdom, were bestowed vpon him by the french king: And hauing taken Sore and Arci (but not the castells,) he lay incamped before the rocke Guillau­me, for that he had had by accord the estate of the Count d'Olyuer, before he sold his Duchie of Sora to the Prefect of Rome.

But as there is no earthly blisse so perfect, which hath not his aleye with some bit­ternes or bale, nor no prosperitie so well assured, which draweth not with it his pro­per aduersities: So notwithstanding these felicities heaped vpon Federyk, yet he was not without his perplexities, not onely by his frendes, seeing Consaluo kept one part of Calabria in the name of the king of Spayne, but also of his enemies reconciled: for that the Prince of Bisignian, being one euening sore hurt by a certeine Greeke, as he went out of the new castell of Naples, the Prince of Salerne was in such feare that the blow was giuen by the kings commaundement in reuenge of thoffences passed, that immediatly (not dissembling the cause of his suspicion) he went from Naples to Sa­lerna: And albeit the king sent to vse at his will, the Greeke deteyned in prison, to iustifie (as the truth was) that he had giuen the blow for an iniurie to him done by the Prince of Bisignian in the honor and person of his wife: yet (in auncient & great grudges it is hard to establish a faithfull reconciliacion, for that it hath his propper impediments either by suspicion, or desire of reuenge) the Prince of Salerne coulde neuer after dispose him self to trust him: which ielousie, giuing yet some hope to the french (keeping still the Mont S. Ange, and other stronge places,) of some new inno­uacion or insurrection in the kingdom of Naples, procured them with more constan­cie to stand to their defenses.

In these seasons, were tokens and demonstracions of farre greater daungers in The french prepare new enterprises a­gainst Italy. Lombardye, by the emocions of the french, assured for the present by the threatnings of the Spanish: for that passing betwene them, rather light incursions and apparan­ces of warre, then any thinge of notable action, sauing that the french burned the towne of Sausses: They had begon a parley of accord, and for the more easie negoci­acion of it, had made a surceasing of armes for two monethes: By meane whereof the french king, hauing a more facilitie to harken after the affayres of Genes and Sa­uona, dispatched to Ast an armie of a thowsand launces, three thowsand Svvyzzers and a like number of Gascoyns, aduertising Tryuulso his Liefetenant in Italy, to applye aydes to Baptistyn and the Cardinall of S. P. ad vincla: his intencion was to send af­ter, the Duke of Orleans with a stronge armie, to execute in his proper name then­terprise of the Duchie of Myllan: And to make more easie thaccion of Genes, he sent Octauyan Fregose to require the Florentyns to inuade at the same tyme Lunigana and the riuer of the East, ordeyning also that the sowtherne riuers should be troubled by Pavvle Baptysta Fregose with seuen gallies: This enterprise was begon with such a­stonishment to the Duke of Myllan, not prepared sufficiently of him selfe, and lesse sewertie of the aydes promised by the Venetians: that if it had proceeded with the same directions and councells, it coulde not but haue brought forth some effect of [Page 174] importance, and more easily in the Duchie of Myllan, then in Genes: for at Genes Iohn Lovvys de fiesque, & the Adornes, who were entred into reconcilement by the meane of Lodovvyk, had leauyed many bandes of footemen, and rigged at the charges of the Venetians and Lodovvyk an armie at sea, to the which were ioyned six gallies sent by Federyk: But the Pope interteyning the name of a confederat, more in councells and demonstracions, then in workes and meaninges, woulde not in those daungers contribute to any exspenses, neither by sea nor land: The proceedings of this expe­dicion were that Baptistyn, and with him Tryuulce, marched to Nony, of which towne Baptistyn had ben despoiled afore by the Duke of Myllan, but not of the castell, which he had alwayes kept, and held yet: But by reason of their comming in such stronge order, the Count Caiezze, which was there in garrison with threescore mē at armes, two hundreth light horsemen, and fiue hundred footemen, distrusting muche to be able to defend it, retyred to Sarauall: The conquest of this towne augmented great­ly the reputacion of the banished: for besides that the towne is capable of many people, it stoppes the passage from Myllan to Genes, and by reason of thopportunitie and seate of the place, it is very conuenient to endomage the contrey assisting: After this, Baptistyn made him selfe Lord of certeine other peeces neare to Nony, and at the same tyme the Cardinall with two hundreth launces, & three thowsand footemen, hauing taken Ventimille, coasted ouer to Sauona, where finding no insurrection by the inhabitants, and hauing espiall that Iohn Adorne approched with a stronge bande of footemen, he retyred to Altare, A place of the Marquis of Montferat distant eyght myles from Sauone: But Tryuulce in the beginning, did an action of greater impor­tance: for that hauing a desire to giue occasion to kindle the warre in the Duchie of Myllan, notwithstanding the kinges commission was to execut first the affayres of Genes and Sauone: he tooke Bosco a borow of great importance in the contrey of A­lexandria: Wherein this was his pretext & cooler, that for the sewertie of the bands which were gone to the East riuers, it was necessary to take from those of the Duke, the meane to goe into Alexandria vpon the landes of the Genovvays: But tempring his desire, with regard to the kinges commaundement, which he thought not reaso­nable to impugne manifestly, he forbare to passe further, losing a most fayre occa­sion: for that all the contrey there about drew into great sturre and tumult for the taking of that place, some for feare, as the multitude popular, some for desire of in­nouacion, which commonly is familiar with the condicion of witts least moderat: And of that side, there was no greater strength for the Duke, then fiue hundreth men at armes, and six thowsand footemen: besides, Galeas de Saint Seuerin, who was with in Alexandria began to distrust his defense without greater forces: And Lodovvyk him selfe, being vexed yet but with apparances and threatnings, showing him selfe no more tymorous in this aduersitie, then by the propertie of his nature he expres­sed in all other accidents, solicited the Duke of Ferrara to worke some accorde be­twene the french king and him: But the soiorning of Tryuulce betwene Bosco & No­ny, gaue sufficient tyme to Lodovvyk to furnish him selfe, and good respit to the Ve­netians (who seeming most ready and prepared for his defense, had sent afore to Ge­nes fifteene hundreth footemen) to send into Alexandria, bandes of men at armes & light horsemen: yea the Venetians appoynted the Count Petillane generall of their regimentes, (for that the Marquis of Mantua was withdrawne from their paye) to marche with the moste parte of their companies to the succors of that state: Thus thinges begon with so great hope, now growing cold, Baptistyn hauing nothing pro­fited at Genes, (for the citie was quiet for the prouisions that were made) returned to [Page 175] ioyne with Tryuulce, publishing that his exployts brought forth no successe of ser­uice, for that the riuer of the leuant was not assayled by the Florentyns, who iudged it not a councell wise to enter into warre, if first the thinges of Fraunce appeared not more prosperous and more puisant: In like sort came and ioyned with Tryuulce, the Cardinall ad vincla, by whom was done no other execution, then that he had taken certeine places of the Marquis of Finale, for that he declared him self for the defense of Sauone: The french armie drawne now all into one strength, made certeine offers to Castellat, a place neare to Bosco which had bene afore tyme fortefied by the Cap­teines of the Duke: But the armie of the confederats which reassembled in Alexan­dria, increasing dayly in qualitie of souldiers and quantitie of prouisions: And of the contrary, both money and vittells beginning to fayle amongest the french, and their Capteines not a litle impatient to obey Tryuulce, it was necessary for him to leaue Nony and Bosco to garrison, and retyre neare the towne of Ast.

It was beleued that the distribucion of the bandes into seuerall places, brought great harme to thenterprise, as often tymes hapneth in the like examples: And that if they all ioyned into one strength, had bene at the beginning addressed to Genes, thexpedicion perhaps had drawne some better successe: seeing that besides thincli­nacion of factions, and indignacion conceiued for Pietra santa, one part of the horse­men and footemen of the Almains, which the Duke sent thether, reuolted from the seruice and returned vpon the suddeine into their contrey: It might be also, that e­uen those who the yeare before had hindred the kinges discending into Italy, and the succors of the kingdom of Naples, applying now the same meanes, did giue impedi­ments to the present enterprise by the difficultie of prouisions: This likelihood of truth was iustified with a brute that ronne, that the Duke of Myllan (to the oppressi­on of his subiectes) made great presents to the Duke of Burbon, and others that had grace and fauor with the king, in which infamie the Cardinall of S. Mallovv had not the least interest: But whatsoeuer was in it, it is most certeine that the Duke of Orle­ans appoynted to passe to Ast, and called vppon by the vehement solicitacion of the king, made all his preparacions necessary for thexpedicion: But he lingred, either for that he distrusted the continuacion of the prouisions, or, (as some interpret) he had no forwardnes to depart out of Fraunce, the king being continually ill disposed of his health, and (in case of sterrilitie) the succession of the crowne apperteyning to him.

But the king reaping no frute of his hope for the mutacion of Genes and Sauona, continued with more diligence his practises begonne with the King and Queene of Spayne, which hetherto had bene lingered for this onely difficultie, that the frenche king desiring that he might be in libertie to prosecute his enterprises on this side the Mountes, would not that in the truce then in negociacion, should be comprehēded the things of Italy: And the kings of Spayne, showing that they made no difficultie to consent to his will for other respect then in regard of their honor, solicited much that the Italian actions might be comprehended, alleaging that the common inten­cion of them both being to make a trusse, to thende a peace might more easily suc­ceede, they might afterwards with greater libertie of honor & honestie, depart from the confederacion which they had with thItalians: In so much that after many mee­tings and discourses of thEmbassadors of both sides, (the Spanish suttelties in thend carying it) they made a trusse for them, their subiectes, and dependants, and also for such as either of them should name: which trusse beginning betwene them the fift day of march, (but betwene such as shoulde be nominated, fifty dayes after,) shoulde [Page 176] last vntill the ende of the next October: Euery one of them named those estates & Potentats of Italy which were their confederats & adherents, but the kings of Spaine named moreouer king Federyk and the Pysans: After this, they agreed to send men to Montpellyer to sollicit a peace, where were to assemble thEmbassadors of the confe­derats: In this practise the kinges of Spayne gaue hope to vnite them selues with the french king against thItalians vnder a certeyne occasion iustificable, and from that tyme, they commoned of factions & meanes to deuide the kingdom of Naples: The trusse, albeit it was made without the participation of the confederats of Italy, yet it was agreeable to them all, but specially acceptable to the Duke of Myllan, to whom nothing was more welcome then the meane to make cease the warre in his quarter: But the power remeyning free to offend one an other in Italy, vntil the xxv. of April, Tryuulce, Baptistyn, and Sereuon taking the aduauntage of that article, returned with fiue thowsand men to the riuer of the Sowth, where they assaulted the towne of Al­binge, which albeit they had almost caried at the first assault, yet they suffered repulse by a very small strength of thennemie, for that their entry was in disorder: After­wards they fell vpon the Marquisdom of Finale, to giue occasion to thItalian armie to make to their succors, hoping by that meanes to draw them to battell: which not succeedinge accordinge to their exspectacion, they did no further action of impor­tance, the discord of the Capteines continuing in increasing, & their payments fay­ling dayly more and more by reason of the trusse: In which tymes, the confederats had recouered all their places lost before (except Nony) which also they obteyned at last by composicion, notwithstanding the Count Caiazze which had beseeged it, had bene repulsed: There remeyned in the power of the french no other thinge of the places conquered, then certeine litle townes in the Marquisdom of Finale: du­ring all which emotions and styrrs, the Duke of Sauoye, who had bene solicited on all partes with no small promises, and the Marquis of Montferat (whose gouernment had bene confirmed by the king of Romains to Constantyn of Macedonia) stoode new­ters, declaring neither for the king nor for the confederats.

In this yeare was nothing done of importance betwene the Florentyns & the Py­sans, notwithstanding the warre continued without intermission: sauing that the Py­sans led, vnder the direction of Iohn Pavvle Mantfron foure hundred light horsemen, and fifteene hundred footemen, to recouer their bastyllion vppon the bridge of the poole, which they lost when the Emprour went to Lyuorne: The Count Riuucce ha­uing espiall of this enterprise, put him selfe vpon the way of Lyuorne, to reskewe the bastyllion with a good trowpe of horsemen: the Pysans not looking to be charged but by the way of Pontadere, were set vpon as they begon to assault the bastyllion, & being easily put to the chasse, many of them were made prisoners: But at last, armes and actions of warre ceased also betwene them, by reason of the trusse, notwithstan­ding it was with an ill wil accepted of the Florentyns, who iudged it very inexpedient for their affayres to giue leasure to the Pysans to take breath, seeing withall, that not­withstanding the trusse, necessitie compelled them to continue the same expenses, both for dowt of Peter de medicis, alwayes conspyring against them, and for feare of the Venetian bandes within Pysa, pyring to the soueraigne imperie of the whole.

Thus armes being layd a side on all partes, or at least at poynt to cease from all a­ction: The Duke of Myllan pra­ctiseth a­gainst the Venetians tou­ching Pysa. The Duke of Myllan, albeit in his latest daungers, he had expressed with what great contentment he embrased the Senat of Venice for the ready and full succours he had receiued from them: no lesse exalting with publike and heroicall words the vertue and power of the Venetians then greatly commending the prouidence of Iohn [Page 177] Galeas first Duke of Myllan, for that he had committed to the faith of the same Se­nat thexecution of his Testament: yet hauing no patience to endure that the pray of Pysa, followed by him with so many paynes and practises, should be transferred to them, as was likely in manifest apparance of reason, And therefore assaying to ob­teyne with industrie and councell, that which he could not winne with armes and force: he so wrought, that the Pope, and the Spanish Embassadors (to both which such a greatnes of the Venetians was displeasing) should set downe, that to leaue to the french no foundacion in Italy, as also to reduce all into one concord, it were ne­cessary to induce the Florentyns to enter into the common league, causing Pysa to be restored to them, seeing otherwayes they could not be brought to it: for that so long as they were seperated from the residue, they would not cease to stirre vp the french king to discend into Italy, to whom in such an action, they might (hauing their scitu­acion in the middest of Italy) with their money, and with their forces, doe thinges of great importance: But this proposicion was impugned by thEmbassador of Venice, as very preiudiciall to their common safetie, alleaging withall thinclinacion of the Florentyns to be such to the french king, that not with this benefitt, it was not reaso­nable to trust them, if they deliuered not sufficient securitie to obserue the thinges they should promise: And that in a matter of so great estate, there was no other sew­ertie, then to put Lyuorne into the handes of the confederats: This was very artifici­ally alleaged by him, to thend to haue alwayes a greater meane to gaynesay the pro­posicion, knowing well they would neuer consent to commit to deputacion a place of such respect for their estate: wherein, the matter drawing afterwardes such suc­cesse as he loked for, he still opposed against it with such vehemencie, that the Pope and the Duke of Myllans Embassador, not daring to obiect against him for feare to estraunge the Venetians from their frendship, the deuise rested there: And there be­gon betwene the Pope and the Venetians a new plot to turne away with violence the Florentyns from the amitie of the french: (The ill condicions of that citie giuing co­rage to whom so euer would offend it.)

For from the beginning that thauthoritie popular was founded, there was not in­troduced those temperatures, which assuring the libertie with due and reasonable meanes, might haue bene the let, that the common weale should not haue bene dis­ordered Disorders in [...]loren [...] for the gouern­ment. by the ignorance and licence of the multitude: In so much that the Citi­sens of greatest qualitie and condicion, being lesse esteemed then seemed conueni­ent, and on thother side, their ambicion being suspected to the people, and many of­tentymes intruding into deliberacions waighty who were but litle capable, and the soueraigne Magistrate to whome was referred the summe of the most waighty af­fayres, being chaunged from two monethes to two monethes, the common weale was gouerned with a great confusion: To this was added the great authoritie of Sa­uonarola, whose auditorys were almost entred into secret intelligēce: And albeit ther were amongest them many honorable Citisens, and they surpassing in number such as were of thoppinion contrary, yet it seemed Magistracies and publike honors were distributed rather to those that followed him, then to others of better merit: And therefore the city being manifestly deuided, in thassemblies and councels pub­like, one faction charged an other, no man making conscience (which hapneth in states falne into diuision) to hinder the benefit publike, to embase the reputacion of his aduersaries: These disorders were so much the more daungerous, by howe much, for the long trauells and great exspenses suffered by the sayd citie, there was that yeare a generall darth and want of vittells of all natures, by reason whereof it [Page 178] might be presumed that the people vexed with hungar, would be desirous of newe thinges.

This ill disposicion of the ciuill affayres of Florence, gaue hope to Peter de medicis, P. de medicis determineth once againe to returne to Florenes. (who besides those occasions was pushed on by certeine particular Citisens) to be able with ease to be Maister of his long and iust desire: And therefore applying in­dustrie and diligence to thoportunitie of the tyme, he communicated his intencion with the Cardinall Saint Seueryn his auncient frend, and with Aluyano in whom he much reapposed for the merits of his vallour and long familiaritie: And herein be­ing also secretly incouraged by the Venetians, to whom it seemed that by the trauells of the Florentyns, the affayres of Pysa would be assured: he determined to surprise the towne of Florence, the rather being aduertised that they had created their supreame Magistrate (which they cal Gonfaloniere of iustice) Bernardyn de Nero, A man of aun­cient grauitie and authoritie, and had bene of a continued frendshipoe with his fa­ther and him: hauing in the same election ioyned to him in assistance of that Magi­stracie certeine others, in whom (for auncient merit and benefits) he supposed was no small inclinacion to his greatnes: The Pope fauored this plot with his full liking and consent, desiring to deuide the Florentyns from the frenche kinge with iniuries, seeing he could not separate them with benefits: Neither was the Duke of Myllan against it, to whom it seemed that albeit he could not make a foundacion or intelli­gence stable with that citie, because of the disorders of the present gouernment: yet, on thother side, he tooke no delite in the returne of Peter, aswell for the wronges he had done him, as for dowt least he should depend too much of the authoritie of the Venetians. But assoone as Peter had leauyed, what by his owne meanes, and with the ayde of his frendes and fauorers, as much treasure as he could possible, hauing recei­ued (as was beleued) some small quantitie in prest of the Venetians, he went to Siena, and after him Aluyano with the horsemen & footemen, marching alwayes by night, and by wayes particular, to thende his comming might be conceiled from the Flo­rentyns: P. de medicis ayded by the of Siena. At Siena, by the fauor of Iohn Iacques, and Pandolphe Petrucci principalls in that gouernment, and assured frendes to his house, he was secretly refurnished with bandes of souldiers: So that with six hundreth horsemen, & foure thowsand foote­men of choyse, two dayes after the truce was begon, (wherein they of Sienna were comprehended) he put him on the way to Florence, hoping that ariuing there by the breake of the day, and at vnwares, he should finde his entrey easie, either for the ge­neral disorder or special tumult, which he exspected would rise in his fauor: A plot which happely had drawne some good yssue for him, if fortune had not supplyed the negligence of his aduersaries: for, as in the beginning of the night, he was lodged in the tabernacles (certein smal houses vpon the high way) with intencion to march the residue of the night, so he was so hindred by wonderfull raynes and stormes con­tinuing long, that he could not present him selfe before Florence, till long space after P. de medicis fayleth of his enterprise. the sunne rising: A chaunce which gaue leasure to such as made profession to be his particular enemies (for the communaltie and all the rest of the Citisens stirred not, exspecting quietly what woulde be the yssue of thinges) to take armes with their frendes and followers, and to prouide that the citisens suspected should be called & restrayned in the publike pallaice by the Magistrats: And lastly to make them selues stronge at the gate which leades to Siena, was at their request Pavvle Vitelli ariuing there the night before, in his returne from Mantua: In so much as no commotion appearing in the citie, & Peter not stronge enough to force the gate (which he had approched within a bow shoote:) And after he had remeyned there foure howers, [Page 179] fearing with his daunger the suddeine comming of their men at armes, whome he thought (and his conceite was true) the Florentyns had sent for from the seruice of Pysa: he returned to Sienna where Aluiano parting from him, and let into Tody by the Gu [...]lffes, he sacked almost all the houses of the Gebelyns, and put to the slaughter liij. of the principall bodies of that faction: According to which example, Anthonie Sa­uelle entred into Terny, and Gattesquies, by the fauor of the Colonnoys, and lett into Vi­terby, did the like execucions against the Guelffes in both the one and the other place, and all the peeces thereabouts: without that the Pope prouided for so great disor­ders in the state ecclesiastike, because he abhorred all exspenses in like cases, & bea­ring by the propertie of his nature, no compassion to the calamities of others, he was nothing troubled with those thinges that offended his honor, so that his profits or pleasures were nothinge hindered: yet he coulde not auoyde the secret iustice of God, expressed in domesticall miseries, troubling his house with examples tragicall, and a whordom and crueltie horrible aboue all the barbarous regions: for where he had determined from the beginning of his election pontificall, to appropriat all tē ­porall greatnes to the Duke of Candia his eldest sonne: The Cardinall of Valence (who altogether estraunged from priesthood, aspired to thexercise of armes) hauing no patience to suffer that place to be vsurped by his brother, & enuying withall that The Cardinal of Valence killeth his brother the Duke of Candia, be­ing both the Popes sonnes. he had better part then he in the loue of Madonne Lucrecia their common sister: in­flamed with lust, and with ambicion (mighty ministers to all mischiefs) caused him to be killed one night as he rode alone in the streetes of Rome, casting his bodye se­cretly in the riuer of Tyber: The brute was (if such an enormitie be worthy to be be­leued) that in the loue of Mad. Lucrecia were concurrant, not onely the two brethren but also the father, who when he was chosen Pope, taking her from her husband be­ing inferior to her degree, he maried her to Iohn Sforce, Lorde of Pesere: And after­wards, not able to suffer her husband to be his corriuall, he made dissolucion of the The Pope abhominable in the lust of his daughter. mariage already consomated, hauing made proofe, before Iudges & delegats of his owne creacion, by witnesses subborned & afterwards confirmed by apostolicall sen­tence, that her husband was imperfect in the operacion of nature, and vnable to co­habitacion: The death of the Duke of Candia, afflicted not a litle the Pope burning aboue all other Popes in a vehement loue to his children: ‘And as it is the greatest tryall of wisedom and courage of men, to be temperat in mortall chaunces: so, such as are not accustomed to aduersities, haue least rule ouer their passions, & they that neuer felt but prosperitie, can litle iudge of the worthines of patience: This Pope was so vnacquainted with the accidents of fortune,’ & much lesse enured with earth­ly losses and priuacions, that from his infancie to that age all thinges had happely succeeded to him: the same making this affliction so greeuous and intollerable to him, that in the consistory, after he had with a great compassion of minde, and pub­like teares, greeuously bewayled his miserie, accusing many of his propper actions, and manner of liuing which he had vsed till that day: he assured with wordes full of efficacie, that hereafter he would gouerne his life with other thoughtes, and with a forme of liuing more moderat and ruled: And for a beginning he assigned presently certeine of the number of Cardinalls, to ioyne with him in the reformacion of ma­ners & orders of the Court: wherein after he had employed certeine dayes, at what tyme began to be manifest the author of the death of his sonne, (for the which at the first, he had the Cardinall Askanius and the Vrsins in stronge suspicion) he left there his former holy intencion, his teares, and all his complaints, and returned more dis­orderly then euer, to those thoughtes and operacions, wherin he had consumed his [Page 180] age till that day.

There hapned in those seasons new trauells within Florence, by reason of thenter­prise The faction and intelli­gence which Peter de me­dicis had in Florence is discouered. of Peter de medicis: for thintelligence and faction which he had with certeyne particlers in the citie, was disclosed: by reason whereof many noble Citisens were imprisoned, and some fled, And after the Magistrates had vsed meanes iudicial to ve­rifie the order of the conspiracie, not onely many were condemned to death which had solicited him to come and giuen him releefe of money: but also Bernardyn de Nero, to whom was imputed no other thing, then that knowing the practise, he had not reuealed it, which fault (of it selfe punishable by the head by the statutes of the Florentyns, and by thinterpretacion which most part of lawyers giue to the common lawes) was found so much the more haynous in him, by howe much he was chiefe Magistrate when Peter came to Florence, as if he had bene more greatly bownd to do the office rather of a person publike, then priuate: But the parents and kindred ap­pealing from the sentence, to the great councell of the people, and that by vertue of a law made when the popular gouernment was established: Those that had bene au­thors of the condemnacion, fearing least the compassion of the age, of the nobility, and of the multitude of parentes, woulde moderat in the mindes of the people, the straitnes of the iudgement, wrought so muche that they obteyned, that to the lesser nūber of the Citisens, should be referred the resolucion, whether the appeale should be suffered to be prosecuted or restrayned: wherein, being more stronge the autho­ritie and number of them which held it a thing daungerous, and no lesse drawing to sedicion, seeinge that the Lawes them selues suffered, that to auoyde tumultes, the statutes in like cases might be dispensed withall: some of those that helde the chiefe offices, were with great importunities, and almost by force, and with threatninges, constrayned to consent, that notwithstanding thappeale interposed, execucion was done the same night: To which extreame iustice, appeared more affectioned then the others, the followers of Sauonarole, not without his proper infamie, forbearing to disswade (euen his auditors) the violacion of a law published a few yeares before by him selfe as a statute conuenient and necessary for the preseruacion of the common libertie.

In this yeare, Federyk king of Naples, hauing obteyned of the Pope thinuestiture The Pope in­uesteth Vede­ [...] the kingdom of Naples. of the kingdom, and making his coronacion perfect with all solemnities, recouered by accord, Mont Saint Ange, which had bene valiantly defended by Dom Iulian de Lorraine, whom the french king left there: he reconquered also Ciuita, with other peeces holden by Charles de Sanguyn: And assoone as the truce was ended, he chas­sed out of the realme the Prefect of Rome, conuerting his forces to execute the like action vpon the Prince of Salerne, who being at last beseeged, in the rocke of Dyana, & abandoned of all succors, had permission to goe his way in safetie with his goods, leauing that part of his estate which he had not yet lost, in the handes of the Prince of Bisignian, with condicion to passe it ouer to Federyk, assoone as he vnderstoode that he was conduted in safetie to Sinigale.

About the ende of this yeare (the dyet which had bene transferred from Mont­pellier New practi­ses betvene the kinges of Fraunce and Spayne. to Narbonne, being afore interrupted by the immoderat demaunds of the king and Queene of Spayne) the french king & the sayd king of Spayne, returned eftsoones to new practises, wherein were founde the same difficulties that before: for that as the french king had determined not to consent to any accord wherein Italy shoulde be comprehended: so it was against the pollicie of the Spanyard to leaue him a liber­tie free, & a way open to subdue the iurisdiction of it: And yet it was farre from the [Page 181] desires of the Spanish to interteyne warres with him on thother side the Mountes, because it was a warre full of troubles and exspenses, and no hope of honor or pro­fit: At last the truce was concluded betwene them, to indure (without limitacion) till it were reuoked and two monethes after: There was no Potentat of Italy compre­hended in it to whom the king of Spayne gaue signification of the trusse and the ar­ticles and capitulacions of the same, alleaging that in him was no lesse power to resolue the contract without the knowledge of the other confederats, then the duke of Myllan made it lawfull (without their consent or priuitie) to conclude the peace of Verceill: And albeit (according to the forme and couenants of the league) he had begon the warre in Fraunce, and continued it many moneths, without receiuing one porcion of the money promised by the confederats, wherein he had iust occasion not to make care of them that had consented to his disappoynting: yet he had by many meanes and tymes aduertised them, that if they would make payment of the hundreth and fifty thowsand duckats, which they ought to him for the exspenses of the warre he had made, he was contented to accept that payment, in reckoning of all other actions and enterprises hereafter (hauing determined to enter Fraunce with a stronge armie:) Whereunto as the confederats would show no wil or inclinacion, and much lesse keepe faith, or be carefull ouer the common safetie: So he in that re­gard, and seeing withall that the league made for the libertie of Italy, was turned in­to an vsurpacion and oppression of the regions of the same, for that the Venetians not contented with so many portes falne to their share in the kingdom of Naples, had made thē selues Lordes ouer Pysa without any right he could not but hold it indiffe­rent, reasonable, and iust, seeing by others, the affayres common were disordered, to prouide for his owne particular with a truce, bearinge notwithstandinge suche a forme and manner, that it may rather be called an admonicion, then a will to seperat from the league: for that it was alwayes in his power to dissolue or reuoke it, which he would doe, when he shoulde discerne an other intencion, with other prouisions, in the Potentats of Italy, for the stay of the common benefit: About this tyme dyed Iohn Prince of Spayne, onely sonne to the Kinge and Queene, to whome the accident brought no small sorowes and heauines, for that, besides disappoynting of the suc­cession, his death gaue no litle impediments to the sweete delites & pleasures which they reckoned to reape in their new tranquillitie and rest.

To this was also ioyned the death of Phillip Duke of Sauoye, leauing for a posteri­tie, Phillip Duke of [...] one sonne of litle age, and therefore of no iudgement touching his exspectacion or towardnes: This late Duke, after he had wauered long tyme in suspense and new­tralitie, beholding all their actions without mocion or inclinacion particular, see­med at last to fauor the faction of the confederats, who had promised to pay him e­uery yeare, twenty thowsand duckats: And yet euery one of them had so great dout of his faith, that they could assure nothing of his promises and trueth, if the frenche king should discend to make any stronge enterprise.

With this yeare, ended the two yeares touching the deputacion of the castell of The castell of Genes ren­dred [...] Duke of [...] Genes, which the Duke of Ferrara, (receiuing it in trust) did eftsoones render to Lodo­vvyk his sonne in law: he first demaunded of the french king, that according to the capitulacions of Verceill, he would see him satisfied of the halfe of thexspenses em­ployed in the garde and keeping of it, whereof the king consented to make paymēt, so that the Duke would put into his handes the castell, as he sayd he was bownd for the inobseruacion of the Duke of Myllan: To this the Duke of Ferrara aunswered, that that was not verefied, and that to put the Duke of Myllan in contumacie, it were [Page 182] necessary to haue interpellacion: The kinge offered to committe the money into a third mans hand, to thende that afore payment were made, there might be constru­ction in iustice, reason, and lawe, whether he ought not to render to him the castell: But the instance made to the contrary by the Venetians and his sonne in lawe, caried farre more force in the fancie of the Duke of Ferrara: wherein he was not onely mo­ued by the prayers and solicitacions of Lodovvyk, who not many dayes before, had indued the Cardinall Hippolite his sonne, with tharchbishoprike of Myllan: but also he had regard to the daungers that threatned him, if he shoulde prouoke the malice of so mighty ennemies, specially at a tyme wherin was continuall diminucion of the hope that the french men would discend: So that, applying his actions to thinclina­cion of the tyme, he first called home from the Court of Fraunce, his sonne Ferrand, and then surrendred the castell to Lodovvyk, who satisfied all charges for keeping it, together with the porcion which apperteyned to the king to pay: By reason wher­of, the Venetians, to expresse how much they congratulated his doings, toke his sayd sonne into their pay, with a hundred men at armes: This restitucion made with no iustice, albeit was of great importance against the kinges reputacion in Italy, yet he dissembled the wronge, and made no such apparance of disliking as was conuenient to the grauitie of the dishonor: And that which more is, the Duke of Ferrara, excu­sing the action by an Embassador sent to his Maiestie, that by reason of the neigh­bourhood of the Venetians and Duke of Myllan, (both prepared to pronownce warre against him) he was constrayned to obey necessitie: yet the king gaue as negligent eare, as if the nature of the matter had bene light and trifling: Wherein this might be one reason of the kinges negligence, that, besides he proceeded almost at auen­ture in all his actions, yet he was ouerwearied with a continuall care and trauell of minde, ioyned to his auncient deuocion to repasse into Italy, hauing now greater oc­casions then euer, for that he had made truce with the king of Spayne, renewed thal­liance with the Svvyzzers, ‘and many late causes of disagreement hapned amongest the confederats: But as for the most part, matters of enterprise do nourish their pro­per impediments, and to Princes their desires doe seldom succeede, when their neg­ligence is more common then their resolucions certeine:’ so, the kinges disposicion was ouerruled with newe meanes subborned by suche as were in moste principall grace about him: Wherof some set afore him his pleasures, others encouraged him to embrase thenterprise, but with so mighty preparacions both by sea and lande, and with so great prouisions of money, as could not be refurnished but with a long space and interposicion of tyme, others made the action slowe & impossible by many dif­ficulties and obiections: And the Cardinal of S. Mallovv forgat not his accustomed delayes in thexpedicion of money: In so much, that not onely the tyme to marche into Italy, was more incerteine then euer: but also many things were suffered to sus­pend and miscary, which were almost brought to their perfection: for the Florentyns (continually incensing the king to marche) had contracted with him, to take armes on their sides, assoone as the warre should begin by him, and for that effect, they did agree that Monsr d'Aubigny with an hundred and fifty french launces (the hundred to be payed by the king, and the fifty to be mercenary by them) shoulde passe by sea into Tuskane, to be generall of their armie: And the Marquis of Mantua, who when he returned victorious from the kingdom of Naples, had bene dishonorably disap­poynted of the pay of the Venetians, for suspicion that he solicited to be mercenary to the french king: did now with great diligence and in good earnest, negociat with him to that ende: The new Duke of Sauoye was confirmed in his good amitie and [Page 183] alliance: Bentyuole promised to follow his authoritie, assoone as he were come into Italy: And the Pope, dowting whether he should ioyne with him, (as he was conti­nually labored) determined at the least not to be against him.

But all exspectacions began nowe to dissolue, and mens mocions and mindes to grow colde for the detraction and negligence which the king vsed: for that, neither his men of warre, (as was promised) passed into Italy to reassemble at Ast: neither was Monsr d'Aubigny dispatched, and much lesse money sent to pay the Vrsins & the Vitellis his souldiers, (A thing of no litle importance for the warre he ment to make) By reason whereof the Vitellis inclining to enter pay with the Venetians, the Floren­tyns who feared they shoulde not haue sufficient respit to giue aduertisement to the king, kept them interteyned for one yeare in common, for the seruice of the king & them selues: The king commended much these actions in them, but he made no ra­tificacion nor prouision of payment for his part: onely he sent Gemell to them, to in­treate them to lend him for the furniture of his enterprise, an hundred & fifty thow­sand duckats: Lastly, the king (as he did at other tymes) measuring the wils of others by his owne, left all thinges to confusion, and departed almost vppon the suddeine from Lyon, to goe to Tovvars, and then to Amboyse, with his accustomed promises to returne immediatly to Lyon.

For which respects, hope fayling in all those that followed his faction in Italy: Bap­tistyn The Duke of Myllan pro­secutes his practise a­gainst the Ve­netians. Fregose was the first that reconciled him selfe with the Duke of Myllan, who ta­king courage by these good euentes and successes, discouered euery day more and more, the ill disposicion he bare towards the Venetians for the regard of Pysa, solici­ting (with continuall importunities) the Pope, and the king of Spayne, eftsoones to call into question (but with more efficacie) A parliament for the restoring of the same citie: And the better to aduaunce the practise, the Florentyns, receiuing coun­cell and direction from him, dispatched an Embassador to Rome, but with a commis­sion quallified to proceede so aduisedly, that the Pope & the residue might perceiue, that if Pysa were rendred to them, they would ioyne in vnitie with the others for the defense of Italy, against the french: But in case the restitucion of the citie succeeded not, to keepe all things from the knowledge of the french, to whom they were care­full to giue any occasion to hold them dowtfull or suspected: This conference con­tinued many dayes at Rome, wherein was omitted nothing by the Pope, thEmbassa­dors Spanish, the Duke of Myllan, and the king of Naples, that might reasonably in­duce the Venetian Embassador to hold it necessary for the common sewertie of Ita­ly, that by the redeliuery of that citie, the Florentyns might participat in the generall league against the french: They told him that the Senat of Venice ought to consent thereunto together with others, to thende, that the rootes of all emotions and trou­bles being supplanted, there should remeyne to no estate or degree in Italy, any oc­casion to call eftsoones forreine armes ouer the Mountes: They told him also that if in that regarde the vnitie of Italy suffered impediment, there woulde perhaps be gi­uen, matter & occasion to others to take new councells, by the which (to the com­mon preiudice) might happen some alteracion of importance. But to this, was quite contrary the deliberacion of the Senat of Venice, who couering their couetousnes with many coolers, and no lesse perceiuing from whome proceeded principally so great an instance, made aunswer by the same Embassador, complayning not a litle that such a mocion proceeded not of a respectiue care to the [...]niuersall benefit, but of an ill tempered affection which some of the confederats bare to them: for that (sayth he) the Florentyns, hauing with the french men a secret affinitie and coniun­ction [Page 184] of minde, and being perswaded that by their returning into Italy, the most part of Tuskane woulde diuolue to their rule and iurisdiction: it was without dowt, that to reestablish them in Pysa, would not suffice to draw them from so ambicious incli­nacion: But of the contrary, the restitucion was a thing daungerous, for that by how much they should be mighty and stronge, by so much would they be hurtfull to the sewertie and quiet of Italy: he sayd that in this restitucion, it went of the honor and faith of euery one, but principally of their common weale, seeing the confederats hauing promised the Pysans with one consent to protect their libertie, & afterwards (euery one in particular putting an vnwilling hand to furnish thexpenses of the cō ­mon busines) imposed the whole burden vpon them alone, who (for that cause) had refused no charges, cares, nor trauells, it coulde not but turne to their speciall disho­nor, to leaue them abandoned when they were in most necessitie of staye and com­fort, and to withdraw their faith and promise, which though others esteemed litle, yet with them it had alwayes caried this reputacion, not to suffer stayne or violacion in any sorte: he alleaged it was a thinge moste greeuous to the Senat of Venice, that (without respect reasonable) others sought to lay vppon them by imputacion, that which had bene begon with one common and generall consent, and continued for the benefit of euery one, and that with so great an ingratitude, they were punished for their good workes: That thintollerable exspenses which they had defrayed in this enterprise and many others, ioyned to so many perills and trauells susteyned since the creacion of the league, deserued not such recompense & retribucion, their actions bearing that nature and quallitie both for exspenses, pollicie, and care, that they may say with reason and iustice, that Italy hath bene preserued by their meane: for that neither the battell of Taro was fought with other armes then theirs, nor the kingdom of Naples recouered with other forces then of their common weale: That no other armie constrayned Nouare to render, and chased the french king to returne beyond the Mountes: That no other strength then theirs, was opposed against him in Pyemont, as often as he assayed to returne: And that it coulde not be denyed that those actions proceeded not principally of the desire they had to protect the safetie of Italy, seing as their estates were alwayes furthest remoued from perills, so, for their occasion, there were no disorders hapned which they ought to readdresse or amēd: for they called not the frenche kinge into Italy, nor accompanied him when he was come ouer the Mountes, & much lesse for sparing their proper treasures, haue they suffered to fall into perill, the affayres common and vniuersall: No, rather necessitie and occasion haue so required, that the Senat of Venice did giue remedy to the dis­orders happened by the faultes of others, to the common harmes of the whole: All which operacions, albeit they were not knowē, or though they were so soone com­mitted to forgetfulnes, yet they would not for all that (forbearing the ill excusable example of others) defile neither the faith nor dignitie of their common weale, the rather, for that to the preseruacion of the libertie of the Pysans, was ioyned the sew­ertie and well doing of all Italy.

Whilest thinges passed in these practises amongest the confederats, with a mani­fest The death of king Charles the eyght. and generall disagreement, there hapned a newe accident, which engendred ef­fects diuerse and much different from the thoughtes of men: The night before the eyght day of April, king Charles dyed at Amboyse, of a catter he which the Phisicions cal apoplexie, the same rising in him with such abundance, as he beheld a match plai­ed at tennysse, that in fewe howers he ended at the same place his life, duringe the which, he had with greater importunitie then vertue, troubled the whole worlde, [Page 185] with great apparance of daunger to kindle eftsoones newe fiers of innouation and troubles: for that it was beleued of many, that being pushed forwardes with a vehe­ment desire to returne into Italy, he had in the ende, either of his proper knowledge, or by the emulacion of such as bare enuy to the Cardinall of S. Mallovv, remoued al the difficulties that had withholden thaction: In so much, that albeit in Italy (accor­ding to his variations) sometymes he increased, and sometymes he diminished the opinion that men had that he would marche: yet he kept them in continuall suspi­cion, and made his intencions to trouble their coniectures and councells: And for that cause, the Pope puffed with ambicion to rayse his sonnes, had begon already to solicit with him touching some secret innouacion, the Duke of Myllan hauing done the like (as was bruted) to thende he would not liue in continuall feare.

King Charles dying without yssue, the realme of Fraunce descended to Lovvys Lo [...]ys Duke of Orleans [...] the cro [...]ne. Duke of Orleans, as nearer in blud then any other of the masculyne lyne: to whome (remeyning then at Bloys) came to doe reuerence, the kinges garde, and all the gene­rall trayne of the Court, together with the nobilitie of the kingdome, by whome he was saluted as king with titles and inuocacions royall, notwithstanding some did se­cretly murmure, that (according to thauncient statutes of the lande) he was vnwor­thy to aspire to the crowne, against the which he had taken armes in the warres of Brittaine.

The day after the death of king Charles, (a day obserued in many places by a cele­bracion The death of Sauonar [...]a. and solemnitie of palmes) tooke ende the authoritie, life, and doctrine of Sa­uonarola: who hauing bene long tyme before accused by the Pope, that he preached slaunderously against the manners of the Clergy and Court of Rome, that he nouri­shed sects and discordes in Florence, & that his doctrine was not fully catholyke, and for those reasons called to Rome by many writs, refused to appeare there, alleaging many excuses: and therefore after much a doe he was at last (the yeare before) sepa­rated by the Pope with censures from the fellowship of the Church: of which sen­tence (hauing absteyned from preaching for certeine monethes) he had easily ob­teyned absolucion, if he had longer continued, for that the Pope, who held slender reckoning of Sauonarola, had proceeded against him more by the incensing and per­swacion of his aduersaries, then any other occasion: But he iudging that it was for his silence, that his reputacion came so to be diminished, or at least, that it brake the purpose for the which he stirred (for he was principally aduaunced for his vehemē ­cie in preaching) he fell eftsoones to despise the Popes commaundements, and re­turned publikely to his olde office, wherein affirming that the censures published a­gainst him were vniust & of no force, he opened his mouth eftsoones to blaspheme the Pope and the whole court of Rome with great vehemencie: of this arose no small emotion, for that his aduersaries (whose authoritie increased dayly in greatnes with the people) detested such inobedience rebuking the action, for that by his innouaci­on and rashenes, the Popes minde was drawne in vncerteinties and alteracion, in a tyme specially, wherein the restitucion of Pysa being negociated by him and the o­ther confederats, it was necessary to doe all thinges to confirme him in that inclina­cion: On the other side, his disciples and partakers defended and iustified him, allea­ging that men ought not for the regard of humane thinges, to trouble the operaci­ons diuine, nor consent that vnder such coolers, the Popes of Rome should begin to intrude into thaffayres of their common weale: But after there were certeine dayes spent in this contencion, & the Pope wonderfully inflamed, sending out new thun­derbolts with threates of censures against the whole citie: he was at last commaun­ded [Page 186] by the Magistrats of the citie to forbeare to preach, to whom though he obey­ed, yet diuerse of his brethren supplyed his office in sundry Churches: And the di­uision being no lesse amongest the spiritualtie then the layetie, the Fryers and bre­thren of other orders ceased not to preach feruently against him: arising at last into such high and malicious inflammation, that one of the disciples of Sauonarole, & one of the Frear minors, agreed to enter into the fier in the presence of the whole peo­ple, to thende that the disciple of Sauonarole either being burned or preserued, the people might be left satisfied and certeine whether Sauonarole were a Prophet or an abuser: seeing that at tymes afore, he had affirmed in his sermons, that for the iustifi­cacions of the truth of his prophecies, he could in all necessities obteyne of God the grace, to passe without hurt, thorow the middest of a flaming fire: And yet notwith­standing greuing not a litle with the resolucion made without his priuitie touching a present experience, he labored to breake it with all his deuises and diligence: But the matter being so farre proceeded of it selfe, and earnestly solicited by certeine ci­tisens desiring to haue the towne deliuered of so great troubles, it was necessary at last to passe further: In so much as the two religious brethren, accompanied with all their brotherhoods and couent, came at the day appointed to the place afore the publike pallaice, where was not onely a general concursse of the people of Florence, but vniuersall assemblies of the cities adioyning: There the Fryer Minors were ad­uertised that Sauonarole had ordeyned, that his disciple and brother entring the fire, should beare in his hand the Sacrament: which deuise they impugned greatly, allea­ging that there was sought by that meane to put in daunger thauthoritie of Christi­an faith, which in the mindes of thignorant would not a litle decline if that holy oste should be burned: by which contencion, Sauonarole being there present, & perseue­ring in his resolucion, there arose such factions and disagrements, that the action of experience proceeded no further, the same diminishing so much of his credit, that the day following in a tumult then hapning, his aduersaries tooke armes: whereun­to being ioyned thauthoritie of the souereigne Magistrat, they entred the Monaste­ry of S. Marke where he was, and drawing him out of the place, they ledde him with two other of his brethren to the common prisons: In this tumult, the parentes of those that had bene executed the yeare before, killed Francisque Vatori a Citisen of great authoritie, and the most apparant fauorer and follower of Sauonarole: the chief mocion inducing this quarrell, was, that aboue all others, his authoritie had depri­ued them of the facultie to haue recourse to the iudgement of the councell popu­lar: Sauonarole was afterwards examined with torments but not very greeuous, and vpon the examinacion, a processe published, which (taking away all imputacions that were layed on him for couetousnes, corrupcion of manners, or to haue had se­cret intelligence or practise with Princes) conteyned, that the matters by him pro­phesied, were not pronownced by reuelacion diuine, but by his propper opinion grounded vpon the doctrine and obseruacion of holy Scripture: Wherein he had not bene moued by any wicked intencion or purpose, & much lesse by that meane, to aspire to any office or greatnes in the Church: onely he had a holy desire, that by his meanes might be called a generall councell wherein might be reformed the cor­rupt customes of the Clergie, and the estate of the Church of God, (so farre wan­dred and gone astray) to be reduced, as neare as might be, to the resemblance of the tymes drawing nearest the Apostles: A glory, which, to giue perfection to so great and holy an operacion, he esteemed farre aboue the obteyning of the popedom: for that the one could not succeede but by meane of an excellent doctrine and vertue, [Page 187] and a singular reuerence of all men: where the Popedom most often was obteyned, either by sinister meanes, or else by the benefitt of fortune: vppon which processe confirmed by him in the hearing & presence of many religious persons euen of his owne order, but (if that be true which his owne faction bruted afterwardes) with wordes darke, and such as might receiue diuerse interpretacions: there were taken from him and his two other companions with ceremonies instituted by the church of Rome, the holy orders, and that by sentence of the generall of the Iacobins and of the Bishop Romolyn, Commissioners delegate by the Pope: And so being passed o­uer to the power of the secular Court, they were (by their iudgements) hanged and burned, being at the spectacle of the degradacion & execucion, no lesse multitudes of people, then at the day of the experience of entring the fire, when was an infinit concursse to beholde the yssue of the miracle promised by Sauonarole: This death constantly endured (but without expressing any word whereby might be discerned, either their innocencie or fault) quenched not the diuersitie of iudgements and pas­sions of men: for that many supposed he was but an abuser: and others (of the con­trary) beleued, that the confession that was published was falsely forged, or per­haps, in his aged and weake complexion, the torments had more force then the truth: wherin they excused that manner of frailtie with the example of S. Peter, who neither imprisoned, nor constrayned with torments, or by any other extraordinary force, but at the simple wordes of the handmaides and seruantes, denied that he was the disciple of his Maister, in whom he had seene so many holy miracles.

The ende of the third booke.

LOWYS Duke of Orleans succeedeth to the crowne of Fraunce: he determineth to recouer his Duchie of Myllan: Pysa and Florence make warre: Lodowyk Sforce fleeth from Myllan: the Florentyns giue batterie to Pysa, and agree with the french king: Pope Alexander aspireth for his sonne to the iurisdiction of Romagna: Lodowyk Sforce recouereth Myllan, but being betrayed by the Swyssers, he is taken, and led into Fraunce.

THE FOVRTH BOOKE OF THE historie and discoursse of Guicciardin.

IT was almost an vniuersall coniecture amongest thItalians, that by the death of king Charles, al the regions of Italy were now deliuered of those feares, afflictions, & daungers which the power and nation of the french did threaten: Their o­pinions were induced by this reason, that the newe Kinge Lovvys presently ascended to the crowne, would not intan­gle Lowys 1 [...]. the beginning of his raigne with forrein warres, hauing first to looke with great study into the state of his owne go­uernment [Page 188] at home, which commonly to kinges newly inuested, bringes many cau­ses of new councells & alteracions: But the spirits of such as discoursed with iudge­ment vpon the trayne and euent of things, nourished alwayes a secret suspicion, that thafflictions that then were but defferred, would with tyme redouble, and rise grow­ing to greater daungers and more generall harmes, specially so great an Empire be­ing falne vpon a king rype in age, full of experience, ruled in his councells, resolut in action, moderat in exspenses, and in all things (without comparison) holding more of him selfe, then did his predecessor: and to whom withal, did apperteyne (as in the right of the crowne of Fraunce) not onely the inheritance of the realme of Naples, But also he menteyned that the Duchie of Myllan was his freehold by the successi­on The title of the french king to the Duchie of Myllan. of the Lady Valentina his grandmother, who was maried by Iohn Galeas Visconte his father (afore that, of viccare of thEmpire, he had obteyned the title of the Duke of Myllan) to Lovvys Duke of Orleans, brother to kinge Charles the sixt: At which mariage, there was added to the state of the dowrye (which was the citie & contrey of Ast with great summes of money) an expresse condicion, that as often and when so euer as the lyne masculyne of the sayde Galeas shoulde fayle, the Lady Valentina should succeede to the Duchie of Myllan, or she being dead, her next heires and dis­cendents: which couenant albeit stronge enough of it selfe, was confirmed (if the frenche tradicions be true) by the authoritie of the Pope (thimperiall seate beinge voyd at that tyme, for the Popes of Rome pretend that the administracion of thEm­pire vacant belongeth to them:) by which meanes, the blud male of Iohn Galeas, de­termining afterwards by the death of Phillipp Maria Visconte, Charles Duke of Orle­ans, sonne to the Lady Valentina, began to pretēd to the succession of the sayd duke­dom: But as thambicion of Princes is ready to helpe on their titles with euery ap­parant coler, so there aspired at the same time to the sayd dukedom, not only thEm­prour Federyk, alleaging that it was reuerted to the Empire, for that the lyne nomi­nated in thinuestiture made to Iohn Galeas by Vincislaus king of Romaines, was extinct and dissolued: But also Alphonso king of Aragon and Naples, who was instituted heire by the Testament of Duke Phillipp: And amongest the residue, Frauncis Sforce with a fortune, force, and felicitie, more fauorable then the others, quarrelled the same ti­tle, who to giue a better shadowe to the armies which he leuyed in that cause, allea­ged that his wife Blanche, the onely daughter (but a bastard) of Phillipp, had peculiar interest in that succession: So that Charles Duke of Orleans, who (being taken priso­ner at the battell of Agincourt in the warres betwene thenglish and french, and re­meyning restrayned in England xxv. yeares) was able to doe nothing, by reason of his pouertie and hard fortunes to iustifie his title, and much lesse could he obteyne ayde of king Lovvys the xj. notwithstanding he was his nearest kinsman: the reason was, that the same king, in the beginning of his raigne, was much molested and ma­nifestly inuaded in diuerse partes of his kingdom, by the great Lordes and Barons of the same, shadowing their conspiracies with a showe of publike profit: But because the king saw that their intencions drew with them priuat regardes and particular in­terests, he kept them alwayes in bridle, and esteemed his estate and sewertie to con­sist in the embasing of the great ones of his realme, but chiefly his nearest competi­tors: And for that reason, Lovvys Duke of Orleans sonne to Charles, albeit he was his sonne in law, could draw no fauors or succors from him: the same driuing him, after the death of his sayd father in law, together with his impaciēce that the Lady Anne Duchesse of Burbon the kinges sister, was preferred afore him to the gouernment of Charles the eyght then in minoritie, to trouble Fraunce with a very slender successe, [Page 189] and after retyred into Britain with a worse fortune: for ioyning with those that were against thintencion of Charles, to obteyne Brittain by marying with Anne heire of the state by the death of Frauncis her father leauing no yssue male, (yea aspiring se­cretly to the same mariage) he was taken in an encownter betwene the french and the Brittons neare S. Aulbyn in that contrey, & from thence led prisoner into Fraunce, where he remeyned two yeares: In so much as fayling then of meanes, and finding no succors in king Charles after he was out of prison, he ioyned no further action to that enterprise, but when the king left him within Ast, he made him selfe Lord of No­uaro with a very litle profit: But being now become king of Fraunce, he held nothing of greater affection, then to reconquer the Duchie of Myllan as a succession iustely apperteyning to him: This desire planted in him from his youth, was eftsones won­derfully increased and aduaunced, by the successe he had at Nouaro, and withall, for that he greatly hated Lodovvyk Sforce by reason of the insolent demonstracions and behauiors which he vsed to him, when he had the kings deputacion in Ast: Therfore, not long after the death of king Charles, by resolucion set downe in his elect councel, [...] 12. [...] of Myllan. [...] he intitled him self not only king of Fraunce, and (for the regard of the realme of Na­ples) king of Ierusalem & both the Cycillyes, but also soueraigne Duke of Myllan: And because he would make knowen to the world what was his inclinacion to the things of Italy, he wrote letters full of amitie and congratulacion touching his ascending to the crowne, to the Pope, the Venetians and the Florentyns, and withall dispatched mē of speciall credence, to giue hopes of new enterprises, but chiefly of his determina­cion to conquer the Duchie of Myllan: wherin the tyme running, nourished for him many fauors and oportunities, for that the death of his predecessor had innouated in the mindes of the Italians many new humors & inclinacions, much differing from the cogitacions & purposes they had afore: for the Pope (whose ambicious thoughts could not be satisfied if Italy stoode in tranquillitie) wished that thinges might grow to hurly burly, seeking his peculiar aduauncement in the common diuision of prin­cipallities and states: A desire not vnlikely to deriue from such a mind, ‘to whom all thinges were hatefull that held of equitie, conscience, or religion, and nothing vnsa­uery that smelled of troubles, innouacion, and chaunge: And the Venetians, being now deliuered of the feare they had of king Charles for the wronges & iniuries they had done him,’ expressed manifestly that they had no distrust in the new king, which disposicion increased dayly more and more: for that Lodovvyk Sforce (notwithstan­ding he knew that he had to doe with an ennemy more mighty and lesse plyable) fe­ding him selfe with this hope, (the same also beguiling Federyk of Aragon) that the frenche kinge coulde not with such expedicion execute any action on that side the Mountes, forbare not to oppose him selfe against the Venetians in the quarrell of Py­sa, wherein his spyte present would not let him see the daunger that was to come: an error familiar with Princes ambicious, ‘who measuring the euent of things more by their propper fancie and imaginacion, then by any rule or comparison of tymes and reasons, are often in that securitie, caried to their vndoing, as men that wander and beleue an eccho which beguiles them to their extreame ruine: The Florentyns one­ly began to estraunge them selues in minde from the amitie of the french:’ for albeit this new king had bene their protector afore, yet now that he is made great with the estate & dignitie of the crowne, he had with them no league of amitie, neither in re­garde of faith giuen, nor for benefitts receiued, as his predecessor had by meane of those capitulacions which were made at Florence and Ast: for regard of which they would alwayes lay them selues open to many perills and perplexities, rather then to [Page 190] abandon his alliance: Besides, the discord which continually increased betwene the Venetians and the Duke of Myllan, was the cause that the feare being ceased which they had of the forces of the confederats, and withal hoping more in the fauors cer­teine and present of Lombardy, then in the succors absent & dowtfull of Fraunce, they tooke occasion to hold lesse reckoning of his frendshippe or confederacion: In this different disposicion of mindes, were also no lesse diuerse, thembassages that were sent: for the Senat of Venice dispatched with great speede to the king, one of their Secretories remeyning at that tyme in negociacion with the Duke of Sauoye: And to establish with these beginnings, the foundacions of a well assured alliance, as the dayly affayres and occurrants of tymes required, they made an election of three o­ther The Veneti­ans send Em­bassadors to the french king. Embassadors to goe to his Maiestie, not onely to congratulat his right worthy ascending to the crowne, but also to protest in forme of excuse, that what they had done contrarye to the likinge of the late kinge Charles, proceeded of no other mo­cion, then of a tymerous suspicion (confirmed by many apparant signes and demon­stracions) that not contented with the kingdom of Naples, he would lift vp his mind to those meanes which might make him Lord ouer the whole Monarchie of Italy: The Pope also, whose deuocion had this determinacion, sto appropriat to his sonne Caesar at that tyme Cardinall, all temporall greatnes, rayed his thoughtes to highe The Pope apt t [...] dispense with al things for the great­nes of his sonne. thinges, and sending Embassadors to the french kinge, was at a poynt to sell to his Maiestie spirituall graces, receiuing in recompense, possessions temporall: for he was not ignorant that the french kinge had great desire to refuse Iane his wife, both barrein & deformed, who was giuen to him almost by force by Lovvys the eleuenth: And that he had no lesse liking to marie Anne now widowe by the death of the late king, not so much for the aūcient affection thatwas betwen thē afore the encownter of S. Aulbyn, as that by the prorogatiue of that mariage, he shoulde insinuate into the Duchie of Britain, an estate great and very conuenient for the crowne of Fraunce: this chaunge could not be done without the authoritie of the Pope: The Florentyns in like sorte fayled not to sende Embassadors to the king, aswel to testifie thauncient custom and deuocion of that citie to the crowne of Fraunce, as to put his Maiestie in remembrance of their merits, and the bondes and promises of the late king: where­in they were much solicited by the Duke of Myllan, hauing two intencions, the one that by their meanes the practises of the Venetians might be hindered, (both the one and other common weale intreating of the affayres of Pysa) and also that if they ob­teyned any credit, amitie, or authoritie, they might vnder some occasion, employ all to worke an accord betwene him and the french king, A thing not a litle desired and sought by him: All these Embassadors were well receiued of the kinge, who began euen at the first to sownde euery one of them seuerally, notwithstanding he had no meaning to put any thinge to action in Italy, afore he had first assured the realme of Fraunce, by newe leagues and confederacions with the Princes his neighbours and borderers.

But it was a thing fatal, that the fire of Pysa, to the which the Duke of Myllan gaue the first kindling, & nourished by an inflamed desire to assubiect it to him self, should in the ende breake his brande vpon the heade of the author, and consume him with his propper flame: for that aswell by his naturall ielowsie which was infinit in him, as for daunger of the greatnes of the Venetians, which he saw to aspire not onely o­uer him, but also aboue the other Potentats of Italy, he could not endure with reaso­nable patience, that the frute of his deuises & trauells, should be gathered by them, or transferred to the reputacion of their imperie: wherein, taking occasion vpon the [Page 191] disposicion of the Florentyns, resolute to pursue in all accidents the quarrell of Pysa, And seeming to him that by the death of Sauonarola and Frauncis Valory which were stronge parties against him, he might now reappose mo [...]e in that citie then he could doe in tymes past: he determined to ayde the Florentyns in the recouery of Pysa with armes, seeing neither with his practises, authoritie, nor the power and meanes of o­thers, he coulde hetherunto worke no good effect of that plott: he perswaded him selfe vainely, that either afore the french king could execute any action, Pysa would be reduced by composicion or force to the iurisdiction of Florence, or else the Senat of Venice, (guided by that wisedome which he woulde neuer suffer to gouerne him selfe) would neuer desire either for enuie, or other lesse occasion, that, (to the com­mon daunger of the whole) the french armies shoulde eftsoones returne into Italy, seeing it was an vniuersall trauell to chase them out so lately.

This indiscreete resolucion was furthered by a disorder which hapned against the Florentyns in the contrey of Pysa: for their people which were at Pontadere, hauing aduertisement by their espyals that a trowpe of seuen hundred horsemen, & a thow­sand footemen of the Pysans, were returning home with a great pray of cattell which they had taken in the fieldes of Voltere, yssued out almost all vnder the conduite of the Count of Riuucce & Guillaume of Pazzi, Commissioner for the Florentyns, to cut betwene them & home for the recouery of the booty: And encowntring with them in the valley of S. Reale, and as they had almost put them to disorder and recouered the most part of the praye, there ioyned to the Pysans an hundreth and fiftye men at armes sent out of Pysa to the succors of their fellowes, who finding the Florentyn ar­mie both weary and disordered with the trouble of the pillage, and the authoritie of the Count not able to range the horsemen to the feight, they were put all to the chase, notwithstanding the footemen made some head and resistance, among whom many passed by the sword, & most of their horsemen taken prisoners with the chie­fest of their leaders: in so much as the Count and Commissioner for Florence, saued them selues with great difficultie within S. Reale, where they imposed one vppon an other (as is the custom in chaunces of aduersitie) the fault of the disorder hapned.

This iorney brought no litle affliction to the Florentyns, who to readdresse with speede so great a daunger, and not able to refurnish their companies with expedici­on, and Counte Riuucce general of their whole armie, hauing lost his reputacion, for that his regiment was broken, determined to turne to the affayres of Pysa, the Vitelli­es who were then in the contrey of Aretze: But afore that contract was perfected, they were constrayned to accord to Pavvle Vitelli the title, dignitie, and reputacion Pawle Vitelli Capteine ge­nerall of the Florentyn ar­my. of Capteine genrall of their armie: This ouerthrow constrained them eftsoones to demaund succors of the Duke of Myllan, and that with so much the more instance, by how much since the chasse, they had besought the french king, that to put them out of daunger with his forces and with his authoritie, he would send three hundred launces into Tuskane, and ratifie the reteyning of the Vitellies according to the con­tract made in the tyme of the late kinge Charles, prouiding his porcion of their pay­ment, and also that he woulde cause the Venetians to absteyne from further vexing them: of all which requestes, they reaped but gracious wordes without any effect, for that the king would not bring him selfe suspected with the Venetians, nor make any sturre in Italy afore he put beginning to the warres of Myllan: But in these necessities and estate of thinges, the Duke of Myllan was neither cold nor negligent, who dow­ting least the Venetians (by the occasion of this victory) would enter further into the iurisdiction of Pysa, then they could be afterwards repulsed but with great difficulty, [Page 192] made knowen to the Florentyns that he had a firme intencion to succorthem, but first he would establish with them, what sortes and proporcions of prouisions were necessary not onely for his defense, but also to achieue the enterprise of Pysa, to the which (for that there was no feare of any action in the frenche kinge for that yeare) were turned vniuersally the eyes of all Italy, being then free from all other troubles: for albeit in the territories of Rome the famulies of Colonne & Vrsin had taken armes, yet their wisedoms preuayled more in the quarrell, then either their hatreds or their iniuries.

This was the substance of the quarrell: The Colonnoys and Sauelles, stirred vp be­like Quarrell be­twene the fa­mulies of Co­lonne and Vr­sin. for thoccupacion which Iacques Counte made of la tour Mathias, had inuaded the places and territories of the Counts: And of the other part, the Vrsins (for the affini­tie and coniunction of factions) tooke armes in their fauor: So that many borowes and villages, being vsurped both by the one and other partie, they fought together at last with all their forces at the foote of Motitelle in the cōtrey of Tyuoly, where, af­ter a long and braue battell, the inflamed passion of the parties pushing them on no lesse then either regard of glory, or consideracion of daunger of their estates, the Vr­sins (whose armie conteyned two thowsand footemen & eyght hundred horsemen) were broken and put to the chase, their enseignes lost, and Charles Vrsin taken priso­ner, and of the side of the Colonnoys was hurt Anthony Sauelle a Capteine of no small reputacion, who dyed of his wound not many dayes after: After this successe of the battell, the Pope, seeming that commotions in the contrey so neare to Rome, were displeasing to him, made as though he woulde solicite an accord, which, whilest he interteyned in action (not with good meaning and faith, for he was disguised in all his doings) the Vrsins readdressed their armie with new supplies & planted a campe afore Palombare, A principall towne belonging to the Sauelleis, which the Colonnoys (who after the victory had occupied many places of the Counts) prepared to reskew: But both the parties finding at lengthe the dissembled behauiors of the Pope, some­tymes giuing courage to the Colonnoys, and eftsoones comforting the Vrsins, and that he did but nourish the warre & giue them medicines to weaken them both, to thend he might with more facilitie oppresse them when their strengthes were consumed: they came altogether to a parley (without thinterposing of a third) at Tyuoly, where, of them selues, they established an accord by the which Charles Vrsin was set at liber­ty, the places taken in the controuersie restored to their proper owners, & the quar­rell for the Earledoms of Albe and Tailleconsse referred to tharbitracion of king Fe­deryk, to whom the Colonnoys were mercenary souldiers.

These stormes thus resolued into calmes, and the quarrells that earst caried ap­parant showes of blud and murder, being nowe quallified by wisedom and tempe­rance, there was not discerned in any part in Italy any tokens of warre, but about the contrey of Pysa: wherein, albeit the Duke of Myllan had determined in the begin­ning not to succor the Florentyns openly, but to minister to their wantes with secret aydes of money: yet suffering his minde to be continually ouer ruled with passions of disdayne and enuy, and not absteyning from wordes insolent and full of threats a­gainst the Venetians, he determined now to declare him selfe publikely, and to cut of all regardes and consideracions of thinges, denying euen then, passage to their bands and souldiers which marched to Pysa by the way of Parma and Pontrema, & put them in necessitie to passe by the Duke of Ferraraes contrey, A way of farre more trauell and greater trouble: he wrought so that thEmprour commaunded all those Embas­sadors which were resident in his Court (except the Spanish) to returne home, re­uoking [Page 193] them all within few dayes after except the Embassador for the Senat of Ve­nice: he sent also to the succors of the Florentyns three hundred shot with crosbow, & contributed to the leuying of three hundred men at armes partly vnder the Lord of Plombyn, and some vnder Iohn Pavvle Baillon: he lent them at sundry tymes more then three hundreth thowsand duckats, and lastly made continuall offers of greater aydes, if their necessities so required: Besides all these, he made great instance to the Pope (the importunities of the Florentyns greatly inducing him) to ayde them in some sort: The Pope knowing how hurtfull & intollerable it would be to the estate of the Church, that the Venetians should preuaile to make a foundacion of Pysa, pro­mised to refurnish them with a hundred men at armes, and the three gallies which were in his pay vnder Capteine Ville Marine, and they to giue impediments to the prouisions of vittells that should enter Pysa by sea: But afterwards (being familiar to him to protract and delay) he deferred with diuerse excuses to sende to them any proporcion, and in the ende refused them with open deniall, for that drawing dayly more & more into other deuises and thoughtes, he made his resolucion to restrayne him selfe onely to the french king, by whose meanes he hoped to obteyne no small nor common recompenses: yea (it is oftentymes the property of men to make easie with will and hope, that which in reason and wisedom they know to be hard) he as­cended in weening to the crowne and kingdom of Naples: It was almost a thing fatal, that the refusing of the alliance which the king of Aragon made to the Pope, shoulde breede in him the beginning of newe thinges and chaunges: for long before he had wholly determined to ioyne him selfe with the french kinge, he had made great in­stance to king Federyk to giue to the Cardinall of Valence (who was resolued to for­sake the habit and profession of the Church vpon the first occasion) his daughter in mariage, with the principallitie of Tarente in dowry wherein he perswaded him self that if his sonne whose wit was sutle, and his hart hawty, and raysed, were once be­come Lord of so large and generall a member of the kingdom of Naples, that then there would be litle difficultie, (hauing the cooler of a daughter descending of the king) to take occassions, what by force and strength, and what by thauthoritie and rightes of the Church, to dispoyle his father in lawe of the kingdom, both weake in men of warre, and poore in money, and from whome also were estraunged the affe­ctions of most of his Barons: This matter was hoatly furthered and fauored by the Duke of Myllan, who debated with kinge Federyk (by his Embassador the Marquis Stampe sent specially to Rome and Naples) how daungerous it would be for him, if the Pope (made frustrat of this desire) went suddeinly to ioyne with the french king: And withall he preferred to the kinges remembrance how much it would sauor of pusil­lanimitie and indiscression (specially the matter concerning wholly his safetie) to put in consideracion indignitie onely, and not to haue so much rule ouer him selfe, as to preferre the protection of his estate, afore his proper will: But Federyk fearing that in this sutteltie of Lodovvyk was layd the foundacion of his ruyne, refused the plot with continuall obstinacie, confessing that the alyenacion or estraunging of the Pope was a degree to put his kingdom in daunger, but he stoode assured that to giue his daughter with the principallitie of Tarente, to the Cardinall of Valence, were to put his life in daunger, and therefore in two perills he had rather abide the hazarde of that which he might runne into with most honor and honestie, & which procee­ded not of any fault or error of him selfe: By this meane, the Pope turning wholly his minde to ioyne with the french, and desiring that the Venetians woulde doe the like, (whome he was loth to offend) absteyned altogether to minister any fauors or [Page 194] succors to the Florentyns: who receiuing courage by the ready succors of the Duke of Myllan, and for the recommendacion of the vallour of Pavvle Vitelly their newe capteine, forgat nothing that might aduaunce the enterprise, notwithstanding they esteemed it of very hard action: for that besides the numbers, experience, and reso­lut courage of the Citisens and contreymen of Pysa, there was within Pysa, a strength of the Venetians of foure hundred men at armes, eyght hundred estradyots, & more then two thowsand footemen: They were also (as occasion required) ready to re­furnish them with stronger succors, for that euen such as at the beginning had no will to consent to accept the protection of the Pysans, were nowe no lesse ready then the reste to support their quarrell for the regarde of common honor: The contracte made in common by Lodovvyk and the Florentyns, gaue such an increase to the ar­mie, that it seemed now to cary proporcion sufficient not onely to recouer all the places within the contrey of Pysa, but also to make a wonderfull industrie that the neighbours should forbeare to giue ayde and fauor to the Pysans, or at least eschew­ing thexample of the Venetians, not molest any more the Florentyns in other places: Lodovvyk hauing afore he determined to protest him selfe openly, interteyned in common with the Venetians, Iohn Bentyuole with two hundred men at armes, labored him so much, that he bownd him with the state of Bolognia, to him selfe only: wher­in the better to confirme Bentyuole, the Florentyns tooke into their pay, Alexander his sonne: And to make a more generall resistance against the Venetians making inuasi­on on the side of Romagnia, (who for such a purpose had taken into their protection the Lord of Faenza) the Florentyns wonne also to their appoyntments & deuocion, together with fifty men at armes, Octauyan de Riare, Lorde of Ymola & Furly, who was gouerned according to the direction & will of Katherne Sforce his mother: She fol­lowed without any regard, the faction of Lodovvyk and the Florentyns, many occasi­ons mouing her, but principally for that she was maried to Iohn de medicis, whome the Duke of Myllan (nothing liking of the gouernment popular) labored to make great at Florence, and also his brother: Lodovvyk had no small credit with the people of Lucques, whom he solicited with all his authoritie and meanes, not to comfort any more the Pysans with those properties of succors and fauors which they had accu­stomed to minister to them: which request albeit they did not obserue so fully as he required, yet they withdrew and absteyned from many helpes for his regard: There remeyned onely they of Genes and Sienna auncient ennemies to the Florentyns, ha­uing equall occasions of controuersie against that state: the one for the interest of Montpulcian, and the other by reason of the contrey of Lunigiana: Touching the Si­ennoys, it was a thing much to be feared, least (being made blinde with hate & enuy) they fel not into their auncient error, in giuing to euery one commoditie to trouble and molest the Florentyns by the oportunitie of their landes and estates, such suffe­rance sometymes not being without their proper domage: And for the Genovvays, albeit by reason of auncient iniuries, it greeued them not a litle, that the Venetians should be Maisters ouer Pysa, yet (in that citie there is litle care of the cōmon weale) they gaue sufferance to the Pysans and vessells of the Venetians to exercise a traffike in their riuers and streames in regard of a priuate gayne which some particulars got by it, by the which the Pysans receiued many great commodities: For these respects, and also by the councell of Lodovvyk still soliciting, the Florentyns sent Embassadors to Genes and Sienna, to solicit (the rather by his meanes) an accord and finall resolu­cion of all their quarrells: But as touching the Genovvays, the practise and negocia­cion was frustrat and brought forth no effect, for that they demaunded to be acqui­ted [Page 195] frankly of Serezana without giuing other recompense then a simple promise to bereaue the Pysans of all oportunities and commodities of their contreyes, wherein the Florentyns making conference of the qualitie of the demaund, found the losse so present and certeine, in regard of the profit so incerteine and litle, that they refused to buy so dearly their frendships.

But whilest these deuises occupied the reasons and mindes of men in diuerse pla­ces, The Florent) n armie, more mighty in horsemen then stronge in footemen, ad­uaunced into the field vnder their newe generall: By meanes whereof, as the Pysans, whose estradiots since the victory of S. Reall had made incursions at pleasure ouer the whole contrey, retyred from Pont desac where they last incamped: So Pavvle Vi­telli hauing taken Calcinaia, and setling his armie there in exspectacion of a newe strength of footemen, bestowed one day one part of his souldiers in ambushe neare to Cas [...]na, whether the regiment of the Venetians were retyred, who gouerned by Marke Martinenguo were not only without obediēce, but without order, In so much as when Pavvle Vitelli gaue the charge to them, he slew many of the stradiots, wtih Iohn Gradania Capteine ouer men at armes, and tooke prisoner Franque coronell of thestradiots, with the praye of a hundreth horses: The successe of this encownter much amased the companies of the Venetians, and therefore supposing Cascina not sufficient for their safety, they retyred to the borow of S. Marke, exspecting new suc­cors to come from Venice: But Pavvle Vitelli, after he was refurnished with his strength of footemen, and making as though he woulde assayle Cascina (which the Pysans beleued by many apparances) turned his marche, and beguiling the conie­ctures of his ennemies, passed ouer the riuer of Arne, and pitched his campe before the borow of Buti, hauing sent afore, three hundred footemen to keepe occupied the hills & frontyer places: And hauing drawne thether with the strength and working of a number of Pyonners, thartillerie by the way of the Mounteine not without great difficultie for the troublesom wayes, he tooke the towne by force the second day af­ter he had braked his artillerie: Pavvle made choyse of this enterprise, for that he iud­ged that Pysa, (in the which was an incredible obstinacie aswell of thinhabitants as others retyred out of the contrey, in whom by long vse was great sufficiencie tou­ching actions of warre) could not be taken by force, the city of it selfe being proude in strength of walls and rampiers, and hauing within it many bandes of the men at armes of Venice: he held it an action of better pollicie, to deuise rather to languish & consume them, then to execut and enforce them, and setling the warre in that parte of the contrey which is on the right hand of the riuer of Arne, he esteemed it a good councell in warre to lay plots to take the peeces in that quarter, and to commaunde all those places by whose helpe and oportunitie, he might giue impediment to the succors that might come to them by land from any forreine contrey: And therfore after the taking of the borow of Buty, hauing raysed a mount or fort vpon the moun­teynes which be aboue S. Iohn de la Vene, he drewe his campe right afore the sort which the Pysans had made neare to Vicopisan, drawing thether his artillerie with the same difficulties he did before: And taking almost in one season Valdecalcio & buil­ding aboue Vico in a place called Pietro Doloroso, an other bastyllion, to keepe that no succors enter there, he held beseeged the castell of Verrucola: In these pollicies of this new generall, to thend the Pysans (dowting that he would not assaile Librafratto and Valdes [...]r [...]lo,) might be lesse ready to be farre from Pysa, the Count Riuuccio was incamped with other companies at Valdmieuolo: All which notwithstanding, foure hundred footemen yssuing out of Pysa, brake all the regiment of footemen which [Page 196] were necligently bestowed in the church of S. Michaell to kepe Verrucola beseeged: But Pavvle Vitelli, after he had got the bastillion, which yelded vpon condicion to carie their Artillerie to Vicopisan, encamped affore Vicopisan, not on that side where the Florentyn campe was when he was within to defende it, but he laye towardes S. Iohn de la Vene, to giue impediments to the succours that were to come from Pisa: After the furie of his Artillerie had brought downe to the earth a great quantitie of the walles, the defendants, dispairing belike of reskewe, rendred the place, their life Vicopisan rē ­dred. and goods saued: They were perhappes discouraged to holde out to thvttermost, for that Pavvle when he tooke Buty (to giue terrour to others) cutte of the handes of three Cannonyers Germains which were within the towne, and vsed his victo­rie with many cruelties: immediatly after the successe of Vicopisan, there followed an other occasion of happie exployte, for that the bandes which were within Pisa supposing it woulde be verie easie to surprise the bulwarke of Pietro Doloroso, they sent thether affore daye, two hundred light horsemen with many trowpes of foote­men, who finding a stronger resistaunce then they looked for, loste more time then the action of their enterprise required, in so much that whilest they were giuing the assalt, the generall of the Florentyns, discouering himselfe vppon the mountaynes there abouts, and with part of tharmie discending to succour the fort, sent Vitellettze with the residue of the bandes to giue impediment to their retourne: against whom as they interteyned skyrmishe in the plaine towardes Calcy, the generall fell vpon them on the backes, and putte them to flight, not without the losse of many horse­men, and the most part of their footebandes.

But in this discourse and euent of things, the Florentyns, hauing some likely ad­uertisments Embassadours of the Floren­tyns at Ve­n [...]. from the Duke of Ferrara and others, that the Venetians were not with­out a willing inclination to peace, whereunto they woulde be more easelie indu­ced, if in the action (as belonged to the dignitie and respect of so great a common weale) they proceeded with tokens and demonstracions, as though they negocia­ted not with equalls, but with a state of more greatnes: They sent as Embassadours The [...]yns send Embas­sadours to Ve­n [...]e to treate of the affaires of Pisa. to Venice to found their intencions Guid' Antonio Vespuccio & Bernard Rucellai, two of the most honorable citysens of their common weale: A matter from the which they had absteyned till that time, partely for that they woulde not offend the minde of king Charles, but more for that as they knew them selues not to be strong enough to oppresse the Pisans, so they iudged that their peticions woulde be vnprofitable being not accompained neither with reputacion nor forces: but now that they were the stronger in the fielde, and that the Duke had publikely declared him selfe against the Venetians, their hopes were greater then their doutes, to finde some conuenient meanes of honorable composition. The Embassadours were receiued with great office and reuerence, and immediatly brought into councell, the Duke sitting and the whole resort of Senatours, in whose presence after they had formed many ex­cuses for not sending Embassadors to thē affore, the same being refrained for many regardes proceding of the quallitie of times and soundry accidents of their Cytie: they required franckly that they woulde absteine from the defence and protection of Pisa, a request whose moderation putte them in hope not to be denied, seeing that both in the common weale of Florence, had bene founde no occasions of offence or displeasure to them, and also according to the rumor and recommendacion that went of the equitie of the Senat of Venice, they hopes they woulde not in this case abandon iustice, which being the piller and foundation of all other vertues, it was but reasonable to preferre it affore all other respectes. To these the Duke made [Page 197] aunswere, that as they coulde not charge the Florentyns with any trespasse or iniu­ries The Duke of Veni [...]e aun­swereth the Florentine Embassad [...]. in these times, so also the Senat was not entred into the protection of Pisa for any desire to offende them, but for that the Florentyns onely, hauing supported in Italye the factions of the Frenche, meere and simple regardes to the common pro­fitte and safetie, had induced all the Potentates of the League to giue faith to the Pisans, to helpe them to defende their libertie: wherein, though some others of the residue did fall into the errour of forgetfulnes after they had giuen their faith: yet the custom of others should brede no lawe in them, and much lesse contrary to the vse of their common weale, would they follow them in a matter so vnworthy: Onely if the state of Florence would propound some meane, by the which the libertie of the Pisans might be preserued, they woulde make knowen to all the worlde, that nei­ther for their generall ambycion, nor for their particular or propper profitte, they haue thus long contynued the desense of Pisa: vpon this aunswere, they drew cer­teine dayes to disputacion vpon some meane which might leaue satisfied both the one and other parties, wherein some contencion rising, for that neither the Vene­tians nor the Florentyn Embassadours woulde propounde the meane, they aggreed that the Embassadour of Spaine, who incouraged them to thaggreement, shoulde interpose betwene them: this was the meane he opened, that the Pisans shoulde re­tourne to the deuocion of the Florentyns, not as subiectes, but as people recommen­ded, and vnder the same capitulations which had bene aggreed vpon at Pistoia, as a thing indifferent betwene seruitude and libertie: But the Venetians aunswered, that they coulde not acknowledge any part of libertie in a Cytie wherein the fortresses and administracion of the Lawes were in the power of others: by reason whereof th'Embassadours of Florence interpreting this aunswere to a denyall of their de­maundes, departed from Venice with this coniecture, that the Senate, onles they were compelled by necessitie, would not abandon the defense of Pisa, whether they sent supplies of souldiours continually: besides, they had in the beginning no great feare of thenterprise of the Florentyns, for that deferring the action till the most part of the spring was paste, they coulde not long kepe the fielde, the countrey of Pisa, by reason of his basenes and lownes, being much subiect to waters: And lastely ha­uing of new taken to their paye vnder the Duke of Vrbyn (to whom they gaue the title of gouernour) and vnder certaine other capteines, fine hundred men at armes, being holpen with all with diuerse good intelligences: they had determined, (the more easely to tourne the Florentyns from offending the Pisans) to begin the warre in an other place, ioyning also to their plottes the oportunitie of Peter de Medicis, at whose perswacions they interteyned into their paye Charles Vrsin and Bart. Al­viane with two hundred men at armes: They were not also without hope, to be able to induce Iohn Bentiuole to cōsent that they might make warre vpon the Florētyns on the side of Bolognia, for that the Duke of Myllan (stirred belike for that in the retey­ning which was made of Annyball his sonne the Venetians were preferred before him, and ioyning to that new offence a recordacion of olde iniuries done against him, as he sayed, when the Duke of Calabria passed into Romagnia) had occupied certeine Castells which belonged to the Duchie of Myllan, and possessed by right of dowrie, by Alexander his sonne: For these causes albeit he forbare not to vexe him vpon euery occasion, yet the Castells being at laste restored to him againe at the re­quest of the Florentyns, the deuise to make warre on that side, was broken: There­fore the Venetians labored to dispose them of Sienna to graunt that they might be­ginne the warre in their Quarters, wherein they grew into hope to preuaile (be­sides [Page 198] their ordinarie disposition against the Florentyns) by a diuisiō that was in Sienna amongest the citysens: for Pandolphe Petruccio with his witte and suttletie, hauing drawen to himselfe almoste a speciall authoritie ouer the councells and busynes of the cytie, Nicholas Borghese his father in lawe and the famulie of the Belantis, to whom his greatnes was displeasing, laboured that passage might be graunted to the Duke of Vrbyn and the Vrsins, who, with foure hundred men at armes, two thousand footemen, and foure hundred estradyottes, were staied by commission of the Vene­tians at Fratte in the countrey of Perovvse: They alleaged also that to make truce with the Florentyns according to the solicitation of the Duke of Myllan and conty­nuall instaunce of Pandolfe, was no other thing, then to giue them opportunitie and meanes to dispatch the affaires of Pysa, which being resolued, they woulde be so much more mighty to bring iniuries and subiection vppon them and theirs: And therefore they ought (making their profitte of occasions, as apperteyned to wise men) to be resolute in this, not to make other accord with them then a peace, which might make thē giue ouer the right they pretended to Montpulcian, a graunt where­vnto they knew the Florentyns woulde neuer agree: And then it woulde follow by necessitie, that the demaundes of the Venetians must be consented vnto, with whom hauing obteyned this first place of grace, they hoped easely to embase the authority of Pandolfe, who, hauing made himselfe authour of the contrarie opinion at the per­swacion of the Duke of Myllan, founde enough to do to menteyne it, for that the hatred which the people bare naturally to the Florentyns coulde do much, and it was not vnlikely that by this feare, it might be brought to passe, that they woulde disclaime the right of Montpulcian: This couetousnes accompanied with hatred, had more force then the consideracions alleaged by Pandolfe, either touching the trauells that woulde follow the warre, if it were drawen vpon their countrey, or in regard of the daungers, which with time woulde afflict Tuskane by the greatnes of the Venetians: for iustification wherof (sayth he) we neede not haue recourse to thex­amples of others, seeing euen of late memorie, for fauoring the faction of Ferdinand 1578. king of Naples against the Florentyns, they were in perill to fall into seruitude, if Fer­dinand, for the occupacion which Mahomet Ottoman made of the towne of Ottrante in the kingdome of Naples, had not bene compelled to call home from Sienna the personne of Alphonso his sonne, and his Regiment: And that their histories and tra­ditions tell them (without these examples) that the same desire to offende the Flo­rentyns by the meane of the erle of Vertus, together with the disdaine conceiued for the respect of Montpulcian, was the cause that of themselues, they had assubiected to him their proper countrey: These reasons, albeit they were true, yet not sufficient to represse the furie & affectiōs of the others, so that he was not without apparaunt daunger of some tumulte to be raised by his aduersaries: Notwithstāding to preuent them, he caused suddeinly to enter into Sienna, many of his freindes thereaboutes, by whom he wrought with so great courage and witte, that at the same instaunt, the Florentyns sent to Poggi Imperiall three hundred men at armes and a thousand footemen, with whose reputation & force, confounding the audacitie of his aduer­saries, he brought to passe a truce for fiue yeres with the Florentyns: who, preferring a seruile feare of perilles present, affore regard to dignitie and honour, bounde them Truce betwen the Siennoys & Florentyns. selues to pull downe one parte of the bridge of Valiane, and to dismantle euen to the earth, the bastillion which had so much molested the Siennoys: they condiscended further, that the Siennoys within a certeine time, might builde such fortes and for­tresses as they woulde betwene the shoare and channell of Chianes, and the towne of [Page 199] Montpulcian: By this accord Pandolfe, rising into a stomack and greatnes more then before, founde meanes soone after to kill his father in lawe, who, with too liberall a disposition of minde, obiected him selfe against his purposes: and so by the dispatch of him, increasing terror in the residue, he confirmed him selfe daylie more & more in tyrannie. By this accord, the Venetians, being depriued of the hope they had to diuert or torne by the waye of Sienna, the Florentyns from thenterprise of Pysa, and being not able to obtaine licence of the Perusins, to manage the warre by their coun­treys, They determined to vexe them on that side to Romagna, hoping with the auncient fauours and factions which Peter de Medicis had there, to aspire easely to thoccupacion of those places which they helde in thappenin: In so much, that ha­uing obteyned passage of the little Lorde of Faenze, by the vale of Lamone, with one part of their Regyment which they had in Romagna, with whom Peter and Iulyan de Medicis were ioyned: they occupied the borough of Maradi scituat vpon thap­penin on that side which lookes towardes Romagna, where was made against them no resistaunce, for that Dennys of Nalde a man of the same vale, interteyned by the Florentyns with three hundred footemen to defende it, together with the strength of the countrey, ledde thether so small a force of footemen, that he durst not abide there: By meanes whereof they incamped afore the Rocke of Chastillion built in a place aboue the saied borough, which they hoped to carye, though by no other meane, yet by want of many things which they knew to be within it, but specially the lacke of water, and so by thopportunitie of that, to haue free waye to passe in­to Mugelle, which is a countrey neere to Florence: ‘But as it is hard to assure any thing that dependes vppon the will of an other, and much lesse can the wisdome of man warrant all those things which imaginacion and coniecture doe suggèst: So, they founde them selues deceyued in the iudgement of those wantes which they suppo­sed the Rocke did suffer,’ for that the constancie and diligence of the Castell keeper, supplied the slender prouisions of vittelles that were within it, and the liberalitie of heauen auoyded the penurye of water, rayning so much in one night as all the ves­sells and cesternes being full, they were deliuered from that paine: And in the meane while, the Count Riuucci with the Lorde of Plombyn & other capteines, being stolne vppon the ennemie by the waye of Mugelle, enforced them to the chasse, ha­uing vndertaken this enterprise with a greater confidence in their diligence, then with sufficient strength: Besides, the Count Caiazze sent to Cotignole by the Duke of Myllan with three hundred men at armes and a thousand footemen, together with Fracasse interteyned by the same Duke, who was within Furly with a hundred men at armes, prepared to charge them vpon the backe: The consideraciō of these daun­gers, and to auoyde the harmes that threatned, they went and ioyned with the Duke of Vrbyn, then departed from the countrey of Perouse, and with other Regiments of the Venetians, who altogether were bestowed betwene Rauenna and Furly, but with a very small hope of happie enterprise, for that, besides the bandes of the Florentyns, there was in Romagna a strength of fiue hundred men at armes, fiue hūdred crosbow shotte, and a thousand footemen of the Duchie of Myllan, the impediment also which Imola and Furly gaue to them, being of great importaunce.

But in this meane while Pavvle Vitelli who, after the taking of Vicopisan had re­meyned there certeine dayes exspecting prouisions necessarie that were to come, and continuying in one intencion to cutte of from the Pysans the commoditie and meanes of succours, was gone to thenterprise of Librafatte: And the easier to ap­proch that part of the towne which was most weake, and to preuent the disposicion [Page 200] of the ennemie to inuade his armie much troubled with artillerie and cariage, he left the waye which discendes by the mounteynes to the plaine of Pysa, and cutting by force of Pionners a new waye through the mounteines, he tooke in his marching the same daye, the bastillion of the Mont Maior, which the Pysans had built vpon the toppe of the mounteine, and so descended with great sewertie into the plaine of Li­brafatta: where, hauing easely the daye after, brought into necessitie to yelde the bandes of footemen that had the charge of Potito and the olde castell, (two towers aunswering one an other verie neare Librafatta) he bestowed in the second tower and in other places, certeine peeces of artilleries to gouerne the towne, which was well manned and garded, conteyning two hundred footemen of the Venetians: from these places he battered the wall both on high and belowe, and from the first daye had hope to carye it: But after the wall was shaken with thartillerie, there fell by chaunce so great a parte of it in the night, that the ruinous matter raised the ram­pier which was begonne there aboue foure cubits: In so much as Pavvle, assaying in vaine three dayes together to mount vp with ladders, beganne to dout much of the successe, the rather for that the armie receiued great harmes by a peece of artillerie which came from the towne by a lowe lowpe hoale: But his industrie & vertue was aided by the benefitte of Fortune (without whose fauour great capteines are often­times deceiued in their enterprises) for that with a great shotte out of the camppe, the peece which bette them was broken, and one of the best Cannonyers within the place killed, the boollett passing through the towne: which accident so amased Librafatta ta­ken by Pawle Vitelli. those within the towne, being so commaunded by thartillerie of the seconde tower, that they durst not assemble to make head: but yelded the fourthe daye, and not long after, the castell abyding some shotte of the cannon, did the like: After the con­quest of Librafatta, he deuised to make certaine bastillions vppon the hilles there­aboutes, but chiefly he erected one of capacitie to receiue great nombers of men, aboue Santa Maria in Castello, called by the name of the mount, where was built the bastillion of la ventura commaunding the contrey thereaboutes: This and Libra­fatta being garded, troubled all commodities that might come to Pysa by the waye of Lucque and Petra sancta, and brought besides, generall distresses to the state of the common cause of Pysa.

In this variacion and fortune of things, the Venetians ceassed not to study meanes The Venetiās careful to suc­cour the Py­sans. by the which they might minister comfort to Pysa, sometimes with immediat suc­cours, and sometimes by diuerting and drawing awaye the forces of thennemie: Wherein they hoped to preuaile the rather for the differences which hapned be­twene the Duke of Myllan and the Marquis of Mantua, entred of newe into the ap­pointments and directions of the Duke: who, because he woulde not take awaye the title of capteine generall ouer all his companies from Galeas de S. Seuerin more great with him by fauour then by vertue: had promised to the Marquis to honour him within three monthes with the place of capteine generall in common either with the Emprour, or with the Pope, or with king Federyk, or with the Florentyns: which being not performed by Lodovvyk at the terme promised, Galeas giuing ma­ny impediments against it, and adding to the wronge, many other difficulties vpon the paymentes of his interteynments: The Marquis determyned to reenter into the paye of the Venetians, who practised to sende him to the succours of Pysa, with three hundred men at armes: whereof Lodovvyk hauing a liuely doute, and dreading by the propertye of his witte (sounding the bottom of things) the daungers that might growe by the losse of a man of that importaunce, declared him immediately by the [Page 201] consent of Galeas, capteine to th'Emprour and to him: ‘But such is the mutabilitie of men marcenorie, that as their profession is to liue by occasions & diuisions of times and Princes, so, oftentimes they interprette small faltes to great causes of their re­uolt and chaunge, holding it no iniustice to disappoint those that breake the first promise with them, according to thexample of this Marquis, who, hauing already bene at Venice, and communicated with the Senat the great confidence he had to enter Pysa in despite of the Florentyne bandes, was reentred into their paye: And re­ceiuing parte of his paye in prest, he retourned to Mantua, preparing himselfe to thexpedicion, which he had further aduaunced, and put his companies to marche, if the Venetians had vsed the same diligence to dispatche him, which they did to in­terteine him: But because they beganne to procede slowly vppon thoccasion of a new hope they had, that by certeine auncient fauorers of the Medicis, they shoulde be able to obteine Bybiene, a borough in the contrey of Casentin, they were of opi­nion that in regard of the difficulties to passe to Pysa, it woulde be more profitable to diuert then to succor: The Marquis taking his aduauntage of these delaies, and iustely displeased with the forme of their dealinges, retorned eftsoones to the paye of Lodovvyk with three hundred men at armes and a hundred light horsemen, vnder the honour and title of Capteine to th'Emprour and to him, reteyning the money he had receiued of the Venetians vppon an accompt or reckoning for payes due of olde: The practise which was debated with the Venetians, was not without suspicion to the Florentyns, who, besides their generall meanes of aduertisement, had certeine dayes before, a particular intelligence from Bolognia: But it often happeneth, that di­ligent and wise councells be vnprofitable when they are executed with negligence and indiscression: for, the commissarie or commissioner whom they sent thether to assure them from such a daunger, after he had apprehended such as he douted most and bare apparaunt guiltynes of the practise, tourning their dissembled faith into true meaning, and their offence into innocencie, he sette then eftsoones at libertie, and in other thinges was so negligent, that he made the action easie to Alviane ap­pointed for thexecucion of this practise: for, he hauing sent before certeine horse­men attyred like vittellers, & they marching all night, were at the gate by the point Alviano ta­keth Bybien­na. of daye, which they wonne and occupied without difficultie, for that the negligēce of the commissarie had not onely left it without garde, but also not sette order that the gate should be opened later then was wont in times nothing daungerous: After these first troupes, followed with a ready speede & diligence, other bandes of horse­men, who named themselues by the warres to be of the regyment of the Vitellis: Assoone as the gate was possest by the soldiours forreine, the parties to the conspi­racie within the towne, drawing to commotion in their fauour, they embrased im­mediately the whole towne, and were absolute maisters of thenterprise: At what time they were also incouraged with the presence of Alviano, who arriuing the same day, and albeit had but a small proporcion of souldiours (his nature being alwayes to fol­low the aide and benefit of occasions, yea to preuent them with his incredible dili­gence) yet he went soddeinly to assaile Poppi, the principall borough of that vallie, but finding a resistaunce aboue his strength, he deuised to occupie the places nearest to Bybienne, albeit but litle and of no great importaunce: The contrey of Casentyn, amid the which ronneth the riuer of Arne, is a contrey narrow, barren and full of hills, seated at the foote of the Alpes of Appenyn, at that time laden with snowes for that the spring was but then begonne: Neuertheles it had bene a passage verie com­modious to goe to Florence, if thenterprise of Poppy had succeded well to Alviano, [Page 202] and no lesse conuenient to make entrey into the contreys of Aretze and Valdarno, contreys which for the plentie of great townes and boroughes, were of great im­portance to the state of the Florentyns: who taking occasion of the present perill, not to be negligent, refurnished with a ready speede, all places needefull, breaking by that meanes thexecucion of a conspiracie pretēded in Aretze: And studying aboue all other things to cutte from the Venetians all meanes of new succours and supplies to the contrey of Casentyn, they called from Pysa the Count Rinucce, and dispatched him speedely to occupye the wayes of th'Appenin betwene Valdibagna and the straite of S. Stephen: who, albeit he disposed his Regiment into trowpes and companies as the nature of the place and present seruice required, yet was both their strength and industrie vnprofitable to let the Duke of Vrbyn, Charles Vrsin and other capteines from passing, whose strength in the sayed valley being seuen hundred men at armes and six thowsand footemen with some bandes of Lanceknights, cōmaunded all the contrey of Cassentyn, except a verie few places, and eftsoones gaue a new life to the olde enterprise to take Poppy, but their diligence was vnprofitable and the whole a­ction in vaine: By meanes whereof the Florentyns were compelled (according to the proper intencion of the Venetians) to call backe from the affaires of Pysa Pavvle Vitello with his bandes, leauing sufficient garde in the places of importance, and al­so in the bastillion of Laventura: his comming into the contrey Casentyn, caused to retire the Venetiās, who were remoued to incamppe the same day about Pratto Vec­chio, and Fracasso being ioyned with him (sent by the Duke of Myllan with fiue hun­dred men at armes & fiue hundred footemen in fauor of the Florentyns) he brought presently into harde tearmes and difficulties the state of thennemies, who were dis­persed into diuerse places, both for thin cōmoditie of the contrey, which was straite and narrow, and also for that (to thende they might haue free entrey and going out of the contrey Casentyn) they were compelled to kepe the wayes of Vernia, Chiusa, and Montalona, places verie high vpon the Alpes: By which meane, being inclosed in that vallye in a season verie sharppe, they were without all exspectacion of ad­uauncement either there, or in any other place, the Count Rinucce being within A­retze with two hundred men at armes: And in the contrey Casentyn, the enterprise of Poppy not succeding in the beginning, & the name of the Medicis bearing no further power or authoritie, for that the spirites and affections of the men of the countrey were against them, they had receiued many harmes of the Paisantes afore the com­ming of Vitello: In which regard, together with an assured intelligence of his com­ming, and the marching of Fracasse, they sent backe beyond the Alpes, one parte of their cariage and artillerie, & drew them selues all together into one strength as the nature of the place woulde suffer: Against whom, Pavvle Vitelli determined to vse his costume, which was (to carie the victorie with more ease and sewertie) to beare no regard neither to the longnes of time, nor to great paines and trauell, and much lesse to exspences, esteeming it a better office in a generall to proceede with all necessarie prouisions, then, for a desire of glorie to make the victorie speedy, to putte in perill the yssue of thinges, and the whole armie in hazarde: In so much as (touching the contrey Casentyn) his counsell was, not to attempt suddeinly any a­ction vppon the places moste strong, but in the beginning to make the ennemie a­bandon the peeces most weake, and to choake and cloase the wayes of the Alpes and the streytes of the contrey, with bastillions, gardes, and intrenched wayes, with other fortifications, both to cutte of all succours and supplies, and to take from them all meanes of mutuall aides and reskew from one place to an other: hoping that this [Page 203] forme and manner of proceeding woulde in the ende breede occasions to oppresse them further, besides that the great nombers that were within Bybyenna coulde not but consume, both by the incommoditie of horsemen and want of vittells: With this councells, hauing recouered certeine places neere to Bybienna, for their qualitie but of small importance, but for their commodities very proper for his intencion (with the which he looked in the ende to preuaile) And wynning euery daye more and more, he stripped euery daye many men at armes bestowed in diuerse peeces neere to Bybienna: And to cutte of all wayes from the bandes of the Venetians assem­bling beyond the mountes to mynister reskew to their peoples, he deuised to com­maunde all the places about the mount la Vernia, & to intrench all the wayes there­aboutes: In so much as many difficulties increasing to the ennemies together with necessities and want of vittells, many of them refused the camppe, who stealing a­waye by soundry wayes, fell euery day into chaunge of distresse and fortune, some­times vexed with troublesome passages, and sometimes stripped by the paisantes, & oftentimes slaine by the soldiours: These were the actions of armes betwene the Venetians and Florentyns.

Now in these times, albeit th'Embassadors of Florence, were departed from Ve­nice Meanes of accord. without any hope of accorde, yet was there holden at Ferrara, a new practise of composicion moued by the Duke of Ferrara at the instaunce of the Venetians: A­mongest whom many of those which held the greatest authoritie in that Senat, no lesse weary of the warre drawing with it increase of expenses and difficulties, then now made voyde of all hopes to preuaile further in the contrey of Cassantyn, desired to shake of the studies and trauells they suffred for the defense of Pisa, the cares and charges of that warre being greater without comparison, then the commodities or frutes of the seruice, in which regard they were ready to omitte no occasion which might minister any honest cooller to be discharged of it.

But whilest the regions of Italy were in these afflictions for the quarrells of Pisa, The doings of the fre [...]h king during the warre of Pisa. the new frenche King forgatte not to make preparacions to execute the conquest of Myllan the yeare next following: Wherein he hoped to haue in his fauor and on his side the freindshippe of the Venetians, who, caried with an incredible hate a­gainst the Duke of Myllan, helde straite negociacion with his maiestie: No lesse did solicite with the King in no litle secrecy & earnestnes the Pope, who, excluded from the alliance of Federyk and embrasing still the desire to the kingdom of Naples, was wholly conuerted into the hopes of the Frenche, by whose meanes he sought to ob­teine for his sonne the Cardinall of Valence, Charilotta, doughter to Federyk, who was not yet maried, but trained vp in the court of France: Wherein the king nour­rishing him with some tokens of hope, for that he supposed the power ouer her mariage rested in his maiestie, the Cardinall (ioyning with the intencion of his fa­ther) The cardinall of Val [...] the Popes sonne re [...]i [...]s this profession. entred one morning into the consistorie, and with an action in speeche and gesture farre from the office and modestie of his profession, besought his father and the whole colleadge of Cardinalls, that seeing he entred not into priesthood of his proper will and disposicion, that they woulde make it lawfull to him, to leaue the di­gnitie and the habitte, to follow the exercise whereunto his destinie and inclinacion drew him: This request being made easie in the Cardinalls by purchasse and cor­rupcions, was not denied of his father, whose authoritie going with the infected partialities of the Cardinalls, made his demaunde lawfull, and ratified it: And so re­suming the habite of a personne seculer, he prepared speedely to go into Fraunce, by whom the Pope sent this comfort and promise to the King, to make it lawfull by [Page 204] thauthoritie apostolike to refuse his wyfe: And the king, for his part, became bound to ayde him (assoone as he had conquered the Duchie of Myllan) to reduce into thobedience of the holy sea, all the townes possessed by the Viccairs of Romagna, and withall, to giue him presently thirtie thousand duckattes vnder this cooller that he was constrained to interteine a greater force for the gard of his person: as though to knit himselfe with the French king were to stirre vp many of the Potentates in I­talie to seeke to hurt and oppresse him: For thexecution of these couenantes, both the king began to make payment of the money and the Pope committed the action of the diuorce to the bishop of Setto his Nuncio, and to tharchbishops of Parys and Roan: And albeit in the trauerse of the cause, the kinges wyfe impugned the iudge­ment: yet in the ende, holding for no lesse suspected the consciences of the Iudges, then the might and greatnes of her aduersarie, she tooke comfort in her innocencie and disclaimed her suite, receiuing for thinterteinment of her person, the Duchie of Berry, with thirtie thousande Frankes of Reuenue: And so the diuorce confirmed by sentence of the Iudges, there rested nothing els exspected, for the dispensing and and accomplishing of the new mariage, but the comming of Caesar Vorgia, lately of a Cardinall and Archbishop of Valence, become a soldiour and Duke of Valentinoys: The Cardinall of Valence Duke of Va­lentynois. the king hauing giuen him a companie of a hundred Launces and twentie thousand Frankes pension: and for his title of dukedome, he indued him with Valence a Citie of Danphyne, with twentie thousand Frankes of Reuenue: he embarqued at Ostia vp­pon the Gallyes which the king sent him, and arryued about the end of the same yeare at the french Court, where he entred with a pomp and pride incredible, and brought with him the Cardinalles hatt for George Amboise Archbishop of Roan, Who, hauing alwayes affore, participated in the daungers and fortunes of the king, helde with him great authoritie, grace, and reputation. This new Duke albeit he was receiued of the king with great honour and all other offices of court, yet his man­ner of dealing was not well lyked in the beginning, for that, according to the directi­on and councell of his father, he denied that he had brought with him the bull of di­spensacion, hoping that the desire to obteine it, ‘would make the king more easie to assist his plottes and purposes, then would do the remembrance that he had recei­ued it, vsing this reason, that there is nothing endureth so small a tyme as the memo­rie of benefittes receiued, & the more great they bee, the more commonly are they recompenced with ingratitude:’ But the bishop of Setto reueiling the truth secretly to the king, who making it sufficient to godwarde, that the bull was dispatched and ratified, consommated the mariage openly with his new wyfe, without making more demaundes for the bull: the same being the cause that the Duke could no longer keepe from him the bull Authentyke and iustefied: And finding out after by suttle inquirie that the bishop of Setto had reuealed the matter, he caused him soone after by secret meanes to dye of poyson, the vnfortunate bishop not remembring that in matters of estate betweene princes he that discloseth his secret to another worketh to himself the occasion of his death. The king being now in some stabilitie of minde by his new mariage, began to be carefull to renue leagues & amities with his neigh­bours, The French king maketh peace vvith his neigh­bour [...]. making presentlie a firme peace with the king of Spaine, who, bearing now no more regarde to the thinges of Italie, called home all his Embassadours remayning there, except him that laye resident with the Pope, and readiourned Consaluo into Spaine with all his regiment, leauing to Federick all those peeces in Calabria which he had holden till that day: he had a great deale more trouble to accorde with the king of Romains, who was newly discended into Burgongny by occasion of some com­mocions [Page 205] stirring there, being for that expediciō, ayded with a round summe of mo­ney by the Duke of Myllan, in whom preuayled muche this kinde of persuacion, that eyther the warre which hee should make vppon the french king, would turne him from thenterprise of Italy, or at least, if any agreement succeeded betweene them, he should be comprehēded in it as the king of Romains had assuredly promised him: But at last, after much discourse of reasonings and meetings, the king made a new peace with Tharchduke, by the which were to bee rendered vnto him the places of the countrey of Artoys, a thing which to thende it might bring effect and profit to his sonne, the king of Romains consented to make truce with him for many monethes, without making mencion of the Duke of Myllan, against whom he seemed at that tyme much discontented, for that he had not alwayes satisfied his infinit demaunds of money: Lastly, the french king, ratifiyng the peace made with the king of Eng­lande by his predecessor, reiected all solicitacions and suites made to him to receiue the Duke of Myllan to any composicion, who for his part albeit he protested large offers & offices, & vsed no lesse corrupcions to induce him, yet all his industries and practises were vaine in the kings sight, who to lay a more sure foūdaciō of the warre pretended, sought how he might at one time, tie to him in suertie of amitie the Vene­tians & Florentyns, and therefore he required with great importunities that ceassing The french king requi­reth Pisa in trust. to vexe the Pisans, the Venetians would put Pisa into his hands: whereunto the rather to draw the Florentyns to consent, he offred secretly to restore it to thē within a short tyme: This practise being founde full of many difficulties, and concurring in it di­uers endes and intrestes, was for many monethes debated with delayes: for that the Florentyns (holding it necessarie that in that case they should make aliance with the french king, and fearing by the remembrance of thinfidelitie of Charles, the present busines should suffer no lesse breach of promyse in the king raigning) coulde not agree amongst themselues, nor consent in vnitie of opinion and councell: wherein one reason of their disagreement was, that their citie was vnquietly tossed betweene thambicion of some of the greatest Rulers, and the vnbridled libertie of the gouern­ment popular, and being reapposed (by reason of the warre of Pisa) vppon the Duke of Myllan, the whole citie was falne into such generall diuision, that it was harde to deliberat in peace and quiet vppon matters of importance, some of the principall citizens desiring the victorie to the french king, and others of the contrary, bearing their whole affections to the Duke of Myllan: The Venetians also, notwithstanding all other difficulties had bene ouercome which might hinder the accorde, had yet determined not to consent to put Pisa into a third hande, hoping that for the regarde of the repayment of their charges, and to leaue Pisa with lesse dishonor, they should obteine better condicions in the negociacion that was holden at Ferrara, which was vehemently solicited by Lodovvyk, both for feare least the deputacion of Pisa falling to the french, both those common weales would knit with the king: and also hoping that the cōtrouersie being accorded for the profit of Italy, the Venetians would shake of & leaue there the malice they had to hurt him: which respects & cōsideraciō to­gether with the practise that continued at Ferrara, displeased not a litle the french king: lyke as also the Pope, to make his profit of the trauels of others, sought indi­rectly to hinder it, For that standing in great place of credit & fauour with the king so far as concerned the affaires of Italy, he hoped that making Pisa to diuolue by de­putacion to the king, hee should in some sort participate with a plentifull share.

But as in matters of enterpryse, ‘wyse men will debate all thinges at lardge, and by howe muche the cause is wayghtie and maye nouryshe [Page 206] occasion of many accidentes and fortunes, by so much it concerneth the reputaci­on of maiestrates and councellours, not only to looke into the generall estate & na­ture of the busines,’ but to examine euerie particular circumstance with a full dis­course The Veneti­ans take coū ­cell whether they should ioyne with the french king. of reason, wisdome, and foresight: euen so in these actions of practise and in­telligences, they consulted at Venice, whether, if the king missed of his demaund for the deputacion whereunto they had determined neuer to consent, they might enter confederation with him touching the warre against the Duke of Myllan, ‘as the king with great importunitie had solicited, and offred them for the reward of the victory the citie of Cremona and all Guiaradadda: an offer, which albeit was greatly desired of them all with no smal ambiciō, yet the deliberation seemed to some of them to cary so many respects & cōsideracions of importance, & that the power of a french king in Italy could not but bring daūger to their estate, that the matter was brought into the councell of the Pregati (the chiefest assemblie amongst them) & there was dispu­ted with no smal diuersitie of opinions & reasons: Amongst whom, one day where­in the last resolucion should be set downe, Anthony Grymany, a man for his authoritie much reuerenced, & for his wisdom no lesse respected, persuaded the residue of the Senat in this sort.’

It is (my Lords) in the disposiciō of men, ‘a custome vile & odious, to forget what The oration of Anthonie Grymany. they haue receiued of their frendes euen whē they were at point to fal into their full ruine & desolaciō: But it is an vnthākfulnes too intollerable & euē slaūderous to na­ture & all natural office, to requite benefits with iniuries, & make recompēce to the merits & good wills of men, with cōspiracies & harmes stretching to the spoiles of those by whose helpes & ministracions they were earst preserued: And as in cases of harmes and domages, there is no man that can tell how sweete is the passion of re­uenge, better then he that hath receiued the hurt: So, the dispite of the iniurie draw­ing with it a desire of reuenge, I can not thinke that it is any iniustice to be reuēged of him that hath don the first wrōg: if therfore (my Lords) you wel cōsider the great­nes of the good turnes which the Duke of Myllā hath receiued of our cōmon weale, by the which in these latter yeares, his whole estate hath receiued his whole protec­tion and preseruacion: and of the contrary, looke thorowly into the parts of his in­gratitude training many grosse iniuries don to vs, to compel vs to abandon the de­fense of Pisa, wherunto he gaue vs the first suggestion & encouragemēt: I doubt not, but making a right collection of his dealings & behauiors past, you wil iudge against his corrupt properties & condicions, & so not thinke it vnnecessary to be reuenged of him, that hath not thought it dishonest to requite our frendships and well mea­ning, with iniuries and actions of conspiracie: There can not happen a greater infa­my to this common weale, then by the tolleracion of so many apparant wronges, to expresse to all the worlde that we are come to degenerat from the magnanimitie of our elders, with whom this was an auncient and setled custome, that as often as they were discontented with offences, they neuer refused to embrase any perill or daun­ger, to preserue the dignitie, reputacion, and honour of the name of the Venetians: and not without reason: for that the deliberacions of common weales require not regardes and endes abiect and priuat, and muche lesse that all their councelles and actions stande only vppon respectes to profite. But it is also conuenient that they aspyre to endes more excellent and honourable by the which may bee increased their glorie, and their reputacion preserued: A matter which nothing makes so soone to be lost and defaced, as when there is occasion giuen to the world to thinke that there is neither valour, vertue, nor habilitie, to be touched with the [Page 207] remembrance of iniuries receiued, nor no readines showed to be reuenged: An ac­tion not a litle necessary, not so much for the sweetnes and pleasure in the reuenge, as for that the iustice and punishment of the offendor, breedes suche example to o­thers, that they will haue lesse courage to attempt the lyke: of suche consequence is that glorie which is founde to bee ioyned with vtilitie, high and honorable delibe­racions alwayes declaring themselues full of commodities and profits: Thus one dis­pleasure takes away from men many other, and oftentymes, by one only & short pu­nishment they are founde to bee deliuered from many and very long paynes: And yet if wee consider the state of thaffaires of Italy, and the disposicion of many great Princes against vs, together with thambushes which Lodovvyk Sforce dresseth continually agaynst vs, wee may knowe, that wee are ledde to this deliberation, no lesse by the necessitie present, then in consideration of other things: for, Lodovvyk pushed on by his naturall ambicion equall with the hate he beares to this most ex­cellent Senat, hath nothing in more great care or study, then to dispose the myndes of all the Potentates in Italy against vs, to set the king of Romains in discontentment with vs, to make vs hatefull to the whole nation of the Iermains, and lastly, he begins for the same effect to interteyne intelligence and practise with the Turke: you see already with what difficulties (by his meanes & working) yea almost without hope, wee susteine the defence of Pisa, and manage the warre in Casentyn: which if it bee continued, it can not bee without heaping greater effectes of daungers and disor­ders: And if it be abandoned without laying other foundation to our affaires, it can not bee but with so great a diminucion of reputacion, that it ministreth a won­derfull courage to who so euer hereafter shall haue disposicion to oppresse vs: and it can not bee vnknowen to all your wisdomes, that it is more easie to oppresse him that beginnes to declyne, then him that standes hable to iustefie himselfe in the full of his reputacion: of which thinges the effectes would clearely appeare to vs, and wee should also see our estate full of tumult and brutes of warre, if Lodovvyk were not kept in suspence by the feare he hath, least we ioyne with the french: A feare which long tyme is not hable to conteyne him: for who knoweth not that the king, made frustrat of the hope which he hath that we wil ioyne with him, will eyther at­tempt some other enterprise beyōd the mountes, or at least, ouercome with the per­swacions & offers of Lodovvyk, by the meanes of his corruptions & fauours he hath in the french court, wil fall to some accord with him: So that in the consideratiō and comparison of thinges, necessitie to mainteyne our auncient dignitie and glory con­straines vs to knit with the french king, but much more are we compelled by the a­specte of the great and imminent daungers, which can not bee auoyded by other meanes: wherein it seemes that fortune followeth vs with a speciall fauour, see­ing she bringes to passe that wee are sought to by so great a king, whom it is a iust office in vs to seeke and beseech with humilitie, besides that hee offreth vs so great and honourable recompenses of the victorie, as by those helpes and meanes this Senat may fashion great hopes, and employe their conceyptes in the plott and compassing of great thinges, specially the victorie being to bee gayned with so great facilitie, and Lodovvyk so farre too weake to resist two powers so migh­tie and well vnited: it is a vaine feare in my opinion to doubt that the neighbour­hed of the french king when he shall haue conquered the Duchie of Millan, wilbe eyther suspicious or daungerous to vs: for that in iudgement and forecast it may bee seene, that many thinges which seeme nowe contrarie, will then bee chaun­ged into fauours and good disposicion towardes vs, seeing that suche an increase [Page 208] and amplitude of greatnes to the french Crowne will breede suspicion in the mindes of all the principallities of Italy, and stir vp the king of Romains with the regions of Iermany, to be discontented that a french king should occupie so noble a member of thempire: In so much as euen those whom we feare to ioyne in vnitie with Lodovvyk to vexe vs, would then desire (for their proper interestes) to preserue vs and bee conioyned with vs: And (my Lordes) being great throughout the world the repu­taciō of our dominions & iurisdictions & no lesse great the renowme of our riches, and most great the opinion confirmed with so many honorable examples of our v­nion and constancy to preserue our estate: what meane, what courage, what oportu­nitie hath the french king to execute any invasion vpon vs, vnles he haue coniunctiō with more, or at the least, with the king of Romains: the vnitie & agreement of whō, seemes for many reasons so harde, that it is too vayne, to occupy our myndes either with the hope or feare of it: Besides, the peace which now he hopes to establishe with the princes his neyghbours beyond the mountes, will not bee perpetuall, see­ing ielousie, iniuries, and feare of his greatnes will alwayes keepe wakyng all those that holde him in hatred or beare enuy to his glorie: Lastly, lookyng into the pro­perties of the french natures, we neede not doubt that they are not more ready to get and conquer, then discreete to preserue and keepe, yea, it is annexed to their de­stiny to fall easely into the hatred of their subiectes by their pride and insolencies: vp­pon which reasons I make this conclusion, that after they haue got Myllan, they will haue more neede to study howe to preserue it, then any oportunitie at all to occu­pie their thoughtes with new enterprises, for that a iurisdiction newly gotten, fay­ling in order and wise gouerment, doth rather weaken then make more mightie him that hath got it: wherein we can not haue an example more freshe and notable, then the victory of the late King Charles, against whom were conuerted into ex­treame hatred, the incredible desires and gladnes with the which hee was recey­ued into the kingdome of Naples: So that the perils which may fall vppon vs at a­ny tyme after the victorie of the French King, are neyther so certeyne, nor of such nature, as for the auoyding of them, wee neede to remayne in a daunger present and of great consequence: And to reiect (for feare of daungers to come and vn­certeyne,) so large and conuenient a parte of the Duchie of Myllan, could not but merit imputacion of pusillanimitie and faintnes of courage: A thing reprochfull euen in men priuat, but muche more infamous to a common weale more migh­tie in glorie, riches, and reputacion then euer was any (except the Romaine state) in any parte of the worlde: There happen seldome so fauourable and fyt occasions which being transitorie & fleeting, it is an office in wisdom & magnanimitie to em­brase them when they be offred: A wit to curious & standing to long in considering of things to come, is often hurtfull and reprouable: for that the thinges of the world are subiect to so many and sundry accidentes, that rarely doeth that come to passe which the wisdom of man seemes to haue foreseene & imagined would happen: and he that leaueth the benefit present for feare of the daūger to come (if the peril be not certeine and neare at hande) findes himselfe to haue lost oftentymes (to his slaun­der and displeasures) occasions full of profit and glorie, and all for standing in feare of daungers which afterwardes turne to nothing: it is no great matter to suffer a mischiefe when wee are sure of the remedie, and in this case, if there bee anye mischiefe other then suche as wee may discerne before, which is neuer so gree­uous as when it chaunceth vppon the sodayne: yet I haue borne alwayes this iudgement, that that aduersitie is honourable whiche brynges with it [Page 209] prosperitie, glory, and reputation: for these reasons (my Lordes) I wishe vs to ac­cept the confederation against the Duke of Myllan, for that it putts vs in suertie for the present, protectes vs against all daungers to come, breedes our credit with all o­ther Potentates, and offreth vs the possession of those great thinges, which an other tyme we would be glad to get with intollerable expenses and trauels, aswell for their proper importance, as for that they be lynes to leade vs to high and honorable acti­ons, drawing with them a marueilous augmentation of the glory and empire of this florishing common weale.’

This councell and four me of reasoning made no small impression in the myndes of the others, who hard his reasons with iudgement, & fauoured his opiniō, recom­mending much the lyuely valour of his spirit accompanied with a resolute loue to his countrey: Against him stood vp and reasoned Melchior Treuisan singular for his wisdom, and excellent in all graces and giftes of the mynde.

This hath bene alwayes (touching offences and wronges) a wise obseruation in The [...]ell of [...] countreys and common weales well gouerned, to make true conference betweene the nature and estate of the iniuries, and the oportunities to reuenge: ‘not that those wise men beheld altogether the propertie and manner of the wronges (for that be­longes to passion) but withall they vsed to foresee whether the hurt in reuenging would not exceed the harmes already hapned by the trespasse committed, a forme of dealing which caried not their affections affore their wisdomes, but bridling the readines of nature, they oftentymes found more securitie to dissemble an iniurie thē to reuenge it: And albeit it can not bee denied that the iniuries done by Lodovvyk Sforce to our common weale, are not many and great, and offende much our digni­tie: yet, by how much they are great, and by their propertie offende our reputation, by so much more belonges it to our wisdom to moderate our iust anger with matu­ritie of iudgement & cōsideration of the publyke interest & benefit: for that, for men to commaund ouer themselues and vanquishe their proper passions, is so much the more cōmendable, by how much lesse often it hapneth in vse, & by how much more iust are the occasiōs that kyndle that anger or any other humain affectiō: And ther­fore (my Lords) it apparteineth to this Senat to the which is ascribed of al other na­tions the true partes of wisdō & discression, & who not lōg since made profession to haue deliuered Italy frō the frēch: it is our office I say to cōsider wel not only of thin­famy that wil rise, if now through our occasiō they prepare their returne, but also to loke carefully into the daūgers that may threatē vs if the duchie of Myllā fal into the power of the french King: perils, which if we can not consider of our selues, let vs call to memory what feares were brought vppon vs by the conquest which the late King Charles made of Naples, of whom we held not our selues assured, but when wee conspired against him almost with all princes Christians: But in true comparison there is great difference betweene the one daunger and the other: for, the late king, naked almost of all the vertues of a King, was a Prince more in shadowe and showe then in body and substance: and as the kingdome of Naples, so farre remoued from Fraunce, helde his forces so deuided, that they weakened more then strengthned his power, so that conquest, (for the feare of their estates so neare neighbours to the realme of Naples) procured him two great enemies the Pope & the King of Spaine, in whom touching the one are occupied for the present many diuers intencions, and the other made weary with the things of Italy, will make himselfe no partie without very great necessitie: But the new King both for his proper vertue is to be feared, and for his wise proceeding in this action to be doubted: as also the estate of Myllan [Page 210] bordreth so neare Fraunce, that in respect of commoditie to succour or reskew it, there is no hope to dryue him backe, but by setting all the world in a stir: In so much, that we being neighbours to so great a power, shalbe sure to be exercised in trauels and perplexeties both in peace and warre, In tymes of peace, subiect to expenses and suspicions, and during the warres, so intangled with daungers, that we shall fynde many difficulties to make our owne defence: And sure I can not but maruell much at him that hath reasoned affore me, who on the one side makes no feare of a king of Fraunce being Lord ouer the Duchie of Myllan, and on the other side holdes for ter­rible Lodovvyk Sforce, a Prince for power much inferior to vs, and with whom this hath bene alwayes a custome, eyther with fearfulnes or couetousnes, to put in daūger all his enterprises: he alledged feare of succours which others might make to him, as though it were easie, in so great diuersitie of spirits & wills, & in so general varietie of condicions, to make such an vnitie: or rather, as if the absolute cōcord & vnion of a great and strong power, were not more to be feared, then the power of many, which as it hath diuers endes & mocions, so doth it bring forth actions diuerse and discor­dant: he seemes to haue a confidence, that in those, who for hate and many other reasons, desire our embasement, would be found that wisdom to vanquish disdaines & couetousnes, which we finde not in our selues to reteine his ambicious thoughts. Besides, I know not why we may make promise, that the ielousies and new and aun­cient disdaines against the french king (aspiring to the conquest of Myllan) may doe more on the behalfe of the king of Romains & the Almain nation, then the rooted and setled hatred which both they beare to vs by reason of so many townes which wee hold apperteining to thempire & house of Austriche: Neither can I see vppon what ground or discourse of reason the king of Romains will more willingly ioyne with vs against the french, then take part with the french quarrell against vs: No, rather the vnion of the barbarous and perpetual enemies to the name of Thitalians, carieth a more likelehood of truth and seemes more propper to make a praye: for that being vnited with him, he may rather hope to bee victorious ouer vs, then ouer him if he were knit with him: Besides these, such were his actions during the league past, and when he came into Italie, that he left no reason why we should so muche desire to haue him eftsones reunited with vs: I deny not, but Lodovvyk hath done vs many iniuries, but euen so it is farre from councell and wisdom, for a passionat desire of re­uenge, to put in perill the whole estate of things: And seeing tymes keepe their cer­teine measure and course, and euery tyme is enhabled to his propper function, it is neither shame nor ill policie to exspect those accidentes and occasions to reuenge, which a common weale may very wel attend and tarie for: No, rather it is infamous and meriteth imputation, to be caryed with affection, and prefer the suggestion of disdaine affore thoportunitie of the tyme, and in matters of state, it is no small slaun­der, when rashenes and indiscression are accompanied with domage and generall harmes: No man will say that for such reasons, we were mooued to make an enter­prise so rashe, but all the world will iudge that the desire to haue Cremona hath pu­shed vs forward, the same giuing cause of question to euery one, what is become of the auncient wisdom and grauitie of this Senat: And iustly may all the world mar­uell that we are falne into the same rashenes to be guides to the french king into I­talie, into the which our selues wondred so much that Lodovvyk Sforce ranne so far: Great is the profit of Cremona and the place very conuenient for many respectes: But we ought to cōsider whether it be not a greater losse to haue a king of Fraunce Lord of the state of Millan, yea, we ought to consider whether our greatnes and reputati­on [Page 211] be stronger in Italie, when of our selues we are chiefest and most absolute there, or when there is in the hart of the same region a prince so mightie and so neare our neighbour: we haue occupied at other tymes with Lodovvyk, both disagreementes and frendships, as eftsoones may happen dayly betweene him and vs, neyther is the difficultie of Pisa such but there may bee applied some remedie, and much lesse doth it deserue that for it we make vs subiect to so great daungers: But hauing the french to our neighbours, we shalbe alwayes trauelled in discordes, for that occasions will daily aryse in the diuersitie of our owne myndes, in the haughtie pride of the french nation, in the hatred wherein princes do alwayes pursue common weales, and in the ambicion which the most mightie haue to oppresse the most feeble and weake: for which regarde, not only the respect of Cremona, can not allure me, but it doeth euen astonish me, for that in it is aggrauated the occasion to the french king to vexe vs, which wilbe so much the more set forward by those of Myllan, by how much lesse they can suffer Cremona to be dismembred from the Duchie: And the same occasion will also stirre vp the Iermain nation and the king of Romaines, for that Cremona and Guiaradadda be also members of the iurisdiction of the empire: At the least our am­bicion would not be so much blamed, and we should not search with new conquests to get vs euery daye new enemies, and to make vs suspected to euery one. By reason whereof it must needes come to passe in the ende, that either we must be souereigne and maisters ouer all, or skourged and beaten of all, & which of these two is soonest to happen, it is easie to consider by such as take not pleasure to beguile themselues: The wisdome and grauitie of this Senat by how muche it is knowne and published throughout Italy and all the world, by so much more would the action be infamous and slaunderous to defile our doings with a deliberation so rashe and daungerous: seeing, to be caried with passion against our proper profit, is nothing els but lightnes, and to esteeme more daungers that be litle then such as be great, can not but holde of folly and indiscression: which two things being directly contrary to the wisdome and grauitie of this Senat, I hope you will set downe a resolucion so moderat & well aduised, as both your reputation shalbe preserued, and your custome not broken.’

This councell, albeit was susteyned with so many mightie reasons, and fauored of many of the principall and most wise of the Senat, was not for all that of such force, but that the contrary aduise caried the resolucion, aswell for respect of hatred, as for desire to beare rule, two things which leade men easilie to daungerous deliberati­ons: for, in the hatred which euery one had conceiued against Lodovvyk, was ney­ther measure nor limit, and no lesse was the desire to adioyne to the iurisdiction of Venice the citie of Cremona with all the countrey about it, and all Guiaradadda: an en­lardgement of no small value, for that it yelded yearely a reuenue of a hundred thou­sand Duckatts: but more to be esteemed for his oportunitie, for that embrasing by this encreasement almost all the riuer of Oglia, they stretched out their lymits euen to Pavv: they amplified also their iurisdiction along the ryuer of Adda, and appro­ching within fifteene myles of the citie of Myllan, and somewhat nearer the cities of Plaisance and Parma, it seemed in their coniectures that they had the way opened to occupie all the Duchie of Myllan, as often as the French King was either caried with new thoughts, or troubled with great impediments on the other side the Mountes: which they hoped woulde happen within short tyme, both for the nature of the Frenchmen who are more apt to get then hable to keepe: & also for that their com­mon weale is perpetuall, where, in the kingdome of Fraunce, it often hapneth by the death of kinges, that thinges diuolue to alteration, and gouernments and counselles [Page 212] chaunge. They brought also into consideration the difficulties of the french to con­tinue the amities and goodwills of their subiectes no lesse for the generall diuersitie of blud, then for the difference of the french manners from the customes of Thitali­ans: So that that sentence eftsones cōfirmed by the voices of the greatest nūber, they sent to their Embassadors resident with the King to conclude the confederation vp­pon the offers they made, not speaking in any respect of the affaires of Pisa.

This exception of Pisa did not a litle trouble the King, for that he hoped by tho­portunitie of that deputacion, to vnite the Venetians and Florentyns with him: And knowing that the Venetians were inclined to withdrawe themselues by composition from the defence of Pisa, he helde it but reasonable, that in that action they shoulde rather haue regard to him to make easie thenterprise of Myllan as a thing nourishing common benefit, to them both: then that hauing better conditions in the compo­sicion, to be the causers that the Florentyns should remayne ioyned with Lodovvyk Sforce, by whose meane the king knowing that the Negociacion continued at Ferra­ra, was in no litle doubt, that he should not haue on his side eyther the Florentyns or the Venetians, if Lodovvyk had power to bring the conference of Ferrara to a good conclusion. And so the king wauering in many varieties and fancies of mynde, and iudging that to be a resolucion both vaine & ill aduised, which should leaue in neu­tralitie and doubt both the one and other common weale, and lastly being moued not a litle with the distrust which they expressed to haue against him: he began to incline rather to conclude the peace which continually was solicited with the king of Romains, bearing this condicion, that it should be lawful to the one to make warre vppon Lodovvyk Sforce, and to the other to vexe the Venetians: In which disposition of mynd, he made aunswere by the deputies which debated in his name with Them­bassadors of Venice, that he refused to accord with them, if for their parts, they gaue not perfection to the deputation of Pisa, wherein he had solicited them before: And in his owne person he assured the Florentine Embassadors that he would neuer make other agreement with the Venetians: But the Duke Valentinois and the Agents of the Pope with the Cardinall of. S. P. advincla, Tryvulce, and the other Italians, to whom apperteyned many particular respectes and intrests touching this warre, would not suffer him to remayne constant in that deuise: They perswaded him with many and great reasons, that waighing with the power of the Venetians, the oportunities they had to annoy the Duke of Myllan, his maiestie coulde not followe a councell more hurtfull then to suffer himself to be depriued of their ayde and succors, for feare to leese the fauor of the Florentyns, from whom, by reason of their owne troubles, and that they were far remoued from the Duchie of Myllan, could bee drawne no great profit or commoditie to his purposes: Besides, in that action, the occasion would be made easie to Lodovvyk, not only to forsake the fauors of the Florentyns, but also in reconciling himselfe to the Venetians (a matter which had bene the very spring and originall of all the disagreements betweene him and that state) to be eftsoones reunited with them: by which alteration if there were no other meane to discerne what difficulties and impediments might ensue to thaffaires of his maiestie, at the least, the experience of thinges paste giues sufficient warning of it: for that albeit in the league that was made against king Charles, the names of so many kinges were concurrant, yet the only forces of the Venetians and Lodovvyk, tooke from him No­uare, and alwayes defended the Duchie of Myllan against him: They tolde him that it was a councell daungerous and deceiptful, to make a foundation vppon the vnitie with Maximilyan: In whom the world had seene euen till that day farre greater at­temptes [Page 213] and disposicions to enterprises, then were his meanes and wisdom to cool­lour them: But if his actions brought foorth more happie successe then in tymes past, it ought to be well considered, how euill would agree with thintencions of the king, the augmentaciō of so great & perpetual an enemie to the Crowne of Fraunce: with these reasons they so altered thinclination of the king, & chaunged his former councels, that, without speaking further of Pisa, he consented and concluded the cō ­federation with the Venetians, wherein was agreed, that at the selfe same tyme that [...] of the league be­tvveene the french l [...]ng and the state of Venice. his maiestie with a mightie armie should assaile the Duchie of Myllan, they for their partes, should doe the lyke vppon their frontyers: That the king hauing conquered the residue of the Duchie, Cremona with all Guiaradadda should be for the Venetians except foure furlonges along the Ryuer of Adda: Lastly, that after the king had cō ­quered the Duchie of Myllan, the Venetians were bound to defende it for a certeyne tyme and with a certeyne proporcion of horsemen and footmen, the king promy­sing to do the like office for Cremona, & al the rest that they possest in Lumbardy euen vnto the marshes of Venice: This confederatiō was so secretly contracted, that Lodo­vvyk for many monethes could not vnderstād, whether they had made betwene thē a league only for their common defence as from the beginning had bene published both in the french court and at Venice, or whether there was any article that tou­ched him, or made mention to manage warre against him: Such were the respectes to keepe the couenantes of this league secret, that the Pope himselfe notwithstan­ding his straite familiaritie with the king, could haue no certeyne aduertisement of them, but very late.

The league thus cōcluded with the Venetians, the king (without speaking further of Pisa) propounded to the Florentyns condicions much differing from the former: By which occasion, accompanied with the displeasures which the Venetians did to them, they were eftsoones and further constrained to make their staie vppon the Duke of Myllan, by whose aydes as their affaires continually prospered in the coun­trey of Casentyn, so the enemies receiuing many hurts by the soldiours and Paisants and suffring want of vittels and forrage for their horses of seruice, were retyred with­in Bybiena and other small places, forgetting a necessary diligence to commaund the straites of thappenyn, to thende the way of their succours might be kept open, and the meane more assured (vppon the first necessitie,) to abandon the countrey of Ca­sentyn with lesse domage: By reason whereof Charles Vrsin was bestowed with his men at armes, and a hundred footemen, for the garde of the straite of Montalona, and a litle more belowe, Aluiana defended the passage of La Vernia: But on the other side, Pavvle Vitelly proceeding discreetly and substancially according to his custome, af­ter he had so restrained them into straites and hard termes, laboured to compel them to abandon the countrey of Montalona with intencion afterwardes to dryne such as kept the passage of La Vernia to do the lyke, to thende that the regiment of the Vene­tians being wholly penned in Bybienna, and enuironed on all sides with enemies and hilles, they might eyther bee the easelier vanquished, or at least, bee driuen to con­sume themselues: seeing their numbers were already much diminished, for that be­sides those that were stripped here and there, there were departed from the army at sundry tymes, both for want of vittels, and ill sueritie of their lodgings, more then fif­teene hundred horsemen with many troupes of footmen, who, being set vpon in the passage of the Alpes by the Paisantes, receiued great harmes: In the ende the consi­deration of these difficulties constrained Charles Vrsin with his regiment to abandon the straite of Montalona, not without daunger to be put to the chasse, for that many [Page 214] of the Florentyn bandes (to whom his distresses were knowen) and companies of Paisantes embrasing the present occasion, set vppon them on the way: yet the Vrsins, hauing already taken the aduantage of the straite, albeit, they lost a great part of their baggage, performed notwithstanding such defence, that the companies that follow­ed the chase in disorder, tasted of their valour: The example of Charles Vrsin (in re­garde of the same difficulties) was followed by those of La Venetian and Chiusa, who forsaking that passage, were retired to Bybienna, wherein were inclosed the Duke of Vrbyn, Aluyano, Astor Bayllon, P. Marcell superintendent to the Venetian companies, and Iulyan de Medicis, who were reserued for the garde of that place (their only for­tresse in the countrey Casentyn) with a strength of threescore horsses and seuen hun­dred footemen: In which distresse they were norished with no other comfort then a hope in the succours which the Venetians prepared, iudging that for the regard of honour, but much more to haue better condicions by agreement, it imported them much not to abandon wholly the enterprise of the countrey of Casentyn: And as for that cause, the Count Petillane mustred at Rauenna with great diligence the bandes ap­poynted for that reskew: whereunto he was solicited by the perpetuall complaintes of the Count of Vrbyn and the rest, who signifiyng that their miserie & want of vittels had brought them to suche estate of necessitie, that without speedy succour they should be constrained to offer composicion with the enemy: euen so, of the contra­ry, the Duke of Myllan and the Captaines that were in the countrey of Cassentyn, no­rished a speciall desire to preuent that succour by thexpugnation of Bybienna, de­maūding for that end to be sent foure thousand footmen to ioyne with the strength of the Campp: But their desire founde many impedimentes, both for that in that countrey colde and ful of hilles, the nature of the tyme hindred much all actions and exercise of warre, and also there was no franke readines in the Florentyns to furnish such prouision, partly being ouerwearied with the long and intollerable expenses growing dayly to increase and renouacion: And partly for that in the citie (not in great stabilitie and quiet) was disclosed a new dissencion, some of the citizens fauou­ring Pavvle Vitelly for his late merits in the warre, and others desiring to raise the Count Rinucce for that hee had bene an auncient and faythfull Capteyne to their common weale, and had parentage of great authoritie within Florence: hee lost the hope to manage the first place or dignitie in their seruice, by his misfortune at. S. Re­all, and very vnwillingly did he endure to haue that degree of reputacion transferred to Pavvle Vitelly: And therefore leading his regiment in the countrey Cassentyn, he expressed no disposicion nor readines to aduaūce thenterprises, by the which might grow increase of reputacion to him whom he had desire to embase: These difficul­ties also became the greater by the natural propertie of Pavvle, who seeking to haue his payes before the tyme, could not agree with the Florentyne Commissioners, and who oftentimes in the deliberation and expedicion of affaires, possessed himself of more authoritie then seemed reasonable, and had euen at that tyme without the priuitie of the superintendents, giuen to the Count Vrbyn being sicke, safeconduite to repasse in suertie out of the countrey Casentyn: vnder the warrant of which safecon­duit, Iulyan de Medicis was also gone with him, to the special displeasure of the Flo­rentyns, who occupied this reason, that if they had made difficultie to suffer the Count Vrbyn to passe, his desire to go to recouer his health in his own dominiōs, wold haue constrained him to agree to the deliuery of the bandes that were within Bybi­enna: but much more did they complaine that Iulyan de Medicis should communi­cat in such a liberall fauour, expressing a foretyme manifest actions of rebellion, and [Page 215] euen then was in armes against his countrey: Those differences hindred much that at Florence they neyther beleeued councels, nor agreed to the demaunds of Pavvle Vitelly, but much more did they proue impediments to the proceedings of the war which was not continued with his reputacion towardes the people, for that not on­ly many execucions of importance were perfourmed more by the Paisants then by the Souldiours, but also, considering the great opinion they had of his valour, they promised to themselues with a quicker expediciō, the victorie of the enemies: wher­in perhappes (according to the nature and iudgement of peoples) they attributed to want of will, that which with more equitie they might haue referred to want of po­wer, hauing regarde to the sharpenes of the tyme, and want of things necessarie: By these occasions (hurtfull to their affaires) and the strength of the foure thousande footemen being too slow in comming, the Count Pettillano had leasure enough to come to the borough of Elcy apparteyning to the Duke of Vrbyn, and very neare the limittes of the Florentyns: A place where were before, Charles Vrsin and Peter de Me­dicis, and where were assembled all the bandes to passe Thappenyn, whose strength and order (as best agreeable to that countrey desert and rude) stoode more vppon footemen then horsemen, and the most parte of them armed after the light horse­men: This was the last strength which the Venetians made in the countrey Casentyn, and to breake it, Pavvle Vitelly leauing about Bybienna a certeine forme of a seege and sufficient garde in the straites and passages most necessary, marched with the re­sidue of his armie to the straite of▪ S. Stephen, (a towne of the Florentyns seated at the foote of the Alpes) to withstande the enemies discending from the hilles: ‘But as in matters of daunger, discression and councell are remedies no lesse assured then cou­rage and execucion: So, the Count Pettillano, hauing before him, the Alpes loaden with snowes,’ and at the foote of the Alpes so great an impediment, together with the straite passages very troublesome to passe euen when the season is faire: was con­tent to forbeare to discend or passe, notwithstanding with great complaintes he was persuaded to it by the Senat of Venice, perhappes more vehement to pushe him for­ward, then hable to foresee the perils: But albeit they propoūded to him diuers plots and meanes to retire Pavvle from whence he was, & that already in Valdibagna was done some enterprise of vexacion vppon the Peeces of the Florentyns, yet he stood resolute in his determinacion, and would not stir in any sort.

But by how much more coldly the war proceeded, by so much more hoatly were The Duke of Myllan made astonished with the league, sol [...] ­teth an ac­cord betwene the Venetians and the Flo­rentyns. recontinued the solicitacions and practises of accorde, equally desired of both the one and other partie for diuers regardes, and no lesse followed and solicited by the Duke of Myllan: the reason & reapport of the league made betwene the french king and the Venetians, made him somewhat amazed, and with all drew him to disposici­ons of hope, that the accord being made, the Venetians would haue lesse desire to the passage of the french, persuading himselfe also, that at the least, (contenting them­selues in that regarde with his good will and with his workes) they would bee some­what appaised, and cut of the rigour of their indignacion conceiued against him: Therefore interposing amongst them a meane by Hercules D'este his father in lawe, he constrained the Florentyns to condiscende somewhat to the desire of the Veneti­ans, not so much with authoritie (for they seeing into his intencions, began to holde him for suspected) as with letting them know, that if thagreement went not forward, his necessities would compell him, for the feare he had of the french king, to turne to their disfauour, and to take from them eyther all his men of warre, or at least the best parte of his trained bandes: The matter was debated many monethes at [Page 216] Ferrara where, after many difficulties disputed, Hercules was required by the Veneti­ans, to come in person to Venice for the more facilitie of thexpedicion, wherunto he made some resistance: but much more the Florentyns, for that they knewe that the Venetians desired that a compromise might be made in the person of the Duke of Ferrara, against the which they stood, & were very farre of: But such were thimpor­tunities of Lodovvyk Sforce, that at last he consented to go thether, & the Florentyns to sende with him Iohn Baptista Rodolpho, & Pavvle Anthony Sodoryn, two of the chie­fest and wisest citizens of their common weale. The first thing that was disputed vp­pon at Venice, was to know if Hercules as Arbitrator would put an ende to the con­trouersie, or as a friend indifferent, would labour to bring thē to accord, interposing, betweene the parties according to their order of proceeding at Ferrara, where they were notfarre of from resoluing the articles most principall and importing: The Florentyns desired that the custome begun should be obserued, knowing that Hercu­les, in as much as might depend vppon his arbittrement, would hold more accompt of the greatnes of the Venetians, then of them, and pronouncing the sentence at Ve­nice, he should bee so muche the more compelled to beare respect to the Venetians: And yet though he would doe nothing of himselfe, they were assured the Duke of Myllan would induce him, for that he desired greatly to make knowne to the Veneti­ans that he had serued their turne in that action: And albeit many difficulties were almost resolued at Ferrara: yet both in their last perfection, and in many perticulari­ties, the power of the arbitrator was not litle, who, notwithstanding the compromise would yet haue a libertie to depart from that which was first debated: On the other side, the Venetians were at a point, if the compromise went not forwarde, to passe no further, not so much for that they were promised more in the Arbitrator then the Florentyns, as for that there were risen amongst them many contrarieties & obiecti­ons touching the present matter: for, albeit the greatest part of them were weary with the intollerable expenses that increased dayly with a very small hope of profit, which not a litle aduaunced their disposicions to agreement: yet were there many euen in the Senat, who for their experience not so well staied as the rest, & for their mocions of youth, more forwarde then would councel or reason, would not consent to agreement, vnlesse the libertie of the Pisans were wholly preserued, or at least vn­lesse that part of the countrey remayned stil to them which they possessed whē they tooke them into their protection: To which opinion they ioyned many reasons, but chiefly they vrged a promise ratified by decree publike to the Pisans to protect their libertie, which they could not breake without apparant blemishe to their common honours, and perpetuall stayne to the reputacion of their common weale: Some o­thers made easie touching all other articles, were immoderat in the quantitie of ex­penses, which they required to bee repayed by the Florentyns in abandoning of Pisa: A request which they commended to bee very reasonable, for that it was no lesse iust for the Florentyns to make recompence of the charges, then for the Pisans to make restitucion of that they helde in possession: But the chiefe wisdom and autho­ritie of the Senat, had a councell contrary: who, sounding more deepely the estate of things, preferred still with many importunities the cōsideration of the great char­ges, wherein as good stewardes of the treasures of their common weale, it was a iust office in them all, to be carefull and circumspect: They saw nothing but dispaire in the defence of Bybienna, and lesse possibilitie to susteyne any longer the generall qua­rell of Pisa, without encrease of new troubles and charges, for the many difficulties that still appeared aswell in succouring them, as to diuert and draw away the forces [Page 217] of thennemies the Flerentyns hauing obiected impediments far aboue their espec­tacion in the beginning: Besides, they cōsidered that albeit thenterprise against the Duke of Myllan might be supposed easie, yet the french king, being not pacified with the king of Romains, & standing subiect to diuers impediments ordinarily hapning at home, might by many aduentures be hindred & made slow to prosecute the wa [...]e: And though he should put it to action, yet in the buisines of warre, many daungers vnlooked for & difficulties no lesse intricat, may chaunce dayly eyther to the vtter disappointing of his purposes, or at least to alter his disposicion: But aboue all, trem­bling at the great preparacions which was saide Baiazet Ottoman made both by sea and lande to inuade those partes towardes Grece, their resolucion was, (seeing their necessitie was more mightie then their inclination) that it was both iust, reasonable, and necessarie, rather to consent that honestie in some parte should giue place to v­tilitie, then, in standing obstinatly vppon their promise and fayth giuen, to perseuer and nouryshe as it were a perpetuall interest in troubles, charges, and perplexities: And because they were well assured that these conclusions would be hardly consen­ted to in their councelles, (albeit they knewe from the beginning that of necessitie they must bee allowed) they had (whilest the negociacion was at Ferrara) wysely procured, that by the councell of the Pregati should bee giuen fulnes of authoritie touching thaffaires of Pisa, and the resolucion of thaccord, to the councell of the Di­eci, which is a councel compounded of a lessor number, none being called vnto it but such as bee of greatest grauitie & authoritie which conteined the most parte of those that most desired thaccord: But now the solicitacion continuing at Venice, and being in no trust to be able to dispose the councell of the Pregati to consent to the articles which had bene debated at Ferrara, and knowing withall, that if only the councell of the Dieci condiscended to them, there might ryse occasions to charge those that assisted it: they solicited that the compromise might bee made, hoping that touching the iudgement that might come of it, men would rather transferre thimptuacion to the Arbitrator then to them, and that more easely would that bee ratified which had bene alreadie published in sentence, thē that which should be cō ­sented vnto with the partie entreating by way of accord: So that after those things had bene debated for certeine dayes, (the Duke of Myllan threatning the Florentyns refusing to compromit to withdrawe immediatly all his companies out of Tuskan) there was a free and absolute compromise for eight dayes in the person of Hercules Duke of Ferrara, who, after he had well considered of all thinges, pronounced the sixt day of Aprill, that within eight dayes next following the Venetians and Flo­rentyns should ceasse to offende one an other, and that by the next Saint Markes tyde all the bandes, succors, and aydes of eyther parties, should retyre and returne into their countreys, that the Venetians at the same tyme should make issue out of Pisa and all the places thereaboutes all their regimentes of Souldiours, which they interteined there: That they should abandō Bybyenna with all other peeces takē vppō the Florētins, & they to pardō to those of Bybienna all their faltes & trespasses: That for the recōpēce of al charges (which the Venetiās assured to amoūt to eight hūdred thousād duckats) the Florētyns should be boūd to repaie thē in. xij. yeares, xv. thousād duckats by the yeare: That al offēces shold be pardoned to the Pisas, to whō shold be suffred to exercise by sea & lād all sorts of sciēces & marchādise, & to remein in their gard, al the fortresses of Pisa & other those places which were holdē by thē the day of the sentēce: but vnder this charge, that if they bestowed Garrisons of the coūtreimē or others, that they should not be persons suspected to the Florentyns, and that they [Page 218] should be paied of the reuenues which the Florentyns should collect of Pisa, encrea­sing neither the numbers of men, nor the paies accustomed affore the rebelliō: That if the Pisans thought good, they might deface & dismantle all those citadels & for­tresses of the proper countrey of Pisa, which had ben recouered by the Florentyns for the time the Venetians held them in their protectiō: That within Pisa the first instāces of causes ciuile should be iudged by a Podestat straunger chosen by the Pisans of a place not suspected by the Florentyns, that the Capteine chosen by the Florentyns should not medle but with causes of appellacion, & haue no power to proceed in a­ny case cryminall concerning bloud, banishment, or cōfiscaciō without the councel of a superintendent to be chosen by Hercules or his successors, & of fyue Doctors of law which the Pisans should name to him: That the goods moueable & vnmoueable occupied by the one & other partie, should be restored to whō they apperteined, not making restituciō of the fruites, of the which euery one was absolued: That in all o­ther things, they should suffer the Florentyns to enioy fully their rightes in Pisa & the territorie, forbidding, the Pisans, that neither for the regard of the Citadels & fortres­ses, nor for other cause what so euer, they shold practise or cōspire any thing against the commō weale of Florence: This sentence was no sooner published at Venice, but there were heard thorow the citie great complaintes euē of the nobilitie, against the Duke of Ferrara & those special Senators which had managed the whole actiō: The most of them, cōstruing to great blame that faith should be brokē to the Pisans with so many infamies to the maiestie of the commō weale, complained vehemētly, that the article touching the expenses of the warre was past ouer with so light cōsidera­cion: The discourse of this agreement inflamed not a litle Thembassadors of the Pi­sans, who, being before the sentence cunningly enterteined by the Venetians in many promises & hopes, that vndoubtedly they should remeine in full libertie, & that not only the residue of the coūtrey shold be adiudged to thē, but happly also the port of Lyuorne, made the resolutiō so much the more greeuous to thē, by how much the ef­fects felout cōtrary to the persuasions wherin they had bene norished: In so much as they began with publike cryes to appeale to the equitie of the Senat, to whom they cōplained, that the promises to protect their libertie so oftentimes reiterated by the Senat, vnder thassurāce of whose faith they had not only reiected thamities of all o­ther Potētates, but also refused far better cōdicions offred by the Florētyns, were vn­worthely defiled & broken, their securitie being not prouided for but with vaine ap­parances: for, what degree of safetie was that, or how could they be assured that the Florētyns reestablishing their maiestrates within Pisa & their marchāts & subiects re­turning to traffike there, & on the other side their Paisāts, who had serued as a prin­cipal member in the defēce of the citie, retiring to their houses & farmes would not bring vnder their iurisdictiō by some propertie of fraude, the whole gouernment of their town? hauing withal so many oportunities but chiefly the gard & cōmaūdemēt of the gates: And how could there but lurcke intēciō of infidelitie vnder that suertie, where we holding the fortresses, & such as were appointed to the gard of thē, were to be paied by the Florētins, & not to be lawful in a time so doubtful, to bestow a strōger garde thē had ben accustomed in seasōs peasible & assured: The pardon for the tres­passes committed, was likewise a thing vaine, seeing the Florētins had good meane to destroy them by waies iudicial & by iudgements: for that the marchandises & other goods as had ben made pillage in the time of rebelliō amoūted to such a valew, that in recōpēce they wold not only dispose & cōfiske our substāces, but also in such a re­uēgeful authoritie our persōs should not be assured frō imprisōmēt: But to cut of the [Page 219] importunitie of these cōplaints, the principals of the Senat brought to passe the day, folowing (although the tearme of the cōpromise was expired) that Hercules, (to whō the general indignacion of the citie brought not a litle feare) added to the sentence published, a declaratiō without the knowledge & priuitie of the Florentyns: that vn­der the name of fortresses, was comprehēded & ment the gates of the towne of Pisa, with other peeces that had fortresses, for whose garde, & interteinmentes of the po­destat & superintendent, should be assigned to the Pisans a certeine part of the reue­nues of Pisa. And that the places not suspected, wherof mentiō was made in the sentence, & frō whēce they might draw souldiours, should be thestate of the church, of Mantua, of Ferrara, & of Bologna, not comprehending therein souldiours of other places: That touching restituciō of goods, there should neuer be speche of it: That it should be in the power of the Pisans, to name the superintēdent, borne in any place not suspected: That the Capteine should not proceede in any cause cryminal, (how litle so euer it were) without the superintēdent: That the Pisans should be wel intrea­ted of the Florentyns according to the custome of other noble cities of Italy, and that there should not be imposed vppon them any new charges.

This declaracion was not solicited for any desire the Venetians had that it should be obserued, but somewhat to qualifie the iust importunities of the Pisan Embassa­dors, & so to iustefie thēselues to the coūcell of the Pregati, that if the libertie of the Pisans were not altogether obteyned, at the least they had so well prouided for their suertie and commoditie, that they could not bee charged to haue passed them ouer as a praye, or lest them abandoned: So that in this councel of the Pregati, after much discourse of disputacion & reasoning, at last what with the cōsideratiō of the cōdici­ons of times, & the difficulties to mainteine Pisa, but specially for feare of the Turkes armies, it was resolued, that the sentence should not be ratified, with an expresse con­sent, but that things which were of greatest importance should be put in execution, making to cease within viij. daies all offences, & drawing all their bands out of Tuskā at the time determined, with intenciō to medle no more with the quarel: yea many of the Senators begun to desire, that the Florentyns should rather recouer Pisa, then that it should fal into the power of the Duke of Myllan. At Florence, after the tenor of the sentēce was communicated to the citie, most of the multitude begā to murmure in their mindes, & not only held thēselues oppressed in this, that they must make re­paimēt of thexpenses of the warre to those who had vniustly vexed them: but much more for that it seemed to them they had obteined no other thing but the naked and simple name of Lordes, seeing, both the fortresses were in the garde of the Pisans, and thadministracion of cryminal iustice (one of the principall members to preserue e­states) could not haue his course without their Maiestrates: Neuerthelesse, the same protestacions of the Duke of Myllan which had induced them to compromit, con­strained them to ratifie it, and hoping withall that within a litle tyme, by industrie and good behauior to the Pisans, they might redresse things in a better forme: they ratified by name the sentence published, but not the addicions & declaraciōs which were not yet come to their knowledge.

But farre greater were thindignacions and doubtes of the Pisans, who moued not a litle against the name of the Venetians, and ielous of some greater deceipt, assoone as they vnderstood the reapport of the sentence, discharged their soldiours from the garde of the fortresses & the gates: And not suffring them any more to lodge in the citie, they stoode many dayes in great variacion and doubt, whether they should accept the condicions of the sentence or not: On thoneside, feare, being the instru­ment [Page 220] of compulcion, ouerruled their wills, standing now abandoned of all comfort and councell: And on the other side, the generall hate they bare to the Florentyns, made their passions redouble and kept them resolute: But muche more did reteyne their inclination to constancy, their desperate exspectacion to obteyne pardon for their heauy & infinit transgressiōs, whose qualitie they held so much the more great and intollerable, by how much they had put the state of Florence to infinit expenses and harmes, & many times had brought into tearmes daungerous, euen their proper libertie: In these doubtes & diuersities of myndes, the Duke of Myllan councelled thē to giue place, offring that he would worke so much with the Florentyns that the cōdiciōs of the sentēce should bee more in their fauors & to their aduaūtages: yet, they, to make trial if he remeined stil possessed with his aūcient couetousnes, deter­mining in this case to giue thēselues wholly to him, they sent to him Embassadours: But at last (such are the destinies of minds drawne & deuided) after many thoughts & variaciōs, they determined rather to make trial of al extremeties, thē to return vnder the yoke of the Florentyns, wherunto as the Pisans had secret incitaciō to by the Ge­novvays, Lucquoys, & Pādolffe Petrucci: So also it was not doubted of the Florentyns but that the Duke of Myllan (the truth being otherwayes) had encoraged thē to that ob­stinat resoluciō, so litle exspectacion is there of sinceritie and faithful actions in that man, whom the world hath taken into opinion to be double and suttle.

Thus the Florentyns, being out of hope to recōcile Pisa by accorde, thought they The Pissns not keeping [...]rd are beseeged by the Flor [...]tins. had a great occasiō to vāquish & force the citie: And therfore, causing Pavvle vitelli to returne eftsones into that coūtrey, they leuied with ready diligence the prouisiōs demaunded by him: But whilest that strength was assembled & in preparing to acti­on, the daūgers of Lodovvyk Sforce encreased wonderfully for that his interposicion into thaccord had in no sort appaised the minds of the Venetians, who, for hate to the mā, & hope of their profit, were wholly in desier to cōspire his ruine: To these distres­ses of Lodovvyk, was ioyned this further aduersitie, that Maxymylian was nothing so ready to make warre on the french king, as he was importunat in cōtinual demaūdes of mony of Lodovvyk: yea, cōtrary to his many promises, he prolōged the trusse for the whole moneth of August next, taking frō him at one time the hope that he had that his succors would stand him in more stead, then had don his councell to diuert the warre: Maxymylian also, being vnited with the league of Svveaden, began warre vppon the Svvyssers declared rebels of the Empire for many controuersies betwene them: which warre cōtinuing on both sides in great fury, with sundry accidents and fortunes on both partes: Lodovvyk began to assure himselfe, that in no necessitie, he could hope for succours from Maxymylian, vntill that warre against the Svvyssers, tooke ende eyther by victorie, or composicion: And yet Maxymylian, promising him that he would neuer accord with the french king or with the Svvyssers, without comprehēding him in it, Lodovvyk was stil cōstrained to refurnish thexpēses of that warre, & to enterteine Themperors prodigalities with new supplies of money. This occasion was not vnknowen to the new king of Fraunce, who, cōsidering how much it imported him, to haue the Pope & the Venetians for him, esteemed litle the persua­sions of many of his councell, that in regard he was newly ascended to the Crowne, and his treasures very ill furnished, hee might put of the warre till the yeare folow­ing: But the king framing his hopes according to the importunities of his desire, imagined a possibilitie to obteine the victory in fewe monethes: And therefore casting in his coniecture that in suche a shortnes of tyme, the seruice coulde not suffer great necessities of money, entered into open preparacion for the [Page 221] warre alwayes furnishing the Svvyssers affore hande with some proporcion of mo­ney, to thende to keepe Maximilian in busines: for which cause the Duke of Myllan, discerning such manifest tokens of the warre, laboured with a wonderfull diligence and care not to bee alone in so great daungers: wherein hauing an absolute distrust in all possibilities and meanes of accord or reconciliacion with the Venetians, & fyn­ding in the king of Spaine an inclinacion suspicious, & (notwithstanding his many solicitacions) a carelesse remembrance of his perils: he turned his eyes to the con­templacion of other helpes, and founding in one instant the willes almost of all o­ther Potentates, he sent Galeas Viscomte to Maxymylian and the Svvyssers to nego­ciat an agreement betwene them: And as aduersitie is mightie to make men search thoperacion of all councels: So, Lodovvyk knowing, that according to the Popes desire, the mariage of Charlotta with his sonne Caesar Vorgia, could not well succeed, for that the young Lady eyther mooued with the loue and authoritie of her house and parents, or els gouerned by the persuasions of the french king (in whom not­withstanding were expressed many faire apparances to the contrary) refused with great constancy & resolucion of mynd, to make him her husband, if with all he put not an end to the affaires of Federyk her father, who offred to the french king yeare­ly tribute with very large condicions: Lodovvyk labouring vppon these occasions, had hope, to alyen and estrange him from the fauours he bare to thenterprises of Fraunce, soliciting him with many importunities to draw him into cōsederaciō with him, wherin he promised thassociacion of king Federyk and the Florentyns, with ma­ny faire offers that aswell he as the confederates, would contribute with him in a common succour against the Viccaires of the church, & indue him besides with a great quantitie of money to purchase some honorable estate for his sonne: These of­fers, as the Pope at the first mocion seemed to heare them with a dissembled eare, so, in the ende he was content to giue them leaue to vanishe and become mearely vaine: for, hoping to receiue by the societie and fauours of the french king, bene­fittes and farre greater liberalities, then those which hee looked to obteyne if Italy were not filled full of the forreine armies of Fraunce: he consented that his sonne excluded alreadie from the maryage of Charlotte, should take one of the doughters of the Lorde Albrett, who, for his affinitie with the bloud royall, and for the greatnes of his estates and liuinges, was one of the greatest in all the kingdome of Fraunce: But Lodovvyk to whom appeared dayly more tokens and testimonies of the euill inclinacion of the Venetians, ceassed not by expresse solicitors (but in se­cret manner, king Federyk concurring in the same action) to stir vp against them the Prince of the Turkes, hoping that being assailed and vexed by him, they would haue no oportunitie to molest the state of Myllan: And being with al wel aduertised of the preparacions which the Florentyns made to haue Pisa, he labored, vnder offers of all sorts of succors to them, to bynd them to his defēce with three hūdred men at armes & two thousand footmen after they had recouered Pisa: On the other side, the frēch king required importunatly their promise to refurnishe him for one yeare with fyue hundred men at armes: And for recompence he offred to binde himself, assone as he had accomplished the cōquest of Myllā, to minister to them for one whole yeare the succors of a thousand Launces, for thaduancemēt of their enterprises, with promise that he would make no accorde with Lodovvyk, if not at the same time they were not repossessed of Pisa, & their other places withholdē besides, he wold brīg to passe that the Pope and the Venetians should ioyne to their protection, if (affore the conquest of Myllan) they fel into any necessitie of defēce: for which demaunds so cōtrary & full of [Page 222] varietie, the Florentyns stood wauering in their resolucion, no lesse for the difficultie of the matter then for their deuision of myndes: for, Lodovvyk requiring their ayde (but in case that they recouered Pisa,) the succours that he promised were far more present and certeyne, then the helpes promised by the french king, in whom they iudged litle oportunitie of action to the ayde of Pisa, for that, being abandoned of e­uery one, they determined to haue it that sommer: Besides, many were moued with the memorie that the Venetians were confederat with the french king against Lodo­vvyk, for that he had ministred to them in their perils: But much more moued them the feare of dispite, least in refusing to gratifie his demaunds, he wold not hinder thē to get Pisa, a thing which he might easely do: And of the cōtrarie, looking into their owne infirmities, and seeing no possibilitie of power to resist the french king & the Venetians, it seemed a councel daungerous to make themselues enemies with a king whose armies they exspected within few monethes to runne ouer all Italy: And the memorie of the fauours receiued of Lodovvyk in the warre against the Venetians (to the which they referred the originall of all their daungers) was easely defaced by this consideracion, that the rebellion of Pisa was first kindled by his meanes: And that nourishing alwayes ambicious desires to aspire to the iurisdiction of it, he had susteined them, and for many monethes, ioyned the supportacion of others, conspi­ring in those tymes many other wrongs and iniuries against the Florentyns: So that, they referred more imputacion to his offences, then benefit by his fauours, which yet he did not communicat in liberalitie and franknes, but by the impacience & in­tolleratiō he had that the Venetians should not take from him that which with hope and ambicion he had long since iudged to be duly apperteyning to him: they fell at last into this last doubt, that if they declared themselues for Lodovvyk, the frenche king aduauncing the meanes and oportunities he had by the Pope and Venetians, might many wayes hinder them in the recouering of Pisa: In so muche, as confer­ring the nature of the perils on both sides, with their condicion present, they deter­mined in the ende, not to stir either in the fauour of the french, or the Duke of Myl­lan, but to apply the tyme to thadvauncing of the enterprise of Pisa, wherein they re­apposed nothing in fortune nor forreine aydes, but iudged their proper strength ha­ble & sufficiēt, not forgetting for all that, to enterteyne Lodovvyk with shows & sha­dows & neare tokēs of hope, least he should take occasiō to obiect impedimēts, daly­ing with him in those deceites which to their hurts, they had oftētimes experienced in him: Therefore after they had for many dayes made delayes in aunswearing, they dispatched at last a secretorie publike to giue him vnderstanding, that thintencion of the commō weale was cōformable to his desires as touching theffect, but cōcer­ning the manner there was some difference: for that as they had made a full resolu­cion, that assoone as Pisa was recouered, he should not faile of the succours hee had demaunded: so they desired him to consider how perillous it was to contract their promise vnder expresse couenant, for that in free cities, such thinges being not to be dispatched without the consent of many, there was no possibilitie to holde them se­cret, and being disclosed, they would giue occasion to the french king to drawe the Pope and the Venetians to readminister succours to Pisa: by which it would come to passe that their promise would bring harme to themselues, and prooue vnprofitable to him, for that Pisa being not taken, neither should they be bounde to him, neyther were they hable to helpe him: for these reasons they sayde and esteemed that fayth and promise might suffice giuen in wordes with the consent of the chiefe citizens, vppon whose authoritie all their publyke deliberacions depended: That for other [Page 223] occasion they refused not to couenant with him by writing, but offred him for ende for better declaracion of their will and intencion, that if he knew any other meane whereby his desire might be satisfied, and so great domages anoyded, they would be as readie to execute it in deede as they required him to holde them assured in good will and affection towardes him: By which aunswere subtill and full of arte, and for that also they did not accept the offers of his succours, Lodovvyk sawe there was no hope left to haue bandes of souldiours from them, and lesse exspectacion of succors from other partes: for that the comforts promised so continually by the king of Romains prooued very vncerteine, no lesse by his natural inconstancie, then for thim­pediment of his warres with the Svvissers: And for Federyk, where hee promised to sende him a strength of foure hundred men at armes and fiue thousande footemen vnder the leading of Prosper Collonne, he doubted not so much of his will (for the de­fence of the Duchie of Myllan turned to his profit) as of his dishabilitie and delayes: And Hercules, his father in lawe (reproching almost the auncient iniuries done by him in the composicion of Polesma) aunswered him with excuses, & that it brought no small greefe to him to be restrained to succour his distresse, for that the landes of the Venetians ioyning so neare to the gates of Ferrara, he was constrained to be care­full ouer the suertie of his owne estate.

Lodovvyk thus made naked of all forreine hopes, and driuen altogether to reap­pose Lodowyk strengthneth himselfe a­gainst the king. in his strength and comforts at home: beganne carefully to fortefie Auon, No­uare, and Alexandria de la Paille, townes standing in the mouth of the first perils and inuasions of the french: his resolucion was to send out against the fury of the french army, Galeas de. S. Seueryn with the greatest part of his strength, and to oppose the re­sidue against the Venetians, vnder the gouernment of the Marquis of Mantua, not­withstanding a litle after, eyther by indiscression or by couetousnes, or for that there is no power to resist the councels of God, he became estraunged from the Marquis: for that falling into this vaine persuasiō, that the Venetians (against whom the Turke had opened the warre aswell by land as by sea with a wonderful preparacion) would haue no oportunitie to molest him, being constrained to defende their owne estates against so strong an enemy: And desiring withall to satisfie a particular humor in Ga­leas. S. Seueryn, whose ambicion could not brooke that the Marquis should enioy a ti­tle more honourable then he, he began to make difficulties, as refusing to pay him a certeine remeynder of olde payes, and required of him othes and cawtions not ac­customed for thassurance of his faith: And also notwithstanding that, afterwardes being aduertised that the Venetians dispatched many bandes of men into Bresse, to be readie to enter into the warre at the same tyme that the french should begin it, hee sought by the meane of the Duke of Ferrara his father in lawe, to reconcile him to him, yet the difficulties could not so soone bee resolued, as the daungers appeared, growing daily both more great and terrible: for the Duke of Sauoy, being eftsoones conioyned with the king, set at libertie all oportunities and passages for his bandes to march continually thorow Piemont, and to be bestowed about the confines of Ast: And to the hopes of Lodovvyk appeared daily tokens of declinacion, for that king Federyk, either by dishabilitie or by necligence, was slowe to minister to his perilles: And that small remeynder of hope which hee enterteined as his chiefest comfort, that the Florentyns hauing once gotten Pisa, would sende to his succours Pavvle Vi­telly (whose valour held great reputacion in all the partes of Italy) was cut from him by the diligence of the frenche king, who, debating with their Embassadours with wordes sharpe and full of threatnings, wrought so much with their common weale [Page 224] that they made him secret promise by writing to minister no ayde at all to the Duke of Myllan, a promise, for the which they receiued in recompence no couenant or graunt of him: Lodovvyk, leauing the Count Caiazze on that side to the Venetians with a very small companie not sufficient to any great resistance, sent Galeas de. S. Se­ueryn beyond the Ryuer of Pavv, with an army of a thousande sixe hundred men at armes, a thousande fyue hundred light horsmen, ten thousande footemen Italians, and fyue hundred footemen Allemains, but more with intencion to defend his pla­ces, then to resist in the plaine fielde: for that he esteemed it most to his profit to en­terteyne and holde thinges in delay, chiefly for that he had daily exspectacion of the conclusion of an accorde solicited in his name by the Viscount, betweene Maximili­an, and the Svvyssers: which if it were accomplished, he was fedde with many pro­mises of mightie succours, which other wayes he could not only not hope for, but it was very harde for him to draw any proporcions of footmen from those quarters, for that by the troubles that were thereabout, all the countrey was almost kept tra­uelled in that warre.

Touching the warres of Myllan, there was performed neyther of the one nor o­ther part, any exployt of warre, other then certeine light incursions, vntill the regi­ments of the Lord de Ligny, Eberard, Aubigny, & Tryvulce, were passed the mountes: for that, albeit the king was come to Lyon, and the bruite ranne that he would passe The french king discen­deth into Italy. into Italy in season conuenient, yet he referred thinges to direction, appointing the marche of the army to be gouerned by his Capteines: The strength of the frenche army was a thousande six hundred Launces, fyue thousande Svvyssers, foure thou­sande Gascoyns, and foure thousande of other natures of souldiours in Fraunce: with whom, assoone as they were drawne into an army accomplished and bestowed vn­der their seuerall Guidens and leadors, the Capteines erected a Camp, and the thir­tienth of August, planted it affore the Rocke Arazze, scituate vppon the shore of the Ryuer Tanare: And albeit, it was garded with a strength of fyue hundred foote­men, yet was it taken within a very short tyme, the fury of the Artillerie being the The french­men take di­uers peeces in the Duchie of Myllan. cause, and no lesse the cowardise of the Garrison that were within: from thence they drew their Campp to Auon, a litle village along the high way to Ast & Alexandria, vppon the bankes of Tanara and right ouer against Arazze: And being strong by the propertie of his scituacion, the Duke of Myllan had eftsoones fortefied it cer­teyne monethes before: And albeit Galeas. S. Seueryn who with his armie had taken the fielde neare Alexandria, was well aduertised of the losse of Arazze, and had de­termined to sende to the succours of the other bandes of footemen better resolued, for that the seuen hundred bestowed there first, were of the new leuies and not tray­ned to the warre: yet he could not put his deuise in execucion, for that the French­men, to cut of all recourse of succours thether, had manned Sillizana which is be­tweene Alexandria and Auon, and that by the suffrance and consent of the Marquis of Mont Ferat Lorde of the place: In so much, that they that were within Auon expres­sing in action and experience no better proofe of their vallours, then aunsweared thexspectacion and opinion of most men, fell into the daunger of the french, who, af­ter they had first battered the Suburbes, and afterwardes shaked the walles of the towne in foure seuerall quarters, they enforced it in two dayes and likewise the Ca­stell, making slaughter of all the footemen that were thether withdrawne: The suc­cesse of which enterprises whose furie vanquished all resistance, and the sodeines o­uercame all opinion and exspectacion, brought such astonishment to Galeas. S. Seue­ryn, that he retyred with all his army into Alexandria coollouring his feare with an [Page 225] excuse, that both in his souldiours wanted vallour, and in the people was litle fayth towardes Lodovvyk: which tymerous resolucion staying not a litle the reputacion of a generall, gaue occasion of greater courage to the french, who drew their Camp within foure myles of Alexandria, and at the same season tooke Valence plentifully stored with Artillerie and souldiours, and that by the treason of Donat Raffaguin of Myllan, at that tyme Capteyne of the Castle corrupted by the promises of Tryvulce: This Capteyne let them into the towne by the Castle, behelde with his eyes all the soldiors that were within eyther slaine or taken, & Octauyan bastard brother to. S. Se­ueryn made prisoner: so buisie is the humor of treason that in whom it aboundeth, ‘it rageth without respect to tyme, person, or the selfe partie in whom it worketh: for, this Capteyne twentie yeares before falsefying his faith to Madame Bonne and the young Duke Iohn Galeas, deliuered vp to Lodovvyk Sforce one of the Portes of Torto­na, the’ selfe same day that he put the frenchmen into Valence: Thus fortune folow­ing the victors, and the victors applying to the fauour and oportunitie of the tyme, the frenchmen as a violent thunder running ouer the whole countrey Basigniana, Vo­guera, Nevvcastle, and Pont Corona, yelded to them without resistance, as also the Ca­stle and towne of Tortona, from whence, Anthonio Maria Paluoisui gouerning the Garrison there, retired beyond the Riuer of Pavv without tarying for any assalt: The aduertisement of these accidents being come to Myllan, Lodovvyk Sforce, seeing af­fore his eyes nothing but a lamentable face of all extremities, & that his estate hast­ned with a vyolent svviftnes to his ruine, became confused (as hapneth in suddeyne extremeties) both in councell and courage, and had recourse to those remedies, wherein (men being accustomed to runne to them when thinges bee so farre afflic­ted, that they bee almost brought to the last dispaire) they declare to euery one ra­ther the greatnes of the daunger wherein they are, then that they receiue profit or comfort by them: he caused to mooster and enroll all the men of the towne of Myl­lan Lodowyk mu­stereth all thinhabitants of Myllan, and laboureth [...] the people. that were hable to beare armes, and causing to assemble the people, which hated him not a litle for the many exactions he had imposed vppon them, he acquited thē of one parte of the tributes and imposicions whereunto they were bound, vsing per­suacions accompanied with wordes and iestures pitifull, that if they thought he had at any tyme too heauely burdened them, that they would not ascribe it to his dispo­sicion and nature, nor to any desire to heape to himselfe a particular treasor, but ra­ther to the estate of the tymes, and daungerous condicions of Italy, no lesse for the greatnes of the Venetians, then for the discending of the late king Charles of Fraunce, matters for their importance very ielous, and for which, his particular interest con­strained him to those actions, to thende to bee the better hable to protect the peace and suertie of that state against all oppressions and inuasions, iudging that hee could not show a greater affection to his countrey and his people, then to foresee that they should not be trauelled with warres: That the fruites which they had reaped made good testimony of thinestimable profittes they had gathered by such a pollecie and councell, seeing they had liued many yeares vnder him in great tranquillitie, and by that benefit their citie raised into a wonderfull estate and maiestie of riches, reputa­cion, and glorie, as was well expressed in the aspect of so many pompes, glories, and honors, with the multiplicacion almost of infinit sciences and inhabitantes: bene­fits, wherein the towne & Duchie of Myllan, doth not only not giue place, but doth exceede all other Climats and regions of Italy: That they should remember, that he had gouerned them without bloud and crueltie, and with what affabilitie and readi­nes he had harde euery one, and that hee only (aboue all the Princes of his tyme) [Page 226] without bearing respect to the paynes and trauels of his person, obserued the dayes appointed for publike audiences, and alwayes had giuen to euery one a ready expe­dicion and vpright iustice: That they should beare respect and remembrance to the merits and gracious behauiors of his father, who had gouerned them rather in an af­fection of children, then in the propertie and condicion of subiectes, and withall to set before their eyes how harde & greeuous it would be for them to beare the proud and insolent yoke of the frenche, who, for the neighbourhead and nearenes of the realme of Fraunce (if they once came to commaund ouer thestate of Myllan) would plant there their perpetuall dwelling, and chasse out the auncient inhabitantes, an impietie which heretofore they had exercised vppon all Lombardy: To these reasons he added the consideracion of the barbarous manners of the french nation, and to ioyne all together with myndes resolute for the defence of their countrey and pro­per safetie, not doubting but if their resistance vanquished the first brunt of daungers (which lyke a storme would bee vyolent and but short) but the residue of the action wold be easie, for that this was a propertie infallible in the french nature, to be more furious to assaile, then constant to continue, and for that also he had in exspectacion a speedie and mightie succour from the king of Romains, who, being alreadie com­pounded with the Svvyssers, prepared to reskue him in person, lyke as also the regi­mentes which the king of Naples sent to him vnder the leading of Prosper Colonne, were on the way, and did march: Lastly he made them beleeue that the Marquis of Mantua (all the controuersies betweene them being now resolued) was already ar­med, & with three hundred men at armes entred the countrey of Cremona: to which succours and forces, if he might adioyne the readines and fayth of his people, hee made himselfe assured against his enemies, yea if their army conteined all the power of Fraunce. These persuasions were heard with more diligence then profit, & serued him to as litle purpose, as the forces which he opposed against the french: for feare of whom waighing lightly the present daunger of the Venetians, who had begun the warre in Guiaradadda, and taken the towne of Carauage with other peeces neare the Ryuer of Adda, he called backe the Count Caiazze with the most part of those bands which he had sent for the defence of that quarter, ‘and caused him to marche to Pa­uya to ioyne with Galeas for the defence of Alexandria: But, as such as haue their de­struction determined, are seene to decline by degrees, so his ruyne was aduaunced on all sidea:’ for, the Count Catazze, was a litle before at a secret accord with the frenche king, being more caried with disdaine that Galeas his brother, younger in yeares, and The Count Caiazze lea­ueth the Duke of Myllan. of lesse exercise and experience in armes was preferred before him in the gouern­ment of the armie, and in all other honors and fauors then with the memorie of the innumerable benefits which he and his brethren had receiued of Lodovvyk: Some are of opinion, that Lodovvyk was aduertised of his reuolting certeine monethes be­fore, and after many deepe cogitacions of the disposicion of the man, he aunswered at last with many sighes to him that gaue him thaduertisement, that as he could not be persuaded of so great an ingratitude, so, if it were a thing true, it was an euil whose nature resisted all remedies, and for his part, he knew not in whom to reappose con­fidence, since in his fauorits, and familiars, & such as had most communicated with his liberalities & benefits, were found disposiciōs of treason: Affirming (with com­passion bringing teares) that he esteemed it not a calamitie lesse hurtfull to depriue himselfe by a vaine suspicion of the seruice of personages faithful, then by too hastie & light credulitie, to reappose his suertie in the faith of those whose behauiors gaue occasion to doubt them: But in the meane while, the Count Caiazze makes a bridge [Page 227] ouer Po to ioyne with his brother, & interteining with cunning delayes thexecuciō, whilest the bridge is in worke and labour he deferreth to passe, notwithstanding the frenche armie was two dayes affore, entred into Alexandria which they did batter: And Galeas whose strength was a thousande and two hundred men at armes, a thou­sand and two hundred light horsmen, with three thousande footemen, in the night of the third day without the priuitie of any the Capteines except Luke Maluezze, fleeth secretly out of Alexandria with a parte of the light horsmen, giuing the whole world to know to his great dishonor, and no lesse reproche to the wisdome of Lodo­vvyk, howe great difference was betweene the sport to manage a Courser, & runne at tilt and torney with huge Launces (exercises wherein he exceeded most Italians) and the office to be a Capteine of an armie: And how much those princes beguile themselues to their harmes, who, in the election of men to manage and commaund ouer affaires of daungerous importance, beare more regarde to the fauour of suche whom they choose, then to their vertue and habilitie: Assoone as it was knowne in Alexandria that Galeas was sledde, suche as remeined in the armie (example doing much in cases of aduersitie) began in general tumult, to show disorder, disobedience and all the other euilles that inflict an armie abandoned: some sled, some hid them­selues, & some wandred at auenture without all hope of fortune: by occasion wher­of, the french armie (running with thoportunitie) entred the towne at the breake of day, and not only stripped all the souldioars that were there, but with an vnbridled li­bertie of warre, put the whole citie to sacke: There ranne a bruite, that Galeas was commaunded by secret letters subsigned with the name of Lodovvyk Sforce, that for a certeine mutinie then rysen at Myllan, he should retire thether immediatly with all his bandes: But some were of opinion that the letters were falsly made and forged by the Count Caiazze, as by that meane to make more easie the victorie of the french: The letters Galeas was wont to show afterwardes for his iustification, as though he had bene charged by the same, to abandon rashelie his armie, and not to leade it safe into places where he knew he knew he could leaue it in securitie: But to what inuencion so euer the letters were referred, or to what intencions so euer they were interpreted, his excuses are not so credible, as it is holden most certeyne with all men, that if in Galeas had bene founde any reputacion of a generall, any councell of a Capteine, or any courage of a man resolute, he might haue made easie the desence of Alexandria, and all the residue beyond Po, with the strength he had: wherein happelie fortune would haue honored his vallour with good successe, for that one parte of the french armie, being passed the Ryuer of Bornia a fewe dayes before, and by reason of the so­deine raines falling, albeit they were inclosed betweene the Ryuers of Bornia & Ta­naro, yet Galeas, had not the hart to set vppon them, notwithstanding hee was tolde that certeine of his light horsmen, issued out of Alexandria by the bridge vppon Tanaro which ioyneth the suburbes to the Citie, had charged them, and almost put to the chase the first battell.

The losse of Alexandria brought no litle astonishment to all the residue of the Duchie of Myllan, not onlie afflicted more and more with freshe calamities, but al­so so much the more neare his perill and ruyne, by how muche the french men ha­uing passed their armie ouer the Ryuer of Po, were gone to beseege Mortaro, which made them of Pauya put themselues into accord with them: And the Venetians, ha­uing taken the Rocke of Carauage & passed the Ryuer of Adda vppon a bridge made for present seruice, commaunded almost all the countrey euen to Loddy, the whole residue of the places being for the most parte drawne into rebellion: And as, when [Page 228] aduersities come they thunder all at once, so euen at Myllan there was no lesse con­fusion and feare, then in the other places, for that the multitude, being now weary of their long exspectacion of chaunge, and the perticular factions of citizens drawing to Monopolies and priuat councels, the whole citie conspired and tooke armes, and that with so slender reuerence to their Lorde, that his treasorer generall comming from the Castle from soliciting affaires with him, was slaine at noone dayes in the streetes, (perticular hatreds working no lesse in the conspiracie, then the councelles of such as desired innouacion and new thinges: by reason of which accident, no lesse insolent in the manner, then bloudie in the matter, Lodovvyk entring into a great feare of his person, and standing naked of all hopes and possibilitie, determined to a­uoyde the present daunger, not by his vertue to resist, but by his pollicie: & deuising to leaue the Castle of Myllan in good garde, he found no better remedie for his safe­tie, Lodovvyk a­bandoneth Myllan. then to flee into Iermany with his children, where carying with him in his person the true aspect of his calamities, he sayde he would solicit Maxymylian to come to his ayde and succours, hauing alreadie concluded, or at least helde for resolued, the peace with the Svvyssers: following this resolucion, hee sent away his children ac­companied with the Cardinall Ascanius (come from Rome not many dayes before to succour aswell as he could the affaires of his brother) and with Cardinall. S. Seueryn, with whom also hee sent his treasor, very much diminished from his auncient pro­porcion: for, it is credibly knowne to many that not eight yeares passed, Lodovvyk, to make a glorious bragge of his power, showed to many Embassadours and others of respect, the estate and substance of his treasor which at that tyme, aswel in money, as in plate of golde and siluer, (besides Iewels & wealth of other natures in no small number) amounted to a Myllion and an halfe of Duckats: but at his departure, ac­cording to thopinion of men, it conteyned not a reckoning of two hundred thou­sand: Assoone as his children were departed, he appointed (notwithstanding ma­ny of his friendes labored to turne him) for the garde of the Castle Barnardin de Corto borne at Pauya, whom he had nourished and broughtvp of long, and being at that tyme Capteine of the Castle, he preferred the faith of him, affore all opinion & trust in his brother Askanius offring to take vppon him that charge: he left for that de­fence three thousande footemen vnder the authoritie of Capteines in whom he re­apposed most, with proporcions of vitels, municions, and money, sufficient for ma­ny monethes: Touching Genes and the affaires there, he determined to recommend them to the honour and confidence of Augustyn Adorne (gouernor present) and to his brother Iohn, to whom (the better to assure his faith) he had ioyned in mariage one of the sisters of the▪ S. Seuerins, and sent them foorthwith the assignation of the Castle: To the Baromoyes, gentlemen of Myllan he restored Augniara, Arona & other landes vppon the lake Maior which he had taken from them: And to Isabell of Ara­gon the wydowe of Duke Iohn Galeas, hee gaue by reason of her dowrie, the Duchie of Bary and the principallitie of Rossano for thirtie thousande Duckats, notwithstan­ding she denied to trust him with the sonne of Iohn Galeas, whom he desired to sende with his children into Iermany.

After he had established this forme of direction, and in his owne seeming had set downe asmuch as might suffice for the suertie of things, leauing the towne to the go­uernment of it selfe, he departed the second of September with his eyes ful of teares, accompanied with the Cardinall of Este, and Galeas. S. Seueryn, and for his safetie by the way, he had Luke Maluezze with a good trowpe of men at armes and footemen: And as he was issuing out of the Castle (decay of fortune traynes with it all sortes of [Page 229] discomfort) The Count Caiazze, seeking to shadowe his disloyaltie with some cool­ler, met him and sayde that, seeing he abandoned his estate, he helde himselfe acqui­ted of the othe of warre which he had made to him, and from thence forwarde to bee in full power to professe what seruice hee would: And at thinstant the Count disclosed to him the titles, names, & enseignes of the army of the frenche king, into whose paie he entred immediatly with the self same regiment which he had leauied with the treasors of Lodovvyk: who from Coma where he left the Castle in the power of the people, wēt along the riuer, to Belleasia & from thence (being set on lande) he passed by Bormy & all those places, where at other times when he was in glory & fe­licitie he had receiued Maximilian passing then into Italy, rather as a Capteine to him & the Venetians, then with a maiestie & estate of a king of Romains: Betweene Co­ma & Bormy, he was pursued with bands of the french & the companies of the Count Caiazzo: frō which places, leauing garrison within the Castle of Tyran occupied not many daies after by the Grisons, he tooke his way towardes Spruch, where he vnder­stood was the person of Themprour: After the seedes of aduersitie be sowen, ‘there is no long exspectatiō for the fruites, which draw to their effects with a swift course, e­uen as whē the cloude is gathered to his thicknes, there is an apparāce of raine with a disposition ready to disperse the storme that lōg hath ben in breeding: for Lodovvyk was no sooner departed,’ thē the inhabitāts of Myllā, dispatching Embassadors to the frēch Capteines (approched with the whole army within six miles of the citie) con­sented with ready & frāke wils to receiue thē, reseruing the cōdiciōs & capitulaciōs The towne of Myllan yel­ [...]th to the frenchmen. till the kings cōming, in whō they had many hopes to finde great fauours & graces (regard to particular profit preuailing more in thē, thē any cōsideraciō or cōscience of obedience to their Lord:) Most of the other places of the duchie of Myllan made their example a sufficiēt occasiō to reuolt: The citie of Cremona which was beset with bands of the Venetiās (whose yoke the inhabitants abhorred) wold also haue don the like, if the frēch king, that yet would not breake the cōtract made with the Venetians, had not cōpelled the towne to be rēdred to thē: And as in calamities, general exāples induce wonderfully, so the citie of Genes, folowed this vniuersall reuolt, (the people, & the famuly of the Adorneys with Iohn Levvys de Fiesque, striuing who shold giue vp the citie vnto the king): And to thend that with so great & sodem ruines against Lo­dovvyk (losing in eight daies so mightie an estate) the world might also discerne thex­amples of ingratitude: the Capteine of the Castle of Myllā, chosē aboue al others for the reputaciō of his faith & vertue, not abiding so much as one boollet or any forme of assalt, deliuered to the frēch king within twelue daies after the departure of Lodo­vvyk, the Castle which was supposed to be impregnable: And receiued in recōpēce of so great disloialtie a great proporciō of mony, a company of an hūdred Laūces, a perpetual pēsion, with many other priuileges & graces: But with such infamy & hate euē amōgst the frēch, that being eschued & reiected of euery one, & persecuted with skornes & reproches, he died of thought within few daies after, tormēted belike with shame & the spirit of his cōsciēce which are two mighty & most assured skourges to vex traitors & faithbreakers: The Capteines assigned to him for the seruice of the castle, did cōmunicate in that infamy, but chiefly Philippin de Fiesque, who, trained vp & aduaūced by the Duke, & left there for the credit & opiniō of his faith, ioined him self to the cōsēt of the castle keper to betray their charge (being both made blind with one pouder of corrupt promises): The king receiuing at Lyō the newes of so great a victory succeded with a speed swifter thē his exspectaciō, made way with great dili­gence The french king [...] to Myllan. to Millā, where, being receiued with a ioye of the people, equal to the fortune [Page 230] of his victorie, he agreed to the deposing of diuers tributes and imposicions, which as it is an action first requisite in Princes newly possessed of conquest, and a fauour most plawsible to people altered, So yet they of Myllan, raysing their desires aboue reason or order, were not fully satisfied for the opinion they had that the kinges li­beralitie would make them free from all exemptions: hee distributed honourable giftes of reuenues to many Gentlemen of Myllan, and amongst other thinges gaue Vigeneua to Iohn Iacques Tryvulce in recompence of his merits.

In the selfe same seasons that the french king runne this fortune against the Duke The taking of Cascina. of Myllan, Pavvle Vitelly, hauing now reassembled the bandes and prouisions of the Florentins to cary with more ease, the victory of Pisa, planted his Camp affore the towne of Cascina, which, notwithstanding it was sufficiently manned and vittel­led, with a wonderfull strength of trenches and Rampiers, was taken, after the som­monce of the artillerie, within lesse then six and twentie houres: for that, the defen­dants, beginning now to feare the great ruyne which the artillerie had made of their walles being of no strength, ioyning with the forreine souldiours that were with­in, rendred the place, and compounded only for their lyues and goods, leauing the Commissioners and souldiours of the Pisans wholly in the arbitracion of the Vic­tors: Immediatly after this, (one euill following an other,) the Towre builded to guarde the mouth of the Ryuer of Arne, and the Bastilion of the poole, being aban­doned of the Pisans, yelded at the sommonce of one only Trumpet: (The malice of fortune confounding the vallour and vertues of men) So that the Pisans helde no other peeces within the whole countrey then the Castle of Verrucole and the little Towre Askanius, which suffred no vexacion of thenemies, both for thincommo­ditie of the Ryuer of Arne which hindred all actions of inuasions or assalt, and also being so neare Pisa, it stoode possible to speedie and readie succours, thimportance also of thenterprise required not the losse of so much tyme: In so much as there remeyned now no more to get but Pisa, which was an enterprise very hard (accor­ding to the discourse of suche as founded thinges with discression) aswell for the for­tresse of the towne, as for the numbers, vertue, and resolucion of the men that were within it: For, albeit there were within Pisa no forreine souldiours other then Gur­lyn de Rauenna with some very small troupes, who comming at first in the paye of the Venetians, remeyned still possessed of that seruice after their regiment was withdrawne: yet there were no small numbers of Citizens and Paisantes well woorthie of accompt, both for that by a continuall experience of fyue yeares, they were made seruiceable and fitte for the warre, and also they nourished such an immoueable resolucion of minde not to returne eftsoones vnder the power of the Florentyns, that they held for nothing all other aduersities how greeuous so euer they were: And albeit there were no ditches nor trenches before the walles of the citie, yet were they very thicke & of auncient building with stones so wel couched by the facultie of the lyme and sande proper to that countrey, that their resistaunce was more mightie against thartillerie then is in the common sort of walles, and by that benefit, affore they were beaten flat with the earth, the defendantes had good time and leasure to reenforce and reedefie their Rampiers: But these defences, con­sidered with all the other strengthes of the Citie, coulde not staye the disposi­cion of the Florentyns, who, being determined to assalte it, were styrred to it the rather by Pavvle Vitelly, and Rinucce de Marciano, who gaue no small hopes to take it within fyfteene dayes: And hauing mustred together a strength of tenne thousande footemen, with many Guidons of horsemen, and drawne [Page 231] together according to direction, many other great prouisions Pavvle planted his Pisa is besee­ged. Camp there the last of Iuly, not (as many aduised him, and the Florentyns desired) on that side to Arne to intercept the succours that might come from Lucqua: but on the other side the Ryuer right ouer against the bastillion and Towre of Stampace: wherein he occupied this reason, that eyther in taking that fortresse he might the easelier cary the towne, or in respect of the great commoditie of vittels brought from the Boroughes about the hilles, or at least by some speciall foresight or con­iecture that he had, that the Pisans not suspecting the seege to be planted on that side, had not begunne any Rampyer there as they had done on the other side: The battery conteining twentie peeces of great artillerie, beat vppon the Bastilion of Stampace and a great parte of the wall aswell on the right as left hande, namely from S. Anthony vntill Stampace, and from thence vntill the watergate, or gate towardes the sea built vppon the banke of Arne: And of the contrary, the Pisans (ioyning their labours to their daungers) trauelled day and night, and with them their wiues and other sortes of women no lesse resolute and well disposed then the men: In so muche that their vallour and labours were some resistance to the furie of the ene­mies, for that in very fewe dayes, they had made right against the wall that was bat­tred, a Rampier of a great height and largenes, and a ditche of more then com­mon depth, being nothing amazed to see many of their companies slaine directly with the Boollet, and many wounded with the reuerberacion of the same: The shot also so thundred vppon the souldiours in the Camp, together with the great artille­rie from the towne, specially from a plot forme that was vppon the Towre of Sainct Marke, that the whole Camp was constrained eyther to remoue their tents to haue better couerture, or els to pitche their Cabinettes within the ditches: Many dayes paste in this forme of action, wherein albeit they had throwne to the ground a great quantitie of the wal from S. Anthony vntill Stampace, & had reduced that fortresse in­to suche tearmes, as the Generall hoped to obteine it without great difficultie, yet, to make the victorie more easie, hee continued the battery from Stampace till the gate to the sea, interteyning in the meane whyle many skyrmishes betweene the wall which they battered, and the Rampyer, so farre separate from the walles that Stampace remeyned whollie without the Rampier: In one of these skirmishes the Count Rinucce was hurt with a shot of a Harguebuze: The Generall determi­ned that assoone as he had wonne Stampace, to plant there his artillerie and also vp­pon the wall which hee had battred, by which meanes, giuing (in the Flancke) vppon all that syde which the Pisans defended, he made his hope of the victorie almost certeyne: hee made at the same tyme fall towardes the Rampier (to thende the ditche being filled, the souldiours might enter with more ease) one parte of the ruyne of the wall which was betweene Stampace and the Rampier, which be­ing alreadie shaked, was not now supported but with proppes and matter of wood: On the other syde, the Pisans, who, in defending were altogether directed by the councell of Gurlyn, had made towardes S. Anthony certeine murdering hou­ses within the ditche, to thende that if the enemie discended, it should not bee filled vp by them: they had also bestowed vppon the Rampiers towardes S. An­thony, muche artillerie, and placed their footemen at the foote of the Rampier, to thende that thinges drawing to straytes and extremeties, they might bee op­posed with their proper personnes against their enemies: At laste, Pavvle Vitelly not willing to deferred any longer the taking of Stampace, the tenth day after he had planted his Camp there, gaue thassalt at the breake of day: And notwithstanding [Page 232] his souldiours were greeuously vexed with thartillerie of the olde Citadell, yet, their proper vertue preuailing aboue their present daunger, and the presence of their ge­nerall assuring much the victorie, they tooke it, both with a fortune more speedie, and an action more easie then was looked for, and with such a terrible amaze to the Pisans, that abandoning their Rampiers, they fledde in all the quarters of the Citie, yea many, amongest whom was Peter Fambecourte a noble citizen with for­tie Crosbow shot on horsebacke which hee had in charge, fledde out of Pisa: ma­ny did the lyke, without that the Maiestrates made resistance at the gates, in so much as if others of the Camp had followed the fortune of that mourning, they had ca­ryed the towne to the great glorie of the Capteyne to whom had bene most hap­pie the successe of that day, which indeede was the beginning of his calamities: for that, not knowing (so he excused himselfe) of thoccasion that hapned with­out thinking of any suche, and being not determyned to giue thassalt with all the Camp, nor to other place then to that Towre, hee sent not his men only to assalt the Rampier where they should haue founde no resistance, but also he made retyre most part of his footbandes, & they vnderstanding that the fortresse of Stampace was wonne, desiring to make a pillage & pray of the towne, run thether by heapes to en­ter: And in the meane while the Pisans (a bruite running thorow the Citie that the enemies folowed not the victorie) pushed forwerd by the lamentable cryes of their wiues & women, who encouraged them rather to chuse death, thē to liue vnder the yoke of the Florentyns, began to returne with a new valour to the gard of the Rampi­ers: Amongst whom, Gurlyn remembring that from a part or Iawme of Stampace ben­ding towardes the towne, there was a way that led to the gate of the sea which they had before filled vp with earth & wood, & fortefied on that side to the Camp, but not on that part that looked to Stampace, he caused it to be rampierd & filled vp on that side, & casting a plot forme of earth, he cut of the entrey on that part with the artille­ries that were bestowed in flanke: Assoone as Stampace was wonne Pavvle caused to be mounted there certeine Falcounets & port peeces, which shot thorow the towne of Pisa, but offended not the Rampiers, which albeit were much afflicted with the ar­tillerie that was planted below, yet the Pisans redobling in corage by thimportunities of their daūgers, abādoned them not at the same instant they battred the murdring house towardes. S. Anthony, & the water gate, & the defenses, ( Pavvle Vitelly not cea­sing to labour to fil vp the trenche with earth baskettes, the more easelie to take the Rampier:) Against which oppressions the Pisans, rising in courage in that they had receiued the night folowing from them of Lucqua a succor of three hundred footmē, hurled into the trenche many sortes of wildefyers: And laboring with a wonderfull resolucion of minde and diligence to cōstraine the Camp to abandon the Towre of Stampace, they turned directly thether a very great Port peece called Bufole, by whose furie the Camp was compelled to dismount the artillerie which they had mounted aboue: And albeit Pavvle caused to be braked against it certeine Port peeces of his, by the which the mouth of Bufole was choked and broken, yet, sparing not for all that to shoote, they brought in certeine dayes the Towre to that reason that Pavvle was constrained, not only to remoue his artillerie, but also to abandon the place: Notwithstanding all this, the Generall would not make himselfe fru­strat of the hope he had to cary in the ende the victorie, which, (according to his cu­stome) desiring to haue with the most suertie, & the least hurt to the army that could bee, albeit in many places there was more then fyue hundred yeardes of the wal vp­pon the earth: he labored cōtinually to encrease the battery, to fil vp the ditches with [Page 233] earth, and to fortefie the Towre of Stampace, to replant new artilleries, and to beate in flanke the great rampiers which the Pisans had made, labouring with all his polli­cie and industrie to winne alwayes some commoditie to giue with more suertie, the assalt generall & determined: which last exployt, (notwithstanding he had brought thinges into that estate that as often as he would haue followed the assalt he might haue had great hope of the victorie) he prolonged willingly, to thende the harmes of the armie might not deface the honor and reputacion of the victorie: And albeit the assistantes of the Florentyns (to whom euery litle respit was troublesome) and the continuall letters and messages from Florence, ceassed not to hasten him to the assalt, the better to preuent those impediments that might happen: yet Pavvle stood firme in his owne councel, which, albeit might happely be discreete & according to thex­perience & discipline of warre, yet, it had a cōtrary fortune: for that the countrey of Pisa, which is ful of lakes & marishes betwene the next sea & the citie, being in that season of the yeare subiect to ayres pestilent, and specially on that side towardes the Camp, there came vppon the army in two dayes many diseases, which so wasted and weakned the bodie of the Camp, that when Pavvle gaue order to prepare to the as­salt the foure and twentith of August, he founde so many of his regimentes made vnprofitable and vnhable for seruice, that those that remeined whole and disposed, sufficed not to meinteyne thassalt: which vnhappie accident, albeit the Florētins and he (who was also sicke) labored to helpe by leauying new bandes of footemen, yet, the influence of the ayre contending against their industry, made thinfectiō so vehe­ment that euery day the diminucion was found greater then the supplie: In so much that their long hope of the victorie being now turned into an other habit both dout­ful & desperat, & fearing harmes both more speciall and importing, he determined Pawle lea­uieth the siege. to leauy & breake vp the Camp: A resolucion much resisted by the Florentyns, who aduised him that leauing garrison sufficient within the fortresse of Stampace, he wold repose with the armie about the confines of Pisa: But he, making this councell no direction to him, abandoned the Towre of Stampace, which he helde not te­nable, for that it had bene first shaked with his artilleries and then battred with the great shot of the Pisans: And drawing the whole armie to the way of the sea the fourth of September, and not hable to trayle his artilleries by lande to Cascina, for that the wayes were drowned with waters, he embarked them in the mouth of the Ryuer of Arne to conuey them to Lyuorne! But fortune striuing against him in this laste action; many of thartilleries were sunke in the waters, and a little after drawne vp againe by the Pisans, who at the same tyme recouered eftsoones the Towre that gardes the mouth of the Ryuer: By these occasions (the seruices yea and faith of men, are interpreted by opinion) the ill disposicion conceiued alreadie by the people of Florence, was so redoubled with the Maiestrates, that within fewe dayes being called to Cassina by the Commissioners, vnder cooller to consult into what places they should distribute the companies, hee was made prisoner by com­maundement of the soueraigne Maiestrate of the towne, and from thence sent The Floren­tyn [...] P. [...] to death. to Florence: where the same night he arryued, being painefully examyned by tor­ments, hee was executed by the head the day following by sentence of the Maie­strate, his brother being almost taken in the same daunger and fortune: for that as the Commissioners sent to apprehende him in the same instant: So, beyng sicke of the disease hee had taken in the Camppe, hee made semblaunce to obey them: And rysing out of his bedde, he conuerted the tyme that they gaue him to araie him, into deuises & directions to steale away: In so much as beguiling with [Page 234] diligence, the securitie of the Florentyns, he was in one instant with the helpe of his seruantes, well mounted vppon a horse of speede, and fleeing to Pisa, he was recei­ued with generall gladnes of the whole inhabitantes. The principall pointes where­in they quarelled with the lyfe of Pavvle Vitelly, & condemned him, were these: That it proceeded of his will only that Pisa was not taken, hauing good meane and opor­tunitie thereunto the same day that the rocke of Stampaco was forced: That he on­ly did deferre to giue the assalt: That hee had many tymes giuen audience to men comming to him from Pisa, and neuer communicated with the Florentyns: That he had leuyed the Camp against the publike commaundement, and with the like con­tempt had abandoned Stampace: That he had drawne diuers others of the Capteines to occupie with him, Cascina, Vicopisan, and the artileries, to thende that in payments and other condicions, they might manage the Florentyns as they thought best: That in the coūtrey Cas [...]tyn, he had had secret intelligēces with the Medicis, & at the same time treated and almost concluded with the Venetians, to serue them when the time, of his paie with the Florentyns should be determined, which now was almost expi­red: That, in that respect he had giuen safeconduit to the Duke of Vrbyn and to Iu­lyan de Medicis: he was straitlie examined vppon all these pointes, & albeit he con­fessed nothing particularlie, yet they cut of all further examinacions, & fearing least the french king (now come to Myllan) would vrge his deliuerie, they proceeded to execute him speedely: Not one of his seruantes which after his death were examy­ned at leasure, would confesse any thing, sauing that he was much discontented with the Florentyns, for that they had made the Count Rinucce concurrant with him in au­thoritie, and for the difficulties they vsed in thexpedicion of prouisions which hee demaunded, and sometymes in his affaires particular, not forbearing at Florence to speake ordinarily to his dishonor: by which testimonies and confessions of his ser­uantes, albeit some remeyned possessed of this opinion, that hee behaued himselfe not loyallie in his charge, hauing a pretence to be Lord of Pisa, and to occupy some other parte of the demeyne of Florence, where he enterteyned many intelligences and amities: yet the most parte beleeued well of his innocencie, and were persuaded that he nourished a great desire to take Pisa, for the reputacion & glorie that would redowne to him, the principall end and respect of euery great Capteine.

The french king, being now aryued at Myllan, all the Potentates of Italy except The french king being at Myllan com­poundeth with the most parte of the Poten­tates of Italy. king Federyk came to him, some in person, and some by Embassadors, some to con­gratulat his victorie, and some to iustefie themselues of thimputacion to bee more inclined to Lodovvyk Sforce then to him, and some to seeke suertie of him hereafter of their proper estates: The king receiued them all graciously, and compounded with them all, but diuersly according to the diuersitie of condicions, and accor­ding to the greatnes of the profit which he might drawe: hee tooke the Marquis of Mantua into his protection, and indued him with a companie of an hundred Laun­ces, with an honorable pension and the order of. S. Michaell: he receiued likewise in­to his protection the Duke of Ferrara (he and the Marquis were with his maiestie in person) who pertaked not in that benefit without well paying for it, with other difficulties, for that euer since he rendred the Castle of Genes to Lodovvyk, he hath bene esteemed to beare a mynde contrary to the french: he accepted also into his grace and protection (but vnder a great summe of money) Iohn Bentiuole who had sent to him his sonne: But of all the residue, the Florentyns compounded with him most hardly and chargably for that (their merits all forgotten, and the harmes they had so long tyme endured during the late king, in folowing the frendships of Fraūce) [Page 235] all the court almost was against them, those reasons were not accepted that, (not to stir vp Lodovvyk Sforce against them, for the matters of Pisa,) had constrained them to remeyne Newters: for that thimpression which the frenchmen tooke when king Charles gaue libertie to the Pisans, remeyned yet firmly fixed in their affections, be­sides that the men of warre of the Camp, iudged them (both by brute and experi­ence) to be men of merit, valour, and reputacion for seruice, which drew not a litle their disposicions to beare them fauour: Besides, the authoritie of Tryvulce was no small impediment to the purposes of the Florentyns, for that aspiring ambiciously to the Lordship of Pisa, he fauored wholly their cause, who desired to receiue for their Lorde eyther him or any other in whom was habilitie to defende them against the Florentyns: who were generally blamed by the mouthes of the whole Court for the death of Pavvle Vitelly, as to execute without occasion, a Capteyne of so great me­rit, and to whom the Crowne of Fraunce owed much in honor and friendship, for that his brother was killed and he made prisoner in the frenche seruice during the warres of Naples vnder the late king Charles: But in the ende, the king inclining more to his proper profit thē to things vaine, entred into cōposicion, by the which his ma­iestie receiuing them into his protectiō, bound himself to defend thē against all men with six hundred Laūces & foure thousand footmen, as also the Florentins to defend his estates in Italy with foure hūdred mē at armes & three thousād footmē: That the king at their requests, should apply that ayde of Launces, & (if need were) a strength of artillerie, for the recouering of Pisa & the places occupied by them of Syena and Lucqua, but not of those peeces which the Genovvays helde: And that, if these com­panies were not demaunded of him before, he should be bounde, when he sent an armie to the enterprise of Naples, to conuert either the whole or part of it to this ex­pedicion: That the Florentyns, if they recouered Pisa and not otherwayes, should be bounde to minister to him for the conquest of Naples fyue hundred men at armes, and fiftie thousand Duckats to defraie the payes of the Svvyssers for three moneths, that they should restore to him thirtie thousand duckats which Lodovvyk Sforce had lent them, rebating (according to thaccompt which Iohn Iacques Tryvulce shoulde make) so much as they had paied or dispended for him: Lastly, that they should take for Capteine generall of their men of warre, the Prefect of Rome, brother to the Car­dinall. S. P. ad Vincla, at whose instance it was demaunded: In so goodly an occasi­on, the ambition of the Pope slept not, who, soliciting earnestly to haue promise kept with him, the king gaue to the Duke Valentynois (comē with him out of Fraūce) three hundred Launces defraied vppon the treasors of the king, and guided by Yues D'alegre & foure thousad Svvyssers vnder the charge of the Bailiffe of Dyō, but paide of the Popes pursse, which companies were for his ayde in the warre which he mēt to make vppon the Viccaires of Romagna.

The townes of Romagna, vexed with others that are subiect to the church with sundry accidents, haue bene for many yeares gouerned with a iurisdiction almost se­perat The state of Romagnia in the tyme of the Duke Va­lentynas. from the demayne of the church: for that some of the Viccaires payed not their tributes as they ought in homage of superioritie, others payed them but with difficultie and hardnes, and for the most parte out of season: But they all indiffrently without licence of the Popes, put themselues in paie with other Princes: wherein much lesse that they made exceptions not to serue them against the church, but of the contrarie, they bounde themselues to protect them euen against the authoritie and armes of the Popes being so much the more plawsible to those Princes, by how much they were conuenient for their seruice, both for thoportunitie of their estates [Page 236] & forces, & withal to hinder that the power & pride of the Popes shold not swel and rise aboue order: In that time the Venetiās possessed in Romagna the cities of Rauenna & Ceruia, which they had (not many yeares before) takē from the familie of Polenta, a people who, of Citizens priuat of Rauenna, were become Tyrants ouer their coūtrey, & afterwardes had thinvestiture of Viccaires: Faenza, Furly, Ymola, & Rimini, were in the power of Viccaires perticular: Cesena, that had ben long cōmaūded by the fami­ly of Malateste was eftsones returned to the church Domynick, the last Viccaire of the same Citie, being dead without children certeine yeares before. Therefore the Pope (whose ambicion was greater then his doctrine) pretending that those Cities for many respectes were diuolued to the sea Apostolike, and that he would reesta­blishe and reduce them to their auncient iurisdiction (but indeede had intencion to appropriat them to Caesar his sonne) had contracted with the french king, that when he had accomplished his conquest of the Duchie of Myllan, he should contribute and communicate with him for the recouery only of those townes which were pos­sessed by the Viccaires, comprehending the Citie of Pesera, whereof was Viccaire Iohn Sforce, aforetyme his sonne in lawe: for, the greatnes of the Venetians did not suffer, that those thoughtes should stretch out against them, who did not aspire at that tyme to those litle townes, which confining vppon the Ryuer of Po, were hol­den by the Duke of Ferrara: In so much that the Duke Valentynois, assoone as he had obteyned of the king the bandes promised, and ioyned them to the regiments of the Duke Valen­tyn [...]is takes Ymola by the ayde of the french men. church, he entred into Romagna, where he tooke with a speede and fortune aboue his exspectacion, the Citie of Ymola by accord, and that about the later end of the yeare a thousand foure hundred nientie and niene, a yeare wherein Italy being afflicted with so many emotions, felt also a scourage by the Turkes armies: for, Baiazet Otto­man hauing assailed with a mightie armie by sea, the peeces which the Venetians held in Grece, sent by lande an armie of six thousande horsmen to pray the countrey of The discen­ding of the T [...]ke. Fryull, and finding it without garde, they ouerranne it making Pillage and burnings euen vntil Lyuence: And hauing taken an innumerable proporciō of prisoners, when they came neare the Ryuer of Tagliamente (to returne with the more ease) they re­serued such as they thought they might leade with them in safetie, and made cruell murders of the others: And as it is a custome infallible with fortune, not to let hap­pen one mischiefe vnaccompanied, so in Grece, the affaires of the Venetians trayned no better successe, for that Anthony Gryman Capteine generall of tharmie which the Venetians opposed against thenterprise of the Turkes, was accused to haue let slippe thoccasion to vanquish the enemies that issued out of the port of Sapience, and an o­ther tyme at the mouth of the Gulphe of Lepanto: And after he was deposed and an other preferred to his place, they acyted him to Venice, recommending thinforma­cion of the cause to the councell of the Pregati, where that cause was debated ma­ny monethes with no small exspectation of thissue, (his authoritie and greatnes de­fending him on the one side and on the other parte, his accusors pursuing him with many arguments and testimonies: At length, standing in great likelehood to haue the vpper hande, eyther by his authoritie, or the great number of his parents, or last­ly for that in that councell compounded vppon many wisemen, there should not be so much regarde to the generall bruites and slaunders which were not well proued, as to a desire to vnderstande ripelie the truth of the fact: the knowledge of the cause was transferred ouer to the iudgement of the great councell, by the maiestrate of the aduocates of the communaltie, where fauors ceassing, or rather the lightnes of the multitude carying more then the grauitie of the Senators, hee was in the ende [Page 237] passed into exile perpetuall in the Ile of Essera.

Such and so great matters were brought to passe in the yeare. 1499. But in the yeare. 1500. were accomplished things of no lesse importance, nor lesse worthie of memorie, specially for the ful remission of that vaine and supersticious Iubile, which being instituted in the beginning by the Popes to bee celebrated the Iubiley from a hundred yeares to an hundred yeares, not for pleasure and pomp as the Romains did in their sportes and feastes secular, but for an opinion (vaine and erroneous) of the health of soules, for that in the same (according to the fantastyke beliefe of Christi­an people) were abolished whollie all the sinnes of those who, acknowledging with true repentance their faltes committed, made visitacion to the churches of Rome de­dicated to the Prince of Thapostles: It was afterwardes ordeined to bee celebrated from fiftie yeares to fiftie, and in the ende reduced to fyue and twentie: But for the more solemne memorie of his primitiue institucion, the hundreth yeare was cele­brated with a greater affluence of people then the others.

In the beginning of this yeare, the Duke Valentynois, obteined without resistance the Citie of Furly, the Ladie of the place hauing sent her children and riches most Duke Valen­tynois take [...] Furly. precious to Florence, and abandoned that which shee could not defende, did deter­mine to hold only the Cytadel & Rocke of Furly refurnished with sufficient strength of men and Artilleries: She had a vallour aboue the propertie of that sex, and a re­solucion more resembling a man then a woman, wherewith entring the place, shee studied to her great glorie howe to defende it: But the Duke Valentynoys, after hee had assaied in vaine to dispose her to yelde, began to batter the wall of the Citadell with a great furie of artillerie, the same bringing downe to the ground a great quan­titie of the wall, with the which the earth of the Rampier which was behinde being choked, filled almost the depth of the ditche or trenche, and made the entrey more easie to his souldiours: By meane whereof, the defendantes falling into feares and doubtes, gaue place to their perils and abandoned the place, seeking to retyre into the Rocke, whether the Ladie made also her retraite after she had performed all that could be required in the office of a defendant: But, as when things are in aduersitie, many occasions concurre to aduaunce the ende, so, as she entred the Rocke, feare raised a tumult and confusion, and the Dukes souldiors comming fast vppon them, almost all her companies were cut in peeces, and the Victors entring with the same furie into the Rocke, tooke it and made slaughter of all such as were there for defēce, except certeine of the chiefest which were retired with the Ladie into a Towre, who were made prisoners, & she also communicating in their fortune, whom the Duke, (hauing more regarde to her vallour, then to her kinde) sent prisoner to Rome where she was kept in the Castle of. S. Ange, being notwithstanding deliuered a litle after at the request of Yue D'alegre.

After the Duke had obteined Ymola and Furly, he marched to thexecution of o­ther townes, but new accidents hapning vnlooked for, hindred his expedicion: for, after the french king had established the thinges he had gotten, with orders conue­nient, and hauing prolonged the truse with the king of Romains, (comprehending therein the Duchie of Myllan and all that he helde in Italy) vntil the moneth of May The french king retur­neth into Fraunce ha­uing first [...] order in the Duchie of Myllan. next ensuing, he returned into Fraunce, leading with him the litle sonne of Iohn Ga­leas giuen to him indiscreetly by the mother, he dedicated him to a monasticallyfe, and left Iohn Iacques Tryvulce gouerner generall of the Duchie of Myllan in whom he reapposed much aswell for his vallour and merits, as for the great enuy he bare to Lodovvyk Sforce: But (the faith of men chaunging with the alteration of kingdoms) [Page 238] the peoples of that state kept not fidelitie with the king: partly for that the customes & behauiors of the french were intollerable to many, & partly for that they had not found in the king that liberalitie in deposing all their tributes, which vnwisely they persuaded themselues to obteine: And lastly it imported much and was very gree­uous to all the Gebelyn faction which was mightie in the towne of Myllan and con­fines, that Tryvulce chiefe of the Guelffes should bee preferred to the gouernment: This euil disposicion was wonderfully augmented by him selfe, who, bearing a na­ture factious and a spirit hautie and buisie, fauoured (vnder thauthoritie of Maie­strate) much more then was conuenient, those that were of his partie: Besides, (he Disorders in the french gouernment in Myllan. that is falling shall finde many stumbling blockes) he estraunged much from him the myndes of the communaltie, for that in the open market place, he slue with his own hande certeine Butchers, who, following the rashnes of the other populars refusing to paye tributes from the which they were not exempted, resisted with force, the ministers deputed to gather the reuenues: for which tyrannous and bloudie rea­sons, most parte of the nobilitie & communaltie, naturally desirous of newe things, wished the returne of Lodovvyk, and euen began to call vppon his name with words and voices plaine and to be vnderstanded: But after many thoughtes and cares tra­uelling commonly myndes afflicted, and redobled with a lamentable remembrance of his happines paste, Lodovvyk with his brother Askanius presented himselfe to Maxymylian, of whom they were receiued with an humanitie expressing both com­passion and comfort, for that he did not only persuade them to be resolute in their fortune, but also showed many tokens to be much discontented with their calami­ties: he nourished them with continuall promises to discende in their ayde in per­son, and with a strong armie to ioyne with them for the recouerie of their estates, hauing thereunto good oportunitie for that he was then at accorde with the Svvys­sers: But those hopes, both for the variation of his nature, and for that his intencions ill grounded, were as easely confounded, appeared euery day to be more vaine, and that so much the rather, by how much being continually pressed with his accusto­med necessities, he made them weary with his importunate demaundes for money: In so much as Lodovvyk and Askanius, making no foundation of his succours, & lesse certeintie in his hopes & promises, determined to make thenterprise of themselues, being continually solicited by many gentlemen of Myllan, & did leauy for their bet­ter strength, eight thousand Svvyssers, and fyue hundred Burgonion men at armes: of which strong preparation Tryvulce gathered many feares and doubtes, and there­fore, the better to encounter so great a daunger, he sent immediatly to the Senat of Venice to cause their companies to march along the Ryuer of Adda, signifying with­all to Yues D'alegre that it were necessary to leaue for a tyme the seruice of the Duke Valentynois and returne with speede to Myllan with the frenchmen at armes and the Svvyssers: And as daungers hastie and sodeine can suffer no delayes of remedie, and where the fyre beginneth first to kindle, there let water bee speedely applied to pre­uent his further violence: So such was the pollicie of Tryvulce, that to resist the first furie of the enemies, he sent one parte of his souldiours to Coma, (the ielousie he had of the people of Myllan not suffring him to turne thether all his forces) But the care and quicknes of Sforce and his brother preuayled aboue all diligence in others, for that not tarying for the whole armie they had leauied, but leauing order to marche after them with speede according to the necessitie of their perill, they passed the mounteines, and with a diligence aboue all exspectacion being embarked in those vessels which were in the lake of Coma they approched neare that towne which they [Page 239] tooke without resistance (the frenche being retyred for the knowledge they had of the ill disposicion of thin habitantes:) The bruite of the losse of Coma (fame flyeth with swifter winges in cases of reuolt and chaunge then in any other matter) being come to Myllan, so altered the mindes of the people, and almost all the chiefest of the faction Gebelyn, that they began to drawe into manifest tumult, and rise into such insolent disposition, that Tryvulce seeing no other remedie to the kinges affaires, retired sodeinly into the Castle, and the night following sledde to Nouarre together with the men at armes which were retired into the Parke ioyning to the Castle (the The french abandon Myllan. people in their retrait following them by heapes vntill the Ryuer of Thesin): And leauing within Nouarre foure hundred Launces, he with the residue of his strength went to Mortaro, thinking (and the other Capteines also) that they should more ea­sely recouer the Duchie of Myllan with the new succours that were to come out of Fraunce, then be hable to defende it being thus deuided: ‘Such is the incerteintie of fortune, that she transferreth to one that which she takes from an other, not regar­ding the equitie of causes, nor the merits of persons, but making her fancie the mea­sure of her actions, she takes delite to showe variacion of power vppon the Princes of the earth: for, assoone as the french men were gone from Myllan, the Cardinall Askanius made his entrey first,’ & then Lodovvyk who recouering it in as short tyme and litle difficultie as he lost it (except the Castle) was also made glad at his returne with a more franke and generall show of affection and ioy of the people of Myllan, then they expressed when hee departed: The lyke disposicion was founde in other cities and communalties, as in Pauya & Parma declaring immediatly for Lodovvyk, whose example, Lody & Plaisance had folowed, if the bandes of the Venetians, (mar­ched affore towardes the Ryuer of Adda,) had not bene entred: Alexandria, and al­most all the places beyond Po, being furthest from Myllan and nearest to Ast which was french, stirred not, determining to take aduise what they should doe vppon the issue and traine of things: Lodovvyk being thus repossessed of Myllan, made speedy leauies of as many Italian footmen and men at armes as he could, labouring, by pe­ticion, by offers, and all maner of hopes, all those in whom he had any reason to ex­spect succours in so great necessitie: Therefore he aduertised Themprour by Galeas S. Seueryn of his happie beginning, beseeching him to supplie him with men and ar­tilleries: And because it stood not with his fortune and also was farre from his desire to haue the Senat of Venice his enemie, he gaue direction that the Cardinall Aska­nius should speedely sende the Bishop of Cremona to Venice to offer them the readie will and inclinacion of Lodovvyk to accept suche condicions as it pleased them to demaund: But the constancy of the Senat of Venice made vaine all that labour, for that they determined not to exchaunge their confederacion with the french king, for the vncerteine and newly reconciled frendships of Lodovvyk: The Genovvays notwithstanding the importunate solicitacions of Lodovvyk, refused to returne vn­der his obedience: And the Florentyns would not heare his request touching the re­payment of the money which he had lent them: Only the Marquis of Mantua sent to him his brother with a certeine proporcion of men at armes: there came to him also the Lordes of Myrandola, of Carpy, and Corege, and the Siennoys releeued him with small summes of money: succours almost contemnible in so great daungers, as also did litle import the aydes of Phillipp Rosse and of the Veminesques, whose fa­thers albeit had bene dispoiled by him of their auncient liuinges: yet, Phillip, leauing without leaue the paye of the Venetians, went thether to recouer his landes, and ha­uing obteyned them, ioyned himselfe to the army of Lodovvyk: the famuly of Verma [Page 240] did the lyke, and they both to reenter into grace by that occasion: Lodovvyk, ioy­ning diligence to his fortune, and not vsing the fauour of the tyme in vayne, after he had assembled a thousande fiue hundred men at armes, besides the Burgonion bandes of horsemen, and layed to the regiments of Svvyssers, many Italian footmen, he left the Cardinall before the Castle, and passed ouer Thesin: And obteyning by accorde the towne and Castle of Vigeneua, he layde seege to Nouarre, choosing that enterprise affore thexpugnacion of Mortaro, either for that the frenche had made strong fortifications at Mortaro, or els for that he esteemed Nouaro (a towne renow­med and plentifull with all thinges) to import more for the reputation & substance of the warre, or perhappes he imagined, that the recouerie of that towne woulde breede want of vittels, and so constraine the french that were within Mortaro to a­bandon it: or at least he cast, that it would hinder Yue D'alegre from entring Nouaro, who was now marching from Romagna: for, assoone as he had receiued aduertise­ments from Tryvulce (leauing the Duke Valentynois in the enterprise of Pesero) he de­parted speedely with all the horsemen and the Svvyssers: And vnderstanding neare to Parma, the rebellion of Myllan, he accorded with those of Parma and Plaisance not to offende them, so that they would not hinder his passage: And being come neare Tortona he entred the towne, where, at thinstigacion of the Guelffes of that Citie bur­ning in desire to be reuenged of the Gebelyns, who, (returned to the deuocion of Lo­dovvyk) had expulsed them, he put all to sacke and spoile, (the Guelffes crying out in vaine of his faith, for that their loyaltie was no better respected, but being the kings faithful seruants, they were no otherwise vsed, then belonged to the deseruings of his most traiterous enemies: from Tortona he marched into Alexandria, where he staied, for that the Svvyssers of his armie, either because they were not paied, or for some o­ther secret reasō, left him, & wēt to the Duke of Myllās Camp, whose strength being now greater then his enemies, he prepared speedely to the battry of Nouaro, to thend to cary it, affore the frēch (exspecting succors from the king) were strong enough to encounter him in the field: A matter which succeeded happely to him: For that the frēch bands that were within Nouaro, hauing no reason of hope or possibilitie to de­fende it, agreed to deliuer vp the towne, receiuing the promise of his faith to depart in suertie with all their goods, which he kept iustly with them protecting them with safe conduite to Verceyll: And albeit, he was persuaded by many that the ouerthrow­ing of those bandes was of great importance for his victorie, wherein they occupied these reasons, that if it were lawfull, according to thauthoritie and examples of great men, to breake faith to conquer a Lordship of an other, that it was more lawfull to straine both othe, faith, and all promises, to keepe that which was his owne: yet he abstained from all violacion, hauing regarde to the estate of his perils, & fraile con­dicion of his fortune: After he had got Nouaro, he deuised how he might haue the Castle: But it was beleeued that if he had aduaunced to thenterprise of Mortaro, all the french bandes had fled affore him ouer Po, (Tryvulce and the Lorde of Ligny not agreeing well together.)

Whilest Lodovvyk was in these expedicions, following the fortune that best led him to the reconquering of his estates, no lesse care and diligence occupied the frenche king, who, vnderstanding the rebellion of Myllan, disgested it with no litle greefe and discontentment: And therefore, (sodeine mischiefes requiring speedie remedies) he dispatched with a wonderfull speede into Italy, M. Trymoylle with sixe hundred Launces, and sent to leauy a great regiment of Svvyssers, (folowing an aun­cient and assured experience of warre to represse with a strong force a rebellion in [Page 241] an estate newly conquered) And lastly, to thende there might be an exact diligence in all prouisions, he created the Cardinall of Amboyse, his Lieftenant for Italy, & dis­patched him immediatly to Ast: In so much as all things prepared with a quick rea­dines, there was mustred in Italy for the king in the beginning of April, a strength of fiftiene hūdred Laūces, ten thousand Svvyssers footmen, & six thousand of the kings subiects, vnder the leading of Trymoylle, Tryvulce, & Ligny: Which companies being drawne into one Camp at Mortaro, marched to Nouarro, hauing no lesse cōfidence in treason, then in their forces: For that the Svvysser Capteins which were with Lo­dovvyk, had secret intelligence & practise of cōspiracie with them by the meanes of their countreymen which serued in the french armie (notwithstanding in the action of Nouarro they showed faith, vallour, & good stabilitie of affection) whereof Lodo­vvyk being iealous by many apparant cōiectures, laboured much (his necessities be­ing violent) to ioyne to him the foure hundred horsmen & eight thousand footmen which were leauied at Myllan: But as a tuine determined runnes to his end by a pro­porcion of degrees & partes measured & limited: So, at Nouaro the Svvyssers, stirred vp by their Capteins, began to mutyn, taking their occasion for that their paies were not performed at the iust daies that were promised: And albeit the Duke ran to the stirre in person, & besides his pitiful requestes and praiers training with them great occasion of compassion, gaue amongest them all his siluer plate & vessell, desiring to rest contented but till the money came from Myllan: Yet the Svvysser Capteynes fearing that if the bandes which were leauied at Myllan should bee ioyned to the Camp, their treason would suffer eyther imperfection or preuention, wrought so that the frenche Camp being all put into armes and readines, approched the walles of Nouarro, and enuyroning a great parte of the towne, they dispatched certeyne horsmen to occupie the wayes betweene the Citie and the Ryuer of Thesin, to cut of from the Duke & all others, all means to flee to Myllan: But as necessitie is migh­tie to make men resolute, so the Duke seeing more and more into his perils, & that almost the whole disposicion of his Camp agreed with the state of his daungers, sought to issue out of Nouaro with his whole armie to feight with the enemie, hauing alreadie sent out in order the light horsmen & the Burgonions to begin the skirmish: But he was apparantly resisted by the Svvysser Capteines, who tolde him they wold not come to blowes with their parentes, brethren, and countreymen, without the leaue of their Lordes, but made as though they would departe sodeinly into their countrey: The Duke not hable eyther by praiers, with teares, or infinit promises to practise any whit their barbarous disposicion, made electiō of the best part of his ad­uersitie & recommended himself wholly vnto them, at least that they wold lead him to a place of suertie: A misery so much the more lamentable, by how much the cōdi­cion of his affaires & perils, cōstrained him to seeke for his safetie, where he sawe no­thing but apparant arguments of conspiracie against his life: Wherin in this was he most miserable and vnhappie, that being so neare the last action of recouerie of his estates, he was not only depriued of the glorie of his victorie, but also (fortune is infinit in malice) passed ouer to a desolacion irreparable, and a ruyne whereunto remeyneth no other consolacion, hope, or mercie, then suche as may be exspected of an enemie ambicious, iniurious and reuengefull: But the Svvyssers hauing contracted with the french Capteines to go their wayes, & not to lead him with thē, albeit their crueltie wold not suffer them to graunt to his ful demaūd, yet in cōpassiō they consented that he should march away amongest them, taking the attyre and furniture of one of their footemen, and so, if he were not knowne, to saue himselfe [Page 242] by the helpe of his fortune: which condition he was driuen to accept for a last ne­cessitie, but yet it was not sufficient for his safetie: For that, they marching by direc­tion thorow the midst of the french armie, he was vnhappely knowne by the diligēt espiall of suche as were assigned to that charge: Or (more likely) disclosed by some secret instruction of the Svvyssers, as he marched in a Squadron on foote▪ attired and The Duke of Myllan made prisoner by the treason of the Swissers. armed & disguised in all pointes as a Svvysser, & hasting to his last calamitie, he was by that meane made prisoner: A spectacle so lamentable that it brought teares into the eyes of many yea euen of the verie enemies: Galeas S. Seuerin, Frecassa, and An­thony Maria, his brethren, communicated with his fortune, being betraied by the same disloialtie of the Svvyssers: After the Duke was takē, the army wēt dispersing, and no more resistāce appearing, all things were seene ful of feare & cōfusion, which made the Cardinal Askanius, who had already sent towards the Camp those bandes Cardinall As­kanius lea­ueth Myllan abandoned. that were leauied at Myllan, to leaue the Castle, & seeke his suertie in some place of better trust: Many of the nobilitie of the Gebelyns folowed him, who being too appa­rantly declared for Lodovvyk, dispaired to finde pardō with the frēch: But as it was set down in destiny, that in the calamitie of the two brethren, treason shold be mingled with euil fortune: So he had determined to reappose himself somewhat the night af­ter at Riuolta in the coūtrey of Plaisāce, which is a borough apperteining at that time to Conrard de Lande, a Gentleman of the Citie of Plaisance & his kinsman and aunci­ent friend: The same Conrard, chaunging wil with fortune, sent presently to Plaisance for Charles Vrsin and Sonzin Benzon then in the paye of the Venetians, to whom he deliuered the sayde Askanius and Hermes Sforce brother to the late Duke Iohn Gale­as, Cardinall As­kanius betrai­ed and taken. with one parte of the Gentlemen that came with him, the residue, being more happie or more wyse, forbare their rest that night, and passing further, preuen­ted their perill: Askanius was immediatlye ledde prisoner to Venice, but the French King, iudging it necessarie for the suertie of the Duchie of Myllan to be pos­sessed of him, sent for him to Venice, where finding some difficultie to deliuer him, he required him with protestations and threates, alleaging that he apperteyned to him in due propertie and interest, for that he was taken in a countrey of his obedience: A request which albeit seemed verie sharpe and vnworthie of the name of the Venetian state, yet, to auoyde the furie of his armies, it was graunted more by Cardinall Askanius de­liuered ouer to the french­men. compulsion then conscience, and not only the person of the Cardinall deliuered, but also all those of Myllan that were taken with him: And withall, Baptista Vis­counte with other Nobles of Myllan which were withdrawne for the same occasion into the townes of Guiaradadda vnder safeconduit to remeyne there in suertie with expresse mencion of the Frenche, were put into the Kinges handes for feare of the frenche armies, so muche did preuayle with the Senat of Venice the terror of the french forces, more then the regarde to the dignitie of their common weale: The Citie of Myllan, abandoned of all hope yelded to the generall calamitie, and sent speedie Embassadours to the Cardinal of Amboyse to solicit for pardon: he receiued them into grace, and pardoned the rebellion in the name of the King, but vnder this bonde, to paye three hundred thousand Duckattes, of the which the King acquited them afterwardes of a great parte: He pardoned also other Townes that had rebel­led, which he taxed according to their qualitie, making the victorie profitable, and the transgressions of thoffendors an encrease of the Kings treasor.

The enterprise thus happely succeeding, and the regimentes of men of warre dissolued and licenced, the footemen of the foure Cantons of Svvyssers which bee more neare then the others to the Towne of Bellyzona scituated within the [Page 243] mountaines, tooke the Towne as they returned to theyr countrey: A place which the Frenche King might haue drawne from them in the beginning, for a verie small porcion of money: But as he lost oftentymes by the propertie of his nature, occasions of great thinges, by sparing small proporcions of expences: So tymes and accidents came so about afterwardes, that many tymes, and by many soli­citations, he would haue purchased it of them with a verie great price, for that it is a straite verie conuenient to hinder the descending of the Svvyssers into the Duchie of Myllan: Lodovvyk Sforce was caried to Lyon where the King was, and entring the towne at noonedayes, many multitudes of people flocked to see a Prince, who, from such a greatnes and maiestie, and for his felicitie enuied of many, was falne into so great a miserie: And not hable to obteine leaue to be brought to the Kinges pre­sence, which he much desired, he was conueyed within two dayes after to the Towre of Loches, wherein he remeyned prisoner ten yeares, euen to the ende of his life, be­ing now inclosed in one straite prison the thoughtes and ambicion of him, which earst could skarcely be conteined within the limits & tearmes of all Italie: A Prince, certeinly most excellent for his eloquence and industrie, and for many giftes of na­ture and spirit, a creature of verie rare perfection: And lastly not vnworthie of the name of mylde and mercifull, if the death of his Nephew had not defiled him with bloudie infamie: But on the other side, he caryed a mynde vayne & full of thoughtes buisie and ambicious, and nourishing alwayes intentions dissembled, he kept no rec­koning of his promises and faith: He alwayes presumed so muche of himselfe, that seeming to be discontented, when praises were giuen to the wisedome and councels of others, he persuaded him selfe to be hable by his Arte and industrie to alter and turne the conceptions of euerie one to what purpose he listed: The Cardinall Aska­nius folowed him a litle after, but he was both receiued with more honor and huma­nitie, and graciously visited by the Cardinall of Amboyse, by whose intercessi­on he was sent to the great Tower of Bourges, a prison more honorable, wherein the king that sent him, had bene restrained two yeares in captiuitie: So variable and miserable is the destinie of man, and so incerteine to euery one what wil be his cōdicion in time to come.

The ende of the fourth booke.

THe vvarre of Pisa continueth: The Duke Valentynoys pursueth his enterprise of Romagna: The kinges of Spaine and Fraunce, inuade ioyntly the kingdome of Na­ples, they occupie it and deuide it betvveene them, and aftervvardes make vvarre one vppon an other: The Duke Valentynoys, putteth to death the Vrsins: The Svvyssers de­scende into the Duchie of Myllan: The Spanyardes remeine victors ouer the Frenche at Cirignolo, and take Naples.

THE FYFT BOOKE OF THE historie and discoursse of Guicciardin.

SVCHE is the disposition of myndes occupied with ambicion, that who are desirous of glorie, are easelie stirred to doe thinges contrarie to reason, councell, and experience: Ambicion is an hu­mor that carieth men into weenings farre aboue the possibilitie of their proper power, & ouerruleth their thoughtes without regard to the oportunitie of tymes, places, or occasions: as is expressed in thinclinacion of the French King, in whom the absolute & hap­pie conquest of the Duchie of Myllan, had nourished suche spirites of will and courage, that the selfe same sommer he woulde haue proceeded to thenterprise of the kingdome of Naples, had not the feare which he had of the descending of the Alemans, restrayned his rashenes, and made him wyse agaynst the proper­tie and working of his will: For, notwithstanding he had (the yeare before) ob­teyned a contract of truce of Maxymylian Caesar, wherein the Duchie of Myllan was comprehended: yet, Maxymylian debating with better consideration, howe muche the maiestie of the Empyre woulde bee diminished by the alienation of so principall a Cheeff, and what dishonour woulde followe him for suffring to be deuested from it Lodovvyk Sforce, who not only had put him selfe vnder his pro­tection, and reapposed whollie in the hopes which hee gaue him: But also, had bound himselfe to his succours by receiuing his money at sundrie tymes, & in great quātities: He would no more heare Thembassadors of the French, & refused also all audience to the Agents of the Venetiās, as vsurpers of certein places apperteining to Thempire: And lastly, ioyning to the memory of aunciēt ielousies & iniuries don to [Page 245] him and his predecessours in diuers seasons by the house of Fraunce, the inflamed compassion which he had of the miserable calamities of the two brethren: he helde many generall diottes and assemblies, to stirre vp the electors and other Princes of Iermany to ioyne in the quarrell and reuenge of so high wrongs committed no lesse against him thē the whole nation of Iermany, to whom thimperiall dignitie was pro­per: And to giue better operaciō to his purpose in the minds of the Iermain princes, he laide affore thē consideratiōs of daungers that might happen, if the french king, presuming more and more by so great a pacience of the Princes of Thempire, and rising into pryde by so many fauours of victorie and fortune, woulde so farre aspire as to set the Crowne imperiall vppon the heades of french kinges, and incor­porate the soueraine estate in that forreine famulie as had bene done affore tymes: Whereunto the Pope would consent easelie, partly by necessitie, (not hable to re­sist his power) and partly for the respect of his sonne, ‘whom he studied to make to excell in greatnes and dignitie, not remembring that those authorities are vniust, whose meanes be vnlawfull, and that the vertuous man shoulde not obtrude into rule, but receiue it as if he were thereto compelled.’

This was the cause why the king (not knowing to what ende the race and course of his plottes might runne, tooke truce with his enterprises, & deferred till an other tyme thexecution of his thoughts touching the warre of Naples: By reason & meane wherof, his men of warre being not intangled with other enterprise, he was cōtēted to giue to the Florentyns those bands & regiments which they did demaunde for the recouering of Pisa & Pietrasanta: And yet not without many doubts & difficulties, for that both the Pisans, the Genovvays, the Siennoys & they of Lucqua, made great in­stance to the cōtrary, offring to giue the king presently an hūdred thousand crownes vppon condition that Pisa, Pietrasanta, and Mont Pulcian might be protected from the harmes and ambicion of the Florentyns, & to make to him a perpetuall paiment of fiftie thousand duckats yearely, if the Pisans by his meanes obteined the fortresses of the port of Lyuorna with all the region of Pisa: To these offers it seemed that the mynde of the king was much inclined, by a couetous desire of the money: Not­withstanding (as was his familiar custome in things of importance), he referred the councell and deliberation of all thinges to the Cardinall of Amboyse, who was then at Myllan: Affore whom, notwithstanding the importunities & labours of the states affore named, did negociat with great diligēce I. Iacques Tryvulce, & I. Lovvys de Fi­esque they both norishing an equall desire to manage the iurisdiction of Pisa, and in that respect offred to pa [...]e to the king for the graunt, a great proporcion of money, alleaging withall that (thoportunitie & occasion concurring) it was an actiō meete for his suertie to holde vnder the Florentyns, and keepe in weaknes the other Poten­tates of Italie: But the Cardinall, preferring integritie affore perticular fauor, ioy­ned to the fayth and promise giuen by the king, the consideracion of the late me­rites of the Florentyns, who, expressing a liberal and readie ayde to his enterprise and conquest of Myllan, conuerted at his request into bandes and strength of men, the paimentes of money which they were bounde to paie in that case: And therefore it was resolued to refurnishe the Florentyns for the recouerie of Pisa, (besides the resti­tucion of Pietrasanta and Mutron) with a regiment of sixe hundred Launces paied by the king, and fiue thousande Svvyssers vnder the Bayliffe of Dyon with a pro­porcion of Gascoins at their owne charges, together with all suche sortes of Artilleryes and Municions as shoulde bee necessarye for that enterpryse: They had also agaynste the Kynges will and theyr meanynges a strengthe [Page 246] of two thousand Svvyssers more (suche is the custome of that nation) of all which companies Monsr Beaumont had the charge, for that the Florētyns, reteining a me­morie Monsr Beau­mont a chiefe leader of the french armies. of his auncient readines to render to them Lyuorna, reapposed more in him then in any other, and in that humor demaunded him for their Generall, not consi­dering, that in matters of enterprise, authoritie and knowledge in thinges of warre, is no lesse necessarie in a leader of an armie, then faith, for that in warre, neither the multitude of souldiours, nor the puissance vnskilfull, can so much auayle to the vi­ctorie, as knowledge, and exercise: The king with a more sounde and better counsel, had determined to giue them M. D'alegre, a Capteine farre more experienced in warre, and to whom, for his noblenes of bloud, and reputacion of vertue the armye would haue giuen a more readie and willing obedience: But the troubles and diffi­culties which accompanied the succours of the french, began euen now to appeare: for that the payment of the footmen beginning from the first day of May, they had spent all that moneth in Lombardie in the seruice of the king, who desired by meane of that marching to draw money from the Marquis of Mantua, & the Lords of Carpy of Correge, and Myrandola, to punish them for that they had ministred ayde to Lodo­vvyk Sforce: In so much that albeit the Florentyns holding for suspected their slowe proceeding, & that thintermission and discōtinuance gaue oportunitie to the Pisans to prepare & prouide, were at a resolutiō to abādō thēterprise: yet, looking better in­to the necessitie of their affaires, they held it lesse hurtful to refurnish a second pay, & so make thē march on, thē to let mony suppresse so fayre an occasiō: At lēgth, the L. of Carpy, of Myrandola, & of Correge (for whō the Duke of Ferrara made intercessiō) cōpoūded for twēty thousād duckats, & the labour being vaine to staie to force the Marquis of Mantua, who, on thoneside fortefied himselfe, and on the other side alle­ged his pouertie and want of money, and sending withall his Embassadours to the king to solicit his pardon: the armie marched and encamped at Montchiarucola, a village in the countrey of Parma apperteining to the famulie of the Torellys, who had succoured Lodovvyk Sforce: Not so muche for any desire the armie had to punishe them, as to threaten Iohn Bentyuolle by drawing vppon the limits of Bolognia, hauing (amongest the residue) borne fauors to the cause of Lodovvyk: The peril of his con­dicion, considered with the ill inclination of the time, made him to compound, pay­ing the king fortie thousand Duckattes, for the which, his maiestie tooke him of new into his protection together with the Citie of Bolognia, but with this expresse limita­cion, not to preiudice the prorogatiues or rightes which the church had there: Af­ter the contract of Bolognia, and Montchiarucola taken by force, the armie returned backe to passe ouer Thappenyn by the way of Pontremo: And as they entred the coū ­trey of Lunigiana, following more their profites and appetites, then honour or equi­tie, they runne into many insolences, and at the instance of the Fregoses, tooke the borowe of Massa and other landes, from Aubry Malespina being vnder the protecti­on of the Florentyns: Passing further in this course of behauiour, they of Lucqua (not­withstanding they were in great strife for the matter, the communaltie muche im­pugning it) deliuered ouer Pietra Santa to Monsr Beaumont in the kinges name, who leauing Garrisō in the Castle, tooke not away their officers of the town, for that the Cardinall of Amboyse, in whom remeyned small reckoning of the promises made to the Florentyns, for that he had receiued a certeyne proporcion of money of the Luc­quoys, had receiued them into the protection of the king, with conuencion that his maiestie should holde Pietra Santa in deputation vntil he had declared to whom the right did apperteine: But in these seasons, the Pisans seeing many intencions disclo­sed [Page 247] to their harmes and ruine, became the more resolute & obstinate in their defēce, and had by the helpe of Vitellozze, (with whom they were entred into great con­junction being also enemie to the Florentyns) certeine ingenists to dresse their forti­fications, wherein might be discerned a wonderful trauell both of men & women in great concursse and emulation who should labour most to set forwarde the workes: And yet (it is ordinarie with men in faction and enterprise to dissemble) they forgot not to enterteine the french, submitting with generall consent, their whole towne to the king, and in that regard sent instruments Autentike not only to Monsr Beaumōt, but also to Phyllypp Rabestyn gouernor for the king at Genes, who, with a singuler rash­nes accepted it in the kinges name: And M. Beaumont, sending a Heralt to Pisa to de­maunde M. Beaumont sendeth to de­maund Pisa in the kinges name. the towne, they made answere with many humilities, that they desired no­thing with greater affection then to liue vnder the kinges obedience, & in that estate of loue and well meaning they were readie to giue them selues vp to his deuocion, so that his maiestie would assure them vnder his honour and word of a Prince, that he would not put them vnder the power of the Florentyns: which protestation they followed with the teares and weepings of the Ladies, with all other sortes of means wherein they thought was vertue to persuade the Heralde, that their hartes, willes, and affections were wholly dedicated to the Crowne of Fraunce which had first put them in libertie: These petitions were vaine to M. Beaumont, who looking further in­to their weakenes and necessities, then bearing any compassion to their calamities, denied to accept the offers of their Embassadors sent to him, and encamped before the towne the last day sauing one of Iune, betweene the gate of Plages, and the gate Calcesana right ouer against the quarter called Barbagianui: he battered all that night with great furie, and continued the action the most parte of the day following, in which time, the artillerie, both good of itselfe, and planted to all conueniencie, had made euen with the earth, threescore Cubits of the wall: And assoone as the batte­rie ceassed to shoote, the horsmen and footemen entermedled together, runne with­out order or discipline to giue thassalte, not considering in what sorte they might passe a deepe trenche which the Pisans had made betweene the wall that was batte­red, The french men affraid to assals Pisa. and the Rampier that was within: In so much as when they had discouered the greatnes of it, and wondred much at his deapth, they consumed the residue of the day rather as beholders of the difficultie then disposed to make good thassalt: The fortune of this day, ioyned to the consideration of the impediments disclosed made diminishe more and more the hopes of the frenchmen to cary Pisa: partly for that they fainted in courage, aswel for the qualitie of the Rampiers, as resolucion of those in the towne: and partly, for that the Pisans renuing the practises and meanes which they were wont to vse, the auncient inclination of the french, began to take new lyfe and nourishe newe fauours towardes them: In so muche as the frenchmen, begin­ning to enterteine meetinges & familiarities with those that were within the towne communicating together with a friendship and libertie not suspected: and they for their partes recontinuing the same offers to resigne themselues wholly to the kings deuocion vppon condicion not to be eftsoones passed ouer to the oppression of the Florentyns, The cause of the Pisans was fauored thorow the whole Camp, and often­times defended with such declarations of good meaning euen affore the Captaines, that the greatest part of the Camp, gaue thē corage to meinteine their defēce, wher­in (besides the incitation of the frenchmen) they were specially incouraged by Fraū ­cis Tryvulce Lieftenant of the regiment of Iohn Iacques, and by Galeas Paluoysin, which ledde a band in the french Camp: By thoportunitie of these disorders & sufferance [Page 248] of the Camp, Tarlatyn (of the towne of Castello) entred into Pisa on that side towards the sea, with certeine olde souldiours which Vitellozze sent to the succours of Pisa: A man at that tyme but darke and vnknowen, but aspiring afterwardes to the place of Capteine, he continued and followed the defence of that Citie to the ende, to his great honour: To this common inclination, many bands of horsmen and footmen, added many other insolencies, for that, desiring that the seege might beleauied, they began to sacke and spoile the vittels that were brought to the Camp: And so farre multiplied they in all disorders (thauthoritie of the Generall being not sufficient to restraine them) that the footbands of the Gascoines, abandoned the armie in manner of tumult, (their example breeding the lyke mutinie in all the residue): And at par­ting, certeine footbandes of the Svvyssers which were come from Rome, according to the kinges direction, staide as prisoner Luke D'albisse Commissarie for Florence: The occasion (as they alleaged) was, for that their paies were deteined which were due for a seruice they had bene at affore tyme within Lyuorna: The Camp dispersed by degrees, for that the regiment of Svvyssers, and other footebandes, went awaye foorthwith: Only the men at armes staied somewhat neare about Pisa, where they had not spent many dayes in reapposing themselues, but they returned into Lombar­dy without tarying till they knew the kinges wil and direction, leauing the affaires of the Florentyns in great disorder, for that they had dismissed all their footbandes, to be more hable to furnishe the paies of the Svvyssers: The Pisans turned these confusi­ons into an occasion of exploit and enterprise, and with an expedicion agreeable to the consent and oportunitie of the tyme, they went and planted a Camp affore Li­brafatta, The Pisans take Libra­fatta. which they tooke easely, no lesse by thin discression of thennemie, then by their proper strength: The manner of that successe was this: Whilest the assalt was in charging all the footemen that were within, running to the breach, some of those of the Camp by skaling Ladders entred by the highest Iawme of the Castle which was not garded: Which surprise both sodeine and terrible, so astonished the foote­men, that they yelded themselues: And linking still their fortune with their victo­rie, they drue their Camp with a present speede affore the Bastillion Ventura, & whi­lest thassalt was in action, the footemen yelded either by faintnes of courage, or by treason of the Capteine S. Brandano, Cunstable of the Florentyns, of nation a Luckoys, and there remeining in Garrison: But as the conquest of these places was verie pro­fitable to the Pisans, for that it had opened to them a larger skoape on that side to­wardes the Lucquoys, and giuen elswhere almost a generall libertie: So yet, such suc­cesse of the thinges of Pisa troubled not a litle the minde of the french king, who saw howe much it would diminish the reputation of his armie, besides that he bare very impaciently that one perticular Citie, supported only by her inhabitantes, & wher­in was not only one Capteine of name, shold resist the armies of Fraunce, which had runne thorow all Italy to the generall terror & feare of euen the chiefest Potentates: wherein as men in thinges that be greeuous to them doe oftentimes beguile them­selues, he occupied in him selfe this persuasion, that the aduersities of Pisa hapned by this defalt that the Florentyns had not made due prouisions of vittelles, Pyonners, and Munitions as his people assured him for their discharge, beleeuing that all other thinges had rather failed in tharmie, then vallour, he complained also that fauouring too much thimportunities of the Florentyns, he yelded to commit so great an armie rather to M. Beaumont then to M. D'alegre, by which indiscression those disorders were hapned: And of the other parte, desiring to recouer the reputacion lost, he sent to Florence M. de Corocu his Chamberlaine, not so muche to be informed if the [Page 249] reapportes of his Capteines were true, as to practise with the Florentyns, that not losing hope to haue hereafter a better successe, they would consent that his men at armes might returne to soiorne in the countrey of Pisa, the better to keepe that Ci­tie for the winter following, in continuall feare & bridle, with intencion in the spring tyme, to recontinue the seege with an armie more reasonable, compounded of Cap­teines better experienced, and souldiours more obedient: This offer was refused of the Florentyns, as dispairing of any better issue by the ayde of the Frenche armies, a matter which made worse their condicions, for that, a bruite running in all places that the King had left them, the Genovvays, the Lucquoys, and the Siennoys, beganne to minister openly to the Pisans both men and money: And at Florence, the diuisions so increased amongest the Citizens, that they were not only in dishabilitie to recouer the thinges lost, but also they prouided not in any sort for the disorders that were in their iurisdiction: For, some particular factions, falling into open armes and priuate force, there were done betweene them aswell in the towne as fieldes, many hostili­ties and burninges, proceeding sometymes with forreine ayde, euen as if it were a warre ordeined and set: To these insolent disorders, they applied no order, to the great reproche of their common weale.

In this tyme Caesar Borgia omitted no oportunitie to aduaunce his affaires: And albeit the King was much discontented with the Pope, for not ayding him to reco­uer his Duchie of Myllan, the same being the cause why his maiestie had deferred to sende him bandes of men to prosecute thenterprise begun against the Viccaires of Romagnia: Yet the desire he had to keepe amitie with him, made him chaunge opi­nion, for the feare he had of the descending of Thallemaines, hauing no meane to e­stablishe an accord with Themperour: But much more was concurrant in that de­sire the authoritie of the Cardinal of Amboyse for thambiciō he had to obtein the le­gacion for the realme of Fraunce: The Cardinall in this aspiring desire, ‘had litle re­membraunce to the councell of Sainct Gregorie, that he that seeketh authoritie, let Sainct Gre­gor [...] against ambicion. him consider howe he commeth to it, and comming wel to it, howe he ought to liue well in it, and liuing well in it, howe he must gouerne, and gouerning wisely, he must ofte call to memorie his owne infirmitie: Ambicion is an humor verie vnmeete for Churchmen, for that it hindreth to their humilitie and charitie, and generally alte­reth the whole vertue of their profession: It is hurtfull to raise a mynde ambicious into high authoritie, for that he that is desirous of glorie, is soone stirred to do things against equitie, and to him that seeketh to be aboue all men, it is harde to keepe al­wayes equitie,’ which is the chiefe parte of iustice: The Pope eftsoones promised the King to ayde him with men and with the person of his sonne, when soeuer he would aduaunce the enterprise of Naples, & to indue the Cardinall of Amboyse with the legacion of the realme of Fraunce for eightiene monethes, which was esteemed a great matter, aswell for that it was new and rare, as for that it diminished muche the doinges and profites of the Court of Rome: The King for his parte, sent to him vnder the leading of Monsr D'alegre, three hundred Launces and two thousand foot­men, The [...]r [...]n [...]h King [...]th ayde to the Pope. making knowne to euerie one, that what soule so euer would oppose agaynst the enterprise of the Pope, he would take it to hart, as if the iniurie were done to his proper person: With which reputacion ioyned to his proper forces conteining six hundred men at armes and sixe thousand footemen, the Duke Valentynois entred al­readie into Romagna, tooke without resistance, the Cities of Pesera and Rimini whose Lordes and owners fledde: Afterwardes he turned his force to Faenza, which had no other defence then of the people of the place: For, not only Iohn Bentyvolle, vncle [Page 250] by the mother side to Astor a litle childe, was made contented, aswell for feare to stir vp the armes of the Pope and his sonne, as to obey a commaundement he had re­ceiued from the King: (The Florentyns and Duke of Ferrara doing the lyke for the same occasions): But also the Venetians, who were bound to defende him, signified to him (obseruing the request the King made to them) that they had renounced the protection of him, a thing which they had likewise done affore for the same occasi­on to Pandolfe Malateste Lord of Rimini: And which more is, to expresse with grea­ter apparance that they fauoured the Pope, they created at the same tyme the Duke Valentynois Gentleman of their Towne, an action not accustomed to that common weale, but for recompence of benefites receiued, or in token of very deare & straite amitie: The Duke Valentynois enterteined in his Paye Dennis de Nalda Natyffe of Bri­siquolle a man of great opinion in the vale of Lamona: by his meanes hee tooke the Towne of Brisiquolle without daunger, and with the same fortune brought vnder his commaundement almost the whole Vally: He tooke the olde Citidell by force, and caryed the newe Castle by accord made with the keeper: He had also hope to enter into the Castle of Faenza by meane of a practise enterteyned by the sayde Dennis by the Castle keeper who was of the same Vallye, & had long tyme gouerned thestates of Astor: But thintelligence being discouered, he was made prisoner by the Faven­tyns, who making their fortune no feare to them, showed no signes of faint courage for that they were abandoned of euerie one, and much lesse stood discomforted for the losse of the Valley which was of great importance: But as people resolued to vanquishe their aduersities with their proper vertues, They determined to passe vn­der all perilles to continue their subiection to the famuly of the Manfredis, vnder whose obediēce as they had liued in easie gouernment a long tyme, so doubting the worst that might come by chaunge of Lordes, they stood resolute in their faith and loyaltie, and carefully strengthned their Citie against the present daungers: From which disposition, the Duke of Valentynois being not hable to turne them neither by D. Valenty­nois beseegeth Faenza. promises nor threatninges, he incamped neare the walles of their Citie betweene the Riuers of Lamona and Marsana, and planted his artillerie on that side that is to­wardes Furly, which albeit is incompassed with walles, yet commonly it is called the Subburbes, where the Fauentyns had erected a strong Bastillion: He battered it with great furie together with that Iawme or corner that is betweene the Subburbes and the Towne, & the fift day he gaue the assalt: But finding the resistance of the towne aboue his exspectation, he sownded the retraite, (his souldiours bringing away ma­ny woundes and maymes, and Honorius Sauella a principall man slaine in the action:) The Camp suffred litle rest all the residue of the dayes it remeyned there, aswell by a continuall affliction of the artillerie from the Towne, as also by the vallour of thin­habitantes, who, notwithstanding they had a verie slender strength by forreine soul­diours, yet, they made many issues and sallies, and skirmished with no lesse fortune then courage: But aboue all other perplexeties, (albeit the moneth of Nouember was not yet finished) the tyme, which was more extreme then agreed with the cu­stome and nature of that season, troubled him much, both for the Snowes that fell, and the frosts that were intollerable (greeuous impediments to the trauels of warre) and also for that his lodging was naked and open to the ayre, (the Fauentyns affore the Camp came neare their walles, hauing burned all their houses, and cut downe D. Valenty­nois leauieth his Camp. all such wood and trees as might giue succours to their enemies: These difficulties pressed so much the Duke of Valentynois that he leauied his Camp the tenth day, and dispersing his regiments to winter in places thereaboutes, he bare his fortune with [Page 251] manifest impacience, specially for that besides his french forces, he had an army flo­rishing with Capteines and souldiours Italians, wherein were Iohn Pavvle, and Iulio Vrsins, Vitellozze and Iohn Pavvle Baillon with many men of choice: And hauing pro­mised to him selfe in his ambicious conceites, that neither the seas nor the moun­teines D Valenti­nois disdai­neth to be re­pulsed. had power to resist him, he could not endure without perturbacion of minde, that the reputacion of his first exploites should be darkned, by a people that had lōg liued in peace, and at that tyme, had no other commaunder then a litle childe: wher­in he gaue such libertie to his Passion, that he sware and that with many sighes and vehement protestacions, that assoone as the season of the yeare would giue leaue to his desire, he would returne to the seege, and recontinue thenterprise with a resolu­cion of a man determined either to carie the victorie or to dye in the action.

In which time his father the Pope, to thende their might be societie in their do­ings The Pope createth. [...]. Cardinals at one tyme. hauing regard to one ende, created the same yeare to his great infamie twelue Cardinalles, not of such as deserued best, but of those that offred most: And to omit no meanes to heape treasors and money, he sent out and sowed thorow all Italy, and straunge prouinces, the Iubyle, which being celebrated at Rome with great concursse of people, was sēt with no lesse deuociō beyōd the Mountes, giuing power that who could not come to Rome to obteine it, should communicate in the grace and bene­diction for certeine summes of money, the which, together with all other treasors he could drawe in what sort so euer, aswell of the spirituall fruites, as treasors tempo­rall of the Church, he sent to the Duke of Valentynois, who staying at Furly, made strong preparacion to recontinue the seege of F [...]enza, against whose intencions the Fauentyns prouided by fortifications and other remedies conuenient to resist an ene­mie so apparantly professed: These thinges were done in the yeare 1500. But mat­ters of farre greater importance were ordeined by the french king for the yeare fo­lowing, and to haue the more libertie to execute them, he had sought by continuall solicitacion to haue vnitie with the king of Romains, wherby obteining thinuestiture of the Duchie of Myllan, he might haue suffrance to assaile the realme of Naples: To which endes he vsed the meane and inclinacion of Tharchduke his sonne, who de­clared a readie disposition to peace, for that his peoples, fearing thentercourse of marchandise wold ceasse, brooked vnwillingly all persuasions to leauy warre against the french: But the thing that most supported this inclinacion, was that the french king hauing no issue Male, offred to giue in mariage his doughter Madam Clavvde, to Charles sonne of the Archduke, and to indue her with the Duchie of Myllan for a dowrie when they had habilitie to consummate the mariage, for neither of them had not yet three yeares of age: By these offers, and his intercession, (for that many Truce be­tweene the French king and king of Romains. 1501 difficulties hapning in the practise and negociacion of the peace absolute, could not so soone be resolued) the french king obteyned in the yeare folowing of Maxymy­lian, a truce for many monethes, but not without the price of certeine proporcions of money: This truce was voyd of all mencion of the King of Naples, notwithstāding that Maxymylian, in consideracion of fortie thousand Duckats, with bonde, to mi­nister to him monethly fiftiene thousande Duckats (his necessities so requiring,) he had promised to make no accord without comprehending him in it, and to vexe the Duchie of Myllan with inuasions and warre when neede were to turne away the powers of the french king: Thus the king dwelling assured that the Allemains would not stirre, and hoping in short tyme to make the peace perfect and absolute, and to obteine thinuestiture of the Duchie of Myllan by meane of the same Archduke, tur­ned all his thoughtes to thenterprise of Naples, against the which, fearing least the [Page 252] king of Spaine would make some obiection, and that both the Pope and Venetians (ielous ouer his greatnes) would ioyne with him: he renued eftsoones the practises that had ben begun in the time of king Charles for deuiding of the same realm, wher­vnto in deede Ferdinand king of Spaine pretended to haue right: For, albeit Alphonso king of Aragon had conquered it with rightes and titles separate from the Crowne of Aragon, and therfore had disposed it to the person of Ferdinand his bastard sonne as his owne: yet, Iohn his brother which succeeded him in the kingdome of Aragon, and Ferdinand the sonne of Iohn, had alwayes secretly quarelled that title as lawfully apperteining to the Crowne of Aragon, for that Alphonso had conquered it with the armes and treasors of the same realme: Which quarell Ferdinand had couered with a suttletie and pacience of a Spanyarde, forgetting nothing, not only of the dutie of a parent towardes Ferdinand king of Naples, and the others, but also more assuring and augmenting them with bondes of newe affinitie, for that he gaue to Ferdinand for wyfe, Iane his sister, and consented afterwardes that Iane the doughter of her, should be maried to young Ferdinand, wherein yet he could not worke in such cloudes, but the vaile of his couetousnes was long tyme before made open to the kinges of Na­ples: In so much as the french king and Ferdinand concurring in one inclination, the one to remoue all impediments and difficulties, the other to obteyne parte of that he had lōg desired, seeing there was no oportunitie to obtein the whole, they made an agreement to inuade at one tyme the kingdome of Naples, and to deuide it be­tweene them in this sort: That the french king should haue the Citie of Naples with The kings of Spaine and Fraunce de­uide betweene them the realme of Naples. all the lande of Lauoro, and the prouince of Abruzzo: And to Ferdinands part should fall the prouinces of Povvylla and Calabria: That either one should conquere his owne parte by him selfe, the other not being bounde to helpe him, but only not to empeach or hinder him: But specially it was agreed, that this contract should bee holden very secret vntil the armie which the french king should send to execute that enterprise, were arryued at Rome: At what tyme Thembassadors of them both, allea­ding this contract to be made for the benefite of Christendome, and to inuade thin­fidelles, should require the Pope with a ioynt voice, to graunt thinuestiture accor­ding to the deuision that had bene made betweene them, receiuing Ferdinand into faith and homage vnder the title of Duke of Povvylla and Calabria, and the frenche king, no more king of Cicilia, but king of Ierusalem and Naples: Which title of king of Ierusalem, being once come to Themprour Federyk the seconde, who was king of Naples, by his wyfe which was doughter of Iohn king of Ierusalem (but in name not in effect) was alwayes kept by the kinges folowing, notwithstanding that at one tyme, the kinges of Cipres, being of the house of Lusignan, who likewyse pretended to it, ‘would appropriat it to them with a couetousnes as apparant and great as the rest: So violent are the desires of Princes to embrace coullers by the which they may with any honest couerture (albeit most often against all lawe and reason) torment and inuade the estates that are in the possession of an other, not considering what a world of calamities, vniust warre and oppression doe drawe with them, and muche lesse remembring that right may be troden downe,’ but not troden out, but hath her secret meanes to support her, and her seasons appointed to reuiue and reuert: This capitulation was no sooner established betweene the two kinges, then the frenche king began immediatly and openly to prepare his armie.

But whilest these practises were in working to their execution, the Duke of Va­lentynois, returning by night in the first dayes of the new yeare to the Subburbes of Faenza, and working by conspiracie & intelligence, made an vse of a number of ska­ling [Page 253] ladders: But that labor and trial resoluing into smoke and vanitie, and reaposing no more hope in treason, he tooke in fewe dayes after, Russi with the other places of that countrey, & lastly returned eftsones with his Camp to Faenza in the beginning of the spting: And incamping before the Castle, he battred the wal on that side, & fo­lowed thassalt Pellemelle with the french & Spanish that were in his paie, who going to the seruice in disorder, retired without honor or profit: But three dayes after (ob­stinacie norisheth peril) he recharged it with an other assalt with the strength of the whole Camp: The first charge fell to Vitellozze and the Vrsins, who, colling out the flower and choice men of their bandes, marched to the breach with a wonder­ful boldnes, and very well assured order, their vallours giuing great hope at that time to carie the victorie: But those that were within fighting for their lyues and libertie, were no lesse resolute to defende, then the others were valiant to assaile: They had so intrenched and fortefied the place, that their industrie made amased their enemies, who finding affore them a great ditche for depth and largenes, and being beaten in the flanke with the furie of thartillerie, were constrayned to retyre, Ferdinand of Far­uesa remeyning dead with many other men of marke, without reckoning the great numbers whose bodyes smarted in the woundes they receyued: ‘The chaunces in warre are dyuers, and haue in them many hidden fortunes which neyther the wysedome of the leadors can foresee, nor the vertue of the souldiours resist, nor any councell of man assure, but running gouerned by certeine swyft destinies, seeme to communicate in the qualitie of the wynde which no humaine wit can make setled, but is caried by incomprehensible mocions frō one quarter to an other in a momēt:’ For notwithstāding the resoluciō of the Fauētyns to fight it out to the last mā, cōmit­ting their liues & liberties to one perill, yet hauing receiued great harmes by this as­salt, they began to take such coūcel of their presēt condicion, that seeing on all sides general apparāce of daūger, & no exspectaciō of succors in a state so abādoned, their cōfidence begun to turne into feare: And as there was no possibilitie, that their pro­per vallours only without fresh succors, could make long resistance against so great an armie alwayes renued: So they sawe that with increase of more harmes, & worse condicions, they should in the ende eyther be taken by force, or constrayned as a last necessitie to put them selues vnder the power of the victors: And therefore their Faen [...]ayel­ded to the Duke. fortune making these feares reasonable in them, they yelded to the Duke vppon couenaunt to haue their goods and lyues saued, and that Astor theyr Lorde should remeyne in his libertie and to enioye wholly the reuenue of his proper possessions: These couenants the Duke kept faithfully on the behalf of the people of Faenza: But Astor, a yoūg man of xviij. yeares & of an excellēt beuty, his age & innocēcie yelding to the disloialtie & crueltie of the victors was reteined by the Duke with very hono­rable demōstraciōs, vnder cooler that he shold remein in his Court: But within few dayes after being sent to Rome, after (so went the bruite) some had satisfied their vile vnnatural lust on him, he was secretly put to death together with his bastard brother.

After the victorie of Faenza, the Duke marched towardes Bolonia, laying his plot not only to occupie that Citie, but also to molest the Florentyns which were nowe become muche vnderfoote, hauing added to the first discontentment of the frenche king, newe occasions of disliking: For, being weary of the huge expenses which they had made, continuing still for the furnishing of the warre with Pisa, & hauing suspiciō of the forces of the Pope & Duke Valentinois, they paied not to the king (notwithstāding his great instāce) the residue of the moneys which had ben lēt thē by the Duke of Myllā, nor yet those sums which he pretēded to be due to him for [Page 254] the Svvyssers whom he had sent against Pisa: The Florentyns (contrary to their con­tract established with the Cardinal of Amboyse) refused to furnish one paye for them to returne into their countrey, for that they departed, long affore the tearme of the seruice for the which they had receiued paye, was exspired: But the king, to enter­tein alwayes that natiō in good friendship, made good their paie of his proper trea­sor, which he redemaūded of the Florentyns with sharpe words, not admitting thex­cuse of their inhability, which was made greater by the ciuil discords that tooke their beginning of the disorders which were in the gouernmēt popular: Wherein no man hauing a soūd care of thaffaires, and many of the principal Citizens being suspected either for friends to the Medicis, or as men desiring an other forme of gouernment, things were oueruled more with confusion then with councell: By occasiō of these trobles ciuil, they made no prouision to satisfie the demaunds of the king, but letting passe without effect, the respits & delaies which he had giuē thē, they had made him much discontented: And increasing his anger by thoccasion of their weaknes, he re­quired them to prepare to contribute to him the moneys & other aides, which they promised, for thexpediciō of Naples: He said that albeit they ought him none accor­ding to the couenants that were made betwene thē (vnles they had recouered Pisa) yet, as touching him, they ought to hold it for recouered, seeing it was through their own falt that their victorie agreed not with their exspectaciō: Of this was the cause, either the desire of money, which of his owne nature he loued much, or the discon­tentmēt that they had not obserued the respits he had graunted them, or rather the opinion he had, that for the disorders in their gouernment, & the great number of friends the Medicis had in Florence, he was hable to make no foundaciō in thoccur­rance of affairs: And to bring thē by sharpnes to that, which his authoritie could not lead thē vnto, he deliuered publiklie very angrie termes to their Embassador resident about his person, whom he assured that he was no more bound to their protection, for that, they failing to accomplish the capitulacion made at Myllan in not making him satisfied at the tyme appointed of the moneys promised in the same, he was at libertie from all right or lawes of obseruacion: By meanes whereof, Iulian de Medi­cis, being gone to his Court with the priuitie and recommendacion of the Pope, to beseech his maiestie in his name, and in compassion of his brethren, to be restored to their countrey, promising him great quantities of moneys, he heard him willingly & deuised continually with him of the meanes for their returne: And on the other side the Duke Valētynois, vsing thoportunitie of these occasiōs, & pushed forward withal by Vitellozze and the Vrsins, then in his seruice & paie, and who were iust enemies to the Florentyns, the one for the death of his brother, & the other for the cōiunctiō he had with the Medicis: Had, for that cause sent affore to the succors of Pisa, Lyuerot de Ferme with an hundred light horsmen, and since the conquest of Faenza stoode de­termined to molest them, notwithstanding that neither his father nor he, had re­ceiued of them no harmes, but rather pleasures and commodities, seeing at theyr requestes, they had renounced the protection of them of Riara: Whereunto they were bound, and consented to libertie and passage of vittels thorow their landes to his Camp: Being then departed out of Romania in this deliberacion, and since the conquest of Faenza, being declared by the Pope, with the iustification of the con­sistorie, Duke of Romania, and enioying also thinuestiture of the same, he entred with his armie into the territories of Bollognia, with great hope to occupie it: But the same day that he lodged in the borow of S. Peter stāding almost vppō the cōfines betweene Ymola and Bollognia, he receiued commaundement from the french king [Page 255] to proceed no further in the subduing of Bollognia, no [...] to chase out of it Iohn Benty­volle for that he had takē aswel him as the citie into his protectiō: His maiestie allea­ged that the expresse exceptiō which he had made not to preiudice the rights of the church, ought to be vnderstāded of those rights & preeminences which the church did then enioy, for that being construed without distinction, & not according as the words soūded, as the Pope pretēded, it had ben a thing vain & of no moment for the Bellōnois & for the Bentyuoleis, to receyue thē into his protectiō: Therfore the Duke, leauing for that time, with no smal complaints of the Pope & the king, the ambicius hopes he had cōceiued, made a couenāt with Bētyuolle by the mean of Pavvle vrsin, which bare these articles: That they of Bollognia shold giue him libertie of passage & vittels: That he shold paie to him yearly niene thousad duckats: That he shold serue him with a certein proporciō of men at armes & footmē for his expediciō into Tus­kane: And to leaue him Castelbollognia, a place betweene Ymola & Faenza & of the iu­risdictiō of Bollognia, which he gaue to Pavvle Vrsin: Whē this accord was made, Bē ­tyuolle, either for a fearful suspiciō he had of himself, or for that Duke Valētynois (as the saying was) to make him more hateful in that Citie, had told him that the family of the Mariscotties, (a faction puissant and of great fauours, and for that reason and for his insolencie muche suspected of him), had desired him to make thenterprise of Bollognia: He caused present slaughter to be made of almost all that famuly that were within Bollognia, vsing for ministers in that crueltie, together with his sonne Hermes, many noble young Gentlemen, to thende that for the memory to haue defiled their handes in the bloud of that faction, and by that meanes become enemies to that famulie, they should be the more assuredly bound to the preseruacion of his estate: ‘weake suertie whose foundacion is builded vppon the bloud of innocents, and a la­mentable example, to purge surmised suspicion, by vnlawful slaughter.’

The french bandes folowed no further the Duke Valentynois, hauing assignement to ioyne with the armie of the king, which conteined a thousand laūces & ten thou­sād footmē marching vnder Monsr D'aubigny to thēterprise of Naples: But the Duke Valentynois tooke his way thorow the coūtrey of Bollognia, to the lands of the Floren­tyns, with an army ofseuē hūdred men at armes & fiue thousand footmē of choice, & with fiue hūdred men at armes & two thousād footmē which Bētyuolle gaue him vn­der the leading of his sonne the pronotorie: He sent to demaūd of the Florētyns pas­sage & vittels through all their lands, & marching on without tarying their answere he enterteined with gracious words Thembassadors which they had sēt to him, vntil he was past the Appenyn: But assoone as he was arriued at Barbaryna (his sweet words turned into sower meanings) he required that they wold make cōfederaciō with him: And that they wold take him into their paie with such regimēts of men at armes & other cōdiciōs as agreed with the greatnes he held: And that chaūging the present gouernment, they wold establish an other, such one as he might reappose more in: The thing that gaue him this boldnes to demaund these things, was not so much his power or strength (for he had no great armie or artilleries to batter walles) as the ill estate of the Florentyns, who had verie fewe men at armes, nor other footemen then they of the coūtrey whō they commaūded daily: He was also much furthered in this actiō by the feare, suspiciō, & great disagreemēts that were in Florēce, for that he had in his army Vitellozze and the Vrsins, and for that, by his direction, Peter de Medicis was abiding at Loiana in the countrey of Bollognia: And lastly for that the people were full of ielousies by an opinion they had conceyued, that the greatest Citizens had procured his cōming, to thend to erect a gouernment according to their fācies: [Page 256] Notwithstanding the Duke Valentynoys had no great desire to reestablish or set vp a­gain Peter de Medicis, for that he esteemed not the greatnes of the Vrsins & Vitellozze cōuenient for his enterprise, with whō he knew that Peter had great affinitie, & being repossessed of his coūtrey, wold minister no smal strength to them: Ioyntly to this, I haue vnderstand by men worthy of faith & credit, that he kept fixed in his minde, the remembraunce of an auncient grudge against him, whē being Archbishop of Pam­pelnua, & his father not yet Pope, he studied the cōmon lawes in the schooles of Pisa, for that he went to Florēce to complain to him of a certein crime committed against him by one of his familiars, & wayting in vaine many houres to haue accesse to him (being occupied either in his affaires or pleasures) he returned to Pisa not so muche as speaking with him, esteeming himself much disgraced & iniured: And yet he made other semblance to the Vitelly & Vrsins, rather to entertein them in deuociō, thē that his thoughts were simple, or his intencions not dissembled: But much more to aug­ment the mutinies & disagreements of the Florentyns, by the which he hoped either to range them to better cōdiciōs, or to be hable to occupie some place of importāce in their iurisdictiō: But finding by many tokens apparant that the french king broo­ked not his entrey in that sort into their countrey, when he came to Campy six miles from Florence, he accorded with them in this sort: That betweene the commō weale Capitula. be­tweene the D. Valent▪ and the Florent. of Florence & him there should be a cōfederacion indifferent for the defence of their estates, with prohibicion to ayde rebelles either of the one or other part, and chiefly that the Duke should not succor the Pisans: That the Florentyns shold pardō to who so euer, all faltes cōmitted by his cōming, & shold not oppose thēselues against him for the defēce of the lord of Plombyn, who was vnder their protectiō: That they shold entertein him for three yeares with three hūdred mē at armes, & paye of six & thirtie thousād duckats for euery yeare, & he to send that ayde to them as oftē as they shold haue need, either for their own defence, or to offend an other: After this accord was ratified, he went to Signa, marching by easie iournes, & remeining certeine dayes in euery reapposing place, did great harmes in the countrey by fire and robberies, no otherwayes thē if he had ben an enemy professed: He demaūded besides (according to the custom in the paies of men at armes) the fourth part of the money due for one yeare, & that they shold prepare for him artilleries for thenterprise of Plombyn: The one of which demaundes the Florentyns denyed him flatly, as being not bound vnto it, the other they deferred, for that they had not takē councel to obserue that, which he went about to make them promise by force: By thaduertisements of their Embas­sador with the french king, they hoped to be deliuered from those oppressiōs by his authority, a hope which they foūd not altogether vain, for that it nothing displeased the king that the Duke should threaten them, but not assaile them: Aswel for that the chaūge of the presēt gouernmēt wold haue ben to his discōtētment, as also, albeit he could haue wished an other form of gouernmēt yet, it wold haue greatly displeased him, if it had ben introduced with other forces or other authoritie thē his: In which The french king com­mauds D. Va­lentynoys to depart from the landes of the Floretyns. regard, assoone as he vnderstood that the Duke was entred vppon the dominions of the Florentyns, he ministred to him a sharpe direction to depart with speed, & com­maunded M. D'aubigny who was in Lombardy with tharmie, that in case of the Dukes disobedience, he should oppose against him the compulcion and force of the whole armie: This direction of the king brought the Duke into alteraciō of intencion and purpose, and not tarying so much as for a quarters paye, nor any furniture of artil­lerie, he tooke his way towardes Plombyn, and gaue order that the Pisans, who by meane of Vitellozzo whom hee had sent thether for artillerie, were incamped [Page 257] before a borough of the Florentyns, shoulde withdrawe and leauy theyr seege:

Being entred into the territories of Plombyn he tooke Sugeretta, Scarlina, and the Iles of Elba and Piauosa, and furnishing euery peece with sufficient garrison, aswel for the defēce of the places alreadie occupied, as to enterteine cōtinual vexacion vppō them of Plombyn, he returned to Rome with the residue of his regimentes, to followe the kings armie that marched to thenterprise of Naples: Whereof one parte led by M. D'aubigny was entred into Tuskane by the way of Castrocaro, & the other followed by the countrey Lunigiana: The whole armie assembled in one strength, conteined The computa­cion of the french army. a thousand Launces, four thousand Svvyssers, & six thousand footmē of nation frēch and Gascoynes, to whom was ioyned (according to their maner) a great quātitie of ar­tilleries: About the same time also, the armie by sea departed out of Prouence for the same expedicion, vnder the leading of the Lord of Ranastyn gouernor of Genes, wher­in were three Caracks of Genes, & sixtiene other shippes, together with many other smal vessels fraught with bands of footmē. Against these mouings & preparaciōs of warre, king Federyk (ignorant that the Spanish armies vnder shadow of friendshyp were prepared against him) solicited Consaluo (abiding in Sicilia with the regiments of Spanyardes, and making semblance to succour him) to come to Caietta, after he had put into his handes certeyne places of Calabria which he demaunded, to thende to make more easie the conquest he intended, but vnder coollour that it was for the suertie of his people: King Federyk made his reckoning that Consaluo being ioyned to tharmie, his strength in particular would conteyne seuen hundred men at armes, six hundred light horsmen, and six thousand footmen, compounded vppon bodies partly interteined already by him, and partly of such as the Collonnois leauyed at Ma­rina: A force which he supposed sufficient to resist the french men, without being constrained to inclose him self in towns, notwithstanding he norished no great hope in the ayde from the Prince of the Turkes, of whom he had required succors with no smal instance, showing him that he had more reason to feare peril by the victorie of the presēt king, then of the late king his predecessor: And to make a cleare way to an actiō of so great importance (it is a chiefe suertie to Princes to cut of treasons in the beginning) he apprehended & put in prison, the Prince of Bisignan and the Count of Melotte accused affore him to haue had secret intelligence with the Count Caiezze who was in the french armie: With these hopes, (hauing also sent Ferdinand his eldest sonne being very young to Tarenta more for his suertie if thinges succeeded ill, then to defende the Citie) he incamped with his armie at S. Germem: Where, attending the succours of Consaluo and [...]he bandes which the Collonnoys leauyed, he hoped to accomplishe a more happie action in the defence of the entrey into the kingdom, thē Ferdinand his Nephew had don against the enterprise of king Charles.

In this estate & disposicion of affaires, all the regiōs of Italy were replenished with incredible doubtes & perplexeties, euery one iudging that this enterprise would be a beginning of most great calamities: For that as the preparacions of the french king seemed not so mightie, as to be hable to surmount the ioynt forces of king Fede­ryk and Consaluo, so wisemen occupied this opinion that the spirittes of so mightie kings beginning once to waxe angry, both the one & other partie would cōtinue the warre with far greater forces, which wold stir vp easely thorow al Italy both great & daūgerous mociōs, for the diuers inclinations of the other Potentates: But assone as the french army was arryued at Rome, the world sawe easely into the vanitie of those discourses: For that Thembassadors of Fraūce & Spaine, entring together into the cō ­sistorie, made publicatiō affore the Pope & Cardinals, of the league made betweene [Page 258] their kings, intēding chiefly (as they said) to an expediciō to be made against thenne­mies The Pope gi­ueth thinue­stiture of the kingdome of Naples to the French and Spanyard in­differently. to Christiā religiō: And demaūding thinuestiture of the kingdom according to the tenor of the cōuenciō made, it was agreed vnto by the Pope with the same speed it was required, thinking it but reasonable to performe that which he made no diffi­cultie to graunt: In so much, as no man doubting now what would be the end of this warre, the feares of men were conuerted into admiracion, euery one wondring at the doings of the french king, who, by suffring the moietie of the realme to fall ra­ther into the handes of the king of Spaine, did as it were leade by the hande into Italy (where before he only was the Arbitrator of all things) an other king, to whō such as might be discōtented with him, might haue recourse, & was also straitly allied to the king of Romains by many bonds of affinitie: Then to endure that king Federyk might remeine Lord of the whole, acknowledging to holde it of him, and yeld him tribute for it, as by sundrie meanes he had sought to obteine it: But the vniuersall concep­cions of men were no lesse deuided touching thintegretie & faith of Ferdinand, who, by an ambicious lust to occupie one part of the kingdome, had conspired agaynst a king of his bloud, and to drawe him the more easely to his ruine, he had alwayes en­terteined him with false promises to succor him: Wherein he had not only defaced the reputacion of the title of King Catholyk which he and Queene Elizabeth his wife had obteined certeine yeares before of the Pope: But also had stained that renowme and glorie which helde their names raised vp to the heauens, for driuing the Moares out of the realme of Granado, no lesse for the zeale they bare to religion, then for re­gard of their proper interest: To these imputacions, or rather reproches imposed vppon both the one and other king, there was answered no other thing for the french king, ‘but that his power was sufficient to remedie all those disorders in con­uenient season, not remembring that where thinges are deuided, the suertie is intri­cate, & where there be competitors to one thing, & they no lesse equall instrength, then all one in ambicion, their distrustes are nourished, and no part free from suspi­cion,’ but all things intangled with confusion: For Ferdinand, it was saide, that albeit king Federyk had giuen him iust occasion to be moued against him, as knowing that he had long tyme before practised secretly with the french king to his preiudice: yet that had not stirred him, But the consideracion of the kings pretence, determining in what sort so euer it were, to performe an enterprise vppon the realme of Naples, brought him to this necessitie either to defend it, or abandō it: In taking vppon him the defence, he should kindle so great a fire, that it could not but sende daungerous sparkes ouer all the common weale of Christendome, chiefly the Turkes armies be­ing so strong and mightie against the Venetians both by sea & lande: And if he shold abandon it, he knewe his realme of Sicilia stoode in manifest peril, and besides, it was a thing that wrought too much to his detriment, that the french king should occu­pie the realme of Naples, which of right belonged to him, & might eftsoones reuert to him by new rightes, if the lyne of Federyk should faile: And therfore amyd so ma­ny difficulties he had chosen the way of deuiding, with hope that by the ill gouern­ment of the french, their moytie might also discend to him in tyme: And that in this case, as the regarde of publike vtilitie councelled him, which he had alwayes more highly esteemed then his proper profit: So he might eyther keepe it in himselfe, or restore it to Federyk, or rather leaue it to his issue and children, holding his name al­most in horror, for that he knew, that affore the french king did any action vppon the Duchie of Myllan, he had practised with the Turkes: These were the reasons ge­nerall alleaged on the behalfe of both the kinges, supporting their actions more by [Page 259] strained coulers, then equitie of title, and applying to thaduersitie of the king of Na­ples, their vniust ambicion, they made litle care to keepe their particular moyties, that had no conscience to euict the iust owner out of the whole.

The league of these two kinges brought such astonishment to Federyk, that not­withstanding Consaluo, seeming to reiect that which was published at Rome, promised him with one constancie to come to his succours: Yet, he chaunged his first coun­celles and retyred from S. Germain towardes Capua, where he exspected the effect of his direction for the bandes leauied by the Collonnoys: Who, leauing Garrison with­in Amyliā, abādoned all the residue which they held in the territorie of Rome, for that the Pope by the consent of the french king, had taken armes to occupie their estates: In which difficulties, Consaluo, being well aduertised that the french army was passed Rome, discouered at last his commissions, and sending to Naples sixe Gallies to bring away the two olde Queenes, the one sister and the other neece to his king: Prosper Colonne aduised king Federyk to reteyne the Gallies, and drawing all his power into one strength, to make resistance to thennemies in the fielde: For that in making a Prospero Co­ [...]onn [...] aduiseth [...]. [...] ad­ [...] the battell. tryall of fortune, there would be some hope of victorie, the issues of battelles being farre more in certeyne, then all other humayne actions: Otherwayes he saw nothing but manifest perill, two so mighty kings ioyning against him, & he nothing strength­ned from the forreyne, and lesse assured amyd the treasons of his owne people: He tolde him that in a daunger so present, celeritie was more necessarie then councell, and agaynst enemyes so neare approching, his greatest suertie stoode in thexpedici­on of the battell, hauing no other meane to make head against two so mightie kings inuading him in diuers partes of his kingdom: But Federyk, whose mynde was whol­ly ouerruled with feares and doubtes, founde litle hope in this councell, and there­fore determined to looke to the garde of his townes, remembring that lesse in any other humaine action, then in the successe of battell, the innocencie of the cause getteth the vpper hande: Therefore, Sainct Germyn with other peeces neare about it, being alreadie drawne into rebelliō, yea euen before M. D'aubigny marched from Rome: He determined to make the first defence in the towne of Capua, wherin he be­stowed Fabricio Collonne with three hundred men at armes, certeine lyght horsmen, and three thousand footmen, and ioyned with him Rinucce de Marciano, whom he had newly taken into his paye: He left Prosper Colonne for the garde of Naples, and himselfe, with the residue of his companyes, entred Auerso: But as open warre mini­streth many occasions to reuenge perticular wronges: So Monsicur D'aubigny in his marching from Rome, burned Marina, and Caua, with certeine other peeces of the Co­lonnoys, being angry that Fabricio had put to executiō in Rome, the messengers of cer­teyne Barons of the realme holding with the french, which were gon thether to cō ­tract with him: Afterwardes he tooke his way to Montfortyn, where he thought Iu­lio Colonne would make resistance: But hauing left it abandoned with verie litle ho­nour, Monsr D'aubigny passing further, commaunded all the places which be along the way to Capua vntill the Ryuer of Vulturno neare Capua, which being to deepe for the army to passe ouer without perill, the vertue of their Generall founde out a way to passe, by marching vp more high towardes the mounteyne, wherof Federyk being aduertised, retyred to Naples, and abandoned Auerso, which with Nola and many o­ther places gaue themselues to the french, whose whole strength was now brought into the confynes of Capua where they camped, some on thislyde and some beyonde the Ryuer, on the vpper side where the Ryuer beginneth to runne neare the towne: And putting force to their fortune, they battered it on all partes, and charged it af­terwardes [Page 260] with a furious assalt, which albeit was not pleasant to them, but were cō ­strained to retyre from the walles with their many harmes: Yet imparting no lesse terror and daunger to the defendantes, the myndes of the Capteynes and Souldiors began to incline to accord, the people of the Citie beginning to drawe into mutiny, together with the regiments of Peasants withdrawne thether in great numbers: But as in warres there be some insolencies which the Capteynes can not bridle, and ma­ny negligences which be fatall instruments and occasions of perill: So Fabricio Col­lonne the eight day after the Camp was planted, hauing begun to Parley with the Count Catezzo vppon a Bastillion, the negligent garde of those that were within (as often hapneth when men be nearest accord) gaue occasion to thennemies to enter: And they, vsing the lawe of victors, tooke libertie to turne all things to the rewarde of their aduenture: In so much as what for the greedines of Pillage, and desire to re­uenge the harmes receiued at the first assalt, they put the whole towne to sack, and Great cruel­ties of the French. made a wonderfull slaughter, reteyning only for prisoners, suche as remeyned free from theyr crueltie: The licentiousnes of the victors was such that their crueltie ra­ged vppon all ages, sexes, and qualities of creatures, not sparing the virgins in re­ligion, whose bodies were a miserable pray to the lust of the souldiours: And as ma­ny of them were solde afterwardes at Rome for a very small price, so some of them e­steeming it agreeable to their vertue to feare death lesse then the losse of honour, threw them selues into welles, and offred vp in Ryuers an oblacion of their vndefiled bodies: It is sayde that besides other abhominacions worthie of prepetuall infamie, many of the women which had escaped the first furie, being withdrawne into a To­wer vnder none other confidence then such as folow creatures in miserie: The Duke Insatiable lust of D. Valen­tinois. of Valentynois who folowed the armie as the kinges Lieftenant, went to take a view of them, accompanied only with the Gentlemen of his house & his guard: And after he had considered not of their estates, but of their beauties: The compassion he sho­wed was that he reteyned for his owne vse fortie of the most fairest of them: Fabri­cio Colonno, Dom Hugo of Cardona, and all the other Capteynes and men of condicion were made prisoners, amongst whom Rinucce Mariano, who at the assalt had recei­ued a wound with a Cros bow shot, being in the keeping of the soldiors of the Duke dyed within two dayes not without suspicion of poison: The losse of Capua cut of all hopes to king Federyk to be hable hense forward to defend any thing: Caietta yelded with a speed according to the felicitie of the victors: And M. D'aubygny being come with his armie to Auerse, & the Citie of Naples left abādoned, which made composi­ciō for three score thousād duckats, Federik retired into the new castle & immediatly after (hauing only regard to his life in such extremity of fortune) made couenāt with Monsr D'aubygny to deliuer vp within six dayes all the townes and fortes which he helde apperteyning to that moyetie of the deuisiō which shold discend to the french king: Reseruing only for six moneths the Ile of Yschia, during which tyme it should be lawfull for him to goe whether he would, except in the realme of Naples: And to send an hundred men at armes to Tarenta: That he might take out of the newe Ca­stle and the egg Castle what he would except thartilleries of king Charles which re­meyned there: That free pardon should be giuen to all faltes committed since the late king Charles conquered the realme of Naples, and that the Cardinalles Colonne and Aragon should still enioy those ecclesiasticall reuenues which they had in the kingdome. But within the rocke of Yschia might be seene drawne into one showe, a The sorows of King Federyk redoubled. true resemblāce & figure of all the infelicities of the lyne of the old Ferdinād (which was a spectacle verie pitifull): For that besides the aspect of Federyk newly deuested [Page 261] of so noble a realme, the consideration of his litle children, ioyned to the lamentable condicion of Beatriss his sister, redoubled his sorowes: To the calamitie of his si­ster, this increase of miserie hapned, that, after the death of her late husband Mat­thias that renowmed king of Hungary, she receiuing promise of mariage of Launce­lot king of Boemia inducing her to ayde him in the conquest of the same realme: She was refused by him with great ingratitude, after he had filled his delightes with the sweete fruites of her bodie, and afterwardes maried an other by the dispensacion of Pope Alexander: To this infelicitie was also ioyned, Isabell affore tyme honoured with the titles & dignities of Duches of Myllan, but now no lesse wretched then the others, for that almost at one tyme, she suffred priuacion of her husbande, of her e­state, & of her only sonne. Amongest these tragicall accidents, I may not forget this notable example of thaffection of a sonne to his father: A matter so much the more [...] a sonne. straunge, by how much in those tymes the loue of children was rare towardes their fathers: One of the sonnes of the L. G. Montpensier being gon to Pozzuolo to visit the sepulcher of his father, suffred him selfe to be so much ouerruled with passion, that after he had washed all partes of the monument with his lamentable teares, he fain­ted and fell downe dead vppon the sepulcher of his father, who had as litle sence of those his latest sorowes, as he had feeling of so great a fault to giue such libertie to the rage of nature.

To men affilicted, this is one cōsolacion, to know the vttermost of their mishaps, ‘and when the perils be past that nourished their feares, they returne to a comofrte, not to consider what they haue suffred, but to remember that no worse can happen:’ Euen so king Federyk making the extremest reckoning of his aduersities, was resol­ued (bearing a setled hate to the king of Spaine) to recommit him selfe wholly to the Federyk in minde to com­mit him selfe to the [...] and [...]y of the french [...]. honor and clemencie of the french king, to whom he sent to demaund safeconduit, and hauing obteined it, he left all the residue in the rocke of Yschia, where remeined also Prosper and Fabricio Colonne: And the Yle remeyning as it did before vnder the gouernment of the Marquis of Guast and the Countesse of Francqueuille, after he had sent parte of his people to the defence of Tarenta, he went into Fraunce with fyue Gallies: A councel euil taken (sauing that men in aduersitie haue no libertie of elec­tion) for that if he had bene in a place of libertie, seeing to what tearmes the warres grew afterwardes, betweene those two kinges he might happly haue bene holpen with many occasions afterwardes to returne into his kingdom: But choosing rather to sit downe with the sweete fruites of a quietlyfe, then to followe the bitter trauels of a kingdome broken, his fortune brought him to this humilitie, to accept suche condicions as were offred him by the king, who gaue him, to thende he might re­meyne in Fraunce, the Duchie of Aniovv with so liberall a pension that it mounted euery yeare to thirtie thousand Duckats: At his departure he sent order to those in whose confidence he had left the gouernment of Yschia, that they should deliuer it vp to the french king, and showing no lesse readines to render it then they were vn­hable to keepe it, he tolde them that the way to deffye their fortune, was, not to giue her leaue to exercise her malice to their vttermost ruine.

Consaluo was marched at the same time into Calabria, where albeit was a generall inclinacion and desire to liue rather vnder the rule and Lordship of the french, yet their aduersities ouerruling their disposicions, he founde almost no resistance, but with affections compelled, was receiued into euery towne, except Manfredonia and Tarenta: But the destinie of the countrey running with his fortune, after he had for­ced Manfredonia and the Castle, he incamped with his armie in the confines of Ta­renta, [Page 262] where albeit he found greatest difficulties, yet in the ende he had it by accord, for that the Count Potenso, to whose guarde the young Duke of Calabria had bene re­commended by his father) and freare Leonard of Naples Knight of Rodes and gouer­nor of Tarenta, seeing no hope or possibilitie of further defence, compounded to giue vp the Citie and Castle, if within foure monethes they were not succoured: In which composicion they receiued of him a solemne othe vppon the sacrament, that he would leaue in libertie the Duke of Calabria, who had secret commaundement from his father to come to him into Fraunce when he could no more resist his for­tune: But neither the feare of God, nor regarde to his honor, had more force, then thinterest of thestate: For Consaluo, iudging what a matter of importance it wold bee in tyme to come, if the person of the Duke were not in the power of the King of Spanie: Thinking it lesse sinne to dispense with his othe, then to lose that oportuni­tie, Theldest sonne of king Feder sent in­to Spaine. would not suffer him to depart, but assoone as he could, sent him well accompa­nied into Spaine, where the king receiued him and reteyned him neare about him in high familiaritie and honors due to his greatnes.

In these seasons thaffaires of the Pope proceeded with a prosperitie accustomed, for that he had easely got all the estates which the Colonnoys and Sauelles held in the confines of Rome, of the which he disposed one part to the Vrsins: And the Duke Va­lentynois continuing his enterprise against Plombyn, sent thether Vitellozze and Iohn Pavvle Baillon with new regiments: For whose comming, and the ill disposicion of his buisines, Iacques Appyan the naturall Lord, leauing the towne and Castle manned with Garrisons according to his fortune, went with speede into Fraunce, to see if he might obteine of the king (who long affore had receiued him into his protection) that for the regard of his owne honor he would not suffer him to perishe: The king, without couering his infamie by art, answered him roundly, that hauing promised the Pope not to oppose against him, he could not minister to his distresse without doing wrong to the league sworne: But as nothing is more swift then aduersitie, which keepes his course by the violent mocion that dryues him: So, whilest the mi­serable Lord of Plombyn was in vaine soliciting for succours, Pandolfe Petrucci rende­red the towne to the Duke of Valentynois, and within fewe dayes after, the Castle (his industrie no lesse thē his fortune, turning all things to his discōfort): In this course of the Popes selicities, he maried his daughter Lucrecia (wyfe affore to three husbands and now wydow by the death of Gismon Prince of Viselle bastard sonne to Alphonso king of Naples, whom the Duke Valentynois had slaine) to Alphonso eldest sonne to Hercules D'este, with a porcion of an hundred thousande Duckattes in readie money and many other giftes of great value: To this mariage so vnwoorthie for the house of Este which was wont to seeke societie with the famulies most noble, Hercules and Alphonso consented, partly for that the french king desiring to satisfie the Pope in all thinges, was an importunate procurer of it, but chiefly they thought by this meane (if against so great a disloialtie there be any suertie sufficient) to assure them selues of the armes and ambicion of the Duke Valentynois, who, bearing a great power by the treasor and authoritie of the sea Apostolike ioyned to the fauours which the french king bare him, was the only man that was feared throughout the greatest parte of Italy, euery one knowing that his ambicion was infinit, and his couetousnes without limit: The French king continued with great diligence the negociacion of peace with Maxymilian Caesar, not only for the hopes he had to shake of by that meane, ex­spences and suspicions, and to obteine of him thinuestiture of the Duchie of Myllan which he desired much: But also to haue oportunitie to offend the Venetians, as be­ing [Page 263] persuaded that his prosperities were greeuous to them, and with all nourishing this opinion, that they laboured secretly to breake the peace betweene Caesar and him: But that which most stirred him to this inclinacion, was a couetous desire (as well for him selfe as at the persuacions of the Myllanois) to recouer Cremona & Gui­aradadda, townes which him self had accorded to them a litle before: And also to get again Bresse Bergame, and Creme, auncient appurtenaunces of the Duchie of Myl­lan, and lately possessed by the Venetians in the warres which they had with Phillippe Maria Viscounte: To debate these thinges to better effect, and to ordeine the proui­sions necessarie for thexpedicion of Naples, he had long tyme before sent to Myllan, the Cardinal of Amboyse, the tongue & authoritie of whom, were the proper tongue and authoritie of the king, and who had remeyned there many monethes, being not hable, for the ordinarie variacions of the king of Romains, to establishe any thing with him: About this tyme, the Florentyns solicited by meane of the Cardinall to be receiued of new into the kinges protection: But they made a vaine labour of it, for that the king propounded harde condicions, and declared a great alienacion and e­straunging of mynde from them: Wherein pretending to be no further bounde to the couenantes made at Myllan, he caused to be assigned ouer to the Lucquoys (recei­ued of new into his protection) Pietrasanta & Mutron as being auncient members of that Citie: But not without the summe of four & twentie thousand Duckats, which he receiued of them as Lord of Genes, for that the Lucquoys auncient owners of Pie­tra Santa, had by reason of some necessities, engaged it for the lyke summe to the Genovvays, from whom it was discended afterwardes to the Florentyns by force of armes: Besides, the Cardinall treated with them of Sienna, Lucqua, and Pisa, to knit them altogether for the reestablishing of Peter de Medicis in Florence: Wherein as the Cardinall cast his plot that the king shoulde obteyne by this action a rounde summe of money of euery of them, so his intencion tooke suche proceeding, that they were almost at accord, and yet the deuise dissolued without effect, for that there was no agreement amongest them to satisfie the proporcion of money that was de­maunded.

At length the Cardinall, winning by litle and litle vppon the inclination of the king of Romains, had a more certeine hope then before to contract some accorde: And in that regard he went to Trent, to communicate with him, where they treated of many thinges concerning thestablishment of the mariage of Madame Claude the kinges daughter with Charles theldest sonne to Tharchduke, with cōcession of thin­uestiture of the Duchie of Myllan to both the one and other of them: They treated also to leauy warre against the Venetians, to recouer those places which eyther of them pretended to be vsurped vppon them: And lastly, they consulted to call a ge­neral councell to reforme the Church, not only (as they protested) in her members, but also in her head: Which mocion the king of Romains seemed to enterteine with a semblance of consent, to nourishe the hopes of the Cardinall of Amboyse to obtein the Popedom, whereunto he aspired with manifest ambicion, the king his maister being a speciall furtherer of the action for the interest of his proper greatnes: ‘Such a raging humor is ambicion, that it tempteth those men to solicit high honors, who for their proper vertues, are vnworthie of them: It makes them blynde in their de­sires,’ and impudent to hope to compasse euen thinges that are without their reach: On the behalfe of the french king, it was accorded in that contract, that what con­federacion or aliance he had made, it should be vnderstanded with this clause, sauing the rightes of Thempire, by meane whereof it should be lawfull to Themprour to [Page 264] chalenge it aswell for those that should be now named by the king, as for such as he had affore taken into his protection: There rested only the principall difficultie tou­ching thinuestiture, for that Caesar refused to graunt it to thissue Males if the king should haue any: They stoode also vppon tearmes for restitution of the exiles of the Duchie of Myllan, which being instantly demaunded by Caesar, the king refused flatly to graunt, for that besides they were many in number, there were also personages of importance and authoritie: At last by compulcion of the kinges importunities, he was content to giue libertie to Cardinall Askanius, and hope of the like grace to Lo­dovvyk Sforce with assignation of pension of twentie thousand Duckats by yeare to furnishe his countenance in the realme of Fraunce: By reason of these difficulties, they fell not otherwayes to accord, then with hopes to be hable to introduce some conuenient forme, and therefore the truce being eftsoones prolonged, the Cardi­nall returned into Fraunce, holding almost for certeine, that the matters which they had debated, would with speede diuolue to their perfection: Which opinion was augmented by this occasion, that a litle after, the Archduke, before he went in­to Spaine to receiue in his person and the person of Iane his wyfe eldest daughter of the king there, the othe of fidelitie of the peoples, as ordeined to that succession: He made his way by lande accompanied with his wyfe, and met at Bloys with the french king, who receiuing him with many honors, they rested agreed touching the mari­age of their children: In this yeare dyed Augustyn Barbaryn Duke of Venice, who ma­naged his principalitie with such happines and authoritie, that in many actions it seemed that he ouercame the degree of his predecessors: Therefore the power of his successors being limited by new lawes, Leonard Loredan was elected in his place, the common weale feeling no chaunge in publyke thinges, neither by the death of the Prince, nor for thelection of a new: So excellent was the forme of his gouern­ment.

In this yeare, the Florentyns & the Pisans (contrary to the customes of the yeares before) brought forth no great actions one against the other: for that the Florētyns, being no more vnder the protection of the French, and standing in continuall suspi­cion of the Pope & the Duke Valentynois, studied more to keepe that was their owne, then to offend others: And the Pisans not hauing of them selues any power to vexe them, had lesse possibilitie to doe it by the ayde of others, for that there were none that stirred otherwayes in their fauours, but only to susteine them when they were in perill of ruine: But in the yeare 1502. might be seene a recontinuacion of their acti­ons accustomed, for that the Florentyns, almost in the beginning of the yeare, con­tracted of new with the french king, after they had ouercome all difficulties more by the benefite of fortune then by the disposicion of the king, or other occasions: See­ing the king of Romains (since the Cardinall of Amboyse departed) being possessed of new thoughtes and purposes, and refusing to accomplishe to the french king thinue­stiture of the Duchie, yea euen to his daughters maried, sent as his Embassadours in­to Italy, Hermes Sforce whom the king had acquited of his imprisonment, & the pro­uost of Bessina, to deale with the Pope and the other Potentates touching his discen­ding into Italy to take the Crowne of the Empire: These Embassadors, omitting no oportunitie wherin occasion was giuen, as they soiorned certeine dayes in Florence, obteined promise of the same Citie to contribute to his ayde with a hundred men at armes and thirtie thousande Duckats, assoone as he was entred into Italy: In which respect, the french king (Princes are iealous one ouer an other touching amities and forteine cōfidences) who feared least the Florentyns dispairing of his friendship, wold [Page 265] turne their fauours to Maxymilian, was content to quallefie the immoderate de­maundes he had made to them, and contract an accorde vnder conditions more Accord be­tweene the french king and the Flo­rentyns. tollerable, the generall partes whereof were these: That the king receiuing them into his protection, should be bound for three yeares folowing, to defend them with armes at his proper exspences, against who so euer would directly or indirectly mo­lest them touching the state and dominions which at that tyme they possessed: That the Florentyns should paie to him within the saide three yeares, six score thousande Duckattes, euery yeare a third parte: That all other capitulations made betweene them, with all bondes and promises depending on the same, should be made dissol­ued and voyd: That it should be lawful to the Florentyns to proceede with armes a­gainst the Pisans, and all others that occupie their landes.

In regard of which confederation, the Florentyns recomforted and taking a newe hart, determined to giue the spoile to the cornes and graines of the countrey of Pi­sa, to thende that by tyme and famine, they might reduce the towne of Pisa to theyr obedience, seeing they had so vnluckely trauelled to force them by seege: This coū ­cell was propounded in the first yeare of theyr rebellion by a certeine well experi­enced Citizen, alleaging that by those meanes, more certeine, but further of, they should afflict and consume the Pisans, with litle exspences and lesse daunger: He tolde them that in regarde of the present conditions of Italy muche troubled and molested, if they would make store of their treasors, they might make them serue their turnes in many occasions: But if, with the wast of their money, they woulde range them by force and compulsion, they should finde thenterprise both doubtful and daungerous, for that the suertie of that Citie was great by the scituation and strength of the walles, and full of inhabitantes well resolute to defende it: Besides also, as often as there should bee perill to lose it, it woulde bee reskued by all those that to the enuy of our well doing, haue ioyned a setled disposition to see it preser­ued: In so muche as the exspences being greater then the hopes, wee shoulde al­wayes nourishe our proper daungers and cut out occasions to stirre vp new trauels: All violent attemptes being set foorth without councell, ‘at the beginning seeme mightie, but in continuance they are founde insufficient, since in the fielde, armor and weapons are to small purpose, if at home a sounde councell set not downe a good direction: The councell of this graue Citizen being reiected in the begin­ning for hurtfull,’ after the course of many yeares, was founde profitable, but in a tyme wherein they had wasted huge exspences and treasors, and attempted the victorie with many intollerable daungers: After they had ouerrunne their corne, hoping that thauthoritie of the kinges protection, would defende all men from ri­sing in the succours of the Pisans, they planted their seege before Vicopisan, for that not many dayes before, the Pisans had taken it from them by treason of certeyne soldiours that were within: And the Capteine of the Castle not abiding for the suc­cors which should haue arryued within few houres, did render it to them with great cowardise: They made no doubt to carie it, by the penurie of prouision and vit­telles, which they knew could not suffice for fiftiene dayes, and they had good con­fidence to let that none should enter, for that by the benefite of their Bastillions, which they had builded separate vppon the mounteynes, they commaunded all the passages: And in the same season being aduertised, that Fracasse but pore and without paie, was going with a fewe horsemen to enter Pisa in the name and with letters of Maximilian, they gaue direction that hee shoulde bee charged on the way, where his fortune being no lesse enuious then his condition was poore, he [Page 266] was made prisoner seeking his safetie in a Church within the iurisdiction of the Duke of Farrara: These accidentes fell in Tuskan, no man as yet perceiuyng what would happen by them contrary to thexspectation of euery one.

But farre more great and daungerous mocions, and of the which were to discend in tyme to come, effectes of right great importance, beganne to be disclosed in the The frenche and the Span­yardes do dis­agree vppon the deuiding of Naples. kingdome of Naples by the discordes which hapned the yeare passed betweene the Frenche and Spanishe Capteines: They tooke their beginning, for that in the diui­sion made betweene both the kings, the countrey of Lauoro and Abruzzo being ad­iudged to the one, and to the other, Povvilla and Calabria, the cōfines & limits of the prouinces were not well expressed in the diuision: In so much as either one began to pretende that that parte which is called Capitinato did distinctly and particularly apperteine to him: To this controuersie gaue a great occasion, the alteration and chaunge made by Alphonso of Aragon King of Naples first of that name touching the auncient denomination and diuision of the prouinces: He, looking to make easie the exactions of the reuenues diuided all the kingdome into these sixe prin­cipall prouinces, Lauoro, Principato, Basilicato, Calabria, Povvylla, and Abruzzo: Of these Povvylla was distinguished into these three members, Ottranto, Bary, and Capitinato, which Capitinato adioyning to Abruzzo, and diuided from the resi­due of Povvylla by the Ryuer Lofanto aunciently called avvfido, the frenchmen, ta­king rather thaduauntage of thauncient diuision, then ruled by the late denomina­tion, pretended, that eyther Capitinato was not comprehended vnder any one of the foure prouinces deuided, or els that it was rather parte of Abruzzo then of Povvylla: In this contention the importance of the countrey ledde them not so muche, as the consideration of these two infirmities, the one, for that not posses­sing Capitinato, they had no parte in the reuenue which was drawne of the tribute of cattell, a reuenue of greatest profite in all the realme of Naples: The other, for that Abruzzo and Lauoro being naked of graines and corne which came to Capi­tinato, those prouinces in tymes of sterrillitie might bee easely reduced into great extremeties, as often as the Spanishe woulde make restrainte that none shoulde bee fetched out of Povvylla and Sicilia: But it was alleaged on the contrary that Capitinato coulde not apperteyne to the frenche, for that Abruzzo which is ended in the high places, stretcheth not so farre as the plaines: And for that also in cases of difference of the names and limits of prouinces, the vsage present is alwayes cō ­sidered: Notwithstandyng these controuersies suspendyng, they were content for the yeare present to deuyde equally the reuenue of the cattell: But the yeare following, fallyng from that obseruation, eyther partie tooke as muche as hee could gette, whereunto were added afterwardes newe quarrelles, nourished tyll that tyme (as the bruit went) more by the willes of the Capteynes, then of the con­sent of theyr Lordes and Kinges: For, the Spanyardes pretended that Principato and Basilicato were included in Calabria, which is deuided into two partes, Calabria Cytra and Calabria Vltra, that is the one higher and the other lower: And also that the valley of Beneuent which the french helde, was parte of Povvilla, and therefore sent officers to keepe Courtes of iustice at Tripaldo within two myles of Auelino, where were resident the frenche maiestrates: These beginninges of open dissention being troublesome to the principall Barons of the realme, they interposed be­tweene Consaluo, and Levvys D'arminack, Duke of Nemours, Viceroy for the french king, and by their intercession, Levvys being come to Melfe and Consaluo to Atele a towne of the Prince of Melfe, after the trauel of certein moneths (in which time the [Page 267] two Capteynes spake together) findyng in them no conformitie to any forme of accorde, they brought them to agree to exspect suche resolucion as theyr kinges shoulde sette downe of the controuersie, and that in the meane tyme they shoulde forbeare to innouate any thing: But the Viceroy for the frenche presuming much that hee was the mightier in power and force, within fewe dayes after, published The begin­ning of warres in Naples vn­der K. Lowys the twelfth. an other declaration, protesting to make warre vppon Consaluo, if hee woulde not vppon the sight, leaue Capitinato: And with a speede as swift as his councell was rashe, hee made his souldiours runne vp euen to Tripaldo, of which inuasi­on the warre tooke his beginning, wherein the Frenche perseuering with actions of hostilitie, they followed theyr purpose without regarde, to occupie by force in Capitinato and other quarters, the townes which the Spanishe helde: Which outrages were not only not redressed by the frenche king, but being aduertised that the Spanishe ment not to yelde him Capitinato, he conuerted him selfe wholly to the warre, and sending by sea for the strength of his people, two thousande Svvyz­zers hee kepte still enterteyned in his paye the Princes of Salerno and Bisignian, and other of the principall Barons: Besides, the kinges person came to Lyon, to thende in his owne presence to furnishe more conueniently the prouisions ne­cessarie for the conquest of the whole kingdome, whereunto (the places in questi­on were lesse then to satisfie his ambicion) he aspired manifestly, with intencion to passe into Italy if neede required: A voyage which he was constrained to performe with a speede aboue his exspectation, to suppresse the new tumultes hapned in Tus­kane, to the which Vitellozzo gaue beginning with the priuitie and consent of I. P. Baillon, and the Vrsins, but specially by the councell and authoritie of Pandolfe Pe­trucci, who all ioyned in one desire that Peter de Medicis might be reestablished in thestate of Florence.

Of this begunne the mutinie: VVilliam Pazzi Agent for the Florentyns in Aret­ze, Aretze rebel­leth against the Flor in fauour of P [...] ▪ de Medicis. being aduertised that certeine of the Citizens had conspired with Vitellozze to stirre the Citie to rebellion against the Florentyns, beleeued that in suche a commu­naltie of wise Citizens, the minde of euery one was not corrupted, nor remembring that to fauour the suspicion, makes the treason more daungerous: And occupying with him self this persuasion, that the authoritie of the name publike, would supplie the want of forces, he omitted to areare a sufficient strength to oppresse the conspi­rators and such as had power to resist him, and only apprehended for prisoners, two of the accessories or competitors to the treason: A dealing too milde in so great pe­ril, for that he gaue oportunitie to the residue of the cōspirators, to raise the people, by whom (according to the ill affection they bare to the Florentyns) the prisoners were easely reskued, and the Agent apprehended, together with the residue of the officers, suffring this daunger more by theyr owne credulitie and negligence, then any prowes or vertue of theyr aduersaries: The whole Citie forthwith pub­lished the name of libertie, and made manifest declaration of rebellion, the Cita­dell only remeyning in the deuotion of the Florentyns, to the which, in the begin­ning of the tumult, was retyred Cosma Bishop of the same place, and sonne to the Agent, seeking his safetie where either his feare or fortune wold lead him: After this beginning, the men of Aretze sent speedely to Vitellozze, who was not well content that the matter was burst out affore the tyme he had agreed with the conspirators, for that it was to intercept him in his pollicie as hauing not yet set downe suffi­cient direction for the prouisions he ment to make to resist the bandes of the Flo­rentyns, if, (as was verie likely) they made any attempt to enter Aretze by the [Page 268] Cytadell: For feare whereof, and to satisfie with his presence the myndes of the Citizens, hee went from Citta de Castello to Aretze accompanied with his men at armes and a choice strength of footemen, and leauing order that they should looke diligently to holde those in the Citadell straitly inclosed, to thende that through it there might bee no action against the Citie, he returned e [...]tsoones to Cit­ta de Castello promising to come againe with the same speede, ‘but with a greater strength: In all humaine actions, there is nothing which with lesse perill may not temporise and exspect, then rebellion, in the oppression whereof there is no greater vertue then expedicion of action: For that by howe much it is suffred, by so much it riseth into degrees of worse nature, euen as a soare that is lingred, breedeth a cure doubtfull:’ They of Florence to whom apperteined to prouyde for this mischiefe, considered not well in the beginning, of what importance it was: For, the princi­pall Citizens, by whose councell the waightie affaires of the Citie had wont to passe, giuing this direction that the regimentes which were incamped before Vico­pisan (a number so sufficient, that marching with diligence they might haue vanqui­shed all resistance) shoulde be conuerted to Aretze: Many others which occupied the greatest romthes and offices, (their knowledge being lesse then their authoritie, and their ignorance slaunderous to the places they occupied) meinteyned that it was a matter but of small moment, and that they might redresse it with the for­ces of their other subiectes, neighbours to the same Citie: Their ignorance made them suspect the soundnes of the other councell, and according to their wilful cre­dulitie, they beleeued that those good Citizens, bearing mindes estraunged from the present gouernment, made the daunger farre greater then it was, for a desyre they had to hinder the action of Vicopisan, and by that meane to take away the o­portunitie to recouer Pisa: By which variacion and wandryng in councell, they deferred so long to sende strength thether, that Vitellozze takyng courage of theyr delayes, returned to Aretze with an increase of forces, drawyng thether after him with other bandes I. P. Baillon, and Fabio the sonne of P. Vrsin, Pe­ter de Medicis and the Cardinall: Who hauing receyued municions from Si­enna, they beganne to batter the Citadell, wherein, (accordyng to the custome of many which are more carefull to erect newe fortifications, then diligent to preserue the fortes alreadie builded) was no lesse want of vittelles, then of all other prouisions necessarie to defence: And to adde the laste discomforte to men in extremitie, they inuironned it so straitly with trenches and mountes on the out syde to giue impediment to the succours that might enter, that they made them naked of all comforte other then suche as men in miserie may hope for: And therefore, waighing with theyr wantes within the Castle, the weakenes of the Florentyns to minister sufficient succours, and in due season, (being come but to Qua­rate, and durst not passe further) they rendred by necessitie that which they could not holde by their vertue, making only this agreement, that the residue remeining in libertie, the Bishop with eight others which they of Aretze would chuse, shold abyde prisoners, to exchaunge them for some of theyr Citizens which were pri­soners at Florence: The commons of Aretze dismantled the Citadell, and the armie of the Florentyns, fearing leaste Vitellozze and Iohn Pavvle, who were farre stronger then they, woulde charge them, retyred to Monteuarcho, lea­uyng to the discression of thennemyes, all the places thereabout: It was be­leeued that this enterpryse was made without the priuitie or knowledge of the Pope and Duke Valentynois, in whom was no contentment that Peter de Me­dicis [Page 269] shoulde returne to Florence, for that hee was straitly allyed with Vitellozze and the Vrsins, whom they had secretly determined to oppresse: And yet hauing alwayes giuen them hope of the contrary, they consented that Vitellozze, Iohn Pavvlo, and Fabio, Mercinorie in theyr paye, should prosecute thenterpryse: Yea they did not dissemble that they were very glad of the rebellion of Aretze, ho­ping, that by those displeasures done to the Florentyns, it might happen, that eyther they might get some parte of their dominion, or at least constrayne them, for their profite, to some harde condicion: But the Florentyns not beleeuing but that they were the authours of the whole mischiefe, were so muche the more terryfied, and therefore reapposing little in the remedyes which of them selues they were hable to applie, for that, by the ill disposicion of the Citie, they had in theyr paye but a verie small proporcion of men at armes, and not hable to refurnyshe theyr power so soone as the necessitie of theyr daunger requyred: They had speedie recourse to the frenche King: Laying affore him not only that The Floren­t [...]ns haue re­course to the french king. which they coulde challenge by his honour, bynding him selfe so lately to their defence, but also the apparant daunger to the Duchie of Myllan, if the Pope and Duke Valentynois (against whom was no little suspicion to bee the kynd­lers of this commocion) became Lordes ouer Tuskane: They debated with him by lyuely reasons, that the Pope and the Duke were mightie in armes, hauing an armie compownded vppon excellent Capteynes and Souldiours of choyce, and that by the declaracions they made, neyther Romania nor Tus­kane woulde suffice theyr infinite ambicion, aspiryng to matters more ample and immoderate: And lastly seeing they had offended the honour of the king, by inuadyng suche as were in his protection, necessetie nowe constrayned them, to thynke no lesse vppon theyr owne suertie, then to take from him the meane to bee reuenged of so great an iniurie.

These reasons moued not a litle the Kyng, whō had alreadie begunne to mis­lyke with the insolencie and ambicion of the Pope and his sonne: And consi­deryng that the warre was begunne in the kyngdome of Naples betweene hym and the Spanishe, and the negociacion of accorde with Maxymilian broken, and lastly that hee was not (for many reasons) to trust the Venetians, he began to doubt leaste the inuasion of Tuskane (supported by some secrete councell of o­thers) turned not to his great disaduauntage: In which opinion hee was con­firmed greatly by certeyne aduertisementes from Charles D'ambo [...]se the Cardi­nalles Nephew, and Lieftenaunt to the King in all the Duchie of Myllan, who suspecting suche innouacions, perswaded the King to prouyde carefully for his proper daunger: And therefore with a councell resolued and direction equall to the importunitie of the buisines, determining to make marche into Italy with all speede his armie, and to succour readily the Florentyns, hee gaue charge in the meane while to the saide Lorde Charles, to sende foorthwith to theyr reskewes, foure hundred Launces, and dispatched an Heralde in poste to commaunde not only Vitellozze, Iohn Pavvle, Pandolphe, and the Vrsins, but also the Duke Va­lentynois, to forbeare to offende any more the Florentyns, wherein him selfe made great instance to the Popes Embassadour, and threatned with very sharpe words Iulian de Medicis, and the Agentes of Pandolfe and Vitellozze which were in his Court.

But in this tyme, the Duke Valentynois, who since the accident of Aret­ze, Duke Valen­tinois takes the Duchie of Vrbyn▪ was come out of Rome with his armie, makyng semblance to take Cameryn, [Page 270] whether he had sent before the Duke of Grauino & Liuerot de Feruie with part of his bandes, to make spoile and hold it beseeged, but in true meaning to surprise vnder that semblance, the Duchie of Vrbyn: After he had resembled his armie vppon the confines of Perousa, he demaunded of Guidobaldc Duke of Vrbyn, money and artille­rie: Which was easily agreed to him, for that it was neither for his suertie to refuse a Prince who had his strength so neare, and also hauing a litle before compounded with the Pope touching the controuersie of a tribute, he had no occasion to feare: The Duke Valentynois, hauing by this meane made the other lesse sufficient for his owne defence, departing so deinly from Nocero, & marching with a diligence so well disposed as he would giue his men no leasure to reappose or bayte, he arryued the same day at Cagly a towne of the Duchie: The sodeinnes of whose comming, and a­gainst a people vnprouided, brought such a generall amaze, that the Duke & Fraun­cis Marta Rovvero prefect of Rome his Nephew, ‘had skarce leasure to finde safetie in fleeing, Suche a passion is sodeine feare, that it makes men runne, not whether coun­cell directes them, but whether their fortune will leade them, not suffring them to consider of their perill, but makes them oftentimes to throw away their weapons and refuse the thing that should be their safegarde:’ But the Duke Valentynois, put­ting diligence to the disposicion of his fortune, obteined in very few houres, a victo­rie of all that state, except the rocke of S. Leon, and Manuiola, to the great displeasure and feare of Pandolfe, Vitellozze, and the Vrsins, who nowe began to discerne theyr proper perils, by the harmes of an other.

After the conquest of the Duchie of Vrbyn, the Duke Valentynois, who iudged all aduētures inferior to his fortune, was raised into diuers thoughts: Somtymes he de­termined to make an end of the enterprise of Camerin, and sometimes he resolued to inuade openly the Florentyns, In which councell he had stand setled, if the commaū ­dement he receiued from the french king, had not brideled his ambicion, hauing as­sured knowledge, that notwithstanding the Popes trauell to alter him, his maiestie had sent men at armes in fauor of the Florentyns, & was resolutely determined to de­fende them, and in that inclinacion he prepared to passe in person into Italy: These doubtes drawing diuers reasons, with no lesse variacion touching the end of things, so incombred his thoughtes, that he staied within Vrbyn to consider what he had to doe, and what would be the successe of things: During which time the Pope and he solicited many matters with the Florentyns, hoping to bring them somewhat to con­discend to their desires: And on the other side, he suffred many of his soldiors to go continually to the Camp of Vitellozze: Who hauing assembled an armie of eight hundred horsmen and three thousande footmen, and for the better reputacion of his doinges, calling his armie the Camp ecclesiasticall: Had, since the rendring of the Citadell of Aretze, occupied Mount S. Souyn, Chastillon D'aretze, and the Citie of Cortono with all the other townes and borowes of Valdichiano: Of the which not one of them taried an assalt, both for that they sawe the succours of the Florentyns not in readines, and also, the tyme seruing then to gather the fruites, it stood not with their habilities to lose the profit of their reuenues, alleaging that in that respect they were not rebels to the Florentyns, seeing Peter de Medicis was in the armie, for whose re­storing it was saide that enterprise was made: And it is not to be doubted, that if Vi­tellozze, after the taking of Cortono, had sodeinly entred the countrey Casentyn, that it had not bene in his power to haue marched euen to the walles of Florence, both for that the french bandes were not yet come, and also the most parte of the Florentyne footemen were dispersed, for that almost the townes being lost, the occasion of ser­uice [Page 271] ceassed, and they were returned to their houses: But as it hapneth oftentymes that very small impediments hinder thexecution of many high enterprises, so the desire he had to winne for him selfe the borow of S. Sepulcher (a place neare to Cit­ta de Castello) hindred the better councell, notwithstanding (to couer his couetous­nes) he alleaged that it was not sure to leaue behinde his backe any place that was e­nemie: Therefore he turned towardes Angu [...]aro, which place, albeit it only had this constancie to abide till the artilleries were planted, being too weake to resist so strōg an enemie, yelded to discression without excepting any thing: From thence he mar­ched to the borow S. Sepulcher, which he tooke by accord, hauing no better habi­litie of resistance then the rest, and so drawing towardes Casentyn, and aryuing at the village of Rassina, he sent to summon the towne of Poppy, of strong scituacion, but wherein were very fewe souldiours: But the reputacion of the french armes suppli­ed their weaknes & want of forces, for that two hundred Launces arryued alreadie neare Florence vnder Captein Imbault, & not daring for lack of footmē, to affrōt the enemie, were marched to S. Iohn D'arno, with intenciō to reassemble in that place all the bands: Which being knowne to Vitellozze, & fearing least his absēce wold be in­cōueniēt for thē of Aretze, he retired with diligēce frō Lauernia within two miles of Quaratta, & from thēce drawing on to declare that he feared not the enemie, & to as­sure Rhōdina with other places therabouts, he incamped in a strōg place on that side to Rhondina hauing left certeine bandes of footmen for the guard of Ciuitella & Gar­gonse which were the portes or gates by the which the Florentyn bandes might en­ter into the countrey: These companies (being also aryued two hundred Launces more vnder Capteine La Hire) assembled betweene Monteuarche and Laterina, with intencion that assoone as they had gathered a strength of three hundred footmen, to goe incamp neare Vitellozze vppon some high hil: A resolucion against his suertie, and therefore neither hable to keepe that place, nor leauy his Camp without great daunger, he retired neare to the walles of Aretze: But the frenche taking the fielde with their whole army, and incamping right ouer against Quaratta, he was driuen to retire within Aratzo: Where albeit he had sayde to many, that he would performe a notable defence in the same Citie, yet, new accidents hapning, he was constrained to turne to new thoughtes: For, Iohn Pavvle Baillon was come to Perouse with his regiment, fearing by that that was done to the Duke of vrbyn, least he should fall into daunger of the lyke oppression: By reason of which examples, and no lesse for that which hapned in Camaryn, Vitellozze, Pandolfe, Petrucci, and the Vrsins, fell into great confusion of mynde: For, in the very tyme that the Duke Valentynois commo­ned of accord with Iules de Varana Lorde of Cameryn, he surprised the Citie by suttle meanes, and hauing Iules in his power with two of his sonnes, he caused them to be strangled with the same inhumanitie which he vsed against others: But that which most amazed Vitellozze, was, that the french king, already come to Ast, sent Lovvys Trymouille into Tuskan with two hundred Launces, and great strength of artilleries: Who marching to Parma, exspected there three thousand Svvyssers, which the king sent for the recouery of Aretze, at the charges of the Florentyns: The King being greatly kindled against the Pope, had an intencion to despoile the Duke Valentynois of Romania with other estates occupied by him, and for that effect, had sent for all those that either feared his power, or had bene offended by him, whom he assured that he would execute that intencion in person, and protested publikely with great affection, that it was an enterprise no lesse full of pietie and deuocion then if the ac­tion were dressed against the Turkes: He laide also his plot at that tyme to chase out [Page 272] of Sienna Pandolfe Petrucci, for that he had sent money to Lodovvyk Sforce when he returned to Myllan, and alwayes had made open profession to be imperiall: But the Pope and Duke Valentynois knowing that they were not hable to resist so great a storme and rage of anger of the french king, had recourse to their suttleties and wel experienced craftes, with the which they forged excuses, that the actions agaynst Aretze were done by Vitellozze without their knowledge, and that there authoritie sufficed not to restrame him, and much lesse to keepe from ayding him, the Vrsins, and I. P. Baillon, who albeit were in his paie, yet they were ouerruled with the regard to their proper interests: And the better to bring the minde of the king to modera­tion, Duke Valentynois sent to tell Vitellozze that if he restored not Aretze and the o­ther places of the Florentyns, he would come with his whole armie, and compel him to render that, which he had vniustly gotten: Which sommonce ioyned to the cō ­sideratiō of the present estate of the affaires, bred no litle astonishment in the minde of Vitellozze, fearing least (as hapneth for the most part) that the strongest being re­conciled, the indignation of the king would turne against him, which was the wea­ker in strength, and farre inferior in all other meanes: And therefore to auoyde his perill so apparant, he called into Aretze the Capteine Imbault, (contrary notwith­standing to the willes of the Florentyns, who desired that the townes lost might be re­deliuered freely in the fielde) who compoūded that Vitellozze departing immediatly with al his cōpanies, shold cōsigne Aretze with al the other places to the frēch Cap­teins to hold them in the kings name, vntil the Cardinal Vrsin, who went to the king, had spokē with his maiestie: And that in the mean while, there should not enter into Aretze other companies thē of the frēch Captains with fortie horsmen: For whose suertie, and no lesse for obseruacion of tharticles promised, he shold giue two of his Nephewes in Ostage to Capteine Imbault: Assoone as the accord was passed, hee went with all his companies and artillerie from Aretze, leauing to the frenche men, the whole possession of all the other places, which forthwith were deliuered ouer to the Florentyns by the kings commission: Whilest the Parley of thaccord continued, Capteine Imbault answered in skorne to the complaints, which the Florentyns made, that he could not discerne wherein consisted that great celebracion of spirite and wisedome in the Florentyns, seeing they knew not, that the sooner to assure the victo­rie without difficultie and exspences, and to auoide perill of other disorders, how to desire that Aretze might fall into the handes of the king, who was not bounde to beare regarde (but in sorte as he thought good) to the promises made by his Cap­teines to Vitellozze: But the Florentyns more by their fortune then their vertue, be­ing deliuered with great facilitie, but not without huge exspences, of so terrible and vnlooked for assalt, began to looke to the reordeining and redressing of the pollicie of their common weale, by the confusion and disorders of which, experience had made them finde out, yea euen to thestate of the communaltie, that they were falne into so great and sundrie daungers, for that by the often chaunge of maiestrates, and for the name of a fewe that were suspected to the people, there was not one whether he were publike or a priuate person, in whom rested a perpetuall care of thaffaires: But for that tyrannie was abhorred almost of the whole Citie, and the authoritie of Disorder in Florence tou­ching the go­uernment. personages most honest was suspected of the multitude, and for that by the prece­dent of tymes past, they helde it not possible to ordeine with common deliberacion, a perfect forme of gouernment, the ignorant sort and incapable being not hable to be conuinced with reasons only: It was determined to introduce for the tyme, this only new thing, that the Gonfalonnier of Iustice chiefe of the dominion, and whose [Page 273] creation (together with it) was for the time of two monethes, shoulde bee chosen hereafter for his whole lyfe: So might he keepe a continuall studie ouer the affaires publike, that through negligence they might not fall eftsoones into so great daun­gers: It was hoped that, with thauthoritie which the qualitie of his person woulde giue him, and for that he was to remeine perpetually in so great dignitie, he should winne suche opinion of faith and credite with the people, that with tyme he might easely reestablish the other partes of the gouernment, and withall, placing Citizens of greatest condicion in some degrees honorable, he might constitute a meane be­tweene him selfe and the communaltie, by the which the ignorance and libertie po­pular being tempered, and all suche bridled as should succeede him in the same dig­nitie if they would aspire or rise to high, he might leaue established a wise and ho­norable gouernment with many good circumstances to contein the Citie in peace: Peter Sode­rin chosen chiefe ma­iestrat during his lyfe. After this deliberation was well debated and resolued, there was chosen for Gonfal­lonnier, by the great councell with a concourse & consent of almost all the Citizens, Peter Soderin, a man for his age verie ripe in councell and experience, for his coun­tenance, of verie great wealth and furnishments for his house, noble aboue most of the residue of Citizens, for his credite, mightie in opinion and affection with the people, and bearing a reputacion of integretie, continencie, and to haue alwayes norished great cares of the publike buisines: Lastly, he was without children, a point not of the least consideration, for that they might breede occasions to li [...]t vp his thoughtes to ambicious purposes.

But to returne now to thaffaires common and generall: Assoone as the frenche The french king in Ast. king was come to Ast, all the Princes and free Cities of Italy, according to their cu­stome runne to him: Some in person, and some by Embassadors: Amongest whom was Baptistin Vrsin Cardinall who went thether against the Popes will, to iustefie his brethren and Vitellozze touching the action of Aretze, and withall to stirre vp the king against the Pope and Duke Valentynois, against whom, by the consideration of the vehemencie showed affore by the king, all Italy exspected with great desire, that the french forces might be opposed: But experience declareth this to be true, ‘that that which many desire, succeedeth rarely, for that theffectes of humaine actions depending ordinarily of fewe, and thintencions and endes of them differing from the meaninges and endes of many, hardly can thinges succeede otherwayes then according to thintencion of those that giue their first mocion: Euen so it hapned in this case,’ for that interests and endes perticular induced the king to make delibera­tions contrarie to the desire vniuersall: Wherin the thing that moued the king, was not so much the diligence of the Pope, who ceassed not by the negociation of men speciall, to labour to appaise him, as the suttle councell of the Cardinal Amboyse, no­rishing a perpetuall desire to enter amitie betweene the Pope and the king, induced perhaps thereunto, (besides the weale and vtilitie of his king) for his owne profite and purpose perticular: Both for that the Pope recontinued his legation ouer the realme of Fraunce for eightiene monethes, and also studying carefully to laye foun­dacions to raise him to the Popedome, he sought to be hable to obteine of him, the promocion of his patents and dependences whilest he was in the Cardinallshyp, and withall he iudged that to haue the name and reputacion to be a louer and pro­tector of thestate ecclesiastike, was a thing that might doe much to serue to his in­tencion: Touching these deuises, the conditions of the tyme present were very cō ­uenient to draw the king to fauour his councels, for that as he was in suspicion with Themperour, who could not be appeased, so hauing of newe sent to Trente many [Page 274] bandes of horsmen with a certeine proporcion of footmen, he made also great of­fers to the Pope to aide him to passe into Italy to take the Crowne imperiall.

Amyd these doubtes, euery enterprise of Themprour fell into more great consi­deration, for that the king knew that it stoode not with the liking of the Venetians that the Duchie of Myllan & realme of Naples, should be ornaments of his Crowne▪ To these was added the controuersie which he had with the foure Kantons Svvys­sers, who required him to giue vp to them the rightes he had to Bellynzone, and with all to redeliuer to their possession the Vale Voltolino, Schafonse, with other things im­moderate, threatning him that his deniall to these demaundes would driue them to enter confederation with Maxymilian: Difficulties which seemed to the king so much the more great and desperate, by howe much he was out of all hope at that tyme to accord with the king of Spaine: For, albeit the french king had made moci­ons to haue Federyk restored to the kingdome of Naples, for which occasion he of­fred to bring him with him into Italy, and that the negociation still continued to e­stablishe a truce for a tyme, euery one reteining that he possessed: Yet both in the one and other practise, there concurred so many obiections and impediments that the french king with malencolly moodes & miscontentmēts tooke occasion to dis­misse from his Court the Spanish Embassadors: The Pope ioyning him self to these occasions, and no lesse he then the Duke Valentynois watching the aduauntages of tymes and accidents, had sent eftsoones to his maiestie, one Troccio Chamberleyne to the Pope and of his secret credence, promising to ayde him with all their power in the warre of Naples: In which respectes, he determined to recontinue in the ami­tie of the Pope: And therefore vppon the returne of Troccio to Rome, the Duke Va­lentynois, Duke Valen­tynois with the french king. following the answere he brought, went secretly in poste to finde the king arryued then at Myllan, of whom, contrary to the common exspectation, and no lesse to the displeasure of euery one in perticular, he was welcommed with honors and demonstrations farre greater then was the kinges custome: The king vppon re­concilement with the Duke, holding it now no more necessarie to keepe his armie in Tuskane, sent a countermaund to haue them come into Lombardy, hauing affore receiued into his protection the Siennois, & Pandolfe Petrucci with condition to paie him fortie thousande Duckats at dayes limited: After these chaunges and contracts of amities, the stirres of Maxymilian began to growe colde and dissolue, insomuch as the kings thoughtes had now no other exercise, then to deuise vppon the things of Naples, which, if till then seemed to haue succeeded happely to him, he norished for tyme to come hopes of greater prosperitie: For, he was no sooner comen into Italy, then he dispatched thether by sea two thousand Svvyssers, and more then two thousande Gascoins who, ioyning to the strength of the Viceroy (occupying alreadie all Capitinat except Manfredonia and S. Ange) encamped before Canosa which Pe­ter of Nauarre kept with six hundred Spaniardes: Who, after he had made a valiant resistance for many dayes, and receiuing direction from Consaluo not to abide thex­tremitie of daungers for feare to lose so many well trained and resolute bodies, ren­dred the towne to the french, their goods & liues saued: By reason of this accident, and the Spanyardes holding now no more place neither in Povvylla, Calabria, nor Capitinat, except, besides the peeces affore named, Barletta, Andria, Galipoli, Tarente, Cosenze, Quierace, Seminare, and a fewe others by the sea, and being farre inferior in strength and numbers: Consaluo retired with tharmie to Barletto, without money, Consaluo reti­reth to Bar­letto. with skarcetie of vittels, and with no lesse want of munitions (aduersities intollera­ble to an armie) But touching the last want, he was somewhat recomforted by a se­cret [Page 275] cōsent of the Venetians, who did not restraine him to buy at Venice a great quan­titie of saltpeter: The french king, making this suffrance an occasion of complaint against the Senat, was answered, that it was an action without their knowledge done only by certeine marchauntes perticular and that at Venice, which is a Citie free, it was neuer defended to any to exercise their negociation and tra [...]fyke for marchan­dise. When Canosa was takē, the french Capteins (debating the present difficulties, but chiefly that for want of water the whole armie could not continue incamped a­bout Barlette, an opinion meinteined against the councelles and protestations of Monsr D'aubigny) determined that one parte of their people, which they sayde were in number a thousande and two hundred Launces, and ten thousande footemen of all natures, should remeine still to continue a forme of a seege about the confines of Barlette, and the other part should be emploied to recouer the residue of the realme: A deliberation, (in the coniectures of wise men) which ioyned to the ordinary neg­ligence of the frenche nation, brought great hu [...]t to their enterprise: The Viceroy immediatly vppon this resolution, made him selfe Lorde of all Povvylla, except Ta­renta, Otrante, and Galipoly: After which successe he returned to the seege of Barlet­te: Monsr D'aubigny at the same tyme (communicating in the fortune of the others) entring into Calabria with the other parte of tharmie, sacked the Citie of Cosenze, the Rocke remeining still in the power of the Spanishe, Who, being all drawne into one strength that were in that prouince, and ioyning the other bandes that were comen from Cicilia, were afterwardes broken by M. D'aubigny in one encounter: These prosperities, being all hapned, or vppon the point to succeede whilest the french king was in Italy, made him not only negligent in the continuation of neces­sarie prouicions, (by the benefite whereof he might easely haue chased the enemies out of the whole kingdome) but also brought him into this opinion of securitie, that he had no doubt to returne into Fraunce, and that so much the more, by howe much he hoped to obteine (which hope was not in vaine) a long prorogation of truce with the king of Romains.

But at his departure out of Italy, men beganne to discerne to their great maruell, Duke Valen­tin [...]is in grace with the frē [...]s king againe. what had bene treated vppon with the Duke Valentynois whom (accepting his iusti­fication touching the action of Aretze) he had not only receiued againe into grace, but also in recompense of the othe and promise made by the Pope and him, to ayde his maiestie in the warre of Naples when need should be: He had for his part, giuen them promise to support the Duke with three hundred Launces to conquer Bollo­nia in the name of the Church, and to oppresse Iohn Pàvvle Baillon and Vitellozze: Hee was drawne to beare suche immoderate fauours to the greatnes of the Pope, either for the ill aduised opinion he had to make him his whole and true friend by so great benefites, which woulde bee a meane that not one durst offer to attempt any thing against him in Italy: Or els for that he did not so much assure him selfe of his friendship, as he feared his ill will: To these respects were adioyned, the perticular disdaine which he bare against Iohn Pavvle, Vitellozze, and the Vrsins, for that they made no reckoning of thauthoritie of his commaundements to forbeare to offende the Florentyns: And Vitellozze in perticular, had refused to restore the artilleries he tooke at Aretze, and also to come to the kinges presence, hauing obteined safe con­duit for his safetie: Besides all these, the king helde it a thing not vnprofitable to the course of his affaires, to hold Thitalian Capteins oppressed, beginning to feare least they and the Vrsins (In mercenorie souldiours constancie is the least vertue) might in the ende embrase the faction of the Spanishe king, and enter into his paie: The [Page 276] Duke Valentynois, hauing leaue of the king, returned with no litle contentment into Romania, notwithstanding the king affore had giuen hopes to such as feared his am­bition, that for the common suertie, he would take him with him into Fraunce: His returning touched not only the mindes of those against whom were kindled his for­mer indignations, but also it disordered the cogitations of many others, for that the same feare occupied Pandolfe Petrucci and the Vrsins, who were conioyned almost in one selfe cause with Vitellozze and Iohn Pavvle Baillon: The Duke of Ferrara, by how much more he helde for suspected his infidelitie and thambition of his father, by so much lesse made he reckoning of any assurance in regarde of parentage or o­ther cause conducible: And touching the Florentyns, notwithstanding they had re­couered their places by the kings fauour, yet they had no lesse feare then the others (being ill prouided of men at armes) for that the king, reapposing not wholly in the Marquis of Mantua, for thintelligences he had with Themprour, at such tyme as he had feare of his armes, and albeit at Myllan he receiued him to reconcilement and grace, yet would he neuer consent that they should enterteine him as their Captein generall: Knowing with all by many signes, that the Pope and Duke Valentynois con­tinued in the same will and inclination which they had against them, and specially, for that (to keepe them in perpetuall suspition) they reassembled and gathered to­gether all the exiles of Aretze and the other townes: And as feare bringes into the cogitation of the minde all thinges that may either be doubted or suspected, so it in­creased so muche the more in these seuerall estates and men, by howe muche they considered how mightie were such enemies, in armes, in money, and in authoritie, how much in all actions they had bene supported by the fauors of fortune, and last­ly, that notwithstanding the glorie, riches, and greatnes they had gotten by theyr victories, yet their ambition was neuer the more satisfied, but their desires the lesse moderate, according to the propertie of a fire, whose rage becomes more infinit by the encrease of matter wherwith it is norished and fedde: Besides, it was feared least they abusing the respect the king bare them, would rise into boldnes to attempt all thinges euen against his will, wherein both the father and the sonne, forgot not to publishe with open mouth, that it repented them too much of the great regard and doubt they had vsed touching the action of Aretze, being assured that the king, ac­cording to the french nature, and by the many fauours and meanes they had in his court, would yelde tolleration to the things they should doe, notwithstanding they were to his disliking: And to those that were occupied with these feares, this was one increase of calamitie, that they were not assured vnder the warrātie of the kings protection, for that of verie late and freshe memorie, notwithstanding his word and promise of a Prince, he had suffred the Lorde Plombyn to be dispoiled, and muche lesse tooke to reuēge the outrage that was don to the Duke of Vrbyn, whō he had ta­ken into his defence, with fiftie men at armes which he deliuered to his armie for his seruice in the warres against Naples: But thexample of Iohn Bentyuolle, beyng much more present, was so much more agreeable to their terrors and feares: For, notwithstanding his maiestie in the yeares before, had commaūded Valentynois not to molest those of Bollonnia, alleaging that the bondes and couenants which he had with the Pope, were not to be vnderstanded but touching the preeminence & au­thoritie which the Church had there at that time that the confederation was made betweene them: Yet in that verie season, Bentyuolle hauing recourse to his maiestie for succours, fearing the great preparations that were made against him, the king chaunged thinterpretatiō of the words, according to the diuersitie of his endes and [Page 277] intentions, and making gloses vppon the capitulations past rather lyke a Lawyer, then as a king: He aunswered that the protection by the which he was bound to de­fende him, hindred not the Popes enterprise, but touching his person & goods per­ticular: For that notwithstanding the wordes were general, yet they were expressed with this relation, not to preiudice the rightes of the Churche, to the which it could not bee denied that the Citie of Bollonia did not apperteyne: And for that also, in the confederation hee had made with the Pope, which was the first which he contracted in Italy, hee was bounde that what couenantes so euer hee should make with others, they should be without construction of preiudice to the rightes of the Church: He was so impudent in this deliberation, seduced only by the Cardinall Amboyse, contrary to all the residue of his councell, that hee sent an ex­presse messenger to signifie at Bollonia that that Citie apperteyning to the Church he could not nor would not desist from fauouring thenterpryse of the Pope: And that in vertue of his protection, it should be suffred to the Bentyuolles to remeyne at Bollonia as personnes priuate, enioying their perticular goods in libertie and peace.

Suche licence is taken by Princes oftentymes to dispense with theyr promy­ses, ‘expressing suertie in theyr wordes, and keeping theyr intentions dissembled: An order muche derogating the reputation and maiestie of a Prince, whose ho­nour and conscience are so muche the more guiltie and burdened, by how much their protections are but baytes to bryng priuate men into peril, and vnder a dis­guised assuraunce of theyr faythe, to betraie thinnocencie of their friendes and subiectes euen to the extreame daunger of their life: But this full prosperitie of Valentynois, was not only suspected to those men, but euen the Venetians began to enter into iealousie ouer his ambition, ioyning to theyr indignitie this occasion, that not many monethes affore, hee had rauished the wyfe of Iohn Baptista Cara­ciolle the Generall of theyr footemen, as shee passed thorowe Romania to seeke her husbande: Therefore, to induce occasion to the Kyng to proceede more mo­derately in his fauour, showing that the respect that ledde them, was the amitie they bare him, and the iealousie of his honour, they put him in remembraunce by theyr Embassadours with wordes worthie of the grauitie of suche a common weale: That hee ought to consider howe deepely hee was charged to fauour so greatly Valentynois, and howe ill it became the noblenes of the house of Fraunce and the glorious title of Christian King, to support suche a tyrant, seeking the ruyne of peoples and prouinces, and thirsting so strongly after mans bloud, that he stood to all the worlde an example of most horrible crueltie and infidelitie, vnder whose faith as by a publyke theefe, had bene slaughtered so many Lordes and Gentle­men: And not absteyning from the bloud of his brethren and nearest kynred, sometymes by the sworde, and sometymes with poison, he had stretched forth his crueltie euen ouer such ages & qualities of persons, as would haue moued the most barbarous hartes of the Turkes to conscience & compassion: To which words (thin­tercession of the Venetians making him perhappes more firme in his opinion) the king aunswered that he neither wold nor could restraine the Pope to dispose accor­ding to his wil, of the places that apperteined to the church: In so much as where o­thers absteined in his regarde, to oppose against the armes of the Duke Valentynois, such as were nearest the daunger determined to prouide for them selues: Therefore the Vrsins, Vitellozze, Iohn Pavvle Baillon, & Lyuerot de Ferme, who albeit as soldiours of the Duke, had newly receiued money of him, yet they retired seuerally their cōpa­nies into places of suertie, with intētiō to knit together for a cōmō defēce: To which [Page 278] deuise gaue a speedie furtherance, the losse of the Castle S. Leo, which reuerted into the power of the Duke of Vrbyn by the meane of a peasant hauing the gard of a cer­teyne The Duke of Vrbyn reco­uereth his e­state. wall: After which beginning, their naturall Duke being called home by all the voyces and peoples of that estate, he recouered with a swyft fortune all the Du­chie except the fortresses: And to confederate more strongly against Valentynois, the Cardinall Vrsin, Pavvle Vrsin, Vitellozze, Iohn Pavvle Baillon, Lyuerot de Ferme, Hermes the sonne of Iohn Bentyuolle, and in the name of the Siennois, Anthonie de Venafre, in whom Pand. Petrucci reapposed muche, drewe together and made an assemblie in the countrey of Perousa, where, after they had discoursed of their gene­rall daungers, and considered what oportunitie they had by the rebellion of the state of Vrbyn, and lastly, the weakenes of Valentynois (whom they had nowe a­bandoned) by his want of men: They made a confederation for their common Confederati­on against Va­lentynois. defence, agaynst Valentynoys, and for the succours of the Duke of Vrbyn, binding them selues one to an other to put into the fielde seuen hundred men at armes and nine thousande footemen, with couenaunt that Bentyuolle should make warre in the territorie of Ymola, and the others with a greater strength shoulde drawe to­wardes Ryminy and towardes Pesero: In this league the confederates, hauyng great care, not to incense the mynde of the Frenche Kyng, and yet hopyng that it woulde not muche displease him that Valentynois were vexed by the armes of o­thers, they declared vnder an expresse article, that they both ment and woulde bee bounde to ryse readely in theyr proper personnes and with theyr ioynt forces, to obey any commaundement or request of his against all men: And for that oc­casion, they did not admit into that vnion, the famuly of the Colonnoys, notwith­standyng they were great enemyes of the Pope, who had alwayes tormented them: Besydes all these, they sought to haue the fauour of the Venetians and Florentyns, offring to Florence to procure restitution of Pisa, which they sayde was in the ha­bilitie and deuotion of Pand. Petrucci, for thauthoritie he had with thinhabitants: But the Venetians remeyned in suspence, as awaiting what would bee first, thinclina­tion of the Frenche Kyng: Which also the Florentyns did, both for the same oc­casion, and also holding both the one and other partie as enemie, they feared the victorie of either of them: This accident vnlooked for hapned to the Duke of Va­lentynois in a tyme, wherein he being vppon the point to vsurpe the estates of o­thers, he thought nothing lesse then that others would make inuasions vppon him: But yeldyng nothing to the greatnes of his perill, hee lost neyther courage not councell, and reaposing muche for him selfe in his good fortune, he looked with great industrie and wisedome into the remedies that were conuenient, as the good Phisition that once fynding out the humour that offendes, doeth easely apply the medecyne that may cure: And for that hee sawe him selfe almost altogether dis­armed, Duke Valen­tynois demaū ­deth succours of the french King. he sent to solicit succours of the Frenche King, declaring to him how much it imported him in all aduentures, to serue his turne rather of the Pope and him, then of his enemyes, and howe fraile was the confidence of Vitellozze and Pan­dolfe, who, besydes they were the chiefest councellours and inducers of the resi­due, had in tymes past, giuen many demonstrations of an ill mynde to his maie­stie, as in ministring ayde to the Duke of Myllan, and interteyning intelligen­ces with the King of Romains: And as he negociated in this sort with the King, so he forgat not also to make leauyes of newe companies, & to ioyne with his father in the practise of their old sutleties & ambushmēts: For the Pope for his part, somtimes [Page 279] excusing things that were too apparant, and sometymes denying such as might bee doubted, laboured with great studie, to appease the mynde of Cardinall Vrsin by the trauel of his brother Iulius: And the Duke Valentynois with disguised apparances and faire promises, sought to interteine and ioyntly and seuerally assure them, aswell to holde them negligent in making their prouisions, as in hope that those councelles and practises separate, would in the ende breed betweene them some suspition and disagreement, keeping alwayes this resolution, that muche lesse that he would de­parte from Ymola, affore hee were furnished with a mightie armie, seeing (of the contrarie) he was resolued to keepe it and the other places of Romagnia, without gi­uing succours to the Duchie of Vrbyn: In which determination he gaue direction to Dom Hugues de Cardona, & Dom Michell, (who were for him in those quarters with a hundred men at armes, two hundred light horsemen, and fyue hundred foote­men) to retyre to Riminy, a commaundement which they refused to obey, folowing an other occasion presented to them to recouer and sacke Pergola and Fossambrona, whereunto they were induced by the Castle keepers of those places: ‘But, as in mat­ters of warre it is a daungerous error to transgresse direction, and hunting after for­tune, to preferre a light occasion, affore a councell well debated: So it was ease­ly discerned by effect,’ howe muche better it had bene to them to haue folowed the deliberation of the Duke, for that as they marched towardes Cagly, they encoun­tred neare Fassambrona Pavvle and the Duke of Granina (both of the famuly of the Vrsins) and reaposing muche in the vallour of their companies which were six hun­dred footemen of Vitellozze well trayned and resolute, they gaue the charge, and fynding fortune to fauour their vertue, they brake and disordered the troupes of the Duke Valentynois, of whom many remeyned slaine, as Barth Caprauiquo Cap­teyne of three score and ten men at armes, and many were ledde away prisoners, as Dom Hugues de Cardona, both men of chiefe place about Valentynois: Dom Michell fledde to Fano, but by the commaundement of Valentynois, hee retyred eftsoones to Pesero, leauing Fano as a place most faithfull in the power of the people, for that his strength was not sufficient to minister defense to both the places: In the selfe same seasons, the regimentes of the Bollonnoys which were incamped in the borow of S. Peter, made incursions to Doccio neare to Ymola, and truely the affaires of Valentynois had bene brought into harde straites and perilles, if the vertue and ex­pedition of the confederates, had bene equall to the oportunities that were offred: But whilest they stoode in exspectation one of an other, eyther for that the regi­mentes of men agreed vppon at the dyot, were not yet readie, or els that the prac­tises of accorde helde them in suspence: Thoccasion, which at the beginnyng shoane with a fauourable lyght towardes them, was vanyshed and turned into a cloude: For that the Frenche King had giuen direction to Monsr Chaumont, to sende foure hundred Launces to the Duke Valentynois, and to aduaunce besides, all his other meanes to readresse and reduce his affaires to reputation: Which be­ing knowne to the confederates, and they not a little confused and amazed with it, euery one beganne to looke to his proper buysines: In which respect the Car­dinall Vrsin continued the practises he had begunne with the Pope, and Anthony de Venafra, (sent by Pand. Petrucci) went to Ymola to solicit with Valentynois: With whom lykewise treated Iohn Bentyuolle, hauing at the same tyme sent an Embassa­dour to the Pope, and made to bee restored the things that were robbed at Doccio: These practises were norished with a wonderfull art by the Duke Valentynois, who, iudging that Pavvle Vrsin would be a good meane to dispose the residue, he made as [Page 280] though he reapposed great confidence in him, in which affection, he sent for him to come to Ymola, and for his suertie, the Cardinall Borgia went to the landes of the Vrsins: The Duke Valentynois vsed very gracious wordes of Court to Pavvle, wher­in, to giue a better shadow to the treason he intended, he complained not so much of him and the residue, (who hauing serued him long with so great fidelitie, were of late estranged from him for some vain suspitions) as of his owne indiscression, being him selfe the very occasion of their iust iealousies, and the only instrument of that distrust that hath bene norished betweene them: But he hoped that this cōtencion and alienation of affection, growing by no other occasion, would turne it selfe into an other habyt, and in place of grudge and ill will, ‘would breede betwene them and him, a perpetual & dissoluble friendship, since amongst vertuous men recōcilement hath this propertie, to knit with greater suertie of faith & constancie, the hartes that haue liued in separatiō:’ For him self, as he referred them to cōsider how farre it was from their power to oppresse him, seeing the french king was so well determined to support his greatnes: So, on thotherside being made wiser by thexperiēce of harms past, he cōfessed franckly that all his felicities & reputaciō proceeded of their coun­celles & vertue: And therfore desiring much to return to that auncient communiō of faith which had bene so familiar betweene them, he was readie for his parte, not only to assure them in what sort they would, but also to make them Iudges (so that there were regard had to his dignitie) of the quarels that were betweene him & the Bullonnois: To these wordes apperteining generally to them all, he added perticu­lar demonstrations of the great confidence he had in Pavvle, whom he filled so full of hopes and peculiar promises, that his art and suttletie carying showes of inno­cencie and true meaning, he betraied the simplicitie of Pavvle, who beleeued that wordes so vehemently pronounced, could not draw with them intentions dissem­bled: A thing easie to the Duke by the propertie of his nature, and no lesse familiar, by the quicknes and custome of his wit, but most readie by the forwardnes of his passion, which nourished nothing with more sweete delight, then the deuise that might betray the lyues of them to whom hee offred his faith: But whilest these thinges were in solicitation, the people of Cameryn called home againe, Iohn Ma­ria de Varaua sonne of the late Lorde of Camerin who was in Quilea: And Vitel­lozze, with the great complaint of Valentynois and Pavvle Vrsin, tooke the Rocke of Fossambrona: In so muche as the Castle of Vrbyn being lykewise loste with the fortresses of Cagly and Agobia, there remained no more to him in that state, but Sainct Agatha, hauyng also loste all the countrey of Fano: And yet notwith­standyng, Pavvle continuing the practyse begunne, after he had gone many times from Ymola to Bollonia, to establishe some forme to the affaires of the Bentyuolies who were his parentes (for his daughter was maried to Hermes the sonne of Iohn) he cōtracted with Valentynois in this sort: But with this relation, that the contract shold bee approued by the Cardinall Vrsin, by whose aduise all the residue were go­uerned: That all olde hates and grudges shoulde bee defaced, together with Capitulation betweene the Vrsins and D. Va [...]. the memorie of all iniuries paste: That the auncient payes shoulde bee confir­med to the confederates, with further obligation to goe as souldiours to Duke Va­lentynois to the recouering of the Duchie of Vrbyn, and other estates which were rebelled: But, for their suertie they shoulde not bee bounde to serue in person, otherwayes then one at a tyme, nor the Cardinall Vrsin to remeyne in the Court of Rome: That touchyng the matters of Bollonia, there shoulde bee made a com­promise in the personnes of the Duke, Cardinall Vrsin, and Pandolfe Petruc­ci: [Page 281] With this conclusion, Pavvle Vrsin (assuring him selfe euery day more and more of the good intencion of Valentynois) went to finde the residue, to induce them to ratifie tharticles: But Bentyuole, holding it neither honorable, assured, nor reaso­nable, that tharbitration of his affaires should bee passed ouer to an other, sent the Pronotarie his sonne to Ymola, and receiuing ostages from Valentynois, he made an accord with him and the Pope, whereunto they condiscended so muche the more easely, by how much they considered that the french king, comming better to con­sider either what an infamie it would be to him, or how much it would import him that the Citie of Bolonia were in their deuotion, wold alter his first deliberation, and not suffer them to obteine it: These were the conditions of thaccord: That there should bee a perpetuall confederation betweene the Duke Valentynois on the one parte, and the Bentyuoles with the communaltie of Bollonia, on the other parte: That the Duke should haue of the Bollonoys, appointment of an hundred men at armes for eight yeares, which should bee conuerted into the paye of twelue thousand duc­kats by yeare: That the Bollonois should be bound to serue him with a hundred men at armes, and a hundred Crosbowshot on horsebacke, only for the yeare to come: That the french king and the Florentyns, should promise obseruation for both the one and other parties: That for the better assurance of the peace, the Bishops sister of Luna (who was Nephew to the Pope) should bee maried to the sonne of Annyball Bentyuole.

But for all these, Valentynois ceassed not to solicit the comming of the frenche bandes, and the three thousand Svvyssers which he had taken into his paye, vnder shadow that he would employ them, not for the confederates, but for the recouery of the Duchie of Vrbyn and Cameryn, for that the cōfederats were alreadie at a point to ratifie the accorde past: The Cardinall Vrsin being then in Sienna, was ouerruled by the persuasions of Pavvle, muche helping the reasons and authoritie of P. Pe­trucci: And after long contradiction consented also Vitellozze, and Ioh. P. Bail­lon, who (notwithstanding) held the faith of Valentynois much suspected: After the ratification of these men, the Pope hauing lykewise ratified: The Duke of Vrbyn, notwithstanding thimportunities of his people (promising to die at his feete) not to goe from thence: Yet, hauing more feare of his enemies, then confidence in their popular voices, he returned to Venice, and gaue place to the furie of thenemies, ha­uing first dismantled all the fortresses of that state, except Leox Ma [...]uola: The people ( Antho. Sansou [...]n who was afterwardes Cardinall, going thether with commissiō and power from Valentynois to pardon them) agreed to return vnder his obedience: The Citie of Cameryn did the like, for that their Lord was fled to Naples, his feares being no lesse then his astonishments, for that Vitellozze and the others, hauing sent for their bands which were in the countrey of Fano, prepared to go against him as soldi­ours to Valentynois: In which times as the Pope made the Camp march to Palom­baro, which the Sauelles had recouered together with Senzana and other places ap­perteining to them, and that by thoccasiō of tharmies leauied by the cōfederats: So, Duke Valentynois, who had no greater desires thē to execute his most secret thoghts, wēt frō Ymola to Cesena, where he was no sooner arriued, then the frenchmē at armes who were come thether a litle before, and eftsoones rappealed by Monsr Chaumont, departed from thence with the same speede they came: Not by commission from the king, but (as was supposed) for a perticular indignation hapned betweene him & Valentynois, or perhaps at his request, to thende he might be lesse fearful to those, whom he desired greatly to assure: At Cesena, hee looked to readresse his bandes, [...] [Page 284] ter, vppon suertie to bee eftsoones represented when they were called.

The Duke Valentynois, seeking to ioyne recompense to his wickednes, departed immediatly from Sini Galle, and addressed him selfe to the towne of Castello, where finding that such as yet remeyned of the famuly of Vitelly, had abandoned the Citie, he continued his way to Perousa, from whence Iohn Pavvle fledde, who was com­petitor in the miserable destinies of the others, his punishmēt being greater, though the tyme and maner were slower, being by suspicion, made wyser then the residue touching his going to Sini Galle: The Duke left both the one and other Cities vnder the name of the Church, hauing reestablished within Perousa, Charles Baillon, the Oddies, and all the other enemies of Iohn Pavvle: And as it is one chiefe vertue in men of enterprise to embrase occasions, so, he forgat not to apply to his fortune, thoportunitie and fauour of the tyme, by the benefit whereof, his ambition made him assaie to make him selfe Lorde ouer Sienna, being folowed with certeine ex­iles of the same Citie: And drawing with the whole armie (wherin were newly ar­ryued the aydes promised by Bentyuolle) towardes the borow of Pieua, where know­ing that the Cardinall Vrsin was prisoner, he made strangle the Duke of Grauina and Pawle Vrsin strangled. Pavvle Vrsin, and sent Embassadors to Sienna to warne them of the towne to chase out Pandolfe Petrucci, as his enemie in perticular, and the common troubler of the tranquilletie of Tuskan: He ioyned to the message this condition and promise, that assoone as they had expulsed him, he would eftsoones returne to Rome with his ar­mie, forbearing to doe any other oppression to their frontyers: And on the other side, the Pope and hee, burning in one bloudie desire, that as Pandolfe had bene a companion to the others in lyfe and actions, so also he might communicate with their last extreame fortune and death: They studied to loll him a sleepe with the same charme wherewith they had inchaunted the others to their destruction, wri­ting to him billettes and letters full of office and humanitie, and soliciting him by messengers expresse, promising no lesse assurance of faith, good meaning and affec­tion: But the suspicion that occupied the people of Sienna, that the Dukes intenci­on was to vsurpe that Citie, made his enterprise against Pandolfe more harde, for that albeit many of the Citizens were oftentimes ill contented with the gouernment of Pandolfe, yet, they helde it better to temporise vnder the tyrannie of one Citizen, then to fall into the seruitude of a straunger: In so muche that as at the beginning, he could obteine no answer by the which might bee hoped the expulsion of Pan­dolfe: So for all that, continuing vnder the same semblance, that he desired no other thing, he wonne daily on them, hauing passed Piensa Chiusa, with other places neare to Sienna, which yelded to him by composicion: By which aduauntages, wonne vp­pon them as it were by stealth and sutletie, the feares increased so in Sienna, that not only the people, but also some euen of the chiefest, began to murmure that it was not reasonable, that to support one Citizen, the whole Citie should suffer so great a daunger: Which made Pandolfe to determine to doe that with the good lyking and fauour of euerie one, which he feared to be constrained to doe in the ende with the vniuersall hatred of the Citie, and his owne daunger: And therfore by his con­sent it was signified to Valentynois, in the publyke name of the Citie, that they were content to gratifie his demaundes, so that he would retyre with his armie from their frontyers: This resolution was accepted (notwithstanding the Pope and he were fixed vppon an enterprise of greater importance) for that they knewe how harde a matter it woulde bee to take Syenna, both for the greatnes and strong seate of the towne, and also for the vertue of Iohn Pavvle Baillon commaunding within it, who [Page 285] with the souldiours and naturall people of the place, would ioyne in one strength to resist him, if they were once assured that his intencions were contrary to the publi­cation of his promises: To this were added the feares of the Pope, who helde it ne­cessarie, that for his proper suertie, his sonne should retyre his armie to Rome, where he was iealous of some conspiracie, for that Iulio and others of the Vrsins with many horsmen were withdrawne into Petillano and Fabio, and Organtyn Vrsin into Ceruetro: Mutio Collonno also newly come from the realme of Naples, was entred Palombaro to succour the Sauelleis, who were newly entred into alliance with the Vrsins, and had intelligence with them: But that which tooke from the one and the other, the hope to occupie Sienna, was, that it was now manifestly perceiued, that the enterprise was directly displeasing to the french king: For albeit he could haue wished (and it was for his good pollecie) that Vitellozze and the other confederates should bee kept vnder, yet he sawe that their whole ruine ioyned to the conquest of so great estates, made the Pope and Valentynois too mightie: And withall the Citie of Sienna, toge­ther with the lyfe and whole estate of Pandolfe, being vnder his protection, and no member of the Church, but an appurtenance of the Empire, he thought he might with good equitie and reason, oppose him selfe against the conquest: A considera­tion necessary to the vertue of the french king, hauing by the mouth and word of a Prince, assured the protection of the Citie: But farre more agreeable to the polli­cie of his affaires, which could not without perill, suffer such an aspiring ambition in the Pope and his sonne: He began to see that the mynde which he ment should clymbe no higher then his shoulders, had intentions to aspire aboue the Crowne of his head, and therefore he helde it a lesse transgression of honour and promise to re­straine his supportation from one whom his authoritie and countenance only had aduaunced, then to leaue to perill, such as reapposed altogether in his faith, honor, and reputation of his promises: The Pope and his sonne had hope that the remo­uing of Pandolfe would cause some confusion in the gouernment of that Citie, and that by that meane, tyme would breede occasion to giue some cooller to their en­terprise: But Pandolfe seeing more into their suttleties, then hable to turne away his owne calamities, departed so out of Sienna, as he left the same garde and the same authoritie to his friendes and dependantes, in so muche as it seemed that nothing was chaunged of the gouernment, and lesse exspectation of their enterprise by his expulsion: Valentynois (according to the direction of the Pope) tooke his way to Rome to make destructiō of the Vrsins, who, with the Sauellyes, had wonne the bridge Lamentano, and runne ouer the whole countrey: But they staied from further action, by tharriuall of the Duke Valentynois, who expressed his first power and malice vp­pon the estates of Iohn Iordan, without any regarde that he was not declared against him, that he had the order of S. Michael, that he was in the protection of the french king, and at that tyme in the kingdome of Naples in his seruice: Which oppression vniust and vnreasonable, the Pope seeking to abuse the king with his iustifications, alleaged that he was not moued by any desire to dispoile him of his estates, but on­ly for that he could not accompt him his assured neighbour so neare, the great qua­rels and offences continuing betweene him and the famuly of the Vrsins, and that therefore in recompense and consideration of his harmes, he was content to giue him the principallitie of Squillace with other landes of the same vallue and reuenue: But the french king, not taking these reasons for paiment, reteined a special memo­rie of that inuasion, not for that the regarde to his protection preuailed more with him then of custome, but because his affaires in the kingdom of Naples not drawing [Page 286] the same fortune and successe they had wont to doe, he began to holde for suspec­ted, the pride and insolencie of the Pope and his sonne, ioyning to this coniecture the remembrance of their oppressions in the yeare past, both how they had assailed Tuskane, and afterwardes assaied to inuade Sienna, notwithstanding he had promi­sed to protect it: Wherein considering that by howe much they had alreadie obtei­ned of him, and for tyme to come should obteine: By so much more, was their am­bicion growne greate, and hereafter their pride would bee redoubled, hee sent to commaund Valentynois with a sharpe message to forbeare to molest the state of Iohn Iordan, who was come to Bracchiano by wayes vnknowne, and not without his pe­rill: Besides this, he considering how necessary it were to be assured that there shold ryse no commotion in Tuskane, specially for that he vnderstood that in Sienna there was some beginning of ciuill discordes: He ioyned him selfe to the councell of the Florentyns, to solicit that Pandolfe Petrucci (who was retyred to Pisa,) might returne eftsoones to Sienna: That betweene the Florentyns, Siennois, and Bolonies might be contracted an vnitie for their common defence, rendring Mont Pulcian to the Flo­rentyns, to take away all occasion of dissention: And lastly that euery one of them according to his power should make prouision of men at armes for their common defence, the better to cut of from the Pope and his sonne, all meanes to stretch fur­ther their iurisdiction into Tuskane.

In this meane while the Duke Valentynois, with one parte of his armie, tooke Vi­conaro wherein were six hundred men for Iohn Iordan: But hauing receiued com­maundement from the french king, he left (to the great displeasing of the Pope and him) thenterprise of Bracciano, and went to incamp affore Ceri, where, with Iohn Vr­sin Lorde of the place, were Raufe his sonne, with Iulio and Frauncis of the same fa­muly: And to ioyne to the actions of the sonne, the authoritie of the father, the Pope proceeded at the same tyme by way iudicial against all the house of Vrsins ex­cept Iohn Iordan, and the Count Petillano, against whom the Venetians would not en­dure any such vniust violence. Cery is a towne very auncient and no lesse notable for the strong scituation, for that it is seated vppon a litle Rocke hewed out of one stone only, whether the auncient Romaines in their perils against the frenchmen, sent all their virgins vestalles, and the most secret & celebrate Images of their goddes with many other thinges sacred and religious, as into a place of speciall suertie: And for the same reason in the tymes folowing, it was free from violation in the rage of the Barbarians, at such tyme as by the declination of the Romain Empire, they hauockt all Italy with wonderfull furies: By meane whereof, aswell by his naturall strength, as for that it was manned with companies resolute, the enterprise seemed harde to Valentynois, who, to aduaunce his vertue aboue their strength and power, forgat no diligence nor industrie to win it, vsing, besides the ordinary engines of warre, cer­teine instrumentes of wood to surmount the height of the walles: But whilest hee was buisie in that action, Frauncis Nardy (sent to Sienna by the french king), publi­shed his maiesties intention that Pandolfe should eftsoones returne, hauing receiued his promise before to continue in his deuotion, and for his suertie, to send his eldest sonne into Fraunce: To paie to him that which was due of the residue of the fortie thousande Duckats which had bene accorded, and to restore Mont Pulcian to the Florentyns: A resolucion plausible to them of Sienna, who, because there should be no impediment to the comming of Pandolfe, ioyned to the reputation of the kinges name, the open fauours of the Florentyns, and the disposicion of those in the towne that were his friendes, who drawing into armes and strength the night before hee [Page 287] should come, held suppressed or at least kept in a compelled quietnes all such as sup­ported the contrary opinion: This hapned to the great displeasure of the Pope, whose affaires in other places runne in a happie course, for that Palombaro with o­ther peeces of the Sauelleis, were rendred to him: As also those that were within Ce­ry, suffring many and continuall afflictions of warre, after the fury of sundry assaltes, offred restitution, with couenant that the Pope should paie a certeine proporcion of money to Iohn who was Lorde of the place, and to leaue in libertie, suertie, and safetie of lyfe, all the residue within Petillane, which was sincerely obserued contra­ry to the custome of the Pope, and exspectation of euery one.

Fortune hath a free will to come and go when she list, ‘not regarding times, per­sons or causes, but making her prerogatiue absolute, she takes authoritie to make her will a lawe ouer the Princes of the earth: And as in no humaine thing, she is ei­ther certeine or resolute, so chiefly in the action of warre she showeth most muta­bilitie and variation, not giuing successe to such as deserue best, but to those that she fauoureth most, her iustice not regarding the vertues and merites of men, but gui­ding thinges to their successe according to thinclination of her fauor & lyking: For,’ thaffairs of the frēchmē which folowed the seruice of Naples, proceeded not in such ful felicitie, being incōbred with many difficulties euē frō the beginning of the yere: For, the Coūt de Millete being incāped at Villeneufue with the regiments of the Prin­ces of Falerno & Bisignian: Dō Hugues de Cardona, passing frō Messina into Calabria, with eight hūdred footmē Spanish, an hundred horsmē, with eight hūdred other footmē aswell Calabrians as Sicilians, marched towardes Villeneufue to reskue it: Which assoone as the Count Millete vnderstoode, he leauied his seege from before Villeneu­fue, and went to meete him: The Spanyardes drewe all along a plaine straite and narrow betweene the mounteine and a ryuer, where was not much water, but is ioy­ned to the way with a litle rising: And the frenche men who were the greater num­ber, marched right to them beneath the ryuer, desiring to drawe them into a large place: But seeing how they marched close & in firme order, and fearing that if they cut not of their way, they would get in safetie into Villeneufue, they passed ouer to the other syde of the ryuer to charge them: In which encounter they were broken the vallour of the Spanish footemen no lesse then the aduauntage of the place, helping indifferently to the victorie: Soone after, arriued by sea out of Spaine at Messina, two hundred men at armes, two hundred horsmen mounted vppon [...]ennettes, and two thousand footemen, all ledde by Manuel de Benauide, with whom came into Italy at that tyme, Anthony de Leua, who, of a meane soldiour, rising by all degrees of warre, Anthony de Leua. to the state of a Capteine Generall, made his vertue notable in Italy by the reputa­tion of many goodly victories: These companies passed from Messina to Regge in Calabria, which the Spanish had taken before, ( Monsr D'aubig [...]y being then in the other parte of Calabria) and from thence incamped at Losarna within fiue miles of Calimere: Into which place Abricourt was entred two dayes before, with thirtie Laū ­ces, and the Count de Millete with a thousand footemen, and presenting them selues the morning folowing before the walles of the towne, wherein were no gates but barres only, they forced it at the seconde assalt, the vertue and resolution of the de­fendantes, being lesse then the fortune & felicitie of the assailantes: Capteine Esprit remeined dead, & Abricourt made prisoner: But the Count de Millete in fleeing to the Rocke, founde safetie of life and honour, (the victors retiring forthwith to Villeneu­fue for feare of Monsr D'aubigny, who came on marching with three hundred Laun­ces, three thousand footemen straungers, and two thousand of the countrey: After [Page 288] which accident, Monsr D'aubigny encamping at Pollistrina within two miles of them, and their perill increasing by necessitie of vittels, they discamped secretly to goe to Quiercy: And albeit they made thoportunitie of the night proper for their safetie, yet their fortune vanquishing all cloakes of shadowe and darknes, they were chased by bandes of Monsr D'aubigny vntill the rising of a crabbed mounteine, where they lost threescore men at armes and many footemen: And of the french (opinion and rashnes carying them beyond discression and experience) was slaine Captein Gruy­ny, whom they esteemed much, leading the regiment that was to Count Caiezze who dyed by naturall death a litle affore the taking of Capua: At the same time came out of Spaine into Cicilie these new bandes, two hundred men at armes, two hundred light horsemen, and two thousande footemen gouerned by Capteine Porto Carrera, who dying at Regge as he passed with his regiment, the charge remeined to Ferrand D'audriado his Lieftenant: For the arriuall of these supplies, the Spanyardes (lately retired to Quiercy) tooke new courage and comfort, & returned to Villeneufue, where they fortified in that part of the towne which they held ioyning to the Castle, which was thentrey of a valley whereunto is conioyned the residue of the towne: A forti­fication not in vaine, for the feare they had of Monsr D'aubigny, who being comen from Polestrina with a diligence farre aboue their exspectatiō, was incamped in that parte which was not holden by the Spanish, euery one planting barres and fortifica­tiōs requisit for their proper safetie: But as in Monsieur D'aubigny no vertue was more familiar then circumspection which he vsed alwayes to resist sodain perils, so assone as he vnderstood that the Spanish regimēts that were discēded to Regge, drew neare to make one strēgth with the other bāds, he altered purpose with the necessity of the occasiō, & retiring to Losaro, thenemies folowing the cōmoditie of vittels, put them selues altogether within Semynaro: Whilest things wēt in this course in Calabria, the Viceroy for the frēch returning towards Barletto, encamped at Matero, & dispersing his bāds in seueral places thereabouts, he laye to giue impedimēts that no vittell nor succours shold enter, hoping that what by the plague, whose fury begā to breed fear, and skarcetie of vittels which was vniuersall in Barletto, the Spanish could not by a­ny reason or possibilitie remeine there long, & much lesse reskue them selues with­in Trany, where raged the same difficulties: Neuertheles amid so many incommodi­ties and daungers their resolution and constancie was wonderfull, confirmed also by the vertue and diligence of Consaluo, who sometimes giuing them hopes of a rea­die arriuall of two thousand Almaine footemen which he had sent Octauian Colonno to leauie, and sometimes promising present succours by other meanes, & lastly cau­sing a bruite to bee published that he would goe to Tarento by sea: He interteined them in their courage and vertue, but much more with his owne example suffring in his person all their perplexeties and trauels, ioyned to the want of vittelles, and miserable skarcetie of all thinges necessarie: Occasion doeth muche to induce the mindes of souldiours, but example is it that confirmeth their vertue, making them oftentimes resolute aboue their naturall inclination.

The warre suffring this alteration, and being falne as you see into this estate of fortune and chaunge, those that till that daie had bene inferiours, and as it were kept suppressed, began now by the negligent and insolent dealing of the french to make their light shine and become superiours: For, the men of Castellanetto (a place neare to Barletto) dispairing, for the oppressions and wronges which fiftie men at armes of the French and garrisoned there, did them, drewe into armes by common assent, [Page 289] and stripped them: And not many dayes after, Consaluo being aduertised by ospy­all that Monsr de la Palissa remeyning with a hundred Launces and three hundred footemen in the towne of Rubos twelue myles from Barletto, stoode negligently vp­pon his guarde, marched one night to Rubos, and drawing with him with a wonder­full diligence and facilitie of the way beyng playne and harde certeyne peeces of great artillerie: Hee assalted the towne with suche a furie, that the Frenche (to whom all other daungers had bene more tollerable) beyng so muche more con­fused in theyr perill, by howe muche the assalt was sodeyne, made a certeine weake resistance, and in the end rendred the place, Palissa with the residue remeyning Monsr de la Pa [...]ssa made Pr. prisoners: The same daie Consaluo returned to Barletto, without daunger to re­ceyue in retyring any domage of Monsr de Nemours, who a litle before was come to Canosa: His safetie happlie was by this occasion, that the French compaines be­ing disposed into seuerall places to keepe Barletto beseeged on many sides, could not bee reassembled in sufficient tyme, besides that fiftie French Launces sent to make praie of certeyne money caryed from Trany to Barletto▪ were ouerthrowne by such as Consaluo had sent for the suertie of the treasure: To these also myght bee ad­ioyned an other accident which diminished greatly the vallour of the frenche men, and which was the proper worke and effect of vallour, and not to bee attributed to the iniquitie of fortune: For, a Trumpet going to Barletto to solicit the raunsom of certeyne souldiours taken prisoners at Rubos, certeyne speeches were vttered against the Frenche, by some of Thitalian men at armes, which beyng caryed by the Trumpet to the Frenche Camp, and aunswere eftsoones returned to Thi­talians, A combat of xiij s [...]n [...] ­men against xiij. Italians. bredde suche enuie and inflamation of courage in both partes, that to iu­stefie the honour of their seuerall nations they agreed, that thirteene men at armes of the Frenche, and thirteene Italians should fight in combatt to thuttrance with­in listes vntill the one were maisters ouer the other: The place of the combatt to bee assigned in a Champion betweene Barletto, Andria, and Quadrato, where they shoulde bee accompanied with an equall number of assistantes to bee Iudges of their vallour: Neuertheles (to assure all ambuskados or suttle traines of conspira­cie) the Capteynes with the greatest parte of both the armies, accompanied their Champions to the myd way, comfortyng them, that for that they were chosen out of the whole armie, they would with manifest action and courage make good thex­spectation that was on them, the same beyng suche, that in their handes and vallour was reapposed by common consent the honour of so noble nations: The Viceroy of the Frenche declared to his, that their aduersaries were the selfe same Italians, who hauyng no courage to abyde the Frenche men had alwayes made them waie without expressing any tryall or experience of theyr vertue, euen since they had runne from the Alpes to the extreame bondes and limits of Italy: That they were not now pushed forwarde eyther with a newe nature or newe resolution of finde: But beyng marcenorie to the Spanyardes and subiect to theyr commaunde­mentes, they had no libertie to resist the will of those men, whose custome being to fight not with vertue but with ambushes, made them selues beholders and idle lookers on the daungers of others: And that therefore assoone as Thitalians were entred into the listes, & should see before them the armes & furie of suche as had al­wayes ouercome them, they would either returne to their accustomed feares, or at least, if any seruile respect to the Spanysh would pushe them to the feight, that com­pulsion no lesse then theyr naturall feares woulde make them an easie praye, the [Page 290] foundation layde vppon the vaine bragges and braueries of the Spanishe being a Target too slender to beare the blowes of the puissant Frenchmen: On the other side, Consaluo prepared the myndes of his Champions with persuasions agree­able to the nature of the action they had in hande: Hee reduced to theyr remem­braunce the auncient honours of that nation, and the reputation and glorie of their armes, with the which they had earst tamed the whole worlde: That it was nowe in the power of a fewe, to declare that they were not inferiour to the vertue of their elders: And though Italy whose vallour had vanquished the most regions of the worlde, had bene of late yeares ouertunne by forreine armies, that it was by no other occasion, then the indiscression of Princes, whose ambicion ac­companied with ciuill discords had called in straunge armies to roote out and rui­nate one an other: That the french had neuer obteined victory in Italy by their own strength or vertue, but by the aide & ministration of the armes of Thitaliās, who had suffred them to passe so farre into the bowels of their countrey, not by the terror or agillitie of their armes, but by the fury of their artilleries, which were fearfull so long as they were newe and vnaccustomed: That they were now to fight with the force and vertue of their proper personnes, and that not only in the presence of so great a nobilitie of their owne syde, but also in the spectacle and eye of the principall nations of Christendome, who, aswell of thone parte as of thother, had an honou­rable desire of their victorie: That they had to remember that they were raysed by the most famous Capteynes of Italy, and as by them they had had continual nou­rishment & trayning in armes, so for theyr seueral parts, they had in many perillous actions giuen an honorable experiēce of their vertue: And that therefore eyther the honor to readdresse the name of Italy with that glorie wherin it had ben not only in yeares of their elders, but also in the ages & tymes of them selues, was by destinie appoynted to them: Or els (so great an honour not beyng wonne by theyr hands) there can bee no other exspectation of the florishyng region of Italy, then to remeyne dishonoured and in perpetuall seruitude and slaunder by the pusillani­mitie of her proper children: With these persuasions ioyned to the comfortes of other Capteynes and souldiours perticular of both tharmies, the parties appoin­ted for the combat, were ledde into the fielde: Where both partes desirous by their proper vertue to bryng glorie to their nation, assoone as thassistantes were placed according to thorder of the fielde, and that the signe was giuen, they run furiously with their Launces: At which encounter, no aduauntage inclining to ei­ther parte, they showed the same emulation of mynde in the action of their other weapons: Wherein as euerie one of the Champions showed by his resolucion and agillitie with what desire of glorie he sought to conquer his aduersarie: So it was secretly confessed by all those that were lookers on, that out of all the armies on both factions, coulde not bee chosen bodyes more woorthie to performe a proofe so honourable and glorious: But as in this heate of fightyng, they had spent a good space of tyme, wherein the grounde was couered with tronchons and peeces of their armours, and somewhat dyed with the bloud that dropped from all partes, without that the aduauntage or better of the fight could bee iud­ged: And as they were beholden with a wonderfull silence by suche as were pre­sent, and almost in no lesse trauell and passion of mynde, then if they had bene the immediate parties to the perill: It hapned that one of the Italians was stryken from his horse by a Frenche man, who as hee furiouslie pursued his fortune [Page 291] to dispatch him, an other Italian carefull of the daunger of his companion, killed with a wonderfull blowe the Frenchman: The Italians had boare speares, with the which they made slaughter of many of the frenche horses, by meane whereof the Champions of Fraunce, beginning to decline, could no longer cloke their weak­nes, but their vertue yelding to the fortune of their aduersaries, they became priso­ners to Thitalians: Who returning with victorie to Consaluo & their other compa­nies, were receiued with those honours that apperteined to their merits: And being cōgratulated as men whose vallours had restored Italy to her former glory & honor, they entred Barletto in triumph, their prisoners ledde affore them, the ayre sounding with Drommes and Trumpettes, the artillerie shooting of, the people crying with praises of their vertue, and all other showes and actions vsed that might set foorth the reputation of their victorie: It is incredible howe muche the fortune of this combat diminished the courage of the french armie, and lifted vp the Spanyardes into fame and presuming, euerie one construing this experience of a fewe, to a prophecie of the absolute issue of the whole warre.

About this time the french king was molested in Lombardie by the Svvyzzers, the D [...]ending of the [...] into the Pu­chie of [...] matter being begun not by the whole nation, but by those three Cantons which had occupied Belynzone: Who seeking to induce him to cōsent that that place might re­meine to them in proper, assailed Luzarno and Murato, which being a wall of great length vppon the lake Maior neare to Luzarno, giues impediment to discende from the mountaines to the plaine, by no other way then through a gate which only is in that wall: And albeit they coulde not carie it in the beginning for the defence which the Frenche Garrison made, ( Monsr de Chaumont lying at Vareso and Ga­lero with eight hundred Launces, hoping well also of the habilitie and defence of the place): Yet the number of the Svvyzzers encreasing afterwardes, and suc­coured also by the Grisons, after they had giuen many assaltes in vaine, diuers re­gimentes of them clyming a great mountaine which commaunded the wall, they compelled suche as kept the gate to abandon it: And taking afterwardes the bo­rowe of Luzarno, but not the Castle, their strength increased dayly for that the o­ther nine Cantons, notwithstanding in the beginning they offred men to the king for thalliance they had with him, beganne afterwardes to giue succours to the three other Cantons, alleaging that for the respect of fidelitie and societie, they ought not to faile to minister to the necessitie of their companions, being thereunto bounde by their auncient leagues, which were to bee preferred affore all the obligations they had with others. Whilest they had an armie of fiftiene thousande about the Castle, the Frenche not hable to reskewe it for the straightnes of the pas­sages, and good garde that was made, they made pillage of the countrey there about: And making all thinges lawfull to their furie, because the Castle keeper of Musocquo (a place apperteyning to Iohn Iacques Tryvulce) refused to lende them artillerie to batter the Castle of Luzarno, they sacked the towne of Muso [...]quo, for­bearing to vexe the Castle for that it was inexpugnable.

On the other side the Frenchmen, whom this emotion did not a little import, assembling all their strength which they had in Lombardy, and hauing obteyned succours of Bolongnia, of Ferrara, and of Mantua, require the Veneti­ans to furnishe that proporcion of men which they were bounde vnto for the de­fence of the state of Myllan: The companies were promised according to the Kinges desire, but there was vsed so little expedition in the leauying of them, [Page 292] and so great intermission to sende them, as they serued to litle purpose: Monsr de Chaumont who had bestowed good strength and garrison in the Castles that were in the mounteynes, kept his regimentes in the playne, hopyng that the Svvyz­zers, hauyng neyther horse nor artilleries, durst not discende into places disco­uered, but in the ende woulde bee made wearie for the difficultie of vittelles, and for that they were without money and lesse hope to doe any thing that was of importaunce: In which estate the Svvyzzers hauyng remeyned many dayes, and the want of vittelles increasing (for the Frenche with their Nauie had suncke many Barkes which brought vittelles to the Svvyzzers Campp, and restrained the course of many other by the lake) the souldiours beganne to nourishe faction amongst them selues, for that thenterprise apperteined not but to the Cantons which possest Velinzon, and the Capteynes being corrupted by the French mo­neyes, they were content in the ende to retyre them selues, restoring (except Mu­socquo as not apperteyning to the King) all the places which they had taken in that expedition, obteyning promyse of the King not to molest them of Belinzon vntill a certeyne tyme: The Frenche were so farre estraunged from any ill will to the Svvyzzers, that they were not ashamed not only in that tyme, when they had warre with the Kyng of Spaine, and that they feared the Kyng of Romains, and had the Venetians for suspected, but also in all other seasons, to buy the friend­ship of that nation, induing them with yearely pensions both publyke and priuate, and to make contractes with them vnder vnworthie conditions: In this action perhappes the Frenche were moued, both by the small assurance they had in the footemen of their owne nation, and also for that as men of warre, they knewe that that Prince makes warre to his great disaduauntage, that vexeth a people that hath nothing to lose.

The King deliuered thus from the emotions and warres of the Svvyzzers, had no lesse hope in the same season to see some issue of his warres in the kingdome of Naples: For that after many meanes and practises of peace without any profit, Phil­lip Phillip Arch­duke of Au­strich in Fraunce. Archduke of Austrich and Prince of Flaunders, determined to make his voyage from Spaine to Flaunders by land, notwithstanding the contrarie desires of his father and mother in law, of whom he obteined free power and commission to contract a peace with the french king which he had long solicited whilest he was in Spaine: But they sent him accompanied with two Embassadors with whom he was to commu­nicat in all actiōs, & without whose coūcel he would not treat or cōclude any thing: It is incredible with what magnificence & honour he was receiued by the kings as­signment through all the realme of Fraunce, not only that the king desired to make him fauorable in the practise of the peace, but also to deserue to make a perpetuall friende of that young Prince who was to become myghtie and great, being the nexte successour to Thempire Romain, and immediate inheritour to the king­domes of Spaine with all their dependances: All suche as had grace or autho­ritie about him were honoured with the same liberties, and receyued presentes of great price and riches: To these demonstrations was aunswerable the mag­nanimitie and royall behauiour of Phillip: For that as the Frenche Kyng, be­sides his worde and fayth giuen for his sure passing through Fraunce, had sent in­to Flaunders many of the nobles of his realme for the safetie of Phillip: So Phillip, assoone as hee was entred Fraunce, to declare that hee reapposed whol­ly in the kings faith, gaue order that the Ostages should be redeliuered: These so great tokens and apparances of amitie, were not vnaccompanied (as muche as [Page 293] was in them) with lesse effectes: For assembling at Bloys, after they had spent cer­teine dayes in discourse and disputation of thinges, they concluded a peace in this P [...] be­ [...] the [...]. of [...]. sort; That the kingdom of Naples should be possessed according to the first diuision: But that there should bee left in deputation to Phillip, the prouinces for the which they first fell to difference and armes: That from the present, Charles his sonne and Madame Clavvda the Kinges daughter (betweene whom shoulde bee a confir­mation of that mariage which had bene affore solicited) should bee intituled kings of Naples, and Dukes of Povvilla and Calabria: That that parte which appertei­ned to the King of Spaine shoulde bee from thenceforward gouerned by Tharch­duke, and the particion discending to the french king, to be ordred by the proper de­puties of his maiestie: But that the one and other parte shoulde bee holden vnder the name of the two children, to whom, at the tyme of consummation of mariage, the King shoulde giue his parte for the dowrie of his daughter: This peace was solemnly published in the great Church of Bloys and ratified by othes of the King, and of Phillip as procurer of the Kyng and Queene of Spaine his parentes in lawe: A peace truely of ryght great consequence, if it had brought an effect equall to thintention: For, not onlye armes surceassed betweene so myghtie Kynges, but also peace woulde haue followed betweene the Kyng of Romains and the Frenche Kyng: Which woulde not only haue bredde newe enterprises against the Venetians, but also the Pope being suspected to them both, and in ill opinion with the vniuersall sortes of men, woulde not haue bene without his feares of councelles and other actions which myght haue brought diminution to his authoritie and greatnes: But the King and Tharchduke sending with expediti­on to publish the peace in the realme of Naples, with direction to the Capteynes and commaunders of men, to forbeare to molest one an other attending the ratifi­cation of the Spanishe king, and in the meane while their possession of thinges to continue▪ The ruler for the French offred to obey to his king: But the Spanyard (ei­ther for the hope he had of the victorie, or for that he would not bee contented with the only authoritie of Phillip) answered that he could not discontinue the warre vn­les he had receiued expresse commaundement from his king: For the continuation whereof, he was so much the more encouraged, by how much the French king, go­uerned by his hopes both in the practise & cōclusion of peace, esteeming for certein that which was yet vncerteine, had not only dallied in all other prouisions of warre, but also had foreslowed the leauying of those regiments (that is three thousand foot­men & three hūdred launces) which should haue bene embarked at Genes to be led to that enterprise vnder Monsr de Persy: And of the contrary were aryued at Barlet­to the two thousand Almain footemen, which being leauied with the fauour of the king of Romains, & embarqued at Trieste, were passed in suertie by the golphe of Ve­nice not without the great complaint of the French king: In which respect, the Duke of Nemours, not [...]able to assure a surceassing of armes, and lesse likely to refurnish his power being made weake by the oppressions he had receiued before: Yet, because he would occupie his whole strength, if either occasion or necessitie compelled him to fight with his enemies, he sent for all the French bandes that had bene dispersed into diuers places, together with all the aides of the Barons of the realme, except those Lordes and regiments which made warre vnder Monsr D'aubigny in Calabria: But in assembling them he founde a fortuen contrarie to his exspectation: For, the Duke of Atry, and Loys D'ars, one of those French Capteines which had their com­panies bestowed vppon the landes of Ottranto, determining to marche together to [Page 294] ioyne with the Viceroy, for that they were aduertised that Peter of Nauarre with ma­ny Spanish footmen, was in place apt to distresse them if they went separate & deui­ded: It hapned that Levvys D'ars taking his oportunitie of passe suerly, departed, without being carefull of the daunger of the Duke Atry, who left alone, marched al­so with his companies hauing espiall that Peter de Nauarre was gone to Matero to ioyne with Consaluo: But the councels of men were not sufficient to resist fortune, for that the men of Rutyliano (a towne in the countrey of Bary) who in the same dayes were reuolted against the Frenchemen, callyng vppon the succours of Pe­ter de Nauarre, who in theyr regarde altered his way from Matero towardes Ruty­liano, and encountred the Duke of Atry, to whom the sodeines of his peril brought him into many doubtfull cogitations what to doe: But, as necessitie of daunger makes men resolute, so, in the ende, seeing no suertie in his retraite, hee gaue his whole disposition to the battell: And as when men are driuen to fight, their con­structions and iudgementes doe often varie, sometimes beguiling them selues with an ouerwening in their owne strength, and sometimes beleeuing lesse of their ene­mie then his estate and power requires: So the Duke reapposing much in the ser­uice of his horsmen, (though his footemen were inferiour in numbers to the Spa­nish) whom he vainely supposed to bee ouer wearied by the trauell they had made The ouer­throw of the Duke of Atry. that night, vndertooke the battell, wherein euerie one expressing his vallour on both sides, his people at last were broken, his Vncle beyng slaine, & him selfe taken priso­ner: And as it seldō hapneth that one fortune goeth without an other, nor no aduer­sitie vnaccompanied with an other calamitie, so foure French Gallies vnder the go­uerning of Preian knight of the Rhodes, appeared in the hauē of Otrāto vnder licēce of the Venetian maiestrate, promising to defend them from thinuasions of the Spanish Nauie, which vnder the Capteine Villemarino wasted in creekes therabouts: But af­ter Preian was entred a litle further in the hauē, his forces litle, & his fortune farre in­ferior to his enemies, he began to feare to be enuironed: And therefore to preuent that his domage and harmes should not turne to the profite of his enemies, after he had deliuered the galiots and suncke his Gallies, he sought his safetie by lande with his people, leauing his honour in suspition by the greatnes of his daunger.

The French King gaue commaundement to his Capteines to stand only vppon their gardes, and not to seeke their enemies, assuring them that with speede they should either receiue the confirmation of the peace, or a competent proporcion of succours: But the armies being so mightie and so neare one an other, it was very harde to bridle the furie of the Frenchmen, or to bring them to this pacience to drawe the warre longer: It seemed rather that desteny began to aduaunce, & would no more deferre the whole and absolute decyding of those affaires whose beginning hapned in Calabria: For after the Spanyardes were ioyned in one strength at Semy­naro, Monsr D'aubigny hauing assembled all his companies and the power of the Ba­rons that held the French faction, bestowed his footmen within the towne of Gioia three miles from Seminaro, and sent his horsmen to Losarno three miles from Gioia: And fortefying him selfe with foure peeces of artillerie vppon the shoare of the ry­uer, being the situation of Gioia, he stoode readie prepared to oppose against his e­nemies if they made enterprise to passe the riuer: But the intencions of the Spanish were other thē he supposed, for the daie they determined to passe, they caused their Vauntgard to march directly to the riuer, where Manuell de Benauide (who had the leading of them) being vppon the shoare, beganne to parley with Monsr D'aubigny, who had ledde all his armie to the banke contrarie or opposite: At the same instant, [Page 295] the rearegarde of the Spanish being folowed with the battell, tooke an other way to passe the riuer a mile and an halfe aboue Gioia: Which being discerned of Monsr D'aubigny, he went in great hast without artillerie to affront them affore they had all passed: But they were more happie in celeritie then Monsr D'aubigny, for that affore his comming they were all passed ouer, and raunged (albeit without artillerie) in firme and set battell: And with that aduauntage marched foorth against the french men, who, by reason of their hast, either keeping no order at all, or at least by their small numbers, not able to resist so great a strength, were there broken before the Vauntgard of the Spanish could passe the riuer: In which conflict Ambr [...]court was [...] D [...] and [...]. made prisoner with certeine other french Capteines, and the Duke of Somne with many Barons of the kingdom: And albeit Monsr D'aubigny tooke the rocke of An­gitole for his safetie, yet hauing no meane to issue out, his perill compelled him to yelde him selfe prisoner, being ouerthrowne and taken euen in the selfe same pla­ces, where not many yeares before, he had with great glorie triumphed ouer King Ferdinand and Consaluo, so inconstant are the prosperities of fortune, and the doings of men so subiect to alteration and chaunge: In this conflict perhaps nothing was more hurtfull to Monsr D'aubigny (of a franke and noble spirit, and one of the most resolute Capteines that the French King ledde into Italy) then that his own too for­ward and violent inclination caried him too farre into the hope of the victorie: A matter which likewise was hurtfull to the Viceroy in Povvilla, ioyning the reapport of thaccident hapned in Calabria: For Consaluo not hearing of the victorie of his people, and not able by thimportunitie of hunger and plague to remeine longer in Barletto, marched out of it, and leauing a very weake Garrison, he tooke his waie to Ciriguole, a towne ten miles from thence, & almost in a triangle betweene Canosa (where the Viceroy was) and Barletto: The Viceroy (when daungers appeare wise men fall into councell) debated with his Capteines, whether were better to follow or [...]lee thoccasion of the battell: Wherein many of his Capteines reasoned, that, in regarde the Spanyardes were increased in numbers, and his bandes falne into great weakenes and disorders, it was against pollicie to commit any thing to hazarde: But to retyre into Melfe or some other strong towne wel prouided of thinges necessary, and there to exspect either a new succour out of Fraunce, or els the confirmation of the peace: A manner to temporise (which he was also bound to vse by commaun­dement) which he had newly receiued from the King: A contrarie opiniō was hol­den by other Capteines, to whom it seemed a thing daungerous to tarie till the ar­mie alreadie victorious ouer Calabria, should ioyne with Consaluo, or at least should execute any enterprise of importance finding no man to resist him: They brought in thexample of Monsr Montpensier, chusing rather to retyre into townes then to fight: That the memories of times past admonished them howe farre they might hope for the long & vncerteine succours of Fraunce: That their Camp was nothing inferior either in force or vertue to tharmie of thenemie, and that the disorders that had hapned by negligence, ought not to be compared to thexperience which wold be showed in plaine field with weapons and vallours of men, and not with sleightes or sutleties: That it was a more sure and honourable way, to make at the least with hope, an equall experience and triall of fortune, then eschuing the battell, and con­suming them selues by degrees of temporising, to giue their enemies the victorie without bloud and without daunger: That touching the late message of the king, it was to bee construed rather as an aduertisement, then in nature of a commaunde­ment, in which degree, if Monsr D'aubigny had taken it, he had done well: But now [Page 296] the state of the warre being chaunged by such a disorder, it was necessarie likewyse that their deliberations should alter: This last opinion preuailed, and therefore ha­uing aduertisement by their espials that the Spanish bandes either all or parte were issued out of Barletto: Monsr de Nemours in like sort tooke his way towardes Ciriguo­le, a way verie inconuenient both for the one and other armie, for that the countrey was barreine of fresh waters, the sommer and hoate season being of greater rage for drought, then was wont to be in the beginning of May: The disposition of the time brought many afflictions both to the one and other armie, for that the very day of remouing, many soldiours died of drought by the waies: And the discommodities of the waies by the which they passed, gaue no lesse impediment to their marching, the French not knowing whether the whole or parte of the Spanishe armie were in the field, for that both Fabricius Colonne with his light horsmen, tooke away the cer­teine knowledge, and also the Launces of the men at armes holden vpright, and the stalkes of fennels growing high in that countrey, dimmed their sight that they could not well discerne: The Spanyardes were the first that arriued at Ciriguole which the Frenchmen kept, and incamping betweene two vines, they enlarged (by thaduise of Prosper Colonno) a ditch or trench which was at the entrey of their Camp: Whilest they were dressing their lodgings or Camp, the diligence of the french in marching had brought them to the place, but by the cōdition of the time drawing near night, they stoode doubtfull whether they should so sodeinly accept the battell or deferre it till the day folowing: Yues D'alegre and the Prince of Melfe, perswaded that the fight might bee put ouer till the next day, a respit conuenient for the refreshing of their owne men, and to no lesse purpose to distresse the Spanyardes, who, they ho­ped, would bee constrained by necessitie of vittels, to remoue their Camp: To this reason was ioyned also a consideration of warre, howe muche it would bee to their disaduauntage, to set vppon them in their lodgings, specially being ignorant of the disposition of the place: But as euery calamitie is ledde to his effect by his proper meane, and mortall men in many thinges, are made thinstruments of their owne harmes: So Monsr de Nemours caried more by his rashe inclination, then by the safe councell of others, the Spanyardes were charged with great furie aswell by the French as Svvyzzers: And the fyre hauing taken the powder of the Spanyardes ei­ther by chaunce or by other meane, Consaluo vsing thoccasion of that accident, cry­ed with a courage well resolued, the victorie is ours, God declares it by manifest to­kens, specially when we see we haue now no more necessitie of the seruice of artil­lerie: There be sundrie opinions of the state of this battell: The Frenche publishe that in the first encounter they brake the Spanish footemen, and offring to the ar­tillerie, they had wonne it, and set the powder on fyre only by the darkenes of the night, their men at armes, by negligence & misknowledge, had charged their owne footemen, by which disorder, the Spanyardes reassembled: But others reason, that The ouer­throw and death of Mōsr de Nemours. for the difficultie to passe the ditche, the French men beginning to intricate and in­tangle them selues, fell to fleeing, no lesse by their proper disorder, then by the ver­tue of their enemies, being most of all amazed: For the death of Monsr de Nemours, who entring with the first into the furie of the fight, and as he was in the action of a noble Capteine to encourage his men to winne the trenche, was striken dead with a boollet: There bee others, who discoursing more particularly, saie that Monsr de Nemours, dispairing to be hable to passe the ditch, & labouring to turne his strength towardes the flanke of the Camp to aduenture to enter on that side, cried that they should giue backe: Which voice, to those that knew not thoccasion, gaue a signe [Page 297] to flee, which ioyned to the chaunce of his death in the first squadron hapning also at the same tyme, caused all the armie to turne their backes and enter into a mani­fest fleeing: Some acquite the Viceroy for taking the battell against the councel of others, and do laye the blame vppon Yues D'alegre, who, contrary to thintention and desire of the Viceroy to fight that daie, reprehending his fearefulnes, induced him to doe that whereunto he bare no disposition: The battell was of very small conti­nuance, and albeit the Spanish passing ouer the ditch followed the chase of their e­nemies, yet as euen in calamities fortune is not without her fauours, so by the opor­tunitie of the night couering all thinges with darknes, there were fewe that fell into the perils that they feared most, I meane that were either taken or slaine, specially of the horsmen, of whom Monsr Chandion was one: The residue with losse of their ca­riage and artillerie, saued them selues by fleeing: The Capteines aswell as the sol­diours being dispersed into many separate places, not as their vertue wold, but whe­ther their feare and fortune ledde them: This victorie hapned the eight daie after the ouerthrow of Monsr D'aubigny, being both on Friday, a day which the Span­yardes haue obserued to bee happie vnto them: The French, after the feare of the chase was passed, reassembled againe aswell as the violence of the tyme & their for­tune would suffer, and as men whose greater perils were yet to come, debated ma­ny deuises: Sometymes they thought best to ioyne with the residue of the armie in some place conuenient, to take from the victors all meanes to goe to Naples, & eft­soones they iudged it most conuenient for their safetie, to sticke to the defence of Naples: And yet, as it hapneth that to men in aduersitie their feares growe dayly greater, and to such as bee vanquished is left nothing but consideration of difficul­ties: So neither one of these deuises was suffred to bee put in execution: For that neither had they any election of places for their safe abiding, neither was their pos­sibilitie to defende Naples for the skarcetie of vittelles: For the prouision and furni­shing whereof, the French had sent affore to Rome to buy a great quantitie of corne, which they could not transport, either for the impediments that they of Rome gaue, seeking to haue their towne stande in good prouision, or rather by the secret per­suasion of the Pope, which was not the least credible.

The consideration of these difficulties made Alegre the Prince of Salerne, & ma­ny other Barons to retyre betweene Caietto and Tracetto, where they reassembled vnder their names, the most parte of the residue of the armie: But Consaluo to whose vertue this one thing was peculiar and proper, to know howe to follow his fortune aswell as he was skilfull to get the victorie, after this good successe, tooke his waie with the armie towardes the towne of Naples, and as he passed by Melfe, he made offer to the Prince to leaue him possessed of his whole estate, so that hee would re­meine at the deuotion of the Spanyardes: But he rather chusing to go his way with his wyfe and children, went to ioyne with Levvys D'ars lying at Venousa: By whose departure Consaluo taking Melfe, folowed his way directly to Naples, at whose com­ming Consaluo in Naples. those Garrisons of the French which were in the towne, retired into the new Castle, and the Napolitans depriued of all hope but such as is left to men abandoned, receiued Consaluo the xiiij. daie of May, Capua and Auersa doing the lyke in the same tyme.

The ende of the fift booke.

THE French King makes his preparation to passe into Italy: Pope Alexander the sixt is em­poisoned: His successour Pope Pius the third dieth vvithin xxvi. daies: Iulius the seconde is created Pope: The Duke Valentynois is apprehended prisoner: The Frēchmen are ouerthrovne at Garillan: The Florentyns faile to take the Citie of Pisa: Peace is established betvveene the French King and the King of Spanyardes.

THE SYXT BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

THAT man erreth lesse who promiseth to him self a chaūge of thaffaires of this world, then he that persuadeth that they are alwaies firme and stable: And albeit the man wise and re­solute, is seldom displeased with things which ought to bee borne, for that what so euer might happen to an other, hee neuer complaineth if it chaunce to him: Yet, (so is the state of man intangled with infirmities) there hapneth no muta­tion which in some sort shaketh not the resolution and con­stancie of the minde:’ An example verified in the person of the french king: Who, assoone as he harde the newes of so great a losse, and in a time wherein he had more exspectation of peace, then of warre: Entred into no li­tle alteration, concurring in that aduersitie, not only the depriuation of a kingdom so mightie and florishing, with the desolation and ruine of his armies compounded of his chiefest nobilities and men of race and vertue: But also he considered the pe­rill wherein stood all the residue of that which he helde in Italy, which as he had al­readie made the rewardes of his glorie and victories, so he reserued to adioyne them (as perpetuall monuments) to the reputation of his Empire and greatnes: But the humor which most fedde this passion, proceeded chiefly of impacience against his fortune, esteeming his dishonour so much the greater, by howe much he was van­quished by the king of Spanyardes, ‘whose power he iudged to bee farre inferiour to his, an errour familiar with Princes to esteeme lesse of their enemie then he is, and more of their owne forces then they are in deede: And as in these cases the despite of the iniurie doth much to enforce a desire of reuenge, so the king debating deepe­ly the estate and nature of the wrong,’ which was, to be beguiled vnder hope & pro­mise of peace, determined to runne vnto the remedie which commonly those men vse that holde them selues iniuried: That is, with all his forces and meanes to assaie to recouer the honour and kingdom he hath lost, and with armes to restore the re­putation [Page 299] that had bene stolne from him by deceite, holding it no iniustice to bee reuenged of him that did the first wrong: But affore he entred into the action of a­ny enterprise, hee complained greeuously to Tharchduke not yet departed from Bloys, recommending to him the infamie of infidelitie, and howe much it imported him to redresse thabuse, if he had any vertue to preserue his faith and his honour: By which instigation, the Archduke (whose innocencie held him sufficiently acqui­ted) solicited greatly his father in lawe, to redresse the abuse, complaining in vehe­ment tearmes that thinges were so handled to his great slaunder, and that in the sight and knowledge of all the worlde: ‘It hath bene a custome with the Princes of the world to enterteine one an other with vaine hopes and artificiall practises, estee­ming more thoccasions which the tyme offreth, then the faith and promises which them selues doe make: For, the kinges of Spaine, with many excuses, deferred to send the ratification of peace affore the victorie,’ alleaging sometymes, that hauing a cu­stome to make their dispatches ioyntly, they could neuer bee both together in one place as was necessarie: And sometimes that they were so pestred with the multi­tude of affaires, that all oportunities to that expedition, were preiudiciall: In which excuses may bee manifestly discerned the ill disposicion they had to embrace the peace, either for that their sonne in lawe had exceeded their commissions, or els for that after he was departed out of Spaine, they were entred into a better hope of the issue & successe of the warre: Or at least for that it seemed straunge to them, that he had appropriated to him selfe their parte of the realme, hauing no assurance (by the minoritie of the children) that the mariage of his sonne should take effect: And yet as they alwaies expressed inclinations to peace, and gaue continuall hopes to ratifie it: So, by deferring, they wonne asmuch tyme as they could, to thend to take aduice according to the euent of thinges: And obseruing still the same sleight to temporize and interteine, after they vnderstood by true aduertisement that their ar­mie remeined victorious, albeit they were resolued to holde no reckoning of the peace that was made, yet did they deferre to declare their intenciō to Tharchduke, to thende, that keeping by that meanes the french king in suspence, he might haue the lesse oportunitie to prepare for the reskuing of Caietta & the other places which yet remeined: At length, constrained by the importunities of their sonne in lawe (who was determined that otherwaies he would not departe from Bloys) they sent thether newe Embassadours, by whom was declared, after disputation of certeine dayes, that it was not thintencion of their kings to ratifie that peace which had bene made in that sort, which neither in matter, meaning, nor circumstance, it caried ei­ther honour or suertie for them: And entring into controuersie with Tharchduke, they tolde him, that it brought no litle maruell and discontentment to his father in lawe, that in the conditions of the peace, he had transgressed their will, and that al­beit in regarde of his honour his commission was free and large, yet hee ought to communicate with thinstructions that were giuen him, which were limited & sub­iect to rule: Tharchduke answered that his instructions were no lesse free and vni­uersall then his commission, and that at his departure, his parentes in lawe assured him that they desired the peace chiefly by his meanes, and did sweare vppon the ho­ly Gospel and image of Iesus Christ to obserue what so euer he should determyne: And yet for his owne parte, hee was contented to trauell in it as in the person of a man regulated, and forbearing to vse the amplitude and authoritie of his commis­sion, he alwaies communicated with the two personages which they had sent with him: These newe Embassadours working all by art, propounded newe meanes of [Page 300] accorde, disclosing as it were that their kinges had desire to render the realme to king Federyke: But those deuises being discerned not only to bee vaine, but also full of skorne and deceipt, for that they tended to estraunge from the frenche king the spirite of Tharchduke, who looked to haue that kingdome for his sonne: The king in publike audience answered them, that he would in no sort treat or negociat with them, if first they ratified not the peace that was made, and declared that the disor­ders hapned by it did much discontent them: He tolde them that it seemed to him a matter not only marueilous, but also detestable and abhominable, that those kings who gloried so muche to haue gotten the title of Catholyques, would holde so base reckoning of their proper honour, their faith giuen, their othe sworne, and of the religion they professe, bearing no respect to the Archduke, a Prince so great, so no­ble, so vertuous, and their sonne and heire: With this answer commaunding them the same day to departe his Court, he turned immediatly all his wittes to the pre­parations of the warre, wherein taking occasion vppon the greatnes of the wrongs that had bene done, hee determined to aduaunce farre greater prouisions both by land and sea, then had bene done in any tymes affore by any of the kings of Fraunce: ‘So importunate is the passion of reuenge in the mindes of mortall men, who not­withstanding finde oftentimes more securitie to dissemble iniuries then to reuenge them.’

In so much as he determined to sende two mightie armies to the realme of Na­ples, the one by sea and the other by land: And least in the meane while Caietto and the Castles of Naples were lost, he prepared to succour them with diligence by sea, aswell with new supplies of men of warre, as with all other necessarie thinges: And to giue impediment that there went no succours out of Spaine (which had bene the cause of all the disorders) he resolued to inuade the kingdom of Spaine with two ar­mies by lande, addressing one to the countrey of Rossillion which adioyneth to the sea Mediterraney, and the other to Fontearaby with the other places assisting vppon the Occean sea: And also at the same time, to assaile with an armie by sea, the coastes of Catelognia and Valencia.

But whilest the French were diligent in preparing for these expedicions, Consaluo The Castles of Naples taken by the Spa­nishe. deuising how he might haue the Castles of Naples, planted his artillerie against new Castle at the foote of the hill Saint Martyn: From thence on a place somewhat rai­sed, he beat the wall of the Citadell, whose situation being towards the sayd moun­teine, was made strong with auncient walles, their foundations being almost vnder the earth: At the same tyme also Peter of Nauarro cast a myne to ouerthrowe the walles of the Citadell, battring also the new Castle walles, and the Towre of S. Vin­cent which Consaluo had wonne a fewe daies before: Newcastle had a forme & buil­ding after an other fashion then it is at this day, for that now the Citadell being ta­ken away, there beginneth a newe circuit of walles, where were the walles of the same, and that stretcheth along the place of the Castle vntil the sea: This circuit be­gun by Federyke & by him raised euen to the wast, being made of verie strong matter of walling, & wel foūded, is very hard to be vndermined, for that it is subiect to coū ­termynes on all sides, and also the water runneth almost vppō the vppermost part of the ground: Consaluo had a determinatiō, that assoone as he had taken the Citadell, and comming neare the valte of the Castle wal, he would destroy it with new mines: But either by the naturall rashnes, or by the ill fortune of the french men, a greater occasion was offred to him, the aduersities of the French making all thinges happie to their enemies: For, after Peter of Nauarro had put fyre to the myne which he had [Page 301] perfected, the furie of the powder blewe open the wall of the Citadell, and at the The [...] Castle of Na­ples assalted. same instant the Spanish bandes of footemen standing readie arenged in battell ex­specting thoperation of the fyerworke, made entryes on many sides, partly by those places of the wall that were broken, and partly vsing the seruice of eskaling ladders, they commaunded the wall in sundrie other places not hurt by the myne, their for­tune making those things easie, which by experience & reason seemed not without manifest peril: On the other side, the french, issuing out of the Castle of intenciō not to suffer them to remeine within the Citadel, charged them, but with a successe farre inferior to their vertue, for that being immediatly ouerlaied with multitudes of the Spanish, as they retyred towardes the Rampier, the Spanyards entred pellmell with them, and running with the same fortune euen vp to the way that goeth to the gate, they so redoubled the feares of the Frēch mē alredy appalled by the dispaire of their own estate, that standing in condition vtterly abandoned, in lesse then half an houre they rendred the Castle with their goods & liues to discressiō, the Count of Montoire remeining prisoner with many other Lordes: This cōquest was so much the more a­greeable to the Spanyards, & lesse for the purpose of the frēch, by how much there arriued from Genes the daie folowing, for their succours, an armie by sea of six great ships, with many smaller vessels fraighted with vittels, weapō, & munitiōs, & a regi­ment of two thousand footmen: At the discouery of this Nauy, the Spanish army at sea riding then in the port of Naples, retired into Yschia, whether the French Nauie pursued them vnderstāding the new Castle was lost: But the Spanish Nauie hauing sunke before them certeine Barkes, to thend they were not compelled to fight, after they had bestowed certeine bollnes of shot one against an other more for pleasure then preiudice, they brake of, the one going to Caietta, and the other being reassured by the departure of thenemie, retyred to the mole of Naples: Fortune doing more for their safetie then their owne vertue.

After the taking of new Castle, Consaluo fell to deuise by what meanes he might haue the residue of the realme, and therfore without tarying for tharmy that was in Calabria (which laie there to conquer the vale of Ariana to take away all impedimēts to passe further) he sent Prosper Colonne into Abruzza: And leauing Peter of Nauarro affore the Egg Castle, he marched with the residue of tharmie towardes Caietta, in the taking wherof he supposed did consist the summe of the warre, for that both the hopes and the dispaires of the French men depended wholly vppon the defence or losse of that Citie, strong by the oportunitie of the sea, and by the conueniencie and greatnes of his port, verie fitte to receiue the armies that should be sent from Genes to Prouance: Touching the French men, they did not only hold Caietta, but also, besides the places thereaboutes which were in their power, they commaunded in Abruzza, Aquilea, the rocke of Euandra, with many other places: Besides, the Lord Levvys D'ars, hauing reassembled many trowpes of horsmen and footemē, & being fortesied with the Prince of Melfa within Venousa, did great harmes to the countrie thereabout: Lastly, Ronssano, Matalona, with many other strong peeces apperteining to the Barons of the faction of Aniovv, helde out constantly at the deuocion of the french king, their vallour notwithstanding being insufficiēt to resist their aduersities.

In this meane while Peter of Nauarro made certein cloase or couered Barks, with the which approching in more suertie the walles of the Egg Castle, he cast a mine on that side which prospects Pizifalcona, without the knowledge or priuitie of thē with­in, & assone as he had intāgled it with the fire, he blew into the aire in great fury one part of the wall together with the bodyes of men that stoode vppon it: With the [Page 302] which, both for the action terrible, and the newnes of the deuise, straunge, the Ca­stle was immediatly taken to the speciall reputation of Peter of Nauaro, and generall wonder of all men, for that as newe inuentions to reuersse a strong place are most fearfull, hauing as yet no deuise to encounter them, so it was incredible to what e­state of opinion this new experience brought Peter of Nauarro, ‘against whose mines they thought that neither walles, fortresses, nor other working, could make resistāce, so readely is the nature of man raised into wonder when his mynd comprehēds not the reason of the things which the eye beholdeth performed in action:’ And sure in those daies it was a thing of great horrour that with the force of Canon pouder put into a Caue, or rather powred in the myne, men should throwe downe to the earth, places & walles of greatest strength & most suttle foundatiō: The first that vsed this experience of vndermining of walles in Italy, were the Genovvaies, amōgst whō ac­cording to the testimony of some, Peter of Nauarre exercised the art of warre in the person of a meane soldiour on foote: It was in the yeare. 1487. whē they laie incam­ped affore the rocke of Serazenella holdē then by the Florentyns, where, with a mine cast in this maner, they opened a parte of the wall, missing notwithstanding the ta­king of the rocke, for that the myne (by some errour or imperfection) had not pear­ced so deepe vnder the rocke, as was needefull, the same being thoccasion that at that tyme thexample of such an experience was not folowed.

Consaluo, drawing neare to Caietto, Monsr D alegro, who had distributed foure hun­dred Launces and foure thousand footmen of those which remeined of the fortune of the battell, betweene Caietta, Fondi, Itrio, Tracetto, and the rocke Guillaumo, retyred them all eftsoones within Caietta, wherein entred with him the Princes of Salerne & Bisignan the Duke of Tracetto with many other Barons of the realme ioyned affore with him: After the retraite of these companies Consaluo entred vppon those places which they had left abandoned, and also vppon the rocke of S. Germain, encamping afterwardes in the Subburbes of Caietta: And after he had planted his artillerie, he battred with an incredible furie that side towards the hauen, & the mounteine com­monly called Mount Roland: A hill conioyned and hath commaundement ouer the Citie, and the which, the French men had then fortefied with Rampiers and Bastil­lions of earth, being afterwards by him inclosed with wall: He assaied in vaine to en­ter with two assalts (but not ordered) and forbearing atlast to giue the assalt general and disposed that daie which he had determined to giue it, he saw it would be harde to haue it, aswel for the numbers & vallours of those within, as also when he cōside­red, that though his army should enter by strength into the mountein, yet he should be but brought into greater peril, standing open to the shot of thartillerie planted in the monastery & other high places vppō the mounteine: He forbare not for all this to plaie with his artillerie & to molest the towne, which likewise was inuironed and beseged on that side to the sea, lying affore the hauē the xviij. Spanish Gallies which Dom Raymon de Cardona gouerned: But whilest Cōsaluo was buisie in these actiōs, there aryued for the French, a Nauie of six grosse Carracks Genovvaies, six other ships, & seuen Gallies with good succours of vittels & footmen: Their commaunder was the Marquis of Saluzzo, whō by the death of Monsr de Nemours, the king had sēt thether for their newe Viceroy, the fortune of the warres notwithstanding, nothing altring though the person of the General was chaunged: The king desiring greatly to keepe Caietta, refurnished them eftsoones within fewe daies, what vppon those vessels and what vppon others, with a thousand footemen of Corsegna and three thousand Gas­coins: In so muche as by the comming of this newe Nauie, the Spanish Fleete was [Page 303] constrained to retyre to Naples, and Consaluo dispairing to do any more good there, retyred his regiments within the moale of Caietta, and within Castellona, whereby he kept Caietta beseeged with a seege (as it were) more large, after he had lost many of his people, partly by skirmishing, and some in retyring, amongst whom Dom Hugues de Cardona was slaine by a shot from the towne: But at the same tyme, all his other affaires of the kingdome trained a successe more happie, for that Prosper Colon­ne had newely taken the rocke of Euandro and Aquilea, and reduced all the other peeces of Abruzza to the Spanish deuotion, almost all Calabria yelding the lyke obe­dience by the contract which the Count Capaccio had lastly made with them: And there remeined no other place free from their iurisdiction, but Rossano and Saint Se­uerin where the Prince of Rossano was beseeged, nothing resisting the felicitie of those men, whom fortune went about to make victors.

Whilest these alterations trauelled the kingdome of Naples, the other regions of The Floren­tyn [...]n the countre [...] of Pisa. Italy were not altogether voide of suspicions and troubles: For, the Florentyns, affore the fortune of the French beganne so headlong to decline in the kingdome of Na­ples, fearing indifferently the ambuscados of the Pope, & the ambition of the Duke Valentynois, ‘forgat not to leauie prouisiōs of warre equal to the greatnes of the perill that threatned, holding it easie to suffer a mischief, whē they are sure of the remedie:’ They enterteyned into theyr paie for the leadyng of theyr armie (and yet without title of generall) the Baily of Caen, with fiftie Frenche Launces: A Capteyne for his owne perticular well recommended for the seruice of warre, and for the respect of the Florentyns verie conuenient, for that being the kinges subiect, & had brought his charge of fiftie Launces by the kinges consent, they had opinion that those of whom they earst doubted would now be better aduised what they would doe, the king expressing vnder that degree of fauour a disposition to be readie to their aide in all necessities: Assoone as hee was come to their armie, they reassembled all their troupes, & for the seconde tyme, cut of the corne of the Pisans, but not through the whole countrey, for that to enter the vale of Sercle was not without daunger, hauing his situation betwene the mounteins & the waters, & in the myd way betweene Luc­qua & Pisa: Immediatly after they had giuē this spoile to their corne, the Camp mar­ched to Vicopisan which was takē without difficultie, for that an hundred frēch foot­mē being within it, the Baily of Caē threatning to punish thē as enemies to the king, & somtimes promising thē of liberalitie a moneths paie, they exchaūged their faith with feare & hope of profit, & issued out of the town, the same being thoccasiō that Vicopisan was rendred to discressiō: Verucola also wherin was but a slender guard, was forthwith enuironed, to thend no succors should enter into it: And thartillery being afterwardes trayled thether not without great difficulties, for that the mounteines thereaboutes, offred many troublesome impedimentes, those that were within, fea­ring more the thunder of the Cannō, thē trusting to their proper vertue or fortune, yelded, their goods and lyues saued: The situation of Verucola being a litle fortresse raised vppon a hygh mounteyne during the warres in the countrey of Pisa, is of great importance: For that being within fiue miles of Pisa, it hath not only a natu­rall aptnes to distresse the countrey thereabout yea euen to the gates of the Citie, but also by his prospect he discouereth all the bandes and trowpes that come out of Pisa whether they bee on foote or horsemen: Pavvle Vitelli and many other experienced Capteyns made many tryals in vaine to carie it since the warre begun: And now the cōfidēce that the Pisans had, that Vicopisan would be defended, without taking the which, the Florētyns could not encamp before Verucola, was the cause that [Page 304] they had not made sufficient prouision, wherein they helped forwarde the fortune of their enemies more by their proper negligence then by thothers vertue, opinion beguiling them against reason or experience: Greatly did amaze the Pisans the losse of Verucola, in whom notwithstanding, neither the regarde of the harmes they had receiued, nor the consideration of their other calamities, being miserable by want of money and vittels, coulde worke no inclination to returne to the obedience of the Florentyns, languishing (by one common infirmitie) in dispaire to obteine pardō for the conscience of the great transgressions they had don: Which disposition it was needful that such as in the gouernment bare greatest authoritie, should enterteyne with a speciall diligence, for that those of the plaine countrey (without whom they were not able to continue defence) bare no small suspection to run with the streame, and to varie in minde as their common fortune declined: And therefore nourishing them with diuers hopes, together with those estates of the common people that li­ued more by the benefites of peace, then troubles of warre, they published amongst them sundrie rumors vnder thauthoritie of fained letters, amusing them with diuers inuentions: And confounding things false with those that were true, if any accident hapned in Italy, they tooke thoportunitie & made it serue for their purpose, cōmu­nicating with the people that somtimes one Prince, somtimes an other, were readie to come to succor thē: They made persuasiōs according to the propertie of the time, vsing their tonges in stead of force, to staie those men vpon whō depēded their owne safetie: But in al these extremities they were not without some aide & succors of the Genovvaies & Lucquois auncient enemies of the Florentyns, & likewise of Pandolfe Pe­trucci, bearing litle remēbrance of the benefits receiued: And (which was of greatest importāce) they were also norished in secret with certein succors, ‘but with far grea­ter hopes, by the Duke Valētynois: Ambition hath infinit operatiōs, & in this abuseth thimaginatiōs of men, that it makes thē seeme able to hold those things which they can not gripe, & raiseth their mynds to cōceiue matters aboue their power or possi­bilitie:’ For the Duke, in whō had long raged a desire to make him self Lord of that ci­tie, & in other times had absteined for feare of the kings displeasure, tooke now thad­uaūtage of the time, & presuming much by the infelicitie of the frēch in the realme of Naples, he ioyned to him the cōsent of his father, & treated with the Pisan Embas­sadours whom they had sent to Rome for that purpose, to accept the iurisdiction a­spiring by that meane to occupie all Tuskane: A deuise which albeit brought the Florentyns and Stennois into no small suspicion of him, yet thuniuersall benefit being hindred by their perticularities, there was no proceeding to that vnitie which the french king propoūded betweene the Florentyns, the Bollonois, & the Siennois, for that they of Florence refused to accept it if they were not repossessed of Mont Pulcian as had bene solicited & promised from the beginning: And Pandolfe who bare a minde estraunged from it (albeit he made other showe) alleaged that to restore it, would so stirre vp the hate of the people of Sienna against him, that he should be constrained yet once againe to forsake the towne, and therefore he saide it was better (for the common benefite) to deferre it as yet, till time brought about a better occasion, thē in restoring it presently to further the Duke Valentynois with meanes to occupie Si­enna: By these meanes, denying nothing he kept things in longnes and delaies see­king to leaue the Florentyns contented with hopes in stead of effects: Which excu­ses by thē reiected were accepted & beleeued in the Court of Fraunce, by the meane of Frauncis de Naruy resident at Sienna by the kings commaundement.

But it was not thintention of the Pope and Valentynois to put these enter­prises [Page 305] to executiō, otherwayes then the proceeding of tharmie which the king pre­pared, gaue them courage, and induced them by occasions to sticke more to the one king then to the other: Whereuppon in that tyme they stoode in suspencion & va­riation of thoughtes, deferring asmuche as they could the declaration of their in­tencion, which bare no fauour or inclination to the Frenche King further then there was feare to constraine them, for that thexperience of thinges passed in Bo­logna and Tuskane, tooke away all hope to attempt greater matters with his fa­uour: And for that reason, as they had begunne affore the victorie of the Spanyards to become more and more seperate from him in will: [...]o after the victorie, rising in impudencie and weening, they respected no more (as they were wont to doe) nei­ther his will nor his authoritie, his aduersities disclosing their corruptions, which in his prosperities he rather suspected then discerned: And albeit, immediatly after the ouerthrowes of the Frenche, they gaue assurance to embrace the kinges quar­rels, making demonstration to enterteine men to send to the realme of Naples: Yet, what by the ambition of new conquests, and greedie eyes they cast vppon the riches of Tuskane, the king requiring that they would declare them selues openly for him, the Pope aunswered in suche miserie and doubt, that by howe much lesse they were innocent in wordes or meaning, by so muche more it was reasonable in the king to suspect them▪ Their simulation and dissimulation being so notable, that it was a A prouerbe [...] Popes dissem­bling. prouerbe ordinarie in Rome, that the Pope neuer did that which he saide, and the Duke seldome spake that which hee ment; Besides the contention wherein they were with Iohn Iordan was not yet determined: For, albeit Valentynois fearing the kinges displeasure, absteined to molest him vppon his maiesties commaundement: Yet the Pope declaring howe muche that greeued him, ceassed not to solicit the king to suffer him either by armes to reconquer the estates of Iohn Iordan, or els by some other degree of compulsion to see that he had recompense for them: Giuing to vnderstande that that which moued him was not ambition, but a iust feare of his neighbourhead, proceeding vppon this suspition, that finding amongst the papers of Cardinall Vrsin a blanke signed with the proper hande of Iohn Iordan, it was an argumēt, that in those things which were negociated at Maisons, he had one self will and intelligēce against him with the Vrsins: In which thing the king more regarding profit thē honestie, had proceeded diuersly according to the diuersitie of times, som­times expressing fauour to Iohn Iordan as before, and sometimes inclining to satisfie the Pope in some degree: And for that cause Iohn Iordan refusing to depose Braccia­no into the hands of the French Embassador resident at Rome, the king required that they should reappose vppō him the resolution of the differēce vnder cōdition, that Iohn Iordan should be cōueied into Fraūce within two moneths, & that things should remeine in that estate vntil he had determined: Wherunto as Iohn Iordan consented by necessitie, hoping through his owne merits & thexspectatiō he had of his father and him, to be fully deliuered from such vexations: So also in the Pope appeared no resistāce, more for feare then otherwise, for that the french king required such a mat­ter in a time whē Tharchduke cōtracted the peace in the name of the kings of Spain: But the condition of things being chaunged by the victorie of the Spanyardes, and seeing with all that the french king had neede of him, he demaunded all the states of Iohn Iordan, offring the recompence that should be declared by the king, who for the same occasiō induced Iohn Iordan to consent therunto, & to promise to deliuer in his sonne for the assurance of that which should bee determined: A matter which the king did greatly against his wil, for that he had no intentiō to deliuer vp those estates [Page 306] to the Pope, if at the same instant, he ioyned not with him opēly in the warre of Na­ples, holding it as reasonable for him as for the Pope, to take the aduaūtage of things, and to serue his turne of controuersies: But they of Petillano where the sonne of Iohn Iordan was, refusing to deliuer him to the kinges Embassadour who was gone to Port Hercules to receiue him, Iohn Iordan him selfe being then returned, went to Them­bassadour, and to fulfill the promise of his faith, offred him his proper person, which Thembassadour accepted with litle reputation, and with lesse discression bestowed him in a ship, but assoone as the king knewe it, he caused him to bee set at libertie, e­steeming it an iniurie dishonorable to doe iustice vppon him for the disobedience of others.

In this meane while, there was vsed a generall diligence to leauie the preparati­ons The Fr. king prepares mightely a­gainst the K. of Spaine. which the french king ment to emploie both on thisside & beyond the mounts: For, the Lorde D'albert and the Mareshall of Gie, were gone into Guien with foure hundred Launces, and fiue thousande footemen aswell Svvyzzers as Gascoins, to make warre on the part of Fontarabye: And to stirre vp the Countie of Rossillion, the Mareshall of Rieux was sent into Languedocke with eight hundred Launces and eight thousande footemen, parte Svvyzzers and parte French: And at the same time the Nauie by sea hoysed sayle to endomage the coastes of Catelogna and the realme of Valence: Besides, the king had dispatched for Italy with title of Capteine generall o­uer his armie, the Lorde Trymouille (to whom was transferred by vniuersall opinion the whole merit and reputation for matters of warre, within the realme of Fraunce) and sent with the same expedition, the Baily of Dyon to dispatche eight thousande Svvyzzers, the men at armes also and the footmen making hast to marche notwith­standing the armie was not so strong as was determined in the beginning: Perhaps the king would haue it so, not for dishabilitie, or for that he would spare, but for that he desired that they might make the more expedition into the kingdome of Naples, & partly because Monsr D'alegro aduertising the king of the state of thaffaires there, assured him that the remeynder of the armie was stronger then it was in deede, both for that the townes and Barons remeined firme in his deuocion, and also he had de­maunded succours of all those in Italy which fauoured his faction: By which meane and industrie, the Florentyns had graunted him the Baily of Caen with the fiftie Laū ­ces paied of their owne money, and an hundred and fiftie other men at armes: The Duke of Ferrara also and the Bollonoys, with the Marquis of Mantua (who for that the king sent to him, went to him in person) did refurnishe him euery one in perticular with an hundred men at armes, and they of Sienna with an other hundred: Which bandes, ioyned to the eight hundred Launces & fiue thousand Gascoins which Try­mouille brought into Italy, and to the eight thousand Svvyzzers which were exspec­ted, reckoning also those that remeined within Caietta, made vp the number of a thousand eight hundred Launces French and Italian, & more then eightiene thou­sande footemen: Besides these preparations for the warre by lande, the armie by sea was departed, a Nauie strong and glorious: In so muche as all men confessed that there was no memorie that any Frenche king had euer made so huge and mightie preparations (making distinction of the forces both by sea and by land, gathered as­well on thisside as beyond the mountes): But it was not thought good for the kings suertie, to suffer his armie to passe by Rome, if first his maiestie were not well assured of the Pope and Duke Valentynois, for that he had iust occasion to doubt of them for many reasons and many demonstrations, but specially by the testimonie of certeine letters from Valentynois to Consaluo newly surcepted, wherein was debated betweene [Page 307] them that if Consaluo tooke Caietto (in which case he should stande well assured of all the matters of the kingdome) he should passe further with his armie, and Valenty­nois should take vppon him the iurisdiction of Pisa, and so they both to ioyne in one strength to assaile Tuskan: In which respect, the king, his armie being alreadie passed into Lumbardy, was very importunate that they should at last, declare their vttermost intencion, holding it better to know them as they were, then to doubt them to bee more or lesse then he should finde them: And for their partes, albeit they listned to both partes, and treated with euerie one, yet, iudging that the tyme was conuenient to make traffike of the trauelles of an other, their desires caried them most to ioyne with the Spanyshe: But they were restrained againe with the consideration of this manifest daunger, least the frenche armie woulde begyn to inuade their estates, in which case they should feele domage and displeasure, where they hoped to reape rewardes and greatnes: In this estate of doubt and incerteintie of inclination, they suffred both partes to leauie apparantly bandes of footemen within Rome, diferring as much as they could to declare them selues: But being at last in tearmes resolute v [...]ged by the king, they offred that the Duke should be ioyned to his armie with fiue hundred men at armes and two thousand footemen, the king consenting not only to the occupying of the lands of Iohn Iordan, but also to the conquering of Sienna: And yet when they were vppon the point of conclusion, they varied, introducing newe difficulties, as men, who (according to their custome) to be at libertie to take coun­cell of the euent of things, had no desire to declare them selues according to good meaning: And therefore there was propounded an other nature of practise, by the which the Pope seeming not to declare for any of the parties, but to remeine in the person of a common father, consented to giue passage to the french armie through the dominions of the Church, with promise not to molest neither the Florentyns, the Siennois, nor the Bollonois during the warres in the realme of Naples: Which condi­tions had at length bene accepted by the king, to thende to giue expedition of pas­sage to his armie to Naples, albeit he knew they were neither honorable for him self, nor sure for suche as depended on him in Italy, seeing he had no assurance that the Pope and Valentynois would not declare against him, if any misfortune hapned to him in the realme: Besides there was this daunger least assoone as his armie was out of the territories of Rome, they would not rise contrary to their faith, to assaile Tus­kan, which for the disagreement of the people, and the numbers of men which hee had drained out of it, was become weake and almost disarmed, being a thing not vn­likely that he would either set vppon that enterprise or some other, seeing they had so long tyme exspected occasions, thinking to draw out of them a wonderful profit.

But as the cogitations of men are vaine, and their thoughtes full of deceipt: So, when they stoode in the highest estate of their hopes, beholde the Pope who went to supper in a Vineyarde neare the Vatican to reioyce in the delight and pleasure of Pope Alex. the. 6. dead. the freshe ayre, is sodeinly caried for dead to the Bishoppes Pallaice, his sonne also communicating in the same accident but with better fortune: For the daie folow­ing which was the eightiene day of August, the dead corps of the Pope (according to custome) was borne into the Church of S. Peter, blacke, swolne, and most diffor­med, most manifest signes of poison: But Valentynois what by the vigour & strength of his youth, and readie helpe of strong medecines and contrepoisons, had his lyfe saued, remeining notwithstanding oppressed with a long and greeuous sicknes: It was assuredly beleeued that thaccident proceeded of poison, the discourse whereof according to common reapport was in this sort: The Duke Valentynois, who was to [Page 308] bee present at that supper, had determined to poison Adrian Cardinall of Cornette, reseruing that tyme and place to execute his bloudie resolution: For it is most cer­teine that in his father and him were naturall customes to vse poison, not only to be reuenged of their enemies, or to bee assured of suspitions, but also vppon a wicked couetousnes to dispoile rich men of their goods, whether they were Cardinalles or Courtiers, although they had neuer done them wrong, as hapned to the Cardinall Saint Ange who was verie riche: This maner of rage they would vse also agaynst their greatest friendes and familiars, and suche as had bene their most faithfull ser­uantes, such as were the Cardinalles of Capua and Modeno: A recompense vnwoor­thie the merits of good men, and not disagreeable to the disposition of such a father and sonne, whereof the one made all things lawfull by vile dispensation, and with the other nothing was dishonest wherin was oportunitie to his purposes: The Duke Va­lentynois sent before certeine Flagons with wine infected with poison, which he gaue to a seruant that knew nothing of the matter, commaunding that no person shoulde touche them: A commaundement preiudiciall to his maister, as the ignorance of the seruant was thinstrument in the euill that hapned both to the father and sonne, ‘Such is the suffrance of God, who in the execution of his iudgementes, raiseth one murderer to kill an other, & breaketh the brandes of the fyre vppon the head of him that first kindled it:’ For, the Pope comming by aduenture somewhat before supper, and ouercome with the drought & immoderate heat of the tyme, called for drinke: And because his owne prouision was not yet brought from the Pallaice, he that had the infected wine in charge, thinking it to bee recommended to his keeping for a wine most excellent, gaue the Pope to drinke of the same wine which Valentynois had sent: Who arriuing whilest his father was drinking drunke also of the same wine being but iust that they both should taste of the same cup which they had brued for the destruction of others: All the towne of Rome runne with great gladnes to Saint Peters about the dead bodie of the Pope, their eyes not being satisfied to see dead and destroied a Serpent, who with his immoderate ambition and poisoned infideli­tie, together with all the horrible examples of crueltie, luxurie, and monstruous co­uetousnes, selling without distinction both holie thinges and prophane thinges, had infected the whole world: And yet was accompanied with a most rare and almost perpetuall prosperitie euen from his young age to the ende of his lyfe, desiring al­wayes great things, and obteining most often that he desired: An example of much importance to confound the arrogancie of those men who presuming to know and see perfectly with humain eyes the depth of Gods iudgements, do assure, that what hapneth either good or ill to mortall men, proceedeth either of their merites or faltes: As though we sawe not daily many good men vniustly tormented, and many wicked persons aboue their deseruings liue in ease & honour: Wherein who makes an other interpretation, derogates the iustice and power of God, the greatnes of which being not to bee conteined within any scriptes or tearmes present, knoweth howe well and largely to discerne in an other tyme and place, the iust from the vn­iust and that with rewardes and eternall punishments.

The Duke Valentynois no lesse sorowfull for the death of his father, then langui­shing in his owne infirmitie, retyred all his bandes of men of warre about him, ly­ing sicke in the Pallaice: And hauing alwayes thought, partly by the feare of his armes, & partly through the fauour of the Spanish Cardinals which were eleuē, to create a Pope at his pleasure after the death of his father: He founde nowe impedi­ments aboue his exspectation, specially in the matter of the election, & all his other [Page 309] plottes and deuises to suffer imperfection and errour by reason of his disease which was verie daungerous: In which respect he complained greeuously, for that hauing oftentimes foreseene all the accidents that might happen to him by the death of his father, and withall cast all the remedies that the witte of man might comprehende, yet he could neuer imagine that at the same time he should be restrained with a sick­nes so daungerous: And therefore finding it necessarie to frame his councelles, not to the plottes he had layde before, but to the necessitie present: He sawe he was not hable in one tyme to susteine the hatred of the Colonnois and Vrsins, and fearing least they should ioyne in conspiracie against him, he resolued to reappose rather in those whom he had offended only in their goods, then to trust to the behauiour of such as he had greeued both in their goods and persons: And in that minde he pro­cured readie reconcilement with the Colonnois and such of the Vale as folowed that faction, he inuited them to returne eftsoones to their estates, and made restitution of the Castles which Alexander with great expenses had fortefied and enlarged, the alteration and feare of the tyme compelling him to doe more then any regarde to honour, equitie, conscience, or religion: All which notwithstanding, sufficed not neither for his suertie, nor to keepe the towne of Rome in peace, wherein all thinges were full of suspicions and tumultes, for that both Prosper Colonno was entred and all that faction had taken armes: And also Fabio Vrsin comming euen to the houses of the famylie of Mont Iordan, had with a great multitude of his partakers set a fire cer­teine marchands shoppes and the houses of many Spanish Courtiers, a nation ge­nerally enuyed by the memorie of thinsolencies which they had done during the Popedom of Alexander: Besides, Fabio thirsting after the bloud of Valentynois, made great leauies of forreine souldiours, and solicited Bartlemevv Aluiano being then in the paie of the Venetians, to ioyne with him and his house in the reuenge of so many wrongs as he had don them, thinking it but iust to raise violence against him, whose furie had not spared to persecute them and their friendes with all sortes of oppressi­on and ruines: The subburbes and meadowes so swarmed with the men of warre of Valentynois, that the Cardinals seeing no reason of suertie to assemble at the Bishops Pallaice, drewe together at the couent of the Church of Minerua, at which place (contrary to the auncient custome) they began, but farre later thē they were wont, to doe the funerall of Alexander: The trouble and mutinie of the tyme present not only deferring the celebration of the obsequies, but also somewhat derogating the ceremonie, detecting in those last actions the abhominable and infamous lyfe of him in whose regard they were done: It was much feared least Consaluo would come to Rome, specially for that Prosper Colonno had left at Marina, a certeine number of Spanish soldiours, and for the reconciliation of Valentynois with the Colonnois, it was beleeued that he had an intention to folow the Spanish faction: But greater were the feares of the comming of the french armie, which had marched slowly till that day, for that in the publike councelles of the Svvyzzers (being not a litle amazed for the ill fortune of the French in the realme of Naples) it was doubted affore the con­tract, that the king could not make leauie of their men, and all the Capteynes and footemen chosen together had refused for the same occasion, the same being the cause that they were not so readie, and that they made long aboade by the wayes: But in respect of the Popes death, the armie which was gouerned by the Marquis of Mantua with title of the kings Lieftenant, and by the Baily of Caen, & Monsr de San­dricourt, in whom except the name, remeyned as much power as in the General, for that Trimouille remeined sicke at Parma: Was come without tarying for the Svvyz­zers, [Page 310] to the territories of Sienna, with intencion to goe to Rome according to the di­rection of the king, who also had commaunded the Nauie which was at Caietta to make saile to Ostia, to giue impediment to Consaluo for going to Rome with his armie to compel the Cardinals to chuse a Pope at his deuotiō: Notwithstanding the frēch armie remeined certeyne dayes betweene Boncouent and Viterbe, for that the mar­chands making difficultie for the trobled tyme that was at Rome to accept the billes of exchaunge that were sent out of Fraunce, the Svvyzzers now comē into the coū ­trey of Sienna, refused to march further if they were not paied: In this tyme the tu­multes were no lesse in the territorie of Rome, with many other places through the estate of the Church and the landes of Valentynois, for that the Vrsins and all the Ro­mish Barons restored them selues to their estates: The familie of Vitelli were retur­ned to Cittade Castello, & Iohn Pavvle Baillon vnder hope of a certeine intelligence, had assailed Perousa: In which action albeit he was put to the chase by his enemies and constrained to go his way, yet being refurnished with new bands and open suc­cours of the Florentyns, he entred the towne in a braue and resolute assalt not with­out the slaughter of his enemies and some losse of his owne companie: The towne of Plombyn also tooke armes, which albeit they of Sienna laboured to vsurp and oc­cupie, yet the auncient Lorde returned thether by the fauour of the Florentyns: The Duke of Vrbyn, the Lordes of Pesere, of Camerin, and Sini Gale, did the lyke in theyr estates: Only Romagnia (notwithstanding they were not without suspicion of the Ve­netians who leauyed great bandes of men at Rauenna) remeyned quiet and inclined to the deuotion of Valentynois, knowing by experience howe much it was more tol­lerable and better for the weale of the countrey to serue one only and mightie Lord, then to haue in euerie towne Lords perticular, who neither for their weaknes could defende them, nor for their pouertie, were able to doe them good, but rather when they founde their reuenues insufficient to enterteine them, they would be constrai­ned to oppresse them: They considered also that, for the authoritie and greatnes of the Valentynois, and for the good iustice he ministred amongst them, their countrey was not vexed with so many mutinies and tumults of factions as it was wont to bee, bringing ordinarie slaughters to their friendes and cohabitants: Besides, they drew into consideration the benefites that he had done for many, together with the great friendshippes he had gotten, by enterteining and giuing paie to suche as had bene trained in armes, by distributing offices to men able and sufficient, and also by soli­citing his father on the behalfe of Prelates and Church men touching the collation of benefices and spirituall dignities: Out of these respectes they tooke occasion of firmnes, that neither thexamples of others that reuolted, nor the memorie of their Duke Valen­tynois for the French king. auncient Lordes, could not estraunge them from Valentynois: Who albeit he stood oppressed with many difficulties, & lesse exspectation of habilitie in a state so pluckt and broken, yet was he laboured vnto both by the French and Spanish, & with ma­ny offers and promises importunatly solicited to bee on their side: For that besides the oportunitie of his forces and men of warre, they hoped by this meane to winne the voyces of the Spanish Cardinals in the election to bee made: But the Duke loo­king wisely into the state of his affaires, tooke councel of the inclination of the time, and refused to follow the fancies of men: And albeit for the reconcilement that was made with the Colonnois, it was beleeued that he would be declared for the Spanish, yet being induced to that reconcilement only by feare least they would ioyne with the Vrsins, he declared now that he would doe nothing contrarie to his fidelitie to the French, whom he determined to folow, for that, both within the towne of Rome [Page 311] which the kings armie did nowe approach, and also in his other estates, they might doe him more good and harme then the Spanishe: In so muche as the first daie of September he made a conuention with the Cardinall S. Seuerin and Monsr de Trans the kings Embassadour, by the which he promised to aide him with his soldiours in thenterprise of Naples, and in all other expeditions against all persons except the Church: And on the other parte, the kinges Agentes bounde the king to the pro­tection aswell of his person, as of all the estates he possessed, and to concurre also in the recouerie of those which hee had lost: Besides these, the Duke gaue hopes to drawe the most parte of the Spanish Cardinals to giue their voyce to the Cardinall Cardinall of Amboyse aspi­reth to the Popedome. of Amboyse, who puffed vp with a proude hope to obteine the Popedome with au­thoritie, with money, & with the armies of his king, went immediatly out of Fraūce after the Popes death to Rome, carying with him the Cardinall of Aragon & the Car­dinall Ascanius: Him he had deliuered two yeares before out of the Towre of Bour­ges, and giuen him honourable countenance in the Court, hoping that if the Pope should dye, his auncient reputation might doe much to further his ambicion, toge­ther with the many friendes & fauourers which he had in the Court of Rome: Foun­dations verie weake to beare so high and waightie a purpose, for that neither Valen­tynois could wholy dispose the Spanish Cardinals more inclined (according to the custome of men) to their proper profite, then to reacknowledge the good turnes that his father and he had done to them, and withall, many amongst them, hauing regarde not to offende the mynde of their king, would not haue bene so farre ouer­seene, as to chuse for Pope, a French Cardinall: Neither yet Ascanius, if he had had any power or place in thelection, would haue consented to lift to the supreme seat the Cardinall of Amboyse, for that it was to the perpetuall embasing and cutting of of all the hopes that yet remeined aswell to him as to those of his house.

They deferred yet thelection of the new Pope: Not only for that it was later then was wont, ere they beganne to celebrate the obsequies of the dead, till the ending of which (enduring for the most part nine dayes) the Cardinals haue no custome to enter into the conclaue or house of election: But also, the better to cut of occasions and daungers of a scisme in so great a confusion of affaires, and important diuision of Princes, the Cardinalles that were present had agreed to giue aduertisement to those that were absent to make their repaire: And when they were come, the Colledge neuerthelesse was holden in suspence suspecting that thelection woulde not be free, aswell for the bandes of Valentynois, as for that the French armie which at last was drawne betweene Nepi and the Ile with intention to come to Rome, refu­sed to passe the ryuer of Tyber, if affore hande there were not chosen a newe Pope: They feared that either the contrary parte would ouerrule the Colledge in thelecti­on, or els suche was the deuise of Cardinall Amboyse, no lesse for the suertie of his person, then hoping to bee the better fauoured: These thinges, after many con­tencions (the Colledge refusing otherwayes to enter into the conclaue) were at last resolued and tooke forme, for that the Cardinall of Amboyse gaue his faith to the whole Court of Cardinals, that the French armie should not passe Nepi & the Yle, the Valentynois consenting to goe to Nepi and afterwards to Ciuita Castellano, hauing sent to the French Camp two hundred men at armes and three hundred light hors­men vnder the leading of Lodovvyk de la Mirandola and Alexander de Tryvulce: But the Colledge erected many bandes of footemen for the garde of Rome, and gaue power to three Prelates whom they had appointed for the garde of the Conclaue, to open it if they discerned sedition or tumult, to thend that all the Cardinals being [Page 312] in libertie to go whither they will, euery one might be out of hope to force them. At last the Cardinals entred the Conclaue, beeing xxxviij. in number, where the disagreement which in other times was wont to kepe things in delay, was the cause nowe that they entred roundly into thaction, and created in fewe daies a new Pope: And albeit in thelection they had muche to do to agree vppon the person, aswell for their generall couetousnesse, as for the contention betweene the Cardinals de­pending of the French king, and the Spanishe Cardinals embracing the faction of the king of Spayne. And albeit they were no lesse amased with the present daunger wherein they stoode, all things in Rome beeing full of suspition and tumult, then with the consideration of thaccidents which in a time so troubled might happen by the vacation of the Sea: yet at last, euen by the consent of the Cardinall of Am­boyse, in whom fayled euery day all hope to be elected, they created for Pope Fraun­cis Piccolomini Cardinall of Sienna, in whome was no expectation of long life, both Frauncis Pic­colomini made pope. for his extreme age, and present sicknesse: A Cardinall sure of vnspotted reapport, and for his other conditions, not vnworthy that degree, who, to renewe the memo­rie of Pius secundus his vncle, tooke vpon him the name of Pius the thirde.

Assoone as the Pope was created, the Frenche armie had no further occasion to abide there, and falling speedily into the way that had bene agreed vppon before, they passed sodenly the riuer of Tyber: but neither for the creation of the Pope, nor for the discamping of the armie, the tumultes at Rome did not appease, for that be­cause there was expectation for the comming of Aluiano and Iohn Paule Bayllon, who conspiring together, made leauies of men in Perusa. Valentynois continuing as yet sicke, and fearing their comming, was returned to Rome with an hundred and fiftie men at armes, the like numbers of light horsemen, and eyght hundred foote­men, hauing obteined safconduit of the Pope, who hoped that he might the ease­lyer put ende to those things by some composition. But the Valentynois beeing with­in one towne and walles, with the Vrsins, who lusted in a iust thirst after his bloud, the The Vrsins a­gainst Valen­tynois. Vrsins, by the oportunitie of newe bandes ariuing, notwithstanding they demaun­ded of the Pope and College of Cardinals a short and readie iustice, determined to be reuenged vpon him with armes, assoone as Iohn Paule Baillon and Aluiano were ariued: by reason of these conspiring intentions, there was also some controuersie betweene the towne and them of the suburbes where Valentynois was lodged: a contention which troubled not onely the people of Rome, and the court, but also was supposed to bring great preiudice to thaffayres of the Frenche, for that the Vr­sins, assoone as they were once dispatched of the quarrell agaynst Valentynois, pre­paring to go to the pay eyther of the Frenche or Spanishe king, and iudging that their strength was of no little importaunce to the victorie, they were sought to by both partes with ample conditions. But bearing a naturall disposition to the parte of the Frenche, the Cardinall of Amboyse enterteyned in the kings name Iulio Vrsin, who contracted for all those of his familie, except Aluiano, for whom was reserued place, with honorable conditions: but his comming reuersed all: for, albeit in the beginning be was almost agreed with the Cardinall of Amboyse, yet, couetousnesse ouercomming his inclination, and beeing in one moment restrayned with the Spanish Embassadour, he entred paye with the king of Spayne with fyue hundred men at armes, and prouision of lx. thousande duckets yerely, assuring him selfe of all those of his familie, except Iohn Iordan: to which deliberation he was chiefly in­duced (as he frankly confessed) by despite that the Cardinall of Amboyse, burning more and more in ambition to be Pope, fauoured Valentynois, hoping by his meane [Page 313] to obteine the most parte of the voyces of the Spanish Cardinals: notwithstanding that the Cardinall clearing him selfe of the fault by transferring it to an other, gaue out that he was persuaded that the Venetians were authors of it, who, for the desire they had that the French king should not obteine the realme of Naples, had not on­ly consented that he should leaue their paye, promising to reserue for him the same place: but also to thende the first paymentes should be more ready, they had lent to the Spanish Embassadours fifteene thousand duckets: A matter, which though it be not in euery part certeine, yet it can not be denied that the Venetian Embassador did not manifestly intrude himselfe into that practise. Some were of opinion that the conditions & large offers of the Spaniards, were the cause, for that they bound them selues to distribute estates in the kingdome aswel to him as to al those of his familie, and to indue his brother with reuenues ecclesiasticall: And lastly (which he estemed much) to ayde him when the warre was finished, with two thousande Spanish foot­men, in thenterprise which he determined agaynst the Florentins in the fauour of Peter de Medicis. It was beleued that Iohn Paule Bayllon comen now to Rome with Al­uiano, and who folowing his example treated at one time with the French and with the Spanish, would also accompany him in the same deliberation: but the Cardi­nall d'Amboyse, not a little amased that Thursins had left the king, (a dealing whiche made doubtfull the hopes of the Frenche beeing afore almoste certayne,) intertey­ned him immediatly into the kings seruice with an hundred and fiftie men at armes: he almost accorded whatsoeuer the other demaunded, but al vnder the name of the Florentins, for that Iohn Paule would it so, to thende to be more assured of his paies, which were to be rebated of the summes they ought to the king by vertue of their conuentions, he beeing more curious to prouide for the suretie of his paie, then carefull to keepe his fidelitie with the king for the seruice that was required: for, be­ing returned to Perousa to put his people in order, and receiuing xiiij. thousand duc­kets, he was cōtented to gouerne himself more according to the successe of the time & cōmon euent of things, and by his passions & perticuler interests, thē according to the reputation & faith of souldiours. In which respects deferring with many excuses to go to the French armie, he would not depart frō Perousa: A matter which the car­dinal Amboyse supposed to procede vpō this, that Iohn Paule imitating the incōstancy of the captains of Italie of that time, had frō the houre he was interteined, made pro­mise to Barthelmevv Aluiano & the Spaniards to do so, as holding that most resonable & indifferent for him to do, wherin was most surety for his pay & safety, A maner of dealing familiar with mē that be mercenarie, but far frō those that hold deare eyther honor or reputation. Assone as the Vrsins were entred into the pay of the Spanishe, peace proceded betwene thē & the Colonnois, resolued & set down at the same instāt in the lodging of the Spanish embassadour: to whō & to the Venetian agent they re­ferred the resolutiō of al their differēces. The agremēt of those houses brought no li­tle feare to Valētynois, for that being determined to leaue Rome, & preparing to go to Bracciana, Iohn Iordan hauing giuē his fayth to the Cardinall of Amboyse to leade him thither in suretie: Iohn Paule & the Vrsins were determined to assaile him, who hauing no meane to enter into the suburbs by the gate of the castle S. Angeo, they issued out of Rome, & fetching a lōg circuit to come to the gate Torrono, they found it shut, and burnt it, finding nothing to resist the fury of their reuenge prouoked by so iust occa­sions. Assone as they were entred the gate, they begon to skirmish with certein hors­men of Valentynois, to whose succors albeit many of the french souldiers did run who were not yet departed out of Rome: yet what by the increasing of the numbers of his [Page 314] enemies, & their rage redubling, & his own people (whose strength was much dimi­nished afore) making signes to abandon him, the necessitie of his peril constrayned him together with the prince of Squillace & certayne Spanish Cardinals, to seke his Valentynois distressed by the Vrsins. safetie within the pallace of Vatican, frō whēce he retyred with a fearefull spede into the castle S. Angeo, hauing by the Popes consent, receiued fayth of the captayne of the castell (who was the same that had that charge in the dayes of the dead Pope) to suffer him to go out when he would: al his people fled whither their feare or fortune would leade them. In this garboyle the baylife of Caen was lightly hurt, and the Car­dinall of Amboyse had no little feare: but the matter of quarrell being taken away by this accident, the tumults also were immediatly appea [...]ed within the towne of Rome. In so much as they began all in peace to prepare for the election of a newe Pope, for that Pius, not beguiling the hopes which the Cardinals conceyued of him at the Pope Pius the thirde dieth. time of his creation, the xxvj. day after his election, passed into a better life.

After the death of Pius, the Cardinalles deferring for certayne dayes to enter the Conclaue: (for, they thought good that Thursins afore should issue out of Rome, where they yet remayned to refurnish the numbers which they should leade to the Spanish armie) resolued vpon the election out of the Conclaue. And the Cardinall S. Petri Ad vincla mighty in frends, reputatiō, & riches, had drawn to him the voices Cardinall S. Petri Ad vincla made Pope. of so many Cardinals, that entring the conclaue, he was with an example all new & without shutting the conclaue, elected Pope the same night, (those that were of the contrary opinion not daring to oppose against him.) He, either hauing regard to his first name of Iulio, or (as coniectures were made) to signifie the greatnes of his con­ceptions, or lastly bicause he would not giue place to Alexander, no not in the excel­lencie of name, tooke vpon him the name of Iulio, the second of that name. Amongst all the Popes that had passed, it was wondred that by so great consent, they had crea­ted for Pope, a Cardinall who was knowen to be of a disposition rigorous & terrible, and in whom was no expectation of rest and trāquilitie, hauing consumed his youth in continuall trauels, offended many by necessitie, & exercised hatreds agaynst ma­ny great personages, a man to whose wit nothing was more familiar, then thinuen­tion of trouble, faction, and conspiracie. But on the other side, the causes of his elec­tion to that degree, appeared clearly, and surmounted all other difficulties: for, he had bene of long time a Cardinall of great power and might, and with his magnifi­cence, wherin he had always exceeded the residue, and with the greatnes of his spirit by the which he did great things, he had not only made himselfe mightie in opinion and frendes, but by times & degrees had erected high his authoritie in the Court of Rome, bearing the name, title, and dignitie of the principall defender of the eccle­siastike libertie: But that which serued most in his aduauncement, was the promi­ses immoderate and infinite whiche he made to the Cardinals, Princes, and Barons, and to all others whom he might make profitable to him in that action. Besides he had the meane to distribute money, benefices, and spirituall dignities, aswell such as were his owne, as those that were the rightes of others, for that suche was the bruite and renowne of his liberalitie, that many made willing offers to him to dispose as he best liked of their treasures, their names, their offices, and benefices. They con­sidered not that his promises were farre to great then that beeing Pope, he was eyther hable or ought to obserue, for that he had of so long continuaunce en­ioyed the name of iust and vpright, that Pope Alexander him selfe his greatest ene­mie, speaking ill on him, in al other things could not but cōfesse him to be true of his word: A praise which he made no care to defile & staine, to thende to become Pope, [Page 315] knowing that no man more easily beguileth an other, then he that hath the custome and name neuer to deceiue any. The Cardinall of Amboyse cōsented to this election for that dispayring to obteine the Popedome for himselfe, he hoped, that in the new Pope would be recontinued in time to come those degrees and properties of amitie which he had alwayes borne to the king his maister: vsing this wisdome to seeme to beare that with liking and contentment, which he could not hinder by any deuise or power. The Cardinall Askanius gaue also his franke consent, beeing reconciled to him before, and treading vnder feete the memorie of all auncient contentions that had bene betweene them, at suche time as afore the Popedome of Alexander, they folowed the court of Rome in the persons of Cardinals: for, hauing better expe­rience of his disposition then the Cardinall of Amboyse, thought, that beeing ascen­ded to the Popedome, he should haue the same vnquietnes, or rather greater, then he had had in a meaner fortune, together with such cōceptions as might be able to opē to him a way to recouer the duchie of Millan. In like sort the Spanish Cardinals yelded their consent, notwithstanding in the beginning they shewed no inclination. But seing there was such a concurrance of others, and fearing not to be sufficient e­nough to let his election, they iudged it more conuenient for their suretie, to holde him appeased in consenting, then to stir him to anger in refusing, somewhat affying themselues in the great promises he made to them, and for the rest, induced by the persuacions and requests of Valentynois, whose condition stoode so enuironed with calamities, that he was constrayned to folow euery daungerous counsel. He was also no lesse abused then the others with the hopes that he gaue him: for that he promi­sed him to make a mariage betweene his daughter & his nephew Frauncis Maria de la Rouere prefect of Rome, to confirme him captaine of the armies of the Churche. And which was of greatest importance, to ioyne to his ayde in the recouery of the townes of Romania. All which, except the Castels, were almost withdrawne from his obedience. The affayres of which prouince, full of innouations and chaunges, trou­bled with diuers thoughtes the spirite of the Pope, both for that he knewe he was not able at that time to bring it to his deuotion, and also he endured with murmure and grudge, that in it should be raysed the greatnes of the Venetians, ‘enuy bearing this nature, not to make men so muche to complayne of their proper wantes, as to greeue in the wealth and well doing of others.’

When it was vnderstande in Romania that Valentynois was fledde into the Castel S. Angeo, and the regiments of men that were about him dispersed and passed into their seuerall calamities, the Cities whiche had expected him before in great con­stancie, hauing now their hopes turned into feares, applied to the time, and began to take newe parties: suche for the most part is the wauering condition of commu­nalties and multitudes, not measuring things by iustice and equitie of reason, but ey­ther by opinion, which cōmonly is partiall, or by cōmon report, which for the most part is ful of incerteinties & errors. Cesena returned to the auncient deuotion of the Church: Ymola (the capteine of the castel beeing killed by meane of certayne the principall Citizens) stoode in doubt, one parte desiring to reuert to the Churche, and an other part to be reconciled to the Riareis their first Lordes: The Citie of Furly possessed by the Ordelaffy long tyme before it came to the Riares by the permission of Pope Sixtus, had reappealed Anthonie a remeynder of the same familie: who firste prouing to enter with the fauour of the Venetians, but af­terwardes fearing that vnder hys name, they woulde reteyne the iurisdiction to them selues, had recourse to the Florentynes, and by their meanes was [Page 316] reinuested in his patrimonie: Iohn Sforce returned to Pesero, and to Rimini Pan­dolfe Malateste, the one and other beeing called by the people. But Denys of Nalda, an auncient souldiour to Valentynois, at the request of the Castlekeeper of Rimini, went to their succours: by whose helpe, in good time, Pandolffe beeing put to the chase, the Citie returned eftsones to the obedience of Valentynois. Faenza on­ly perseuered longest in his deuotion, but in the ende falling into a depriuation of hope for his returne, casting their eyes vppon certayne remaynders of the familie of Manfreda, their auncient Lordes, they called home Astor, a young Gentleman of the same house, but a bastarde, none remeyning of the race legitimate. But the Venetians aspiring to the iurisdiction of all Romania, immediatly after the death of Pope Alexander, had sent to Rauenna many bandes of souldiours, with whome, as they made a charge one night vppon the sodayne, and with great fu­rie, vppon the Citie of Cesena, so the people of the place standing valiauntly to their defence, by their vertue vanquished the conspiracies of their enemies, the Venetians which went thither without artillerie, hoping more to surprise it then to force it, retyring to the countrey of Rauenna: where they considered diligently all things that might geue them any occasion to make them selues great in that Pro­uince, whiche immediatly was presented to them by the discordes that were be­tweene Denys of Nalde and the Fauentyns: for, it beeing somewhat intollerable to De­nys, that the Fauentyns shoulde eftsones returne vnder the gouernment of the house of Manfreda, agaynst whom he was drawne into rebellion at such time as Valentynois assayled that citie: he called in the Venetians, and put into their hands the Castels of the vale of Lamona which he had in keeping. And the better to further their practi­ses, the Venetians a litle after put a bande of three hundred footemen within the Ca­stle of Faenza, being brought in by the castlekeper, whom they had seduced by their corruptions. They occupied in like sort, & in the same time, the borough of Forlim­pople, with many other boroughs of Romania, and sent one part of their men of warre to take the citie of Faua, but the people held out constantly for the Church, holding it more honorable to abide perill, then corrupt their alleageance. They were also brought into Rimini by the consent of the people, couenanting aforehand with Pan­dolffe Malateste to giue him in recompēce the towne of Citadella in the territories of Padua, and a yerely pention, with a perpetuall estate of a company of men at armes. They returned afterwards in great diligence to besiege Faenza, for that the townes­men nothing amased with the losse of the castel for thin cōmoditie of his seate & se­paration frō the citie by a depe trench, made valiant resistance, both for the affectiō they bare to the familie of Manfredi, and also for a grudge they had that thin habitāts of the vale of Lamona, had promised to strāgers the imperie of Faenza: they estemed litle their proper aduersities, so that they might obserue the full office of fidelitie to the familie of Manfredi their true & auncient Lord: But of themselues being vnable to make defence sufficient, for that Christopher Moare cōmander of the Venetians had approched his artillerie to their towne, & occupied al the places of importāce in the countrey, they prayed succours of the new Pope Iulio, to whom such a maner of au­dacitie was not a little disagreable. But beeing newely ascended to that supreme seate without force, without money, and without hope to be ayded by eyther of the kings of Fraunce or Spayne, for that both they were traueled with thoughtes of farre greater importance, & also that he denied to be cōfederat with eyther of thē: he was without meane of comfort in this calamitie, but through thauthoritie of the name pontifical. And to proue what reuerence the Venetians bare to it, together with what [Page 317] regarde they remembred the amities which long time before he had borne to that commonweale: he sent to Venice the Bishop of Tyuoli, to complayne that Faenza The Pope [...]ō ­plaineth to the Venet [...]ans. beeing a citie immediatly apperteining to the Church, they would not forbeare to do so great a doshonour to a Pope, who afore he was raysed to that soueraigne crea­tion, as he honoured their commonweale with a speciall affection, so now standing in a greater fortune, they might hope for right ample fruits of his friendship so aun­ciently borne. It may be there wanted not in the Senat those sortes of men whiche aforetime had dissuaded not to entangle their estate with the matters of Pysa, & that they should not receiue in pawne the portes of the realme of Naples, nor make parti­tion with the French king of the Duchie of Myllan: it may be that in the wisedomes of these men appeared the consideration of euils that might happen, and howe, by making them selues dayly more and more suspected and hated, they might in this action adde to other hatreds the ill will of the Pope. But ambicious counsels hauing ben fauoured with so happie successe, and therefore all their sailes being hoysed in a winde so happie of fortune, the opinions of those that persuaded the contrarie were not heard. And therefore (almost with a generall consent) it was aunswered to the The Venetiās ansvvere to the nevve Pope. Popes Embassadour: that the state of Venice had alwayes greatly desired that the Cardinall S. Petri ad vincla should come to be Pope, and as he had now obteined it, not by corruption, but by his proper vertue and merites, so they hoped that the same inclination which in his meaner fortune induced him to embrace and loue them, would still go on working with confirmation of offices & amities, as for their partes, he should not doubt, that they would not followe him with better respectes being Pope, then they had done whilest he was in thestate and person of a Cardi­nall: But as touching the poynt of imputation, they knew not wherein they had of­fended his dignitie, embrasing thoccasion which was offred to them to haue Faen­za: for that that Citie was not onely not possessed by the Churche, but also the Churche made a willing depriuation of all her rightes, in transferring so amply and in playne Consistorie the iurisdiction to the Duke Valentynois: That he would remember that afore that graunt, the Popes (within no memorie of man) had e­uer possessed Faenza, but from time to time had geuen it to newe Vicares, without acknowledging other superioritie then the tribute, which they offered to pay rea­dily when it should be required. That the Fauentins had no desire to be the sub­iects of the Church, but abhorring such nomination, they had reuerenced the name of the Duke Valentynois, with all those offices & obseruances that were in them: And that now hauing no more hope in him, they were runne headlong to call in the ba­stards of the house of Manfreda: Lastly, they besought him, that being in the autho­ritie of Pope, he would hold them in the same estate of friendship, which he thought them worthy of, when he had but the person of a Cardinall, not suffering light oc­casions to remoue that gruae and setled liking which he had so long time had of thē, more by his proper inclination, then by any their deseruings. After the Pope was certified of the will of the Venetians, he had sent into Romania the Duke Valentynois, whom he had embraced with many demonstrations of honour assoone as he was Pope, and in token of amitie lodged him in the pallace Pontificall: sauing that he feared, least his going, in the beginning agreable enough to the people, should not be then very hatefull, seeing they were already al drawne into rebellion against him. Touching the condition of the Fauentins, there was no more remeining to thē, but to haue recourse to the Florētins, who discōtēted that a citie of so nere neighborhed should fal into the power of the Venetians, had sent to their succors in the beginning [Page 318] 200. footmen, enterteining them with hopes still to refurnish them to thend to hold them in courage till the Pope were at oportunitie to succour them: But seeing by many apparances that the Pope had no disposition to take armes, and that thautho­ritie of the Frenche king (warning the Venetians in the beginning not to molest the estates of the Duke Valentynois) was not sufficient to withdrawe them: And lastely, esteeming it no pollicie to enter alone into a warre with so mightie enemies, they forbare to releeue them with any further supply. By which alteration the Fauentyns beeing cut off from all hopes, and the Venetian armie (incamping at the Churche of the Obseruauntes) hauing begonne to play with their artillerie agaynst the walls of their Citie, beeing vnhappie also in this, that their intelligences were discoue­red, and certayne of them taken who had conspired to put the Venetians into the towne: they yeelded vp their Citie into their hands, the Venetians agreeing to giue Faenza taken by the Vene­tians. to Astor a certayne pention (albeit but little) for the releefe of his life. After the ta­king of Faenza, the Venetians might with the same facilitie and fortune haue com­maūded Ymola & Furly: but not to aggrauate the indignation of the Pope, who mur­mured not a litle, they sent their mē into garrison, determining for that time to passe no further, hauing occupied in Romania, besides Faenza and Rimini with their coun­tries, Montefiora, Saint Archangeo Verrucque, Gaterre, Sauignano, & Meldole the hauē of the countrey of Cesena, and in the territorie of Ymola, Toslignana, Solaruola, and Mont­bataile. Valentynois held only in Romania the Castels of Furly, of Cesena, of Forlimpople, and of Bertinoire. All which (albeit he had great desire to go into Romania, to thend they were not vsurped by the Venetians) he had easily consented to put into the Popes keeping, with bonde to receiue them of him agayne at suche time as they should be assured, ‘had it not bene that the Pope (his auncient integritie beeing not yet ouercome with desire to beare rule) refused the offer, saying he would not wil­lingly accept occasions that might any way allure him to corrupt his fayth.’ At laste to oppose in some sort agaynst the proceedings of the Venetians, with whom he was not a little discontented for the daunger of the estate ecclesiasticke, hauing also a de­sire that Valentynois should depart from Rome, he accorded with Valentynois that he should go to Spetia by sea, and from thence by lande to Ferrara, and so to Ymola, where should be restored to him an hundred men at armes, and fiftie light horsmen which yet followed his ensignes, (interposing in this conuention not only the name of the Pope, but also the name of the college of Cardinals.) With this resolutiō Va­lentynois beeing gone to Ostia to be embarked, the Pope was sodenly repented that he had not accepted the Castels, and hauing nowe a speciall desire to haue them (not respecting the meanes) and to keepe them to him selfe: he sent after the Car­dinals of Volterre and Surrente to persuade him, that to preuent that those places should not fall into the hands of the Venetians he would be content to deliuer them vp into the Popes keeping, vnder the same promise that had bene treated vpon at Rome: So soone do mens minds alter, when ambition hath once possest the spirites, and made way to greedie desire, which in matters of profite holdes nothing respe­cted: Valentynois taking aduauntage of the Popes incertentie, denied nowe to doe that which earst he was well contented, and the Pope rising with the occasion into indignitie, caused him to be arested in the gallies wherein he was embarked, and in Duke Valen­tynois arested by the Pope. decent sort to be led to Magliana, from whence (all the Court and communaltie of Rome reioycing for thapprehension of his person) he was led to the Vatican, and ho­noured, but not without especiall and good gardes: the reason was, that the Pope fearing least the Castle kepers dispairing of his safetie, would not sell the Castells to [Page 319] the Venetians, sought to make him tractable by easie meanes, and so to haue them by his consent and will. Thus the power of Duke Valentynois rising (as it were) so­denly to his soueraigntie and height, tooke ende with a ruine more sodeine: and as the meanes by the which he aspired to his greatnes had more resemblance with crueltie and deceites, then that the armes and power of the Church did aduaunce him: So, by a due sentence of iustice he experienced in him selfe parte of the artes and trumperies wherewith his father and he had vexed many seuerall personages: he was like to the tree that groweth till he come to his height, ‘and then is plucked vp from the roote in a moment. The heauie stone commonly ouerwhelmeth him­selfe with his owne weight: who doth couet the fruite, and not considereth the height of the tree whereon it groweth, let him take heede, that whilest he laboreth to climbe to the toppe, he fall not with the bowes which he doth embrace: It is harde for men ambitious to holde fast their fortune, for she is slipper and can not be kept agaynst her will: and therefore to men that studie to followe the streame, it is good to put a bridle to their felicitie, so shall they the better gouerne it: it is an office in wise men to consider alwaies their owne estate, where the vayne ambitious man liueth for the most part in the remembraunce of those things which make him to forget him selfe. The souldiours and folowers of the Duke had almost no better fortune,’ who beeing drawne into the countrey of Perousa; with hope to ob­teine safeconduit of the Florentins and others, (beeing chased by the regiments of Vitelli) they were constrayned for their safetie to retyre vpon the landes of the Flo­rentins: where, beeing dispersed betweene Chastilion and Cortona, and reduced to foure hundred horsemen, with a very slender strength of footemen, they were strip­ped by the appoyntment of the Florontins, and Dom Michaell their leader taken pri­soner: him they deliuered afterwards to the Pope, who demaunded him with an importunite well expressing the hates he bare to all the olde seruauntes of the late Pope Alexander. And albeit this man had bene a faythfull minister and executor of all the wickednes of Valentynois, yet after the Pope had spent some conference with him, he turned his crueltie into compassion, following his naturall inclination, which was to be easie to pardon those vpon whom he had power to execute his anger. About this time the Cardinall d'Amboyse departed from Rome to returne in­to Fraunce, hauing obteyned of the Pope, more for feare then for good will, a con­firmation of the legation of that realme. But the Cardinall Askanius folowed him not, notwithstanding at his comming out of Fraunce he promised the king by othe that he woulde returne: of which othe he had procured secret absolution of the Pope afore, not remembring that amongst men there can be no greater bond than an othe, and who loaseth his fayth hath no more to lose, seeing we acknowledge religion to consist in fayth it selfe. But the example of the Cardinall Askanius skor­ning at the credulitie of the Cardinall Amboyse, coulde not make the French Cardi­nall better aduised in the action with Pandolfe Petrucci, who receyuing the Cardi­nall at Sienna with many honours, and making insinuation into his good fauours with deepe suttleties and counsels full of art, promising to cause Montpulcian to be rendred to the Florentins, ouercame him so muche, that at his returne into Fraunce he assured the king that he had not found in Italy a man of better spirit, and wrought that his Maiestie gaue sufferaunce to his sonne to returne to Sienna, remayning at that time in the Court of Fraunce for thassuraunce of his fathers promises. These were the mutations that hapned in Italy by the death of the Pope.

But in these times, thenterprises begonne with greater hopes on thother side the [Page 320] Mountes by the French king, were brought into many difficulties: for tharmie sent [...] be­yonde the Mounts. vpon the frontier of Gascoigne, no lesse for want of money then lacke of good go­uernment in those that had the charge, was broken with a speede quicker then they could marche thither. The Galleis also which had runne all along the Spanish seas, were retyred to the port of Marseilles: and the armie leauied for Parpignian, of the which the king promised muche beeing well furnished of all things necessarie, was incamped before Saulses, which is a strong place neare to Narbona, standing at the foote of the hilles Pirennei in the countrey of Rossillion. But beeing well defended, it made a wonderfull resistaunce: and albeit it was furiously assaulted by the French­men, vsing both the seruice of artilleries, and the arte of vnderminings, yet the ver­tue of the defendaunts kept it from spoyle and ruine. There assembled an armie of all the Spanishe Realmes at Parpignian, which the king did honor with the presence of his person to thende to succour it. And beeing ioyned to this armie (by reason the French were discamped) the regiments that had bene sent to defende the fron­tiers of Fontarabie, and all these forces beeing drawen into one strength, and mar­ching to geue battayle to the Frenche armie: the Captaynes seeing no reason to contende agaynst fortune, retyred with the Campe towards Narbona, after they had lyen afore Saulses about fortie dayes. The Spaniards loasing no benefite of the time and occasion, made incursions vpon the territories of the French king, where ha­uing taken certayne places of meane importance (the French making no resistance for that they were withdrawne into Narbona) they eftsones returned vpon their owne frontiers by the commaundement of their king, who, hauing obteyned the true ende of him that is assayled, enterteyned but with ill will the warre on thother side the Mountes, ‘seeing albeit his Realmes and Prouinces were sufficient mightie to defende him from the French king, yet he helde them farre to weake to offende him. A consideration of great importance to him that entreth into a warre, to fore­see with a better counsell howe he may defende him selfe then offende his enemie.’ A litle after (by the interposing of king Federik) they made a truce for fiue monthes, A truce be­tvveene the kinges of Spayne and Fraunce. comprehending onely those things that concerned thaffayres on the other side the Mountes: for that the Spanish king assuring Federyk that he would consent that the Realme of Naples should be restored to him, and Federik expecting no lesse of the French king, the rather at the contēplation of the Queene inclined to compassion, had introduced betweene them the practises of peace. In whiche negociation the Spanish Embassadours (the warre continuing stil in Italie) went into Fraunce, where they gouerned their doings with suche art, that Federyk vaynely persuaded him selfe that the difficultie of his restitution, which the Barons of the faction of Aniovv im­pugned vehemently, would be principally on the French kings side.

Thus all the warres betweene both the kings beeing reduced only into the king­dome of Naples, the eyes and thoughtes of all men were turned thither: for that the French men hauing passed from Rome by the landes of Valmontano and the Colon­noys, (where they found an easie consent to refreshe them with vittayles) marched by the feeldes of the Churche towardes S. Germain, a place where Consaluo (leauing garrison in the Castell of Secqua and Montcassin) was incamped, not with inten­tion to hazarde fortune, but to be an impediment that they passed no further, which by the strength and opportunitie of the place, he hoped to do easily. The Frenche men being ariued at Pontecorue, and at Ceperana, the Marquis of Solusse, with suche as were within Caietta, ioyned to them, hauing afore by thoccasion of dis­camping of Consaluo, recouered the Duchie of Tracetta, and the Countrey of Fouery, [Page 321] euen to the sloud of Garillon. The first thing that the Frenche armie did, was to assaye to get the castle of Secqua, from the which (after they had in vayne giuen one assault) they brake of and leauied their siege. But for that action they brought vpon them selues so muche contempt and imputation, that it was publikely affir­med in the Spanishe armie, that that day the Realme of Naples was assured agaynst the French men, who ioyning feare to their fortune, and distrusting for that respect to chase their enemie towards S. Germain, determined to returne by the coaste side, holding that way suspected in their retyring wherein they founde confidence and fauour in marching on. After they had reaposed two dayes within Aquin, which they had taken, and left seuen hundren footemen within the Castle Guillaume, they returned by Pontecorue, and marched by the way of Fondy to lodge at a towne set vp­pon the way of the ryuer of Garillon, where antiquitie holdes that the auncient citie of Mynturno was buylded. A place not onely conuenient to caste a bridge, and passe the ryuer, as was their intention, but also of great importunitie to encampe there if they should haue bene constrayned: for they had Caietta and their nauie at sea at their backes, and Tracetta, Itri, Fondy, with all the circuite of the countrey to the ryuer of Garillon stoode firme in their deuotion. It was thought that the French armie passing the ryuer, was a thing of great consequence for the victorie: for that Consaluo being so farre inferiour in forces that he durst not appeare in playne fielde, the French might march without impediment euen to the walls of Naples, whither also their Nauie at sea might haue approched, hauing nothing to let them, if their vertue had but aunswered thoportunitie. And for that cause Consaluo issuing out of S. Germain was come on thother parte of Garillon, to let with all his strength the passing of the Frenche, affying muche in the disaduauntage and difficulties whiche armies finde to passe ryuers that haue no foardes, specially when thenemie is op­posed agaynst them. ‘But it often hapneth that things in execution fall out other­wyse then they appeared in the first imagination, and as often it chaunceth (prac­tise beeing farre aboue thopinion of things) that that which at first was esteemed harde, brought foorth an action most easie, as of the contrarie, moste hardnes was often found in those things wherein coniecture & supposition made most facilitie. For, the French notwithstāding the furious resistāce & impedimēts of the Spanish,’ after they had cast the bridge, wonne the way of the ryuer by force of artilerie plan­ted partly vpon the banke where they encamped which was somewhat higher then the banke on the other side, and partly vpon barkes which they had caused to be brought from the Nauie at sea, and drawne vp agaynst the streame of the ryuer: But the day after as they began to make an enterprise to passe, the Spaniards oppo­sed VVhat hap­ned to the French men as they vvould haue passed Garil­lon. agaynst them, and charging with an incredible resolution vppon suche as were alreadie passed, they repulsed them euen to the middest of the bridge, and had folo­wed them further, if the furie of thartillerie had not compelled them to retyre. In this encounter dyed on the Frenche side the Lieutenant of the Baylife of Dyon, and of the Spaniards was slayne Fabio sonne to Paule Vrsin, a young man amongst Thy­talians of great expectation. It is sayd, that if when the French men began to passe, they had aduaunced forward with the same courage they entred into thenterprise, they had that day remayned maisters of the fielde and the victorie: But whilest they proceeded slowly, and with demonstration of timerousnesse, they did not onely loase thoccasion of the victorie of that day, but they diminished greatly all hope in time to come, the fortune of the warre declining with the oportunitie whiche they had lost: from that day all things tooke with them very ill successe, for that amongst [Page 322] the rulers of tharmie was rather confusion then concorde, and (according to the custome of the French souldiours with Thitalian captaines) very litle obedience to the Marquis of Mantua the kings lieutenant. In so much as, either for that occasion, or in respect of his disease (being sicke in deede) or for that by other experiences in that seruice, he had lost al hope of the victorie, he wēt from tharmie, leauing an opi­nion to the French king, that his loyaltie was greater then his courage, and that his vertue was of other facultie then to gouerne an armie. After the Marquis had thus giuen vp his charge, the Marquis of Salusse, the baylife of Caen, & Monsr Sandricourt chiefe commaunders in the Frenche armie: hauing first raysed at the head of the bridge beyonde the ryuer a rampier with cariages, erected a bastion capable of manye men, by whose protection they were defended from their enemies in passing the bridge. But they were let to passe further by other difficulties, hap­ning partly through their proper negligence, but more by the vertue and pati­ence of their enemies, but moste of all by the malice of their fortune, with whom nothing is more familiar then to deceiue the confidence and exspectation of men: for, Consaluo, who studied to hinder them more with thoccasion of the win­ter, and situation of the countrey, then with his armie and forces: was incam­ped at Cintura, a place seated on high and remoued from the ryuer somewhat more then a mile, about the whiche the bandes of footemen and horsemen were lod­ged with a great incommoditie, for that the place of his owne condition being soli­tarie and not muche releued with cottages or cabynets of heardsmen, they had al­most no other couer then the skie, the grounde also aswell for the lownes of the playne, as for that the season and weather was raynie, being full of water and myre: a necessitie which driue those souldiours that had no meane to encampe in places more firme and high, to planke and couer the place of the grounde where they laye with mattes and other things materiall to defende the moystnes of the earth. In re­garde of these difficulties, and for that tharmie was ill payed, the French withall ha­uing wholly wonne the passage of the ryuer, certayne captaynes were of opinion to retyre the armie to Capua, both to thende to releeue the intollerable sufferance of the souldiours, and to take them selues out of that continuall expectation of daunger, ‘their numbers being farre inferiour to their enemies: It often hapneth that when extremities and perill be at hande, confidence is turned into feare, and when the counsels of men are not constant, they can not but wauer in resolution, there vertue hauing taken an other habite by the consideration of the dangers they see afore thē.’ ‘But that pusillanimitie of the captaynes was resolutely reiected of Consaluo with this answere worthy the greatnes of his heart: In many cases (sayth he) vayne feares are farre more hurtfull then hastie confidence or credulitie, a cōmon disposition in the nature of man, making him to esteme more then needeth those dangers that be nea­rest at hand, & hold lesse reckoning then he ought of perils furthest of and to come. But concerning the present case, as glorie springs not of dignitie nor of honour (for that they are the goods of fortune) but of vertue which is the riches of the mind & gift of the goodnes of God: So for my parte I desire rather to be presently buryed ten foote deepe in the grounde whereon we stand, then by giuing back one foote to prolong my life an hundred yeres: fortune oftentimes makes many men more apte to winne glory, then hable to keepe it, but occasion and oportunitie seeme to offer vs that estate of perpetuall honour and reputation,’ which our owne vertue denieth vs to be worthy of. And so resisting all difficulties with an incredible constancie, and fortifying him selfe with a deepe trenche, and with bastions which he caused to [Page 323] make in the front of the campe, he prepared to defende him agaynst the Frenche, standing against him: who, notwithstanding the protection of their bastylion which they had buylded, remoued nothing at all, for that the countrey beeing all ouerflo­wen with the raynes and waters of the ryuer (this place is called by Lyuie for the neighborhed of Sessa, aquae sinuessanae, and perhaps they are the lakes of Mynturna, (wherein C. Marius hidde him selfe fleeing before Sylla) they coulde not passe fur­ther, but through a straite which was all waterishe and full of a deepe quagmyre. And perhaps there was daunger to be charged in the flanke by the footebandes of the Spanish lightly armed, which lay encamped very neare that straite, the wynter also by aduenture inclining to cold and sharpnesse, brought foorth more continual multitudes of snowes and raynes, then had vsed to fall in those regions: Wherein it seemed that fortune and the elementes aboue had conspired agaynst the French, who staying there, did not onely wast the time vnprofitably, but also they receyued by that abode (by reason of their naturall disposition) almost the like harmes which mens bodies receyue by a poyson that worketh slowly: for, albeit they were lod­ged with lesse discommodities then the Spanishe, and that by the meane of the re­liques of an auncient Theater, wherevnto they had ioyned many other shroodes & couers, besides the fauour of certayne olde houses neare to them: and for that the circumference of skirtes of the tower somewhat higher then the playne of Sessa, were lesse offended with waters: and lastly, that most part of their horsemen were lodged within Tracetta, and other places affronting: yet the bodies of the French­men and Svvyzzers, not bearing so naturall resistance agaynst long trauels and per­plexities, as do the bodies of the Spaniardes, they gaue manifest tokens of the dimi­nution of their late valour and furie. Besides, the couetousnes of the officers and treasorers, to whose office belong the paying of the souldiours, encreased muche those difficulties: for that they preferring their particular profite afore the cōmon prouision of the whole, and forgetting no degrees of delay or illusion, they suffred to diminish the numbers of the souldiours, and were negligent to furnish the campe with vittayles as apperteyned: by reason whereof diseases fell vppon tharmie, and many of Thitalian companies went away discontented. These disorders were made greater by the discorde of the Captaynes, through whose fault there was neyther order nor obedience, and in an armie there can be no expectation of thexercise of discipline, where is no certeintie of pay made. Thus the Frenchmen beeing restray­ned by the sharpnes of the winter, remayned ydle vpon the shoares of Garillan, no other thing beeing done eyther by thennemie or by them, but certayne light skir­mishings which were of no importance, and yet the Spanish seemed always to carie the better fortune. About the same time also the footebandes whiche the Frenche left in garrison within the Castle Guillaume, not able to endure the continuall braue­ries of the garrisons of the castle of Secqua, and other peces theraboutes cōmaunded by the Spanish, abandoned the places of their charge, and pretendiang to come to tharmie, were charged by the way and broken, wherin seeking to auoyde the danger they feared most, they light vpon the perill they distrusted least, beeing onely abused in the opinion and intention of their safetie. But things hauing had continuance in this estate many dayes, Bart. Aluiano with certayne of the Vrsins and their regiments, Bart. Aluiano commeth to the [...] of Consaluo. arriued in the Spanishe armie, by whose comming Consaluo thought him selfe so strongly refurnished, hauing in his armie nyne hundred men at armes, a thousande light horsemen, and nyne thousande Spanishe footemen that he began to thinke that nowe he was no more to studie to defende him selfe, but to offende his enemie, [Page 324] wherevnto he was so muche the more encouraged, by howe muche he was well ad­uertised that the Frenche (stronger in horsmen then in footemen) were dispersed in suche separation and distaunce, that their lodgings helde little lesse then ten myles of the countrey, in so muche as neare the towre of Garillan, there were onely the Mar­quis of Salusse Viceroy, and other principall captaynes, with the lesser part of tharmy, which diminished continually by thaggrauation of diseases of the which many died, and amongst other the baylife of Caen. For this cause, hauing determined to assay to passe secretly the ryuer, (in the good succeeding of which he doubted nothing of the victorie,) he recommended to Aluiano (the author as some thinke of that coun­sell) the charge to make secretly a bridge. By his direction there was made a bridge of barkes and vessels within a Creeke neare to Sessa, which they caused to be brought by night to Garillan, & to be cast at the passage of Suya, foure myles aboue the bridge of the Frenchmen, where they made no garde. Assone as this bridge was cast (being the xxvij. day of December in the night) all the armie passed together with the per­son of Consaluo, who lodged the same night in the towne of Suya neare the ryuer whiche was occupied by those that passed the first. The morning folowing whiche was on a fryday (a day happie for the Spaniards) Consaluo hauing ordered that the rearegarde lodged betweene the castle of Montdragon and Cariuola, foure myles be­lowe the bridge of the French, should go and charge their bridge, he prepared him selfe with the vauntgarde led by Aluiano, and with the battell which passed with him selfe, to followe the Frenchmen: who receiuing aduertisement the same night that the Spaniards had cast the bridge and began to passe, entred into a generall feare, which so much the more drew them into astonishment, by how much this accident and boldnes of thenemie had exceeded their expectation, and hauing them selues determined to attempt nothing till the time were more gracious and fauourable, they nourished also a coniecture that thenemie stoode reteyned with the same neg­ligence and slouthfulnesse, contruing things by opinion onely, without respecting thopportunitie, which beeing ouerslipt of them, proued fauourable to thenemie. Therefore albeit the Viceroy (to whom were resorted many bandes both from Tra­cetto and the places about) pushed forwarde more with feare then with setled coun­sell (as often hapneth in sodayne aduentures) had sent towards Suya to stoppe their passage, Monsr d Alegre, with certayne regiments of footemen and horsemen: yet finding that their deuise was too long protracted, and that feare ouerruled all dis­courses and considerations, they leauyed their campe so dainly, and about midnight with a hast contrarie to the valour of men resolute, they brake vp from the towre of Garillan, leauing abandoned the most part of their munitions and nyne great peeces of artillerie, ‘together with great numbers of their souldiours with bodies wounded and full of sicknes. Suche a thing is feare, that it makes men forgetfull aboue shame and all other obseruances, and when the calamitie is generall, it leaues euery one to his fortune,’ impression for the most parte amazing more then the perill it selfe. They tooke the way towards Caietta, whither they thought to retyre: But Consaluo, who would omit no oportunitie wherein occasion was offered, assone as he knewe they were discamped, folowed them with his armie, sending afore Prosper Colonno with his light horsemen to vndertake the skirmishe, to thende their march might be more slowe. And notwithstanding the feight was enterteyned by the horsemen, yet the Frenche forbare not still to keepe on their way, beeing notwithstanding com­pelled to stay oftentimes for feare to fall into disorder at the bridges and harde passa­ges, from whence, after they had supported the skirmish a certayne space, they re­tyred [Page 325] still, receyuing alwayes some hurte: The order they vsed was this, the arul­lerie marched afore, the footebandes followed after, and then the horsemen, of whom such as were most behind, continued the feight with thenemie. The French­men being in this sorte aduaunced after certayne pawses and light skirn [...]ishes, as farre as the bridge whiche is before Caietta, necessitie compelled the Viceroy, to cause to staye there one parte of his men at armes to giue leasure to thartilleries to passe before: But they beeing not hable to marche with that speede whiche was necessarie to their safetie, the companies of thenemies beginning already to meddle with them, there was begonne in that place a greate and hoate skirmish, for that the reregarde of the Spaniardes came immediatly after, who hauing pas­sed the ryuer without resistaunce, euen with those barkes of the bridge which had beene broken by the Frenchemen, went towardes Caietta by the right way, Con­saluo marching alwayes on the wing with the residue of tharmie: the feight was violent at the bridge of Mola for a certayne tyme, the Frenche meinteyning them selues principally by the aduauntage of the place, but with feares farre grea­ter then their valoures: And the Spanishe ioyning furie to their fortune, fought with the same felicitie which followe those men that suppose them selues to bee alreadie in the possession of the victorie: At last the Frenchemen to whose disha­bilitie beganne to succeede a feare, least part of the regiments which Consaluo had sent by the coast for that effecte, woulde cutte of their way, beganne to retyre in disorder, and beeing continually followed by their enemies, when they came to the head of two wayes, the one leading to Ytry and the other to Caietta, they fell into generall and manyfest flying, many remayning slayne, as Barnardo Adorno lief­tenant of fyftie launces: many were taken prisoners, and thartillaries abandoned with all the horses appoynted for the seruice of the same: And touching the residue which fledde towardes Caietta, they were victoriously chased euen to the gates of the Citie. At the same time Fabricio Colonno, sent by Consaluo (after he had passed the ryuer with fyue hundred horse and a thousande footemen, neare to Pontecor­uo) and beeing fauoured of moste parte of the villages and countreymen, stripped the regiments of Lodovvyk de la Mirandola, and Alexander de Triuulco: Besides, there were many of tharmie, who beeing lodged at Fondy, Ytry, and other places there­aboutes, and hearing that the Spanishe had cast the bridge, went not to the armie at the towre of Garillan, but for their safetie dispersed into diuers places, were ta­ken and stripped by the countrey: But Peter de Medicis who also followed the Peter de Me­dicis d [...] French campe, with certayne other gentlemen, had a greater misfortune: for when the armie brake vp from before Garillan, beeing mounted vppon a barke with foure peeces of artillerie, to go to Caietta, their barke sonke, aswell for that they had ouer­charged her, as that the winds were contrarie to the mouth of the ryuer: They were all drowned: A destinie lamentable considering the qualitie of the persons, with the maner of their dying. ‘Wherein though many vaynely dispute that fortune ledd them to so miserable an accident, yet if wee will lifte vp our considerations to God, we shall finde that he hath reserued suche a prerogatiue ouer all thinges whiche he hath created, that to him onely belongs the authoritie to dispose all things by the same power where with he hath created them of nothing. The night following,’ Consaluo with tharmie lodged at Castellona and Mola, and appearing the next day before Caietta, whither were retyred the Frenche Captaynes toge­ther with the Princes of Salerno and Bisignan, he occupied immediatly the suburbes & the Mount which the French had abandoned: And albeit Caietta was sufficiently [Page 326] manned with multitudes of souldiours, and no lesse prouision of vittayles, besides the conueniencie of the place to be succored by tharmie at sea: yet yeelding to the consideration of their perils, which were more in impression then in deede, they lost courage, and inclined with manifest consent to parley, being not disposed to endure the perplexitie of expectation of succors that were incertayne: They sent out the Baylife of Dyon and S. Colombo with Theodor de triuulco, who in the mouth of all the residue accorded the first day of the yeere 1504. to giue vp to Consaluo, Caietto with the castle, vnder condition of free power to go out of the realme of Naples with their goods either by lande or sea, and that Monsr d Aubigni and the other prisoners should be redeliuered both of the one and other partie. But this capitulation was not so clearly set downe, that Consaluo tooke not occasion to dispute, that by the ver­tue of the couenants, the Barons of the kingdome could chalenge no libertie or de­liuery frō imprisonment. This was the chase that was giuen to the french army nere to the riuer of Garillan, being encamped vpon the shores or banks therof about fiftie dayes: An ouerthrow hapning to them no lesse through their owne disorders, then by the vertue of their enemies, and so much the more worthy of commemoration and memorie, by howmuch folowed (as it were by succession of calamitie) the abso­lute losse of so noble and mighty a kingdome, together with the confirmation of the empire of the Spanish: it norisheth also matter more worthy of monument, for that the French entring with a farre greater strength then thenemie, and no lesse plentie of all prouisions both by lande and sea necessarie to the warre, they were vanqui­shed with a facilitie farre contrarie to the course of victories, and without bloud or danger of the conquerers: but the thing that was no lesse lamentable in this acci­dent then all the residue, was, that albeit there dyed very fewe of the Frenche by the sworde of the enemie, yet the number was small that was reserued of so great an ar­mie: for that of the regiments of footmen which escaped by fleing, and of those also that came frō Caietto after thaccorde, there dyed many trowpes by the wayes, aswell the sharpe violence of the colde, as the rigour of sicknesse, seruing to the execution of those miserable bodies, whom fortune spared from the slaughters of the warres: And of suche whose strength with great payne was hable to carrie them to Rome, parte came sterued with the hardnesse of the weather, and some through feeblenes languished, lingring yet to abyde with greater paynes their latter tymes: of this sorte many dyed in hospitals both of hunger and colde, the streetes and highe wayes beeing lamentable testimonies of their calamities, and the diches and other places vyle and vnworthy seruing as sepulchers to those bodies whose myndes not long since supposed them inuinsible agaynst all aduersities of warre: And whe­ther, in cōparison of causes & reasons, we may referre the motions of these calami­ties eyther to destenie enuying the French, and no lesse contrarie to the Nobilitie then to bodies of inferiour condition: or to the diseases which fell vpon them by the discommodities they suffred about Garillan, many euen of those who departing frō Caietta (where they left the most part of their horses) embarked them selues to passe by sea, and eyther perished by the wayes, or at least beeing reserued till they came into Fraunce, dyed in the sight of their friends, of whom they thought to receiue consolation: Amongst these were the Marquis of Salusso, Sandricourt, & the baylie of the Mountains, with many other gentlemen of marke, in whom the maner of their death was no lesse lamentable then their fortune: ouer & besides that which by im­putatiō may be imposed vpō the French captains for their disagrement & negligent gouerument, as also that that may be obiected to the iniury of the time, that neither [Page 327] the French nor Svvizzers are not comparatiue with the Spaniards, either with re­solution of mind to temporise or expect, or with their bodies to sustaine the trauels and incommodities that a warre draweth with it. There are principally considered two things whiche hindered the Frenche king that he remained not victorious: the one was, the long aboade that tharmie made vppon the territories of Rome for the Popes death, the same beeing the cause that wynter came vppon them, and that the Vrsins were practised withall by Consaluo, afore they coulde enter into the kingdome: where, if they coulde haue made their entrie whilest the tyme was tol­lerable, Consaluo farre inferiour to them in forces, and not fauoured with thoportu­nitie and rigor of the time, had bene constrayned to abandon the greatest part of the kingdome, & to seeke out the strong places for his succor, or els suffer the authoritie of an enemie farre more mightie then him selfe: The other consideration was, the couetousnes of the officers & treasorers, who, beguyling the king in the payes of the souldiers, and lesse trustie in the prouision of vittayles, & furniments for the seruice, made their thefts and negligences the principall cause of the diminution of that ar­mie, since the king had expressed such a prouision and care for all things necessarie, that it is certayne by good credible testimonie, that at the vnhappie time when the frenchmen were ouerthrowen, there were within Rome by the kings direction, great quantities of siluer and other releefes for warre: but so violent was the destinie that ranne to the desolation and ruine of that armie, that albeit at the laste, after many complayntes of the Captaynes and the whole multitude of souldiours, there was leauyed an abundant prouision of vittels, yet, they suffered suche a penurie and scarsity in the beginning, that that disorder ioyned to the other discommodities, was the breeder of infinite diseases, of the absenting of many, of the murmuring of ma­ny, and that many, seeing their fidelitie could finde no refuge in the armie, sought their safetie in places thereabout, ‘matters which in the ende brought foorth the ab­solute ruine of so braue an armie: for, as for the nourishing of the body, it is not ynough that the head be well disposed, but it is also necessarie that the other mem­bers do their office: euen so it sufficeth not that the Prince do his duetie, if with­all, the diligence and vertue which ought to be in his ministers haue not equall action, the one beeing necessarie to the other, as the direction of the head and brayne of man auayleth little without the execution of the other inferior members,’ to whom suche ministration is appoynted.

The selfe same yere, wherin so great mutations hapned in Italie, was made a peace Peace be­tvveene the Turke [...] the Venetians. betwene the Turke Baiazet Ottoman, and the Venetians, which both parties embrased with great affection: for the Turke, in whom was expressed a spirit of mekenes and disposed to learning and studie of the Scriptures of his religion, had, by the wor­king of his owne inclination, a nature farre estraunged from armes: by reason whereof, notwithstanding he had begonne the warre with great preparations both by sea and lande, and occupied in Morea the two former yeares Naupanto nowe called Lepanto, Modono, Corono, and Iunquo, yet he folowed not nor continued the warres with so great affection, beeing withdrawen eyther by the desire he had to tranquilitie and rest, or at least by a suspicion of hys proper daunger, least for religion sake the Princes of Christendome should drawe into conspiracie agaynst him: for, both Pope Alexander had sent certayne galliots to the succours of the Ve­netians, and with money had also stirred vp Launcelot king of Bohemia and Hunga­ria to make warre vpon the Turkes frontiers, the Frenche and Spanishe kinges sending (but not at one tyme) their seuerall armies to ioyne with the power of [Page 328] the Venetians. But this peace was embraced by the state of Venice with a greater desire, for that by thiniquitie of the warres, and that to the common detriment of the Citie, and perticuler losse to euery one in priuate, the traffike of marchandise which they made in diuers regions of the Leuant, was discontinued: the Citie also of Venice, whiche euery yeere was wonte to haue from certayne prouinces of the Turkes, certayne quantities of corne, did suffer many necessities for the depriua­tion of that reliefe: And lastly, where they had wont to amplifie their iurisdiction by the warres which they haue managed with other princes, they feared nothing so muche as the power of the Turkes, of whom they had bene alwayes beaten as often as they had had warres together: for, Amurathus, grandfather to Baiazet, had occu­pied the towne of Thessalonica (nowe called Salonica) parcell of the dominions of Venice: And after him Mahomet his father, mainteyning continuall warre agaynst him for sixteene yeres, tooke from them the yle of Negroponto, a great part of Pelepo­nesso, now named Morea Scutaro, with many other towns in Macedonia & Albania: In so much as both for that they supported the war agaynst the Turks with right great difficulties and expences, hauing no hope to breede any profite by them, and also, by how muche they doubted at the same time to be distressed by inuasion of other Christian princes (the time beeing full of conspiracies) by so muche was it reaso­nable that they desired to be at tranquilitie with the Turkishe regions: It was suf­fered to Baiazet by the conditions of the peace, to reteyne still all that he had oc­cupied, and the Venetians reseruing onely the Ile of Cesalonia, aunciently called Leucado, were compelled to yeelde to him the proprietie of Nerita nowe named S. Mavvra. But the warre of the Turkes brought not so many displeasures to the Venetians, as they receyued harmes by the king of Portugall, who had taken from them and appropriated to him selfe, the traffike of spices, whiche the Marchantes and shippes bringing out of Alexandria, (a noble Citie in Egypt) to Venice, they sent dispersed with a wonderfull profite through all the prouinces in Chrysten­dome. The whiche alteration beeing a thing of the most merite and memorie of all others that haue hapned in the worlde since many ages, and, for the harmes which the Citie of Venice receyued by it, hauing some affinitie with the matters of Italie, it can not much alter the estate of our historie to speake somewhat of it at large.

Such men of spirite and science as by depe speculation and contemplation haue Discourse vpō the nauigati­ons of the Spa­niards. considered the wonderfull motions and dispositions of the heauen, and haue left the knowledge thereof recommended to succession and posteritie: haue figured a line running through the round circle of the heauen, frō the west to the East: and bea­ring an equall distaunce in all his partes from the Pole Septentrionall and Pole Me­ridionall, they call it the lyne Equinoctiall: for that when the sunne is vnder it, the day and night haue one equalitie. They haue deuided with imagination the long­nes of this lyne into three hundred and three score partes, which they call degrees, as the other circuit of the heauen, by the Poles is lykewise of three hundred and threescore degrees. After these men had giuen this rule, the Cosmographers mea­suring and diuiding the earth, haue figured in the earth a lyne Equinoctiall, which falles parpendicularly vnder the celestiall lyne figured by Thastrologians, deuiding likewise the same and the circuite of the earth with a lyne falling parpendicularly vnder the Poles in largnesse of three hundred and threescore degrees: so as from our Pole, to the Pole Meridionall, they put a distaunce of an hundred and fourescore degrees, and from euery one of the Poles to the line Equinoctiall, foure­score & ten degrees: These haue ben the generall opinions of the Cosmographers. [Page 329] But touching the particular description of the earth habitable, after they hadde made knowen that parte of the earth whiche is vnder our Hemisphere, they had a perswasion that that parte of the earth lying vnder the Zona Torrida, figured in the heauen of Thastrologians, and wherein is conteyned the lyne Equinoctiall, was, (as beeing nearest the sunne) vnhabitable by reason of his heate: And that from our Hemisphere there was no passage to the landes which are vnder the Zona Torri­di, nor to those regions, whiche beyonde it are towardes the Pole Meridionall, called by the confession of Ptolomie, landes and seas vnknowen. By reason whereof both he and the others presupposed, that who so euer would passe from our Hemisphere to the Sino Arabico and Sino Persico, or to the other partes of India, which first came to the knowledge of men by the victories of the great Alexander, should be constray­ned to go thither by lande, or els comming as neare to it as he coulde by the sea Me­diterrane, should performe the residue of the way by lande. But the nauigations of the Portugalls haue made knowen in our tyme, that those opinions and supposi­tions were false, for that the Marchauntes pushed on with a desire to gayne, ha­uing begon many yeres since to coast Affrica, and being guyded by little and lit­tle euen to the Iles of Cape Verde (which the Auncientes named the Iles of Esperi­des) which are distant xiiij. degrees from the Equinox, drawing towardes the Pole Artike. And beeing comen sithence, in making a long circuite towards the south, to the cape de bonne Esperance, which is a promontorie of Affryke, further distant then any other from the line Equinoctiall, for that his distaunce conteyneth xxxviij. degrees. And drawing from thence towardes the East, they haue sayled by the Oc­cean, euen to the Sino Arabico and Sino Persico. In which places the marchauntes of Alexandria are wont to buy the spices which grew there in part, but for the moste part were brought thither from the Iles Molucque and other partes of India, and are afterwarde conueyed by land by a way long and full of incommodities, and with no lesse charges, into Alexandria, where they were solde to the marchauntes Venetians, and they bringing them frō Venice, furnished all Christendome to their great gaines and wealth: for that they only possessing the traffike of the spices, laide on them what rate or price they woulde, and caried into Alexandria many sortes of marchaundise in the shippes wherein they brought embarked the spices, the same vessels likewise wherein they conuayed that trade of spicerie into Fraunce, into Flaunders, Englande, and other places, returning fraughted with other marchandise. But the Portugalls going by sea from Lyshbone the capitall Citie of the Realme, into regions farre re­moued, and hauing confederation in the Indian sea with the kings of Calicut & other regions neare, they pearsed by degrees further, and buylded with time fortresses in places conuenient, by whose oportunitie making them selues friendship with cer­tayne cities of the countreis, & reducing others to obedience by their armes and op­pression, they haue appropriate to them selues the traffike of the spices which the marchauntes of Alexandria were wont to haue afore: and bringing them by sea in­to Portugall, they distributed them also by sea into the selfe same Realmes and coun­treys, where the Venetians at the firste had custome and vent for them. Sure this nauigation is right wonderfull, for that it conteynes a course of eyght thousand french leagues, through seas altogether vnknowen, vnder other starres, vnder other firmament, and with other instrumentes: for, the lyne Equinoctiall beeing passed, they are no more guided by the northstar, & stand altogether depriued of the seruice and vse of the Adamant stone, and for that they can not take harbour in so long a way, but in regions vnknowen, differing in language, in religion, in customes, and [Page 330] altogether barbarous and enemies to straungers. And yet notwithstanding so many difficulties, they haue in time made this nauigation so familiar, that where afore they had wont to consume ten monthes in the voyage, they runne it nowe commonly in lesse then sixe, their daungers beeing lesse, and all things in more securitie. But farre more marueylous is the nauigation of the Spaniards, which was begonne by Chri­stopher Colombo a Genovvay in the yeere a thousande foure hundred fourescore and ten: after he had many times sayled by the Occean sea, wherin making coniectures by the obseruation of certayne windes of that which afterwards succeeded to him in deede, he obteyned certayne vessels of the King and Queene of Spayne, with the which setting his course towards the west, he discouered at thirtie dayes ende in the vttermoste extremities of our Hemisphere, certayne Ilandes altogether vnknowen to men before: regions happie for the situation of the heauen, and for the fertilitie of the lande, and withall no lesse blessed (sauing that certayne people lyued vppon mans fleshe) by the disposition of thinhabitantes, whose maners were simple, and contented with that which the liberalitie of nature brought foorth for them: they were not disquieted with passions of couetousnesse and ambition: but most vnhap­pie, in that the people hauing no certayne religion, no knowledge in learning, no science in negociations or handycraftes, but wholly without experience of armes, without rule or art of warre, and without science, vse, or custome in any thing, be as it were no other then tractable and tame creatures, and a pray most easie to whoso­euer will assayle them. By meane whereof, the Spaniards being drawne with the fa­cilitie of commaunding those Ilands, and with the possibilitie of reuenue and pro­fite, beeing plentifull of veynes for golde, many of them began to inhabite there, as in their proper countrey. Christopher Colombo passing further, and after him Americo Vespuccio Florentin, and successiuely many others, haue disclosed other Ilandes and great countreys of firme lande, finding in certayne of them (albeit in the moste parte the contrarie) aswell in their buyldings both publike and priuate, as in the forme of their habites and conuersation, a conformitie of maners and ciuile come­lynes, but so farre ignoraunt in the knowledge of armes, that they were a ready pray to the first inuader: and yet the limits of these newe countreys are so farre stretched out, that they farre surmount the inhabitable circuit of the earth come first to the knowledge of man. In these regions the Spanish enlarging them selues with newe supplies of people, and with newe nauigations, and sometimes labouring the mines of golde and siluer that are in many places, and also in the sandes of the ryuers, som­time buying it at easie prices of thinhabitantes, or at least taking it from them by robberie and violence, they haue brought infinite quantities into Spayne, many say­ling thither at their proper charges and venture, but vnder licence of the king, to whom they retribute the fift part of all that they bring from thence: yea the Spa­niardes haue taken suche courage in these courses of nauigation, that certayn sailes aduauncing three and fiftie degrees towards the Pole Antartike, alwayes along the coastes of the firme lande, and afterwardes falling into a straite sea, from thence sai­ling towards the East by a very large sea, and returning afterwardes by the nauiga­tion which the Portugals make, they haue (as appeareth clearely) sailed round about the earth. Which makes me say that the Portugalls and the Spaniards, but specially Colombo the first finder out of this wonderfull and perillous nauigation, are worthy, whose knowledge, industrie, resolutenes, studie, and trauels, be celebrated with e­ternall memorie, for that by their vertues, our age and all posterities are made ca­pable of the knowledge of great things which afore laye hidde from the sence and [Page 331] vnderstanding of men: but farre greater had bene their merites, if in those paynes, in those perilles, and in those aduentures, they had not bene induced by the immo­derate thirst after golde and riches, but caried by desire to disclose them for the be­nefite and enlarging of Christian faith: A matter neuertheles hapned consequently, for that thinhabitantes in many places haue suffered conuersion to the religion ca­tholike. By these nauigations it is knowen that thancientes were beguyled in many things touching the knowledge of the earth: that there was passage beyonde the line Equinoctiall: that there was habitation vnder the Zona torrida: as also (contrary to their opinion) it is knowen by the nauigation of others, that the Zones next to the Poles were inhabited, vnder the which they assured (hauing regarde to the situation of the heauen so farre remoued from the course of the sunne) that there was no ha­bilitie of dwelling for the ouermuche colde. Besides, it is knowen (which some of thauncientes beleeued, and some rebuked) that vnder our feete be other inhabi­tantes whom they named Antipodes.

But returning now to the matter of our narration of those things which hapned Complaints of the Frenche­men. the yere a thousande fiue hundred and foure, after Caietta was rendred to the Spa­nish: The newes of the chase which was giuen to the Frenche neare Garillan, ioyned to so many disorders and aduersities that followed, made sorrowfull almoste the whole realme of Fraunce, no lesse for the generall multitude of bodies that were slayne, then for the losse of so great a nobilitie: The Court accompanying their teares and weepings with habites of sorowe and mourning, filled all full of heauy­nesse and affliction, and throughout the realme nothing was harde with more com­passion, then the lamentable complaynings of men and women accursing the day wherein the miserable humor of couetousnesse to conquer estates in Italie entred the heart of their kings, to whom, if any thing might satisfie the desires of men, the proprieties and possessions of so many of their owne countreys might haue suffised. In these perplexities the king was not without his proper calamitie, and to him so muche the more intollerable, by howmuche in so great a diminution of his autho­ritie and reputation, he sawe also a depriuation of hope neuer to be able to recouer so noble a realme, his losses farre exceeding the remedies that remayned. He called to remembraunce the braue words which he had so often obiected agaynst the king of Spayne, and howe vaynely he had promised to him selfe a successe of those huge preparations whiche he made to inuade him on all sides. But that which made him ryse most of all into furie and complaynt, was the consideration of his plottes layde with so great wisedome and expences, that notwithstanding his importuni­ties and diligence in the prouision of his warres so plentifully & liberally furnished, and matching withall with enemies most poore and needie of all things, yet the co­uetousnes and robberies of his owne people, had turned his glorie into infamie, and made his losses the more lamentable, by howmuche he was betrayed by their corruptions. In so muche as crying out agaynst heauen & earth, he protested with many othes, that since he was serued with so great a negligence and infidelitie of his owne seruauntes, he would from hencefoorth neuer leaue recommended to his captaynes any expedition of warre, and muche lesse reappose him selfe vpon their assuraunce, but that in his owne person he would be the fashioner and follower of all enterprises. To these vexations of minde was ioyned this last and chiefe perple­xitie, that he saw how much his forces were weakened for the losse of suche an ar­mie, for the death of so many braue captaynes, and diminution of so flourishing a Nobilitie. All which concurring in one fortune, heaped agaynst him suche an ad­uersitie, [Page 324] that if Maximilian had made any sturre in the duchie of Millan, or the Spa­nishe armie had past further then their victorie of Naples, he doubted muche to be hable to defende that estate, specially Askanius Sforce ioyning to the one of them, whom the people desired with no little affection. ‘So daungerous are the ylles that are feared by a reuolution of estate, which for the most part drawes with it all those miseries which may be figured in an vtter ruine or desolation.’ Touching the king of Romaines, no man maruelled that he was not wakened in so great oportunitie, for that it was his custome to delay, and to let passe for the most part tymes and occa­sions. But euery one helde a contrarie persuasion of Consaluo, for that all the French faction in Italie had a wonderfull feare, least he, hoping that neither money, nor oc­casions would faile his victorious armie, would not ioyne him selfe to his fortune to followe the subuersion of the state of Myllan, and in his way, to chaunge the affaires of Tuskan: which if he had done, it was beleued assuredly that the French king, drai­ned of money, and appalled in courage, had yelded to the storme without any resi­staunce, specially his people hauing no desier to passe into Italie, and such as remai­ned of the calamity of Caietta in passing the mounts, hauing despised the commaun­dements of their king presented at Genes: besides, it was clearely discerned that the king, hauing no inclination to armes, was whollie prepared to make peace with Maxymylian, and no lesse disposed to continue the negotiations and practises with the king of Spayne, for the solicitation wherof (not commoned vpon in the extreame heate of the warre) the spanish Embassadors, had bene and were at that time at the court: but Consaluo, whom hereafter we will call for the most parte, The great Cap­teine, Consaluo de­serueth the ti­tle of great captayne. hauing confirmed with so many glorious victories the surname that before had bene giuen him by a spanish bragge, refused to embrace the benefit of so great an occasion: either for that, being altogether without money, and indetted to his armie for many paies, he saw it impossible to make his people marche eirher vnder hope of profit that was to be wonne with perill, or in promise of their payes which would be long in comming, his regiments crying either to be satisfied, or to be be­stowed in garrison: or else, he was tyed to proceede according to the will of his king, whose direction it was not lawfull for him to transgresse: or at the least it seemed not to agree with his security, to draw his army out of the kingdom of Naples, till first he had purged it of all his enemies: for that Lovvys d'Ars one of the French capteines, who, since the iorney of Cirignoula had put himself within Venousa with such remein­ders of Frenchmen as were not to be despised, & who, whilest the armies were vpon the shoares of Garillan, had occupied Troya, and S. Seuero, kept also in deuotion all Povvylla: certayne Barons also of the faction of Aniovv, which were retyred vpon their estates, stoode to their defence, embracing openly the parte of the Frenche king. There was lastly this impediment, that a little after the victorie the great Cap­tayne fell into a daungerous sicknes, which staying his personall expedition, he sent Aluiano with part of his armie to make warte vpon Lovvys d'ars: By which his ne­cessitie, not hable for the present to follow his victorie out of the kingdome of Na­ples, the residue of Italie remained rather in suspition, then in trauell, things hanging more in expectation then in action: for, the Venetians, according to their custome, stoode doubtfull, expecting what woulde bee the issue of things: The Florentins thought they had wonne muche, if at a time when they wholly dispayred to be suc­coured by the Frenche king, they were not inuaded by the Great captayne: And the Pope, referring to another time his ambitious thoughts, studied to bring to passe that the duke Valentynois, who helde no more in Romania but the castels of Furly, of [Page 333] Cesena, and of Bertinoire, (hauing lost Forlimpople by corruption of the keper) might accorde to leaue them to him, taking the aduauntage of the time and his imprison­ment. Valentynois condiscended to giue to the Pope the assignement of the castle of Cesena, and Dom Petro d'Ouiedo a Spaniarde beeing gone thither to receyue it in the Popes name, was hanged by the castlekeper, obiecting that it coulde bee no lesse dishonor to him to obey his lorde whylest he was a prisoner, then he that presu­med to impose that request vpon him deserued to be punished. By this occasion the Pope despayring to reioyce in his desire without the deliuerie of Valentynois, he accorded with him (and of this conuention there was a bull dispatched in the con­sistorie for greater suretie) that he shoulde be set in the rocke of Ostia, vnder the ab­solute power of Bernardin Caruagiall a Spaniard Cardinall of S. Croce, and he to let him go when soeuer he had rendred to the Pope the castels of Cesena and Bertinoire, and transferred to the Pope the assignation of the rocke of Furly, and appoynted in the towne of Rome, bankers to aunswere fifteene thousande duckets in recompence of the expences which the Castlekeeper alleaged he had sustayned: But the Pope had an other intention, for that albeit he woulde not apparauntly defile and breake the fayth he had giuen, yet his meaning was to keepe his deliuerie in delay, eyther for feare least he beeing at libertie, the castlekeeper of Furly would refuse to render the Rocke, or els for the memorie of thiniuries he had receyued of his father and him, or at least for the hate which euery one reasonably bare him: ‘so infallible is the lawe of iustice to take reuenge of wrōgs, not obseruing the presence of times wher­in they are done, but transferring occasions from one season to another, calleth then the iniuries into reckoning, when the offendor hath least memorie of them.’ Valentynois growing into some suspition that the Pope woulde not holde fayth with him, required secretly the great Captayne to giue him safe conduite to come to Na­ples, and withall to sende two Galleys to conuey him from Ostia: whiche request being condiscended vnto by Consaluo, the Cardinall of S. Croce holding the same suspicion with Valentynois, suffred him to depart without the Popes priuitie, beeing first aduertised that pledge was put in for the fifteene thousande duckets with the redeliuerie vp of the castles of Cesena and Bertenoire. The feare and daunger where­in Valentynois was, made him careles to attende the Gallies which the great captaine shoulde sende him, and therefore beeing still caried with those impressions, he went secretly by lande to Nettuna, from thence he sayled in a little barke to Montdragon, and so by lande went to Naples, where Consaluo receyued him with great tokens of gladnes and showes of honour: At Naples he communicated many times in secrete with Consaluo, whom he solicited at last to giue him power to passe to Pisa, assuring him that if he might but once put foote into that citie, it would be muche to the profite and furtheraunce of his king. Consaluo dissembling his opinion, seemed to fa­uour the deuise, and offering him galleis to garde him in passing, he suffred him to leuie in the kingdome, suche regiments of footemen as he thought to carie with him: he enterteyned him in this hope till he had receyued aunswere from his king conformable to that he had determined to do, alwayes consulting with him of thaf­fayres of Tuskane, and Aluiano offering at the same time to inuade the Florentins, for the desire he had to see the familie of Medicis restored. ‘But as there is no possibi­litie to auoyde that which the euerlasting counsell of God hath determined, nor any reason to pull on the destinie of things till times be accomplished: So Valenty­nois raysed into thoughtes of securitie,’ stoode readie to his ruine, when he iudged his estate in most stabilitie, euen as a house whose foundation is not sounde, falles [Page 334] eftsones to the ground beeing but newly buylded: for, the gallies beeing now pre­pared, and his bandes of footemen in readynes to marche the day folowing, Valen­tynois, after he had deuised long the same night with Consaluo, and taking his leaue with demonstration of great affection embrasing one an other at parting, was by Valentynois prisoner by Consaluo. his commaundement, assone as he was out of the chamber, reteyned in the castell, sending foorthwith into his lodging to ryfle the safeconduit that had bene sent him before he departed from Ostia: Consaluo excused him selfe vpon thauthoritie of his king, who sending warrant to apprehende him prisoner, his maiesties cōmaunde­ment (he sayd) was of more force then his safeconduit, for that thassuraunce that was giuen by the proper authoritie of a seruaunt, was not auaylable if the will of his Lorde consented not. Besides, he occupied with him these rounde tearmes, that it was necessarie to holde him restrayned, for that, not satisfied with so many sinister dealings done in times past, he studyed still to chaunge the estates of others, he de­uised to innouate things, he sewe vniust slaunders, and cast to kindle a fyre through all Italie: immediatly after he sent him in a light galley prisoner into Spayne, leauing him of all his trayne but one page to serue him: There he was imprisoned within the castle of Medino de campo, hauing good oportunitie by the consideration of his iust punishment to enter into cōscience touching the harmes he had inflicted vpon diuers regions and men.

About this time truce was made both by sea and lande, aswell for Italie, as the na­tions beyonde the Mountes, betweene the Frenche king, and the king of Spayne: Truce be­tvveene the kinges of Spayne and Fraunce. which, as the Frenche desired by necessitie, so the Spanishe embraced it by iust rea­son, for that he thought it was better to confirme by that meane with greater sure­tie and rest, that which he had conquered, then to referre all to hazarde by newe warres, which beeing full of perill and expences, bring forth oftentimes other issues then are hoped for: The conditions were that euery one should reteyne that which he possessed: That it should be suffred to the subiects of both parties to traffike through all their Realmes and estates, except in the kingdome of Naples, with the which exception the great Capteine obteyned indirectly that which was forbidden to him directly: for, in the frontiers of those places which the French helde (which were onely Rossano in Calabria, Oiro in the lande of Otranto, and in Povvylla, Venousa, Conuersan, and the Mount castle) Consaluo bestowed men to giue impediment that not one of the souldiours or men of those townes should vse conuersation with any peece possessed by the Spanishe: A deuise which brought them into suche necessi­tie, that Lovvys d'ars with the other Barons and souldiours of those places, went their way, knowing that thinhabitantes not hable to endure so many discommodi­ties, ‘were determined to yeelde them selues to the Spaniards. So infinite is the ma­lice of fortune, that whom she hath resolued to roote vp, she will not spare to per­secute till his last desolation be come.’ But for all this, the kingdome of Naples, not­withstanding thenemies were all expulsed, enioyed not the fruites of the peace: for that the Spanish souldiours, to whom were due their paies for more then one yere, not contented that the great capteine (the better to conteine them till he had leuied prouisions for money) had bestowed them in sundrie places where they liued vpon the people (which men of warre call to liue by discretion) breaking all bondes of discipline and obedience, had entred Capua and the seacastle, from whence they would not depart till they were satisfied of their paies: And because the money could not be leauyed by conuenient meanes (the summe being great) without lay­ing an excessiue taxation of the Realme, the conditions of men were found so much [Page 335] the more miserable, by howmuche the medicine was no lesse greeuous then the di­sease they went about to cure: matters so muche the lesse easie or tollerable, by howmuche they were practises newe, and out of the examples passed: for, notwithstan­ding that since the auncient times wherein the discipline of warre was exercised with seueritie, the souldiours were alwayes full of libertie, and troublesome to the peoples, yet things beeing as yet not wholly disordered, they lyued for the moste parte of their paies, and their libertie was not altogether intollerable. But the Spa­niards were the first that began in Italie to liue wholly vpon the substance of peo­ples, the dishabilitie of their kings giuing them that occasion, or happly their ne­cessities muche enforcing, beeing yll payde: of which beginning, disorders rysing alwayes in increasing (for thimitation of an yll is greater for the most parte then the example) euen the Spaniards themselues and Thitalians also whether they were payed or not payed, haue euer since made suche custome of that example, that to the great dishonour of the discipline of warre at this day, the goods of good men and friends are no more assured from thinsolencie of souldiours, then suche as be­long to wicked people and the very enemie, all things running in confusion with­out regarde to obedience, conscience, or honour, as the horse when he hath broken his brydle forbeareth not in his libertie to spoyle the feeldes of his master, as if he were a stranger.

What by the taking of Valentynois, and this truce betweene the two kings, with opinion that the peace would succeede immediatly, Romania was put wholly in rest: for Ymola was diuolued afore by the willes of the chieftaines of the Citie into the power of the Pope, and not without the consent of Cardinall S. George, whom the Pope enterteined with a vayne hope that he would render it eftsones to his ne­phews. And about those seasons Lovvys his bastard brother being entred into Fur­ly by the death of Anthony d'Ordelaffy, that citie had falne into the hands of the Vene­tians, to whom Lovvys offred it (knowing he was not hable ynough to holde it) sa­uing that the conditions of the present time made them feare to accept it, least they should further incense the Pope, who without any resistance obteined the towne abandoned by Lovvys, and had likewise, paying fifteene thousande duckets, the Ci­tadell: A place which the keeper (a faythfull seruaunt to Valentynois) woulde neuer giue vp, till he was assured of his imprisonment by men which he sent expresly to Naples, holding it a iust office to reteyne to the last, those things which his maister had recommended to his fidelitie.

Thus, beeing a surceassing of armes in all other partes of Italie, the Florentins on­ly woulde not cease in the beginning of sommer to recontinue the warres vpon the Pisans according to their custome: for, hauing newly receyued into their pay Iohn Paule Baillon, with other captaynes and men at armes of the Colonnois and Sauelleis, and leauying withall farre greater forces then they were wont, they sent an armie to giue the spoyle to the corne of the Pisans, wherein they proceeded with greater corage, for that they doubted no impediment by the Spaniarde, not so muche for that the king of Spayne had not named the Pisans in the truce (wherein both the kings had libertie to comprehende their freends and adherents) as for that the great Captaine, after his victorie vpon the Frenchmen, notwithstanding from the begin­ning he had giuen great hopes to the Pisans, had exercised gracious and sweete spe­ches with the Florentins, hoping at the least by his cunning to separate them from the French king: wherein albeit he founde himselfe afterwardes disappoynted, yet wisely forbearing to incense them, as not to giue them occasion to be more for the [Page 336] Frenche king, he was entred by the meane of Prosper Colonno (but not otherwise then with wordes simplie) into this secrete intelligence with them, that if it hapned the Frenche king eftsones to renewe the warres of Naples, that they should not minister to him any ayde, as also for his parte he woulde not giue succours to the Pisans, but in case the Florentins should sende an armie with artilleries to take the Citie, which he wished they should not recouer so long as they folowed thamitie of the Frenche king. The Florentin armie prepared to spoyle not onely those partes of the countrey of Pisa which they had wasted in times past, but also to ouerrunne S. Ros­soro and Barbaricino, and so to the vales of Serclo and Osolo, places ioyning to Pi­sa, wherevnto they could not go without daunger when their armie was lesse: Then they encamped before Librafrata, which beeing manned with a very slender garri­son, was within few dayes constrained to yeelde to discression: And suche were the calamities of that yere, that the Pisans had beene compelled by famine to receyue the yoke of the Florentins, if they had not bene succored by their neighbours, but principally by the Genovvaies and Lucqueis (for P. Petruccio no lesse ready to stirre vp others, then liberall in his owne promises to contribute to thexpences, was very long in effectes) with whose moneis Reniero of Sassetto, a souldiour of the Great cap­teine, with certaine other leaders hauing sufferaunce, led to Pisa by sea two hundred horsmen, and the Genovvaies sent thither a Prouost with a thousand footemen: ouer and besides which prouisions, Bardello de porto Venere a famous Roauer in the sea Tirreneum, and who beeing leauyed and payed by the sayde helpers, was called the captayne of the Pisans, reui [...]teled Pisa continually with a gallion and other Brigan­tines: for these considerations the Florentins, holding it necessarie, that besides the trauels they gaue them by lande, they should also take from them the vse of the sea, enterteined three light galleis of king Federyk whiche were in Prouence, with the which as their capteine Dom Rimas Ricaieuso approched Lyuorno, Bardello retyred, and yet sometimes taking thoccasion of the windes, he brought some barkes laden with vittayles to the mouth of Arno, from whence they fell easily into the towne of Pisa, which at the same time suffered many perplexities by lande: for, after the ar­mie of Florence had taken Librofratto, deuiding them selues into many legions, they looked how to giue impediment to the tilling of the landes for the yeere folowing, and to restrayne the passage of vittels both by the way of Lucque and the sea: they gaue also in the ende of the sommer, a spoyle to all sortes of graynes, whereof that countrey brings foorth a great quantitie: Their furie left nothing vnproued agaynst the ruine of the Pisans: for neyther weeried with the great expences, nor holding impossible any thing that gaue them hope to accomplishe their purpose, they deui­sed to trouble the Pisans in a newe fashion, that is, by a new chanell to make fall the riuer of Arno which runneth by the towne of Pisa, from the towre of Fagiana fyue miles from Pisa, into the poole which is betweene Pisa and Liuorna: whiche if they had brought to passe, there coulde haue bene no more portage of things to Pisa by sea through the ryuer of Arno, and the rayne waters for that the countrey is lowe, not hable to be conueyed into the sea, the Citie had remained as it were in the mid­dest of a marishe, as also for the difficultie to passe Arno, the Pisans coulde not haue ronne from thence forwarde along the hilles to hinder the traffike from Ly­uorno to Florence: And lastly they should haue bene constrained to fortifie that part of Pisa by the which the ryuer entred and issued, least it should be open to thincur­sions of thenemie. But this enterprise as it was begonne with a very great hope, and folowed with farre greater expences, was in the ende made vayne: and as it often [Page 337] hapneth that like enterprises, notwithstanding they be layde out by measure and line, are yet founde fallible by experience, which is the certayne proofe of the diffe­rence that is betweene the deuising and doing of things: so besides many difficul­ties, not considered before, and now caused by the course of the ryuer, which when they thought to restrayne, abated of him selfe fretting his channell: the bottome of the poole where they woulde haue it enter, contrarie to the reasons and opinions of many ingenistes and water workers, was founde to be higher then the channell of Arno: Besides, in so great a desire to obteine Pisa, fortune enuyed also the ambi­tion of the Florentins, for that the galleys whiche they had enterteyned returning from Villefranche with a prise of the Pisans loaden with grayne, were so weather beaten neare to Rapallo, that they were constrayned to giue agaynst the grounde, the capteine with the residue hauing great payne to saue them selues. But the Floren­tins, whose desire of the victorie was without limit, sought to serue their turne of all the meanes whiche eyther the witte of man or oportunitie of the tyme coulde de­uise: And therefore after they had proued in vayne to raunge the Pisans by armes and threatnings, they sought to reclayme them by affabilitie and sweetnes, making a newe lawe, by the which it was graunted that euery Citizen or other subiect of the countrey of Pisa that within a certeine tyme woulde eftsones withdrawe to his ly­uing or dwelling place, should obteine pardon of all faultes committed, with full re­stitution of goods. Notwithstanding the fauor of this lawe, there were very fewe of hart and fayth resolute, which would depart out of Pisa, but they suffred all suche as were vnprofitable to the warre to take the benefite of thedict, and go their way: the same being the cause that both the dearth of vittels which raged afore was not now so great, and also that they receyued afterwards certayne commoditie of reuenues from others that secretly ayded them: whereby albeit the necessities of the Pisans were somewhat by these meanes diminished, yet they founde their estate greuously vexed with their great pouertie & wantes: And yet, hauing all things in lesse horror then the name of the Florentins, notwithstanding the minds of the Peisantes did of­tentimes wauer, they determined to endure all extremities of miserie, rather then to returne to the deuotion of the Florentins: Therefore they offred to giue them­selues vp to the Genovvayes, with whom they had so oftentimes fought for the iu­risdiction and for their safetie, and by whom their power had bene of long antiquitie afflicted and embased: of this motion they of Lucquei and Pandolffe Petruccio were the causes, desiring (to auoyde in them selues the continuall expences and troubles) to binde the Genovvaies to the defence of Pisa: And for their more easie indu­cing to the matter, they offred to defray part of thexpences for three yeres. Where­vpon the Genovvaies, hauing a deliberation to embrace the offer, notwithstanding Iohn Lovvis de Fiesquo with many others, were agaynst it, made an instance to the French king to suffer them, without whose consent they had no power to execute any deliberation: They debated with the king howe daungerous it woulde be that the Pisans, excluded from this their last and almost only hope, should come to offer them selues to the king of Spayne, from whence would succeede to his great preiu­dice, that both Genes should be in continuall trauell and danger, and almost all Tus­kane by compulsion, followe the Spanish faction. These reasons, albeit at the begin­ning had so much wrought with the king, that he was almost at a poynt to gratifie their demaundes, yet his counsell considering, that if the Genovvaies should be­ginne to accept warres of them selues, and for a desire of imperie, to haue con­federation with other Potentates, it would be the cause, that comming afterwards [Page 338] to rayse their thoughts to greater things, they would put their state into absolute li­bertie: he forbad them expresly to accept the iurisdiction of Pisa, but not that they should forbeare to ayde or succour them, notwithstanding the Florentins had made great complaynts, perticular respectes bearing more force in these matters, then equitie, conscience, or compassion.

About this time the peace was earnestly laboured betweene the kings of Spayne and Fraunce, who offred dissemblingly to render the realme of Naples to the king Fe­derike, or to the duke of Calabria his sonne: to whom the French king should resigne and giue vp all his clayme, so farrefoorth as the mariage were accomplished be­twene the duke and the queene widowe, Nece to the same king, hauing afore bene wife to yong Ferdinand of Aragon king of Naples. And it was without doubt that the French king had a mind so farre estranged from the affaires of the kingdome of Na­ples, that for his owne regarde, he had accepted all sorts of peace, if it had not bin for these two difficulties that restrayned him: the one (of lesse moment with him then the other) was the shame and reproches that would be thundred vpon him, to leaue abandoned the barons, who, for that they folowed his faction, had suffred priuation of their estates, and to whom were offred conditions hard & intollerable: the other (working somewhat more strongly with him) was the doubt wherin he was, least the king of Spayne hauing other intentions, offred according to his accustomed suttle­ties, this restitution for some ende, that though his maiesties consenting, yet the ef­fect should not folow: and that in the meane while the archduke were not estranged frō him, who desiring to haue the kingdome of Naples for his sonne, made instance that there should be cōtinuation of the peace which he had begon before. Therfore he answered generally that he desired the peace, but that he could not with honor giue vp to an Arragon, the rights which he had in the same realme: And on the other part, he continued the auncient practises with the king of Romaines, & tharchduke: wherin as he was almost certaine of the conclusion & effect, & to thend they should not be cut of nor hindred by the incerteine practises of the king of Spayne, he let call before him the Spanish embassadors, making his colour for his greater honor, that the respects & interests of the barōs did chiefly moue him: and being set in the chaire royal in the aspect & presence of al the court with solēne ceremonies far aboue the vsage of times before: he cōplained that their king expressed in words his desire and disposition to the peace, hauing his intētions dissembled, in which regard, & also for that it was not a thing worthy the vertue and honor of a king to consume the tyme in vayne practises, he tolde them it were their best to depart out of the Realme of Fraunce. After whose going away, thembassadours of Maximilian and tharchduke came to giue perfection to that which had bene negociated, In whiche action (be­cause there were plottes layed to greater purposes) was assistant the Bishop of Siste­ron the Popes ordinarie Nuncio in that Court, and the Marquis of Finalo whome the Pope sent expresly in those affayres. This peace hauing bene many times afore throughly debated for the profite which appeared very great to all those Princes, Confederation betvveene the Pope, king of Romains, and the [...]en [...]he king against the Ven [...]ans was finally set downe vnder these conditions: That the mariage of Lady Clauda the French kings daughter, commoned vpon long time before, should now grow to effect with Charles theldest sonne to tharchduke: And for more firme confirmation of the same, there shoulde be ioyned to the othe and subscription of the Frenche king, the ratification of Frauncis Counte of Angulesme, who (issue male fayling in the king was next heire to the crown) together with many of the principals of the king­dome: That all thinuestitures of the state of Millan allowed till that day, being razed [Page 339] and cancelled for iust and honest occasions Maximilian should transferre thinuesti­ture thereof to the French king for him selfe and heires males, and for want of suche issue it shoulde be (in fauour of the mariage) conueyed to Madame Clauda, and to Charles, and if Charles shoulde dye before the consummation of the mariage, then it to discende to Lady Clauda, and to the seconde sonne of the Archduke if she ma­ried with him: That betweene the Pope, the king of Romains, the Frenche king, and Tharchduke, should be made a confederation for their common defence, and to offende the Venetians, from whome they all determined to withdrawe those pla­ces whiche they occupied of theirs: That the king of Romains should passe in per­son into Italie agaynst the Venetians, and afterwards go to Rome to take the crowne imperiall: That the Frenche king, assoone as the Charters shoulde be dispatched, shoulde pay for thinuestiture threescore thousande florins of Rhein, and threescore thousande others within six monthes, and euery yeere a payre of spurres of golde vppon the day of the natiuitie of our Lorde: That there shoulde be place left for the king of Spayne to enter into this confederation within foure monthes: But it was not expressed, that in case he did not enter, it shoulde bee suffred to the Frenche king to inuade the kingdome of Naples: That the Frenche king shoulde giue no more ayde nor succours to the Counte Palatine, who stirred vp by him, and enterteyned with hope of his succours, was in great warre with the king of Ro­mains: That the Venetians shoulde be excluded out of this league, notwithstanding that both the king had giuen willing eare to their Embassadours, and also the Car­dinall of Amboise (to cleare them from all suspition) had nourished them with assu­red promises and othes, that the king would neuer go agaynst that confederation which he had with them. These matters were conteyned in letters which were so­lemnly passed: besides the which it was moued that the king & Maximilian should speake together at an other time in some place conuenient: The king also promised at that time that he would deliuer out of prison Lodovvyk Sforce, and indue him with conuenient meane to liue in the realme of Fraunce. The safetie of this man, the king of Romaines had shame not to procure, for that his conscience put him in re­membrance, that the promises he had made him, and the hopes he had vaynly reap­posed in him, had bene causes to hasten his ruine: In which considerations, hauing no power to do what he would, at least he expressed inclination to do what he could, in so much as when the cardinall of Amboyse went to him at Trent, he wrought so much as he should no more be so straightly kept as he had bin, making now impor­tunate instance that he might remeine at libertie in the court of Fraunce, or in suche quarter of the realme as it pleased the king: The king promised also at his request, that the exiles of the duchie of Myllan should returne, whervpon were many diffi­culties in the negociation of Trent: it was beleeued that he would kepe this capitu­lation being so greatly to the aduantage of tharchduke and Maximilian, notwithstā ­ding his ordinarie variations, the Pope being cōprehended, and no lesse agreable to the French king, not so much for the desire he had at that time to make newe enter­prises, as for an ambicious respect to obteine thinuestiture of the duchie of Millan, and to be assured not to be molested neither by Caesar nor his sonne.

In these seasons dyed king Federyk, beeing wholly depriued of hope to recouer The death of king Fe­derike. by accorde the kingdome of Naples, notwithstanding he was perswaded afore (eue­ry one naturally suffreth him selfe to be beguyled by desire) that the king of Spayne had a better deuotion to it then the Frenche king: he considered not that in that tyme it was a thing vayne to hope for the restitution of so noble a Realme, [Page 340] the examples being very rare in times farre more auncient and before, wherein men were mose disposed to actes of vertue and nobilitie, then they were in the time run­ning: he saw not also that it was a thing out of all likelyhood, that he which had vsed so many deceites to occupie the moytie of the kingdome, would nowe that he hath wonne all, depriue him selfe of the fruite & glory of his victorie: Besides in the com­mon reason & discourse of affaires, he might haue perceiued, that the one made no lesse difficultie then the other: onely he had more reason to doubt that he that was already possessed, would not restore, then he which helde nothing in the kingdome, would not consent.

In the end of this yere, Elizabeth queene of Spayne exchanged this life for a better: The death of Elizabeth Queene of Spayne, she was a Lady of most honest & honorable conditions, & won in the opinion of her subiects a right worthy name of magnanimity, modesty, & discretion: to her did pro­perly apperteine the kingdome of Castillo, which is the greater part of Spayne, to the which she succeeded after the death of Henry her brother, but not without bloud & warre: for albeit it was beleeued for a long time that Henry by nature was vnhable to procreation, and for that reason Beltramise could not be his daughter which was brought foorth by his wife, and by him nourished many yeres as a frute of his owne feede: And albeit for that occasion Elizabeth daughter of Henry was acknowledged for Princesse of Castill, a title nearest to the succession: yet many barons of the realme rising after his death in fauor of Beltramise, & the king of Portugall ministring succors by armes in the right of a friend, alie and confederat, the factions cōming at last to battel, the cause of Elizabeth was approued most iust by the issue of the fielde, Ferdi­nand of Aragon her husband leading tharmy, who likewise was discēded of the house of the kings of Castill, & conioyned to Elizabeth in the third degree of cōsanguinitie, and he afterwards succeding by the death of Iohn his father to the realme of Aragon, they both tooke vpō them by one ioynt right the title of king & queene of Spayne: for that the kingdome of Valence being vnited to the crowne of Aragon, together with the countrie of Catalogna, they were Lords ouer al the prouince of Spayne, whiche is conteined betwene the Mounts Pirenei, the Occean sea, & the Middle earthsea: And vnder this title, for that that region hath bin occupied by many kings of the Mores, the title of many kingdomes is cōprehended, euery one of thē making a title separat by him selfe: except notwithstanding the kingdome of Granado, which being at that time possessed by the Mores, was afterwards by the vertue of this king & queene glo­riously subdued to the empire of Castille, together with the title & kingdome of Por­tugall, & the realme of Nauarre much inferior, al which had kings particular: But the kingdome of Aragon, with Cicilia, Sardignia, and other Ilands apperteining by inheri­tance to Ferdinand, were gouerned by him only without interposing the name or au­thoritie of the queene, contrarie to the policie and course of gouernment in Castille: the reason was for that that kingdome belonging by lawe of succession to Eliza­beth, and standing in a state endowed to Ferdinand, things were administred vn­der their common name aswell in demonstrations as in effects, nothing beeing exe­cuted which was not debated, ordeined, & subscribed by them both: The title of the king of Spayne was common, their Embassadours dispatched in cōmon, their armies leauyed in common, their wars administred in cōmon, and neither of them in par­ticular appropriating more then the other in authoritie, and gouernment of the kingdome. But by the death of Elizabeth without issue males, the succession of Ca­stille, by the laws of that kingdome, which regarding more the proximitie then the sex, exclude not the woman, belonged to Iane the daughter of Ferdinand & her, and [Page 341] wife to tharchduke, their eldest daughter which had ben maried to Emanuell king of Portugal, together with her litle sonne, being dead long time before: By reason wher­of thadministration of the realme dowager apperteining by the end of the mariage, no more to Ferdinand, he was eftsones to returne into his litle kingdome of Aragon: litle in cōparison of the realme of Castill, for the straitnes of the countrey, & smal [...] es of the reuenues, and for that also the kings of Aragon, not hauing absolute regall au­thoritie in all things, be in many poynts subiect to the constitutions and customes of the same prouinces, which limit much the power of their kings. But Elizabeth dra­wing Testament of Queene Eli­zabeth. towards hir latest time, ordeined by hir testament that Ferdinand, so long as he liued should be gouernor of Castillo, aswel for that she desired it might be kept in his first greatnes, for the amitie that had bene mutual betwene them, as also for that she knewe it concerned the profite of hir subiects to be continued vnder the moderate gouernment of Ferdinand, and imported no lesse the commoditie of hir sonne in law and daughter, who, seeing in the ende they should likewise succeede Ferdinand, had reason to esteme it much to their behoof, that vntil Philip, borne & norished in Flaū ­ders where things were gouerned diuersly, had attained a riper age, & taken a greater knowledge of the laws, customes, nature & maners of Spayne, al their realmes might be preserued for them vnder one peaceable & well ordred gouernment, the coūtreis of Castill & Aragon being meinteined in the meane while as one selfe body. But as in mortall actions the wit of man is insufficient to set downe a firme stabilitie, for that all things vnder the highest circuite haue their proper reuolutions: so, litle helped the wise prouisions of this Queene, to stay the alteration of things, for that after her death newe accidents hapning in Spayne, the state tooke a newe forme of gouern­ment. But touching thaffayres of Italie, as we meane to expresse hereafter, they were better disposed to a newe peace.

The yere 1505. things continued in the same estate of tranquilitie wherin they had bene norished the yere before, which was such, that had not the quarell betwene the Florentins and Pisans brought some alteration, the actions of armes for that yeere had wholly surceased, one part of the potentates beeing desirous of peace, and the other that were enclined to warre, holden reteyned for many reasons: for, it suffi­sed the king of Spayne (who continued still the same title, and as yet traueled with the thoughtes of his dead wife) to keepe the kingdome of Naples by meane of the truce that had bene made. The Frenche king was entred into a great suspicion, for that Caesar following in this as in all other things, his wandring nature, had not ratified the peace: The Pope, albeit he was desirous of innouation and newe things, yet he neyther durst nor coulde stirre onlesse he were accompanied with the armes of some mightie Prince: And the Venetians esteemed it to no small grace, if in so great consulte and counsell of things agaynst them, and in so yll a disposition of the Pope, they stoode quiet and were not molested by others: wherein the better to appease the Pope, they had offred many monthes before to leaue him Rimini and all that they had possessed in Romania since the death of Pope Alexander, to thende he did consent that they might reteyne Faenza with his territories: This offer they made also for feare they had of the Frenche king, and for that Caesar at the soli­citation of the Pope, had sent his Embassadours to Venice to sommon them to make restitution of the landes of the Churche: But the Popes aunswere was so re­solute, that they passed no further: he tolde them according to the constancie of his minde, and his free nature to expresse his conceytes, that he woulde not consent to the reteyning onely of a little towre, but dyd hope to recouer be­fore [Page 342] his death bothe Rauenna and Ceruia, cities whiche they possessed no lesse iniustly then they did Faenza: with whiche aunswere they kepte suspended their further sutes till the beginning of the sommer, when their feares beeing become greater, they offred by the meane of the Duke of Vrbin (a friende indifferent) to re­store all that they had occupied which was not of thappurtenances of Faenza and Rimini, so that the Pope, who would not afore admit their Embassadours to tender their obedience, would nowe consent to receyue them. This demaunde albeit the Pope shewed him selfe somewhat harde to accept, supposing he should do wrong to his dignitie, as not conuenient to allowe it, remembring the great quarrels and threatnings he had made to them: yet hauing regarde to the perplexities that were endured by them of Furly, Ymola, and Cesena, who depriued of the greatest parte of their countreis, suffred many incommodities: And seeing withall no other meane to redresse things with spede, for that the affaires betweene Cesar & the French king proceeded with so great a longnes of time and delay: at last he consented to that which in effects was a gayne without losse, since neither by wordes nor writings he was bounde to any thing: So that after the townes were restored, eight embassadors of the principals of the Senate chosen since he was created Pope, were sent to him, (The greatest companie and most honorable shewe of Embassadors which that commonweale had euer sent to any Pope, if he were not a Venetian:) But after they had tendred their obedience with the ceremonies accustomed, they brought not backe to Venice any signe by the which they coulde gather that the Pope was be­come more easie or tractable: so deepe were thimpressions of his misliking agaynst them: or els so cunningly coulde he dissemble contrarie to his owne promises and their expectations. About this time the French king desiring to put ende to that which had bene debated, sent the Cardinall of Amboyse to Haguenau a towne of base Almaine, where Cesar & Tharchduke attended him, hauing newly taken that towne vpon the Counte Palatin: There were published & sworne solemnly the conuentions that had bene made, the Cardinall paying the moytie of the money promised for thinuesture, with promise that Caesar should receyue thother moytie assoone as he should passe into Italie: notwithstanding, both at the present he gaue to vnderstand, and a little after he declared, that he could not passe that yere for thimpedimentes which were in Germanie: the same making the suspition of warre so much the lesse, the French king being determined to enter into no new attempt without him. On­ly, the warre almost continuall betweene the Florentins and Pisans, remeined kind­led in Italie, the which proceeding by easie degrees, and not pursued but when oc­casions offred to the one or the other partie, who otherwise had no one setled en­terprise: it hapned that Luke Sauelle issued out of Cassina, in which lande the Floren­tins made their retraite of warre, and with him certeyne captaynes and constables of the Florentins, with foure hundred horse and many bandes of footmen, their in­tention was to reuittell Librafatta, and by the same meane to leauie certayne heards of cattell of the Pisans feding on the other side the ryuer of Sercle vpon the grounds of the Lucquoys, not so muche for the benefite and pillage of the pray, as for the de­sire they had to drawe the Pisans to the feight, hauing a confidence to ouerthrowe them for that they were the stronger in the fielde: And when they had conueyed vit­tels into Librafatta, & possessed the pray they pretended, they returned with leisure by the same way, to thende to intise the Pisans with that oportunitie to come and charge them. Tarlatin chiefe commaunder ouer their men of warre, issued out of Pisa assone as he vnderstoode thenemie droue away their cattell: And bicause the [Page 343] chiefe poynt of the reskue rested in expedition, he tooke no moe with him then fif­teene men at armes, fortie light horsemen, and threescore footemen, leauing order that a greater strength should follow him: so necessarie is speede in enterprises, ‘that oftentimes they are wonne and lost with a lesse measure & distance of time, then is required to consult vpon them: But the Pisan capteine vnderstanding that certayne of the Florentin horsemen were runne vp euen to S. Iackes neare Pisa, he made to­wards them, and they retyring to their strength which stayed at the bridge Capella vpon the ryuer of Osolo, and three myles from Pisa, where they taried for the droues of cattell that were taken, and the Mulets with the which they had reuitteled Libra­fatta comming behinde, and as yet beyonde the bridge, which the first bandes of footmen had occupied, and manned the loopeholes and trenches: Tarlatin folo­wed The Floren­tins broken by the Pisans them euen to the bridge, not perceyuing that all tharmie of the Florentins were in that place, till he was so neare that he coulde not returne without manifest daun­ger: and therefore, as necessitie is mightie to make men resolute, so he determined to make way by his valour, and to charge the bridge, declaring to his company that that wherevnto their perill constrayned them was not without great hope and pos­sibilitie to ouercome, for that in a place so straite where fewe men could fight, the great number of their enemies was more fearefull then hurtfull, the narrownes of the place hindring the vsage of the weapon wherewith they should strike them: In so muche that albeit they could not make their passage ouer the bridge, at the least they should easily mainteine their owne defence till the regiments of Pisa, which he had sent for, were come to their succours: But if they could winne the bridge, the victorie would be no lesse easie then thattempt was glorious, for that the way be­yond the bridge which runneth betwene the bridge & the moūtaine being straite & narrow, the multitude of their enemies encombred with the mulets & beastes they had stolne, would of themselues fall easily into disorder, being drawen into a place so incōuenient either to fight or to flee: His words were iustified with dedes: for he be­ing the formost, giuing with great valor the spurs to his horse, charged the bridge, but being cōpelled to retire, an other did the like, and after him a thirde, whose horse being hurt, the capteine returned with great furie to succour him, & in that veyne of corage what with the force of his weapō & furie of his horse, he passed on the other side the bridge, the footemen that defended making him place: foure others of his cōpanie did the like by his example, all which whilest they enterteined the skirmish on the other side the bridge with the footmen of thenemie in a straite medowe, cer­teine footemen of the Pisans passed ouer the ryuer in water vp to the chinne, the horsmen likewise passing without impediment ouer the bridge whiche was nowe abandoned, besides the succours expected from Pisa, beginning to ariue without order: wherein the Florentin souldiours seeing their safetie turned into perill, and their bodies and weapons reduced into a place straite and narrowe, fell into confu­sion amongst them selues, and as men whose confidence was turned into coward­nes, and nothing but feare appearing in their faces which had wont to expresse cou­rage and resolution, hauing no capteine of authoritie to reteine them in order, they turned their backes and fell to flying: in so much that they which were farre migh­tier in forces, and marched in order and obseruance of warre, left the victorie to those whose numbers were farre inferior, and came altogether disbanded, with in­tention rather to make showe onely, then to fight in deede: many capteines of the Florentin footemen and other gentlemen of marke were the miserable monuments of this ouerthrowe, for that many of them were slaine, mo taken, and moste of all [Page 344] dangerously hurt, and suche as sought safetie in flying fell into the discretion of the vplandishe people of Lucqua, who stripping them, sent them away naked to be be­holden with greater greefe of their friends: so spitefull is fortune when she is dispo­sed to oppresse suche as she holdes for hated, that suffring them to escape out of the daunger they feared moste, she leades them into those aduersities they doubted least, taking her pleasure in the afflictions of men. This calamitie of the Florentins brought a great disorder to their affayres in the countrey of Pisa, for that hauing weakened their legions of horsmen within Cassina, they were not hable to lette the Pisans (whom their late victorie had made insolent and proude) to ouerrunne and pill the whole countrey: And that which was of greater importance, Pandolfe Pe­truccio being entred into a hope by reason of this accident, that they might easily giue impediment to the Florentins for spoyling that sommer the corne of the Pisans, who maynteining defence with their accustomed difficulties, were (but in colde maner) ayded by the Genovvaies and Lucquois, for the Siennois succored them rather with counsell, then with money or vittels: he wrought so much that Iohn Paule Bail­lon, in whom the Florentins reapposed muche, for that they had bene the principall cause of his returne into Perousa, refused during the time of his seruice, to continue in their pay, alleaging that Marke Anthonie and Mutio Colonno, with Luke & Iacques Sauelles, hauing altogether a greater number of men then he, and being in the same pay, he coulde not remayne there without daunger for the diuersitie of factions: And to thende they should haue lesse time to prouide themselues, he temporised and taried as long as he could, to disclose wholly that which he had in his thought, and to induce them to giue more fayth and credite to his excuse, he promised the Florentins not to take armes agaynst them: wherin to keepe them the more assured, he left as a gage, his sonne Maletesta a very yong man, in their pay with fifteene men at armes: and because him selfe would not remeine altogether without appoynt­ment, he tooke pay of the Siennois with threescore and ten men at armes: But be­cause they of Sienna were not hable to support so great expences, the Lucquois who did communicate in that counsell, tooke into their paye with three score and ten men at armes, Troylus Sauellus, who afore was mercenary to the Siennois.

What for the sodayne and vnlooked for departing of Iohn Paule, and the harmes receiued at the bridge Capello, the Florentins looking into their own weaknes, would not that yere giue the spoyle to the lands of the Pisans, forbearing to attempt enter­prises till their fortune were better reconciled: yea they saw how farre they were constrained to deuise how they might remedie greater dangers: for thauncient hu­mor of affection being eftsones reuiued in Iohn Paule, and in Pandolfe, they debated secretly with the Cardinall of Medicis to trouble thestate of the Florentins, making their principall foundation of Bartlemevv Aluiano, who being in some disagreement with the great Capteine, was newly come to Rome, where he drew to him many soul­diours with diuers hopes and promises: Wherein it was feared least those coun­sels would pearse into Cardinall Askanius, with deliberation (if things succeded not happily in Tuskane) to assaile the duchie of Millan, with the ioynt forces of the Flo­rentins, and others consenting to this conspiracie: The reason was, that they had a hope, that assayling it there would easily rise some mutation, seing there was a slen­der strength of the men at armes of Fraunce, many of the nobilitie were abroade, the peoples much enclined to the name of Sforce, and the French king (on whom was falne a great maladie) languishing in so dangerous extremitie, that for many houres there was a generall dispaire of his health, and though he should somewhat reuiue, [Page 345] yet his disease had made him so yll disposed that there was no hope of lyfe, and lesse expectation of action: And such as looked into things with a deper counsell, doub­ted least Askanius (with whom at that time the Venetian Embassadour had familiar conuersation at Rome) interteined a secret intelligence not onely with the great Cap­teine, but also with the Venetians, who had bene of late more ready and more bold to offende the French then in times past, for that the French king, who newly was en­tred into suspition and distrust of the king of Romaines & his sonne, seeing after the death of the Queene of Spayne, what would be the greatnes of the Archduke, for­sooke apparantly their amitie, and ayded agaynst Tharchduke the Duke of Gueldres his sharpe enemie, and inclined to practise particular intelligence with the king of Spayne.

But as the thoughtes of men are deceitfull, and their hopes full of infirmitie and Death of Cardinall Arkanius. frayltie, so, whylest these things were in solicitation, the French king, whose reco­uerie was holden desperate, went dayly growing into health, and Cardinall Askanius dyed sodenly at Rome of the plague: By whose death albeit the dangers to the estate of Millan were cut of, yet the plottes layed to molest the Florentins were not altoge­ther remoued: and therefore P. Petruccio, Iohn Paule Baillon, and Bartlemevv Aluiano assembled together in the borowe of Pregai, vpon the confins of the Perusins and Si­ennois, not with hope to be strong ynough to restore the Medicis into Florence, but with this intention that Aluiano entring into Pisa with the wills of the Pisans, should inuade (for the suretie of that Citie) the frontier of the Florentins, with deuise to passe further as occasion would present. These preparations smothered hithervnto, be­ginning nowe to burst out into light, the Florentins feared muche of the disposition of the great Capteine, both for that they knewe that the time for the which Aluiano was interteined in the Spanish pay remeined yet till the next Nouember, and also for that they could not beleeue that P. Petruccio would enter into newe enterprises without his consent, seeing the said Petruccio, neuer satisfying the French king of the summes of money which he promised, and hauing often times abused him in other properties, depended altogether of the king of Spayne: Besides, the suspition of the Florentins was augmented in this, that (fearing the Lorde of Plombin, which vas vn­der the protection of the Spanishe king, to be assayled by the Genovvaies) Consaluo had sent to Plombin for his suretie a thousand footemen, vnder the charge of Nuguo de Campo, and to the riuer of Plombin three ships, two galleis, with certeine other ves­sels: which forces brought into a place so neare the Florentins, gaue them great oc­casion to feare that they were not come to ioyne with Aluiano, as he himselfe assured that they were promised: But the truth was, that the king of Spayne, after the truce made with the French king, gaue direction (for diminution of thexpences) that as­well the regiment of Aluiano, as the bands of others which had bene limited, should be reduced to a hundred launces: Wherevpon he taking occasion to be greeued, did not onely refuse to binde him selfe eftsones with newe othe, but also meinteined that he was acquited of the first, both for that he was not satisfied of his paies passed, and also the great Capteine would not holde his promise to giue him after the con­quest of Naples, two thousande footemen to serue his turne agaynst the Florentins in fauor of the Medicis: Lastly the minde of Aluiano was trauelling, naturally desirous of new things, and altogether impacient of thanquilitie and rest.

The Florentins, for their defence agaynst so violent stormes, had recourse to the French king, who was bounde by the capitulations of protection to defende them with foure hundred launces: they sent to him to refurnish them with two hundred, [Page 346] but he, beeing more caried with couetousnes of money, then with regarde to the prayers of his friends, or compassion of his auncient confederates, aunswered, that he would giue them no succours, if first they made him not satisfied of the thirtie thousande duckets which were due to him by thobligation of protection: And al­beit the Florentins made many humble requests and suites, that he would yet tem­porise and expect a litle, alleaging how muche they were aggreeued with intollera­ble expences necessarie for their defence: yet being more caried with couetousnes, then with reason or indifferencie, he perseuered obstinately in his deliberation, in so muche as he whom they most suspected, and had most offended, ministred more to their helpe and safetie, then he of whom they seemed to be best assured: & to whom they had done greatest pleasures, finding least safetie where they reapposed moste confidence, and greatest perill where they iustly expected their protection: for the great Capteine desiring that the tranquilitie of Italie should not be troubled, eyther because he would not should be broken the practises of peace begonne of newe be­tweene the two kings, or for that he nourished some deuise to appropriate to him selfe the kingdome of Naples, vsing thoccasion of the death of the Queene, and the sedes of future discord betwene the father in lawe & the sonne: he vsed all diligence to induce Aluiano to reenter into the pay, and commaunded him as a vassall & soul­diour of his king to make no further proceeding (beeing nowe gone to Petillano to obey the Popes commaundement to dissolue his companies, or rather to go out of the Churche dominions) vpon payne of depriuation of thestates which he had in the kingdome of Naples, bearing a value in yerely reuenue of seuen thousande duc­kets: he signified to the Pisans, whom a litle before he had secretly receiued into the protection of his king, and also to the Lorde of Plombin, that they should not receiue him: And he caused to be tolde and offred to the Florentins, that he was content Consaluo ay­deth the Flo­rentins. they should haue the seruice of his footemen that were within Plombin, whome he ordeined to be commaunded by M. Anthonio Colonno their capteine: he sent also to P. Petruccio, that he should in no wise support Aluiano, forbidding to followe him Lovvys sonne of the Counte Petillano, Frauncis Vrsin, and Iohn de Cery, who were in his pay: But notwithstanding all these inhibitions, Aluiano with whō were Iohn Levvys Vitelli, Iohn Conrad Vrsin, three hundred men at armes, and fiue hundred footmen of good resolution, passed alwayes further though slowly, (they of Sienna furnishing him with vittels) he came at last by the coastes of Sienna into the playne of Scarlina, a towne subiect to Plombin, and a little dayes iourney from the frontiers of the Flo­rentins: here came to him a messenger expresly from the great Capteine, to cōmaund him eftsones that he go not to Pisa, nor offende the Florentins: To whom he answe­red, that he stoode in his libertie, and had election to doo what he list, for that the great Capteine had not holden promise with him. From thence he went to lodge neare to Campilla, a towne of the Florentins, where was occupied a light skirmish be­tweene him and the Florentin bandes that were assembled at Bibona: he came after­wards vpon the territorie of Cornia betweene the confines of the Florentins and Su­geret, but with plotts and hopes very vncertayne, finding euery day increase of grea­ter difficulties, both for that there came no vittels to him from Plombin, and also Iohn Paule Baillon and the Vitelli, who were gouerned according to the trayne and issue of affayres, fayled to refurnishe him with suche bands of footemen as they had pro­mised: he sawe in P. Petruccio a disposition wandring, and his fauors more doubtfull then before: neither was he assured that the Pisans, for feare to disobey the great Capteine, would receiue him: For which reasons, ioyned to the continuall solicita­tion [Page 347] that was vsed to recouer him, wherein the hope was somuche the greater, by howmuche he refused no more to rest contented with an hundred launces: he rety­red to Vigualo, a towne apperteining to the L. of Plombin, giuing out a brute that he taried there to expect the last resolution from Naples: But the Pisans hauing in the meane while condiscended to receiue him into their towne, he issued out of Vigua­lo, where he had remayned ten dayes: and earely in the morning of the xvij. of Au­gust he appeared with his armie in battel aray, a mile beneath Campilla, hauing an in­tention to bidde battell to the Florentin armie, whiche was gone to incampe there the day before: But they hauing aduertisement by well assured espials comming fu­gitiue from the campe of Aluiano, leauyed their campe the same night, and retyred vnder the walls of Campilla, where Aluiano seing an impossibilitie to assaile them but to his great disaduantage, he turned to the way of Pisa by the tract that draweth to the tower of S. Vincent fiue myles from Campilla: And of the other part, the bands of the Florentins led by Hercules Bentiuolo, who (by thexperience he had of the coun­trey) desired nothing more then to fight in that place by reason of thopportunitie of his seate, tooke the way that goeth from Campilla to the sayd tower of S. Vincent, holding it better to aduenture the battayle in a place so fauourable by many aduan­tages, then by temporising, to make his enemie strong by his proper commodities. Here Hercules seuered the light horsemen into two bandes, the one folowed the ar­mie of Aluiano, charging alwayes vpon his tayle & arearegarde, and the other went before to affront thenemie, holding the same way by the which the Florentin armie came after: they being comen to the tower before the bandes of Aluiano, and being taken vp in skirmishe with those that came first, by whom they were easily repulsed, retyred toward their armie or mainestrength, which was now comen within halfe a myle, where bringing tidings that the most part of thenemies had already passed the tower, Hercules marching lightly, arriued iustly vpon their tayle harde by the ruines of the tower of S. Vincent, where their men at armes and footemen had made head: and when he was in full and absolute passage, he charged them resolutely on the flanke with the moytie of his armie, making them bende after he had enterteyned the feight a good space of time. In this first assault their footemen were so broken and chased euen to the sea, that afterwards they neuer made head: But the horse­men which were withdrawen a bowshut beyonde the diche of the towre of S. Vin­cent towards Bibbona, being reassembled, aduaunced eftsones their ensignes, and ke­ping themselues in a close and strong aray, charged with great valour the regiments of the Florentins, and with the same vertue repulsed them euen to the diche: by rea­son whereof Hercules caused to marche on the residue of his people, and drawing thither from all partes the whole body and strength of tharmie, the feight became furious there for a good space of time, the victorie as yet inclining to no part: Al­uiano did in that action both the office of a souldiour and a capteine, bearing two estockados in his face, and laboured paynfully to driue his enemies from that place, which if he had wonne, he had stande in great possibilitie of the victorie, for that he had eyther turned to him thaduauntages that fauoured his enemies, or at least made the place indifferent without respect of parcialitie, leauing things to the triall of vertue and fortune: But Hercules who many dayes afore had giuen him selfe assu­rance, that if the battell were performed in that place, the victorie would fal on him, with industrie caused to be planted vpon the brinke of the tower diche sixe falconets which he brought with him, with the which he began to batter the campe, who not hable to susteine the furie of thartillerie, began now to shake and fall to disorder: In [Page 348] so much as practising thoccasion with the which he had alwayes promised himselfe the victorie, he set vpon them furiously in many places with the whole forces of his armie: his light horsemen skoured towardes the seacoastes, with his men at armes he occupied the high wayes, and his infanterie or footemen executed along the playne by the wood, euery one ioyning vertue to his fortune, and with a generall industrie made the successe of that day happie, for that their furie running through the campe of thenemies, they put them easily to the chase, Aluiano sauing himselfe with muche a do with a very fewe of his lightest running horses flying with him to Montrotondo in the countrey of Sienna: all the residue of his people were almost ta­ken and stripped betweene the tower of S. Vincent and the ryuer of Cecina, hauing lost all their ensignes: onely such as escaped from the generall calamitie of this bat­tell, were a fewe horsemen, who founde more sasetie in the swiftnes of their horses, then in their proper vertue or fortune of the day. This was the ende of the commo­tion or stirre of Bartlemevv d'Aluiano, which expressed more apparances and great­nes by the practises that were made of long time, and by his braue behauiour full of furie and threatnings, ‘then by his forces or any other stable fundation which his enterprise had: A successe common to suche who commit their doings wholly to fortune, and do reape for the most parte the same issue that doth the mariner beta­king his sayles to the winde, which driueth his shippe not whither he woulde, but whither the winde shoueth her. Hercules Bentiuolo and Anthonio Iaconino campema­ster, rising into courage with the felicitie of this victorie, signified to the Florentins both by vehement letters and messengers well instructed, that it were good to ioyne action to thopportunitie, and approche the walles of Pisa, beeing carefull afore to furnish with diligence all those things that might be necessarie to take it. They con­firmed their deuise with all those sortes of hopes whiche men in good fortune do vainely weene,’ not remembring that in fortune there is nothing more certaine, then that in all things she is vncertayne: They hoped, that for that the estate of the Pisans was enuironed on all sides with great difficulties, being nowe more desolate then before for the depriuation of the succours of Aluiano, and ioyning withall that all things ought to giue place to the reputation of conquerers: they thought they should easily carie it: interteyning withall a certeine intelligence with certeine of the townesmen in Pisa. But the magistrate of the ten, called il Magistrato de dieci, The Floren­tins debate vvhether they th [...]ould besege Pisa. appoynted director of the matters of warre, calling a counsell with his other Citi­sens communicantes by custome in affayres of importance, that deliberation was with one consent reproued by generall voyce: for that they considered that in the Pisans was still recontinued their auncient resolution and obstinacie, and that being men of so long time experienced and trayned in warre, the name or reputation of the victorie which they had had agaynst others, would not be sufficient to vanquish them, their forces being no way diminished by it: Rather it stoode them vpon ac­cording to thexamples of tymes past, to set vpon them with a resolute force, which men of warre did onely feare. Besides, their counsell was full of apparant difficulties, for that the citie of Pisa enuironed aswell as any towne in Italie with most firme wals rampired and fortified, and withall defended with bodies actiue and resolute, could not be forced but with a great and puissant armie compounded vppon souldiours not inferiour to the Pisans in valour, which yet would not be sufficient to carie it by assault or short siege: and therfore more necessarie to encampe in the places about it for many dayes, to thende to approche it with more suretie, searching out aduan­tages, and rather tyring and wearying them, then to suppresse them by force or vio­lence: [Page 349] That the season wherein they were was contrarie to those things, not bee­ing hable sodaynely to erect an armie of footemen, of other bodies then suche as should be leauied in hast: And much lesse to approch it with any intention to make long aboade there, both for the inclemencie of the ayre corrupted with the windes of the sea, whiche beeing become pestiferous through the vapours of the pooles and marishes, were harmefull to armies, as was well experienced when Paule Vi­telli encamped there: And also for that the countrey of Pisa beginneth from the moneth of September to be subiect to raynes, whiche, by reason of the basenesse or lownesse of the place do so ouerdrowne it, that it takes away all oportunities for an armie to remayne there: That in suche an vniuersall obstinacie there coulde be no assured foundation reapposed in practises or priuate intelligences, for that suche things beeing for the moste parte eyther dissembled or subborned, or at least managed by persons vnhable to execute that they promise, bring with them so many imperfections, that the fruite of thexpectation will not aunswere the tyme that is taken to enterteine them: Besides, notwithstanding there had bene no pub­like fayth giuen to the great Capteine, yet Prosper Colonno (but of him selfe) almost vnder their secrete consent had signified and promised, that for that yeare there should be made no approche with artillerie to the walles of Pisa: In whiche re­garde they ought to holde for certayne, that aswell for that disdayne, and for the promyses he had many tymes made to the Pisans, as also for that this successe of the Florentins was nothing profitable for his affayres, he woulde oppose him­selfe agaynst this enterprise: A matter very easie for him to doo, for that he might in fewe howres put into Pisa the Spanishe bandes of footemen which were at Plombin, as he had oftentimes assured them to doo when soeuer there was pre­paration to besiege them: That it were better to vse thoccasion of the victo­rie, there, where albeit the profite were lesse, yet thinges without all compari­son shoulde bee founde of farre more easie action, and yet not without a nota­ble profite: That there was not one that had more opposed, nor dyd more continually resiste their enterprises: not one that had more hindred the recoue­rie of Pisa, nor more procured to chaunge the present gouernment then Pan­dolffo Petruccio: That he had stirred vp the Duke Valentynois to enter in armes vppon their landes: That hee had beene the principall author and guyde of thenterprise of Vitellozze, and of the rebellion of Aretze: That by his counsell and solicitation, the Genovvaies and Lucquois were ioyned with the estate of Si­enna to supporte the Pisans: That it was he that had induced Consaluo to take the protection of Plombin, to entermeddle with thaffayres of Pisa, and to make intrusion into the matters of Tuskane. To bee shorte, that there was none other that had beene author or fauourer of this bursting out of Aluiano: That it was agaynst hym that they oughte to turne their armie, and to pyll and ouerrunne all the countrey of Sienna, where woulde bee no resistaunce: That by the reputa­tion of their armies, there might happen agaynst hym some commotion in the Citie, wherein he had already manye enemyes: at the leaste that they weare not to wante occasion to occupie anye place of importaunce in that countrey, whiche they mighte holde in counterchaunge, or as a pawne to haue agayne Montpulcian: wherein they hoped by this reuenge to doo that which hitherto coulde not bee accomplished with benefites and pleasures, that Pandolffo here­after shoulde not bee so ready to offende them: That afterwardes in the same manner, they shoulde make incursions into the countreys of Lucquois, beeing [Page 350] very harmefull to leaue them so long expected: Lastely, that by these meanes there was hope to drawe some honour and profite of the victorie gotten, where if they went to besiege Pisa, there was to be reaped no other thing then expences and dishonour. These reasons, albeit they were alleaged with common accorde, yet did they nothing abate the desire of the people (which for the moste parte run­neth more guyded by will then by reason) crying to plant the campe afore Pisa, and beeing blinded with a ielous opinion they had taken of long tyme, that the recoue­ring of Pisa was nowhit pleasing to many of the principall Citizens for many ambi­cious respects. In this sentence P. Sodererin Gonsalonier beeing no lesse colde then the residue, calling a great councell of the people, with whome they had not bene accustomed to communicate in matters of that nature, asked if they were of opi­nion that the campe shoulde go afore Pisa, wherevnto euery one aunswering affir­matiuely, wisedome was surmounted with rashnes, the authoritie of the better sort giuing place to the will of the greater parte. And therefore there were present di­rections to make prouisions with a celeritie incredible, euery one hauing desire to preuent no lesse thexpected succours of the great Capteine, then the daungers of the The Floren­tins armie a­fore Pisa. reynie seasons, in so muche as the sixt day of September the armie approched the walles of Pisa with six hundred men at armes, seuen thousande footemen, and six­teene Canons, with many other Artilleries of execution, the campe beeing pitched betwene Santa Croce and San Michele, in the selfe same place wherin the Frenchmen had encamped before. And as the artilleries were sodenly planted in the night, so they battered the day folowing in great furie, all that was betweene the gate di Calci and the turret of S. Frauncis, where the walles make within, an angle: and hauing from the sonne rysing, (when thartillerie beganne to playe) tyll the xxj. howre brought to the earth more then thirtie fadomes of wall, there was enterteyned where the ruine was moste, a hotte skirmishe, but to very little profite, for that there was not throwen downe so great a quantitie and space of wall as had beene necessarie in a towne, where the men presented them selues to the defence with their auncient valour and hardynesse: therefore the morning followng, to thende to make a greater opening of the wall, they beganne another batterie in a place a little remoued (that place of the wall which aforetymes had bene battred by the Frenche, remeining betweene the one and other battrie,) and after they had caste downe so muche of the wall, as was thought sufficient, Hercules sought to aduance the footbands which were in battell to giue a rough assalt both to the one and other breach, where the Pisans trauelling according to their customes, the women no lesse venterous then the men resolute, had during the batterie drawne a rampier with a ditche afore. But there was not in Thitalian footebandes whiche had bene lea­uyed in haste, neyther that action nor that spirite that was to force suche a resi­staunce: for that ensigne of footemen to whome by lotte apperteyned the firste assalte, beginning to refuse through cowardise to go to the walles, neyther thau­thoritie of the Capteine, nor presence of the superintendent of Florence, neyther the regarde of their proper honour, nor the honour common of the men of ser­uice of Italie, were sufficient to vanquishe their feare, nor to shewe valour in an action so muche importing: thexample of whome, finding imitation and place in the residue that shoulde haue followed them, all the regimentes retyred to their lodginges, hauing done no other thing then (by leauing thinfanterie of Ita­lie infamous through all Europe) defyled the felicitie of the victorie obteined agaynst Aluiano, and defaced the reputation of the Capteine and Campema­ster [Page 351] whiche was greate on the behalfe of the Florentins, if, content with the glory they had gotten, they coulde haue moderated their proper fortune. When the souldiours were once retyred to their lodgings, there was made no more doubt to leauie the campe, chiefly for that the same day six hundred Spanishe footemen of those that were at Plombin were entred Pisa by direction from the great Capteine: So that the day following the Florentine armie retyred to Cascina, drawing with them more dishonour then eyther prayse or profite, prouing in them selues that auncient tradition of the elders, that follie and rashnes haue no societie with wise­dome, nor fortune, or aduenture any communitie with good counsell, since all those things are referred to a doubtfull issue, that are done by will and not by rea­son. Within fewe dayes after, there entred into Pisa fifteene hundred spanish foot­men, who, because the seruice had no necessitie of them, after they had in vayne giuen an assault to the towne of Bientina at the incitation of the Pisans, continued their nauigation into Spayne, whither they were sent by the great Capteine, for that the peace was already established betweene the Frenche king and Ferdinand king of Spayne, to the which (all difficulties that earst hindred it, beeing nowe re­moued, as both the regarde of the honour of the Frenche king, and the feare to make tharchduke his enemie) the death of the Queene of Spayne had giuen perfe­ction: for that both the French king, enuying muche suche a greatnesse of tharch­duke, desyred to disappoynt his purposes. And also the king of Spayne, beeing ad­uertised that tharchduke disdayning the last will of his mother in lawe, had deter­mined to take from him the gouernment of the kingdome of Castilla, was constray­ned to make his stay vppon newe alliaunces: for this cause the mariage was agreed vpon betweene him and Lady Germana de Foix sisters daughter to the French king, with condition that the king shoulde giue her in dowry that part of the kingdome of Naples that apperteined to him, the king of Spayne bynding him selfe to paye him within ten yeeres seuen hundred thousande duckets in recompence of expences, and to indue the newe maried Lady with three hundred thousande duckets. This Peace be­tvvene the French king and king of Spayne. mariage beeing ratified and accompanied with the peace, it was agreed that the barons of the faction of Aniovv, and all suche as had followed the Frenche parte, should be restored without any payment into their libertie, countrie, estates, digni­ties and goods, and reestablished in the same condition and degree that they were in the day that the warres beganne betweene the Frenche and Spanishe, whiche they accompt to be the day that the Frenchemen ranne to Tripaldo: That all con­fiscations made by the king of Spayne, and by king Federik, should be holden for can­celled and voyde: That the prince of Rossana, the Marquis of Bitonto and of Gesual­do, Alphonso and Honorio of S. Seuerin, with all the other barons which were priso­ners to the Spanish in the kingdome of Naples, should be deliuered: That the French king should no more intitle him selfe king of Ierusalem and Naples: That the homa­ges and fealties of the barons should be made according to the conuentions afore­sayde, and that in the same maner thinuestiture should be demaunded of the Pope: That in case the Queene Germana shoulde dye in mariage without issue, her part of dowrie shoulde be transferred to Ferdinand, but if he dyed first, it shoulde re­uert to the crowne of Fraunce: That king Ferdinand should be bounde to ayde Ga­ston Earle of Foix and brother to his newe wife, to conquere the kingdome of Nauarre, which he pretended to apperteyne to him, & which was possessed with a title royal by Katthern de Foix, & by Iohn her husband sonne to Monsr d'Albert: That the French king should constraine the widow of king Federik with her two children [Page 352] that were with him, to go into Spayne, where should be assigned to her a competent portion to liue: And if she refused to depart, then the king should commaund her to issue out of his realme without making any further allowance to her or to her chil­dren by way of pention, or other meane to releeue them. That neyther one of the parties should enterprise any thing, agaynst those whom any of them should name: and they named ioyntly in Italie the Pope, and the French king apart named the Flo­rentins: That for strengthning of this peace, there was ment to be made betweene the two kings a perpetuall confederation for the defence of their estates, wherevnto the king should be bounde with a thousande launces, and six thousande footemen: and Ferdinand with three hundred launces, two thousande Iennytairs, and six thou­sande footemen. After the peace was made and published, wherin the king of Eng­lande promised obseruation for both the parties, the Barons of Aniovv who were in Fraunce, hauing taken their leaue of the king, went almost all with the Queene Ier­mana into Spayne, the king vsing towards them at their departure a very small gratu­lation of their seruices past. Isabell the widowe of Federike hauing her leaue, went to Ferrara, refusing to put her children into the power of the Catholike king. In this towne of Ferrara (Alphonso the sonne of Hercules beeing nowe succeeded to the Dukedome) there hapned vpon the ende of the yere, a straunge and tragicall acci­dent: suche one as had some similitude with the barbarous actions of thauncient Thebanes, but for farre more lighte occasions, if thunbridled furie of loue be lesse, then the burning ambition and desire to reigne: The Cardinall Hypolito d'Este, lo­uing feruently a young mayde his kinswoman, who for her parte was no lesse ama­rous An horrible act of a Car­dinall. of Don Iulio naturall brother to the Cardinall, and confessing her selfe to the Cardinall, ‘that that which aboue all other things made so vehement her affection to his brother, was, the sweete aspect and beautie of his eyes: Loue is a Lorde of the worlde, and aboue all naturall impressions hath a tyrannicall subiection ouer the creatures whom he possesseth:’ for the Cardinall enuying the communitie of his brother, turned his loue into ielous furie, and setting espiall ouer Don Iulio when he should go out of the towne on hunting, set vpon him in the fielde with a crewe of tormentors prepared to mischiefe, whose violent handes the Cardinall in his owne presence, suffred to thrust out the eyes of his brother, for that they were the com­panions of his loue: An action no lesse infamous to the Cardinall, then intolle­rable to all humanitie, and which afterwards trayned with it many occa­sions of seditious and Ciuil quarrels betweene the brethren. Suche was the ende of the yere a thousande fiue hundred and fiue.

The ende of the sixt booke.

MAny treaties are made. Pope Iulio the seconde takes the gouernment of Bolognia. The Ge­novvaies rebell agaynst the French king. The king of Aragon meeteth vvith the French king, and communicateth vvith him. The dyet is holden at Constance. The king of Romaines de­maundes passage of the Ʋenetians to go take the Crovvne at Rome, he inuadeth their lands, and af­tervvards maketh truce vvith them.

THE SEVENTH BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

THESE were thaccidents of the yere a thousande fiue hun­dred and fiue, whiche albeit left apparant hopes that the tranquilitie of Italie would recontinue (the warres for the quarrell of Naples being nowe quenched:) yet (suche is the Sedes of nevv vvarres. mutabilitie of worldly affaires) there began to appeare in o­ther places, seedes of newe innouations and chalenges ten­ding to many ciuill calamities: for Philip, which nowe tooke vpon him the title of king of Castillo, and was no lesse discon­tented that suche a kingdome was gouerned by his father in lawe, inclined to thincitation of many Barons, and prepared him selfe to passe into Spayne agaynst his will, pretending, as the trueth was, that the late Queene had no power eyther to dispose or to prescribe lawes, or to bequeath the gouernment of the kingdome after her death. The king of Romains also taking stomack by the great­nes of his sonne, solicited to passe into Italie. And lastly the Frenche king, albeit the yere before he was muche discontented with the Pope, for that he had disposed and inducted the benefices whiche were voyde by the death of Cardinall Askanius and others, in the duchie of Millan, without his participation: And for that also in the creation of other Cardinals, he had refused to call the bishop of Achx nephewe to the Cardinall of Amboyse, and the bishop of Baieux nephewe to Monsr Trymouille, being earnestly solicited by the king, who in those regardes had caused to sequester the frutes of the benefices which the Cardinall S. P. ad Vincla & others of the Popes amitie, possessed in thestate of Millan: yet the king on the other side, holding both suspected and feared the greatnes of Caesar and his sonne, iudged it necessarie not to nourish occasions of reuenge, but to reenter into reconcilement with the Pope, to whom after he had releaced all the sequestrations, he sent in the beginning of this yere the bishop of Sisteron thapostolicall Nuncio to negociate with him many plotts and offers agaynst the Venetians, to whom he knewe the Pope could not but conti­nue to beare an yll will with a hatred redoubled for the desire he had to recouer the townes of Romania: An humor which the Pope did so muche the more dissemble, by how much vntill that day he had proceded in al things so tractable & respectiue, that euery one tooke occasion to maruell greatly, that he, who in his estate of Car­dinall [Page 354] had bene alway full of immoderate and aspiring thoughtes, and who in the time of Popes Sistus, Innocent, and Alexander, had bene many times thinstrument to trouble Italie, expressed now that he was become Pope (an estate for the most part administred with ambition and troublesome imaginations) to be more easie and a­bated in courage, then did well beare thambicious profession which he had alwayes made to the contrarie, not making any showe or demonstration to remember olde iniuries, or to seeme to be like to him selfe: So dangerous is dissimulation in the per­sons Dissimulation very daunge­rous in the persons of great men. of great men, whose authoritie and place shadowing their dispositions, defends all things from blame, though they haue nothing vnworthy of reprehension: for the intentions of the Pope were farre other wayes, then agreed with the propertie of his actions, for that hauing a determination to surmount the former opinion that was had of him, and to do more then was expected, turned all his wittes, deuises, and labours, (contrarie to the custome of his auncient magnanimitie) to heape vp a wonderfull masse of treasure, to thende that to the will he had to kindle the warre, might be ioyned also the meane and power to susteine it. And finding in that time, that he was furnished with sufficient treasures and money, he beganne euen then to discouer his thoughtes aspiring to right great things, suffring nothing to stay thexe­cution of that whiche he had pretended with so great studie, secrecie, and hope. Therefore the Bishop of Sisteron being receyued and hard with a gladnes agrea­ble to the nature of his desire, was dispatched and sent backe agayne with diligence, to solicite betweene them a new reunion and amitie: wherein the better to dispose the minde of the king and the Cardinall d'Amboyse, he promised by writte whiche the sayde Nuncio caried with him, the dignitie of Cardinall to the Bishoppes of Achx and Bayeux, forgetting nothing that he thought might further theffect of those ambitions which he had nourished with so great care and trauell of mynde. And yet notwithstanding in so great a heate and vehemencie of forwardnesse, he entred oftentimes into many doubtes and difficulties, for that eyther for a certayne hate he had conceyued agaynst the Frenche king at suche time as he fledde into Fraunce, eschewing thambushes of Pope Alexander, or for that it much discontented him to be drawen as it were by compulsion by the power and importunitie of the French king, to transferre to the Cardinal of Amboyse, the legation of the kingdome of Fraunce: or lastly, for that he suspected least the said Cardinal (whose behauiours tended directly to the Popedome) not hauing patience to tarie for his death, would not seeke to aspire to his place by wayes sinister and extraordinarie: In regarde of which impressions (more troublesome for the suttletie of the man, then that there was reason he should feare so farre) made him oftentimes wander in disposition, de­termining not wholly to ioyne with the Frenche king, and yet without his coniun­ction, he knew it was impossible that at that tyme any thing of consequence should succeede with him: For which reasons he sent (on the other side) to Pisa, Baltasar Blasquo a Genovvay, capteine of his galleis, with commission to arme two lighte Galleis which Pope Alexander had caused to builde there: but it was thought that it was to this ende to be more ready to deliuer Genes from the gouernment of the Frenche, in case the king who yet remayned vexed with the reliques of his disease, should happen to dye.

Thus matters hanging in suche an estate of suspence, the first action of this yeare 1506. beganne by thembarking of king Philip to sayle out of Flaunders into King Philip saileth out of Flaunders in­to Spayne. Spayne with a great armie by sea: And to reduce his going to a more facilitie and safetie (for he feared least his father in lawe by the ayde of the Frenche, woulde [Page 355] hinder his passage) he practised the Spanishe subtelties, and agreed with him to leaue vnto him the managing and pollicie of the moste parte of affayres, and that they shoulde take in common the title of king of Spayne, according to thexample in the Queenes tyme: and lastely, that the reuenues and tributes shoulde be deui­ded in an order certayne and indifferent. By reason of which accorde, his father in lawe, notwithstanding he was not assured of thobseruation, sent him into Flaunders many shippes to furnishe his voyage: with the which, hauing embarked his wyfe and Ferdinand his seconde sonne, he tooke his course into Spayne with forwarde windes, whiche, within two dayes turning cleane contrarie, after his nauie had runne a daungerous fortune, and made a wearie resistaunce agaynst the furie of the King Phillip caste by casualtie of sea vpon the cpasts of Englande. sea, his shippes were caste vpon sundrie coastes of Englande and Brittaine, his owne person with two or three shippes beeing dryuen with manyfest perill vppon Eng­lande into the hauen of Southhampton: whereof Henry the seuenth then king of that Nation beeing aduertised, sent to him with speede many Barons to doo him ho­nour, and desire him to come to his Court, then at London: A request whiche Philip coulde not denie, the king of Englands demaunde beeing no lesse honora­ble, then his owne estate full of necessitie and nakednesse. He remayned in the Court of Englande, vntill all his Nauie was reassembled and eftsoones rigged, ma­king in the meane whyle betweene them newe capitulations: wherein albeit Phi­lippe in all other things helde him selfe vsed as a king, yet in this one thing he Philip promi­seth to redeli­uer to king H. the duke of Suffolke. complayned, that he was constrayned as a prysoner, to consent to redelyuer into king Henries handes the duke of Suffolke, whome he helde prisoner within the ca­stell of Namur, and whome the king of Englande desyred muche to haue in his power, for that he quarreled the tytle of the Crowne, pretending the righte of the kingdome to apperteine to him: onely the king of Englande assured Philip by the fayth and worde of a king, that he woulde not put him to death, which he did as iustly perfourme as he had honorably promised, keeping him in prison so long as he lyued, and afterwardes was beheaded vnder the reigne and cōmaundement of his sonne. King Philip sayled afterwardes with a more happie nauigation into Spayne, where almost all the Barons flocked to him, bringing in their countenaun­ces apparaunt signes of gratulation and gladnes of his comming, and in their mindes assured resolution to aduaunce him: In so muche as his father in lawe, who was not strong ynough of him selfe to resist him, and lesse confidence that in the Frenche promises was any suretie of foundation, seeing him selfe almost abando­ned of euery one, and the articles of the firste accorde disallowed, and finding withall a very harde and paynefull accesse to his sonne in lawe, was constrayned to agree to new conditions, such as were offred to him, nothing respecting the former▪ wherein notwithstanding they proceeded not rigorously for the good nature of Phillip, but muche more for the perswasions of those which had shewed them­selues great enemies to Ferdinand: for that beeing in continuall doubt, that by his wisdome and authoritie, together with the facilitie of Philips disposition, he would not get better fauour, & in the end winne gouernment with his sonne, they solicited as much as they could his departing out of Castillo. It was accorded, that Ferdinand Capitulations betvvene Ferdinand & Phil [...]p. should giue ouer the gouernment which his wife had left to him by testamēt, toge­ther with al that he could pretend in that right, & that he should spedely depart out of Castillo, with promise to returne no more: That Ferdinand shoulde possesse the kingdome of Naples as his owne, notwithstanding there were that alleaged that it apperteined to Philip, for that it was conquered with the armes and power of the [Page 356] kingdome of Castillo: which was the same reason (& happly more iust) by the which Ferdinand was wont to pretende the sayde realme to apperteine to him, as being wonne by the treasures and forces of the state of Aragon. The tributes of the yles of India were reserued to him during his life, together with the three great master­shippes of S. Iames, Alcantara, and Calatraua: It was also agreed that he should take euery yere xxv. thousand duckets of the reuenues of the Realme of Castillo. Assone as this contract was resolued and passed to publication, Ferdinand, whom hereafter we will call eyther the king Catholike, or the king of Aragon, went foorthwith into Aragon, with intention to passe by sea to Naples with all the diligence he might, not so muche for the desire he had to see that kingdome, and to reestablish it, as to re­moue the great Capteine, agaynst whom since the death of the Queene, he had con­ceyued many suspitions, eyther that he aspired to transferre to him selfe the king­dome, or at least that he had inclinations to giue it rather to Philip then to him: So ielouse is the condition of imperie and dignitie, that agaynst those for the most part is most possibilitie of suspition, whose vertue hath best deserued in confidence and fidelitie. But by so muche lesse had the king of Aragon occasion to reappose in him, The conditiō of imperie & dignitie ie­lous. by howmuche more he had founde him alwayes intractable to leaue Naples, from whence as he had often sommoned him in vayne to returne into Spayne (whiche he excused and delayed alleaging many impediments,) so he feared that if he went not thither in person, he should not easily remoue him from the gouernment, notwith­standing since the last contract, king Philip had charged him to transferre wholly hereafter all his obedience to the king of Aragon.

In this time the French king, beginning to ryse somewhat into health, was tra­uelled with many, diuers and contrarie thoughts: for, both he was discontented with the Venetians, disdayning them since the times of the warre of Naples, for the desire he had to recouer that whiche was of thauncient appurtenances of the duchie of Imaginations of the French king. Millan, and for an opinion that through diuerse accidentes, their power and great­nes might sometimes hurt him, which, among other respects, had induced him to make confederation with the king of Romaines and Philip his sonne: And on the o­ther part, the discending of the king of Romains into Italie was nothing agreable to him, knowing that he prepared to furnishe his iourney with very strong forces: A matter which he feared more then afore, for the power which he might put to king Philip (successour to suche a greatnes) specially beeing in doubt that whilest he was in Englande, he did not contract with the king there certayne newe and straite ally­aunces: And for that also one of the principall occasions for the which he had en­tred confederation with them, was ceassed and cut off by the peace made with the king Catholike, by reason of the which he had dissolued & left there all his thoughts and impressions touching the kingdome of Naples. But whilest he stoode wauering in this varietie and incertentie of minde, thembassadours of themperour Maximi­lian came to signifie to him their maisters deliberation to passe into Italie, and to sommon him to giue order for the fiue hundred launces which he had promised to furnishe in his fauour, and to performe the residue of his worde touching the resto­ring of the banished men from the state of Millan, and to put him in remembrance lastly to aduaunce payment of the money which should be due to him within fewe monethes. To these demaundes albeit the French king had no great will to condis­scende, yet he made semblant of the contrarie, neuerthelesse onely for the regarde of suche as for that time required but wordes, expressing howe muche he desired that tharticles of accorde should be executed, offering for his parte in due season a [Page 357] readie accomplishment of all thinges he was bounde vnto: onely he refused with many excuses to aduaunce the money. On the other parte, themperour reapposing also as little in the will of the French king, as he did in his, and desiring vehement­ly to passe to Rome, chiefly to take the crowne imperiall, and to choose afterwards his sonne king of Romains, studied in the same time by what other meanes he might atchieue theffect of his expectations. Therefore both he solicited the Svvyzzers to knit with him, who, after wany councels and disputes among them selues, deter­mined to obserue thalliance which yet remayned two yeres, with the French king: And also he demaunded passage of the Venetians through their lands, who beeing loath for their own particular to graunt him passage with an armie so mightie, (the offers also of the French king inciting thē to ioyne with him to let his passage) tooke courage to aunswere him in tearmes generall: and the French king, showing him­selfe openly estraunged from the confederation made with him and with Phillip, gaue in mariage the Lady Clauda his daughter, to Frauncis Lorde of Angulesme, to whom belonged the succession of the Crowne after his death without issue male: he made as though he had bene drawen to that action, by the importunities of his sub­iects, hauing aforehande ordeined for that effect, that all the courts of Parliament and principall townes of his kingdome, should sende Embassadours to beseeche him as in a matter most profitable to the Realme, since the hope to haue issue male dimi­nished in him dayly more and more. This he signified with speede to king Phillip by expresse Embassadours, excusing him selfe that he had no power to resist so great a desire of his whole realme and communitie of his subiects. Besides these, he had sent bandes of men to the succours of the duke of Gueldres, to turne Maximilian from passing into Italie, who of him selfe had left and giuen ouer those cogitations: for that vnderstanding that Launcelet king of Hungarie was very sicke, he drewe neare the confines of that kingdome according to an auncient desire of his father, to make him selfe king for the right which he pretended to it: for Launcelet, otherwise called Ladislao, king of Hungaria and of Boeme, sonne of Albert, which was brother to them­perour Federik, dying many yeres before without sonnes, the peoples of Hungaria, who pretended that their king dying without heire masculine, the succession of the next in bloud could haue no place, had chosen for their king (hauing regarde to the merites and vertues of his father) Mathyas, he who afterwardes to the great reputa­tion and glorie of so little a kingdome, vexed oftentimes the mightie empire of the Turkes: He, to auoyde in the beginning of his reigne, warre with Federike, agreed with him to take no wife, to thend that after his death the kingdome might diuolue to Federike, or to his children: which albeit he did not obserue, yet he died without issue, and for all that Federike had not thaccomplishment of his desire, for that Thungarians chose of newe for their king, Launcelet king of Polonia, by occasion whereof, newe warres being eftsones raysed agaynst them by Federike and Maximi­lian, they agreed at last (the Barons of the kingdome taking a solemne othe) that whensoeuer Launcelet should dye without issue, they shoulde receiue Maximilian for their king. In so much as he then aspiring to this succession, after he was aduer­tised of thinfirmitie of Launcelet, he drewe neare to the borders of Hungaria, leauing behinde him for that time all his thoughts for Italie.

But whylest those things were debated betweene the Princes of beyonde the Mountes with so great diuersitie: the Pope, knowing that without the aydes of the The Pope de­uiseth to vvin agayne Bo­lognia. French king, he could not molest the Venetians, and hauing lesse patience that the yeres of his Pontificacie should so passe away and consume without profite or ho­nour, [Page 358] prayed the French king to helpe him to recouer to the obedience of the Church the cities of Bolognia and Perousa, which belonging of antiquitie to the Sea Apostolike, were nowe tirannised, the one by Iohn Paule Baillon, and the other by Iohn Bentiuolo, whose predecessors in the tymes of ciuill warres, rising from priuate Citisens to be chiefe of a faction, after they had chased or slayne al their aduersaries, were not onely become absolute Lordes of the Cities, but also stoode not restray­ned by any other thing to take the title of lawfull Princes, then for the regard which they had to the Popes, who in the one and the other citie reteyned somewhat more then the simple name of Lordship, for that they tooke a certeyne part of the reue­nues, albeit very little, and ordeined gouernours in the name of the Churche, who serued rather as shadowes and apparances, then to rule or commaunde (the power and deliberation of all things of importance resting in the authoritie of others:) But the towne of Perousa, either for his more nearenes to Rome, or for other occa­sions, was longer time enterteined in thobedience of the Church, then Bolognia: for that citie did oftentimes chaunge in thaduersities of Popes, sometimes beeing go­uerned in libertie, sometimes oppressed by the Citizens, sometimes ronning to tho­bedience of strange Princes, sometimes reduced to thabsolute subiection of Popes, and lastly returning in the time of Pope Nicholas the fifte, vnder the rule of the Church, but with limitations certaine, and such communion of authoritie betwene the Pope and them, that with tract of time the name and demonstration of things remeining onely to the Popes, theffect and substance of the pollicie & gouernment rested wholly in the power of the Bentyuoles: of whom, Iohn Bentyuole who com­maunded for the present, hauing by litle and litle drawen all things to him, and em­based those mightie families which had bene contrarie to his elders and him in the first stablishing of his tyrannie: and being also greeuous for thinsolencies and in­tollerable expences which his foure sonnes made, (an occasion making him hate­full almost to euery one) ruled nowe more by crueltie and armes, then with clemen­cie and affabilitie, leauing very litle place to equitie and innocencie. But the Pope was most of all pushed forwarde to this enterprise by a burning humor and desire of glorie, wherein he had determined (albeit vnder the shadowe of pietie and zeale to religion) to reconquer to the sea Apostolike, all those places, of what nature so­euer, that had bene vsurped vpon the Church: And in this inclination to vse the sworde he had a particular motion to recouer Bolognia, for a hatred newely kindled agaynst Iohn Bentyuole, for that in the times of his aduersities when he durst not re­mayne at Rome, and seeking safetie in Cento a towne of his Bishoprike in Bolognia, he was driuen to steale away by night, hearing a brute published at randome, that there was a resolution to apprehende him prisoner at the instance of Pope Alexander: So Malice is in­finite in her actions. infinite is malice in her operations, that what heart she hath once embraced, ‘she neuer ceasseth to ouercarie by degrees, tyll a reuenge be executed, and that for the moste parte in a qualitie farre aboue the nature and merite of the offence. And (as was well expressed in the humours of this Pope) malice in wise men hath no sodaine apparaunce, but rising with their greatnes of place and calling, into more furie and rage, the blowe comes so muche the more redoubled, by howmuche the matter hath bene nourished with tract of time, not fayling to execute assone as opportu­nitie doth offer.’ This request of the Pope was to the good lyking of the king, who tooke it for an apte occasion to keepe him in his amitie: for knowing howmuche it did preiudice his affayres, that the Pope had alliaunce with the Venetians, he beganne to growe into feares that he woulde sodaynly reuolte, holding him also [Page 359] in suspition to haue communitie in a certayne practise which Octauian Fregoso had made to depriue him of the iurisdiction of Genes. Besides, he esteemed Bentyuole (al­beit he was vnder his protection) more inclined to Caesar then to him: To these doubtes he adioyned also the disdayne which he had agaynst Iohn Paule Baillon, for that he had refused (notwithstanding he was possessed of the foureteene thousande duckets) to go and ioyne with his armie beeing vpon the ryuer of Garillan, together with his desire to offende Pandolffe Petruccio, vnder an occasion to sende men into Tuskane, for that he had both fayled to pay him the money he had promised, and al­so had wholly followed the fortune of the Spaniards. So that he made ready offers to the Pope to ayde him, and the Pope for his part, gaue him the writts of election to Cardinals for the bishops of Achx & Bayeux, with power to dispose of the bene­fices in the duchie of Millan in the same fulnesse that Lodovvyke Sforce had vsed be­fore. These practises beeing resolued and concluded by the solicitation of the By­shop of Sisteron newly indued with the Archbishoprike of Achx the onely and im­mediate interposer betweene them, yet the execution was not so ready, for that as the Pope deferred for certayne monthes to put thenterprise to action, so it hapned in that meane while that Maximilian, who hauing begonne the warre agaynst the king of Hungarie, had estraunged his thoughts from Italie, made nowe a newe peace with him, renewing thaccorde touching the succession, and returned into Austria, making signes and preparations as though he would eftsones passe into Italie: And desiring that the Venetians should not oppose agaynst his intention, he dispatched foure Embassadours to aduertise that state, that he was determined to go to Rome to take the Imperiall crowne, desiring them to giue him libertie of passage together with his armie: he assured them to march through their regions without greeuing them or theirs in any sort: And desired, by protestation, to be vnited with that com­mon weale, wherein the meane might easily be founde, not onely with suretye, but also with augmentation and exaltation of both the parties, couertly inducing vnder this perswasion that it woulde make for their common profite to conspire toge­ther agaynst the Frenche king. The Venetians, after they had long debated in counsell, returned a very gracious answere, expressing how muche their common­weale desired to be conformable to his will, and to satisfie his requestes in all things which they might without their proper preiudice, which in that case could not be neither greater nor more euident, for that the regions of Italie being made desperate by so many calamities which they haue suffred, were drawen into an vniuersall mu­tinie at the onely brute of his discending with so mightie an armie, standing gene­rally resolued to take armes to cut off occasions and oportunities of newe troubles, and that the Frenche king was to do the like for the suretie of thestate of Millan: That by that meane, his comming into Italie with an armie displayed, was no other thing then to giue occasion to the communalties of Italie to leauie armes to make mightie resistaunce agaynst him: An action of no little importance and daunger agaynst them, for that if they should consent to his passing, all the potentates and powers of Italie, together with the French king, would iudge of them none other­wise, then of suche as had not esteemed of the common benefite in respect of their proper interestes: That it would be more assured for all, and in the ende moste ho­norable for him, comming to an act pacificable and agreable to euery one, to passe disarmed into Italie, where thimperiall maiestie showing himselfe no lesse gracious and affable, then mightie and terrible, should finde an vniuersall fauour with all re­gions, peoples, and communalties: That he should (to his perpetuall glorie) beare [Page 360] the honorable reputation to be the protector of the tranquilitie of Italie, proceding to his coronation in the same forme which his father and many his renowmed pre­decessors obserued afore him, in which course they were and would vse to him, all those oblations, obseruances, and offices which he could desire.

These apparances of armes and other things practised by Caesar, were the causes that the Pope resolued fully to execute the enterprise of Bolognia, and had sent to sommon the French king to his promise, was friendly aduised by the king to haue regarde to the estate and disposition of things, and considering well of the nature of times, to deferre the action of the enterprise to an other season, least the vntime­ly breaking out of such an accident did not onely bring all Italie into commotion, but proue preiudiciall euen agaynst his proper intentions: for that he feared least in this action he should kindle agaynst him the minds of the Venetians, who had al­readie signified to him that they were resolued to take armes for the defence of Bo­lognia, if the Pope would not first indue them with the graunt of those patronages and rightes of Faenza which apperteined to the Church. But the Pope, who of na­ture was impacient and sodayne, sought out still all the meanes he coulde, by the which (notwithstanding all difficulties and impediments) he might aspire to that he desired: Wherein he proceeded with moodes furious and violent, calling toge­ther into the consistorie all the Cardinalls, afore whome deducing in forme of a languishing complaynt, how iustly he was touched with desire to deliuer from the The Pope vvill go in person to the enterprise of Bolognia. handes of tyrantes the cities of Bolognia and Perousa, members so muche importing the sea Apostolike, he signified that he would assiste thenterprise in person: he assu­red them, that besides his owne forces, he should be ayded by the Frenche king, by the Florentins, and many other potentates of Italie, and that God that was perpe­tually iust, would neuer leaue abandoned suche as with so holy intentions soughte to reestablishe and restore the Church. Assone as this deliberation was published in Fraunce, it seemed such a matter to be laughed at to the king, that the Pope should promise him selfe a succor of his people without intelligence or communitie with him, that making it a iesting talke at his table, and imposing withall vpon the Pope his notorious dronkennesse, he sayd it could not be but the Pope was well bewit­ched with wine: not discerning as yet that that sodayne deliberation did constraine him, either to come to manifest controuersie with him, or els to giue him of his men agaynst his will. But the Pope, not expecting any other resolution, issued out of Rome with fiue hundred men at armes, and sending afore Anthony dal Monte to sig­nifie his comming to the Bolognois, with direction to commaunde them to make prouision to receiue him, and to bestowe in the countrey fiue hundred French laun­ces. He marched slowly, hauing determined not to passe Perousa, tyll he were well assured whether the French bandes woulde come to his succours, foreseing nowe those inconueniences which the immoderation of his minde would not afore suffer him to discerne in his heate and furie. Iohn Paule Baillon occupied with no small feares of his comming, by the counsell of the duke of Vrbin and other his friends, & vnder their assuraunce went to meete the Pope at Orutetto, who receyued him into grace and fauor, after he had wholly submitted himselfe to his discretion, with pro­mise to folowe him in person with an hundred and fiftie men at armes, and also to render vp into his handes the fortresses of Perousa and Perousin, and the garde of the city, giuing for obseruation his two sonnes in ostage to the duke of Vrbin: Vnder this cōposition the Pope entred without any strēgth into Perousa, being in the ful power of Iohn P. Baillon to make him prisoner with all his court and trayne, if he woulde [Page 361] haue made sounde throughout the world in a matter of such greatnes and weight, that disloyaltie, which had already made his name infamous in things more inferior and of farre meaner qualitie. At Perousa the Pope gaue audience to the Cardinall of Narbona sent to him from the French king, to perswade him to put ouer and deferre the enterprice till another time, and to protest the kings excuses, in that (contrary to his desire) he could not send him men, for that, by the considerations for Caesar, & the great suspitions he had of his doings, it was not cōuenient for him to leaue disarmed the duchie of Millan. This embassage albeit it stirred vp in the Pope many showes of perplexities and alterations, yet his wisdome helde his affections suppressed, and making no apparance that he had any inclination or will to chaunge adurse, he be­gan to leauie newe bandes of footemen, and reincrease all his prouisions: And yet many beleued, that what by the difficulties that appeared, and the easynes of his na­ture to be appeased vpon yelding or submission, if Bentyuole who offred by his Em­bassadors to sende in his foure sonnes, had disposed himselfe to come to him in per­son according to thexample of Iohn Paule, he had founde some tollerable forme for his affaires: But whilest he spent time in temporising (the aspect & estate of his bu­sines making him irresolute) or, as some say, whilst he was holden in suspence by the cōtradiction of his wife, he had aduertisement that Monsr de Chaumont had receiued direction from the French king to go to the succors of the Pope in person with fiue hundred launces: An ayde which albeit the king (in the absence of the cardinal Am­boyse) had no inclination to sende him, yet the Cardinal returning to the Court, vsed perswasions to holde the king firme in his promise, hauing not only made voluntary offers in the beginning, but also by many degrees since, had as it were vrged the Pope to vse the seruice of his men: The cardinal had power to make the king change aduise, whervnto he was so much the more easily induced, by howmuch the demō ­strations of Maximilian began now to waxe colde according to his custome, & the Pope also (somewhat to leaue the king satisfied) was content to make promise, not by writing, but in the mouth of his holynes & honor, that he would not molest the Ve­netians for the townes of Romagnia: And yet notwithstanding the pope, not able to absteine from disclosing what a setled desire he bare that way, going from Perousa to Cesena, he tooke the waye of the mountaine, for that if he had marched along the plaine, he should haue bin constrayned to passe vpon the lands of Rimini, which the Venetians held. Assone as he was come to Cesena, he admonished Bentiuole to depart frō Bolognia vnder most greuous censures & paines spiritual & temporall, stretching thē out against al such as should holde any conuersation or confederacie with him: And receiuing intelligence in this place, that Monsr de Chaumont marched with six hundred launces & three thousand footemen, all payed of the Church treasures, he tooke corage, & recōtinued his way without deferring. And turning from the waies & territories of Faenza for the same respects he refused Rimini, he tooke the way of the mountaine, notwithstanding it was troublesome & full of incōmodities: and so drawing along the townes which the Florentins possessed beyonde Thappenin, he went to Ymola, where his armie assembled: wherin, besides many bands of footemen which he had leauied, were foure hūdred men at armes in his pay, an hūdred & fifty led by Iohn Paule Baillon, an hundred lent by the Florentins vnder the guide of M. An. Colonno, an hundred lent by the duke of Ferrara, many bands of Estradiots leauied in the kingdome of Naples, & two hūdred light horsmē brought thither by the Marquis of Mantua, deputie lieftenant of tharmie. At Bolognia on thother side, Bentyuole & his faction omitted no preparatiō that might respect their suretie, nor forbare to arme [Page 362] all those bodies which they esteemed to carie abilitie to their defence, hoping that if they were not defended, at the least they should not be offended by the French: for that the king beeing called vpon to ayde them according to the contract of prote­ctiō, had answered, that albeit he could not with armes oppose against thenterprise of the Pope, yet he woulde forbeare to minister eyther men, or other nature of ayde agaynst them: An aunswere wherein they tooke great comforte and confi­dence to bee hable with ease to resiste the armie Ecclesiasticke: But all their hope was turned into feare by the comming of Monsr de Chaumont, who, albeit as he marched, had made diuers aunswers to their people, yet the same daye he arriued at Castelfranco vppon the territories of Bolognia, (beeing the same daye wherein the Marquis of Mantua with the Popes regimentes made him selfe Lorde ouer the Borough of Saint Peter) he sente to signifie to Bentyuole, that the kyng foreseeing not to fayle of that he was bounde vnto by the capitulations of protecti­on, had an intention not onely to make safetie and preseruation of his goodes, but also to procure him suche further grace and fauour, that resigning to the Church the gouernment and pollicie of the Citie, he shoulde with suretie remeine in Bo­lognia with his children, ‘so that within three dayes he submitted him selfe wholly to the obedience and commaundements of the Pope: Necessitie is mightie to bende those hartes that are inuincible agaynst all other meanes, and men compounded of humors transitorie and frayle, beare their ordinarie mutations of minde and coun­sell,’ according to the alteration of occasions and accidents. For, Bentyuole and his sonnes, who with great threatnings afore had published to all the worlde their ha­blenesse and disposition to defende them selues, became nowe chaunged in resolu­tion and courage: and not remembring with what vpbraidings they had exclaimed agaynst Peter de Medicis, for that without effusion of blood he had forsaken Florence: made answere that they would referre themselues to his arbitration, beseching him to be a meane that at the least they might obteine conditions tollerable. Therefore beeing now come to the bridge de Rene three myles from Bolognia, interposing with the Pope, he made an agreement that it should be lawfull to Iohn Bentyuole and hys sonnes, with Geneure Sforce his wife, safely to go out of Bolognia, and remeine in the duchie of Millan in any place at their best lyking and election: That it shoulde be lawfull for them eyther to sell or carrie away from Bolognia, all their goodes mo­ueable, and not to be molested for their immoueables which they possessed with iust title. By the benefite of which accorde ratified and confirmed, they departed with spede and securitie out of Bolognia, hauing obteined of Monsr de Chaumont, to whom they gaue twelue thousand duckets, a very large safeconduit, with promise subscri­bed, not onely to see obserued all that is conteined in the articles of protection, but also that he and his familie should continue in surety in the duchie of Millan. Assone as the kinred of the Bentyuoleis were departed, the people of Bolognia addressed with diligence their Embassadors to the Pope, to put into his hands the absolute iurisdi­ction of their citie, to demaunde pardon and absolution of the Censures, and to re­quire order that the Frenche shoulde not enter into Bolognia: But they beeing of nature insolent, coulde hardly beare to be regulated, specially in a tyme when their owne strength and common fortune of the armie fauoured their intentions, they made their approches to the walles wyth an vniuersall disposition to en­ter: but the strong resistaunce of the people, compounded of a resolute valour to defende their libertie, kept them from executing vpon the walles, & compelled thē to encampe neare the bulwarks betwene the gates of Saint Felix and Saragosse vpon [Page 363] the channel which drawing from the riuer of Rene passeth throw Bolognia, and from thence is nauigable to Ferrara: belike they were ignorant that it was in the power of thinhabitants of Bolognia by plucking vp a sluce of the channell that entreth the Citie, to drowne all the countrey about: their ignorance in a matter so needefull of consideration, brought sodaine incommodities vpon them, for that the people of Bolognia raising the sluse, the channell that afore was swelled with water, brake out and ouerslowed the lowe places where were encamped the French bands, who lea­uyng their artillerie in the water, and muche of their baggage, retyred in great tu­mult and disorder to the bridge of Rene, where they remeined ull the Pope entred in­to Bolognia, which was on Saint Martins day, confirming his entrie with all pompe and ceremonies Pontificall. Thus fell into the power of the Church with a great fe­licitie of thinhabitants, the citie of Bolognia, which with good right beareth name & reputation amongst the most noble and slourishing cities of Italie, aswell for thin­finitie of the dwellers, as for the fertilitie of soyle and oportunitie of situation. And albeit the Pope did institute new magistrates by thexample of antiquitie, leauing in many things great signes and apparances of libertie, yet, touching the effect, he brought it wholly to the obedience of the Church, expressing many honorable li­beralities in releasing diuers exemptions, wherin he made himselfe mighty in thopi­nion of the people, and (vsing the like in al other cities) he labored to allure the mul­titude to an amitie and liking of the Church gouernment. He gaue to Monsr Chau­mont, who returned immediatly to the duchie of Millan, eight thousand duckets, with ten thousand to be distributed in liberalities amongst his regiment, and he cōfirmed vnder Bul subsigned the promise he had made before to create Cardinal his brother the bishop of Alby, And yet (turning all his wittes & studies how he might annoy the Venetians) to leaue quicker motions in the French king & Cardinal Amboise to ayde him, he would not at that time publish Cardinalls the bishops of Achx & Bayeux, ac­cording to the solicitatiōs that were made, & writts which were already subscribed.

About this tyme the king of Aragon passed by sea into Italie, and embarking at Barcelonia there came to him a gentleman from the great Capteine, who offred him selfe prepared to receyue the king, and giue him all obedience: To whome in The great capteine con­sirmed in the duchy of S. Ange. recompence of his fidelitie and merites, the king ratified not onely donation of the duchie of Saint Ange which king Federik had giuen him, but also al his other profites which he possessed in the kingdome of Naples, amounting to twentie thousand duc­kets in yerely reuenue, together with the office of great Constable of the kingdome, and promise to be great maister of Saint Iames, both subsigned vnder the kings owne hande. The king embarking at Barcelonia with no lesse contentment of the present, then better hope hereafter, was honorably receiued with his wife, in all the ports of Prouence, according to the French kings commandements, and with the same obla­tion and reuerence was welcomed into the hauen of Genes, where he was expected by the great Capteine, who was gone thither to mete him, not without thadmiration of many, for that not onely the popular sort, but euen the Pope him selfe nourished an opinion, that aswell for his disobedience past, as for the present suspitions whiche the king had in him, he would passe into Spayne, fearing to stande in the presence of the king. The king of Aragon departing from Genes, remeined many dayes at Portofino, both for that the winde was contrarie, and also he helde it not conuenient to be farre from the shore with his light galleis: Whilest he soiorned at Portofino, he The death of king Phillip. was aduertised that king Phillip his sonne in lawe, young in yeeres, and well disposed in body, had chaunged this life for a better within the towne of Burgos: [Page 364] his infirmitie was a feuer raging with violent motions, but of very fewe dayes con­tinuance, hapning in the very ripenes and full reputation of his age, and in a season wherin he was lifted to his greatest felicitie, as oftentimes is wonderfully expressed in the variation of fortune: neuerthelesse the king, in whom it was beleeued that for the desire he had to recontinue in the gouernment of Castille, would eftsones turne sayle to Barcelonia, kept on his first way, and entred the port of Caietta the same day that the Pope marching to Bolognia, made his entire into Ymola: from whence he was conueyed to Naples, and receyued into that Citie (which was wont to reioyce in kings of Aragon) with no lesse magnificence, maiestie, and honor of the Nobles, then vniuersall desire and expectation of the communaltie, for an opinion they had that vnder a king so glorious for the many victories he had obteyned aswell against thinfidels as the Christians, and no lesse reuerenced for his high wisdome and tem­perature of spirite, ioyned to the generall teapporte of his singular iustice, by the which he had guyded his Realmes in tranquilitie: he would also restore and releeue the kingdome of Naples of so many afflictions and oppressions, and reduce it into an estate peasible and happie, with restitution of the pottes which the Venetians helde there, to the great displeasure of the whole kingdome. There came to him to Naples from all partes of Italie many Embassadors, not onely to congratulate and honor so great a prince, but also for many practises & occasions, euery one beeing persuaded that with his authoritie and wisdome he would readdresse things, and giuing a new forme to affayres, he would be the eauen ballance and counterpeise for many mat­ters: for that both the Pope, who helde himselfe yll contented with him, for that he had hot honored him with legation and embassadors according to the custome, stu­died to kindle him agaynst the Venetians, thinking that for the desire to recouer the portes of Povvylla, he had reason to wishe their declination and embasing. And the Venetians of the contrarie solicited for many good respects to be recontinued in his amitie: And also the Florentins, with the other peoples of Tuskane, negociated with him diuersly for the regarde of Pisa, which this yere was lesse molested then others with the incursions of the Florentins (not hindring their haruest) either for that they were weerie of the charges, or els that thexperience of the yere passed made them esteme it a thing vayne and without fruite, knowing that the states of Genes and Luc­ques had agreed together to support that citie for one yere with a determinate and certaine charge, whervnto P. Petrucci had prepared them before, offring like portion of contribution on the behalfe of the Siennois: notwithstanding on the other side (beeing a man dissembled in all his intentions) he obteined of the Florentins, by dis­closing thestate of the negociation, and to thend to seperate himselfe from the rest, that the truce which yet continued betwene the Florentins and Siennois, should haue prolongation for three yeres, with an expresse couenant that it should not be law­full to the Siennois, nor to Pandolffe, to minister any ayde to the Pisans: with whiche excuse forbearing to leauie any expenses for them, he refused not to fauour them with all the counsels and actions he could in all other sortes.

About this yeere there hapned a newe and straunge accident of the tragedie A cōtinuance of the historie of Iulio d'Este whiche had beene begonne before Ferrara: for Ferdinand brother to Duke Al­phonso and Iulio, whose eyes the Cardinall had violently caused to bee pluckte out (but by the readie helpe of Phisitions were restored without losse of hys sight:) conspired together wyth the saide Iulio, the death of the Duke: Ferdinand, who was nexte in succession after the Duke, was moued to thys conspiracie by an aspyring desire to occupie that state, the humour of dominion and [Page 365] rule carying him into dispositions of bloud contrary to honor, nature, & humanitie: And Iulio embraced the treason with so muche the more affection, by howmuche he iudged that Alphonso had not ministred sufficient iustice to the wrong that was done him, being withall out of hope to be able otherwise to wreake his reuenge vp­pon the Cardinall. To these counsels they called as a partie, the Counte Albertin Bos­chet a gentleman of Modona, with whom albeit they had wonne and corrupted cer­teine felowes of base cōdition gouerning much the person of Alphonso, for that they were his fauorits in matters of sport and delight, and had many times sundrie opor­tunities to kill him: yet, being withholden by a certaine fatall timerousnes, they let passe alwaies thoportunitie: In so much as (so it hapneth for the moste parte when thexecution of conspiracies is deferred) the treason being detected, Ferdinand with the other conspirators were imprisoned, and Iulio, who was fled to his sister at Man­tua, was by the direction of the Marquis, sent prisoner to Alphonso, being assured by his promise and fidelitie, that he should not be touched with death: But a little after the Counte Albertin being condemned iudicially, was quartered with the others that were founde guiltie, and the two brethren passed ouer to perpetuall prison in the newe castell of Ferrara.

In this place of the historie it is not inconuenient to touch somewhat of thauda­citie The death of duke Valen­tynois. and industrie of duke Valentynois, who being subtelly slyded downe by a corde out of the Rocke of Medina de Campo, fledde into the kingdome of Nauarre to king Iohn brother to his wife, where (to thende thistorie cease to speake any more of him) after he had remeined certaine yeres in base condition, the French king confisking both the duchie of Valence, & the pension of twenty thousand franks which he gaue him in supply of reuenue, & also would not suffer him to go into Fraunce, bicause he would do nothing that might discontent the king of Aragon, he was at last slayne by the conspiracie of an ambush, commaunding ouer the men of warre of the king of Nauarre in the campe at Viano, a litle place in the sayde realme.

Vpon the ende of this yere, for that the yere folowing should not begin without The citie of Genes rebel­leth. matter of new warres, the Genovvaies rebelled against the French king, hauing no o­ther incitation then of them selues, the matter taking his fundation not of any de­sire to rebel, but rather of the ciuil discords, which caried men further then their for­mer counsels and deliberations, rebellion being of a condition to encrease in occa­sions, Rebellion in­creaseth in occasions. as the fire is redoubled in heat by the fresh matter which it embraseth. The ci­tie of Genes, a citie seated in a place most apt to cōmaund the sea, if so great an opor­tunitie were not hindred by the pestiferous poison of ciuil dissentions, is not as many other great townes in Italie, subiect to one particular diuision, but is deuided into many partyes and factions: both for the relikes of the ancient quarrels betwene the Guelffes and Gibelins yet remeining there: and also for the sedes of dissention stil gro­wing betwene the gentlemen and populars, by the which the whole nation of Italie hath bene much afflicted, but specially many cities in Tuskane haue bene brought to extreme ruine: for, the communaltie not hable to beare the pride of the Nobles, bridled much their authoritie & power by many rigorous lawes: and amōgst others, suffring them to cōmunicate with al other offices and honors, they excluded them particularly from the dignitie of Dukedome: a supreme estate whiche was giuen for life to any other that was chosen, notwithstanding by thinconstancie of that ci­tie, The seate of dominion very casual vvhere it diuolueth by election. fewe or none were suffred to continue in that place tyll they dyed, the seate of dominion beeing alwayes ielouse, but moste casuall where it diuolueth by election, which by his proper ambition nourisheth for the most parte a secrete sub­iection [Page 366] to alteration and fall. No lesse great is the diuision betweene the fami­lies of the Adorni and Fregosi, who from base condition and popular houses, being risen to the dignitie of Capellaci (so do the Genovvaies call suche as are aspired to any great potentacie) contende together for the dignitie of duke, which for many yeres hath continued for the most part in one of those two families: for the gentle­men of the Guelffs and Gibelins, not able to ascende to the place for the impediment of the lawes, sought to make it fall to such of the populars as were of their faction: And as the Gibelins fauoring the Adornes, and the Guelffes the house of Fregosa, tyme hath made those two families more noble and mightie, then those of whome afore they folowed their name and authoritie: So neuerthelesse all those diuisions are so confounded, that oftentimes they that be of one part agaynst the partie opposite, are in them selues deuided into diuers partes, and of the contrarie conioyned in one with those that followe an other faction. This yere began to kindle betweene the gentlemen and commons, a debate, which breeding at the first vpon the insolencies of certayne of the Nobles, and working by litle and litle the most part of the mindes of both the one and other side ill disposed, it chaunged qualitie ere it were long, and of priuate contentions, conuerted it selfe into the nature and habite of publike dis­cordes, easie ynough to kindle in cities so abounding in riches as did Genes at that time. These quarels roase encreasing so farre, that the people possessed with surie, drewe into tumult, and made violent slaughter of one of the families of Oria, with certaine other gentlemen: wherein offering all things to spoyle and ruine, they ob­teined in that mutinie more by force then free will of the Citie, that the day after it might be ordeined in the publike councels (wherein were assistant very fewe of the Nobles) that of those offices whiche afore were diuided equally betweene the No­bles and commons, there might be hereafter distribution made of two partes to the people, and one onely reserued to the Nobles: to which deliberation Roccaber guy­ding the citie in the absence of Phillip Rauastin then gouernour for the king, consen­ted for feare of greater perils: neuerthelesse the populars not beeing quieted for all this, but ouercaried with their mutinous humors, stirred vp within fewe dayes after a newe tumult, and put the noblemens houses to sacke: an outrage that compelled most part of the Gentlemen to abandon the citie, finding no estate of suretie in their naturall regions. These mutations being eftsones signified to the gouernour, caused him to returne with speede out of Fraunce to Genes with a strength of an hundred and fiftie horse, and seuen hundred footemen: But neither with his authoritie, his perswasions, his presence, nor with his forces, coulde he reduce things to a better estate: so irregulate is a communaltie or multitude once drawen into mutinie, and their barbarous furie inuincible agaynst all reason, order, or good prescription: No, oftentimes he was compelled to apply him selfe to the will of the people, & making his authoritie rather to be plausible to the multitude then to punish their mutinies, he passed ouer things with sufferance, and obeyed the necessitie of the time, com­maunding to retyre and returne certayne other trowpes that were appoynted to come after him out of Fraunce. These beginnings gaue courage to the Commons to become more insolent, and (as it hapneth often in Cities declined to sedition) the gouernment, contrarie to the will of many of the best sort of the Commons, fell almoste absolutely into the power of the dregges of the people, who in their furie created to them selues a newe magistracie or office of eyght men of the populars with a great authoritie: And they, the rather to keepe the whole incensed by the dignitie of their name, were called Tribunes of the people: These, vnder this forme [Page 367] of pollicie, or rather apparant mutinie, occupied with armes the towne of Spetie, with certayne other townes of the ryuer of Leuant, whereof Iohn Levvys de Fiesquo was gouernour for the king. This gouernour complayned to the king of those inso­lencies, both in the name of the whole nobilitie, and for his particular interest, wher­in he recommended to his maiestie the manifest danger to loase the iurisdiction of Genes, seeing the insolent libertie of the commons had caried them so farre, that be­sides other oppressions and harmes, they aspired (proceding directly agaynst thau­thoritie of the king) to manage the townes of the riuer: That vsing expedition, there might be raysed remedies conuenient to represse so great a furie, seing it was as yet but in the nature of a popular warre, without the protection of any greater prince: where if he ioyned negligence to thopportunitie, and became slowe in leauying the prouisions that were necessarie, the euill would more and more resolue, and take with tract of time more firme roote, for that both thimportance of Genes was suche by sea and lande, that it would easily allure some forreine Prince to nourishe such a diuision, so hurtfull for his estate: And also the commons comming to knowe that whiche at the beginning was perhaps but in the qualitie of sedition, woulde in the ende chaunge habite and turne into rebellion, and so become a pray to any that would giue hope to defende it. But on the other parte, thembassadours sent to the king from the Commons of Genes, labored to iustifie the action, and to make their cause be found good: They declared that no other thing had disaltered the people, but the pride of the gentlemen, who, not contented with the dignities and honours conuenient to nobilitie, aspired to higher degrees, seeking to be redowted as Lords and Princes: That the people had long borne the yoke of their insolencies, but at last feeling outrages not onely in their goods and generall callings, but also in their persons & estates most priuate, their patience was nowe ouercome with the weight and violence of their pride: And yet albeit by these compulsions, they were no lon­ger hable to conteine them selues: they were not for all that proceded to any other actions, then such as without the which their libertie could not be assured: for, seing the gentlemen communicated by equall part in the offices and iurisdictions, there was no possibilitie by the meane of courts and iudgements, to resist their tyrannie: And Iohn Lovvys commaunding ouer the townes of the ryuers, without the traffike whereof Genes stoode at it were besieged, there was no safetie for the commons to enterteine traffike and conuersation there: That the people had bene alwayes most deuout and faythfull to the kings maiestie, and that the mutations of Genes had in al tymes more proceeded of the ambition of the gentlemen, then infidelitie of the people: That they besought the king to pardon those offences, which during the heate of the contentions, certayne particulars had committed agaynst thuniuersall will and consent, and that he would confirme the lawe made for the distribution of offices, and suffer the townes of the ryuers to be managed vnder the name publike: Lastly, that by that meane, the Gentlemen enioying honorably their degrees and dignities, and the populars also possessing their libertie with suretie: and all things beeing reduced by his Maiesties authoritie into suche an estate of tranquilitie, they shoulde be bounde to honor perpetually the clemencie, goodnes, and iustice of the king. The king was muche troubled with these tumultes, eyther for that the licenti­ous behauiours of the commons were suspected to him, or perhaps for the hono­rable inclination which the French do commonly beare to the name of gentlemen: In so much that he could haue bene disposed to haue punished the authors of these insolencies, and reduce all things to their first degree, sauing that he feared least if [Page 368] he should vse sharpe remedies, the Genovvaies would haue recourse to Caesar, whose sonne was not yet dead. For which cause, making conference of things, more ac­cording to the necessitie and consideration of the time, then agreable to the estate and merite of their doings, he determined to proceede with clemencie and tollera­tion, and therefore called into pardon and forgiuenes all their offences they had cō ­mitted, and ratified their newe lawe for disposing of offices, so farrefoorth as they would put into his hands the townes of the ryuers which they occupied: Wherein the better to incline and dispose the people, he sent to Genes doctor Michaell Riccio a banished man, to perswade the Commons, that they were better to vse and em­brace thoccasion of the kings clemencie, then (adding to their faltes, contumacie and hardned obstinacie) to driue him to proceede agaynst them with seueritie: But Rashnes hath no societie vvith discre­tion. discretion hauing no societie with rashnes, nor follie any cōmunitie with wisdome, their minds seemed to stande blinded with immoderate ambition and couetousnes: for the people and tribunes (notwithstanding the lawfull Magistrates were of the contrarie opinion) would not onely not render the places they occupied (not ac­cepting the softnes and tractabilitie of the king) but rising into thoughtes of worse nature, they determined to assayle the borough of Monaco, whiche Lucian Grimault possessed, eyther in regarde of a common hatred borne against all gentlemen of Genes, or els for that the borowe is of great importance for the citie, hauing his si­tuation vpon the sea in a place of great conueniencie: or at least for certaine parti­cular hatreds, since he to whome falleth the power and gouernment of that place, absteineth very hardly from pyracies and robbing by the sea, the situation giuing fauour and oportunitie to suche actions: or lastly, because (as they suggested) that borough apperteined rightfully to the common weale. In whiche regardes, not­withstanding the importunities of the gouernour to the contrarie, they sent thither many bands both by sea and lande to besiege it: the same driuing Philip de Rauastin, who knewe that he taryed there vnprofitably, and, by thaccidents that might hap­pen, not without suspition of daunger, to departe, and to leaue in his place Rocca­bertin. The king for his parte, dispayring that temperaunce was vnhable to range things to a better forme, and iudging withall that if he should consent that they continued in that estate, it might be preiudiciall to his dignitie and suretie, and last­ly, fearing that if he gaue longer sufferance to things, the danger would be so much the greater: he began openly to make preparations both by sea and land, to reduce the Genovvaies to his obedience: which deliberation was the cause, that matters which were negociated betwene the Pope and him agaynst the Venetians, were dis­solued and broken: Enterprises muche desired by the king, who for the death of king Phillip, founde him selfe well deliuered of the suspitions which he had taken a­gaynst Maximilian: But muche more wyshed for by the Pope, by reason of the townes which they occupied in Romania, and did dispose of the Bishoprikes vacant in their iurisdiction, without any respect to the sea Apostolike, and lastly did intrude them selues into many things apperteining to the lawful authoritie of the Church. By reason whereof bearing a setled inclination to enterteine amitie with the king, he solicited him to passe into Italie, and to haue conference together, whervnto the king consented, the Pope hauing afore in gratification of the kings requests, conse­crated Cardinals the Bishops of Bayeux and Achx. But (the affections of Princes suf­fer alterations according to times and occasions) the Pope vnderstanding after­wards how the king had determined to take armes agaynst the commons of Genes in fauour of the gentlemen, tooke it to great discontentment, for that hauing of long [Page 369] time frowned vpon the gentlemen, he had alwayes borne fauor to the dispositions of the people: wherein he made great instance to the king to be contented, without changing the state popular, to haue that citie in his obedience, and persuaded him as much as he could to absteine from armes, alleaging many reasons, but chiefly the danger, least by that meane some great alteration kindling in Italie, the warres which they had determined agaynst the Venetians, were not cut off or hindred. The king bearing no inclination to these demaundes, the Pope, eyther ouerruled with anger or sorowe, or els for that the olde suspition of the aspiring minde of the Cardinall Amboyse did eftsones stirre in him, either by the naturall operation of himselfe, or by the subtill suggestion of others (whiche made him feare that he were not reteyned by the king when they should meete in one place) and perhaps aswell for the one as the other occasion: he published vppon the sodayne in the beginning of the yeere 1507. agaynst thexpectation of euery one, that he would eftsones returne to Rome, not for other reason then that the ayre of Bolognia was contrarie to his health, and that his reuenues were much diminished by his absence from Rome. This alteration of counsell brought no little maruell to euery one, but specially to the king, for that without occasion he would leaue vnperfect the practises he had so much desired to aduaunce, and breake of him selfe the enterviewe and conference which he had so­muche required: and therefore calling into consideration the estate and intricate disposition of things, he labored what he coulde to draw him from that new coun­sell, and make him change opinion: wherein his paynes were more hurtfull to him then vayne, for that the Pope entring into a greater suspition for the request the king made, made eftsones an obstinate confirmation of his first counsel, & departing from Bolognia vpon the ende of February, he expressed how litle he could dissemble the contempt he had conceiued agaynst the king. Afore he issued out of the Citie, he set with vnfortunate signes the first stone of the castle which was made there by his commaundement, neare the gate which leades to Ferrara, in the selfesame place where Phillip Maria Viscounte duke of Millan had aforetime erected another with no lesse yll fortune: And his newe anger agaynst the Frenche king hauing in some sort qualified his auncient hatred agaynst the Venetians, and not minding to turne out of his right way, he determined to passe by the citie of Faenza, new controuer­sies hapning from time to time betwene the French king and him, both for that he required that the familie of the Bentyuoleis might be expulsed the duchie of Millan, notwithstanding they were referred to that habitation by his consent: and also for that he would not render to the pronoterie, the possession of those benefices which he had promised by his proper accorde and consent (so often preuayled more in him the contention of his minde & his wilfull election, then eyther reason or equi­tie:) Which disposition the king labored not to appease with any art or diligence, but standing aggreued for so great a variation, and entring withall into suspicion, least (as the trueth was) he gaue secrete encouragement to the people of Genes, he forbeare not to threaten him openly, and to obiect with iniurious words, his infa­mous place and birth, the Pope beeing discended of a very base place, and trayned for many yeres in very vile estate. And resoluing more and more in his first delibe­ration touching the affayres of Genes, he prepared his armie with great diligence to go thither in person, hauing well experienced by his former successes in the king­dome of Naples, what difference there is to administer a warre in proper person, and to recommende it ouer to the doing of Capteines.

These preparations amased nothing the Genovvaies being busie to take Monaco, [Page 370] about the which they kept employed many vessels and six thousande men leauyed of the communalties and general multitudes of the countreis of Genes. These bands were ledde and commaunded by Tarlatin a capteine of the Pisans, who, together with Peter Shortlegge and certaine vniuersall souldiours, had bene sent by them in fauor of the Genovvaies: And at Genes, as they perseuered in their first offences, ad­ding alwayes some newe transgression, the capteine of the Castell, who till then had expressed no action, nor had not bene molested by the conspirators, vpon the sodain made many of the commons prisoners, and began to vexe the hauen and citie with his artilleries: This was eyther by the kings commaundement, or vpon his owne authoritie ioyned to a desire to make pillage: by reason of which, Roccabertin con­ferring with the common danger of the towne, the priuate feare he had of his owne person, went his way, not whither he woulde (for extremitie leaues no libertie) but whither the necessitie of his fortune suffred him, the footebandes of the Frenche which were set to guarde the publike pallace, retyring into the Castell. A litle after, the siege which had remeined afore Monaco many monethes tooke ende and brake vp, the reason was, that suche as were encamped afore it, vnderstanding that Yues d'Alegre and many gentlemen were at hande to succor it with a strength of three thousande footemen of their owne pay, and certaine other bands which the duke of Sauoy had sent, had leauyed the siege, hauing no corage to abide the armie that mar­ched. Besides, the brute ranne that the maine armie appoynted for the king, passed continually into Lumberdie: by reason whereof, those men rising into encrease of furie, who ought to haue bene the authors of better counsels, the commons that till that day had dissembled with words the rebelliō which they had exercised in dedes, and neither forbearing to call vpon the name of the French king, nor once touching his Armes, nor remouing his ensignes nor banners out of the publike places, crea­ted Duke of Genes one Paule de Noue a silkedyer, a man for his vertues, of no merite, and for his birth and discending, of very base place and condition, declaring them­selues in this, manifest rebels, for that to the creation of Duke was ioyned a declara­tion that the citie of Genes, should beare no subiection to any prince: The same so stirring the king to greater anger, together with the relation of the Nobles, that they had deposed his Armories, and in their place had exalted the ensignes of Caesar, that he redoubled the preparations which he had prouided afore: wherein he was also so muche the more kindled to reuenge and wrath, by howmuche Caesar, at the per­swasions of the Genovvaies, and haply by the Popes secrete setting on, had written to him that he ought not to molest Genes as a towne of the empire, offring so to la­bor that the people should be ranged, and reduced to all thinges iust and reasona­ble. The Duke and Tribunes were somewhat nourished in their rashe boldnes by certaine prosperous successes they had had on the coast of Leuant: for, Ierome the sonne of Lovvys de Fyesquo, hauing reconquered Rapallo with two thousande foote­men and certayne horse, as he went by night to surprise Rocqua, encountred the bandes that were sent from Genes to succour it: And whether it were by any disad­uauntage of the place, or for any other peculier respecte of feare or danger, he for­bare to enterteine the skirmish, and without comming to short weapons, he fell dis­orderly to fleeing: Wherevpon Orlandin nephew to Iohn Lovvys, which was mar­ched as farre as Recquo with an other regiment, did the like, hearing the noyse of the chase. By this fortune the Duke and the Tribunes became more insolent, and in those glorying humors proceeded to besiege Castellaccio, an ancient Castell which the auncient Lordes of Millan builded in the mountaynes aboue Genes, at suche [Page 371] times as they were commaunders ouer that Citie, to serue as a helpe that those companies which they should sende out of Lumbardie, might haue oportunitie to approche neare Genes, and succour the castell, which conteining a very small gar­rison, they forced it and tooke it easily: for that the French bands that were there, yeelded vnder fayth to haue their goodes and life preserued, whiche, according to the infidelitie of a commotion, was not obserued, those that were the executors of suche outrages returning to Genes with bloudy handes and great reioysings, as to­kens of their glorie and triumph. At the same time also they began to batter with their artilleries, the castell and the Church of Saint Frauncis ioyning to it, their for­tune making them blinde agaynst discretion and reason, as men more mightie in fe­licitie and chaunce, then in force or good experience. And albeit the king was al­ready passed into Italie, and reenforced his armie continually to assaile Genes with­out delay: And the king catholike, notwithstanding he wished their conseruation, would not shewe him selfe deuided from the French king, but furnished him with foure light galleys: And lastly, albeit the Pope durst not otherwyse disclose his in­tentions then in giuing them secret hopes, and that they were desperately abando­ned of all succours, and had but onely three hundred footemen forreiners, not one Capteine or commaunder experienced in warre, and great lacke of munitions: yet were they resolute and continued in their obstinacie, reapposing muche for them­selues in the straites of their countrey, and that by the difficulties and sharpnes of wayes and passages, they might easily lette thenemie for comming neare Genes: And as men esteeming certeintie in the winde, they despised, in regarde of these vayne hopes, the admonitions of many, and specially the counsels of the Cardinall of Finale, who accompanying the French armie, perswaded them by many messen­gers and letters to offer vp themselues to the kings will, giuing them hope to ob­teine pardon and conditions tollerable: But the armie marching by the way of the borough of Fornaro and Serauallo, the vanitie of thenterprises of the Genovvaies be­gan to appeare, being not measured not layde out by men trayned in warre, but fo­lowed with clamors and vayne braggings of a base and ignoraunt multitude: In so muche as the courages of men nothing answering in a present perill, to that whiche they had promised when they were without feare, six hundred of their footemen set to guarde their first straites, being charged by the French men, fled cowardly, by whose example, the residue that kept the other passages, abandoned their places and retyred to Genes, leauing all the straites open to the French, whose armie hauing passed ouer without impediment the toppe of the mountaynes, was now descended into the vale of Pozzeuero within seuen myles of Genes: A matter that did not a litle amaze and maruell the Genovvaies, for that contrarie to their vndiscrete expecta­tions, they sawe their armie so hardie as to encampe in that valley frontyred with troublesome mountains, and in the middest of the enemies countrey. At the same time also the kings nauie which conteyned eyght light galleis, eyght gallions, with many Fusts and Brigantins, presented themselues before Genes, and from thence sayled towards Portouenere and Speitia, pursuing the Genovvay nauie beeing seuen galleis and six barkes, which not daring to keepe the hauen of Genes, were withdra­wen into those places. From the valley of Pozzeuero the armie drew to the borowe of Riuarola two miles within Genes, and neare to the Churche of S. Peter d'Arena, which is ioyning to the sea: And albeit as they marched, they mette in many places with diuers footebandes of the Genovvaies, yet they all being of one resolution and possessed with one pusillanimitie of minde, fledde afore them, their feares being [Page 372] greater then their daungers. This day arriued in the armie the person of the king, and was lodged in the Abbey de Boshet right ouer agaynst the borough of Riuarola: he was accompanied with the most part of the nobles of Fraunce, with many num­bers of gentlemen of the duchie of Millan, and with the Marquis of Mantua, whom not many dayes before the king had declared chiefe of the order of S. Michaell, and giuen vnto him the standerd, which had not bene giuen to any since the death of king Lovvys the eleuenth. In the Frenche armie were eyght hundred launces (the The contentes of the French armie. king considering the difficulties of the countrey, had left the others in Lomberdie) a thousande eight hundred light horsemen, sixe thousande Svvizzers, and six thou­sand footmen of other nations. It is to be vnderstāded that the Genovvaies (because they would not leaue free that way which leades by the mountaynes to Castellaccio, and so to Genes, a shorter way then by Saint Peter d'Arene, and ioyning to the sea) had builded a bastillion on the toppe of the Mountaine called the promontorie hill, be­twene the borow of Riuarola and Saint Peter d'Arene, from which bastillion the way lay from Castellaccio by the backside of the rocke. The armie then that lay encamped at Riuarola, marched the same day to the sayd bastillion: and on the other part, there issued out of Genes eight thousande footemen, guyded by Iacques Corse lieftenant to Tarlatin: for Tarlatin and the souldiours of the Pisans which were enclosed in Ven­timiglia when the campe was leauyed from before Monaco, albeit they were reuo­ked by the Genovvaies, who for their conduction sent them the shippe of Demetrius Iustinian, could not returne to Genes by lande for thimpediment of the French, nor by seas for that the windes were contrarie. But the French beeing nowe to issue and ascende, discouered the footetroopes of the Genovvaies, who being ascended to the mountayne by that side of the valley that leades to the bastilion, and afterwards the most parte of them beeing discended, had made head aboue a rocke which is the halfe way of the mountayne: agaynst whom Monsr de Chaumont sent many gentle­men with a good strength of footemen: The Genovvaies, aswell for their oddes in numbers as the aduantage of the place, made a valiaunt defence, and that to the great domage of the French, who making a cōtempt of their enemies, for that they were bandes compounded vpon artificers and people vniuersall, went gallantly to charge them, without considering the strength and situation of the place: And as Monsr de Palissa was hurt in the throate, but with no perill of lyfe, Monsr Chaumont seeking to driue them from thence, caused to be mounted on high two Cannons, which beating them in flanke, constrayned them to retyre to the mountaine, where The first de­fease of the Genovvies. the residue of their strength remeined: The French folowing them in good order of warre, those that garded the bastillion (albeit for his seate and fortification, they might with suretie abide the Cannon) fearing least vpon them and suche as were vpon the mountaine, might fall some of the French bandes, they left it abandoned to their great infamie, by meane whereof suche as from the rocke had begon to re­tyre towards the bastillion, seeing their way was cut off, returned eftsones to Genes by diches and causies, leauing the ordinarie pathes, and loasing in the retraict about three hundred bodies. These successes brought an incredible feare ouer all the Ci­tie, The Geno­vvaies sende to solicite for pardon. which depending wholly vpon the willes of the inferiour multitudes, neither di­rected by counsels of warre, nor ruled by ciuill wisdome, sent two Embassadors to tharmie to solicite to render themselues vnder couenantes conuenient: They could not haue audience nor accesse to the king, but were referred to bee heard by the Cardinall of Amboyse, who made them answere that there was no disposition in the king to accept them, if they did not make a free and generall offer of their liues and [Page 373] goods to the kings absolute discretion, sparing to intromit all motions of capitulati­ons or couenants, they that in thoffence had not respected his maiestie, nor their fi­delitie: But during the parley with the Cardinal (it is hard to moderate a multitude giuen ouer to mutinie) one part of the commons not inclined to reconcilement and peace, going out of Genes by heapes, displayed their ensignes with many other foot­bands, vpon the rocks and side of the valley which leadeth from Castellaccio: they ap­proched within a quarter of a myle of the Bastillion, hoping to recouer it, and enter­teining the skirmish for three houres with certen of the French bands that came a­gainst them, they retired at last to Castellaccio, neither reioycing in their fortune, nor leauing to their enemies any aduantage. Al which meane while, the king more fear­full of a greater stirre, then well assured of the conquest, remeined alwayes armed on horseback in a plaine betwene the ryuer of Pozzeuero and the place where the army was encamped, his minde wauering, and his expectation not satisfied: Neuertheles the night folowing the Genovvaies, whose counsels were now desperate, as the brute was common, that certain principals of the people had secretly conspired and com­pounded with the king euen from the time he entred Ast, And the commons ioy­ning to their declining condition, many complaints that they had bene abused: The Duke, with many of those that knewe that no submission was worthy of place, nor their faultes meete to be dispensed withall, together with all the regimentes of Pi­sans, departed to go to Pisa, leauing the citie to discretion, as themselues were driuen The rebels of Genes yeelde to the French king. to folow their fortune: The morning following by the appearing of the day, the same Embassadors returned eftsones to the campe, and consented to giue vp the towne to the kings discretion, not hauing susteined the warre aboue eight dayes: A notable example of the ignorance and confusion of multitudes and people, ‘who grounding their doings vpon fallible hopes & vayne expectations, are furious when the danger is farre of, and very irresolute when perill approcheth, not temperate in their counsels, irregulate in their actions, and for their common affections, moste dissolute and immoderate: The accord being made, the king with his armie appro­ched neare Genes, the footmen being bestowed in the suburbes, who became almost intractable, specially the Svvyzzers, whom there was much to do to restrayne from entring the towne, and to make pillage of the goodes: ‘So sweete a praye is the spoyle of a Citie, and so vnbridled is the mercenary souldiour that serueth but for his hyre, bearing for the moste parte very negligent respectes to equitie, order, or conscience. After this Monsr Chaumont entred into Genes with the moste parte of the other regiments,’ hauing first furnished Castellaccio with garrison: The Geno­vvaies deliuered vp to him all the armes aswell publike as priuate, whiche were im­mediately bestowed in the Castell, with three peeces of artillerie brought thither by the Pisans, and afterwardes reconueyed to Millan. The next daye beeing the The Frenche king entreth as a conquere [...] into Genes. xxix. of Aprill, the person of the king made his entrie into Genes, with all the companies of men at armes and archers of his guarde: And as he was alighted vnder a starely arche, holding in his hande a naked sworde, and himselfe all atty­red in whyte garmentes, there appeared afore him the familie of the Antyans ac­companied with many honorable Citizens, who falling at his feete with teares, sorrowe and submission, and all other argumentes of men offendours, the one of them in the [...]ame of the whole, after silence was graunted, besought the king in this sorte:

We come not here vpon our knees (right merciful king) to debate the trāsgressions The sub [...] of the rebels of Genes. we haue done, ‘but to offer our selues guiltie in as many faultes as it shall please you [Page 374] to heape agaynst vs: our rebellion so late and apparant testifieth how litle we holde of innocencie, and our aggreeued minds showe forth howmuche we are humbled by the remorse and conscience of our proper disobedience: The innocent man findes words to speake, but to the offendor it is harde to keepe a temperance in his tale, specially where the greatnes of the fault exceedes the expectation of mercy or forgiuenes: None can better iudge of sorowe then such as are afflicted, nor any further of to speake for pardon then the minds that stande heauily loaden with the burden of their proper transgressions: it takes away their libertie of speaking, and makes them more ashamed to confesse a faulte then to do it, confounding the na­ture of thoffence with the remorse of conscience that foloweth, which mans frail­tie can not suppresse: if we would be silent, our humilities yet speake for vs, attyred with all those demonstrations of dolour which nature in any sorte can disclose in hartes desolate and abandoned: And albeit (most Christian prince) in the beginning of our commotions agaynst our gentlemen, we may assure that most parte of the commons were chiefe actors, yet touching things that haue bene insolently done, but chiefly the contempt and disobedience to your commaundementes, they haue proceeded from the dregs of the most base and inferior sorte of people, whose rash­nes, the reuerent authoritie of the best sorte of this citie could not restrayne: And therfore the punishment that shal be imposed eyther vpon this towne, or vpon vs, it wil afflict the innocents, without hurting the authors or parties to so hainous trans­gressions, who neither possessed of goods nor place in the citie, are not esteemed with vs in the societie of men, and much lesse of Citizens, neither do they holde this wretched citie for their patrimonie and countrey: But our calamitie hauing no con­formitie with excuses, our intention is not to alleage reasons, but referring vs to the same iustice which we confesse we haue offended, we come accompanied with no other hope then suche as may yet remaine in the magnanimitie and mercy of so great a king, not reasoning howfarre it may be stretched, but reapposing simply in it, and most humbly beseching the same, that as not long since the offenders of Mil­lan founde fauour in your eyes, you will also vse the same propertie of grace and forgiuenes vppon this Citie, which within these few monethes was one of the most happiest regions in the worlde, and nowe lyeth at your Maiesties feete the very ex­ample of all desolation and miserie: If the clemencie you vsed then ranne through the world, with reputation ioyned to a perpetuall glory of your name, it can not be lesse honorable to confirme it now in this action, vsing equall pietie & compassion: you beare a title of right Christian, which deriueth his beginning of Christ redee­ming mankinde, by whose example, clemencie & mercy are recommended to you, as next vnder him apperteining properly to your name and title: There are no faults so great which may not be eyther pardoned or excused, and for the offences we haue committed agaynst your maiestie, though in the respect of vs they are abho­minable, and for their owne nature hatefull, and in the iudgement of the worlde ir­reparable, yet can they not be more great, more vyle, nor more odious, then that your clemency is not sufficient to qualifie them, nor beare such intollerable respects as can not be ranged by your pity, bounty, & perpetual religion: your maiesty repre­senteth amongst vs with your dignity & power, the image of the great God, and you are bound no lesse to represent him with the semblance and similitude of will and working, wherof there is not one more glorious, none more agreable, nor any that makes his name more wonderfull, then the action of mercy: In cases of offence and trespasse, by howmuch the fault is great & greuous, by somuch more religious is the [Page 375] nature that pitieth, but farre more worthy the clemency that forgiueth, since to fall and erre is familiar to frailty & humanitie, but to pardon and dispence is a propertie inspired of the liuing God. These speaches were folowed with the loude voices of euery one, crying, Mercy, mercy. But the king passed on without giuing any aun­swere, bidding them neuertheles to rise, & deliuering his naked sword which he held in his hand, he shewed some tokens of a mind more inclined to compassion then to crueltie: he ascended immediatly to the great Church, where infinit flockes of wo­men & children of both kindes, fell prostrate at his feete, crying vpon his clemency and mercy with weping & wringing of hands, and other demonstrations of humili­tie, expressed also in their vniuersall attyre of white. This was it that most moued the king, notwithstanding the others were not without their particular impressions, In so much that albeit he was determined to depriue the Citie of all gouernment and authoritie, and to confiske the reuenues which vnder the name of Saint George be­longed to many persons priuate, and lastly taking from them all forme and image of libertie, to reduce them into the same state of subiection whiche he had done the townes of Millan, yet considering afterwards, that by this maner of proceeding, not only many innocents should be punished, but also the minds of the whole nobilitie estraunged, and that it would be more easie to him to gouerne with remission and sweetnes, then with rigor & seueritie, he reconfirmed the auncient gouernment, and left it in the same forme wherin it was before the seditions. And yet, to temper his mercy with some iustice, & somewhat to accōpany his clemencie with seueritie, he condemned the cōmunaltie in a hundred thousande duckets for the penaltie of the offence, with aggrauatiō of penalty of two hūdred thousand duckets more, payable within a certen time, both to defray the charges he had sustained, and also to edifie a Cytadell in the place where is the towre of Codifa not farre frō Genes, and standing vpon the sea aboue that suburbe which leadeth to the valley of Pozzeuoro & S. Peter in Arena: which Citadell, for that it may commaunde the hauen and whole citie, is rightfully called the bridle: he ordeined also that they should furnish a greater gar­rison then they were wont, & kepe continually armed in the hauen for his seruice, three gallies, & fortifie the castel & Castellaccio, he brake all the capitulations & co­uenants that had bin made asore betwene the citie & him, graunting to them againe al the same things, but in forme of priuilege, & not in nature of couenant charter, to thend he might alwayes stand in power to depriue them: he defaced out of their monies and coynes their auncient stampes, causing them for afterwards to beare his standers and stamp in signe of absolute superioritie. To these actions was added the death of Demetrius Iustinian, who was beheaded, disclosing in his examination all the practises which the Pope had made, together with the hopes he had giuen thē: within fewe moneths after was beheaded Paule de Nouo lately made duke, who say­ling from Pisa to Rome, was betrayed by a pirate that had bene his souldier, and solde to the Frenche men: A death not muche lamented of any, for that aspyring to his creation not by discent or merite, but by rashe election, there was left to him no power to exercise the humors of a Prince: And to him selfe so much the lesse gre­uous, by howmuche the short continuance of his imperie cut frō him those delites which dominion do brede, loasing with litle sorow the thing which he had got with litle payne, and of the which his fortune gaue him no oportunitie to taste the very first and greene fruites. After the king had ordeyned these things, solemnly re­ceyuing of the Genovvaies an othe of fidelitie, and giuing pardon to all, except to three score whom he committed to the disposition of the law, he went to Millan, [Page 376] dispersing immediatly after this conquest, his army, with the which continuing the course of victorie, he might easily haue oppressed in Italy whom he had listed, all the potentates there standing more in feare of his power, than any way prouided to resist perils: But hauing regard to thestate of things, and promise he had made, he dissolued his armie, the better to assure the Pope, the king of Romains, and the Vene­tians, who were not without feareful suspitiōs, that his descending into Italie was for some other cause then to range the Rebels of Genes, & reduce the towne to a policie.

But nothing could appease the fretting mind of the Pope, who taking al things in the worst part, complained eftsones (not temperatly) of the king, as if it had bene by his meane, that Anniball Bentiuole with six hundred footemen leauied in the duchie of Millan, did assay in those times to enter Bolognia, assuring that if he had preuailed in that action, the king would yet haue declared him selfe more agaynst thestate ec­clesiastick: Wherwith the Pope being wroth, notwithstanding he had before with great difficultie published Cardinals the bishops of Achx and Bayeux, he refused to raise to that dignity the bishop of Alby, complaining chiefly that by Monsr de Chau­mont his brother, the Bentyuoleis had suffrance to dwell in the duchie of Millan: yea (which was of greater consequence) the Pope ouerruled indifferently with hate and suspition (two violent passions in a minde placed in authoritie) when the king first published that he would reduce the Genovvaies to obedience by armes, signified by his Nuncioes & peculiar letters to the king of Romains & electors of thempire, that the French king prepared to passe into Italie with a most mighty armie, vnder cool­ler to reappease the tumultes of Genes, which he might redresse with his authoritie, The Pope and the Venetians incite the k. of Romains to make vvarre vppon the French king. his intention being to oppresse thestate of the Church, and vsurpe the dignitie of the Empire. The Venetians also ioyned with him in this certificat, hauing the same feares of the cōming of the French into Italie with an armie so well addressed: which ad­uertisements beeing cōmunicated with Maximilian, whose inclination embrased naturally newe things, and being at thinstant newly returned from Flanders, where he had practised in vayne to take the gouernment of his litle sonne: he assembled in The dyet of Constance. the towne of Constāce, the princes of Germany & the free townes (those are called the free cities, which acknowledging by certen tributes & determinate payments thau­thoritie of thempire, do gouerne thēselues notwithstanding in al things by their own lawes, not seking to amplifie their territories, but to preserue their libertie.) At this assembly appeared all the princes, barons, & cōmunalties of Germany, perhaps wyth more readynes & in greater numbers thē had bin sene long time before in any dyot: for thither resorted in person, al the electors & princes of Germany both ecclesiastike & secular, except such as were restrayned by lawfull impediments, in whose places were sent either their sonnes, their brethren, or some very neare kinred to represent their personall presence: All the free townes in like sort sent thither Embassadors, In which generall assemblie & aspect of thuniuersall body of Germany, Caesar caused to be publikely read the Popes writ with many other letters significatorie from di­uers places, some of them expressing that the French kings intention was to ad­uaunce the Cardinall of Amboyse to the supreme sea of Rome, and to receyue of him the imperiall crowne. These aduertisementes breeding no small murmure in the minds of the audience, ronne throwe the princes and barons with great varietie of iudgement, some of thē fearing in dede thambition of the king, but the most sort dis­dayning much so great an indignitie against the maiesty & crowne imperial, wherin as euery particular began to prepare himself to make knowne with words & speches his opinion & affection, Caesar cutting of that inclination by his authority, spake to [Page 377] them in this sort: You see now (my Lords) what effects, the long patience we haue Themperour speaketh in the dyet. hithervnto vsed hath brought forth, what frutes are gathered of the smal reckoning that hath bene made of my former complaints expressed in so many diots. ‘And now your own eyes do behold that the French king, who heretofore durst not offer him self against any thing that apperteined to the sacred empire, but vpō occasiōs vrged and coollers very apparant, is now in preparation with an open force, not to protect our Rebels as he was wont, not to vsurpe any particuler place which reasonably ap­perteineth to the Empire, but, taking the oportunitie of the tyme, turning our pa­tience into mockery, and forming an aduantage and occasion vpon our long setled negligence, he draweth his sworde to despoyle Germanie of thimperiall dignitie, so honorably gotten, and so long time continued by the vertue and vallor of our aun­cesters: he is not entred into this boldnes, by any coniecture or perswasion that ey­ther our forces are diminished, or his powers encreased, neither can he be ignorant by how much the region of Germanie is mightie aboue the nation of Fraunce, both in maiestie of imperie, in grauity of counsell, in agillitie of bodies, in multitude of Princes, in obedience of subiects, and generally without all comparison in valour of capteines, and resolution of souldiours, in moneys, in munitions, in disciplines and directions of warre with all other furnishmentes requisite to defende a violence and offende a proude enemie. But he is caried into this ambicious enterprise onely by a hope, that according to thexperience of things paste, we will still dwell in se­curitie and negligence, and that our proper dissentions and ciuill factions preuayle more with vs, then the prouocations of glorie, yea then the consideration of our particular safetie: he thinketh that the same respects for the which we haue suffred him to our common shame, to vsurpe the duchie of Millan, that he hath nourished in our owne bosomes our ciuill quarrels, and that he hath borne a defence and pro­tection of our rebels of Thempire, feeding vs lastly with vanities and errors, as men gouerned by humours light and wandring: he hopeth that the same suffraunce, securitie, & solemne negligence, will likewise keepe vs lulled asleepe to endure that by him shoulde be rauished from vs the dignitie of thempire, and the glorie and felicitie of this Nation transported into Fraunce: it woulde be a thing lesse infa­mous to our common name, and to me in perticuler lesse greeuous and intollera­ble, if it were knowen to the world, that the power of Germanie were inferiour to the forces of Fraunce, or that in the Almaines were not continued the same vertue whiche in all ages, in all actions, and in all fortunes was founde to beare reputation aboue the valour of the Frenche: for the domage shoulde afflict me lesse then the infamie, since at the least, things shoulde not be imputed to our negligence and indiscretion, whiche might proceede eyther of the condition of tymes, or of the malice of fortune: What greater calamitie can happen? what miserie more, then to be reduced to these tearmes, eyther to wishe to be lesse mightie, or to make a willing election of a great domage, onely to auoyde (since otherwyse it can not be) the perpetuall infamie and dishonour of our name: the magnanimitie of eue­ry one of you so many tymes experienced in matters particular, your resolute courage proper and naturall to this Nation: And lastely, the memorie of the auncient vertue and triumphes of our elders (the very terror heretofore of all other realmes & kingdomes) do giue me both hope and assurance, that in an action of so great importance, your inuincible mindes will be awaked and receyue new life and spirite: for here is nowe no question of the alienation of the duchie of Millan, nor of the reuolting of the Svvizzers, in which actiōs of so great cōsequence there was [Page 378] made no great accompt of my authoritie, both in regarde of thaffinitie I had with Lodovvyk Sforce, and for the particuler interests of the house of Austriche: But now my Lordes, what excuse may we pretend, what cooller or couerture may be giuen to our ignominie? What merite can we chalenge in the worlde, or what maiestie can we holde at home, when it is euen nowe in question whether the Almains, who stande possessed of the Romaine Empire, not by the hande of fortune, but by their proper vertue, and whose name and armes heretofore hath sounded feare and ter­ror to moste princes in Christendome, shoulde nowe cowardly depose them selues of so great a dignitie, and remayning the perpetuall example of infamie, of the most auncient, most glorious, and most inuincible monarchie of men, to become the most reuersed, most despised, and most dishonored region that standeth vnder the view & face of the skie: if these reasons, if these interests, if these disdaines will not moue you, what can be further obiected agaynst your securitie and negli­gence: if these respectes, if these contemplations of perill, infamie, and perpetuall ruine, can stirre vp no lyfe in you, what can be sayde in more importunitie: what can kindle in you the seedes of the valour and resolution of your elders, if your mindes be not inclined to the consideration of these aduersities: In ages and poste­rities to come, with what sorowe shall your children and descendants remember your names, if you leaue not vnto them the name of Almaines in the same degree of greatnes, authoritie, & reputation, wherin your fathers left it transferred to you? But let vs fall from those sortes of comfortes and persuasions, for that it is an office inconuenient in me, whom you haue lifted to the height of this place, to vse suche libertie of wordes, but rather to recommende to you deedes and examples: I am determined to passe into Italie, vnder pretence to receiue thimperiall crowne, a so­lemnitie as you knowe more full of ceremonie, than of substance, for that the au­thoritie & dignitie Imperiall depend wholly vpon your election. But my principall intention is to breake the necke of the wicked purposes & plots of the French, and to chase them out of the duchie of Millan, seeing we haue no other suretie agaynst their insolencies. I hope there resteth in none of you all any difficulty, to accompa­nie me according to your custome with other Emperours going to be crowned, neyther doubt I, that carying with me your hartes and affections, ioyning withall your forces to mine, I shall not passe a iorney victorious, marching with suche fe­licitie as the moste of the potentates and communalties in Italie will meete me as petitioners, some to confirme their priuileges, some to implore our iustice against the oppressions they suffer, and some to appease with a deuout submission, the yre of the victor. I doubt not but the Frenche king will giue place at the first brute of our comming, that nation bearing yet in memorie, that being but yong and almost an infant, I brake with true valour and magnanimitie, the armie of king Lovvys the eleuenth neare Guiguegaste, since which time that kingdome refusing to make ex­perience of my armes, haue neuer fought with me but by ambushes and conspi­racies: Consider with that reputation and magnanimitie, which so long hath ly­ued inuested in the name of Thalmains, whether it agreth with your honor, with your renowne, and with our common perill, in a case so extraordinarie, to make ex­traordinarie prouisions. The glory and greatnes of our name, to the whiche this hath bene alwayes proper & peculiar to defende the dignitie of the Popes of Rome, and thauthoritie Apostolike, and which nowe are wickedly defiled by the ambition and impietie of the French king: calleth vs, I say, with the common decree of all Germany, to drawe our swords and turne our scepters to so holy, so iust, and so reue­rent [Page 379] a protection: It is an interest that is wholly yours, seeing I haue sufficiently ac­quited the duetie I owe, in making so readie assemblie of you, to lay afore you the common danger, vrging you with thexample of my deliberation. The resolution of corage shall not want in me to cōmunicate with you in all daungers, and lesse shall you lacke the disposition of my person, accustomed of long time to endure paine and trauell, neither is my counsell in conducting a warre so insufficient, eyther by greatnes of age, or doubtfulnesse of experience, as, in this enterprise you may haue want of a leader worthy of so great an honor. And by howmuche you shall honor and set foorth the greatnes of your king with fulnes of authoritie, by howmuch you shall enuiron him with an armie mightie and appoynted, with so muche the more facilitie and your perpetuall glory, shall you be protectors of the libertie of the Churche of Rome our common mother, and leaue exalted to heauen, together with the reputation of the Almaine name, the Imperiall dignitie common to you all in greatnesse and amplitude, and particular onely to this nation in iuste office of protection.’

This speache wrought marueilously in the mindes of thasistantes, beeing nowe ashamed that in the other dyots his complaintes founde no better passage and fa­uor: And as it is easie to set on fyre those mindes that are alreadie kindled: so euery one hauing a vehement disdayne, that by their negligence the maiestie of Them­pire should be translated into other nations: they began with a great vnity, to treate vpon articles necessarie, holding it conuenient to leauie a most mightie armie, and of suche a sufficient appoyntment as (though the whole regions of Italie woulde oppose agaynst them with the Frenche king) to be hable to renewe and recouer in Italie the auncient rightes of Thempire, which had bene vsurped eyther by the dis­habilitie, or other infirmitie of the Emperours past: for so required the glorie of the name of the Almains: suche a preparation worthy thassemblie of so many prin­ces and free townes: And that at last it was necessarie to showe to all the worlde that though in the willes of the Almains had remayned a long diuision, and their mindes not reconciled for many yeres, that▪ yet the nation was not lesse mightie, nor their spirites depriued of that magnanimitie which in other worldes had made their auncestors terrible to all estates and principallities of men: by the meane of whose vertue, both there was diuolued in general to the nation of Germains, a liberal glorie with the dignitie imperiall, & in part particular, many noble personages had aspired to much greatnes and dominion, many of the best houses in Italie hauing by long prescription raigned in estates gotten by their valor. These things were begon to be debated with so great forwardnes and inclination, that it is manyfest no dyot to haue assembled of long time, wherein was exspectation of so great euentes, the multitudes perswading them selues vniuersally, that besides the strength of all the other reasons, the Electors with the residue of the Princes, expressed a more quicke readines to thenterprise, for a hope they had, that (for the minoritie of the children of king Phillip) the Imperiall dignitie which had successiuely continued in Albert, Federike, and Maximilian, all three of the house of Austriche, woulde at last be passed into an other familie.

By these resolutions and agreementes, the Frenche king was induced to dissolue his armie immediatly after the action of Genes, both to take away thoccasion of so great a suspition, and to leaue euery partie satisfied of thintegritie of his intention, yea his owne person had eftsones repassed ouer the Mountes, had it not bene for a desire he had to speake with the king of Aragon, who prepared to returne into Spaine [Page 380] altogether disposed to resume the gouernment of Castille, for that Iane his daugh­ter was vnhable to so great an administration: not so muche for the imbecillitie of her sex, as for that by a superabundance of melancolie growen since the death of her husbande, she was become somewhat estranged from her vnderstanding, and also for the minoritie of the children common betwene king Phillip and her, wherof the eldest had not yet attayned ten yeres: Besides, he was pushed forwarde by the desires of many, whiche called him to that gouernment by a remembraunce that they had bene iustly gouerned, and that those kingdomes had florished vnder him by a long continuaunce of peace, the diuisions already begon amongs the great Ba­rons, together with the manifest signes of troubles to come, muche encreasing this desire: But his comming was no lesse desired of his daughter, who, wandring in minde in all other actions, was neuerthelesse constant in this, that she desired the returne of her father, refusing obstinately agaynst the perswasions and importuni­ties of many, to subscribe with her owne hande to any expedition, without whiche subscription, according to the custome of those realmes, the affayres occurrant had not their perfection. For these reasons, the king of Aragon departed from Na­ples, where he remeyned but seuen monthes, leauing vnsatisfied the great expecta­tion that was had on him: not so muche for the shortnes of tyme whiche ronnes in a voluble motion without respect, nor for that it is harde to answere the concep­tions of men which for the most part are inconsiderate and not measured with due proportions▪ as for the many difficulties & impediments that opposed against him, by reason wherof he did nothing deseruing memorie for thuniuersall benefit of Ita­lie, nor any thing worthy of monument for the particuler profit of the kingdome of Naples: for suche was his desire to returne eftsones to the gouernment of Castillo (the principall piller of his greatnes) that he reserued no oportunitie to thinke of the affayres of Italie: onely he turned all his studies to deuise to keepe himselfe in amitie with the king of Romains and the French king, to thende the one vnder cool­ler to be grandfather to the little children of the dead king, and the other with thopportunitie of his power giuing corage to who woulde oppose agaynst him, shoulde giue no impediments to his returne: And the obligation wherein he was bounde by the treatie of peace made with the Frenche king to restore the estates that had bene taken from the Barons of Aniovv, and distributed eyther by coue­nant or by recompence to suche as had followed his faction, hindred him to re­dresse and gratifie the kingdome of Naples: for seeking not to estraunge from him, the mindes of his good seruauntes, he was constrayned to recompence those of Aniovve either with estates of equall reuenue (whiche he must buy of others) or with readie money (wherevnto his Courtes of faculties and treasures woulde not suffice) in which respects he was compelled not onely to raise improuementes vp­pon his reuenues, and to refuse, according to the custome of newe kings, to distri­bute grace and exemptions, and exercise any sorte of liberalitie: but also with the incredible complaynt of euery one, to taxe his peoples, who expected to be dis­charged of their intollerable burdens: the complaintes made by the Barons of both the one and other parte, were nothing inferiour, for that to such as were possessed, besides that they resigned their estates with yll will, necessitie made their recom­pences short and limitted, and touching others there was restrayned as muche as was possible, the benefite of restitution in all things, wherein hapned any diffe­rence, for that howe muche lesse was restored to those, by so muche lesse was the recompence of others. The great Capteine departed with him leauing behinde [Page 381] him a good will incredible, and a renowne nothing inferiour, of whom besides his merites & prayses in other times, his present liberalities then were most notorious, promising and disposing giftes of great vallour, for the which he solde a great part of his owne estates, caring lesse to make him selfe poore, then to fayle in suche an action of honor. But the king of Naples departed very yll contented with the Pope, for that demaunding thinuestiture of the kingdome, the pope refused to giue it him, but with those taxations and tributes wherewith it had bene giuen afore times to the former kings: he made instance that there might be made to hym the same di­minution which had bene made to Ferdinand his cousin, and to his sonnes and ne­phewes, demaunding thinuestiture of the whole realme in his owne name as suc­cessor of tholde Alfonso, in which forme whilest he was at Naples, he had receyued othe and homage, notwithstanding in the capitulations of peace made with the French king, it was disposed that touching the lande of Lauora and Abruzza the name of the Queene should be ioyntly acknowledged. It was thought that the re­fusall which the Pope made of the inuestiture, was the cause that Ferdinand woulde not speake with the Pope, who remeyning at the same time in the rocke of Ostia, it was sayde he taryed there to expect his passage: But how soeuer the truth was, the king of Aragon tooke his course to Sauona, where it was agreed that he should haue enterview and speache with the Frenche king, who staying for that cause in Italie, was come thither from Millan assone as he vnderstoode he had taken passage from Naples.

In this enterview and conference, the demonstrations on all sides were manifest, free, and full of confidence, and suche, for the libertie thereof, as in no memorie had bene sene in any meeting or communication of like princes: for that other poten­tates, betwene whom were either priuate enuies, or auncient quarrels, were wont to meete with such order, that the one was not in the power of the other, where this The kings of Aragon and Fraunce haue enteruievv together. suffred neither restraint of cōpanies nor exceptiō of place: for when the ships of the king of Aragon were within the hauen of Sauoua, the French king being in their see­ming discended vpon the wal of the hauen, passed by abridge of wood made for the nonce vpō the poope in the galley of the king of Aragon, with a very small trayne of Gentlemen, and without any gard at all: where, being receyued with a ioy agreable to the honor that was in him, and with a common gladnes of the king and Queene his neece, spending some time there in deuises of mirth and curtesie: they went out of the galley by the same bridge, and made their entrie on foote into the citie, ha­uing muche to doo to passe through the presse of so many multitudes of men and women as were drawen thither from the townes thereaboutes. The Queene went accompanied with her husbande on the right hande, and her vncle on the left, be­ing preciously attyred in stones of pryce, and other sumptuous aray: The Cardi­nall of Amboyse and the great Capteine marched after the two kings: After them fo­lowed the yong Ladies and gentlemen of the Queenes court, all set forth with glo­rious showes: And before and behinde were the courtes of the two kinges appoyn­ted in an incredible pompe of riche and gorgeous ornamentes. With these com­panies the king and Queene of Aragon were conueyed by the French king to the Castell, which was appoynted for their lodging, hauing his prospect vpon the sea: that part or halfe of the towne which apperteyneth to it was appoynted for their trayne: And the French king was lodged in the byshops houses right agaynst the Castell: A spectacle truely worthy of memorie, to see together two of the moste mightiest kings in Christendome, not long afore cruel enemies, and now not onely [Page 382] reconciled and conioyned by parentage, but also setting aparte all signes of ha­tred, and memories of offences paste, did euery one commit to the arbitriment of the other his proper life, with no lesse assurance and confidence then if they had ben lineall brethren: A maner of behauiour which gaue occasion to such as were present to dispute, whether of the two kings had shewed the greater confidence: Many referred muche to the fidelitie of the Frenche king, who was the first that put him selfe in the power of the other, hauing no other assuraunce then the bonde of fayth: And to the other was transferred a greater occasion of shame, for that fayth was kept to him first, and it was a suspition more likely that Ferdinand desired to be assured of him, the better to establishe him selfe in the kingdome of Naples: But the most sorte gaue greater reputation to the confidence of Ferdinand, who exceeding thexample of the French king, put him selfe in his power, not for a moment or fewe howres, but for many dayes and long tyme. And hauing dispoyled him of so great a kingdome, with so many harmes and domages to his peoples, and so late a slaunder of his name, he had to feare that the Frenche kings hatred was no lesse mortall, then his desire of reuenge iuste: besides, it was also to be doubted in whom was greater the profite of the disloyaltie: for, to make the French king priso­ner, Ferdinand could reape no great commoditie by it, since the estate of Fraunce is managed vnder suche a policie of lawes and customes, that to kepe the king restrai­ned, could not muche diminishe the forces and authoritie of the kingdome: But there hanged other perils vpon the person of Ferdinand, for that if he had bin made prisoner, it was not to be doubted, that both for the minoritie of his heires that then were very yong, and the realme of Naples being to him a newe kingdome, and also for that his other states, and singulerly the realme of Castillo were through many accidents disordred amongst them selues, the French king should not haue recei­ued of long time any impediment by the power and armes of Spayne. In this enter­viewe and honorable spectacle of great Princes, the consideration of the great Cap­teine ministred not the least occasions to debate and common vpon: vpon him were occupied the thoughtes and eyes of euery one, no lesse for the renowne of his naturall valour, then for the memorie of his many victories: Considerations which so entised the mindes and affections of the French men, that notwithstanding they had bene so often vanquished by him, & were wont to holde his name in common hatred, yet his very aspect and presence confirming the opinion and image of his vertue, tooke an other habite in the mindes of the Frenche, for that they coulde not be satisfied to beholde and honor him, making discourse to suche as had not yet bene in the kingdome of Naples, sometimes with what incredible celeritie and shifte of warre he inuaded in Calabria the Barons encamped at Laine, sometimes with what patience and resolution of mynde he endured so many difficulties and aduersities, when in the middest of pestilence and hunger he was besieged in Barlet­to: sometymes with what diligence and efficacie he kept reteyned the mindes of men, and amid a penurie and want of money enterteined long tyme his souldiours without pay: with what singuler valor he managed the battell at Sirignolo: and with what greatnes of courage, with what industrie of a souldier, and with what vnexpe­rienced stratagemes amid so many difficulties, with an armie vnpayed, and farre in­ferior in forces, he kept his ground, and obteyned the victorie vpon the ryuer of Garillon: And lastly, howe vigilant he had bene alwayes to embrace oportunities, and make his profite vpon the disorders of his enemies: But that which drewe men into most wonder & admiration of him, was the excellent maiestie of his presence, [Page 383] the stately representation of his words and gestures, full of grauitie, affabilitie, and mildnes, equall to those effects and actions which had always flowed from his right worthy and excellent vertues: aboue all the rest, the French king, who desired that he might suppe at the same table with Ferdinand, the Queene, and him, and by com­maundement was placed neare to Ferdinand, was as it were rauished with contem­plation and deuising with him, finding in the action of his countenance and speach, a confirmation of those singularities and merites which he had afore expressed in so many worthy examples of his naturall valour and vertue: In so muche that in the iudgement of euery one, that day was no lesse glorious to the great Capteine, then when he entred with his victorious armie into the citie of Naples, honored with all those ceremonies of triumph which are wont to be exercised vpon conquerers. But as tyme norisheth a lawe of dissolution and forgetfulnes of things worldly and tran­sitorie, so those were the latest triumphant dayes of the great Capteine, for that de­parting no more out of the kingdome of Spayne, he had afterwards no meane to ex­ercise his vertue, neither in warre, nor in things memorable for peace. The two kings had conuersation together for the space of two dayes, wherein were holden betwene them many discourses both long and secrete, and Cardinall de S. Prassida the Popes Legate not admitted to that conference, nor honored but generally: but by that that might be comprehended by generall coniecture, and also by the many­festation of things afterwards, they passed a reciprocall promise the one to the other to enterteine together a ioynt and perpetuall amitie and intelligence, and that Fer­dinand should labor to reconcile Maximilian and the French king, to thende that being all reunited, they might declare and protest quarrell agaynst the Venetians: wherin, to expresse that they were no lesse carefull for things cōmon, then for such as concerned them selues in proper and particuler, they published an intention to reforme the estate of the Church, and to that ende to call a Councell: Neuertheles Ferdinand proceeded not with sinceritie, but seeking to nourishe in that hope the Cardinall of Amboyse, who thirsted muche to be Pope, he lulled him so muche by that abusing meane, that (with no litle domage to thaffaires of his king) he percey­ued too late, and that by many signes and demonstrations, what difference were be­twene the words and works of that Prince, and what suttleties and euasions were in his counsels. They communed together touching the cause of the Pisans, wherein the Florentins had enterteined negociation both with the one and other of them during the whole yere: for when the Frenche king prepared his armie agaynst the Genovvaies, beeing discontented that the Pisans bare fauor to the rebellions of that people, and foresecing how muche it would be for the commoditie of his affaires to haue the Florentins to recouer that Citie, he gaue them hope, that assone as he had repressed the mutinies of Genes, he would conuert his armie to the deuotion of their seruice, expressing in that promise, as also appeared in the generall inclination of the Court, that the auncient good will which had bene aforetime borne to the Pi­sans, was for this occasion turned into hate: But as euen the counsels of princes haue their variations & imperfections, so in their promises oftentimes is found litle cer­tentie, bearing more regarde to the trayne and euent of tymes, then to accomplishe the wordes they speake: for the Frenche king hauing performed his enterprise vpon the Genovvaies, chaunged his determination with the Florentins, both for the same reasons whiche made him dismisse his armie, and also for that he would not offende the minde of the king of Aragon, who assured him that he would so dispose the Pisans, that they should willingly returne to thobedience of the Florentins, from [Page 384] whom the Frenche king hoped by that meane to drawe no small quantitie of mo­ney. To this the king of Aragon disposed him selfe, but for many sundry occasions, and albeit it had bene more agreable to him that the Florentins should not recouer Pisa, yet knowing that it coulde not be long kept without great expences and diffi­culties, and fearing withall least they should obteine it by the Frenche kings wor­king, he hoped when he was at Naples, to haue bene able to induce the Pisans by his authoritie, to returne vnder honest conditions, to the obedience of the Florentins, who promised (so farreforth as the action were accomplished) to confederat with him, and to giue him within a certaine time, an hundred thousande duckets: but not finding in the Pisans that conformitie and deuotion whiche he expected, to let that the gratification and recompence should not remeine onely to the Frenche king, he then protested openly to the Florentin Embassadors, that if they should at­tempt in any sort to reconquer Pisa without his ayde, he would manifestly obiect his power agaynst them, And the French king (to turne him from those thoughtes which he had to manage that enterprise by armes) he enterteined cunningly with deuises full of varieties, sometimes perswading that he hoped to drawe them in the ende to some composition, and sometimes he iustified that the Pisans were vnder his protection: A matter no lesse false and contrarie, then his deuises were vayne and fabulous: for albeit the Pisans had made many solicitations to him, with offers to indue him with the absolute iurisdiction of their towne, yet enterteyning their requests with hopes, & keping his intentions dissembled, he alwayes forbare to ac­cept them, knowing what it was to take vpon him the protection of a warre popu­ler and confused. But this matter being more particulerly debated in Sauona, they cōcluded that it were good & necessarie, the Pisans should returne vnder the iurisdi­ction of the Florentins, so farforth as either of thē might tast of the profit: the same being the cause that the Florentins (fearing to stirre to much the minde of the king of Aragon) forbare to giue the spoyle that yere to the haruest of the Pisans: an action wherein they had reapposed a great hope, for that what by the want of vittels, and weaknes of forces in the towne, the Florentin souldiours ouerranne the whole coū ­trey euen to their gates: And the peoples of the maine countrey, more mightie in numbers within the towne then the proper Citizens, greeuing muche to loase the fruite of their trauell for the whole yere, began to abate muche of their accustomed obstinacie: Besides, their generall cause was no more succored by their neighbours as before, for that the Genovvaies ouergreeued with so many calamities, had no more the same thoughtes, Pandolffe Petrucci made wearie betweene importunitie and suspition, founde also the charges intollerable, and they of Lucquois, albeit they ministred secretly to their wantes, yet their habilitie was no more sufficient to beare out so great a burden, being for the present no lesse heauie and intollerable, then in expectation, ielouse and full of perill. The two kinges departed from Sauona the fourth day, with the same demonstrations of concorde and amitie: the one tooke his course by sea to Barcelonia, and the other returned by lande into Fraunce, leauing the other affaires of Italie in the same degree, but with a greater discontentment of the Pope, who taking of newe his occasion vpon the stirre made by Annyball Benty­uole, had made instance by Cardinal de S. Prassida to the king at Sauona, to deliuer vp to him as prisoners Iohn Bentyuolo and Alexander his sonne, whom he kept reteyned in the duchie of Millan: he alleaged that since they had broken the contract made in Bolognia by thinterposing of Monsr de Chaumont, the king was at libertie and no further bounde to keepe his fayth, offring withall that if his maiestie would satisfie [Page 385] his desire, he would sende the Cardinall cappe to the Bishop of Alby. The king aun­swered, that albeit he coulde discerne in them no sufficient apparance of fault or crime, yet for that he would somewhat bridle and restrayne their dispositions, he had kepte retayned many dayes in the Castell of Millan, Iohn Bentyuolo, but not fin­ding good matter wherein they had offended, he ought to haue no lesse regarde to thinnocencie of the parties, then to his proper honour, vnder the which he stoode bounde to keepe his fayth: And yet to gratifie the Pope and leaue him satisfied of his inclination, he sayde he was disposed to suffer him to proceede agaynst them with curses and paynes, as agaynst the rebels of the Church, euen as he had endu­red without complaint that in Bolognia in the heate of that stirre, their Pallace was destroyed euen to the fundations.

The Dyot of Constance continued still with the same expectation of men where­with it was begon, which Caesar forgat not to nourish with diuerse sleightes and gal­lant wordes, publishing that he would passe into Italie so accompanied, that farre greater forces then the armies of Fraunce and all Italie ioyned together, shoulde not be hable to resiste him: And to geue greater value and authoritie to his cause (alwayes protesting that he had onely fixed in his intention the protection of the Churche) he aduertised the Pope and Colledge of Cardinalles, that he had decla­red the Frenche king rebell and enemie to the sacred Empire, for that he had descended into Italie to transferre into the person of the Cardinall of Amboyse the supreme dignitie pontificall, and to set vppon hys owne head the Crowne Imperiall, and lastly to dryue the whole Region of Italie into one seruile subiec­tion: That he prepared to come to Rome onely to take the Crowne, and to esta­blishe a common suretie and libertie: And lastely, that in regarde of hys Impe­riall dignitie beeing protector of the Churche, and for hys proper pietie verye deuoute and desyrous to aduaunce the Sea Apostolike, it was not conuenient he shoulde tarie to be requyred or prayed, knowing well ynoughe that the Pope for feare of perill and harmes was fledde from Bolognia, and that the same feare kept restrayned both him and the religious Colledge from communicating their daungers, or sending to demaunde succours. Thus the matters whiche were treated in Germanie beeing by manye intelligences signified into Italie, and the brute that was spredde surpassing the truth of thinges, together with the generall preparations which the Frenche king made, beeing causes enforcing more cre­dite and testimonie of the publike rumours, for that it was beleeued that he fea­red not without occasion: These thinges (I say) moued muche the myndes of eue­ry one, some for desire of newe thinges, some for hope, some for feare, some for respectes generall, and some for their priuate and particuler interests: In so much as the Pope fente as Legate to Maximilian, the Cardinall of Saint Crosse, and the Venetians, the Florentins, with all other Potentates in Italie, (excepte the Marquis of Mantua) that were absolute and depended vppon them selues, addres­sed to hym messaungers speciall, eyther in the name of Embassadours, or vnder some other nature, euery one foreseeing for hys safetie according to the ielousie of the tyme. These thinges troubled muche the mynde of the Frenche king, being very doubtfull of the wyll of the Venetians, and more vncertayne of the dispo­sition of the Pope, aswell for many reasons and experiences of things past, as espe­cially that he had elected to this legatiō cardinal S. Crosse, in whom had remained an ancient and partiall inclination to further the greatnes of Maximilian. But touching the will of the Pope, muche lesse that it was manifest to others, seeing it was scarsly [Page 386] knowen to him selfe: for, hauing his minde full of discontentmentes and suspitions agaynst the French king, sometimes (to be at libertie from those humors wandring and troublesome) he desired the comming of Caesar: and eftsones the memorie of auncient quarels betwene the Popes & Emperours, disaltered and amazed him, the same occasions remayning, and the same propertie of spirits working: In which in­certentie and frailty of minde, he deferred to resolue himselfe, expecting first what would be determined in the Dyot: And therfore proceding in tearmes generall, he had instructed the Legate to perswade Caesar in his name to passe into Italy without an army, offring to him greater degrees and proportion of honors then euer had bin done by any Pope at the crowning of Emperors. But a litle after (the counsels of men obey occasions & times) thexpectations that were had of the resolutions in the Dyot, began to diminish: for when it was credibly vnderstand in Germanie, that the Frenche king had dissolued his armie immediatly after the victorie of Genes, his person also returning with the same fidelitie and obseruation of promise ouer the Mountes, the heate of the Princes and peoples began to abate, and their fiery incli­nations to resolue to smoke and fume, the feare beeing ceassed that he came not to vsurpe the Popedome and the Empire. Besides (as it often hapneth) publike respects fell not so strongly in consideration, but they were ouercaried with interests priuate, for that, besides all other reasons, there was a generall and auncient desire in all Ger­manie, that the greatnes of Emperours should not be so absolute, as the other estates should be compelled to obey them: And the French king omitted no diligence that might giue aduauncement to his cause, for that he sent to Constance, men expresse, who forbearing all publike practise, but working secretly, laboured by the hydden fauours of the Princes that were his friendes, to appease the mindes of the residue, purging thinfamies that had bene imposed by testification and euidence of thef­fectes, since assone as he had ranged Genes, he did not onely disperse his armie, but also returned in person into Fraunce, with that speede that was agreable to a perso­nage of his greatnes: they affirmed besides that he had not onely abstayned in ex­ample and action from offending the Empire of Rome, but also in all confede­rations, contractes, or bondes, he did alwayes protest and except that he would be bounde to nothing that was contrarie to the rights of the sacred Empire: wherein neuertheles they reapposed not so much in these iustificatiōs, ‘but that they labored with great diligence and many liberalities to abate the fierce mindes of the Almains with the engine of golde and siluer, wherof that nation is not a litle couetous: A bat­terie of no litle force to make breaches into the minds of most sortes and properties of men,’ that beare more inclination to corruption then to vertue. The Dyot at last determined and brake vp the twentith day of August, in the which was agreed, after many disputations, that there should be deliuered to Cesar to followe him into Italy, eight thousand horse, & xxij. thousand footmen, payed for six moneths, and to furnish the expences of thartilleries, with other charges extraordinary, six thousand Florins of Rhein to be continued so long as the artillery was in seruice: the bands and regiments to be in the fielde & assemble neare Constance about the middest of Octo­ber. It was published at that tyme, that they would happly haue furnished hym with a greater proportion of men and money, if Maximilian had consented that thenterprise (alwayes vnder his gouernment and counsel) had bin managed wholly in the name of thempire, and that thelection of Captaynes had passed by order from thempire, and distribution of the places that shoulde bee conquered to bee made according to the determination of the Dyot: But Maximilian reteyning [Page 387] still a singler ambition in this iorney, would admit no companion or communitie of name or authoritie (albeit all went vnder a generall title of the name of the Empire) and muche lesse suffer that the rewardes of the victorie should apperteine to any o­ther then to him and his: in so muche as standing better contented with the aydes they deliuered to him in this sort, then to go better accompanied, with an authoritie assistant, there was made no other resolution. And yet albeit it answered not thexpe­ctation that men had conceiued afore, yet ceassed not for all that the feare that was in Italie of his discending: for it was considered that the souldiers which his subiects would giue him, with suche as he would leauie of himselfe, beeing ioyned to those bands that were erected in the Dyot, he would come appointed with a very mightie armie, compounded of bodies resolute and trayned, and furnished with sundrie na­tures of artilleries: A matter so muche the more to be feared, by howmuche Maxi­milian, for the disposition of his nature, and long exercise in armes, was very hable and sufficient in martiall discipline, and could well beare, with the labour of his bo­dy and facultie of his minde, all aduersities and difficulties whatsoeuer: A sufficien­cie for the whiche he merited more, and caried away greater reputation then had bene giuen to any Experours many ages before. He labored besides, to leauie and bring into his pay ten thousande Svvizzers, whervnto albeit the Baylife of Dion and others sent by the French king, did oppose & obiect with great instance in the Dy­ots of that nation, reducing to memorie thalliance cōtinued for so many yeres with the crowne of Fraunce, and eftsones lately confirmed by the king raigning, together with the many sorts of profits which their peoples receiued by the conuersation of Fraunce: And on the other side, they preferred their olde and setled quarels with the house of Austria, their greeuous warres they haue had with Maximilian, and lastly what indifferent perill and preiudice the greatnes of thempire brought to them: yet all these notwithstanding in the parliamentes & dyots of the Svvizzers, appeared a manifest inclination & desire to satisfie the demaundes of Caesar, or at the least not to take armes agaynst him, for that (as was supposed) they would not offend the gene­rall name and state of Germanie, which it seemed was intangled and ioyned to this action: For this reason many doubted that the Frenche king, if he were abandoned of the Svvizzers, or that the Venetians fayled to ioyne with him, being not furnished with a sufficient strēgth of footmē to resist the footbāds of thenemies, & hoping that the fury of Thalmains entring into Italy as a landflood, would vanish and dissolue for want of money, would retire his army into townes, the likelihood wherof was alredy manifest in this, that with a wonderfull diligence he fortified the suburbes of Millan with many other places in the duchie of greatest importance: In regarde of which alterations and preparations, the Venetians were trauelled in no lesse perplexitie of minde then the other regions of Italy, and by howmuch their deliberations & coun­sels were of greatest consequence, by somuche more busye, and greater were the paines and diligence that euery one tooke to haue them ioyne with him: for Caesar from the beginning, had addressed to them three Embassadors of great authoritie, not only to solicite that he might haue free passage throw their dominions, but also to induce them to contract with him a straiter alliance, wherein should be agreed that they should participate in the rewards of the victorie, protesting to them on the contrarie, that it was in his power to accord to their preiudice with the Frēch king, with the same conditions that so often had bin offred to him at diuers times. On the other side, both by his Embassadors, & the Orator of Venice that was resident in his court, labored to perswade thē to oppose with maine hand against the cōming of Cae­sar [Page 388] as a matter of equal preiudice both to the one and other, offering for his part the seruice of all his forces, and to remayne their perpetuall confederate: But in those dayes the senate was not contented that the tranquillitie of Italie shoulde be trou­bled, neither were they caried into humors of newe tumults, by the hopes that were offred to enlarge their dominions: for they had proued by a smarting experience, that the benefite and fruite of the conquest of Cremona, did not counteruayle the sus­pitions and daungers wherein they had bene continually holden, since they had the Frenche king so neare a neighbour: They coulde willingly haue bene contented to be newters, but beeing pressed with thimportunities of Themperour, they stoode in a necessitie eyther to refuse or graunt him passage: if they refused him, they fea­red to be the first that shoulde be vexed: and in gratifying his demaundes, they of­fended directly the Frenche king, beeing expresly forbidden in their reciprocall confederation, to graunt passage to thenemies of the one or other: And they were not ignoraunt, that beginning once to offende him, it woulde be great indiscretion after Maximilian were paste, to be ydle beholders of the issue of the warre, and ex­pect the actions of two princes, wherof the one would be an enemie to the name of the Venetian, and the other hauing receiued no other pleasure then libertie of pas­sage, had no great occasion to be their friend: Respects which wrought much with the Senate, that it was necessarie to sticke openly to the one or other parties, but to whether of them, their opinions, for thimportance of the matter, were very differēt: And therfore, being no longer able to temporise in a cause so earnestly laboured by thembassadors of both princes, they made it at last a councell matter in the Senate house of the Pregati, where Nicholas Foskarin vsed this forme of reasoning:

If it were in our power to set downe a resolution, ‘by the which might be cōtinued The oration of Ni. Fos­karin. the peace and tranquillitie of our commonweale amid so many conspiring delibe­rations of these great princes: I am sure there woulde be amongst vs no varietie of opinion and counsell, and muche lesse should any hope or offers leade vs inclined to a warre of so greate expences and petill, as is lyke to be this whiche standes nowe in preparation: But seeing in regarde of the reasons and causes so often debated amongest vs in our late assemblies, there is no expectation to entertaine that com­mon tranquillitie: The principall reason wherevppon wee are to establishe our de­liberation, is to consider whether wee maye beleeue that betweene the Frenche king and king of Romains (dispayring once of our amitie) maye bee contracted an vnion: or whether the hatreds betweene them bee so mightie and resolute, as to lette them from ioyning together in one sociable vnitie: for if wee were well assu­red of suche a daunger, it were to bee proued that wee oughte not to departe from the amitie of the Frenche king, bothe for that our forces beeing ioyned in good fayth and meaning with his for a common defence, wee shoulde easily protecte our estate, and also it woulde be more honorable to continue the confederation we haue with him, then by lighte euasions to shyfte vs from it without euident oc­casion: Besides, wee shoulde enter with more recommendation and fauour of the world into a warre which should beare the title and name of the protection of Italie, then to ioyne with those armies and powers which we knowe manifestly to be lea­uied to stirre commotions and troubles. But if we set before our eyes the daunger of this vnion, I thinke it will not be denied that there is not great necessitie to preuent it, since it woulde bee more profitable aboue all comparisons to ioyne wyth the Emperour agaynst the Frenche king, then to tarye tyll bothe the one and other bee vnited agaynst vs. And albeit it is harde to iudge certaynely whiche of the [Page 389] two will happen, for that it is a thing that not onely dependeth of the wyll of o­thers, but also is subiect to many accidentes & occasions, which scarcely will leaue this resolution in the power of those that ought to execute it: yet, for that thexpe­rience of tymes paste is a true instructor of thinges to come, and that matters that are to succeede can not bee comprehended but by coniecture, wee maye discerne that in this is more perill then profite, lesse suretie then confidence, and an action whereof we ought to haue great suspition and feare: for, as touching the king of Romains, it is not lyke that he shall finde anye greate impedimentes, considering with what feruent desire he aspyreth to passe into Italie, whiche he can not doo with any conueniencie or reason, vnlesse he ioyne with the Frenche king or with vs: And albeit he soliciteth muche our alliaunce, yet if we refuse him, who doub­teth but necessitie wyll driue hym to seeke confederation with the Frenche, hauing no other meane to accomplishe his purposes. Touching the Frenche king, it see­meth there are farre greater difficulties for this vnion: but yet I holde them not suche, as vender them wee maye promise to our selues anye suretie: for that he maye bee caryed to that deliberation by suspition and ambition, two mightie mo­tions in the myndes of greate Princes, eyther of them in hys singler nature, bee­ing hable to dryue on those thoughtes that are alreadie raysed to dominion: he marketh well the instance that Caesar maketh to enter vnitie with vs, and measuring (albeit with false weightes) our intention and desire, he may doubt that the same suspition that we haue, not to bee preuented by him, induceth vs to preuent hym, knowing also that wee haue good intelligence of those thinges whyche so long tyme they haue consulted together agaynst vs: Lastely, he maye feare that wee are allured by ambition, looking into the liberalities and offers that maye bee made to vs, and from this feare there can be no meane sufficient to assure him, see­ing there is nothing that naturally breedes more suspition then matters of estate: And besides suspition, he maye be dryuen on by ambition, hauing a desire as wee knowe to the Citie of Cremona, wherevnto he shall be the more kindled by perswa­sions of the Millanois, and no lesse for a thirste to occupie all the auncient estates of the Viscountes, whiche he pretendeth to be his inheritaunce aswell as the Duchie of Millan: to these he can not hope to aspire, if he first seeke not confederacie with the king of Romains, for that our common weale beeing mightie of it selfe, yf the Frenche king assayle vs alone or of his proper forces, it will alwayes stande in our power to ioyne with Maximilian: whiche thoughtes as they haue alwayes occu­pied his mynde, so in this it is also approued that he neuer durst lyfte vp his hande to oppresse vs without that vnion, whiche beeing the dyrect lyne to leade hym to the marke he shootes at, why shoulde we not feare that in the ende he wyll be dis­posed to it? we are not assured from this feare by the consideration that it woulde bee a resolution vnprofitable to hym, for the conquering of two or three Cities, to bring into Italie the king of Romains hys naturall enemie, of whom in the ende he shoulde bee alwayes molested, and with whome he shoulde neuer haue friend­shippe but vncertayne, and yet suche as by this reason he should be alwayes driuen to buye and enterteine with great summes of money: for that if he feare that wee will not ioyne with the king of Romains, he is to thinke that in preuenting vs, he shall not onely put him selfe out of daunger, but also shall stande in securitie: And though he do not feare this vnion, yet he maye happly iudge it necessarie to confederate wyth hym, to delyuer hym selfe from the troubles and daungers whyche he maye suffer by hym, eyther by reason of the aydes of Germanie, or [Page 390] by other alliances and occasions: And albeit greater daungers maye happen to him if the king of Romains begin once to set foote in Italie, yet it is the common nature of men to feare moste the daungers that be nearest at hande, to esteeme more then is necessarie things present, and to holde lesse reckning then they ought of such as are farre of and to come, seeing that to the same are referred many hopes of remedies, aswell by the fauor of times, as benefite of accidentes: But be it that it were not profitable for the Frenche king to make this vnion, we are not assured for all that, that he will not do it: the mindes of men are subiect to many mutations, sometimes altred by feare, & sometimes blinded by couetousnes: we know that the nature of Frenchmen is light, and ready to embrace any new enterprises, and whose hopes are neuer lesse then their desires: we are not ignorant, with what perswasions and offers (sufficient to kindle any minde) the French king is stirred agaynst vs by the Millanois, the Pope, the Florentins, the duke of Ferrara, and by the Marquis of Man­tua. It is not giuen to all men to be wise and forseeing, no it is a gyfte that rarely dis­cendes, and that but to a few, but who will prognosticate what will be the delibera­tions of an other, let him (if he will not deceiue him selfe) not so muche consider those things which by similitude and likelyhoode would make a wise man, as what is the spirite and nature of him that is to make the deliberation: And therefore if we will iudge of that the Frenche king will do, we are not to regarde so much what be­longeth to the office of discretion and wisdome, as to consider the naturall humors of the Frenche, light, wandring, and oftentimes accustomed to proceede more with furie and rashnes, then with counsell or foresight: We must consider that the na­tures and inclinations of great Princes are not like to ours, neither so moderate in their affections, nor so easie to resist their appetites as men priuate, for that by how­muche more they are accustomed to be honored in their kingdomes, & absolutely obeyed, by so muche more are they made not onely imperious and insolent, but al­so raysing their will aboue reason or lawe, they can not endure not to obteine that which they holde for iust: and that seemes iust to them whiche they desire, beeing perswaded that they haue power to make plaine with a word both hilles and moun­tayns, to remoue all impedimentes, and to surmount the nature of things: yea they holde it a shame to restrayne their inclinations for any difficulties, and measuring commonly great things with the same rules wherewith they are wont to proceede in actions more inferior, their councels haue lesse communitie with discretion and reason, then with will and arrogancie: vices whiche aboue all other Princes, haue most societie and participation with the French nation: the same being confirmed with the late example of the kingdome of Naples, where the Frenche king induced by ambicion and indiscretion, consented that the moytie of the kingdome shoulde diuolue to the Spaniard, not seeing how muche he weakned his power (afore abso­lute and supreme amongst all the Italians) to bring into Italie another king equall to him selfe in authoritie, and nothing inferior in might. But why proceede we by coniectures in things whereof we haue a certeintie: we are not ignoraunt of that which the Cardinal of Amboyse treated at Trent with Maximilian himselfe touching the diuision of your estate: And we know wel ynough that to the same practise, they ioyned also a conclusion in the towne of Bloys, and the Cardinall going for the same cause into Germanie, brought backe the othe and ratification from Caesar: And albeit I confesse these practises brought forth no effects in regarde of certaine difficulties that hapned, yet who can assure vs, that there will not be founde some meane to range or remoue those difficulties, which haue bene impedimentes to their com­mon [Page 391] desire: since their principall intention remayneth alwayes one. These be the reasons that make me conclude, what necessitie we haue to consider with dili­gence, the imminent perils, the infinite charges, and perpetuall infamies, which on all sides do offer to darken and deface the auncient reputation and wisdome of this senate, if measuring vnaduisedly the condition of the affayres present, we suffer that an other put vs in feare, and come to inuade vs with those armes which be offred to vs for our suretie & augmentation of estate. Let vs consider (for the benefite of our countrey) what is the difference betwene mouing a warre to an other, & to exspect till an other inuade vs, to dispute how to diuide the estate of an other, and to tempo­rise tyll the same perill fall vpon vs, and to be accompanied agaynst one onely, or to remaine alone agaynst many: for, if these two kings knit and drawe to conspiracie agaynst vs, they are sure to be followed with thassistance of the Pope, by reason of the townes in Romagnia, to haue many commodities from the king of Aragon, by reason of the portes of Naples, and to finde many friendshippes through all Italie, some seeking to recouer, and some to be assured: Lastly, beeing not ignorant howe mightily the French king hath conspired agaynst vs, and for so many yeres commu­nicated with Caesar to our preiudice: I thinke that if we arme our selues against him that hath sought to surprise and beguyle vs, muche lesse that we shall merite impu­tation, or be touched with the cryme of fayth breakers, but of the contrarie, the worlde will respect vs as fathers to our countrey, prouident, wise, and iust, and vpon his head shall be broken the brand of that perill and daunger, which euery one kno­weth he kindled to haue consumed vs:’

To the contrarie of this opinion, Andrea Gritti a personage of great valour and vertue, roase vp and reasoned in this sorte:

If it were conuenient that in one selfe matter, the counsels and opinions of men The oration of Andrevv Gritti. might be referred to voyces doubtfull, I confesse my aduise shoulde haue no other reference, ‘the present matter drawing on all sides suche varietie of reasons, that the nature and consideration of them leades me into confusion: But for that there is necessitie of resolution, which can not be made vpon foundations and suggestions incertaine, it behoueth vs, paysing well the reasons that impugne both the one and other, to embrace those which drawe nearest to a likenesse and similitude of trueth and carie moste mightie coniectures: which when I distinguish and examine, I can not finde that the French king, neither for suspition to be preuented of vs, nor for desire of townes which earst apperteined to the duchie of Millan, will agree to bring the king of Romains into Italie agaynst vs: for the daungers and harmes whiche such an enterprise draweth with it, are farre more manifest and great, then the perils that may happen by our vnitie with Caesar, or the profites that he may hope for by that resolution: seeing, besides the other natures of iniuries and hatreds betwene them, there is concurrance of dignitie and estates, A matter hable to set diuision betwene the best established freends among mortall men: In so muche as the Frenche king, calling into Italie the king of Romains, may be thought to do no other thing, then in place of a common weale peasible, and remeyning alwayes in good deuotion and friendshippe with him, to desire rather the neighborhood of a king ambicious, in­iurious, and nourishing a thousande occasions to quarrell with him, aswell by rea­son of his authoritie and estate, as in regarde of disdaine and reuenge: Let no man say, because the king of Romains is poore, disordered, and vnfortunate, that the French king feares not his neighborhood, seeing that for the memorie of the aun­cient factions and inclinations of Italie, which remayne yet kindled in many places, [Page 392] and especially in the duchie of Millan, an Emperour of Rome can not haue so litle a nest in Italie, which will not spread and multiplie to the great preiudice and daun­ger of others, but chiefly on the person of this man hangeth greatest feares and ie­lousies, being a prince of high stomacke, of great conduit and experience in warre, and to whom may be ioyned thinterest of the children of Lodovvik Sforce, a readie meane to stirre vp the mindes of many: He may also hope to drawe to him in any action of warre agaynst the French, the powers of the king Catholike, though for no other respect, yet at least for that both their estates are to discende to one heire. The Frenche king is not ignoraunt, howe mightie is Germanie, nor howe easie it is to vnite eyther the whole or parte when the waye shall be made open in Italie, and the hope of pray and spoyle layde afore them: And we haue well seene what feare he hath alwayes had of the discending of the Almains, and the king of Romains howe poore and disordered soeuer he be, who if he were in Italie, it were not reasonable to thinke that he should haue with him any other thing then a warre full of perils and aduersities, and a peace yll assured, and yet dearely bought. It maye be he thirsteth to recouer Cremona and happly all the other townes, but there is no conformitie or likelyhood, that he will embrace a great daunger, to get a thing whose value is lesse then thaduenture: No, it is more credible that he will proceede in this case rather with discretion then rashnes, seeing by the consideration of the errors heretofore imposed vpon that king, we shall finde that they proceeded of no other infirmitie then of his great desire to make his enterprises with suretie: wherein I referre you to his examples in the actions of Naples and Cremona, being induced to make parti­tion of that kingdome, and to deliuer to vs the citie of Cremona for no other reason, then to make more easie the victorie of those warres: so that it is more credible that euen at this present he will rather follow his custome and wise counsels, then be ca­ried with aduises sodayne and rashe, seeing withall he remaineth not altogether de­priued of hope to accomplishe his expectations with the fauor of an other tyme, in more suretie, and with better occasion, whiche is a thing whiche mortall men are wont to promise to them selues easily, therror beeing lesse to promise a chaunge and reuolution of worldly affayres, then to perswade that they are alwayes firme and stable: neyther doth that much amaze me which is sayde, those two kings haue treated so often amongest them selues, for that it is a custome with the Princes of our time to entertaine one an other artificially with vayne hopes, and dissembled practises: which, for that in so many yeeres they haue brought foorth no effect, it can not be that they were other then fayre showes, fictions, and shadowes of things, or els nourished in themselues suche difficulties as they coulde not be resolued, the very nature of thaffayres resisting to take away the distrustes that are betwene them, without whiche fundation they haue no meane to come to that coniunction: So that I can not feare that for the couetousnesse of our townes, the Frenche king wyll throwe himselfe headlong into so indiscrete a deliberation, and muche lesse will he attempt an action so casuall for any suspition he hath of vs, for that besides the great knowledge and experience he hath of our intentions, hauing no want of perswasi­ons and occasions to leaue his alliance, the same reasons by the which we are assu­red of him, will enterchaungeably holde him assured of vs: for nothing can be more preiudiciall to vs, then the king of Romains to haue anye estate in Italie, no lesse for thauthoritie of thempire, ouer whose amplification and greatnes we ought alwayes to stande fearefull and ielouse, then for the ambition of the house of Austria, pre­tending interest to many of our townes, but moste of all for the neighborhoode of [Page 393] Germanie, whose innundations can not but be too perillous for vs and our domini­on, we bearing withall a brute to haue all our counsells rype and measured, and to erre more in beeing too harde and slowe, then to proceede with too much rashnes and credulitie. I denie not but things maye fall out contrarie to thopinion of men, for that worldly actions oftentimes drawe with them effects straunge, and farre a­boue thexpectations and wisdomes of mortall men, and therefore who coulde set downe any warrant or suretie, were not of the least merite or commendation: but since that can not be done without entring into moste huge daungers and difficul­ties, we muste consider that oftentimes vayne feares are no lesse hurtfull then too great confidence and credulitie: if we enter confederation with the king of Romains agaynst the Frenche king, the warre muste necessarily be begon and continued with our moneys, which we must also aduaunce to furnish all his prodigalities and disor­ders, otherwise he will eyther accorde with the enemie, or retyre into Germanie, lea­uing vpon our shoulders the whole burden and perill of the quarrell: we muste su­steine a warre agaynst a moste mightie king of Fraunce, Duke of Millan, Lorde of Genes, a prince enuironed with many regimentes of men at armes, & no lesse migh­tie in artileries and prouisions, and at the brute of whose payes and money will draw to him from all nations infinite bands of footemen. Besides, what hope of good suc­cesse can be nourished in this enterprise, seeing we can not but feare, that in all those of Italie which eyther pretende agaynst vs, or that we holde any thing of theirs, or at least stande ielouse ouer our greatnes, will not be a disposition to drawe into con­spiracie agaynst vs, but especially the Pope, to whom, besides his disdaynes towards vs, the power of the Emperour in Italie will neuer be acceptable, for a naturall ha­tred that hath alwayes bene betwene the Church and thempire, the same making the Popes to haue no lesse feare of themperours in things temporall, then they haue of the Turkes in matters spirituall. And this coniunction happly may be more dan­gerous to vs, then the vnion which we feare betweene the king of Romaines and the French king: for that where is societie of many princes, which pretend to be equall, there commonly do kindle suspitions and debates, by which oftentimes it hapneth that those enterprises which haue bene begon with no small reputation, slyde easily into many difficulties, and lastly into dissolution and ruine: neither ought wee to make this a last consideration, that albeit the French king haue enterteined certeine practises contrarie to thalliance which we haue with him, yet we haue seene no ef­fectes, by the which we may say he hath delte vniustly with vs, and therefore to lea­uie warre agaynst him, would be no other thing then to merite imputation of infi­delitie and faythbreaking, on the contrarie whereof this Senate ought to buylde his principall fundation aswell for the honor as profite of the affaires which we haue euery day to manage with other princes: Neither can it be profitable to vs to nou­rish and continually augment this opinion, to seeke to oppresse dayly all our neigh­bours, and to aspire to the whole monarchie of Italie. I woulde in God, we had in times past proceeded more considerately, for almoste all the suspitions that at this present are heaped agaynst vs, haue no other beginning then that heretofore we haue too muche offended them, and it will not be beleeued that feare draweth vs to a newe warre agaynst the French king our auncient confederate, but rather that we are caried with certayne ambicious and couetous inclinations (ioyning with vs the king of Romains) to winne vpon him one parte of the duchie of Millan, as we wonne vpon Lodovvike Sforce, being ioyned with him: In which time if we had go­uerned our selues more moderately, and not feared to muche suspitions vayne and [Page 364] light, neither should the affayres of Italie stande presently in suche trouble and alte­ration, neither we, in whom should haue bene preserued a renowne of greater mo­destie and grauitie, should not nowe be constrayned to enter into warre eyther with this prince or that prince, more mightie then our selues: Into which nature of necessitie, seeing we are falne, it can not but be more to our wisdome and profite, not to depart from the confederation we haue with the Frenche king, then ouerru­led with a vayne feare, or hope of benefites vncertayne and hurtfull, to embrace a warre, which alone and of our singuler power, we should not be mightie ynough to support, and in those consociates and assistantes which we should haue, woulde be found more burden and charge, then aduauntage or profite.’

The opinions of the Senate were diuerse in so great a varietie of reasons: but in Deliberation of the Vene­tians. thende preuayled the memorie of thinclination whiche they knewe the king of Ro­mains had long enterteined, to recouer vpon occasion the townes holden by them, which he pretended to apperteine to thempire, or to the house of Austria: Their re­solution was to graunt him passage if he came without an armie, but comming ar­med with a power, they determined to denie him libertie to marche: And in the an­swere they gaue to his Embassadors, they seemed to perswade, that that conclusion was made more by necessitie, hauing regarde to the condition of the time present, and confederation which they had with the Frenche, than by any disposition or will to leaue him discontented for any matter: They alleaged that albeit they were con­strained by the same confederation to ayde him in the defence of the duchie of Mil­lan with a proportion of men expressed in the same: yet in this action they woulde proceede with a greater modestie, without exceeding in any sort their limittes and boundes, and, except they were compelled to any action for the defence of Millan, they would not oppose agaynst any other his aduauncement, according to the true meaning of their affection, who so farre as their power woulde stretche, woulde neuer fayle him with those oblations and reuerences which became the Senate of Venice to beare to so great a Prince, with whom they neuer had any thing thē a per­petuall amitie and alliance: in commemoration whereof, they sought not to enter into newe confederations and bonds with the French king, but desired to commu­nicate as litle as they could with the warres that should be betweene them, hoping that Maximilian (not to increase his owne difficulties) would at least leaue their frontiers in peace, & embracing their affections according to the simplicity & inno­cencie thereof, to turne his armies eyther against Burgondy, or the duchie of Millan. But as enterprises of high importaunce are full of imperfections, and drawe with them their proper impedimentes, so Caesar beeing out of hope to ioyne with him the Venetians, many other difficulties began to fall vpon him, which albeit he labo­red to surmount with the greatnes of his spirite and conceptions, apte to promise him dayly more hopes then impedimentes, yet they delayed muche theffects of his resolutions and purposes: for that, both of him selfe he had not sufficient money to leauie his proportion of Svvizzers, and furnishe the other expences necessarie for so great an enterprise, and also the treasures that were promised to his ayde in the Dyot, were not sufficient to furnishe the least part of the substance and body of the warre: And the fundation whervpon from the beginning he had layde his greatest hopes, that the communalties & iurisdictions of Italie would for terror of his name and comming, offer composition and contribution of money, grew euery day lesse and lesse: for, albeit in the beginning many shewed a certayne deuotion, yet the conclusions of the Dyot of Constance not answering thexpectation that was concei­ued [Page 395] that the enterprise should rather be of the whole Empire, and almost of all Ger­manie, then his owne in peculiar, and seeing happly into the mightie preparations of the French king, and the newe declaration of the Venetians, euery one remayned in doubt, not daring (in ministring to him things whereof he had most neede) to of­fende so greatly the French king: Neither were the demaundes of Maximilian such in the time when he was most feared, as with their facilitie they might induce men to administer to his helpe: for, according to his conditions, he demaunded muche of euery one, wherein his rates imposed vpon the duke of Ferrara (whome he pre­tended did owe to Blanche his wife the dowrie of his sister Anne dead many yeeres before) were excessiue, and his proportions to the Florentins no lesse intollerable, vpon whom the Cardinal of Brexe, managing his affaires at Rome, and hauing power to compounde with them, demaunded fiue hundred thousande duckets: which de­maunde, for the immoderation thereof, was the cause that they resolued to tempo­rise with him, till they discerned better what traine his affaires would take, and with­all (foreseeing not to offende him) they protested excuses to the Frenche king de­maunding men, which they sayd they could not accomplishe for thimpediments of the waste and spoyle to be giuen this yere to the Pisans in great preparation, and for that the Genovvaies and other neighbours beginning eftsones to administer newe succors, they were constrayned to stande continually prepared agaynst them. In these regardes, themperour fayling (contrarie to his hope) to haue his turne serued with the money of Thitalians (hauing onely six thousande duckets of them of Sien­na) he made request to the Pope, that at the least he woulde suffer him to take the hundred thousande duckets whiche had bene afore leauied in Germanie vnder cool­ler to make warre vpon the Turkes, and beeing for that effect preserued in that pro­uince, they coulde not be conuerted to any other vse, without licence of the sea A­postolike: he offred him also, that where he could not satisfie his demaunde not to passe into Italie with an armie, that neuertheles, after he had restored to the duchie of Millan the children of Lodovvike Sforce, (the protection of whome he protested, both to make the peoples of that state more fauourable, and his passage more easie and lesse hatefull) he would go on to Rome without armes, to receiue the Crowne Imperiall, leauing all his bands in the duchie of Millan. But the Pope, in whom ap­peared no more affection to the one then to the other, refused also to satisfie him in this demaund, alleaging that in suche a condition and estate of affaires, he could not without his great daunger prouoke the armes of the French king agaynst him: And yet Maximilian, according to the propertie of his inclination beeing carefull, credu­lous, and quicke to execute all things of himselfe with paynes incredible, amidde so many difficulties forgate nothing that might enterteine the brute of his discending, and causing to marche thartilleries towards many places of the frontiers of Italy, he recontinued the practise to haue the twelue thousand Svvizzers, who demaunding many thinges, and propounding straunge exceptions, gaue him not any certayne resolution: he solicited the bandes that were promised him, and trauelling in per­son from one place to an other for diuers expeditions, he brought mens mindes into many confusions, their iudgementes varying more through all Italie then earst had bene seene in any other action: for in some the opinion of thenterprise was greater then euer, and others supposed it to bee already in an estate declining, which incertentie of minde was increased by himselfe, who being of nature secrete and particular, did seldome communicate his thoughtes with others, and to thende his intentions shoulde be lesse priuate in Italie, he had ordeyned that the Popes [Page 396] Legate nor other Orators of Thitalians should not followe his person, but keepe a parte in places remoued from the Court.

Now was come the day appoynted for the assemblie of Thalmain companies, of whō notwithstanding there mustred at Constance but a very small crew, neither was seene any other preparations on his part, then remouing of artilleries, and studying by what meanes he might recouer money: In so muche as beeing vncertayne with what forces, in what time, and on which side he would enter: such as doubted him made mightie prouisions in many places: some supposed he woulde make his en­trie by Friul, and others thought he would marche by Trent into the countrey of Verrona, others iudged that comming by Sauoy, or by Coma, he would assayle the du­chie of Millan hauing many of the exiles of that state in his campe: others stoode in some doubt least he would make some stirre on that side to Burgondie: In regarde of these feares, the French king sent to the duchie of Millan many bandes of horsmen and footemen, and besides other preparations leauyed for the defence of that state, he dispatched two thousande fiue hundred Spanish footemen, vnder the fauour of the king Catholike, to whom Caesar complayned greeuously of suche a sufferaunce. Monsr de Chaumont doubting the fayth of the Boromei, surprised in the same time Arona, a Castell belonging to that familie standing vpon the lake Maior: into Bur­gondie the king had also sent fiue hundred launces, vnder Monsr Trimouille gouernor of that prouince: And to drawe away in many places the thoughtes and forces of Caesar, he succoured continually the Duke of Guelders, who molested the countreis of Charles the little sonne of themperour. Besides all this, he had sent to Verona Iohn Iacques de Triuulce with foure hundred Frenche launces, and foure thousande foote­men, to the succours of the Venetians, who had also sent to Rouera the Counte Petil­lano with foure hundred men at armes, and many bandes of footemen, to thende to remayne there for the repressing of those stirres that might arise towardes Trent: and to Friul were sent eight hundred men at armes vnder Bartlemevv Aluiano, who long time before was entred into their payes. But the first daunger appeared on that side which was least doubted, for that Paule Baptista Iustinian and Fregosin exiles of Genes, ledde to Casuola, a towne belonging to Lodovvike Gonsagna feodar of them­pire, a thousande Almain footmen, who marching secretly and with great diligence ouer the mountaynes and impassible places of the Venetian territorie, had an inten­tion to go to Genes, after they had passed by the ryuer of Po along the mountaine of Parma: This expedition being doubted of by Monsr Chaumont, he dispatched sud­denly to Parma many horsemen and footemen, to giue impediment to thenemie, which so cut off all hope from Thalmains, to be hable to execute any thing agaynst Genes, that they returned into Germanie by the same way, but not with the same dili­gence and daunger, for that the Venetians, respecting their common benefite, made a secret consent to their retyring. There were at the same instant, many of the exiles of Genes in the towne of Bolognia, whiche driue the king into a suspition, that this matter had bene wrought by the consent of the Pope, of whose inclination and will, many other thinges put him in doubt, both for that Themperour was solicited to marche by the Cardinall S. Crosse, notwithstanding more of his proper motion and disposition, then for any other occasion: and also thexiles of Furly being by chaunce issued out of Faenza, and assaying one night to enter into Furly, the Pope complay­ned that it was a matter compact betwene the Frenche king and the Venetians. To these was added the conspiracie of a Monke, who beeing prisoner in Mantua, had confessed that he had practised with the familie of Bentiuole to empoyson the Pope, [Page 397] and that he was solicited from Monsr de Chaumont to performe all his promises to the Bentiuolei: by reason whereof the Pope proceeding by examination in forme authentike, sent it to the king by Achilles de Grassi Bishop of Pesera, and afterwardes Cardinall, to make request that the trueth might be knowen, proceeding to the pu­nishment of suche as should be found guyltie in so great a wickednesse: In so much as Alexander Bentyuole, beeing suspected more then the residue, was adiorned by the king to appeare and answere in Fraunce to such things as he was to be charged with­all: with these actions and incertenties, ended the yere 1507.

But in the beginning of the yere following, the trauelling minds of them of Bo­lognia, no longer disposed to nourish their tranquillitie, drewe into conspiracie, and being ledde by Anniball and Hermio Bentyuole, who had intelligence with certayne young gentlemen of the familie of the Pepolies, with others of race and yeres equall, they approched vpon the sodayne, Bolognia: an enterprise not without perill, for that the conspirators to thende to lette in the residue, had occupyed the gate of S. Mamola: But as it is easie to represse a violence in the beginning, so the people taking armes in fauour of thestate ecclesiastike, the young men abandoned the gate with more feare then vallour, and the Bentyuoleis retyred finding onely that safety in their aduenture. This inuasion rather abated then inflamed the mynde of the Pope agaynst the Frenche king, for that his Maiestie shewing great tokens howe muche it did discontent hym, commaunded Monsr Chaumont to be readie to suc­cour Bolognia, and all that depended vpon it, in all necessities and occasions: he gaue order besides, that from thencefoorth the Bentiuoleis shoulde not be receyued in­to any parte of the duchie of Millan: by whiche restraynt, Iohn, one of the chiefest of them, dyed about that tyme of displeasure, for that muche lesse that he had bene accustomed afore he was expulsed Bolognia to feele the aduersities or bitter blowes of fortune, seeing he had beene the moste happie of all the other tyrantes of Italie, seruing a long time as an example of prosperous fortune: for, in the course of fortie yeres, during the which he commaunded as he woulde in Bolognia, muche lesse that he was touched with any heauie affliction, seeing in all that race of tyme he felte not so muche as the death of any his friendes: he had alwayes for himselfe and children, pensions, appoyntmentes, and great honours of all the Princes in Italie, beeing followed withall with this felicitie to escape easily out of all waightie and dangerous affayres: for all which graces & good succedings, he seemed (besides the conuenient situation of that Citie) to be principally beholding to fortune, for that according to common iudgement, he could not merit any thing by the proper­tie of his wit, or by his wisdome, and much lesse by any valour that was in his person.

Caesar nowe minding no more to deferre the mouing of armes, dispatched a He­ralte to Verona, to publishe his resolution to passe into Italie to take Thimperiall Crowne, and to require lodging for foure thousande horse: Whervnto the gouer­nors of Verona, hauing first communicated with the counsel of Venice, answered him, that if he would passe for no other occasion then to receyue the crowne, they would honour him with all the offices and obseruaunces they could, but they saw effects contrarie to his perswasions, hauing already brought and bestowed vpon their mar­ches so great proportions of men at armes and artilleries: In regarde of which aun­swere, measuring by thē the deuotion of others, Maximilian assone as he was come to Trent, to giue beginning to the warre, made a solemne processiō the fourth of Fe­bruary, which he assisted in person, hauing before him the Heralds of the Empire, & the Imperiall sworde naked, and in the ende of the solemnitie, his secretary M. Lange [Page 398] afterwardes Bishop of Gurce, being mounted into a high seate or theater, published in the name of Caesar his determination to passe in warlike aray into Italie: he na­med him no more king of Romains, but Emperour elect, as are wont to be intituled the kings of Romains when they come to take the Crowne: And forbidding the same day that none shoulde issue out of Trente, after he had caused to be baked a great quantitie of Byskie, and made baskettes of wood, and sent by the ryuer of Adice sundrie boates and lighters loaden with prouisions, he went out of Trente the nighte after a little before day with a thousande fiue hundred horse, and foure thousande footemen: not of those regimentes whiche were agreed to hym in the Dyot, but of the peoples of his Court and proper estates, taking the way that leades by those Mountaynes to Vincense. At the same tyme the Marquis of Brandebourgh marched towardes Rouero with fiue hundred horsemen and two thousande footmen of the same countrey bodies, with whom he returned the day after, with no memo­rie of other action then that he presented himselfe before Rouero, and demaunded in vayne to be lodged in the towne: But themperour elect being comen to the mountayne of Siagne, the foote whereof draweth within twelue miles of Vincensa, after he had taken the landes of the seuen communalties (a people so named dwel­ling in the toppe of the Mountayne vnder many exemptions and priuiledges of the Venetians) and after he had filled vp many trenches whiche they had cast for their defence, and to stoppe the waye, he caused to be drawen thither many pee­ces of artillerie. Heere it seemed that eyther his intention had imperfection, or his fortune was contrarie to the disposition of the tyme, for, as mens mindes en­terteined a wonderfull expectation of some good successe, he retyred from this place the fourth daye after he departed from Trente, and returned to Bolsana, a towne further remoued from the confines of Italie, then Trente: wherein as it gaue occasion to euery one to wonder at so greate an inconsideration, or rather inconstancie: so, so weake a beginning reuyued eftsones the myndes of the Vene­tians, in so muche that as they had already interteined many bandes of footemen, so they called to Rouera the Frenche companies whiche were at Verona with Tri­uulce, and beginning to make greater preparations, they stirred vp the Frenche king to do the lyke, who marching towardes Italie, sente before an armie of fiue thousande Svvizzers of his payes, and three thousande payed by the Venetians, that Nation (for that Maximilian was not hable to minister paye to them) being ronne without any regarde to thintertainment of the Frenche: And yet after they were departed and payed, they woulde not go vppon the landes of the Venetians, alleaging for their reasons, that they woulde not serue Caesar in any other action, then for the defence of thestate of Millan.

A greater stirre, but farre more wretched and vnhappie, as wherein was nou­rished the beginning of greater thinges, was kindled in Friul, whither didde passe by the waye of the Mountaynes, and by Caesars appoyntment, foure hun­dred horse and fyue thousande footemen, all bodies commaunded in his coun­trey of Tiroll: Assone as they were entred into the valley of Cadora, they tooke the Borowe and Castell, wherein was a verye slender garrison, together with the Magistrate of the Venetians that was within, whiche beeing vnderstande at Venice, they commaunded Aluiano and George Cornaro Superintendent remayning vppon the landes of Vincentin, to make speedily to the succours of that Countrey, and to keepe occupied the enemies on that side, they sente towardes Trente foure lighte Galleys with certayne vesselles of other nature: And at the same [Page 399] tyme Maximilian, who was marched from Bolsano to Brunech, and turning to the waye of Friul for thoportunitie of the passages, and largenes of the countrey, ronne through certayne valleys more then fortie myles within the territories of the Venetians, with a strength of six thousand footmen leauied in those quarters: and af­ter he had takē the valley of Cadora which leadeth to Treuisa, leauing behind him the borow of Bostauro lately apperteining to the Patriarks of Aquilea, he tooke the borow of S. Martin, the borow of Pieua, & the valley which was kept by the Countes of S [...] ­gina, with other places adioyning: he performed these incursions rather in the pro­pertie of an inferior capteine, then in the person & maiestie of a king, more conten­ted with victories of meane persons & places, then seeking after actions of impor­tance according to thexpectation of his name & vertue: And after he had spēt some dayes in these trifling seruices, he cōmaunded his cōpanies to draw to Treuisan, and returned himself vpon the end of February to Ispruch to lay Iewels in paune, & make other prouisions for money, wherof being rather a prodigal waster, then a temperat distributer, no reasonable quantitie could suffice to furnishe the necessitie of his af­fayres: for that his wantes could not be satisfied with thabundance of things, ‘since he measured not his sufficiencie according to the nede of kind, but after the rage of his opinion & prodigalities. But vnderstanding on the way that the Svvizzers had taken the pay of the French,’ he was not a litle discontented with them, and so went to Vlma a Citie of Svvauia, to induce that ligne to ayde him as they had done in times past in the warre agaynst the Svvizzers: he made also vehement instance to the Electors, that the aydes promised in the Dyot of Constance, might be yet recon­tinued for sixe monethes more, alleaging that the action of great enterprises re­quire a long and deliberate time. And about this season the regiments of the estates which were abyding at Trent to the number of nyne thousande bodies aswell foot­men as horsmen, had battred the castell of Baioquo, and ranged it to discretion with­in three dayes: it standes right ouer agaynst Rouero on the right hande, vppon the high way that leades from Trent into Italie, and betweene it and Rouero which is on the left hande, runneth the ryuer of Adica.

Aluiano departed in great diligence to succor Friul, and passing along the moun­taines Aluiano bee­ing sent to su [...]r Friul, giueth the rout to the Almains. laden with snowes, he came in two dayes neere to Cadora, where exspecting his trayne of footemen, who coulde not marche with the same speede and swift­nesse, he occupied a passage not garded by the Almains, by the which is made the entrie into the valley of Cadora: And as in a generall perill a litle comfort profiteth muche, so at the comming of Aluiano, the men of the countrey affected to the iu­risdiction of Venice, taking newe courage, commaunded the other passages of the valley by the which the Almains were to retyre: who seeing them selues inclosed, and no hope of safetie but by the sworde, and iudging by the disposition of Al­uiano that he woulde dayly strengthen himselfe, marched out agaynst him in great furie: he refused not the offer of the feight, taking no lesse courage in the oportu­nitie of the enemie, then in the innocencie of the quarrell, wherevppon beganne betweene both parties a moste cruell feighte, wherein the Almaines, who fought with great rage, more for desyre to dye gloriously, then that there was hope to saue their liues, and casting themselues in a grosse squadron, their wiues in the middest, made a valiaunt defence for certayne howres: but as in actions of battell, God of­tentimes giues the victorie, not to those that feight best, but to suche as he fauoreth most, so the Almains, not hable to make long resistaunce, both for the numbers and vertue of thenemies, were in the ende vanquished, more then a thousande [Page 400] of them remayning dead on the place, and the residue falling to be prisoners accor­ding to thaduenture and fortune of the fight. After this victorie Aluiano ioyning diligence and expedition to his felicitie, tooke the castel of Cadora, which he assalted on two partes, Charles Malateste one of the auncient Lordes of Rimini beeing slayne with a quarrell shotte out of a towre: And following still the streame of hys for­tune and good successe, he tooke Porto Nauona, and afterwards Cremonsa situate vp­pon the height of a hill, and so discended to encampe afore Goritia, standing at the foote of the Alpes of Iulyan, strong by situation, and no lesse mightie by the muni­tion it conteines, and hath a Castell of very harde accesse: and taking first the bridge of Goritia, and planting afterwards his artilleries before the towne, he caryed it the fourth day by composition, being in great necessitie of weapons, water, and vittells. After the towne was commaunded, the Castlekeper & companies within the Ca­stell, eschewing their proper calamities by the examples of their fellowes, came to rendring after they had receyued foure thousande duckets. The Venetians erected there foorthwith many fortifications to serue as a bulwarke and brydle agaynst the Turkes, and to holde them in feare for passing the ryuer of Lisonso, since with tho­portunitie of that place there might be easie impedimentes giuen to their retraites. From Goritia Aluiano marched to encampe before Triesta, a Citie at the same time muche molested by the sea, whiche he tooke easily, not without the discontentment of the Frenche king, who gaue counsell not to prouoke so muche the king of Ro­mains: but for that it stoode vppon the gulfe of Venice, and by that reason very con­uenient for their traffikes, they, made prowde by the prosperitie of their fortune, coulde not be discounselled to followe the course of their victorie: In so muche as after the action of Triesta and the Castell, they tooke Portonon, and afterwards Finme, whiche is a towne of Esclauonia in the prospect of Ancona, which they bur­ned, for that it was the retraite of the shippes whiche woulde passe by the sea Adria­tique, without paying the customes that were imposed: And afterwardes, passing the Alpes, they tooke Possonia, which is vpon the marches of Vngrie.

These were thenterprises that were done in the countrey of Friul: But on that side towardes Trent, the Almain armie whiche was nowe come to Calliano, a towne fa­mous for the harmes of the Venetians, for that twentie yeeres afore Ro. S. Seuerin a notable Capteine of their armie was ouerthrowen and slaine, charged vpon three thousande footemen of the Venetians, left for the garde of the mount Brestonia, who notwithstāding they were sufficiently fortified, fled sodenly into the next mountain, fearing more then was necessary the peril that was farre of & doubtful, which made the Almains, scorning the cowardise of Thitalian footemen, ryse into more violent actions, burning many houses, and after they had reuersed many of their trenches and defences made in the mountaine, they returned to Calliana. By this successe, the Bishop of Trente taking stomacke according to the fortune of the time, went with an armye of two thousande footemen, appoynted with parte of the people that were at Calliana, to besiege Riua Trente, whiche is a great borowe standing vppon the lake of Garde, whither Triuulce had already sent a sufficient garrison: And after he had for two dayes battered the Churche of Saint Frauncis, and in the meane whyle made certayne incursions vppon the villages that are about Lodrona, two thousande Grisons seruing in the Almaine campe, fell into mu­tinie for a quarrell of small importaunce concerning their paymentes, and made pyllage of the vittailes of the campe: by reason whereof all thinges beeing in disorder, and moste of the bandes of the Grisons forsaken the campe, the remainder [Page 401] of tharmie conteyning seuen thousande men, was constrayned to retyre, the same ministring oportunitie and courage to the Venetian regimentes to make inuasions vpon the next villages, of whom as three thousand went in trowps to burne certaine townes of the Count d'Agreste, they were charged and broken by the Paisantes, and three hundred of them cutte in peeces, not remembring that in matters of enter­prise it is an office as necessarie to foresee perilles to come, as to execute when oc­casion is giuen. For the retraite of Thalmains whiche were before Riue, almoste all the bandes beeing separate, and the horsemen (conteyning a body of twelue hun­dred) beeing retyred from their lodginges of Calliana to Trent, the regiments of the Venetians, on Easterday morning assayled Pietra, a place within six myles of Trent: But assoone as the strength that was within Trent issued out to their succours, they retyred, and afterwardes assayled the Rocke of Creste, which is a peece of impor­taunce, and yeelded before the succors that came from Trent were ariued: the same beeing the cause that the Almains, hauing eftsones reassembled & reordeined their footemen, returned with a thousande horse and six thousande footmen to Calliana, distant from Pietra the shotte of a Crosbow: And two hundred horsemen of the duke of VVittenbourg beeing gone from them, the Venetians with foure thousande horsmen, and sixtene thousand footemen, came & encamped before Pietra, planting there a proportion of sixtene peces of artillerie: Pietra is a Castel seated at the foote of a mountaine, on whose right hand the way leades from Rouera to Trent, and out of the same comes a very strong wall conteyning in length the shot of a Crosbowe, and stretcheth euen to the ryuer of Adice, and in the middest of the same is a gate, of the which who is not maister, can hardly hurt Pietra. The two armies were within a myle one of another, and they both had before them the Castell and the wall, and on the one side the ryuer of Adice, and on the other the mountaines, and eyther ar­mie hauing at their backes, places of sure retraite: And for that the Almains had the castell and the wall in their power, they might when they liste driue the Venetian armie to feight, which was impossible to the Venetians, who for that they were infe­riour in numbers muche lesse that they durst commit things to aduenture, seeing they deuised onely to rayse impediments that thenemies should not carie the castell which was continually battered by their artilleries: But the Almains, in whom was indifferent the vertue of celeritie and courage, perceiuing one day that their artille­rie was slenderly garded, gaue a furious charge vppon it, and putting to flight the footemen that garded it, they wonne with great valour two peeces, and drew them to their lodginges. This accident abated the stomackes of the Venetians, who nowe iudging it but loste tyme to enterteine the action of Pietra, whiche had deuoured many of their peoples, brake vp and retyred to Rouero, and the Almains returned to Trent, where within fewe dayes after moste parte of the armie disbanded and were dispersed: and the regimentes of the Dyot, whiche neuer conteyned aboue foure thousande (for all those in substance that assembled at Trent and Cadera, were of the Countreys thereabout) returned to their houses, their tearme of sixe monethes beeing ended, by whose example also moste parte of the footemen that were lea­uyed, brake vp the seruice and departed. Maximilian himselfe who was much trou­bled in going from one place to another to leauie prouisions & practises, could ne­uer be present at those actions, but for that the Dyot of Vlma was referred to a time more conuenient, beeing confused in himselfe with the multitude of affaires, and shame of his successes, withdrew himselfe to Cologne, not being acknowen for many dayes where he was: And being not strong ynough, neither in men, munition, nor [Page 402] money to resist so great a storme, hauing lost al that he held in the countrey of Friull, with the other peeces affronting, he found himselfe abandoned of all succours, and in greater perill to be depriued of Trent, if in the Frenche bandes had bene any dis­position to ioyne with the Venetian armie: But Triuulce, who by the kings direction was resolued rather to pacifie then to prouoke, woulde passe no further then was necessarie for the defence of the Venetians: holding it as iust and honorable in the office he had, to forbeare to afflict further themperour, as to protect the Venetians. Truce be­tvvene Maximilian and the Venetians.

Maximilian standing thus abandoned, and desyring by some meane to put him­selfe out of daunger, sent, since the ouerthrowe at Cadora, one of his Gentlemen to Venice, to demaunde truce for three monethes, of which the Senate made no ac­compt, hauing no disposition to make truce for lesse then a yere, nor yet to giue any consent, if the Frenche king were not comprehended in it: But his daungers rysing in encreasing for the losse of Triesta, and his calamities altering thinges into worse condition, the Bishop of Trent, as of his peculier motion, perswaded the Venetians to truce, alleaging by that meane and fundation, a readie possibilitie and expecta­tion of peace: The Venetians aunswered, that their minds were not estraunged from it, so farrefoorth as they were not alone in the action, but that there were libertie for the Frenche king to communicate: In so muche as after this beginning there drewe to conference together the Byshop of Trent and serentane secretarie of Maximilian, and for the Frenche king Triuulce, and Charles Geffray president of the Parliament of Millan, and for the Venetians Zacharia Contarin Embassadour particularly appoyn­ted for that action: They agreed easily for other conditions, seeing, as touching the time, they were resolued that it should laste for three yeres, and euery one to reteine that he possessed at that present, with power to buylde and fortifie suche places as they commaunded. This onely was the difficultie, that the French would haue had a generall truce, wherein should be comprehended suche confederates as euery one had out of Italie, and especially the Duke of Gueldres, but the Agents of Themperor stoode obstinately agaynst it, for that he had determined the ruine of the sayd Duke: They alleaged besides, that the warre being managed wholly in Italie, it was neither iust nor necessarie to communicate of any other things then such as touched Italie: wherein albeit the Venetians did what they coulde to haue satisfied the desire of the Frenche king, yet seeing little hope to dispose the Almains, they were contented to embrace the truce in sorte as they had consented, especially for a desire they had to deliuer themselues of suche a warre which was nowe brought wholly vppon their estate, and no lesse to confirme in their obedience by the commoditie of the truce for three yeres, the townes which they had conquered in those stirres: They excu­sed themselues to the Frenche with these reasons no lesse true then iust, that neither the one nor the other of them beeing not further bound then for the defence of the matters of Italie, and their confederation beeing grounded therevpon, they had not to do to thinke vpon matters beyonde the Mountes, which if they were not bounde to defende with armes, they were not also bounde to deuise to assure them with the truce. Vpon this controuersie Triuulce wrote into Fraunce, and the Venetians to Ve­nice, whose Senate returned aunswere, that if there could not be admission of other conditions, that they should at least conclude the truce for Italie, onely reseruing time and place for the Frenche king to enter: wherevnto albeit neither Triuulce nor the President would not consent, complayning greeuously that they woulde not so muche as tarie for the kings aunswer, and that notwithstanding the President pro­tested that a ioynt and common enterprise should not be determined but by ioynt [Page 403] and common consent, alleaging withall howe litle were respected the kings amitie and alliance, yet the Venetians forbare not to proceede and conclude with Maximi­lian, and the contract running simply in their proper names, they agreed that on the behalfe of Maximilian should be named and holden as comprehended and no­minated, the Pope, the king Catholike, the king of Englande, the king of Hungria, and all the Princes and subiects of the sacred Empire in what place soeuer, together with all the confederates of Maximilian and the sayde kings and states of thempire, which should be named within three monethes: And for the Venetians were named the French king, the king Catholike, with all the confederates and friendes of the Venetians, of the French king, and king Catholike in Italie onely, whom they should likewise name within three moneths. Thus was the truce accorded the xx. day of Aprill, and with no lesse expedition ratified by the Emperour and the Venetians, by which meanes ceassed the warre, with great hope that the regions of Italie shoulde nowe returne to a perpetuall concorde and peace.

After armes were layde aside by the resolution and couenantes of this peace, it seemed to the Frenche king that the Florentins would haue declared themselues ra­ther for Caesar then for him, if Themperours affaires had had a more happie begin­ning: and knowing withall that that disposition proceeded of no other thing then of a desire they had to recouer Pisa in what sorte they coulde, and of a discontent­ment that without respecting they had bene alwayes at his deuotion, and in the seruices they had done him, he had not onely not fauoured them, neither with au­thoritie, countenance, nor armes, but also had suffred that the Pisans were succored by the Genovvaies that were his subiects: he determined in these regardes to deuise howe by some honest meane they might obteine that they desired: wherein for that (for the benefite of his former purposes) he woulde do it to his proper profite, and that he thought that feare would be a better meane then hope to drawe from them a greater summe, he dispatched M. Riccio to make complaint, first that they had sent men expresse to accord with Caesar his enemie, that vnder cooler to giue the spoile to the Pisans, they had assembled a mightie armie, without hauing regarde to the conditions of the time, and his suspitions and daungers: that in so great a stirre and commotion which was prepared, they were neuer willing to expresse simply their intentions, wherin they gaue him iust occasion to doubt to what ende tended those preparations: And lastly, that hauing desired them to ayde him with their armies in so great perils, they refused it agaynst all confidence and expectation. All whiche notwithstanding, aswell for the perpetuall amitie which he had alwayes borne to their commonweale, as for the memorie of the good offices and obseruaunces they had done in tymes past for his seruice, he was very ready to pardon them all these newe iniuries, so farrefoorth, as to cut off all occasions that might eftsones trouble the tranquillitie of Italie, they would not hereafter molest the Pisans without his consent. To these complaynts the Florentins answered, that necessitie had indu­ced them to sende men to Caesar, not with any intention to couenant with him a­gaynst the king, but (if he passed into Italie) to assure their estate, which the king in the capitulation made with them woulde not be bounde to defende agaynst Caesar, according to the testimonie of an expresse clause, bearing these wordes, Sauing the rights of th'empire: That he could not reasonably complayne of the armie leauied a­gaynst the Pisans, for that it beeing no greater then of custome, it ministred no iuste occasion of newe suspitions, and beeing assembled for no other effectes then (as in other times) to giue impedimentes to the haruest of the Pisans, there was no reaso­nable [Page 404] cause of doubt, if mens iudgementes were as indifferent as the matter was in­nocent: That for suche a matter, and for the succors which the Genovvaies & other neighbours gaue then to the Pisans, it was not possible for them to sende their soul­diours to the king, wherevnto albeit they were not bounde, yet for the deuotion they had alwayes borne to him, they woulde not haue stucke to haue done it, yea though they had not bene required: That they marueiled greatly at the kings de­sire, that the Pisans should not be molested, whome he had no reason to esteeme or value with the Florentins, if he had any impression of their actions agaynst him in the rebellion of Genes: And that he could not iustly forbidde them to molest the Pi­sans, for that the confederation which they had made with him did so import and beare it. Vppon these beginnings they consulted afterwardes to reduce Pisa vnder thobedience of the Florentins: wherevnto it seemed this did suffice, if order were giuen that neither the Genovvaies nor Lucquois should succor it in suche a necessitie of vittels and forces, that the Pisans durst no more issue out of their towne: adioy­ning withall, for the losse of the haruest, the yll disposition of those of the playne countrey, being in greater number then the Citizens: In so muche as it was belee­ued that they coulde not holde out, if they receiued not from Genovvay and Lucqua certayne quantities of money, by meane of which such as gouerned kept within Pi­sa certayne forreine souldiours, and distributing the residue to the young men aswel of the towne as of the plaine countrey, they astonished with the armes of those, such as desired to accorde with the Florentins, keeping by that meane the towne in peace and free from mutinie. To this practise begon by the French king, was added thau­thoritie of the king Catholike, ielouse belike that without him such a matter could worke no effect: and therefore assone as he vnderstoode that M. Riccio was gone to Florence, he dispatched also an Embassador, who going first to Pisa, encoraged them in the name of his king to take comfort and holde out: not for other respect, then that remayning wilfull and obstinate to yeelde to the Florentins, they might be solde for a greater price. A litle after these enterspeeches by consent of both kings, were caried into the Court of the Frenche king, where, without any regarde to the pro­tection so oftentimes promised, the king Catholike solicited with great importuni­tie the resolution of that busines, both for that he knewe that Pisa beeing not defen­ded, would necessarily fall into the power of the Florentins, and also he had at that time no disposition to entangle him selfe with newe affayres, and chiefly agaynst the will of the Frenche king: for, notwithstanding he had immediatly vpon his re­turning into Spayne, resumed the gouernment of Castillo, yet he stoode not well con­firmed in it, both for the separate wills and inclinations of the Barons, and also they had not iustified his consent in the name of his nephew: But after the cause of the Pisans had bene long debated in the court of Fraunce, diuersitie of af­fections hindring the successe: At last, for many difficulties which hapned, but principally for that both the kings sought to ap­propriate to themselues the price of the sale of it, the practise was dissolued without any forme of conclusion.

The ende of the seuenth booke.

MOST of the Princes of Christendome dravve into league at Cambray against the Ʋenetians, vvho being ouerthrovven by the Frenche king, render the tovvnes of the Churche, and make submission to the king of Romains. Pisa returneth to the obedience of the Florentins. The Ve­netians recouer the tovvne of Padua, vvhich is soone after besieged by Casar: Aftervvardes they make vvarre to the Duke of Ferrara. The Pope giues them absolution of the Church censures.

THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

THE diuisions of Italie were not so tractable, as that they could be reconciled with little labour, nor the infirmities of the countrey so easie and priuate, as that they stoode subiect to be readdressed or recured with light medicines: But as it often hapneth, that in bodies replenished with humors cor­rupt, the remedie that is applied to repurge the maladie of one parte, engendreth more daungerous infections: euen so the truce made betweene the king of Romains and the Vene­tians, in place of the vniuersall expectation of tranquillitie, brought foorth to the Potentates and Communalties of Italie, infinite calamities and cruelties of warre, farre exceeding the examples passed: for, notwithstanding the regions of Italie for fourteene yeres, had borne a perpetuall crosse of warres and mutations: yet, quarrells beeing oftentimes ended without effusion of blood, and battels and skirmishes falling for the moste parte vpon the strangers only, the peo­ples had lesse suffred then the princes, and the naturall regions muche spared from the bloudie miseries and actions of warre: But the gappe beeing opened to newe discordes in tyme to come, there followed throwout all Italie, and agaynst Thitali­ans themselues, a miserable trayne of many calamities and cruell accidents, infinite murders, sackings, destructions, and spoyles of cities, a libertie of warre no lesse of­fensiue to their friendes, then hurtfull to their enemies, and a lamentable violation of religion and all holy things, with lesse reuerence and respect, then if they were prophane and popular, the lawe and equitie of things being measured by the wils of the souldiours, and nothing iudged vnreasonable agaynst him that was hable to alleage authoritie, might, or will: fruites ordinarie following diuill discorde, and by so muche the more perillous and working, by how muche they happen in a second mutation, as all euils are more daungerous in a seconde degree then in the first. The cause of so many afflictions in a generall consideration was, thambition and coue­tousnesse of Princes, of whom many of them coulde not brooke any limitation of power, imperie, or kingdome: But if they be weighed in a particular consideration, they may be seene to take their beginning of the too ras [...]e and insolent maner of proceeding of the Venetians, by occasion whereof were ceassed those difficulties [Page 406] which till that time had holden in suspence and impediments the French king, and Caesar from agreeing together agaynst them: of whome, the one beeing greatly kindled, they put him in dispaire, and at the same time moued the other to no small indignation, or at the least gaue him meane to disclose vnder an apparant coolour, that which he had long desyred: for Caesar, beeing netled by so many infamies and harmes receiued, loasing part of his proper inheritaunce, in place to conquer the­states of others, was not to omit any oportunitie wherein occasion might be giuen him to recouer or repayre so greatslaunders and losses: A disposition which the Ve­netians vndiscretly increased a newe, since the making of the truce: for that not spa­ring to aggrauate his indignation no lesse with vayne demonstrations then worse effects, they receyued into Venice Aluiano with publike pompe, almost resembling a ceremonial triumph. And the French king, albeit at the beginning he gaue a certen hope to ratifie the truce that was made, yet expressing afterwardes the discontent­ment he tooke, he complayned of the presumption of the Venetians to name him and include him as adherent, and prouiding for their proper tranquillitie, to giue him ouer and leaue him in the cares and trauels of the warre.

These dispositions of minde both of the one and the other, began to burst out in­to speedie and manyfest experience: for Caesar hauing no further confidence in his proper forces, and lesse expectation that the Princes or peoples of Germanie would take to heart the iniuries that had bene done to him, made as though he had a de­sire to confederate with the French king agaynst the Venetians, as the onely remedie to recouer eftsones the honor and estates he had lost: And the French king, follo­wing the course and oportunitie of the tyme, norished the same inclination, the new disdayne renewing in him the memorie of ancient offences receiued in the warrs of Naples, enterteining also a working desire to draw out of their hands Cremona, & o­ther townes of the auncient possessions of the dukes of Millan: Therefore to thende that in remouing the impediments of things inferiour, they might withall procede to those of higher degree, they began to debate how to resolue the quarels betwene tharchduke and the duke of Gueldres, whose safetie the Frenche king helde muche for recommended, for thauncient alliance and commodities he had receyued by him: The Pope did also communicate in this motion, stirring vp at the same tyme the French king agaynst the Venetians, beeing, besides the auncient indignations newly kindled and made hatefull agaynst them for an opinion he had that by their meanes the exiles of Furly, who were retired to Faenza, had made a tryall to enter that Citie, hauing withall receiued into their dominions the familie of Bentyuoleis chased by the king out of the duchy of Millan. To these was added this imputation, that in many things they had borne slender regarde to the authoritie of the court of Rome, and of late experience had slenderly respected it in this, which troubled not a litle the Popes minde: the Pope had translated the Bishoprike of Vincense, va­cant by the death of the Cardinall S. P. ad Vincla his nephew, to Sixtus his nephew also suborned by him into the dignitie of Cardinall, and to those benefices. But the Senate of Venice, making small reckoning of this collation, choase a gentleman of Venice, who, the Pope refusing to confirme him, tooke boldnes to name him selfe Bishop of Vincense of the election of the moste excellent counsell of the Pregati: But the Pope beeing not a little kindled for these obstinacies, dispatched first to the king, Maximus secretarie to the Cardinall of Narbona, and afterwards the Cardinall himselfe, who newly succeding the late Cardinall of Achx in his Bishoprike, was called the Cardinall of Achx: They were willingly receiued and heard of the king, [Page 407] and brought backe with them the deuise of many meanes and plottes to put in exe­cution that which he desired both without themperour, and without any confede­racie with him. But the Pope shewed a more inclination to complayne, then to de­termine any thing, for that on the one side, the vnquiet desire he had to make armes to be leauyed agaynst the Venetians troubled his minde, and on the other, he seemed fearefull to be constrayned to depende too muche of the greatnes of an other: but muche more was he moued by an auncient ielousie he had taken agaynst the Car­dinall of Amboyse, in whose respect it seemed greeuous to him that the armies of the French king should passe into Italie: Besides, thaffaires of greatest importance were somewhat troubled by the late presumption of the Pope, disposing a litle before without the kings knowledge, the Byshoprikes of Ast and Plaisance, and withall, for that the king resisted the newe Cardinall of S. P. ad Vincla, to whom by the death of thother, the riche Abbey of Cleruault neere to Millan was transferred, to take pos­session of it: so irresolute was the Pope, wandring betwene feare and ambition, and so inconstant the Frenche king, obseruing to make his profite on the trayne & euent of things: for, albeit the Pope coulde not bee resolued amyd so many difficulties, Thass [...]bly of Cambr [...]. yet in the end the French king and Caesar, both applying with the course and opor­tunities of times, determined to communicate secretly together agaynst the Vene­tians, wherein for the better countenance and coolour to the action, and withall to giue perfection to those things that should be debated, there assembled in the towne of Cambray for Caesar, the Lady Margaret his daughter Regent of Flaunders and of those other estates which were discended to king Phillip by the mothers right, assi­sted for the regarde of this action by Mathevve Longo a secretarie of great credite with Caesar: And for the French king, was sent the Cardinall of Amboyse, followed with certayne other particulars, rather to furnishe his trayne, then to communicate in thaction: They caused to publishe a brute that these estates assembled to solicit a peace betwene tharchduke & duke of Gueldres, betwene whom they had set downe a truce for fortie yeeres: And keeping alwayes vnknowen from the Venetians the true occasion, the Cardinal assured by great othes to their Embassador, that his king would continue in the confederation he had with them, wherein also the Embassa­dor of the king of Aragon folowed him, rather not denying then graunting, for that albeit that king was the first mouer of these conferences betwene themperour and the French king, yet hauing continuation afterwards without him, both the one and other of them, were perswaded that the prosperitie of the French king would be in­tollerable to him, and as touching the gouernment of Castillo, would holde for sus­pected the greatnes of Caesar, and therefore his thoughtes in that action were not conformable to his words.

At Cambray things were resolued in very few dayes, without cōmunicating with thembassador of the king Catholike, till after the conclusion, which the tenth daye of December was solemnly confirmed in the great Church, with the othes of Lady Margaret, the Cardinall of Amboyse, and the Spanishe Embassador. In this publica­tion they expressed nothing, but that there was established betwene the Pope and eyther of those Princes a perpetuall peace and confederation: but in Articles more priuate and secrete, were conteined clauses of right great importance, which being full of ambition, and wholly contrarie to the couenauntes whiche Caesar and the French king had with the Venetians, were couered with a preamble full of great pie­tie, and affection to religion, as though the diuersitie of words were sufficient to al­ter and chaunge the effects of things. It was expressed in that preamble, that, for a [Page 408] common desire to beginne a warre agaynst the enemies of the name of Christ, and thimpedimentes which the Venetians had giuen, occupying ambitiously the landes of the Church, which nowe they ment to remoue, to proceede with better consent and agreement to so holy and necessarie an expedition: And by the perswasions and counsels of the Pope, the Cardinall of Amboyse as his procurer, and with his autho­ritie, and as deputed and authorised by the French king, and by the personall solici­tation of Lady Margaret assigned and authorised by the king of Romains, and as go­uernes to tharchduke and thestates of Flaunders: And lastly by the consent of them­bassador of the king of Aragon as fully appoynted by his king: they were resolued to make warre vpon the Venetians, euery one in his owne right to recouer the thinges they had vsurped vpon them, which for the Pope were Faenza, Rimini, Rauenna, and Ceruia: for the king of Romains, Padua, Vincensa, and Verona apperteining to him in the name of Thempire, and the places of Friul and Treuisan, beeing percell of thinheri­tance of the house of Austria: for the French king were Cremona, Quiaradada, Bresse, Bergama, and Crema: and for the regarde of the king of Aragon, were the townes and hauens which had bene morgaged by Ferdinand king of Naples. Tharticles were these: that the French king was bounde to the warre in person, and to giue the first reall beginning the first day of the next Aprill, at what tyme also the Pope and the king Catholike should enter into the action: That to thende the king of Romains should haue iust cause not to obserue the truce that was made, the Pope should de­maunde succors of him as of the protector of the Churche, and that after that the king of Romains should sende to him at the least a Capteine, and should be bounde fortie dayes after the French king had begonne the warre, to inuade thestates of the Venetians in person: That which soeuer of them should recouer that which apper­teined to him, should be bound to minister ayde to the others, till they had made a full and sufficient recouerie: That they were all bound to defende one another, in case the Venetians offred to oppresse them for any places that were recouered, and not one of them in particular should compoūd or agree with the Venetians without a common consent: that the Duke of Ferrara, and Marquis of Mantua, and who els would pretend the Venetians to vsurpe any place of theirs, had libertie to be named in the league within three moneths: and being once named, to enioy all the benefits and fauours of the confederation in as full power and nature as the principalles of the same, communicating with the fulnesse of authoritie for the reconquering of those things that they had loste: That the Pope should sommon the Venetians vn­der great paynes and curses, to make restitution of suche things as they occupied of the Church: That he should be iudge betweene Bianca Maria the king of Romains wife, and the Duke of Ferrara, touching the contention for an inheritance and suc­cession of Anna her sister, and sometimes wife to the sayd Duke: That Caesar should inuest the French king in the duchie of Millan, for him selfe, Frauncis d'Angoulesme, and to their issue males, for whiche inuestiture the Frenche should paye to him an hundred thousande duckets: That Caesar and the Archduke should not during the warre and six monethes after, make any innouation agaynst the king Catholike for any respect of the gouernment and titles of the realmes of Castillo: That the Pope should exhort the king of Vngria to enter into the confederation: That euery one should name within foure monethes his confederates and adherentes, excepting expresly to comprehende the Venetians and the subiects freeholders of the confe­derates, and that euery principall partie in the contract, should ratifie all these arti­cles within threescore dayes next following: To this vniuersall league was adioy­ned [Page 409] the particular accorde betweene Tharchduke and the Duke of Gueldres, wher­in was agreed that restitution shoulde be made of those townes that were taken vp­pon Tharchduke in this warre, but not in lyke sorte of suche as were taken vppon the Duke.

Assone as this newe confederation was concluded in this sorte, (all things that concerned the Venetians being kept as secret as might be) the Cardinall of Amborse departed the day folowing from Cambray: the Bishop of Paris and Albert Pio Counte of Carpi being first sent to the king of Romains to receiue his ratification in the name of the French king: he made no delay to confirme al the articles with the same othe & forme of solemnities with the which it was published in the Church of Cambray, holding it but iust to ratifie the thing that so much tended to the confirmation of his estate and securitie, as he helde it equall and reasonable to iustifie that by publike approbation, which he had so long solicited by priuate desire and intention: it is most certayne, that albeit the wordes of the publication bare, that thauthoritie of the Pope and king of Aragon did communicate in it, yet the confederation was made merely without their assistance and consent: An action which Caesar and the French king tooke wholly vpon themselues, not doubting of the Popes and king of Aragons consent, partly in regarde of their proper profite, and partly for that accor­ding to the estate and condition of things present, neither of them both durst gam­say their authoritie, and particularly the king of Aragon, to whome albeit the Ar­ticles in their due construction seemed both ielouse and intollerable, for that fea­ring least the greatnes of the Frenche king would encrease to muche, he preferred the suretie of the whole kingdome of Naples afore the recouering of one part which was holden by the Venetians: yet, expressing cunningly a readines dissembled, and an inclination cōtrarie to the intentions of his mind, he made present ratification with the same ceremonies which the others vsed. But touching the Pope, he made a farre more doubt of things, wandring according to his custome betwene a desire to reco­uer the townes of Romania, ioyned to a disdaine against the Venetians, and a trouble­some feare of the greatnes of the French king: he sawe not howe dangerous it was to him for the power of Caesar to begin to stretch farre in Italie, and therefore see­ming that it was more for his profite to obteine by accorde part of that he desired, then to recouer the whole by warre and sword: He labored to induce the Venetians to render to him Rimini and Faenza: wherein he forgat not to laye afore them that those daungers which threatned them by the vnion of so many Princes, would be of greater terror and importance, if he were concurrant with them in the confedera­tion, as to whose authoritie and place it belonged to pursue them with armes spi­rituall and temporall: where, if they rendred the townes which they had taken vpon the Church since he was Pope, by which meanes he should make a ioynt recouerie of honor & estates, he should haue iust occasion not to ratifie that whervnto he had no interest either in assistance, consent, or authoritie: he debated with them that as the confederation communicating nothing with the holy and supreme autho­ritie woulde easily dissolue and vanishe, hauing in it selfe many difficulties: so he sayde it was not reasonable they should doubt that he would not vrge to thutter­most his authoritie and industrie to keepe repressed in Italie the power of straun­gers, which brought no lesse perill to the sea Apostolike, then to their state. In this perswasion he omitted nothing that might make aduaunced his cause, which he fol­lowed no lesse with his authoritie and eloquence, then with liberalities and offers: Matters that moue not the least in a case of perswasion, carying as they liste [Page 410] the minds of men affecting ambition or worldly desires. The Senat drew to counsel vpon this demaunde, some iudging it a thing of great importance, to separate the Pope from Caesar and the French king, and others thought it an action vnworthy, and not sufficient to turne away the warre: At last, as in matters of debate and con­trouersie, Deliberation of the Vene­tians. opinion oftentimes commaundes reason, so the faction of suche as gaue the best counsell had caried it, had not bene the reasons and perswasions of D. Treui­san a Senator of great authoritie, and one of the procurers of the riche temple of S. Marke, an honor next to the dignitie of the Duke, of highest respect and reputa­tion in the common weale of Venice: he discoursed with reasons ful of efficacie and authoritie, that it was an action contrarie to the dignitie & profit of that renown [...]ed cōmon weale, to restore those townes which the Pope required, and that the estate of their dangers would neither much encrease or diminish for the coniunction or se­paration of him from the other confederates; for, albeit in the negociation of the ac­cord they had vsed the Popes name, perhaps to make their cause seeme lesse disho­nest, yet in effect they had agreed without him, hauing no necessitie of his consent and priuitie, and therfore would become neither the more colde nor the more hotte in the execution of things they had concluded: Of the contrarie, the armes of the Pope were not of that valor and importance, as to driue them to buy at so great a price the disposing of the same: seeing that albeit they should be assayled at one selfe time by the others, yet they might easily with a very slender garrison defende those cities which the regiments of the Church (the very dishonor of souldiers & men of seruice) were not sufficient to take of themselues, & much lesse import much as tou­ching the substance of the warre: he sayd, that in the stirres and heates of temporall armes, men did litle respect either the reuerence or threatnings of armes spirituall, which they ought not to feare to be more able to hurt them in that warre, then they had done in many others, namely in the expedition agaynst Ferrara: In which the armes of the Churche coulde not let that they obteined not a peace honorable for them, and infamous for the residue of Italie, which with one vniuersall accorde, & in a time wherin it florished most with riches, power, and valour, was banded wholly agaynst them: And in reason & concordance of causes he alleaged, that it was not likely that the almightie & omnipotent God would suffer that the effects of his se­ueritie and his mercy, of his anger and his peace, should rest in the distribution and power of a man ambitious and proude, and by his subiection to wine, with many o­ther dishonest & immoderat affections, would administer them not according to the consideration of iustice, & benefite of Christendome, but as he was pushed on with his vile, corrupt, and intemperat humors: Besides, he sawe not by what reason they might hope for a greater constancie of fayth in this Pope then in others his elders and predecessors, making for the most parte their authoritie subiect to their ambi­tion, and their counsels alwayes running with the concurrance and course of times: Neither could he discerne howe they might be assured that the Pope hauing obtei­ned Faenza & Rimini, would not knit with the residue to recouer Rauenna & Ceruia, hauing a minde specially watchefull ouer oportunities and occasions giuen: That the experience of his actions and examples past, proued in him no greater staye or stabilitie of fayth, then agreed with the custome of other Popes, who, to giue a coollour of iustice and equitie to those thinges they dyd, lefte ordeined amongst their other lawes, that the Churche, notwithstanding all contract, promise, and benefites recoyned, might retract and directly impugne any bondes or obligati­ons which the selfe prelates had made: He alleaged that albeit the confederation [Page 411] betwene Maximilian & the French king was made with a great vehemencie of dis­position, yet the willes and intentions of the other confederates did varie and differ, the king Catholike being brought in by meanes compulsiue and extraordinarie, and the Pope well expressing signes of his accustomed doubtes and suspitions: And therfore the league of Cambray was not more to be feared, then the confederacie which the same Maximilian & king Lovvis had with the same importunitie treated aforetimes at Trent, & afterwards at Blois: for that many difficulties, which for their affinitie and nature, it was almost impossible to remoue or alter, did mightily resist thexecution of things determined: That for those reasons it touched the Senate in principal study, & diligēce to deuise meanes to separat Caesar frō such coniunction: A matter of easie hope & expectation, no lesse for the respect of his nature and ne­cessities, then for his auncient hatred agaynst the French: and beeing once deuided from it, the whole feares of the warre were taken away, for that the french king stan­ding abandoned of his society and succors, would beare no more stomack to inuade them then he had done in times past: That in al publike actions the beginning ought depely to be considered, since afterwards it was not in the power of men to tempo­rise or leaue of without dishonor and danger to their deliberations, wherin they had long consulted: That as their elders, so they by succession, had bene alwayes carefull in all occasions to augment their dominion, and with a disclosed & open profession to aspire to great things: A matter which made them hatefull to many, partly for feare, and partly for displeasure & disdaine of that they had taken from them: wher­in albeit it hath bene perceiued long time before, that that hatred might engender some great alteration, yet, as they haue not for all that forborne to embrace thocca­sions that had bene offred them, so it was not nowe a remedie to the daungers pre­sent, to beginne to leaue a part of that they did possesse, since it woulde rather kin­dle then quenche the humors of those that hated them, taking courage vppon their fearefulnes: And seeing it hath bene a perpetuall Maxime amongst the Poten­tates of Italie, that the Venetians neuer forsaked thinges that once were salne into their handes, who woulde not iudge that to breake nowe so honorable a custome, proceeded not of a laste dispaire to be hable to defende the perills that threatned: That whosoeuer began to giue place and leaue any thing howe little soeuer, was the first detector of the reputation and auncient honor of his common weale, which as it is a readie oportunitie to thaugmentation of daungers, so to that state that beginnes to decline, it is farre more harde to conserue agaynst the least perills that be, that which remaynes, then agaynst an other state, who caring to keepe his dig­nitie and degree, and making no signe to yeelde or giue place, conuertes his force readily against him that seekes to oppresse him: Vallour and courage reteine long those things that of themselues are weake and impotent: and as nothing doth more terrifie the enemie then to seeme to be resolute, so to holde faste that that hath bene gotten, is a cooler iustificatorie to enhable the tytle and interest of the thing: There can be no greater infamie to a prince or common weale, then by negligence or cowardise to lose that whiche their auncestors haue gotten with diligence and valour: That it was necessarie eyther to reiect valiantly those first demaundes, or in yelding to them, to looke to yeelde to many more, by which in short time is to be expected the absolute subuersion of their estate, and by consequent the irreparable losse of their proper libertie: That as their common weale both in the ages of their fathers, and in their dayes, had borne out many great warres agaynst the Princes of Christendome, of which they caried a glorious issue, for that they always shewed [Page 412] one constancie and resolution of minde: so, in the present difficulties, notwithstan­ding they may seeme greater, may be hoped no worse successe, both for that their power and authoritie were greater, and also by experience that in warres managed in common by many princes agaynst one alone, the terrors are wont to be more thē theffects, for that after the first furies be abated & banished, there riseth diuersitie of opinion, which breedeth variation of faith and constancie, all things dissoluing with a naturall facilitie, that grow into their being with an immoderate importunitie and fury: Lastly, that Senat was to hope, that besides the preparations & remedies which of their owne power they were hable to furnishe, God the most foueraigne & righ­teous iudge, would not leaue abandoned a cōmon weale bred and norished in a per­petuall libertie, and in whom did shine the very beautie and aspect of all Europe: and muche lesse would suffer to be oppressed with thambition of Princes vnder a false cooler to prepare warre agaynst the infidels, that citie, which in so great pietie and religion, had bene for many yeeres the very protector and defender of the whole common weale of Christendome. These reasons so wrought in the mindes of the most part, that according to thexample of the yere before, and being a thing fatal to that Senat, the worst counsell preuayled, contrarie to thopinions of many Senators of greatest wisdome and authoritie: In so much as the Pope, who had deferred the The Pope ra­tisieth the treatise of Cambray. ratification till the last day, ratified the league, but vnder this expresse declaration, that he would not enter into any action of an enemie agaynst the Venetians, vntill the French king had begon the warre.

Thus the yere 1508. ended with many sedes of great warrs, & fundations subtelly laied of many dangerous accidēts & mutations, which be the wretched & ordinary traynes of ambition, diuision, & secret hates. About this time also thaffaires of the A cōtinuation of the vvarrs of Pisa. Pisans suffering of late many declinations, seemed dayly to diuolue more and more into harder & straiter tearmes: for, besides that the Florentins the sōmer before, had cut downe their corne, and with their men at armes made cōtinuall incursions vpon the townes adioyning, euen to the gates of Pisa: yet, the better to cut of all passage and traffike of vittels by sea, they enterteined in their pay the sonne of Bardell of Por­touenere with certen proportions of vessels: by which impediment, the Pisans stan­ding as it were besieged both by sea & land, and not hable by reason of their pouer­tie and afflictions, to refurnish themselues neither with vessels nor forrein souldiers, found themselues in great dispaire to holde out any longer, being very weakely suc­cored by their neighbors. And yet as God seldome giueth so greeuous a sentence of thestate of mans mortalitie, as to denyal compassion to men in miserie: so the Geno­vvaies & Lucquois owing pitie to the afflictions of their neighbors, consulted to con­uey into Pisa certaine quantities of corne, which being fraughted in a great number of Barkes, folowed with two shippes of Genes, and two gallions, were transported to Spetia, & from thence to Voreggia, to thende they might be conueyed into Pisa with fourtene brigantins, and certen smal barkes, according to the direction of the Pisans: But the Florentins seking to oppose against this enterprise, as wherin consisted their hope or dispaire to get Pisa for that yere, they ioyned to the nauy they had alredy, a ship of England, happly riding in the roade of Lyuorno, with certein other fustes and brigantins: And to minister to the Nauy at sea with all the succours and preparati­ons they could make by lande, they sent all the horsemen, with a great portion of the footemen which were hastily leauyed in the Countrey, along all those passages and shoares by the which the Nauy of thenemie might runne the course of Pisa, either by the mouth of Arna, or the ryuer called the dead Floodde entering into [Page 413] Arna: The enemies ariued at the mouth of Arna, and the Florentin vessels lying be­twene the mouth and the dead ryuer, and the Landmen commaunding all the apte places, had planted their artilleries aswell on this side as beyonde the brinke of the ryuer by the which they should passe: In so muche as they seeing no possibilitie to passe further, retyred into the ryuer of Genes, with the losse of three brigantins laden with wheat. By thoccasion of which successe, the victorie seeming almost certayne for want of vittels, the Florentins to take away all oportunities for vittels to enter by the riuer, made a bridge of wood vpon Arna, which they fortified with bastillions on both sides the banks: And as when afflictions begin to fall, they thunder all at once, aduersities hauing this in proper, not onely to oppresse, but also to depriue mi­serable men of ordinarie comfort: so, in the same time, to cut of all succours of their neighbours, the Florentins fell to composition with them of Lucquay: for, hauing a­foretime, to represse their insolencies, sent part of their footebandes that were with­in Cascina, to sacke the hauen of Voregge and the storehouses, wherein were many sortes of silkes belonging to the marchantes of Lucquay: The inhabitants of Lucquay made timerou, by those rigorous exāples, sent their Embassadors to Florence, where was accorded, that betwene both their common weales, there should be a confede­ration defensiue for three yeres, the Lucquois beeing namely and expresly excluded from all power any more to succor the Pisans. This confederation to be continued for twelue yeres further, if the Florentins should recouer Pisa within a yere: and that during the tearme of this league, the Florentins (alway reseruing the prerogatiue of their rights) should not molest thestate of Lucquay, touching the possession of Pietra Sancta and Mutron, A league opening the principall gap to the ruine of the Pisans: But that which was of greatest importance to make easie the conquest of Pisa, was the capitulation which they made with the kings Catholike & French, which being solicited many moneths, had suffred many difficulties: for, the Florentins, by the ex­perience of things past, feared least it were a meane to draw from them a great quan­titie of money, and yet the affaires of Pisa to continue in the same degree: and on the other part, the French interpreted that they deferred cunningly, in hope that the Pi­sans would make a willing restitution, their extremities beeing desperate and nowe layde open to all men: The French king, vnwilling that they should recouer it, vnles he did cōmunicat in the price, cōmaunded Bardell his subiect to leaue their pay, and to Monsr Chaumont to dispatch from Millan six hundred launces for the succors of the Pisans: which ioyned to other actions of feare and suspition, occupied the Flo­rentins with such perplexities, that ceassing all difficulties, they entred couenant in Contract be­tvvene the French king, king of Spaine and the Flo­rentins. this maner: That the French king & king Catholike should giue no aide nor support to the Pisans, & also to forbid that frō no places of their subiection & obedience, nor likewise frō any their confederats or others vnder their protection, should enter into Pisa any succors of vittels, money, munition or men, nor any other nature of releefe whatsoeuer: That the Florentins so farforth as Pisa were recouered within a yere fol­lowing, should pay to eyther of them within a certeine time fifty thousand duckets: And that in the same condition there should continue betwene them a league for three yeres, frō the day that they recōquered Pisa. In consideration of which league the Florentins should be bounde to defende with three hundred men at armes the estates that they helde in Italie, receiuing in like sort for their defence, of either of thē a proportion of three hundred men at armes. To this capitulation made in cōmon, it was necessarie for the Florentins to adde (without the priuitie of the king Catho­like) newe bonds to pay to the French king vnder the same conditions and tearmes, [Page 414] fiftie thousande duckets, promising withall fiue and twentie thousande more to the ministers of both the kings, of which the greatest portion was to be distributed at the discretion of the Cardinall of Amboyse. These couenantes albeit they were hea­uie and costly to the Florentins, yet, in the opinion of men, they brought no lesse in­famie to both the kings: the one for money abandoning the citie which many times he had assured to be in his protection, and which being willingly offred to him, the great Capteine had accepted in his name: And the other contrarie to the reputation of so many promises made to the Florentins, both solde for a vyle price the iuste li­bertie of the Pisans, ‘and constrayned the Florentins to buy of him the power and suf­feraunce to recouer that which iustly apperteined to them: So mightie now a dayes is the force of golde and siluer, aboue the regarde to honor, honestie, or conscience: And so weake is the resistance of Princes agaynst the working of that enchaunted humor of couetousnes,’ the subuerter of all honor, equitie, and honest regarde.

But the affaires of the Pisans, vpon whom all Italie was wont afore to turne their The French king prepa­reth agaynst the Venetians eyes, were in this time of slender consideration, for that the mindes of men depen­ded on thexpectation of greater things: for, after the league of Cambray was ratified by all the confederates, the French king began to make great preparations: And al­beit he vsed not as yet any protestations or threates of warre, yet matters beeing no longer hable to be dissembled, the Cardinall of Amboyse in the presence of the whole councell, complained with vehement words to thembassador of Venice, for that that Senate, despising the alliance and amitie of the king, caused to fortifie the Abbey of Cerreta in the territories of Crema, wherin had bene of olde time a Castel which was rased by the capitulations of peace in the yere 1454. made betweene the Venetians and Frauncis Sforce newly duke of Millan, with couenaunt that the Venetians should in no time make fortresse there: to the capitulations of which peace, was referred in this and in many other things, the peace made betwene them and the king. But now the king being within fewe dayes after come to Lyon, his regimentes marched to­wards the mountes, and six thousande Svvizzers leauied and payed by him, prepa­red to discende at the same time into Italie: he obtained also of the Genovvaies, foure Carrakes, and of the Florentins fiftie thousande duckets, beeing his moytie which they should pay vpon the conquest of Pisa: And ioyning to the aydes of others, his owne succors, he leauyed vppon the duchie of Millan, (desirous to repossesse the townes which the Venetians helde) an hundred thousande duckets, besides the ho­norable deuotion of many particular gentlemen and free holders of that state, furni­shing them selues with horses and armes, to accompanie the kings person in the warre.

On the other side, the Venetians prepared in one common and resolute courage, The Venetiās looke to them selues. to receiue and sustaine so great a warre, labouring with money, with authoritie, and with the whole countenance and body of their territories, to leauie prouisions wor­thy of so great a common weale: wherein their diligence was so muche the more importunate and resolute, by howmuch it seemed likely, that if they sustayned the first brunt or furie, the league of the Princes so yll composed and worse confirmed, would easily decline and dissolue: In which actions (to the glory of that Senate) was well expressed in those that afore had counselled in vayne to gouerne their good fortune modestly, the selfe same vehemencie of minde which had bene vttered by the others that had bene authors of the contrarie: for that preferring publike safety afore priuate ambition, they sought not the increasing of their authoritie in repro­ching to others their preiudiciall counsells, nor in obiecting agaynst the remedies [Page 415] which were ordeined to the perils hapned by their indiscression: And yet conside­ring that almost all the regions of Christendome were banded agaynst them, they sommoned together all their wittes to breake so great a league, repenting euen now that they so lightly reiected thoccasion to deuide the Pope from the rest, hoping that he woulde not haue stirred, if onely they had made restitution of Faenza: In which regard, ioyned to the consideration of their present condition and estate, they renewed with him the first negociation, and withall dispatched messangers to Cae­sar and the king Catholike, forbearing to make any practise with the Frenche king, in whom, what for hatred and other hindring respects, they had no hope of disposi­tion to conformitie: But the Pope had no power nowe to accept that whiche he had desired afore: so vayne is the seconde offer of things that haue bene once refu­sed: The king Catholike, though he had no want of will and inclination, yet he was vnhable to range the residue: so little power is left to him that is drawen into action by compulsion: And Caesar possessed with a spirite of enuy against the name of Ve­nice, would not onely not agree, but also disdayned to vnderstande with what na­ture of offers they tempted him, refusing to see their secretarie whom they had sent to him with very large commissions: In so much as beholding on all sides nothing but a face of aduersitie accompanied with a setled indignation of Princes, they dis­posed all their deuises and studies to defende themselues by armes, enterteining frō all Regions great proportions of horsemen and footemen, and armed many vessels to garde the shoares of Romagnia, and the townes of Povvilla, and to thrust into the lake of Guarda, and ryuer of Po, with other places by the which they feared to be mo­lested by the Duke of Ferrara and Marquis of Mantua. But besides the threates of men, they were astonished with many aduentures eyther fatall or accidentall: for, a small barke which they had sent to transport money to Rauenna, was drowned with ten thousand duckets: the castell of Bresse was striken with lightning: and the house where lay the charters of their common weale called Tharchiuio, fell sodenly to the ground with a wonderfull ruine: But that which most filled them with feare & per­plexity, was at the same time, & in the very houre that the great Counsel assembled, The ordenāce house of Ve­nice on fire. a fire kindled eyther by chaunce, or by some secrete treason, in their stoare house called the Arzenale, euen in the rometh where was their saltpeter: which burst out with suche furie, that notwithstanding the concourse of men labouring with an vniuersall diligence to quench it, yet, what by the force of the winde and nature of the matter proper to nourish and encrease fire, it consumed to ashes twelue bodies of gallies, with a wonderfull quantitie of munitions. This was also added to their difficulties, that hauing enterteined Iulio and Ranse Vrsins, and Troillo Sauello with fiue hundred men at armes, and three thousande footemen, the Pope, with seuere com­maundementes as being subiects of the Church, compelled them not to depart out of the towne of Rome: inducing them withall, to retayne still fifteene thousand duc­kets, which they had receiued in prest for their payes, promising to abate so muche of the debtes which the Venetians ought to the sea Apostolike, for the frutes which they had receyued of the townes of Romagnia. The cheefe care of the Venetians was to prepare and make themselues strong on that side by the which the Frenche king was to make his enterprise, but they heard not of him neither so soone as they loo­ked for, nor so mightily as the opinion went: for that from the king of Aragon, not­withstanding he had made great promises to the other confederates, appeared only brutes and demonstrations according to his custome, executing nothing that was of any consequence: And Caesar being gone into Flaunders to induce the subiectes [Page 416] of his sonne in lawe to make some contribution of money, it was beleued that he could not begin the warre so sone as he had promised, besides, it was supposed that the Pope hoping more in the victorie of others, then in his owne strength, would be gouerned according to the proceedings of the confederates: It was not doubted that the French king would make his first action vpon Guiaradada, passing the ryuer of Adda neare Cascina, and therefore the Venetian armie assembled at Pontuique vpon the ryuer of Oglia, the Count Petillano being their generall, and Bartlemevve Aluiano gouernour, and Commissioners in the name of the Senate, George Cornato and An­drea Gritti, gentlemen muche renowmed and honorable, aswell for their ordinarie qualities, as for the glories they had wonne the yere before, the one returning victo­rious from Friul, and the other for expulsing the Almains from Rouera: These two debating in what sort the warre should be managed, had not onely opinions diuers, but also euen betwene the generall and gouernor were contentions and separation of councell: for, Aluiano beeing of a minde stirring, and made prowde by his for­tunes of the yere before, apt to embrace occasions, and of a wonderfull celeritie both to consult and execute, perswaded, that to plant rather the body of the warre in the countrey of thenemie then to expect till it were transferred to their territo­ries, it were good to make an in [...]n vpon the duchie of Millan before the French paste into Italie: But the Count [...]ano, either for that the resolution of his minde was abated by age (as Aluiano sayd) or by his long experience considering with a deeper discretion the daungers that might happen, and not willing to tempt for­tune without a manyfest hope of victorie, gaue this counsell: that dispising the losse of the townes of Guiaradada, which imported not muche for theffect of the warre, the armie might encampe neare the towne of Orci, according to thexamples of Frauncis Carmignole and Iames [...]iccinin, capteines of great vertue and name in the warres betwene the Venetians and the Millanois: he alleaged that the place was strong, hauing his situation betwene the ryuers of Oglia and Seria, and of singular oportunitie to succour all the townes of the iurisdiction of Venice, for that if the French men charged them in such a nature & strēgth of place, they nede not doubt an assured victorie, thopportunitie of the place ministring muche to thaction: But if they encamped at Cremona, or at Crema, or at Bergama, or at Bresse, they might (for the defence of them) draw neare with tharmie into a place of suretie, and with their trowpes of light horsemen and estradiots, cut off their vittels and other commodi­ties: A thing which as it would let them for taking any place of importance, so by this meane, without committing themselues to the sentence of fortune, the state of Venice might be easily defended agaynst so mighty a preparation of the french king. Of these counsels, neither the one nor the other was approued of the Senat: to the opinion of Aluiano was referred too muche rashnes and boldnes: daungerous hu­mors to direct a great enterprise, and in the Generall was noted too muche fearful­nesse, not considering the nature of the daungers present. The Senate coulde haue bene contented, according to thauncient custome of that common weale, that they had proceeded surely, and aduentured as litle as they could: but they considered on the other side, that if at the same time when almost all their forces were occupied to make head agaynst the French king, Caesar should make any mightie inuasion vpon their estate, with what armies, with what capteines, or with what bandes of souldiours could they oppose agaynst him: In which regarde that way whiche of it selfe seemed most sure and most certayne, remayned moste vncertayne and moste daungerous, their coniectures being confounded in the nature and condition of [Page 417] thenterprise: And therfore, as it hapneth in opinions contrarie, they made election of the meane, determining to drawe the armie neare the ryuer of Adda, not to leaue Guiaradada in pray to thenemies, and yet not to come to hande stroakes with them without a great hope or vrgent necessitie, and that by expresse direction from the Senate.

But farre otherwise was the resolution of the French king, who desired to finde out thenemie, and giue him battell: And comming accompanied with the Duke of Lorrain and all the nobilitie of Fraunce, sent his Heralt Montioy (assone as he was passed the Mountes) to denounce warre to the Senate of Venice, charging him to make publication to the Magistrates of Venice, as he passed by Cremona, to thend the Senate might the rather take signification: And albeit, his whole armie being not yet assembled, he had determined no action to be done, till he were aryued in person at Casciana: yet, eyther to satisfie the Pope, complayning that the time set downe in the capitulation was passed, or els to hasten the time agaynst Caesar, being bound to enter into the warre, fortie dayes after the French had begon, he chaunged his first resolution, and commaunded Monsr Chaumont to broache the warre: obseruing thoportunitie of the time, for that the regiments of the Venetians, expecting their full assemblies, were not yet departed from Pontuiquo.

The first actuall beginning to so great a warre was made the xv. day of Aprill, Beginning of the vvarre. 1505. when Monsr de Chaumont passed the foarde of Adda neare Cascina, conueying by boates six thousande footemen, and the artilleries: from thence he marched to the towne of Treuy, which is within three myles of Cascina, wherein were Iulian Mo­rosin gouernour of the Venetian estradiots, and Vitelli de citta de Castello, with Vincent de Naldo, who disposed the footemen whiche were to be distributed amongst the townes thereaboutes: They beleeued that those French bands which lay dispersed in many places in the countrey, were not men appoynted to assayle the towne, but to make incursions into the countrey, and therefore to make some experience of warre with them, they sent out an hundred of their footmen, who with certen estra­diots enterteined the skirmish, & folowed the chase euen to the fortres of the gate: and being followed with their mainebattell and thartillerie, they began to play with suche Culuerins and Falcons as they had, so visiting the towers and places of the wall, that what by the terror of the shot, ioyned to the sodennes and importunitie of thaction, and vniuersall mutinies of the multitudes in the towne, made afray de by thexamples of their chieftaynes and leaders, they yeelded wholly to the discression of Monsr de Chaumont, to whom in this first fortune were made prisoners Iustinian, Vitelli, and Vincent, and many others, with a hundred light horsemen, and a thou­sande footemen, all of the vale de Mone: only two hundred estradiots were saued by flying. After this good beginning Monsr de Chaumont, conquering also certayne pla­ces adioyning, repassed with all his people ouer the ryuer of Adda, carying with him by the felicitie of this first action, great hope of an absolute victorie to the residue of the warre. The same day the Marquis of Mantua, to whom the king had committed an hundred Launces, runne vp to Casalmaior, which without resistance was rendred to him by the inhabitants, together with Lovvis Bonne, Magistrate for the Venetians. The same day in like sort Rocabartin with an hundred and fiftie launces, and three thousande footmen, passing ouer a bridge made of boates vpon Adda as it entreth into Pavv, made roades vpon the townes of Cremona, as did also in an other part of the countrey, the souldiours of the garrison of Lodi building a bridge vpon Adda: besides, all the paisantes of the Mountaine of Briansa, made incursions euen to Ber­gama, [Page 418] ioyning to so common a fauor of fortune, an vniuersal readines and resolution of minde. But this generall inuasion performed in one day, and in fiue seuerall pla­ces, the enemies presenting no resistaunce, bare more brute than matter of effect, both for that Monsr de Chaumont retyred immediatly to Millan, to abide the kinges comming, and also the Marquis of Mantua, who after the enterprise of Casalmaior, had executed a vayne attempt vpon Asola, abandoned Casalmaior, hearing that Al­uiano was passed on this side the ryuer of Oglio at Pontmolaro.

The Pope seeing suche a beginning giuen to the warre, published in forme of ad­monition The Popes Bull agaynst the Venetians a horrible Bull, wherein were declared all the vsurpations made by the Venetians vpon the townes apperteining to the sea Apostolike, and the authoritie which they had attributed to themselues, to the preiudice of thecclesiastike libertie and iurisdiction of Popes, both in disposing Bishoprikes, and other benefices vacant, in deducing in secular course causes spiritual apperteining to the iudgement of the Church, and also all other natures of disobediences paste. Amongst those declara­tions was not forgotten, that not long since, to the great trouble of thestate of Bo­lognia, and preiudice of the Church, they had called to Faenza the Bentyuoleis, who being rebels to the Church, were subiect aswell in themselues, as in those that recei­ued them, to great censures: he admonished them to make restitution within xxiiij. dayes next, of all those townes of the Church which they occupied, together with thaccompt of the frutes they haue receyued since the time of their possession, and that vnder payne (in case of disobedience) to incurre the paynes of cursings and in­terdictions, not onely to the citie of Venice, and all the townes of their obedience, but also to all suche, as being not subiect to their iurisdiction, were yet receyuers or reskewers of the Venetians, declaring them attainted of crimen laesae maiestatis, & de­fied as perpetual enemies to all Christians, to whom he gaue full power to take their goods where they were found, & to make their persons slaues. Agaynst this Bull not many dayes after, was brought into the towne of Rome, a writing by men vnknowen in the name of the Prince & Magistrates of Venice, wherin, after a long & bitter nar­ration agaynst the Pope & the French king, was expressed an appeale from the ad­monition to the next Councell, and for want of humaine iustice, to the tribunall of Iesus Christ the most righteous and soueraigne iudge. To these spirituall thunder­boltes, were ioyned temporall threates, for that the Frenche Heralt arriuing at the same time at Venice, and brought afore the presence of the Duke & Senat, denoun­ced in the name of the Frenche king, the warre already begonne, charging them to haue giuen many occasions, more apparant then true or iust. The Duke, after some consulting with the Senate, answered the Heralt in fewe wordes, that since the king his maister was determined to make warre vpon them, in a time when they hoped most for thobseruation of thalliance whiche they had neuer violated, and for not breaking of it, had made Caesar their enemie, they would stand vpon their defence, which they hoped to be hable to do with their forces accompanied with the iustice of their cause. This answere seemed to resemble more the dignitie of their cōmon weale, then if they had vsed iustifications and complaintes to one that had alreadie assayled them with armes.

The Venetian armie was at laste assembled and mostered at Pontuiquo, wherein The Veneti­ans armie. were two thousande men at armes, three thousande light horsemen and estradiots, fiftene thousande footemen, chosen and the very flower of souldiours in all the re­gions of Italie, no lesse for their generall valour, then for the experience of the lea­ders, and fifteene thousande other footemen of choyse of the appoyntment of their [Page 419] countreys, accompanied with great quantities of artillerie: from thence the armie marched to Fonteuella, a towne within six myles of Lodi, and a retraite very commo­dious to succor Cremona, Crema, Carauaga, and Bergama: where iudging they should haue occasion, for the retraite of Monsr Chaumont beyonde Adda, to recouer Treuy, the kings armie withall beeing not yet assembled, they tooke the feelds, folowing the deliberation of the Senate, but agaynst the counsell of Aluiano, who sayde they were counsels almost repugnant, to forbidde to feight with the enemie, and yet to draw so neare them, seeing happly it might eyther not be in their power to retyre, or if they did, it would be with a diminution of reputation hurtfull to the substaunce of the whole warre: In which regarde, and for his particular honor, and vniuersall re­spect of all the men of warre of Italie, he had rather choose to commit his life to ha­zarde and fortune, then giue his consent to so great an infamie. The first towne the armie took was Riuolce, where the French had left no garrison, and hauing put into it fiftie horse and three hundred footemen, they drewe neare to Treuy, a towne very neare the ryuer of Adda, hauing his situation somewhat high and bearing, and wher­in Monsr Chaumont had left fiftie launces and a thousande footemen, vnder capteine Imbault, Frontalle Gascon, and the white Knight: Thartilleries were planted on that side to Cascina, where the wall was weakest, & making great execution, such as were within yeelded the day following, the souldiers saued, but without armes, the cap­teines remayning prisoners, and the towne wholly at the discression of the victors: The houses and ryches of the towne were put to present sacke, but with greater do­mage to the victors, then to those that were vanquished, for that the Frenche king vnderstanding the campe of thenemie to be before Treui, supposing that that place beeing lost almost in his sight, would bring great diminution to his reputation, he aduaunced his armie, and with a speede according to the necessitie of the perill, marched from Millan to reskew it: and arriuing the day after thexecution of Treuy, at the ryuer neare Casciana, where were made before for thoportunitie of Casciana without impediment, three bridges of barkes, he passed with his whole armie, his enemies making no countenaunce to resist him: A matter which made many men of experience to maruell, that they ydely lost so fayre occasion to set vpon the for­mer part of his armie which was passed: and Triuulce, enforcing the glory of that aduauntage, seeing the whole armie passe without resistance, cryed to the Frenche king, The victorie vvas vvonne: Of suche force are occasions beeing giuen by negligence of the one partie, and followed with resolution and valour of thother: neuerthelesse it is certayne, that the Venetian captaynes both discerned the benefite of thoccasion, and would haue vsed it, sauing it was not in their power, neither by authoritie nor by petition, nor with threates, to driue out of Treuy the souldiours occupied in pillage and pray: And albeit in a disorder so generall, and a necessitie so desperate, Aluiano had no other meane for their common safetie, then to compel the multitude of souldiers to issue, by setting the towne on fyre: yet it was a remedie tooslowe and late, for that the Frenche vsing the fauor of their fortune, were alrea­die passed, skorning with great ioye the cowardise and wretched counsell of thene­mie. The king encamped within litle more then a myle of the Venetians, who laye in a place somewhat raysed, and bearing suche strength aswell by the oportunitie of his seate, as by the rampiers and trenches they had caste by their industrie, that there was no possibilitie to set vpon them without manyfest perill, the time, the place, and almost the dispositions of men, with all other circumstances apperteining to suche an action, beeing agaynst them. As they drewe to counsell in what forme [Page 420] and maner they should proceede, many were of opinion, standing also vpon thex­spectation of the discending of Caesar, that they should temporise and deferre, for that the condition of him that expectes to be assailed, beeing better then he that seekes to set on an other, necessitie would compell the Venetian capteines to seke to offer the battayle, seeing they had no reasonable meane to defend their iurisdiction oppressed in so many places: A perswasion contrarie to the opinion of the king, who sought chiefly to feight in a place, whose situation was not aboue the vallour of the champions, being moued therevnto eyther for feare that Caesar woulde ad­uaunce too slowly, or else for that beeing really in the campe in person with the choyse forces of his kingdome, he stoode not onely in an absolute hope of the vic­torie, but also iudged it muche to his dishonor, if he put not an ende to the warre of him selfe without the ministration of others: as of the contrarie he estemed it great­ly to the glory and reputation of his name, if by his power and vertue, and in hys owne person, the residue of the confederates might come to communicate no lesse then himselfe in the rewards & fruites of the victorie: An ambition of glory much familiar with great princes, and oftentimes most hurtfull to great enterprises, speci­ally whē one particular power aspireth to execute an action which in reason, coun­sell, and confederacie respecteth a ioynt assistance: on the other side, the commissio­ners and captaines of Venice, not forstalling their counsels for any feare they had of Caesar, were determined not to put themselues into places equall or comparatiue with thenemie, but shifting alwayes into places of aduauntage and strength, they sought at one time to eschue the necessitie of the battell, and withall to let that the French should do nothing of importance, seeking to obey time, necessitie, and all other things to be respected in an action of that nature.

With these deliberations and counsels, neither the one nor the other armie made any mouing, but stoode encamped a whole day the one in the face of the other: And albeit in so neare aspect of two mightie enemies equal in ambition, and in glo­rie nothing inferior, it is harde to conteine men of seruice, yet there was nothing executed betwene them, but certayne light skirmishes by horsmen, wherin though the French by aduauncing their artillerie, sought occasion to fight, yet the battell was not embrased, mens counsels varying, and the respectes of things not resolued. The day after, the king remoued towardes Riuolta, to trye whether a desire to keepe that place would cause Thitalians to moue: who, not stirring, to obtaine at the least a secret confession that they had no stomacks to accept the battell, the king stoode The armies affront one an other, and feight not. foure long houres afore their lodgings with his whole armie arranged in battell, the Venetians doing no other thing then moue and shew themselues in the front of the Frenchmen in good order, without abandoning their trenche. At this time the Ar­tillerie beeing drawne by part of the kings souldiours to the walles of Riuolta, the place was forced and taken in fewe houres, where the king lodged that night with all his armie, being not a litle troubled with the maner of proceeding of thenemies, whose counsels he praysed so muche the more, by howmuche they were framed a­gaynst his intentions, and discontented him: But to drawe them by necessitie to that whervnto they bare a will estranged, after he had remayned a whole day at Riuolta, and set fyre in the place afore he departed, he remoued his campe to lodge at Vailo, or at Pandin the night following: he hoped that by the oportunitie of either of these places, he might easily giue impediment to the vittels comming from Cremona and Crema, and by that meane to put them in necessitie to leaue abandoned their lod­gings wherein they had remayned to that howre. The Venetian capteines saw what [Page 421] were the thoughtes and intentions of the king, and did not doubt that it would not be necessarie to take a place strong & neare thenemie, to continue to hold them in the same difficulties & impediments: But the Count Petillano coūselled to deferre the mouing of the campe till the day following, notwithstanding Aluiano made so great an instance to the contrarie alleaging howe necessary it were to preuent them, that in thend it was agreed to breake vp sodenly (rashnes preuayling more then maturi­tie of counsell.) There were two wayes to leade to the sayde places, the one lower neare the ryuer of Adda, but a longer way and full of turnings: the other more re­moued from the ryuer, but more shorte, and more straight, the one making the string, and the other the bowe, as the saying runnes: The lower way was taken by the kings armie, which conteined more then two thousande launces, six thousande Svvizzer footmen, and twelue thousand of Gascoins and Italians, wel furnished with artillerie, and a sufficient prouision of poyners. The Venetian armie marched by the higher way vpon the right hande towardes thenemie: in it were two thousand men at armes, more then twentie thousande footemen, with a great quantitie of lighte horsmen, partly Italians, and partly leauyed in Grece by the Venetians, who ranne be­fore, but forbare to enlarge and spread according to their custome, the bushes and braunches whereof the countrey was full betwene both the one and other armie, being their impedimentes, as also they so shadowed both the campes, that they could not see one an other: But marching in this order, and the Venetians alwayes aduauncing, there drew neare together in one time the French vauward conteining fiue hundred launces, and the Svvizzer footemen, led by Charles d'Amboyse and I. Iacques Triuulce, and the rearegard of the Venetians gouerned by Bar. Aluiano, wherin were eight hundred men at armes, with all the flower of the footemen of the army, but they kept no good order in their marche, Aluiano not thinking that the battell would be offred that day: But when he saw himselfe in the face of his enemies, what by the renouation of his auncient valour, and that he was broughte into suche extremitie of place, that he was compelled to fight, he gaue present aduertisement to the Count Petillano leading thother part of tharmie before, his necessitie, or els his resolution demaunding his succors: The Counte returned aunswere that he should continue his marching, and eschew the fight, the reasons of warre so requiring, and the resolution of the Senate agreeing: But in the meane whyle, Aluiano hauing be­stowed his footemen with six peces of artillerie vpon a litle trench made to stop the furie of a lande flood, which at that time beeing almost dry of water passed betwene both the armies: charged thenemies with such corage and furie, that he compelled them to giue ground, wherein this ministred not a little helpe to him, that the first charge was amongst certen vines, where, by reason of the hedges and intricat bran­ches of the vines, the French horsemen could execute litle: neuertheles the battel of the French armie, wherin was the kings person, being aduaunced for that daunger, the two first squadrons ioyned to charge the bandes of Aluiano, who entring into a great hope of the victory for so happy a beginning, was not ydle to labour to encou­rage the souldiours with vehement words: The battell was furious on all sides, the French receyuing corage and comfort by the succors of their companions, and for that the battell was drawen into a place open and discouered, where their horse­men had space and skoape to manage at pleasure: besides, the presence of the king did muche to stirre them, who bearing no more respecte to his person, then if he had beene a priuate souldiour, refused not to stande in the daunger of the artillerie, not ceassing where he sawe neede, to commaunde, to encourage, and [Page 422] to threaten: on the other side, Thitallian footemen, who were full of resolution for their first felicitie, fought with great constancie of courage and valour, Aluiano for­getting nothing that belonged to the office of an excellent captayne: At last, three howres beeing consumed in this execution, the Venetian bandes receiuing by the playnnesse of the place great distresse by the French horsemen, and not able withall to keepe firme footing for the rayne that fell during the battell, whiche made the ground slippery, but specially for that they were not succored by the residue of thar­mie, began to fight with a great disaduauntage, and yet made resistance with great vertue, in so much as when they saw no hope to ouercome, it was well expressed in the effects of their valour, that more to winne glory then to saue them selues, they labored to make the victorie bloudy to the French, despising perills with the same minds wherwith they sought for glory & monument: And albeit they kept the bat­tell a long time in suspension & doubt, yet at last, being more depriued of strength then of courage, without turning their backes to thenemie, they passed almoste all De [...]ait of the Venetians. vnder the sentence of the sworde, leauing to the residue of the armie an example of right worthy imitation, and to posteritie a perpetuall praise of their merite and ver­tue. Amongest the rest that were slayne, many lamentations were made for one of the Marquisses of the Mount S. Maria de Tuskana, a captaine of great exercise in lea­ding footmen in the warres of Pisa, when he liued in the pay of the Florentins, & now one of the Colonels of the Venetian footmen. The honorable resistance which this only one part of tharmie made, bred almost a generall opinion, that if the whole Ve­netian campe had entred the battell, they had eyther caried the victorie, or at least past it to thenemie with greater perill and bloudshedding. But the Count Petillano, with whom was the greatest part of tharmie, abstayned from armes, eyther for that (thus he alleaged) as he prepared to aduaunce to the battell, he was yll aduertised by an esquadron that fledde away, or rather (suche was the brute) standing in no hope or possibilitie of the victorie, and no lesse disdayned that Aluiano contrarie to his direction had aduentured to feight, he esteemed it a counsayle better assured, to keepe that parte of tharmie reserued, then to referre the whole to hazarde for the rashnesse of an other, thextremitie of the perill making him more carefull then ho­norable. In this battell perished very fewe men at armes, the whole slaughter fal­ling vppon the Venetian footemen, whereof dyed by good testimonie eyght thou­sande bodies, notwithstanding some reapport that the number of the dead men on both partes, could not passe six thousande men: suche variation followeth brutes and rumors, being for the most part ful of incertenties and errours: Bartlemevv Al­uiano Aluiano takē prisoner. remained prisoner, who receiuing a hurt in his eye, was by that misfortune half blinded with the blood of his wound, and in that araye (pitifull in a capteine of his merite) was ledde to the kings pauillion: The residue of tharmie being not folowed in chase, founde safetie in fleing, loasing in all twentie peeces of great artillerie. This was the notable battell of Guiaraddada, or according to the opinion of some, the vi­ctorie of Vaile, which was fought the xiiij. day of Maye, and in monument of which the king caused to be edified in the very place where the battel was executed, a chappell, which he honored with the name of S. Maria de la victoria.

The king, with the felicitie of this victorie, not willing to corrupte by negli­gence the occasion that had bene wonne with valour and fortune: marched the daye following to Carauage, where the Towne beeing sodaynly rendred by com­position, The taking of many tovvnes by the french. he battered the Castell with artillerie, which also within foure and twenty houres yeelded to discression. The citie of Bergama gaue vp the day after, without [Page 423] abiding the comming of tharmie: where after the king had left fyftie launces and a thousande footemen to batter the Castell, he aduaunced to Bressia, but before he arriued there, the castel of Bergamo, after the cannon had executed a whole day, was rendred vpon condition, that Marin Georgio with the other Venetian Magistrates, shoulde be prisoners, for that the king, not so muche for hatred, as for hope to drawe money, had determined not to accept any composition of townes, by the which the gentlemen of Venice should be saued, seeking to make the benefite of his warres to beare out the greatest burden and expenses of his armie. In all ages, tyme hath carried a power to vary and alter the humors of men, gouerning their inclina­tions according to occasions that happen: the same beeing approued in the inhabi­tantes of Bressia, in whom nowe remayned no more that auncient disposition with the which their elders in the warres with P. M. Visconte, had sustayned a greeuous and great seege to preserue themselues vnder the iurisdiction of Venice: And being nowe disposed to take the yoke of the Frenche, partly for feare of their armes, and partly at the perswasion of the Count Ioh. Fea. de Cambara chief of the Gebelin faction: they seased vpon the gates of the towne the day after the battel, opposing manifest­ly against George Cornato, who being gone thither in great diligēce, sought to streng­then the place with men: And besides, the Venetian army which was very much di­minished in numbers, not only by the slaughter of the battell, but also for that many were gone away, as often hapneth when an armie falleth into aduersities: they re­spected nothing, neither thauthority nor the petitiō of Andre Gritti, who was entred into Bressia to perswade them to take it for their defence: therfore tharmie supposing no suretie in that place, marched towards Pesquiero, the citie of Bressia yelding to the French king, & the castell within two days after doing the like, vnder this condition, that suche as were within should depart in safetie, except the gentlemen of Venice.

Nothing is more greeuous then the reapport of an yll accident, & nothing more intollerable then when thexspectation of things is chaunged by sinister successe: for that by howe muche the hope was likely and possible, by so much more desperat is the euent falling in a course contrarie to that was exspected. The newes of so great a calamitie was no sooner vnderstanded in the towne of Venice, then it was in­credible to beholde the vniuersall alteration that appeared: some afflicted with sor­rowe, but the most part perplexed with feare, the minds of those being most confu­sed The lamenta­tions made as Venice for the ouer­throvv. and amased, who much lesse that they had ben accustomed to feele such aduer­sities, but of the contrarie, had bene wont alwayes in other warres to carrie felicitie and victorie: and as men not accustomed to aduersities haue little rule ouer their passions, so suche as neuer felte but prosperitie, can least iudge of the worthinesse of patience: for in this affliction they cryed out agaynst heauen and earth, and accused iustely thinstabilitie of mortall estate: their feare made them set before their eyes the losse of their whole dominion, with the latter ruine of their countrey and common weale, wherein their sorrowe increased with the consideration of the time seeming to depriue them of glory, power, and reputation, euen when they promised to them selues no lesse then the imperie of all Italie: And in those dolors and miserable demonstrations of minde, they ranne crying and complay­ning to the publike pallace, where the Elders and Senators taking counsel what to do in an aduersitie so muche importing, after they had long debated with great di­uersitie of opinion, the counsell brake vp ouercomen with dispaire: so weake and incertein were the remedies, and so slender the hopes of their safety and weldoing: Where the yll is common, there the discomfort is generall, nothing remayning to [Page 424] retayne the mindes of men but impressions of dispayre and calamitie: they con­sidered they had no other Captaynes nor men to imploye in their defence, then suche as remayned of the ouerthrowe, and in them was equall the wante of force, and diminution of courage: And for their popular multitudes, subiectes of their generall dominion, they sawe them eyther inclined to rebell, or at least so estran­ged from suffering, that there remained no disposition to put them selues in further perill for their safetie. They behelde in the Frenche king, (no lesse mightie for the greatnesse and glorie of his armie, then insolent for his late happinesse and victorie) a resolution to come on and followe the course of his fortune: They sawe that the chaunce of the battell had made him maister ouer the hartes and courages of men, and giuen him commaundement ouer countreys and common weales: And if a­gaynst him alone they were not hable to make resistance, what would be their con­dition when Caesar shoulde arriue, whome they vnderstoode to be at hande, and to marche with speede beeing drawne on by so great an occasion: They sawe from all partes great concurrance of daungers, with occasions of dispayre, and verye small apparance of hope or comfort: They feared least in their proper Countrey full of multitudes of men of warre, would ryse some daungerous tumult, partly for a generall hatred agaynst Gentlemen, and partly for desire of pillage: Lastely, in these contemplations of sorrowe and calamitie, they made their myndes the very images of dispayre, esteeming as already hapned, all the aduersities that their tyme­rous coniectures coulde imagine: Neuerthelesse taking courage and comfort in so great a feare, suche as their present fortune woulde suffer, they determined, with the best diligence they coulde, to bee reconciled in what sorte soeuer wyth the Pope, wyth Caesar, and wyth the king Catholike, not looking any waye to appease the mynde of the Frenche king, for that their dispayre was no lesse for the hate whiche he bare them, then they feared the power and mighte of hys armes. And yet omitting nothing whiche they supposed mighte minister to their defence, they studyed to leauye treasures and money, and gaue order to refurnishe and rayse newe bandes. And for feare of the armie at sea whiche was sayde to bee rigged at Genes, they deuised to encrease their Nauie to fiftie galleys commaunded by Ange Treuisan: But all their counsayles were preuented by the celeritie of the Frenche king, to whome since the conquest of Bressia, was rendred the Citie of Cremona, the Castell holding good for the Venetians, whiche, notwithstanding it was strong, had followed the example of the others, together with that of Pisque­ton yeelding also in the same tyme, if the king had consented that euery one should depart with safetie: but, for that there were within it many Gentlemen of Venice, as Zacharie Contarin, a man of great wealth and possessions, he would not receyue them but with condition to haue power ouer the Gentlemen: In which minde he sent an armie to keepe them besieged: And for that the Venetian armies encamping in the feelde of Mars neare Verona, and decreasing continually, for that they of Vero­na would not receiue them into their towne, the king went before Pesquiero to gette the Castell, the towne being alreadie rendred: the battrie had not played any long time, but the footemen Svvizzers and Gascons entred with great furie through smal breaches & ruines of the wall, and making slaughter of almost foure hundred foot­men whō they found at defence, they tooke prisoner the capteine of the castel, being likewise capteine of the towne, a gentleman of Venice, who by the kings cōmaunde­ment was hanged vpon the battlements of the same castel: A cruelty which the king vsed for example sake, that suche as defended the castell of Cremona, induced by this [Page 425] punishment, might not continue in obstinacie to the extremitie: There is nothing more swift then victorie, specially where occasions are folowed, & the oportunities of times & other circumstances embrased: for the French king within fiftene dayes after the battel, had reconquered (except the castel of Cremona) all that apperteined to him by the diuision which was made at Cambray: A conquest no lesse honorable for the king, then of great commoditie for the Duchie of Millan, and augmenting the reuenues of the king to more then two hundred thousande duckets by yeare. The Popes souldiours in Romagnia. About this tyme, albeit the armies of the king of Romains had appeared yet in no place neither in action nor showe, yet the Pope, ioyning him selfe to the fauor of the tyme, assayled the townes of Romagnia with foure hundred men at armes, foure hundred light horsemen, and eight thousande footemen, with thartillerie of the Duke of Ferrara, whom he had chosen Gonfalonier of the Churche, which is a title according to the practise of our tymes, that holdes more of dignitie then of autho­ritie: he recommended the charge of this armie ioyntly to Francisco de Castello de Rie Cardinall of Pauia bearing the name of the Legate Apostolike, and to Fraun­cis Maria de la Rouera, sonne to Iohn his late brother, who, being adopted for sonne by Guid. Duke of Vrbin his vncle by the mother side, the adoption also confirmed in the consistorie by the Popes authoritie, had succeeded the yeare before in the Duchie, the Duke of Vrbin beeing dead without other children. They ronne with this armie from Cesena towardes Seruia, and comming betweene Imola and Faen­za, they tooke the towne of Solarola: and after they had beene certayne dayes at Bastida three myles from Faenza, they drewe to Bresiquella, whiche is the capitall towne of Val de Moue, wherein was newely entred Iohn Paule Mansron with eyght hundred footemen, and certayne horsemen: who issuing out to feight, were tray­ned into an ambushe, and so hoatly charged by Iohn Paule Baillon and Lodovvike de la Mirandola Capteines of the Churche armie, that as they woulde haue sought their safetie in the towne, the enemie entred Pelmell with them, and that with suche furie, that Mansron beeing felled from his horse, had scarse leasure to re­tyre to the Castell: afore the whiche thartillerie beeing brought and planted, the Munitions that were within were sette on fyre at the first blowe: An accident that so terrified the defendauntes within, that they rendred absolutely the place to the discression of the victor. After the whole valley was taken, the armie discended into the playne, and tooke Garanarola with all the other townes of the countrey of Faenza, and so went and encamped before Russi, whiche is a borowe situate be­tweene Faenza and Rauenna, but not easie to be taken, for that besides it was enui­roned with very large and deepe trenches, it was defended with sixe hundred footemen forreiners: But that which made more vneasie the action of that towne, was that there was not in the Churche armie, neither that counsell, nor that con­corde that was necessarie, notwithstanding it abounded in strength and forces, three thousande Svvyzzers payed by the Pope beeing there newely arryued: for which cause, albeit the Venetians were not strong in Romagnia, yet thinges had no great aduauncement on that side: onely Iohn Greeke capteine of thestradiots issuing out of Rauenna with his bands, was broken and taken prisoner by Iohn Vitelli, one of the Capteines of the Church: Lastly, after they had remayned ten daies afore Rossi, they tooke it by cōposition. And the victorie of the king hapning in the same time, the citie of Faenza, who stood now in her owne power, for that the Venetian strēgth was now diminished, agreed to acknowledge the Pope for their Lorde, if they were not reskewed within fiftene daies: by the benefite of which conuention there issued [Page 426] out of Faenza vnder the fayth of the Legate, fiue hundred footmen of the Venetians, who were stripped by commaundement of the Duke of Vrbin: The Citie of Ra­uenna did the like assone as the armie approched. Thus, more by the reputation of the victorie of the French king, then by his proper forces, the Pope conquered in a litle time, those townes which he had so long desired in Romagnia, in the which as the Venetians helde no other peece then the castell of Rauenna, so, euer since the first ouerthrowing of their armie, there disclosed dayly against them newe enemies: for, the Duke of Ferrara, who till that day had not declared him selfe, chased out of Fer­rara the Visdomino, a Magistrate which the Venetians kept resident there, according to the auncient conuentions, to minister equitie to their subiectes: And taking armes, he recouered without impediment Polesma, and sonke with Artilleries the Venetian Nauies floating vpon the ryuer of Addice. To the Marquis of Mantua were yeelded the townes of Asola and Lunato, which the Venetians had taken in the warre they had agaynst Phillip M. Visconte, vpon Iohn Frauncis de Gonsagua his great grand­father. In Istria, Christopher Frangipan occupied Pisinia and Diuinia: and the Duke of Brunsvvike, who by Caesars commaundement was entred into Friul with two thousande men trayned, tooke Feltro and Bellona: At his comming, together with the brute of the victorie of the French, Triesta with the other townes (the conquest of which had bene the very welspring and beginning of all the aduersities to the Ve­netians) returned vnder thobedience of Caesar. In like sort the Counts of Lodron oc­cupied certayne castels and borowes that were neare them, and the Bishop of Trent vsurped Riua and Agresta. But amid all these calamities and declinations of fortune, there was nothing that so much amased the Venetians since the battell, as the taking of the castell of Pesquiero, whose strength and situation, with other oportunities of the place, they supposed would haue stayed the furie of the victor: So weake is the holde of hope where is nothing but daunger on all sides, that the Venetians standing amased amid so many perills, were fearfull that the king would passe further: And their condition being made so desperate, that the feare that possest them, left them no libertie of counsell, together with their bandes whiche were retyred to Mestre, (amongst whom was neither obedience nor order) beeing reduced to a very small number: They determined (and happly to soone) to abandon the iurisdiction of the firme lande, to thende to haue no more enemies, and no lesse to take from the French king all occasions to drawe neare to Venice: for they were not without sus­pition, that in that Citie would ryse some tumult, eyther by the people that nowe were growen insolent, or by thinnumerable multitude of strangers that dwelt there: some for desire of pray and pillage which makes men mutinous and disordered, and some for that they would not endure their depriuation of honors, and in all things to beare suche a yoke of subiection to the Gentlemen, seeing they were Citizens borne by long succession of times in libertie and freedome, and most of them of the same bloud and families: wherin in so great a dispaire and losse of courage, this rea­son was alleaged in the Senate, that if willingly they abandoned the gouernment to eschewe the perills present, they should easily recouer it with the returne and opor­tunitie of a better fortune: for that the peoples and subiects that willingly shoulde separate them selues from them, would not make so strong resistance to returne eft­sones vnder thobedience of their auncient Lordes, as they would do if they deui­ded them selues from them by manyfest rebellion: for which reasons the magnani­mitie of the Venetians comming nowe to be defaced, together with the reputation of so glorious a common weale declining, they were content to kepe to them selues [Page 427] the salt waters only, addressing to the Magistrates and officers gouerning at Padoua, Verona, and all other townes bearing interest to Maximilian, directions to retourne with speede, and leaue the townes to the deuotion of the peoples: Besides, to thend to obtaine peace of Maximilian vnder what cōditions soeuer, they sent to him with great diligence, their Embassador Iustinian, who beeing admitted to his presence in publike audience, spake very pitifully and with great humilitie and submission, but in vayne, for that Caesar denyed to make any contract without the priuitie of the French king. But the better to make knowen howe muche the common weale of Venice was humbled and abated of courage, not feeling the like aduersities in two hundred yeres before, it can not be impertinent to expresse heare the selfe Oration which their Embassador vttered afore Caesar.

In the auncient Philosophers and first men of ciuility, it was a disposition no lesse The oration of Anth. Iu­stinian to Cae­sar. honorable, then a iudgement equall and iust, to assure that that was the true, firme, eternall, and immortall glorie, which men got in conquering their proper affecti­ons: An action which they preferred aboue all kingdomes, triumphes, and vertues, ‘for that in it was represented the very image and similitude of that which they cal­led the diuinitie in men: For this vertue Scipio caried more glory and reputation, then for al the victories he wonne agaynst Affrike or Carthage: This was the respect for the which ages and posterities do yet nourish thimmortalitie of Alexander, when Darius, ouerthrowne by him in a mightie battell, besought God, that in case he had determined to dispose his kingdome, he would ordeine him no other successor then his enemie, whose victorie could not make him other then mercifull and gracious. Caesar the dictator, of whom you beare the name, and communicates no lesse in his fortunes and felicities, then in his liberalities, clemencies, and other vertues, was honored with diuine titles and glories, for that he fauored, respected, and pardoned: Lastly the Senate and people of Rome, whose imperie in earth is onely resembled in your person, as the maiestie and greatnes hath there his perfect image, brought more peoples and prouinces vnder their subiection with clemencie, equitie, and mildnes, then with the rigor of Armes and warre. There is nothing more worthy then clemencie, nor any thing better beseeming the maiestie of a Prince, then to be easie to be appeased, and readie to forgiue, for that if it be holden iust & honorable to throwe downe an obstinate enemie, it is no lesse worthy and cōmendable to haue pitie on them that are already falne into misfortunes. In consideration of these rea­sons bringing iustification by vertue, I hope it shall not be the least of your praises, if your Maiestie, in whose handes standes the victorie gotten ouer the Venetians, looking into the frayltie of worldly things, will vse it with moderation and tempe­raunce, and encline rather to the deuises and studies of peace, then to the doubtfull euentes of warre: For touching thinconstancie of humaine things, how incertaine aduentures are, and howe doubtfull, howe mutable, howe deceitfull, and howe full of daungers is thestate of men mortall. I neede not proue it by examples straunge, forreine, or auncient, since the common weale of Venice standes at this howre the true figure and representation of thinfirmitie of humaine condition & kingdomes: It was not long since, neither lesse mightie, lesse florishing, nor lesse renowmed, then that our name and reputation could not onely be celebrated and conteyned within the limittes of Europe, but with great pompe and magnificence, ronne throwe all Affrike and Asia, and caried brute and terror euen to thextreme bounds of the earth: And nowe by the onely losse of a battell, no lesse light and easie, then depriued of the prayse and merit of armes, it is become dispoyled of riches, deuided from strength, [Page 428] defaced in renowme, ruinated of all things, and especially of counsell, and so reuer­sed and abated, that there remaynes nothing of our auncient vertue, but signes and shadowes, all things beeing turned into desolation, and nothing remayning but a lamentable exspectation of perpetuall ruine. But greatly do the Frenche men be­guyle themselues, if they make a glory of our spoyle, or attribute our aduersities to their vertue, since notwithstanding we haue bene heretofore worne and trauelled by so many afflictions, wasted and consumed with so many daungers and ruines, yet we neuer made our corage baser then our fortune: yea euen in those dangerous wars which we managed many yeres agaynst the terrible enemie and tyrant of the Turks, of men vanquished, we seemed victorious: And as there are no men miserable, but those that esteme themselues so by the base reputation of their courage, so we had still reteyned the same showe of valour, resolution, and magnanimitie, sauing that the brute of the terrible name of your Maiestie, together with the liuely and inuincible vertue of your souldiours, hath so abated the mindes of vs all, that there remaynes no hope, not to vanquishe and ouercome, no not to defende and resiste: an aduersitie so lamentable to vs, that depriuing our selues of armes and weapons, we haue reapposed the hope and remedie of our afflictions in the diuine pietie and clemencie of your Maiestie, which we doubt not to finde euen in the greatest dis­paire of our affaires. In which respect aswell on the behalfe of the Prince & Senat, as of the people and communaltie of Venice, we pray, beseech, and coniure you, to cast the eyes of your mercy vpon our afflictions, and to cure our greeues with remedies of comfort and consolation: we offer not to debate any articles of peace, but we come accompanied with mindes to embrace all suche conditions as you thinke meete to impose, iudging them reasonable, righteous, and iust: we are not worthy to taxe our selues, or appoynt our owne rates, but vnder our free & voluntarie con­sents we offer to you as true and lawfull lorde, restitution of all those thinges which our Elders haue taken from the sacred Empire, and Duchie of Austria: Wherevnto (the condition of our fortune requiring to induce your maiestie by al humilities) we adde all those things which we possesse in the firme lande, renouncing all rights, all charters, all prerogatiues and interests, by the which we eyther haue got them, or do holde them: we will acknowledge a yerely payment tributarie to your Maiestie and your lawfull successors in thempire, of fiftie thousande duckets for euer: we will obey you in all your commaundementes, lawes, decrees, and impositions, and holding that to belong to our dutie, deuotion, and fidelitie, which dependes vppon your authoritie, or respects your securitie, we will repute vs in the condition of sub­iects, not conquered by armes and victorie, but voluntarily yeelded vnder your pie­tie and clemencie. We beseech you let our teares and true demonstrations of sor­rowe induce you to defende vs from the insolencie of those, who earst were our companions in armes, and nowe do proue them our bitter enemies, desiring no­thing more then the ruine of our name: In preseruing vs by your clemencie, we are to call and honor you by the name of father and founder of our Citie, to make you a perpetuall monument in our Chronicles and registers, and to leaue perpetuall re­apport to our children and posteritie of your high merites and vertues: esteeme it no small increase of your prayses, that you are the first Prince afore whose feete the common weale of Venice falles prostrate, before whose face we bowe our knees, vnder whose handes we offer our selues humbled, and whom we honor, reuerence, and respect as a Prince holding iust authoritie ouer vs. There can be nothing requi­red which we are not ready to performe, and those things which of your modestie [Page 429] you forbeare to demaunde, our necessitie hastneth vs to offer into your handes, our humilitie beeing the true interpreter of the fayth and deuotion of our mindes: we hope thextremitie of our perils wil not make vs the lesse apt to receiue your fauors, for that he giues a greeuous sentence agaynst the state of mans mortalitie, that de­nieth compassion to men in miserie: And the law of honor & clemencie holdes vs so farre assured that you will not make vs reiected because we are afflicted, since it is one cheefe office in your christian pietie, to minister succors to men in necessities. Compassion debates not causes and reasons, but proceedes to the releefe of suche as suffer and expect it then agreeing with true magnanimitie, when it ministers comfort vpon free and liberall motions: The glory is greater to lende your hande to those that are already falne, then by drawing your sworde agaynst your enemies, to carie the prayse of their victorie and confusion, the one beeing iust and necessa­rie, and the other a high action of charitie, which carrieth the doers into the fauor of God: if ambition and worldly inspiration had not so commaunded our aunce­stors, that they had forborne to aspire to thestates of others, our common weale might haue stande aduaunced aboue all the cities of Europe in glory, in nobilitie, in magnanimitie and riches, where nowe deformed altogether with infamie and re­proche, it is torne and broken in a moment, and nothing remaining of so many ho­nors and victories, but a perpetuall monument, scorne, and derision: And by howe muche our aduersities are great, and our petitions lamentable, by so muche it con­cernes you in clemencie, as you are hable in power, to reestablishe thestate of the Venetians, an action that brings with it suche a reputation of name and honor, as in olde age no prescription or antiquitie, no lawe of time, nor course of yeeres, shall be hable to wipe it out of the mindes and memories of mortall men: but as you shall merite with all peoples and nations the onely name of pityfull, iust, and pardoning, so for our parts, receiuing our safetie from your clemency, we shall attribute to your vertue, to your felicitie, and to your goodnes, that we liue, that we breath, or that we are reserued to holde communitie with men.’

The calamities of the Venetians made them of nothing so carefull, as to render those peeces which so long they had occupied of others, their fortune giuing them at that time no better meanes either to appease or assure their aduersities: They sent according to the same deliberation into Povvilla, to restore the portes to the king of Aragon, who knowing howe to enioy the frutes of other mens trauels without his owne expenses or daunger, had dispatched into Spayne, a small Nauie at sea, which had commaunded certayne places apperteining to those cities and hauens of the sea. They dispatched also into Romagnia a publike secretorie, with commission, to giue vp to the Pope all that they helde there, vpon condition that Iohn Paule Man­fron and other prisoners might be restored, with libertie to drawe out their artille­ries, and that the people that were within the castell of Rauenna should departe in safetie: Which conditions whilest the Pope made difficultie to accept, for that he would not displease the confederates, the castell of Rauenna was rendred, the soul­diours giuing it vp of them selues, notwithstanding the Venetian secretarie that was entred, sought to hinder it, for that suche as solicited for them at Rome, gaue hope that the Pope in the ende would consent to the conditions, vnder the which they had offred restitution. But the Pope complayned muche that they had shewed a greater contumacie agaynst him then agaynst Caesar or the king of Aragon: and therefore when the Venetian Cardinalls in the name of the Senate, demaunded ab­solution of the Bull, as beeing due, for that they had offred restitution within the [Page 430] tearme of xxiiij. dayes, he made aunswere, that they had not obeyed, because their offer was not simple but ioyned to conditions limited: and for that they were admo­nished ouer & besides the restitution of the townes, to yeelde accompt of the frutes they had receyued, together with the benefits they possessed apperteining to Chur­ches or to persons ecclesiasticall.

In this sort was ouerwhelmed with a wonderfull furie, the estate of the common weale of Venice, one calamitie growing vpon an other, all their hopes declining, vayne and fallible, and no signe remayning by the which, after the losse of so great a dominion, they might hope for the preseruation of their proper libertie. So great a ruine touched diuersly the minds of Thitalians, of whom many receiued content­ment, Diuers opini­ons touching the fall of the Venetians. remembring that the Venetians, proceeding in too great ambition, without re­spect to iustice or obseruation of fayth, aspiring to all things that occasion or opor­tunitie offred, had manifestly quarrelled the whole Monarchie of Italie, aspiring to the vniuersall subiection of all those regions: things which made their names hate­full, and their gouernment intollerable by the consideration of their naturall pride. On the other side, many looking without passion into the present estate of things, and howe wretched and fowle it were for all Italie to be brought wholly vnder the seruitude and yoke of straungers, felt no little griefe that suche a maiestie of citie, the auncient seate of libertie, and the very glory of Thitalian name through all the world, should fall into suche extremitie, that so worthy a member should be cutt of, which more then all the residue had bene the protector of their common glory and renowme. But aboue all so great a fall and declination began to be greeuous to the Pope, who doubting the powers of Caesar and the Frenche king, desired to alter their thoughtes from oppressing him, by intangling them with affayres. In whiche regarde he determined (but secretly) to do all he coulde that the aduersities of the common weale of Venice should haue no further course: And in that good dispo­sition of minde, he accepted the letters written to him in the name of the Duke of Venice, by the which he besought him in great submission, to receiue the six Em­bassadors sente to him of the principalles of the Senate, to sue for pardon and ab­solution. These letters beeing read, with their petitions published in the consisto­rie, he consented to admit them, after he had in fewe words protested that it was the auncient custome of the Churche, not to showe itselfe harde or rigorous to such as with repentance of their faultes, sought for reconcilement and pardon. Thembassa­dors of the Emperour and the Frenche striued what they could agaynst it, putting him in memorie that by the confederation of Cambray, he was expresly bounde to persecute them with armes spirituall and temporall, till euery one of the confede­rates had recoueted that which apperteined to him. To whom the Pope made aun­swere, The first hope of the Vene­tians. that he had consented to admit them, with intention not to giue them abso­lution, if first Caesar (who only had not recouered all) had not obteyned the things that belonged to him. This gaue some beginning to the hope and comfort of the Venetians, but that which assured them most in their latest feares, was the resolution of the French king, to obserue simply and in good fidelitie, the capitulation which he had made with Caesar: and hauing reconquered all that was his, to passe no fur­ther with his armie, nor breake his limittes: And therefore albeit it was in his power after he had taken Pesquiero, not onely to accept Verona, which had sent Embassa­dors to yeelde to him, but also to occupie Padoa without any impediment, together with all the other townes abandoned by the Venetians: yet he would in any sort that the Embassadors of Verona should present the keyes of their towne to thembassa­dors [Page 431] of Caesar whiche were in his armie, and for that cause he stayed with all his campe at Pesquiera, which he retayned for himselfe for the commoditie of the place, notwithstanding it apperteined to the Marquis of Mantua, who durst not refuse it to the king, leauing to him the reuenues of the towne, with promise of recompence. At the same time the king had also by accorde the castell of Cremona, vnder condi­tion that all the souldiours should depart with goodes and lyfe saued, except such as were his subiectes, and that the gentlemen of Venice should remayne his prisoners, to whom he gaue his fayth for their safetie. Vincensa & Padoa followed thexample of Verona, as also other townes, except the citie of Treuisa, which being abandoned by the Magistrates and souldiours of Venice, had runne also that course, if Caesar had sent thither neuer so small a force, or at the least any personage of authoritie: But Leon. De Dressino one of the exiles of Vincensa, went thither to receiue it without strength or armes, and without any maiestie of imperie, receiuing Padoa in the like sort: and beeing entred and admitted, the exiles of the same citie newly restored by the Venetians, for which benefite they were become faythfull louers of their name, began to drawe into tumult, by whose example the people of no lesse affection to the gouernment of Venice, roase and conspired with one called Marke shoemaker, publishing himselfe chiefe, and with great cryes and cōcourse of the commons, ca­rying into the principall places the banners of the Venetians, they cryed with one voyce, S. Marke, assuring that they would acknowledge no other Emperour nor Lorde. To this action was muche helping and concurrant an Embassador of the king of Hungarie, who in his way to Venice, passing by Treuisa, and beeing throwne happily into this tumult, perswaded the inhabitantes not to rebell: In so much that after they had chased out Dressina, and put into the citie seuen hundred footemen of the Venetians, the armie also entring a little after, whiche was nowe increased with bandes of footemen comming from Slauonia, with the remaynders of the ar­mie, returned from Romagnia, hauing an intention to encampe in some strong place betwene Margueta and Mestra: They fortified the towne in great diligence, and made their horsemen skoure the places of the countrey thereaboutes, procuring from all partes great releefe of vittels, aswell for the necessitie of that citie, as for the vse of the towne of Venice, wherein they gathered great quantities from all sides, ioyning an incredible diligence to the sodayne fauours which their fortune seemed to recomfort them withall. The principall occasion of this accident, & to confirme in the Venetians a hope to reteine yet some parte of their dominion, together with many other great aduentures that followed, was the negligence and disordred go­uernment of Caesar, of whom in so great a course of victorie there was heard no o­ther thing then his name, notwithstanding by the meane of the French armes, and for their feare, so many townes had bene rendred to him, which was very easie for him to keepe: Onely, after the confederation made at Cambray, he occupied cer­tayne time in Flaunders, to leauye of the people a loane of money to furnishe his warres, which he had no sooner got into his possession, then, according to his cu­stome, he spent it vnprofitably: And albeit at his departing from Macklin with all pompes and ceremonies imperiall, and beeing come very neare to Italie, he made publication that he woulde beginne the warre at the tearme appoynted to him in the capitulation: yet beeing oppressed with his accustomed difficulties and confu­sions, he aduaunced no further, notwithstanding the Pope egde him with great im­portunities, for the feare he had of the French armes: wherein to giue him a more lyfe to thenterprise, and to make him no lesse hable to thaction, he sent to him by [Page 432] Constantin of Macodina fiftie thousande duckets, consenting withall to the hundred thousande duckets which had bene leauyed certayne yeres afore in Germanie, and reserued to make warre vpon the infidels: Besides all this, he had receyued of the French king, an hundred thousande duckets for thinuestiture of the duchie of Mil­lan, and was aduertised of the fortune of the battell of Vailo as he drewe neare to Is­purch: and notwithstanding he dispatched with great diligence the Duke of Brun­svvike to recouer Friul, yet he moued not (as in suche a concurrance of occasions had bene conuenient) for want of money (the taxes whiche he had imposed and drawne from so many places not beeing hable to suffice his prodigalities:) At laste he arriued at Trente, from whence writing letters congratulatorie to the king, he gaue many thanks that by his meane he had recouered his townes: and assured him, that the better to expresse the good will he bare to the king, and withall to wype out all memories of offences past, he had caused to be burned a booke which was kept at Spires, conteining an authentike register of all the iniuries which the French kings in times past had done to thempire and nation of Germanie, confessing that since the king had accompanied his promise with suche honor and fidelitie, that he could do no lesse in common office, then for his part to dissolue all remēbrances of things that might minister occasions to be vnthankfull to so great an affection. The Cardi­nall of Amboyse came to him to Trent the thirtenth day of Iune, to communicate of their common affaires, who beeing receyued with demonstrations well testifying the amitie he bare to his king, promised him on the kings behalfe, a succor of fiftie launces. In so muche that after they had with great agreement giuen directions for other affayres, it was resolued that Caesar and the king should speake together in plaine feeld neare the towne of Gard, vpon the Marches of both the one and others countreys: For which cause the Frenche king prepared to be there at the day ap­poynted, and Caesar, in the same regarde came to Riua de Trente, bringing in neither of their mindes any suspition, the one allured by good experience of benefite and fidelitie, and the other assured by the consideration of the same. But suche are the variations of Princes, and their ordinarie subiection to suspitions and ielousies, that themprour, after he had bene there onely two houres, returned immediatly to Trenta, signifying to the French king, that by occasion of new accidents hapned at Friul, he was constrayned to departe sodenly, desiring him to stay at Cremona, till he returned to giue perfection to the enterview determined. This varietie (if notwith­standing it be possible in a Prince so inconstant to finde out the truth) many attri­buted to his credulitie & lightnes of belefe, some men blowing into his eares some­thing that made him enter into suspition: Others made this thoccasion, that hauing so small a Court, accompanied with a trayne ill appoynted, he thought he coulde not present himselfe with that dignitie and reputation, as might holde comparison with the pompe and greatnes of the French king: who for his part desiring to dis­solue his armie to be deliuered of so great a burden, & no lesse to returne with spede into Fraunce, tooke his way to Millan, not tarying for themperours signification, notwithstanding the bishop of Gurce, whom themperour had sent for that effect, fol­lowing him euen to Cremona, solicited him muche to tarrie, making promise that without all exceptions themperour would returne. The discamping of the armie and person of the French king from the confines of Caesar, diminished greatly the reputation of his affayres: And yet albeit he was accompanied with suche multi­tudes of men, that he might easily refurnish Padoa and the other townes, yet he sor­bare to sende garrison thither, either for thinconstancie of his nature, or that he [Page 433] thoughte afore hande to sette vppon some other enterprise: or lastely that he interpreted it more to hys honour to discende into Italie wyth a greater armie: And whiche more is, he pretended (as thoughe the former actions had had their due perfection) that together wyth the ioynt forces of the whole confede­rates, they should assayle the Citie of Venice: A matter very plausible to the French king, but greeuous to the Pope, and no lesse impugned with open reasons by the king of Aragon.

About this tyme, the Florentins put their laste hande to the warres agaynst The last actiō of the Floren­tins agaynst the Pisans. the Pisans: for after they had cutte off all succours and entrie of graynes into Pi­sa, they leauyed newe bandes, to thende by aduauncing all thindustrie they coulde, to choake all their course of vittelles bothe by sea and lande: A matter that was subiect to difficultie for the neighborhood of the countrey of the Lucquois, who when they coulde secretly doo it, obserued wyth a verye negligent fayth their accorde newly made with the Florentins: the necessities of their neighbours pre­uayling aboue the bonde of their promise, othe, or fidelitie. But notwithstanding the secrete succours of those good neighbours, the wante of vittayles more and more encreased within Pisa: an affliction aboue all others least tollerable, and most contrarie to the kinde of man, expressing in that aduersitie a peculiar frayltie. The souldiours of the playne countrey could not endure it, which made those prin­cipalls of the Citizens, in whose handes rested al publike resolutions, being folowed with the greatest part of the youth of the Citie, the better to loll the countrey soul­diours with deuises accustomed, to introduce by the meane of the Lorde of Plom­bin, a practise of accorde with the Florentins: An action wherein were artifici­ally consumed many dayes, and for whiche the Florentins sent to Plombin, Nicho­las Machiauel their secretorie, the Pisans electing for Embassadors both Citizens and countrey men. It was very harde to enclose Pisa, for that it stoode in a felden large, and full of dytches and marris, neyther coulde the entry of vittelles be hindred by any easie meane, speciallye by nighte, bothe for the faythfull indu­strie of the Lucquois to refurnishe them, and the desperate myndes of the Py­sans, refusing no perill wherein was anye oportunitie of prouision: But to ouer­come those difficulties, the Florentine Capteines determined to deuide their armie into three partes, bestowing one parte at Messana withoute the gate of Plagei, the seconde at Saint Peter de Rene and Saint Iames ouer agaynst the gate of Lucquay, and the thirde was appoynted to the auncient Temple of Saint Pe­ter d'ingrado, standing betweene Pisa and the mouth of Arna: In euery campe, beeing well fortified, they bestowed a thousande footemen, with conuenient numbers of horsemen: And to let that none shoulde passe ouer the mountaynes by the waye of the vale of Osola, whiche leadeth to the mount Saint Iulian, they buylded towardes the great hospitall, a Bastillion capable of two hundred and fyftie footemen: By these impedimentes the Pisans fell more and more into want of vittelles, who seeking to gette by pollicie that whiche they dispayred to obtayne by force, deuised that Alphonso Mutulo a young man of Pisa, but of base condition, who beeing aforetyme taken prisoner by the Florentin souldiours, and receiuing many pleasures of his keeper, shoulde offer to bee thinstrument to make them sur­prise the gate that goeth to Lucquay: Their deuise bare this meaning, that at the same tyme that the campe whiche was at Saint Iames shoulde go by nighte to execute thenterprise, they woulde not onely oppresse it when one parte was entred, but also woulde charge the other campes of the Florentines, whiche ac­cording [Page 434] to the resolution, were to approache more neare the Citie: but for that they made not their approche rashely nor in disorder, the Pisans wonne no other thing by this practise, but the lyues of certayne particulars, who at the signe giuen were come to the first gate, thinking to enter the Citie, amongst whom was slayne with a shotte Paule de Parana captayne of a companie of lighte horse­men to the Florentins, and Canaio de Pratovechio, to whome Alphonso Mutulo had bene prisoner, and vnder his assuraunce had managed the practise. This hope be­ing thus disappoynted, and verye small quantities of corne entring into Pisa, and that to the great daunger of suche as carried it, the Florentins withall not suffe­ring that the vnprofitable mouthes shoulde departe out of Pisa vexing them with many aduersities, thinges necessarie for the lyfe of man were boughte at deare rates, yea many perished by famine, for that there coulde not enter a proportion to suffice the generall numbers: An affliction more lamentable then anye other that the course of warre draweth with it: And yet those necessities were surmoun­ted by the obstinacie of those Citizens whiche were magistrates and principalles in the gouernment, who disposed to beholde rather the extreme ruine of their countrey, then to yeelde to so horrible a necessitie, deferred from daye to daye to negociate or consulte, entertayning as well as they coulde the commons, some­tymes with one hope, sometymes with an other, but specially with this, that since there was exspectation of the comming of Caesar into Italie, the Florentins would bee constrayned to retyre from their walles. But one parte of the countrey men with such as had bene at Plombin where they sawe into their intentions, drew into conspiracie, and constrayned them to introduce newe consultations with the Florentins, whiche beeing followed wyth Alaman Saluiat commaunder of that parte of tharmie whiche laye at Saint Peter d'ingrado, after many disputinges (the principalles opposing many impedimentes) were at laste resolued and concluded. Thaccorde was made with conditions very fauourable for the Pisans, seeing that not onely all their faultes bothe publike and priuate were pardoned, but also ma­ny exemptions accorded, beeing also absolued from all restitution of moueable goodes whiche they had rauished from the Florentins at the tyme when they re­belled: So great was the desire of the Florentins to repossesse it, and so great their feare least themperour (naming the Pisans in the league of Cambray) or from some other parte, there hapned no impediment vnlooked for: And albeit they were well assured that the Pisans woulde bee constrayned within fewe dayes to giue place to hunger, yet they sought rather to assure the Towne with harde condi­tions, then to obteine it without conuention, to put anye parte of the certayntie in the power of fortune, holding it more honorable to winne peace by pardoning offences, then to publishe their bloudy desires by thextreme execution of warre. Pisa rendred to the Floren­tins. This accorde beeing begonne to be negociated in the campe, was afterwarde translated and concluded at Florence by thembassadors of the Pisans: An action wherein the fayth of the Florentins is worthy of memorie, who notwithstanding their iust hatreds prouoked by so many iniuries, were no lesse constant to obserue things promised, then easie and tractable to thagreement.

The king of Romains (no doubt) receiued a great displeasure by the rendring of the Pisans, for that he was perswaded, that eyther the demayne of that Citie mighte serue him to manye occasions, or els by according it to the Florentins, he shoulde drawe from them a great quantitie of money, for wante whereof he lette slipp and loste many fayre occasions that were offred to him without his paynes and [Page 435] industrie. But whylest he stoode so negligent in oportunities offred, that neyther at Vincensa nor at Padoa was almoste anye souldiours for him, and whylest with­all hys delayes abated thaffection of the inhabitantes of townes, hym selfe wan­dring with a verye small companie, sometymes to one place, sometymes to an other: The Venetians forgatte not to followe the fauour of the tyme, and taking thaduauntage of hys negligence, they embrased all opportunities that offred to recouer Padoa, whereunto they were induced by many reasons: for the reteyning of Treuisa made them knowe, howe vnprofitable it was to them, with a counsell so rashe and preiudiciall, to abandon so soone the dominion of the firme lande, the lingring preparations of themperour beeing the cause that they helde hym in lesse feare dayly: Besides, they were not a little moued, for that seeking to bring to Venice the reuenues of the landes which diuerse particulars of the towne of Venice helde in the countrey of Padoa, those of Padoa made manyfest resistance: In so muche that the disdaynes of certayne particulars beeing ioyned to a publike profite, concurring withall the weake prouidence and furnishmentes of souldi­ours at Padoa, together with the consideration of thinsolencies whiche the Gentle­men of Padoa vsed towards the populars, and many remembring the easie and mo­derate The Venetiās determine to recouer Pa­doa. gouernment of the Venetians, beginning eftsones to desire their auncient yoke: they determined to make an attempt to recouer it, wherein they were assi­sted with this ready occasion, that those of the playne countrey of Padoa stoode yet at their deuotion. They deuised that Andrevve Gritti one of their Commaun­ders, leauing behinde the campe, wherein were foure hundred men at armes, more then two thousande light horsemen, and fiue thousande footemen, shoulde go to Noualo vppon the frontiers of Padoa, and taking in his waye a parte of those foote­bands, which, with many trowpes of paisantes were sent to the village of Miraua, he shoulde drawe towards Padoa to assayle the gate of Codalonga: And the more to ter­rifie such as were within, they gaue directions at the same time, that two thousande of the popular souldiours, with three hundred footemen and certaine horsemen, should execute vpon the bulwarke of the water standing in the contrary part of the citie: And lastly, the better to couer this enterprise, Christo. Moro the other cōmaun­der, was likewise appoynted to encampe afore the towne of Citaaella: The directi­ons and plots of this enterprise were no lesse well layed and obserued, then the issue happie, for that the footmen arriuing at full dayes, found the gate of Codalonga halfe open, certayne paysantes a litle before beeing entred by chaunce with cartes loa­den with haye: In so muche, as commaunding the gate without any great difficul­tie, and exspecting without any noyse the comming of their other strength whiche was at hand, their fortune did not only carry them into the towne, but also almost to the market place, afore the Citie, which conteines a long circuite, and is not much peopled, was touched with any aduertisement of thaccident, the seare of the Citi­zens helping no lesse to aduaunce the enterprise, then the secrete industrie or val­lour of the Venetians. The knight la Volpe marched first with hys light horsemen, The Venetiās recouer Pa­doa. together with Zirolo de Perousa & Lactance de Bergamo, with one part of the footmen: And the alarme being come to the Citadel, Dressina gouernor of Padoa for Maximi­lian, prepared himself to failly out with three hundred Almain footmen which he had there only for his gard: the like did Brunault de Serge with fiftie horsmen, who sustei­ning the furie of the enemies, exspected that the gentlemen of Padoa fauourers of thAlmains would take armes with thē: But that hope was vaine with all the residue, for that in the Citie falne into this surprise and sodayne oppression of tumult, was [Page 436] founde no disposition of resistaunce, especially many bandes of thenemie being en­tred and gouerning those partes of the towne, wherein laye their chiefest protec­tion: In so muche as standing thus abandoned of fortune and hope, they were con­strayned, with the losse of many of their men, to retyre with speede into the castell and Cytadell, and they but weakly manned, were by the necessitie of the present pe­rill, yeelded to discression within a fewe howres after, they beeing no lesse vnhable to repulse a violence offred, then they were negligent to foresee it afore it hapned. By this meane, the Venetians being eftsones made Lordes of the whole, labored to appease the tumult, and saue the Citie, whereof the greatest parte, by the insolen­cies of the others, were ranged to their deuotion, nothing receyuing spoyle or harme, but certayne houses and stoare places of the Ievves, whiche were afore de­clared enemies to the name of the Venetians. This accident hapned the daye of S. Marina, a daye solemnly celebrated at Venice by publike decree, as a firste daye of their felicitie, and beginning of the restoring of their common weale. The brute of this victorie dyd muche to moue the whole countrey thereaboutes, whiche had found imitation in Vincensa, if Constantin de Macedonia had not entred with a very small strength: But as there is no worldly thing more mightie then the course of fortune, so by the felicitie of this conquest, the Venetians became with a present dili­gence, maisters of the whole countrey, the commons of townes and popular multi­tudes ioyning fauor to the felicitie that folowed thē. They recouered by this meane the towne and castelles of Leguagno, a place of great conueniencie to trouble the countreys of Verona, Padoa, and Vincensa: They made attempt also to take the tower Marquisano within eight miles of Padoa, a passage of singular oportunity to dissresse the countrey of Mantua, but by the reskewes which the Cardinall of Este sent, their enterprise was defeated.

It was thought that the taking of Padoa did nothing stay the French king from re­turning beyond the Mountes, and as he was vpon his discamping, he made in the towne of Biagrasse newe conuentions with the Popes Legat, by the which the Pope and the king bound eche other to a mutuall protection, with libertie that either of them might contract with any other Prince, so farre sorth as it was not preiudiciall to the present confederation: The king promised not to holde in his protection, nor to accept into the same hereafter, any subiect, homager, or dependant, eyther di­rectly or indirectly of the Churche, cancelling expresly all articles of protection vntill that daye: A promise not muche agreable to the honour of so great a king, for that a little before he had taken into his protection the Duke of Ferrara, for a consideration of thirtie thousande duckets: besides, it was agreed that the Pope shoulde dispose by his discression the Bishoprikes that then were voyde in all the landes of the kings obedience, but for suche as shoulde fall voyde within a cer­tayne tyme, they shoulde be at the nomination of the king, for whose better satis­faction, the Pope sent the Bulles of Cardinalshippe to the Bishop of Alby, pro­mising to indue him with the Hatte assone as he came to Rome. Immediatly vppon the conclusion of this contract the king hasted out of Italie, carrying with him into Fraunce no small glory for so great a victorie gotten, with so swift a course vpon the Venetians: And yet he caried home by this victorie, neyther the more tranquillitie of mind, nor greater assurance for his affayres: ‘A matter that often hapneth, that in things obteined, after they haue bene long desired, men finde neither that content­ment, nor that pleasure which they imagined before:’ yea men might discerne mat­ter prepared to greater daungers and innouations, together with a manifest incer­tentie [Page 437] of his minde, by the deliberations he had to make by reason of those accidentes newely hapned: for, if thinges had good successe with the king of Romains, his feare was farre greater of him then of the Venetians: And if the greatnes of the Venetians beganne eftsones to be readressed, he muste be constrayned to dwell in continuall suspitions and expences, to keepe the things he had taken from them: besides, he must needes contribute to Maximilian bothe in men and money, for that in aban­doning him, he was to feare least he would knitte with the Venetians agaynst him, and withall, least the king Catholike would not be of the faction, and happly the Pope: Besides, meane aydes and succors would not suffice to interteine him in ami­tie with Caesar, to whome he must minister so liberally, as by them he might ob­teine the victorie agaynst the Venetians: and on the other side, if he sent him strong and hable succors, besides that it coulde not but drawe with it intollerable expen­ces and harmes, yet he confirmed his owne daungers touching the greatnes of Caesar: The king waighing thestate of these difficulties, stoode in the beginning in doubt touching the mutation of Padoa, whether he should holde it agreable or troublesome: But conferring the suretie which the depriuation of the firme land frō the Venetians might bring to him, with the perplexities and daungers which he fea­red to suffer by the greatnes of Caesar, and with hope to obtayne of him by money in regarde of his necessities, the citie of Verona, which he desired muche, as a place of singuler oportunitie to suppresse the mouinges on the side of Germanie: he iud­ged it at last more to his profite and suretie, to haue things remayne in that estate, then, for that there was great apparance of a long warre betweene Caesar and the Venetians, both the one and other beeing made wearie by so continuall expen­ses, would become more weake. In this nature of opinion he stoode better confir­med, when he had contracted with the Pope, with whom he hoped to haue a con­federation well assured and resolued: And yet he left vppon the limittes of Verona, Monsr de Palissa with seuen hundred launces to be disposed by Caesar, no lesse for the preseruation of things gotten, thē to obteine that which the Venetians stil possessed, And because by the commaundement of Caesar, they being conueyed into Vincen­sa, the citie of Verona was assured, which was in great daunger and suspicion for the small numbers of men of warre that were within it: and by that meane the Venetian armie which lay encamped before the Citadell, was retyred.

After the kings departure, this good aduenture fell also to the Venetians: Their horsmen which were within Leguagna, made continuall incursions ouer the whole countrey euen to the gates of Verona, doing many violences and harmes of warre, agaynst whom the garrison of Verona could make no great resistance, being but two hundred horsmen, & seuen hundred footmen: by reason wherof the Bishop of Trent, whom Caesar had appoynted gouernour ouer it, determined to plant his campe there, and for the better execution, he called to thaction the Marquis of Mantua, who expecting the preparations that were in hande, laye incamped with those bandes whiche the French king had giuen him, in the yle of Escalo, a great passage vpon the countrey of Verona, neither inuironed with walles, nor made strong with other fortifications: But whylest he laye there without iealousie or doubte of The Marquis of Mantua prisoner. anye thing, he serued as a notable example to all Capteines, howe muche it im­portes them in all tymes and all places to bee vigilant, and so manage their af­fayres with care and industrie, that they maye haue confidence in their proper forces, without reapposing in this vayne imagination, that eyther their ene­mies bee farre of, or that by an opinion of their weaknesse they maye thinke [Page 438] their estate to stande in more securitie: for, as the Marquis had couenaunted with certaine estradiots of the Venetian armie to come to him in that place to take his paye and followe his ensigne, who from the beginning of the conference had ma­nifestly communicated the deuise with their capteines: And as the capteines, vpon this occasion had ordeined to assayle him vnprouided: So Luke Maluezzo with two hundred light horsmen, and Zitolo de Perousa with eight hundred footemen, whiche were secretly come from Padoa to Leguagno, beeing ioyned to the bands which were within, and fiftene hundred men of the countrey, and sending before certayn horse­men, who cried Turko, Turko, (that was the Marquis name) making as though they were those estradiots that were exspected: they conueyed them selues in the peepe of the daye without that there was any doubt made, to the yle of Escalo the same morning that was appoynted, where, finding no resistance they entred, and finding all the souldiours without gard and suche as followed the person of the Marquis sleeping in their owne negligence, they put them to the spoyle, and tooke prisoner amongst others, Monsr de Boyssi lieftenant to the Marquis, and nephew to the Car­dinall Amboyse. The Marquis vnderstanding thalarme, leaped naked out at a win­dowe, and hidde himselfe in a tuffe of corne: but he was discouered to thenemies by a paisant of the same place, who respecting more thestate of the Venetiās, thē his particular profit, made as though he would saue the Marquis for the offers he made, but did the contrarie: for that the Marquis not hable to lye hidden in so yll a for­tune, was presented afore the generall, and so ledde to Venice, and there put priso­ner in the litle tower of the publike pallace, to the wonderful reioysing of euery one.

Caesar till this day had giuen no impediment, nor medled to hinder the procee­dings of the Venetians, for that he had not yet leauyed a force sufficient to put him selfe in the feelde: He was hardly bestead many dayes in the mountaine of Vincense, where the countrey men bearing deuotion to the Venetian name, and reapposing muche in the difficulties of the place, were drawne into manifest rebellion agaynst him: And after Padoa was reobtayned by the Venetians, he discended into the plaines, where beeing encountred with multitudes of the mountaine men and pay­santes in a passage of good situation and strength, his case was in no little perill: But after his valour and pollicie had remoued the daungers that were opposed, and by their proper disorder had put the mountayne men to the chase, he came to Escalo vpon the frontier Vincentin, where the Venetian armie had recouered a great part of the countrey of Vincense, and taken Serauallo, a passage of importance, where they executed many cruelties vpon the Almains, which was recompensed with like ex­ample of slaughter by Maximilian vpon the Italian footmen and mountayne men, winning vpon them the passage not many dayes after: ‘A matter which ought not to finde so ready imitation amongst Christians, notwithstanding the lawes of armes are full of seuerities, for that in actions of reuenge the vertue is greater to pardon, then to punishe, and to a Prince by so muche more honorable is his victorie, by howe muche he vseth his clemencie aboue his iustice:’ But as yet his forces beeing not so great as the necessitie of his affayres required, he occupied the time in small enterprises, sometimes besieging this borough, and sometime that passage, with ve­ry litle honor and reputation for the name imperiall: and as alwayes his concepti­ons were farre greater then his forces or occasions, so he solicited at the same time with the confederates the vnion of all their forces, to make an action vpon the citie of Venice, making his commoditie, ouer and aboue the preparations by lande, of the sea armies of the French king, the king of Aragon and the galleys of the Pope beeing [Page 439] at that time cōioyned and assembled into one Nauye: To which demaūd, notwith­standing no mencion was made in the confederacion of Cambray, the French had cōsented, if the condicions had bene such, as the benefit of the conquest had turned to a common profitte: so readye is thinclination of Princes to embrace enterprises which depend vpon benefit: But it was a thing greeuous to the Pope, with whom, both then and at other times when it was commoned vpon more amplie, the king of Aragon ioyned to detest it for that it seemed to bring particular profitte to the French, vsing this cooller that it was both vniust and dishonest.

The calamities of warre are hardly lymited, and lesse seldome conteyned in one place certeine, for whilest the contreys of Padoa, Vincensa, and Verona, suffred these tormentes by the armies of thAlmains and Italyans, the contrey of Fryul and those places which were for the Venetians in Istria, were afflicted with more miserable persecutions and ruines: for that the Prince of Hanau being entred by Caesars dire­ction into the contrey of Fryul with ten thousand men trayned, after he had attemp­ted in vaine to take Montfalcon, caryed by force the towne and castell of Cadore, with a pityfull execucion and boucherie of those that defended it: And on the other syde, certeine light horsemen and footebandes of the Venetians folowed with many of the contrey men, tooke by force the towne of Valdisera, and by accord, the towne of Bellona, where was no garrison for thAlmains. The Duke of Brunsvvik, whom them­perour had likewise sent thether, being repulsed at Vdnia the principall towne of Fryul, was marched to Ciuital d'Austrich, a towne situat in a high place vpon the ry­uer of Natisona, where Federik Contarino laye in garrison with a verye small compa­nie, reapposing much in the forces of the people who had myndes well resolued to defend them selues: to his succors, as Ioh. P. Gradiuio Magistrat of Fryul was cōming with eight hundred horsemen and fyue hundred footemen, he was put to flight by certeine handes of thAlmains: And yet, notwithstanding they had shaked Cyuitall with their artillery, they could not cary it, neither with the furious assalts which they gaue, nor with the rumor they spred that they had defeated the succors that came to reskew them, so great a resolution dothe the defence of libertie, aboue all other respects, breede in the mynde of men: In Istria, Christopher Frangypan defeated nere the borough of Vermes, the cōmissaries of the Venetians accōpained with the bādes & soldiours of the contrey: A successe that put into his handes the new castell & the towne of Raspruch, to the great terrifying of the whole contrey with the domages, ruines, and burnings that he made: In this perill the Venetians sent thether Angeo Treuisan capteine of their sea armie, with sixtene gallies, who taking vpon his ariuall the towne of Fiumo, addrest himselfe to occupie the towne of Triesto: But the suc­cesse falling contrarye to thexspectacion of thaduenture, he torned his strength to Raspruch, and recouered it by force, and afterwards retyred with his gallyes to Venice, Fryul and Istria remeyning in a pityfull estate, for that some tymes the Venetians cō ­maunding, and sometimes thAlmains preuailing, those townes which the one parte had taken and sacked, being eftsoones recouered & prayed vpon by the other, there was no action which tended not to the ruine of the miserable contrey, wherein the lyues and goods of men being in continuall pillage, the frutes and welth of the con­trey were horribly wasted by all those sorts of oppressions which so bluddye a warre may draw with it.

During those accidents of temporall armes, there was disputation at Rome tou­ching spirituall armes, six Embassadors of Venice (since the reobteyning of Padoa) being gon thether in habyt and show miserable: for where affore they were wont [Page 440] to come in with great pompe and magnificence, and receiued with a reuerence of the whole Court: nowe, muche lesse that they were followed or accompanied, see­ing they were not admitted to enter but by night: Suche was the pleasure of the Pope, who denying them the presence of his face, referred them to negociate in the house of the Cardinall of Naples with him and the other Cardinalles and Pre­lates appoynted, thembassadors of Caesar, the Frenche, and Spanishe hindring as muche as they could that they shoulde not obtayne thabsolution of the Churche paynes, and of the contrarie a Bishop of Englande whom the king of that Nation, Henry the eight had sent thither in their fauor, ‘soliciting manifestly for them with all the labours and deuises he could vse: So full of quarrell is aduersitie, and so infi­nite is the malice of the worlde, that to him that is ouerthrowne there are fewe that will lende their handes to helpe him vp agayne, and to such as are in wealth and fa­uor, euery’ one studieth to cast stumbling blocks to make them fall.

But about this time, an exspectation of farre greater things occupied the mindes of euery one, for that as Caesar on the one side leauying all the power he was hable of him selfe, with suche as he could gather of his aydors and friendes, prepared to besiege Padoa with a puissant armie: so the Venetians on the other side, iudging their vniuersall safetie to consist in the defence of the same Citie, labored to strengthen it with all prouisions necessarie for their defence: They caused to enter, besides the bands appoynted for the garde of Treuisa, their whole armie▪ with all the forces they coulde gather from all partes: they conueyed thither infinite numbers of all sortes of artilleries, and all prouisions of vittelles, sufficient to nourishe them for many monethes, and refurnished the towne with proportions of laborers, workemen, and artificers, by whose helpe they made many mountes, and sluces of wood and yron, to thende they should not be depriued of the water that was brought to Padoa. And albeit the prouisions and munitions were suche as greater could not be desired, yet in an action of so great importance, the care, diligence, and industrie of the Senate were incredible, omitting no oportunitie wherin occasion was giuen to reconquer their losses, and defende their libertie that remayned: They set before their eyes the consideration of all things that they iudged to be eyther necessarie or profitable, and brought into iudgement all accidentes that eyther feare, perill, or coniecture could deuise, wherin as they were in open conference of things, in open counsell, Leonard Loredan their duke, a man muche respected for his age, and of no lesse reputation for the dignitie of his place whereunto he was called many yeres before, reasoned at large in this maner.

In cases of aduersities, more doth it hurt to be doubtfull in counsel and wandring, The oration of Leonard Loredan. ‘then the multitude of ylles that can happen, for that when perill and daunger be at hand, it is to late to turne confidence into feare, and lesse declaration of vertue to be desperat in chaunces, seeing there is no accident that hapneth which comes not accompanied with his proper remedie: And as follie and rashnes haue no societie with wisedome, nor fortune any communitie with good counsell: so when the last necessitie hastneth, to liue in coniectures, is to drawe on the yll that threatneth, and to be irresolute, is not to temper fortune, but to tempt her. I feare nothing lesse in you then want of wisdome and valour, for that in mindes so well instructed, the respectes to common honor and libertie can not but be farre aboue the considera­tions of our present myseries and fortune. But I wishe by the way of warning, that we be not too muche amased in the contemplation of our calamities, nor more fearefull of harmes that are yet but in showes and shadowes, then mindfull to forsee [Page 441] that they resolue not to bodies, and happen through our proper negligence and weaknes. If it be true (right worthy Senators) that not onely the hope we haue to recouer our dominion, consistes in the well defending of Padoa, but also all thexpe­ctation that remaynes to maynteine our vniuersall libertie: And if on the contrarie, it be most certayne, that of the losse of Padoa will discende the last desolation of our countrey, we must necessarily graunt, that the prouisions and preparations whiche hithervnto we haue made, notwithstanding they were great, haue not yet bene suf­ficient, eyther for that that apperteineth to the suretie of that Citie, nor for that which respecteth the dignitie of our common weale: for in an action of such dan­ger and importance, it sufficeth not so to order things, as there may be a bare hope of the defending of Padoa, but we must so prouide that with all our forces there may be suche concurrance of all diligence and industrie possible to the wit of men, that it may stande assured agaynst all the accidentes of fortune, who beeing mightie ouer all the things of the world, hath yet her greatest power ouer thactions of warre: It is not a resolution worthy the ancient glory of the Venetian name, to commit whol­ly the publike safetie, our vniuersall honor, and the proper liues of our wyues and children, to the vertue of forreiners, and fidelitie of marcenarie souldiours: it better agreeth with the extremitie we are in, and with the auncient reputation and valour of this Citie, to ronne thither with our bodies, and stretche out our armes for the defence of that wherein is inclosed the safetie of the communitie of this populous dominion: for if we now looke not to the preseruation of that Citie, there remaines no tyme hereafter to make vs assured, no fortune to hope in, no place to giue vs comfort, nor no action wherein to showe our vertue, or to expende our treasure for our libertie and safetie. Time is thankfull to suche as followe it, and fauoreth occa­sions with oportunities conuenient, which if we will apply to our selues afore the season of our remedie and reskew be past, we must not leaue vnproued any policie, any example, nor any action that may respect our succor and safetie, and muche lesse expect, till we remayne a pray to those that seeke to sacke our goods, and washe their couetousnesse in our blood. The conseruation of our countrey comprehends not onely a publike good, but together with the safetie of the common weale, is re­spected the securitie of euery particular, suffring suche affinitie and coniunction together, that the one can not consist without the other: for the common weale fal­ling into seruitude, it can not be auoyded that the substance, the honors, and lyues of priuat men, become not also a pray to the couetousnesse, to the voluptuousnesse, to the cruelties, and to the vile affections of the enemies. Though there were no o­ther respect or interest in the defending of a common weale, then the preseruation of a countrey, is it not a thing worthy of noble Citizens full of glory and reputation in this worlde, and meritorious also afore God? the same so working with the peo­ple gentils and heathen, that they helde it as a religion, that in heauen is determined a place particular for the perpetuall fruition and comfort of suche, as eyther succo­red, preserued, or augmented their countrey: And what countrey did euer deserue to be better reskewed and supported by her children then this, who in all ages hath retayned a soueraigne principallitie ouer all the cities of the worlde, and by whome the Citizens receiue infinite commodities, profites, and honours. It is wonderfull, whether you cōsider it in the gifts which it hath receyued of nature, or in the things which declare her perpetuall greatnes and happie fortune: or lastly, in those effects which expresse her vertue, together with the nobilitie of the wittes of her inhabi­tantes: her situation makes men amased, beeing the onely citie in the worlde seated [Page 442] amongest the salt waters, and hath all her parts so conioyned, that at one time men may enioy the commodities of the water, and pleasures of the lande: It is assured a­gaynst thinuasions of the lande, for that it standeth not on the firme lande, and it is free from inundations of water, for that it is not seated in the plaine and deepe sea. I maye alleage to the dignitie and reputation of this Citie, the wonderfull maiestie of publike pallaces and priuate mansions buylded at incredible charges, and repoli­shed with straunge Marbles and stones of singularitie, brought hither from all parts of the world, together with a stately aspect of excellent purtraites, imageries, scul­ptures, pillors, and other workmanshippes of worthy regard: No citie of the world comparatiue with this for the concourse of all straunge nations comming hither, partly for the suretie and freedome of habitation in this climat so wel tempered, and partly for thexercise of their traffike and negociations, whereby our common weale doth drawe more plentie of reuenues and ryches of things conteined onely within the circuit of this Citie, then many absolute kings receiue of their large and whole kingdomes. Great is the affluence of men of facultie and science, reuerent for their grauitie, doctrine, and learning, and no lesse wonderfull for their singularitie & qual­litie of witte, and other vertues of men, from the which, ioyned to other conditions, is discended the glory of actions which by this common weale and her discendants, haue bene made more great, then (since the imperie of the Romains) by any other principallitie or state in the world. It may be holden not one of the least wonders, to see so great abundance of things, in a Citie wherein nothing groweth, and yet subiecte to suche multitudes of inhabitantes. At the beginning our towne was strayted and inclosed, and we constrayned to retyre our selues into little rockes and caues, barraine and naked of all things, and yet the vertue of our elders, stretching out first into the next seas and townes adioyning, and afterwardes rising encrea­sing by degrees of successe vpon the shoares and prouinces further of, yea euen to the vttermost limittes of the Leuant, they got both by sea and lande so great an em­pire, and power, that beeing redowted to all the other townes in Italie, it was neces­sarie to call in the vnitie, pollicies, and forces of other Christian princes to helpe to abate and depresse it: Matters assuredly hapned by the ayde and fauor of the omni­potent God, who with suche graces hath blessed and sanctified the lawes and obser­uations of iustice indifferently administred in this citie: those respects also making many peoples and nations to offer willing subiection to our gouernment. What citie, what empire, or what principalitie giues place to our countrey, for matter of religion, pietie, and workes of good example? Where maye be seene so many Mo­nasteries, so many Temples full of so many precious ornaments and thinges of ad­miration dedicated to the seruice of God? Where may be founde so many Hospi­talls and places of pitie, prepared for the perpetuall comforte of the afflicted, and continuall exercise of charitie? Great (sure) is the recōmendation of our Citie for these fauours and blessings, but farre more worthy are her prayses for the glory of this onely, that our countrey being from the beginning begot and brought forth in libertie, there was neuer seene any man borne or dye in Venice, which died not a free man, and was neuer troubled in his libertie: A felicitie mouing principally by thexercise of ciuill concorde, which hath stande alwayes so rooted and confirmed in the hartes of men, that at the instant when they enter into our Senate and our counsells, they shake off all discordes and priuat quarrels: Of this is the cause the forme of gouernment, which hath suche temperature and communitie with all the best sortes of publike administration, and compounded of suche a well consenting [Page 443] armonie agreeing in it selfe, that it hath remayned for many ages vndefiled without partialities, without ciuill sedition, without armes, and without effusion of blood amongst Citizens: the same beeing the onely prayse of our common weale, excel­ling in this propertie of vertue both Rome, Carthage, Athens, and all other names of common weale of auncient commendation: yea, we proue in our selues suche an effect of this kinde of gouernment and pollicie, that all those auncients, who in ages past haue made profession of Ciuill wisdome, could not describe or institute a bet­ter. Let not then the children, the ofspring, and present people of so glorious a countrey, in whom for so many worlds and ages, hath bene so worthily expressed the very strength and defence of the fayth and the beautie of the whole Christian common weale, bee slowe in the execution of their duetie, the necessitie of their owne safetie so requiring. Let no man refuse to cōmit to danger the life of himselfe and children, for the protection of that wherin consists our vniuersall safetie, which beeing comprehended in the onely defence of Padoa, let no man refuse to put his person to aduenture: And albeit we haue certentie that the forces that be there al­ready are sufficient for the defence of it, yet it apperteines to our honor, it is a iuste office of our common vertue, and it concernes the glory of the name of Venice, to make the world satisfied, that we are runne thither in person, both to defend and preserue: The destinie of that Citie hath permitted, that in fewe dayes so great an estate of imperie should fall out of our handes, wherein we haue not to complayne so muche of the malice of fortune, for that suche nature of aduentures are common to other countreys and kingdomes, as, for that fayling of that constancie which till this day hath bene inuincible, and without all memorie of the glorious examples of our elders, we haue with too sodayne dispaire, giuen place to the mightie blowes of aduersitie, and are not hable to represent to our children that valour & vertue, which our fathers haue left well testified to vs. In matters of enterprise occasion is of great force, and time doth now returne vpon vs thoccasion to recouer that notable orna­ment & member which is not yet lost, if we show the minds of men, but only altered without any perill of absolute ruine. Let vs go agaynst the fortune that enuieth vs, and make willing prostitution of our bodies to the daungers that are offred, so shall we not onely redeeme thinfamies that we haue receyued, but also the world behol­ding yet that our auncient magnanimitie and vertue is not lost, men will rather at­tribute the disorders past to a certaine fatall tempest, which neither the counsels nor constancie of men could resist, then to impose vpon vs eyther blame or dishonour, fulfilling all things that our condition can afforde for our succor. In this respect, if it were reasonable that we went altogether to the reskewe of Padoa, and if for certaine days we might leaue this citie abandoned without preiudice of her defence & other publike affayres of importance, my selfe, without exspecting your resolution, would be the first that should open the way, not seeing wherein I might better cloase vp the latest dayes of my olde age, then in my presence to participate with so glorious a victorie which is required of my office and birth, or els not to remayne on liue af­ter the ruine of my countrey: A calamitie which my minde hath horror to expresse. But for that Venice, neither can, nor ought to be depriued of her publike counsels, wherein consisteth no lesse the defence of Padoa, then in the force and armes of suche as be there alreadye: And seeing that the vnprofitable trowpes of olde per­sons will stande in that citie rather as a charge and burden, then as a succour and ayde necessarie: And seeing withall it is not conuenient, for things that may hap­pen, to disfurnishe Venice of all her youth: My aduise is, respecting these reasons [Page 444] with the regarde to accidentes that maye occurre, that there bee made a choyse of two hundred gentlemen of the flower and principalls of our youth, and euery of them to go to Padoa, with such proportion of his freends, followers, and seruaunts, as his riches and habilitie will beare, and to continue there so long as shall be neces­sarie for that defence: My two sonnes with their retinues shall be the first in this example, of whose lyues and persons in so great a daunger, I make a willing offer to the succor of their countrey: By their presence in thaction the citie of Padoa shall be more assured: by their example the marcenarie souldiours that be there will be more resolute, seeing a ready courage in our honorable youth assisting all actions that concerne that seruice. And seeing our sonnes and kinsmen ioyned with them, their suretie will be the greater to haue no want of vittelles, munitions, nor anye o­ther thing conuenient to their comfort: The residue of our youth not put to this execution, shall be so much the more encouraged by this example, to commit them selues in all times of necessitie, to all trauayles and daungers importing the seruice of their countrey: It is an honest emulation to striue in vertue, but it is more hono­rable to contende to excell one an other in the defence of our countrey: By this I exhort you, noble Senators, (whose wordes and doings serue as an example and doctrine to the whole Citie) to moster your sonnes, and make them of the number of those that shall communicate in so great a glory: for from them will not onely proceede the assured & certayne defence of Padoa, but in this action is also brought to vs with all nations, a peculiar reputation, that we our selues are they, who with the daunger of our owne lyues do defende the libertie and safetie of the moste wor­thy and florishing countrey that is in the whole world.’

This counsell of the Prince was heard with great affection of the residue, to whō The gentlemē of Venice go to the succors of Padoa. nothing appeared more conuenient for their common safetie, then to ioyne it to practise and execution: And as the nature and operation of the time, and the neces­sitie of their affayres, could not without preiudice endure delayes, so the flower and choyse bodies of their youth of Venice, mostred and drewe to them so many of their friends and followers as were apt to armes, and with them went with speede to the seruice of Padoa, beeing accompanied to their embarquing with all the other gen­tlemen and communitie of people, euery one celebrating with many prayses, and with vowes and desires full of deuotion and affection, so great a readynes to succor the countrey: An example of right worthy and honorable imitation, seruing to in­struct all posterities and ages, that when perill and daunger be at hande, euery one to be touched with the interest of his countrey: They were welcomed at Padoa with an vniuersall gladnes of the captaynes and souldiours, much recommending the valour of those noble personages, who not trayned in the trauelles, experiences, and daun­gers of warre, stucke not to preferre the loue of their countrey, afore the respect of their proper lyfe: In so muche as ministring comfort one to an other, not as men trauelled in calamities, but with mindes resolute, they exspected in great fidelitie the comming of Caesar: who for his parte labouring to reassemble and receiue the bandes of souldiours that came to him from all partes, was by this time come to the bridge of Brento three myles from Padoa, and hauing taken Limini by force, and cut off the course of the water, he tarried the comming of thartillerie whiche was sent out of Germanie, which was no lesse terrible for the quantitie then for the qualitie: of this proportion of artilleries one parte being arriued at Vincensa, and Phillip Rosse and Federike Gonsague de Bossole beeing gone with two hundred light horsemen to be his garde, they were charged with a strength of fiue hundred light horsemen, who, [Page 445] ledde by certayne peisantes that during the warre dyd muche seruice to the Ve­netians, and beeing then issued oute of Padoa, they ouerthrewe them fiue miles from Vincensa, where Phillip remayned prisoner, and Federike by the fauour of the nighte escaped in his shirte. From the bridge of Brenta, Maximilian enlar­ged and stretched out his bandes about twelue myles, drawing towardes Polesina de Rovvigua, the better to open to him selfe the commoditie of vittayles, and ta­king the borowe of Este by assaulte, and putting it to sacke, he went to encampe at Monfelice, where the towne standing in the playne, being abandoned, the seconde daye he caried the castell standing on the toppe of a highe rocke: Afterwardes he tooke by composition Montagnana, and so returning towards Padoa, he incam­ped at the bridge of Bassanello neare Padoa, where he proued in vayne to turne the ryuer of Brenta whiche from thence hath his course to Padoa. At this place did ariue all thartilleries and munitions which he exspected, and hither did resort all the regi­mentes of men of warre which lay dispersed in diuers places, with whom in forme and title of a mayne armie, he approched neare the towne: and hauing bestowed foure thousand footmen in the suburbes which are called S. Cross. his opinion was to assayle it on that side, but being afterwards aduertised that it was a parte of the towne moste strong by situation and by walles, and also that there he stoode most subiect to the harmes of thartilleries, he determined to discampe and remoue his armie to the gate which is called the Waterfort, bearing his aspect to Venice: The cause why he remoued to this place, was an opinion that there the towne was most weake, and withall to giue impediment to the succours which were to come eyther from Venice to Padoa both by lande and water: But for that he could not go thither for the discommoditie of certayne marishes and watrie channells ouerflo­wing the countrey, but by fetching a great circuite, he came to the bridge of Bouo­lento within seuen myles of Padoa, where be pastures and feeding groundes vpon the banke of Baguillon towards the sea, betwene Padoa and Venice. To this place, enuiro­ned with waters, & in the most sure part of the countrey of Padoa, were withdrawne three thousande peisantes with great heardes of cattell, who beeing forced by the footebandes of the Spanishe and Italians that were in the vauwarde, were almoste all taken or slayne, the victors employing the two dayes following in praying the whole countrey, euen to the sea, dryuing away infinite heardes of cattell feeding in that quarter. There were also taken vppon Brenta diuerse barkes, whiche laden with vittayles were running vp to Padoa: At laste, the fyftenth daye of September, after he had consumed muche tyme vnprofitably, and giuen good leisure to thene­mie both to fortifie and refurnishe the towne with vittayles, he approched the wals of Padoa on that side towards the gate of the waterfort. There hath not bene seene in Italie neither in the age present, nor haply long time before, a besieging of more great exspectation, nor wherein the myndes of men were more busily occupied, then this, not so muche for the nobilitie and maiestie of the Citie, as for thimpor­tance that was in the loasing and keping of the same: For Padoa, a citie so aunciently Description of Padoa. recommended for the vniuersitie of studies and sciences, is seated in a countrey very fertill, and vnder a climat temperat and wholsome: it is incompassed with three or­ders of walls, and bearing a circuit and circumference as large as any citie in Italy, it hath passing by it the ryuers of Brenta and Baguillon: And albeit the Venetians won it out of the possession of the familie of Carrato more then two hundred yeres since, yet it retaines many proude aspects and showes of stately buildings, with many monu­ments & signes of antiquitie wel expressing her ancient greatnes & beautie: And of [Page 446] the conquering and defending of so great a Citie depended, not only the confirma­tion or diminution of the Almain imperie in Italie, but also the verye estate and felicitie of the Citie of Venice: for Padoa beeing defended, it was easie for the com­mon weale of Venice abounding in great wealth, and of one vnitie of mynde and readinesse of witte, subiect to no suche variations as thaffayres of Princes are, to hope to recouer in small tyme so great a part of her iurisdiction: wherein they were so muche the more assured, by howmuche the most parte of those subiects whiche had thirsted after mutations, neither finding effects agreable to their conceptions, and knowing by cōparison what difference was betwene the moderate gouernment of the Venetians, and the tyrannie of thAlmains farre estraunged from the maners and customes of thItalians, and lastly being greatly disordred by the confusions and domages of the warre, they beganne to call into respect and affection their aunci­ent yoke: And of the contrarie, if Padoa were committed to violence and sacke, muche lesse that the Venetians coulde hope to restore the glorie and magnificence of their common weale, seeing there were danger that the very citie of Venice made naked of so large a member, and dispoyled of so many treasors both by diminution of publike reuenues, and losse of so many natures of goodes moueable possessed by persons priuat in the firme lande, would not be hable to mainteine defence agaynst the armies of the Princes confederat, or at least would not in time become a pray to the Turkes, to whom they are neighbours in many places, and with whom they haue had alwayes eyther warre or peace vnfaythfull and yll assured: But wyse men were occupied with no lesse doubt and perplexitie, the mightie preparations that were made on all sides keeping wonderfully in suspence the common iudgementes, which were very vncertayne on whether part the better fortune would fall, eyther to the assaylantes, or to the defendantes: for in the Armie of Caesar, besides the se­uen hundred French launces, which Monsr la Palice commaunded, there were two hundred men at armes which the Pope had sent for his strength: two hundred men at armes appoynted by the duke of Ferrara vnder the charge of the Cardinall of Este, notwithstanding the quarrels that were betwene them were not yet reconciled, and six hundred Italian launces vnder sundry captaines leauied by him: he had xviij. thousand Almain footmen, six thousand Spanish, six thousand aduenturers of diuers nations and languages, and two thousande Italians, leauied and paied by the Cardi­nall of Este vnder the same title. There followed him a wonderfull proportion of all sortes of artilleries, with great quantities of munitions, wherof the French king had sent him one part: And albeit for the most part his owne ordinarie bandes were not payed, yet, what with the consideration of the greatnes and authoritie of such a lea­der, and the hope to pray and sacke Padoa, and to haue at their deuotion all those peeces which the Venetians possessed, much lesse that they abandoned his seruice, se­ing they flocked to him dayly in greater nūbers, being caried chiefly by this induce­ment, that he that of his owne nature was most liberall and full of humanitie to his souldiours, would not fayle of their payment by couetousnes or will, but by dishabi­litie or want. This was the strength of Caesars armie, compounded wholly of his owne forces, but made mightie by the ayde of strangers & marcenaries. But for that which concerned the defence of Padoa, the army which the Venetians had in that ci­tie, was no lesse mightie: for there were six hundred men at armes, a thousande fiue hundred lighte horsemen, a thousande fiue hundred stradiots, all commaunded by these notable capteines, the Count Petillano generall of the whole, B. de Montono, Anth. de Pic. Luke Maluazzo, Iohn Greeke, with other inferiour leaders: There were [Page 447] twelue thousande footemen of the best experienced and trayned in Italie, vnder the charge of Denis Naldo, Zitole de Perousa, Lactan. de Bergamo, Sacco de Spoleto, with many other officers: ten thousande footemen aswell Slauonians, Greekes, and Albanois, whome they had drawne from their galleis, of whome albeit many were not muche profitable to the seruice, yet some of them were well trayned and hable to execute necessarie office: Besides, they had the youth of Venice in whome was no little importaunce touching the felicitie of the seruice, and albeit they were muche respected in cases of daungers, yet their example serued no lesse to the aduauncement of the seruice, then them selues wonne greate merite for their dispositions and pietie to their countrey: There was also a wonderfull abundance and stoare of all prouisions necessarie, great quantities of artilleries, and a plenty­full proportion of all sortes of vittels, the people of the platte countreys beeing no lesse carefull to bring in prouisions for their common suretie, then the magistrates and officers of Venice to giue order for their continuall refurnishing: There were also many multitudes of paisantes, who beeing leauyed at a certayne price, were imployed in the labours of their fortifications: In so muche as to the valour and numbers of those that were appoynted to defende it, they ioyned wonderfull rampiers and fortifications in that circuite of walles that enuironeth the whole Citie: for they hadde almoste filled vp all the waterdiche whiche runneth along the walles, and at euery gate of the towne and other places conuenient, buyl­ded many fortes and cloase bastillions without, but so as they were annexed to the walles, and had entries and conueiaunces into the towne, and beeing well repleni­shed with artilleries, they bett suche as entred into the trenche: And because the taking of those bastillions should bring no daunger to the towne, they had sunke in them all vnderneath, hollowe vawtes or caues filled vp with barrelles of gonne­powder, to blowe them vp into the ayre, when they were no longer hable to defende them: And reapposing not altogether in the greatnesse and goodnesse of the olde wall, notwithstanding they had searched it diligently, and renforced it where neede were, filling vp all the cranelles and ruines: yet they made rounde about the Citie within, a couer, or pauisse, or fortification of pales, trees, and o­ther peeces of wood, so farre distaunt from the wall as it was in thicknes, and with a wonderfull diligence, had filled vp to the toppe of the wall with good earth, and well rammed all the voyde place that was betweene them. This fortification no lesse wonderfull in theffect, then of a labour and trauell inestimable, thinfinite diligence of men beeing continuallye imployed, seemed not so to satisfie the exspectation of the defence of that Citie, but that they caste a deepe diche of sixteene fadome breadth, whiche drawing lesse and narrower in the bottome, and standing thicke with mordring houses and little towres full of shotte, seemed im­possible to bee forced. These natures of fortifications were made with hollowe vawtes and caues, according to thexample of the bastillions, hauing conueiances to be ouerthrowen by fyre when they woulde: And because they would be thorow­ly prepared to all things, they raysed behinde the diche a rampier of the same or greater largenesse, whiche stretched out as farre as the circuite of the towne, except in certayne corners and places, wherein they knewe it was impossible to plant artillerie: and before the rampier they caste a parapet of seuen faddome, whiche was a defence to those that fought vppon the rampier, that they coulde not bee stryken with the bullet of the enemie. And to thende that the cou­rage of the souldiours and menne of the towne, might equally aunswere those [Page 448] rates of prouisions and fortifications, the Count Petillano assembling the whole armie in the place of S. Anthony, encouraged them with speches of great grauitie and per­swasion, to consider vpon what termes stoode their common safetie & honor: wher­in for the better fidelitie and surety of the seruice, he protested his owne othe, and bound likewise in the same solemnitie all the captaynes, all the armie, and the parti­culars of the towne, to followe the defence of the citie vntill death. In a perill so ge­nerall, there was none refused to giue his othe to the defence of that wherevnto he so frankly offred his lyfe, and where the life is offred vp to daunger, it is nothing to giue an othe to assure the fidelitie. Thus the armie of Caesar beeing drawne neare the walles of Padoa with so great a strength, and agaynst so mightie preparation, he stretched out his campe from the gate of the waterfort, vntill the gate of All saintes which leades to Treuisa, and from thence enlarged it to the gate of Codalonga which goeth to the Citadell, so as it conteined in largenesse three myles: Maximilian him selfe was lodged in the Monasterie of S. Heleine, within a quarter of a myle of the citie walles, encamping as it were in the middest of thAlmain footemen: And after he had imparted to euery one his charge according to the diuersitie of nations and places of their encāping, he began to plant his artilleries, wherin albeit in his person being inuincible in mind and of a body hardned with paine & trauels, he performed a wonderfull diligence to accomplish that action, yet it could not be atchieued but with longnes of time and great difficulty, aswell for the quantitie and intollerable greatnes of some natures of it, as also for that the whole campe, and specially those places where they sought to plant them, were continually tormented and distressed with thartilleries of the towne: At last the perpetuall industrie of Maximilian ioy­ned to the valour of his souldiours, made way to plant his artilleries, and the same day the Frenche with the footemen of thAlmains, gaue an assaulte to the tower of the gate on that side where Monsr la Palice had charged, but more to sounde and proue their countenaunce, then with intention to fight in good appoyntment: and therefore finding the resistance valiaunt and well furnished, they retyred eftsones to their tentes: The day after the charge recontinued, thartillerie not ceassing to thun­der with terrible furie: some of them by their incredible hugenesse and vnmeasura­ble quantitie of powder that was vsed, pearced thorow the rampiers, & reuersed the houses that ioyned nearest the walles: A furie which in short time shaked downe to the grounde many places of the wall, the bastillion also buylded vppon the gate of All saintes beeing dismantelled and razed, without that the defendantes afflicting the campe with continuall volleys of shotte, shewed any signe of feare: So resolute is the vertue that feightes for honour and libertie. The stradiots that in great va­lour encamped in the suburbes refusing alwayes to retyre into the towne, and the light horsemen making continuall incursions in all places, skirmished with their enemies sometimes before, and sometimes behinde, driuing them euen to their tentes, sometimes they distressed suche as were gardes to the forraigers and vittel­lers, and sometimes ouerrunning the whole countrey with pray and pyllage, they spoyled all the wayes, except that which goeth from Padoa to the mount of Aban: And yet there was in the campe a wonderfull abundance of vittelles, euery house and place beeing plentifullye furnished, for that neyther the feare of the pay­santes, nor the carefull diligence of the Venetians, nor the infinite harmes of the souldiours on both sydes, coulde not drayne or drye vppe the incredible plentie of that moste fruitefull and fertill countrey. At the same tyme also Luke Maluez­zo issued out of Padoa with certayne trowpes of horsemen, for the conuey of fortie [Page 449] thousand duckets which were sent thither from Venice, and albeit in his returne the enemie charged him vpon the tayle, yet his vertue brought in the treasure in safetie, without any other losse then one of his men at armes. By the nynth day thartillerie had executed so well, that it seemed there was no further necessitie to shoote, and therefore vsing all benefites that the tyme offred, the day following the whole army appeared in order of battell to approch the walles: but finding that the same night they within the towne had made swell and ryse the water of the ditche, whiche af­fore was abated and falne, Caesar gaue order that euery bande shoulde returne to his place, holding it neither honorable nor necessarie to commit his souldiours to a daunger so manifest: The next day, the water eftsones abated and retired, when em­brasing thopportunitie, they gaue an assault (but with slender successe) to the bastil­lion which was made vpon the point of the gate of Godalonga, wherin themperor dis­posed to do what he could to force it, caused to be turned thither thartilleries that were planted in the quarter of the Frenche, encamping betweene the gates of All Saints & Codalonga: And with those artilleries, hauing done great execution of that place, he folowed it with an assalt two daies after with the footmen of thAlmains and Spanish, accompanied with certaine men at armes on foote, who in the furie of the fight ascended the bastillion, and set vp there two ensignes: But the fortresse of the diche was suche, and the vertue of the defendants nothing inferior, and so plentifull thinstrumentes of defence not onely concerning artilleries, but also of stones and wildfires, that they were constrayned to descend by heapes, many remayning dead on the place, and some falling into the fortune of imprisonment: In so much as thar­mie that stoode in readines to giue thassalt, immediatly vpon thaction of the bastil­lion, retired, and disarmed without making any other attempt, iudging it no stayne to their honor to abandon thenterprise wherin was no hope of their safetie. By this experience Maximilian lost wholly all hope of the victorie, in which consideration he determined his labor with his fortune, & breaking vp his campe, after he had be­stowed his artilleries in places sure, he retyred with his armie to the towne of Limini towards Treuisa. This was the seuententh day after he was encamped before Padoa, and so with many baytes & resting places, he came at last to Vincensa, from whence after he had taken of that people the othe of fidelitie, and almoste dismissed his whole armie, he drew toward Verona, being not a litle discontented that his delibera­tions had taken no better succes, but more touched with perturbation, for that they bare blame and slaunder both in his armie and throughout all Italie, for that the exe­cution of things were in deede no lesse infamous then the counsels: for both for that he had missed of the taking of Treuisa, and also that he had lost Padoa, no man doub­ted that it was not his fault, and also that his too late arriuing afore Padoa made the action more hard, for that in that negligence the Venetians tooke oportunitie and good aduauntage of time to make prouision of souldiours, to refurnishe Padoa with vittels, and to rayse wonderfull fortifications to resist thexecution that was determi­ned: And albeit himselfe could not denie that in that propertie of error consisted not the defence of the citie, yet cloaking the vice of his owne varietie and proper disorders, he laide the fault from himselfe, and complayned of the Pope and French king, for that the one had suffred the Embassadours of Venice to go to Rome, and the other had bene too slowe to sende succours, the same giuing occasion to the world to beleue that they were estranged from him, and had likewise encoraged the countreymen of the mountaines of Vincensa to draw to rebellion: for the subduing of whom after he had consumed many dayes, he founde afterwards in regarde of [Page 450] the same occasion, the selfe same difficulties in the playne countreys: Also the bet­ter to open to him selfe a way to reuittell his armie, and to assure his prouisions, and withall to deliuer his companies from many incommodities, he was constrayned to take all the townes of the countrey: Herein the slowe marching of the Frenche had not onely muche hurt him, but also if they had come in due season and time, the reuolt of Padoa had not hapned: He complayned also that aswell for these hin­deraunces, as for that the French and king of Aragon had dismissed their armie at sea, the Venetians had the better oportunitie and meane to refurnishe and refortifie Padoa standing deliuered from all other feares: Lastly, he complayned that those difficulties were acceptable to the king of Aragon, as meanes to induce him to con­sent more easily that thadministration and gouernment of the kingdome of Castillo should be to him. But these complayntes did nothing better his fortunes, and much lesse recouered his authoritie lost, for that he was negligent to vse so rare occasions: for it did nothing discontent the Frenche king that the worlde was possessed wyth suche an opinion of him: and in the Pope was lesse care or affection, for that beeing of his proper inclination suspicious and distrustfull, and weighing withall thempe­rours continual necessities and wants of money, with his importunities to demaund it, he was vnwilling that his name should encrease in Italie. At Verona he receyued the othe of fidelitie, & in that citie Pe. Guicciardin father to the author of this booke, with the other Florentin Embassadors, couenanted with him in the name of the cō ­mon weale, (induced, besides their owne respects, by the perswasions of the French king) to pay him in a short time xl. thousande duckets: for which promise, they ob­teyned of him in most ample maner, many priuileges, for the confirmation aswell of the libertie of Florence as of the dominion and iurisdiction of the townes and e­states which they helde, together with remission and acquittance of all dueties and demaundes for times past. Thus Caesar, resting determined to returne into Germany, to giue order (as he sayde) for the warres which he entended in the spring time, sent for Monsr Chaumont to come and communicate with him of the present affayres: he layed afore him by demonstration the perilles of the tyme, and what daunger there were that the Venetians would recouer Citadella and Bassana, places of greate importance, which they prepared to assayle, beeing made proude by the defence and successe of Padoa: he feared the same opinion of their fortune would encorage them also to the like action agaynst Monselica, Montagnana, and Este, the felicitie of victorie making men insolent, and carying their mindes into enterprises aboue the proportion of their proper power and habilitie: He alleaged howe necessarie it were to consider, not onely of the protection of these places, but also to enter into practise howe to recouer Leguague, wherein being of himselfe not sufficient enough to leauie prouisions necessarie for suche effects, it touched the king in good pollicie to minister ayde to him, whose places were to fall into manyfest perill, if the peces which he held were not supported. To these demaunds, Monsr Chaumont, in whom was no power to make any certayne resolution, gaue aunswere, that he woulde see the king aduertised, on whose behalfe he aduouched a minde conformable to his desires, being all that apperteined to his place to promise well, hauing no authoritie to assure. After this conference, Caesar went to Chiusa, leauing the Marquis of Brandebourg for the garde of Verona: And a little after Monsr de Palissa remayning with fiue hundred launces vpon the countrey of Verona, alleaging the difficulties and incommodities of the place where he laye, gate leaue with great importunities to retyre to the frontiers of the duchie of Millan: for that the kings intention was, [Page 451] that if his men of warre should remeine in garrison and do nothing, they should not abide vpon his estate, but should returne to the seruice of Maxymylian to exspect such enterprise as he would embrase, but chiefly the action of Leguagua, which not­withstanding it was much desired and solicited by him, yet it was so long differred by his accustomed difficulties, that the raines fell so fast by the propertie of the sea­son, that it was impossible to incampe in that contreye being for his lownes much subiect to waters: for these impediments, Caesar was driuen to desire truce for cer­taine moneths with the Venetians, but they rising into courage by his disorders, and seeing how slowly the confederats ministred to his ayde, had more regard to the for­tune that followed them, then to the mocions he made, iudging it not for their pro­fite to consent to any ceassing of armes.

Amyd these suspicions and ielowsies of thinges, thEmprour at last returned to Max retur­neth into Germany. Trente, leauing those places that he held in great daunger, and all the gouernments in Italy in generall dout: for, there began to appeare betwene the Pope & the french king, a new contencion, the foundacion whereof, albeit seemed to be layd vpon light occasions, yet, there was feare lest it was intangled with more secret practise & cau­ses of greater importance then such as were expressed: The outward cause appea­ring, was that a Bishoprik being void in Prouence by the death of thincumbent dying in the Court of Rome, the Pope had disposed it against the wil of the frēch King, who pretended such action to be contrary to the capitulacion which the Cardinal of Pa­uya had made betwene them, wherein albeit the wordes bare not expresly that there should be equall respect and obseruacion touching the Bishoprikes falling in the Court of Rome, as of such as fell vacant in other places, yet he was assured no lesse by the mouth and promisse of the Cardinall, which the Cardinall confessed not to be true, more perhaps for feare, then for other occasion: The Pope affirmed the con­trary, alleaging that he tooke no knowledge of any thinge promised in priuitie and secret, onely in the ratificacion he had regarde to that that appeared in the writing and particular articles, wherein he had set downe distinctly all the contents of the capitulacion, chapter by chapter, And tharticle concerning the dying of the By­shops in the Court of Rome being not comprehended, he was not bownde to thob­seruation of that that was not expressed: This did so much aggrauate the discon­tentement of them both, that as the Kinge, reiecting contrary to his custome the councells of the Cardinall Amboise, who had alwayes aduised him to enterteyne a­greement with the Pope, made sequestracion of the frutes of all those benefices which the Churchmen resident in the Court of Rome held in the Duchie of Myllan: So, the Pope refused to indue the Bishop of Alby with the hat, who, according to the promisse made to the King, was gone to Rome to receiue it: And albeit the Pope, o­uerruled by the importunities of many friendes, was brought in the ende, to dispose of the Bishoprike of Prouence according to the Kinges minde, And albeit there was eftsoones agreed betweene them a new forme of proceeding in benefices that here­after shoulde fall in the Court of Rome, and in that regarde the sequestracions to ceasse on the one side, and on the other part the hat to be transferred to the Bishop of Alby: yet these agreements sufficed not to moderat the minde of the Pope, who was not a litle kindled for many reasons, but specially for that, hauing from the be­ginning of his Popedom, transferred very vnwillingly the legacion of the Realme of Fraunce to the Cardinall of Amboise, A matter hurtfull to the Court of Rome, and bearing preiudice to his authoritie, it was now most greeuous to him to be constrai­ned (to auoid displeasure with the french King) to continue it to him: he was ielous [Page 452] also that the same Cardinal aspired with all his thoughts & meanes to the souereign seat, & therefore he stoode in feare & dout of euery aduauncement and rising of the frenche: These were the apparant causes of his discontentment, but as farre as could be afterwards coniectured by his thoughts and disposicions, he layed greater plots and aspired to farre greater endes, desiring vehemently, eyther for greedines of glo­rie, or for some secret hatred against the french Kinge, or atleast for the libertie of the Genovvais, that the Kinge might lose all that he possessed in Italy, iudging his greatnes a bridle to his ambicion, and his power in Italy an impediment to his au­thoritie: he ceassed not also to complaine against him and the Cardinall of Am­boise indifferently, but with such temperature and cunning, that it seemed his dis­contentment proceeded chieflly of feare: And yet, as he was of a nature obstinate and inuincible, and for the moste parte accompanied the disposicion of his minde with outward demonstracions: So, albeit he aspyred in his secret thoughts to an end of so great consequence and hard to obtaine, reaposing onely in him selfe and the re­uerence and authoritie which he knew Christian Princes bare to the sea apostolike, yet he would not enter into alliance nor depend of any: but expressing both in spech and working, how litle account he made of all, he forbare to ioyne with Maxymylian, & refused to enter secret intelligence with the kinge catholike, but estraunging him selfe from euery one, he inclined onely to the part of the Venetians, expressing daily more and more a confirmacion of will to absolue them, iudging it a thing very con­uenient for the common safety of Italy, and for his perticular sewertie and greatnes, not to suffer them to perish: Against this, did make great resistance thEmbassadors of Maximylian and the french, concurring also with them in publike practise thEm­bassador of the king of Aragon, notwithstanding he solicited the Pope secretly to the contrary, fearing no lesse the greatnes of the french in regard of the kingdom of Na­ples, and reaposing litle in the disposicion of Caesar for the slender stabilitie that was in him: These Embassadors alleaged that it was not reasonable that the Pope should doe so great a benefite for those, whom he was bound by equitie & promisse to pur­sue by armes, seeing by the confederacion of Cambray, euery confederat was bownde reciprocally to ayde one an other till there was absolute recouerie of all those places which were named for euery perticular partie: So that seeing Caesar had not yet con­quered Treuisa, neither one of them stoode acquited of such bond and promisse: be­sides, they vrged that he might iustly refuse thabsolucion, both for that they had not restored to the Churche the townes of Romagna, neither frankely nor willingly, nor within the tearme set downe in the monicion: and also for that euen then their obe­dience was not perfect & absolute, for that albeit, besides the rēdring of the townes, they had bene admonished to reckon for the frutes, which they had not accompli­shed: To these obiections the Pope made aunswer, that since they were returned to penance, & had sued for absolucion in due humilitie, it could not stande with the of­fice of the Viccar of Christ, to persecute them any further with spirituall weapons to the preiudice of so many soules, specially hauing obteined of them, the townes, & by that meane the occasion ceassing, for the which they had bene subiect to the cen­sures of the Church: That concerning the reckoning or restitucion of the frutes, it was but a matter accidental and vrged more to aggrauat their disobedience, then for any necessary reason, & therefore not iust that it should stand against them as a mat­ter of importance: That it was an action of an other nature to pursue them with tē ­porall armes, wherein (determining to perseuer in the league of Cambray) he offered him selfe to be ready and concurrant with the others, notwithstanding that euery [Page 453] one of the confederats might iustly leaue of, for that if Caesar had not Treuisa, it hap­ned by his proper error, refusing the first offers which the Venetians made to him by their Embassador, both to leaue him all that they possessed in the firme land, and al­so to set him downe a sufficient allowance and recompense in exchaunge of Treuisa: And thus not being reteined by any contradiction or impedimēt of thEmbassadors, he onely was slow to this action by the disposicion of his minde, wherein albeit he e­steemed the absolucion of the Venetians to be profitable to him, and to the plots he had layd, yet he determined not to giue it to them but with great regard to the dig­nitie of the sea apostolike, and so, as all those thinges which were dependant vpon the Church were wholy deliuered from their oppressions: the same being one cause that he deferred to absolue them, together with their vnwillingnes to consent to these two condicions: the one that they shoulde set at libertie to the subiects of the Church, the traffike & nauigacion of the sea addriatike, which they restrained against all such as would not aunswer a kind of tribute for the marchandise they brought: the other, that they should continue no longer at Ferrara (A citie depending vpon the Church) the office of Vecedomino: The Venetians alleaged, that they of Ferrara had consented to it, Clement the sixt giuing no impediment, who at that time remeyned with his Court in the citie of Auignion: They proued besides, that Alexander the fourth had giuen them the iurisdiction and gard of the goolfe vnder very large priui­leages, whereunto they were induced, for that with their armies, with their vertue, & with their exspenses they had defended it against the Sarazins and pirats Turkishe, & made that nauigacion assured to the Christians: To these reasons it was aunswe­red on the Popes behalf, that they of Ferrara could not in preiudice of thecclesiastik iurisdiction, consent, that any other should hold office or exercise dominion in Fer­rara, & that the people of Ferrara had neuer willingly consented, but were forced by a long and heauy warre, & after they had in vaine called the aide of the Pope, whose censures the Venetians contemned, were constrained to accept peace with condici­ons at the discression of those that could doe more with them by armes then by rea­son: Touching their authoritie alleaged of Pope Alexander that he had graunted it to them, it neither appeared by historie, nor other authentike tradicion, neither was there any faith to be giuen to it but by the testimonie of the Venetians, A thinge of iust suspicion in their owne cause, especially carying so great importance: And be it, there were some apparance of matter, yet it was more likely, that he, who they sayd had accorded to such thinges in Venice, had done it by threatnings or by feare, then that a Pope of Rome to whom affore all others apperteineth the defence of iu­stice and the recourse of the oppressed, would haue consented to an action so cruell and impudent, and bearing domage to the whole world.

In this estate of affaires, in this diuersitie of intencions of Princes, in this slender The Venetian armie at Vin­censa. power and reputacion of Caesar, the Venetians, vnder the leading of Andrea Gritti, sent their armie to Vincensa, where they knewe the people, in a generall disposicion desired to returne vnder their iurisdiction: And making their approches in the en­trey of the euening, they wonne the subburbes of P. after they had made great batte­ries with their artilleries: Touching the citie, albeit there were as yet within it very fewe souldiers, yet the Venetians had no great sewertie to carie it: Onely the townes­men, by the incensing of Fracasse as the brute ronne, after they had sent their Em­bassadors to them about mydnight, put them into the citie, the Prince of Hanavv and Fracasse retyring into the castell: And, (such is the propertie of victorie) it was assuredly beleeued that if the Venetian armie obteining Vincensa, had without delaye [Page 454] approched Verona, that towne had done the like, examples beinge of greate effect in the alteracion of fortune: But the Capteines were of aduise not to yssue out of the towne til the castel were commaunded, which they had at their deuocion the fourth day, the P. of Hanavv and Fracassa distrusting their owne weakenes, leauing it aban­doned: In matters of enterprise nothing is more hurtfull then delayes, and nothing more hindreth the felicitie of victorie then not to ioyne oportunitie to occasion and fortune: for, in this meane while and respit, new regiments of Caesar entred Verona, to­gether with three hundred launces of the french King, vnder the enseigne of Monsr d'Aubigny: In so much as conteining a strength of fiue hundred launces & fiue thou­sand footemen spanish and Almains, it was now no more easie to take it: Not longe after, the Venetian armie approched Verona & was deuided into two partes, in either of which were three hundred men at armes, fiue hundred light horsemen, and three thowsand footemen: They hoped that vpon their approching, there would be some cōmotion in the citie, but because they appeared not affore the walls all in one time, thinhabitants within the towne, going to meete with the former part which came beyond the riuer of Adice and was already entred the subburbes, constrained them to retire, Luke Maluezze comming a litle after on the other side of the riuer with the o­ther part, retiring also: And both they ioyning together, incamped in the village of S. Martyn within fiue miles of Verona: Where vnderstanding that two thowsand Al­main footemen issued out of Basciana, were gone to make pillage of the places about Citadella, turning that way, they inclosed thē in a valley called Fidato: But thAlmains, succored by those of Basciana, made their way by force, though with some hurt for the straite passages, & leauing Basciana abandoned, the Venetians tooke it: from Bas­ciana, one part of tharmie went to Feltro and Cyuitall, which places after they had re­couered and commaunded, they presented them selues before the rocke of Escalo, which they commaunded after thartillerie had somewhat executed: At the same time Anthonie and Hierome Sauorguiana, gentlemen that followed the Venetian facti­on in the contrey of Fryull, tooke new castell standing on a rough mountaine in the middest of the patrimonie, (so is called that part of Fryull which is beyond the riuer of Taillemont) And all this while there was heard no other thing of Caesar then vaine rumors, and how being moued with the action of Vincensa, was immediatly come to Pietra, he trauelled from one place to an other vsing great diligence with very small effect.

After this, the Venetian armie drew towards Monselice and Montagnana, both to The Venetian armie vpon the contrey of Ferrara. recouer Polisena and to charge the places of Ferrara togither with their nauie, which the Senat, reiecting the councel of the most wise Senators who iudged it to rashnes to be intangled with new enterprises, had determined to send against the D. of Fer­rara, well furnished with strength & municion along the riuer of Pavv: To this ma­ner of action they were induced, not so much for the profite of thaffaires present, as for thincredible hatred they bare to him: it seemed to them that they could not iust­ly complaine, of that he had done to shake of the yoke of Vicedomino, and to recouer Polisena, but they supposed it neither to their honor nor profite to suffer, that being not content to chalenge that which he pretended to apperteine to him by right, he aspired to reteine that whereunto he had no way any cooller of interest, for that at such time as Caesar leauied his seege from before Padoa, he receiued of him in fee, both the borow of Este (from whence is spronge the name and familie of Este) and also the borow of Montagnana for pawne and assurance of the money that had bene lent him: to which places he pretended no right at all, onles he reaposed equitie in his [Page 455] ambicion and tyrannie: There were added to this the remembrance of many acti­ons of insolencie and violence, and other execucions done by his people in the reco­uerie of Polesina, who pushed on with an incredible hatred against the name of the Venetians, had executed great harmes and cruelties vpon the gentlemen, yea euen to reuerse their houses and put fire in them: In these respects it was agreed, that their nauie and sea armie, commaunded by Ange Treuisan, compounded vpon seuenteene light gallies with a large furnishment of meaner vessells and able bodies for seruice, should saile toward Ferrara: This fleete entring into Pavv by the mouth of the fur­naces, and burning Coruola with certaine other villages neare to Pavv, went pilling & spoyling the cuntrey vp to the lake of Scuro, from which place the light horsemen who followed them as a strēgth by land, made incursions as farre as Ficherolo: which albeit is rather a house of pleasance then a castell, yet it is not without his reputaci­on and name, for that Ro. S. Seuerin lay long time before it, being Capteine to the Ve­netians in a warre which they had against Hercules father to Alphonso: The comming of this nauie togither with the rumor of tharmie by land that was to follow, brought no litle amaze to the Duke, who, hauing but a slender strength of souldiours, & thin­habitants of Ferrara either for their small numbers, or for their ignorance in warre, not sufficient enough to oppose against such a daunger, had no other meane to de­fend him selfe, vntill he were comforted with the succors which he exspected from the Pope and french king, then to let with force of shot bestowed vpon the brinke of Pavv, that thennemies should passe no further: for these impediments Treuisan, af­ter he had in vaine assaied to passe, seeing he coulde aduaunce nothinge without he were succored by land, came to an anker in the middest of the riuer of Pavv behind a litle Ile right ouer against Puliselle: A place within xj. miles of Ferrara and very apt to torment the towne and make many hurtfull execucions vpon the contrey: his in­tencion was to exspect there the armie who had gotten without great difficultie all Polisena, hauing first recouered Montagnana by composicion, by the which the Ma­gistrates of Ferrara were deliuered to them as prisoners, togither with the Capteines of the footemen that were within: In this time of exspectacion of tharmie, for the more safe riding of the nauie in the place where it lay, Treuisan beganne to raise two bastillions vpon the bankes of Pavv, the one on that side to Ferrara, the other vpon the shoare right against it, casting withall a bridge vpon the vessels to haue the more oportunitie to succor that bastillion that was on Ferrara side: Affore this worke was accomplished, the Duke deuised either to reuerse it or atleast to hinder it, and with a councell happly more courageous then discreete, he called together all the youth of the towne with such companies of souldiours as were come to his paye, and sent them out to assaile the bastillion: but it was an enterprise in vaine, for that the defen­dants receiuing succors of their peoples which issued out of the vessells, beganne to disorder the ennemie and put them to flight, wherein albeit the Duke him selfe came to the medley with a fresh succor of horsemen, and with his presence brought a newe hart to most of his people not trayned in warre, yet such was the furie of the ennemie, for whom the sewertie of the place fought being manned with many pee­ces of small shot, that in the ende he was constrained to retyre, leauing many of his people either deade or taken, and that not so many of the inexperienced and base multitudes, as of the most braue souldiours and nobility of Ferrara: Amongest them was Herc. Cantelmo, a younge man of greate hope, and whose Auncestors affore tyme were Dukes of Sore in the kingdome of Naples: The fortune of this man was more tragicall then of any of the residue, for that as certaine Slauonian souldiours [Page 456] led him prisoner into a gallie, and contending amongest them selues for the interest of his body, there was one of them, who, with a new example of barbarous crueltie, miserably stricke of his heade: for these perills ioyned to the manifest apparance of extremity to the towne of Ferrara, Monsr Chaumont sent to the succors of it the lord of Chastillion with an hundred and fifty french launces: And the Pope being kind­led against the Venetians for entring into that action without any regard to the supe­rioritie which the Churche hath there, appoynted the two hundred men at armes which he had sent to Caesar, to be conuerted to the defence of Ferrara: But it might haue hapned that these succors had bene to slow, if the Venetians had not bene com­pelled to looke to the defence of their owne estate: it hath bene declared before how the french King was not discontented with the difficulties of Maxymylian, partly for the continuall feare he had of his prosperitie, and partly for that burning in desire to make him selfe Lord of Verona, he hoped by his necessities to haue it on him at last either by purchasse or by ingaging: on the other side he was not a litle ielous ouer the Venetians, and no lesse was his discontentment that their greatnes was eftsoones reestablished, which would nourish continuall perill and perplexitie for his Duchie of Myllan: And therefore Caesar not hauing sufficiently refurnished Verona for want of money, the french king was constrained to enter into care of thinges, and, in sen­ding new companies besides those men at armes which were entred there already, to foreseethat that citie returned not to their obedience: To this Monsr Chaumont gaue beginning, who, after the losse of Vincensa, being drawne vpon the marches of Verona, reteyned in the french Kinges pay two thowsande spanish footemen, which were within Verona, who beganne to draw into tumult for want of payment: he sent thether for a greater sewertie, other bandes of footemen according to the aduice of Tryuulce, who, for that Monsr Chaumont feared least the Kinge would be disconten­ted with so great expenses, made aunswer, that it was a lesse euill that the King char­ged him with thexspenses of his money, then by sparing his treasor, to lose or put in daunger his estate, the one bringing saffetie to the Kings thinges, and in the other no honor nor reputacion to the place he held vnder the Kinge: Besides this, he lent to Caesar eyght thowsand duckats to pay the souldiours that were within Verona, re­ceiuing in pawne both for the repayment of that summe and others which hereaf­ter he should aduaunce for his affayres, the towne of Vallegge, a place which the king esteemed muche for the sewertie of Bresse, both for the nearenes beinge within six miles of Bresse, and for thoportunitie of the passage ouer the riuer of Myncia which is alwaies commaunded by such as are Maisters of Valegge and Pesquiero: The mar­ching of Monsr de Chaumont being followed with the most part of the launces in the Duchie of Myllan, together with the companies which he had put into Verona, and the rumor that ronne of his preparacion to besege Vincensa, were the causes that the Venetian armie, leauing for the defence of Polisena and to succor their nauie, foure hundred light horsemen and foure hundred footemen, retyred from the contrey of Ferrara, deuiding them selues into Leguago, Soaue, and Vincensa: And being careful to assure Vincensa, & to prouide that the contrey there about were not distressed by the garrison of Verona, they fortified it with a wonderfull trench full of water enuyroned with a rampier whereon were dispersed many bastillions: it began from the foote of the mountaine which lieth aboue Soaue, & reaching about fiue miles along the plaine that leades from Rouigne to Montfort, it ended at a corner of certain marishes which ioyne to the riuer of Adice: They also fortefied Soaue and Leguague, by which meane standing vpon their gard all the winter, they assured the whole contrey: And albeit, [Page 457] by the retyring of the Venetian regiments, the daunger of Ferrara was somewhat di­minished, yet, it was not altogether taken away, for that though they were acquited of all feare to be forced, yet they were troubled with a suspicion least the people for the great harmes they receiued would decline to an vtter weakenes, or els fall into the last despeire: for, the souldiours of the nauie and their followers ronne vp euery day euen to the gates of the towne, and other vessells of the Venetians which had on an other side distressed the state of the Duke of Ferrara, had taken Comache, And put­ting diligence to their fortune, they were troublers of those places in many sortes of afflictions: About this time arriued the companies of the Pope & the french king, by whose cōfort the Duke who being warned affore by the harmes receiued in thas­salt of the bastillion, was incamped in a strong place neare to Ferrara, began to make many incursions & proffers, to draw thennemies to battel, who hoping that their ar­my would returne, refused to feight before: And as there can be no action of warre without his proper fortune & calamity: [...]o, in these entercourses of saillies & skirmi­shes, it hapned one day the Cardinal of Este hauing ronne vp neare to the bastillion, as he returned backe, a shot came out of one of the vessels of thennemies which ca­ried away the head of the Count Lodovvyk de la Mirandola, one of the Capteines of the Church, none other in so great a multitude being hurt either with that or any o­ther shot: At last the knowledge & experiēce of the cōtrey, ioined to the nature & o­portunity of the riuer, made easie that which in the beginning had semed so hard & daūgerous: for, the Duke & Cardinal, hoping to be able to defeate the nauy with the artillery, if they had meane to make it discēd in sewerty vpon the banke of the riuer, the Cardinal returned to charge the bastillion with one part of the bandes, wherein his fortune was so equal with his vallour, that giuing the repulse to thennemy which were issued out to the skirmish, & making slaughter of some of them, he occupied & fortefied that part that was next to the rising, & so without all priuitie & knowledge of thennemie, vpon the beginning of the night, he drew thartillerie to the banke side right ouer against them, & breaking it & planting it with a wonderful silence, he be­gan to execute vpon thēnemies with a wōderful furie: making terrible to them that aduauntage which he had wonne of them by his industrie and vallour: The vessells would haue sought sauetie by flying, but because there was a long traine & ranke of great artilleries, which managed by men experiēced, bet a farre of, they chaūged ra­ther the place of peril, then auoided the daūger, hauing withal the presence & labor of the dukes person, who knew both how to force artilleries, & how to manage thē: by thaffliction of so many shots of artillerie, notwithstanding the ennemies for their parts ceassed not to shoote but in vaine, for that they that plaied vpō the brinke were couered with the rising of the hil, their vessels fel into diuerse fortunes & were con­sumed with sundry miserable aduentures: some of them that had no more abilitie to gouerne their ships & defend their bodies against the furie of the shot, yelded them selues without respect of condicion: some, whose destiny was driuen with a more vi­olēce, were miserably burnt with the men that were in them: & others, gouerned by desperat resolucion, gaue them selues a pray to the bottō of the waters, for that they would not fall into the mercie of thennemie: And the Capteine, leaping into a litle skyff almost in the beginning of the skirmish, founde sauertie by the swiftnes of his oares, his gallye being galled thorow both sides, was sonke after he had fled aboue 3. miles vsing cōtinual defence against the aduersitie of her fortune: In this discomfey­ture, all things beingful of blud, ful of fire, & dead bodies, the calamitie of thennemy brought to the power of the Duke, fiftene gallies, certain great ships, many foystes, [Page 458] with infinit smal vessels: There died about two thowsand bodies, some by shot, some by fire, & some by water: threescore enseignes were taken, but not the principal stan­dard which was saued with the general: And as in a general calamity euery one hath his fortune, so, many winning shoare & land, were gathered vp by the Venetian light horsemen, in whose vallour they found sauety for their liues: others that could not a­uoid the persecution of thēnemy fell into thaduēture of imprisonment, & others in flying, hapned into many harmes by the paisants, & escaping from the daunger they feared most, they were driuē into perils which they douted least: The prise of the ves­sells was caried to Ferrara, where, in memorie of so great a victorie, they were kept▪ many yeares vntil Duke Alfonso made restituciō hauing desire to gratifie the Veneti­ans: Immediatly after the ouerthrow of this nauy, Duke Alfonso dispatched with ex­pedicion 3. hundred horsemen & 5. hundred footemen to defeat the other army that had takē Comachio, who recouering Loretto which the Venetians had fortefied, it was thought they had brokē the whole army, if, seeing into their daūger, it had not rety­red to Beb. finding more sewerty to auoid the peril, then to hope in fortune: This was the ende of the seege of Ferrara which continued about a moneth, the euent & issue wherof (which ordinarily is the true touchstōe by the which mē may iudge of world­ly things) did wel declare how much wiser were the coūsels of a few, who perswaded that leauing all other enterprises, & reseruing their treasors to be employed in acti­ons more conueniēt & profitable, they should only looke to the preseruacion of Pa­doa, Treuisa, with other places recouered: thē of such, who though more in nūbers yet inferior in discressiō replenished with passions of hate & disdain, were easie to be in­tāgled with those enterprises, who as their begīning was bred in rashnes, so their cō ­clusion brought forth at last incredible exspēses, with no lesse infamies & harmes to the cōmon weale: such cōmōly are the frutes that follow enterprises begō with light councels, being gouerned by a fortune equal to the condicion & nature of thaction.

But on Padoa side, matters succeeded rather to the furtherance of the Venetians then others: for, notwithstanding Caesar kept vpon the contrey of Vincēsa with fower thowsand footemen, yet one part of the regiment of the Venetians, (and that neither strong nor great) ioyning with them thaide of the peisants of that quarter, tooke al­most before his eies, the passage of Escale, Cogolo & Basciana, a place of so much more importance, by how much it is conuenient to hinder the discending of thalmains in­to Italy: And as him selfe, cōplaining much that for the departure of Monsr la Palisse many disorders were hapned, went at last to Bolsaue to assist the dyet which by his or­denance was to be kept at Yspruch: So according to his example, Monsr Chaumont left there all his thoughts and great desires to performe thenterprise of Vincensa and Le­guague: And ioyning to this disposicion to depart, these reasons and consideracions that both those places were well manned and fortified, & also the season of the time very contrary, he retyred to Myllan, leauing good garrison within Bresse, Pesquiero, & Valegge: And within Verona, for that Caesar of his singuler forces was not able to de­fend it, he bestowed six hundred launces and foure thowsand footemen, who being seperat from the souldiours of Caesar, were lodged in the subburbes of S. Zena, hauing yet in their power the Citadell for their greater sewertie.

The citie of Verona of great name and antiquitie is deuided by the riuer of Adice, Description of Verona. a riuer both large & deepe comming from the mountaines of Almany, and as it falls into the playne, it goeth crooking on the left hande touching vppon the foote of the mountaines, & so entreth into Verona, And when it yssueth out, he ronneth from the mountaines and spreadeth into a goodly playne and very fertill: That parte of [Page 459] Verona which hath his situacion vpon the coast and somewhat into the playne, is be­yond Adice towards Almanye: the other part which is on this side Adice, and all in a goodly plaine, hath Mantua for his prospect: vpon the mountaine neare S. Georges gate, standeth the castell of S. Peter, and within two bowes shooting from thence drawing against the hil, is the castel of S. Felix, the one standing vpon the very toppe of the hill, and they both no lesse stronge by situacion then by walls: And yet to lose them, for that by the aduauntage of their situacion, they commaunde the citie, were to put Verona in manifest daunger: These castells were kept by the launceknights: But in the other parte which is separat from this by the riuer, is the olde castell loo­king towards Pesgara, and hath his situacion almost in the middest of the citie, going thorow the riuer with a bridge: Not three bow shootings of, drawing towards Vin­censa, standes the Citadell, and betwene them both, the walls of the citie ioyne with­out, in forme of halfe a circle: but within, is a wall going from the one to the other which is in the middest of two great ditches, the space betwene both the wals being called the subburbes of S. Zene, which, with the garde of the Citadell was appoynted for the lodging of the french: Whilest armes were there as it were in rest, Maxymyli­an solicited continually to make truce with the Venetians, the Pope also interposing very diligently by the working of Achilles de Grassi Bishop of Pesero, and his Nuncio: And to this ende his Embassadors went to thospitall which is aboue Escalo, to nego­ciat with Iohn Coruaro and Lovvys Monseuigno Deputies for the Venetians: But as all matters of state haue their proper difficulties and impediments, so, in this action the demaundes of Caesar were so excessiue, that this conference tooke no effect, to the great discontentment of the Pope, who wished that the Venetians were deliuered of all trouble, and with whom he had wrought so much, to thende there should be no matter of question to rēder to the Duke of Ferrara the towne of Comacho which they had burned before: withall they had promised him to vexe no more thestate of the Duke of Ferrara, to whom he gaue great fauor & support, both to make hi [...] behol­ding to him, for that he had obteyned and was to obteine by his meane, and also he had hope that for these respects he would depend more vpon him then of the french king: Against whom, being in continual study to lay foundacions of right great im­portance, he had secretly dispatched a Messenger to the king of England, and begon to worke the Svvyzzers at that time inclining to some quarell with the french king: To this action and for this reason came to him the Bishop of Ston (whom the Latins call Sedunensis) enemy to the french kinge, and vnder that cooller pretending to be Cardinall, and for that respect was receiued of him with great ioy.

About the ende of this yeare, were accorded the king of Romains & kinge Catho­like, betwene whom was some difference touching the gouernment of the Realmes Them [...] and the k. Ca [...]h [...]a. to accord tou­ching the go­uernment of Castill. of Castillo: This controuersie was long debated in the Court of Fraunce, & albeit it suffered many great perplexities & difficulties, yet in the end it was guided to perfe­ction by the meane & vndiscreete councel of the Cardinal of Amboise, who not con­sidering how much this vnion was hurtful to the affaires of his king, was caried per­haps by this ambicion, that if by his working there might be stabilitie & agreement betwene them, it would be a degree to lift him to the Popedom, being in this, a daū ­gerous councellor to respect more his proper interests, then the safetie of his con­trey: Such then was the power of his diligence and authoritie, that he induced Ma­xymylian to consent that the king Catholike, in case he had no yssue males, shoulde be gouernor ouer those Realmes vntil their litle sonne Charles were come to the age of maioritie, to whom should be no power to take vpon him the title of king during [Page 460] the life of his mother bearing the prerogatiue and iurisdiction of Queene, for that in Castillo the issue males exclude not the general issue: That the king Catholike should pay to Caesar fifty thowsand duckats: that he should ayde him according to the trea­ty of Cambray, vntil he had recouered all that apperteined to him: And lastly to pay to Charles euery yeare forty thowsand duckats: By this conuention, the king of Ara­gon was confirmed gouernor ouer the Realme of Castillo, & standing nowe in state to haue faith & credit with Caesar, since both the controuersies were determined, & they both had equal interests touching their Nephew: he might now more boldly looke into the meanes by the which he might hinder the greatnes of the frēch king, which he held alwaies suspected for the regard of the kingdom of Naples: About this time also, the Pope entred into suspicion that the pronotary Bentyuolo remeining at Cre­mona, labored secretly to returne into Bolognia, against which accident he caused to be reteined in the pallaice of Bolognia for certaine daies, Iulian de medicis: And attribu­ting all things to the ill disposicion of the french king, he made knowne the feare he had that he would passe into Italy to subdue it, & make Pope by violence the Cardi­nal of Amboise: And yet at the same time, he spake without any regard in derogacion of the honor of Caesar as of a person incapable of such a dignitie, & by his incapacity Death of the Count Petil­lano. had brought the name of the Empire into great contempt: About the ende of this yere, died the Count Petillano general ouer the Venetian armies, a man for his age and graue experience in actions of warre, of great name & worthines, & with the Vene­tians, of that credit and trust, that they neuer feared he would put their state in daun­ger, by rashnes or want of councell.

The yeare after which was 1510. the same dowts & suspicions continuing, warrs began to stirre on all parts, but coldly & according to the season: for the Venetian ar­my lying encamped at S. Boniface vpon the contrey of Verona, helde Verona as it were beseged: from whence Charles Baillon, Federyk de Bossole & Sacromoro Viscounte, com­ming to their succors, were charged by the stradiots, who ouerthrew them, & taking prisoners Charles & Sacromoro, Federyk foūd sauety in the reskew of the french which issued out of Verona for their succors: An other time they brake an other bād of frēch horsemen, amongest whom Monsr de Clesy was taken prisoner: on the other side (for­tune can both smile & laugh) two hundred frēch launces yssuing out of Verona with three thowsand footemen, forced by assalt a bastillion towards Soaue, which was gar­ded by a band of six hundred footemen, & in their returne, they ouerthrew a great multitude of paisantes: But whilest the warre was occupied with these cold procee­dings, the minds of Princes were in great paine and care, but specially Caesar had his perplexities, who douting howe he might cary the victorie of the warre against the Venetians, & posting ouer (according to his custome) his affaires from one diet to an other, had caused to be published the dyet at Auspurge, and being kindled against the Pope for that the Electors of thEmpire pushed on by his authoritie, made instance to negociate in the dyet rather for peace with the Venetians then for prouisions for the warre, he had caused to departe from Auspurge the Bishop of Pesero, his Nuncio: he considered also that the deliberacions of dyets were vncertaine, tedious, and full of difficulties, the ende of one breeding the beginning of an other: he sawe withall, that the french king excused him selfe daily of the demaundes and enterprises that were tendred to him, some times alleaging the sharpnes of the season, sometimes re­quiring assignacion certain of the exspēces which were to be made, & eftsones pro­testing that by the traity of Cambray he was not bownd to ayde him alone, but ioyntly with the Pope & king of Aragon, with whom it was reasonable that the proceedings [Page 461] were mutuall and common, as the confederacion and bond were ioynt & generall: for these reasons, he entred into resolucion that there was no remedie more readye for his affaires, then to induce the french king to embrase thenterprise to take Padoa, Vincensa, and Treuisa, employing his owne forces, and taking sufficient recompense: This demaund was wel liked by many of the kings councel, who considering that till the Venetians were wholly chassed out of the firme lande, the Kinge should dwell in continual exspenses and daungers, perswaded his Maiestie vpon those reasons, to de­liuer him selfe of them at one blow, and in one action making but one exspensse. The Kinges minde was not altogether estraunged from this councell, being caried hap­ply with the same reasons, and therefore albeit he inclined to passe in person into I­taly with a mighty armie, which he called mighty and puissant as often as he had in the same more then a thowsand six hundred launces, with his gentlemen & pensio­ners: yet, harkening to other councels by the cōsideracion of other reasons, he stood suspended in mind, expressing a confusion more then he was wont, for that the Car­dinal Amboise, A man of great authoritie and stomacke, afflicted with a long & gree­uous maladie, forbare to manage his affaires which were wont to be dispatched wholy by his direction: The king besides that of his natural disposicion, he loued not much matters of exspenses, was reteined also by a desire he had to Verona for thac­complishing wherof it seemed to him a good meane to haue the king of Romains in­tangled with continual warres, for which regard he had newly lent to him eighteene thowsand duckats to pay the launceknightes that lay in garrison in the citie, and was bound to make it vp a further summe of fifty thowsand, with cōdicion that he should not onely hold the Citadell for his securitie and pawne, but also the old castel should be set ouer to him, together with the next gate of the towne, the better to haue free entrey and yssue: And lastly, for want of restoring the money within one yeare, the towne of Valeggo should remeine to him in perpetuall gouernment, with power to fortefie aswell the towne as the Citadell at the charges of Caesar: These considera­cions drewe the Kinges minde into no small perplexities, but muche more was he troubled with feare, least the Popes intencions would wholly varie and alter, if he should either leade or sende into Italy a newe armie: for, the Pope, no lesse full of sus­picion, then also ill contented that he should impatronise vpon Verona, besides that he still kept a will enterteyned to absolute the Venetians, did also all that he could to ioyne him selfe with the Svvyzzers: for confirmacion of which disposicion, he had sent backe agayne into that contrey, the Bishop of Syon, with money to distribute a­mongest them, and promisse to indue him selfe with the holy cappe: he sought al­so with all his diligence, by what meanes he might estraunge the Kinge of England from the amitie of the frenche Kinge, whome albeit his father at the instant of death had aduised, for his securitie and benefite, to continue in assured league with him, and for that respect was yearely payed to him fiftie thowsand duckats: yet, be­ing caried ouer with hotte humors of youthe and the great habilitie of treasor that his father had left him, it seemed he had no lesse in consideracion the councells of those, who for the desire of newe thinges ioyned to an auncient hatred which the English doe ordinarily beare to the french nation, made perswasions to him for the warre, then the wisedome and discreete example of his father, who refusing all contencions with the frenche, had gouerned his kingdome in great obedience and tranquilletie, notwithstanding he had aspyred to a state newe and full of troubles: All these consideracions vexing not a litle the minde of the frenche Kinge, who, the better to deuise for the affayres of Italy, was nowe gone to Lyon: he feared least [Page 462] his marching into Italy, which the Pope detested openly, would stirre vp some new innouacions by his meanes: besides, he sawe that the Kinge of Aragon disswaded him from it, but vnder demonstracions of a friende and an indifferent louer of the common tranquillitie: In so much as amyd those multitudes of dowtes which tra­uelled him on all partes, he sawe no more certeine nor present councell, then with great labor and diligence, to studie so to appease the minde of the Pope, that at the least he might stande assured that he were not his enemie and against him: Where­in it seemed that occasion fauored him greatly, for that it was beleeued, that by the death of the Cardinall Amboise, who was extremely sicke, he shoulde be eased of those suspicions, from whence it was supposed his ill contentments did principally proceede: And for that the King was aduertised by good intelligence, that the Car­dinall of Auchx, Nephewe to the Cardinall Amboise, with others that managed his affayres in the Court of Rome, had with great rashnes both in deede and wordes labored more to quicken and kindle, then to appease and mollefie the Popes minde: he woulde no more vse their seruice in those actions, but sent to Rome in poste the Lorde Albert Pie Count de Carpy, A personage in whome was indifferent the great­nes of his minde and expedicion of his witte: he caried very large commissions not onely to offer to the Pope the Kinges forces and authoritie to serue his turne in all accidents and vpon all occasions, but also in inclining as much as he could to his wil and nature, he was to communicat with him frankely and simply the state of all thinges that were practised, together with the requests that Caesar made to him, and finally to referre to his arbitracion and wil whether he should passe into Italy or not, and whether he should minister to thEmprour speedely or slowly: he had also in charge to disswade the absolucion of the Venetians, but before he ariued, it was resol­ued and promised by the Pope: the Venetians after long dispute and abode of their Embassadors there, consenting at last to the condicions whereupon the difficulties stoode, not finding any other remedie for their sauetie, then to beioyned with him: The condicions for the which thabsolucion was to be giuen, were opēly published in the cōsistorie the xxiiij of February in presence of the Venetian Embassadors, who confirmed them by writing according to thauthentike direction from their com­mon weale: These were the particulars: That they should not in any sort dispose the benefices or dignities of the Church: and that they shoulde make no resistance or difficultie touching the frutes & prouisions deriuing of them to the Court of Rome: That they should not gainesay that in that Court should not be persecuted the cau­ses for benefices with others appertaining to thecclesiastike iurisdiction: That they should not charge the goods of the Church, and exempt places of their temporall dominion, with tenthes or any other sortes of imposicion: That they shoulde re­nownce from thappellacion against thadmonicion, and from all interests & rightes gotten vpon the Church landes in what sort soeuer, but specially from all those pro­rogatiues and rightes by the which they pretended to holde the office of Vicedomino in Ferrara: That the subiects of the Church and their vessels may freely traffike tho­rough their goolfe, and that with such ample facultie, that the marchandise of other nations brought in their bottoms, shoulde not be troubled nor subiect to pay tolls: That it should not be lawfull for thē in any sort to medle with Ferrara, or any townes of that state which were dependant on the Church: Thatal couenantes & contracts which they had made to the preiudice of the Church, with any the subiects or vas­salls of the same, should be cancelled and made voide: That they should not receiue any Duke, Baron, or other subiect or vassall of the Churche, that should be an ene­mie [Page 463] or rebell to the sea Apostolike: That they should be bownd to make restitution of all the moneys which they had exacted vppon the reuenues of the Churche, to­gether with reparation of all the harmes which the Church had suffred.

These obligations with the promises and sufficient renouncements, being recei­ued in the consistorie, the Venetian Embassadors at a day appoynted according to thauncient examples of tymes, were brought vnder the portall of the great Church of S. Peter, where falling at the Popes feete, being set in his pontificall seate neare the brazen gates, and honored with thassistantes of all the Cardinals and college of Prelates, they asked him pardon in great humilitie, confessing their contumacie The Venetian absolued. and faultes past: After this, according to the custome of the Churche, were pro­nounced certaine prayers, and so proceding to all the other degrees of ceremonies, the Pope receyuing them into grace, gaue them absolution, and enioyned them for penaunce to go visite the seuen Churches: After the action of absolution was done they entred into S. Peters Churche, beeing guided by the great penitencier: And after they had heard Masse which was denied to them before, they were very hono­rably accompanied to their howses by many prelates and Courtiers, not as persons excommunicated and interdited, but as reconciled Christians and deuout children to the sea Apostolike. Soone after they returned to Venice, more loaden with the ceremonies, then made blessed with the vertue of their absolution, leauing behinde them at Rome, Hieronimo Donato one of their number, and who by his vertues and singular facilitie of witte and learning, becomming very agreable to the Pope, did af­terwards great seruice to his countrey in things which he negociated with him.


POpe Iulio the seconde turneth agaynst the French men: The French king and king of Romains enter league agaynst the Ʋenetians, vvho besiege Verona: The Pope taketh Mirandola, and makes vvarre vpon the Duke of Ferrara: The families of Bentyuole returne to Bolognia: A Councell is published at Pisa agaynst the Pope.

THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

THE mindes of men of their proper inclination are muta­ble, ‘bearing no small subiection to passions of enuie, ambiti­on, and glorie: And to great Princes aspiring to high actions, by so muche lesse tollerable is the stroake of reuolution and chaunge, by howmuche more thoccasions are wrought di­rectly contrarie to their exspectations, and do conclude pre­iudicially agaynst their proper imperie and greatnes: for, as this absolution whiche the Pope gaue to the Venetians, brought no litle greefe to the minde of Maximilian, beeing [Page 464] so muche the more vexed, by howmuche thaction was accomplished with a will resolute, and touched him more particularly and principally then all the residue: So also the French king, hauing no lesse interest in the harmes that might happen, did equally communicate in the perplexities of this alteration, for that he desired for his priuate profite that the greatnes of the Venetians should not be eftsones reesta­blished: Neuerthelesse he coulde not finde out what were the intentions and laste endes of the Pope. And therefore feeding himselfe with vayne hopes concerning the difficulties of thaffayres that were prepared agaynst him, he perswaded himselfe that the Pope stirred onely for suspicion of his vniting with Maximilian, and that temporising with him, and giuing him no occasion of greater feare, he would passe no further, but rest satisfied with thabsolution he had giuen: A perswasion muche abusing the kings affayres, and no lesse farre from the resolution of the Pope, who growing more and more confirmed in his deliberation, and litle respecting the de­clarations and impedimentes of the confederate Embassadors, suffred the subiects and dependantes of the Churche to enter into the pay of the Venetians, who recei­ued into intertainement Iohn Paule Baillon as generall of their whole companies, standing without a gouernor by the death of the Count Petillano: they tooke also into their wages Iohn Lovvis and Iohn Vitelli, sonnes to the late Iohn & Camilla, and made Ranso de Cere colonell of their footmen, (holding it a iustice as reasonable to fauour them with this libertie for their temporall ayde, as to acquite them of the paynes of the Churche, both the one and other respecting one meaning and matter:) And as in this action he made open declaration that he tooke the Venetians into his pro­tection, so he laboured also to bring them to agreement with Caesar, hoping vnder that meane not onely to seperate him from the French king, but withall to knitte him with himselfe and with the Venetians to make warre vpon him: wherein, for the more easie succeding of this deuise, taking his oportunitie vpō the necessities of Caesar, he interposed his authoritie to the electors of thempire and the free townes, to thende that in the dyet of August there should be no consent of contribution: But the more he aduaunced and vrged this practise, the more he founde it of harde operation, for that on the one side, Caesar would not harken to any motion of agree­ment, vnlesse Verona might remayne to him: and on the other side, the Venetians (in whom the Pope had hope of a greater facilitie) perswading them selues to be hable to defende Padoa in all fortunes, and that keeping that citie, time would fauour them with more occasions, demaunded resolutely the restitution of Verona, offring to pay in recompence a huge summe of money. To a minde disposed to troubles, nothing is more sweete then the studie of vexation: and by howmuch more plentifully doth abounde the humor of ambition, by so muche lesse is limited the desire of oppres­sion, which in mindes corruptly inclined, holdes nothing vnlawfull that may serue to thaction pretended, nor any thing vnreasonable that agreeth with the humor of their passion, in whom this is one natural custome, to conuert all things to his owne propertie & working. The Pope omitting neither meane nor matter that might giue furtherance to his purpose, made secret solicitation to Henry the eight then king of Englande, to rayse warre agaynst the French king, wherein enforcing the memorie of thauncient emulations of those two kingdomes, he ioyned to the facilitie of thenterprise, this occasion of the felicitie and successe: that if he would begin to lea­uie armes agaynst Fraunce, thaction would take imitation in many others, to whom the puissance and greatnes of that crowne was either suspected or hated: he forgat not to encourage him to embrace with that deuotion which in other times had bin [Page 465] proper to the kings of Englande, the glorie that was offred him to be protector and preseruer of the sea Apostolike, which, without the ayde of his authoritie and res­kewe, stoode in manifest daunger by thambition of the French king. In this practise the king of Aragon did communicate with the Pope, but secretly and not really, v­sing perhaps this moderation of minde, not to suffer his desires to be greater then his fortunes. But that which was of greatest importance, the Pope enterteined still with the Svvizzers the negociations which were begonne by the Bishop of Syon, by whose authoritie (being great with that nation) and perpetuall importunitie la­bouring their assemblies and councels, and preaching in their Churches: he obtei­ned at last that the Svvizzers, receiuing euery yere a thousande Florins of Rhein for euery Canton, shoulde be bounde to the protection of him and the estate of the Churche, with permission to the Pope for his defence agaynst all men that would vex him, to leauie certayne proportions of footmen: The occasion that moste hel­ped forwarde this matter, and made his request more easie and plausible, was the disagreement that began to kindle betweene them and the Frenche king: For the Svvizzers being of nature proude and weening, became more raysed and lifted vp in minde by the estimation that others had of them, and chalenging to them selues peculiarly the glorie of the French victories, were caried into this presuming, that all the conquests and honorable actions which eyther the king raigning, or his pre­decessor had obteined in Italie, proceeded principally of their valour and the feare of their armes: And therevpon insisting vppon merites, as though the crowne of Fraunce ought much to them, they demaunded (the French king soliciting to make renouation of thalliance that nowe was determined) that he would augment their pensions, being then threescore thousand frankes by yere, ouer and aboue the mer­cenarie contributions which were secretly dispearsed amongst priuat persons, pen­sions which had ben begon vnder Lovvis the eleuenth, and continued vnto the pre­sent time: But for that they accompanied their demaundes with a presumptuous audacitie which the king construed to manifest insolencie, and for that of paisantes and mountayne men (suche was his phrase) they sought imperiously to impose and taxe him being a king, he began so to shake them of with wordes and countenaun­ces, that they might discerne how muche he disdayned them, more respecting hys dignitie royall, then regarding the present vtilitie of things: He was the more indu­ced to this, for that at the same season by the solicitation of George Sopressan, the peoples of the valleys subiects of Sion, who were gouerned in seuen communities which they call courtes, being corrupted by publike promises and priuate pensions, were not onely confederate with him, but also bounde to giue passage to his peo­ple, and refuse it to his enemies, and withall to enter into his payes with such num­bers of footmen as their forces were hable to beare. In the same sort did enter con­federacie with him, the Lordes of the three leagues, whom they call the Grisons: and albeit one part of the men of the valley had not yet approued it, the king was not without hope to induce them to ratification by the selfe same meanes: In so muche as he began to perswade him selfe that the amitie of the Svvizzers was nowe no more necessarie to him, hauing determination to supplye his warres with Almain footmen, ouer and besides those proportions of souldiours whiche the valley men and Grisons should furnishe him of: Besides, he feared little their stirres or prepara­tions, and lesse exspectation that they were hable to assayle the duchie of Millan but by the straites of Ballinsona, and other passages of great difficultie: through the which, if they should march in great trowpes and numbers, he made his reckoning [Page 466] that they would be easily reduced into necessitie of vittels by a small armie: And if they came but in small companies, ‘a slender strength woulde likewise suffice to make them retyre: Wherein he made his coniectures at random, and seemed to ly­mit the fortunes of them whose forces he yet knewe not, flattering himselfe with his proper greatnes: An humor preiudicially mouing in Princes, in whom there ought to be no parcialitie of comparison,’ when there is question of enterprise and action: But because he stoode resolute not to graunt them augmentation of pensions, he coulde not obteine in their councells a renouation of thalliance, notwithstanding there were manye euen in the middest of them, who did earnestly perswade it, to whom in particular were retributed no small rewardes: And for that cause they consented more easily to the confederation which was demaunded of them by the Pope: By which newe confederation the Pope seeming to haue laied a great fun­dation for thaduauncing of his purposes: and hauing a perpetuall nature to pro­ceede in all thinges as supreme and soueraigne aboue all men, and as though the whole world were in necessitie to receiue lawes of him, he began to sowe seedes of newe controuersies with the Duke of Ferrara, eyther pushed on by the cause that was in disputation betweene them, or els by an auncient hatred, for that hauing re­ceiued of him so many honors, benefites, and gratifications, he seemed neuerthe­lesse to depende more vpon the French king then vpon him: A dealing whiche he construed preiudicially and farre contrarie to the recompence of his merites. But whatsoeuer was the cause, searching a beginning of the quarrell, he commaunded imperiously Alfonso Duke of Ferrara to forbeare to continue the working of salt at Comacchio: he alleaged that it was not reasonable that that which was not lawfull to him when the Venetians helde Ceruia, should nowe haue suffraunce being possessed by the sea Apostolike, to whom apperteined the absolute gouernment of Ferrara and Comacchio: Besides, it was a matter of great profite, for that the working ceas­sing at Comacchio, the saltpittes of Ceruia ministred traffike to all the townes therea­boutes. But Duke Alphonso, who reapposed more in the coniunction which he had with the French king and in his protection, then he feared the Popes forces, gaue small obedience to this commaundement: he complayned that he shoulde be con­strayned not to reape the fruite which grewe to him in his proper house with small labour, and to be driuen to buye of an other for the vsage of his peoples, the ware whereof he had enough to replenishe forreine countreis, alleaging withall that that ought not to be enforced for an example which the Venetians had made him con­sent vnto, more by compulsion of armes then by condition of iustice: Whiche rea­sons little auayled to content the Pope: who eftsones sent to protest to him vnder great paynes and accursings to discontinue that worke: suche were the thoughtes and actions of the Pope, inclined altogether to rayse vp and support the Venetians:

But on the other side Caesar and the French king thirsted not a little after their embacement, with desire to diminishe their authoritie and greatnes: And beeing muche discontented with the demonstrations which the Pope expressed on their behalfe, they drew into a more strayte alliance and intelligence one with an other, The league of Caesar and the French king agaynst the Venetians. concluding to inuade the Venetians that sommer with huge forces: for the better aduauncing of which expedition, the contracte bare that the Frenche king for his parte shoulde sende Monsr Chaumont with a strong armie, wherevnto should be ioy­ned the Launceknightes that lay at Verona: And Caesar for his parte, should make entrie into the countrey of Friul with those leauyes of men and munitions which he hoped to obteine of thempire in the dyet of Auspurge: and hauing accomplished [Page 467] that action, he was to proceede to other enterprises according to the estate of oc­casions and tyme. They solicited the Pope to ioyne with them according to the bonde of the league of Cambray, holding it but iuste to sommon him to performe that which he had so willingly promised: But he who was no lesse discontented with that motion, then hauing a capacitie searching aboue the witte of other men, made aunswere that he was no more bound to that confederation which hath had already his perfection, seeing it had bene in the power of Caesar to haue first Treuisa, and afterwards a satisfaction & recompence in money. Caesar likewise solicited to haue succours from the king Catholike, both by vertue of the same capitulations of Cam­bray, and also vnder couenantes and promises made particularly with him, at suche time as he consented to him the gouernment of Castillo: But this solicitation, as it bare a forme of request to ayde him rather with money then with men, so the king of Aragon whom it imported muche not to disfurnishe him selfe of the thing whereof he had moste neede, aunswere that he would sende him foure hundred laun­ces: A strength of little profite for Caesar, for that aswell in the Frenche armie, as in his owne campe, the seruice on horsebacke was plentifully furnished. About this time the Citie of Verona liued in great afflictions vnder the souldiours that garded it, who, for that they were not payed, drewe into secret conspiracie with certayne Venetian bandes, by whom they thought to worke some trayterous stratageme: for which purpose the Venetians issuing out of S. Boniface, approched the Citie by night to skale the Castell of S. Peter: and as they were entred S. Georges gate, whylest they taried to fasten their ladders together (for that being single they sufficed not to reach to the height of the wall) eyther they were heard by the warders of the castell of S. Felix, or in their feare they seemed to heare a brute of armed men: And as in matter of enterprise imagination abuseth muche, so whether they feared their owne sha­dowes, or whether they doubted that to be in deede which was but a vision in their timerous fantasies, they sodenly retyred, leauing behinde them their ladders as te­stimonies of their feare and intention, leauing to thenemie to doubt muche of their vallour, that in so fayre an oportunitie forsooke the felicitie that their fortune had prepared. The armie retyred forthwith to S. Boniface, and at Verona the conspiracie comming to detection, many were passed ouer to iustice and punishment, though some found fauour more by clemencie then their proper innocencie.

In this season the Pope expressed certayne inclinations to be eftsones reunited with the french king, not of goodwill, but for feare: for that Maximilian sommoned him with braue messages to lende him two hundred thousande duckets, threatning that otherwise he would ioyne with the French king agaynst him: An other reason of his feare was a brute that was spread, that in the Dyet of Auspurge it was agreed to minister to him a strong succor, and also the peace had bene newely established betweene the kings of Englande and Fraunce, and published with great solemnitie. By reason of these feares, he began to trayte with great diligence with Albert de Car­py, whom till that day, he had interteined with wordes and hopes generall, vsing in all his actions of negociation more art then true meaning, and lesse fidelitie then fayre resemblaunce: But besides the mutabilitie of his owne nature, the variation of occasions made him not dwell long in that resolution: both for that the Parliament of Auspurge (without the forces and aydes of which there was no great reckoning to be made of the threates of Caesar) not aunswering exspectation, determined for him no other succours, then a supply of three hundred thousande Florins of Rhein, whereof his prodigalities had already made great wastes: And also the king of Eng­land [Page 468] signified that he had setdowne an article in the peace, expressing that it should be no peace as often as the French king should offend the state of the Churche: In regard of these things, the Pope reentred into new stomack, and returning eftsones to his former thoughts, he began to heape new cōplaintes agaynst the Duke of Fer­rara, The Pope threatneth the duke of Ferra­ra. who, he sayd, that since it was suffred to the subiects of the Church to sayle and traffike frankly through the gulfe of Venice, had imposed newe tributes vppon the goods which were brought to Venice by the riuer of Pau: A taxation which the Pope alleaged that the vassall coulde not leauie (according to the interpretation of the lawes) without licence of the Lorde paramount, and withall it was a thing that brought great preiudice to the people of Bolognia, who were his subjects: for which consideration he made instance that they might be deposed, threatning that other­wise he would bring warre vpon him. Wherin to giue him a greater feare, he caused to marche his bands of men of warre into the countrey of Bolognia and into Romag­nia. These things troubled not a little the mind of the French king, beeing loath on the one side to fall at oddes with the Pope, and on the other side he felt him selfe tou­ched in honor and conscience to leaue abandoned the Duke of Ferrara, to whose protection he had bound himselfe by receiuing thirtie thousande duckets. No lesse was he moued with the regarde of his proper profite, for that duke Alfonso depen­ding wholy vpon him, and fleeing so much the more to his deuotion, by howmuch he sawe him persecuted by the Pope, he esteemed it his proper interest to preserue him, and for that cause he interposed his deputies with the Pope to solicite some accord betwene them: But it seemed iust to the Pope that the king should withdraw himself from that protection, alleaging that he had taken it vppon him agaynst the capitulations of Cambray, by the which (made vnder cullor to render to the Church that which was vsurped) it was forbidden that none of the confederates should take into protection any that was named by an other, and that for his part, he had named the Duke of Ferrara: and moreouer it was defended that no one of them shoulde haue any action with things apperteyning to the Church: He alleaged that the like also was confirmed in the confederation made particularly betweene them at Bia­grasso, wherein was expresly prouided that the king shoulde not take into his prote­ction any estate depending of the Church, and shoulde aswell refuse to take them hereafter, as also cancell and make voyde all protections whiche he had accepted heretofore. To which adiections notwithstanding it was aunswered for the king, that by the same conuention it was prouided that the king shoulde haue power to dispose of the Bishoprikes on this side the Mountes as he listed, which the Pope had violated in the first auoydance that fell, as likewise he had broken in fauor of the Ve­netians, the capitulations made at Cambray, by which euasions the king was at libertie not to obserue the things he had promised: yet because he would not come to armes with the Pope for the quarrell of the Duke of Ferrara, he offred conditions by the which, not offending directly his honor, the Pope in a great parte might rest satis­fied touching thinterestes which the Churche and he pretended agaynst Duke Al­fonso: And besides, he was contented to binde himselfe by promise (according to the Popes request) that the Frenche armies shoulde not passe the ryuer of Pau, but for the protection of the Florentins wherevnto he was bounde, and to molest P. Pe­truccio and Iohn Paule Baillon, vnder coollour of money promised by the one, and deteined by the other. Monsr de Chaumont agaynst the Venetians.

Whilest these things were in action, Monsr de Chaumont aduaunced with an army of fiftene hundred launces, and ten thousande footemen of many nations, amongst [Page 469] whome were certayne regimentes of Svvizzers priuatlye leauyed, and not by permission of the Cantons, and followed with great proportions of artilleries, with certayne bridges prepared to passe ryuers: hauing also ioyned with him the duke of Ferrara with two thousande men at armes, fiue hundred light horsemen, and two thousande footmen: With these companies he tooke in the meane while without any impediment, Polisena de Rouiguo, a peece which the Venetians had abandoned, & taking also the tower Marquisano standing vpon the riuer of Adice towards Padoa, he marched on to Castelbaldo, and had at the first sommon the townes of Montagnano and Este, the one apperteining to Alfonso d'Este by graunt from Maximilian, and the other giuen to him in gage. Alfonso after he had recouered these townes, sent backe his regimentes vnder coollour to encounter certayne galleys of the Veneti­ans whiche floated vppon the ryuer of Pavv. By the imitation of Chaumont, the Prince of Hanavv Maximilians lieftenaunt, marched in like sort out of Verona with three hundred French launces, two hundred men at armes, and three thousand Al­main footmen, and ioyning with Chaumont, he followed him alwayes within one re­moue of his campe: They left behind them Montselice holden for the Venetians, and marched towards the countrey of Vincensa, where Lonigua and the whole countrey yelded without resistance: for that the Venetian armie conteining six hundred men at armes, foure thousand light horsmen and stradiots, and eight thousand footmen vnder Iohn P. Baillon generall, and Andrevv Gritti treasorer, hauing first abandoned Svvauo, and alwayes retyring into places of suretie according as thenemie aduaun­ced, and lastly hauing bestowed sufficient garrison within Treuisa, and a thousande footmen within Mestro, they were retired to the Brentelli, a place within three miles of Padoa, and of great suretie for their incamping, both for that the countrey is ful of hills and risings, & the place it self standeth inuironed with the waters of these three ryuers Brento, Brentello, and Baguillon: Suche is the frayltie of mans nature, ‘that the soddennes of perill is more terrible then the daunger it selfe: and by howmuche it happneth to a multitude vngouerned, by so much it seemes more desperate, for that when their minds are once possessed with feare, there is no place for confidence and resolution, and all hopes are turned into doubtes, their extremitie making them ty­merous, which ought to make them resolute. The poore people of Vincensa, for that the armie was thus retyred,’ finding them selues no lesse abandoned, then alto­gether vnhable to defende their estate, and seeing that their fortune had left them no other hope then suche as they might exspect in the mercy of the victors, whiche they supposed they might more graciously obteine by the meane and working of Monsr de Chaumont: they sent to him to demaunde safeconduit to addresse embassa­dors to him and the Prince of Hanavv, which being graunted, they presented them selues in forme and aspecte pitifull and full of sorrowe and feare afore them bothe being then at the bridge of Barberano ten miles from Vincensa: Their attyre represen­ting the lamentable condition of their fortune, and their other dolefull circumstan­ces, bearing a presence of sorowe and languishing mindes, moued pitie in suche as came prepared to spoyle them, and inclined to grace euen those that afore had de­termined their destruction: So effectually worketh the consideration of miserie in mindes tractable to compassion. The cheefe of the Embassage, beeing the mouth of the residue, was licensed to speake in this sorte in the presence of all the capteins and principalls of tharmie.

This Question maye bee asked in the consideration of our present condition, ‘whiche is least hurtfull, eyther to bee extreme miserable, without the threates and [Page 470] feare of fortune, or to be in full prosperitie whiche alwayes standes subiect to di­minution and falling: And since there is a diuine power that hath bene appoynted from the beginning to guyde all our mortall accidentes, methinkes that that man erreth lesse who promiseth to him selfe a chaunge of thaffayres of this worlde, then he that perswadeth that they are alwayes firme and stable: The same beeing a comfort to earthly men (if any thing coulde moderate their frayle passions) not to holde those thinges greeuous whiche both can not be auoyded, and also are sent for our better reformation & necessarie correction. If it were knowen to any of this honorable presence (at whose feete I speake) howe muche this Citie of Vincensa (heretofore enuied of her neighbours for her riches and felicities) hath suffred, since more by error and rashnes of her inhabitantes, and happly more by a certaine fatall disposition then through other occasion, she returned vnder the iurisdiction of the Venetians, together with the intollerable harmes and domages she hath receyued: We beleeue (and your gracious aspects assure no lesse) that in your hartes will be greater the compassion of our miseries, then the hatred for the memorie of our re­bellion, if rebellion may be imposed vpon therror of that night, wherein our people, drawne into vniuersall confusion, for that the armie of our enemie had forced the suburbs of Postello, not to rebell nor to slee from the easie gouernment of Caesar, but to deliuer our selues from the sacke and extreme afflictions of other cities, did sende out Embassadours to compounde with the enemie. To whiche action our multi­tudes and peoples not accustomed to armes, and lesse acquaynted with the daun­gers of warre, were altogether pushed on by the authoritie of Fracasso, a capteine, who experienced in so many seueral warres, and appoynted of Caesar, either by sub­tletie or by feare (a matter not apperteining to vs to search) gaue vs counsell to so­licite an accorde for the safetie of our wiues, our children, and our poore afflicted countrey: The same making it manifest that no yll impression of minde, but onely feare increased through thauthoritie of such a capteine, was the cause, not that we did determine by long counsell, but rather that in a very small computation of time, in so great a tumult, and in so fearefull a noyse of armes and artilleries thundring, whose terrour vanquished our resolution, we ranne rashly vnder the rule of the Ve­netians, the felicitie and power of whome were not suche as we ought eyther to feare the one or affect the other: Our condition was not to exspect or temporise, for that thenemie was incamped in the places which the strength which was left for our succors had newly abandoned: and as in communalties or multitudes the hope that is deferred maketh their hartes to languish: so the long continuance of miseries suffiseth euen to shake the minds of the most assured. Men not accustomed to aduer­sities, haue least rule ouer their passions, & such as neuer liued but in securitie, haue least temperance to beare a change: Faults done by necessitie bring with them their proper pardon. And as you are not nowe to doubt of the difference betwene faults cōmitted by feare & error, and offences proceding of fraude and ill intention: so ne­uerthelesse, though our fortune moue you to interpret our rebellion not to feare, but to will, & that so vile an action was begon by counsel & consent vniuersal, & not through cōfusion & vnbridled rashnes of a few, whō neither counsell nor authoritie could represse: and be it lastly that the trāsgressions of this wretched citie were alto­gether inexcusable: yet our calamities haue bin so great since that accursed reuolt, that we may truly say, that the punishmēt without al cōparison hath bin greater thē the fault: for within our wals, the garrison souldiers that were left for our safety and cōfort, turned thēselues into the habit of aduersaries, doing al things to thaggrauatiō [Page 471] of our miseries, not sparing to spoyle those goods that were left vs for our releefe & succor: And without, we haue not bene free from all those sortes of harmes which warre and hostilitie are wont to drawe with them, our afflictions being so much the more greeuous and great, by howmuche the warre hath bene continuall without intermission: we haue nothing remayning in this miserable countrey which carieth any memorie of the riches, delite, or felicitie thereof: All the houses of our poslessi­ons are burned, all our woods cut downe and wasted, all our feelds & gardens defa­ced, and all our infinite heards of cattell driuen away and deuoured: This is the se­conde yeere that we haue bene driuen to reape our haruest afore the time, that we haue had no securitie to sowe our seedes, and lesse season to gather our fruites, yea the seueritie of the time hath left vs no hope that this contrey so generally destroied, can be euer readdressed: Our miseries are come to these desperate tearmes and li­mittes, that what with the needefull supportation of our lyues, and to furnish thin­tollerable exactions whiche our necessities haue imposed vppon vs, all that remay­neth either of our hidden treasure or common stoare, is farre insufficient to nourish the lyues of our wyues, children, and our selues, to whome remayneth nothing but a miserable spectacle of the happinesse wherein we haue lyued: If the present state of our countrey were nowe obiected to anye that had seene and knowen it before, and our calamities present measured with our felicities passed, I knowe it woulde stirre vp motions of pitie and compassion euen in the myndes of ene­mies, considering specially that this Citie (albeit it hath small circuite) whiche was wont to bee replenished with inhabitantes, stately in maiestie and presence, riche through magnificence of buildinges and pallaces, an assured and free re­traite for all straungers, a Citie reioysing in friendshippes, societies, and gratu­lations, to be nowe made voyde of dwellers, poore in the presence and counte­naunces of men and women, no place lefte for hospitallitie, no one man hable to feede his familie for one moneth, and in place of stately feastes, meetinges, and banquettes, nothing left but penurie, desolation, and feare to showe friendshippe, men sighing in the sorrowes of their wyues and children, whome they can not comfort, and women wayling the seueritie of their common destinie. And these calamities (oh gracious Prince of Hanavv) woulde bee yet greater, if we conside­red not that on your vertuous wyll dependeth eyther the laste desolation of oure afflicted countrey, or the hope that once agayne vnder the winges of Caesar, gui­ded by your highe wisedome and clemencie, we mighte lifte vp oure heades, not to be restored (for that agreeth not with our merite and fortune) but consuming our lyues to thuttermost, to auoyde at least an extreme and laste destruction: A grace whiche wee so muche the more exspecte and hope for, by howmuche your affabilitie and easinesse is knowen to vs, wherein we doubt not but you wyll resem­ble and immitate Caesar, with whose examples of clemencie all Europe is repleni­shed. All our wealth is consumed, all our hopes determined, all our fortunes layde at your feete, there remayneth nothing else to vs but our lyues and persons, a­gaynst the whiche to vse crueltie, were neyther profite to Caesar, nor prayse to you: for, as that benefite is vniust that is purchased with the hurte of an other, so that glorie can not be without infamie, that is wonne with the punishment of men in miserie. Clemencie is as greate a vertue as iustice, and Nature hath sowen in men aswell seedes of pitie and forgiuenesse, as of crueltie and reuenge, and hath enioyned Princes aboue all other creatures, to beare an infinite regarde to the dig­nitie of vertue. We beseeche you with teares, which it may please you to imagine [Page 472] to be mingled with the miserable complaintes of euery sex, of euery age, & of euery order that is within this Citie, to make the wretched and desolate state of Vincensa an example to all others of the clemencie of thAlmain empire: Call to your hono­rable memories the pitie and magnanimitie of your renowmed elders, who beeing victorious in Italie, preserued the Cities that were vnited and confederate, many of them choosing those seates for their proper dwellings, and from thence, to the sin­guler glorie of thAlmain race, are discended so many noble houses in Italie, as Gonsa­guo, Catraro, and Escalo who sometimes were our Lordes. Let Vincensa serue at one time for example, both that the Venetians ayded and supported by vs in our lesser daungers, haue cowardly and dishonorably left it abandoned in the greatest perills and necessitie of defence that euer coulde happen: and on the other side that the Almains, in whom was some reason to distresse vs, haue ioyned remission to our of­fences, and both frankely and gloriously preserued vs whome by due iustice they might haue put to punishment. The punishment of one onely is not crueltie, but the calamities of many: That Prince that lookes stricktly vppon the offences of his people, cannot be called mercifull, but rigorous: and hauing an example in the dea­ling of God with sinners, if he looke straitely vpon offendors, who can abyde it? We appeale also to you oh inuincible Lorde Chaumont, to take vs into your protection: looke backe to thexample of your king, whose clemencie was greater to them of Millan and Genovvay drawne into reuolte without necessitie, then was their faulte which was both voluntarie and vaine: but after they had found his clemencie grea­ter then their transgression, and that his pardon preuayling aboue their offences, he had reclaymed them by so great a benefite as to gyue them lyfe, he coulde neuer after finde any fault in their fidelitie and seruice. Seueritie keepes men in obedience but it is by compulsion, which is seruile: but clemencie winneth the heart and af­fection, whiche confirmeth the suretie of the Prince. Oh Prince of Hanavv, if the preseruation of Vincensa turne nothing to the profite of Caesar, at the least it will bring him glorie, remayning as a perpetuall example of his benignitie: If he destroy it, it can serue him to no vse, and the seueritie whiche he vseth to vs will be gree­uous to all Italie: Clemencie will make acceptable to all men the name of Caesar, and as in actions of warre and managing of an armie, he is knowne to haue great affinitie with the auncient Caesar, so in beeing easie to pardon where he hath power to punishe, his clemencie will make him equall with Caesar in all those ver­tues which haue made his name perpetuall to all posterities. Vincensa that flouri­shing and auncient Citie, and heretofore the seate of nobilitie, lyeth nowe prostrate at your feete: she exspecteth from you eyther her preseruation or destruction, her lyfe or death: take pitie of so many innocent persons, so many vnfortunate women, and so many guiltles children, who in that lamentable night full of folly and error, medled with nothing, and nowe with plaintes and waylings exspect your delibera­tion. To pardon many for thoffence of one, is thoffice of a pitifull prince, but to pu­nish many for the fault of one, can not but holde of tyrannie. Consider that what is done by force and necessitie, bringes with it a sufficient reason of excuse: In which regarde we kisse your knees, and aswell with the repentance of thoffendours, as with the innocencie of the guiltles, and lastly with the humilitie and submission of this whole afflicted state, we beseche you pronounce at last that reuiuing voyce of mer­cie and clemencie, through the whiche our wretched Citie comming to receiue a new life, shall call you alwayes her right worthy preseruer and patron.’

Suche is the obstinacie of a mynde once iustly iniuried, that neither the pitifull [Page 473] phrase of this Oration, nor the sorrowfull aspect of the speaker lying prostrate at his feete, and muche lesse the compassion of so wretched a Citie, coulde moderate the mynde of the Prince of Hanavv, whose felicitie making him insolent, and hys authoritie cruell, he coulde not so muche commaunde ouer his passions, as to make his words lesse cruell then his deedes, making by the mouth of a Doctor this rigo­rous and vncomfortable aunswere.

Thinke not that eyther the power of your perswasions, ‘or other respect of your dissembled sorrowes, can suffice to wipe out of memorie the faultes you haue com­mitted agaynst the maiestie of the name of Caesar, without any regarde to his great­nesse or dignitie, and lesse respect to the honor wherein you were receiued by him: you haue by common councell & consent of the whole citie, called into your towne the Venetian armie, who forcing the suburbes with great difficultie, distrusted to take it, and beganne to go away: you called them in agaynst the will of the Prince that represented the person of Caesar: you constrayned that prince to retyre into the Castel, & in the furie of your rebellion haue sacked the artilleries and munitions of Caesar: you haue torne in peeces his pauillions displayed in honor of his vic­tories in so many warres and triumphes. These insolencies were not done by the souldiours of the Venetians, but the people of Vincensa haue defyled their loyaltie, discouering their violent thirste after the blood of thAlmains: It was not long of you that the Venetian armie tooke not Verona, whiche they had done, if knowing thoccasion, they had followed the victorie: This happned not by the counsayle or perswasion of Fracasso, who abused by your slaunders, hath expressed clearely hys innocencie: it was an effect of your wicked mindes, it moued by a poysoned im­pression of hatred, which without cause you beare to the Almain name: your of­fences are so haynous, as there is no place lefte for pardon or merite: the despite of the iniurie you haue done, maketh double the desyre of reuenge: it was not your errours that made you offende, but your wicked inclinations, and therefore to vse clemencie to you, woulde bee both hurtefull and infamous, for that you woulde returne to your vomite vppon euery occasion: And the harmes you haue receiued, haue not bene for a punishment and skourge of your faults, but for that you would obstinately perseuer in rebellion: And nowe that the Venetians haue abandoned you, you haue no other remedie to defende you, but to implore the pitie of Caesar, whom you haue betrayed. The Prince was determined not to heare you, following thintention and commission of Caesar, and yet he hath not denied you audience, sa­tisfying the will of the Lord Chaumont: but he will not chaunge the sentence, which since the first daye of your rebellion hath remayned fixed in the minde of Caesar: he will not receyue you otherwise, then to discression for your goodes, your ho­nours, and your lyues: And hope not that he will do that to showe you the more clemencie, but the better to make you serue for example of punishment to such as accursedly breake their faith to their soueraigne Prince.’

The seueritie of this aunswere dyd not a little amaze the aggreeued people of Vincensa, who seeming to suffer a generall priuation of all sence and feeling, began eftsones with a newe estate of teares and sorowe, to recommende them to the mer­cy of him in whom they discerned nothing more ready then a disposition to reuēge: But being repulsed by the same Doctor, rebuking them with words more bitter and fierce then the first, they stood more desperat then before, expressing by their lookes which they cast vpō Mōsr Chaumōt, how much they hoped in him, & how greuously wrought in them the sharpe answers of the Doctor: Chaumont encouraged them to [Page 474] obey necessitie, and in giuing them selues wholy vp to the wil of the Prince, to seeke to appease his wrath: he comforted them in the singular humanitie and curte­sie of Caesar, in whome beeing a Prince of so noble race and an excellent Cap­tayne, was not to be exspected that he woulde doe a thing vnworthy of his name and vertue: he wylled them not to bee amased with the seuere aunswere that was made, but sayde it serued better for their turne that noble and free myndes should sometymes burste oute sharpe and byting wordes, for that deliuering by that meane some parte of their anger, the rygour of their dooings was thereby some­what the more abated: he offred to doo all that he coulde to moderate the minde of the Prince, so farre foorth as they woulde preuente the worste by humbling them selues simply to his discression: by whose counsayle and consideration of The Vincen­tins yeelde to discression. their owne necessitie, the poore afflicted Vincentins falling eftsoones prostrate on the grounde, referred absolutely both their honours, lyues, and citie to the power of him in whome they coulde yet discerne no hope of mercy; Then Monsr de Chaumont beganne to solicite for them, declaring to the Prince, that in chastising them he was to respect more the greatnesse and glorie of Caesar, then the qualitie of their offence: That he shoulde not set downe suche an example to others that were to fall into the lyke faultes, least dispayring to obteyne mercy, they woulde become obstinate to thextremitie: That clemencie had alwayes brought foorth to Princes goodwill, suretie, and reputation, where crueltie was the cause of disobedience, distruste, and conspiracie, not taking awaye (as manye vndiscretly beleeue) impedimentes and difficulties, but rather serued as working instrumentes to redouble them and make them greater: lastly he tolde him that it was worthy the vertue of a noble Prince, to forbeare to strike when he had power to do it, and not by correction to encrease thaffliction of suche as are sufficiently punished with the remorse of their proper transgressions: his authoritie accompanied with the petitions of many others, together with the miserable waylings of the Vincen­tins, ranged the Prince at last to this moderation, to promise them safetie of lyfe, the disposition of all their goods remayning wholly at hys will: A bootie greater in opinion then in effect, for that the Citie was lefte almoste no lesse desolate of men then of goods. The Almains in this license of warre searching after praye and spoyle, vnderstoode that many of the towne and countrey were withdrawne with their goodes into two caues in a certayne mountayne neare to Vincensa called the gutter of Masano, where by the strength of the place, and difficultie to enter, they supposed to finde securitie, or at least to be free from the furie of the souldi­ours: Thither went many trowpes of the Almains to make pillage of the Caues, and beeing not hable after long tryall and many harmes, to force suche as were within the great Caue, they went to the lesser, where making a vayne experience of their strength, they vsed at laste the meane of fyres, and by the benefite of the smoake carried it, with the losse of more then a thousande persons: Suche are the insolencies of souldiours when is no authoritie to bridle their furie, and libertie hath lawe to ouercome discipline.

Vincensa being taken in this maner greater difficulties appeared in other thinges carying more respect and importance then was exspected in the beginning: for, not onely Maxymyltan did not stirre against the Venetians as he had promised, but also the regiments which he had in Italy diminished continually for want of paye: In so much as Monsr Chaumont was constrained to stay him selfe vpon the garding of Vin­censa, much lesse that he was able to execute any other enterprise, thincertenties of [Page 475] thEmprour standing as great impediments to his vallour, and most preiudiciall to the common fortune of them both: Neuerthelesse he determined to goe incampe before Leguaguo, A towne of such special regard, that if it were not taken, all that had bene done till that day serued to nothing: The riuer of Adice passeth by the towne of Leguaguo, and the lesser part of the same which they call the hauen is towards Mon­tagnana, where the Venetians not reapposing so much in the strength of the towne & vallour of the defenders, as in thopportunitie & impediments of the waters, had cut the riuer in one place: And in an other porcion of the banke where is the greater part of the towne, they had cut it in two places, so as the riuer comming falling through those trenches and so spred it selfe by many armes into the lowest places, had so co­uered the contrey about, that standing drowned for many monethes, it was almost become a marrishe: it hapned that the rashnes and disorder of the Venetian bandes, partly made these difficulties lesser: for, Monsr Chaumont comming to incampe with his armie at Minerua three myles from Leguaguo, and hauing sent before certeine of his horsemen and footemen, who as they would haue passed the last arme of the wa­ter which was within halfe a mile of Leguaguo, they encowntred the bandes of foote­men which kept the warde of Porto who were yssued out to stoppe them of passage: But the foote bandes of the Gascons and Spanyardes rushing resolutely into the water vp to the brest, repulsed them and pursued them with such vallour & furie, that they entred with them pellmell into Porto very fewe of the footemen of that place being saued, for that as some were slaine in flying, so the greater parte that sought into Le­guaguo were drowned as they would haue passed the riuer of Adice: This succes cau­sed Monsr Chaumont to leauy his campe at Minerua, going the same night to lodge within Porto: And after he had caused to trayle vnder the water, the great artilleries which the firme bottom of earth did susteine, he caused the laborers and poyners the same night to fill vppe and choke the trench of the riuer: And knowing that on that side to Porto, Leguaguo was inexpugnable for the largenes of the riuer, so great, that scarcely could they fight on that side, (notwithstanding betwene Leguaguo and Porto for that it is incompassed with the hills, it is not so large as below) he cōmaun­ded to prepare a bridge for thartillerie and greatest part of tharmie to passe on the other side: but finding the boates & barkes which he had caused to be brought the­ther, not to suffice for the largenes of the riuer, he incamped neare the riuer vppon the opposit of Leguaguo making to passe by the benefit of the boates and barkes to thother side of Adice, Capteine Molard with fower thowsand Gascon footemen and six peeces of artillery, assoone as they were ouer the riuer, they began on both sides the riuer to batter the bastillion which was vppon the rising of a hill at the poynt of the towne, on that side aboue: And hauing battred a great parte of it, notwithstan­ding the defendantes expressed great office and vallour in renforcing, yet the night following, the treasorer of the Venetian campe, hauing more feare of his ennemie then hope or confidence in his owne people, withdrew him selfe suddeinly into the castell with certeine Venetian gentlemen: Assoone as it was day and their retyring [...]. vnderstanded, the Capteine of the footemen that garded the bastillion, rendred it to Molard, their liues and goods saued, which neuerthelesse was not obserued, for that when he was come out, he and his footemen were stripped by the souldiours of the campe: A licence contrary to the law and reputacion of armes: By thexample of the bastillion the towne was immediatly put to sacke by Capteine Molard, & the bands of footemen who garded an other bastillion made on the other point of the towne, fled through the marish, leauing their armor & weapons in entring the water: Thus [Page 476] Leguaguo by the cowardise of suche as were within it, was conquered with a more ready facilitie and speede then either was exspected or imagined, the cowardise on the one parte giuing as great oportunitie to the victorie, as the vallour of the other side: The castell made no greater resistance then the towne, for, the bulwarkes and defenses being executed the daye following by the artillerie, and beginning to vn­dermyne one side of a tower with intencion afterwards to giue fire to it, they with­in fearing the perill which yet was but in demonstracion, yeelded them selues with condicion that the gentlemen of Venice remeyning in the power of Monsr Chau­mont, the souldiours shoulde departe with a white rodde in their hande: fortune in this victorie mixed the felicitie of Monsr Chaumont with some bitter composicion, for that in that place he had aduertisement of the deathe of his Vncle the Cardinall Amboise, by whose great authoritie and regiment with the french kinge, he, hauing bene already raysed to high promocions and honors, hoped still to be lifted vp high­er, ‘and receiue farre greater aduauncements: suche a busie humor is ambicion, for that in whome it ruleth, it makes them hard to be contented with thinges that they haue, since that which they haue gotten doth not content them, so longe as they hope to haue better:’ for that the Almains had not then sufficient souldiours to leaue within Leguaguo, Chaumont resupplied their garrison with an hundred launces and a thowsand footemen, And so giuing licence to the Grisons and Valesiens (footemen marcenarye in this seruice) he prepared to returne with the residue of his armie to the Duchie of Myllan, following the commaundement of the king who woulde no more enterteyne so great exspenses: of this armie, for that the prouisions on Caesars part aūswered not the promises that were made, there came no effect of importāce (their fortune offring to bring to passe the things that either their policie could not foresee, or their vallour durst not attempt:) Neuerthelesse the king sent a new com­maundement to Chaumont to staye yet for the whole moneth of Iune, for that Caesar, being thē come to Yspruch, no lesse replenished with difficulties according to his cu­stom, then perplexed with plots & hopes, made instance that he should not depart, promising from hower to hower that he would passe into Italy: About which time the Almains desiring to reconquer Marostiquo, Citadella, Basciano & other peeces there abouts, to make the discending of Caesar more easy on that side, Monsr Chaumont with M. Chaumont incampeth as Lungaro. his armie encamped at Lungaro vpon the riuer of Baguillon, to thende to stoppe the Venetian companies for entring into Vincensa (very weake in garrison) and that they should not oppose against the Almains: But, being there aduertised that the Venetians were retyred to Padoa, the Almains ioyning them selues of new with him, they went to the Torricelli vppon the high waye that leadeth from Vincensa to Padoa, And from thence leauing Padoa on the right hand, they marched to Citadella with no litle discō ­moditie of vittels, being troubled by the light horsemen that were within Padoa, and much more by such as were at Monselice: Citadella yelded without resistāce, by whose exāple also Marotisto, Basciano, with other peeces thereabouts abandoned by the Ve­netians, came to composicion: In so much as thinges being dispatched on that side, the armies returned to the Torricelli, and leauing Padoa on the right hand, and taking towards the mountaine on the left hand, they encamped aboue Brenta neare to the moūtaine within ten miles of Vincensa: the chief reason why they went to that place, was, for that the Almains desired to occupy Escalo, A passage very conuenient for the regiments that were to come out of Germanye, And a peece that onely of all other places from Treuisa to Vincensa, remeyned in the handes of the Venetians: from this place the Prince of Hanavv being departed with his Almains and an hundred french [Page 477] launces, tooke the way of Escalo which was xxv. miles from thence: But he coulde passe no further, for that the paisants and contrey people, bearing an incredible af­fection to the Venetians, and such as being prisoners stucke not to offer their bodies to torments and death rather then to deny them or to speake ill of them, had taken many passages in the mountaine: And after he had obteyned by composicion new­castell which is also a passage of the mountaine, he returned to the incamping place about Brento, hauing sent by an other way towardes Escalo, many of his footemen, who, according to his direction forsooke the way of Basciano, to auoyd Couolo which is a stronge passage in the mountaines there, And taking the tower more lowe by the waye of Feltro, they founde a very fewe people within Feltro, which they sacked and burned, and so tooke the waye to Escalo, which, with the passage of Couolo, they founde abandoned: About that tyme also the ruynes were nothing lesse in the con­trey of Fryul, for that being sometymes assayled by the Venetians, and sometymes inuaded by the Almains, nowe defended and eftsoones pillaged by the gentlemen of the contrey, this daye aduaunsing, and that daye declining according to occasi­ons and tymes: there was seene in euery place nothing more then dead carcasses of men, townes sacked, and fortresses burned: And as the calamities that a warre draw­eth with it be infinit, so it hapned often tymes that the places which had bene first sacked by one armie, was eftsoones burned by the other, & except certayne stronge peeces, all the residue of the contrey put to miserable destruction: But because in those actions there was nothing done worthy of memory, it would be no lesse super­fluous to recompt the perticularities, then trouble some to vnderstande so many va­riable reuolucions which brought forth no effect importing the substance of the warre.

The time nowe approching that the french armie should depart, there was made this newe conuencion betwene Caesar and the french king, that his armie should yet Conuencion betwene Cae­sar and the fr. king. continue for the moneth following, with couenant that the extraordinary exspenses such as ronne ouer and aboue the payes of the bandes which the king had defrayed till that time, should be payed hereafter by Caesar, together with the regiments of the footemen for that moneth: But because Caesar was not then prouided of money, the rate and summe shoulde be sette downe of those exspenses, and the Kinge to make it vp by way of loane to the summe of fifty thowsande duckats: which if Caesar did not repaye within one yeare following together with the other fifty thowsande which were lent him before, the king should resume into his handes Verona with all the territories, and keepe it possessed til he were satisfied: Chaumont hauing the kings commaundement to follow still those warres, turned all his wits and deuises to take Monselice, In which disposicion assoone as foure hundred spanish launces led by the Duke of Termyny were arriued, who, being sent by the king Catholike to the succors of Maxymylian, had according to their custom marched very slowly: The armies af­ter they had passed the riuer of Brento, and afterwards the riuer of Baguillon at the vil­lage of Purlo within fiue myles of Padoa, arriued at Monselice, not without suffering a wonderfull scarcetie of vittels and forrages by thincursions of horsemen that were within Padoa and Monselice, who besides those domages, tooke S. Benzone de Cremo, A Capteine for the french king being gonne with a very slender strength of horse­men to view the skowtes: This Capteine, for that he was the Author of the rebelli­on of Cremo, Andrea Gritti respecting more that he was a subiect to the Venetians, then a souldiour of thennemies, caused him to be executed presently.

In the towne of Monselice which standeth in the plaine, is a rising as it were a sto­ny [Page 478] hill, (by that reason it is called Monselice) which is very high, in the top whereof is a castel, And at the backe of that hil which goeth alwaies lessening be three wastes of walls, the lowest wherof embraseth so much space that it well needeth two thow­sand The taking of Monselice men to defend it against a whole armie: The enemies abandoned suddeinly the towne wherein the french being bestowed, planted their artillerie against the first wast, and after they had wel battred it in many places, the footemen of the Gascons & Spanyards began to approch the wal in disorder, striuing to enter by many breaches: There were within for the defence of it, seuen hundred men, who supposing it had bene an assalt appointed and ordered, and seeing their disabilitie to make resistance if the assalt had bene followed in sondry places, after they had made a small defence, began to retyre according to an agreement made amongest them selues before as was beleeued: But they made their retraite in such disorder, that thennemy that be­gan but now to enter, interteyning with them the skirmish & chasse, entred pelmell with them at the other two wastes & so to the castel: There the greatest part of them were slaine, and the residue which were withdrawne to the dungion offering to yeld vpon sewertie of life, were not accepted by the Almains, whose furie ioyned to their fortune, led them at last to put fire in the dungeon: so as of seuen hundred footemen thexecucioners reserued very few, euery one bearing lesse compassion to their cala­mities for the cowardisse they shewed in their owne defense: There were amongest them fiue Constables & Mareshals wherof Martynde Bourg of Tuskane was the prin­cipall, who being parties in the confusion, they founde seuerally their perticular for­tune: The crueltie of thAlmains was shewed nothing lesse against the buildings and walls, for, not hauing sufficient companies to gard them, they did not onely disman­tel the fortresse of Monselice, but also consumed the towne with fire, holding nothing vnlawfull which was within the compasse of their furie to accomplish: After this iorney, those armies did nothing of importance, sauing that foure hundred french launces ronne vp to the gates of Padoa, rather declaring their goodwil, then doing a­ny action worthy so great vallour: About this tyme the Duke of Ferrara departed from the campe, and Monsr Chastillon with him, whom Chaumont sent with two hun­dred and fifty launces for the gard of Ferrara where the people liued in great suspici­on, for that the bands of the Pope were not farre from thence: The Almains perswa­ded much Monsr Chaumont (vrging the traitie that was made betwene them before) to goe incampe before Treuisa, laying affore him that the actions which had bene done with so great exspenses, were of litle importance, if Treuisa were not taken: for, touching Padoa, there was no hope to be able to haue it: Of the contrary, Chaumont replied that Caesar was not discēded against the Venetians with such forces as he had promised, as also such as were ioyned to his armie were reduced to a very small num­ber: That within Treuisa, where the Venetians had made very great fortificacions, there were strong companies of souldiours: lastly he alleaged that the store of vittels was worne out of the contrey, and no lesse the difficultie to bringe prouision to the campe from farre places for the continual vexacion of the light horsemen and stra­diots of the Venetians, who being aduertised by the diligēt espiall of the contrey men of euery litle mouing that they made, and being besides in great number, discouered themselues alwaies in euery place where they thought they might endomage them: These disputacions ceassed by a newe commaundement that came from the french king to Chaumont, that leauing in the armie of thAlmains foure hundred launces and fifteene hundred spanish footmen of the kings pay, besides those that were in garri­son in Leguaguo, he should suddenly returne with his armie to the Duchie of Myllan: [Page 479] for that many troubles & daungers began to disclose by meane of the Pope: by rea­son whereof Monsr Chaumont leauing the gouernment of those companies to Monsr Persi, followed the kinges commaundement, And the Almains distrusting to be able to doe any thing of importance, put them selues into Loniguo.

The Pope had of longe time set downe in his minde an obstinate resolucion not The Popes deliberation to chasse the french out of Italy. only to repossesse the Church of many estates which he pretended to apperteine to him, but also to chasse the frenche kinge out of all that he helde in Italy: The matter that induced this disposicion was either a secrete and auncient ill will that he bare him, or els a setled suspicion and ielowsie which he had nourished a longe time and now was conuerted into extreame hatred: or happly it might be an ambicion of glorie to be the deliuerer (as he boasted afterwards) of Italy from forreine nations: To these endes he had absolued the Venetians of the Churche censures: To these endes was he entred into intelligence and straite alliance with the Svvyzzers, ma­king semblance to proceede in those thinges more for his proper sewertie, then for desire to offend an other: And to these endes not being able to withdrawe the Duke of Ferrara from the deuocion of the french king, he was determined to doe all that he could to occupie that Duchie, blasing his deuises with this cooller, that he stirred onely for the quarrell of the salt and salt pits: And yet to thende not to discloase the plainesse of his thoughts vntil he were better prepared, he had continuall negociaci­on with Albert Pio, to haue agreement with the french king, not sparing to protest openly, though he kept his intencions dissembled: The kinge for his parte interpre­ting all his discontentment to come for that he had taken the Duke of Ferrara into his protection, and hauing a carefull desire to auoyde his ill will, consented to con­tract with him newe couenants, referring him selfe to the capitulacions of Cambray, wherein was expressed that not one of the confederats shoulde intrude into the thinges apperteyning to the Church, and did insert with all such wordes and clau­ses as might make it lawfull to the Pope to proceede against the Duke of Ferrara so farre forth as concerned the perticularitie of the salt and salt mynes, to which endes the kinge supposed that the Popes thoughtes did chiefly aspyre: wherein he made such interpretacion of the protection which he had taken of the Duke of Ferrara, as though there was left to him a lawefull libertie to contract with the Pope in that manner: But the nearer the king approched to the demaundes of the Pope, the fur­ther was he estranged and seperate from him, inclining nothinge the more for the newes he heard of the death of Cardinall Amboise: for, to such as perswaded him to the peace, and tooke their argument vppon this, that his suspicions were nowe fini­shed, he aunswered that the same king liuing, the same ielowsies did yet endure, con­firming his opinion by this that the accord made by the Cardinall of Pauya had bene violated by the king of his proper deliberacion contrary to the will and councell of the Cardinall Amboise: yea such as looked deepely into the intencions of the Pope and his manner of dealings, founde that his stomacke and hopes were so much the more increased and not without occasion: for, the qualities of the kinge being such as he stoode in more necessitie to be gouerned, then that he was able or proper to gouerne, it is without dout that he was much weakened by the death of the Cardi­nal, since that besides his longe experience, his abilitie of witte was great, and stoode withall in such grace and authoritie with the kinge and had such power ouer his di­rections and councells, that he would often tymes take vpon him to giue of him self a forme and resolucion of affayres: A matter which could not be founde in such as succeeded him in the gouernment, who durst not communicat with the kinge in af­faires [Page 480] which they thought would displease him, much lesse that they had authoritie to deliberat: Besides, he reaposed not the same faith & confidence in their councels, and being a body of a councell compounded vpon many persons, & they respecting one another without any great trust in their new authoritie, they proceeded both more coldly and carelesly then either thimportance of the present affaires required, or was necessary against the heate and importunity of the Pope: who not accepting any of the offers that were made to him by the king, required him at last to renoūce, not with condicion and limitacion, but absolutely and simply, the protection which he had taken of the Duke of Ferrara, not weighing to aduaunce his owne purposes with the kings dishonor: And albeit the king perswaded him much that such a re­nunciacion would bring him great infamie, yet it was in vaine to labor to stay him with wordes and reasons, whose ambicions were infinit and his intencions full of malice, with which propertie of minde he aunswered the king, that seeing he refused to renownce simply, he would also take libertie not to contract with him, nor yet to be against him, and not binding him selfe to any person, he woulde studye to main­teyne the state of the Church in peace, beginning euen then to complayne more then euer of the Duke of Ferrara: whose friendes waighing wisely with what aduer­sary he had to doe, perswaded him to giue ouer the working & making of salt, which he aūswered he could not do without preiudicing the rights of thEmpire to whom the iust iurisdiction of Comacho apperteyned: many entred into a certeine dout and opinion which tooke increasing with time, that Albert Pio the french kings Embas­sador, not proceeding sincerely in his lagacion, stirred vp the Pope against the Duke of Ferrara, for a burning desire he had (wherein he continued till his death) that Al­fonso should be deposed from the dukedom of Ferrara: The reason was for that Her­cules, father of Alfonso, hauing had certeine yeares affore, of Gilbert Pio, the moyty of the dominion of Carpy, giuing him in recompense the borow of Sassola with certeine other landes, Albert feared least in the ende the other moytye eyther by compul­sion or corrupcion woulde deuolue to him, thexperience often hapning that the neighbour lesse riche and able yeldeth to the couetousnes of the most welthye and mightie: ‘A matter which in all common weales hath bene seene to minister no small troubles, and therefore it hath not bene thought good that the poore and rich should dwell neare together, for that as in the wealth of the rich man are sowne the seedes of enuie in the mind of the poore man, so of the wants of the poore, & super­fluities of the rich,’ are nourished the disorders of a whole people: But what so euer was the simplicitie and truth of it, the Pope expressing tokens of a person vnappea­sable against Alfonso, and hauing a full resolucion to leauye warre against him, pre­pared first to proceede with thauthoritie and censures of the Church: Wherein se­king to giue some iustification to the groundes of this action, he gaue it out that he had founde amongest the recordes of the chamber apostolike, thinuestiture of the towne of Comacho, giuen by Popes to the house of Este: These were the publike and manifest behauiours of the Pope, but in secrete he solicited to sette abroache farre greater mouinges, wherein he seemed to haue giuen a good foundacion to his af­faires in contracting amitie with the Svvyzzers, and to haue at his deuocion the Ve­netians who nowe were vppon their feete: Besides, he sawe that the kinge of Ara­gon respected the same ende that he did, or at least was not sowndly ioyned with the french kinge: That the forces and authoritie of Caesar were so weakened that there was left no occasion to feare him: And lastly that he was not without hopes to pro­cure the king of England to stirre: But that which should most haue appeased him, [Page 481] he made to serue most to stirre vp & kindle his stomacke, which was the knowledge he had that the frēch king hauing no disposicion to make warre against the church, nourished a setled desire to haue peace, In so much as it seemed that it would alwaies remeyne in his power, to drawe him to peace yea though he had leauyed armes a­gainst him: The reason of these matters making him rise dayly more insolent, and redoubling openly his complayntes and threates agaynst the Frenche Kinge and Duke of Ferrara, he refused in the feaste of the celebracion of S. Peter (A day where­in accordinge to auncient custome are offered the tributes which are due to the seege Apostolyke) to accept the tribute of the Duke of Ferrara, saying that the eua­sion of Alexander the sixt who in marying his Daughter had from foure thow­sande duckats reduced that offeringe to a hundred, coulde not take example to the preiudice of that sea: Besides, he woulde not affore this tyme giue licence to the Cardinall of Achx and other frenche Cardinalls to returne into Fraunce, and vn­derstanding that daye that the Cardinall of Achx was gone to take the pleasure of the fieldes with certein greahowndes, he entred into a vayne suspicion that he would secretly start away, and therefore sent speedely after to take him and helde him pri­soner in the castell S. Ange: Thus disclosing openly his manifest contencion with the Frenche Kinge, and for that cause seeing him selfe so much the more constray­ned to laye great and assured foundacions, he graunted to the King Catholike thin­uestiture of the kingdome of Naples vnder condicion of the same tribute with the which the kings of Aragon had obteyned it, notwithstanding he had refused affore to bestow it otherwaies then for forty thowsand duckats, A rate affore time imposed vpon the french when he obteined it: In this action the Pope respected not so much the bond which in other inuestitures of the same kingdom, was wont to be made to him to enterteyne euery yeare for him as often as neede required 3. hundred men at armes for the defence of the Church as the desire he had to make him his friend, ioyned to a hope that his aydes (vpon occasion) might doe much to leade him into open contencion with the french king: Whereof were already discerned certeyne seedes and beginnings for that the king Catholike, suspecting much the greatnes of the french, and no lesse ielous of his ambicion, for that not content with the limits of the league of Cambray, he aspired to draw to his obedience the citie of Verona, and besides all this, being pushed on by the memorie of auncient quarrels, desired great­ly that there might be found some impediment in his affayres, And therefore ceas­sed not to councell a peace betweene Caesar and the Venetians, which was not a litle desired by the Pope: And albeit he proceeded secretly in those actions, yet he was not able altogether to couer his thoughtes: In so much as his armie by sea beinge falne vpon Sicile, which he sent to assayle the Ile of Gerbes (anyland aunciently cal­led by the Lattins the great Sirta) the king was entred into suspicion, and the mindes of men that were well acquaynted with his suttletyes, were occupied with many dowtes.

But as in worldely dealinges it often hapneth that the thinge that is feared least, doth soonest chaunce, and hurteth moste, so troubles and perplexities beganne to rise to the Frenche Kinge, from those partes which he dowted least, and in a tyme wherein he had no exspectacion of any mouing of armes to be prepared agaynst him: for, the Pope betweene whose suttletye and secrecye was no difference, wor­king alwayes vnder hande, solicited that at one tyme Genes might be assayled both by sea and lande: That twelue thowsande Svvyzzers might discende vppon the Duchie of Myllan: That the Venetians shoulde take the fielde to recouer their [Page 682] townes holden by Caesar: And that his owne armie should enter vpon the contrey of Ferrara, with intencion to passe afterwards into the Duchie of Myllan if things begā to succeede happely to the Svvyzzers: he hoped that Genes being assailed vpon the suddein, there would easily arise some mutacion or mutinie, both for that there were many that bare no sownd affection to the french, and also that the faction of Frego­sa would minister ayde, going thether vnder cooller to make Duke, Octauian, whose father and Vncle had possessed the same dignitie: That the french men amased for the commocion of Genes and inuasion of the Svvyzzers, woulde reuoke to the Du­chie of Myllan, all the bandes which they had with Caesar and the Duke of Ferrara, which would be a cause that the Venetians should easily recouer Verona, and after­wards set vpon the Duchie of Myllan: lastly that his regiments shoulde doe the like after they had made an easie conquest of Ferrara beinge abandoned of the french, making a iudgement vpon these computacions, that the state of Myllan would haue no abilitie of defence against so many enemies, and so suddeine a warre: he began at one time the warre against Ferrara and against Genes: And albeit the Duke of Fer­rara (against whom he proceeded the more to hasten thexecucion as against a no­torious offender) offered to giue him the saltes that were made at Comacho, with ob­ligacion that hereafter there shoulde be no more made: yet (nothinge can satisfie a mind possessed with malice) after he had licensed his Embassadors he caused his ar­mie The Popes ariuie against Ferrara and Genes. to march against him, which with the onely somonce of a trompet, and no de­fence appearing, obteined Cente & Pieua: Which borowes apperteining first to the bishoprike of Bolognia, Pope Alexander in marying his Daughter, had annexed them to the Duchie of Ferrara recompensing the bishoprike with other reuenues: Against Genes were sent eleuen gallies of the Venetians guided by Grillo Conterin, and one spe­ciall gallie of the Popes, carying Octauian Fregosa, Ieronimo Dorea with many other of the banished men of that state: And by land at the same time and for the same ex­pedicion was dispatched M. Anth. Colonno with a hundred men at armes and seuen hundred footemen: This Capteine hauing left the pay of the Florentyns, and being interteyned by the Pope, aboade vpon the territories of Lucqua vnder cooller to fur­nish his band, giuing out a brute that he was afterwards to goe to Bolognia: And al­beit Monsr Chaumont entred into some suspicion of Genes by reason of his abiding, yet not knowing that the armie by sea was to come, and the Pope spreading a suttle and dissembling brute that the preparacions of the Svvyzzers and houering of M. Anth. were to execute some surprise vpon Ferrara: Chaumont made no other proui­sion for Genes then a certeine smal crew of footemen whome he sent thether.

Marke Anth. marched with his companies vp to the vale of Visagna within a mile of the walls of Genes, notwithstanding he was not receiued (according to the Popes hopes) either into Serezana or into the towne of Spetia: and at the same time the ar­mie by sea which had occupied Sestria and Chiauara, was come from Rapalo to the mouth of the riuer Entelle which falleth into the sea neare the porte of Genes: But there were entred into Genes for the french kinge at the first brute that thennemies approached, the sonnes of Io. Lovvys de fiesquo with eight hundred mē of the contrey, with whom was ioyned the Catdinalls Nephew of Finalo with an equal proporcion of souldiours, which both assured the towne, and kept suppressed all sturres & com­mocions: By this succor and prouidence, the Pope and the exiles being deceiued of their principall hope, seeing besides a continuall flocking and concursse of people, out of Lombardye and the riuer of Ponaut together with six great gallies entring the hauen guided by Pressan, they thought that to tary longer there could not but bringe [Page 483] more perill then profit: And therefore both the nauie by sea, and tharmie by lande returned to Rapalle, where in assaying to take Portofino dyed Francisco Bolani a patron of one of the Venetian gallies: from thence their armie by sea hoyssing sayle to goe to Ciuita uechia, M. Anth. Colonno dowting his sewertie to passe by land for the com­mocions of the contrey men and popular furie alwayes raging against souldiours that retyre in disfauour, embarked him self in the gallies with three score of the best horsemen, sending the residue by lande to Spetia, who were all stript aswell vpon the contrey of Genes, as vppon the marches of Lucqua, and frontyers of the Florentyns: This attempt was done with very small honor to Grillo and Octauyan, for that of feare they absteyned to charge the vessells of Preian, who being inferior, it was beleeued that before he entred the hauen they would haue set vpon him with a great aduaun­tage: Assoone as they had weied anker and gone, Preian issued out of the hauen with seuen gallies & foure ships, taking his course to pursue the Venetian nauie which was stronger then he in gallies, but weaker in number of ships: Both the one and other fell with the Ile of Elbo, the Venetians in the port of Lungano, and the french men in the hauen of Ferrat, who returned eftsoones to Genes after they had accoasted then­nemy to the Mount Argentaro: About this time the Popes souldiours were entred into Romana vnder the Duke of Vrbyn against the Duke of Ferrara, where hauing ta­ken the towne of Lugo, Vaguacaual, and all the residue that the Duke held on this side Pavv, they held the castell of Lugo beseeged: And whilest they lay there both in dis­order and without effect, being suddeinly aduertised that the Duke of Ferrara with the french bands, & a hundred & fifty men at armes of his owne, with many trowpes of light horsemen, was marching to the reskewe of it, they leauied their seege, and leauing in praye to the enemie 3. peeces of artillerie, they retyred to Ymola nothing being able to assure them whom feare had compelled to flee: Alfonso taking thad­uauntage of this occasion, recouered with a wonderful facilitical that they had takē from him in Romagnia: But the campe Ecclesiastike being eftsoones reassembled & reassured, reconquered eftsoones the selfe same places, and immediatly after forced the castel of Lugo hauing battred it many dayes: And after the taking of it, their for­tune presented to them an occasion of greater successe: for, being no garrison in Mo­dona, for that the Duke being occupied in defending other places where the daūger was nearest, was not able to refurnish it of him selfe nor obteine of Monsr Chaumont to send thether two hundred launces, The Cardinal of Pauya passing with tharmy to Frank castell obteined by composicion that citie, whether he was inuited to come by Gerrard and Frauncis Maria Rargons gentlemen of Modona, whose authoritie was so great as they were able to dispose of it as best liked them, And in this action it was beleued that they were pushed on more by ambicion and desire of innouacion, then by any other occasion: The losse of Modona was a warning to the Duke against other harmes, who fearing lest the like would happen to Regge, bestowed present garrison there, as also Chaumont, doing after the hurt receiued that which woulde haue profi­ted more in the beginning, sent thether two hundred launces, notwithstanding he had many impediments for the discending of the Svvyzzers.

The confederacion betwene the french king and the Svvyzzers was determined The descen­ding of the Swyzzers to the Duchie of Myllan. many moneths before, the king continuing his resolucion not to augmēt their pensi­ons, contrary to the coūcel of al his Nobles, who aduised him to cōsider of what im­portāce it would be to make those armies his enemies with the which he had before achieued his greatest fortunes: And they already drawn into armes vnder thauthori­ty of the Popes promises, but specially made angry with the kings obstinacy in deny­ing [Page 484] their demaundes, were resolued by an vniuersal consent of the Communalties in an assembly holden at Lucerna, to conspire against him: But Monsr Chaumont looking into the perill of these leauies and stirs, set good gard vpon the passages towards Co­ma, tooke away from the riuers all boates & barkes, withdrew into places of strength all vittels and prouicions, and lastly cut from the mylles their instruments to grinde by, leauing nothing that might be imployed to the seruice of thennemie but the ri­uers and lande which he coulde not remoue: And being vncerteyne whether the Svvyzzers would make their discending vpon the Duchie of Myllan, or els passing the Mount S. Barnard, to enter into Pyemont by the vale of Augusto, and so goe to Sa­uona, with intencion to endomage Genes, or els from thence passing the Appenin, to make inuasions vpon the Duke of Ferrara: he had also induced the Duke of Sauoy to deny them passage, and for their more impediment, he sent with his consent fiue hundred laūces to Yurea, not ceassing neuerthelesse to do all that he could to corrupt with presents & promisses the chiefe cōmaunders of that nation to draw them from their rising, holding it but iust to obiect practise against them in whom was so great lightnes to stirre vpon so smal occasion: But in vaine did he labor and solicite those communalties whose mindes did not reteyne any thing more willingly then the me­mory of the kings denial, being growne from a hatred to a violent desire to be reuen­ged of the french nation: In so much as the Commons (thinking it to be their pro­per cause) notwithstanding the difficulties that were in the Pope to send thē money for that the Fookers bankiers of Germanye who had promised to defraye it for him shronke backe for feare to offend Caesar, 6. thowsand of them leauyed by the Pope en­tred really into thaction in the beginning of September: Amongest whom were 4. hundred horsemen, halfe armed with shot, 2. thowsand fiue hundred footemen with halfacques, & fifty harquebusiers, without artillerie or other prouision of bridges or vessels: In this forniture, they marched turning to the way of Belinsone, & taking the bridge of Tresa, with a garrison of 5. hundred french footemen left abandoned, they incamped at Varesa exspecting there (as they said) the Bishop of Sion with new com­panies: Albeit these beginnings troubled much the mindes of the french, both for an ordinary feare they had of the Svvyzzers, & also perticularly respecting their owne weaknes hauing at that time in Myllan a very smal number of men at armes, for that part of them were distributed for the gard of Bressa, Leguaguo, Valegge & Pesquiero, 3. hundred launces sent to the succors of the Duke of Ferrara, & 5. hundred being ioy­ned with the armie of Almains against the Venetians: yet Monsr Chaumont assembling his forces & expressing his vallour euen amyd his hard fortune, marched with 5. hū ­dred launces & 4. thowsand footemē, & tooke the plaine of Chastillon within 2. miles of Varesa, hauing sent to the Mount of Briansa Ioh. Ia. Triuulce, to thend that not so much with the bands which he brought with him which were in very smal number, as with the fauour & further strength of the men of the contrey, he might be an im­pediment to the Svvyzzers for taking that waye: The Svvyzzers assoone as they wereariued at Varesa, sent to demaūd passage of Monsr Chaumont, saying they would goe to the seruice of the Church: By reason whereof it was douted that they would passe to Ferrara, either by the Duchie of Myllan, by which way, besides thimpedi­ments of the french companies, they should haue found difficultie to haue passed the riuers of Pavv and Oglia: or els by taking the lefthande and coasting by the hils belowe Coma and Lecqua, And passing the riuer of Adda which there is narrow and not rough, from whence they might haue bene guided by the hill of the contrey of Bergamo and Bressia to the riuer of Oglio: And hauing passed ouer there, they might [Page 485] haue discended eyther by the contrey of Bressa or by Guiaradda vpon the marches of Mantua, which is a contrey large & beareth no places of force to haue resisted them: So great was the reputacion of the vallour and order of that nation, that in all euents Monsr Chaumont had no intencion to set vpon them, although they made their dis­cending into the plaine, but with his horsemen & footemen ioyned together & with his field peeces, to accoast and houer vppon them to cut of their vittells, and to giue them as many impediments as he could without assaying the fortune to passe the ri­uers: And in the meane while, for that the places neare Varesa were well furnished with horsemen and footemen, he visited them often times with false alarms keeping them in breath all the night: At Varesa, where the Svvyzzers suffered great want of vittells, A new supply of foure thowsand came & ioyned with them, And the fourth day after their comming, they marched altogether towardes Castillon keeping vpon the left hande a long the hills, marching alwaies in cloase ranke, in good order, more respecting to march in sauetie then to make speede: They were in euery esquadron foure skore or an hundred, the last ranks being all halfaques & harquebusiers: Their obseruacion was such in marching, that much lesse that thēnemy could auoid them by any aduaūtage, but of the contrary they made a valiant defence against the french army which alwaies accoasted them & put them to the skirmish both behind & be­fore, yea some times they would draw out of their squadrons an hundred or fiftye to enterteine the skirmish, some times aduauncing, some times staying, some times re­tyring, not that there could be discerned in their doinges the least disorder: They thought it no dishonor to retyre, when by giuing of place they might profit them selues & endaunger thennemy: In this order they arriued the first day at the passage of the bridge of Vedin, which was garded by Capteine Molard with certeine Gascon fotemē, who being driuē back with the shot of their balfaques, they lodged the same night at Apprana eight miles from Varesa, & Chaumont encamped within Assaron to­wards the hil of Brianso six miles from Appiano: The day following, they drew along the hils, towards Cantu, Chaumout accoasting them alwaies with two hundred laūces, for that by the sharpnes or steepenes of the places, thartilleries remeined more low­er together with the footemen that garded them: And yet in the half way eyther for the domages which the frenche had giuen them that day (whereof Chaumont made not a litle glory) or for that such was their resolucion, leauing the way of Cantu, and turning more on the left hand, they went retyring by the high places towards Coma, encamping for that night in a subberbe of that citie and in the villages thereabout: from the subberbe of Coma, they made an other lodging at Ch [...]asso three myles more forward, keeping the french men in dout whether they would returne to Belinsone by the valley of Lungaro, or draw towards the riuer of Adda, where, albert they were not furnished with bridges, yet many supposed that their vallour would opē them a way to passe, necessitie making them to vse plankes in steade of bridge▪ But putting them out of dowt the daye following, they went and harbored at the bridge of Trese, and from thence retyred by trowpes into their houses, being reduced into the vttermost extremitie of vittells and wantes of money: it was beleeued that this retraite so s [...]d­deine was done for want of money, for the difficulties to passe the riuers, but much more for the necessitie of vittells, impediments of great importance to hinder both the fortune, the vallour, and felicitie of an armie: In this sorte the frenche men were deliuered for this tyme of a daunger which they esteemed not litle, notwithstan­ding the kinge making those thinges greater then they were in deede, affirmed that he coulde not but holde it profitable for his affayres to suffer them to passe, making [Page 486] this question whether of these two thinges would make the Pope more weake ey­ther to be without souldiours, or to haue an armie that came to offend him as did the Svvyzzers whome, with so many forces and so much treasor, he had had all the paine in the world to manage.

The perill of the french had bene farre greater if at one tyme they had bene as­sayled The Veneti­ans recouer most part of their townes after the de­parting of Chaumont. in many places according to the deuises of the Pope: But as thenterprise of Genes was affore the mouing of the Svvyzzers, so the armie of the Venetians ad­uaunced not so soone as was determined, notwithstanding they had a singuler occa­sion and commoditie, for that the Almain bandes within Vincensa with whom were the Spanish footemen and the fiue hundred frenche launces, beinge muche dimini­shed since the departure of Monsr Chaumont, the Venetians yssuing out of Padoa re­couered without great trauell Este, Monselice, Montagnano, Marestiquo, and Basciana: And ioyning vallour to their fortune they passed further, & taking aduauntage of the retyring of thAlmains drawing the way of Verona, they entred into Vincensa which they had abandoned: except Leguaguo, they reconquered with this felicitie all those peeces which with fo great exspenses & trauel of the french men, they had lost in the whole sommer: And so they came to S. Martyn fiue miles from Verona, into which city thennemies retyred, their retraite not being without daunger by the doutful va­lour of Luke Maluezzo: who being then their general for that Io. P. Ballon had left their pay, shewed a courage inferior to the reputacion of the place which he held: for, the Venetians being come to the village of Tovvre, thennemies leauing great prouision of vittells in their lodgings, tooke the way to Verona, being followed with the whole Venetian armie, & continually suffering by their light horsemen: And yet the french susteining valiantly the rearegard chiefly with their shot, they passed the riuer of Ap­pan and marched without daunger to Nevv tovvne, the Venetians incamping within halfe a mile of them: who, forbearing to followe the daye after, with that diligence they did before, for that their footemen were not able to hold chasse with the horse­men, they retyred in sauetie to Verona: from S. Martyn, after they had remeined there certeine dayes, approching neare Verona not without being blamed for the vnprofi­table stay they had made, they began to employ their artilleries (which they had plā ­ted vpon the other mountaine) against the castell of S. Felix and the next wall: per­haps they made choise of that place for the difficultie to be refortified, and that the horsemen could not execute but with great discommodities.

The Venetian armie conteined eight hundred men at armes, three thowsand light Ver [...]na bese­ged by the Vencuans. horsemen, the most part estradiots, & ten thowsand footemen with a great trayne & quantitye of peysants that followed: And within Verona were three hundred spanish launces, one hundred launces of Almains & Italians, and foure hundred french laun­ces, fiue hundred footemen paied by the king, and foure thowsand Almains, no lon­ger vnder the guiding of the Prince of Hanavv who was dead certeine daies affore: The people and inhabitants of Verona very ill disposed to the Almains, were vp with their weapōs in their hands, A matter wherin the Venetians had much hoped, whose light horsemen passing at the same time the riuer of Adice at a foard vnder Verona, ronne ouer the whole contrey: Thartilleries of the Venetians battred the wall in great furie, notwithstanding the artillerie planted within by the french and couered with defenses, did greatly distresse those that were without who had no rampiers: Lactance Bergame A Colonell of the greatest account with the Venetians, was stri­ken with a shot of thartillerie, of which he died within few dayes after: At last thartil­lery without hauing done a wonderful execucion and dismantled a great part of the [Page 487] wall, euen to the beginning of the skarpe, and so dismounted and broken their can­nons that thartillerie within was of little seruice, thAlmains were not without feare to loase the castell notwithstanding it was well rampired: To which losse, to thende the loasing of the citie were not ioyned, they determined in cases of necessities to re­tyre to certayne rampiers which they had made in a place neare, to beate vpon the sodayne with their Cannons which they had already planted, the face of the inner parte of the castell, hoping to make suche an opening, that thenemies should finde small safetie to tary there. But the vallour of those that were within, was farre aboue the yertue of the other, for that in the Venetian armie were no other bandes of foot­men then Italians, who beeing ordinarily payed euery fortie dayes, followed that seruice more for that they founde in other places very slender preferment, then for any other reason: Besides, thItalian footmen not accustomed to the order of seruice beyonde the Mountes, neither assured in holdes nor resolute in the fielde, were at that time almost reiected of euery one that had meane to furnishe their seruice with footemen straungers, specially with Svvizzers, Almains, and Spaniards. Therefore the towne beeing defended with a greater vallour then it was assaulted, there issued out one night about eightene hundred footemen with certayne Frenche horsemen to charge the artillerie, and the footmen that garded it beeing easily put to flight, they choaked two great peeces, striuing to draw them into the towne: The Alarme was sodenly through all the campe, when Zitolo Perouso bringing a reskewe of foot­men, and making haste more then others to the misfortune that attended him, in fighting valiauntly finished his life with great glorie; But Denis de Naldo comming on with the greater part of tharmie, thenemie was compelled to reabandon thartil­lerie and retyre, notwithstanding with great prayse, for that in the beginning they brake the garde that defended thartillerie, and after made slaughter of a great parte of suche as came first to the reskew, and lastely retyred almost all in safetie. This ac­cident brought great discouragement to the Venetian capteines, who seeing the in­habitantes made no mutinie, and iudging withall that their abyding there would be no lesse vnprofitable then full of perill for theyll suretie of their campe (their foote­men beeing lodged in the mountayne, and their horsemen in the valley) they deter­mined to retyre to their olde lodging at S. Martin, wherein they made so muche the more speede, by howmuche they vnderstoode that Monsr Chaumont woulde come to the reskew of the towne, hauing already auoyded the perill of the Svvizzers. At such time as the campe leauyed and brake vp, the forragers of Verona accompanied with a great strength entred the valley of Poliente ioyning to the mountayne of S. Felix: but many light horsemen of the Venetians being sent out for reskew, and sea­sing first of the entrie of the valley, put them all to the sworde, or to the fortune of prisoners. From S. Martin the Venetian armie drewe to S. Boniface, beeing fearefull of the comming of Monsr Chaumont. About this time the garrison within Treuisa tooke by composition the towne of Asola neare the ryuer Musone, wherein were eight hundred Almain footmen: The castell also suffring the samefortune: And in the countrey of Friul they proceded with the same variations and cruelties accusto­med, not seeming to make warre vpon enemies, but prosecuting on all partes the extreme destruction of buyldings, places, and whole countreis: The like calamities also consumed Istria, the libertie of the warre making all things lawfull to the furie of the souldiours, whose insolencies left no other comfort to any sortes of people, then such as may be exspected in an vnbridled furie of warre.

About this time the Marquis of Mantua was deliuered out of prison by a strange [Page 488] deuise practised by the Pope, wherevnto he was induced by an auncient affection Marquis of Mantua es­capeth out of prison. which he bare to him before, ioyned to a desire to serue his turne of him, and the cōmoditie of his estate, in the warre against the French king: It was spread through­out all Italie, that in these respects he was the worker of his deliuerie, and set him at libertie: But it was credibly knowen by an Author worthy of fayth, and through whose handes at that time passed the whole gouernment of the state of Mantua, that his libertie was wrought by an other meane: There was great doubt least the Vene­tians, either for the hate they bare him, or for the suspicion they had of him, woulde not hold him a perpetuall prisoner: and therefore after there had bene vsed in vaine many tryals and remedies, it was determined in the councell of Mantua to haue recourse to Baiazet Prince of the Turkes, whose amitie the Marquis had enterteined many yeres, by visiting him oftentimes with many presentes and other offices of goodwill and honor: Assoone as he vnderstoode the calamitie of the Marquis, he sent for the gouernour of the Venetian Marchaunts lying at Constantinople, & com­maunded him to make him promise that the Marquis should be deliuered: The go­uernour aunswered, that it was not reasonable he should promise that whiche was not in his power to performe, onely he offred to write to the state of Venice, who he doubted not would set downe a resolution conformable to his desire. But Baiazet speaking in the person and authoritie of a tyrant, replied proudly that it was his wil that he should make an absolute promise, wherevnto he was constrayned to condis­cende, obeying the will of the tyrant as a lawe forced and vnrighteous, whiche he signified with expedition to te state of Venice, who considering that it was not nowe time to stirre vpso mightie a Prince, determined to set him at libertie. But he, to hide his dishonor, and to reape some frute of his deuise, inclined to the desire of the Pope, by whose meane being concluded (but secretly) that to assure the Venetians that the Marquis should not moue agaynst them, his eldest sonne should be put into the Popes handes. The Marquis was conueied to Bolognia, where after he had deli­uered ouer his sonne to the Agents of the Pope, he went to Mantua, excusing him­selfe both to Caesar and the French king by the necessitie he had to go redresse his owne estate, that he visited not their armies to do them seruice, as freholder to the one and souldiour to the other (the French king holding him alwayes in the num­ber of his pensioners) notwithstanding his intention in deede was to remayne a newter.

The yll successe of things no lesse rashly attempted then vainely prosecuted, had The Pope de­termineth to assa [...]le Genes. nothing diminished the hopes of the Pope, who promising himselfe more then e­uer of the mutations of Genes, determined to assayle it of new: By reason whereof the Venetians following him more by necessitie, then that they allowed of his furi­ous dealing, augmented their Nauie which was at Ciuita vecchio by foure greate shippes, to the which after the Pope had ioyned one of his Galeasses with other vessels, and perswading that by the publication and authoritie of his name, the Ge­novvaies would be the more easie induced to rebell, he gaue publike benediction to his banners with ceremonies Pontificall as though in that maner of celebration were power eyther to worke effect to his intentions, or to make better his fortune. It was maruelled that nowe that his thoughtes were made manifest and discouered, and that within Genes were many souldiours, and a strong Nauie within the hauen, howe he could hope to obteine that which he was not hable to winne when the ha­uen was disarmed, the garrison very weake within the Citie, and when there was no doubt at all of him: But as nothing can satisfie the ambition of man, so the mind [Page 489] that hath malice mixed with the desire of glory, ‘is alwayes made more apt to hope for honor then hable to get it. To the armies at sea which were followed with the banished faction,’ and also with the Bishop of Genes sonne of Obietto de Fiesquo, were to be ioyned the forces of the lande: for Federike Archbishop of Salerne brother to Octauian Fregosa, leauied with the Popes money companies of footmen and horse­men, Iohn de Sassatelle and Reinold de Sassete his captaynes hauing commaundement to be readie with their regimentes at Bagno, to make an approche to Genes as occa­sion should require. The warning of a mischiefe brings with it his remedie, ‘and the harme that is looked [...]or before hurteth little when it commeth: for in that Citie had bene made mightie prouisions both by sea and lande,’ In so muche as at the first brute that the Nauie of the enemie approched wherein were fifteene light galleys, three great galleys, one galeasse, and three Biskain shippes, the Frenche Nauy laun­cing out of the hauen of Genes with xxij. light galleys, went proudly to meete them at Portouenere: The diuersitie of vessels was to them a suretie, for that beeing inferi­our to thenemies being vnited together in one strength, but at least equall with him in force touching galleis, they might alwayes finde safetie in their swiftnes, and by dispersing, they might make an easie euasion from the shippes. The two Nauies ap­proched one another aboue Portovenere within daunger of artillerie, and after they had exchaunged betwene them certayne vollies of shot, they brake of, the Popes nauie going to Sestry which is in the coast of Leuant, from whence they presented themselues afore the port of Genes, (Iohn Fregosa entring within the port with a Bri­gantin:) but the towne beeing so straitely garded that the contrarie faction coulde not rise, and thartillerie of the towre of Godifa thundring without ceassing, they were constrayned to retyre, their fortune beeing inferiour to their valour: Afterwardes they sayled to Portovenere, where they spent certaine howres afore it without com­mendation, vnlesse they sought prayse in an action wherevnto they had no possibili­tie of power to preuayle: And so beginning to expresse a manyfest dispayre of the successe of the whole enterprise, they returned to Ciuita vecchia, from whence the Venetian vessels departing with the Popes consent to returne into their owne seas, they fell distressed at Far de Messina with suche a furious tempest, that fiue of their gallies being lost, the others were cast vppon the coast of Barbarie, from whence, be­ing brused and broken, they fell at last with many harmes with the hauens of the Ve­netians. The forces that shoulde haue come by lande, were not concurrant in this action, for that the companies that were leauyed in the contrey of Lunigano, stirred not, iudging it an enterprise full of perill to enter the coast of Leuant, for the prepa­rations which the French had made: And suche as were ready at Bagno making ex­cuse by the Florentins that would not suffer them to passe, marched no further: But entring into the mountaine of Modena which yet obeyed the Duke of Ferrara, they assayled the towne of Fauana, which though they founde difficult to obtayne at the beginning, yet they compelled it in the ende to come to rendring (the mountayne men bearing no minds to expresse further fayth to their Duke, in whom they sawe so small apparance or hope of succours.)

Thus till this day did nothing succeede to the Pope of all that he had attempted agaynst the French king: for, neither was there any mutation at Genes as he did assu­redly promise himselfe, neither did the Venetians after they had in vayne assayed to take Verona, hope for any aduauncement on that side: neither did the Svvizzers accomplish any thing, their action being rather in demonstration and showes then in matter and effect. And touching Ferrara, what by the ready succours whiche the [Page 490] French had sent▪ and the oportunitie of the winter already come on, there was no apparance of any daunger: onely he had taken Modena, ‘which was no reeompence worthy of so great a mouing. But suche is the nature of hope, rather to prolong then to satisfie, and guyding a minde vayne and glorious, it norisheth him in infinite ex­spectations.’ And touching this Pope (disappoynted of so many hopes) we may lay him in comparison with that which is written by the Poets, of Anteus, that beeing Pope Iulio. tamed by the forces of Hercules, as often as he was throwen to the grounde, so often did appeare in him a greater strength and courage: Suche weening had the Pope amidde his aduersities, for when he seemed most abased and oppressed, it was then that he did most lift vp him selfe with a spirite more constant and resolute, promi­sing better of his fortune then euer: And yet he had almost no other foundations then of him selfe, and he would openly say, that albeit he was made naked of valiant and loyall armes, hauing no other assured friendes then the Venetians, yet for that his enterprises moued not of any particular interest, but of an onely franke desire to set Italie at libertie, he doubted not with the ayde of God to manage them to an issue honorable, happie, and commendable. He could not hope muche of the Venetians, for that they were already drayned of money, and oppressed with many difficulties and afflictions: And touching the king Catholike, he seemed rather to counsel him secretly, then to ayde him openly, vsing his ordinarie sutteltie, to keepe enterteined on thother side Maximilian with the French king: And albeit he made him many promises, yet he helde them suspensed with many conditions and impedimentes: And for the trauell he had vsed to seperat Caesar from the French king, and to make him agreed with the Venetians, it seemed euery day no lesse doubtfull then vnprofi­table: for that Caesar, at suche time as the Pope had sent out an armie agaynst the duke of Ferrara, had sent an Herald to charge him not to molest him: And Constan­tin de Macedonio, being gone in the Popes name to solicite an accorde betwene him and the Venetians, he did not onely refuse to heare him, but also giuing to know that he would more firmely knitte with the Frenche king, he determined to sende into Fraunce the Bishop of Gurce to negociate with him of all their affayres: Also the electors of thempire, notwithstanding they bare great inclination to the name of the Pope, and to the deuotion of the sea Apostolike, would not heare speake of the expences: in so much as being addicted onely to thaffayres of Germanie, they were not to do him any great seruice in those actions: And lastly, it seemed he could not hope muche more of the king of Englande, notwithstanding he was young and de­sirous of innouations, & had made profession to affect the greatnes of the Church, and heard his Embassadors not without some inclination of minde: for that beeing so farre remoued from Italie aswell by lande as sea, he was not hable of him selfe to embase the French king, hauing withall ratified the peace with him, and by a so­lemne embassage sent to that ende, receiued the full confirmation. Sure there is no man buylding vpon so weake fundations, and encountring so many great impedi­mentes and aduersities, who would not haue abated and restrayned his courage, se­ing withall he had meane to obteine peace with the French king with such conditi­ons as a conquerour could not in reason desire greater: For the king consented to abandon the protection of the Duke of Ferrara, though not directly (in regarde of his honor) yet indirectly to satisfie the Pope, referring it to the arbitration of the lawe, but vnder thauthoritie of suche iudges as would haue pronounced according to the Popes will: And albeit he was certayne that he might obteine this forme of peace to his quiet and honor, yet he added that ouer and besides these, he woulde [Page 491] haue the king to leaue Genes in full libertie, proceeding in these actions with suche an implacable obstinacie▪ that not one of his dearest familiars durst once aduise him to the contrarie: yea thembassador of Florence offering to sound him according to the kings commaundement, purchased by his labour more displeasure then profite: His resolution that way coulde suffer no counsell to the contrarie, for a messanger whom the duke of Sauoy had sent to him about other affayres, offring that his prince (if it so lyked him) would enterpose in the working of the peace, he cryed out that he was sent to espie, and not to negociate, committing the messanger to prison, and to be examined with tormentes: his singuler courage carying him euery day into higher weenings, made him also confirmed in the difficulties that appeared, that not respecting the impediments nor daungers, and determining to laye aside all his other thoughtes sauing suche as tended to the taking of Ferrara, he resolued to go in person to Bolognia, both to hasten things by his presence, to giue more authoritie to his affayres, and to encrease the courage of his captaines, whose vallour seemed farre inferiour to his furie: he assured himselfe that to take Ferrara his owne forces suffised ioyned with the Venetians, who laboured to feede him in that perswasion, for feare least in the ende loasing all hope of good successe, he came not to accorde with the French king.

On the other side, the French king being nowe made certayne by so many expe­riences The kings disposition agaynst the Pope. of the affection and intention of the Pope, and seeing howe necessarie it was to prouide agaynst other dangers that might happen to his estates, determined to defende the duke of Ferrara, and keeping established the amitie he had with the king of Romains, he resolued to persecute (by his consent) the Pope with armes spi­rituall, and in the meane while to enterteine and support things vntill the spring, when he would passe into Italie with a puissant armie both by sea and lande, to make warre eyther vpon the Venetians, or against the Pope, as the estate of affayres should require. He perswaded the king of Romains that he would enter into action agaynst the Venetians, not onely as he was wont to do, but also to ayde him (knowing well his auncient desire) to occupie Rome together with the whole estate of the Churche as apperteineth of right to thempire: and likewise to dispose all Italie except the­states of Millan, Genes, Florence, and Ferrara: By these allurementes he ranged him easily to his opinion, but specially that by their authoritie, ioyning with them the consent of the nations of Fraunce and Almain, they might call a generall councell, wherein they hoped would be concurrant the Spanishe regions and the king of Aragon, not daring to do any thing agaynst their will. To these was added an other most great fundation, that many Cardinals of Italie & beyond the Mountes, hauing minds ambicious and stirring, promised to make open profession to be the authors of the councell. The king for the better direction of these things exspected with no small desire, the comming of the Bishop of Gurci whom Caesar had determined to to sende to him: And in the meane while, to laye a beginning to the institution of the councell, and to remoue presently from the Pope the obedience of his king­dome, he made somonce to all the prelates of Fraunçe to assemble at Orleans in the middest of September. Suche were the resolutions and preparations of the French king, not altogether approued by the wise men of his councell and his Court, who seeing howe vnprofitable it would be to giue leasure to thenemie, perswaded him not to deferre the mouing of armes to a newe time, whose counsell if it had bene followed, the Pope had bene easily brought to suche necessitie, and his affayres so confused, that he had not bene hable with that fortune and facilitie to stirre vp a­gaynst [Page 492] him so many Princes as he did after: But suche was the destinie of those af­fayres, that the counsell of wisemen were of lesse credit with the king then his owne opinion, who seemed to stande confirmed either through couetousnes which ouer­ruled him, or by feare that other princes would be ielouse of his greatnes if he onely made warre against the Pope: or perhaps he abhorred such an action as contrary to the surname of Right Christian, & vnworthy of that profession to defend the Church wherwith his predecessors had bene honored of long time.

The Pope made his entry into Bolognia vpon the ende of September, with resolu­tion The Popes armie and the Venetiās vp­pon the coun­trey of Ferra­ra. to inuade Ferrara aswell by water as by land, vsing only his owne forces and the supplies of the Venetians: who at his request sent out two fleetes armed against Fer­rara, & they entring into the ryuer of Pavv, the one by Fornaci, and the other by the port of Primaro, began to do many domages to the people of Ferrara, as did also at the same instant the Popes companies, who ouerranne and pillaged the whole con­trey, but not comming neare to Ferrara, in which citie was a strength of two hun­dred and fiftie French launces, besides the Dukes garrisons: fotalbeit the campe ec­clesiastike was payed for eight hundred men at armes, six hundred light horsemen, and six thousand footmen, yet, besides that they were bodyes vntrayned & taken vp at random, the numbers were farre lesse, (the Popes hauing by custome to be very ill serued in warres:) Besides Monsr de Chaumont hauing sent, after the losse of Modena, to Regge and Rubiero two hundred and fiftie launces, and two thousande footemen: Mark Anth. Colonno and Iohn Vitelli were departed from tharmie by the Popes com­maundement with two hundred men at armes and three hundred footmen, to go to Modena: For these reasons the Pope made instance that of the Venetian army, which now that the forces of Caesar were so diminished at Verona and euery where, had without great difficultie recouered almost all Friull, he might passe one part of it vp­pon the countrey of Ferrara, where they had newly recouered Polesina de Rouigno, left abandoned by the necessitie of thaffayres which the duke had about Ferrara: The Pope also exspected three hundred launces Spaniards, whome the king of Aragon should send to him vnder the leading of Fabricio Colonno whensoeuer he would de­maund them, according to the bond & contract of the inuestiture: Assone as they should arriue in his armie, he made his purpose to set vpon Ferrara on his side, & the Venetians to do the like on their part. He perswaded himselfe that assone as the peo­ple of Ferrara saw the armie approch the walls, they would take armes agaynst the Duke, notwithstanding his capteins tolde him that the garrison within was both ha­ble to defende the citie, and kepe the people conteined, what disposition soeuer they had to runne into tumult: Neuertheles his desire raging aboue all reason or counsel, he forbare not to leauie with an incredible care in many places, many bandes of footmen: But the Venetians were more slowe in comming forward then eyther the Pope exspected, or stoode agreable with the plottes he had layde, for that hauing brought by water vpon the marches of Mantua many barkes to make a bridge, the duke of Ferrara charging them vpon the sodayne with certayne french bandes, did not onely take them from them and defeate their passage, but also within certayne Creekes of Polisena tooke many barkes & other vessels, together with the treasorer of the Venetian armie. About this time vpon the disclosing of an intelligence which the Venetians practised within Bressia to make it rebell agaynst the French king, the Counte Iohn Maria de Martinengo was committed to iustice, and payed the price of the practise with the losse of his head. But farre more slowe in marching were the companies of the Spaniards, who being arriued vpon the frontiers of the kingdome [Page 493] of Naples, refused, according to the direction of their king, to passe the ryuer of Tronto, vnlesse he woulde first deliuer to his Embassadour the Bull of inuestiture whiche had bene promised: The Pope on thother side woulde not present the Bull, but at suche time as the bandes of souldiours were come to Bolognia, doubting least after he had dispossessed him selfe of it, the companies that were promised woulde not be sent at all: And yet, neither for any declaration that his Captaynes coulde make to him, neither for the present difficulties, did his hope diminishe that he was hable to carrie Ferrara with his owne strength onely: But as one whose priuate de­sire was stronger then all the reasonable perswasions that coulde be made, he loo­ked into all thexpeditions of warre with a wonderfull trauell and affection, notwith­standing that at the same time he fell into a great maladie, whiche (gouerning his body contrary to the counsayle of Phisitions) he dispised no lesse then the other difficulties, promising no lesse to ouercome that, then he assured him selfe of the victorie of the warre, hauing this firme perswasion, that it was the consent and will of God that Italie shoulde be restored to libertie by his meane: Suche was the greatnesse of his minde, and so muche respected his authoritie, that it was daun­gerous to giue him counsel agaynst his will and lyking, and that which in other men might be called fury and rashnes, was vnder the terror of his authoritie holden for temperance and wise proceeding: He brought to passe likewise that the Marquis of Mantua, whom he had called to Bolognia & honored him with the title of Gōfalonnier of the church, should take pay of the Venetians vnder the name of their capteine ge­nerall (the Pope participating for an hundred men at armes, and xij. hundred foot­men. This matter was kept secrete vpon the request of the Marquis for this reason, that it was necessarie that he prouided first for the stay and order of his owne coun­trey, to thende to withstande the harmes of the frenchmen: But in truth this was his meaning, that taking this charge vpon him, not of goodwill, but by necessitie of the promises he had made, he sought to defer thexecution, the better to deliuer himself of it by some occasion or helpe of the time.

The great desire which the Pope had to offend others, was turned into a necessity to giue defence to his owne things: and this desire had bin yet both more ready and more greater, if new accidents had not constrained Chaumont to defer his purposes: for after the Venetian army was broken vp frō before Verona, Chaumont being comē as far as Pesquiero to march to the reskew of that citie, determined to returne speedily, and employ his army in the recouery of Modena: in which quarter, his bandes that were at Rubiero had taken by assault the towne of Formingo: if he had gone forwarde in this action, it was thought he might haue easily obteined it, bothe for that the garrison was slender, the towne not fortified, and thinhabitantes nothing broo­king the iurisdiction of the Churche: But it happned as he thoughte to go his way, that the Almain footemen that were within Verona began to drawe into tumulte, for that they were yll payed of Caesar, by reason whereof, least that Citie shoulde re­mayne abandoned, Chaumont was constrayned to abyde there tyll he had reassured them, distributing nyne thousande duckets for their present pay, and promising the residue the moneth following. In warre one misfortune draweth on an other, for he had no sooner giuen order to these disorders, then there happned an other acci­dent, for that the Venetian bands beeing retyred towards Padoa, & Grotto the gouer­nor of Leguaguo thinking now that thoccasion offred to sack the town of Montagna­na, he caused to march thither al his men at armes & foure hūdred footmen: against whom whilest they of the towne (who could not be without feare of a facking) made [Page 494] defence, many trowpes of the Venetian light horsemen finding them in disorder, brake them easily to their great harmes, for that the meane to flee was taken from them by thenemie that had battred & beaten downe a bridge. By this aduenture Le­guaguo being almost made naked of men, it is without doubt that if the Venetian bāds had put diligence to their fortune, they had made it a glory of their valour, and a re­ward of their victory. But as in al worldly things, so chiefly in actions of war, fortune continueth not all one: this oportunitie passed away foorthwith, for that Chaumont being aduertised of all that was hapned, dispatched thither in great diligence other bands, preseruing that by his policie whiche thenemie had missed to take by their vertue. But by these impediments he loste thoccasion to recouer Modena, into the whiche in this respite of tyme, were entred many footebandes, and many for­tifications had bene made with great deuise and studie: And yet for his com­ming to Rubiero, the Pope was compelled to addresse to Modona that armie that was appoynted to go agaynst the Duke of Ferrara: There all his forces beeing as­sembled vnder the Duke of Vrbin Captayne generall, and the Cardinall of Pauia his Legate, and vnder Iohn Paule Baillon, M. Anth. Colonno, and Iohn Vitelli, all Cap­teines of name and authoritie, he made request to giue battell to thenemies: A mat­ter which all his capteines did impugne, as knowing that the forces of the Frenche were without all comparison both greater in numbers, & more approued in valour: both for that the footemen of the Church had bin leauyed in hast, and in the armie was no such obedience and discipline as apperteined: and betwene the duke of Vrbin and the Cardinall of Pauia a manifest emulation & discorde, the same extending so farre, that the Duke accusing him of infidelitie to the Pope, ledde him prisoner to Bolognia, eyther of his proper authoritie, or by the Popes commaundement: But the Pope eftsones holding him purged from all crimes and imputation of crimes, helde him in better degree of fauor and authoritie then before. Whilest the two armies laye one right agaynst the other, Chaumont lying with his horsemen at Rubiero, and his footemen at Marsaglio, and on the other side, the Ecclesiastikes keeping at Mo­dena in the suburbes of Rubiero, many skirmishes and enterchaunge of feates mar­tiall passing betwene them. The Duke of Ferrara, who a litle before had recouered without resistance Polisena de Rouigno, ioyning to him the Lorde Chastillion and the French launces, recouered without impediment Finale, & from thence entring into the towne of Cento (which the Pope had taken before) by the Castell that helde for him, he sacked it and burned it, preparing himselfe to go ioyne with Chaumont. The Churche armies fearing muche by these behauiours, retyred within Modona, besto­wing one part of their footmen in the suburbe that is towarde the mountayne: But suche is the variation of warre, not carried alwayes with one fortune: the Duke was no sooner remoued then he was constrayned eftsones to abide for the defence of his own, for that the Venetians cōteining three hundred men at armes, many light hors­men, & foure thousand footmen, to win the passage of Pavv, & so to ioyne with the Popes armie, were encamped before Ficquerolei, which is a litle & weake borow vpō Pavv, but of great renowme, both for the lōg time that Robert of S. Seuerin was afore it in the warre which the Venetians had with Hercules duke of Ferrara, & also for the defence made by Federike Duke of Vrbin, captaynes of great vallour in that time. The Venetians tooke it by composition, and afterwards forced the towne of Stellate which is vpon the shore opposite: And cōmanding in that sort the passage of Pavv, there rested no more to marche ouer but to caste the bridge, whiche, Alfonso after the losse of Stellate beeing come with his army to Bondin, hindred with his artillerie [Page 495] which he had planted vpon a poynt of the lande from whence he beat easily that place, and besides that skowred the whole ryuer of Pavv with two gallies, which re­tyred immediatly, for that the Venetian fleete, who in the beginning could not enter Pavv, the mouthes of the riuer being garded by thordinance of the Duke, found en­tring now, being come vp by Adice against the streame, insomuch as the countrey of Ferrara suffred many domages by the presence of two fleetes of the Venetians. But those harmes ceassed forthwith together with the feares of the peoples, for that the Duke issuing out of Ferrara, set vpon that fleete whiche was entred by Primaro and come vp to Adria, with two gallies, two foystes, and many small barkes: and hauing repulsed them with an easie fortune and no great hazarde, he came to the other, which being compounded but of foystes and other small vessels, was entred by For­nacei and come vp to Pulisella: and as they would haue entred within Adice by a ry­uer neare it, they found impediment by the shalownes of the water: in so muche as standing open to perill without any apparance of succors, & being continually bea­ten with thartilleries of thenemie, they left their vessels abandoned, seking their safe­tie in those meanes which their present fortune prouided for them.

In these stirres of temporall armes, the spirituall thonderboltes began to make noyse on all partes: for the Pope ioyning authoritie to his furie, excommunicated Alfonso d'Este, and all suche as either were come or woulde come to his succors, but particularly Monsr Chaumont with all the principalls of the Frenche armie: And in Fraunce the assembly of prelates that had bene transported from Orleans to Tours, had consented (notwithstanding more not to oppose agaynst the will of their king assisting oftentimes their assembly, then of their proper will or iudgement) to many articles propounded agaynst the Pope, with this only modification, that before they went from his obedience, there should be Embassadors addressed to him, both to cō ­municate such articles as were agreed vpon by the clergie of Fraunce, and also to ad­monishe him that hereafter he should obserue them, and in case of impugning or resisting he should be cited to the councell, wherin request solemne should be made to all Princes of Christendome to be concurrant in thaction: There was also agreed to leauie a great impost of money vpon the Churches of Fraunce. And a little after in an other session of the xxvij. of September, they published the councell to begin at Lyon in the beginning of Marche next: The same day the Bishop of Gurce entred into Tours, where he was receyued with so rare and incredible honor, that vppon thexcessiue pompes that were vsed to him, was sufficiently expressed with what long and great desire his comming had bene exspected: besides, now began to be disclo­sed the diuision of the Cardinals agaynst the Pope, for that the Cardinals of S. Crosse and Cosenso, Spanish, & the Cardinals of Baieux & S. Malo, French, together with the Cardinal S. Seuerin, leauing the Pope going to Bolognia by the way of Romagnia, and visiting in his iourney the temple of our Lady of Loretta, very notable by many mira­cles, they tooke with his leaue their way through Tuskane: But beeing come to Flo­rence, and obteining of the Florentins safeconduit, not for any time determined, but vntill they reuoked it, and fiftene dayes after the reuocation should be signified to them, they delayed with many excuses to passe further: Their long abyding gaue cause of suspicion to the Pope, who after many generall requests to haue them to go to Bolognia, wrote priuatly to the Cardinalles of S. Malo, Baieux, and S. Seuerin to come to the Court vpon payne of his indignation: and proceeding more gently with the Cardinalls Cosensa and S. Crosse, a Cardinall of marke both for his nobili­tie, his knowledge, and his other merites, and also very notable for the greate [Page 496] and weightie embassages which he had managed for the sea Apostolike, he delt with them by perswasions & inducements of friendship to returne to the court. But they not disposed to obey him whom they did not loue, tooke the way to Millan by Luni­giana, after they had in vayne solicited the Florentins to giue not only to thē, but also to all the cardinals that would come thither, an assured safe conduit for a long time.

In this meane while Chaumont deuising to recouer Carpy, which had bene taken before by the souldiours of the Church, sent thither Albert Pio & Monsr Palisso with foure hundred launces & foure thousand footmen, Albert Pio going before with a trompet, & accompanied with a small troupe of horsmen, the towne that loued well his name, hearing of his cōming began to tumult: for feare of which perill the eccle­siastikes lying there in garrison to a number of xl. light horsmen, and fiue hundred footmen, for sooke their charge & tooke the way to Modona: But beeing pursued by the French which came soone after, they were broken & put to flight in the medow of Curtille, which is almost in the halfe way betwene Carpy and Modena: The horse­men found safetie in the swiftnes of their horses, but most part of their footmen fell into the last calamities of warre, which was slaughter and imprisonment. Chaumont esteemed it the best policie, and to better purpose for the present warre, to set vpon thenemie afore the arriuall of the Spanishe launces, whom to aduaunce and hasten the more, the Pope had deliuered into the handes of Cardinall Regine the bull of in­uestiture: He iudged it also very conuenient to go to the charge afore the Venetian companies ioyned with them, who hauing raysed certaine rampiers agaynst thartil­leries of Alfonso, hoped speedily to haue cast downe their bridge. In this minde he drew neare to Modona, where after was spent a long time in skirmishing betweene both partes, thecclesiastikes looking into their weaknes, would neuer issue out with all their forces, not seeking perill by separation, where they were assured of safetie keeping together in one strength. This hope being lost, he determined to put in exe­cution that whervnto many of his brauest capteines, and namely the Bentiuoleis, dyd perswade him with sundrye offers: They aduised him not to consume time vnpro­fitably about matters of so small respect, that the difficulties were farre greater then the profites: but raysing his minde equall to the offers of his fortune, that they wilde him to set vppon the body of the warre: and the principall head from whom proceeded so many perilles and troubles: They alleaged that he had nowe a good occasion, for that within Bolognia were very fewe forrayne souldiours, and amongst the people many mindes that fauoured the Bentiuoleis, the most part of the residue beeing inclined rather to exspect thissue of things, then to take armes to sowe the seedes of newe daungers, and reape the frute of newe hatreds and harmes: That if thattempte were not nowe giuen, the present occasion passing, fortune woulde also vanishe and make vayne thexploite hereafter: for that comming the bandes of the Venetians and Spaniards that were exspected, there was no hope to do that with an armie mighty, which now the occasion and time made easie with far lesse forces.

Thus the whole armie beeing assembled which the Bentiuoleis followed with cer­taine Chaumont be­siegeth the Pope vvithin Bolognia. horsmen and a thousand footmen of their owne paye, tooke the way betwene the mountaine and the high way, and assaulted Spilinberto, which is a borowe of the Counts Rangons, wherein was a garrison of foure hundred footemen sent thither by the Pope: They had no sooner begon to batter it, then they had it by composition, the vallour of the souldiours doing nothing to helpe the weake situation and plot of the place: The next day Franke castell rendred vpon conditions more easie then honorable, sauing that the fortune of the victors did somewhat defende their disho­nour: [Page 497] And from thence they marched and incamped at Cresplano a village tenne myles from Bolognia, with intention to present them selues the day after affore the gates of the Citie, wherin, what by the comming of tharmie, and what by the reap­port that the Bentiuoleis were in it, all things were full of confusion and tumult, and the Nobles no lesse then the Cōmons expressed an vniuersall disposition to change, the one parte fearing, and the other parte desyring the returne of the familie of Bentiuoley. But greater confusions and feares occupied the myndes of the Pre­lates and Courtiers, better acquaynted with the delightes of Rome, then accusto­med to the daungers of warre: The Cardinalls full of tymerous passions ranne to the Pope, complayning that he had put him selfe, the sea Apostolike, and them in so great perill: their tymerous condition tooke away the reason that in cases of daun­ger is wont to rule wise men, and the same feare that moued their confusion, sup­pressed in them all respect and reuerence to the dignitie of the place and person, but pushed on with those passions whiche they were not hable to moderate, they besought him with great importunities, eyther to make some sufficient prouision for their defence (whiche in suche a shortnesse of tyme they helde impossible) or at least to seeke to appease and reassure thinges by composition vnder suche condi­tions as the necessitie of their estate required, wherevnto they supposed thenemie woulde incline: or at least that he woulde make his departure out of Bolognia toge­ther with them, and to consider that if his particuler daunger touched him not, of what importance it woulde be for the sea Apostolike and for all Christian religion, if there happned any inconuenience to his person. His dearest fouourits and most acceptable ministers and seruantes did communicate in these complaintes, and ha­uing all one feare they followed all one sute, like men that neuer feling but securitie, had least rule ouer their passions when they sawe perill and danger at hande: But he onely, amidde so great a tumult & disorder of things, no lesse vncertayne of the fide­litie of the people, then yll contented with the slowe comming on of the Venetians, made obstinate resistance agaynst all these aduersities, neither amased with the pe­rills that he sawe, nor once moued with the perplexities of his Cardinals, & ioyning to these afflictions the maladie that had muche weakned his body, they had all no habilitie to bende the greatnes of his minde. At the beginning he had caused to come thither M. Anth. Colonno with one part of the souldiours that were within Mo­dona, and likewise had sent for Ierome d'Onato Embassador to the Venetians, to whom he complayned with bitter exclamations, that for the long delaying of the aydes which had bene so many times promised him, his person and his estate were in ma­nyfest daunger, not onely with an ingratitude abhominable towardes him that had begonne the warre chiefly for their safetie, and who with his great expences and daungers hauing brought the whole empire and the french king to be his enemies, had bene the cause of the preseruation of their libertie till that daye, but also with an incredible indiscression for the regarde of themselues, seeing if he shoulde ey­ther be vanquished, or constrayned to yeelde to any composition, there coulde be no hope of their safetie, and lesse exspectation of good degree for their common weale: he lastly protested with wordes and action full of furie and resolution, that he would fall to agreement with the frenche if the next day past ouer and no succours of their people which lay at Stellata entred into Bolognia, hauing this difficultie to builde a bridge and to passe the ryuer vppon barkes and other vesselles: He assem­bled the gouernment and Colleages of Bolognia, with whome he occupied perswa­sions of great grauitie, that remembring the myseries of their tyrannie paste, and [Page 498] howe hurtfull and daungerous woulde be the returne of tyrantes after they were expulsed, they would lifte vp themselues to the defence of the iurisdiction of the Church, whiche they had founde so easie and tractable: And to induce them to a more readines, besides the fauors he had graunted them before, he gaue thē exemp­tion of the moytie of al the imposts exacted vpō the vittels that entred into Bolognia for the vse of man, with promise to gratifie them hereafter in greater benefites: he caused to publishe these fauours by proclamation, the better to moue the people to take armes for the defence of thestate ecclesiastick: But as his purpose was corrupt, so his labour was without frute, for that not one body stirred, not one hande was holden vp, nor any signe made in his fauor. These cold affections of the people con­sidered, with other causes and showes, brought him at last to looke into the daunger wherin he stood, and pitying withal the importunities & plaints of so many peoples, ioyned to the perpetuall intercession and labor of thembassadors of Caesar, the king Catholike, and the king of England set on by the Cardinalls, he consented to send to Monsr Chaumont, to suffer Iohn Fran. Piqua Count of Mirandola to go to him in safety in the Popes name: And not many houres after he dispatched to him one of his chā ­ber, to require him to send to him Albert de Carpy, not knowing but that he was in the army. And in the action of these things, to thend that in al aduētures the most pre­cious Reliques of the Pontificacie might be in safetie, he sent Laur. Pucci his Datario with the Regno (so they cal the principal Myter) wōderfully garnished with precious stones, to be kept in the famous Monastery of the Murato of Florence. Chaumont by cōsideration of the requests that were made to him, hoped that the Pope would in­cline to peace, which he did so much the more desire, by how much he knew it was agreable to thintention & minde of the king: and therfore, not to trouble such a dis­position, the day following he retayned the armie in their lodgings, suffring not­withstanding the Bentiuoleis with many horsmen of their friends & followers, to run euen to the walls of Bolognia, hauing marching a good space after thē an hundred & fifty french launces: At whose cōming notwithstanding Hermes, one of the brothers both youngest & most resolute, presented himselfe on that side of the gate, yet there was no mutinie made within, thexpectation of peace that was then in action pre­uayling more to contayne the people, then any affection or obedience they bare to the Pope. Chaumont gaue gracious audience to Fran. de Mirandola, and returned him the same day to Bolognia to signifie to the Pope the conditions wherein he was content to accorde: That the Pope should absolue Alfonso d'Este of all accursings and paynes, together with all those whosoeuer, which for any occasion were parties to the defending or offending of thestate ecclesiasticke: that likewise he should ac­quite the Bentiuoleis of all paynes and censures, and make them repossessed of the goods which manifestly apperteined to them, referring to arbitration and iudge­ment suche as they were possessed of afore their exile: That it should be lawfull for them to dwell in what place they would, so farreforth as they came not neare to Bo­lognia by lxxx. myles: That touching the Venetians there should be nothing done contrarie to that whiche had bene agreed vppon in the confederation of Cambray: That betwene the Pope and Alfonso d'Este shoulde be a surceassing of armes at the least for six monethes, euery one reteining all that he possessed: in which respite of time their controuersies should be decided by iudges assigned by common accord, reseruing to Caesar the order of the things of Modona, which Citie should be incon­tinent deposed into his hands: That Cotignole should be restored to the french king: That the Cardinall of Achx should be deliuered: That the Cardinalls that were ab­sent [Page 499] should be pardoned: And that the collacion of benefices through all the domi­nions of the frenche kinge, should be disposed according to his nominacion: With this aunswer Mirandola returned to the Pope, not without hope that Monsr Chau­mont would not continue so seuerly in all those condicions: The Pope, contrary to his custome heard the reapport with pacience, together with the peticions of the Cardinalls, who besought him with an incredible affection that he would haue re­gard to the estate of the tyme and their vniuersall calamities, not refusing the com­posicion that was offered, if he coulde obteine no better: They tolde him that he stoode in condicion to accept and not to exspect more then was offered, his owne fortune and the felicitie of his enemie striuing against him: But on the other part he complayned of the too bitter condicions that were offered, And mingling all his speeches with complaints against the Venetians, he consumed all that daye without expressing what was his resolucion, not shewing so much dout of the perill he was in, as hauing regard to the sorrowes of the Cardinalls and others that stoode before him: At the last he tooke hope for that Chappin Vitelly in the euening entred into Bo­lognia with six hundred light horsemen Venetians, And an esquadron of Turkes pay­ed by them: he departed by night from Stellato, and comming vpon the spurre all the way, arriued at Bolognia in the euening being charged by the gouernor of Venice to omit no diligence to reskew the Popes daungers: The morning following Chaumont encamped with his whole armie at the bridge of Rene which is three myles from Bo­lognia, where the Secretories of thEmbassadors of the king of Romains, the king of A­ragon, and the kinge of England, went to him, and soone after thEmbassadors them selues: who, together with Albert Pio which nowe was come from Carpy, returned many times that day betweene the Pope and Monsr Chaumont: But the disposicion of both the one and other party was greatly chaunged: for, Monsr Chaumont hauing now no hope, by thexperience of the day before, to be able to raise the people of Bo­lognia by meane of the Bentyuoleys, and beginning withall to fall into necessitie of vit­tells which would continually increase vpon him, had great distrust of the victorie: And the Pope taking courage by thaffection of the people disclosed in the fauour of the Church, reentred eftsoones into armes the same day: And because they looked for at Bolognia before night, two hundred other Venetian estradiots, 2. hundred light horsemen vnder Fabricio Colonno, and one parte of the spanish men at armes, he did not onely discerne that he was deliuered of daunger, but also returning to his accu­stomed glory, he threatned to assaile thennemies assoone as the Spanish bandes were come which were not nowe farre of: This confidence made him giue aunswer all that day, that he bare no inclinacion to peace, onles the french king would be bound to abandon wholly the defense and protection of Ferrara: The daye after were pro­powned new condicions, and during the negociacion, the Embassadors made many goings and returnings to Monsr Chaumont, but, such and so many were the difficul­ties that their labor remeined vaine: In so much as Chaumont distrusting to be able to profit much either by armes or by practising of peace, together that it was hard for him to remeine there both for the want of vittells, and distemperance of the tyme winter approching, he returned the same day to Frankcastell, and the day after to Ru­biero, Chaumont re­tyreth from before Bolog­nia. making shew that what he did was done at the requests of thEmbassadors, both to giue time to the Pope to consider of the offers that had bene made, and leasure to him selfe to exspect the further will and direction of his kinge: At that time many accused the resolucion of Monsr Chaumont to be vndiscreete, and thexecucion neg­ligent: for that not hauing forces sufficient to take Bolognia (In his armie there were [Page 500] but three thowsand footemen) it was a councell ill debated to stirre and moue at the perswacions of men banished, whose hopes beinge measured more by desire then with reasons, become for the most parte fallible and vaine: At the least if he desired to embrace this enterprise, he oughtfirst to haue restored and repayred the weaknes of his forces: But of the contrary they vrged, that he had abused & corrupted thop­portunitie by his too much tarying, for that since the commoditie he had to depart from Pesquiero, he had vnprofitably lost three or foure dayes, and in the meane while considering the weakenes of his armie he was in dout whether he should assaye any thinge of him selfe or exspect the bandes of the Duke of Ferrara and the Lorde Cha­stillion with the french launces: And be it that that might be defended, yet what ex­cuse can be made that Frankcastell being taken, he made not suddeine approches to the gates of Bolognia, and not to giue leasure to a citie to take breath, wherein not one succour was yet entred, the people hanging in suspense, and as it hapneth in suddein thinges, all disposed into feares and confusion: A singuler meane (if there be any at all) to make him obteine either the victorie, or some honorable composicion: But perhaps the authoritie of such as reprehend thinges that haue ill succeeded, would be lesse, if at the same tyme might be knowne what would haue hapned if they had proceeded otherwayes.

After the retyring of Chaumont, the Pope bearing a minde inflamed against the french king, began to make his complaints to all Princes Christian, that the french king, vsing vniustly and against truth the title and name of right Christian, and de­spising the confederacion solemnly made at Cambray, and lastly no lesse moued with ambicion to vsurpe all Italy, then wickedly thirsting after the blood of the Popes of Rome, had sent out his armie to beseege him with all the Colleage of Cardinalls and the whole estate of Prelats within Bolognia: And in this disposicion of minde, retur­ning estsoones with a courage redoubled to the thoughtes and studies of the warre, he refused to heare speake thEmbassadors, who, following the solicitacion begon by Chaumont, offered him the meanes of peace, if first Ferrara were not deliuered to him: yea, such was the violence and furie of the spirit that gouerned him, that notwith­standing by the trauells he had suffered in so greatan accident both in body & mind, his maladie was made much worse, yet he began to make new leauies of souldiours and to stirre vp the Venetians (who at last had cast a bridge betweene Ficquerolo and Stellate) to send vnder the Marquis of Mantua, one part of their armie to Modena to ioyne with his, and with the other part to vexe and molest Ferrara, ‘assuring them that within few dayes he should haue Reggia, Rubiere, and Ferrara: The ambicion of his mind made him apt to hope for all thinges and to dispaire in nothing, And what see­med vnpossible in reason, arte or pollicie, he made no dout to bringe to passe by the benefit of his fortune, which he supposed was of power to remoue all the difficulties that could be obiected against him:’ The Venetian bandes deferred to passe the riuer for the perill they had ronne into, if the death of the Pope had hapned (as was dou­ted:) But being in the ende compelled to yeelde to his wills, after they had left the o­ther bandes vpon the shoare beyond Pavv, they sent towards Modena fiue hundred men at armes, A thowsand six hundred light horsemen & fiue thowsand footemen, but not vnder the conduction of the Marquis of Mantua, who, staying at Sermydy to leauye horsemen and footemen to thende to marche afterwards to tharmie (as he sayd) notwithstanding the Venetians were already entred into suspicion of his longe abiding, went to S. Felix, A borow belonging to Modena: There he receiued aduer­tisement that the frenche that were within Verona, were entred into the contrey of [Page 501] Mantua to pillage it, And therefore alleaging the necessity to go to defend his estate, he returned from thence to Mantua, hauing the Popes leaue, but not without great complaints of the Venetians: for that notwithstanding his promisse to make present returne, being already entred into suspicion of his faith, they beleeued (all Italy al­most was partaking in that opinion) that Chaumont, to giue him an excuse not to go to the armie, had suffered certeine french bandes to make incursions vpon his con­trey: This suspicion was increased by a letter which he wrote from Mantua to the Pope, that he was not able to marche for a sicknes that was newly beflane him, desi­ring that his good will might be holden for recommended hauing his bodye subie­cted to his infirmitie: After the bandes of the Pope, the Venetians, and the spanish launces were reassembled and vnited into one armie about the confyns of Modena, if they had ioyned diligence to thopportunitie, and marched, it was thought that Chaumont had abandoned the citie of Reggio and reteyned the Citadell, hauing vpon his discamping from Bolognia dismissed all his Italian footemen for auoyding of ex­spences: But taking aduauntage of their slownes, and making their negligence a helpe to his fortune, he began of new to leauye bandes of footemen, determining onely to looke to the gard of Sassuola, Rubiera, Reggio and Parma: But as the armie lay vpon the marches of Modena, without direction whether they should passe further or turne against Ferrara, certeine trowpes of the Church which ronne vp towards Reggia being put to flight by the french, lost an hundred horses and Count de Mateli­gne taken prisoner: At which time the Duke of Ferrara, together with the Lorde of Chastyllion with the french bands, lay incamped vpon the riuer of Pavv betwene the hospitall and Bondin on the opposit to the Venetian regiments which were beyonde Pavv: whose nauy seeking to retyre for the sharpnes of the season and for the ill pro­uision that came from Venice, being charged by many barkes of Ferrara whose artil­leries sonke eight vessels to the bottom, retyred with great paine by Nevvcastell vp­on Pavv, into the ditch that falleth into Tanare and Adice and there is seperat: Im­mediatly after, the Pope gaue order that the armie (gouerned by Fabricio Colonno for that the Marquis of Mantua was not come) should draw streight to Ferrara, leauing the Duke of Vrbyn for the gard of Modena: And albeit most of the Capteines blamed this councel, being both preiudicial & daungerous, yet he eftsoones reassured them with a hope almost certeine that the people would draw into tumult, so violent was his desire aboue all reason, aboue all councel, aboue all pollicie, and aboue all expe­rience: But the mindes of men gouerned by desire are full of variacions and subiect to mutabilitie and chaunge, for, the same day they departed, they were eftsoones re­turned by his commaundement, keeping from the knowledge of euery one thoccasi­on that moued him so suddeinly to alter his determinacion: And leauing there his first deuises and plotts, the armie marched & incamped affore the towne of Sassuola, whether Chaumont had sent fiue hundred Gascons footemen: After they had battred it two dayes to the great pleasure and contentment of the Pope, who hearde in the same chamber the noyse of thartilleries that battred Sassuola, wherin not many dayes before, he had heard to his great disliking, the thundring of thennemies shot that were about Spilimberto, They gaue the assalt, which with small a doe succeeded hap­ly to them, for that the footemen that were within fell into disorder: And after, the artillerie being immediatly presented before the castell whether they were retyred, they yeelded almost without any composicion with the same infamie and infelicitie of Iohn Casalo that was their Capteine, which he had felt & suffered at the same time that Duke Valentynois tooke the castell of Furly: he was a man of very lowe and base [Page 502] place, but for that in the flower of his age he had bene conformable to Lodovvyk Sforce, he was now risen to some honorable degree, his fortune and not his vertues preferring him, and the fauor of others more then his proper merits making him a­ble to the opinion & credit that he had: After the taking of Sassuola, the armie tooke also Formingo: And the Pope appoynting by his direction that they should goe and take Montechio which is a place of strength and importance standing betweene the high way and the Mounteine vpon the frontyers of Parma and Reggia, and part of the territory of Parma, notwithstanding it is holden by the Duke of Ferrara: Fabricio Co­lonno refused to execute the direction, alleaging that his king had forbidden him to molest any thing that was vnder the iurisdiction of thEmpire: Monsr Chaumont pro­uided not for these disorders, who hauing left within Reggia Monsr d'Aubigny with fiue hundred launces and two thowsand Gascons vnder Capteine Molard, was gon him selfe into Parma, the king hauing sent him word to absteine as much as he could from exspenses: for, the king perseuering in his deuise to temporise vntil the spring, made no purueyance for thaffayres on this side the Mountes: by meane whereof his reputacion declyned in Italy, and the courage of his enemies augmented more and more: And the Pope impatient that his armie aduaunced no more, not admitting any longer the excuses which his Capteines made vpon the season of the yeare with other difficulties, he assembled them al together at Bolognia and told them he would march to incampe affore Ferrara: A resolucion which was allowed onely by thEm­bassadors of Venice, either not to offende him in gainesaying his deuises, or that by that occasion their souldiours should returne more neare their frontyers: it was bla­med of all the residue of Capteines and nations in the armie, but in vaine, for that he did not consult but commaund, his authoritie making him tractable to nothing that was not conformable to his liking and will: it was then determined that the armie should march to Ferrara, but with this conduction that to let the french for succo­ring it, they should attempt to take Mirandola if the difficulties were not greater then the aduenture: This citie together with the towne of Concorda, inherited by the sonnes of the Count Lod. Picqua, and by Frauncisse their mother & Tutor, was kept vnder the deuocion of the french king following the authority of Ioh. Ia. Triuulco na­turall father to Fraunciss, by whose meane his Nephewes obteined thinuestiture of Caesar: The Pope had receiued them long time before into his protection as appea­red by writing: but now he excused him that by the condicions of the present times he was constrained so to deale, that those townes shoulde not be holden by persons suspected, offering, if they woulde willingly put them into his handes, to redeliuer them immediatly after the conquest of Ferrara: from that time it was douted (& the dout increased much more afterwards) that the Cardinall of Pauya who was already suspected to interteine secret intelligence with the french kinge, was artificially the Author of this councell: Wherein he ment by thenterprise of Mirandola, to hinder the beseeging of Ferrara, the which citie at that time was neither well fortefied, nor sufficiently manned: besides, the frenche men were made weary aswell in bodye as mind by their paynes and trauells passed, the Duke in great weakenes, and the kinge altered to make any more prouisions there.

Whilest the Pope with so great care and diligence managed thexpedicion of the warre, the french king who was more inclined to practises then to armes, recontinu­ed with the Bishop of Gurce, the negociacion of things which had bene begon: And they carying in the beginning a shew of great facilitie, proceeded now with greater delayes, both for the slownes of the aunswers of Caesar, and also for the dout that was [Page 503] conceiued of the king of Aragon, Caesar and the frenche [...]nge iudged it necessary to make him asserteyned of their intencion, aswell in regard of the continuacion of the league of Cambray, as for thaction that was to be done with the Pope, if he still perse­uered in the amitie of the Venetians, and rested possessed of his auncient ambicion & couetousnes to get immediatly to the Church the territories of Ferrara: The cause of this dout against the kinge of Ferrara was, that besides his other actions, he had newly called home to the kingdom of Naples his regiments that were within Verona, expressing this cooller, that towards Ottranto the nauie of the Turke was discouered comming with a mind preiudiciall to him and his Realme: The king Catholike af­ter certeine dayes aunswered to the demaundes of Caesar and the french king taking in the same tyme occasion to purge him selfe of many thinges wherein Caesar and the french king complained against him: That he had sent the bande of three hun­dred launces to the Pope according to the obligacion of thinuestiture, respecting onely the defense of the state of the Church, and to recouer the thinges that were thauncient demaynes of the same: That he had called backe his men at armes from Verona, for that the tearme was expired for the which he had promised them to Cae­sar, and yet he woulde not haue reuoked them had not the feare of the Turke bene greater then other occasion: That at Bolognia his Embassador interposed with o­thers to worke the peace with Monsr Chaumont, not to giue time to the succors of the Pope, but to quench and put out so great a fire in Christendom, knowing withal that to interteine warre with the Church was grieuous to the kinge: That he conti­nued still in one setled purpose to accōplish all that had bene promised in the league of Cambray, and that he would doe more hereafter ayding Caesar against the Veneti­ans with fiue hundred launces and two thowsand footemen: That this was not his intencion to bind him selfe to new bands, nor to be restrained to new capitulacions: both for that he saw no vrgent occasion, and also, desiring to keepe him selfe free the better to make warre vpon the Infidels of Affrika, he would not increase the daungers and calamities of Christendom, which had neede of tranquillitie and rest: That he liked well of the councell and reformacion of the Church, if it were vniuersal, & that times did not repugne against it, of which disposicion he asked no better a witnes then the french king in the speeches they had together at Sauonna: but now the state of tymes were much contrary, seeing that as peace and concord betwene Christians were the foundacions of councells, and that there could be nothing agreed vpon to the vniuersall benefit without the vnion and consent of wills: so it could not but be vnworthy to being the councell at such a tyme and in such sort, that it might seeme to take beginning more by disdaine & desire of reuenge, then for the honor of God, or zeale to the estate of the Christian common weale: he sayde lastly but a parte to thEmbassadors of Caesar, that it seemed somewhat intollerable that he should ayde him to preserue & keepe his townes, since he disposed them afterwards to the french king for money, meaning expresly Verona: Thus the intencion of the kinge Catho­like being knowne by this aunswer, the Bishop of Gurce on the one part, in the name of Caesar and the frenchking on the other part, in person, delayed no longer to make a newe confederacion, reseruing place to the Pope to enter into it within two mo­nethes next, and to the king Catholike and the king of Hungria, within foure: And for a necessary foundacion of the couenants that were made, the kinge bownde him selfe to pay to Caesar an hundred thowsand duckats, part in hande, and the residue at tymes limited: Caesar promised to passe into Italy in the springe with three thowsand horsemen and ten thowsand footemen, against the Venetians: In which action the [Page 504] king was bownd to send him at his proper charges two hundred launces, and eyght thowsand footemen with sufficient prouision of artilleries, And to rigge out by sea, two light gallies, & foure bastard gallies: That they should obserue the league made at Cambray, and in both their names require obseruacion of the Pope and kinge Ca­tholike: Whereunto if the Pope were heard to beinduced for the regarde of Ferra­ra, that the king should be bownd to hold him selfe contented with that that should be reasonable, But if the Pope would proue obstinat & refuse to consent to their re­quest, that then they should prosecute the councel, And for that cause Caesar should assemble the Prelats of Germany, as the french king had done the Clergy of Fraunce, to thende to proceede further as they should after be aduised: Assoone as these ca­pitulacions were published, the Bishop of Gurce receiuing many honors & rich gra­tificacions of the king, returned to his Prince: And the kinge, with whome the fiue Cardinalls that were parties to the calling of a councell, had presently contracted that neyther he without them, nor they without his consent, shoulde capitulat any thing with the Pope, expressed with vehement demonstracion in wordes, the for­ward desire he had to discende into Italy in person, leading such a power as shoulde be able for longe tyme afterwards to assure his affayres: And to thende that affore his marching they fell into no aduersitie or declinacion, he sent to Chaumont to mi­nister speedy succours to the Duke of Ferrara, and at the same instant he added eight hundred launceknightes to the companie of two hundred launces which he had as­fore sent to the Duke vnder the leading of the Lord of Chastillon.

On the other side the Popes armie, after they had made with great delayes, neces­sary prouisions, and left Mar. Anth. Colonno for the gard of Modona with an hundred men at armes, foure hundred light horsemen and two thowsand fiue hundred foote­men, went and incamped before Concorda, which they forced the same day thartille­ry was planted: And taking immediatly afterwards the castell by composicion, they approched neare to Mirandola: it drew now towards the ende of September, & hap­ply the season of that yeare was much more sharpe then ordinarily it had wont to be: In which respects, and that the towne was strong, & being also beleued that the french would not leaue a place so conuenient, the Capteines began to distrust of the victorie, not hauing regard to the felicity of the Pope which made all things fal out well to him, but iudged according to experience and pollicie, which in matters of enterprise ought principally to guide men of warre: Neuertheles the Pope promi­sing to him selfe so assuredly the victorie of the whole warre, that sending Cardinall Sinagale a new Legat into tharmie, for the discord that was betwene the Duke of Vr­byn and the Cardinall of Pauya, he charged him in the presence of many, that aboue all thinges when the armie should enter into Ferrara they should looke to the kee­ping Mirandola beseeged. of that citie: The fourth day after the armie approached neare Mirandola, the artillerie began to execute, notwithstanding with no lesse trauell then discommodi­tie, aswel for regard of the present season, as for want of vittels which came very spa­ringly from Modona: The reason of this restraint of vittells grew by thimpediments that the frenche gaue, who hauing bestowed fifty launces within Guastallo, as many within Corregia, and two hundred and fifty in Carpy, and hauing withall cast downe al the bridges & occupied all the passages by the which reliefe might come from Mā ­tua, they kept the armie no lesse distressed with want of foode, then the hardnes of the season hindred their other actions: But as necessity is mighty to make men resolute, so their extremitie stirred them vppe to a deuise that diminished their skarceties, for that deliuering out a false brute that tharmie would come and assayle Carpy, such as [Page 505] were within being fearefull for that they were not furnished with artillerie, did pre­sently dislodge from thence, leauing the place abandoned, nor by compulsion but by feare.

About the ende of this yeare there fell vpon the person of the Pope some impu­tacion and infamie as though it was conspired by his priuitie and consenting that by the meane of Cardinall de Medicis, there was practise with Marke Anth. Colonno and certeine younge gentlemen of Florence, to kill Pe. Soderin Gonfalonier, by whose working it was supposed that the Florentyns followed the french faction: This sus­picion was aggrauated by this coniecture, that the Pope notwithstanding he labored by all his meanes and authoritie to winne that common weale, yet he was neuer a­ble to bring that to passe by practise, by pollicie, nor by compulsion, which they re­fused for want of affection, opinion, and liking: Besides, a litle before at the french kings request, and to the Popes discontentment, they were broken of from the truce with the people of Syenna, although they had refused to moue armes vntill six mo­nethes after: A thing which the king desired, to hold the people in seare: And last­ly, they had sent to the king two hundred men at armes for the gard of the Duchy of Myllan, A matter demaunded by the king by vertue of their confederacion, not so much for thimportance and necessitie of such a succor, as for desire to make them enemies with the Pope: In this estate of affayres did ende the yeare a thowsand fiue hundred and ten.

But the beginning of the new yeare was made notable by a matter not exspected according to the time present, nor neuer read of in anye the actions or examples of ages past: The Pope was ielous that there was not vsed that diligence in the ser­uice of Mirandola that was eyther necessary to such an enterprise, or able to satis­fie his desire, wherein taking occasion of their slowe proceedings, he interpreted to the ignorance and infidelitie of his Capteines, but chiefly to his Nephewe, that which reasonably proceeded of many difficulties: for these respects together with his ambicion which helde him altogether subiected, he determined to goe thether and aduaunce thinges by his presence, preferring thimportunitie and violence of his minde affore all other regardes: he considered not howe daungerous and vn­worthye it was for the maiestie of suche a degree, that a Pope of Rome shoulde in person leade armies against townes of Christians, And much lesse was he carefull of the opinion and iudgement that the worlde woulde make of him, to giue an ap­parant cooller and almost a manifest iustificacion to those factions as were in pra­ctise, to call a councell and stirre vppe Princes agaynst him, making their suggesti­on that his gouernment was hurtfull to the Churche and his vices infamous and incorrigible: Suche speeches ranne thorow the Court: suche coniectures were made: some marueled at his furye: some blamed his intemperance: some feared the thinge they durst not vtter: And euery one comparing his actions with the impor­tance of his place and calling▪ accused his indiscrecion, wherein the Venetian Embas­sadors were no lesse forward then the residue: The Cardinalls besought him with great instance, his fauorits made reasons to perswade, but durst not displease him, And his whole Court obiected against the vnworthines of the iorney, but his obsti­nat resolucion made vaine all their labours and deuises: his singuler passion was in­uincible against all reason, in which disposicion he parted from Bolognia the second of Ianuarie, accompanied with three Cardinalls, And being come to the campe, the The Pope in person at the campe ass [...]re Mirandola. necessitye of the place compelled him to be lodged in a litle contreye cottage sub­iect and open to the artilleries of thennemies, for that it was no further from the [Page 506] walls of Mirandola then a common crosbow will shoote at twise: There he dispen­sed with no trauell of his bodye nor forbare any care or studie of minde, There he was no lesse prodigall of his authoritie, then of his presence, And riding continual­ly thorow and about the campe, he had almost finished the planting of thartillerie, whereof till that daye the lesser parte coulde not be employed for thimpediments which the vnseasonable tyme and snowes gaue to all actions of warre: Besides, the pyoners and laborers coulde not doe their office, who the more they were vrged and put forward, the more they shronke and gaue backe, the daunger of the shotte that came out of the towne being greater then their vertue: And for this reason be­ing thought necessary to rayse newe rampiers in the places where thartilleries were to be planted, and to refurnish the campe with newe pyoners, the Pope, in that re­spit of tyme, withdrewe him selfe to Concorda, somewhat to eschewe thincommodi­ties of tharmie: At this place Chaumont addressed vnto him Albert Pio to make ma­ny offers and meanes of accord, which, (notwithstanding the many labors and mee­tings of thone and other side) grewe to no resolucion or effect, eyther for his accu­stomed hardnes and obstinacie, or els for thinfidelitie of Albert, who was more and more suspected not to negociat with that sinceritie that apperteined: The Pope re­meined not longe at Concorda, the same impatience and violence of minde causing him to returne, which first procured him to come to the campe: neither was his fu­ry any thing abated by the hurtfull snowes that continually fell from heauen whilest he was in the fielde, nor his rigor the more restrayned by the sharpe cold, whose bit­ternes the souldiours could not endure but with great payne: he was lodged in a li­tle Church neare to his artilleries, but somwhat nearer the wals then was his former lodging: And being discontented with all thinges that either were already done, or stoode to be done, he complayned with bitter wordes against all his Capteines, ex­cept onely Mar. Anth. Colonno whom he had newly sent for from Modona: he trauel­led with great impacience about the armie, enforcing him to perswade a diligence in the men in whose slownes he tooke griefe, he accomplished both in wordes and action the office of a Capteine, promising the soldiours for the reward of their val­lours the spoyle of Mirandola, which he sayd he would not take to composicion, but leaue it to their libertie to ransecke or raunsom to their owne profit: In this action he forbare nothing which he thought might aduaunce his desire, not sparing to make that lawfull to the soldiours by his graunt & proper administracion, ‘which of it selfe was iniurious, impious, and of example hatefull: This proueth that there is nothing more vnworthy then to adde to a naturall crueltie, A great authoritie, And that which we call coller in priuat men deserueth the name of furie in him that ex­erciseth publike charge:’ Truely it was a thinge notable, and to the eyes of men straunge and newe, that a French king, A Prince seculer, in an age and disposicion florishing, trayned from his first yeares in warres, shoulde take his rest in his Court and Chamber at home, and administer by Capteines a warre that was made against him abroade: And on the other side to see a soueraine Bishop, a supreame Pastour, a Viccaire of Christ in earth bearing a bodye diseased, aged, and deiected, and nourished in a calling contrarye to armes and warre, to goe in personne to a warre stirred vppe by him selfe agaynst Christian Princes, and to lye in campe affore a place of litle name where submitting him selfe as a leader of soldiours to paynes and daungers, he reteyned no other thinge of the Pope then the habit and the name: By his extreame diligence and labor, by his complayntes and threats, and by his offers and promisses all thinges were more aduaunced then otherwayes they [Page 507] woulde haue bene: And yet, for the resistance of many difficulties, they had but slowe proceeding both for the small numbers of poyeners, and also for that the campe bare no great proporcion of artilleries, and withall the weetenes of the sea­son was an impediment to the powder to do his office: They that were within made a valiant defence, hauing for their gouernor Alexander Triuulce with foure hundred footemen forreyners: And they supported all daungers with so muche the more vallour and resolucion, by howe much they had hope in the succors pro­mised by Monsr Chaumont, who, being commaunded from his kinge not to suffer the Pope to take that towne, had sent for all the bandes of spanish footemen that were at Verona, and making continuall leauyes of men from all partes, wherein was concurrant with him the Duke of Ferrara, he promised to sette vppon then­nemies in their campe before the twenty daye of Ianuarie: But these difficulties made that promisse both harde and daungerous: the litle tyme he had to make so great prouisions, the leasure giuen to thennemies to fortifie their campe, the much a doe to conueye thartilleries, municions, and vittelles in a season so hurtfull by wayes so troublesome, and thorow so great snowes as had not bene seene of long tyme: lastly, by him were augmented the difficulties, in whome was exspectaci­on to diminish them by recompensing the tyme loste with a newe diligence: for, Chaumont vppon the suddeine made a posting iorney to Myllan, promising that the cause of his going thether was to make prouision of money and other thinges necessary for the warre: but it was beleeued that some amorous passion towardes a Ladye of Myllan caryed him more then any other regarde: This hastye iorney (notwithstanding his returne was speedye) abated greatly the courages of the sol­diours, and no lesse diminished the hopes of such as defended Mirandola: Amon­gest whome as their opinions were diuerse touching the delayes he vsed, so some were bold to vse this libertie of iudgement, that no lesse did hurt the negligence of Chaumont then the hate he bare to Iohn Iacques Triuulce, In which regarde, inclining more to his propper passion, then to the profitte of his Kinge, they supposed it was not disagreeable to him that the Nephewes of Triuulce shoulde be depriued of Mirandola.

And on the other side the Pope dispensed with nothing that might be made a furtherer of his victorie, wherein his furie was so much the more renewed, by how much the Canon from within the towne slew 2. of his men in his kechin: for which daunger forsaking that lodging, And eftsoones returning thether againe being ca­ried with his intemperances, he was likewise constrayned by new perills to take the lodging of the Cardinal of Regina, against the which, they within the towne (happly suspecting that he was there ariued) braked a great peece not without the daunger of his life: At the last, the defendants standing desperat to be succored on all sides, & seeing what great execucion thartillerie of thennemy had made, And fearing withal that by the harde frosen ditche being able to beare the soldiours, they should not be able to resist thassalt that was to be giuen within two dayes, sent, the selfe same day that Chaumont had promised to succor them, Embassadors to the Pope, to yeld them selues, their goods and liues saued: To whom albeit the Pope made aunswere in the Mirand [...]la yeldeth [...] the Pope. beginning that he woulde not be bownde to saue the life of the soldiours, yet in the ende he suffered him selfe to be wonne by the peticions of his Court, and accep­ted the towne vnder such condicions as were offered, sauing that Alexander Tri­uulce with certeine other Capteines of footemen, shoulde remeyne his prisoners, And the towne to pay a certeine rate of money, to redeeme the spoile which he had [Page 508] promised to the souldiours: And yet the souldiours seeming to vrge that as due which was promised, & which by their vallour they had wonne, the Pope had much to do to satisfie the souldiours & keepe the towne from sacking: By thexāple of the towne, the castel also yeelded, with this permission to suffer the Countisse to depart with all her goods, one fortune at one instant subiecting both the towne and the ca­stel, as the glory of one man reuersed with one kind of calamitie a whole estate & fa­mulie of great antiquitie: The Pope restored Mirandola to Count Iohn Francisquo & indued him with all the rights of the sonnes of Count Lodovvyk, as gotten by him in iust warres: he receiued of him bond, and for performance the person of his sonne, to pay within a certeine tyme for all defrayments, twenty thowsand duckats: And, not to lose that by negligence which had bene wonne with so great payne and pe­rill, but chiefly to keepe the frenche from reconquering it after the armie was rety­red, he left within it a strength of fiue hundred footemen Spanyards, and three hun­dred Italians: from Mirandola he went to Sermydy, A borow vpon the lymits of Man­tua standing neare the riuer of Pavv, And being by the victorie of Mirandola puffed vp into assured hopes to haue Ferrara, he gaue resolute answere to Albert Pio, that he would heare no more of any offers or speeches of peace, if, for the first condicion, he were not made possessed of Ferrara.

But those thoughtes were chaunged by a newe deliberacion of the french: for, A ne [...] delibe­racion of the french accor­ding to the kinges dire­ction. the king considering how much the losse of Mirandola had diminished his reputaci­on, And now fully dispayring that the mind of the Pope would be raunged to coun­cells paysible, addressed present direction to Monsr Chaumont not onely to looke well to the defending of Ferrara, but also not to forbeare vppon conuenient occasi­on, to offend the state of the Church: According to which commission, he made present leauies of men from all partes, and so really entred into thaction that the Pope by the councell of his Capteines, retyred to Bolognia, And abiding there but very few dayes, eyther for feare or to aduaunce (as he sayd) more speedely the bat­tring of the bastillion of Geniuola, against the which he determined to send certeine bandes of souldiours which he had in Romania, he came to Lugo and from thence lastly to Rauenna, thinking perhaps that so small an expedicion was not worthy his presence: The Venetian armie, who, for the nearenes of thennemies, could not well be employed in the seege of Ferrara, were stayed at Bondyn, as the spanish and Eccle­siastikes remeyned distributed betweene Cento and Finalo: They, notwithstan­ding the tearme of three monethes was paste, surceassed at the requeste of the Pope.

On the other side, Monsr Chaumont, hauing assembled his armie which was aboue his enemies in footemen, and farre aboue them as touching the vallour of the horse­men, but inferior in numbers & multitudes, tooke councel with his Capteines what were best to be done: The french Capteines perswaded that the companies of the Duke of Ferrara being ioyned to the armye, it were best to marche directly to seeke thennemies, who notwithstanding were lodged in places stronge and sure, yet there was hope that with the vertue of armes and importunitie of thartilleries, they would be driuen to dislodge and retyre: A matter that would not onely make Ferra­ra deliuered and acquited of daunger, but also in this expedicion would be wonne a­gayne the reputacion that had bene lost till that day: They alleaged also for the same opinion, that the armye passing by the marches of Mantua, they shoulde take from the Marquis all thexcuses and impediments for the which he professed to be reteyned to take armes as Feodater of Caesar, and souldiour to the king, And that [Page 509] it was a thing profitable for the sewertie of Ferrara that he should come in and de­clare: lastly, that he being declared, thennemie would find many discommodities in this warre, both for restraint of vittels, and annoyances of bridges and passages of ri­uers which thereby shoulde be taken awaye from the Venetian armies, and also the Marquis shoulde reuoke immediatly the souldiours which he had in the campe of the Church: But Triuulco, being returned out of Fraunce about the same tyme that Mirandola was lost, gaue councell to the contrary: he declared what daunger it were to goe seeke the ennemies and set vpon them in their campe, and how hurtfull it would be to be referred and gouerned by necessitie, to proceede day by day accor­ding to the proceeding and doings of thennemie: That it was farre more profitable and better assured, to turne tharmie to Modona or to Bolognia, for that, if thennemies remoued for feare to lose thone of those two townes, then were wonne the way that was sought, to deliuer Ferrara from the warre: And if they did not stirre, there was yet this benefite in the councel, that the one or the other of those two townes would be easily caried: In which case as a great necessitie would drawe them out to defend their owne, so in leauing their place of strength, the armie should be subiect to ma­ny occasions to obteyne an honorable victorie: This was the perswasion of Tryuul­co▪ and these were the reasons he occupied, such, as for their grauitie expressed his greate wisedome, but for secrete enuie and partialitie, were neyther embraced nor followed: for, the other opinion was allowed, Chaumont and the other french Cap­teynes bearing an inclynacion to diminish his authoritie, Alfonso d'Este being also concurrant for hope that thennemies woulde be constrayned to dissolue or at least retyre from his estate, which being so afflicted and consumed, he sayde was vnhable any longer to susteyne so heauy burdens: he feared, that if the frenche men went a­way, thennemies woulde make entreye vppon Polisenade Ferrara, A thinge which woulde so muche haue increased the calamities of that citie depriued of all hope and spirit, that there remeyned no more comfort nor remedie: So the Frenche ar­mye marched by the way of Lusero and Gonsagno, to encampe at Rassoula and at Moia where they remeyned three dayes for the yll weather that fell, reiecting the coun­cell of suche as perswaded to goe assayle Mirandola, both for thincommoditie to incampe in the fieldes, and also that at the Popes going awaye, the subburbes were burnt and all the houses about: They supposed it in like sorte neyther conuenient nor honorable to charge vppon Concorda fiue myles from them, holdinge it but lost tyme to enterteyne action in a matter of so small importance: The armye therefore came to Quistello, and makinge passage ouer the riuer of Secchia vppon a bridge of boates, they lodged the daye after at Rouera vppon the riuer of Pavv: The same be­ing the cause that Andre Gritti, who, hauing affore recouered Polissena Rouigno, and left one parte of the Venetian souldiours at Montagnana vnder Barnardin Montono, to make resistance agaynst the garrisons that kept Verona, was with drawne to Mon­tagnana with three hundred men at armes, a thowsand light horse men, and a thow­sand footemen: These were already drawne neare the riuer of Pavv to ioyne with the armie of the church, hauing affore sacked the towne of Guastallo: from Rouero the french men went to Sermydy, and dispersed them selues in good order in the villages thereabouts: from thence Monsr Chaumont accompanied with certeine Capteines (but not with Triuulco) went to the towne of Stellata, beeing there exspected by Alfonso d'Este, to take councell in what maner they were to proceede against their e­nemies, who were nowe lodged altogether at Finalo: it was there agreed that the bandes of Alfonso should be ioyned with the frenche armie about Bondyn, and so to [Page 510] march altogether and encampe in certeine villages three miles from Finalo, to pro­ceede afterwards according to the nature of places, and occasions offered by the e­nemies: But as Chaumont was returned to Sermydy, it was tolde him how hard it was to goe to that place both for thimpediment of waters whereof the contrey was full about Finalo, and also that by necessitie, he was to take the high way along the risings of the canall which thennemie had cut of in many places and bestowed gard to hin­der passage, A matter also which seemed so much the more hard and troublesom, by how much the yll weather and season was ioyned to the other impediments: The consideracion of these perils bringing Chaumont into no small dout, Alfonso that had about him certeine discouerers and men knowing the contrey, and by them well in­formed of the situacion and disposicion of places, labored to perswade the contra­ry, assuring him that with the force of artillerie, suche as manned the passages that were cutte of, woulde be compelled to leaue them abandoned, by which meane it would be very easie to cast bridges for passage in any place where it should be neces­sary: These reasons being brought by Chaumont into councell and debated, the opi­nion of Alfonso was approued, to whome Triuulce was rather not contrarye, then consenting, his silence leauing to the company a more occasion of murmure, then if he had directly impugned the deuise: for, what with the greatnes of the difficulties, which still augmented, and authority of that Capteine carying long experience, and had alwayes reproued that expedicion, it was thought that the harmes and inconue­niences hapning, the kinge woulde laye them vpon the Authors of that opinion: In which respect Monsr Chaumont, assembling an other daye the councell for the same matter, desired Triuulce, that not with silence as he did before, but frankely and sim­ply as apperteyned to him, he woulde expresse his opinion, which he deliuered in this sort hauing no lesse regarde to the grauetie and importance of such a councell, then to the greate desire and exspectation of thassistantes so well disposed to heare him.

I vsed silence yesterdaye, not bearing a minde preiudiciall to the present busines, Triuulce rea­soneth. ‘and much lesse to arrogate to my selfe any singularitie of councell, And yet if my opinion had founde imitacion in the beginning, we had not nowe stande possessed with dowtes, nor this gallant army had spent so many dayes in vaine, which might haue bene employed with more profit: And I could yet continue in silence, if, sup­pressing all other respectes, I were not spurred on with thimportance of the matter, being now vpon tearmes to set vpon one incerteine cast of a dye, both this florishing army, the state of Ferrara and the Duchie of Myllan, matters too great to be put all to aduenture without reteyning some parte from chaunce and fortune: Besides, one reason that moues me to speake, is an opinion I haue that Monsr Chaumont desireth that I may be he that in this action shall giue the first councell: A matter which as he beginneth now to find good by reason, so it is no new thing to me, for that here­tofore I haue proued by experience that my councels haue bene lesse reiected when was question to retract any thinge not sufficiently deliberated, then when the first deliberacions were debated: And as true councel consistes not onely in telling what must be done, but also what will be the ende and successe of things, so, for my part, I make bold thus farre to enable my selfe that the man of obseruacion by the experi­ences he hath made, giues often times better councel then the man of learning by al the rules he hath read: we debate to go seeke the enemy to fight with him, & I haue alwaies seene great capteines hold this as a firme principle, not to attēpt the fortune of a battel, onles there be offer of special aduauntage, or cōpulsion by great necessity: [Page 511] the lawes and rules of warre giue it to thenemies that be thinuadors, and haue taken the fielde to conquer Ferrara, to seeke to assayle and charge vs: But to vs to whome it is sufficient to defende our selues, it can not but be impertinent to obtrude into thaction, contrarie to all directions and disciplines of warre. Suche as resist iniuries and fight for their owne safeties, are of more merite and valour, then they that en­ter into armes to oppresse others: But let vs examine the aduantages & necessities that may draw vs: I am of opinion which hope is confirmed by euident reason, that there is no possibilitie to execute the deuise of the duke of Ferrara, but to our great harmes and disaduauntage: since we can not go to their campe, but by a hill side, a straite and narrowe way, where all our forces can not be employed, and yet they with small numbers may make resistance, hauing thoportunitie of the place fauora­ble to their vertues: We must marche by the rising of the hill one horse after ano­ther, neither haue we any other way to drawe our artilleries, our baggage, our carts, and bridges, but by the straite of the hill: And who doubteth that in a way so nar­row and comberous, euery artillerie, euery carte, or euery wheele that shall breake, will not stay a whole armie for an howre at the least, by which impedimentes euery contrarie accident may easily put vs into disorder. Thenemies are lodged in couert, prouided of vittels and forrages: and we must encampe all bare and naked, not car­rying with vs that should serue for our necessarie noriture, but muste exspect the things to come after, which in reason ought to go with vs. It belongeth not to vs to be credulous in brutes, and muche lesse to be carried with the reapportes and opi­nions of the countreymen that knowe the countrey, since warres are managed with the weapons of souldiours, and with the counsels of capteins: they are determined by the execution of the sworde, and not by suche plottes as are presented in paper by people ignorant in warre, bearing no other knowledge then according to thin­struction of their rude nature. To attempt newe enterprises whereof the victorie is lesse certayne then the perill, is contrarie to the grauitie and reputation of a leader: and in actions of warre, those enterprises are put to aduenture, that are done by will and not by reason. For my part I neither suppose our enemies to weake, nor their campe in suche disorder: and much lesse that in their encamping they haue bene so negligent to take thoportunitie of the waters and other situations, that it can be in our power to assayle them, though our fortune bring vs in safetie to the place where we seeme so desirous to expresse our valours. Many difficulties may compell vs to make our aboade there two or three dayes, yea the snowes and raynes ioyned to the crabbednes of the season may suffice to deteine vs: howe shall we then do for vittels and forrages? what shall we be hable to do in the warre, wanting the things that should giue vs strength and sustenance? In warre no lesse needefull is foode and forrage, then the weapon to strike▪ And be it we should haue them in our power to assayle them, what is he that can promise any suretie of the victorie, which seldome foloweth the multitude of the souldiours that fight, but hath regard to the innocen­cie of the cause that is followed? What is he that considereth not how daungerous it is to go seeke thenemie in a strong campe, and to be driuen at one time to fighte agaynst them, and agaynst thincommodities of the situation of the place? If wee compell them not to abandon their campe, we can not but be enforced to retyre: A matter of very harde action in a countrey so wholly agaynst vs, and where euery little disfauour will turne to our great disaduauntage. I see no necessitie to put the kings whole estate in a danger so present, since (as I take it) we are entred into armes for no other occasion then to succour the citie of Ferrara, which if we do eftsoones [Page 512] refurnishe with newe garrisons, we may holde our selues in suretie, though we shoulde dissolue our whole armie: And be it that that Citie is so much consumed, that it is impossible that in short time it will not fall of it selfe, thenemies remayning at the backe of it, yet we haue meane to diuert them, which in warre is a most migh­tie remedie, and with the which we may enforce them to drawe backe from Ferrara without putting one horse in daunger. I haue alwayes perswaded, and stande styll firme in this counsell, that we turne eyther to Modona or to Bolognia, taking the high way, and leauing Ferrara well furnished onely for those fewe dayes it shall be neces­sarie. This is no fleeing from the enemie, and yet in warre it is no shame to flee, when the fleeing profiteth in giuing place to the aduersarie. I holde it best accor­ding to the time, that we goe to Modona, whither also we are called by the Cardi­nall of Este, A personage of name and merite not vnknowen, and by whom we are assured of intelligences hable to put it into our handes: and conquering a place of that importance, there resteth no other safetie to thenemies, then to retyre towards Bolognia, like as also if our fortune make vs fayle of our exspectation of Modona, yet the feare that thenemies will haue aswell of it as of thestate of Bolognia, will dryue them to abandon: A thing which no doubt they had done many dayes since, if this counsell had bene executed from the beginning.’

Now did the whole assistance, by the reasons of this graue Capteine, discerne the difficulties that were present, which he had founde and seene when they were farre of: In which regarde his opinion was allowed of euery one. And Chaumont leauing to the Duke of Ferrara for his better suretie, a greater strength of men, he drewe to­wardes Carpy by the same way, hauing not yet obteined that the Marquis of Mantua should come in, which was one of the principallest reasons that had bene alleaged by those that gaue counsell agaynst thoppinion of Triuulco: for the Marquis desi­ring to stande indifferent, and as a person newter during the troubles, when the time drewe on wherein he had giuen hope to declare himselfe, he solicited with many excuses to be yet deferred for certeine dayes, debating with the Pope the daunger of the Frenche armie that threatned him, and beseeching Monsr Chaumont▪ not to take from him the hope he had that the Pope would restore to him his sonne within a very short time. But the deuise to take Modona tooke no good successe, the suttle and secret counsells of the king of Aragon, giuing greater impedimentes, then the ar­mies of the Pope.

Caesar shewed him selfe yll contented that the Pope vsurped Modona, a citie este­med in all times of the iurisdiction of the empire, and holden by long continuance by the familie of Este with priuiledges and inuestitures from themperours: And al­beit he had made request with many complaints to haue it deliuered to him, yet the Pope, nourishing an other opinion touching the rightes of that citie, had alwayes refused it, but principally so long as he hoped to be hable to take Ferrara. But assone as the French armies began to discouer more manyfestly in fauour of them of Este: and that he had no habilitie to defend Modona without making great expences and defraymentes: he began to taste the counsell of the king of Aragon, who encouraged him to redeliuer it, both to auoyde so many present troubles, and to appease the minde of Caesar, and also by that action to kindle some alteration betwene him and the French king: he induced him besides with this comfort, that if he desyred to haue it agayne in an other time more conuenient, it would be a matter of no great difficultie▪ contenting Caesar with a reasonable summe of money. This debating was prolonged for many dayes, for that, according to the diuersitie of hopes, the delibe­ration [Page 513] of the Pope chaunged: onely they stucke alwayes vpon this one difficultie, that Caesar refused to receiue it, vnlesse in the instrument of assignation it were clearely expressed, that that Citie apperteined to thempire: A matter wherevnto albeit the Pope would not consent at the first, yet seing after the taking of Mirandola that Monsr Chaumont was the strongest in the fielde, and that the wonted expences and difficulties for the defence of Modona returned vpon him agayne, he left the dis­putation of words, & consented to haue it set downe in writing, that Modona should be restored to Caesar of whose iurisdiction it was. And as Vitfruch thembassadour of Caesar resident with the Pope, had receiued the possession of it, and that he might remayne there in suretie by the authoritie of Caesar, he dismissed Mark. Anth. Colon­no with the other bands with whom he had kept it afore in the name of the Church, aduertising Monsr Chaumont that Modona was no more the Popes, but was iustly re­uerted to the iurisdiction of Caesar: This was not beleeued of Chaumont, who still continued to worke the Cardinal of Este to put in execution the conspiracie and in­telligence whiche he interteyned with that Citie: In so muche that according to direction, the Frenche bandes which Chaumont had left in garrison within Rubiero, were made out one night, but notwithstanding they marched with as litle brute as they coulde within a myle of Modona, they returned the same night to Rubiero, either for that the order of their faction within was not correspondent, or els the French­men had preuented their time and were come to soone: Neuerthelesse they gaue no place to this yll successe, but made an other [...]ally out of Rubiero to come to Mo­dona, falling notwithstanding into the same impedimentes they did before, aggraua­ted nowe by the deapth and rage of the waters to passe the ryuer of Sekchie whiche runneth before Rubiero. At laste Vitfruch became suspicious, and committing to im­prisonment certayne of the Citie, vpon whom he imposed an intelligence with the cardinall of Este, he obteined of the Pope that Marke Anth. Colonno should eftsones returne thither with the garrison that was there before: A matter whiche had not stayed Monsr Chaumont (beeing nowe come to Carpy) to marche and encampe be­fore it, if the qualitie and season of the time had not taken from him the drawing of his artillerie along the way betwene Ruolo and Carpy, A way not more then ten miles from thence, but euen the worst of all the ways in Lombardie, notwithstanding their ouerflowing with waters and marishe natures: Besides all this, Chaumont was euery day more and more aduertised, that Modona was redeliuered to Caesar simply and ab­solutely, which made him make this couenant with Vitfruch, not to offende Modona nor his territories, receiuing reciprocally his promise, that in the actions betwene the Pope and his king, he should not fauour the one nor the other partie. But suche is the destinie and ende of all fleshe, that all men borne in humaine nature, muste in their time appoynted resigne to the earth the life they had of the earth: it happned not many dayes after that Chaumont fell into a greeuous maladie, and beeing carried to Correge, ended his life within fiftene dayes, expressing deuoutly somewhat affore his death, how greatly he was repented and remorsed of the vexations he had done to the Church, and besought the Pope by a publike instrument to giue him pardon and absolution, which being graunted whilest he yet lyued, coulde not come to his knowledge by reason of the sodennes of his death: He was a Captayne that in his life bare great authoritie in Italie, both by the singular credite of the Cardinall Am­boyse, and also for that he managed almost absolutely the Duchie of Millan and all the armies of the king: But touching his habilitie or vallour, it was farre inferiour to so great a burden, the greatnes of his place carrying him into suche singularitie of [Page 514] minde and weening, that not knowing of him selfe the arte and order of warre, he would not giue fayth to suche as were hable to instruct him: by whiche it happned that after the death of his vncle, his insufficiencie beeing no more supported by countenance and fauour, he fell in his latter dayes almoste into the disdayne of the souldiours, notwithstanding he suffred in them wonderfull insolencies and licenci­ous behauiours to stoppe them from yll reapporting him to the king: In so muche as Triuulce, a captayne trayned in auncient discipline, woulde oftentimes protest by othe, that he would neuer go more into the Frenche armies, vnlesse the king mar­ched in person, or at least him selfe commaunded as cheefe: Neuerthelesse the king was determined affore to sende for his successor, Monsr Longeuille, discended of the bloud royall, but a bastarde borne, and not so muche esteemed for his vertue, as for his discending and ryches. By the death of Chaumont, Iohn Ia. Triuulce remayned go­uernour of tharmie by the prerogatiue that he was one of the foure Mareshalls of Fraunce, to whom, the generall beeing dead, the rule of tharmie apperteineth by the statutes of Fraunce vntill the king do otherwise dispose of it: And albeit, not knowing how long he shoulde be continued in that gouernment, he durste not attempt any matter of consequence: yet he returned with tharmie to Sermidi to go to the succors of Geniuola, afore the which the Pope had not onely sent his bands that were in Ro­magnia, but also had procured the Venetian fleete to approche at the same instant, which came thither with thirtene light gallies, and many other vesselles of meaner burden: But he had no necessitie to passe further, for whilest the landemen incam­ped about it with very litle obedience and order, there was discouered vpon a sud­den the Duke of Ferrara and the Lorde of Chastillon with the Frenche souldiours that were ledde out of Ferrara in greater numbers then were thenemies: and mar­ching along the brinke of the ryuer of Pavv, and beeing come vp as farre as the ry­uer of Santerno, they cast the bridge which they had brought with them, and in one moment charged and confused thenemies, who, by reason of their disorder beeing not hable to make resistance, fell into one generall and voluntarie fleeing, sauing three hundred Spanishe footemen whiche garded thartillerie: In which confusion they loste their ensignes and artilleries, many chieftaynes of the horsemen finding more safetie in the fortune and swiftnes of their horses, then in their proper valours: By reason of this aduersitie the Venetian fleete, to auoide the daunger that threatned, hoysed sayle into the winde, and so retyred into the ryuer of Pavv.

The affayres of the warres had these diuers proceedings, not expressing any assu­red token to iudge what would be the issue of it: The thoughts also of Princes were no lesse diuerse, and no lesse incertayne, specially the cogitations of Caesar, who con­trarie to all exspectation, determined to sende the Bishop of Gurce to Mantua to ne­gociate a peace.

It is set downe before that by the working of the Bishop of Gurce, it was resolued betwene Caesar and the French king, to make strong warre vppon the Venetians in the spring time, and withall, to call a councell, if the Pope consented not to the ob­seruation of the league of Cambray. To this Caesar bearing a very vehement inclina­tion, had since the returning of the Bishop of Gurce, sent to all his prelates of his e­stats patrimonial, to debate in what maner & in what place the coūcel should be ce­lebrated. But as he was of natural cōdition variable & inconstant, & an enuior of the greatnes & name of the French, so making no lesse vayne his proper promises then thexspectation that others had of him, he declined afterwardes to inconstancie, and listned to the perswasions of the king of Aragon, who considering that what by the [Page 515] vnitie of Caesar with the French king, and the embasing of the Venetians by their common armies, and withall the ruine of the Pope by meane of the Councell, the French might rise into a greatnes too ielouse and suspected, laboured to perswade him that an vniuersall peace woulde fall out better for his purposes, so farreforth as by it he obteined eyther the whole or the greatest part of those peeces whiche the Venetians vsurped vpon him: he aduised him to sende to this effect, some notable personage to Mantia with full power, and labouring to induce the Frenche king to do the like, he promised that he would also sende thither, by which examples he al­leaged that the Pope could not refuse to ioyne in the action, & lastly that he would not go agaynst the will of so many great Princes: he tolde him that vpon the resolu­tion of the Pope, depended all the deliberations of the Venetians, in whom was a ne­cessitie to followe his authoritie, as not beeing hable to stande alone: for which rea­sons it was to be hoped, that Caesar without difficultie, without armes, and without increasing the reputation and might of the Frenche king, should to his perpetuall prayse, reobtayne his estate together with an vniuersall peace. And be it that it brought not foorth that successe which reasonably may be expected, yet he should not be depriued of meanes to moue the warre at the time appoynted, and with the same commodities and hopes: But beeing cheefe of all Christian princes, and protector of the church, his iustifications would be the more augmented, as also by suche a Councell would come the exaltation of his glorie, for that it woulde ap­peare to euery one, that as he principally had sought and desyred the peace and v­nitie of Christians, so by the obstinacie and wicked counsels of others he was con­strayned to make warre. These reasons no lesse by the grauitie of matter they ex­pressed, then by thauthoritie of the personage from whom they came, were right acceptable to Caesar, who at the same instant addressed letters to the Pope and to the French king: To the Pope, that he had determined to sende the Bishop of Gurce in­to Italie, for that (as apperteined to a Prince religious, being protector of the church and chiefe aboue Princes Christian) he was resolued in all that he might, to procure the tranquillitie of the sea Apostolike, and the vniuersall peace of Christendome: sommoning him, bearing thoffice of the high vicare of Christ, to ioyne and procede with him in the same intention, and to do that which belonged to the place & name of Pope, to thende he were not constrayned to haue recourse to other remedies, to establishe the peace of Christendome: That he did not allowe the practise that was made to depriue the Cardinalls that were absent▪ of their holy dignitie, for that be­ing absent not to any euill ende, nor for hatred they bare to him, neither could they deserue so great a payne, neither was the authoritie of the Pope onely hable to im­pose it vpon them: He tolde him besides, that it was a matter very vnworthy and vnprofitable, in so great troubles to make creation of newe Cardinalls, since he was specially forbidden by the capitulations which the Cardinalls made with him when he was elected Pope: He desired him to reserue that office tyll times of better tran­quillitie, when he should either haue no necessitie or no cause, to preferre to so great dignities none but persons well allowed of for their discression, their doctrine, and good life. To the French king he wrote, that according to his vertuous disposition alwayes inclined to embrace a good and assured peace, he was resolued to sende to Mantua the Bishop of Gurce to solicite a peace vniuersall, wherevnto he beleeued (with reasons and fundations not light nor vayne) that the Pope (whose authoritie the Venetians were constrayned to followe) would readily incline, the Embassadors of the king of Aragon concurring in thaction, and promising the like on the behalfe [Page 516] of their king: Therfore he desired him to send thither likewise his Embassadors with full power, and in the generall assembly, the Bishop of Gurce should beseech the Pope to do the like, wherevnto if he made refusall, the Bishop should denounce the coun­cell in the names of them all, hauing also giuen order that to make their procedings more iustifiable, and to put ende to all controuersies, the Bishop of Gurce shoulde indifferently vnderstande the reasons of euery one: onely in all accidentes that he should holde this for certayne, neuer to make any agreement with the Venetians, if at the same time were not resolued the controuersies which he had with the Pope. This solicitation pleased well the Pope, not for any desire he had to peace and con­corde, but for that he perswaded him selfe to be hable to dispose the Senate of Venice to compounde with Caesar, and so deliuering him from necessitie to remayne vnited with the French king: he supposed to seperate him from him, and the same easily to be made a cause of confederation of many Princes agaynst him. But the Frenche king stoode not a little discontented with these resolutions bothe newe and vnex­spected, for that nothing hoping that an vniuersall peace would proceede of them, he iudged that the least euill that might happen, would be a protracting and de­laying of thexecution of those things which he had agreed with Caesar, he feared also that the Pope, promising to helpe Caesar to reconquer the Duchie of Millan, and to indue the Bishop of Gurce with the dignitie of Cardinall and other graces ecclesia­stike, would separate him from him: or at least, beeing the worker of the compo­sition with the Venetians to the aduauntage of Caesar, he might be put into necessi­tie to accept the peace with conditions dishonest: wherein one thing also that en­creased his suspicion was, that Caesar was newely confedered with the Svvizzers, notwithstanding for defence only: Besides, he occupied in himselfe this perswasion, that the king Catholike had bene the author of this newe counsell, of whose inten­tion he doubted muche for many reasons: for he was not ignorant that his Embas­sador resident with Caesar, made open trauell and solicitation to establish an accorde betwene Caesar and the Venetians: he beleeued that he gaue secrete encouragement to the Pope, in whose armie his companies and bandes of souldiours had remayned a longer time then he was bound vnto by the capitulations made touching thinue­stiture of the kingdome of Naples: he was not ignorant that to giue impediment to his actions, he obiected him selfe manifestly agaynst the conuocation of the coun­cell, and vnder cooller of modestie he blamed apparantly that with armed hand and in a time when Italie burned with an vniuersal fire of warre, there should be such ne­gociation of a matter which without the concorde and consent of all Princes, could not bring forth but fruites full of venim and infection: lastly, he was well aduertised that he prepared a strong army by sea, with the which, albeit he published a brute, that he would passe in person into Affrika, yet it could not be decided whether he lea­uied that force for other endes: Wherein he was so muche the more suspicious, by howmuch his words were alwayes full of sweetnes and affabilitie: for he alwayes be­sought the king (as it were with a brotherly affection to make peace with the Pope, forsaking (if otherwise it coulde not be wrought) some peece of his owne rightes, both not to shewe himselfe a persecuter of the Churche contrarie to the auncient pietie and deuotion of the house of Fraunce: and also not to turne him from the warre which he had determined to make vpon the Mores in Affrika for thexaltation of the name of Christ: he added lastely, that albeit it had beene a perpetuall cu­stome amongest Christian Princes, when they prepared armies agaynst infidells to demaunde succors of others in a cause so holy and honorable, yet for his part it suf­fised [Page 517] him not to be hindred, and was content to require no other ayde but that Ita­lie might remayne in peace: Whiche wordes notwithstanding they were caried to the Frenche king by his Embassadour, and pronounced by his owne mouth to the Frenche Embassadour resident with him, and that with great demonstration of ami­tie: yet it seemed that they conteined a secret protestation to take armes in fauor of the Pope: A matter which seemed not likely to the king that he durste do without hope to be hable to induce Caesar to the same. These things troubled muche the kings mind, & filled him ful of many suspiciōs, fearing that to work the peace by the meane of the Bishop of Gurce, would be a thing no lesse vayne then preiudiciall vnto him: And yet, not to stirre vp Caesar, he determined to sende to Mantua the Bi­shop of Paris, a Prelate of great authoritie and deepe knowledge in the science of the Lawes. These were the doubtes of the one king and the deceites of the other, the one full of deuises and the other not voyde of distruste: they both open in words, and yet kept both their intentions dissembled: A matter of familiar custome with Princes to interteine one an other with vayne hopes and artificiall feares.

All this whyle Iohn Iacques Triuulce remayned with tharmie at Sermidi dispersed into many places thereaboutes for the better commoditie of lodging and vittelles: And in this time he receyued signification from the king, that it was his will that the warre should be administrated by him, with this limitation, that exspecting the com­ming of the Bishop of Gurce, he shoulde abstayne from all violent action vpon the state ecclesiastike, the hardnes of the season beeing also agaynst it, by reason wherof it was impossible to incampe in the fielde notwithstanding Marche was nowe be­gonne: Therefore Triuulce, both for that he had no occasion to attempt any other enterprise, and for that he was in places so very neare, determined to deuise howe he might offende tharmie of thennemies, who being dispersed abroade when Monsr Chaumont returned from Sermidi to Carpy, moste parte of their footemen were lod­ged at Bondin, and the horsemen in the townes neare about Finale. But assoone as he had receyued his commission from the king, he marched the day after to Stellata, and the day following somewhat further, where he bestowed tharmie abrode in the villages thereabouts, and raysed a bridge of boates vpon the ryuer of Pavv betwene Stellata and Ficquerolla, hauing giuen direction to the duke of Ferrara to make an o­ther a myle lower at the place which is called the poynt, beeing that breache or braunche of Pavv which goeth to Ferrara, & that also he should marche with thar­tillerie to the hospital, a place right oueragainst Bondin. In this meane while Triuulce was aduertised by his espials, that many trowpes of light horsmen of that part of the Venetian armie which lay on the other side Pavv, were the next night to approche Mirandola to dresse some ambushe: Agaynst whome he sent out secretly certayne horsmen, who being come vp to Belair, a plaine house in the contrey of Mirandola, found within it Leonard Napolitain capteine of the Venetian light horsmen, & a man of great place & reputation in tharmie: he nothing doubting that his enemies would discend so farre as to that place, was withdrawne thither onely with fiftie horse, and there exspecting a greater strēgth that was to follow, he with many of his were slain, their vallour not being able to resist the malice of their fortune. Alfonso d'Este came to the hospitall according to his direction, beginning the night following to imploy his artillery against Bondin: And at the same time, not omitting thoportunity of their felicitie, Triuulce sent Guaston lord of Foix the kings sisters sonne, a man very young and newly come to the armie the yeare before, to runne vp euen to the barres of thenemies campe, with an hundred men at armes, foure hundred light horsemen, [Page 518] and fiue hundred footmen, with whom he put to flight fiue hundred footmen ap­poynted to garde that front or parte of the campe: By this example, bringing di­struste of greater perill, all the residue leauing Bondin vnder good garde, ‘retyred in­to places of strength on the other side the Canall. The counsayles of warre and enterprise carrie with them for the moste parte a successe variable and differing from exspectation,’ for that no more in those actions, then in any other mortall causes, the deuises of man can not be separate from their imperfections: not one of the plottes of Triuulce succeeded as was looked for, for that thartillerie planted agaynst Bondin made little exployte, both for the distance of the place ( Pavv be­ing betweene them) and also the ryuer beeing swelled and the rising parte cutte of by them of Bondin, it so drowned the countrey that there was no possibilitie of passage from the front of the Frenche campe to Bondin but vpon barkes: In so muche as the Captayne dispayring eftsoones to vse the commoditie of that waye to distresse the lodging of thennemies, called from Verona two thousande Launceknightes, giuing also direction to leauie three thousande Grisons, the bet­ter to drawe neare them by the wayes of Saint Felix, in case the peace proceeded not by the working of the Bishop of Gurce, whose comming had bene made some­what the more slowe and delitorie, for that at Sale vppon the lake of Garde he had in vayne exspected aunswere from the Pope, whome he had prayed by letters to sende Embassadours to negociate: At laste he came to Mantua accompanied with Dom Peter de Vree ordinarily resident with Caesar for the king of Aragon: not manye dayes after arryued there the Bishoppe of Paris, the Frenche kinge (who to be more neare the solicitations of peace, and the better to furnishe his proui­sions for the warre, was nowe come to Lyon) perswading him selfe that the Pope woulde also sende thither and ioyne frankly in the action: But suche was his ob­stinacie agaynst the deuoute willes of all these great Princes, that he made greate instance to haue the Bishop of Gurce to come to him: not so much that he thought it aunswered thexspectation of his dignitie Pontificall, as for that he hoped, that in loading him with honours, ceremonies, and promises, ioyned to the efficacie and authoritie of his presence, he might raunge him, and make him conformable to his wyll, beeing nowe more estraunged then euer from peace and agreement, wherein to make the labour more easie, and the successe agreable to hys desyre, he solicited Hierome Vich whiche was of Valence and Embassadour resident for the king Catholike, to goe on hys behalfe to the Bishop of Gurce: The Bishoppe of Gurce refused not to condiscende to the Popes wyll, but he obiected, that it were good he woulde firste take order for that that was to be done afterwardes, assuring that the difficulties woulde bee more easilye dissolued and decyded, if the negociation were firste managed at Mantua, with intention to goe after­wardes to the Pope with matters well debated and almoste resolued: He allea­ged that this course he was bounde to take, no lesse for the necessitie then for the facilitie of thinges: For, as it coulde not bee conuenient for him to leaue alone the Bishoppe of Paris, whome the Frenche king had sent to Mantua at the instance of Caesar, so there was no hope he shoulde debate in thaffayres of his king, and no lesse inconuenient to require him to goe with him to the Pope, seeing that ney­ther it aunswered his commission nor the dignitie of his king to goe to the house of thennemie affore their controuersies were accorded, or at least very neare to bee resolued: Of the contrarie, the two Embassadors of Aragon, declared that the whole hope of peace making depended vppon the agreement and composing of the [Page 519] affayres of Ferrara, for that they beeing determined, and no more cause re­mayning to the Pope to sustayne the Venetians, they shoulde bee constrayned to yeelde to peace with suche lawes and conditions as Caesar woulde: That the Pope pretended that the sea Apostolike had great and strong rightes ouer the citie of Fer­rara, and did esteeme Alfonso to haue vsed towards him a great ingratitude, and had done him many vnworthy iniuries: That to abate and qualifie the rigor of his minde whiche was nowe full of displeasure, it was more conuenient that the subiect or vassall shoulde implore the clemencie of his Lorde, then to come and dispute of his iustice: For which reasons they perswaded that it was not only comely and honest, but also conuenient and necessarie, to go to him, in which iuste humilitie and sub­mission they doubted not but he woulde diminishe a great parte of his rigour: They thought it not profitable that that diligence, that industrie, that authoritie whiche was to be imployed to dispose the Pope to peace, shoulde be consumed in perswa­sions tending to endes doubtfull: Lastely they added with very sweete wordes, that neither could matters haue their full disputation, nor the quarrells sufficiently sear­ched into, vnlesse all the parties were together in full assistance. And that within Mantua was onely but one parte, for that Caesar, the French king, and the king Ca­tholike, were in suche vnitie of leagues, parentages, and amities, that in this action they were to be reputed as brethren, thinterestes of euery particular beeing com­mon to them all. What by these perswasions and other respectes more speciall and priuate, the Bishoppe of Gurce suffered him selfe to bee wonne to goe thither, with intention that the Bishoppe of Paris shoulde exspect at Parma, what woulde be the successe of his voyage. During these actions the Pope, notwithstanding all solicitation made apperteining to the peace, had not yet altered his thoughtes from the warre, interteyning the one with showes dissembled, and embrasing the other with desires burning and importunat: He supposed to surprise of newe the bastil­lion of Geniuola, recommending the charge of that enterprise to Iohn Vitelli: But aswell for the small and slowe paymentes that were made, the numbers of foote­men were farre inferiour to thappoyntment, as also that all the countrey therea­boutes stoode ouerflowed bothe by the plentie of raynes that fell, and by the cut­ting of the rysinges of the ryuer of Pavv, there was nothing aduaunced: Besides, Alfonso d'Este was the stronger by water, who, with an armie of Gallies and Bri­gantins so charged the Venetian fleete neare S. Albert, that what with the fu­rie of that encounter, and with the feare of an other fleete of lesser vesselles which they discerned sayling from Comaccho, they retyred to the porte of Rauenna with the losse of two fustes, two barbottes, and more then fourtie smaller vesselles: This accident disappoynted the Popes hope to take the Bastyllion, and therefore he returned those companies to the campe whiche lodged at Finalo, very muche weakened of the strength of footemen for that the paye was so small. About this tyme the Pope created eyght Cardinalles, partely to allure to him the myndes of Princes, and partly to arme him agaynst the threatnings of the Councell: Suche as he created were prelates learned and experienced, and as they bare in the Court of Rome a greate authoritie, so they were personages of speciall election, suche as he reapposed moste suretie in: Of the number of this creation was the Arch­byshoppe of Yorke Embassadour for the kinge of Englande, and the Byshoppe of Syon, the one beeing a man of importaunce to stirre vppe the Svvizzers, and the other beeing gracious with hys king, whom he hoped to kindle agaynst the Frenchmen: And to drawe on the Bishop of Gurce as it were with an earnest [Page 520] penny certayne of the same dignitie, and with that hope to make him the more tra­ctable to his desyre, he reserued to him selfe with the consent of the Consistorie, a power to name an other, suche a one as he had fashioned already in his mynde. After he vnderstoode that the Bishop of Gurce had consented to come to him, he determined to receyue him with great honour, wherein to expresse more office then thestate of a Bishop of Gurce coulde chalenge, and lesse respect then apper­teined to so supreme a dignitie as a high Bishop of Rome, he went from Rauenna to Bolognia, to thende to ioyne the magnificence of the place to the residue of the ho­nours he pretended: There he receiued him with pompes and ceremonies equall to the estate and dignitie of any king, the glory of his demonstrations and showes giuing great detection of his dissembled minde. The Bishop also for his parte ex­pressed no lesse pompe and magnificence, for that discending into Italie with the title of Caesars liefetenant, he came accompanied with a very great trayne of nobi­litie, all their bands and followers beeing sumptuously apparelled. The Embassador of Venice resident with the Pope came to meete him at the gate of the towne, ma­king signes of very great submission: But he, with a wonderfull pride and arrogan­cie both in his gestures and wordes, shewed him selfe not a little discontented that he that represented the ennemies of Caesar, coulde not so muche brydle his impu­dencie and boldnesse, as to forbeare to come in his presence. With this pompe he went vp to the publike Consistorie, where the person of the Pope attended hym with all the Cardinalls: There he expressed in short speeche, but with very hawty and proude wordes, that as Caesar had sent him into Italie, in a desire to obteyne that that apperteined to him, more by the waye of peace then by the rigour of warre: so neuerthelesse, there was no place or possibilitie for peace, if the Venetians made not franke restitution of those things that belonged to him in any sort soeuer. After he had declared thus much in publike audience, he deliuered no lesse in priuat to the Pope, nothing abating his hawtines, and the day following he accompanied these seuere beginnings with actions no lesse proude & arrogant: for the Pope hauing by his consent appointed three Cardinals to negociat with him, the cardinall S. George, Cardinall Regina, and Cardinall de Medicis, who attended him at the houre assigned to meete together: he sent three of his gentlemen to negociat with them, excusing him selfe to haue other busines, holding it in deede a matter of great indignitie to debate with any other then the Pope. This indignitie with many others the Pope swallowed sweetely, thincredible hatred which he bare to the French, surmounting the disposition of his nature. But in the accorde betwene Caesar and the Venetians which began first to be drawne into disputation, there were many difficulties: for albeit the Cardinall of Gurce who in the beginning had demaunded all the townes, consented in the ende that Padoa and Treuisa should remayne to them with all their partes and appurtenances, yet he stucke to haue them giue to Caesar in recompence a very great quantitie of money, and that they should holde them of him in chiefe, and resigne to him the rightes of the other townes: Matters which coulde neuer be agreed vnto by the Senate of Venice, wherein it was vniuersally concluded, that it was better for their common weale, hauing already so fortified Padoa and Treuisa that they feared not to loose them, to preserue and keepe their money, for that yf euer that tempest passed ouer, there might fall out some occasion to recouer easily all the residue of their dominion. On the other side the Pope nourished an impor­tunate desire to haue them agreed with Caesar, hoping to make that an occasion to estraunge him from the Frenche king, in which regarde he pressed them partly by [Page 521] requestes, and partly by threates, to accept the conditions that were offred them: But his authoritie was no more so great with them, not so much for that they were not ignoraunt from whence proceeded so great a desire, as for that they knewe that their association and companie was so necessarie to him if he were not reconciled with the French king, that they made assured reckonings that he would neuer aban­don them: Neuerthelesse, after the trauell of many dayes and muche disputation made, the Bishop of Gurce abating somewhat of the harde conditions which he of­fred, and the Venetians yeelding more to the vehement instance of the Pope then they had determined, and withal thembassadors of the king of Aragon interposing in the action, it seemed they came at laste to accorde, the Venetians (the better to re­tayne Padoa and Treuisa by the consent of Caesar) paying huge summes of money, but referred to long tearmes: There rested onely a meane to reconcile the Pope and the Frenche king, betweene whome appeared no other difference then for the quarrells of the Duke of Ferrara: and to resolue them with the residue of the con­trouersies (for without that Caesar was determined to establishe nothing) the Bi­shop of Gurce went to speake with the Pope (to whome he went but seldome) bee­ing perswaded by the hopes whiche the Cardinall of Pauia and the Catholike kinges Embassadors had put him in, that it woulde be a matter of very easie action: And on the other side he knewe, that the Frenche king hauing lesse regarde to dig­nitie then to tranquillitie, was disposed to consent to many thinges, which bare but little preiudice to the Duke of Ferrara: But the Pope on the contrarie cutting him off at the first, began to exhort him, that agreeing with the Venetians, he shoulde leaue at libertie the matters of Ferrara, seeming to be sorie that Caesar knewe not thoccasion that offred, to be reuenged with the forces and money of an other, of so many great iniuries done agaynst him by the French: and withall that he carried to be required in a matter wherein reasonably he should beseech others with great instance. To whiche things when the Bishop of Gurce had replyed with many rea­sons, seeing he was not hable to turne him from his opinion, he tolde him he would depart without giuing other perfection to the peace with the Venetians: And at the instant, hauing according to the custome, kissed his feete, he departed the same day (beeing the xv. after his arriuall at Bolognia) to Modona, the Pope sending after him in vayne to call him agayne, assoone as he was departed the Citie: from Modena he tooke his way towards Millan, complayning of the Pope for many things, but spe­cially for that whilest by his comming into Italie there was almost a general surceas­sing frō armes, the Pope had sent secretly the Bishop of Vintemille, sonne to the late Cardinall Fregosa, to trouble the state of Genes: neuerthelesse the Frenche men sette such good espiall of his iorney, that they tooke him in the contrey of Mountferat all disguised and vnknowen as he was, and from thence carried him to Millan, where he made manifest detection of the cause of his going, and the whole enterprise: his pre­sent perill driuing him to seeke his safetie more by disclosing then by excusing. When the Bishop of Gurce departed from Bolognia, he required the Embassadors of Aragon (seeming not a little discontented with the Popes obstinacie) to see re­turned to the realme of Naples the three hundred Spanish launces: whervnto they condiscended readily: A matter which made men to maruell the more, for that at the same time that the generall councell was in negociation, with exspectation that the armies of Fraunce & Germanie accompanied with the presence of their Princes, should be most mightie in Italie, the Pope, besides the yllwill of the French king, se­perated Caesar frō him, & stoode depriued of the succors of the king Catholike. Some [Page 512] doubted that in this action (as almost in al others) the counsels of the king of Aragon were different from his demonstrations, and that his Embassadors had practised one thing in publike, and an other thing in secret with the Pope: for that hauing prouo­ked the French king by new offences, and in the same giuen a new memorie to aun­cient wrongs, it seemed he ought to feare least the peace with all others came not to be the cause of great perills agaynst him, the Venetians remayning weakned of e­state, of money, and of reputation, and Caesar no more mightie in Italie, and more va­riable and prodigall then euer: Others that discoursed more suttelly and deepely of things, made this interpretation, that notwithstanding al protestations that the king Catholike made to abandon the Pope, yea though he reuoked his bandes, yet the Pope dwelt firmely in this confidence, that he would alwayes support and defende him in his greatest necessities, considering that the embasing of him could not but be preiudiciall to the king.

Within foure dayes after the departing of the Bishop of Gurce, the Pope sent af­ter him the Scottish Embassador to debate of the peace with the french king, wher­in theffect was no lesse frustrate, then the deuise and hope of the Pope were vayne: And as by his departing the hopes of the peace were left troubled, and lesse exspe­ctation of agreement in so great a discorde of willes: so by his going away also did ceasse the causes that had so long lingred Iohn Iacques Triuulce, who thirsted in an honest ambition to do something worthy his vertue and auncient glory, and by the which he might induce the king to knowe, howe hurtfull it is to recommende the gouernment of warres (a matter aboue all other humaine actions moste paynefull and harde, and most requiring discression and experience) not to captaynes hable and trayned, but to young men vnexperienced, and of whose vertue there is none other thing to giue testimonie then fauour and countenance. Therfore continuing in his first resolutions, notwithstanding the foote bandes of the Grisons were not yet arriued (for the generall of Normandy, vpon whome depended thexpeditions, had deferred to sende men to leauie them, both hoping that the peace woulde go for­warde, and also seeking to auoyde expences to the king) he brought the campe af­fore Concorda in the beginning of May, conteining a thousande two hundred laun­ces and seuen thousande footmen: he tooke it the same day he presented his campe affore it, wherein the securitie of the townesmen helped no lesse then his owne val­lour, for that being made feareful with the first execution of thartillerie, whilest they sent Embassadors to make their composition with him, the footemen of his armie entred the towne and sacked it, the townes men beeing negligent in their garde, by the hope they had in their Embassadors that were sent out to capitulat for their safe­ties. After the taking of Concorda, to thende to giue no occasion to suche as enuyed him to charge him with partialitie, as respecting more his proper profite, then the kings seruice, he left Mirandola behinde him, and drewe towards Bonport (a village vpon the ryuer of Panaro) to approche so neare thenemie, as eyther to constrayne them to dislodge, or to fight out of their strength, and by the same meane to cut off their vittels and prouisions: As he was entred into the countrey of Modena and lod­ged in the village of Cauesse, he sent Gaston de Foix with three hundred footmen and fiue hundred horsmen, to do an enterprise vpon Iohn Paule Manfron that lay at Massa neare to Finale with three hundred light horsemen of the Venetians, who hearing of their comming put himselfe in battayle aray vpon a bridge: but the vallour of hys souldiours not answering his vertue and corage, he was made prisoner, being aban­doned both of his fortune and fayth of his people. After this tharmie drawing neare [Page 523] to Bonport, Tryuulce had an intencion to cast a bridge there where the channel which is drawne from aboue Modena out of the riuer of Panaro, entreth into the riuer: But thennemie, to giue impediment to his passage ouer the riuer, was already incamped in a place so neare, that they distressed him with their artilleries wherwith Capteine Perault a Spanyard & commaunder within the Church armie, was killed, as he wal­ked along the rising of the riuer: In that place the banke is very high, by which help as it was easie to thennemie to distresse him: so Tryuulce, meeting with these impedi­ments by a new councell, cast his bridge somewhat higher, A myle onely aboue the channel: And hauing passed the channell he drewe towards Modena, marching a­long the rising of Panaro, and seeking out a place where he might more easily cast his bridge: But because he saw alwayes affore him, bands of horsemen and footemen of his enemies, who were incamped neare to Frankcastell vpon the way of Romagna (but their lodgings all enuironed with bankes and waters) he came by the same way to the bridge of Fossalto two myles neare to Modona, and there turning on the left hand towards the mounteine, he passed without impediment the foard of Panaro which in that place hath his channell very large and without bankes: from thence he encam­ped in a place called the beache of Panaro three myles from the armie Ecclesiastike: The day after he drew towards Plumacce being refurnished with vittells from them of Modona by the consent of Vitfruch: And likewise the same day the armie Ecclesi­astike, which durst not present them selues in plaine field, supposing it very necessary to draw neare to Bolognia, the better to preuent all mutinies and stirres in that citie, the rather for that the famulie of the Bentyuoleis followed the french armie, went and incamped at the bridge of Casalecquo three miles aboue Bolognia, A place very strong and sure, hauing his situacion betwene the riuer of Rene and the channel, And by the commoditie of the mounteine at his backe, it defendes Bolognia from all priuacion of the releeffe of the channell which comming from the riuer, passeth into that ci­tie: This is that place wherein, in the dayes of our Auncestors Ioh. Galeas Viscounte, the mighty Duke of Myllan, obteyned a most great victorie against the Florentyns, the Bolognians and other states confedered, his numbers farre exceeding the enne­mies: The day following Frankcastell was rendred to Tryuulce, who, after he had re­meyned three dayes in the lodging of Plumacce, both for thimpediment of the raines that fell, and also to reuittell his people being then in great necessitie, he came to in­campe vpon the high way betwene Samoggia and Frankcastell, where he stoode in great dout what he were best to doe for many difficulties that appeared to him in all deliberacions: for, he knew well enough that it would be to no purpose to execute any thing against Bolognia, if the people made no tumult within: And if he shoulde draw neare to it vnder hope of popular emotions, he feared he should be compelled to retyre as Chaumont did, not without diminucion of his reputacion: And he knew that it would be a matter of greater perill and indiscression, to go [...]ight with thenne­mies encamped in places of strength and of aduauntage: And to make his approch to Bolognia on that side below, there was no other hope, sauing that happly thenne­mies might remoue for feare least he assayled Romagnia, in which might be offered some occasion, eyther to him to fight, or to the people of Bolognia to make some tu­mult: Neuertheles in the ende after he had resolued to make tryall, if eyther the vni­uersal disposicion of the citie, or the particuler intelligences of the Bentyuoleis, would stand him in any steede, he led the army, the vauntgard guided by Theodore Tryuulce, the mayne battell by him selfe, and the rearegard by Gaston de Foix, to encampe at the bridge of Laine, which is a place vpon the high way fiue myles from Bolognia, and [Page 524] bearing a perpetuall renowme for the memorie of thenterviewe of Lepidus, Mark. Antho. and Octauius, who, by the testimonie of histories, vnder the name of Tryumui­rat, established in that place the tyrannie of Rome, together with that proscripcion which can neuer be blamed and detested enough: The Pope was not at this time at Bolognia, but since the departure of the Bishop of Gurce beeing perplexed in varietie of thoughts and councells, sometymes courage and sometimes feare bearing domi­nion in him, assoone as he heard Tryuulce began to march (notwithstanding the spa­nish launces were gone) he went from Bolognia to tharmie, to thend by his presence to encourage the Capteines to giue battell to thennemies, to the which he coulde neuer dispose them either by his letters, or labor of his Embassadors: he departed with intencion to lodge the first day at Cente, but he was compelled to lodge within the towne of Pieua, for that a thowsand of his footemen which were entred within Cente, refused to depart till they were satisfied of their payes: whereupon, being ey­ther made angry with this contempt, or happly looking more deepely into the pre­sent daunger, he altered his resolucion returning eftsoones to Bolognia where his feares so redoubled vpon him by thapproching of Tryuulce, that being determined to goe to Rauenna, he sent for the Magistrates to whom he occupied these perswasi­ons: That by the benefit of the sea Apostolike and by his meane and labor they had shaked of a yoke of most greeuous tyrannie, and had obteyned libertie with many exemptions, besides many graces both publike and priuat which they had receiued and were to receiue of him in particuler: by which meane, in place where before they were holden oppressed with most hard seruitude, and so embased and troden downe by tyrants, that in other partes of Italy there was no reputacion of them, now they were raysed into honor & riches, their citie replenished with all sortes of trades and marchandises, and some of them established in right worthy and high dignities: In so much as now, their fortune being chaunged, they bare an vniuersall reputaci­on in euery place, they stoode free of themselues, absolute Lords of Bolognia, and the whole territorie, the offices and honors being in their handes, and the publike reue­nues of their citie in their free distribucion: onely the Church hath but the name, & keepeth there for signe of superioritie a Legat or gouerner, who muche lesse that without them can deliberat of any matter of importance, seeing that for such causes as are referred to his arbitracion, he communicateth ordinarily with them, subie­cting him selfe to their aduise and wills: That if for these benefits and prosperities, there remeyned in them any desire to defend their propper libertie, they shoulde re­ceiue of him no worse succour, comfort, and protection, then he would minister to the citie of Rome standing in the like necessitie: That though thimportance of the present affayres constreyned him to goe to Rome, yet, he neyther did nor would for­get to prouide for the sewertie and sauetie of Bolognia: That for that regard, he had giuen direction that the Venetian bandes which lay on the other side Pavv with An­drevv Gritti and to that ende cast the bridge at Sermydy, should come to ioyne with tharmie: That albeit his prouisions were very able and sufficient to defende them, yet he coulde not rest contented, nor satisfied, if withall he left them not deliuered from the troubles of the warre: In which respect, to driue the french men into ne­cessitie to defend their owne things, there were already leauyed x. thowsand Svvyz­zers to discend vpon the Duchie of Myllan, And for their better prouision and ex­pedicion he had sent twenty thowsand duckats to Venice, the Venetians preparing the like summe: Neuerthelesse if they had rather returne vnder the seruitude of the Bentyuoleis, then to enioy the sweetnes of the libertie of the Church, he desired them [Page 525] to expresse frankely what mindes they bare, for that he would make him selfe con­formable to their likings: onely he tolde them that if they had any resolucion to de­fend them selues, the time now was very conuenient not onely to expresse their ver­tue, but also to make bownd to them for euer, the sea Apostolike, himselfe, and all the succession of Popes that shoulde come after him. To this forme of perswasion pronownced (according to his custom) with more feruencie then eloquence, after they had debated amongest them selues in councell, the President of the gouern­ment made aunswer in the name of the whole, not forgetting with wordes of great boasting to magnifie their faith, their thankfulnes to benefits, and their perpetuall & infinit deuocion to his holines and name: That they were not ignorant of the hap­py estate wherein they stoode, and how much, since thexpulsing of Tyrants, their wealth had bene augmented, together with the worship of their citie: That where before their liues and hauiors were miserably subiected to the commaundement of others, now by the benefit of peace and tranquillitie they liue in sewertie, their liues without feare, and their goods without perill of execucion, their persons pertaking in the gouernment & in the reuenues: That there was not one amongest them who had not particularly receiued of him many graces and honors: That they sawe re­newed in their citie the dignitie of Cardinallship, and many of their Citizens furni­shed with the principall offices of the Court of Rome: In recompense of which sin­guler benefits, they bare mindes disposed to consume all their goods, to weare and wast their proper liues, and to put in peril the honor and sauetie of their wife & chil­dren, rather then to fall any ioate from the deuocion of the sea Apostolike: There­fore they desired him to depart, no lesse happie then glad, nourishing neither feare nor ielousie touching the things of Bolognia, for that he should sooner heare that al the channell should swimme with the blood of the people of Bolognia, then that city should call vpon other name or obey other Lord then Pope Iulio. ‘The man that as­pireth is credulous in all thinges that are conformable to his hope, yea sometymes his ambicion makes him beleeue contrary to reason or wisedom: These words pro­tested more in glory then with good meaning,’ gaue to the Pope a greater hope then was conuenient, And leauing there the Cardinall of Pauia, he went to Rauenna, not by the high way although he was accompanied with the spanish launces which retur­ned to the realme of Naples, but for feare of the Duke of Ferrara, he tooke the way of Furly, which further about, he went from Bolognia better satisfied then well assured, ‘and could not but exspect of them fidelitie and confidence whom he had vndiscret­ly left to their libertie and discression:’ After Triuulce was come to the bridge of Lai­ne, the citie of Bolognia began to declare an vniuersall murmure, the mindes of men being replenished with diuerse impressions and thoughts: some accustomed to the libertie of tyrannie, and to liue of the goods and states of others, desired vehement­ly the returne of the Bentyuoleis, hating already the gouernment Ecclesiastike: some, aswel for the harmes they had already receiued, as for the feare of further hurtes, se­ing two such armies vpon their landes and ready to cut downe their haruest, desired all thinges by the which they might be deliuered from such ruines: others, affore whose eyes stoode yet the memorie of the french insolencies, executed in their citie vnder Monsr Chaumont, and fearing now least by their wel speeding the citie drawing into tumult, might come to be sacked, seemed not to care into what gouernment or iurisdiction they fell, so that in it they might be assured to be deliuered from such daungers: There were very few that affore had declared themselues enemies to the famulie of Bentyuoley, which now fauored the iurisdiction of the Church, and that [Page 526] more in shew then in good meaning: In so much that the whole being drawne into armes, some for desire of innouacion and chaunge, and some for their proper sew­ertie, All thinges were full of feare and confusion: The Cardinall of Pauia and Le­gat resident in Bolognia, had neither courage nor councell sufficient for such a daun­ger: Besides, in a citie so great and populous, he hauing no more but two hundred light horsemen and a thowsand footemen, and being at that time more then euer at variance with the Duke of Vrbyn who lay with tharmie at Casalecqua, he had eyther at aduenture or by destinie leauyed and payed fiueteene Capteines of the Citizens, to whom, together with their companies and with the people, he had committed the garde of the towne: it seemed he vsed no great regarde in the election of these Capteines, for that the most part of them were of the faction of the Bentyuoleys, but principally Lavvrence Ariosto, who, being first imprisoned and racked at Rome for su­spicion of conspiracie with the famulie of Bentyuoleys, suffered afterwards a long im­prisonment in the castell of S. Ange: The people after they had once their weapons in their handes, began to draw to assemblies, and make secret conuenticles spreding through the towne new slaunders: Their manifest rebellion began to make the Le­gat see too late into his owne indiscression, And to auoyde the perill whereunto he had brought him self, he appoynted that the new Capteines with their bands should goe to the armie fayning too late that the Duke of Vrbyn would it so: But they aun­swering that it was not reasonable they should abandon the gard of their towne, he proued to bring in capteine Ramassote with a thowsand footemen, which the people would not suffer: These manifest contempts made the Cardinall both a coward & desperat being vnable by perswacion and pollicie to releeue the perill which he had put vpon him selfe not by fortune, but by negligence: Therefore remembring how hateful his gouernment was to the people, and him selfe no lesse detested of the No­bles, for that not longe affore vnder the Popes commaundement and power royall as he sayd, he had cut of the heades of three honorable Citizens: he stoale out of the pallaice by a secret way and in disguised habits, and so suddeinly withdrew him selfe into the Citadell, that he forgot to cary with him his Iewells and money, which he sent for in haste after, And so went out by the gate towards Ymola accompanied with a band of horsemen led by Guido Vaine who had maried his sister and was Capteine of the horsemen appoynted for his garde: A litle after him went out of the Citadell Octa. Fregosa without other companie then a guide, they both suffering one fortune as they were both followers of one cause: The fleeing of the Legat was no sooner knowne in the towne, then throughout the whole citie the name of the people was cryed and called vpon with great tumult and emocion: an occasion which Ariosto not willing to lose together with Frauncis Riuucci one of the fiueteene Capteines & affected to the Bentyuoleis, they tooke many of their followers and faction and roone to the gates of S. Felix and Lama most conuenient for the campe of the frenchmen, which they brake open with barres and hatchets, and being possessed of them they sent immediatly to call the Bentyuoleis: And they receiuing of Triuulce many french horsemen to auoyd the high way of the bridge of Rene which was garded by Raphaell de Passi one of the Capteines of the Church, they passed the riuer more lowe, and approching the gate of Lama were let in, their gladnes being nothing inferior to their fortune: To this rebellion of Bolognia was added the breaking and fleeing away of the armie: for, about three of the clocke in the night, the Duke of Vrbyn whose bandes of souldiours stretched out from the bridge of Casalecqua vntill the gate of Saragosse, hearing of the fleeing of the Legat & mutinies of the people, left the most [Page 527] part of his tents and pauilions pitched, and in great hast went away with the whole armie, except those that being appoynted for the garde of the campe, were on that side the riuer towards the french men, to whome his haste would not suffer him to giue knowledge of his discamping: it is seldom seene that one aduersitie commeth alone, and it is found in all ages and times that when ills begin to fall, they thunder all at once: for, the Bentyuoleis being now entred the towne, hearing of the breaking vp of the campe, gaue present aduertisement to Triuulce, and sent out of the towne a part of the people to distresse them: By whom and by the multitudes of paysants which discended on all partes with rude cryes and brutes, their campe that passed a­long the walls was assailed, their artilleries and municions taken from them, and the most part of their baggage spoyled: notwithstanding the french that by this tyme were come to the medley tooke from the people & paysants by force and violence, the thinges they had rauished from others with the perill of their liues: By this time also Theoder Triuulce with the vauntgard was arriued at the bridge of Rene, where Ra­phaell Passi with singuler vallour made head long time against his enemies, but being ouercharged both with numbers and fortune, he was at last taken prisoner, hauing giuen by the resistance he made, a notable oportunitie to the Church souldiours to saue them selues: But the Venetian companies and the bandes of Rassotte which lay vppon the hill aboue S. Luke, hauing but very late knowledge of the fleeing of the Duke of Vrbyn, sought their saueties by the wayes of the mounteines, by the which notwithstanding they receiued great harmes, they got at last into Romagnia: In this victorie wonne without fighting, were taken fiueteene peeces of great artillerie, and many of lesser sort, belonging both to the Pope and to the Venetians: certeine men at armes of the Church spoyled and stripped together with an hundred and fifty of the Venetians, and almost all the footemen of both the one and the other armie dis­persed: There remeyned prisoners Vrsin de Mugnano, Iulia Manfron, with many o­ther Capteines of meane condicion: within Bolognia there was not a man slaine, nor any violence done eyther to the Nobles or to the Commons, only there were made prisoners, the Bishop of Cluso together with many other Prelats, Secretories, and of­ficers which were about the Cardinall and remeyned still in his pallaice for that he had kept from them his departing: The same night & the day following the people fell vpon an image of brasse being the Popes picture, which they trayled along the market place in great skorne and mockerie, vsing no more reuerence to the Image, then they bare affection to the person that it represented: the cause of this insolen­cie was referred either to the souldiours of Bentyuoley who could not be gouerned, or else to the humor of the people, who bearing a nature vnthankefull and desirous of new things, and no lesse weary with the trauells and harmes of the warre, bare ha­tred to the name and memorie of him that had bene the cause of the libertie and fe­licitie of their contrey: The day after which was the xxij of Maye Triuulce stayed in his lodging, and the day following, leauing Bolognia behind him, he drew to the riuer of Adice and afterward stayed at the borow of S. Peter which is a frontyer vpon the territories of Bolognia, exspecting before he marched further, what would be thin­tencion of the french king, whether he would execute any further action vpon the state of the Pope, or else contenting him selfe to haue reassured Ferrara and taken from the Church the citie of Bolognia which he had gotten by his meanes, he would establish there the course of his victorie: By reason of this temporising, although Sassatella the Popes Capteine and who hauing chassed oute of Ymola the faction Gibeline, commaunded that citie as chiefe of the Guelffes, made him secret offers to [Page 528] put into his handes the citie of Ymola, yet he refused to accept it till he had the kings aunswer: There rested onely the Citadell of Bolognia wherein was the Bishop of Vi­telli, A Citadell large and stronge, but manned and furnished according to the cu­stom of the fortresses of the church, conteining but a very slender strength of foote­men, very small prouision of vittells, and almost no municions at all: Whilest it was holden beseeged, Vitfruch, being certefied of the successe of Bolognia, was come from Modona by night to perswade the Bishop with great promisses and offers to deliuer it to Caesar: But the Bishop, hauing the fift day compownded with them of Bolognia that the liues and goods of such as were within should be saued, and receiued obli­gacion that within a time certeine they should pay him three thowsand duckats, de­liuered it vp into their handes: And they were no sooner possessed of it, then they ronne by heapes to dismantle and reuerse it, the Bentyuoleis stirring them to thaction, not so much to winne fauor with the citizens, as for feare lest the french king would with hold it, some of his Capteines being already of a councell to demaunde it: But Tryuulce would neuer giue his consent, for that he thought it would be a thing con­trary to the kinges profit to giue occasion to thinke that he had desire to make him selfe Lord of Bolognia: By the occasion of this victorie, the Duke of Ferrara recoue­red besides Cento and Pieua, Cotignuola, Lugo and the other townes of Romagnia: ex­pulsing at the same time Albert Pie who possessed them in common with him.

It was reasonable, that the Pope shoulde receiue greate discontentments for the losse of Bolognia, not onely for that the citie of most importance through the whole state Ecclesiastike next to Rome, was taken from him, wherein he suffered priuacion of that glory which he had gottē in conquering it, which was no lesse great towards men then most principall and great in his owne conceite: but also for feare lest the same fortune and felicitie which in that action had made his enemie happy, ‘would not eftsoones allure him to pursue his victorie further: such be the variacions of mindes possessed with dowtes and feare, and such the mocions and suggestions of a conscience troubled and infected:’ he knew if the armie should prosecute the course of their victorie, there was in him no abilitie of resistance, And seeking to remoue all occasions that might prouoke them to passe further: he solicited that the remein­ders of the Venetian souldiours already reuoked by the Senat, should embarke at the port of Cesena, and for the same cause he sent to haue restored to him the xx. thow­sand duckats, which remeyned yet in Venice being sent thether affore to stirre vp the Svvyzzers: Moreouer he gaue order that the Cardinall of Nantes A Britton by na­tion, should as it were of him self, solicit Tryuulce to peace, perswading that the time was then conuenient to worke it: But the Cardinall made aunswere that it was not conuenient to proceede in that generalitie, but rather to come expressely to perti­cularities: he told him that when the king desired peace, he did offer the condicions, and that it was now no lesse necessary for the Pope to doe the like, the estate of the affayres so requiring, and his present fortune nothing impugning: The Pope vsed this maner of proceeding, more to auoid the present daunger, then for any desire he had to haue peace, striuing in him at one time feare, obstinacie, hatred, and disdaine: And with these passions was concurrant at the same tyme an other accident that hapned redoubling in him his sorowes, and making him suspect and feare further: There were brought to him many accusacions against the Cardinall of Pauia, some charged him with infidelitie, some imposed vpon him cowardise, and some blamed him of negligence, euery one thinking to make his fault the greater by the varietie of their imputacions: he came to Rauenna to make his owne iustificacion, and sent [Page 529] to the Pope to signifie his comming and to haue assignacion for audience: to whom the Pope, whose gladnes for his comming was nothing inferior to the affection he bare him, made aunswer that he should come to dine with him: But as he was going to the Popes pallaice, being accompanied with Guido Vaine & the gard of his horse­men: The Duke of Vrbyn, both for an auncient hatred he bare him, and also for a su­spicion that the reuolt of Bolognia hapned through his fault, by which occasion fol­lowed the fleeing of the armie, followed him with a small traine: And thrusting in amongest his gard of horsemen who for reuerence sake made him place, he slew the Cardinall with his owne handes: he might happly seeme worthy for the degree he held, vpon whom violent handes should not be layed, but touching his infinit vices, he deserued most cruell punishment, his faultes being farre greater then the opinion that went on them, & his vertues farre lesse then were conuenient for such a proses­sion: Assoone as the report of his death was brought to the Pope, he began to lamēt with miserable cryes and complaynings, being not a litle moued for the losse of a Cardinall so deare to him, but much more touched that such a holy dignitie fell in­to violacion almost euen affore his eyes, by the handes of his owne Nephew, & with an example not vsed: A matter so much the more greeuous to him, by how much he made profession to preserue & exalt the authoritie Ecclesiastike: These sorowes he was not able to beare, and much lesse to temper his furie, in which respect, as also with the presence of the place to pretermit the memorie of the fact, he departed the same day from Rauenna to returne to Rome: And, to thende that at one time he were enuyroned on all partes with infinit calamities, he was no sooner arriued at Rymyny, then he had aduertisement that within Modena, within Bolognia, and in many other cities, there were fixed and set vp many placards in publike places, by the which was denownced to him the conuocacion of the councell, with citacion to go thether in person.

For, as the Bishop of Gurcy, after he was gon from Modena, had trauelled certeine dayes by easie iorneies, exspecting the aūswer of the Skottish Embassador, who went from him to Bolognia for affayres which the Pope him selfe had propownded: so, he being eftsoones returned with aunswers very vncerteine, the Bishop of Gurcy dispat­ched immediatly to Myllan in the name of Caesar three Proctors, who, ioyning with the Cardinalls and with the Proctors of the french king, published the councell to be celebrated the first daye of September next in the citie of Pysa: The Cardinalls made choyse of Pysa, as a place no lesse conuenient for the oportunitie of the sea, for those that were there to assemble, then of speciall sewertie for the confidence the french king had in the Florentyns: And withall for that many other places, which though they might haue bene capable of such an assembly, yet they were eyther in­conuenient or suspected, or atleast the Pope might refuse them with iust cooller: There had bene no conueniencie to assemble it in Fraunce or in other place of the kinges obedience, and Constance one of the free townes of Germany recommended by Caesar, seemed for this action to beare no indifferencie, notwithstanding it had bene made notable by that worthy councell, wherein three Popes were deposed, and the schisme confounded that had continued for fortye yeares in the Churche: And in Thurin was more matter of suspicion to both partyes for the neighbour­hood of the Svvyzzers and the estates of Fraunce: Bolognia affore it was out of thobedience of the Churche was not sure for the Cardinalls: and, now it standes in the lyke case for the regarde of the Pope: Moreouer in thelection of the towne of Pysa was partely respected the felicitie of an example paste touchinge [Page 530] the memorye of two councells which had beene there right happely celebrated: the one, when almost all the Cardinalls who abandoned Gregorye the twelue and Benet the xiij quarrelling together for the Popedom, choase Pope Alexander the v. celebrating the councell in that citie: And the other which was long tyme before celebrated in the same place about the yeare a thowsande one hundred and xxxvj. by Innocent the second, at such tyme as Peter Leon Antipape of Rome was condem­ned, who making him selfe be called Anacletus the seconde, with suche a schisme had not onely much troubled Innocent, but also all the regions of Christendom: The Florentyns had affore accorded Pysa to the french king, who required it of them, gi­uing them to vnderstand that Caesar, no lesse then he, was the Author of the conuo­cacion of the councell, the king of Aragon also consenting and concurring in it: In this action the Florentyns deserue to be praysed, more perhaps for their silence, then for their wisedome or constancie: for, eyther not hauing the courage to deny the king the thinge that was greeuous to them, or not considering howe many difficul­ties and daungers might growe vppon them by a councell which was celebrated a­gaynst the Popes will, they helde so secrete that deliberacion that was made in an as­sembly or councell of more then an hundred and fifty Citizens, that the Cardinalls to whom the french king gaue hope of their conformetie, were neuer assured that they had accorded, neyther had the Pope any knowledge of it: The Cardinalls pre­tended that the councell might be iudicially called by them, without thauthoritie of the Pope, for the present necessitie (as they sayd) that the Church had, to be refor­med not onely in her members, but also in her heade, meaning the personne of the Pope: They published him to be so hardned in simonie, and corrupted with maners infamous and damnable, both vnfit to gouerne the Papacie, and Author of so ma­ny vniust warres, that he was incorrigible, to the vniuersall slaunder of all Christen­dom, for the sauetie and preseruacion of whome there was no other medicine suffi­cient then the conuocacion of a councell: whereof seeing the Pope made no care, they alleaged that the full and legittimat power of conuocacion was diuolued to them, specially thauthoritie of the elect Emperour being adioyned, and the consent of the right Christian king, together with the Cleargie of Germany and Fraunce con­curring: They perswaded, that to vse often this medicine, was a meane not onely profitable but necessary for the diseased bodie of the Church both to roote out the olde errours, and to resist such others as would of newe budde vp: To explayne and interpret the dowtes which dayly hapned, and to correct thinges which though in the beginning were sownd and well ordered, yet in that tryall they appeared perni­cious by experience: That for these reasons the auncient fathers, in the councell of Constance, had wholesomely enacted and prouided, that for alwayes afterwardes the councell should be celebrated from ten yeares to ten yeares: The Popes had no o­ther bridle then this, to holde them from going out of the right way: And without this, weighing with the naturall frailtie of men, the many inticements which nature breedes in vs to doe euill during our life, what sewertie could remeyne to kingdoms and regions, if he that tooke to him selfe all liberty and licence, might stand exemp­ted from all authoritie, and were assured that he should neuer come to giue a recko­ning of him selfe: On the other side, many occupied these reasons, pertaking more with the doctrine of the Diuines, then of the Cannonistes, that the authoritie to call councells was inuested onely in the person of the Pope: yea though he were in­fected with all vices, if onely he were not suspected of heresies: That if the holy au­thoritie were otherwayes interpreted, it would rest in the power of a few, eyther for [Page 531] ambicion or for perticuler hatreds, couering their wicked intencions with false coo­lers, to alter and chaunge dayly the peasible estate of the Church: A matter which ought not to be consented no lesse for the preiudice, then for the ill example it brought: They alleaged that be it that all medicines were wholesome, yet if they were not ministred with due proporcions, and in tymes conuenient, they bare more of poyson then of medicine: By which reasons condemning all those that had o­ther opinions, they called this assemblie not a councell, but matter to deuide and se­perat the vnitie of the sea Apostolike, A beginning of schisme in the Churche of God, and a councelling of Deuills.

The ende of the nynth Booke.

AFter the taking of Bolognia, the french armie returneth to the Duchie of Myllan: The coun­cell that was to be holden at Pysa against the Pope, is transferred to Myllan, where many stirs happen: The Popes armie beseegeth Bolognia: The french men take Bressia: The battell is giuen at Rauenna: The Pope publisheth the councell at Rome: And afterwards the affayres of the french begin to decline.

THE TENTH BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

THE successe of the victorie hapning vpon the french king, drewe all Christendom but principally the vniuersall regi­ons of Italy, to exspect (in greate dowt of minde) what he would further deliberat of his fortune: for, euery one gaue this iudgement that it was in his power to make him selfe Lorde of Rome and the whole state Ecclesiastike, both for that all the Popes regiments together with the Venetians were dispersed and almost dissolued, and also there remey­ned not in Italy other armies able to make resistance agaynst the furie of the Victor: And as for the Pope, seeming onely to be defended with the name & Maiestie of the place, he stoode in all other regardes reduced to the dis­cression of fortune, his resolucion of mind only remeining to support the aduersitye of his estate: Neuerthelesse the french king, eyther the reuerence which he bare to religion reteyning him, or the feare to stirre vppe other Princes against him driuing him to vse a moderacion in his fortune, determined not to vse thoccasion of his vi­ctorie, [Page 532] but with a councell perhaps more religious then profitable, he addressed his The sr▪ armie returneth to the Duchie of Myllan. commaundements to Ioh. Iac. Tryuulce, to returne with the armie to the Duchie of Myllan, leauing Bolognia to the Bentyuoleis, and making restitucion of all other peeces which he occupied of the Church: To these actions so gracious and affable, he ad­ded wordes and demonstracions no lesse acceptable and full of pietie: for, he forbad throughout his Realmes to make any publike signes of gladnes, And protested of­tentymes in the presence of many, that notwithstanding he had nothing committed against the sea Apostolike, nor against the person of the Pope, And much lesse done any thing but by prouocacion and constraint: yet, he would come to humilitie with the Pope, and for the reuerence and deuocion he bare to that sea, he would sue for pardon where he had done no offence: he perswaded him selfe that the Pope, know­ing by experience what were the difficulties of his conceites, and being reassured of the suspiciō which he had of him without occasion, would with all his hart come to desire peace, the practise and negociacion whereof had not bene altogether giuen ouer, seeing the Pope, since he parted from affore Bolognia, had for that occasion sent to the king, thēbassador of the king of Skotland, continuing to solicit the same points which by the same Bishop had bene begon to be debated with the Bishop of Gurce: In this disposicion to peace ioyned also the famulie of the Bentyuoleis, who, notwith­standing they followed thauthoritie of the king, yet they signified to the Pope, that much lesse they would expresse contumacie and rebellion to the Churche, seeing they layed them selues downe with ready and franke mindes to liue and dye in that subiection wherein their fathers had continued by so many yeares: And in token thereof they did not onely sette at libertie the Bishop of Cluse, but according to the auncient vsage, they lodged him in the pallayce as Liefetenant to the sea Apo­stolike.

Tryuulce departed with tharmie and drew neare to Mirandola to recouer it, not­withstanding at the request of Iohan. Fran. Piqua, Vitfruch was entred vnder cooller to hold it in the name of Caesar, And by protestacion had sent to require Tryuulce, that because it was of the iurisdiction of thEmpire, he should absteine from all violent a­ction: But finding in the ende that his vayne authoritie was not sufficient, he went his way, Tryuulce giuing him onely certaine promisses more honorable for Caesar in shewe then in effect: The like did Iohn Fran. after he had safeconduit for goods and life: And Triuulce, hauing to follow no other expedicion, sent to the gard of Verona fiue hundred launces and a thowsand three hundred launceknights vnder Capteine Iacob: And reseruing to him selfe two thowsand fiue hundred Gascoins vnder the re­giment of Capteine Molard and Mangiron, which, with the companies of the men at armes, he sent dispersed into the townes of the Duchie of Myllan, he gaue leaue & dismissed all the other bandes of footemen: But to the desire and hope of the king was nothing agreeable the disposicion of the Pope, who rising into a newe cou­rage by the reuoking of the armie, And being euery day made more hard and obsti­nat by the thinges that in deede should haue made him more easie and tractable, se­ing withall that at Rymyny where he yet remeyned he laye tormented with the gowte: In the middest of so many perplexeties he sette downe more in the per­sonne of a Victor then one that was vanquished, and that by the meane and wor­king of the same Skottishe Embassador, That the Duke of Ferrara shoulde paye to him hereafter, the tributes which he was wont to paye before the diminu­cion whiche had bene made by Pope Alexander: That the Churche shoulde holde a Visdomino in Ferrara, as the Venetians dyd before: And that there should [Page 533] bee rendered to him Lugo with the other townes which Alfonso d'Este posses­sed in Romagnia: These condicions notwithstanding they seemed to the kinge no lesse greeuous, then to holde too muche of iniquitie, yet the desire to haue peace with the Pope preuailing aboue all other respectes, he made aunswere that he was contented to consent to all those demaundes, so farre forth as Caesar might also con­discend and concurre in them: But the Pope being now returned to Rome, seemed with the place to chaunge both councell and will, the perswasions of the king of A­ragon helping no lesse then his naturall lightnes and mutabilitie: for, the king of A­ragon, whome the late victorie of the french king had confirmed in very great suspi­cion, had suddeinly layde aside all the great preparacions which he had made to passe in person into Afryca where he menteyned continuall warres with the Moares: And hauing called home from thence Peter of Nauarre with three thowsand spa­nish footemen, he sent him to the Realme of Naples, both to thend to assure at one tyme his owne estates, and to giue courage to the Pope to be so much the more e­straunged from the peace: In so much that by these encouragements conformable to his owne variable disposicion, the Pope made aunswer, that he would not heare of peace, onles the Venetians might be accorded with Caesar: onles Alfonso d'Este, ouer and besides the first demaundes, made him satisfied of all thexpenses which he had defrayed in the warre: And lastly, onles the king were bownde not to hinder him in the recouerie of Bolognia: which citie, as a rebell to the Church, he had already put vnder Ecclesiasticall interdiction: And, to make a spoyle of the corne of their con­trey, he had sent into Romagnia Mar. Anth. Colonno and Ramassore, who notwith­standing were easily chassed by the people being skarcely entred into the fronty­ers: Notwithstanding this aunswer, the Pope, what by the peticions of the Cardi­nalls and for other priuat respects, assoone as he came to Rome, consented to the deliuerie of the Cardinall of Achx, hauing bene till that daye kept prisoner with­in the castell of S. Angeo: but to his libertie he ioyned this condicion, that he should not goe out of the pallaice of Vatican till all the Prelats and officers that were taken within Bolognia were sette at libertie, and afterwards that he shoulde departe from Rome vnder payne of fortye thowsande duckattes for the which he was to putte in sufficient sewertie: And yet not longe after he suffered him to re­turne into Fraunce with charge not to bee at the councell, vppon the lyke payne.

The Popes answer moued so much the more the mind of the king, by how much he was perswaded that he should consent to the condicions which he him selfe had offered: And therefore determining to withstande him in the recouerie of Bolognia he sent thether immediatly a new strength of foure hundred launces, and not long The s [...]k takes Bolognia into his protection after, he tooke into his protection the citie with all the famulie of the Bentyuoleis without receiuing of him any couenant to minister eyther men or money: And knowing that thalliance of Caesar was now more necessary to him then euer, in place where affore he bare some inclinacion not to giue him those supplies of men which he had promised him in the capitulacion made with the Bishop of Gurcy, so farre forth as he passed in person into Italy (that being the couenant and condicion of his promisse:) he gaue present order that from the Duchie of Myllan the bandes that had bene promised should marche thether vnder the gouernment of Monsr de la Palissa for that Tryuulce whome Caesar had required, refused the iorney.

By this tyme Caesar was come to Yspruch, nourishing on the one side, a greate desire to make warre vppon the Venetians, and on the other side, he founde [Page 534] him selfe confused with many thoughtes and perplexities: for, considering that all that he should doe, would make vp no matter of substance if he tooke not Padoa, and to that enterprise were required so great forces and so mightye preparacions, as it was almost impossible to gather together: sometymes he suffered him selfe to be caried with a desire to agree with the Venetians, whereunto the kinge Catholike vr­ged him much, And sometymes he stoode ouerruled with his owne conceites, thin­king to marche to Rome in person with his armie, to occupie according to his aun­cient desire all the estate of the Church: wherein he layed his plot to leade thether a mightie armie of Almains, besides the french companies: But what by his disa­bilities and by his disorders thexecucion of thinges was so farre inferior to thima­ginacion, that he consumed the tyme without putting any thinge to action, some­tymes promising to come in person, and sometymes giuing a naked hope to sende men: By these vncerteinties it seemed greeuous to the king to take vpon him to su­steine alone the whole burden of the warre: A reason, which, hauing conformetie with his nature being sparing and holding, could doe more in him for the most part, then the wise perswacions that many made to the contrary, that if Caesar were not mightely succored by him, he would at last ioine with his enemies, by which it would happen, that besides his necessitie to be at a greater charge, yet his estates in Italy could not but fall into right manifest daungers: Amyd these dowtes and difficulties, the tumults of the temporall armes began to grow cold, but the fire of the spirituall The Pope makes ouer­ture of a new councell [...] breake the councell of Pysa. armes kindled into greater flames, aswell on the part of the Cardinalls Authors of the councell, as on the Popes side, who labored altogether to oppresse such an euill affore it became greater.

You haue heard heretofore how the councell was denownced & signified vnder thauthoritie of the king of Romains and the french king, the voices of the Cardinalls of S. Cross, S. Mallo, Bayeux, & Cosenso being interposed, the Cardinall also of S. Seuerin consenting manifestly, and successiuely, the Proctors of both the one & other king did assist the councels and deliberacions that were made: Moreouer, and to giue it a greater authoritie, the fiue Cardinals, Authors of this pestilence, added by the way of intimacion the names of other Cardinals, of whom Cardinal Albert a french man durst not disobey the commaundements of his king, being innocent in all things sa­uing in the compulsion that was vsed to him to subscribe his consent: And for the other Cardinals named by them, Cardinal Adrian and Cardinal Finalo, protested o­penly that the matter was wrought wholly without their priuitie & consent: So that more then six Cardinalls were not manifestly declared of this faction: whome, for that the Pope hoped to draw them to a voluntary renowncing of the matter, he en­terteyned with them continuall practise, offering to pardon the errours that had bin committed, and that with such sewertie that they should not neede to feare any vio­lence or displeasure to happen to them: whereunto the Cardinals gaue a dissembled eare, beleeuing the Popes promisses no further then they saw them confirmed with good meanes of their saueties: But the Pope could not for all this absteyne from most mighty and extreame remedies, In so much as following the councell of An­tho. du Mont saint Sansouyn one of the Cardinalls of his last creacion at Rauenna, seeking to purge him selfe of negligence, assigned an vniuersall councell in the towne of Rome within the Churche of S. Iohn de Latran for the firste daye of Maye next comming: By which conuocacion he pretended that the councell called by his aduersaryes was broken, and that in that which he had published was iudici­ally conteyned the power and authoritie of all, notwithstanding that the Cardi­nalls [Page 535] alleadged, that it was true in the beginning, yet seeing they had preuented it, the Councell that had bene instituted and called by them ought to haue place: The Councell beeing published, and the Pope reapposing more then euer in his right, and withall dispayring to be hable to reconcile the Cardinall of S. Crosse, who through ambition to be Pope had bene in effect the mouer of this alteration: And likewise doubting to reclayme the Cardinalls S. Mallo and Cosensa, for touching the others he was not without hope to reduce them to his obedience: he published a­gaynst those three a threatning monition vnder payne of priuation of the dignitie of Cardinall and all Churche rightes and benefites, if within threescore and fiue dayes they made not their apparaunce affore him: And the better to dispose them to the Popes wyll, the Colleage of Cardinalls sent to them an Auditor de la Rote to perswade and pray them, that leauing their priuate contentions, they shoulde eftsones returne into the vnion of the Churche, offring to giue them suche forme of securitie as they desired.

In this time also the Pope, eyther for that he was irresolute, or laboured with some other passion of worse nature, harkned continually after the practise of peace with the French king, the which was solicited in his owne Court by the kings Em­bassadors, and in the Frenche Court by thembassador of Scotlande and the Bishop of Tyuoli the Nuncio Apostolike: And on the other side he laboured to make with the king of Aragon and the Venetians a newe confederation against the Frenchmen, making all thinges lawfull and seemely that he supposed mighte turne to the ad­uauntage of his affayres. About this time also, the Pope sought to render Montpul­cian to the Florentins, not for any good he wished to them, but for feare least the truce which they had with Sienna beeing expired, they woulde call into Tuskane the French bandes to thende to haue a greater strength to recouer that towne. And al­beit it was greeuous to the Pope that the Florentins shoulde recouer Montpulcian, and that to hinder them he had already sent to Sienna Iohn Vitelli enterteined with an hundred men at armes by the Siennois, and Guido Vaino with an hundred lighte horsemen leauyed and payed by him: yet afterwardes considering better, that by howmuche the difficultie appeared great, by so muche more would the Florentins be induced to call them, he determined, to thende to take from the king all occa­sions to sende armed bandes into a place so neare Rome, to prouide for this daunger by a way contrarie, Pandolffe Petruccio consenting o it, whom the Florentins nouri­shed artificially in the same suspicion. The matter was debated many dayes, for that (small things oftentimes haue no lesse difficulties, nor are no lesse harde to be resol­ued, then suche as be of a greater nature) Pandolffe to auoyde the hatred of the peo­ple of Sienna, would the proceeding should be such, that it might seeme there was no other remedie to assure him from the warre, and not to alienate the Popes mind. Moreouer the Pope & he would that at the same time should be made betwene the Florentins and the Siennois a confederation for the defence of their estates: And yet they feared on the other side, that they of Montpulcian espying what was ment and practised, would not preuent them in rendring them selues voluntarily, winning by that meane the fauour of the Florentins, who atchieuing their intention, might af­terwardes refuse to make the confederation. For this cause Iohn Vitelli was sent to remayne within Montpulcian, and the Pope sent thither Iames Simoner auditor de la rote called certayn yeares after to be Cardinal, to thēd that by his working, thaffaires of Montpulcian might be raunged and brought to conformitie: In the ende, there was made at one time, a confederation for xxv. yeres, betweene the Florentins and [Page 534] [...] [Page 535] [...] [Page 536] the Siennois: And Montpulcian returned into the hands of the Florentins, Simo [...]et in­terposing for the pardon and confirmation of the auncient exemptions and pri­uileages.

For certayne monethes, the warre and actions of hostilitie were more easie and tollerable betweene the king of Romains and the Venetians, then had wont to be: for that the Almains beeing neither strong in men, nor prouided of money, thought they did a seruice of no small importance, if they kept Verona. And the Venetian ar­mie wanting sufficient forces to take that Citie, were retyred betweene Soaue and Louigno, from whence they made a sally one night and burnt both on this side and beyonde the ryuer of Adice a great quantitie of the fruites of thinhabitantes of Ve­rona, loasing notwithstanding in the action, three hundred footmen as they retyred, the greatnes of their pray giuing impedimentes to their vallour for the defence of their proper lyues: But assoone as they heard that Monsr Palissa was comming to Verona with twelue hundred launces and eight thousande footmen, their armie rety­red betweene Vincensa and Leguaguo into a place of strength, bearing almoste the forme and situation of an Ilande by reason of certayne waters and trenches that had bene there cut vp: Neuerthelesse they tarried not in this place many dayes, for that Monsr Palissa arriuing at Verona with a great parte of his armie, and without exspe­cting the residue taking the fielde presently together with the Almains, they retyred almost in flying to Louigne, and afterwards with the same feare abandoning Vincen­sa and all the other townes together with Polisena Rouisne, which sometimes was pil­laged by the Venetians, and sometimes prayed by the Duke of Ferrara, they with­drew to Padoa and Treuisa, their feare enforcing them to followe those meanes for safetie and refuge, which were not so conuenient for their honour and reputation. For the better defence of these cities, many of the youth & nobilitie of Venice came thither with minds resolued to share and cōmunicate with the fortunes of those two cities: holding it a iust office in Citizens & contrey men to oppose their liues against the perills and iniuries done to their contrey. The armie of the French and Almains sacked Louigne: And Vincensa whiche was become a miserable pray to those that were the strongest in the fielde, rendred itselfe. But all these enterprises & conquests were of small consequence for the substaunce of the warre, so farreforth as the Vene­tians helde Padoa and Treuisa: for that by the oportunitie of those Cities assoone as the Frenche succours were deuided from thAlmains, they reconquered without dif­ficultie, the peeces they had lost: by reason whereof, after these proceedings and aduauncements, the armie stayed many dayes at the bridge of Barberano, exspecting there eyther the arriuall or the resolution of Caesar, who beeing come betwene Trent and Rouiero, deuising at one time howe to followe his pleasures in hunting wylde beastes according to his custome, and to sende bandes of footmen to tharmie, pro­mised to come to Montagnana, sometimes pretending to embrace thenterprise of Padoa, sometimes to execute vpon Treuisa, and sometimes to go take Rome, casting in his minde those plottes and deuises of enterprise, wherevnto his naturall mutabi­litie would suffer him to giue no action. But besides his disposition frayle and varia­ble, and which had not lesse communitie with any thing then with constancie and resolution, he founde difficulties in these actions for his extreme pouertie and want, and no lesse in the attempt of Rome then in the other enterprises: for that to marche thither with those forces of the Frenche, seemed to him an action both agaynst his dignitie and suretie: and the feare least in the absence of that armie, the Venetians would assayle Verona, compelled him to leaue there a strong garrison: Besides the [Page 537] French king made difficultie to seperate his people from the duchie of Millan by so great a distance and space of countreys, for the small hope he had to haue accorde with the Svvizzers: who besides thinclinations they expressed to the desires of the Pope, spake openly to thembassador of the French king, that the peoples of their Nation were not a little greeued with the ruines of the Venetians for the communi­tie that their common weales had together. At laste the plottes, conceptions, and great discourses of Caesar came, according to his custome, to resolue into effectes vnworthy his reputation: for that on the one side, hauing increased tharmie wyth three hundred men at armes Almains, and on the other side, giuen familiar audience to the Venetian Embassadors with whom he debated continually, and had caused Monsr Palissa to come first to Lungaro neare Vincensa, and afterwards to S. Crosse, he solicited him to go take Newcastell, whiche is a passage belowe Escalo drawing to Friull, within twentie myles of Feltre, and all to make his discending more easie on that side. By this direction Monsr Palissa marched to Montbellono tenne myles from Treuisa, from whence, hauing sent fiue hundred horsemen and two thousand foot­men to open the passage of Newcastell, they went to Escalo. About which tyme the light horsemen of the Venetians who ouerranne all the countrey without impedi­ment, ouerthrew neare to Morostiqua, about seuen hundred footmen and many hors­men both Frenche and Italian: who, to passe in suretie where the armie was, went from Verona to Soaue, to ioyne with three hundred French launces, who being come after Monsr Palissa, exspected in that place his direction. And albeit in the begin­ning, things succeeded well with the Frenchmen and Almains, and that Count Guido Rangon leader of the Venetians was taken, his fortune beeing farre inferiour to his vallour: yet many paysantes descending in fauour of the Venetians, and many occa­sions rysing to their aduauntage, they remayned in the ende victorious, foure hun­dred of the French footemen beeing left dead, and their capteines Mangiron and Chemaro deteined prisoners: Suche is the ordinarie variation of warre, ‘and such the naturall infirmitie of humaine causes, not certayne in their owne condition, but sub­iected to those endes wherevnto they haue bene ordeined from the beginning. The resolutions which before had beene debated and set downe,’ grewe more and more to declining and diminution, both for that the French king seing the preparations of Caesar aunswered nothing his promises and offers, to thende he would drawe fur­ther of from Italie, returned from Dauphine where he had remayned many dayes, to Bloys: And also Caesar, beeing nowe retyred from Trent with a minde to go no more to tharmie in place to reconquer all that the Venetians held in the firme lande, or to impatronise himselfe vpon Rome and the whole estate ecclesiastike, gaue direction that the Almains should enter into Friull and vpon the peeces of Treuisan, not so muche to vexe the Venetians, as to constrayne the townes of the countrey to giue him money to preserue them from sacke and pillage. And to thende his people should not be hindred, he appoynted the Frenche men to passe further, bestowing two hundred launces within Verona where the plague raged with great daunger: His reason in this appoyntment was, for that (hauing an intention to assayle Friull) there could not be assigned to that seruice other of his bands, then suche as were re­serued for the garde of the Castells. Palissa consented to all these appoyntmentes, with whome beeing ioyned Monsr d'Aubigni capteine of three hundred launces which were at Soaue, he went and incamped vpon the ryuer of Piaua: Besides this, for a greater suretie of Verona, the Almains left two hundred horsemen within Soaue, who lying there in great disorder and negligence, vsing neither watche nor warde, [Page 538] suffred a smarting payne of their securitie, beeing one night almoste all slayne or ta­ken by foure hundred light horsemen and foure hundred footemen of the Venetians. During all this yere there fell diuerse ordinarie accidents and stirres in the countrey of Friull, in Istria, and in the quarters of Trieste and Fiume, sometime by lande with incursions and inuasions, and sometimes by sea with little vessells, those wretched countreis enduring afflictions and calamities by both the armies, sometimes ioynt­ly, and sometimes seuerally. Afterwards the armie of the Almains entred into Friull, and assoone as they made their approches before Vdina the principall place of that prouince, and where the Venetian Magistrates make their residencie: the sayde Ma­gistrates preferring feare before honor, fledde with that cowardise whiche makes men of seruice dishonored: by whose feares not onely the towne was yeelded, but Friull taken agayne by the Almains. also by one course of victorie all the countrey of Friull did the like, euery towne be­ing taxed to a proportion of money according to their habilities: There remayned onely Gradisquo situated vpon the ryuer of Lisonce, wherein was Lovvis Mossenigno treasorer of Friull with three hundred horsemen, and many bandes of footemen: This was no sooner visited by thartillerie, and onely made defence agaynst the first assault, but it was yeelded vp by thimportunitie of the souldiours, the treasorer re­mayning prisoner. From Friull the Almains returned to ioyne with Monsr Palissa in­camping within fiue myles of Treuisa, to whiche Citie they made their approches altogether, Caesar making great request that they would assay to take it: But finding it well fortified on all sides, and wanting in them selues both the seruice of pioners, munitions, with other prouisions necessarie, they retyred, their wantes taking away their hope and possibilitie of good successe. A little after, Palissa by the kings direc­tion, departed to returne to the Duchie of Millan, for that feare of newe confedera­tions and conspiracies of the Svvizzers, encreased continually: In retyring he had alwayes at his backe the Venetian estradiots, who albeit hoped to distresse him at the least at the passage of the ryuers of Brent and Adice, yet his vallour made his passage assured, & committed to spoyle two hundred horsmen of the Venetians which were incamped without Padoa, of whō Peter de Lungaro their capteyne remained prisoner: his departing left the Almains not a little confused, for that not obteining that three hundred other French launces should remayne for the garde of Verona, they were constrayned to retyre thither, leauing in pray to thenemies all that they had gayned that sommer. By which occasion the Venetian armie whereof Iohn Paule Baillon was The Venetiās recouer Friul. gouernour by the death of Luke Maluazzo, recouered immediatly Vincensa: and en­tring afterwards into Friull, they rased Cremonsa, and recouered the whole coun­trey, except Gradisqua which they knewe they coulde not take, notwithstanding a fewe dayes after certayne bands of footemen leauied in the countrey of Tyroll, tooke Codora, and sacked in like sort Bellona.

In this sort, with light effects, were determined (for the present sommer) the acti­ons & enterprises of armes, with lesse profit then ignominie to the name of Caesar, but with speciall reputation to the Venetians, who by the space of two yeres, inuaded by the armies of Caesar & the French king, came at last to reteine their owne forces & their owne iurisdiction: Matters which albeit were directly agaynst Caesar, yet they brought much more harmes to the French king: for, whilest he did not minister to Caesar such proportions of succors as might make him hable to obtaine the victorie desired, eyther fearing happly the two great prosperitie and greatnes of Caesar, or be­ing carried with false counsels and fundations, and lesse looking into the daungers that were at hande, or happly wisdome beeing blinded with couetousnesse: he gaue [Page 539] him occasion, yea he brought him almoste into necessitie to open his eares to such as ceassed not to perswade him to separation from him, preseruing at one tyme the Venetians in suche estate that they were hable with greater forces to knit with those that desired to embase his power: In so muche that men began euen nowe to dis­cerne that both in the minde of Caesar, newe thoughts began to kindle, specially for the regarde of the councell, and also his plottes and deuises were abated, chiefly since the publication of the councell of Latran: for neither did he sende thither ac­cording to his many promises any Almain prelates in the name of Germanie, nor a­ny proctors to assist in his name: neither did he once stirre for the example of the French king, who had giuen order that in the common name of the French chur­ches, foure and twentie Bishops go to Pisa, and all the other Prelates of his Realme should eyther go thither in person, or else refurnishe the action by assistance and deputation: yet neuerthelesse, eyther to excuse these delayes, or that such was his desire in deede, he began in that time to make instance, that aswell for a greater cōmoditie of the Prelates of Germanie, as for that he promised to be there in person, the Councell that had bene denounced at Pisa, might be transferred to Mantua, to Verona, or to Trente. This demaunde was greeuous to all the others for many cau­ses, and onely aggreable to the Cardinall of S. Crosse, who burning in glorious am­bition to mount vp to the Popedome (to whiche ende he had sowen all those dis­cords) hoped that with the fauour & countenance of Caesar, he might easily be ray­sed to that seate: Notwithstanding for that the cause of the Councell would stande much weakned & almost frustrate without thauthoritie of Caesar, they sent by com­mon consent the Cardinall of S. Seuerin, both to beseech him that he would sende away the Prelates and Proctors which he had so often promised, and also to giue him fayth on their behalfe, that assoone as they had giuen beginning to the Coun­cell at Pisa, they would transferre it to the place whiche he shoulde thinke good: which (say they) if we should do afore, it coulde not but be very preiudiciall to the common cause, specially it importing greatly to preuent the Conuocation whiche the Pope had published: Galeas the brother of S. Seuerin, whom with a felicitie farre different from thinfelicitie of Lodovvike Sforce his first Lord, the king had honored with the office of the Maister of his horse, went also in this expedition to make the same instance to Caesar on the kings behalfe: But the king sent him principally of purpose to confirme with newe offers and plottes, the minde of Caesar, for whose in­constancie he lyued in no little doubt and suspicion, notwithstanding at the same time he was not without hope to conclude the peace with the Pope. That peace, beeing disputed at Rome by the Cardinall of Nantes, and by the Cardinall of Strigo­nia, and prosecuted in Fraunce by the Scottishe Bishop and the Bishop of Tiuoly, was drawne into suche tearmes, that almoste all the conditions beeing accorded, the Pope had eftsoones ioyned to the Bishop of Tiuoli a further power to giue it full perfection: neuerthelesse there were inserted in this newe power, certayne limita­tions, which gaue no small occasion to men to thinke that his will and intention were farre otherwise then were his wordes and protestations, specially for that it was discerned, that at the same time he had to do with many potentates in matters altogether contrarie to this, not sparing to embrace all occasions & opportunities, though they brought with them matter of yll opinion and murmure.

In this great doubt and suspicion of things, there lacked not muche that an acci­dent The Pope holden for dead. falling vpon the Popes person, brake not all the practises and beginnings of euilles that laye in preparation: for falling into a newe fitte of his sicknesse the xvij. [Page 540] of August, the fourth day after, there tooke him suche a qualme, that for certayne houres suche as were about him, helde him for dead: And the brute beeing no lesse quicke, then the accident was mortall, many of the Cardinalles that were ab­sent put thē selues vpon the way to come to Rome,, together also with some of those that had conuocated the Councell: Within Rome the people made no lesse stirre and mouings. then they haue bene wont to do at the death of Popes, yea there ap­peared signes and tokens of farre greater tumultes, for that Pompey Colonno Bishop of Reato, and Anthony Sauello, young men of the Romaine nobilitie full of sedition and faction, assembling the commons in the Capitall, perswaded them with words sedicious to put them selues in libertie: But during the action, and as they laboured with a very vehement ambition, to stirre vp the people of Rome to publike rebellion, the Pope reuyued from his daungerous qualme: and albeit there was as yet greater feare then hope of his lyfe, yet, the day following, in the presence of the Cardinalls whiche were assembled in forme of a Consistorie, he gaue absolution to his nephew of the murder he had committed vpon the Cardinall of Pauia, not by ordinarie way of iustice as he had bene aduised before, (the shortnes of the tyme impugning) but by grace and apostolike remission, as to a person penitent. In the same Consi­storie he solicited that thelection of his successor shoulde be made Cannonically: And seeking to barre others from clymbing to so highe a degree, by the meanes which raysed him to it, he caused to be published a Bull full of horrible paynes a­gaynst those that should aspire to that election eyther by money or by other recom­pence, bothe declaring as nothing all election that shoulde be made by symonie, and giuing an entry and meane very easie to any Cardinall to impugne it. This con­stitution he had pronounced from the tyme he was within Bolognia, standing then discontented with certayne Cardinalls who laboured openly to purchase the pro­mises of other Cardinalls to possesse the Papacie after his death. He began nowe to growe better and better, eyther by his strong and hable complexion, or els for that by destinie he was reserued to be the author and principall occasion of more great and long calamities: for it was not reasonable to attribute the recouerie of his helth to the vertue or remedie of medicines, for that he obeyed neither rule nor order, eating in the greatest perill of his maladie, rawe apples and things contrarie to the prescription of Phisicke.

The Pope was no sooner deliuered from daunger of death, then he returned eft­sones The Pope pursueth his enterprise to chase the fr. out of Italie. to his olde deuises and cogitations, continuing at one time to solicite a peace with the Frenche king, and a confederation with the king of Aragon and the Senate of Venice agaynst the Frenchmen: suche was his desire to chase out of Italie all do­minion and imperie of the Frenche. And albeit his will was more inclined to warre then to peace, yet he seemed oftentimes drawen with varietie of fancies, and for many reasons followed sometimes one opinion, and sometimes an other, not bee­ing hable to settle in minde and iudgement, hauing his thoughts wandring and rea­ching to endes farre aboue his power. The thing that carried his inclination to the warre, besides his auncient hatred agaynst the Frenche, and that he was not hable to obteine all the conditions of peace which he desired, were the vehement and im­portunate perswasions of the king of Aragon, who feared nowe more then euer, least the French king beeing once at peace with the Pope, would not execute vppon the realme of Naples vppon the first occasion: Wherein to thende his counsells might carrie a greater authoritie, besides the armie at sea which was affore repassed out of Affrika into Italie vnder Peter Nauarre, he had sent newly out of Spayne an other sea [Page 541] armie conteyning fiue hundred men at armes, six hundred horsmen mounted vpon iennets, and three thousand footmen: Neuertheles this king proceeding vnderhand with his accustomed subtelties, made show that he desired more then euer the warre agaynst the Moores, from which his owne profire or particuler interest did not draw him, but onely a holy deuotion which he had alwayes borne to the sea Apostolike: onely he alleaged that beeing not hable of him selfe to interteine his souldiours, it was necessarie that the Pope and thestate of Venice shoulde minister to him, where­vnto, to thende they might condiscende more easily, his bands that were all descen­ded into the yle of Capri neare to Naples, made showes as though they prepared to passe into Affrika: But his immoderate demaundes muche amasing the Pope, and his suttleties pleasing him nothing at all, he entred into many suspicions, well kno­wing that that king ceassed not to giue to the Frenche king hopes all contrarie: he knewe the Venetians would not willingly be drawne from his will and purposes: euen so he was not ignoraunt that for the greatnes of suche a warre wherein they were, they were no longer hable to beare out the burden and charges as before: And that time had brought the Senate nowe to seeke more to defende their owne, then to take in hande a newe warre which could not be continued without intollerable exspences: He hoped that the Svvizzers, by a common inclination of those contrei­men, The hopes of the Pope. would declare them selues agaynst the Frenche king, but hauing no certentie thereof, he seemed to holde it vndiscrete to oppose him selfe to so great daungers for a hope so yll assured, not beeing ignorant that as yet were not reiected and cut off their practises with the Frenche king, and many of their chieftaines and princi­palls, to whome reuerted not small profites by the Frenche amities, labored all they might that in thassembly which was presently to be holden, their alliance might be renewed with the kinge. Touching the will and intention of Caesar, notwithstan­ding he had many inclinations by the king Catholik, & of his owne nature a sworne enemie to the Frenche name, yet his hope of him was lesse then his feare, knowing the great offers that were made to him of new aswell against the Venetians as against him, to the which the French king was hable to giue more high state and perfection then to any others that could be made to him: he sawe that if Caesar shoulde ioyne with the Frenche king, he had greatly to feare the counsell by reason of his autho­ritie: And also his owne power ioyned in good fayth and meaning, with the for­ces and treasures of the Crowne of Fraunce, and with thopportunitie of thestates of them both, the Pope coulde not in reason haue any hope of the victorie which he founde very harde to obteine agaynst the Frenche king alone: But that whiche gaue him the greatest stomacke, was a hope he had that the king of Englande would be wonne to rayse warre agaynst the Crowne of Fraunce, both by the counsels and perswasions of the king Catholike his father in lawe, and for thauthoritie of the sea Apostolike which was then great in the yle of Englande, and in whose name he had with vehement petitions implored his succors against the french king as agaynst an vsurper & oppressor of the Church: to these inducements was ioyned also the natu­rall hatred aswell of that king as of the people of England to the french nation, much helping in this action the forwardnes of the kings youth & great abundance of trea­sor left to him by his father, which was supposed to amount to a wōderful quantity. These were proper instrumēts to kindle fire in the mind of this yong king, & hauing neuer experiēced in his kingdom but fortunes happy & plausible: he was also pushed forward by an honorable desire to renew the glory of his auncestors, who intituling them selues kings of Fraunce, and at sundry times vexing that kingdome with great [Page 542] warres, had not onely holden for many yeres Guyenne and Normandy (rich & mighty prouinces of that crowne,) and taken in a battell neare to Poyeters the Frenche king with two of his sonnes and many of his Nobilitie: but also, had occupied together with the moste part of the kingdome the citie of Paris the capitall citie of the king­dome: lastly their vallours and fortunes haue bin so terrible to the Frenchmen, that if Henry the fift then king of Englande had not exchaunged this life in the flower of his age and glorious course of his victories, it was beleeued he had made an absolute conquest of the whole realme of Fraunce, and brought subiected to him selfe the Crowne and imperie of that nation. The memorie of these honorable victories working with the youth and disposition of the king, were not of little force to draw him to action, notwithstanding his father vppon his dying had expresly aduised him aboue all other things to enterteine peace with the Frenche nation as the onely meane for the kinges of Englande to raigne surely and hapeply. It was not to bee doubted but the warre of thEnglishe agaynst the Frenche king (beeing also as­sayled in other places) was of right great consequence, for that in that action the very intralls of the kingdome were charged, the Frenchemen redoubting muche the name of thEnglishe by the memorie of victories and conquestes passed. Not­withstanding all these, the Pope for thincerteintie of the fayth of straungers, and for the farre distaunce of those contreys so farre remoued, coulde not establishe or reappose his counsayles vppon those fauours. These were the hopes of the Pope, and thus were they limited and layed out in condition and proportion.

On the other side the Frenche king, to whom nothing was lesse pleasing then to The thought [...] of the fr. king. be in warre agaynst the Churche, was greatly desirous to haue peace, by meane whereof as he was to shake of the yll will of the Pope, so also he was to be deliue­red of thimportunate demaunds and necessities of Caesar: two respects which trou­bled him not a litle, the one offending his conscience being to muche addicted, and the other consuming his treasors whereof he had made many prodigalities: he made no difficultie to breake the Councell of Pisa, whiche he had introduced one­ly to make the Pope condiscende to peace by that feare, so farrefoorth as there might be pardon and remission to the Cardinalls and others that had bene parta­kers eyther in councell or in action: But on the contrarie, the demaunde for the restoring of Bolognia kepte hym in suspence: a Citie by reason of his situation, most conuenient to molest him: he feared the peace was not sincerely accepted by the Pope, nor with a minde disposed to obserue it if occasions returned, but only to deliuer himselfe presently from the daunger of the Councell and from the warre of whose successe he had no small ielousie. And yet he hoped to confirme the mind of Caesar, with the greatnes of his offers, and therefore negociating of common occurrantes as with a confederate, he perswaded him vehemently amonges other things not to consent that Bolognia a Citie of so great importaunce, should eft­sones retourne vnder the iurisdiction of the Pope: And touching the kinges of Aragon and of Englande, he did not together distruste them, notwithstanding the manner of proceeding of the one was already manyfest, and the brute of thin­tention of the other no lesse publike and generall: And notwithstanding their Em­bassadors ioyntly had perswaded him, first with words of modestie bearing a pretēce of office and amitie, & afterwards pressed him with importunities to cōmaund that both the cardinalls & prelates of his kingdome should be at the councell of Latran, and also to suffer and see that the Churche were eftsones repossessed of the Ci­tie of Bolognia one of her members not in the least degree. The reason of this [Page 543] confidence touching thEnglish was, that they made show to haue desire to perseuer in the confederation which they had with him and many of his counsell, giuing him surety of the same, he beleued they would attempt nothing against him: And for the king of Aragon, his sleights & suttel apparances were such, that the king gaue a lesse faith to his doings then to his speeches, wherin he alwayes assured him neuer to en­ter into action of armes against him: with which opinion, he suffred himselfe some­what to be perswaded, that that king would neuer ioyne in armes so manifestly with his enemies, as he professed by his counsels & secret deliberations: he beguiled him self so much in these opinions, that notwithstāding he had hope giuen by those that were of his faction in Svvizzerlande, that he might yet reconcile that nation if he would consent to their demaunds for increasing their pensions, yet he eftsones refu­sed it with no lesse obstinacy then before, alleaging that it were no equity to yeld him self to be taxed by thē: And vsing sharp remedies, where easie meanes had bin more necessary, he made restraint that they should haue no releefe of vittels out of the du­chie of Millan, thinking that by their vniuersall scarceties redoubled by the sterri­litie of their contrey, he should in thende bring them to agree to the renouation of thalliance according to the auncient conditions.

By this time was come the first day of September which had bin afore set downe Ouerture of the Councell of Pisa. for the beginning of the councell of Pisa, at which day the Proctors of the Cardinals being come to Pisa, celebrated in their names the actes apperteining to thexpressing of the same. At this the Pope did not a litle storme, specially against the Florentins, for that they had consented that the Councell of Deuills (for so did he alwayes call it) tooke beginning vpon their estates, for which transgression he declared that the ci­ties of Florence and Pisa stoode subiect to thinterdiction ecclesiastike by vertue of the Bull of the Councell which he had caused to be published: wherein it was set downe in an expresse article, that whosoeuer he were that fauored the diuelishe as­sembly at Pisa, stoode excommunicated, interdicted, and subiect to all paynes se­uerely ordayned by the lawes agaynst schismatikes and heretikes: And threatning to inuade them with armes, he elected the Cardinall of Medicis, Legate of Perousa: And not long after, the cardinall Regina Legat of Bolognia beeing dead, he bestowed him in his place, to thend that he who enuied their estate being vpon their marches with so great authority, his presence might make them fall amongst themselues into suspicion & confusion: a thing which he hoped might easily succede for thestate & reputation wherein he stoode at that time in that citie: for, besides the affections of certaine particulars desiring the returne of the Medicis, discordes and diuisions (the auncient maladie of that citie) raigned amongst the generall number of Citizens of greatest apparance. These diuisions bred at that time by the greatnes and autho­ritie of the Magistrate whiche they call Confalonnier, which some for ambition and enuie could not suffer, and others stoode yll contented, for that iudging him to in­trude more into the deliberation of thinges then apperteined to his place, they thought he left not to them that parte of authoritie which their estates and condi­tions deserued: They complayned that in the gouernment of the Citie ordeyned and conteined in two extremities, that is to say, the publike magistrate & the coun­sell popular, was manifest error touching the true institution of cōmon weales: for a senat duly ordeined, by the which besides that it should be as a reasonable tēperature betwene the one & other extremity, the principalls & best qualified citizens should obteine in the cōmon weale a degree more honorable: But the Gonfalonnier did the contrary, either by ambition, or by vaine suspiciō, being notwithstāding principally [Page 544] chosen for the redresse & order of that. The thing which they desired in this action notwithstanding it was reasonable, and yet not of that importaunce as to turne their mindes to diuisions, for that without it they were both honorably raysed & aduan­ced, and withall there was no forme of disposing of the publike affaires without thē, was the very originall and principall cause of the great calamities which fell after­wards vpon that citie: The factions & diuisions amōgst the citizens, being grounded therevpon, and thenemies of the Gonfalonnier suspecting him with the Cardinall of Volterre his brother to be at the deuotion of the French king, and to reappose alto­gether in his amitie: opposed as muche as they could agaynst the deliberations that were to be made in fauour of that king, desiring that all might be transferred to the Pope. By this also it came to passe, that the name of the familie of Medicis beganne to be lesse hatefull in that Citie then before, for that those chiefest and mightiest Ci­tizens who earst denyed their returne, were nowe no more concurrant to persecute them, and muche lesse to hinder the communitie and conuersation of others with them: The malice they bare to the Gonfalonnier wrought this alteration & change of their affection, and the more to abate his authoritie, they stucke not to expresse by many tokens, how little that familie was estraunged from their fauour and ami­tie, not forbearing also to giue shadowe to others to desire their returne and great­nesse: And of this it happned that not onely those that were their assured and per­fect friendes (in whom was no great power) entred into hopes of innouation and newe thinges, but also many of the Nobilitie and youth of the Citie, pushed on ey­ther by their great prodigalities and exspences, or by certayne particular disdaynes, or at least by ambicious desires to surpasse others in dignities, exspected a mutati­on of that estate by the meane of their returning (that disposition hauing bin nori­shed and encreased many yeares by the Cardinall Medicis with great sleight and Cardinal Me­dicis vvho af­tervvards vvas Pope Leo the tenth. subteltie:) for euer since the death of his brother Peter whose name was both fea­red and hated, he had made no show to entermeddle in thaffaires of Florence, nor to haue any desire to aspire to the auncient greatnesse of his familie: And to omitte no office which might eyther make him merite the more, or insinuate further, he forgate not with great humanitie and fauours to welcome and receiue all the seue­rall people of Florence that had recourse to Rome, offring himselfe a ready instru­ment for the dispatche of their affayres, wherein disposing his fauour no lesse to suche that had bene manyfest enemies agaynst his brother, then to others whom he helde indifferent, he vsed in his behauiour and speache to laye all the fault vpon his brother, as though the faultes with the memorie and hate thereof, were de­termined together with his death. This forme and manner of behauior he conti­nued many yeares, which accompanied with the opinion that went of him in the Court of Rome to be by disposition liberall, affable, and gracious to all men, brought hym in the ende to bee acceptable to many at Florence: In whiche respect the Pope that desired not a little thalteration of that gouernment, preferred him with great foresight to that legation.

The Florentins appealed from thinterdiction, and to commit the lesse offence in thappellation, they called it not the councell of Pisa, but named it the sacred coun­cell of the Churche vniuersall: And as though by thappellation theffect of thinter­diction had bene suspended, the priestes of the foure principall Churches were cō ­pelled by commaundement of the supreme Magistrate to make publike celebration of all diuine offices, the same disclosing more and more the diuision of the Citizens, and left in the discression of euery one either to obserue or contemne thinterdict: for [Page 545] this reason, thembassadors of the kings of Englande and Aragon made new instance to the french king, offring him peace with the Pope, so farreforth as he would see Bolognia rendred to the Church, and that the Cardinalls might make a presence at the Councell of Latran, when they offred that the Pope should receiue them all to pardon. But the regard and consideration of Bolognia holding him from consenting to the peace, he made answer, that as he did not defend a citie in contumacie and re­bellion against the Church, vnder whose iurisdiction & obedience it was gouerned in the same forme and estate of policie wherin it had bin ruled many yeres afore the pontificacy of Iulius, to whom it belonged not to demaund a greater authoritie then had bin required & practised by his predecessors: so also touching the Councell of Pisa, it had bin introduced in a most honorable and holy purpose to reforme the no­torious & intollerable disorders of the Church, wherevnto would be easily reduced her auncient vertue & brightnes, and that without perill of schisme or diuision, if the Pope would agree to assist that councell, the reason being no lesse iust, then the action conuenient for him managing the supreme place: he added lastly that his vnquietnes together with his inflamed minde addicted to warres and troubles, had chiefly induced him to binde himselfe to the protection of Bolognia, whiche for his honor he would defende with no lesse care and studie, then he would see to the pro­tection of his towne of Paris. The Pope then shakinge of all his cogitations and The Pope makes league vvith the Venetians & the king Ca­tholike. thoughts to the peace, no lesse for his auncient hatreds and couetousnes, then for feare of the councel & his desire to Bolognia, and finally suspecting, that if he deferred any lōger to deliberat & resolue, he should be left abādoned of euery one, the spanish souldiers beginning now to ēbarke at Carpy making as though they would passe into Affrika: he determined to finish the cōfederation negociated with the king Catho­like & the senat of Venice, which was solemnly published the fifth of October in the Church of S. Maria de populo, the Pope and all the Cardinalls assisting. This confe­deration bare that they shoulde principally preserue the vnitie of the Churche, and the better to defende her from present schisme, to reuerse and dissolue the assem­bly of Pisa: To recouer the Citie of Bolognia apperteining immediately to the sea Apostolike, together with all other peeces and places whiche directly or indirectly belonged to the Churche, Ferrara beeing comprehended vnder that sence: That agaynst all suche that shoulde oppose agaynst any of these thinges, or labour to throwe any impedimentes (these wordes signified the Frenche king) they shoulde proceede to chase them out of Italie with a mightie armie, wherein the Pope was to mayntaine foure hundred men at armes, fiue hundred light horsemen, and sixe thousand footmen: The Senat of Venice should furnish eight hüdred men at armes, a thousande light horsemen, and eight thousand footmen: And to the king of Ara­gon were allotted twelue hundred men at armes, a thousande light horsemen, and tenne thousand footemen, for the interteinment of whome the Pope shoulde paye during the warre eight thousande duckettes euery moneth, and the Venetians as much, furnishing presently a paye for two monethes, within which time they were bound to march into Romagnia or to other place where the confederates should be: That the king of Aragon should arme twelue gallies, and the Venetians fourteene, whiche at the same time should make warre vpon the Frenche king in Lombardie: That Dom Raimond of Cardona then Viceroy in the realme of Naples, shoulde be capteine generall of tharmie: That if in this warre there were conquered any townes in Lombardy which had bene the Venetians, that in that case shoulde be obserued the declaration of the Pope, who forthwith in a writing apart & seueral, pronoūced that [Page 546] they should be rendred to the Venetians: There was reserued for Caesar liberty to enter into the confederation, and likewise to the king of Englande, bearing to the one an vncertayne hope to be hable in the ende to seperate him from the french king: and for the other was left a tyme by the expresse consent of the Cardinall of Yorke, who [...] alwayes assist and communicate in the treatise of the league. As this confede­ration was fully resolued & established, Ierome Donato the Venetian embassador died, who for his singuler wisdome and habilitie being very deare to the Pope, had in this action & other affaires during his legation, done many great seruices to his contrey.

This confederation made by the Pope vnder cooller to deliuer Italy from the im­perie [...] of the league. of straungers, drew the mindes of men to diuerse interpretations according to the diuersitie of their iudgements & passions: for many, beguiled with the respect & magnificence of the title, set out with great merites & prayses so diuine and high an enterprise: sayde it was an action right worthye the maiestie of his place, and that the greatnes of his minde could not haue chosen an enterprise more gracious, nor lesse full of discression then of magnanimitie, stirring vp by his industry one stranger against an other: In such sort that the blood of forreiners more then of naturall Ita­lians being spilt vpon the French men, not only the liues of Italians were spared and reserued, but also after one of the parties should be expulsed, it would be easie with the naturall armies of the countrey to chase out the other beeing already weakened and out of breath: Others on the other side, in whō perhaps were setled more depe impressions & considerations of the substance of things, reapposing litle in the delu­ding showes of a title magnificall, feared that the warres that were begon with inten­tion to deliuer Italie from forreine powers, would not grow more to hurt the vitall spirites of that body, then other warres that had bene begon with a manyfest profes­sion and resolute intention to subdue it: They saide it was no lesse vayne then yll ad­uised to hope that the armies of Italie depriued of vertue, of discipline, of reputati­on, of Capteines, of authoritie, and the willes of their Princes not conformed, should be mightie ynough to driue out of Italie him that is already possessed of con­quest and victorie, in whom albeit all other remedies should fayle, at least he could neuer fayle of the meane to be reunited with those that he had vanquished to the common ruine of all the states and regions of Italie: They foresawe that there was more reason to feare that in these newe stirres were not occasion to make pillage of Italie by new nations, then to hope that by the vnion of the Pope and the Venetians, there should be any habilitie to vanquish the Frenchmen and the Spaniards: They sayd that as it was to be wished that the disagreement and yll disgested counsells of their Princes had not opened the way to forrayne armies to enter into the mayne body of Italie: so notwithstanding, since by their infelicitie, two of the moste worthy members of that body were occupied by the Frenche and Spanishe kings, it was to be esteemed a farre lesse calamitie, that they both continued there vntill eyther the goodnes of God whose rule goeth through all, or the fauor of fortune, who orde­reth things in time, would minister occasions better grounded, and ayde them with oportunities more conuenient, for that the one king waighing in ballance agaynst the other, their mutuall iealousies would defende the libertie of such as were not yet falne into seruitude: then that betwene them selues they should fall into armes by meane of which, whilest the warre should last, the partes that yet remayned sounde would be torne in peeces by pillages, by fyrings, by blood, and by other miserable accidents which warre draweth with it: And lastly which of them should remayne victor, would assuredly afflict the whole body with a more hard & heauy seruitude.

[Page 547]But the thoughts of the Pope (in whom was an other opinion) being become The Pope de­priueth the rebell Cardi­nal [...]s of the hat. more violent and kindled by the new confederacion: Assoone as the tearme limited in thadmonicion published before against those Cardinalls that were Authors of the councell, was passed, he called together the publike Consistorie with great so­lemnitie, and sitting in habit pontificall in the hall named the hall of the kings, he de­clared that the Cardinalls of S. Cross, of S. Mallo, of Cosense, and of Bayeux, were falne from the dignitie of Cardinalls, and had incurred all those paynes whereunto are subiect heretikes and schismatikes: he published also an admonicion of the same forme against the Cardinall S. Seuerin whom he had not molested till that day: And proceeding in the same heate to the deuises for warre, he solicited continually the comming of the Spanyards, hauing an intencion affore all other thinges to bringe warre vpon the Florentyns both to draw to the deuocion of the confederats that cō ­mon weale, restoring to the gouernment the famulie of Medicis: and also to satisfie the infinit malice which he bare to Peter Soderin Gonfalonnier, as though it was tho­row his authoritie that the Florentyns would neuer be seperated from the french king, giuing also a consent afterwards that the councell should be holden at Pysa.

Of this resolucion many signes & relacions were brought to Florence, where fal­ling into preparacions to be able to susteine the warre, it was propownded amongst other thinges, that it could not be vnreasonable to resist with the reuenues & goods of the Church, the warre which the Church went about to make vniustly: And therefore it were no offence to equitie or conscience to constraine the Churchmen to contribute some great quantitie of money, but vnder these condicions, that they should be bestowed in places of sewertie, and the money not to be disburssed but in the action of warre, which not hapning, and the feare thereof ceassing, euery porci­on should be restored to the parties that lent it: To this deuise many of the Citizens spake against, some for feare to incurre the paynes imposed by the cannon lawes vp­on the defilers of the libertie of the Church: they were the least in number and most inferior in power and authoritie: but the greater parte impugned this proposicion onely to obiect against the will and reasons of the Gonfalonnier, of whose authoritie it was manifest that this councell did proceede: In so much as the new lawe ordey­ned hereupon being already debated in the councels priuie no lesse by the diligence of the Gonfalonnier, then inclinacion of many others, and nothing wanting now but thapprobacion of the great and publike councell which stoode assembled for that purpose, the Gonfalonnier reasoned for the law in this maner.

I hope my Lordes, ‘there are none amongest you that reasonably can doubt what haue bene the perpetuall intencions of the Pope against your libertie: wherein if you be not assured by consideracion of his present dealing subiecting you vniustly to thinterdiction, and neither heard your iustificacions which be no lesse true then ma­ny in number, nor respected the hope that was giuen him to remoue the councell from Pysa within few dayes: laye your selues downe at least to the comparison and iudgement of his other actions, no lesse malicious in their seuerall working, then contrary to the memorie and examples of his Predecessors, and yet by him conti­nued in all seasons since his pontificacie. I will not perticulat the seuerall tokens and testimonies of his ill mind towards this estate, and much lesse obiect the sundry ef­fects of his great enuie & malice: such repeticions bring no frute where the harmes be already suffered and passed, And it aunswereth not the modestie that this place exspecteth to labor in inuectiues and make men infamous by imputacion: yet, for that the memorie of actions passed, serueth some tyme as a warning against acci­dents [Page 548] that may happen, I hold it not inconuenient to the present matter to inferre some, hoping I shall not be interpreted to be the inuenter of the thing through ma­lice, which I deliuer but by relacion: None of you can be ignorant, that during our long warres against the Pysans this common weale neither by supplicacions which brought with them their piety & necessitie, nor by thextremitie of our estate which often tymes we humbled at his feete, could obteyne of him any fauor either publike or secret, notwithstanding that both the iustice of our cause deserued it, and also it was an action apperteyning to the sewertie of the Church and tranquilletie of all I­taly to seeke to quenche such a fire which not many yeares before had kindled many great calamities and troubles: where, of the contrary, as often as they of Pysa had re­coursse to him (A thinge which we coulde not but suspect and were alwayes made more certeine after our victorie) he did not onely receiue the complaint of their af­flictions with compassion and pity, but also nourished them in their obstinacie with diuers hopes, which was not a new inclinacion in him, but begon & continued since he was Cardinall: for, after the french men had leauied their campe from before Pi­sa, he wrought what he could with the french king and the Cardinall Amboise, that Pysa should be receiued into protection, and we left excluded & abandoned: he sha­dowed the enuie he bare to vs, with a dissembled remorse vpon the necessities of the Pysans, and vnder the regard and title of his profession, made vs blinde in the proper­tie of his disposicion: being become Pope, he neuer imparted to our common weale any one of those graces which the sea Apostolike is wont to minister in great libe­ralitie: he would not in so many difficulties and necessities of ours, once consent that we might at any tyme so muche as releeue our selues with the reuenues of the Churche, contrarye to the example of Alexander the sixt, who gaue vs that libertie many tymes, notwithstanding he was a setled enemie to this common weale: yea, expressing one will in thinges inferior and in matters of greater nature, he forbad vs to leauye money of the Cleargie for thinterteyning of Doctors and publike stu­dies, notwithstanding that both the summe was litle and had continued by licence of many Popes, and also it was conuerted to thinstruction of youth and aduaunce­ment of learning: A worke of singuler pietie and vertue: Besides, that which was practised in Rome by Bartlemevv Aluiano with Cardinall Ascagnius, was not debated without his priuitie, wherein as the apparances were publike and manifest, so thef­fects had also succeeded, if others of greater power had not withdrawne them selues by the suddeine death of the Cardinall: And yet the first foundacions failing, he would neuer (at our iust requests) consent, to restraine Aluiano to make leauies or wa­ging of souldiours in the territories of Rome: Onely he forbad the famulies of Colon­no and Sauello, to inuade the landes of such as were prepared to offend vs, by whose helpes we might haue shaked of our daungers with very small charges: that minde can not be free from suspiciō of malice which forbeareth to remedie vniust harmes, forbiddeth all other meanes that are offered, forsaketh the causes of men iustly com­plaining, and foreseeth through the deuises of his enuie, the ruines of those whom he is bownd to support, though by no other respect of office, yet by the propertie of his profession and calling: Touching our busines with Sienna, he meinteined alwaies against vs Pandolffe Petruccio, and compelled vs with threatnings to prolonge the truce: And for no other cause did he ioyne with vs for the recouering of Montpul­cian (for whose defense he had sent men to Sienna) then for feare least the armie of the french king should be called by vs into Tuskane: he ioyned with vs at times when his feare was greater then our perill, and delt seuerally when he saw he might do vs [Page 549] harme by too much trusting him, he would not sticke to abuse his authoritie to ap­ply vs to his will, and was alwayes at hand to serue his purposes of our ready disposi­cion: of the contrary, we did neuer offend him, but sought to proceede in all things with respect and reuerence to the Church, and perticularly haue gratified him in all those demaunds which haue lyen in our power, yea euen to sende our men at armes to ayde him in the enterprise of Bolognia, being neither bownd, nor our proper pro­fit respected in the action: But not one office, not one obedience, not one humilitie, could suffice to appease the seueritie of his minde, whereof, besides many other ap­parant testimonies and tokens, this is not the least, that he receiued them willingly and gladly that offered to kill me, not for hatred he bare to me that neuer offended him, and in the tyme of his Cardinalship he had honorably embrased me, but for a burning desire he had to depriue you of your libertie: I am loath to offend the lawes of modestie, and muche more to be ouercaried with the memorie of myne owne harmes: but because the thing is true by your proper witnes and testimonie, and in remēbring the offence the offender suffreth no iniurie, I hope I shall not be thought to arrogāt in speaking, where lesse silence might haue made me suspected of simple­nes: he hath alwayes sought to bring this common weale to cleaue to his immode­rat and vniust wills: he hath alwayes wrought to make it a pertaker of his exspenses and daungers: And therefore not hoping but that rash and vndiscreete resolucions might succeede of the moderacion and maturitie of your councells, he hath dispo­sed all his deuises to this ende to bringe into this citie, a tyrannie, which depending vpon him, should not be directed and managed according to your profit, but after the importunitie of his lustes and couetousnes, with the which (being drawne from endes excessiue) he thinketh vpon no other thing then to sowe seedes of discord, to bring forth one warre after an other, and to nourish and keepe kindled a perpetuall fire in Christendom: And why should we doubt, that at this present he is not posses­sed of an intencion to set vpon vs, hauing two mighty armies ioyned with him, be­ing Lord of Romagnia, and the state of Siena subiected to his obedience: it is not hard to draw to action the mind that is so addicted to dominion and imperie, And where we are perswaded is emulacion of our greatnes and glory, there let vs looke for the worst that malice and hatred can doe: we haue reason to suspect that he will assay to obteine that by open force, whereunto he hath so long aspired by secret deuises, his thirst being so much the greater by howe muche he seeth vs ill prepared for our de­fence: A matter which though no other thing would detect and signifie vnto vs, his thoughtes and deuises haue sufficiently expressed it, by appoynting lately for Legat of Bolognia, the Cardinall of Medicis in intencion to preferre him to tharmie: A Car­dinall who had neuer receiued any honorable place of him, neuer gratified with be­nefits, neuer acceptable to him for seruice, councell, opinion, trust or confidence: take your consideracions of these thinges, and what els can you iudge, then that gi­uing authoritie to march vpon your frontyers, and almost to set his foote vpon your neckes, with such a dignitie, such a reputacion, and such a terror of armes, the man that onely aspyreth to be your tyrant, desiring to stirre vp and conspire your Citisens to affect tyrannie more then libertie, and to draw your subiects to mutinie, to thend to introduce his imperie: it belongs to wise men to foresee a mischiefe affore it hap­pen, and it is the reward of men vnhappy to lament it when it is chaunced: The wise sayler takes his iudgement of the wether by the clowdes and tokens of the ayre, and men pollitike turne to their proper warning the signes that are sent from him whom they both suspect and feare: In regard of these reasons it hath bene iudged necessary [Page 550] by this honorable councell and many other Citizens of respect and merit, that for the defence and protection of this libertie, there should be leauyed the same proui­sions as if the warre were certeine: And albeit it is very likely that the french king, at least for his proper interest, wil ayde vs mightely: yet, we are neither for that hope to leaue of those remedies which be in our power, nor forget that many impedimēts may easily chaunce, which in some sorte may depriue vs of his succours: it may be there be some that will obiect against this councell as being neither necessary nor profitable, in such men perhaps is more dominion of passion or other perticuler hu­mor, then of affection or zeale to the common benefit: Some also alleage, that being vncerteine of the Popes intencion to enter into warre, it is a resolucion vnprofitable, such as offendeth his authoritie, and by taxing the reuenues of the Church, to giue him iust occasion to be angry and to prouoke him to make warre vpon vs almost by necessitie: as though by so many euident signes & arguments is not manifestly com­prehended the substance of his intencion, or as though it apperteyned to wise go­uernors of common weales to deferre preparacions till after the beginning of thas­salt, & first to receiue the blow of thennemie, affore we couer our bodies with armes necessary for our defence: The medicine that is ministred out of tyme, workes not to the benefit of the patient, the councel is without frute that commes after the fact, and it is too late to applye the remedie after the ill be hapned: others of vs dwell in this opinion, that not to adde the wrathe of God to the anger of the Pope, we must prouide for our sauetie by some other meane, since we are not yet falne into that ne­cessitie without the which secular Princes haue bene alwayes forbidden by the can­non lawes and that vnder great paynes to impose any charge vppon the persons or goods of the Church: This reason hath bene also considered by vs and others that haue giuen councell to the publicacion of this law: But who dowteth that since our publike reuenues are not sufficient to furnish thexpenses we must susteyne, And our treasors hauing bene so long time drayned, and our necessities no lesse encreasing by the continuacion of the warres: who doubteth I say that it is not both reasonable & necessary, that the charges we are to susteine for the defence of a warre vniustly be­gon by the Church, should not be leauyed and supported with the moneyes of the persons of the Church: A matter which many tymes heretofore hath bene practi­sed by our citie, and of no lesse example with other Princes and common weales: But neuer with greater moderacion and respect neither here nor elsewhere, for that there is no intencion to employ them in other action, but onely to laye them vp in places of suretie, to thende to make repayment to the persons them selues if we find no occasion to feare: So that if the Pope bring not warre vpon vs, as it is reasonable we disbursse not the treasors of the Churche, and in effect they shall be no way ex­spended: So also if he make no conscience to afflict vs, why shoulde we be curious by all our wayes and meanes possible to defend vs from the iniuries of a warre so vn­iust: where tyrants turne their authoritie to oppresse innocents, to enter into armes for our owne sauetie can be no breache of obedience nor order: it holdes sufficient­ly of equitie to repulse a violence by the same meanes wherewith it is offered: what occasion of displeasure hath he found in this common weale, which by necessitie & not by will, hath suffered the councell to be assembled at Pysa: shall we for this be in­terpreted to haue prouoked his anger: faultes done by necessitie bring with them a sufficient reason of excuse: is it to prouoke his anger, when we refuse to lay downe our neckes to him that hath vowed to stryke them of? it is farre from thimputacion of prouoking to prepare and put our selues in order to resist his vniust violence: No, [Page 551] we should the rather prouoke him, if we fayled to make conuenient prouisions, for that the hope of the facilitie of thenterprise would make his furie the greater, raging already with a burning emulacion to destroy your libertie euen to the foundacions: The feare to offend God neede not reteyne you: for, our necessitie is so great, and our daunger so manifest, not standing subiect to any thing that may more preiudice vs: that it is suffered not onely to serue our turnes with that part of those reuenues which is not conuerted into workes of pietie and charitie, but also it is lawfull to lay handes euen vpon the thinges sacred: for that according to the lawe of nature, the defense and resisting of iniuries is common to all men, allowed of God, and appro­ued of all nations, A perpetuall rule to men, & engendred together with the world: it will laste as longe as the worlde, and is not subiect to derogacion by any of the lawes ciuill or cannon, grounded vpon the wills and tradicions of men, which being not otherwayes recorded, then in paper or other matter fraile and declyning, haue no power to derogat a perpetuall law, not made by men or their councells, but en­graued by nature her selfe in the spirits and hartes of all mankind: we must not ex­spect and temporise till we be brought into the last extremitie, for that being once enuyroned with oppressions our recoursse to remedies woulde be too late, and we should stand to lament the harmes which we might haue auoyded: it is too late to prouoke to vomit when the poyson hath pearsed to the bones: the soldiour serueth no turne that beginneth to march when the battell is done: Besides all this, how can it be denied, that the state and multitude of priuat persons shall suffer great distresse by it, seeing that by thimpostes that are layed vpon them, the greatest part of them are constrayned to cut of some of those exspenses without the which they can not liue but with great incommoditie & diminucion of things necessary to their degree: That is the necessitie which hath bene considered vppon by such as haue made the lawes, by which we are forbidden to exspect till our Citisens be brought to the daū ­ger offamine and no longer able to susteyne their famulies: On the other part, by this taxacion, there is no incōmoditie imposed vpon the Churchmen, for that they doe onely disfurnish them selues of that parte of their reuenues, which, either they kepe vnprofitable in their coffers, or reserue to exspend in prodigalities superfluous, or perhaps some of them (I speake vnder pardon) would lashe out in pleasures di­shonest: This is a perpetuall resolucion of all wise men, that the libertie of cities and common weales is acceptable to God, for that in them, more then in any other sort of gouernment is preserued the common benefit, iustice administred without ac­ception of persons, the minde of Citisens raysed more and more to workes of vertue and honor, and more respect and reuerence borne to religion: And yet you beleeue it is an action not a litle displeasing to God that to defend a thing so precious for the which who sheds his proper blood winneth greatest merit and prayse, you employ a litle part of the frutes and reuenues of temporall thinges: which notwithstanding they are dedicated to Churches, yet they are all discended vnto them by almes, by donations, and by inducements of laye men our elders: They are to be no lesse em­ployed for the preseruacion and sauetie of Churches, subiect and exposed in a time of warre then thinges secular which are layed downe to the crueltie and couetous­nes of soldiours, neyther are they more to be respected in a warre made by the Pope, then if there were a persecution by the Turkes or the greatest tyrants of the worlde: forbeare not whilest you haue tyme to prouide for the sauetie of your contrey, be not curious in conscience to defend your libertie, then the which you can not offer to God a temporall sacrifice more acceptable or worthy: Thinke that to chasse the [Page 552] warre from your houses, from your temples, from your Monasteries, and from your possessions, there is no better remedie then to make knowne to him that is risen to offende you, that you are determined to forget nothing that may serue to your de­fense: That force is iust that is raysed in a necessary cause, and where you want secu­lar meanes to warrant your liues, to apply the goods of the Church in this propor­cion, can be no breache of equitie nor conscience: nature by prerogatiue makes things lawfull for defence,’ which the law ceremonially reserueth for other respects.

The discoursse of this graue Magistrat, no lesse reasonable in it selfe, then necessa­ry for their common sauetie, wrought such impression in the mindes of the hearers, that the law proponed was without any difficultie approued by the great councell: By reason whereof notwithstanding the displeasure and discontentment of the Pope increased more and more, taking more hoat occasion to dispose the confederats to begin warre with the Florentyns: yet the perswasions of Pandolffo Petruccio had pow­er to turne from that opinion aswell the Pope as the Deputies that solicited in Italy for the king of Aragon: for Pandolffo giuing councell to assaile Bolognia, blamed much Pandolffo Po. councel­leth the Pope all deuises and enterprises to bring the warre into Tuskane, alleaging that Bolognia being vnable for her proper weakenes, to defend her selfe, should be enforced to call in the forces of the french king, And for the Florentyns, what with their own power, concurring also the proper profit of the king, he would no lesse see to their defence, then to Bolognia: That albeit the Florentyns bare a certeine inclinacion of minde to the french king, yet neuerthelesse they were wise and stoode alwayes ielous of the preseruacion of their estate, neuer hauing at his instance offended any with armes during so great stirs: yea they had not ministred to him in any other sort of seruice, but onely furnished him, for the defense of the state of Lombardy with two hundred men at armes according to the bondes of the capitulacion made in common be­twene him and the king Catholike: he sayd there could not be done to the french king a thing more agreeable or profitable, then to constraine the Florentyns to giue ouer to be Newters and to ioyne their cause with his: That it would be a matter of great indiscression, if his enemies were the cause to make him obteyne that which he could neuer bring to passe by his authoritie, the king hauing in vaine solicited by many prayers and promisses to declare them selues for him: That it was discerned of many by many signes, and by him comprehended by most certeine knowledge, how greeuous it was to the Florentyns, that the councell should be celebrated at Py­sa, whereunto they had not consented for other respect then that they durst not gainesay the french kings demaundes, made immediatly after the rebellion of Bolog­nia: A tyme when in Italy was not seene any armie to oppose against him: Besides, it was a thing certeine that thauthoritie of Caesar was concurrant in the councell, ac­companied also with the consent of the king Catholike: That likewise he knew that the Florentyns were not to suffer the french soldiours to stay vpon their landes: And that it was a matter daungerous to threaten or prouoke them, where, of the contra­ry it could not be but profitable to deale with them with affabilitie and demonstra­cion to admit their excuses: for that proceeding in such maner, either there would be obteyned of them with time and occasion, thinges which then could not be ho­ped for, or at least, for bearing to constraine them by feare of newe resolucions, they might be so interteyned that they should doe no hurt in times of daunger and perill: And in case of victorie and preuailing, it would rest in the power of the confederats to giue to the Florentyns such forme of gouernment as they should thinke most ex­pedient: The matter that in this action diminished thauthoritie of Pandolffo was [Page 553] the knowledge that was had that he desired for his profit perticuler, that a warre of that consequence should not begin in Tuskane, by meane of which the whole bodie & partes of the contrey would suffer indifferent destruction eyther by tharmies of thennemie or by the incursions of friendes: But what by the efficacie of his reasons, set out so as they resisted all obiections, and by thauthoritie of the man, in whome was no small opinion for matters of councell, it was easily determined not to assaile the Florentyns: This councell was the better approued by a contencion that a fewe dayes after began to kindle betweene the Florentyns and the Cardinalls.

It is set downe before that the presence of the Cardinalls was not at the first actes A contencion betwene the Florentyns & the Cardinalls rebells. of the councell: for, they taried at the borow of S. Donyn, eyther to exspect the Pre­lats that were to come out of Fraunce, or to be accompanied with those which Caesar had promised to send, or happly lingring for other occasions: And being departed from thence by sondry wayes, the brute ranne that the two spanish Cardinalls who had taken the way of Bolognia would be reconciled to the Pope, being knowne to so­licit continually to that end the Embassador of the king of Aragon which lay resident with the Pope: That opinion seemed so much the more credible by how much they had obteyned of the Florentyns vnder publike faith and promisse, that they might re­meine in sewertie within Florence: But by that tyme they were come vpon the con­trey of Mugello, they turned suddeinly towards Lucqua, eyther to ioyne with the o­thers, or perhaps their intencion had bene alwayes so, or els as touching the Cardi­nall S. Cross his auncient ambicion preuayled more then his newe feare, or lastly, receyuing aduertisements in that place that they were depriued of the dignitie and cappe of Cardinalls, they dispayred to fall to any accorde with the Pope: About this tyme the three french Cardinalls, S. Mallo, Albert, and Bayeux, passed the Appenyn by the waye of Pontresmo together with the Prelats of Fraunce: After whome and at their request, marched out of Lombardye three hundred frenche launces commaunded by Odet Foix Lorde of Lautrich: he was appoynted garde of the councell by the Cardinalls, eyther to thende that the councell accompani­ed with the armes of the french king, should continue with more authoritie, or els (which was more likely) to haue power to suppresse who soeuer durst ryse agaynst the obedience of their decrees: But so soone as the Florentyns came to the disco­uerie of that resolucion which had bene conceyled from them vntill the bandes be­gan to marche, they determined not to receyue into a citie of so greate impor­tance, such a number of soldiours, both considering the ill disposicion of the Py­sans, and that the last rebellion hapned King Charles being present and suffering it, and also the inclinacion which the french soldiours bare to the towne of Pysa: ‘In tymes of perill wise men feare all thinges, and doe holde it necessary to their sewer­tie to interteyne a suspicion of thinges which in common foresight and coniecture they haue no reason to doubt:’ for, the Florentyns fearing that besides the daunge­rous accidents that might happen by thinsolency of men of warre, doubted also that the soldiours of the french king entring into Pysa, it fell not out (& perhaps such was the secret desire of the king) that he sought to make Tuskane the seat of his warres: In these feares, they signified at thinstant to the french king, that it was harde to har­bour so many people for the straitnes and sterrilitie of the contrey, very vnable to prouide for the norriture of so many peoples as came from all partes to the coun­cell: They alleaged also that the place was not necessary for the sauetie of the Car­dinals to whom might be offered some violence either by straungers, or by the pro­per inhabitants, their multitudes and numbers exceeding farre the pollicie & garde [Page 554] that they had assigned to contein them: To the Cardinal of S. Mallovv, by whose di­rection the french men were gouerned in all thinges, they sent word that they were determined to admit no soldiours into Pisa: who, by the returne of his aunswers, see­ming to consent & be contented, gaue order on the other side, that the bands should aduaunce & marche seuerally and without making any semblance, perswading him self that being approched neare to Pisa, they would enter either by force or by sutle­tie, or at least for feare that the Florentyns durst not doe such an iniurie to the french king as to let them: But the king hauing clearely aunswered that they should not marche thether at all, the Florentyns dispatched Frauncis Vittoryo to the Cardinall of S. Mallo with an embassage equall to his hawtines and pride: he told him, from the state of Florence, that if the Cardinalls entred vppon their landes armed and with bandes of soldiours, they would not onely not admit them into Pysa, but also would holde them for ennemies and pursue them for such, And would also doe the like, if the men of warre passed the Appenin towardes Tuskane, for that they were to pre­sume that they passed not for other purpose, then to steale secretly into Pysa, or to execute some other stratageame: This message wrought so with the Cardinall, that he resolued the bandes should eftsoones returne agayne beyonde th Appenyn, the Florentyns consenting that besides the persons of the Lordes of Lavvtrech and Cha­styllion, he might reteyne with him an hundred and fiftie Archers: All the Cardi­nalls were together at Lucqua, which citie, for suffering that assemblie and presence, the Pope pronownced to be falne into thinterdiction: And leauing there very sicke the Cardinall of Cossensa, who, not long after sawe there the laste daye of his mor­tall life, the other foure went to Pysa, where they were receyued by the Magistrates with colde shewes, and by the Commons was expressed no great reuerence, both for that their comming was displeasing to the Florentyns, and the cause of that coun­cell not well receiued nor approued by the nations of Christendom: for, notwith­standing the title and pretence to reforme the Churche was both very honest and greatly profitable, and also no lesse necessarye then agreeable to all the regions of Christendom: yet it was discerned of wise men that the Authors and workers of the same were pushed on with endes ambicious: They were all caried with coue­tous desires of temporall thinges, and vnder the shadowe of the weale and benefit v­niuersall, they respected their perticular interests making holines and pietie a couer to their greatnes and glorie: And yet which of them should be raysed to the Pope­dome, stoode in no lesse necessitie to be reformed then others that they went about to compell to reformacion: Moreouer it was seene of many, that besides the ambi­cion of Preestes, the quarrells of Princes and questions of estates, had stirred vp and nourished this councell: That respect had moued the french king to procure it, the king of Romaines to consent to it, and the king of Aragon to desire it: So that it be­ing clearely deserned that vnder the cause of the councell, was comprehended the quarrel of armes and Empires, the people expressed an vniuersall horror that vnder deuout shadowes of spirituall thinges (instruments of warres and troubles) men should thirst and aspire to matters temporal: And therefore not onely at the entrey of the Cardinalls into Pysa, the common disdayne and hatred of people was disclo­sed, but also euen in the actes of the councel, their grudge and discontentment burst out more manifest: for albeit they summoned the Cleargie to be in the Cathedrall church at the first session, yet much lesse that any of them respected the summonce, seeing the very Preests of the Church refused to lend their ornaments and vestures, when (according to their custome) they meant to haue celebrated the Masse for [Page 555] thimploracion of the ayde & light of the holy spirit: yea, the Prestes iustifying their contēpt with actes of greater insolēcie, forbare not to shut the dores of their church & would not suffer them to enter: The Cardinals compleyned of these contempts at Florence, where was commaunded that neyther the vse of Churches nor the ser­uice of instrumēts ordeyned for diuine office, should be denied thē, but as touching the Cleargie, there was no compulsion eyther to be at the Church or to assist the a­ction: These directions almost repugnant in them selues, as they proceded of the di­uision of the Citisens & by meane of them, on the one side the coūcel was receiued into their dominiō, & on the other side followed with contēpt & reiection, brought at one time offence to the Pope, and discontentment to the french king: In regarde whereof, the Cardinalls seeing howe daungerous it was to remeine in Pisa without armes, & no lesse considering that it would bring diminucion to thauthority of their councell, to celebrat in a citie that obeyed not their decrees, were vpon tearmes to depart assoone as they should haue accomplished thaffaires of the councell: where­in their resolucion was further compelled and hastned by an accident hapning sud­deinely, An ac [...]dent [...] the Card [...]lls depart [...]a. which albeit was by chaunce, tooke notwithstanding his foundacion of the wicked disposicion of mē: for, a french soldiour, in a publike place committing some insolēcy vpon a strompet, and such as saw it raising a present outery, many soldiours aswell french as of the Cardinalls traine and other Prelats prepared in armes to the place where the brute was: on the other side likewise many trowpes of the people of Pisa & of the Florentyn bands flockt thether to behold the accident: And as for the most part popular tumults are full of faction and varietie of affection, so the alarme being sownded, some cryed vpon the name of Fraunce, and some vppon the title of Morzocco (the signe & enseigne of the common weale of Florence) occupying amō ­gest them daūgerous fight, wherin their furie made them feare nothing lesse thē the hazard of their liues, which at other tymes they would seeke to preserue with no li­tle care & ielousie: But the Capteines and chieftaines of the french, and commaun­ders of the Florentyns, ioyning discression to vallour and authoritie, abated the sury of the fight, their diligence doing much to restrayne thintemperance on all sides: In the ende the tumult was appaysed, many on both partes bearing away no small hurtes, amongst whom fell into that fortune the Lord Chastyllion & the Lord of Lavvtrich, notwithstanding neither the one nor the other bare away any wounds of peril: This accident brought such astonishment to the Cardinals, happly at that hower assem­bled in the Church of S. Michaell which is there ioyning, that they made the day af­ter the second session wherein they ordeined that the councel should be transferred [...] to Myllan: not holding thopportunitie of that place conuenient for the actes of the councel, which gaue no sewertie for the sauetie of their liues: And therefore before the xv. day of their arriual they departed in great diligence from Pisa, greatly to the reioycing of the Florentyns & Pisans, & no lesse to the contentment and liking of the Prelats that followed the councel, whom it did not a litle discontent to be come into a place, which, what for the incommodity of lodging, & what for the incōueniency of other wants growen by the long warrs that were passed, did not minister to them that fulnes of helps & means to liue delicatly & prodigally which the Prests & frēch men are wont to find in the like actions: They murmured also, & being come thether by the kings cōmaūdement & against their wils, they desired chaūg of place & all o­ther accidents that might bring difficulty, prolongation, or dissoluciō of the coūcel.

But, such was the vniuersal contempt of this councel, that the hatred & grudging of peoples following the Cardinalls to Myllan, they founde there euen the like des­pising, [Page 556] & farre greater difficulties: for the cleargie of Myllan communicating in the contempts of Pysa euen in the beginning refused of them selues to celebrat the di­uine seruice, as though there were entred into their city, not cardinals of the church of Rome who were wont to be honored and worshipped in euery place, but persons profane & accursed, & carying with them all priuacion of honor, reuerence, and re­spect: And when they had occasion to shew them selues in publike, the cōmons for­bare not to raile at them, skorning them as well in wordes as gestures: but specially their malice was most expressed vpon the Cardinal of S. Cross whō as they supposed to be the author of that stir, so euery one exercised their iudgement most vpon him, being also in the last session of Pisa elected President of the councell: These were the manifest & common murmures of people, that heretofore councels were wont to bring to contreys benedictions, peace & cōcord, but in this was bred to contreyes, kingdoms, & peoples, maledictions, warres, & discordes: That other councells were assembled to reunite the Church that was out of vnitie, but this was assembled to breake her vnitie, when she was in good agreement: That the contagion of such a pestilence infected al such as receiued it, altered all those that obeyed it, abused euen those that fauored it, defiled such as had conuersacion with it, and seduced all those that heard it: There was to be exspected of their cōming no other thing, then blood, famine, & pestilence, together with the perdicion both of bodies and soules of men: by the originall and cause, they gathered what would be the successe and effect, and reasonably they could exspect no frute or confirmacion of vnity, from such as began to sowe their labors with seedes of diuision: Gaston de Foix, who not many monethes affore the departing of Monsr Longueville had bene preferred both to the Duchie of Myllan and to the armie, somewhat suppressed those murmures tending almost to a tumult and manifest sedicion: he ioyned to his authoritie, commaundements thret­ning and peynall, constraining the Cleargie to celebrate seruice as they were wont, and enioyned the Commons to speake more modestly hereafter.

In regard of these difficulties the beginnings of the councel were continued with very litle successe or issue: The plots that had bene layd with so great deuise & study, brought forth euents quite contrary to thexspectacion of the authors: thinges deba­ted by long time & deepe discourse of councel, ‘drew no resolucion according to the weening & cōiectures of the parties: where sownd meaning goeth not with the wis­dom & imaginacions of men, there their workings are ful of frailty & the whole bo­dy of their actions clothed with imperfections:’ But the thing that most troubled the hopes of the Cardinals was that Caesar did not onely from day to day deferre to send eyther Prelats or Proctors, notwithstanding the consent he had giuen & that often tymes reassured by perpetuall promisses to the french king & the Cardinal of S. Se­uerin: but also, he alleaged for his excuse (being happly induced & councelled by o­thers) that it was not agreable to his dignitie, to send to the councel of Pisa, the Pre­lats of his proper estates & territories, if both the example and name of all Germany were not concurrant in thaction: And for that cause he sayd he had called a conuo­cacion of the Prelats of Germany at Auspurge, to deliberat of some ioynt & vniuersall forme of proceeding to be vsed touching the councel: assuring notwithstanding the french mē, that vnder that meane he would so work as they should all be sent: More­ouer he much troubled the kings mind with his varietie & diuers maners of procee­ding, for, besides his vncertein & cold dealings in the affaires of the coūcel, be incli­ned The fr king suspecteth Maxymylian. fully & opēly to the mocion of peace with the Venetians, which was solicited by the Pope & the king of Aragon with many offers: And on the other side, cōplaining [Page 557] bitterly against the king Catholike, both for that contrary to all shame, he had so ap­parantly impugned the league of Cambray, & also in this new confederacion (which he rather called traison) he had named him but as accessary: he suborned Galeas S. Seueryn to goe to Rome in person as enemie to the Pope, but refurnished by the king for the greatest part of his armie, and releeued with great quantities of treason. And yet he made no declaracion of these thinges with such assurance as it could not be doubted what he would at last determine (notwithstanding all his demaunds were satisfied to him): In this sort the kinges mind was eftsoones trauelled with his accu­stomed suspicions, that if he abandoned Caesar, he left him at liberty to ioyne with his enemies: And if he would still sticke to him and susteine him, his alliance would be bought with too deare a price, and yet doubtfull what frute would reuert of it well knowing by experience of thinges past, that oftentymes his owne disorders did hurt him more, then his forces did ayde him: yea the king was not able to iudge in him selfe, which would most hurt him in this action, either the well doings & good suc­cesse of Caesar, or the contraries: besides, the king Catholike nourished him & enter­teyned him as much as he could in that doubt, And, to make him proceede more slowly in the prouisions of the warre, he gaue him hope not to stirre in armes: The king of England did the like and for the same causes, who had made aunswer to the french Embassador that it was not true that he had consented to the league made at Rome, but that he was fully determined to keepe thalliance which he had with the french king: Besides, at the same time the Bishop of Tyuoly proponed peace in the name of the Pope, so farre forth as the king would no more fauor the councell, and withdraw him selfe from the protection of Bolognia, for the which he offered to giue assurāce that the Pope should dresse no more new enterprises against him: The king seemed lesse displeased with the peace, notwithstanding it bare hard condicions, thē to put him selfe to the daungers & exspenses of the warre, which by computacion seemed infinit, hauing to make resistance against his enemies, and to refurnish the wants of Caesar: Neuerthelesse, disdaine drew him almost to be forced by the king of Aragon to make peace for feare of warre: besides that it was a matter very hard to as­sure him that the Pope would obserue the couenants of peace, after he had recoue­red Bolognia, & should be deliuered from the feare of the councell: he doubted also that when he should be ready to consent to the condicions offered, the Pope would draw backe as he was wont to doe at other tymes: In which maner of proceeding, besides that his dignitie should be offended, and his reputacion diminished, Caesar would hold him selfe iniuried, for that leauing him in warre with the Venetians, he sought of him selfe alone to conclude the peace: Therefore he made precise aun­swer to the Bishop of Tyuoly, that he would not condiscend to subiect Bolognia to the Church in other forme then it had wont to be in auncient tymes: And at the same time, to establish a firme resolucion with Caesar who lay at Bruuech, a towne neare to Trente, he sent to him in great diligence, & with very large offers, Andre de Burgo Cae­sars Embassador resident with him: At this time certeine of his subiects of the con­trey of Tyroll occupied Batisten, a place of very great strength in the entrey of the vallye of Caldora.

The practises of the peace being wholly broken & dissolued, the first thoughts & deuises of the king were, that when Monsr Palissa, (leauing in Verona three thowsand footemen to appease Caesar not well contented with his departure) should haue led the residue of the bands to the Duchie of Myllan, there should be made new leauies of footemen: And so all the armie being reassembled, they should marche to assaile [Page 558] Romagnia, hoping to occupye it either all or in parte, before the Spanyard should ap­proach: And then either to march further according to occasions, or at least to en­terteyne and beare out the warre vpon the dominions of others vntill springe time, when the king passing into Italy in person with all the forces of his kingdom, hoped to make an vniuersall suppression of his enemies: But as he stoode wauering in this deuise, his resolucions not proceeding with that expedicion which the occasions re­quired, & by reason of his nature estraunged from exspenses, him selfe no lesse slow in many prouisions but specially to wage new soldiours: he fell into new suspicions of the stirring of the Svvyzzers, of which nation for that heretofore we haue sette downe some generall mention in sondry places, it can not be inconuenient to the present purpose, to deale somewhat more perticularly.

The Svvyzzers, which are those peoples whom auncient histories cal Heluetians, VVhat people the Swyzzers be. haue their habitations in the most high mounteins of Iura named S. Claudo, S. Brigit, & S. Godat: A race of men naturally valiant, warlike, and rude, And for the sterilitie of the contrey, more giuen to grazing, then to tillage: They haue bene in times past vn­der the subiection of the Dukes of Austrich, whose iurisdiction they shaked of by re­bellion many yeares sithens: They haue their pollicie & gouernment of them selues, without any signe of depēding or relation to either Emprours, kings, or other Prin­ces: They are diuided into xiij communalties which they call cantons, & euery of them seuerally are gouerned by Magistrates, lawes & ordenances proper & perticu­lar: They hold their parliament or councel euery yeare, or more often if occasion & necessitie require, wherein they dispute of vniuersal affaires, their assemblies & mee­tings being not subiect to certeinty of places, but referred as best pleaseth the De­puties of euery canton: They call those assemblies dyets or iorneyes, imitating the phrase & customs of the Germains: In them they resolue vpon peace, vpon warre, vp­on confederacions, vpon legacions & demaunds made to leauy soldiours eyther by publike decree, or by permission: in them also they set downe directions for al things that apperteyne to their common interest: when they agree by publike decree to de­liuer soldiours, the cantons chuse amongest them selues a Capteine general, to whō they giue the banner with the enseigne & name publike: Their vnitie & agreement, together with the glory of their armes, hath made them very notable & renowmed thorow the regions of the earth, notwithstanding for their outward shape & perso­nage, they beare a presence barbarous & rude, & for their behauior & conuersacion, hold more of inciuilitie then of comlines: By their natural vallour ioyned to due dis­cipline & order, they haue not onely & at all times made valiant defense at home for their owne contrey, but also in forreine warres they haue performed singuler feates of armes to their perpetuall praise: wherein sure their recommendacion and merit had bene farre greater, if they had expressed such effects of vallour for their proper iurisdiction and imperie, and not bene mercenarie to thappoyntments of others, & for thincreasing of the dominion of straungers, or if they had sette before theyr eyes an ende more worthy and noble then the desire of money, by the loue and cor­rupcion whereof they haue lost thoccasion to be feared and redoubted in Italy: for, where they haue not come out of their contrey but as soldiours waged & mercena­ry, they haue not caried back a publike frute of their victories: The desire of gayne makes them for the most part to follow armies, & besides their huge pensions, to be troublesom by new demaundes of payes almost intollerable: To such as wage & pay them, they are for the most part hard & vneasy in conuersation & obediēce: In their houses & apart, the principalls of them forbeare not to receiue giftes & pensions of [Page 559] Princes, to follow and fauour their faction in their dyets and parlyaments: By rea­son whereof, thinges publike being referred to priuat profit, and fauors and voyces being made vendible and corrupted, discordes by litle and litle haue bene kindled a­mongst them selues: the same beeing thoccasion that matters which haue ben ap­proued in the parliaments by the moste parte of the Cantons, beginning not to be embraced and followed of all, they fell at laste, not many yeeres affore that time, to manifest warres amongst them selues, muche to the diminution of the authoritie which they bare throughout the partes of the worlde: Somewhat belowe these be Vales [...] certayne townes & villages inhabited by a people called Valleymen, as hauing their dwellings in valleys, they are inferiour to the Svvizzers in number, in authoritie, in vallour, and in euery other disposition: And yet more lower then they is an other generation of men called Grisons, which are gouerned by three Cantons, and vppon Grisons. that are called the Lordes of the three leagues: the capitall towne of their countrey is called Coire: they haue often societie and confederation with the Svvizzers, and with them they go commonly to the warre: they haue almoste the same policie, the same lawes, the same constitution of maners and customes: In matters of armes and vallour they are preferred affore the valley men, but they holde no comparison with the Svvizzers, eyther in numbers, in politie, or in vertue. The Svvizzers then, who at that time were not so muche degenerate and corrupted as they haue beene since, tooke incitation by the Pope, and prepared to discende vpon the Duchie of Millan, both dissembling that that leauie of armes proceeded of the vniuersitie of the Cantons, and also spreading a brute, that the Canton of Svvitz and Fribourg were the authors of the action▪ of whom, the first tooke his complaint and consideration of this, that a post of theirs passing throwe the duchie of Millan was murdred by certayne French souldiours: The other pretended a reuenge for certayne particular wronges that had bene done to them: The Councells of these, and generally, the resolution of the whole nation, albeit they were affore signified to the French king, yet they coulde do nothing to drawe him to accorde with them, notwithstanding the aduise and perswasions of his Lordes and wise men concurred in it, and the friendes and fauourers which he had amongst them gaue him hope to be hable to obteine it: He was stayed also by his accustomed difficulties to enlarge their aun­cient pensions with twentie thousande frankes, which may be a little more or lesse then tenne thousande duckets: So that he refused for a matter of small price and vallue the amitie, which afterwardes he would haue bought with infinite treasurs: He perswaded him selfe that eyther they would not stirre at all, or if they did, at least they could not muche hurt him, for that beeing accustomed to go to the warre on foote, their want of horse and artilleries would bring great impedimentes to their seruice: Besides, about that time (nowe was Nouember begonne) the ryuers were swelled, and they had neither vesselles nor bridges: The vittayles of the Duchie of Millan were restrayned into fortresses and places of strength, the townes therea­bout well garded and kept, and in the playne the men at armes were hable to make head agaynst them: By whiche impedimentes and necessities he presumed that if they did march, they would be constrayned eftsones to retyre. But the Svvizzers taking little amaze by these difficulties, began to discende at Varesa, at which place their numbers increased continually: They had with them seuen fielde peeces and many harquebushes a crocke caried by horses, and some reasonable prouision of vittells: Their comming seemed to be so muche the more daungerous, by howe­muche, the inhabitantes of Millan began to be weary of the Frenche iurisdiction, [Page 560] the same growing both by certayne newe insolencies and disorders in the Frenche souldiours more then of custome: and also by the coueronsnesse of the king, who would not suffer to be made any newe leauyes or prouision of footmen: Besides, the men at armes that at that tyme were in Italie which in true computation exceeded not a thousande and three hundred launces, together with the two hundred gentle­men, were not all hable to make resistance to the Svvizzers, both for that parte of them were gone to the garde of Verona and Bressa, and also Monsr de Foix had new­ly sent two hundred launces to Bolognia to withstande the comming of the Cardi­nall of Medicis and M. Anth. Colonno to Faenza: where albeit they had no footemen as yet leauyed, yet both to represse the deuisions that were in Bolognia, and also for that at that time the Castlekeeper of the rocke of Sassilon (a borowe of the moun­tayne of Bolognia) had voluntarily put it into the Legates handes, it was thought ne­cessarie to sende a garrison thither: From Varesa the Svvizzers sent a trompet to defye the kinges liefetenant, who hauing asyet but a slender strength of men at armes, and no more then two thousande footemen, whereof he was not yet resol­ued to make newe leauies for feare to displease the king, was nowe come to Assaron a place about xiij. miles from Millan: he had no intention to feight with them, but to accoaste them and cut of their vittells, in which action onely rested his hope to lette and stay them, seeing there was not betweene Varesa and Millan neither ry­uers harde to passe, nor any place of defence. From Varesa, the Svvizzers marched to Galera, where they mustred their armie whiche conteined ten thousande hable bodies: Monsr de Foix who followed Iohn Ia. Triuulce, put him selfe within Leguano, which is about iiij. miles from Galera: By reason wherof they of Millan hauing more feare then assurance, and yet their perill asyet lesse then their suspicion, waged bands of footemen at their proper charges for the garde of their towne: Also Theoder Tri­uulce caused to fortifie the bastillions, and (as though the armie would haue retyred within Millan) he caused to cast squares and Cariers within and about the rampiers that enuironed the suburbes, the more easily to manage horses. Neuertheles, Monsr de Foix accompanied with fiue hundred launces, and the two hundred Gentlemen of the kings, presented himselfe before Galera, with great store of artilleries: which assoone as the Svvizzers were aware of, they issued out in order of battell, and reti­red eftsones within the towne, refusing to feight in a place open vnlesse their num­bers were greater. During these actions, and in a small respite of time, their num­bers increased, in which respect determining no more to refuse the feight, they mar­ched to Busty, where was a garrison of an hundred launces, who saued them selues with much a do, loasing their baggage and part of their horses: At last the French­men, who retyred alway by the like measure and distaunce that tht Svvizzers ad­uaunced, were returned and lodged within the suburbes of Millan, but there was no suretie that they would stay and stande to defence, for that sometimes they affirmed and sometimes denied, furnishing with great diligence the Castells with vittayles. The Svvizzers afterwardes marched within two miles of the suburbes, but the vni­uersal feare that was had of them before, began now to diminish much, both for that the bandes of mē at armes that were reuoked began to arriue continually at Millan: and besides, they mustred many footemen, exspecting also from time to time Cap­taine Molard with his regiment of Gascon footemen, and Captaine Iacob with hys launceknightes, the one directed to come from Verona, and the other from Carpy: About this time also were surprised certayne letters written by the Svvizzers to their Lordes, whom they aduertised that the Frenchemen gaue them no great im­pedimentes, [Page 561] And that albeit they had as yet receiued no newes from the Pope, and lesse intelligence what the Venetian armie did (whereof they marueyled) yet they forbare not to marche and aduaunce continually according to the orders of the re­solution. They were by this time xvj. thousande in number and turned towardes Moncia, which they assayed not to take, but bearing more towards the ryuer of Ad­da, they kept the Frenchmen in feare that they woulde aduenture to passe ouer: By reason whereof they caste a bridge at Cassan to hinder their passage, vsing therein thopportunitie of the towne and the bridge. In this meane while a capteine of the Svvizzers hauing first obteined safeconduit, came to Millan and demaunded a monethes paye for all the footemen which offred to returne into their countrey: But being departed without any effect of his message, for that their offers were farre inferiour to his asking, he returned the day following with greater demaundes: and albeit there were made to him greater offers then the day before, yet assoone as he was returned to his armie he sent backe immediatly a trompet to signifie to them that they woulde no more harken to accorde: The day following contrarie to thex­spectation of euery one, they retired towards Coma, and so returned into their coun­treys, leauing to iudge whether they were discended to assayle the Duchie of Mil­lan, or to passe into some other place: and also for what cause, beeing as yet con­strayned by no euident necessitie, they returned so sodenly: and if they were affore determined so to do, why they did not accept the money that was offred them, see­ing withall, them selues made the demaundes. What so euer the cause was, this is certayne, that as they retyred, there came two postes from the Pope and the Vene­tians, who if they had arriued somewhat sooner, it is likely the armie of the Svviz­zers had not returned: And it is not to be doubted, that if at the same time that the Svvizzers entred the Duchie of Millan, the Spaniardes had bene neare to Bolognia, the affayres of the French who were not hable to make resistance in so many places, had forthwith falne into manyfest ruine and perdition.

The French king finding nowe by experience the perill which he could not fore­see afore by reason, sent to Monsr de Foix (before he knewe of the breaking vp of the Svvizzers) that he should not spare neither labour, money, nor diligence, to make agreement with them: And not doubting of any other violent assault, the Svviz­zers beeing compounded withall, he gaue present direction to all the men at armes that he had in Fraunce (except two hundred launces which he reserued for Pikardy) to passe the Mountes, sending besides a new strength of Gascon footemen, and com­maunded Monsr de Foix to furnishe his armie with footemen of Italians and launce­knightes. And because the succors of the Florentins were of great importance to The French king demaun­deth succ [...] of the Flo­rentins. him, both for that the warre was made very neare them, and also for thopportuni­tie of their frontiers to trouble thestate ecclesiastike, besides cutting off of vittayles and other commodities from tharmie of the enemies if they should approch Bolog­nia, he solicited them with great instance, to declare on his side and ioyne with him in the warre with all their forces, for that the present necessitie required an other matter then eyther a succor litle or limited, or that they should nowe stande con­teined within the tearmes of confederations: Besides, they could neuer exspecte a more great or goodly occasion to binde him perpetually to them, nor do a more singular benefite or pleasure which both he and his successors should reknowledge to them and their estate from age to age: Lastly he tolde them that if they discen­ded into the matter with necessarie consideration, they shoulde finde that to succor and defende him, did comprehende to support and protect their owne cause, for [Page 562] that they were not ignorant what hatred the Pope bare to them, and with what de­sire the king Catholike laboured to dresse and establishe in that Citie an estate de­pending wholly vpon him. But at Florence the opinions of men varied and were de­uided, for many blinded with the sweetnes of present sparing, considered not what the tyme to come might bring: and with others preuayled not a litle the memorie of auncient dealings, wherein neither the fayth nor the actions of that cōmon weale had bene at any time thankfully requited by the king raigning, nor by Charles the eyght his predecessor: They remembred howe he had solde with a great price his promise, not to hinder them in the recouery of Pisa, by which examples they sayde they had no reason to trust eftsones in his promises, neither could they stande assu­red by any offers he could make, that he would yeelde recompence, for any office or benefite they should do to him: In these respectes they helde it great rashnes to resolue to enter into a warre, which not well succeeding they should partake in all the euills more then eyther reason would, or in due proportion they ought: and fal­ling out happily, they should in no sort communicate with the fruites and benefites, or at least in very small parte and share. But of farre greater importance were they, who either for hatred, or for ambition, or for the desire of an other forme of gouern­ment, were opposed agaynst the Magistrate or Gonfalonnier: They extolled the rea­sons afforesayde, and inferred others, that beeing newters they should not incurre the hatred of eyther partie, nor giue to any of the two kings iuste occasion to com­playne: for that touching the french king, they were not bound to him in any other thing, then to ayde him with three hūdred men at armes for the defence of his pro­per estates, a proportion which they had already accomplished to him: And for the king of Aragon, he could not be discontented with them, but would esteeme it a great gayne if they would forbeare to intermeddle otherwise in that warre. They occu­pied also this reason that suche as kept their fayth best, were most worthy of prayse and merite: and by that example he was to hope that when he shoulde fall into af­fayres and doings, they would likewise obserue iustly to him that which was promi­sed in the capitulation made in common with the French king and with him: That proceeding in this sort, if peace were made betwene the Princes, the Citie should be named and preserued of them both: And in case the victorie should fall to the one of them, neither holding him selfe offended, nor bearing them any particular hatred, they should more easily buy his friendship with the same money and hap­pely with a lesse quantitie, then they should haue disburssed vpon the warre, which was an expedition & meane, with the which, more then by armies and warres, their elders had many times saued their libertie: where if they should proceede otherwise, they should defray for an other during the warre and without any necessitie, intol­lerable exspences: And yet the victorie falling to thenemie, the libertie and safetie of their countrey should remayne in most manifest perill: The aduise of the Magi­strat Soderin for the Frenche king. or Gonfalonnier was contrarie to thoppinions of these men: he helde it better that the common weale should take armes for the French king, for which reason he had afore fauoured the councell, and giuen to the Pope sufficient matter to be dis­contented, to thende that the Citie beeing prouoked by him, or at least beginning to enter into suspicion, might be as it were constrayned to make that resolution: he perswaded besides, that in that nature of time it could not be but a councell preiu­diciall, to remayne ydle▪ exspecting the issue of the warre managed so neare them, and betwene Princes so mightie and farre aboue them: for that in the warres of an other, then is newtralitie commendable and apt to shake off and auoyde many trou­bles [Page 563] and exspences, when our proper forces are not so weake as may make vs feare the victorie of eyther partie, seeing that then it bringeth vs a suretie, and oftentimes by their long warres, we are enhabled to good meanes to encrease our estate: He tolde them it was no sure foundation not to haue offended eyther partie, or not to haue giuen any iust occasion to complayne, for that very rarely it happneth that the insolencie of the conqueror is brydled or repressed eyther by equitie, iustice, con­science, or other discrete considerations, the same beeing the reasons whye great Princes esteeme them selues not the lesse iniuried, when they are refused in the things they desire, but stande disdainefull agaynst euery one that followeth not their will, and ioyneth not their mindes to their fortune: The Prince for the time he cō ­maundeth hath his fortune hardly brought to limitte his desires, or in his ambition to respect other things then suche as may glorifie his victories: That it was a follie to beleeue that the French king would not take it for an offence, to see himselfe left abandoned in so great perills, to finde that the effects nothing aunswered the con­fidence and exspectation whiche he had in the Florentins, bothe touching matters which he promised to himselfe of them, and also for thinges which they had so of­tentimes assured: That it was also a greater follie to beleeue that the Pope and the king of Aragon beeing victors, would not dispose immoderately of the victorie a­gaynst that common weale, waighing with thinsatiable hate of the one, the ioynt desire of them both, to erect there a gouernment to their fancie, least that Citie re­mayning in her libertie, woulde be alwayes more inclined to the Frenche then to them: Thexperience and proofe of which desire might be easily discerned, in that the Pope (the king Catholike approuing it) had preferred the Cardinall Medicis as Legate to tharmie: So that as to remayne Newter, was as muche as to offer them selues a willing pray to who soeuer should become victor: so, in ioyning to the one of them, at the least, by his victorie, they should be assured and preserued, a reward and fruite to be well considered vpon, seeing the daunger wherein were reduced thestate of their affayres: And in case the peace were made, they should reape be­nefites vnder better conditions: But to whether of the parties they ought rather to ioyne themselues, it was superfluous to dispute, for that there was no comparison betweene friendshippes auncient, experienced, and tryed, and fauors newe, vncer­tayne, and doubtfull: Lesse doubt to followe an auncient amitie, by whose meane albeit the common weale had not bene rewarded and recompenced, at least it had bene oftentimes defended and preserued, then to embrase newe fauours & leagues which would be neuer vnaccompanied with their infidelities and suspicions. The Magistrate occupied in vayne these discourses, suche beeing the moste hindrers of his aduise, whome it greeued most that it should come to the French kings know­ledge that it was by his meane and working that the Florentins shoulde be ioyned with him: Suche is the propertie of enuy, not onely to wishe harme to an other, ‘but also to lette that by an other no good be done. The Adder doth shoote out his sting, and partaketh no more after with poyson: but the man of enuie, when he can do no more harme of him self, forbeareth not to let▪ an other to do good. A mid these contentions,’ one faction breaking thaduise of the other, there could be established no resolution, whether they should declare, or stande newters: Their counsels of­tentimes were very vncertayne, their affections different, their willes contrarie, and their deliberations repugnant in them selues, without concluding any grace or me­rite towards any partie. But that which more is, proceeding with these incertenties, they sent (to the great displeasure of the Frenche king) Embassador to the king of [Page 564] Aragon, Frauncis Guicciardin Doctor of Lawe, he who wrote this present historie, and at that time of so young age, that, according to the lawes of the contrey, he was vnhable to manage any office: and yet they gaue him not suche natures of commis­sions, as thereby he was hable to make the confederates to leaue off in any sort their yll dispositions.

But a little after the Svvizzers were returned to their countreys, the Popish and Spanish souldiours began to enter into Romagnia, whose comming bringing more feare then perill, made all the townes which the Duke of Ferrara helde on this side Pavv, except the Bastillion of la Fosse and the foard of Geniuola, to render at the som­monce of a simple trompet. And for that the whole regimentes were not yet assem­bled & arriued in Romagnia, nor the artilleries which the Viceroy exspected at Ymola: it was thought good, to thende the tyme should not be spent without profite, that Peter of Nauarre Captayne generall of the Spanish footemen, should go to besiege the Bastill: he begon to batter it with three peeces of artillerie, and finding it more harde to be taken then he looked for, both for the quantitie of munitions being apt­ly applied and executed, and for the resolute defence of the souldiours, beeing fiftie hable bodies, he caused to make two bridges of wood to giue a greater commoditie to the souldiours to passe the diches whiche were full of water: And assoone as he might cary with him thoportunitie of these bridges, the thirde day after his appro­ching before the Bastill, which was the laste day of the yere 1511. he gaue a furious assault, and such as after a long and braue feight, the footemen winning the walles with the helpe of their ladders, at last tooke it, making slaughter almoste of all the footemen defendantes together with their capteine. Peter of Nauarre left two hun­dred footemen within the Bastill, contrarie to thopinion of Iohn Vitelli, who assured that it was so much shaken with artillerie, that there was no possibilitie to defende it without making new fortifications: But he was scarsly returned to ioyne him selfe with the Viceroy, ere the Duke of Ferrara, being gone thither with nine great peeces of artillerie, assaulted it with suche furie, that laying open a little place reuersed in many partes, he entred by force the very same daye of his enterprise, where were slayne partly in fighting, and partly to reuenge the death of his people, the Cap­tayne with all his footmen. The Duke himselfe was hurt on the head with a stoane, which did him little harme for the defence of his head peece, his vallour carrying him further into perill then belonged to the regarde of suche a personage, if in no­ble men honor and reputation were not dearer then life.

In this meane while all the regiments ecclesiastik and Spanishe were assembled at Ymola, mightie in numbers, braue souldiours, and valiaunt capteines: for as the brute went, the king of Aragon had there a thousande men at armes, eight hundred mounted vpon Iennets, and eight thousande footmen Spanishe, to whome besides the person of the Viceroy, were ioyned many barons of the kingdome of Naples, of whom the most notable and renowmed by experience of armes, was Fabricio Colon­no, in whom was inuested the title of Gouernor generall, Prosper Colonno hauing re­fused it, for that in the warre he could not brooke to be subiect to the commaunde­mentes of the Viceroy. On the Popes side there were eight hundred men at armes, eight hundred light horsemen, and eight thousande footemen Italians vnder M▪ Anth. Colonno, Iohn Vitelli, Malatesta Baillon sonne to Iohn Paule, Raphael de Pazzi, with other leaders and capteines, all subiect to thobedience of the Cardinall de Medicis, Legate: onely they had not as yet a capteine generall, for that the Duke of Termini whom the Pope had chosen as one in whom the king of Aragon reapposed muche, [Page 565] dyed at Ciuita Castellana comming to tharmie: And the Duke of Vrbin to whom that place was wont to be transferred, came not at all, eyther for that suche was the Popes pleasure, or else that he helde it as a thing vnworthy of him euen vpon the territories and lands of the Church, to obey a Viceroy bearing authoritie of cap­teine generall ouer the whole armie of the confederates.

With this Armie plentyfully furnished with artilleries whiche were almoste The enterprise of Bolognia by the Pope and king of Ara­gon. all come from the Realme of Naples, they determined to bring the campe before Bolognia: Not that they were not ignoraunt that the enterprise was of very harde action, seeing howe easily the Frenchemen might minister succours: but for that there was no other sorte of enterprise whiche conteyned not greater difficulties and impedimentes: And to remayne ydle with so greate an armie, coulde not be with­out manyfest argumente of cowardise. Moreouer the Pope made so greate in­staunce to embrace some enterprise, that who so euer woulde put into considera­tion the difficulties, seemed to giue him occasion to beleeue and cause to com­playne, that the sleightes and wyles of the Spaniardes beganne to appeare. ‘The forwarde horse is not holden backe with the brydle without foaming and shewing his furie: The streame that runneth is not stayed contrarie to his course, without roaring and making a noyse: And to the mynde desirous, euery little impediment is greeuous, and with hys trouble bringes both suspicion and feare (exspecta­tion of it selfe beeing no lesse ielouse then infinite in desire.)▪ In these respectes the Viceroy causeth the Armie to marche,’ incamping betweene the ryuer of A­dice and Bolognia, where, after he had giuen order to thinges necessarie for the be­sieging of that Citie, and turned the Channells which go to Bolognia by the ryuers of Rhene and Sauanna, he approched neare the walls, he stretched out and bestowed the greatest parte of his armie betweene the mountayne and the waye that goeth from Bolognia to Romagnia, and that for the commoditie of vittailes that come from that side: Fabricio Colonno with the auauntgarde conteining seuen hundred men at armes, fiue hundred light horsmen, and six thousand footmen, was lodged betwene the bridge of Rhene standing vpon the high waye of Romagnia whiche leadeth into Lombardy, and the gate S. Felix beeing also vppon the same waye, and that to obiect more easie impediments for any French succors to enter: And because they would commaunde the mountaynes, they bestowed one parte of their bandes of souldiors in the Monasterie of S. Michaell of the wood which is very neare the Citie, but sea­ted in a high place and commaunding ouer it: They also made themselues Lord of the Church which is more high called S. Maria on the Mount. In Bolognia, besides the people that bare armes happly more by necessitie then by nature, with certaine trowpes of horsmen and footmen waged by the familie of Bentiuoley, Monsr de Foix had sent thither two thousand launceknights, and two hundred launces, vnder Odes de Foix and Yues Allegre very notable Capteines, the one for his long experience in warre, and the other for the nobilitie of his house ioyned to the great tokens of valor that euen his youth did expresse: with them was capteine Saietta and Vincent cal­led the great deuill: Neuertheles they reapposed more surety in the succors which Monsr de Foix had promised them, then in their proper forces, bothe considering the great circuite of the Citie, and also wayghing thincommodities that were on the Mountayne syde▪ Besides, there were no other fortifications, then suche as for the present daunger were made in haste, and the Bentiuoleis distrusted manye of the Nobilitie and people▪ And lastly they had made a late experience about the Bastill of Geniuola, that the vallour of the Spanishe footemen aunswered the [Page 566] prayses that haue gone on them in all tymes, to bee men apte to besiege townes by reason of their great agilitie: Neuerthelesse they beganne eftsoones to be assu­red, when they sawe thenemies aduaunced litle, lying nyne dayes about the walles without dooing any thing, sauing that they beganne with two Sakers and two Col­uerings planted in the Monasterie of S. Michaell to shoote in vayne into the Citie, rather to terrifie men then to hurt howses: An execution whiche they gaue ouer immediatly, knowing by experience that in dooing little domage to thennemie in that sorte, they made also an vnprofitable waste of their Munitions. The matter that kepte them so long from dooing any thing, was an aduertisement that they had the same daye they incamped, that Monsr de Foix beeing then come to Fina­lo, waged souldiours from all partes, with intention (which he caused to be iustified with a brute running) to offer him selfe to all perills for the preseruation of the Ci­tie, knowing howe muche it woulde preiudice thaffayres of the king, and no lesse diminishe his owne reputation, if he suffred a Citie of that importance and con­ueniencie to be taken out of his handes. This made them drawe into councell to debate better, not onely on whiche side they might besiege it with moste hope and greatest facilitie, but also by what wayes they might lette the Frenche succours for entring: In the firste councell it was aggreed, that Fabricio Colonno passing to the other syde of the towne with his due prouisions of vittayles and artilleries, shoulde lodge vppon the hill syde beneath S. Maria of the Mount, from whence he might both easily giue impedimentes to any that shoulde attempt to enter into Bolognia, and yet he should not be so farre deuided from the residue of the armie, as not to be succoured in time what perill soeuer could happen: And that ar the same time they should begin from that part where they were incamped, or very neare, to batter the towne. Suche as were thauthors of this counsell, alleaged, that as all that the french helde in Italie depended wholly vpon the preseruation of tharmie, so, it concerned Monsr de Foix in discression and all good respects; nor to hazarde to do any thing, in thexecution wherof he might be constrayned to fight: And much lesse would he be of that iudgement, albeit he knew he might do it in suretie, to enclose himself with al his army within Bolognia: An action wherin he should depriue himself of all meanes to succor in cases of necessity thestate of Millan; which was not as yet wholly assured from the mouings of the Svvizzers, and where also was greater doutes to be assay­led by the Venetian army, which beeing come vpon the marches of Verona, seemed to threaten the town of Bressia. These reasons being layd in consideration with then­nemie and his estate, and waighed withal with the examples & experiences of times past, seemed at the first to cary much in the minds of men: But the day folowing al­most all such as had approued this councell, were of opinion contrarie, considering it was not a thing certayne that the Frenche armie would not come, and if it dyd come, the vauntgard only would not suffice to resist them. They sayd also that that deliberation was not to be approued which was established vpon suche a fundation that it rested alwayes in the power of thenemie to innouate or chaunge it: for this cause the aduise of Peter of Nauarre was allowed by the Viceroy, to whom onely he communicated his opinion, that making prouision for fiue dayes, & leauing a garde only in the church of S. Michael▪ al the army should passe to the other side on the ci­ty, where both might be obiected cōuenient impediments, that thenemy should not enter and also the towne, not fortified on that side (neuer fearing to be there assailed) they should be hable without doubt to cary it in fiue dayes. But assone as this resolu­tion was dispearsed amongest the armie and generall bands of souldiours, there was [Page 567] none whiche did not openly reproue the direction to go lodge with tharmie in a place mearely voyde of all traffike of vittells whiche were brought from Romagnia: which as it was the onely meane to sustayne and nourishe the armie, so no doubt it could not stand vndissolued and broken, if within fiue dayes it enforced not Bolognia. And what is he (sayth Fabricio Colonno) that can assuredly make promise of suche a thing within so short a time, seeing there is nothing lesse likely to come to passe then that whiche dependes vppon many daungers and difficulties: Matters of enter­prise can not be warranted by coniectures onely, seeing oftentimes they draw with them so many accidentes, that euen the wisedomes of the wisest men are found vn­perfect to assure them: What reason is there that vnder a vayne hope, which of her proper nature is fallible and subiect to chaunces, we should offer so glorious an ar­mie to so manifest a daunger? It is more honorable to auoyde a perill by counsells and considerations, then by too muche rashnes and presuming to offer our selues to an action wherein the confidence is farre lesse then the dispayre: Who seeth not, that our houres & tyme limited being ronne out, we haue no possibilitie to retyre our selues & our people made hungry, disordred, and feareful, without our losse and certaine ouerthrowe, hauing Bolognia in our face, where is a great masse of people and many souldiours, and at our backs the French armie which will not ouersee the oportunitie of our great presuming and securitie. Some others aduised, that besto­wing in the vauntgard a greater strength of footmen, it should incampe on thother side of Bolognia almost at the foote of the mountaine betwene the gate Seragossa and S. Felix, fortifying them selues with trenches and other defenses: And from that side the towne should be battred, being there not onely the weakest in walles and ram­piers, but also by planting some peeces of thartillerie aboue the mountayne, they should execute in flanke during thassault, such of the defendantes as would come to the breach. This counsell also was reiected as not sufficient to let the comming of the Frenche: and no lesse daungerous, for that if they shoulde be charged by then­nemie, the armie, notwithstanding it commaunded the mountaynes, coulde not dis­cende to their succors in lesse time then three houres. Amid these variations and ambiguities, being farre more easie to reproue the counsells that were propounded by others, then to open other aduises that deserued to bee followed: At laste the capteines grewe to a deuise to assayle the towne on that side wherein the armie was already incamped: A resolution which amongest other reasons tooke furthe­rance by an opinion they had that Monsr de Foix would not come at all, since he lin­gred so long: Therfore they began to caste platformes to bring the artillerie to the walles, and called backe the vauntgarde to incampe together with the others. But a little after they had many aduertisementes that the Frenche bandes increased day­ly at Finalo, which reuiuing eftsones their former suspicion of their comming, there might be discerned amongst them a newe diuersitie and disagreement of opinions: for euery one being of this minde, that if Monsr de Foix approched, they should laye to set vpō him afore he entred Bolognia, many perswaded that in that case, thartillery planted already before the walls, which then should be retired, would giue many im­pedimēts & difficulties to tharmy: A matter in such tearmes of affaires, both dange­rous & hurtfull: Others reasoned, that it was no lesse to their infamie then to their hurt, to remayne so many dayes about the walles of Bolognia without dooing any thing, both confirming at one time the courage of those that were within, and gi­uing leasure to such as were without to prepare to succour them: And therefore it were not beste to deferre anye longer to plant thartillerie, but in suche place as it [Page 568] might be easily retyred, making, the better to oppose agaynst the Frenche men, the platformes so large, that both the artilleries and the armie might be hable to moue together: The Legat was fully with them that gaue counsell to begin to batter the towne, both for the displeasure he had of so long deferring, and also somewhat sus­pecting least the matter had bene wrought by the direction and fancie of the king of Aragon, according to the subtleties & dissembled maner of procedings of the Spa­nish: he complayned that if from the first incamping they had begon to batter the towne, they might happly afore that time haue bin masters of it: That it belonged not to noble men of warre to ioyne fault vnto fault, & much lesse to remaine as ene­mies about a towne, and yet expresse no valour to assayle it: That the Pope sent to him dayly corriers and postes, but he knewe no more what to answere and alleage, holding it a dishonor to enterteine & norish him any longer with promises & vaine hopes: Lastly, that it touched much the reputation of a general to prepare to an en­terprise which he durst not execute. These wordes moued not a litle the Viceroy, complayning much against his importunitie & hast, that he being a man of no tray­ning in armes nor exercises of warre, would so vehemētly solicit a resolution so rash and dangerous, he said that in those counsels there was debated thinterest of all the world, wherin yet they could not procede with such absolute maturity as there were not further nede of deper counsel & cōsideration: that there were no humane things more suttle & intricate then thenterprises of warre, not any worldly accidēt of more cōpassion then the losse of a battell: that the counsels of warre drew with them infi­nite considerations and reasons, and yet kept alwayes suppressed and reteined some secrets which the wisedome of men could not finde out: that it was the custome of Popes and common weales to enter willingly into warre, and afterwardes thexpen­ses and perplexities encreasing aboue exspectation, to wishe the ende with vndis­crete desires: he willed him to giue ouer to the Capteines the deliberations of thinges, who hauing the same intention that he had, were somewhat aboue him in thadministration and experience of a warre: Lastly Peter de Nauarre, in whom the Viceroy reapposed moste, alleaged, that in an expedition of so great importance, men ought not to respect so much the distance of two or three dayes: and therefore it was necessarie to continue the counsell & direction for prouisions necessarie, aswell for the besieging of Bolognia, as for the battell, and for their better gouernment af­terwards according to the proceedings of the French: two daies passed afore could appeare any light of the better resolution, for that Monsr de Foix, to whome Centa, Piaua, with many other borowes of the countrey of Bolognia were rendred, remay­ned still at Finalo, where he layed to reassemble his forces and bandes of souldiors, who aswell for that they had bene distributed in many places, as also that his foote­bandes which he had waged were long in comming, could not so sodenly come to the muster: So that, no further cause of deferring appearing, at laste the artilleries were planted agaynst the walles, about thirtie fadomes neare the gate of S. Stephen whiche leades to Florence, where the wall turning and crooking towardes the gate called Chastillon that hath his prospect vppon the mountayne, maketh an angle. And at the same tyme Peter de Nauarre was about to make a mine drawinge more towards the gate of the way of Chastillon, on that side the wall where within is a litle chappell called Barbacana, to thende that thassault beeing giuen at the same instant, they might with more difficultie make resistance beeing deuided, then if they were vnited and ioyned, to defende one onely place: Moreouer following still their firste thoughtes to oppose agaynst the French men, they gaue order that the vauntgarde [Page 569] should returne to the lodging where it was before: The artilleries brought downe to the earth in xxiiij. houres an hundred fadomes of wal: and the tower of the gate was battred with such furie, that being no more hable to mainteine defence, it was aban­doned, so that they might very conueniently giue thassault on that side: But they ex­spected til the mine were accomplished, notwithstanding by the rashnes of the soul­diors, thassault was almost executed the same day in disorder: for certayne Spanishe footmen being climed vp by a ladder to a hole which had bin made in the towre, dis­cended that way into a litle house whiche on the inner side belonged to the walles, wherein was no garde: which being found by the other bands of footmen, they had all ronne thither by heapes, if the capteines hearing of the noyse, had not repressed their wilfulnes: But after the defendantes, hauing leauyed a Cannon iuste with the house, had slayne one part of them, the others fled for safetie from the place where vndiscretly they entred to seeke for perill: And whylest they were busie about the mine, others labored in the armie to make bridges of wood, and to fill vp the diches with baskets and earth, the better to be hable (marching as it were in a playne way) to bring the footemen to the wall which had bene well battred, and to drawe euen vpon the ruines some peeces of artillerie, to thend that in thexecution of thassault, the defendants should not be hable to continue the resistance: But the Frenchmen, seeing into these preparations, & discerning withal that the people began already to giue thē selues ouer to feare, sent immediatly to pray succors of Monsr de Foix, who dispatched thither the same daye a thousand footmen, and the daye after fourscore launces: a matter which made thenemies beleue assuredly that he was determined to passe no further, it seeming a matter not likely nor congruent that he would seperat from himselfe one part of his strength if he had an other intention: But truely suche was his meaning, for that holding that succor sufficient to defend Bolognia, he would not without necessitie assay the fortune of the battell. At last the mine was accom­plished, & the army standing in order of battell to go forthwith to thassalt, for thex­ecution wherof with greater strength the vauntgard was reuoked, Peter of Nauarre caused fire to be put to the mine, which with so great noyse & fury blew vp so high the wall and chappell, that in that space and diuision was made open to those with­out, the intralls of the Citie within together with the maner of the souldiors prepa­red to defende it: But falling eftsones downe agayne, the whole wall tooke the same place from whence the violence of the fire had driuen it, and was so reioyned and knitte agayne as if there had not bene any separation or remouing at all: so that be­ing impossible for the souldiours to go to thassault on that side, the Capteines iud­ged it no lesse harde to follow it on the other part: They of Bolognia interpreted this aduenture to a miracle, saying it was impossible without diuine ayde that the wall shoulde fall and reioyne so iustly vppon his olde foundations: for which cause the Chappell was afterwardes increased and frequented of the people in great deuo­tion. This successe (as though there remayned nothing else to be feared touching thaffayres of Bolognia) was the cause that Monsr de Foix thought good to go to Bressia, both for an espiall he had that the Venetian armie drew that way, and also for feare least thinhabitants there fell not into some want and necessitie, for that by rea­son of the perills of Bolognia he had lefte there a very slender garrison, and no lesse doubted of secret practises and intelligences: Neuerthelesse he chaunged opinion at the contemplation and requestes of the Capteines that were within Bolognia, who sometimes alleaged to hym that yf he wente hys waye, the daungers of the warre woulde redouble and become greater then before, and sometimes they gaue [Page 570] him hope to ouerthrowe the campe of the enemies if he would but ioyne his pre­sence to their valour: In regarde of which reasons accompanied with a deepe con­sideration of the perill of the affaires present, notwithstanding in the councel almost all the capteines were agaynst him, he issued very late out of Finalo: and the mor­ning following, being but two houres of daylight, he drew towards Bolognia with all his army in battell aray, laboring with importunitie of trauell against the snowes, the yse, & bitter wether: he entred by the gate of S. Felix, hauing with hin xiij. hundred launces, vj. thousand launceknights whom he had bestowed al in the vauntgard, and viij. thousand footmen aswell French as Italians: Being thus with great felicitie and valour entred into Bolognia he put into question to assaile the morning folowing the camp of thenemies, the souldiors making their sallies at three gates, & the people is­suing out by the way of the mountaine: if this resolution had bin aduaunced he had found them not douting of his cōming: A matter which assuredly their capteins had no knowledge of, neither that day nor the most part of the day folowing: Thexecutiō was hindred by Yues Allegre who gaue counsel that the bands made wearie with the bitter wayes they had marched, should haue one day to repose themselues, thinking withal (which also any wise man might haue iudged) that it was not possible that so great an army, & in the broad day, & by the high way, could without their knowledge enter into a citie before the which they lay incamped. The same ignorance had al­so kept them abused the day after, if by aduēture a Greeke stradiot had not bin taken being issued out of the skirmish amongst other horsmen: and beeing demaunded of the state of the towne, & what they did within it: he answered that he was hable litle to informe them, for that he had but entred the day before with the French armie: Vppon his words, confirmed both with fayth and constancie, the capteynes entred into such amaze & maruell, that they determined to leauy their campe, holding the danger to great to remaine there, aswel for the bitternes of the season which greatly afflicted the souldiors, as for the neighborhead of the citie whereinto so great an ar­my was entred: They iudged it no policie to contend at one time, & with one force, against so many aduersities: thintemperance & afflictions of the season were more intollerable to them then the hande of thenemie, who yet could not but be fearefull, both for their numbers, their trayning, and their resolute mindes: They made also coniectures of the monstrous reioyning of the wall after it was blowen vp, a con­sideration whiche not the least increased their feare, though in souldiours vallour ought to be more ready then superstition. The night following, whiche was the The Popes armie retireth from before Bolognia. xix day since their incamping, they retyred their artilleries with as litle brute as they could, & marched with their armie in good time along the high way towards Ymola, drawing along the playnes and squares by the which they came, in the middest of which was the high waye and the artillerie: and bestowing in their rearegard the flower of their armie, they marched & wonne way with surety, for that there issued none out of Bolognia other then certayne French horsmen, who hauing made spoile of parte of the munitions and vittells, and therefore begonne to fall into disorder, were to their harmes repulsed euen to Bolognia by Malatesta Baillon, who gouerned the last parte of tharmie.

Assoone as the campe was leauyed, Monsr Foix leauing three hundred launces and foure thousande footmen within Bolognia, departed in great diligence to march to the succors of the Castel of Bressia, the Citie being taken by the Venetians, the day before he entred into Bolognia: for Andrevv Gritti induced by Count Lovvis Auogato a gentleman of Bressia, the moste parte of the people of the contrey concurring also, [Page 571] and hoping much that within the towne they would drawe to some mutinie, had passed by commaundement of the Senat with an armie of three hundred men at armes, xiij hundred light horsemen, and three thowsand footemen, the riuer of Adi­ce at Albera which is a place neare to Leguague, and afterwards waded the foarde of Myncia at the turning mill betweene Croito and Valegge: And comming at last to Montcharo, he encamped by night at Castagnet a village within fiue miles of Bressia, & from thence made suddeine incursions with his horsemen euen to the gates: And at the same time the authoritie and affection to the name of S. Marke resounding in all places, Count Lovvys came hard to the gates with eight hundred men of the val­lyes of Entropien and Sabina whome he had drawne into commocion, and sent his sonne on the other side of the citie euen to the gates with other cōpanies of foote­men: But Andrevv Gritti, neither receiuing from within the citie those intelligen­ces which he exspected, nor being made to him any such signes as were agreed, he helde him selfe preuented by the pollicie and well garding of the citie: And there­fore, refusing to abide perill where he saw no token of sauetie, and at the same tyme the sonne of Auogato being taken prisoner by a sallye made out of the towne, he re­tyred to Montagnano from whence he departed at first, leauing a sufficient garde vp­on the bridge which he had made vppon Adice: But being called againe not many dayes after, he repassed the riuer of Adice with two cannons and foure falconets and incamped at Castagnet, Count Lovvys beeing at the same tyme approched within a mile of Bressia with a great strength of the sayde vallye men: And albeit there were as yet small tokens or apparance of fauour from them within, yet, Gritty seeing his strength to be greater then it was, determined to venter to haue it by force: his val­lour made him resolute against all doubtes of fortune, which is not the least vertue in a man of warre disposed to doe an enterprise: he brought all his paysants to the walls, and began to execute the assalt in three places, which albeit was ill followed at the gate of the tower, yet it did more happely succeede at the gate of the piles where Auogato sought, and at the gate LaGarzula where the soldiours led by Baltazar Sci­pion entred by the yrō grates, by the which the riuer (bearing his name of the towne) entreth into the citie: In this furie of thassalt, notwithstanding the resistance of the french men, who both seeing the ennemies enter the citie, and the townesmen con­spyre in their fauor, they retyred into the castell together with Monsr du Lude their gouernor, losing their horses and baggage: In this tumult, that part of the towne which is called the Citadell and standeth separated from the residue of the citie, A part wherein almost all the Gebelins inhabited, was spoyled and sacked, except the houses of the Guelffes: After the conquest of Bressia, Bergama rendred immediatly ex­cept the two castells, whereof the one is in the middest of the citie, and the other standes within halfe a myle: This rendring happened not so much by thexample of Bressia, as by the meane and working of certeine Citizens: Orciuecche, Orcinouo, and Pontuiquo, with many other places there about did the like: And perhaps much more had bene done, or at the least the victorie had bene better assured, if at Venice they had had a care necessary and conuenient both to send soldiours and artilleries to get the castell, which no doubt would haue made no great resistance, And also to create Magistrates for the well guiding of places already recouered: Their ioy was greater for the victorie they had gotten, then their prouision to preserue the thinges which their fortune had brought them: Their glory was farre aboue their pollicie which in men of warre is not the least errour, for that it makes them more apt to winne, thē able to hold: And this negligence of the Venetians was so much the more hurtfull, [Page 572] by how much more great was the celeritie and diligence of Monsr de Foix, who, ha­uing passed the riuer of Pavv at Stellato (from whence he sent l. launces for the gard of Ferrara and fiue hundred french footemen) he passed also the riuer of Myncia at the mill bridge, hauing almost at the same time of his marching, sent to demaunde passage of the Marquis of Mantua: his suddeine demaund of the Marquis drew one of these two reasons, ‘either to giue him no respit to take aduise in a matter so pre­sent and perentory, or els that the Venetian bandes should be so much the later ad­uertised of his comming: A man of warre hath no one propertie more commenda­ble then his celeritie and speede, for that by aduauncing oportunities, he takes from his aduersarie all councel, And by his quicknes ouercommeth the hardnes of things which otherwayes his vallour were notable to suppresse: The tyde that is driuen with a violence more then ordinary, beguileth the Mariner that stādeth to exspect, but maketh much for the ship that taketh the benefit of it: There is no sort of acti­on wherein fortune more fauoreth men of enterprise, then when their celeritie is e­quall to their vallour, for that it cuts of from the enemy all discourse of councel and makes him blind in the defense of his proper harmes.’ From thence he went the day after to Nogero vpon the territories of Verona, and the day following to Pontpesere & to Treuilla three miles from Eskalo: where, receiuing aduertisement that Iohn Paule Baillon was come from Frankcastel with three hundred men at armes, foure hundred light horsemen and twelue hundred footemen, to encampe within the Ile of Eskalo: he made haste thether to charge him with three hundred launces & seuen hundred Archers, the residue of tharmie comming after, which otherwayes could not march with such diligence: But finding that he was remoued an hower affore his com­ming, he put him selfe in order to follow him without tarying: Ioh. P. Baillon had re­ceiued aduertisement that Barnardin de Montono to whom was left the garde of the bridge made at Albero, had broken it vp, hearing of the comming of the french, for feare he should not be inclosed by them, and the launceknightes which were within Verona, whether Casar had a litle before sent three thowsand footemen which he had in Fryull, being at that time released of all gard at Fryull, for that all was returned to the power of the Venetians, except Gradisqua, who more then the rest expressed her fidelitie against the aduersaties of the warre: for this cause Ioh. P. Baillon had gotten into Bressia, if he had not bene told that a litle beneath Verona the riuer might be pas­sed ouer by foard: But as he went to performe his passage, he discouered a farre of Monsr de Foix, whose incredible celeritie for that it was farre more then the reaport and renowme that went of him, he thought they could be no other trowpes then one part of the soldiours that were within Verona, And in that perswasion ranging his companies in battell araye, he taried their comming with great courage at the tower Magnanino, which is somewhat neare Adice, and of a very litle distance from the tower of Eskalo: The encownter of both parties was very furious with their laū ­ces, M. de Foix defeateth Ioh. Pavvle Baillon. and afterwards falling to other weapons, the battell was hoatly continued more then an hower: But the condicion of the Italians grew worse and worse, for that the other part was continually supplied with newe releefe of soldiours from the armie which was left behind: And albeit not so much by the vallour of their enemies as by their proper imbecillitie of numbers, they were often put to disorder, yet by their vertue and gouernment they reassembled as often: At last, being not able to make a perpetual resistance against the greater number, they were broken and put to flight, and were chassed by thennemie (the night now beginning) euen to the riuer which Ioh. P. passed in safetie, his fortune being better then many of his people who were [Page 573] drowned by the furie of the chasse: In this medley were slaine and taken about foure skore and ten men at armes of the Venetians, Amongest whom fell into the calami­tie of prisoners Guido Rangon and Baltazar Signorello de Perousa: The footemen were all dispersed and broken, and two falconnets lost which was all they had to leaue to thennemie as monuments of that miserable aduenture: In this calamitie, it seemed fortune respected much the french men, for that few of them fell into the mercie of thennemie, and fewer into the miserie of imprisonment, (their felicitie with their vallour, making them free from those daungers which reason and coniecture threw vpon them): The day after they encowntred Meleager de Furly with certeine light horsemen of the Venetians, whom they easily put to flight Meleager remeyning pri­soner: And in this course of felicitie, holding it not necessary to lose one hower of time, the ninth day after they parted from Bolognia, Monsr de Foix with the vaunt­gard incamped within the subburbs of Bressia about two crosbowshootes from the gate of Tourlonguo, and the residue of tharmie more backeward along the way that leades to Pesquiero: Assoone as he was incamped, not giuing to him selfe as it were any leasure to breathe, he sent one part of his footemen to charge vppon the Mona­sterie of S. Fridian, which is halfe way to the hill vnder the which he was incamped, and the hill kept by many paysants of the vallye Tropia: This gard was soone broken and most of them slaine by the footemen, who made their entrey into many places by clyming being fauored with certeine showers of rayne by the which thartilleries that were in the Monasterie could not execute: The day following Monsr de Foix sent a trompet to somon the towne to render with condicions of sauetie for their liues and goods, except the Venetians: And his Messenger being prowdly aunswe­red in the presence of Andrevv Gritty, he turned his armie [...]o thother side on the towne to be more neare the castell, and was lodged in the subburbes of the gate cal­led S. Iohns gate: The morning following, euen by the first reuealing of the daye, he chused out of the mayne armie more then foure hundred men at armes all armed in white, and six thowsand footemen, part Gascons and part launceknightes, And with them putting him self on foote, he went vp on that side towards the gate of the piles and entred without resistance within the first waste of the castell▪ where causing his companies to rest and refreshe them selues a litle, he encouraged them with short speeches to mount resolutly vp to that riche and welthy citie, where the glorye and bootie would be greater without all comparison then the paine or perill, hauing to fight with soldiours of Venice who were manifestly inferior to them in numbers, in vertue, and in fortune: he contemned their numbers, for that being people vnexpe­rienced in warre, he iudged them more apt to flee then to fight: he bad them hope that the cowardise of some bringing disorder to the residue woulde be the cause that the whole would fal into feare, negligence & confusion: ‘be put them in remēbrance of their auncient victories wherein their vertue was no lesse meritorius then their fortune: he told them that to men of action nothing more hindreth their glory then to be slow to take the benefit of occasions, and the resolute man neuer findeth want of fortune where he expresseth no want of vallour: he desired them lastly that as he had chosen them for the most valiant of the whole armie, so they would not bringe shame to them selues and to his iudgement, but that they would consider what infa­mie and dishonor it would be to them, if they who made profession to enter cities notwithstanding the resistance of soldiours, of artilleries, of walls, and of rampiers, should not now reioyce in their desires, hauing no other impediment then men on­ly in whom nothing was lesse familiar then disposicions to fight: Immediatly he put [Page 574] his footemen before his men at armes and began to march out of the castell,’ and at his going out he found certeine bandes of footemen who with their artillerie assay­ed to stoppe him for passing further: But his vallour making them to retyre, he dis­cended furiously by the skirtes of the pallaice greene of the Capteine Burletto where the Venetian regiments well raunged and cloase together, exspected him with great resolucion: They fell immediatly to hand strokes, when the medley was terrible for a long time, the one part fighting for their proper sauetie, and the other part for glo­rye, ioyned to a desire to sacke a citie so full of riches: The Capteines, besides their office to commaund and dispose, most often tooke the places of meane soldiours, the vertue of Monsr de Foix being singuler aboue the residue: At last the Venetian armie were driuen from the place after they had made a wonderfull defense: In so much as the Conquerers, who nowe deuided them selues into two bandes, made their entrey, the one by the citie, and the other by the Citadel, finding in euery quar­ter and corner a meruelous resistance by the soldiours and by the people, In whom it seemed their aduersitie had nothing diminished their vertue: But the french men Bressia taken and sacked. being alwayes followed with victorie passed thorow all impediments and chassed all their ennemies that stoode affore them: They gaue not their mindes to pillage vntill they sawe them selues absolute Maisters of the towne: such was their directi­on of their Capteine, whom they obeyed and obserued so iustly, that what soeuer he were that did otherwayes, he was forthwith slayne by his fellowes: In these encown­ters there dyed of the french parte many footemen and a greate number of men at armes: But of thennemies were left on the ground eyght thowsand dead carkasses, part of the people and part of the Venetian soldiours which were fiue hundred men at armes, eyght hundred light horsemen, and eyght thowsand footemen, amongest whom was Contaryn commaunder of the stradiots, who was slaine vpon the greene with a bullet of a harquebuze: All the residue were taken except two hundred stra­diots who fled by a posterne neare the gate of S. Nazareth, albeit with no better for­tune, for that falling vppon the french armie which remeyned without the towne they were almost all taken or killed: They also immediatly after the execution en­tred the towne by the same gate, and falling to pillage aswell as the residue, they en­ioyed the trauells and daungers of others: Andrevv Gritty & Anth. Iustynian whom the Senat had sent into that citie as gouernour, remeyned prisoners together with Ioh. P. Manfron & his sonne the Knight de la Volpe, Baltazar Scipion, one of the sonnes of Anth. de Pio, Count Lovvys Auogato, and one of his sonnes, and Domynik Busechio Capteine of the stradiots: These being chieftaines of tharmie were reserued as mi­serable examples of their owne calamitie: they were by the wretchednes and for­tune of prisoners disposed & caried about as best pleased the appetit of the Victors, sometymes brought to behold the dead bodyes of their companions and friends, A spectacle lamentable to be compelled to see those men deade, whom in life they so much honored and loued: And sometymes appoynted to stande in the presence of thennemie, taking speciall glorie in that which to them could not be but an increase of discomfort: by strait commaundement of Monsr de Foix, the honors of the wo­men of religion were kept vndefiled, but their goods together with such others, as for protection were conueyed into their couents, were made a praye to the Cap­teines: Count Lovvys was executed in the market place Monsr de Foix being present, and seemed to holde it a sacrifice best acceptable and pleasing to his eyes: his two sonnes albeit they were for a tyme deferred, suffered in the ende the same payne, thauthoritie of the Victor raigning very iudicially ouer the liues of whome soeuer it [Page 575] pleased him: In this sort by the vallour & fortune of the french men of whom they of Bressia vaunted to be discended, fell into this extremitie that citie, for nobilitie & digniue nothing inferior to any other citie of Lombardye, but in riches and plentye, farre aboue them all except Myllan: And as the miseries that warre draweth with it are infinit, so the whole citie for seuen daies together was exposed to the couetous­nes, to the lust, and to the crueltie of soldiours, thinges sacred aswell as prophane be­ing percell of the pray, And no lesse the liues then the goods of men committed to the discression of spoylers: This victorie brought great reputacion to the name of Monsr de Foix, Italy, no lesse then the other regions of Christendō resounding much his glory, that by his celeritie and vallour in the space of xv. daies, he had compelled the armies Ecclesiastike and spanish to discampe from before Bolognia, ouerthrowne in the plaine fielde Ioh. P. Baillon with part of the Venetian regiments, and reconque­red Bressia with so great a slaughter of soldiours and other sortes of peoples: it was confirmed by the iudgement of wise men, that touching enterprise and matters of warre, Italy had not felt the like of long time, the aduersitie farre exceeding the me­morie and example of all times past.

After the action of Bressia together with the other places that were lost, of whom Bergamo drawne into rebellion by the ayde of very few of the towne, had by cōmon consent reuoked the french men before Monsr de Foix made his entrye into Bressia: And after Monsr de Foix had set downe a forme to thaffayres of Bressia, and had som­what refreshed and reordered his armie made wearie with so great trauells, and no lesse disordered partly by keeping and partly by distribucion of the spoyle: he deter­mined according to the kinges commaundement, to go seeke the armie of the con­federats, which, after his departure from before the walls of Bolognia, was stayed vp­on the landes of the Bolognois: To this direction the king was constrayned by many vrgent accidents, which droaue him into necessitie to take newe councells for the sauetie and benefit of his affayres: for, he discerned manifestly that he should haue warre with the king of England, notwithstanding that king had in franke tearmes af­fore, assured him the contrary, And since, kept him in suspence with tokens and wordes doubtfull: The actions which were quite contrary to his promisses could be no more couered, for that there came aduertisement from Rome, howe he had at lust approued and ratified the league by writing: Besides, the french king was not igno­rant that in England were made great preparacions of men and ships, and in Spayne was rigged a great nauie to passe into England where was an vniuersall disposicion in all sortes of the people of that region, to make warre vppon the Realme of Fraunce: To this humor of the king & people, was much helping the arriual of a galeass from the Pope laden with Greeke wines, with cheeses, and other prouisions, which distri­buted in his name to the king, Barons, and Prelats of the Realme, were receiued of all with a wonderfull gladnes: The common sort of people which oftentymes is no lesse caried by vaine and small thinges, then by matters more graue and great, ronne with generall admiracion to beholde the galeasse, accounting it so much more to their pleasure and glorie, by how much they had neuer seene in that Ile any vessell bearing the Popes banners: At last Bishop Morton, who had long negociated be­twene the Pope and the french king, induced either by his conscience, or by desire to be Cardinall, was appoynted in an assembly of all the states of that ylande, where he shewed with equall fauor & full testimonie, what was the iustice of the Popes cause: Vppon this both it was determined to send the Prelats to the councell of Latran in the name of the whole Realme: And also, (thimportunities of the Popes Embassa­dor [Page 576] concurring) the king commaunded the french kings Embassador to depart out of the Realme: he published this reason of his commaundement that it was not cō ­uenient to enterteine about the person of a king and in a kingdome so deuout to the Churche, a man that represented a king so manifestly persecuting the sea Aposto­like. Now began to be discouered the secret resolucion wherein the king of England with his armie by sea should molest the shoares of Normandy and Britaine, & should send eyght thowsand footemen into Spaine to make warre vpon the Duchie of Guye­nu together with the forces of the king of Aragon: A suspicion which not a litle af­flicted the french king, both for that the memorie of the warres past had made the english name very terrible to those peoples, and also he knewe the daunger woulde grow so much the greater by how much the spanish forces were ioyned with them: He was fearefull also by the consideracion of his owne weakenes, hauing sent into I­taly all his companies of men at armes sauing two hundred launces, which if he should call backe eyther in part or in all, the Duchie of Myllan, which he esteemed much should remeyne in manifest perill: And if for his resupplie he should encrease the auncient band of eyght hundred launces, he could reapose litle confidence and hope for lesse assurance amyd so great daungers, in persons newly created and vnex­periēced: he added to this the suspicion of thallienacion of Caesar which daily more and more encreased: for, notwithstanding Andrevv Burgos whom he had sent with so great exspectacion, and being returned, brought tydings that Caesar was disposed to abide in the confederacion, yet he made offers of very harde condicions enter­medling many cōplaints: for, he required of the king, to assure him to recouer al that apperteyned to him by the capitulacions of Cambray, alleaging that he could no more trust in simple promisses, for that he hath alwayes knowen, both from the be­ginning and since, that it was a matter very greeuous to the king that he should con­quer Padoa, And that to consume and hold him in continuall, trauels he had willing­ly wasted two hundred thowsand duckats euery yeare, knowing that to him, the spē ­ding of l. thowsand was much more: That he had refused the last yeare to deliuer to him the person of Tryuulce, being a Capteine that had both the will and the experi­ence to put a speedy ende to the warre: he required that the kings second Daughter being but two yeares olde, might be promised to his Nephew, induing her for her dowrye with Burgonnye, and that the Daughter might presently be deliuered to his handes: Lastly that there should be left referred to him the quarrells of Ferrara, of Bolognia, and the controuersie of the councell, forbidding the french armie to march towards Rome, & protesting that he was not to endure that the king should any way encrease his estate in Italy: These condicions of them selues greeuous and almoste intollerable, were yet made more heauy by the experience he had, that notwithstā ­ding he should accord to him so many thinges, yet he could not be assured that he would not varye, eyther according to occasions or according to his custome: yea, thiniquitie of the condicions offered, serued almost as a certeine argument that be­ing already alienated from the french king, he sought thoccasion to put it to effect vnder some cooller, seeing that aswell in words as in works he disclosed many signes of an ill will: for, both the Proctors which he had so many tymes promised to sende to the councell of Pysa were not come with Burgos, and also the Prelats assembled at Auspurge, had at last made aunswer by a publike decree, that the councell of Pysa was schismatike and detestable, but yet with this moderacion that they were ready to chaunge sentence, if they might be resolued in the contrary by reasons more strong and auaileable: And yet notwithstanding the king, at a tyme when he stoode most [Page 577] neede to assemble his forces, was constrayned to menteyne at the request of Caesar two hundred launces and three thowsand footemen in Verona, & a garde of a thow­sand footemen in Leguague: Moreouer the feare of the Svvyzzers vexed not a litle the kings mind: for, albeit he had obteyned to send to their parliaments the Bayliffe of Amyens to whom he had giuen very ample commissions, and was nowe resolued by discreete councell, (if such may be called councells discreete as are taken when thoportunitie of helping is past) to spare no liberalities nor offers of money to re­duce them to his amitie: yet what with the hatred of the Commons (which in this respit was made greater) and with thimportunate perswasions of the Cardinall of Syon, preuailing aboue thauthoritie of those that from parliament to parliament had hindred all resolucions that were to be made against him: it was discerned that they inclined to send 6. thowsand footemen to the pay of the confederats, who made de­maund of them, to oppose against the firme squadrons of the launceknightes: Be­sides all this, the king found him selfe depriued of all hopes of peace and agreement, notwithstanding during the heate of the warre, there had bene great labor and soli­citacion made by the Cardinall of Nantes and the Cardinall of Strigonia, A mightie Prelate of the Realme of Hungria: for, the Pope had made this last and resolute aun­swer that if they would be better heard then before, they shoulde so bringe to passe that the diabolicall councel of Pysa might be reuersed, & see restored to the Church her cities of Bolognia and Ferrara: Wherein expressing no lesse violence in effects then furie in wordes: he had newly deposed from their dignities many of the french Prelats which were resorted to the councell, together with Phillipp Dece one of the most excellent lawyers of that time, both for that he had written and disputed in the iustice of their cause, and did follow the Cardinalls to be at hand for direction when matters required aduise and interpretacion of law: In all these difficulties, daungers, and aduersities which inuyroned the french king on all sides, he had not one firme or certeine footing in any part of Italy: The estates of Ferrara and Bolognia serued him (as in times past) more for vexacions and charges, then for any other vse: And tou­ching the Florentyns to whom he made a new instance to ioyne with him in a warre against Romagnia, he could not draw from them other then general aunswers: No he rather held them suspected by reason of the Vicerois Embassador of Naples ordinari­ly remeining at Florence, but much more for that they had sent thEmbassador to the king Catholike, & did no more communicat with him of their affaires, as they were wont: But most of all, for that hauing labored to prolonge the league which was fi­nished within fewe moneths, without that they demaunded eyther money or other great obligacions, they temporised, to thende to be at libertie to take that part that seemed best for their sauetie, & conueniencie of their affaires: The Pope also to aug­ment this disposicion, & for feare withall, lest his too great seueritie and rigour indu­ced them to follow with their force, the fortune of the french king, both gaue them absolucion of paines & censures, the common weale not suing for it, and also sent as Nuncio to Florence with very easie and gracious condicions, Ioh. Gossadin a Bolognois one of the Clerkes of the chamber Apostolike laboring to take from them the suspi­cion that they had had of him: So that the king seeing him selfe left alone against so many ennemies eyther already pronownced or very likely to be so, And hauing but very hard meanes of resistance, if so many aduersities should thunder vppon him in one time: he addressed speedy commaundement to Monsr de Foix, to march with as great diligence as he could against the army of the confederats, against whom, as he promised to him self the victory, supposing thē to be the weakest, so, being possessed [Page 578] of the victorie, he shoulde proceede to assayle Rome and the Pope without any re­spect, in the good yssue and succeeding of which, he had opinion that he shoulde stande acquited of all his greate daungers: And to thende that both the enuye of thenterprise might bee diminished, and his iustificacions the more increased, he gaue order that thenterprise shoulde be made in the name of the councell of Pysa, by whom should be assigned a Deputie Legat to goe with the armie, and vnder the sayd name, to receiue the townes that should be conquered.

Thus, Monsr de Foix, departing from Bressia, came to Finalo, where he remey­ned certeyne dayes, partely to make prouision of vittells that came out of Lombar­dye, and partely to reassemble and drawe into one strength all his bandes which the king had sent out of Italy except such as by necessitie remeyned for the garde of townes, and partely for the great and suddeine raynes that fell, which gaue impedi­ment to his marching: from thence he went to S. Georges which is vpon the territo­ries of Bolognia, and thether came to him a new supplie of three thowsand footemen Gascons, A thowsand aduenturers, and a thowsand Pickards, all men of choysse and such as the french men made great reputacion and reckoning of: his whole campe The armie of Monsr de Foix. according to a iuste number conteyned fiue thowsand launceknightes, fiue thow­sand Gascons, and eyght thowsand Italians and frenche, with a thowsand six hun­dred launces comprehending the bande of two hundred gentlemen: The Duke of Ferrara was also to ioyne to this armie with a hundred men at armes & a great traine of good artilleries, Monsr de Foix hauing left behind him all his great shot and mu­nicions for the deepe and fowle wayes to drawe them: To this armie was also to come, and was already on his way, the Cardinall S. Seuerin appoynted Legat of Bo­lognia by the councel, he was a braue and valiant Cardinall bearing more inclinaci­on to armes then to holy exercises and contemplacions of religion, And lesse giuen to the vocacion of the church or ciuil or priuat profession, then to publike action & warlike imitacion: Assoone as Monsr de Foix had set downe these directions for his affayres, he marched forward to seeke thennemies, his vallour carying him in a bur­ning desire to fight with them, no lesse for the continuall commaundements and in­citacions of the king, then by a resolute working and propertie of his owne minde, naturally thirsting after glorie, and in him so much the more vehement & kindled, by how much his former successe and victories caried him into a weening of further fortune and felicitie: And yet he gaue not him selfe ouer so much to this humor of glory and desire as that his intencion was to set vppon them rashly, but approching neare their campe either to see if he could willingly drawe them out to the battell in some place where the qualitie of the situacion might giue least impediment to his vertue, or els to constrayne them to fight in cutting of their vittells and their other succours: But farre other was thintencion of thennemies, in whose armie (after the The armie of she Confede­rats. regiment of the Duke of Vrbyn was gonne vnder cooller of some controuersie) were a thowsand foure hundred men at armes, a thowsand light horsemen & seuen thow­sand spanish footemen, with three thowsand Italians newely leauyed: They were of this opinion that being both inferior in nūbers, & the french horsemen better dispo­sed then theirs, it could not be for their sewertie to fight in a place of equalitye at the least affore the six thowsand Svvyzzers were come, which, being newly graunted by the Cantons, there was practise at Venice, whether the Cardinall of Syon with twelue Embassadors of that nation were gon for that purpose, to leauy at the cōmon char­ges of the Pope and the Venetians: There was added to this, the wil of the king of A­ragon, who had giuen commaundement both by letters and Messengers expresse, to [Page 579] absteine from battel as much as could be: for he hoped specially in the thing which the french king feared most, that if the battel were deferred vntil the king of England & he began the warre in Fraunce, the french king would be constrained to cal home either all or the greatest part of his companies, & by that meane he should put ende to the warre of Italy & remeine possessed of the victorie without blood or daunger: And for this reason he had forbidden the Viceroy to beseege Bolognia, had it not bin for the great instance and complaints that the Pope made: Thus the Viceroy of Na­ples together with the other capteines, were at this point to encampe alwayes neare to the french armie, both to let that the townes of Romagnia remeyned not to them in pray, & also to stoppe the way for going to Rome: And withall they were resolued to keepe them alwayes in places of strength, where, eyther for their situacion, or to be backt with some great towne, the french men shoulde haue no opportunitie to charge them but to their great disaduauntage: And therefore they were determi­ned to make no account nor difficultie to retyre as often as neede shoulde bee, iud­ging, as men well vnderstanding the qualitie of warre, that they were not bownd to thapparances and brutes that ranne, but principally had to looke to obteine the vi­ctorie which was followed with glory, with reputacion, & with praise of men: Ac­cording to which resolucion, the same daye that tharmie was lodged at the castell Guelffe & at Medicina, such as were incamped neare those places, retyred to the wals of Ymola: The day following the french men passed within a mile & an half of Ymola, thennemies keeping good order in the place where they were incamped: But refu­sing to assaile thē at so great a disaduantage, they passed further, the vauntgard lod­ging in the borow of Bubana foure myles from Ymola, and the other part of tharmie at Mordana and Baguaro, townes somewhat more then a myle one from an other: They chused their lodging places beneth the high way for the oportunity of vittels, which with sewertie were brought by the riuer of Pavv, Lugo, Bagua Cauall and the townes thereabout, being abandoned of the Spanyards & eftsoones returned to the deuocion of the Duke of Ferrara when Monsr de Foix entred vppon the territories of Bolognia: The day after the Spanyards, leauing sufficient garrison in the castell of Y­mola, and lx. men at armes in the towne vnder Ioh. Sassatello, went to Castell Boulon­nois, and incamped vppon the high way, their campe stretching towards the Moun­teines: And the same day, the french men tooke by force the borow of Solarola, the terror whereof made Cotignola and Granarola to render to them, where they remey­ned the daye following And the ennemies encamping in a place called the sielde of flees: In these litle remouings and nearenes of places, the two armies marched al­wayes in good order, their artillerie going formost, with the face to thennemye as though the battell were to beginne at euery hower: And yet both the armies mar­ched with very great respect, the one not to be constrayned to come to blowes but in a place where thaduauntage of the situacion shoulde recompense the disaduaun­tage of their number and forces: And the other to seeke to drawe thennemies to a necessitie to fight, but with this regarde that at one tyme, both the weapons and place shoulde not bee contrarye to them: In that place, Monsr de Foix receyued a newe commaundement from the Kinge to hasten the battell, the same causes and reasons still increasing that had first induced him to aduaunce to seeke then­nemyes: For, where the Venetians had obstinately refused to make peace with Cae­sar but vppon condicion that they might reteyne Vincensa, notwithstanding they were muche weakened by the accident of Bressia, and also muche pressed first by requestes and after by protestacions and threatninges of the Pope and Kinge of [Page 580] Aragon: There was at last made betwene them a truce for eyght monethe [...] before the Pope, with couenant that either partes should reteyne the thinges they posses­sed, and to pay to Caesar fiftye thowsand florins of the Rhein: The same remouing from the king all doubtes that he would not be deuided from him, and at the same tyme he had intelligence that he would haue warre beyond the Mountes: for, Ie­rome Cabauillo the king of Aragons Embassador and resident in his Court, making instance to be heard in playne councell, tolde him he had receiued commaunde­ment from the king his Maister, to departe, exhorting him in his name to forbeare to fauor against the Church the tyrants of Bolognia, &, for so vniust a cause, to leaue of to trouble a peace of so great importance and profit to the whole common weale of Christendom: In which exhortacion he offered, that in case he feared to receiue any domage for the restitucion of Bolognia, he would assure him in all sorts he would desire, Adding in the ende for a resolucion immouable, that he would not nor could not faile to defend the Church according to the office of euery Christian Prince.

Therefore Monsr de Foix, being now certeine that he should neuer accomplish his intencion in accoasting and following thennemie, for that, for the commoditie they had of the townes of Romagnia, he could not easily cut of their vittells nor force them to the battell without great disaduauntage: And his owne armie also suffe­ring no small necessitie of vittells by the barreinnes of places where he lay, he tooke councel of his Capteines and determined to goe to incampe affore Rauenna: he ho­ped by this meane, thennemies, not to diminish their reputacion would not suffer to be lost before their eyes a citie of that importance: And withall he doubted not vnder this occasion to fight with thennemies in a place of indifferencie: And to lette the ennemie (happly suspecting his deuise) to approche to Rauenna, he incam­ped betwene Cotignola and Granarola seuen myles from them, where he stayed foure dayes exspecting from Ferrara twelue Cannons and twelue other lesser peeces of artillerie: Thennemies doubted such a resolucion, and for that cause sent to Rauen­na Mark. Anth. Colonno, who before he entred into the iorney tooke the fayth and promisse of the Legat, the Viceroy, Fabricio and Peter of Nauarre with all the other Capteines of tharmie (otherwayes he woulde not vndertake thenterprise) that if the frenche came to encampe affore it, they should make to his succours with the whole armie: There went with him in this expedicion, three skore men at armes of his owne bande, An hundred light horsemen vnder Peter de Castre, and six hundred spanishe footemen commaunded by Capteyne Parades and Salezart: tou­ching the residue of tharmie, they encamped neare the walls of Faenza along the gate that goeth to Rauenna, enterteyning the tyme of their abyding there with a hoat skirmishe with thennemie: About that tyme Monsr de Foix sent an hun­dred launces and fiueteene hundred footemen to take the borowe of Russi garded by a garrison of the place it selfe, who, notwithstanding in the beginning (accor­ding to the manner of commons and popular men,) showed them selues very re­solure and assured, yet, their naturall feares vanquishing their frayle showes of courage, they entred the same daye into a parley to render and yeelde: during which commonings the French men taking thopportunitie of their negligence and disorder, entred the place with no litle furie and sacked it, putting to the sworde more then two hundred men, and reduced all the residue to the calamitie of pri­soners: from Russi, Monsr de Foix drewe neare to Rauenna, and the day after incam­ped neare the walls betweene the two riuers in the middest whereof the towne hath The seate of Rauenna. her situacion: The ryuer of Ronquo which olde histories call Vitis, and the ryuer of [Page 581] Montono, not a litle esteemed for that next after Pavv, it is the chiefest of those riuers that haue their heade on the left hande of th Appenyn, and entreth into the sea of his propper coursse, fall from th Appenyn hills, And where they take their head, there they make the separacion of Romagna from Tuskane: These riuers make their coursse so, as they inclose the citie of Furly: Montono that ronneth on the left hande toucheth almost the walls, And Ronquo falling on the right hande, passeth within two myles of it, and afterwards are restrayned and drawne narrow neare Ra­uenna with so litle space, that the one on the one parte and the other on the other, make their coursse fast by the walls, A litle belowe which walls, their waters mee­ting and embrasing together, they fall afterwards into the sea beeing nowe three myles of, but in olde tyme (as is sayd) did beate vpon the walls of the towne: Monsrde Foix commaunded the space or distance that is betweene the one and other of the riuers, the front of his campe bearing towardes the gate Adriana which is almost ioyning to the brinke or shoare of Montono: The daye after he was incam­ped, he made to plant thartillerie, partly against the tower called Roncono situated betwene the port Adriana and the ryuer of Ronquo, and partly on the other side of Montono whether one parte of tharmie was passed by a bridge which was cast ouer the riuer: he hastned the batterie as much as he could, to thende to come to thassault, both affore the ennemies approched whome he knewe to bee marching, and also for his great necessitie and difficultie to recouer prouision of vittells, see­ing the Venetian bandes which lay at Ficqueroles, with many vessells armed, gaue impediment to such as were brought out of Lombardye: And hauing soonke to the bottome certeine barkes in the mouth of the channell which entreth into Pavv twelue myles from Rauenna and passeth there within two myles, they also stopped the entrey of those that came from Ferrara in vessells of that contrey: A prouision which was no lesse daungerous then vneasie to be brought by waggen or cart: be­sides this, the incommodities and daungers were no lesse for their forragers, who of necessitie were to raunge seuen or eyght myles from the campe: impediments not small to a campe lying vppon thexecucion of some enterprise: In regarde of these difficulties, concurring also the consideracion of other extremities and daun­gers, Monsr de Foix determined to giue thassalt the same day, notwithstanding he knew it was no lesse hard then daungerous to make his entrey: for, of the wall that was battred, there was brought downe to the earth but thirty fadoms, and yet they not altogether ruinous for that three fadoms were yet left standing on high, so that there could be made no entrey but by ladders: But to futmount these difficulties with vallour and direction, and the better to encourage his people by a striuing and emulacion amongest them selues, he deuided in three squadrons distinct and sepa­rat one from an other, the regiments of footemen of the Almains, Italyans, & french: And after he had chosen out of euery companie of the men at armes, tenne of the most trayned & resolute, he charged, that being couered with the same armes with the which they were wont to fight on horsebacke, they shoulde marche affore the footemen: he brought them all in good order of warre affore the walls, and recom­mending them to their seuerall fortune, he sawe them giue a very furious assault, respecting so much the lesse the perills that were affore them, by how much more euery one of them labored to make good his election and iudgement of their val­lour: The defendants made valiant resistance, to the speciall prayse of Mark. Anth. Colonno, who, duringe that sharpe storme, omitted in him selfe no of­fice, no parte, no place, that concerned the reskewe and succour of his people [Page 582] doing double seruice, both by direction and by example: The french men were won­derfully troubled with a coluerine that was planted vpon a bastillion, by which, with other afflictions farre contrary to their looking, they sawe them selues out of all hope to be able to force the towne, & therefore after they had fought three howers, they retyred to their lodgings with the losse of three hundred footemen and cer­teyne men at armes: many were miserably hurt, as Monsr Chastillon and the Cap­teine of thartillerie, who receyuing their woundes from out of the towne, dyed not many dayes after: Federyk de Bossolo was also hurt but not to the death, All men in suche a calamitie, not being subiect to one kinde of fortune: The daye follow­ing, the deuises to batter the walls, were turned to fight with thennemies in the fielde: They, assoone as the frenche armie was remoued remembring their fayth and promisse to Mark. Anth., were entred within Furly which is betweene the same ryuers, and hauing afterwardes passed the ryuer of Ronquo a fewe myles low­er, they came towardes Rauenna: About which tyme the Citizens of the towne, brought into terrour by the assalt of the daye before, sent out one to treate of com­posicion without the priuitie of Mark. Anth.: But as he was in the action, going and returning with aunswers, the armye of thennemie was discouered, which marched along the ryuer, And assoone as the Frenche men discerned it, they drew immediatly into armes with a greate noyse and ranged their companies vnder their enseignes: They retyred in greate haste their artilleries from before their walls, and turned them towardes their ennemies: And in the meane whyle Monsr de Foix, consulted with the other Capteynes whether it were good to passe the ry­uer at the same instant, to lette them for entring into Rauenna: A matter which eyther they had not determined to doe, or at leaste it was impossible with order conuenient, and with necessary diligence: where it was easie to tharmye of the confederats to enter the same daye into Rauenna by the wodde of Pineta which is betweene the sea and the citie, A deuise which had constrayned the French men to retyre with shame, and to goe out of Romagna considering the want of vittells: But they eyther not knowing thoccasion, and fearing withall that as they marched The Confede­rats as the succours of Ra­uenna. they shoulde be enforced to fight in the playne fielde: or els supposing that by the onely viewe and showing of their armye, Rauenna was sufficiently succored, for that Monsr de Foix durste not eftsoones sende to thassault: They encamped, con­trarye to all exspectacion three myles within Rauenna in a place called Monlinac­co, spending the residue of that daye and the nyght following in intrenching their campe with ditches so large and deepe, as the shortnes of the tyme woulde suffer: In this respyt of tyme, the french Capteines consulted together not without diuer­sitie of opinions: some held it an enterprise too daungerous to giue a new assault to them within Rauenna, hauing before them so litle a breache in the wall, & behind thē so great a campe & armie of enemies: They iudged it vnprofitable to remeine there without hope to be able to doe any thinge, yea the skarcetie of vittells bringing ap­parant impossibilitie to all action: And that in retyring, there would growe to the Spanyards a greater reputacion then was wonne the daye before by aduauncing: Lastly, that as it was a matter very daungerous and agaynst all deliberacions and councells made before, to goe charge them in their campe which they had to thinke was well fortefied, so, of all sortes of daungers that chiefly was to bee es­chewed by which might happen greatest harmes, and of all other harmes this is the greatest without all comparison to bee ouerthrowne: Amydd these dis­courses of difficulties and perills it was in the ende resolued, that they woulde goe [Page 583] sette vppon the ennemie assone as it were day, Monsr de Foix allowing that resolu­tion as moste agreable to his glory, and their common safetie. All the night they wrought to set vp the bridge vpon the ryuer of Ronquo making playne the risings of the bankes on all sides, to make the way more easie and passible: The next morning by the first appearing of the day, beeing the eleuenth of Aprill, a daye very solemne for the memorie of the holy resurrection, the Launceknights of the footemen mar­ched ouer the bridge, almoste all the vauntgarde and the battell passed the ryuer by foarde, and the rearegard guyded by Yues d'Allegre wherein were foure hundred launces, remayned vpon the shore of the ryuer on Rauenna side, to thende to succor the armie in necessitie, and to make head if the souldiours or people issued out of Rauenna: And to the garde of the bridge which had bene affore buylt vpon the ry­uer of Montono, was appoynted capteine Paris a Skottishe man with a strength of a thousande footemen: Immediatly vpon this the Frenchmen prepared them selues to the battell in this order: The vauntgarde with thartillerie before, gouerned by The order of the Frenchmē in the battell of Rauenna. the Duke of Ferrara with seuen hundred launces and the Launceknightes, was pla­ced vpon the banke or shoare of the ryuer which was on their right hande, the foot­men beeing on the left hande to the horsemen: On the side of the vauntgarde and in flanke, were bestowed the footemen of the battell whiche were eighte thowsande, parte Gascons and parte Pickardes: And after, in enlarging alwayes and bearing fur­ther from the banke of the ryuer, was the laste esquadron of Italian footemen ledde by Federike Bossolo, wherein was not aboue the number of fiue thousande bodies: for notwithstanding Monsr de Foix comming from before Bolognia tooke with him such as were there in garrison, yet many of them were shronke away by reason the paye was small: And on the side or wing of this squadron were all the archers and light horsemen, which exceeded the number of three thousande. After the ordering of all these squadrons, who not stretching directly right foorth, but plying and bow­ing, bare the forme of a halfe moone, and vppon the banke of the ryuer, were the six hundred launces of the battel commaunded by Monsr de la Palissa, together with the Cardinall S. Seuerin Legate of the councell, who being of stature huge & migh­tie, and of courage and minde nothing inferior, and armed withall from toppe to toa with glittering armes, performed farre better the office of a Capteine then of a Cardinall or Legate. In this disposing of the armie, Monsr de Foix reserued to him selfe no charge or place particular, but hauing made a choyse of thirtie of the most valiaunt Gentlemen of the whole armie, he stoode free and at libertie to be the bet­ter hable to succour and minister to all partes: The goodly estate and presence of his personage couered with armor shining and wrought, made him easie to bee discer­ned from all others, ioyning his liuery or cassacke, in whose coollers was represen­ted the inclination of his minde: And because there shoulde be omitted in him no­thing that eyther belonged to the testification of his proper vallour, or was neces­sarie to stirre vp the mindes of his people, he mounted vpon the rysing of the shore of the ryuer, and with a countenance of singuler ioye and comfort dispersed into his eyes and all his other outward senses and partes, he spake to his companies with an eloquence more then martiall in this sort:

My good friendes and souldiours, this is the day wherein fortune offreth to leade M [...]Soan [...] de [...] encourageth his souldiours to the battell. vs to fight with our enemies in open fielde: A matter so muche the more welcome, by howe muche it hath bene long desired with an vniuersall exspectation of vs all: The same fortune, ‘whose fauour we haue caried alwayes vpon our shoulders in so many victories, presenteth her selfe nowe to kisse our cheekes in signe of her perpe­tuall [Page 584] assistaunce: and holding her lappe open, she puttes into our handes an oc­casion to winne the moste honorable and glorious victorie that euer was gotte by any armie in the memorie of man: for not onely Rauenna, not onely all the townes and limites of Romagnia, are subiect to your discression, but also the wealth and plen­tie of riches conteined in those large limites, shall be the least parte of the rewardes of your valour. Not one Prince, or Potentat remayning in Italie hable to make head agaynst your force and felicitie, what shall lette you to ronne vp euen to Rome, where the infinite treasors of that wicked Court drawne in so many ages out of the bowels and intrals of Christendome, shall be the honorable fruites of your trauell: yea your vallour and your fortune will put into your handes so manye stately ornamentes, suche heapes of siluer, so many wedges of golde, suche mountaynes of precious stones, and so many riche prisoners, that the whole world will enuy your condition: And from Rome, euen with the same facilitie, we shall marche into the bowels of the kingdome of Naples, executing reuenge vppon the iniuries done to vs and ours heretofore. These be felicities which I see not subiect to any impediment when I consider your vertue, your fortune, and the honorable victories you haue gotten in fewe dayes. These expeditions bring with them no doubt nor feare, when I beholde your countenances, and do remember that there are very fewe amongest you, who in my presence hath not giuen some notable testimonie of his vallour. Our enemies be the same Spaniardes whom our arriuall forced with shame to flee by night from before Bolognia, they be the same mindes and bodies who not many dayes since sought their safetie from vs, no otherwise then by hiding themselues vnder the walls of Ymola and Faenza, and afterwards couered their dishonour in places montenous and impassible. This is a race of people and nation that in the kingdome of Naples neuer fought agaynst our armies in playne fielde, or places discouered, but brought with them alwayes the aduauntage of rampiers, of ryuers, of diches, or the wether, reapposing lesse in their vallour and vertue, then in their sleightes and ambushes: And yet I can not tearme them that portion of Spaniards which haue bene norished and made olde in the warres of Naples, but rather a people newe, rawe, and vnexpe­rienced, who neuer fought agaynst other armes then bowes and arrowes and laun­ces poynted after the maner of the Moores: who notwithstanding is a nation and people weake of body, without harte, without armour, and wholly without know­ledge of the arte of warre, yet the laste yere they ouerthrew this prowde generation of Spaniards to their great infamie in the yle of Gerbes: from which place fledde this Peter of Nauarre a capteine of so great name and reputation with them, seruing as a notable example to all the worlde touching the difference to make walles fall with the furie of powder, and subteltie of vaultes secrete and vnder earth, and to feight in the fielde with a true resolution and magnanimitie of courage: They are nowe inclosed with a trenche which feare hath driuen them to make this night in great haste: their footemen are shadowed and couered with the rysing of the banke, and they put confidence in their armed wagons, as if the battell were to be performed by those childishe instrumentes, and not with the resolution of minde, and meare force of handes and armes: But with our artilleries we can not but hunte them out of their vaultes and caues, and compell them to come into the fielde and open playnes, where the world shall heare of the oddes and difference betwene the furie of the Frenchmen, the resolution of thAlmains, vallour of thItalians, and the subtel­ties, wyles, and ambushes of the Spaniards. The greatest matter that I finde to di­minishe our glorie, is the inequalitie of our numbers beeing almost twice so many [Page 585] as they: And yet to vse this aduauntage can not be referred to our cowardise, but to their rashnes, for that their vallour and courage is not the cause of their appearing, but the authoritie of Fabricio Colonno in respect of his promises vndiscretly made to Marke Antho. or rather it is a sentence of Gods iustice for the iuste punishment of the pride and impudent vices of that false Pope Iulius, and of so many treasons and deceites as that disloyall king of Aragon hath wrought against vs, abusing the good­nesse of our king. But in vsing so large a skoape of perswasions to souldiours of your vertue, methinkes I do so muche deferre and hinder our victorie and the glory ther­of, as I spende time in debating with you to whom the rewardes of the iourney are not vnknowen: Marche on a Gods name according to the direction set downe, and feight with this hope, that this day will giue vnto the king the imperie and iurisdi­ction, and to you the wealth and ryches of all Italie: For my parte I will be all this day at your election, not further extending my authoritie then may needefully tend to the benefite of the seruice, and make lesse reseruation of my selfe then belonges to the place which I occupie amongest you. The seruice of this day beeing all one, the perill shall be equall both to you and to me, and as I promise to be indifferent with you in the action, so I doubt not but we shall all communicate in one fortune and felicitie: It shall be a great happinesse to me, that being the Capteine of this dayes battell, my souldiours shall be made more glorious and more riche, then hath bene euer any army or souldiours these three hundred yeres.’

With these wordes the army fell to a generall showting and crying, euery one wishing that they were at the place where they might expresse their vallour: They all called vpon him to be forwarde to leade them, whom they were willing to follow euen to the laste man. Then the trompettes blewe and the drommes stroke vppe, warning euery souldiour to repayre to his ensigne: in which order, with more ioye then feare, they began to marche towardes thennemies campe, distant from the place where they passed the ryuer lesse then two myles: Their lodgings stretched out along the shoare of the ryuer, which was of their lefte hande, where they had caste afore them a trenche so deepe as the shortnesse of the time would suffer, which winding and turning vppon the right hande, inuironed all the place where they were incamped, sauing they had left at the entrie of the trenche an opening of xx. passes for the horsemen to issue out to the skirmishe. In this campe, assone as they sawe the Frenche begin to passe the ryuer, they were ranged in battell in this sorte: The confede­rates army. The vauntgard of eight hundred men at armes commaunded by Fabricio Colonno, was bestowed along the shoare of the ryuer, and ioyning to the right hande of the same a squadron of six thousande footemen: after the vauntgarde occupying the place along the ryuer, was the battell of six hundred launces, and on the wing a squa­dron of foure thousande footemen, all gouerned by the Viceroy, who was accom­panied by the Marquis of Palude: The Cardinall de Medicis who by nature had no cleare sight, and in behauiour very easie and tractable, marched in the battell in an habite of peace, seeming aswell in demonstrations as in effects, very vnlike to the Cardinall S. Seuerin. After the battell, and likewise along the brinke of the riuer, fol­lowed the arearegard of foure hundred men at armes, ledde by Caruagiall a Spanish Capteine, with a squadron for his wing of foure thousande footemen, and with the bands of light horsemen, of whom was capteine generall Fernand d'Aualo Marquis of Pesquiere, albeit but very young, yet of singular exspectation: They were on the right hande at the backes of the footemen to succor such as shoulde suffer distresse: The artilleries were bestowed aboue the men at armes: And for Peter of Nauarre [Page 586] who had made a choyse of fiue hundred footemen, and would not for that day be bounde to any one place, had bestowed vpon the trench affore the footemen, thir­tie waggons resembling the example of the olde tymes: euery waggon was full of small shotte, with a very long boare speare vppon them, the more easily to su­steine thassault of the Frenche men: In this order they kept themselues cloase with­in the body of their trenche, exspecting tharmie of thenemie to come and charge them: A resolution that as it proued in the ende little to their profite: so, from the beginning it appeared very preiudiciall: for Fabricio Colonno had giuen aduise to charge thennemie when they began to passe the ryuer, iudging a greater aduaun­tage to consiste in this to feight agaynst one parte onely, then to stande to the de­fence of a slender trenche whiche they had caste affore them: Agaynst this aduise was Peter of Nauarre, whose counsayles were receyued of the Viceroy as Oracles, and by him it was resolued to suffer them to passe: An opinion no lesse vndiscrete, then altogether full of perill. The Frenche men marched on, and were by this tyme come within two hundred passes of the trenche: and seeing their enemies showe no disposition to come out of their place, they stayed for not to giue them thaduauntage whiche they sought to haue: and in that sorte both the one and the other armie stoode at gaze without stirring for the space of two howres, onely the shotte executed on both partes, endomaging not a little the Frenche footemen, for that by direction of Peter of Nauarre, thartilleries were planted in a place that gaue great oportunitie to distresse them. But the Duke of Ferrara retyring behinde the armie one parte of thartillerie, drewe it in great haste to the poynt of the Frenche­men, in the very place where the archers had bene bestowed: This poynt, for that tharmie bare the forme of a halfe Moone, was almoste vppon the backes of then­nemies, who were nowe furiously battered in flanke, and to their great harmes, but specially the horsemen: Those companies of the Spanishe footemen whiche the Capteine of Nauarre had withdrawen into a lowe place on the syde of the rising of the ryuer, beeing in no perill to be hurte, for that according to his commaun­dement they threwe them selues flatte vpon the earth, Fabricio cryed aloude, and with greate importunities by messengers, called on him to issue out to the battell, and not tarye tyll they were consumed with the shotte of thartilleries: But it was in vayne to raunge the Capteine of Nauarre, in whome bare more dominion a cur­sed ambition, then eyther reason or conduit: for imagining that by the vallour of the Spanishe footemen (though all the residue perished) he should cary the victorie, he esteemed his glory would by so much be augmented, by howmuche shoulde be increased the daunger of tharmie. By this tyme thartillerie had made suche mor­tallitie of the men at armes and light horsemen, that they were hable to susteine no longer: There might be seene with a miserable spectacle mingled with cryes lamentable, bothe men and horses fall dead to the grounde, their quarters flye into the ayre, and their heades and armes separate from the residue of their bodies: An execution so bloudy in the eyes of Fabricio, that he cryed out, shall we all dye heare through the wretched obstinacie of one straunger, shall this galland Army be offred to the butchers bowle without anye reuenge of the blood that is spilte? Where is the glorie of our victories so oftentymes obteyned agaynst the French­men? Shall the honour of Spayne and Italie be loste for the pleasure of a particu­lar man of Nauarre? In whiche rage and furie of complainte, he caused his companies to issue out on the other side of the trenche without tarrying for licence or direction from the Viceroy: And beeing followed with all the horsemen, Peter of [Page 587] Nauarre was compelled to make signe to his footemen, who beeing risen from the ground charged with incredible furie the footemen of the launceknightes whiche were already come vpon them: By this meane all the squadrons being ioyned pel­mell, there began a moste desperate and hoat battell, and out of doubt one of the greatest, and best executed that had bene fought in Italie of long time: for the bat­tell of Taro was almoste no other thing then a gallande encounter of launces, and the deedes of armes in the kingdome of Naples, were rather actions of disorder and rashnes, then battels pitched and performed: and in Guiaradada the lesser part onely of the Venetians was brought to the feight: but here there was not a body which pas­sed not through the middest of the battell, the feight beeing in the playne feelde without impediments of waters or rampiers, both the armies fought with a won­derfull resolution and courage, they came to the fieldes with mindes indifferently determined to dye or lyue, beeing kindled not onely with glorie, with hope, and with daunger, but also with hatred of Nation agaynst Nation. In the heate of the feight there hapned this spectacle worthy of memorie: In the medley of the launce­knightes with the Spaniards, two capteines of great reputation marching affore their squadrons, fought hande to hande as it were by defyance, where the Launceknight beeing slayne, the Spaniard had no more glory by his victorie, then the other had honor by his death. The horsmen of the league which ordinarily were not equall to the French, and that day hauing suffred muche by the artillerie, were become farre inferiour, being not hable to make further resistance, gaue their backes to thenemie, hauing long borne out the furie of the feight more with courage then with strēgth: And Yues d'Allegre also whom Monsr la Palissa had called, comming with the rea­regard to charge them in the flanke, and with a thousande footemen that had bene left at Montona, were taken prisoners by the souldiours of the Duke of Ferrara, toge­ther with Fabricio Colonno feighting valiauntly: In this giuing backe the example of the capteines did muche, for that the Viceroy and Caruagiall, without making a laste proofe of the vertue of their men, began to flee, carying with them the thirde squadron almoste whole and vnbroken: with them fled Antho. de leua, a man at that tyme of very base condition, but rysing by continuall exercise of armes, to all the degrees of warre, he became at laste a capteine of singular reputation and name: All the light horsemen were likewise ouerthrowen, and their capteine the Marquis of Pesquiere taken prisoner, hauing his armor all couered with blood, and his body full of woundes, expressing his vallour to be greater then his fortune: There was taken also the Marquis of Palude, who in great disorder had ledde the seconde squa­dron to the battell through a fielde full of diches and bushes: And albeit by the wretched successe of that daye, all the place was couered with bodies of dead men and carkasses of horses, yet the footemen of the Spaniards abandoned of their hors­men, continued to feight with an incredible vallour and assurance: for albeit in the beginning of the feight and at the first encounter with the launceknights, they were somewhat shaken by the firme and close order of the pikes, yet comming afterwards to the swordes poynt, and many of the Spaniards couered with their targets running with their daggers and short weapons betwene the legges of the launceknightes, they came with a wonderfull slaughter almoste euen to the middest of their squa­dron: And neare vnto them the Gascon footemen hauing occupied the way betwene the ryuer and the rysing, had charged the Italian footmen, and albeit they had much suffered by the artilleries, yet they had expulsed them to their great prayse, if, with a guidon of horsemen Yues Allegre had not thrust in amongest them, with a greater [Page 588] vallour then fortune: for Monsr Vinarai [...] his sonne bringslaine in the action euen af­fore his eies, he thought to take present reuenge of his new sorow, or happly hauing lesse delite to liue after he sawe the priuation of his sonne, he thrust in with his horse into the thickest presse of enemies, where he cōmunicated in the miserable destinie of his sonne, fighting as apperteined to a valiant capteine: The Italian footmen gaue The death of Yues d'Alle­gre. backe, being no more hable to resist so great a multitude: but one part of the Spanish footmen running to their succors susteined them for a time: neither could the foot­men of the launceknightes make any further resistance, being also oppressed by the other part of the Spaniards: but the horsmen being already fled, Monsr de Foix turned him to charge them with a great troupe of horsmen, by reason wherof the Spaniards rather retyring then chased out of the battel, and winning the way which is betwene the riuer and the rising without shewing any maner of disorder, they began to gette further off, not giuing faster back then by foote pases, keping the front of their squa­dron very close, by whose force they repulsed the frenchmen: It was at that time that Peter de Nauarre hauing lesse desire to liue thē to saue himself, & in that mind would not go out of the battell, was taken prisoner, ‘receiuing a rewarde of his obstinacie to the vniuersall ruine of tharmy. The minde thirsting after glory is infinite in opinion & weening, and to the man that is caried with ambition & desire of honor, nothing can stay or limitte his aduentures:’ for Monsr de Foix could not brooke that the Spa­nish footmen should go their waies as it were victorious & in so good order, neither could he thinke his victorie was perfect, if they were not ouerthrowen aswell as the residue: therfore respecting more the glory he should get, then the perils that com­monly lye lurking vnder vndiscrete aduentures, he went furiously to the charge with a squadron of horsmen, and executed vpon those that were last, by whom being en­uironed and caste from his horse, or as some suppose, his horse falling vpon him Monsr de Foix slaine. whilest he fought, he was slayne with a thrust of a pyke giuen him in the flanke. And if it be then time for a man to desire to dye, when his fortune hath set him in the full of his felicitie, he may by imputation be sayd to dye happily, falling into his last time when he fell into the last act of so glorious a victorie: He dyed very yong, but with a singular reputation throughout the world, hauing in lesse thē three moneths, & be­ing almost a capteine before he was a souldiour, obteined so many victories with in­credible celeritie & valour: Neare vnto him Monsr Lautrech was left as dead, hauing vpon him twenty wounds, but being afterwardes carried to Ferrara, his life was sa­ued by the diligent cure of Phisitions. Monsr de Foix being dead, the Spaniards went away without receiuing afterwardes any trouble or impediment, the residue of the army being dispersed and put to chase, the baggage sacked, the ensignes and artille­ries spoyled, and the Popes Legate taken, who from the handes of the stradiottes being come into the power of Federike Bossolo, was by him presented to the Legate of the councell: There fell also into the fortune of prisoners Fabricio Colonno, Peter Nauarre, the Marquis Palude, the Marquis Bitonte, the Marquis Pesquiere, with many other Lords, Barons, and honorable gentlemen, aswell Spaniards as of the kingdome of Naples. In battells there is nothing more vncertayne then the computation and number of the dead, the common brute was, that of the one and the other armie, The number of the dead. there was left on the ground at the least ten thousande bodies of men, one part be­ing of the French part, and the two other halues of the confederates: some publishe a greater number, onely this is certayne, that the calamitie fell vpon the moste vali­aunt and brauest sort, of which number on thecclesiastike side was Raphaell de Passi, a capteine of great name, and of suche as were hurt the number was infinite: Tou­ching [Page 589] the Frenchmen, the victorie was not more glorious then full of domage and discomfort, by reason of the death of Monsr de Foix, Yues de Alegre, and many of the nobilitie of Fraunce: as also of the Almains, for the losse of capteine Iacob with many other resolute leaders and commaunders, to whose vallour (but with a great price of their blood) the victorie in the greatest part was attributed: And lastely for the death of many Gascons and Pickards being left there with capteine Molard, whiche nations loste that day all their glory with the French: onely the harme that excee­ded all those losses, was the death of Monsr de Foix, with whome perished wholly the very synewe and strength of that armie: Of suche as were vanquished and saued themselues from the miserie of the battell, the moste parte drewe towardes Cesena, and from thence fledde further of: The Viceroy him selfe made small reposeis tyll he came into the contrey of Ancona, whither he brought with him a very slender trowpe of horsemen: Many escaping the stroake of the battell, founde perill by fleeing where they sought for safetie, for that the wayes beeing full of peisantes, they were slayne and stripped by them, their fortune taking them out of one daunger which they could not but feare, and carryed them into another whiche they had no reason to doubt: so suttle is the stroake of destinie, ‘ordeined from the beginning to fall vpon mortall men: And the Duke of Vrbin did not onely stirre vp the coun­treymen agaynst suche as fledde,’ but also sent bandes of souldiours into the territo­rie of Pesera to aggrauate their calamitie: He was in this suspected, for that many dayes affore he had sent Baltazar Chastillon to the Frenche king, and enterteyned also certayne bandes of men with Monsr de Foix: reasons that made some men be­leeue he had secretly conspired agaynst his Vncle: onely suche as fledde by the dominions of the Florentins, passed without any harme, the compassion of that common weale beeing greater then to adde affliction to the afflicted, ‘since one sorte of calamities sufficeth to vex the minde that caryeth with it feare and dispaire:’ Assoone as the Frenche armie was returned to their tentes, not more reioycing in the honour of their victorie, then loaden with burdens of sorrowe and lamenta­tions, the people of Rauenna sent to render them selues: But suche is the nature of fortune to suffer no parte vntouched whom she hateth, as they were in deba­ting of the couenauntes, or happly beeing already concluded, the Almain foote­men and Gascons taking thopportunitie of their negligence in garding their walles, entred the towne at the breache whiche Monsr de Foix had made: And as men Rauenna sa [...]ed. whose myndes were not yet free from the blood of the battell, they sacked it in great crueltie, adding to the despite of the harmes they receyued in the battell, the vniuersall and naturall hatred they bare to the Italians. In this cruell action nothing was lesse respected then moderation in killing and spoyling, no age spared, no sex reserued, no sorte of people nor goodes pardoned, all thinges were brought into the rewardes of the victorie, and nothing lefte free from the violence and furie of the souldiours. The fourth day after Marke Antho. Colonno forsooke the Citadell into the whiche he was retyred, yelding it vpon promise of lyfe and goodes saued, giuing also hys fayth, as also for his other capteines not to beare armes neyther agaynst the French king, nor agaynst the Councell of Pisa vntill Magdalen day next: By this example, and vnder the same conditions, the Bishop Vitelli with an hundred and fiftie footemen, consented to giue vp the Rocke whiche was committed to his keeping: The Cities of Ymola, of Furly, of Cesena, and Rimini, together with all the peeces of Romagnia, except the rocks of Furly and Ymola, followed also the fortune of the victorie, and were all receyued by the Legate in the name of the councell of [Page 590] Pisa: But the Frenche armie, bothe for the death of Monsr de Foix, and for so great harmes receyued at the battell, remayned foure myles from Rauenna, without do­ing any thing, the terrour of their losses beeing greater in them, then that they were yet apte to take counsayle what to do: The Legate and Monsr Palissa to whom was diuolued the gouernement of tharmie (for Alfonso d'Este was nowe returned to Ferrara) beeing vncertayne what woulde be the kings will, temporised and tar­ryed for his further direction: neither was their authoritie suche with the souldi­ours, as to commaunde the armie to marche, beeing so troubled in sending to pla­ces of suretie the things they had sacked: and also so weakned in force and courage for so bloudy a victorie, that they seemed to carrye the countenaunces rather of men vanquished, then of conquerours: This amaze and confusion made all the souldiours with plaintes and teares call vppon the name of Monsr de Foix, whose presence onely had sufficed to remoue all impedimentes that mighte haue lette them to haue followed him: And it was not to be doubted, that beeing pushed on with the furie of his vallour, and the promises that the king had made to him, that to his vse the kingdome of Naples shoulde be conquered, he had not with his accustomed felicitie and diligence stretched out his victorie euen to the bosome of Rome, and that the Pope and all his dependantes had not bene put to chase, hauing no other hope to saue them selues.

The thirtenth daye of Aprill the newes of the battell came to Rome by the re­lation The Cardinals councell the Pope to harkē to peace. of Octauian Fregoso, who went thither in post from Possambrun: They were heard not without a great feare and tumulte of the whole Court, whiche made the Cardinalls runne in haste to the Pope, and with vehement petitions to presse him, that accepting peace, which they distrusted not to obteine of the French king vnder honest conditions, he would at last dispose himselfe to deliuer the sea Apo­stolike and his person from so many perills: They tolde him he had taken trouble and trauell ynough for thaduauncement of the Churche, and the libertie of Italie, his intention onely giuing him sufficient glory: They alleaged, that in so holy an enterprise, the will of God stryuing agaynst him, which he might knowe by many signes and tokens, to obiect him selfe agaynst Gods ordinance, were no other thing then to tempt God, and turne the whole Churche into her latest ruine: That as to God more then to him apperteined the care of his spouse: so it belonged to hym beeing a man to referre him selfe to his will, and embrasing peace according to the voyce of the Gospell, to retyre his olde age and the state of the Churche from so many perplexities and trauells, giuing his whole Court time to take breath from the long afflictions of so raging a time: That it was to be beleeued that the fortune of the victors would rayse them vp to a higher ambition, euen to come to the walls of Rome: that felicitie beeing to be feared wherein is offred glory ioyned with pro­fite and riches: It was to be doubted least his nephew woulde ioyne with them, Ro­bert Vrsin, Pompei Colonno, Antho. Sauello, Peter Margano, and Rance Mancin, bearing the same inclination: And as it was knowen that all these had receyued money of the French king, and were prepared euen affore the battell to distresse Rome: so to meete with these pretences affore they burst out into action, and to auoyde the fal­ling of the storme that was already gathered into a cloude, there was no other helpe then the remedie of peace. On the other side thembassadors of the king of Aragon and the Senate of Venice, solicited vehemently to the contrarie: They perswaded him that the state of things was not reduced to so great affliction, that the despayre was lesse then the hope and comfort, nor the armie so extremely dispearsed, that [Page 591] without great charge and in little tyme it might not be readressed: They alleaged that the Viceroy was in safetie with the greatest parte of the horsemen, and that the Spanishe footemen not broken were retyred from the battell in good order, who if they were reserued (as was very likely) all the other losses were of no importaunce: It was not to be feared that the Frenche men could marche so speedily to Rome but that there woulde be respite enough to prouide agaynst them, both for that it could not be but that the death of their Capteine woulde be followed with many disor­ders and insolencies, and also that they woulde be holden in suspence for feare of the Svvizzers, who nowe were no more to be doubted to professe openly for the league and discende into Lombardie: Lastely, that there was no hope to obteyne peace of the Frenche king but vnder conditions vnequall and full of infamie, being also driuen to receiue lawes of the pride of Bernardin Caruagiall, and of the insolencie of Federike S. Seuerin. In these respectes they helde it better to take anye other course then to stowpe vnder the winges of peace, specially in suche intollerable and vnfaythfull seruitude, and with so greate indignitie and infamie: the rather (sayde they) for that these trowpes and leagues of Schismatikes woulde neuer ceasse to persecute his authoritie and his lyfe: They helde it yet a lesse euill (yf ex­tremitie woulde it so) to abandon Rome, and to withdrawe himselfe and all his court eyther to the kingdome of Naples or to Venice, where he might remayne with the same surety, the same honor, and the same greatnesse, that he had there: for that with the losse of Rome, the Pontificacie was not loste, beeing alwayes tyed to the person of the Pope in what place soeuer he were: Lastely, they encouraged him to keepe still his accustomed constancie and magnanimitie, and that God, who is the searcher of the heartes of men, woulde neuer fayle to ayde him in so holy a purpose, and muche lesse woulde abandon the little shippe of Saint Peter, whiche though it hath bene wont to be tormented with the stormes and waues of the Sea, yet it is ordeyned neuer to bee drowned: And finally, it woulde stande with the zeale, with the honour, with the pietie, and with the policie of Christian princes, to be ielouse ouer the mightinesse of the Frenche king, and bearing any affection to religion, they woulde communicate with him in this quarrell, and ioyne to hys defence both with their forces and their proper persons. These reasons were heard of the Pope with so greate doubte and ambiguitie of mynde, that beeing not ha­ble to conceale his passion, it was discerned howe on the one side dyd worke in him hate, disdayne, and his inuincible obstinacie to bende or submitte: and on the other side, the considerations of feare, suspicion, and daunger: The aunswers he made to thembassadors comprehended that it was not so greeuous to him to aban­don Rome, as that he coulde not resorte to any place where he should not be in the power of an other: He tolde the Cardinalls that he woulde haue peace, consenting that the Florentins might be solicited to interpose to that end with the French king: And yet his aunswere bare not that resolution, nor was so cleare from doubtes, as might assure them what was his intention. He caused to come from Ciuitavechie, Bascia a Genovvay and capteyne of his Gallies, which was a manyfest coniecture that he woulde go from Rome: but afterwardes he dismissed him to returne to his charge, leauing doubtfull that exspectation: He spake to leauye those Barons of Rome which were not of the conspiracie with the others: He heard willingly the comfortes of the two Embassadors, but so, as oftentimes he aunswered them with words full of reproche and disdayne: He dissembled alwayes in incertenties, whiche for the moste parte deceiued the wisedomes of suche as gaue him counsell.

[Page 592]About this time came Iulio de Medicis knight of the Roades and afterwards Pope, him the Cardinal Medicis vnder the leaue of the Cardinall S. Seuerin, sent from thar­mie vnder cooller to recommende him selfe to him in so greate a calamitie, but in dede to relate vnto him in what condition and state things stoode: The Pope vnder­standing by him at large how much the Frenchmen were weakned, of howe many capteines they were depriued and made naked, and howe many valiaunt bodies of souldiours they had lost: how many lay hurt, and for many dayes would be vnprofi­table, what spoyle of horses they had suffred, and howe one parte of the armie was dispersed abroade by reason of the sacke of Rauenna, the Capteines vncertaine of the kings will, and not at good agreement amongst them selues, because Monsr Palissa refused to endure thinsolencie of the Cardinal S. Seuerin vsurping the office of a Le­gate and a capteine: that there were secret murmures of a discending of Svvizzers, and no apparant token sene that the armie could marche so soone: This discourse recomforted muche the Pope, who causing the reporter to be brought into the consistorie, he willed him eftsones to relate them in the presence of the Cardinalls in the same forme of discourse which he had vsed to him apart: To these was added the doing of the Duke of Vrbin, who (whatsoeuer moued him) chaunged councel, & sent to offer the Pope two hundred men at armes and foure thousande footemen. Notwithstanding these reapportes and all the comfortes they brought with them, the Cardinalls continued to aduise him to peace: A matter whiche albeit in wordes & outward actions seemed not vnplausible to him, yet in mind he was not resolued to accept it but for a last remedy: yea albeit for the present there appeared no pre­sent cure or salue for the sore, yet he would rather choose to go from Rome, so farre­forth as he were not out of all hope that his cause might be supported by the armies of princes, and principally that the Svvizzers would stirre, who showing great in­clination to his desires, had many dayes before forbidden the French kings Embas­sadors, to be in the place wherein were assembled the deputies of all the Cantons to determine vpon the Popes demaundes.

In this estate of affayres, there appeared some hope of peace, for that, before the battell of Rauenna, the french king what with the consideration of the daungers that hong vpon him on all sides: and what with the despite of thinconstancie of Caesar & the hard conditions he proponed, respects that much induced him to yeld rather to the Popes will in many things: had secretly sent Fabricio Caietto brother to the Car­dinall Finalo, to the cardinalls of Nantes and Strigonia, who had not yet altogether a­bandoned the negociations of peace: his charge was to require thē to propound to the Pope that he was cōtent to render vp Bolognia to him: That Alfonso d'Este should giue vp to him Lugo with the other townes that he held in Romagnia: That he should be bounde to paye him his auncient tributes, and to make no more salte vppon his grounds: And that he would agree to thextinction of the councell: he demaunded no other thing of the Pope, thē to haue peace with him, & that Alfonso d'Este might be absolued of the paynes, and restored to his auncient rightes & priuiledges: That to the family of Bentiuoleis, who should remaine in exile, their proper goodes should be reserued, & the dignities restored to the cardinals & prelates which had folowed the councell. Which conditions albeit the two cardinals feared that the king would no more consent vnto by reason of the victorie that had succeeded since, yet they durst not propound them in other maner: And the Pope, seeing them so honorable for him, & not yet willing to manifest that which he had secretly determined in him selfe, iudged not that the king could refuse them, but peraduenture that it was more [Page 593] profitable with these enterspeeches to staye the kings armie, to haue the better lea­sure to see what would be done by those in whom he had reaposed the residue of his hopes: So that the Cardinalls still importuning him, he subsigned those articles the ninth day after the battell of Rauenna, giuing to the Cardinals his fayth & promise to accept them if the king did confirme them: He sent also by letters to the Cardinall Finale remaining in Fraunce, but absented from the Court for feare to offende the Pope, and to the Bishop of Tiuoli, who kept the place of legate in Auignon, that they should go to the king to debate of these things: but he sent them no authoritie nor power to conclude them.

Vntill this time thaffayres of the Pope went but in an euill course: vntill this day was aduaunced the full of his calamities & his daungers: but after this day (worldly affaires haue their ordinarie mutations) his hopes began to appeare greater, and the wheele of his fortune ceased not with an incredible swiftnes to turne to his greatnes.

The thing that gaue beginning to so great a mutation, was the sodayne depar­ting of Monsr Palissa out of Romagnia: he was reuoked by the generall of Normandy for feare of the discending of the Svvizzers, and for that cause he drewe his armie towards the duchie of Millan, leauing in Romagnia vnder the Legate of the councell three hundred launces, three hundred light horsemen, and six thousande footemen with eight peeces of great artilleries. The feare of the comming of the Svvizzers was made greater, for that the same generall thinking to do a seruice more agreable to the king, had vndiscretely dismissed the Italian footmen, and parte of the French footemen immediately after the battell of Rauenna, contrarie to all reason, pollicie, and that which the present affayres required. By the departure of Monsr Palissa, the Pope was deliuered of the feare that troubled him moste, he was more confirmed in his obstinacie, and it helped him greatly to assure the affaires of Rome: for the bet­ter oportunitie whereof he had leauyed certayne Romaine Barons with three hun­dred men at armes, and debated to make capteine generall Prosper Colonno, the ra­ther for that the courages of suche as desyred newe thinges beeing abated, Pompey Colonno that made preparation at Montfortin, consented by the working of Prosper to depose Montfortin into the handes of Marke Antho. Colonno for the Popes sure­tie, reteyning basely in his handes the money he had receyued of the French king: By this example also Robert Vrsin who was come affore from Petillano vppon the landes of the Colonnois to leauye armes, keeping likewise in his handes the money he had receyued of the Frenche king, was brought in afterwardes by the meane of Iulio Vrsin, receyuing of the Pope in recompence of his disloyaltie, the Archbi­shoprike of Regge in Calabria: Only Peter de Margana was ashamed to kepe the mo­ney he had receiued, doing the same happly with a councell no lesse honorable then happy, for that otherwayes he had iustly payed the merite and payne of his deceite, beeing not long tyme after taken prisoner by the successor of the king raigning.

But nowe the Popes mynde beeing greately confirmed by reason of these thinges, and hauing no more to feare eyther enemies forreine or domesticall, the thirde daye of Maye in greate solemnitie, he gaue beginning to the Councell in the Churche of Saint Iohn Latran, beeing nowe assured that not onely the moste regions of Italie woulde come thither, but also the Realmes of Spayne, of Eng­lande, and of Hungary: In this firste action, he was in person in habite pontificall accompanied with the colledge of Cardinalls and great multitudes of Bishoppes, where the Masse of the holy Ghost (besides many other prayers) being celebrated according to auncient custome, and the fathers exhorted with a publike oration to [Page 594] inclined with all their hartes to the publike benefite & dignitie of christian religion: it was declared (the better to lay fundatiōs for other matters) that afterwards should be ordeined that the councel assembled was a true, a lawfull, & holy councel, & that in the same remayned vndoubtedly all the authoritie and power of the vniuersall Churche: Ceremonies assuredly both goodly and holy, and hable to pearce euen into the heartes of men, if it might haue bene beleued that the thoughtes and inten­tions of the authors had bene such as were their words. In this sort did the Pope go­uerne him selfe after the battell of Rauenna.

But the french king, notwithstanding that after the death of Monsr de Foix which somewhat troubled the ioy of the victorie as one whom he loued dearely, had com­maunded Monsr de Palissa and the Legate to leade the armie vp to Rome assoone as they could: yet he seemed to abate of that inclination, and began to returne with all his deuises to the desire of peace, fearing that at one tyme and from many places, great stormes woulde thunder vpon him and trouble his affayres: for, notwithstan­ding Caesar diminished nothing of his promises that he would remayne firme with him, assuring that the truce made with the Venetians in his name, was concluded without his consent, neither would he ratifie it: yet besides the feare of thinconstan­cie of Caesar, and doubt whether his promises were dissembled, it seemed to the king that for the conditions which he demaunded, he should haue a companion in time of warre chargefull to him, and to the proceeding of the peace very preiudiciall and hurtfull, fearing that by his interposing, he should be constrained to consent to more vnworthy conditions: Besides all these, he had no more doubt that the Svvizzers would ioyne with them of the league: And he was sure he should haue warre with the king of Englande, who had already sent a Herald to signifie to him that he preten­ded to be ended all confederations and couenantes betwene them, for that in them all was comprehended this exception, that he should make no warre neither against the Church, nor agaynst the king Catholike his father in lawe: Therefore the king vnderstanding with a great pleasure that the Florentins were solicited to worke the peace, he dispatched spedely to Florence the president of Grenoble with verye large commission, to thende matters might be debated more at hande, and if neede were he might go vp to Rome: And knowing afterwards by the subscription of the articles that the Popes inclination was more ready then he seemed, he gaue him selfe ouer for his parte wholly to the peace: And yet fearing least for the retyring of his armie the Pope would eftsones returne to his obstinacy, he sent to Monsr Palissa lying then at Parma, to marche agayne immediatly into Romagnia with part of his regimentes, spreading a brute that it was to passe further. It seemed to him a matter greuous to deliuer vp Bolognia, not so much for the instance that Caesar made to the contrarie, as for the feare he had, that notwithstanding the peace, the Pope woulde continue his euill minde towards him: and therfore it could not but be an action preiudiciall to him to depriue him selfe of the towne of Bolognia, which was as the fort and bulwark of the Duchie of Millan: And besides, the Cardinall Finalo and the Bishop of Tiuoly being come without expresse authoritie to conclude, he interpreted that to an ap­parant signe that he had dissemblingly giuen his consent, partly for the straytes and daungers wherewith he stoode enuironed: Neuerthelesse at laste he determined to accept the sayde articles vnder certayne limitations, and yet not such as by them the substance of things should be troubled or altered. With which aunswere the Secre­torie of the Bishop of Tiuoly went to Rome, demaunding in the kings name, that the Pope would sende authoritie to the Cardinall and the Bishoppe to conclude, [Page 595] or els, that he would call affore him the President of Grenoble who was at Florence, to whom was recommended sufficient power to doe the like: But the hopes of the Pope augmented daily, and by consequent, if he euer had had any inclinacion to the peace, it was now diminished, he being a man more disposed to obserue and followe tymes, then to respect and imitate the qualitie of his calling.

About this time arriued the commission of the king of England, by the which, be­ing dispatched since the moneth of Nouember, he gaue power to the Cardinall of Yorke to enter into the league: The reason why he was so long in comming, was the longe course he had by sea hauing bene affore in Spayne: Caesar also, after very longe doubtes, had newely ratified the league made with the Venetians, beeing principally pushed on to that action for the hopes which the kinges Catholike and of England gaue to him of the Duchies of Myllan and of Burgondye: In like sort the matter that much helped to confirme the Pope were the very great hopes which the king of A­ragon put him in: who, hauing the first knowledge of the ouerthrow by letters from the french king written to the Queene, expressing that Guaston de Foix her brother was dead with great glorie, carying with him the reputacion of a famous victorie obteyned vpon his enemies: And afterwards more perticularly by aduertisements of his owne people comming somewhat later for thimpediments of the sea: And for that withall, it seemed to him that greater perill would growe to the kingdom of Naples: he had determined to sende into Italy the Great Capteine with a strength of new men: A remedy which he was driuen to vse, hauing almost no choyse of others: for, notwithstanding in outward show he semed to respect much the Great Capteine, for his behauior in the kingdom of Naples, yet he both suspected his greatnes, and durst not trust him with authoritie: The Pope then, being confirmed by these occa­sions, at suche time as the Secretory of the Bishop of Tyuoly ariued with the articles that had bene debated, putting him also in hope that the limitacions added by the king to moderat thinfamie that might grow to him by abandoning the protection of Bolognia, should bee referred to his will: he determined altogether not to accept them: But making semblance of the contrary in regard of the subscripcion & faith he had giuen to the Colleage of Cardinalls, A manner which some times he vsed contrary to the opinion that went on him to be alwayes vpright and iust: he caused the articles to be red in the Consistorie, and asked aduise of the Cardinalls: Where­vpon the Cardinall Arborenso a Spanyard, and the Cardinal of Yorke an English man, according to a secret packt affore, the one speaking for the king of Aragon, and the other in the name of the king of England, perswaded him to perseuer in his constan­cie, and not to leaue abandoned the cause of the Churche which he had embrased with so great honor: They alleaged that all the necessities that had induced him to harken to these offers were remoued and ceassed, And that nowe it was manifestly seene that God woulde not suffer his shippe to perish though for some purpose vn­knowne to the wit of man he had suffered it to lye open & subiect to sondry stormes: They told him it was not reasonable, that he made peace onely for him self, & much lesse to debate it without the participacion of the other confederats, the action be­ing common and deuided from all particularitie: Lastly they exhorted him to con­sider well what preiudice it might bring to the sea Apostolike and to him, to seperat him selfe from true and faithfull friendes, to embrace the amitie of enemies recon­ciled: By the operacion of these councells, the Pope openly refused the peace: And within a very short time after, proceeding in his auncient furie, he pronownced in the Consistorie an admonicion against the french king, charging him to release the [Page 596] Cardinall of Medicis vpon the penalties ordeyned in the holy Cannons: But he for­bare to publish it, for that the Colleage of Cardinalls beseeching him to deferre as­much as he could rigorous remedies, offred to worke by letters written in the name of them all, by the which they would both comfort him and beseech him as a right Christian Prince to set him at libertie.

The Cardinall de Medicis was caried to Myllan, where he was kept vnder reaso­nable and easie garde: And albeit his fortune had brought him subiect to the power and disposing of others, yet such was his vertue & spirit, that thauthoritie of the sea Apostolike shined in him, together with a wonderfull reuerence of religion: And about this time beganne to appeare a great contemning of the councell of Pysa, the cause whereof was not onely abandoned of others with deuocion, with diligence, & with faith, but also euen of such as affore had followed it with armes and fauored it with affection, with studie, & with resolucion: for, the Pope hauing sent to the Car­dinall of Medicis, full power both to absolue from all paines and cursings the souldi­ours that would promise to beare no more armes against the Churche, and also to giue libertie of holy buriall for all the bodies that were slaine at the battell, (A fauor demaunded with great importunities) The concurse of people was wonderfull, and no lesse maruelous the deuocion of them that came to demaund and promise such matters: yea the Ministers and officers of the king were not against it: onely it was not without manifest indignacion of the Cardinalls who saw euen before their eyes and in the place where was the seate of the councell, the souldiours and subiects of the king, contrary to his honor, against his profit, vpon the landes of his iurisdiction, and without respecting any thing thauthoritie of the councell, ronne after and fol­low the Romaine Church, acknowledging with great reuerence as Legat Aposto­like, ‘the Cardinall Medicis being prisoner: great is the force of a people and multi­tude beginning to vary and chaunge, And so much more preiudiciall and perillous their reuolt, by how much vpon their numbers and forces depende principally the estate and exspectacion of affayres.’

Nowe because the truce was ratified by Caesar, notwithstanding his agents that were within Verona menteyned that it was nothing, the french king called home one part of the bandes that he had in garrison in that citie as seruing to small purpose: And hauing reuoked also the band of two hundred gentlemen, the Archers of his garde, and two hundred other launces, fearing the threats of the king of England, he knewe by the suspicion he had of the Svvyzzers which was redoubled in him, that he should neede greater forces in the Duchie of Myllan: for which cause he had pressed the Florentyns to send him into Lombardye three hundred men at armes, as they were bownd by the couenants of confederacion betwene them for the defence of his estates in Italy: And for that, that confederacion drew to end within two mo­nethes, he compelled them (the memorie and reputacion of the victorie being yet fresh) to confederat with him of new for fiue yeares: Wherein he bownd him selfe to defend their estates with six hundred launces, and the Florentyns for their partes promised to furnishe him with foure hundred men at armes for the defence of all that he possessed in Italy: And yet, to auoide all occasions to enter warre with the Pope, they excepted in the generall obligacion of defence, the towne of Cotignole, as if the Church might pretend right to it.

But nowe were apparantly disclosed right great daungers to the affaires of the The Svvyz­zers rise for the Pope a­gainst the frenchmen. king, for that the Svvyzzers at last were determined to send six thowsand footemen to the pay of the Pope, who had demaunded them vnder cooller to employ them a­gainst [Page 597] Ferrara: Those that in this action susteyned and fauored the kings side, could obteyne no other thing but to protract and deferre the deliberacion till that tyme: And against those men the Communalties of people made vniuersall exclamacion in their parliaments for the wonderfull hatred they bare to the name of the french king: They affirmed that the king rested not contented with this kind of ingratitude, to refuse to encrease a litle the pensions of those by whose blood and vallour he had won perpetuall reputacion accompanied with a great estate, but also with wordes full of reproche he had despised and reiected them as Villaines, as though all men in the beginning were not conceyued vnder one element, were not cast in one molde, and had not one maner of creacion vpon the earth, and as though any mortall man were nowe either great, renowmed or noble, whose Auncestors in the beginning were not poore, vnknowen, & basely discended: That he had begon to wage foote­men of the launceknightes, to show the contempt he had of their nation for the ser­uice of his warres, perswading him self that suffering priuacion of his pay, they could not but dye in their Mounteines of idlenes and famine: Therefore they had reason to expresse to all the world, how much he was deceyued in his vaine thoughtes and perswasions: That his ingratitude was only hurtfull to him self: That nothing could stay men of warre from showing their vallour: That for such was fit the vse of gold and siluer, in whom was most apt and readye the managing of armes: Lastly that it was necessary to show once to the world howe vndiscreete were the resolucions of him, who in warre would preferre the launceknight footemen affore the nation of the Svvyzzers: This affection and violence of passion caried them so farre, that wed­ding them selues to the cause of the Pope, as if it had bene their owne, they departed from their houses, hauing receiued in prest onely one Florin of the Rhein for a man, where affore they were not wont to marche for the seruice of the king, without pro­mise of many payes, and great distribucion of presents amongest their Capteines: Their mooster was at Coire the capitall towne of the Grisons, who hauing confede­racion with the french king, and being in his ordinary pensions, had sent to excuse them selues, that for the auncient alliances they had with the highest Cantons of Svvyzzers, they coulde not refuse to send with them certaine bandes of footemen: This mouing troubled much the minds of the french men, whose forces were now much diminished: for, after the generall of Normandie had dismissed the regiments of thItalian footemen, they had not in all aboue ten thowsand footemen, And the companies of men at armes which the king had reuoked being returned ouer the Mountes, there were left in Italy but xiij hundred launces whereof three hundred were at Parma: And yet the generall of Normandie doing more the office of a Trea­sorer then of a man of warre, woulde in no wise leauye newe succours of footemen without the kings commission: Onely he had caused to returne to Myllan the bands that should haue marched into Romagnia vnder Monsr Palissa which were already ariued at Finalo: The Cardinall of S. Seuerin had direction also to doe the like with those companies that were in Romagnia: for the retyring of which strengthes so needefull for the sewertie of that contrey, Rymyny and Cesena together with their ca­stells, & also Rauenna, reuerted without difficultie to the obedience of the Pope: And because the french men would not disfurnish the Duchie of Myllan, Bolognia for the defending whereof they had receyued so many afflictions, stoode in great daunger being almost abandoned both of fortune and of men: such is the instabilitie of mor­tall ‘thinges, neither certeine in them selues for an vniuersall frailtie in all earthly a­ctions, nor made assured by the deuises and wisedoms of men for infinit imperfecti­ons [Page 598] which are proper to them with their creacions:’ After the Svvyzzers had moo­stered at Coire, they marched from thence to Trente, hauing permission of Caesar to passe thorow his landes, who yet studying to hyde from the french king as much as he could, the thinges he had determined, excused him selfe that he could not with­stand their passage in respect of the confederacion he had with them: from Trente they went vpon the territories of Verona, where they were taried for by the armie of the Venetians who together with the Pope contributed to their paye: And albeit there was not in the campe sufficient money to pay them for that their number was farre greater then six thowsand which was demaunded, yet, such was the hatred that the Commons bare to the kings name, that contrary to their custom they brooked with patience all difficulties.

On the other side Monsr Palissa, who was first come with his armie to Pontoillo to thende to hinder their passage thinking they would descend into Italy on that side, but finding afterwards their intencions to be otherwayes, he incamped at Chastillon, A place six miles from Pesquiera, being vncertein whether they would take towards Ferrara according to the brute, or els doe some enterprise vpon the Duchie of Myl­lan which was to be feared: It may be that this incerteintie hastened and brought forth the harmes that hapned: for, it is not to be doubted that they had not taken the way to Ferrara, if by ill aduenture had not falne into the handes of the Venetian estra­diots, A letter, by the which Monsr Palissa debated with the generall of Normandie beeing at Myllan, the estate wherein stoode their affaires, assuring him it woulde be hard to resist them if they turned towards the Duchie of Myllan: By the direction of this letter they chaunged aduise, and the cardinall of Syon who was now come from Venice, with the other Capteines, after they had taken councel together, determined with reason (which seldom beguileth men) to follow that enterprise which they per­ceiued by the letters to be most troublesom to thennemies: In which opinion they went from Verona to Villa Franche where they ioined with the Venetian armie, where in (vnder the gouernment of Ioh. P. Baillon,) were foure hundred men at armes, eight hundred light horsemen, and six thowsand footemen with diuerse peeces of artillery aswell for batterie, as for the fielde: This was the cause why Monsr Palissa abando­ning Valegge the place not being defensible, retyred to Gambara, with intencion to incampe at Pontuiqua: his strength was not aboue a thowsand launces, and six or se­uen thowsand footemen, the residue being distributed in Bressia, Pesquiero, and Le­guaguo, for, notwithstanding he was resolued to call backe the three hundred launces that were at Parma, yet, what by compulsion of thapparant daunger of Bolognia, and great importunities of the Bentyuoleis, he gaue order that they should be bestowed in that citie remeyning almost without garrison. But seeing in that place into the daunger wherein they were, and examining at last the vanitie of the hopes where­with they had bene beguiled, & withall complayning bitterly against the couetous­nes and corrupt councells of the generall of Normandy, they constrayned him to suf­fer Federyk Bossolo with certeine other Italian Capteines to leauye so fast as they could, six thowsand footemen: A remedie which they could not apply to any pur­pose, till at least the space of ten dayes were past: And besides the small number of souldiours, the disagreement amongest the Capteines weakened much the french armie: for, the Capteines were hardly brought to obey Monsr Palissa, And the sol­diours and men at armes made weary with so long troubles & trauells of warre, wi­shed rather the Duchie of Myllan were lost to thende they might returne into their contrey, then to continue the defence of it with so many disaduauntages and daun­gers: [Page 599] Assoone as Monsr Palissa was gon from Valegge, the Venetians and the Svvyz­zers entred into it, and afterwards passing ouer the riuer of Myncie, they lodged vpon the territories of the Mantuans, where the Marquis gaue them libertie of passage, excusing him selfe vpon his disabilitie: Amyd these difficulties, the generall resolu­cion of the Capteines was to abandon wholly the fielde, and to laye for the defence of places of most importance, hoping that by temporising, so great a multitude and number of Svvyzzers would at last disperse and breake: Wherein they were gouer­ned with this reason, that the Pope no lesse cold to furnish the exspenses, then hoat to further the warre, was very slow in sending their payes, being no more able to ad­uaunce the wages of so great a number.

The french men bestowed within Bressia two thowsand footemen, an hundred & fifty launces, and an hundred men at armes of the Florentyns: To Crema they sent fif­ty launces and a thowsand footemen: And in Bergama they put a thowsand foote­men and an hundred men at armes of the Florentyns: The residue of tharmie which conteyned six hundred launces, two thowsand footemen french, & foure thowsand launceknightes, was retyred to Pontuiqua, A place very stronge by the benefit of his situacion, and no lesse conuenient to succour Myllan, Cremona, Bressia, and Bergama, and there they hoped to be able to susteine thennemies: But the day after came let­ters and commaundements from Caesar to the Almain footemen, to depart immedi­atly from the pay of the french king, And they, being subiects of the contrey of Ty­roll, obeyed the letters the same day they receyued them, as not to be disobedient to their natural Lord: By reason of their departure no lesse suddeine and vnlooked for, then most preiudiciall to the french affayres, Palissa and his Capteines lost all hope to be able any longer to defend the Duchie of Myllan: And in that passion of feare and dispaire, they retyred in great haste from Pontuique to Pisqueton: by whose de­parture, they of Cremona being left abandoned, gaue them selues vp to the armie of the confederats which was at hande, binding them selues to paye to the Svvyzzers xl. thowsand duckats: But as amongest such varieties of nations, nourishing not few differences of ambicion, desire, and opinion, there was no certeintie in whose name the money should be receyued, so after some disputacion, the Venetians making great instance that it might be deliuered to them, it was at last receiued (the french men notwithstanding holding as yet the castell) in the name of the league and of Maxymylian sonne to Lodovvyk Sforce, on whose behalfe the Pope and the Svvyz­zers pretended the conquest of the Duchie of Myllan: At the same tyme the citie of Bergama fell into the power of the confederats, the meane was this: After Monsr Palissa had called backe the companies that were there to ioyne them to tharmie, certeine of the banished crewes who entred assoone as the other companies were departed, procured them to reuolt: (it beeing no hard matter to alter a multitude that hath no heade to hold them) from Pisqueton Monsr Palissa passed the riuer of Adda, where the three hundred launces appoynted for the defence of Bolognia came to him, hauing reuoked them to him for the greatnes of the perill: There he hoped to be able to giue impediment to thennemie to passe ouer the riuer, if the strength of footemen that were appoynted to be leauyed, had come: But it was in vayne for him to thinke vpon those things, for that neyther was there present money to wage so many footemen, neither could the generall of Normandye, binding for securitie the kings demaine, raise it by any deuise, (credit being wholly lost in so great daun­gers▪) And therefore hauing remeyned therefoure dayes, assoone as he saw thenne­mies approch the riuer three myles below Pisqueton, he retyred to S. Ange to goe the [Page 600] day following to Pauia: And so their daunger redoubling and no exspectacion of succours in a state so desperat, both the hope to defend Myllan being taken away, & the contrey already drawing fast into tumult, Ioh. Iacq. Tryuulce, the generall of Nor­mandie, Anth. Maria Paluoisin, Gale as Visconte, with many other gentlemen, and all the kinges seruauntes and officers, went from Myllan, & sought their sauetie in Piemont: Not many dayes affore the Cardinalls fearing no lesse the people then thennemies, were fled, notwithstanding (to showe that vallour in decrees, which they durst not expresse in other actions) they had at that tyme almost suspended the Pope from all administracion spirituall and temporall of the Church: A degree to depriue him of the place which he helde: These tumultes were much helping to the sauetie of the Cardinall Medicis whom it seemed God reserued to a greater happines: for, as they were leading him into Fraunce, and the morning that he entred the barke at the pas­sage of Pavv which is right ouer against Bassignany called in histories Angusta Bacie­norum, certeine paisants of the village beginning to murmure, one Reignold de Lallo The Card. of Medicis esca­peth from the french. chiese of the conspiracie accompanied with certeine of the Cardinalls fauorits lod­ging there all night, assembled a number, and tooke him from the french men that garded him: They, whom other aduersities had made fearefull of all accidents, hea­ring a noyse of a tumult which they durst not abide to suppresse, were more carefull to flee then to fight, losing their prisoner by cowardisse whome they had wonne in the daunger of a battel: Palissa being entred into Pauia determined to stay there, sen­ding for Tryuulce and the generall to come to him thether: Whereupon Tryuulce by thaduise of the general and principalls of the french side, laied affore him the vanity of the councell, and how vnpossible it was to abide so great a ruine, the armie being vnmanned with footemen: That the shortnes of the time suffered not to wage new companies, And much lesse to drawe any but from places farre remoued and with great difficulties: Lastly, that though all these impediments were not, yet there was no money to pay them, all their reputacion being lost, their friendes full of astonish­ment, and the people puffed vp with incredible hatreds for the immoderat insolen­cies which the soldiours had vsed so long time: Tryuulce applying this councell to the present necessitie of thinges, wente and caused to caste a bridge where the riuer is straightest and furthest of from Valence towards Ast, by the commoditie of which he ment to passe his companies ouer Pavv: But by this the armie of the confederats (to the which after the french men were retyred from Adda, the citie of Lody was rendred together with the castell) discamping from S. Ange, was come neare to Pa­uia where the Venetian Capteines euen at the first arriuall began to batter the castell & one part of the Svvyzzers to passe the riuer that ioyneth to the citie, with boates: The french men fearing they shoulde finde impediments to passe the stone bridge which is vppon the riuer of Tesin, by the which onely they might saue them selues, wonne the other bridge to be able to yssue out of Pauia: But affore the rearegard was come forth, wherein to susteine the horsemen, certein footemen of the launce­knightes which were not yssued out with the others, were bestowed the last of all, with whom the Svvyzzers, yssuing out of the new gate and of the castell which was now abandoned, went skirmishing all along Pauia and the bridge, the footemen of the launceknightes making a resolute defence aboue all others: But passing ouer the bridge of Grauatona which was of wood, the plankes breaking with the waight of the horses, all the french men and launceknightes that were not yet passed ouer, were eyther slayne on the place, or taken prisoners (That laste calamitie being so much the more lamentable and greeuous, by howe much they hoped by their diligence [Page 601] to make waye for their sauetie which they sawe their fortune persecuted to thuttermost) The towne of Pauia bownd it selfe to pay a great quantitie of money, by whose example also Myllan compownded but for a greater summe, And all the other townes except Bressia and Crema, fled from the aduersities of the french men▪ All the contrey cryed now vpon the name of thEmpire, the state was receiued and gouerned in the name of the holy league (so was it called vniuersally) and all affaires disposed by thauthoritie of the Cardinall of Syon assigned Legat for the Pope: But the treasor, and what soeuer was taxed vpon the townes was made a reward to the Svvyzzers, to whom was transferred an interest in all things that concerned gaine or profit: the same beeing the cause that many other bandes and trowpes of them discended into Lombardye to ioyne with the residue, after the parliament of Zurich was ended which was assembled for that cause: In this mutacion, the cities o [...] Plai­sance and Parma, gaue them selues willingly to the Pope, who pretended they ap­perteyned to him as members of Rauenna: The Svvyzzers made them selues Lordes of Lucarno, and the Grisons got Valuoltolino and Chiauenna, places very commodi­ous for them: And in the heate of this fortune, Ianus Fregosa, Capteine of the Ve­netian armie, beeing gonne to Genes with such bandes of horsemen and footemen as he had obteyned of tharmie, was the cause that that citie reuolted (the french gouernor beeing fled) whereof he was created Duke, A dignitie affore tyme inue­sted in his father: with the same violence of fortune, all the townes and castells of Romagnia returned to the Popes obedience: And lastly the Duke of Vrbyn appro­ching neare to Bolognia with the bandes of souldiours of the Churche, the famulie of the Bentyuoleis, left it abandoned, their fortune leauing them desperat, hauing by these violent degrees depriued them of all hope: The Pope pursued this famulie ve­ry sharpely, excommunicating all the places that should receiue them hereafter: he expressed no lesse hatred against the citie, And beeing most kindled for their forget­fulnes of so many his benefits bestowed vpon them, and in that ingratitude not on­ly reuolting from his obedience, but also in their spite, had not forborne to spurne his picture, and rayle out many villanous words against him: he would consent no more that they should create new Magistrates, nor communicat any way in the gouernment of the towne: he exacted by the meane of seuere officers, huge summes of money of sundry Citisens, as partakers with the Bentyuoleis: yea the opinion ronne, that if his deuises had not bene broken by death, he had a meaning to destroy that citie, and translate thinhabitants to Centa.

The ende of the tenth Booke.

THe Duke of Ferrara is in great trouble: The Medicis returne to Florence: The king of Ro­mains makes alyance with the Pope: Maxymylian Sforce is put in the possession of the Duchie of Myllan: The French king makes his preparacions to recouer Myllan: Pope Iuho dyeth: Leon the tenth is created Pope: The French men are ouerthrowen neare to Nouaro: and the Ʋeneti­ans neare to Ʋincensa.

THE ELEVENTH BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

NOTwithstanding the Pope, amyd his greatest aduersities & daungers, had not onely obteyned victorye of his ennemies contrary to all hope and coniecture, but also with the same felicitie, had amplified the iurisdiction of the Churche a­boue exspectacion and contrary to common equitie: yet, his auncient couetousnes to the citie of Ferrara, (the first matter of all these broyles) so helde him still ouerruled, that he could not make his desires equal to his fortune, nor con­forme his wandring minde to rest and tranquilletie: Such ‘is the rage of couetousnes when it hath thassistance of authority, which makes men hard to be contented with that which occasion doth offer, for that those things that come first doe abhorre them, so long as by the greatnes of their power and place, they aspyre and thirst for better:’ But albeit the Pope had violent desires to turne his forces against Ferrara, yet, the way of peace seeming more easie then the warre, or rather hoping more in the benefitte of secret and artificiall practises, then in acti­ons apparant and discouered: he gaue eare first of all to the Marquis of Mantua who besought him that Alfonso d'Este might come to him to Rome to demaunde pardon, and that he woulde eftsoones reclayme him to grace vnder some indiffe­rent condicions: In this request was concurrant thEmbassador of the king of A­ragon, suing for him bothe for that he was the kinsman of his king (for Alfonso came of a Daughter of tholde Ferdinand king of Naples) and also for that he estee­med it more to the commoditie of the affayres of his kinge to binde him to him by this propertie of benefitte, then to suffer so great an estate to bee adioyned to the greatnes of the Churche: Moreouer the famulie of the Colonnois, beeing be­come of greate amitie with Alfonso, were earnest solycitors in this cause: The reason of their compassion was, for that after the battell of Rauenna, Fabricio Co­lonno, who was Alfonsoes prisoner, beeing sent for and requyred of him, he v­sed so many delayes, first in refusing, and then in interposing many excuses, that by [Page 603] the mutacion that hapned, he brought it into his owne power to giue him his li­bertie without any charge or raunsom: At last safe conduit was obteyned for him from the Pope, by the sewertie whereof confirmed also with the faith of thEmbas­sador of Aragon in the name of his king, which was protested to him by the con­sent and priuitie of the Pope, he went to Rome, his submission beeing greater then The D. of Ferrara goeth to Rome to demaund pardon of the Pope. his hope to be forgiuen: And being come to Rome, the Pope admitted him into the Consistorie suspending in the meane while all censures and paynes: There, with great humilitie he demaunded pardon, & with the same submission besought him, that he might bee receyued into his grace and restored to the fauour of the sea A­postolike, offering to doe hereafter all those offices and duties which might apper­teyne to a moste deuout and faythfull Vassall of the Church: The Pope heard him with a countenance and asspect reasonably peasible, and substituted six Cardinalls to debate with him touching condicions of agreement: who, after certeine dayes spent in disputacion and argument, declared to him, that the Pope neyther would nor ment to depriue the Church of the citie of Ferrara, since it was lawefully re­uerted to the imperie of the Churche: But in recompense, there should be giuen to him the citie of Ast, which beeing receyued in the name and authoritie of the league by the departure of the frenche men, the Pope had vainely sent thether to take possession of it, the Bishop of Agrigenta, pretending that what soeuer was on this side Pavv, apperteyned to the Churche: This offer was constantly refused of Alfonso, who, for that it comprehended a demaunde contrary to all the hopes that had bene giuen him, beganne to feare least the Pope sought but to interteyne him cunningly within Rome, whilest he dressed some execucion agaynst Ferra­ra, the late accident at Regge nothinge diminishing the reason of this feare.

The Pope had dealt with thinhabitants of Regge, (who in so great confusion of thinges feared much) to giue them selues vppe to the Churche, following the ex­ample of Parma and Plaisance, wherein to giue greater force to his councells and perswasions, he had giuen direction to the Duke of Vrbyn to march with his com­panies vppon the territories of Modona: In like sorte Vitfruch was gonne to Regge, to attempt the like action for the profitte of Caesar, on whose behalfe did worke the Cardinall of Este, who, in the absence of his brother had charge ouer his estates, he, seeing that citie could not bee kept, and iudging the daunger would bee lesse if it fell into the handes of Caesar, who bothe pretended nothing against Ferrara, and also in his affayres there was hope of a greater chaunge, he aduised the people of Regge, rather to acknowledge the Empire then the Church: But they aunswe­red (in matters of election the will of a popular multitude is stronger then their reason) that they woulde followe thexample of the Duke, who was gonne to the Pope and not to Caesar, And so receyued into their towne the souldiours of the Church, who immediatly founde meanes to bee Lordes of the Citadell, notwith­standing Vitsruch had furnished it with a garrison of footemen: Lastly Garfagnana was rendred to the Duke of Vrbyn, who returning afterwards to Bolognia, dismis­sed all his bandes of footemen: for that the confederats somewhat angrie that the Pope occupied Parma and Plaisance, the Cardinall of Syon signified to the Duke that it was not necessary he passed further, since the victorie was already obteyned a­gainst the common enemies.

The Duke of Ferrara, being entred into many suspicions, both for the hard con­dicions The D. of Ferrara in daun­ger to be pri­soner at Rome that the Pope offered, and for the taking of Regge, made meane to the Pope by the spanish Embassador and Fabrice Colonno who neuer left to accompanie him, [Page 604] to haue leaue to returne to Ferrara: This request the Pope showed no disposicion to agree vnto, but menteyned that the safeconduit which he had giuen him for the controuersie he had with the Church, could not let him to doe iustice to his perti­cular Creditors, of whom many demaunded instantly that he would administer iu­stice to them: ThEmbassador and Fabricio aunswered him frankely, that it was not to the Duke and to them that he ought to breake his faith, And therefore to preuent the Pope to doe any further spite against him, the next morning Fabricio being well mounted, went towards the portall of S. Iohn de Latran, the Duke and Mark. Anth. Colonno following him a good distance of: And finding the portall garded with a greater strength then it was wont to bee and suche as was sette to stoppe his going, he, hauing a force aboue theirs, brought the Duke thorowe the gate and condu­cted him in sewertie to the water side: This friendshippe he did to the Duke, in re­compense of the benefit of his libertie which he had receyued of him: for, it is not to bee doubted, that the Pope would not still haue reteyned him prisoner, had it not beene for thimpediment of the Colonnois, who finding that the way was daun­gerous for him to goe by lande, were driuen to procure his passage by sea to Fer­rara.

And whilest these thinges were in doing, the Pope, in whome was yet no di­minucion of hatred agaynst the libertie of the Florentyns, had so wrought with the Cardinall of Syon, that the bandes of souldiours which they had sent to the king, were strypped and put to spoyle: of these bandes, albeit suche as were vnder Luke Sauella being six skore men at armes and fifty light horsemen (the residue were left for the garde of Bressia vnder Frauncis Torelle) had, affore the Frenche armye were passed the ryuer of Pavv, obteyned safeconduit of the Cardinall of Syon confir­med by the othe and fayth of Io. Pavvle Baillon and almoste all the Venetian Cap­teynes, that they myght returne to Tuskane: yet, as they laye lodged neare to Cre­mona according to the rule and direction they had receyued, they were spoyled by the Venetian souldiours by the consent of the Cardinall of Syon: Who, to thende the violence myght bee executed with more sewertie, sent thether (as some sup­pose) two thowsande footemen, the rather for that the companyes of Tryuulce and others were lodged with them, and they for that they were almoste all Italian souldiours had lykewise obteyned saffeconduit to passe: Immediatly vpon the rob­berye and spoyle of these souldiours, the Bishoppe of Syon sent to Christopher More and Pavvle Capello agents for the Senat, to demaunde the bootye that had bene made, as apperteyning to the Svvyzzers: But they refused it, and therefore comming the next daye to the campe of the Svvyzzers to speake with the Car­dinall of Syon, they were almoste all ledde prisoners to Iacques Staffler their Cap­teyne, and by him caryed to the Cardinall, who constrayned them to paye six thowsande duckatts in recompense of the praye, (not holding it conuenient that his disloyaltye shoulde turne to the profitte of others:) he sent also to summon the Marquis of Montferrat to deliuer to him as prysoner Nicholas Capponi Embassa­dor of the Florentyns, to whome he had giuen saffeconduit beeing retyred to Casall Ceruas: In this meane whyle, the Senat, desiring to recouer Bressia and Crema, la­bored the Cardinall of Syon, that their companies myght be returned, whom the Cardinall enterteyned vnder cooler to marche together with the Svvyzzers into Pyemont agaynst the Duke of Sauoye and the Marquis of Salussa, who had follow­ed the faction of the Frenche King: But that reason ceassing afterwardes, bothe for the wonderfull augmentacion of the number of Svvyzzers, and also for [Page 605] that it was well seene that the frenche souldiours returned ouer the Mountes, he neither refused nor agreed, that they should goe, A matter supposed altogether to proceede of the instance of Caesar to thende they should not recouer those townes: At last, the Svvyzzers beeing in Alexandria, the Venetians departed from Bosco vppon the suddeine, and passed the riuer of Pavv without any impediment, at Caua vppon the territories of Cremona: An expedicion which the Cardinall might haue let, if he had not dissembled it (as was beleeued) at the Popes request: But beeing once ouer the riuer, some marched agaynst Bressia, and some tooke the entreprise of Crema, bothe which were kept yet for the frenche king: The frenche men that were within Bressia, seeing their present fortune could suffer no delay of action, went out and sette vppon them at the village of Paterna, where they were constrayned to retyre within the towne with the losse of more then three hundred men.

Conquest draweth with it ambicion, insolencies and couetousnes, And with men ‘of warre triumphing in the victorie, all things seeme to hold of equitie, that they do in their rage and couetousnes: for, the Svvyzzers remeyning alone in the Duchie of Myllan and Pyemont, deuised how to taxe and rate the whole contrey, being now wholly assured of the french men: And albeit the french king, for the great affecti­on he bare to the Duchie of Myllan, was hardly brought to abandon altogether the affayres of Italy: yet necessitie compelled him to harken to the councells of such, as aduised him to deferre those deuises to an other tyme, and dispose his witts for that sommer, to defende the Realme of Fraunce: The rather for that the king of England, according to the contract made with the king Catholike, had sent by sea an armye of six thowsand footemen to Fontarabio, A towne of the kingdome of Spayne stan­ding vppon the Occean sea: the chiefe ende of this iorney was, that ioyning to the companies of the sayd king Catholike, they might in one mayne force, assayle the Duchie of Guihen: he beganne also with an other nauie, to skower all alonge the coasts of Normandye and Brittaine to the great astonishment of the peoples of those prouinces: Moreouer the french king had no hope to drawe agayne Caesar into a­mitie with him, for that he vnderstoode by the Bishop of Marseilles his last Embas­sador resident in his Court, that he bare a minde farre estraunged: he aduertised him also that Caesar had not enterteyned him with so many hopes, nor for other re­garde debated with him vppon so many matters with so fayre apparance, then to wynne occasion to oppresse him when he thought least of it, or at least to gyue him (as it were) some violent and deadely blowe, as he gloried that he had done at such tyme as he reuoked the launceknightes.

Thus Italy being for this yeare assured from the armies of the french king, whose souldiours notwithstanding helde as yet, Bressia, Crema, Leguague, the castell and lan­terne of Genes, the castell of Myllan, the castell of Cremona, with certeine other fortresses of that estate: There were discerned amongest the confederats, many signes of difference and disagreement, for the diuersitie of their wills, and their endes: for, as the Venetians desired to recouer Bressia and Crema, as due to them by the articles of capitulacion, & for that they had borne out the daungers & troubles of the warre: A matter which the Pope desired likewise for them: So, on the other side, Caesar, (from whose will the king of Aragon at last could not be seperat) thought to appropriate them to him selfe, and also to depriue the Venetians of all that had bene iudged to them by the league of Cambray: Besides, Caesar and the king of Ara­gon practised (but very secretly) to make to diuolue the Duchie of Myllan to one [Page 606] of their Nephewes: A working quite contrary to the Pope and the Svvyzzers, who labored apparantly as much as they could, that according to the vniuersall resoluci­on and consent from the beginning, Maxymylian, sonne to Lodovvyk Sforce might be restored to the place of his father, after whose fall he had remeyned alwayes in Germanye: The matter that moued the Pope, was a feare he had, least Italy shoulde fall into a miserable seruitude of the Almaines and Spanyards: And that which in­duced the Svvyzzers, was a desire for their owne profit, that that estate shoulde not bee brought into the power of so mightie Princes, but rather to stande subie­cted to one that could not menteyne him selfe without their ayde and succours: Which election, as it depended almost wholly vppon those in whose power was that estate, and for the feare of their forces: so, the Pope, the more to confirme them in that wil, and in all necessities to haue in his hande the bridle with the which he might moderate thambicion of Caesar and the kinge Catholike, did all that he could to winne their amitie: And for that cause, besides the great account he made publikely of the nation of Svvyzzers, raysing to the starres the actions they had done for the sauetie of the sea Apostolike, he gaue them yet for their greater ho­nor the banners of the Church, with this glorious title, to bee the Champions and defenders of the Ecclesiastike libertie: Besides these diuersities, the Viceroy had readdressed the spanish companies which after the battell were retyred with him into the kingdom of Naples: And beginning eftsoones to march and to passe with them into Lombardye, the Pope and the Venetians refused to recontinue the payes of forty thowsand duckats by the moneth, which had bene discontinued since the ouerthrowe: Their reason was, that seeing the frenche armie was chassed home, they stoode no more subiect to suche bonde, for that it was to ceasse by the arti­cles of the confederacion when soeuer the frenche were expulsed out of Italy: Whereunto was replyed on the behalfe of the King of Aragon, that it could not bee sayde that the Frenche King was dryuen out of Italy, so long as Bressia, Crema, with other many stronge places, stoode at his deuocion: Moreouer the Kinge of Aragon together with Caesar complayned in that the Pope did appropriat to him selfe the profitts of the victorie that was common to them both, And vsurped that which manifestly apperteyned to an other, making him selfe Lorde, (vnder cooller of certeine reasons subborned, or at least so olde and withered, that their force was gonne) vppon Parma and Plaisance, cities which the Lordes of Myllan had holden so long tyme, as freeholders of thEmpire. The diuersitie was also expressed for matters that concerned the Duke of Ferrara: for, as the Pope, on the one side nou­rished his auncient couetousnes to vsurpe that Dukedom, so, on the other side, the king of Aragon who desired to preserue & protect him, stoode yet discontented with the iniurie that was offered to haue staied him at Rome contrary to the law of faith & safeconduit giuen: for these reasons the Pope deferred to vexe Ferrara, exspecting perhaps the yssue of affayres of farre greater importance, whereof Caesar not thin­king good that any resolucion were made without him, dispatched into Italy the Bi­shop of Gurcy whom he had appoynted to that expedicion euer since, after the bat­tell of Rauenna, there was negociacion of peace betweene the Pope and the French king: he appoynted to sende him then for the feare he had least they compownded amongest them selues without respecting him and his affayres: but the mutacion of thinges hapning afterwards, he still continued his deuise to sende him: In like sorte, fell into consideracion the affayres of the Florentyns, who beeing filled full of suspicion, began now to feele the frutes of the newtralitie which vndiscr [...]etely they [Page 607] had vsed, finding with all that it was not sufficient to beare themselues vpon the iu­stice of their cause, wanting discression and forecaste: for in the warre present, ney­ther had they offended the confederates, nor ministred any succours to the French king, but so farrefoorth as they were bound for the defence of the Duchie of Millan according to the confederation made in common betweene them, the king Ca­tholike, and with him: They had not suffred within their iurisdiction any violence to be done vpon those Spanishe souldiours whiche fledde from the battell of Rauen­na, for the which the king of Aragon himselfe gaue thankes to thembassador of Flo­rence: yea they had satisfied all his demaundes, for that after the councell was bro­ken vp from Pisa, his Agentes beeing in Italie, and the king him selfe offring to their Embassador to be bounde to defende their common weale agaynst all men, so farre foorth as they promised him they woulde not defende Bolognia, nor take armes a­gaynst the Churche, nor fauour thunlawfull councell of Pisa: But they being lette by ciuill discordes to make the better election, gaue them selues neither to followe the Frenche, nor any other, and obseruing newtralitie from one day to an other, and that with counsells no lesse doubtfull then broken, not ioyntly and fully resolued whether they woulde obserue it, they offended muche the Frenche king, who in the beginning promised muche of them, they remoued not the hatred of the Pope, and lefte the king of Aragon without any recompence to enioy the fruite of their new­tralitie: A matter which he would gladly haue couenaunted with them to obteine: So that the Pope pushed on with his auncient hatred agaynst the Gonfalonnier or Magistrate, and a perpetuall desire discending from all Popes to haue authoritie in that common weale, solicited earnestly the restitution of the familie of Medicis to their auncient greatnes. To this the king of Aragon, notwithstanding he vsed dis­sembled phrases to the Embassador of Florence, bare some inclination, but not with so great vehemency, for feare least in any stirre or alteration, they might be brought to fauor the Frenche king by thauthoritie of the Magistrate: yea it was distrusted that though the Gonfalonnier were deposed and taken away, yet the common weale beeing freely gouerned, woulde not haue the same affection, in respect of the newe and auncient dependances: But the resolution of this matter together with others, was reserued till the comming of the Bishop of Gurce, with whom it was agreed that the Viceroy and suche as were for the other confederates, shoulde meete at Mantua. In this respite of time that the Bishop was comming, the Pope sent to Flo­rence his Datario, Laurence Pucci a Florentin (he was afterwardes chosen Cardinall, and called Cardinall of foure Saintes) to solicite them, together with thembassador which the Viceroy had there, that they would sticke to the league and contribute to the charges agaynst the Frenchmen: That was the cooller of his going, but in true meaning he was sent to founde the wills of the Citizens. That demaunde was de­bated many dayes without any conclusion: The Florentins made offers to paye to the confederates certayne proportions of money, but they aunswered doubtfully to the demaunde to enter the league and protest them selues agaynst the Frenche king: Which doubtfulnesse moued partly by an opinion they had (which was true) that those matters were proponed artificially, rather to entrappe them then to as­sure them: and partly by an aunswere which the Bishop of Gurce had made to their Embassador at Trent, whom they sent to meete him: He seeming to make small reckoning of the reapport made to him that Caesar by the capitulation of Vincensa subsigned with his owne hande, was bounde to defende them, assured them that the Pope was determined to trouble them, and yet in paying to Caesar xl. thousand [Page 608] Duckets, he would deliuer them of that daunger: To this he added that the confe­deration betweene Caesar and the Frenche king continuing yet, they shoulde not therefore enter into the league, if first Caesar gaue them not example. The Florentins were not farre estraunged to buye their quiet with money, but they feared that the onely name of Caesar (notwithstanding the Bishop assured them that his will should be followed by the Spaniards) would not suffice to remoue and make ceasse the yll intention of the others: A perswasion which helde them in doubt, and kept them so restrayned, that with a councell well disposed, they could not minister the salue to suche as had power to helpe their infirmitie: It was a matter perhaps considered vp­pon with councell and discression, and yet it could not but proceede either of neg­ligence, or of their discordes, or of too muche confidence in their strength of footemen, forbearing in that respect to refurnishe themselues of souldiors trayned, by whom they might haue bene defended from any sodaine assault, or at least might haue made easie the couenantes with the confederates, and with better conditions, knowing once howe harde a matter it were to force them. Whilest these thinges were in action, the Viceroy with his regimentes of footemen was entred vpon the countrey of the Bolonnois, where hauing no meane to satisfie the payes which he had promised to the souldiours, they ranne with suche a tumult to his tent threatning and conspiring to kill kim, that he had scarce leasure to steale away, seeking his safe­tie by fleeing towards Modena: one parte of tharmie tooke towardes the countrey of the Florentins, the residue chaunged not place, but liued there without law, with­out order, and without commaundement: And within three or foure dayes after, their light rages beeing somewhat satisfied with parte of the payes that had bene promised, the Viceroy also and the residue beeing reassembled and returned to thar­mie, they gaue their promise to tarrie for him in that place tyll he returned from Mantua, where the Bishop of Gurce was nowe arriued. As the Bishop passed by the territories of them of Verona, the Frenche men that laye in garrison in Leguaguo ha­uing refused many offers of the Venetians, gaue vp to the Bishop that towne whiche they coulde no longer holde: This was thought to be done by a former commaun­dement of Monsr Palissa, aswell to them as to all the residue that had in charge the other townes, to thende to nourishe discorde betweene Caesar and the Venetians: But it was an action very vnfortunate for the souldiours, who (without respecting their safeconduit obteined from the Bishop of Gurce) were miserably robbed and stripped by the Venetian armie which lay encamped vpon the confines of Bressia, af­ter they were returned from Bosco, and after they had recouered Bergama without any difficultie: onely they forbare to batter the towne, for that (as was sayd) the car­dinall of Sion had forbidden them.

It was resolued in the assemblie of Mantua, that Maximilian Sforce should be re­inuested The resolutiō of the treatie of Mantua by the confede­rates. in the Duchie of Millan, the desire of the people beeing nothing inferior to the equitie of his title. To this agreed the king of Aragon and Caesar, no lesse to sa­tisfie the great instance of the Pope, then to please the wills of the Svvizzers: Tou­ching thassignation of the maner and time, it was referred till the Bishop of Gurce mette with the Pope, to whom he was to go, both to conclude thalliance betwene Caesar and him, and to solicite peace with the Venetians, and so by the meane of common alliance, to confirme Italie in her auncient suretie that the Frenche king should no more trouble it: In that assembly also was disputed the expedition against the Florentins, wherein Iulio de Medicis made instance aswell in his owne name, as for the Cardinall: he proued that the alteration of that state would be easie, for the [Page 609] diuision amongest the Citizens: for thaffection of many that desired their returne: for the secrete intelligences they had with sundrye noble and mightie personages: And withall for that one parte of the men at armes of that common weale being in Lombardie, and an other moytie inclosed within Bressia, they had not sufficient for­ces to make defence agaynst an assault so sodayne: Lastely, besides the money he offred, he showed the frute that woulde come by restoring them to their former dignitie: for, the authoritie and power of that Citie beeing taken out of the handes of one that depended wholly vpon the French king, it would fal to thadministration of persons, who standing discontented and wronged by that king, had no reason to depende or holde vpon other alliance then of the confederates. Barnard de Bibiena (afterwardes Cardinall) vrged this matter muche in the name of the Pope, who for that occasion had sent him to Mantua, a man for his learning no lesse meete for this legation, then for his affection moste friendly to the Medicis in whose house both he and his brothers had bene trained vp euen from their youth. Iohn Vittorio Soder in a Lawyer and brother to the Gonfalonnier, was at this time Embassador to the Flo­rentins with the Bishoppe of Gurce, to whom nothing was sayde, nor any thing de­maunded, eyther by the Viceroy or in the name of the league: Onely the Bishop de­clared to him the daunger, and howe conuenient it was that they accorded with Caesar according to the demaundes made before, offring that Caesar and the king of Aragon should receiue them into protection: But the Embassador in whom was no power to conclude, could do no other thing then aduertise the common weale and exspect aunswers: neither did he solicite the Viceroy by him selfe or by others, nor vsed any diligence to hinder the workings of the Medicis: hauing no fulnesse of au­thoritie, he was driuen to be silent in thinges that concerned directly the safetie of the common weale: And yet the matter of it selfe was not without many difficul­ties, both for that the Viceroy had not so great an armie, as to aduenture to make triall of his forces without necessitie: and also the Bishop of Gurce, to let the Vene­tians for recouering Bressia, or to make any greater proceedings, desired that the Spaniards might passe into Lombardie with all speede conuenient. By these conside­rations it was beleeued, that if the Florentins forbearing their nigardnes as the pre­sent perills required, had consented to contribute to Caesar the money he demaun­ded, and releeued the Viceroy with some small summe whereof he had great necessi­tie, they had easily turned away and auoyded the storme: yea the Bishop of Gurce and the Viceroy might perhaps with better will haue entred into couenant with the common weale, of whom they were certayne to receiue the things that should be promised, then with the Medicis, who had no habilitie to giue them any thing, if first they returned not to Florence with armes. But the cause of that Citie being almost abandoned, eyther by the negligence or by the malice of men, it was determined that the Spanishe armie together with the Cardinall and Iulian Medicis, shoulde marche towards Florence: In which expedition the Pope had declared the Cardi­nall Legate of Tuskane, with fulnesse of power to leauie the souldiors of the church, and wage suche others of the townes adioyning, as he shoulde thinke conuenient for that seruice: The Pope omitted nothing that might aduaunce this enterprise, rather applying his authoritie to his will, then to the equitie of the matter.

But assone as the assembly of Mantua was broken vp, the Viceroy returning to the The Medicis returne to Florence. territories of Bolognia, caused his armie to marche with speede agaynst the Floren­tins, who had very small respite to make necessarie prouisions, for that they were not aforehand aduertised of the resolutions of Mantua. The Cardinall ioyned with [Page 610] the Viceroy assoone as he drewe neare the frontiers, hauing caused to be drawen from Bolognia two Cannons to supplie the want of the Spaniards who had no peeces of batterie: Also Frauncis Vrsin and the Vitelli (capteines for the Churche) came thither to him, but without their bands of souldiours, both they and the other com­panie, of the Church being forbidden by the Duke of Vrbin: who, notwithstanding Iulian Medicis had had some bringing vp in his Court, A matter to moue fauor, and that he had alwayes professed to desire the greatnesse of the Medicis, which was a strong argument of affection, refused to refurnishe them with artilleries or any sort of succours eyther of his souldiours or subiectes, though the Pope had commaun­ded the contrarie by large letters, aswell to him as to other townes subiect to the Churche. Assoone as the Viceroy was entred vpon the landes of the Florentins, there came to him an Embassador, who in the name of the whole common weale decla­ring the respectes they had alwayes borne to the king of Aragon, both what were their actions in the laste warres, and also what that king might hope for of suche a Citie receyuing it to his amitie, besought him, afore he passed further, to signifie what it was he demaunded of the Florentins: for that in demaundes reasonable, and not exceeding their power, they would willingly satisfie him. The Viceroy aunswe­red that his comming had not bene determined onely by the king Catholike, but also by all the confederates for the common suretie of Italie, seeing that so long as the Gonfalonnier remayned in that administration, they coulde not be assured that that common weale would not followe the French king, and be seruiceable to his occasions: Therefore he demaunded in the name of the whole league, that the Gon­falonnier might be depriued of the gouernment, and that there might be instituted a forme of policie not suspected to the confederates: which coulde not be vnlesse the Cardinall and Iulian Medicis were restored to their naturall countrey: That if they would consent to these things, they should finde agreement in the residue more easily: Lastely, he willed him to signifie this reapport and his intention to the state of Florence, and yet he woulde not staye his armie tyll aunswere were returned.

At Florence immediatly vpon the brute of the marching of the Spaniards, mighte be discerned an vniuersall astonishment in the mindes of men, bothe doubting that the Popes forces woulde inuade them on some other side, and fearing the diuision of Citizens, and thinclination of the multitude to newe thinges: They were verye weake in men at armes, and had no other strength of footemen, then suche as were eyther leauyed in haste, or at least drawen out of their garrisons, an estate of souldi­ours not yet experienced in warre: They had no excellent capteine vppon whose vertue and authoritie they might reappose the guyding of an army, and their other leaders were such as in the memorie of man they had not in their paye men of lesse exspectation: Their weaknesse was great in regarde of the strength that was com­ming agaynst them, their wantes were farre inferiour to the preparations of their enemies, their wisdomes vnhable to preuent the daungers that threatned, their wealth vnprofitable, where wanted men for action: Lastely, they had nothing a­mongest them which did not helpe to the desolation of their estate, and wanted all thinges wherein they might hope for comfort, counsell, or compassion: Their feares were vayne, for that their perill was swifter then their prouision: And there coulde be no place for confidence, where was nothing to assure their hope: All thinges were full of confusion, and the soddennesse of the calamitie made them lesse apte to consulte for their safetie: And yet making suche prouision as they coulde accor­ding to the shortnesse of time, they reassembled their men at armes distributed into [Page 611] many places, they waged footemen, but suche bodies as they coulde get: They choosed out the beste bandes of their Pensioners, and drewe to Florence all their principall forces, both for the suretie of their Citie, and to refurnishe from thence all other places that shoulde suffer moste daunger: And amidde these meanes of prouisions for the warre, they forgate not (but very late) to proue what they coulde do by way of accorde: for which cause, besides the continuall solicitation of their Embassador with the Viceroy, they wrote to the Cardinall of Voltero lying at Gradoli neare to Rome, to go to the Pope, and labour to appease him with offers, with peti­tions, with humilities, and all other sortes of offices what so euer: But he hauing a heart hardned, aunswered notwithstanding with words contrarie to his doings, that the enterprise came not of him, and that it was followed without his forces: onely not to stirre vp the league agaynst him, he was constrayned to consent to it, and to suffer the Cardinall of Medicis to drawe artillerie from Bolognia: That he was not hable to staye the expedition affore it was begon, and muche lesse coulde he breake it nowe that it was in action: He made him selfe sorrowfull for their affliction, and yet expressed no inclination to compassion: his wordes were doubtfull, and his in­tentions dissembled: he sawe the humor that was offended, and yet woulde not ap­plye the medicine to comfort it, iudging it best for the seruing of his turne, to suffer them to languishe in their proper calamities. By this time the Viceroy had passed the mountaynes of Barberina within fifteene myles of Florence, from whence he sent to signifie to the Florentins, that it was not thintention of the league neither to alter the iurisdiction, nor chaunge the libertie, so farrefoorth as for the suretie of Italie, they would depose the Gonfalonnier from his estate: He desired that the Me­dicis might be restored to their countrey, not as chieftaynes of the gouernment, but as persons priuate, subiected to the lawes, and to the Magistrates, and not sepe­rate in any thing from other Citizens: This proposition being knowen throughout the Citie, the opinions of men were diuerse according to the diuersitie of iudge­mentes, passions, and feare: Some blamed the Councell, that would, for the regard of one onely, preferre to so great a daunger the generalitie of Citizens and the vni­uersall iurisdiction: seeing that in deposing him, they lost neyther the councell po­pular, nor the publike libertie: A thing which it could not be hard to keepe, though the Medicis, depriued of reputation and power, woulde striue to exceede their de­gree priuate and limited: That it was to be considered in what sorte the Citie might resiste thauthoritie and forces of so great a league: that of themselues they were not hable: that all Italie was become their enemie: that they had wholly loste all hope of succours with the Frenche men, both for that beeing driuen with cowardise out of Italie, they had enough to do to defende their owne Realme, and also knowing their weaknes, they had aunswered to the demaundes of the Florentins, that they were contented to set them at libertie to make accord with the league. Of the cōtra­ry, others reasoned how vayne it was to beleue that so great a stirre was made onely for hatred to the Gonfalonnier, or to set vp the Medicis in Florence as Citizens priuat: That farre otherwise was the intention of the confederates, who to ioyne the Citie to their willes, and to make it contributorie to their wantes of money, respected no other ende then to bring in the Medicis in tyrannie: onely they disguised their cor­rupt intentions with demaundes not sharpe nor seuere, and yet pretended the same effect: for it was no other thing to take out of the pallace the Gonfalonnier in a time so troubled, and with suche threatning and compulsion of armes, then to leaue a [...]ocke wandring without a pastor, the more easily to fall into the iawes of the wolfe: [Page 612] It comprehended no other thing to bring the Medicis into Florence in so greate a tumult, then to strike vp the dromme and aduaunce the standarde that suche might followe it, as liued in no other studie then to deface the name, the memorie, and the forme of the great councell: an estate of gouernement whiche could not be depo­sed without the absolute ruine of the common libertie: And what is there to let the Medicis, backt from the forreine with the Spanishe armie, and followed at home with trowpes sedicious and ambicious, that they maye not oppresse the libertie euen as­sone as they make their entrie into Florence: They haue the time by election, the place is prepared, mens minds altered, the good men of the towne do feare, the euill sort exspect, if there be any place of the towne free from tumult, at least there is none voyde of suspicion, few to be trusted and none assured, all things in confusion, yea euen the wysest furthest of to auoyde the storme which euen nowe is gathered into a cloude and ready to breake: It were good to consider what the ouerture of suche thinges might engender, and what maye happen by yeelding to demaundes vniust and preiudiciall: That it is no good affection so muche to feare their daun­gers, as thereby to forget the safetie of their lyues, and to consider how intollerable it woulde be to lyue in seruitude, to suche as haue bene borne and bredde vp in li­bertie: That they were to remember with what vallour they had opposed agaynst the late king Charles the eight for the protection of their libertie, at such tyme as he was possessed of the Citie with a mightie armie: Lastely that they had to consider howe easily they might resiste so small an armie, vnfurnished of money, vnprouided of vittells, naked of great artilleries, & all other commodities to beare out the warre, if onely the Citie resisted their first furie: yea when they found a resolute defence in place of the vayne hopes that had bene giuen to cary Florence at the first assalt, they would be easily raunged to agreement vpon reasonable conditions. These discour­ses ranne in the market places and streetes amongst the Citizens: but the Gonfalon­nier holding it best that the aunswere which the Magistrate was to make to the Vice­roy, should be communicated with the people, called together the great councell, and in full presence of the Citizens, gaue his opinion in this maner:

If I thought the demaunde of the Viceroy touched me onely, or that his desires Peter Sode­ [...]in reasoneth in the Coun­cell. were stayed simply vpon particularities, I would of my selfe make a resolution con­formable to my intention, & do the thing without your counsel, which could not but ‘turne to your common safety: for hauing alwayes caried this minde to giue my life for your benefite, it could not but be iust in me to resolue of my selfe, to renounce the office you haue giuen me, to deliuer you from the daungers and harmes of the warre, hauing especially worne out both my body and mind with the trauells of the place in so many yeres since you preferred me to it: But since it may be that this de­maund stretcheth to things further then to me and my priuate interest, it is thought good by this honorable assistance & by me, not to deliberate without publike con­sent in a matter that so vniuersally concerneth you al, & lesse seeming that a cause so graue & generall, should be referred to the councell of that ordinary number of Ci­tizens which are ordinarily called to the priuitie of common thinges, but to you in whose persons is resembled the soueraigne Maiestie and presence of this Citie, and by whose wisedomes are to passe deliberations of so great importance. I induce you, not to incline more to the one parte then to the other, I referre all to your counsell and iudgement: I bring hither no meaning to perswade you to parciali­tie, I sette not my selfe betweene your affections and the present cause: The same you shall resolue, the same shall be accepted by me, who do not onely laye at your [Page 613] feete the office which is your owne, but also my person and life which is to my selfe alone: A sacrifice which I would thinke happily dedicated, if it had any operation tending to your safetie: Examine of what importance the Viceroys demaunde may be for your libertie, wherein I beseeche God so to leade your mindes as you maye make election of the better waye. If the Medicis were disposed to liue in this Ci­tie as priuate Citisens with conformitie to your lawes and rulers, it could not be but vertuous and commendable to suffer them to returne, and receiue them, to thende the members of our common countrey might at last be reincorporate into one cō ­mon body: but if they bring with them other intentions, and vnder shadowes of conformitie, shrowde minds of tyrannie, it were good you considered of your dan­ger, not holding it greeuous to susteine all expenses and difficulties to preserue your libertie, A Iewell whose preciousnes you shall then beste discerne, when you shall suffer priuation of it. Be not perswaded that the gouernment of the Medicis will be the same it was affore they were expulsed, seing the forme and fundations of things are chaunged: for then as they had their trayning vp amongest vs almoste as Citi­sens priuate, wealthie in goods according to the degree they helde, and not offen­ded of any, made their fundation of the good will of the Citisens, vsed to consulte with the principalls of publike affayres, and labored with the cloke of ciuilitie to co­uer rather then to discouer their greatnes: So nowe that they haue bene so many yeres separate from the lawes of Florence, infected with the fashions & customes of straungers, and by that reason lesse practised in ciuill causes, mindefull of their exile and seuerities done to them, poore in goods, iniuried of so many families, & accor­ding to their own testimonie knowing that the most part of this presence abhorreth tyrannie: They will reapose confidence in no citisen, nor haue no conformitie to your lawes & magistrates, but compelled by pouertie & suspicion, will bring backe to themselues the administration of all things: They will not reestablishe good will and loue, but recontinue force & armes: they will reduce this citie in short time to the image and state of Bolognia, and to Sienna & Perousa in the time of the Bentiuoleis. I speake this to such as kepe obseruation of the time and gouernment of Lavvrence Medicis, which yet in cōparison of this would seeme a golden age, notwithstanding the conditions of that time were hard, and the gouernment was a kinde of tyrannie, albeit more easie then many others. Now it apperteineth to you to resolue wisely, and to me, either to giue vp constantly this office, or else resolutely to apply my selfe to the preseruation of your libertie: You are to determine, and I to be directed, you stande in the handes of your owne councell, and I subiected to your arbitration.’

There was no dout what the councell would resolue, the whole multitude of the people bearing almost an vniuersall inclination to mainteine the popular gouern­ment: Therfore it was determined by a wōderful accord, to cōsent to the returning of the Medicis in the nature of persons priuate: and that in no wise the Gonfalonnier should be deposed frō his place, against which if thenemies were obstinate, then the whole body of the city should be applied to the defence of their liberty & countrey, not sparing either goods or life in an action so honorable & necessary: so that dispo­sing all their thoughts to the warre, they made prouisions of money, & sent men to the town of Prato ten miles frō Florence, A place which they thought would be sub­iect to the first violence of the Viceroy: who after he had gathered together his army at Barberina together with thartillerie with was drawen with a wōderfull paine both for the yll way of Appenin, and also for that for want of money they lacked laborers & instruments necessary for the cariage, he tooke the way to Prato as had bin suppo­sed: [Page 614] he arriued there about the breaking of the daye, and euen then beganne with two Falconettes to better the gate Mercatala by the space of an howre, albeit lit­tle to his profite for that it was mightily rampiered within. The Florentins had be­stowed within Frato about two thousande footemen, the moste parte of their pen­sioners, and the residue leauyed in haste of all sciences and base trades: In that num­ber there were very fewe experienced and trayned to the warre: They hadde also sente thither with an hundred men at armes Luke Sauello an auncient capteine, but yet neyther for his age, nor for his experience come to anye degree of mar­ciall knowledge: And the men at armes were the same bodyes who a little be­fore had bene spoyled and stripped in Lombardie: To this was added what by the shortnesse of the tyme, and thignoraunce of suche as had the charge to make prouisions, bothe greate wante of artilleries, and not halfe the munitions and other thinges necessarie to defende the place. The Viceroy had in hys armie two hundred men at armes, fiue thousande footemen Spaniardes, and two Can­nons onely: An armie very small in numbers and other prouisions, but greate as touching their vallour, for that the footemen were all of those bodies, who in so great reputation were retyred from the battell of Rauenna, and who reapposing muche in their vertue, despised greatly thignorance of their aduersaries: But being brought to marche and no order taken for their vittayles, and lesse releefe through the whole countrey, for that as yet haruest was fullye finished, and all gleaned and carryed into places of strength, they beganne immediatly to fall into neces­sityes of foode, whiche made the Viceroy to incline to accorde, and the same followed with continuall solicitation, that the Florentins suffring the Medicis to returne equall with the other Citisens, there was no more speache of the deposing of the Gonfalonnier, onely the Citie shoulde paye to the Viceroy (to thende to with­drawe his armie from their dominions) a certayne summe of money, whiche was supposed not to exceede thirtie thousande duckets: In respect of this he had graun­ted safeconduit to thembassadors elected for that expedition, and had absteined vntill their comming, from any further action agaynst Prato, if they within had fur­nished ‘him with vittells. There is nothing that fleeth faster awaye then occasion: Nothing more daungerous then to iudge of thintention and profession of an o­ther:’ Nor nothing more hurtefull then an immoderate suspition. All the cheefe Citisens desired agreement, beeing accustomed by thexamples of their elders, to defende their libertie agaynst armes, with golde: And therefore they made re­quest that thembassadors elect shoulde departe incontinently, beeing charged a­mongest other things to see them of Prato furnishe the Spanish armie with vittells, to thend the Viceroy should exspect with pacience if the composition that was now in action woulde bring foorth anye effect. But the Gonfalonnier perswading him­selfe Prato taken by the Spa­niards. agaynst his naturall tymerousnes, that thenemies dispayring to be hable to do any more would depart of themselues, or fearing that the Medicis by one meanes or other would returne to Florence, or whether his destinie pushed him on to bee the cause of his owne ruine and the calamities of his countrey, he helde artifici­ally in delay the dispatche of thembassadors, not suffring them to departe the daye that was appoynted according to the resolution which had bene made: In so much as the Viceroy both pressed with the want of vittells, and vncertayne whether them­bassadors would come, dislodged by night from the gate Mercatale, and incamping before the gate called Seraglio from the which the way goeth to the mountayne, he began to batter the next wall with two Cannons, choosing that place for the com­moditie [Page 615] of a high heape of earth ioyning to the wall, by the which he might easily go to the breache of the wall from aboue that was battred: whiche facilitie for the campe beeing turned into a difficultie for the towne, for that the breache that was made aboue the heape of earth, remayned within very high and thicke of earth, one of the Cannons was broken at the firste execution, and the other with the whiche the battrie was continued, had so loste his force with often shooting, that his bool­lets came slowely to the wall, and yet did no great harme: Lastely after they had executed many howres and made an opening in the wall of more then twelue fad­domes, certayne of the Spanishe footemen got vp to the terrasse or heape of earth, and began to assayle the breache: from thence they got to the toppe of the wall where they slewe two of the footemen that garded it, whose death giuing feare to the residue and driuing them to retyre, the Spaniards forbare not to take thoportu­nitie of their tymerousnesse, and clymbe vp by the helpe of skaling ladders: And albeit there was within neare the wall a squadron of shotte and pykes, bestowed there both to suffer none of thennemies to staye vppon the wall, and also to make slaughter of the firste man that reshely should leape within or otherwise go downe, yet (suche is the feare of men vnexperienced in daungers) assone as they sawe then­nemies vpon the wall, they brake their rancke, and of themselues abandoned the defense of the place: This cowardise depending somewhat vppon wante of ex­perience in the seruice and perilles of warre, gaue courage to the Spaniardes to make their entrie in sundrie places without anye impediment: And crying Victorie, they followed their fortune with vallour, and beganne to runne thorow the towne, where was seene no other thing then flying, violence, spoyling, blood, murders, and crying, the footemen of the Florentins making no resistance, but ca­sting away their weapons, they offred their bodies to the rigour of their enemies: from whose couetousnesse, luste, and crueltie, nothing had escaped if the Cardi­nall Medicis by bestowing gardes in the great Churche had not saued the honor of women whiche in their calamitie were fledde thither for safetie. There were more then two thousande men that dyed, not in fighting, for almost not one would ioyne him selfe to the fray, but in fleing, in hyding, and in crying mercy to thenemies, who disdayned to shewe compassion vpon men of so small merite: The residue were re­serued prisoners together with the Florentine commissioners, none escaping the calamitie that so wretched a fortune did bring. By the losse of Prato they of Pistoye, not falling otherwise from the iurisdiction of the Florentins, agreed to releeue the Viceroy with vittayles, receyuing his promise not to be distressed by his armie. But at Florence, assone as the successe of Prato was knowen, and thembassadors that went to the Viceroy beeing on the halfe waye, were returned by the bruite of thaccident, there were discerned manifest alterations in the minds of euery one: some lamenting the losse that was happned, some fearing greater harmes, some suspecting by nature more then they ought to do by reason, some distrusting shadows whose bodies were farre of, all things in confusion, and euen those men the least assured, in whom was moste reason of confidence and resolution. The Gonfalonnier repenting now the va­nitie of his counsell, was no lesse amased then the residue, and hauing almoste alto­gether loste both reputation and authoritie, he stoode so irresolute & vngouerned, that he gaue him selfe vp to the wills of others, without making prouision either for his own safety, or the cōmon tranquilitie: others, who desired thalteration of the go­uernment, tooke audacitie by the state of their fortune, & blamed publikly the things present: but the multitude of citisens not accustomed to tumults & armes, & hauing [Page 616] alwayes affore their eyes the miserable example of Prato, notwithstanding they af­fected much the gouernment popular, yet what through feare & cowardise, stoode as a miserable pray to whosoeuer would oppresse them. In this tumult and sepera­tion of mindes Paule Vettori and Antho. Fran. Albizi, two yong gentlemen of the no­bilitie, no lesse sedicious and desirous of new things, then by these occasions full of audacitie & boldnes, hauing many monthes affore conspired secretly with others in fauor of the Medicis, and for the better forme & maner of their restoring, had secret­ly spoken with Iulian de Medicis in a village of the Florentin territory neare to Siena, determined to make experience to draw the Gonfalonnier out of the publike pallace by force: And drawing into this councell one Barth. Valori a young man of like qua­litie, but entangled by his vnreasonable prodigalities with sundry debtes, as was also Paule, they went the seconde morning after the losse of Prato, beeing the laste day of August, with a smal cōpany to the pallace, where finding no great gard or resistance, for that the Gonfalonnier left all things to aduenture, they entred his chamber, and threatned him to take his life frō him if he would not depart the pallace, but in case he would go out, they gaue him their faith to defend him from harme: his feare and the present extremitie made him obedient to the rage of the young men: Then the whole city was drawen into tumult, & many were disclosed against him, but not one appeared in his fauour: He by and by, by direction and commaundement of others, caused to assemble the Magistrates, whom, hauing by the lawes a full authority ouer the Gonfalonniers, they required to depriue him lawfully of his office, or otherwise they would kill him: In which feare they deposed him contrary to their will, and led him in safetie into the house of Paule, from whence in the night beeing well accom­panied, he was conueyed vpon the dominions of Sienna, and from thence making showe to go to Rome with safeconduit obteined of the Pope, he tooke secretly the way of Ancona, and passed by sea to Raugia, for that he was aduertised by the meane of his brother the Cardinall, that the Pope would breake his promise with him, and spoyle him of the money which he had, supposed to be in great quantitie: Assone as the Gonfalonnier was deposed from his place, the citie dispatched present Embassa­dors to the Viceroy, with whom they compounded easily by meane of the Cardinall de Medicis: for the Cardinall was contented as touching his particular, that there should be no further commoning but for the restoring of him and his, and all suche as had followed him, as Citisens priuate, with power to redeeme within a certayne time the goodes that had bene alyened by the fiske: That there shoulde be repay­ment of the moneys that had bene disbursed, and amendes made by such to whom they had bene transferred: That touching the common affayres, the Florentins entred the league: They were bounde to paye to the kinge of Romains fourtie thousande duckettes, according to the promise whiche the Medicis had made at Mantua to the Bishoppe of Gurce, in recompence of their restoring: To the Viceroy twentie thousande, and to tharmie fourescore thousande, the one halfe presently, and the residue within two monethes: but vppon this condition that the first payment beeing receyued, the armie shoulde foorthwith departe the landes of the Florentins, leauing at libertie all that they had possessed: Besides this, they contracted a league with the king of Aragon, with bondes reciprocall for cer­tayne numbers of men at armes for the defence of their estates, and that the Floren­tins shoulde interteine in their paye two hundred men at armes of the subiectes of that king: wherein albeit it was not expressed vnder whom they shoulde be ledde, yet the charge was ment to the Marquis of Paluda, to whom the Cardinall had pro­mised, [Page 617] or at least giuen him hope, to make him capteine generall of the Florentin men of warre. Thus the businesse of the deposing of the Gonfalonnier beeing paste ouer, and the daungers of the warre remoued by the composition, the Citisens be­ganne to fall to correct the gouernment in poyntes wherein the former forme was thought vnprofitable, but with an vniuersall intention, excepte of a verye fewe which were young and almoste not falling in consideration, to preserue the libertie, and support the councell popular: Therfore they determined with newe lawes that thelection of the Gonfalonnier should not be established perpetuall, but for one yere onely: That to the councell of the fourescore, which chaunged from six monethes to six monethes, & by whose authoritie causes of greatest grauitie were determined, to thend there might be a continuall communitie of the Citisens of greatest quali­tie, shoulde bee alwayes added all those that had administred eyther at home or abroade, the chiefe offices and places: At home, suche as had bene eyther Gon­falonniers of iustice, or of the tenne of the Balia, an office in that common weale of greate authoritie: Abroade, suche as beeing chosen by the councell of the fourescore, had serued eyther as Embassadors to forreine Princes, or else as generall superintendentes ouer the warre: All the other orders and ordinances of the go­uernment remayned firme and stable without innouation.

After these things were resolued, they elected Gonfalonnier for the first yere, Iohn Babtista Rodolffe, a Citisen of noble discending, and no lesse esteemed for his discres­sion and gouernment: And as it happneth in all times troubled, so in this election the people not beholding so muche suche as by popular practises were moste a­greable to them, as one, who what with the great authoritie he had in the Citie, spe­cially with the nobilitie, and with his proper vertue whiche was peculiar to him, might reduce and make firme and stable the shaking estate of the common weale: But by the present tumult things were to much disordred, the common libertie had to many mightie enemies, in the bowels of the contrey was an armie suspected, and within the Citie an vnbridled boldnesse of young men desirous to oppresse it, and to their wills was conformable the will of the Cardinall Medicis, notwithstanding in words he made demonstration of the contrarie: for, as in the beginning he estee­med not the restoring of him and his as Citisens priuate, A recompence worthy of so many trauells and paynes, so also he considered for the present that that state coulde not endure, for that together with his name, they shoulde bee greately hated of all sortes, the Citisens lyuing in continuall suspicion that they woulde dresse some ambushe agaynst their libertie: They woulde alwayes remayne dis­contented, for that they had broughte the Spanishe armie agaynst their countrey, and were the causes of the wretched spoyle and sacke of Prato: And lastely that by compulsion of armes the Citie had bene constrayned to receyue conditions so vnworthy and vniuste. To this he was vrged by suche as affore had conspired with hym, and others who in a common weale well ordered, helde no honora­ble place: But the consente of the Viceroy was necessarie, who exspecting the firste payment, whiche for the diuisions in the Citie coulde not so soone be made, kepte as yet within Prato, and had no fancie (what soeuer was the cause) that any newe chaunge shoulde bee made in the Citie of Florence, notwithstanding the Cardinall ioyning to hym the Marquis of Paluda and Andrevv Caraffe cap­teines in the armie, tolde him that the name of the Spaniards coulde not be but very odious to a Citie agaynst whiche they had done so many harmes: That in all occasions they woulde sticke alwayes to thennemies of the king Catholike, [Page 618] and that there was daunger, least when the armie should departe, they woulde re­uoke the Gonfalonnier whom they had expulsed by constraint. By these perswasions he consented to the Cardinall, who assone as he had made agreement & resolution of affayres with him, came with diligence to Florence into his houses, where many capteines and souldiors of thItalians entred, some with him, and some seperate, the Magistrates being affrayed to let their entry for feare of the Spaniards that were at hande: The next morning the councell of the multitude of Citizens beeing assem­bled at the publike pallace to consult vpon thaffaires present, Iulian de Medicis being present and assisting the action, the souldiours charged the gate of the pallace, and climbing vp by ladders, they made themselues maisters of the pallace, and made pil­lage of the siluer vessell which laye there of store for the vse and seruice of the Citie: There the Citie together with the Gonfalonnier compelled to giue place to thinso­lencies of suche as coulde do more with armes and weapons then the Magistrate with reuerence and authoritie, called together with the ringing of the great bell (by the direction of Iulian de Medicis) the people, to parliament vpon the pallace grene: where, suche as went thither being enuironed with armed souldiours, and the yong men of the Citie that had taken armes for the Citie, they consented that to fiftie Ci­tizens of the Cardinals naming, shoulde be giuen the same authoritie ouer publike businesse which all the people had: A forme or state of power which the Florentins call Ampla balia: By the decree of these men, the gouernment being reduced to that forme which it caryed before the yere a thousand foure hundred nintie and foure, & a garrison established within the pallace, the Medicis resumed vpon them the selfe same state of greatnes which their father had, but their gouernment was more im­perious and with a power more absolute.

In this sorte, and with armes, was oppressed the libertie of the Florentins, beeing brought to that degree of aduersitie principally by the disagreementes of the Citi­zens. It was thought it had not falne so farre, if they had not behaued them selues with great negligence in the defence of the common businesse, specially in the laste times, not speaking of the newtrality which they vsed very vndiscretly: & the co­wardise of the Gonfalonnier giuing too muche head to thennemies of the popular gouernment. The king of Aragon had not from the beginning so great a desire to re­uerse the libertie, as to turne away that Citie from thalliance of the Frenche king, and to drawe some sommes of money to paye his armie: In so muche that assone as the Frenche had abandoned the Duchie of Millan, he sent to tell the Viceroy, that whether the affaires occurrant shoulde drawe him to an other enterprise, or for any other occasion, he should knowe that the restitution of the Medicis woulde be of harde action, that he should take libertie to determine according to the condi­tion of times, and agree or not agree with the Citie, according to the meane that brought the best oportunitie to his affayres. This was his commaundement in the beginning: but being afterwardes discontented with the Pope for the violence he would haue done at Rome to Alfonso d'Este, and entring withall into suspicion for the threates he gaue publikely agaynst straungers, he gaue playnely to vnderstande to the same Embassador of Florence that came to him in the beginning of the warre, enioyning no lesse to the Viceroy, that there shoulde be no stryuing to alter the go­uernment. In whiche deuise these two reasons were indifferent to him: he iudged that eyther it would be a thing of more suretie to him to preserue the Gonfalonnier, who was enemie to the Pope, or else he feared that the Cardinall of Medicis being restored, would not more depende of the Pope then of him: But his last deliberation [Page 619] came not to the knowledge of the Viceroy, vntill the daye after the common weale was reduced to the power of the Cardinall.

By this discourse it may be discerned that if the Florentyns, after the french were chassed, had looked to assure their affayres by some agreement, or at least had made them selues strong with men and soldiours trayned, eyther the Viceroy had not mar­ched against them, or at least finding resistance, he would easily haue bene brought to composicion for money: But their destinie was against their sauetie, beeing be­sides the coniectures and comprehension of mans wisedom, warned of the perills that were towards them, by certein signes in the ayre: for, not long affore, the light­ning that fell vpon the gate that leades from Florence to Prato, caried away from an auncient shield of Marble, a golden flower de Lys, which is the enseigne or armes of the french kings: An other tyme a flashe of lightning discending from the toppe of the pallaice into the chamber of the Gonfalonnier, touched no other thinge then a great vessell of siluer wherein the lotts are wont to be put when they come to bee made equall for the creacion of the great Magistrat: And afterwards falling downe it stroke so violently a great stone which laye at the foote of the stayres and bare vp the burden of the building, that beeing remoued from his place without any other hurt, it seemed that the handes of men had taken him out with a wonderfull know­ledge in Archytecture.

About these tymes, or a litle before, the Genovvais beating vpon the castell of Ge­nes The castell of Genes taken by the Geno­waies. with thartilleries which the Pope had lent them, the castell keeper beeing cor­rupted with a bribe of ten thowsand duckatts, deliuered it vppe to the townes men: This treason of the keeper moued partely by feare, for that an armie by sea which was sent out of Prouence for the defence of the towne, hauing not courage to take land, were retyred, by whose cowardisse he had no hope to bee succoured: But the lanterne held out for the king, wherein the same day certeine french vessels had con­ueyed vittells and other necessary prouisions.

Assoone as the matters of Florence were dispatched and the money receiued, The Viceroy remoued his armie to march to Bressia: About which citie the Venetians, ha­uing now appaised the wills of the Svvyzzers, were encamped and laye affore the gate of S. Iohn, battering at one tyme both the towne and the castell with artilleries planted vpon the mountaine opposit: They had a certeine light hope to be let in at the pile gate by meane of an intelligence which neuerthelesse proued vaine for that it was disclosed: But when the Spanish armie ariued at the borow of Gairo which is neare to Bressia, Monsr d'Aubigny gouernor of the french that were within, had a mind to giue vp the towne together with the castell to the Viceroy with composici­on that all the soldiours that were within should yssue out their goods and liues sa­ued, Bressia ren­dred by the french to the Viceroy. but their enseignes folded and the pointes of their weapons downeward, and leauing behind them their artillerie: wherein it seemed Monsr d'Aubigny respected more the Viceroy then the Venetians by a commaundement which he had receiued affore from his king, to deliuer it to the Spanyards or to Caesar, not that he hated more the Venetians, but rather to enterteine matter of contencion with Caesar and with the king of Aragon: The french men that kept Leguague followed the same councell af­fore the Spanyards passed into Lombardie: for, litle esteeming of the many offers of the Venetians, they surrendred it vp to the Bishop of Gurcy, as also did Pesquiero at the same tyme that the Viceroy entred Bressia, the possession whereof the same Bishoppe desired to haue, but it pleased the Viceroy to reteyne it for the league, in whose name he had receiued it: it hapned otherwayes to the towne of Crema, about the which [Page 620] lay incamped Ranze de Cere with a part of the Venetian soldiours: for, by that tyme the army of the foure thousand Svvyzzers which Octauian Sforce Bishop of Lode & gouernor of Myllan sent to conquer it in the name of thexspected Duke Maxymyli­an Sforce, were come neare the walls, Benedict Cribario what by corrupcion of mo­ney, and an ambicious desire to be created a gentleman of Venice, gaue it vp to the Crema ren­dred to the Venetians. Venetians: in which action was concurrant the consent of Monsr Duraz that kept the castel, who reaposed no confidence for his sauetie in the faith of the Svvyzzers.

Immediatly vpon these expedicions the Bishop of Gurcy went to Rome, whome The Bishop of Gurcy at Rome. the Pope desiring earnestly to reconcile to him, gaue order to receiue him through all the dominions of the Church with all sortes of honors: And not sparing to en­force his nature to aduaunce his desire, he defrayed his exspenses by the wayes, to­gether with all such as followed him, to whom were made many great feastes and li­beralities: euery towne which he entred honored him with showes and offices not accustomed, both for their varietie which was straunge, and for their state and ma­iestie most rich and sumptuous: The wayes which he passed were full of personages appoynted to meete him, and in many seuerall places he was visited by sundry new Embassadors of Prelats & personages of honor of the Popes sending: yea he would that the Colleage of Cardinalls should haue gonne to the gates of Rome to receiue him, but the whole Colleage refusing, as a matter for the newnes, hurtfull in exam­ple, and for thindignitie, most preiudiciall to their reputacion, They appoynted on­ly the Cardinalls Agiuense and Strigonia to goe out of the gates halfe a mile into the medowes, to receiue him in the name of the Pope, who with great respect and ce­remonie led him to the Churche of S. Maria de Popolo, he beeing in the middest be­tweene them as Liefetenant to Caesar: There the two Cardinalls left him, and from thence being honorably accompanied besides the generall multitudes that follow­ed, he went to the Pope, who sitting in solemne habit vnder his estate pontificall ex­spected his comming in the publike Consistorie, where not many dayes before he had in great honor receiued the twelue Embassadors of the Svvyzzers whome all the Cantons had sent to him, both to giue him publike obedience, and to make of­fer of their nation to be perpetuall defendors of the state of the Church, and withall to thanke him, that with so great honor he had giuen them the sworde, the hat, the helmet and the banner, together with the title to be the defendors of thEcclesiastike libertie: When the Cardinall was ariued and had performed his presence to the Pope, they began to debate of the establishment of the common affayres, whereof the foundacion rested in this, to remoue all quarrells and contencions particular, to thende that the regions of Italy reunited and confirmed, might with one ioynt re­solucion and councell, be able to make a full resistance to the french king: The har­dest matter in this action was the composicion so many tymes practised betweene Caesar and the Venetians: for, the Bishop of Gurcy could haue bene contented that Padoa, Treuisa, Bressia, Bergama, and Crema should remeyne to the Venetians, so farre forth as they would render to Caesar Vincensa, renownce their claimes and rightes they pretended to the townes that Caesar held, and pay to him presently two hundred thowsand florins of Rhein, and thirty thowsand yearely for euer in forme of tribute: It troubled the Venetians to acknowledge them selues tributaries for those townes which they had possessed for many yeares as proper owners: And no lesse were they greeued to giue money, notwithstanding the Pope offered to lend them part of the summe: But the thing that troubled them most, was the restoring of Vincensa, In which action they alleaged they should seperat the body of their estate, and stande [Page 621] depriued of the commoditie to passe from the head and principall partes, to the o­ther members, by which priuacion the possession of Bressia, Bergama, & Crema would stand ill assured: Besides, to refuse the restitucion vnder more honest coollers, they sayd, they had giuen their faith to the Vincentyns the last tyme they put them selues into their handes, neuer to seperat them from them: Other condicions were deba­ted betweene the Pope and the king of Aragons Embassadors, proponed more for reuenge and recompense of the complaints of others, then that there was hope to obteyne them: for, the Pope demaunded that that king according to the contents of the confederacion, should ayde him to conquer Ferrara: he required him to leaue of the protection of Fabricio and Mar. 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Colonno, against whom he had begon to proceede with spirituall armes, for that they had forced the gate of Latran, and re­ceiued the Duke of Ferrara (rebelled against him) into those townes whose iurisdi­ction apperteined directly to the Church: he required him to renownce the prote­ctions he had made in Tuskane of the Florentyns, of the Sienoys, of the Lucquois, and of Plombyn, matters done to the diminucion of the rightes of thEmpire, and generally suspected of all Italy, but particularly of the Church: for that as it was not profitable to the other Potentats that he should haue so many alyances in Italy, so it was most daungerous for the church, that a prouince belōging to the dominion of the same, should depend vpon his authoritie: To these the spanish Embassadors replied, that they refused not to ayde him against Ferrara, so farreforth as according to the bonds of the same confederacion, he made payment of the money due to tharmie both for that was past, and to make new prouision for hereafter: That it was an action ney­ther of praise nor merit to procede against Fabricio & Mar. 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Colonno, by whom, if they were pursued, what by reason of their great friends and dependances, and for that they were Capteines of authoritie, would bee renewed matter of a new warre: That the king Catholike could not leaue them abandoned, without speciall preiu­dice to his proper honor, neither did their seueral seruices in the ioynt warres of the Pope and him against the french king, deserue that propertie of recompense: Tou­ching the complaint he made of the protections of Tuskane, they thought it procee­ded not of any good or iust zeale, but to thend that Syenna, Lucqua, & Plombyn, should remeyne a pray to his couetousnes, condiscending notwithstanding to referre them selues in those actions, to the arbytrement of Caesar: All the confederats agreed with full consent that Maxymylian Sforce should enter vppon the Duchie of Myllan, but Caesar consented not to inuest him, nor to indue him with the name of Duke or any title iudiciall: But eftsoones did renewe the complaintes of the Bishop of Gurcy and the Spanyards touching thoccupacion of Parma and Plaisance: they brought great preiudice of the rightes of thEmpire, too much encrease of greatnes to the Popes, and an apparant weakening to the Duchie of Myllan, which had neede to be made more stronge and able, for that it lay alwayes open and subiect to the first inuasions of the french: That in the capitulacions of the league, the Pope had made mention of no other thinges then of Bolognia and Ferrara: That nowe he vsurped that which of long tyme since, had not bene possessed by the Church of Rome, yea there was no certeine knowledge that euer she could claime interest, not in the tymes most aun­cient: That this vsurpacion was vnder shadow of rightes and interests, whereof ap­peared no authentike memorie, he seeming to make the donations of Emperours none other thing then a simple writing which might be forged or feyned according to fancie: And yet the Pope, taking the occasion of the tumultes of Lombardye, did reason to him selfe, as in a matter manifest and notorious: These disputacions could [Page 622] not be resolued easily: But the matter that troubled most the yssue of thinges, was the controuersie betweene Caesar and the Venetians, by reason whereof the Pope did what he could, sometimes prouoking them, sometimes praying them, & sometimes threatning them, and all for a desire he still nourished to preserue the Venetians, both for the common benefit of Italy, and also for that he hoped, vnder the oportunitie of their succours, to be able to cary Ferrara without the forces of the Spanyards: In this action the Aragon Embassadors labored with great importunitie fearing, least to a common daunger, there were not cause added to the Venetians to turne their dispo­sicions to the french and be eftsoones reunited to that nation: But they were driuen to proceede aduisedly and with temperance, both not to prouoke Caesar to make ali­ance with the frenche men, from whome their kinge had seperat him with so great paine, and also for other reasons necessarily mouing him not to breake amitie with him: Lastly the Svvyzzer Embassadors omitted no trauell in this action, for that being bownd to defend the Venetians, who also in that regarde were bownd to paye them euery yeare xxv. thowsande duckatts, they wished not to be brought to this necessitie, eyther not to obserue their promise, or to be driuen to make head against Caesar if he offered to vexe them: At last, neyther the Bishop of Gurcy, beeing not to be drawne from the demaund he made that the Venetians should render Vincensa to Caesar, nor the Venetians disposed to giue it vppe, who stoode also yet disagreed tou­ching the quantitie of money: The Pope, who aboue all thinges desired, the rather to reuerse the name and authoritie of the councell of Pysa, that Caesar might ap­proue the councell of Latran, protested to their Embassadors, that he shoulde bee constrayned to persecute that common weale with armes spirituall and temporall: which protestacion because it moued them not, he onely was brought to confede­rat with Caesar, the spanish Embassador refusing to deale in the action, eyther for that he had no commission from his king, or els for that that king sought still to nourish the Venetians with some hope, notwithstanding he was resolued in minde to ayde Caesar: It was expressed vppon the pro [...]me of the confederacion which a litle after was solemnly published in the Church of S. Maria de Popolo: That for that the Ve­netians had obstinatly refused the peace, and the Pope by the necessitie of the Chri­stian common weale, had protested to abandon them: Caesar did nowe enter and ac­cept the league made in the yeare a thowsand fiue hundred and eleuen, betweene the Pope, the king of Aragon, and the Venetians, according as the libertie and respit was reserued for him: That he promised to cleaue to the councell of Latran, disa­vowing and reuoking all commissions, procuracions, and actes done in the fauor of the councell of Pysa: he bownd him selfe not to ayde any one of the subiects or en­nemies of the Church, but chiefly Alfonso d'Este and the Bentyuoleis occupyers of Ferrara and Bolognia: And lastly he promised to call home all the bandes of Almain footemen that were in the payes of Alfonso, together with Federyk de Bossolo that held on him: On the other side the Pope promised to ayde Caesar against the Veneti­ans with armes both spirituall and temporall, vntill he had recouered all that was conteyned in the league of Cambray: it was declared that the Venetians were altoge­ther excluded out of the league and truce made with Caesar, for that in many sortes they had impugned both the one and the other: That they were ennemies to the Pope, to Caesar and to the king Catholike, to whom they reserued place and tyme to enter the confederacion, and vnder certeine condicions: That the Pope could make no couenant with them without the consent of Caesar, or till Caesar had recouered that which apperteined to him, as was sayd affore: That neyther the Pope nor Cae­sar, [Page 623] without reciprocall priuitie and consent, could contract or couenant with any Prince Christian: That during the warre against the Venetians, the Pope should doe no displeasure to Fabricio and Mark. 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Colonno, beeing notwithstanding left at li­bertie to proceede against Pompey and Iulio and others that had bene declared re­bells: That notwithstanding he was suffered to possesse Parma, Reggia and Plaisance, yet by this capitulacion it was not ment to preiudice the rights of thempire: When this confederacion was published, the Bishoppe of Gurcy in the next session of the councell of Latran, approued the councell in the name of Caesar, and as his Liefete­nant generall in Italy: And cancelling all former commissions, actes, and procurati­ons, he testified in the presence of the whole councell, that Caesar neuer consented to the conuocacion of Pysa, disauowing all such as had vsed his name: Assoone as he had thus ratified the councell of Latran, he departed from Rome to be present when Maxymylian Sforce (being now come by commission of Caesar to Verona,) should take possession of the Duchie of Myllan: the Cardinall of Syon disposed him selfe very hardly to exspect and attend his comming, and also the Embassadors of the whole nation of Svvyzzers that were at Myllan, for that they would that in the demonstra­cions and solemnitie of thactions that was to be vsed, it might appeare that the Svvyzzers were the men that had chassed the french men out of that state, and by their vallour and courage Maxymylian receiued it: They would that the veritie and effect of that conquest might be transferred to them by such publike ceremonies as were to be vsed in the enstalling of him, whom their vertue onely made Lord of the Duchie: But such was the working of the Viceroy, that, more by practise then by his authoritie he obteyned so much that they taried for the comming of the Bishop of Gurcy: who, after he had ratified at Florence in the name of Caesar, the confederacion made in Prato, and receiued certeine summes of money of the Lucquoys whome he tooke into protection, came at last to Cremona, where Max. Sforce and the Viceroy at­tended him: from thence they went al together to Myllan to make their entrie at the day appoynted, into that citie with solemnities and honors accustomed to newe Princes: In which action albeit it was long disputed betweene the Cardinall of Sy­on Maxymylian Sforce resto­red to Myllan and the Viceroy which of them should giue him the keyes at the entry of the gate in signe of possession, yet, in the ende the Viceroy giuing place, the Cardinall put in­to his handes the keyes of the towne in the vniuersall name of the Svvyzzers, And that day, being one of the last dayes of December, he did all thinges both in showe and act, that were necessary to make knowen that Maxymylian Sforce receiued the possession of them: he was receiued with an incredible gladnes of all the people, both for the desire they had to haue a Prince proper and perticular, and also they hoped he would resemble his grandfather or his father, of whome the memorie of one remeyned very fresh in the mindes of the people of that state, and touching the other, the despites they had receiued by the gouernment of straungers, had turned their hatred, into good will: The working of tyme, with thexperience of the yoke of straungers had made in that people a wonderfull conuersion, and nature in those a­ctions works not a litle, bringing that people to reioyce at the returne of him, whose father they abhorred with a iust and vniuersall hatred: But these gratulacions and ioyes were yet vnperfect vntill the castell of Nouarro were recouered: A matter not long deferred, for that they within, yeelded it vp, their fortune being farre inferior to their faith.

The confederacion made at Rome, had not altogether broken the hopes of agree­ment betweene Caesar and the Venetians, for that the Pope had vppon the suddeine [Page 624] sent to Venice Iacques Staffilio his Nuncio, with whom went accompanied three Em­bassadors of the Svvyzzers to perswade them to accord: And on the other side, the Senat, the better to enterteine the goodwil of the Pope, and not to giue cause to Cae­sar to inuade them with armes, had sent to their Embassadors a newe direction to cleaue to the councell of Latran: They had commaunded also the men of warre, as­soone as the confederacion was made, to retyre vpon the territories of Padoa: And for that cause the Viceroy not willing to trouble the hopes of the peace, had turned his armie towards Myllan: But all these thinges serued to no purpose, for that the same difficulties did yet continue touching the restitucion of Vincensa and the pay­ments of money which Caesar demaunded: That was the cause that the Pope assay­led not the Duke of Ferrara, whom (agreement going betweene Caesar and the Vene­tians) he supposed he should be able to vanquish with the aydes of the Venetians, to­gether with the brute that the Spanyards were to come on if neede should be: other­wayes he had resolued to deferre that expedicion till the springe tyme, for that he accounted it a matter of hard action to take in a season of winter, the towne of Fer­rara, the situacion being strong in respect of the riuer, and greatly fortefied besides, by the continuall industrie of Alfonso.

It may happly seeme to some, if I intangle my historie with thaccidents of Fraunce in that yeare, that I wander or chaunge my course, which is not to speake of matters hapning out of the bondes of Italy: But because the affayres of that nation haue some affinitie and relacion with the busines of these partes, And that to the successe of the one, the councells and yssues of the other were oftentymes conioyned, I am constrayned not to passe them altogether vnder forgetfulnes and silence.

About the beginning of Maye, an armie of six thowsand English footemen, sailed ThEnglish men as Fon­tarabye a­gainst the french king. in vessells of England and Spayne, to Fontarabye, A frontyer towne belonging to the crowne of Spayne vpon the coast of Fraunce, and standing vpon the Occean sea: The seruice and purpose of this armie, according to the couenants made betweene the father in law and sonne in law, was, together with the forces of Spaine, to set vpon the Duchie of Guyen, which is a part of the prouince of Aquitaine according to the aun­cient names and diuisions of the same: Against this warre, the french king not yet assured on the coast of Picardy, prepared a new pencionary band of eight hundred launces which he had erected, & waged many bands of footemen of the lower parts of Germany not subiected to thEmprour: And knowing of what importance for the defence of the Duchie of Guyen, was the Realme of Nauarre which was both appro­priat and dowrie to Katherin de Foix, and possessed ioyntly with Iohn the sonne of Albert who was her husband: he called to the Court the father of the sayd Iohn, and carefully considered how he might make him his friende and consociat: Wherein serued to good purpose, the death of Gaston de Foix, by the instigacion of whome pretending the same kingdom not to fall vpon the femall, and by consequent to ap­perteine to him as to the next heire male of the house of Foix, the french king had pursued the sayd Iohn. On the other side the king Catholike, who had sette his eyes vppon that Realme, required the king of Nauarre to stande Newter betweene the french king and him: And to suffer to passe thorow his Realme, his souldiours that were to enter Fraunce: And for the assurance of these things, he would put into his handes certeine places of strength vnder promise to render them assoone as the warre should ende: It hath bene a perpetuall desire in the auncient kings of Spaine to impatronise them selues vpon the Realme of Nauarre, In which respect the king of Nauarre, being also not ignorant whither those demaundes tended, chused rather [Page 625] to offer him selfe to a perill that was vncerteine, then to accept a losse certeine, ho­ping he should not faile of the succors promised by the french king, for whose af­fayres it came well to passe that the warre begon in the Realme of Nauarre: And at the same tyme, eyther to giue more leasure to such as were appoynted to come to his succours, or to deliuer him selfe if he could from those demaundes, he treated with the king of Aragon, who according to his custom proceeded in those confe­rences with great cunning: But the industrie and warines of the king of Aragon hurt not more the king of Nauarre, then the negligence of the french king, who taking courage by the slownes of thEnglish armie that for many dayes since they were arriued at Fontarabye, had done nothing, And trusting withall, that the king of Nauarre was able with his owne forces to defende him selfe for a tyme, deferred very long to send him succours: By the commoditie of which delayes, the king of Aragon, who had cunningly nourished and enterteyned the hopes of the king of Nauarre, conuerted thether with great expedicion the bandes which he had prepa­red to ioyne with thEnglish: So that the king of Nauarre both vnprepared of him The king of Aragon ta­keth the Realme of Nauarre. selfe, and by his priuacion of hope, dispayring to be able to make resistance, gaue place to his fortune and fled into Bearu beyond the Pyreney hils: By which accident, the Realme of Nauarre was left abandoned, except certeine stronge places which yet held out for the king who in his feare was fled, And so without any exspenses or difficultie, and more for feare and reputacion of thEnglish that were at hand, then by his owne forces that were farre of, the king of Aragon made him selfe Lorde of that kingdom: And because he could not affirme that he possessed it lawefully with any other title, he alleaged that he was rightfully and iudicially impatronised of it by thauthoritie of the sea Apostolike: for, the Pope not satisfied for the happy successe of Italy, had a litle before published a Bull against the french king, wherein, naming him no more Christianissimo but illustrissimo, he subiected aswell his person as whosoeuer were his adherents, to all the paynes of heretykes and schismatykes, giuing sufferance to euery one to occupy their substances, estates, and all that ap­perteyned vnto them: And in the same seueritie and rigour, ioyned to an indigna­cion that the Cardinalls and other Prelats who were fled to Myllan, had bene recei­ued into the towne of Lyon, he commaunded vnder greeuous penalties and taxaci­ons, that the fayre or mart accustomed to be kept at Lyon foure tymes euery yeare, the traffike of Marchantes beeing no lesse plentifull, then the resort of straungers infinit, shoulde bee hereafter transferred to the citie of Geneua, from whence king Lovvys the eleuenth had taken it for the benefitte of his kingdome: And lastly he had brought the whole Realme of Fraunce vnder thinterdiction Ecclesiasticall: In his malice he omitted nothing that might apperteyne to seueritie or rigour: But af­ter the king of Aragon had conquered the kingdom of Nauarre, which albeit is but of litle circuit and of lesse reuenue, yet for the situacion, it is very conuenient for the kingdom of Spayne, and greatly auaileable to the sewertie of it: he determined in him selfe to passe no further, esteeming it no lesse against his profit then inconuenient for his sauetie, to make warre against the french king beyond the Mountes: In this respect, as also euen from the beginning that thEnglishmen arriued, he had beene dilatorie in bringing forth his forces, rather temporising with euasions and deuises, then aduauncing according to the true meaning of his promisse: And after the conquest of Nauarre, as the English solicited him to ioyne his forces with them to thende to marche together and incampe affore Bayon, A citie neare to Fontarabye and almoste standing vppon the Occean sea: so he protracted thexpedicion they [Page 626] required, and proponed other enterprises in places remoued from the sea, alleaging that Bayonne was so manned and fortefied that there was no hope or possibilitie to cary it: These reasons were aunswered and auoided by thenglishmen, who, without the towne of Bayonne, esteemed nothing of all the other conquest of the Duchie of Guyhenno: And therefore after thenglish armie had vainely spent much time to vrge the king, that was altogether vnwilling, they contemned his suttleties and delayes, & embarked to returne into England without commission or licēce of their Prince: By the retyring of which armie the french king remeyned assured on that side, And fearing no more thinuasions of thEnglish by sea, for that at last he was become so stronge by sea, that he commaunded all that part of the Occean from the coastes of Spayne to the shoares of England: he determined to make tryall if he could recon­quer the Realme of Nauarre: To which expedicion he was encouraged besides the departing of thEnglish fleete, for that by reason of his aduersities in Italy, all his bandes of souldiours that remeyned, were returned into Fraunce: At the tyme that the king of Aragon gaue hope to thEnglishmen to enter into the warre, the better to bring vnder him the whole iurisdiction of the Realme of Nauarre, he had sent cer­teine regiments of men to S. Ioh. Pie de Porto, which is the last place of that kingdom standing at the foote of the Pireney hills on that side towards Fraunce: And after­wards as the french forces began to encrease thereabouts, he had sent thether with the maine armie, Federyk Duke of Alba, capteine general of the warre: But the french armie at laste beeing become farre more mightye, by the presence of the Daulphin, Charles Duke of Burbon, and Monsr Longeville, the very flowers of the Realme of Fraunce: The Duke of Alba lying encamped in a stronge place betweene the plaine and the Mountaine, held it an action very necessary to that seruice, to let the french men for entring into the Realme of Nauarre: The french men not able to force him out of that place for the strength of his situacion, determined that the king of Na­uarre with seuen thowsand footemen of his contrey, and Monsr Palissa with his companie of three hundred launces remouing from Sauueterra neare to S. Ioh. Pie de Porto, where the whole armie lay, should passe the Pireney hils by the way of the vale of willowes: And drawing neare to Pampelune the Capitall towne of the kingdom, their deuise was to occupy the way of the willowes, by the which were brought to the spanish armie, vittells whereof the sterrilitie of the contrey had made them suf­fer great want: In Pampeluna, the peoples taking corage by the nearenes of the french men, beganne already to draw to mutinie, not otherwaies rebelling then to releeue their king, for whose restoring they thought it good deuocion to aduenture their liues: This was theffect of this deuise, After the king of Nauarre and Monsr Palissa had wonne the way that is vppon the toppe of the Pireney hills, they tooke by assalt the towne that standes at the foote of the hills, wherein was Baldes Capteine of the garde to the king of Aragon with many bandes of footemen: And if to wynne the way of the willowes they had vsed the celeritie that the consideracion of the ser­uice required, famine onely had beene sufficient to vanquishe the spanishe armye enuyroned on all sides with ennemies, with ill wayes, with ill fortune, and with wantes: But the diligence of the Duke of Alba preuented thennemye and preser­ued him selfe, for that leauing in S. Ioh. Pie de Porto a thowsande footemen with all thartillerie, he passed to Pampelune by the waye of the willowes affore they came thether. So that the King of Nauarre and Palissa beeing disapoynted of that hope, to whom also the Daulphin had sent a newe strength of foure hundred launces and seuen thowsande launceknightes, made their approches to Pampeluna with foure [Page 627] peeces of artillerie which they had drawne with great difficultie by reason of the steepenes of the mountaines: They gaue the assalt, but with a fortune farre inferior to their forwardnes, for that being not able to cary by their vallour, that they were denied by the present season (being then December,) and by the want of vittells (be­ing falne into a contrey barreine) they repassed the Mountes Pireney, vpon the which they were constrayned to leaue thartillerie, both for the difficultie of the passages, and for thimpediments of the paisants of those hills: And at the same tyme Monsr de Lavvtrech who was entred Biskay with three hundred launces and three thow­sand footemen, making waste and pillage of the whole contrey, after he had in vaine assalted the towne of Saint Sebastian, he repassed the mountes and returned to the ar­mie, which now brake vp, both hope and feare ceassing on all partes, and the whole Realme of Nauarre remeyning free and peasible to the king of Aragon. About this time, there was a detection of a conspiracie, that Ferdinand sonne to the late Fede­ryk king of Naples who called him selfe Duke of Calabria, had secretly conspired with the french king and to steale to the french armie not farre from the towne of Logro­gnia, where at that time was the king of Aragon: who sent him to the castell of Scia­tyua whither the kings of Aragon are wont to send prisoners, personages of name & merit either for their nobilitie or for their vertue: for this conspiracie was quarte­red Philip Coppolo a Neapolytane, who was the secret Messenger to the french king in these actions: Such is the alteracion of the state of worldly thinges, that he was ex­ecuted in the seruice of him whose grandfather by the father side had cutte of the heade of Counte de Sarny, his father: The detection of this conspyracie was of some consequence for thaffayres of Italy: for, as it had his beginning of a certeyne gray Freare which the Duke of Ferrara had secretly sent to Ferdinand, so, the Kinge Catholike, hauing already an inclinacion to satisfie the Popes will, tooke this mat­ter so to harte, that he commaunded the Viceroy and his Embassadors resident with the Pope, to conuert when they thought good, his armye agaynst Ferrara, seeking to exacte no further taxacions of money, then suche as shoulde bee ne­cessary to enterteyne them: These were the accidents of that yeare both in Italye, in Fraunce, and in Spayne, their yssues beeing diuerse, as their causes were seue­rall.

Nowe followeth the yeare a thowsand fiue hundred and thirteene, no lesse full of occurrants straunge & sundry, then the other: In the beginning of this yeare, armes ceassed on all partes, for that neither the Venetians molested others, nor any other moued against them: onely the Viceroy marched with three thowsand footemen to incampe affore the rocke of Tressa, which immediatly was giuen vnto him vnder condicion that the bodies that were within, should departe with goods and life sa­ued. But euery one vniuersally was troubled with the consideracion of thinges to come: They sawe that the french king deliuered from forreine armes, and eftsoones reincouraged both for the great leauy of launceknightes he had made, and for then­crease of his numbers of men at armes, had nothing in so great desire as to recouer the Duchy of Myllan: Which disposicion albeit was very violent in him, and no lesse desire to hasten the warre whilest the castells of Myllan & Cremona were yet kept by his soldiours: yet looking into the great impediments offered by thopposing of so many ennemyes, and beeing not yet assured that the king of England woulde not make stronge warre against him the next sommer: he determined to enter into no action onlesse he seperated some one of the confederats from the common al­lyance, or else to wynne to him the amitie of the Venetians: of these thinges, the [Page 628] yeare past gaue him many hopes, that some one of them might happly succeede to him: for, at that tyme that the Bishop of Gurcy went from Rome to Myllan, he heard graciously by the way one of the familiar friendes of the Cardinall S. Seuerin sent to him from the french Queene, and afterwardes he had sent into Fraunce one of his men to make these ouertures: that the king should be bownd to ayde Caesar against the Venetians: That the mariage should goe forward betweene the second Daugh­ter of the king, and Charles Nephewe to Caesar: That to the Daughter should be gi­uen in dowrie the Duchie of Myllan: That the king besides, should giue vppe to his Daughter and his future sonne in law, the rights he pretended to the Realme of Na­ples: And because simple wordes and promisses should not stand to Caesar as a sewer­tie, he required that the Daughter might be immediatly put into his handes: And that when the king should haue recouered the Duchie of Myllan, Cremona and Guia­radada shoulde bee to Caesar: The king hoped likewise that he might easily ioyne to him the Venetians, who were not a litle angrie at that time that the Viceroy occupied Bressia, but much more for the matters which afterwards were accorded at Rome be­tweene Caesar and the Pope: Therefore from that time, the king had caused to come secretly to his Court, Andrevv Gritty, who being taken within Bressia, remeyned as yet prisoner in Fraunce: he wrought so also that Ioh. Ia. Tryuulce, in whom the Vene­tians reaposed much, did send to Venice one of his Secretories vnder shadowe of o­ther affayres: There offered him withall a certeine hope to be able to compownd with the king of Aragon, who, according to his custom often times to debate in his affaires by the negociacion of men religious, had sent secretly into Fraunce two gray Frears, to thende that expressing howe they were touched with a conscience and zeale to the common benefitte, they might beginne to negociat with the Queene in some pointes either concerning the peace vniuersall, or particular betwene the two kings: Wherein neuerthelesse there was no great hope, the king knowing well e­nough that he would still reteyne the Realme of Nauarre, and to him it was a matter of no lesse indignitie to leaue abandoned that king, who to reenter into his amitie & vnder hope of his succours, was falne into that calamitie: But nothing troubled so much the mind of the frēch king as the desire he had to be reconciled to the Svvyz­zers: he knewe that vppon their amitie depended his assured victorie, both for the great authoritie that that nation had then got, and their armes no lesse feared, and for that they seemed to be nowe drawne into a forme of gouernment not as souldi­ours marcenary, nor men sauage, but with a wonderfull warines and vigilancie, as men trayned vp in a common weale well instituted, and nourished in thadministra­cion of estates and managing of affayres, without suffering any stirre or leauyes to be made but by good councell and discression: By this conformitie of theirs, there was in Svvyzzerlande a resort and presence of Embassadors from all Princes in Christendom: The Pope with almost all Potentats, payed them yearly pensions, to bee receyued into their confederacion, and to haue sufferance to leauye for their proper defence in times of necessitie, soldiours of that nation: The remembrance of these thinges made them so proude, that weighing withall how king Charles the eyght by their armes had first altered the quiet estate of Italy, and after king Lovvys his successor by their vallour had conquered the Duchie of Myllan, recouered Ge­nes, and ouerthrowne the Venetians, they vsed towards all men an imperious and ‘insolent behauiour: Amongest the harmes that prosperitie bringeth, this is not the leaste, that it rayseth men into opinion and weening, and lifteth vppe their thoughtes thorow vaine and light affections like as birdes vse to doe, whose natural [Page 629] lightnes conuey them to the starres: They considered not that the state of humane felicitie is subiect to emulacion, & nothing of more difficultie to worldly men then to beare well the height & greatnes of fortune: And yet, the french king, notwith­standing the perswasions of many particulars of that nation,’ together with his own opinion that they would stirre & draw into armes for the great offers of money that were made them, was not without hope to winne them: his reason was, that albeit such as gouerned Myllan hauing agreed with thEmbassadors of the Svvyzzers in the name of Maxymylian Sforce that he should giue them an hundred and 50. thow­sand duckats so soone as he had receiued the possession of Myllan & the castells, and pensiō of xl. thowsand duckats euery yeare for xxv. yeares, taking him into their pro­tection with couenant to deliuer into his pay, bands of their footemen: yet the can­tons would neuer ratifie those couenants: In which hope, in the beginning of the yeare present, notwithstanding affore he had in vaine proued to haue his Embassa­dors heard which he ment to send to solicit in those affayres, yet to purchasse audi­ence in their parliaments, he cōsented to giue vp to them frankly & freely the castels of the vale of Lugan & Lugarna: with so great indignitie great Princes sought at that time the amitie of that nation: In the end Monsr Trymouille with cōmission from the king came to Lucerna, a place appoynted to heare him in publike assembly, And al­beit he was receiued with good show & countenance, yet he saw he should do litle good touching the action of the Duchie of Myllan: for that not many dayes before, 6. Cantons had ratified & subsigned the capitulacions made with Maxymylian Sfor­ce, three had determined to confirme them, and touching the other three, they were not yet resolued: by reason of which doubts, thEmbassador speaking no further of Myllan nor thaffayres thereof, demaunded that at least they would ayde the king to recouer Genes & Ast, matters not comprehended in the capitulaciō made with Ma­xymylian Sforce: And the better to aduaunce that demaunde, Tryuulce made request that he might be at the parliament vnder cooller to treate vppon affaires particular, wherin saffe conduit was graunted to him, but with this cōdicion that he should not solicit in any matter apperteining to the french king: And being come to Lucerna, he was enioyned not to haue conference with Trymouille neither in publike nor in pri­uat: At last by an vniuersall consent, the capitulacions made with the Duke of Myl­lan were ratified by all the Cantons, & all the demaundes of the french king demed, with this addicion, that they would not suffer any leauies of footemen of that nati­on to serue him either in Italy or out of Italy: A matter which made the king desperat of all fauor, hope, or amitie with that people, & therefore being excluded quite out where he thought to finde some entrance, he saw by consideracions of his affayres, that it was necessary for him to be reconciled either to Caesar or the Venetians, who for their partes solicited at the same time with Caesar, for that the suspicion of their reconciliacion ceassing in the mindes of the confederats, the Bishop of Gurcy con­sented that they should reteyne still Vincensa: But the same reasons encouraging the Senat which gaue feare to thennemies: they stoode vppon this to make no more peace, if Verona were not rendred to them, giuing Caesar a recōpense of a great quan­titie of money: This demaund seemed to conteyne difficultie, which made the Ve­netians to incline so much the more to the french amitie, & in that disposicion con­tracted with the Secretorie of Tryuulce to be confederat with the king according to the capitulacions made betwene them affore, by the which Cremona & Guiaraddada should remeine to thē: But the Secretory set downe expresse mētion in the capitula­ciō, that that agreemēt should stand as void & of none effect, if within a certein time [Page 630] it were not approued by the king: In whose councell the disputacions were greate, which was most to be desired, eyther a reconciliacion with Caesar, or a confederaci­on with the Venetians: Robert Est a Secretorie of great authoritie, Tryuulce, & almost all the chiefest of the councel proued the necessitie of confederacion with the Vene­tians: They alleaged that which the present experience made them to know of thin­constancy of Caesar bringing no small domage to the kings affaires: They ript vp the hatred he bare to the king, together with his disposicion to reuenge: They related what they had heard of personages worthy of opinion & credit, who reaported how oftē they had heard him say in that time that he kept precisely in mind the remem­brance of xvij iniuries receiued by the french, and that when soeuer the oportunitie serued him to be reuenged of all, he would not lose thoccasion nor forget the desire: They alleaged that these solicitacions were practised by him for none other effect, then by the meane of reconciliacion full of fraude and ill meaning, to haue a grea­ter way to doe harme, or at least to breake of that which he knew was practised with the Venetians, or else in his spyte, to detract the preparacions of the warre: Lastly they gaue this as a warning and lesson, that that man was neither to be excused, nor esteemed worthy of compassion, who beeing once beguiled by an other, returneth eftsoones to reappose confidence in him: An enemie reconciled, charitie leades vs to loue him, but wisedome willeth vs not to trust him, and to a friend once dispro­ued, there can be no greater daunger, then eftsoones to reenter into confidence with him: The Cardinall of S. Seuerin was of an other opinion, who, (as his aduersaries sayd crossing Tryuulce more through enuie then for other occasion for that with his brethren he had alwaies defended the Gebelin faction in Myllan,) replied in the con­trary that nothing could be more profitable to the king and his seruices, then in ioy­ning with Caesar, to breake the vnion of thennemies, specially the confederacion be­ing made by such meane as they might hope it would last: That it was the proper­tie of Princes in their councells and deliberacions to preferre alwayes profitte af­fore good will, affore hatred, and affore other affections: And what greater benefit could be done to Caesar, then to ayde him presently against the Venetians, with hope that his Nephew should come to succeede in the Duchie of Myllan: That Caesar be­ing seperat from the others, the king Catholike would not obiect against his autho­ritie, as well for thinterests of his Nephew, as for other regards: Moreouer that as nothing could more amaze the Pope then this confederacion, so, of the contrary to confederat with the Venetians, was full of indignitie, since there must be accorded to them Cremona & Guiaradada, members so conuenient to the Duchie of Myllan, that to recouer them, the king had stirred vppe all the worlde: And yet if the vnion of the others were not broken and deuided, the confederacion with the Venetians would not suffice to obteyne the victorie: At last this opinion caried the king, the rather for thauthoritie of the Queene, who desired greatly thaduauncement of her Daughter: onely her desire was accompanied with this condicion, so farre forth as it might bee obteyned, that till the consummacion of the mariage the younge Damesell might remeyne with her, And she to bind her faith and promisse to keepe her in the name of Caesar as the spowse assigned for his Nephew, to whome she would redeliuer her assoone as her age and yeares made her able to the full office of mariage: But the Kinge beeing afterwardes certefied that Caesar woulde not a­gree vnder this forme of lymitacion, but rather that he foysted in those offers for the tyme and by suttletie, to detract his diligence and giue him cause to proceede more slowely in his other plottes, he brake off from this practise, and sent backe a­gaine [Page 631] for Monsr de Asperot brother to Monsr de Lautrech already gone from the Court with his commission to finde the Bishoppe of Gurce: On the other side, the feare of the vnion betweene the king and the Venetians encreasing dayly, the king of Aragon aduised Caesar to render Verona, and to transferre the warre into Burgondy, by the helpe of the money which he shoulde receiue of the Venetians, and with the Spanishe armie: Of this aduise was the Bishop of Gurcy, who hoping to be hable to moue Caesar by his presence nowe returned into Germanie, being followed not onely of Dom Peter de Vree which was come with him, but also of Iohn Baptista Spinella Count of Carriato Embassador to the sayde king of Aragon resident with the Veneti­ans. And because no newe difficulties should breake of the matters that were nowe in action, he induced first the senate to make truce with Caesar for the whole moneth of Marche: And those Embassadors gaue them their fayth that Caesar shoulde ren­der Verona, if they would promise him within certayne times two hundred and fiftie thousande duckets, and for yerely pension fiftie thousande.

In these alterations of affayres, and in these times so deuided and conspiring, the Pope fell sicke: And happly he was then more full of high conceites and trauelling thoughts then at any time before: for notwithstāding he had brought his fortune to be equall to his desires, & obteined the thing he aspired vnto, yet his deuises & plots did nothing diminish, but grewe increasing by the same meane which should haue The purposes of Pope Iulio the second & his death. satisfied them: he had determined in the beginning of the spring and first opening of the yere, to sende to thenterprise of Ferrara which he so muche desired, and his opinion was that that state was hable to make no resistance, both for that it was na­ked of all succours, & because the Spanish armie was to ioyne with his companies: He had secretly bought of Caesar for the price of xxx. thousande duckets, the Citie of Siena for the behoofe of the Duke of Vrbin, to whom (except Pesera) he woulde neuer giue any thing of thestate ecclesiastike, to thende to reserue to him selfe the whole glorie to haue simply and onely studyed for thexaltation of the Churche: he agreed to lende to Caesar fortie thousande duckettes receyuing Modona in gage: he threatned them of Lucquoy, who in the heate of thaffayres of the Duke of Ferrara, were become lordes of Garsagnana, making instance that they woulde deliuer it to him: He was out of conceite with the Cardinall of Medicis, for that he thought him to cleaue more to the king Catholike then to him: And because he knewe he was not hable to dispose of the Citie of Florence as he thought, he studied already newe plottes and newe practises to alter that estate: He was yll contented with the Car­dinall of Sion, from whom he tooke the name of Legate, and enioyned him to come to Rome, for that in the Duchie of Myllan he had appropriate to him selfe a yerely rent of more then thirtie thousande duckets of the estates and goods of diuers per­sons. The better to assure the Duke of Vrbin of Sienna by intelligences of his neigh­bours, he had of newe taken into his paye Charles Baillon, to chafe out of Perousa Iohn Paule, who by affinitie was very neare ioyned to the sonnes of [...]andolffe Petruccio successors to the greatnes of their father. He would of newe create Duke of Genes, Octauian Fregosa, deposing Ianus from that dignitie: an action wherevnto did con­sent the others of the house of Fregosa, because for the degree that his auncestors helde in that state, it seemed best to apperteine to him. He studied continually either howe he might worke out of Italie the Spanish armie, or cut it in peeces by the ayde of the Svvizzers, whom aboue all others he exalted and embraced: In this deuise he had this intention, that the kingdome of Naples beeing occupied by him, Italie should remayne free from straungers, A speeche that often passed out of his mouth, [Page 632] and to that ende he had hindred that the Svvizzers did not confederate with the king Catholike. And yet, as though it had bene in his power to batter all the world at one time, he continued his accustomed rigour agaynst the French king, and not­withstanding he had heard a message from the Queene, yet he styrred vp to make warre, the king of Englande, to whom he had transferred by publike decree of the councel of Latran, the name of Christianissimo, whereof there was already a Bul writ­ten, and in it likewise was conteyned the priuation of the dignitie and name of the king of Fraunce, giuing his kingdome to who coulde occupie it. In these concep­tions no lesse straunge for their varietie, then great for the importance they drewe, and perhaps in other thoughtes, more secret and singuler, (for in a minde so fierce and terrible, all sortes of imaginations howe great and vayne so euer they be, are not incredible) after the continuation of his sicknesse for many dayes, he declined to­wardes death: And feeling the ende of his mortalitie to hasten on, and the same to preuent thexecution of his high thoughts, he caused to cal together the consistorie, which albeit he could not assist in person by reason of his disease, yet by the autho­ritie of it, he caused to be confirmed the Bull which he had published before against suche as by symonie would climbe to the Popedome: He declared that thelection of his successor apperteined to the colledge of Cardinalls, and not to the councell: And that the Cardinals schismatikes could haue no presence or communitie there, to whom he protested there to pardon the iniuries they had done him, and prayed to God to forgiue them the wrongs they had done to his Churche. After this he besought the Colledge of Cardinalls, that in his fauor and for his sake, they woulde graunt to the Duke of Vrbin his Nephew, the Citie of Pezera in patronage or vica­rage, alleaging the consideration that by meane of the duke it had bene recouered to the Church after the death of Iohn Sforce: In no other matter he expressed no pri­uate or particular affection: In so muche as Madame Felice his daughter (ioyning with her the petitions of many others) beseeching him with great importunitie, to create Cardinall Guido de Montfalcon being her brother by the mothers side, he aun­swered roundly that he was not worthy of that degree: He made not his affections conformable to their desires: In that laste action of lyfe he showed no partialitie in worldly causes: his present debilitie coulde diminishe nothing of his auncient reso­lution, but expressed in all things the same constancie and seueritie, together with that iudgement and force of minde whiche he had before his sicknesse: In whiche firme estate & disposition of spirite, he receiued deuoutly the offices of the church, and the xxj. day of February he ended his course of these mortal and present paines: He was a prince of incredible constancie and courage, but so full of furie and vnru­led conceptions, that the reuerence that was borne to the Churche, the discorde of princes, and the condition of times, did more to staye him from his ruine, then ey­ther his moderation or his discression: Worthy no doubt of great glory, if eyther he had bene a Prince secular, or if that care and intention which he had to rayse the Churche into temporall greatnesse by the meane of warre, had bene employed to exalte it by the mediation of peace, in matters spirituall: Neuerthelesse he was la­mented aboue all his predecessors, and no lesse esteemed of those, who hauing ey­ther loste the true consideration of things, or at least ignorant howe to distinguishe and peaze them rightly, iudged it an office more duely apperteining to Popes, to in­crease the iurisdiction of the sea Apostolike by armes and blood of Christians, then by good example of life and due curing and correction of corrupt maners, to trauell for the sauing of those soules, for whom they glory so much that Iesus Christ hath [Page 633] named them his Vicars in earth.

The Viceroy of Naples who was marched with his Spanishe armie towards Plai­sanca, constrayned that Citie to returne vnder the gouernment of the Dukes of Mil­lan, on whom it depended by auncient tenure: They of Parma did the like, hauing the same feare of the Spanishe souldiours, beeing followed in all places with more terror then loue. On the other side the Duke of Ferrara, after he had in great spede recouered the townes of Romagnia, drewe neare to Reggia: but finding no stirre nor tumult within the towne, he durst not abyde there for feare of the Spanishe armie, which laye dispearsed betweene Plaisanca and Reggia. Touching thestate of the Churche, there appeared no other stirre nor mouing: and the Citie of Rome nor the Colledge of Cardinalls, felt none of those difficulties which they had felte in the death of the two laste Popes: So that the obsequies and funeralls beeing ended ac­cording to thaccustomed maner, xxiiij. Cardinalls entred peasibly into the Con­claue, hauing graunted afore that the Marquis of Mantuaes sonne whom Pope Iulio kept with him for ostage, shoulde be made free and acquited of his fayth and pro­mise, with libertie to returne to his father. The first matter that was debated in the Conclaue, was with straite articles to moderate thauthoritie of the Pope to come, which they sayde the laste Pope had vsed too immoderately: And yet, as amongest men some haue not the heart to oppose agaynst a prince and great Lorde, and some desire to enter into his grace and lyking: so within small time after, they dissolued and cancelled of themselues the articles which they had made with so great aduise, and to so good purpose: The seuenth day they choosed Pope without any discorde of consent, the Cardinal of Medicis, who tooke vpon him the name of Leo the tenth: Creation of Pope Leo the tenth. He bare but xxxvij. yeres of age, which albeit was so muche the more marueilous and wonderfull, by howmuche the election was contrarie to custome, yet the yong Cardinalls were the principall causers of it by their industrie, hauing long time af­fore secretly agreed amongest themselues to create the first Pope of their number. The moste partes and nations of Christendome reioyced muche at this election, euery one enterteining an assured exspectation of his vertues, aswell by the present and greene memorie of the vallour of his late father, as for an vniuersall reputation that went of his owne inclinations and liberalities: To this estimation also was ioy­ned a generall opinion of his continencie and life not attaynted, together with a gladsome hope that by thexample of his father, he would be a furtherer of learning, and beare fauor to wittes disposed to studie and knowledge: To these hopes was muche helping the maner of thelection, beeing made in his person sincerely, and without symonie or suspicion of other corruption. And it seemed that God began to approue and confirme his seate, for that the fourth day after his election, came into his power the Cardinalls of S. Crosse and S. Seuerin, who assone as they heard of the death of Pope Iulio, went by sea to Rome accompanied with thembassador of the French king: In their passage they stroke into the hauen of Lyuorno, where vnder­standing that the Cardinall of Medicis was chosen Pope, they tooke lande, the one hauing confidence in the naturall inclination and clemencie of the Pope, and the o­ther reapposing muche in the auncient friendshippe and straite familiaritie had with him and with his brother: There they obteined safeconduit of the capteine of Ly­uorna, whiche albeit stretched no further then the boundes of his iurisdiction, yet without seeking other suretie, they went vp in that confidence to Pisa: In whiche Citie they were honorably receyued, and afterwards in no lesse assurance conueied to Florence, where they were kept with that easie and fauourable garde, that they [Page 634] had no disposition to departe: the same being the desire of the Pope, who sent to them the Bishop of Oruietto to exhorte them with words gracious and full of affec­tion, that aswell for their proper surety, as for the present tranquilitie of the Church, they would abyde at Florence vntill the Court had determined in what manner they shoulde come to Rome: He willed them also, that whereas they had bene iudicially depriued, and their depriuation confirmed in the Councell of Latran, they shoulde forbeare to go in habites of Cardinalls, to thende that expressing signes of humilia­tion, he might take the better occasion to reduce and readresse their affayres accor­ding to their desire and his determination. The first act of this newe Pope was his Coronation of the Pope. Coronation, which was represented according to the vsage of his predecessors in the Church of S. Iohn de Latran: The pompe was so great both of his famulie & his Court, and also of the Prelates and multitudes that were there, together with the popular and vniuersall assemblies of peoples, that by the opinion and iudgement of men, the pride and maiestie of that action did farre surpasse all the celebrations that had bene done in Rome since the tyrannies of the Goathes and sauage nations: In this solemnitie the Gonfalone of the Churche was caryed by Alfonso Este, who ha­uing obteined a suspencion of his Censures and paynes, was come to Rome, wyth great hope that by the clemencie and facilitie of the Pope, he should be hable to compounde for his affayres: The Gonfalone of the religion of Rhodes was borne by Iulio de Medicis mounted vpon a stately Courser armed at all poyntes: by his na­ture he bare an inclination to the profession of armes, but by destinie he was drawen to the life ecclesiastike, in which estate he may serue as a wonderfull example of the variation of fortune. One matter that made the memorie of that daye wonderfull, was the consideration, that the person that then in so high and rare pompe was ho­nored with the moste supreme and soueraigne dignitie of the worlde, was the yere before, and on the very same day, miserably made prisoner: The great magnificence that appeared vpon his person, and his expences, confirmed in the generalitie and multitude of men, thexpectation that was had of him, euery one promising that Rome shoulde be happie vnder a Pope so plentifully indued with the vertue of libe­ralitie, whereof that day he had giuen an honorable experience, his expenses bee­ing aboue an hundred thousande ducketts: But wyse men desired in him a greater grauitie and moderation: they iudged that neither suche a maiestie of pompe was conuenient for Popes, neyther did the condition of the present time require, that he should so vnprofitably disperse the treasors that had bene gathered by his prede­cessor to other vses.

But suche was the disposition of Princes to warre, that neyther the chaunging Disposition of princes to the vvarre. of the Pope, nor the presence nor feare of other accidentes, were sufficient to esta­blishe and assure the tranquillitie of Italie: euery one discerned that things of their proper inclination tended more to warre then to peace: for Caesar woulde heare no more speaking of the rendring of Verona, fearing thereby to be depriued of all opor­tunitie and meane to haue any easie entry into Italie: And albeit the truce was pro­longed for the full moneth of Aprill, yet he kept no rekoning of the condicions of accorde that had bene debated at Millan: And in that minde beeing discontented with thinstance and importunities of the king Catholikes Embassadors, he stucke not to tell the Count of Carriato, that for the inclination he expressed to the Venetians he deserued better to beare the name of an Embassador of Venice then of Spayne. But that whiche muche more augmented this disposition, was the truce that was made for a whole yere betwene the French king and the king Catholike tending onely to [Page 635] thaffayres on the other side the Mountes: The oportunitie of which truce, gaue to the French king (being nowe deliuered of the suspicions of Spayne) a great facilitie to renewe the warre in the duchie of Millan.

The king Catholike had neuer any disposition to haue warre with the Frenche men beyonde the Mountes, for that beeing not mightie enough in money and trea­sor, and therefore depending on the forces and aydes of the Barons and peoples of Spayne, eyther he had no readynes of succours, or else by his necessities in tymes of warre, they would holde him with them as it were in subiection: But then princi­pally he stoode confirmed in his auncient counsell, for that together with his owne tranquillitie and rest, he was so muche the more assured of the Realme of Nauarre newly conquered by him: and withall for that since the death of queene Isabell, his absolute authoritie ouer Castillo beeing embased into a gouernment limited, he had not in troubled seasons so great and firme authoritie: Of this he had seene a late ex­perience in the action of the kingdome of Nauarre, wherein albeit he had an ende happie and honorable, yet it happned not by other meane then by the negligence and slownesse of succours. And hauing no more desire to returne to the daungers which he had suffred, and not knowing yet of the Popes death, he agreed to the truce, which neuer: helesse was not published before he had receyued newes of the­lection of the new Pope. The better to iustifie him selfe of this vnlooked for delibe­ration, he alleaged that the Pope & the Venetians had behaued them selues towards him cleane contrarie to the league: for that since the battell of Rauenna, they neuer offred to pay to him the fortie thousande duckets as they were bounde whilest the French king possessed any thing in Italie: That onely he had had care of the com­mon benefite of the confederates, and yet had not attributed to himself the rewards of the common victorie: That he did not possesse in Italie so much as a small tower more then that he had before the warre. But the Pope had had regarde to his bene­fite particular, and made proper to him selfe the things that were common: That he occupied Parma, Plaisanca, and Reggia, and nourished a continuall studie to pos­sesse Ferrara: which couetousnesse of his had bene the onely impediment of the re­couering of the Castells in the Duchie of Millan and the Lanterne of Genes: That touching his parte, he had interposed all his diligence and authoritie to worke thac­corde betweene Caesar and the Venetians, but the Pope for his proper interestes, labo­red to exclude them out of the league: wherein he sayde his Embassadors had be­haued themselues vndiscretly, who not consenting (for that they knewe suche was his intention) that he was named in the head of the confederation, had suffred him to be expressed in that article wherein euery one named the confederates, of which the Venetians were not: Moreouer that in those negociations and practises the Ve­netians had not aunswered thopinion that men had of their wisedome and discres­sion, holding such an estimation and accompt of Vincensa, that the feare to loase it, hath kept them from deliuering them selues from the trauells of the warre: That it was impossible to him to nourishe the armie he had in Italie without the payes and contributions that were promised, and muche lesse reasonable to susteine the whole warre vpon the confines of his realmes, A matter which he knewe all the residue did desire and procure: That the Pope coulde no more dissemble his desire and inten­tion to take from him the kingdome of Naples: And yet notwithstanding, neyther these present iniuries, nor the consideration of other wrongs, could euer moue him to haue a thought to abandon the Churche and the other estates of Italie, so farre foorth as he might finde in them a reasonable correspondencie to contract and ca­pitulate [Page 636] with him for their common defence: A matter which he hoped they would be moued vnto, the rather by thopportunitie and meane of this truce: He caused to expresse in the instrument of the truce the names of Caesar and the king of Englande, notwithstanding he had nothing cōmunicated with them: & therfore it was a thing very scornefull & ridiculous that at the same time that the truce was solemnly pub­lished through all partes and regions of Spayne, A Heralt arriued euen in the action from the king of Englande, to signifie to him the strong preparations and furnitures of warre which he leauyed to inuade Fraunce, soliciting that he would likewise enter into the warre agaynst the king on the coasts of Spayne, according to the articles and promises reciprocally passed betweene them.

The truce made in this maner, amazed much in Italie the mindes of suche as had any discontentment with the rule or iurisdiction of the French men, euery one hol­ding it almost for certaine, that the French king woulde not be long ere he sent an army on this side the Mountes: and also that by the obstinacie of Caesar touching the conditions of the peace, the Venetians would ioyne with him, agaynst whom it see­med a very hard matter to be hable to resist, for that the Spanish army had nowe no more meane to be enterteined, notwithstāding they had at times drawē some sums of money out of thestate of Millan which stoode greatly impouerished with conti­nuall expenses. Touching the new Pope, men could not discerne what was his in­tention: he seemed to wish secretly that the power of the French king should haue his ends & limites within the Alpes: and yet being newly ascended to the Popedom, and no lesse confused then the others for the truce that was made by the king Ca­tholike in a time when men had greatest exspectation that he woulde applye his thoughts to the warre, he was in great doubt and variation of mind: Besides, he was angry, for that demaunding with great instance the restitution of Parma & Placentia to the church, he found a readynes of hope & promise, but very slow dispositions to execute & performe, all the others desiring to preserue them to the duchy of Millan, & happly hoping that his desire to recouer them, would induce him to the defence of that state: The Svvizzers seemed to be a more certayne and a more mightie de­fence & succour, but because the summes of money which according to the coue­nantes were necessary to wage & leauie them, could not be aduaunced neither by Maximilian Sforce nor the residue, there was great feare that in greatest necessitie that nation would not refuse to discende to the reskew of Millan.

On the other side the French king, after he had finished the truce, determined to sende an army into Italie, the reasons affore recited giuing him great hope of the victorie: To those reasons also he added the propertie of his owne iudgement vp­pon the people of Millan, who, vexed with so many taxes and imposts of the Svviz­zers, and no lesse troubled with the harboring & payes made to the Spaniards, he knew had an vniuersall desire to returne eftsones vnder his obedience: he gathered by generall argument, that hauing nowe compared the heauy yoke of others with the easie impery of the French, the seueritie of the one woulde make the other lesse contemnible: And particularly he vnderstoode by many gentlemen, some relating to him selfe, and some enterteyning intelligence with Triuulce, whome the king had sent to Lyon the better to debate with them of Millan, that he was not to de­ferre to sende an armie, hauing their promise to take armes and be his, assoone as his armie were passed the Mountes. To these furtherances the king wanted no sort of continuall perswasions, aswell of Triuulce, as of others that were banished, who according to such as be depriued of the liberty of their naturall contrey, omitted no [Page 637] reasons which might make thenterprise seeme easy, specially the Venetians beeing brought to ioyne with him in the action. But the matter that enforced the king to make haste, was the confidence he had to preuent with the ende of that expedition, the beginning of a warre which the king of England ment to make vpon him, which yet he could not begin till after certayne monethes: both for that that kingdome ha­uing liued many yeres in peace, was vpon the sodein disfurnished of armes and ar­mor, of artilleries, & almost of all other necessary hablementes of warre: and also in great want of horses of seruice, for that to the inhabitantes of those regions, the ser­uice on foote is more familiar, then to make warre on horsbacke: and also the foote­men lacking training & experience, the king of England was constrained for the bet­ter strength & habilitie of his army, to leauye a great number of Almain footemen: Matters which could not be dispatched without great tract of time. The french king in like sort made more hast to haue his army to march, for that he feared the castles & peces that held for him would be lost for want of vittels, but specially the lanterne of Genes, whiche not many dayes before had missed to releeue with vittells, a shippe sent for that effect: which from Arbinga being thither accompanied with three ships & one galeon, being entred the mayne sea with a good wind, had by a strainable gale passed thorow the middest of the Genovvaies flete, & cōming neare the castell of the Lanterne she cast anker, and throwing yet with good successe her cables to those of the castell, she began to vnlade her vittels and munitions whiche she had brought: But euen in the action and before the desolate soules of the Castels coulde take the frute of the benefite which their fortune seemed to offer, Andrea Doria, he who af­terwards was so notable in marine seruice, thrust in with a great ship wherof he was owner, betwene the castel of the Lantern & the french ship, and cutting a sunder the cable that was caste to them of the castell and the cables that helde the ankers, he set vpon the ship with no lesse felicitie then peril, & albeit in the fight he was woun­ded in the face, yet by his vallour he wanne and caryed away the shippe. The king therefore beeing determined not to deferre the beginning of the warre, in which re­spect, and to be ready in al occasions, he had already sent many launces into Burgon­die & Dauphine, he thought good now to harken with diligence after the matter de­bated vpon so many monthes with the Venetians: They had bene somewhat deferred and protracted aswell by the one as by the other party, both for that sometimes the hope to haue peace with Caesar, & sometimes the great instance made by the Veneti­ans, for Cremona & Guiaradada, had holden the king in suspence: And also in the senat the opinions of Councellors were diuerse, for that many of great authoritie in that cōmon weale, preferred thaccord with Caesar: wherin they shewed that it would be more profitable to discharge them selues for the present of so huge expences, with freedome from daungers, thereby to be the more ready to embrase thoccasions that would offer, then their common weale being so ouerweried and trauelled, and the wealth of priuat men abated, to entangle thēselues with new warres in companie of the Frenche king, whose amitie howe faythfull and assured it was, they were not without a late and greene experience. Neuerthelesse the greater parte seeming that rarelye an occasion woulde ryse to make them recouer their auncient estate, and that thagrement with Caesar (he reteyning Verona) would not deliuer them from troubles and daungers: they reiected all thoughtes and deuises for Cremona and Guiaradada, & resolued to make confederation with the french king, in whose Court it was concluded by Andrea Gritti representing already, more the person and place of an Embassador then of a prisoner. By this confederation, after it was graunted [Page 638] that Bart. Aluiano & Andrea Gritti should be set at liberty, the Venetians were bound to aide the king with eight hūdred men at armes, a thousand fiue hūdred light hors­men, & ten thousand footmen, & that against all such as would rise vp to let him for recouering of Ast, of Genes, & the duchy of Millan: The king for his part was bound to ioyne with thē vntill they had recouered all that they possessed in Lombardy & the Marquisdome of Treuisana, afore the league of Cambray. Vpon the resolution of this contract, Iohn Iacques Triuulce and Bart. Aluiano went to Suso: the one to go from thence to Venice by the more sure way, and the other to assemble there the army ap­poynted for the warre: It conteined vpon the full muster xv. hundred launces, eight hundred light horsmen, and xv. thousande footemen, where of eight thousande were Launceknights, and the residue of the French nation. This army was committed to the authoritie and guyding of Monsr Trimouille, whom the king appoynted his liefe­tenaunt, to thend the action might proceede with more reputation.

In this time the french king made great request to the Pope not to hinder him in recouering his duchy of Millan: And the better to conteine the Pope, he offred that he would not only not passe further after the victory, but also would alwayes referre himselfe to him to make peace vnder what conditions it should please him best. To which motions albeit the Pope gaue gracious & willing eare, and that to drawe bet­ter faith to his words, he vsed to solicite with the king by the meane and labour of Iulian his brother, yet many things made him suspected with the king: first the me­mory of things done afore the time of his Papacie: then since he was Pope, how he had sent to him Cinthio his familiar & fauorit with letters & very frendly cōmissions, but so generall as they well declared the litle inclination of minde he bare to him or his affaires: also for that he had cōsented that Prosp. Colōno should be elected captein generall ouer the duchy of Millan, A matter which his predecessor had alwaies hin­dred for the hatred he bare to the famuly of Colonno▪ he entred also into greater dout by a signification which the Pope addressed to the king of England to cōtinue still in the cōfederation made with Caesar, with the king catholike, & him: Lastly he wrote to the cōmunalties of the Svvizzers, exhorting thē almost to the defēce of Italie, wher­in he could not dissimule that he would continue with thē the cōfederation made by his predecessor, by the which they were boūd to the defence of thestate ecclesiastik, receiuing of him a yerely pension of xx. thousand duckets: It was also a signe of his wil & intētion, that he had not receiued into grace the duke of Ferrara, but by many excuses deferred to render to him Reggia vntil his brother the cardinal came to Rome, who to auoide the persecutions of Pope Iulio, was withdrawen into the countrey of Hungaria, & liued vpon his bishoprike of Agria: But the matter that aboue all other things made the king enter into suspicion against the Pope was, that he had in great secrecy counselled the state of Venice to come to accord with Caesar: A matter cleane contrary to thintētion of the king: who also had interpreted in ill part, that the Pope declaring that he moued not for other respect thē to satisfie his soueraine duty, had writtē vnto him in a kind exhorting, not to take armes, but rather to expres a disposi­tiō to finish the war with some honorable cōposition: a matter which the king would not haue blamed, if for the same desire to peace he had also declared to the king of England that he ought not to make war vpō the frēch king. Sure this suspiciō of the king was not without cause, for that the Pope desired that the French might be cut Desire of pope Leo to chase the Frenche out of Italy. off from all seate & habitation in Italy, either for that he thought it more profitable for the cōmon surety, or for the greatnes & aduauncement of the church: or at least that he kept stil fixed in his mind the remēbrāce of harmes receiued by the crown of [Page 639] Fraunce, whervnto albeit his father & other his predecessors had borne no litle affec­tion, & in sundry accidents had reaped many honors & profites: yet it was an iniury freshe in memorie that his brethren & he had bene expulsed Florence by the com­ming of king Charles: and that the king raigning bearing fauour to the popular gouernment, had eyther alwayes reiected them, or if at any time he showed incli­nation to them, it was to vse them as instrumentes to drawe the Florentins by that suspicion to couenantes of more aduauntage for himselfe, without bearing respect or care to them. To this perhaps was muche helping, a disdayne that he was ledde prisoner to Millan after the battell of Rauenna, and by the kings commaundement shoulde haue bene caried in that calamitie into Fraunce: But what so euer was the disposition of the Pope, or howe so euer his coniecture was caried for these or other causes, he proceeded aduisedly, and dissembled as muche as he could his intention, for that both he sawe he had not so strong fundations to resist, as he wished, and al­so he gaue eare dayly with great affection to the demaundes and complaintes made agaynst the king: for the Svvizzers bearing an vniuersall inclination, to stirre and ryse for the defence of the Duchie of Millan, offred to enter into thaction with a farre greater number then before, so farrefoorth as they were furnished in preste with a certayne summe of money, which for the pouertie and weaknes of others, could not be hoped for otherwise then of the Pope. Touching the Viceroy, his coun­sells were vncertayne, and his speeches seuerall and suttle, for that sometimes he of­fred the Pope to oppose agaynst the Frenchmen, not sparing to enter openly into the cause, by sending his bands of souldiors to ioyne with him, and waging for three monethes a great number of footemen, and the rather to accompany his doings with fayth & credit, he caused to be retyred his souldiors from the townes of Parma and Reggia, and lay incamped with his army vpon the ryuer of Trebia, leauing not­withstanding certayne bands of his souldiours for the garde of Torrona and Alexan­dria, suche as had not stirred from thence: Sometimes also he did assure that he had receiued commaundement from his king, and that at the same time that he wrote to him of the truce, to leade backe the armie to the kingdome of Naples: But Ierome Vich Embassador resident with the Pope, vsed other speeches, and yet he agreed with him in this, that his king promised, so farreforth as the Pope would take vpon him the defence of Millan, to beginne the warre in Fraunce, without bearing respect to the truce that had bene made: A libertie whiche he sayd he might lawfully take without making violation of his fayth promised. Therefore it was beleeued of many that the king Catholike, fearing that by the truce that had bene made not one woulde appeare to oppose agaynst the Frenche king, had commaunded the Viceroy, that if he sawe none woulde proceede roundly to the defence of the Du­chie of Millan, that he shoulde not seeke to prouoke the Frenche king by newe iniuries, but shoulde retyre his armie to Naples: for whiche cause also he shewed to the king, a contentment to harken to the peace, offring withall to bring in Cae­sar and the king of Englande: And to make him the more tractable if he should recouer the Duchie of Millan, he made almoste an assured promise that his armie should be no impediment to him: So that the Viceroy who was determined to go his way, reuoked the souldiors that were vnder the Marquis of Pesquiero in Alexādria and Torrona, and at the same time, as was sayd, did communicate his resolution to Triuulce, to thend his departing might be more acceptable to the French king: Ne­uerthelesse he did not execute so speedily his deuise, for that the Svvizzers very desyrous to defende the Duchie of Millan, had sente thither by common consent [Page 640] fiue thousande footemen, and giuen hope to supplye the seruice with a greater number: But making demonstration of the contrary, he sent Prosper Colonno to de­bate with the Svvizzers of the place where they should assemble against the frēch, either that he had receiued aduertisement that the truce was discontenting to Caesar, or els that he was enioyned by new cōmissions from his king to folow the will of the Pope, who perseuered still in the same perplexities, suffring a conflict betweene his small hope & his proper inclination: And yet notwithstanding the Svvizzers being come vpon the territories of Tortona, where Prosper had signified to them that the Viceroy would come & ioyne with them, interposing many excuses, he labored thē to come vpon the lands of Trebia to ioyne with him: By which maner of solicitation they finding a diuersitie betwene his will and his words, made this braue aunswere, that the Viceroy made no such demaund to thend to go looke thenemies in the face, but to turne their backs with greater surety: They saide they cared not whether he feared to fight with the frenchmē or not, neither did it import thē, whether he went away, or whether he taried stil, whether he folowed, or whether he fled, for that their vallour onely did suffice to defende the duchie of Millan agaynst all enemies. The Fr. men in the duchie of Millan.

But now was all the contrey in a mutinie, & the Count Mussocke sonne to Iohn Iac­ques was got into Ast without any impediment, & after into Alexandria, al those bāds of frenchmen which were parted frō Susa, marching with great diligence. The duke of Millan who was come somewhat to late to enter Alexandria, ioyned himself to the Svvizzers neare Tortona, and they being made to vnderstande by the Viceroy that he was determined to go his way, retired to Nouarro. Of all voluble things there is no­thing more light then reaport, & in times of mutation nothing lesse assured then the minds of people popular or cōmons, whom euery new occasion can cary and leade contrarie to all reason and confidence (that feare and ficklenesse which they haue by nature beeing not hable to be assured by any order or discression:)’ for thinhabi­tantes of Millan at the first brute of the departing of the Viceroy, sent Embassadors to their Duke at Nouarro to excuse them, if hauing no habilitie nor meane of de­fence, they compounded with the French men, to thende to auoyde the extreame calamitie: He was tractable according to the condition of his present fortune, and with a minde humbled with the consideration of his miseries that were towards, he accepted willingly their excuse, recommending to them with words of great affec­tion and zeale, to haue a charitable care ouer the safetie of the common countrey. Vpon this occasion Sacromoro Viscounto to whom was appoynted the besieging of the Castell of Millan, turned to the French, and reuittled the Castell which he was sente to batter and beate. The Viceroy brake vp from Trebia with all his armie, whiche was twelue hundred men at armes and eyght thousande footemen, to re­turne to the kingdome of Naples, as though the affayres of Lombardie had bene de­sperate: A reason onely wherein he soughte to saue his armie: But receyuing the same day in the way betweene Plaisanca and Florenzola letters from Rome, he caused immediatly the ensignes to marche backe agayne, returning to the same lodging from whence he was departed: The cause was, that the Pope, to whome almoste at the same tyme were rendred Plaisanca and Parma, determining to proue if the Duchie of Millan might be defended by the force of the Svvizzers, gaue very se­cretely The Pope sendeth mo­ney to the Svvizzers. to Ierome Moron the Dukes Embassador remayning in his Court, fortie two thousande duckettes to sende to the Svvizzers: but with this charge, that if the matter came to the knowledge of others, he should giue out, that twentie thou­sande of them were vppon the accompt of their pensions, and the other twentie [Page 641] two thousande to satisfie a pretended due to the three Cantons by his predecessor, but alwayes refused to be payed by him: This returning of the Viceroy with his ar­mie, together with a brute of the descending of newe companies of the Svvizzers, made the Millanois eftsoones sorie for their sodaine reuolting and in that confusion betwene a newe hope and their olde feare, they gaue tokens to Maximilian Sforce their Duke, that they woulde bee readie to returne to his obedience, whensoeuer they saw the Svvizzers and the spanishe armie ioyne together in the field: And the more to nourrish them in these hopes, the Viceroy, with whom was Prosper Colonno, prepared to plant a bridge vppon Pavv, promising from time to time to passe ouer, but neuer did put it in effect, for that hauing a speciall care to saue his armie, he de­termined to proceede according as thinges fell out: He helde it very daungerous to haue the Frenchemen in his face, and the Venetian armie at his backe, who hauing alreadie taken the Citie of Cremona, and cast downe the bridge into the bottome of Pavv, were not farre from him: By this was Bartl. Aluiano gone from Susa to Ve­nice: Where after he had in open councell without any contradiction, cast vppon the Count Petillano the fault of the ouerthrowe of Guiaradada, he spake very prowd­lie of the present warre, and by the Senate was chosen Capteine generall of their armie with the same condicions vnder the which the Counte Petillano had bene [...]. Aluia­no [...] generall. [...] the Vene­tians. preferred to the same degree: This estate and election happened to him much a­bout the same time that foure yeares before he fell into the power of thenemies: so often doth fortune laugh at thignorance of mortall men deuising in their vaine fan­cies what shall happen vnto them: Assoone as he was chosen Generall, he went to tharmie that was mustering at S. Boniface vppon the demaines of Verona: Theodar Triuulce was with him as Liefetenaunt to the Frenche king, with whome he drewe neere in great diligence to the gates of Verona the selfe same day that the French ar­mie parted from Susa: the reason of this expedicion was, that in that Citie certaine factions had conspired to receiue him in: But the day after, a strength of fiue hun­dred launceknightes entred the towne by the riuer of Adice, by which impediment together with the detection of the conspiracie Aluiano loasing all hope to preuaile determined, contrarie to thauthoritie of the Venetian assistant, to drawe towardes the riuer of Pavv, either to stoppe the Spanyards, or else according to the state and behauiour of thinges, to ioyne with the French armie: A resolution which he did not imparte to the Senate vntill he was gone from Verona one bayte, for that not­withstanding he alleaged that the whole depended vppon that which shoulde suc­ceede in the Duchie of Millan, and that there the affaires of the Frenchemen be­ing in ill condicion, whatsoeuer should be attempted or obteined in any other place woulde be but vaine and not durable, and therefore it was necessarie by all possi­ble meanes, to helpe to make the Frenche king victorious: yet he feared (and not without cause) that the Senate woulde be against it, not so muche for the desire he had that there shoulde be first a care to recouer Verona and Bressia, as for that certeine other of the Capteines allowed not that they shoulde passe the riuer of Mincia, onlesse they had first a more particular knowledge of the proceedinges of the Frenche: wherein they shewed, in case of any inconuenience, howe hard it woulde be to retyre in safetie hauinge to passe by the confines of Verona and Mantua, contreys either subiected, or at the deuocion of Caesar: Valeggia and Aluiano ta­keth Pesquiero and other [...]. the towne of Pesquiero fearinge the threates of Aluiano, yeelded them selues to him, by whose example also the castellkeeper gaue vp the rocke, his feare beeing greater then that any hope could assure him: onely he receiued by composition a [Page 642] small summe of money aswell for him selfe, as also to be shared amongest certayne launceknightes that were within it. About the same time certayne of the chieftains of the Mountayne, entred into Bressia in fauor of the Venetians with a great strength of peisantes: And yet Aluiano, neither for the requestes of the Bressian Embassadors which came to him to Gambaro, nor at the desire of the Venetian Assistante, coulde not be brought to consent to go thither and remayne there onely one day, to reco­uer the Castell that was kepte in the name of the Viceroy, so great was his desire to followe without intermission his firste deliberation: With whiche celeritie beeing come to the gates of Cremona, he founde that at the same time Galeas Paluoisin (cal­led by certayne of Cremona) was entred in fauor of the Frenche king: But hauing in him no lesse ambition then vallor, and not liking that any other shoulde participate with him in the glory of that action, he brake and put to pray his bandes of souldi­ors, and entring the towne he stripped Caesar Fieramosqua that was left there in gar­rison with three hundred horse and fiue hundred footemen of the Duke of Millans. He had not to loase time to recouer the Castell, for that it had bene alwayes holden by the French king, and newly reuitled a litle before by Ranse de Cere: who as he re­turned to Crema where he was appoynted gouernour, he brake a trowpe of two hundred horsmen of Alexander Sforce, which he encoūtred at Serzana. From thence Aluiano encamping at the channell vpon Pavv with the bridge made to passe ouer, he could not let his souldiors to do insolencies sometimes vpon the landes of the Pope, his discipline not being hable to conteine the men who had as great custome in spoyling as in well seruing. Afterwards he marched to Pisqueton, hauing already for the mutation of Cremona, Soncino, Lody, and other places thereaboutes, aduaun­ced the French ensignes: But affore, assone as he had recouered Cremona, he had sent to Bressia, Ranse de Cero with one parte of the men of warre, both to assure that Citie, and to recouer the Castell, but muche more to hinder the good successe of thAlmains: for that almoste assone as he was broken vp from before Cremona, Rocand capteine of the Launceknightes and Feder Gonsago de Bossolo issuing out of Verona with six hundred horse and two thousande footemen, were gone to S. Bo­niface, where Aluiano had lefte vnder Sigismond Cauallo and Iohn Fortin, three hun­dred light horsemen and sixe hundred footemen: and they beeing scattered in the countrey without all discipline and order, hearing of the comming of thenemies, were fledde to Colorguo, where the Launceknightes following them in chase, en­tred the towne by force, and committing all the souldiours to the calamitie of pri­soners, they sackte and burnte the towne. Afterwardes their furie redoubling with their fortune, they executed the lyke crueltie vppon Saouo, and brake downe the bridge whiche the Venetians had made ouer Adice: yea they had with the same rigour occupied Vincensa, if a great strength of peisantes had not sodaynely en­tred: Whiche maner of actions in that kynde of crueltie were so much the more feared, by howmuche the brute ranne, that there came to Verona newe supplies of footemen out of Tyroll.

About this time the Frenche Nauie conteining nyne light gallies and certayne Genes at the deuotion of the French. other vessels, drewe neare to Genes by sea: And Antho. and Ierome brethren of the house of Adorna, approched by lande with the fauor of those of the ryuers that helde their faction, with other bandes of souldiours that had bene leauyed with the kings money: This action was aduaunced with the benefite of a great occasion, by rea­son of a discorde hapned a litle before betweene the Fiesquois and the duke of Genes, with whom they were at first confederate agaynst the famulie of the Adornei: This [Page 643] was the manner of the accident: either for some quarrell that hapned by chaunce, or for some suspicion that could not be tempered, Ierom the sonne of Iohn Lovvys fi­esquo, comming out of the common pallaice, was slaine by Lodovvyk and Fregosin, the Dukes brothers: for which iniurie, the violence being greater then their abilitie to reuenge, Othobon and Sinybald his brethren, retyring to their castells, and a litle af­ter contracting with the french king and conspyring with the Adornes, approched neare to Genes by an other way with foure thowsand footemen. The Duke was not mighty enough of him selfe to make resistance against both the famulies of Fiesqua and Adorna ioyned together, and by the celeritie and diligence of his aduersaries, the succors which he had demaunded of the Viceroy, could not ariue in time: And as one aduersitie draweth on an other, and no euill comes vnaccompanied, so the thing that in this condicion of fortune, did wholly embase him, was, that a thowsand of his footemen who were possessed of the Mounteines neare the towne, were o­uerthrowen, their weakenes beeing not able to resist the calamitie that his destinie did hasten on: In which aduersitie or persecution of fortune, the Duke together with Fregosin, hauing skarce leasure to saue his owne life, fled away by sea, leauing Lodovvyk his other brother to gard the castell: In which oportunitie the Victors entred Genes, where the brethren of the famulie of Fiesqua caried with furious de­sires of reuenge, murdred and cruelly caused to be drawne at a horse tayle Zachary the Dukes brother, who had bene taken in the encownter vpon the Mountaines, & was present with the others at the slaughter of their brother: And so Genes beeing reduced to the deuocion of the french king, Anth. Adorna was created gouernor in the name of the king, and as the french nauie by sea, reuittled the lanterne and after­wards sacked Spetia, and then roade at Portouenere: so there now remeyned no more but Nouaro and Como, to make perfect the kings conquest, & recouering of all those estates which he had lost they yeare before: only those two cities through the whole Duchie of Myllan, held out yet for Maxymylian Sforce.

But the glory of this warre was reserued to the great infamie of all others, not to Nouaro bese­ged by the french. the french men, not to thAlmain footemen, not to the spanish regiments, nor to the Venetian bands: But it was an honor, a reputacion, a renowme, and perpetual praise prepared by destinie for the Svvyzzers onely, against whom the french armie, ha­uing first left sufficient garrison within Alexandria the better to assure those peeces that were beyond Pavv, drewe neare to Nauarro brauing in great arrogancie of so many happy successes, boasting of thennemies whom they had inclosed within the walls, and contemning the manifest feare of the Spanyards: Besides, there seemed to present to the memorie of men, as it were an image and representacion of thinges that had bene passed: That that was the same Nouarro wherein Lodovvyk Sforce fa­ther to the Duke raigning, was made prisoner: That in the french campe were the same leaders, Trymouille, and Tryuulco: yea certeine of the same enseignes and Cap­teines of those Cantons which in an other warre had solde the father, did nowe ac­company the sonne in this warre: This made Monsr Trymouille write proudly to the king that he would sende to him prisoner, the sonne from the same place where he had deliuered into captiuitie the father: The french men did violent execucions vpon the walls of Nauarro with their artillerie, but in a place of no lesse difficultie then daunger to discend into the towne, And for the Svvyzzers, they contemned them so much and showed to haue so litle feare of their vallours, that they would neuer suffer to be shut that gate of the towne that was towardes the campe: After thartillerie had beaten downe to the earth, a sufficient space of the wall, the armie [Page 644] without prepared furiously to thassalt, but finding so valiant resistance within, and vnderstanding they did presently exspect Altosaszo a Capteine of greate renowme with a farre greater supply, they doubted of the successe of thenterprise, which made them the day following to retyre from the wals of Nouarro two myles, hoping after­wards to cary the victorie more by the disorders and wants of thennemies, then by the fortune or furie of their armes: They hoped to doe more by temporising then by present action, and looked that other accidents would make easie the enterprise which was almost desperat to their vallour: But these hopes were made vaine by the resolute minde of Motyn one of the Svvyzzer Capteines, who calling together all the bands of souldiours vppon the market place of Nouarro, encouraged them with The wordes of Capteine Mo­tyn to the Svvyzzers. wordes full of resolucion, and assurance, that without tarying for the succours of Altosaszo who was to arriue the day following, they should yssue out and set vppon their enemies in their campe: he told them howe farre it was contrary to their ho­nor, and reputacion of their vallour to suffer the glory and victory which they might appropriat to them selues, to become common, or rather wholly transferred to an other: seeing (sayth he) that as things that follow drawe with them such as goe af­fore, and thencreasing of any thing couereth the part that is augmented, so the me­rit and praise of this warre would not be cast vppon vs, but vppon the supplies that came after: By how much the enterprise may seeme hard and perillous by so much the yssue is to be considered more easie and sure, for that the more suddeine and vn­exspected are accidents, the more doe they terrifie and amaze the men that suffer them: The french men will rather doubt all other thinges at this hower then to be charged by vs, and yet where they lye incamped, they can not but suffer disorder, the place being neither intrenched nor fortefied: The french men were neuer wont to haue the courage to goe to battell if their armies were not full of our men, And though of late they haue aduentured to fight without vs, yet they were neuer so har­dy once to lift vp their weapons against vs: So that it can not but bringe to them great astonishment when they see them charged vppon the suddeine, aboue exspe­ctacion, in a time of their feare, and by those bodies whose vertue and resolucion were wont to encourage and assure them: Stand not amazed with the multitude of their horsemen, nor the furie of their artillerie, since we haue had many experien­ces, what confidence they reappose in those thinges against vs: it is but two yeares sithens Gaston de Foix so braue a Capteine, notwithstanding he was stronge in mul­titudes of launces and cannons, gaue place to our armes and suffered vs to passe by him along the plaines euen to the gates of Myllan, and yet we were not otherwayes armed then with pykes: They haue nowe with them many bandes and companies of launceknightes, A matter that doth so much the more encourage me to thenter­prise, by how much fortune doth offer vs at one time an occasion both to showe to him who with so great couetousnes and with so great ingratitude hath contemned our trauells and our blud, that he neuer made a worse resolucion either for the ho­nor of him selfe, or profit of his Realme: And also to declare to those that thinke that themployment & seruice of their persons, is sufficient to make vs perish of hun­ger, that the launceknightes are not equall to the Svvyzzers, and albeit they beare with vs one language and forme of discipline, yet they haue neither the same vallour nor the same resolucion: The prayse they beare for seruice is lesse by their proper merit, then for their naturall vertue, more by the name of their nation and Aunce­stors, then by any experience of their owne bodies, not so much in deede and sub­stance, as in reapport and opinion, not equall to the show they make, and farre infe­riour [Page 645] to the vniuersall coniecture, yea they are but shadowes whose bodies be farre of: all their perill is to winne their artillerie, and yet in the action you haue these comfortes, that it is not planted in a place fortified, that our inuasion is sodayne, and to thenterprise beareth a speciall fauor the darknesse of the night: And whylest we are at the feight there can domage vs but a very small space of time, which yet can not but be cut off with the tumult, with their disorders, with their feares, and with the sodayne confusion of things. Touching the residue, this brings facilitie to the action, that neither their horsemen dare venture vpon our pykes, nor their vyle trowpes of French footemen and Gascons, will enter the skirmishe with vs. This is the counsell, this is the plot, and this is the enterprise, wherein we shall make no lesse proofe of our wisedomes and gouernment, then of our vallour and resolution. Our nation beareth that reputation and fame, that the glory of our name can not be preserued, but by attempting some matter beyonde the exspectation and common vsage of all men: And since we are vpon the territories of Nouarro, the place it selfe speakes to vs, that in other sorte we can not quenche the auncient infamie we gotte here in the paye and seruice of Lodovvike Sforce: It is a double honor to be reuen­ged of infamie. It is a vyle infirmitie in a man of warre, to suffer the reparation of ho­nor to be more slowe then the infamie, and to refuse to recouer the reputation lost, is to be guyltie of the slaunder and to confirme it: A disposition moste base in the minde of a souldiour, who of all other sortes of men ought to be most ielouse of his honour. Let vs go on then in the name of the great God, the persecuter of schisma­tikes, excommunicantes, and all enemies to his name: Let vs marche on to a victo­rie no lesse easie then assured, if we haue not mindes to feare the thing we haue not proued: And by howe muche the daunger seemeth great, by so muche shall our name be made glorious, and the greater our enemies be in number, the more shall we be enriched by their spoyles: Things got with moste difficultie are of moste me­rite, and where is hope of honor, pray, and perpetuall prayse, what can be wanting to prouoke suche as you are to the feight.

At these speches of Motin all the bands of souldiours began to reioyce, euery one approuing his deuise by holding vp his hande: he commaunded them to go to rest, and to cherishe somewhat their persons, the better to fall into araye when the drum should strike. The nation of Svvizzers neuer made a more braue, nor more reso­lute counsell, beeing but a fewe in number, without horsemen, and without artille­ries, agaynst an armie moste mightie in men, munitions, horses, and all other things meete for defence: Besides, they stoode not desperate for anye necessitie, for that both Nouarro was deliuered from daunger, and they exspected the daye after a great strength of souldiors: They made rather a choyse of this waye wherein the surety was lesse, and the hope of glory greater, then any other, that for a greater safetie there might happen to them a lesse glory. The sixte day of Iune about midnight they issued out of Nouarro, bearing mindes lesse affected to safetie then to glorie: their whole strength was about ten thousande men, who were so distributed and disposed, that seuen thousand were appoynted to charge thartillerie which was gar­ded by the Launceknightes, the residue were to be bestowed with their pikes an end vpright oueragaynst the men at armes. The Frenchmen, what for the shortnesse of the tyme, or that they doubted no suche accident, or at least looked not for it so soone, had made no fortification of their campe: And albeit at the first tumult and alarme that their sentinell made of the comming of thenemies, the sodennesse of the aduenture, and the darknesse of the night, brought vpon them a great feare and [Page 646] confusion: yet both the men at armes drewe forthwith into strength, and presented them selues in battelray, and also the Launceknightes who were followed with the other bands of footemen, fell presently into order: The artillerie shotte off with great noyse agaynst those squadrons of Svvizzers that came to assayle it, making la­mentable The Frenche­men defeated by the Svviz­zers. slaughters, and deuiding their places and rankes, which was rather dis­cerned by the cryings of men, then by the benefite of the eyes, the vse whereof was taken away by the darknesse of the night: Neuerthelesse, suche was their desperate resolution, that neither respecting their death present, nor discouraged with the slaughter of their felowes slayne at their feete, and for all these daungers not once breaking their order, they ranne as faste as they coulde vpon thartillerie: and being come to it, the launceknightes and they had together a bloudy medley, the one fighting agaynst the other with an vnappeasable furie, which in them both was so muche the more redoubled, by howmuche in the one was infinite the humor of hate, and in the other no lesse resolute the desire of glory. There might haue bene seene (for nowe the sunne began to showe) the estate and diuersitie of the feight, sometimes one side to yeelde, sometimes the other: oftentimes that part to seeme to preuayle which earst was thought to haue the worst: on one side, and in one time the one battell to swaigh, and the other to aduaunce, some to exspect aduauntage, some to lose no oportunitie, one parte to inuade furiously, and an other parte to re­siste hardly: all things on all partes full of dead bodies, wounded men, and of blood: sometimes the capteines would valiauntly enter into thoffice of souldiours, bothe striking their enemies and defending them selues, and sometimes they woulde dis­cretly manage the place of capteines, encouraging, prouiding, succoring, releuing, and commaunding: there was nothing lesse feared then death, nor any thing more abhorred then feare: the greatnes of the perill made both sides more resolute then any other thing: On the other side the trowpes of men at armes stoode firme with­out doing any seruice, for neither the authoritie, the perswasions, the commaunde­mentes, thexclamations, the threatnings, nor the example of Triuulco and Trimo­uillo, could do any thing to moue the horsemen, whose mindes were already made tymerous: Neither the consideration of their owne perill, (whiche their cowardise made the greater) nor the calamities of their fellowes (which were redoubled by the feare they showed) could once drawe them to the charge: They seemed to stande and abide the daunger which by sighting they might haue auoyded: It sufficed the Svvizzers to keepe them impaled in their rankes, and to let them from ministring succours to the footemen: Suche was the calamitie of that feight, that those found moste certentie of perill who ventured furthest for their safetie, and on such whose feare was greater then their vallour, fortune threwe moste fauour and securitie: At laste in so great a hardinesse and vallour of such as fought, the vertue of the Svviz­zers caryed the battell, who hauing wonne thartilleries, turned them vppon their enemies, whom they put to flight aswell by that meane as by their incredible vertue: To the flying of the footemen was ioyned the breaking and running away of the men at armes, who in that seruice shewed no vertue, nor did any thing worthy of merite or prayse: onely the lorde Robert la Marche caryed with a vehement affection of a father, entred the battell of the Svvizzers with a squadron of horsemen, to res­kew Florango and Iames his sonnes, capteines of Almain footemen, who lying sore wounded on the earth, his vallour to the great wonder of the Svvizzers, drewe them on liue out of that daunger: The battell continued about two howres, bothe parties receiuing no small discomfiture. There was slayne of the Svvizzers about [Page 647] fiueteene hundred bodies, of which number was that Capteine Motyn that was the first mouer of that glorious councell: his deathes wounde was by a thrust of a pyke thorow the throate: But farre greater was the slaughter of thennemies, of whome some say were left dead ten thowsand carkasses: The most part of the launceknights died in fighting, and the greatest execucion and slaughter on the french and Gascon footemen, was in fleeing: Almost all the horsemen went away in sauetie, the chasse being so swlft that the Svvyzzers were not able to followe them: if the Svvyzzers had had horsemen, they had made their calamitie equall with the footemen, their feare beeing greater and their disorder nothing inferior: All the baggage and stuffe became a pray to the Victors, with xxij peeces of great artillerie and all the horses assigned for the seruice of the same: The same day the Svvyzzers returned into No­uarro almost triumphantly, but with such reputacion and renowme thorow out the world, that what with the consideracion of the magnanimitie of their enterprise, the euident reiecting and despising of death, the resolucion they showed in the fight, & the happy and honorable victorie of the same, there were some that durst preferre this action, almost affore all the enterprises worthy of memorie which we read set downe vpon the Greekes and Romains: The french men fled into Pyedomont, from whence Tryuulco lost time to cry after them, their feare being swifter in fleeing then his force able to follow them.

Vpon the reaport of this victorie Myllan with all the other places that were de­clared for the french, humbled them selues and sent to demaund pardon, which ac­cordingly was graunted to them vppon bondes and condicions to disbursse a great porcion of money: Thin habitants of Myllan were taxed at two hundred thousand duckats, and euery particular of the others rated according to his behauior: The whole taxacion was giuen to the Svvyzzers, to whom ought iustly to be transferred aswell the gaine as the glorie of the victorie gotte with their vallour and with their blud: And as men whole felicitie made them to accompt it to good equitie to draw all the frute they could, they entred afterwards into the Marquisdom of Montferrat and Pyedmont, contreyes which they charged to haue receiued the french armie: There, partly by pillage, and partly by raunsoming the poore peoples, they raysed a great gaine, forbearing notwithstanding to touche either the life or honor of per­sons: The Spanyards also were not altogether depriued of the profits of the victorie for that Ianus lastly chassed out of Genes, and Octauian Fregoso (both which aspyred to be Duke) being retyred to the Viceroy after the battell, the Viceroy preferring O­ctauian, for whom the Pope did what he could in regard of their auncient amity, and withall receiuing his promise to paye him l. thowsand duckatts when he should be possessed of Genes, he deliuered him three thowsand footemen vnder the Marquis of Pisquiero, and for his owne part, went with the residue of tharmie to Chiesteggio, making semblance to passe further if neede required: As the Marquis and Octauian drewe neare to Genes, the brethren of the famulie of Adorno, knowing their owne weakenes abandoned the towne without any triall of resistance: And immediatly entred Octauian and was created duke of that citie which in the course of a yere had for gouernors the french men, Ianus Fregoso, the Adorney, and Octauian. Bartlemevv Aluiano hearing of the ouerthrowe giuen to the french armie, and fearing least he should be also put to the chasse by the Spanyards, retyred with speede to Pontvvicquo leauing in the way (for losing of time) certeine peeces of artillerie whose inconue­niencie and slownes of cariage might haue bene an impediment to the expedicion of his marching: from thence he sent Ranso de Cere vnto Crema, And after he had a­bandoned [Page 648] Bressia he wente to Tomba neare to Adice, neuer reaposing in any place longer then the necessitie to refreshe his men and horses, did constraine him: The reason of his abandoning Bressia & disposing Ransa de Cere in Crema, was, for that he held it a matter very vnprofitable to diminishe tharmie wherein were remeining six hundred men at armes, a thowsand light horsemen, and fiue thowsande footemen; he marched with the same celeritie that he retyred to Pontvvicqua, and had so great feare and disfauor of the contrey, that the least companies that had followed them might haue sufficed to haue disordered and broken them: When he saw that both feare and perill ceassed, since no man followed him, he stayed at Tomba, where he gaue order to be conueyed to Padoa and to Treuisa, the greatest prouision of vittells that he could draw from the territories of Verona: And at the same time he sent to Leguague with lx. men at armes and twelue hundred footemen, Iohn Pavvle Bail­lon, who, being immediatly receiued by thinhabitantes of the towne where was no garrison, gaue assault to the rocke which was garded by a hundred & fifty footmen, parte Spanish and parte launceknightes: he first did execution vpon it with thartil­lerie battering that place that had his prospect towardes the greene: In this assault it may be a question which had more force, vallour or fortune, for that during the feight, the fire by aduenture fastning vppon the munitions by meane of certeine in­strumentes of artificiall fiers throwen by those that were without, part of the rocke was burned: In which tumult the footmen that gaue thassault being entred some at the breach, & some by ladders, killed & tooke prisoners so many as they found with­in, their Capteine that was a Spaniard falling with much a doe into the fortune of a prisoner: After thenterprise of Leguague, Aluiano caused to builde a bridge vppon Adice, and afterwardes certeine inhabitantes of Verona giuing him hope that they woulde mutine against thAlmaines, he went to incampe at the village of S. Iohn a quarter of a mile from Verona: And from thence the morning following drawing neare to the gate called S. Maximo, he planted his artilleries with great furie against the tower of the gate and the wall ioyning to it, exspecting in the meane while if there would rise any tumult in the towne: And after he had brought downe to the earth about fortie faddom of the wall, besides the tower, whose fall was such that the ruines serued for a very strong rampier to the gate, he gaue a very hotte and fu­rious assault: But there were within Verona three hundred horsemen & three thow­sande launceknightes vnder Rocandolphe a Capteine much esteemed, by whom was made a valliant defense: besides, the breach was verie high on the townes side which made the discending vneasie, and lastly they of Verona stirred not according to the hopes that were giuen: So that Aluiano seeing what difficulties resisted his victorie, retyred his footemen: from before the walls, and beganne also to withdraw thartil­lerie: When chaunging councell in a moment, and, as was supposed, by a certeine message which he receiued from the towne, he returned immediatly his footemen to the walls, & recontinued thassault with a greater furie then before: But he found the former difficulties redoubled, & the faction that had called him, so terrified and wearied, that hauing lost at thassault more then two hundred of his people of whom Tho. Fabro of Rauenna Marishal of his footemen was one, he began to dispaire whol­ly of the victorie, and retyring with great diligence his artillerie, he returned the same day to the lodging from whence he was departed the morning: That day he was nothing esteemed either for his councel or for the issue of the same, only his ce­leritie was renowmed thorow out Italie, for that in one day he had done that, which hardly other Capteines are wont to doe in three or foure: After all this he gaue the [Page 649] spoyle to the countrey, prouing by that feare to constrayne thinhabitantes of Vero­na to come to some accorde. But by this did the Spanishe armie marche and come on, for that the Viceroy after he heard of the losse of Leguague, fearing least by the yll disposition of the townesmen, Verona would set open her gates to the Venetians, de­termined to giue present succours to the actions of Caesar: wherein he had nowe no impediment, nor was not reteyned since the affayres of Genes had happily succe­ded. Therefore after he had passed without difficultie the ryuer of Pavv at Stradella, and that the cities of Bergama and Bressia were rendred to him without resistance to­gether with the towne of Pesquiera, he encamped before the castell that was manned with two hundred & fifty footmen: This peece, notwithstanding by cōmon opinion might haue holden out yet certaine daies, came by force into his power, the Venetiā ruler being made prisoner and all the residue of the footemen that were not slaine at the assault: for that the Spaniards approched, Aluiano retyred to Albero to the other side of Adice, and called to refurnishe his army, suche numbers as he could, not onely certaine bands of footmen which were at Polisena Rouigna, but also euen those regi­ments whom he had left within Leguaguo. A litle after the launceknightes ioyned at S. Martin with the Viceroy, who also after the recouery of Leguagua went to Montag­nana: And the Venetians who held no more in that quarter but Padoa and Treuisa, ca­ring for no other thing then the preseruation of those cities, ordeined that the army should be distributed in them, & that Io. P. Baillon, with whō were Malatest a Sogliano and the knight la Volpe, should be bestowed in Treuisa with two hundred mē at armes three hundred light horsmen, & two thousand footmen, Aluiano remaining in Padoa with the residue of the army. There, in considering the fortifications and state of the bastillions, & giuing perfectiō to many things that were vnperfect, he caused to dis­mantell & raze vp all the houses and cut downe all the trees that were within three miles about Padoa, to make more hard & daungerous thapproch of thenemies, and to giue to their seruice necessitie of multitudes of laborers and poyners.

But whilest the matters of warre proceeded in this forte, the Pope trauelled with The P [...]pe [...]. great industry to weede out of the Church the diuision brought in by the coūcell of Pisa: A matter as it wholly depended vpon the will of the French king, so he labored to appaise him by many meanes: He assured the king that touching the rumor that ranne that he had sent money to the Svvizzers, it was a false brute suborned by men of litle fidelity, since he referred him selfe to all his actions, wherin he had expressed to desire nothing more then an vniuersal peace, & to be the cōmon father of al prin­ces christned: And he alleaged how greeuous it was to him that his dissention with the church, depriued him of al meanes to know how naturally he was inclined to his amity, seing that for the honor of the sea apostolike, & the dignitie of his person, he was cōstrained to procede with him seuerally, vntill by his returning to the obediēce of the church of Rome, it were lawful for him to receiue him as king most christian, & embrase him as the eldest sonne of the church. The king also for the regard of his af­faires, desired the vniō of his kingdom with the church, the same being also demaū ­ded by al his peoples, & the queene no lesse concurrant then the residue: it was well discerned by the king & his coūcell that there could be no hope of alliance with the Pope in matters tēporal, if first they fell not to agreement for controuersies spiritual: for which cause either trusting in dede, or at least dissēbling vnder showes & seming to giue faith to his words, he sent to him as embassador to negociate in these causes the Bishop of Marseilles: at whose cōming the Pope by decree of the councell re­inuested the Bishops and Prelates of Fraunce with power to purge thēselues of their [Page 650] contumacie during the whole moneth of Nouember. Agaynst these Cleargie men his predecessor had proceeded rigorously by waye of threatning as agaynst persons guyltie of schisme: And the same moarning wherein this decree was determined, there was read in the councell a writing subscribed by Bernar. Caruiagall and Feder. S. Seuerin, wherin forbearing to name themselues Cardinals, they approued al the acts of the councel of Latran, & promised to cleaue to the same & obey the Pope. In this action consequently they confessed themselues to be lawfully depriued of the estate of Cardinals, which priuation being done by Pope Iulio, had bin in his life time con­firmed by the same councell. It had bene debated afore in the consistorie to haue them restored, but the resolution was afterwards deferred for thimpedimēt of them­bassadors of Caesar and the king of Aragon, together with the Cardinalls of Sion and Yorke, who alleaged that it was a matter vnworthy the maiestie of the sea Apostolike and of very ill example to pardon the authors of so great wickednesse accompanied with manifest abhomination & impietie: A matter which the laste Pope had con­stantly mainteined against them euen to the last moment of his life, and that for no other cause then for the publike benefite. But the Pope raigning inclined to that side that was least rigorous, iudging it more easy and worthy to quenche altogether the name of the councell of Pisa, rather with clemencie then with seueritie: Besides, he would not stirre vp the minde of the French king, who was a diligent intercessor for them: neither was he caryed agaynst them by any particuler hatred, for that neither was the iniurie done to him, neither before his pontificacie he nor his brethren had bene great friendes to Federike: for which reasons, of his owne motion he caused to be read before the fathers of the councell the writing of their humiliation, and assig­ned Humilitie of two Cardinals. a day for their restoring, which was done in this maner: Bernar. and Feder. entred secretly into Rome by night without eyther habite or ceremonies of Cardinalls, and the moarning folowing being to present themselues before the Pope sitting in full consistory with the presence of all the Cardinals, except the Svvizzer and the Eng­lish, who refused to assist the action: They first passed apparelled as simple priestes, with blacke bonnets on their heades through all the publike places of the pallace of Vatican, where they had lodged: A wonderfull concourse & presse of people flocked to see them, euery one iudging that a punishment so honorable did serue as a cruell torment for the vnruled pride of Bernardin, and no lesse for the vnstayed arrogancie of Federike. Assone as they were admitted into the presence of the consistorie, they fell downe of their knees, and with many signes of great humilitie they demaunded pardon of the Pope and the Cardinalls: They approued all thinges that had bene done by Pope Iulio, and namely their priuation and thelection of the newe Pope, as an act cannonical: And they publikely reproued the councel of Pisa to be an assem­bly schismatike & detestable. When this confession was subsigned with their hands & solemnly enregistred, they rose vp & stoode on their fete, & after reuerence done, they embrased all the cardinalls who stirred not out of their seates: then they were reinuested & apparelled in the habite of Cardinalls, & receiued by the residue to sit in the same order wherin they were wont to sit before their priuation: They recoue­red only by this act the dignitie of Cardinalls, and not their benefices and other re­uenues which they had possessed, for that long time before they had bin distributed to others by the liberty of vacation. In this act the Pope satisfied the French king, if not so muche as he desired, at least in parte of that he exspected: But he satisfied him nothing in other matters, for that he sought by all the wayes he could to accord Caesar and the Venetians, A matter which seemed to him of easie action for the acci­dents [Page 651] that were hapned: for it was beleeued that Caesar stirred vp by thoccasions be­yonde the Mountes, would be brought to be contented to be discharged of suche a burden, to haue the more oportunitie to harkē to the recouering of Burgondy for his nephew. And touching the Venetians, it was hoped that they would much more de­sire it, aswel for that they stood amased with the ouerthrow of the frenchmen, as also that they knew that the french king for the many dangers hanging ouer his realme, was not hable for that yere to do any more to thaffaires of Italie: Besides, they sawe fast vpon them the Spanish armie, wherevnto were to be vnited the companies that were within Verona: They were made drye of money and treasor, yll furnished of souldiors and namely of footemen: and (which was not least in their consideration) they were to resist all alone of themselues without any hope or showe of other suc­cors: And yet the Senate answered very constantly, that they would not harken to any accorde, vnlesse they were repossessed of Vincensa ane Verona.

Caesar at that time demaunded of the Pope two hundred men at armes against the Venetians: A demaund which albeit was grecuous to the Pope, both for feare least the french king should be discontented, and also he sawe how inconuenient it would be for Caesar & him to become suspected to the Venetians for a matter of so small im­portance: yet by the obstinate importunitie of Caesar, he sent him vnder Troyllo Sa­uello, Achilles Torello, and Mutio Colonno, the numbers he required, bothe for that by refusing he would not show any token not to perseuer in the confederation contra­cted with the laste Pope, and also he considered he was not holden by any bonde or obligation that he had with the Venetians: who besides that their armie did almoste expresse behauiours of hostilitie vpon the landes of Parma & Plaisantin, at such time as Aluiano laye neare to Cremona, yet they had not elected Embassadors to protest their obedience to him according to their custome, vntill the Frenche men beeing ouerthrowen, were returned beyonde the Mountes. This deliberation brought no litle amase to the Venetians, not so much for thimportance of such a succour, as for feare least by this beginning the Pope woulde passe further, taking it for a manifest signe that he would neuer be seperate from their enemies. Neuerthelesse all these daungers & showes of calamities could not make them chaunge their first counsels, but standing resolute to make as good head as they could against fortune, they sent to their Admirall that was at Corfu to assemble his nauie, & assayle the marine pla­ces of Povvilla. And yet considering a litle after, of what importance it would be to prouoke so much the king of Aragon, they reuoked that councel being more coragi­ous then discrete, no lesse for the might and power of the same king, then for that he had alwayes showed that he perswaded Caesar to peace.

The Viceroy remained at Mōtagnano, hauing as yet determined vpō nothing of that he had to do, both for that the conceptions of the launceknights were diuerse, and very hard the enterprises that remained to be attēpted eyther of Padoa or of Treuisa, and the forces farre inferior to the difficulties: for in the armie there was litle more then a thousande men at armes, not many light horsemen, and onely ten thousande footemen aswell Spanish as launceknights: And lastly there was exspectation of the comming of the Bishop of Gurce, vpon whose will & direction depended resolutely all things. About this time a Spanish magistrate being in Bergamo to gather the im­post of xxv. thousand duckets taxed vpon that citie at such time as it was rendred to the Viceroy, Ranso de Cero sent thither from Cremo one part of the souldiors, who en­tring by night by the helpe of certayne conspirators of the towne, tooke the Spani­ard with all the money he had leauyed, and returned afterwarde to Crema.

[Page 652]There was discerned about this tyme a preparation to newe troubles in the state of Genes, beeing conformable in that plot the wills of the Duke of Millan and the Svvizzers, to whom Antho. and Ierome Adorno had recourse: They declared to the Duke the affinitie and dependencie which their fathers had had with Lodovvike his father: That by the ayde of their famuly he had recouered and many yeres holden in peace the principalitie of Genes, from the whiche he had bene fraudulently deue­sted by the Dukes Fregoso: That the famulie of the Adornei had participated with the aduersities and fortunes of the Sforceis, for that at the same time that Lodovvike loste the duchie of Millan the Adornei were chased out of Genes: And therfore they perswaded that it was conuenient that they should likewise communicate in the re­turne of good hap & fortune, seeing the same affection & the same faith continued: That they ought not to be charged by imputation, if being not so muche as harde in any one place, but abandoned of all hope, their necessitie & their goodwill had dry­uen them to haue recourse to that king, by whom they had bene chased & expulsed before: That on the other side he was to remember the auncient hatred of the Fre­goset, and howe many iniuries and practises had bene wrought agaynst his father by Baptista and the Cardinall Fregosa, dukes of Genes successiuely: and lastly he was to consider how farre he was to trust Octauian Fregosa, who, besides the auncient hatred he bare, refused to haue a superiour in that gouernment. To the Svvizzers they recommended the profite, the surety, & the honor that they might reape by then­terprise: that if by their meane they were eftsones restored to their countrey, they would pay a summe of money equall to that which Octaui. Fregosa payed to the Spa­niards: that as by their vertue the duchy of Millan had bin preserued, so to them ap­perteined in honor the protection & defence of the thing they had gotten by their vallor: wherin they were to cōsider what a matter it would be contrary to the surety of that state, that Genes a citie of so neare neighborhood & importance, should obey a duke that depended wholly vpon the king of Aragon: That it were an action vn­worthy their name & their glory, to suffer Genes (the frute of the victory of Nouarro) to fall to the share and profite of the Spaniards, who whylest the Svvizzers with so great vallour ranne their bodies vpon the thundring shot of the Frenche, were with more ease then daunger vpon Trebia, watching as it were the issue of the battell to robbe & vsurpe by suttletie the rewards of the victorie gotten with the blood of o­thers. Vpon these complaints accōpanied with other reasons of cōpassion, the duke caused his cōpanies to march, & the Svvizzers aduanced foure thousand footmen: but what with the threates of the Viceroy against the Duke, and the authority of the Pope with the Svvizzers, the enterprise ceassed euē assone as it was begō, thaffectiō that the Pope bare to thaffaires of Octauian, doing more to dashe thexpedition then any other thing. In this meane while the Viceroy went vp to Battell, a place about seuē miles frō Padoa, where Caruigial riding vndiscretly with a small strength of hors­men to view the seate of the contrey, was taken by Mercario capteine of the Venetian light horsmē. About which time the bishop of Gurcy arriuing in the army, they drew to cōsultation what was to be done: The Bishop gaue coūsel to besiege Padoa, saying he hoped so much in the vertue of the Spaniards & launceknights against the Italiās, that in the end they should be able to ouercome al difficulties: he said it was a matter of lesse labor to take Treuisa, but the honor & rewards of the victory were far differēt, for that to win only Treuisa was not of much importāce for the substance of the war, but by the taking of Padoa, both the townes & peces of Caesars obediēce should stand assured frō troubles & perils of the warre, & the Venetians should be lefte depriued [Page 653] of all hope to bee hable to reconquer the places they had loste. The Viceroye and almost all the other capteines were of a contrary opinion: they iudged it rather impossible then hard to force Padoa for the incredible fortifications: it was throwly furnished with artilleries & all things necessary for defence: it was double manned with souldiors, besides many yongmen of the nobilitie of Venice that were come thi­ther as they had wōt to do at other times: they alleaged that the circuit of Padoa was large, in which regard, as also for the multitude of the defendāts & other difficulties, it required to be enuironed with a siege of two armies: a computation so farre from them, that they were not hable to make one sufficient, the number of their souldiors being not great, and yet no signe of readynes in the Launceknightes, for that they murmured already for want of pay: Lastly, they had not sufficient munitions, & no lesse want of poyeners, a prouision very necessary for an enterprise of that difficulty. But in the ende the reasons of the Viceroy and the other capteines gaue place to the Padoa [...] ­g [...]d by the Viceroy. authoritie and will of the Bishop of Gurce, according to whose direction the armie drawing neare to Padoa, encamped at Bassanella vpon the right shoare of the chan­nell: But beeing subiect there to the affliction of certayne double cannons that laye planted vpon the bastillion of the towne, they passed the channell and lodged a little further from the towne, from whence sending certayne bands of footmen to S. An­thonies Church within halfe a myle of Padoa, they began to approch with lesse daun­ger, and to cast trenches neare to S. Anthonies gate: but for that the worke was great, and the wante of pyoners no lesse, and in a countrey abandoned of all inhabitantes, the trenches aduaunced little, and not without daunger, for that the souldiors ma­king many sodain sallies aswell by day as by night, gaue great domage and impedi­ment to those that trauelled: They suffred besides great want of vittells, both for that only a smal part of the towne was inuironed by thenemies, & also the estradiots that had libertie to issue out of the other quarters of the towne, ouerronning freely the whole contrey, gaue impedimēt to al that was brought to the camp: The traffike of vittels was also hindred by certaine armed barkes which the Venetians had set for that purpose vpon the ryuer of Adice, for that the men that they caryed ceassed not to make incursions into the vplande and playne countrey, skouring all places and respected nothing in the furie of their spoyle: In regard of these difficulties, thestate of things beeing eftsones brought into the counsell by the Viceroy, euery one gaue this free iudgement, that it would be a lesse infamie to correct the deliberation vn­discretly made in leauying the campe, then by iustifying the error to breede & bring vpon them some greater domage, & that not without the societie of a farre greater shame. This opinion beeing related to the Bishop of Gurce by the Viceroy in the presence of many capteines, for that he had refused to be at that councell: he made aunswere, that for that the discipline and practise of warre was not his profession, it was no shame to him to confesse his ignoraunce in the seruice & guyding of warre: only touching the coūsell he had giuen to pitch the camp afore Padoa, it moued not by any singularitie of credit in his owne wisdom, but in the action he was caryed by the opinion & authoritie of the Viceroy, who both by letters & expresse messengers had counselled themperour, and giuen him great hope to cary it. At laste the diffi­culties not ceassing neither for their complaintes, nor for their debating, no rather the dispayre of thenterprise daily increasing, the camp brake vp after it had lien xviij. dayes afore the walles of Padoa: And hauing both at their breaking vp, and vpon the way, the light horsemen at their backes, they withdrew to Vincensa, which then was voyde of inhabitantes, and lay as a pray to who was master of the fielde.

[Page 654]In this meane while the souldiors of the duke of Millan, to whose ayde the Viceroy had sent Antho. de Leue with a thousande footmen, tooke Pantovviquo, wherin were two hundred footemen in garrison for the Venetians, who neither amased with the thunder of thartilleries, nor discoraged with the mynes that were made, were con­strayned at the ende of a moneth to yelde for want of vittels, after they had valiaunt­ly susteined thassault. About the same time Ranso de Cero issuing out of Cremo ouer­threwe Siluio Sauello marching with his bandes and foure hundred Spanishe foote­men to Bergamo, whither the Duke of Millan sent him. And a little after a Spanishe officer being returned to Bergamo to gather money, Ranso sent thither a strength of three hundred horsemen and fiue hundred footemen, who tooke together with the officer the rocke wherevnto he was fledde for his safety with the money he had lea­uied: In this rocke were very fewe men of warre, for that lx. men at armes, three hundred light horsemen, and seuen hundred footemen, with two thousand paisants of the Mount of Brianso were gone from Millan vnder the leading of Siluio Sauello & Caesar Fieromosquo, to reconquer Bergamo: and they encountring vpon the way fiue hundred light horsemen and three hundred footemen sent by Ranso to Bergamo, were easily put to flight, by whose example the residue that affore had occupied Bergamo, abandoned it, leauing onely a garrison in the Rocke which standeth out of the Citie vpon a mountayne called the Chappell.

The Viceroy and Bishop of Gurce remayned certayne dayes at Vincensa, and sente one parte of the Spaniards vnder Prosper Colonno to sacke Basciano & Marostiquo: not that they had offended, but that the substances of that wretched people should mi­nister norriture to tharmy, wherein the payes did fayle, Caesar standing alwayes op­pressed with his accustomed difficulties, the king of Aragon not hable of himselfe to beare out so great a burden, and the duchie of Millan being excessiuely taxed by the Svvizzers, was no more hable to contribute to the releefe of the residue. The army aboade at Vincensa, not without great discommodities by the continuall vexations of the light horsemen, who ouerrunning day and night the whole contrey, stopped all traffike and passage of vittels, vnlesse they were garded with a great strength, and that of necessitie must be of men at armes, for that they were very fewe light horse­men: Therefore to be out of these torments, the Bishop of Gurce went to Verona ve­ry muche discontented with the Viceroy, who following him by small iourneys, got into Albero vpon the ryuer of Adice, where he remained certaine dayes to giue opor­tunitie to them of Verona to make their haruest, thincursions of the light horsemen not ceassing for all that, who tooke from the Almains euen neare the gates of Vero­na, the oxen that drewe thartilleries. The Viceroy had layde a former plot to bestow the armie in garrison in the countreys of Bressia and Bergamasqua, and at the same time to molest Crema, which was all that the Venetians helde on the other side the ri­uer of Mincia: which deuise being published, had so assured the countreys therea­boutes that the territories of Padoa were full of inhabitantes and goods, the same beeing the cause that the Viceroy, who had no other meane to feede his armie then by prayes and pillage, altered his plot, and calling backe the Almains, went to Mon­tagnana and to Este, and from thence to the village of Bouolento, where after he had driuen away great flockes of cattell, the souldiours consumed with fyre many fayre houses that stoode thereabout: Still the desyre of pillage caryed them on, and being the rather encouraged that the bandes of the Venetian footemen were distributed to the garde of Padoa and Treuisa, the Viceroy marching in pillage from Bouolento, de­termined to approche Venice, but agaynst thopinion of Prospero Colonno, who tolde [Page 655] him that no lesse was the daunger of thenterprise then the councell rash: So that af­ter they had passed the riuer of Bacquillon and sacked Pieuo de sacco which is a borow both great in situacion, populous, and full of all thinges, they went to Mestro and so to Marguera which standeth vpon the salt waters: from that place, to leaue a more honorable memorie of this expedicion, they discharged towards Venice ten peeces of great artillerie whose boollets pearced the Monasterie of S. Secondo: And as in warre where discipline is at libertie, there insolencies be infinit, so they proceeded still in pilling & wasting the whole contrey whose inhabitants being sled, they made with great iniquitie warres against the walls: for, not content with the rich prayes of cattell and other wealth, in their crueltie they burned Mestra, Marguera, and Lissasu­snia together with all the other villages and townes of the contry, not sparing any house or pallace which had any extraordinary representacion or apparance: In these insolencies, thimpietie of the Popes souldiours and the other Italians, was not the least, but so much the greater by howe much it was more infamous in them then in the forreiners to vse crueltie against the magnificence & ornaments of their pro­per contrey: But they of Venice discerning within their towne the smoke by day, & by night the fire thorow the whole contrey, And hearing within their owne houses the noyse of thartillerie of thennemies which was planted for no other purpose then to encrease their ignominie: were touched in their mindes with right great indig­nacion and sorow: It seemed to euery one a hard and greeuous chaunce of fortune, that in place of so great glorie and so many victories obteyned in Italy affore tyme both by sea and land, their eyes should beholde at that instant a small armie in com­parison of their auncient force and power, to offer to the maiestie of their common weale, so great a brauery to their perpetual reproch & ignominie: In regard of which indignities, the deliberacions of that Senat being enforced, who till that day stoode resolute, what hopes soeuer were offered, to eschew to make any experience of for­tune: They now consented by the hawtie perswasions of Bart. Aluiano, that reassem­bling all the souldiours and stirring vp all the villages aswell of the plaines as of the mounteines, they should assay to stoppe the returne of thennemies: A matter which Aluiano proued to be of very easie action, for that their rashnes hauing brought them in the middest of Venice, Treuisa, and Padoa, and being laden with burdens of pray and spoyle, they could not retyre without great daunger, aswell for thincommoditie of vittells, as for thimpediment of riuers and hard passages: And now the Spanyards vn­derstanding of the moosters and preparacions that were in hand, marching a good passe, were by this time comen to Citadella, which when they saw they could not get for a succour of souldiours newly entred, they lodged a litle beneath neare to Brenta to passe to the village of Contycella, A place where the riuer of Brenta was passible by foarde: But they durst not venture to passe ouer for feare of Aluiano, who stoode on the other side with his companies ranged in battell and his artillerie planted along the shoare of the riuer, carefully prouiding for the sauetie not onely of that place, but also of many others: Whereunto, if resistance had not bene made, thennemie had had easie passage: It hapned (such be the stratagemes of souldiours) that as the Viceroy continued his shewes and demonstracions to passe ouer at the place below, to the which Aluiano had turned all his forces, he passed the night after without any impediment at the passage called the new crosse three miles aboue Citadella: from thence with great diligence he tooke his way to Vincensa, but Aluiano seeking to stop his passage ouer the riuer of Bacquillon, preuented him. Ioh. P. Baillon and Andr. Gritty with a strength of two hundred men at armes, and two thowsand footemen of the [Page 656] forces of Treuisa, came and ioyned with Aluiano neare to Vincensa: They with the other Venetian Capteines were of councell not to fight with thenemies with banner displayed and in an open place, but garding well the passages of strength and places most conuentient, they should labor to stoppe their way on what place so euer they came, drawing now towards Vincensa: To this end they had sent Ioh. P. Manfrono to Montechio with foure thowsand men trained: And to Barberano to hinder their pas­sage in the mounteines, were sent v. hundred light horsemen with many other bands of the paisantes: They had also stopped in the villages all the passages that led into Germanie, & fortified them with trenches, with stones, and with trees cut downe and layed a thwart the wayes: Aluiano left Theodore Triuulco to gard Vincensa with a gar­rison sufficient, and him selfe with the residue of tharmie encamped at Olmo a place within two myles of Vincensa vpon the way that leades to Verona: This passage with an other fast by, was so choaked with trenches, ditches and artilleries planted vppon the places comming to it, that it was almost impossible to passe: As the way towards Verona was full of these impedimentes, so it was likewise hard for the Spanyards that marched along the mountaines, to goe larger thorow the contreys that were full of marrishe and waters, and no lesse hard to take the way of the mountaine which was narrow and garded by many armed men: Insomuch as being enuirronned almost on all partes with enemies, their perill all one both before, behinde, and in flancke, and continually chassed by great troupes of light horsemen, they could make no deli­beracion wherein the difficultie was not greater then the daunger: After they had spent certeine time in skirmishing, they incamped towards the entrie of the night, within halfe a mile of the place where the Venetians lay, and there the Captaines drawing to councell what was best to doe amidde so many aduersities and perills, they choosed as least daungerous to turne their enseignes towards Germanie: They iudged that the best way to returne to Verona by Trenta, notwithstanding what for the longnes of the way, and the small garrison they had left there, they had almost an assured opinion that the celeritie of the Venetians woulde preuent their purpose: In this sorte then did they marche at the dawning of the day towards Bassan turning their backes to thenemies, a matter then the which there is nothing more timerous nor pernicious to armies: And albeit they marched in order, yet their fortune had left them so small hope of sauetie, that they thought the losse of their baggage and horses of cariage, would be the least harme that could happen to them: What by their secret discamping without sound of trompet or dromme, and the commodity of a thicke mist falling that morning which tooke away the benefit of his eyes, Alui­ano was not so speedily aware of their breaking vp: But he was no sooner aduertised of their departing, then he set to follow them with all the army, wherin was thought to be a thowsand men at armes, a thowsand stradiots, and six thowsande footemen: The stradiots vexed them continually on all sides, and infinit troupes of paisants de­scending from the mountaines, were no little trouble to them with their small shot: So that with their daunger, the difficultie of the wayes encreased continually both for the multitude of their cariages, and the great quantitie of their pray, and also for that they were driuen to passe thorowe wayes straite and full of ditches, which they had had no oportunitie to enlarge or make plaine with mattockes and spades: And yet notwithstanding by howe much their aduersities were great and apparant by so much greater was their necessitie of speede and hast, their extremities coulde not make them forget to march in order, the same proceding as wel of the vertue of the souldiours as the care and good office of the Capteines: Neuerthelesse after they [Page 657] had marched two miles with so many perplexities of wayes and trauell, they iudged it would be harde to holde out long in that sort, their greefe beeing greater by the wearinsse of their bodies, then by any feare of the perills they saw at hande. But the enemies by their rashnes had not patience to expect till so fayre an occasion mighte be rypened which already was come to his perfection: for Aluiano according to his custome being not hable to conteine himselfe, charged vpon the rearegard of then­nemies guyded by Prospero Colonno: he went to the charge not in disorder, but with tharmie araunged in battell, and his artilleries planted ready for thexecution: and it was sayde for certayne, that beeing long in preparing to the charge, Loredano a ru­ler amongest the Venetians rebuked him with very sharpe wordes that he went not to the charge, whose slownesse, sayd he, gaue oportunitie to thenemies being alrea­dy broken, to saue themselues. By these prouocations so valiaunt a Capteine was compelled to runne headlong to the feight, and in great furie gaue the signe of the battell. Some other affirme that Prospero Colonno was the cause of all the actions of armes that day, by whose counsell the Viceroy had rather proue the vncertayne chaunce and fortune of the feight, then otherwise to followe so small a hope of safe­tie: And it is sayde, that hauing made a showe that he would returne towards Vin­censa, Aluiano had caused to be bestowed in the suburbes of Vincensa, Iohn P. Baillon with those bandes that were come from Treuisa, and him selfe with the residue of tharmie was incamped at Creatia within two miles of Vincensa: In this place is a litle hill that gaue a conuenient commoditie for the vse and seruice of thartillerie against thenemies, and at the foote of it is a valley capable of a mayne armie raunged in bat­tell, but it hath no way of accesse but onely by one straite way that runneth vp along the hilles, and is almoste encompased with marishes: It is sayde that Prospero kno­wing what incommodities this place gaue to thenemies, perswaded to set vppon them in that quarter, hauing there thoportunitie and seate of the place to set foorth their vallour: But what so euer it was, Prospero began to go to the charge with a re­solution worthy of the reputation he bare, and hauing sent to call the Viceroy which brought on the battell, and on the one side, and at one tyme the Spanishe footemen aduauncing by the direction of the Marquis of Pisquairo, and on the other hande the squadrons of the launceknightes, they brought vpon the Venetians so hotte and fu­rious a charge, that their feares beeing redoubled by the terror and vallour of their enemies, the first assault almost suffised to put them all to flight: The footmen threw Ouerthrowe of the Venetians armie. downe their pikes and fledde with more shame then hope of safetie, their ignorance or want of courage making them vnhable to susteine the furie of the charge: The footemen of Romagnia, whose Coronell was Ra. de Naldo Brisiquello, were the first that serued to the others as an example of cowardise and infamie: the residue of tharmy tooke the same course, no man almost being seene to fight or once looke his enemy in the face, yea the vertue of Aluiano was so abated and confused by this sodayne fleeing away, that without stroke striking he left the victorie to thenemies, to whom thartilleries with all the baggage remayned a pray: The footemen were skattered into diuerse places, and for the men at armes, some fledde to hyde their shame in the mountaynes, and some sought their safetie in Padoa and in Treuisa, whither fled in like sorte Aluiano and Gritti. In this encounter were slaine Antho. Pio an auncient capteine with Constance his sonne, Meleager Furly, and Lodo. Parma, and the fortune of P. S. Ange was litle better, who though his lyfe was reserued, yet he escaped not without many miserable and mortall wounds: The prisoners were Iohn P. Baillon, Iulio the sonne of Iohn P. Manfron, Malatesto Soligiano, with many other Capteines [Page 658] and persons of name and marke: Loredano the Venetian ruler fell into this calamitie, but with a worse fortune: for that two souldiours striuing whose prisoner he should be, the one of them killed him against all humanitie: Touching the generall slaugh­ter of this conflict both of dead bodies and prisoners, there remeyned about foure hundred men at armes and foure thowsand footemen, the slaughter being so much the greater by howe much there could be no expedicion of fleing by reason of the marrais: This also brought great domage to such as trusted in the chasse, that Theo. Tryuulco shut the gates of Vincensa and would receiue in no kind of person for feare least the Victor and the vanquished should enter pellmell together: By which impe­diment many striuing to passe further drowned them selues in the next riuer, amon­gest whom were Hermio Bentyuiolo and Sacramoro Visconte.

This was the ouerthrow that fell vpon the Venetians the seuenth day of October neare to Vincensa: worthy to be remēbred both for the example it gaue to capteines not to haue confidence touching matters of armes, in thItalian footemen not expe­rienced in battells pitched and raunged, and also that almost in the turning of a hand the victorie was transferred to those in whom was least hope of sauetie. This ouer­throw had put in daunger eyther Treuisa or Padoa notwithstanding with the residue of tharmie Aluiano was retyred to the one and Gritty to the other, if both the season of the yeare when raynes began to fall, had not bene contrary, and the townes bea­ring good fortificacions, and the Capteines much troubled to dispose to new enter­prises the souldiours that were not yet payd: Neuertheles, albeit the Venetians stood afflicted with so many aduersities, & no lesse confused with an accident so farre con­trary to their hopes, yet they forbare not according to the time and their abilitie, to refurnish those cities, to the which, besides other prouisions they sent many younge gentlemen of the nobilitie as they had wont to doe in times of greatest perill.

After this battell, things began to draw from armes to cogitacions and deuises of peace, which was negociated with the Pope: towards whom was gon the Bishop of Gurcy principally to protest obedience to him in the name of Caesar and tharch Duke: In which action he was followed by Frauncis Sforce Duke of Bary to performe the like for his brother Maxymylian Sforce: And albeit the Bishop of Gurcy represented in Italy the ful person of Caesar as he did at other times, yet laying now aside his pomp and accustomed magnificence, he entred more modestly into Rome, and forbare by the way to weare the cappe of Cardinall which the Pope had sent to him at Foggi­bonso: At his comming was compownded a compromisse by him and the Venetian Embassadors in the person of the Pope, of all the controuersies that were betweene Caesar and their common weale: But it was a compromisse more in name and appa­rance, then in effect and substance, for that neither of the parties for thimportance of the cause would be referred to an arbytrement suspected, vntill they had seuerally and secretly receiued promisse of him, that he would not giue vppe his arbytracion without their consent and priuitie: The Pope by this authority of Compromitting, declared in writing that there should be a surceassing of armes betweene the two parties, which albeit was ioyfully accepted by them both, was yet ill obserued by the Viceroy: for that being come betweene Montagnana and Este, besides that he had done no other thing since the victorie then made pillage and ouerronne the whole contry, hauing withall sent part of his souldiours to Policena, he committed in son­dry places many insolencies and harmes: sometymes he excused his doings, in that they were vpon the landes of Caesar, & sometimes he alleaged that he exspected new intelligence from the Cardinall of Gurcy: lastly the ende of the compromisse was no [Page 659] more happie then had bene the middest and the beginning, by reason of difficulties that fell out in the negociacion of affaires: for, Caesar would out consent to thaccord, but with condicion to reteine parte of the townes, & for the other to receiue a great proporcion of money: and of the contrary, the Venetians demaunded all the townes and offered a very small summe of money: it was beleued also that the king Catho­like did secretly disswade the accorde, notwithstanding openly he made demonstra­tion to desire it: yea it was said, that to make it more hard, he had at the same time put Bressa into the hands of Caesar, a place which the Viceroy neuer til that day would giue vp, alleaging that he kept it to make him more inclined to the peace: But the causes were coniectured diuersly, either he had so farre offended the Venetians that he iudged he would no more enterteine with them a true and assured amitie, or else he knew that his reputacion and greatnes in Italie depended vppon continuing and keeping on foote the armie, which for want of money he was not able to feede and nourrish but by racking & raunsoming the peoples that were his frendes, and in ma­king praye and pillage of the countreys that were enemies: These difficulties toge­ther with the vntowardnesse of the parties, made the Pope leaue the matter vnper­fect, when a litle after, the Almains, by the helpe of the exiles and banished men, tooke Marano vpon the suddeine, a seafaring towne in the countrey of Friull, and so discended to the like action vpon Montfalcon: and albeit the Venetians both for their honor & profit, desired to reconquer Marano being threescore miles from Venice, & in that disposition did assaile it both by sea and land, yet their fortune being all one in all places, they receiued losse & vexacion on all sides: only Ranso de Cero in that time susteyned the name and credit of their armes, to his great praise and merit: for, al­beit there was a great rage of plague and hunger in Crema where he lay in garrison, and that the bands of Spanyards and Millanois being dispersed into the townes there­about by reason of the season, he was as it were besieged: yet he gaue a suddeine charge vppon Calcinaia a towne of the countrey of Bergamo, and stripped Caesar Fie­ramosquo with forty men at armes and two hundred light horsemen of the regiment of Prospero Colonno: And not many dayes after, he entred by night into Quinsano, and tooke the Lieutenaunt of the Count S. Seuerin, and spoyled fifty men at armes, and within Treuy, stripped ten men at armes of the company of Prospero.

About this time thinges were quiet enough in other places of Italie, sauing that the Adorneis and the Fiesqueis with three thowsand men of the countrey, accompa­nied perhappes with the secret fauor of the Duke of Millan, drew neare the walls of Genes, after they had taken Spetia and other places of the riuer of Leuant: But their fortune being farre inferior to their valour, they went away almost ouerthrowen, hauing loste parte of the men they brought to thenterprise, and certaine peeces of artillerie: There appeared also in Tuskane certeine beginninges of new iniuries: for, the Florentins beganne to molest them of Lucquay, trusting that thorow feare of the Pope, they should redeeme peace in restoring to them Pietrasanta & Mutrona: They alleaged besides, that it was not conuenient that they should enioy the benefitte of that confederacion, which they had broken in minstring secret succours to the Pi­sans: Against these suggestions they of Lucquay complained to the Pope and to the king Catholike in whose protection they were, but seeing there grew no remedy to them, they were at last contented (to auoyde greater mischiefes) to referre a com­promisse to the person of the Pope: Who hauing like authoritie for the Florentins, pronounced that they of Lucquay who had affore rendered to the Duke of Ferrara, Garsagnana, shoulde leaue to the Florentins the places of Pietrasanta and Mutrona, [Page 660] and that there should remayne betwene them a perpetuall peace & confederation.

About the ende of this yere, the Castles of Millan and Cremona, who for the ne­cessitie of vittells had agreed to yeelde if they were not succored in a certayne time, were deliuered into the power of the Duke of Millan: So that there remayned no more that the French king helde in Italie, but the lanterne of Genes, which in the end of the same yere the Genovvaies assayed to caste downe by mynes: They approched to it vnder the benefite of a Caske or vessell of wood conteining thirtie fadomes in length and twentie in breadth: within which was stowage for three hundred men, and set rounde about with packes of wooll the better to defende the shotte: At the first showe it caryed great arte and deepe inuention, but being brought to tryall, it serued to litle vse, as most often is seene by those newe and straunge workes.

The ende of the eleuenth Booke.

THe king of Englande makes vvarre vpon the French king. The Ʋenetians recouer Friull. The Pope as arbitrator pronounceth peace betvvene them and the king of Romains. King Lovvis the xij. dyeth. Frauncis the firste commeth to the Crovvne, and discendeth into Italie to re­conquer Millan.

THE TVVELFTH BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

THERE happned the same yere in the regions beyonde the Mountes, most dangerous warres, wherof I wil make present discourse, both for the same reasōs, & with the same shortnes that I haue touched thē in the narration of the yere before.

The beginning of these preparations and stirres grew vp­pon a resolution which the king of Englande made to inuade that sommer the Realme of Fraunce with a mayne army both by sea and lande: And to make the victorie of this enterprise more easie, he had agreed with Caesar to furnishe him of an hundred and twentie thousande duckets, to make an entrie at the same tyme into Burgondy with an army of three thousande horsemen, and eight thousande footmen, parte Svvizzers and parte Almains. He promised also to the Svvizzers a certayne proportion of money, the rather to induce them to ioyne in the action with Caesar, who was contented to put into their hands in pawne one parte of Burgondy vntill he had fully satisfied them of their payes: Lastely also the king of Englande occupied this perswasion, that his father in lawe the king Catholike, cleauing to the confede­ration of Caesar and him (which he had alwayes protested and assured) would open [Page 661] the warre on his side at the same instante: By reason whereof the reapporte of the truce made by thenglishe with the Frenche king (and yet for all that the desire to make warre was nothing diminished) was so yll brooked not onely by him, but by all sortes of states and peoples in Englande, that the Commons had done violent execution vpon the Spanishe Embassador, if the kings authoritie had not resisted their furie. To these things were added thoportunitie of thestate of tharchduke, not so muche that he letted not his subiectes to take paye agaynst the Frenchemen, as for that he promised to giue sufferaunce and passage of vittayles out of his coun­treys into thenglishe armie.

It behoued the French king to omit no sortes of prouisions agaynst so great pre­parations Prouisions of the Frenche agaynst the king of Eng­lande. and daungerous threatning: By sea he furnished a strong nauy to encoun­ter thadmirall of Englande, and by lande he leauyed men from all partes, laboring specially to haue as great a strength of launceknightes as he coulde: He had also af­fore made great instance to the Svvizzers, that since they refused to ayde him in the warres of Italie, at leaste, that they woulde so farre fauour him as to delyuer him a proportion of footemen to helpe to defende the Crowne of Fraunce. But they beeing wholly resolued to protect and assure the Duchie of Millan, refused in any wyse to minister to him, vnlesse he woulde eftsoones returne to the vnitie of the Churche: and giue vp the Castell of Millan which was not yet rendred: and also cancelling his rights & interests to that estate, he would promise no more to molest neither Millan not Genes, Limitations no lesse vnprofitable to the French king, then contrary to his honour, and preiudiciall to the soueraigne dignitie of the crowne of Fraunce. Likewise the French king, the more to terrifie thenglish & make them more intangled with their owne affayres, had called into Fraunce the duke of Suffolke as Competitor and aspirant to the Crowne of Englande: A deuise little helping the purposes of Fraunce, and of great daunger to the race and progenie of the Duke, for that in reuenge of their dealing, the king of Englande by ordinarie course of the iustice of his Realme, cutte off the head of his brother, who tyll then had bene hol­den prisoner in Englande, since the tyme that Phillip king of Castillo sayling into Spayne, deliuered him into the handes of the king his father. The French king al­so was not without hope to haue peace with the king Catholike: for that when the king Catholike vnderstoode of the league made betwene the French and the Vene­tians, he began to distrust muche of the defence of the duchie of Millan, and sent in­to Fraunce one of his secretaries, to practise newe offers: And it was beleued, that considering howmuch the greatnes of Caesar and the archduke might alter his go­uernment of Castillo, he could not in good pollicy stand well contented with them­basing of the realme of Fraunce: Besides all these, omitting no oportunities wherein occasion might be taken, the french king forgat not in these actiōs to stirre vp Iames the king of Skottes his auncient confederate, to thende that he opening the warre vpon the frontiers of Englande, he might with more facilitie make defence against so many & mightie inuasions. The Skottish king was moued to this warre by the con­sideration of his proper interests, for that the aduersities of Fraunce could not but be daungerous to the crowne of Skotland, in which regard ioyned to the respect of con­federation, he prepared him selfe to the action with all diligence, demaunding of the Frenche king no other ayde then fiftie thousande frankes to leauye muniti­ons and vittels. Neuerthelesse the Frenche king was very slowe in gathering toge­ther his forces and prouisions, bothe for that he had turned all his thoughtes to thenterprise of Millan, and reaposed not a litle in the truce made with the king [Page 662] Catholike: Lastly his accustomed negligence was no litle impediment to the expedi­tion ‘of his busines, A vice most hurtfull to thaffayres of Princes, to whom is seldome seene to returne theffect or sruite of their exspectation, when they stande to tempo­rise vpon euery new occasion after the resolution is set downe and things referred to action.’ And touching the king of England, he cōsumed many monthes in measuring his proportions, in leauying his prouisions, in rating the state & maner of his payes, and in distinguishing the sortes of his souldiors and their fashions of armor & wea­pons, for that his subiectes hauing bene many yeeres without warres, and no lesse chaunged the maner of warfaring, both their bowes and their other vsual natures of armes being become vnprofitable, he was constrayned to make great prouision of forreine armors, artilleries, and munitions, and by the same necessitie to leauye as souldiors trayned many bands of launceknights & horsmen, the ancient custome of the English being to fight on foote: for these impedimentes thenglish army passed not the seas soner then the moneth of Iuly: And after they had for many dayes runne vp into the champayne countrey neare vnto Bolleine, they went to incampe affore Torvvaine, A towne standing vpon the marches of Pikardy, & in the region of those peoples whō the Latins call Morini: The person of the king of Englande passed the sea a litle after, who had in his maine army fiue thousand horses of seruice, and more then forty thousand footmen: ‘An army not more notable by the multitudes of soul­diors & consideration of their vallor, then most glorious by the presence & maiestie of their king, in whose person appeared at that instant being in an age disposed and actiue, al those tokens of honor & magnanimitie, which rising afterwards to their ful ripenes & perfection by degrees of time, study, and experience, made him the most renowmed and mightie prince that lyued in his age in all this part or circuite of the earth which we call Christendome.’ After the Englishe were drawne into campe, which according to their custome they enuironed with trenches & with cartes, and so rampired it with wood and other firme matter, and then planted it rounde about with artillerie, that they seemed to be in a walled towne: They began to batter the Torvvaine besieged by the English. town of Torvvaine in many places, & to make many mines, but they forbare to giue thassalt, perhaps their prouisions beeing lesse then their vertue, though their vallour was nothing inferior to the reaport that went of thē: The towne of Torvvain within was very wel furnished with artilleries, & manned with a strength of two hundred & fifty launces & two thousand footmen: which though it was a garrison very smal in regard of thimportaunce of the place, yet their daunger was no greater then their hope of succors: for that the french king was come to Amiens, to thende that by his nerenes he might giue courage & cōfort to those that were besieged, making great the difficultie to reskew them: he was very carefull to assemble his armie, which by true mustering was supposed to conteine two thousande fiue hundred launces, ten thousand launceknights guided by the duke of Gueldres, and ten thousand footemen leauied in the partes of his realme: The greatest affliction within the town was feare to want vittels, for that (except of bread) they had not sufficient prousion of any one nature, A want which perhaps made them more bold & busie then otherwise they would, & least the same necessitie might grow to a desperat extremitie, though they durst not come to trial of their generall forces, yet they forbare not to make practise of seruice, & vexed continually the English camp with their artillerie, in which exe­cution the great Chāberlaine of England was slayne, & one legge taken away from Talbot then capteine of Callice. The daunger of Torvvaine troubled much the king, but for that by cōmon negligence of Fraunce, & the difficulty to leauy laūceknights, [Page 663] he was long ere he began to put order to his affayres, his whole army was not yet as­sembled: neither was he of mind (what aduersities soeuer fortune brought vpon him) to hazard the feight with thenemies, for that in loasing the battell, the whole realme and state of Fraunce had stand in manifest perill: he hoped also that the winter com­ming on which in those cold clymats beginneth betimes, thenemies would be driuē to dissolue, the ill oportunitie and season of the yere driuing them from thenterprise which the feare of thenemies could not make them to leaue: and yet his army being assembled & his owne person remaining still at Amyens, he sent it forth to Aire nere to Torvvaine vnder the gouernment of Monsr Longeuille, otherwise called the Mar­quis of Rottelyn Prince of the blood, and capteine of an hundred gentlemen of ordi­naunce, ioyning with him in the charge Monsr Palissa: their commission was, that eschuing all occasions to attempt the battell, they should see to the well reuittelling of the townes thereabouts, which till that time had bene ill furnished, being subiect to the same negligence that the whole seruice was, & withall to do what they could to put into Torvvaine a succour of men and releefe: A matter of itselfe very vnea­sie, and yet made more hard by the small agrement that was betwene the Generals, either of thē attributing seuerally to himself, the whole direction and gouernment, the one for his noblenesse and discending, and the other for his long experience in warre: Notwithstanding, what by the necessity of the time brooking no long delay, & what by thimportunity of thē within the towne, crying out for a succour of men, there was a strength of a thowsand fiue hūdred launces that aduētured to approach the towne on that side that was furthest remoued frō the English: And albeit there was a regiment of three thowsande Englishe bestowed at certaine passages to stoppe them, yet thartilleries of the towne executed so furiously vpon them, and the residue of tharmy being vnprofitable to their reskewing by reason of certeine ouer­thwart trenches and ditches cast by the towne, that Capteine Frontaillas ouer com­ming the perill by his vertue, got to the gate, & put into the towne a supply of lxxx. men at armes without horses as they had required: And afterwards with the same felicity he retired with the residue of his companies, finding easie by experience the enterprise that was made hard by reaport, & ouercomming by his vertue the daun­ger that without practise was holden desperat▪ he might vnder the same aduenture, haue put vittells into the towne, if he had caried any with him, his fortune and the state of the perill being all one.

By this experience the french capteines were incoraged to make their approches an other day with a great quantity of vittells, hoping in the same felicity: But thEn­glish that tooke warning by the last example, had raised newe fortificacions on that side, to stoppe them, and on thother side, had sent out their horsemen and xv. thow­sand Almain footemen to cut of their way: Insomuch that as they were vppon their returne, the fortune of the first aduenture taking from them all suspicion, and being remounted vppon their litle nagges of iorney that were led spare, as men beguiled with opinion of security, they were sodainly set vpon euen in the greatest coniecture The ouer­throw [...]f the French neare [...]. of their assurance & sauetie, and as men being passed from a perill they feared most into a daunger they douted least, they suffred the terrour of thaccident to take from them alresolucion, & put themselues to flight without any resistance, loasing in that disorder three hūdred men at armes, with whom were taken prisoners the Marquis of Rottelyn, Capteines Bayard & Faiette with many others of marke & name: Monsr Palissa was also taken prisoner but escaped away by aduenture, his pollicie no lesse fauoring his sauetie, then his fortune: it was thought that if thEnglishe had taken [Page 664] the oportunity & offer of that days fortune, they had in that action opened to themselues a way to be masters of the whole realme of Fraunce: For that behinde, stoode a great battell of launceknightes which had followed the men at armes, who if they had bene shocked and ouerthrowen, it had bene with so great domage to the french army, that it is certeine that the french king vpon the first newes beleuing that they had bene broken in dede, would haue geuen so desperat a sentence of his owne safe­tie, that he would looke howe he might flee into Britaine: But there was difference betwene thintencion of thEnglish and offer of their fortune, for, after they had gi­uen the chasse to the horsemen hauing nothing of more study & care in their mind then the conquest of the towne of Torvvaine, they presented the frenche enseignes and prisoners before the walls: a spectacle which moued not a litle the towne to di­spaire of succour, and ioyning to it the viewe and consideracion of their other cala­mities, and the launceknightes withall murmuring to endure without hope the last extremitie of vittells, they agreed to leaue the towne, the horses and liues of the souldiours saued, if they were not reskewed within two dayes: And it is not to bee douted that their holding out by the space of fiftie dayes, was not a thing that great­lie profited the realme of Fraunce, who by the benefite of the long suffering of Tor­vvaine, had respit to temporise and prepare against many other greater afflictions which otherwise so mightie an armie of enemies would haue brought vppon them euen to the shaking of the Crowne of Fraunce: A litle before, Maximilian Caesar was come in persone into the Englishe armie, reuiewinge and layinge out those places wherein in his youth, he had with so great glorie ouerthrowne the armie of the French king Lovvys the eleuenth: Who whilest he remayned in the campe, the affayres of the warre tooke their chiefest direction and gouernment from him.

The Frenche king was not onely trauelled with thEnglishe armies, but also with greater daunger, he had his vexacions by the Svvizzers: for the commonalties of those regions desiring with an vniuersall minde that the king should disclaime from all titles and rights which he pretended to the Duchie of Millan, wherin for that he Rising of the Swizzers a­gainst the French king. did nothing, their hatred redoubled towardes him, they had entred against him ma­ny actions of hostilitie, and sette on fire many houses of priuate persons of Lucerna whome they suspected to beare fauor to thaffaires of the Crowne of Fraunce: And proceeding continuallie against all men noted of like suspicion, they had brought all the chiefetaines and principalls of them, to sweare to suffer all the pensions to go in common, & so falling into armes by publike order, they entred almost by heapes into Burgondy, their numbers being xx. thowsand footmen, & a thowsand horsemen: In which action they had certeine proporcions of artillerie from Caesar, who, either according to his inconstancy, or for ielousie he had of them, refused to go thither in person notwithstanding he had promised both to the king of England, & to thē: Being drawne into this strength & power of warre, they went & incamped affore Dyon the chiefe towne of Burgondy, wherin was Monsr Trimouille with a thowsand laūces & six thowsand footmē: These natures of cōmons & popular peoples, hauing some dout of their Capteines who began already to communicate with the french, tooke vpon them the managing of thartilleries and fell to batter the towne, of whose defense Trimouille douting much, he had recourse to the last remedies, & made with thē a so­dain accord without exspecting any commission from the king, on whose behalfe he made this contract to renounce all the rights & claimes he pretended to the Duchy of Millan, & to pay them six hundred thowsand crownes within a certeine tearme: [Page 665] for thobseruation of which couenant he gaue him foure ostages, persons very ho­norable and of great condicion: And for the Svvyzzers they were bownd to no o­ther promise then to returne to their houses, A matter which tyed them not to re­meme for afterwards friendes to the french king, but left them at libertie to returne when they list to thinuasions of his kingdom: Assoone as they were possessed of tho­stages they brake vp and dissolued their army immediatly, alleaging for their excuse with the king of England for entring into this couenant without his consent, that they receyued not in tyme conuenient, the money he had promised them: It was thought that this capitulacion was the cause of the sauing of the whole Realme of Fraunce, for that the taking of Dyon, had put into the hands of the Svvyzzers a free power to ronne vp without resistance euē to the wals of Paris: And it was not vnlike­ly that the king of England passing the riuer of Somme, would not haue taken the field to ioyne with thē: A matter which the french could not let for that neither the duke of Gueldres being thē come, nor in the armie aboue six thowsand launceknights, they were constrayned to keepe them selues inclosed within townes: But the king was not a litle discontented with the resolucion, complayning not a litle against Monsr Try­mouille, both for the summe of money he had promised, and much more that he had bound him to the resignation of his titles & interests as anaction of too great preiu­dice, & farre vnworthy his greatnes & the glory of the crowne of Fraunce: for which cause albeit the daūger had bene great if the Svvyzzers in their wrath had eftsoones returned to assaile him, yet reapposing much in the approch of the winter, and in the difficultie that they could not reassemble so soone, & being with all resolute to ronne all fortunes rather then to depriue himselfe of his rightes in that Duchie (which he loued dearely) he determined not to ratifie thaggreement: yea rather he beganne to propownd to them newe offers, which much lesse that they did harken vnto, seeing they did cōstantly reiect them, with these bluddy threats, that if the ratification came not within a certeine tyme, they would cut of the heades of thostages.

Torvvaine being taken, whereunto thArchduke aspyred by pretence of his aunci­ent right, and the king of England chalenged it to be his by the iust prerogatiue of conquest and warre: Caesar and he fell to this point for thauoiding of discord, to cast downe the wals to the ground, notwithstanding such violence was forbidden by the capitulacions made with them of Torvvaine: immediatly after, Caesar went from tharmy, giuing this iudgement vpon thexperience & trial he had seene, that in mat­ters of warre thenglish were more resolute then wel a duised, & lesse suttle & politike Thenglish as mie affore Tournay. then wel disciplined & trained. From Torvvain the king of England went to incamp before Tornay, A towne very stronge and riche and of great deuocion of long tyme to the crowne of Fraunce, but so inuironed with the contreyes of thArchduke, that it was impossible to the french to reskewe it so long as they were not maisters of the fielde: The french king was not a litle glad of this enterprise, fearing least the enne­mie caried with victorie and wealth, would not transferre his forces into the body and partes of his Realme of more importance: A feare which put him into no small perplexities: for, notwithstanding he had now areared a mighty armie, wherein (be­sides the fiue hundred launces which he had bestowed in garrison in S. Qu [...]ntyn) were two thowsand launces, eight thowsand light horsemen Albanois, ten thowsand laūce­knights, a thowsand Svvyzzers, & eight thowsand footemen of his owne nation: yet it was farre inferior to the power and multitudes of thenglish armie, which, by the continuall slocking of souldiours, was (as the reaport went) resupplyed to the num­ber of foure skore thowsande fighting men: By the consideracion of which ine­qualitie [Page 650] of forces, the french king who had no great hope to be able to defende Bo­leyne and those partes of the contrey that are beyonde the riuer of Somme which he feared thEnglish would oppresse, looked how to defend Abeuille and Amyens, & the other townes that are vppon the riuer of Somme: his deuise was also to let them for passing the riuer, and so to temporise either vntill the cold season came, or els that the Skottish king in whom he hoped much, were ready to aduaunce and draw them from that warre: his armie marched all the meane while along the riuer of Somme, to let thennemies from winning passage: It was beleeued that the perswasions of Caesar were the cause of this enterprise of thEnglish, for hope that if the towne of Tornay were taken, it might either then or at some other tyme diuolue into the pow­er of his Nephew to whome it was thought it did apperteyne: perhappes it moued vpon a feare the armie had to be afflicted with want of vittels if they had bene in an other place, or happly other places whereunto they might haue gonne, had borne a more facilitie to be succored by thennemies: But the towne of Tornay which was not manned but with bandes of straungers and forreyners, and therefore of lesse ex­spectacion to bee succored, was so battred with artilleries in many seuerall places, that after it had made a small resistance, it yelded, vnder sauetie of goods and liues: Tornay taken by thEnglish. & to aduaunce an hundred thowsand duckats towards the defrayment of the warre and to defend them from pillage.

The fortune of the frenchmen was no more gracious in other places, for that the Skottish king comming to battell with the English armie vpon the riuer of Tvvede, where the Lady Katthren then Queene of England was in person, was ouerthrowen with a very great slaughter, the kings person being then slaine with one of his owne sonnes who was Archbishop of S. Andrevv with many other Prelats and Nobles of that Realme, and of the common soldiours more then twelue thowsand bodies. Af­ter these victories about the ende of October, the king of England leauing a stronge garrison within Tornay, dismissed his horsemen and footemen of thAlmains, and so disposed him selfe to returne into England, reaping the great towne of Tornay as a frute of his warres and great exspenses: for, touching Torvvaine whose wals he had throwen downe to the earthe, the naked seate and resemblance remeyned in the power of the french king. One cause that made the king of England repasse the seas, was, that the season of the yeare taking away all oportunities to continue the warre in those cold regions, he held it a matter vnprofitable to nourish an armie there with so great charges: And an other was that he thought to take order for the institucion and gouernment of the young king of Skots who was in minoritie and the sonne of his owne sister, the Duke of Albanie being gonne thether who was also of the blood of the same king.

By the returne of the king of England, the feare of the french men beeing taken a­way, their king dismissed all his armie except the regiments of launceknights: he saw him selfe deliuered of the care of daungers present, but not of feare to fall into them againe the next yeare with farre greater difficulties: he gathered this iudgement by the behauiors of the king of England at his going away, who vsed many high threat­nings against the crowne of Fraunce, promising that he would giue it a greater shake the next sommer: Wherein, he began already to make new preparacions to auoid the discommodities of his former delayes, & with more readines to open the warre assoone as the season of the yeare would suffer: Besides, the french king knewe that Caesar had the same intencion to annoy him, and feared withall least the king Catho­like, who with sundrye suttleties had excused him selfe of the truce made least he [Page 667] should wholly alien them from him, woulde not also take armes with them: of this suspicion he had great tokens by the discourse of a letter intercepted, wherein the king Catholike writing to his Embassador resident with Caesar, and expressing an intention quite contrarie to his manyfest speeches, which testified an earnest de­sire to make warre agaynst the infidels and to go in person to recouer Ierusalem, he perswaded him to deuise diligently by what meanes the duchie of Millan mighte be brought to Ferdinand their common Nephew, younger brother to tharchduke. In this perswasion he occupied this maner of encouragement, that that estate beeing raunged it would not be hard to reduce the residue of the regions of Italie to their deuotion, and with the same facilitie ioyned with his succours, Caesar might make himselfe Pope, wherevnto he had alwayes aspired since the death of his wife, and being once possessed of that soueraigntie, he should resigne, to the vse and profite of tharchduke, the Crowne imperiall: Neuerthelesse he concluded that matters of so highe nature and weight could not be ledde to perfection but with tyme and with occasions. Besides all these, the Frenche king doubted nothing of the will of the Svvizzers, whose obstinacies he coulde in no wise moderate, notwithstanding he made them offers aboue their merite: And they were of newe incensed more then before by the euasion of the ostages deliuered by Monsr Trimouille, who fearing the daunger of their lyues for want of obseruation in the king, were secretly stolne away and fledde into Germanie: So that it was not without cause that he feared leaste by thoccasion of so many other his aduersities, they would ryse to assayle presently, or at least the yere after, the countrey of Burgondy or Dauphine. These difficulties were partely thoccasion that made him fall to agreement with the Pope for causes spiri­tuall: of which agreement the principal article conteined thabsolute rooting out of the councell of Pisa, which poynt was debated many monthes with very great diffi­culties, specially for the regarde of things done eyther with the authoritie of the same councell, or agaynst the maiestie of the Pope: suche as it seemed very vnwor­thy for the sea Apostolike to approue, and to cut them off there could not but hap­pen right great confusion: So that there was a delegation of three Cardmalls to de­uise of some meanes by the which suche a disorder might be met withall. This bred also one difficultie, that it seemed not conuenient to graunt to the king thabsolu­tion of penalties vnlesse he sued for it: wherevnto the king woulde not consent, least by imputation his person and Crowne of Fraunce were noted of schisme: But at last the king was made wearye with these perplexities, and no lesse ouerlabored with the importunities and willes of the people of his Realme, desiring with vniuer­sall affection to be reunited to the Church of Rome: but most of all he was stirred & moued by the deuotion of the Queene, to whō those controuersies were grieuous. In which respectes he determined to yelde to the will of the Pope, and not without some hope, that vpon the reappaysement of these quarrels the Pope woulde some way ioyne to his ayde, wherevnto with great arte he seemed to expresse to haue a good intention: And yet a newe complaint was added to the auncient iniuries, for that the Pope by a speciall writ, had commaunded the Scottish king to attempt no domage or greeuance to the crowne of Englande: Neuerthelesse in the viij. session of the councell of Latran, which fell in the latter end of the yere, the French Agents in the name of their king and protesting his commission, disclaymed from the coun­cell of Pisa, and stucke to the councell of Latran: They promised besides, that six of those prelates that did assiste the councell of Pisa, should go to Rome to do the lyke in the name of the whole French Churche, and that others of the Cleargie should [Page 668] come to dispute vpon the pragmatike, with intention to referre themselues to the declaration of the councell, of which in the same session they obteined full absolu­tion of all things committed agaynst the Church of Rome. These were the accidents and actions done in Italie, Fraunce, and Englande, in the yere a thousande fiue hun­dred and thirteene.

In the beginning of the yere following, Anne the French queene passed from this life to a better, hauing scarcely tasted the sweete fruite of the vnion with the church which she had so muche desired: She was a verye vertuous and catholike Queene, and for those partes her death was greatly sorowed of all the realme and of her na­turall peoples of Brittaine. When the realme of Fraunce was thus reduced to thobe­dience of the Churche, and by that meane bothe the name and authoritie of the councell of Pisa vtterly remoued: some of those that had feare of the greatnesse of the French king, began to stirre and feare least his power were too much embased: But specially the Pope, who notwithstanding he continued in the same desire that the duchie of Millan shoulde not be recouered by him: yet fearing least the king, made amased with so great daungers, and remembring eftsoones the matters of the yere paste, would not giue him selfe sodenly to accorde with Caesar (with whose wil was alwayes concurrant the minde of the king Catholike) & contract his daughter with one of the Nephewes of those two kings, induing her for a dowry with the du­chie of Millan: He began to perswade with the Svvizzers, that for too great hatred agaynst the French king, they woulde not put him into necessitie to do a matter which should be no lesse preiudiciall to them then to him: He tolde them they were not ignoraunt of the yll minde that Caesar and the king Catholike bare to them, who if they obteined the duchie of Millan by vertue of accorde with the Frenche king, it woulde be a matter no lesse to the daunger of their libertie and authoritie, then hurtefull to the prerogatiue of the Churche, and perill to the whole state of Italie: That they ought to perseuer in their resolution not to suffer the French king to recouer the duchie of Millan, yea they ought also to take heede, least (as it often hapneth in the doings of men) to auoyde too muche one extremitie, they fell not into an other extremitie more hurtefull and daungerous: That to assure themselues more then neede was, that that estate should not reuert to the French, they were not the cause to make it fall into the handes of others, with so muche the more perill & ruine to all, by howe muche lesse they should be founde hable to make resistance to a farre stronger power then the greatnesse of the Frenche king: That the common weale of Svvizzers hauing made notable their name and reputation in the actions of warre with so many glorious and worthy victories, was to make them selues no lesse famous and renowmed by the practises of peace: That they were to foresee presently the daungers that were to come, and to remedie them with wisedome and counsell, without suffring things to slyde and fall into places from whence they can not be drawen out and readressed but by armes and vallour of the hande: That ac­cording to the testimonie of dayly experience, it happned often in warre that the vallour of men was smothered by the too great power of fortune: That it was a bet­ter counsell for them, to moderate in some part thaccord of Dion, specially the king offring them greater paymentes, and promise to make truce for three yeeres with the state of Millan, so farrefoorth as they would not constrayne him to resigne his interestes: which resignation beeing of greater consequence in apparance then in effect (for when oportunitie shall returne to the king to reconquer it, the action of resignement shall be no other impediment to him then he liste) things for that diffi­cultie [Page 669] ought not to be reduced to so great a daunger. On the other side he aduysed the french king with many working reasons to make election of the lesser yll, and ra­ther to dispose him selfe to ratifie thaccorde of Dyon, then to returne to the daunger of oppression by so many enemies in his realme the next sommer: That it was thof­fice of a wise Prince, to auoyde the greater yll, and to embrace for good and profita­ble thelection of the lesser: That it was contrarie to the wise gouernment of a king, to take himselfe out of one daunger and disorder, to runne into an other of greater importance and greater infamie: That it could be no honor to him to graunte the duchie of Millan with so manyfest a note of cowardise to his naturall enemies, who had pursued him with so many deceites and suttleties: That it was neither reste nor securitie to him, by diminishing so much his owne reputation, to enlarge the power of suche as conspired altogether to pull downe the Crowne of Fraunce: That him­selfe was a good witnesse that he could not be assured of any promise, of any fayth or othe that they make, A matter which he had well knowen by thexperience of o­ther tymes to his great harmes: That truely it was a harde matter to resigne hys rightes, but thinfamie was so muche the lesse, by howemuch a little billet or writing made not his enemies more mightie: That since it had bene promised without his priuitie or consent, it might be sayde that it was not his deuise from the beginning, but in the execution he would be so muche the more excused, being as it were con­strayned for the promise made by his people, to keepe somewhat his fayth: Besides, the world doth knowe from how great and desperate a state of daunger, that accord at that time had deliuered the realme of Fraunce: That he allowed well that by other meanes and offers he labored to induce the Svvizzers to his intention: And that touching his parte, as he desired for the suretie of his kingdome, that in some sorte there were made an agreement betweene them and him, so in that action he would omitte no good office of amitie and trauell to drawe the Svvizzers conformable to his will: But if they woulde be obstinate, he exhorted him in grauitie and fatherly deuotion to obey time and necessitie, though not for other regardes, yet not to take from him thexcuse to departe from thalliance he had with his enemies. The king knewe that those reasons were full of fidelitie and trueth, and yet he coulde not dis­gest them without murmure, for that the Pope had cunningly mingled threats with perswasions: And albeit be confessed that his necessitie constrayned him to make some resolution that might diminishe the number of his enemies, yet he was at a poynt rather to giue him selfe vp to all daungers, then to resigne his rightes to the duchie of Millan: Wherevnto besides his owne inclination, he was incouraged by thimportunities and counsels of those of his Court, to whom albeit it was grieuous to followe the warres any more in Italie, yet respecting the dignitie of the Crowne of Fraunce, it was farre more intollerable to see their king so infamously constrayned to disclayme his properties in the duchie. There was discerned the same obstinacie in the Parliamentes and assemblies of the Svvizzers: To whome notwithstanding the king made offer to paye presently foure hundred thousande crownes, and eight hundred thousande at sundry tearmes: and albeit the Cardinall of Sion with many other of their rulers inclined to accept those conditions, waighing thestate of the daunger if the Frenche king should ioyne with Caesar and with the king Catholike: yet the commons of that nation increased in their generall hatred to the name of Fraunce, and made prowde by so many victories, tooke to them selues a confidence to defende the duchie of Millan agaynst all princes knitte in one strength: The au­thoritie of the Cardinall of Syon was muche diminished amongest them, and their [Page 670] other chiefe rulers were suspected by reason of the pensions which they were wont to receiue from the Frenche, Matters which made the Cantons with more obstina­cie to stand vpon the ratification of the accorde of Dyon: And besides, giuing them­selues ouer to rashnes and disobedience to counsell, they debated to enter of newe into Burgondy, an action which the Cardinall and other chieftaynes amongest them labored to hinder, not onely with manyfest authoritie, but indirectly and with many sleightes, deferring from one day to another, that resolution. Therefore the French king standing neither offended with them, nor assured of them, forbare not to con­tinue with the king Catholike the practise of the mariage, in the whiche (as before) the principall difficultie was, whether the Damosell should remayne in the power of her father in lawe, tyll time had made her hable to the consummation of the ma­riage: for that the father reteyning her, it seemed to Caesar, that he could in no sorte be assured of theffect. The king was content to enterteine the difficulties that hap­ned in this action, for that he saw there was some hope that the brute of this match (which he diligently spread abroade) might to his profite mollifie the mindes of o­thers, by reason of thinterests they had in it. The king Catholike sent to him Quin­taine his secretarie, whom in that negociation he had sent to him the yere before: and he going afterwards by his consent to Caesar, returned eftsones to the Frenche king: At whose returne, to thende the difficulties of the peace might be resolued with greater commoditie and respite, the king and Quintaine in the name of the king Catholike prolonged yet for an other yeare the truce that had bene made the yeare before: The prolongation was vnder the same conditions that were before, sauing that they suffred a secret addition of this article, that during the truce the French king shoulde not molest the state of Millan: in which article Genes nor Ast had no comprehension. This condition, whiche the king concealed as muche as he coulde, the king Catholike caused to proclayme it solemnly throwe all Spayne, a thing which made the world vncertayne which was most true, eyther the negatiue of the one, or the affirmatiue of the other. In the same couenaunt was reserued to Caesar and the king of Englande, a respite of three monethes, to enter into the agree­ment: which albeit Quintaine did assure on bothe their behalfes, yet touching the king of Englande there was no apparaunce, and in that he beguyled him selfe muche: But for Caesar, the king of Aragon who alwayes stoode resolued not to haue warre on the parte of Spayne, had perswaded him that there was no better meane to compasse the mariage that was solicited. This prorogation of the truce aggrauated the Popes suspicion, that betweene those three Princes were eyther made already, or at a poynt to be made, some conclusion of greater things to the harme of Italie: And yet for all that not going from his firste deliberation that it would be a matter very hurtefull to the common libertie to suffer the duchie of Millan to diuolue into the power of Caesar and the king Catholike, and of no lesse perill to haue it recoue­red by the French king, he founde it a harde matter so to temper and proceede in things, that the meanes which aided one of his intentiōs, should not hurt the other, since one of the daungers came of the embasing and the feare, & the other of the greatnes & suretie of the French king. Therfore to deliuer the king frō necessitie to agree with them, he continued his perswasions to the Svvizzers (to whome the truce that was made was suspected) that they had reason to compounde with him: And to thende to make to the king in all euentes the discending into Italie more harde, he tooke more paynes then euer he did to agree Caesar with the Senate of Ve­nice: who for their partes iudging that to make truce, would be to assure the mat­ters [Page 671] of Caesar in the townes that remeyned to him, stoode resolued with a wonderfull constancie of mind eyther to make an absolute peace or to continue the warre, not retyring from so honorable a resolucion for any accident or ill aduenture whatsoe­uer: for, besides so many aduersities hapned in the warre, and the dispaire, that, that yeare the french king would sende no armie into Italy, they had against them this to­ken both of the anger of heauen, and ill disposicion of casuall accidents which are vainely surmised to depend vpon the power of fortune, that in the beginning of the yeare a great fire kindled in Venice, which, beginning in the night at the bridge Rial­to, was caried by the violence of the North windes resisting all remedies of the dili­gence and trauell of men, and consumed the moste rich and populous part of the citie.

But because the Pope showed such forwardnes to haue them accorded, there was eftsoones made betweene them a new compromise in his owne person: which bare full power without lymitacion and was not restrayned to any tyme, and yet with a secret promisse vnder his hand, to pronownce nothing but by the consent of both parties: And after the arbytracion was giuen vp, he enioyned by writ both the one and the other to surceasse from armes, an order very slenderly obserued by the Spa­nyards, and Almains, for that those companies of the Spanyards which were in garri­son at Pollesina and in Este, made pillage of the whole contry thereabout, & the Vice­roy sent men to Vincensa to thende to be in possession at the tyme when the sentence should be giuen: Besides these insolencies, Capteine Frangipan did many harmes in the contry of Fryull, And the Venetians not standing carefully vpon their garde, the launce knights, by an intelligence with certein banished men, tooke Marano a towne in Fryull neare to Aquilea and hath his situacion vpon the sea: To encownter these doings, the Venetians sent thether by land Baltazar Scipion, with a certeine proporci­on of souldiours, and Ierom Sauorgnano with many other bands of the contrey men, who being there incamped, and holding the towne strait by the armie at sea, there came to the succours of the towne, fiue hundred Almain horsemen, and a regiment of fiue thowsand footemen: for whose comming those that were within the towne, yssuing out to assaile the Venetian companies, They were put to flight with a great slaughter of men, and no lesse losse of artillerie, besides that with certaine ships, they tooke from them a gally with many other vessells: After this victorie the Almains tooke Monfalcon by force: and not many dayes after foure hundred horsemen & xij hundred launce knights that had bene at Vincensa, came as a strength to them of Ma­rano, who ioyning with the other bands of horsemen and footemen newly come into Fryull, ouerronne the whole contry: By reason of which oppressions, Malatesta Sog­liano gouernor of the contry with six hundred horsemen and two thowsand foote­men, together with Ier. Sauorgnano and two thowsand of the contry men, who were now withdrawne into Vdino, seeing neither by their vallour nor by their fortune they were able to make resistance, passed on the other side of Lyuensa, giuing succours where they could: But the Almains being deuided, one part of them tooke Feltro & occupied the whole contrey thereabout with roades and incursions: Amyd which insolencies the Venetians that commaunded all the passages, charged certeine bands of them at Bassan where they kept no garde, And albeit they were lesse in number, yet they put them to flight and killed three hundred footemen of the fiue hundred that were there, and tooke prisoners two Capteines and many souldiours: The o­ther part of thAlmains was gonne to incampe at Osoff standing vppon the toppe of a sharpe Mounteine, And after they had executed vppon the castell with their artille­ries, [Page 672] and giuen many vayne assaultes, they hoped to carrye it by besieging, hauing some assurance from them within of a want and necessitie of water: but the benefite of the heauen remedied that wante by the sodayne falling of sundry great showres, wherevpon they continued a fresh thassalt, but with so yll successe, that finding nei­ther fruite in the assault, nor fauour in the siege, they leauyed their camp. These mat­ters were not a litle grieuous to the Pope, but the thing that troubled him moste, was, that he coulde finde no meane of agreement to content both parties: for that because of the continual variation of things, the hopes chaunging according to the successe of the same, it fell out that when Caesar had consented to leaue Vincensa, ke­ping still Verona, the Venetians refused vnlesse they were repossessed of Verona: And when the Venetians muche embased by their calamities, would be contented with Vincensa onely, Caesar on the other side, not satisfied with Verona, required also Vin­censa. These difficulties made wearie the Pope, who though he supposed that his declaration would not be accepted, yet to showe that it was not long of him that they were not reconciled, he pronounced a peace betwene them, with this clause The Popes sentence tou­ching the con­trouersies be­twene Cesar & the Venetiās. that armes should be presently layde aside on all sides: he reserued to himselfe this power, to expresse within one yere the conditions of the peace, wherein, as also in the surceassing of armes, the king Catholike should be comprehended: That Caesar should depose out of his handes Vincensa, and all else that he and the Spaniards pos­sessed in the countreys of Padoa and Treuisan: That the Venetians should do the lyke for Crema: And for other things, euery one vntill the publication, should hold what he possessed: That eyther partie should ratifie his sentence within a moneth, and vpon the ratification the Venetians to paye to Caesar xxv. thousande ducketts, and as muche more within three monethes next: That if both parties did not ratifie, the sentence should be of none effect. He chose this maner of arbitrating & iudgement not accustomed, as the most indifferent not to displease neyther side: And because there was no man had power to ratifie for the king Catholike, notwithstanding his Embassador gaue assurance of his consenting, he reserued to eyther partie so much time to ratifie, as the commission and facultie to do it might conueniently require: But because the Venetians were resolute not to ratifie it at all, desiring that at the same tyme the conditions of peace might be pronounced, the sentence tooke no effect.

In this tyme the affayres of the Venetians stoode in good case touching the de­fence of Crema, which was afflicted within with plague and penurie, and without was besieged with the campe of thenemies: Prospero Colonno was come on the one side to Efeuanga with two hundred men at armes, two hundred and fyftie light hors­men, and a strength of two thousande footemen: And on the other side was come to Vmbriana Siluio Sauello with his guydon of horsmen and a regiment of two thou­sande footemen: Both the places were not aboue two myles distant from Crema, from whence the souldiors made many sallyes to skirmishe with thenemies: who as they were in their lodgings at Vmbriana, neither making doubtes nor keeping garde, Ranso de Cero with one parte of his companies that were within Crema, issued out one night, and gaue them a Camuesado in their lodging, when suffring the paynes of their owne securitie and negligence, the moste of them were put to flight, and many of their footemen paste by the sworde: This made Prospero retyre with his companies, esteeming it litle to his safetie to remayne there, where the negligence of his fellowes had opened so manyfest a gappe to his perill. A fewe dayes after, thoccasion was offred to Ranso to passe the ryuer of Adde by foarde, by reason of the [Page 673] lownes and shalownes of the water: And hauing drawne ouer his companies at Chastillon Lodigiano, he stripped a regiment of fiftie men at armes that lay there, rea­ping no lesse prayses of these enterprises both happie and full of industrie, then were due to him by iuste merite vppon the vniuersall beginning: the reputation of hys vallour and celeritie made him to be esteemed one of the principall Capteines in all the regions of Italie, wanting nothing to his worthynes that either nature or for­tune could giue him. These doings drewe the Venetians to a resolute councell and courage to proceede to the reconquering of Friull, in which expedition they sente thither Aluiano with two hundred men at armes, foure hundred light horsemen, and seuen hundred footemen: as they marched along the high way of Portonouo, where lay part of the strength of thAlmains, his light horsmen that scoured before, encoun­tred out of the towne with capteine Rissan an Almain, accōpanied with two hundred men at armes and three hundred light horsmen, by whom at the first encounter they were repulsed, but Aluiano comming to the reskew with the residue of his compa­nies, the skirmish was eftsones recontinued with greater fury & daunger, & no lesse doubtfull thissue, till capteine Rissan being wounded in the face, was taken prisoner by Malatesta Sogliano: The chaunce of the fight threw the next calamitie vpon the souldiors of Rissan, who seeking their sauety by disorder and fleing, retyred in their calamitie to Portonouo: But fearing they should fayle to defend the towne, that were not hable to kepe the feelde, in their feare they fledde from the place that earst they ranne vnto for succour, abandoning the towne which immediatly was put to sacke, and many bodies of the contrey men slaughtred. After this Aluiano, in whom no one vertue was more cōmendable then his celeritie, tooke the way to Osofo, which Fran­gipan had newly besieged with the other part of the Almains, who hearing of the cō ­ming of Aluiano, leauied their siege, notwithstanding they lost much of their baggage and artilleries, by a charge which the light horsemen gaue vpon their tayle. By the same of these encounters, bringing alwayes with them their victories, almoste the whole contrey of Italie became returned to thobedience of the Venetians: and Al­uiano attempting a vayne enterprise vpon Goritia, retyred with his armie to Padoa, hauing by his owne certificate to Rome, subdued what by the sworde and prisoners, two hundred men at armes, two hundred light horsmen, and two thousande foote­men: But by reason of his departing, the number of thAlmains being encreased, they tooke of newe Cromonio and Monfalcon, and constrayned the Venetians to breake vp their siege from before Marano, where not manye dayes before, capteine Frangipan had bene taken by ambush & led prisoner to Venice: for the Venetians feeling sup­plies and succors to flocke, brake vp from thence in disorder and as it were discom­fited: and a litle after their estradiots beeing put to flight, Iohn Vetturio their assistant was taken with an hundred horsemen. These chaunges and alterations hapned of­tentimes in Friull by the neighborhoode of thAlmains, who were not serued in that quarter with other souldiors then trayned & disciplined, and such as after they had ouerronne & pilled those quarters, and that they perceiued the comming of the Ve­netian regiments, with whom many of the contrey ioyned, they retired immediatly to their houses, returning alwayes to the seruice as occasion serued. The Venetians sent thither a new supply of cōpanies, by reason wherof the Viceroy gaue order that Alarson one of his Spanish capteins which lay betwene Este, Montagnano, & Cologno, should go to Friull with two hūdred men at armes, an hundred light horsmen, & fiue hundred footemen: but vnderstanding on the way that a truce was made in the con­try by reason of the haruest, he brake off his purpose & returned frō whēce he came.

[Page 674]Thus as the warres of Italie proceeded mildly and in an easie course, so also the The hopes of the Frenche king. practises of peace and agreement were not discontinued: for the Frenche king be­ing not altogether depriued of hope that the Svvizzers woulde consent to receiue recompense of money in place of resignation of his interestes and rightes, sent to solicite them in that poynt with great instance: But the Communalties were so farre estraunged from the king and his affayres, that after they had compelled with many threatninges the gouernour of Geneua (when thostages fled) to deliuer them as prisoner the president of Grenoble, whom the king had sent to that Citie to ne­gociate with them: They examined him with many torments whether any of their nation receyued any increase of pensions, or interteined secret intelligence with the French king: wherein no humanitie nor iustification was sufficient to stoppe the course of their barbarous crueltie. Besides, the Frenche king was not without suspi­cion, that the Pope, who for the diuersitie of his plottes and intentions, was con­strayned to sayle with great warynes amongst so many rockes, would secretly worke the Svvizzers not to couenaunt with the king without him: Not that he doubted he would stirre them vp to make warre, from which he disswaded them so muche as he coulde, but to remayne firme in thaccorde of Dyon, or else for feare that with this beginning they were not brought to be separate from him. In these regardes the king threatned that he would make hast to come to accord with the residue, for that he alone would not stande thrust out to the battery of the whole world: he was also weary of thintollerable expences and insolencies of souldiors, for that hauing cal­led into Fraunce twentie thousande Launceknightes, whom he could not haue alto­gether but when the king of Englande laye before Tornay, he would not sende them backe agayne, but reteyned them in Fraunce, to haue them ready for employment in due time according to occasion and necessitie. These were they that did infinite harmes in his countrey, with whom his authoritie was litle respected, that by force was not hable to represse their insolencies. In these difficulties, and in so great con­fusion of affayres, the onely matter that began to open to the French king the waye to his surety and hope to repossesse his first power & reputation, was, the incredible discontentment that the king of Englande receyued of the renouation of the truce which his father in lawe had made: A matter contrary to his faith & promise many times reitterated, to make no couenant nor cōtract with the french king without his consent: he complayned so much the more publikely of this, by howmuch it was the thirde tyme that his father in lawe had dallyed with him, and therefore he be­gan more and more to estraunge his minde from the renewing of the warre agaynst the French. The Pope was not negligent to take thoportunitie of the kings disposi­tion, and began to worke with the Cardinal of Yorke to perswade his king, that con­tenting himselfe with the glorie he had gotten, and remembring what correspon­dancie of fayth he had founde in Caesar, in the king Catholike, and the Svvizzers, he would forbeare to trauell any more with armes the realme of Fraunce: which the Cardinall tooke vpon him eyther for a feare he had that the Frenche king (in case the king of Englande would inuade him) would not make peace and parentage with Caesar and the king Catholike as he alwayes threatned: or else he thoughte that peace ensuing betweene them, it were good for him to aduaunce him selfe as an ac­tor, and winne some fauour with the Frenche king in an action whiche was not in his power to lette. It is moste certayne, that when the Pope was tolde that the Frenche king woulde take armes agaynst the duchie of Millan, being once assured of the king of Englande: he aunswered that he knewe well enough the estate of [Page 675] that daunger, but on the other side was to be considered the perill that might breede of the disunion of those kings: that in a matter of so greate importance it was harde to ballance things perfectly, and to finde a councell that were wholly cleare from those daungers: That in all euentes the Svvizzers woulde defende the duchie of Millan: And lastly he answered that it was necessarie in deliberations so vncertayne and difficulte, to referre one part to tharbitrement of aduenture and fortune. What soeuer was the cause, eyther for the authoritie of the Pope, or by the proper inclina­tion of the parties, there began immediatly a practise of accorde betwene the king of Englande and the Frenche king: The mocions and forespeeches of it were be­gon Treatie of peace be­twene Eng­lande and Fraunce. by the Pope with the Bishop of Yorke, and were with diligence caryed into Eng­land, whither for that busines the king sent the generall of Normandy, but vnder cul­ler to treate for the deliuery of the Marquis of Rhothelin: Assone as he was come there was proclaymed a surceassing of armes by lande onely betweene the two Realmes, so long as the generall remayned in Englande. The king of Englandes incli­nation to peace was encreased by the occasion of newe iniuries: for where Caesar had promised not to ratifie without him, the truce made by the king Catholike, he sent notwithstanding to the same king thinstrumente of ratification, and by a letter whiche he wrote to the Frenche king, he ratified in the name of Caesar, but re­teyned thinstrument the better to vse his artificiall semblaunces and demonstra­tions: Assone as the negociation was begonne betweene the two kinges, the Pope desirous to purchase grace with them bothe, sente by poste into Fraunce the By­shoppe of Tricaro to offer him all his authoritie and facultie, and to that ende he arryued in Englande by the suffraunce of the sayde king: At the firste opening of this practise for peace, there fell out manye difficulties, for that the kinge of Englande demaunded Boleine in Pikardye, wyth a greate summe of money: But at laste all the differences fell vppon the towne of Tornaye, the kinge of Eng­lande stryuing to reteyne it, and the French obiecting some difficultie: In so muche as the king of Englande dispatched in poste to the Frenche kinge the Bishop of Tri­caro, whom he charged, without imparting in what nature of particularitie consi­sted the difficultie, to declare to the king from him, that in regarde of so greate a benefite, he shoulde not stande vppon so many suttle difficulties, but to consider that in a Prince reason shoulde beare more imperie then passion. The Frenche kinge, because he woulde neither do wrong to his Crowne, nor yll content hys people, the towne of Tornay beeing verie noble and loyall to the Crowne of Fraunce, caused the matter to be debated in full Councell, wherein was an assi­staunce of the principalles of his Courte, who aduised him with one voyce to embrace peace, yea vnder the condition offred: And yet in that tyme the kinge Catholike dyd what he coulde to breake it, offering the king manye plottes and deuises, but specially to minister to hym all his meanes and fauours to conquer the duchie of Millan: But the aunswere beeing returned into Englande that the Frenche king stoode contented with the resolution of Tornaye, the peace suc­ceeded and was concluded in the beginning of August betweene the two kings duryng theyr lyues and for one yeare after their death.

In the capitulation it was expressed that Tornay should remayne to the kinge of Englande, to whome the Frenche kinge shoulde paye sixe hundred thow­sande crownes, and that in suche sorte of distribution that the Frenche kinge shoulde make payment of an hundred thousande frankes euery yeare, till the full payment was satisfied: That they shoulde bee bounde to defende their estates [Page 676] mutually and reciprocally with tenne thousande footemen if the warre wente by lande, and with six thousande onely if the warre were made by sea: That the french king should be bounde to serue the king of Englande in all hys affayres with twelue hundred launces, and the king of Englande likewise to minister to his seruices with ten thousande footemen: Thexpences to be defrayed by either of them that should haue nede of the men: Both the one and other of them named the Skottishe king, tharchduke, and the Empire: But Caesar and the king Catholike were not named: The Svvizzers had a nomination, but it bare a condition, that who soeuer woulde defende agaynst the French king, the estate of Millan, Genes, or Ast, should be exclu­ded out of the nomination. This peace which was made with a wonderful readines, was confirmed by the mariage of the kings sister of Englande with the Frenche king, The Fr. king marieth the Lady Mary sister to the king of Eng­lande. vnder condition that he should acknowledge to haue receiued foure hundred thou­sand crownes for her dowry: The contract or handfestings were made in Englande, where the king Catholikes embassador was not in presence, for the great hatred the king of Englande bare to the king his maister. And euen vpon the conclusion and re­solution of this peace, came to the Courte of Fraunce thinstrument of ratification which Caesar had made, together with his commission and the king Catholikes, for conclusion of the mariage that was solicited betwene Ferd. d'Austriche and the se­conde daughter of Fraunce not yet foure yeares of age: But the practise of that ma­riage vanished presently by reason of the peace that was now established: And the Frenche king to satisfie better the king of England, gaue order that the Duke of Suf­folke Capteine generall of the Launceknightes that were in his pay, should departe the dominions of Fraunce, in whom the honors & recompences that the king made to him ouercame all occasions of discontentment, the bountie and liberalitie of the one, being no greater then the affabilitie and disposition of the other.

The Pope had also in this time made new aliances, for that according to his dissi­mulations, Actions of the Pope. he wished on the one side that the frēch king should not recouer the du­chie of Millan, and on the other side he sought to enterteine the king and the other princes as much as he could with sundry meanes: And therfore he had delt with the king by the Cardinall S. Seuerin, who managed his affayres in the court of Rome, that seing the times suffred not to knit betwene them a more great and more discouered aliance, that at least there might be layed a beginning & fundation whervpon might be raysed a hope to accomplish at an other time a more straite intelligence: to those ends he sent him the particularities of articles: But the french king, notwithstanding he made demonstration to like well of the motion, did not answer so directly & spe­dily as was looked for: he was xv. dayes in resoluing, either for thimpedimēt of other affayres, or that he exspected some answere from an other place, to thende to pro­ceede according to the trayne of affayres, By which delaying the Pope entred into newe capitulations for a yere with Caesar and the king Catholike, which yet com­prehended no other matter then the defence of their common estates: for the king Catholike was entred afore not without cause into suspicion that be aspired to the realme of Naples for Iulian his brother, and had already enterteyned in that action some practise with the Venetians. This newe confederation was scarcely established and concluded, when the French kings answere came: By it he approued all that the Pope had propounded, with this onely addition, that since he was to bynde hym selfe to the protection of the Florentins, of Iulio de Medicis hys brother, and Lavvrence hys nephew, whom the Pope had aduaunced to thadministration of thaffayres of Florence, that he woulde reciprocally be bounde to the defence [Page 677] of the Crowne of Fraunce: But the Pope excused him selfe touching the action of capitulation with Caesar and the king Catholike, that seeing how long he deferred to make aunswere to a demaunde so reasonable, he coulde not but enter into some doubt: And yet the confederation was but for a short time, and conteined no matter preiudiciall to him, nor to hinder the perfection of the practise begonne betwene them. These iustifications were accepted by the king, and so they passed the coue­naunt, not by instrument authentike, to hold it more secret, but by a priuate writing subsigned by both their handes.

The peace betwene the king of Englande and the French king was more sodayne and easie then was exspected, being vnlikely that so great hatreds redoubled by new iniuries, should with such facilitie be conuerted into amitie and aliance: happly the peace was not liking to the Pope, who aswell as others was perswaded that there might grow betwene them rather a truce then a peace, or at least if it resolued to the nature of a peace, it would eyther intangle the king with harder conditions, or at least with obligation not to assayle the duchie of Millan for a certayne tyme: But it brought incredible discontentment to Caesar and the king Catholike, who, as there is none euill in humaine actions which hath not ioyned with it some good, so he assured notwithstanding that he receiued by it in his minde two contentmentes: The one for that tharchduke his nephewe beeing out of hope to giue his sister for wife to the Frenche king, and entring withall into distruste of the king of Englande, would be nowe compelled to do nothing without his counsell and authoritie: The other for that the Frenche king standing nowe in good possibilitie of children, the succession of Monsr de Angonlesme was put in doubt, to whome he bare no little ha­tred, for that he norished a great desire to restore the king of Nauarre to his estate: Onely the Svvizzers gaue it out that they reioysed all at that accorde, notwithstan­ding they reteyned agaynst the French king the same hatred they did before: The reason of their gladnes grew of an opinion they had, that the french king being now at libertie, would take occasion to recontinue the warre in the duchy of Millan, by which meane they should eftsones begin to declare to all the world their vertue and their fayth: And truely it was not to be doubted, that the french king, being now de­liuered almost of al feare to haue warre beyond the Mountes, would not be touched with his old desire to reconquer the duchy of Millan: only it could not be discerned whether he would presently dispose him selfe to armes, or deferre it tyll the yeare following, for that the facilitie of thenterprise appeared to all men, but there was none that discerned any signe of preparations: In whiche vncertayntie the Pope, notwithstanding that conquest was grieuous to him, stirred him vp not to deserre nor corrupt the present occasions: wherein he gaue him to vnderstande that all thinges were yll prepared to make resistance, both for that the Spanishe armie was diminished and yll payed, the peoples of Millan reduced to great pouertie & strait­nesse, and also none was hable to aduaunce money to make the Svvizzers march. These perswasions caryed so muche the greater force and authoritie, by how much a litle before the peace with the king of Englande, the Pope expressing a desire that the Frenche king should recouer Genes, had giuen him a certayne hope to induce Octauian Fregoso to compound with him. Assuredly the Pope in this action pro­ceded not with sinceritie & good meaning, which disposition moued in him as was supposed, for that seeing euery one yll furnished, and no lesse doubting least the French king woulde make that expedition without his councell since he had his men at armes in readynes and many leauyes of Launceknightes at his deuotion: [Page 678] thought by that meane to preuent and winne his frendship: perhappes (and in this he proceeded with greater suttletie) he was enduced by the knowledge he had that the Emperour and the king Catholike were of opinion, that it was not lawfull to the French king to inuade the Duchie of Millan: An opinion which though they sup­posed to be true, yet the Frenche king denied it, a [...]uowing that it was good in him, & he was not forbidden to take armes against the estate of Millan during the truce: By reason whereof the Pope perswading him selfe that the king would not enter in­to thenterprise, thought he would expresse to him a good disposicion of will which also should serue him for excuse if an other time he required succours of him: And the matter succeded according to his opinion: for, the king being resolued, either for that cause, or for his present necessitie of money, or lastly for the nearenes of the winter, not to enter into armes affore the spring time, and making show that he had confidence that euen in that time the Popes fauor woulde not faile him: he wrote aunswere to him alleaging many excuses touching his deserring, but conceiled the excuse of the truce which yet endured, and perhappes was the principall: Neuer­thelesse he had desire to attempt the reconquering of Genes, or at least to succour the lantern, which the same yere by his direction, had bene reuittelled many times with certaine proporcions of vittels by the aduenture of sundry smal vessels, who making as though they woulde enter the porte of Genes, dissembled with the warders, and were profitable to them of the lantern: But at last thextremitie of vittells growing aboue all remedie, and no lesse diligence of the enemie to keepe them suppressed in that want, & their calamitie not able to temporise and exspect any longer after suc­cours, the garrison within, was driuen to yeelde it vp to the Genovvais, who in their The lantern of Genes ra­sed by the people. spite rased it from the fundacions: A matter not a litle displeasing to the king: And albeit the losse of this fortresse tooke wholly from the king all cogitacions to vrge a present warre against the Genovvaies, yet it diminished nothinge his disposicion to the action of Millan, whereunto he turned all his preparacions, to inuade the yeare following that state with maine armies: he hoped that the Pope, both for the de­uout intencion he protested, and for the good disposicion he had shewed in the ne­gociacions with thEnglish and the Svvizzers, and lastly for that he had prouoked him to thenterprise, would ioyne with him and fauor thaction, the rather for that he had made him many generall offers, and perticularly had promised to aide him to reconquer the realme of Naples, either to the vse of the Church, or to the benefit of Iulio his brother: But there hapned new occasions for the which the king beganne to enter into some distrust of him: The Pope would neuer put ende to the affaires that the Duke of Ferrara had with him, notwithstanding at his first aspiring to the Popedom, he had giuen him many faire hopes, promising to rēder to him Reggia at such time as his brother the Cardinal should be returned from Hungria: But he was more liberall to promise, then readie to performe, for that after the returne of his brother, he went alwayes in deferring with many excuses: And yet he forbare not to confirme to him the selfe same promises not onely with wordes, which might be vaine and vnassured, but by wryting sette out vnder thauthoritie and testimonie of his name, in which he consented that he should take the reuenues of Reggia as a de­gree to the whole which was to returne vnder his dominion: it was wel knowen that the Popes intencion was farre otherwise, dissembling in meaning the thinges he had simplie spoken with his mouth: his inclination and desire to occupie Ferrara were stronger then his promise and true meaning, whereunto happily he was caried by Albert de Carpy Caesars Embassador and great enemy to the Duke, and also by the [Page 679] reasons of many others, setting before his eies the glorie of Iulio which was perpetu­all, for that he had so greatly aduaunced & augmented the dominion of the church: And sometimes they preferred thoccasion to bestow an honorable estate vpon Iulio his brother, who thirsting after too great thinges, and nourishing him selfe with hopes immoderat, had voluntarily consented that his Nephewe Lavvrance, should reteyne at Florence the authoritie of the house of Medicis: so that the Pope being en­tred into these thoughts, obteyned of Caesar who was alwayes needy of money, to de­liuer to him in morgage the citie of Modona for xl. thowsand duckats according to the capitulacion made with him a litle affore the death of the late Pope: he made his reckoning to vnite that citie with Reggia, Parma, and Pleisanca, and to giue them in patronage o [...] perpetual gouernmēt to Iulio, adding to them Ferrara, if euer thoccasi­on serued him to get it: he sought to doe a thing by authoritie and fauor of tymes, which he could not doe by equitie or lawefull course of iustice: But that manner of morgaging put the french king into great suspicion, for that in his conceit it caried a manifest signe of straight alliance with Caesar, being also no lesse discontented that the Pope had giuen him money: Whereof notwithstanding, the Pope excused him selfe, alleaging that Caesar had deliuered Modena to him for assurance of the money which he had receiued of him affore: The king on the other side augmented his sus­picion, for that vppon a victory which the Turke gotte vpon the Sophy king of Persia, the Pope construing it to the vniuersall daunger of Christendom, wrote letters to all Princes, aduising them to depose armes amongst them selues, to resist or inuade the common enemies of the faith: he protested one thing vnder his letters, and practi­sed an other by operacions secret, proceeding alwayes with faire apparances, and yet holding his intencions dissembled: But the matter that almost altogether disclo­sed his purposes, was, that he sent vnder the same shadowe and pretence, to Venice, Peter Bembo his Secretorye, and afterwards Cardinall, to dispose that state to agree with Caesar, towards whom the same difficulties continuing that had bene before, the Venetians would not be wrought, but manifested to the french king thoccasion of his comming: A dealing that did so much discontent the king, that the rather for that the Pope sought to depriue him of his succours at a time when he was ready to aduaunce armes, he renewed eftsoones with the king Catholike the auncient practi­ses, and that either to thende the Pope should be touched with that feare, or at least if he were carelesse, to conclude absolutely: so hot he was aboue all other thinges in the expedicion of Myllan.

In those tymes there were not in any quarter of Italy other stirrs or emocions, thē Emocions a­gainst the Ve­netians and of the Veneti­ans. against the Venetians, against whom were raysed many secret ambushes and conspi­racies: for, according to the testimonie of their Cronicles, certeine spanish foote­men feyning to be fugitiues from thennemies campe, entred Padoa with mindes to kill Aluiano by direction of their Capteines, who hoped by the trouble and disorder of the people for the death of such a Capteine, they should be able with their campe to cary the towne: So different at this day are the stratagemes of warre from the ver­tue of thauncients, who much lesse that they would subborne an instrument to so great a trayson, but of the contrary hauing knowledge of it, they would lay it open to thennemies, to thende that by their vertue they might vanquish thinfidelitie preten­ded: but the conspiracie being detected, the Magistrates committed the traytors to the due paynes of their offence.

The spanish armie, being now wel diminished in numbers, lay incamped betwene Montagnano Cologno, and Este: And the Venetians, to thend to constraine them to re­turne [Page 680] to the kingdome of Naples, leauyed an armie at sea, and made their Admirall or capteine generall Andrea Gritti, whom they thought to sende to inuade Povvilla: But for many difficulties that happned, that expendition went no further, beeing as­sone discontinued as it was thought vpon. Afterwards the Spaniardes came to the towre neare Vincensa by the perswasion of thAlmains that were within Verona, to thende to ioyne with them in an enterprise to waste and ouerronne the corne of the Padoans: But after the Spaniards had taryed in that place in vayne many dayes, be­ing both reduced to a very small number, and not hable to accomplishe the promis­ses vnder the which they had called them, they left there their enterprise to spoyle their corne, for bearing in suche rashnes to do a violence which would draw with it a greater reuenge then was the iniurie: And after they had gotte of the Almains xv. hundred footmen, they marched with seuen hundred men at armes, seuen hundred light horsemen, and three thousande fiue hundred Spanishe footemen, to incampe before Citadella, wherein were three hundred light horsemen: they marched with great diligence all the night, and came to the place within two howres in the moar­ning, and falling to batter it with their artilleries, they caryed the towne the same day at the seconde assault: they made prisoners all the lighte horsemen that were there, and so returned to their campe lying within three myles of Vincensa, Aluiano making no resistance: He had receyued speciall commaundement from the Senate not to feight, and lay incamped vpon Brenta with seuen hundred men at armes, a thousande light horsemen, and seuen thousande footemen, And the place beeing strong by situation and desence, gaue him great oportunitie to vex thenemies with his light horsemen: Neuerthelesse a litle after, he retyred to Barsillon almost affore the gates of Padoa, to thend to drawe his armie into a place of suretie: But the whole countrey beeing turned into spoyle and waste, by the pillages that were made by both the Armies, the Spaniards hauing great want of vittells, retyred to their first lodgings from whence they were come, leauing abandoned the citie of Vincensa and the rocke of Brendola, which is about seuen myles from it: They releeued them selues with no other subsidies or payments then with the taxations which they im­posed vpon Verona, Bressia, Bergama, and other places thereaboutes. Vpon the rety­ring of the Spaniards, Aluiano bestowed himselfe with tharmie betwene Batallo and Padoa, the place being strong and proper: and there vnderstanding that there was within Este a very small and negligent garrison, he sent thither by night foure hun­dred horsemen and a thousande footemen, who being entred afore they were des­cerned, tooke fourescore light horsemen of capteine Coruero, who saued himselfe in the Castell, and with that pray retyred to tharmie. But the Venetians hauing sent to tharmie freshe bandes of souldiors, Aluiano drewe neare to Montagnano, and pre­sented the battell to the Viceroy, who refused to accept it beeing farre inferior infor­ces, and so retyred to Polesinade Rouigno: An oportunitie agreeing to the courage of Aluiano, who hauing nowe no more impedimentes beyonde Adice, made dayly incursions euen to the gates of Verona: the same so touching the Viceroy with the daunger of that Citie, that leauing within Polesina, three hundred men at armes and a thousande footemen, himselfe with the residue of tharmie went to the defence of that Citie, disposing his forces not sufficiently according to thestate of his perills, but aswell as he was hable according to the necessitie of the time.

Farre greater difficulties began to kindle towards Crema, which was almoste be­sieged by the companies of the duke of Millan bestowed in the townes and villages there abouts: for the towne suffred great affliction of famine, great stroke of plague, [Page 681] great disorder of souldiors for want of pay, vniuersall lacke of munitions, with other particular prouisions which had bene many times demaunded: Aduersities which Ranso distrusting to be hable no longer to susteine, had made him almost to protest to the Venetians: And yet the same fortune following him with some fauor & coun­tenaunce, he set vpon Siluio Sauello, whose strength was two hundred men at armes, an hundred light horsemen, and xv. hundred footemen, and charging him vpon the sodayne, he so put him to discomfiture that he fledde to Loda onely with fiftie men at armes, seeking safetie rather at aduenture and by chaunce, then by confidence in his vallour and prowesse. After this the Venetians reuitteled Crema the second time, and the Count Nicholas Scot put into it xv. hundred footemen: In so much as both the forces and courage of Ranso rising increased, he entred a fewe dayes after the Citie of Bergamo, being called in by the townesmen, and the Spaniards fleing to the Chappell. At the same time also Mercurio and Malatesta Baillon tooke three hun­dred horsmen that were stragling without: but not long after, as Nicholas Scot went from Bergamo to Crema with fiue hundred Italian footmen, he was encountred with two hundred Svvizzers, who ouerthrewe his companies, and tooke him prisoner, and ledde him to the duke of Millan, who caused his head to be striken of. This losse of Bergamo awaked the Viceroy and Prospero Colonno, who went and incamped there with fiue thousande footemen ioyned to the regiments of the Spaniards, and to the bands of the duke of Millan: They planted their artilleries agaynst S, Katherins gate, whiche though it made valiaunt resistance, yet Ranso beeing within, and seeing no possibilitie of long defence, left the towne to discression, compounding to departe with the lyues and goods of all his souldiors, but without sounding of trompet, and with their ensignes wrapped vp: The Viceroy taxed thinhabitantes of Bergamo at iiij. score thousande duckets. But amidde these actions and seruices at Crema and Ber­gamo, an other exployte of greater worthines and more full of industry and celeritie, was executed by Aluiano in the towne of Rouigno, wherein was a garrison of two hundred men at armes spanish, who thought them selues to stand in suretie for that they had the ryuer of Adice betwene them and the Venetian bandes: Aluiano when was least doubt of him, cast a bridge neare the towne of Anguillaro, and by his indu­strie and diligence made him a passage ouer the ryuer, with a company of souldiers resolute and trayned, and no impediment of stuffe or baggage to hinder thenter­prise, which was to be executed as muche with celeritie as with vallour: And as he was arriued at the towne, and had possessed the gate by the stratageame of a hun­dred footemen attyred like paysantes whom he had sent before vnder the cullor and occasion of the market that was kept there that day, he easily made him selfe Lorde of the whole, and tooke prisoners all the men at armes that he founde there: In this enterprise he preuayled as muche by pollicie as by vertue, which two properties in a man of warre are equally required: and turning neither the one nor the other into rigour nor blood, he accompanied his vallour with clemencie, and spared the liues of those whom his fortune & the course of armes offred to the edge of his sworde: By reason of this aduenture, the residue of the Spaniardes that were lodged at Poli­sena, retyred into thabbay, as to the strongest place in the countrey, and afterwards leauing abandoned all Polisena and Leguagua, they fledde towards Ferrara, carrying with them more feare then hope of safety. Immediatly after the taking of Rouigno, Aluiano marched with tharmie to Oppiano neare to Leguaguo, whither he caused to be brought by the ryuer certayne armed barkes: and so be went on to Villacero neare to Verona, with this resolution, that if from that place he should not be hable to take [Page 682] Verona, wherein was a strength of two thowsande spanish footemen and a thowsand launceknightes, at least he would kepe it in vexacion & torment all the winter long: But being aduertised that an armie of three hundred men at armes, fiue hundred light horsemen, and six thowsande footemen of thenemies, were gone vp towardes Leguaguo, he came out of that place fearing least they would either stoppe his vittels, or constraine him to feight: he came within the view of them going towards Adice, which they passed at Albaretto, with no small difficulty of vittells by reason of thim­pedimentes which the light horsemen and the armed barkes gaue them: And hea­ring there that the spanish army after the recouery of Bergama, returned towards Ve­rona, he determined to abide them no longer, for which cause he sent the companies of men at armes by land to Padoa, and passed in person by night by the riuer of Adice, with the footemen: he caried with him by water, thartilleries and baggage of thar­my, both to auoide the raines and myers which were great, and also for feare to be charged by thenemies to whome the waters that were then risen very high, gaue great impediments: And assoone as he had taken land, he retired with his accusto­med celerity to Padoa, where the men at armes were entred two daies before: After­wardes he distributed his army betwene Padoa and Treuisa: And the Viceroy and Pro­spero Colonno, after they had sent their men to lye in garrison at Polisena de Rouigno, went vp to Ispruch to consult with Caesar vpon thestate of thaffaires.

This yeare the countrey of Friull remeined in tranquillitie more then was wont for the taking of Capteine Frangipan, the only man that afflicted it more then any o­ther: And therfore the Venetians, knowing how much it imported them to reteine it, had refused to render it in exchaunge of Iohn Pavvle Baillon: He, for that solicita­cion had bene made at Rome to exchaunge him for Caruaiall, had got leaue of the Spaniardes to goe to Rome, giuing his faith to returne prisoner, if the permutacion could not be agreed vppon: But for that during the treaty, it hapned that Caruaiall dyed, Iohn Pavvle affirmed that by the benefit of thaccident, he was at libertie, and so holding him selfe acquited he would no more returne to him whose prisoner he was: About these times and towardes the latter end of the yeare, the families of the Adorney & Fyesquey entred Genes by night by a secret fauor and working of the Duke of Millan as was supposed: And albeit by conspiracie and intelligence they were come as farre as the pallace greene, yet their fortune being somwhat inferior to the vallor of their enemies, they were chased out againe by Octauian Fregoso, who going out against them euen vntill beyonde the barriers accompanied with the footemen of his garde, fought valliantly in his owne person, and put them to fleight: he was not otherwise wounded then in the hand, being recompensed (besides the honor of the victorie) with the persons of Sy. Fyesquo, Ier. Adorno, and Io. Camilla of Naples, as his prisoners.

Amidde these affaires of warre and seruice, it is not vnworthy of memorie, to re­port that this yeare there were seene at Rome two Elephantes, a nature of creatures Two Elephāts presented to the Pope. which happily had not bene seene in Italie since the triumphes & publike playes of the Romaines: Emanuell king of Portugall sent to the Pope a very honorable Embas­sage, and withall, presented him with two huge and stately Elephantes which his shippes had brought by sea from India, their entring into Rome was celebrated with a very great concoursse of people, some wondering at the straunge forme and stature of the beastes, some marueiling to what vses their nature inclined them, and some coniecturing the respectes and purposes of such a present, their ignorance making their wonder farre greater then their reason.

[Page 683]But about those times the frenche king, who had other cares in his minde then pompes and spectacles, solicited all sortes of prouisions for the warre: And albeit he was determined resolutely to prosecute thenterprise of Myllan, yet, desiring to be as­sured of the Popes will, he prayed him to declare him selfe in his fauor: Wherein to draw him on the rather, he confirmed to him the offers he had made to him affore, assuring him for ende, that if he were disappoynted of his amitie and thexspectacion of it, he would eftsoones ioyne him selfe to those condicions of Caesar and the king Catholike, which he had already refused: In this demaund he debated with him the power of his kingdom, the strength of his consederacions, & the proporcion of suc­cours promised by the Venetians: how at that time the forces of Caesar and king Ca­tholike were small in Italy, and how both the one and other were very needy of mo­ney, and hauing no meane to pay their owne souldiours, much lesse that they were able to defraie the Svvyzzers, who would not descend from their Mounteines with­out good cereteinty of pay: That the popularitie of Myllan hauing proued the hard yoke of others, exspected with an vniuersall desire the returne of the french iurisdi­ction: That the victory of Myllan ought not to giue cause to the Pope to arme and band against him, both for that the greatnes of the kings of Fraunce in Italy, and his owne authoritie, had bene in all seasons profitable to the sea Apostolike, And also standing alwayes contented with the things that of right apperteyned to them, they rose not higher into humors of ambicion, nor once lifted vp their mindes to aspyre to the residue of Italy, A matter well testified by so many experiences: That thinten­cion of Caesar and the king Catholike was farre other, hauing aboue all other thinges thirsted after the whole Empire of Italy, and to subiect the regions thereof, either by armes, by alliances, or by pollicies: That they haue nourished a perpetuall disposici­on of mind, to reduce into thraldom, no lesse then other states, the sea Apostolike & the Popes of Rome, A desire which all the world knew to be very auncient and reso­lute in Caesar: That therefore, he would at one time prouide for the sewertie of the Church, defend the common libertie of Italy, reestablish the greatnes of the famulie of Medicis, and that he should not be curious to employ the present occasion, which would not be eftsoones presented neither with the fauor of a better time, nor with the oportunitie of better alliance then his. On the contrary for Caesar & the king Ca­tholike there wanted no perswasions ful of affection & efficacie that he would ioyne with them for the defence of Italy: Wherein was not forgotten to be alleaged, that if they conioyned al together, they were able to chasse the french king out of the du­chie of Myllan, and their power was no lesse sufficient to defend it against him: That he was to remember the wronge that he had done to the king the yeare past, sending money to the armie of the Svvyzzers at such time as the french campe marched in­to Italy: Lastly that he had to consider that if the french king obteyned the victorie of Myllan, he would not be vnmindfull to reuenge all the wronges he had receyued, and to assure him selfe of all daungers and suspicions to come: But the Pope was much more moued with the authority and offers of the Svvyzzers, who, continuing in their first obstinacies, offered to commaund and defend with six thowsand foote­men the passages of the Mount Senis, of the Mount Geneure, & Finalo, receiuing one­ly by the moneth six thowsand florince of Rhein: And in case their payes might be aduaunced to forty thowsand florince by the moneth, they offered to inuade Burgon­dy with twenty thowsand footemen: These perplexities made the Pope doubtfull in him selfe, & as feare withdrew him from the thing whereunto his will did driue him, so, amyd so many variacions of mind, he deferred as much as he could, to declare his [Page 684] intencion, giuing to euery one, words and aunsweres generall: But being continu­ally importuned by the Frenche king, at last he made him this aunswere, that there was no person that knew better then him selfe, how much he was inclined to his af­faires, being not ignoraunt with what affection he perswaded him to passe into Italy at a time when he might haue victorie without daunger or great effusion of blood: That his perswasions, for that thinges were not kept secret as he had oftentimes re­quired him, were now come to the knowledge of others, to the common detriment of them both: for that for his parte, he saw him selfe in daunger to be assailed by o­thers, & that the difficulties were become the greater for the enterprise of the king, since others had giuen such order to their affaires that he could no more enter into the victorie but with manifest perill and lamentable slaughter of men: That the po­wer and glory of the Turkes being newly increased by so great a victorie & successe, it was neither conuenient to his condicion, nor conformable to thoffice of a Pope, either to giue fauor or counsel to Princes christened, to make warre amongest them selues: And that therefore he could not otherwise aduise him, then to temporise & surcease, exspecting some other facilitie & better occasion, which when it hapned, he shoulde finde in him the same disposition to his glory & greatnes which he hath so well discerned certaine monethes passed: An answere, which (albeit it did not in other sorte expresse his conception) if it had come to the knowledge of the king, it had not onely depriued him of all hope of the Popes fauor, but also haue certified him that the Pope would haue ioyned and banded against him both with counsel & with armes: These were the accidents of the yeare 1514.

But death, who bringeth with him this law & authority, to cut of the vaine coun­cells The death of king Lowys the twelfth 1515. of men euen in their greatest hopes, was the cause that the warre so forward in apparaunce, burst not out to action with that speede that was exspected: for, whi­lest the French king gaue him selfe ouer to behold too much the excellent bewty of his new wife, bearing then but eighteene yeres of age, nothing considering the pro­porcion of his owne yeares, nor his decayed complexion, he fell into the rage of a feauer, which drawing to it a suddeine flux, ouercame in one instant the life, that nature gaue ouer to preserue any longer: he dyed the first day of the yeare 1515. a day of memorie for the death of so great a Prince: he was a king iust & much belo­ued of his peoples, but touching his condicion, neither asfore he was king, nor after he had the crowne, he neuer found constancy or stability in either fortune: for, ri­sing from a small Duke of Orleance with great happines to the crowne, and that by the death of Charles younger then he, and two of his sonnes, he conquered with a very great facility the Duchie of Millan and the kingdom of Naples, and almost all the residue of the regions of Italy, being gouerned for many yeares by his direction: he recouered with a very great prosperity, the state of Genes that was in rebellion: & vanquished with no lesse glory the armies of the Venetians, being in person at both those victories: But on the other side, euen when he was in youth and best disposi­cion of body, he was constrained by king Lovvys the eleuenth to mary his daughter that was both barren & deformed, and yet could neuer get the good will nor coun­tenaunce of his father in law: And aster his death, such was the greatnes of the La­dy of Burbon, that he could neuer get the institucion of the newe king being then in minoritie, being almost compelled to retyre him selfe into Brittaine: where being taken in the battell of S. Aubyn, he liued two yeares in the calamity of a prisoner: To these afflictions may be added the siege and famin of Nouaro, the many discomfits he had in the realme of Naples, the losse of thestate of Millan, Genes, and all the townes [Page 685] which he had taken from the Venetians: And lastely the grieuous warre he had in Fraunce agaynst very mightie enemies, his eyes beholding into what lamentable pe­rils his realme was brought: Neuerthelesse afore he died it semed he had conquered al his aduersities, & fortune shewed good tokens of her reconcilement, both for that he had defended his kingdome agaynst mighty enemies, & also established a perpe­tuall peace & alliance with the king of Englande, with whom by howmuche his ami­tie was great and assured, by so muche it gaue him hope to be hable to reconquer the duchie of Millan.

After Lovvis the xij. ascended to the Crowne Frauncis d'Angoulesme, who was the Frauncis the first comes to the crowne. next heire male of the blood royall & of the same line of the Dukes of Orleance▪ he was preferred to the successiō of the kingdom before the daughters of the dead king by the vertue & disposition of the lawe Salike, a lawe very auncient in the realme of Fraunce, which excludeth from the royall dignitie all women, so long as there is any issue male of the same line. The world had such a hope in his vertues, and suche an opinion of his magnanimitie, & such a conceite of his iudgement & wit, that euery one consessed that of very long time there was none raysed vp to the Crowne with a greator exspectation: he was made the more agreable to the fancies of men, by the consideration of his age bearing then but xxij. yeres, his excellent feiture & propor­cion of body, his great liberality, & general humanity, together with the rype know­ledge he had in many things: But specially he pleased greatly the nobilitie, to whom he transferred many singuler & great fauors. He tooke vpon him together with the The fr. king assumeth the title of duke of Millan. title of the french king, the name of the duke of Millan: A dignitie which he sayd ap­perteined to him not only by the auncient rights of the dukes of Orleance, but also as cōprehended in the inuestiture that was made by Caesar in the treaty of Cambray: Be­sides there liued in him the same desire to recouer it that dyed with his predecessor: whervnto not only the working of his owne inclination, but the perswasions of al the noble yong gentlemē of Fraunce did induce him, no lesse by the memory of the glo­ry of Gaston de Foix, thē for the monumēt of so many victories as the kings raigning next afore had obteined in Italie: And yet (not to warne others afore the time not to prepare to resist him) he dissembled his desires by thaduise of his graue counselors, & in the meane while sell to practise the amities of other princes: frō whom were sent to congratulate with him many embassadors, whō he receiued with countenaunce affable & gracious, but specially the embassadors of the king of England, who desired to continue with him thamity begon with his predecessor, the iniuries he had recei­ued frō the king Catholik being yet fresh in memory. There came at the same tyme an embassage frō the duke of Austrich, wherof the lord of Nausan was chief, & in this embassage, for the regard of therle of Flaūders, wherof the kings of Fraūce are soue­raignes, were discerned demonstrations of great submission in acknowledging of su­periority: Both the one & the other of these embassages had a ready & happy expe­dition: for touching the king of England, the confederation betwene him & the late king, was cōfirmed vnder the same conditions so long as either of thē should liue, re­seruing a respite of iij. yeres for the Skottish king to enter in it: And for tharchduke, many differences ceassed, which many men supposed would haue giuē great impe­diments to the action of the peace: But the archduke being now in full maiority, & newly taken vpon him the gouernment of his estates, was drawne to the peace for many causes: first for thinstance of the peoples of Flaunders, who would in no wise haue warre with the realme of Fraunce: Secondly for a desire he had to be assured of such impediments as might be opposed against him by the French in the succession [Page 686] of the realme of Spayne, when the death of his grandfather should happen: And lastly for that he thought it to great a daunger, to dwell without any league of amitie in the middest of the powers of England and Fraunce being conioyned together: And on the other side, the king desired greatly to take awaye all occasions that might re­strayne him to be gouerned by thauthoritie & counsell of his grandfather, eyther by the fathers or mothers side: So that at last there was enacted betwene them in the towne of Paris, a perpetuall peace & confederation, reseruing facultie to Caesar & the king Catholike (without whose authorities tharchduke contracted) to take their place in this peace within three monethes. In this capitulation was promised thac­complishment of the mariage betwene the Archduke and Lady Renee daughter to king Lovvis, solicited so many times before: and that the king should endue the ma­riage of Lady Renee with six hundred thousande crownes and the duchy of Berry in perpetuitie aswell for her children as for her: This dowry, in respect of her insuffici­ent age at that time, should be assigned to her assone as she should come to the age of ix. yeres, vnder this condition notwithstāding, that she should renounce al rights of inheritance either by the father or mother, & namely such as might apperteine to her of the duchy of Millan & Britaine: That the king should be bounde to ayde the archduke with men & ships to go to the kingdome of Spayne, after the death of the king Catholike: At the request of the king, the duke of Gueldres was also named: and as some write, besides the matters afore rehearsed, it was agreed that in bothe their names ioyntly, embassadors should be sent to the king of Aragon, to require him to publish tharchduke prince of the realmes of Spayne, such is the title of him to whom the succession apperteineth: That he would render the kingdome of Nauarre, & ab­steine from the defence of the duchie of Millan. Here it is not to be doubted, that both these two Princes making this confederation, looked not more to the present cōmoditie that appeared, then to thobseruatiō of the same in time to come: for what fundation could be layde vpon the mariage that was promised, the Lady Renee bea­ring as yet scarcely foure yeres: And how could it please the Frenche king that that damsell should be the wife of tharchduke, who (her eldest sister being the kings wife) had her action prepared vpō the duchy of Britaine? for that the Britons desiring once to haue a particular duke, at such time as Anne their Duchesse maryed the seconde time, agreed that the dukedome should apperteine to the youngest of the children and discendantes of her, if the eldest were preferred to the Crowne of Fraunce. In like sort the French king treated with the king Catholike to prolong the truce made with his predecessor, but to leaue out this condition not to molest the duchie of Millan during the truce: he hoped he should afterwards compounde easily with Cae­sar: By which reason he kept in suspence the Venetians, who offred to renewe the league made with his predecessor, wishing that he were in his liberty to accord with Caesar agaynst them: But the king Catholike, notwithstanding he stoode still posses­sed of his desire not to haue warre in the frontiers of Spayne, considering how great suspicion the prolongation of the truce might giue to the Svvizzers, which mighte also be the cause that the Pope, who till then had bene in doubt, might turne to the french amity, refused at last to prolong the truce, but vnder the same conditions it had bene renued with the last king: So that the Pope, shut out of that hope, and lesse exspecting to contract with Caesar agaynst the will and councelles of that king, re­confirmed with the Senate of Venice the league, in the same fourme it had bene made with his predecessor. Nowe there remayned the Pope and the Svvizzers: Touching the Svvizzers he required that they woulde admitte his Embassadors, [Page 687] but they refused to giue them saffe conduit, vsing the same rudenes they had done before: And for the Pope, vpon whose will depended wholly the Florentyns, here­quired no other thing of him, then that he would kepe him out of all bond, to thend that when by the trayne of affaires he should be councelled to resolue, it might be in his power to make choice of the better, perswading him that he should neuer finde in any, either for his owne perticular or for the aduauncement of his house, a grea­ter amitie, A more assured faith or more honorable condicions.

After the king had layd these foundacions for his affayres, he beganne with great care to leauie prouisions of money, and to encrease the bandes of his men at armes to the number of foure thowsand: he published that he made those preparacions, not of intencion to make warre for that yeare, but onely to make head against the Svvyzzers, who threatned him to inuade Burgondy or Dauphine, if he would not ac­complish the couenants made at Dyon in the name of the late king: Many beleeued him in the semblāces he made, the rather for thexample of the kings of Fraunce, who haue alwaies forborne to intangle the first yeare of their raigne, with newe warres: But that coniecture caried not such impression in the mindes of Caesar and the king of Aragon, to whome the kinges youth was suspected and the facilitie he had (more then other kinges) to commaund all the forces of the kingdom of Fraunce, and the loue of his people opening a way and readines to all that he would desire: Besides, they were not ignorant of the great preparacions that king Lovvys had left, the same making demonstracion that seeing he was assured of the king of England, he did not of new determine to make warre, but rather did enterteyne and recontinue the plot that was layed before: Therefore because they would not be taken vnprouided, they fell to solicit a confederacion with the Pope and with the Svvyzzers: But the Pope enterteyning both parties with wordes gracious, and studying to nourish them all with diuers hopes, deferred stil to make any certaine declaracion: And touching the Svvyzzers, their former hatreds did not onely still continue, but by time were made greater by increase of occasions, for that the causes that had taken their beginning of griefes publike, bothe for the deniall of augmentacion of their pensions, for the calling of launceknightes to the kinges paye, and for the disdaynefull and iniurious wordes deliuered against their nation: were redoubled and reincreased of priuate sorowes, displeasures, and ambicious desires: The same rising both vppon an enuie which the Commons bare to many perticulars receiuing giftes and pensions of the king, & also for that those factions that most hotly obiected them selues against such as followed the french amities which commonly were called at that time Gallizzan­ti, being by that meane aduaunced with the fauor of the Commons, into reputacion and greatnes, feared a diminucion of their authoritie, if the common weale were of new reallied with the french: In so much that the councell & disputacion of affaires passing, not in a coursse of publike zeale, but with ambicion and dissentions ciuill, & these bearing more credit then the Gallizanti, it was obteyned that they should re­fuse the vnreasonable offers of the french king.

In this disposicion of mindes and affayres thEmbassadors of Caesar, king of Ara­gon, & Duke of Myllan, assembled and met affore the Svvyzzers, & contracted with them in the name of their Princes, a confederacion for the defence of Italy, reseruing a respit for the Pope to enter, vntil the Monday of the lent following: In this capitu­lacion it was agreed that to compell the french king to disclaime all his rights & in­terests in the Duchie of Myllan, the Svvyzzers receiuing monethly of the other cō ­federats xxx. thowsand duckats, should inuade either Burgondy or Dauphyne, And the [Page 688] king Catholike with a mightie army, should make strong warre vpon the realme of Fraunce either vpon the side of Parpignan or Fonterabye: By these inuasions the con­federats pretended, that the french king cōpelled to apply to the defense of his own realme, should haue no oportunitie to molest the Duchy of Millan, though he had made a resolucion agreable to his will: this deliberacion of the king was kept secret Preparacions of the frenche king against the Duke of Millan. vntill the moneth of Iune, but at last, such was the greatnes and care of the seuerall preparacions, that they could no longer dissemble so great and apparant stirres: The prouisions of money were great & vniuersally reached to all the parts in the realme, he leauied many bandes of launceknightes, he caused to be drawne towardes Lyon great stoare of artilleries: And had lately sent into Guyhen to leauy tenne thowsande footemen from the marches of Nauarro, vnder Peter of Nauarro who was newly en­tred into his pay: This was the reason that he ioyned him selfe to the french seruice, the king of Aragon was discontented with him, and charged him most of all others with the ill successe of the battell of Rauenna: he would not pay his ransom that was rated at twentie thowsand duckats, which the late king had giuen to the Marquis of Rottelyn to recompense in some parte the hundred thowsand crownes which he had paid in England for his ransom: but the new king electing him to his seruice, defraied his ransom at his first comming to the crowne, & tooke him into his pay: which yet the sayed Peter of Nauarro would not accept till, for the safetie of his honor, he had sent to the king of Aragon to excuse himselfe, that being abandoned of him, he gaue place to necessitie, renouncing notwithstanding the estates which he had giuen him in the kingdome of Naples: By this time it was manifest to all the worlde, that those preparacions tended to make warre vpon the Duchie of Millan, & that the king de­termined to goe thether in person: So that the kinge beganne in demaundes and speaches discloased, to require the Pope to ioyne with him, wherein he vsed besides, many other instrumentes and perswasions, by the meane of Iulian his brother, who had newly taken for wife Philiberta sister to Charles Duke of Sauoye, and aunt to the king by the mothers side, his dowrie being assigned to him vpon the hundred thow­sande crownes which the Pope gaue him: This gaue the kinge some hope that the Pope, respecting the alliance, would be readily inclined to embrase his amity, & the rather for that he hauing before treated with the king Catholike to mary Iuliā with one of his parentes which was of the house of Cardoua, it seemed he had preferred that alliance to the other more for his owne regard, then for other reason: he douted not also that Iulian would not willingly help forward for desire to get by that meane, some estate by the which he might furnish thexpenses conuenient to so great a ma­riage, & with all, the better to establish the perpetuall gouernment which the Pope had newly giuen him of the cities of Modona, Reggia, Parma, and Plaisance: which be­ing not supported by the fauor of mightie Princes, he had litle hope to be hable to keepe them after the death of his brother: But the king began euen now to fall from his hope, both for that the Pope had transferred to the king of Aragon for two yeres the moneys and collections called the Croissards of the realme of Spaine: whereof it was thought, he would draw by way of contribucion aboue a million of duckattes: And also for that he heard with great inclinacion, Alberto Carpy & Ier. Vich Embassa­dors of Caesar and the king Catholike, who did not only keepe almost alwayes about him, but also it seemed the Pope did communicate with them all his councells: Ne­uerthelesse the Pope interteined the king in suspence, both giuing good wordes and showing sounde intencion to those that negociated for the king, but alwayes with­out any resolucion: as one that desired aboue all other thinges that the Duchie of [Page 689] Millan shoulde not bee possessed by forreyne Princes: Therefore the king whom it imported to bee better assured of his intencion, addressed to him newe Embas­sadours, amongest whome was VVilliam Buda of Paris, a man in science of hu­manitie eyther Greeke or Latin, of most absolute and onely erudicion of all the learned men of our time: Afterwardes he sent to him in the same legacion, Antho. Maria Paluoisino, A man verie acceptable to the Pope, seeking to o­mitte no meane wherein might bee any oportunitie to aduaunce his purpose: But all was labour loste, for that before his comminge euen from the moneth of Iulie he had verie secretlie contracted with the others for the defense of the estate of Myllan.

Notwithstandinge seekinge to keepe couered that resolucion vntill the ne­cessitie of affayres constrayned him to declare him selfe, and desiringe withall to publishe it with some excuse: Sometimes he required the kinge to consent that the Churche might reteyne Parma and Plaisance, and sometimes he prefer­red other demaundes, to the ende that any one of the thinges which he de­maunded beinge refused, it might appeare that necessitie more then will, had caried him to knitte with the kinges enemies: And at that time, distrusting not to be denyed of some one of those thinges which altogether he woulde not pre­ferre without some honest colour, he made diuerse aunsweres, doubtfull, suttle, and irresolute.

But as for the doinges of mortall men there is reserued in the infallible iustice of God, an equall measure and like proporcion of recompence, so there were others that vsed towardes him the same sleightes and suttleties where­with he abused the kinge: For Octauian Fregosa Duke of Genes, fearinge on the one side the great preparacions of the Frenche Kinge, and on the other side holdinge for suspected the victorie of the confederates for thinclination of the Duke of Myllan and the Svvizzers to their aduersaries, had made a verie se­crete contracte with the Frenche Kinge by the meane of the Duke of Burbon, and yet verie firmelye assured the contrarie to the Pope, bothe in the time of the action, and after it was resolued: Yea, because Octauian was one of the auncient frendes of the Pope, and of his brother Iulian, to whome they had borne no small fauours at suche time as he was created Duke of Genes, the Pope did so simplie beleue him, that the Duke of Myllan suspecting thinges for the rumors and brutes that went, and determined to inuade him with foure thow­sande Svvizzers alreadie come to Nouarro, together with the faction of the Ador­ney and the Fiesquey, the Pope was the cause that thenterprise brake and passed no further.

This was the capitulacion of Octauian Fregosa: That the towne and iuris­diction Octauian Fregosa Duke of Genes [...]m­poundes with the Frenche king. of Genes shoulde bee rendered to the kinge, together with the castell: That Octauian shoulde beare no more the name of Duke, but take vppon him the name of perpetuall Gouernor of Genes for the kinge, with power to dispose the offices of Genes: That the kinge shoulde geue vnto him an hundred men at armes, the order of Sainct Michaell, And a yearelye pension duringe his life: That the king should not reedifie the fortresse of Codifa very hatefull to the Ge­novvais, and shoulde also recontinue and graunt to the Citie all those capitula­cions and priuileages which had beene reuersed and burned by king Lovvys: That he should geue a certeyne proporcion of ecclesiastike reuenues to Federyke Arch­bishop of Salerno & brother to Octauian, and to himselfe certeine places in Prouence, [Page 690] if euer it hapned that he were chassed out of Genes: When these matters were spred abroade, it was not hard for Octauian to iustifie his resolucion, for that it was discer­ned of all men, that he had great reason to feare the Duke of Myllan and the Svvyz­zers: The onely thing that was noted ill in him, was, that he had so many tymes de­nied the truth to the Pope, of whom he had receiued so many benefits, and had bro­ken hys promisse and faith, in entring into couenants without his priuitie: And yet, in a long letter which he wroate to him afterwards for his iustificacion, he discour­sed at large with great care and humilitie, the causes that had moued him, together with all thexcuses wherein he might reasonably defend his honor and the propertie of thaction: he tolde him nothing was done in despising the respect and deuocion which he ought him, acknowledging in his person the full maiestie of Pope and his chiefe rayser and aduauncer: his conclusion was that it would be more hard for him to be iustified, if he wroate to persons priuate, or to any Prince that measured thaf­fayres of estate, according to regardes priuate: But writing to a Prince wiser aboue all others of that tyme, and to whose wisedom it was seene he could not otherwaies saue his estate, That it was matter supersiuous to offer excuses to him that so well vnderstoode and knewe what was lawefull to Princes, or at least what they were wont to doe, not onely when they were reduced to those necessities, but also when they went about to encrease or make better the condicions of their estate.

But by this tyme, matters were wrought from wordes and councells to deedes and execucion: for, the king that was nowe come to Lyons accompanied with the whole presence of the Nobles of Fraunce and Dukes of Lorraine and Gueldres, caused to marche towards Italy his power, which was the most mighty and florishing armie that had bene seene of long tyme: he stoode assured to haue no troubles beyond the Mountes, for that the king of Aragon, who fearing at first least so great preparaci­ons might bee turned agaynst him, had armed his frontyers and perpetually vnited the Realme of Naples to the kingdom of Castillo, to make those peoples more rea­dy to defende it: And assoone as he had credible vnderstanding, that the warre should be made in Italy, he dismissed all the companies he had leauyed, holding no more reckoning of his promisse made that yeare to the confederats to make warre vpon Fraunce, then he had done of al other couenants and contractes made to them the yeres before: So ready he was to be caried by occasions, and so light to laye downe his faith and word more to the profit of his affayres, then preseruacion of his reputacion and honor.

At the brute of the descending of the french king, the Viceroy of Naples, who, ha­uing bene many moneths as it were in truce with the Venetians, & now come to the contrey of Vincensa to draw neare to thennemies that lay incamped in a very stronge place neare Vincensa: remoued his armie to Verona, to go as he sayd, to the succours of the Duke of Myllan: And the Pope dispatched into Lombardye his companies of men at armes with the regiments of the Florentyns vnder the gouernment of his brother chossen Capteine of the Church, to minister likewise to the ayde of Myl­lan according to his resolucion not many dayes before with the other confederats: Neuerthelesse he forbare not to perseuer in his fayre showes and semblances, ma­king the worlde to beleeue that he sent out that strength onely for the garde of Plaisanca, Parma, & Reggia: Wherein he had so cunningly proceeded with thEm­bassadors of Fraunce: That the kinge nowe doubting no more to fall to agree­ment with him, had dispatched from Lyons to his Embassadors, A new commission with authority to conclude, consenting that the church should remeine possessed of [Page 691] Plaisanca: and Parma, vntill he had satisfied it with suche a recompence as the Pope should holde him selfe contented. But all these remedies were but cures vnperfect whose sores burst out after agayne: they were shadowes whose bodies were farre of, yea they serued for nothing, for those causes that hereafter shall be expressed: for it was a destinie set downe that the defence or losse of the Duchie of Millan should be executed onely with the daunger and blood of the Svvizzers, who not staying for any impediment or small quantitie of money in prest, discended by such heapes and trowpes into the duchie of Millan, that their armie there, was aboue twentie thou­sande, of whome ten thousande were drawne neare to the mountaynes: It was a The Swizzers seeke to stoppe the passage of the Frenche men. councell taken amongest them, to keepe agaynst the French, the strayte passages of those valleys which beeing at the foote of the Alpes that deuide Italie from Fraunce, come to open them selues vpon the playnes of Lombardie.

This councel of the Svvizzers troubled greatly the minde of the king, who afore had promised to himselfe an assured victorie by the greatnes of his forces, not remē ­bring that the successe of warre respecteth other considerations then the multitudes of souldiors: he had in his armie two thousande fiue hundred launces, xxij. thou­sande The French armie. launceknightes ledde by the duke of Gueldres, ten thousande footemen of Pe­ter Nauarre, eight thousande Frenchemen, and three thousande laborers that were payed according to the rate of the other footemen: The king considered with hys capteines, that in regarde of the vallour of the Svvizzers, it was impossible to driue them from those strayte and strong passages, but with a farre greater number: And yet, considering the nature of those straites, so great numbers could not be but hurt­full to the seruice: and muche lesse in so litle tyme could they do any thing of con­sequence, and least of all be hable to nourishe any long season, so great an army in a contrey so barreine, notwithstanding there was continuall traffike of vittels to the mountaynes. Amid these difficulties, some of the capteines that were of opinion rather to diuert and drawe them away then to set vpon them, gaue counsell to sende out eight hundred launces through Prouince, and Peter Nauarre by sea with his ten thousande contrey men, which should all ioyne together at Sauonne: Others were of aduise that to go so farre about were to loase too muche time, that it would wea­ken tharmie, and increase too muche the reputation of thenemies, who woulde not doubt to boast that they had not the corage to encounter with them: So that it was resolued, that not retyring so muche from that straite, they should assay to passe by some other way, that eyther was not kept by thenemies, or at least not so strongly defended: And that Emard de Prio with foure hundred launces and fiue thousande footemen should take the waye to Genes, not in hope to drawe them downe from their mountaynes, but to make warre vpon Alexandria and the other townes be­yonde Pavv.

There be two wayes in the Alpes that leade ordinarily from Lyons into Italie, the one is called Monsane (a mountayne within the iurisdiction of the duke of Sauoy:) it is the shortest way, the straightest way, and most beaten way: The other is called the mounte Geneure within the gouernment of Dauphine, a way longer then the other, and leades by crookings and turnings to Grenoble: both the one and the other falleth into the way of Susa where the playne beginneth to enlarge: But the French armies are alwaies wont to passe by the Mount Geneure, notwithstanding it be a way some­what longer, because it hath a facilitie of passage, & more conuenient to draw thar­tillerie: The Svvizzers that were carefull to keepe those two passages & the other pathes thereaboutes, were lodged at Susa, the cause was, that the passages which be [Page 692] lower drawing towards the sea, were so streate and steepe, that it seemed impossible to drawe any artillerie, being verye harde to passe thither the horses of so great an armie. On the other side Triuulco, to whom the king had giuen that charge, being followed with very many pyoners, and hauing about him men paynefull and expe­rienced to drawe artilleries, whom he sent to searche the places that were there: went sounding the passages if he could finde libertie of way without impediment of the Svvizzers: By which occasion, the armie that for the moste parte was dispersed betweene Grenoble and Brianson, marched slowely, exspecting what should be de­termined, wherevnto there was a constraynt by a necessitie to abyde the prouisions of vittells.

About this time the king of Englande sent a gentleman to the French king, who The king of Englād sends to the frenche king not to passe into Ita­lie. was nowe departed from Lyons, to tell him on the behalfe of his king, that he ought not to passe into Italie for feare to trouble the vniuersall peace of Christendome: The cause of so great variation and chaunge of that king was, that he was ielouse of the alliance betwene Fraunce and the Archduke, fearing least the affayres of that Crowne would take a course too happy: In which considerations he began after­wards to giue willing eare to thembassadors of the king Catholike, who with conti­nuall reasons put into his minde, howe hurtefull the greatnes of the Frenche king would be to him, in whom he coulde not hope for anye other affection then of an enemie, aswell for the naturall hatred of that nation, as for his late actions of warre and hostilitie done agaynst him: But the thing that most moued him, was the emu­lation and enuy of his glorie which he thought would be raysed to too high degrees if he wonne the victorie in the state of Millan: he thought in himselfe, that notwith­standing he found his kingdome in rest, and very populous for the long peace it had lyued in, together with a great masse of treasor which his father had gathered, yet he neuer had the corage tyll within certayne yeres, to inuade the realme of Fraunce, alone and enuironed with so many enemies, and broken with so many aduersities: That nowe the Frenche king, somewhat younger then he was, at suche time as he came to the crowne, albeit he founde his kingdome ouerwearyed and made poore with so many warres, durst yet in the first monethes of his raigne, go to an enterprise for the whiche so many princes were banded against him: That touching him, with all his huge preparations, and so many occasions, he had not brought into England any other profite then the citie of Tornay, and that with expences intollerable and infinite: But the Frenche king would returne with great glory into his kingdome, bringing with him the conquest of so braue a duchie, and would open the waye, and happly take the occasion affore he retyred his armie out of Italie, to inuade the realme of Naples. These were the motions that easily renewed in his minde his aun­cient and naturall hatred: But for that he was not at that time prepared to giue im­pediment to the Frenche king with armes (wherein happly he sought some occa­sion and cooller) he thought good to sende him this message. The king nor his ar­mie forbare not for all that to marche, taking their waye from Lyon to Dauphine, where met with the armie the Launceknightes otherwise called the blacke bandes guided by Robert de la Marche, together with all the regimentes of lowe Almains so greatly esteemed for their vallour, their fayth, and loyaltie which they had alwayes shewed in the French seruices.

At this time Iohn Ia. Triuulco aduertised the king that his artilleries might be ca­ryed ouer the Mountes neare the Alpes of the sea discending towards the Marquis­dome of Saluzze: he wrote that the passage was full of many difficulties, but yet the [Page 693] strength of men and instruments would make that easie which by nature was harde: And because on that side, neither on the toppes of the Mountaynes, nor in the entry of the vallies, there was no garde, he perswaded the king that it was better to assaye to ouercome the difficulties of mountaynes and the straitnes of vallyes (an action with payne, but not with daunger of men) then to aduenture to winne the passages from the Svvyzzers whose vallour was not more terrible then their obstinacie, bee­ing desperate eyther to vanquishe or dye: Besides, the army coulde not staye there many dayes if any resistance were made, for that no power or preparation was able to bring through places so impassible and barreine, sufficient prouision of vittells to feede so many mouthes. This counsell was allowed and followed, and immedi­atly thartillerie that laye in a place conuenient to be turned on all partes, began to marche that way. And as Triuulco had aduertised the king that the difficultie to passe the artilleries was very great, so also he sayde thexperience would be found harder, when it was put to action and triall: for first they must of necessitie mount vpon very high and sharpe mountaynes, and that not without extreme difficultie, bothe for that there was no oportunitie of pathes or wayes, nor yet so muche largenesse of rometh as the artilleries conteined, but suche as was made by the ayde of the pyo­ners from hande to hande. There were many of those laborers that marched be­fore, whose seruice was ready, sometimes to breake downe and enlarge the straites and sometimes to digge vp the hillockes and lumpes of earth that gaue impedimēt to the passage of thartilleries: from the toppes of those mountaynes they discended by broken cliffes whose onely aspect gaue feare to the beholders, into moste deepe vallies of the ryuer of Argentiero: By the difficultie of these cliffes oftentimes thar­tilleries could not be susteined, neither with the horses that drew them whose num­ber was great, nor with the shoulders of the laborers that guyded them, and there­fore very often they were driuen to dismount them, and in fastning them to greate cables, they founde a waye to make them discende by the handes of the footemen whose readynes in these paynefull actions, was nothing inferior to the greatnes of their trauell: The labour ceassed not when they had ouercome the first mountaynes and the first vallies, for that they founde others which of necessitie they muste passe with the same difficulties: At the last, about the ende of fiue dayes, the pollicie of the leaders and paynes of the labourers opened a waye for thartillerie through the mountaynes into the enlarged places of the Marquisdome of Salussa: but with such hardnes and importunitie of trauell, that if eyther they had encountred anye resi­stance, or the Mountaynes had bene couered with snowes as they were wont to be the moste parte of the yere, it is most certayne that they had taken in vayne so great trauell: The matter that deliuered them from the resistance and impedimentes of men, was thopinion and perswasion of the troublesome and impassible mountaines, which abusing the Svvizzers with securitie, made them to lodge without suspicion at Susa, carefully garding and watching the places which of necessitie must be passed by suche as discende the mount Seni or Geneura, or the mountaynes adioyning to them: And the season of the yeare, being then vpon the tenth of August, had taken from them thimpediment of snowes which were already melted. At the same time passed the men at armes and bandes of footemen not without the same difficulties, some by that way, and some by the passage called la Dragoniera, & the residue by the high toppes of the rocke Perotta and Cuny, passages more lower towards Prouence. By these passages Monsr Palissa passed, to whome an occasion was offred to do an acte worthy of memory: He departed from Singlaro with foure cornetts of lighte [Page 694] horsemen, and after he had marched long with great diligence by the guiding of the countrey men, he arriued without any suspicion at Villafranco, a towne seuen myles from Salussa, and of the which goeth a greater fame and reputation then the quali­tie of the towne requireth, for that the head of that notable ryuer of Pavv riseth out of a place very neare it: In that towne laye lodged with his companies, Prospero Co­lonno, doubting no daunger by the farre distance of the enemies, in whom he feared not that diligence and celeritie which him selfe beeing of nature slowe and heauy, had not wont to vse: some suppose that he ment the same day to depart and ioyne his strength with the Svvizzers▪ A matter wherein he might in some sort abuse his carefulnesse: But what propertie of destinie soeuer did guyde him, it is sure that as he was set at the table at dinner, the bands of souldiors of Palissa arriued, being not discerned of any, till the certentie of the perill tooke away all their pollicie to auoide it: They were vpon the counterskarfes of his lodging, affore he could be perswaded that they were come: so profitable is celeritie in an enterprise, and so effectuall is sodayne feare agaynst enemies surprised: He was holpen in this action (besides his industrie and speede) by the townesmen, with whom Palissa thirsting after so goodly a pray, had first secretly conspired, and by their aydes was seased vpon their skowtes and sentynells: So that Prospero Colonno a capteine of so great name, and in whome aswell for his authoritie in gouerning an armie, as for the credite he had in the du­chie of Millan, rested no small importance for this warre, was made prisoner the xv. day of August, farre otherwyse then apperteyned to his auncient glory: Peter Mar­gano a Romayne was companion with him in this fortune, together with parte of his companies, and the residue at the firste brute fledde in their feare to diuerse places.

The discending of the Frenche armie ouer those inuincible passages, together with the calamitie of Prospero Colonno, chaunged the counsels of euery one, and con­fused wholly thestate of all affayres, kindling new dispositions in the mindes of the Pope, the Viceroy, and the Svvizzers: for the Pope, who was constantly perswaded that the French king coulde not passe the Mountes for the impedimentes of the Svvizzers, and reapposing no lesse in the vertue of Prospero Colonno, was nowe gal­led and greeued in courage, commaunding his nephew Laurence capteine generall of the Florentins to marche but slowely: To him he had giuen charge to leade the armie into Lombardie, for that Iulian his brother was constrayned to abyde at Flo­rence by the occasion of a long and paynefull feuer: This Laurence beeing come to Modena three dayes after the aduenture of Prospero, tooke occasion to recouer the rocke of Rubiero that had bene occupied by Guido Rangon, for the which he payed him at laste two thousande duckets, and consumed many dayes in the countrey of Modena and Reggia. Moreouer, the Pope hauing recourse to his accustomed prac­tises, dispatched very secretly to the French king, Cintio his familiar friend, both to excuse himselfe of things that had bene passed tyll that day, and also to begin, by the meane of the duke of Sauoy, to solicite to compounde with him, to thende that by that beginning he might haue more facilitie to passe further, if the defence of the duchie of Millan fell not out well: But the Cardinall of Bibbieno with certayne others, carryed more by their priuate passions, then by the respectes and inte­restes of their prince, induced him to take a counsell more constrayned and sud­dayne: for they tolde him there was daunger, for the reputation of the successe and fortunes of the Frenche, and happly by the perswasions and ayde of the king, the duke of Ferrara would not nowe stirre to recouer Modena and Reggia, and also the [Page 695] Bentyuoleys, to repossesse their estate in Bolognia: And therefore as amyd so many o­ther trauells and perplexities, he should find it a very hard matter to contend against so great a number of enemies: so, it imported him much more both in sauetie and discression of councel, to labor to winne them with some propertie of benefit, and in all chaunces and chaunges, to make them his assured friendes, dissembling the re­membrance of iniuries past till time brought about a better oportunitie to reuenge. They aduised him to reestablish the famulie of the Bentyuoleys within Bolognia, and to restore to the Duke of Ferrara, Modena & Reggia: A councell which he had present­ly put in execucion, had it not bene for the contrary working of Iulio de Medicis Car­dinall and Legat of Bolognia, whome the Pope had sent thether to thende that in so great accidents, he might susteine thinges on that side, and remeine as it were a mo­derator and counsellor of the youth of Lavvrance: he was touched with the displea­sure of thinfamie that would haue falne vppon the Pope by a councell so full of co­wardisse, which no doubt would haue bene greater then had bene the glory of Iulio in getting to the Church, so great a iurisdiction: he was also moued with griefe, that it would make infamous the memorie of his legacion, wherein being skarcely in the first action, he should restore Bolognia the principall citie of the whole Ecclesiastyke state, into the power of her auncient tyrants, abandoning to pray and spoyle, so great a nobilitie which in fauor of the Apostolike sea had openly conspyred against them: In these respects he dispatched an expresse Messenger to the Pope whom with rea­sons and with requests he brought againe to a councell more honorable and safe: Notwithstanding this Iulio was a bastard, yet he was made Cardinall by Leo in the first moneths of his pontificacie, following thexample of Alexander the sixt in the ef­fect, but not in the manner: for, Alexander at such time as he created Cardinall, Cae­sar Borgia his sonne, made to be proued by witnesses that deposed the truth, that his mother at the time that she was conceiued of him, had a husband, inferring there­vpon according to the opinion of the lawes, that the sonne was to be iudged to bee begotten rather of the husband then of thadulterer: But touching Iulio, the witnes­ses preferred the grace and fauor of men affore the truth, for that it was deposed that the mother of whom he was begotten, being yet a maide and not maried and affore she deuided her body to the deuocion of Iuliano, had of him a secrete consent to be his wife.

These newe accidents were likewise the cause that the Viceroy behaued him selfe farre otherwayes then he would haue done: for, being not yet departed from Vero­na, both for that he could not make his souldiers marche without money, and also exspected newe companies promised by Caesar who was nowe come to Yspruch, to thend to leaue sufficient garrison within Verona and Bressa as neede required: he be­ganne with these and other excuses to temporise and deferre, to see what might af­terwards happen to the Duchie of Myllan.

These matters also moued the Svvyzzers, who retyred to Pignorolo immediatly after the discending of the french armie: And albeit vnderstanding afterwards that the king who was passed the mounts, moostred his people at Thuryn, they were gon to Cyuas and had taken it and sackt it, onely for that they were refused vittells, doing the like at Vercelli almost affore the kinges eyes beeing at Thuryn: yet beeing at laste drawne into Nouaro, & those factions of them that were not so farre estraunged from the french amities, taking courage and disclosing themselues more and more in their aduersities, they began to treate of composicion with the king.

About this time, those regiments of the french which marched by the waye of [Page 696] Genes, with whom were ioyned foure thousande footmen waged by the Genovvaies by the working of Octauian Fregosa, became lords on the whole contrey on this side Pavv, seazing first vpon the towne of Castellaccio, Alexandria, & Tortono: And the king that by this time was come to Vercilly, and had there the first aduertisement that the Pope was declared agaynst him, which the duke of Sauoye signified in his name, A matter which albeit did muche vexe and discontent the king: yet not suffring coun­sell and iudgement to be troubled with anger or disdayne, and because he would not kindle him to thuttermost, he caused to be proclaymed publikely aswell through his army, as amongst the regiments that had taken Alexandria, that no man should mo­lest or inuade in any sort the lands of the Church. The king remained many dayes at Vercilly exspecting the issue of the parley with the Svvyzzers, who though they en­terteined the practise, yet on the other side they shewed thēselues full of varictie and confusion: for at Nouaro where they were, they began to fall into tumult, taking their occasion vpon the breach of the king of Aragon, for that the payes he had promised were not yet come: They tooke also by force from the officers of the Pope, the mo­ney he had sent to be orderly distributed amongst them, & in the same fury they de­parted from Nouaro, with intention to returne into their contries: A matter whiche many sortes of them did require, who hauing spent three monethes in the spoyles of Italy, & now laden with money & booty, desired to conuey in safety to their houses, the riches they had gotten: They were no sooner gone out of Nouaro then the mony which was due for the king of Aragons porcion, was sent: And albeit they rauished it from the officers, & by violence made them selues possessed of it, yet wayghing the infamies that followed for the most part suche insolent and rashe dealings, they eft­sones turned their furie into discression, and restored both the one & the other sums to receiue them orderly at the hands of the officers: Afterwards they went to Gale­ro, expecting an other strength of xx. thousand footmen which was said to be newly ariued, and three thousande went with the Cardinall of Syon to be imployed for the gard of Pauia. By which occasion the king (whose hope of agreement did diminishe for these variations) departed frō Vercelly to go towards Millan, leauing within Ver­celly with the duke of Sauoy, his bastard brother, Monsr Lavvtrech, & the generall of Myllan, to continue negociations begon with the Svvizzers: And because after the departing of the Svvizzers out of Nouaro, he had got the town, he left the castell be­sieged, which feling thexecution of thartilleries, yelded within fewe dayes, reseruing the liues & goods of those that kept it: Afterwards the king to whom Pauia yelded, passed the riuer of Thesin, & the same day Ioh. Ia. Triuulco ranne vp with a parte of his companies to Saint Christophers neare to Millan: Afterwards the confidence of his vallor caried him vp euen to the suburbs of the gate of Thesin, hoping to be receiued by them of the towne, who il contented with the pillages & raunsoms of the Svviz­zers, desired to returne vnder the iurisdiction of the French: he saw also a more faci­litie in this enterprise, for that the towne was naked of souldiors. The people of Mil­lan had a great feare of the Svvizzers, and the memorie was yet grene of the afflic­tions they had suffred the yere before, when they mutined in fauor of the king, the Svvizzers being retired frō Nouaro: the same restraining them now to better coūsel, & to temporise & exspect the issue of things, notwithstāding they wished the victo­rie to fall vpon the king: Therfore they sent to Triuulco to desire him to passe no fur­ther, & the next day dispatched embassadors to the king being at Buffaloro, to besech him, that resting contented with the disposition of the people of Millan well inclined to his crowne, & ready to giue vittells to his army, he would not demaunde of them [Page 697] a more manifest declaration: A matter which would aduaunce nothing for the sub­stance of the warre, no more then it had serued or ayded the yere before his prede­cessor, but brought vpon them great domages: They wished him to march & stand assured that the towne of Millan should be ready to open their gates to receiue him, at such time as he should be maister of the field. The king receiued them with good countenance and affability, and albeit at the first he was displeased that they had not receiued Triuulco, yet he answered now that he was contented to be conformable to their demaundes. From Bufaloro the king marched with his army to Biagressa, and The treatie betwene the king and the Swizzers broken. whilest he remayned there, the duke of Sauoy, after he had giuen audience to xx. Em­bassadors of the Svvizzers sent to him at Vercelly, and going afterwards to Galero ac­companied with the bastard & other deputies for the king, contracted a peace with the Svvizzers in the kings name vnder these conditions: That there should be be­twene the crowne of Fraunce & nation of Svvizzers a perpetuall peace during the kings life and ten yeres after his death: That the Svvizzers and the Grisons should make restitution of those vallies apperteyning to the duchie of Millan whiche they had occupied: That they should acquite that estate of a bonde to paye yerely a pen­sion of xl. thousande duckets: That the king should indue Maximilian Sforce with the duchie of Nemors with a yerely pension of xij. thousande frankes, a company of fiftie launces, & a wife of the blood royall: That he should restore to the Svvizzers the yerely pension of xl. thousande frankes, and defraye the paye of three monethes to all the bandes of Svvizzers that were already in Lombardie or on the waye to come thither: That he should pay to the Cantons (at tearmes and times) the sixe hundred thousande crownes promised in thaccorde of Dyon, and three hundred thousande for the restitution of the vallies: That he should enterteine continually in his pay foure thousande of them. In this peace they named by common consent the Pope, so farforth as he would render Parma & Plaisanca: Also they comprehen­ded the Emperor, the duke of Sauoy, and the Marquis of Montferat, without making any mention at all of the king Catholike, the Venetians, nor any other Italian. But this peace was made and broken almost in one day, by the comming of new bandes of Svvizzers, in whom for the memorie of their victories past, was a settled hope to carie from that warre no lesse quantities of spoyles and riches, then the welth which they saw their other contreymen loaden withall: And for that cause much lesse that they would heare speake of the peace, but of the contrarie, to dissolue and breake it, they refused to restore the vallies: In so muche as the first bandes beeing not able to retyre them from these furies, fiue and thirtie thousande drewe to Monso to lye in the suburbes of Millan, Alberto Petro a notable capteine being gone from them with many ensignes along the way of Coma, which way the king altogether lefte free and open. Thus the peace being no sooner made then broken, things returned to the same difficulties they suffred before, yea they brought with them farre greater doubtes for the newe armies and forces that were approched neare the duchie of Millan: for, the Viceroy leauing for the garde of Verona, Mark. Anth. Colonno with an hundred men at armes and six hundred light horsmen, and within Bressia xij. hūdred launceknightes, was come at last to lodge vpon Pavv neare to Plaisanca, hauing in his army seuen hundred men at armes, six hundred light horsmen, and six thousande footmen, with a bridge ready prepared to passe the riuer: And to leaue him no occa­sion to complaine, Laurence de Medicis hauing with great watch and gard remayned many dayes at Parma with tharmie, was come from thence to Plaisanca: Tharmie conteined at that time seuen hundred men at armes, eight hundred light horsemen, [Page 698] and foure thousande footemen: he had sent affore a trowpe of foure hundred light horsemen to the Svvizzers during the negociation of thaccord: A band which he appoynted at their request to serue them to fetch in vittels, and were guided by Mu­cio Colonno & Lodovvike Count de Petillano, the one a capteine of the Church, and the other a commander for the Florentins: He aduaunced that expedition not so much for any desire he had to ayde the cōmon cause, as to giue to the Svvizzers no occa­sion to cōprehend the Pope within the peace if they accorded with the french king. On the other side Bartlemevv Aluiano, who had sent word to the king that he would so intangle the Spanish army that they should haue no meane to hurt him, assone as he vnderstoode the Viceroy was departed from Verona, went from Polesina, & passing the riuer of Adice, he marched all along Pavv with ix. hundred men at armes, xiiij. hundred light horsmen, and ix. thousand footmen: he drew with him sufficient pro­uisions of artillery, and was vpon the walles of Cremona with a speede and diligence contrary to the custome of the capteines of our time, and wherein Aluiano him selfe tooke such glory, that in his vaunting he would oftentimes lay it in comparison with the celeritie of Claudius Nero, when, to make head agaynst Asdruball, he led the swif­test part of his army vpon the riuer of Metauro: Great is the moment of celeritie and speede in enterprise, and oftentimes is more effectuall to the benefite of the seruice and reputation of the leaders, then eyther the multitude or courage of souldiors.

But in this sort thestate of the warre was not only diuerse & variable, but also con­fused & intangled: On the one side was vpon the confines of Millan the french king with an army appoynted and furnished, and by this time was come to Marignan to giue facilitie to Aluiano to ioyne with him, and to let the vniting of the ecclesiastike and Spanish companies with the enemies: And on the other side lay a gallant army of xxxv. thousand Svvizzers, which was a force of footmen full of vallor, and neuer yet had passed vnder the victorie of the French. The Viceroy kept along the shores of Pavv neare to Plaisanca, and vpon the high way that leades to Loda, hauing a bridge ready dressed to passe the ryuer and to ioyne with the Svvizzers: Laurence de Medicis was within Plaisanca with the regiments of the Pope & the Florentins, & all to ioyne with the Viceroy to the same ends: And Aluiano a circumspect & resolute Capteine, lay with the Venetian army vpon the territories of Cremona, almost vpon the banke of Pavv: his purpose was to ayde the French king, either by ioyning his strength with him, or in drawing away the Church & spanish regiments. The citie of Loda which standeth in the midst betwene Millan & Plaisanca, & of an equall distance frō them both, stoode abandoned of all partes: only it had bin sacked before by Ranso de Cere entring as a souldior to the Venetiās, who for quarrels rising betwene him & Aluiano, had affore, what with protestations & what with threates, got leaue of the senat, and was entred into the Popes pay with two hundred men at armes & two hūdred light horsmen: But for that his souldiors could not folow him with that speede, by reason the Venetians would not suffer many of them to depart frō Padoa where they laye, he went from Loda to fill vp his numbers with those companies with the which he had serued. The cardinall of Syon also amazed with the practises which his nation helde with the french king, & no lesse douting thestate of the citie of Millan, was fled from Plaisanca with a thousand Svvizzers and with part of the regiments of the duke of Millan: Afterwards he went to Cremona to solicite the Viceroy to march on: he tooke the way of Millan before that side was occupied by the french king, & left certain of his cōpanies for the gard of Loda, who assone as they heard that the french king was come to Marignan, abādoned the place, their feare being greater thē their perill. But [Page 699] whilest the Viceroy lay vpon the ryuer of Pavv, & before Lavvrence de Medicis came to Plaisanca, Cintio whō the Pope sent to the french king, was taken by the souldiors of the Viceroy: And albeit he found about him letters & breefes of credite, yet he let him go assone as he was taken, for the reuerēce he bare to him that sent him, entring notwithstanding into doubt that the hope was vaine that had bene giuen him, that the Church army ioyning with him, would passe the riuer of Pavv: This doubt was increased by this occasion, that at the same time, Lavv. de Medicis was detected to haue sent secretly to the french king one of his men: which he did either of his own councell, or by cōmaundement of the Pope, to be excused in that he led the army a­gainst him: wherin he protested that albeit he was constrained by a necessitie to obey the Pope, yet without incensing his vncle, or stayning his owne honor, the king should finde in him a ready deuotion to labor to satisfie him, A thing which he had alwayes sought, and now more then euer did desire to expresse it.

Assoneas Lavvrence was come to Plaisanca, there began a disputatiō betwene the Viceroy & him with others that sat with them in coūcel, whether it were best to passe ouer the riuer of Pavv in one strength to ioyne with the Svvizzers: Amongst them were occupied diuerse reasons according to the diuersitie of their affections, there being litle conformity of councel where was so great variety of will and disposition: Such as perswaded to passe the riuer, sayd there was no reason to disswade them frō going into Loda, for that being there, both they should let Aluiano for ioyning with the french armie, & for their owne parts, they should haue good oportunitie to knit with the Svvizzers, either in going to Millan to seke them, or els the Svvizzers dra­wing to mete them: And if their lingring left time to the french men to get it (as the brute went they would) being already vpon the waye betwene Loda and Millan, the french should haue vpon their backes, their armies ioyned together, A matter which would put them in payne & daunger: euen so perhaps it would not be hard to finde meane to ioyne with the Svvizzers, notwithstanding they should be driuen to make a greater circuit: They reasoned that this resolutiō was profitable to thenterprise, & necessarie to take from the Svvizzers al occasions of new practises of accord, & no lesse conuenient to encrease their forces against so great an army as they had neede, and namely of horsmen: That besides these respects the fayth & honor of the Pope and the king Catholike required it so, both for that the capitulations bound them to succor thestate of Millan, & also they had often promised no lesse to the Svvizzers, who being disapoynted, might perhaps of assured friends, take occasion to become daungerous enemies: Lastly that necessitie would it so for thinterest and regarde of their owne estates, for that the Svvizzers either loasing the battell, or making ac­cord with the french king, there would remaine no force in Italie able to stād against his victorie, or to let him frō spreding the wings of his fortune ouer the whole estate of the Churche euen to the posterns of Rome. To the contrary of this opinion was reasoned by others, that it was not credible that the French king had not already sent a strength of souldiors to Loda, and if it were so, thestate of the perill would dryue their companies to retyre with shame, and happly not without losse of blood, since they stood subiect to haue at one time the french on their backes, and the Venetians in flanke: withall they could not repasse the bridge without confusion & long tract of time, which would bring great infamie to their vallour, and by the propertie of thaction transferre to the aduersary the glory they sought to appropriate to them­selues: That in matters of enterprise it importes capteines to make cōference of the perill and the price, of the time and the place, and of the necessitie and their proper [Page 700] willes, to whom by all lawes, examples, and experience of men of warre, it can be no infamie to refuse the attempt that bringes not with it thoportunitie of tyme, place, necessitie, and recompence. But be it that Loda were abandoned, and that there were libertie for them to take it, what profite coulde growe by thenterprise, howe coulde they laye their plotte eyther to meete with the Svvizzers, or the Svvizzers to ioyne with them, so mightie an armie lying obiected agaynst them betweene Millan and Loda: Besides, it mighte fall out not to bee a counsell assu­red, to put into the handes of a nation so rashe and vnreasonable, all the sorces of the Pope and the king Catholike, seeing there were factions amongest them, the greatest parte hauing made peace with the Frenche men, and stoode in diuision with their fellowes. At laste it was resolued, that the firste daye both the armies shoulde passe ouer Pavv without any baggage or cariage, leauing sufficient gar­rison within Parma and Plaisanca, for feare of the Venetian armie, whose light hors­men euen at that tyme had made incursions and pillages through the countrey: But as in all actions are founde many impedimentes where eyther is emulation of men, or varietie of will, so this resolution was not sincerely executed by eyther of the parties, for that in particular, bothe seeming to haue an equall will to passe, they labored to lay the fault one of an other, and neither of them to touch the daun­ger: for the Viceroy that was already entred into suspicion for the gooing awaye of Cintio, and no lesse acquaynted with what cunning the Pope proceeded in hys affayres, was of opinion, that his wyll was that Lavvrence should passe no further: And on the other side, Lavvrence considering howe hardly the Viceroy was drawne to commit his armie to the power of fortune, gaue of an other the same iudgement that others gaue of him: In the after noone the Spanishe bandes beganne to passe the bridge, whom the Churche armie was appoynted to followe with speede: but by reason of the night that came vpon them, they deferred by necessitie vntill the moarning following, when they dyd not onely not passe, but al­so the Viceroy retyred with his armie on this side the ryuer, beeing aduertised by a skowte of foure hundred light horsemen sent out from bothe the armies to espie the enemies and their doinges, that an hundred Frenche launces were entred in­to Loda the daye before: This made the Viceroy and Lavvrence to returne to their first lodginges, whiche gaue oportunitie to Aluiano to marche with his armie to Loda.

Euen about this tyme the Frenche king dislodged from Marignan to lodge at S. Donato, and the Svvizzers retyred to Millan, one parte whereof not willing to heare of warre, and the others nothing inclined to peace, there arose oftentymes amongest them selues councells and tumultes: And beeing one daye drawen into an assemblie and vniuersall presence, the Cardinall of Syon no lesse great for his au­thoritie The Cardinal of Syon per­s [...]adeth the Swizzers. and place, then agreable to the people for his affabilitie and easines, began with wordes full of affection and vehemencie, to encourage them to issue out the same daye and set vppon the French king: He willed them to consider what harmes ‘delayes drew with them, specially when was cōcurrance of oportunitie & occasion: He willed them not to stande so muche vpon the number of horsemen and artille­ries of thenemie, as by so base a feare, to diminishe the memorie of the auncient vallour of the Svvizzers, and the perpetuall victories which they had obteyned a­gaynst the French men. It is (sayth he) farre from the glory & merite of our nation, who hath passed through so many paines, vanquished so many perils, made sacrifice of so much blood, and triumphed in so many victories, to loase in one day so great a [Page 701] glory, & leaue to the enemies whom we haue so often vanquished, the reputation of so many our former merits. These be the same frēchmen who being ioyned with vs, haue obteined so many victories, but going seperat to the warres without our armes & forces, haue become a miserable pray to others: when there was societie & felow­ship betwene vs, their name ranne gloriously thorow the world, & that much more by our vallor then by their owne fortune, they were the shadowes, & we the bodies, they the birdes and we the Aygles, through whose power peoples and regions were subiected to them: But without vs, what haue they done worthy of memory? what haue bene their fortunes? where are erected their pillors of perpetuall prayses? what are shadowes when they are seperate from their bodies? They are the same whome a small armie of ours ouerthrewe the laste yeare at Nouaro with so great name and glorie: They be the same to whom our vertue brought so much astonishment, and their owne cowardise so greate confusion, that euen in their ouerthrowe and calamitie, they areared vp to the heauens the name and reputation of the Svviz­zers: Suffer not your selues to forget that those small companies of ours that preuayled at Nonaro, had neyther horsemen nor artilleries, and yet not esteeming the perill present, and lesse exspecting the succours that were to come, they ranne with Capteine Motin (the glory of our nation) to charge the Frenche men euen in their tentes and lodginges, and winning with incredible vallour their artilleries, they slue of them and the Launceknightes, so many bodies as they had weapons and armes to vse them: An example sufficient to perswade you, that now they will not haue the courage to abyde an armie of fourtie thousande Svvizzers, A power able to mete in the field with the whole residue of the world ioyned in one strength. The remēbraunce of calamities past makes fearfull alwayes after the minds of those that were vanquished, and though amongst men there is a naturall emulation and desire of reuenge, yet to hartes once daunted it is a peculiar condition to settle in dispayre, and not to aduenture to recouer remedie where they receyued their harmes, as we reade they do that are wounded by scorpions. Doubt you not but thexamples paste of your prowes, and thexperience of your euerlasting vallour, will make them nowe flee affore you, euen at the first noyse of your comming, as the selly fowles that make a verye faynte and weake wing when they heare the belles of the Falcon: They haue not drawne so neare Millan by any confi­dence they had in their owne vertue, but onely through a hope they haue in your diuisions: The person and presence of their king can not gouerne them, for that by howe muche his lyfe and estate shall be in daunger, by so muche it will import him to be the first to looke to his safetie, by whose example the residue wyll seeke to eschewe the hazarde that makes their king affrayde: if with this armie that con­teyneth the vallour and forces of the whole countrey of Svvizzerlande, you haue not the courage to sette vpon them, with what power, with what fortune, with what mindes can you hope to bee hable to make resistance agaynst them? To what ende are we discended into Lombardie? why haue we taken into our protection the walles of Millan, if we haue feare to go charge our enemies? To what infamie will be interpreted the braue wordes, and prowde threates which we haue vsed all this yere, both vaunting that we would discende into Burgondy, and re­ioysing of thaccord of thEnglish king, & the Popes inclination to confederate with the french king, wherin we estemed our glory would be so much the greater, by how much al those great Princes were ioyned in conspiracie agaynst the state of Millan: It had ben better we had rested cōtented with the termes of our auncient renowme, [Page 702] and neither enioyed the yeres before so many honorable victories, nor chased the Frenche out of Italie, then now with an vniuersall cowardise to deceyue thexpecta­tion of all men. Nowe is the worlde to iudge whether our vertue was the cause of our victorie at Nouaro, or our fortune: If we showe our selues fearefull of our ene­mies, euery one will ascribe to aduenture and chaunce, the victorie which we gotte with our incredible vallour and resolution: But if we expresse the same vertue, we can not but drawe with vs the same successe we did before, fortune hauing no inte­rest in those actions whose course is guyded wholly by a resolute vallour, no more then the Moone can chalenge any other propertie of light then suche as it pleaseth the sunne to imparte to her: So shall we confirme thexpectation of the worlde, so shall we be redoubted and feared by the nations and peoples of the age present, so shall we be recommended and wondred at by the worldes and posterities to come, and so shall we make the reputation and merite of the Svvizzers be raysed aboue that great name and monumentes of the Romains, for that it is not read of them that they haue euer vsed suche a resolute hardynesse, nor wonne victories with so great vallour, nor neuer without necessite sette vpon their enemies with so great disad­uauntage: But of vs may be read the battell we gaue neare to Nouaro, where with a fewe souldiors, without artilleries, and without horsemen, our vallour putto flighte a mightie armie, not onely refurnished of all forces and strength necessarie, but also guyded by two most notable capteines, the one the most flourishing in all Fraunce, and the other the floure of Italie: We shall leaue behinde vs also the memory of the encounter at S. Donato, executed on our partes with the same difficulties, & agaynst the person of a Frenche king, and so many huge bodies of launceknightes, who by howmuche they are many in number, by so muche will they fill and satisfie our ha­tred, and by how muche in this action we shall for euer depose the name of their armes and discipline, by so muche shall we passe them and their fortunes into a per­petuall subiection, neuer after to holde vp their heades or once to laye them selues in comparison with the Svvizzers in matters concerning warre and armes. It is contrarie to the reason and iudgement of warre that we should stande to temporise and exspect, seeing it is almost impossible for many difficulties, that we shoulde be succoured by the Viceroy, or the bands of the Church, yea their impediment ought to be more agreable to vs then their comming can be necessarie, for that entring into thexecution alone, the glory will be particular to vs, and the spoyles and welth of our enemies armie, a most plentyfull rewarde of our victorie: Muche lesse that capteine Motin would communicate his glory to straungers, seeing the greatnes of his courage could not suffer participation euen with his owne companies and con­trey men. Let not vs then esteeme so basely of our vallour & hardines, that though they may conueniently ioyne with vs, yet we will not exspect to communicate so great honor and merite to straungers. The reputation of the Svvizzers can not en­dure, nor the state of asfayres requires not that we deferre any longer or stande vp­pon any more councells and resolutions: It belonges to cowardes to whom daun­gers are fearefull, to consult and spende tyme in councell, and not to a nation of such warlike mindes as we beare to whose glorie it apperteines to make triall of thenne­mie assone as he is disclosed. In matters of action oportunitie can not brooke de­layes, neither can it be good to take counsell after thoccasion be fully rype and of­fred: Let vs then take the fielde, and vnder the wings and ayde of God, who by a iust reuenge persecuteth the pride of the Frenchemen, sound vp your drommes and manage your pykes with the same courage you were wont to do, and let vs loase no [Page 703] more time to aduaunce our enseignes and satisfie our thirst with the blood of those who by their ambicion and pride seeke to subiect the whole worlde, but by their co­wardise are left alwayes an infamous pray to many.’

These speaches gaue great incouragement to the Svvizzers, who, ioyning to thexhortacion the remembraunce of their auncient vallour & felicitie, armed them selues: And assoone as they were issued out of the gate towardes Rome, they fell into aray and order, & albeit the day was almost spent, yet they marched with their squa­drons towards the French army vsing such showtes and cries, that to such as knewe The battell of Marignan. not the cause, it was a reasonable perswasion that they had obteined some glorious victory: The Capteines encoraged the souldiours to marche, and the resolucion of the souldiours was suche that they put their leaders in remembraunce that at what hower soeuer they came neare the campe of thenemies, they should giue the signe of the battell, assuring them that that was the day wherein they woulde couer the fieldes with dead bodies & vtterly rase out the name of the launceknights, & name­ly of such, who prophecying of their death, bare blacke enseignes: And as in this e­state of furie and resolucion of minde, they were come neare the place where the Frenchmen lay, albeit there remeined not two howers of day, yet they beganne the battell, and with a desperate corage charged thartilleries and fortifications of thene­mies, breaking and dispersing at this first charge, the bandes that made head against them, and with their incredible vallour wonne one parte of thartilleries: But what with the horsemen bringing on a great parte of tharmy, & the presence of the king inuironed with squadrōs of valliant gentlemē, their great furie was somwhat abated: Neuerthelesse a cruell feight began betwene them, which, with diuerse chaunces, and to the grieuous losses of the men at armes of Fraunce, who were broken, conti­nued till iiij. howers within night, diuerse french Captaines lay dead on the ground, and the king him selfe receiued many wounds with a pyke: Such egearnes of mind remeined in both partes, that their bodies being no more hable to manage the wea­pons which the reuenge of their hartes put into their hands, they separated and sell of from the feight both without sounding of trompet, & commaundement of their Capteines: The Svvizzers remeined incamped in the same place exspecting the next sunne or day light, neither partie offending the other as if there had bene a se­cret truce betwene them: The Cardinall caused the campe of Svvizzers to be re­uittelled from Millan whilest their bodies tooke rest, adding such propertie of help as he could, being the author of the enterprise: And to this first felicity of theirs, was ioyned a generall brute throughout all Italie, that the Svvizzers had put to slight the armie of the Frenchemen with many other rumors giuen out to discorage the Frenche, and confirme their owne side: The French king consumed not vnprofita­bly the residue of the night, for, knowing the greatnesse of the perill, he labored to raunge his artilleries into places conuenient, to reassemble his horsemen, and put in order his squadrons of launceknights & Gascoyns: he performed in his owne person, all things that could be required of a king, of a Capteine, of a man of warre, and of a minde whose resolucion was greater then thestate of the daunger: By this time it was day, and at the beginning of the sunne, the Svvizzers, who did not only despise the French army, but also (in thopinion of their vallor) seemed to dishable the whole forces of Italie knit together, recontinued their charge vppon thenemies with the same furie and rashenes they went to it ouer night: But they were receiued of the French with greater vallour, with better order, and with more discression, they were subiect to a bloody charge of the horsemen, and suffred slaughter both a front and in [Page 704] slanke: Besides, at the rising of the Sunne came Aluiano, whom the king had sent for ouer night, bringing with him his light horsemen and the most speediest part of his armie: he arriued at such time as the fight was most cloase and furious and all things reduced into greatest trauell and daunger: And hauing the residue of his regiment marching to good purpose and time, he entred furiously vppon the backes of the Svvyzzers, who, notwithstanding they mainteyned alwayes the fight with one val­lour and resolucion, yet seeing the desperat resistance that was made, and the Veneti­an armie that was now ioyned, they began so to doubt of the victorie, that after the Sunne had shined many howers vpon the earth, they sownded the retrait, and char­ging vpon their showlders the artilleries they had brought with them, they cast a­bout their squadrons, and retyred: They obserued their accustomed order in their retyring, and so ordered their marche towards Myllan with so great terror and asto­nishment of the frenche, that of the whole armie there was neither horsemen nor footemen that durst breake out to follow them: Onely there were two companies of their souldiers who beeing fled into a graunge, were burned within the house by the Venetian light horsemen: The residue of the armie returned to Myllan, not brea­king one ioate of their order, and reteyning in their apparance and countenance, one constant and perpetuall assurance: some say that they cloyed fifteene peeces of great artilleries which they wonne at the first charge, for that they had no oportuni­tie to cary them to their campe.

All men are of opinion, that there hath not bene seene in Italy of long time a bat­tell of more furie and greater terror, for that, what by the desperat vallour with the which the Svvyzzers began the charge, and also for the darknes of the night which led all men in errour, the order of the whole armie beeing confused and the fight so mixed that there could not be seene or obserued any signe or commaundement, All thinges were wholly referred and subiected to fortune: The king, whose person was not without many and manifest daungers, was able to discerne that his preseruacion and safetie came more by his owne vertue and by chaunce, then by the succours and ayde of his people, from whom he was oftentimes separat sometymes by the confu­sion of the battell, and sometymes by the troubles and obscurities of the night: such was the discourse and state of this conflict, that Tryuulco (A Captaine of great tryall and experience of thinges) affirmed that this battell was fought by Gyants and not by men, and that eighteene battells wherein he had bene an execucioner, were but combats of litle children, in comparison of this: It is not to be doubted that (with­out the ayde of the artilleries) the victorie had not remeyned to the Svvyzzers, who, entring at the first charge into the fortificacions of the french, and recouering from them the most parte of thartilleries, had alwayes wonne further into their campe: Besides, the comming of Aluiano was to great purpose for the french, for that com­ming fresh to the fight when the battell was most doubtfull, he redoubled the cou­rage of the french, and gaue terror to the Svvyzzers, supposing that the whole Vene­tian armie was with him: Touching the number of the deade bodies, if euer it was vncerteine in a battell (as it hapneth almost alwayes) it fell out most vncerteyne in this, men speaking diuersly, some by passion, and some by error: some make recko­ning offoureteene thowsand Svvyzzers to be slayne, some set downe but ten thow­sand, and others that haue a more moderat iudgement, affirme there were but eight thowsand left on the ground, yea some woulde haue them reduced to a number of three thousand, and all bodies of base place: on the french part in the encounter that was giuen ouer night, were slayne Frauncis brother to the Duke of Burbon, Monsr [Page 705] D'imbercourt, the Prince of Tallemount sonne to Monsr Trimouille, Monsr de Boysi ne­phew to the Cardinall of Amboyse, the Count of Sancerre, Catelarth of Sanoye, Bussy of Amboyse, and Mouy enseigne bearer to the kings bande: All personages of marke either for their noblenesse and greatnes of estates, or for the honorable places they managed in the army: And touching the general numbers of dead bodies, some re­ferre them to six thousand, & some reckon them to three thousand, amōgest whom were certeine Capteines of the launceknightes, sundry men making sundry accōpts for the causes and respects aforesayd.

When the Svvizzers were retired to Millan, they fell into great disagreement & controuersie, some willing to accomplish an accord with the French king, & others perswading to continue the defense of Millan: wherein as there was amongest them partialitie and faction, so euerie one had his particular reason and opinion: Those Capteines that affore had solicited thaccorde, sought nowe a cause lesse dishonest to breake vp, requiring money of Maximilian Sforce which they knewe he was not hable to aduaunce: But all the bandes of footemen at the perswasion of Rost their Generall, departed the day following to returne to their countrey by the way of Co­ma: They left in the castell fifteene hundred Svvizzers and fiue hundred Italians, and gaue hope to the Duke that the same bands and regiments, would returne speedely to his seruice, and giue reskew to the castell: with this property of hope, Maximi­lian Sforce accompanied with Iohn Gonzago, & Ierom Morono with other gentlemen of Millan, inclosed him selfe in the castell, after he had with great difficultie consen­ted that his brother Frauncis Duke of Bary should go into Germanie: The Cardinall of Syon tooke his iorney towardes Gaesar to solicite for succours, giuing his faith to returne to the seruice with expedicion.

Thus was the city of Millan abandoned and giuen vp to the French king, neither their vallour nor their fortune being able to minister any further protection amid so many hard aduersities: And as it is a course ordinary in humane chaunces, that one infelicity neuer comes alone, so, besides their subiection, they suffered this proper­tie of calamity, to pay to the king such quantities of treasor and money, as it pleased him to impose vpon them: only his person forbare to enter the towne so long as the castell helde good for the enemies, holding it a matter vnworthie the maiestie of a king, to make his entrie into a towne which was not wholly and absolutly in his po­wer: In the place where he had wonne the battell, he caused Masses to be song so­lemnly for three dayes: the first was to thanke God for his victorie: the seconde to pray for the soules of those that were slaughtered in the battell: and in the third he made supplication for peace, and in perpetuall memorie of his victorie, he built in the same place a chappell of deuocion: immediatly vpon the brute of this battell all the townes and castells of the Duchie of Millan followed the fortune of the victory, except the castells of Cremona and Millan, to the which was appointed Peter of Na­uarre, who assured that he would carie it in lesse then a moneth: A matter that see­med vnreasonable in thopinion of wise men, both for that the castell bare good for­tificacions, and also for the plentifull proportion of all things necessary for defence, yea hauing within it a resolute garrison of two thowsand men of warre.

The Viceroy receiuing aduertisement of the french victorie, remeined a very few dayes in the place where he was incamped, and that more by necessity then by will, hauing no reason nor oportunitie to remoue his armie for want of money: But be­ing at last refurnished with some litle proporcion, and borowing besides of Lavv­rence de Medicis six thowsand duckats, he brake vp and withdrewe to Ponto de Nuro [Page 706] with intencion to goe to the Realme of Naples: for, albeit the Pope vnderstanding what was hapned, had in the beginning represented to the world the constancie of his predecessor, hauing withal, the Embassadors of the confederats to perswade him to make head against fortune, and to labor either to hold the Svvyzzers in good dis­posicion, or at least vpon their reuolting, to take in their places the launceknightes: yet he discerned that it could not be but that the remedies and prouisions would fall out too slow for his perills, and that he should be the first that should suffer: for that though the respect and reuerence of the Church held the king from molesting the state Ecclesiastyke, yet he could not beleeue that it was able to conteyne him from assailing Parma and Plaisanca as members depending of the Duchie of Myllan, and much lesse hold him frō molesting the state of Florence, A matter wherein al regards did ceasse, and for the which he would thinke him selfe as deepely offended as if vio­lence were directly offered to the state of the Church: It was not without cause that he feared these inuasions, for that the king had already giuen order to cast a bridge ouer the riuer of Pavv neare to Pauia, to send to take Parma and Plaisanta, and after­wards, if the Pope refused his amitie, to proceede by the way of Pontresmo to chasse the Medicis from the towne of Florence. But amyd these deuises and preparacions, The Duke of Sauoye and Bishop of Tricaro the Popes Nuncio, by commission of the Pope, treated with the king, who was not without vehement desires to be accorded with him, fearing perhaps new allyances to be made against him, & bearing a won­derfull reuerence and inclinacion to the sea Apostolike for the terrour that was tho­row the whole Realme of Fraunce by reason of the persecutions receiued by Pope Iu­lio: In these respects there was concluded betweene them a present confederacion for the defense of the states of Italy, wherein was particularly expressed that the king shoulde take vppon him the protection of the person of the Pope, the state of the Church, Iulian and Lavvrence de Medicis, and the estate of Florence: That the king should giue an estate in Fraunce and pension to Iulian, and to Lavvrence a pension & a companye of fifty launces: That he should consent that the Pope might giue pas­sage to the Viceroy thorow the states and iurisdiction of the Church, to returne with his armie to the kingdom of Naples: That the Pope should be bound to make depart out of Verona, the souldiers he had there, and withall, to countermaund the compa­nies sent to the succours of Caesar against the Venetians: That he should giue vp to the french king the cities of Farma and Plaisanca, and in recompense thereof, the king to agree that from thence forward the Duchie of Myllan should be bound to leauy for his vse the salts of Ceruia, A matter of great profit to the church, and wherein the Pope had already agreed with the Duke of Myllan in the confederacion he made with him: That there should be made an arbytracion and compromisse in the per­son of the Duke of Sauoye, to iudge whether the Florentyns had broken the confede­racion made with king Lovvys, and if they haue offended that way, then he to haue power to impose such penaltie as they haue deserued: This the king sayde he de­maunded more for satisfying of his honor, then for other respect.

Assoone as this conclusion was made, the Bishop of Tricaro went to Rome in post to perswade the Pope to ratifie it, And Lavvrence de Medicis to giue occasion to the Viceroy to depart the sooner, withdrew to Parma & Reggia the companies that were within Plaisanca: touching him selfe, he went to the king to obteyne his good grace and fauor, and to perswade him that in all estates of tymes and chaunces of thinges, he would depend vpon him, vsing in that office or offer of Court, the aduises of his Vncle which were more full of suttletie then of good meaning: It was much a doe [Page 707] to induce the Pope to this ratification, for that it brought no litle displeasure to him to loase Parma and Plaisanca: He coulde willingly haue temporised to see what the Svvizzers woulde first determine, who hauing called a Parliament at Surich (the principall Canton of the whole nation, and most enemie to the French) debated to giue reskew to the Castell of Millan, notwithstanding they had abandoned the val­lies and the townes of Bellinzone & Lugarno, but not the Castles. Neuerthelesse the king obteined the Castell of Lugarno in corrupting the capteine with six thousande crownes: onely the Grisons would not abandon Chiauanna: At laste the Bishop of Tricaro laying afore him the daunger least the king would inuade Parma and Plai­sanca, and sende men of warre into Tuskane, and making great terror of the harmes that the Svvizzers had receyued at the battell of Marignan: the Pope was content to ratifie the peace, albeit vnder this moderation, that neyther he nor his Agentes should be bound to giue vp into the kings handes Parma and Plaisanca, but by lea­uing them voyde of men and officers, to giue libertie to the king to enter vppon them: That the Pope shoulde not be bounde to leauie his people from Verona, for that he woulde not commit suche a propertie of iniurie agaynst Caesar: and yet he promised to do it vpon the next conuenient occasion: Lastely that the Florentins should be holden absolued of the protended breaking of the league. The accorde bare also that the king shoulde not take vpon him the protection of any vassall or subiect of thestate of the Church, and that not onely he should not hinder the Pope as their supreme lorde, to procede agaynst them with correction, but also he should be bounde to minister ayde to him in that action when necessitie required. Moreo­uer it was debated that the Pope and the French king should haue an enterview to­gether in some place conuenient, A matter offred by the king particularly, but desi­red indifferently by them both: The king sought it, the better to establish that amity, to assure thestates of such his friends as he had in Italie: and lastly for that he hoped with his presence, and offring great aduauncementes to the Popes brother & ne­phew, to winne of him his consent to inuade the realme of Naples: A matter which was one of his greatest desires: The Pope wished this enteruiew, to thend that with that office and obseruance very proper to winne grace & amitie with euery one, to enterteine the king whilest he stoode in so great fortune and prosperitie. Manye thought not well of this deliberation, as an action vnworthy of the maiestie of a Pope, and that it more apperteined to the king, desiring to haue conference with him, to go seeke him and do reuerence to him at Rome: but the Pope gaue it out that he was so muche the more ready to condiscende to this meeting, by how much he was desirous to induce the king not to molest the realme of Naples during the life of the king Catholik, who to the iudgement of man could not liue long, for that it was more then a yere since he was yll disposed.

In this meane while Peter of Nauarre was labouring to cary the Castel of Millan, Pe. Nauarre afore the Ca­stell of Millā. and hauing wonne a mordring house vpon the castell ditche whiche on the flanke side had his prospect vpon the gate of Coma, and afterwards approching nearer the ditch and the castell wall by the helpe of pauisses and engines of wood, be began to worke a myne within the sayd ditche: And when he had remoued the defences, he began to labor more mynes, taking away with the helpe of his engines a great paue or space of the wall on the flanke of the Castell, and applyed his hookes and Rammes to make it fall at the same instaunt that he put fyre to hys mynes: Matters which albeit in cōmon iudgement seemed not sufficient to cary the castell but with great difficultie & long time, & that there was good intelligence that the Svvizzers [Page 708] by the resolucion of Zurich, prepared to succour it: yet a practise being begon be­twene Iohn Gonsago the duke of Millans capteine which was within the castel, & the Duke of Burbon his parent, Ierome Morono, with two other Svvizzer Capteines in­terposing also in the action, the resolucion was concluded the fourth day of Octo­ber not without a wonderfull maruell of all men: Ierome Morono was specially bla­med for this conclusion for that either through feare, which was naturall in him, or for want of faith which was neuer imputed to him, he had vsed his authority to per­swade the Duke to agreement: Neuerthelesse he excused him selfe vppon certeine controuersies and mutinies hapned betwene the footmen of the Svvizzers and the Italians: Tharticles of thaccord were, that Maximilian Sforce should immediatly giue vp into the hands of the french king, the castells of Millan and Cremona: That he should depose him selfe of all rights & interests which he had in that estate: That he should receiue of the king, a certeine proporcion of money to pay his dets: That he should go into Fraunce where the king should indue him with a yearely pension of thirtie thowsande duckats, or procure him to be made Cardinall with the same reuenue: That the king should pardon Galeas Viscont with certeine other gentle­men of that Duchie who had followed the seruice of Maximilian: That he should distribute amongst the Svvizzers that were within the castel, six thousand crownes: That he should confirme to Iohn Gonzago the goods that he held in thestate of Mil­lan by the gift of the Duke, and enlarge his liuing with some yearely pension: That he should in like sorte ratifie to Morono, as well the goods that apperteined to him in property, as others that he had of the Dukes gift, together with the offices he ex­ercised, and should make him Maister of requests of the court of Fraunce: vpon the publicacion of this accord, Maximilian surnamed the More according to the name of his father, departed out of the castell and went into Fraunce: he sayed it was a sweete aduersity that brought with it prosperitie, for that by that exchaunge of for­tune, he was drawne out of the seruitude of the Svvizzers, the ill dealings of Caesar, and the deceits of the Spanyards: In this alteracion also men seemed more to allowe of the working of fortune that she had so speedily deposed him from such a degree, then that affore she had exalted a man, who, for his incapacity, inconstant thoughts, and most fowle maners of life, was vnworthy of all greatnes.

Affore the castell of Millan was restored there were sent to the king as Embassa­dors from Venice these foure of the most principal and honorable of the Senate An­tho. Grimani, Dominike Treuisan, George Cornaro, & Andrevv Gritti: Their comming was to congratulat with the king of his victorie, and to beseech him by the vertue of the capitulacions of the league, to ayde them to recouer their townes: An enter­prise wherein they had no other impediments then the forces of Caesar, & the Popes regiments that were within Verona vnder the charge of Marke Antho. Colonno: for, the Viceroy after he was gone from of the marches of Plaisanca, and had reposed some fewe dayes vpon the frontiers of Modona exspecting the Popes ratification to thaccord with the french king, he withdrew with all diligence to the realme of Na­ples by the way of Romagnia: vpon the relacion of these Embassadors, the king gaue speedy order that the bastard of Sauoye and Theoder Triuulco should go to their suc­cour with six hundred launces and vij. thowsand launceknightes: who, whilest they deferred to march and depart, either that they temporised to see what would come of the castel of Millan, or that the king had a meaning to send out the same bands a­gainst the castell of Cremona, Aluiano drew with his army towards Bressa, for, the Ve­netians would not consent that he should follow the Viceroy, for that they desired to [Page 709] recouer Bressia and Verona (if it were possible) without forreine succors: But because that Citie was newly resupplyed with a thousand Launceknights, and Bergamo also rendred to the Venetians many dayes before, Aluiano resolued to go first to besiege Verona, as being the least fortified, and hauing there greatest commoditie of vittels, and withall for that Verona being taken, the action of Bressia would be easie, the situa­tion bearing no oportunitie of succours by the Almains: onely he forbare to giue beginning to his enterprise for feare least the Viceroy and the Popes bandes that were in the countreys of Reggia and Modena should not repasse ouer Pavv at Ostia, to reskew Verona: But beeing deliuered of that suspicion by the going awaye of the Viceroy, he fell into an other impediment of sicknesse, whereof he dyed in the begin­ning Death of Al­uiano. of October at Gueda in the countrey of Bressia, hauing not yet threescore yeres of age: The Venetians receiued great displeasure for his death, but greater was the sorowe of the souldiors, who beeing not satisfied with the remembraunce of him, kept publikely in tharmie his bodye by the space of xxv. dayes, carying it aboute with them with very great pompe, at suche time as they marched: And when he should be conueyed to Venice, Theodor Triuulco would not suffer that as he was cari­ed by the marches of Verona, they should demaund safeconduit of Marke Antho. Co­lonno, saying, it was not conuenient that he who in his life had neuer feare of his en­nemies should now in his death demaunde the thing by petition which affore they durst not denie him of duetie: he was buryed at Venice by publike order and with great ceremonies in S. Stephens Churche, where yet remayneth the monument of his sepulcher, and in perpetuall remembraunce of the merites and vertues of hys lyfe, was pronounced by a very eloquent young Gentleman, a funerall oration: he was a Capteine in all mens opinion of greate resolution and courage, and an as­sured executioner of things determined: and yet eyther by the malice of fortune, who hath no small imperie ouer enterprises, or for that he was sodayne in coun­sayle, a principall ennemie to the vallour of men, he receyued manye foyles by his ennemies, yea it is thought he neuer obteyned victorie when he was generall of an armie.

By reason of the death of Aluiano, the Frenche king (not beeing required by the Venetians) gaue to them for gouernour of their armie, Triuulco, whom they so much desyred, aswell for his experience wherein he was well confirmed, as for his repu­tation in the science of warre, for the whiche they had him in no small opinion: but most of all for that by the common inclination of the faction of the Guelffes, there had beene alwayes a settled amitie and good wyll betweene him and that common weale. Whylest he wente to the armie to take hys charge, the Veneti­an bandes tooke Pesquiero, and ouerthrewe a little before thenterprise, certeine trowpes of horsemen, and three hundred Spanishe footemen that wente to their reskew, recouering also Asolo and Louo, whiche the Marquis of Mantua had a­bandoned. Assoone as Triuulco was come to the armie they besieged Bressia at thinstaunce of the Senate, notwithstanding it seemed a matter of great difficultie to carye it without the Frenche armie, bothe for that the towne was strong and well manned with a crewe of two thousande footemen aswell Launceknightes as Spaniardes, and also for that a great number of the Guelffes had bene constrayned to go awaye, the wynter also drawing on, and the season muche disposed to rayne and stormes: Neyther dyd the issue and successe of the matter beguyle the iudgemente that the Capteine gaue of it: for as they had begonne to do execution vppon the walles with their artilleries which they had planted vppon the [Page 710] brinke of the ditche on that side where issueth the small ryuer of Garzetto: so they that were within making many sallies, brake foorth at laste with fifteene hundred Launceknightes and Spaniardes, to charge the garde of thartillerie, whiche was an hundred men at armes and six thousande footemen: and beating them also with the shot that for that ende was araunged vpon the towne wall, they put them easily to flight, notwithstanding that Iohn Paule Manfron with thirtie men at armes sustey­ned somewhat their furie: In this action they slewe two hundred bodies, burnt the powders, and drewe into Bressia ten peeces of artilleries: For the harmes of this disorder, Triuulco thought good to retyre and incampe more at large, exspecting the comming of the Frenche men: In which minde he withdrew to Coccaio, which is ten miles from Bressia, the Venetians looking in the meane while to make new pro­uisions of artillerie & municions: But assone as the frenchmen were come the camp returned to besiege the towne, & began to batter it in two sundry places on that side of the gate of Piles towards the Castell, and also on that side of the gate of S. Iohn: in one of whiche quarters the Frenche men were incamped, and after they had giuen leaue to the Launceknights, for that they refused to do seruice agaynst the townes of Caesars obedience, Peter of Nauarre arriued at the campe with fiue thousande Gas­cons and Frenchemen: And in the other quarter lay with the Venetian regimentes, Triuulco, in whom rested almoste the whole superintendencie of those affayres, for that the bastard of Sauoy being falne into sicknesse, was gone from tharmie: When they had battred the wall, they followed not with thassault for the sundrie rampiers and fortifications whiche the vallour of the defendauntes had made to resiste their violence: Onely Peter of Nauarre hauing recourse to his accustomed remedies, be­gan to vndermine and sinke the walles. About this time Marke Antho. Colonno is­suing out of Verona with six hundred horsmen & fiue hundred footmen, encountred in the playne Iohn Paule Manfron and Mark. Antho. Buo, who were bestowed in garri­son within Valeggio with foure hundred men at armes & foure hundred light horse­men, he ouerthrew them, & in the skirmish was taken the sonne of Iohn Paule, his horse beeing killed vnder him, and his father fledde for his safetie to Goieto: Imme­diately after which expedition, Marke Antho. occupied Leguaguo, where were taken prisoners certayne Gentlemen of Venice. At laste the difficulties to take Bressia beeing more and more redoubled, bothe for that the mynes employed by Peter of Nauarre did not aunswere the hopes that had bene giuen, and also for an exspe­ctation of eyght thousande footemen to come out of Germanie, whiche the Cap­teines that laye about Bressia had no confidence to be hable to hinder: The Vene­tians to couer someway thignominie of their retrait, were contented to agree with the defendauntes of Bressia, that if they were not succoured within thirtie dayes, they would abandon the Citie and go out of it with their ensignes displayed, their artilleries, and what else apperteined to them: A promise whiche euery one knewe would serue to no purpose for thassurance they had of succours: only it was a thing profitable to them of Bressia to be deliuered in the meane whyle from aduersities and afflictions. Afterwardes the Venetians put eyght thousand footmen within Bre▪ a towne subect to the Counts of Lodrono, but assone as they heard the launceknights marched (to whom the Castell of Auso was rendred) they retyred cowardly to thar­mie: The capteins themselues showed no greater resolution & corage, who fearing to be charged at one time both by those bands, & the defendantes of Bressia, and also by Mark Antho▪ Colonno with the regiments that were within Verona, retired to Gueda, whither they had sent afore (being assured of that accident) their greatest sortes of [Page 711] artillerie and almost all their baggage: And the launceknights that entred into Vero­na without impediment, returned into Germanie, after they had refurnished it of vit­tells, and reenforced the garrison.

During these accidents and enterchaunge of affayres, the Pope and the French king had agreed vppon an enteruiewe at Bolognia: A place which the king accepted affore Florence, because he would not be farre remoued from the Duchie of Millan, And chiefly for that the Duke of Sauoye managed continually the negociacion of accord betweene him and the Svvyzzers: But some thought he made election of that place, for that in passing into Tuskane he should be constrayned to leade with him a great trayne of souldiours, to thende he should not enter into Florence with a lesse pompe then did the late king Charles before him: for dressing of which pomp, it behoued him to spend certeine daies in deferring a matter by so much more grie­uous and intollerable to the king, by how much (besides generall respects) it would breede occasion to make him reteyne yet longer the whole armie, whereof albeit the exspenses were great, yet made he no reckoning nor resolucion to send away a­ny Enteruiew of Pope Leo & the fr. king in Bolognia. parte of it, so long as his person remeyned in Italy: Thus the Pope entred into Bolognia the eyght daye of December, and after him the king made his entry with­in two dayes, and to receiue him, were gone to the confyns of the contry of Reg­gia, the Cardinalls Fiesqu [...] and Medicis, Legats Apostolyke: The king entred with­out many bandes of souldiers, and with no great trayne of Court and Courtyers, And beeing conueyed according to the manner of kinges into the publike Consi­storie affore the Popes presence, he offered in his owne person (his great Chaun­cellor deliuering the speech for him) the obedience which till then he had not pro­tested: They were lodged three dayes together in one pallace, showing one to ano­ther right great and manifest tokens of good will and amitie: They confirmed at this meeting with wordes and promisses, the obligacions and contracts passed af­fore, and debated besides, of many thinges touching the Realme of Naples, which for that the king was in no readines to assayle at that tyme, he contented him selfe with the great hope and assurances which the Pope gaue to fauor him in that enter­prise, eyther assoone as the king of Aragon should dye, who in reasonable iudge­ment coulde not longe liue, or when the confederacion which he had with him should be ended, which yet had continuance of sixteene monethes: The king also besought the Pope to render to the Duke of Ferrara Modono and Reggia, where­unto he condiscended so farre forth as the Duke repaied xl. thowsand duckats which he had giuen to Caesar for Modona, & withall, make recompense for such summes of money as he had disbursed in exspenses for both the cities: Lastly the king was a sutor for Frauncis Maria Duke of Vrbyn, who beeing waged and interteyned by the Church with two hundred men at armes and appoynted with Iuliande Medicis to goe to tharmie, and afterwards that charge beeing transferred to Lavvrence, by reason Iulian was sicke: he refused to go thether, alleaging he would not accord to Lavvrence that which against his dignitie he had suffered for friendships sake in Iu­lian, to beare the place of a simple Capteine and subiect to thauthoritie of an other and that in the armie of the Church, wherein he had ruled so oftentymes as gene­rall and soueraigne Commaunder of all: Moreouer he reuoked those souldiours in his paye that were on the way notwithstanding his promisse to sende them on to the seruice: he had also secretly compownded or at least was in action of composicion with the french king, like as also euer since the kinges victorie, he had not ceassed by speciall working to kindle him against the Pope: who taking thoceasion of those [Page 712] iniuries, and casting by all his deuises to make fall to his house that Duchie, re­fused to the kinge his demaunde, reducinge to his remembraunce by sweete wordes, of what consequence it woulde be for thaffaires of the Churche, to giue boldnesse to his subiectes to rebell by so hurtefull an example: These reasons in­duced the king to conforme him selfe to the Popes will, notwithstandinge in re­gard of his honor, he would gladly haue purchassed safetie for him that was falne into daunger for being faithfull to his seruice: Wherunto he was perswaded by many of his councell and most of his Courte, who vnder the example of the late king, proued howe vnwise a councell it was to giue harte and countenaunce to the Duke Valentynois to oppresse the inferior Lordes of Italie, a matter that made him rise into that estate of greatnesse, that if God had giuen longer life to his fa­ther Pope Alexander, his ambicion coulde not but haue bene verie preiudiciall to the affayres of Fraunce: The Pope promised to giue the king power to leauie the tenth parte of the Churche reuenues of the realme of Fraunce for the area­ring of an armie: And gaue also his consent that the king should haue the nomina­cion of benefices which alwayes affore hath apperteyned to colledges and Chap­ters of Churches, a matter that fell out muche to the profitte and purpose of the kings of Fraunce, not only hauing by that meane the facultie to dispose at their owne arbitracion and will many riche benefices, but also the annates of the frenche Churches, shoulde afterwardes be payed to the Pope according to the true vallue, and not as the auncient taxacions being farre lesse required: Wherein the Pope found him selfe deceiued: for, when his Deputies and commissaries, for the realme of Fraunce, sought to proceede against those that conceiled the true vallue, they coulde finde no proofe nor testimonie, and muche lesse haue meane to execute a­gainst the parties, so that dispatches went out according to the olde rates: The king for his parte promised not to take into his protection any of the Cities of Tu­skane: And albeit afterwardes he required to haue libertie to protect the people of Lucqua who offered him fiue and twentie thowsande duckats, saying he was bounde to that protection by thobligacion of his predecessor, yet the Pope would giue no consent, but promised for his parte that he woulde forbeare to molest them in any sorte: Lastly they agreed by indifferent consent of them both to sende frear Giles Generall of the Augustins and an excellent preacher, to Caesar in the Popes name to dispose him to render to the Venetians Bressa and Verona, taking a recompense of money: And so vppon the expedicion of these matters, but not sette downe by wryting, except tharticle for nominacion of benefices and payment of the Annats according to the true vallue: the Pope in fauour of the king pronounced Cardinall Adrian de Boisy, brother to the great Maister of Fraunce and of the greatest autho­ritie with the king and in the generall gouernment: That the enteruiewe brake vppe, the king departing from the Pope verie well contented and in great hope to haue him his perpetuall frende, who for his parte expressed no lesse with all reaso­nable demonstracions: but in his minde he nourished other impressions: for that bothe it was a matter no lesse greeuous to him then affore, that the Duchie of Myllan shoulde be possessed by the Frenche king, and Parma and Plaisanca resto­red, and also that the Duke of Ferrara should be eftsoones reinuested in Modena and Reggia: And yet all these not long after turned to vanitie and smoake, for that the Pope being gone from Bolognia to Florence, & remeining there about a moneth, had receiued of the Duke promises of the money that should be payd assoone as he should enter into possession, & being there set down in writing by common consent [Page 713] thinstrumentes that were to passe betwene them, the Pope neither denying nor ac­complishing, but interposing many delayes and excuses, refused to giue perfection to things.

The king being returned to Myllan, dismissed his armie except seuen hundred 1516. launces, six thowsand launceknightes and foure thowsand frenchmen such as they caladuenturers, whom he left for the gard of that estate: And for his owne person he teturned into Fraunce with great speede about the first beginning of the yeare 1516. The french king retur­neth into Fraunce. leauing behinde him as his Lieftenaunt, Charles Duke of Burbon: he thought he had left his affayres in Italie in good estate of sewertie, both for the allyance newlie contracted with the Pope, and also for that about that time, he was newly com­pounded with the Svvyzzers, who, notwithstanding the perswasions of the king of England to haue them to reenter into armes against the frenche king renewed with him thalliance by the which they bound them selues to furnishe alwayes for his ser­uice and at his paye, both in Italie and out of Italie, for defense and offence, and a­gainst all nations, suche numbers of footemen as he would require, and that vnder their vniuersall name and publike enfeignes: onely they excepted to beare armes a­gainst the Pope, the Empire, and thEmperour: And on the other side, the king confirmed to them of newe their auncient pensions, with promisse to paye them within a certaine time the six hundred thowsand duckats agreed vpon at Dyon, with three hundred thowsande if they gaue vp to him the villages and vallies appertey­ning to his Duchy of Myllan: A matter which the fiue Cantons that possessed those places, refusing to do, as also to ratifie the accord, the king began to pay to the other eight Cantons that parte and porcion of the money that apperteined to them: who accepted it, but vnder this expresse condicion that they should not be bound to take his pay against the fiue Cantons.

About the beginning of this yeare the Bishoppe Petruccio an auncient seruant to the Pope, chassed out of Siena by the Popes aide and some helpe from the Floren­tins, Borgueso sonne to Pandolffe Petruccio his cossing, and impatronised him selfe v­pon the place, the authority and gouernment remeining by equity in the possession of his said cossing: the Pope had two respects inducing him to this actiō, the one for that that citie standing betwene the estate of the Church, and the dominion of the Florentins, was gouerned by a man wholly at his deuocion: the other was & much more particular and mouing, for that he hoped with the fauor of some good occa­sion, to make it fall into the gouernment of his brother or his nephew, wherein he douted nothing of the Bishops consent, hauing already framed him tractable to all his desires and ambicions.

The warre continued kindeled betwene Caesar and the Venetians, who for their partes desired to recouer by the aide of the frenche king, Bressa and Verona: But for other places and regions of Italie, things seemed to stand in a peasible estate: onely there beganne to burst out mocions of new stirres that were pushed on by the king of Aragon, who fearing least the greatnesse of the frenche king would bring some aduersities to the realme of Naples, delt with Caesar and the king of Englande, to recontinewe the warre: A matter not onely of no great difficultie and hardnesse to drawe Caesar vnto, being both desirous of innouacion and newe thinges, and also was not able easily to kepe the townes which he had takē from the Venetians: But al­so it was fullie concluded and agreed vnto by the king of England: The remem­braunce of the late infidelitie and breache of promise of his father in lawe, being of lesse power in him, then either his present emulacion or auncient hatred against the [Page 714] crowne of Fraunce: besides, he was enuious, that the Skottish king being in minori­tie, should be gouerned by people of his appoyntment, or any waye depending on him.

These matters had bene followed both with better councell, and greater forces, if Death of the king Catho­like. during the negociacion, the death of the king of Aragon had not hapned, who, after he had bene vexed with a long indisposicion, died in an inferior village called Ma­drigalege, as he went to Seuile with his Court: he was a king excellent in councell and so furnished with al other properties of vertue, that he bare no occasion mat­ter of reprehension, if he had bene constant to keepe his promisses: for, touching thimputacion of nigardnes or the reapport that went of him to be straite in exspen­ses, it was proued vntrue by the testimonie and discouerie of his estate after his death, leauing behinde him no amasse of treasor, notwithstanding he had reigned xlij. yeares: But it hapneth oftentymes by the corrupt iudgement of men, that in a king prodigalitie is more praysed though the raking and oppression of subiects be ioyned to it, then a sparing straitnes wherin is nourished an orderly absteyning from taxing the goods of others: To thexcellent vertues of this Prince, was ioyned a most rare, and perpetuall felicitie during the whole coursse of his life, excepting onely the death of his onely sonne: for, the accidents of his wiues and his sonne in lawe, were the cause that he kept his greatnes vntill his death, and the necessitie to depart with Castillo after his wiues death, was rather a sport then a blowe of fortune: In all other thinges he was right happy: for, being second sonne to Iohn king of Aragon, he came to the crowne by the death of his elder brother: he aspyred to the kingdom of Castillo by Issabell his wife: he subdued the Competytors of the same kingdome, and expulsed them: he made a conquest of the Realme of Granado, which the enne­mies of Christian faith had vsurped almost eight hundred yeares: he annexed to his Empire, the Realmes of Naples, and Nauarre, and the principallitie of Orano, with ma­ny other places of importance vpon the coast of Affriqua: he bare alwayes the vi­ctorie and vpperhand of his ennemies: he almost cloaked his ambicions and coue­tousnes with an honestzeale to religion, and an holy affection to the common weale wherein fortune appeared manifestly conioyned with industrie. About a moneth affore his deathe, dyed the Great Capteine, both absent from the Court, and ill Death of the Great Cap­teine. contented of the king: And yet the king gaue order, that in remembrance of his vallour, there shoulde bee done to him both in the Court and through the whole partes of the Realme, those honors that haue not beene vsed to bee done, but at the death of kinges: A matter plausiblie accepted and executed by all his subiectes, who omitted no forte of reuerence or celebracion to the name of the Great Capteyne, making him singuler in liberalitie, in councell, in discression, and for knowledge in warres and martiall science, excelling all the Capteines of his time.

By the death of this king, the french king entred into a newe courage to addresse an enterprise against the realme of Naples, to the which he was in mind to send forth­with the Duke of Burbon with an armie of eight hundred launces, & tenne thowsand footemen: he seemed to reappose much in thopportunitie of the time, for that the kingdome beeing in some tumult vppon the death of the king, and ill prepared for defense, he perswaded a facilitie of conquest, speciallye the Archduke hauing no respitte or tyme to succour it: And he doubted nothinge of the Popes fa­uour, bothe for the hopes he had giuen him at the enteruiewe of Bolognia, and in regarde of thalliance contracted with him, and also in consideracion of his pro­per interest, as though he shoulde bee ielouse of the wonderfull height and great­nes [Page 715] of tharchduke heire present to so many kingdomes by the death of the king Ca­tholike, and exspected successor of Caesar: he hoped besides, that tharchduke would giue him no great impediment, knowing howe harmefull might be to him his ill will touching the Realmes of Spayne, but specially for the regarde of the kingdome of Aragon, wherevnto many of the same famulie had aspired, if their power had bene as great as their right: for albeit in the life of the late king and Isabell his wife, it was interpreted in an open & generall Parliament, that the ancient constitutions of that kingdome which admit not women to the succession of the Crowne, were not pre­iudiciall agaynst the issue males borne of them, when in the lyne masculine was to be founde neither brother, vncle, nor nephew of the dead king, nor any other that was more nearer to him then they that were discended of the womans side, or at least in equall degree: and that for that reason it was declared, that after the death of Ferdinand, the succession apperteined to tharchduke Charles, wherin was brought for example, that after the death of Martin king of Aragon dying without issue males, the sentence of the Iudges deputed to that matter through the whole king­dome, preferred Ferdinand graundfather to this Ferdinand, notwithstanding he came of the womens side, affore Count Vrgello and others ioyned to Martin by masculine lyne, but in degree and propertie of discending, further off then Ferdinand: yet the people nourished amongest them selues a secret complaynt and controuersie, that in that interpretation and declaration, the power of Ferdinand and Isabell had more force, then the lawe of iustice and equitie: In this did thinterpretation seeme vniust to many, that the women beeing excluded, suche as discended of them might be admitted, and withall that in the sentence giuen to the behoofe of tholde Ferdinand, the feare of his armes ruled more then reason. These matters beeing layde open to the French king, and withall that the peoples of the prouince of Aragon, Valence, and Earledome of Catelonia (all these are comprehended vnder the kingdome of Ara­gon) stoode desirous to enioye a king proper and particular: He hoped that tharch­duke, not to endaunger so great a succession and so many estates, would not at laste be straunge or harde to leaue to him that kingdome vnder some reasonable cōposi­tion. And for the better preparing of this enterprise, because he would insinuate by benefites, aswell as preuayle by forces, he sought at that time to set at libertie Pro­spero Colonno, vpon whom was imposed a raunsome of xxxv. thousande duckettes, whereof the king procured him to be pardoned of the one moytie: By whiche pro­pertie of fauor the worlde beleeued that Prospero had made secrete promise not to beare armes agaynst him, yea happly to ayde him in the warre of Naples, albeit with some limitation or reseruing of his honor.

Albeit the king was occupied with these thoughtes, and had now determined to deferre no longer the action of armes and forreine warre, yet he was driuen by new accidentes to turne his minde wholly to his owne defence: for that Caesar hauing re­ceiued a hundred and twentie thousande duckets according to the former negocia­tion begon with the king of Aragon, made preparation to inuade the duchie of Mil­lan, after he had once giuen succours to Verona and Bressia: for the Venetian armie (commaunded by Theoder Triuulco, for that the other Triuulco was returned to Mil­lan) lying encamped within six myles of Bressia, suffred their estradiots to make in­cursions thorowe the whole contrey: And one daye beeing charged by those that were within the towne, and either partie ronning to the reskew and succour of their friendes, they repulsed them and draue them beaten into Bressta, hauing long fought for the victorie, in which conflict they slue many, and tooke prisoner the gouernors [Page 716] brother of the Citie. Not many dayes after Monsr de Lavvtrech generall of the French armie, and Theodore Triuulco hauing espiall that a strength of three thousand Launceknightes came to Bressia to conduct the money sent for the paye of the soul­diors, sent out to hinder their passage at the Castell of Aufo, Ianus Fregoso and Iohn Conrado Vrsin with certayne bandes of both the armies: they put the launceknights to flight, and made slaughter of eight hundred of them, the residue carying awaye the money, founde safety by flying to Lodrono. Afterwardes the Venetians sent a re­giment of two thousande fiue hundred footemen into Sandualley to fortifie the castell of Aufo, who brunt Lodrono and Astoro. Thus were they in Bressia maruelou­sly trauelled, whose aduersities and straitnes bearing suspicion least they would giue vp, compelled Caesar to aduaunce and marche: he tooke his way by Trent to Vero­na, hauing in his army fiue thousande horsemen, fifteene thousande Svvizzers sent to him by the fiue Cantons, and ten thousande footemen aswell Spanish as launce­knightes: By reason of which marching comming on both in a maner, in a number, and by a way contrarie to exspectation, the Frenche armie and the Venetians, lea­uing sufficient garrisons within Vincensa and Padoa, went to Pesquiero, carying a minde to stoppe Caesars passage at the ryuer of Mince: But (as it often happneth in matters of enterprise) the execution did nothing answere the counsell: for that when they sawe thenemies approache and come on, they wanted the courage to performe in the fielde the thing which they had so brauely promised vnder coun­sell in their pauillions, but, hauing passed Oglia, they retyred to Cremona, omitting thoportunitie with the losse of reputation, which in the enemie encreased together with a newe courage and resolution: But Caesar, eyther caried by an vndiscret coun­sell, or pushed on by an euill fortune, encamped before Asolo, which was garded by a hundred men at armes and foure hundred footmen of the Venetians: there he con­sumed vnprofitably many dayes, wherein it was thought that the respite whiche he gaue to thenemies in that delay, tooke from him thoportunitie of the victorie. As­sone as he brake vp from before Asolo, he passed the ryuer of Oglio at Orcinouo, and thenemies leauing in Cremona three hundred launces and three thousand footmen, retyred on the other side the ryuer of Addo, with intention to stoppe his passage: By whose retyring leauing the peeces there abandoned, all the countrey betwene Oglio, Pavv, and Addo, was at the deuotion of Caesar, except Cremona & Crema, wherof the one was garded by the French, & the other kept by the Venetians: The Cardinall of Syon with many of the banished people of the duchie of Millan, folowed Caesar to­gether with Mark. Antho. Colonno who marched with two hundred men at armes of the Popes pay: A matter which gaue so muche the more feare to the Frenchmen, by howe muche their greatest hopes were reduced thither, if ten thousande Svviz­zers who had bene payed for ten monethes made any more tarying to marche. Af­ter Caesar had passed the ryuer of Oglio, he drewe neare to the ryuer of Addo to make his passage at Pisquetono, but finding many difficulties to passe in that place, he came to Riuolco, the Frenchmen lying at Casciano on the other side the ryuer, who for that the Svvizzers were not come, and that the ryuer of Addo had many foardes that yeelded facilitie of passage, retyred the daye after to Millan, not without matter of infamie to Monsr Lavvtrech, who had written to the king that he would stoppe Cae­sars passage at that ryuer: But Caesar finding no impediment to resiste his passage there, ioyned diligence to his fortune, and finding mens mindes inclined to his vic­torie, he had the Citie of Loda rendred to him forthwith: And being within a fewe myles of Millan, he sent an Herald to sommon the towne, threatning thinhabitants, [Page 717] that if within three dayes they expulsed not the Frenche armie, he woulde deale worse with them then did Federike Barberosso his predecessor, who not satisfied to waste and burne Millan, caused salte to be sowed and strawed about in memorie of his anger and their rebellion.

The French men that in great feare were retyred to Millan, fell amongest them­selues into great debates and diuersitie of councells: some were of opinion to aban­don Millan, both for that in them selues was no possibilitie of resistaunce agaynst so mightie enemies, and withall they had no great confidence in the comming of the Svvizzers, notwithstanding they knewe they were already vpon the way: Besides, they had aduertisement that the Cantons eyther had already ordred, or were at poynt to commaunde, that the souldiors of the Svvizzers shoulde depart from the seruice of both the one & the other, which direction it was thought credible & like­ly that those bands that were vpon the way, would be more ready to obey then they that were in the seruice of thenemie: Others gaue aduise not to leaue the seruice, esteeming it too great infamie to leaue forsaken in perill and aduersitie, those friends that had reapposed and layde vp in them the whole confidence of their safetie and protection: They alleaged a better hope in the reskew of the Svvizzers, and their owne habilitie to defende Millan, giuing a resolute counsell to sticke to the defence of the towne, and for their better furetie they willed to keepe reteyned in Millan all the footemen, and eight hundred launces, making distribution of the others to­gether with the Venetians and the light horsemen, into places adioyning, to keepe and cutte off vittells from thenemies. The varietie of opinions was no small impe­diment to the present seruice, their daunger and necessitie being more importunat, then their councells resolute, or their confidence assured: Neuerthelesse the firste councell had bene followed, had it not bene for the contrarie working and perswa­sion of Andrevv Gritti and Andrevv Treuisan, Venetian commissioners, who obtei­ned by their authoritie (for otherwise they could winne nothing) that a cowardly haste should not carry them further then the reputation of vallour and counsell ap­perteining to men of warre and seruice: In the action of which perswasions newes came that the day following Alberto Peter would be in Millan with ten thousande Svvizzers and Grisons: A matter that breathed newe minds and courages in them, and yet hauing no confidence to be hable to defende the suburbes, they burnt them by the counsell of the Venetian commissioners, who aduised them to that violence, eyther for that they supposed it necessarie to the sauetie of the towne, or else vnder that occasion they sought to satisfie the auncient hatred remaining of long time be­twene them of Millan and Venice. They both expulsed out of the Citie, and also re­teined vnder good garde, many of the chieftaynes of the Gebelin faction, as inclined to the name of thempire by the care and labour of those houses, and for that there were in the armie many of the same parcialitie. In this meane while Caesar encam­ped with his armie at Lambra two myles from Millan, where he had no sooner set­led his campe to the terror of the towne, then thexspected supply of Svvizzers entred for the defence of it: Besides the sodennes of their comming, which in cases of reskew is of no small importance, their readines and disposition to feight, amazed not a litle euen those that affore seemed to stande in assuraunce of the victorie: They gaue a newe life to the discouraged mindes of the French men, and no lesse feare & terror to Caesar, who looking into thauncient hatred of that nation to the house of Austrich, and comparing with his present estate, the accideut happned to Lodovvike Sforce hauing Svvizzers in his armie, and in the French armie his enemies, began [Page 718] to feare least they would ioyne him to that lamentable example: he sawe it was like­ly that they would sooner practise infidelitie and treason agaynst him for the diffi­cultie he had to paye them, then agaynst the French men, to whom was wanting no money to paye their wages, nor to corrupt their mindes: wherein this was one matter that confirmed him in his doubt, that Iames Stafflier generall of the Svviz­zers, had asked him his paye with great arrogancie: Which neuerthelesse was de­ferred, besides many other difficulties, because the treasor that was sent to him out of Germanie, was restrayned by the Spanish regimentes that were within Bressia, to satisfie so muche of their payes as were due: So that in the consideration of these obiections and doubtes, together that the daunger was nothing inferior to the feare, Caesar brake vp his campe and retyred towards the ryuer of Adda, his negli­gence taking from him the glorie of the victory which fortune and oportunitie see­med to prepare for him: for, if he had made his approches to Millan but three dayes affore (a time which he vaynely consumed affore Asola) the French men that lyned in great doubt and incertentie of the comming of the Svvizzers, had returned be­yonde the Mountes: Besides, if he had not so soone discamped, eyther the Frenche men, not reapposing fully in the Svvizzers for the respectes of their contrey men that serued in Caesars campe, had followed their first councell, or else the Svvizzers taking their excuse vpon the commaundement of their superiors, would haue aban­doned the French men. Caesar passed the ryuer of Adda, and was not followed of the Svvizzers, who remayned at Loda, protesting that if their payes came not within foure dayes they would depart and leaue his seruice: But Caesar making his aboade vpon the territories of Bergama, gaue them continuall hopes to be satisfied, for that he exspected a newe supply of money to be sent him out of Englande: he threatned to drawe backe his forces agayne to Millan, which estsones recontinued the doubts of the French men, who nowe more then euer stoode incertayne of the fidelitie of the Svvizzers, for that besides they had willingly forslowed their comming, with protestation that they would neuer lift vp their weapons agaynst their contrey men in the other campe, there was come to them a commaundement from the Cantons to forsake the paye of the French men: In so much as there were two thousande of them that went away, leauing behind them great feare least the others would follow their example, notwithstanding the Cantons had assured the king that they had gi­uen secret commaundement to their footemen to the contrarie. At laste Caesar, after he had leauyed vpon the towne of Bergama an impost of xvj thousande duckets, and was gone towardes Crema vnder hope of an intelligence, returned estsones vpon the territories of Bergama without doing any thing, and determined to withdrawe him selfe to Trenta: He communicated with the Capteines of the army his deliberation, assuring them that his principall intention was to giue order for money whiche he ment to leauie of men, with the which and with the treasor of Englande that was vp­pon the way, he would make a short returne, desiring them to temporise & exspect with him so good preparation: And they hauing sacked Loda, and forced the castell without artillerie, retyred to Guiaradada for want of vittells, after they had also made pillage of the towne of S. Ange. After the departing of Caesar, there was some hope that the Svvizzers with whom was ioyned the whole army at Romano, would este­sones passe the ryuer of Adda, the rather for that the Marquis of Brandebourg was come to the campe, and the Cardinall of Syon to Bergama with thirtie thousande duckets which the king of Englande had sent: for feare whereof the duke of Burbon whom almoste all the Svvizzers and the Venetian souldiors had forsaken, was come [Page 719] vpon the shoares on the other side the ryuer to make resistaunce: but the thoughtes of thenemies were sodenly chaunged, for that the Svvizzers, the money not suffi­sing to satisfie their whole pay, dispersed and returned into their contrey by the val­lie of Voltolina: And for the same cause a regiment of three thousande footemen, parte Spanishe and parte Dutche, came and rendred them selues to the campe of the French men and the Venetians, who being passed the ryuer of Adda, had not ceas­sed to trauell thenemies with sundrie incursions, and to skirmishe with them with diuerse fortunes and accidentes: sometimes the French men had the worse, who in a hoat skirmishe made neare Bergama loste about two hundred men at armes: and sometimes the aduersitie fell vpon the contrarie parte, of whom in a like encounter fell into the fortune of a prisoner Caesar Fiermosquo: The residue of tharmie drewe neare to Bressia, hauing receyued in prest a ducket for euery man: but for the impe­dimentes that the light horsemen gaue them, Mark Antho. Colonno entred into Ve­rona with the Launceknightes and certayne bandes of Spanishe footemen, and all the others seperated themselues.

This was the ende of the mouing and marching of Caesar, wherein the Frenche king had no small suspicion of the Pope, for that hauing summoned him according to the bonde of the league made betweene them, that he should send to the defence of thestate of Millan, fiue hundred men at armes, or at least drawe them neare the confines, and withall to wage three thousande Svvizzers according to his offer made to Antho. Maria Paluoisin whiche the king charged him withall: The Pope made but colde aunswers touching the waging of Svvizzers, and taking an occa­sion to excuse himselfe that his men were in yll appoyntment, he promised to sende him bandes of the Florentins, who with certeine of his souldiors marched very slow­ly towardes Bolognia and Reggia: The king suspected more and more that he dyd communicate with the comming of Caesar, both for that assone as he knewe he was entred into Italy, he created Legate with him Barnerd Bibiena Cardinall of S. Maria in Portico, who bare alwayes a setled emulation to the French, and was accustomed to impugne the proceding of their affayres with the Pope: And also for that he suf­fred Mark. Antho. Colonno with his regimentes to folowe Caesars armie. But howe so euer the king was ielouse of the Popes priuitie in this action, or by what humors he ranne in coniecture agaynst him for his consent to the emotion, it is moste true that touching his proper interest, the Pope was not a little aggreeued with the discen­ding of Caesar with so great forces, fearing that if he caryed the victorie, he woulde aduenture to oppresse all Italie, according to his auncient inclination: Neuerthe­lesse, what for thimpression of feare, and that suche maner of proceeding was con­formable to his nature, he dissembled his thoughtes, labouring to make himselfe as litle hatefull as he coulde to eyther parties: That was the cause why he was bold to call home agayne Marke Antho. and durst not sende to the king the succours he had promised: That he had created a Legate with Caesar, and on the other side, Caesar be­ing departed from Millan, the Legate vnder a fayned cooller of sicknesse, stayed at Rubiera to see affore he passed further, what would be the issue of such an enterprise: And afterwards, to settle & quiet the kings mind, he thought good that his nephew Lavvrence (continuing in the same demonstration to depende of the king that he showed when he went to him at Millan) should giue him money by the Florentins to paye three thousande Svvizzers for one moneth: But albeit the king accepted this money, yet (disclosing by tokens that he knewe the Popes driftes) he sayd, that since he was alwayes agaynst him in warre, and the alliaunce made with him serued [Page 720] him to no vse in times of daunger, he would eftsoones make a new confederacion wherein he would be bownd but in peace and in seasons of suertie.

Assoone as the armie of Caesar was dispersed and separat, the Venetians (without The Veneti­ans recouer Bressia. tarying for the french men) approached Bressia by night thinking to skale the wals: They had confidence in this enterprise by the smal strength of men that was within, since there remained no more but six hundred footemen spanish, and foure hundred horsemen, but both their ladders being shorter then was necessary to that seruice, & the vallour of the defendants beguiling their exspectacion, their attempt drew with it no successe: Afterwardes arriued the frenche armie vnder the charge of Odet de Foix whom the king had newly created his Lieuetenant in place of Monsr Burbon, who of his owne mocion had willingly resigned that gouernment into the kinges handes: These armies assailed Bressia with artilleries in foure places to take from the defendants all reasonable possibilitie to make resistance against so seuerall executi­ons: and albeit the vallour of the defendants contending against their fortune, made good resistance so long as they had hope, that a regiment of seuen thowsand foote­men of the contry of Tyroll, beeing come by Caesars commaundement to Montagnia, should passe further: yet, both that reskewe beeing disapointed for thimpediments which the Venetians bestowed in the castell of Auso and other passages, and also the defendants not willing to abide thassalt which was to be giuen the next yēare, (a great pane of the wal being already beaten downe to the ground) the souldiours co­uenanted to leaue the towne and castell onely with their goods saued, if they were not reskewed within a day.

About these times the Pope preparing to take by armes from Frauncis Maria de la Rovvero, the Duchie of Vrbyn, began to proceede against him with censures and Church paines, causing to be published an admonition wherein was expressed, that being in the pay and wages of the Church, he had refused those regiments of men for the which he had receiued pay, and was secretly compownded with thennemies: That long time before, he had killed the Cardinall of Pauia of the which he was ab­solued by grace and not by iustice, and had executed many other morders: That in the greatest heate of the warre betweene Pope Iulio to whom he was Nephewe, sub­iect, and Capteine, he had sent Baltasar de Chastillion to take the kings pay: And that at the same time he had denied passage to certein bands that marched to ioyne with the armie of the Church, and in the iurisdiction which he possessed as freeholder to the sea Apostolike, he had pursued the souldiours of the Church that sled from the battell of Rauenna: The Pope was determined many moneths before to make warre vpon him, whereunto, besides all late and greene iniuries, he was pushed on by a dis­daine in that he refused to ayde him selfe and his brother to returne to Florence: And yet he was somewhat reteyned by a shame that he had to persecute the Nephew of him, by whose meane the Church was risen to such a greatnes, but much more at the contemplacion of his brother Iulian, who, in the time of their exile hauing re­meyned many yeares in the Court of Vrbyn both with Duke Guido & after his death, with the Duke raigning, could not endure to see him depriued of the duchie where­in he had receiued enterteinment, fauor, and honor: But Iulian was no sooner dead of a consuming disease at Florence, and the great stirrs of Caesar beeing vanished and turned into smoke: then the Pope at the perswasion of his Nephew Lavvrence and his mother Alfonsina thirsting after that estate, resolued to deferre no longer the op­pression which he had determined with no lesse iniurie then infamie: he was not a­shamed to alleage for excuse of his ingratitude (which many imputed to him for re­proache [Page 721] and slaunder) not onely the trespasses he had receyued by him, and the penalties whiche the rygour of the lawes impose vppon a subiect that offendes in contumacie agaynst his Lorde, or a Capteine who contrarie to his bonde de­nyeth to leade the men for the whiche he is waged and enterteyned: But also he brought in this consideration, that it was to him a matter very ielouse and daun­gerous, to endure in thintralls of his estate, a man, who by howe muche more he had begonne alreadye to offende him without all regarde to fayth and honor, by so muche more it was certayne that when so euer a greater occasion did offer, he would not be lesse ready or apte to doo the lyke hereafter confirming his first ylles The Pope ta­keth the Du­chie of Vrbin & giueth it to Laur▪ de Me­dicis his ne­phew. with other examples of lyke nature. The discourse of that warre was this: As­sone as Lavvrence shewed him selfe vppon the frontiers of the Duchie, and dis­played his armie compounded vppon the souldiors and subiectes of the Church and thestate of Florence, The Citie of Vrbin with other townes of that iurisdiction, made a voluntarie rendring to the Pope, the Duke that was then retyred to Pesera, giuing them election to saue them selues, since he had no habilitie to defende them: And assoone as tharmie drewe neare, Pesera followed thexample of Vrbin, the cowardise of the Duke concurring with his infelicities: for notwithstanding there was a garrison of three thousande footemen, the towne mightie in fortificati­ons, and had the sea at deuotion, yet the Duke leauing within the Castell Tranquillo Mandolfo in whom he muche reaposed, tooke his way to Mantua, whither he had sent before, his wife and sonnes: some supposed that his retyring thither came vpon a suspected confidence he had in the souldiors, of whom the greatest parte was vn­payed: but some are of opinion that his impacience for the absence of his wife, was the cause of his going thither, vnder which pollicie he excused his feare with loue. It is a true saying that aduersities haue a swifte course, and fortune to make her mutabilitie wonderfull, can heape in one day all the chances of a world: for except the castles of Sinigalo, Pesero, S. Leo, and Maiuolo, the whole duchie of Vrbin and Pe­sero was reduced in foure dayes to the obedience of the Church: But the Castell of Sinigalo made no delay to folow the course of the victorie, as also the strong Castell of Pesero after it had bene two dayes executed with artilleries, compounded to giue vp if within twentie dayes it were not reskewed, so farfoorth as during this time of truce or exspectation of succours, there were no casting of rampiers nor other sort of fortifications: which condition being yll performed, was the cause that Tranquillo receiuing no reskew within the tyme appoynted, refused to deliuer it vp: and begin­ning a fresh to recontinue the warre, he made new sallies and actions vpon thenemy without, which made his destinie the harder, for that the batterie beginning to play with greater furie, the souldiors within the Castell preferring their owne safetie affore the wyll of Tranquillo, drewe into mutinie agaynst him, and deliuered him vp into the hands of the capteines, who condemned him to be hanged for his promise breaking: Not many dayes after was rendred the castell of Maiuola, a place very ne­cessarie to besiege S. Leo, for that it is but a myle distance, and hath his situation directly opposite: And they bestowed about S. Leo two thousande men to thend to keepe it besieged: And albeit for the strong situation there was no hope to ca­rie it but by the laste necessitie, whiche is hunger: yet it was surprised within three monethes by an inuention of a maister Capenter, who clymbing by nighte by the benefite of a very long Ladder vp to a clyffe or dependant supposed to be most inaccessible of all that mountayne, he tooke away his ladder, and remayning there all the residue of the night, he began at the firste appearing of the day, to clyme [Page 722] higher with certayne fastning instrumentes of yron, and got at laste with greate ad­uenture to the top of the mountayne, and so discending agayne, and with his yron instrumentes making easie certaine of the places that were of most difficultie, he re­turned the night folowing to the campe by the helpe of the same ladder that caryed him vp: he declared to the capteines that the mountayne was accessible, and that in the enterprise the danger was greater in opinion then in aduenturing, in so much as a night was appoynted when he was sent thither with the same ladder that he first vsed: And as it was reasonable that he should be guyde of thaction, that was the first author of thinuention, so there were committed to him a hundred and fiftie foot­men of choyse, with whome staying vpon the sayde cliffe or dependant, they began at the opening of the day (for it was impossible to climbe higher by night) to mount vp those very harde and straite places, esteeming nothing of the perill when they considered what glorie was in the aduenture: with this labour about thirtie of them ouercame the difficultie of the place, and gotte vp to the toppe of the moun­tayne with a drumme and six ensignes: and hiding them selues vpon the ground to exspect their companions that were a climing, when the watch being then releued espyed them as they laye in ambushe vpon the earth: The watche gaue the alarme when the souldiors being now disclosed not tarying for their felows, gaue the signe to the army in the camp, who according to good direction tooke knowledge of the successe of the climers, and with great store of ladders offred a present assault to the mountayne in many places: Their chiefest reason in this assault was to drawe away those that were within, who after they had somewhat serued the places they were apponted vnto, and discrying already vpon the playne of the mountaine six ensignes aduaunced, they ranne to enclose themselues within the Castell that was hewed out of the mountayne, hauing now more feare of their lyues, then confidence in the inuincible strength of the place: The residue by this time beeing clymed vp to the top of the mountaine, they began to commaunde the whole place opening the way to others that as yet with great payne & difficultie were labouring to winne the top of the hill: But the resolution of the clymers beeing farre aboue the vallour of the defendantes, in whom also the sodennesse of the fortune redoubled their feare, the mountayne became a rewarde to the labours of those that had aduentured to clymbe it, when the Castell also well prouided of all thinges to holde out sauing of vallour and fidelitie, yelded the seconde day: In so much as vpon the conquering of this estate, which together with Pesera & Siuigalo seperat members from the Du­chie of Vrbin, was not worth in reuenue aboue xxv. thousande duckets. The Pope pursuing the processe he had begon, published sentence & depriued Frauncis Maria, and in the consistory inuested his nephew Lavvrence: wherin for a more hable and sufficient cōfirmation of his doings, he annexed to the Bull which he dispatched for that action, the subscribing of the proper hands of all the Cardinalls, sauing of Do­minike Grimani Bishop of Vrbin and an auncient frend to the Duke, who would not be concurrant in so manifest a wrong, & for that cause fearing the Popes indignatiō, he departed afterwards from Rome whether he neuer returned so long as he liued.

The french king was discōtented with thoppression of the duke of Vrbin, the rather for that he suffred priuation of his estate for being cōfederat with him: But he stood much more displeased for many other things that the Pope did: for Prospero Colonno abiding at Basseta a town of the Paluoisins, at such time as he was returned frō Fraūce, & afterwards being come to Modona for feare of the frēchmen, whither likewise was retired Ier. Morono, who also stood in dout of thē, for that contrary to their promises [Page 723] they had cōmanded him to go into Fraunce: There was conspiracie whilest Prospero lay at Modona & afterwards at Bolognia, to surprise secretly some place of importance in the duchie of Millan by the working of some of the banished men: In this practise was also concurrant Mucio Colonno, to whom the Pope hauing priuity in these acti­ons, had graunted harbour for his bandes of souldiors vpon the territories of Mo­dena: Moreouer the Pope had perswaded the king Catholike (for so was tharchduke called since the death of his grandfather by the mother side) to make no newe con­uentions with the Frenche king: And on the behalfe of the Svvizzers, Emius Bi­shop of Verulo and the Popes Nuncio, to whom afterwards euen in his latest yeares, was transferred the creation and dignitie of Cardinall, stirred vp the fiue Cantons to folow the amitie of Caesar, besides many other offices displeasing to the king: So that concurring also at the same time a practise betweene Caesar (who remayning be­twene Trent and Ispurch, terrified the French men more with demonstrations then with effects) and the king of Englande, and the Svvizzers to make a newe inuasion vppon the Duchie of Millan: The Frenche king suspected that these matters were wrought with the will and priuitie of the Pope, whose euill affection also appeared in other actions, making many exceptions and difficulties to confirme vnto him the tenth of the benefices of the realme of Fraunce which he had promised him at Bo­lognia: And yet (so great is the respect and maiestie of a Pope) the king so labored to appease him with offers & offices, that albeit after the departure of Caesar he had determined to molest Mirandula, Carpy, and Correge, as townes imperiall, to thende to make some leauyes of money of them, yet he forbare from all action, in regarde of the complaynings of the Pope, who had receyued affore into his protection the Lordes of those townes. Moreouer the Mores of Affrica commaunding the sea infe­rior with many vessels, he offred to sende him for the suretie of those seas, his nauie of ships which Peter of Nauarre armed at Marseilles by his consent for thinuasion of the streames and creekes of Barbarie with a strength of six thousande footemen: But notwithstanding all these offers & obseruances, the Pope perseuered in his opinion, and as sometimes he would vse deniall, & sometimes occupie excuses, yet he would neuer so muche as consent to that demaunde the king had made to him with great instance to call out of Svvizzerlande the Bishop of Verulo, and much lesse would he remoue Mucio Colonno from the territories of Modona (where he fained he remained of his owne authoritie) vntill, by the departure of Prospero from Bolognia and all that practise dissolued into smoke, there was no more necessitie of his abiding there: On­ly the breaking vp from thence was a matter of great aduersitie to Mutio, for that en­tring afterwardes by night into the towne of Ferma with the forces of the Colonnois and with certayne bandes of footemen Spanish, as he was busie in sacking the Citie, he receyued a blowe whereof he dyed within fewe dayes after.

In this estate of affayres, and the Senate of Venice making instance for the reco­uerie of Verona, Monsr Lavvtrech with his armie of sixe thousand Launceknightes whome the Venetians agreed to paye for that enterprise, came to the riuer of Adice, to thende to passe to Vsolinguo, and so to encampe affore Verona together with the Venetian armie: But what by the rumour of the comming of the Svvizzers nowe redoubled, and the suspicion recontinued of the being of Prospero Colonno at Modona, where also remayned the Cardinall of S. Maria in Portico, he retyred to Pesquiero, not without the complaintes of the Venetians, making distribution of his bandes both on this side & beyond the riuer of Mincia: And notwithstanding the said suspicions were ceassed, and that from a regiment of two thousand footmen both Spanish and [Page 724] Launceknightes were gone to the paye of the Venetians, and more did go dayly: yet he remayned in that place more then a moneth, exspecting (as was sayde) bothe a newe prouision of money out of Fraunce, and a greater proportion of artillerie, municions and money from the Venetians: But the true cause of his temporising was, to obserue what would be the issue of the treatie betwene his king and the king Catholike: for the Frenche king knowing howe muche and howe necessarily his amitie did import the king Catholike, both to remoue the difficulties of his passage into Spayne, and to assure him of thobedience and iurisdiction of his kingdomes, he seemed not content with the matters that had bene agreed vpon affore at Paris, but deuised both to impose vpon him more harder conditions, and by his working to haue peace with Caesar, which he could not bring to passe without rendring Verona to the Venetians. And touching the Spanishe king, whose minoritie hauing not aboue fyfteene yeares, was wholly gouerned by Monsr de Cheures, he refused not to applye his deliberations to the present time and necessitie of thinges: By reason whereof, on the parte of the Frenche king were sent to Noyon the Bishoppe of Pa­ris, the greate maister of Fraunce, and the President of the Parliament of Paris: And for the king Catholike were Monsr de Cheures, and the great Chauncellor of Caesar: In whiche respite or intermission, the rigour of armes and hostilitie (as is the custome of warfaring of our tyme) was continually imployed agaynst the poore paisantes and countrey men, Monsr de Lavvtrech lying still to see what woulde come of the negociation: for, by the benefite of a bridge which he had buylded at the village of Monzarban, he beganne to cutte downe the corne of the countrey of Verona, and gaue libertie to his light horsemen to make incursions in all places: He sent also one parte of his armie to incampe vppon the landes of the Mantuans, making hauocke of the commodities of that countrey with so vniuersall and generall domage, that to redeeme their harmes together with the retyring of so daungerous an enemie, the Marquis of Mantua was contented to contribute to him twelue thousande crownes: And the souldiors of Verona exe­cuting dayly hostilities vppon the territories of Vincensa and Padoa, put to sacke the wretched Citie of Vincensa. Afterwardes Monsr de Lavvtrech bearing com­passion to the great complayntes of the Venetians, passed the ryuer of Adice by a bridge whiche he caused to be sette vp at Vsolingua: and afterwardes hauing made a greate praye of the countrey (for it was neuer thought that tharmie would passe on that side) he drewe neare to Verona to besiege it, winning Chiusa in the meane whyle by the ayde of the countrey men, to make more harde the passage of suc­cours that were to come out of Germanie: Neuerthelesse the same daye that he approched to Verona, the regimentes of Launceknightes beeing nowe three mo­nethes since they had bene enterteined with the money of the Venetians, eyther of their voluntarie will and motion, or by the secrete subornation of Caesar, prote­sted openly that they woulde not serue at the siege of a towne possessed by Caesar, and wherein the Frenche kinge had no principall interest: By whiche mutinie drawing with it a suspicion of greater conspiracies, Monsr de Lavvtrech repas­sed Adice, and incamped a myle from the walles of Verona, to whome the Ve­netian armie wente to ioyne with him, not supposing it sufficient for their sure­tie to remayne on the other side the ryuer, thoughe their armie conteyned a strength of fiue hundred men at armes, fiue hundred light horsemen, and foure thousande footemen.

About this tyme the deputies of those two kinges passed capitulations in this [Page 725] sorte in the towne of Noyon: That there shoulde be a perpetuall peace betweene Capitulations betwene the French king and king Ca­tholike. the French king and the king of Spayne, with the like confederation for the defence of their estates agaynst all the worlde: That the French king should giue in mariage to the king Catholike, his daughter being then but one yeare of age, and he to indue her for dowry with the rightes whiche he pretended to apperteine to him in the kingdome of Naples according to the partition made afforetime betwene their pre­decessors: but vnder this couenaunt, that vntyll she bare an age hable to be maried, the king Catholike shoulde paye to the French king an hundred thousand crownes yerely to helpe to defray his exspences: That if she dyed before the mariage, and the king should haue an other daughter, then he to bestowe her likewise vpon the king Catholike with the same conditions: and in case he had no other daughter, then to giue him to wife Madame Renea, who had bene promised to him in the capi­tulation made at Paris: That in case any of those wiues died in mariage without chil­dren, then that part of the kingdome of Naples to reuert to the Crowne of Fraunce: That the king Catholike within a certaine time should restore the realme of Nauarre to his auncient king, and in not performing it, it should be lawfull to the french king to ayde him to recouer it: but vnder this charge (as the Spaniardes affirmed after­wards) that the king of that state should first cōmunicate with him his rightes: That Caesar might enter into the peace within the tearme of two monethes, and if he dyd enter into it, it should be lawfull to the French king to ayde the Venetians to recouer Verona: which citie, if Caesar deliuered vp into the hands of the king Catholike with power to giue it frankly and absolutely to the French king within six weekes, to dis­pose of it as he thought good: that he should pay him an hūdred thousand crownes, and the Venetians as much, whereof the one part to be payed vpon the consignation, and the other within six monethes, and also to remaine acquited of three hundred thousande crownes which he had receiued of the king Lovvis whylest they were in confederation together: That in that case there should be truce for xviij. monethes betwene Caesar and the Venetians: That to Caesar should remayne Riua de Trenta and Rouera with all that he possessed then in the contrey of Friull: and that the Venetians should continue to holde the places whiche at that time they helde of Caesar vntill the French and Spanish kings had determined the differences that had bene enter­teined betwene them for their confines & limits: for resoluing wherof both the one and the other of the parties named the Pope. Notwithstanding thaccorde made at Noyon, the Venetians ceassed not to stirre vp Monsr de Lavvtrech to besiege Verona, desiring to recouer it by armes, both for that they were vncertayne whether Caesar would accept the peace, and also to cut off the proporcion of money whiche they were to paye. But touching the French king, the waye of concorde and peace was more agreable to him then the meane of armes and force, his desire to haue vnitie with Caesar drawing him aboue all other respectes: And yet Monsr de Lavvtrech re­fused not to consent to their will, hauing now no more reason of excuse, bothe for that the Venetians had made great leauyes of souldiors, and fulfilled all other proui­sions demaunded by him, and also for that the Launceknightes refused no more to go thither together with the others: So that the armies passed seuerally ouer the ri­uer of Adice, the one by the bridge that was buylded aboue the Citie, the other by the benefite of an other bridge set vp for the time beneath the Citie: One parte of thartillerie of the Frenche armie that laye incamped at Tomba, was planted be­fore the gate Santa Luce, and the other with the Launceknights was bestowed at the gate S. Massina: They made choyse of those places for their artilleries, to thende [Page 726] to do execution all together on that parte where the wall betwene the City & Cita­dell meeteth conioyned with the wall of the towne, by whiche deuise hauing meane at one tyme to make entrie into the Citie and the Citadell, the defendantes within should be constrayned to deuide them selues into two partes for the regarde of the wall in the middest. The Venetian armie passed beneath Verona in the fielde of Mars, and remayned incamped at S. Michaels betweene the ryuer and Cannell, bothe to leauie and remoue the defences of that place, and also to beate the gate called the Bishops gate, which was a place of most weaknes & least armed: The two first daies the defences which were of great strength and beat flanking, were beaten downe by thartilleries, but with greater difficulties on the quarter of the Venetians, to whom it was no small labor to batter the defences of the three bastillions: But assone as they were battred both parts began to execute the wall with xviij. peeces of great artille­ries, and xv. smaller peces of battery, either army hauing throwen down by the third daye twenty fadomes of the wall, not forbearing to batter still to make the breache and entry the larger: And yet the Venetians on whose side the wall was most weake, notwithstanding they had almost reuersed all the bastillions & rampiers, had not yet wholly remoued all the defences within that played in flanke, because they laye so lowe and almoste within the ditche, that eyther the boollet went ouer them, or else was grazed in the earth affore it came there. Moreouer at the same time they vnder­mined the wall, which though they had vnderset & stayed with props, yet it beguy­led the deuise of the doers, and fell downe before the time appoynted by the Cap­teines. There was within Verona a strength of eight hundred horsmen, fiue thousand launceknightes, and xv. hundred Spaniards vnder the gouernment of M. Antho. Co­lonno, who had now exchaunged the wages of the Pope for the paye of Caesar: This garrison omitted nothing that might tende to the strengthning and repayring of the rampiers, and standing carefull to do all other thinges for the valiaunt defen­ding of the place, they expressed vniuersally a wonderfull resolution and courage of minde, and particulerly was performed an honorable example and office of M. Antho. who receyuing a sleight hurte in his shoulder by a shotte, forbare not for all that to offer his body both day and night to all paynes and daungers. By this time thartilleries planted by the French men in foure places agaynst the towers betwene the gate of the Citadell and the gate of Santa Luce, had made so greate and many ruins, that euery breach was hable to receyue souldiours in order: The artilleries of the Venetians had aduaunced so muche, and almoste done no lesse execution, and yet Monsr de Lavvtrech demaunded newe artilleries to make the breache the greater, embrasing readily all occasions that offred to deferre the action contrarie to the wyll of the Venetians, who cryed to giue thassault: He made helping to his delayes this accident, there came to tharmie by the playnes of Verona, eyghte hun­dred barrels of powder together with many other natures of munitions drawne by Cartes, and what by the straitenesse and importunitie of the place, and emula­tion of the dryuers stryuing to enter one affore another, the chasing and violent mouing of the wheeles bredde to a fyre, whose heate embrased the powder and so consumed the Cartes with the cattell that drewe them: Moreouer there was this increase of difficultie to those that were besieged, that in the Citie so many monthes afflicted by thennemies that kepte it alwayes straytely enuironed, the stoare of vittells beganne to diminishe, and no hope to be resupplyed but in very small quantitie, and that by stealth, vsing the pathes of the mountaynes for the commoditie of that poore releefe.

[Page 727]But as the affaires of Verona stoode in these tearmes, there came to the reskew of that Citie a regiment of nine thowsand launceknightes sent by Caesar, who ariuing at Chiusa tooke it by composition, and made them selues Lords of the castell of Coruaro, which is a peece standing vpon the next hill to Adice drawing towards Trenta and cōmaunded many times by both the parties in the warre betwene Caesar & the Vene­tians: Monsr Lavvtrech either fearing in deede, or dissembling to be amazed at the new supply of launceknights, leauied his campe against the mindes of the Venetians, and retyred his armie to Villefranche carying with him one parte of the Venetian re­giments, and the other parte vnder Iohn Pavvle Manfron withdrew to Boseto beyond the riuer of Adice by a bridge prepared for their passage: Insomuch as the Venetians hauing nowe no further confidence to carie Verona, sent all their great artilleries to Bressa: And the launceknights without any impediment incamped at Tomba, where the french army was lodged affore, one part of them entring into the City, & the o­ther parte remeyning without, which returned after Verona was reuitteled: There re­meyned for the gard of Verona a strength of seuen or eight thowsand launceknights, for that the most parte of the spanishe bandes that could holde no agreement with them, were passed to the Venetian campe vnder Cronell Maldonato: And in com­mon iudgement, that reskew or succours was of small momēt for that they brought not with them other stoare of money then xx. thowsand Florins of the Rhein which the king of England had sent, & during the time of their tarying there, they cōsumed so much vittells that it was almost equall to that quantitie which they had brought with them.

By reason of those bands that were retired to Villefranche from whence they com­mitted manifest hauoke and spoyle vpon the partes of Verona and Mantua, the Vene­tians were compelled least the frenchemen, whome no commaundement that was made to them on the kings behalfe could make to stay, should departe to their gar­risons, to take order that the Citie of Bressa should wholly furnish them of necessary vittells, an exspence rising to aboue a thowsand crownes a day.

At last things beganne to incline manifestly to peace, for that it was knowen that Caesar (notwithstanding his former solicitacion to his sonne in law not to compound with the frenche king) preferring the couetousnes of money affore the hate he bare naturally to the french, & also affore his auncient ambicion to make him selfe Lord of Italie, had not only accepted and ratified the peace, but also determined to render Verona according to the forme of those conuencions: from this succeeded an other matter to the benefit of the frenche king, that all the Cantons of Svvizzers seeing armes & hostilitie deposed betwene Caesar & the king, were contented to compound with him as the Grisons had done before, in which action Galeas Visconte did what he could, who being banished and a rebell protested by the king, wonne of him by this meane, libertie to returne into his countrey, restitucion to all his goods, and re­compense of many graces and honors: The composicion was, that the king should pay to the Svvizzers within three monethes an hundred & fifty thowsand duckats, and from thence forwarde an indument of perpetuall yearely pensions: That the Svvizzers should be bounde to deliuer to his pay by publike decree so often as he should demaund, a certaine number of footemen, wherin notwithstanding the pro­ceeding was diuerse, for that the eight Cantons were bounde to furnishe that pro­porcion whensoeuer he should enter into any enterprise to offende the estates of an other, and to the fiue Cantons the couenant bare no other obligacion then for the defence of his proper estates: That it shoulde be in the power of the Svvizzers to [Page 728] render to the french king the castells of Lugan and Lugarno, which bee passages of great strength and of no lesse importance for the sewertie of the Duchie of Myllan: And in case they would make restitucion, the king to paye to them three hundred thowsand duckats: But they rased them to the ground immediatly vpon the making of the composicion: This was the discourse of thinges in Italy in the yeare a thow­sand fiue hundred and sixteene: But in the beginning of the yeare following, the Bi­shop of Trente who was come to Verona, made offer to Monsr Lavvtrech to deliuer vp that citie to the french king within six moneths according to the contents of the capitulacion, seeing he held it in the name of the king of Spaine: But there remeyned this difficultie whether the tearme should begin from the day of the ratificacion of Caesar, or from the time it was acknowledged that Verona was holden by the king ca­tholike: And vpon this albeit there passed a disputacion for certeine dayes: yet for that the garrison of footemen that were within Verona drewe to mutinies vpon the demaund of money, the Bishop of Trente was constrained to followe those affayres with a greater haste: And therefore taking the beginning from the day that he had receiued commission from Caesar, he agreed to deliuer vp Verona the fifteene daye of Ianuary: At which daye he passed the assignement to Monsr de Lavvtrech who receiued it in the name of the french king, the said Bishop receiuing of the Venetians the first fifty thowsand duckats, together with the fifteene thowsand which by the capitulacion they were bound to pay to the garrison in Verona, and also assured fide­litie and promisse of Monsr de Lavvtrech to see drawne to Trente the artilleries that were within Verona: Monsr Lavvtrech at the same instant redeliuered the citie ouer in his kinges name to the Senat of Venice, Andrevv Gritty standing then as Deputie and assigney to that state: great was the gladnes of the nobilitie and whole commu­naltie of Venice, for that after so long and daungerous a warre, drawing with it so ma­ny calamities and exspenses, they had reclaymed to the general body of their domi­nion, so principal a member, esteeming the reward of the warre farre aboue the bur­den and charges of the same, although by the reapport of such as haue written of their doinges, they consumed during all the warres they made since the league of Cambray, fiue myllions of duckats whereof they leauyed fiue hundred thowsand of the sale of offices: lastly the inhabitants of Verona reioysed no lesse then the resi­due together with all other cities and iurisdictions subiect to their common weale, hoping now to be deliuered and dispensed withall from so ma­ny afflictions, which so long a warre had throwen vpon them, sometymes by the one armie and some­tymes by the other.

The ende of the tvvelfth Booke.

The Duke of Vrbin makes an enterprise to recouer his estate out of the hands of Pope Leo: the french king makes a league with the Pope: The conspiracie of Cardinall Petrucci against the Pope is discoue­red: Charles king of Spaine is chosen Emperour: Martine Luther wryteth against the Pope: The Pope puts Iohn Pawle Baillon to death.

THE THIRTEENTH BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

FOrasmuch as all armes and hostilities were now surceassed betwene Caesar and the Venetians, and in the french king all occasiōs restrained to make warre against Caesar or the king Catholike, it seemed that to the regions of Italie, afflicted with so many calamities and trauells of warre, was now ap­pointed a time of rest and tranquillitie: wherein these were the reasons that the Svvizzers (a mighty instrument to a­ny that sought to innouate and trouble things) seemed now reclaimed to their auncient amity with the french king, and yet bare no mindes estraunged from other Princes: that in thaccord made at Noyon, was declared such a hope, that, to establish a greater alliance betwene the two kings, there was working to draw them to an enteruiew at Cambray, whether were gone to that end, Monsr de Cheures, the great Maister of Fraunce, and Robertet: Lastly there was expressed no lesse readines on the parte of Caesar, who, besides the rendring of Verona, sent two Embassadors to the frenche king, to solemnise and confirme the peace: so that it was a iudgement accompanied with his iust cause & reasons, that by the benefit of peace & concord betwene so mightie Princes, would be dissolued the seedes of all quarrels and disagreements in Italie: But as there is no certainty in ‘the councells of mortall men, so is there lesse exspectacion of their worldly euentes: for, men and their doings standing subiect to the law of nature and destiny, haue no other libertie then to deeme and debate, and to God alone is referred all power of disposicion and execucion since he is able to gouerne and commaund all things by the same power wherewith he hath created them of nothing: Insomuch as in this action of Italie, either for thinfelicity or destinie of the countrey, or for that the vni­uersall iurisdiction was deuided into so many seueral principalities and states, it was almost impossible that it should suffer any dispensacion of miseries, by reason of the diuersity of wills and interests of such as had it in hand: for, searcely were layd aside armes and hostility betwene Caesar and the Venetians, yea the Citie of Verona not yet resigned, when were disclosed tokens and beginnings of new tumults: And of these Beginning [...] of new [...]. was the breeder and conspirator Franciscomaria, who had practised and drawne to his faction such bands of Spanishe footemen as had serued both within Verona and [Page 730] affore Verona: he perswaded them to follow him to the reconquering of his estates, out of the which the Pope had expulsed him the same sommer: A matter wherein he found small difficulties, for that to souldiours forreiners and marcenary accusto­med in the time of warres, to sacke townes and to make pray and spoyle of contreys, there was nothing more contrary then peace, whereunto they saw all the affayres & inclinacions of Italy disposed at that instant.

There drew to him about fiue thowsand spanish footemen, whereof was chiefe, one Maldonato, A man of the same nation, and of long experience in many warres: And to this regiment was ioyned a strength of eight hundred light horsemen, led by Federyk Bossolo, Gaiozo a Spanyard, Succhar a Burgonion, Andrevv Bue, & Constantyn Boc­calo Albanoesies, al Capteines of name & marke, & especially estemed for their know­ledge in warres: Amongest them he that bare the greatest reputacion, whether it were for the noblenes of his house, or for the honorable degrees in warre which he had borne from his youth, was Federyk Gonsagno Lord of Bossolo, who happly was one of the greatest parties to perswade this enterprise, being no lesse moued by an ambi­cion to make greater his merits & prayses by newe warres, concurring also thamity which he had with Francisco Maria, then through an auncient & setled hatred which he bare to Lavvrence de Medicis, chiefly for that at such time as was transferred to Lavvrence, the charge of all the armies of the Church & the Florentyns, by reason of the sicknes of Iulian his Vncle, he had denied to make him Capteine generall of the footemen, an estate which Iulian had assigned to him affore: This army standing on­ly vpon bodies & numbers, was lame in all other proporcions & prouisions: for, they had neither resort of money, assistance of artilleries, nor any strengh of municions, & except their horses and armor, they wanted all furnitures accustomed to followe ar­mies. Onely they bare estimation more by their vertue then through any other abi­litie or meanes to susteine the warre: They departed to go to the state of Vrbyn, the same day that the citie of Verona was giuen vppe to the Venetians: A matter which troubled not a litle the Pope after he had receiued aduertisement: for, he considered the qualitie of tharmy, which was to be feared, both for the hatred of the Capteines, & vertue & reputacion of the spanish footemen: And he was not ignorant with what inclinacion the peoples of that Duchie fauored Francisco Maria, hauing long liued vnder the easie gouernment of the house of Montfeltro, the affection whereof they had transferred to him as to one that had bene trained & nourished in that Duchie, & bred of a sister of the Duke Guido: Besides it greeued him not a litle that he was to menteine warre against an armie, which hauing nothing to lose, could leaue no re­ward to his victory, And marching onely vpon desire of pray and pillage, drew with them a miserable exspectacion of profit, bringing nothing to the warre, but what they hoped to get by the chaunce and fortune of the warre: he doubted also least the sweete desire of gayne (which for the most parte carieth marcenory souldiours to the fight) would draw such others to ioyne to their faction, as by the meane of the peace, were vtterly excluded from action: But the matter that moste troubled his minde, was a fearefull suspicion that the French king did communicat in this con­spiracie: for, bothe he knewe that the king was displeased with the warre made a­gainst Francisco Maria, and was no lesse touched in his conscience with the conside­racion of causes that he had giuen him to be ill contented of him: he knewe also he had not obserued the confederacion made after the conquest of Myllan, at the tyme when Caesar discended into Lombardye: he considered that after he was returned to Rome, he sent him a bul touching the collacion of benefices in the Realme of Fraunce, [Page 731] and Myllan, muche different from the conuencion made at Bolognia, which for the shortnesse of the time was not then subsigned: This Bull the king would not accept, both for that it bare contradiction agaynst the agreement, and also for the interest of his proper dignitie: he remembred the secrete negociations interteyned agaynst him with other Princes, and with the Svvizzers: he was not ignoraunt that a litle before, pushed on by a desire directly to hinder the recouery of Verona, he had suffred the regimentes of Spanishe footemen comming from Naples to the reskew of it, to passe in seuerall trowpes through the dominions of the Churche, excusing himselfe that he would not giue them occasion to passe in one ioynt strength, beeing in that case not hable to stoppe them: Lastely he founde in his conscience that he had not performed his promises touching the donation of the tenthes but vnder conditions suttle and intangled, nor had obserued the rendring of the townes to the Duke of Ferrara, abusing the kings exspectation, and his owne fidelitie. These were right iust causes to make him doubt of the kings will, whereof also his suspicions made him seeme to see certayne tokens, for that this conspiracie and leauie of men being bred in the partes of Verona, it could not be that Monsr de Lavvtrech coulde be without knowledge of it many dayes before, and seeing he was secret and silent in it, it was a manyfest presumption of his priuitie and consent. To this also was added a ielousie of Federike Bossolo, hauing till then followed the paye of the king, and it was doubtful whether that was true that Monsr de Lavvtrech alleaged for his excuse, that the time of his enterteinment was finished. Moreouer the Pope stoode doubtfull of thincli­nation of the Venetians, hauing an opinion that their Cōmissioners had made them selues parties to this vnion, for that the Senate stoode verye muche discontented with him aswell in regarde of things paste, as for iclousie of his present greatnes, which was suche that being successor of so great a power and reputation of a Pope­dome, he disposed absolutely at his deuotion the whole estate of the Florentins. These considerations brought no small amaze to the Pope, to whom also was no lesse reason of exspectation or hope in the confidence or alliance with other Prin­ces, for that, besides that they were of newe reconciled and confedered with the French king, not one of them helde for acceptable his maner of proceeding with se­crete councells and suttleties, wherein albeit he dissembled sometimes to incline on their side, yet what betweene the detections that burst out agaynst him, & the slow execution of his intentions and promises, he gaue little or none satisfaction to any of them: yea disclosing oftentimes a manyfest doubt agaynst them all, he had dis­patched a little before to the king Catholike Freare Nicholao an Almain, and secre­torie to the Cardinall Medicis to drawe him from thenteruiew and parley whiche was solicited with the French king, fearing a contract of greater alliance betweene them, to his preiudice. Thus the Pope waued indifferently betwene doubt & dread betwene feare and suspicion, exspecting all things to happen to him which his ty­merous conscience did suggest or fashion, the same being a passion that oftentymes ‘tormentes the myndes of yll men, agaynst whom Salomon pronounceth this vexa­tion: that what so euer their guyltie mindes do feare in yll, the same shall assured­ly happen vnto them: Neuerthelesse amidde these confusions and suspensions of minde,’ he and his nephew Lavvrence ceassed not to sende bandes of souldiors into Romagnia, suche as for the most parte were leauyed of newe, and the residue drawne out of the squadrons of the Florentins pensioners: his reason was in sending out of this force, that ioyning with Ranso de Cero and Vitelli, who laye at Rauenna with the regimentes of men at armes, they might giue impediment to the passage of thene­mies: [Page 732] But this expedition was in vayne and theffect thereof, for that tharmie of thenemie, hauing already passed the ryuer of Pavv at Ostia, and preuenting with their celeritie the preparations of their aduersaries, were by that time entred vpon the landes of the duke of Ferrara, taking the waye to Cento and Burio, and marching thorowe the countrey of Bolognia: In this iourney they sacked Granarola, which is borowe vpon the territories of Fauentia, and from thence they drewe neare to Faen­za, to proue if they could conspire any mutation there by the helpe of a young gen­tleman of the familie of Mansroy, who was in that armie: But the inhabitauntes of Faenza disauowing al mutinies, the armie passed further, not trying to get any other of the townes of Romagnia, for that they were all strong in garrison eyther of men at armes or of footemen, and for the better suretie of Rimini, Ranso & Vitellt were gone thither by sea. Lavvrence came to Cesena to assemble his companies there, and at Ri­mini: but for that thenemies were already passed, he ceassed not in the meane while to leauie souldiors in many places, whereof there flocked to him both more then he needed, and more then he required: for a regiment of two thousande fiue hun­dred launceknights that were dismissed by Monsr de Lavvtrech to returne into their houses, and likewise certaine colonels of iij. thousand Gascons, were reteyned by Iohn Poppy secretory to Lavvrence: wherin he vsed his owne authoritie, being perswaded that that army of footemen would folowe Francisco Maria if they were not waged by others, or happly he beleeued lightly that with these forces there might be ope­ned an easie waye to the victorie: In this action he imployed also thauthoritie of Monsr Lavvtrech (with whom he had remayned many monethes) to perswade the Capteines, whom with their seuerall bandes and regimentes he conuerted imme­diatly towardes Bolognia: But his diligence brought foorth an effect contrarie to his exspectation and the merite of his trauell, since the Pope and Lavvrence were dis­contented with that maner of doing, suspecting the kings indignation, and yet they could not refuse them, for feare least they would ioyne to thenemie being marched so farre with mindes and promises to be imployed: In the meane while Francisco Maria aduaunced more and more, accompanying his fortune with that diligence and celeritie which leades men of action to the successe and felicitie of thenterpri­ses they followe: he was no sooner entred into the Duchie of Vrbin, then he was Vrbin retur­neth to the obedience of the naturall Duke. receyued in euery place with great ioye and gladnesse, he founde no souldiors in the townes, for that Lavvrence hauing no leysure to refurnishe so many places, had onely care to defende the Citie of Vrbin, the sanctuarie and capitall place of that Duchie: And for that cause was sent thither by the counsell of Vitelly, a strength of two thousande footemen from Citta di Castello, and in place of Vitelly that refused to go to that seruice, that charge was committed to Iacques Rossetto of Citta di Castello, who notwithstanding he was aduised, by reason the people of Vrbin were holden sus­pected, to chase out of the towne all suche bodies as were vnhable to beare armes, yet he forbare to execute any suche violence, thinking he should better assure him­selfe by clemencie then by crueltie. But Francisco Maria not conuerting his time to the seruice of any other place, drew directly to Vrbin, where albeit he could do litle at the first approche, yet at the seconde, Iacques Roffetto agreed to deliuer the towne into his handes, his infidelitie being greater then his feare, both for that there were no mutinies nor vproares amongst the people, and also he had no reason to be ty­merous of the forces of thenemies, hauing neyther artilleries nor other prouisions seruing to the taking of townes: The souldiors according to the composition went out of the towne, their goods and lyues saued, but the Bishoppe of Vitelly remay­ned [Page 733] prisoner, who had bene regent of that estate for the new Duke, and vnder whose gouernment it seemed that nothing had happly succeeded: All the other townes and places of the duchie solowed thexample of Vrbin, except S. Leon, which for the qualitie of his situation, and propertie of the munitions that were there, was easie to be defended, yea with a very small garrison: The citie of Agobbio that in the beginning was declared for Franciscomaria, and eftsoones returned to the obedi­ence of Lavvrence, did nowe as the rest did, beeing caryed not by respect to fayth and alleageance, but by the euent and obseruation of thinges: onely Pesero, Siniga­lo, Gradaro and Mondano, townes seperate from the Duchie, remayned in the iuris­diction and deuotion of Lavvrence. Franciscomaria hauing thus recouered Vrbin, entred into deuise to make him selfe lorde of some place vpon the sea shoare: And Fano besie­ged. making showes as though he woulde go to Pesero, whither were gone already ma­ny bands of souldiors, and to Sinigalo, he dissembled his intention & drewe towards Fano, a Citie which in all times had caryed more facilitie to be taken, and wherof the aduersary douted least, for that it had bene neuer as yet subiected to his iurisdiction, Ranso de Cere that lay at Pesero, either douting of the danger which in reason of warre he foresaw, or seeing into his intention, which he could not hide, dispatched thither Troylo Sauello, with an hundred men at armes, & six hundred footemen: Neuerthe­lesse thenemie made his approches with fiue peces of artillery not great, which they had founde in Vrbin, and hauing also wante of powder, they coulde not make so great execution as they would, only they brought downe to the earth xx. fadoms of wall, which notwithstanding was not done without great difficulty, yet they folo­wed it with an assalt, at which they lost more then an hundred & fifty men: But ney­ther being amased with that slaughter (for their minds were resolute) nor stāding to exspect and temporise (though they were weake in munitions) they recontinued the charge the day folowing, whē with their vallor they so far vanquished the peril, that they made the breach almost abādoned, yea they had no dout entred the wall, had it not ben for Fabian de Galleso liestenant to Troylo, who being left vpon the wall with a very smal company of men of warre, made a wonderfull defence, and susteined the charge: The day after they were prepared to giue the third assalt, but vnderstanding by espiall that a strength of fiue hundred men sent from Pesero, were entred by night by sea, they leauyed the siege, & retyred to the borow & castell of the mount Baroco, which standing vpon a high hill, beareth a very strong situation, his discending be­ing easie towardes Fossambrun, and most harde and sharpe towards Pescro: They re­mained in that place, where hauing no further conuenient occasion, they garded the duchie of Vrbin which lay vpon their backes. On the other side, those regiments of Launceknightes and Gascons that were come to Rimini to Lavvrence de Medicis, prepared them to march, together with many bands of Italian footmen, & an other regiment of xv. hundred Launceknightes, of those that had bene at the seruice of Verona: with which strength ioyned to the horsmen of the Popedome and Florence, Lavvrence marched with his men at armes to Pesera: And being wholly gouerned by the counsell of his capteins for the small experience he had to manage an enter­prise, he sent his footemen to incampe vppon the mountaynes opposite to thenne­mies. The Citie of Pesera standeth at the entrie of a little valley which comes from Description of the Citie of Pesero. Vrbin, out of which issueth a ryuer whiche thinhabitantes call Porto, for that by thoportunitie of his deepenes the vesselles are broughte vp euen to that place: this ryuer ronnes neare to the Citie on that syde whiche is towardes Rimini: The Castell hath his standing towardes the sea, and betwene the riuer and the Citie [Page 734] be many store houses which Ranso caused to be reuersed for the surety of the towne: A great part of the citie is enuironed with mountaynes on all partes, which stretche not out so farre as the sea, but betwene them and the sea remayneth a certayne pece of the playne conteyning two myles in largenes on that side towardes Fano, and vp­pon the banke rise two hilles the one right ouer agaynst the other: that towards the sea is called Candelaro, and Nugalaro that which hath his prospect towardes Vrbin: and in the toppe of euery of them is a borowe and a castell bearing the same name. The Italian footemen were lodged at the castell of Candelaro, and to the Launce­knights and Gascons was appoynted Nugalaro which lay nearest to thenemie: which disposing of tharmy in this sort, was not of intētion to fight with thē otherwise, then by light skirmishes to cut them off from ouerrunning the contrey, or to amuse them for resoluing to any enterprise: for the Popes counsell was not to hazard the battell with thenemies, vnlesse there were almost an assured hope of the victory, for that he sawe what perill it was to fight against resolute men, who by how much greater was thinequalitie of the reward of the victory, by so much lesse would they feare the ha­zard of their liues: & the battel swaying on their side, he saw the estate of the church and the Florentins would be abandoned into manifest danger: That it were far more assured to temporise, specially the apparance being great, that for want of mony and vittels, thenemy would draw to some disorder, the pouerty & sterility of the contrey compelling them thervnto: That his army with respite would become better & bet­ter, aswel through experience which much helpeth to the perfection of souldiors, as also that from moneth to moneth it was refurnished with braue & resolute bodies: Lastly he had exspectation that his affaires would dayly take better course, since that frō the beginning of this stir & action, he had vehemently solicited the succors of all Princes, both complayning to their Embassadors that laye at Rome, and by speciall messengers and letters imploring the Princes them selues: wherin he wrought not with all in one maner, for, signifying to Caesar and the king of Spayne that the conspi­racie of Franciscomaria and the Spanish footemen, was contriued in the camp of the French king, and with the priuity of his lieftenant: he obiected so farre in those par­ticular clauses of his letters, that it might be easily comprehended how farre he sus­pected the king in the action: And to the french king him himselfe he alleaged only a ielousie of Monsr de Lavvtrech, and forbare to execute his complaints any further. The matter was diuersly taken by those Princes, for to Caesar and his nephew it was no small gladnes to heare that the Pope interpreted that iniurie to the French king: Besides, the auncient hatred of Caesar ioyned to his naturall inconstancie, had made him already estraunged from the French king, and newly become confederate with the king of England: He also had communed with his nephew neare Antvvarpe, and disswaded him from hauing conference with the Frenche king, whiche accordingly wasat last accomplished by the consent of both the one and the other king: And in the king Catholike the confederation that he had with him, did not suffice to de­face his emulation, ielousie, and suspicion: So that they made a readie offer to the Pope to ayde him, giuing present commaundement to all their subiectes to de­parte from the warre that was made agaynst the Pope: The kinge Catholike sente the Count Potenso to the Realme of Naples, to thende that vpon the view and moo­ster of his men at armes, he shoulde leade to his succours foure hundred laun­ces: and for a more full testomonie of his will, he deposed Franciscomaria as diso­bedient, from the Duchie of Sora, an estate lying vppon the confines of Terra Lauoro and had bene purchased by hys father: but for other respectes, were [Page 735] agreable the perplexities of the Pope to the French king, as a Prince that had a mind estraunged from him: & therefore following his example from the beginning, he determined to enterteine him with vaine hopes, & answering that his discōtent­ments brought no litle griefe to him, he promised so to worke that Monsr Lavvtrech should minister to his affaires: And yet he forbare not to say that the Pope him selfe had bene the causer of his proper afflictions, for that the Spaniards would neuer haue taken that boldnesse, if their numbers had not bene increased by such as vnder his li­cence, were passed from Naples to Verona: This was the kings intencion at the begin­ning: But considering afterwards that the Pope being left abandoned of him and of his succours would run with a ready will into the amities of the king Catholike, he determined to aide & fauor him, & according to the estate of the time, to draw some frute of his necessity: Insomuch as the Pope sending eftsoones to demaund succours of him, he tooke order to refurnish him from Millan with three hundred launces, re­quiring withall to haue a newe league to passe betwene thē, since that that was con­tracted affore at Bolognia, was of no more consideracion, hauing suffred many viola­cions by the Pope in sundrie maners: he added many complaints to the offers which he made him: somtimes he sayd he suffred wrong in matters wherein the Pope char­ged him to other Princes: & somtimes he held himselfe iniuried, for that he had ex­cōmunicated George Sopressan soliciting for him with the Svvizzers, an actiō wherin the despite of his iniury was so much the greater, by how much in the doing of it he expressed a desire to gratifie the Cardinall of Syon: Moreouer the Lady Regent mo­ther to the king & of no small authority with him, reprehended without respect, the impiety of the Pope, for that not satisfied to haue chased a Prince out of his proper estates and dominions, he had also subiected him to the censures of the Church, and with a mind full of inhumanity, had denied to the old Duchesse, the property of her dowrie due vpon those Patrimonies, and also had withdrawne from the young Du­chesse his wife, all sortes of reliefe & meanes to preserue & nourish her: these words finding passage euen to the eares and hearing of the Pope, brought matter to re­double the suspicion: Neuerthelesse the Pope, who in those difficulties desired the kinges succours not so much for theffect and meaning, as for the name and reputa­cion of them, being not able to dissemble his suspicion, made stay for many dayes of the iij. hundred launces that went from Millan vpon the territories of Modona & Bo­lognia: & afterwards Lavvrence bestowed them within Rimini, as hauing lesse meane to annoy him by lying there, for that that city bare a farre distance from thenemies. The Pope could not be drawne from his ielosies and suspicions, notwithstanding at the same time was set downe in Rome, a conclusion of cōfederacion betwene him & the french king: & albeit before it was ratified, the king obiected many new difficul­ties for the which the matter remeined many dayes in suspence, yet at last the Pope yeelding to many thinges, the king past the ratificacion: By the articles of ratifica­cion the Pope and the king were reciprocally bounde to the defense of their estates Consedera­cion betwene the Pope and fr. king. with an equall proporcion of men and souldiours, and a charge of twelue thowsand duckats for euery moneth: The same bonde was betwene the Frenche king and the Florentins, with whome was conioyned the authority of Lavvrence de Medicis, and in that article was comprehended the Duchie of Vrbin, but with a lesser number of men, and pay of six thowsande duckats monthly: The king was bounde to ayde the Pope whensoeuer he had any action vpon the subiectes and vassalls of the Church: The Pope confirmed to the king the nominacion of the benefices, and the tenth, according to his promises made at Bolognia, vnder this condicion that the moneys [Page 736] shoulde bee put into the handes of a third man to be employed agaynst the Turkes: This was the cooller of graūting the tenth, but there was secretly hope giuen to the king, that after the collection of the whole quantitie, the condicion shoulde bee chaunged by an other writ, & his maiestie to haue libertie to conuert them to what vse he would: The Pope passed a seuerall promisse to the king vnder his signature, neuer to demaunde of him any ayde or succours against the Duke of Ferrara, and consented withall, that the kinge might take him into his protection: There was long dispute vppon the rendring of Reggia, Modona, and Rubiero, which albeit the king demaunded with no small instance according to the Popes promisses at Bolog­nia, and the Pope altogether not refused it, yet he reserued the restitucion till an o­ther tyme, alleaging that it would bee an action farre vnworthy of him and almost a confession of his extreme necessitie and compulsion, to redeliuer them at a tyme when he stoode oppressed with the warre: The king stoode still vppon it to haue them rendred presently, Insomuch that the Pope making manifest showes that he would vtterly estraunge him selfe from the king if he sought to constrayne him any further, the kinge hauing for declared ennemies thenglish, and no lesse suspicion of Caesar, the Spanyards and the Svvyzzers, accepted the Popes promisse vnder his hande, that within seuen monethes next following, he woulde put into the handes of the Duke of Ferrara, Modona, Reggia, and Rubiero: The Pope had this intencion that if the daungers wherein he was, ceassed affore, he woulde make no more accompt of his acte vnder his signature then of his promisse simply made at Bolognia: And touching the king, since he coulde wynne no further of him without the hazarde of his extreame indignation, helde him selfe contented, esteeming it somewhat sufficient, that he had appearing in writing thassurance and testimony of his word and faith.

During the discourse and action of these matters, Lavvrence had much increased his armie both by many regiments of Italians leauyed of newe, and also by a thow­sand footemen spanish and a thowsand launceknightes waged by the Pope at Rome: with which strength ioyned to thopportunitie and rypenes of the time, he sawe he stood in good estate to assay to deliuer him selfe of such a warre, wherein his onely hope was by the strength & situacion of the place where thennemies lay, to compell them to discampe for want of vittells: for which cause was dispatched Camylla Vrsin with seuen hūdred light horsemen, to ouerronne all that contrey which is called the vicariage from whence came the greatest traffike of their vittells: At this tyme was sent to Pesera from the campe of thennemie, A trompet who required of Lavvrence saffeconduit for Capteine Svvaro a Spanyard appoynted by Franciscomaria to come to him: his demaunde was easily accepted by Lavvrence for that he thought it had bene a Capteine with whome he had interteyned very secret intelligence: But there came to him an other Capteine of the same name, and with him one Oracio de Ferma Secretorie to Franciscomaria, who after they were brought into publike au­dience, declared, (according to thinstructions of Franciscomaria) that since the quar­rells that were betwene them might be decided by singular combate of their owne persons, or with a determinate number of men indifferently agreed vpon by them both, it were better to chuse the one of those two meanes, then to perseuere in that coursse whereby might bee brought to destruction so many numbers of people on both sides, no lesse contrary to all pietie, then euen to the preiudice of whosoeuer should cary the victory: In which good respects, Franciscomaria offred him to make Franciscomaria sendes to defie Law. de Medicis. election of whether of these ij waies he would: & after he had deliuered this message [Page 737] by mouth, he would haue red a wryting that he had in his hand, sauing that he was forbidden: Lavvrence aunswered by the councell of his Capteines, that he willing­ly accepted this offer, so farre forth as Franciscomaria would first leaue those peeces which he occupied by force: After which aunswere (by thincensing of Ranso de Cero) he caused them both to be apprehended prisoners, Ranso mainteyning that they had deserued punishement for performing an action too insolent: But the other Cap­teines shewing him howe farre he transgressed the law of armes and the reputacion of his faith and word, he let goe Svvaro, & reteined only Oratio, excusing, with false colours, thinfamy of his faith breaking, as though it had bene necessary in the safe­conduit to haue expressed specially Oratio, who, for his birth & countrey, was a sub­iect of the Church, and for his place, a secretary to the enemy: But his restraint was chiefly to draw from him the secrets of Franciscomaria, but specially by whose coun­cell and authoritie he had begonne the warre: Whereuppon being examined with torments, it was published that in his confession was matter to augment the suspi­cion conceiued against the french king: To the desire of Lavvrence, to cut of from the Spanyards the traffike of vittels out of the countrey of the vicariage, was neede to be applied greater forces, both for that by the incursions of his light horsemen, was done no matter of importance, and withall, his armie was in that estate of strength & furniture, that he might boldly make head against thenemies: for, beside a thow­sand men at armes and a thowsand light horsemen, he had leauied fiftene thowsand footemen of diuers nations, amongest whom was a regiment of two thowsand Spa­nyards mustered at Rome: An armie of footemen of speciall choise and sorte, and of great exercise and training in armes for that the warre being in no other place in I­talie, the Capteines had good meane to exchaunge for better, all such bands of Ita­lian footemen as were leauied in hast: And so compounded their whole army vpon the glory and flower of the souldiours of all Italie: He determined at last to goe in­campe at Sorbolonguo, a borow in the countrey of Fano fiue miles from Fossambrono, from whence it was easie to him to restraine from thenemy all releefe comming out of the Vicariage: The city of Fossambrono stands vpon the riuer of Mettro, which is a Scituacion of Fossambrono. riuer of name, by reason of a victory which the Romaines had against Asdruball of Carthage, and running thither by a channell restrained betwene the mounteynes, it passeth Fossambrono, and beginnes to runne thorowe a litle vallie more large, which makes it selfe so much the larger by how much it approacheth the sea that is fiftene miles beyond Fossambrono, and there it falleth into Mettro neare to Fano, but on that side towardes Sinigalo: On the right hand following the course of the riuer, is the countrey which they call the Vicariage full of fertill hills, and borowes, and lyeth stretched out in great length towardes the sea: and on the left hand of the riuer are also hills, but passing further, there are found mounteynes very high and sharpe, the plaine or vallie whereof extending towards Fano, conteyneth more then three miles in largenes: At such time as Lavvrence determined to incampe at Sorbolonguo, fea­ring least his enemies, knowing of his remouing would preuent him: he sent on the morow, affore day Iohn de Medicis, Ioh. Baptista Stabbio, & Brumalt de Furly with foure hundred horsemen, to surprise Sorbolongo, and gaue order to the footemen that were at Candelaro and Nugularo, to crosse the mounteynes and draw towardes Mettro, to ioyne with the others: him selfe with the residue of tharmie, leauing for the gard of Pesero, Guido Rangon with an hundred and fifty men at armes, tooke his way at sunne rising, from Pesero towards Fano along the sea shoare, & afterwards turning towards Fossambrono where the vally beginneth, he arriued about noone at a place called our [Page 738] Ladies myll buylt vppon the ryuer: All the horsemen and the regiments of Italian footemen, passed the riuer by ford, but the bands of Gascons and launceknights, were so long in passing the bridge prepared to that ende, that the armie was not able that day to fetche Sorbolongo according to the direction: and therefore they thought it conuenient to incampe at S. Georges, Orciano, & Mondano, borowes bearing distance one from an other halfe a myle: The direction that was layd out for the light horse­men, succeeded not with much better fortune▪ for, as they marched, Ioh▪ de Medicis▪ (in whom in this first try all of seruice, appeared those signes of vallour that appertei­ned to one of his discending) seeming by errour to take the longer way, le [...]t the resi­due that contemned his councel & entred within Sorbolongo long time before night▪ & the other two Capteines, after they had fetched a long compasse, returned at last to tharmie, being abused (as they sayd) by their guide: Neither could Iohn de Medi­cis (who had with him onely his regiment) abyde that night within Sorbolongo, for that the same morning Franciscomaria, had with great celeritie taken the fielde with all his armie, doubting belike of the discamping of his enemies, and no lesse imagi­ning which way they would draw: he found no impediment to passe the riuer, but vsing the fauor of a stone bridge at Fossombrono, he wonne Sorbolongo affore night, & bringing with him matter of feare and astonishment to Iohn, being then of sufficient abilitie to resist him, he compelled Iohn to retyre towardes Orciano, whether he was followed in chasse by the horsemen of thennemie, who made pray of many of his people and caried them backe in the state and fortune of prisoners: At Oreiano he went to find Lavvrence in his lodging, to whom he complayned with a minde much discontented, that either the negligence, or the cowardise of Brunault & Iohn Baptista Stabbia, standing then in his presence, had that day taken out of his hand, the victorie of the warre: he esteemed the iniury so much the greater, by how much the vertue & celeritie of his owne people were lesse forward to aduaunce his glory, then fortune her selfe, who for the most part vseth to hold backe the merit of mens vallour in such actions: But albeit this was the first, yet it was not the onely occasion of good lucke, that the armie of Lavvrence did lose, seing afterwards he did not onely omit the ho­nor of enterprises of great importāce, but also he was followed cōtinually with farre more daungerous disorders, his ill fortune being alwaies accompanied with ill coun­cels: The borowes of Orciano & Sorbolongo haue their situacion in a place eminent & high, & are distant one from the other, somwhat more then two miles: the myd way betwene them is ful of litle mounteines and hils, and hath a borow in it called Barty, wherein were incamped part of the bands of Franciscomaria, & for that neighbour­hood and nearenes of tharmies, all the day following was spent in skirmishing: A­mongest the Capteines of Lavvrence armie, the councells and opinions were di­uers: for, some and chiefly they who bare least swaigh in the resolucion of thinges, perswaded to giue a charge of thennemies, thinking perhaps, by aduauncing vainely valiant councells, they should get the name of valiant men, not waighing in their glorious moodes, how farre the daunger exceeded the attempt: But this councell was impugned by Ranso and Vitelli, vpon whose aduises Lavvrence with great confi­dence, founded all his directions, for, sayd they, thennemies being lodged in a place of strength and aduauntage, and hauing on their backe the fauour of the borowe, there was no possibilitie to execute that enterprise, but by a waye troublesome and too full of annoyance: yea they thought it not good that tharmie shoulde con­tinue in those places, beeing a matter no lesse vnprofitable, then hindering the purposse for the which they were remoued from Pesero, for that Sorbolongo beeing [Page 739] at the deuotion of Franciscomaria, i [...] woulde bee harde to restraine the resorte of vittells from the countrey of the Vicareage. These reasons made reiected all other counsels, obteyning what by the audioritie of the same, and by the necessitie of things, that the army should returne. And to thende their retyring should not seeme a manifest flying, their direction was that tharmie should not onely returne to their first lodging place, but also to go sease vpon Monte Baroccio and other places left a­bandoned by thenemies, from whence they might drawe towards Vrbin: With this resolution the armie departed the moarning folowing at the appearing of the day: But the maner of their going away helde more of a fleing then of a retraite, whiche growing to an opinion thorow out the campe, it happned that Franciscomaria was aduertised by two men at armes, that thenemies were filled full of feare, and were broken vp almoste in disorder and fleing▪ In so muche as seeming to be almost pos­sessed of the certayne victorie, he aduaunced his armie and marched with great speede, by the waye that leades athivart the mountaynes: he hoped to encounter them at their discending into the playne, beleeuing that they would take the waye that was moste shorte and passible, which if they had taken, neyther the one nor the other armie could haue auoyded the battell: But as oftentimes in warres, effectes and euentes of greatest consequence are both hindred and chaunged by light cau­ses and accidentes: so fortune would, that by the occasion of a Canon left behinde the daye before, for that one of his mounting wheeles was broken, the army of Lavvrence went to repasse the ryuer of Metro at our Ladyes myll, whiche is foure rhyles lower then the place where vnto his short and easie way would haue brought him: All the horsemen and footemen of Lavvrence armie passed ouer at the foarde, and as both for their numbers and other impedimentes they made a long passage, so assone as they were ouer, they caste them selues with great celeritie into order, keeping along the playne that draweth towards Fossambrono: The army of footmen being passed, and the men at armes and light horsmen marching in the later warde of the campe being vpon their passing, the light horsemen of thenemies, both many in number, & of the most resolute, began to skirmish with them: In which encoun­ter was taken prisoner Constantin the sonne of Iohn Paule Baillon, whom we might aswell call his nephew as his sonne, since he begat him of one of his owne sisters: not many dayes before the same Iohn Paule was come to the armie, and led the vant­garde, but by the yll chaunce of his sonne, striuing to do his best to recouer him, he stayde so long deuising, that from thauauntgarde he became in the areareward, and Lavvrence that ledde the battell stepped into the forewarde, as also Troylus Sauelo that gouerned the arearegard was set to guyde the battell, for that Ranso and Vitelli marched before with the footemen: But Franciscomaria and his capteines, discer­ning well that thenemies, by the same measure and numbers where with they passed the riuer, turned towards Fossambrono, sawe that they remoued not like men that fledde, but with intention to surprise Montebaroccio: for which consideration, they forgate their former furie and disposition to feight, which happly was grounded vp­pon an imagined feare of thenemies, and leauing abandoned their baggage, they ranne in great haste, and with no lesse disorder, yea casting their ensignes wrapped vpon their shoulders, to get a very strong passage of the ryuer called the passage of Tauernelle: At this passage it seemed that nature had made a confused trenche full of cliffes which runneth all along through a plaine place euen vntill the mountaine, which gaue no libertie of passage but by one way which was made for ease and suf­france: To this passage if their bandes had come, who turned from that side alwayes [Page 740] as they passed ouer, the Spaniards had bene reduced into manifest daunger▪ And al­beit Lavvrence and his capteines were aduertised of this by Lodovvike the sonne of Oliuer de Fermo, who the same day was come to the army with a thousand footmen together with a Spanish sergeant that could well discouer the countrey, yet their es­piall was of litle profite, fortune and destinie being stronger then counsell: for not­withstanding in the regimentes of Launceknights and Gascons was expressed a won­derfull readinesse and disposition to feight, and the same desired with an vniuersall crye throughout the whole campe, and withall, the will of Lavvrence beeing fully concurrant: yet that resolute deuotion of the campe was not executed by the ad­uise of Ranso de Cere and Vitelly, who counselled him not to go meete his enemies, but to drawe his armie to a little hill faste by, from whence in great safetie he might do many greeuances to his enemies with his light horsemen if they attempted to passe the ryuer: And so leauing that place of strength, Ranso turned towardes the mountayne, which assone as the Spaniards had brought to their deuotion, they be­gan to salute with the bollet those bandes of launceknightes that laye nearest them, and signified with cryings & other tokens full of reioysing, how out of a danger ma­nifest and desperate, their vallour had made them a way into absolute safety: Thus eyther by indiscression or by cowardise (if we may not allowe destinie to partake in it) did Lavvrence loase that day in the iudgement of all men thoccasion of the victo­rie: Lawrence loa­seth thoccasiō of the victory. The difference of counsells amongst his capteines were very preiudiciall to the glory and successe of this expedition, for they stoode there to consult and debate, where occasion called them on to execute the thing which their fortune had offred them, and then were they least setled in resolution, when they sawe most necessitie of action: That night the armie was lodged in a burrow neare that place called Sal­taro: but such was the diligence of Eranciscomaria, that marching with his camp till well of the night, he gate Montebaroccio, preuenting a regiment of two thousande footemen which Lavvrence sent thither to surprise it: The day after he went and in­camped aboue Saltaro towards the mountayne, taking a place for the bestowing of his army, that had his prospect vpon Montebaroccio, but standing somewhat lower & had his situation vpon the sea shore: These were the places wherin the two armies incamped, bearing no more distance then a myle one from an other, onely there fell: to Lavvrence greater discommodities by the often want of vittels, for that the traf­fike lying by sea from Pesera to Fano, they were driuen vppon the alteration of the winds, to vse the seruice of cariages ouerlande, to the which the light horsemen of Franciscomaria gaue no smal impediments by their continuall roades and incursions ouer the whole contrey, hauing espiall by the peisants of euery litle mouing of then­nemies. About this time Franciscomaria sent a trompet to communicate with the Gascons certaine pacquets of letters found amongst the writings of the secretories of Lavvrence and taken from him with other of his trashe by the horsemen of thene­mie the same day that he departed from the borowe of Saltaro: By these letters was discerned that the Pope beeing wearie of the great payes of the Gascons, and yet stoode to make immoderate augmentation of them euery moneth, wished that tra­uell might be made to induce them to returne into Fraunce: By whiche occasion there had bene great perill of a tumult the selfe same daye, if Carbono their capteine and Lavvrence de Medicis had not by good perswasions reclaymed them, making them beleeue that the exhibition of those letters, was but a subborned and fallible stratageme of thennemie: Neuerthelesse, what by the suspicion of that daun­ger, the necessitie of vittelles, and the difficulties of the place bearing more ma­nyfest [Page 741] signes to loase, then any hope at all to wynne, they determined to breake vppe from thence, and to enter into the countrey of the Viccareage on that side that is nearest the sea, and so to marche on, tyll they approched Fossambrono: And albeit it was not without shame to retyre so often from thenemies, yet the resolu­tion to departe was allowed through the whole campe, but not without the infamy of Ranso and Vitelli, agaynst whom exclaymed all the regimentes of souldiors, char­ging him that if in the beginning they had put execution to that deuise, they had brought vpon thenemies no small wantes and difficulties of vittells: Lavvrence him selfe reprehended them no lesse then the others, who accompanying his complaints with reprochefull suspicions, imposed vpon them, that, eyther to make the warre long for their particular profite, or to hinder his reputation and glorie by armes, fearing happly to their persons the like effects by his greatnes, which thestate and ambicion of Valentinois had wrought agaynst their houses, they had brought so ma­ny difficulties and so many daungers vpon an army so mightie and appoynted, and so farre aboue thenemies, in force, in fortune, and in discipline: But the army mar­ched and incamped before S. Constance, a borowe apperteining to the countrey of the viccareage, the walles whereof they began with no lesse speede then violence to batter and execute with their artilleries: And albeit the inhabitantes sued for par­ley, and offred to submitte and render it, yet knowing the facilitie to force it, there was giuen to the Gascens onely a full libertie to assaulte it, retyring from the walles all the other sortes of souldiors: suche was the desire to reappease the angry minds of the Gascons by the spoyle and sacke of that place, whereof the whole profite and riches was transferred to them. From thence the campe marched two myles fur­ther, and went the same day to Mandolffe the beste and strongest borowe of all the Viccareage, and hauing his situation vpon a hill and a high place thereof, is also in­uironed with walls and trenches conuenient, to the which the situation of the place serueth as a rampier, hauing withall two hundred souldiors in garrison: That night they planted thartilleries on that side towards the South, but eyther by negligence or by indiscression of Ranso de Cere, to whome was appoynted the managing of that charge, they were planted in a place discouered and not defended by ram­piers: by whiche falte, before the sunne had dispersed his brightnes one howre vpon the earth, there were slayne by the artilleries from within, eight Cannoniers with many pyoners, and Antho. Santcrosse the capteine of their artillerie, wounded: by reason of whiche accident, Lavvrence rising into some perturbation of minde, went in person to cause thartilleries to be rampiered and defended, notwithstanding all his capteines aduised him to forbeare in his owne person thexecution of a daun­ger which he might well recommende to the charge of an other: After he had set in hande that labor and well refurnished the worke with all things necessarie, about the midde of the day he retyred behinde the place to reapose him selfe vnder the shade of certaine trees, thinking the height of the hill to be a sufficient couer to him agaynst all daungers: But as he labored in climbing, and the height of the hill dimi­nishing by his labor, he discouered a sidelong, the rocke situate on that side towards the west, which he had no sooner disclosed then he had in his eye (suche is the swift­nesse Lawrence de Medicis hurt. of destinie) a fyre giuen to a harquebuze layde with full leauill agaynst him: And as he threwe himselfe flat on his face to deceyue the blowe, the swiftnesse of the bollet was farre greater then his speede in falling, in somuch as before he could fall to the earth, the bollet that otherwise had ronne through his body, tooke the toppe of his head, and rasing vppon the boane, passed along the brayne panne to­wardes [Page 742] the necke: This wounding of the generall brought no small greefe to the capteines and vniuersall multitude of the armie, in whom was kindled a greater de­sire of reuenge, by howmuche lesse worthy were the people by whom they had re­ceiued the despite, and that euen in the person of the greatest amongest them: And therefore redoubling their resolution by the remembraunce of the iniurie, and fin­ding that notwithstanding the battring they had made of the wall, the earth was yet too high behinde, they began to caste a myne, wherewith entring vnder a towre that leaned to the wall which they had battred, they put fyre to it the v. daye: The powder and other matter vsed in the myne beeing embrased of the fyre, threwe out suche a violence and strength that it brought the tower down to the earth, together with a quarter of the wall ioyning to it: which furious execution of the fyre was fol­lowed of the campe with an assalte, but with litle order and (as it were) at aduen­ture, the same yeelding no other frute then suche as is wont to growe vpon enter­prises yll disposed and directed: Neuerthelesse (fortune in some actions doth more then eyther power or pollicie) the night drawing on, the souldiors that had no ex­spectation of succours, for that Franciscomaria had not stirred from Montebaroccio, eyther not to loase the aduauntage of the situation of the place, or for other occa­sion, yeelded vp the place vnder condition of goodes and lyfe saued, leauing in vyle maner the people of the towne as a wretched praye to thenemies: But by reason of the hurt of Lavvrence, which brought his life in daunger, the Pope sent as Legate to tharmie, the Cardinall S. Maria in Portico, who, yll fortune being already ioyned to yll gouernment, began with very yll signes to exercise his Legation: for, the daye after he came to tharmie, there happned a quarrell by chaunce betweene an Italian and a Launceknight, when suche as were nearest ronning to the fray, and euery one calling vppon the name of his nation, the tumult so increased through the whole campe, that neyther exspecting any information of the cause, nor seeking the due redresse and remedie of the same, all the bandes of footemen ranne in great mutinie to the lodgings of their fellowes and companions, to arme themselues: The vio­lence of their disorder caryed them so farre, that whosoeuer they encountred in the waye of an other language or nation, payed with their lyues the price of their fury: And as suche generall calamities drawe with them many diuersities of disorders, so in this vniuersall confusion, whylest the bandes of Italian footemen were gone in good order towards the place where the tumult began, their lodgings and houses were sacked by the Gascons: No nation, no regiment, no companie was free from this outrage: and in whom was greatest care to cure the euyll, in him was moste possibilitie of perill and daunger: The innocent found least safetie in absteining most from violence: there was no dispensation of harmes where was no respect to per­son, and lesse exspectation of safetie where the sworde bare moste swaye, and that guyded by handes fierie and bloudy: The principall capteines after they had bene in councell to remedie the disorder, ranne to the fray, to see if by their presence they might do the thing which they were not hable to do by counsell: But finding the daunger of the tumult to be greater then their authoritie, euery one cast from him the thoughtes and care of the common busines, and began to looke to their parti­cular safetie: they ranne to their lodginges and houses, and putting in order their men at armes, they retyred for their safetie a myle from the campe, drawing with them their particular companies to defende them from the furie of the popular souldiors: onely the Legate Bibieno, vsing the constancie and readines that apper­teined to his office and honor, would neuer abandon the common cause, but put­ting [Page 743] him selfe oftentimes with the daūger of his life, amid the presse of their bloody swords and weapons, he did so much with the diligence & labor of other Capteines of the footebandes, that the tumult was at last reappeased, during the furie whereof were slaine in many partes of the campe, more then an hundred launceknights, xx. Italians, and some Spanyards: This accident was the cause that they determined for the present to enter into no enterprise, but for a time to keepe the armie separat: for, it was feared, that if the army should keepe together, the souldiers not yet reconci­led for the harmes receiued, would recontinue the mutiny for euery light occasion, knowing that by so much greater is the despite of an iniury, and the desire of ruenge more violent, by how much are remeining in presence & memorie the first authors and doers: Therefore the companies of men at armes of the Church, & of the Flo­rentins were bestowed in the Citie of Pesera together with the regimentes of Italian footemen: for, touching the frenche launces, they had not stirred from Rimini by reason the difficulties that were betweene the Pope and their king were not yet re­solued: The footebands of the Gascons were incamped vpon the plaine within halfe a myle of that Citie, and the other companies of footemen were dispersed vppon the mount Imperialo aboue Pesero and on that side towardes Rimini: And suche was the seuerall distribucion of them, that the Spanyards were placed vpon the toppe of the mounteine, the launceknights somewhat lower according to the descending of the mounteine, and the Corsikans at the foote of the hill: vpon this mounteine called Imperialo standeth a pallace which the auncestors of the familie of Maletestey had builded: They continued in this order three and twentie dayes executing no other thing in that respit and intermission of time then certeyne skirmishes of the light horsemen: for, Franciscomaria, stirred not what with desire to hold that he had got­ten, and that he sawe no hope to breake so great an armie in the plaine fielde, or to take any place so neare thennemies: Neuerthelesse at last which was the foure and twentie day, departing by night from Montebaroccio, he came by the peepe of the morning to the toppe of the mounteine, where the Spanyards lay incamped, with whome either generally or seuerally it was beleued he had some secret intelligence according to the relacion and testimony of the successe that followed: for, assoone as he was come thither, his Spanyards beganne to crie vpon the others of their na­tion, that if they would make care of their owne sauety, they should follow them, a voyce which most parte of them did accept euerie one putting vppon his heade a bough of greene leaues according to the example of the others: Onely their Cap­teines retyred to Pesera, and drew with them about eight hundred footemen: When the Spanyards were thus ioyned into one strength, they went all together to the tents of the launceknights, who kept no great gard on that side for the surety of the neighbourhoode of the Spanyards, and taking the aduantage of their securitie, they fell to execucion and slaughter, in which medley they killed and hurt more then six hundred of them, the residue fled to the campe of the Corsikaies, and with them re­tyred in one strength, towards Pesera: The Gascons might well discerne the bickering and putting them selues in order, they kept their ground not once mouing from the place where they stoode: Franciscomaria, after this slaughter of the launceknightes, and the most parte of the spanishe footebandes allured to his side, went to incampe betwene Vrbin and Pesera not without great hope to haue to come ioyne with him those Gascons and launceknights, who, leauied at that time in the campe of Monsr de Lavvtretch, had alwayes marched together, and were for the most parte lodged together, and neuer did any action separate or a parte: There was amongest the [Page 744] Gascons a Capteine called Ambro who bare enuie to the vertue & glory of Capteine Carbono: This Ambro was young and well disposed, of noble place and discending, kinsman to Monsr de Lavvtrech, and with the souldiours bare a greater credit and au­thoritie then did Carbono: he had secretly practised many dayes to passe with his re­giment of footemen to the part of Franciscomaria, wherein he tooke this occasion, that not satisfied with thimmoderat augmentacion of their payes, they redemaun­ded insolently greater condicions: Which when they were denied by the Popes mi­nisters, there interposed betwene them Carbo and the capteines of the french horse­men, who for the same cause were come from Rymyny to Pesero, to reduce them to accorde: but fiue or sixe dayes after the discomfiture of the Spanyards and Germanes in the imperiall hill, Franciscomaria, with his whole armie disclosed him selfe neare vnto them: of whome one parte together with Ambro beeing falne into araye of battell with sixe peeces of ordinaunce called Sagors, the Germanes follow­ed & ioyned them selues also vnto him: Carbo in vaine endeuoring to stay them with prayers and most vehement perswasions: with Carbo abode seuen Capteines with 1300. footemen, all the reste together with the Germanes forsooke him: And as in warlike matters alwaies one mischiefe breeds another: so the Italian footemen, per­ceiuing what need there was of them, the next morning stirred vp a tumult: And to reappease it, when neither greater shamefastnes nor lesser gredines was in the Cap­teines then in the souldiours, it was necessary in their payes to promisse them more immoderat condicions: And truely it was a matter to be marueled at, that in the ar­mie of Franciscomaria in the which no pay was distributed to the souldiours, was so great agreement, discipline, and concord, which no doubt proceeded not (as is sayd of the Carthaginian Haniball to his high commendation) so much of the vertue or authoritie of the gouernour, as of the exceeding affection and constancie of the sol­diours: But of the contrary, in the armie of the Church, where in times due were not wanting excessiue payes, was seene an vniuersall confusion, disorder, and desire of the souldiours to passe to thennemies campe. The same prouing that oftentimes, concord and discipline in armies are not so easily conserued by money as by other causes: The Legat and others who were present at the councell beeing made asto­nished with so many accidents, after they had long time debated by what meanes & remedies they might relieue the afflicted estate of thinges: neither were they more discreete or abundant in councells, to forsee that those disorders fell not, then apt to applye due remedies to the mischieues hapned: And therefore beeing moued also with their owne couetous desires & interest perticular, they concluded to perswade the Pope to restore Bolognia to the Bentiuolians before they beeing imboldened by the late declinacion of thinges, or pushed on by the incitacion of others, they should make some commotion: A matter which howe vnable they were to resist was well expressed in the difficulties they had to sustaine the warres in one onely place: And therefore to giue the greater authoritie to this councell, and for the more iustificati­on of all partes in all euents: They sent the same to the Pope by Robert Buschet A gentleman of Modona set downe in writing, subscribed with the hands of all the cap­teines and of the Legat and the Archbishop of Vrsin, of whom the one was linked to the Bentiuolians in auncient amitie, the other ioyned to them in parentage: which aduise the Pope did not onely despise, but also complayned in most bitter tearmes that his owne ministers, and such as had bene enriched by him with many benefits, with daily exspectacion to receiue more, had sette before him with so litle faith and loue a councell or election no lesse pernicious then the very euills which the enne­mies [Page 745] did: But chiefly he cryed out agaynst the Archbishop of Vrsin, whom happly he iudged to be the chiefe author and inducer of the others to this counsell: vnder thoccasion of which displeasure it was beleeued that he depriued him of the purple hatte or Cardinalls dignitie which was promised in the beginning with an vniuer­sall consent to be transferred to him in the first promotion that happned: But Fran­ciscomaria seeing his strength so increased and his enemies forces abated, & making his aduauntage also vpon the necessitie, raysed his thoughtes to greater attemptes: for both the footmen which came with him, had bene three whole monethes with­out pay, and he had no likelyhoode of meane or habilitie to wage those that lately reuolted to him: and also the duchie being sore pilled and harried, and almost vtter­ly spoyled, the souldiors had not onely no meane of praye and bootie, but also with great difficultie could they finde out sufficient vittells to susteine them: But in choo­sing this newe expedition, he was to followe other mens wils, so that for the better establishing of his estate before he would attempt any other matter, he sought to assault afreshe Fano or some other peece on the sea coast: Neuerthelesse by thincli­nation of the souldiors greedie of praye and bootie, he determined to turne into Tuskane, where because the region was plentifull of all things, without suspect, and vnredy for defence, he hoped to rayse some great spoyle: Furthermore he was caried with a hope to make some mutation in Perugia and Siena, by the meane of Charles Baglion and the Burgoes of Petruccio, by whiche deuise his owne things had bene sufficiently augmented, together with the molestations and perills of the Pope and his nephew: therefore the next day, after he had assembled the Gascons, he remoued his campe towards Perusia: but when he was come to the playne of Agobina, he de­termined to make manyfest his suspicion, yea rather the certayne apprehension which he had of the treason of the Colonell Maldonato and others ioyned with him in the same cause: The matter was bred and brought foorth in this sort: When the armie marched by Romagnia, Snares one of the capteines of the Spaniardes, vnder dissimulation of sicknesse dragged behind, and of purpose suffred himself to be taken of his enemies, & being in the state of a prisoner he was cōueyed to Cesena to Lavv­rence, to whom he declared in the name of Maldonato and the two other capteines of the Spaniards, that not for any other cause were they conioyned with Francisco­maria, then to haue occasion to do some notable seruice to the Pope and to him, see­ing it was not in their power to let the accident of this commotion, promising in all their names, that they would not omit the execution assone as thoportunitie was offred: which deuice whereas it was vtterly kept vnknowne from Franciscomaria, yet he quickly tooke suspicion by certayne wordes vnaduisedly spoken of Ranso de Cere to a dromme of the Spaniards: of whom taking occasion to iest with him, he demaunded when those Spaniards would giue vp their Duke prisoner: which voyce making deepe impression in the heart of Franciscomaria, gaue him cause diligently to obserue whether there were any infidelitie or treason in the armie, whiche at the length by letters intercepted with the cariages of Lavvrence, he did not onely dis­cerne, but perceiued that Maldonato was the author of some dangerous stratageame: A matter which hauing dissimuled vntill then, he thought not good any longer to conceale it: and therefore calling together all the Spanishe footemen, setting him selfe in the middest of them, he began to giue them great thankes, with wordes of most vehement insinuation for those things which for his sake they had vndertaken with so great inclination of minde, confessing openly that neither in the memorie of these latter tymes, nor in histories of auncient writers, had bene any Prince or [Page 746] Capteine owing so great obligations to men of warre, as he acknowledged to owe to them: for that neyther hauing money, nor any meane to rewarde their great me­rites and seruices, and him selfe a Prince but of small estate though he shoulde re­couer all his patrimonies, not beeing of their nation and language, nor hauing ser­ued with them in the fielde, yet they had with so ready a disposition followed him agaynst so mightie a Prince and of so great authoritie, and that not for hope or greedynes of spoyle, since they knewe they were ledde into a barreine and poore region: Which vallour and good seruices, as he had no meane to recompence to them but with goodwill and gratification of minde, so yet this was his comfort, that not onely amongest the regions of Italie, but also through all the prouinces of Eu­rope they had purchased perpetuall same and reputation vnder him: they being but very few in nūber, without money, without artillery, without any warlike furniture, had so often constrayned to turne their backes an army most riche in treasor and all other prouisions, with whom were ioyned so many warlike people, agaynst the for­ces of the Pope and the power of the Florentins, with whom the name and authority of the kings of Fraunce and Spayne was concurrant: and that in regarde to support and preserue the fayth and honor of men of seruice, they had neglected the solemne commaundement of their proper princes: Of which things like as he did take exce­ding pleasure because of the name and glory of them, so on the other side, all mat­ters which might obscure so glorious a renowme, would bring vpon him a burden of intollerable greefes: That as he endured with manifest dolor the opening of mat­ters which should draw to hurt them or any of that company, to euery particular of whom he had vowed whilest he drew breath for euer to be dedicated in al affection, in all seruice, in all fidelitie, and all office whatsoeuer: So neuerthelesse, least this euill begonne shoulde be increased with his filence, and least the malice of some shoulde blemishe so great a glory gotten by this armie: and beeing also conueni­ent that he should holde a more deare accompt of the fame and honor of them all, then particularly respecte the amitie of a fewe: he coulde not conceale lon­ger from them, that there were foure in that armie who went about to betray the glorye and the safetie of them all: Touching his owne priuate case, neither would he make mention, nor inferre complayntes, since hauing bene trauelled in so many accidents, and passed the rage of fortune for innocencie, he was nowe reduced to this temperaunce and staye of minde, that it was all one with him the desyre of death or lyfe: But for their parts, neither thobligacions and offices which he ought to them, nor the settled affection whiche with so greate merite he bare to them, would suffer him to keepe longer from them the information and knowledge of their present daunger, which was that Colonell Maldonato, in whom for his place ought to haue bene a greater care of the safetie and glorie of them all, and Cap­teine Snares the first contriuer of this fraude by yeelding vnder a counterfeit sick­nesse to be taken of his enemies in Romagnia, together with two other Capteines, had conspired and promised vnder wicked counsels, to betray the lyues of them all to Lavvrence de Medicis: And as the effect of those counsels was disappoynted by his vigilancie, for whiche cause he would no sooner reucale so great a treason: so nowe not thinking to holde any longer eyther the person of him selfe, or the lyues of others vnder so great a daunger, he hath opened vnto them, the thing whiche longe before was knowne to him selfe: And the better to induce their mindes, he sayde that the discourse of thys treason was sette downe in credible fourme in certayne letters autentike founde amongest the writings of Lavvrence [Page 747] and intercepted by him, besides many apparant signes & coniectures: All which he thought good to lay afore thē, to thend they might be the iudges of such a hainous conspiracy, and so hearing aswell the crime detected as the iustifications of thoffen­dors, they might procede to iustice according to that counsell which should stande best with equity & order, and establish a due safety to the whole army: When he had made an end of speaking, he commaunded to be read and interpreted the euidences of the crime obiected agaynst thē, which being heard with very great attentiō, Mal­donato, Snares, & the other two capteins not being suffred to answere, were condēned by the common iudgement of the army as of a matter most manifestly proued, and forthwith being committed to passe the pikes, they were executed after the maner of souldiors. Thus the army being purged (as they sayde) by this punishment of all threason, they folowed on their iourney towards Perugia: into the which was already entred Iohn Paule Baillon, being departed from Pesero assone as he had knowledge of their intention: and there arming his friends with many companies of peisants lea­uied in the contrey and confines there, he prepared himselfe to defende it: to whom the Legate had sent for succor, Camillo Vrsin his sonne in law, leader of the Florentins together with the men at armes of his conduct, and two hundred and fiftie light horsmen: with the which forces it was thought he might susteine the inuasion of his enemies, the rather for that many deuises were made to hinder their procee­dings: for Vitello with his regiment of men at armes, and Syse with the French laun­ces, who stoode now no more suspected, for that betwene the Pope and the French king: was established a consederation, were marched to the citie of Castell, & Lavv­rence de Medicis, who being newly recured of his wound, and also lately come from Ancona to Pesero, was gone in post to Florence to prepare there things necessarie to the conseruation of that gouernment & the cities adioyning: There he tooke order that the Legate with the rest of the army, should marche towards the dukedome of Vrbin, to thend to counsell Franciscomaria to abandon thexpedicion of Tuskane, for the gard whereof was left no other regiments of souldiors, then a defence of thinha­bitants: Frans. not without the hope of some intelligence or conspiracie, did remoue his army to Perugia, where Ioh. Paule riding about the city to take view, he was assailed in the middest of the streete by a peisant or souldior of the countrey, and fayling at that time to strike him to the death, he was sodenly set vpon and slayne by the con­course of those that accompanied Iohn Paule: who taking thoportunitie of this tu­mult, caused certayne others whom he suspected to be murdred, and so being deliue­red from snares of conspiracie, he seemed also to be acquited from all perill, for that thenemies who had now many dayes lyen about Perugia, had no meane to take it by force: And yet Iohn Paule at a tyme when the Pope least exspected suche a matter, alleaging in his iustification, that the people of Perugia (whose furie he had no power to resiste) would no longer endure the spoyling of their countrey, couenan­ted with tharmie to paye ten thousande duckets, to graunt vittels for foure dayes, not to take armes agaynst Franciscomaria in that warre, and they to issue presently out of the territories of Peruzia: A matter very greeuous and of no little discon­tentment to the Pope, for that it confyrmed the opinion conceyued of him from the beginning of this warre, in going so slowely to the armie with the succours he promised, and holding for suspected the power of Lavvrence, he wyshed that Franciscomaria should conserue the Dukedome of Vrbin: This also aggrauated the greese and discontentment of Baillon, that whilest he was in the campe with Lavv­rence, Ranso and Vitello bare greater authoritie then he: the memory of which things [Page 748] was happly the chiefest cause of his owne calamities in times following: Francisco­maria hauing made condicionall agreement with the Perugians, marched towardes the citie of Castello, where when he had made certeine incursions with intention to enter the towne of Sansepulcro in the state of Florence, the daunger of his owne state constrained him to take other counsel, for that the legate Bibiena hauing eftsones le­uied certaine bands of footmē Italians, folowing the deliberation made at Pesero, was remoued with the rest of his army to Fossombrono, which city being battred with the artillery, the third day was taken and sacked: This done he led his army to Pergola, where the day folowing the erle of Potenza with 400. Spanish launches sent from the king of Spayne to the ayde of the Pope, did ioyne with the army: within Pergola there was not one souldior, but only a Spanish capteine & many inhabitants of the regiō, who being sore astonished begā to cōmon of yelding, but while they were in parley, the capteine who stood vpon the wal being wounded in the face, the souldiors made assalt, without any order or cōmaundement of their capteins, & wonne the town by force: From Pergola they consulted to bring their army to Cagli, but being aduertised that Franciscomaria hauing heard of the losse of Fossombrono, was returned into that region with most great celerity, they determined to retyre themselues: wherfore the same night in the which the Legate receiued that intelligence, they departed from Pergola, & hauing traueled to Montlion, when knowing that there they might lodge, they began to lay out the ground according to incāping, being aduertised by other messengers that the celerity of the enemy was far aboue perswasion, and that he sent before him 1000. horsmen, euery one carying a footeman in croope, to thende that they being constrained to trauel with more leisure, time might be giuen to the army to ouertake them: they marched vij. miles to a place called Bosco, from whēce depar­ting the morning folowing before day, they came in the euening to Fano, hauing al­most vpon their backes the horsmen of thenemies which came with so great celeri­tie, that if they had onely departed foure houres later, they had hardly escaped the necessitie of the fight.

At this time the affayres of the Pope in other actions, proceeded with no better felicitie, then in the accidentes and euentes of the warre: for that Alphonso the Car­dinall of Sienna disdayning much the life of the Pope, lay in wayre to betray him, the rather for that the Pope hauing forgotten the trauels and daungers which Pandolpho Petruccio his father had endured to restore him and his brethren to the gouernment of Florence, together with the operations whiche he with other young Cardinalls had wrought in the consistory to aduaunce him to the Popedome: In recompence of so many benefits he had caused to be thrust out of Sienna, Borghese his brother and him: By which occasion, beeing also spoyled of his fathers estates, he coulde not maynteine the dignitie of the purple hatte with that glorie which he was accusto­med: and therefore being caried with hatred, and reduced almost to dispayre, he be­gan to deuise by a young counsell to murder him with violent handes, whom his hatefull hart coulde not brooke to loue: but restrayned with the perill and difficulty of the fact, more then with the example and common infamie that throughout all Christendome would ronne, if any Cardinall should with his owne hands take away the life of a Pope, he chaunged aduise, and turned all his thoughts to take him away with poyson, by the ministration of Baptist a Vercelly a famous Surgion, and very fa­miliar with him: of which counsayle (if so wicked a furie be worthy such name) this should haue bene the order, that sith that he could not finde any other meane, the Surgion should by setting foorth with singuler prayses his vertues, make suche in­sinuation [Page 749] into him, that the Pope hauing a Fistula vnder his fundiment, for the which he vsed dayly the trauell of men of his profession, would by suche impression call him to his cure: But the impatience of Alfonso reduced the action of this deuise to a desperate hope, since as thexecution drewe with it some long tract of tyme de­pending vpon many obseruations and circumstances, so Alfonso who could not con­teine himselfe from cōplayning agaynst thingratitude of the Pope, being euery day more hatefull, and suspecting least he would conspire some thing against his estate, was at last as it were constrained for his own safety to depart from Rome, leauing ne­uertheles behind him Antho. Nino his secretorie: Betwene them there was a conti­nuall passage of letters, whereof certaine being intercepted, the Pope discerned ma­nifest treason to be practised agaynst his life: therefore vnder coolor to make some prouision for thaffaires of Alfonso, he called him to Rome, sending him safeconduit, ioyned to his worde & fayth giuen besides to the Spanish embassador, not to touch him preiudicially: Vnder which assurance, notwithstanding the priuity & testimony of his conscience to so apparant treason, he went vnwisely to the Pope, who imme­diatly caused him to be apprehended together with Badinello Cardinall Savvly a Ge­novvay, a great furtherer of Leo to the Popedome, but so conioyned with Alfonso in straite friendship & familiaritie, that he was thought partaker with him in all things: Their first apprehending was in the Popes chamber and in his presence, and from thence were conueyed as prisoners to the Castell S. Angelo: There was also present direction giuen that Baptist a Vercelli, who then was following his arte at Florence, should be made prisoner and sent to Rome. The Spanishe Embassador labored with vehement complaints and protestations, to haue Alfonso set at liberty, alleaging that the Popes fayth giuen to him as the kings Embassador, ought to be obserued with the same fidelitie as if it had bene giuen to the king him selfe: But the Pope aun­swered that there was no safeconduit howe ample soeuer it was with clauses strong and speciall, that caryed anye sewertie in crymes conspired agaynst the lyfe of the Pope, without peculiar and speciall nomination: And that the same exception and prerogatiue followed also the cryme of poysoning, an offence so greatly abhorred by the diuine and humaine lawes, and so hatefull to the sences of all men, that they haue reserued no safeconduit or assurance for thoffendors that waye, but vnder particular and speciall mencion. The Pope preserred to examine them, Mario Perusco the procurer of the fiske, who following the matter vpon them with seueritic and rigour, they confessed the treason conspired with the priuitie of Bandinello: The confession was verified by the Surgion, and confirmed by Po. Bagna­canallo, who vnder Pandolfo his father, and Borghese his brother, had long bene cap­teine of the garrison of Sienna, and for this offence were nowe publikely quartered: After this confession, in the next sitting of the consistorie, was apprehended and ca­ryed to the Castell, Raphael Riario Cardinall Saint George chiefe chamberleine to the sea Apostolike, who for his wealth and riches, for the magnificencie of his Court, and for his long time and continuaunce in that dignitie, was become bothe in truthe and name, the principall Cardinall of all the Colleage: he confessed that albeit neyther the treason nor the counsayle thereof had beene imparted to him, by the whiche he iustified his innocencie, yet he had heard oftentymes the Car­dinall of Sienna bothe lament and vse threates to the Pope vnder suche wordes and speeches, as he coulde not but comprehende that he bare in him a mynde to doo some violence agaynst hys personne when occasion offered: The Pope after thys contynued hys complayntes in an other Consistorie, wherein [Page 750] the Cardinalls not accustomed to be violated, fell into no small astonishment and greefe of minde, that with suche crueltie and iniquitie, the Popes life should be be­trayed by those, who for their place and dignitie which made them principall mem­bers of the sea Apostolike, stoode more then all others iustly bounde to defende it: He complayned with great compassion agaynst thaccident and thunthankfulnesse thereof, to returne to him such a recompence for his infinite benefites & liberalities bestowed vpon all sortes, yea not without blame and imputation of some: But the thing that made him burst out into more vehemencie of passiō, was that other Car­dinals were intangled with the conspiracie, who neuertheles, if afore the consistorie were dissolued, they would frankly confesse their offence, they should finde him pre­pared to clemencie & to giue pardon, but if they deferred tyll the Consistorie were broken vp, he would turne his clemencie into seueritie of iustice, and call into pro­scription aswell the accessories as chiefe offendors: Which wordes working bothe pietie and submission in the mindes of Adriano Cardinall Cornetto, and Fran. Soderi­ni Cardinall of Volterra, they humbled themselues vpon their knees affore the feete of the Pope, confessing that the Cardinall of Sienna had vsed the same speeches to them, which the Cardinal Saint George had expressed. Assone as these examinations and the euidences incident, were published in the consistorie, Alfonso and Bandinello by sentence of the generall Consistorie, were degraded of the dignitie of the purple hatte and holy orders, and deliuered ouer to the secular Court and Iudges of crimi­nall offences: The night following Alfonso was secretly strangled in prison, but the sentence of Bandinello by the Popes grace, was chaunged into perpetuall imprison­ment, from the which neuerthelesse he was not long afterwards deliuered vnder a raunsome of money, and eftsones restored to the dignitie of Cardinall, notwithstan­ding he had iuster cause of indignation agaynst him for the many benefites and gra­ces he had bestowed vpon him: And yet he was become estraunged from him for no other cause then for the amitie he had with Alfonso, adding withall a disdayne that the Cardinall Medicis was preferred affore him in the suites of certayne benefi­ces: And there were not wanting malicious interpretors, who iudged that affore he was deliuered out of prison there was giuen to him by the Popes commaundement, a pocion confected with that kinde of poyson whiche killeth not sodenly, but wor­keth by suttle operations vntill by times it hath wasted the life of him that receiueth it. And touching the Cardinall Saint George, albeit the lawes ordeined by Princes for the securitie of their states, commaunde that in the cryme of high treason aswel the accessarie as the principall be past vnder extreme punishment: yet, what by the state of his fal being in a cōdition inferior to the others, & what for the respect of his age and authoritie which tyme had made reuerent in him, and lastely, what for the lawe of friendship which had indifferently ronne betwene them affore his ascending to the Popedome, he proceeded with him with more clemencie and fauor: In so muche as like as for thauthoritie and reputation of iustice, he was by sentence de­priued of the Cardinalls dignitie, so he was immediatly by grace bought with a great summe of money, restored to his former condition in all things, sauing in the authoritie and priuileage of his voyce actiue and passiue, which grace neuerthelesse within the reuolution of a yeare was fully restored to him agayne. There was no o­ther vexation imposed vpon Adrian and Volterra, sauing a secret exaction of great summes of money: But seeing there was no surety to eyther of them to abyde in Rome with conuenient dignity, Volterra with the Popes licence went to Fondy, where vnder the wings of Prosper Colonno he remayned tyll the Popes death: And Adrian [Page 751] departed secretly out of Rome, but what desteny fell vpon him, it is hard to reapport, seeing there are none that euer coulde giue any informacion of him since his going away: The bitternes of this accident drewe the Pope to consider for the creacion of newe Cardinalls, knowing that the whole presence of the colledge, astonished by this punishment, and gelous of other occasions, were of mindes muche estraunged from him: In which action he proceded so immoderatly that in one morning in the consistorie, the colledge consenting more for feare then of will, he pronounced one and thirtie Cardinalls, and in that abundance & plentie of numbers, as he had good meane to satisfie many ends, and to make his election of euery quality of men, so he preferred two sonnes of his sister, with some others, who, sauing for the seruices they had done him, and had bene acceptable to the Cardinall Medicis by many of­fices, were in other reasons neither capable nor worthie so high dignities: In the cal­ling of some, he obserued the humors of great Princes, creating them at their in­stance: some he raised by simonie and corruption of money, to relieue his treasor be­ing much consumed: some he called were verie famous by thopinion and credit of their learning, amongest whome were three Generalls (that appellacion is of the highest degree) of the order of S. Augustin, S. Dominik, & S. Frauncis: And in this crea­tion he left this most rare tradicion, that to one function, in one promocion, and at one time, he preferred two of the familie of Triunlco, taking his inducement for the one, to recompence his seruice for that he had bene his chamberlaine, & also vpon a desire to satisfie Iohn Iacques, and touching the other, he was caried with the same of his learning accompanied with some quantitie of money: But that which bred matter of greatest admiracion, was the election of Francisco Vrsin, and Pompey Colon­no with other fiue Romains of the principall houses, such as were followers of all fa­ctions with councells altogether contrary to the resolucion of his predecessor: Ne­uerthelesse it was reputed an action not the least discreete and yet it drewe no great happines in the end to his frendes and kindred: for whereas, the greatnes of the Ba­rons of Rome being alwaies the suppression and vexacion of the Popes, and where in default of the auncient Cardinalls of those families, whome Alexander the sixt had bitterly persecuted to make a pray of their goodes, Iulio would neuer suffer that di­gnity to be reinuested in any of them: Leo, with great immoderacion did the con­trarie, not that it could be sayd he was drawne with the merit of the men, for that as Francisco was taken from the profession of armes, and created Cardinall, so for Pom­pey the memorie of his doings past, ought to be obiected against his preferrement, for that though he was a Bishop, yet vsing thoccasion of Pope Iulioes sickenesse, he had labored to seduce to tumult, the people of Rome against the gouernment of Priests, for which cause Pope Iulio depriued him iustly of the dignity of Bishop. But in this time Franciscomaria, albeit by the retyring or rather manifest flying of thene­mies, could haue no meane to fight, his army being made mightie in men and val­lour by the continuall resort of newe souldiers running after the fame of the Cap­teyne, & partely caried with hope of praye, entred into Marca, where Fabriano and many other townes compounded with him, redeeming with ready money, the perill of sacking and robbing their houses: But others standing destitute of that humani­tie, he committed to the mercie of the souldiers, amongst the which the citie ranne a hard fortune, since during the parley and negociacion of accord, it was entred and spoyled in the vnbridled insolency of the souldiers: he drew from thence to Ancona for the defending of the which, the Legat had sent a crewe of souldiers: he remey­ned about it many dayes, to the great hinderaunce of his affaires by the losse of time [Page 752] which he suffered, not in fighting with the desendants of the place, but in tempori­sing to compownd with them: At last because they would not with the harmes of the warre, suffer also the losse of their haruest, they made him a raunsome of eyght thowsand duckats, not swaruing in other sort from their accustomed fidelitie to the Church: afterwards he inuaded the citie of Osim with very ill successe: And at last he planted his campe affore the towne of Corinaldo, wherein were two hundred foote­men forreyners, by whom together with the vallour of the townesmen, it was so va­liantly defended, that after he had consumed xxij daies about it, he leauied his seege, his despaire being greater then his hope to cary it. This did greatly diminish the ter­ror & feare that was had of that armie, the rather for that he had not made conquest of any those townes that refused to compownd with him: A matter which no way could proceede of the vnskilfulnes of the Capteine to dispose, nor of want of vallour in the souldiours to execute: but the true reason was, for that they had but very few and those very small field peeces, lacking withall many thinges to put them to ser­uice: Besides, touching those townes which would not yeeld to him, it was necessary they should make demonstracion of their constancy and vallour, for that the Cap­teines of the Church armie, amongest whom Count Potenza was chiefe, had sent trowpes of their men of warre to bridle and make pillage of the contry euen to the walls of Vrbyn: And Sise being returned from Citta de Castello in Romagnia, and after­wards entred into Montfeltro, and had subdued by force Secchiano with certeine o­ther small townes, was reduced to remeyne incamped within fiue myles of Pezero, with intencion not to minister succors to any place, nor once to stirre onlesse neces­sitie moued them to retyre: For, where, in the tymes when they were superior in for­ces and strength, their affayres had falne out so vnhappely, now, being made inferior in numbers by the diminucion of their footemen, they had not the courage to su­steine the fame of their enemies approching, and much lesse to abide any other pe­rill: In which resolucion made according to the Popes mind, they were confirmed by a hope of the comming of six thowsand Svvizzers, whom the Pope by the coun­cell of the french king, had sent to leauy and wage: for, the french king after the con­federacion made, desired the victory of the Pope, and yet at the same tyme he retei­ned the same suspicion of him that he did before: he was continued in this suspicion by the relacions of Galeas Viscount and Mark. Anth. Colonno, of whom the one being reuoked to his contry from banishment, and the other not thinking his seruices and merits well recompensed by Caesar, and both transferred with honorable condicions to the pay of the french king, they had reaported that the Pope had cōspyred great­ly with Caesar and the Svvyzzers against him: But much more was the french king moued, for that the Pope had contracted secretly a newe confederacion with Caesar, with the king of Spayne, and thEnglish, which albeit was lawfull for him to doe, for that it bare only for their defense, yet both the matter & maner of it troubled not a litle the thoughts of his mind: he was induced through feare to be deliuered of the warrers, least the Pope not finding his aydes and succours ready would not enter into a greater coniunction with other Princes against him: And besides that, he beganne to take greefe & suspicion of the armie of Vrbyn, whose strength was compownded of footemen spanish and launceknightes: Therefore besides that he had aduised the Pope to make him selfe stronge with the footemen of Svvyzzers, he offered to send him of new, three hundred launces vnder Thomas de Foix brother to Odet, alleaging that besides the reputacion and vallour of the man, he would be a conuenient instru­ment to embeasell from the armie of Franciscomaria, the bandes of Gascoins, with whom [Page 753] those brothers and race of Foix beeing discended of the noblest blood in Gascoigne, had great authoritie: The Pope accepted this offer, but with a minde very suspici­ous, for that he stoode doubtfull as he did before, of the kings will, wherein he suf­fred his suspicion to take encreasing by the withdrawing of the Gascoins, fearing least that action had priuily proceeded of the operation of Lavvtrech: And he that in those times had made obseruation of the dooings of Princes, might apparantly dis­cerne, that no benefite, no office, no coniunction, was sufficient to remoue out of their heartes the distrustes and iealousies which they had one of an other: for, the suspicion was not onely reciprocall betwene the Pope and French king, but also the king of Spayne hearing of the leauyes of the Svvizzers, and the preparation of Tho­mas de Foix, was not without his feare that the Pope and the French ioyned toge­ther would not deuise to dispoyle him of the kingdome of Naples: These suspicions were thought to profite thaffayres of the Pope, since both of them least they should giue him cause or matter to estraunge himselfe from them, labored to confirme him and assure him with benefites and with aydes.

Nowe Frantiscomaria departing from Corinaldo, returned vpon the state of Vrbin to giue defence and protection to his people for the getting in of their haruest: and reteyning with an encrease of ambition his auncient desire to get Pesero which was garded by the Count Potenza and his souldiors, he brought his armie to the borders thereof, and obiecting all impedimentes to cut off the resort of vittels, he put to the sea certayne shippes: But agaynst that force they of Rimini rigged out sixteene ves­sells, some barkes, and some brigantins, and some of other nature agreable to the ser­uice of those times, which being armed and manned, and sent to accompanie and assure other shippes loaden with vittells for Pesero, they encountred the nauie of Franciscomaria, of whom they sunke to the bottome the Admirall, and tooke all the residue: by which accident dispayring of the enterprise of Pesero, he leauied his forces and departed. In this meane while Monsr de Foix aduaunced with his three hundred launces, but the Svvizzers made slowe preparation, for that the Cantons denyed their consent vnlesse they were first satisfied of their olde pensions: from which obstinacie the king being not hable to remoue them, and in the Pope no ha­bilitie to make them satisfied for the intollerable defrayments he had exspended, his Agentes hauing consumed in that solicitation many dayes, enterteyned and waged without common priuitie, two thousand particulars of that nation, and foure thou­sande other Germains and Grisons: whiche leauyes beeing discended and bestowed in the confines and suburbes of Rimini, and they being deuided by the riuer from the residue of the Citie, are enuironed and fetched in with walls, Franciscomaria was en­tred by night by the valtes and arches of that notable bridge of Marble which tyeth the suburbes with the Citie, but he could not passe ouer, the ryuer being swelled by the inundation of the sea: There grewe a strong feight betweene his souldiors and the foote bandes bestowed in the suburbes, in whiche was slayne Iasper Capteine of the Popes garde, who had conducted them thither: But greater was the losse of thenemies by the death of Balastichino and Vinea Spanishe capteines, and Federike Bossolo and Franciscomaria beeing wounded in the body with a bullet. After this en­counter he turned his army towards Tuskane, being caryed more by necessitie then by hope, for that in a region so muche consumed, so great an army coulde not be norished: He remayned certayne dayes in Tuskane amongs the populars of S. Ste­phano, the borowe of S. Sepulchro, and Angbiari townes of the dominion of Florence, where he tooke Montedoglio, a place very weake and of little importance: he gaue a [Page 754] long assault to Anghiari, a towne more strong by the fidelity and vallour of the inha­bitants, then by fortificacion of warres, or other kindes of municions: But being not hable for his owne weakenes and wantes, to carie it, he retyred his armie vnder the Appenin, betwene S. Sepulchro and Ciuita di Castello, and causing to be drawne thither frō Mercatello foure peeces of artilleries he incamped within lesse then halfe a myle of the towne, vpon that way that leadeth to Vrbin: There he seemed to stand irreso­lute and doutfull what course to take, seeing that as his enemies were passed behind him into Tuskane, and many Italian bands entred into S. Sepulchro, and Vitello with a great strength was got into Citta di Castello: So within Anghiari, within the plaine of S. Stephano, & within the other townes conioyning, were entred the bands of foote­men of the Germaines, the Grisons, and the Svvizzers: Lavvrence de Medicis came also from Florence but somwhtat late to S. Sepulchro, where Franciscomaria had lyen with his campe many dayes idelly: And for that he beganne to finde in these places many discommodities of vittells, and lesse hope to be hable to bring forth any good effect, and withall for that the souldiours of his armie who were driuen to defende their liues, by praye and pillage, were now of equall terror to his frends and to his e­nemies, he began not to discerne any good expedicion or ende for his affaires: And the bands offootemen who had so long followed him, seeing no pay ministred, and no more hope remeyning to liue by discression, because they had no municion of qualitie to force townes, and noting withall that to their calamitie of want of vit­tells, was ioyned an increase of the force & reputacion of their enemies by the grace of many Princes disclosed in their fauor, they beganne to be weary with the longnes of the warre, the rather also for that they could hope for no good issue or successe, neither by the oportunity of present battell, nor by the benefit of longer time: The Pope for his parte felt likewise the same perplexities and afflictions, for, he was both made naked of wealth and treasor, and no habilitie of him selfe to continue the pro­uisions of his campe, and also he stoode more doutfull then euer of the fidelity of o­ther Princes, but chiefly of the french king, who with greatslownes and negligence, did prouide for the reliefe of money which he was bound vnto by the capitulacion: And for that Monsr de Foix, hauing by the Popes direction remeyned in Romagnia refused to send parte of his launces into Tuskane, alleaging that he would not deuide his strength before the armies were passed the Appenin: there arose many arguments and perswasions of accord betwene the Legat and Franciscomaria & his Capteines: In which good inclinacion to peace, there interposed betwene them Monsr de Foix and Don Hugo da Moncado, and for that effect also the Viceroy of Sicilia was sent by the king Catholike: But vntill that day nothing succeded for the hard condicions which Franciscomaria vrged: At length, the bands of spanishe footemen, induced both by the difficulties that appeared, and also by the solicitacion & instance of Don Hugo, who ioyning threates to the authoritie of his place, and satisfying them that suche was precisely the will of the king of Spaine, they were brought to incline and embrace peace: which, with a very hard consent of Frantiscomaria, and the negoci­acion of the Bishoppe of Auellino sent thither for the Pope by the Legat, was con­tracted in this sorte, concurring also the consent of the bands of Gascoine footemen by the interposing of Monsr de Foix: That the Pope should pay to the spanish foot­men fiue and forty thowsand duckats for the full satisfying of foure monethes paye, and to the Gascoines, & Germaines ioyned with them, three score thowsand duckats: That they should all departe within eight dayes out of the state of the Churche, the iurisdiction of Florence, and the territories of Vrbin: That Franciscomaria leauing [Page 755] abandoned all that he possessed in that state, might passe in securitie to Mantua: That he might cary with him his artilleries, his houshold stuffe, and namely that famous librarye which with so greate charge and diligence had beene erected of Federik his grandfather by the mothers side: A Capteine for leading of an armie, of moste re­nowme of all the Capteines of his time, but most famous amongest all other his ver­tues for his patronage of good learning: That the Pope shoulde absolue him of all censures, and giue remission to all the subiects of the gouernment of Vrbyn, and to all others that had risen against him in this warre: But whilest they were reducing the substance of these capitulacions into articles and writing, Franciscomaria sought to haue inserted in speciall wordes, that the Spanyards were they who promised to de­liuer vp to the Pope, the state of Vrbyn: A matter which they refused for the regard of their honor, whereuppon they came to contencion, when Franciscomaria suspe­cting least they would sell him to the Pope, went suddeinly to Sestina leading with him part of the light horsemen, with the footemen Italyans, Gascons, & Germains, and foure peeces of artilleries: Assoone as perfection was giuen to the peace, & the Spanyards receiued their payes, they went into the Realme of Naples, conteining at their departure a strength of six hundred horsemen, and foure thowsand footemen: by their example, the other bands of footemen departed after they had receiued the reward of their disloyaltie: Onely to thItalians, nothing was neither giuen nor pro­mised, And touching Franciscomaria ouer whose sauetie it seemed Monsr de Foix had a care particular, seeing him selfe now abandoned, challenged the benefit of the firste peace, and went thorowe Romagnia and the country of Bolognia to Mantua, be­ing accompanied with Federik de Bossolo, an hundred horse and six hundred foote­men: In this sort did ende the warre of Vrbyn, continued eyght monethes with great exspenses and ignominie to the Victors: on the Popes part were exspended eyght hundred thowsand duckats, the greatest masse whereof was drawne out of the com­mon weale of Florence, for the authoritie he bare there at that time: And touching the Capteines to whom was referred the administracion of those warres, there was heaped against them, great imputacion of cowardise, & of disordered gouernment, adioyning to it want of sinceritie or sownd intencion: for that in the beginning of the warre when the forces of Lavvrence were mighty, and the power of thennemies in great weakenes, they neuer could vse any occasion, neither by apparant vallour, nor by their industrie, and much lesse by their prouidence or forecast: To which be­ginnings drawing with them losse of their reputacion, negligence in discipline, and disobedience of tharmie, were adioyned in the proceedings and further coursse of the warre, want of many prouisions in the campe: And at last fortune seeming to take her sport and pleasure vpon their errours, did by her working so heape calami­ties vppon their disorders, that the affayres of the warres were reduced to these tearmes, that the Pope detecting the snares that were layd against his life, and being much shaked in the gouernment of the Church, and eftsoones fearing the estate of Florence, was constrained with peticions and new obligacions, to implore the aydes of all men: And yet he could not be deliuered from those calamities, but by defray­ing of his owne treasor vpon the armie of his enemies, And such as either were the originall mouers of the warre, or els being enterteyned in his paye, had vilely reuol­ted against him, after they had vexed him with many extorcions.

In this yeare and almost in the end of the yeare, the king of Spayne, went with pro­sperous nauigacion, to take possession of his kingdoms: he had obteyned before of the french king (betweene whome and him went many demonstracions of amitie, [Page 756] both of them couering the secret intention of their minds) assurance that he would forbeare for six monethes, the first payment of an hundred thousand duckets which he was bound to pay in by the articles of the laste accord contracted betwene them: The Venetians also made a reconfirmation for two yeares, of the league defensiue which they had with the French king, with whom as they stoode most firmely con­ioyned in the lawe of league and fidelitie, so in regarde of him they made small ac­compt of the amitie of all other Princes: In so muche as they omitted to sende Em­bassadors to present their obedience to the Pope, who hauing sent Legat to Venice, Allobello Bishop of Pola, it was imputed agaynst him as a matter vnworthye his maiestie.

There followeth nowe the yere a thousande fiue hundred and eightene, in which the regions of Italie, contrarie the precedent of many yeares before, felt not the least impression or mocion of warre, yea there appeared the selfe same disposition in all other Princes of Christendome, betweene whome by the operation of the Pope, though happly more with fayre reasons, then with substanciall counsels, was solici­ted an vniuersall expedicion of all Christendome agaynst the pride of Selim prince of the Turkes, who the yeare before, had so enlarged and extended his greatnes, that comparing with his power, his ambicion to be greater, pushed on with many helps of nature, it was worthily to be doubted that if he were not preuented by the inuasi­ons of the Christians, he woulde in his pride lifte vp his victorious hande agaynst them: For Selim discerning that Baiseth his father, reduced to extreame olde age, sought to establishe the succession of thempire in the person of Acomath his elder brother, drewe into rebellion agaynst him, and by force of armes, concurring the corruption of the souldiors of his garde, constrayned him to resigne vp to him the authoritie of the gouernment: And not suffring his ambition to stay there, it was be­leeued of all men, that for his more absolute assurance he tooke awaye his lyfe by poyson: And afterwards giuing an ouerthrowe to his brother in an encounter of a battell, he confirmed fully the seate of his Empire, by depriuing him of his life in publike showe, exercising the like rage of crueltie vpon Corcu the youngest brother of all: And being not satisfied according to the tyrannie of the house of Ottomanni, with the blood and slaughter of all his Nephewes, or any others that remayned of that line and stocke, he was in thought oftentimes (by the rage and furie of his dis­position) to take away the life of Solyman his onely sonne. Of these beginnings bree­ding one warre vppon an other, after he had subdued the Aduliti a people of the Mountaynes, he passed ouer into Persia agaynst the Sophi, to whom he gaue battell and ouerthrewe him, and in that felicitie of warre he tooke the citie of Tauris the soueraigne seate of that state, together with the greatest parte of Persia, whiche he was constrayned to abandon, not through the vallor of his enemies, who for their dishabilitie to support their army, were retyred into the mountaines and places de­sert, but for the vniuersall dearth and barennes of that yere, he fell into an extreame want of vittayles: He returned soone after this expedition to Constantinople, where after he had done execution vpon certayne souldiors sedicious, and for certayne monethes had refreshed his armie, he gaue out that he would eftsoones returne to make warre vppon Persia, but in deede he turned his forces against the Soldan king of Soria and Egypt, a prince not onely of most auncient reuerence and dignitie for that religion, but moste mightie for the amplitude of dominion, moste riche in tri­butes, and very glorious by the discipline of the Mammeluckes, of whose armes and forces that state was possessed with great reputation, three hundred yeares: for that [Page 757] Empire, being ruled of the Soldans, they not by succession but by election, ascended to it, and to the supreme seate of gouernment were not preferred but men of ma­nifest vertue, and confirmed by all the degrees of warre, in the administration of prouinces and armies, and also the sinewes and strength of their forces, stoode not vpon souldiors mercenarie and forreine, but of men elected, who taken of children in the prouinces adioyning, and trayned vp by succession of yeares in hardnes of fare, in suffring of labour and toyle, and in thexercise of armes and all customes ap­perteining to the discipline and lawe of warre, they ascribed and enrolled them in the order of the Mammelukes: There succeded from hand to hand in this order, not the sonnes of the Mammelukes that were dead, but others, who beeing taken of children forslaues, had their rysing by the same discipline, and by the same in­dustrie and artes, by the which their predecessors had passed from hande to hande: These not being in number aboue seuenteene or eighteene thousande, helde subie­cted vnder a moste heauy yoke, all the people of Egypt and Soria, whom they spoyled of the vse of all armes, and practise to manage horses: yea suche was their fierce­nesse and vallour, that oftentimes they made warre of them selues, for that of their numbers and by their election were chosen the Soldans, and in their power rested all authoritie to distribute the honors, offices, and profites of that most riche Empire: By the oportunitie of which, hauing subdued many nations adioyning, and reduced to obedience the Arabians, and mainteined many warres with the Turkes, they were many times victorious, but very seldome or neuer vanquished of others: Agaynst these people did Selim conuert his forces, whō he ouerthrew in many battels fought in playne fielde, wherein was slayne the Soldane, and afterwards in an other battell was taken prisoner the other Soldane his successor, whom he caused to be publikely murdered with an vnworthy kinde of torment: Thus hauing satisfied his bloody hu­mor with these great slaughters, and almost wasted the name of the Mammelukes, he proceeded to the inuasion of Cairo a most populous citie, wherein were resident the Soldans, and in short time subdued vnder his iurisdiction all Soria and all Egypt: The same drawing vnto him so great an increase of imperie, suche amplification of tri­bute & reuenue, and remouing the impedimēts of so mightie enemies & of so great reputation, that with great reason he was to bee feared of the Christians: A feare whiche tooke his degrees of increasing by this consideration, that to so greate a power and vallour was ioyned a settled impression of ambicion to beare rule, and by many victories, to make glorious his name to all posterities: wherein reading oftentimes the Legendes and actions of the great Alexander and Iulius Caesar, he see­med to suffer griefe and perplexitie of mind, that his actions and exploytes of warre coulde in no wyse holde comparison with so many great triumphes and victories: In which humor, refurnishing continually his armies, and buylding of newe a great number of shippes, and leauying all prouisions necessarie for the warre, it was feared when his preparacions were accomplished, that he woulde inuade Rhodes, the bul­warke of the Christians in the East partes, or els the kingdome of Hungaria made fearefull by the vallour of thinhabitantes to the nation of Turkes, whiche at that tyme was in diuision amongest them selues, and made weake by the minoritie of their king, who was gouerned by Priestes and the Barons of the Realme: Others were of opinion that he had addressed all his thoughtes to thinuasion of Italie, taking his encouragement vpon the discord of the Potentates and naturall princes, whom he knewe to be muche shaken with the long warres of those regions: To this was ioyned the memorie of Mahomet his grandfather, who with a power [Page 758] farre lesse then his, and with a small Nauie sente vppon the coastes of the Realine of Naples, had wonne by assault the Citie of Otronto: and, sauing (he was preuented by death) had bothe opened the waye and established the meane to persecute the regions of Italie with continuall vexacions: So that the Pope together with the whole Courte of Rome beeing made astonished with so greate successe, and no lesse prouident to eschewe so great a daunger, making their firste recourse to the ayde and succour of God, caused to bee celebrated through Rome moste deuoute inuocations, whiche he dyd assiste in presence bare foote: And afterwardes cal­ling vppon the helpe of men, he wroate letters to all Christian Princes, bothe ad­monishing them of the perill, and perswading them to laye asyde all ciuill dis­cordes and contentions, and attende speedily to the defence of religion and their common safetie, whiche he affirmed woulde more and more take encrease of most grieuous daunger, if with the vnitie of mindes, and concordances of forces, they sought not to transferre the warre into thempire of the Turkes, and inuade thene­mie in his owne countrey: Vpon this aduise and admonition, was taken the exami­nacion and opinion of men of warre, and persons skilfull in the discouerie of coun­treys, the disposing of prouinces, and of the nature and vsage of the forces and wea­pons of that kingdome, and therevpon a resolucion being set downe to make great leauyes of money by voluntarie contribucions of Princes, and vniuersall impostes of all people of Christendome, it was thought necessarie that Caesar accompanied with the horsemen of Hungaria and Pollonia, Nations warlike, and practised in conti­nuall warres agaynst the Turke, and also with the footmen of Germanie, should sayle along Danubi into Bossina called aunciently Misia, and from thence to Thracia, and so to drawe neare Constantinople, the seate of the Empire of the Ottomanes: That the Frenche king with all the forces of his kingdome, the Venetians, and the other po­tentates of Italie, accompanied with the infanterie of Svvizzerlande, should passe from the port of Brindisi in Albania a passage very easie and short, to inuade Grece, a contrey full of Christian inhabitantes, and for the intollerable yoke of the Turkes, moste ready to rebell: That the kings of Spayne, of Englande, and Portugall, assem­bling their forces together in Cartagenia and the portes thereaboutes, should take their course with two hundred shippes full of Spanishe footemen and other soul­diors, to the straite of Galipoli, to make roades vp to Constantinople, hauing first sub­dued the Castles and fortes standing vpon the mouth of the straite: And the Pope to take the same course, embarking at Antona with an hundred shippes armed: With these preparacions, seeming sufficient to couer the lande and ouerspread the sea, it was thought that of a warte so full of deuocion and pyetie, there coulde not be but hoped a happie ende, specially adding the inuocation of God, and so ma­ny seuerall inuasions made at one tyme agaynst the Turkes, who make their prin­cipall fundacion of defence, to fight in the playne fielde: These matters were solici­ted with no small industrie, and to stoppe all matter of imputacion agaynst thoffice of the Pope, the mindes of Princes were throughly sounded, and an vniuersal truce for fiue yeres betwene all the Princes of Christendome, published in the consistory, vpon payne of most grieuous censure to suche as should impugne it: So that the negociacion cōtinuing for all things apperteining to so great an enterprise, he assig­ned Embassadors to all Princes: to the Emperour he sent the Cardinall S. Sisto, to the Frenche king he dispatched the Cardinall of S. Maria in Portico, the Cardi­nall Giles to the king of Spayne, and the Cardinall Campeius to the king of Eng­lande: All Cardinalles of authoritie, eyther for their experience in affayres, or for [Page 759] opinion of their doctrine, or for their familiaritie with the Pope: All which things albeit they were begonne with greate hope and exspectacion, And the vniuersall truce accepted of all men, And all men with no litle ostentacion and brauerie of words, made shewe of their readines with their forces to aduaunce so good a cause: yet, what with the consideracion of the perill esteemed vncerteine and farre of, and extending more to one Prince then to an other, And what by the difficulties & long tract of time that appeared, to introduce a zeale and vnion so vniuersall, priuat inte­rests and respects perticular seemed to preuayle more, then the pietie of the expe­dicion: Insomuch as the negoclacion stoode not onely naked of all hope and yssue, but also it was followed very lightly and as it were by ceremonie, this beeing one propertie in the nature of men, that those things which in their beginnings appeare fearefull, doe daily take such degrees of diminucion and vanishing, that onles the first feares be reuiued by new accidents, they leade men in processe of tyme to secu­ritie: which propertie of negligence, both touching the affayres publike, & affection of priuate and perticular men, was well confirmed by the death that succeeded not longe after to Selym, who, hauing by a longe maladie suspended the preparacions of the warre, was in the ende consumed by the passions of his disease, and so passed in­to the other life, leauing so greate an Empire to Solyman his sonne, young in yeares, and iudged to beare a witte and minde not so disposed to the warres, although af­terwardes theffectes declared the contrarie. At this tyme, appeared betweene the Pope and the Frenche kinge, A moste greate and strayght coniunction: for, the kinge gaue to wife to Lavvrence, his Nephewe, the Ladye Magdaleyne no­blye descended of the bludde and house of Bolognia, with a yearely reuenue of tenne thowsande crownes, whereof parte was of the kinges gifte, and the residue rising of her owne patrimonye: Besides, the kinge hauing borne to him a sonne, the Pope requyred that in his Baptisme, he woulde impose vppon him his name: By which occasion Lavvrence making preparacions to goe to marye his newe wife, for his more speede, performed his iorney by poste into Fraunce, where he was receiued with many amities and much honor of the king, to whom he became very gracious & of deare accompt, the rather for that besides other general respects, he made a dedication of him selfe wholly to the king, with promise to follow in all accidents, his fortune: he brought also to the king a writ or warrant from the Pope, by the which he graunted to him, that till the moneyes collected of the tenthes and by other meanes of contribucion, were expended vppon the holy warre against the Turkes, he might dispose it to his owne vses, so farre forth as he would make promise to restore it whensoeuer occasion & necessitie would call him to defray it to that end it was gathered for: his warrant boare also to deliuer to Lavvrence of the same trea­sure, fifty thousand crownes: And whereas the king till that day had dissembled not to execute the Popes promise made to him vnder writing for the restoring of Mode­na and Reggia to the Duke of Ferrara, notwithstanding the tearme of seuen moneths were past, And knowing withall that he could not offer to the Pope a thing more greuous, then to vrge him to that restitucion, he redeliuered into the hands of Lavv­rence, the said writ of promise, making a greater reckoning (as it often hapneth amō ­gest mortall men) of the stronger then of the weaker. About the same time, the Ve­netians by the operacion of the French king, prolonged the truce they had with Cae­sar for fiue yeares, with condicion to paye for euery one of the fiue yeares twentye thowsande crownes, and to euery one of the exiles that had followed Caesar, the fourth parte of their goods yearely beeing rated at the value of fiue thowsande [Page 760] crownes: it was supposed that Caesar would haue bene induced to haue made peace with them, if they would haue gratified him with a greater summe of money.

But this truce was not a litle agreeable to the french king, for that the Venetians not standing fully assured, had the greater reason to make deare accompt of his a­mitie, and that to Caesar was giuen no power, with the money he had of them, to dresse any innouacion: Insomuch as matters on all sides, tending to peace and con­cord, the differences betwene the French and English were also reconciled: And for the more stabilitie of which agreement, it was confirmed with a contract of pa­rentage & allyance, wherein the king of England promised to giue his onely Daugh­ter, to whom hauing no sonnes, there was hope of the discending and succession of the kingdom, to the Dolphyn the eldest sonne of the crowne of Fraunce, Adding for a porcion foure hundred thowsand duckats: Both the one and the other boare yet so tender age, that infinit accidents might happen, before perfection of yeares woulde make them able to establish matrimony: There was made betwene them a league defensiue, wherein were comprehended Caesar and the king of Spayne in case they would ratifie it in a certeine tyme: The king of England bownd him selfe to restore Tornay, receiuing presently for defrayments exspended vppon that towne, two hun­dred and lx. thowsande duckats, and three hundred thowsande to be defalked of the porcion, and to paye three hundred thowsand more in the space of twelue yeares: The French king also was bownd that if the peace and the parentage followed not, to render vppe agayne into the handes of thEnglish, the towne of Tornay: Many Embassadors were sent from both the Realmes to negociat this league, and to re­ceiue the ratificacions and othes, by whome in the Courts of both the kinges the actes of thaccorde were dispatched with greate solemnitie and ceremonie, with a resolucion of an enteruiewe of bothe the kinges betweene Callice and Bolleyne, im­mediatly after the restitucion of Tornay. About the same tyme, the Daughter of the French king appoynted to bee maryed to the king of Spayne, beeing deade, the former peace and capitulacion was eftsoones reconfirmed betweene them, where­in was promised the mariage of the seconde Daughter of Fraunce: Both the kinges celebrated this coniunction with moste greate demonstracions of perfect ami­tie: for, the king of Spayne, hauing payed in at Lyons an hundred thowsand duc­kats, ware publikely the order of Saint Michaell vppon the daye of the celebraci­on of the same, and in recompense of that honour, the Frenche kinge, vppon the daye dedicated to Saint Andrevve, was honorably attyred in the robes and couller of the golden fleese.

Thus the affayres of Italy standing in good estate of tranquillitie, there remeyned onely discontented and in ill disposicion, Iohn Ia. Triuulce, whom neither his olde age reduced almost to the last time, nor his vertue so oftentimes expressed in the seruice of the house of Fraunce, could any way aide or comfort: for, as in him selfe were bred some occasions, partly by his ambicion, which was suspected, and partly through his impaciencie, which the condicion of olde age might reasonably excuse: So he was crossed by the suttle humors of suche as did enuye him, but chiefly and vehemently quarrelled withall in many thinges by Monsr Lavvtrech, by whose instigacion, the king was drawne into suspicion of him, that not onely his owne person but also the whole famulie and house, were too much agreeable to the Venetians: Wherein they Ielousie a­gainst Iohn Ia. Tryuulce. tooke the consideracion of their suspicion, not onely for thinterest of the faction of the Guelffes, and many other actions and tradicions of times past to kepe him en­terteined in the grace of the Venetians, but also for that Theoder Triuulce was become [Page 761] their gouernor, and Rene a member of their family, was newly receiued into the pay of that state: By reason of which, after Galeas Viscount by the death of Fr. Barnardin Viscount, was become chiefe of the Gebelin faction, the king indued him with thorder of S. Michaell and allowance of pensiō, to thend to oppose him against Triuulce with a greater authority, hauing withall the ready hand of Lavvtrech to push on his repu­tacion & credit as often as occasions occurred to doe any thing to the disaduantage of Triuulce: The passage of which things as they brought no litle diminucion to the authority of the old Triuulce, so, hauing no pacience to dissemble the wrongs which he knew he had not deserued, he made his daily cōplaints, & was so much the more hated & suspected: Lavvtrech with his other aduersaries made this no litle occasion to reproch him and accuse him to the king, that he had made him selfe a burgeis in­rolled with the Svvizzers, as though he woulde vse their meane to be supported a­gainst the king, & happly aspire to greater things: so apt is enuy to subborne sugge­stions, ‘& so ready to enforce them daungerously to the ruine of those against whom she contendeth: and as Triuulce, notwithstanding his old age which was now in the­state decrepit,’ & thinfirmities of a body broken which draweth after it dispensacion from trauel, was gone into Fraunce to iustefie himselfe: so, Monsr Lavvtrech after his departure, restrained vnder reasonable gard by the kings directiō at Vigeuena, his wife & grādchild borne of the Count of Musocque his only sonne deceased, which degree of rigor or hard dealing, was wel expressed vpon himself at his cōming into Fraunce, for that muche lesse that he was receiued of the king with the same aspect, counte­nance, & honor that he was wont, seeing of the cōtrary he reproched to his face, his amity & correspondency with the Svvizzers, assuring him that no other thing held him from punishing him as he had deserued, then the consideracion of thuniuersall renowme that ran (though not true in many partes) of the merits & seruices he had done to the crowne of Fraunce: vpon the kings displeasure which cōmonly worketh many daungerous impressions in the mindes of men, he renownced & disclaimed al society & introduction with the Svvizzers: and not many dayes after, following the court, he fell sicke at Chartres, where he gaue vp to the king, his innocency and com­plaintes, and made to God the last reckoning of his aged daies: he was a man in the The death of Ioh. Ia. Tri­uulce. iudgement of many, & cōfirmed by sundrie experiēces, of singular vallour in the di­scipline of warre, & ran a race alwayes opposed to thinconstancy of fortune, who ac­cording to her mutability, made him feele thoperaciō of both her humors, somtimes reioising in her fauor, & earst again finding her sower & of bitter tast: By his cōmaū ­dement were written vpon his tombe, these words not disagreable to the condicion & course of his life: I find the rest vvithin my graue, vvhich in my life I could not haue.

About this time, Caesar desiring after his death to establishe the succession of the Romaine Empire in the person of one of his grandchildren, treated with the electors to choose one of them king of Romains, a dignity which draweth with it an immediat succession to the Empire after thEmperours death, without other election or con­firmacion: And bicause none can aspire to suche election, vntill thEmperour e­lect haue obteyned the Crowne Imperiall, he made instance to the Pope that by a newe example, he woulde accomplishe his Cronacion in Germanie by the handes and deputacion of certeyne Cardinalls Legats Apostolyke for that action: And albeit Caesar had affore wished that that dignitie might be transferred to Ferdi­nand his grandchilde as a degree to supporte him, the elder hauing diuolued to him so greate a puissance of estates, and albeit he iudged that for the better conti­nuaunce of his house in fame and honor and to meete with all ill accidentes that [Page 762] runne vpon the eldest, it were better that two personages were great then one alone▪ yet what by the operacion of many his Courtiers, and by the perpetuall labor of the Cardinall of Syon, and lastly by the suborned importunities of suche as feared and hated the puisance of Fraunce, he reiected the first councell, and disposed all his meanes to haue the king of Spayne elected to that dignity: wherein he was perswa­ded that it would be farre more profitable for the house of Austrich, to assemble and draw into one alone, all power and greatnes, then in canuasing and deuiding it into many partes, to make that family lesse mighty to obteine the issue of their purposes: That the fundacions of the greatnes of Charles were suche & so mighty, that adding the dignity Imperiall, there was great hope, that he might reduce into one monar­chie all Italie and a great parte of Christendom: An action not onely apperteyning to the greatnes of his progeny and descendants, but also agreable to the tranquilitie of his subiects, and for the regard of the infidells, most conformable to the benefite of the common weale of Christendom: That it belonged to him in office & equity to lay for thaugmentacion & exaltacion of the dignity Imperiall which had bene so many yeares inuested in his person and his house of Austrich, and which till that day, both by his weakenes and infirmitie of his predecessors, had bene greater in title and name then in substance and effects: That there was no hope of the rising of that di­gnity, or to reinuest in it his auncient renowme, then by transporting it into the per­son of Charles and annexing it to his power: That seeing the humor of the time pre­sented to him thoccasion, wherein also did concurre the order of nature and of fortune, it ought to be farre from him to stop or hinder the course of so many helps, to aduaunce & lift vp the greatnes of his house: That it was seene by examples and tradicions of auncient Emperours, that Caesar Augustus and many of his successors, for want of sonnes or other issue of their line, haue searched by meane of adoption for successors very farre remoued from their alliance, yea such as touched them no­thng in blood and kinred, wherin they were caried by a naturall gelousie lineally dis­cending from one to an other, that the dignitie which had bene so long resident in their persons, should not be separate or decline to diminucion: That thexample was familiar of the king Catholike, who albeit he loued as his sonne, Ferdinand who had bene alwayes trayned vp about him, and neuer seeing Charles, but found him in his last age, very disobedient to his commaundements: yet without hauing compassion of the pouertie of him whom he loued as his sonne, he neuer imparted with him a­ny one of those estates which he helde, nor of such as he might dispose by the right & prerogatiue of conquest, but left all to him whom he scarcely knew but as a straū ­ger: That he would remember how the same king would alwayes vrge him to pur­chase new estats for Ferdinand, but to leaue the dignity Imperiall to Charles: & that it was seene that for thaugmentacion of the greatnes of his successor, he had, per­haps with a councel reproued of many & happily vniust, deuested frō the kingdom of Aragon, his proper house, & consented against the common desire of most men, that the name of his house so noble and renowned, should fall into obscurity & per­dicion. Against this instance of Caesar, the french king opposed him selfe with all in­dustrie and meanes possible, taking not a litle displeasure and enuie that to so many The french a­spireth to be Emperour. kingdoms and great estates holden by the spanish, there should be added the digni­tie Imperiall, which resuming a certaine vigor and strength for so great a puisance, might subdue all others vnder his feare and iurisdiction: he made secret solicitacion to all thelectors, to stoppe theffect of such an ambicion: he stoode vpon instance to the Pope not to send with an example new and daungerous, the Crowne to Maxi­milian: [Page 763] And he sent Embassadors to the Venetians, to induce them to hinder it with the Pope, whom he admonished of the perills that might fall vpon them both by the course of suche a greatnes: But the Electors for the moste parte were already drawne to the opinion of Caesar, and no lesse assured of the summes of money pro­mised thē for that election by the king of Spayne, who for that purpose had sent into Germanie two hundred thousande duckets: Neither could they in reason, nor hap­ply without daunger of slaunder in regarde of thexamples paste, denie him suche a demaunde: Besides, it was not to be beleeued that the Pope (notwithstanding it was discontenting to him) would refuse to agree that Caesar should receiue in Germany by the ministration of Legates Apostolike, the Crowne imperiall in his name, seing that to make a voyage to Rome to be crowned, albeit it brought a greater authoritie to the sea Apostolike, yet in all other regardes, it was a matter rather ceremonious then substanciall. With these impressions and with these accidentes, ended the yere a thousande fiue hundred and eightene, and as the Electors had not yet resolued and established the deliberation, so it was made both more doubtfull and full of dif­ficulties, by the death of Caesar which happened in the first beginning of the yere fol­lowing: he dyed at Liuz a towne vpon the marches of Austriche, where he remay­ned 1519 for the delight and pleasure in hunting the wilde Boare and other chases of the fielde: He liued alwayes vnder one condition of fortune, who many times fauored him in offring him many fayre occasions, and as often wrought agaynst him in not suffering him to take the fruite and effect of them: He was by nature inconstant and remouable, and had conceites and impressions very yll disposed and different from the iudgement of other men, ioyned to an excessiue prodigalitie and dissipacion of money: Matters which cut off from him theffects and successe of al occasions, being otherwise a prince most perfect and instructed in the ordering of warre, secrete to laye and dispose a plotte, diligent to followe it, of body hable and suffring, of minde affable and easie, and replenished with many other excellent giftes and ornaments. Assone as he was dead, the French king and the king of Spayne, began manifestly to aspire to thempire, the purchase whereof albeit was a matter of right great impor­tance, and no lesse the emulacion ronning betwene two so mighty Princes, yet they ordered their ambicion with great modestie, neyther vsing wordes of iniurie nor threates of armes, but eyther one laboring by his authoritie and by his meanes, to drawe on his side the Electors: The Frenche king sundry times reasoned touching thelection with great comelynesse with the Spanishe Embassadors, to whome he sayde it was a matter both agreable and conuenient, that eyther of them seuerally should seke by honest meanes to encrease the honor of his house by so great a digni­tie: which for that in tymes before had bene transferred into the famulies of their predecessors, there was now the lesse occasion to breede betwene them two, matter of iniurie, nor diminution of their amitie and goodwill: But rather he wished that in the action of thempire they might followe thexample and order of two young louers, who albeit they followe the quest of one Lady, and eyther one laboreth by his industrie to cary her, yet they forbeare to come to contention: The king of Spayne alluded with good right that thempire apperteined to him, as hauing conti­nued by a long succession of time in the house of Austriche, and that it had not bene the custome of the Electors to depriue the issue of themperour without manifest cause of their dishabilitie, neither was there any in Germanie of that puissance and authoritie to make him equall to stande competitor with him in that election: And east of all did he holde it iuste or likely that the Electors would transport to a for­reine [Page 764] or straunge Prince, so great a dignitie continued by so many ages in the na­tion of Germanie: And albeit some particuler amongst them, eyther through the in­sinuation of money, or other propertie of corruption, might be allured to an other intention, yet he hoped to stoppe him with force prepared in time conuenient, not douting also but the other Electors would oppose agaynst him, and the princes and free townes of Germanie would not endure so vniuersall an infamie, specially to suf­fer it to be layde vpon the person of the French king, which would be no other thing then to make great the puissance of a king enemie to their nation, and from whome there was no surety that thimperiall dignitie would euer returne into Germanie: he thought it would be an action easie to obteine and reduce to perfection, that which had bene solicited by his grandfather, who had already compounded for recom­penses and donations, and other diuidentes for euery of the Electors. On the other side, the desire of the French king was as great, and no lesse were his hopes, whiche tooke their principall fundation vpon an opinion he had to corrupt the voyces of the Electors with his huge summes of mony, especially for that there were amongst them both pensionaries to him, and otherwise assured by many good offices, who incouraging him with the facilitie of thenterprise, pushed him on to embrace it: And for his parte, as mortall men are apt to beleeue the thing they desire, so he no­rished that hope with reasons rather apparant then true: he knewe that common­ly it was a matter grieuous to the Princes of Germanie to haue themperours migh­tie, being ielouse that in so great a puissance, they would not eyther in part or in all, quarrell the iurisdictions and authorities imperiall occupied by many of them: In which reason he perswaded himselfe, that they would in no sort consent to thelecti­on of the Spaniard, and so of them selues to subiect themselues to an Emperor more mightie then had bene since a long discent and race of Emperours: A matter which in his person seemed to be qualified, for that hauing neyther estates nor auncient alliances in Germanie, they had no occasion of suspicion of his greatnes: The same reason also made him beleue wel of the cōformitie of the free townes, in whō much lesse that the regarde of the glorie of the nation would carie it from him, seeing it would helpe to peize the ballance on his side, for that with moste men the mocions of proper and priuate interest may do more, then the respect of publike and gene­rall profite: He knewe it was not a little greeuous to many noble houses of Germanie, pretending to be capable of suche a dignitie, to see thempire continue so long time in one house, but muche more did it discontent them to suffer that so great an e­state which of right ought sometimes to be giuen to one of them, and sometimes to passe to an other, should become a perpetuall discent and succession in one line: In so muche as they might call inheritance and succession that election, whiche durst not leaue the lyne of themperours: That in that sort thempire was translated from Albert d'Austriche to Federike his brother, and from Federike to Maximilian his sonne, and nowe there was deuise to passe it from Maximilian to the person of Charles his grandchilde. By these humors and indignations of the Princes of Ger­manie he tooke hope that the discordes and ielousies amongest themselues mighte helpe on his cause, the rather for that it often happneth in the contentions of men, that he that is excluded, or the partie whom he fauoreth, ronneth with a naturall rashnes rather to call in and aduaunce a thirde, then to giue place to him that hath opposed agaynst his intention: Moreouer the Frenche king was not without hys hopes in the fauor of the Pope, both in regarde of thamitie and alliance newly past betwene them, and also for that he was not ignorant howe inconuenient it woulde [Page 765] be to the sea Apostolike to haue thimperiall Crowne inuested in Charles, nor so muche for his owne greatnes, as for that by the oportunitie and neighborhood of the realme of Naples to thestate of the Churche, and the adherencie of the Barons of the Gebelins, he had a playne and open passage to ronne vp to the gates of Rome: But in that discourse he considered not that the same reason whiche he iudged true agaynst Charles, was also agaynst himselfe, for that thempire being ioyned to his per­son, he was no lesse to be feared of the Pope and all others, then Charles, for that though the one of them possessed happly more realmes and states, yet the other was not to be lesse esteemed, hauing his power not dispersed nor seperate in many places, but was Prince of a realme entierly assembled and vnited, where the obedi­ence and fidelitie of his subiectes was no lesse wonderfull, then his treasor and riches infinite: Neuerthelesse not knowing in himselfe that which he considered in an o­ther, he had recourse to the Pope, and implored his fauor vnder the offer and pro­testation of his person and kingdomes, with all other deuotions of a louing sonne. The matter of this election pressed muche the Pope, to whom it was not a litle grie­uous, both for the suretie of the sea Apostolike, and tranquillitie of Italie, that ey­ther of those two kings should be elected Emperor: And as his authoritie with the Electors was not suche as he might hope to drawe them muche to his purpose, so he iudged it necessarie to take a wyse course, and to vse industrie in a matter that drewe so great consequence: He perswaded him selfe that the French king being abused by some of thelectors, would haue litle part in thelection, and that the cor­ruptions in men salable would not be sufficient to transport thempire from the Ger­maine nation to the house of Fraunce: But he supposed the action would be easie to the king of Spayne, both for the conformitie of language and nation, and for the pra­ctises and solicitations begon with Maximilian, and for many other regards, yea he thought he might easily leade on his intention, if he obiected no impediment: A matter which he sawe he could not worke in other sort, then to labor the Frenche king to turne vpon the person of one of the selfe electors the same fauors and distri­butions of money, which he aduaunced to procure his owne election: But he estee­med it a matter impossible to induce the kings minde to take that course, so long as he stoode caryed with the vehement humor of vayne hopes: And as he hoped that by howe muche more earnestly he should embarke him selfe into that practise, by so muche more easily should he drawe the French king to fauor the election of a third, with no lesse affection then he had sought to aduaunce his owne: so he doub­ted not that vnder that dealing he might not winne so muche with the king as to bring him to receyue and heare his authoritie and counsell, especially hauing insi­nuated in him a credence certayne to be his friend, and to haue with him the same desire to aduaunce his election: Besides, he thought that in fauoring at the begin­ning the affayres of the French king, the king of Spayne finding difficultie to obteine his desire, and fearing least the French would winne some aduauntage, woulde in like sorte dispose him selfe to elect a thirde: For which reasons he did not onely sig­nifie to the French king with what affection he wished he were lifted to thempire, but he counselled him with many reasons to proceede resolutely in thenterprise, promising him vnder large wordes, to fauor him with the whole authoritie of the sea Apostolike: And as he thought he could not in better sort imprint in the kinges minde the sinceritie of his intention, then to vse for that purpose an instrument whom the French king would thinke depended more vpon him then of any other, he gaue present direction to his Nuncio in Germanie called Robert Vrsin Archbishop [Page 766] of Reggia, and of great confidence with the king, that both seuerally and ioyntly with the French Agents there, he should make the best labor he could to solicite thelec­tors: But he diminished the libertie of this commission by secrete aduertisement, that the Nuncio should proceede eyther more or lesse moderately, according as he founde in Germanie the Electors disposed, and the affayres aduaunced. These acti­ons discretly discoursed by the Pope, and no lesse couered with a wonderful simula­tion, stoode in neede, aswell for the person of the king as in his Agents in Germanie, of a greater wisedome and secretie, and in the Popes ministers a more fidelitie and grauitie.

But whylest these matters tooke their proceedings by practises and by armes, the French king gaue direction to Peter of Nauarre to go to the sea with a Nauie of xx. gallies and other vessells fraughted with a thousande souldiors: his commission was to lye to impeache the piracies and inrodes of the Mores, who hauing with their foystes ronne into oure seas without impediment, became more harmefull this yeare then at anye time before: His commission bare also to inuade the Mores of Affrika if the Pope thought it so good: But the principall respect and intention of this expedition was, to take away from the Pope (who was wholly for him in the chalenge of thempire) all occasion not to feare the forces of the king Catholike, who more for feare to be troubled in his owne estates, then for desire to vex any o­ther, leauyed with great preparations an army by sea, to sende it out for the garding of the realme of Naples. And yet notwithstanding, amidde these distrustes and sus­picions, both the kings continuing in demonstrations and fayre semblances of ami­tie, there was sent from them seuerally and in particular, to Montpellier, the greate maister of Fraunce & the lorde of Cheures, in the seuerall persons of whom consisted almoste all the counsells and intentions of their kinges: Their negociation tended partly to confirme the mariage of the seconde daughter of Fraunce with the king of Spayne, and partly to resolue the affayres of the kingdome of Naples, the restitucion of which albeit being promised to thauncient king in thaccorde made at Noyon, though much solicited by the French king, was tyll that day deferred by the king of Spayne, with diuerse cunning excuses: But this entercouncell and meeting was da­shed, by the accident of death happning to the great Maister, who was taken away affore they assembled.

In this time dyed Lavvrence Medicis, who had languished in a continuall sicknes Death of Lavv. de Medicis. euer since his returne from Fraunce, where he had consummated his mariage with a wretched prediction by the death of his wife, who not many dayes before, and after her deliuery of childe, was reuoked out of this worlde, leauing him behinde to take warning of his mortall ende by her going before to prepare his waye: By the death of Lavvrence, the Pope standing desirous to keepe conioyned so long as he lyued, the power of the Florentins with the estate of the Churche, woulde take no coun­sell of certayne his familiar friendes, who aduised him, that since of the line Mascu­line there remayned no more (except himselfe) of the lawfull descendantes of Cosmo de Medicis the first founder of that greatnes, he would reenlarge and restore the ly­bertie of his countrey: But with a counsell singular and particular, he preferred the Cardinall Medicis to thadministration of that estate, eyther in an ambicious humor to perpetuate the name of his house, or for a reuenging hatred norished by his exile agaynst the name of that common weale: And iudging that the Duchie of Vrbin, for the vniuersall loue which the people bare to their auncient Duke, would hardly be holden vnder the name of the onely daughter remayning of Lavvrence, who was [Page 767] comprehended in the inuestiture of her father, he rendred it together with Pezero & Sinigalo, to the sea apostolike: which seeming not sufficient to represse the vehement affection of the peoples, he threw downe to the earth, the walls of the city of Vrbin & the other principal places of that Duchy, except Agobbio: a city which, for the ge­lousie it had ouer the city of Vrbin, bore no great inclination to Franciscomaria, he fa­uored, & restored it to reputaciō, induing it with a chiefe iurisdiction & principallity ouer all that Duchy: And to weaken it so much the more, he gaue to the Florentins in recompense of the money exspended by him in the warre of Vrbin for the which he before had reduced the chamber Apostolike, as detter to the state of Florence, the fortresse of S. Leo with all Montfeltro and the parishes of Sestine which were alwaies of the demaine of Sesena: The Florentins were not wel contented with this maner of satisfaction, and yet they had no meane to oppose against his authoritie and will.

Let vs eftsones returne to the chalenge or sute for the Empire, which holding all Christendom in suspense, was pursued by both the kings with more ambition then euer: The french king was beguiled more and more vnder the inducements & great promises of the Marquis of Branderburg, one of the electors, who was allured with no small offers of money and happly some round summe in prest, for the which he did not only bind him selfe with secret capitulacions, to giue him his voyce, but also to make for him and on his side his brother thArchbishoppe of Magence, one of the three prelate electors: The king in like sorte promised him selfe muche of an other parte of thelectors, and in case it came to an equalitie of voyces, he hoped not a litle in the voice of the king of Boheme, by the voice of whom the controuersie was to be decided if the six electors whereof iij. be ecclesiastike & iij. secular, were discordant: Therefore the frenche king sent to thAdmirall, who was gone before into Germanie to solicite the action, a great quantity of money to be distributed amongest the ele­ctors: And as he vnderstand that many of the free townes together with the Duke of VVittemberg gaue out threates against those that sought to transport the dignitie of the Empire into the person of straungers, for the which they made leauies of men of warre: so he forgat not to collect great prouisions of money and treasor, to thende that both with corruption & armes, he might oppose against such as put thelectors in feare to make choice of him: But great was thinclination of the people of Germa­nie to keepe reteined the Imperial maiesty within the compasse of that nation, yea it concerned & ran euen amongst the cōmunities of the Svvizzers, who for the loue they bare to their common contrie of Germanie, besought the Pope, that in the ele­ction, he would not beare fauor to any that were not of the natural language of Ger­manie: Neuerthelesse the Pope perseuered to push on the french king, hoping that for those degrees & demonstracions of his affection towards him, he would at least be brought to heare & take councel of him with greater credit & faith: vnder which councell followed with other reasons, he labored in the ende to perswade the king, that shaking of all hope from him selfe to be elected, he would worke with the same instance & importunity, to transferre the election to the person of some other of the Princes of Germanie: A councell that serued to small purpose, for that thAdmirall & Robert Vrsin, being cūningly caried ouer with the promises of such, as, to make them selues rich with the money of Fraunce, fedde them with intencions very certeine and pleasing, the one being of a french nature & the kings seruant, & the other bearing a light & vnstayed condicion, and desirous to win grace with the king: consumed him dayly more and more with vaine aduertisements increasing his hope to cary the ele­ction: with these practises and operacions of money & sinister meanes, the Princes, [Page 768] to whom not more by antiquitie of custome or well grounded reason, then through permission and priuileage, or rather dispensacion of Pope Gregorie the fift a Germain of nation, belongeth the power to elect themperor of Rome, went according to that auncient vsage, to Franckfort a towne of lowe Germanie, where, as they contended vpon many poyntes and differences touching the proceding to the election in time due, obseruing their ordinances: They were aduertised of an army put already to the fielde by the king of Spayne, who was more carefull to wage souldiours with money, then to exspende his treasor in symonie and corruption vppon the elec­tors: This armie approching neare the towne of Franckfort, vnder title to bridle all such as should offer force to the action of election, brought no small encourage­ment to those Electors who fauoured his cause, reduced to his parte those that stoode doubtfull, and so astonished the Marquis of Brandenberg, who was for the French king, that both dispayring of the concurrance of other Electors, and also glad to auoyde the hatred and vniuersall infamie of the whole nation, he had no hart to discouer his intention: So that comming at last to the act of election Charles d'Austriche king of Spayne was elected Emperour the xxviij. of Iune by the full voy­ces Charles the fife chesen Emperour. of these foure electors, the Archbishop of Maience, tharchbishop of Colleine, the Count Palatine, and the duke of Saxon: The Archbishop of Treues choosed the Mar­quis of Brandenberg, who was also concurrant in the election of him selfe: But tou­ching Charles it is not to be doubted, that if by equalitie of voyces the election had bene passed ouer to the gratification of the seuenth elector, that he had not bene also called, for that Levvis the king of Boheme who was also king of Hungrie, had pro­mised his voyce to Charles.

This election pulled downe marueilously the hart of the French king, and no lesse abated the reputation of all those that in Italie had their exspectation and depen­dancie of him: And on the other side, it raysed into courage and stomacke all such as were occupied with hopes and thoughtes contrarie, seeing transferred and con­ioyned so great a power, in the person of one onely prince, whose youth and other apparances made showe of great effectes of ambicion in him, besides that there was promised and prophesied vpon him by many predictions, a right great & large empire, together with many worldly fortunes and felicities: And albeit he was not so riche in treasor and money as was the French king, yet it was noted in him a mat­ter of right great importance, to be hable to furnishe his armies with footemen of Svvizzers, Germains, and Spaniards, people for their vallour, of great glorie and re­putation through the world: A matter wherein he had a singular aduantage of the French king, who for that he had not in his kingdome a strength of footmen to op­pose agaynst the vertue of these, had no meane to make strong warre, but by dra­wing with great expences and intollerable difficulties, bandes of footemen out of forreine contreis: A necessity which cōstrained him to enterteine with great charge and diligence, the nation of Svvizzers, and to endure of them many iniuries, and yet he neuer stoode fully assured neyther of their constancie nor of their fidelitie. Occasions of contention betwene the fr. king and themperor. Moreouer it was not to be doubted that betwene these two Princes of equall youth and ambicion, and hauing indifferent reasons and occasions of ielousie and conten­cion, would not in the ende arise a great and daungerous warre: for the French king was not without a burning desire to recouer the kingdome of Naples, to the whiche he aspired and pretended iust title: and he tooke greatly to hart the restoring of king Iohn to the realme of Nauarre, touching the which he nowe discerned that he had bene fed with vaine hopes. It troubled the Emperour to pay the hundred thousande [Page 769] duckets promised in the accord of Noyon, and he interpreted agaynst the king that in reiecting thaccord made before at Paris, and vsing immoderatly thoccasion when he was to passe into Spayne, he had almost forced him to make a new accorde: Besides, the cause of the duke of Gueldres was greene and fresh betwene them, A matter of it selfe without any other concurrancie, sufficient to stirre them vp to warre & armes, for that as the French king on the one side had taken him into his protection, so on the otherside he was holden by the people of Flaunders, a seuere and bitter enemie: But aboue all other quarrels the Duchie of Burgondie wrought in the mind of them­perour no small emulacion: which duchie being possessed by Levvis the eleuenth by reason of the death of Charles duke of Burgondie grandfather by the mothers side to themperours father, hath euer since tormented the minds of his successors: Lastly there wanted no matter or occasions of strife and warre for the duchie of Millan, of which the king raigning had not since the death of Levvis the twelfth, neither de­maunded nor obteined the inuestiture: Besides, there was pretended to the rightes which had bene gotten to him by the inuestiture which had bene made to his pre­decessor, many chalenges & exceptions aswell touching the inualiditie, as the losse of those rights, which was matter sufficient to stirre them vp to quarrell: Neuerthe­lesse neither the time ronning, nor the oportunitie present (which are the guiders of actions) consented as then that they should enter into any innouacion: for, besides that themperour of necessitie was to repasse first into Germanie, to receiue at Aix the crown of thempire according to the custome of those that are elected: yet they were either of them so puissant & mightie in their particular, that the difficultie to offend one another kept them restrayned from all inuasion vntill they had perfect informa­cion of the intencion & disposicion of other Princes, but specially of the Pope, in case the warre were to begin in Italie: his intencions & inclinacion were so obscured & couered with artificial & faire semblāces, that much lesse that they were knowen to others, seing happly at sometimes they held no resolucion in himself, notwithstā ­ding he had dispēsed with Charles for thacceptatiō of thelection made in his person, contrarie to the tenor of thinuestiture of the realme of Naples, wherin (being made according to the auncient forme of inuestitures) he was expresly forbidden suche a matter: But what soeuer he did in that action, proceded not so much of good will, as for that he had no occasion to refuse it to him, without offending him greatly.

So that the regions of Italie, for these reasons, stoode in good estate of peace and The Popes enterprise vp­pon Ferrara. tranquilitie, notwithstāding in the end of the same yere, the Pope sought to possesse the citie of Ferrara, not with manifest armes, but by secret ambush and deuise: for albeit it might haue bene beleeued, that for the death of his Nephewe Lavvrence de Medicis, especially for that there wanted in his house rather men then estates, he would haue shaked of all thoughtes & ambicion to occupie Ferrara to the which he had alwayes aspired before: yet whether he was pushed on by a hatred conceiued agaynst that Duke, or by a desire to make himselfe equal, or at least to come as neare as he could, to the glory of Iulio, he had not, neither for the death of his brother, nor for the losing of his nephew, diminished any part of that burning ambiciō: by which experience it maye be easily discerned that the ambicion of Priestes taketh of no­thing so great norriture, as of it selfe: But the qualitie of the time and the situacion and fortresse of that Citie whiche Alfonso with great diligence had reduced to good rampiers & fortifications, would not agree that he should make his enterprise with forces open and discouered, seing withal he had prouided an infinit quantity of faire artilleries & municions, & improuing to thuttermost his reuenues, & limiting al his [Page 770] exspences, imposing newe raxacions and tributes, and lastely expressing in all things the minde of a marchant more then of a prince, it was beleeued he had gathered to­gether a huge masse of money and treasor: In so much that if the condicions of the time changed not, there remayned to the Pope no other hope to cary it, then by the way of secret conspiracie and practise: wherof as he had in vayne made experience in times past with Nicho. d'Este and many others: And Alfonso for that he knewe not that he followed any more those practises, helde himselfe almost assured, not of his will, but of his conspiracies and ambushes: So it seemed to the Pope, for the meanes that were offred to him, and for that Alfonso by thoppression of a long maladie was reduced to those desperate tearmes that there was almost no hope of his recouerie, and withall for that his brother the Cardinall, because he would not remayne in the Court of Rome with disgrace, was gone into Hungrie, that the time consented to exe­cute some plot layde and preferred by some exiles of Ferrara, and by their working, by Alexander Fregoso Bishop of Vintemille who was then at Bolognia, for that aspiring to be Duke as his father the Cardinall had bene, he was suspected of Octauian Fre­gofo: The same Bishop hauing had ill speede in the traffikes and practises whiche he managed to bring him agayne into his owne countrey, promised to him selfe a bet­ter course and more happie successe in the driftes which he should driue for an o­ther in a straunge countrey: So that after he had secretly receiued of the Pope ten thousande duckets, he leauyed vnder cooller to reenter Genes by force, a power of two thousand footemen partly in the countreys of Rome, and partly within the iuris­diction of Lunigiane: By the brute and rumor of which mustering, Octauian Fregosa fearing to be surprised by him, made him selfe strong both by sea and lande: But the Bishop making as though by the disclosing of his driftes, he were falne from all hope to be hable at that tyme to alter thestate of Genes, gaue aduertisement to Federike de Bossolo with whose ayde the towne of Concorda was chiefly maynteined agaynst Count Iohn Frauncis of Mirandola, that he might vse the seruice of his forces vntill the expiracion of their paye which yet continued almost a moneth: And after he had passed the Appenin, he discended into the countrey of Corregio, taking the waye by slowe marchinges to Concorda: The fundacion of this treatise or solicitation was to passe the ryuer of Pavv, for which effect certayne seruauntes of Albert Carpi con­senting to thexpedicion, had vnder cooller to be marchauntes of corne, hyered many barkes ryding at the mouth of the ryuer of Secchio, and passing in them the ryuer of Pavv, the Bishoppe layde hys pretence to approache vppon the sud­dayne neare to Ferrara, where for that he had beene not many monethes before, he had carefullye surueyed one parte of the towne vppon the ryuer side, where fortie faddomes of the wall were downe to the earth, whiche was a breach suf­ficient enough to enter: This breache or ruine of wall, for that it was but lately falne, was not reenforced and made vp agayne so speedily as apperteyned, both for that the neighborhood of the ryuer and the priuacion of feare, had norished securitie and negligence in suche as ought to haue prouided and repayred suche disorders: But when the rumor ranne through the countrey that the Bishoppe of Vintemille was passed the Appenin with his souldiours, the Marquis of Man­tua, though for no particular suspicion, yet following his aunciente custome to take awaye all meanes from forreine bandes to passe the ryuers, retyred to Man­tua all the barkes that laye in the mouth of Secchio: By whiche accident the Bi­shoppe loste the oportunitie and seruice of those barkes whiche were hyered, and lesse meane to recouer other so soone as the necessitie of the expedicion re­quired, [Page 771] for that the officers for the Churche that were nearest that place, were not made priuie to the practise, or at least if they had any ynkling, they were without Commission to deale in it: In so muche that why lest he searcheth with the Agents of Albert some remedie, and reaposeth his people about the confines of Corregia, where, by indiscression he discloseth to some the particularities of his purpose: the Marquis of Mantua sendeth one of his men to imparte the intencion and discourse of the enterprise to the Duke of Ferrara, who doubted so litle of any suche matter, that he was hardly induced to beleeue it: Neuerthelesse looking with better eyes in­to thestate of his daunger, that parte of the wall that was ruinate mouing him more then any other thing, he beganne to wage men of warre: And making as though he had no suspicion of the Pope, he aduertised him of the ambushes dressed against him by the Bishop of Vintemille, beseeching him to giue direction to the gouernors thereaboutes to minister succours to him if neede required: A request which was readily graunted and executed by the Pope by writtes and letters in his fauour, not­withstanding he dispatched secretlye at the same tyme Commissions to the con­trarie. The rumor that ranne of the preparacions whiche were made at Ferrara, ioyned to the difficulties to passe the ryuer of Pavv, tooke from the Bishop all hope to accomplishe his enterprise, by reason whereof he drewe with his armie towards Concorda: And whylest he treated with those that were within (who were alreadie entred into suspicion agaynst him) to inuade Mirandola, he presented him selfe so­denly in the night before the walls of Concorda and gaue thassalt, to thend to induce a perswasion that he was come into those places not to go to Ferrara, but to impa­tronise him selfe vpon Concorda: But this assault as it was in vayne, so the residue of thexpedicion drewe with it a light effect, for that afterwards he dismissed the moste parte of his souldiors: he left many men in opinion, and euen Alfonso him selfe, that if the meane to passe the ryuer of Pavv, had not bene taken from him, the breache or ruine of the wall that was reuersed, had ministred to him a great commoditie to take Ferrara, wherein was not one bande nor regiment of men of warre, the Duke extreamely diseased, and the vniuersall people in suche discontentment of him, that in an accident so sodayne and vnprouided, there were fewe that would haue sought their remedie by armes, or offred their bodies to be opposed against suche a danger.

Nowe followeth the yere a thousand fiue hundred and twentie, wherin the peace 1520. Martin Lu­ther agaynst the Pope. of Italie, for the same reasons and occasions by the which it had bene preserued the yeare before, tooke continuacion and helde good: But newe doctrines beganne to spreade and increase, first agaynst the authoritie of the Churche of Rome, and after­wardes agaynst the course of Christian religion: This doctrine tooke beginning in Germanie in the countrey of Saxonie, by the preachinges of Martin Luther some­times of the order of Saint Augustine, who renewed at the first for the moste parte, the auncient errours of the Bohemiens, whiche beeing reproued by the vniuersall councell of the Churche holden at Constance, by whose authoritie were burned Iohn Hus and Ierome a Prage two heades of those heresies, had lyen of long tyme conteyned within the limittes of Bohemia: The cause that newely stirred vp these opinions in Germanie was a contempte of the authoritie of the sea Apostolike, which Pope Leo abused too licēciously: he folowing toomuch the counsel of Lavv­rence Puccio cardinal of the title of foure Saints touching the administraciō of graces which the court of Rome distributeth vpō things spiritual & beneficiall, had dispersed throughout the world without distinction of times or places, most ample indulgen­ces, whervnto he had ioyned a power to helpe not onely those that were yet in this [Page 772] life, but also to deliuer the soules of the dead out of the paynes of purgatorie: And because it was manifestly knowen that those indulgences were graunted onely to drawe money from men, and the same impudently demaunded by the Commissa­ries deputed for that exaction, who had bought of the Popes officers power to ex­ercise and distribute by sale the sayde indulgences: they had bread in many places a great indignation and many slaunders, and especially in Germanie, where were de­tected many of his ministers selling for a small price, or set vpon a game at tables in a Tauerne, the power to redeeme the soules of dead men out of Purgatorie: This indignacion tooke also increasing by an other degree of abuse in the Pope, who for the facilitie of his nature managing in many things the office of Pope with verye litle maiestie, made donacion to his sister Magdalene, of the profite and exaction of the indulgences in many quarters of Germanie, and she assigned her commissa­rie Bishoppe Arembauld, a minister worthy suche a commission, which he execu­ted with no litle auarice and extorcion: And forasmuche as it was knowne noto­riously through all Germanie, that the money that was drawen by these indulgences, were not payed ouer to the Pope nor the Apostolike chamber, who happlye might haue exspended some parte of it in good vses, but was transferred indirect­ly to satisfie the infinite couetousnesse of a frayle woman, not onely the exaction became detestable and the officers of the same, but also the name and authoritie of him who with so little discression graunted it. Vnder this occasion Luther en­tred into his controuersie, and beganne not onely to contemne those indulgences, but also in them to taxe and reprehende the authoritie of the Pope: and dra­wing to him euery daye greate numbers of Auditors who ranne to heare a mat­ter so well receyued of the eares of the people, he beganne to denie and quarrell more openly the authoritie of the Pope.

Of these beginninges happlye honest of them selues, or at least excusable in the greatest parte, he nourished his occasion and auowed it to be iuste: And bee­ing further caryed with ambicion and popular inclinacion ioyned to the speciall fauour of the Duke of Saxon, he went on not onely to taxe the power of the Popes and the authoritie of the Churche of Rome, but also standing styll vppon the er­rours of the Bohemiens, he beganne with tyme to batter the Images of Churches, to depriue places Ecclesiastike of their goodes, and to permit mariages to Monkes and Nunnes professed, confirming his opinion not onely with authoritie and with argumentes, but also with the example of him selfe: He denyed that the power of the Pope was extended out of the Bishopricke of Rome, and maynteined that eue­rye other Bishoppe had as muche authoritie and power in his particular Diocesse, as the Pope had within the Bishopricke of Rome: He reiected all matters determi­ned in Councells, all traditions written by those that are called Doctors of the Church, and all Cannons and decrees of Popes, and reduced him selfe onely to the olde Testament, to the booke of the Gospels, to the Actes of the Apostles, to all that is comprehended vnder the name of the newe Testament, and to the Epistles of Saint Paule: Onely he gaue to all these a newe sence and interpretacion doubt­full, suche as neuer had beene hearde of before. But the follye of Luther and hys adherentes stayed not onely there, but beeing in effecte followed of all Ger­manie, and running dayly into errours more detestable and daungerous, he came at last to deale with the Sacramentes of the Church, and to despise fastings, penan­ces, and confessions, yea some of his followers (suche as some waye differed from his opinion) spake matter of blasphemie agaynst the Eucharist: All which thinges [Page 773] being originally reproued by the authoritie of councels and holy doctors, haue gi­uen an entry to all newe and peruerse inuencions and interpretations, and going on encreasing and amplifying in many places out of the bounds of Germanie, for that they conteine such propertie of doctrine, that deliuering men from many cōmaun­dementes established for their safety by the generall Councels of the Church, by the decrees of Popes, by thauthoritie of Cannons, and by the sound interpretations of holy doctors, they bring men backe to a maner of lyfe more full of libertie, yea euen according to their owne fancie and luste. The Pope laboured in the beginning to quench this pestiferous doctrine, and yet he forbare to vse remedies and medicines proper and conuenient to cure so great a maladie: for he cited to Rome Martin Lu­ther, he forbad him to preache, and afterwardes for his disobedience, he imposed vpon him the censures of the Church: But he absteined not from the action of ma­ny things of yll example, and suche as beeing reasonably reproued and blamed by Luther, became very intollerable to all men: for proceding agaynst him in his intem­perancie, with armes spirituall and ecclesiastike, muche lesse that he did diminishe, but did augment in the mindes of the people, the reputacion of Martin, as though those persecutions had taken their beginning of the innocencie of his lyfe and of his sounde doctrine, rather then vpon any other occasion: The Pope sent into Ger­manie many religious men to preache agaynst him, and countenanced them with many letters & writtes of credence to princes and prelates: But neither that course nor any other meanes which he vsed to represse him, serued to nothing, by reason of the vniuersall inclination of the people, and the speciall protection and fauor of the Duke of Saxon being within his iurisdiction: In so muche as the cause of Luther be­gan to seeme euery day in the court of Rome to carye greater importaunce, and to augment a feare amongest them that there grewe not of it some great domage tou­ching the greatnesse of Popes, the profites of the Court of Rome, and the vnion of Christian religion: for which occasion in that yere were sommoned many consisto­ries at Rome, and many consultations assembled in the chamber of the Pope, and ma­ny disputacions amongest the Cardinalls and diuines specially deputed, to deuise a remedie for suche an euill whiche tooke increasing dayly: And albeit there were some amongst thē in this solemne Councell, that failed not to reduce to the Popes memorie, that the persecutions whiche had bene executed agaynst Luther, since they were not accompanied with a correction of things damnable in them selues, had increased his reputation and goodwill with the people, and that it had beene a lesse euill to dissemble the knowledge of suche a matter whiche perhaps woulde haue dissolued of it selfe, then by blowing at the brande to make the fyre burne more and caste a greater flame: yet (suche is the nature of mortall men to proceede with remedies fierce and violent) the persecutions were not only redoubled agaynst him and his followers commonly called Lutherans, but also a wonderfull writte of threatning monicion thundred oute agaynst the Duke of Saxon, by the whiche being so muche the more incensed and kindled, he became with a greater affection the protector of his cause: whiche, for the space of many yeares went multiplying so farre, that there was great daunger least the residue of Christendome were not infected with the contagion: But there is nothing that so muche hath restray­ned his course, as the knowledge that men tooke that the followers of his doctrine, did no lesse impugne the imperie and power of Princes temporall, then were moste ennemies to the authoritie of the Popes of Rome, A reason whiche hath moued manye Princes, for their proper interestes, to labour wyth studie and [Page 774] seueritie to keepe out of their realmes and principalities, that contagion: And of the contrarie, albeit those errours haue beene many tymes at the poynt to con­founde and fall, both for the immoderate intemperancie of their heades and chief­tayns, and for the diuersitie & contrarietie of opinions amongest their disciples, yet there is no one thing that so much hath enterteined and continued the obstinacion of them, as the licencious libertie whiche the people haue gotten in their maner of liuing, together with the couetousnesse of great men, who would not suffer the de­priuation of those porcions of goods which they occupied of the Churches.

There happned nothing this yeare worthy of memorie, sauing that Iohn Paule Baillon and Gentill one of the same famulie, beeing at Perousa, fell at quarrel betwene them selues, for that Iohn Paule being not content that he had the greatest parte and authoritie in the gouernment, sought to subiect the whole, in whiche ambicion he chased Gentill out of Perousa: for which violence the Pope being not a litle grieued, cited him to appeare personally at Rome, but fearing some daunger to his person, he forbare to go thither, but sent Malatesta his sonne with his iustifications and to pro­test his ready obedience to the Pope and all his commaundementes: Neuerthelesse the Pope insisting still vpon his personal appearance, after the passion of many douts and perplexities, he was resolued at last to go to Rome, being caried partly with con­fidence in his auncient merites and seruices done in all times to his house, and part­ly ouerruled by the perswasions of Camilla Vrsin his sonne in lawe with other his friends, who bothe extended their authoritie and applyed all other meanes they could to the Pope for his safety: of whom they obteined promise vnder his fidelitie and expresse assurance (though not set downe in writing, but pronounced with the Popes mouth with greatarte) vnder confidence whereof he willed them to encou­rage him to appeare, which they accomplished vnder warrant of assurance from them that he might do it in safetie: But when he was come to Rome, he founde the Pope vnder coollur of his recreation according to his custome, gone a fewe dayes before, to the Castell S. Angelo, whither Iohn Paule going the morning following to present himselfe to him, he was before he came there, made prisoner by the capteine of the Castell: Afterwards he was rigorously examined by iudges assigned, to whom in this miserie he confessed that he had committed manye grieuous faultes aswell for the conseruation of tyrannie as to continue his disordered pleasures, and to ob­serue his other intereste particular: for the which, after he had bene prisoner more then two monethes, he was beheaded according to the ordinance and sentence of The Pope executeth Io. Paule Baillon. the lawe: it was beleeued that the Pope was induced to this punishment, for that he discerned in the warre of Vrbin by many signes, that Iohn Paule bare a minde e­straunged from him, that he had enterteined conspiracies with Franciscomaria, and that he coulde not in all accidentes assure him selfe of him, and consequently so long as he was at Perousa, he coulde make no fundacion of that estate. The chil­dren of Iohn Paule, assoone as they heard of the restrayning of their father, fledde from the malice of the Pope, who to readresse the gouernment of Perousa ac­cording to his fancie, gaue that Legacion to Siluio Cardinall of Cortono, his seruaunte and of his auncient bringing vppe: He restored Gentill into Perousa, to whome he gaue the goodes whiche Iohn Pavvle had possessed, and so resting vppon a foundacion and subiect verye weake, he conuerted into him all greate­nesse and reputacion. In lyke sorte this yeare, the Pope, who attributed more to fortune or wante of discression then to any other operacion, the losse and mis­carying of the Bishoppe of Vintemillo, began to enforce newe ambushes agaynst the [Page 775] Duke of Ferrara, by the meane and working of Hubert Gambaro the Apostolike pro­notory: To him, one Rodolphe Capteine of certeine bandes of launceknights which Alfonso held for his gard, had promised to put into his hāds at his pleasure the entry of the gate of the castell Tialto, whether the souldiours that were to be sent from Bo­lognia and Modona, hauing meane to come without passing the riuer of Pavv but by the wodden bridge which is before that gate: direction was giuen to Guido Rangon and the gouernor of Modena to assemble a certeine crewe of souldiours vnder some other cooller, and to go make a surprise of that gate, and to defend it vntill were ari­ued the others that were to come from Bolognia and Modena: But the day to execute thenterprise was no sooner determined vppon, then it was discouered that Rodolphe to whom by the Popes ordenance were giuen about two thowsand duckats by Hu­bert Gambaro, had from the beginning communicated all the conspiracie to Alfonso, who, after he was well informed and assured of the Popes intencion & his purposes, stopped the further course and passage of things, and reuealed to all men the deceit of Rodolphe.

In this yeare thEmprour passed by sea out of Spaine into Flaunders, and making his course by the shoares of England, he discended and tooke land there, not by ne­cessity ThEmprour in England. as his father did, but voluntarily to haue conference with the king of England, with whom he found good agreement: from Flaunders he went into Germany, where he receiued in the moneth of October, at Aix being a citie of fame and renowme for the auncient residencie and sepulcher of Charlamaine, the first crowne, which is as men say the selfe same crowne with the which Charlamaine was celebrated: it was deliuered to him according to olde obseruacion, by the authoritie of the Princes of Germany: But that felicitie was troubled with new accidents hapning in Spaine which grew vpon this occasion: The populars and vniuersall multitudes of that kingdom, were not a litle agreeued with his promocion to thEmpire, as knowing that to the great incommoditie and harme of them all, he should for sundry occasions be con­strayned to spend the most part of his tyme out of Spaine: But the principall cause of that discontentment and stirre, was the generall hatred they had conceiued against the couetousnes of such as gouerned him, especially against Monsr de Cheures, who Commocions in Spaine. expressing desires insatiable, had raked together by many meanes, A great masse of treasor: By whose example the other Flemmings were caried by humors couetous and getting to sell for ready mony to straungers, those offices & Magistracies which were wont to be bestowed vppon Spanyards, and made vendible all other graces, pri­uileages, fauors and expedicions of Court: Insomuch as all mens mindes being in­flamed against the name of the Flemmings, the people of the vale of Olyt beganne to draw into rebellion, at such tyme as thEmprour departed: And immediatly after he was gonne out of Spaine, all the peoples of any prouince whatsoeuer, gathered into commocion, not against their king as they protested, but to suppresse the couetous­nes of his wicked gouernors: And after they had communicated together their councels, they would no more obey the kings Officers, but of them selues set downe a forme of gouernment dressed by the vniuersall councell of the multitude, which they called La santa giunta: such is the name they giue to the vniuersall councell of the popular sort: The Capteines and kings Officers tooke armes against them, and so thinges being reduced to a manifest warre, the disorders encreased by so many de­grees, that thEmprour held amongest them a very small authoritie: The same being the cause that aswell in Italy as out of Italie, the hope of those encreased who desired the diminucion of suche a greatnes: Neuerthelesse as his armie by sea had wonne [Page 776] vpon the Moares the Ile of Gerbes, so in Germanie the reputacion of the frenche king had bene somewhat embased: for, the king, to nourrish the troubles of Germanie, fa­uored in that prouince, the Duke of VVittemberg, who was disagreeing from the league of Suaue, which thing, his peoples finding and feeling to their damage and harme, they chassed him by force out of his estate, and after they had wonne his li­uing vpon him, they sold it to thEmperour whom they knew to be desirous to pull downe the factioners of the frenche king: thEmperour bounde him selfe to defende them in all oppressions whatsoeuer, insomuch as the Duke seeing him selfe reduced to hope in the succours of the frenche, was constrained to haue his recourse to the clemencie of thEmperour, and to receiue of him such lawes as was his pleasure to assigne, not being for all that restored to the possession of his Dukedom.

Towards the end of this yeare, a regiment of three thowsand spanishe footemen hauing no mindes to returne into Spaine, according to a cōmaundment which they receiued of thEmperour, and litle esteeming thauthority of their Capteynes, passed to Reggia in Calabria: And from thence, committing many insolencies as they past, they drew towards the territories of the Church: A matter which put the Pope (in whose minde was fixed the memorie of thaccidents of Vrbin) in great feare, least be­ing either stirred vp by other Princes, or ioyning them selues with Franciscomaria, or with the sonnes of Iohn Pavvle Baillon, or some other enemies of the Churche, they were not the cause of some great emocion: This feare was made greater in the Pope, for that the souldiers refused the offers made to them by him & the Viceroy of Naples to enterteyne parte of them in paye, and to distribute money to the residue: But these offers raised them so much the more into corage, & made them to march towards the riuer of Tronto, not keeping the straite way of Capinai, but spreading o­uer the large way of Povvilla: The resorte of other souldiers ioyning with them dai­ly, together with certeine companies of horsemen encreased more & more the hu­mor of this feare: In men timerous feare is a readie impression, and for the time ca­rieth the minde in contemplacions of perill and daunger: Neuerthelesse this e­mocion tooke ende both with more expedicion and more facilitie then was exspe­cted, since assoone as they had passed Tronto to enter into the marke of Ancona whe­ther the Pope had sent strength of souldiers, & incamping before Ripatransono, they were compelled to retire for the great losse of men they had susteined in a fierce assault they gaue to the souldiers within Ripatransono: an ac­cident so preiudiciall to their vallour and reputacion, that they accepted willingly of thEmperours officers, condicions of farre lesser qua­lity then such as they hadre­iected before.

The ende of the thirtenth Booke.

POPE Leo is the cause that the peace continueth not in Italy: He ioyneth in league with thEm­prour against the French king: The French king loseth the `Duchie of Myllan: Pope Leo dyeth: Adrian the sixt is created Pope: Frauncis Sforce reentreth vppon the Duchie of Myllan: VVarre is made in Tuskane by Ranse de Cere.

THE FOVRETEENTH BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

ABout the beginning of the yeare 1521. was reappeased that former litle stirre, touching the which mens mindes suffered more feare by a freshe recordacion and memorie of those bands of spanish footemen that inuaded the state of Vrbin, then for any other cause bearing either reason, likelihood, or probabilitie of terrour: But as one warre draweth on an o­ther like to diseases that redouble in bodies il disposed, so, not many moneths after, Italy began eftsoones to be vexed with warres of greater perill, of longer continuance, and of more importance, then were all the other quarrells that had passed affore: Wherein the ambicion of two most mighty kings puffed vp with mutuall ielowsies, hatreds, and deepe suspicions, drew them on to make exercise of all their power and forces in the partes and bowels of Italy, which hauing skarcely breathed three yeres in peace (and yet alwayes full of doubt and suspicion) it seemed that in the powers of heauen, de­stinye, and fortune, was layed vp either a manifest enuie of their tranquillitie, or els a supersticious feare that vnder the benefit of rest and concorde, those regions woulde eftsoones returne to their auncient felicitie and greatnes.

Such personages were the beginners of these new emotions, as albeit they had farre more interest then all others to procure the preseruacion of the peace, yet ge­nerally and seuerally they troubled it more then any others, and by their industrie & authoritie, sought to kindle the fire, which they ought to haue quenched with their propper blood, if other remedies had not sufficed.

For, notwithstanding the hard moodes and inclinacions betwene Caesar and the French king grew increasing continually, yet there was no cause at all to push them on so fast to make present warre, neither did the one so farre exceede the other in I­taly, either with force or friendes, or any other propertie of ayde, that they were able to offend one an other without the fauors, oportunities, and meanes of the Italian Princes: for that as the French king had noreason to feare any vexacion of Caesar, neither touching the kingdom of Naples, nor for any quarrel of Germany, both hauing the Venetians conioyned with him for the defense of Myllan, and in the Svvizzers [Page 778] remayning no more readynes to make warres in their owne names, but stoode only disposed to serue as souldiors to who so euer would minister paye to them: so also he had no meane to offende Caesar in the realme of Naples, vnlesse the Pope were concurrant with him in the action, who stoode solicited by them both by many of­fers and meanes to be their friende: In so muche as it was beleeued, that if the Pope continuing indifferent betweene them, were carefull to temper and raunge with his high authoritie, and fidelitie of a newter, their disdaynes and quarrells, and to cut of and stop the passage of their troublesome councells, the peace would easily be pre­serued without violacion: And there was not discerned any apparant cause why he should seeke to incense the warre, both for that he had with yll speede broken out into armes before, and withall, considering the greatnesse of those two Princes, it stoode him vpon to keepe an indifferent feare of the victorie of eyther of them, since it was euidently seene into that whether of them soeuer preuayled in that warre, could not be stayed from subduing and subiecting to his obedience all the re­gions of Italie: The Pope possessed in peace and great obedience the large estate of the Churche and of Rome, and his whole Court florished wonderfully vnder him in plentifull happines and felicitie: He had full authoritie ouer the state of Florence, which in those times was a state mightie in people, policie, and riches: He was na­turally inclined to ease and pleasures, and therefore made it an offence to his liber­tie and greatnes to heare speake of sutes and affayres: His custome was to consume the day in hearing of Musike, in seeing stage playes, and trifling with skoffers and iesters: so that being more effeminate then was eyther conuenient or comely, it see­med he should be altogether estraunged from the warre: Besides, as he was full of gracious liberalities and magnificencie, suche as mighte bee tearmed wonderfull though he had discended by long succession from great kings, so he had not onely by his incredible prodigalities and distribucions without discression or distinction consumed the treasors gathered by Iulio, but also hauing exacted an infinite quanti­tie of money of thexpedicions of the Court and many newe sortes of offices inuen­ted to rayse gayne, he had wasted all so excessiuely, that he was still constrayned to studie meanes and deuises to interteine those immoderate exspences which grewe increasing with the vanitie of his disposition: He had no deuocion to rayse or make great any of his house or kinred: and though he was possessed with a vehement de­sire to recouer Parma and Plaisanca, and no lesse ambicion to reduce to him thestate of Ferrara, yet he thought them not causes sufficient to remoue him from his plea­sures, nor to reuerse the peasible condition of things, but in his delightes and se­curitie he helde it better to temporise and exspect oportunities and occasions.

‘But right truely is it spoken, that there is no greater enemie to great men then too great prosperitie, for that it takes from them all rule of them selues, it makes them full of libertie, it giues them boldnes to do euill, aud it breedes in them a desire and aptnes to trouble their proper weale and benefite by innouacions and newe things.’

Leo being thus lifted to so high estate, suffred to be bred in him many considera­tions: Pope Leo is the cause of the warre. sometimes he sawe what infamie it brought to him to loase Parma and Plai­sanca gotten by Iulio with so great glorie, and to that moode was ioyned his burning desire to aduaunce thaction of Ferrara: sometimes he seemed to see that if he dyed without doing some thing of importance, the memorie of his pontificacie woulde remayne dishonored: sometimes he feared least those two kings (they both beeing excluded out of hope to haue him on their side, and therefore lesse hable to offende [Page 779] one an other) would grow at last to contract betwene them selues some league pre­iudiciall tending to the ruine of the Church and the residue of Italie: sometimes he hoped (as I haue heard the Cardinal de Medicis say who knew all his secrets) that the frenchmen being chassed out of Genes and Millan, he might the more easely expulse Caesar out of the kingdom of Naples, and so appropriate to him selfe the glorie of the libertie of Italie, to the which his predecessor had manifestly aspired: An enterprise which by howe muche lesse he thought he was hable to accomplishe by his proper forces, by so much more did he hope, by appeasing somwhat the mind of the french king, either by thelection of some Cardinall whom he would preferre, or by his rea­dines to gratifie him in some other matters, to draw him to giue him succors against Caesar, as though it were a satisfaction to the king to see that as muche was done to Caesar as to him: These were his concepcions, such were the discourses of his mind, & in these variacions did he fashion the image of things: But which soeuer of these causes moued him, whether one, or more, or all together, he tooke vnto him newe impressions, and turned all his thoughtes to the warre, and to ioyne him selfe with one of these two Princes, to thende that being allied with the one, he might moue warre in Italie against the other: And for a declaracion of his readines to the matter, as also not to be oppressed in the meane while by either of them: whilest he negoci­ated with them both, but more straitly and particularly with the french king, he sent into Svvizzerland Antho. Puccio Bishop of Pistoyo and afterwards Cardinal, to leauie and lead to the seruice of the Church, six thowsand Svvizzers: An armie, which, being deliuered to him without difficultie by the Cantons vnder the fauor of the confederacion which since the warre of Vrbin he had renewed with them, & hauing likewise got libertie of passage through the estate of Millan, was conducted vppon the lands and dominions of the Church, where he enterteined them many moneths as well in Romagnia as in la Marqua: Many were vncerteine to what endes he made so great & chargeable a leauie of men and not to employ them, seeing there was no stirre or alteracion in Italie: And albeit he assured the regions and potentacies of the same that he had armed them for his proper suerty, for that he knewe well that the rebells of the Church conspired some violent action against him: yet, the mur­mure of the people being not satisfied, for that his reasons bare small resemblance with trueth, men discoursed seuerally vppon it according to their seuerall fancies: some supposed that he called in those forces for feare of the frenche king, others be­leued that he would employ them against Ferrara, and some thought that he would turne them against Caesar to chasse him out of the kingdom of Naples: But the pra­ctise that was secret betwene him & the frēch king, was, that they should with their ioynt forces inuade the kingdom of Naples, vnder this condicion that Caietta and all that stoode betwene the riuer of Garillan and the confines of thecclesiastike state, should be for the Church, & the residue of the realme to reuert to the second sonne of Fraunce, who, vntill he came to the age of maiority should be gouerned, together with the kingdom by a Legat Apostolicall that should lye resident at Naples: More­ouer, it was an article in the capitulacion that the king should aide him against the subiects and freholders of the sea Apostolike, which was a condicion affixed for the better assuring of that which the Church helde already, and no lesse tending to the desire which the Pope had to get Ferrara.

In these times and in very good season for those practises, the french king, no lesse taking thoccasion of the tumultes of Spaine, then obseruing the perswasions of the Pope (which he afterwards assured by complaintes) sent out an army into the king­dom [Page 780] of Nauarre vnder Monsr d'Asperot brother to Lavvtrech, to raunge that king­dom & reduce it to his auncient king, requiring at the same instant Robert de la Mar­che and the Duke of Gueldres, to breake out and vexe the confyns of Flaunders: The sedicions of Spaine were the cause that Monsr d'Asperot made an easie conquest of the kingdom of Nauarre, both beeing destitute of succours, and also not without a great memory and deuocion to their originall and auncient king: for, after he had forced with his artilleries the castel of Pampeluna, he entred the frontyers of the king­dom Fontarabye taken by the french. of Catelognia and tooke Fontarabye, ronning vp euen to Logrogma: of this enter­prise it hapned, as oftentimes commeth to passe in humane thinges, that that which men thought would haue brought preiudice and harme to Caesar, turned greatly to his seruice and benefit: for the matters of Spaine beeing trauelled till that time with diuers aduentures and fortunes, were nowe reduced into very great perplexities and troubles, for that on the one side, the multitude and popular sorte were bandyd toge­ther, and on the other side many Nobles and Barons had taken armes for the seruice of Caesar: They, for thinterest of their estates, feared the popular libertie being nowe come to a manifest rebellion, and the rather to haue it gouerned by a head of autho­ritie, they had drawne out of the castell of Sciatyua the Duke of Calabria, whose fide­litie made him refuse to come out of prison because he woulde not beare armes a­gainst Caesar: But such is the affection and conscience of men towards their naturall contrey, and such the perpetuall custome of contrey men when they see inuasions made by forreine forces, that ciuill quarrells can not take from them the feeling of common and forreine daungers: for, when the Spanyards sawe the armies of Fraunce make slaughter and hostilitie vpon their contrey, notwithstanding they had suffered the losse of the Realme of Nauarre beeing a member of their dominions by the vni­ting which the king Catholike made, they felt them selues so touched in conscience and affection, that partly for those regards, and partly for a happy encownter which the armie of Caesar had made, they became men conuerted and returned to the o­bedience of their king, leauing suppressed and forgotten, their domesticall hatreds & contencions.

After this easie conquest of the Realme of Nauarre, there happened to the king a farre greater successe if he could haue vsed thoccasion: for, as both he & Caesar had their Embassadors with the Svvizzers, soliciting seuerally that nation to stand with them, so the Cantons did not onely refuse (contrary to thopinion of many, and a­gainst the hope that was giuen) the friendship and offers of Caesar, but also embra­sed thallyance of the French king, binding them selues to furnish for his seruice so many footemen as he would, and for what enterprise it pleased him, and not to suffer any leauies of souldiers for any other against him.

There rested the execucion of the capitulacion made at Rome betwene the Pope and the king, who, when he was required to ratifie it, began to temporise and dwell in suspense, being aduertised by many that there was no exspectacion of sewertie in the Pope, in whom was no opinion of fidelity and confidence, and who, since he was possessed of the dignitie and place of Pope, had alwayes made declaration of small friendship towards the french: That it was to be feared that his doings were intan­gled with suttletie and deceite, since there was no congruencie of reason that the Pope should desire the diuoluing of the realme of Naples into his power or to thin­heritance of his sonne, for that by howe muche more iurisdiction the french should haue in the kingdom of Naples and the Duchie of Myllan, by so much lesse would be the sewertie of the Pope amid a power so mighty and redowted: That so greate a [Page 781] showe of amitie breaking out vpon suche a sodayne, could not be without misterie: That the tokens of deceite that appeared warned him to take heede, that vnder the practise to conquer the kingdome of Naples, he fell not into the snares layde for him to loase the Duchie of Millan: for that to sende his armie into Naples was none o­ther thing then to giue power and oportunitie to the Pope with his sixe thousande Svvizzers to breake it and put all to extreame hazarde, which beeing ouerthrowen there remayned no defence for the duchy of Millan: An estate which as he knew the Pope had fayled to take from him by armes and warre, so it was to be feared that he would assaye to depriue him of it by trecherie & deceit: These reasons so wrought with the king, that they made him doubtfull to ratifie the capitulation, and therfore exspecting happly an aunswere of some other practises, he sent no dispatche of the ratificacion to Rome, but left the Popes embassadors in suspēce. But for that the Pope eyther in deede (notwithstanding his showes & semblances) had his mind estranged from the king, or (for that all the tearmes and dates to answere being past) he began to suspect a truthe: or happly for that he feared least the king woulde discouer to Caesar his practises, & so some alliance to passe betwene them to his preiudice: or it might be he was pushed on by a vehement ambicion to recouer Parma & Plaisanca, and to do some thing worthy of memory: or lastly perhaps he might take to displea­sure thinsolencie of Monsr de Lavvtrech and the Bishop of Tarba his minister, who contemning his commaundementes in thestate of Millan, and reiecting some ec­clesiasticall edictes, disdayned him with very prowde and insolent words: for some of these causes he determined to enter league agaynst the French king with Caesar, who also for his parte, beeing kindled for the warre of Nauarre, and pushed on by many of thexiles of Millan, and lastly induced by some of his counsell desiring to em­base the greatnes of Monsr de Cheures, who had alwayes perswaded him not to sepe­rate him selfe from the French king, resolued to ioyne confederacion with the Pope agaynst the king: which he was thought to hasten the more, vnder a hope that with the Popes authoritie & his owne, he should eyther diminish or dissolue the alliance made with the Svvizzers, affore it were confirmed by bondes and other offices of gratification. Moreouer the Pope tooke greater occasion of confidence in this, that Caesar, who had heard Martin Luther in the Parliament of VVormes, whither he was Martin Lu­ther. come vnder his safconduit, and hauing passed him to be examined by many diuines who made report that his doctrine was erroneous & dangerous for Christendome, had banished him to gratify the Pope: Only at last there was cōtracted betwene Cae­sar Confederation betwene the Pope and thEmperour agaynst the fr. king. & the Pope a confederacion for their cōmon defence, including also the famulie of Medicis and thestate of Florence: This league was resolued without the priuitie of Monsr de Cheures, who til that time had borne with him right great place and autho­ritie, and dyed almost euen at the same time: There were also these addicions to the contract, that they should rayse warre agaynst the state of Millan at such time and in such maner as should be resolued vpon betwene them, and if it were subdued and conquered, then Parma and Plaisanca to reuert to the Church vnder the same rights and tytles with the which it had holden them before: That Frauncis Sforce who had beene chased out of Millan and remayned then at Trente, shoulde be eftsoones restored to the possession of that state, as hauing righte therevnto by thinuestiture of his father and by the renunciation of his brother: That the confederates shoulde bee bounde to defende hym in hys tytle: That the Duchie of Millan shoulde vse no other Saltes nor Saltpittes then those of Ceruia: That it shoulde not onely bee lawfull to the Pope to proceede agaynst hys subiectes and freeholders, [Page 782] but also Caesar to be bound (after the conquest of Millan) to ioyne with him against them, and namely for the recouerie of Ferrara. The tribute of the realme of Naples was increased, and there was promised to the Cardinall of Medicis a pension of ten thousande duckets out of the Archbishoprike of Tolledo which was newly voyde: And to Alexander de Medicis bastard sonne to Lavvrence & lately duke of Vrbin, was promised an estate in the dominion of Naples of ten thousande duckets of reuenue.

For the more playne informacion & opening of these things, it is not out of pur­pose The titles of thempire to the duchie of Millan. to set downe in briefe what were the rightes that Caesar pretended thempire to haue vpon the duchie of Millan in those times: The Lawyers of thempire alleaged that the auncient rightes of the Dukes of Orleance were of no consideracion, for that what soeuer had bene accorded touching the succession of Madame Valentina, was not confirmed with thauthoritie imperiall: And that for the present, that Du­chie apperteined immediatly to thempire, because thinuestiture made to Lodovvike Sforce for him and his sonnes, was reuoked by Maximilian grandfather to Charles, & that with so many & ample clauses that the reuocacion had iudicially his effecte to the preiudice chiefly of his sonnes, who neuer possessing it, their right & title was in hope, and not in effect: Therfore thinuestiture was auaylable that was made to king Lovvis, for him and for his daughter Clavvda, in case she were maried to Charles, and with condition that the mariage not going forward without that there were fault in Charles, it should be nothing, and that the Duchie of Millan should passe directly to Charles, who in that case was inuested of it in the presence of his father Phillip: That it followed therevpon that the seconde inuestiture made to the same king Lo­vvis, for him and for the same Lady Clavvda, and for Frauncis Lorde of Angoulesine, was nothing worthe, as being made to the preiudice of Charles then an infante and vnder the tutorship of Maximilian: So that as the king then reigning could make no fundacion of that, so he could lesse alleage interest in that duchie by new rightes or titles, for that much lesse that he had obteined inuestiture from themperour, see­ing he had not so muche as demaunded it, as also it was manyfest that the cession made to him by Maximilian at suche time as he rendred to him the Castell of Mil­lan, could not helpe him: for that a chiefe aliened of proper authoritie, reuerteth immediatly to the supreame Lorde: And lastely, for that Maximilian Sforce, not­withstanding he had bene admitted by the consent of themperor, and dying in that estate without hauing euer receiued thinuestiture, he coulde not transport to an o­ther the rightes that apperteined not to him selfe. Thus assone as the confederation Practises a­gainst the fr. king. was passed betwene the Pope & Caesar against the french king, & that as secretly as might be: they cōsulted together (afore they entred publikely into armes) to procede by ambushes & practises, & by the meane of the exiles, to assaile at one time by soden inuasion, the duchie of Millan and Genes: In which coūcel it was set down, that Cae­sars gallies which were at Naples, and the Popes gallies armed with 2000. Spanishe footemen, should fal at vnwares into the port of Genes, & hauing with thē Iero. Ador­no, by whose authority and traine of folowers those of the riuers which were of their faction drawing into cōmocion, they hoped that that citie would easily fall into tu­mult. On the other side Frauncis Sforce & Ier. Moron who was with him at Trent with many of the best sort of the exiles, had consulted that the French bandes that were within Parma, Plaisanca, & Cremona, should be charged at vnwares: That the like inua­sion should be made at Millan by Manfrei Paluoisin & Matto de Brinzi a chief cōman­der in those moūtaines, who should leade thither by the lake of Coma certein launce­knights, & so to execute that city wher they were assured to haue secret intelligēce: [Page 783] Moreouer if those enterprises tooke good successe, or any of them being of most im­portance, then thexiles of Myllan who were many gentlemē & they to be conueyed secretly to Reggia where should meete them Ieronimo Moron at the day appoynted, should draw into a strength and rise to enter into that state, leauying with all possible diligence a campe of three thowsand footemen: for the better effect and expedici­on of those actions, the Pope sent to Frauncis Guicciardin an auncient gouernor of Fraūcis Guic­ciardin the writer of this history. Modona and Reggia, ten thowsand duckats, to be deliuered ouer to Moron for thin­terteyning of footemen to be ready vpon the euent of thinges, to whom Guicciardin was commaunded to shew fauor, but secretly and in such manner that the French king should take no occasion either to complayne of the actions of his Officers, or euill interpret the Pope.

But so vnperfect are the councells and deuises of man, and so naturally subiected ‘to a prouidence infallible and immutable, that there is left no certeinty of their reso­lucions and lesse sewertie in their mortall doings, them selues being no other thing then bodies compownded of imperfection, errour and frailtie: not one of these de­uises succeded either to purpose or to profit:’ for, the army by sea that went to Genes which was compownded of seuen gallies, foure Brigantyns and certein shippes of o­ther nature, made a vaine show affore the poart, for that Duke Fregosa, doubting be­like of their comming, had well manned and refurnished the towne: Insomuch as they crossed sayle and retyred into the riuer of Leuant, after they found no mutinies nor any other thing well disposed on their behalfe: And touching Lombardye, many of the exiles hauing speciall priuitie with the negociacion there, together with the voice that Ierom Moron was to come to Reggia, Federyk de Bossolo hauing intelli­gence of it, went to Myllan to giue signification to Monsr d'Escud, supplying the place of his brother who a litle before was gon into Fraunce: By reason of these aduertise­ments, he moostered and drewe together the bands of men at armes that lay disper­sed in diuers places, and after he had giuen order that Federyk should leade thether a thowsand footemen of his subiects, he went suddeinly to Parma with foure hundred launces: In the way he was from time to time made more certeine of those thinges which Federyk had reaported to him, the rather for that the banished men, not ob­seruing the order that was giuen them to make their assemblies secret, were in an o­pen force withdrawn to Reggia: They required in al places bands of souldiers, & gaue out in publike & manifest rumors that they would immediatly attēpt some new en­terprise: in whose example & maner of proceding, cōtinued Ierom Moron that came after them, pushed on perhaps with this reason, that by how much they did disclose them selues and their enterprise, by so much would it breede hatred & enimitie be­twene the Pope and the French king.

But the vanitie of these deuises and enterprises declared it selfe manifestly to all men: And yet Monsr de l'Escud being arriued at Parma, determined the morning fol­lowing (a day solemne for the natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist) to present him self affore the gates of Reggia: he hoped in this manner of action [...] finde occasion to take eyther all or parte of the exiles, and that eyther as they fled out of the towne through the feare and astonishment of his comming, or els there beeing no strength of forreine souldiours, the feare of the gouernor (A personage estranged from the profession of war) would put thē prisoners into his hands: or lastly he hoped that vnder the terror which the townesmen would haue of his forces & suddein comming, the occasion & fauor of the time would giue him leaue to enter without difficultye: The gouernor made some dout of the matter, & albeit (the assailing of Genes being not yet come to [Page 784] his knowledge) he thought it not likely, that Monsr d'Escud would giue beginning to the warre without the commaundement of his king, & enter in warlike maner vpon the lands of the Pope: yet looking into the ordinary furies and importunities of the french nation, as also to be somwhat armed against a mischief so apparantly threat­ned, he sent out his present directions to Guido Rangon lying vppon the confynes of Modena, to come the same night to Reggia, giuing the like order that those bands of footemen leauied by Moron & lodged nearest that place, should likewise march the­ther: And lastly his precepts went out to the people of the towne in whom he knew was no property of affection to the french name, that at the sownding of the great bell, they should bee at the garde of the gates, where euery one shoulde receiue his charge: The morning following Monsr d'Escud arriued with foure hundred launces, Federyk de Bossolo marching a mile behind him with a thowsand footemen: Assoone as Monsr d'Escud approched the towne, he sent to the gouernor a capteine of his cal­led Monsr Bonneuall, to tel him that he would speake with him: by whom it was agre­ed Monsr d'Es­cud before Reggia. & assigned that Escud should come to the postern that entreth vpon the rauelin of the gate that loketh towards Parma, where the gouernor would meete him, either one assuring other of their faith: Monsr d'Escud according to thappointment came neare the gate accompanied with many gentlemen of his traine, & the gouernor is­suing out of the wicket, they began to common together: The one complained that contrary to tharticles of confederacion, there was receiued & releued in the townes of the church, the exiles & banished peoples which were drawen into companies & bands, to trouble the states of the king: The other expressed a griefe and vnkindnes, that there was made suddein inuasion in manifest aray of warre and force, vppon the lands of the Church: But as they stoode debating those cōplaints, certein of thinha­bitants (contrary to thorder set downe) opened suddeinly one of the gates, to let in a cart loden with meale: when Monsr Bonneuall standing right against the gate (for the traine of Escud dispersed about the wals enuironed a great part of it) aduaunced with certein mē at armes to enter the gate: But he was repulsed & the gate shut vpon him with a great crye, which pearsing euen to the place where Monsr Escud and the go­uernor consulted together, it was the cause that they of the towne and certeine of thexiles standing by trowpes vpon the walls of the Arche, gaue the boollet to such as stoode neare to Monsr d'Escud, and in that violence so hurt Alexander Tryuul­ce that he dyed of the woundes within tenne dayes, although he had not deserued the stroake of suche a calamitye, for that he had disswaded thenterprise of Reggia: The terror of this suddeine violence made the others seeke sauetye by fleeing, and no other thinge preserued Monsr d'Escud, but a feare that he had who aymed and leuelled at him, least he should strike the gouernor: This astonished not a litle Monsr d'Escud, who tooke occasion of the violence, to complayne of infidelitie and faith breaking, and according to the face of his perill not knowing what resolucion to take whether to tary or to flee, the gouernor tooke him by the hande, and per­swading him to followe him vppon his fayth, he ledde him vppon the Arche, be­ing accompanied with none other of his trayne then Monsr la motte, a gentleman of Fraunce: It was a thing wonderfull that all the bands of men at armes vnderstanding that Monsr d'Escud was entred within the gate, were possessed forthwith with an opi­nion that he was made prisoner, A conceit which made them fal to fleing with such generall feare and confusion, that many of them cast a way their launces, refusing, to make them more light and easie to flee, the weapons which they brought to defend their liues: such a matter is feare, that oftentymes it makes men forsake the thinges [Page 785] that they ought most to employ for their sauetie: In this confused feare, there were fewe that either looked backe, or once taried for Monsr d'Escud, who finding after long reasoning that the disorder grewe vpon his owne people, was immediately dis­missed of the gouernour, in whome was no intencion to keepe him reteyned, both for not defiling his faith giuen, and also to obserue the commissions he had of the Pope to make no violent demonstracion against the king: as also in regard that the effect of the rebelling of thestate of Millan did not follow, as many beleued at that time: for, notwithstanding the trowpes of men at armes fell all to fleeing, yet seeing no man pursued the chasse for that there were then within Reggia verie fewe horse­men, and withall meeting vpon the limittes and confines of the countrey of Reggia, with Federyke Bossole who hasted to marche on with his regiment of a thowsande footemen, they stayed and drewe them selues eftsoones into order: Neither had the feare continued that was begonne at Parma and at Millan by the first rumors that came that Escud was holden prisoner and the men at armes broken notwithstan­ding it had bene knowen that the bandes of men at armes had bene hoale, for that neither was there neare at hande any armie or force to make any stirre, and withall many other Capteines of men at armes were there remeining. But assoone as Monsr d'Escud had reassembled his companies of horsemen and footemen, he retyred to Coriagne a village in the countrey of Reggia not six myles from the city: from thence within certeine dayes after, he withdrewe to the confines of Parma on thother side the riuer of Le [...]zo, and sent la Motte to the Pope to tell him what moued him to goe to Reggia, and withall to solicite him in vertue of the capitulacions which were be­twene the french king and him, to expulse out of the dominions of the church, such as were holden rebells against the king.

About this time there happened at Millan a matter of no lesse wonder then feare, Lightning v­pon the castell of Millan. which brought to the frenchemen no small astonishment as if the heauens by ma­nifest signes had giuen them a forewarning of their calamities to come: For, v­pon the day that is solemnly consecrated to the memory of the death of the Prince of Apostles, the sunne being sette and the aire and firmament cleare, there fell downe from the vppermost regions as it were a fire, and light affore the gate of the castell, whether were brought many barrells of gunpowder drawne out of the castell to be sent to certeine places of seruice: This flashe or fierie lightninge em­brased by and by the powder with a horrible noyse, and by the violence of it the faire tower of marble builded ouer the gate and bearing vppon his toppe a goodly clocke, was cast downe and rased from the toppe to the fundacion: In which furie did communicate also the walls and chambers of the castell with other buildinges adioyning the tower: Yea in one instant all the whole bodie of the castell, toge­ther with the vniuersall Citie of Millan trembled and shaked with the furie of so raging a tempest, which blewe into the aire from sundrie places many huge and greate stones falling to the hurte of many persons: And as in a generall calamitie euerie one hath his fortune, so there were many that being happie to escape the fall of the huge stoanes were made wretched by the ruines of the walles vnder the which they were smoothered and rammed to death: with which ruines, the castell greene was so spredde and couered that it was a terror to beholde suche an altera­cion, but specially it brought astonishment euen to the most assured to see the stones of incredible greatnesse which the furie of the tempest had cast more then fiue hun­dred pases from the place: It happened in the verie hower wherein the people of all sortes were gone for their recreacion to take the ayre vppon the greene, [Page 786] by which occasion were slaine more then fiue hundred footemen of the castell, and the Capteine of the rocke and the castell, together with others of principall place so amazed and desperat both in corage and councell, that if the people would haue taken the benefit of that accident and falne to armes, they might without diffi­cultie that night, haue occupied the castell, specially so great a quantitie of the wall being reuersed.

After the Pope was aduertised howe Monsr d'Eseum was come euen to the gates of Reggia, he serued his turne of that enterprise, and enforced it to the iustificacion of his owne actions, he complained greatly of that doing in the consistorie of Car­dinalls, where, conceiling the confederacion made secretly affore with Caesar, and also the direction that both their gallies shoulde be armed to the assailing of Genes, he declared, that since Monsr d'Escum had attempted to take Reggia, it was to be sup­posed that the french king bare no good minde to the sea Apostolike: he concluded that for the defense of the Church and the rights of the same, he was constrained to ioyne with Caesar, in whom had neuer bene discerned any action that was not wor­thie a Christian Prince, and the same expressed as well in his other operacions, as in his late zeale which he published at VVormes touching the protection of religion: Therefore he made semblance, and showe to contract then, with Don Iohn Ema­nuell Caesars Embassador, the confederacion which had bene concluded affore, and for that matter he caused to be sent for to Rome, Prospero Colonno, vppon whom was determined the charge of the enterprise, and with whome they consulted in what manner and with what forces, they should enter into open warre, seeing they had found no successe in ambushes and assaultes suddeine, like as in deede the treatie of Coma did no more happely succeede then thenterprise of Genes: for, as Manfroy Pal­uoysin & M. de Brinzi were by night drawne neare the walls of Coma with eight hun­dred footemen, as well Italians as launceknights, hoping that Anthonie de Rusquo a citizen there would breake downe so much of the wall next ioyning to his house, as they should haue meane to enter, where, for the slender strength of frenchmen that were there, they supposed would be offered no resistaunce: And after they had ex­spected some good space of time, the gouernor of the place, assembling together all the frenchmen with certeine of the townesmen whose fidelity he held most assured (& yet their numbers were lesse then they that were without) gaue the charge vpon them with a violence and suddeines so terrible, that they brake and fell easely into flight, not without suspicion that he had corrupted the Almaine Capteynes both with money and greater promises: In the chasse three barkes were sunke vpon the lake, & seuen taken: Many of the generall souldiers fell into the fortune of prisoners, and amongest the chieftaines were taken Matto and Manfroy as they fled by the way of the mounteines: The launceknights were suffred to goe away freely, and the resi­due were led to Millan, where Manfroy and Matto were publikely quartered: They confessed in their execucion, that Bartl. Ferrery of Millan a man of place and autho­ritie, was consenting to the practises of Moron: vpon which accusation he was im­prisoned together with his sonne, & so committed to the same punishment for that he had not reuealed that Moron had induced him by secret messages, to practise in­nouations, and to raise enterprises against the king: About this time, the Pope kno­wing of what oportunity was thestate of Mantua for the warres of Lombardy, tooke to his paye Federike Marquis of Mantua with two hundred men at armes, and two The Marquis of Mantua for the Pope. hundred light horsemen, and indued him with the title of Capteine generall of the Churche: But before he possessed him selfe of thinterteinment of the Pope, here­nounced [Page 787] the order of S. Michaell, and returned the coller and enseigne that the king had giuen him to him who first receiued him into that order.

This was the resolucion set downe at Rome betwene the Pope and Caesars Em­bassador touching the order and maner of proceeding in this warre, and that accor­ding The resoluciō for the warre agaynst the Frenchmen. to the counsell and reasons of Prospero Colonno: First, that along the frontiers of the Church, inuasion should be made with all speede possible vpon thestate of Mil­lan, employing in that enterprise the companies of men at armes of the Pope and the Florentins: A regiment which (comprehending the bandes of the Marquis of Mantua) mounted to the full number of sixe hundred men at armes, and to them were to be adioyned all the bandes of men at armes which Caesar had in the realme of Naples, being almost as many as the residue: That there should be leauyed sixe thousande footemen Italians: That the regiment of two thousande footemen Spa­nishe which were with Adorno in the ryuer of Genes should come to the armie, ma­king their assembly betwene the countrey of Modena and Reggia: That the Marquis of Pesquiere should bring two thousande other footebands from Naples: That there should be leauyed of the common purse of the Pope and Caesar foure thousande Launceknights and two thousand Grisons: That there should be also ioyned to thar­mie the two thousande Svvizzers which remayned voluntarily in the Popes paye: for the residue of their countreymen both wearie with wandring so long time with­out any thing doing, and also the season of their haruest drawing on, were nowe re­turned to their countrey affore Monsr d'Escum came to Reggia, neither coulde the Pope retayne them any longer, notwithstanding he had vnprofitably consumed a­mongest them an hundred and fiftie thousande duckets. Besides these prouisions, it was determined that with the authoritie of the Pope and Caesar, there should be in­stance made to the Svvizzer Cantons, both to aduaunce six thousande footemen according to the tenor of the contract whiche the Pope had made with them, and also to refuse to minister any succours of men to the French king: And the better to draw them to his demaund, the Pope alleaged that the cōfederacion which he had made with them, was affore that which they had contracted with the French king. If these demaundes were obteined, it was resolued in the generall order and resolu­cion of the warre, that the Duchie of Millan should be inuaded on that side towards Coma, in which quarter was hope that there would be made some insurrection, both for the great multitude of the banished men being the most part of honorable hou­ses, and also for that the auncient reuerence and affection which the people were wont to beare to the name of king Lovvis, was conuerted into hatred, and that not litle: The reason was that the men at armes ordinarie for the garde of that estate, ly­ued in a great and vnbridled libertie, the rather for that they were yll payed through the yll order the king vsed in his affayres, wherein partly by necessitie and partly by will, he had couenanted to allowe huge exspences: The gouernours rising more in­solent and hawty by the negligence of the king, did not minister that true and liuely iustice whiche they were wont to execute with integritie and roundnes in the time of the late king, who bearing a deare affection to the Duchie of Millan, had alwayes a particular care and regarde to thinterestes of the people and subiectes there: This was also one thing that went harde with them, that they were constrayned accor­ding to the custome of Fraunce, to lodge continually in their houses the officers and souldiors of the Frenche, which albeit was nothing of their exspences and charges, yet the trouble beeing perpetuall and generall, it was so muche the more intollera­ble and grieuous: And albeit it was a yoke which they bare during the time of the [Page 788] late king, who enforcing thexample of Paris, would neuer exempt the subiectes of Millan, yet the discommoditie drawing with it the other euills that we haue spo­ken of, it seemed to them for the present verye heauye and yrkesome: To this also was added the common nature of the people alwayes desyrous of newe things, to­gether with a vehement thirste and inclinacion which mortall men haue to deliuer themselues from perplexities present, not considering what will be the euent and af­terchaunce of things.

The rumor of this warre set downe by the Pope and Caesar with so mightie pre­paracions, Monsr de Lawtrech re­turneth to Millan. gaue warning to the Frenche king to looke to the defending of Millan with prouisions no lesse resolute and well appoynted: wherein, not to delaye the daunger that was so imminent and manifest, Monsr Lavvtrech who was vppon his waye to go to the Court for certayne his particular affayres, was eftsoones readior­ned and remaunded to returne to Millan: And albeit, doubting of the kings varietie and negligence, and inconstancie of suche as gouerned, he refused the iorney, vnles they first deliuered him in prest three hundred thousande duckets which he assured to be no more then necessarie for the defence of that state: yet being no lesse ouer­ruled with thimportunities of the king and his mother, then beguyled with the pro­mises and othes of such as had the charge of his treasor, assuring him that his person and the money he demaunded should arriue there with one speede: He embrased the iorney and returned thither with great diligence, putting carefully in order all things necessarie for the defence: This was the order which he set downe with the king, that to the kings men at armes which were then in Lombardie, shoulde be ioy­ned the six hundred men at armes, and six thousande footemen which the Venetians were bounde to contribute to the kings seruice, whom they offred to aduaunce spe­dily, making their men at armes to marche euen by the countrey of Verona & Bressia: That there should be leauyed ten thousande Svvizzers, which they helde for cer­tayne would not be denyed by vertue and tenor of the newe confederacion: That they should cause to passe into Italie six thousande aduenturers, and to adioyne to the whole armie certayne bandes of Italian footemen: With these forces he hoped without great daunger to be hable to aduenture the fortune of a battell, or being to weake for suche an action, he should at least sufficiently strengthen his places with garrisons of men, and so temporise vpon the defending of them, that both thene­mies in time would draw to be wearie: the one by his naturall prodigality and huge exspences disbursed in the warre of Vrbin, was drayned of all money and treasor, and for the other he stoode so abridged and restrayned at that time, that the tributes and reuenues which he leauyed of his kingdomes and dominions, could not suffice to furnishe for any long season the exspences of suche a warre: This was also consi­dered, that Alfonso d'Este dispayring of his proper estates if the victorie fell to the Pope, would eyther ryse to recouer that which he had loste, or at least standing vpon his readinesse, would so holde the Pope in suspicion, that of necessitie he should em­ploy many bandes of souldiors for the garde of townes and places adioyning his confines and limits. These were the counsels and preparacions of bothe partes, the king neuerthelesse labouring by all his meanes (but in vayne) to reappease the Pope.

At that time Prospero Colonno was at Bolognia, and from thence not tarying for the regimentes that were to come from the kingdome of Naples, nor the bandes of launceknightes, after he had mustred his other companies, and lest sufficient garri­sons within Modona, Reggia, Bolognia, Rauenna, and Ymola, for feare of the Duke of [Page 789] Ferrara, he marched and encamped vpon the ryuer of Lensa within fiue myles of Parma: he nourished himselfe with a full hope that the Frenchmen could drawe no strength of footemen from the Svvizzers, and that aswell for that disappoynt­ment as for the yll disposicion of the people, he supposed they would rather aban­don then defend the Duchie of Millan: but it happned otherwise: for the Cantons, notwithstanding the vehement labor to the contrarie made by the Cardinall of Si­on and thembassadors of the Pope and Caesar, determined to deliuer to the kinge, bandes of men suche as they were bounde to leauie by the laste conuencions: And whylest those leauyes were in preparing, George Sopressan was discended to Millan with foure thousande footemen Valesiens: by reason of whiche succour, Monsr Lavvtrech desirous to defende Parma, sent thither Monsr d'Escud his brother with foure hundred launces and fiue thousande Italian footemen, ouer whome Federike Bossolo was capteine: Moreouer it was vnderstanded that the Venetians made their moosters at Pontvvicquo to sende speedily to the ayde of the Frenche king, and also that the Duke of Ferrara leauyed certen regiments of footemen: By reason of these preparacions, Prospero seeing what neede he stoode of greater forces, kept himselfe incamped vij. days in that place, during which time there ioyned to the armie foure hundred Spanish launces ledde by Antho. de Leua & drawne out of the kingdome of Naples: there came also to the armie the Marquis of Mantua with part of his regi­mentes, and yet for his comming being capteine generall of all the souldiors of the Church, was nothing altered the authoritie of Prospero Colonno, in whose person ac­cording to the Popes will and Caesars, rested the gouernment of the whole armie, but without any supreme title, for that to Frauncis Guicciardin was giuen soueraigne Frauncis Guicciardin generall cō ­maunder o­uer the ar­my. and absolute power to commaunde ouer the whole regimentes of the Church, and namely ouer the Marquis of Mantua, and did beare this title, Generall commaunder ouer the army, A place which he exercised with a right great authoritie, farre con­trarie to the custome of the generall cōmaunders before. After this Prospero led the armie to S. Lazaro within a myle of Parma, taking the waye that goeth to Reggia: There he determined to passe no further tyll the Marquis of Pesquare were come, who was then vehemently exspected to marche from Naples with three hundred launces and two thousande Spanishe footemen: he looked also to receiue there the regiments of launceknights that were to come: And so long as the armie remayned there, there were no other violences done vpon the countrey men of Parma, then by common industrie, to turne the streames and course of waters, and by breaking downe their mylnes, to take from them all meane and vse of grinding: There was great exspectation when and what way the launceknightes would come, and to hin­der their passing, the Venetians at the instance of the French, sent parte of their regi­mentes vpon the territories of Verona: for it was knowne by relacion, that beeing come to Ispruch, they sought to receiue at Trent their firste monethes paye, and re­quired that there might be sent to meete them, certayne numbers of horsemen, to thend that being once descended to Montbalde, they might with more suretie passe on with their bandes: wherevpon Prospero Colonno had dispatched to Mantua two hundred light horsemen, to thend that ioyning with two thousande footmen com­maunded by the countrey of Mantua, they might aduaunce and marche together with thartilleries of the Marquis, who (to be the more acceptable to the Pope and Caesar) proceeded in all things as in his owne action, and not in the condicion of one marcenarie or taking their paye. But it was a matter of farre greater difficultie to make payment of thinterteinmentes of the Launceknightes at Trente, for that [Page 790] the Pope did not onely make prouision of his parte, but also disbursed Caesars por­cion, neither could the money haue passage ouer the landes of the Venetians but with great difficultie and perill: In so muche as the Launceknightes heaving what impedimentes the Venetians would obiect against their comming, required for their suretie greater forces, and varyed at the same tyme touching the passage of the mountayne and the waye, notwithstanding that the Marquis of Pesquaere turned his companies vpon the partes of Mantua, and was at that time arriued vpon the landes of Modona, and had sent to him from the campe two hundred men at armes & three hundred Spanish footemen: At last the launceknights hauing no deuocion nor pa­tience to attend the time they had set downe & signified, sent a newe aduertisement that they would eftsones cut of & lessen v. days, with this resolucion that they would not exspect the horsemen more then one day at the foote of Montbaldo, and if they came not, they would returne back againe: At which time the Marquis of Pesquaere being not able to be there to hold appointment, they were constrained to send from the campe in great diligence, Guido Rangon & Levvis Gonsaguo, which neuerthelesse serued to no purpose, for that (as Prospero did alwaies warrant & assure) the Venetians were not able to stop the passage to 6000. footmen (that being their number aswell launceknights as Grisons) A force able to haue encountred the bands of horsmen, & for thItalian footemen, they had no corage to oppose against them: For which rea­son, & also for that the senat (to whom was alwaies hatefull that the warre should be managed vpon their proper estate) sought to satisfie the frenchmen more with de­monstracions then with effects, they caused to retyre towards Verona all their bands and regimentes the day before the launceknightes should passe: By which occasion they found libertie of passage & went to Valegge without any impediment, & so the day after they drewe vpon the confines of Mantua: And assone as the Marquis of Pesquaero was come to the campe, the armie that had remayned three dayes at S. La­zaro, marched the day folowing to S. Martin, where did ioyne with them the same day the footemen of the launceknightes and Grisons.

Thus the forces ordeined for this warre, reduced and drawne into one army, the The capteines of the league take counsell together. capteines began to consult what was to be done: some gaue counsell to besiege Par­ma, both for that it was the first and chiefe towne of the frontier, and also that it was no suretie to leaue it behinde for the armie that was to come on, in regarde of the incommodities of vittels and conduct of money and other prouisions that might be necessarie, and muche lesse was it profitable for the townes that should remayne betweene Parma and Bolognia: They alleaged that the footemen that were within Parma were bodies of no vallour, both because they were leauyed in haste and at randon, and also they made continuall disorders, stealinge to the campe by stealth, no lesse for the difficultie and straytenesse of their payes, then for wante of meale and prouision for foode: That the circuite of the towne was great and the people yll disposed, who thoughe they were embased of courage, woulde yet take heart when they sawe the armie neare the walles: so that executing batterie vppon the Citie in many places, it would be heard for the French men at one tyme both to resiste thenemie without, and also kepe garde vppon the people that were within. Others reasoned of the contrarie, that the Citie was well fortified, that it was strong in bands of men, that touching the footmen that wandred frō them, they were people vnprofitable, vnapt, & cowardly, but the bodies bearing habilitie, expe­rience, & disposition to the warre remained there, together with many bands of the french souldiors, all resolutely prepared to defend their life: Lastly that without this [Page 791] good suretie and prouision, it stoode not with the experience and conduct of Monsr d' Escud, Federike de Bossolo, and other right braue and worthy capteins, to suffer them selues to be enuironed: That it was well knowen (for that of late time the maner of warrefaring and to keepe and defende a place was chaunged) what difficulties were in the taking of townes: And that it belonged to them to consider throwly, in what degree of reputacion the armie should stande, if they did not accomplishe the firste enterprise: That as they helde it necessarie to plant before Parma their artilleries in two seuerall places, so they had to looke whether the campe were furnished with artilleries and other prouisions fitte for the action: That suche a quantitie of artille­ries could not be drawen thither without the losse of certayne dayes, which (besides the consuming of too muche time before) would be an intermission preiudiciall, for that in suche respite the Venetian companies and the moste part of the Svvizzers, would be ioyned with Monsr Lavvtrech, who was daylye exspected at Cremona: That one part of the regiment of Svvizzers was already arriued, and the forerun­ners of the Frenche armie weare neare at hande: That whylest the armie was intan­gled with the siege of Parma, it would bring no small preiudice if Monsr Lavvtrech came and planted his campe affore some place adioyning: And as it would be a hard matter to force him to feight, so he might and would easily vexe the skowtes of the forreagers, and giue impedimentes to the vittells which dayly were brought from Reggia, and they already in diuerse sortes distressed by suche as were within Parma: That it were a better counsell to make prouision of vittells for certayne dayes, and and leauing Parma behinde, to proceede to surprise Plaisance, A citie of farre grea­ter circuite, and of lesse strength and garrison of souldiors, the place voyde of forti­fications and artilleries, and the people of the same disposicion with them of Parma: That these reasons remoued all doubt that making their approches they should not forthwith carye it, wherein Prospero Colonno being of the same aduise and counsell, assured the residue that he knewe a place which in no sort could be possible to hin­der their entring, being the same by the which Frauncis Sforce at that time capteine ouer the peoples of Millan, made his victorious entry agaynst the Venetians, who had occupied it after the death of Phillip Maria Visconto: That Plaisanca was a Citie wonderfully abounding with great quantities of vittels, and stoode so apte to assayle Millan that the Frenchmen would be constrayned to retyre thither moste of their forces, by which meane the cities adioyning to Parma should stande in no estate of daunger: Lastly Prospero helde himselfe assured, that passing the ryuer of Pavv only with light horsemen, and so marching with diligence to Millan, that Citie woulde drawe into tumult hearing of the rumor of his name: Suche was his opinion affore he parted from Bolognia, and in that regarde, not thinking it needefull to staye about the taking of any particular place, he would not haue a plentifull prouision of artil­lerie nor municions.

In this varietie of councels & opinions, it was determined by such as had autho­ritie to deliberate and resolue, that assone as sufficient prouision might be made of meale and breade to nourishe the armie for [...] dayes, a regiment of fiue hundred men at armes, one parte of the light horsemen, the regimentes of Spanishe foote­men, and fifteene hundred footemen Italians, should marche with great speede to­wards Plaisanca; and the residue of tharmie to come after, which could not marche but with slowe pase by reason of thartilleries, vittels, and many other impedimentes following ordinarily a campe: And it was assuredly beleeued, that vpon tharriuall of the first companies, eyther the Citie would rise for the Churche, or at least they [Page 792] should be a reasonable let for thentring of succours, & so vpon the comming of the residue and full force of the army, they made no dout to cary it: But it happened the day before that the army should remoue, that certeine trowpes of french horsemen hauing passed the riuer of Pavv, ran vp euen as farre as Bossetto: a matter which made a brute that the whole frenche army was come ouer Pavv, and therefore that acci­dent breaking the deliberacion that had bene made, the departing of the bands was deferred vntill the certeinty and truth were knowen, for the discouery whereof they dispatched Iohn Medicis Capteine of the Popes light horsemen with a trowpe of iiij hundred horses. But that which most troubled this deuise & thexecucion of it, was the ambicion & controuersie that fell betwene Prospero & the Marquis of Pisquaire betwene whom was no great agrement before: Prospero contended to lead the vaw­ward and principall parte of tharmy, against whom the Marquis alleaged that it was not reasonable that the regiments of spanish footmen ouer whom he was Captaine generall, should go to any expedicion without him: In regard of which ambicion & gelousie of the chiefe capteines daūgerous most cōmonly for the affaires of princes, notwithstanding it was knowen within few howers after, that the bandes of french­men were estsoones returned beyonde Pavv, and that Monsr Lavvtrech stirred not, yet the first resolucion was not followed: But what by the diuersitie of opinions and for the naturall slownes of Prospero, things had proceeded in greater delayes & long­nes, if the Popes Agent had not stept in with them, and declared with discourse full of reasons and efficacie, how much and how iustly the Pope might take offence that they had temporised so long: wherein they should not in any reasonable sorte excuse them selues towards his holynes of the delayes and respits they haue vsed tell then, first in exspecting the Spanyards, and then in tarying for the launceknightes: vpon whose admonicion they drew all to a present resolucion (but more in maner of tu­mult, then by maturity of councell) to plant the campe before Parma, wherein euen such as the day before had assured the contrary, beganne to haue a wonderfull hope of the victory, the rather for that the numbers and bodies of footmen ceassed not to issue out of Parma for want of money and foode: Onely it was reasonable to make some surceance for certeine dayes, both to tary for two other canons that were ex­spected from Bolognia & to make prouision of many other things necessary for thex­ecuting of townes with artillerie, matters which Prospero had refused before: This, whether it may be called negligence, or mutacion of councell, brought no litle pre­iudice to the state of thenterprise, for that by howe muche more time was wasted in temporising, or in that property of controuersie, by so much more leasure and respit was giuen to Monsr Lavtrech to assemble his companies which he exspected out of Fraunce, from the Venetians and from the Svvizzers: so greatly doth it importe wise Capteines, remembring how necessarie it is in warres to chaunge councells accor­ding to the varietie of accidentes that happen, to accommodat in the beginning all prouisions for all accidents,’ and for all councells. In this meane while, the armie re­meyning idle, there was executed nothing touching the seruice of Parma, but cer­teine very light skirmishes: neuerthelesse the third day after the campe was reduced to S. Martin, the army passing beyond the riuer of Parma, was lodged vpon the way of Rome in the subburbes of the gate that leadeth to Plaisanca called S. Crosse: Which subburbes Monsr Escud had burned the day before, hauing dout of their comming.

The towne of Parma is deuided by a riuer that beareth the name of it, whose The siege of Parma. streame & channell is neither so deepe nor violent, but it may be alwayes passed by foarde sauing in seasons waterie and rainie: The lesser parte of the towne, peopled [Page 791] by men of base condicion and yet conteyning the thirde part of the whole, called by the inhabitantes Codipont, haue their dwelling on that side towardes Plaisanca: The capteines made choyse of this place, to be the more apt and ready to stoppe the en­try of succours into Parma, but much more for that on that part the wall was weake, and bare suche situacion that it coulde not beate the campe in flanke: The Mar­quis, who the daye before went with certayne other Capteines to take knowledge and view of the place, made his reapport the same day that the battery might easily be begon: but because it was necessarie (the better to remoue their defences) to bat­ter first a tower vpon the toppe of the gate, giuing no small strength to the wall, all the daye was wasted in that action and a greate Coluerine broken in thexecution: The night following thartillerie was planted agaynst the wall vppon the left hande of the gate to suche as entred, their purpose beeing to do the lyke on the righte hande, and to leaue the gate in the middest: The reason was for that hauing no conueniencie to bestowe thartilleries in two places seperate, for that there were as yet brought to the campe no more then sixe Cannons, and two great Coluerines, it seemed that by constrayning the defendauntes to bee amused at that defence for along space, it woulde worke all one effecte: But that deuise was not put in exe­cucion, for that there was on that side vppon the compasse of the trenche that en­uironeth the walies, a rysing or mounte so highe, that vnlesse it were eyther made playne or layde open (a matter vnpossible in so shorte tyme) it woulde giue greate impediment to thartillerie to batter the wall: The wall, for that it was olde and weake, made no greate resistaunce to thartillerie, whiche hauing easily made two sufficient breaches, the Capteynes spake of giuing the assault the same daye, not­withstanding without anye firme or assured resolucion: Onely the Marquis, who with his bandes of Spaniardes had the whole charge of the batterie, sent certayne companies of footemen to discouer the breache, and to disclose if they coulde what fortificacions they had within: Who beeing mounted vppon the wall, began to make showtes and signes to the armie to approache and enter, in so muche that the footebandes of Spaniardes and Italians ranne to the wall more by heapes and trowpes then by order: But by that tyme they were approached and began to clymbe the breache, vppon the whiche was slayne Ierome Guicciardin leader of the footemen, the Capteines ranne thither with the Alarme, and caused them imme­diatly to retyre, doubting there coulde no good fruite come of that charge, being rather a feeble and weake tumulte then assault well ordred: This retraite eyther made colde all their thoughtes to the charge, or at least so serued for excuse, that that daye they forbare to followe the assault in order: The daye after they con­tinued to batter the wall whiche stoode whole in the middest of the two brea­ches, and also a flanke, whiche had beene made within vppon the tower of the gate: But for that there ranne through the armie a brute, that for the huge ram­piers whiche the Frenche had made, it woulde be harde to carye it with a simple as­sault, the Capteines sent out to discouer the batterie two footemen of bothe the languages, who, eyther by feare, or by their little diligence, or perhappes by subor­nacion (as was supposed) brought worde that there remayned of the wall whiche had bene battered to the ground, more then fiue faddomes on height: They repor­ted also that the defendantes had caste a very deepe ditche, and had made so many other sortes of fortifications, that it was determined to make mynes neare to the wall that was battred and to open the wall faste by, and so with the ruines of the same, to fill the ditche that was made within, thereby to make the entrie more [Page 792] easie: It was also agreed that assoone as those workes were brought to perfection, and that the artilleries of the armie were increased with two Cannons that came from Mantua, there should be made an other batterie in that place where the wall by turning makes an angle after it hath gone foorthright a long space, on the right side of the gate, on which side, after the wall was caste downe, they mighte beare the defendantes in flanke: But as they beganne to caste a trenche on that side which had bene battered, and within fewe dayes after, an other, the better to caste downe the wall with the working of the mynes: so neuerthelesse those workes procee­ded slowly, aswell for that the necessarie prouisions and instrumentes for suche ac­tions, were not yet in the campe, because Prospero nourished endes and thoughtes diuerse, as also for that the earth where they digged was harde to open bearing a propertie of foyle resisting their labor and diligence.

Whylest these thinges were in dooing, and a generall intencion not to assaulte the towne vntyll they were fully accomplished, Monsr de Lavvtrech who had bene slowe to marche for the long tarying of suche as came to tharmie, hauing nowe as­sembled the most part of his men of warre, aduaunced and marched fiue miles, hol­ding alwayes along the riuer: He had in his army fiue hundred launces, seuen thou­sand Svvizzers, foure thousand footemen brought the same day by Monsr S. Valier out of Fraunce, and foure hundred men at armes with foure thousande footmen vn­der Theodor Triuulco commaunder of the Venetian bandes, and Andreas Gritti their Legate or commissarie: There followed this armie the Duke of Vrbin, and Marke Antho. Colonno, the one as souldior to the French king, but without title and charge, and the other folowing the cōmon hope of such as were banished: he exspected also a regiment of six thousand Svvizzers which the Cantons had made him graunt of, they were already vpon their way, but according to their custome, they marched slowly and with many difficulties: All which forces beeing ioyned to his armie, he would not haue refused for the reskew of Parma, to aduenture the fortune of battell: In which regarde, what in exspecting suche as were to come, and what in soliciting and laboring the bandes already arriued, he stayed on the waye and went not farre from the shores of the ryuer of Pavv: Onely he feared least whylest he temporised vppon those good causes, his brother might compounde with thennemies, and therefore he sente to him to lette him vnderstande, that the cause whye he pro­longed and lingered so muche, was that he taryed for a greater force of Svviz­zers who were neare at hande, and withoute whome the regimentes that were alreadye with hym made difficultie to passe Pavv: Neuerthelesse he woulde drawe neare to Parma, and woulde giue him a token of hys comming by shoo­ting of certayne peeces of artilleries, and so the daye following he woulde affront thennemie and prouoke them to feight, sending out certayne trowpes of his hors­men to enterteine the skirmishe, to thende he mighte wyth better oportunitie issue out and ioyne with the armie: A matter whiche Monsr d'Escud dyd chie­flye solicite, who assured hym that he was not hable to holde oute aboue two or three dayes in that parte of the towne, and not aboue two dayes more beyonde the ryuer, both for that the towne was large and weake, and his forces remayning not aboue two thousande footemen, for that many of them were stragled awaye, and also the men at armes beeing but three hundred, vppon whome laye the burden of the seruice, were not hable to make resistance, if the towne were assaulted in many places: Thus afterwardes the same daye he had promised, he accoasted thennemies in the borough of Zibelle which is about twentie myles from Parma, [Page 795] and from thence dispatched foure hundred horsemen to runne vp euen to the tents of thennemies, who hauing brought their mynes euen to the wall, and afterwards turning them and dressing them in the place where the fyre shoulde bee putte, Count Guido Rangon wyth thItalian footebandes ouer whome he was Capteine ge­nerall, beganne to plante thartilleries on the other syde of the wall: But the French men hearing the brute that was made in executing the mynes, hauing for two howres affore abandoned the Codipont, retyred in order and without noyse on the other side the water, drawing with them their artilleries: which retraite being kno­wen to those that were without, they entred into the Codipont the morning follo­wing at the breake of the daye, some making their waye by the breache, and some vsed the seruice of skaling ladders: They were receyued with an vniuersall gladnes of the Parmesans, to whom nothing coulde be more acceptable then to re­turne vnder the dominion of the Churche: But it was a ioye that drewe with it a present sorrowe and heauynes, and a gladnes that was easily conuerted into do­lour and lamentations, for that they sawe affore theyr eyes their▪ houses sacked and spoyled, in no lesse rigour and furye then if they had bene mortall ennemies: And it was not to be doubted that if certayne dayes before, the artilleries had beene planted in the same place, the French men had not in the same maner abandoned the Codipont: After their entrie, they fell to breaking open the gates which affore had beene rammed vp with no small industrie, and so the artillerie hauing passage euen to the shoare of the ryuer, they beganne to batter the wall that defendeth the other banke of the ryuer: but the neare approache of the night hindred the bene­fite and effecte of their working that waye, and by the little tyme they had lefte, it was well knowen they coulde do no great execution for that daye.

The same daye Monsr Lavvtrech came and incamped vppon the ryuer of Ta­ro within seuen myles of Parma: some supposed hys comming so neare was to bydde battell to thennemie, but others were of opinion, that he aduaunced the full showe of his armye, to thende that eyther he mighte be readye to receyue his brother and his companies if they issued out of Parma by night, beeing no lon­ger hable to holde oute: or else to enterteine some▪ treatie or parley with then­nemie for the better deliuerie of his brother and his souldiours with safetie and without obligacion, according to thexample of Federike de Bossolo; who had be­gonne a conference by the solicitation of the Marquis, notwithstanding he had receiued a hurte in his shoulder with a shotte not many dayes before as he wal­ked about the rampiers: But the parley was not so farre forwarde, as that there coulde be made anye certayne coniecture of the wyll of Monsr d'Esud: The truth was (by thexperience of things that happned afterwardes) that Monsr Lavvtrech was not determined to fight, vnlesse the regimentes of Svvizzers came to him: for notwithstanding he had somewhat the aduauntage, both for the numbers and val­lour of men at armes, and also was more mightie in artillerie, yet the ennemie was stronger then he in footemen, conteyning (according to a iust computacion and accompt) nyne thousande Launceknightes and Spaniardes, two thousande Svviz­zers, and more then foure thousande Italians. Let it here be considered howe often and how much vpon smal accidentes & momentes in warres, depend things of very great consequence: for the night after the armie entred the Codipont, it hapned iust at thinstant that by aduertisemēts comming from Modona & Bolognia, they vnderstood that Alfonso d'Este issuing out of Ferrara with 100. men at armes, 200. light horsmen, and two thousande footemen, amongest whom were a thousand aswell Corsegneis as [Page 796] Italians whiche Lavvtrech had sent him, and with twelue peeces of artillerie, had surprised the borowes of Finalo and S. Feli [...], with great feare that he would passe further: This bred no small trouble and terror in the mindes of the Capteines, not­withstanding they had feare of suche a leauye long time before, beeing not ignorant with what vehement instance the Frenche men solicited him to it: And yet had they not made at Modona suche a prouision as might suffice for the suretie of that Citie, for that Prospero maynteining to thu [...]moste the contrarie opinion, would neuer consent that souldiours shoulde bee drawne out of the armie to be sent to Modona: his reason was, that eyther he reapposed assured fayth in the promises of the Duke who was his right deare friend, and with whom euen vnder the Popes di­rections, he was interposed to solicite some accord: or else for that he had no will to diminishe the number of his men of warre in a tyme when they feared thennemie would approche: One principall reason mighte be also taken of hys naturall dispo­sicion alwayes inclined to do things surely, which made him for the most part to de­sire to haue in his armie more men then the seruice needed: It may be he had other ends and consideracions more secret and priuate to him selfe, then to be knowen of others by any coniecture or apparance: Onely assone as the aduertisementes were throughly disclosed and vnderstanded, the Capteines assembled in counsayle vpon those affayres, determined that Guido Rangon should presently departe: for Modona with two hundred light horsemen and eight hundred footmen, which being ioyned to the six hundred footmen that were left there before, they thought would be a suf­ficient strength & garrison agaynst the forces of Alphonso: After they had set downe this order and resolucion, there remayned yet certayne howres affore it was day: A little before also there came aduertisement that Monsr Lavvtrech was incamped the night before vppon Tare, which aduertisement was partly true and partly dout­full, for that it conteined that the Svvizzers were ioyned with him, and it was not knowne that those which he had then in tharmie, notwithstanding his infinite re­questes, had made him no further promise then to come to Taro: The Capteines; though they were not assembled for that matter, yet seeing there yet remayned certayne howres of the night, and by that occasion they had no necessitie to em­ploye themselues seuerally in other affayres, they beganne to reason amongst them selues rather to beguyle the tyme, then by waye of counsell, into what estate things would be reduced nowe that Lavvtrech did approche: In which discoursing it see­med the wordes and reasons of Prospero, the Marquis, and Vitelli, tended to this end: That it would be harde to take Parma, if they planted not a battrie on the other side the Citie: for that though the wall beyonde the water should be executed, which they had begon to batter the daye before, yet there woulde be a wonderfull diffi­cultie to climbe vp from the bottome or lower part of the ryuer to the banke: Nei­ther could they put that matter in practise without great daunger, for that thartille­ries and shotts bestowed vpon the three bridges standing vpon the same ryuer, and in the howses there adioyning, woulde be as flankers to the perill of suche as offred to clymbe the banke: They reasoned that the neighborhood of Monsr Lavvtrech, who was to marche on and incampe in some place towards Pavv, though he would not attempt the fortune of the fielde, would be the cause that thassalt could not be giuen without great daunger: Moreouer it was to be considered that by reason of the pillage and sacke which had bene lately made of part of Parma, there were many footemen gone away laden with spoyle, and the other that remayned were more carefull to saue the things they had gotten, then disposed or apt to feight: That the [Page 797] armie could not remayne there without many difficulties, discommodities, & dan­gers, for that as it should be necessarie for the seruice to sende out euery daye great trowpes and bandes, not onely to defende the forragers, but also for the suretie of vittels and money which came dayly, making a long circuit about the walles of Par­ma: So, whylest suche trowpes shoulde occupie the fieldes, it might come to passe that the residue of the campe should haue to do at one tyme with the Frenche men that were without, and such also as were within: They brought into discourse also, that if the Duke of Ferrara reenforced his armie with moe bands of souldiors, they should be driuen of necessitie to leauie from the campe farre greater forces for the suretie of Modona and Reggia: yea, if he ouerrunne the countrey with suche bandes as he had, he might so hinder the resorte of vittelles that they shoulde be dryuen to breake vp and dissolue the campe, extremities which brought with them manyfest apparances of moste great daungers: These reasons albeit they expressed an incli­nacion to leauye the siege, yet they were so cloaked and dissembled, that it coulde not be discerned that suche was their counsayle and intencion: At laste after they had occupied many reasons and long discourses, the Marquis of Pisquaire seeming to haue already comprehended thintention of the residue, sayde that he discerned well ynough that there was amongest them all one opinion and counsell, but euery one seuerally respecting his particular, was content to vse silence expecting that the mouth of an other should be the author of the thing which they conceiued in their hartes: But for my part, sayd he, depriuing my selfe of suche interest and respect, I can not but pronounce in the presence of you all, that as whylest we remayne about the confines of Parma our daungers are greater then our hopes, & our labors more then the fruites we shall reape, so, to auoyde greater euilles, I thinke it very neces­sarie we leauye and departe: Prospero iustifying the wordes of the Marquis, alleaged that he had expressed no lesse, had not the celeritie of the Marquis preuented his slownes to speake: Vitelli confirmed thopinion of them both: but Antho. de Leua well allowing of the breaking vp of the campe from thence, made this proposition, to consider whether it were not better to go seeke Monsr Lavvtrech and to giue the charge vpon him: Wherevnto it was aunswered, that as it would be very harde to constrayne the enemie to sight, so also to remayne there would be a matter so much the more impossible, by howmuche the difficulties that were to be brought into cō ­sideracion about their abyding there, would ryse farre greater, seeing it was not vnlikely to come to passe, that the regiment of two thousande Svvizzers would not followe them: Both for that many dayes before, they had receiued cōmaundement from the Cantons to depart out of the Popes pay: and also it was not likely that they would be drawne or disposed to feight agaynst an armie wherein were so many bo­dies of the same language and nation: Moreouer it could not be denied, but that by reason of the sacke and pillage made the daye before, it would be very hard to moue the footemen that were so disordered: So that this counsayle and the reasons of it beeing reiected, it seemed that the opinions and willes of all the Capteines drew to this, that it were best to breake vp the campe from before Parma: Vpon which reso­lucion no lesse settled then vniuersall, Prospero and the Marquis, withdrawing them selues a parte from the residue, after long conference in priuate, demaunded of the Popes Legate, what the Pope would saye if they leauyed the campe: The Legate aunswered the Marquis with this question: shall we not take Parma this daye, ac­cording as you assured vs yesternight? To whom the Marquis replied in his Spanish language, neither this day, nor to morow, nor after to morow: The Legate sayde it [Page 798] could not be doubted, that the Pope would not be right greatly discontented with the matter, for that it would altogether depriue him of the hope of the victory. One­ly he sayde that the point of that deliberacion consisted in the truth or error of the supposicions and reasons by them set downe, for that if to surceasse and absteyne were a matter daungerous & without hope, it could not be doubted that to remeine there were great indiscression, but if it were otherwayes, to breake vp could not but bring slaunder of too great disorder. Therfore he willed them to cōsider with deepe councell and discression, both the state of the armie and importance of thinges, and to ballance indifferently whether was the greater, either the daunger or the hope: But Prospero and the Marquis stoode continually vpon this, that all reasons and rules of warre aduised them to retyre, against whome being Capteines of such name and authoritie, the Legat forbare to obiect any further: Insomuch as it was set downe the same daye that the campe should breake vp, and thartilleries should be retyred from the walls, which being published thorow the campe, it was blamed as a resolu­cion tymerous and fearefull by all those that were not present at the councell: And albeit it was a councell euen then disposed to execucion, yet by the murmure of the vniuersall body of the campe, the Legat and Moron ioyning together, labored to al­ter Prospero and retyre him from his opinion: They found him not much estraunged to consult againe & call a new councell, alleaging with wordes and reasons so much the more worthy & commendable, by howmuch was great or graue the personage that spake them, that he held it no shame to chaunge councell when he was encoū ­tred with better reasons, and therefore caused eftsoones to be summoned all such as were at the first resolucion: But the Marquis of Pesquare, being busie about retyring thartillerie, would not heare speake of chaunging the first conclusion, and refused to come to councell, Insomuch as the matter remeyning rather confused then resol­ued, they proceeded to execute the first determination: Thus the same daye which was the xij since their encamping, they returned to S. Lazaro, And at the departing, there wanted not much of a very great disorder: for that the footemen laūceknights, demaunding so vnreasonable condicions touching their payes that they could not be accorded, refused to follow the armie, And the old Capteines that impugned the councell, concurring with them in that tumult, had created amongest them selues, a Capteine & Author of that sedicion: In which disorder it was feared lest they would compownd and accord with the french men, neuerthelesse the army being already gone, and no hope that the sentence or resolucion woulde be altered, they prepared also to depart, and followed the armie: In this manner of perturbacion, the army be­ing full of feare and faction both for so suddeine a breaking vp, and for the tumult of the launceknights, there is no doubt, if Lavvtrech had aduaunced and taken thoc­casion, ‘that he had not easily put them all to flight: Such a thinge is disorder, that in an armie deuided, it breedes more daunger then the multitude or sword of thenne­my:’ This suddeine discamping wonderfully afflicted the mind of the Pope, who ex­spected from one day to an other, that newes would be brought to him that his sol­diours were within Parma: he seemed to be depriued of his hope contrary to all rea­son and order, and that he was nowe entred into a most deepe subiection to a heauy and intollerable charge, for that (except the men at armes and the spanish foote­men) he supported generally all the burden and expenses of the warre: But that which worse was, he was not without doubt of the Capteines imperials, whom ma­ny others held also suspected, perswading them selues that the retyring of the campe from before Parma, proceeded not of feare but of arte and cunning, as though they [Page 799] had suspected that after the Pope had recouered Parma and Plaisanca (nothing else apperteining to him in thestate of Millan) he would waxe wearie of the warre and the thoughtes thereof, forbeating any longer to susteine so great a charge and tra­uell for thinterestes of another: he was induced to these suspicions both by the long tracte and delaye that was vsed to plante the campe affore Parma, and also that they had bestowed it in a place so vnapte and inconuenient, seeing the lesser parte of the towne beeing taken, they were to deuise to take the other parte with the same diffi­culties: Lastly they proceeded in the siege slowly and drawing things in delaye, as though they ment expresly to giue time and respite to the succours of the French: And being at laste in possession of one parte of the towne, they cowardly lefte it a­bandoned assone as they heard Lavvtrech approched, and yet he was not stronger then they: Some there were that supposed all this action might proceede (without the priuitie of Prospero) of the arte and suttletie of the Marquis of Pesquairo, who as muche as he could was enuious and ielouse of the glorie of Prospero: Neuerthelesse it might be that those sortes of men supposed the trueth, who beleeued that all was done with sinceritie and good meaning, and that they were not pushed on with o­ther mocions then of a feare that Lavvtrech was at hande, wherein they were great­ly beguyled by the first aduertisements, by the which they were made to vnderstand that his armie conteined farre greater forces: But it is most certayne that the french capteines maruelled more then all the residue, being reduced into a very small hope to be hable to defende Parma, for that the Svvizzers, being gouerned more by their owne humors and nature, then obseruing the necessities of those that payed them their wages, were very long in comming: which made many amongest them (not attributing to feare so sodayne a discamping) interprete rather that Prospero, a wyse and experienced capteine, knowing what disorder the sacking of Cities brings vp­pon armies, and considering howe harde it woulde be to restrayne the souldiours from spoyling of Parma, iudged it a matter of perill to take it, the enemies being so neare: What so euer was the cause, Monsr Lavvtrech after he had refurnished Parma with newe bandes, incamped at Fontanella, and within three dayes after he sent one parte of the armie to take Roccabianqua, a borowe of the territories of Parma neare to Pavv, which after it had bene battred with artilleries, the borowe and the castell were rendred by Rolland Paluoisin lorde of the place, himselfe hauing liberty to departe: After this the army was dispersed betwene S. Secondo and the ryuer of Ta­ro, the better to be ready for imployment according to the proceedings of thene­mies, and it was nowe become strong & well resolued, aswell for the defence of Par­ma, as for that the newe regimentes of Svvizzers which were exspected were nowe arriued at Cremona: The same being the cause that the armie of thenemies not see­ming to be in sufficient suretie at S. Lazaro, (notwithstanding Monsr Lavvtrech had commaunded them not to stirre from thence) that they retyred to the ryuer of Len­sa on that side towards Reggia, with intencion to drawe yet further of, if the French men aduaunced: yea the capteines without further tarying, had made a greater retraite, if they had not bene conteined by the complaintes of the Pope and the A­gentes of Caesar, and touched with the murmure and blame of the whole armie. This was the behauiour and disposicion of both the armies for many dayes, Lavv­trech notwithstanding making diuerse incursions with his horsemen and the soul­diors of Parma, euen vp to Reggia by the waye of the mounteine: wherein he gaue great impedimentes to the vittels which were brought to thenemies from Reggia, and that to the great discommendation of Prospero, who woulde hardly suffer his [Page 800] light horsemen to do seruice, & very slowly prouided for the sauetie of such things, as he might haue remedied with good facilitie.

On the other side the mountes, the affayres of Caesar ranne the same fortune, for that being entred into the dominions of the french king on Flaunders side, with a mighty armie, And holding Maisiers besieged with great hope to cary it, he was de­ceiued in his exspectacion, Insomuch as beeing not able to take it, for that a stronge succour of the french came to reskew it, he retyred with perill least his armie were broken and ouerthrowen.

But in Italy, notwithstanding the successe of the warre was not happy nor accep­table, The Popes Capteines and the Emprours take councell to passe fur­ther. yet the thoughtes and councells of men, were nothing restrayned or forslow­ed: for, the enemies to the french, not deuising any more to take Parma or any other towne, determined to enter deeper into the Duchie of Myllan, ioyning to tharmie so many bands of Italians, that in all they conteyned six thowsand which were leauied from hand to hand: They were the more boldened to take this resolucion, by a hope they had that there would of new descend to the pay of the Pope, twelue thowsand Svvyzzers: who albeit had bene refused by the Cardinall of Syon soliciting openly in their parliaments against the french, and by Ennius Bishop of Verola the Popes Legat, and also by Caesars embassadors, for that the Cantons would not deliuer such a regiment of their nation but for the defense of the dominions of the Church, and with expresse direction not to marche to offend the estates of the french king: yet for that they could not haue them with other reason, they were glad at last to accept them vnder the same condicion, hoping that being once discended into the regions of Italy, they might be induced to follow the armie against the Duchie of Myllan, and that either through their naturall inconstancie, or by their vniuersall couetousnes, or at least by the sleightes and corrupcions that might be ministred to their Capteines: In this deliberacion to passe further, there was no dout made into what quarter they would draw: for that, to continue the warre on this side the riuer of Pavv, could not be without manifest and right great difficulties, seeing it was a matter desperat to take Parma: And if they would leaue that citie behinde, they must of necessitie goe seeke out thennemies to fight with them, An action euidently daungerous for that they were lodged in a place of aduauntage and well fortefied with artilleries: To re­meyne betwene Parma and them, or to passe further without fighting, there was no reason nor abilitie to doe so, for that standing betwene the townes that were posses­sed by them and tharmie, they should within few dayes be afflicted with penurie of vittells, the contry of thennemy denying all resort, and no possibilitie of traffike fur­ther of: All which difficulties would be auoyded in transferring the warre beyonde Pavv, for that in that contrey, naturally abounding in all thinges, and had not as yet tasted of the harmes of the warre, they made good warranty to find vittels sufficient, and to meete with no impediment vntill the riuer of Addo: Both for that, leauing Cremona on the left hand, and drawing neare to the riuer of Oglio, there were no pla­ces to make resistance, & also they were perswaded that the Senate of Venice would not (for thinterests of others) deliuer vp their bandes of souldiours to the fortune of a battell: They beleued also that the french durst not oppose against them, but at the passage of the riuer of Addo: yea the vniuersall hope was, that the armie approching the Venetian frontyers, the Senat (for the sewertie of their owne estates) would call home the most parte of those souldiours which they had sent to the seruice of the french king: Lastly, ouer and besides all these consideracions, to passe beyond Pavv, fell out very aptly for the armie to loyne with the Svvyzzers, A matter not of least [Page 801] importance. But whilest necessarie prouisions were in preparing for this delibera­cion, as artilleries, municions, pyonners, bridges, and vittells: And whilest bandes of Italian footemen were leauied in Tuskane and Romagnia: Count Guido Rangon, vn­der the Popes commaundement, marched towards the mountaine of Modena, with parte of the footemen that were alreadie leauied, and with those bandes that were vnder his gouernment: This mounteine did neuer acknowledge other Lorde then the Duke of Ferrara, neither so long as Modena stoode vnder the iurisdiction of Cae­sar, nor afterwardes when it diuolued to the dominion of the Church: But the peo­ples of the contrie hearing howe armed men came to inuade them, made publike protestacion for the Churche, not tarying till they were assailed. At the same time fled from Millan Boniface Bishoppe of Alexandria, and sonne to the late Frauncis Bar­nardin Viscounte: the cause of his euasion, was, for that certeine conspiracies which he had practised against the frenche, came to light: As also was disclosed a practise managed within Cremona by Nicolas Varola, one of the best sort of the banished men of that Citie, by reason of which conspiracie, certeine inhabitantes in Cremona, par­takers of the matter, were executed & made an example: a great number of thexiles of Millan followed tharmy, in whom I know not which was greater in those seasons, either their ill fortune, or their vndiscreete behauior: for, besides that all thenterpri­ses that they tooke in hand drew very vntoward effects and successe, yet being whol­ly giuen to pill and spoyle the contrie, they were the cause that there came not to the armie so great stoare of vittells as was necessarie, yea (except thindustry of Mo­ron) they recompensed not these euills by any diligence or intelligence of espialls: Lastly, and which is of more importance then all the residue, Prospero hauing sent them long time before towards Plaisanca, they executed great domages and hostili­ties indifferently both vpon their frends and enemies, and fell at last into such ciuill conreucion amongest them selues by reason of the booties, that Peter Scot of Plai­sainta a chieftaine amongest them, was slaine by Hector Viscount and diuerse others: Such destinie followeth vnlawfull pillage and spoyle, that being purchassed by vn­iust ‘armes and violence, it either brings with it the seedes of sedicion, hostilitie, and blood, or at least leaues to the getters a miserable vse & fruicion. In this meane while Prospero attempted to burne the barkes of the bridge which the frenchmen had rety­red neare to Cremona with a very slēder gard,’ he set vpon this enterprise to this end, to winne so much the more time to enter the contrie, whilest Lavvtrech should re­assemble the barkes necessarie to reedifie the bridge: But the expedicion being im­posed vpon Iohn de Medicis, sent out to that ende with two hundred light horsemen and three hundred spanish footemen, the longnes of the way was the cause that he coulde not arriue there till after the night was passed: Insomuche as the maryners iudging some violence by the noyse or brutes that were made, retyred the barkes in­to the middest of the riuer of Pavv, where thennemie that lay planted vppon the shoare, had no way to offend them: At last when all thinges necessary to passe Pavv were prepared, the army marched to Bresselle where was erected a bridge of barkes: But affore they passed ouer, for that to their purpose to offend an other, was ioyned a necessitie to see to the defending of them selues, there was sent to the gard of the townes of the Church which shoulde remeine behinde, Vitello Vitelly with an hun­dred and fiftie men at armes, the like number of light horsemen, and two thowsand footemen of the pension and pay of the Florentins: In like sorte went thither the Bi­shoppe of Pistoya with the regiment of two thowsande Svvizzers, who were turned to that enterprise, for that it seemed to stand neither with surety nor pollicie to lead [Page 802] them against the frenche, in whose armie was so stronge a power of the same na­tion deliuered to them by vniuersall decree, and bearinge their publike enseignes: Neither were they assured what the newe companies of Svvizzers would resolue, who being mustered and assembled at Corre, there was dayly exspectacion of assured aduertisements that they had taken the fieldes to marche: The Bishoppe and Vitel­ly had charge, not onely to defende Modena and other townes of the Church if any inuasion were made, but also to assaile the Duke of Ferrara, who attributing to him selfe the glorie to haue deliuered Parma, and occupied Finalo, and S. Felix, passed not further, for that the Pope (in whom was redoubled a hatred for that surprise) proce­ded against him with censures and excommunicacions of the Churche, to depriue him of the Duchie of Ferrara.

Thus the army passed the riuer of Pavv the first of October, & went to incampe The armie of the league passeth the riuer of Paw. at Casalmaior: They consumed in passing not only all the day, but a great parte of the night, the multitudes of such as followed the campe giuing no lesse impedimentes then the baggage that was drawne and caried: In this the Capteines were muche deceiued, for that they made their reckoning to see the whole armie passed before noone, insomuch as what by the slownes and negligence of the straglers which are no small impediments to a campe marching, and what by the darkenes of the night, in which the vse of the eyes and hands is taken away, one parte of the artilleries and municions, with many bands of souldiours remeined dispersed the whole night be­twene Pavv and Casalmaior, in daunger to be made a praye to euery small trowpe of enemies that would haue set vpon them in their disorder: yea it was not to be dou­ted that if Monsr Lavvtrech, (who after he had assembled all his Svvizzers, came to incampe at Colorgne the same daye that the enemies incamped at Bresselle) had pas­sed ouer his bridge at Casalmaior, which is but three myles from Colorgne, at thin­stant that they made their passage, or at least at midday, had charged that parte of the armie whiche was not yet passed (for betwene Bresselle and Colorgne is but sixe myles) he had had good meane and oportunitie to bring his busines well to passe: ‘But in warres many occasions are lost, for that the Capteines and leaders haue not alwaies knowledge of the disorders and difficulties that happen amongest thene­mies. The same night arriued at Casalmaior, Cardinall de Medicis whom the Pope sent as Legat into tharmy: This was the Popes reason to send him thither: That al­beit he had very secretly begonne to giue care to thEmbassador of the frenche king, yet for the feare he had least these aduersities and contrarie successes, together with the burden of the warre which was almost wholly reduced vpon him, shoulde giue occasion to Caesar & his ministers to dout, that to shake of so many difficulties and doutes, he woulde chaunge his minde and turne his thoughtes to new deuises: he iudged there coulde be nothing more apt to assure them, and so by consequence to induce them to proceede more resolutely in the warre, then to send amongest them Cardinall de Medicis: Both for that by reason of his affinity and nearenes of kinred, he bare no litle authoritie with him, and also for that without his priuity and coun­cell, they knew was done nothing of importance, notwithstanding he remeyned for the most parte at Florence: And besides that in him were concluded the verie coun­cells and authoritie of the Pope, yet in sending him to tharmie, was thought to rest no small matter to hold vp the reputacion of thenterprise which was somewhat de­clined: And lastly it was likely that for the presence of so great a personage the Cap­teines would deliberate vpon thaffaires with a greater agreement and vnity: A mat­ter of no litle necessity to be looked into & remedied, for that betwene Prospero and [Page 803] the Marquis of Pisquairo, the quarrell roase more and more increasing, the rather for that the Marquis since the campe was leauyed from before Parma, seeking to lay vppon others thinfamie of that deliberacion, gaue aduertisementes to Rome that the resolucion had bene set downe without his counsell or priuitie. The armie rested one daye at Casalmaior, and from thence they matched along the territories of Cre­mona to drawe neare the ryuer of Oglia, where they arryued in foure remoues of marching: And in this whyle was nothing done of consequence, sauing that as the armie was lodged in a farme called la Corte de frati, there aroase a great fraye and mutinie betweene the footebandes of Spaniardes and Italians, in the which were slayne many of thItalian nacion, and yet more by the pollicie of the Spaniards then by their vallour, for that they knewe howe to vse thoportunitie of thoccasion: Ne­uerthelesse, by the authoritie and labor of the capteines, the matter was speedily re­appeased. The daye before, Iohn de Medicis alwayes pursuing thennemies, who the same daye that the armie stayed at Casalmaior, were passed the ryuer of Pavv some­what higher towardes Cremona, brake a bande of Venetian estradiottes ledde by Marcurie, with whome were certayne Frenche horsemen, who tooke prisoner Dom Lovvis Caiettan sonne to the Duke of Tracetta, whose estate neuertheles was holden by Prospero Colonno: But assone as they came to incampe vppon the ryuer of Oglia, fortune beholding wyth better eye the affayres of the Pope and Caesar, brake the sinister counsayles of the Capteynes, who had determined that from the farme of the Frears or Monkes, the Armie shoulde go to lodge in the towne of Bordelano, a place about eyght myles from thence, and vppon the same ryuer of Oglia: for, beeing not possible to drawe thither thartilleries by reason of the yll wayes, it was necessarie to staye in the towne of Rebecca, beeing in the mydwaye, and a place whiche is onelye seperate by the ryuer of Oglia from Pontvvike a towne of the Venetians: And whylest they incamped there, they had aduertise­ment that Monsr de Lavvtrech, beeing followed with the Venetian regimentes, and had also left at Cremona all his baggage and impedimentes of campe, was come the same daye to S. Martin, within fiue myles of that place, with full resolucion to meete thennemies the daye after in the fielde, if they offred to passe anye further: This troubled not a little the mindes of the Cardinall and the Capteines, for that the Senate of Venice, at suche tyme as they sent their people into Lavvtreches army, had signified that deliberation to the Pope with suche wordes as seemed to haue some power to stirre and moue him, not for any desire of the French victory, but for that he had not iust cause not to obserue the confederacion: They were also perswa­ded affore, and the comming of the Cardinall did well confirme that opinion, that Andrea Gritti had secret commaundement not to suffer his bandes to come to the fight: Which perswasion or opinion falling out to be false, it was necessarie to leaue there all their former counsells, since it was confessed of all men, that the armie of thenemie was farre aboue them in forces, conteining besides the horsemen whiche was mightie and strong, and seuen thousand footmen French and Italians, a puissant strength of ten thousande Svvizzers: But in the army of the Pope and Caesar, the numbers of launceknights were so diminished, and the bands of the Spaniards aba­ted, that scarcely were they hable to bring to the musters seuen thousande bodies, and of sixe thousande Italians (for that the moste of them were newe supplies and leauyed in haste) their number was more in consideracion then by their vertue.

Thus Prospero with the others, determined to tary in that place for the comming of the Svvizzers, who beeing vppon their waye, and the Cardinall of Syon that [Page 804] ledde them, hauing sent worde not to lynger for them in any place, it was thought they coulde not tarye aboue three or foure dayes: And therefore the moarning following, after the Capteines had diligently considered the situacion of the place, they reduced into a better fourme the lodging whiche the night before had bene made almoste in tumulte and mutinie: In whiche action they dyd not consider in what perill they stoode to be offended with the artilleries of the towne of Pon­tovvike whiche stoode vppon the opposite: for, this was the perswasion of the Cardinall de Medicis reteyning styll his first impressions, that the Venetians who stoode not bounde to the Frenche kinge in other condicions then to ayde hym with men for the defence of the Duchie of Millan, would neuer consent nor suf­fer that oute of their places shoulde be drawne anye meane to vexe the armie of the Churche and Caesar: The difficultie of vittells was one thing that seemed con­trarie to the resolucion to tarrie for the Svvizzers at Rebecca, for besides that the quantities that were carryed with the armie were not sufficient to feede them but for verye fewe dayes, yet by reason of the harmes done by the exiles of Millan, and the vniuersall fleeing and abandoning that was made through the whole con­trey, there was supplyed and brought very little, and yet that more and more di­minished dayly: In respect of these difficulties and wantes, Guicciardin their Agent gaue this counsayle, that seeing there was no abyding there for wante of vittells, and lesse exspectacion of the comming of the Svvizzers who mighte be stayed by manye occasions, it coulde not be preiudiciall to retyre backe agayne fiue or sixe myles vppon the same ryuer to the confines of Mantua, where hauing vpon their backes the countreys of their friendes, they shoulde not feare thaffliction of famine or wante of prouisions: He enforced this counsell with this reasonable alle­gacion, that the thing which presently might be done with suretie, might perhaps stande intangled with greater perill when so euer thennemies shoulde approche: This counsayle happly was not displeasing to the Capteines, but the late infamie of the retyring from before Parma kept many of them restrayned from the libertie of free speaking: They were also not a little caryed with the hope that the Svvizzers could make no long tarying, for that within six dayes they might easily discend from Coire to the territorie of Bergamo, and from thence they had no great way to make to ioyne with tharmie: So that beeing thus determined to awayte their comming at Rebecca, the prouisions of meale carryed with the armie, were distributed by measure to all the bandes: And because there were in the campe no ouens porta­tiue, and the houses wherein any were buylt were taken vp by the souldiours, eue­rye one for his particular feeding baked vppon stones and hotte coales, the parte that was deliuered to him for his prouision: whiche incommoditie ioyned to the small distribusions that were made of meale, was the cause that the bandes of Ita­lian footemen, notwithstanding they had plentie of wyne and fleshe, fledde secretly from the campe: But the thirde day Monsr Lavvtrech remayning at Bordellane, cau­sed about noonetide to passe ouer Oglia, one parte of thartilleries, and sent them to Pontovvike vnder the suffrance and priuitie of the Venetian Agent, notwithstanding he made semblance of the contrarie: And albeit it was almost night, yet they began the same daye to drawe towardes the lodgings of thennemies, whose Capteines seeing into the manifest daunger, notwithstanding they mighte haue conueyed them selues into a place where they might haue founde defence in the couerte and shaddowes of certayne little hylles, yet what with the calamitie of want of vit­tels, and a redoubled feare that the Svvizzers would make long tarying: They cau­sed [Page 805] the armie to departe the morning following by breake of the daye, and as their going awaye was without brute or sounde of trumpet or drumme, and their bag­gage and trayne of campe drawne affore their companies, so there was no bande whiche did not marche in good order and well appoynted to feight: They incam­ped at Gabbionetta about fiue myles from thence vppon the confines of Mantua, confessing with one voyce that they were deliuered from a great daunger, partely by the benefite of fortune, and partly by the negligence and indiscression of thenne­mies: for if they had not stayed at Rebecca the very same day that they were appoyn­ted to goe to Boydellano, there had remayned to them a very small hope of safetie, for that the selfe same or else greater necessities had constrayned them to retyre, by whiche aduersitie the retraite beeing longer and thennemies more neare, the perill was moste manifest. In like sorte it is moste certayne that the victorie had vndoub­tedly A fault of Monsr de Lavvtrech. falne vppon Monsr de Lavvtrech, if he had marched to incampe neare then­nemies, the same daye he sent the artilleries to Pontvvike, wherevnto he was ad­uised by many of the Capteines, but chiefly by the Svvizzers: for by reason of his nearenesse they had stande depriued of all meanes to retyre in safetie, bothe for that they coulde not raunge them selues into battell araye for thinpedimentes of thartilleries of Pontvvike, and also the rage of the famine woulde not giue them suffrance in that place aboue three or foure dayes: But suche are the ordinarie fruites of singularitie and selfe weening, that whylest by his nature and custome he despised the counsayles of all others, he layde open to thennemies the knowledge of the perill that was towardes them, and through his fault made them hable to preuent his threatninges by their suddayne departure: In so muche as it was not without reason that the Svvizzer Capteines tolde him, that they had well deserued the payes accustomed to be giuen to souldiors that had wonne the battell, seeing it was not long of them that they had not gotte the victorie. At Gabbionetta the army of the League fortified their campe with great industrie, and in their owne safetie remayned there manye dayes: Neuerthelesse bothe for that the comming of the Svvizzers seemed dayly to linger and suspende, and also for feare of the neighbor­hood of the French, both mightie in strength and braue in demonstracions to sette vpon them, they passed the ryuer of Oglia, and went to incampe in the borowe of Ostiano apperteining to Lodovvike de Bossolo, with intention not to departe from thence till the Svvizzers were come: which resolucion made with wisedome and counsell, was also accompanied with good fortune, for that at Gabbionetta by reason of the lowe and shalowe situacion, the army had receiued great domages by the a­bundance of raynes and waters falling assone as the campe was gone.

But whylest in this sort the tyme ranne foorth ydely betweene both the armies, the one lying at Ostiano and the other at Rebecca: The Bishoppe of Pistoia and Vi­telli hauing drawne into one strength the Svvizzers and the bandes of Italian footemen, gaue charge vppon the garrisons of the Duke of Ferrara that laye at Finalo, who albeit had for their aduauntage the oportunitie of the place, bothe strong by nature and well fortified by arte, yet the Svvizzers whose feare is al­wayes least when the perill seemes moste, presented themselues with a braue re­solucion to the daunger, and giuing an ouerthrowe to the whole, they slewe ma­nye of them, amongest whome the knight Coriano passed by the sworde as he was feighting: This brought so greate feare and amaze to the Duke of Ferrara lying then at Bodena, that yeelding to thaduersitie which he could not ouercome, he aban­doned foorth with that towne, and fled to Ferrara, his feares beeing greater then his [Page 806] assurance: And to take from the ennemies all oportunities to followe him, he re­tyred with a present diligence all those barkes vppon the whiche he had buylded a bridge in the same place.

In this meane whyle the regimentes of Svvizzers that were exspected, were discended vppon the territories of Bergama: and yet their mindes beeing no lesse variable then their difficulties certayne, they stayed to passe further, hauing ex­presly refused to turne them selues to inuade the Duchie of Millan according to The Svviz­zers leauied by the Pope vvoulde not march against the Frenche king. the instance of the Cardinall of Syon and the Agentes of the Pope and Caesar: They also made difficultie to ioyne with the armie that exspected them at Ostia­no, for that it was prepared to marche agaynst the Frenche king, offering to goe to the seruice of anye place that the Pope shoulde thinke good in the estate or dominion of the Churche, for the defending of whiche, they sayde they were entred into paye: And yet according to their barbarous interpretacion of things, they consented to marche to assayle Parma and Plaisanca as Cities manifestlye apperteyning to the Churche, or at least to the whiche the Frenche kinge had no certayne righte or interest: They required also that affore they should march, there shoulde bee sente to them from tharmie, three hundred lighte horsemen, the better with their ayde to leauye vittayles in those countreys and places through the whiche they shoulde passe: These were the difficulties they stoode vppon, bea­ring more vppon frowarde wilfulnesse, then vppon reason or necessitie of the pre­sent seruice: Neuerthelesse in the ende the light horsemen were sente, who passed at vnwares in greate diligence along the territories of the Venetians: They dispo­sed their marching so, as they might come into some place moste neare the armie, to haue the more conueniencie and oportunitie to consulte and resolue what were to bee done: And in their waye they gaue the chase to certayne bandes of the Frenche and the Venetians whiche were bestowed at Pondovville or rather vpon the lake of Eupile to stoppe their passage: Assoone as they were drawen neare to the armie, there was present labour made to dispose them to ioyne agaynst the French, in which solicitacion were employed many messangers and Embassadours, and chiefly tharchbishop of Capua going to and fro in the name of the Cardinall de Medicis: At laste, the bandes that were leauyed of the Canton of Surich, who as they haue a greater authoritie, so they make profession to doo thinges with a greater grauitie, refused it constantly: The others after many doubtes and obiec­tions, neither expresly denyed, nor manifestly accepted the offers that were made to them, for that as they refused not to followe the armie, so yet it was without de­claracion that they woulde enter with them into the Duchie of Millan: So that, what by the counsayle of the Cardinall of Syon, and labour of the Capteynes into whose willes were made manye corrupte insinuacions by offers and promi­ses, the armie determined to marche on vnder this hope, that since they refused not to followe, they woulde not bee harde to be drawne to any place where the armie went.

The bandes of Surich conteining foure thousande in number, brake of and re­turned towardes Reggia: and the armie after it had remayned about a moneth be­twene Gabionetti and Ostiano, ioyned with the other Svvizzers at Gambaro: They ca­ried marching in the middest of them the two Legates of Syon & Medicis with their crosses of siluer enuironed with infinit weapons, artilleries, blasphemers, mankillers, & robbers: so much at that time did they abuse the reuerence of religion: They went in three remouings of campe through the landes of the Venetians to Orchiueche a [Page 807] towne of their obedience, making this excuse to the Senate that it was a passage necessarie, and that they had no intencion or desire to offende them: In the same sorte was it excused to them when Andrevve Gritty their Agent was constray­ned to consent to Monsr Lavvtrech to sende artilleries to Pontvvyke. At Or­chi [...]eche arriued certeyne Corryers sent by the Lordes of the Cantons to com­maunde the Svvyzzers to departe from the armie, sending also the like commaun­dement by other poastes to the bandes that were in the frenche campe, to whome was alleaged that it was a thinge vnworthie the reputacion of their name and countrey, to suffer the footemen of their nation to serue vnder publike enseignes in the armies of two ennemies: But these commaundementes brought foorth di­uerse effectes, for, the poastes that were dispatched to the campe of the league were by comminge stayed in the waye, so that they came not so farre as to those bandes that were with the Cardinall of Syon: And touching the companies that followed the french campe, they dismissed them selues immediatly without bidding farewell, not that they were moued by the commaundementes that were sent, and much lesse for the longnes of the warre wherin they are wont to be most impacient aboue all other nations: But they saw into the dishability of Monsr de Lavvtrech to aunswer their payes, who as he had of long time receiued no money out of Fraunce, so t [...]extreame exactions which he leauied vpon the Duchie of Millan were farre in­sufficient to satisfie his charge.

Here may be gathered a fitte experience how muche the enuie and indiscression of officers bringes preiudice and domage to Princes, who either through negli­gence haue no employment in affaires, or else by incapacitie, are not hable of them selues to discerne good councells from euill: for, where direction was giuen for the leauying of three hundred thowsande crownes to be sent to Lavvtrech accor­ding to the kings promise: The Ladie Regent being the kings mother bare so great emulacion to his greatnes, that vsing her enuie against the profit of her sonne, she procured the Treasorers and Receiuers without the kinges priuitie, to turne that summe to an other vse: The same being the cause that Monsr Lavvtrech suffered him selfe to runne into confusion and priuate griefe, since by the departing of the Svvizzers, the successe of the warres which affore he promised to be good & hap­py, was become full of doutes and dispaire: And therefore forbeating to contend a­gainst enuy, fortune and the time, he bestowed garrisons in Cremona & Pisqueton, and reduced him selfe with the residue of tharmie to Cassan, hoping to giue impediment to thennemies to passe Adda, both in respect of thordinary difficulties which follow armies that are to passe riuers when there stands resistance vpon the shoare opposit, and also for thoportunity of the place bearing his banke towardes Millan verie high and raised, & therfore the offence is greater that is done to the ennemies with thar­tilleries, then that which they can receiue.

On the other side the Legats Apostolike and the Capteines were broken vp from Orchiueche, and passing eftsoones the riuer of Oglio, were come in three re­mouinges to Riuolco, not feeling any more thincommoditie of vittells, for that they were plentifully relieued by the townes of Guiaradadde, which the frenchemen had left abandoned.

At this place, as both the armies were vppon tearmes, thone to winne, and the other to stoppe the passage of the riuer, Prospero and the other Capteynes made preparacion to build a bridge betwene Riuolco and Cassan, a matter very dout­full and hard for the stopping of the ennemies: Wherein hauing consumed two or [Page 808] three dayes in controuersies and councells, at last Prospero who would not commu­nicate his thoughtes with the Marquis of Pisquairo to thende he should haue no in­terest in the glory of that action, and much lesse would vse the seruice of the Spany­ards least they would disclose his deuise, caused secretly to be taken from the riuer of Bembo, two small barkes, and sent by night with great silence certeine bandes of Ita­lian footemen to passe the riuer right against the towne of Vaury: Vaury is a towne open, discouered, and without walls, and hath his scituacion vppon the bankes of Adda fiue myles from Cassan: There is conuenient passage ouer the riuer, and The souldiers of the league passe the riuer of Adda. in the middest of the towne is there a small circuit of wall raised in forme of a litle castell: There were for the gard of this place, certeine bandes of horsemen vnder the charge of Hugh de Popoly Lieutenaunt to the men at armes which the frenche king had giuen to Octauian Fregosa: vppon the hearing of the noyse that was made, he presented him selfe vppon the banke or shoare, from the which he was presently repulsed with force of shot, and yet it was thought that he might easely haue main­teined resista nce, if a certeine trowpe of harguebuziers had ioyned with those horsemen which he had with him, a matter which afterwardes he sayd he did re­quire of Monsr Lavvtrech.

As the footemen passed in trowpes and numbers, so they assembled and drewe into strength in a place within the towne raised and somewhat fortified, exspe­cting there the succours which Prospero had appointed: who assoone as he was ad­uertised of that happie beginninge, caused to be turned that waye almost all the footebandes of the armie bestowed in diuerse boroughes of Guiaradadde, to whome he gaue this order that as they arriued they should passe successiuely vpon the same small barkes and vppon two others that were appointed to follow tharmie to serue for bridges ouer riuers, which by night were caried ouerlande to the same banke or shoare: Then he and the other Captaines with the Cardinall Medicis, tooke foorth with the same way, leauing this commaundement to such as taried at Riuol­to, that if the frenchemen retyred from thence, they shoulde immediatly sette vp the bridge: But at Vaury the successe of thenterprise was vncerteine for certeine howers, for, if Monsr Lavvtrech vppon his first aduertisement of the passing of his enemies, had conuerted thither one parte of tharmie, he had no dout giuen them the ouerthrowe: But after he had spent certeine howers in dout what he had to doe, he dispatched thither Monsr d'Escud with foure hundred launces and the bands of the frenche footemen, causing to be drawne afterwardes certeine peeces of artil­leries: Monsr d'Escud and his regiments marched thither in great diligence, and be­ganne verie resolutely to charge the place where thenemies were retyred euen at the same time that the succours which were exspected, appeared vppon the o­ther shoare: For whose comming together with the hope that they brought, the­nemies made a valliant defense, notwithstanding that Monsr d'Escud discended on foote with all his men at armes and made so resolute a fight in the straightes of the streetes, that if thartilleries had come in time, his vallour no dout had gi­uen them the ouerthrowe: But on the other side the shoare, did make speede to passe as muche as the fraught of the barkes coulde carie, Iegane Capteine of the Grisons, and two enseignes of spanishe footemen, pushed on with the com­fortes and speeches of Cardinall de Medicis and the other Capteines: And as in matters of execucion examples doe muche, so in this heate of vallour and valliant doinges, Iohn de Medicis, more moued of his naturall magnanimity and great desire of glory, then by any other mans incitacion, swame ouer the depenes of the water [Page 809] vpon a turkish horse to the otherside, giuing in that action both a present feare to thennemie, and a iust courage to his owne companies: At last notwithstanding the present arriuall of thartilleries, Monsr d'Escud finding the defence that was made to be so farre aboue his forces, and his fortune no lesse inferior, that he could not but dispayre of the victorie, retyred to Cassan with the losse of an enseigne, And by his example, Lavvtrech departed from Cassan and withdrew to Myllan with the whole armie: There, whether it was that he would not lose thoccasion to satisfie his hate conceyued affore, or whether he thought that by that spectacle he shoulde make him selfe more feared and redowted, he caused to be executed publikely, Christopher Paluoisin: An action of great pitie and compassion to beholde, no lesse for the no­blenes of his house, greatnes and authoritie of his person, and flourishing estate of his age, then for that he was committed to prison many monethes affore the warre, in which poynt his iustice was not without extreme seueritie. By this pas­sing ouer Adda, Prospero wonne a name and glorye aboue the sonne: he was af­fore, not onely infamous at Rome but contemned throughout the whole armye, not so much for his breaking vppe from before Parma, as for his custome in pro­tracting the warre: But nowe, as it often hapneth that thinges done first, lose their memorie by the consideracion of such as followe and are done afterwardes, so thin­famie of his former vices was nowe defaced and the mindes of all men conuerted to prayse and extoll him, the rather for that without bloode and daunger, yea alto­gether with councell and industrie worthy of so well experienced a Capteine, he had stolne from thennemies the passage of that ryuer: A matter whiche Monsr Lavvtrech did not onely promise to him selfe and his whole armie to let and stoppe, but also assured it absolutely to the king vnder his writing and publike protestaci­ons: And yet (such emulacion followeth vallour and the glorye thereof) there were some, who with reasons eyether true or apparant, labored to diminish the glorye of this action, wherein they alleaged that there was no vertue nor rare industrie ney­ther in the inuencion nor in thexecucion: for that nature and naturall prouidence doth teach all men finding impediments in riuers and straite passages, to search and sownd some other way to passe either higher or lower, where nothing is obiected to stoppe them: They could say also that the passage of Vaury was at hande, and by his ordinary frequentacion a passage very conuenient, and that Lavvtrech had bene so carelesse to garde it that his negligence had left no place to industrie: So that in no other thinge coulde bee recommended the prouidence of Prospero, then that with secrecie he had made prouision of the barkes, and managed the whole enterprise with necessary silence: There were other also, who perhappes eyther too diligent to iudge of thinges, or more readye to reprehende faultes that bee doubtfull, then apt to commend actions and doinges certeyne, were not contented to diminishe the renowme of his industrye, but with a spirite more enuyous, they iustified that there was in him neyther prouidence nor order conuenient: for, saye they, in not sending commaundement to those bandes to stirre that were appoynted for succours and lodged within Treuy, Carauagge and many other places, but when the footemen whome he had sent before were possessed of Vaury: It fell out that the first companyes coulde not arryue vppon the shoare of the ryuer vn­tyll noone, which was foureteene howers after the firste bandes of footemen were paste: So that if Monsr Lavvtrech had done presently vppon thaduer­tisement that was sent to him, the thinge whiche he did many howers after, there is no doubt that he had not reconquered Vaury, and giuen the ouerthrowe [Page 810] to those footebandes that were passed, for that the succours or reskewe were ‘too slowe and lingring: But suche interpretacions and fancies of men did no­thing at all depraue the glorye of Prospero, for that commonly in humane witts this collection is made that they iudge the councells of men by the euent of things, and so sometimes with praise and sometimes with dishonor according as the successe is happy or contrary, they giue that to councell and prouidence, which for the most part takes his proceeding of fortune.’

Monsr Lavvtrech being departed from the shoares of Adda, it was to be doubted that thennemies who the day following builded a bridge betwene Riuolta and Cassan would draw neare to Myllan as fast as they could: yet Prospero, whose councell albeit was blamed by the popular sort, was yet approued by such as saw into the science of warre, was of mind that in taking a longer circuit, they should marche the first day to incampe at Marignan, A towne equally distant from Myllan and Pauya: for, being not possible for the hardnes of the time both cold and raynie, to keepe the fielde, he iud­ged it best to draw neare to Myllan on that side, by the which if he founde it harde to enter, he might immediatly turne to Pauia, where Lavvtrech had left no garrison, for that he sought to reduce all his forces to Myllan: In which citie both for the plenty of vittells, and many other oportunities, he thought to setle the seate of the warre. On the other side, Monsr Lavvtrech whose armie of footemen was reduced to a ve­ry small number, had from the beginning deuised to garde onely the citie of Myl­lan: But considering afterwards that if he abandoned the suburbes, he gaue meane to thennemie to lodge and incampe, and there withall many ready opportunities to take the towne, he changed opinion, and determined as yet to defend the suburbes: This no doubt was a resolute & wise councell if it had bene accompanied with that vigilancie that apperteyned, for that by it, considering the vnlooked for accidents that fell within few dayes after, thinges had brought forth an other yssue then they did. But the armie of the league being lodged for the greatest part at Marignan, and the Svvyzzers more forward in thabbay of Cleruault, after they had remeyned there three dayes to exspect thartilleries which could not followe for thextremitie of the wayes: presented them selues the xix. day of Nouember before Myllan, hauing this intencion that if they could not enter the same day, they would depart the day after and draw to Pauia, whether was already dispatched part of the light horsemen to take possession of the towne: There hapned that morning this matter worthy of memo­ry, as the Legats and Chieftaines of tharmie stoode in a medow neare to Cleruault to giue place to the Svvyzzers to passe, there came to them an olde man of aspect and habit popular, who telling them that he was sent by the parish of Saint Cir in Myllan, solicited and called vppon them with great exclamacions to passe further: for that sayth he, order was giuen, that not onely the parish of Saint Cir, but all the partes of Myllan vpon thapproching of tharmie would rise & take armes against the french­men at the vniuersall ringing of the bells of euery parish: This relacion was made more wonderfull by the consideracion of the man and his departure, for that not­withstanding all their diligence to find him againe, they could neuer learne what he was, nor by whom he was sent. The armie then marched in order towardes the gate of Rome, and the great artilleries stayed at the entry of a way which turneth to Pauia: The Marquis of Pisquaire who was in the former front of the battell with his bandes The taking of Myllan by the league. of spanish footemen, obseruing the comming on of the euening, drewe neare the trench that is betwene the gate of Rome and the port Thesin, And presenting his har­quebuziers against a bastyllion made in a place called Vicentyn, neare the gate na­med [Page 811] Lodovvikes gate, and that more to make a triall, then in hope to carye it: The Venetian footebandes that garded the place, after they had with muche ado endu­red the presence of thennemies, gaue their backes with an incredible basenesse of minde, by whose example the Svvizzers that laye neare them, put them selues to flight, their feare being greater then their fidelitie: By which yeelding the Spanishe footebandes that passed the trenche and the rampier without any impediment, en­tred with the same facilitie the suburbes, and in that hurleyburley of entring they tooke and hurt lightly Theoder Triuulce being all disharmed vpon a litle nagge, who payed afterward to the Marquis of Pisquairo for his libertie twentie thousande duc­kets: In this confusion of feare and perill, Andrevv Gritti with many others made waye with great hardnes for their safetie, who after by the benefite of chase and fle­ing they were estsones vnited with the Frenche, they retyred altogether into the towne by fetching a very long compasse: But both for that they had made no pro­uision for their defence, and also that they had no strength of footemen, and there­withall the people disposed to rebell, they stayed about the castell: On the other side, the Marquis of Pisquairo in whom wanted no diligence to followe his fortune, made his approche to the gate of Rome (the gates of the Citie and the suburbes beare all one name) and was receyued into the towne by the principall partners of the Gebelin faction, hauing the gate in garde: And not long after the Cardinall Me­dicis, the Marquis of Mantua, Prospero, and one parte of the armie made their entrie in the same forte by the port Thesin, the victors them selues being almost ignoraunt in what maner or by what disorder they had wonne so great a victorie: Onely the principall cause proceeded of the negligence of the Frenchemen, for that (as was discerned afterwardes) Monsr Lavvtrech had no aduertisement that thennemies were remoued that daye, yea it was beleeued that he assured him selfe, that for the disaduauntage of the wayes being much disordered and broken with the raynes that were falne, they woulde not that daye make their artilleries marche, without the which he neuer thought that they would assault the rampiers: yea suche was his se­curitie, that at the same time that thennemie entred the rampiers, he was walking vnarmed in the Citie of Millan accompanied with other capteines without any co­gitacion of enterprise, as also Monsr d'Escud being made wearie with watching the night before, was layde downe to sleepe in his owne lodging: both of them beeing beguyled in the care which they ought to haue had of their proper safetie, honor and reputacion: And yet it seemed fortune reserued for them a fauor which their destinie would not let them enioye: for if Monsr de Lavvtrech after his feare and fle­ing had reassembled his people vpon the Castell greene, it was beleeued that there was offred to him no little occasion to offende thennemies, for that one parte were dispersed disorderly within Millan, an other parte stoode houering in the suburbes in confusion, and the residue remayned without in a troubled exspectation: But what through his feare whiche coulde not be reappeased, and what by the errour of the darke night to discerne in so little time thestate of thennemies, he departed the same night to Coma, where leauing fiftie men at armes and six hundred footmen, he tooke the waye by the parishe of Iuzina, and so after he was passed Adda at Lecco, he drewe to the countrey of Bergama, the Castell of Millan remayning well garded and refurnished: Lody and Pauia followed thexample of Millan: And at the same time the Bishop of Pistoya and Vitelli, who leauing Parma behinde them, had taken the waye of Plaisanca, were willingly receyued into that Citie: The like successe they had in Cremona, where vpon the newes not onely that Millan was taken, but also that [Page 812] the Frenche were ouerthrowen, the people ranne to armes and cryed vppon the name of thempire and Duke of Millan: Assoone as that commotion was vnder­standed by Monsr Lavvtrech, who was then arriued vppon the territories of Ber­gama, he dispatched thither Monsr d'Escud with one parte of tharmie to recouer it: he was repulsed by the people, by whiche occasion Lavvtrech notwithstanding he had very small hope of good successe, for that the Svvizzers that were within Par­ma, might easily succour it, went thither with the whole armie, hauing first geuen order that Federike de Bossolo shoulde abandon Parma, holding it a matter of too great difficultie to furnishe so many places: This enterprise drewe with it a good successe and issue: for, notwithstanding that Cardinall Medicis assoone as he vn­derstoode of the rebellion of Cremona, had sente to the Bishop of Pistoye, that the better to assure such a conquest he should dispatche thither one part of the Svviz­zers: yet because he would neither deuide them nor intangle him selfe with other affayres, standing alwayes vppon a desire to goe with them to an enterprise deter­mined vppon Genes, he lingred so long that he lefte sufficient tyme to Monsr Lavvtrech to recouer it, hauing bothe the Castell to holde for hym, and also knowing there was to bee obiected agaynst him no other defence then a confused resistance of the people, in whome he discerned already an inclinacion to yeelde, for that they sent Embassadours to solicite their pardon: This good euent mini­stred eftsoones some good courage and lyfe to Monsr Lavvtrech, who sent forth­with to Federike Bossolo not to abandon Parma: But he was departed affore the sommonce came, and had passed Pavv with his bandes and companies: At what tyme Vitelly who wente to Plaisanca with his companies and was not farre from Parma when Federike departed, was called in by an vniuersall consent of the peo­ple, and made his entrie. The Capteines and Assistantes of the League deuised howe to recouer the residue of the estate vnder this foundacion to make no more so greate expences: And accordingly they dispatched from Millan at the same tyme the Marquis of Pisquairo with his bandes of Spaniardes and the Launce­knightes and Grisons, to laye siege to Coma: In whiche enterprise in maye be doub­ted whether was more forwarde his desire or his fortune, for he had no sooner be­gonne to enforce the terrour of his artilleries, then the defendantes dispayring of reskew, agreed to render vp the place vnder condicion of sauetie of life and goods aswell to the Frenche bandes as to thinhabitantes of the towne: And yet when the Frenche men were vppon their departure, the Spaniardes made their entrie and sacked it, to the greate infamie of the Marquis, who beeing afterwardes accu­sed of fayth breaking by Iohn Chabannes chiefe of the Frenche bandes within Coma, was by him defyed and chalenged to the combat.

At the same instant they of the League sent the Bishop of Verula to the Svviz­zers to assure them of their willes, neuerthelesse assoone as he was come to Belin­sone they committed hym to warde, for that standing yll contented that their re­gimentes of footemen had marched agaynst the French king, they did not onely complayne of the Cardinall of Syon and the Pope, but also of all their ministers and officers: But chiefly they inueyed agaynst the Bishoppe of Verula, for that be­ing the Popes Nuncio with them at suche tyme as they leauyed their men, he laboured to induce them to goe agaynst thexception vnder the which they had bene accorded.

The estate and affayres of the warre was reduced into these tearmes with a won­derfull hope in the Pope and Caesar to confirme the victorie, bothe for that the [Page 813] French king had no meane to dispatche with expedicion newe companies into Ita­lie, and also for them selues they thought the power of those who had wonne Millan vpon him with the moste parte of the Duchie, was sufficient not onely to preserue it, but also to runne through all the residue that remayned in the handes of thene­mie: Yea suche a thing is terrour, that the Senate of Venice fearing least the warre begonne agaynst others would not fall vpon them, gaue hope to the Pope to cause the French bandes to depart out of their landes: But of thoughtes sodaine began to spring an accident vnlooked for: for, newes came that the Pope was dead sodenlye The death of Pope Leo the tenth. the first day of December: As he laye at the village of Magliana whither he went of­tentimes for his recreation, he heard the first reapport of the taking of Millan, which stirred in him suche an extreme passion of ioye, that the same night he entred into a small feauer: and for his better remedie he caused himselfe the next daye to be re­moued to Rome, where he dyed within very fewe dayes after, notwithstanding the Phisitions in the beginning made no great reckoning of his disease: There was great suspicion that he was poysoned by Barnabie Malespina his Chamberleine, whose of­fice was alwayes to giue him drinke: And yet though he was made prisoner through the suspicion of the fact and the vehement reasons of the same, yet the matter was dashed and thexaminacion thereof, for that the Cardinall Medicis assone as he came to Rome, set him at libertie, fearing to fall further into the disgrace of the Frenche king, by whose practise it was supposed that Barnabie gaue him the fatall drinke: This was but whispred secretly, the author being no lesse doubtfull then the coniectures vncertayne: He dyed, if we consider the cōmon opinion of men, in very great glory & felicity, not so much for that by the surprising of Millan he saw himself deliuered of daungers and exspences intollerable, whiche hauing drayned him of all store of money and treasor, he was constrayned to aduaunce all meanes and maners for his supply and releeuing: But also that a very fewe dayes affore his death he receyued aduertisement of the taking of Plaisanca, and the very day he dyed, newes came to him of the winning of Parma: A matter so greatly desired by him, that at such time as he debated to moue warre agaynst the Frenche men, it is very well remembred that he sayde to the Cardinall de Medicis laboring to disswade him, that as he was in nothing more caryed to the desire of that warre then to recouer to the Churche those two Cities, so when so euer God should blesse him with theffect of that de­sire, it would not greue him to dye: He was a prince in whom were many thinges worthy to be commended and blamed, and in the estate and discourse of his life he deceyued greatly thexpectation that was had of him when he was created Pope, for that his gouernment was with a greater discression, but with farre lesse bountie then was looked for.

The death of the Pope did greatly diminishe thaffayres of Caesar in Italie, as also it was not vnlikely that suche an enemie beeing taken away with whose money the whole warre was both begon and continued, both the French king would enter into a newe sprite and dispatche a newe armie into Italie, and also the Venetians for the same causes would recontinue the confederacion they had with him: So that it see­med that by this accident the deuises to assayle Cremona and Genes, vanished & were dissolued: and the officers of Caesar, who till then had payed the Spanishe bandes with great difficultie, were constrayned to dismisse a great part of them: A matter not without daunger since there were holden yet for the king Cremona, Genes, Alex­andria, the Castell of Millan, the Castells of Nouaro and Tressa, Pisqueton, Domussolo, Arona, and all the Lake maior: Besides, the Rocke of Pontremo was eftsones returned [Page 814] to his deuocion, which being lost before, was reconquered by Sinibaldo de Fiesquo and the Count Nocero: Neither had the affayres of the French king any good suc­cesse beyonde the Mountes, for that Caesar bringing warre vpon Flaunders, had ta­ken from him the Citie of Tornay, and not long after the Castell, wherein were no small quantities of artilleries and municions: In so muche that by reason of the Popes death newe gouernmentes, newe counsells, and newe estates of affayres and doings were introduced into the Duchie of Millan. The Cardinalles of Syon and Medicis made foorthwith to Rome to communicate in thelection of the newe Pope: The Imperials kept retayned with them fifteene hundred footemen Svvizzers, and dismissed all the others, together with the Launceknightes who went their waye: The bandes of the Florentines tooke their way to returne into Tuskane: Touching the regimentes of the Church, Guido Rangon ledde one part of them to Modona, and the other remayned in the state of Millan with the Marquis of Mantua, and that more of his proper resolucion, then by the consent of the College of Cardinalles, who standing deuided amongest themselues, could bring foorth nothing in deter­minacion: In so muche as when Monsr Lavvtrech made his complayntes to them that the souldiours of the Church remayned vpon the Duchie of Millan to the pre­iudice of the French king, to whom for the charitable actions of his predecessors done to the Churche, was transferred the title of protector and eldest sonne of the same, they could not agree to returne other aunswere or resolucion, then that they referred his remedy to the determination of the Pope to come. Of those Svvizzers that were in Plaisanca, one part went with the Bishop of Pistoye to Modena for the defence of that Citie and Reggia agaynst the Duke of Ferrara, who immediatly vp­pon the death of the Pope had taken the fielde with an hundred men at armes, two thousande footemen, and three hundred light horsemen, and so went to incampe before Cente after he had recouered by the will of thinhabitantes Bondene, Finale, the mountayne of Modena, and Garfagnano, and with the same facilitie had taken Iugo, Bagnacauall, with other townes of Romagnia. Those Svvizzers that were of the Can­ton of Zurich continued at Plaisanca, and for that they would not suffer them selues to be separated, they would not giue leaue to a thousande of them to go to the gard of Par [...]na: which Citie remaining almost disfurnished, Monsr Lavvtrech being then within Cremona with sixe hundred launces and two thousande fiue hundred foote­men, tooke occasion of the nakednes of the place, to attempt to reconquer it, being specially induced to thaction by Federike Bossolo, who caryed great credite in that matter for the peculiar knowledge he had in enterprises of like nature.

It was then determined that Monsr de Bonneuall with three hundred launces, and The Frenche men before Parma. Federike and Marke Antho. Colonno, the one with the Frenche footemen, the other with the Venetian bands conteining in one strength and generall number fiue thou­sande bodies, should be employed to surprise the citie of Parma, wherein were sixe hundred footemen Italians and fiftie men at armes of the Marquis of Mantua, be­sides that the people and inhabitantes were at the deuocion of the Churche, but slenderly armed, and no lesse yll contented for the memorie of the French, and vio­lences vsed by Federike: With these was also concurrant this aduauntage, that of that parte of the towne which had bene battred by the campe of the Churche the walles laye yet on the grounde without any restoring or repayring: Lastely the sea Apostolike was in vacacion, A matter which is alwayes wont to keepe the mindes of men in variacion, and make gouernors rather carefull of their proper safetie, then to looke to the defence of townes, as not knowing for whom they should put them [Page 815] selues into daunger: So that with these foundacions, the french footemen were sent below along the riuer of Pavv euen vnto Toricelle where the bands of men at armes that were come from Cremona by land, ioyned with them: And many barkes beeing sent thether from Cremona, they passed ouer Pavv by night to Toricelle which is within twelue myles of Parma, hauing to follow them by direction Mark Anth. Co­lonno with the Venetian footebands, that were lodged vpon Oglio: Frauncis Guicciar­din was sent thether for the gard of the towne by commission of Cardinall de Medi­cis, and doubting of the daunger that was so apparant, he caused to call together by night, the whole people and inhabitants, whom he incouraged to stande valiantly to the defence of their liues and libertie: And bicause they shoulde fight against their peril more with weapons then with wordes, he caused to be bestowed among them two thowsand pykes which two dayes before he had sent for from Reggia: it impor­ted him much to be carefull to make prouisions necessary for defence, wherein by so much greater was his diligence and study, by how much both the time and the place ministred many difficulties, both for that the smal numbers of souldiours within the towne, were not sufficient to defend it without the ayde of the people, vpon whome in those suddeine and daungerous cases can be layd no firme foundacion for the va­riablenes of their condicion: And also for that he saw it impossible to let thennemies for entring the Codipont, for which cause he retyred the souldiours & all the townes­men into the other part of the citie, but not without a wonderfull difficultie: for, ha­uing a vaine perswasion amongest them, that it might be defended, as also the inha­bitants of that quarter, interpreting to rigour and hardnes, to leaue abandoned their owne houses, They could not be disposed to it neither with reasons nor with autho­ritie vntill they saw thennemies approch: because the inhabitants were so long af­fore they would be perswaded to retyre, thennemy lacked not much to enter with them pelmell into the other part of the towne, where concurred at one time many difficulties, both necessitie of money, and inconueniencie of the time, being the selfe same day wherein they were to pay the footebands, who protested to goe out of the towne if they were not satisfied of their payes within xxiiij. howers. The first day Fe­deryk Bossolo with three thowsand footemen and certeine light horsemen, entred the Codipont which was left abandoned: The daye after arriued there, Monsr de Buneuall with the french launces, and Mark. Anth. with two thowsand footemen Venetians: They had not with them other artilleries then two sakers, for that by thimpediment of the ill wayes all along Pavv, the places being low and apt to reteyne water, made it very hard for the vse of carts to draw greater artilleries: which had not bene with­out losse of time, and that contrary to their hopes grounded altogether vpon celeri­tie and diligence, for that they feared in lingring much, least Parma shoulde receiue some reskewe either from Modena or from Plaisanca: Neuerthelesse thin habitants being abused with the fancies and feares of certeine peasants of the contry that were fled, stoode possessed with an opinion that the great artilleries were comming: By which occasion they were entred into a wonderfull terror, and the same redoubled by a deuise of Federyk, who hauing taken in the contrey, certeine Citizens he made them assuredly belceue by certeine rebells of Parma which he had with him, that Mark Anth. and the french men came after with a great armie and artilleries: And after he had let them goe to Parma, they brought newes touching the forces of then­nemies and other things, much against the truth, and so replenished the people with terrour and amaze, that not onely the Commons through all the quarters of the towne, but euen their Magistrates and councel hauing charge of thaffayres publike, [Page 816] began with importunities to entreate the gouernour, that what for the safety of him selfe and his souldiors, and to deliuer the citie from seruitude and sacking, he would suffer them to compounde with thenemies: Agaynst which demaunde whylest the gouernour made resistance, sometimes with reasons and sometimes with requestes, and consumed the time in debating, there hapned this new difficultie, that the paye day being come, the souldiors that were drawne into insurrection, published in ma­ner ‘of tumult, that if they were not payde they woulde departe the towne: So little assurance is there in souldiors marcenarie, in whom in times of triall and daunger is commonly founde lesse fidelitie then forwardnes, & more corruption then constan­cie, & seruing but for pay,’ they haue no regards aboue the desire of money & gayne: Neuertheles the Agent or treasorer obteined with many perswasions of thinhabi­tantes, to furnish one part of the mony, which though they had promised before, yet they became slow to performe, notwithstanding he declared to thē that in all euents and chaunges, that action would stande them in no small steade of iustification with the Popes to come: with this mony he reappeased the tumult aswell as he could, the same being the cause that the feare of the people augmented: And as the souldiors who for their smal numbers saw thēselues at the discression of the people, & had no surety of any one of the Citie, so they entred into present suspicion that the forces that were both within & without would set vpon them at one time: In so muche as they rather wished that the Citie woulde render by accorde vnder capitulacions of ‘their safety, then to continue & dwell in that daunger: So vnquiet a passion is feare, that whom it possesseth it makes thē in nothing lesse apt then to be resolute or con­stant, & kepeth them depriued of that reason & counsell which in other cases is the guide of mortal men & their doings:’ But in this estate of affaires reduced thus to ex­tremities, it was necessary for the gouernor to show him selfe constant and absolute, and therfore he sometimes assured the souldiors that the perill was aswell common to him as to them, & sometimes he stirred vp the principalls of the towne assembled in counsell, with whom he reasoned that there was no occasion of feare, for that he was assured thenemies caused not to march their great artileries, without the which it was both childish & skornfull to doubt that by the benefite of skaling ladders they would offer to enter or force the towne, wherin was a sufficient strength of youth & souldiors to make resistance agaynst a farre greater violence: He tolde them he had sent to require succors at Modena, where were the Svvizzers, Vitelli, & Guido Rangon, with their bands, not douting but that the day following he should be supplied with such a strēgth as would be able to enforce thenemie to depart: That aswel in regard of their owne honor, as for feare least with the losing of Parma, there hapned not a greater disorder, those succors would make hast, and their reskew be almost as ready as their danger: That he had sent to Plaisanca for the same matter, and for the same reasons he had manifest hope to be releeued from thence: That they had to consider that the Pope being dead, who had honored him with the credit of that place wher­in he was, there remayned to him no interest or bonde (if things stoode vpon suche tearmes as they imagined) to subiect himselfe to a perill so apparant: for that accor­ding to experience and common examples past, muche lesse that the officers of the Pope deceased can exspect of the Pope to come any degree of recompence, since it was moste likely that the Pope of the newe election would become enemie to Flo­rence his naturall contrey: for which reasons he had no cause to desire the greatnes of the Church, respects publike being no lesse agaynst it then occasions priuate: On­ly suche might be the concurrance of accidentes, that the diminucion of the same [Page 817] would be most acceptable to him: That touching his owne particular, he had not within Parma eyther wife, children, or any goodes, for the whiche he was to feare that by the translation of the gouernment they might be made a praye to the lustes, to the insolencies, and rapines of the Frenche: That lastely since he had no reason to hope for any profite by the defence of Parma, and lesse feare (by rendring it) of the aduersities they had proued vnder the harde yoke of the Frenche, and taking it by force, his person communicating in the same daungers that they did: They mighte be assured that no other thing moued him to remayne constant, then the manyfest knowlege he had that the enemies had no habilitie to force the towne without their great artilleries: of whiche as he was assured they had none at all, so if he stoode in doubt, it stoode him vpon not to stande agaynst thaccord, hauing no lesse care of his owne safetie, then all they had desire to auoyde their common daunger: Seing with­all, that by the vacacion of the sea Apostolike, and he not hable in suche a towne as that was, to oppose him selfe agaynst so great an inclinacion and wyll of the people, he could not be within daunger of imputacion, and muche lesse stand charged with their reuolt. With these reasons sometimes dealing aparte and seuerall with manye particulars, and sometimes disputing with them all together, and sometimes lea­ding them along the walles, and eftsones reasoning with them of other prouisions, he robbed the time from them, and interteined them all the night: yea he was not ignorant that notwithstanding they had vehemēt imaginacions to compound with thenemies, & that not for other cause then for feare to be passed into captiuitie and spoyle, yet they reteyned this consideracion, that in according without his consent, they coulde not auoyde the note of rebelles and fayth breakers. But assoone as the day appeared, which was a day dedicated to Saint Thomas thapostle, they beganne to knowe by the bullets that were shotte from the two sakers planted there the same night, that thennemies had no peeces for batterie: whiche made the gouernour to hope that returning to counsayle, he shoulde finde them chaunged and assured, but he founde them of disposicion contrarie, their feares beeing by so muche aug­mented and redoubled, by howmuche by the light of the day making them hable to discerne, they esteemed themselues to be neare the perill: In so much as laying aside al regards to fidelitie, and aptnes to heare reason, they began with manifest instance, with protestacions and threatnings, to compell him to aduaunce the composition: Suche is the rage of a multitude vnbridled, and so violently do they runne to recure ‘the thing which in their feares they haue imagined, that their mindes beeing once made tymerous, there is nothing lesse respected with them then the thing whiche should moste assure them. The gouernour made aunswere with a liuely resolucion and libertie of minde,’ that since he had no power to stoppe in them the course of those speches & thoughtes, which he would do if he had in Parma a greater strength, there remayned to him no other satisfaction of the iniurie which they were deter­mined to do to the sea apostolike and to him being a minister of the same, then that they could not auoyd thinfamy of rebelliō, & imputation of disloyalty to their lords, if reason could not hold them from executing the resolucion which their tymerous condition had stirred in them: he reproched to thē with vehement words the oth of homage & fidelity which a few dayes before they had solemnly made to him on the behalfe of the sea apostolike: he told them, that though he saw affore his eyes their destruction and death manifest, yet they were not to draw from him any other con­clusion then that he woulde continue to make good his fayth in that seruice, vntill eyther by supplies of newe bandes, or by the comming of great artilleries to the [Page 818] campe of thenemies, or some other accident happning, he were satisfied that the daunger was more manyfest to loase the towne, then the hope greater to defende it. He floong out of the councell immediatly vpon the deliuery of these speeches, partly to leaue them sounding in their eares and imprinted in their mindes with greater authoritie, and partly to giue order to many things necessary if thenemies should offer to giue the assault that day, which was beleeued: But they remayned in suspence, and stoode so muche the more confused, by howmuche their reason was lesse then their feares: Whervnto yeelding at last to the thing that could least assure them, and subduing in their fearefulnesse all other good regards: They resolued to sende out at aduenture to solicite an accord, dispatching withall certeine of them to the gouernor, to protest to him that if he continued obstinate to consent to their safety, they were determined in their owne meane, both to put away the perill that was towards them, and to preserue the Citie from the spoyle that they saw preten­ded: But at the very instant that they were determined to addresse their embassage, there began to be heard on all sides, the cryes of suche as garded the gates of the walles, together with the Alarme sounded by the belles of the high tower of the ci­tie, which gaue the signe that thenemies being issued out of the Codipont in order of battell, made their approches to the wals to giue thassalt: By which occasion the go­uernour returning to those that he had not spoken to as yet, cryed vnto them, that though all men were willing, yet the tyme was nowe inconuenient to come to ac­corde: ‘This is the election (sayth he) you stande in, eyther to defende your liues ho­norably, or to see your citie put to shamefull sacke, and your selues deliuered into captiuitie: your aduersitie calleth you to be warned by thexample of Rauenna and Capua, whose inhabitantes and the eyes of the naturall children borne in them, sawe them miserably sacked euen as they were soliciting an accorde with thenemies that stoode vpon the walls: I haue done hithervnto as much as might be concluded in the habilitie of one alone: My will hath bin so much aboue my power, by howmuch my fortune hath bene lesse then my meanes: I haue gouerned you thus long, not more to mine owne prayse then to your profite, not lesse to your vniuersall safetie, then to the due satisfaction of the place I holde, and nowe haue I ledde you to this election whether you will vanquish or dye: I would of my selfe I could suffice to de­fend the thing which our fortune hath made not to be preserued without your aide, then should you see with what affection I desire to defend or to dye. Be not the more discouraged for the nearenes of your perill, let not your confidence be so much aba­ted, by howemuche your daunger is imminent: striue not lesse to vanquishe feare then to ouercome shame: And be not lesse resolute to defende your lyues, your goods, the honor of your wiues and doughters, then you haue bene importunate to desire without any necessitie to runne into willing seruitude of the French, in whom you are not ignorant remaineth a naturall malice towards you.’ After these speches, he turned his horse away, and left them all possessed with contemplacions of feare: But as necessitie is mightie to make men resolute, so for that their fortune had lefte them nowe no tyme to proue other remedies, they lette fall all parleys for accorde, for the present necessitie they had to defende them selues: for that one part of then­nemies who the daye before had gathered in the countrey a greate quantitie of skaling ladders, made approche to the Bastillion whiche Federike had buylded on that side towardes Pavv, and inuaded it valiauntly: And at the same tyme was a furious assault giuen to the gate that leades to Reggia, as also the feight was begon in two other places, with so much the more difficultie of defence to them within, [Page 819] by how much thenemies were more braue and encouraged by the examples of the Capteines, and the men of the towne filled full of terror and cowardise, went not to the walles, but closed them selues within their houses, as though euery moment they had exspected the latest ruine of the Citie: These assaultes being releued ma­ny times, continued the space of foure houres, the daunger of the townesmen dimi­nishing continually, not so much for the wearines of thenemies, who by the wounds and harmes they receyued in many places, began to loase hart, as also by the exam­ple of the gouernor, and vallor of the townesmen, who seing the defence to succede well, tooke courage in their good fortune, and labored more and more at the wall: In so much that affore thassalt retyred, not onely the vniuersall multitude of people was ronne thither together with the Churchmen to defend the breaches, but also in thaction was concurrant the vallour of many women, who despising the daunger were seene to cary wine and other refreshings to their husbandes: By these, thene­mies without dispayring of the victorie, retyred with the losse of some and manye wounded, to the Codipont, from whence they dislodged the morning following, and so returned beyonde Pavv, after they had remayned a day or two about the borders of Parma: Federike confessed that in this expedicion whereof he was the author, nothing did more beguyle him, then that he would neuer haue beleeued that in a gouernour, neither for his profession a man of warre, nor for his time of any conti­nuance in the city, would de found such vallour, that the Pope being dead, he would rather throwe him selfe into daunger without any hope of profite, then seeke for his safetie which he might do without his dishonor or infamie.

This defending of Parma hurt greatly thaffayres of the Frenche, for that it put the people of Millan and other subiectes of that state into greater hart to defende them­selues then they had before: But specially they tooke corage when they knewe what weaknes of souldiors was within, & had receiued no succors abrode, for that besides that there came no reskew from Plaisanca, neither the Svvizzers that were within Modena, nor Guido Rangon nor Vitelli, would once make out any men for the succors of Parma: wherin Guido alleaged for his excuse, that notwithstanding the Duke of Ferrara because he could not take Cente defended by the Bollonois, was retyred to Fi­nalo at such time as the Svvizzers arriued: yet he stoode afrayde least he would at­tempt some violent action vpon Modona being made naked of the garrison: And the Bishop of Pistoia so wauered and was troubled for the instant requestes which Guic­ciardin made to him, and for the perswasions of Vitelli, who for his owne interest stirred him vp to passe into Romagnia with the Svvizzers, to thende to stop the pas­sage of the duke of Vrbin: That what for that he was irresolute, & what through his naturall slownes, he did neither the one nor the other of those matters, both for that Parma defended her selfe, & in Romagnia no impediment was giuen to the Duke of Vrbin, because the Svvizzers would not march for wāt of their payes: Which duke of Vrbin and with him Malatesta and Horace of the famulie of the Baillons, passed, the one to recouer his estates lost, & the other to returne to Perousa, hauing assembled at Ferrara 200. men at armes, 300. light horsemen, and 3000. footemen: An armie which willingly followed them, partly for friendship, and partly for hope of spoyle: for neither of the frenchmen nor Venetians they could obteine no other fauor then a permission to who soeuer had takē their pay, to folow thē, & that the Venetians were contented that Malatesta & Horace should depart out of their pay: Thus they went The duke of Vrbin reen­treth his e­states. from Ferrara to Lugo all along Pavv, and finding no impediments in the estate of the Church, they drew neare to the Duchie of Vrbin, where the duke being called in by [Page 820] the peoples, recouered presently his whole estate, except certaine peeces holden by the Florentins, and so turning towards Pesero, he tooke the towne with the same fa­cilitie, and within fewe dayes after the castell: he ioyned diligence to his good for­tune, and hauing chased out of Camerin, Iohn Maria de Varana the auncient lord, who for his greater dignitie and illustracion had obteined of Pope Leo the title of Duke, he bestowed within it Sigismund a gentleman of the same famulie, by whome was pretended a better right in the same estate: And yet the Duke, who was withdrawne within Aquila, kept still the Castell: And so after thexpedicion of these matters, he turned with Malatesta and Horace Baillon, to Perousa, of which place the Florentins had taken the defence, not so muche of their owne counsell, as following the will of Cardinall de Medicis: wherein he was pushed on eyther by a kinde of hatred that he nourished agaynst the Duke of Vrbin and the Baillons, or by thimpediment of their neighborhood which he thought might put in daunger the authority he had in Flo­rence, or lastly for that aspiring to the Popedome, he sought to cary the reputacion that he alone was the defendor of the Churche during the sea vacant, the Col­lege of Cardinals hauing no care to defende any part of the ecclesiastike dominion, neither in Lombardie, in Tuskane, nor else where: The same proceding partly by the diuision of the Cardinalls, being no lesse full of ciuill factions, then wholly drowned in deepe ambicion to climbe to the Popedome: And partely for that it coulde not be founde neither in the treasorie Pontificall, nor in the Castell S. Angelo, that the late Pope had lefte any prouision of money: for suche were his prodigalities that he had not onely consumed the moneyes whiche his predecessor had left him, with an incredible quantitie of treasor which he had leauyed of the creacion of newe offi­cers, with a yearely diminucion of fortie thousande duckets of reuenue: But also he had left the sea charged with huge debtes, and layde to pawne all the precious Ie­welles of the holye treasorie: Vppon whiche occasion was published this subtill speeche, that other prelacies ended with the death of Popes, but the pontifica­cie of Leo was to continue many yeares after. Onely tharchbishop Vrsin was sent by the Colledge to Perousa, to accorde an vnitie and reconcilement with the Bail­lons, but that deuise was no lesse vayne then the labour fruitlesse, for that the man was suspected to Gentill for thalliance he had with the sonnes of Iohn Pavvle, and also for the condicions that were offred, bearing no suretie for him: In so muche as towardes the laste daye of the yeare, the Duke of Vrbin, Malatesta and Horace Baillons, with Camilla Vrsin, who being followed of certayne voluntaries was newly vnited with them, went to Pont. S. Iohn, and from thence running vp to other pla­ces thereaboutes, they dyd great domages aswell by night as by daye to the Citie of Perousa, where ouer and besides fiue hundred footemen whiche Gentill had leauyed, the Florentines had sent thither two thousande footemen and an hundred light horsemen vnder Guido Vaino, and 120. men at armes and an hundred light horsemen vnder Vitelli.

This time was quiet in the duchie of Millan, no other thing beeing done by ey­ther of the parties then certayne roades and pillages: And the better to execute those domages vppon places holden by the Church, those bandes of Frenche men which were remaining in Cremona being 2000. footemen, had set vp a bridge vpon Pavv, by thoportunity wherof passing oftentimes vpō the territories of Plaisanca & Parma, they did harmes to the whole contry: And notwithstanding Prospero by thin­citacion of other capteins did publish that he would take Trezzo, & had already sent thither artilleries: yet he forbare to put the deuise to execution, alleaging that it was [Page 821] not conuenient that the armie should be restrained to any one place, to thend to be the more hable to succor thestates of the Churche, if the Frenche shoulde begin to execute any action vppon them: But it seemed his thoughtes were farre different from his wordes, for that when he was tolde that the Frenche campe was planted before Parma, muche lesse that he made any signe to succour it, seeing he sayde it was more conuenient to exspect the euent and issue: yea that whiche more is, at suche tyme as Plaisanca remayned disfurnished of garrison, for that the Svvizzers of the Cantons of Zurich according to the sommonce of their Lordes, were gone awaye in haste, Prospero dyd what he coulde to lette the Marquis of Mantua for go­ing from Millan with his bandes: and he beeing put within Plaisanca, susteyned that Citie to his great prayse with the footebandes of his estates, not sparing often­tymes to releeue their necessities with money.

Amidde so many daungers and variacions, there was no prouision for thelection of the newe Pope: a matter which was deferred to the great preiudice of thestate ecclesiastike, both to giue time to the absent Cardinals to resort to Rome, and also for that the Cardinall of Yurea going from Thurin to Rome, was deteined in Millan by commaundement from Prospero Colonno, to thende he should not assist the assemblie in the conclaue for that he was a fauorer of the French: Vppon whose restrayning the College set down a decree that so many dayes would they tary to enter the con­claue, howe many the Cardinall Yurea eyther had bene or shoulde be stopped from passing further: But assone as he was deliuered, the conclaue assembled the xxvij. of December, wherein were drawne together in solemne assemblie xxxix. Cardinalls: So muche was increased the number by the immoderate promocions of Leo, at whose creacion were not present aboue xxiiij. Cardinalls.

The first fact of the yere a thousande fiue hundred two and twentie, was the mu­tation of thestate of Perousa, whiche according to the iudgement of men, happned no lesse through the cowardise of the defendantes, then by the vallour of the assay­lantes: who with their voluntaries and followers, were rysen to a number of two hundred men at armes, three hundred light horsemen, and fiue thousand footmen: This armie after it had lodged in the suburbes of S. Peter which they within had a­bandoned, gaue the fourth daye of the yeare an assault with many numbers of lad­ders both at Saint Peters gate, Solions gate, and the gate Brognio, with many other places, hauing first remoued the defences of all these places with seuen fielde pee­ces whiche the Duke of Ferrara had lent them: The assault began about the breach of the daye, and being many times releued, it continued almost the whole day: And albeit entrie was made in two or three places of the towne, which onely was defen­ded by the souldiors without the ayde of the people who stirred not, yet the assay­lantes were alwayes repulsed with slaughter, which gaue no lesse courage to Gentill, then hope to the Florentin Agent, to be hable to defende it still with no lesse felicity and successe: But the timerousnes of Vitelli was the cause that the matter drewe an other euent: for fearing least the people bearing more inclinacion to the sonnes of Iohn Pavvle then to Gentill, would ryse in their fauours: And finding it withall a matter of no little importance that they were bestowed in the suburbes betweene the two gates of Saint Peter: But principallye standing fearefull to loase his life vppon the yll euent of thinges for the hatred whiche he knewe the Duke of Vr­bin and the sonnes of Iohn Pavvle bare to him: he signified in the nighte to the o­ther Capteines that he woulde departe, alleaging that hys presence woulde bee to little purpose for the seruice, for that the daye before he had receyued [Page 822] at the assalt a wounde in his foote with a bullet, the anguishe whereof constrayned him to keepe his bedde: Gentill and the other capteines labored him with many re­questes to chaunge that intention, wherein albeit they layde before him howe hurt­full would be his departure to the whole seruice, and of no lesse yll example to the souldiors and people of the towne, yet they found him lesse apt to be remoued then belonged to a man of his place and vallour, and in that inclinacion they ioyned with him to follow him: And so the same night they departed to Cittade Castello, leauing Perousa to receiue the Baillons, not without an incredible wonder to all those, who beeing aduertised by letters written the same night what good successe they within had the day before, heard within fewe howres after howe Vitelli and the residue had cowardly left it abandoned.

The election of the new Pope was not yet accomplished, which had bene defer­red Election of Pope Adrian the sixt. by reason of the discorde that was amongest the Cardinalls, deriuing principally from the Cardinall de Medicis who aspired to the place, and who could do much for the reputacion of his greatnes, and for his reuenues: he had also by the glory of the late conquest of Millan corrupted the voyces of fifteene Cardinalls, pushed on ey­ther by their proper interests, or for thaffection they bare to him, or by the memory of the benefites they had receiued of Pope Leo: yea some of them were caryed with this hope, that though he shoulde not be hable to carye the soueraigne seate of the Popedome, yet he would at least beare fauour to those that had stand with him and for him: But many wayes his ambicion was suspected, and many things were contrarie to his desire: for to many of them it semed a matter most preiudiciall that one of the same famulie should succeede the dead Pope, and that in it would be conclu­ded a president and example to dispose the Popedome by succession: All the elder sort of Cardinalles obiected themselues agaynst him, holding the dignitie of their time and grauitie muche depraued, to suffer the election to settle vpon one that had lesse then fiftie yeres of age: All those that were of the Frenche parte were agaynst him, with whom did ioyne also some of thimperiall faction: for notwithstanding in the beginning the Cardinal Colonno gaue it out that he would fauour him, yet after­wardes he opposed himselfe openly agaynst him: as also all those companies of Car­dinalls that were yll contented with Pope Leo, declared thē selues his enemies: Ne­uerthelesse amid these difficulties, the thing that nourished him was, that he knewe that suche as were of his side, making more then a thirde parte of the Colledge, so long as they stoode vnited and constant, the election coulde not be accomplished without their consent: A matter which kept him delited in this hope, that with time his aduersaries would eyther be wearie or deuided, the rather for that there were of them who for their age and other infirmities, were not hable to beare out a long payne: And withall, though they stoode firme not to create him at all, yet he sawe their diuersitie would keepe them from concluding the creacion of an other, euery one striuing to transferre thelection to his friend, and most of them reteining a set­led obstinacie not to giue place one to an other: But the chaunge of thestate of Pe­rousa did somewhat staye thambicion of Cardinall de Medicis, by the instance of car­dinall Petrucci, one of the Cardinalls of his faction: who beeing chiefe of thestate of Siena, and fearing least by his absence there might happen some mutacion in the ci­tie wherevnto he vnderstoode the Duke of Vrbin would addresse his armie, did ve­hemently labor to aduaunce thelection of the newe Pope: his importunities toge­ther with thinterest and consideracion of the daunger which would fall vppon the state of Florence if Siena should happen to chaunge, drew the Cardinall de Medicis [Page 823] somewhat to incline and yeelde, and yet was not determined to whome to giue his voyce. At last they fell to the custome of lotting of voyces in the Conclaue, where­in Cardinall Adrian Bishop of Der [...]us [...] was preferred without any affection or par­tialitie of voyce: he was of nation a Flemming, & in his youth hauing bene schoole­maister to Caesar and by his meane made Cardinall vnder Pope Leo, did at that time gouerne Spaine in the absence of Caesar: And as there beganne some voyces to pu­blish for him, so Cardinall Xisto one of that election, beganne vnder an oration spe­ciall, to recompt and amplifie his vertues and knowledge, by whose example cer­teine other Cardinalls yeelded▪ and the residue from hand to hand followed, though more by compulsion then by councell: Thus was he chosen with the voyces of all the Cardinalls, and had his creacion perfected the same morning: wherein this was to be wondred at, that euen those that had elected him could giue no reason, why amidde so many troubles and daungers in thestate Ecclesiastike, they had raised to the soueraigne sea, a straunger, a forrener, and of long absence out of the contrie, and wherein were helping no respects of fauor, no consideracion of former merits, nor any conuersacion had with any of the other Cardinalls: yea they scarcely knew his name, he had neuer bene in Italie, and had no hope nor cogitacion to see it: of which strauagant maner of dealing, being not hable to excuse them selues by any reason, they attributed all to the working of the holy Ghost, who is wont (so they alleaged) to inspire the hartes of the Cardinalls in thelecting of Popes: he receiued newes of his election in the towne of Victoria in Biskay, and would not haue impo­sed vpon him any other name then his owne, which he caused to be published vnder Adrian the sixt.

Vpon the mutacion of Perousa, after the bands of souldiours had lingred certeine The D. of Vr­bin and the Baillons be­fore Sienna. dayes to marche not without some litle preiudice to their other busines, they went (to thende to leauie money of their frendes) from Perousa and Tody, where Camylla Vrsin had restored the exiles: The Duke of Vrbin with the residue leauing Malatesta in Perousa, marched in great diligence towardes Sienna, hauing with them Lactance Petrucci whom Pope Leo had depriued of the Bishoprike of Sienna, for that thEm­perours officers had stayed Bourgeso and Fabio the sonnes of Pandolffo Petrucci from going from Naples: Those that gouerned in Siena had no other hopes thē in the suc­cors of the Florentins, & that by intelligence which they had with Cardinall de Me­dicis: At whose instance his faction ruling for him in his absence thestate of Florence, vnderstanding that the Duke of Vrbin was gon from Perousa, dispatched presently to Sienna Guido Vaino with an hundred light horsemen & prouision of money, to ioyne with them certeine bandes of footemen which they of Sienna had leauied: But the principall fundacion was vppon the forces appointed many dayes before: for, when they were aduertised of the first mouing of the Duke of Vrbin and the Baillons, and withall, hauing feare of Tuskane, they had solicited to wage the Svvizzers of the Canton of Berne, who being in number almost a thowsand were remeining within Bologna with the Bishop of Pistoya, making no reckoning of the commaundementes sent to them by their Lordes to returne into Svvizzerlande: This practise albeit it drew a longer time then was needefull by many difficulties obiected by the Bishop of Pistoy, yet at last it was put in execucion, not without great expenses, besides the leauying of foure hundred Almaine footemen who were ioyned in Bolognia with the Svvizzers: They had also called out of Lombardy Iohn de Medicis, and with those forces arriuing in time, they made no dout to assure the affaires of Sienna, which were now reduced to verie ill tearmes, both for that the greatest parte of the people [Page 824] enuyed the present gouernment, and also for an auncient hatred against the Floren­tyns, they could hardly endure that their bands of souldiours should enter into Sien­na: But the matter that redoubled the daunger present, was the absence of Cardinal Petrucci, in whose place notwithstanding his Nephew Frauncis did what he could to susteine thinges, though his authoritie was not equall to the Cardinall: for this cause, being carefull either to auoid or to prolong the daunger present, (wherein the principalls and chiefetaines were concurrant) They had dispatched Embassadors to the Duke of Vrbin assoone as he was entred vpon the territories of Syenna: who not­withstanding required in the beginning a chaunge of the state, and thirty thowsand duckats, yet afterwards his demaunds were reduced to a moderation, Insomuch as it was to be feared greatly that there would grow betwene the Duke and the Siennoys some composicion, either by the consent and priuitie of the gouernors, or by the mocion of the people against their wills: Neuerthelesse as the bands of the Floren­tyns entred continually within Sienna, together with a brute ronning that Iohn de Me­dicis approched with the Svvyzzers, so such as impugned the accord and the solici­tacion of the same, tooke so much the more courage to hinder it from conclusion: So that the Duke being drawne neare to the walls with his armie which conteyned but seuen thowsand footemen the most parte leauied at randome, he eftsoones left thenterprise of Sienna to retyre into his estate the hopes of thaccord diminishing, & the Svvyzzers being come within a dayes iorney.

The same companies that succored Sienna turned towards Perousa, And the Flo­rentyns tooke occasion to execute spedely the thing which they desired, being ther­unto also solicited by the colleage of Cardinalls: vnder whose name and authoritie the state of the Church was gouerned in the absence of the Pope, and by that reason the Cardinall Cortona, who from the time of Pope Leo was Legat of the citie of Pe­rousa, was personally in tharmie. But since the creacion of the Pope, there was in the colleage no greater vnitie or resolucion then had bene before in the conclaue, but the variacions were more apparant & their controuersies not lesse violent: for, they had set downe an order that euery moneth the affaires should be gouerned by three Cardinalls bearing the title of Priours, whose office was to conuocate and assemble the residue and dispatch causes: of which the first three that were newly entred, be­gan to oppose against the Cardinall Medicis, who was immediatly returned to Flo­rence after thelection of the Pope, and cryed out that the bandes of the Florentyns should doe no harmes nor domage to the lands of the Church: These bands hauing already sacked the towne of Pasignian refusing to lodge them, and afterwards being bestowed within Olma three miles from Perousa, vnder an assured hope almost to ca­ry that citie, they had held small reckoning of those commaundements, had not ben the knowledge they had of the vanitie of their hopes: for the famulie of the Baillons had made to enter Perousa many bands of souldiours, and bare besides a greater au­thoritie with the people then Gentill who followed the armie: In which regardeno lesse dispairing of the victorie, then hauing proued in vaine to cary it by composici­on, they retyred somewhat aboue the borders of Perousa, as though they would not oppose against the will of the colleage. They entred into the contry of Montfeltro which except Saint Leo and the rocke of Maiuola, was wholly returned vnder thobe­dience of the Duke of Vrbin: And after they had recouered it with more facilitie then losse, armes were deposed on that side as it were by a peasible conuencion, both for that the Duke was not sufficiently mighty to continue the warres with the Flo­rentyns, nor they had not cause to hold him in warre, neither for their owne profit, [Page 825] nor to content others: for, the colleage wherein the aduersaries of Cardinall Medi­cis could do most, had at the same instant couenanted with him to reteine the estate which he had recouered vntill the Popes comming into Italie, and longer if it so pleased the Pope, and that he should not molest the Florentins nor the Siennois, nor enter into confederacy with any Prince, nor any way communicate with him or ad­minister to him.

Hitherunto the matters of Lombardy had bene in peasible estate, the one parte Alexandria taken by the Imperialls. hauing want of money, and the other no lesse necessitie of men: And therefore the souldiours of the Imperialls who were not payed, refusing to stirre out of their lod­gings, there was dispatched into Alexandria, onely Iohn Sassetella with his regiment and other souldiours and subiects of the Duchy of Millan: This Capteine in the be­ginning of the warre chaunging a benefit certeine for hopes incerteine, left the pay of the Venetians to take the wages of the Duke of Millan, notwithstanding he was banished from his estate: In which disposicion of minde and with a fortune more readie then a councell stayed, he approched to Alexandria, where the rashnes of the Guelffes defending the Citie more then the force of the french souldiours, made ea­sie to him the action which all men esteemed hard: for that being issued out to skir­mish with thenemies and not hable to susteine the encounter, their dishabilitie gaue them occasion to enter pellmell into the Citie, which by that accident more then through their vallour, became a pray to the victors, & a reproch to the vanquished: And not many dayes after with the same facilitie, were chased out of Ast, certeine bands of the frenche being there entred, by the meane of certeine particulars of the Guelffes faction.

But of this short and suspected quietnes, there were already discerned to draw on beginninges of verie great troubles: for, notwithstanding in the parliaments of the Svvizzers, there were great contencions risen vpon the demaundes of the frenche king, wherein as the Cantons of Zurich and Zuicz stoode obstinate against him, and the Canton of Lucerna whollie with him, and the residue deuided amongest them selues, so also the publike affaires were troubled by the couetousnes of priuate per­sons, some demaunding of the king pension and enterteinment present, and some re­quiring their old payes and debts due in times past: Yet they accorded to him at last Ten thowsand Swizzers di­scend into the Duchie of Millan for the fr. king. those proporcions of footemen which he required for the recouerie of the Duchie of Millan: which leauy making a number of more then tenne thousande bodies, de­scended into Lombardy by the mounteines of S. Barnard & S. Goddard, and were con­ducted by the bastard of Sauoye great Maister of Fraunce, & by Galeas S. Seuerin mai­ster of the horse. About this time the king of England being estraunged from the a­mitie of the frenche, had lent to Caesar a great quantitie of money, the better to fur­nish him against so great an emocion: And with that money thEmperour had sent Ierome Adorno to Trent, to leauie sixe thousande launceknightes, and to lead them to Millan, together with the person of Frauncis Sforce: his comming was then esteemed of great importance, both to kepe conteined & constant, Millan & the other places of that estate which greatly desired his presence, and also by his authoritie & fauors to make easie thexactions of money wherof there was extreame want. At the same time they of Millan not knowing the prouisions that Caesar made, had sent money to Trent to wage foure thowsande footemen, and they being prepared by that time that Adorno came thither, he left the other six thowsand to be made readie, and with these foure thowsand drew towards Millan to descende to Coma by the vale of Volto­lina: And albeit the Grisons denyed to giue him passage, yet his celeritie and vallour [Page 826] made his way, passing with so great diligence vppon the territories of Bergama, and from thence to Guiaradada, that the Venetian gouernors who were within Bergama, had no time to stoppe them: And after he had led these first companies of launce­knightes to Myllan, he returned with the same diligence to Trent, to guide thether Frauncis Sforce with the residue of that leauy. In Myllan there was no care omitted to make all sortes of prouisions, wherein this was chiefly obserued, to forget no meanes that might augment the hatred of the people against the french, to prepare them the better to defend them selues, and to releue the common necessities with money: To this action was much helping many counterset letters and false messages, toge­ther with other cunning stratagemes proceeding from the diligence and art of Mo­ron: But the thing that most of all aduaunced so great an inclinacion, was the prea­chings and sermons of Andrea Barbato a religious man of thorder of Saint Augustin, who drawing to him a wonderfull concurse and affluence of people, induced them with reasons and perswasions to take vpon them the defence of their liues, and the redeming of their free contry from the yoke of straungers, auncient enemies to that citie: he willed them not to be lesse forward to execute, then God was ready to raise them a meane to set them selues at libertie: he told them, the soueraigne care of mor­tall folkes was to care for their propper sauetie: he reduced to their memories thex­ample of Parma a weake and small citie in comparison of Myllan, and left not vnre­corded thactions of their Elders whose names had caried reputacion and glorye throughout all Italy: he layed out by reasons and examples how farre mortall men were bownd to defende their contrey, for the which if the Gentiles who exspected no other recompense then glorye offered their liues willingly to death: then farre greater was the office and bond of Christians, to whome, dying in so iust and holy an enterprise, was prepared for recompense, not the glory of this world fraile and tran­sitory, but the fruicion of thimmortall kingdom, infinite and euerlasting. They had to consider what vniuersall ruine would be brought vppon that citie by the victorie of the french men, whose yoke if it had seemed heauy and greeuous affore, their bur­dens now could not be lesse then extreame & intollerable, And by how much their rigour raged vppon them without any cause affore, by so muche had they to assure them selues of extreame oppression now vppon thoccasion of these offences: That one execucion of the people of Myllan would not suffice to quench the thirst of their crueltie and hatred: that all the goods of the citie could not satisfie their immoderat couetousnes: yea nothing could content them but the vtter defacing of the name & memorie of the inhabitants of Myllan, and by a horrible example to surpasse the vn­naturall crueltie of Federyk Barberousse: These speeches so redoubled the hatred of thin habitants, and no lesse suppressed all feare of the victorie of the frenchmen, that it seemed now more necessary to appease and reteyne them, then to moue or pro­uoke them, suchis the power of speeches aptly deliuered and duely respecting time, place, and all other circumstances concurring with thinclinacion of the people to whom they are pronownced. But in this meane while Prospero was not idle to repaire and releue the bastyllions and rampiers of the trenches, with intencion to staye at Myllan, which he hoped to be able to defende for certeine monethes though the six thowsand Svvyzzers came not at all: And looking also to the defence of the other townes, he dispatched to Nouaro Phillippo Toriuello, and to Alexandria Monsr Visconte, the one with two thowsand, and the other with fifteene hundred Italian footemen, who liued vppon the people for that they were not payd: he sent also to Pauia Anth. de Leua with two thowsand launceknights and a thowsand Italians: And ouer and a­boue [Page 827] all these proporcions, he kept within Millan seuen hundred men at armes, se­uen hundred light horsemen, and twelue thousande footemen: Onely the present daunger that remayned was, that the French men should not enter Millan by the castell, therefore aswell to remedie that, as by the same meane to stoppe them for putting vittels or other prouisions into the Castell, Prospero with an intencion high­ly esteemed, and in the iudgement of men supposed wonderfull, caused to cast with­out the Castell betwene the gates that leade to Verceill and to Coma, two trenches with a banke or rysing to eyther of the same of that earth that was throwne vppe: These two trenches were distant one from an other twentie passes, and in longitude they conteyned almost a myle, euen as long as is the trauerse of the gardeins behynd the Castell betweene the two wayes aforesayde: At eyther head of these two tren­ches he erected a fort both high and well manned, the better to annoy thenemies with shot if they made their approches on that side: This was the vse of these two trenches, being well defended with footemen that were placed in the middest of the same: They bothe kept that no succours shoulde enter into the Castell, and with­all would not suffer any of the besieged to issue out: Fortune also expressed with a gladsome token that suche an inuencion should be no lesse happie, then it was full of witte and deuise: for she ministred to it this fauour, that it might be put in exe­cution without any domage at all, for that Prospero seruing his turne of the benefite of a great snowe that fell, caused to be caste before daye two bankes or rysinges of snowe (and to their resemblance or example he caste also trenches) whiche shado­wed and couered from the shot of the Castell the laborers that wrought: And that which also helped to aduaunce the worke to perfection, was thimpediment whiche the Svvizzers in passing the mountaynes receyued by the snowe, whiche was won­derfull deepe and thicke.

In this meane while Monsr Lavvtrech readressed and reassembled his companies, of whom he sent certayne bandes beyonde Pavv, and they entring Florenzola, strip­ped the guidon of horsemen of Levvis Gonzaguo whom they found sleeping in secu­ritie and negligence: The companies also of the Venetians were moostred about the confines of Cremona vnder Andrea Gritti and Theodore Triuulco, and they ioyning at laste with the Svvizzers, passed the ryuer of Adda the first daye of Marche. Monsr Lavvtrech was general of tharmie, whose authoritie was nothing diminished by the comming of the great Maister nor the maister of the horse: And at the same tyme came to the armie Iohn de Medicis, who albeit he had solicited and almost resolued Iohn Medicis for the french king. to enter into the paye of Frauncis Sforce, and was already vppon the waye to goe to Millan, where he was greatly desired for the good opinion that was of his vallour and conduit: yet he was caryed by the benefite of greater offers and more suretie of payment of the Frenche king, taking this excuse that there was not sent to him from Millan the summes of money that were promised him: In which respect and in which disposition he went from the territories of Parma, where he had sacked the towne of Bussette for that they had denyed him lodging, and passed to the campe of the Frenchmen, which laye within two miles of the Castell betwene the sayd wayes of Verceill and Coma: The thirde day after the Frenche men were incamped, they The French men before Millan. marched in order making as though they would set vpon the trenche and rampier, which notwithstanding they did not execute, eyther for that such was thintencion of Monsr Lavvtrech from the beginning, or else waighing together with the num­ber of souldiors that were within, the disposicion of the people, and the readinesse that appeared in the desendantes, the manifest difficultie of thenterprise drewe him [Page 828] from it: The same day the stones that violently were driuen from a house within by the furie of the artilleries, slew Marke Anth. Colonno a Capteine of very great exspe­ctacion: Camilla Triuulce bastard sonne to Iohn Iacques participated also in this la­mentable desteny as they walked together along the house that was striken deuising to raise a mount to strike with thartilleries betwene the two trenches of thenemies: But Lavvtrech hauing no cōfidence to take Millan by assault, thought he should be hable to carie it with the longnes of time, for that with the multitude of his horse­men, and great bands of banisht men that followed his armie, with whom he ouer­ranne the whole contrie, he gaue great impediments to thentrie of vittells: he cau­sed to be broken downe all the milnes, and turned away the course of suche waters as any way gaue releefe or commoditie to them of Millan: he was not also out of hope, that the payes woulde faile to the souldiours within, being hitherunto enter, teined but with the money of the Millanois, for that Caesar sent a very small quantity from the kingdom of Naples or other places: But such was the hatred of the people of Millan against the frenche, and so vniuersall their desire to haue their new Duke, that their affections therein did not onely make their pacience greater then all dis­commodities, but also muche lesse that those aduersities made them chaunge will, seeinge it was the thing that did more and more confirme them, yea the youth of their Citie ranne voluntarily to armes, of whome they created Capteines in eue­rie parish, insomuch that the gardes that with a readie diligence ranne day & night to the places furthest of remoued from the armie ministred no litle succour & com­forte to the souldiours: And wanting the vse of milnes at that time for that they were ruined by thennemie, they releeued forth with that aduersitie with the seruice of handmilnes.

Thus the hope of the speedie victory of the warre, being reduced into the labors and cares of a long seege, the Duke of Millan whose departure had bene many dayes foreslowed for want of money, and had yet lingred if the Cardinall Medicis had not succored him with nine thowsande duckats, departed at last from Trenta with sixe thowsand launceknights, and taking the rocke of Croara belonging to the Venetians, the better to open his passage, he marched without any impediment through the landes of Verona and Mantua: And passing the riuer of Pavv to Casallmaior, he arri­ued at Plaisanca, where the Marquis of Mantua came to him with three hūdred men at armes and accompanied him from thence to Pauia: There the Duke staied to ex­spect occasion to passe to Millan where he was wished with an vniuersall exspecta­cion, for that by the dayly diminucion of meanes to leauie money to enterteine the souldiours, it was thought necessarie to ioyne assoone as might be with the launce­knightes, and so to take the field and seeke to put end to the warre: But the difficul­tie to passe was great, for that assoone as Lavvtrech vnderstoode they were in Plai­sanca, he went to lodge at Casina fiue myles from Millan vpon the way that leades to Pauia: he had also bestowed the Venetians within Binasquo which is vppon the same way, both the one and the other being in lodginges well rampiered and sortified: where after they had remeined certeine daies, & in that space had taken S. Ange and S. Colombano, Monsr Lavvtrech, vnderstanding that Monsr d'Escud his brother whom he had sent into Fraunce to relate to the king the estate of the affaires, was returned, and both with money and bandes of footemen which he had waged at Genes, was arriued in thestate of Millan: he sent to ioyne with him Federike Bossolo with foure hundred launces and vij. thowsande Svvizzers and Italians: Against whome albeit the Marquis of Mantua issued out of Pauia & went to Gambala to make head against [Page 829] them, yet he retyred eftsones to Pauia, hauing an opinion that his abode within Gambalo would be to little purpose, eyther for that (this was his saying) they made as though they woulde retyre towardes Thesin, or else (which was more credible) he stoode in some feare of them, for that their numbers were greater then had bene reapported to him: But they being come to Gambalo, and being ioyned with Monsr d'Escud, they went to Nouaro, which after they had battred with thartilleries of the Castell that held for them, they entred it by force at the third assalt with the slaugh­ter of the greatest parte of the footemen that were within, and Phillippe Toruiello re­mayning prisoner: For this accident together with the redoubled letters of Tor­uiello appealing to him for succours, the Marquis of Mantua issued once agayne out of Pauia, returning eftsones thither assone as he had knowledge howe thinges went, retyring his companies from Vigeneua, and leauing onely garrison within the Castell. The ioyning of forces with Monsr d'Escud and the taking of Nouaro, Frauncis Sforce at Millan. was preiudiciall to the French men in a matter of greatest importance, for that it was so much the more easy for Frauncis Sforce to go with his armie of launceknights to Millan: It was agreed betwene Prospero and him to depart one night in secrete from Pauia, leauing for the garde of the same two thousande footemen and three hundred horsmen, vnder the charge of the Marquis of Mantua, who refused to passe any further for that he would not be so farre remoued from thestate of the Church: Frauncis Sforce taking a straunge and vncothe waye, was receyued at Sesto by Prospero, who was gone to meete him with parte of his companies, and so to guyde him to Millan: Great was the ioye that the people of Millan made to receiue him, and euery one reducing to his memorie the felicitie wherein they had lyued in that estate vnder his father and other Dukes of that name, made their desires so much the more infinite, by howe muche they doubted not that in a naturall and proper prince could want no affection to his people to respect and esteeme them, and not to reiect or disfauour them for his immoderate greatnes.

After the Duke was gone from Pauia, Lavvtrech entred into hope to be hable to take that Citie, and vppon fundacion of that confidence, he went to incampe there assone as he had reassembled his armie: And of the other side Prospero, not ignoraunt in what daunger it was, dispatched thither in great diligence a thou­sande footemen Corsegnans, with certayne bandes of Spaniardes, who charging vppon the sodayne the lodginges of the Frenche armie, passed through, partly mar­ching and partly fighting: In whiche encounter making slaughter of many of the Frenche men, they made waye by their owne vallour, and arriued in safetie in Pauia, where were many incommodities, but specially greate wante of gonne powder: Monsr Lavvtrech beganne to batter the walles in two partes, in the suburbes of Monsr Law­trech before Pauia. Saint Marie in Pertico towardes Thesin, and in the Burget: And after he had brought to the earth thirtie faddomes of the wall, he gaue the assault but without anye issue or good successe: In so muche as seeing into the vallour of the defendantes and their vniuersall resolucion to sell their liues with the place, he began to dispayre of thenterprise: Besides, he was afflicted dayly with many other difficulties, both for the diminucion of the treasor whiche his brother had brought out of Fraunce, and also by the generall necessitie of vittells through the armie, the same happning by thoccasion of great raynes: by thimpedimentes whereof it was harde for tharmy to be reuittled by lande, and lesse possibilitie of releefe by the benefite of Thesin, for that the boates being driuen backe by the streame of the ryuer whiche was greate and violent, could not holde course agaynst the furie of the streame.

[Page 830]About this time Prospero was issued out of Millan with his whole armie to draw neare to Pauia, but by reason of the raynes and stormes that fell, he was constrayned to stay at Binasqua, a place in the halfe way betwene Millan & Pauia: And frō thence aduauncing as farre as the Charterhouse which is within the Parke about fiue miles from Pauia, and happly the fayrest monasterie in Italie, Lavvtrech dispayred to take Pauia, and therfore retyred his campe to Landriano without receiuing any other im­pediment of thenemies then certaine light skirmishes in the breaking vp: From Lan­driano he went to Monce, to receiue with more facilitie and readines the moneys that were sent to him out of Fraunce, which were stayed at Arona, for that Anchisa Vis­count sent for that purpose from Millan to Busto which is neare to Arona, stopped thē that they could not passe further. This was the impediment that reduced thaffayres of the French into the extreme or laste disorder, for that the Svvizzers impacient by custome of all delayes, finding their payes deferred many dayes, sent their cap­teines to Monsr Lavvtrech to make their complayntes that their nation hauing ben in all times liberall of their blood and seruice for thaduauncement of the crowne of Fraunce, they were nowe restrayned of their dueties and paymentes contrarie to all equitie, order, and reason: That vnder this ingratitude and iniurie it was manifest to all the worlde what slender estimacion was made of their vertue and their fayth: That after a vayne exspectacion of so many dayes, they were nowe determined to reappose no more in promises, speaches, and tearmes which so many times had ben falsified, though muche to their hindrance and preiudice, yet not without dishonor and reproche to suche as did assure them: And therefore they were nowe absolutely The Swviz­zers woulde leaue the sr. armie for that they are not payde. determined to returne to their houses, after they had first made knowen to all the world, that the thing that induced them therevnto, was not anye feare they had of their enemies who had now taken the fielde, and muche lesse any desire to eschewe such daungers as men of warre are subiect vnto: A matter which alwayes had bene contemned by the Svvizzers as many experiences and examples can witnes: They tolde him withall that they were ready to go to the battell the day folowing, with in­tention to depart the day after: That therefore he would leade them to the field, and vsing thoccasion of their readines, to bestow them in the first front of the whole ar­mie: That they hoped that as with farre lesser forces they had vanquished the French armie in their owne tentes about the borders of Nouaro, so their vallour was no lesse hable to make them cary the victorie ouer the Spaniardes, who albeit were farre aboue the French men in deceites, suttleties, and ambushes, yet they esteemed them selues nothing inferior to them so long as they were to feight with valliancie and force of armes: But Monsr Lavvtrech considering in what perill he should as­sayle thenemies in their tentes, labored to moderate that furie of the Svvizzers, and by suffrance to seeke to staye those minds whom he sawe obstinate to be conteyned by reason: he tolde them that though the moneys were long in comming, yet the daunger of the wayes was more to be considered then the default of the king: he assured them that ere many dayes they should be possessed of the thing which their impacience made them to doubt of, and that their hopes should be no more pro­longed, but their desires satisfied: But he could not winne nor reclayme them neither with authoritie, with peticions, with promises, nor with reasons, and therefore since they should be the first that should feele the daunger, he determined rather to ad­uenture Monsr Law­trech deter­mined to set vppon his e­nemies. the battel with a great disaduauntage, then to loase vtterly the warre, which manifestly was seene to be lost, for that if he consented not to feight, the Svvizzers were resolued to departe.

[Page 831]The armie of thennemie laye at Bicocque a towne within three myles of Myllan, where is a camping place verie romthie and large, inuironed with greate gardins and they inclosed with verie deepe ditches, hauing their fieldes about full of foun­teines and brookes deriued and conueyed according to the vsage of Lombardye, to water the medowes: Monsr Lavvtrech issuing out of Monce drewe towardes that place with his armie, and supposing that thennemies lying in a place of aduauntage woulde not come out of it, he raunged and ordered his bandes in this sorte: That the Svvizzers with thartilleries shoulde charge the front of the place and thartille­ries of thennemie, which quarter was garded by the launceknightes commaunded by George Frondisperg: That on the left hande Monsr d'Escud with three hundred launces and a squadron of footemen frenche and Italians shoulde be vppon the way that goeth to Millan, and should drawe towardes the bridge by the which might be made an entrie into the lodginges of thennemies: And for his parte he would labor to enter vpon their place with an esquadron of horsemen: which enterprise he ho­ped to guide to good succes rather by art then by open force, for that to abuse them the more, he caused his people to put vppon their cassakins, the redde crosse which is the marke of the armie Imperiall, and pulled of the white crosse which is the signe of the frenche armie: On the other side Frospero Colonno who for the scitua­cion and strength of the place helde the victorie certeine, and therefore determi­ned to abide the ennemies vppon the ditche: Caused all his companies to arme as­soone as he heard of their comming: and hauing appointed to euery one his place, he sent foorthwith to Frauncis Sforce to come to the campe with that multitude of people that was armed: And hauing assembled at the ringing of the bell, foure hundred horsemen and sixe thowsande footemen, he was appointed by Prospero to the gard of the bridge: But assoone as the Svvizzers were approached neare the tentes of thennemies, notwithstanding that for the height of the ditches more rising thē they supposed, they could not assaile thartilleries according to their first hopes, yet those difficulties nothing diminishing their vallour, they gaue a charge vppon Thencounter of Bicocque. the ditche striuing with a wonderfull courage to enter and carie it: And at the same time Monsr d'Escud who was drawne towardes the bridge, finding so greate a gard contrarie to his opinion, was constrained to retyre: Prospero also discouered imme­diatly the deuise of Lavvtrech, and to meete with it commaunded his people to put vpon their heads bundells or handfulls of young corne and grasse, and so made vn­profitable the former suttelties: So that the whole swaigh or burden of the warre lay vpon the Svvizzers: who, as well for the great disaduantage they had, as for the vallour of the defendants were much trauelled without any profit or effect, they re­ceiued many harmes not onely by suche as fought in the front, but also were galled by certeine harguebuziers spanishe: Who lying hidde and couered with the height of the corne almost ful ripe, flanked them & so played vpon them with assured aime, that in the ende after they were well payed for their rashnesse by the slaughter of many of their companies, the violence of the shotte compelled them to retyre: And ioyning in their retraite with the frenche, they returned all together in good order to Monce, both leading with them their artilleries, and receiuing no distresse in their retyring: The Marquis of Pisquairo with other Capteines importuned Pro­spero, to giue a signe to pursue thennemie seeinge they had alreadie giuen their backes: But he beleuing that which was, that they retyred in good order and not in flying, wherein he was confirmed by the relacion of certeine discouerers moun­ted by his direction vppon certeine high trees, made this aunswere that it was not [Page 832] reasonable to referre to tharbitrement of fortune the victorie which was assuredly gotten, and lesse councell to deface by his proper rashnesse the memorie and impu­tacion of other mens temeeitie: Tomorow saith he will make manifest to you what hath bene done this day, for that thennemies comming to a better feeling of their woundes, and by their harme receiued being warned to auoyde worse hurtes to come, will seeke to returne ouer the mountes, by which honorable euasion we shall obteine with securitie that which this day we shoulde aduenture to get with perill: There were founde dead about the ditche three thowsand bodies of the Svvizzers, The ouer­throw of the Swizzers. of suche as being more valliant and forward were moste resolute to vanquishe the daunger: of them were two and twentie Capteines: On the other side the slaugh­ter was litle, and not one person of marke or qualitie except Iohn de Cardona Count Culisano striken with a small shotte thorowe his helmet. The day following Monsr de Lavvtrech being wholly depriued of the hope of the victorie, went to Monce to passe the riuer of Adda neare to Tresse: And from thence the Svvizzers taking their way through the territories of Bergama, returned into their mounteines, their num­bers beinge no lesse diminished then their vallour, for that it is certeine that the harmes they receiued at Bicocqua so muche afflicted them, that in many yeares af­ter they expressed not their accustomed vallour: The great Maister and Maister of the horse departed at the same time together with many french Capteines: Monsr Lavvtrech with his companies of men at armes went to Cremona to giue order for Monsr Law­trech retur­neth into Fraunce. the defense of that Citie wherein he left his brother: And not many dayes after he passed the mountes, carying to the frenche king, not reapportes of victories or triumphes, but a iustificacion of him selfe with complaintes against others for the losse of such an estate, happening partely by his owne errours, partely by the negli­gence and indiscression of some about the king, and partly by the malice of fortune, if suche attribucion may be lawefull: Monsr Lavvtrech tooke order also affore his departure from Cremona that Bonneuall and Federike Bossolo with sixe companies of men at armes and sufficient garrison of footemen, shoulde enter the towne of Loda, which had bene holden for the king during the whole course of the warre: He did this for that the Imperiall Capteines were let to conuert thither foorthwith their forces by reason of a tumult hapned amongest those companies of launceknightes which Frauncis Sforce had brought from Trente: They required for a reward of the victory to haue a monthes pay, a demaunde which the Capteines sayd was no lesse vnreasonable then vniust, for that both there was a great difference betwene the de­fending of them selues from such as did assault them, and to vanquish those that did charge them, and also for that it could not be sayd that the ennemies were vanqui­shed, who were retyred not in flying but in good order, carying with them their ar­tilleries and traines: Neuerthelesse, thinsolencie of the launceknightes preuailing more then either necessarie reason or due authoritie of the Capteines, a consent was made more by compulsion & necessity of things then by iust cause arising, & so they were satisfied with a promise to be payed within a certeine time: After many dayes past in these affaires, it hapned that the same day that the french launces entred the City of Loda and the footebands following on thother side came the army Imperial and affore them all, the Marquis of Pisquairo with the spanishe footemen, who en­tred affore the frenche coulde deuide or distribute the quarters of the towne or be­stowe their gardes, but were occupied in confusion and tumult as often happeneth when men of warre enter a towne to lodge in it: This occasion was obserued by the Marquis, and ioyning readie diligence to the present oportunitie he assaulted [Page 833] one of the suburbes of the towne which was enuyroned with a wall where he found no great resistance: he was no sooner entred, then all the french men within the towne no lesse terrified with the sodeinnes of thaccident then desperat for that their footemen were not yet come, yeelded to their feares and drew into tumult, fleeing towards the bridge which they had built vpon Adda: The Spanyards entring at the same instant the citie, some by the walls and some by the rampiers, followed them e­uen Loda taken by the Impe­rialls. to the riuer, and in the chase tooke many souldiors and almost all the Capteines except Federyk and Bonneuall: And vpon their returne, they forbare not in that furie to sacke that vnfortunate citie, sparing no more the goods then they had done the liues of men. From Loda the Marquis went to Pisqueton which he tooke by compo­sicion: And not many dayes after, Prospero with the whole armie passed the riuer of Adda to goe and incampe affore Cremona, which he had no sooner approched then Monsr d'Escud beganne to harken to accorde: he had no other hope to susteine the warre then vppon the comming of the Lord Admirall, whome the king (desiring to preserue that which yet helde good for him in that estate) sent into Italy with foure hundred launces and tenne thowsande footemen: And therefore he thought he did good seruice to the present affayres if without daunger, he could temporise and en­terteyne thinges in tranquillitie till he sawe what would be the yssue of his expecta­cion of thAdmirall: And on the other side Prospero desired to ridde him selfe spee­dely of thaffayres of Cremona, to haue the better oportunitie to reestablishe within Genes the brethren of the famulie of Adorna, and that affore Italy were possest of the newe succours of thennemies: Insomuche as the capitulacions bare that Monsr d'Escud shoulde departe out of Cremona within fortie dayes with all his souldiours, artilleries and enseignes displayed, if within that tyme (which determined the xx­vj. of Iune) there came not to him suche a reskewe as eyther might make him able by force to passe the riuer of Pavv, or els to take one of those cities in the state of Myllan which was possessed with garrison: That likewise he shoulde procure that all those places and holdes within the Duchie that were kept for the king, shoulde bee abandoned, except the castells of Myllan, Cremona, and Nouaro: That for thobseruacion of these couenantes, he shoulde deliuer foure ostages: That there shoulde bee restitucion of prisoners on bothe partes, and sufferance to the frenche men to passe in sewertie into Fraunce with their artilleries and traynes.

Vppon the conclusion of this accorde, and receiuing of thostages, the armie of Genes taken by the Impe­rialls. Caesar marched forthwith to Genes which they approched in two places: the Marquis of Pisquairo with his regiments of spanish footemen and Italyans, were incamped on that side of Codifa, and Prospero with the men at armes and launceknights, vppon the opposite of Bisagnia: At that time the citie of Genes was gouerned by Duke Octauy­an Fregosa, A Prince of excellent vertue, and no lesse for his iustice then for his other good partes, as greatly beloued in that citie, as any Prince may be in townes full of factions, retoyning yet a memorie of their auncient libertie: he had waged two thowsande Italyan footemen in whose confidence he layed vppe all his hope of defence, for that the peoples of the towne beeing deuyded by factions, and ha­uing about him so mightye an armye compownded vppon so greate diuersitie of languages and nations, forbare to take armes, but stoode to beholde thinges in the same manner and with the same eyes wherewith in other tymes he was wont to beholde his other trauells, Wherein without the daunger or domage of suche as tooke no armes, the publike authoritie beeing transported from one famulie to an other, there was seene no other mutacion, then that in the pallayce [Page 834] of the Duke were bestowed other inhabitants, other Capteines, and other bands of souldiours for the gard of the place. Assoone as tharmie was approached the towne, the Duke began to solicit composicion by the meane of Bennet Viualdi A Genovvay whom he sent to the Capteines: But this solicitacion began to grow cold by the cō ­ming of Peter of Nouaro, who being sent by the french king with two light gallies for the sewertie of Genes, entred the hauen at the same instant: Neuerthelesse the Mar­quis beginning to execute his artilleries and batter the walls, they began more then before, to recontinue the parley for accord: Wherein all difficulties beeing debated and resolued, and the matter vpon tearmes of conclusion, suddeinly the Spanyards who all that day had battered a tower neare to the gate, wonne the same, finding no gard nor order by the defendants who were abused through their hope of composi­cion: Insomuch as following more their fortune then regarding their fidelitie, they ioyned diligence to thoccasion and began to enter the citie aswell by that tower as by the wall that was reuersed and ruined: By their example all that parte of tharmie ranne to the action, and after the Marquis had set his bands in order and signified to Prospero the state of thaccident, they caused the trumpets to be sownded and entred the citie by whole numbers: the calamitie of the defendants tooke awaye all resi­stance, the souldiours giuing them selues to flee, and the Citizens to seeke sewertie in shutting them selues in their houses: Tharchbishop of Salerne, the Capteine of the gard, and many other Capteines and souldiours found sauetie in certeine vessells with the which they hoysed saile into the sea: The Duke for his disease not hable to stirre, caused to shut the pallaice and sent to the Marquis of Pisquairo that he would yeeld to him, in whose house he died within few monethes after: Peter Nauare was ta­ken: All the goods of the citie became a pray to the victors, many rich famulies bin­ding them selues some to one band of souldiours and some to another, to buye the sauetie of their liues with great summes of money, which they assured either with pawnes and gages, or with bills of marchants, & so with their money defended their bodies from blud, and redeemed their houses from sacking: In the same maner was preserued, the plot so famous which they call Catina, & is kept with great reuerence in the Cathedrall Church: It is harde to recompt what quantities of siluer vessell, iewells, money, and most riche wares were made pillage, that citie by the great traf­fike of marchandise being replenished with infinit wealth: And yet so great a cala­mitie was so much the more easie and tollerable, by how much was aptly expressed a compassion by the brethren of the famulie of Adorna, who both of a naturall affe­ction to the citie, and for that thinhabitants had shewed no token of grudge or ha­tred, and for that also they were almost vpon the point of accord, procured such or­der to be set downe by the Captaines, that not one Genovvay was made prisoner, nor the body of one woman put to violacion. Immediately vppon the appeasing of the souldiers Anth. Adorno was elected Duke, who after the armie was gonne, encamped before the castellet with such artilleries as the Florentyns lent him: The third day he tooke the Citadell and Saint Frauncis Churche, and the daye after, the castellet was rendred to him by the Capteine vnder articles of composicion.

The mutacion of Genes tooke from the french king, all hope to be able to succour Monsr d'Es­cud returneth into Fraunce. the affayres of Lombardy: for, both the armie that he sent and by this time ariued vp­pon the territories of Ast, returned backe againe, And also Monsr d'Escud passed into Fraunce with his companies, hauing stayed certaine dayes in Cremona aboue the tearme appointed for the resoluing of certeine difficulties hapning about the castels of Tressa, Lecqua, and Domussolo: In his departure he had not onely faith & promisse [Page 835] kept with him, but also was honorably receyued where so euer he passed.

But amidde these broyles and alterations in Lombardie, Bolognia stoode not alto­gether in quiet, aswell for the warre that was in Lombardie, as for the absence of the Pope: And muche lesse did Tuskane reioyce in any great tranquillitie: for touching Bolognia, Hanniball Bentiuoglia ioyning with him Hanniball Rangon, leauyed secretly an armie of foure thousande footemen, with whom and with three peeces of artil­leries, one morning vppon the first appearing of the day, they made their approches on that side to the Mountaines: and for that they in the towne made no brute, some of them passed the ditche and fastned their ladders to the wall: But thinhabitantes within, who had knowledge of their comming the daye before, began to make a noyse and to stirre when they sawe time, and to giue fire to thartilleries, and sending out also many trowpes to begin the skirmish, the armie foorthwith fell to flight, lea­uing their artilleries behinde, and in the chase Hanniball Rangon was hurte in the backe. It was assuredly iudged that this enterprise was attempted by the procure­ment and priuitie of Cardinall Medicis, who fearing least the Pope at his comming into Italie, eyther of his owne counsell, or by thincitacion of others, would diminish his greatnes: sought first to trouble him for so great a losse of thestate ecclesiastike, and so by that meane not onely to conuert his thoughtes to other matters then to persecute him, but also he shoulde be constrayned to haue recourse to his ayde and counsell.

But farre more tedious and great were the trauells of Tuskane, for that skarcely Emotions in Tuskane. was thestate of Siena assured of the Duke of Vrbin, and thaffayres of Perousa and Montfeltre ceassed, then the French king by the suggestion of Cardinal Voltero, gaue order of newe that Ranso de Cero lying at Rome and not employed, should practise to chaunge thestate of Florence, and to reestablish in that Citie, the brothers and Ne­phewes of Cardinall Voltero, who was manifestly declared agaynst the house of Me­dicis with all his friendes and confederates of the king: But because the king at that time was in great necessitie, the Cardinall was to aduaunce for this enterprise all ne­cessarie summes of money, receyuing the kings promise to repay them within a cer­tayne time. Whilest Ranso was making his preparacions, these matters came to the knowledge of the Cardinall Medicis, the consideracion wherof, fearing also least the duke of Vrbin should stirre, compelled him to make this accord, that without preiu­dice to the rightes which the Florentins and the Duke pretended to the townes in Montfeltre, the duke should be capteine generall of the common weale for one yere complete, and for [...]n other yere at pleasure, and the time of his pay to begin the first day of the next moneth of September: For the same cause he reteyned in the paye of the Florentins, Horacio Baillon, but with this condicion that the tyme of his paye should not begin vntill Iune, for that he was enterteined and bound to the Venetians for so long: And albeit this contract was likewise made in the name of his brother Maleteste, yet he would not ratifie it, hauing affore receyued money to be ioyned with Ranso de Cere with a charge of two thousande footemen and an hundred light horsemen: On the one side he would openly blemishe his proper honor: and on the other side he was loath to prouoke the Cardinall and the Florentins by newe occa­sions: Therefore to wade in a meane betwene both, he fayned him selfe to be sicke, and sent to Ranso being then come to the borowe of Pieua two thousande footemen, an hundred light horsemen, and foure falconettes, making excuse by the rage of his sicknesse that he was not hable to goe in person: And to the Cardinall he gaue hope that he would take no more new payes of thenemie: and that assone as the tearme [Page 836] were finished for the which he was payed, he would ratifie the contract made in his name, and in the meane time would proceede with as great moderacion as he could in such actions as he could not refuse for the payes he had receiued. After this Ran­so entred into the territorie of Siena with fiue hundred horse and seuen thousande footemen, with intention to practise the mutation of that gouernment with the trayne of the selfe same exiles which had followed the Duke of Vrbin: wherein if thenterprise had drawne to good issue, it was not to be doubted that hauing power by that meane to enter on that side into the bowels of the Florentin dominion, that the like successe had not followed him touching the particular of Florence. But the Florentins no lesse foreseeing that daunger then desyring that thenemies should not approche to Siena, had sent to that state all their regimentes of men of warre vnder the conduit of Guido Rangon elected for that emotion generall of tharmie: he had this speciall intention, both to temporise with thenemies, to make them lose tyme, for that he was not ignorant that without expedicion they would fall into wante of money: and also vnder one tyme to vse all thimpedimentes he could to cut off and stoppe their vittells: So that gouerning him selfe according to the proceedinges of thenemies, he labored to put seuerall garrisons into those townes that were nearest the estate of the Sienois and the Florentins: In which remouing of souldiors from one place to an other, it hapned that the guydon of horsemen of Vitelli going from Tor­rito to Asinolongo, encountred on the way with three hundred horsemen of thenne­mies and were ouerthrowne, Ieronimo de Peppoli lieftenant to Vitelli being taken pri­soner with fiftie men at armes and two ensignes: Ranso addressed him selfe firste to the Citie of Chiusa, a Citie more noble for the memorie of his antiquitie and the re­nowmed actes of Porsene their king, then for his fortunes and condicions present: his hope was deceyued to carye it, bringing with him no other sortes of artilleries then foure falconetts, A force farre to weake to take townes that are defended with souldiors: He marched further betwene Torrito and Asinolongo, to drawe neare to Siena, but hauing no commoditie of vittels amidde so many townes of thennemies, and seeking to get some by force, he assayled the borowe of Torrito, where was in garrison an hundred men at armes of Guido Rangon and fiue hundred footemen: But he leauyed his campe from thence without dooing any thing to aduaunce his pur­pose, and keeping his way, he went to Monteliste, and from thence to Bagno de Rapola­no within twelue myles of Siena, in which Citie the Florentins in the beginning had bestowed the Count Petillano: But the Count Guido by whose diligence and celeri­tie all these deuises were preuented, entred the same daye into Siena with two hun­dred light horsemen, leauing his armie behinde to followe after: So that what for the succours that approched, and the reputacion of Ranso which was greatly dimi­nished in this expedicion aswell with his owne companies as amongest thenemies, together with the knowledge they had that he was reduced to a great necessitie of vittells, brought no little discourage to them of Siena, to whom could haue bene ac­ceptable a chaunge or alteracion: Neuerthelesse he presented himselfe within halfe a myle of the walles, and seeing no insurrection made in his fauour, he retyred ha­uing remayned there xxiiij. howres: The same daye he retyred (but after he was gone) the bands of the Florentins entred within Siena, who albeit were put in readi­nesse to pursue him, yet they made no great labour when they sawe he was to farre gone: they suffred certayne light horsemen to pursue the chase and certeine bandes of footemen which were before at Siena, of whom he receyued no great domage: onely his retrayte being hastie, and happly no lesse for famine then for feare, he leste [Page 837] his artilleries by the way which to his great dishonor fell into the power of thenne­mies: he stayed at Aygueponte to readresse his companies which were muche dimi­nished, a place so muche the more assured to him, by howmuche he knewe that the Florentin bands would be curious to enter vpon the landes of the Churche: But falling into wantes of money and other prouisions, and the Cardinalls of Voltero, of Monte, and of Come, with whom by the French kings direction he communicated touching his affayres, beginning nowe to reiect him, he conuerted those few bands of souldiors that his fortune had left him, to pill and robbe the shoares or water­sides of Siena, and in vayne gaue assault to Orbatella: for which cause the Florentins hauing made their armie to marche towardes the bridge of Centino, whiche is the confine & limit betwene thestate of Siena and the dominion of the Church, threat­ned to make inuasion of the lands of the Church, for that they sawe Ranso did not wholly dissolue his companies, In which respect the Colledge of Cardinalles, who stoode ielouse to suffer suche an action vpon thestate of the Churche, interposed to accorde them, A matter indifferently agreable to them both: It was acceptable to the Florentins, for that by it they were drawne out of a burden of exspences whiche they made without any frute: And to Ranso it was no lesse welcome, for that both he was yll furnished for the present, and also had no hope to increase his forces, spe­cially the French affayres suffring yll tearmes in Lombardie: The accorde conteined no other matter then a bare promise not to offende one an other, whiche promise ranne betwene the Florentins and Sienois on thone parte, and Ranso de Cero on the other parte putting in pledge in Rome of fitie thousande duckets for the suretie of obseruation: And touching the things that had bene made pillage and spoyle, they referred them to tharbitracion of the Pope when he should come into Italie.

This winter there happned in the towne of Lucquay this daungerous accident: An accident in the towne of Lucquai. one Vincent Poggio of a noble discending and famulie, and Lavvrence Totti, vnder cooller of particular discords, but more likely pushed on by ambicion and pouertie, tooke armes, and in the publike pallace slewe the chiefe Magistrate of that Citie: And as one furie draweth on an other, and in an vprore is seldome seene any mode­racion, so they ranne with their armed weapons throughout the towne and made slaughter of diuerse other Citisens their aduersaries, with suche an vniuersall terror and feare, that not one durst oppose agaynst them: Neuerthelesse assone as the first violence was somewhat ceassed, the same feare that had amased others, beganne to terrifie themselues by the remorse and greatnes of the offences they had done: In which oportunitie certayne wise Citisens, thrusting in to solicite and appease, the murderers issued out of the Citie vnder certayne condicions, and afterwardes were sharpely persecuted by thinhabitantes of Lucquay.

Thus were the matters of Lombardie and Tuskane brought to some appeasement, but the College of Cardinalls taking no care of thestates of the Church, partly for the Popes absence, but more for the ambicion and disagreementes that were be­twene them: Sigismond the sonne of Pandolfo Malateste an auncient Lorde of Rimi­ni, tooke almost wholly into his handes the gouernment of that City, hauing therin but a very small intelligence: And albeit Cardinall Medicis at thinstance of the Col­ledge, went to Bolognia as Legate of that Citie, both to recouer Rimini and to reor­der the other affayres of Romagnia, whiche were muche troubled and altered, to whom the Colledge had promised to sende to his succours the Marquis of Mantua capteine generall of the Churche: yet nothing sorted to effect, no lesse by the wantes and impedimentes of money, then through the iealousie and emulacion of [Page 838] the Cardinalls his aduersaries, who obiected themselues agaynst all counsells and actions that any waye might aduaunce his reputacion or greatnes.

The ende of the fourtenth Booke.

POpe Adrian comes to Rome: The Venetians make league vvith themperour: The Frenchmen besiege Millan, and are constrayned aftervvardes to returne from it: Cardinall Medicis is created Pope: King Frauncis discendeth into Italie, he taketh Millan, and besiegeth Pauia: Themperour Charles sendeth out an armie to the succours of Pauia, vvhere a battell is fought, and the French king taken prisoner.

THE FYFTEENTH BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

ALBEIT the late victorie agaynst the Frenche men had somewhat reduced the matters of Lombardie into an estate peasible and setled: yet it had nothing diminished the vni­uersal suspicion that the king would eftsones recontinue the warre, and in short time bring new inuasions vpon the Du­chie of Millan: for both his owne kingdome stoode quiet and acquited from ciuill troubles, his Capteines and bandes of men of warre whom he had sent into Italie, were returned in safetie, the Svvizzers well disposed and prepared to take his paye as before: and lastely the Senate of Venice stoode firme with him in the auncient league and confederacion: Whiche argumentes ioyned to the remem­brance and passion of his harmes receyued, and no lesse concurring the violent in­clinacion of his youth naturally caryed with moodes of reuenge, were sufficient to arme his minde with bloody desires, and to make him by his vallour to seeke to re­compence the displeasures whiche the malice and enuie of his fortune had lately heaped vpon him. By the consideracion of which daunger, the Capteines of thim­perialls were driuen to enterteine and paye tharmie, A compulsion very harde and grieuous, for that they receiued no supplies of money neither from Caesar, nor from the kingdome of Naples: And touching thestate of Millan, it was so narrowly raked and gleaned, that of their proper treasor and habilitie they were not able to susteine so great a proporcion of exspences as were distributed to the feeding of so many souldiors: And therefore for the releeuing of so great burdens, they sent the grea­test parte of their companies to be bestowed vppon the estates of the Churche, not­withstanding the popular voyces and College of Cardinalls obiected many impe­dimentes and vayne exclamacions: Also other prouinces of Italie were taxed for [Page 839] the conseruacion of the Duchie of Millan, and that by the labour and solicitacion The prouinces of [...]al [...]e are taxed for the conseruation of the duchie of Millan. chiefly of Don Charles de Lauoy lately made Viceroy of Naples by the death of Don Reimond de Cardona, and Don Iohn Manuell: The rate of thimposition was, that monthly for three monthes next folowing, thestate of Millan should contribute a thousande duckets, the Florentins fyfteene thousande, the Genovvayes eight thou­sande, Siena fiue thousande, and Lucgua foure thousand: And albeit many murmu­red agaynst this taxacion, yet the feare of so great an armie made it to be both exe­cuted and suffred: So mightie is necessitie, that in cases of extremitie it makes tol­lerable ‘those things, which in all other condicions are ful of inconueniencie and dif­ficultie: Onely they of Millan iustified the taxacion to be necessarie, for that the de­fence of all Italie depended vppon the continuacion of that armie:’ Neither dyd it cease after the ende of three monthes, for that the same necessitie continuing, the imposicion was eftsones renewed though in a farre lesse rate and taxacion.

In this estate of affayres, Italie stoode oppressed with continuall aduersities, and no lesse terrified with the feare of greater euills that threatned the vniuersall regions thereof: for the remedie whereof muche was attributed to the comming of the Pope, as an apt and conuenient instrument by reason of his supreme authoritie, to appease and reorder all disorders: And albeit Caesar passing at the same time by sea into Spayne, and in his way did cōmunicate with the king of Englande, had besought him to tarye for him at Barcelona, whither he would come in person to honor him as Pope: yet ye forbare to abyde themperours comming, eyther fearing least for the great distance of themperour, who as yet was in thextreme consines of Spayne, he should let slippe the commoditie of his good tyme which after his nauigacion be­gan to be rough and daungerous: or else he suspected least themperour would soli­cite him to deferre his voyage: or lastly (which was more credible) he feared to ag­grauate thopinion conceiued of him from the beginning, that themperour dyd so muche gouerne him, as to be hable to lette him to treate of the vniuersall peace be­twene Christians: An action wherein he was determined to employe all his studies and labours: So that ouerruling by his wisdome all these suspicions, he passed at Pope Adrian the vi, cōmeth to Rome. last by sea to Rome, where he made his entry the xxix. of August, with a great con­course of the commons and the whole Court: of whom albeit his comming was desired with an vniuersall gladnes, for that without the presence of the Popes, Rome beareth more a resemblance of a sauage deserte then of a Citie, yet that spectacle wrought sundrie impressions and diuersitie of thoughtes in the mindes of all men, when they considered that they had a Pope for nation & language a straunger, and for thaffayres of Italie and the Court altogether vnexperienced, and also for that he was not of those regions and countreys who by long conuersacion were already made familiar with the customes of Italie: The enuie that stirred vp in men this consideracion was redoubled by the accident of the plague, which beginning in Rome at his arriuall, afflicted the Citie during the whole season of Autumne, to the great calamitie and losse of the people: A matter which in the fancies of men was construed to an euill prognostication of his Pontificacie.

The first councell that this Pope tooke, was to aduaunce the recouering of Rimi­ni, and to put ende to the controuersies which the Duke of Ferrara had continued with two of his latest predecessors: And for the better succeeding of that expedi­tion, he sent into Romagnia that regiment of fifteene hundred Spanishe footemen which he had brought with him for the more suretie of his passage by sea.

Whylest the Pope was in these actions and preparacions in Italie, themperour [Page 840] cast in his mind howe muche it would import to the successe and sewertie of his af­fayres in Italy, to seperat the Venetians from the French king: To which deuise was much helping an opinion that he had, that the hopes of the french matters being diminished, the Senat would not be without manifest inclinacion to peace, and that they would not for thinterests of others, laye them selues downe to the daungers which such a warre might bring vpon their estates: In this practise he communica­ted with the king of England, who affore had lent him money secretly against the The king of England for thEmprour. & sendeth Em­bassadors to the Venetians to draw them from thalliāce of the french. French king and began openly to take part against him: They sent thether their Em­bassadors to require the Senate to confederat with thEmprour for the defense of I­taly, Ierom Adorna being for thEmprour, & Richard Pase for the king of Englād: There was also exspectacion of an Embassador from Ferdinand Archduke of Austria Caesars brother, who enterteyning many quarrells with the Venetians, it was iudged necessa­ry that he should interpose and communicat in all accords: Besides, the king of Eng­land sent a Herald to pronownce warre against the French king, in case he would not come to a generall truce with thEmprour for three yeares in all partes of the world▪ and therein should be comprehended the Church, the Duke of Myllan, and the Flo­rentyns: he complained also in this diffiance that the French king had forborne to pay him thanuitie of fiftie thowsand crownes which he was bound to aunswer year­ly: But the French king whose youth made him more apt to trust in fortune, then to looke into things by counsell, refused to make truce, And touching the demaund of the fifty thowsand crownes he protested openly that it was not conuenient for him to pay money to him that ayded his enemies with money: An aunswer which so ag­grauated the disdaines & hartburnings betwene them that thEmbassadors on both sides were reuoked.

This yeare departed out of Italy Don Iohn Manuell who had bene Caesars Embas­sador at Rome with very great authoritie, And at his departure, he deliuered to the Florentyns a scedule subsigned by his hande, declaring that Caesar by a scedule publi­shed in September 1520. promised to Pope Leo to reconfirme and eftsoones to re­accord to the Florentyns the priuileges of estate, of authority, & of the townes which they held within six moneths after the first dyot vppon his coronation at Aix: This was a reitteracion of a former promisse made by him to accomplish the same with­in foure monethes after his election, within which time he sayde he could not dis­patch it for many iust causes: So that vnder protestacion of that reasonable excuse, Don Iohn promised it eftsoones in the name of Caesar, who ratified the scedule in March 1523. and deliuered the expedicion of it in writing in a most ample forme.

As hath bene set downe before, Caesar passed this yeare into Spaine, where he pro­ceeded VVhat thEmprour did in Spaine. seuerely against many that were noted the Authors of the sedicion, and to others, he remitted all punishments and pardoned their goods: In which action, to ioyne with iustice and clemencie examples of recompense and remuneracion, he called to the Court in great honor, Ferdinand Duke of Calabria, who refusing to be Capteine of the commons that rebelled, he rewarded his fidelitie with the mariage of Madame Germania sometimes wife to the king of Spaine: she was riche, but bar­reine, to thend that house should determine in him who was the last of the descen­dants of olde Alfonso king of Aragon, two of his younger brothers being dead before, the one in Fraunce and the other in Italy.

But the ende of this yeare was made no lesse wretched and vnhappy, then slaun­derous Roades taken. to all Christian Princes for the losse of the Ile of Rhodes: which Solyman Otto­man tooke by violence, notwithstanding it was defended by the Knightes of Rhodes, [Page 841] called in other times more auncient the knightes of Saint Iohn of Ierusalem: And a­biding in that place since they were chased out of Ierusalem, notwithstanding they laye betweene two so mightie princes as the Turke and the Soldan, yet their vallour had preserued it of long tyme, and to the right worthy glorie of their order, they had remayned as an assured rampier of Christian religion in those seas: And yet they were not without their imputacions and notes of infamie, for that hauing a continuall custome for the better defending of those shoares, to spoyle the vessells of the infidells, they were thought sometymes to make pillage of Christian shipps: The Turke sente into thilande a wonderfull greate armie, which remayning there manye monethes with no lesse horrour to good men for their cruelties, then terrour to all men for their huge numbers, at laste he came thither in person: And drawing to his desire of conquest and glorie, the respect of profite and ryches which the victorie woulde yeelde, he loste not one minute of tyme to vexe them, where­in his industrie was nothing inferiour to his vallour, for sometimes he caste mon­strous mynes and trenches, sometymes he raysed platfourmes of earth and wood whose height ouertopped the walles of the towne, and sometymes he afflicted them with moste furious and bloudy assaultes: In so muche that as these workes and engines were not perfourmed without a wonderfull boocherie and slaughter of his souldiours, so also the defence of them was so daungerous to the lyues of them within, that manye numbers were diminished, manye bodyes maymed and made vnseruiceable, and the residue made terrified by the calamities of their companions and friendes, to whome they coulde giue no other propertie of com­passion then to mourne with them their common miserie: Their aduersitie was so muche the more intollerable, by howe muche theyr trauelles were without fruite, their wordes withoute comforte, and their vallour disfauoured of fortune, and lastely their stoare of gonne powder was consumed, whiche is not the least neces­sitie for the desence of a place: They sawe affore their eyes huge breaches made into their walles with thartilleries of thennemies: They decerned seuerall mynes wrought into many partes of the towne, and they founde by lamentable experience that the lesse good they did, the more paynefully they laboured, for that their for­tune had reduced them to these tearmes of extremitie, that in abandoning one place to releeue an other, they putte bothe in daunger, not hauing numbers sufficient to furnishe the seruice, and lesse exspectation of reskewe amydde perilles so raging and desperate: So that, what for that their necessities were greater then their hopes, and their defence lesse hable by the continuall dimi­nucion of their numbers, and lastely holding it no breache of honour to pre­serue by wisedome and composicion, that they coulde no longer defende by their vallour and prowes, they gaue place to theyr destinie, and capitulated with the Turke: That the greate Maister of their order shoulde leaue the towne to him: That aswell he as all hys knightes shoulde departe in safetie, wyth libertie to ca­rie wyth them as muche of their goodes as they coulde: And for assurance of this capitulacion, the Turke shoulde withdrawe oute of those seas, his fleete or Nauie, and retyre hys armye by lande fyue myles from Rhodes: By vertue Rhodes ren­dred vp to the Turke. of whiche capitulacion Rhodes remayned to the Turkes, and the Christians passed into Scicilie, and so into Italie, keepinge theyr faythe and profession vnuiolated: They founde in Scicilye an Armye by sea compounded of a cer­tayne number of vesselles, wyth greate releefe of vittayles and munitions, and readye to hoyse sayle at the nexte wynde to reuittle Rhodes. The slownesse of [Page 842] this reskewe was layde to the Popes faulte: After they were departed, Soliman for a more contempte of Christian religion, made his entrie into the Citie vp­pon the daye of the birthe of the sonne of God: whiche daye beeing celebrated in the Churches of Christians with noyse of musike and holy inuocations, he conuer­ted all the Churches of Rhodes dedicated to the seruice of Iesu Christ, into Mosqueis (so they call their temples) which after all the Christian rites and ceremonies were abolished, they made dedicated to Mahomet. This was the ende of the yeare 1522. infamous for the name and tytle of Christendome, and this was the fruite drawne of the discordes of our Princes, whiche yet mighte be somewhat tollerable, if at least thexamples of harmes past might make them better tempered in tyme to come.

As the discordes of Princes continued, so increased also the trauels & perplexi­ties of the yere 1523. In the beginning of which the famulie of the Malatesteis kno­wing howe vnhable they were to resist the Popes forces, were in thende contented by the mediacion of the Duke of Vrbin, to leaue Rimini and the Castell, albeit vn­der this vncertayne hope, that there shoulde be reserued for Pandolfe some reaso­nable estate and meane to lyue, wherein nothing was done. Afterwardes the Duke of Vrbin wente to the Pope, with whome and with the moste parte of the Court, the glorious memorie of Pope Iulio working muche for him, he obteined abso­lucion from all paynes and imposicions, and was eftsones reinuested in the Duchie of Vrbin, but with this exception, not to preiudice the rightes and application that had bene made of the countrey of Montfeltre to the Florentins, who sayde they had lent to Pope Leo three hundred and fiftie thousande duckets for the defence of that Duchie, and had exspended since his death in diuerse places for the preserua­tion of thestate of the Churche, more then threescore and tenne thousande: The Pope receyued also into grace the Duke of Ferrara, whome he dyd not onely in­uest of newe in the imperie of Ferrara, and of all that he possessed apperteyning to the Churche affore the warre of Pope Leo agaynst the Frenche men, but also he lefte to him (not without a note of infamie bothe to him selfe and ministers that abused his ignoraunce) the iurisdiction of the borowes of Saint Felix and Finale: Which townes as he gotte at suche tyme as he began the warre agaynst Pope Leo, and afterwardes loste them before his death, so he had eftsones taken them of newe by thoccasion of the vacancie of the sea: For recompence of this grace and inue­stiture, the Duke was bounde to ayde and succour the Churche in times of neede with certayne numbers of men, for so muche as belonged to the defence of hys imperie and estate: And in case hereafter he shoulde fall agayne and transgresse or offende the sea Apostolike, besides his submission to great fines and amarciamen­tes, he consented to haue this inuestiture made nothing, and to the priuacion of all his rightes: Moreouer the Pope gaue him great hopes to restore to him Mo­dena and Reggia, notwithstanding afterwardes he estraunged his minde from hys promise, aswell for the importance of suche an indument whiche was afterwardes tolde him, as also for thinfamie of thexamples of his predecessors which coulde not but redounde vpon him.

About this tyme the Castell of Millan suffring no lesse wantes of all prouisions The Castell of Millan ren­dred by the French. except bread, then being vniuersally afflicted with sicknes and diseases, agreed to de­liuer vp their charge vnder condicion of life and goods saued, if they were not suc­cored by the xiiij. day of Aprill: at which day the composicion being accomplished, the most part of the souldiors were found dead: Caesar was contented to deliuer it [Page 843] ouer into the possession of Duke Frauncis Sforce, wherein he wonne no little repu­tation and prayse amongest thItalians: And albeit there was no other peece in Ita­lie that helde for the French men, except the Castell of Cremona whiche had as yet a plentyfull prouision of all thinges: yet these successes did nothing qualisie thin­felicities and aduersities of the peoples of that Duchie, who were wonderfully op­pressed by the armie of Caesar for that it was not payed: In which discontentment beeing gone to lodge within Ast and the confines about it, and falling into tumult for the same cause, their disorder led them to make pillage of the whole cōtrey euen as farre as Vigeneua: for regarde of which vniuersall wasting, as also to auoyde the harmes and daungers of the countrey, thinhabitantes of Millan were driuen to make promise of their payes amounting to an hundred thousande duckets: And yet the feeling of so many aduersities and rigours, could nothing abate the hatreds of that people agaynst the French, wherein the thinges that susteined them were partly a feare through the memory of olde iniuries done agaynst them by that na­tion, and partly a hope least vpon ceasing of the daunger the French king would eft­sones assayle that state, and also that they should be deliuered from those great bur­dens, for that it should be no more necessarie for themperour to interteine in that Duchie any regimentes of souldiors.

The negociacion of the peace betwene Caesar and the Venetians continued still, and as for many difficulties that hapned, and diuerse sortes of delayes interposed by the Venetians, the mindes of men were holden in great suspence what successe or ef­fect it would drawe: So one chiefe matter that made that action dilatorie and aug­mented the difficulties, was the death of Ierome Adorno, whose yeares albeit were not many, yet his experience was rare, and his witte raysed to the comprehension of high thinges, whiche he well expressed in this treatie wherein his authoritie was greate and his capacitie singular: In his place was sente from Millan for Caesar, Martin Caracciolo pronotorie to the sea Apostolike, who many yeares after was created Cardinall by Pope Pavvle the thirde: Manye monethes were spent in this negociation at Venice, where the Frenche kinge became no small impediment to the resolucion by the importunate labour and diligence of hys Embassadours, by whome he promised sometymes by letters, and sometymes by messaungers especiall, that he woulde discende speedilye into Italie with a right puissant armye: These offers and promises bredde greate diuersitie of o­pinions amongest the Senators, and continuall argumentes and disputacions: for manye gaue counsayle not to abandon thalliance of the Frenche king, and reapposed altogether vppon hys promise to sende presentlye an armye into Ita­lie: Whiche hope the Frenche king labouring to feede with a wonderfull dili­gence, he had newely sent to Venice Ranso de Cere, not onely to enterteine and con­firme his promise, but also to publishe the manyfest preparacion of thinges: Others remembring howe in the hope of many things past, the king had behaued himselfe negligently, could not now exspect any confidence in his promise to passe into Italie: wherein that opinion was confirmed in them by certaine aduertisementes from Iohn Baduere their Embassador in Fraunce, who assured them that for that yere the French king woulde neyther passe in person nor sende anye armye into Italie: An intelligence whiche he had from rhe Duke of Burbon, who was already very se­cretly conioyned with Caesar, and wished the Venetians to enterteine vnitie with him: An other sort of the Senators wauering in minde, stoode terrified no lesse by the yll successe of the king, then by the good fortunes of Caesar, wherevnto they [Page 844] ioyned this consideracion that in Italie the Duke of Millan, the Genovvayes, the Florentins, together with all Tuskane followed the faction of Caesar, and doubted also least the Pope woulde likewise concurre in that inclinacion: And out of Italie were for him his brother the Archeduke confining vppon the Venetian estates, and the king of Englande making continuall warre in Pickardie: In whiche diuersitie of opinions running no lesse amongest the principalls of the Senate, then the vni­uersall multitude, the deliberacion could not long suspende, aswell for the forward­nes of things, as for thimportunities of Caesars Embassadors, by whose continuall solicitacion the councel of the Pregati was assembled to pronounce the resolucion: In this Councell spake Andrevv Gritti in this sort, a personage of very high autho­ritie in that common weale: for the great offices he had administred, and of espe­ciall reputacion throughout all Italie and with forreine princes, for the merite of his witte and dealing.

There is nothing more hurtefull in Counsellors then the passion of ielousie and The oracion of Andrevv Gritti tou­ching thalli­ance vvith Caesar. suspicion, which drawing with it diuersitie and seperacion of willes, is so much the more preiudiciall, by howe muche it stoppeth oftentimes the libertie and freedome of well counselling: And for my parte albeit I am not ignoraunt that in giuing counsell at this present not to departe from the confederacion of the Frenche king, ‘some will interpret me to parcialitie, as though in me bare more respect and autho­ritie the long custome and conuersacion I haue had with the French, then the care and affection which in nature and equitie I ought to expresse to the benefite of the common weale: Yet I will rather laye my selfe downe to the imputations of men, then kepe suppressed that fidelitie of counselling which in good office apperteineth to euery good Citisen, in whom can not be exspected anye good propertie eyther of a Citisen or a Senator that for anye occasion forbeareth to perswade to others that whiche in him selfe he decerneth to be good for the common weale: And yet I doubte not that amongest men of discression and wisedome this interpretacion will finde no place, bothe for the consideracion of my customes and actions in all tymes paste, and also for that I neuer negociated with the Frenche king nor his counsell, but as your Agent, your Creature, your Commissioner, and your Depu­tie limited and regulated: But touching the present matter, I doubt not to accom­panie my opinion and counsell with suche force of reasons and examples as shall be hable to make me iustified euen with such as holde me suspected. We are assem­bled heare to dispute whether we oughte to make a new confederacion with them­perour, both contrarie to the fayth we haue giuen, and agaynst the couenantes of the league which we haue with the house of Fraunce: Whiche in my iudgement is no other thing then to go about so to assure and confirme the power of themprour already vniuersally redouted, that being without further remedie to moderate and embase it, it rise not continually encreasing to our right great and apparant preiu­dice: We haue no cause wherein maye be taken any reason to iustifie that delibera­cion, if we looke into the fidelitie and equitie of the French king: for that as he hath for the most part fulfilled thalliance that he hath made with vs, and carefully restrai­ned himselfe to the reasonable obseruacion of amitie & league, so though thesfects haue not followed so readily to renew the warre in Italie, yet in regarde of his proper interestes therein concurring, that hath not proceeded of other matter then of thimpedimentes growing vppon him in the kingdome of Fraunce: whiche albeit maye for a tyme prolong or deferre hys counselles, yet lette vs not looke that they wyll vtterly dissolue hys enterprise, for that he liues possessed with so great [Page 845] a desire to recouer the duchie of Millan, and hath his forces so mightie and readye, that hauing once susteined the first bruntes of his enemies, there will nothing lette him to renewe his armie and recontinue the warre in Italie: Wherin I maye aptlye vse for example the experience and memorie of king Lovvis, who hauing his coun­trey inuaded with armies farre more mightie then those that now vex him, for that almost all the nations and regions rounde about him rose into conspiracie agaynst him, yet did he so easily defende his estates by the greatnes of his forces, by the mu­nicion and defence of his frontiers and places confining, and with the fidelity & rea­dines of his peoples, that when in all reasonable consideracion it was thought that necessitie would driue him to retyre himselfe for a time and restrayne his minde to rest and tranquillitie, he raysed his thoughtes to the warres of Italie, and in that vni­uersall coniecture of his weaknes, sent thither sodenly right huge & mightie armies: The king raigning dyd the like in the first yeare of his raigne, and euen then entred into the renouacion of the warre, when, both by his new ascending to the crowne, and also finding his treasors consumed by the infinite exspences of his predecessor, euery man looked that he would put of the warre till another yeare: Let vs not in­terprete sinisterly of his delayes and deferring, and muche lesse let vs laye them for an excuse of our variacions, seeing that confederate that is slowe not of will but by impedimentes, giues to his companion no iust cause to complayne, nor any honest cooller to depart from his confederacion: We ought in this case to iudge of the French king as in matters of amitie good men vse to measure friendship, that he that maketh a promise, albeit he performe late, yet he breakes not the law of promise, for that although he disappoynteth, yet he fayleth not: It is a great vnthankfulnes when we forget what we haue receiued of our friends: and when they are slowe to per­forme but small things, we are ready to rayse great complayntes agaynst them. But touching this deliberacion, if we looke well into thestate of our affayres, we shall finde that if common honestie ioyned with the dignitie of our Senate, call vs to it, no lesse are we iustely prouoked by the regarde of our profite and proper safetie: it is easie to be discerned from howe many daungers, from how many suspicions, and from how many afflictions we shal be deliuered, if the French king recouer thestate of Millan: and wise men with the same facilitie may finde out into what tranquility, into what assurance, and into what freedome of estate, our affayres will fall for many yeres, if he preuayle in that action wherin he hath cōcurring with his forces reason, conscience, and equitie: Of this we are warned by thexamples of the yeres before, for at suche time as the king that nowe is went about to recouer it, it came to passe that we, who affore with many daungers & very great exspences, were skarce hable to desende Padoa and Treuisa, were made hable by his occasion, to reconquer Bressia and Verona: yea so long as he enioyed that Duchie in quietnes, we possessed in peace and suretie all our dominious and iurisdictions, and what else was of our imperie or our obedience: Which are examples that muche more ought to moue vs then the auncient memorie of the league of Cambray, for that the kings of Fraunce haue learned by experience that which they could neuer cōprehend by reason, how pre­iudiciall it hath bene to them to depart out of our alliance: A matter which without all comparison they may best discerne in the time present, wherin this king hath for his aduersary & competitor, an emperour, a prince whose amplitude of kingdomes, and whose redoubted power will keepe him in necessitie to esteeme dearly our alli­ance. But of the contrary, who seeth not into what daungerous tearmes our affayres will be reduced, when the French king shall finde him selfe merely excluded out of [Page 846] the enterprises of Italie: for who can let themperour to appropriate to him selfe or to his brother the Duchie of Millan, of the whiche he woulde neuer to this daye transferre thinuestiture to Frauncis Sforce? And if he haue power to do so, what is he that can assure his will? who can staye the streame driuen by so violent a winde? yea, since the Duchie of Millan is so apte a ladder to lifte him to the Empire of all Italie, who will take vpon him to promise, that in themperour iustice and consci­ence will beare more swaigh, then ambicion and couetousnes, inclinacions naturall to all great Princes: If any man take any suretie by the moderacion and temperance of his officers which he hath in Italie, let him be aunswered that the moste of them are Spaniardes, a nation vnfaythfull, rauishing, and aboue all others moste insatia­ble: So that if themperour or his brother Ferdinand, make Millan their owne and possesse it, in what degree shall remayne our estate being enuironed by them bothe, on the confines of Italie and Germanie? what suretie, what succours, what exspecta­cion of remedie amidde so many daungers? The kingdome of Naples is in his posses­sion, the Pope with all the other Potentates of Italie are at his deuocion, and all our friendes being made naked of money and forces, there remaynes to vs no hope of ayde or comfort, and lesse possibilitie to finde fauour where fortune and so great di­uision of minds contende agaynst vs. But if the French king were lorde of the du­chie of Millan, then should things stande so euenly balanced betweene two so great Princes, that who so euer stoode in feare of the power of the one of them, shoulde finde peace and suretie by the might of the other, for that bothe pollicie and their proper ambicion would make them iealouse one of an others greatnes: yea the on­ly feare of his comming assureth all his neighbours, for that by it the Imperialles are restrayned from entring into armes, or to intangle them selues with any enter­prise: By whiche reason is made more ridiculous then terrible the vanitie of their threatninges to turne tharmie agaynst vs if we confederate with themperour, as though it were an easie enterprise to moue warre agaynst the state of Venice, and as thoughe there were present suretie of the victorie, and lastely as thoughe that were the onely meane and remedie to keepe the Frenche king from passing, and not rather the cause of the contrarie: for who doubteth that beeing prouoked by them, we would propound to the king by necessitie such conditions, that though he bare no inclination to them, yet they would induce him to passe? The same hapned in the tyme of king Levvis, when the iniuries and treasons that were done vnto vs by that nation, enforced vs so to incense and stirre vp that king (when of his prisoner I became your Embassadour) that euen when he stoode in the greatest feare to be mightily inuaded in his kingdome of Fraunce, euen then did he dispatch a strong armie into Italie, though with very yll successe: Let vs not beleeue that if thimperialls thought the waye to drawe vs to their amitie, or to assure them­selues of the Frenche king, were to sette vppon vs, that they had tyll this daye de­ferred thexecution: Perhappes their Capteines haue no desire to enriche them­selues with the profites and spoyles of warre, perhaps they haue had no necessitie, in disburdening those countreys that were friendes to them to drawe money from them, to nourishe tharmie in the countrey of an other: No rather they haue well founde oute, that by reason of our power it is too harde a matter to force vs: And muche lesse standes it with them hauing a continuall feare of the descen­ding of the Frenche, to intangle them selues with an other warre, nor to giue occasion to a state so mightie in men, money, and opinion, to allure with the greatnesse of offers the Frenche kinge to marche: So longe as they are hol­den [Page 847] in these suspicions and in these doubtes, they will not intrude for them selues vppon the Duchie of Myllan, neither will they seeke to offende vs but with vaine threatninges: Where if we assure them of that feare, they will haue in their po­wer to doe both the one and other: And if they doe it as it is likely they will, where is our remedie, where are become our hopes, our councells, and our exspectaci­ons, yea of whome maye we complayne more then of our selues: our owne feares will breede our common daungers, our fraile suspicions will drawe on our propper calamities, and as a destinie we shall be driuen into warre by our immoderat desires to peace: which then is most holy and most to be embrased, when it puts men out of suspicion, when it encreaseth no daunger, & when it bringes a meane to sit downe in tranquillitie, and to cut of great exspenses: But when it appeareth in an other ha­bit and forme & begetteth effects contrary, it abuseth then the name, the property, and the nature of peace, and vnder a corrupt resemblance of peace it taketh iustly the title of a daungerous warre, and vnder the show of a holsom medicine, it expres­seth thoperacion of a mortall poyson: So that, as in confederating with thEmprour, we turne the French king from his enterprise of Italy, & leade thEmprour as it were by a lyne, to occupy at his will the Duchie of Myllan, and so to embase vs and our iu­risdiction: so it followeth that by that action (with a right great infamie of our name and hazard of the faith of this common weale) we buy the greatnes of a Prince who hath giuen no lesse tokens of his ambicion then proofe of his power, and who (ioy­ning with him his brother) hath set downe this pretence, that all that we possesse in the firme land, apperteineth vnto them: And on the other side, we reiect and exclude out of Italy, A king who vnder his equitie and greatnes assureth the libertie of vs all, and is induced by a great necessitie and constraint to remeine straitly allied and con­ioyned with vs: These reasons so euident and sensible auoyd all matter of imputaci­on that I am not pushed on more by affection then by truth, nor more caried by any interest particular then with the loue I beare to the common weale, The sauetie and preseruacion of which we neede not doubt if God giue so great grace and felicitie to your councells, as he hath plentifully imparted amongest you the spirit of wisedom and forecast.’

But against this speech, did oppose one George Cornaro a gentleman of equall au­thority, and of no lesse reputacion for grauitie and stayed condicion.

Rightielous were the office of Magistrates, if in matters of councell it were lesse The oratiō of George Cor­naro. lawfull to confute then to obiect, And no lesse doth it offend the estate and credit of their place, where it is not thought as greate a fidelitie to aunswer as to propone: ‘Since such hath beene alwayes the law and libertie of councell giuing, to assure the truth against all sinister insinuacions: And albeit I am not ignorant that in nothing is more suspicion then to giue councell in matters of state, yet for myne owne parte, considering the equitie of this Senate affore whom I speake, I doubt not but the rea­sons I shall giue will suffice to assure myne innocencie against all imputacions. Assu­redly the matter we haue in hand, is great and full of difficulties, both for the consi­deracion of the time & nature of many accidents concurring: And yet when I looke into thinfidelitie and ambicion of the Princes of this time, and howe much they dif­fer from the nature of common weales, whose gouernment beeing not subiected to thappetit of one alone, but disposed by the consents of many, vse to proceede with more moderacion and regard, and obserue with great ceremonie (contrary to thex­amples of Princes) not to depart from any thing that beareth apparance of iustice, honestie, or reason: I can not but conclude, that it is most hurtfull for vs and our af­fayres, [Page 848] to haue the Duchie of Millan possessed by a Prince more mightie then our selues, seeing that necessarily suche a neighborhood will so holde vs suspected and afflicted, that thoughe we enioye peace, yet we shall alwayes liue in continuall thoughtes of warre, notwithstanding all leagues of alliance or confederacion what so euer. Of this auncient stories giue vs many examples, which for good respectes I passe ouer for the present, leauing you onely to the lamentable experience of king Lovvis the xij. of whose doings I doubt not remayneth imprinted in the heartes of vs all a bitter remembraunce: This Senate brought him into the Duchie of Millan, and to that vnhappie resolucion many of vs heare gaue assistance: we kepte with him iustly our fayth in all Capitulacions, notwithstanding (vnder great offers and goodly occasions) we were aduised by the Spaniardes and Launceknightes to leaue his alliance, as also his infidelitie gaue no small cause to drawe vs therevnto, for that he solicited many practises agaynst vs: But neyther the memorie of so many bene­fites receyued, nor the merite of our fidelitie so iustely obserued, nor the considera­tion of so many perpetuall offices exhibited, could moderate in him his great de­sire to vex vs: In so muche as in that ambicion, and for that cause, he made a wil­ling reconcilement with his auncient and greatest enemies, and lastly contracted a­gaynst vs that most perillous confederacie of Cambray: If it be daungerous for the riche and poore to dwell neare together, for that in the wealth of the rich are sowen the seedes of enuie to the poore, and by the wantes of the poore are bred humors of couetousnes in the riche man to consume him: farre greater harmes must growe by the neighborhood of great kings and princes, whose ambicion caryed on the wings of authoritie, runneth without limitte, and is no more repulsed by the resi­stance of men, then a swift running streame blowen by a violent winde to ouerflow his channell: And therefore to escape those daungers that would alwayes hang o­uer vs by so yll assured neighborhood of great Princes, the necessitie of our affayres driues vs to addresse all our counsells to this ende, that neyther the French king nor themperour haue anye footing in the Duchie of Millan, but that it remayne to Frauncis Sforce or suche an other of his equalitie who were not borne vp with king­domes or large dominions: Vppon such a choyse dependes our suretie for the pre­sent, and hereafter (if the condicion of tymes do chaunge) may depende a great en­creasing and exaltacion of our estate. We consult nowe, whether we should con­tinue amitie with the French king, or confederate our selues with themperour: By the one of these two deliberacions Frauncis Sforce is excluded absolutely from the Duchie of Millan, and an entrie left open to the French king, who is a prince farre mightie aboue vs: the other tendeth to assure and confirme in the same Duchie, Frauncis Sforce whom themperour offreth to comprehend as principall in our con­federacion, and hath made promise to the king of Englande to protect him: So that though he would seeke to depriue him of that estate, he should not offende vs onely and the other potentates of Italie (to whom he should giue cause to turne eftsones to the Frenche) but also in that action he is both to displease the king of Englande whom it behoueth him greatly to respect, and also to prouoke agaynst him all thin­habitantes of the Duchie of Millan, who beare an vniuersall inclinacion to Frauncis Sforce: And so laying him selfe downe to many difficulties and daungers, and to no lesse infamie, he should also go agaynst his fayth, whiche till this daye we haue not founde by any token that he hath defiled, A matter which we can not protest on the behalfe of the French: yea he can not be touched with any demonstration or signe contrarie to his fidelitie, hauing since the death of Pope Leo repossessed Frauncis [Page 849] Sforce of that estate, and redeliuered vp the strong holdes in sorte as they were con­quered, and lastly reestablished him in the castell of Millan contrarie to the beleuing of many: why therefore should we not rather embrase that councell wherein is di­scerned an apparant hope to come to the end of our intencions, then to follow that which manifestly tendeth to an end contrarie to our affaires? Perhappes there are that will obiect against this, that this common weale would suffer greater daunger, if the Duchie of Millan were in the power of thEmperour, then if it should diuolue into the handes of the french, for that necessitie would draw that king, both for the greatnes of Caesar, and for themulacion and gelousie he hath of him, to perseuere in our alliance: But in thEmperour, all the contrarie, as well for his power & might, as for the claimes and rights which he and his brother pretende agaynst our estate: Sure I beleue that who hath that opinion of the Emperour, is not beguiled, consi­dering the nature and custome of Princes which are mightie and great: But God graunt that he be not deceiued that holdeth not the same opinion of the frenche king: Many of the same reasons made for his predecessor, yet ambicion and coue­tousnes bare more dominion in him, then either common honestie, or his proper profit: And besides, the causes that might keepe him conteined in league with vs, are not perpetuall, but subiect to chaunge from one time to an other according to the nature of humane things: for, bothe thEmperour hath his mortality as other men haue, and withall, standes subiect to infinite accidentes of fortune, according to thexample of many Princes as mightie in greatnes as he: it is not long since, that all Spaine conspiring against him, he seemed more needefull of pitie then of spite: And at the leastwise there is not so great difference betwene the one daunger & the other, as there is oddes betwene a councell that wholly excludes vs from our pur­pose, and a resolucion which in similitude of trueth and reason leades vs to the full accomplishment of the same: Besides, those reasons consider only the time to come and farre of: But if we looke into the present estate of thinges, we shall discerne that to reiect thalliance of thEmperour, doth put vs for the present into greater perple­xities and daungers: for, if we separate our selues from the french king, it is credible that he will deferre the warre vntill better times and fitter occasions, but if we conti­nue conioyned with him, it may be that thEmperour will presently make warre a­gainst vs, a matter which necessarily will heape vpon vs many troubles & exspenses: And in whether of these elections shall the issue of the warre be more daungerous to vs? If we ioyne with thEmperour it is not almost to be douted that the victorie will not fall on that side, which we can not so assuredly promise to our selues if we stand conioyned with the frenche king: And in confederating vs with thEmperour the victory of the french can not be so daungerous to vs, as it would be in the con­trarie, for that in that case, all the forces of the victor would be turned against vs, and thEmperour would not only haue a lesse bridle and weaker impedimentes, but also he woulde stande almost in an absolute necessitie to occupie the Duchie of Millan: Touching thobiection made against the bond of confederacion it is easely aunswe­red by the same reason that is vsed to satisfie questions of equitie, since our promise to the frenche king stretcheth only to aide him to defend his estates that he posses­sed in Italie, but not to recouer them if he shoulde loase them: The articles of the capitulacions beare not that, and the same reasons make for vs that are brought in against vs: we accomplished the bonde of all duetie and office, when, after the losse of Millan hapning through the default of their prouisions, our souldiours and men of seruice receiued more harmes then the frenchemen: We were acquited of our [Page 850] promisse, when Monsr Lavvtrech returning to the warre with the Svvyzzers, we sent him our bands of souldiours for his succours: yea we haue done more then rea­sonably might be required of vs, when, in exspecting so many monethes the com­ming of his armie, we receiued nothing from him but vaine hopes and dissembled promisses: if he were stayed by his owne will, why seeke we to support the imputaci­on of his faultes? if he were holden by necessitie, is not the same a sufficient reason to iustifie vs, though we stood bownd? I know not why we should be kept bownd a­ny longer to the French king, seeing he hath first abandoned vs: it can be no iniustice to retyre from the league, since we take our liberty by his example: how can we stand giltie in bond and office towards him, when he hath first broken the lawe of fidelitie and contract with vs? In matters of league and confederacion betwene parties, the breach of the one giues liberty to the other, and the bond that is once broken by the one, forbeareth afterwards to compell the other: I will not assure that thEmprours Capteines intend to moue warre at this time against vs, no more will I warrant the contrary, considering with what necessitie they are pressed to interteyne their armie in the estates of others, and the hope they may conceiue to draw vs by that meane to their allyance, specially if the french doe not marche: Of which who dowteth, dow­teth not without reason, both for their naturall inclinacions, for their necessitie and want of money, and for thimpediments of the warres which they haue on the other side the Mounts with two so mighty Princes, and of these impediments our Embas­sador hath already made credible relacion: Lastly, my replye conteyneth one selfe matter that we ought to foresee with all studie, that the Duchie of Myllan be trans­ferred to Frauncis Sforce, and consequently I menteyne that the councell that guides vs to that effect is more profitable, then that which makes reasons and arguments to exclude vs from it.’

Thauthoritie of two such personages, together with the force of their reasons, did rather make doubtfull, then assure the mindes of the Senators, whose perplexi­ties kept them so farre of from resoluing, that the Senat deferred to determine abso­lutely, inducing them thereunto their custom and nature, the greatnes of the cause, and their desire to see further aduaunced the preparacions of the french king: The many difficulties also that by necessitie hapned in thaccorde with the Archeduke, were some causes helping to their deferring: But the matter that most encreased the suspence of their mindes, was, that the French king, who with great industrie prepa­red him selfe to the warre, had sent the Bishop of Bayeulx to desire them to deferre to resolue any thing till the next moneth, by whome he assured them that before that terme, he would marche with a greater armie then had bene seene in Italy in the age of man: And as they stoode in this doubt and perplexitie of minde, Anthony Gryman Duke of the same citie dyed, and Andrevv Gritty was chosen into his place: An ele­ction rather preiudiciall to the French affayres then otherwaies: for, assoone as he Andrea Grit­ty Duke of Venice. was raysed to that dignitie, he referred wholly to the Senat the deliberacion & coun­cell of that matter, and would neuer afterwards either in word or deede, showe him selfe enclyned to either part. But at last, because the king continued to send fresh cor­riers to the Senate, and was importunat in offers and promisses, And for that there was speciall aduertisement, that, to assure thexpectacion of the warre, Anne Mont­moransy afterwards Constable of Fraunce, and Federyk Bossolo, were vppon their way to Venice: ThEmbassadors of thEmprour and the king of England (to whome this deferring was much suspected) began to protest to the Senate, that they would de­parte within three dayes, and leaue all thinges in their imperfection: By reason of [Page 851] which protestaciō imploying a maner of thretning, & also that the fidelity that was gathered in the french promises, began to diminish finding nothing but vaine hopes, but chiefly by the aduertisement of their Embassador resident in Fraunce, they were cōstrained to determine to embrace the amity of thEmperour, with whom they en­tred into contract vnder these condicions: That betwene thEmperour, Ferdinand Consedera­cion betwene Caesar and the Venetians. Archduke of Austria, and Frauncis Sforce Duke of Millan on the one partie, and the Senate of Venice on thother partie, should be a perpetuall peace & confederacion: That the Senate, in times of neede, shoulde sende for the defense of the Duchie of Millan, six hundred men at armes, sixe hundred light horsemen, and six thowsande footemen: That they should administer the like proporcion for the defense of the kingdom of Naples, but in case it should be inuaded by the Christians: for, the Ve­netians refused to be bound generally, because they would not stirre vp the Turke a­gainst them: That thEmperour should be bound to defend against all men, all that the Venetians possessed in Italie, and that with the like number and proporcion of men: That the Venetians should pay in eight yeares to thArchduke for appaisement of their auncient controuersies & for thaccord made at VVormes, two hundred thow­sand duckats: vpon the end of this agreement, the Senate hauing dismissed Theoder Triuulce, chose Frauncis Maria Duke of Vrbin for gouernor generall of their men of warre with the same condicions.

It was a common iudgement of most of the wisemen in Italie, that the frenche king finding those aides to be turned against him which affore had bene of his side, would put of the enterprise of Millan for that yere: Neuerthelesse, when they heard that the preparacions did not onely continue, but that the armie began to marche, such as stoode in feare of his victorie, fell (the better to resist him) to make a newe confederacion, wherein they perswaded the Pope to be chiefe and principall.

Here is to be remembred, that where the Pope, at his first descending into Italie stoode desirous to haue an vniuersall peace, and looking with great compassion in­to the harmes which grewe vppon Christendom by the victories of the Turkes, he sent to thEmperour, to the french king and the king of England, to depose for the time, their armes so hurtfull for the common weale of Christendom, and euery of them seuerally to sende Embassadors to Rome with fulnes of power to consult of the necessary remedies and releuing of the lamentable afflictions of the Christians: This was performed by them all in apparance, but beginning to treate more particularly of things, it was presently discerned that those labors were vaine for the infinite diffi­culties that fell out when they came to the point of peacemaking: so many impedi­mentes ‘do follow the deliberacion of great causes, and so hard it is to reconcile con­trouersies of estate, which ordinarily draw with them their infinite suspicions and differences: for, a truse for a short time, was nothing agreable to thEmperour, nei­ther did it in any sorte serue thexspectacion of his purposes:’ And the frenche king refused to make it for a longer time, (so hurtfull was it for him to protract or tem­porise) that had all his prouisions for the warre aduaunced: In which separacion of minde betwene these two great Princes, the Pope either for the auncient affection which eftsoones beganne to reuiue in him towards thEmperour, or for that he di­scerned the thoughts of the french king to be estraunged from peace and concord, discouered his inclinacion, and began more then he was wont, to harken to those that encoraged him not to suffer the french to possesse againe the Duchie of Millan: This oportunitie was obserued by the Cardinall Medicis, who, hauing remeyned at Florence for feare of the persecutions of his enemies, but chiefly of the Cardinall of [Page 852] Volterro who stoode very great and gracious with the Pope, tooke to him a new co­rage, and came to Rome where he was receiued of most of the Court with great ho­nor and respect: There, ioyning him selfe with the Duke of Sesso thEmprours Em­bassador, and with thEmbassadors of the king of England, he fauored that cause, and ‘furthered it all that he could with the Pope. It is seene often in the course and pra­ctise of worldly things, that the falling of one man is the rising of an other, by which propertie of reuolucion is apparantly proued that mortal men are subiect to the law of nature and fortune:’ for, in this aduauntage of variacion and chaunge, the ill hap of Cardinall Volterro which almost alwayes troubled his wit, his pollicie, and all his drifts, heaped vpon him a great domage and daunger: And in that oportunitie was giuen to the Cardinall Medicis, a notable meane to enter into greater grace and au­thoritie with the Pope, who affore bare a constant inclination to the Cardinall Vol­terro, for that both by his industrie and apt insinuacion of wordes, he had brought him to beleeue that he desired nothing more then an vniuersall peace throughout all Christendom: This was thaccident: One Frauncis Imperiale, being banished from Sicile, went into Fraunce, And being staied at Castelnoua neare Rome by the deuise of the Duke of Sesso, there was found about him a packet of letters written by the Car­dinall Volterro, to his Nephew the Bishop of Xainctes: By these letters he gaue coun­cell to the French king, to inuade the Ile of Sicile with an armie by sea, by which in­uasion thEmprours forces should necessarily be turned to the defense of it, and so the enterprise of Myllan would become more easie to the French: The detection of this man troubled not a litle the Pope, who was so much the more aggreued against him, by howe much his dissembled demonstracions had beguiled him: And in that iust discontentment, he was vehemently furthered by the incitacion of the Duke of Cardinall Volterro prisoner. Sesso and Cardinall Medicis, by whose industries he was committed to the castell S. Ange and afterwards examined by Iudges delegate as guiltie in the crime of viola­cion of the Popes maiestie, for that he had incensed the french king to inuade with hostilitie, the Iland of Sicile, A free hold of the sea Apostolike: Wherein albeit they proceded with lenitie and fauor, and after the actes of interogatories, he had libertie of councell to pleade for him, yet they proceeded not with the same moderacion a­gainst his goods, since the same day he was apprehended, the Pope sent to make sea­sure of all the moueables and riches that were in his house: And as one conspiracie reuealeth an other, so by thimprisonment of the sayd Imperialo there was discouered an other detection for the French king in Sicile, for the which were executed by iu­stice the Count Camerato, the maister of the ports, and the Treasorer: The veritie & consideracion of these matters, insinuated in the Pope a great displeasure against the French king, in which ill disposed inclinacion, he began to consult more and more with Cardinall Medicis, And lastly the rumor of the discending of the french armies redoubling daily, the Pope published manifestly his intencion to oppose against them: for which cause he summoned the assembly of the Cardinalls to whom after his accustomed protestacions of the present feares and daungers of the great Turke, he declared that as onely the French king was the cause why so great perills were not remoued from Christendom, for that he refused with great obstinacy to consent to the peace that was negociated: So, seeing it apperteyned to him as the Viccaire of Iesus Christ and successor to Peter, to be carefull ouer the preseruacion of Chri­stian peace, he was compelled by that zeale which he oweth to their vniuersall safe­tie, to confederat him selfe with such Princes as did what they could to defend Italy from troubles, for that of the quiet or trouble of that region, depended the tranquil­litie [Page 853] or vexacion of the whole Christian parte of the worlde: According to this de­claracion concurring with the industrie of the Viceroy of Naples beeing come to Rome for that purpose, a league was concluded for the defence of Italie the thirde daye of August, betweene the Pope, themperour, the king of Englande, tharchduke of Austria, the Duke of Millan, the Genovvaies, and the Cardinal Medicis and thestate of Florence ioyntly: The publication bare also that it should continue all the time of the confederates lyues, and a yere after the death of euery of them: There was re­seruacion of place and tyme for any other to come in, so that the Pope, themprour, and the king of Englande thought good, with this prouision, that in matters of quar­rell and controuersie, they should vse iustice, and not armes: That they shoulde e­rect an armie to be opposed agaynst whom so euer would inuade any of the confe­derates, to which armie the Pope shoulde sende two hundred men at armes, them­perour eight hundred, the Florentins two hundred, the Duke of Millan two hun­dred, and two hundred light horsemen: That the Pope, the Emprour, and the Duke of Millan should make all the prouisions of artilleries & municions together with al exspences and charges apperteining: That to leauy the bands of footmen necessary for tharmy, & to furnish al other exspences requisite for the warre, the Pope should pay euery moneth xx. thousand duckets, the duke of Millan as much, & the Florētins the like summe: That the Emperour should pay xxx. thousand, the Genovvaies, Luc­quois, and Siennois together, ten thousand, and the Genovvaies notwithstanding to re­maine bound to the army by sea and other defraimentes necessary for their defence: To this contribucion they should be all bounde for three monethes, and so muche tyme ouer the three monethes as should be set downe by the Pope, themprour, and the king of Englande: That it should be in the power of the Pope and themprour to name the capteine generall of the whole warre, who it was sayde should fall vppon the person of the Viceroy of Naples, for whom the Cardinall Medicis, whose autho­ritie was great with thimperialls, labored what he coulde, chiefly for the hatred he bare to Prosper Colonno: The Marquis of Mantua was ioyned to this confederacion by an indirect meane, for that the Pope and the Florentins interteyned him for their Capteine generall at their common pay.

But neither the league made by the Venetians with themperour, nor the vnion of so many great Princes contracted with so ample contribucions and great prouisi­ons, could alter the resolucion of the French king, who being come to Lyons, prepa­red to passe in person with a strong army into Italie: where the brute of his comming was no sooner spred, then newe tumultes began to appeare: for Lionell the brother of Albert Pio, recouered by surprise the towne of Carpy being negligently garded by Iohn Coscia, whom Prosper had created gouernor there, which he might do of good authoritie, for that thempror had giuen that towne to him after he had deposed Al­bert for his offence of rebellion to thempire: But in the duchie of Millan there was like to haue chaunced a greater accident, both more terrible for the property, & for the person of greater preiudice: This is the discourse of it: Frauncis Sforce riding frō Monce to Millan vpon a litle Mulet, & causing the horsemen that were for his gard to ride farre frō him to auoyd the trouble of the dust that in sommer time the traine of horses makes to rise in great abundance through all the playnes of Lombardie: Bo­niface Visconto a yong gentleman, better knowne by the noblenes of his house, then for his wealth, estates, or other condicions, offred him selfe onely to accompany the Duke being well mounted vpon a Turkishe horse: and as they came riding together vpon a particion of a way, Boniface being somewhat slipt behind, obseruing the [Page 854] oportunitie of the place and the distance of the Dukes trayne, spurred his horse, and ranne in a mayne race with his dagger drawne to strike the Duke on the head: But what with the feare of the Mulet shrinking with the noyse of his horse, and the fiercenesse of his horse whom he could not stoppe, together with the difference of the height of his horse from the Dukes mulet, the blowe that he made at the Dukes head swarued and fell vppon his shoulders, and afterwardes drawing his sworde to accomplishe the execution, the same impedimentes made it vayne, or at least the hurt was light, beeing but a blowe slentwise: By this tyme manye of the horse­men making in to the Dukes reskewe, he fell to flying, hoping to shake off by hys fortune, the daunger that by his vallour he was falne into: Many of the horsemen of the Dukes garde had him in chase, amongest whom was a generall emulacion of hazarde and perill to kyll him that in so manyfest treason sought the lyfe of their maister, but he founde more safetie in the swiftnesse of his horse, then his followers founde remedie in their reuengefull desires: And if fortune had aunswered the val­lour and industrie of the man, it might haue bene called one of the rarest & most sin­gular aduentures that euer was, that one man without armor, at noneday, in a plaine way, durst set vpon a great prince in the middest of his estate, and enuironed with so great a strength of souldiors and men armed, and yet to flee awaye in safetie: The cause of this desperate resolucion of this gentleman, was a malice that he had con­ceyued for the murder of Monseig. Visconte, who a fewe monthes affore, had bene slayne in Millan by one Ierome Moron, not without the Dukes will and priuitie as many supposed: The Duke vpon his hurte withdrewe him selfe to Monce, and for that he was ielouse that there were of the conspiracie within Millan, the Bishoppe of Alexandria brother to Monseig. that was slayne, was apprehended by Mo­ron and Prospero: At the first rumor of the facte, eyther to preuent the suspicion that might goe on him, or to make his fauour the greater, he put himselfe willingly in­to the handes of Prospero vppon his fayth, and after he was sounded by examina­cion, they sent him prisoner to the Castell of Cremona, some holding him guyltie, and some speaking muche of his innocencie, as the iudgementes of men were di­uerse. It happned almoste in the same seasons, that Galeas Biraguo accompanied with thexiles of Millan, and with the ayde of certayne French souldiors which were already in the countrey of Piemont, was receiued into the towne of Valence by the capteine of the Castell who was a Sauoye man: But Antho. de Leua lying within Ast with one part of the light horsmen and Spanish footemen, being aduertised of thac­cident, went immediatly to incampe before it, and taking the vauntage of the weak­nes of the towne which thenemies had no time to reduce to fortification, he plan­ted his artilleries, and tooke it the seconde daye, and with the same successe battred the castell: There died about foure hundred bodies aswel in the action of the towne, as in thexecution of the Castell, besides many made prisoners, amongest whom was Gale as principall leader of thenterprise.

According to the great preparations made in Fraunce for the warre, the armie The French armie mar­cheth. marched at laste, and bandes of souldiors passed continually ouer the mountes: Af­ter whome the person of the king prepared to passe whiche he had effectually ac­complished, had not the conspiracie of the Duke of Burbon which nowe beganne to come to lighte, giuen impediment to his going: he was of the blood royall, and therfore his reputation more great & generall: for the dignitie of his office beeing great constable, his authoritie was absolute & ample: by his large estates & riches, his credite was currant in Fraunce: and by his naturall vallour, he was mightie and [Page 855] stronge in the opinions of men: But he had not bene of longe time in the grace and fauor of the king, and in that abiection, was not admitted to the secret affayres of the Realme, nor respected according to the merit of his place and greatnes: he was discontented with the oppression of the kinges mother, who reuiuing certeine auncient rights, made open clayme to the greatest part of his lands and dominions in the open parliament at Paris, And for that he found in the king no disposicion to doe remedy to that griefe, he suffred indignacion to enter into his hart, & in that dis­contentment admitted confederacion with thEmprour & with the king of England Confederacie betwene thē ­prour, the k. of England and the Duke of Burbon. solicited by Monsr de Beaurin of great confidēce with thEmprour & his chief cham­berlaine: Betwene whom, to assure things with a more faster and faithful knot, it was agreed, that thEmprour should giue him in mariage his sister Elenor the late widow of Emanuell king of the Portugalls: Thexecucion of their councels was grounded vp­pon the french kings determinacion to goe in person to the warre: In which resolu­cion to nourish him the more, the king of England had giuen him conning hopes, that he would not molest the realme of Fraunce for that yeare: That the Duke of Bur­bon, assoone as the king should be ouer the Mountes, should enter Burgondy with an army of twelue thowsand footemen that were secretly leauied with the moneyes of thEmprour & the king of England: Wherein he doubted not well to acquite him self in that seruice, both for the absence of the king, & for the vniuersall grace and opini­on which he had through all the Realme of Fraunce: And touching those thinges that should be conquered, the Earledom of Prouence should remeine to him, and in place of Earle, he should put on the name & title of king of Prouence, chalenging that state to apperteine to him by the rights of the house of Aniovv: And all the residue gotten by this warre to discend to the king of England: The Duke of Burbon then a­biding at Monlyns a principal towne of the Duchie of Burbon, feyned him selfe to be sicke, to haue the better excuse not to follow the king into Italy: The king in his ior­ney to Lyons, made Monlyns in his way, where being already possessed of certeine light tokens of the Dukes conspiracie, he gaue him an inkling that albeit many went about to bring him in distrust & suspicion with him, yet for his part, he beleued lesse in the rumors & informacions which might be full of incerteinty and errour, then in his faith & vallour, whereof he had so good experience: But the dissimulacion of the Duke exceded the roundnes & plainnes of the king, for, keeping his intencions smo­thered, he gaue thankes to God that had appointed him to liue vnder such a king, af­fore whose equity & grauity could not stand the false accusations & imputacions of malicious men: And in that cōpassion he promised the king to follow him whereso­euer he would go so soone as he was deliuered of his malady, which he said could not cōtinue long, for that it drew with it no daūgerous accidēts: But the king was no so­ner come to Lyons then he had aduertisement that many bands of laūceknights were mostred vpon the frōtiers of Burgondy, which confirming the tokēs of suspicion that he had before, together with certein letters surprised detecting more plainly the con­spiracy, he cōmitted to prison forthwith Monsr de S. Valier, Monsr de Boisy brother to Monsr la Palisse, the postmaster, & the Bishop of Autun, all pertenors of the practise: And thinking to make the action perfect by apprehēding the head, he dispatched in great diligence to Monlyns, the great maister with fiue hundred horse & foure thow­sand footemē, to take the Duke of Burbon: But his suspicion was swifter then their ce­lerity, for, dowting no lesse the detectiō of things, then fearing lest the passages would be stopped, by his forecast he preuented the perill that the kings indignacion prepa­red for him, & escaped secretly into Franche counte in disguised attyre: so suttle in man [Page 856] is the suspicion of perill, and so swift are the winges that carieth him from the mis­chief which he feareth.’

By reason of this euasion, and thimportance of the conspiracie that depended of The french army in Italy. it, the king thought it best not to pursue in person the warres of Italy: And yet would he not wholly giue ouer thexpedicion, but reteining with him selfe one part of the souldiours prepared for this new warre, he committed to Monsr Boniuet then Admi­ral of Fraunce, the cōduction of his army, which conteined a thowsand eight hūdred launces, six thowsand Svvizzers, two thowsand Gascoins, two thowsand Valesiens, six thowsand launceknights, twelue thowsand French men, & three thowsand Italyans: with which army assoone as the Admiral was past the mounts, & drawing neare the confines of the state of Millan, he made show that he would deale first with Nouaro: And by that demonstracion, the citie being not tenable, both for the want of souldi­ours, & insufficiencie of the rampiers, it yelded by the consent of the Duke of Millan, who reteined the castel, Vigeneua did the like suffring the same wants & impedimēts, & by their examples all that part of the contry which is beyond the riuer of Thesin, fell into the power of the French men: Prospero Colonno lying sicke of a long malady, would neuer beleue that the French king would stande firme in his resolucion to in­uade the Duchie of Millan for that yeare, both for the confederacion that the Vene­tians had made against him, and for the detection of the conspiracie of the Duke of Burbon: And therfore he had not with that diligence & speede that was necessary, as­sembled the souldiours & men of warre that lay dispersed in diuers places, & much lesse had made cōpotēt prouisions for so great a resistance: But now that thenemies were vpon the way & approching, he sent to mooster his cōpanies in all hast, the o­portunitie of the time being against the spede he made, & his diligence as litle auail­able as the season was contrary: he thought aboue all things to stoppe their passage at Thesin, not remembring what hapned to him at the riuer of Adda against Monsr Lavvtrech, And of that he made him self so assured promise, that he tooke no care to reedify the bastilliōs & rampiers of the subburbs of Millan, of which the greatest part lay already on the ground, so smal was the care that was had of them: he assembled his army vpon the riuer betwene Biagrasso, Bulfaloro, & Turbiguo, A place very apt for that purpose, & no lesse conuenient for Pauia and Millan: But the French men who were now come to Vigeneua, finding the water of the riuer lower then Prospero bele­ued, began foure myles from thImperiall campe to passe ouer, part by the foard, and some in boates & barkes, building a bridge for their artilleries in a place where they found nether gard nor other impediment: By the necessitie of this vnexspected ac­cident, Prospero was driuen to chaunge all the councells of the warre, and therefore dispatched forthwith Antho. de Leua with an hundred men at armes & three thow­sand footemen, to the garde of Pauya, him selfe with the residue of tharmie, drewe to Myllan, where after he had called the Capteines to councell, they were all of this minde, that if the French made their approches forthwith, there was no possibilitie to defend Myllan, for the ruine of the rampiers of the subburbs whereof there had bene made no reckoning since the last warres: The confidence that Prospero had to defende the passage of Thesin, was the cause that they were not repaired, neyther coulde they be made defendable in the space of three dayes: And that they had to make a resolucion aswell for the one as the other of these two accidents: both to labor with vniuersall diligence at the rampyers, and also to stande vppon a pre­pared readines to departe, if the Frenche men came eyther the firste, the se­conde, or the thirde daye, And to retyre to Coma if they tooke the way of Pauya, [Page 857] or else to goe to Pauia if they marched by Coma: But the sinister destinie of the frenche, both blinding their eyes that they coulde not see, and bindig their handes that they coulde not execute, woulde not suffer them to vse so great and happie an occasion: for, either through their negligence, which is a chiefe ennemie to enter­prises, or to exspect the whole armie, whereof a greate parte was behinde, they wandered three dayes along the riuer of Thesin: And being all assembled into one strength betwene Myllan, Pauya, and Binasquo, they marched afterwardes to Saint Christopher within a myle of Myllan betwene the gate of Thesin and Rome gate: There, after they had made the waye euen to passe their artilleries into the vaunt­gard, they made as though they woulde assault the towne: But without doing any other enterprise, they incamped in that place, and leauying their seege from thence within few dayes after, they went to lodge in the Abbay of Clereuault, from whence they founde meanes to deface the mylnes and cut the water from Myllan: And so they thought rather to beseege then assault Myllan, for that there was within the walls eight hundred men at armes, eight hundred light horsemen, foure thowsand spanish footemen, six thowsande fiue hundred launceknightes, and three thowsand Italians (besides the popular sorte which were well furnished with weapon and re­solute in their auncient disposicion against the french.)

In this estate of affaires, passed into the other life the foureteenth of September, The death of Pope Adrian. Pope Adrian: His death was not without great discommoditie and domage to the confederates, for that there did not onely faile in them, the authoritie pontificall, but also the contribucion of money, whereunto he was bounde by the capitulaci­ons of the league: he dyed leauing behind him a very small opinion and estimacion, either for the litle time he raigned, or for his want of experience in affaires: But his death was not a litle plawsible to the wholecourt, for the desire they had to liue vnder a Pope naturall of Italie, or at least suche one as had had his traininge there.

By the death of the Pope, many troubles began to kindle in the townes of the Churches iurisdiction, and in them as appeared smoaking before his sickenesse, ma­ny small sparkes of a fire to come, so in the time of his life, they had easely burst out to a flame, if they had not bene quenched, partely by chaunce, and partely by the diligence of others: for, where before the Popes passing into Italie, the colleadge of Cardinalls had giuen to Albert Pyo the keeping of Reggia and Rubiero: The sayd Albert helde still for him selfe the castells, making small accompt of the instance that was made to him to render them, wherein he had no lesse readie his colours and excuses, then he was apt to take occasion by the slender experience of Pope Adrian: Besides, he had solicited that as soone as the beginning of the warre ap­peared, Ranse de Cere with certeine horsemen and footemen shoulde enter within Rubiero, to gouerne vnder thoportunitie of that place, the waye of Rome that pas­seth betwene Modena and Reggia: His intencion was both to giue impedimentes to the money and other dispatches that shoulde be sent from Rome, Naples, and Flo­rence, to Myllan, and to proceede to other greater enterprises as occasion serued: But Frauncis Guicciardin gouernour of the same Cities, discouering in good time Frauncis Guicciardin. this plot, and communicating with the Pope to what end tended the sweete words and requests of Albert, together with the daungers that would fall on thestate eccle­siastike on that side, induced the Pope to make demonstracion by threatninges, that he woulde vse force, and so constrayned Albert, to restore to him the ca­stells: Neither durste he oppose him selfe against the Popes will, for that the [Page 858] French were not as yet very strong in Italie. Since the faction of Pio had recouered the towne of Carpi, Prospero in whom was no small desire to haue it agayne, procu­red to be retayned in the name of the confederates, Guido Rangon with an hundred men at armes, an hundred light horsemen, and a thousande footemen, ordeyning withall that a thousande Spanishe footemen whom the Duke of Sesso had leauyed at Rome to ioyne with the residue at Millan, should remayne for the same cause at Modena. And whilest these things were in preparing, Ranse de Cere (to whom refor­ted dayly both horsemen and footemen, caryed no lesse by hope of pillage then for the authoritie of his name) began to commaunde the wayes, and trouble the whole countrey: Besides, losing no tyme to the libertie he had, he began one night to as­salt vpon the sodeine the towne of Rubiero, with two thousande footemen, but his vndiscrete attempt being resisted both by the vallour of the defendantes, and the dif­ficulties of the place, he was repulsed, leauing as prisoner behinde him, Tristram Corso one of the capteines of his footemen.

These forces assembled in these places for diuerse causes, were thoccasion of greater things: for after the death of the Pope, the Duke of Ferrara beeing made wearie with the hopes that were giuen him touching the restitucion of Reggia and Modena, began to consider that in respect of thabsolucion which he had obteined of Adrian, it would be lesse harde to get pardon for things taken away, then restitucion of things loste: and therefore being of the vniuersall perswasion with all men, that it would be a long time affore they would choose a newe Pope, both for the ordinary tract of time vsed in that election, and also for the discordes of the Cardinals which were by many degrees increased euer since the death of Pope Leo: he determined to deuise by what meanes he might recouer Modena & Reggia: and in that inclinacion he was pushed on (amongst other oportunities) with the commodity & offer to knit with him Ranse de Cere, who had already leauied a strength of two hūdred horsemen and more then two thousande footemen: So that after the Duke had waged three thousande footemen, and sent to Ranso three thousande duckets, he marched to­wardes Modena, In which Citie was no other strength of men of warre then the re­giment of the Count Guido Rangon who had bene reteyned by the league: And albe­it the people bare no affection to the iurisdiction of the house of Ferrara, yet both by the weaknesse of the walles which were not flanked after the auncient manner, and the filling vp of the diches suffring of long time no reparacion, it seemed there was neede of a greater garrison: And therefore the gouernour and the Count dis­pensing with their priuate quarrels that had bene betwene them, began to proceede with a ioynt diligence to aduaunce the former resolucion, to let into Modena the Spanishe footemen, who beeing arryued already in Tuskane, marched slowly, and made diuerse and doubtfull aunsweres when they were asked whether they woulde remayne at Modena or passe further: Neuerthelesse after many intreatings, they were at laste content to enter: When this matter was related to the Duke of Ferra­ra being then come to Finalo with two hundred men at armes, foure hundred light horsemen, and three thousande footemen, it stayed him almost for passing further: And yet because the matter was not absolute, and hoping at least that knitting with Ranse de Cere, he might happly take Reggia: And nothing dispayring that by the dif­ficultie of paymentes, some disorder might fall amongest the footemen of thene­mies, he confirmed his first intencion, and determined to passe on: Those hopes were not lightly conceyued by the Duke, for that the Colledge of Cardinalles, to whom the gouernor had signified with great diligence the perills that were toward, [Page 859] were so carelesse to make prouision, yea not vouchsafing to giue aunswere to the letters and messages that were sent, that there was no meane to paye the souldiors, of the publike purse: And where happly the daye was come wherein the Spanishe souldiors should receyue the paye of the seconde moneth, yet if they had bene all payed, there was no hope to wage a greater number: And bestowing part of them within Modena and the residue in Reggia, that separacion would take away the sure­tie from both the Cities, besides that there were no souldiors within Reggia, and the disposicion of the people farre other then they of Modena: Amidde which difficul­ties, the gouernor and the Count Guido determining especially to preserue Mode­na, as a towne of greatest importance both for the neighborhood of Bolognia, and nearest affinitie with thestate of the Churche, bearing also the aptest oportunitie to carye to it succours and other prouisions: They sent to Reggia fiue hundred foote­men vnder the leading of Vincent Maiato of Bolognia and one of the Count Guidoes souldiors, charging him, that if he were not hable to defende the towne, to retyre into the Citadell: which for that they hoped would holde out at least for certayne dayes, they sent money to Iohn Baptista Smeraldo of Parma, who was capteine there, to leauie three hundred footemen, and made request (though in vayne) to them of Reggia to contribute some proporcion of money for waging of the like number, se­ing there was no lesse question of their suretie, then of the safetie of the Church e­state: Touching the daunger of Modena, the gouernour hauing no meane to de­fende it for want of money, called affore him many of the Citisens, declaring to them that things were drawne into that straite, that if the Spanish bandes were not payed, and a rate of money raysed to furnish other exspences, there would be com­pulsion to let the towne fall into the handes of the Duke of Ferrara: He sayde he could yet defende it if there were prouision of money, which could not otherwise be leauyed but by taxing and rating themselues for the present, assuring them that ey­ther the newe Pope, or the College of Cardinalls, woulde make prouision for that that might happen afterwardes: That there was not one amongest them who had not proued the yoke of the Duke of Ferrara, and the gouernment of the Churche, and therefore it were too superfluous to debate by argumentes whiche of the two were most heauie or light, and no lesse vayne to perswade by discourse of reason the thing that their owne experience and memorie were agaynst: Lastely he desyred them not to stande muche vppon that trifling summe of money that was demaun­ded by waye of loane, for that both touching publike interest or profite priuate, it was a matter of small consideration in regarde to haue a lorde to their more lyking and contentment. These wordes slyding easily into the mindes of them that had the same inclination, did the rather induce them to fall to taxing and rating themselues, and so leauyed the money that was demaunded: So easie were they to beare a light burden amongest them all, to thende to auoyde a heauyer yoke which laye ready to be layde vpon them: With this money were payed the souldiors, and other proui­sions accomplished for the better bearing out of the warre: A comfort both for the qualitie and oportunitie of it, which tooke from them all feare of the armes of the Duke of Ferrara: who presuming no further of his forces then was conuenient, for­sooke thenterprise of Modena and left it on the left hande, and ioyning with him Ranso de Cere by the way, he drewe neare to the towne of Reggia, which did not only receiue him, but the day following the Capteine put into his handes the Citadell, The taking of Reggia by the duke of Fer­rara. suffring but a small summāce of the Cannon. Touching which action the Capteine alleaged for his iustification, that both Vincent Maiato being called by him, refused [Page 860] to enter, and the money sent to him by the gouernour, was taken away neare Parma, whither he had sent to leauy bandes of footemen: This iustification was accepted, though not for the equitie of it, yet for the necessitie of the time not seruing to fur­ther examinacion. Assone as the Duke had taken Reggia, Ranso de Cere being sente for by thadmirall of Fraunce, went to him: and the Duke, being followed but with a slender strength of footemen, wandred certayne dayes along the ryuer of Secchia, and from thence went to incampe before the towne of Rubiere, to the keeping wher­of the Count Guido had vsed in confidence the olde man Couiano with two hundred footemen: And albeit the Duke had no great hope to take the towne, both for his harde scituacion of place and good fortification of large and deepe diches, together with great rampiers all along the walles: yet beginning the daye following to exe­cute the wall ioyning with the gate, the capteine of the footemen, eyther by secrete intelligence, or for feare of the townesmen who began to ryse, lept ouer the walles and presented himselfe before the Duke, offring to his discression both himselfe and the towne: An offer so muche the more precious and welcome, by howe muche it came vnexspected, holding more of fortune then of vallour: But this being a line to leade the Duke into the towne, and taking further courage vppon that felicitie, he planted his artilleries before the Castell, which so terrified the capteine named Ti­tus Iaillefer of Parma, that notwithstanding the Castell was strong and fully furni­shed of men, municion, and all other prouisions necessarie, yet being made feareful by the fortune of the towne, he yeelded it vp before night, not abyding one bullet of thartilleries: Wherein when the Duke was possessed and established, he aboade there with his armie, hoping that for the long vacation of the sea Apostolike, the re­giment of footemen within Modena would eyther dissolue or disorder: He fed him selfe also at the same time with hope of other things, which in their place shall be declared.

About this time Monsr Bonniuet, who laye incamped at S. Christopher betweene The taking of Loda by the French. the gates of Thesin and Rome, a place inuironed with waters and diches, beganne to dispayre to take Millan by force: And therefore after the taking of Monce, he sent capteine Bayard and Federike Bossolo with three hundred launces and eight thousand footemen, to take Loda, whither was come the Marquis of Mantua with fiue hun­dred horse and fiue hundred footemen, which was the regiment with the which the Church and the Florentins had interteined him into their paye: But hauing feare of his person, he retyred to Pontuique, by which occasion the Citie being abando­ned, receyued the French men. After the taking of Loda, Federike builded a bridge vppon the ryuer of Adda, and passed with his companies vpon the lands of Cremona to succour the Castell of Cremona, which the defendantes the same day that thadmi­rall approched Millan, had compounded to render, if they were not reskewed by the xxvj. of September: to which composicion they were compelled both by thex­tremitie of hunger, and not knowing that the Frenche armie was past into Italie: Fe­derike drewe neare to the Castell without any resistance or difficultie, and after he had refreshed it with vittells and other releefes, he determined to assault the towne vpon this confidence, that Prospero Colonno had left a very slender garrison, notwith­standing to helpe that feare, the Marquis of Mantua had sent thither an hundred men at armes, an hundred light horsemen, and foure hundred footemen: But he fin­ding the difficulties to great to enter the Citie on that side towardes the Castell, for the fortifications which the defendantes had made, the same deuiding the Citie frō the Castell: he turned on the right hande, & determined to batter the wall in places [Page 861] where he founde it most weake: And after he had played a while with thartilleries, he prepared his souldiours to the assault, but without effect, which was the cause that he began againe the batterie, to beate wider the breache, though with no bet­ter successe then the first, the same driuing him to retyre to S. Martins, there to tary for Ranse de Cere, who was to come from Reggia with two hundred horsemen and two thowsand footemen: And when he was come, they incamped eftsoones affore Cremona, doing great execucion vppon the walls for many howers to great effect, neuerthelesse what by the impedimentes of the great raines that fell, and discerning by the present difficulties how hardly they should preuaile, they forbare to doe any further execucion: for that the same day, Mercurio with the light horsemen of the Venetians (whose bands were mustered at Pontuique) passed ouer the riuer of Oglio, and made incursions euen to their tents: After the vaine triall of this exployt, Fede­rike and Ranse brake vp their seege from before Cremona, as well for lacke of vittells, as for the breaking away of the footemen which Ranse brought thither, picking this quarrell that they had receiued no other money then that which the Duke of Ferra­ra had giuen: From Cremona they marched to incampe affore Sonzin, where they found no better successe in their affaires: Afterwards they fell to sacking the towne of Carauagge where they abode certeine dayes, of which lingring was bred this ex­cuse or impediment to the Senate of Venice for not sending to Millan those propor­cions of men which they were bound vnto: for that, taking their excuse in tempo­rising so long, vpon the common opinion that the Imperiall Capteines had, that in respect of their separacion with the french king, the french armie would not march that yere, they assured to send them assoone as the companies that lay vpon the ter­ritories of Cremona should be repassed the riuer of Adda.

In this condicion of affaires, both the parties distrusting not to be hable to put a speedie end to the warre, either partie dwelt in his security, and would offer nothing to hazard: The Admirall who neuer looked to take Millan by force, exspected, ei­ther that thennemies would dissolue for want of money, or at least that necessitie of vittells would compell them to abandon Millan: Where notwithstanding there was corne in great plentie, yet the multitude of mouthes to eate it was more innumera­ble, besides that he had cut from them their water, and the vse of their milnes: for this cause the Admirall called home those bandes that lay along the riuer of Adda, and bestowed them betwene Monce and Millan, to thend that the people of Millan from whom was stopped the trafficke of vttells by the wayes of Loda & Pauia, should also remeyne depriued of all such releefe as was wont to passe from the hill of Brian­so: But these experiences were not sufficient to accomplish theffect that thAdmirall desired: On the other parte, albeit Prospero Colonno (as touching his bodie, was ve­hemently oppressed with a great sickenes, and no lesse trauelled with emulacion in minde, as not brooking the comming of the Viceroy of Naples, for that he had desire to be the principall man: Yet, by his councell was done what coulde be done, to stoppe the passage of vittells that came to the ennemies from the partes beyond the riuer of Thesin, the rather for that the fortificacion of the place where they were in­camped, gaue no hope to driue them away by force: Therefore Prosperos care was that the Marquis of Mantua shoulde enter into Pauya, whose comming putting the frenche into feare least he woulde winne their bridge, they builded an other at Tor­glien within fiue and twentie myles of Pauya: Besides, he solicited Vitelly to passe the riuer, who, with the companies of men of warre which the Florentins had geuen him (and by them was sent to Genes in the beginning of the warre,) together with [Page 862] three thousande footemen payde by the Genovvayes, had commaunded all the con­trey beyonde Pavv, except Alexandria: That was to giue impediment to the vit­tels which came to the Frenchmen from the contrey of Lomellina: But the Duke of Genes would not consent to it for the feare he had of tharchbishop of Fregosa who laye in Alexandria neare to Genes: And because the Venetians whose bands were pas­sed Oglio, refused so long as that part of the Frenchmen which was gone from Cara­uage remayned neare Monce, to passe Adda for the perill of Bergamo, Prospero wonne them to sende foure hundred horsemen, and fiue hundred footemen to Tressa, to stoppe the course of vittels wherewith they liued.

Whilest both partes were in the action of these matters, there was performed no exployte of warre other then light skirmishes, incursions, and pillages, wherein al­wayes the French men had the worse, and so returned eftsones with great losse and domage. It hapned one day amongst others, that as Iohn de Medicis issued out with two hundred men at armes, three hundred light horsemen, and a thousande foote­men, he met with fourescore French launces, being moste parte of the companies of Barnabie Visconte, and offring to chase them, he sodenly fell to retyre, and by that stratageme cunningly drewe them vppon an ambushe of fiue hundred harquebu­ziers which he had layde, and there made slaughter of the moste of them, and tooke the residue prisoners. In like sort in an other encounter Socchor Burguignon brake a trowpe of threescore men at armes of the company of the maister of the horse: Be­sides, the bandes of Spanishe footemen, had many conflictes with the French foot­men that warded at those trenches which were made to goe in couert euen to the rampiers, where they slew many of them that garded the trenches. And at the same tyme Paule Lusasquo who remained at Pisqueton with an hundred and fifty light hors­men, ouerranne the countrey all about, and distressed not a little those that were in Cremona. Neither did the ambushes succeede more happly to the Admirall, then his other exploytes: for hauing conspired secretly with one Morgant of Parma a com­maunder vnder Iohn de Medicis, that when it shoulde fall to his turne to warde at a Bastillion of a gate which was caste out of the rampiers, he shoulde receyue in his souldiors: When the night appoynted came, Morgant thinking it necessarie to com­municate the matter with some other of his companions for the better execution, brake it with one especiall souldior of his bande, who making as though he consen­ted to the treason, gaue him counsell to goe and commaunde the Sentinells in the name of Prospero not to stirre what brute or noyse so euer they heard, as not to let him whom he would sende to call the souldiors of the campe to come to the bastil­lion, for that thadmirall had that night drawne neare to that side, fiue thousande footemen to be ready at the signe giuen, and had set in order the whole armie: But ‘such is the infirmitie of treason, that it hath no further assurance then the party hath confidence:’ For whilest Morgant went to execute the deuise, the other who coulde not be faythfull in conspiracie, reuealeth the whole practise to Iohn de Medicis, who making speede to the Bastillion, taketh the offendors, and after iudiciall examina­tion had, he maketh them to passe the pikes according to the iustice of warre.

It seemed nowe that the affayres of the French began to decline on all sides, both for the fertillitie of the countrey about Millan, which ministred some releefe to the wantes of the towne: and for the deuise of the townesmen inuenting handemilnes to supplie the vse of grinding, by which engin was taken away the Admiralls hope that thinhabitantes would fall into wante of meale: It was beleeued also that the French had lost in those encounters more then fifteene hundred horse aswell of ser­uice [Page 863] as of common sort: Whiche brought them into that astonishment, that they forbare to issue out of their tentes, but in times of neede to garde the vittellers and forragers, and that alwayes in strong trowpes: The infamie whereof the Admirall conuerting to his speciall honor, he would often say, that touching the managing of the warre, he would rather obserue the moderacion and temperaunce of thItali­ans, then be gouerned by the furious importunities of the Frenche capteines: and yet when so euer any encounter was giuen eyther by their footemen or horsemen, they shewed more readines to flee then to feight. So that the capteines of thempe­rour beeing nowe assured of the feare of hunger, and the forces of thennemie, yea hoping to giue impedimentes to the vittels of thennemie, there was nothing re­mayning to trouble them but want of money, without the which if it were a harde matter to conteine the souldiors within Millan, it could not almost but be impossi­ble to leade them out of the towne howe so euer the affayres and occurrances of the warre required: So harde is it to leade souldiors to seruice where is no assurance of ‘money, and more daungerous to minister discipline where no paye is performed: But to remedie these difficulties,’ many meanes were sought out, and amongest o­thers, Prospero Colonno by the priuitie of the Viceroy of Naples and Duke of Sesso, had immediatly vpon the Popes death begon to treate with the Duke of Ferrara: who after he had refused many offers made to him by thadmirall since the action of Reg­gia, to goe affore Cremona, couenanted at laste with Prospero, that if he reconquered Modena by his meanes, he would paye him immediatly thirtie thousande duckets, and twentie thousand more within two monethes: That conquest seemed a matter of easie execution, since Prospero commaunding to depart from Modena Guido Ran­gon souldior of the league, and also the regiment of Spanishe footemen, what other remedie remayned to that Citie so abandoned, then to compounde with the Duke, and laye themselues downe to his order: The benefite of the army was one conside­racion that drewe Prospero to this practise, but the thing that more violently ouerru­led him to it, was his priuate affection, the auncient amitie he had with the Duke of Ferrara, a desire common also to all the other Barons of Rome, to embase the great­nes of the Popes, and a hope that Modena and Reggia remayning no more to the Church, Parma and Plaisanca would with more facilitie diuolue to the Duke of Mil­lan: This matter albeit was labored with great secrecie, yet beeing disclosed by the Count Guido to Guicciardin, he sawe there was no other meane to stoppe it, but to perswade the Spanishe capteines who were well vsed and largely payed, and had good will to continue in that citie, that where they were not subiect to thauthoritie of Prospero Colonno, they should of themselues refuse to go from Modena but by the commaundement of the Duke of Sesso, by whose appoyntment they came thither: And albeit Guicciardin was not ignorant that the whole deuise was wrought by the consent of the sayde Duke of Sesso, yet he considered that the Duke being thempe­rours Embassador at Rome, and the College making instance to him of the contra­rie, would not onely not giue out suche a commission, but also would refuse at the request of the Cardinalls to giue open order to the contrarie: This deuise drewe a successe according to the plot that was layde: for when Prospero sent to commaund Count Guido and the Spaniardes to goe to Millan for the necessitie of the warres, the Count excused him with many reasons, and alleaged that he was subiect to the Churche and to them of Modena: as also the Spanishe capteines being perswaded by him and the gouernor, made aunswere that in that case, they were to obey none but the Duke of Sesso: Which matters being signified by the gouernor to the Col­leadge [Page 864] of Cardinalls, they summoned forthwith into the conclaue the Duke of Ses­so, who, to auoyde suspicion as well in him selfe as in thEmperour, could not refuse their demaunde to wryte to the Capteines that they should not stirre: And moreo­uer, as it often hapneth that in worldly dealings thinges oftentimes succeede farre otherwise then men thinke, so in this was discerned this accident, that certeine let­ters of Prospero intercepted by the gouernor, were red in the colleadge, by the which as was disclosed how all things went, so the Cardinalls that were for the french king by thimpediment of whom the prouisions of money were lingred which by Cardi­nall Medicis working was begon to be sent to Modena, knowing how daungerous it would be for the king that that matter should come to effect, began with open hand to help forward the sending of the money to Modena: wherein the Cardinall Colon­no ioyned with them, to declare to the residue that he preferred the vtility of the sea Apostolike affore all other things: But notwithstanding this show of diligence was sufficient to deferre thexecucion of the couenauntes made with the Duke of Ferra­ra, yet the fundacion of those thoughts being remoued, they reteyned this in deuise that the Viceroy of Naples, who (though with slow remouinges) was come to Millan with foure hundred launces & two thowsand footemen, should lead away with him the regiment of spanish footemen as he passed by Modena.

In this time at Millan did increase the plentie and abundance of vittells, for that thAdmirall fearing least the souldiors within Pauia, would occupy the bridge which he had made vpon Thesin, by the which were conueyed necessary prouisions to thar­mie, he drewe from Monce the armie that was there being the lesser parte: And of them he sent three thowsand to the gard of the bridge, called some of them to him selfe, and distributed the residue, parte within Marignan, and parte within Biagrasso, places verie neare neighbours to the bridge: By which meane thimperialls that re­couered Monce, had a farre greater commoditie of vittells. The french campe stret­ched from the Abbay of Clereualt vntill the way of Pauia, and was towards that way, within gunshotte of Millan: And at that time there was in the frenche armie eight hundred light horsemen, six thowsand Svvizzers, two thowsande Italian footemen and tenne thowsand as well frenche as Gascoyns: They had at the bridge of Thesin, a thowsand launceknightes, and a thowsande Italians: The like numbers at Biagress [...] where was Ranse de Cere: two hundred launces within Nouaro: and two thowsande footemen as well in Alexandria as in Loda: And within Millan were eight hundred launces, eight hundred light horsemen, fiue thowsand spanish footemen, six thow­sand launceknightes, and foure thowsand Italians, besides the multitude of the peo­ple who were very violent against the french both in hart and action: The Marquis of Mantua was within Pauia with fiue hundred launces, six hundred light horsemen, two thowsande footemen Spanyards, and three thowsand Italians: Lastly there were in newe castell in Tortonese, three thowsand footemen with Vitelli, who, as certeine frenche bandes were passed into Alexandria, retyred notwithstanding a litle after to serauella, fearing least the way of Genes woulde be shut vp from him: The Venetians also had six hundred men at armes, fiue hundred light horsemen, and fiue thowsand footemen, of whom they sent a thowsande to Millan at the request of Prospero, who desired to serue his turne with the fame & reputacion of their succours: And soone after they dispatched an other parte of their forces to Cremona by reason of a suspi­cion of some intelligence. The frenchmen breake vp from be­fore Millan.

At last thAdmirall, what by the difficultie of vittells which grewe extreame, the compulsion of the time, which was colde, the vehemencie of snowes, which were [Page 865] violent, and the important instance of the Svvizzers, whose impaciencie could not suffer so many incommodities, determined to breake vp and go further from Mil­lan: Notwithstanding before he published his resolucion, he procured Galeas Vis­counte to obteine leaue to go see & to do reuerence to Madame Clara, of great name for her singuler beauty, but of greater fame for the loue that Prospero Colonno bare to her: And being within Millan, he preferred the parley of truce, whervpon did assem­ble the day following vpon the rampiers, capteine Alarcon, Paule Vettory the Floren­tine Commissioner, and Ierome Moron: And for the Admirall, Galeas Viscounto and the generall of Normandy: They commoned of a surceassing of armes vntill thende of May, and both partes to be bound to distribute their armies in the townes, and in the end they had consented to reduce all their forces beyonde Thesin, had it not bin for thimpedimentes of themprours capteines, who obiecting matter of reprofe that with the truce they went about to take from them the hope they had of the victory, made aunswere that they had no power to deliberate any thing without the will of the Viceroy: So that thadmirall within two dayes after caused his artilleries to march before day, towards Thesin, him selfe following with the whole armie at the full ap­pearing of the day: he marched in so good order, as though he would not (vppon occasion) refuse the battell: And on the other side, thinhabitants of the towne see­ing his discamping, together with the souldiors, made sute with vniuersall voyce that they might be ledde to the fielde to charge them: In this demaunde were also concurrant the capteines and personages of greatest authoritie, who redoubling thinstance to Prospero Colonno, layde before him the facilitie of the victorie, both by thaduauntage of their disorder, which caste vpon them an vnappeasible feare, the comparison of their forces nothing inferior to theirs, and their courage & resoluciō farre aboue them, & also thoportunitie of their retract wherein lurked some secrete terror to the most part of the armie, the same being confirmed at that instant by the relation of certaine Italians that stragled from tharmy: They put him in remēbrance of the infinit glory & perpetuall memory of his name, if he would with his last repu­tacion confirme the renowme & triumph of so many victories gotten by him: Last­ly they persuaded him that a noble leader of warre caried as great fame by his readi­nes to embrace good occasions, as by his resolucion to execute when necessitie cal­led him: But Prospero in whom was fixed a setled minde to forbeare as muche as he could, to commit the credite of his vallour to the arbitracion of fortune, tolde them howe farre it was from the office of a discrete capteine, to be caryed with popular voyces, and how vnworthy the name of a generall, to leade men to the fight, where was no other hope thē in the force of their armes: That though many other world­ly matters might be put to aduenture and hazard, yet the life and honor of men re­quired counsell, forecast, and depest prouidence: That they had won glory enough in compelling thenemy to go his way without bloud: That the desire of men ought not to be infinit, and lesse exspectacion in the suretie of fortune, whose mutabilitie worketh most in matters of warre: That that army is ill guided, where in the euent and issue of the field the losses are greater then the benefites: That he knew by expe­rience, that thinfamy that fell vpon the generall by his rashnes, did make a greater wound in his name & credite, then the glory of the victory made him rich or renow­med, for that as no man would haue interest in the infamy but the leader, so almost euery particular would cōmunicat in the cōmendacion: That such were the humors of men, that they would lay the losse of a field vpon the general only: That as he had hithervnto with tēperance guided al his enterprises to an honorable end, so now that [Page 866] he was vppon the latest yeare of his age, he woulde not enter into newe course and newe councelles, and deliuer vp to fortune so many valiant bodyes as reapposed theyr lyues on him, nor exchaunge those rules which from the beginning, had led him to that estate of glorie, reputacion, and greatnes, wherein he nowe standeth: The Frenche men deuided themselues into two partes, the Admirall with the grea­test entred Biagrasso within fourteene miles of the towne of Millan, and sent the re­sidue to Rosa which is within seuen miles.

Almost assoone as the Admirall was gone from before Millan, the Cardinalles Cardinal Me­dicis is crea­ted Pope and taketh the name of Cle­ment the se­uenth. created a newe Pope hauing alreadie consumed in the conclaue more then fiftie dayes: At the beginning, there was in the conclaue but a presence of xxxvj. Car­dinalles, and being afterwardes increased with three more, they spent much tyme in sundrie contencions: For they stoode deuided amongest themselues not only for the different wills of Themprour and Frenche King, but also for the greatnes of the Cardinall de Medicis: Who being pushed on by all suche as followed the Kinges authoritie, and some others that depended of Themprour, had at his deuo­cion, the full voyces of sixteene Cardinalles: They were determined either to chuse him, or at least to name no other without his consent: Besides, he was secretly assu­red of fyue other Cardinalles and their voyces, together with the fauour of Them­prours Embassadour with all the residue that folowed his authoritie: Of all which furtherances and foundacions albeit he was assured almost at the death of Pope Leo, yet he entred nowe into the conclaue with a more constant resolucion not to aban­don his hopes, neyther for the tract or length of tyme, nor for any accident what so euer, making this his chiefest piller and grounde, that in thelection of the Pope, it was necessarie that of that presence of Cardinals that was there assistant, a third part of voices should bee concurrant: But so obstinate were the controuersies of the Cardinalles, that they could not dissolue theyr diuisions, neither for the common daunger of Italie, nor for the perticular estate of the Church, but according as the affaires of the warre proceeded, both the partes sought to prolong and deferre the­lection for the supportacion they hoped in the victorie of their fauorers: And it had bene yet longer deferred, both if there had bene amongest the olde Cardinalls of the College (aduersaries to the Cardinal Medicis) one agreement to chuse an other, and also, shaking of their couetousnes perticular, they had stande vpon this point, not to suffer the cardinal Medicis to rise to the soueraign seat: But it is a hard matter for mē by concord to aspire to the end they seeke for, when their concord is intangled with discord or ambicion: The cardinal Colōno, an ancient enemy of the cardinal Medicis, and of a nature proud & hautie, fel into indignation against the other Cardinals that were ioyned with him, because they refused to elect for Pope, Cardinall Iaccobaccio, a Romaine, a mā of the same factiō & wholy at his deuociō: In which despite of mind, he made a willing offer to the Cardinal Medicis to ioyne with him in thelectiō, & for recōpēce, he receiued of him a very secret promise of the office of Vicechauncellor which he held, & of his Pallace being very sumptuous, builded by cardinal. S. George, and giuen to him by Pope Leo: a matter which aptly agreing with the couetousnes of Cardinal Colonno, so pushed him on, that he drew to him cardinall Cornare & two o­thers, betwene whō was made a resolute cōsent to chuse Cardinal Medicis for Pope: And as it often hapneth that in electiō exāple doth much, so assone as their inclina­ciō was knowē, many others, either for wāt of stomake, or by too much ambiciō be­gā to presse on with the formest, to speak in his fauor: Insomuch as the same night, he was honored as Pope by the vniuersal agrement of thē al, & the next morning being [Page 867] the ninetienth of Nouember, thelection was made perfect by solemne lott accor­ding to the custome: This dignitie hapned to him the same day two yeares that he entred victorious into Millan: It was thought that amongest other things, his great reuenues of benefices and ecclesiastike offices, did muche to make him Pope: For that the Cardinalles, when they entred the conclaue, set downe this constitucion, that the reuenues of him that should bee elected Pope, should bee shared by equal distribucion amongest the others: A foule custome of couetousnes in a Cleargie, whose handes should bee no lesse innocent to take, then their hartes naked of fraude and guile, and in whose preferment should bee most respected their sinceritie of lyfe and doctrine: He would haue continued still his name of Iulio, but beeing caryed with this supersticious obseruation of some of the Cardinals, that such as after their election refusing to chaunge their name, dyed within the yeare, he tooke vppon him the name of Clement the seuenth, eyther for the nearenes of that idolatrous festiuall, or els by allusion, that immediatly after his election he had pardoned and receyued into grace the Cardinall Volterro and reconciled all his faction: And albeit Pope Adrian in his latter dayes, had declared this Cardinall to bee vnable to assist or enter the conclaue, yet he had his place there by the permission of the Colledge, and was euen to the last houre, altogether agaynst thelection of Iulio: Great was thopinion of this newe Pope throughout all the worlde, and as it hath not bene seene of long tyme that the Conclaue hath so long temporised and stand vppon the naming of one, so yet they thought the tract and exspectacion well re­compensed in that they had raised to that supreame seate, a person of so great au­thoritie and vallour, both for that he had confounded and conioyned by his arbi­trement the power of thestate of Florence with the iurisdiction of the Church, and had in the tyme of Pope Leo, gouerned many yeares the whole pontificacie, and was iudged a man graue and constant in his deliberations, and also for that ma­ny thinges being by sinister imputacion imposed vppon him that proceeded from Leo, many affirmed that Leo was full of ambicion, full of pryde, full of trouble, and full of desire of innouacion and newe thinges: To which good partes that were founde in him, adioyning his modestie and abstinence from pleasures, and full of care and studie to attende affaires, there were fewe who did not exspect of him verie great and extraordinary matters: His election euen in the beginning put the estate of the Church in great suertie: For, the Duke of Ferrara, not a litle asto­nished that suche a Pope was mounted into the holye seate, and hoping no lon­ger to get Modena for the comming of the Viceroy of Naples, and lesse exspectation in the Frenche, who affore, by the solicitacion of Theoder Tryvulce newly come to his Campp, made him great offers so that he would ioyne with them: Returned to Ferrara after he had left sufficient garrison within Reggia and Rubiero: In lyke sort all controuersies were reappeased in Romagnia, where Iohn de Sassatella who had bene expulsed by the power of the Gebelins during the raigne of Adrian, was estsones reentred with a traine of Guelffes vnder couller to oppresse the contrary faction, but in trueth at the incensing of the French.

But sithens the Frenche armie was distributed to Biagrasso and Rosa, the Admiral, with whom were remeining but foure thousand Svvyzzers, dismissed (as vnprofita­ble for seruice) all the footmen of Dauphine & Languedocke: He sent also his great ar­tilleries beyonde Thesin, with intencion to tary there for the supplies which the King prepared for his succours, not fearing that thenemie would make any inuasion vppō him in a place so strong, and conteyning suche plentie of vittelles: And yet because [Page 868] he woulde not enterteine the tyme idelie, he sent Ranse de Cere with seuen thousande Italian footemen to take Arona, a towne of great strength, and hath his scituacion in the confins of the Lake Maior: This towne was possessed by Anchises Viscounte, and to the reskew of it, Prospero Colonno sent from Myllan a regiment of twelue hundred footemen: But because the Castle of Arona doth so muche commaunde the towne, that who holdeth not the Castle doeth vnprofitably possesse the towne, Ranse layde his plott to winne the Castle, but his fortune being inferior to the difficulties he founde, after he had giuen many assaltes wherein he lost many men consuming al­most a moneth in that enterpryse, at last he leauied his seege and went away, confir­ming the vniuersall opinion that had bene conceyued of him for many yeares, that his actions helde no comparison with the reputation he had got in the defence of Crema.

About this time, Prospero Colonno, hauing lyen sicke eight moneths, began to draw The death of Prospero Co­lonno, and his qualities. to his latest houre, not without suspicion of poyson, or els some amarous potion: He was carefull by his latest end, to confirme the credit he had gotten in the race of so many yeares past, and therefore where affore he could not wel brooke the comming of the Viceroy, he now solicited it with great affection, as knowing that he was no more able to manage the affaires of the warre: So agreeable was the modestie and temperance of his last dayes, with the vallour and courage of his younger tyme: No lesse honorable was the behauior of the Viceroy, who assoone as he came neare to Myllan, staied without and would not enter for certeine dayes, to showe what reue­rence he bare to the vertue and reputacion of suche a Capteine: And yet when he vnderstoode he was reduced to the last action of lyfe and had lost all sense and know­ledge, he entred the towne for a desire he had to see him, notwithstanding some hold that he would not enter till he was dead, which was the last daie sauing one of that yeare: He was a Capteine of great name & merit during the whole time of his life, and in his latest yeares, had wonne singuler reputacion and authoritie: He was a fa­ther of soldiours, a director of their councelles, a framer of their disposicions, an ex­ample of vertue, and a guide to true glorie and fame: He was not apte to embrace lightly all occasions that the disorders of thennemies might offer, for, this propertie was ioyned to his wit, rather to doubt too much, then beleue too hastely: And so ie­lous was he ouer the safetie and suertie of his people, that he would not easily giue any aduauntage to thennemy to oppresse him: He would alwayes saye that in a Ge­nerall, the glorie was greater to feare a mischiefe and foresee it, then to runne with occasions which can not bee without their hazardes: He was by nature easie & slow in his actions, and seeking alwayes to administer warres more with councelles then with the sword, he left to others this propertie of example, to defend estates by tem­porising, and not without great necessitie, to commit the euent of battelles to for­tune: For, in our tyme, the managing and gouernment of warres hath farre differed, since that affore Charles the eight past into Italy. The brunt of the warre being more borne out with horsemen armed at all partes, then with footemen, and no lesse in­conuenient and troublesome the engines wherwith they were wont to take townes, notwithstanding the armies came oftentymes to the shock of battell, yet the slaugh­ter was litle, & very rare the bloud that was spilt: And townes also that were beseged defended themselues with suche facilitie, not for that they had more knowledge in defense, but through ignorance to take them, that there was not so litle or weake a towne, which was not able for many dayes to resist great armies of ene­mies: At that tyme Princes did not intrude vppon thestates of others without very [Page 869] great difficulties: But when King Charles made his first discending into Italy, the re­gions of that nation were so replenished with terror & astonishment, what through the feare of new nations, and the vallour of the footemen whose feight was in ano­ther manner, but most of all through the furie of thartilleries, by whose vnacquain­ted roaring noyse the ignorant people feared no lesse then if the frame of the world had falne, that there was no hope for any Prince to be able to defende himselfe, that were not strong enough to keepe the fielde: For, men that had no knowledge to defende townes yelded at the first approach of thenemies, and if happly any towne stoode to her defence, it was taken within fewe dayes, suche was the surie of thartil­leries, and suche the ignorance of men that had yet no custome nor familiaritie with them: By that meane the realme of Naples and the Duchie of Millan, were no sooner inuaded then they were conquered: In that sort the Venetians being vanquished in one battell only, left abandoned immediatly all their iurisdiction in the firme land: And in that sort the Frenche men hauing skarcely seene thenemyes, left the Du­chie of Myllan: But since, the witte of man comprehending better the furie of bat­teries, began to oppose engine and industrie for their defence, and fortefied townes with mountes, trenches, flankes, rampiers, and Bastillions, which they made apte to bestow artilleries vppon: And being planted in a place which men seeke to defend, doe farre more hurt, then that that is braked without: So that at this daye it is verie harde to take a towne where is any resistance made: And happlie those inuentions began in Italy in the dayes of our fathers, when the towne of Ottranto was reconque­red vppon the Turkes, wherin when Alfonso Duke of Calabria entred afterwardes, he founde that the Turkes had made many rampiers and fortifications, suche as were vnknowen to the Italians, but yet those sortes of fortificatiōs remeined rather as ima­ges in the myndes of men, then that they were folowed: Prospero either was the on­ly man, or the first man of all other that with greatest reputacion, hath twise by those meanes defended the Duchie of Myllan: And aswel in offending as in defending, and cutting of thenemies from vittelles, as also in prolonging the warre with suche cun­ning that pouertie, disorders, and other extremities consumed them, he hath borne out the warre and vanquished without once aduenturing the battell, without brea­king of a Launce, yea almost without drawing a sworde: So that he standing in ex­ample to others that haue come after, many warres (continued for many moneths,) haue bene ouercome more with industrie, with stratageame, and with temporising, then with the force or fortune of armes.

These thinges were done in Italy in the yeare 1523. And the yeare folowing were made beyond the mounts preparacions of right great exspectation and yet brought forth no effectes worthy of so mightie Princes: For, where the Emprour & the King of Englande had cōtracted & promised the Duke of Burbon to enter with a strong ar­mie, the one into Piccardy, & the other into Guyen: The mouing of the King of Englād was to smal purpose, & thēterprise of the Duke of Burbon to inuade Burgōdy was tur­ned into a moūteine of smoke: For that wanting mony to paie his Laūceknights, be­sides The Duke of Burbon notable to doe a­ny thing in Burgondie commeth to Myllan. the diminuciō of their nombers by the practise of certein Capteins that stoale away to the Frēch king, he dispaired to do any thing in Fraūce, & in that mind wēt to Millan: There themprour hauing no mind that he shold passe into Spain, perhaps be­cause he wold not haue the mariage of his sister go forward which the Duke of Burbon desired, sēt to hī Mōsr de Beaurain to persuade hī to staie there, & gaue him thauthori­ty & title of his lieftenāt general in Italy, to induce him with better wil to abide there: Neither did things happē more happily to Thēprour on the coast of Spaine, for that [Page 870] albeit in a burning desire to the warres he was come to Pampeluna to passe in per­son into Fraunce, and had already sent his armie beyond the Mountes Pireney, where he had taken Saueterra, which is not farre from S. Iohn de pied de Porc, yet drawing with him many other imperfections, he founde at last that his readines was farre greater then his power, for that as for the want of money, he was not hable to en­terteine so great forces as were necessarie for so great an enterprise, so for that want also he was not able to assemble his armie vntill the latter ende of the yere, when the nature of the season doubled vpon him his difficulties, and tooke from him the li­bertie of the wayes: These impediments compelled him to dissolue his armie erec­ted almost agaynst the counsell of all his capteines, which made the Duke of Albe a prince of great authoritie say in the heate of the warre, that themprour who in ma­ny things resembled king Ferdinand his grandfather by the mother side, did in this deliberacion beare moste similitude and likenesse with his grandfather by the fa­ther side.

Nowe came on the yere a thousande fiue hundred twentie and foure, when the difficulties of the Frenche men stirring vp themperours capteines to looke to put ende to the warre: They called to Millan the Duke of Vrbin and Peter Pesero treaso­rer of Venice to consult of the maner of proceeding in the warre: In whiche coun­sell they were all of opinion, that assone as the six thousande launceknightes which the Viceroy had sent to leauye, were arriued at Millan, the Emperours armie ioy­ning with it the Venetian forces, should affront thennemies to thende to chase them out of the Duchie of Millan, eyther by force or by famine: And albeit they thought themselues strong ynough to performe it, yet there was one thing that hindred thexecution of the counsell, which was want of mony, of which for that there were great summes due to the men of warre for their payes paste, they thought they should not be hable to get them to issue out of Millan or any other towne vnlesse their payes were first satisfied: And for that tharmie was to continue in the fielde, it was no lesse necessarie to set downe order hereafter for the payes of the souldi­ours to be performed in their due tyme, and safely to bee conueyed to the campe to aunswere the dayes of payment: But the inhabitantes of Millan desirous to be discharged of the burden of the warre, offred to remoue these difficulties in lending to the Duke fourescore and ten thousande duckets, an action wherevnto they were the more easily induced by example of the laste good dealing, when the money which they had lent at suche time as Monsr Lavvtrech laye affore Millan, was readily repayed vpon the Dukes reuenues: In like sort the Pope, who by the remembrance of things past, helde muche suspected the victorie of the French, put to his hande, notwithstanding with a wonderfull conning he made demonstracion of the contrarie to suche as the king had sent to him: he caused to be deliuered with great secrecie to themprours embassador twentie thousande duckets, and solicited also the Florentins (on whom the Viceroy required a newe contribucion by vertue of the league made in the time of Pope Adrian) to paye as their last rest, thirty thou­sande duckets: And yet the Pope had no meaning hereafter to showe more proper­tie of fauour to the one then to the other: But where immediatly vppon his election the one of them had sent to him Monsr Beaurain, and the other Monsr Saint Maixan, to drawe him particularly to them, yet his intention was, assone as the present daun­gers should cease, to beare betwene them that moderacion and temperance which orderly apperteineth to thoffice of Popes when Christian Princes be in discord, and laying aside all parcialitie and suspected inclinacion, to be a worker for peace and [Page 871] vnitie betwene them: A resolucion which was so muche the more agreable to the French king, who feared least the Pope was of the same disposicion towardes hym that he was when he was Cardinall, by howmuche it was contrarie and disagreable to themperour, who helde it not reasonable that he should separate him selfe from him, both for the last alliance that was past, and also for that by his ayde he moun­ted to the Popedome: In which regarde it brought no litle griefe to him to be cer­tified from the Pope, that notwithstanding he willed him as muche good as he dyd before, yet for that he was nowe no more a person priuate, but a father indifferent to all, he was bound by the respect and office of his place, to do nothing whiche were not for the common profite of all.

But whylest the Viceroy prepared himselfe to go finde thenemies, he sent Iohn de Medicis before Marignan, which towne yeelded to him together with the Castell: And where the Marquis of Pisquairo disdayning to followe the warre vnder Prospero Colonno, would not come to the campe but when he was aduertised that he drewe towardes his latest howre, and hearing nowe that capteine Bayard was within Rebec­ca with three hundred horse and many bands of footemen, he ioyned himselfe with Iohn de Medicis, and marching with no lesse diligence then resolucion of minde, he founde them of Rebecca so ouersleeping in their securitie, and so litle doubting of his comming, that he tooke the most parte of the footemen, and gaue the chase to the residue, returning immediatly to Millan as not to giue leasure to the enemies with­in Biagrasse to pursue them: In this enterprise he was muche esteemed for his indu­strie and for his vallour, but muche more for his celeritie and diligence, for that Re­becca which is not past two myles from Biagrassa, is from Millan from whence they went, more then seuenteene myles.

But as the affayres of the warre were reduced to this degree, that to the Frenche were left no other hopes then that wantes of money would fall vpon their enemies: And thimperialls were fedde onely with this exspectation, that the Frenche would suffer great skarcitie of vittels, and yet neyther of them were without their hopes of succours, the one of Launceknightes, and the other of Svvizzers: So the Admi­rall loasing no oportunitie wherein occasion was offred, set fyre vpon Rosa, and re­tyred to Biagrassa those bandes that were within it, disposing his forces to distresse thennemies, and make incursions and burnings ouer all the countrey. But by this time were the Launceknightes arriued at the emprours campe, which conteined in the whole six hundred men at armes, fifteene hundred light horsemen, seuen thow­sande footemen Spanish, twelue thousande Launceknightes, and fifteene hundred Italians, vnder the leading of the Duke of Millan, the Duke of Burbon, the Viceroy of Naples, and the Marquis of Pisquaira: They left within Millan for the garde of the place, foure thousande footemen, and marched with the residue to incampe at Bi­nasqua, where not many dayes after the Duke of Vrbin ioyned with them, with sixe hundred men at armes, six hundred light horsemen, and seuen thousande footemen of the Venetians: At what time the Castell of Cremona being no more hable to beare out the rage of hunger, and Federike Bossolo that was within Loda, hauing in vayne aduentured to succour it, yeelded vp to the Imperialls. Afterwardes the armie mar­ched to Caesera, a towne within fiue myles of Biagrassa, there the Admirall had distri­buted within Loda, Nouaro, and Alexandria, two hundred launces and fiue thousand footmen, and kept himselfe incamped with eight hundred launces, and eight thou­sande Svvizzers, to whom were ioyned within few dayes after, a regiment of three thousande others, together with foure thousand Italians and two thousand launce­knightes: [Page 872] And notwithstanding all this multitude of companies▪ he felt no necessi­tie of vittells, hauing a full prouision for two monethes as well in the armie as in the places thereaboutes: It was not possible to assaile them in a place so strong without their manifest daunger: By reason whereof, the Imperialls who many times had as­sayed to passe the riuer of Thesin to stoppe vittells from the frenche on that side and to get into those townes which they held beyonde Thesin, and also to giue impedi­ment to the succours that were to come out of Fraunce, determined at last to passe, iudging, by the confidence they had in the people of Millan, that there was no ne­cessitie to kepe there a great garrison: So that the Duke, accompanied with Ihon de Medicis, returned to Millan where was remeining a strength of six thowsand foote­men: Thus they passed the seconde daye of May, the riuer of Thesin, vppon three The imperials passe the riuer of Thesin. bridges beneath Pauia, the battell lodging at Gambala, and the residue of tharmie in the villages thereaboutes: But the Admirall, when he knew they were passed The­sin, dispatched speedily Ranse de Cere to gard Vigeua, and fearing to lose that towne, with other peeces in the countrey of Lomellina, whiche being taken from him, he should stand as it were besieged, he drewe thither within fiue dayes with the whole armie, leauing within Biagrassa, an hundred horsemen and a thowsande footemen: he bestowed his vauntgard about the partes of Vigeua, and sent the battell to Mor­taro, a towne within two myles of Gambalo where the Viceroy was: That place was full of many commodities, since besides the strength and scituacion, it ministred vit­tells at commaundement, both for the suretie of the wayes of Mountferat of Ver­ceill, and Nouaro, and also for the continuall oportunitie and assistance of other pla­ces, yeelding course and trafficke from one towne to an other as if it had bene a streame of water: The Admirall offered two dayes together, the battell to thenne­mies, who refused to accept it, not that they were lesse in numbers, or inferiour in vallour and resolucion of souldiours, but bicause they would not put in daunger the hope of the victorie which they helde almost certeine, for that by the surprising of certeine letters, they had intelligence that thennemie began to feele want of money and pay.

After thEmperours army was passed Thesin, the Duke of Vrbin leading the Vene­tian regiments, went to incampe before Garlasquo, a towne strong by scituacion, and well enuironned with ditches and rampiers: There was within it, a strength of foure hundred footemen Italians: And standing betwene Pauia and Trumella beyond The­sin where he had an intencion to bestowe him selfe, it did not only cut the course of vittells from him, but also depriued the whole residue of tharmie: he had in short space made a breache, and the same day followed on with thassault, and being al­most repulsed, many of his souldiours, holding all peril lesse then their vallour, tooke the water and swamme ouer the ditches, by whose example certaine bands of foote­men of Iohn de Medicis did the like, with whom in one resolute aduenture they be­ganne to assaile it with suche furie, that their vertue vanquishing all resistance, they entred it by force making great slaughter of such as they founde within: afterwards the army approched S. Georges, and drew towards the parish of Cairo to goe to Sarti­rano, a towne of good strength and hath his scituacion vppon the hither shoares of Pavv in a place verie apt to hinder their vittells, and for the keeping whereof, were Hugh de Popoly and Iohn Biraguo with certeine horsemen, and six hundred footemen: Iohn of Vrbin who was sent thither with thartilleries, & a regiment of two thowsand footemen Spanyards, tooke first the towne, and then the rocke, making slaughter of the most part of the men that were within, & committing the Capteines prisoners. [Page 873] The French men remoued their campe to succour Sartirano, but beeing preuented by the diligence of their enemies, they stayed al their armie at Monce, after they were aduertised by the way what was hapned.

Neither had the affayres of the French men, better successe in other places of the Duchie of Myllan: for, those regiments of souldiours that were left within Millan, compelled to render the towne of Saint George which standes aboue Monce, whose inhabitants constrained by thextorsion of the souldiers, had called home those bands of footemen that were in Loda: Pavvle Lusasquo, encowntring with certeine light horsemē of the French, put them to flight: And Federyk Bossolo, being departed from Loda to set vppon Pisqueton, in place of the victorie, brought home wounds & hurts, besides the losse of many of his men: Onely there were certeine light horsemen of the French who running vppe betwene Plaisanca and Tortone, surprised a treasor of foureteene thowsand duckats which was sent to thEmprours armie.

Amyd these difficulties, thAdmirall had two hopes, the one to haue the warre di­uerted, and the other to be succoured: for, the king had already caused to marche, foure hundred launces by the Mount Geuenera, to whome were to be ioyned tenne thowsand Svvizzers: Besides, Ranso de Cere led to the territorie of Bergama by the way of Valdesasina, fiue thowsand Grisons, who were to passe from thence to Loda to ioyne with Federyk Bossolo, with whome were already many bands of Italian foote­men: And lastly thAdmirall stoode firme in this perswasion, that thEmprour would be constrained for the sewertie of Millan, to repasse the riuer of Thesin: Against these companies, the Duke of Millan sent out Iohn de Medicis with fiftie men at armes, three hundred light horsemen, and three thowsand footemen, And taking to him al­so a strength of three hundred men at armes, three hundred light horsemen, & foure thowsand footemen of the Venetians, he drew neare the ennemies who were nowe come to the village of Crauina betweene the riuers of Adda and Brembo eight myles from Bergama: he ronne with one part of his people euen vpto the places where the Grisons were incamped, who the third daye after, complayning that they had not found at Crauina neither money for their payes, nor horsemen for their strength, nor other bands of footemen promised by Ranso de Cere, set them selues at libertie and re­turned to their contrey.

The discending of the Grisons being thus turned into a mounteine of smoke, Iohn de Medicis vsing thoccasion of their retyring tooke Carauago, and afterwards passing Adds, he bet downe with his artilleries the bridge which the french had made at Bu­faloro vppon Thesin: And those townes that are betwene Millan and Thesin there was but Biagrassa left in the power of the French: It was plentifully prouided of vit­tells, and garded with a stronge garrison of a thowsand footemen vnder Ieronimo Ca­raciollo: But because it hath his situacion vppon the great channell, & by that meane stoppeth the course of vittells which that channell is wont to bring in great plentie to Myllan, Frauncis Sforce sent for Iohn de Medicis to come to him being followed with all the youth of Millan besides his ordinarie bandes of souldiers: They ioyned their forces together, and went to beseege it, And playing with their artilleries from Sunne rising vntill Noone, he sent the souldiours to thassalt, whose vallour being no lesse to enter then the artilleries were furious to make breaches, they tooke it the same day with a singuler commendacion of Iohn de Medicis: In whom that day was not onely discerned a vertue excelling all the other souldiers, but also a grauitie, rea­dines, and gouernment worthy of a right noble Capteine: so needefull is the pre­sence ‘of a generall in any action of importance, and so conducible his example to [Page 874] carie the mindes of his souldiours to contemne all perill,’ and leaue nothing vndone that vallour, or resolucion can finde out: Capteine Caraciollo was taken, and many of the footemen committed to the sworde, besides certeine companies which Iohn de Medicis put to the gibbet, for that they had run from him a litle before: The con­quest of the towne, tooke from the castell all hope of suretie, and yeelding to the for­tune of the towne, it was rendred, reseruing the liues of them that were within: The people of Millan were vniuersally glad for this successe, but as there is no worldly blisse without his bale, & no prosperitie so absolute which is not intangled with al­teracion, so the aduersitie that hapned by it was farre greater without comparison, then their ioy, for that by transporting to Millan the spoyles and booties of Biagrassa where the plague was, they brought wrapt vp in the packes of their welth & riches, the seedes of that pestilent contagion, which spredde it selfe so vniuersally ouer all complexions, that within few monethes, there dyed only in Millan, more then fiftie thowsand bodies.

But the force and strength of the warre was on the other side Thesin, where thAd­mirall after the losse of Sartirano, and discerning thenemies to approch him of new, abandonned Mortaro, and retyred in two remoues, to Nouaro: his numbers were much diminished, for that not onely many of his footemen, but also certeine of his men at armes, were stolen from the campe and returned into Fraunce: By which weakenes, the Admirall was driuen to temporise vntill the supplies of the Svviz­zers were come, who were alreadie neare to Yurea and almost eight thowsand figh­ting bodies. On the other side, thEmperours Capteines studying to stoppe their comming, and to reduce thennemies into difficultie of vittells, made them selues Lordes of the townes neare to Nouaro, making slaughter of those vnhappie french­men which they found in garrison: And after they had bestowed within Verceil, cer­teine bands of souldiours, to defende the Svvizzers for entring there, they went to encampe at Biandra betwene Verceil and Nouaro in a place inuironned on all partes with ditches, trees, and waters, matters of great importance to the fortificacion of a place.

At last the Admirall vnderstanding that the Svvizzers that had passed Yurea, were The french­men go from before Mil­lan. stayed a long the riuer of Stesia which they could not passe ouer for the great abun­dance of waters there, and desirous to ioyne them to his armie, more to goe away in suretie, then to fight with thennemie, he went from Nouaro to lodge at Romagnia vpon the shoares of the same riuer: where, what by the want and necessitie of vit­tells, and the continuall diminucion of his men, he was driuen to build a bridge be­twene Romagnia and Catinara: And on the other side, the ennemies, being come from Biandra to Briona, went to incampe within two myles of Romagnia: The french­men discerning vpon what straite tearmes they stoode, brake vp and passed the riuer the daye following, when it was beleued, that if thennemies had bene carefull to watch their discamping, they had caried that day a most glorious and full victorie: But the Capteines being deuided in opinion and councell, some bearing a forward desire to fight, and others to let them goe without charging them, their emulacions woulde not suffer them to vse thoccasion that was offered: It seemed also that the armie was not gouerned as apperteyned, for that as the Marquis of Pisquara onely, proceeding in all his actions with his accustomed vallour, seemed worthy in whom shoulde be reaposed the whole direction of affaires, so there were others that bare enuie to his vertue, and they seeking to darken his glorie by detracting his doings, were content to put to hazard the whole estate of the warre, rather then to ioyne [Page 875] them selues to his councels. But albeit the armie Imperiall was not in sufficient time aduertised of the discamping of the French men, yet after it was once knowen many light horsemen and many bands of footemen that passed the foard of the riuer with­out order, and without ensignes, following them with such diligence, that they ouer­tooke the rearegard and began to skirmish with it: And albeit the French men, som­times fighting, and sometimes marching, receiued the charge and susteined it a long time, yet in the end being not able to flee with the same vallour wherwith they were followed, they were constrained to leaue on the place seuen peeces of their artille­ries, a great proporcion of their municiōs, with no smal quantitie of vittels, & many of their horsemen & footemen put to the sword, besides the losing of many of their enseignes. The french men made as though they would incampe at Cattinaro which is within a mile of Romagnia, and vnder that semblance, they caused secretly to passe on their artilleries & baggage: But as thenemies who beleued they would incampe there, had begonne to retyre them selues, so they drewe to Rauisingua towards Yurea which is six miles further: The Imperialls without any impediment, incamped the same night vppon the riuer, which they passed immediatly vppon the rising of the Moone: But they were not followed of the Venetians, for that being entred vppon the lands of the Duke of Sauoye, they thought they had passed the bonds of confede­racion, by the which they were bownd to no further matter then to the defence of the Duchie of Myllan: The French men marched with slow pase in battell aray, and had bestowed in the arearegard, the bands of Svvyzzers, by whome were repulsed the first horsemen and footemen that came in disorder to charge them: And albeit the French by this time were gon from Rauisingua about two miles, yet the Marquis of Pisquaira, ariuing with his light horsemen, they were eftsoones recharged, Not that they forbare notwithstanding to march, although Capteine Chabanes was slain, and Capteine Bayard made prisoner hauing a wound with a shot where of he dyed within fewe dayes after: But the Marquis looking into the good order thennemies kept, and no lesse carefull not to follow his fortune further then good councell called him, notwithstanding many bands of souldiers were come to him, yet he thought not good to pursue thennemies further, both for that he was vnfurnished of artille­ries, & had not with him but one part of tharmie: By which meane the French were deliuered of further troubles, & returned together with the Svvizzers to their hou­ses, hauing left at Baury beyond Yurea, fiftene peeces of artilleries in the gard of three hundred Svvizzers and one of the Lordes of the contry: But those artilleries were no better preserued then the others, for that thEmprours Capteines hauing aduer­tisement of them, sent out to take them. After this the Victors deuided them selues into diuerse partes: The Duke of Vrbin was sent to Loda, and the Marquis of Pisqua­ra to Alexandria, which two cities onely were holden for the king, for that Nouaro was rendred being fearefull of the Duke of Millan and Iohn de Medicis drawing the­ther with their forces: The Viceroy was appointed to goe against the Marquis of Ro­thelin who was come ouer the Mounts with foure hundred launces, Neuertheles as­soone as he vnderstood of the fortune of the Admirall, and that he was retyred, he returned also into Fraunce, holding it vaine for him to followe further thenterprise when the principall forces were dispersed: Besides, Monsr de Boysy and Iulio Saint Seuerin to whom was committed the gard of Alexandria, made no resistance: In like sort Federyk, after he had demaunded respit of a fewe dayes to know if the Admirall were passed the Mountes, compownded to yeeld vp Loda, vppon the condicion that was accorded to them of Alexandria, to leade into Fraunce the bands of Italian foote­men, [Page 876] who conteining a regiment of fiue thousande men, did speciall seruice to the King afterwardes: This was the end of the warre that was managed against the Du­chie of Myllan vnder the gouernment of the Admiral of Fraunce: By the which, nei­ther the kings power being much weakened, nor the rootes of harmes remooued, much lesse that so many calamities were cleane taken away, seeing they were but de­ferred to an other season, and Italy in the meane while remeining discharged of tro­bles present, but not of suspicion of further aduersities to come: And yet Them­prour no lesse by the incitacion of the Duke of Burbon, then by the hope that the au­thoritie and name of that man might serue him to speciall purpose: Was of minde to transferre the warre into Fraunce, to the which also the King of Englande showed a readines and disposicion.

In the beginning of this yeare, Themprour had sent his Camp to Fontarabie, a towne of verie smal circuit, standing vppon the debatable lands that deuide Fraunce from Spaine: And albeit the towne was very wel manned, and furnished with artille­ries and vittelles, and leasure sufficient to them within to make it fortefied, yet the fortifications being ill made through the ignorance of the Frenche men, the towne laye open to the fury of thenemies, who heaping vppon the defendants one necessi­tie after an other, constrained them at last to giue it vp only with the safetie of their lyues. He was not satisfied with the recouerie of this place, but stretching his thoughtes further, he made his ambicion no lesse then his fortune, and in those con­ceites being raised to further enterprise, he kept no reckoning of the comfortes and authoritie of the Pope, who hauing sent in the beginning of the yeare, to Them­prour, the Frenche King, and to the King of Englande to solicit a peace or a truse, he found their mindes very ill disposed to giue ouer the warre: For, the French king, consenting to a truse for two yeares, refused to make peace for the small hope he had to obteine thereby suche condicions as he desired: And the Emprour reiecting the truse, by the which was giuen good tyme to the Frenche King to reordeine his forces to folow a new warre, desired to haue peace. And touching the King of Eng­lande, any sort of composicion that was offred to be made by the Popes meanes, was displeasing to him, as in whom was alwayes a desire that the treatie of thaccorde might bee wholly referred to him: To this he was induced by the ambicious coun­selles of the Cardinall of Yorke, who (seruing as a true example in our dayes of an immoderate pride) notwithstanding he was of very base condicion, and no lesse abiect for his parentes and discending, yet he was risen to suche an estate of autho­ritie and grace with the King, that in most of the actions of the realme, the kings wil seemed nothing without thapprobacion of the Cardinall: as of the contrary, what so euer the Cardinall did deliberate, was either absolute, or at least had very great force: But both the King and his Cardinall kept dissembled with the Emprour that thought, & by apparances showed a very forward inclination to moue warre against the realme of Fraunce which the King of Englande pretended lawfully to apperteyne to him: He grounded his claime vppon these reasons: King Edvvard the thirde, af­ter the death of the Frenche King Charles the fourth called the faire, who dyed with­out issue male in the yeare of our saluacion 1328. and of whose sister the sayde King Edvvarde the third was borne: Made instance to be declared King of Fraunce as next The claime of the Kings of England to the Crowne of Fraunce. heire male to the French king deceassed: Neuertheles he was put by by the generall Parliament of the realme wherein it was set downe, that by vertue of the lawe Salyke an auncient lawe of that kingdome, not only the persons of women were made vn­able to the succession of the Crowne, but also all suche as discended and came of the [Page 877] women line were excluded: But he not satisfied with this order brought in to take away his right, armed him selfe soone after, and taking vpon him the title of the king of Fraunce, he inuaded the realme with a mightie armie: And as in that action he obteined many victories both agaynst Phillip de Valois published by vniuersall con­sent lawfull successor to Charles the fayre, and also agaynst king Iohn his sonne, who being ouerthrowne in battell, was ledde prisoner into England: So after long warres he forbare further to vex the realme, and making peace with the sayde Iohn, he re­teined many prouinces and estates of the kingdome, and renounced the title of king of Fraunce: But after this composicion which was neither of long continuance, nor of great effect, the quarrell was eftsones renewed, and sometimes followed with long warres, and semetimes discontinued with tedious truces: vntill at laste king Henry the fift entring confederacie with Phillip Duke of Burgondy, who bare a minde estraunged from the Crowne of Fraunce for the murder done vpon Duke Iohn hys father, preuayled so muche agaynst Charles the sixt somewhat simple of vnderstan­ding, that he commaunded almost the whole kingdome together with the towne of Paris: And finding in that Citie the French king accompanied with his wife and the Lady Katherine his daughter, he tooke to wife the sayde Lady, and brought the king to consent (hauing no great vse of witte) that after his death the kingdome shoulde apperteine to him and to his heires, notwithstanding his sonne Charles did suruiue him: By vertue of which title, assone as he was dead, his sonne king Henry the sixte was solemnly crowned at Paris, and proclaymed king of Englande and Fraunce: And albeit, after the death of Charles the sixte, his sonne Charles the seuenth, by rea­son of great warres happning in Englande betweene the Lordes of the blood royall, had chased thEnglishe out of all that they helde in Fraunce except the towne and territories of Callice, yet the kinges of Englande dyd not leaue for all that to con­tinue and vse the title of King of Fraunce. These causes might happly moue king Henry the eyght to the warre, the rather also for that he stoode more assured in his Realme then anye of his predecessours had done: for that the kinges of the house of Yorke (that was the name of one faction) hauing suppressed the kinges of the house of Lancaster (whiche was the other faction) and the partakers with the house of Lancaster seeing there was no more remayning of that house, raysed to the kingdome Henrye of Richemont for his proximitie and nearenes with them: Who after he had subdued hys aduersaries, to thende he might raigne with more suretie and with more authoritie, tooke to wyfe one of the daughters of Edvvarde the laste king but one of the house of Yorke: by whiche coniunction of houses, all the rightes and claymes of bothe the one and the other houses, were absolutelye and lawfully transferred into the person of king Henry the eyghte borne of that maryage: These houses for the enseignes and cognizanses that they bare, were called commonly the Redde rose and the VVhite rose.

But touching the mouing of the king of Englande to make warres in Fraunce, he was not so muche caryed by hope to winne the Realme of Fraunce by armes, for that he was not ignoraunt of the innumerable difficulties that woulde con­tende agaynst him, as he was importunatelye pushed on by the ambicious de­sire of the Cardinall of Yorke, who layde this plotte, that the long and tedious trauells and infinite necessities of the warre, woulde in the ende bring his king to be the onely arbitrator and appoynter of the peace: And knowing that the ne­gociacion of it shoulde depende muche of his authoritie, he thought in one time both to make his name great through all the worlde, and also to enterteine hym­selfe [Page 878] in the good grace and lyking of the French king to whom he showed secretly to beare some good inclinacion: And therefore the king of Englande sought not to binde him selfe to those condicions whervnto it was necessarie he should be bound if he had had a forwarde minde to so great a warre.

Thus Themperour was stirred vp to the warre by that occasion, but much more by a hope, that through the fauour, authoritie, and popular opinion whiche the Duke of Burbon caryed in that kingdome, the commons of the realme would draw to commotion: And therfore notwithstanding he was aduised by many of his firme and assured friends, that both for his want of money, which brings no small impedi­mentes to enterprises, and for the doubt of his confederates whose fidelitie was vn­certayne, he would giue ouer to beginne a warre so harde and intricate, and con­sent that the Pope mighte treate vpon the surceasing of armes: yet he capitulated with the king of Englande and Duke of Burbon in this sorte: That the Duke should enter the Realme of Fraunce with that parte of tharmie that was in Italie: And as­sone as he should be ouer the Mountes, the king of Englande to paye an hundred thousande duckets for the defraymentes of the first monthe of the warre: That it should be in the election of the sayd king eyther to continue this contribucion from monthe to monthe, or else to passe into Fraunce with a strong armie to make warre from the firste daye of Iulie vntill the ende of December: And in that case the countreys of Flaunders to furnishe him of three thousande horse, a thousande foot­men, and sufficient artilleries and municions: That if the victorie fell to them, there should be rendred to the Duke of Burbon all those landes which the Frenche king had taken from him: That Prouence should be transferred to him, to the which he already pretended by the resignacion that was made after the death of Charles the eight, by the Duke of Lorreine, to Anne Duchesse of Burbon: That he shoulde holde it by the title of king of Prouence: That first he should make an othe to the king of Englande as to the king of Fraunce, and do him homage, whiche if he did not perfourme, then this capitulacion to bee voyde: That the Duke of Burbon shoulde not treate nor practise nothing with the Frenche kinge withoute the consent of them bothe: That thEmperour at the same tyme shoulde make warre on that syde towardes Spayne: Lastely that thEmbassadours of thEmperour and the king of Englande shoulde procure the Potentates of Italie to bee concurrant with their money in this enterprise, to thende to be for euer assured agaynst the warre of the Frenche: A matter whiche neuer sorted to effect, for that the Pope did not onely refuse to contribute, but blamed expresly thenterprise, prophesying that not onely it would haue an yll successe in Fraunce, but also it would be the cause to returne the warre agayne vpon Italie, and that with a greater puissance and pe­rill then before.

The Duke of Burbon refused constantlye to acknowledge the king of Eng­lande for kinge of Fraunce: And albeit after the confederacion was made, he gaue counsayle to marche with the armie towardes Lyon, to thende to drawe neare hys owne landes and Countreys: yet it was resolutely determined, that he shoulde passe into Prouence, both for that Themperour shoulde with more facilitie sende him succours out of Spayne, and also to bee more apte to take the seruice and oportunitie of the armie by sea which was in preparing at Genes by the commaundement and with the money of Themperour. The Marquis of Pisquairo was declared capteine generall for Themperour in this warre, for that he coulde not be brought to obey the Duke of Burbon: The plotte and proceedinges of this [Page 879] expedicion were, that the Duke of Burbon and with him the Marquis, shoulde passe to Nice, and yet with forces farre lesse then such as were appoynted, for that where, to the forces they had already with them which was fiue hundred men at armes, eyght hundred light horsemen, foure thowsande footemen Spanyardes, three thowsande Italyans, and fiue thowsande launceknightes, there shoulde haue bene ioyned three hundred men at armes of the armie in Italy, and fiue thowsande other launceknightes: these laste companies fayled to come for want of money, And the Viceroy kept reteyned the men at armes for the garde of the contrey, ha­uing no meane to wage newe companies of footemen according to the resoluci­on sette downe in the firste councells, to thende to make heade agaynst Michaell Angeo Marquis of Salusse, who beeing departed from his estate, kept vppon the Mounteines with a thowsande footemen: There was added to this that thEm­prours armye at sea (one of their principall hopes) beeing guyded by Don Hugo de Mocado, A man of muche malice and wickednes of life and a creature of the Duke Valentynois, appeared farre inferior to the nauie of the Frenche king, which beeing parted from Marseilles, was stayed in the port of Villefrancho. Neuerthe­lesse thEmperours armye entred into Prouence where were Monsr de la Palissa, Capteyne Fayetto, Ranso de Cere, and Pederyk Bossolo, All Capteynes of the French kinge, and were nowe withdrawen into townes, for that they were not stronge enoughe to make heade in the fielde: One parte of the armye drewe alonge the sea side, and tooke the tower that commaundeth the port of Tovvlon, where were taken two Canons that were drawen to the armye: Besides, the towne of Aix, whiche for his authoritie and for that the parlyament is there resident, is one of the chiefe townes of Prouence, was rendred, whose example drewe with it many other townes of the contreye: The Duke of Burbon in whome was no lesse emu­lacion then vallour, desiered that from Aix, the armye might marche further leauing the sea side, Wherein he perswaded that seeking to passe the ryuer of Rhosne, there might bee loste no tyme to enter deeper into the bodye and intralls of Fraunce, whilest the kinges prouisions were yet but weake and not confirmed: for, by reason the kinge was consumed of treasor and money, the men at armes of Fraunce had suffered muche and were very ill payed, and also not expecting that his ennemies would passe out of Lombardye into Fraunce, his forces and com­panyes of men of warre were falne into that disorder that they coulde not bee re­addressed with suche speede: Besides, the kinge hauing no confidence in the val­lour of the footemen of his owne kingdome, was constrayned before he coulde marche into the fielde, to tarye for the comming of certeyne footebandes of the Svvyzzers and launceknightes: during which exspectacion, as the Duke of Burbon thought he shoulde be able to doe some matter of importance in passing ouer Rhos­ne, so the Marquis of Pisquairo with the other Spanishe Capteines were of an o­ther aduise: They desiered that bothe for the oportunitie of the sea, and to satis­fie thintencion of thEmprour, Marseilles might bee conquered, A hauen moste conuenient to vexe the Realme of Fraunce with sea armyes, and also no lesse apt to passe in sauetye out of Spayne into Italie: These Capteynes what by thau­thoritye of their multitude, and thefficacye of their reasons, so preuayled a­gaynste the will of the Duke of Burbon, that they pytched their campe before Marseilles, wherein was newely entred Ranse de Cere with those bandes of footemen which had beene ledde into Fraunce from Alexandria and Loda: They laye fortye dayes before Marseilles without dooinge anye exployte of marke [Page 880] or memorie: And albeit they executed the walles in many places with their artille­ries, and not preuayling with batteries labored to worke their entrie by myning, yet they founde obiected many difficulties, and their great labors resisted bothe by the fortune and fortification of the towne: they had contending agaynst their in­dustrie, the strength of the wall bearing an auncient forme and building: The vallour of the defendants moste resolute in the quarrell of their libertie: The dis­posicion of the people, bearing greate deuocion to the name of the Frenche king, and very hatefull to the glorye of the Spanyardes: And lastely the hope of suc­cours aswell by sea as lande, for that the Frenche kinge was comen to Auignon, (A citye of the Popes, standing vppon the riuer of Rhosne) where he assembled with greate diligence, A mightie armie: Moreouer want of money beganne to fall vp­pon thEmprours Capteines, and their hopes no lesse diminished that the Frenche king beeing inuaded in other places woulde bee letted to conuert to one onely part, all his forces and prouisions: for that the king of England notwithstanding he had sent to the Duke of Burbon Maister Richard Pase, did both refuse to paye the hun­dred thowsande duckats for the seconde moneth, And also made slender showes to moue warre in Piccardye: No, hauing receiued into Englande Iohn Ioachin de Spetio whome the Frenche king had sent to him, and also the Cardinall of Yorke making straunge aunswers to thEmprours Embassadors, he gaue the Duke greate occasion bothe to doubt and distrust him: And touching Spaine and thexspectaci­on there, the powers and forces did not aunswer the willes of men nor the promis­ses that were made: The reason was, for that the Courtes of Castillo (so are called the congregacions of the Deputies assembled in the name of the whole kingdom) had refused to ayde thEmprour with foure hundred thowsand duckats, A contribu­cion which they are wont to make both in the great neede of their king, and vppon any action of importance: by which occasion there could no money be sent to the armie that was in Prouence, & much lesse any leauie of men made against the french king in the frontyers of Spaine, other then very weake, and not worthy to beare reckoning: So that the imperiall Capteines, bothe dispairing to sacke Marseilles, and also fearing to ronne into some greater daunger when the king shoulde ap­proche, brake vppe their campe the same daye that the king sette from Auignon with his whole armie, hauing also marching with him a regiment of six thowsand Svvizzers.

The same reasons that moued thimperiall Capteines to leauie their seege from before Marseilles, caried them also to turne their faces towards Italy: And as in men there is nothing more violent then the passion of feare, whose mocions are swifter then the winges of the winde, so in thimperialls was seene no lesse diligence to hasten into Italie: then to breake vp their seege, showing one care to preuent the perill that might fall vppon them, if either all or parte of the French kinges armie, should encownter them in the contry of thennemie: And on the other side, the king saw a faire occasion offered to recouer his Duchie of Millan, what by the puissance of the armie he had leauied, by the fidelitie of his Capteines, by the plentie of his prouicions, by thintelligence he had of the weakenes of his ennemies, and lastly by his hope that taking the nearest waye he shoulde bringe his armie into I­talye affore those that went from Marseilles: In which estate and aduauntage of thinges, he determined to ioyne industrie to the present oportunitie, and to fol­lowe the benefit that fortune presented to him: he imparted this resolucion with all the Capteines of tharmie, to whome he declared that as he had vowed in him [Page 881] selfe an irreuocable promise to passe in person into Italie, so whoseuer woulde rise The frenche king determi­neth to passe the mountes and to follow the ennemie. vp to councell him the contrarie, muche lesse that he would graunt him audience, seeing he would not forbeare to holde him in ill opinion and affection: That there­fore euerie one shoulde goe to his charge, and shewe the same will to execute then­terprise, which they had done to consult and to conclude it: That God who was a louer of iustice, and thinsolencie and rashnesse of thennemies, had at last layed open a meane to reconquer that that had bene violentlie rauished from him against lawe, equitie, and reason: That they had to doubt no more of the victorie, then for his parte, he distrusted their vallours, for that God doth alwayes accompanie an innocent cause with a happie successe: To these wordes was correspondent, both his constancie in deliberacion, and his celeritie in execucion, for that he commaunded immediatlie his armie to marche, wherein were two thowsande launces and twentie thowsande footemen: He tooke a contrarie waye because he woulde not meete with the Ladie Regent his mother, who was come from Aui­gnion to debate with him not to passe the mountes in person, but to performe the warre in Italie by his Capteynes: He gaue order to Ranso de Cero to furnishe his gallies with those bandes of footemen which he had at Marceilles: And to auoyde all practises and negociacions of peace, or at least that he somewhat distrusted the Pope, he forbad to passe further thArchbishoppe of Capua that was dispat­ched to him and so to goe to thEmperour: He sent him worde to tarie for him at Auignon in the Court of his mother and negociate with him by letters, or else to returne againe to the Pope: So firmelie had he fixed his minde vppon the warre, that nothing was more hatefull to him then to heare speake of peace, against the which he had cloased his eares and shutte vp all inclinacion: And in that resolu­cion he followed the ennemies in the meane while with the greatest diligence he coulde: But they making small reckoning of the harmes and domages which the peasantes did to them, marched alwayes in good order along the sea side: At last they gotte to Monaco, and there they brake into peeces their artilleries, which for more facilitie of cariage, they laded their Mulets withall: As soone as they came to Finalo they vnderstoode with what haste the king marched after, which made them double their pase to thende to bee hable in good season to defende the Duchie of Myllan, wherein were not remeyning forces sufficient to make resi­stance.

Thus both the one and thother armie drawing towardes Italie, the same daye that the frenche king came to Verceill, the Marquis of Pisquairo arriued at Al­bo with the horsemen and bandes of Spanishe footemen, beinge followed one dayes iorney behinde by the Duke of Burbon and the Launceknightes: The Mar­quis not takinge leasure to pawse, or scarcelie to breathe, went the daye follow­inge from Albo to Voginero being fortie myles distant, to the ende he might the next daye gette into Pauya: And there he ioyned his forces with the Viceroy who was come thither from Alexandria, for the garde of which towne he had lefte a strength of two thowsande footemen: This was in a tyme when the frenche ar­mie beganne to drawe fast vppon the shoares of the riuer Thesin, their diligence in marching being farre swifter then was the opinion of thenemies: In this place they consulted with Ieronimo Moron of the estate of their common affaires wherein their first deuise was, that leauing sufficient garrison within Pauia, they should dispose all their forces to the defense of Millan, according to the obseruacion and custome of the other warres: In this councell, it was set downe that Moron should goe thither [Page 882] forthwith to make prouision for things necessarie, and the Duke of Millan to follow him whome they had sent for: And they with their companies marched the right way to Millan, after they had left within Pauia, Anthonie de Leua with three hundred men at armes, fiue thowsand footemen being all Spanyards except certeine launce­knights: But such was the desolacion within Millan, that being still afflicted with the great plague that had runne thorowe the towne all the sommer, the Citie was sore shaken and litle remeyning of the former apparance and countenaunce: The sicke­nes had consumed infinite numbers of the people and bodies of good seruice, and many had abandonned the Citie to auoyde that mortall perill of their liues: it con­teyned suche prouisions of vittells as it was wont to doe: The meanes to taxe and leauie money beganne to growe hard and desperate: And touching the fortificaci­ons, the aduersity of the sickenes had taken away all care and remembrance of them, yea through the negligence of that time, al the bulwarkes and rampiers lay reuer­sed ‘to the grounde: Suche are the domages of an vniuersall negligence, which e­uen amidde perills that be manifest and apparaunt, takes awaye the studie of thinges that most concerne sauetie and defense:’ And yet albeit the townes men and popular inhabitauntes, expressed no want of readinesse to laye them selues downe to all daunger and suffer all trauell whatsoeuer: Yet Moron iudging by the present estate and desolacion of the towne, that to enter with an armie, woulde be more to the ruine then to the defense of the Citie, tooke an other councell, which he published in the presence of a greate assemblie of the townesmen in this manner ‘of speaches: We may say nowe and with the same perturbacion of minde, the like wordes which our Sauiour Christ powred out in the middest of his perplexities: Truely the spirite is readie, but the fleshe is weake: I knowe that in you wanteth not the same affection which hath alwayes caried you to honor, obey, and defende your Lorde Frauncis Sforce: And I am not ignoraunt, that in him doe make right deepe impressions the calamities and daungers of his deare people, for whose sauetie as I knowe he wanteth no inclinacion to offer vp his life and all his mortall estate, so in your faces I discerne an vniuersall readinesse to recompense him with the same compassion: But what auayleth it to be resolute where fortune hath made greater the perills and daungers, then either reason or nature can make assured the hope, and howe vainely is employed that fidelitie which is not accompanied with his due respectes to time, place, and propertie of thinges: I see your forces are nothinge aunswerable to your good willes and inclinacions, for that your towne is made naked of people, your treasories drayned of money, your stoare houses consumed of vittells, and your fortificacions reduced to extreame ruine, matters that of them selues doe offer the frenche men to enter without that you shall neede to beate open your gates or posternes: It brings no litle greefe to the Duke to be cō ­strayned to leaue you abandonned, but it woulde bee more greeuous to him then death, if in seeking to defende you he should leade you to your last ruine and desola­cion: In so great a face and multitude of euills, it is holden for good discression to make election of the least, & not to doubt of better seeing it is geuen to mortall men to hope for all things and to dispaire in nothing: In matters of perill it is no shame to flee, when the fleeing profiteth him that giueth place to his aduersarie, for this reason the Duke aduiseth you to obey necessitie and giue place to the fortune of the frenche king, reseruing your remedies for a better time which we can not but hope will happen for your speedie restoring: To giue place to necessitie and fo­lowe the lawe of tyme, is an office duly apperteining to wise men: For the present, [Page 883] the Duke will neither abandon him selfe, nor giue you ouer in tyme to come: Make your sorowes no greater then is the qualitie of your losse, and frame your myndes apte to receiue this consolacion, that tyme triumpheth ouer all the aduersities of the world: You see your cause is iust, the power of Themprour mightie, his fortune in­credible, and your enemies no other men then suche against whom your vallours haue so oftentymes preuailed: God will beholde your pietie towards the Duke, and his compassion towardes his countrey: With him are layde vp the issues of warres, & in his sight is farre more acceptable the innocencie of your cause, then the might of your aduersarie: Lastly I wish you all to remeine thus resolute, that suffring for a good end that which our present necessitie doeth constraine vs vnto, that mightie God whose rule goeth thorow all,’ will take to him selfe the reuenge of our proude enemies, & by a glorious victorie, redeeme vs from those afflictions which we haue suffred so long in his sight.

After these wordes, he dismissed the assembly, and causing vittells to be put with­in the Castle, he issued out of the towne.

The Duke not knowing any thing of that which Moron had done at Millan, tooke his way to go thether: But immediatly after he was come out of Pauya, he met with Ferrand Castriot hauing the conduit of thartillerie, who signifying to him that part of thenemies were passed Thesin, and that they had ouerthrowen Capteine Succhar a Burgougnon with his light horsmen vppon the shoares of the Ryuer, he returned to Pauya fearing to finde ambushes and impediments in the way: And albeit the Duke and Moron had proceeded with sinceritie in these causes, yet the Emprours Cap­teines who were with the armie at Binasquo, being ielous least they had secretly con­tracted with the Frenche King, sent to Myllan Capteine Alarcon with two hundred Launces, either to folowe him or to lye still according to thaduertisementes that should bee giuen: He was no sooner aryued there, then the people who were alrea­die compounded with certeine exiles that negociated in the kings name, began to take hart and to publishe the name of Themprour and Frauncis Sforce: But Captein Alarcon, waighing with the litle hope that remeined of defence, the nearenes of the French Vawwarde which was then at hande, issued out of the gate called Rome gate and tooke the way to Loda, whether was also marched the whole armie: This was at the same tyme that thenemies began to enter by the gates of Thesin and Verceill, who, if they had not turned towards Millan, but put vppon them the chase and pur­suing of Themprours armie both being weary with marching, and hauing lost ma­ny of their men at armes and horsses, it was beleeued for certeine that they had put the armie to the shocke and defeated with facilitie the forces which affore they fea­red: And moreouer, if after they were approched to Myllan, they had with the same diligence drawne towardes Loda, either Themprours Capteines would not haue da­red to staye there, or at least passing with diligence the Ryuer of Adda, they had with the same fortune and facilitie, put to disorder the residue of thenemies: But the king who happlie supposed it a matter of great importance to establish and assure at his deuocion, Myllan a towne which had made the most principall resistance agaynst him, or happlie being caryed with some other cause, he did not only draw to the ci­tie of Myllan wherein he would not enter nor suffer the armie to enter, but staied to bestow in it sufficient garrison, and to giue direction for beseeging the Castle where­in were seuen hundred Spanishe footemen: He forbadde, to the great praise of his modestie and clemencie, that no displeasures should be done to thinhabitants, see­king by that insinuacion to reduce a people whome he sawe vntractable by all other [Page 884] meanes after he had published his directions at Millan, he turned his armie towards Pauia, not holding it conuenient for the estate of his affayres, to leaue behinde his backe a Citie wherein were so many souldiors: The king had in his armie (reckning those that remayned at Millan) two thousande launces, eight thousande launce­knightes, six thousand Svvizzers, sixe thousand foreriders or aduenturers, and foure thousand Italians: The number of these last encreased muche afterwardes.

About this time, the Marquis of Pisquaro was got within Loda with two thousand footemen: And the Viceroy hauing reuitteled the townes of Alexandria, Coma, and Tressa, was entred into Sonzin: with him entred Frauncis Sforce and Charles Burbon, who amidde so many difficulties and distresses drewe to them some courage by the going of the king to Pauia: They thought to readdresse their companies if the de­fence of that Citie would giue them libertie: and to that purpose they sent into Ger­manie to leauie sixe thousand footemen, with the payes of whom and other expen­ses necessarie, there was prouision made with the fiftie thousande duckets whiche themperour had sent to Genes, to employe them in the warres of Prouence: But the thing that gaue chiefe impediment to their counsells, was the necessitie and wante of money which they suffred: For, neyther had they meane to drawe any out of the Duchie of Millan, and lesse hope to obteine of the Emperour for his dishabilitie, any other matter then a commission to offer to be solde at Naples the moste of the reuenues of the kingdome: And touching their auncient confederates, they exspe­cted none at all or very little reliefe neyther of money nor men: for that as the Pope and Florentins ioyntly being sued vnto for some contribucion of money, gaue them nothing but generall wordes and hopes more hurting then curing their calamities: So the Pope alone, who after the Admirall was gone out of Italie, stoode resolutely fixed not to intangle himselfe further in the warres betweene themperour and the French king, would neuer renew the confederacion made with his predecessor, nor contract newe leagues with any prince: And whiche more is, notwithstanding he declared himselfe inclined to themperour and the king of England, yet he had made a secrete promise affore to the French king, not to be any impediment to him in the recouery of his duchie of Millan: Moreouer when the Venetians were required by the Viceroy to furnishe those bandes of souldiors which they were bounde vnto by the capitulacions of the league, albeit they did not slatly refuse them, yet their aun­swers were but colde and conteyned small hope: Their intencion was to accom­modate their counsells according to the trayne and proceeding of things, wherein they were caryed by one of these reasons: eyther for that in many of them was re­newed the memorie of their auncient alliance with the French king, or else they iudged that he could not but remayne victorious in regarde of his vallour, his for­tune, but specially the mightie forces he brought into Italie agaynst enemies of so slender preparacion and worse prouision: or lastely for that themperours ambicion was more suspected to them then before, for that he had not inuested Fraūcis Sforce in the Duchie of Millan, A matter which the states of Italie did no lesse maruell at then grieuously complayne vpon: In this maner of doing also they were muche ca­ryed by the authoritie of the Pope, to whose counsells and example they bare no small respect in those tymes.

The French king made his approach to Pauia on the lower side betwene the ry­uer The French king before Pauia. of Thesin, and the waye that leadeth to Millan: And after he had incamped his vauntgarde within the suburbes of S. Anthonie beyonde Thesin vpon the waye that goeth to Genes, he bestowed himselfe in the Abbey of S. Lanfrank which is within a [Page 885] myle of the walles: There he drewe into consideracion all the wayes that could be deuised for the exployte of the towne, eyther how muche the situacion did helpe, or what might be hoped for by the industrie of men, whiche partes were weakest for want of fortification, and howe to leauye the difficulties where were showes of resi­stance, yea he made a counsell with his Capteines of all things tending to suche a seruice: and after resolucion set downe, he aduaunced his artilleries, with the which for two dayes together he battred the walles in two places, and afterwardes raun­ging his armie into araye of battell, he began to giue thassault: But in the very firste charge he caused eftsones to sounde the retraite, both finding the rampiers within very strong and furnished, and the assurance and vallour of the defendantes resolute and singuler, and also discerning in his owne souldiors manyfest signes of feare by the spectacle of their felowes slayne in the charge: With this also he considered howe harde it would be to take by assalt, a towne that had for her defence so many braue men of warre, so many naturall impedimentes, so many artificiall difficulties, and lastely so plentifully prepared of all those things which eyther experience, in­dustrie, or counsell could prouide, that there was nothing wanting which might be made for the helpe of their daunger, nor nothing vsed to their helpe which was not hurtfull to thenemie: Therefore he deuised to cast trenches and plotformes, wher­in he employed the labor of a great nūber of pyeners, by whose working he sought to cut of the flanks, to giue more suretie to his souldiors when they should approch: And as to his desire to cary the towne, there was wanting no will to followe thex­ployte with charges and exspences, so albeit the worke was long and harde, yet he caused to make mynes in many places, hoping to preuayle by that engine, though in all other wayes should fall out imperfection or errour: The ryuer there about two myles aboue Pauya separates it selfe into two armes or hornes, and carying his streame of one violence and swiftnes somewhat belowe the towne, he meeteth in one agayne affore he fall into Pavv: The king deuiseth to take the oportunitie of this ryuer, wherein vsing the counsell of diuerse engenistes and water workemen skilfull in the course of the streame, he determined to turne that arme of the ryuer that passeth on that side to Pauia, and to make it fall into the lesser whiche they call Graualone: his hope was to preuayle with greater facilitie on that side, for that the wall by reason of his suretie which the depth of the water did giue, was not any way rampiered: The number of the defendantes was so great aboue his exspectacion, and their mindes so resolute in vallour and fidelitie, that he had no confidence of the victorie by any other meane then this: which made him consume many dayes in that worke, no lesse great for the labour employing multitudes of men, then grie­uous for thexspences, drawing with it many extraordinary charges. The townesmen could not but be fearefull to see such a worke raysed to do them harme, and yet sub­duing through a setled confidence those mocions that made them tymerous, the vertue of their mindes brought them to contemne the thing that their nature and fleshe made them to distrust and doubt: But suche was the violent working of the water being muche encreased by certayne great raynes and landfluddes that were falne, that it began to reuerse the trenches and sluces which were made in the chan­nell where the ryuer was deuided to force the course of the water to enter into the lesser arme: And albeit the kings hopes made him both to recontinue the worke, and to thinke to be hable to surmount the violence of the streame with the force of men and money, yet in the ende experience gaue him to knowe, that the force of a water carying a violent course can do more then eyther the trauell of men, or in­dustrie [Page 886] of engenistes: The priuacion of this hope, together with the difficulties that were deserned to carie the towne by force, dryue the king to a newe counsell, wher­in he determined to continue the siege, with the long tract and continuance wher­of, he was not without hope to reduce the defendantes into necessitie of rendring.

During these preparacions and actions, the Pope hearing of the taking of Mil­lan, was not a litle moued with the fortunes and happie beginnings of the Frenche: And therefore amidde suche alteracion of things, he studied to assure his proper af­fayres, dispatching for the same occasion to the French king, Gianniatteo Giberto Bi­shop of Verona, who was of no lesse fidelitie and confidence with the Pope, then gracious and acceptable to the French king: he had in charge to go first to Sonzin to induce the Viceroy and the other capteines to peace, cōmunicating with them his legacion to the king for the same cause: But finding them recomforted by the resi­stance of Pauia, and no lesse assured in the hope of their proper vallour, they made him a braue answere, that they had no deuocion to any composicion which should giue to the king any one foote of lande in the Duchie of Millan: He founde in the king a like, or happly a more hard disposicion, raysing his hart into high hopes both by the greatnes of his armie, and also for the good meanes he had to continue it and encrease it, A fundacion wherevppon he assured principally his passage into Italie, & not vnder a simple hope to preuent his enemies, notwithstanding he would say, that in effect it was already succeeded to him: The king norished in himselfe an assured hope to carie Pauia, which he battred with a continuall fury and execution of his artilleries: This hope was especially grounded vpon the workes which he cast about the walles, suche as he was assured coulde not be troubled by thenemies for the want which they had of municions, A matter easie to be deserned by the little number of shottes which they made: He sawe also into their penurie of vittells and breade, and was not without hope also to be hable in time to turne the streame of Thesin, an action specially importing thaduauncement of his victorie: And esteming the conquest of Millan and Genes a recompence farre vnworthy thexspenses he had made, and a rewarde too simple for so great a glory, he raysed his minde to higher thoughts, & in that ambiciō deuised to inuade the kingdome of Naples, holding no­thing the hardnes of thenterprise in regard of his fortune & glory, & more contem­ning the perill then well examining the partes and circumstances of it: But after all this, the principall cause of the Bishops legacion was debated betweene them, and brought foorth effect with very litle difficultie: both for that the Pope bounde him­selfe not to giue agaynst the king any succours eyther secret or manifest, in whiche couenant the Florentins did also communicate: And also the king receiued into his protection the Pope and the Florentins, comprehending especially thauthoritie which the famulie of Medicis had within Florence: It was agreed that this accorde should not be published but at suche time as should seeme best to the Pope: Neuer­thelesse, albeit it came not for the present to the knowledge of themprours Cap­teines, yet they entred dayly more and more into ielousie of the Pope: and therfore to be fully made assured of the certentie of his intention, they dispatched to hym Martin Abbot of Nagero Commissary of the campe: his commission was to pro­pounde to the Pope at one time, both hope and feare: for of the one part they made him offer of very great▪ things, and of the other they gaue him to vnderstande, that if themperour and the king came to the vttermost contencion, themperour coulde not but holde for enemies and agaynst him, suche as stoode in showe of newters and indifferent: But the Pope answered, that nothing could be lesse seeming to him, [Page 887] his estate, and place, then to giue ouer newtralitie in a time when warres ranne be­twene Christian Princes, both for that the office of a pastour did so require it, and also standing a newter, he might with a greater authoritie interpose in the action of peace: of the parts and couenants whereof, he treated at the same time with thEm­perour, at whose Court since the taking of Millan, was arriued thArchbishoppe of Capua, to whom the Ladie Regent had giuen passeport to go from Lyon into Spayne▪ Where, after he had with the same reasons excused the Pope in that he would not renue the league, a matter wherein thEmperour did instantly require him when he vnderstoode the king drewe towardes Italie, he tolde him that in making peace or truse, he ought to lay aside armes: But that which wrought in thEmperour an incli­nacion to accord, was the difficulties wherein he saw his armie reduced, the slender meanes he had to make leauies of money to releeue the affaires of Italie, the full fe­licitie which followed the frenche king, and the suspicion that he had least the king of England had secretly contracted with his ennemie: he grounded that iealousie v­pon this reason, that not only he refused to sende to tharmie that was in Lombardye the fiftie thowsand duckats, for the which notwithstanding he had giuen order, and prouided at Rome for the warre of Prouence: But also he demaunded of thEmperour (suffering so great necessitie) both restitucion of the money he had lent him, and al­so present payment of all such summes as he was bound vnto: for, thEmperour since his passing into Spaine hauing a great desire of coniunction with the king of England, and the better to remoue al difficulties that might hold him in suspence, bound him selfe to pay him that pension which he had yearely of the frenche king, and to aun­swere twentie thowsande duckats for the pensions which the frenche king payed to the Cardinall of Yorke and others, together with thirtie thowsande duckats payable to Queene Blanche the widow of king Levvis: of all which summes he had made no payment till that day: Neuerthelesse thEmperour amidde so many aduersities, made answere that it was not a matter agreeing with his dignitie, to make any conuencion so long as the french king lay vexing with armes and hostilitie the Duchie of Millan: This was his aunswere no lesse resolute then worthie suche a greatnes of minde, be­ing notwithstanding no lesse afflicted in thought and spirite, then verie ill disposed of his person and bodie, being falne into a feuer quartine, either for the displeasure he had conceiued when the difficulties to take Marceilles began to appeare, or for that his minde ill disposed to giue place to thennemie, was not naturally made trac­table by any difficulties, or for that he had a firme confidence in the vertue of his armie if once they came to the battell, or lastly for that he promised to him selfe, that hereafter the fauors of fortune would follow him with as full a gale, as they had done in times past.

The frenche king during these actions, had determined to inuade the realme of The fr. king sendeth the Duke of Al­banie into the realme of Na­ples. Naples, hoping that the importance of that kingdom would moue the Viceroy either to abandon Millan, or at least surcesse armes vpon ill condicions: a thing which the king began to desire for the difficulties he saw to obteyne Pauia, and for that expedi­cion it was sette downe, that Iohn Stuard Duke d'Albanie, issued of the blood of the kings of Scotland, should marche to the realme of Naples with two hundred launces, six hundred light horsemen, and foure thowsand footemen: These to be drawne out of tharmie, the one halfe to be Italians, foure hundred Svvizzers, and the residue launceknightes: And for the more glorie of thexpedicion and surety of the victory, Ranso de Cere was appointed to ioyne with them, and to descende at Lyuorna with those bandes of footemen that were leauied for the armie at sea, which for the diffi­cultie [Page 888] of necessary prouisions, was yet within the baye of Villefranco: he had also sent directions to the same Ranso and the Vrsins, to wage foure thousande footemen in the countrey of Rome: This deliberation the French king signified to the Pope by his Embassador Alberto Earle of Carpy, by whom he required the Pope of suffrance to leauye bands of footemen at Rome, and to consent to passage for his army through the Church dominion: This demaund brought no litle griefe to the Pope, to whom it could not but be intollerable that together with the Duchie of Millan, the crowne of Naples should diuolue to the French king: But looking into thestate of the tyme, and lesse hardie to make open refusall of the kinges demaunde, he aduised him on­ly by waye of counsell, not to embrace as yet that enterprise, and not to driue him to that necessitie not to accorde to him that which for many iust regardes he could not consent vnto: Wherein he occupied with him this wise discourse to proue the action to be agaynst his proper weale and profite: That if in tymes past the desire to reconquer the Duchie of Millan had stirred vp so many enemies, muche more would it moue in those dayes, and in that estate of affayres, when the world discer­ned that he aspired manifestly to the kingdome of Naples: That there was great pe­ril least suche an ambicion would drawe the Venetians to take armes for themprour, and to passe the bondes of their confederacion: That he had to consider, that if hys affayres founde any difficultie in Lombardie, the warre would procede with small re­putation in the realme of Naples: That if his warres and armies suffred declinacion in eyther of these two places, it would be a materiall cause to bring foorth diminu­cion to both: That lastely he should remember what offices he had commended in him in putting vpon him a minde requisite in a Pope, and that therefore it was not conuenient to compell him nowe to doe the contrarie. But this discourse was made in vayne, for that the Duke d'Albanie, not attending for other aunswere, and withall halfe assured of the Popes consent, passed the ryuer of Pavv at the passage of Stellato which is in the duchie of Millan: And yet the fifte day after, he turned backe agayne by direction from the king, who vnderstanding that the launceknightes be­gan already to ariue, and that the duke of Burbon was gone to wage more, thought best to reserue with him selfe his whole armie vntill his campe were possessed of the newe supply of Svvizzers and Grisons which he had sent to leauye. In this meane while were made many showes and demonstrations of armes, though no action of importance was performed by neyther partie. The king continued the siege before Pauia working continually at the trenches, and watching to vexe them within with his artilleries: And the Imperialls stoode quiet, exspecting the returne of the Duke of Burbon: Onely the Marquis of Pisquairo, vpon whose prouidence and vallour de­pended for the most part the counsels and executions of the whole affayres, issued one night out of Loda with two hundred horsmen and two thousand footmen: with which strength he surprised the towne of Melzo being negligently garded by Iero­nimo and Iohn Fermo Triuulco with two hundred horsemen, and in the action tooke prisoners all the capteins with the most part of their souldiors, of whom Ieronimo di­ed not many dayes after of a blow which he receiued in fight. By this were ariued in the kings campe the bands of Svvizzers and Grisons, by reason of whose comming the Duke d'Albanie repassed agayne the ryuer of Pavv at Stradello vpon the contrey of Plaisanca: from which inclinacion the Pope was not hable to turne the king, not that he did what he could, but happly solicited it with very colde instance, for feare to make him enter into suspicion: And therefore he thought it nowe time both to manifest to thimperialls the couenantes he had made with him before, and also to [Page 889] renew the mention of thaccord, hoping that no lesse the difficultie to obteine Pauia, then the daunger of the kingdome of Naples would make eyther partie lesse obsti­nate and lesse hard to embrase thaccord: To those endes he sent Paule Vettorio to the Viceroy to signifie to him, that notwithstanding the meanes and mediations he had vsed, yet he could neuer diuert the french king frō his purpose to muade the realme of Naples: and that (as touching his owne particular, least he should pull vpon him­selfe the warre which he could not resist) he had no reason to giue impedimēt to his passage: Neuerthelesse albeit he was constrayned by vehement compulsion to seeke The Pope counsell [...]th the fr. king and thempe­rour to peace. his suretie with him by new contracts, yet he would neuer accord to any condicion which might be preiudiciall to themprour: for whom, like as amid so many difficul­ties, he saw nothing more profitable nor reasonable then to embrace peace: So to thend the negociacion of peace might be aduaunced afore the disorders grew grea­ter or more immoderate, he perswaded the Viceroy to consent to a surceassing of armes, and to put into the hands of a person not suspected all those peces in the du­chie of Millan which as yet were holden in the name of themperour and the Duke: Vpon which doings and their ful accomplishments, he hoped there would be found out some conuenient meane for peace, wherin he proponed this deuise, that the du­chy of Millan being wholly seperate from the crowne of Fraunce, the kings seconde sonne should be inuested therin by themprour, to whom in recompence should be transferred some competent summe of money: That there should be ordeined some reasonable estate and assignation for the Dukes of Millan and Burbon: And lastly that the Pope, the Venetians, and the Florentins shoulde be bounde to confederate with themprour agaynst the French king, in case he would not obserue things promised. The Emprours capteins discerned well of the difficulties and daungers wherin they stoode, hauing at one time to support so great a warre in Lombardie in suche an vni­uersall want & necessitie of money, and also to prouide for the safety of the kingdom of Naples, being no lesse desperate of ayde from the Pope & Florentins, then very cer­teine that the Venetians would abandon them: who, albeit they waged new bands of footmen, and studied to enterteine thimperials in hope to obserue tharticles of the league, yet they deferred thexecution with diuers excuses: In so much as the Viceroy being for his particular nothing estraunged from thaccorde, inclined to drawe with tharmy to the kingdome of Naples for the surety of the same: But the councel being assembled vpon the matter, the reasons & authoritie of the Marquis of Pisquaro pre­uailed, who expressing an equall correspondencie of wisdome and courage, proued how necessary it was to passe ouer the accompt of al other daungers, and to fix only vpon the warre of Lombardy, vpon whose victory al other things had their exspecta­tion and depending: he sayd it was not the kings intention to inuade the realme of Naples with those armies and forces which coulde not so speedily be ledde into the kingdome, where both were multitudes of strong townes, and an absolute resolution & certentie of resistance by those bodies whom it cōcerned (for their proper safety) to defend it: By whiche occasion as it might be susteined for certeine monthes, So, in that respite and time, it was likely that the warre of Millan woulde be determi­ned, of which if they obteined the victory, there could not but follow the speedy de­liuering or rendring of Naples, yea though themprour had no other holdes or peces there, then one only tower: That holding good in Lombardy, it were easie to be vic­torious ouer Millan and Naples: where in marching to Naples were the only waye to lose Millan, and yet the kingdome not the more deliuered from daunger, for that the whole body of the warre would be trāsported thither: And being once reduced to a [Page 890] state of men vanquished, with what hopes can we returne thither agayne? where, of the contrary the enemies would enter with such a reputation and inclination of the people, who naturally eyther for feare or hatred, ronne before the fortune of the vi­ctor, that in the kingdom of Naples would be found no more defence then in the du­chy of Millan: That no other thing moued the french king standing as yet in dout of the successe of Lombardy: both to deuide his army & begin a new warre (the first still hanging & continuing) then the hope he had, that for the ouermuch care & ielousy of the kingdom of Naples, they would at last leaue vnto him as a pray thestate of Mil­lan: According to whose counsels & appetites, if the army should moue that so oftē had triumphed in victory, it were no other thing then with eternal infamy to subiect to the vanquished by compulsion of their threatnings, that honor, that reputation, and that estate of glory which so many times we haue won vpon thē by our armes, by our vallour, & by our weapons. This aduise was embraced, and as a sentence set downe & folowed by the Viceroy, who accordingly dispatched to Naples the duke of Tracetta, with direction to make as great leauies of money as was possible, and recō ­mend ouer the care & defense of the kingdom to Askanio Colonno & the other barons of the realme: And albeit he had modestly giuen answere to thembassage presented to him frō the Pope, yet he wrote to Rome letters full of seuerity & bitternes, such as gaue manyfest signification that he would not heare speake of thaccord: By reason of this, the Pope declaring howe he was pushed on by necessitie, for that the Duke d'Albanie aduaunced dayly, published (not as a thing done before) that he had con­tracted with the french king vnder a simple promise not to offend one another: This he signified by writing to themprours agents, alleging the causes that induced him, but specially his necessities & perils increasing: And when the sayd writing was pre­sented by Iohn Corsi embassador of Florence with wordes conuenient in suche a case, themprour, who afore could not be persuaded that the Pope would abandon him in so great a danger, fell into no litle emotion & trouble of mind: he set before his eyes the sundry hopes he had giuen him, confirmed by many good offices and oblations, he conferred together the seuerall demonstrations of amity, accompanied with no lesse tokens of constancy & firmnes: lastly making a iudgement betwene the former promises of the Pope, & his present effects, he burst out into publike passion against him, accusing with exclamation his frayltie & light condition: and in that heate of nature he answered thembassador, that neither hatred, nor ambition, nor any interest particular had stirred him vp to begin warre with the french king, but onely the per­swasions, the suggestions, and the authoritie of Pope Leo, who (as he sayd) was drawē vnto it by the Pope raigning, being at that time cardinall of Medicis, and perswaded him with great vehemency of reasons, that it was a matter of great importance for the publike safety & vniuersall benefite, not to suffer the french king to possesse any thing in Italy: That the same Cardinall was the author of the confederacion made for that cause before the death of Pope Adrian: In which respects he pronounced with great griefe how much it troubled him, to see the Pope who aboue all others was bound not to be seperate from him in those daungers wherin by his meanes he was entred, had made a chaunge no lesse hurtfull to him, then without all necessity: That such reuolt and seperation for the time, the place, and the whole manner and propertie of it, could be attributed to no other thing, then to a certayne seruile feare and tymerous impression, such as hath falne vpon him since they within Pauia haue holden out: In this humor he forgot not to debate the meanes and fauors he had vsed to encreace his greatnes alwayes since the death of Pope Leo, and speci­ally [Page 891] his authoritie in two Conclaues together with his perpetuall desire to trans­ferre vppon him the soueraigne election, onely for this opinion that by his meane mighte be reestablished the common libertie of Italie: And on the other side, he made collection howe little the Pope might assure him selfe of the French king, and howe farre he was eyther to feare or to hope of his victorie: Lastelye he stoode vppon this conclusion, that neyther for the Popes resolution whiche was a­gaynst all good office and exspectation, nor for anye other accident or fortune of what condition soeuer, he would not forget nor abandon him selfe: Wherein he protested, and therewithall wished that no man shoulde exspect that for wante of money he would chaunge or vary from his purpose, seeing he had vowed to set vp as a laste reast all his Crownes and kingdomes and hys life withall, desiring of God that his irreuocable deliberacion in the matter mighte not be preiudiciall to the health of his soule. To these complayntes thembassadour of Florence replied: That the Pope, since he was raysed to the soueraigne dignitie, was bounde to proceede no more as Cardinall of Medicis, but to put on the personne of Pope of Rome, whose office was to be carefull ouer the peace of Christendome: for whiche rea­son he had often debated with him the necessitie of peace and quietnesse, and for better negociation of it he had sent to him at two seuerall tymes the Archbishop of Capua, by whome he protested that by the othe and ceremonie of his office, he was bounde not to bee particular, but indifferent: That he had also admonished him thereof at suche tyme as the Admirall Bonniuet departed oute of Italie, ha­uing no better season and oportunitie to treate of peace for him and more for his honour, wherevnto neuerthelesse he made him no other aunswere then that he coulde conclude no peace without the consent of the kinge of Englande: He desyred the Emperour to remember howe often the Pope had disswaded the passage and iourney into Prouence, bothe for that it troubled altogether the hope of the peace: and also (herein he seemed a diuine prophete of thinges to come) the necessitie wherein it woulde put the Frenche king to enter into armes, mighte bee the occasion to stirre vp in Italie a more daungerous combustion: That the Pope, by the negociacion of the Bishoppe of Verona, had declared to the French king then possessor of Millan, and also to the Viceroye, howe farre it concerned them to harken to peace, but neyther of them bare anye inclination therevnto: That since that tyme he had with manye reasons, and verye greate efficacie, re­fused to giue passage through thestate Ecclesiastike, to the bandes of menne of warre that marched agaynste the Realme of Naples: And yet neuerthelesse the kinge dyd not onely denie to heare his reasons, but also made his forces to march along the countrey of Plaisanca, withoute tarrying for hys aunswere: That for that cause he had lastely sente Pavvle Vittorio to induce the Viceroye to a surceas­sing of armes vnder condicions conformable to the tyme, and withall to certifie him by howe many reasons of necessitie he was to assure him selfe of the daunger imminent, seeing withall that both the Venetians stoode in suspence, and also the kinge of Englande woulde not be concurrante in the defence of the Duchie of Mil­lan, if at the same tyme both by Themperour and by him, the warre were not moued beyonde the Mountes: But seeing the Viceroye made no reckoning of anye offers or condicions he propounded, and that the kinges men of warre and armed bandes aduaunced daylye, he was constrayned to take fayth and suretie of the kinge without beeing bounde to anye other thing then not to offende hym. The Emperour complayned of the hardnesse of the condicion offered to the Viceroy, [Page 892] for that it restrayned and bounde hym to leaue that which he helde, not expressing any mention that the Frenche king should do the lyke: And lastely he sayde, that albeit the Marquis of Pisquairo in counselling him to agreement, had signified to him that in the campe were manye disorders, and no lesse daunger to hys affayres, yet he coulde not frame his minde to peace, suche was his hope that through the vallour of his men he should carye the victorie, if the armies came once to the triall of a battell.

All this whyle continued the siege of Pauia: And yet for want of municions Duke of Fer­rara aydes the French king during the siege of Pa­uia. they had somewhat ceassed to molest it with their artilleries: But to remedie that difficultie, the king hauing newely receyued into his protection the Duke of Fer­rara with obligacion to paye him threescore and tenne thousande duckets in ready money, was content to accept twenty thousande of that summe in price and vallue of municions, whiche he caused to be conueyed by Parma and Plaisanca, vsing the seruice of the horses and cariages of the contrey men: wherein the king was readily holpen by the commission and direction of the Pope, not without the complayning of the Viceroy, as though in that action he had ministred manyfestly to the ayde and succours of the king: Who, to thende the municions might arriue in suretie, had sent affore Iohn de Medicis with two hundred horse and fifteene hundred footemen: This Medicis complayning in the beginning of the warre, both of the seueritie of the Viceroy giuing him discountenance, and also of his penurie of money, not hauing sufficient to make the souldiors to marche, was passed out of themperours paye, to the interteinment of the Frenche kinge: It seemed that these forces were sufficient to assure the municions, the rather because the Duke of Albanie was at hande, ha­uing passed at the same tyme the ryuer of Pavv: And albeit the Viceroy and the Marquis of Pisquairo to stoppe their passage, caste a bridge neare to Cremona, and made their waye ouer Pavv with sixe hundred men at armes and eight thousande footemen, lodging the first daye at Monticello: yet they gaue ouer the enterprise, and returned agayne ouer the ryuer, beeing aduertised by credible espiall, that the king had giuen charge to the Lord Thomas de Foix, to go seeke them with one part of tharmie. Assoone as they were retyred the Duke of Albania passed thAppe­nine along the territories of Reggia and Garfagnana, onely he marched slowely, the same confirming thoppinion that was conceyued that the kinge embraced that enterprise, more to induce with suche seare thEmperours Capteines eyther to accorde, or at least to abandon thaffayres of Lombardie, then through hope to make anye greate aduauncement: Ranse de Cere ioyned with him neare to Lucqua with a regiment of three thousande footemen who were come with the armie at sea: This armie as they passed, tooke by composicion Sauona and Varagina: And the Nauie beeing eftsoones returned to the west ryuer of Genes, helde in feare and bridle that Citie.

In the beginning of the yere a thousand fiue hundred twentie and fiue, Dom Hugo 1525. de Moncado departing from Genes with the Nauie, descended and tooke lande with three thousande footemen at Varagina, where were left in garrison, certayne bandes of French footmen: But the French nauie that was then at sea, being commaunded by the Marquis Salusse making to the succours of that place, the other fleete retyred being naked of footemen: when also the French regimentes of footemen discended and left their shippes, and so fiersly charged their enemies, that the whole armie be­ing broken, diuerse were miserably put to the sworde, and the person of Dom Hugo vnfortunately taken prisoner.

[Page 893]In the beginning of the same yere, the Duke of Albanie compelled the people of Lucqua to contribute to him twelue thousand duckets, & to lend him certeine peces of artilleries: with which munitions and prouisions he marched further through the lands of the Florentins, by whom he was receiued in amitie & friendship: And in that sort did he stay with his army neare to Siena at the Popes request, who for that ney­ther by authority, nor with armes, he could not meete with all things that troubled him, resorted to his naturall condicion, & began to manage his purposes with art & industry: It nothing displeased him that the french should get the duchy of Millan, for that he made this coniecture, that whilest themprour & the french king abode in Italy, both the sea apostolike & his pontificacy should stand assured frō the ambicion & greatnes of eyther of them, because they would kepe ielous eyes the one ouer the other: And yet by the same reason it was grieuous to him to see the French make a conquest of the kingdome of Naples, for feare that at one time that kingdome & the duchye of Millan were not reduced vnder the power & commaundement of one so puissant a prince: wherin to cast impediments against the doings & fortunes of the king, he sought occasions to stay the Duke of Albanie, & made instance to the king, that as he passed he would readresse & reorder the gouernment of Siena, which the Pope (for the oportunity & seate of that citie standing in the midway betwene Rome and Florence) desired greatly might fall into the hands of some of his friends, like as was hapned not many monthes before by his meane & working▪ for as the cardinall Petruccio dying during the pontificacy of Adrian, his nephew Frauncis pretended to succede him in the gouernmēt: so by reason of his insolency, the chieftayns of Mon­tenouo being neuertheles of the same faction, opposed vehemently agaynst him, and made solicitacion to the Duke of Sesse themprours Embassadour, and to Cardinall Medicis, to giue them an other forme of gouernment, as eyther to reduce it into li­bertie, or else to referre the whole authoritie into the handes of Fabio sonne of Pandolffe Petruccio, notwithstanding somewhat before he was secretely stolne away to Naples: This matter was long debated, and at laste when Clement was elected Pope, the common consent of him and themperour concurring, Fabio was efte­sones reestablished in the place of his father: But both for that he had not the full authoritie of his father, and for the present inclination of the Citie bearing vniuer­sally to libertie, and also because the famulie and faction of Montenouo, was ney­ther firmely knitte with him, nor of no assured agreement amongest them selues, the estate of thinges drewe to other effectes then aunswered thexspectation: for, by the debilitie that was discerned to be in the power of one onely, both hauing no fundacion vpon the affections and good willes of the Citisens, and also holding no gouernment absolute and without regard to the course and maner of tyrantes, there hapned one day by the incensing of his aduersaries, a popular tumult, by the which without the ayde of any forreiners, he was easily driuen out of the city, notwithstan­ding he had alwayes in the place a garde depending vpon him: The Pope making his aduauntage of this diuision, and reaposing no confidence neyther in the popu­lars, nor in any other faction, determined to put the authoritie into the handes of the Montenouaes, to thende afterwardes to create chiefe Ruler eyther Fabio, or anye other of them that shoulde bee beste agreable to hym: A matter which as when men bee entered into suspicion, they are wonte for the moste parte to take all thinges in the worste parte, so the manner of that dealinge increased this opinion in the Imperiall Capteines, that the capitulation made betwene the Pope and the french king, conteyned on all sides some matter of more aduauntage, and a [Page 894] greater obligation then the bande of newtralitie: It happned by the staying of the Duke of Albania vpon the confines of Siena, that thinhabitantes there, to redeeme their domages which they receiued of tharmie, gaue a most ample voyce & autho­ritie touching the gouernment, to those Citisens who were most of the Popes con­fidence and faction: And afterwardes the Siennois sent certaine quantities of muni­cion & money to the Duke of Albania, who passed on marching notwithstanding as slowly as he was wont: He went from Mountfiasco to Rome to speake with the Pope, and afterwards passing Tiber to Fiano, he abode vpon the landes of the Vrsins, where did assemble the bands of footemen that were leauyed at Rome by the permission of the Pope, who gaue semblable suffrance to the Colonnois mustring at Marina for the defence of the realme of Naples, to wage regimentes of footmen at Rome: But bothe for that they aduaunced not muche, and that vniuersally they were yll prouided of money, there was no great accompt made of those leauyes or mustrings, since the eyes, the eares, thexspectation, the spirites and contemplacions of all men were al­together setled vpon the affayres of Lombardie: which pretending to one end and by diuers accidents, increased in both parties indifferently the humor of hope & feare.

They that were within Pauia suffred▪ no smal necessitie of money and municions, The defen­dantes of Pauya in ne­cessitie. the store of wine beginning also to fayle and all other sortes of vittels, except bread: By reason where of the launceknightes assembled, and almost in maner of a tumult demaunded their payes, wherevnto, besides their owne insolent dispositions, they were pushed on by the incitacion of their capteine, who was feared to haue made some secret contract with the French king. On the other side, the Duke of Burbon approched and ledde with him from Germany 500. men at armes Burgognions, and 6000. launceknights payed vpon the treasor of the king of Romains: The Viceroy al­so was gone to Loda, where they ment to assemble the whole armie, pretending that it should be nothing inferior to that of thenemies: But as there was no present store of money and lesse exspectation to get so much as would make march the souldiors and enterteine them: So also they were destitute of al hope to be ayded by the Pope or by the Florentins: Neither had they confidence in the Venetians, who after many excuses and delayes, had at last aunswered Caraccioll the pronotory and themprours Embassador at Venice, that they would procede according to thexāple of the Pope, by whose meane & working it was supposed that they had secretly made a contract of newtrality with the french king: yea it was thought that they priuily solicited the Pope, to procure to discende into Italie at their common charges, an army of tenne thousand Svvizzers, to thend they should not nede to feare the victory of eyther of tharmies: This was well allowed by the Pope, but both for want of money, & by the custome and propertie of his nature, so slowly executed, that he sent to late into Svvizzerlande the Bishop of Verulo to dispose the mindes of the Svvizzers.

The necessities & wants of Pauia were somewhat releeued by the industrie of the Viceroy and other capteines: for, sending certayne vittelers of wine into the French campe, Antho. de Leua hauing a signe made, sent out certayne trowpes to offer the skirmish on that side, by which occasion the brute & alarme following, the vittelers breaking their greatest vessell, ranne into Pauia with a litle vessell inclosed in the great, and wherin were bestowed 3000. duckets: which though it did not to the full remedy their wants, yet it wrought such an operacion of comfort amongst thē, that the launceknights seing by that litle summe the difficulty to send them money, bare afterwards with more patiēce their other extremities, wherin also the death of their capteine did conueniently concurre at the same instant. It was beleued that Anthony [Page 895] de Leua procured him to be poysoned, to thende to take awaye both the matter and occasions of tumults: In this tyme the Marquis of Pisquaro went to incampe before Cas [...]iano, where were in garrison fiftie horsemen and foure hundred Italian footmen whom he compelled to render them selues to discression.

After the Duke of Burbon was ariued with his launceknights, there was nothing that more reteyned the Capteines (being very carefull ouer the daunger of Pauia) then the want of money, such as they had not onely wherewith to pay the regimēts of the men of warre, but also there was not to defraye necessarily the conduction of the municions and artilleries: In this necessitie, they were driuen to haue recourse to perswasions, wherein they forgot not to recommend to the bands of footemen, the glory & riches which the victorie would cast vpon them, And reducing to their memorie the reputacion of their conquests past, they labored also to inflame their mindes with the fire of enuie and hatred against the French men: By which com­memoracion of glory and profit, they brought the spanish footemen to make pro­misse that they would follow the armie one whole moneth more without receiuing any money: And the launceknights were contented with that which should suffice for the prouision of their nurriture and necessary vittells. But they found many dif­ficulties to winne the men at armes and light horsemen being lodged in the townes of Cremona and Guiaradada: They alleaged, that hauing receiued no money of longe time, it would be greuous to them to follow the armie where of necessitie they must be driuen to buy vittells to nourish them selues, and forrage to feede their horses: They brought also into complaint this iniury, that their paines and seruice was hol­den lesse acceptable and recommended, then the infanterie, to whome neuerthelesse had bene made many distribucions of money, without releeuing of them with one penny of long time: In which griefe they forgot not to insinuate their many merits, and making comparison of their reputacion and vallour, much lesse that they yelded to be inferior to thinfanterie either in vallour or fidelitie, but they challenged place aboue them both by their nobilitie and for their deseruings past: it was necessary for thexpedicion of the seruice to reappease this murmure, and by some present indu­strie to reassure the mindes that began so manifestly to shake, which office the Mar­quis of Pisquaro tooke vppon him, who trauelling to their particular lodgings, vsed those meanes that best agreed with the state of the matter he had in hand, taking his obseruacion of the wise Phisicion, who hauing found out the humor that offendeth, prepareth that ministracion and medicin that is most apt to cure and remedie: som­times he serued his turne with excuses, which in suche cases haue their operacion, And sometimes he whetted them on with wordes of comfort, which to mindes wa­uering giue no litle edge and reuiuing: sometimes he reprehended them, which ac­cording to the persons might worke some notable office, And sometimes he confes­sed the equitie of their complaints, wherein he ouercame their generall griefe with his proper compassion: And hauing thus by the singularitie of his wit and industrie, reduced to moderacion their present murmures and discontentments, he followed his purpose with new incoragements, that by how much more they stoode to make their vertue apparant, and their vallour manifest, by so much more were they bound not to suffer so noble hartes, to be ouercome by an estate of infanterie or footemen either in fidellitie or affection to thEmprour: And as the present quarrell did not concerne the glory and honor of thEmprour alone, but also the successe of the con­dicion and whole estate of Italy was concurrant, so if they expressed not their readi­nes and vallour equall with the greatnes of the occasion offered, they could hardly [Page 896] acquire thexspectacion that was conceiued of them, but sitting downe with disho­nor and infamie, they would leaue to thEmperour an vnthankefull recompense for his benefits past: Lastly he tolde them, that seeing they had so many times offered their liues to hazard in thEmperours quarrells, and no lesse often had made waye by their vertue thorow all perills of warre and fortune for his sake, it coulde not but intangle with shame and infamie the memorie of their merites past, if nowe they shoulde refuse to goe to the warre for so vile a thing as a small quantitie of money: What by these perswasions, and thauthoritie of the Marquis, they consented to re­ceiue for one moneth a small allowance of pay: Infomuch that the whole armie be­ing thus assembled, which was supposed to conteyne seuen hundred men at armes, as many light horsemen, a thowsand Italian footemen, & more then sixteene thow­sand spanish and launceknightes: They brake vp from Loda the fiue and twentie of Ianuarie, and marched the same day to Marignan, making as though they woulde draw towardes Millan, either to make the king, being touched with the daunger of that Citie, to leauie his seege from before Pauia, or else to giue cause to the souldi­ours to go from Millan that were there in garrison: Neuerthelesse hauing afterwards passed the riuer of Lambra neare to Vidigolffo, they tooke manifestly the waye to Pa­uia: The king payed in his armie xiij. hundred launces, ten thowsande Svvizzers, foure thowsand launceknightes, fiue thowsand frenchmen, and seuen thowsand Ita­lians: And yet what thorow the abuses and robberies of his Capteines, and corrup­tion and negligence of his officers, the numbers of the footemen were farre lesse: Theodor Triuulso lay in garrison within Millan with three hundred launces, six thow­sand footemen Grisons and Valesiens, and three thowsand frenchmen: But assoone as the king discerned that the Imperialls turned towards Pauia, he reuoked to the army all the regiments of footemen, except two thowsand.

Assoone as the armie of thimperialls had taken the field, the french king began to deuise what was best to be done: And calling to councell his Capteines, Trymouille, Palissa, and Monsr de Foix with many others, aduised him to retyre his armie from before Pauia, and to go incampe either in the monasterie of Charterhouse, or at Bi­nasquo, which are places of good strength, and likewise are found many suche in the contrie there, for the oportunitie of the channells deriuing, and do serue for the wa­tering of medowes: They told him that in taking this course, he should speedily ca­rie the victory without blood or daunger, the wantes and necessities of his enemies not suffering them to holde out many dayes, but woulde constraine them either to dissolue, or disperse their companies into seuer all villages: That the launceknightes that were within Pauia, to thende to cut of all imputacion that they sought to couer their feare and timerousnes, with the excuse that they were not payed, were content to beare with pacience the prolonging of their payes for many moneths: But assone as they saw the seege remoued, they would in insolencie demaunde their payes, and not finding in their Capteines any assured meanes to satisfie them, and lesse exspe­ctacion to enterteine them with credible hopes, it was to be feared they would draw to some daungerous tumult: That thenemles with no other thing kept them selues so orderly together but with hope to giue speedily the battell, but when they should see the warre drawne out into longnes, and the commodity of offring the battell not presented, then their exspectacion would be frustrate, and the whole armie repleni­shed with difficulties & confusion: That it could not be but daungerous to remeine betwene a towne wherein were fiue thowsande footemen of a most warlike nation, and an army that came to reskew it, which was no lesse mightie in numbers of men, [Page 897] vallour and experience of Capteines and souldiours, then braue and resolute by the glorie of their victories obteyned in times past, And who nowe had reapposed all their hopes in the battell: That in warres it was no shame to slee, when the fleeing profiteth him that giueth place to his aduersarie: That there could be no infamie in a retraite that was made by discression and not by tymerousnes, when it is done vp­pon this consideracion not to put in doubt things that be certeine, And when in the yssue and successe of the warre is to be expressed to all the world the maturitie of the councell: That there is no victorie more profitable, more honorable, nor more glo­rious, then that which is obteyned without the domage, the spoile, and blud of soul­diers: Lastly that the first and chiefe commendacion of the discipline of warre con­sisted in this, that a generall shoulde not oppose his armie to daungers without necessitie, and rather with industrie and pacience to reuerse and make vaine thenter­prises of his aduersaries, then through vallour & corage, to hazard the battell, which fortune and accidents may make doubtfull: The Pope concurred in the same coun­cell and signified no lesse to the French king though not so much for the kings inte­rests, yet for the necessitie of his owne affaires, for that the Marquis of Pisquaro being not without his feare, in so great a necessitie had aduertised affore hand the difficul­ties of thEmprours army to be such, as they almost cut from him all hopes of happy The french king will [...]t [...] the [...] of his Captemes. successe: Neuerthelesse the king (A destinie ineuitable can not be auoyded) who in his deliberacions followed only the councells of thAdmiral, seemed to set before his eyes rather the rumors of men and brutes varying for euery light accident, then the firme and assured substance of theffects of thinges: he interpreted it to a great shame and infamie, that an armie royall led by his owne person, should showe more feare then vallour, and basely giue place to the comming of thennemies, wherein he was also pushed on by this vaine suggestion that he was bownd to followe and per­forme with deedes, the wordes that his rash tongue had vainely promised, A resolu­cion most vndiscreete and dishonorable to a Capteine: for, both he had vnder pro­testacion assured all the world, and many times signified by Messengers into Fraunce and all the partes of Italy, that he would sooner chuse to sacrifice him selfe to death, then to retyre from before Pauya without the victorie: he stoode fixed vppon these hopes, that in the place where he incamped, he might easily fortefie him selfe to a­uoid all inconueniences by surprise: That through want of money euery small de­lay, or the least necessitie that might driue thennemies to temporise, would put them into disorder, And hauing no meane to get vittells but by rauyne and pillage, they could not remainelong in one lodging: Lastly he hoped to giue impediment to the vittells that were to come to their campe, whereof he knew the greatest parte was appoynted from Cremona, wherein he was furthered by this helpe, that he had newly taken into his pay Iohn Lodovvyk Paluoysin, either to thende he shoulde impatronize him selfe vppon Cremona where was a very slender garrison, or at least to lye to cut of the sewertie of vittels that had an ordinary traffike from that citie to their campe.

For these reasons the king stoode resolute not to leaue the seege of Pauya, And to haue the better way to empeach that thennemies should not enter, he dislodged in other manner, and gaue an other forme to the incamping of his armie: for, the king was lodged before in thAbbay of S. Lanfrank situated about a mile and an halfe be­yond Pauya, beyond the way that leadeth from Pauya to Myllan, And vppon the riuer of Thesin neare to that place where was proued the diuersion of the waters: Monsr Palissa with the vauntgard & the Svvyzzers lay within the subburbs neare S. Iustynes gate, hauing fortefied him selfe in the Churches of S. Peter, S. Apolyne, and S. Ierome: [Page 898] And Iohn de Medicis with his horsemen and regimentes of footemen, was bestowed in the Church of S. Sauior: But now, the king hauing informacion that thennemies were departed from Loda, he went & incamped within the parke in the right sump­tuous and stately house of Mirabell scituate on this side Pauia, leuing at S. Lanfranke the Grisons footemen, and yet chaunged not the lodging of the Vauntgard: At last the person of the king was lodged in the monasteries of S. Pavvle & S. Iames, places besides other commodities, very eminent and neare Pauia, & commaund the cham­pion, but are somewhat without the ring of the parke: In the kinges place Monsr d'Alenson with the Arearegard went to incampe at Myrabell: And as for their more conuenient succoring one an other, they brake downe on that side the parke wall, so they helde and commaunded betwene them all that space or circuit that stretcheth towards Thesin on that side below, and vntill the way that leadeth to Millan towards aboue: So that holding Pauia enuironned on all sides, and hauing also at their de­uocion the riuers of Grabalon, Thesin, and Touretta, which is right against Darsina, the Imperialls could not enter Pauia, onlesse they passed the riuer of Thesin, or else made their entrie by the parke. The king for the managing of the armie, reapposed him selfe wholly vpon the councells of thAdmirall: he had singular confidence in his fi­delitie, and so absolutely referred things to his direction, that he dispensed with him selfe and passed the most parte of his howers in idlenes and vaine pleasures without any study or care of his affaires or once to thinke vpon expedicions of importance: wherin such was either his wilfull negligence or willing partiality, that if at any time he sat in councell amongest them, he would referre the sentence & resolucion of all things to thAdmiral, without accepting the aduise of other experienced Capteines: By him were ordered all the kinges deliberacions, though at times he suffered his eares to be gouerned by Anne Montmerancy and Philip Chabot Lord of Bryon, perso­nages verie agreable to him in his sportes, but of slender experience touching mat­ters of warre: Moreouer the estate and numbers of his armie were not according to his desire and opinion, and muche lesse aunswering to the brute that went: for, one parte of his horsemen being gone with the Duke of Albanie, and an other parte left for the garde of Millan with Theodor Triuulce, and many also being dispersed into seuerall villages and borowes thereabouts, there was not found in the campe aboue eight hundred launces, and touching the footemen, the numbers were farre lesse then was supposed as wel by the negligence of the kings osficers, as through the de­ceit of the Capteines: of whom the greatest abusers were the Italians, who notwith­standing they receiued payes for great numbers of footemen, yet their bandes were farre from their full cooplements: many of the french Capteines tooke counsell also by their corrupcions: And lastly the regiment of two thowsande Valesiens that were bestowed at S. Sauior betwene S. Lanfranke & Pauia being sodainly assaulted by those that were within, were dispersed and broken.

In this estate of affaires, the Capteines Imperiall hauing passed Lambray, made The Impe­rialls take the castell S. Angeo. their approches to the Castell S. Angeo, which hauing his scituacion betwene Lo­da and Pauia, would haue giuen great impediments to the course of vittels that were brought from Loda to their campe, if it had not bene at their deuocion and in their power: Pirrhus, the brother of Federike de Bossolo laye there in garrison with two hundred horse, and eight hundred footemen, and the king not many dayes before, to thend he woulde not rashly commit his people to daunger, had sent to visite and consider the place the same Federike & Iames Chabanes, who brought reapport that that strength and garrison sufficed for the defense of the place: But experience made [Page 899] it knowen immediatly after, how farre they were deceiued in their reckoning, for, as­soone as Ferdinand d Aualo made his approches with the regiments of spanish foot­men, and had cut of with his arulleries, certeine defenses and resistances, the feare of the defendants became greater then their vallour, and in those humors of umerous cowardise, they retyred the same day into the castell: And not many howers after (feare hath a vehement operacion in the mindes it possesseth) they compownded that Pirrhus, Emylio Coriano, and the three sonnes of Phebus Gonsanguo, should remein prisoners, and all the residue depart the place, without armor and horse, And beeing sworne not to beare armes for one moneth against thEmprour: In this time the king sent for from Sauona a regiment of two thowsand Italian footemen, parcell of those companies that had bene at the seege of Marseilles: But being come vpon the terri­tories of Alexandria neare the riuer of Vrba: Gaspar Mayne lying there in garrison with a regiment of seuen hundred footemen, yssued out of Alexandria with a very slender strength and set vpon them: he found them very wearie with the longe way they had made, and without garde, for that they doubted no daunger by reason of which aduauntages he disordered and brake them easily, and in their feare being fled within the castell, they rendred them selues immediatly with seuenteene enseignes: There hapned no better successe to thenterprise that was committed to the charge of Iohn Lovvys Paluoisin: who, after he was entred with foure hundred horse & two thowsand footemen within Casalmaior, where was no wall, but ramparts which he had made, And hauing afterwards wonne S. Iohn in Croce, he began from that place to make incursions into the contrey, laboring with all the meanes he could to cut of their vittells: By reason of which violences, Frauncis Sforce lying then within Cremo­na, leauied with great celeritie foureteene hundred footemen, and sent them to Ca­salmaior with certeine trowpes of horsemen of the band of Rodolffo Camerino and the horsemen of his gard, vnder the leading of Alexander Bentyuole: As they were drawn neare to that place, Paluoysin reapposing confidence in the aduauntage of his num­bers without tarying for certeine succours of Frauncis Rangon, issued out the eygh­teene of February and occupied skirmish with them: But he payed a deare price of his rashnes, and fell by equitie into the punishment of his hastie rashnes, for that in laboring to susteine his trowpes that fought and beganne to draw to retraite, he was striken from his horse and made prisoner, & all his souldiours broken and dispersed: There was also added to thaffayres of the French king, this further difficultie of great consequence: Iohn I [...]. Medicis of Myllan Capteine of the castell of Mus whether the Duke of Myllan had sent him for the murder he had done of the person of Monsr Viscounte, hauing placed by night an ambushe on the side of the rocke of Chiauenna standing vppon a hil side at the head of the lake, and somewhat distant from the hou­ses of the borough: tooke the Capteine prisoner as he walked without his castell & led him presently before the gate of the rocke, where threatning to kill him if he put not the rocke into his handes, his wife in whose presence his life was threatned to death, deliuered vp the rocke: After this first fortune, he caused to discouer an other ambushe with three hundred footemen with whom he tooke the towne making his entry by the castell: Whereuppon it hapned that the Cantons of the Grisons, taking suspicion vppon that accident, reuoked a litle before the battell, the regiment of sixe thowsand Grisons that were in the kings armie.

About this time, ariued in thimperiall armie, the knight Casalo, whom the king of England sent thether with great promisses: That king beginning to be ielous ouer the prosperitie of the French king, and pushed on also with a certeine despite that in [Page 900] the Skottishe seas the Frenche had taken certayne vessells of thEnglishe, threatned manifestly to make warre vpon Fraunce, and in that humor desired the well aduaun­cing of thImperiall armie: In which forwardnes of disposicion, he sent to his Em­bassador Pace remayning at Trente, to go to Venice and protest in his name thobser­uation of the League, to the which his Maiestie hoped they would be so muche the more easily induced, by howmuch themperour had sent to the Viceroy thinuestiture of Frauncis Sforce, with authoritie to dispose of it by his discression and according to the necessitie and respect of his affayres: The king of Englande also solicited the Pope by his Embassador, to minister ayde to themperour in his affayres: But the Pope excused him vpon the capitulacion made with the French king for his owne suretie, and not offending themprour, whervnto he added this complaint, that since the army was returned from Prouence, he was not able in the space of twenty dayes to vnderstande their purposes, nor whether they pretended to defende or abandon thestate of Millan.

But now, litle auayled the trayties and intelligences of Princes, and of lesse seruice Thimperialls drawe neare to Pauia. were the negociations and labors of Embassadors, for that by the affronting and ap­proching of the armies, the whole estate of the warre together with the difficulties and daungers susteined for many monthes, were reduced to the fortune and hazard of a very fewe howres: for the armie imperiall passing further since the taking of S. Angeo, marched and lodged the first daye of Februarie at Vistarino, and the second day at Lardiragno and S. Alexis beyond the litle riuer of Lolono: a lodging distant frō Pauia foure miles, and from the French campe three miles: The thirde of February they marched towardes the gate of S. Iustine, the place of their incamping beeing stretched out betwene Prati, Treleuero, la Motto, and a wood on the side of S. Lazarus, places within two miles and an halfe of Pauia, within halfe a mile of the Frenche Vauntgarde, and not halfe a myle from the rampiers and trenches of their campe: By reason they were so neare affronted one to the other, they escaped not without their seuerall domages by the artilleries: The Imperialls commaunded Belioyense, with all the villages and countrey that laye vpon their backes, except Saint Colombin where lay a garrison of French, but so straytly besieged as no person could issue out. They founde within Saint Angeo and Saint Belioyense great quantities of vittells, and to haue more plenty and abundance, they labored to commaund Thesin as they did Pavv, by the cōmoditie of which they gaue impediment to the french vittells: They helde S. Croce, and albeit the french king at that time when▪ he went to incampe at Mirabell had abandoned the Charterhouse, yet they forbare to go thither, least their market of vittels should be cut off: The french men kept S. Lazarus, but the furie of thartilleries of thenemies put them in feare to abide there: There was betwene the two campes a litle brooke or ryuer of running water called Vernacula: his head or spring was within the parke, and from thence making his course in the middest be­twene S. Lazarus and S. Peter in Verge, hath his fal afterwards into the riuer of Thesin. This brooke the imperials to thend they might come on with lesse difficulty, labored to passe as a matter of great importance: But they found a valiant defence made by the frenchmen, hauing both the ayde of the channell which was very deepe, and the commodity of the shores or bankes that were very high: By which impedimente [...] there was no possibilitie of passage without great difficultie: euery one with that art and care that the peril required, fortified their lodging & quarter: The kings lodging had in front, in backe, and in the lest flanke, thicke & huge ramparts, enuironed with diches & fortified with bastillions: and on the right flanke was the wall of the parke [Page 901] of Pauia which was supposed to make the lodging verye strong: The lodginges of thimperials caryed the same forme of fortification, hauing also the libertye of the whole contrey from S. Lazarus drawing towardes Belioycuso, euen vntill the riuer of Pavv, which ministred to them great abundance of vittels. Betwene the ramparts of both the one and other lodging, was no more distance then xl. passes, and the bastil­lions so neare neighbours, that the small shot played in great libertie. These two ar­mies were thus lodged and incamped the eyght daye of February: and albeit they lost no time in skirmishing, yet euery one kept himself within his fort, not willing to do any thing to his disaduauntage: The imperiall capteines made their reckoning, that they had gayned much till that day beeing approched so neare Pauia, that if it came to a day of battel, they might be ayded with the garrisons that were within the towne: And because the souldiors within Pauia suffred want of municions, the impe­rialls ventred to send in fifty horsemen, euery one carying in croupe or behind him, a litle bag full of powder: who taking by night the way of Millan, & obseruing the in­stant wherin their campe by a token giuen should giue thalarme to the french men, they got safely into Pauia, their fortune being nothing inferior to their vallour. Anth. de Leua made many fallyes out of the town, bringing with him in diuers maners ma­ny harmes and domages to thenemies, in one of which sallies he charged those that had the gard of the borow of S. Lanfrank, whom he did not only defeate & breake, but also with the same felicitie tooke from them three peces of artilleries, and foure wagons laden with municions. In this condition it was wonderfull to behold what was the study, the industry, and perpetuall toyle of body & minde of the Marquis of Pisquaro, who omitted no oportunitie wherin occasion was giuen to vexe thenemie, sometimes prouoking them with skirmishes, sometimes traueling thē with alarmes; and neuer ceassing to kepe them awaked eyther with vndermining, intrenching, or raysing of Mountes to annoy them: They caused to erect a cauallier or mount vpon the chānel: and for that the frenchmen with ij. peces of artilleries planted vpō S. La­zarus, made dangerous execution of those that wrought vpon it, they planted there certein peces which reuersed the said place of S. Lazarus & compelled the french to abādon it: And as the artilleries of this cauallier annoyed thē much, so also they were no lesse beaten by an other mount or Cauallier which they had made within Pauia: Besides, the Spaniards had so fortified thēselues with bastillions & ramparts, & other preparatiues defensiue, that they had great meane to greue the french campe, with­out receiuing much offence thēselues: for which cause the frēchmen remoued their artilleries to beate thē in the flanke, the Spaniards not ceassing for al that to aduance and come on, & to winne aduantage by footmeale: and in this estate of procedings, in such a neare neyborhood & affronting of tharmies, the skirmishes were very rife, wherin the frenchmen for the most part caried the worse: and yet the practises and negociations of truce did nothing cease, beeing continually solicited by the Popes Nuncioes resident in both the armies: To whō were adioyned many of strait fami­liaritie & fauor with the king, who ceassed not to admonish him, the Popes counsell also concurring, that to auoyde so great a perill it were his best to retyre his armie from before Pauia, by which meane the victory could not but fall vpō him with faci­litie, & without effusion of blood, the rather by the necessities of thenemies suffring great want of money. The xvij. day of February the souldiors within Pauia made a sally, & charged the regimēt of Iohn de Medicis, who gaue thē a braue repulse, & with no lesse vallor compelled them to retyre: But immediatly afterwards as he returned to showe to the Admirall the place of thincounter, with relation of things as they [Page 902] passed, certayne loose shot lurking in a house, gaue him a wounde with the bullet a litle aboue the heele whiche brake the bone, for the curing of whiche hurte he was constrayned to be caryed to Plaisanca: This was an vnfortunate hurt or else vnhap­pily chaunced on that man, for that lyke as immediately after his wounding, the furie of the Frenche campe in skirmishing and assaulting, began to diminishe and abate, so it seemed to giue to them of Pauia a greater and more ready resolucion, for that their fallies were more familiar and furious, in whiche vehement inclina­tion they burned the Abbey of Saint Lanfranke, and ceassed not fiercely to execute the French men, taking aduauntage of the diminution of their courage and fortune: In so muche that the night betwene the xix. and xx. daye of Februarye, the Mar­quis of Pisquairo issuing out with a regiment of three thousande Spanish footemen, assaulted the French bastillions, and winning the ramparts, he slew more then fiue hundred footemen, and cloyed three peeces of artilleries.

It was nowe not possible to thimperial Capteines any longer to maynteine their armie in that place, for want of money: They considered also that if they shoulde breake vp and retyre, the estate of Pauia woulde not onely remayne desperate, but also there woulde be lefte little hope to be hable to defende their other peces which they possessed in the Duchie of Millan: There was also in them all a wonderfull confidence to obteine the victorie, bothe for the resolucion and vallour of their souldiors, and also through the infinite disorders in the Frenche armie, and the in­solent departing awaye of diuerse of their footemen, in so muche as the bodies to feight did not by farre aunswere the numbers that were inrolled in their paybookes: Therefore partely to determine these difficulties, and partely to followe the humor of their hopes, the night before the fiue and twenty of February, a daye dedicated The battell of Pauia wherin the fr [...]king is take prisoner. by the Christians to thapostle Saint Matthevv, and also the daye of the natiuitie of thEmperour, they determined ro marche to Mirabell, where laye incamped cer­tayne companies of horsemen and footemen: In this marche they stoode vppon this intention, that if the French men moued, then they had set at libertie the siege of Pauia: and if they moued not, then to aduenture the fortune of the battell: Ther­fore the better to aduaunce this determination, all the beginning of the night they gaue many Alarmes, the more to keepe trauelled and wearie the Frenche men, making semblance as though they woulde charge them on that side towards Pavv, Thesin, and Saint Lazarus, and about midnight euery souldiour, by the commaun­dement of the capteines, put on a white cassakin ouer his armor to be knowen from the French men: They were cast into two squadrons of horsmen, and foure of foot­men: In the first were six thousand footmen equally compoūded of launceknights, Spaniards, and Italians: This squadron was led by the Marquis of Guast: the second stoode only vpon certayne bands of Spanish footmen vnder the charge of the Mar­quis of Pisquairo: the thirde and fourth squadron were of Launceknightes com­maunded by the Viceroy and the duke of Burbon: They ariued at the parke walls cer­tayne howres before day, and by the working of their Masons & ready wills of their souldiors, they cast downe to the earth threeskore fadome of wall: by which breach being entred within the parke, the first squadron drew towards Mirabell, & the resi­due of the army tooke the way to the campe. Assone as the king vnderstoode that they were entred the parke, thinking they would draw to Mirabell, he issued oute of his lodging to feight in playne and open fielde, desyring to drawe the battell rather to that place then to anye other for thaduauntages whiche it gaue to the horsemen: he commaunded to turne the artilleries towardes thenemies, whiche [Page 903] beating them in flanke, brought great domage to the arearegard: But in the meane while, the battell of the Imperialls gaue a furious charge vppon the kings squadron which ordinarely was the battell, but as the Spanyards went, it was the arearegard: The king fought valiantly and susteyned with great courage the violence of his ene­mies, who with the furie of their harquebuziers constrayned his men to giue groūd, vntill the reskew of the Svvyzzers came, when the Spanyards were repulsed aswell by them as by the horsemen that charged them in flanke: But the Viceroy being cal­led in by the Marquis of Pisquairo, who brought to the fight his launceknights, they were easily broken, not without great slaughter of the Svvyzzers, who that daye did nothing aunswer the opinion of vallour which afforetymes they had wont so hono­rably to expresse in battells: The king kept alwayes the middell of the battell, being enuyroned with a great garde of men at armes, And albeit he did what he could to conteyne & confirme his people, yet after he had fought long with his owne hands, his horse beingslayne vnder him, him selfe lightly hurt in the face and in the hande, he was striken downe to the earth and taken prisoner by fiue souldiours that knewe not what he was: In which misfortune the Viceroy pressing into the thronge, his ma­iestie disclosed him selfe to him, who, with great reuerence kissed his hand and recei­ued him prisoner in thEmprours name. At the same tyme the Marquis of Guast with the first squadron, had defeated the horsemen that were at Mirabell: And Antho de Leua, who as was sayd, had to that ende cast downe to the earth so great a quantitie and space of wall, as an hundred and fiftie horsemen might sallye forth in front, issu­ed out of Pauya, and so charged the French men behinde, that he put them wholly to flight: And in that feare they were almost all stripped and trussed except the are­aregard of the horsemen, which being led by Monsr d'Alenson from the beginning of the battell, retyred almost whole: It is holden for certaine, that in this battell were slayne more then eyght thowsand men of the French campe, part by the sword, and part of bodies drowned in the riuer of Thesin seeking their sauetie by swymming: of this generall number were about twenty of the most noble and apparant Lordes of Fraunce, as the Admirall, the L. Iames Chabanes, the L. Palissa and Trimouille, the Mai­ster of the horse, Monsr d'Aubigny, Monsr de Boyssy, and Monsr de l'Escud, who beeing taken greeuously wounded by his enemies, gaue to them his life in steede of a raun­som: The prisoners that were taken were the king of Nauarre, the bastard of Sauoye, the L. Montmerancy, Saint Pavvle, Bryon, Aual, Monsr de Chandion, Monsr d'Imbercourt, Galeas Visconte, Federyk Bossolo, Bernabye Visconte, Guidanes, with many gentlemen and almost all the Capteines that escaped the slaughter of the sword: There was also ta­ken prisoner Ierome Leandro Bishop of Brunduso the Popes Nuncio, but by commaū ­dement of the Viceroy, he was eftsoones set at libertie: as also Monsr Saint Pavvle & Federyk Bossole committed to the castell of Pauya, brake prison a litle after by the cor­rupcion of the Spanyards that had them in charge: Of thimperialls side the vniuer­sall slaughter exceeded not seuen hundred bodies, and not one Capteine of name ex­cept Ferrand Castriot Marquis of Saint Angeo: The Marquis of Pisquaro was woun­ded in two places, and Antho de Leua lightly hurt in the legge: The praye and spoyle of this battell was so great, as there had not bene seene in Italy more rich souldiours: Of so great an armie, there was preserued but the arearegard of foure hundred laun­ces commaunded by Monsr d'Alenson, they neuer came to the fight, neuer suffered charge, nor neuer were followed, but leauing behind them their baggage, they rety­red whole to Pyemont, their feare making them more hastye to flee, then carefull of their honor: And as one calamitie followeth an other, so the losse of the battell was [Page 904] no sooner reapported at Myllan, then Theoder Tryuulce who laye there in garrison with foure hundred launces, departed and tooke his way to Musocquo all the souldi­ours following him by trowpes, Insomuch as the same day that the king lost the bat­tell, all the Duchie of Myllan was made free from the iurisdiction of the French.

The day after the victorie, the king was led prisoner to the Rocke of Pisqueton, for that the Duke of Myllan in regard of his propper sewertie, consented hardly that the person of the king should be kept within the castell of Myllan: he was garded with great ielousie and watche, but in all other things except his libertie, he was vsed and honored as apperteyned to the state and maiestie of a king.

The ende of the fiftenth Booke.

THe Pope is accorded with thEmprour: Many practises are made for the kinges deliuerie: Ie­rom Morono conspireth against thEmprour: The king is deliuered out of prison and returneth into France.

THE SYXTEENTH BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

IN the booke before, you haue seene set downe the ouer­throwe of the French armie in the battell of Pauia, A wret­ched successe where was so great exspectacion of victorie: you haue seene a mightie king deliuered vppe prisoner into the handes of him with whome he contended for glorye & imperie, A spectacle most tragicall amongest all the cala­mities that fortune bringeth vppon mans mortalitie: you haue seene the moste parte of the nobilitie and honorable Capteines of Fraunce slayne in the seruice and presence of their king, A matter that made more lamentable his owne condicion and aduersitie: you haue seene the residue of that armie, so vniuersally perplexed with feare and confusion, that the same thing that should haue reteyned them in so great affliction, made them the lesse assured and further of from confidence: Lastly, you haue seene the lowsse hartes and pusillanimitie of the Svvyzzers, A nation which in the warres past, had fought in Italy with so great name and glory: But the thing that most won­derfully encreased the reputacion of the Victors, was the general feare and astonish­ment The Poten­tats of Italy in great feare for the impri­sonment of the French king. of all the Potentats in Italy, who looking into the felicitie of the Imperialls ca­rying so honorable a victorie with so litle losse to them selues, could not but make a desperat reckoning of their own saueties: In which astonishmēt, they set before their eyes all those daungers which either doubt or dispaire could stirre vp: Their feare would not let them hope for the thinges that reasonably might comfort them: And whatsoeuer their amazed minds suspected, the same did they feare would assuredly happen vnto thē: Lastly when they saw them selues disarmed on all sides, And thEm­prours forces most mighty in the field without impediment of ennemies, they could not but giue a greuous sentēce against their own estate & condicion: And in this cō ­fusion they could not be so much assured & cōforted by the opiniō which many had of the good intēcion of thEmprour, of his honorable inclinacion to peace, & of his [Page 905] vertuous minde not to vsurpe thestates of others, as their passions were redoubled by the consideracion of their great daungers, most manifest to the eye, and no lesse fearefull to their mindes, in which lay suppressed all that resolucion and constancie which reasonable men should expresse chiefly in times of aduersities: They doubted least thEmperour, pushed on either by ambicion, (naturall almost to all earthlie Princes) or by insolencie (which commonly accompanieth victories) or caried by the importunate couetousnes of those that gouerned his affaires in Italie, or lastly set on by the vniuersall perswasions of his councell and court: They doubted I say, least in these vehement respectes, and in an occasion so sufficient to sette an edge vppon the dullest spirite that was, he woulde not dispose his thoughtes to make him selfe absolute Lorde ouer all Italie: Wherein they were not ignorant howe easie it is to euerie great Prince, but muche more to an Emperour of Rome, to iustefie his enter­prises with titles appearing comelie and resonable. This feare and astonishment did not onely occupie those potentates that were of meane force and authoritie, but also euen the Pope and the Venetians were no lesse trauelled then the others: The Venetians beganne to call into remorse and conscience, the faulte they had com­mitted against thEmperour without iust cause, in not following the capitulacions of the confederacion: And also the memorie of auncient hatreds and iniuries be­twene them and the house of Austrich, together with the greate warres they had had, not many yeares before with his grandfather Maximilian: By which they fea­red would be reuiued in thestates which they possessed in the firme land, the name and memorie of the rightes of thEmpire which were almost buried and forgotten: as also they cast this coniecture, that whosoeuer had any purpose to make him selfe great in Italie, would haue his first recourse to lay plottes to embase and pul downe their too much puisance and greatnes: And for the Pope, his passion was this, that except the maiestie of the Popedom which euen in the times of the auncient reue­rence that the worlde bare to the sea Apostolike was oftentimes ill assured of the greatnes of thEmperours, he was in all other regardes very easie to be endomaged, as being disarmed of forces, depriued of money, the Church in an vniuersall weake­nesse for want of strong townes, the mindes of the people not vnited nor sirme in deuocion to their Prince, all the free holdes and dependaunces of the Church full of diuisions and factions, the one parte being Guelffes, and the other parte Gebe­lins, and the Gebelins by an auncient and naturall impression, inclined to the name of thEmperours, and lastlie the Citie of Rome more then all other places, defiled and weakened with these seedes and rootes of diuisions: The Pope also called into care and reckoning the estate of Florence, which depending vppon him, and being the verie peculiar and auncient greatnesse of his house, it was happily no lesse deare to his harte then the estate of the Church, and assuredlie no lesse easie to be innouated and chaunged: for as that Citie, since the passage of king Charles, ha­uing chassed out the familie of Medicis, and vnder the name of libertie, was diuol­ued to a gouernment popular for eighteene yeres space, stoode so ill contented with the returne of the Medicis, that there were very few to whom in deede was agreable their puisance & greatnes: so also the Pope feared vehemently least to so mighty oc­casions, were not added a forward will and desire to offende that state: Wherein also he had reason to doubt that that same desire and enuy was not lesse, not so much for the regard of ambicion in the most mightie from which who is least puisant, is ne­uer wholly assured, as for feare that for many reasons, his name in that time were not odious to thEmperour: And albeit he made discourses in him selfe how much, [Page 906] both in the life of Pope Leo, and afterwardes since he was Cardinall; he had trauel­led for the greatnesse of thEmperour, so farre foorth as Pope Leo and he with their greate exspenses and daungers, had opened him the waye in Italie to so greate a puissance, and that for his owne particular, since his election to the Popedome, he had giuen money to his Capteynes, and made the Florentins to contribute du­ring the Admiralls being in Italie, without reuoking from his armie the regimentes of the Church and the bandes of Florence: yet, either in consideracion of his office wherein he is a father and pastour indifferent betwene Princes Christian, and rather the author of peace then the nourrisher of warres: or else for that he had begon ve­rie lately to suspect and feare suche a greatnesse, he was retyred, and so giuen ouer to runne the same fortune, that neither he woulde renew the confederacion made by his predecessor for the defense of Italie, neither ayde him with money when the yeare before, the Duke of Burbon entred with his armie into Prouence: And albeit these matters had not giuen to thEmprours Capteines any iust cause to complaine, seeing he was not as yet bounde by the league of Adrian to be concurrant against the frenchemen in the warres of Italie: Yet they were beginninges to make him not esteemed the same man with thEmperour, but diminished muche of the faith that till that day they had in him, as men who caried onely either by their appetites or by necessitie, thought them selues offended, if, to their particular enterprises dressed to occupie Fraunce, others did not as it were lay to their handes according to thexamples before of others begon, vnder title to assure Italie against the power of the frenche: The complaintes and displeasures beganne to discouer them selues at such times as the french king passed the mountes to recouer the Duchie of Myl­lan: for, albeit the Pope according to the complaint he made afterwardes to thEm­perour by a letter which he wrote to him, had secretly distributed certeine quanti­ties of money to the frenchmen at their returne from Marseilles, yet afterwardes he had no straite familiarity or intelligence with them: but assone as the king had made a conquest of the Citie of Millan, he entred into capitulacions with him, taking his reason vppon the good euent and traine of his affaires: Of which he excused him selfe to thEmperour with this allegacion, that in that time, his Capteines forbea­ring to communicate with him any parte of their plots or purposes by the space of twentie dayes, and dispairing afterwards of the preseruacion of that state, not with­out some feare of the kingdome of Naples for that the Duke of Albania drewe with his regimentes towardes Tuskane: he was constrained to looke to his suretie, and yet neuerthelesse the regard of his proper daunger did not so muche carie him, but that he did accorde with condicions no lesse fauorable and prouiding for thEmpe­rours affaires then his owne, and did refuse verie great offers which the frenche king tendred, to thende to make him enter into the allyance ioyntly with him: And yet neuerthelesse these excuses had not suche operacion, but that thEmperour and his Capteines were muche troubled, not so muche for that they sawe them selues whollie depriued of hope to haue any more succours of him, as for the doubt they had that the capitulacion conteyned not some further matter then thobliga­cion of newtralitie: Besides, they construed that in all sortes he had giuen too great reputacion to thenterprise of the frenchmen, & had this further feare also, least the Pope were the meane that the Venetians were not brought to followe his example, a matter which afterwardes was discerned to bee true by certeyne letters and bills founde in the kinges tent after the victorie: Lastly the Pope had kindeled these su­spicions and discontentmentes when he consented that the municions lent by the [Page 907] Duke of Ferrara to the French king when he lay affore Pauia, should not only passe through his landes, but also he gaue ayde to the conduction of them: But muche more were these quarrels broached at suche time as the Duke of Albanie went to the enterprise of the realme of Naples, not onely for that he was receyued and honored as a friende along all the estates of the Church and the Florentins, but also he stayed certayne dayes about Siena to reforme at his instance the gouernment of that citie: whiche albeit was the cause to prolong the Dukes voyage into the realme of Na­ples, and that it was a matter solicited principally by him to that ende, as beeing a thing troublesome to him that vpon one man shoulde be layde the iurisdiction of Naples and Millan: yet thimperialls in that respect had made an interpretation, that betwene the French king and him was a further bonde, then a simple promise not to offende one an other. So that it was not without good reason that the Pope did not onely feare together with the other Potentates, to be inuaded by the imperialls vpon euery concurrance of time and occasion: But also he had his feare particular, that without exspecting an oportunitie more great, they would bring on their for­tune presently euen to set vpon the estate of the Church, or to execute some action agaynst the common weale of Florence: But the thing whiche more redoubled hys feare, was, that the Duke of Albanie assone as he was aduertised of the kings calami­tie, retyred from the Mount Rotondo towards Bracciano for his safetie: And hauing also sent thither a cornet of an hundred and fiftie horsemen that were within Rome, whom the Pope caused to accompany him thither for his garde, fearing the prepa­rations which the Duke of Sesso and the Imperials made to defeate the regimentes of the Duke of Albanie: And comming from Sermonete about foure hundred horse and twelue hundred footemen of the bandes of the Vrsins, beeing followed by Iulio Colonno with many trowpes of horsemen and footemen, it happned that he ouer­threwe them at the Abbey of three fountaynes, who fleeing for their safetie into the citie of Rome, where they entred at the gates of saint Paule and saint Sebastian, the bandes of Iulio entred with them pelmell, and in their rage killed diuerse of them in the fielde of Flora and other places of the Citie: Vpon whiche occasion the whole Citie drawing into tumult tooke armes, first with a great feare, and afterwards with no litle indignation of the Pope, for the slender regarde and reuerence that was gi­uen to his authoritie: But in suche a doubt and generall trauell of minde, he had oc­currant the counsells and offers of the Venetians, who beeing of them selues entred The Venetiās solicite the Pope to con­federate with them. into the like feare, laboured to perswade him with no small instance, that by their common ayde and meanes there might be procured to discende into Italie with all speede, a regiment of ten thousande Svvizzers, and calling also into their paye an other colonie of Italians, they might ioyne in grosse to oppose agaynst so manyfest and huge daungers: Wherein they promised for their partes (whiche is their ordi­nary custome) farre greater things then they are wont to obserue: They alleaged that it was many monthes since the Launceknightes within Pauia had bene payed, who seeing since the victorie the same difficulties of payment to continue, were be­come mutinous, and ceazing vpon the artilleries, were drawne into a setled strength within Pauia: That because the Capteines had no meane to make good their pay­ment, all the residue of the armie was drawne into tumult, and murmured euerye day more and more: In so muche as both he and they falling speedily into armes, both their common estates were assured, and the occasion was enterteined by the which they would of themselues fall into disorder, beeing no lesse embarked into those difficulties, then constrayned to keepe continually great forces for the garde [Page 908] of the king that was prisoner: To this they added that there was no doubt that the Lady Regent through whose hands passed the gouernment of Fraunce, and in whom was no small desire to further that vnion, would not onely make marche at their in­stance the Duke of Albanie with his regimentes, and the foure hundred Launces of the arearegarde reserued of the battell: but also would induce the vniuersall consent of the kingdome of Fraunce to be concurrant for the safetie of Italie, with a greate summe of money, as knowing that therevpon depended the greatest parte of their hope to recouer the king: Lastely they vrged this deliberation to be good and ne­cessary, if it were with the same speede put in execution: but to deferre and tempo­rise, were to giue meane to thimperialls to reduce their condition and reorder them selues, the rather for that who so euer tooke not a resolution to enter into armes, stoode in case of constraynt to compound with them and to giue them money: which was no other thing then to become an instrument & meane to deliuer them from all their difficulties, and submit themselues wilfully vnder a yoke of perpetuall subiection: Moreouer they put him in hope, that the Duke of Ferrara would follow them, who like as both for his auncient dependancie of the Frenche, and for the ayde which in that warre he had administred to the king, was not without his feare: so also his coniunction seemed of no litle importance, no lesse for the commoditie of his estate in the warres of Lombardie (Ferrara beeing a very strong towne) then for his great store of munitions and artilleries, and (as the brute went) for his right huge wealth of golde and siluer. But neyther the hope to ouercome an enterprise so harde and daungerous, which with wise men ought to cary no litle care and impres­sion: nor the consideration of perilles furthest off and remoued, to the which tyme is wont to bring those remedies which the wit of man could not finde out: nor anye other thing of what property or operation soeuer, could not encline the Pope to o­pen his eares to suche speeches and perswasions, had not a feare to be inuaded pre­sently, induced him to laye him selfe downe rather to the daunger least certayne, then to the perill that seemed moste assured and moste present: And therefore the practises were so farre aduaunced betweene them, and they staying vppon nothing but to set downe the capitulations by writing, there was exspectation from howre to howre to contract and accorde: In so muche as the Pope, who perswaded him­selfe of the conclusion, dispatched in post to the king of Englande, Ieronimo Ghinuc­cio a Siennois and Auditor of thapostolike chamber, whose commission was to labor to dispose the king to oppose his forces agaynst suche a greatnes of themperour. In the very instant of this expedicion aryued with good oportunitie the Archbishop of Capua his auncient fecretorie and counsellor, and for many yeres of great autho­ritie with him: he assone as he was aduertised of the victory of thimperials, departed from Plaisance, and went to the campe of Don Charles de Lauoy Viceroy of Naples, and being resolued of his intention, he tooke post horse to go to the Pope, to whom he caryed an assured hope of accorde: for at that tyme the Viceroy and the other Capteines were occupied with two thoughtes and perplexities: the one to prouide money to content the armie, which for want of paye they sawe began to decline into manyfest confusion: the other, to cary the person of the French king into such a place as the difficultie to garde him should not keepe them in continuall care and feare: Which two things being established, they iudged them to stande in degree Thimperialls determine to accorde with the Pope. and condition alwayes hable to execute and put to effect their purposes: In which respect they desired accorde with the Pope, pretending thereby to drawe from him a great quantitie of money: wherevnto seeking to dispose him the rather by feare, [Page 909] and also in releeuing thestate of Millan, which was almoste wasted with the burden of souldiours, they sent to lye vpon the countrey of Plaisanca foure hundred men at armes and eight thousand launceknightes, not as enemies, but alleaging sometimes the pouerty of the Duchie of Millan to be farre vnhable to nourishe so great an ar­mie: and sometimes threatning to make them marche vp to the territories of Rome to seeke out the Duke of Albanie if the regimentes of men of warre that had bene leauyed by the Vrsins were not retyred and dissolued: But these industries and dili­gences were superfluous, for that assoone as the Pope was assured to auoyde the daungers present, he lefte there all his other thoughtes, and disposed his minde wholly to thaccorde: In which inclination concurring also the reasons and coun­sell of tharchbishop, he sent after thauditor of the Chamber, to countermaunde him backe agayne: And to take awaye all occasions that might hinder thaccorde, he wrought so that the Duke of Albanie dispersed his whole armie, excepte those bandes of footemen and horsemen that were of beyonde the Mountes: he lodged the Duke within Corneto, after he had on thother side receyued promise of them­perours commaunders, to giue leaue also to their souldiours that laye vpon the pas­sages of Rome, and cause to staye Askanius Colonno with the other companies that came from the kingdome: He also was an interposer with the Colonnois, beginning to molest the lands of the Vrsins, to desist and depose armes.

The Pope both desyred and did all he could to bring the Venetians comprehen­ded within thaccorde whiche he solicited with the Viceroy, but the onely difficultie that resisted was, that they refused to paye so muche money as the Viceroy demaun­ded of them: for he required of them so muche money as had bene spente in the warre, to the which they ought to contribute, and that hereafter they should make their contribution not with men but with money: The like demaunde did he also make to all those that were comprehended in the confederation made with Adrian: But it made well for the Pope that the Venctians shewed themselues harde & straite, because they put the Viceroy in suspicion that they layde for newe stirres and com­motions: And whylest these matters were negociated with a very assured hope of conclusion, the Florentins, by the Popes ordinance, sent xxv. thousande ducketts to the Marquis of Pisquairo for thenterteinment of tharmye, hauing first receyued promise from Iohn Bart. de Gattinaro who negociated with the Pope for the Viceroy, that that summe should be percell of the principall summe which was to be payd to him by vertue of the newe capitulacion: And not many dayes afore the resolution and conclusion of the sayd capitulation, the duke of Albanie, who for his returning into Fraunce had taried for the nauy at sea, which being now come, & also the gallies that were sent him, he imbarked himselfe in them together with the gallies of the Pope which were sent to him by consent of the Viceroy, and had neuertheles no sase­conduit neither for the one nor for the other: Ranse de Cere was imbarked with him, together with thartillenes which he had had from Siena and Lucquay, and foure hun­dred horse, a thousand launceknightes, with a very smal trowpe of Italians, the resi­due of the regiments being retyred and gone away by trowpes: The residue of the horses were partly solde, and partly left there. It was discerned clearly by the dealing and proceding of the Duke of Albanie, that the purpose of his sending thither, was eyther to diuert thimperialls from the Duchie of Millan for feare of the kingdome of Naples: or else through that feare to induce them to accorde, and aswell for that cause he had marched slowly, as for that the forces which the king had giuen him, were not sufficient for suche an enterprise.

[Page 910]But at laste leauing out the Venetians, the confederation was concluded within Rome the first day of Aprill, betweene the Pope and Florentins on the one part, and themprour of thother, for whom the Viceroy vndertooke being his lieftenant gene­rall in Italie, and for the Viceroy, Iohn Bart. de Gattinaro nephew to themprours chief Chauncellor being in Rome with full and ample commission. Theffect of the Capi­tulations Confederation betweene the Pope and the Emprour. most importing was this: That betwene the Pope and themprour should be a perpetuall amitie and confederation, by the which both the one and the other shoulde be bound to defende with a certayne proportion of men, the Duchie of Millan, being then possessed vnder the name of themperour, by Frauncis Sforce, who was named as principall in this capitulation: That themperour should take into his protection, all the estates which the Church helde, together with those which the Florentins possessed, and particularly the house of Medicis with all the authoritie and preheminences which that famulie helde in that Citie: That the Florentins should pay presently an hundred thousande duckets, for recompence of their parte of contribucion in the laste warres, by vertue of the league made by Pope Adrian, which themperour pretended not to be dissolued by his death, for that it was ma­nifestly expressed vpon the capitulations to endure one yere after the seuerall death of the confederates: That thimperials should retyre their forces from of the church estates, and not to sende afterwardes any bandes of souldiours to harbour or lodge there without the Popes consent. There was place lefte for the Venetians to enter into this confederation within the tearme of twenty dayes vnder reasonable condi­tions which were to be declared by the Pope and themperour. Moreouer it was ac­corded that the Viceroy should be bound to bring in within foure monthes thempe­rours ratification to all these capitulations: And those that were delegates and de­puties for the Viceroy, were bounde seuerally to a capitulation confirmed by othe, that if themperour within the sayd time did not ratifie the sayde capitulations, the Viceroy should repay ouer agayne the sayde hundred thousande duckets: And yet so long as they were not repayed, the league should haue his full obseruation, to the which were added these three articles, not being any of the text of the capitulation, but set downe in articles apart, and confirmed also by othe: That in all causes and actions of benefices of the realme of Naples, it should be permitted to the Popes to vse the same authoritie and iurisdiction as was disposed by the inuestitures of the kingdome: That hereafter the Duchie of Millan should make all their prouision of salte from Ceruia, according to the price and order which had bene aforetime coue­nanted betwene Pope Leo and the French king nowe reigning, and confirmed in the capitulation which the sayde Pope Leo made with themperour in the yeare a thousande fiue hundred twentie and one: That the Viceroy should so worke and la­bour, as the Duke of Ferrara should immediatly render to the Church, Reggia, Ru­biera, with suche other townes as he had taken during the vacation of the sea by the death of Adrian: And that in consideration thereof, the Pope assone as he should be repossessed of them, should pay to themperour an hundred thousande duckets, and at the first request to be made to him, to absolue the Duke of Ferrara of the Cen­sures and priuations which he had incurred, but not of the penaltie of an hundred thousande duckets which he had promised in case of breaking the bond made with Adrian: And yet neuertheles after the Pope had recouered possession, there should be searche and examination made in lawe, whether those townes, together with Modena, apperteined to the Church or to the Empire: And if they were founde to be the rightes of thempire, then they should stande holden and recognized in chief [Page 911] of themperour, and otherwise to remayne free to the sea Apostolike.

This deliberation of the Pope was diuersly interpreted, according to the diuersi­tie of mens passions and iudgementes: but especially did varye the construction of the popular sorte, to whom suche counsels as carye the fayrest showes seeme com­monly more acceptable and pleasing, then those that are disgested with good matu­ritie of reasons: The common people also according to their lightnesse and credu­litie, do for the most part esteeme for wise and noble, suche men as measure things not by discression and experience, but by affection and light relation: There were also some that professed to desire the libertie of Italie, who blamed the Popes dea­ling, as though through pucillanimitie and infirmitie of courage he had let slippe thoccasion to vnite it agaynst themperour, and to deliuer him selfe from all disor­ders: But most men of deeper iudgement and insight in matters of state, were of an other opinion: They sawe howe farre it had bene from wise counsell to oppose resi­stance with newe companies agaynst so glorious and victorious an armie: They considered by howe many reasons the comming of the Svvizzers might be long and dilatorie, and with what difficulties they shoulde passe notwithstanding they were ready to discende: And yet wayghing with their custome and inconstancle of their nature, the fresh wound which they had so lately receyued, there was no assu­rance of their comming: These wise men sawe also that there was no better hope or exspectation on the French side, eyther for that by reason of so great an ouerthrow they stoode depriued both of courage and counsell, or else there remayned no pro­uision of money, nor any supply of men of warre to refurnishe the bandes (those fewe that escaped the lamentable slaughter of the battell beeing so spoyled of their furniture and baggage, that they stoode neede both of time and money to readresse them): So that this vnion caryed no other fundation apparant or probable, then a naked hope that tharmie of thenemies would not come on nor moue for wante of money: A matter which though it came so to passe, yet they remayned not for all that depriued of the Duchie of Millan, which so long as it stoode at the deuotion of themperour, the Pope could not be without a perpetuall occasion of feare: And yet that hope was not without his vncertenties, for that it drewe with it this feare, that the Capteines, eyther by their authoritie, or by their pollicie, or lastly by propoun­ding to the souldiors the sacke of some riche towne of the Churche or of Tuskane, would dispose the armie to marche: And of this inclination was discerned this ma­nifest token, that one part of the Launceknightes to seeke a place of harbor of more benefite and conueniencie, were passed the ryuer of Pavv, and come vppon the landes of Parma and Plaisanca: In so muche as if they had any intention to passe fur­ther, it could not be but all remedies would come to late, and also so great a delibe­ration was grounded with too great a daunger, vpon a bare hope of the disorders of thenemies, who neuerthelesse had it in their power and will to ridde them selues out of their disorders. Then the counsell of the Pope seemed discret and well consi­dered according to the time that then ranne, but it had happly ben more commen­dable, if in all the articles of the capitulation he had vsed the same discression, and disposed his wit rather to close vp and make whole all the woundes of Italie, then to open and make sharpe any one of consequence: Wherein he had wisely imitated the order of the skilfull Phisitions, who when the remedies they prepare to cure thindisposition of thinferiour members, augment the maladie of the head or the heart, they throwe away all care of griefes and infirmities most light, and with the fauour of tyme they proceede carefully to the cure of that which most importeth [Page 912] and carieth most necessitie of remedy for the safety and good health of the pacient: But the better to explaine and signifie such a matter, it is necessarie we discend more deepely into the discourse of one parte of those things which we haue set downe se­uerally heare and there, and reduce them into one place and order.

They of the family and house of Est, besides that they haue bene possessed of long The rightes & pretensions of the familie of Est. time vnder the title of the Vicaires of the Church, of the iurisdiction of Ferrara: were Lords also for many yeares of Reggia and Modena by vertue of inuestiture from the Emperours, for that in those times there was none that called into doubt why those two Cities were not subiect to the Empire: They were enioyed peasibly vntill Pope Iulio the second (he whose custome was to vncouer the auncient titles and rightes of the Church long buried with tract of time, & vnder shadow of piety, was the author of many ills) begon the warre with Duke Alfonso, to reduce wholly Ferrara vnder the obedience of the Church: By the occasion and accidents of this warre, the Pope tooke from him Modena, and at the beginning reteined it for him selfe, as though, together with all the other townes euen to the riuer of Pavv, it had apperteined to the sea Apostolike, as being parte of the partage or diuision of Rauenna: But a litle af­ter he gaue it to thEmperour Maximilian for feare of the frenchemen, and yet he ceassed not for all that the warre against Alfonso, but tooke from him afterwardes Reggia: yea it was beleued that (in that humor of authority & ambicion) if he had li­ued longer, he would haue depriued him also of Ferrara: Not that he accōpanied his action with equitie, but for the hatred and enuie he bare to Alfonso, wherein he not only sought to couer his ambicion with pietie, pretending vnder that pretext to re­couer to the Church all that he could find had bene holden by her in any time: but also vnder suche a shadowe, he pushed on the disdaine he had to Alfonso, for that he followed rather the amitie of Fraunce, then depended of him: yea in this malicious disposicion was happily concurrant the vnappeasible hatred which he boare to the memory and relikes of Alexander the sixt his predecessor, whose daughter called Lu­crece had bene maried to the Duke Alfonso, of which mariage were procreated ma­ny children: The sayde Pope Iulio left by his death to his successors not only the suc­cession of Reggia, but also the same thirst & desire to get Ferrara, wherunto they see­med to be inclined for the glorious memorie he had left of him selfe to posterity: for which reason that ambicion was more mighty in Leon his successor, then the regard to the greatnes which the house of Medicis had in Florence, on whose behalfe it see­med more profitable that the puisance of the church should diminish, then to haue it made more redoubted to all her neighbours, by annexing of Ferrara to it: And indeede after he had bought Modena, he disposed his spirites and study wholly to the getting of Ferrara, and that more by practise and ambushes, then with force open and disclosed, for that it would haue bene an enterprise of too great difficulties, since Alfonso by the consideracion of his owne daungers, fortefied him selfe on all sides, and made plentifull prouision of artilleries and municions, and as the brute went, had confirmed his strength with huge proporcions of wealth and treasure: it may be his hatreds were greater then the hatreds of Iulio, euen so were they managed with more secrecy and suttletie: wherein besides many plots which he layed to take Ferrara, either by surprise or by fraude, he passed such manner of obligacions with those Princes that he made alliance withall, that at least they were restrained to hin­der him in this enterprise: That held him, not onely during the life of Iulian his bro­ther and Laurence his nephew, for whose greatnes and exaltacion it was thought he was caried with that ambicion, but also euen after their death: Yea he was so ouer­ruled [Page 913] with that burning desire, that many were perswaded that therevpon proceded his last deliberation (more rashe then discrete) to knitte with themperour agaynst the French king: In so muche that by necessitie Alfonso was constrayned to satisfie the French king (being his onely founder and hope) in making warre vppon them of Modena, at suche time as the armies of Pope Leo and themperour helde Pauia besieged: In which warre albeit he had receyued a verye yll successe, yet he had bene reduced into farre greater difficulties, if Pope Leo euen amidde the course and dayes of his victories, had not bene called into the other life by sodayne death: An accident which assuredly chaunced no lesse aptly and conueniētly to him and to his affayres, then the death of Iulio: And it may be doubted, whether at last Adrian that was successor to Leo, was not infected with that property of couetousnesse, although both for his newe creation, and want of trayning in thaffayres of Italie, he gaue him absolution of the Censures in the very firste tymes of his comming to Rome: He graunted him also of newe thinuestiture of the Duchie, with permission to reteyne all that he had possessed during the vacation of the sea: He brought him also into a generall hope to make restitution of Modena & Reggia, though afterwards vpon bet­ter information of thestate and condition of things, he well expressed how farre his wyll was estraunged from his promise: But by the creation of Pope Clement, Alfon­so entred into a great feare to returne eftsoones into the same daungers wherein he was intangled before: He tooke his reason of this feare, for that if things had hap­pely succeeded with Clement, the same propertie of disposition woulde haue bene found in him, which had alwayes followed Iulio and Leo: But as thoccasion was not yet ripe for Ferrara, so he made his next practise and preparation to haue agayne Reggia and Rubiera, as an enterprise of more facilitie and better to bee iustified by the late possession whiche the Churche had of them, and as though in that re­garde he coulde not but beare dishonour and infamie, to leaue them vnrecouered: Vpon which selfe suggestions and reasons, he tooke occasion bothe in many other sortes affore, and lastly in the capitulation with the Viceroy, to occupie his memorie with that deuise more often then many desyred: who as they looked into the daun­gers hanging ouer euery mans head by the greatnesse of themperour, and to breake the same sawe no better remedie then a ready and generall vnion of all the states of Italie together, that the tyme might cut out occasions and necessities euery daye to take armes: So they iudged it a better course for the Pope not to stirre and kin­dle the Duke of Ferrara, and muche lesse to put him into necessitie to seeke his res­kewe betweene the armes of themperour, agaynst whose forces, whose fortune, and whose felicities, the tyme gaue them no power to oppose: And for the parti­cular of the Duke, he was a Prince riche, which in conference of actions and enter­prises, is not of the least consideration, and for his trayning and experience well ha­ble to foresee and auoyde, a vertue moste commendable in a Prince whether his case be to defende or offende: Besides, aswell for the congruencie of his estate, as for his other conditions, the present diuisions and conspiracies of the tyme, requi­red rather to cal him into affection and assurance, then to leaue him perplexed with hatred or feare: And yet it may be doubted whether to do benefite and pleasure to one perswaded that he hath receyued iniuries, bee sufficient to wype out of a minde yll disposed and full of iealousie, the memorie of wronges and offences, specially when the pleasure is done at a time when it seemes it proceedes more by necessitie then of good will.

After this capitulation was resolued, the Pope not to omitte anye conuenient [Page 914] office to so great a Prince as the French king, by permission of the Viceroy, sent the The Pope sendes to vi­site the french king beeing prisoner. Bishoppe of Pistoya to visite and comforte him in his name: There past betwene the king and hym but generall speeches, and that in the presence and hearing of Capteyne Alarcon, wherein he chiefly besought the Pope to make some good solicitation for hym to themperour: He asked him also, in suche secrecie as the lycence of a prisoner woulde suffer, what was become of the Duke of Albanie, and was aunswered to his great griefe, that one parte of hys armie beeing broken and retyred, he was returned with the residue into Fraunce. In these tymes they of Lucquay accorded with the Viceroy, who receyued them into the protection of themperour, vnder condition of tenne thousande duckets: By whose example also thinhabitantes of Syena contracted with him for fifteene thousande duckets with­out bynding him to maynteine more the one forme of gouernment then the other: for that of the one side, the famulie of Motenouo who at the instance of the Pope and by the meane of the Duke of Albanie, had resumed thauthoritie, which neuer­theles was not as yet well confirmed: & on the other part, those who by the profes­sion they made to desire libertie were commonly called Libertins, tooke hart by rea­son of the battell of Pauia, and would not endure the pollitie and gouernment intro­duced by the forces of the French king: Both partes sent messengers to the Viceroy to incline him, and to worke him fauourable to their seuerall doinges, and recey­uing from him no certayne resolution touching the forme of gouernment, they ioyned both together and solicited readily composition: whiche beeing established and set downe, and the men ariued whom the Viceroy sent to receyue the money, it hapned both in their presence and in the very action of counting the money, that Ierome Seuerino a Citisen of Siena, who had bene sometime with the Viceroy, slue Alexander Dichio both chiefe of the newe gouernment, and also to whom the Pope had assigned at that tyme the whole reputation: The residue of the Citisens of fa­ction and conspiracie with him, vppon that alarme tooke armes, concurring with them the commotion and consociation of the populars, beeing yll contented that the pollicie shoulde eftsoones returne vnder the yoke of tyrannie: In whiche vni­uersall emotion and rysing they chased out the chieftaynes of the famulie of Mon­tonouo, and reducing the Citie to a reformation, they readdressed eftsoones the go­uernment popular, beeing bothe enemie to the Pope and adherent to themperour: It was beleeued that this alteration of pollicie was eyther done directlye with the priuitie of the Viceroy, or at least not without his great allowing and approbation, seeing it brought no little commoditie to thaffayres of themperour to haue at hys deuotion that Citie, whiche for her forces is very mightie and puissant, for the o­portunitie of her portes and hauens, of greate regarde for marine enterprises, for her fertilitie of countreys very riche and plentifull, for her neighborhoode to the realme of Naples, very congruent and apte, and for her situation betweene Rome and Florence not of least respect and reason to fauour hys affayres: And yet both the Viceroy and Duke of Sesso had giuen hope to the Pope not to alter the gouern­ment introduced with hys fauour. There were many other townes in Italie who taking example of thinclination of them of Lucquay and Sienna, followed the fortune of the victors: Amongest these was the Marquis of Montferat, who com­pounded for fifteene thousand duckets: And the duke of Ferrara made a loane to the Viceroy of fiftie thousande duckets, vnder promise to haue them repaied if they did not capitulate together: he tooke his reason of that loane vpon the present condi­tion of his affayres which could not be established so speedily, both for the respects [Page 915] they bare to the capitulation made with the Pope, and also for the necessitie to vnderstande firste the will of the Emperour: But with the money of that loane, together with a hundred thousande duckets whiche were promised from the Du­chie of Millan, and the imposition of Sienna and Lucquay, together with some pro­portion of treasure sente to Genes by Themperour for the supportation of the warre (whiche neuerthelesse came after the victorie) the Capteines set downe the payes of the army according to the rate and quantitie of the money that came, mea­ning to pay the souldiors for all that was paste, and to sende backe from hande to hande the Almains into Germanie: So that no tokens appearing that there was any intention at that tyme to followe the course of the victorie agaynst any man, since the Viceroy bothe had ratified the capitulation made with the Pope according to his request, and also had put in negociation at the same tyme a newe appoyntment with the Venetians whiche he greatly desyred. The eyes of euery man were set to beholde with what propertie of affection themperour woulde receyue his glad­some newes, and to what endes his thoughtes were disposed: who so farre as ex­teriour The modera­tion and tem­perance of th [...] Emprour [...]pō the ne [...]es of the victory. demonstrations made showe of, expressed great tokens of a minde muche moderated, and verye apte to resiste easily the prosperitie of fortune: yea the signes and inclinations appearing seemed so muche the more incredible, by howmuch he was a Prince mightie and young, and as yet had neuer tasted but of felicitie: For after he was informed truely of so greate a victorie, whereof he had the reap­porte the tenth of Marche together with letters of the French kinges owne hande, written rather in the spirite and condition of a prisoner, then wyth the courage of a king: he wente foorthwith to the Churche to make hys holye oblations to God wyth manye solemnities, and the morning following he receyued with signes of righte greate deuotion the Sacrament of the Euchariste, and so wente in pro­cession to oure Ladies Churche oute of Madrill where was his Courte at that tyme: His temperaunce and moderation was aboue thexspectation of his estate, and farre contrarye to the custome of the tyme in matters of that nature: for he woulde not suffer anye belles to be ronge, nor bonfyres to be made, nor anye o­ther manner of publike demonstrations, suche as are vsed for glorye or glad­nesse, alleaging wyth a mynde more vertuous then insolent, that suche proper­tie of feasting and reioysing was due to victories obteyned agaynst Infidells, but oughte to haue no showe where one Christian ouercame an other: Neyther were the actions and gestures of hys personne and speeches differing from so greate a temperaunce and continencie of mynde, whiche he well expressed in the aunsweres he made to the congratulations of thembassadours and greate men that were about him: to whome he sayde he was not gladde of thaccident accor­ding to the glorious operation of fleshe and blood, but his reioysing was in that God had so manifestly ayded him, which he interpreted to an assured signe that he stoode in his grace and fauour, though not through his owne merite, yet by his ce­lestiall election: Both for that he hoped nowe to haue occasion to reduce Christen­dome to peace, and to prepare warre against thinfidels, and also to haue meane to do good to his friends and to pardon his enemies: he sayde that albeit he might iustely appropriate to himselfe the whole victory, for that the helpe of none of his friendes did concurre in the action, yet he was contented so great a prosperitie should runne common to them all without any seperation of glory: Wherein after he had heard thembassador of Venice, who iustified affore him the seruices done by his common weale, he said to such as stoode about him, that though his reasons and iustifications [Page 916] were not true, yet he woulde both accept them and repute them for true: And after he had continued certayne dayes in these speeches and demonstrations full of wisedome and moderation, he called his Counsayle together, to thende that ac­cording to his obseruation and custome, nothing were proceeded in, whiche were not well measured with maturitie of reasons and counsell: He required them by a manner of proposicion, to aduise him in what sorte he was to deale with the French king, and to what endes he was to addresse and dispose his victorie, commaunding them all to delyuer freely in his presence their seuerall opinions: Amongest them the first place of speaking was referred to the Bishop of Osimo his Confessor, who reasoned in this maner.

It is not vnknowen to your excellent Maiestie, that God hath authoritie to dis­pose The Oration of the Bishop of Osimo tou­ching the ta­king of the fr. king. all thinges, by the same power wherewith he hath created them of nothing: And albeit all accidentes and mortall euentes what so euer falling in this inferiour worlde, ‘take their proceedinges and dayely mouinges of the prouidence of the­ternall God, yet we finde it oftentimes more especially declared in some nature of thinges then in others, as manyfestly hath appeared vppon the successe of your present victorie: for, both for the greatnesse of the glorie gotten, which is the most honorable ende and rewarde of warre, and for the facilitie of the victorie, which iu­stifieth the innocencie and goodnesse of your cause, and also for your happines to haue subdued enemies moste puissant and better prepared for the warre then you, by which your vallour and felicitie shyneth with a clearer lighte, I thinke it can not bee denyed that in the action hath not beene expressed an especiall will of God drawing almoste to a myracle: Therefore by howe muche the eternall God hath layde this greate blessing vppon you bothe manyfestly and publikely, by so muche more stande you tyed in obligation and office bothe to acknowledge it with humilitie and submission, and by demonstration to declare howe thankefull you are for it. This is the sacrifice that God requireth at your handes, and to this calleth you the consideration of the benefite, and your christian pyetie: The acti­on whereof consisteth principally that you addresse your victorie to thexaltation of the seruice of God, which is the ende for the which you ought to beleeue that he hath throwen it vppon you. And for my parte, when I looke into what tearmes and degrees the estate of Christendome is reduced, I see no waye more holye, more necessarie, nor more agreable to God, then to worke an vniuersall peace be­tweene the Princes of the imperie and regiment of Christendome: Wherein I am so muche the more touched in conscience, in office, and in calling, by howmuch I discerne by the generall face and showe of thinges, that without peace, both re­ligion and all her lawes and rules, and fayth whiche mortall men reappose in it, together with all obseruation of the commaundementes of God, which is the fun­dation of our Christianitie, are slyding into manyfest ruine. Your Maiestie is not ignorant, howe on the one side we haue the nation of the Turkes, who besides they haue wonne great things vppon the Christians by our owne discordes and diuisi­ons, do nowe manifestly threaten the kingdome of Hungarie which apperteineth to the husbande of your sister: Their ambicion goeth on increasing by the degrees of our separations and disagreements: And if God for our punishment suffer them to take Hungarie, which assuredly they will take if the Christian Princes doo not drawe into one vnitie and amitie together, the waye is made open to them to carie the whole Monarchy of Germanie and Italie: A losse irreparable and no lesse tyed to a perpetuall infamie to the name of Christian Princes, then the seruitude [Page 917] and yoke of barbarisme wyll be alwayes intollerable to the generall posteritie of all Christian sowles. On the other side we haue the infection of Lutheranisme, so slaunderous to those that haue power to oppresse it, and so daungerous for the spreading it makes in all partes, that if it be not restrayned, the worlde is in ha­zarde to be replenished with Heretikes: There is no other remedie for that euill then by your authoritie and puissance, whiche yet you can not aduaunce for the cure of this maladie, so long as you stande embarqued in other warres. But be it, that for the present there were neyther feare of the Turkes, nor daunger of Here­tikes, yet to a Prince professing pyetie and charitie, what can bee more fowle, more sinnefull, or more to bee abhorred, then for our passions, and emulation of ambition, to lyue in the effusion of so muche Christian blood, whiche eyther with greater glory might be spent in the quarrell of the fayth of Christe, or at least with better oportunitie be reserued for tymes more necessarie. The warres that you nowe prosecute, drawe after them a bottomlesse gulfe of violations and whor­domes, an infinitie of sacrileges and blasphemies, and a world of other impious and execrable deedes: Suche as who so euer is a voluntary author of them can not but stande in a weake estate of grace or hope of pardon at Gods hande, seeing that yf necessitie leade him into them, he is without merite of excuse, if at the least he proceede not to the remedie of so great euills so speedily as he hath the meane: It is not good to be the author of euill, but we are especially bidden to beware to con­tinue in those euilles which our conscience doth assure vs to offende God: So that this ought to be the ende of your Maiesties thoughtes and counsels, and the espe­ciall marke whereat you haue to shoote, to reduce the Princes and Potentates of Christendome to an vniuersall peace, as a matter moste honorable, moste holy, and moste necessarie: for the manner and reall effecting whereof, your Maiestie may take three deliberations touching the French king: The firste to keepe hym a perpetuall prisoner: The seconde to delyuer him friendly and brotherly without other conditions then suche as maye induce betweene you a perpetuall peace and amitie, and tende to cure and readdresse the harmes of Christendome: The thirde, to exacte by his libertie as greate a profite as you can: Of these, two of them in my opinion do augment and prolonge the warres: but the thirde whiche is his absolute libertie in amitie and brotherhood, is the onely remedie to remoue the warre, and resiste for euer all motions and occasions to renewe it: For it is not to be doubted that the Frenche kinge for so singular a liberali­tie as the free benefite of his libertie, wyll not remayne more assured to you in minde and affection, then he standes nowe faste bounde to you in body. Grea­ter is the bonde of liberalitie and friendshippe, then the lawe of kindred and blood, for that election and iudgemente make a friende, but fortune brings pa­rentage: And if betweene your sacred Maiestie and hym shall runne a league of true vnion and concorde, all other Christian Princes wyll embrase reconci­liation and agreement, and by your vertuous example, will labour ro reclayme to the body of Christendome, suche members as lyue nowe in seperation: But yf you make a resolution to deteyne hym alwayes in pryson, besides the apparant crueltie in the acte, whiche is contrarie to the pyetie of a Christian Prince, and besides the imputation of ignoraunce touching the mutabilitie of fortune, which in matters of victorie draweth deepe consideration, you shall nourishe the seedes of mutuall warres betwene you, whiche no doubt will growe increasing and multi­plying to thindifferent ruine of you both: for in so doing you wyll make the world [Page 918] clamarous agaynst your vehement thirste after the Crowne of Fraunce, or some member thereof, and dryue him in reason and equitie to ryse into newe warres, to resiste so greate an ambicion: And to choose the waye to deliuer him vnder capi­tulations for your moste profite and aduauntage, can not bee but the worse waye and an election more daungerous then bothe the others: for, make what alliance you will, what capitulations you can, and what obligations you thinke good, yet by howe muche you seeke to tye his libertie to suche conditions, by so muche wyll he take occasion to be more and more your enemie, wherein he shall neuer wante the assistance and companie of all those Princes whome he can induce to be ielouse ouer your grearnesse. In cases of iealousie and emulation for imperie and estate, it is harde to conteyne the courage of man, though in all other occasions nature hath assigned hym an ordinary bridle and restraynte: And suche is mans infirmitie, that when the heart is possessed of the iniurie, the whole bodye is caryed with a violent motion to the passion of reuenge. I am not ignoraunt howe farre this opi­nion differeth from the taste of ordinary men, neyther howe newe it is to their eares, nor howe little confirmed with examples: But I knowe agayne howe much it agreeth with the maiestie of thEmperour to dispose his minde to deliberations extraordinary and singular, suche as the conceptions and capacitie of other men can not reache vnto, whome if your Maiestie exceede in dignitie, you ought by so many degrees to surmount in magnanimitie, whiche will not onely leade you to the merite and effecte of true glory, but also it will open your sacred eyes to dis­cerne what greater comelynesse it bringes to you to pardon and vse liberalitie, then to punishe and be couetous in getting: By this your Maiestie shall knowe that God hath not giuen you in vayne, yea almoste miraculously, the power to reduce the worlde to a peace: And that it apperteineth vnto you, after so many victories, af­ter so many graces and blessinges throwen vppon you by the goodnesse of God, and after you haue brought so many Princes prostrate at your feete, to proceede no more in the person of an enemie to anye man, but to prouide in the affection of a common father, for the safetie of all men. That glorie is vniuste that is pur­chased with the iniurie of an other, and nature hath sowen in man aswell seedes of equitie and clemencie, as of iniurie and furie. The magnanimitie whiche A­lexander the great and Iulius Caesar haue showed in pardoning their enemies, and restoring kingdomes to those they had vanquished, hath made their names more glorious, then their infinite victories and many triumphes: Whose example it im­porteth most those men to followe, who not making glory their onely end (though it be a right great rewarde) do desyre principally to do that whiche is the true and proper office of euery Christian prince. But to thende to conuince suche as mea­sure humaine thinges onely with humaine endes, let vs consider further if there re­mayne yet any other deliberation more conformable then this: For my parte I be­leeue, that in all the greatnes and soueraigne estate of your Maiestie, there is no parte more wonderfull nor more worthy, then this recommendation and glorie, that you haue stande tyll this daye inuincible, and haue guyded all your enterpri­ses to a moste happie ende, drawing with it bothe felicitie and reputation: whiche as you can not but interprete to be the moste precious iewell, and moste singuler treasour that God hath indued you withall, so he hath lefte to your Maiestie no better waye to establishe it, nor fitter meane to assure and conserue it, then in lea­uing the warres with an ende so honorable and worthy, to take out of the handes and power of fortune the subuersion of your glory gotten, and to reduce from the [Page 919] middest of the sea to the port of sauetie, this vessell loaden with marchandise of val­lue inestimable: It belonges to wise men not to referre eftsoones to the arbitermēt of fortune, the thinges which they haue once achieued by their vallour and wise­dome: And this hath bene alwayes an obseruacion with wise men, that the greater their fortune was, the lesse did they trust it: But let vs passe further, there is no man dowteth that that greatnes which is preserued willingly is not more agreeable, then that which is meinteyned by violence, for that it is so much the more stable, so much the more easie, so much the more agreeable, and so much the more honorable: If your maiestie bind the French king to you by so great a liberalitie, and by so great a benefit, will it not be the propper degree to put vpon you the absolute authoritie & iurisdiction both of him selfe and his kingdom? If you giue to the Pope and other Princes so manifest a certeintie, that you are contented with the states which you haue, and that you liue in a speciall care and watching ouer the vniuersall sauetie of Christendom: Will not they remaine without suspicion? yea hauing no more to feare you, nor nothing to quarrell with you, they will not onely loue you, but they will honor in your person so great a bountie: By this meane you shall drawe to you the harts of men, which are not to be subdued by fiercenes, you shall giue lawes to all nations for that they see you deuided from ambicion, And by this meane shall you dispose more Christians with good will and authoritie, then with forces and subiection: By this meane being followed and ayded of all men, you shal haue good oportunitie to turne your armes against the Lutherans & Infidels, with greater glo­ry & with more occasion of greater conquests: Which I know not why they should not be also desired in Afrika, in Greece, or in Leuant, seeing that as you haue had so great facilitie to amplifie your dominion amongst the Christians, And the puissance of your maiestie so augmented that it is almost become terrible to them all, So when they shall see your purposes extended further, and your ambicion breake out of ly­mit, all the world will conspire by necessitie against you whom they find armed with a mind so preiudiciall to their libertie. In all times, in all clymats, and to all natures, seruitude hath bene hatefull, and libertie sweete and acceptable: the Pope feareth your power, the Venetians tremble vnder your puissant hande, your forces haue put all Italy into astonishment, and by the tokens that are discerned, it is credible that the king of England enuyeth your felicitie: you may for certaine monethes enterteyne the French men with fayre hopes and vaine practises, but in the end, either the king must be deliuered, or they must be sent backe desperat: if they reape dispaire, they haue reason to conspyre against you with all the confederats they can procure: And if you deliuer the king with condicions of litle profit to your maiestie, what shal you winne, to lose thoccasion to vse so great a magnanimitie? which if you expresse not at this beginning, when afterwards you would showe it, it will haue neither prayse, glory, nor the like grace: if you tye to his deliuerie couenants that bind him to your profit and commoditie, he will not obserue them, for that no sewertie that he shall giue you can so much import him, but that it will import him much more not to haue his enemie to become so great as afterwardes he shall not be able to oppresse him: And so shall we haue either a peace vnprofitable, which ought to be farre from the deliberacion of your maiestie, or els warres very daungerous, whose ende is as vncerteine as the action is ielous: Besides, the chaunge of fortune is to be feared of him to whome she hath giuen so long a fruicion of felicitie, And much more griefe and heauynes by the yll successe of things, is to be doubted of him who hath had power to assure them. Thus haue I satisfied the commaundement of your Maiestie, [Page 920] though not with grauitie and witte that was exspected, yet with affection and fide­litie according to a subiect, beseeching God to inspire you with the election of that deliberation, which may be most acceptable to his will and agreable to your glory, and also be moste conducible to the benefite of the common weale of Christen­dome, of the which both for your supreme dignitie, and correspondencie of the di­uine will of God, there is necessarily transferred to your person the name of patron and protector.’

This Oration was heard of thEmperour with great attention, and yet he made no declaration by any signe or iesture, whether he allowed or condemned it: But giuing the signe to the residue to speake, Federike duke of Alba, a man of great autho­ritie with themperour, roase vp and reasoned in this sort:

There be in the soule of man two principall powers necessarilie concurring to The opinion of the duke of Alba tou­ching the kings impri­sonment. euery good action, the vnderstanding and the will, of both whiche, wisdome is the full perfection: The one we neede not doubt to be the free gifte of God, and the o­ther we may assure to be bredde in nature: the one an inspiration to leade vs to the knowledge of things, and the other a disposicion carying vs to the operation and ‘action of the same, and they both no other thing then the effect of that perfection which is referred to wisdome: And as this wisdome discendeth by grace, and is not giuen by nature, so yet in thadministration of worldly things, we see it bothe much holpen and well confirmed by learning and industrie. In which respect (right soue­raigne Emperour) I pray to be excused, if my iudgement differ not from the com­mon iudgement of others, & if by the facultie of my spirite I be not capable to perce so deepe as the vnderstanding of others can not reache vnto: yea I hope to deserue more commendation, if in my counsells I perswade you to followe the same waye which your fathers and elders haue alwayes taken: for albeit counsells newe and without vse, at the first sight may happly bring with them glorious showes and ap­parances, yet no doubt in the ende they are founde to draw with them more daun­ger and deceite, then suche as beeing measured by reason, example and experience, haue bene in all times approued by generall sentence of all men: yea all thinges are put to aduenture, that are done by rashnes and not by reason. Your Maiestie hath receyued principally by the will and working of God, and secondlye through the vallour of your Capteines and armie, the greatest victorie that in many ages hath bene transferred to any Christian Prince: But the chiefe frute to vanquishe consi­steth in the well vsing of your victorie, and who ordreth not his felicitie so, incur­reth a farre greater infamie, then if he knewe not howe to vanquishe. Greater is the fault of that man who suffreth himselfe to be deceyued by those things whiche he holdeth in his owne power, then by suche as depende vpon the arbitration of for­tune: Since for the moste parte whom fortune doth bring to beleeue in her, she maketh them more desirous of glory, then apt to receyue it or hable to gouerne it. Your Maiestie hath to take heede to enter into any deliberation which in the ende may bring shame to others, and repentance to your selfe: And by how much thim­portance of this negociation is great, by so muche doth it call your Maiestie to pro­ceede with great aduise in your resolutions, in which the faultes that are once com­mitted, can not be corrected. If you once deliuer the French king, you can no more reteine him, but so long as he remayneth your prisoner, it is alwayes in your power to giue him libertie. In cases of captiuitie he that hastely enfreeth his enemie, wor­keth to him selfe the occasion of his owne harme: And therefore it can not but be an iniurie to obiect your slownes to set him at libertie, since the king knoweth in [Page 921] his owne conscience how he would vse thEmperour if he were his prisoner: Truly it was a great felicitie to take the frenche king, but in conference and comparison of things, it would proue a farre greater infelicity to let him go: I hope your maiesty is not ignorant that follie and rashnesse haue no societie with wisdom, nor fortune no community with good councell, and therefore touching the deliberacion of his de­liuerie, it ought to be debated with grauetie of councell, calling to you a long assi­stance and course of time: I might happily chaunge this opinion, if I saw any reason to perswade me, that the king being presently deliuered, would reasonably acknow­ledge the benefite according to the consequence of it, and that the Pope and the o­ther potentats of Italie, would be brought to lay away together with their suspicions, all their couetousnes and ambicion: But who knoweth not how daungerous it is to ground & establish a resolucion of so great importance vpon a supposition both vn­true and vncerteine: The consideracion of the condicion & maner of mortall men induceth the contrarie, for that ordinarilie there is nothing endureth so litle a sea­son as the remembraunce of benefites receiued, and the more greater they be, the more commonly are they recompensed with ingratitude, for that he that either can not or will not make them good with recompense, seeketh oftentimes to deface them with forgetfulnes, or at least to make them lesse, by perswading that they were not so great: And as to some men it is a more shame to confesse a fault then to do it, so, we haue seene many who being reduced to suche necessitie as they haue stande neede of a benefit, doe yet receiue it with mindes grudging and not contented: in whom commonly hatred beareth more rule for the remembraunce of the necessitie wherein they were falne, then the obligacion and thankefulnes which ought to fol­lowe the fauor and benefit that was done vnto them: Moreouer there is no nation vnder the couer of the skie to whom insolencie is more naturall, and lightnes more familiar, then to the frenchmen: And where is insolency, there is inconsideracion: And where is lightnesse, there is no knowledge of vertue, there is no iudgement to discerne of the actions of others, nor grauetie to measure that which concerneth them selues: Then what other thing may we hope for in the french king, for his cu­stome so insolent, and for his greatnes so prowde and hawtie, then that he burneth with rage and disdaine to be prisoner to thEmperour, at a time when he looked to triumphe ouer him: he will keepe alwayes before his eyes, the remembrance of this infamie, and being deliuered, he will neuer beleue that the meane to quench it, is to be thankefull and acknowledge, but in striuing to be superior, he will perswade him selfe that you let him go for the difficulties to holde & reteine him, and not through your bounty & magnanimity: Such is for the most part the nature of men, and such hath bene alwayes the condicion of the frenchmen, from whom who looketh for a constancy or magnanimity, exspecteth a renouacion & new rule in humane things: So that in place to haue peace, and to reorder the regions of Christendom, we shall see rise vp, warres, both more doubtfull and more daungerous then those that are passed, suche as for their confederacies will be intollerable, and for their calamities horrible: The reason of these is, for that your reputacion will be lessened, and your armie, which now exspecteth the frute due vpon so great a victorie being deceiued of their hopes, will haue no more the same vertue, nor your affaires followed with the same fortune: Who if she be hardly holden by him that reteineth her, muche lesse will she tarie with suche as chase her and driue her away: she hath a freewill to come and go when she list, and is not stayed by the power of mortall Princes, whom with other earthly creatures nature hath made subiect to the law of reuolucion and [Page 922] chaunge: neither haue you reason to reappose any thing in the bountie of the Pope, or the modestie of the Venetians, for that repenting them selues to haue suffered you to goe away with the victorie past, they will seeke to cast blocks in your way for go­ing any further, wherin will be concurrant the present feare they haue of you, which will compell them to oppose against your newe fortunes and victories to come: yea where you haue now in your power to hold all men bownd and astonished, your self with a dissolute bountie will be he that will vnbind them and giue them hart: I know not what is the will and resolucion of God, neither doe I thinke others can reach to the knowledge of it, for that we are made assured by the Scriptures that his iudge­ments are secret, and deepe: But if it be lawfull to interprete matters by coniecture, which is the onely way to comprehend things to come, I see many tokens that God fauoreth your greatnes: neither can I beleue that he extendeth his graces vpon you in so great abundance to thend you should dissipat and dissolue them of your selfe, but thereby to raise you and make you superior ouer others aswell in effect, as you are in title and right: And truely to lose so rare an occasion which God doth sende you, would be no other thing then to tempt him & make you vnworthy of his grace: In cases of conquest and victorie, Princes are hardly contented with that which oc­casion doth offer, for that the things which they winne first doe not satisfie them, so long as they hope to get better. Reason hath alwayes taught, and experience doth well confirme it, that seldom doe those things draw good successe which depend vp­pon the councells of many: By which argument I doubt whether he measure right­ly the nature of the world, who beleueth that he is able to roote out the Heretikes, or suppresse the Infidells, with the vnion of many Princes: They be enterprises that haue neede of a Prince so mighty and great, as to be able to giue lawes and rules to others: If that be not obserued and considered, they will haue their passage hereaf­ter with the same successe, where with they haue passed in times before: for this cause doe I beleue that God hath cast on you so great victories, and for the same rea­son hath opened you the way to the whole Monarchie, which onely may make you able to bringe to passe so great and holy effects: To the which it is not amisse that you be slow to giue the first beginnings, to thende to accomplishe them with more better and more certeine foundacions: Let not the feare of so many puissant leagues and confederacions as are contracted against you, estraunge you from this delibera­cion, for that both thoccasion which you reteyne in your hande is sufficient to ad­uaunce it, And also if things be well negociated, the kings mother, for her affection to her sonne, and for the necessitie to recouer his libertie, wil neuer cast of her hopes to redeeme him of you by accord. Besides, the Princes of Italy will neuer enter vnitie with the gouernment of Fraunce, knowing that it remayneth alwayes in your hand, setting the kinge at libertie, not onely to seperate him but also to turne him against them: A matter which as for the time it wil keepe them in astonishment & suspense, so in the end it must needes come to passe that they must be the first to receiue lawes of you, And then it can not be but an action full of glorye, to vse towards them cle­mencie and magnanimitie, euen when matters shall be reduced to that estate and degree as they can not chuse but acknowledge you for superior: Such was the man­ner of dealing of Alexander and Casar, who were forward aad liberall to pardon in­iuries, and not slow and inconsiderat to readdresse their estate of them selues, A midd those difficulties and daungers which they had already surmounted: he that doth so, deserueth praise, for that he doth an acte which hath very fewe examples, but that man can not but beare notes of imprudency and indiscression, who doth that which [Page 923] hath no law of example nor rule of time: By these reasons I am bold to induce your maiestie to draw of your victorie, as great a profit as you can, and alwayes vsing to­wardes the king those offices and oblacions that apperteine to him, either to sende for him into Spaine, or at least to haue him conueyed to Naples: And for aunswere of his letter sent to your maiestie, it were good to returne to him some speciall man to visite him with wordes full of grace and hope, and with all to propownd vnto him condicions of his deliuerance, such as (vpon more particular consultacion) may be worthie recompenses and rewardes of so greate a victorie: In this sorte your funda­cions being layed, and your thoughtes extended to these endes, the time and the o­peracions and accidentes thereof, will make either more quicke or more slowe, the deliuerie of the king, and will also beget occasions of peace or warre with thItalians, whom for the present you may enterteine with good hopes: So shall you with art and industrie augument the fauor and reputacion of armes, and auoyding to tempt euerie day a new fortune, we shall be prepared and readie to accord either with this Prince or with that common weale, either with all together or with one in particu­lar as occasions & accidents shall induce vs: These be the wayes which wise Princes haue alwayes followed, and particularly those who haue left to you the fundacions of such a greatnes: They were neuer curious to reiect occasions that made to raise them higher, nor slow to push on the fauor of fortune when they saw her wel dispo­sed: To you belongeth the interest of their example, as of right apperteineth vnto you that which in any of them might seeme to be ambicion: Your maiestie must re­member that you are a Prince, and that it is one office in your calling to followe the trace of Princes: Muche lesse that any reason either diuine or humane perswadeth you to leaue thoccasion to releue and readdresse thauthority of the Empire vsurped and defaced, seeing all lawes of God and nations binde you by straite obligacion, to arme your corage and intencions to recouer it rightfully: occasions are precious if they be executed in the ripenesse of time, but being foreslowed, they turne to the preiudice of those that hoped in them: Your maiestie must be gealous ouer them, knowing how easely they are lost, and with what difficultie they are recouered: you must not be curious to make your profit of them, nor doubtfull to aduaunce them when you see they draw with them a correspondencie of time, of place, and all other circumstances helping to your enterprises: You are not to make your fundacion v­pon the bountie or wisedome of those that bee vanquished, seeing all mortall men draw with them their corruptions, and the whole worlde is full of infirmitie and er­ror: dignities and greatnes are the effectes and rewards of vallour, and where is a re­solute minde to execute, there neuer wanteth a good fortune to establishe and con­firme: Lastly seeing the estate of Christendom can not be defended by any other meane then by your greatnes, it is a iust office in your maiestie to lay to your hande, though not for the interest of your owne authoritie and glorie, yet for the seruice of God, and zeale of the vniuersall benefit.’

This oration was hard with a wonderful fauor & inclinacion of the whole coūcell, in whom, for the authority of the man, and for the spirit and efficacie of his reasons, might be discerned an vniuersall impression of ambicion almost to the whole Em­pire of Christendom: There was not one amongest them, who without replie, did not confirme his opinion, which thEmperour also approued, though more for co­lour not to seeme to swarue from the councell of his frends, then in disclosing what was the propertie of his inclinacion: Monsr Beauruin, by office his great Chamber­laine, and by fauour verie gracious with him, was dispatched both to imparte with [Page 924] the Capteines of the armie, thEmprours deliberacion, and also to visit in his name the French king, and to propownd to him the condicions by the which he might obteine his deliuerance: he tooke his way by lande, for that the kinges mother had made free and open all passages for Messengers and corryers to come and goe to thEmprours Court, for the more easie and safe negociacion of her sonnes affayres: And so together with the Duke of Burbon & the Viceroy, he went to Pisqueton, where the king remeyned as yet: There he offered him his libertie, but with so vnequall & heauy condicions, that the very hearing of them was intollerable to the king: for, besides the resigning of all his titles and rights which he pretended in Italy, thEm­prour demaunded to haue rendred vnto him the Duchie of Burgonguie as appertey­ning to him in propper, And to giue to the Duke of Burbon, Prouence with all the de­pendencies thereof: And he required besides, aswell for him selfe as for the king of England, other condicions of very great moment: It seemed the vertue of the king had ouercome the aduersities of his imprisonment, for, to thEmprours demaundes he aunswered constantly, that he had rather offer vp his life in prison then to depriue his children of any part of the Realme of Fraunce, And though he should consent to a composicion so preiudiciall, yet it was not in his power to execute it: for that the auncient tradicions and constitucions of Fraunce did not suffer alienacion of any member or appertenancie to the crowne without the consent of the parliaments, & others in whose hands rested the authoritie of the whole kingdom, and who in like cases had bene alwayes wont to preferre the vniuersall sauetie of the mayne body of the Realme, affore the particular interest, of the persons of their kings: That if they would demaund condicions which were in his power to performe, they should finde him most ready to ioyne with thEmprour, and to fauor his greatnes: But such was his desire of libertie, that here he ceassed not to offer condicions diuers, making no difficulty to graunt large parts of other mens estates, without promising any thing of his owne. This was in effect the summe of the things he accorded: he offered to take to wife thEmprours sister, a late widowe by the death of the king of Portugall: he made confession that he would hold Burgonguie as in dowrye, and that it should ap­perteyne to the children yssuing of that mariage: That he would restore to the Duke of Burbon, the Duchie that had beene confisked from him enlarging it with some o­ther estate: That in recompense of thEmprours sister who had bene promised to the Duke, the king would giue him in mariage, his sister a late widowe by the deceasse of Monsr d'Alenson: That he would satisfie the king of England with money, and pay to thEmprour a great treasor for his raunsom: That he would resigne vnto him his in­terests and rights in the kingdom of Naples and Duchie of Myllan: That he woulde send to accompany him both with a nauie by sea and an armie by lande, at such tyme as he would goe to Rome to take the crowne Imperiall, which was as much as if he had promised to giue him in pray, the whole Monarchie of Italy. Beaurayn returned with these capitulacions to thEmprour, to whom went with him also Monsr Mont­morancy a personage then very agreeable to the king, and afterwards great maister of Fraunce, and at last by the kings liberalitie, indued with the dignitie of high Consta­ble of Fraunce.

But now let vs say some what of the sorowes & feares of Fraunce: After they were The sorowes and feares of Fraunce for the imprison­ment of the king. possessed of the newes of the ouerthrow of tharmie, & taking of the king, there ranne thorow the whole kingdome an vniuersall astonishment and confusion: for, besides the incredible sorow which thaccident of the kinges imprisonment brought to that nation, naturally very deuout and louing to their kinges, there appeared on all sides [Page 925] infinite mournings and heauines aswell publike as priuate: Priuate men lamented and made their sorrowes aparte, for that aswell of the Courte as of the Nobilitie, there were very sewe who had not loste in the battell, their children, their brethren, or other their parentes and friends of marke: They wepte and coulde not be com­forted, because they iudged their sorrowe could not be greater then the qualitie of their losse: And in the publike and generally body of the realme might be discerned nothing but an vniuersall face of desolation and dispayre, euery one crying out of so great a diminution of the authoritie & glory of so flourishing a realme: A perplexi­tie so muche the more grieuous & intollerable to them, by howmuch naturally they are hawty and presuming of themselues: In this estate of aduersitie they set before their eyes all that feare and dispayre coulde imagine: They doubted least so great a calamitie were not the beginning of a further and subuersion: They sawe their king prisoner, and with him eyther taken or slaine in the battel, the chieftayns of the kingdome, which in the imagination of their sorowes they helde a losse irreparable: They behelde their capteins discomforted, and their souldiors discouraged: A cala­mitie which stopped in them all hope to be readdressed or reassured: They saw the realme made naked of money & treasor, and enuironed with most mighty enemies, an affliction which most of all caryed their thoughts into the last cogitations of des­perate ruine: for the king of England, notwithstanding he had holden many parleys and treaties, and showed in many things a variation of mind, yet not many daies be­fore the battel, he had cut off al the negociations which he had enterteined with the king, & had published that he would discend into Fraunce if the things of Italie tooke any good successe: So that the frenchmen feared least in so great an oportunity thē ­prour & he would not leauy warre agaynst Fraunce, eyther for that there was no o­ther head or gouernor then a woman and the litle children of the king, of whom the eldest had not yet runne eyght yeres accomplished: or els because thenemies had with thē the duke of Burbon, for his owne particular a puissant prince, and for his au­thority in the realme of Fraunce very popular & strong in opinion, a mighty instru­ment to stirre vp most dangerous emotions. Besides, the Lady Regent, aswell for the loue she bare to the king, as for the daungers of the realme, was not without her pas­sions both proper and particular: for being full of ambition and most greedy of the gouernment, she feared that if the kinges deliuery drewe any long tract of tyme, or that any new difficultie happned in Fraunce, she should be constrayned to yelde vp thadministration of the Crowne to suche as should be delegate and assigned by the voyces of the kingdome: Neuertheles amid so many astonishmentes & confusions she drew her spirites to her, & by her example were recōforted the nobles that were of counsell with her, who taking speedy order to manne the frontiers of the realme, and with diligence to leauy a good prouision of money: The Lady Regent in whose name all expeditions & dispatches went out, wrote to themprour letters full of hu­militie and compassion, wherein she forgot not by degrees vehement and inducing to solicit a negociatiō of accord, by vertue wherof, hauing a litle after deliuered Don Hugo de Moncado, she sent him to themprour, to offer him, that her sonne should re­nounce & disclaime frō all rightes of the kingdome of Naples and thestate of Millan, with contentment to refer to the censure & arbitration of the law, the titles & rights of Burgondy, which if it apperteined to thēprour, he should acknowledge it for the dowry of his sister: That he should render to Monsr Burbon his estate together with his moueables & goods which were of great vallour, and also the frutes & reuenues which had bin leauied by the cōmissioners deputed out of the regal chamber: That [Page 926] he should giue to him his sister in mariage, & deliuer vp to him Pronence, if iudgemēt of the interest & right were made of his side: And for the more facilitie and speedy passage of this negociatiō, rather then for any desire she had to nourish her inclina­tion to the warre, she dispatched immediatly Embassadours into Italie, to recōmend to the Pope & the Venetians the safetie of her sonne: To whom she offred, that if for their proper securitie they would contract with her, and rayse armes agaynst them­perour, she would for her particular aduaunce fiue hundred launces, together with a great contribution of money. But amidde these trauells and astonishmentes, the principall desire aswell of her as of the whole Realme of Fraunce, was, to appease and assure the minde of the king of England, iudging truely that if they could reduce him to amitie and reconcilement, the Crowne of Fraunce should remayne without quarrell or molestation: Where, if he on the one side, and themprour on the other, should ryse in one ioynt force, hauing concurrant with them the person of the duke of Burbon, and many other oportunities and occasions, it could not be but all things woulde be full of difficulties and daungers: Of this the Lady Regent began to dis­cerne many tokens and apparances of good hope: for notwithstanding the king of Englande immediatly after the first reapportes of the victory, had not only expressed great tokens of gladnes & reioysing, but also published that he would in person passe into Fraunce: and withall had sent Embassadors to themprour to solicite & treate of the mouing of warre ioyntly together: yet proceding in deede with more mildnes then was exspected of so furious showes & tokens, he dispatched a messanger to the Lady Regent, to sende to him an expresse Embassador: which accordingly was ac­complished, & that with fulnes of authority & commission, such as brought with it also all sortes of submissions & implorations which she thought apt to reduce to ap­peasement the mind of that king so highly displeased: he reapposed himself altoge­ther vpon the will and counsel of the cardinal of Yorke, who seemed to restrayne the king & his thoughtes to this principall end, that bearing such a hand vpon the con­trouersies & quarrels that ranne betwene other princes, al the world might acknow­ledge to depend vpon him and his authoritie the resolution and exspectation of all affayres: And for this cause he offred to themperour at the same time to discend in­to Fraunce with a puissant army, both to giue perfection to the alliance concluded betwene them before, and also to remoue all scruple and ielousie, he offred pre­sently to consigne vnto him his daughter who was not as yet in an age and dispo­sition able for mariage: But in these matters were very great difficulties, partly de­pending vpon himself, and partly deriuing from themprour, who nowe shewed no­thing of that readines to contract with him which he had vsed before: for the king of England demaunded almost al the rewards of the victory, as Normandy, Guyen, & Gas­coign, with the title of king of Fraunce: And that themprour, notwithstanding thine­quality of the conditions, should passe likewise into Fraunce, and cōmunicate equally in thexspences & dangers: Thinequality of these demaūds troubled not a litle them­prour, to whō they were by so much the more grieuous, by howmuch he remēbred that in the yeres next before, he had always deferred to make warre euē in the grea­test dangers of the french king: So that he perswaded himselfe that he should not be able to make any fundation vpon that confederation: And standing in a state no lesse impouerished for mony & tresor, thē made weary with labors & perils, he hoped to draw more cōmodities from the french king by the meane of peace, then by the vio­lence of armes & warre, specially ioyning with the king of England: Besides, he made not that accompt which he was wont to do of the mariage of his daughter, both for [Page 927] her minority in age, & also for the dowry for the which he should stande accōptable for so much as themprour had receyued by way of loane of the king of England: he semed by many tokens in nature to nourish a wonderful desire to haue children, and by the necessitie of his condicion, he was caried with great couetousnes of money: vppon which two reasons he tooke a great desire to marye the sister of the house of Portugall, which was both in an age hable for mariage, and with whome he hoped to receyue a plentifull porcion in gold and treasor, besides the liberalities of his own peoples offered by waye of beneuolence in case the mariage went forwarde: suche was their desire to haue a Queene of the same nation and language, and of hope to procreate children: for these causes the negociacion became euery daye more hard and desperat betweene both those Princes, wherein was also concurrant the ordi­nary inclinacion of the Cardinall of Yorke towardes the Frenche king, together with the open complaintes he made of thEmprour, aswell for thinterests and re­spects of his king, as for the small reputacion thEmprour beganne to holde of him: He considered that affore the battell of Pauya, thEmprour neuer sent letters vnto him which were not written with his owne hande, and subscribed, your sonne and Cosin Charles: But after the battell, he vsed the seruice of Secretories in all the let­ters he wrote to him, infixing nothing of his owne hande but the subscripcion, not with titles of so greate reuerence and submission, but onely with this bare worde Charles: In this alteracion of affection of the Cardinall, the king of England tooke occasion to receiue with gracious wordes and demonstracions, thEmbassador sent by the Ladye regent, to whome he gaue comfort to hope well in thinges to come: And a litle afterwards, estraunging his minde wholly from thaffayres which were in negociacion betwene him and thEmprour, he made a confederacion with the La­dy regent contracting in the name of her sonne, wherein he would haue inserted this expresse condicion, that for the kings raunsom and deliuerie, should not be de­liuered to thEmprour any thing that at that time should be vnder the power or pos­session of the crowne of Fraunce.

This was the first hope which fell vppon the Realme of Fraunce, And this was the first consolation in so many aduersities, which afterwards went on increasing by the disorders of thImperialls in Italy: They were become so insolent for so great a vi­ctorie, that perswading them selues that all men and all difficulties should yeeld and giue place to their will, their glory made them lose thoccasion to accorde with the Venetians, and gaynesaye thinges which they had promised to the Pope, and lastly brought them to fill full of suspicions both the Duchie of Myllan and all the other regions of Italy: And so going on to sowe seedes of new innouacions and troubles, they reduced thEmprour to this necessitie, to make a rashe deliberacion, daun­gerous for his estate in Italy if his auncient felicitie and the harde fortune and de­stinie of the Pope, had not beene of greater force: Matters assuredly moste worthy of a knowledge perticular, to thend that of accidents and things so memorable may be vnderstanded the foundacions and councells, which being oftentymes hid, are for the most part reuealed and published after a manner most farre from the truth.

But skarcely had the Pope capitulated with the Viceroy, when were presented vn­to him the great offers of Fraunce, to stirre him vppe to the warre: wherein albeit he wanted not the perswasions of many to induce him to the same effecte, and lesse diminucion of the distrust which he had before of thImperialls, yet he determi­ned to take suche a coursse and proceeding in all thinges, as he woulde leaue no cause to eyther of them to suspecte him for his actions: Therefore he had no soo­ner [Page 928] vnderstande that the Viceroy had accepted and pronownced the contract made at Rome, then he caused publication to be made within S. Iohn de Latran, And as he taried not for the ratificacion of thEmprour which was promised to be sent first, so the better to demonstrat his intencion, he honored with his presence and with the same solemnitie he was wont to vse at his coronation, the publication which was made the first day of Maye: he solicited also the Florentyns to make payment of the money promised, and interposed as much as he could, to drawe the Venetians to en­ter appoyntment with the Imperialls: But on thother side, were presented to him by them, many iust causes of complaint, since in the payment of the money promi­sed, they would not accept the xxv. thowsand duckats payed by the Florentyns ac­cording to his ordenaunce during the negociacion of thaccord, for that the Viceroy alleaged impudently that if other promise were past, it was made without his com­mission: Besides, much lesse that they retyred their souldiers from of the landes of the Churche, seeing they replenished the townes of Plaisanca with garrisons: To these things which some waye might happly bee excused bothe for their want of money, and necessitie of harbor and lodging, was added also, that not onely in the mutacion of the state of Siena, they gaue suspicion to beare a mynde estraunged from the Pope, but also they suffered afterwardes the Citizens of Montenouo to be ill handeled and spoyled of their goods by the Libertyns, notwithstanding vp­pon the Popes often complayntes, they gaue him hope to remedye those disor­ders: But that which vexed him moste of all, was the dealing of the Viceroy, who did not onely inclyne suddeinlye to the solicitacions of the Duke of Ferrara, but also put him in hope not to force him to leaue Reggia and Rubiera: he promised him also to induce thEmprour to take his estates into protection, notwithstanding he made dayly promisses to the Pope, that when the Florentyns had performed to paye that which they ought, he woulde make him eftsoones repossessed of those townes: And to thende the Pope shoulde the better solicite theffects of these pro­misses and hopes, and also to obteyne to haue the companies of men of warre to retyre from the territories of the Churche, he sent vnto him the Cardinall Salui­atio, his Legat in Lombardye and Deputie Legat with thEmprour, to whome the Viceroy made beleeue that he was determined to procure restitucion of Reggia by armes, if the Duke refused to render it by good will: But the effecte of thinges aunswered nothinge the promisses and wordes: A matter and manner of dealing which coulde not bee excused by the necessitie of money, for that vppon the ren­dring of those townes, there grewe to them a greater quantitie: And there was taken good reason and matter to interprete the likelihoode of that matter to pro­ceede of a desire they had eyther to haue him embased and pulled lower, or els to wynne the Duke of Ferrara, or lastely, to goe on still with better degrees and preparacions for the oppressing of Italy: These matters brought to the Pope a suspi­cion and griefe of mind almost incredible, But much more was he perplexed to see and consider that thEmprours intencion was nothing different: who hauing dispat­ched to the Pope letters of ratificacion of the confederacion made in his name to the Viceroy, deferred to cōfirme the three articles accorded apart & seperat from the capitulacion: he alleaged that touching the restoring of the townes holden by the Duke of Ferrara, he had no power to do an acte preiudiciall to the rights of thEm­pire, nor to force the Duke who protested to holde them in chiefe of thEmpire, In which respecte thEmprour offered to referre that controuersie to the tryall of lawe and iustice, or els to be resolued by some friendely composicion: It was easi­ly [Page 929] comprehended that he could haue bene contented they shoulde still haue re­meined to the Duke, but vnder his inuestiture and to pay him an hundred thowsand duckats, and as much to the Pope for the inuestiture of Ferrara and for the penaltie imposed vpon the contract which he had made with Adrian: he alleaged that it was a thing impertinent to accorde with his ministers touching the trade & prouision of salt from the Duchy of Millan, bicause the soueraigne profit of that Dukedom by the composition of thinuestiture though not as yet consigned, apperteined to Frauncis Sforce: And that therefore the Viceroy was not simply bound by tharticle to compell him to take it, but to do what he could to induce him to consent: which promise for that it was extended to the action of a third person, was notoriously of no force tou­ching the effect to bind either him selfe or an other: Neuerthelesse for desire he had to gratifie the Pope he woulde haue practised to induce the Duke to consent, if the matter had not become no more his owne interest but thinterest of an other, seeing the Duke of Millan in recompense of the succors which thArchduke had sent him, had couenanted to take salt of him: and yet notwithstanding, he said he would inter­pose and doe all he could to induce his brother (receiuing recompense of money) to accord & consent to it, not for euer as the article expressed, but during the Popes life which was most agreable to reason: he would not admit also the article of benefits & benefices, onlesse, together with that which was expressed in the inuestitures, were ioyned such things as had bene obserued by his predecessors kings of Naples: In re­garde of these difficulties, the Pope refused to accept the letters of ratificacion, nor would not send his to thEmprour, but insisted this demaund that seeing thEmprour had not ratified within the tearme of foure moneths according to the promise of the Viceroy, that the hūdred thowsand duckats might be restored to the Florentins: which demaund was answered with suttleties & rather cauillaciōs, then with firme & good fundacions: that the cōdicion of restitucion of the hūdred thousand duckats was not affixed to the instrument, but promised in an article separat & apart by the Viceroys Agentes by oth, and that it was not referred to the ratificacion of the league which thEmperour had not only ratified within the tearme of foure moneths, but also had sent out letters of it in due forme: Moreouer the Pope had aduertisemēt that thEm­perours court was vniuersally ill disposed to the things of Italie, & he was not igno­rant that the capteines of his army rose vp to perswade him, that for the more abso­lute assuring of his enterprises in Italie, it were good to cause Modena to be rendred to the Duke of Ferrara, to repossesse the family of Bentiuoleis of Bolognia, & to take the iurisdiction of Florence, of Siena, and of Lucqua, as townes apperteining to thEmpire: yea, so full was he of dout & suspicion, & so farre from stay and resolucion, & know­ing withall that the frenchmen offred as a pray to thEmperour the regions of Italie, that by necessitie he went temporising, hauing not whereupon to fix his fundacion.

In this time thaccord betwene the Viceroy & the Venetians was solicited continu­ally, wherin besides the Viceroy sought to bind of new the Venetians to the defense of A treatise of of accord be­twene the Viceroy and the Venetians the Duchy of Millan, he demaunded great summes of money to satisfie their fault of inobseruaciō of the cōfederacion passed: The Venetians had many reasons to incline thē to giue place to necessity, but of the contrary, they were caried with more reaso­nable perswasiōs to remeine in suspence amid which incerteinty of estate, their coū ­cels were ful of variety & irresolucion: Neuertheles after many conferences & mee­tings, their astonishmēt being no lesse then their neighbours for so great a victory of thEmprour, & their estate only being abādoned & reduced to priuacion on all sides, they addressed new cōmissions to P. Pesero their Embassador residēt with the Viceroy, [Page 930] to confirme the league in the same manner it had bene made affore, paying ouer to thEmperour foure score thowsand duckats for satisfaction of penalties past: But the Viceroy being made so much the more obstinate, by howe muche they seemed feare­full, aunswered them resolutely, that he would not renue the confederacion, onlesse they payed in the hūdred thowsand duckats: which obstinacy drew with it this ill ac­cident as oftentimes is seene to happen in matters deliberated with longnes of time and no readines of wil: for, so long a tract was taken in the disputing and debating of this litle summe, that the Venetians had aduertisement how the king of England bare no more so ill a minde to the aduersities of Fraunce as was feared in the beginning, and besides, the Imperiall armie had both payed and dimissed many regimentes of Launceknights: Matters which the Venetians interpreting to their aduauntage, and better suretie from vexacion, they determined to dwell as yet in suspence and to re­serue in them selues (as much as they could) power & election to take those delibe­racions which by the traine & euent of generall things, they knew were best for thē.

The Viceroy and the other Capteines Imperiall were not a litle stirred vp by these The person of the frenche king led pri­soner into Spaine. variacions to transport the person of the french king into a place of suretie, iudging that for the ill disposicion of others, they could not without perill, kepe him garded in the Duchie of Millan: In which feare ioyned to their continuall desire so to doe, they resolued to conueye him to Genes, and from thence by sea to Naples, where his lodging was prepared within the newcastell: This determinacion brought no litle greefe to the king, who from the beginning of his captiuitie, had vehemently desi­red to be caried into Spaine: perhappes he had opinion (measuring happily an other man by his owne nature, or else running with the common error of mortall men be­ing easely beguiled in things they desire) that if once he were brought to the presence of thEmperour, he doubted not of some easie passage for his liberty, either through thEmperours benignitie, or by the condicions he ment to offer: The Viceroy was of the same desire for the augmentacion of his owne glory, but being reteined for feare of the french army by sea, they dispatched by common consent Monsr Montmerancy to the Ladie Regent: she graunted to him six light gallies of those that lay in the port of Marseilles vpon promise to haue them restored assoone as the king was arriued in Spaine: With these gallies he returned to Portofino where the kinges person was al­readie ariued, and ioyning them to sixteene gallies of thEmperour which was the nauy appointed at first to conduct him to Naples, he reduced them all into one fleete and armed them all with footemen of the Spanish: The Captaines Imperialls & the Duke of Burbon, were perswaded that the kinges person shoulde be ledde to Naples, but of the contrarie, setting saile the seuenth of Iune, they tooke suche course, that the eight daye they arriued with a happy voyage at Rosa a hauen of Catalognia: Their comming brought no small ioy to the Emperour, who till that day had vnderstande nothing of that resolucion: And assoone as he was made assured of the kings being there, he dispatched cōmaundements to all places where he should passe, to receiue him with great honors, only till it should be otherwise determined, he gaue order to kepe him in the castel of Sciatiua neare to Valence, a castel anciently vsed by the kings of Aragon for the garding of great personages, & wherein had bene kept prisoner for many yeares, the Duke of Calabria: But the deliberacion to keepe him in that place, seeming farre too rigorous to the Viceroy, and nothing agreeable to the promises he had made to the king in Italie, he won so much of thEmperour, that till he had taken an other councell, the kinges person might remeine neare Valence in a place apt for hunting & other delights of the field: There he left him lodged with sufficient gard [Page 931] vnder the charge of Capteine Alarcon, in whose custodie he had alwayes remayned since his vnfortunate day: And from thence the Viceroy together with Montmeran­cie, went to themperour to make reapport of thestate of Italie, and the discourse of things which tyll that day had bene debated with the king, with whom he perswa­ded themperour with many reasons to drawe to accorde, for that he could not haue a faythfull amitie and coniunction with the Italians: Themprour after he had heard the Viceroy and Montmerancy, determined to conuey the king into Castillo to the ca­stell of Madrill, a place farre remoued from the sea and the confines of Fraunce, where being honored with ceremonies & reuerences agreable to so great a prince, he should neuerthelesse be kept vnder carefull and straite garde, with libertie to take the ayre abrode certayne times of the day, mounted onely vpon a moyle. Thempe­rour coulde neuer be brought to admitte the king to his presence, if first thaccorde were not eyther established, or at least in an assured hope of resolution: And to thende there might be interposed in the negociation a personage honorable, and almost equall with the king, Montmerancie was sent in great diligence into Fraunce, to bring the Duchesse of Alenson the kings sister and a widowe, with fulnesse of au­thoritie to debate and contract: And to thende this negociacion of accorde were not hindred by newe difficulties, there was made a little afterwardes a truce vntill the ende of December, betweene themperour and such as administred the gouern­ment of Fraunce. Moreouer themperour gaue order that one parte of those gallies which were come with the Viceroy, should returne into Italie to bring the Duke of Burbon into Spayne, without whose presence and priuitie he gaue out that he would make no conuention: and yet the gallies what for want of money, and other impe­dimentes were prepared but with slowe diligence. Themperour showing him selfe vehementlye disposed to establishe an vniuersall peace betweene the Princes of Christendome, and also at one tyme to giue some reasonable forme to thaffayres of Italie, solicited instantly the Pope to hasten away the Cardinall Saluiatio or some o­thers, with sufficient authoritie: He sent also to be excused to the king of Englande, taking the reasons of his excuse vpon this, that he could not resist the generall wyll and vniuersall inclination of his peoples: and sent withall to the Pope Lopes Vtrado, for a dispensation to marry the infant of Portugall his cousin german, and by that meane conioyned to him in second degree: He sent also by the same Lopes, who de­parted vpon the ende of Iulie, the inuestiture of the Duchie of Millan, to Frauncis Sforce, but vnder this condition, to pay presently an hundred thousande Duckets, with obligation to paye fiue hundred thousand more at diuerse tearmes, and to take the trade of saltes of the Archduke his brother: The same Lopes caryed also com­mission to dispose of his men of warre in this sorte, that except the regimentes of Spanishe footemen who were to remayne in the Marquildome of Salusso, all the o­thers shoulde be dismissed: That sixe hundred men at armes should returne to the realme of Naples, and the residue remayne in the Duchie of Millan: And lastly that the Marquis of Pisquairo should be capteyne generall of his armie: The Emperour added to this commission, that those moneys which he had sent to Genes to defray foure Carackes with the which he intended speedily to passe in person into Spayne, should be conuerted to the necessities and vsage of tharmie, for that he was nowe determined not to departe out of Spayne: The Commission bare also to sende in themperours name the Protonotarie Carracciolo to Venice, to induce that Senate to a newe confederation, or at least to insinuate his disposition, and leaue them satisfied that all his actions tended to an vniuersall peace amongest Princes Christian.

[Page 932]But the going of the French king into Spayne brought no little perplexitie to the Pope and the Venetians, who seeing themprours armie was muche diminished, con­sidered that into what part of Italie the kings person should be transported, thimpe­rialls could not but finde many impedimentes by the necessitie to haue him well garded: so that by that meane eyther there might easily aryse some occasion to deli­uer him, or at least the difficultie to cary him into Spayne, and the litle surety to kepe him in Italie, would constrayne themperour to giue some good forme to the gene­rall affayres: But when by transporting his person into Spayne, both his owne hopes were disappoynted, and meane giuen to his enemies to leade him into sure prison, they discerned that all treatises and negociations were wholly in the hands of them­perour, and that there could be established no fundation vpon the practises and of­fers of the French: In so muche as the reputation of themperour rising into aug­mentation by dayly degrees, all men began to exspect from his Court and from his hande, lawes and rules to dispose all affayres. In these discontentmentes were con­currant also (but for diuers causes) the displeasures of the Duke of Burbon, and the Marquis of Pisquairo, for that the Viceroy tooke vppon him without their priuitie to ‘leade the French king into Spayne: Suche is the emulation of men in the case of glorie or reputation, which more then all other worldlye passions hath a naturall propertie to carye their mindes headlong into ambition of other mens merite:’ The Duke of Burbon tooke the reason of his discontentment vpon this, that beeing ex­pulsed Fraunce for thalliance he had made with themperour, he chalenged a more interest then any others to be called and to communicate in all the practises of ac­corde: In regarde whereof he determined to passe also into Spayne, and yet he was driuen to stande longer vpon his going then willingly he would, for that he taryed for the returne of the gallies that caried the Viceroy: The Marquis tooke displeasure with the Viceroy for the small estimation he made of him: and was no lesse yll con­tented with themprour, for that he was not thankfull as apperteined to his merites and many seruices done in the laste warres, and lately in the battell of Pauia, tou­ching which victorie albeit he had deserued more prayse and glory then all the cap­teines of tharmy, yet themperour, contrary to the lawe of equitie and reason, had transferred the whole reputation to the Viceroy, with many highe honours and de­monstrations: This the Marquis could not disgest with suffrance, but in the passion of his wrong as he thought, he wrote letters to themprour full of detraction against the Viceroy, tempered with complayntes, to be so muche disfauoured of him as not to be thought worthy atleast to be made priuie to suche a resolution: and that if in the warre and daungers thereof, the deliberation of things had bene referred to his counsell and proper arbitration, the French king had not onely not bene taken, but also assone as the losse of the duchie of Millan had followed, thimperiall army bee­ing dryuen to abandon the defence of Lombardie, would necessarily haue retyred to Naples: Lastely he charged the Viceroy to be gone to triumphe of a victorie, where­in it was manifestly knowen to the whole armie he had no part at all: yea for proofe that in the heate and moste furie of the battell, he was both without courage and without counsell, there were many that heard him crye many times, VVe are loste and vanquished: and that if he would denie this chalenge, he offred to iustifie it vp­pon his body by the execution of armes, according to the lawes and rules of warre: The Marquis also was further incensed vpon this, that sending immediatly after the victorie to take possession of Carpy, thinking themprour would deliuer it to him, he was not satisfied in that desire, The reason was, that themperour hauing graunted [Page 933] it two yeres before to Prospero Colonno, assured that notwithstanding he neuer had thinuestiture, yet in memorie of him that was dead, he would, to the profite of Ves­pasian his sonne, leaue to his house the same recompence which in his lyfe time he had intended in recordation of his vallour and actions: Whiche reason albeit was iuste, and that suche examples of gratitude ought to be acceptable to the Marquis, though not so muche for thexcellencie of them, yet for the hope they brought that his great seruises should be brought into liberall consideration by themperour: yet it was not embrased of him, not for that it was not iust & equall, but because for the opinion he bare of him selfe, he helde it conuenient that that peculiar humor & ap­petite of his, proceding of a couetousnes & irreconcileable hatred which he bare to the name of Prospero, should be preferred before all other interests how iust soeuer they were: In this intemperācie of passion, he cried out of themprour and the whole counsell, sending his complayntes through all the Regions of Italie, and that with Occasions gi­uen to them­perour of new emotions. such detestatiō of themprours ingratitude, that by his exclaiming others tooke cou­rage to buyld new plotts: Of which, if themperour thought to proceede no further in the matters of Italie, did ryse a iust occasion, yea almost a necessicie to take other resolutions: but if he stoode vpon endes and purposes ambicious, he had meanes to couer them with the most honest occasion and fayrest cooller he coulde desire: And seeing from thence was deryued the very beginning and cause of righte great stirres and alterations, it is necessary we reduce it to some particular rehearsall.

The warre which in the lyfe of the late Pope Leo, was begonne aswell by him as by themperour, for the chasing of the Frenche king out of Italie, was leanyed vnder cooller to reestablish Frauncis Sforce in the Duchie of Millan: And albeit for thexe­cution hereof, after the victorie was obteined, promise was made to transfer to him the obedience of that state, together with the castell of Millan and the other places of strength, when they should be recouered: Yet such was the magnificencie and o­portunitie of that Duchy, that the former feare ceassed not which men had of them­perours ambition to aspire to it: They interpreted the impedimentes which he re­ceiued by the french king, to be the cause that he kept cloked as yet so great a thirst, for that he had altered those peoples desyring vehemently to haue Frauncis Sforce for lorde, and had stirred vp all Italie agaynst him, being not content to suffer the French to ryse to suche a greatnes: So that Frauncis Sforce helde that Duchie, but with a harde yoke and subiection, and tributes and charges intollerable: for all the staye and fundation of his defence agaynst the French, consisting in themperour and in his armie, he was constrayned not onely to respect him as his prince, but also to liue subiected to the will of his capteines: By whom he was miserably compelled to enterteine his regimentes of men of warre not payed by themperour, sometymes with money which he leauyed vpon his subiectes with grieuous impostes and great difficulties, and sometimes in suffiring them licenciously to lyue vppon his people by diseression, and that in all the seuerall partes of his estate, except the Citie of Millan: Oppressions which albeit of themselues were heauye and grieuous, yet the nature of the Spaniarde being greedy, and when he hath the meane to discouer his inclination very insolent, made them intollerable: Neuerthelesse the daunger which was had of the Frenche men to whom thinhabitantes were enemies, and the hope that those vexations would one day drawe to ende, wrought in the heartes of men a greater suffraunce then their forces or faculties could well beare. But after the victo­rie of Pauia the people could no more endure, seeing the same necessities no more continuing for that the king was prisoner, yet their calamities continued notwith­standing: [Page 934] and therefore they required to bee somewhat eased of their burdens, by withdrawing from the Duchie, eyther all or the moste parte of the armie: The like instance was also made by the Duke, hauing enioyed of the Dukedome no other thing till that day, then the bare name and title: he feared least themprour, beeing nowe assured of the French king, would occupie and reteine the Duchie to himself, or at least bestowe it in donation vpon some of his followers and dependanciers: In which feare and suspicion, deriued of the very nature of thaffayres occurrant, he was specially nourished by the insolent words spoken by the Viceroy affore he conueyed the king into Spayne, together with the demonstrations expressed by the other cap­teines, wherein muche lesse that they published any reputation to be holden of the Duke, seeing they desired openly that themperour woulde oppresse him: Besides, themperour, after many delayes and deferring, hauing sent to the Viceroy the expe­dition and priuileages of the inuestiture, the Viceroy when he presented them to the Duke, demaunded for recompence of charges for conquering and desending that state, to paye to themperour within a certayne tearme, the summe of twelue hun­dred thousande duckets: A demaunde so excessiue and intollerable, that the Duke was driuen to haue recourse to the Emperour to moderate and abate the summe. But these difficulties drew a doubt least the demaundes so immoderate were not in­terposed to make the matter alwayes deferred: Moreouer suche as sought to excuse the necessitie of Frauncis Sforce, alleaged many other generall causes of his iust sus­picion, and particularly the knowledge he had that thimperiall Capteines were re­solued to restrayne or retayne him: In so muche as being sommoned by the Viceroy to a certayne councell or Dyet, he refused to go fayning to be sicke, couering him­selfe with the like excuses in all places where they had power to do him violence: He nourished this suspicion whether it were true or false, and ioyned withall this consideration, that the state of Millan was well disburdened of the regimentes of men of warre, parte of the Spanishe footemen being gone into Spayne at seuerall times with the Viceroy and the Duke of Burbon, and also diuerse bandes being made riche with pillage and pray, were retyred by trowpes into sundrie places: And con­sidering also the great indignation that was showed to the Marquis of Pisquairo, he deuised by these aduauntages to assure himselfe of the present daunger, and entred into hope that tharmie might be easily defeated vsing the consent and vallour of the Conspiracy agaynst the Emprour. Marquis: The author of this deuise was Ierome Moron his Chauncellor, a man of high authoritie and place with him, and for the facultie of his spirite, facilitie of in­uention, flowing eloquence, familiar readynes, and great experience, and lastly for his resolution and magnanimitie, hauing oftētimes made singuler resistance agaynst aduersities, was in our age a personage of right worthy memorie: Whiche partes or giftes had tyed vpon his name a perpetuall fame and honor, if they had gone ac­companied with suche sinceritie of minde, suche care and zeale to integritie, and with suche maturitie of iudgement, as his counsels for the moste parte had not bene discerned to holde more of precipitation and impudencie, then of circumspection or honestie: This man sounding the intention of the Marquis, made suche insinua­tion into his minde already deepely grieued, that they began to common to cut in peeces the remaynder of the regimentes remayning within the Duchie of Millan, and to make the Marquis king of Naples: An enterprise whiche they helde of easie action, if the Pope and Venetians woulde be concurrant with them: And touching the Pope, whose minde was drawen with suspicion and doubt, after he was sounded by the aduise of Moron, he showed him selfe no whit disagreeing to that counsell, [Page 935] and yet he aduertised themprour vnder cooller of friendship to interteine his cap­teines in deuotion and well contented, not that he ment to disclose the practise, but to prepare to himselfe a refuge if the matter declined to some yll euent: But the Ve­netians embrased the deuise with resolution and sincere affection, perswading them selues that no lesse readinesse of minde and will woulde be founde in the Lady Re­gent, who began to perceyue, that since her sonne was arriued in Spayne, the nego­ciations of his deliuerie were not continued with that facilitie that was looked for. There is no doubt that these counsels had not easily succeded, if the Marquis of Pis­quairo had proceeded sincerely in that confederation agaynst themprour: But whe­ther at the first he enterteyned the practise or not, there was diuersitie of opinions aswell amongest the Spaniardes as in the verye Court of themperour: Many that were obseruers of tymes and euentes of affayres, beleeued that at the beginning he was simply concurrant with the residue, but afterwards he disclaymed from then­terprise, and made newe deliberations both for the consideration of many difficul­ties that might happen with the tyme, and also fearing the continuall solicitations of the French with themperour, with the resolution that the Duchesse of Alanson should go to him: yea some do assure that he deferred so long to aduertise thempe­rour of these conspiracies pretended in Italie, that hauing receyued knowledge of them by Antho. de Leua and Marino Abbot of Nagero Commissary in themperours armie, all the whole Court maruelled at the silence of the Marquis: But how soeuer his dealing was then, it is certayne that a little after he sent to themperour Iohn Bap­tista Castaldo, who imparted the reall discourse of the conspiracie: and with the pri­uitie of themperour did not onely enterteine the practise, but also the better to de­cipher the thoughtes of euery man, and to take from them all, the meane to denie that they had consented, he commoned by mouth with the duke of Millan, and per­swaded Moron to induce the Pope (who a little before had indued him with the perpetuall gouernment of the Citie of Beneuent) to sende Dominike Savvlo wyth a letter of credence to conferre with him of the matter. The conclusions of the trea­tise Capitulations betwene the confederates agaynst the Emprour. were these: That betwene the Pope, the realme of Fraunce, and the gouernments of Italie, should be a league, ouer the which the Marquis of Pisquairo should be cap­teine generall: That for the first action he should bestowe the infanterie or foote­bandes of the Spanishe seuerally in sundry places of the Duchie of Millan, and so drawing to himselfe so many as would followe him, the others shoulde be spoyled and put to the sworde together with Antho. de Leua, who next to him selfe was the chiefe commaunder of the armie: And then ioyning to him the forces of all the confederates, he should execute thenterprise of the kingdome of Naples, whereof the Pope was to indue him with the inuestiture. The Marquis seemed to finde no other difficultie in these actions, sauing that affore he put any thing to tryall, he de­sired to be satisfied whether without blemishing his honor and fidelitie, he mighte embrase suche an enterprise in case the Pope put it vppon him by his authoritie: Wherevpon was brought into question and consideration, to whom, he beeing a Baron and subiect of the Realme of Naples, ought to obey, eyther to themprour to whom the profitable iurisdiction of the Realme apperteined by thinuestiture he had receyued of the Churche, or to the Pope in whom was the direct soueraigntie, be­ing absolute and soueraigne thereof: Vpon which article, both at Millan by the ordi­nance of Frauncis Sforce, and at Rome by thappoyntmēt of the Pope, were called very secret cōsultations of excellent doctors with suppression of their true names. These hopes agaynst themperour were augmented by the offers of the Lady Regent, who [Page 936] iudging that eyther the necessitie or the feare of themprour, would aduaunce much the matters that were treated with him for the deliuery of her sonne, solicited ear­nestly to take armes, promising to send into Lombardy a strength of 500. launces, and to be concurrant in thexspences of the warre with great contributions of money. Moron for his parte ceassed not to confirme the mindes of the residue in that opini­on: for, besides the perswasions he made howe easie it would be euen without the ayde of the Marquis of Pisquairo, to defeate that armie so much diminished in num­bers, he promised in the Dukes name, that if the Marquis should not stande constant but swarue from the resolution of the treatise, immediatly after order giuen to the other businesse, there should be apprehended prisoners within the Castell of Millan aswell he as the other Capteines hauing dayly accesse thither to consult. But albeit these occasions seemed great and no lesse importing the circumstances and depen­daunces which they drewe, yet they had not bene sufficient to carye the Pope into armes without the Marquis of Pisquairo, if at the same tyme he had not hearde of prouision sent to Genes to arme foure Carakes, and withall had not had some token and intelligence from Spayne of themperours inclination to passe into Italy: A mat­ter which dyd not a little afflict him aswell in regarde of the conditions of the time present, as also for the auncient obseruation and disposition of the Popes of Rome, to whom nothing hath wonte to bring more terrour and astonishment, then the comming of Emperours with armed hande into Italy: In so muche as desyring in his feare to meete with this daunger, he tooke the consent and priuitie of the Vene­tians, and dispatched secretly into Fraunce to conclude the matters negociated with the Lady Regent, Sigismond secretory to Albert Carpy, a man experienced in affayres of estate, and of singular confidence with the Pope: but as he ranne poste towardes Fraunce, he was set vppon by night by theeues and robbers and slayne neare the lake of Isea vppon the territorie of Bressia, which accident for the secrete keeping of it many dayes, brought to the Pope great suspicion that he was secretlye taken and stayed in some place by thimperiall Capteines, and happily by the Marquis him self, whom they began to distrust muche for his maner of proceeding, but more for the delayes he vsed.

In this estate and condition of affayres, arryued the dispatche of Lopus Vtrado, who remayning sicke in Sauoye, sente his expedition awaye to Millan by a man ex­presse: He brought the letters patentes by the whiche the Marquis of Pisquairo was declared capteine general, who to continue with others in the same semblance, made as though suche a charge was not very agreable to him, and yet he accepted it immediatly. The same Lopus sent also to the Protonotorie Carraccioll, the commis­sion to goe to Venice in thEmperours name, to induce that Senate to a newe con­federation, or at least to insinuate into them what desyre thEmperour had to lyue in peace with all men. In thys tyme Frauncis Sforce was falne into a disease verye daungerous for his lyfe, and accepted thinuestiture of the Duchie, paying for it fiftie thousande duckets, and ceassed not for all that to continue the practises be­gonne with the Marquis. The opinions were diuerse touching this dispatche of thEmperour: Some beleeued that he had simply determined to assure thItalians: But others iudged that for feare of newe innouations and stirres, he sought to holde men in suspence with diuerse hopes, and going on still wynning of tyme, to a­gree to thinuestiture, and in apparaunce graunt a commission so agreable to all Italy to make tetyre hys armie, thoughe on the other side he had giuen directions to his Capteynes not to stirre nor remoue: yea there were some that had this opi­nion [Page 937] that he had intelligence from the Marquis of the practises enterteyned with Moron, and therefore he sente out suche a Commission, not to be obeyed, but to gette some iustification, and with his hopes to keepe lulled asleepe the myndes of men, vntill he sawe apte tyme to aduaunce and execute his purposes: In whiche di­uersitie of humors and opinions albeit it was very harde to sounde oute the simple trueth, seeing withall it was not knowen whether Lopus Vtrado was dispatched at the same tyme that aryued at the Court Iohn Baptista Castaldo sente by the Marquis to aduertise themperour of the negociation: Yet considering by many accidentes and euentes sithence, what course themperour hath taken, it is without doubt that it is lesse fallible to holde for true the better and the more easie interpretation. But in this meane while the Marquis omitted no oportunitie wherein occasion was giuen to enterteine Moron and the others with the same hopes, deferring notwithstanding with many excuses thexecution of thinges: Wherein he tooke one occasion of the sicknes of the Duke of Millan, which increased on him by such daungerous degrees, that euery one helde almost for certayne, that it would leade him to his last time: for all the Capteines pretending that in case of the Dukes death, the estate of that Du­chie should returne to themperour as soueraigne lorde in chiefe, it was not only not conuenient for him to retyre his army, but also it was necessary to call in a newe strength of two thousande Launceknightes, and prepare a greater number to be in readinesse: So that the souldiours for their numbers and vallours beeing puissant in the Duchie of Millan, there was no meane eyther to dissolue them, or at least to offende them: He gaue also hope to execute the counsells of the conspiracie as­soone as there was apte concurrancie of tyme and meane: in exspectation whereof he sayde he proceeded with a great respecte to the Pope, and for gratification of him, he leauyed frō of the estates of the Church his garrisons of men of warre, who gaue him occasion of right great complayntes.

But about this time almost all things were chaunged by a newe accident which The [...]ing [...] s [...] in the cas [...] of Ma­drill. hapned in Spayne: for the french king falling sick in the castell of Madrill, and hauing in vayne desired the presence of themperour, was caried by his discontentment and melancoly into such extremitie & daunger of his life, that the Phisitions appoynted for his cure, tolde themperour that they stoode desperat of his recouerie, if himselfe in person came not to comforte him with some hope of his deliuerie: Themperour obeying more compassion then the reason of thinges, was not curious to condis­cende to performe so good an office, And as he prepared to visite him accordingly, his high Chauncellor seeking to turne him from the iorney, tolde him with many strong reasons, that he could not go to him in honor, but with intention to deliuer him presently and without any couenant: Otherwise as it would be a humanity not royall but marcenory, so it woulde disclose a desire to recouer him, not moued of charitie, but pushed on by his proper interest, as not to loase by his death thocca­sion of the profite hoped for by the victorie: A counsell assuredly bothe graue and honorable touching the man that gaue it, and no lesse worthy to be followed by so great a prince as themprour: and yet being more caried by the reasons of others, he tooke post to go to him: But for the daunger of the king being almost at the extre­mitie, the visitation was short, & yet for the time accompanied with gracious words full of hope that he would deliuer him immediatly vpon his returning to health: In so much that whether it was by the cōfort that he breathed into him (in the sicknes of captiuity the promise of liberty excedes all medicines) or by the benefite of hys youth, whiche with the fauour of nature was stronger then the maladie, he began [Page 938] after this visitation to resume so good disposition, that within fewe dayes he was out of daunger, notwithstanding he could not recouer his former health but with very slowe time.

And nowe neither the difficulties that were shewed on themperours side, nor the hopes whiche were giuen by thItalians, nor any other nature of impedimentes whatso euer, coulde staye the voyage of the Lady Alanson into Spayne: for that as nothing was more harde or heauy to the French men then to leaue off the practises and negociations of accorde begonne with those that had power to restore their king: so nothing was more easie to themperour then feeding the Frenche wyth hopes, to drawe their myndes from taking armes, and by that meane so to keepe thItalians in suspence, as not to dare to enter into newe deliberations: And in that cunning manner, sometymes vsing delayes, and sometymes pressing forwarde thaf­fayres, he thought to keepe the myndes of all men confused and intangled. The La­dy Alanson was receyued by themperour with very gracious demonstrations and The Lady A­lanson trea­teth with thē ­prour for the kinges deli­uery. hopes, but theffectes fell oute bothe harde and heauy: for when she ministred speeche to him for the mariage of hys sister the widdowe with the king, he made aunswere that it was a matter which could not be done without the consent of the Duke of Burbon: The other particularities were debated by deputies of both partes, wherein as the Emprour insisted obstinately to haue the Duchy of Burgonguy resto­red as apperteining to him: so the French refused to consent, vnlesse he woulde ac­cept it for dowrie, or else to referre it to the sentence of the law and iustice to decide the true title: And albeit they could easily haue condiscended to the residue, yet for that they were so farre off for the demaund of Burgonguy, the Lady Alanson returned at laste into Fraunce, without winning any other grace then a fauour to see the king her brother: who growing more and more into distrust of his deliuery, desyred her at her departing, to admonishe his mother and all the counsayle from him, to looke carefully to the profite of the Crowne of Fraunce without hauing any considera­tion of him, as if he lyued not: But notwithstanding the departing of the Ladye Alanson, the solicitations for the kings deliuerie did not ceasse, for that there remay­ned behinde the President of Paris and the Bishops of Ambrum and Tarbe, who had tyll then followed the negociation but with very litle hope, since themprour would not harken to any cōdition, if first Burgonguy were not rendred, which the king could not be brought to restore, but in a last necessitie.

About this time the Cardinall Saluatio the Popes Legate aryued at the Courte, Cardinall Sal­uiatio the Popes Legate, in the Court of themprour. where being receyued of themperour with great honor and fauors, he debated vp­pon his commissions which principally conteyned the ratification of the Articles promised by the Viceroy, and secondly a demaunde to transferre thinuestiture to the Duke of Millan for the common suretie of Italy: But the Viceroy notwithstanding his promises, disswaded the restitution of Reggia and Rubiera: and by his counsell and through the hopes he had in him, the Duke of Ferrara, desiring to solicite his owne cause before themperour, and hauing the Popes promise not to execute any enter­prise vpon his estate, for sixe monethes, tooke his way to the frontyer of the realme of Fraunce, with intention to passe further, but being denied passage and safeconduit by the Lady Regent, he returned backe agayne to Ferrara. The Legate and them­prour conferred together touching a dispensation to take to wife the king of Portu­gals sister, A mariage which themprour was determined to contract notwithstāding he had promised the king of England by oth to take no other wife then his daughter: But the Pope temporised this demaund, & stood long to accord to the dispēsation, [Page 939] for that many perswaded him that the desire to obteyne such a grace, would reduce the Emperour, and make him the more easie to his desires touching the matters in negociation: And at least wise, in case he would make warre vpon him, it were farre from pollicie and discression, to giue him meane to heape together so great a masse of money as would growe to him by that mariage, for that the king of Portugall of­fred him for a portion, nyne hundred thousande ducketts: Of whiche, deducting so muche as was set downe to defraye the debtes contracted betweene them, it was thought there would come to his handes at least a summe of fiue hundred thousand duckets: Besides, the subiectes of Spayne consented to rayse a contribution of foure hundred thousande, vnder the title of a beneuolence or seruice, which taking his be­ginning in tymes paste of the proper willes and motion of the people to releeue the necessities of their kinges, was reduced by custome and working of tymes, into a loane or rather an ordinary Subsedie: yea they offred him moreouer to enriche him with a further summe of foure hundred thousande duckats, if he went through with the mariage. On the other side, the Pope had no power to resiste thimportu­nities of the Duke of Sesso thEmperours Embassadour, for that by the propertie of his inclination, there appeared for the moste parte in hym a repugnancie be­tweene that he purposed, and thinges whiche he executed: for beeing by nature very farre of to accorde any grace that was demaunded of him, he was not apt to vse difficulties, nor easie to make deniall: onely by the facilitie of his nature, he suffred oftentymes hys will to be wonne and ouerruled by thimportunitie of suche as sued to hym, and in that disposition seemed to accorde to thinges more through feare then by grace, wherein he proceeded not neyther with that constancie of minde, nor with that maiestie of title and place, whiche was required of the great­nesse of his dignitie, and was agreable to thimportance of thaffayres that stoode vp­pon negociation: And in that maner did he deale touching the dispensation re­quired by themperour, for as on the one side he was caryed by hys proper profite, and on the other side ouerruled by his ordinarie facilitie and softnesse, so accor­ding to hys custome, he discharged vppon the backe of an other the thing whiche him selfe was not sufficient to susteine, neyther with his body nor with his mynde: he dispatched by a writte the dispensation in the same forme themperour demaun­ded it, and sending it to the Cardinall Saluiatio, he tyed to it this commission, that if his affayres with thEmperour soarted to a resolution according to the hope he had giuen assoone as the sayde Cardinall should come to the Court, he should de­liuer the writ, otherwise to retayne it to him selfe: A commission wherein the mini­ster or seruant (as shall be sayde in his place) showed himselfe no more firme nor more constant, then the maister.

But whilest the Cardinall disputed the Popes Commissions with themperour, and was alwayes enterteined with hope to haue thexpedition he desyred, there fell oute in Lombardie verye diuerse effectes: for the Duke of Millan beeing so well recouered of hys sicknesse, that at the least he was holden out of daunger of soddayne death, the Marquis of Pisquairo hauing receyued by Castaldo them­perours Commission to prouide for those daungers as he thought good, deter­mined to enter vppon the Duchie of Millan vnder this cooller, that the Duke by reason of the conspiracies and practises holden by Moron, was falne from the rightes of inuestiture, and the chiefe or soueraigne freeholde reuerted vpon the Emperour as supreme Lorde: And to giue a beginning to this resolution, the Marquis lying at Nouaro very sicke, notwithstanding he had bestowed one parte of [Page 940] the armie within Pauia, and lodged the Launceknightes neare Loda, whiche two ci­ties he had fortified: yet vnder cooller to dispose the armie through all the state of Millan, he reuoked to Nouaro when was least doubt of suche a matter, the residue of the bands dispersed in Pyedmont and the Marquisdome of Salusse, whiche state the Imperiall capteines had occupied almoste immediatly after the victorie: He called also to Nouaro, Moron, in whose person rested almost the importance of all thinges: And as it was certayne that Moron beeing made prisoner, the Duke of Millan would be made depriued both of men and counsell: So the Marquis by that meane thought to take awaye all impedimentes and resistance, where, if he shoulde suffer him to liue in libertie, it could not be but that Moron, with his spirite, with his expe­rience, and with his reputation, woulde entangle the estate of hys affayres, and giue many impedimentes to his plotts and purposes: Besides, it was necessary for them­perour to haue the person of Moron in his power and possession, for that beeing the author and speciall instrument of all the conspiracies, he thoughte to drawe from him by his proper confession all those treasons and intelligences whiche ‘were charged vppon the Duke of Millan. There is nothing more harde then to a­uoyde destinie, nor no remedie auaylable agaynst the euills determined to fall vp­pon vs: And as it is easie to suffer a mischiefe when we are sure of the remedie, So, for that aduersitie is of his owne nature quarrellous, there is no yll that happneth whiche is not so muche the more grieuous and troublesome, by howe muche it happneth on a sodayne, shaking so muche the more vehemently the resolution and constancie of the mynde.’ Moron mighte nowe discerne that the practise he had with so great secrecie enterteyned wyth the Marquis, was a matter vayne and dis­sembled: He knewe hym selfe to bee followed with an vniuersall hatred of all the Spanish souldiors, amongest whom ranne already many rumors of his infidelitie: Antho. de Leua gaue out publike threates that he woulde kill him: It is not credible that he did not consider thimportance of his person, and discerned to what estate was reduced the Duke of Millan at that tyme vnprofitable, and as a body dead: Be­tweene them many dayes before, all thinges were suspended and full of suspicion: euery one counselled him not to goe thither: him selfe wauered betweene feare and assuraunce: And yet eyther for that he suffered hym selfe to be flattered with the fayre semblances of the Marquis, or making a foundation vppon the greate amitie running betweene them, or reaposing confidence in hys fayth assured by a letter subsigned with his hande: or lastely beeing pushed on by that fatall necessi­tie whiche violently draweth on men that wyll not be ledde, he resolued to goe as it were to a manyfest pryson: A matter so muche the more wonderfull, by howe muche he hath bene often heard saye in the tyme of Pope Leo, that in all Italie there was not a more impious and disloyall man then the Marquis of Pisquairo: The Marquis receyued him with gracious demonstrations, and leading him in­to a chamber aparte, they beganne to renewe betweene them the discourse of the former conspiracies, bothe howe to kyll the Spaniardes and to murder Antho. de Leua, whome the Marquis had secretlye conueyed behinde a hanging of Tapi­sterie, to heare what paste betweene them: But assoone as the Marquis was parted from him, which was the fourteenth daye of October, Antho. de Leua entred the chamber and apprehended him prisoner, sending him in that fortune to the Castell Ierome Morō prisoner. of Pauia: Thither the Marquis went in person to examine him vppon the matters they had debated together, which Moron confessed from one ende to the other to­gether with the whole conspiracie, charging the Duke of Millan bothe as guyltie [Page 941] and consenting to all that had bene paste, whiche was the matter that principally was sought. Thus the Marquis hauing Moron vnder garde and keeping, proceded by other degrees to reuerse vtterly the Duke: And beeing already possessed of Loda and Pauia, he required the Duke for the suretie of themprours estate, to deliuer vp Cremona and the Castels of Bressia, Lecqua, and Pisqueton, places supposed to be the keyes of the Duchie of Millan, for that they haue their situation vppon the passage of Adda: And as he promised to introduce no alteration nor innouation, so the Duke both abandoned of counsell, and depriued of hope, made present deliuerie according to the demaunde, departing willingly with the things which his destinie denied him to deteyne: Beeing possessed of these places, of no lesse importance for the surety of the Marquis and his driftes, then most apte to pull on the extreme re­uersement of the Duke, he passed to further insolencies, requiring to be receyued into Millan to haue conference with the Duke as he alleaged: which being graunted to him with the same facilitie, he demaunded eftsones to be possessed of the castel of Cremona: and albeit he forbare to require the castell of Millan as being a demaunde not reasonable, for that his person was lodged within it, yet he insisted vehement­ly that for the suretie of themperours armie he woulde consent the Castell might be enuironed with trenches: He required also to haue deliuered into his handes Iohn Angeo Riccio, his Secretorie, and Politian Secretorie to Moron, to thende exa­minations might be imposed vppon them for the conspiracies agaynst the Empe­rour. To these demaundes the Duke aunswered: That touching the Castells of Millan and Cremona, as he held them in the name and at the instance of themprour, to whom he had alwayes bene a most deuoute and faythfull vassall, so he coulde not but iudge it preiudiciall to his fidelitie, to deliuer them vp to the hands of any with­out hys priuitie and wyll: Wherein for his more full vnderstanding and satisfying, he sayde he woulde dispatche foorthwith a messaunger expresse, so farrefoorth as the Marquis woulde giue hym suretie of passage: That in the meane whyle he helde it neyther comely nor conuenient to consente to be inclosed or intrenched within the Castell, A violence whiche he woulde defende with all his power: That he coulde not departe wyth Iohn Angeo, beeing the onely man that was instructed in all hys affayres of importaunce, and at that tyme the onely offi­cer aboute hym: And that as touching the Secretorie of Moron, he had a grea­ter care to deteyne hym, to thende to presente hym to thEmperour, and to proue by that meane, that during the Dukes sicknesse, his Maister had embrased and dispatched in hys name and without hys priuitie manye expeditions, whiche sini­sterlye mighte bee charged vppon hym, if by that meane he iustified not his inno­cencie, and showed that the practises of Moron were farre differente and sepa­rate from his operations: But theffecte was, that after manye offers and prote­stations paste by wryting aswell by the one as thother partie, the Marquis com­pelled the peoples of Millan to passe an othe of fidelitie to themperour, in whose name he bestowed officers throughe all the estate of the Dukedome, to the great displeasure and discontenting of thinhabitantes: And in that authoritie he be­ganne with trenches to incompasse the Castells of Cremona and Millan, in the whiche the Duke was resolued to remayne wyth eyght hundred choyse foote­men and suche reasonable store of vittells as by the shortnesse of the time he could prouide: He gaue him selfe ouer to that besieging, partly through the necessitie of the tyme, and partely for the comfortes and hopes of succours giuen hym by the Pope and the Venetians, not faylinge withall wyth the vse of hys Artilleries [Page 942] to hinder as muche as he coulde the working of the trenches which were drawen on that side without, and of more distance from the Castell then those whiche Pro­sper Colonno caused to be cast.

All the Regions of Italie were reduced to a great astonishment for the vsurpation of the Dukedome of Millan, which they sawe could not but fall into many fest serui­tude when so euer an Emprour of nature ambicious and stirring, and for his forces mightie and warlike, should be Lorde ouer Millan and Naples: But aboue all others the Pope was especially afflicted, seeing in that action his practises were disclosed, with the which he had pretended not onely to assure Millan, but also to confounde themprours armie, and take from him the kingdome of Naples. Touching the Mar­quis of Pisquairo, it maye be that by these operations he wonne great fauour with themperour, but with all other sortes of men he purchased perpetuall infamie, not onely for thopinion that moste conceyued of him, that in the beginning he exten­ded his intentions to double with themperour and to bandy agaynst him, but also notwithstanding he intended fidelitie to themprour, yet he ranne a course of infamy in this, to set on men, and with so great arte and infidelitie to drawe them into con­spiracie with him, to thende to haue occasion to detect them, and to make himselfe greate of the tranfgressions of others, solicited with words dissembled and artificial: This alteration made harde the hope of accorde that was negociated with the Se­nat of Venice by the Protenotorie Caraccioll: who hoped that (for the tearmes wher­in things stoode) the Senate would speedily drawe to a conclusion to renew the for­mer confederation with the same conditions: and to paye to themprour fourescore thousande duckets in recompence that in tymes paste he had withdrawne his ayde, leauing there wholly all demaundes to contribute hereafter with money: But the accident of Millan reduced the Senate to no litle perplexitie: for on the one side they stoode grieued to be the onely people in Italy that with so great daunger con­tended agaynst themprour, seeing they were threatned by the Marquis of Pisquairo to transport the whole warre vpon their estate, whereof they discerned already cer­tayne preparations: And on the other side, they were not ignorant that in case thac­corde went throw, themprour should with greater facilitie make himselfe absolute lorde of that Duchie, which being ioyned to so many estates, and so many other o­portunities, they sawe was the onely line to leade him to subdue them together with the residue of Italy: A matter which was continually declared to them by the Bi­shop of Bayeux, whom the Lady Regent had sent to solicite an vnion with thItalians agaynst themprour: for which purpose, in so great a doubt, and in so daungerous apparances, they made many assemblies, but without any resolution for the diuer­sitie of opinions: And albeit to accept thaccorde, was a thing more conformable to their custome and maner of proceeding, for that it so tooke them out of daun­gers present, as they might hope in the tract of tymes and benefite of occasions which common weales may attend (who in comparison of Princes are immortall:) yet it seemed to them a matter of too great importance, to suffer themprour confir­med in thestate of Millan, and to see the French remayne excluded from all hope of alliance in Italy: Therefore after they had at laste resolued to be bounde to no thing, they made this aunswere to the Protenotary Carraccioll: That the forme of their actions paste gaue fayth to all the world, and he himselfe being present at the conclusion of the confederation, could well testifie, with what great affection they had alwayes desired thamitie of themprour: with whom as they contracted a con­sederation in a tyme when if they had harkned to the French, it had bene (as all the [Page 943] world knewe) anoperacion of right great consequence, so they had perseuered and would for euer continue in the same disposicion towards him: Only the necessity of thinges kept them in suspence, both for that they saw in Lombardie many chaunges and innouations of great importaunce, and also for that they remembred that their confederacion with thEmperour, together with so many mouings and stirres, hap­ned that yeare in Italie, drewe no other end or meaning then to transferre Frauncis Sforce to the Duchie of Millan as the principall fundacion of the libertie and suretie of Italie: In which regard they besought his Maiestie, that maintaining in that case him selfe and deducing affore all the world his bountie, he would remoue and make cease so great an innouacion, and establish the tranquillitie of Italie: which as it was in his power to doe being nowe the starre that guided the whole firmament, so for their partes, he should find them alwayes disposed and prepared both with their au­thoritie and with their forces, to follow so holy an inclinacion, and honor him be­sides with all other sortes of office and humility whether he would extend them ge­nerally, or applie them to his particular interests: This aunswere albeit it conteined no hope of cōclusion, yet it bred not for al that any ouerture or beginning of warre: for that both the sickenesse of the Marquis of Pisquairo which aggrauated dayly in worse degrees, & the desire to impatronise him selfe first of the whole estate of Mil­lan, and to establish and assure that conquest, together with thinclinacion of thEm­perour extending to put end and resolucion to so many other affaires which he had in hande, would not suffer him to giue beginning to an enterprise of so great conse­quence.

About this time the Duke of Burbon was arriued in Spaine, and came to thEmpe­rours Court the fifteene day of Nouember: concerning whom it is not reasonable The Duke of Burbon in Spaine. I omit here to touch by the way, that albeit thEmperour receiued him with all ho­nors and demonstracions of Court, embrasing him with the title and grace of his brother in law, yet all the Lordes and Nobles of the Court accustomed in all other things to follow thexample of their Prince, abhorred him as a person infamous, and called him traitor to his king: suche was their hatred against him, that one of them being required in thEmperours name to suffer his house to be made readie for the Duke of Burbon, aunswered in the corage & stowtnes of a Spaniard, that as he would not deny thEmperour any thing he would demaunde of him, so his Maiestie should well vnderstand that assoone as Burbon was gone out of his house he would burne it as a pallace infected with the infamie of Burbon and vnworthie afterwardes for the dwelling of men of honor. The graces and honors which the thEmperour shewed to the Duke of Burbon, augmented greatly the distrust of the frenchmen, who, some­what by that meane, but more for the returning of the Ladie Regent without effect, began to haue cold hopes in thaccord, notwithstanding it was continually negocia­ted by men expresse remeining with thEmperour: In respect whereof, they labored as much as they could to aduance the league with the Pope: wherein did concurre the perswasions and authority of the king of England, and the redoubled and vehe­ment instances of the Venetians, together with this oportunitie not of the least con­sequence. The death of the Marquis of Pisquairo, who about that time, which was The death of the Marquis of Pisquairo. the beginning of December, made his last end happily by the iust sentence of God, who would not suffer him to enioy the frute of that seede which he had sowen with so great malignity: He was of the house of Abalos originally deriued from Catalignia, and his predecessor came into Italie with king Alfonso of Aragon, he who the first of that house made conquest of the kingdome of Naples: He began to follow armes at [Page 944] the battell of Rauenna, where, being very younge he was taken prisoner: And after­wards aspyring to a reputacion of a Capteine, he followed all the warres which the Spanyards had in Italy: Insomuch as though he had not past the age of xxxvj. yeres, yet for experience he was olde, for inuencion suttle, in councell graue, in execucion resolute, wise to forsee a daunger, and quicke to auoid a mischiefe: he bare great au­thoritie and credit with the infanterie of Spayne, ouer whom as he had bene of long, Capteine generall: so both the victorie of Pauia and all other actions of merit exe­cuted by that army since certaine yeares, were principally succeeded by his councel and by his vertue: he was assuredly a Capteine of great vallour, but one that with arte and dissimulacion, knewe how to drawe fauor and grace to his doings, being be­sides, prowd of minde, of wit deceitfull, of nature malicious, of councell and action without sincerity, and so singuler in his owne weening, that oftentimes he hath bene heard saye, that he was more worthye to haue Spayne for his contry then Italy: His death as it kindled a great confusion in the whole armie with whome he stoode inno litle grace and reputacion, so also by his death the contrary side tooke occasion to hope that easily they might be able to bringe all the souldiers to ruine and oppressi­on since there was taken from them a Capteine of so great authoritie and vallour. And by this occasion like as with the Pope were more vehement and importunate the instances of such as solicited the proceeding of the league, so also the doubtes which deteyned him in suspence were nothing lesse, and that with good right, since on all partes he was touched with mocions of right waighty reasons, such as might suffice to hold confused and suspenced any man of right good action and councell, and much more a Pope Clement to whom it was familiar to proceede alwayes in his affayres with slownes and doubt.

There was no further exspectacion of thEmprour for any way or deuise to assure the regions of Italy, And he was manifestly discerned to solicite vehemently the ta­king of the castell of Myllan: In which action was layed a foundacion to conuert ma­ny other patrimonies into apparant praye or spoyle, but specially the states of the Pope, who being reduced to a generall weakenes, had his being planted betweene Lombardye and the Realme of Naples: And if it were in thEmprours power to op­presse the Pope, there was no doubt that he would not execute it, either for ambici­on which is almost naturally inuested in Emprours against the Popes, or for his own suertie which wise men preserre affore all other regards, or lastly for reuenge, being drawne both to disdaine and distrust for the conspiracies which he enterteyned with the Marquis of Pisquairo: And if the necessitie to prouide for this daunger, was great, the foundacions and hopes to doe it seemed not light, for that if the remedie were not to succeede by the meane of so mighty a league and vnion, it was to be Deuises of Princes a­gainst the power of thEmprour. thought desperate for euer: The Regent of Fraunce made promisse of fiue hundred launces, and to contribute for euery moneth so long as the warre should endure, for­ty thowsand duckats, with the which it was intended to wage ten thowsand Svvyz­zers. The Pope and the Venetians in one ioynt ayde, were to leauye xviij. hundred men at armes, twenty thowsand footemen, and two thowsand light horsemen: The French men and the Venetians promised to take the sea, and with a great nauie to do inuasion vppon Genes, or the Realme of Naples: Lastly the Lady Regent of Fraunce was bound to begin the warre immediatly with a stronge armie vppon the frontyers of Spayne, to thende to stoppe thEmprour for sending of men and money to releeue the warre in Italy.

ThEmprours armie that remeyned in Lombardye was not great, neither for the [Page 945] nūbers & quality of souldiers being much diminished, nor for the presence of Cap­teines of conduct and authoritie, seeing both the Marquis was dead, and the Duke of Burbon & the Viceroy of Naples abode as yet in Spaine: They were without meane to recouer money for their payes, and had no plentie of vittells to serue them for foode: The generall inhabitantes there, were enemies to them for the quarrell and desire of their Duke, and no lesse for thintollerable exactions imposed by the soul­diours both in the Citie of Millan and elsewhere: The castells of Millan and Cre­mona helde good as yet for the Duke: And lastly the Venetians gaue hope that the Duke of Ferrara would also enter into this confederacion, if the Pope would accord to him Reggia, which by one meanes or other he had alwayes possessed: These were the hopes of the confederates, which reduced to good manner of proceeding, ca­ried their manifest reasons of happie issue: These were the fundacions they layed against the ambicion and puisance of thEmperour, shadowed neuerthelesse vnder the cloake and liuerie to assure their proper liberties: But on thother side, the diffi­culties which they discerned rested in the suttlety and vertue of thenemies, who had this by custome and propertie of condicion, to temporise a long time with litle mo­ney, and endure many necessities with much patience: They saw the townes which thennemies held, were well fortified, and no lesse facilitie to reduce them to better strength with rampars & other sort of fortificacion, for that they were townes whose situacion was in the plaine or champion: By which oportunitie they were hable to enterteine them selues together vntill there came from Germanie a sufficient succor to drawe and driue the whole warre to the fortune of a battell. Moreouer they sawe that touching the souldiours of the league, they could not be but bodies raw & vn­trained, in comparison of the others resolute and nourished in so many victories: Be­sides they wanted the conduct and presence of a Capteine generall, for that in the Marquis of Mantua then Capteine of the Church, they reapposed not sufficient ha­bilitie to manage and beare out suche a charge, neither could they with any suretie committe them selues to the fidelitie of the Duke of Ferrara nor the Duke of Vrbin whom they had so much offended, & much lesse would they rest contented with the greatnes of the Pope whom they enuied with no litle murmure and grudge of mind: Lastly they were not ignorant that naturally the armes and weapons of the Church had but dull edges and cutslowly, and no lesse inferior was the vallour of the Vene­tians, of whom if either of them aparte and seuerallie were weake and feeble, what opinion or exspectacion of their forces being accompanied and conioyned? This was also brought into consideracion, that in the armies of leagues and confederats, was seldome seene a concurrancie of prouisions at conuenient time, and muche lesse a correspondencie of wills and mindes, for that amongest suche a diuersitie of humors which draw with them diuersities of interestes and endes, are easely kindled disorders, disdaines, and distrusts, at the least there is seldom an vniuersall readines to followe resolutely the fauor of fortune when it is offered, nor a ioynt disposicion to resist with constancie those stormes and aduersities with either the disfauour of the time or malicious instrument, many stirre vp in an armie. But the matter that in this councell or deliberacion drewe with it a great feare and difficultie was a suspi­cion conceiued of the frenchemen, that whensoeuer thEmperour shoulde be con­strained by the necessities of this warre to offer the deliuerie of their king, that na­tion woulde not onely abandon the league, but also ioyne in ayde with the Em­perour gainst the confederates: And albeit the kinge of Englande gaue for them his faith and worde of a Prince that they shoulde not accorde to suche a renuncia­cion, [Page 946] and that there was deuise to giue assurance in Rome, in Florence, or in Venice for three monethes paye, yet all this sufficed not to assure suche a suspicion: For, as the Frenche men had no other ende nor intencion then to recouer their king, and did manifestly professe to beare no inclinacion to the warre but when they sawe no hope to effect the accord: so it was a thing verie congruent and likelie, that when­soeuer thEmperour shoulde be disposed, they woulde preferre affore all other re­gardes and interestes, to compounde and accorde with him: And like as they were notignorant that by how much were great and mighty the preparacions and forces of the league, by so much more readily would thEmprour be inclined to compound with the French king: euen so it seemed a matter full of perill, to enter a confedera­cion to make a warre in the which the stronge prouisions of the confederats might doe as much haurt as helpe. With these reasons did thEmbassadors and agents of Princes labor the Pope on all sides, and no lesse was he solicited by his owne officers and Ministers, for that both the multitude of his Court, and the people peculiar of his councell, were deuided: of whom euery one in particular fauored his proper in­clinacion with so much lesse regard, by how much greater was thauthority they had gotten vppon him, who till that time was accustomed to suffer him selfe to be caried for the moste part by the will of such as in reason ought to haue obeyed the twink­ling of his eye, and to serue no other office then as ministers and executors of the di­rection and ordenance of their maister: for the better informacion whereof and of many other occurrances, it is necessary to set downe a more large and particular dis­course.

Leo was the first of the famulie of Medicis that bare any Ecclesiasticall dignitie, Qualities of Pope Leo and Clement. who in the state and authoritie of Cardinall, did so well support both him selfe and his house falne from a wonderfull greatnes into much declinacion, that it was redu­ced to respire and reexspect the returne of a good fortune: he was a man of great li­beralitie, if such a name doe worthely become him being of so excessiue exspences as they passed all rate and measure: At such time as he was raysed to the Popedom, he boare a presence of such magnificence and maiestie ioyned to a poart and showe royall, that the representacion he made might be thought wonderfull euen in one that by long succession had discended of kings and Emprours: he was not only pro­digall of money and treasor, but also of all other graces and distribucions belonging to the prerogatiue and power of a Pope: These he disposed in such immoderate li­beralitie, that he made vile and base the authoritie spirituall, disordered the style and course of the Court, and through his prodigall exspenses, reduced him selfe to ne­cessitie to seeke money alwayes by meanes extraordinary: This great facilitie was accompanied with a most deepe dissimulacion, with the which he beguiled all the world in the beginning of his pontificacie: The thing that made him seeme a good Prince, (I speake not of the goodnes Apostolike, for that in those corrupted tymes, then is praysed the bountie or goodnes of the Pope, when it exceedes not the ma­lignitie of other men) was thopinion that was conceyued of his clemencie, hauing a desire to doe good to all men, and farre estraunged from inclinacion to offend any: Amongest his other felicities which were many and great, it was no litle happines to him to haue about him Iulio de Medicis, his Cosin, whom notwithstanding he was not borne in lawfull mariage, yet he raysed him to the estate of Cardinall, being be­fore, Knight of the order of Rhodes: for, Iulio being by nature, graue to sownd deepe­ly into thinges, diligent in office and seruice, watchfull ouer affayres, not delited in securitie and pleasure, but ordered and regulated in all thinges, and for his modestie [Page 947] hauing vnder his hands thadministration of al thaffaires of importance of the Pop [...] dome, did beare out and moderate many disorders which proceded of his prodigall facilitie: yea suche was his temperaunce and vertue working with a perpetuall care ouer the pope, that forsaking the custome of all other cousins and brethren of Popes, he preferred alwayes the honor and greatnes of Leo, affore all friendshippes and fundations which he might apply to his owne stabilitie after the Popes death: And beeing withall no lesse obedient to him then faythfull, he seemed in all his be­hauiours to be a seconde himselfe to him by whom he had receyued so high consi­dence: for this cause the Pope raysed him euery day, and pushed on by gratificati­ons and benefites the minde that serued him with so great studie and sidelitie: he re­apposed himselfe more and more vppon him touching affayres of greatest conse­quence, which beeing managed by two natures so different, showed howe well of­tentimes doth agree together the mixture of two contraries, straytnes with facility, watchfulnesse with securitie, measure with prodigalitie, grauitie of manners with pleasures and ydlenes: Which thinges and the gouernment of them made manye beleeue that Leo was caryed by Iulio, beeing not hable of himselfe to rule so great a charge and no disposition to hurt any one, together with a vehement desyre to en­joye the frutes and delightes of the Popedome: But of the contrarie, they interpre­ted Iulio to be of a spirite ambicious, stirring, and addicted to innouations: So that all the rigours, all the actions, and all the enterprises of Leos tyme, were by impu­tation heaped vppon Iulio, whom they reputed a man malicious, though he caried a minde of magnanimitie and courage: which opinion of his vallour was confirmed and increased after the death of Leo, for that amidde infinite contradictions & dif­ficulties obiected agaynst him, he supported the estate and countenaunce of hys affayres with such a dignitie as resembled the person and place of a Pope: yea he so conserued his authoritie with the Cardinalls, that making his entrie into two Con­claues absolute commaunder of sixteene voyces, he was at laste made Pope within two yeres after the death of Leo, notwithstanding the many obtrusions and emula­tions of the moste auncient Cardinalls: And he entred into his Popedome wyth suche an exspectation, that it was thought he would become the greatest Pope, and bring to passe greater matters then euer did any that tyll that daye had sitte in that supreme seate: But it was founde out afterwardes howe farre men were abused in their iudgementes both concerning Leo and him, since in Clement were discerned many conditions farre different from that which men beleeued of him before: for, there was not in him neyther that ambition nor thirst after innouations and chaun­ges, not that greatnes of courage and inclination of minde to noble and high enter­prises which was supposed before, yea he was interpreted to be about Leo, rather an executer and minister of his plottes and purposes, then a framer and introducer of his counsells and willes: And albeit he was of witte very apte and capable, and had a deepe science and insight in all the affayres of the worlde, yet when it came to poyntes of resolution and execution, that propertie of gifte was not correspondent to him selfe, for that it was not onely hindred by a certayne tymerousnes of spirite which was not little in him, together with a desyre of nygardnesse and sparing, an humor hurtfull in a minde raysed to high things: but also he was followed with a certayne irresolution & perplexitie, which was so naturall in him, that for the most parte it kept him conteined in suspence and doubt euen when he was at poynte to establish things which he had aforetime with great foresight considered, measured, and almost resolued: by which it happned, that aswell in his deliberations, as in [Page 948] thexecucion of his councells, euery trisling regard rising of new in his conceite, and euerie light impediment that appeared, seemed sufficient to lead him into the same confusion wherein he was affore he deliberated, being alwayes perswaded that after he had consulted, that councell was the best which he had reiected: for, in that case, calling only into reckoning & representacion those reasons which he had not este­med before, he forbare to reduce into discourse the argumentes which had moued him to make suche election, which being conformed and compared with the con­traries, would haue made weaker the force and strength of the others, neither did he take experience by the memorie of his naturall timerousnes, to beware to slide into the passion and humor of vaine feare: In which disposicion intangled, and ma­ner of dealing confused, he suffered him selfe oftentimes to be transported and go­uerned by his officers, in which case he seemed rather caried the [...] counselled by them, Of whom, these bore most authoritie with him, Nicolas Scombergh a Germain, and Mathievv Gibert a Genovvay: the one almoste reuerenced and seared of the Pope, and the other loued and fauored with a singular affection: Scombergh was a disciple of Ierome Sauonarola, and of the order of freare preachers whilest he studied the lawes, but afterwards leauing his religion and profession, he reteyned onely the habit & the name, and followed the vocacion of secular affaires: Gibert had bene be­stowed verie young in the function of religion, but afterwards he left that vocacion by the priuitie of his father, and notwithstanding he was not borne in lawefull ma­riage, yet he disclaimed both the habit and the name of his profession: They two were of one society and agreement together whilest he was Cardinal, and also in the beginning and entrie to his Popedom, bearing such a hande on him as they gouer­ned his thoughtes and drewe his will to their wayes: but as amongest mortall men, there can be no perfect concord, where is no conformitie of condicions, so begin­ning afterwardes to disagree eyther through ambicion, or by the diuersitie of their natures, they brought ruine vpon him whom they had before supported, and ledde his affaires into great cōfusion: for, freare Nicolas either for that he was a Germain of nation, which catied him to fauor immoderatly thaffaires of his contrie, or for some other regard mouing, bore great affection to the name of thEmperour, by which occasion, concurring also his obstinacie in his opinions which oftentimes were dif­ferent from others, the Pope stoode many wayes suspicious that he preferred more the profit of an other, then was studious ouer the aduauncementes of his affaires: And touching the other, both by nature and all other respects of office, he was ve­rie deuoute to the person of the Pope, whom he acknowledged alone for his Lord and maister, and simply caried very careful & studious impressions ouer his affaires: And albeit in the time of Leo, he had bene a great ennemie to the Frenche, and fa­uored highly the affaires of thEmperour, yet after the death of that Pope, he was conuerted into an other humor and habit.

Thus these two principal ministers of the Pope being in manifest discord bewene them felues, neither proceeded in his affaires with soundnes of councell nor for the honor of his person, with reuerence and regards agreable, by which diuision, euery one knowing howe irresolute and weake the Pope was of his owne condicion, he was made contemnible & skorned to the world by those men who ought with bet­ter modestie to haue couered his imperfections: Insomuche, as being priuie to his owne weakenes, and by the property of his nature alwayes irresolute, he knewe not what course to take in a deliberacion so slipperie and full of difficulties, seeing that those to whom it apperteined to stay and resolue him, were the men that caried him [Page 949] into greatest confusion: so daungerous is it for Princes to haue faction and diuision in their councells, which of all others haue the greatest facilitie to leade their per­sons and estates into perill of ruine and subuersion. Neuerthelesse at the last, more by necessitie to deliberate something, then by resolution or firme iudgement, and standing chiefly in these tearmes, that to deliberate nothing was in a kinde, to deli­berate, he inclined to go through with the league, and in companie of the residue, to beginne the warre agaynst themprour: Wherein they fell to accorde, and drew Pope Clement the [...] makes a l [...]agee a­gaynst them­prour. the capitulations into particulars, wanting no other thing then to giue his full per­fection at such time as he receyued newes that the Commandador Erraro whom themprour sent to him, was ariued at Rome: He was thought to be sent in diligence with some good and gracious dispatche, In which respect the Pope determined to attende his comming, which droue thembassadors to complayne, whom he had as­sured to passe the same day the confederation. The cause of his comming was, that themprour after he had sent such a commission to the Marquis of Pisquaro to reteine at the least in his power to impatronize himselfe vpon the state of Millan, and fea­ring least by that occasion there were not incensed some newe stirres in Italy: dyd begin to debate more straytly and sincerely of thaccorde with the Legat Salutatio, so that there passed betwene them one capitulation (reseruing neuerthelesse the con­dition of the ratification by the Pope) wherein bothe he was satisfied touching the restitution of Reggia and Rubiera, and also the defence and conferuation of the Duke of Millan was comprehended in it, Matters which the Pope did principally desire: Moreouer it was expresly set downe, that if the Duke should dye, themprour ney­ther should reteine that dukedome, nor giue it to tharchduke his brother, but should inucst it in the Duke of Burbon, which the Pope very vndiscretly by the setting on of tharchbishop of Capua, had accorded vnto, together with George of Aus̄tria bro­ther to themperour Maximilian, at suche tyme as the lyfe of Frauncis Sforce was almoste holden desperate. Assone as the capitulation was made, the Legate not ta­rying for Pope Clement to giue it perfection, eyther could not or would not refuse to present themprour with the writte of dispensation for his mariage so muche desi­red: Which for that it was made before, onely with mention of stoppe and impedi­ment to the seconde degree without naming the king of Portugalls daughter for of­fending the king of Englande, or because there was betwene them a double bonde of affinitie, there was no mention made but of the bonde that was most strong: it was thought necessary to make an other, which with expresse mention of the persons, conteined al the impedimēts. The Cōmandador Erraro departed from themprours Court with the dispatche of this confederation, about a day or two after thempe­rour was aduertised of thimprisoning of Moron: and comming to the Popes court the sixt of December, he was brought to his presence, where after he had presented to him many offers, with the like information of the good will of themprour, he deliuered him the capitulations, in which albeit the Articles touching the salte and matters of benefice within the realme of Naples, were contrary to that whiche had bene solicited and resolued by the Viceroy: yet for that his principall end was to be assured of suspicions, he had allowed and accepted them, if he had founde a sin­cere proceeding touching the Duchie of Millan: But seeing in tharticle concer­ning Frauncis Sforce, was conteined no mention of thimputation made agaynst him, neyther promising to render thestate that was taken from him, nor to pardon his faultes committed, their arte and suttleties were easily discerned, the rather for that themperiour in the conclusion made with the Legate and in the instructions giuen [Page 950] to his Agent, seemed to take no knowledge of suche things: for the confederation made to defende and preserue Frauncis Sforce in the Dukedome of Millan, depriued not themperour of power to proceede agaynst him as agaynst his vassall, and to declare the freeholde to be confisqued for the conspiracie supposed vppon him a­gaynst his Maiestie: And Burbon subborned to be Duke in case of his death, was also to succeede in case of his priuation, for that by the lawes is considered the death na­turall and the death ciuill, by which they iudge that man to dye who is condemned for suche a cryme. for this cause the Pope aunswered with verye graue speeches, that as he had no particular matter of discorde with themperour, so touching all differences and contentions that might happen betweene them, he woulde for his parte choose no other arbitrator or iudge then his Maiestie: Onely he helde it ne­cessary to establishe so good an order for the publike affayres, as Italy might re­mayne assured, whiche coulde not be done vnlesse he restored to Frauncis Sforce the Duchie of Millan: Lastely he layde affore him reasons, prouing whye a Ca­pitulation so generall was not sufficient, concluding that it woulde bring no small griefe to hym to be driuen to that necessitie, to enter into newe deliberations and counselles, and to be made estraunged from themperour, with whom he had al­wayes bene moste firmely conioyned. To these the Duke of Sesso replyed with rea­sons iustificatorie, that as themperour had alwayes a sinceare and vprighte inten­tion: So he assured that his Maiestie was well contented that notwithstanding thac­cidentes hapned and paste, the Duchie of Millan should remayne to Frauncis Sforce: Onely if tharticle especiall of that clause (through mistaking) were not set downe in sufficient and ample forme, it was referred to the Pope to reforme it according to his will and discression, promising for themprour to present to him within two monthes the ratification, so farreforth also as he would giue his worde not to con­clude during that tyme the League which was negociated with the gouernment of Fraunce and the Venetians. It was clearely discerned that this offer had no other fundation then a desire to temporaise and winne a respite or tyme of two mo­nethes, to thende to giue vnto themprour a better leasure to take good counsels and leauy conuenient remedies agaynst so strong a League: Neuerthelesse, after many contentions and disputations, the discontentment of them bassadors concurring, the Pope consented to that demaund, aswell by desire and reason to enter as slowly as he could into exspences and troubles, as also for this pollicie, that so long as the french king continued in the condition of a prisoner, all contracts & confederations made with the Regent of Fraunce would be ielouse and daungerous, for that them­prour would alwayes reteine a power to dissolue and breake them as often as he list: Also he iudged that by this respite or delay interposed, themprour might with more facilitie obteine his purpose, notwithstāding there was no great apparence of hope: And if by that were wrought thaccorde betwene the two kings, he made this depe consideration (though many iudged agaynst it) that it were better to passe in a time when themprour stoode in least necessitie, for that by howe muche his affayres were aduaunced or stoode in good trayne, by so muche more rude would be the conditi­ons he would offer to the French king, which being seuere and rigorous, he suppo­sed the king would not obserue them after he were possessed of his libertie: There was also added to that treatise, that during the sayde tyme, there should be no newe enterprise embrased, nor no action executed agaynst the Castell of Millan, so farre­foorth as Frauncis Sforce woulde be bounde not to do any molestation vpon those that laye without, which condition he would not accept.

[Page 951]The yere of the natiuity of the sonne of God a thowsand fiue hundred twenty fiue being run out in these actions more disposed to warre then to peace, there followed successiuely the yeare 1526 which being replenished with great accidents, brought a face of wonderfull troubles: In the beginning of this yeare the commandator Er­raro returned to themprour with letters subsigned and written with the Popes owne hande, by the which he neither denied nor confessed the conspiracies practised a­gainst him, but laying the fault vpon the Marquis of Pisquairo, he labored to excuse Frauncis Sforce, whome he alleaged (if he had offended at all) to be abused by the counsels of Ierome Moron, beseching him with tearmes of great affection, that for the benefit and quiet of all Christendom, he would preferre his clemencie affore his iu­stice: At this time thEmperour exspecting the aunswere of the Pope, helde in su­spense the negociacious and practises of all Princes, & albeit he had exercised great grace, fauor, and honor vpon the Duke of Burbon, promising with speede to aduance the consummacion of the mariage betwene his sister & him, yet when Burbon vrged the accomplishing of his worde and promise, he was aunswered with euasions and delaies, such as made the matter doutful & the Duke discontented: Neuertheles to satisfie him with some reasonable or apparent excuse, he was caried ouer with this, that thEmperour would first giue perfection to his owne mariage with the infant of Portugall, who was exspected from one day to an other, but in true meaning that ex­cuse drew this draught, to leaue alwayes in the power & will of the Emperour (not­withstanding his promise to the Duke of Burbon) to giue her to wife to the frenche ThEmperour maried to the daughter of Portugall. king if the accord went on: suche is the ordinarie humor of some Princes to be ca­ried rather with consideracions of profit, then with care of honestie: Nowe after thEmperours mariage was consummated at Seuille in Spayne, the commaundator Erraro arriued at the Court with the breuiat of tharticle concerning Frauncis Sforce, which article the Pope had deduced at large in his fauor: So that thEmperour, be­ing also assured that the Legat Saluiatio had no commission to conclude any thing but according to that article, and his whole councell thinking it necessary to stoppe and hinder the league that was in hande, and no lesse daungerous to haue to doe at one time, with so greate a number of ennemies: He sawe him selfe reduced to these tearmes, either to content the Pope and the Venetians by restoring Frauncis Sforce to the Duchie of Millan, or else to compounde with the Frenche king: Who for his parte, after long arguing and disputacion for the countrey of Burgongnie, and finding that without the price of it, he coulde not hope for his deliuerie by thEm­perour, offered to render it with all thappurtenaunces and dependancies, and to re­nownce all titles and rightes which he had to the kingdome of Naples and Duchie of Millan, and to assure the obseruacion of his promise by the ostage of two of his sonnes: The disputacions were greate vppon the election of the one or the o­ther waye, wherein the Viceroy insisted more vehementlie then euer, both for that he had the conduct of the Frenche king into Spayne, and had nourrished him with many braue hopes of his deliuerie vnder easie conditions: His authoritie was great with thEmperour and his reputacion nothing inferiour, both for that thEmperour reapposed muche in his fidelitie, and trusted him because he knewe he loued him: But there opposed against him Mercurio Gattinaro a man of base discending in the contrie of Piedmont, and by his vertue raised to the place of high Chauncellor to thEmprour, & for his experiēce & credit, had managed of long time all the affaires of the Court of most importaunce: One day thEmperour sitting really in councell to resolue absolutely the matters that had bene discoursed so many monethes, these [Page 952] two were also present, of whom the Chaunceller tooke occasion to reason in this forte.

I haue alwayes feared least our too great greedinesse concurring with the immo­derate Oration of the Chauncellor. ends we aspire vnto, would not be the cause, that of so singular and honorable ‘a victory, we reaped in the ende neither glory nor profit: But I coulde neuer be in­duced by anye argument or reason, that by your victorie (oh gracious Emperour) eyther your estate or your reputacion shoulde fall into daunger: A matter whiche nowe appeareth manifestly, since there is question to conclude an accorde, by the which all the regions of Italie shall be reduced to a condicion desperate, which can not but bring infamy to your name, & the french king deliuered vp to his liberty, but vnder so vnequall condicions that he will continue a greater enemy to you then be­fore, though not of will which happily he may restraine and temper, yet by necessitie which is alwaies a mighty mocion to moue men to reuenge: for my parte, I coulde wish with as great show of affectiō as others, that at one time & by one meane, your Maiesty might recouer Bourgongny & also establish fundacions of your imperie in I­talie: But vaine is the wit that aspireth to hold the thing which the hand is not hable to gripe, and in the property of worldly things, there is nothing more full of errour, then that ambicion which goeth on working in the humor of wening only, & lookes not backe to order and reason, which are the assured lines that laye out the infallible successe of euery mortall action: I haue alwaies seene that that Prince who sodainly hath embrased many thinges, hath gone on with perill to effect nothing, for that all those things are put to aduenture that are guided by will & not by reason: That fire that is mightily kindled hath much a do to be quenched, but when vpon one fire ri­seth many flames whose propertie is to flie with the winde into many places, it can not be that the burning wil not be great, yea oftentimes extended to the consuming of him that first kindled it: I see no reason to induce vs to thinke that the french king being deliuered, wil obserue the articles of so great importance, since he is not igno­rant that in making you Lord of Burgangny, he layeth open such a gappe to lead you into the bowells of Fraunce, that it will be alwayes in your election to runne vp euen to the gates of Paris: And he knoweth well enough that when he hath once put into your hande the power to vex Fraunce in so many places, he hath left to him selfe no possibility to make resistance against you: doth not he know & all the world see, that to consent that you goe to Rome with an armie, is no other thing, then to giue you a raine with whose bridle you may checke all Italie, & authoritie to dispose according to your liking, of thestate spirituall and temporall of the Church, and by that meane your puisance being redoubled, you shall for alwayes after neuer want money nor forces to offend him? And who doubteth that of this greatnes he maketh this con­clusion, that he shall be constrained to accept all suche lawes as it shall please you to impose vpon him: Is it then reasonable to beleue that he will obserue an accorde by the which he is made your slaue and you his Lorde? Where is feruitude hatefull, if not in the minde whome nature hath borne to soueraintie: And howe can it bee thought that he will liue vnder the yoke of subiection, whose ambicion coulde not hitherunto be conteyned within the large limites of Fraunce: But be it, that in the king will be founde no want of conscience to obferue the condicions of the con­tract, yet he may be ouercaried by a naturall compassion by the complaintes and lamentacions of his kingdome, and by the perswasions of the king of Englande ac­companied with thincitacion of all Italie: It may bee that by the lawe of amitie that is betweene you two, he will reappose confidence in you, or at least looke into [Page 953] the power you are of: But was there euer two Princes betwene whome haue bene greater causes of hatred and contencion? There is not onely betweene you a re­ciprocall ielousie of greatnes, A matter apt to stirre vppe one brother agaynst an other, but also your common emulacion is pushed on by many auncient and great quarrells begonne in the tymes of your fathers and great grandfathers, many long warres betweene those two houses, many peaces and accordes not obserued, ma­ny harmes done, and many iniuries receyued: There is no quarrell more mortall then that which taketh his nurriture in tract and prescripcion of tyme, nor any ha­tred so daungerous as that which lyeth smothered like fire couered with hoate ym­bers by whome the heate is preserued to a greater power of burning: To the mind that is iniuried, there is nothinge so sweete as the passion of reuenge, And by howe muche thoffence is auncient and inueterat, by so much more incurable is the humor of reuenge, and more heauye the stroake where it lighteth: We may be­leeue that the kinges minde burneth with disdayne, when he remembreth how ma­ny monethes he hath beene your prisoner, with what seueritie he hath beene kept vnder straite and sure garde, and neuer was fauored so much as to speake to you or see you: Besides, in this calamitie of imprisonment he hath passed so many perple­xities and perills as had almost brought him to the ende of his mortall life, causes not litle materiall to make him highly incensed, besides the despite of his other in­iuries sufficient to drawe on his desire to be reuenged: And nowe he seeth we goe about to deliuer him, not through magnanimitie or amitie, but by necessitie and feare of so great a confederacion conspired against vs: Do we thinke that paren­tage made by necessitie, is more mighty, then so many vehement incitacions: Doe not we know how much Princes esteeme of such bonds: And who can yeld a better restimonie then our selues, of the estimacion and reckoning of parentages: But it may happly seeme to some that we shall be greatly assured by the faith he will giue to returne againe into prison: Oh weake foundacions and full of frailtie, oh hopes vnperfect and drawing more perill then sewertie, oh councell vndiscreete which hath no societie with wisedome and forecast: The griefe I haue to see vs disposed to take a coursse so hurtfull and daungerous, makes me burst out into this libertie of playne speeche: This boarde is not ignorant, what reckoning is made of faith and worde giuen, when there is question of interests of estate, neyther are we to learne of what force are the promisses of the French men, who though they be open and playne in all other thinges, yet in this regarde let vs thinke them Schoolemaisters moste perfect in deceyuing and abusing: And for the king, he hath naturally a rea­dye tongue to promisse, and aslowe hande to performe, and by custom is so much the more harde and sparing in effects, by howe much he is plentifull and prodigall in words and speeches: Vppon which I gather this reasonable conclusion, that nei­ther the respect of good will betwene two Princes who haue for an auncient inhe­ritance, iniuries and offences, nor the memorie of benefits, which neuer was any, nor the cōsideracion of faith & promisses, which in controuersie of matters of estate im­porteth nothing with the frenchmen, wil haue any force to induce him to follow an accord, which lifteth vp his enemy into heauen, & throweth his owne person & his kingdom into manifest subiection: where it may be obiected that for feare of these things, & the better to assure your maiesty, you demaūd two of his childrē (of whom one to be theldest) whose loue wil cōtein him more thē the price of Burgongny: I aū ­swer that the loue of those childrē wil rather cause the cōtrary, specially whē the me­mory of thē shal moue in the cogitaciōs of his mind, & cōsideration that to obserue [Page 954] thaccord, would be the beginning to make them your slaues: it is doubtful that such a pawne will not be sufficient, if he should be altogether desperat to recouer it in o­ther sort: for that as it is a thing that much importeth to put his Realme in daunger, which being once lost is hard to be recouered: So neuerthelesse he may haue many hopes to redeeme his children either with the fauor of tyme, or by the benefit of ac­cord, or by thopportunitie of some other occasion, and yet in respect of their base age thexspectacion wil not be greeuous to him: Besides, standing in tearmes to draw into vnitie against you almost all the Princes of Christendom, who doubteth not but he will confederat with them: who seeth not that he will seeke to moderat that ac­cord by the waye of warre and armes: And who knoweth not that in that case, the gayne and profit which we shall reape by this victorie, will bringe vppon vs a most stronge and daungerous warre stirred vp by the desperat hatred of the French king, by the burning ielousie of the king of England, and by the general necessitie of all the Potentats in Italy: Against whom how shall we be able to defende our selues, vnles God continue daily to worke the same miracles for vs which he hath so often done till this tyme, or vnles fortune for our sakes, chaunge her nature, and reduce her in­constancie and lightnes to an example of constancie and firmenes contrary to all experience past: how many monethes haue we concluded in our councells, to doe all that we could to let thItalians for vniting with the house of Fraunce: And now we throwe our selues rashly into a deliberacion which takes away all difficulties that till this hower haue kept them in suspence: A matter which multiplieth our daungers, & encreaseth the forces of our enemies, since it is not to be doubted that that league wil be more strong and mighty which shal haue for a head, the French king standing in his freedome and in his kingdome, then that which should be contracted with the house of Fraunce and the king remeine your prisoner: There is no other thing which till this day hath deteyned the Pope from entring confederacion against you, then the feare he had that you would alwayes separate the French from the residue, in offering to them the libertie of their king: but lesse will be their feare of such a mat­ter, when you shall haue the children who import not muche, and dismisse the fa­ther vppon whose person resteth the ballancing of all things: So that by this meane, the medicine which we haue sought to applye to preuent our daunger, will become without all comparison the chiefe poyson and instrument of our perill, And in place to breake this vnion we shall be the meane to enforce it and make it more firme and puissant. But me thinkes I see some ready to aske my aduise, and whether I wil coun­cell your Maiestie to drawe no profitte of so greate a victorie, and to suffer you to dwell alwayes vppon these doubtes and perplexities, to whome I aunswer and con­firme eftsoones the similitude I haue spoken many tymes, that it is a matter too hurtfull to receyue so much meate at one tyme as the stomacke can not beare: And that it is necessary, eyther by returning into amitie with Italy which demaundes no­thing of vs but to be assured, to gette of the Frenche king both Burgonguye and as­much els as we can: or els to make a composicion with him (by the which Italy may remeyne at our discression) but so easie touching his interests, as he may haue cause to obserue the condicions of it: In thelection of the one of these two wayes it apperteyneth to your maiestie in pollicie & forecast to preferre that which in deed is moste stable and iust, affore that which at the first show may happly seeme moste great and most profitable: I confesse the Duchie of Myllan is an estate more riche and more commodious for many regardes, then Burgonguie, and that there can no a­mitie passe with Italy, vnlesse Myllan be transferred eyther to Frauncis Sforce, or to [Page 955] some other of the Popes lyking: And yet I rather allowe to do this, then to accorde with the Frenche men, for that Burgonguy apperteineth to you with better equitie and iustice then Millan, and beareth more facilitie to be maynteined then a contrey where is no person that willeth you good. To seeke to get Burgonguy your auncient inheritance, is an action of great worthynes and prayse: but to aspire after Millan eyther to your owne vse, or for any other that dependeth wholly vpon you, can not be without manifest notes of ambicion: The one calleth you to it by the honorable memorie of so many your predecessors, whose bones lying buryed in captiuitie, call vpon you to be deliuered and redeemed by your vertue, whose compassion accom­panied with their iust, pityfull, and holy desires, may happly moue God to be more fauorable to thaction. Your Maiestie must consider that it is a more discrete and easie counsell, to establishe an amitie with him that vnwillingly becomes your ene­mie, then with one who in no time can be your friend: for there will neuer be in the French king but a perpetuall hate and desire to oppose agaynst your doings: where the Pope and the other potentates of Italie beeing once assured of all suspicion by the reuoking of your armie that is in Lombardy, will haue no occasion of controuer­sie with you, neyther through iealousie wherein they will be satisfied, nor by feare which then will be resolued into assurance, and remayning your friendes, you shall drawe from them both now and alwayes a greater commoditie and profite: So that there are to leade your Maiesties inclination to this amitie, not onely the considera­tion of honor, which ought to be most familiar with great princes, not only the re­garde of profite, whiche fashioneth hawty mindes to reason and facilitie, not onely the respect of suretie, which to princes and peoples is the swetest ende and rewarde of their warres and contentions, but also the operation of necessitie, which aboue all other motions in the mindes of men, caryeth them violently to resolution and accorde: For, be it that you compounde with the king, and binde him to no other thing then to ayde you in thenterprises of Italy, yet it is not likely he will obserue it, since this will be his opinion, that in leauing you Italy for a pray, he should so much the more imbarke his owne Realme in perill and desperate daunger: Where on the other side, his hopes and oportunities will be great that by the compulsion of so mighty an vnion he shall be hable to vex and trauell you, and in the end to reduce you to accorde vnder easie conditions: So that of a king whom we holde prisoner, we shall not onely giue him libertie, but also prepare him to be our enemie, and sende home to the Realme of Fraunce a soueraigne chieftayne or leader, to thende that ioyning with the residue, he might rayse warre agaynst vs both with greater forces and with more profite. Howe much better were it to confederate with thIta­lians, who haue the same conformitie of reasons with vs? Howe much more neces­sary to contract a firme and true alliance with the Pope, who hath continually de­sired it? And howe muche assured to remoue from the Frenche all hope to ioyne with thItalians, seeing that in that case not onely necessitie or feare of new leagues, but also euen your owne will and qualitie of the conditions, will drawe you to ac­corde with the French. Then shall you see that their vniuersall necessitie and dis­payre of their common condition, will constrayne them not onely to delyuer vp Burgonguy into your handes, and to followe you with greater offers, but also to as­sure them with suche obligations and ostages, that you shall not neede to doubt the obseruation: For the which his children are no sufficient pawnes so long as they hope to effect so great an vnion: And scarcely wyll suffice the townes of Bayon and Narbona, if they put them into your hands, nor an armie at sea. This is the waye to [Page 956] draw of your victorie a frute plentyfull, honorable, comely and sure: And otherwise (if I haue any insight in the matters of the worlde) by this accorde you shall em­barke your estate into so great daungers, that I see no way to deliuer you, vnlesse the indiscression of the French king may happly be greater then ours.’

This oration, what with theloquence and good disposition of the matter, ioyned with the reputation and wisedome of the man, wrought muche in the minds of the greatest parte of the counsell: But the Viceroy being of an other humor, pronoun­ced a contrary opinion in this sorte:

If it be a fault blameable in suche men as through the motion of worldly appe­tite Oration of the Viceroy. and ambition, seeke to embrace more then they are hable to hold, the offence is ‘no lesse in mine opinion, in others who eyther by too many suspiciōs or too muche incredulitie, do willingly depriue them selues of great occasions gotten with many difficulties and daungers: But if there be propertie of errour in both, obseruing the qualitie of the persons in whom they raygne, that which proceedeth of feare and abiection of minde, is more to be reprehended and condemned in a great prince, then that which moueth of an inclination heroicall and true greatnes of spirit and courage: And seeing it is to great thinges that the thoughts of great princes ought to be raysed and dressed, it can not but be more agreable to their merite and vertue, to seeke to winne muche with hazarde and daunger, then by auoyding of perill which is but casuall, to lose or corrupt suche occasions as verye rarely happen to mortall men. This is the very course layde out to your Maiestie by the Lorde Chauncellor, who doubting that by this accorde Burgongny and Millan maye not be obteyned, (we muste not thinke he is pushed on eyther with the loue of Italy which is his contrey, or with the benefite or good turne that he wisheth to the duke of Millan) hath made a resolution of awaye by the which as he sayth, we shall get Burgongny and lose Millan, an estate without comparison of greater importance. But I feare that in following that deuise, as we shall not onely lose Millan and not winne Burgongny, so also, where your Maiesty hath with great glory opened you a waye to the imperie and iurisdiction of all Christendome, there will remayne no o­ther frute of it if you take your direction by his counsell, then great domage accom­panied with perpetuall infamie: Effects which in all reasonable sorte your Maiestie is to auoyde, least through indiscression and sinister counsell of one priuate man, you blemishe the reputation and vallour of so many princes and braue Capteines, who vnder the felicity and fortune of your name fought for the victorie which now you haue: So will the world thinke you more apte to get then hable to holde, and lesse worthy of glory then meete to manage it. For my parte muche lesse that I can discerne any suretie in the counsell he hath giuen, seeing of the contrary it bringes lurking vnder it many tokens of manyfest daunger, and some apparances of a little profite and yet easy to slide out of our handes, not without our shame and your in­dignitie: Where of the contrary, in compounding with the French king, your Ma­iestie shall reape glory, which especially followeth the name of Emperours, it wyll bring you profite which is a sweete rewarde of victories, and it wyll giue you a sufficient assurance of your estates, which is the happiest ende and conclusion of warre and controuersies betwene Princes. I aske this question of the lord Chaun­cellor, vnder what reason, vnder what suretie, and vnder what fidelity he doth war­rant or promise that the Italians after we haue left them the Duchie of Millan, will obserue the accorde, and will not intermedle with the affayres that shall passe be­twene the French king and vs? Yea rather after they haue embased our reputation, [Page 957] after they haue corrupted the armie that nowe holdeth them in bridle, and after they shall be assured that no newe companies of Launceknightes can come into Ita­ly because there is no place of retrait for them, I aske agayne with what humor the Lorde Chauncellor can aunswere for thItalians that they will not recontinue their practises, and threatning the kingdome of Naples whiche will almoste remayne at their discression, they will not ryse and force vs to deliuer the French king. If it bee good to prouide that a mischiefe happen not, it is better not to lose thoportunitie of the remedie that is proper for it, since there can be no greate daunger to defend the harme that standes in feare of a remedie to resiste it. It is farre from reason for my Lorde Chauncellor to reapose confidence in Frauncis Sforce to acknowledge the benefites that your Maiestie shall do to him, seeing he hath already so yll obserued your honorable liberalities, & with treasons hath recompensed the fauors you haue vsed to him? But what exspectation of conspiracie & worse dealing, when he seeth a desire to call him to iustice, and to punish by sentence of the law, the vnthankful­nes he hath pretended with so great iniquitie? And what feare will he haue of your punishment, when he exspecteth his safetie by the deliueraunce of your enemies? He will not care to offende you, that feareth not your punishment: and that punish­ment will he not holde grieuous, which eyther he supposeth to suffer for innocen­cie, or is assured of his meane of deliuerie. And lesse reason is there to induce you to haue confidence in the Venetians, for that beeing by nature enemies auncient to the Crowne of thempire and the house of Austria, can not yet but tremble vnder the memorie of Maximilian your grandfather, who tooke from them many of those townes which they possesse at this day. The minde possessed with iniurie & wrong, can neuer be made assured: and where the remembraunce of the harmes done re­mayneth without recompence or reconciliation, there is nothing lesse certayne then fidelitie, and nothing more frayle then the friendshippes they professe. Tou­ching Pope Clement, there is no reason of confidence eyther in his vertue, or in his inclination to themperour, since the first alliance that Pope Leo made with him af­ter he had attempted many things agaynst vs, was, for desire eyther to be reuenged, or to be assured agaynst the French men, and for ambicion to occupie Ferrara: And after him, the Pope raygning being hated of the one moytie of the world, continued by necessitie (after the death of Leo) in your amitie, but being become Pope, he re­turned immediatly to the nature of Popes, which is both to feare & hate themprors, and for his parte he hath nothing in more horror then the name of themperour. I confesse these reasons may be aunswered with excuses, and it may be alleaged that their complotts and enterprises tooke no proceding of hatred or ambicion, but on­ly of suspicion and iealousie of your greatnes, which being ceassed, all their conspi­rations will take ende: But it may be aunswered, that eyther this is not true, or if at the beginning it hath bene true, it hath nowe by necessitie taken other roote, and become an other humor, for that it is a thing naturall that hatred followeth suspi­cion, and offences and vexacions come after hatred, and after offences men drawe to alliance and amitie with thenemies of him whom they haue offended, laboring to rayse practises not onely for their proper surety, but also to make their profite of him whom they haue offended. Nature hath sowen in man seedes of hatred and re­uenge, and though the lawes holde it more iust to reuenge an iniurie then to do it, yet kinde and nature showeth that both the one and the other proceede of one im­becillitie: Besides, the remembraunce of wrongs is farre greater and more stirring in the mind of him that doth them, then in him that receyueth them: So that where [Page 958] in the beginning suspicion onely would set them vp and make them to moue, the same would be also the cause to make them become our enemies, to cary them both in inclination and in hope to the French part, and then to beginne to cantonize and make a diuident of the Realme of Naples, as they haue done in all contractes paste: And nowe let vs giue them what suretie we will, and inferre what accorde we can, we shall finde kindled in their stomackes the same hatred and feare that before, with minds not disposed to reappose confidence in that, which to their seeming we shal do through necessitie: In so much as vnder an opinion they may haue the more ea­sily to raunge vs to their wills, and fearing least in the ende there runne betwene the French king and vs a new appoyntment semblable to that which was made at Cam­bray, and lastly desiring according to their owne phrases to deliuer Italy of straun­gers, they will not sticke to presume to ryse vp to giue you lawes, and to demaunde at your handes the deliuery of the French king: A matter whiche if your Maiestie refuse, I see not howe you can defende agaynst them the kingdome of Naples: And in according that, you lose all the frutes of your victory, besides a manifest dishonor and reiection that will stande vpon your name for euer. But let vs laye the case that Italy will performe and obserue thaccorde, and necessitie constrayne you eyther to leaue Millan or not to recouer Burgongnie, yet in iust comparison there is great dif­ference betwene the one and the other: Burgongnie is a countrey of litle circuite, of small reuenue, and nothing aunswering the commodities that are perswaded to be there: Where the Duchie of Millan, both for the riches and reputation of so many Cities, for the number and noblenes of subiectes, for the liberall and plentifull reue­nues, and for the oportunitie and sufficiencie to nourish all the armies of the world, caryeth more value & price then many kingdomes: And yet besides the amplitude and puissance of it, you haue to make a greater reckoning of the commodities that may reuert to you by conquering it, then of the simple accompt and valuation of it selfe: for Millan and Naples being at your deuotion, it followeth by congruent ne­cessitie that the Popes, as aunciently they are wont, muste depende vpon thautho­ritie of Emprours: That all the region of Tuskane, the Duke of Ferrara, and the Marquis of Mantua must be your subiectes: And the Venetians beeing enuironed with Lombardy and Germany, stande in case to accept lawes at your hande: And so not with force and armes displayed, but with a glorious reputation of your name, with the onely sommonce of a Herald, and with the enseignes of the Empire, you shall commaunde absolutely ouer all Italy. Lift but vp your Maiesties minde to the consideration of Italy, and you shall finde it with great right esteemed the supreme seate of all other prouinces, both for the oportunitie of situation, for temperature of ayre and Climate, for thexcellencie of wittes inclined to all honorable enterpri­ses, for the fertilitie of all things necessary to the lyfe of man, for the stately repre­sentation of so many noble Cities, for the soueraigne seate of religon, and for the auncient glory of thempire: To which prayses as I may aptely adioyne the commo­ditie of imperie which it brings, extending so farre in your person, that if you com­maunde ouer it, the sounde of your name and authoritie runneth fearefull in the eares of other Princes: So it can not but belong to your greatnes and to your glory, to rayse your thoughtes to this, which is an action more agreable to the bones of your elders (seeing they are brought into counsell) who for their bounty and pietie, we are not to beleeue do desire any other thing then what is most conuenient and agreable to the glory of your name: So that, according to the counsell of the Lord Chauncellor, we shall loase a matter of great price and value, for a thing of righte [Page 959] smal conquest, and yet wrapt in many vncerteinties, wherein we ought to stand war­ned by that which was like to happen certeine moneths past: Doe we not remem­ber the great griefe that sell amongest vs when the French king laye in daunger of death, which griefe proceeded of no other humor then a knowledge we had that with his life we should lose the frute we hoped for by the victory: And who can now assure vs that the like accident will no more reuert vpon him? yea who feareth not the relaps with more facilitie, both for that the reliques of his maladie doe yet pos­sesse him, and also the hope which till now hath supported him, being taken away, who doubteth not but his grieued mind will heape vpon him greater fits of sorowe and discontentment, the onely cause of his sicknes, especially newe condicions and assurances being interposed, it can not be that for their hardnes, they make not the negociacion long and tedious, A matter subiect to the former accident and happly to others both more great and daungerous: We are not ignorant, that nothing hath so long reteyned the gouernment and councell of Fraunce, as an opinion they haue had of the speedy deliuery of their king, In which humor of exspectacion the No­bles and Chieftaines of that Realme, haue remayned peasible and conformable to the Lady Regent: But when they finde the foundacions of this hope to fayle, who doubteth not that the Barons of that Realme will not easily enter into mindes of de­spite and reuenge, and with an vniuersall conformetie, chaunge the coursse of the gouernment: stronge is the operacion of ambicion, and no lesse violent the passion and thirst after imperie and souereintie, specially where is seene no meane to make resistance against so mighty mocions: which I allude to the disposicion of Fraunce, where, if the greatnes of the kingdome get once the bridle in their hand, much lesse that they will be carefull ouer the deliuerie of their king, seeing of the contrary, their ambicion will cary them to meinteyne an estate of libertie, and aspyring to establish supremacie in them selues, what will it offend them to suffer the captiuitie of their king: And so in place to get Burgongnie and so many other great conquests, what o­ther thing doe we reteyne, then a desperat hope both by his imprisonment, and by his deliuerie: But this further question may be asked of the Lord Chauncellor, whe­ther thEmprour in this resolucion ought to regard the reckoning and reputacion of his dignitie and his maiestie: Then what greater infamie, or what more diminucion of his honor, can he receiue then to haue his clemencie forced, and constrayned to pardon Frauncis Sforce, he who lately being halfe dead, detected of manifest rebelli­on, and a singuler example of ingratitude, not comming to humilitie nor imploring your mercy, but running betwene the armes of your enemies to seeke to force you to render to him the estate which so iustly hath bene taken from him, and compell you to take lawes of him, who by equitie of condēnation ought to beare subiection to your imperial name: It were better for your maiestie, more agreable to the digni­tie of thEmpire, and more worthy your greatnes and puissance to laye out your selfe to a newe fortune, and to referre eftsoones all thinges to hazard and daunger, then in blemishing thauthoritie of the Prince soueraigne ouer all Princes, and the name of thEmprour, and hauing so oftentymes vanquished so mighty a king: To receiue at the hands of Preestes and Marchaunts, such condicions, as if you had bene ouer­throwen there could not haue beene offered to you either more vniust or more vn­worthy: honor and dignitie are the gifts of God, which by how much they are base­ly esteemed of those to whome they are transferred, by so much more is highly of­fended the eternall goodnes that gaue them who will eftsoones reuoke them with no small indignation: That man can not be accompted worthy of honor, that de­clareth [Page 960] himselfe not hable to vse it, since honor is a rewarde or effect of vertue, who enhableth to honor and dignitie those persons to whom her selfe is conioyned. So that, moste gracious Emprour, calling eftsones into consideration all these reasons, both howe litle profite may resort to you by thaccorde with thItalians, and by how many accidentes it maye easily slide out of your handes, howe litle assurance or showe of fidelitie is in them, and howe vnworthy a thing it is to leaue thestate of Millan: And lastely that it is necessary for vs to soart at last to a resolution, and that the imprisonment of the king profiteth vs not but in regarde of the frutes that maye be drawen of his deliuery. I stande firme and conclude vppon this aduise, that wee compounde rather with the king then accorde with thItalians, A matter which can not be denyed to be more glorious, more reasonable, and more profitable, so farre­foorth as we may be assured of thobseruation: Wherein I discerne some good fun­dation in this, that for a more thankfull acknowledging of your benefite, he offreth to take to wife your sister, a Lady for her vertue and stayed condition very well able and conuenient to enterteine you in amitie: Besides thoblation of two of his sonnes, of whom one to be theldest, which is suche a propertie of pawne and ostage, as a­mongest worldly men and to assure worldly things, there can not be offred nor re­ceiued a more worthy nor more important: And seeing our necessitie driueth vs to determine some thing, it is more reasonable we reappose confidence in a Frenche king vnder suche nature of ostages, then in a nation of Italians of no lesse infidelitie then without gage: and rather to trust the worde and fayth of so great a king, then to be caryed with the immoderate couetousnes of priestes and suspicious basenesse and bartring of Marchantes: And lastly, according to thexample of our auncestors, we may with more facilitie kepe amitie for a tyme with the Crowne of Fraunce, ho­norable for his proper dignitie, then with a confused people of Italians our naturall and perpetuall enemies. Taking this course, I do not onely discerne a greater hope of obseruancie and due keeping of fayth, but also a lesse estate of daunger in case of promise breaking: seeing if the king refuse to render to vs Burgongnie, at least he will not dare (his children remayning ostages) to ryse vp to offende vs agayne, but will labour by solicitation and sute to moderate the rigour of thaccorde: and being but as it were yesterday vanquished by you, he will retayne a working feare of your forces and armes, and being likewise this day deliuered out of prison, he will not be so hardie to make a newe proofe of your fortune: And if he take no armes agaynst you, you neede not doubt of the mouing of others, since vpon his example depen­deth ordinarily the vallour of the residue: By which meane you shall haue good o­portunitie to conquer the Castell of Millan, and so to establishe your suretie in that estate, that hereafter you shall not neede to feare the malice of any man. But if you come nowe to accorde with thItalians, and they in their infidelitie come to double with you, I see remayning no bridle hable to reteyne them, and as their power en­creaseth to vex you, so looke that their will will likewise ryse greater to conspire, and their handes more free to execute: So that I can not but interprete it to tyme­rousnesse and want of counsell, that for an humor of too great suspicion and incre­dulitie, we should loase the benefite of an accord so full of glory and many aduaun­tages, and no lesse accompanied with sufficient suretie, following in place of it a re­solution no lesse daungerous in the effecte and substance, then ielouse in all hys partes and circumstances.’

This Oration of the Viceroy drew the residue of the counsel into diuersitie of opi­nion: It seemed to suche as were of iudgement sounde and vpright, that to accorde [Page 961] with the French king according to the maner declared, could not be but full of dan­ger: And yet such was the parcialitie of the Flemings desyring to recouer agayne Burgongnie the auncient patrimonie and tytle of their Princes, that their affection would not suffer them to discerne the truth: besides, it was sayde that the giftes and great promises made by the French men, wrought not a little to corrupt and carry many: But themprour aboue all the residue, eyther for that suche was his first incli­nation, or for that thauthoritie of the Viceroy could do much with him hauing con­currancy with thopinion of the Count Nausan, or haply because he held it too great indignity to pardon by cōpulsion Frauncis Sforce, who had offended him by so great malice, seemed to heare with ready and willing eares all suche as counselled him to compound with the French king: So that after he had caused to be sounded agayne the Legate Saluiatio to knowe if he would consent that thestate of Millan shoulde be transported to the person of the Duke of Burbon, And that the Legate had cer­tefied him that he had no commission to allowe that drifte, and therewithall had made offer to hym of the Popes amitie: he determined to goe on with thaccorde with the Frenche king, with whom things hauing already paste many disputations and acts, he grew in very fewe dayes to conclusion, not respecting at all the cōmu­nitie or interposing of the Popes Legat: And for the better perfection and stability of the accorde, themperour had obteyned before the Duke of Burbons consent to giue in mariage to the French king, his sister whom he had promised to him: The Duke was driuen to passe this consent, not so muche for a desire he had to carye the Duchy of Millan, which was promised him contrary to the authority of the Chaun­cellor and Viceroy, vnder obligation notwithstanding to pay a great summe of mo­ney: as for the necessitie of his affayres which were reduced to those tearmes, that neyther hauing nor could not haue any other piller or stay then themprour, he was constrayned to accommodate his condition to themprours will: And assoone as he had in all things accomplished this consent, to take him out of the presence of the Court in a tyme so vnconuenient, he departed foorthwith by themprours order, taking his waye by Barselonia, whither was appoynted to be sente to him necessary prouisions to passe into Italy, which for want of mony and lacke of vessels, had slow proceding, for that in Spayne were but three gallies at that tyme.

The solicitation of the peace which was resolued the fourtenth of February 1526. The treaty of Madrill tou­ching the de­liuery of the fr. king. conteyned these couenantes: That betwene themprour and the french king should be a peace perpetuall, in which should be comprehended all such as should be na­med by their common consent: That the French king by the sixt daye of the next moneth of Marche, shoulde be set at libertie vppon the marches in the coaste of Fontarabie: That within sixe wekes after he should consigne to themprour the Du­chie of Burgongnie, the Countie of Charrolois, the iurisdiction of Noyers, the Castell Chaynro dependancies of the sayde Duchie, the Vicountie of Flussona, the resorte of S. Lavvrence de la Roche a dependant of Franche Countie, together with all the ap­purtenances aswell of the sayd Duchy as Vicountie, all whiche for hereafter should be seperate and exempted from the soueraigntie of the Realme of Fraunce: That at the same and very instant that the king should be deliuered, there should be put into themprours hands the Daulphin of Fraunce, & with him eyther the Duke of Orleance the kings second sonne, or else xij. principall Lords of Fraunce, whō themprour dyd name: It was left to thelection of the Lady Regent, either to deliuer the kings secōd sonne, or the xij. barons, & they to remayne as ostages vntill restitution were made of the lands and places aforesayd, and the peace sworne and ratified together with [Page 962] all the articles by thestates generall of Fraunce, and inregistred in all the Courtes of Parliament of the kingdome with forme and solemnities necessary: for thaccompli­shing whereof there was set downe a tearme of foure monethes: at which time re­turning the ostages, there should be put into themprours hands, the Duke d'Angou­lesme the kings thirde sonne, to thende to trayne him vp with themprour the better to enterteine and assure the peace: That the French king should renounce and giue vp to themprour all his rightes to the Realme of Naples, together with all such titles and preeminences as were to come to him by thinuestiture of the Churche: That he shoulde do the lyke touching his interest in thestate of Millan, of Genes, of Ast, and likewise of Arras, Tourney, of the Ile, and of Dovvay: That he should render vp the towne and castell of Hedin as a member of the countie of Artois, with all the mu­nitions, artilleries, and mouables that were in it when it was laste taken: That he should disclayme and yelde vp all soueraigntie in Flaunders and Artois, and all other places or peces which themprour possessed: and that on the other side, themprour should resigne and giue vp to him all the right, title and quarrell which he preten­ded to any place possessed by the French men, and especially the townes and Ca­steldomes of Perone, Mondidier, Roye, the Counties of Bolleyne, Guynes, and Ponth­ievv, with other townes standing vpon the one & other shore of the riuer of Somme: That there shoulde be betweene them a league and confederation perpetuall for the defence of their estates, with obligation to ayde one another when nede requi­red, with fiue hundred men at armes, and ten thousande footmen: That themprour should promise to giue in mariage to the king the Lady Eleoner his sister, whom as­sone as the dispensation should be obteined from the Pope, he shoulde contract or handfast with words obligatorie for the present, and afterwards she should be ledde into Fraunce to consummat the mariage at the same time that according to the ca­pitulations the ostages were to be deliuered: That she should haue for her portion two hundred thousande crownes, with Iewels according to her estate, the one moy­tie of the money to be payed within sixteene monethes, and the other halfe in one yere after: That a mariage should be made betwene the Daulphine and the daugh­ter of the king of Portugall, daughter to the Lady Eleoner, at suche tyme as their age woulde suffer: That the Frenche king shoulde do all that he coulde to induce the auncient king of Nauarre to giue vp to themperour the rightes of that kingdome, whiche in case he woulde not perfourme, then the king not to ayde him with any succours: That the Duke of Gueldres and the Counte of Zulff and the principall townes of those estates, shoulde promise with sufficient securitie, to giue them­selues to the Emperour, after his death: That the kinge shoulde giue no succours to the Duke of VVittenberg, nor likewise to Robert de la Marche: That he shoulde furnishe and rigge for themperour, both when he shoulde passe into Italy, and two monthes after beeing so required, twelue gallies, foure shippes, and foure gallions, all well municioned and appoynted, except men of warre, and the sayde vesselles to be rendred three monthes after accompting from the daye of his embarking: That in place of tharmy by lande which the king offred for Italy, he should pay him two hundred thousande crownes in money, the one halfe within sixtene monethes, and the other halfe within a yere after: And that at the time when thostages should be deliuered, he should be bounde to giue billes of exchaunge for the paye of sixe thousand footmen for six monthes immediatly after themprours ariual in Italy: That he should also furnish for his seruice fiue hundred launces payed, with a band of ar­tillerie: That he should saue harmeles themprour of his promise made to the king [Page 963] of Englande by pensions which the Frenche king should paye to him, the a [...]erages whereof amounted to fiue hundred thousande crownes, or els to deliuer so much in ready money to themprour: That they should both ioyne to besech the Pope to cal a generall councell with all speede to thende to consult vpon an vniuersall peace a­mongest Christians, to aduaunce an enterprise agaynst the infidels and heretikes, and to graunt to all the Croisade for three yeres: That within sixe weekes the king should restore the Duke of Burbon in moste ample forme, into all his estates, goodes mouable and vnmouable, and frutes and reuenues receyued: not to molest him for any thing past, nor constrayne him to dwell or go to the Realme of Fraunce: That it should be lawfull to the sayde Duke of Burbon to demaunde by the waye of lawe and iustice, the Earledome of Prouence: That in like sort all those that had followed him should reenter in safetie into their goods and states, and namely the Bishop of Autun and Monsr de saint Valier: That the prisoners taken in the warre should be deliuered on both partes within fifteene dayes: That there should be restitution made to the Lady Margaret of Austrich of all that she possessed affore the warre: That the Prince of Orange should be set at liberty with restauration to the principality of Orange, and all that he possessed by the death of his father which had bene taken from him for following the faction of themprour: That the like should be done to other Barons: That there should be made restitutiō to the Marquis of Salusse of his estate: That the king assone as he ariued in the first towne of his Realme, should ratifie this capitula­tion, & be bound to procure the Daulphin to ratifie it whē he should come to the age of fourtene yeres: Many were named by common consent, & chiefly the Svvizzers: Onely there was not one of the Potentates of Italy, except the Pope whome they named as conseruator of the accorde, and that more for manersake and ceremonie, then in effect and true meaning: Lastly it was expressed in the sayde capitulation, that in case the king for any occasion, would not accomplish these matters promi­sed, he should returne true prisoner.

This accorde, for the partes it conteyned, brought no small astonishment to all Christendom: for when it was vnderstanded that the first execution therof consisted in the deliuery of the king, all mens opinions was, that being in his liberty, he would not deliuer vp Burgongny as being a member of too great importance for the realme of Fraunce: And except a few who had counselled themprour to it, all his Court had the same iudgement, and namely the Chauncellor, who reprehended and detested the matter with so great vehemency, that notwithstāding he was coommaunded to signe the capitulation according to thoffice of chief Chauncellors, yet he refused to do it, alleaging that in such matters dangerous & hurtfull as that was, he ought not to vse thauthority that was giuen him: neither could he be altred from this opinion notwithstanding the emprour was angry with him: who seing him so resolute in his opinion, signed it himself, & within few days after went to Madrill to confirme thal­liance & make a fundation of amity & goodwill with the king, whom he enterteined in familiar and priuat sort. Great were the ceremonies and demonstrations of ami­tie betwene them: oftentimes they showed themselues together in places publike: and as often did they passe in secret familiar discourses: They went together in one coache to a castell not halfe a dayes iourney from thence, where was queene Eleoner The fr. king marieth them­prours sister. whom the king maryed: And yet in all these great signes of peace and amity, he was obserued with as carefull and strayte gard as before, without any aduauntage of li­bertie: So that he was embrased as a brother, and garded as a prisoner, A matter whiche made manyfest to the worlde, that it was an accorde full of discorde, [Page 964] an alliance without amitie, and that vpon euery occasion their auncient ielousies and passions woulde be stronger in them, then the regarde of that alliance made more by force then friendship.

Many days were spent in these offices & ceremonies of amitie, when was brought from the Lady Regent the ratification, together with the declaration, that with the Daulphin of Fraunce, they would rather giue in ostage the kings seconde sonne, then the twelue Barons: Then the king departed frō Madrill, taking his way to the fron­tier of his Realme, where was to be exchaunged his person for his sonnes who boare very small age: There was sent to accompany him the Viceroy the worker & author of his deliuery, to whom themprour had giuen the Citie of Ast, with other estates in Flaunders & in the kingdome of Naples. At this time themprour wrote to the Pope Themprour vvriteth to the Pope tou­ching the fr. kings deli­uery. a letter of Court, wherein he certified him that in regarde to haue peace, and for the common benefite of Christendome, he had subdued all passions of iniuries & emu­lation, & restoring the French king to liberty, he had confirmed the league of amity betwene them with the mariage of his sister, and seeking to continue alwayes his o­bedient sonne, he had chosen him for conseruer of the peace. Not many dayes after he wrote to him an other letter of his owne hand, which he sent by the same Com­mandador Erraro, who brought him the Popes letter written with his owne hande: This was a letter responsiue indifferently tempered with words milde and gracious, and matter harde and rigorous, wherein he concluded that if Frauncis Sforce were not founde guyltie of the action of his accusation, he will render to him the Duchie of Millan, and touching the tryall of the cause, he referred it to the arbitration of the lawes vnder suche iudges as himselfe would appoynt as his superior: But in case his innocencie were found insufficient, he could do no lesse then in that state to in­uest the Duke of Burbon, to whom the Pope was the cause that he had promised it, aduising him therevnto whylest Frauncis Sforce laye sicke: He added further in this letter to the Pope, that aswell to satisfie him, as to assure all Italy, he woulde neither reteine that Dukedome for himselfe, nor passe it by donation to his owne brother, vnder which testimonie he assured the Pope vpon his fayth that suche was his simple intention the which he desired him to allow and approue, offring to him alwayes his authoritie and his forces as a sonne obedient to the sea Apostolike. By the same Erraro was sent also the aunswere to the particulars of the Article whiche had bene set downe at length by the Pope in fauor of Frauncis Sforce, which them­prour continuing in his first resolution, would not allowe. Themprour sent also by him to the Duke of Sesse the forme of thaccorde as he was determined to do the last time, with authoritie and power to contract if the Pope would accept it: In whiche was expressed that Frauncis Sforce should be comprehended in the confederation so farreforth as he were not founde guiltie in the crime of treason: But in case of hys death or depriuation, the Duke of Burbon should take place in the confederation, and receiue of him thinuestiture for the duchie of Millian: The obligation was confirmed which the Viceroy had made for restitution of the townes holden by the Duke of Ferrara, but vnder condition that the Pope should be bound to passe to him thinue­stiture of Ferrara, and forgiue him the penaltie of contrauenion: A matter contrary to the Popes driftes, who had determined to exact a payne of an hundred thousande duckets, to make payment of the fine of an hūdred thousand which he had promised to themprour, in case that restitution went on: He did not admit thestate of Millan to make prouision of salt of the Church, and touching the collation of benefices in the realme of Naples, he would not be referred to the tenour of thinuestitures, but to [Page 965] the custome and vsage of the kings affore, who in many cases had contemned the rightes and authoritie of the sea Apostolike: And because a treatie had beene made with the Legate, that to remoue the armie out of Lombardie whiche was a great charge to all Italy, the Pope and he as king of Naples and the other potentates of Italy, should paye an hundred and fiftie thousande duckets, and then the sayd army to retyre to Naples, or into some suche place out of Italy as shoulde seeme good to themperour, who sayde he woulde transport it into Barbarie: yea it was added that because there was more due to tharmie then at that tyme, there should be exacted a paye of two hundred thousande duckets: A copie of these Articles was presented to the Pope by the Duke of Sesso and the Commandator Erraro, with protestation that it was not in their power to alter or chaunge one sillable: And yet all other dif­ficulties had easily taken forme, if the Duchie of Millan had bene so disposed as the Pope with the residue had had no cause to enter into suspicion: But in the conside­ration of the Duke of Burbon and the minde he bare, they made this iudgement of him, that he was so implacable an enemie to the Frenche king, that eyther for his suretie or for a desire to enter Fraunce, he would be alwayes most deuout and subiect to themprour, and reteine in himselfe nothing lesse then humors of ambition and desire to be great: They thought that Article to remoue the armie out of Lombardy (so greatly desired of all, and for the which they would haue bene brought to haue aduaunced any summes of money) would be to little purpose, so long as there re­mayned at Millan a Duke, who not onely vpon euery gracious offer or motion of themperour, would be ready to accept the gifte of it, but also for his particular in­terest, woulde ambiciously aspire and thirste after it. In these regardes, the Pope, who for that in thaccorde which the Emprour had made with the Frenche king, was made no particular mention of him, nor of the suretie of thestates of Italye, stoode more and more confirmed in his former opinion, that the ambicion and greatnes of themperour woulde in the ende be his seruitude and thraldome: And therefore he determined not to accept thaccorde in the maner it was offred to him, but to reserue him selfe free vntill he were assured what course the Frenche woulde take touching the obseruation of the peace: In which resolution he stoode so much the more firme, by howe muche besides thapparance and likelyhoodes of it, he had heard by the relation of certayne speeches deliuered by the king affore hys libertie, and spread abroade by some that were familiar in counsell with him, that the king had a mynde altogether estraunged from performing the thinges he had promised to themperour: And the better to confirme the king in that deliberation (his owne suretie also depending vppon it) he sent in poste into Fraunce, Pavvle Vittorio a Florentin and capteine of his Gallies: his charge was to be at the Court at the same tyme the king should aryue, vsing that diligence not onely to know his intention as­sone as might be, but also the king hauing a ready hope to be hable to drawe into league agaynst themprour the Pope and the Venetians, he might take occasion the sooner to resolue himself: It was enioyned also to the expedition of Pavvle, to con­gratulate in the Popes name the kings deliuerie, and to discourse with him at large what he had done to that ende, and howe muche did induce themperours inclina­tion to his libertie, the practises of confederation that were enterteyned with the Lady Regent: Lastely that he shoulde impart with the king the Popes vehement desire to haue an vniuersall peace in Christendome, and that thEmperour and he woulde perfourme together thenterprise agaynst the Turke, who was reapported to make mightie preparations to inuade that yeare the Realme of Hungarie. [Page 966] These were his Commissions apparant and knowen, but this was his direction most substantiall and secrete, that aboue all things he should sounde throwly the kinges inclination, whom if he founde resolute to obserue the resolution of Madrill, then to passe no further, least vaynely he should make his case more desperate with them­perour then before, but if he founde him to haue other thoughtes, and to hang in doubt, that he should labour to confirme him in that disposition, and seruing hys turne of all occasions, he should specially compell him to take that course, giuing him knowledge of the Popes desire to ioyne with him for the common benefite: He dispatched in like sort into Englande the pronotorie Gambaro, to manage the like office with that king, and to the same ende: Besides, he procured the Venetians to sende into Fraunce their secretory Andrevv Rosse, with semblable commissions. As Pavvle past by Florence vpon his voyage, he fell sicke and dyed, by reason of whiche accidēt the Pope sent to performe the legacion in his place, Capui de Mantua, taking it to an yll prediction, that nowe the seconde tyme the Ministers which he had sente into Fraunce to aduaunce those practises, were in the waye intercepted by death. In the meane while making no omission of time nor oportunities, he together with the Venetians, did all that they could to keepe in courage the Duke of Millan, and to en­terteine him in hopes, least the peace of Madrill ledde him not both with feare and rashnes to make some accorde with themprour.

By this time the french king was comen vpon the confiues of Fontaraby, a towne The maner of the deliuery of the french king. apperteyning to themprour, standing vppon the Occean sea, and is a frontyer be­twene Biskay and the Duchie of Guyen: And on the other side, the Lady Regent was aryued with the children of Fraunce, at Bayonne not many leagues from Fontaraby: The tormentes of the gowte tooke her by the waye, which was the cause that she had lingred some tyme longer then the daye appoynted of permutation: But at last, the xviij. daye of Marche, the French king accompanied with the Viceroy and Cap­teine Alarcon with fifty horse, was presented vpon the shoare of the ryuer that deui­deth the realme of Fraunce from the kingdome of Spayne: And on the other side, vpon the shoare opposite appeared Monsr Lavvtrech with the kings children and like number of horse: There was in the middest of the ryuer a great barke made fast with ankers, in which was no person: The king was rowed neare to this barke, in a little boate wherein he was accompanied with the Viceroy, Capteine Alarcon, and eyght others, all armed with shorte weapons: And on the other side of the barke were likewise brought in a litle boate, Monsr Lavvtrech with the ostages and eight others weaponed according to the others: After this the Viceroy went in­to the barke with the person of the king, and all his companie: and also Monsr Lavv­trech with his eyght that accompanied him, so that they were within the barke a like number of both partes, Alarcon and his eyght being with the Viceroy, and Lavv­trech & the others, with the person of the king: And when they were all thus with­in the barke, Lavvtrech fetched out of the boate into the barke, the Daulphin, who being giuen to the Viceroy and by him committed to capteine Alarcon, was foorth­with bestowed in their boate, and after him followed the little duke of Orleans, who was no sooner entred the barke, then the French king leaped out of the barke into his boate, which he did with suche quicknes and celeritie, that thexchaunge or permutation was thought to be done at one selfe instant. Assoone as the king was on the other side of the shore, his newe libertie making him fearefull of ambush, he mounted vpon a Turkishe horse of a wonderfull swiftnes, which was prepared for the purpose: and running betwene feare and gladnes vppon the spurre, he neuer [Page 967] stayed till he came to S. Iohn de Lus, a towne of his obedience foure leagues from the place: And being there readilie relieued with a freshe horse, he ran with the same swiftnes to Bayonne, where, after he had past ouer the offices of Court done to him by his people, he dispatched with greate diligence a gentleman, to the king of En­gland, to whom he wrote with his owne hande letters of his deliuerie, charging the messenger vnder verie louing commissions, to tell the king of Englande, that as he acknowledged theffect of his libertie to be wrought whollie by him and his opera­cions, so, in recompense, he offred to remaine to him a perpetuall and assured frend, and to be guided in all his affaires by his councell: And afterwardes he sent an other solemne Embassage into Englande to ratifie the peace which his mother had made with him as one that reapposed a verie great fundacion in thamitie of that king.

The ende of the sixteenth Booke.

The Pope, the french king, the Venetians, and the Duke of Millan, draw into league against thEm­perour: The Duke of Burbon comes to Millan: The armie of the league breakes vp from before Millan: The castell of Millan is rendred to thimperialls: Many enterprises are dressed against the Pope: The confederats send their armies by sea to Genes: Rome is surprised by the Colonnois, the Pope makes truce with thimperialls which hurteth the deuises of Lombardie: The Duke of Ferrara confederats with the Emperour.

THE SEVENTEENTH BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

NOtwithstanding, the pledge of the two children of Fraunce (of whom the eldest being heire apparant to so great a suc­cession, was one) was added to the oth and faith that passed betwene the Emperour and the frenche king for confirma­cion of the accorde solemnly made at Madrill, and notwith­standing for the full perfection of thassurance, the king had contracted thEmperours sister in his owne person: Yet, by his deliuerie, both straunge for the maner, and seuere for the assurance and pawnes that were enforced, all the Princes of Christendom, drew into no small exspectacion what would be the issue of thinges: And as during his captiuitie, the eyes of men stoode fixed vpon thEmperour, to be­hold vnder what raunsome he would restore him to libertie, so being deliuered they began now to turne all their thoughtes and contemplacions vpon the king, for that they discerned sundrie and great effects, depending vpon his deliberacion either to [Page 968] obserue or not obserue, the capitulacion of Madrill: for, as in obseruing the contract they saw a destinie of present seruitude to hang ouer the regions of Italy, both for the authoritie and greatnes of thEmprour, which went increasing, and for the imbecil­litie of the prouinces to whome was left neither fortune nor vertue, to make head a­gainst so great a course of victory: So in not performing the articles of thaccord, they saw the Emprour would be driuen, either to put vp in forgetfulnes the conspiracies and enterprises dressed against him by the Duke of Myllan, and to restore to him that Duchie, least the Pope and Venetians tooke occasion to conioyne with the French king, by which meane he should stand in hazard to lose the great profits he hoped to reape by his victorie: or els (making his indignacion against the Duke of Myllan, more mighty, together with his desire to haue no impediment of the French in Ita­ly) he should be compelled to assure the accord made with the king, conuerting into certeyne payments of money, all his obligacions and promisses to restore Burgonie: or lastly, neither yelding to the one nor the other, he would be driuen to suffer to be brought against him by so many enemies a warre very greeuous almost by his owne confession, since to auoid it, he was reduced to this straite, to let the king goe with so great a daunger.

But the world stoode not long in doubt of the will and intencion of the French king: for that assoone as he was got into Bayonne, being required by a gentleman of the Viceroys, to ratifie thaccord according to thobligacion of his word being come into a place free and assured, he deferred it from one day to an other interposing rea­sons and excuses generall: wherein to thende to hold still the Emprour in hope, he sent to aduertise him by a man especiall, that he forbare for the present, to accom­plish the ratificacion, not by omission or willing negligence, but vpon this necessitie, that before he proceeded really to such an act, he was to labor to reappease and re­duce the mindes of his subiects ill contented with the obligacions he had made, ten­ding to the diminucion of the crowne of Fraunce: Neuerthelesse, he would in his time, resolue all difficulties and obserue with fidelitie all that he had promised to him, both in substance and circumstance: By this dealing, no lesse doubtfull for the manner, then daungerous in meaning, might easily be comprehended, what were his intencions, the same being more manifestly detected at the arriuall of the Messen­gers sent to him not many dayes after, by the Pope and Venetians, In whome was no The fr. king complaineth vppon thEm­prour. great neede of industrie or labor, to sownd out the plaine coursse of his inclinacion: for, after he had receiued them with many demonstracions and offices of Court, he enterteyned them seuerally and a part with sondry speeches of compassion, such as tended to manifest complaints against the inhumanitie of thEmprour: who he said did neuer administer to him during his captiuitie, any one office apperteyning to the ranke of a Prince, Nor at any time, shewed him selfe touched with that affection and commiseracion which one Prince ought to expresse vpon the calamities of an other, And much lesse would vse any coursse of common comfort, either to relieue the heauines of his condicion with any propertie of apt consolacion, or once to en­ter into consideracion, that the same accident that had falne vppon him, might also be as heauily heaped vppon his owne heade. In this complaint, he alleaged the example of Edvvard king of England called of some Edvvard Longe shanke, To whome when was presented as prisoner Iohn king of the French men, taken by the Prince of VVales his sonne in the battel of Poytiers, he did not only receiue him with greate comfort & compassion of his afflicted case, but also, all the tyme of his impri­sonment, within the Realme of England, he let him go at libertie vnder a free gard, he [Page 969] had daily famillier cōuersation with him, he would oftentymes haue him to accom­pany him on hunting to communicate in the open ayre and solace of the field, and was not curious to call him to eate with him at his table: And by these humanities muche lesse that he loste his prisoner, or raunged him to an accorde lesse fauorable, but of the contrarie, by the operation of those graces and good offices, there grewe betwene them suche a familiaritie and confidence, that the French king, after he had continued many yeres in Fraunce, made a voluntary voyage into Englande, to honor and gratifie vnder that propertie of office, the liberalitie and franknes of the king: He alleaged that as there was onely remembraunce of two kings of Fraunce that had bene taken prisoners in battell, king Iohn and him selfe: So the diuersitie of thexamples was also worthy of singular memorie, seeing vpon the one was exerci­sed all facilitie and mildues of the victor, and to the other were ministred all those rigours and seuerities, which tyrantes in the height and pride of their fortune are wont to vse: That muche lesse that he boare towardes others a disposition eyther more peasible or better qualified, seing he gathered by the construction of his spee­ches vsed at Madrill, that following the humor of his ambition, he employed his thoughts most how to subdue vnder seruitude the imperie of the Church, the potē ­tacies of Italie, & all other Princes of Christendome: In which regard he wished the Pope and Venetians to prouide for their proper safety, wherein he offred him selfe with great affection to be concurrant with them in the quarrell of their common safetie, and to establishe agaynst themprour a straite alliance, not that he intended to reconquer to himselfe the estate of Millan, or otherwise to encrease his puissance, but onely that by the meane of warre he might make recouerie of his children, and reassure the libertie of Italy, seeing the too great couetousnes of themprour had ta­ken from him all cooller and reason of bondes to obserue tharticles of the capitula­tion: A libertie which he insisted the rather for that at the first whylest he was in the Castell of Pisqueton, and afterwardes in Madrill, he had oftentimes protested to themperour for the iniquitie of his demaundes, that if through necessitie he were driuen to compounde vnder conditions vnequall or suche as were not in his power to performe: that muche lesse that he would obserue them, but of the contrarie, ta­king thaduauntage of the iniurie in constrayning him to make promises vnreasona­ble and vnpossible, he would omit no occasion wherein oportunitie were offred, to be reuenged: And that he had not forborne to tell him that whiche of them selues they might knowe, and which he beleeued was obserued in other Realmes, that it was not in the power of a king of Fraunce, to binde him selfe to the alienation of any thing depending vpon the Crowne, without the consent of the estates generall of the Realme: That the lawes of Christians did not beare, that a Prince made pri­soner by the accident of warre, should be deteyned in perpetuall prison, A punish­ment proper for malefactors, but not rigorously executed agaynst such as had bene persecuted with the crueltie of fortune: That no man doubted, that all obligations made by constraynt in prison, were of no vallue, and that as suche capitulations were of no force, so likewise the fayth which was but the accidentes, and the con­firmation of the same, coulde not be bounde: That the othes whiche he had made at Rheines, where the kings of Fraunce are consecrated with so great ceremonie and with the sacred oyle, were first, by the which he was bounde according to the pre­cedent and custome of all other kings of Fraunce, not to make alienation of the pa­trimonie of the Crowne: That for these reasons he was no lesse free then ready to moderate thinsolencie of themprour, and ryse vp agaynst his ambicion: Wherein [Page 970] the kinges mother made apparance the same desyre, together with his sister, who taking vpon her in vayne a long iourney to goe into Spayne, complayned grieuously against the rigour of thEmperour, and the seuerity of his Court, and namely such as were most familiar with him in councell: for end, the king affirmed that if commis­sions and directions were once addressed from the Pope and Venetians, it should not belong ere the league were accomplished, which he said were best to be negociated in Fraunce, to thend to draw in with more facility, the king of England, in whom they showed to haue a great hope.

This was the discourse of the speeches which the king held with them, being in like sorte assured and confirmed by the vniuersall inclinacion of those that gouerned him: but in secret, his thoughts were farre others: for, albeit he had no disposicion to deliuer vp Burgongnie to thEmperour, yet he bore a minde farre estraunged to moue warre against him, onlesse he were compelled by great necessity: Only he ho­ped that in laboring to be confederate with thItalians, thEmperour, to auoyde so great a gulphe of difficulties, would be induced to conuert into obligacion of mo­ney, the article of the restitucion of Burgonie: In which case, not one regard touching the matters of Italie, should stay him from couenaunting with him, for the desire he had to retyre and reuoke his children.

These Agents of the Pope and Venetians, made speedie relacion of the hopes and good inclinacion which they founde in the frenche king, and that at a time, when were much increased in Italie, both the necessitie and occasion to confederat against the Emperour: This was the necessitie: The Duke of Millan in the beginning of the seege, partly by the fault of his officers, and partly for the shortnes of time, had be­stowed within the castell, a very small proporcion of vittells, and yet the store he had prouided was more immoderatly exspended, then men reduced to so hard tearmes, are wont to do, for which cause (hauing notwithstanding the straitnes of the seege, good meane to wryte out of the castell) he gaue knowledge of his wants, which if they were not remedied by the next moneth of Iune, he shoulde be constrained to giue him selfe vp to the discression of the Emperour: And albeit it was beleued that (according to the custome of suche as are beseeged) the Duke set downe a greater want and scarcetie of vittells then in deede there was, yet there were many reasons to perswade that the store coulde not be sufficient for any long time: And to suffer the castell to fall into the handes of thEmperour, was a matter that made more hard the recouering of that state, besides that it would increase not a litle the reputacion of thEmperour: But it seemed not that thoccasion was the lesse increased, seeing the people were reduced to the last dispaire: for, as the Emperour sent no money to the armie, to the which many payes were due, and lesse meane to leauie any in a­ny other place: So the Capteines to stoppe as well as they coulde all course of mu­tinie amongest the souldiours, had bestowed all the regimentes of the men at armes and light horsemen, in seuerall places of the countrey, taxing euerie towne rate­like with bands & numbers, & compelled the townes to compound for money with the Capteines and with the souldiours: A taxacion executed with such excesse, that it was assured by the credible informacion of many that had priuity with the affaires of that state, that the Duchy of Millan paied euery day to thEmperours souldiours, fiue thowsand duckats, of which came to the priuat purse of Anthonie de Leua, thir­tie duckats dayly: By thexample of the horsemen, the bands of footemen, that were dispersed in seueral lodgings within Millan & other townes, were insolent vpon the owners of the houses wherin the lay, whom they cōstrained not only to make proui­sion [Page 971] of al things which they thought meete for their feding & clothing, but also ma­ny of them being lodged in one house enforced the seruice of the good man for the prouision of them all: And such houses as had not meane to feede them, were cō ­pelled to compownd with them for money at their owne rate: And as it often fell out that one onely souldier had to him selfe a whole house with absolute commaū ­dement of all, so, he taxed to furnish him of money, all the residue, except him whōe he vsed in the prouision of his dyot: This miserable condicion exercised with so great crueltie, made desperat the whole inhabitants of that Duchie, and namely the townesmen of the city of Myllan, to whom had bene nether custom nor precedent, before the entry of the Marquis of Pisquairo, to be charged eyther with vittells or contribucion for the lodging of souldiours: Their custom in times of warre before, ronning in a coursse of greater humanitie and facilitie, made the yoke of this inno­uacion more heauy to them, In which respect, looking into their owne estate, both to be mighty in numbers and armes, and remembring the lawe and obligacion of their freedom and libertie, they beganne to murmure as men not able any longer to endure so great insolencie and moste greeuous exactions: And therefore to make some honest way to be deliuered, or at least to reduce them to some comely mode­racion, the towne of Myllan sent Embassadors to thEmprour, who brought from him no other expedicion then words generall, and that without any remedie to their afflictions: The towne of Myllan principally and ouer and besides all the o­ther townes of the Duchy, being charged according to his proporcion with a grea­ter number of souldiers then the other townes, was also taxed to prouide money for expenses publike such as were set downe by the Capteines for the conseruacion of thEmprours things: the Ministers of which exaction proceded with no lesse rigour and seueritie then the others: for remedy of which aggreuances, since by solicitaci­on they could neither be easied nor pitied, the people pushed on with the impressi­ons of men in a desperate state, determined to resist with their weapons in hande those fore exactions which the iniquitie of the warre had layed vppon them to eate them vp: They gaue order that whosoeuer were oppressed by the cruelty of the ex­actors, The inhabi­tants of Myl­lan rise vp a­gainst the im­perialls. should call vpon his neighbours to come to his defence, who, together with the vniuersall multitude of all the residue, should ronne at the commaundement of certeine chieftaines assigned in many partes of the citie, to resist the furie of the Of­ficers and represse the insolencie of the souldiours that should rise in their fauor: Af­ter this order and direction was established amongest them, the first experience sell vppon a Marchant of retayle, who being vexed by the Collectors of the exactions, stirred vp for his defence, his neighbours, who calling to the alarme a great part of the populars, the whole towne was forthwith in a tumult: which, by the diligence of Antho de Leua, and the good office of the Marquis of Guast, and other of the prin­cipall gentlemen of Myllan, was eftsoones reappeased: But vnder this condicion and promisse, that the Capteines had assured the people to rest contented with the pub­like reuenues, and would not laye vppon them other imposicions, nor bringe into the towne other bands of souldiers: This was an accord but for a very short tyme, since it endured no longer then till the day following: for, the people hauing aduer­tisement that new regiments of souldiers approached neare the towne, they fell a­gaine into armes, but both in a greater tumult, and better gouerned, and with a grea­ter assistance of the people, then the day before: yea, what with the rage of the po­pulars, which in their furie is daungerous, and what with their well ordering of the vprore being taught by thexample of the daye before, The Capteines fearing not to [Page 672] be hable to resiste so great a furie, were vpon the poynt to goe out of the towne with their bandes: A matter which in deede the humor of their feare had drawne them to do, if the people with a setled resolution had marched on to be reuenged of them and their souldiours: But as in tumultes and popular vprores there is alwayes some­thing of imperfection, and that aswell by the propertie of the action which holdeth of disobedience and rebellion, as by the ignorance of the leaders, who for the most parte haue more passion then reason: So first of all they wente without all order or skill to sacke the olde Court, a place where laye the Capteine of Criminall iustice with certayne bandes of footemen, making their beginning with that which should haue bene the laste acte of their execution: A matter whiche gaue no litle life and aduauntage to thimperiall Capteines, who in that oportunitie omitted not to for­tefie their straytes and places of accesse, and reuoking from the siege the most parte of the footmen that kept the Castel enuironed, they assembled al into one strength, to make head agaynst the people if they offred to inuade them: By that occasion the besieged within the Castell made a sally out to set vpon the ramparts caste on that side within: But when they saw the people made not on to their succours, they retyred eftsoones into the Castell, leauing vnperfect the enterprise which with due execution would haue done muche to haue established their libertie: The people, partly for want of experience in actions of warre, and partely for the care of the pil­lage they had made at the olde Court, did not onely omit to do that which apper­teined, but also began to breake and seperate them selues, euery one beeing more mindefull to preserue the praye he had made, then to followe further the victorie which their fortune offred to them: By which occasion the Capteines of the army, concurring the ayde of certayne gentlemen of the towne, reappeased eftsones this tumult, with promise to leade out of the towne and contrey of Millan, all the soul­diours except those bandes of launceknightes which helde the Castell besieged: In this sort the Capteines and men of warre, by their pollicie and industrie, quenched a daungerous fyre which the furie of the people had kindled in their rashnes, and rightly skorned their disorders and ignorance to manage armes and weapons, er­rours which familiarly do followe a communaltie drawne into mutinie, hauing no leaders of experience and vallour: But by these appeasementes and accordes, all intelligences were not broken, and muche lesse layde downe the armes of the peo­ple, but retayning still many tokens of a disposition to stirre vp a greater emotion, it seemed that who so euer would take vpon him to trouble thaffayres of themprour, neede not want a fitte occasion, considering principally both the small forces and other great difficulties which thimperialls had, and also that in the laste warres, the wonderfull vallour of the people of Millan, and of other townes expressed in their fauor, had bene a great fundation for the defence of that estate.

These were the tearmes and estate of the affayres of Italy, when were brought out of Fraunce the reapports of the ready disposition and offers of the king, together with his request for the sending of Commissions: And at the same time thembassa­dours of the king of Englande resident with the Pope, laboured to induce him by reasons and perswasions to deuise howe to moderate the greatnes of themperour, and to encourage the Frenche king not to obserue the capitulation: By reason of which inducementes accompanied with thauthoritie and inclinations of their prin­ces, not onely the Venetians, who in all times and in farre lesser occasions had giuen counsell to take armes, but also the Pope, notwithstanding his harde disposition to enter into that trauell, iudged nowe that by necessitie he was to reduce and gather [Page 973] together the summe of all those discourses, and no more deferre to take some deli­beration: The reasons which in the monethes before had made him inclined to the warre, were not only the selfe same in nature & property, but also were more migh­tie and of greater consideration: for as themprour for his part, by howe muche the practises and treatises had bene holden out in tract & longues of time, was apte and hable to discouer what intentions the Pope bare agaynst his greatnes: So the Pope tooke occasion by the contentes of the accorde which the emprour had made with the french king, to enter into a iust suspicion not to be hable to obteyne of him any reasonable conditions, & that he had a secret resolution to proceede to oppresse the residue of Italy: Wherein the daunger was more apparant then euer, for that the ca­stell of Millan beeing not hable to holde out any long time, stoode almoste vpon the poynt of rendring: He was also prouoked with the consideration of newe iniuries redoubled by the Imperial capteines, who since the capitulation of Madrill had sent to be forried vpon the territories of Plaisanca and Parma, certeine ensignes of Italian footmen, suche as executed vpon the places many insolencies and domages: And when the Pope complained of their oppressions, they made him aunswere, that they were drawne thither of their proper authority, for that there was no pay distributed in the army: He was likewise incensed with matters happly more light and frayle, but taken in the worse part, as often cōmeth to passe in suspicions & quarels which ‘haue this in propertye, to take nothing in good that is not agreable to the humor of their will and liking, and to turne all things to blame that hath no corespondency with their owne intentions & meanings: For as themprour had published in Spayne, certayne Edictes pragmatike agaynst the authority of the sea Apostolike,’ by vertue whereof his subiectes were forbidden to treate of causes of benefices within his realmes: So vnder that warrant a Spanish Notary tooke boldnes euen in the court of Rome and in the Chamber of audience, to commaund certen men in themprours name, to desist to pleade any more in that Auditory: And also it did not only seeme that by the deliuery of the french king, the knot was vnfastned which had bound e­uery man in doubt that the French men, to haue agayne their king, would not sticke to abandon the league: And withall it was well discerned that the societie and pre­sence of the kings person was of farre greater importāce for the enterprise, then the felowship of his mother and the generall gouernment: But also there were seene other farre greater occasions: for as the cōmotion of the cōmons of Millan seemed to draw with it a matter of great consequence, so by the penury of vittels that passed generally ouer al that estate, it was thought it could not be but a great aduantage to set vpon thimperials, before they fell into the oportunity of the haruest to reuittell and refurnish their strong places: and before necessity compelled the castell of Mil­lan to yeelde: and before themprour had time to sende into Italy newe supplyes of men, or releeue them with prouisions of money. Moreouer there fell into consi­deration, that the French king, in whom for the memorie of things past, was greate likelyhoode of distrust agaynst the Pope, and nowe finding not in him a zeale and forwardnes to make warre, would eftsones resolue to obserue thaccord made at Ma­drill, or else to reconfirme it of newe: And it was not doubted, that so great forces both by sea & land being conioyned in one, together with sufficient meanes to con­tinue for long time thexspences of the warre, that the conditions of thēpror stāding both abādoned of al other princes, & made naked of al store of mony, would be farre inferior in the warre: Only there was one scruple to the contrary, caused by a feare that the frēch king to redeme his childré, would not leaue abādoned the other cōfe­derates, [Page 974] according to the doubt that was had of the gouernment of Fraunce at such time as the king was prisoner: And yet there was estemed great difference, for that in taking armes against themprour with so many good occasions, there was so great hope to recouer them by force, and the action to succede with so great a reputation of the king, that he would haue no reason to open his eares to any accorde particu­lar, which would not only bring infamy to him, but also would be preiudiciall to hys affayres, though not for the present, at least in time to come: for that it could not but be a matter most daungerous for the realme of Fraunce, to suffer themprour to dis­pose of Italy according to his owne arbitration: of which reason did likewise follow, that he would not fayle to make sharpe warre vpon him, since it could not be but a naked Counsell, in confederating agaynst themprour, to depriue him selfe of the re­couering of his children by thobseruation of the accord: And yet on the other side, to lay apart all things by the which he might hope to redeeme them gloriously by armes: Suche as made their discourses in this sorte, considered happly more that which reasonably he ought to do, then they looked with iudgement into the na­ture and discression of the French men: A fault wherein men do oftentimes fall, in matters of deliberations and iudgementes that are made of the disposition and will of others: Perhappes also they did not sufficiently consider, howe much Prin­ces that are culpable, who of their proper inclination do oftentimes preferre vtilitie affore fidelitie, are easily perswaded the semblable of other princes: And that therefore the French king suspecting least the Pope and Venetians woulde be­come negligent and carelesse of his interestes, when by the conquest of the duchie of Millan they should stande assured of the power of themprour: would iudge that the longnes of the warre would be more profitable to him then the victorie, as a meane more easie to induce themprour to restore his children vppon some newe composition, beeing already made wearie of the long trauelles and exspences of warres. So that partely by the reasons affore rehearsed making deepe impression in the minde of the Pope, but more for repentance that he had stande an ydle be­holder of the issue of the battell of Pauia, and somewhat for that he was reproched by euery one of tymerousnes, and lastely for the common murmure of all his Court and of all Italy, who caste in his teeth, that by his faulte the sea Apostolike toge­ther with the whole estate of Italy were reduced into so great daungers: He deter­mined in the ende, not onely to enter confederation with the Frenche king and the residue, agaynst themprour, but also by hys labour and solicitation, to aduaunce and pursue it to speedy conclusion: In which good inclination, he was pushed on partely for the other regardes, but principally for this, that in tyme might be ad­uaunced the prouisions for the reliefe of the Castell of Millan, before the extremi­tie of famine compelled them to reappose more in the mercy of thennemies, then in the remedie of their friends: That necessitie was the cause of all the aduersities which followed: for that otherwise the Pope proceeding more slowly (vpon whose authority the Venetians depended much in this action) had exspected if themprour being moued with thinobseruation of the French king, would not propounde for a common surety, those conditions which had bin set downe before, specially when he should see him self constrayned to take armes: And being not compelled to show to the french king so great a necessity, he had easily obteyned of him aswell for him selfe as for the Venetians better conditions: And it had bene without doubt that therby tharticles of the confederation had bin better set down & particulated, toge­ther with more assurāce of thobseruatiō, & that the warre had not begon but that the [Page 975] Svvizzers had stirred, and all the prouisions necessary had bene ready: and lastely the king of Englande might happly haue bene drawne into the confederation, with whom for the distance of places, there was no leasure to negociate. But for that by the daunger of the Castell of Millan, the Pope and the Venetians sawe that cele­ritie was of greate importance, they dispatched with speede (but secretely) com­missions to their seuerall Agentes, to goe thorowe with the confederation, where­in they were enioyned to followe almoste all those Articles which had bene deba­ted before with the Ladye Regent of Fraunce, the more to hasten thexpedition: There were sent dayly aduertisementes of the necessitie of the Castell, which made the Pope enter into consideration, That where as it was necessarie for that the high waye from Rome to the Court of Fraunce was stopped, to send his messenger & cor­riers by a long circuit of way through Svvizzerlande, and where he thought that in the action of capitulation might fall out some difficultie which necessarily might drawe some intermission and tract of time, it might happen that they might stand so long vppon the conclusion of the confederation, that if tyll then the Castell were deferred to be reskewed, there were daunger least the succours would come to late: for which consideration importing almoste the effect and substance of the whole, he called to consulte of the present perill, the Venetians, by whose counsell toge­ther with thimportunate solicitation of the Agentes of the Duke of Millan resident at Rome and at Venice, and concurring also the counsell of many others of his factiō, they resolued to prepare a sufficient force to giue reskew to the Castell, to thende to be ready to employ them assone as the conclusion of the league were come out of Fraunce, and in the meane while to giue hope to the people of Millan, and to nou­rishe many practises whiche they enterteyned in the townes of that state: They made then a resolute conclusion that the Venetians shoulde sende the Duke of Vr­bin to their frontiers towards the ryuer of Adda, accompanied with their men at armes, and six thousande footmen Italians, and the Pope to sende to Plaisanca, the Count Guido Rangon with sixe thousande footemen: And for that it was necessarie to so great a warre, to haue many numbers of the Svvizzers, of which nation the Duke of Vrbin counselled to leauye twelue thousande for the assured obteyning of the victorie, who also aduised the Pope and the Venetians, that not to disclose them selues so muche agaynst themperour so long as they were not assured that the league was made, it were not good to sende out their Agentes to leauye the Svviz­zers, they gaue care to Iohn Ia. de Meditis of Millan, who of a Capteine of the rocke of Mus, had made him selfe lorde of the place, partely by a knowledge he had of the situation and fortresse, and partly by the occasion and fauour of the time running: he tolde them that many monethes before, he had practised to that effect with many of the Svvizzer Capteines, and did offer vnder an imprest of sixe thou­sande duckets, to make discende an armie of sixe thousande Svvizzers, whiche should not be leauyed by the decree of the Cantons, but particularly, and then to procede to furnish their paye, assone as they were discended into the duchy of Mil­lan: So that as it often hapneth in enterprises which of the one side are estemed ea­sie, and on the other side are pressed with the shortnes of time, the offer of this man was accepted by the Pope and the Venetians, being also approued by the Agentes of the Duke of Millan, and by Ennia Bishop of Verula in whom the Pope reapposed wholly for matters of the Svvizzers, for that he had long time followed the so­licitation of those affayres in the name of the Church, and in that action had lyen many moneths at Bressia by his direction, & was at that time with the Agent of the [Page 976] Venetians, where he treated continually with many of that nation: In like sorte they harkned at Venice to Octauian Fregosa Bishoppe of Loda, who offring to make an easie leauie of many numbers of that nation, had immediatly his expedition (with­out communicating with the Pope) for Svvizzerlande to wage sixe thousande, in the same sorte and at the same rate of payes: Of which deuises, both yll vnderstan­ded and worse ordered, was bred (as shall be recited in his place) a beginning to put to confusion the enterprise, which was dressed with so great hope.

Whylest these preparations were in hande in Italy, themprour beginning to en­ter into suspicion for the delayes that were interposed to the ratification, dispatched into Fraunce the Viceroy of Naples and Capteine Alarcon, to be fully informed of the kinges intention, who was nowe gone from Bayonne to Congnac: The Viceroy had stayed all that whyle in the towne of Victoria, hauing with him the ostages and the Queene Eleoner, to thende to present them to the king assoone as he had accomplished the contentes of the capitulation: And albeit the Viceroy was re­ceyued with very greate honor, both for that he was Embassador from themprour, and also the king acknowledged in him and his working, a great parte of his deliue­rie, yet he found the king wholly estraunged and farre of to leaue Burgongnie, some­times taking his excuse vpon the obstinacie of thestates of the Realm whose consent he coulde not obteine: and sometimes alleaging that willingly he neuer passed a promise, which for that it was very preiudiciall to the Crowne of Fraunce, it was impossible for him to obserue: Onely in respect of his great desire to enterteyne the league of amitie begonne with themprour, and to giue perfection to the ma­riage promised, he sayde he was contented, obseruing all other couenantes be­tweene them, to paye vnto him two millions of Crownes, in place of the re­signation of Burgongnie: To which excuses he added, that no other thing induced him to confirme with this moderation the accord made at Madrill, then an inclina­tion he had to continue in good intelligence and correspondencie with themprour, the rather for that he wanted not the working of offers and motions from the Pope, the king of England, and the Venetians, to incense him to the warre: Which answere comprehending his last resolution, the Viceroy signified to themprour the message, being accompanied with one of the kings secretories, to confirme the same: By this it hapned that notwithstāding the commissions from the Pope & Venetians so much desired before, were now come to the Court, yet the king bearing a more inclination to haue agrement with the Emprour, and in that regard had determined to exspect his answere vpon the new offer wherin the Viceroy had giuen him some hope, began openly to defer the cōclusion of the cōfederation, not altogether dissembling (since it was impossible to hide it) that he solicited a new accorde with themprour, which being propounded by the Viceroy, it was a matter which could no way do hurt to be vnderstanded: Besides, he assured thē (notwithstanding he had other intentions) that he would neuer make any conclusion which should not conteine the restoring of his children, the release of the duchy of Millan, & vnfayned prouision for the suretie of all Italy: An alteration of it selfe sufficient to consume the Pope, if for his impressi­ons of suspicion & feare, he had not iudged that the onely remedie for his affayres, was to confederate him selfe with the French king. But it is not to be douted with Themprour ill contented. what discontentment and perturbation of minde, the Emprour receiued the newes of the Viceroys aduertisementes, confirmed by the relation of the secretory of the french king: for, as it brought no little griefe to him to fall frō the hope he had to re­couer Burgongnie, a matter which he vehemently desired aswell for thaugmentation [Page 977] of his glory, as for thoportunitie of that prouince: So his indignation seemed redou­bled, for that the french king by finding euasions to shift off his promises and fayth giuen, made manifest declaration to all the world that he reiected & despised to per­forme the thing he had promised: But the thing that bred most torment in his mind, was a certayne shame & reprouing of himselfe, for that both contrary to the coun­sell of all his Nobles, and agaynst the vniuersall iudgement of all his Court, and also contrary to the prediction or foreshowing of the countrey of Flaunders related to him by the Lady Margaret his Aunt, and by all his Agentes and officers in Italye, he dyd not measure with better reasons and more maturitie of counsell, the impor­tance and condition of affayres, but lulled simplye in the humor of affection, per­swaded him selfe that the Frenche king would obserue thaccorde: And as amidde these impressions and varietie of thoughtes, he had diligently cast alwayes that con­cerned his dignitie, and foreseene in what tearmes of daunger and difficulties his affayres woulde stande at all assayes: he determined to alter no one ioate of that ar­ticle or chapter whiche spake of the restoring of Burgongnie: no he rather resolued to accorde with the Pope, and to consent to the reintegration of Frauncis Sforce, as though it had bene more agreable or comely for him, to pardon a prince lesse then him selfe, then by yeelding to the will of a king ambicious and puissant, and en­uious of his greatnes, to make as it were a voluntary confession of feare: wherin his passion caryed him into this resolution, to haue rather a most dangerous warre with euery one, then to remit the iniurie receyued of the French king: for he feared least the Pope seeing his amitie contemned, was not wholly estraunged in minde from him, wherein his suspicion was augmented by the aduertisement he receyued, that besides the Pope had sent into Fraunce a particular messanger to congratulate with the king, he had also sent publikely an Embassadour: But muche more dyd he sus­spect, for that he had newely taken into his paye, vnder cooller to assure agaynst the Mores the sea shoares of the Churche, Andrea Dore with eyght gallies vnder the pay of thirtie thousand duckets for enterteinment, and pensions for euery yere: A matter which, both for the qualitie of the man, and for that neuer heretofore the Pope had any thought to make him selfe strong vppon the sea, and also because Andrea Dore had bene many yeres in the pay of the French king: made him enter into suspicion least that practise were subborned of intention to trouble thestate of Genes: For these reasons he prepared him selfe to endure all accidentes, and leauyed at the same tyme many prouisions of warre, bothe to offende and defende: He solicited the passing of the Duke of Burbon into Italye, who made but slowe preparation to that expedition, before he gaue order to that ende, that the se­uen gallies which laye at Monaco in Italye, shoulde be brought about to Bar­celonia to be ioyned with the residue, and that there shoulde be sent to releeue the necessities of Italy, an hundred thousande duckets, for that without them the go­ing of the Duke of Burbon woulde serue to nothing: He dispatched to the Pope Don Hugo de Moncado, with commission (as he sayde) to satisfie hym: But his di­rections were to passe firste by the Courte of Fraunce, to thende that learning of the Viceroy if there were any hope that the kinge woulde obserue, that eyther he should passe no further, or if he did, that he should chaunge his instructions & com­missions according to the state and necessitie of affayres: But to euery good coun­sell that was giuen to the Pope, was opposed the daunger of the Castell of Millan, which being almost consumed with want of vittels, he had great feare least it would be rēdred to thenemy: he was also timerous that by some meane were not cōtracted [Page 978] a newe accorde betwene the Frenche king and themprour: he was vncertayne of that which might be wrought by the comming of Don Hugo, whose legation was made so muche the more suspicious, by howe muche he was to passe firste by the Court of Fraunce: And he was ielouse of the dissimulations and conninges that would be vsed when he should be passed into Italy: In which regard the Pope toge­ther with the Venetians, soliciting with great instance the conclusion of the confede­ration, the king at laste began to harken with better inclination to the resolution of the League: Wherevnto he was induced partely for that he did vnderstande by the comming of Don Hugo, that themprour would alter nothing of tharticles of the ca­pitulation, and partely through feare that if he should deferre further the action of confederation, the Pope would be caryed into newe counsells: he iudged also that by this confederation his affayres should stande in better estate of reputation with themprour, in whom feare might happly plye or moderate the rigour of his mind: And lastely he wanted not thincitations of the king of Englande, who more with perswasions and reasons then with effectes and sounde meaninges, seemed to fauor that conclusion. This league was cōcluded the tenth day of May in the yere a thou­sande The Pope, the fr. king, and Venetians make league together. fiue hundred and six, at Congnac, betwene the kings Counsell deputies for the king on the one parte, and the Agents of the Pope and Venetians on the other part: That betwene the Pope, the french king, the Venetians, and the Duke of Millan (for whom the Pope and the Venetians assured the ratification) should be a league and confederation perpetuall, to thende to repossesse Frauncis Sforce freely of the Du­chie of Millan, and restore to libertie the French kinges children: That the League should be signified to the Emprour, to whom was graunted power to enter into it within three monethes, vpon condition to redeliuer the kings children, receyuing a competent raunsome, such as should be arbitrated by the king of England: which condition also was extended to leaue wholly the duchy of Millan to Frauncis Sforce, and the other potentates and estates of Italy, as they were affore the laste warre be­gan: That for the deliuery of Frauncis Sforce nowe besieged within the Castell of Millan, and for the recouery of that estate, a present warre shoulde be made with eight hundred men at armes, seuen hundred light horsemen, and eight thousande footemen for the Popes parte: and for the Venetians, the warre to be furnished with eight hundred men at armes, a thousande light horsemen, and eight thousand foot­men: for the Duke of Millan foure hundred men at armes, three hundred lighte horsemen, and foure thousande footemen: this proportion to be furnished assoone as he should be hable, and in the meane tyme the Pope and Venetians to accomplish for him: The French king to sende immediatly into Italy fiue hundred launces, and so long as the warre should endure, to paye to the Pope and to the Venetians fortie thousande crownes monthly, whiche money was to be employed in the leauie of bandes of Svvizzers: That the French king should immediately open the warre a­gaynst themprour beyonde the Mountes on what side he should thinke most con­uenient, and that with an army of two thousande launces, and ten thousande foot­men, with sufficient numbers of artilleries: That the French king should arme xij. light gallies, and the Venetians thirtene, at their proper exspences: That the Pope should ioyne to those gallies, that proportion of Nauie with the which he had en­terteyned into his paye Andrea Dore: That the charges should runne in common touching necessary shippes for the sayde armie by sea, with the which they should addresse their course to Genes: That after themprours armie in Lombardie were ey­ther vanquished or weakned, they should mightily inuade the kingdome of Naples [Page 979] aswell by lande as sea, which being once conquered, the possession and inuestiture should be transferred to which of the confederates it pleased the Pope: And yet in an article seperate was set downe that the Pope could not dispose of it without the consent of the confederates, only there was reseruation made of the tributes & con­tributions which aunciently were vsed to be payed to the sea Apostolike, together with one singular estate of forty thousande duckets of reuenue, to gratifie whom it pleased the Pope: That to thend the French king were certayne, that by the victo­rie to be obteined in Italy and the conquest of Naples, might be made easie the deli­uery of his children: that if the Emprour in that case would within foure monethes after the losse of that kingdome, enter into the confederation vnder the conditions afforesayd, the kingdome should be rendred to him: but if he would not accept that power to reenter into the league, then the french king should take and enioye the yerely and perpetuall rent of that realme: That the french king should not at anye time, nor for any cause, molest Frauncis Sforce for the duchy of Millan, but should be bound together with the others, to defende him agaynst all men, and to do what he could to introduce betwene him & the Svvizzers a new confederation: Onely the king should receiue of him yerely and perpetuall tribute, such as should be set down by the arbitration of the Pope and Venetians, and that not to be lesse then fiftie thou­sande duckets: That Frauncis Sforce should take to wyse suche a Lady of the blood of Fraunce, as it should please the king to prouide for him, and should be bounde to enterteyne as apperteyned, his brother Maximilian, in place of the yearely pension which he receyued of the king: That the king should reenter into the Earledome of Ast: That if Genes were recouered, the king to reteyne the same estate of superiority which he was wont to do in times past: and that if anth. Adorne who then was duke there, would compounde with the league, he should be receyued so farreforth as he woulde acknowledge the French king for superior, in the same sorte and manner as Octauian Fregosa had done a fewe yeres before: That all the confederates should demaunde of themprour the deliuerie of the children of Fraunce, and if he refused to restore them, that it should be denounced to him in the name of them all, that the League would do all that they coulde to haue them agayne: That assone as the warres of Italy were finished, or at least the Realme of Naples taken, and thempe­rours armie so weakned as there was no feare of it, all the confederates should be bounde to ayde the Frenche king agaynst themprour beyonde the Mountes with a thousande men at armes, a thousande fiue hundred light horsemen, and ten thou­sande footemen, or else with money in place of men, at the kinges choyse: That not one of the confederates without the consent of the others, might not contract with the Emperour, to whom it should be permitted in case he would enter into the confederation, to goe to Rome to take thimperiall Crowne with suche a trayne of men as shoulde not be feared, the same to be rated by the Pope and Venetians: That thoughe anye one of the confederates were taken awaye by death, yet the league shoulde stande good and absolute: That the kinge of Englande should be protector and defender of the league, to whome was lefte power to enter into it: And in case he woulde enter, there shoulde bee giuen to hym in the Realme of Naples, an estate of thirtie thousande duckets of reuenue, and an other of tenne thousande to the Cardinall of Yorke, and that to bee leauyed eyther in the same Realme or in some other parte of Italy: The Pope woulde not suffer the Duke of Ferrara to be comprehended within the confederation, notwithstanding the french king and the Venetians did greatly solicite it: yea he procured that the confedera­tion [Page 980] should beare (though vnder generall words) that the confederates shoulde be bound to ayde him to recouer those places, for the whiche the sayde Duke was in contention with the Churche: Touching the Florentins, there was no doubt that they were not effectually comprehended in the confederation, for that the Pope made his reckoning not onely to serue his turne with their men at armes and their forces, but also to reduce them concurrant with him, yea euen to make thē susteine the greatest burden of the exspences of the warre: But, not to hinder the traffike and entercourse which that nation had with the subiectes of themprour, as also not to put in daunger their Marchantes and factors, they were not named vnder the tytle of confederates: Onely it was set downe that they should enioy all the exemp­tions, priuileages, and benefites of the confederation, as if they had bene expresly comprehended, the Pope assuring for them that they should be in no sort agaynst the league: There was no prouision nor nomination of the Capteine generall of this armie and warre, for that by the shortnesse of the tyme they had no leasure to bring into counsell and election vppon whose shoulders they shoulde laye so great a burden, both for the authoritie and qualitie of the man, and the confidence that euery one had in him: Neither was it easie to finde out suche a man, in whose per­son were concurrant so worthy conditions.

The League beeing thus contracted, the Frenche king who had not as yet alto­gether withdrawne his minde from the practises whiche he enterteined with the Viceroy of Naples, both deferred to ratifie it, and to beginne to make to marche his companies of men at armes, and also to sende the fortie thousande ducketts for the first moneth, vntill the ratification of the Pope and the Venetians were accompli­shed: And albeit suche an intermission was not a litle troublesome to them, yet be­ing pressed by their necessities to pursue their purpose, they dispatched the ratifica­tion, and entred immediatly to giue beginning to the warre vnder the tytle that they would reskew the Castell of Millan: In which action the Pope, who had before sent to Plaisanca, Guido Rangon generall of the Church armie with his companies of men at armes, and a strength of fiue thousande footemen: sent thither of new with other regimentes of footmen and the men at armes of Florence, Vitello Vitelli their Capteine and gouernour, together with Iohn de Medicis commaunder ouer the Ita­lian infanterie: He created Frauncis Guicciardin at that tyme president of Romagnia, his lieftenant generall ouer the armie and ouer the whole iurisdiction, induing him with most ample and almoste absolute power: The Venetians on their side encrea­sed their armie which remayned at Chiara in the contrey of Bressia, ouer the whiche was constituted capteine generall the duke of Vrbin, and for their treasorer was ap­poynted Peter Pezero: Both the one & other armie had one direction, which was to endomage the imperialls, and to inuade them without deferring or suffring for any respect. In this meane while was aryued at Millan Don Hugo de Moncado, who albeit the league was still kept from the knowledge of the Viceroy and him, yet distrusting by the kings aunswers, that matters could not be reduced to the contentment of themprour, he had followed his way into Italy: and there carying with him into the Castell of Millan the pronotorie Carraccioll, he labored to assure the Duke of the fa­cilitie and clemency of themprour, seeking to perswade him to referre him selfe to his will: But the Duke made aunswere, that in regarde of the iniuries which them­prours Capteines had done to him, he was driuen to haue recourse to the Pope and Venetians, without whose priuity and participation he could not dispose of him­selfe: Don Hugo put him in hope that themprours intention was, that the crimes that [Page 981] were charged agaynst him, should be summarily viewed & examined by the prono­torie Caraccioll, who was a prelat of great confidence with the Duke: A course which he sayde themprour tooke, rather to restore vnto him his estate with a better con­seruation of themprours reputation, then for any other occasion: and yet he would not consent that the siege might be first leauied, nor promise to innouate any thing according to the instance of the Duke. It was beleued that the authority and power which themprour gaue to Don Hugo was very ample & large, the same extēding not only to enhable him to contract with the Pope according to the reintegratiō of the duke of Millan, but also his cōmission bare to compound with the duke alone, taking assurāce that being restored to his estate, he should do no act preiudicial to thaffaires of themprour: Only this cōmission was vnder limitation according to the trayne of times and necessity, So that Don Hugo considering into what extremity was reduced the castel, & that to compound with the duke profited nothing the affaires of them­prour, but instrumentally or as a meane to establish thaccord with the Pope and the Venetians, iudged it would be a matter vnprofitable to contract with him alone. Af­terwards Don Hugo & the Pronotory caused to be brought from Monce, Moron, kept prisoner within the rocke of Trezzo, the same being for this cause that the Pronoto­rie who was to be iudge of the cause, should take his information of him. Immedi­atyle after this, Don Hugo tooke his way from Millan to Rome, hauing first written to Venice, that they should send sufficient authority to their Embassador at Rome to ne­gociate & debate of thaffayres occurrant: Beeing come to Rome he was brought to the presence of the Pope together with the duke of Sesso, to whom he declared with braue words, that it was in his election to accept eyther peace or warre, for that thē ­prour, notwithstanding by his good intention & inclination was not estranged from peace, yet he was neuertheles both in courage & in preparation ready disposed both to the one and to the other. Wherevnto the Pope aunswered generally, and com­playned that what for the harde tearmes which the Emprours officers had vsed to him, and the very late arriuall of Don Hugo, he stoode now bound to others, where afore he was in his owne liberty: They returned to him the next day, signifying that themprours intention was to leaue wholly the duchy of Millan to Frauncis Sforce, so farreforth as the castell might be consigned into the hands of the pronotorie Carrac­cioll, vntill for themprours honor there were examination made of the cause, though not to the bottome & substance, yet in apparance & by ceremony: That also them­prours intention was to put ende to the quarrels betwene him and the Venetians by some reasonable and comely meane, & to withdrawe his army out of Lombardy with the payes which had bene treated vpon at other times: And that in counterchange and recompence of all these, he demaunded no other thing of the Pope, then that he would forbeare to interpose betwene him & the French king. To these proposi­tions the Pope aunswered, that he doubted not that all the world had not taken suf­ficient knowledge, how carefully he had alwayes desired to kepe amitie with them­prour, & that he had neuer demaunded greater things, then those which themprour himselfe did willingly offer him: Matters which could not be more to his content­ment, for that his desire was always greater to the cōmon benefite, then for his pro­fite: That still he continued in the same inclination, though there were giuen to him many occasions to fal from it: Neuertheles that he heard now with a greater griefe of mind the matters which were offred to him by accord, then he had heard them at suche time as they were denyed him, An alteration which had not proceeded of his fault, but of the slownes of themprour deferring so long to resolue: By which oc­casion, [Page 982] ioyning also that there was neuer brought vnto him any hope of the assu­rance of the common affayres of Italy, and seeing in the meane while the perill of the castell of Millan, he had bene constrayned for his owne safety, and for the com­mon interest of others, to ioyne confederation with the french king, without whom he had no power to determine any thing. This was the constancy of the Pope veri­fied with many other replications & circumstāces tending to assure his faith giuen: Agaynst the whiche after Don Hugo had in vayne obiected his reasons and induce­ments, he departed from Rome ill contented with the Popes aunswers: By whose ex­ample also all the imperiall capteines fell to murmure, for that the hopes of peace being cut of, they saw things tende to a manyfest warre, which both for the might and power of the league, and for their owne extremities and disorders, they suppo­sed it would be very heauy for them to susteine.

About this time the Popes lieftenant surprised a packet of letters written by Ant. de Leua to the Duke of Sesso, by the whiche he gaue him aduertisement of the yll disposition of the people of Millan, and touching their affayres, there was no other remedie then the grace of God: He also intercepted letters written from him & the Marquis of Guast, to Don Hugo after he was gone from Millan, wherein making ear­nest solicitation to aduaūce the peace, they insisted greatly to know forthwith what would ensue of the negociation, not fayling with words of great compassion to re­commend vnto them the daunger wherin their liues stoode, and the perillous con­dition of themprours army: But there was not so great assurance in the mindes of those that were to dispose of the forces of the league, as the feare was great ioyned with incertentie of resolution amongst the imperiall capteines: for the Duke of Vr­bin, who for the title he had of Capteine generall ouer the Venetian army, & also for his singularity of estate, authoritie, and reputation aboue the others, managed in ef­fect the absolute gouernment of the whole army: he esteemed happly more then was conuenient, of the vallour of the Spaniards & launceknightes, and doubted no lesse of the vertue of the Italian souldiors: In which distrust he had resolued in hys mind, not to passe the riuer of Adda, if he had not at the least in the army a strength of 5000. Svvizzers: And fearing also least the Imperials would passe Adda and set vpon him, if only with the companies of the Venetians he passed the ryuer of Oglio, he made instance that the army of the Church which was then at Plaisanca, passing ouer the ryuer of Pavv beneath Cremona, might marche to ioyne with the Venetiās, and so in one mayne strength to drawe neare the riuer of Adda, and vpon the shores of the same in some place of strength, to attende the comming of the Svvizzers: who contrary to their custome and nature were slowe to discende, beeing lette with many impedimentes & difficulties, the rather for that the charge to leauy them was vndiscretly committed to capteine Mus and the Bishop of Loda: of whom as the Bi­shop being a man full of humors of vanitie & lightnes, was not apte to manage that busines as apperteined, So capteine Mus according to his couetousnesse sought chiefly to possesse him selfe of one parte of the money that was sent to distribute in imprest to the souldiours: And for other respectes neyther of them bothe caryed suche authoritie with that nation, as vnder so small a quantitie of money, to make leauy of so great a number, and that with that speede which the necessitie of the ser­uice required: Besides, thexpedition was corrupted by the imperfection of the parties, the one beeing caryed with ambition, and the other with vanitie, and they both more disposed to respect their interests particular, then to obserue the generall cause of the seruice: Agaynst this action also the French Agents that lay in the con­trey [Page 983] of Svvizzerlande opposed some difficulties, for that they neyther knewe what will and inclination their king bare to it, nor whether it was contrarie or conforma­ble to his intentions: for not by omission or forgetfulnes, but willingly and expresly they had fayled to aduertise the king of that expedition, following happly those counsels which oftentimes seeming very discrete and well raunged, are found in the ende very suttle and fallible: for Albert Pio the kings Embassador resident with the Pope, had signified to them, that if the king vnderstood before the conclusion of the league, of the direction giuen to make a leauy of Svvizzers, there would be daunger least he would defer longer to conclude, for that it semed to him euery way that the warre against thempror had bin begon without him, by the Pope & Venetians. Thus for the long tarying of the Svvizzers, was forslowed one of the most principall and most mighty fundations layd for the reskew of the castell of Millan, notwithstanding both the Bishop and capteine Mus gaue daylye moste certaine and present hopes that they would be speedely at the campe. But when the capteines Imperiall sawe that the warre was prepared openly, and that their former doubtes & secret coniec­tures were now resolued & turned to manyfest assurance, they determined, least at one time they were trauelled with enemies both within & without, to stande assured of the people of Millan, who rising euery daye more insolent, did not onely denie to answere all those prouisions that were demaunded vpon them, but also accompany­ing their disobedience with fiercenes & blood, they fayled not to make slaughter of the souldiors in the city, when they found any single or seperat from his felowes: So that the capteines Imperiall taking occasion of the disorders that were done in the towne, required that certaine heades & chieftayns of the populars should depart the city of Millan: which demaund could not so easily be disgested, but that the cōmons beginning to draw into tumult, there was a new slaughter made of certen Spaniards going alone in the stretes: And to meete with that mischiefe before it proceeded to greater degrees, Anth. de Leua & the Marquis of Guast, after they had secretly drawne neare to Millan their forces, & denoūced to the people that they were now no more bound to thaccord made certen daies before, they gaue the alarme to the tumult by killing in their presence foure of the cōmons who would do no reuerence to thē in passing by them: and then issuing out of their lodginges with a trowpe of launce­knights, they gaue occasion to the cōmons to sound their alarme: But as in al popu­lar ‘cōmotions there are many errors, & the people for the most part more rude and obstinat, then skilful to order a fight, runne in their ignorance to their owne destruc­tions with cries & showtes:’ So notwithstāding in their first fury they had forced the olde court & the grosse towre of the Bishoprike garded by many Italians: yet partly by their own disorders, & partly by the importunity of certen shot bestowed in pla­ces of aduantage which the Spaniards had furnished before, many of them fighting in their wilfull humor of liberty, founde wretchedly at one instant the priuation of their life & liberty together: In so much as their disorders & feare encreasing by e­quall degrees, and their latest perills hastning with a desperate swiftnes, for that the launceknights were vpon poynt to put fire into the next houses, besides the calling into the citie the regimentes of Spaniards attending the token or signe to be giuen by the capteins: the commons in their last feares offred to parley with thimperials, wherin they agreed that their leaders & many other persons of suspect, should go out of Millan, and that the popular multitude should depose armes & submit themselues to the obedience of the capteins imperiall: who for their partes receiuing the con­ditions, made hast to reappease & cease the tumult before the regiments of Spanish [Page 984] footmen entred within the towne, fearing least both partes being in armes, it would be hard for them to gouerne or bridle the fury of warre, or to restraine the souldiors in that readynes, from sacking the towne: A matter which they doubted, & yet were loth it should happen, aswell for feare least the army being made riche with so great a booty, would not grow into corruption and great diminucion, as also considering what want of money and other difficulties they might suffer in the warre, they iud­ged it a pollicy more profitable to preserue the citie in which they might long nou­rish the army, then in one day & in one fury, to consume the force and liuely spirite which it had. Thus it seemed that the affayres of the league proceded not with that prosperity which men in their imaginations had promised in the beginning, bothe for that there were many difficulties in the discending of the Svvizzers, and also the ‘fundation of the people of Millan was shaked and quayled: But as there is no estate or condition of worldly things,’ which is not full of vncertenties and casualties, so by a new accident that hapned, both their reputation was eftsones restored, & the faci­litie of victory made both more great and more apparant, then before. In so great a discontentment or rather a last dispaire of the duchy of Millan, there was entertei­ned for certayne monethes by the working of many persons, sundrye intelligences and practises of innouation, almost with all the townes of the Duchy: Amongst the which, one succeded to good effect in the citie of Loda, being managed by the Duke of Vrbin and treasorer of Venice, with Lodovvike Vistarin a gentleman of the same Citie: who what with the impression that he had bin an auncient seruant to the house of the Sforceis, and with the inducement of compassion ouer the calamities of his contrey, being no lesse rudely delte withall by Fabricio Maramo Colonell of xv. hundred footmē Neapolitains, then Millan was by the Spaniards & launceknights, determined to help into the towne the Venetian regiments notwithstanding he was in the paye of thimperials: But he assured and the Duke confirmed it, that he had before, both demaunded and obteyned his leaue to go away, taking his excuse vpon this reason, that he was no longer hable to enterteine without money the bandes of souldiors which were committed to his charge. This was the order & direction of Loda surpri­sed by the Venetians. the enterprise: That vpō the xxiiij. day of Iune by night, Malatesta Baillon with three or foure thousand footmen of the Venetians, should about the vanishing of the day, approche the walls of the citie on that side where was a certayne bastillion, to thend to be receiued in by Vistarin: who a litle before, with two others that accompanied him, being come neare the bastilliō which six souldiors garded, as it were to search, & being folowed with some others of his faction whō he had hidden within certen houses thereby, he leaped vpon the bastillion, and began to fight with the souldiors that garded it: for albeit he had pronounced before the watchword according to the custome of warre, yet the souldiors being doubtfull of treason, were come to hand­strokes with him, when others running by the brute of thalarme that was made, the bastillion was in great daunger to be recouered by the fury of the fray wherin Lodo­vvike was hurt: But as he was almost reduced to the last necessitie, Malatesta aryued with his bands, & skaling the bastillion by the helpe of their ladders, they entred the towne which they had so long desired: by which entry both by force & intelligēce, the alarme running through the towne, Fabricio Maramo prepared himself to go to the walls with a great part of his souldiors, but cōming to late to the reskew of that which was already lost, he was constrayned for his safety to retyre into the Castell. Thus the towne was surprised, and the most part of the souldiors that were lodged in sundry places of the city, were stripped & made prisoners. A litle after the Duke [Page 985] of Vrbin arriued with one part of his regiments, who to make his approches the bet­ter, was marched the day before, to lodge at Oragno vpon the riuer of Oglio, which he passed the same night by the fauor of a bridge made in hast, & vnderstanding of the entry of Malatesta within Loda, he passed also vpon a like bridge, the riuer of Adda: and after he had bestowed a greater garrison within Loda for the better defense in case succours should be ministred by the meane of the castell, he returned immediatly to the army: But assone as the knowledge of this accident was come to Millan, the Mar­quis of Guast with certeine troupes of light horsemen, & a strength of three thousand spanish footmen amongst whom was Iohn of Vrbin, made with great celerity to Loda, & hauing without impediment, bestowed his bands of footmen within the castel, by the benefit of whose scituaciō, he might enter with sauety by a way naturally couered & defended, without daunger to be annoied with shot cōming from the flanks of the city: he made a sodaine irruptiō into the city by the castel, & got to the market place, where the forces that Malatesta brought with him and the succours that came after­wards, had made their strength or place of defence, & put diuerse houses vnder gard, together with the streete that led to the gate by the which they were entred, to thend they might be hable to retire and issue with sauety, if it hapned that thimperialls be­came maisters: The fight was valliantly performed for the beginning, which vallor if it had continued in the Spaniards, the iudgement ran that they had recouered Loda, for that the Venetian souldiors declined no lesse to cowardise thē to wearines: But as in surprises, when thenterprise commeth to an execution, distrust is for the most part greater then confidence, & feare farre aboue resolucion & assurance, so the Marquis of Guast, either for that he found a greater number of souldiors then he had esteemed in the beginning, or for that he had a conceit that the Venetian army was at hand, re­tired presently from the fight, & returned to Millan after he had furnished the castell with a garrison: Immediatly after this skirmish the Duke of Vrbin came againe to Lo­da, making no litle glory that without staying, he had passed his army ouer two great riuers by the benefit of bridges: and the better to assure the victory, he resupplied the regiments that were within Loda, to thend to make the better resistance in case then­nemies would returne to recouer the thing frō the which they had bene repulsed: he caused artilleries to be planted roūd about the castel, the better to assure the seege & cut of the reskewes that might be sent, neuertheles the defendāts both for their small exspectacion of succors, the meanes of their releefe being cut of, and lesse hability to defend the castell which for his small circuit was not capable of many men, left the castell abandoned the night following, being receiued by certeine horsemen sent frō Millan for that purpose. This cōquest of Loda hapned very cōueniently & gaue great reputacion to the affaires of the league, both for that the city was well fortified, and bare a name to be one of those which it was thought thimperialls would defend to the last: from Loda the victors might march without impedimēt, euen to the gates of Millan & Pauia, for that those cities bearing a scituacion in triangle, are twenty miles one from an other, for which cause the imperialls dispatched with great expedicion xv. hundred launceknightes to Pauia: Moreouer the league had won the passage of Adda, which before was supposed to be very troublesome, all impediments were re­moued that might hinder all the armies of the league to ioyne together, all meanes taken away to succour Cremona, in which city lay in garrison, Capteine Couradin with xv. hundred launceknights, and the enemies depriued of place apt to trauel and vex the state of the Church & the Venetians: Insomuch as the common opinion of the whole army was, that if they aduaunced with speede according to their fortune, the [Page 986] imperials could not but be reduced into great perplexity & cōfusiō: But the Duke of Vrbin was of an other iudgemēr, holding it an enterprise of great peril to draw nere to Millan without a great strēgth of Svvizzers: & yet for that he would not discouer to others that which he reteined in his secret opiniō, he was cōtented to seme to do the thing he intēded not, & in that resoluciō marching slowly, & reapposing alwaies one day at the least in euery lodging, he determined neuertheles to giue time to the discē ­ding of the Svvizzers, hoping that within few daies they would be with the army: yea he had so great exspectaciō of their cōming (notwithstāding by thexperiēce of their long tract & deferring, there was great dout) & reapposed such assurāce in their val­lour, that onles they came, he contēned al mocions & inducemēts to action & enter­prise what reason or property of likelyhoode soeuer they bare. After the conquest of Loda, the church army marching to S. Martin within iij. miles of Loda, it was resolued there by cōmon councel, that after the ij. armies, that is to say thEcclesiastikes & the Venetias had soiorned there one day, they should draw the next day towards old Lo­da, about v. miles frō Loda, where it is writtē that Pompey builded Loda, & so taking the high way that leadeth to Pauia, they pretēded vnder that marching, to threatē Millā & Pauia, a deuise to hold thimperials in greater feare & suspēce: the same day the armies Ecclesiastike & Venetian ioined together in the field as they marched, being almost e­qual in nūbers of footmen & cōteining in all, few lesse thē xx. thousand: only the Ve­netians exceded thē in nūbers of men at armes & light horsemen, & in prouisions of artilleries, municions with al other necessary habillemēts of war: The day following they reapposed at old Loda, where the Capteines taking councell for the disposing of their marching, determined that hereafter the armies shoulde keepe along the high way, the better to auoide the incōmodities of the contry, which out of the high way is full of ditches & risings & other impediments to marching: One reason also of fol­lowing that way, was the facility to giue succours to the castell by the oportunity of the way that leadeth towardes the gate of Coma, rather then by the way of Landriano which turneth to the gate of Verceill by the which was greater difficultie to lead the army in regard of the quality & disposicion of the contry: & lastly, by the benefit of that way, there was a more safe recourse & traffike for vittels to follow the armies, & more easy for the discēding & receiuing of the Svvizzers who were alwaies to secōd thē & back thē: with this resolucion the army being gathered into one maine strēgth, ariued the last day of Iune at Marignan: where being drawn into coūcel touching the further directiō & disposing of the warre, the Duke of Vrbin perswaded vehemētly to abide the cōming of the Svvizzers, of whose discending he had happily some more assured informacion thē before: he considered that without such a strength and firme backe, it could not but be daungerous to draw neare Millan with regiments of soul­diours vntrained and leauied in hast, notwithstanding there was within the towne of enemies but a very slender strength of horsemen, three thousand launceknights, and but fiue or six thowsand Spaniards footmen, to whose small numbers of bodies were adioyned many discommodities & wants, as lack of money which maketh the soul­diors vnwilling, & very litle prouision of vittells which weakeneth him for the fight, with other impediments much hindring the action exspected in souldiours: But the other capteines were not of his opiniō, for that they iudged that marching in order, and alwaies vsing good skoutes to discouer their camping places for the day before, there could be no daūger to approch Millan, the rather for that the parts of the con­try were euery way so strong and desensible, that without difficulties the army might alwaies incampe in places of surety: They reasoned that it was not likely, that thim­perials [Page 987] would issue out into the field to inuade thē, for that leuing necessarily the ca­stell besieged, & by that occasiō, being not to lead their whole forces out of the town for suspicion of the cōmons of Millan, their nūbers would be too few to set vpon so great an army, which albeit was dressed & cōpounded of bodies new & raw, yet was gouerned by the best experienced Capteines in Italy, hauing withal dispersed in seue­ral bands of the army, many troupes of footmen well disciplined & of good train [...]ur in warre: Besides, albeit they coulde not make their approaches to Millan without daunger, yet to draw neare it, was not without hope to carie the victory, for that the subburbes of Millan being not fortified, but by negligence left open in many parts, it semed not credible that thimperials would stand to defend so great a circuit of place: Of this were discerned already many manifest tokens, for that thimperials vsing smal care to reenforce their subburbes, had turned all their industry to the fortificacion of the towne: Insomuch that if they once abandoned the subburbs & gaue place to the army to lodge there, it could not be reasonable that the towne could long hold out: Not so much for the wants of vittells & money which afflicted their whole army, as for that Prospero Colonno with the other Capteines of knowledge and iudgement, had bene alwaies of this opinion, that with great difficulty could the towne of Millan be kept against an army that was Lord of the subburbes, both for that the Citie is verie weake in walls (the houses of certeine particulars seruing for want of wall in many places) as for that the subburbes haue a great aduantage & cōmaundement ouer the City: To these reasons lastly was added, that they had the castel at deuocion. But not only the estate of this direction or deliberaciō, but also the absolute resolucion of the whole body of the warre, depended chiefly vpon the Duke of Vrbin: for that albeit he was but only Capteine ouer the Venetians, yet the Ecclesiastikes to auoyde conten­cions, had determined to referre themselues ouer to him as to the Capteine generall of the army. Neuertheles notwithstanding these reasons had no power to stirre him to aduance & passe further, nor the vehement instanc [...] ▪ which (by order frō their su­periors) the Popes Lieutenant & the Treasorer of Venice vrged, with whom did con­curre many other Capteines: yet in the end, he considered that if he made any long abode in that place without a better certeintie of the comming of the Svvizzers, it would not be but to his great infamy & challenge▪ therfore after the army had rested two daies at Marignan, he remoued it the third of Iune to S. Donato within fiue miles of Millan, from whence he determined to passe further, though more to satisfie the desire and iudgement of others, then of his proper inclinacion or councells, and he reserued to him selfe this order and intencion, to put alwayes one day betwene the remouing of the cainpe, to thend to giue time to the comming of the Svvizzers, of whom a thowsand discending by Bergama, were ariued at tharmie, and for the others (according to their custome) they sent euerie day messengers to enterteine thexspe­ctacion of their comming, and to signifie that their absence should not be long.

In this sort the fift of Iuly▪ the army passing frō S. Martin which is out of the high way on the right hand, marched on to incampe within iij. miles of Millan, in a place of good strength and surety: where the same day was executed some light action of warre against certeine harquebuziers of the Spanyards who were fortified within a house, & the day following, the campe being at the same place executed some other small exploit of warre, & immediatly after ariued at the campe fiue hundred Svviz­zers led by Caesar Gaulois: heare the Capteines fell againe to councell of the maner of passing further, & albeit the first intention was to march directly to succor the castell of Millan, whose trenches that were cut round about without were not so strong, but [Page 988] that there was great hope to win them: yet, by the authoritie of the Duke of Vrbin whose aduise was at last approued of all the others, not altogether for the sufficiency & soundnes, but partly for the priuiledge and prerogatiue of his place, which caried him to expresse his opinion in councel, & either not to attend the answers of others, or at least in their answers the Capteines durst not impugne his reasons: The armies tooke the way that leadeth directly to the subburbes of Millan, and he alleaged, that for the making plaine of the waies which of necessity must be done by reason of the naturall impediments of the contry, it would be a labor long & not without daunger of some disorder, to lead the armie out of the high way to the reskew of the castell: Both for that they were to show themselues too neare in flanke to thenemies, & also it was to giue thenemy meane to make a greater resistāce, because they would raūge all their forces on that side towards the castell: where otherwise they should be con­strained to remeine deuided for the better resistāce of thenemies, & not to abandon the gard of the castell, & drawing to the gate of Rome, it would be alwaies in the po­wer of the Capteines of the league, to turne easilie on what side they would accor­ding as occasions called thē: According to this councell it was resolued, that the se­uenth day the campe should lodge at Vnfaletto and Pillastrello which are crokings or turnings alōg the high way within shot of cannon, & there to take that course which occasion and proceeding of thenemies should minister: Many were of opinion that thenemies whē they should see the campe so neare them, would not (specially in the night) embrase the hazard to defend the subburbs, both for that the ditches were fil­led vp in many places, & the rampartes cast downe & made plaine & in some places so open & discouered, that very hardly could they preserue their bodies which they brought to defend the place: But the night before the day wherein the army was to aduance, the Duke of Burbon, being ariued a few daies before at Genes with six gallies & bringing bills of exchaunge for an hundred thowsand duckats, entred into Millan accompanied with viij. hundred spanish footmen whom he had brought with him: his comming in such a time of perill, & after so long exspectacion for succour, gaue a new corage to the souldiors that so desperatly lay exposed to the daunger of their liues: By his cōming, being vehemently solicited by the Marquis of Guast & Anth. de Leua, may be easily cōprehended the affected negligence or rather cold disposicion, which the french king had to the warre: for, where the Pope in the beginning when he interteined into his pay Andrea Dore, had consulted with him, with what forces & preparacions thenterprise of Genes should be executed: he tolde him it would be an action very easie so farre forth as it were put to execucion at the time that the warre should be begon in the Duchy of Millan, & that to his eight gallies should be ioyned the kinges gallies riding in the port of Marceilles, or at least that they might be em­ploied to stop the comming of the gallies of the Duke of Burbon: wherein his reason was, that remeining in that sort Lord of the sea with his eight gallies, the City of Ge­nes, hauing the sea shut vp, could not menteine it selfe long, both for the restraint of marchandise, for thimpediment of exercises, and for the cutting of accesse of vittels: And notwithstanding the frenche king protested to stop the comming of the Duke of Burbon, yet it was a promise vaine and ill assured, both for that his vessells were not in order, which hindred thexpedicion, and also the Capteines of his gallies, partely for want of money and partelie through negligence, and happilie of purpose, were very slowly furnished to accomplishe the seruice: The same fault or negligence was also vsed in aduauncing the men at armes appointed to his porcion.

But the ariuall of the Duke of Burbon being vnknowen to the army of the league [Page 989] that was without the resolucion that had bene set downe to aduaunce forward, was The armie of the l [...]gue before Mil­lan. peruerted by the Duke of Vrbin, & that either by some aduertisements which he had receiued from Millan, or by the reapport of some spie: for, leauing the distrust which he had reteined till that day, he assured the Popes Lieutenant in the presence of the Venetian treasorer, That he made an assured reckoning that the day following would be a day of prosperity & happy successe: seing saith he, if thenemies issue out to fight (which he could not beleue) they could not but be ouerthrowen & broken: & in case they did not issue out, he was certeine that either they would abandon Millan the same day & retire into Pauia, or at least abandoning the defense of the subburbs, they would gather themselues into the Citie, which they had no meane to defende after the subburbes were lost: insomuch as he warranted that any of these three accidents was sufficient to make them remeine victors & maisters of the warre: Therfore ioy­ning diligence to the oportunity that offred, the day following being the seuenth of Iuly, they left the lodging appointed for the day before hoping to win the subburbes without resistance, wherein rising in a glorie to surprise them by assault in marching, certeine troupes of their souldiours ran in their insolency, to giue a charge vpon the gates of Rome & Tosa: where, notwithstanding the aduertisements they had the day before & redoubled the same day, that the Spaniards would breake vp and go away, yet they found vaine those relacions, for that the Spaniards affronted them & made head orderly against their disordered charge, not that they ment to make a cōtinuall resistance, but like men of warre showing their faces to thenemies, to retire in order to Millan, rather then to leaue to thenemy that aduantage to say that they found the subburbes cowardlie abandoned: Moreouer by making that resistance, they did not only preserue the reputaciō of their army reteining still in their power to make their retraite alwaies into the City without disorder: But also in the action might happen some occasion to take hart and perseuere in the defense of the subburbes, a matter of right great importance: for that, to make their retire into the towne, was an election to be followed rather by necessity then of will, seing that besides many other reasons if they should restraine themselues into a circuit of place so strait & litle, it would be so much the more easie to the armies of the league to stoppe the entrie of vittels in­to Millan, without which kinde of releefe they could not long hold out, for that the prouisiōs of new corne were not yet come in. Thus certeine bands of harquebuziers being presented to the defense of the two gates, where also the other Spanyardes ceassed not to labor & fortifie cōtinually. The Duke whose opinion was beguiled in that resistance, caused three cannons of battery to be drawne within a crosbow shot of Rome gate, and hauing planted them brauely, he began to execute vpon the gate: In whiche batterie he laboured to leauie or dismount a falconnet, and so made di­scend certeine bands of souldiours to giue thassault, and gaue direction to bring on the skaling ladders: But altering immediatlie his purpose to giue thassault, the mat­ter was turned into light skirmishes of shotte betwene those that were without, and the defendantes that were vppon the rampartes, who fighting at great aduauntage, slewe about fortie of the confederates, and hurte many: In this meane while the gate had felt many blowes of the cannon, though with verie small dammage, for that the cannons being planted farre of, the bullet lost muche of his force by the farre distaunce, of the place, insomuche as no benefite rising by the execucions of the cannons, and no aduauntage gotten by the skirmishe of the shotte, the Duke considering it woulde be verie late to lodge the campe, woulde not suffer the as­sault to be performed, but gaue order to bestow and forrie the campe in that place, [Page 990] which was not done not without consusion, for the shortnes of the time: There was left a reasonable gard for the three Cannons, and the residue of the campe were be­stowed almost full vpon the right hand of the way, euerie one hauing great hope of the victorie, both for that by many aduertisementes and by the relacion of prisoners taken, they had certeine informacion that thimperialls trussed baggage & prepared rather to depart, then to defende the place: To this hope was ioyned also this good happe, that in good time the same euening, there came to the campe sixe Cannons of the Venetians, a releefe muche helping on the comfort and hope of the victorie: ‘But as in worldly things there is no assurance till the end be knowen, and all mortall men and their actions are put vnder an estate of incerteinty and errour according to their constitucion being full of frailtie and imperfection,’ so, not long after, that hope and the glorious imaginacion of the victorie, did not onely chaunge, but also the whole estate of the affaires varied & altered, for that certeine bands of spanish foot­men issuing out almost vppon the beginning of the night to set vppon thartillerie, were repulsed & beaten in by the footemen that had the gard of the same notwith­standing the Duke of Vrbin said that they were driuen in in disorder: Insomuch as af­ter two or three howers of the night were past, he determined without councell to dislodge and retyre the armie, taking his reason for so sodaine alteracion vppon the matter of his hope which he sawe abused, for that he founde resistance at the gates, and defendantes vpon therampartes of the suburbes, and also the feare he had con­ceiued before of the infanterie of thenemies, was in this rashnes of some considera­cion with him: And proceeding in his sodaine passion to execute the matter he had resolued without councell or consent of others, he gaue order to the artilleries and municions to march away, and commaunded the regiments of the Venetians, to pre­pare to depart: Lastly he sent to the Treasorer and Lieutenant, and other Capteines of the Church, to signifie more in speede then with reason, the resolucion he had set downe, perswading them to do the like without tract or deferring: A matter of such astonishment and confusion to either of them, both for the sodainnes being against all order and course of warre, and for the newnes seeming to containe some misterie for that it was cōtrarie to thexspectacion of all men, they went to him to vnderstand more particularlie his inductions and reasons of this alteracion, and to labour with words and arguments to bring him backe againe to his former resolucion: But he in­sisted stil vpon the remouing of the campe, wherein with speeches cleare & resolute, he complained manifestly that contrarie to his aduise & only to satisfie the humors of others, he was cōpelled to approch so nere Millan: which since it was an offence, he told them it belonged to wisdom and good councell rather to correct the fault in time, then by suffring, to let it run out of all cure and remedie: he knew that both for that the armie the day before for the shortnes of the time, had bene lodged confu­sedlie, and for the cowardise of thItalian footemen in the same euening that the ar­tilleries were assailed, if the campe lay there till the day following, it woulde not onely be the destruction of thenterprise, but the ruine of all the state of the league: for, he stoode so assured that they would be defeated and broken, that he held it not reasonable to stande to dispute with any man, seeing that the imperialls the same e­uening had planted a Sacre betwene Rome gate and the gate of Foso which executed in flanke vpon that quarter where lay the Venetian footemen: That the same night they would go on in that oportunity to plant other peeces of artilleries and the day following would sound thalarome, for which cause the armie being constrained to fall into order, should be so annoyed in the flanke by the artilleries, that they would [Page 991] be driuen into disorder, and so vpon the sallie of thImpetialls our of the towne, the whole campe full of passions of feare and disorder would be easily ouerthrowen: That he was sory that both by the shortnes of the tyme, and thimpediments of the municions and artilleries which were farre greater in his armie then in the armie Ecclesiastike, he was compelled to leauy and breake vp affore he had communica­ted with them: But he tolde them that in elections done by necessitie, it was a labor superfluous to alleage excuses: That he had aduentured a greater matter, then euer had done any Capteine, offring as it were in marching to giue an assalt to Mylian, And that now he would take vp and vse discression, and dispaire nothing of the vi­ctorie of the enterprise for the retraite: That Prospero Colonno, happly with lesse iust causes, leauied his seege from before Parma when it was halfe taken, & yet not long after he gloriously conquered the whole Duchie of Myllan: he aduised them for end to beleue his councelland followe it, and not in other weenings to deserre their departings, since [...]e eftsoones assured them with a newe vehemencie of words, that if they stayed there til the rising of the Sunne, their destruction was more certeine then the remedie, and therefore to thend to flee from the storme before the clowde brake, he willed them alwayes with one constancie to returne to their lodgings at Saint Martyn: These speeches borne vp more by thauthoritie of the man then by a­ny reason they brought, were not a litle greeuous to the residue of the Capteines that happly bare an other corage to the warre, and reasonably sawe further into the facilitie of the victorie, and therefore were of a contrary opinion: Amongest whom the Popes Lieuetenant assaying by words and reasons to make him constant whom feare caried into so many variacions, made him aunswer, That albeit there was none amongest them who thought not that his resolucions were made with great forecast and wisedom, yet the Capteines in their experience & tradicions of warre, saw no manifest cause to constraine him to breake vp so suddeinly: he reduced to his memorie the dispayre of the Duke of Myllan, beholding in his calamitie the go­ing away of such as he hoped would haue succoured him, and dispayring to be res­kewed, what could stay him from doing the thinge from the which the hope to be succored by them, had holden him: howe much it would discourage the Pope and Venetians, and what impressions are wont to stirre and moue in the mindes of Prin­ces when enterprises begin to succeede il, especially in their beginnings: Lastly that if the place of their campe, and the ill disposing of it, was the cause of so great a daunger as he pretended, it was easie without depriuing the armie of so great a re­putacion, toremedie it both in bestowing it in some other place with better order, & also in remouing it with such aduauntage, that the sakers planted by the enemies should haue no meane to annoye them: But the Duke confirmed of newe his first conclusion, and added with vehement termes that according to the reason of warre, they could not take any other deliberacion: And lastly he knitte vp that he would take vpon him selfe all the fault, and to lay him selfe downe to all opinions and im­putacions that the world would heape against him for being the Author of the a­ction: And so aduising them not to consume vainely in wordes and reasons, the time which they should employ for their sauetie, he told them that if they were not dislodged before the ende of the night, it would be too late to apply the medicine when the ill was past cure. With this conclusion he dismissed euery one, who retur­ning to their seuerall quarters, euery one prepared to dislodge and make to depart their charge and companies: Amongest whom such bands as laye before, brake vp with such astonishment, that many going almost with demonstracion to be broken [Page 992] and deseated, many bands of footmen and horsemen of the Venetians, disbanded them selues, some of them not looking behind them till they came to Loda: And the artilleries of the Venetians passed beyond Marignan, but being reuoked, they were stayed there: The residue of the bands but principally the arearegard marched a­way in order: And Iohn de Medicis, who with the footemen of the Church was in the last part of the army, would not stirre til it was high day, esteeming it not agree­able to his honor, in place of the victorie so much hoped for, to cary away infamie and imputacion of fleing away by night: A matter which his experience induced him, that he had no neede to doe, because he saw none of thImperialls yssue out of their ramparts to charge vppon the tayle of the army: Onely when they within the towne saw by the benefit of the Sūne & clearnes of the day, how the campe was di­slodged in manner of a tumult, they stoode wondering at the going away of those, whome if they had taried they could not but haue stande in feare of: And yet in the interpretacion of souldiers and martiall doings, they could not imagine the cause of so suddeine alteracion: The infamie of this retrayt was also augmented by this, that notwithstanding the Duke had giuen order that the campe should stay at S. Martyn, yet he sent out a new direction without communicating it, that the campemaisters of the Venetians should leade their men to Marignan, wherein he feared that eyther the ennemies would yssue out to assaile him in his lodging at S. Martyn, or at least that the castell of Myllan, seeing to retyre the forces that were comen, to reskewe it, (A matter more then all other that terrifieth those that are beseeged) would sue for composicion, and resigne by that vile compulsion the holde they had kept so longe with their vallour: In which case because he durst not abide at S. Martyn he iudged it lesse dishonorable to retyre once for all, then to make two retraits in so litle tyme: And in that humor, he caused the artilleries, the baggage, & the foremest regiment of the Venetian army to hold onto Marignan without staying at S. Martyn: of which alteracion when the Popes Lieuetenant demaunded the cause, the Duke aunswered that touching their sewertie he put no difference betweene the one and the other place, esteming S. Martyn as tenable and defensable against thennemies, as Marig­nan, But the cause why he marched further was, for that the bands of souldiers being made weary with the actions of the dayes before, might with good commoditie re­appose and refreshe them selues without receiuing any impediments or vexacions of thennemies: And as the Lieuetenant replyed touching the equall sewertie of the one and other place, that if the campe retyred as farre as Marignan, the hope of suc­cours would be more desperate to those that were beseeged in the castell of Myl­lan, then if the armies stayed at S. Martyn: So the Duke returned vppon him with wordes vehement that so long as he caried in his hands the staffe of commaunde­ment ouer the Venetians, he would not suffer any other to entermedle with his au­thoritie: In which obstinacie both the one and other army with the great dishonor and clamour of all the souldiers, went to encampe at Marignan, exclayming con­trary to the saying of Coesar, veni, vidi, fugi, we are come, we haue seene, and we are ronne away: The Duke determined to remeyne at Marignan, vntill not onely the campe were possessed of the number of fiue thowsand Svvyzzers whereunto were restrayned the promisses of Capteine Mus and the Bishop of Loda, who at the same time that the campe brake vp came thether with fiue hundred, but also till he were furnished of so many other of that nation as would make vp the full nūber of twelue thowsand stronge of those regions: And that for an opinion he had, that because there could be made no more foundacion of the castell of Myllan, it would be im­possible [Page 993] to force the towne, or to reduce it to a necessitie to yeeld for want of vittells and other reliefes necessary, without the action of two armies, and either of them so mighty that of it selfe it might suffice to defend it selfe against all the forces of then­nemies vnited together.

Thus the eight day of Iuly, did retyre from the walls of Myllan, the two armies of The army of the league broken vp from before Myllan. the league, A matter of no small astonishment to many men, and no lesse concur­ring the infelicitie of the prediction, for that the same daye, with the common con­sent of the whole confederats, the league was published at Rome, at Venice, and in Fraunce with ceremonies and solemnities accustomed. In the iudgement of all men of obseruacion or skill, it seemed to hold so litle of necessitie to take a coursse so infa­mous, that many doubted least the Duke of Vrbin were not caried into that delibe­racion by some secret order and direction from the Senate of Venice, who for some ende vnknowen to others might desire to haue the warre protracted: And others were of opinion that the Duke, by the memorie of iniuries receiued of Leo, together with the wrongs which the Pope raigning had done to him when he was Cardinall, and fearing withall least the greatnes of the Pope would put his estate in daunger, could not brooke so suddeine a victorie of the warre, being indifferently caried both with the passion of hatred which is much, and the humor of ielousie which is more: Wherein one thing that gaue him so iust a cause to doubt and feare the Pope, was that the Florentyns held Saint Leo with all the contry of Montfeltro, and that the only Daughter of Lavvrence de Medicis being as yet very younge, reteyned alwayes the Katherine de Medicis. name of Duchesse of Vrbin: Neuerthelesse the Popes Lieuetenant was aduerti­sed by very especial Messengers that the Venetians were not a litle discontented with that manner of retyring, and that they had alwayes solicited that the army might ap­proch to Myllan in hope that the towne might be easily caried: And withall, seeing it was not likely that the Duke, if he had hoped to take Myllan would haue depri­ued him self of a glory, by so much more greate aboue the merit of any other gene­rall in times past, by how much was greater the reputacion and renowne of thImpe­riall armye aboue all others which had bene in Italy many yeares before, of which glory followed almost by necessitie the sewertie of his estate, seeing the Pope, either to auoyd so great an infamie, or not to offend so much the Venetians, would not dare to inuade him: And considering also with diligence the action of all those dayes there: The Lieuetenant iudged it more likely (wherein many others were concur­rant with him in that opinion) that the Duke falne from the hope which two dayes before had nourished him, that thImperialls at least would abandon the subburbs, was returned in that vehemencie to his first opinion, wherein he shewed him selfe to haue a greater feare of the Spanyards and distrust of the Italian footemen, then a­ny of the other Capteines had: And by that meane entring into impressions of dee­per feare, he embrased rashly and confusedly that deliberacion.

This retrait astonished not a litle the Pope and Venetians and made them so much The Pope in great astonishment. the more altered and confused, by how much they were entred into hope and ex­spectacion to heare newes euery daye of the taking of Myllan: But principally the perplexitie of this accident touched the Pope, who neither with money which was farre from him, nor with constancy of mind which was suppressed by his frailtie, was not prepared to endure the traite and longnes of the warre: Besides that aswell at Rome, as in other quarters of his estate, many emotions and difficulties were disclo­sed: for, a regiment of three hundred footemen and certeine cornets of horsemen lying in garrison within Carpy, began to make incursions and very hurtful actions vp­pon [Page 994] all the consynes that apperteined to the Church, obiecting by that meane ma­ny impediments to the passage of corriers and money sent to tharmy from Rome & Florence: An aduersitie which could not be mette withall but by bestowing stronge garrisons within the townes: And the Pope, who was entred into the warre with ve­ry litle store of money, and deepely imbarked into great exspenses, could hardly, both with the money of his owne store, and with the contribucions brought to him continually from Florence to furnish the charges of the warre, make sufficient proui­sions to stoppe them, Being withall troubled with a new enterprise in Tuskane, and constrayned to stand vpon his gard about Rome: for, after Don Hugo and the Duke of Sesso had taken leaue of the Pope and had deposed them selues from the action of their embassage, Askanius and Vespasian Colonno being then reduced within the small borowes of the Colonnoys which are neare to Rome, made many demonstracions to stirre vp some emocion on that side, Many of their factioners and adherents being drawne to a strength within Alagno: And the Pope was driuen to keepe a diligent eye vppon their doings and stirres, aswell for the regarde of the Gebelin faction in Rome, as for that not many dayes before, were discouered against him many signes of the ill disposicion of the Commons: The reason was, for that when he tooke into his pay Andrea Dore, and for the better furnishing of that charge, had raysed and im­proued certeine impostes vnder coller to assure the seas of Rome against the foystes of the Moares by whome the traffique and wealth of the citie was greatly hindred, the Butchers refused to pay their part of the taxacion, assembling in manner of a tumult affore the lodging of the Duke of Sesso not as yet departed from Rome, And by their example all the Spanyards that were within the towne, ranne thether in armes: Neuerthelesse this tumult was easily appeased. About this tyme, the Pope stoode in doubt if he should enforce thenterprise to alter the state of Syenna, for that the councells of such as were about him, differed and were of diuers humors: for, some reapposing confidence no lesse in the great number of the exiles then in the confusion of the gouernment popular, perswaded by many reasons that thinnoua­cion and chaunge of the state would be an action of great facilitie, wherein they ledde him on in this propertie of well liking, that in that tyme it would be a matter of great importance to assure him selfe of that estate: for that in all accidents that might happen, the entry which the enemies might make that way, might be very daungerous for the affayres of Rome and Florence: But others induced him, that it were farre better for him to addresse all his forces into one place onely, then to in­tangle him selfe with so many enterprises with a very litle or none at all alteracion or diuersion of the principall effects: for that in the ende such as remeyned maisters in Lombardy, would become Commaunders in euery place: Lastly they told him he was not to lay such a foundacion of confidence vppon the forces and trayne of the exiles whose hopes in the ende would be found vayne, as to set vppon the mutacion of that state without making of mightye and stronge prouisions, suche as was very hard for him to accomplishe, aswell for the greatnes of thexpences which in enter­prises draweth the deepest care, as for the want of principall Capteines, whome he had already sent to the warre of Lombardye. It may be these last perswasions had pre­uailed more with him if those that gouerned within Sienna, had proceeded with that moderacion which in affayres of small importance the inferiors ought to vse to­wards their superiors, hauing more regard to necessity then to a iust discontentment: for, thus it hapned, There was one Iohn Baptista Palmier Capteine within Sienna of an hundred footemen for the citie, who hauing of long time before, giuen hope to [Page 995] the Pope that in sending his bands of souldiers to the towne, he would put them within by a sluce or gutter that passed vnderneath the wall neare to a bastillion: And by his direction the Pope hauing sent to him two footemen men of assurance and credit, to one of the which Iohn Baptista gaue his enseigne to beare: The Magistrats of the citie with whose priuitie he enterteyned this practise and abused the Pope, caused these two footemen to be apprehended, against whome after they had pro­ceeded by way of accusation and iudicially condemned them with publicacion of the conspiracie, they passed them to the execucion of manifest death to thende to slaunder the Pope as much as they could: Moreouer they sent certeine bands of their souldiers to beseege Iohn Martynozze one of the exiles dwelling in the contry about Syenna: all which things done as it were in despite of the Pope, incensed him with the fury of a mind iniuried, to aduenture to restore all the exiles within Sienna with his owne forces & the strength of the Florentyns: But as the general prouisions were more weake then apperteyned to the action of such an enterprise, & especially the numbers of footemen: So also the vallour & authoritie of the Capteines recom­pensed nothing the weaknes of the army, ouer the which he instituted as chiefe cō ­maunders Virginio Vrsin Count of Languillaro, Lodovvyk Count of Petillane & Iohn Fran. his sonne, Gentill Baillon & Iohn Sassatello: who making their muster at Centyna & drawing along the riuer of Arbyra so much renowmed for the worthy victorye of the Gebelins against the Guelffes of Florence, approched the walls of Sienna about the xvij of Iuly with nyne peeces of artilleries, twelue hundred horse & more then eight thowsand footemen, almost all leauied in the state of the Church & Florentyns, or at least all sent without money to the exiles by their friends, from Perousa & other pla­ces: And at the same time Andrea Dore with his gallies & a thowsand footemen sent to him in supply, made inuasion vppon the hauen of the Siennoys: But in this, their hope was deceiued, that when the forces approched neare the walls of Sienna, they within made no signe of tumult, by which disappointment they were constrained to setle in campe & beseege the towne, in which was a strength of six hundred horsemē & three hundred footemen forreyners: And as the enemies made their approches to the gate of Camollia, and began on that side to batter the wall with their artilleries: So, the citie being strong by situacion, & wel fortified with rampars, & for the circu­it so great that the army enuyroned but the lesse part of it, They found the inhabi­tants disposed with firme resolucion to defende the gouernment that then ranne, wherein their hatred against the Pope & Florentyns caried them more vehemently, then the affection they bare to the exiles: And of the contrary in the army that be­seeged them, the souldiers hauing no pay made to them, were litle profitable to the seruice, And the Capteines hauing no reputacion in armes, were also in ciuill diuisi­on amongest them selues together with the exiles, who varied notonely vppon the prouisions & daily councels, but also contended for the forme of the future gouern­ment, seeking to impart and deuide being without, the thing which could not be e­stablished but by such as were within: for which condicions after they had made a vaine battry vppon the wall and had no harts to goe to the assault, they began vnder those signes of dissolute dealing, to haue a very slender hope of the victory.

In these times the difficulties of the confederats increased in Lombardy: for, not­withstanding the regiment of fiue thowsand Svvizzers leauied by Capteine Mius & the Bishop of Loda, were at last come to the armye: yet for that the Duke of Vrbin held them not a number sufficient to execute the enterprise of Myllan, there was ex­spectacion of an other proporcion of that nation which they had sent to require of [Page 996] the Cantons in the name of the French king: They hoped the Cantons would not be hard to accord those leauies though not for other hope, at least to deface the ig­nominy of the battel of Pauya, And that for the same reasons the bands of souldiers would agree to goe to the warre with a ready corage, specially in so great a hope of the victorie: But as in that nation who not many yeares before for their vallour & for the authority they had won, had no small oportunities to get a very large dominion or iurisdictiō, There was now no more neither the same desire of glory, nor any care of the interests of the cōmon weale: So, of the contrary, hauing their minds ouerca­ried with incredible couetousnes and appetites of gaine, they gaue them selues ouer as to the chiefest end & honor of the exercise of warre, to returne to their houses lo­den with money & bootie: In which humors, the generall Cantons harkning to the solicitacions of warre, as marchants do in bargaines & marting, either publikely ser­uing their turnes of the necessitie of others for their owne profit, or els hauing amō ­gest them many men whose mindes were vendible & corrupted, They did either ac­corde or refuse to depart with souldiours according to the working of those endes: And by their example the chiefe & special Capteines, being labored to be entertei­ned into pay, did rise so much the higher & made their demaunds so much the more intollerable, by how much they saw that Princes & cōmō weales had neede of their seruice: In regard of these reasons, the french king summoning the Cantons accor­ding to the articles of the contract, to ayde him with men, who by common consent were to be paid with the forty thowsand duckats which the king deliuered out of his treasor: The general Cantons after many coūcels & deliberacions, made him aūswer according to their custō, that they would not agree to any leauies or mooster of sol­diours, onles the king made them first contented of all the arrerages of their pensiōs which he was bound to pay by yearely reuenue: which summes being great, & hard to be satisfied in a litle time, the kings agents were cōstrained to enterteine capteines perticular & yet not without leaue & authoritie of the Cantons, who graūted such power not without great difficultie: A course which besides the long tract & consu­ming of time which could not be but daungerous for the present estate of affayres, did neuerthelesse not succeede neither with that effect nor that reputacion, which it would haue done if the consent & authority of the Lords of the Cantons, had con­curred. Vnder this occasion no lesse slaunderous to the Duke of Vrbin, then hurtfull to the general proceeding of the warre, the Imperials who in this meane while were dispensed with from all vexacion of thennemies lying idlely at Marignan, turned all their diligēce to fortifie Myllan, Not the body of the city as they did in the beginning of the warre, but the rampars & bastillions of the subburbs, which they did no more distrust to be able to defend: for that by howe much the reputacion of thennemies was diminished, by so much was their hope reconfirmed & their corage redoubled: And because they had taken from all the inhabitants of Myllan their armes & wea­pons, & had thrust out of the towne all persons suspected, much lesse that the Cap­teines had now so great a feare or ielousie as before, seing they established their own assurance by reducing the towne to so cruell a seruitude, that they stoode careles to make payes to the souldiours: And lodging the bands by their tyranny in the houses of the inhabitants, they did not onely compel the masters & owners of houses to mi­nister The inhabi­tants of Mil­lan ill hand­led by the Spanyards. daily foode to the soldiers both plētifully & delicatly, but also to furnish them with money for all other things which in their vanities & fancies they would desire, not forgetting to impose vpon them as much as the rigour of tyranny could deuise: which dealings were so intollerable to the citizens, that they had no other remedye [Page 997] then by stelth and secret wayes to slee from the place where were layde vp the mo­numentes of their natiuities, the effect of their delightes, and the rewards of all the pleasures and solace of their lyfe: Neyther durst they seeke this miserable safety o­penly or manifestly, for that the eyes of those that oppressed them kepte a seuere espiall vpon them: And the better to assure the souldiours of those rates and taxati­ons imposed vpō euery housholder, but especially the Spaniards, for in the launce­knightes was a greater modestie and fauour, the Capteines kepte bounde and in chaynes in their owne houses, certaine principall housholders with their wiues and little children, not omitting to expose euery sex and age to their abhominable luste: By reason of this tyrannie all the shoppes of Millan were shutte in, and euery man sought to hyde as secretly as he coulde, his goods and Iewells of moste value, ma­king also the same conueiance and bestowing of the riches and ornaments of Chur­ches, which for all that were not altogether in suretie: for that the souldiours vnder cooller to searche for armor and weapons, tooke libertie to ransacke all the corners of the towne, and in that insolent authoritie, forced the seruauntes to disclose the goodes of their maisters, which when they found, they imparted to the owners por­cions not according to equitie or conscience, but such as in their licentiousnes they thought good: The face & vniuersall apparance of that Citie was made miserable, to beholde the auncient inhabitantes and glory of the same reduced to an estate of extreme oppression: A matter worthy of great commiseration, and an incredible example of the mutation of fortune to such as had seene it fewe yeres before, moste populous and riche in Citisens, plentifull in Marchantes and Artificers, proude in pompes, and very sumptuous in ornaments for men and women, naturally addicted to feastings & pleasures, and not only full of reioysing & solace, but also most happy in all other nature of comfort & contentment for the life of man: Where nowe it stoode lamentably depriued of inhabitantes, what by the stroke of the plague that raged there, and for the continuall euasions of suche as fledde from the violation of tyrantes: Miserable was the apparance of men & women being moste wretched in pouerty and nakednes: No entercourse of marchantes or trade which before was wont to enrich the citie: And the chearfulnes and spirites of men were wholly con­uerted into a state of languishing dolor and feare: No, no other thing remayned of the glorious apparance of that city, then the fundations of houses & Churches, and yet euen in them was discerned a lamentable spectacle, in regard of the former me­mory of them. Neuertheles as there is no sorrowe without his comfort, nor no mis­chiefe without his remedy, so their afflictions and heauines tooke some consolation for the comming of the Duke of Burbon, for that the brute went he brought some reliefe to the army: and also in their miserie they made this last perswasion, that for the retrayte of the campe of the confederates, their necessities and daungers would somwhat diminish: And they hoped that the Duke to whom it was sayde them­prour had giuen the Duchy of Millan, would for his owne interests, and the better to preserue the reuenues and estate of the citie, take order agaynst so licensious op­pressions of the Spaniards: This was a naked hope without any staye or fundation, for that they knew by relation of their embassadors whō they had sent to thempror, that there was no further exspectation of remedy from him, eyther for that by hys farre distance he could not apply necessary prouisions for their safety, or else (which they iudged by many experiences) the compassion of the oppressions and miseries of the people was farre colder in him, then his desire for thinterests of his estate to minister to that my and maynteine it: To the which because paymentes were not [Page 998] made in times due, neither his authoritye which was farre of, nor the lawes of his capteines ioyned to their presence, could not conteine the souldiors frō insolencies and iniuries: Neither did the capteines, to insinuate & winne the harts of the soul­diours, & sharing also in the profite of so vniuersall a spoyle, labor much to restrayne this licence of warre, the rather for that vnder their cōplaintes & excuses of want of payes, they cloked what so euer was done in insolency & oppression. In so much as the chiefest within Millan aboue the residue, assembling in one great number, & ex­pressing in their face, their attire, and whole apparance, the miserable estate of their contrey, including also their own wretched condition: went with many teares & cō ­plaints to seke the duke of Burbon, afore whose feete that pitifull spectacle of Citisens fell prostrate, and one of them deliuered the complayntes of their griefe in this sort:

Were it not that the heauy oppressions of this Citie, for their nature more bitter, The inhabi­tantes of Mil­lan implore the compassion of the Duke of Burbon. and for their time more intollerable then euer raged ouer any city or contrey within the age or memory of men, did not hinder the due offices and humilities which in so generall inclination of the whole contrey to haue a prince proper and peculiar, our affections would offer & prefer, your cōming (oh gracious Duke) had bin embrased ‘with ceremonies & apparances agreable to the gladnes & comfort we receiue in the aspect of your gracious & honorable presence: For as to men liuing vnder a cloude of obscurity & darknes, nothing is so swete as the desire of light, and nothing more acceptable thē the vse & benefit of the same: So to the citie of Millan so long restrai­ned vnder the yoke of seruitude and oppression, no worldly thing could be offred of more felicity or comfort, thē to behold in your face the effect of our long exspecta­tion, & to receiue of the hand of thempror, a prince of right noble discending, & in whom, in many actions & at sundry times, we haue experienced your wisdome, your iustice, your vallor, your clemency, & your liberality: But our seuere & bitter fortune vnder whose lawes we are without all moderation subdued, constrayneth vs (exspe­cting our remedy of none other then of you) to poure out afore you our miseries, be­ing greater without comparison then those that any townes taken by assalt, did euer endure by the fury, by the ambition, or by the lust of any tyrants that conquered thē: Which things of themselues intollerable, are yet made more grieuous to vs by the continual reproches heaped against vs, that they are inflicted vpō vs for punishmēt of our infidelity to themprour: As though the late tumultes proceded by publike consent, & not by the incitation of certen yongmen sedicious, who in their rashnes drew to their factiō the cōmons, who by their pouerty were assured to lose nothing, & by their nature liue always desirous of innouation & change: and therefore are a kind & an estate of people that with so much the more facility are allured to cōmo­cion, by how much they are cōpounded of humors replenished with errors & vaine persuasiōs stirring at the appetite of euery thing that moueth thē, euen as the waues of the sea are caried with euery light vapor or wind that bloweth. And touching the accusations that are heaped against vs, we seke not either for our excuse, or to make lesse the quality of the crime, to reduce into reckoning the merites of the people of Millan frō the greatest to the hiest for the seruice of thēpror in the yeres before: first when the whole citie vnder the memory of their auncient deuotion to the name of thempror, rose against the gouernors & against the french king: an experience rea­sonably inducing with what property of affection we sought to introduce the au­thority & supremacy of thempire: Secōdly whē with so great cōstancy we bare out two most straite & harde besiegings, submitting willingly our vittels, houses and our mony to the cōmodity of the souldiors, & with thē cherfully exposed our persons to [Page 999] euery watch and ward to all daungers, and to all actions of warre: An example of sufficient credit to iustify our faith & loyaltie to the sacred name of themprour: And thirdly when at the battell of Bicocque the inhabitantes of our towne defended with so braue resolution, the bridge, the onely passage by the whiche the Frenche were to pearce euen into the bowels of the imperiall army, A confirmation without resi­stance, that we preferred the defence of themprours cause before the safety of oure owne liues: Then was our fayth recōmended, then was our valour reputed to vs for good, & then was our constancy lifted vp to the third heauē both by Prospero Colon­no, the Marquis of Pisquairo, & by the other capteines: And in these actions we may truly call vpon the testimony of your excellencye, since beeing present in the warre which thadmirall Bonnyuet made, your eyes saw, your toung cōmended, & your hart did oftē maruell at so great fidelitie, & so assured disposition: But it agreeth not with our condition to insist vpon the memory of these things, nor to counterpeise merits with offences, since our misery present offreth to stand agaynst all operations of me­rits or seruices paste: And if nowe there can be found in the people of Millan, any humor, any vayne, or any inclination of yll affection agaynst themprour, we lay our selues downe to what penalties shall be determined vpon vs, yea much lesse that we wil speake in our iustification, seing we wil no lesse willingly submit our necks to the blocke, then we will hold for iust the sentence that condemneth vs: Onely we loued not a litle Frauncis Sforce, as a prince giuen vnto vs by the Emprour, and as one in whose father, grandfather, & brother had bin inuested a cōmaundement & gouern­ment ouer vs: And we could do no lesse then honor him for the peculiar exspectatiō that euery one had of his vertue: For which causes it brought no litle griefe vnto vs to see him so sodenly deuested & dispoiled without information of the cause, yea we were not certified that he had conspired any thing agaynst themprour, but of the contrary, both he & others assured vs, that it proceded rather of the ambitiō of him that gouerned the army, then of any cōmission from themprour: And yet the whole city passed an oth of fidelity to thēprour, & submitted themselues to thobedience of his capteins: Such was the resolution of the city, such was the vniuersall counsell of the Magistrates, such was the publike consent of thinhabitants, & such was the for­wardnes & fidelity of the nobility, whom to persecute thus for falts particular, there is neither law of reason, iustice, nor exāple: But euen in the very dayes of the tumults our faith was showed according to the quality of the places that we held, since both in the beginning of the stir & in the heate & fury therof, we fayled not to labor with our authority & petitions to make thē leaue armes: And in the last day of the tumult there were none others then we that induced the chieftayns & sedicious youngmen to go out of the city, & perswaded the cōmons to submit to the obedience of them­prours capteins: But both the cōmemoration of our actions & merits, & our iusti­fications agaynst the infamies heaped agaynst vs, might haply be necessary or con­uenient, if there were any correspondency betwene the punishments we endure, & the faltes we haue committed, or at least if our afflictions did not farre exceede our offences: But there is great difference betwene the one and the other, for we may boldlye saye (and we saye it in our owne trueth) that yf all the calamities, all the cruelties, all the inhumanities (without speaking for our honour of filthye luste or violation) which at any tyme within the memorie of men haue bene endured by any Citie, any people, or any congregation of inhabitantes, were gathered toge­ther and reduced into one presence, they woulde make but a little parte of those miseries whiche we wretchedly do suffer, not for a moment, not for an howre, [Page 1000] not for a daye, but continually and without intermission: seeing that in one in­stant we are dispoyled of all our substance, free men liue tormented with bond age, our wiues are imprisoned in their houses and kept chayned by the souldiors, who with a perpetuall rage runne vpon vs for vittels, for money, for armor, for all their wantes, and in their licentiousnes will not be vsed as belongeth to men of warre, but as best liketh their insolent fancies: If we be not hable to furnishe them dayly with freshe supplyes of money, they dryue vs to seeke to do that which is impossible to our estate, and in their crueltie they constrayne vs with threates, with iniuries, with beatinges, and with all sortes of outrages: So that there is not one of vs which in­terpreteth not to a singular grace and felicitie, to abandon to praye and spoyle all our goods, and for the sauing of our wretched lyues, to flee barefoote out of Mil­lan, and for euer to loase the solace of our countrey which for euer hath preserued vs tyll this accursed daye. In the tyme of our auncestors Federike Barberosso made desolate this Citie, and executed no small cruelties against the inhabitantes, against the buyldings, and agaynst the walles: But alas the miseries of that tyme holde no comparison with the calamities of vs wretches, not onely for that the tyrannie of thenemie is more easie to be endured as beeing more iuste, then the crueltie vn­iuste of a friende, but also for that one daye, two dayes, three dayes sufficed to glot the wrathe and inhumanitie of the victor, and the punishmentes of the vanqui­shed tooke ende: But with vs it is more then a moneth that we haue bene exerci­sed vnder these miseries, wherein'our tormentes haue increased by so many degrees of crueltie, by howe many haue bene the dayes and howres since our persecution, yea we endure those crosses which before we would haue thought had bene impos­sible to the state of humaine condition, and as men reprobate and damned to eter­nall perdition, we suffer without hope to see an ende of our woes. Onely the con­fidence we haue resteth in your vertue and clemencie, vppon which we make oure implorations, that you would not suffer this Citie lawfully made yours, and com­mitted to your protection, to be wholly deuowred with the iawes of Lions and Ty­gers: Wherein reclayming vs with that property of piety, besides the perpetuall honor of your name to be the onely patron and restorer of this Citie, yet you shall settle & establish more in one day your principality with the goodwil and deuotion of subiects, then other new princes do in manye yeres with armes and forces: For ende, all our petitions, all our humilities, all our oblations, and all our desires tende to this, that if for any cause whatsoeuer, your wyll be estraunged to deliuer vs from this infinite oppression, or if you stande curious or restrayned by anye inducement to remoue from our neckes the yoke of this intollerable seruitude, at least wee be­seech you with the dearest teares of our inwarde hartes and affections, that you will turne agaynst vs, and discharge vppon this people, vppon vs all, vppon euery one, vppon euery sex and vppon euery age, the furie, the forces, the fyre, and the ar­tilleries of your armie: In which action, we wyll conster to a speciall felicitie to dye by the stroake of your hande rather at one blowe, then by languishing in our present myseries, to dye by degrees more grieuous, then the lyfe and breath that is lefte vs can suffer: And if you haue no other remedie to comfort vs, your pyetie shall bee so muche the more commended to adde the laste ende to oure calamities, by howe muche more theyr inhumanitie wyll bee detested, who seeke to leade vs in a lingringe deathe, and yet wyll not adde the blowe that shoulde dispatche vs: Neyther shall it bee lesse easie for vs to ende in this sorte our moste wretched lyfe, then suche as loue vs wyll be gladde with this kinde of [Page 1001] our death, euen as fathers and parentes are wont to reioyse at the birthe of theyr children.’

These words were folowed with the teares and wepings of the whole assistantes, to whom the Duke answered with a chearfull affability, that he was no lesse agreued with their infelicities, then touched with remorse and desire to releue them: which compassion he tolde them he would extende as much as in him lay, not onely vpon the citie, but also ouer the whole Duchy: he excused the insolencies done, that they were not only agaynst the will of themprour, but also contrary to thintention of all the Capteines, whom for that there was no meane to paye the souldiours, necessitie had induced to consent rather to suche outrages, then to abandon Millan, and leaue the armie in daunger, and put all thestate which themprour had in Italy in manyfest praye to thenemies: He tolde them he had brought with him some quantitie of money, but not sufficient to content the souldiours to whom many payes were due: Neuerthelesse if the Citie of Millan would furnishe him with thirtie thousand duc­kets for the pay of one moneth, that he would cause the armie to issue out of Millan and bestowe them elsewhere, assuring them that thought at other times they had bin abused in the like promises, the custome of other men should breede no law in him, for that he would alwayes obserue his fayth and worde, vpon the which they might assuredly reappose themselues, which he confirmed with this last addition, that if he fayled them, he wished his head might be takē from his shoulders by the first shot of Cannon from thenemies. But albeit suche a summe, both for the quantitie whiche was great to men already consumed, and for the suddennes wherein was matter of more astonishment to those who were already amazed, was hard to be found in the citie so muche wasted, yet the miseries they endured in lodging the souldiors being greater then all other degrees of calamities, they accepted the cōdition of the duke, and began to make prouision with as great diligence as they could: But their cala­mities were rather suspended then ended, for that albeit one part of the souldiours amongest whom was imparted ratably the money that was leauyed, were sent to lodge in the suburbes of Romegate and the gate of Tosa, and there both to garde the rampars, and worke at the fortifications, and also to labour at the trenche towards the garden where Prospero Colonno had made one before: yet they retayned still no lesse then the others that abode in the towne, the same lodginges they had, and con­tinued to handle their hostes with the same rudenes: Wherein it seemed the Duke of Burbon helde no reckoning of his promise, or at least, as was beleeued, he was not hable to resiste the rage and insolencie of the souldiours, beeing enterteyned and pushed on in that humor by certayne Capteynes, who eyther by wyll, or through ambicion, or for hatred, gaue impedimentes to his counsells. But the mi­serable people of Millan beeing thus depriued of their laste hope, and hauing not where to make their further recourse, fell into suche an estate of dispayre, that some of them, to put ende by dying to so many miseries and cruelties, which they coulde not ouercome by liuing, threw them selues headlong from the toppe of their hou­ses into the streetes, and some dyd wretchedlye hang them selues: And yet not­withstanding all those grieuous spectacles, neyther the rauine, nor rage, nor in­humanitie of the souldiours, coulde bee anye waye appeased. In that tyme also the playne countrey was in poore condition, beeing no lesse ransackte by the souldiours of the Confederates, who as they were receyued at firste wyth a greate ioye and desyre, so not longe after, theyr inhumanities and extorsions had conuerted the first affections of the people into iuste hatreds, A corruption which [Page 1002] generally ranne amongest the men of warre of that tyme, who taking example by the Spaniardes, wasted their friendes aswell as they destroyed their enemies: for, notwithstanding in many chaunges of tymes, the libertie of souldiours had bene great in Italy, yet it had taken infinite augmentation by the footemen of the Spa­niards, though not vppon iuste cause, yet for reasons necessary, for that in all the warres of Italy they were alwayes yll payde: So that vnder the cooller of examples, notwithstanding they had a beginning excusable, yet they proceeded and conti­nued alwayes from yll to worse: By whose rule, the Italians albeit they had not the same necessitie, for that their payes were orderly performed, yet making the cu­stome of the Spaniardes a lawe to them, they began not to be inferiour to them in any course of enormities: In which corruption, to the great contempt of the disci­pline of warre of that time, the souldiors waighed in one ballance both their friends and their enemies, and so both peoples and countreys were no lesse desolated by suche as were payed to defende them, then those that receyued their payes to in­uade and spoyle them.

About this time the besieged within the Castell of Millan were reduced to such straytes for want of vittells, that they were at poynt to render the Castell: But be­cause for their longer holding out, certayne of the chiefe confederates enterteined them with hopes to be succoured, they thrust out in the night at the Castell gate which hath his prospect vpon the trenches that enuironed it without, more then 300. footmen, women, children, & mouthes vnprofitable: Who albeit the enemies that warded at that place hearing the noyse of their going, gaue the alarme to the residue, yet they passed away all in safety without any impedimēt, finding fauour in the straytnes of the trenches & aide of their pikes. There were two trenches about two stories cast from the Castell, & betwene them both a rampar of forty faddomes high: which rampar as it serued as a garde agaynst the Castell, so also it couered such as without would assayle the trenches: This miserable trowpe excluded out of the Castell, went to Marignan where the army was, and giuing good testimony of thextremitie wherein the Castell was, and no lesse experience of the weaknes of the trenches, for that both women and little children founde passage thorow them, the Capteines by their relation turned eftsones to deuise for the succour of the Ca­stell: with whom did readily concurre the Duke of Vrbin, to thend he woulde not take vpon him selfe alone the burden of thexcuse which he supposed would not be nowe so easie as before, for that his army being nowe possessed of a strength of fiue thousande Svvizzers, there was cut off the principall cause of daunger alleaged to make their approches to Millan without other footemen then thItalians: So that it was set downe with a full consent of Counsell, that the armie should directly ad­dresse their approches to the Castell, and commaunding the Churches of S. Gre­gorie and S. Angelo neighbours to the counterskarpes, they should incampe below Millan: With which resolution the armye brake vp from Marignan, and for the impedimentes of the wayes being cloyed with hilles & ditches, they marched foure dayes by wayes troublesome, and the xxij. of Iulye they came to incampe be­twene the Abbey of S. Caesareo and the ryuer of Ambro, in a place commonly called Ambro: In which place the Duke chaunging the first direction set downe in the councell, gaue order to dispose the lodgings of the army in such sort, that the front The armye of the league come before Millan the second time. of the campe might haue his prospect vpon the Abbey of Caesareo which is within a myle of Millan, and keeping the ryuer of Ambro vpon his backe, it might stretche out of the right hande vntill the harbour, and on the lefte hande vntill the bridge: [Page 1003] So that the lodgings of tharmy bare directly betweene the porte of Renze and the port of Toso, and holding little of the newe gate, it bare a strong situation and dispo­sition, aswell for those regardes as for the nature of the contrey: The Duke alleaged that he had exchaunged the lodging of the Monasteries for that place, both for that it was more neare the Castell, and also not so farre vnderneath the walles as to be put into daunger by any compulsion, and withall for that threatning thenemies in many places, they should be constrayned to bestowe gardes in seuerall quarters, A matter which for their small number, encreased not a little their difficulties. And nowe the armie being incamped in those lodgings, some regimentes were sent out the same day to besiege the towne of Monceo, which they tooke by composition, and the day following with artilleries they subdued the Castell, wherein was a gar­rison of an hundred footemen Neapolitans: There the Capteines began to deuise straytly howe to put vittels within the castell of Millan, which they were enformed was reduced to suche a state of necessitie, that there was intention to sende oute Frauncis Sforce: And albeit there were amongst them many Capteines, who eyther for that simply suche was their opinion, or else to showe themselues forwarde and valiant in those things which were to be determined with a greater daunger of ho­nor and reputation to others then to them selues, gaue counsell to giue a charge vpon the trenches: yet the Duke seeing into the perill and desperate hazarde of thexployt, would not be agaynst it openly, but obiecting difficulties and tempori­sing with delayes, he hindred that there was made no conclusion: In so muche as the deliberation being referred ouer tyll the next day, the Capteines of the Svviz­zers demaunded to be introduced into the councell, which neuer tyll then was per­mitted to them: In which, capteine Mus, who for that he had leauyed the greatest parte of them, reteyned amongest them the tytle of capteine generall, alleaged in the behalfe of all his nation: That they maruelled not a litle that the warre beeing begon for the reskew of the Castell of Millan, whose necessities redoubled by so muche tyme as it was deferred, they stoode to dispute vaynely whether they should succour it or not, at a tyme when was more necessitie of courage and execution: That he did not doubt that in suche a councell would not be set downe a resolution agreable to the vniuersal safetie of the state of Millan, to the honor of so many braue Capteins, and to the reputation of so florishing an army: In which case he let them to vnderstande that the Capteines and souldiours of his nation would interprete it to their great iniurie and shame, if in the approching and action of the Castell, they were not referred both to that place, and to that parte of the perill, which the fide­litie and honor of their nation did deserue: Lastly he protested that in taking that counsell he would not fayle to reduce them not to keepe so great a memorie of such as with infamie had lost the enterprises begon before, as thereby they should passe into forgetfulnes the glory and fortune of those that had vanquished.

As they stoode vpon consuming of time about these counsels and deliberations, wherein was manifestly discerned that the Duke of Vrbin was of opinion that the Castell could not be succoured: Newes came to the campe (though not very cer­tayne) that the Castell had compounded with thImperialls, or at least was vppon the poynt to capitulate: These aduertisementes were easily beleeued of the Duke, who alleaged in the presence of the whole Councell, that though the accorde could not be but preiudiciall to the Duke of Millan, yet it was agreable and profi­table to the affayres of the league, seeing it tooke them out of the daunger whiche eyther desire or necessitie to releeue the Castell might happly bring vpon the army, [Page 1004] being caryed with rashe and sodayne mindes to aduenture to do the thing which in reason and experience of warre helde almoste of impossibilitie: In so much as that daunger being nowe taken away, they were to beginne of newe to consult and deli­berate vpon the proceedings of the warre in the same sort, as if it were the first day of the beginning of the same: So litle a thing hapning accidentally doth alter the whole estate and resolution of great affayres. But not many dayes after, the campe was credibly aduertised that the composition was paste: For the Duke of Mil­lan who sawe the Castell reduced to suche an extremitie for vittells that it coulde scarcely holde out one daye, and being altogether out of hope to be reskewed, for that he sawe no aduauncing of the campe of the League who had lyen so neare two dayes, was driuen by the consideration of his owne perill, and not to be founde vn­ready to enterteine the parley which had bene begon many dayes before with the Duke of Burbon, who after the retyring of the army, was sent to visite him in the ca­stell, The Castell of Millan ren­dred to thim­perialls. and there the xxiiij. of Iuly, they fell to accord in this sort: That without pre­iudice to his rightes and interestes, he should delyuer vp the castell of Millan to the Capteines appoynted to receyue it in the Emprours name, who promised him to depart in safety together with those companies that were with him: That it should be lawfull for him to remayne at Coma, which was deliuered to him with the go­uernment and reuenues of the same towne, vntill they had receyued further direc­tion from themprour touching his affayres: And that there should bee added so muche of other nature of reuenues, as should in the whole amount to thirtie thou­sande duckets yerely: That they should giue him safeconduit to go in person to the Emprour, with obligation to content the souldiours that were within the Castell for all their payes due and past, which were supposed to amount vnto twenty thou­sande duckets: That the Duke of Millan should put into the handes of the prono­torie Caraccioll, Iohn Angelo Riccio, and Politiano, to thende he might examine them: Neuerthelesse Caraccioll to giue his fayth to suffer them to go away afterwards, and to giue them safeconduit to some place of suretie: That the Duke should deliuer the Bishop of Alexandria who was prisoner within the Castell of Cremona, and that newe castell in Tortono should be deliuered to Sforzino. In this conuention there was no speeche made of the castell of Cremona, which being no longer hable to re­sist the rage of hunger, the Duke had giuen charge to Iames Phillip Sacco whom he had sent to the Duke of Burbon to promise it to thimperialls, if composition coulde not be obteined otherwise: But he discerning by their words and maner of dealing what desire they had to accorde, and declaring vnto them that the Duke could ne­uer passe suche a matter, obteyned so muche that there should be nothing spoken of it: for albeit the Capteines imperials had great coniectures that the Castell had no great store of vittells, and that the necessitie of the defendantes would ere it were long make them satisfied of the ende and exspectation of their intention: yet being desirous to be assured of it, they were determined to accept it vnder any conditions, for that they stoode doubtfull whether the army of the league that lay neare, would aduenture to succour it: In which case hauing no confidence to be hable to defende the trenches, they had resolued to issue out into the fielde and fight: Which doubt­full euent of fortune they were willing to auoide in accepting what conditions they could obteyne of the Duke, who the day following issued out of the Castell, and being accompanied with many of thimperiall capteines euen as farre as the barry­ers and limites of tharmy, he taryed there one day: and afterwards he tooke the way to Coma, thimperialls standing vpon this, that they had promised to giue him safe [Page 1005] retrayte and lodging within Coma, but not to make departe out of the towne their companies of souldiors that were there in garrison: In regarde of which dealing, he sawe no cause to reappose further confidence in them, and albeit he had determi­ned before to do nothing that might incense or stirre vp the minde of themprour, yet for his safety he tooke the waye to Loda, which Citie the confederates restored wholly into his handes, and there, for that there was no one article of the capitula­tions obserued to him, sauing that he & his companies came away in safety, he rati­fied by publike instrument, the league made in his name by the Pope and Venetians.

But in this time albeit the Pope, who for the commotion of the Colonnoys, had published a Bull agaynst the Cardinall and all others of the famulie of Colonno: yet seeing his hope to chaunge the gouernment of Siena much diminished, and no lesse grieuous and troublesome to him to be vexed and trauelled in the territories of Rome: he began with better inclination to open his eares to Don Hugo de Moncado, who not with intention to contract with him, but to make him more negligent in aduauncing his prouisions, made a motion that vnder certayne conditions, the of­fences should cease agaynst the Siennois, and all quarrels betweene him and the Co­lonnois: And to deale in this negociation, Vespasian Colonno whom the Pope trusted muche, came to Rome, by which occasion the Pope hauing loste all hope of successe about Sienna, and treating to leauye the armie from before the walls, delayed thex­ecution of that good counsell, exspecting, to runne into a lesser slaunder, to make it breake vp assone as the accorde nowe in negociation shoulde be concluded: And yet for the disorders and confusions of the army which went encreasing, it was de­termined at Florence that it should retire: But sodayne and straunge be the accidents of warre: The day before the army was appoynted to departe, a regiment of foure hundred footemen issuing out of the towne, marched towards the artilleries which were garded by Iames Corso, who seeing the faces of the souldiors comming, ranne away in feare from the place that he had promised to defende: By whose example together with the noyse and brute of the accident comming to the armie, the whole armie hauing neyther order nor obedience, tooke to flying, beeing neyther charged nor folowed: In which confusion of running away, there was striuing who could make best speede, and for the desyre they had to escape the daunger whiche their tymerous imaginations stirred vp, the desire to flee was all one in the capteins and the souldiors, and in the horsemen and the footemen, nothing being hable to assure them, in whose eares the noyse of feare did continually ring: They left to the enemies their vittels, their baggage, and artilleries, of which ten peeces great and small belonging to the Florentins, and seuen apperteyning to Perousa, were caryed into Sienna with no little gladnes tending almoste to a triumph: By the example of this accident, the people began with great showting and cryes, to renewe the infa­mies deserued by the Florentins in the like case, loasing long time before euen afore the wals of Sienna, their artilleries which were garded vpon the publike place of the same city. This chase was giuen the day after the rendring of the castell of Millan to the Imperials: At which time also the publike calamities of all Christendome being Soliman Otto­man in Hun­gria. added to afflictions particular, the Pope had aduertisement out of Hungary, that Solyman Ottoman who was come from Constantinople with a mighty army to inuade the kingdome of Hungary, hauing passed the ryuer of Sauo without impediment, by the commoditie of Belgrado which he had subdued fewe yeares before: had taken the Castell of Peter Varradin and passed the ryuer of Drauo: in so muche as hauing no impediment of mountaynes or ryuers, the rage of the Turke was like to reduce [Page 1006] the whole kingdome of Hungary into manyfest daunger.

Nowe for as muche as the Castell of Millan was falne into the handes of them­prour, it seemed that in Italye the state of the warre was wonderfully chaunged: Wherein the Duke of Vrbin tooke his reason vppon necessitie to take newe coun­selles, suche as they shoulde haue set downe and taken if from the beginning of the warte the Castell of Millan had not beene in the handes of Frauncis Sforce: And in that regarde the same day the Castell was rendred, amplifying a discourse which he made to the Popes lieftenant and treasorer of Venice touching the estate of af­fayres, he added that it was necessary to create a Capteine generall ouer the whole league to take charge and commaunde all the armies: Wherein he sayd he ioyned with himselfe the interestes and respects of others, beeing determined for his owne particular without that authority, not to intangle him selfe with care of any other thing then to commaunde ouer the Venetian army, A resolution which he prayed them to signifie to the Pope and Venetians: Wherupon the Senat agreed, the rather to remoue him from that demaund which was made in a time so inconuenient & so greatly discontenting the Pope, to sende to the campe Lovvis Pisan a gentleman of great authority, by whose working his vehement inclination was rather moderated, then his determination altered. But touching the maner of proceding in the warre hereafter, it was determined that the armie shoulde not remoue from the place where it was, tyll the Svvizzers were come, who were waged vnder the name and with the money of the Frenche king: The Duke of Vrbin thought it necessarye after they were come, to lye about Millan in two seuerall quarters, not to assayle it or proue to force it, but to holde it languishing tyll for want of vittelles it were dryuen to yeelde, whiche he hoped would come to passe within three monethes: He was with great vehemencie agaynst thopinion of those who counselled that af­ter the campe was setled they should aduenture to take the towne, wherein he in­ferred that the League beeing mightie in men and money, and the Imperialles in necessitie of both, all reasons and inducementes of warre promised the victorie of thenterprise: He sayde there was not one argument for the whiche the contrarie ought to be feared, but the desire to aduaunce the victorie, for that thennemies consuming them selues with tyme and patience, there was nothing to stoppe the good course and successe of things. He was aunswered, that the discourse he made was strong and credible, if he stoode assured that there woulde not come out of Germanie a newe succour of footemen, whiche if it were suche as to enhable thim­perialls to take the fielde, there was no doubte that the euent of the whole warre woulde not be exposed to the arbitrement of fortune. But he replyed that euen in that case he made no lesse accompt of the victorie, for that knowing the Duke of Vrbin to be of nature burning and actiue, he made this iudgement of him, that when so euer he esteemed him selfe to be equall in forces with the armie of the confede­rates, he would aduaunce so faste as by his rashnesse woulde ryse occasion of some good accident to hasten the victorie: But because for the difficulties whiche they vnderstoode fell out in leauying them, they feared they woulde drawe a long tract of time in comming which might bring daunger: it was determined by the coun­sell of the Duke of Vrbin and solicitation of the Duke of Millan, to sende out Mala­test a Baillon with an armie of three hundred men at armes, three hundred light hors­men, and fiue thousande footmen, to take the towne of Cremona, which they suppo­sed might be easily forced for that it conteyned not but an hundred men at armes, two hundred light horsemen, a thousande launceknightes of choyse, and three hun­dred [Page 1007] Spaniards, verye small store of artilleries, lesse quantitie of munitions, and a slender prouision of vittells: the inhabitantes notwithstanding they were appalled in courage, yet they were enemies to thimperialls: and the Castell no lesse hatefull to the name of themprour: And albeit the Castell was seperate from the Citie by a trenche, yet by the reapport of Anniball Piccianard who was capteine, it was easie to supplant the flankes, and by that meane to cary it without daunger: With these directions and counsells Malatesta went to Cremona, for whose departure the army beeing diminished, the Duke of Vrbin fell into no small feare, least the regimentes that were within Millan should giue them in the night a Canuiseado in their lod­gings, so farre were things remoued from all hope of the victorie: Neuertheles Iohn de Medicis prouoked many skirmishes and performed them, wherein notwithstan­ding he made many good impressions of his vallour, with no lesse declaration of the vertue of thItalian footemen whiche had not bene seene but sithence he had the charge of them: yet those skirmishes did rather hurt then helpe the substance of the warre, for that ordinarily they consumed some of the moste braue and best experi­enced souldiors.

Here is to be noted that for these aduersities and contrarie euentes of affayres, the Pope was growne into a marueilous discourage and appalement of minde, both for that he was not prouided of money to furnishe the long trayne of the warre which he nowe discerned, and also not disposed to make leauyes of treasors by such meanes as thimportance of the affayres required, and suche as other Popes affore him had wont to vse to releeue those wants: But the thing that troubled him most, was, that he sawe not that the effects of the French king were correspondent to the obligations of the league, and to the assurance and promise which euery one made of him: for, besides he was long before he would make payment of the xl. thousand duckets for the first moneths pay, and giue order for the leauying of the Svvizzers, yet there was not discerned in him any preparation to begin the warre beyonde the Mountes: No rather he found reasons to alleage, that it was first necessary to signi­fie to themprour what had bene contracted in the articles of the confederation, for that otherwise the king of England who had a particular league with themprour for their common defence, might happly minister ayde vnto him, where, if signification were made, that regarde and coniecture would cease: and that then he woulde im­mediatly beginne the warre, hoping the king of England would do the like, who pro­mised assone as signification were made, to protest agaynst themprour, and then to enter into the confederation made at Coignar. Moreouer the French king proceded coldly to prepare his army by sea, And the thing that discouered more his intention was, that the fiue hundred launces whiche he was bound to sende into Italy, were long in passing the Mountes: Agaynst which albeit was alleaged, that suche a tract and lingring proceeded eyther of the negligence of the French men which is natu­ral to that nation, or of the dishabilitie to recouer money which hapned by the losse of credite the laste yeares with the Marchantes of Lyon, or for that the companies of men at armes were in very yll poynt, for their losses receyued in the battell of Pauia, and had not bene repayred with any money since: so that they could not re­order and refurnish themselues, but with the fauor of a good time: Yet such as made a more neare obseruation of things, began to doubt by the procedings of the frēch, least to the king was more agreable the lingring of the warre, then thexpedition of the victorie: They supposed he feared (according to the small fidelity & confidence amongst princes in those times) that thItalians recouering once the duchy of Millan [Page 1008] and by that meane making small accompt of his interestes, would eyther growe to accord without him with themprour, or at least would be negligent so to vexe and trauell him, as not to induce or compell him to restore his children. But the matter that most kept the Pope in suspence, was, that the king of England being required to enter the confederation that was made by his perswasions & setting on, and expres­sing now no correspondency of reasons and promises which he had made before: made a demaund, more to protract and defer then for other occasion, that the con­federats would be boūd to satisfie him of the mony which the Emprour ought him, and that the estate and reuenues promised to him in the kingdome of Naples, might by assignation be payde out of the duchy of Millan. Moreouer the Pope feared least the famuly of the Colonnois who with many cōmotions held him in continuall suspi­cion, would not in the end rise to inuade him with the forces of the realm of Naples: So that making a collection and consideration of all these difficulties and daungers together, he made vchement instance to the cōfederats, that notwithstanding euery The Pope moueth the confederates to inuade the realme of Naples. one in particular should solicite & aduaunce such prouisions both by sea and lande, as they were bound vnto by the articles of the league, yet he perswaded them in ge­nerall to make a common inuasion vpon the kingdome of Naples with an army of a thousand light horsmen, twelue thousand footmen, & a conuenient number of men at armes: He tooke his reason of this deuise vpon thexperience of things done tyll that day, & iudged that afterwards there would succede no better issue, if they vexed not themprour with warre in other places then in the duchy of Millan: And for the better aduauncing of this expedition he dispatched to the french king Iohn Baptist a Sanga a Romaine and one of his secretories, both to pul him on with a better incli­nation to the warre, and to impart with him thestate of his wantes and pouertie of money, together with the small meanes he had to goe on with so heauy a burden of exspences, if he were not eased with some quantity of money from him: That he was determined to harken presently to the warre of Naples notwithstanding the articles of the confederation bare not to do any action vpon that kingdome so long as the warre should endure in Lombardy: That the Venetians notwithstanding to auoyde so great exspences, had made difficulty in the beginning, yet being caried with his im­portunities, they had consented to be concurrant in the action, and that without the french king, but with so much lesse numbers of men as imported his part and contri­bution: That the french king for that cause ouer & besides the 500. launces, to whō he was minded to giue for generall and commaunder, the Marquis of Salussa, more for the fortune and felicity, then for the vallout and vertue of the man, as he sayde: would also send an other proportion of 300. launces into Lombardy, to thend to ad­minister one part of them to the warres of Naples: That he would solicit the cōming on of the army by sea, & that either to hold Genes short & restrayned with it, or else to conuert it against the kingdome of Naples: Which army albeit the frēch mē led on with as slow aduauncementes as they vsed in the other prouisions, yet it went on still in forwardnes: The kings nauy conteined 4. gallions & 16. light gallies, the Ve­netians conteined 13. gallies, and the Popes 11. Ouer all which Nauy reduced into one Admiralty, Peter Nauarre was appointed Capteine general at the kings instāce, notwithstāding the Pope could haue wished that dignity to haue bin transferred to Andrea Dore: Besides all these instructions and commissions, the Pope gaue a secret charge to Sanga, to perswade the french king to vndertake the enterprise of Millan for himself, to thend to intangle him with that occasion, & to imbarke him into the warre with all his forces. Moreouer Sanga was enioyned to go out of Fraunce to the [Page 1009] king of England, to demaund succours of money [...]eeing the king of that Realme de­siring greatly in the beginning the warre against the Emprour, so farre forth as the league were negociated in England according to his desire & the Cardinals of Yorke, would enter the league as was beloued: But the hature of the time and necessitie of the castel of Myllan not suffring a long treaty or conference, when he saw the league was made by others, he thought he might hold the ballance and stand as a looker on and a iudge. The Pope also solicited both at the perswasions of the Venetians, and at the request of the French king who had sent to that end, the Bishop of Bayeux to Fer­rara, to haue composed the controuersies that were betwene him & that Duke: But [...]e handled that action more in apparance then in effect, making vnto him many of­fers, and amongest others to giue him Rauenna in counterchaunge of Modena and Reggia: A couerture or culler which the Duke made no reckoning of, not onely for that by taking a new hart for the retyring of the army from before the walls of Myl­lan, he was more hardly then before drawne to like of the offers that were made, and chiefly that of Rauenna: but also for the great difference and inequalitie of the reue­nues, And that he tooke it to be a meane to driue him with time into contencion with the Venetians.

These were the practises, preparacions, and operacions of the confederats, defer­red, broken of, and chaunged, according to the endes and according to the councels of the Princes that managed them.

But thEmprour whose deliberacions depended wholly of him selfe, was neyther Prouisions of the Emprour against the confederats. negligent nor irresolute so farre forthas his power and forces stretched: for, after the Frenche king, at the instance of the confederats, had denyed to the Viceroy, leaue to passe into Italy which he demaunded with great affection, The Viceroy re­fusing to take the kinges present which was supposed to be in value twenty thow­sande crownes, departed and tooke his waye into Spayne, bearing with him a wri­ting written with the kings hande, wherein he protested a readines to obserue thac­cord of Madrill so farre forth as he woulde conuert the restitucion of Burgongute into an exchaunge and payment of two myllions of crownes: By whose relacion thEmprour, seeing nowe no further hope of obseruacion in the king, determi­ned to sende by sea into Italy, the Viceroy with the launceknights that werein Par­pignan beeing almost three thowsande, with the like number of Spanish footemen, conteyning in all a number of six thowsande: he gaue order also to sende a newe supplye of an hundred thowsande duckats to Myllan, And albeit he solicited thex­pedicion of the armye by sea, yet it coulde not be ready with speede according to his exspectacion, for that besides the tyme to mooster and assemble the Spanish souldiers, there was necessitie to paye the launceknightes an hundred thow­sande duckatts due vppon their wages past: furthermore he addressed continu­all directions into Germanye to sende to Myllan newe succours of footemen, but bothe for that he gaue no order for their payes, and also for the dishabilitie of his brother to leauye money, that expedicion proceeded slowely: And yet by the delayes and yll successe and yssue of the confederats, no sorte of tem­porising nor slowenes coulde bee hurtefull: for Malatesta Baillon, beeing come before Cremona, planted his artilleries by nyght of the seuenth of August before the gate of La Mussa, iudging that place to bee weake for that it was yll flan­ked and worsse rampared: And for that he thought at the same tyme to giue thas­fault on the castell side, he supposed it best to make his batterye in a place farre of, to thende to constrayne the defendants to deuide their strength into sundrye [Page 1010] places Neuerthelesse after his artilleries had executed, he founde the place strong and fortefied with campars, and the wall which he battered so highe of earth, that the discent into the towne woulde be too troublelome: The same beeing the cause that he woulde not giue thassault, butwith a councell quite contrary, he determi­ned to beginne a newe battrie neare the castell in a place called Santa Monaca which afforetyme had beene battred by Federyk Bossolo: And at the same tyme he caused to cutte two trenches vppon the castell greene, of which one of them drewe on the right hande towardes the riuer of Pavv, where the defendants of the castell had made two trenches: he hoped by the commoditie of his trenche, to take from them abastyllion neare to the which there was souldiers already arriued, And which bastyllion was in their first trench neare the wall of the towne: if he wonne it, he layed his plotte to serue his turne by the benefitte of it, and to make it a Caualier, or Mount to batter alonge the walls which the French men at other tymes had bat­tred: for which cause the Imperialls made an other bastyllion behinde their hynd­most trenche: The other trench which Malatesta cast, was on the left hande to­wardes the wall, and so neare to theirs that they ioyned within the casting of stones: he determined to beginne his batterie assoone as the trenches were made accor­ding to his deuise, to the which thartilleries of the ennemies gaue no great impe­diment, for that within Cremona were but foure falconnets, which they applyed but seldome by reason of their necessitie of municions and powder: yet the souldiers that were footemen within, ceassed not to make sallyes out and vexe those that la­bored at the trenches, whome they oftentymes put to greate distresse notwithstan­ding they had a greate garde: By reason of which impediments increasing with o­ther difficulties and daungers, Malatesta who was vncertaine what to doe, con­founded with litle prayse to him selfe by diuerse iudgements and letters, all the Cap­teines of the armye, who finding the action of Cremona to multiply in difficulties, sent to his campe a regiment of twelue hundred launceknights newely leauyed by the Venetians at a ioynt charge and exspenses with the Pope: And not many dayes after, to thende to reconcile the discorde and ielousie growne betweene Malatesta and Iulius Manfron, The Treasorer Pezero who after a greate reconciliacion was nowe become more agreeable to the Duke of Vrbin, went also to his campe with a strength of three thowsand footemen: But Malatesta continued his batteries, and the night before the thirtenth of August, [...]e planted foure peeces of artilleries be­tweene Saint Lukes gate and the castell, to take a bastyllion, where, after he had ex­ecuted almost all the daye, he made an opening or breache into the trench, hoping to cary the bastyllion the same night: But about foure howers within night there ys­sued out of the towne a small crewe of launceknights who gaue a charge vppon those that garded the trenches conteyning both within and without more then a thowsande footemen, And after they had put them in disorder they forced the garde to abandon the charge: Neuerthelesse they were compelled the daye after to goe away, so that the trench that had beene made with so greate payne and in­dustrie, remeyned abandoned, aswell on the one parte as on the other: But amyd these actions it seemed fortune woulde playe a parte offering to be fauorable to those without, if they coulde haue knowen howe to discerne or to take the oc­casion: for, as in the night of the fouretenth daye, about fortye faddome of wall fell of it selfe, betweene Saint Lukes gate and the castell, wherein was deuowred and loste one peece of their artilleries in the ruines: So, if they had taken the aduauntage of this accident and followed on with thassault assoone as the daye [Page 1011] had appeared, The defendants whose feare was redoubled with the astonishment of a chaunce so sodaine and vnlooked for, would haue had no hope at all to resist or repulse them, for that the place which they shoulde haue occupied with defence, layed open and discouered to thartilleries of the castell: But as there is nothinge ‘more suttle then occasion, which beeing taken and applyed draweth with it good yssue, but being neglected or foreslowed slydeth away as a vapour leauing men a­bused with their propper errour: So, whilest Malatesta stoode longe before he could resolue,’ and then lost tyme ere he could raunge his souldiers to goe to thas­sault, the benefit of this occasion was taken away by the industrie of the defendants, who labored with extreme diligence within, they first sought to couer them selues with risings and hills cast vppe with the labor of their handes, against the artillerie of the castell, and afterwardes they ramparde them selues in the front of thenne­mies: So that when the assalt came to be presented beeing then well of the day, al­beit the moste parte of the campe were conuerted to that side, yet for that they went all discouered and open they made their approches with their great harmes: And beeing approched, besides the other defences wherein they found perill, they were wonderfully vexed with stones which the defendants within cast downe vp­pon them: By which manner of execucion Iulius Manfron and Captaine Maron, were slayne vppon the place together with many other souldiers of condicion: At the same time there was an other assault giuen by the castell, but that was repulsed with a very small domage: it was appoynted also that at the batterie made at Santa Monaca, should be performed an other assalt with foure score men at armes, an hun­dred light horsemen, & a thowsand footemen: But by the impediment of the ditch which was full of water, and the disauauntage of the place beeing well fortefied, the souldiers retyred without doing any thing: After this arriued at the campe, the trea­sorer Pezero with three thowsande footemen Italians, and more then a thowsande Svvyzzers together with a new coplemēt of artilleries: By which supply the campe being now aboue eight thowsand footemen, the Capteines thought to make two batteries following on with thassalt to either of them with three thowsand footemē, and with the other two thowsand to assaile the part towards the castell: And Pezero bringing with him to the campe a great quantitie of pyoners, they labored with greate industrie all the trenches, of the which one beeing finished the xxiij. of Au­gust, they wonne after longe fight to couer by their vallour a flanke of thenne­mies: Afterwardes the night of the fiue and twentye daye, they made two batte­ries, the one (of the which Malatesta had charge) beyonde that place which Fede­ryk had executed afforetyme: the other at Mussegate managed by Camylla Vrsin: But the successe both at the one and the other was very slender, for that the place where Malatesta braked his artilleries by reason it was maresh, gaue no firme groūd to the artilleries for that in sinking at the breache by the softnes of the place, they mounted at the mettall or mouth of the peece, & shot ouer: And touching the bat­try of Camylla, both it was low which hindred the execucion, & in the action of thas­salt the souldiers found impediment in a ditch which was ful of water, together with so many smal shot beating in flanke, that their vallour could not make them a way to passe further: So that albeit for all these difficulties they gaue thassalt & receiued in that place the greatest harmes, And albeit on Malatesta side the footemē went vp to the wal passing a ditch wherein the water was deeper then was looked for, yet by the vertue of the defendants applied to the aduaūtages of places, they were easily & rea­dily repulsed: Moreouer on the castel side one part of the caualier being reuersed & [Page 1012] put down, the footemen mounted vpon it: But for that the discent withinwards was too high, the souldiers that were come to the assalt from all parts in no good order, were put backe, some ronning on in their rashnes till they were slayne, & some with a more fauorable infelicitie bare away the rewardes of their enterprise in woundes and maymes of their bodies, and with very litle hurt of their enemies. These disor­ders together with the priuacion of hope to take Cremona, ioyned to the want of gouernment and obedience of the campe, called the Duke of Vrbin to goe thether in person, who drewe out of the armie that laye before Myllan, almost all the Vene­tian footemen, And left there one part of the men at armes with all the regiments of the Church, together with the Svvyzzers who nowe might conteine a number of xiij thowsand: And now, that there remeyned in the army a lesse number of men, which being disfurnished of a generall or Commaunder of such authoritie, he de­spised the same daunger which he seemed alwayes before, to feare when there were greater forces: And lastly assuring that it was not the custome of men of warre, but chiefly of the Spanyards, to inuade other men of warre in their strength or campe: he went from the armye to Cremona, laying this plot, not to cary it with the onely force of batteries and assalts, for that the rampars of thennemies were too stronge, But by seeking with the industrie of so many pyonners to approache their tren­ches and bastyllions, and to make them selues Maisters of them more by the bene­fit of vndermyning, then through the vertue of armes: There were many of the Captaines that reprehended him in many thinges touching the gouernment of that enterprise against the state of Myllan, but chiefly they reproched the retraite & brea­king vp from before the wals of Myllan: But most of all did they chalenge him of in­discression, for that from the beginning he had attempted to cary Cremona with very smal forces, trusting more in his vanitie and fancy then by the rule of experience of reason, to accomplish thaction with great facilitie: Wherein also the difficulties of thenterprise stil redoubling & discouering, he had embarked such a part of the army, as farre greater occasions falling out whilest he consumed the time there, were hin­dred & lost by following that seruice: for, seeing now thefull numbers of Svvyzzers were come to the campe, both so many as was necessary, & no fewer then was loked for, he might, by enuyroning Myllan with two armies according to the first resoluci­on, cut of that great reasort & traffike of vittels which cōtinually had passage thether by the way of Pauia, which the single army that laye at Amber could not restraine for the great circuit of place & waies to be made: But the matter of greatest importāce, was, to lose the occasion that happly was offred to force Myllan: The rather for that the bands of souldiers that were within, were so weakned by sicknes & diseases, that the bodies most sownd & free being scarcely able to enterteine the ordinary watche & ward with other necessary factions of warre, the Imperialls them selues gaue this iudgement of their owne estate, that if they had bene inuaded in that aduersitie and weaknes, their daūger had bene greater thē their vallour could haue defended it: But amid these good offers to the confederats no lesse certein & great was the occasion giuen to take Genes: for that as the Venetian nauy was ioyned with the Popes at Ciuita vecchia, & afterwards staied in the port of Lyuorne to tary for the french, which with xvj gallies, iiij gallions, & iiij other vessels was falne into the riuer of Ponent, had gottē by the consent of thin habitants, Sauona & all the riuer of Ponent: So that army by sea after they had taken many ships loden with gaine going to Genes, passed away to Ly­uorne to knit & ioyne with the residue: Besides, it was also determined, that at the cō ­mon exspenses of the confederats, there should be armed in the port of Marseilles xij▪ [Page 1013] great shippes, to thende that with the French gallies and by the direction of Peter of Nauarre, to meete with the nauie that was prepared in the port of Cartage, or at least to encownter them at sea: Where the three fleetes making sayle together, the nauie Ecclesiastike and Venetian stayed at Porto fino, and the French fleete re­turned to Sauona, And from those places skowring all the seas without resistance, they restrayned Genes so straight where was want of vittells, that if they had sent vppe a cerreine strength of souldiers by lande to cut from them that onely refuge, there was no doubt that the towne of Genes would not haue come to composicion: The Capteines of the sayd nauies desired no other thing both by letters and Mes­sengers expresse, demaunding at least that there might be set foure thowsand men on lande: But there could be no souldiers drawne from the campe that laye before Cremona: And the Duke of Vrbin with others holding it too great a daunger to di­minish the armie that laye before Myllan, they enterteyned the demaundes of the sea Capteines with hope, that assoone as thenterprise of Cremona were ended, there should be sent to them a sufficie [...] strength of souldiers according to their desire.

But thenterprise of Cremona aswell for the vertue of the defendants, as for that the great workings of pyoners draw a long time, proceeded euery day with greater delayes and temporising then was looked for: for, the Duke who would needes haue at the campe two thowsand pyoners, a great quantitie of municions, and no lesse store of all sortes of instruments, made a continuall working at the trenches of the castell and at the bastillion towards Pavv, both to winne that and to serue his turne of the Caualier, notwithstanding that thenemies doubting of his intencion, were re­tyred many daies before hauing made a strong rampart behind it: he drewe a worke also at the two heads of the trenches which went ouerthwait the castell greene, the better to beate the Caualiers which the enemies had made there: And betwene the two trenches of the campe, he cast an other trenche of six faddom broad, prouiding that during the labor of the pyoners they should be couered with earth and other matter for their defense both on front & in flanke: The reason of this worke was, to make a caualier at such time as they should be come to the ditch of thenemies trēch: Moreouer he caused to cast a ditche without the castell towards the towne wall, the better to haue way to the bastillion towards the wall that was ruinat; he made an o­ther trenche at Saint Lukes gate drawing euen vp to the wall: And by the commo­ditie of these labors and workings, he ceassed not with thartilleries planted within the castell, to execute vppon the ramparts of thennemies, which for the alteracion of the earth much vsed and loossened, did easily dampe and moderate the shot of thartilleries: On the other side the defendants within, lost no tyme: for, distrusting to be longe able to keepe trenches and caualyers, they made a ditche towards the houses of the towne, and yet made many braue yssues and sallyes and with great courage charged vppon the workes of thennemies: Insomuch as the night before the seuenth day, they set vppon in three places those trenches which thennemies cast vppon the side of the castell: where finding sleeping in their securitie the bands of footemen that were set to garde them, they slue more then a hundred together with certeine Capteines, and followed the charge euen vppe to the rauelyn before the castell: Neuerthelesse notwithstanding their vallour, which in those extremities laye not idle, and notwithstanding their industry and perpetuall working at rampars and trenches, yet they were more and more reduced into straight tearmes, and their affayres declining by swift degrees to dominucion: for, the Duke hauing made way with his trenches euen to their ramparts which seperated the castel from the towne, [Page 1014] went on vexing them with certeine trowpes of shot & other souldiers couered with their targets, by whom they receiued great harmes as also by the artilleries from the towers of the castell: By reason of these harmes thImperialls, not to giue fauor to thennemies by any of their labors, burned their rampar which they made at the Ca­ualiere to thend it should not serue for a parapet to those that were without: And a­bout the neenetenth daye two trenches of theirs within their ditches, being beaten open and flat, they retired with the other trenches, of which the Duke of Vrbin made small accompt, both for that for the shortnes of time they could not be well fortefi­ed, And also by their retyring more at large and abroad, there must be necessarily a greater gard to defend them. But notwithstanding all these works were managed to a good end and yssue, yet the procedings of the campe were but slow for the neces­sitie to reorder & renew the regiment of the Venetian footemen who had bene long time without paye, for which cause they were greatly diminished in numbers, as al­wayes in the affayres of the confederats one disorder hapned vpon an other: And as thImperialls partly to apply to their aduauntage the disorders of the campe, & part­ly to follow the fauor of other occasions, did make many sallies by night to proue & prouoke the trenches, So all their vallour and labor was in vaine, for that their enne­mies were nowe made wise by thexperience of the harmes they had receiued there before: Insomuch as at last, the Duke of Vrbin hauing now got a sufficient strength of footemen, began the xxij day to make a violent battery vppon a tower which af­foretymes had bene battred by Federyk, where after he had executed certeine shot of cannon, he found thennemies reduced to such termes of weakenes, as they could not refuse to compownd: In which opinion he sent out a trompet to summon them to render the towne, with whome came forth a Capteine launceknight, and a Spa­nish Capteine together with Guido Vaino: The day following the capitulacion went betwene them and the Duke, that if they were not succored by the ende of the mo­neth, they should depart out of Cremona: That it should be permitted to the launce­knights Cremona ren­dred to the confederats. to goe into Germany and the Spanyards to the Realme of Naples: That in foure moneths they should not beare armes for the defence of the state of Myllan: That they should leaue all their artilleries and municions, And goe out with their enseignes folded vp and without sownd of dromme or trompet other then at such time as they leauied and brake vp.

A litle after this time there was sent to remeyne in the French Court as Legat, Cardinall Saluiatio who was departed out of Spayne with the leaue of thEmprour: And in this meane while the French king had aunswered to the requests that were made to him by the Pope: Wherein he excused him selfe by his great want and necessitie of money, that his doings and actions were not correspondent to his will and affection: But if he might haue a permission to leauy throughout all his realme, a tenth of the reuenues of benefices, he would releeue him with twenty thowsand duckats monthly of that collection, and would be also concurrant with him in the warres of Naples: he refused to harken to the conquest of the Duchie of Myllan for him selfe, from the which his mother and Monsr Lavvtrech did chiefly drawe him, notwithstanding he had declared from the beginning, a good inclinaciō that way: he gaue him hope that he would goe on with the warre beyond the Mounts, But he al­leaged that it was necessary thintimacion proceeded, which being done, he offered to beginne the warre vppon Flaunders side and Parpignan: And yet it was discerned that he had no disposicion to it, his intencion therein being nothing different from the will of the king of England, with whome thexpedicion sent by the Pope serued [Page 1015] to no purpose, for that the Cardinall of Yorke, whose humor was to enterteine eue­rie one, and be sued vnto of all men, would giue no resolucion: Only the king and the Cardinall made oftentimes this aunswere, The affaires of Italie apperteine no­thing to vs.

At this time the confederats fearing least the Grisons, who, during the seege of the castell of Millan, had reconquered and rased Chiauana, woulde enter into the pay of the Duke of Burbon, or at least woulde suffer the launceknightes whome he exspe­cted for succours, to passe thorowe their contrie: The Pope and Venetians bounde them selues to take into their pay, two thowsand footemen of the Grisons, and to pay to Captaine Mus fiue thowsande fiue hundred duckats which they had promised to him more by force then by frendship: This Capteine Mus was fled from the campe fearing the Duke of Millan who was then come to tharmie, and afterwards preten­ding that there was money owing to him for the payes of the Svvizzers, he detei­ned prisoners two Embassadors of the Venetians who had bene sent into Fraunce: The obligacions of the Pope & Venetians stretched also to deliuer them of the new taxes imposed vpon such as traffiked in nauigacion vpon the lake of Coma. And tou­ching the Grisons, they bound themselues to stop the passage of the launceknightes, and wrought so as Tegane their Capteine who had compounded with the Duke of Burbon to serue him with two thowsande footemen, aduaunced not. In the meane while the affaires of Italie proceeded coldly: for, the armie that was before Millan, wherein was greatly diminished the numbers of such Svvizzers as were not payed, lay with an idle campe without doing any other action then enterchaunge of light skirmishes according to custome: But an other humor raigned in the Spaniards that lay within Carpy, who forbare not to do the worst they could, & being secretly aduer­tised by their espialls, (taking withall the commodity to withdraw themselues vpon the lands of the Duke of Ferrara) they gaue many impediments to the Corriers and other persons going to tharmie: In which libertie running ouer all the contrie ther­abouts euen vpon the confines of the Bolonnois and Mantuans, they committed very many insolencies & harmes, but not to any others then the subiects of the Church. At last the Marquis of Salussa passed the mounts with fiue hundred french launces, by reason of whose comming, Fabricio Maramo who battered the towne of Valence and lay incamped before it, ( Iohn Biragno lying there in garrison) retyred him selfe to Bassignan: But the Marquis refused to passe further onlesse a regiment of foure thowsand footemen whom he had led out of Fraunce for that intencion, were payed by the confederats by equall porcion: which in the end by necessitie was consented vnto, the rather for the instance and importunitie of the king, who solicited it vehe­mently for the surety of his men at armes, and to raise into greater degrees the repu­tacion of the Marquis.

In this time Synybald Fiesque made him selfe Lorde of the towne of Pontriemoli, which Sforzino helde, but it was eftsoones recouered with the same facilitie, by the meane of the castell: within Millan was great want of money, since both there was none receiued from thEmperour, and thinhabitantes within were so impouerished by their intollerable defrayments that skarcely could they furnish the thirtie thow­sand duckats promised to the Duke of Burbon: who had receiued into his pay Galeaz Biragne and Lodovvike Belioyense who till that day had alwayes followed the frenche parte: The reason was, for that the confederates could not accept them for the in­tollerable burdens of charges which they susteyned. About this time Iohn Biragno got Nony.

[Page 1016]During these stirres the state of the Marquis of Mantua stoode almost indifferent and common to all sides, wherein he excused him selfe for that he was in the pay of the Pope, and a freeholder of thEmperour: And to hold still his estate of indifferen­cie, when the end of the tearme of his pay drew neare, he put him selfe of new into the pay of the Pope and the Florentins for foure yeres more, with this expresse con­dicion that neither in his person nor with his estate, he should be boūd to any thing against thEmperour: And yet in the beginning of the warre he desired to go in per­son to the armie, which being not agreeable to the Pope as hauing no confidence in his gouernment, he was aunswered that in regard he was a freeholder of thEm­perour, he would not bring him so farre in daunger.

This was the estate of affaires in Lombardy at that time.

In Tuskane, albeit the Florentins had neither armies nor armes vpon their landes and confines, yet were they not without their parte of the burdens of the warre, for the contribucions that were imposed vpon them: for, the Pope who had no money by meanes ordinarie, and would not make any leauies or collections extraordinarie, layed vpon their shoulders with a great impietie almost the whole waight & charge of the exspences of Lombardie: The Siennois also were not without their vexacion, on the sea side, for that Andrea Dore commaunding Talamone and Portherculo, made them stand continuallie vpon their gard, notwithstanding not long after, Talamone was restored to the Siennois by the infidelitie of a Capteine that was appointed to keepe it: Their aduersitie also was increased by the vexacion of thexiles of Sienna, who hauing supportacion by the Pope, molested them in the partes of Maremma: Where Iohn Pavvle the sonne of Ranso de Cero who was enterteined by the Pope, made him selfe Lord of Orbatella by a surprise that was made by certeine horsemen of the gate of the towne, which he followed forthwith with his companies.

But at Rome the alteracion was great and drew after it effectes of right great con­sequence, such as tooke not their beginning of armes & open warre, but were bred in the bosome of conspiracies and ambush: They brought no lesse infamie & slaun­der to the Pope, then confusion and disorder to the affaires of Lombardie, where, by reason of the conquest of Cremona, was hoped a good issue of thenterprise of Genes, and also to be hable to dispose the campe in two partes before Millan according to the plots set downe at the first: for, like as since the chase giuen to thEcclesiastikes before Sienna, the Pope hauing no hope to do any great action vpon the familie of the Colonnoy, continued his inclinacion altogether to inuade the realme of Naples with greater forces: So, on the other side, the Colonnois and thEmperours Agentes, finding by the disposicion of their owne affaires that they were hable to doe no no­table matter against him, and desiring to keepe him still amused, & to take time from him vntill the Viceroy were come out of Spaine with the nauie: They sent to Rome Vespasian Colonne in whose fidelity the Pope reapposed much, by whose meanes they fell to capitulat together the two and twentie of August: That the Colonnois should Capitulacion betwene the Colonnois and the Pope to deceiue him. render Auaguo with other places which they had taken: That they should withdraw their power to the kingdom of Naples, and enterteine no more bands of souldiors in the townes which they possessed in the dominion of the Church: That they might freely serue thEmprour against al men for the defense of the kingdom of Naples: and on the Popes side it was agreed, that he should pardon all offences past, and reuoke and abolish the bull published against the Cardinall Colonno: That he should not in­uade their estates, nor suffer them to be endomaged by the Vrsins: By reason of this reconciliacion, the Pope, who verie vndiscretly reapposed too much in the fidelitie [Page 1017] of Vespasian, dismissed almost all his horsemen and footemen which he had waged, and those bands that remeined, he dispersed them in seueral townes about Rome, and from thenceforth seemed to grow cold in all things that concerned the plot of inua­ding the kingdom of Naples: for, as by the complaints and protestacions which or­dinarily came from Millan and Genes to thEmperours officers resident in the realme of Naples, it was discerned that those Cities woulde holde out no lenger onlesse the confederates were turned from the pursute of their enterprise with a mightie diuer­sion: So thEmperours Capteines and officers there hauing no meane to make open­ly a strong warre such as was hable to administer a speedie remedie, tooke an other course, and disposed immediatlie all their thoughts and spirites to oppresse the Pope with ambushes & deuises: Such is the operacion of minds malicious & ambicious, ‘that the thing which the law of equitie and order denieth them to do, & their forces too weake to further the impiety of their hart, they will not faile to follow it to effect with conspiracie and infidelitie.’

Whilest these practises were in preparacion, the almighty God bringing to passe King of Hun­grie ouerthro­wen in battell by Solyman. that to the affliction which the Pope suffred for his affaires particular, should be ad­ioyned other visitacions more publike and generall: aduertisementes came that So­lyman Ottoman Prince of the Turkes had ouerthrowen in a battell raunged and ac­complished, Levvis king of Hungrie, a victory which it was supposed the Turke won no lesse through the temerity of his enemies, then by his owne vallour & forces: for, the Hungarians notwithstanding their numbers were but small in comparison of so huge an armie of their enemies, & in their rashnes reapposing more for them selues in their victories past against the Turkes, then in the estate and condicion of things present: yet they perswaded their king who being young in age and yeares, was also more young in councell & iudgement, that not to obscure the auncient reputacion and glorie of warre gotten by his peoples, and lesse attending the succors that were to come to him from Transiluania, he would aduaunce his forces and go seeke the e­nemy, and not refuse to fight with them in open field, a maner of action wherein the Turkes are almost inuincible by reason of their infinite nūbers of horsemen: So that the euent and effect falling out all one with their rashnes & indiscression, his armie being compounded of all the nobility and valliant men of his realme, was ouerthro­wen with a great slaughter of the generall multitude of souldiours, and the death of the kings person with many of the principall Barons and Prelats of the realme. This victorie bothe bloodie for the slaughter, and daungerous for the consequence, brought an vniuersall terrour and astonishment ouer all the regions and landes of Christendom, euerie one seeing in his owne iudgement that nothing coulde holde back the Turke from appropriating to himselfe the whole realme of Hungria which for so many yeares had bene the onely bulwarke and defense of Christendom: And ‘as in the mindes of men alreadie troubled and afflicted, newe displeasures and acci­dentes make a deeper impression, then they do in such spirites as are free and voyde of passion: So this ouerthrow was to the Pope aboue all other Princes, most bitter and grieuous,’ insomuch as expressing in his actions, in his words, and in his coun­tenaunce, great tokens of inward dolor and heauines, he complained in that griefe affore the Cardinalls sitting in consistorie of so great a domage and ignominie done to the common weale of Christendom: Which for his parte he had not failed both to foresee & prouide for, as well by exhorting and perswading the Princes of Chri­stendom to peace, as also in comforting in their most necessities the kingdome of Hungarie, with a great contribucion of money: he sayd that from the beginning he [Page 1018] had foreseene and fortelled that that warre woulde be full of incommodities, and a warre verie daungerous for the defense of that kingdom: Only he alleaged that see­ing there was no reckoning made of those reasonable condicions which he pro­poned for the tranquillitie of the sea Apostolike and Italie, he was driuen by ne­cessitie to haue recourse to armes and forces, contrarie to his perpetuall intencion: Wherein he referred him selfe to be iustefied, both by the newtralitie which he had vsed before that necessitie, and also the condicions of the league which he had made respecting all the common benefite: All which he sayd aunswered sufficientlie for him, that he had not bene pushed on by any consideracion of his proper interestes, or particular respectes of those of his familie: But since it is Gods good pleasure happilie for some good ende, that the heade and principall parte of Christendome shoulde be hurte, speciallie in a time when all the other members of the same bo­die were deuided into other thoughtes then suche as tended to the safetie of the whole: He thought that the holie will of God was, that they shoulde seeke to cure so greate a maladie by some other meane: And therefore seeing that care apper­teyned more to him then to any other in respect of his office of Pastour, he was determined contrarie to all consideracions of thincommodities, of the daungers, and of his dignitie, and soliciting withall as soone as he coulde vnder some good condicions, a surceance of armes in Italie, to mount vpon his gallies and in person to go seeke the Princes of Christendom, and to solicite a holie and vniuersall peace with perswasions, with peticions, and with teares: He exhorted the Cardinalls to put them selues in preparacion for this expedicion, and with one franke readines to dispose their mindes and bodies to aide their common father in so holie an enter­prise, which he besought God to blesse & fauor: And that if for the common sinnes of the world it could not be guided to his perfection, he besought the goodnesse of God, that at least in the negociacion he woulde rather depriue him of life then of hope to accomplishe it: for that (sayth he) no infelicitie, no aduersitie, no miserie can happen to me so great, as in so daungerous and mortall astonishments, to loase both hope and meane to put to my hande for the remedy and redresse of so generall an euill.

This protestacion of the Pope was heard with great attencion, and with no lesse compassion and deuocion was it holden for recommended and esteemed: But it had imprinted a farre greater operacion, if his wordes as touching the person had caried so muche fidelitie and credit, as in them selues they seemed to beare autho­ritie and dignitie: for, the most parte of the Cardinalls were of this opinion, that he was more touched with the consideracion of the difficulties wherein the pre­sent warre was reduced, then with any conscience of the daunger of that king­dom: A matter which they proued by this obseruacion, that he had taken armes a­gainst thEmperour in a time when, for the open preparacions of the Turkes, the daunger of the realme of Hungarie was manifest and vndoubted: But of this there coulde not be made a true experience: for, the faction of the Colonnois beginning to execute the treason they had pretended, sent Caesar Filettin their confederate, with a strength of two thowsande footemen, to Agnano, where was a garrison for the Pope, of two hundred footemen payed: And in the manner of their do­inges, the better to keepe couered and hidde their thoughtes and intencions, they made showe as though they woulde take the towne: But for that in true mea­ning their purpose drewe to an other effect, they occupied all the passages, and with an extreame diligence cutte of from comming to Rome all meane of aduer­tisement [Page 1019] of their enterprise: And in the meane while after they had assembled their forces whiche they had sent to keepe about Agniano, and together with those bandes that were with them selues, were reduced all into one strength which hap­pily might conteyne in all about eight hundred horsemen and three thowsand foot­men, all trained and disciplined, they marched in greate celeritie towardes Rome where was holden no suspicion nor doubt of their comming: They arriued there the night before the twentie day of September, where in their first action, they tooke by surprise three gates of Rome, making their entrie by the gate of Saint Iohn de Latran. There met them in person not onely Askanio Colonno and Don Hugo de Moneado (for the Duke of Sesso was dead before at Marino) but also Vespasian who had solicited thaccorde and giuen his faith as well for him as for all the residue: There was also in person Cardinall Pompey Colonno, a man so farre ouercaried with ambicion and furie, that he had not onely conspired the death of the Pope in cruell manner, but also, by bloodie handes and meanes full of impietie and sacriledge, he had aspired to the seate pontificall, constraining with force and armes, the Cardi­nalls to make election of his person whome he knewe they woulde not call for his vertue or merits: About the breaking of the day, the Pope had informacion of their ariuall, being by that time all assembled about Saint Cosmo and Saint Damiano: And what by the suddeinnes of thaccident tending to a manifest surprise, and by the o­peracion of his owne frailtie, which by so muche was redoubled, by howe muche his perill was present and desperate, he sought in this astonishment and confusion to appease the tumult with his authoritie: for, neither had he readie any forces par­ticular to defende the daunger that his destinie pulled on, neither did the people of Rome make any signe to stirre, partely for that it grieued not them to see him fall in­to inconuenience whome they loued not, and partelie according to the humor of populars, they made as though a vexacion publike and generall did nothing touche nor concerne them: By reason of which weakenesse of the Pope, and want of incli­nacion in the people, thennemies with these oportunities aduaunced forward and with all their bandes, stayed at Santo Apostolo, from whence they sent beyonde Ty­ber by the bridge Sista, a strength of fiue hundred footemen with certeine horse­men: Who, after a small resistaunce, repulsed from the portall of Santo Spirito, Ste­phen Colonno being in the Popes pay and appointed to that place with two hundred footemen: Then, taking the way of the olde subburbes, they drewe to Saint Peters and to the Bishoppes pallaice where the Pope was: no lesse doubtfull of his safetie then depriued of all assurance and vertue in so great a distresse: he called in vaine v­pon the succours of God and men, and yet hauing a glorious desire to dye in the seate of his dignitie, he prepared him selfe with the habit and ornamentes of his calling to take his seate in the chaire pontificall, according to thexample of Pope Boniface the eight when he was surprised and restrained by the Colonnois. In his feare and astonishment he coulde not discerne the way of his safetie, and in that despe­rate accompt of him selfe and his estate, he was without all consideracion that sud­deine actions pushed on with that propertie of furie and rage, haue their ordinarie dissolucion before they come to worke the worst that the timerous man in his fraile conceites doth imagine: Onely he founde comfort and care in the Cardinalls that were about him, who with a resolucion aboue the greatnesse of their perill, coniu­red him to chaunge his timerous deuise to dye in his chaire, and willed him to goe out though not for his owne respect, at least for the reputacion of the holie sea least the honor of God were wickedlie and wretchedly offended in the person of his Vi­caire: [Page 1020] By their perswasions he retired together with such of them as he trusted most, into the castell about ten a clocke: if in his feare he had lingred there longer, he had seene with his eyes that spectacle of calamitie which in his timerous condicion he alwaies douted: for, by that time he was remoued, al the horsemen & footmen toge­ther with the whole army were assembled before the pallace, & in their fury not spa­ring the place which at other times in their modestie they reuerēced, they entred & sackt the pallace making violacion and pillage of all the holy ornaments of S. Peter: Their insolency tooke from thē all regard to the Maiestie of religion, & whose harts had reiected all deuocion and piety, their hands tooke liberty to prophane all things that their fury could find out, yea they made as small ceremonie to ransacke the ho­ly things of Rome, as the Turkes did in the Churches of the realme of Hungarie: And being made weary with running thorow the spoile of things rich and precious they left in their fulnes to make further pillage of the holy relikes, & in their rage they re­tyred to the new subburbes of which they sacked about the third part, and passed no further for feare of the artilleries of the castel: This was the last act & passage of their fury, which they seemed there to restraine & cut of, not that their rage was fullie sa­tisfied, but because their hands were weary with robbing: A tumult which they exe­outed with so much the lesse impediments by how much more they forbare in their liberty to do any domage to the people of Rome: And after they had continued three howers in this licensious execucion, Don Hugo vnder the Popes faith & receiuing as ostages for his surety the Cardinals Cibo & Rodolffo the Popes cosines, went vp to the castell to speake with the Pope, to whom vsing the tearmes & phrases that appertei­ned to a victor, he set downe to him condicions of truce: whereupon aunswere being deferred till the day following, the cōposicion was concluded in this sort: That there should be betwene the Pope aswell in his owne name as in the name of the confede­rats, Truce be­twene the Pope and thEmperour. & betwene the Emprour a truce for iiij. moneths, with liberty to the cōfederats to enter within ij. moneths: That in the same truce should be cōprehended not only thestate Ecclesiastike, & the realme of Naples: but also the Duchy of Millan, the Flo­rentins, the Genovvaies, the Siennois and the Duke of Ferrara & all the subiects of the Church mediat, & immediat: That the Pope should be boūd to retire immediatly on this side the riuer of Pavv, his men of warre that lay before Millan, and to call home frō his army by sea, Andrea Dore with his gallies: That he should be bound to pardon al the Collonnois & any other whosoeuer was party to this cōmotion: That he should be bound to deliuer for ostages of obseruancy, Philip Strozzi & one of the sonnes of Iames Saluiatio, and to send them to Naples within two monethes vpon paine to loase xxx. thowsand duckats: That thimperialls & the Colonnois should depart out of Rome and all the estate Ecclesiastike and retyre their forces to the kingdom of Naples.

This truce was willinglie accepted both by the one & other partie: it was accep­table to the Pope for that he had not in the castel sufficient prouision of vittels: And Don Hugo (though cōtrarie to thinstāce of the Colonnois) thought it now time to take vp both for that he had done enough for thEmperour, and also he saw most of those souldiors that had entred Rome with him, dispersed heare & there, being more loden with pray & bootie, then bearing aptnes to any further seruice: But this truce brake all the deuises & plots of Lombardie, & tooke away all the frute of the victorie of Cre­mona: for, notwithstanding almost at the same time, the Marquis of Salusso was come to the armie with the frenche launces, yet the Popes regimentes beginning to faile who for the most parte by reason of the truce retyred to Plaisanca, the seuenth of O­ctober: yet the deuise to send souldiors to Genes was no lesse dissolued and disorde­red, [Page 1021] then the resolution to enuiron Millan with two armies: Wherein the matter that helped also to this alteration and trouble, was the Duke of Vrbin, who after he had made a composition with those in Cremona, went to visite his wife at Mantua, without tarying for the consignation, notwithstanding he was credibly aduertised of the truce made at Rome: And hauing accorded to the companies that were with­in Cremona, a prolongation of time to departe, there was so long tarying about Cre­mona before they dislodged, that he came not to the army with those companies that were before Cremona before the middest of October, A matter that broughte great preiudice to all the affayres: both for that there was solicitation made to send men to Genes, which Peter Nauarre and the Venetian treasorer of the army by sea de­maunded with greater instance then euer, for that (all the Venetian regimentes be­ing reassembled) there were in the army so many forces as might suffice for that ef­fect, without that it was nedeful for that matter to remoue the campe: And also for that the Marquis of Salussa had brought with him fiue hundred launces and foure thousand footmen, besides a dayly exspectation of two thousand Grisons who were waged according to thaccord made with them: And lastly the Pope, albeit he made open demonstrations to obserue the truce, yet his intention being otherwise, he had left in tharmy fourethousande footmen with Iohn de Medicis, vnder pretence that the French king should paye them: An excuse not without apparant coollers, for that Iohn de Medicis was alwayes in the kings paye, and in his name reteined con­tinually a company of men at armes. At last thimperialls that were within Cremona Cremona giuē by the confe­derates to Fr. Sforce. went out of that Citie, the possession wherof was consigned ouer to Frauncis Sforce: The Launceknightes with their capteine Conradin tooke their waye to Trente: But the horsemen and footemen of the Spaniardes hauing passed ouer Pavv to returne to the Realme of Naples, and the Popes Lieftenant making difficultie to giue them sufficient passeportes and safeconduites, for that it was contrarie to the Pope to suffer them to goe to the Realme of Naples: they suddenly turned their waye, and wente vp by the Mountayne of Parma▪ and Plaisanca: and after wyth greate diligence they repassed the ryuer of Pavv at Chiarella, from whence they went in safetie to Lomelino, and so to Millan: And the Popes Lieftenant Guicciar­din for thobseruancie of the truce, did not onely goe from before the walles of Millan with the Popes regimentes, but also Andrea Dore remoued himselfe from Genes with his gallies: Out of which towne not many dayes before, were issued sixe thousand footemen aswell bodies payed and waged, as men voluntarie and follo­wers, with direction to set vppon the sixe hundred footemen who were vppon the lande with Phillip Fiesquo: who with the fauour of the toppe of the Mountaynes neare to Portofino, had so fortified him selfe with rampars and bastillions, that he constrayned them to retyre with their great losse: And yet not many dayes after, Andrea Dore returned to Portofino with sixe gallies, to continue together with the residue, the siege of Genes by sea.

At the same tyme that these matters succeeded in Italye wyth diuerse e­uentes, The league signified to the emprour. the Embassadours of the Pope, the Frenche kinge, and the Venetians, signified to thEmprour the fourthe daye of September, the League that was made, together wythe the libertye that was lefte to hym to enter accordinge to the conditions sette downe in the Capitulations: At whiche an Embassa­dour of Englande beeing presente, he deliuered to thEmprour from his king a letter, modestly perswading him to enter into the League. The Emperour heard with great affabilitie the reasons and relations of thembassadors, but he aunswered [Page 1022] them, that it agreed not with his dignitie to enter into a confederation made prin­cipally agaynst his estate and his honor: Onely he had bene alwayes moste deuoute and disposed to haue an vniuersall peace, according to which inclination still conti­nuing, he offred to accomplish it presently, if they had sufficient warrant & commis­sions for the same: Neuertheles it was beleeued that his intention was farre other­wise, and that he did but insinuat that offer for his greater iustification, and to giue occasion to the king of England to deferre to enter into the league, and also to make colde with that hope, the preparations of the confederates, and so vnder the treatie of peace, to leade them into some iealousie & distrust: And yet notwithstanding this practise, he solicited on the other side the prouisions for the army by sea, which was supposed to be fortie shippes and sixe thousande men payde: And the rather to make that army aduaunce beeing assembled at the notable porte of Carthage, the Viceroy departed from the Court the xxiiij. daye of September: By which expedi­tion and celeritie it seemed that themprour was more ready and carefull of his af­fayres then the French king, who notwithstanding he was pressed with so great in­terests and considerations, yet he forbare not to follow the humor of his negligence and passed foorth the most part of his time in the pleasures of hunting, daūsing, and making court to Ladies: And then were his captiue children caryed vp to Valdolit, when it was manifestly discerned that there was no more hope that thaccord would be obserued. The cōming of this army by sea cōpelled the Pope to take armes, who with the iealousie of those apparances, coulde not but doubte of the fidelitie of the Viceroy and the Spaniards: In which daunger he did not onely call to Rome Vitelly with his regimentes and the bandes of his Nephewes, but also he called in for his safety an hundred men at armes of the Marquis of Mantua, and an hundred lighte horsemen of Peter Maria Rosso: and there was sent to him from the armie two thou­sand Svvizzers at his charges, and three thousande footemen Italians: Neuerthe­lesse he continued still and assured from one tyme to an other, that he would go into Spayne to conferre with themprour, from the which most of the Cardinalls disswa­ded him, the rather for that he followed an action vncertayne, aduising him first to sende thither his Legates.

But now to returne to the army whiche the confederates kept incamped before Deliberation of the duke of Vrbin. Millan: After the duke of Vrbin was returned thither, who saw there was no hope to cary the towne eyther by force or by famine, and being with great importunity soli­cited by the capteins of the sea army to send out souldiors to vex by land the people of Genes: he determined for the better aduauncement of that expedition, to drawe the army farre from the walls of Millan, & yet he made such disposition & direction of things, that all reasort of vittells that was to come to that citie was cut off & stop­ped: for which occasion and to haue the better oportunity to that action, he began to fortifie Monce, to leaue there with more surety some crewe of souldiours, both to empeach the traffike of vittells from the Mount Brianso and other places confining, and also by the commoditie of that fortification to transport the army into suche a place as might restraine the markets of vittels comming continually to Millan from Biagresso & Pauia: And afterwards that place being reduced to good strength & for­tification, the direction extended that the Marquis of Salusso should marche to Genes with his footemen accompanied for his better strength with an other regiment of Svvizzers, A proportiō which the sea armies did much desire, for that the town of Genes laboured in such extreme wants of vittells that it could scarcely hold out any longer: But as these deliberations & directions were such as they could not be put to [Page 1023] execution but with a farre greater tract and longnes of tyme, then eyther was agrea­ble to the estate of affayres, or the necessities of Genes could endure: So for that the only meane to cary that citie, rested in no other property of action then in the stop­ping of the resort of vittels which passed thither by land, those counsels tooke no re­solution, nor were not referred to effect, notwithstanding there were in the army 4000. Svvizzers, 2000. Grisons, the regiment of 4000. footmen of the Marquis of Salusse, and 4000. others vnder Iohn de Medicis payed by the Pope, together with the bandes of footmen of the Venetians, which according to thobligation of the league, and testimonie & reapport of themselues, were assured to conteine a strength of ten thousand men: but in truth vpon the iust moostring & view of the bands, they con­teined a farre lesse number: At last, being the last of October, the army dislodged frō the place where it had so long incamped, and drew to Pioltello fiue miles frō the first lodging, but in discamping they had a great skirmish with the souldiors of Millan, in which Burbon was in person: Thintention of the Duke of Vrbin was to stay at Piol­tello vntill the fortifications were ended at Monce, where he deuised to leaue in gar­rison two thousand footmen with certayne helpes of horsmen, and so to go to Ma­rignan where he was determined to lodge the army: and from thence hauing first ta­ken and fortified that place & also Biagressa as he supposed, he thought to send bands of men to Genes: Expeditions which drew with thē so long an execution that there was reason to accuse him, notwithstāding that he alleaged for one part of his excuse the yll prouisions of the Venetians, who not paying their footemen in time conueni­ent, neither had they their nūbers complet which were promised, & many of those which they had diminished alwayes for the vncertenty of their payes, the Duke was constrayned when the pay dayes came, to furnish their places with others, in suche sort as he seemed to haue euery day new companies and a new armie. But this de­ferring or protraction which hitherunto seemed voluntarie, began to haue a cause and cooller of necessitie: for after many negociations and practises holden in Ger­many to sende a new strength of footmen into Italy, the same seruing to no effect as­well for the dishabilitie of tharchduke, as for the pouertie of themprour who sente no money thither: George Frougspergh for the affection he bare to the affayres of the Emprour, ioyned to a desire to aduaunce the glory of his nation, and who with great merite had at two seuerall tymes commaunded in Italy two great armies for the Emprour agaynst the Frenchmen, determined to supply with his goods and fa­culties priuate, the charge which princes for their weaknes were not able to vnder­take: he stirred vp with his authority many bands of footmen, whom he allured with the sweete insinuation of pray and booty, concurring withall the good oportunitie and occasion that offred to make them riche with the spoyles of Italy: And after he had contracted with them that in receiuing for euery man a crowne in prest, they would follow him to the succors of themprour, And obteined of tharchduke certen aydes of horsmen and artilleries, he prepared to marche, making the generall moo­ster and leauye of all his men betweene Bolzano and Maran. The rumor of this preparation for the sodennesse not exspected, and for the authoritie of the man muche redowted, pearcing easily into the bowells of Italy, was the cause that the Duke of Vrbin wente not on with hys resolution to molest Genes, whiche was nowe reduced almoste to the laste extremitye: And yet Andrea Dore for that he woulde haue thexpedition aduaunced, abated some parte of his first demaunds, and required nowe but fifteene hundred footemen, making his reckoning to fur­nishe the residue by his owne meanes: But the Duke refusing also that demaunde, [Page 1024] alleaged for his excuse, that it was necessarye to sende from the army vppon the countrey of Vincensa, a strength of 1500. footmen of the Venetians, for a feare which that Senate had least the army of the launceknightes would take that way: An opi­nion which the Duke confuted, perswading him self that they would rather take the way of Lecqua, and for that reason he stirred not from Pioltella for that he would be more neare the ryuer of Adda, And he published that he would march to mete them and fight with them beyond Adda at their comming out of the vale of Sarcina.

By these variations as the affaires of Lombardy began to draw to new & farre grea­ter difficulties, so also there burst out in the towne of Rome a fresh fyre of trouble and new vexation: for the Pope, who for the accident of the Colonnois was pulled downe in courage, and in an inclination to peace, was bent to goe by sea to Barcelona to contract some accorde with themprour: assoone as his enemies were gone out of Rome, had sent Paule d'Arezze his chamberlayne to the french king, and from him to passe to the Emprour with his priuitie, to negociate the peace: his commissions ex­tended also to signifie to the king his necessities & his daungers, and to demaund an hundred thousand crownes for his better defence: In which matters he seemed so discordant and disagreable to himselfe, that in demaunding money of the king, and vrging him to a greater readines in the warre, he would not only not consent to the tenthes without condition of a moytie to himself, which the king refused vnder this reason that it was cōtrary to the tradition & vsage of Fraunce: but also in his contra­diction he could not be resolued to create Cardinal the Chauncellor Prat, who both for the authority & swaigh he bare in the kings councells, and for that all expeditiōs of money passed through his handes, might haue bene a necessarie instrument to helpe forward all his purposes: Suche was his confusion, that his counsells were no lesse dilatorie and slowe, then thexecution vncertayne and irresolute: which passion as it tooke beginning of his astonishment for the tumult of the Colonnois, so it went on encreasing by newe terrours whose operations ledde him into manyfest contra­diction in matters concerning his owne safetie. But the French king forgat not to be sorrowfull with Paule d'Arezzo and the other Nuncios, for the accident of Rome, and in that compassion he offred to the Pope all things for his defence, and wishing he would reapose no more confidence in themprour, he aduised him to perseuer no longer in the truce: vppon which condition and not otherwise, he promised still to satisfie the twentie thousande duckets which he was bound vnto for euery moneth. To this the Pope was also aduised by the king of Englande, who disswaded him from his voyage to Barcelona, and to comfort his present distresse, he sent him xxv. thou­sand duckets. The French king discounselled the Pope from his purpose to go visite the Princes of Christendome, as being a matter which for the importance requi­red a deeper consultation: And at the first he refused to consent that Paule d'Arezze should go to themprour, eyther for suspicion that the Pope would begin to enter­teine with him some practise seperat, or else that he helde it a matter more honora­ble to worke the peace by the meane of the kinge of Englande, then to seeme vnder those wayes to begge it of themprour: Neuerthelesse by a newe instance made by the Pope, he gaue his consent to lette hym goe, eyther for that he desyred the peace in deede, or else because he beganne not well to brooke to haue it wrought by the king of Englande: who bare suche a hande and gouernment in these acti­ons, that the French king coulde not but doubt, least for his interestes particular, he would drawe him to conditions harde and inconuenient: Wherein he tooke the reason of his doubt vppon the disposition of the king of Englande, or rather [Page 1025] the Cardinall of Yorke vnder his name, who caried with ambition and a glorious de­sire to be iudge of all, set downe conditions very straunge and farre of, and hauing also endes different from the purposes of others, he feared by reason of those endes least he woulde suffer him to be abused by themprour, and woulde not be grieued that the Duchie of Millan should fall vpon the person of the Duke of Burbon by the benefite of the peace so farreforth as he maryed themprours sister, to thende it re­mayned in his power to giue his daughter in mariage to the Frenche king. So that what by these perswasions tendred to the Pope by the one and other king, and what through his feare not to loase thamity of the confederates, and so by the priuation of their aydes, to remaine in pray to themprour and his officers: and what by thim­portunities and vehement inducements of his owne counsellors: and what for the hatred and disdayne conceyued agaynst the Colonnois, together with the burning de­sire to recouer by way of reuenge the honor he had lost: he was induced to conuert against the townes & lands of the Colonnois, all those forces which he had called into Rome onely for the surety of his person. And in this variation and ballansing of rea­sons and causes, he iudged there was no law of equitie nor order to compell him to obserue thaccord which he had not made by will and free consent, but vnder the a­buse of their fraudes and forced by their armes contrary to the law of fayth: he sent out immediatly Vitelly with his companies to vex the lands of the Colonnois, making his account to burne and raze all their townes, for that for the auncient affection of thinhabitantes, it could not be a matter very preiudicial to them to take the townes only without doing other violence: And in the humor of his anger he published a Bull against the Cardinall and others of that famuly, by vertue wherof he proceded afterwards to depriue the Cardinall of the purple hat, who seeking before to defend himselfe with the bull of symonie, had made publike appellations at Naples, and had appealed to the generall councell to come: onely the Pope deferred to pronounce sentence against the residue of the house of the Colonnois, who were not negligent to wage both horsmen & footmen in the realme of Naples: But the Popes bands being entred into their towns, they burned Marina, & Montfortin whose Castel held good as yet for the Colonnois: And in this rage of victory & aduantage, they rased Gallicana and Tagarola, the Colonnois being careles of al other townes, then to defend their pla­ces of strength, & chiefly the towne of Paliano which is a pece strong by situation & of very hard accesse for great artilleries: besides, hath no accesse but by three wayes wherof one can not succor an other: and hauing about it walls of good fortification & thicknes, the inhabitants were determined with great resolution to defend it: Ne­uertheles it was beleued that if he had marched with diligence to assayle it notwith­standing many of thinhabitants of those towns that had bin taken were retyred thy­ther, he had easily caried it, for that there was not a souldior within it: but whilest he stood temporising & deferring to go thither, folowing the inclination & working of his nature which was full of irresolution & feare when things were to be put in exe­cution: There entred into the towne by night a strength of 500. footemen aswell launceknights as Italians, being sent from the realme of Naples: a reliefe which as it made the taking of the towne so hard & desperate, that Vitelli who at the same time kept his companies about Grotta Ferrata, not daring to attempt further enterprise vpon Paliano, & much lesse to execute any action against the peece called the Popes rock: So after he had sent to batter with his artilleries the rock of Montfortin garded by the Colonnois, he determined to gather together all his forces at Valmonton, more to looke to the defence of the contrey if any stirre or emotion were made on Naples [Page 1026] side, then with hope to be able to do any thing of importance: for the which he was blamed much of the Pope, who at a tyme when his deuise was to inuade the king­of dome Naples, and afterwards when he called into Rome the regimentes for his de­fence, wished to be sent thither Vitelli & Iohn de Medicis, two capteines who as they were conioyned together by amitie and alliance, so by a naturall correspondency of complexion, the slownes and coldnes of the one seemed sufficient both to bal­lance and temper and also to be ballanced and tempered of the valour and forward­nes of the other: But destenie drawing to a sodayne death in Lombardy Iohn de Me­dicis, and the Pope by the counsell of his lieftenant seruing his turne in the meane while of Vitelly in lesser things, had deferred to call Iohn de Medicis vntil either there were a greater necessity of him, or else he taired for an offer & occasiō of some more worthy enterprise: Wherein his reason to forbeare so long to call Iohn de Medicis, was, that he would not depriue the armie that was in Lombardy of a personage of so many merites and good partes, who by his resolution and forwardnes gaue no litle terror to his enemies, and by his vertue and prouidence dyd muche assure his friends: And one inducement helping to his staye and abyding, was, the rumour which by relation of espials redoubled dayly, of the discending of the launceknights for themprour, whose comming ioyned to thaduertisements that ranne of the Spa­nishe Nauy to be vpon the poynt to depart out of the port of Carthage, constrayned the Pope (being withall vrged by many of the confederates and by his owne coun­sellors) to deuise, contrary to his meaning alwayes before, to make some compo­sition with the Duke of Ferrara: Not so muche to stande assured of his conspiracies and emotions, as to drawe from him some great quantitie of money, and to induce him to goe to the armie as Capteine generall of all the League: Wherein after he had many tymes delt with Matthevv Casella the Dukes Embassador resident wyth him, who assured him that in the Duke was no want of inclination that waye: he sent to his lieftenaunt Guicciardin, who was then at Parma, to goe to Ferrara, furni­shing him with a Commission very large in apparance, but in deede full of restraints and limitations, for that he would haue him consent to render to the Duke of Fer­rara the townes of Modena and Reggia: and he to paye in recompence and counter­chaunge, in a very short time, two hundred thousande duckets: To binde the Duke to declare and protest openly and to goe to the armie as Capteine generall of the Catherine de Medicis. League: That his eldest sonne should take in mariage Catherine the daughter of Lavvrence de Medicis: That there should be labor made to giue one of the Dukes daughters in mariage to Hippolito de Medicis sonne of Iulian, with a conuenient dowry: Many other conditions were annexed to this commission, whiche for that by their owne varietie and for the shortnes of the time, were almost impossible to be decided, yet the Pope notwithstanding he condiscended not to them but by a laste necessitie, yet he charged him not to passe thaccorde nor to growe to absolute con­clusion tyll he had from him newe directions and other instructions: But not long after he enlarged his commission, aswell for regarde of the conditions, as for autho­ritie and power to conclude: The reason of this amplification was, that he had re­ceyued credible aduertisement, howe the Viceroy of Naples was aryued with xxxij. shippes, in the gulffe of S. Florent in Corsika, and had brought with him three hun­dred horse, twothousande launceknightes, and three or foure thousande Spaniards footemen. But nowe the Popes will and working was to litle purpose, for that a gentleman of the Duke of Ferraraes beeing with the Viceroy, who with great dili­gence was dispatched from the place abouesayde, did not onely signifie to the duke [Page 1027] the comming of the army by sea, but also he caryed vnto him from themprour, the inuestiture of Modena and Reggia, with wordes of promise of the next mariage of Lady Margerit d'Austriche bastarde daughter to themprour, with Hercules eldest sonne to the Duke: By reason of which aduertisementes, the Duke, who before ex­spected with great desire the comming of the lieftenant, began nowe vnder the ac­cident of this occasion to chaunge counsell: and discerning both by the approche of the launceknightes and discending of the army by sea, some good fortune to be­ginne to followe themprours affayres, he fayled not to embrace thoportunitie to followe the streame, and in that variation of minde sent a Counsellor of his called Iames Aluator to signifie to the Popes lieftenant, who being gone from Parma was then at Centa, the expedition he had receyued out of Spayne: By the which, albeit he was not bound to declare himselfe neither agaynst the Pope, nor against the league, yet for that he had receyued so great a benefite by themprour, it was not reasonable he should enterteine any further practise agaynst him: In which regarde, the nego­ciation for the which he went to Ferrara being dissolued, he thought good to giue him signification of it, to thende not to giue the Pope by his silence any iuste cause of discontentment against him: Neuerthelesse he would not forbid him to come to Ferrara, but left it referred to his good discression. The Lieftenant discerned many­festly by this relation that it would be in vayne for him to go on to Ferrara, In which respect ioyning withall thinterest of the Popes reputation to follow a voyage wher­in was so small hope of fruite, and beeing also called backe by the necessitie of the affayres of Lombardy, he gaue place to the operation of the time, and returned im­mediatly to Modena, after he had (notwithstanding) preferred in other forme new solicitations of accord, the rather for that the state of the Church on that side grew dayly reduced into farre greater daungers: for that George Fronspergh with his army of launceknightes conteyning thirteene or fourteene thousande, taking their waye by the vale of Sabio, & so passing by the rocke of Anfo towards Salo, were now come to Chastillion vpon the confines of Mantua. The Duke of Vrbin not many dayes be­fore to be the more ready to encounter the Launceknightes, had ledde the army of the league to Vavvry vpon the ryuer of Adda betweene Trezza and Cassan, and there had erected a bridge and fortified his campe: And leauing at Vavvry the Marquis Duke of Vr­bin goeth a­gaynst the launce knights of George Fronsp. of Salussa with the French bandes, the Svvizzers, the Grisons, and his owne foote­men, he departed him selfe from Vavvry the xix. of Nouember, leading with him Iohn de Medicis, six hundred men at armes, many cornets of light horsemen, and eyght or nyne thousande footemen: His intention was not to set vpon them direct­ly in the playne field, but to vex them with incommodities and cut off their releefes and virtels, alleaging that the onely way to vanquishe men of that humor, was to driue them to fall into some disorder, which being well obserued and applied, would do them greater domage then a manyfest inuasion: In whiche minde the one and twenty day he aryued at Souzin, from whence he caused to aduaunce forward Mer­curio with all the light horsemen and a bande of men at armes, and they to intangle thenemie with skirmish whylest the whole army might haue time to ouertake them: The reason of that aduauncing of the light horsemen and hastie marching of the army after, was, for that he feared he should come very late being lodged the same day at Cauriano: by which occasion excusing himselfe of his long tarying at Vavv­ry, he layde the fault vpon the negligence and couetousnes of the treasorer Pisani, through whose fault the campe was constrayned to remayne there a daye or two more, tarying for the oxen that should drawe thartilleries: of which fault he allea­ged [Page 1028] afterwards did proceede a very great disorder, extending almost to the ruine of the whole enterprise. Vntill that time there was great doubt what way the launce­knightes would take, for that at first it was beleeued they would drawe towards Ad­da by Bressia and Bergama, with purpose to be mette by the bandes imperialls, and so to goe with them to Millan: And afterwards it was supposed that they would passe the ryuer of Pavv at Casalmaior, and from thence would take their orderly march to Millan: But being come the xxij. day to Ryuolto within eyght myles of Mantua be­twene the ryuers of Minceo and Oglio, the Duke of Vrbin lodging the same daye at Frato Albuino, it was knowen (for that they passed not Minteo at Goito) that they would goe on to passe Pavv rather at Bourgfort or Viadana then at Ostia or in the places more lower: But passing at Ostia, it was a manifest signe that they would take the way of Modena and Bolognia, in both which places there was made leauyes of footemen and other prouisions: Afterwards the Launceknightes tooke the way of Bourgfort the xxiiij. day, whither, because they had no artilleries, the Duke of Ferra­ra sent them foure Falconets by the ryuer of Pavv, which though of it selfe was but a very slender succour, yet it was very profitable to the seruice by the benefite of fortune: for, as the Duke of Vrbin in following them was entred within the straite of Mantua, within the which they were as yet: So in their approching to Bourgfort Iohn de Medicis made after them with his light horsemen to charge them vpon the tayle, though with no reason or hope to do any great matter: and as he accoasted them very neare, not knowing that they had any artilleries, his destenie led him on in that secure resolution to the daunger of his life, for that with the second shotte of one of those Falconets, his legge was broken a little aboue the knee, from whence being caryed wounded to Mantua, he ended his life there within fewe dayes after Death of Iohn de Medicis. to the great preiudice of thenterprise, since thenemies neuer stoode in feare of any mans armes or vallour, then of his: for notwithstanding he had but xxij. yeares of age, and by that disposition of youthe, was full of heate and forwardnes, yet his experience and vertue subdued to moderation and temperaunce the rage of nature and youth, and dayly raunged to good order and discression, those violent humors which through the intemperancie of his youth tooke libertie to stirre in him: And by the tokens of industrie and wisedome appearing more and more in him, he ca­ried an assured exspectation to become in tyme a capteine moste sufficient and ac­complished in all things concerning the science of warre. After this the Launce­knightes without any impediment drew along the ryuer of Pavv to Ostia, the Duke of Vrbin being at Bourgfort: And hauing passed ouer Pavv at Ostia the xxviij. day, they incamped at Rouero, where the Duke of Ferrara sent them a certayne releefe of money, and furnished them with some field peeces. But the inhabitantes of Bolognia and all Tuskane began to be very fearefull, for that the Duke of Vrbin, notwithstan­ding he had assured before that if thenemies passed the ryuer of Pavv, he would do the like, was gone to Mantua, saying he would tary in that place for a commission from the Senate of Venice, to direct him whether he should passe Pavv or not: But the launceknightes after they had passed the ryuer of Sechia, turned to the waye of Lombardy to ioyne with the companies that were within Millan.

At which tyme the Viceroy, who was departed from Corsika with xxv. vessells (for Encounter of the Nauye of thempror with the fleete of the confede­rates. two of his shippes were perished in a storme before he came to S. Florent, and fiue others were seperate from the Nauy abyding their fortune) encountred aboue Se­stria in the Leuant, the Nauy of the league, whiche conteyned sixe gallies of the French, fiue of the Popes, and fiue of the Venetians: and beeing grappled together [Page 1029] aboue Codemont, they fought from two of the clocke tyll night: In which conflict it is written by Andrea Dore that he sunke one of their shippes wherein were more then three hundred men, and did manye other great domages to the whole fleete with his artilleries: He wrote also that for the stormy season the gallies were con­strayned to retyre vnder the hyll of Portofino, exspecting the same night the other gallies that were at Portouenere: But whether they came or not, he wrote that vpon the appearing of the day they would go seeke thenemie: Neuertheles albeit they followed the fleete to Lyuorno, yet they coulde neuer ouertake it, for the waye they had wonne affore them, by which occasion beleeuing that the fleete had runne vp eyther into Corso or into Sardignia, they were so much the lesse ready in diligence to followe it. Afterwards the Viceroy followed his way, but so shaken with stormes and & tempests, that his shipps were dispersed, wherof one of them cōmaunded by Don Ferrand de Gonsaguo, was driuen into Sicile, which afterwards came to Caietto, where were set on lande certayne launceknightes: But touching him selfe he aryued with the residue of the nauy at the Port of Saint Stephen, from whence for that he was vn­certayne in what condition ortearmes stoode the affayres, he sent to the Pope at Rome the Commander Pigualoso, with commissions expressing the good intentions of themprour: And after the rage of the sea was abated, he sayled with his Nauie to Caietto.

In this meane while the launceknightes after they had passed the ryuer of Secchia The prince of Orenge vvith the Launce­knights. and were drawne towardes Razzolo and Gonsaguo, lodged the thirde day of Decem­ber at Guastallo, and the fourth day at Newcastell and Povvy which is ten miles from Parma: There the prince of Orenge came to them passing from Mantua with two companions in the habit of a simple harquebuzier: The fift day after they had pas­sed the ryuer of Lenze aboue the bridge and the high way, they lodged at Monchia­roncolo, the Duke of Vrbin remayning yet at Mantua with his wife and was not tou­ched with the present daunger of thaffayres: The seuenth day after they had passed the ryuer beyonde Parma, they bestowed them selues in the villages of Felina. At that tyme the raynes fell great and thicke whereby the ryuers swelled high and broade, and Capteine George by the relation of his letters written to the Duke of Burbon and surprised by espiall, showed himselfe very irresolute what course to take. The xi. day they passed the ryuer of Taro, and the daye following they lodged at the borowe Saint Donin, where they exercised their malice against holy relikes and ima­ges of Saints: The xiij. day they incamped at Firenzolo, from whence as was discer­ned by surprising of letters, they solicited the bandes of Millan to come and ioyne with them, who albeit were agreing with them in they same desire, yet the were re­teyned by want of money: for the penurie of the Spaniardes carying them into mindes insolent and disobedient, made them bolde to saye that they would not de­parte out of Millan, vnlesse they were satisfied of their olde payes, and in that disor­der they began to sacke and spoyle: But at laste to stoppe the course of so daunge­rour a mutinie, the industrie of the Capteines reappeased the angrie mindes of the souldiours, who were contented to receyue onely fiue payes, which to furnishe and accomplish they were driuen to despoyle the Churches of their plate, and to im­prison many Citizens: Wherein the better to conteine the whole in safety, such of the souldiours as were payde the Capteines sent to Pauia, though with very greate difficultie, for that they were loth to leaue the place where they had liued with so great libertie: And because the action of these things would require some time, the Capteines in the meane while sent beyonde Pavv certayne bands of horsemen and [Page 1030] footemen Italians to ioyne with the launceknightes: And albeit the Popes Liefte­nant had made instance, that the duke of Vrbin for the better suretie of the state of the Church, would passe the ryuer of Pavv on that side with the Venetian regi­mentes: yet the Duke had not onely deferred to passe, alleaging sometimes that he exspected the will and resolution of the Venetians, and sometimes temporising vp­pon other causes and reasons, but also he gaue signification to the Senate, that if he should leade the army ouer the ryuer of Pavv, there would be daunger least thim­perialls would inuade their estates: for which allegation holding more vppon feare then good reason of warre, he receyued straite charge from them not to passe the ryuer: And he had also in that regarde reteined many dayes the bands of footemen that were vnder the commaundement of Iohn de Medicis, whom the Lieftenant had vehementlye solicited to passe Pavv for the defence of the affayres of the Church. And where as the Marquis of Salussa had passed the ryuer of Adda, of whō the Lieftenant had required succours aswell to assure the things of the Churche, as for that by the great diminution of the Svvizzers and Grisons, he sawe himselfe not strong ynough at Vavvry: Nowe the Venetians who before had consented that the Marquis should passe Pavv to the succours of the Pope with ten thousande foote­men both Svvizzers and of his owne people, who were payed with the forty thou­sande duckets allotted to the Frenche king, besought the Duke of Vrbin that they might not be ledde ouer the ryuer, beeing thereunto moued and induced by the perswasions of the sayde Duke: By reason whereof the Duke sending him worde that he would conferre with him at Sovvzin deferred his comming so long, that the Marquis went his way: Wherein suche was eyther his negligence of the af­fayres, or his tymerous condition, that he did not onely all he could to make him to staye, to thende to beholde with better eye what the launceknightes would do, but also he made manifest perswasions to him not to passe at all, An occasion that somewhat stayed him in thexpedition, as also that the payes of the Svvizzers were not ready, who were payde after the rate of sixe thousande and were in trueth but foure thousande: And albeit for that impediment he deferred to passe vntill the xxvij. of December▪ yet he sent abrode into diuerse places of the contrey, the french horsemen with certayne bands of footmen, to stoppe the passage of vittells to the launceknightes, who had nowe remayned many dayes at Firenzola: for that seruice also was sent Guido Vuine to the borowe of Saint Domin with an hundred light hors­men: and Paule Lusasquo came out of Plaisanca with a good trowpe of horsemen, and drew neare to Firenzola, from which place one part of the launceknightes went to lodge at the borowe of Arquo for the more commoditie of vittells: For feare of the sayde launceknightes Plaisanca had bene refurnished before, but not with so suf­ficient forces as were thought conuenient for the defence of the place, for that the Popes liftenaunt who had alwayes feared since the cōming of the launceknights, least the difficulties to aduaunce their expeditions in Lombardy, would not force thimperialls to passe into Tuskane, wished that they would desire to go incampe be­fore Plaisanca: for which reason vnknowen to all men yea euen to the Pope himself, he so deferred to furnishe Plaisanca that they might despayre to be hable to take it: and yet he manned it and fortified it in suche sorte as they could not easily cary it, leauing this hope, that if they went thither he could not lacke meane to reskew it: But by the long abode which the launceknights made in the places thereabout, and the vniuersall exclamations of all men touching the daunger, least that citie should be taken, he was driuen to suffer Guido Rangon to goe thither with a great companie [Page 1031] of souldiours, like as also according to the direction of the Venetians, who had pro­mised to sende thither for garrison a thousande footemen to succour the Popes ne­cessitie, Nabbon de Naldo one of their capteines, was dispatched thither with a regi­ment of a thousande footemen: but because they were yll payde, they were imme­diatly diminished to foure hundred. At laste the Marquis of Salussa passed the ryuer, who in true mooster and computation had not in his army aboue foure thousande Svvizzers and Grisons, and three thousand footmen of his owne: And being come to Pulesina, notwithstanding he was desired not to depart from thence the better to vex the launceknightes who were at Firenzola, whither Lusasquo made incursions many times euen vp to their lodgings, yet for his better suretie he went vp to Torri­ [...]ella and Sissa: But amidde these marchings and remouings of souldiours and regi­ments, the launceknightes within two dayes after brake vp from Firenzola, and went to Carpinetta and the places thereaboutes: Neyther was it knowen what course the Duke of Burbon would take, whether he would plant his campe before Plaisanca be­ing come out of Millan, or whether he would passe further in the expedition of Tuskane: Afterwards the launceknightes passed the ryuer of Nuro the laste daye of the yere, to thend to passe afterwards the ryuer of Trebbia, and to tary for the Duke of Burbon in that place, which was least subiect to thincursions of thenemie.

Thus the affayres of Lombardy proceeded in a slowe course, not so muche for the season of the yeare which was sharpe and full of incommodities, as for the difficul­ties which the Duke of Burbon had to pay his souldiours wherein rested not the least impedimentes to the good fortune and felicitie of the warre. The wretched people of Millan were wonderfully trauelled for prouision of money, In which necessitie or rather tyrannie, Ierome Moron beeing condemned to death, compounded the night before he should suffer, to paye twenty thousande duckets, for the whiche it seemed they had passed him to sentence of death: But after the releefe of his purse had auoyded the daunger of his life, & vnder the same good meane his person was Ierom Moron out of prison. deliuered out of prison, suche was the course of his desteny working instrumentally by the dexteritie of his spirite and witte, that of a prisoner to the Duke of Burbon, he became his councellor, and within short time he went on by the operation of hys witte, tyll he became almoste his onely gouernor and director.

Neuerthelesse amid all these variations and vexations, the treatises of truce or peace were great betwene the Pope and the Viceroy, though in good meaning the plottes and purposes of the Viceroy tended rather to make warre, wherein he was set on both by thincitation of the Colonnois, who had breathed into him a new life since he came to Caietto, and also because he vnderstoode that the Pope no lesse abated in courage then naked in money, founde nothing so sweete as the desire of peace: Wherein both publishing to all the world his pouerty and his feare, and in his con­fusion refusing to create Cardinalls for money according to the counsell that was giuen him, the demonstrations he made of his owne weaknes, gaue courage and hope to who so euer would offende him: for as the Pope not entring into the warre with that constancie of minde that apperteined, had sent to themprour a letter the xxvj. of Iune, conteyning matter bitter and full of complayntes, that he droue him by necessitie to intende to the warre: So also fearing afterwardes least by the sharpe phrases of that letter he might further incense themprour whom he so much feared, he sent after an other expedition compounded of an humor more temperate and reformed, charging his Nuncio to reteyne the first, which neuertheles was deliue­red for that it came first to his handes: the other was presented afterwardes, but [Page 1032] themprour vnder one expedition, aunswered them both seuerally according to the argument and nature of matter they conteyned. Moreouer the Pope had readely harkned to the generall of grayfreers, who going into Spayne at suche time as the warre began, was charged by him to deliuer to themprour embassages milde and full of amitie: And beeing eftsones returned to Rome by commission of themprour, he brought many reapportes and informations touching his good intention, and howe he would be content to come into Italy with a trayne of fiue thousande men, and from thence after he had taken the Crowne of thempire, he would passe into Germany to set downe some forme to the matters of Luther, without speaking any thing of the Councell: That he was also well inclined to accorde with the Veneti­ans vnder reasonable conditions: That he would referre the cause of Frauncis Sforce to the arbitration of two Iudges assigned by the Pope and him, and in case he were condemned, he would bestow that estate vpon the Duke of Burbon: That he would reuoke his army out of Italy, so farreforth as the Pope & Venetians would pay three hundred thousande crownes to satisfie the wages of the army, which notwithstan­ding he would labour to make contented with a summe more moderate: That he would restore to the French king his children, receyuing in counterchaunge two millions of golde at two or more tearmes: He showed also that it would be easie to accorde with the king of Englande, bothe for that the summe that was in question was not great, and also the king had made offer of it. And the better to debate and worke these matters, the generall of grayfreers offred a truce for viij. or x. moneths, protesting that he had warrantes and commissions from themprour verye large and absolute, wherein all power of negociation and conclusion was giuen to him, to the Viceroy, and to Don Hugo: In regarde of which authoritie, and good inclina­tion of themprour, the Pope, after he had giuen audience to Pignaloso, and had re­ceyued aduertisement that the Viceroy was gone out of the porte of S. Stephen, sent the Generall to Caietta to treate vpon these matters with him: Whereunto he was the rather induced, for that bothe the Venetians woulde not refuse the truce if the French king would consent, who for his part was not farre estraunged from it, and his mother had sent to Rome Lavvrence Tuskane declaring an inclination to peace, wherein shoulde be a generall comprehension of all men. And also for that he thought no practise to be sure without the will and concurrencie of the Duke of Burbon, he sent to him in that behalfe one of his owne Amners that was at Rome, whom the Duke returned eftsones to the Pope to solicite the same matter: And yet neither to loase thoportunitie of the time, nor to abandon the prouisions for the warre, he sent Cardinall Augustin Triuulco as Legate to the army which was then in the field, And continuing also his preparations to inuade the Realme of Naples, Peter Nauarre ariued the third of December at Ciuitavecchia with a Nauy of xxviij. gallies of the Popes, the French, and the Venetians: At which time also Ranso de Cere being sent for the french king for thexpedition intended vpon Naples, was ariued at Sauonna with a fleete of sayles quartered: On the other side Askanio Colonno with a strength of two thousande footemen and three hundred horsemen, came to Valbon fifteene miles from Tiboli, where are the landes of the Abbot of Farfa and Iohn Ior­dan: with these forces the twelfth of December he tooke Cepperano, finding no resi­stance for that it was not garded. Vitelly with the Popes companies reduced himself betwene Tiboly, Palestime, and Velletre: Afterwardes the Colonnois tooke Pontecorue which was not garded, and in vayne gaue assault to Scarpa which is a litle and weake place depending vpon the Abbey of Farfa: Caesar Filettin approached by night to [Page 1033] Alagnia with fiftene hundred footemen, of which fiue hundred making their entrie secretly, by the fauour of a house ioyning to the walles, and by the practise of certen of the townesmen that receiued them, were repulsed and driuen out agayne by Lyon de Fano commaunder of the footemen that were there. In this meane while the ge­nerall of grayfreers returned from the Viceroy to the Pope, to whom he related the Viceroyes inclination to consent to the truce for certayne monethes, to thende that in the meane while the peace might take course: Only he stoode vpon demaundes of money, and for suretie he required the Castells of Ostia and Ciuitavecchia. But of the contrary to him, tharchbishop of Capua aryuing at Caietta after he was depar­ted, and who happly had bene sent thither with an yll counsel of the Pope, wrote to him that the Viceroy reiecting all motions to truce, was contented to make peace with the Pope onely, or with the Pope and Venetians ioyntly, so farreforth as they would make payment of money to thend to mainteine the army for assurance of the peace, and afterwards to debate in the matter of the truce with the others: An alte­ration mouing eyther by the variation or chaunge of the Viceroy, or happly by the perswasions of tharchbishop as many suspected: At which time Paule d'Arezze be­ing come to themprours Court with authoritie from the Pope, the Venetians, and Frauncis Sforce, whither also went by the motiō of the king of England for the nego­ciation of peace, the Auditor of the Chamber, the rather for that before were come thither full commissions from the french king: He found themprour wholy chaun­ged both in minde & will, taking the reason of his alteration vpon an aduertisement he had receiued of the army of the launceknightes, and of his Nauy in Italy: In so much as enforcing the fauor of that good aduauntage, he fled from all the conditi­ons that were set downe before, and vrged vehemently that the French king should obserue absolutely thaccord of Madrill, & to haue the cause of Frauncis Sforce heard by law before Iudges assigned by himselfe. Thus did both the will and intention of themprour vary according to the successe of affayres, like as also his commissions which he sent to his Agentes in Italy, bare alwayes by reason of the distance of the place, eyther an expresse or silent condition to gouerne themselues according to the variation of times and occasions. Therfore the Viceroy after he had many dayes abused the Pope with vayne practises, and would not so muche as consent to a sur­ceance of armes for a few daies till the negociation might soart to some issue: brake vp from Naples the xx. of December to goe into thestates of the Church, In which wilfulnesse he offred many new and very straunge conditions of accorde.

But to returne to the laste daye of the yeare, wherein the Launceknightes as we Capitulations betwene thē ­prour & duke of Ferrara. haue sayde passed the ryuer of Nure: The same day also the Duke of Ferrara, by the meane of his Embassador, capitulated with the Viceroy and Don Hugo who had com­mission from themprour: Neuertheles the capitulation was made with a very small liking of that Embassador, for that he was almoste constrayned to consent by the threates and rude words of the Viceroy: Tharticles of the capitulation were these: That the duke of Ferrara should be bounde aswell in his person as in his estates, to serue themprour agaynst all his enemies: That he should be capteine generall for themprour in Italy, with a company of an hundred men at armes, and two hundred light horsemen, onely he should assemble and leauy them at his owne charges, and receyue agayne allowance in his accountes: That he should presently receyue the towne of Carpy and the Castell of Nouy which had apperteined to Albert Pio, for the dowry of themprours bastard daughter promised to his sonne, onely the reuenues should be aunswered in account of the souldiors, a compensation to be made vntill [Page 1034] the consummation of the mariage: And that Vespatian Colonno and the Marquis of Guast should disclayme and renounce the rightes which they pretended to them: That he should pay the summe of two hundred thousand duckets, when he had re­couered Modena: but out of that should be deducted that which he had giuen to the Viceroy since the battell of Pauia: That if he did not recouer Modena, all the summes of money which he had before disbursed, should be eftsones repayed to him: That themprour should be bound to his protection, & not to make peace without com­prehending him, and not without obteining for him of the Pope, absolution of the paynes and censures which he had incurred euer since he was declared confederate to themprour: And lastly that he should vse all his meanes and authoritie to the Pope to absolue him of all those penalties and transgressions which he had runne in­to before. Thus in the ende of the yere a thousande fiue hundred and sixe & twen­tie all things prepared and tended to a manyfest and open warre.

The ende of the seuenteenth Booke.

THe Duke of Burbonissueth out of Millan: The Viceroy and Colonnois make vvarre agaynst the Pope in thestate of the Churche: The Marquis of Salussa entreth vvithin Bolognia: The Pope maketh vvarre in the kingdome of Naples: The Duke of Burbon leadeth his armie to Rome, taketh the tovvne and sacketh it, and is slayne in the action: The Pope beeing abandoned of all hope, accordeth vvith thimperialls: Amutinie in Florence: The king of Englande is declared agaynst themprour: The confederates do many enterprises.

THE EIGHTEENTH BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

NOW ensueth the yeare of our Lorde a thousande fiue 1427. hundred and seuen and twenty: A yeare prepared to many harde euentes and accidentes, suche as for their crueltie were full of feare and daunger, and for their straungenes, had no example or experience with the worldes and ages before: For in the predictions of this yeare was expressed an vniuersall face of troubles and confusion, of mutation of estates, of captiuitie of princes, of desolation of Cities, of dearth of vittelles, and of a generall visitation of the plague, yea through all the regions and climates of Italy, there was no apparance nor contemplation of other thing then of blood, death, famine, and fleeing, A con­dition lamentable euen to forreiners and straungers that dyd but heare of it, but [Page 1035] moste intollerable to those miserable wretches vpon whose neckes the lawe of de­stenie had drawne so grieuous a yoke. To these calamities there was no other thing that stayed the action of beginning and execution, but the difficulties whiche the Duke of Burbon founde to make the regimentes of Spanishe footemen to departe The duke of Burbon goeth out of Millan and leaueth there Antho. de Leua. out of Millan: for where he had determined that Anthony de Leua shoulde abide there for the defence of the whole Duchie, and reteyne with him all those bands of Launceknightes which were there before, for whose enterteinmentes and payes were consumed bothe all the moneyes exacted at tymes vppon the Millannois, and also suche other summes as were leauyed by the billes of exchaunge which the Duke of Burbon brought from Spayne: And where he had also appoynted to re­mayne with the sayd Leua for the seruice of the Duchie, a strength of twelue hun­dred footemen Spaniardes, together with some bandes of Italian footemen vnder the leading of Lodovvike Belliense and other commaunders: So likewise by their example all the other bandes and regimentes of souldiors, for that they had in pray the houses, the wyues, and daughters of thinhabitantes of Millan, were not dis­contented to liue still in that estate of licentious libertie: But for that both for the necessitie of the present seruice, and regarde of their proper honor, and lastely for the awe and authoritie of the Duke of Burbon, they coulde not directly refuse the appoyntment, they demaunded at least to be satisfied before they departed of their payes due to them before that daye: Neuerthelesse what by the force of reasons and perswasions, and what by the example of some particulars inducing the residue by their good inclination, they promised at laste to followe the Duke so farrefoorth as he would paye them onely fiue payes, A condition verye harde to accomplishe and furnishe, for that there was no possibilitie to make anye more leauyes of mo­ney of thinhabitantes of Millan, neither by way of rigor or threatninges, nor by sac­king their houses, nor by imprisoning their persons: Besides, in that estate of ex­treame violence and oppression, suche as were absente and had abandoned the towne, were adiorned and taxed at rates to nourishe the armie, and those that vp­pon sommonce refused to appeare, their goods by sentence were giuen to the soul­diours.

At last both by the industrie of the Duke and the extremitie of the time, all these difficulties were ouercome, and the Imperialls, called on both by the necessitie of the seruice, & hazard of the whole warre, passed ouer the riuer of Pavv the last day saue one of Ianuary: The day after one parte of the launceknights who before had passed ouer the ryuer of Trebia, repassed it agayne and wente to lodge at Pontenouo, and the residue of the army stayde beyond Plaisanca. On the other side, the Marquis of Salussa, who had all his regiments & bands of souldiors dispersed in the contrey, was at Parma: And the Duke of Vrbin being now come to Casalmaior, and to whose opinion and election the Venetians had referred to passe or not passe the ryuer of Pavv, began to passe his companies, assuring the army that if thimperials tooke the way of Tuskane according to thaduertisements he had receiued from Millan: That both he would passe in person with 600. men at armes, 9000. footemen, and 500. light horsmen, and through his celeritie would be before them at Bolognia: and al­so the Marquis of Salussa shoulde do the like with his regimentes and the bandes of the Churche. The armie imperiall stayed about twenty dayes the one halfe on this side, and the other halfe beyonde Plaisanca, A matter happning partly through the difficulty of money, the Launceknightes not hauing receyued till that day one penye of the Duke of Burbon: and partely by a desyre he had to plant his campe [Page 1036] before Plaisanca, though happly more for the difficulties he founde to passe further then for any other matter: Wherein the better to aduaunce his intention for the besieging of Plaisanca, he solicited the Duke of Ferrara to furnish him with powder and artilleries, and to come and ioyne his person with the army, offring to sende out to meete him fiue hundred men at armes and capteine George with sixe thousande footemen. To this demaunde the Duke of Ferrara made aunswere, that he could The duke of Ferrara per­swadeth the duke of Bur­bon. not with any safety sende powder through the countrey of thenemie, for that it could not be without manyfest daunger of interception: And that he coulde not without apparant hazarde of his person, ioyne him selfe with him, for that all the companies of the league laye in the wayes of his passage: But bee it there were safetie and facilitie in both those wayes, yet he wished the Duke of Burbon to con­sider that he coulde not do a thing more commodious for thenemie, nor more a­greable to their desires, then to stande temporising and loase time about the action of those townes one after an other: That if he tooke not Plaisanca, wherein the doubt was greater then the hope, or if he dyd take it, the action whereof woulde deuowre a great deale of tyme, he was to looke howe farre it would concerne hys reputation, and with what meanes he were hable to pursue the warre hauing so great wantes of money and other prouisions: Lastely he tolde him that the waye to aduaunce the benefite of themprour and to establishe the victorie, was to drawe and addresse him selfe to the head, and casting behinde him all other enterprises, to march with celeritie to Bolognia, and there to determine eyther to force that towne (in which enterprise he could not want succours) or at least to passe on eyther to Florence or to Rome.

But during the counsell and expedition of these matters together with the deui­ses the Duke of Burbon vsed to get money both to make vp the full pay of the Spa­nish souldiors, and to giue some releefe to the Launceknightes, amongest whom at their departing from Plaisanca he distributed two crownes to euerye man: The Continuation of the warre begon in the­state ecclesia­stike. warre went on, and was strongly kindled in the estate of the Churche: for Banso de Cere at his returne from Fraunce was newlye gone to the campe Ecclesiastike, whiche campe laye very neare to the Viceroy who was then vppon the confines of Cepperana, where certayne bandes of Italian footemen gaue an ouerthrowe to three hundred men of the Spanish footemen. But the counsels and opinions of men were diuerse touching the maner howe to defende thestate ecclesiastike: for as Vi­telly before the comming of Ranso, had coūselled the Pope to abandon the prouince of Campagnia, and to bestow two thousand footmen within Tiuoly, and two thousand within Pillistrina, and the residue of the army to remayne at Villetra to stop the Vice­roy for going to Rome: So Ranso ariuing euen vpon the poynt of this resolution, reproued the counsell to remayne and be inclosed within Villetra, both for the great and large circuite of the towne, the many impediments and incommodities to for­tifie it, and lastly for the vnaptnes and many inconueniences it bare to stoppe the passage of thenemies: But his opinion was to haue the armie holden within Feren­tin, where by reason they shoulde not be tyed to the garding of so many places, it should be more strong and full, besides also that the place gaue good oportuni­tie to hinder thenemies for passing further. This counsell was approued and hol­den for good, and according to the reasons and directions of it, they bestowed within Frusolone a principall towne of Campagnia and within fiue myles of Feren­tin, a garrison of eyghteene hundred footemen of the regimentes of Iohn de Me­dicis, who for the moste parte were called by the name of the blacke bandes: And [Page 1037] thither were also sent Alexander Vitelly, Iohn Baptista Sauella, and Peter Biraguo, com­maunders ouer light horsemen.

But in this meane while the famuly of the Colonnois had secretly conspired with Napoleon Vrsin Abbot of Farfa, and had induced him to take armes in the towne of Rome as souldiour to themprour: But the Pope hauing aduertisement of the whole practise, whiche he dyd dissemble with the same suttlety which he founde it out withall, found meane to send the Abbot, who had receiued money of him before, to mete Monsr Vaudemont the duke of Lorraines brother, whom the french king sent to him to fauor the enterprise of Naples: And by the Popes direction the Abbot was apprehended neare to Pracciano, and sent prisoner to the castell S. Angelo. The Pope was al this while in no smal thought to make prouision of money, wherin imploring the ayde of other princes, he receiued of new from the king of England a supply of thirty thousand duckets which the lord Russell his Chamberlaine brought to him: And with him came Monsr de Rabandanges with ten thousande crownes sent to him by the french king vpon the benefit of the tenthes which the Pope had accorded to him by necessitie & compulsion, vnder this promise notwithstāding that besides the payments of the forty thousand crownes which he gaue to the league, and twenty thousand which he contributed to the Pope for euery moneth, he should presently minister to him thirty thousand duckets, & within a moneth thirty thousand more: The king of Englande gaue commission also to the Lorde Russell to signifie to the Viceroy and the Duke of Burbon, a surseance of armes to thend to giue sufferance and tyme to treate a peace, the practise and negociation whereof according to them­prours will, was holden in Englande: And if the Viceroy would not condiscend to it, then to denounce agaynst him warre. It seemed by this readynes and many other apparances, that the king of Englande vnder a desire to marry his daughter with the Frenche king, was well inclined to the confederates and fauoured their cause, And in that good inclination he promised that assoone as the mariage were establi­shed, to enter into the league and beginne the warre in Flaunders: It seemed also he was particularly disposed to do pleasure to the Pope: But there could be no great exspectation of ready remedies from a prince who both measured not well the pre­sent conditions of Italy, nor stoode firme and resolute in his purposes, beeing styll labored and retyred by the hope which themprour gaue him to commit to him the working and arbitration of the peace, notwithstanding theffectes were in nothing correspondant to the semblances and showes he made: for when the Auditor of the Chamber was with him for that matter, albeit themprour did what he could to perswade him in many sortes that such was his intention: yet for that he exspected some euentes from Italy since the discending of the launceknightes, and the aryuall of his Nauy at sea wherof he had receiued some aduertisement, he forbare to giue him an aunswere assured and certayne, taking his excuse vppon the warrantes and commissions of the confederates, as though they were not sufficient.

But thaccorde whiche the Pope solicited continually with the Viceroy, hurt him not a little with the Confederates, both for that they stoode alwayes in feare least he woulde resolue and compound with him, And also the French king and the Ve­netians made this iudgement, that all the exspences and defraymentes whiche they should make to support him, would be almost vnprofitable: This iudgement and suspicion tooke encreasing by certayne degrees of vehement feares whiche were discerned in him together with the lamentable protestations he made dayly that he was no more hable to susteine the warre: Wherein agaynst hys ordinarye [Page 1038] meane and remedy in that case, he opposed wilfully his naturall obstinacy, & would not make Cardinalls for money, nor releeue himselfe in so great necessities & amid so many daungers of the Church, with those meanes which other Popes had wont to vse, yea euen in thatchieuing of their vniust and ambicious enterprises: In which regarde, the French king and the Venetians, to be the better prepared and ready in all accidents, were eftsones particularly bound to make no accord with themprour, the one without the other: And the French king for that cause, and for the great hope which the king of Englande gaue to rayse together with him (in case the ma­riage went forwarde) great emotions in the spring following, became more negli­gent and lesse carefull of the daungers of Italy.

In this time the Viceroy who solicited an inuasion vpon the Churche states, dis­patched a regiment of two thousande Spanish footemen, to assault a small Castell of Stephen Colonno, where the vallour of the defendantes made that enterprise in vayne: And because the Viceroy came on and aduaunced, thecclesiastikes referred to an other time to execute the resolution taken to batter the Popes rocke, the gar­risons of which place had surprised the Castell Gandolffo but weakly manned, and at that tyme holden by the Cardinall de Monte: At last the Viceroy, after he had assem­bled into one strength twelue thousande footemen, all bodyes commaunded and trayned sauing the Spaniards and Launceknights that were come with him by sea, encamped with his whole armie the xxix. of Ianuary before Frusolone, a towne weake and without walles, sauing that the howses of some particulars serue as a wall, and within the which the capteines of the Church had bestowed garrison, be­cause they would leaue him no footing nor entrie into Campagnia: to the weaknes of this place was ioyned a great necessitie and want of vittells: and yet the situation of the towne standing vpon a hill, giueth alwayes to the inhabitantes good meane and oportunitie to saue them selues of one side, for that it beareth a certaine bene­site of reskew and backing: A matter which gaue a great resolution to the garrison within to defende it, besides that they were of the best choyse of Italians whiche at that time tooke paye: Moreouer the height of the mountayne was no litle impedi­ment to thenemies to do any action vpon their artilleries, of which they had plan­ted three demy Cannons and foure Coluerines: Onely the greatest care of thene­mies was to stoppe as muche as they could the entry of vittells into the towne. On the other side the Pope, who albeit was muche impouerished for money, and was more apt to suffer indignitie to desire others to releeue him, then to furnishe him­selfe by meanes extraordinary, encreased his campe as muche as he could with bandes of footemen payed and trayned: And in that incertentie of minde and dea­ling, he had newly taken into his paye Horacio Baillon, without keeping memorie or obseruation of the iniuries which he had done before to his father, and afterwardes to him, whom he had of long holden prisoner within the Castell of S. Angelo as a troubler of the quiet of Perousa: With these supplies of souldiours his armie went on alwayes drawing neare to Ferentin to make there his generall moosters, and to giue hope of succours to those that were besieged. The batterye of Frusolona was reduced to perfection the xxiiij. day, but because it was not suche as to giue hope to cary the place, there was no assault performed: Onely capteine Alarcon trauel­ling about the walles was hurt with the blowe of a harquebuse, and likewise Maria Vrsin was wounded: One of the principall grounds and hopes of the Viceroy was, that he was not ignorant that the souldiors within suffred great scarcitie of vittells, as also the armie that moostred at Ferentin was in the same extremitie: for the [Page 1039] souldiours of the Colonnois whiche laye within Palicina, Montfortin, and the Popes Rocke, the onely places which they helde, robbed and spoyled all that they found vpon the wayes, And Ranso going to the army, hauing for his eskorte and safety the bandes of footemen of Cuio, they cutte them in peeces and made pillage of what they found. Neuerthelesse as euery accident of warre is tyed to his seuerall euent, and where be made many aduentures there be sundry issues & fortunes: So it hap­ned that three hundred footmen issuing out of Frusolone seconded & backed by one part of the horsemen which were ledde by Alexander Vitelli, Iohn Baptista Sauello, and Peter Biraguo, approched within halfe a myle of Larnato, where were lodged fiue enseignes of Spanishe footemen: of which they drewe two enseignes into an am­bush and ouerthrew them, and in the conflict was slayne capteine Perault with four­score footemen, many were made prisoners, and two enseignes wonne and borne away. All this while the Viceroy was busie in casting of mynes at Frusolone, which for the most part were reuersed by countermynes made by the defendants, who stāding fully assured in their owne vallour, and fearing litle the forces of thenemies, refused the ayde of foure hundred footemen whom the Capteines of the army would haue sent thither for their succours. And yet amidde all these actions and accidentes of warre, the solicitations of accorde kept on their course with the same vehemencie they did before: for at this time the Generall and tharchbishop of Capua were retur­ned to Rome, & with them was come Caesar Fieremosquo a Neapolitane, whom them­prour Caesar Fiere­mosquo sent by themprour to the Pope. had dispatched to the Pope after the Viceroy was departed from Spayne: To him was giuen full cōmission to assure the Pope by especiall protestation, both how much he was discontented with thaction of Don Hugo and the Colonnois vpon Rome, together with the accidents that followed, & also to make impression of themprors desire and inclination to compound with him friendly, al the controuersies and dif­ferences that were betweene them: Their expedition bare also that they should de­bate vpon the peace in his name, A matter which he seemed also inclined to accō ­plishe with the other confederates, saying according to the relation of his Nuncio, that if the Pope executed his enterprise to go to Bolognia, he would giue him ful and free power to pronounce it as he thought best. These deputies propounded for the Viceroy a surceance of armes for two or three yeres with the Pope & Venetians, euery one reteining stil the possessions they enioyed at the present, and the Pope to pay an hundred & fifty thousand duckets, & the Venetians fifty thousand: A taxation albeit not a litle grieuous to the Pope for the difficulties to leauy it, yet such was his incli­natiō to be deliuered of the trauels of the warre, that the rather to induce the Vene­tians, he offred to impose vpon himself the fifty thousand duckets rated vpon them: wherin the better to allure their consents, & to exspect their answere, he made truce for eight dayes with the Viceroy the last of Ianuary, In which it was agreed that the regiments of the church should not passe Ferentin, nor the bands of the Viceroy Fru­solone, And that as there should be no action executed against the towne, so likewise the towne was forbidden all maner of fortifications & prouisions of vittels but from one day to an other: Amid which interposing of the truce, Fieremosquo thinking he had well sounded the intention of the Pope, and could also discouer the meaning of themprour without doing wrong to his dignity, he presented him a long letter writ­ten with the Emprours hand, full of his good intention, offers, & deuotion towards the Pope: But after he was departed from the Popes presence, & prepared to go sig­nifie to the Viceroy & the Legate the surceance agreed vpon, & to giue addresse for the execution of it, the same day he found the army departed from Ferentin & mar­ching [Page 1040] towards Frusolono: he communicated with the Legate all that had passed be­twene the Pope & him, who not willing to breake the great hopes which he and his souldiors had of the victory, enterteined his doings with prayse & commendation, and leading him in the abuse of fayre words, he sent secret direction to his capteines not to forbeare to march on. The army could not come in time to Frusolono, if they wonne not a passage or way in forme of a bridge lying at the foote of the first hill of Frusolono, & garded by foure enseignes of launceknights: But assone as the vauward came which was commaunded by Stephen Colonno, & that they came to hand strokes with them, they disordred & put thē to flight, after they had made slaughter of 200. and taken 400. prisoners together with their enseignes: And thus the first hill being wonne, the others by that example retyred into places more strong, leauing a free and safe entry into Frusolono to the ecclesiastikes, who omitting nothing which ey­ther the fauor of their fortune or the oportunity of the time gaue them being nowe very neare night, pitched their tentes and lodgings euen at their beardes: By the benefit of which action Ranso and Vitelly with whom the Pope was discontented for this enterprise, had great hope to giue them the defeate eyther if they stayde there, or in case they brake vp and retyred, A matter which was beleeued would assuredly haue succeeded if they had incamped vpon the hill which was taken, or had bene diligent or carefull to obserue the retyring of thenemies: for the Viceroy not the day following but the thirde day, making no signe nor token that he would dislodge, went away with the army two or three howres before day, setting on fyre certayne munitions that remayned, and left behinde him many bullets & great shot: And al­beit the Ecclesiastikes when they knewe he was gone, sent out after him their lighte horsmen, who fel vpon his baggage and tooke a few prisoners of small importance, yet they were not there in sufficient time to do him any notable hurt: And yet he left behinde him one parte of his vittells, and retyred him selfe to Cesena and from thence to Cepperano. By reason of this retrayte the Pope tooke suche courage con­curring also thincitation of thembassadors of the confederates, whom he could not otherwise satisfie, that he resolued to execute thenterprise of Naples: for Rabādanges who had brought the ten thousand duckets collected of the tenthes, and ten thou­sand more for the portion of Ranso, had commission not to disburse them without the consent of Albert Pio, Ranso, and Monsr de Lange, and that in case they were as­sured that the Pope would not accord. And touching the Venetians (to whom was gone the lorde Russell to induce them to accept the truce offred by the Viceroy and approued by the Pope, but by the accident of his legge breaking by the waye he sent an other to them) They made aunswere that they would not accept the truce before they were well informed of the Frenche kinges will, in which deniall they stoode so muche the more resolute, by howe muche they vnderstoode that Genes was reduced to great extremities and wants of vittels: So that it was determined to inuade the kingdome of Naples aswel by sea as by land: and that Monsr de Vaudemont should be Admirall of the army by sea, for whose better strength there was addresse giuen to leauy 2000. footmen: But Ranso by whose direction was distributed & ex­spended The confede­rates resolue to inuade Naples. the money of the french king, determined contrary to the Popes will (who was of opinion to conuert into one place al the forces of that expeditiō) to dispose 6000. men to enter Abruzza: he hoped that by the working of the sonnes of the Count Montoiro who had bin sent thither with 2000. footmē, they should make an easy action vpon Aquila, which accordingly hapned through the feare of Askanio Colonno, who assone as he heard of their approch, fled from the daunger which his [Page 1041] tymerous condition would not suffer him to abide. The beginnings and first actions of this enterprise were full of hope and felicitie: for albeit the Viceroy who had be­stowed garrisons within the places neare him, was busy to readdresse and refurnishe his army asmuch as he could: yet both for that one part of his regimentes was dis­banded, and an other parte by necessitie bestowed in garrisons, it was thought he would stande daungerously imbarked, and with great difficultie be hable to make resistance onely to the sea army: It was beleeued also by the same reason that Ranso in Abruzza, and the Nauies of the Churche and Venetians conteining xxij. gal­lies, should finde no head made agaynst them, both for that they were resupplied with a strength of three thousande men, and also for the ioyning of Oratio with two thousande footemen, together with the person of Monsr de Vaudemont, who vnder Monsr Vau­demont the Popes lief­tenant. the auncient rightes and claymes of king Rene, pretended to the succession of that kingdome, and at that time managed the place of Lieftenaunt generall vnder the Pope: But these matters proceeded very slowely to execution, both for the tempo­rising of the army ecclesiastike not as yet departed from Frusolono, where they ta­ryed for the great artilleries that were to come from Rome, and also for thexpedi­tion of Abruzza, and the aryuall of the sea army: These impedimentes and losse of tyme were also increased by the mutinie of the footemen within Frusolono, who demaunded double paye, as a matter wonne and due for the victorie. Neuertheles the eightenth day of February the souldiours of the Viceroy abandoned Cesana and other places confining, & withdrew them selues to Cepperana: by thoportunitie of whose retrayte, the army ecclesiastike beginning already to feele the want of vittels, passed Saint Germain, and the Viceroy fearing to put things to hazard, retyred to Ca­ietta, and Don Hugo to Naples: All whiche notwithstanding the Pope pressed still with his wantes and necessities of money, and fearing no lesse the aduauncing of the Duke of Burbon, agaynst whose armye he sawe the Confederates disposed to make no greate resistaunce, continued styll his inclination to compounde with themprour, and in that humor had eftsones procured the Lorde Russell to goe vp to the Viceroy in the name of his king: Vppon whiche it followed that Fieremosquo returned to Rome the xxj. of February, from whence also the daye following he departed, hauing published his commissions, and left the Popes minde full of con­fusion and irresolution: In regarde of whiche perill and the Popes alteration, the Venetians least he should rashely intangle him selfe with thaccorde, made offer to him in the beginning of Marche, to sende him in ready money within fifteene daies fifteene thousande duckets, and fifteene thousande more within other fifteene dayes, so farreforth as he would graunt them a Iubiley for all their gouernment. But Exploytes of the Nauy of the confede­rates. amid these delayes and temporisings the Popes Nauy and the Venetians, which had with great losse taryed to exspect the french fleete, and beeing by rage of weather driuen into the Ile of Ponso the xxiij. of February, fell with the Molo of Caietta and sacked it: And the fourth day of Marche hauing set on lande the footemen at Poz­zolo, returned eftsones to the sea for that they found it in good condition of defence: And so passing further, they discended agayne neare to Naples by the ryuer of the borowe of Stabbia, where was Diomed Caraffa with fiue hundred footemen: They caryed this borowe by assault the thirde daye on that side of the Mountayne, by whose example the Castell rendred the day after: The tenth day they forced the Greeke towre and Surrenta: And in that violence of victorie and fortune, many pla­ces on that side yeelded afterwardes vppon composition: This fleete also had ta­ken before certayne shippes laden with grayne for the prouision of Naples whiche [Page 1042] had great neede of them, and for want of them suffred no small vexation, the rather for that thenemie found no impediment vpon the sea, neyther was there suche or­der taken as was necessarie: In which disorder and want of good direction, the flete drewe so neare the Mole the seconde daye in Lent, that the Castell and the gallies shotte at it: yea the footemen came on so faste by lande, that with great difficultie the Neapolitanes could retyre them selues by the Market gate and shutte it: After this they tooke Salerne: when Vaudemont made after certayne shippes, and leauing foure gallies at Salerne where Oracio was, the prince of Salerne at the same time en­tred within the towne by the way of the Castell with many souldiours, but he was ouerthrowne by Oracio, in which encounter were slayne more then two hundred footemen and many made prisoners. In Abruzza after the Viceroy had deliuered out of prison the olde Count of Montoire to thende he might recouer Aquila, the sayde Count was no sooner set at liberty by the Viceroy, then he was made prisoner by his owne sonnes. And Ranso who tooke the sixt of March Scicibiana and Talleconsa, went vp towards Sora: Neuertheles, notwithstanding the fauor of so fayre occasions, and the benefite of so many felicities concurring, the souldiors began the first daye of March to abandon the army on land by trowpes, and that eyther for want of vittels, or through negligence in the officers, or at least for the yll prouisions of the Pope.

The negociations and counsels of the peace continued and kept on their course, and in that action were come to Rome the seconde of Marche Fieremosquo and Se­renon secretorie to the Viceroy: There they founde aryued the daye before, Monsr de Lange, instructed with wordes and promises sufficient for the credite of his expe­dition, but he brought no money notwithstanding they had aduertisement out of Fraunce that he was departed both with twenty thousand duckets for the payes of the footemen appoynted to serue in the great shippes whiche were exspected at Ciuitavecchia, and also that he brought twenty thousand more for the Pope, to helpe to aduaunce thenterprise of the realme of Naples for one of the sonnes of the french Katherine de Medicis. king, to whom should be giuen in mariage Katherine de Medicis daughter to Lavv­rence and neece to the Pope: for the french king reapposing muche for him selfe in the negociation of England, and being perswaded that the Viceroy for the disorder of Frusolono, coulde execute nothing, and also that the army imperiall both for their slownes to moue and march, and for their wants & necessities of money, would not go at al into Tuskane: would heare no further of the motion of the truce, no though it should be generall and extended to comprehende all, and that he should be ac­quited from all payments of money: Wherin albeit his principall intention was, not to giue time to themprour to reorder and readdresse his forces, yet in regarde of his owne nakednes & pouerty of money, he sent to the Pope no other thing of the xx. thousand duckets which he had promised monthly, nor of the money collected of the tenth, then ten thousand duckets: Neither had he sent as yet the wages of those bands of footmen appoynted to the mayne army at sea running in the common ac­compts & exspences of the Venetians and him: And lastly for that he had desire that there should be no action or enterprise till some conclusion were made with the king of Englande, he thought it but reasonable that the Pope should temporise and exspect till that time. So that the enterprise of Naples begun with so great felicitie and hope, went euery day diminishing and of lesse exspectation, for as the army by sea which was neither made greater by vessels and shipping, nor stronger with sup­plies of souldiors, was not to execute any great action, the rather for that they were to drawe out of their mayne forces, garrisons of men to defende such places as they [Page 1043] tooke: So the army by land, which for the yll disposition of the tyme, was not as yet possessed of the vittels that were sent from Rome by sea, did not onely not aduaunce, but also diminishing dayly by new degrees of disorder and penury of vittells, it rety­red at laste to Piperna: Besides, those regiments of footemen which Ranso ledde and gouerned, were so diminished for want of money, that Ranso seeing he could not in­close the Viceroy according to the plotte he had layde, returned backe to Rome: yea lastly the straite negociation and labor of the accorde which the Pope interteined, augmented greatly those disorders: for as it abated the preparations of the conse­derates which of them selues came but slowely on, So on the other side it pushed on the Popes inclination to the accorde, wherein he was induced to reappose a greater hope in thintention of themprour, for thintelligence he had by one of his letters surprised, by which he charged the Viceroy to enterteine and embrace thac­corde with the Pope, if thestate and condition of his affayres induced him not to take other counsell: But the matter that moste stirred and moued him, was, that he sawe the Duke of Burbon marche and aduaunce continually with the armie Impe­riall: neyther did he discerne the resolutions of the Duke of Vrbin to be so con­stant, nor the prouisions of the Venetians so full and forwarde, as he could be assu­red of the matters of Tuskane, the feare of which brought no small affliction to him: for as thimperialls laye some of them on this side, and some of them beyonde Plaisanca, the Duke of Vrbin had chaunged his firste opinion, which was to get be­fore them into Bolognia with the Venetian armie: and had resolued in his counsell, that assoone as he should be aduertised that thenemies would remoue, the armie ecclesiastike leauing good garrison within Parma and Modena, should goe to Bolog­nia: And for him selfe, he woulde marche with the Venetian armie in the tayle of thenemies, though twentye or thirtye miles from them, for the more surety of his people. According to which order, when afterwards thenemies would take the way to Romagnia or Tuskane, the whole campe should aduaunce continually, the armie ecclesiastik marching alwayes before with the Marquis of Salusse leading the french launces, the Svvizzers footemen, and his owne, and leauing alwayes garrisons in such places as thenemies should passe by after them, and they afterwards to be reas­sembled and reuoked from hand to hand according as the enemie should aduaunce and passe: This counsell the Duke iustified and folowed with many reasons, such as the other capteins could neither comprehende nor approue: First he alleaged that there was no surety to assemble and ioyne all together in the fielde to stop the pas­sage of thimperialls: for that it would be a matter eyther daungerous or vnprosita­ble: Touching the daunger, he referred it to rest in the feight or battell, for that if thimperialls were not superiour in numbers and multitudes, at least they were a­boue them in force and vallour: an aduauntage which would make the victory ea­sie to them: And he proued it vnprofitable by this, that if thimperialls would not feight, at least it would be alwayes in their power to leaue behinde them the armie of the confederates, and so keeping alwayes before them, they shoulde be apte to accomplishe great exploytes: Lastely he alleaged, that as in thexperience and rea­son of things, he helde this counsell better then all others, So also he was constray­ned by necessitie to embrace and followe it: for that thimperiall armie beeing as was beleeued halfe shaken, he could not put his people into suche speedy readynes as to be assured to marche in tyme and to gette before: Besides, seeing the Veneti­ans had wholly reapposed them selues vppon him touching that deliberation, he was to consider not to leaue their estate in daunger, which if thennemies discerned [Page 1044] to be vnfurnished, they might, taking newe counsell vppon newe occasions, turne their course to passe ouer Pavv, and so intrude vpon their landes to their harmes. This reason might suffice to content the Senate of Venice, for that naturally they haue for obiect to proceede aduisedly and surely in all their affayres: But it did not satisfie the Pope, for that vnder that counsell he sawe opened a waye to thimpe­riall armie to take their course euen vp to Rome or to Tuskane, or to make their passage into what place they liste, seeing there was no possibilitie of resistance by the armie that was to goe before, bothe for that they were to distribute in places as they passed garrisons of souldiours, and also their mayne strength was to suffer diminution by other meanes: Neyther was it a matter certayne, that in the Ve­netians tarying once behinde, woulde bee as greate readinesse to followe with ef­fectes, as the Duke was liberall to promise in wordes, considering his custome and manner of proceeding in all the course of the warre before: Lastely he iudged that if the armies were reduced into one strength, wherein the numbers of souldiours farre exceeded the Imperialls, they mighte with more facilitie stoppe thennemie for passing further, cutte off the traffike of their vittells, obserue all occasions that offred, and neuer be so farre remoued from them, that in good season and oportu­nitie they might not succour the townes of the Venetians if thennemie offred to make anye violent action vpon them. But this resolution displeased him so muche the more, by howe muche he vnderstoode the Duke of Vrbin beeing come to Far­ma the thirde of Ianuarie, was retyred the fourth daye to Casalmaior, by the acci­dent of a small maladie that happned vppon him, and fiue dayes after he went from thence to Cassola vnder cooller to cure his sicknesse: To whiche place he sent for his wife, beeing somewhat eased of his feauer, but tormented as he sayde with the panges of the gowte. Suche as were fauourers and good interpreters of this man­ner of dealing very suspicious to the Pope, referred the cause of all to his negocia­tions and practises of peace: but hys Lieftenaunt Guicciardin comprehending partely by tokens of likelyhood and probabilitie, and partely by information of the Dukes owne wordes and speeches, that hys desyre to recouer Montfeltro and Saint Leo possessed by the Florentins, was the matter that induced hym to that de­liberation: And iudging that if in that he were not contented, he woulde leaue bothe the Pope and Florentines abandoned in their greatest necessities: and last­lye supposing that he iudged not these places to bee a rewarde worthy ynough for exposing him selfe to so greate a daunger: and knowinge withall that they had the same desyre at Florence: In all these respectes he gaue to the Duke an as­sured hope of the restitution of those places, as though he had commission so to do from the Pope: Which neuerthelesse was not approued by the Pope, who in that case suffred him selfe to be caryed more by olde and newe hatreds, then by e­quitie or reason.

In all this meane whyle thimperialls, who had made distribution of a very small summe of money amongest the Launceknightes, kepte them selues incamped vppon the confines of Plaisanca, where was the Counte Guido Rangon wyth sixe thousande footemen: At whiche place Pavvle Luzasquo wyth certayne other light horsemen of thecclesiastikes making sometymes incursions to discouer the countrey: and beeing in that action one daye accompanied with certayne bandes of footemen and some men at armes, they encountred a trowpe of enemies of the same facultie and profession, whom they ouerthrewe and tooke foure skore horse and an hundred footemen, ouer and besides Capteines Scalenguo, Succar, and [Page 1045] Gruguy Burgonions who remeyned prisoners: After this Monsr Burbon sent out tenne ensignes of Spanyardes to reuittell Pisqueton, and ioyntlie with that action, the Count Caiazzo with the light horsemen and with his regimentes of footemen, came to lodge in the borowe of Saint Donyn which the Ecclesiastikes had abando­ned: Count Caiaz­zo goeth from thimperialls to the pay of thEcclesia­stikes. The sayd Count the day after according to an intelligence which was enter­teyned with him before, and also pretending for want of his pay, to be acquited and made free from his othe which he had giuen to thImperialls, passed to the campe Ecclesiastike, where he was enterteined by the Lieutenaunt (though more to content others then of his owne inclinscion) and with him were taken into wa­ges twelue hundred footemen, and an hundred and thirtie light horsemen which he had with him: This condicion was tyed to the contract, that if thEmperour tooke from him by way of warre or other violence his Earldome of Caiazzo, the Pope within eight monethes should indue him with so muche in yearelie value as thErle­dom was worth, and to remeyne possessed of it vntill he had recouered his owne.

The Duke of Ferrara refusing alwayes to come to tharmie, pushed on by perswa­sions the Duke of Burbons desire, to take his course rather to Bolognia and Florence, then to stay and intangle his armie with the action of those townes: And as an ar­mie of souldiours compounded vppon sundrie natures, nations, and languages, draweth after it for the most parte so many sortes of accidentes and aduersities, as it conteyneth seuerall complexions and humors: So, his regimentes of Spanishe footemen, either for want of money in deede, or making that their colour, drewe into mutinie the seuenteenth day demaunding their pay: And albeit in that rage of insolency, they slue the sergeaunt Maior whom the Duke had sent to appease them, yet vsing mildnesse and gouernment where his sergeaunt Maior sought to manage them by authoritie and rigor, he raunged them by discression whome his officer could not reduce by seueritie, and so with mindes well reconciled the twentie day he passed ouer Trebia with his whole armie, and incamped about three myles from Plaisanca hauing with him fiue hundred men at armes, and many light horsemen I­talians who were not payed: Touching the old bandes of Launceknights one parte of them were appointed to remeyne at Myllan, and the others were addressed to Sauona to aide those of Genes who were reduced to great necessitie: Sure the reso­lucion of the Duke of Burbon and the armie, which he led, was straunge and won­derfull, for that being without money and pay which onely leadeth the souldiour to fight, and hauing no municions, without the which standeth maimed all enterpri­ses of warre, and standing destitute of the seruice of pionners, a matter most im­portant in the action of townes and peeces, and lastlie being followed with no ad­dresse nor order for vittells which alwayes is accompted one of the strongest vaines or sinewes of an armie, They sought to aduaunce and passe further amidde so ma­ny priuacions and wantes, thorowe so many townes and peeces of thenemies, and against foes of farre greater numbers then they: But more recommendable was the constancie of the Launceknightes, who being drawne out of Germanie with one on­lie duckat a peece, and suffering a long time with a wonderfull temperance in Italie, and neuer were releeued since they first sette their foote to marche with more then two or three duckats at the most, offered to march on with the same resolucion and cherefullnes of minde with the which they betooke them selues first to the seruice: And in that good example to all souldiours of other nations, they passed on, con­trarie to the ordinarie custome of men of warre, and especiallie against the humor of their owne climate and region depending vpon no other pay or assignacion then [Page 1046] vpon the hope of the victory notwithstanding it was manifestlie discerned that they coulde not continue without money, both for the nearenesse of thennemies whose importunitie pressed them, and for the necessities of vittells which more and more grewe into extreame penurie: Onely amidde these sufferinges and afflictions they were muche stayed and supported by the authoritie and operacion of Capteyne George, who the better to conteyne them, sette before their eyes the sacke of Rome, and the bootie of most parte of Italie, a matter which he thought most agreable to mindes replenished with impressions of ambicion, glorie, and profit: And in that good conformacion of minde, the armie marched the two and twentie day to the borowe of Saint Donyn: Out of the which the day following issued the Marquis of Salussa and the Ecclesiastike regimentes leauing certeine bandes of Venetian foote­men for the garde of Parma, and so they followed the way of Bolognia with eleuen or twelue thowsande footemen: But it was ordeined that the Count Guido shoulde come from Plaisanca to Modena, and the footemen of the blacke bandes to Bolo­gnia, leauing a sufficient garrison within Plaisanca: In this sorte in foure remoues they marched by the countrey of Reggia betwene Anzolo and the bridge of Rene: At that time the Duke of Burbon was vppon the confines of Reggia: And the Duke of Vrbin who being perswaded at Casalmaior by Guicciardin to augment his num­ber of Svvizzers, had refused it as a matter vnproffitable: stoode nowe vpon vehe­ment instaunce to sende to Rome and Venice to make a newe leauie of foure thow­sand Svvizzers & two thowsand Launceknights: In which variacion and chaunge of his minde, he excused the contradiction that was made then, both for that the season did not then require to take the fielde, and also he beleued by many reasona­ble coniectures that thennemies woulde haue dissolued and broken [...] whom nowe he promised to accoast with that strength and newe supplie: But that as a coun­cell ill disgested of them all, & not holden indifferent of any, both for that there was no possibilitie to releeue the daungers that were present with remedies so slow and farre of, and also that for the difficulties of money, and the disagreement of the con­federats, theffect of that councell could not be put in execucion.

In this time the Duke of Millan, with the vallour of three thowsande footemen whom he had assembled, did not only defend Loda, Cremona, and all that contrie be­yond Adda, and made incursions vpon the territories of Millan, but also ioyning or­der to celeritie, he surprised with the same felicitie the towne of Monce: Neuerthe­lesse his souldiours left it eftsoones abandoned hauing aduertisement that Antho. de Leua (who after he had giuen conduit to the Duke of Burbon was returned to Millan) marched thither with two thowsand of the old Launceknights & fiftene hundred of a new leauy, a thowsand Spanish footemen, and fiue thowsande Italians, commaun­ded by diuerse Capteines.

But after the Duke of Burbon had passed the riuer of Secchia, he tooke his way The Duke of Ferrata coū ­celleth the Duke of Bur­bon to goe to Rome. on the left hande and arriued the fift day of Marche as Bonport: There he left his people, and went him selfe to Finalo to communicate with the Duke of Ferrara, who perswaded him with many argumentes and reasons to drawe towardes Flo­rence or Rome, and to reduce thither all his thoughtes: Yea it was thought that the scoape of his councell tended chiefelie to take his course to Rome, and in re­garde of that to lette passe all other enterprises: In this deliberacion there oc­curred many accidentes and difficulties which troubled the minde of the Duke of Burbon, but chiefelie he feared, least the armie being come to Rome, they woulde passe on to the realme of Naples, and that either for necessitie whiche is mightie [Page 1053] in the mindes of souldiours, or for desire to be refreshed which their long wearines, and sufferance did iustly chalenge, or for some other difficultie that might happen whereof he did not dout, neither had his dout bene fallible or vaine, if at his com­ming to Rome he had not found the Pope disarmed: The same day did the regiments of the Venetians passe the riuer of Pavv without the person of the Duke of Vrbin, who notwithstanding he was almost recouered and hoale, yet he remayned at Gaz­zolo though with intencion to put him selfe on the way forthwith: The seuenth day the Duke of Burbon lodged at Saint Iohn vpon the confines of Bolognia, from which place he sent a trompet to Bolognia, whether were retyred the armie Ecclesiastike: The summonce of the trompet was to demaund vittells, and to assure them that the Duke of Burbon would go to the succors of the realme of Naples: And the same day the bandes of Spanyardes that were within Carpy after they had deliuered vp the towne to the Duke of Ferarra, ioyned them selues with the Duke of Burbon: The ar­mie of the Venetians lay incamped along the riuer of Secchia, not resolued to passe further onlesse they first vnderstoode that the Duke of Burbon were discamped from S. Iohn, into whose army had passage & resort a traffike of vittels from aboue the ter­ritories of Ferrara: But for that the vittellors demaunded money of the souldiours, who had almost none to pay, they dispersed them selues to lodge at large & abroad, to eate and deuour the contrie, and in that wretched insolencie they ranne into all places robbing both man and beast the better to furnish them of meanes to pay for their vittells: The same bringing suche a disorder ouer the whole armie, that it was holden for certeine that if in that confusion they had met with any strong encoun­ter, or if thEcclesiastikes who were within Bolognia and the confines there aboutes, would haue incamped neare them, their owne disorder would haue drawne vppon them no small difficulties and daungers: Both for that so long as they continued so dispersed at large and at randome, their perills coulde not but be more apparaunt then their safetie, and reducing them selues into a strait and one campe, they stoode depriued of all meane and prouidence for vittells: The bandes also that were within Bolognia were not without their disorders, as wel through the condicion of the Mar­quis who was more apt to breake a launce in a fayer show at tilt then to manage the office of a Capteine in the fielde: as also for that the Svvizzers and his companies of footemen were not payed in times dewe by the Venetians, the same beinge the cause that made them loase a fayer occasion: In the meane while the Duke of Bur­bon to thende to passe further, was at the poynt to drawe from Ferrara a prouision of vittells for many dayes, together with a proporcion of powder, pyoners and oxen to drawe foure cannons: Wherein notwithstanding he made many demon­stracions that such was his intencion, yet it was holden for certeine that he was de­termined to passe into Tuskane by the way paued or cawseyed: The like was confir­med by Ierom Moron, who many dayes before had holden a secrete intelligence with the Marquis of Salussa, though in the iudgemēt of many, but frandulently & dissem­blinglie: But such is the operacion of a disorder begon, that if it be not as well cured ‘at the roote as reconciled at the top, it goeth on working to daūgerous effects euen as a fire couered and raked vp with ashes is not fullie quenched but smoothered and preserued to a greater burning: for, as the army was appointed to depart & breake vp the fouretenth day of March,’ & to that end had sent backe againe to Bodyn the foure cannons: So the day before, the bands of Launceknightes hauing bene long led in abuse by many promises made to pay them, ioyned their exclamacions to the com­plaints of the Spanish footmen, & began with insolent voices to call for their payes, [Page 1048] wherein giuing scoape to their discontentmentes to passe from one passion of rage to an other, they mutined & drew into manifest tumult, and that to the great daun­ger of the life of the Duke of Burbon, if he had not with present diligence escaped from his lodging, which in their fury they inuaded & sacked killing one of his gentle­men who stoode to defend the goods of his maister: By reason of this accident the Marquis of Guast went foorthwith to Ferrara, from whence he returned with some litle summe of money, with the which the army was reappeased: The seuenteenth day there fell from the regions aboue such abundance of snowe and raine, that for certeine dayes it tooke away all libertie of marching, as well for the impediment of the wayes made worse by the ill weather, as for the swelling of the riuers which the snowes and landfluddes had made equal with the toppes of their bankes or shoares: By which intemperaunce of the wether instrumentallie working in the destinie assi­gned, Capteine George fell sicke of an appoplexie which so vexed him to the great perill of his life, that at least thennemies hoped that he would become vnprofitable to followe the campe, and vnder that occasion the Launceknightes would no more beare their incommodities, and want of money: But the effect was otherwise then thapparance declared: By this time the Venetian armie was at S. Favvstin neare to Rubiero, to whom the eighteenth of Marche came the person of the Duke of Vrbin, who according to his custome promised to the Senate of Venice almost a certeintie of the victorie, not so much through the vallour and puissance of the confederates, as for the difficulties and straites whereunto were reduced thennemies.

But now the affaires of the Pope being reduced on all parts to these hard tearmes, The Pope loaseth co­rage and why. he ranne a carelesse course accompanied with faintnesse of courage, both for that he was pinched with the want & necessitie of money wherein his care was so much the greater by howe muche did redouble his extremities, and also for thenterprise of Naples which tooke not successe according to his first deuises, and lastlie for that his companies were retyred to Piperna, being no longer hable to endure the want of vittells: But the matter that most tooke away his resolucion and spirite, was the temporising of the Frenche in whom was found no correspondencie betwene their promises and their effects, a custome which they had duely obserued euen from the first day of the warre till the last end of the same: for, besides that the king was long in sending the fortie thowsande duckats for the first moneth of the warre, and to dispatche the fiue hundred launces for the sea armie: And besides that he woulde not according as he was bounde, make warre beyonde the mountes which was one of the principall fundacions and meanes sette downe to aspire to the victorie: Yet also he failed to obserue his promises with the Pope from day to day, that besides the ordinarie contribucion, he would minister to him monethly twentie thowsand duckats to make warre in the realme of Naples: Also the truce being made by rea­son of the conspiring of Don Hugo and the Colonnois, he councelled him not to keepe the articles of the truce, and confirmed vnto him the same promise not on­lie to ayde him in the warres against Naples, but also in all actions for his proper de­fense: And lastly he promised to send to him Ranso de Cere whom he fauored much, for that he had expressed great vallour in the defense of Marseilles: All which things, albeit they had bene promised from the moneth of October, yet it was so long ere they were executed, that it was the fourth day of Ianuarie before Ranse came to Rome, and yet he brought no money, and also it was ten dayes after before the twen­ty thowsand duckats were sent: Of which summe foure thowsand were reteined by Ranse as well for his expenses and defrayments, as for his pension, and ten thowsand [Page 1049] were conuerted to furnish thenterprise of Abruzze, so that to the Popes hands who vnder that promise had broken the truce almost three moneths before, there neuer came of that summe more then six thowsand: Moreouer the king had promised the Pope in regard of his consenting to a tenth, to pay vnto him xxv. thousand crownes within eight dayes, and xxxv. thowsand more within two monethes: But he neuer receiued aboue nine thowsand which were brought him by Monsr Rabandanges: The king also extended his promise further, for that after Pavvle Aretze had taken his leaue of him the twelfth of Februarie, he promised him a coplemēt of twenty thow­sand duckats to thend to giue to the Pope a better stomake to make warre: But the sayd twentie thowsande duckats which were sent after Monsr de Lange, neuer passed further then Sauona: The king was bound by the capitulacions of the confederacion to send twelue gallies of which sorte of vessells he sayd he had sent sixteene, but the most parte of them so ill prepared and so slenderlie furnished of men to set on land that they stirred not from Sauona: Where, if at the first when ouerture was made of the warre against the kingdome of Naples, they had immediatly ioyned with the gallies of the Pope and Venetians, they would not but haue executed right great ex­ployts: And touching the armie by sea verie mightie in great vessells, notwithstan­ding the king had made many promises to sende them out against Naples, yet they neuer went farre from Prouence, or Sauona: Furthermore, after he had condiscen­ded to geue two payes to the souldiours of the Marquis of Salusse, he agreed with the Venetians who had a lesse number of souldiours then he to whome they were bounde, that their pay shoulde be taken vpon the contribucion of the fortie thow­sand duckats: He saw the comfortes and succours of the king of England were verie farre of and vncerteine: The Venetians made but slowe paymentes to their compa­nies, and for that cause the bandes of the Marquis of Salusse and the Svvizzers who were within Bolognia, serued almost for nothing: The variacions and vncerteinties of the Duke of Vrbin, astonished him not a litle, since thereby he discerned that no impediment would be giuen to thImperials to passe into Tuskane: By which meane, waying together with the ill disposicion of the people of Florence, thintelligence which the Citie of Sienna had with thImperialls, he saw that not onelie the state of Florence woulde fall into manifest daunger, but also the circuit and iurisdiction of the Churche: All which reasons albeit they moued him greatlie and wrought no small impressions in him, yet after many dristes and doubtes, notwithstanding he discerned well enough howe infamous and daungerous it would be to separate him selfe from the confederates and to referre him to the discression of thennemies: yet, both for that he was not sufficientlie succored by the residue, and much lesse would applie suche aide of him selfe as he might, and also being ouerruled by passions of present feare and not hable to resist with resolucion and courage, the difficulties and daungers occurring, he determined to accord with Fieramosque and Serenon whom the Viceroy had sent to Rome for that matter: The articles of thaccorde were these: The Pope ac­cerdeth with thImperialls. That there should be a surceance of armes for eight monethes, the Pope paying to thImperiall army three score thowsand duckats: That whatsoeuer had bene taken v­pon the Church, vpon the realme of Naples, and vpon the familie of the Colonnois, should be rendered: That Pompey Colonno should be restored to the dignitie of Car­dinall with absolucion of all paynes and Censures: This was a condicion moste greeuous to the Pope, and wherunto he condiscended with a verie ill will: That the Frenche king and Venetians might enter this accord within a certeine time: That in case they did enter, the Launceknightes shoulde goe out of Italie, and if they did [Page 1050] not enter, then they shoulde departe from the Church estate, and likewise from the territories of Florence: That the Pope should pay in fortie thowsand duckats within two and twentie dayes accompting from the present day, and to satisfie the residue within one moneth after: That the Viceroy shoulde come to Rome, which the Pope supposed to be the best meane to assure him that the Duke of Burbon should obserue thaccorde, a hope wherein he was eftsoones confirmed by the relacion of a letter surprised by Guicciardin, by which the Duke of Burbon aduertised the Viceroy of the difficulties of the armie, for remedie whereof he councelled him to growe to ac­corde with the Pope so farre foorth as it might be done with thEmperours honor: Immediatlie vpon the concluding of thaccorde, either partie retyred their bandes of souldiours, reuoked their armie by sea, and the places that were taken were ren­dered, the Pope vsing good faith, and meaning in thexecucion of the contentes of the capitulacion, notwithstanding at that time he had the better in all the realme of Naples: sauing that in the parte of Agnila, the sonnes of the Count Montoiro douting to remeine there in safetie, deliuered vp their father, who foorthwith with the fauor of the faction Imperiall chased them out of that prouince together with all those that were against him: After this the Viceroy came to Rome, by reason of whose presence there, the Pope iudging he stoode euerie way in good suretie for thobseruacion of thaccorde, dismissed with a verie ill councell, all those bandes of souldiours that were in his pay in the quarters of Rome: Reteining only two hundred light horsemen, and two thowsand footemen of the blacke bandes: he was induced to this dismission of his regimentes by an opinion he had that the Duke of Burbon was inclined to thaccord, both for the difficulties that increased vpon him dayly, and also for the testimonie he had alwayes giuen of his desire and disposicion to peace.

But the affaires tooke an other course about the confines of Bolognia, for, assoone as the truce was established, the Pope dispatched Caesar Fieremosquo to the Duke of Burbon to approue and confirme thaccord, & to see him depart from of the Church lands so soone as he should receiue money: But contrarie to their exspectacion and the restinionies he had giuen before, the Duke of Burbon shewed a hard disposicion to the peace, and in his souldiours appeared a farre more forward inclinacion, who semed to stand resolut to follow the warre, either for that they stoode fixed vpon the hope of a great profit, or because the moneys promised by the Pope, were not suffi­cient to satisfie two paies: A matter which induced many to beleue, that if the Pope had aduaunced to the summe of an hundred thowsande duckats, the souldiours had easely accepted the truce: But whatsoeuer was the ground or campe of their obsti­nacie, it is certaine that after the comming of Fieremosquo, they ceassed not to take and harrie the partes of Bolognia as before, and expresse vpon the people all demon­stracions and actes of ennemies: Neuerthelesse the Duke of Burbon who caused to cast platformes, and Fieremosquo gaue continuall hope to the Popes Lieutenaunt that notwithstanding all these difficulties & insolencies the army should accept the truce: together with which promise, Burbon assured him that he was constrained to cast platformes and expresse other apparaunces of enterprise, only to enterteine the armie in hope to passe further, vntill he had reduced them to his desire which was to keepe amitie with the Pope: Notwithstanding at the same time were brought to the campe many prouisions of meale, pyenors, cartes, powder and other like ne­cessaries sent by the Duke of Ferrara, who afterwards iustefied him selfe that neither the money he had sent them, nor all other releues of what nature so euer, passed not the value of three score thowsand duckats: But on the other side the Duke of Vrbin, [Page 1051] vnder a semblance of feare that if the army did accept the truce, it would returne to­wards Polisena de Rovvigno, retyred the Venetian regiments beyonde Pavv and in­camped at Casalmaior: in this estate of suspense and temporising continued the af­fayres of the warre for eyght dayes: But at last the Duke of Burbon, eyther for that such had bene alwayes his intencion, or bicause the army was falne into an insolen­cie aboue his power to restrayne, wrote letters to the Lieuetenant Guicciardin, that since he was not able to raunge the souldiers to his will, necessitie constrayned him to passe further: And putting it accordingly in execucion, he remoued the daye fol­lowing being the last of Marche, and went to incampe at the bridge of Rene, where the furie of the footemen of the campe, had killed a gentleman sent by the Viceroy to solicit the Duke of Burbon to imbrace the truce, had he not both with good celeritie and fortune auoyded the daunger of his life by fleeing away: But in that humor of rage and mutinie they expressed farre more insolent demonstracions against the Marquis of Guast, who being gon from tharmye to draw to the Realme of Naples by reason of his indisposicion, or not to be concurrant with others to impugne thEm­prours will, or induced happly by some other cause, was published and proclaymed rebell by the souldiers of tharmy.

The comming of the Duke of Burbon to the bridge of Rene, assured the Marquis of Salusso and the Popes Lieuetenant, that the army would drawe directly towardes Romagnia. By reason whereof, after they had left one parte of thItalian footemen for the gard of Bolognia, and with great difficultie brought thether the Svvyzzers for whose payes the Popes Lieuetenant was driuen to lend tenne thowsand duckats to Iohn Vetturio, they went the same night with the residue of the army to Furly, where­into they entred the third day of Aprill, leauing within Imola a sufficient garrison to defend it: Somewhat beneath the same citie, the Duke of Burbon passed the fift day and incamped more lower vnder the high way. But thaduertisement being come to Rome that the Duke of Burbon had not accepted the truce, the Viceroy made many semblances to be discontented, wherein perswading him selfe that according to the former aduertisements he had receiued, it was needeful to aduaūce a greater summe of money, he dispatched a gentleman of his to make an offer of twenty thowsand duckats more, which he would leauy of the reuenues of Naples: But vnderstanding that the gentleman had hardly escaped with the hazard of his life, he departed from Rome in person the third of Aprill, to meete and conferre with the Duke of Burbon, promising the Pope to compell him to imbrace the truce by seperating from him the men at armes & most part of the Spanish footemē, if by other meanes he could not induce him: But arriuing the sixt daye at Florence, he stayed there as in a place most conuenient, to debate with the Deputies whome the Duke of Burbon sent to him: By whome he was fully assured that there was no possibilitie to stay or conteine the army, but by aduauncing a greater defrayment of money, and that to be leauied vppon the Florentyns, vppon whome the Pope had layed all the charge of that pro­uision.

These variacions increased greatly the difficulties & daungers of the Pope, which for many dayes before were augmented euen into degrees of extremities: for, both amyd such an vncerteinty of councells and dealings of the Duke of Burbon, and by the successe and yssue drawne from the labor of the Viceroy, he stoode neede of the succours of the confederats, the actions of whom went on dayly diminishing and a­bating, notwithstanding the perswasions and instance of the Lieuetenant Guicciar­din: The reason grewe vppon the Popes owne dealing, for that in all his speeches & [Page 1052] demonstracions, he gaue knowledge of his desire to the accord together with the great hope he had of the successe of the same by the working of the Viceroy: And on the other side, the Lieuetenant, who comprehended by many signes that the Popes hope was vaine, and by the same reason saw that if the prouisions of the con­federats grewe cold, the matters of Florence and Rome stoode in apparant daunger, fell to perswade with many stronge reasons and similitudes the Marquis of Salusso & the Venetians, that the accorde would not sort to effect: Wherein he forgat not to encorage them, that, if not for the regardes of others, atleast for their owne interests, they would not abandon the affayres of the Pope and Tuskane: And in that action, the better to insinuate credit and authoritie, he did not dissemble that the Pope did vehemently desire and demaund truce, and did vndiscreetly labor and exspecte the same, not looking into the manifest abuses and doublenes of the Imperialls: he for­gat not also to induce them, that though by ayding him they obteyned no other thing then to make easie for him the condicions of the accord: yet in that action they should driue a drift of great good and profit to them selues, for that the Pope by their helpe, would accord for him and for the Florentyns vnder condicions which should litle hurt the league: Where, if they left him abandoned, the necessitie of his affayres would compell him to pay to the Imperialls, a great summe of money pre­sently, with continuacion of some huge contribucion monthly for thinterteyning of those armes and souldiers with the which the warre was to be brought against them afterwards: In which regardes, onles they would wilfully preiudice and harme them selues, they ought to stirre & come on with all their forces, to defend Tuskane when­soeuer the Duke of Burbon would aduaunce to inuade it: The matter of this delibe­racion reduced the Marquis of Salusso into no smal doubts & perplexities, but much more it heaped astonishment vppon the Venetians: for, the pusillanimitie of the Pope being not vnknowen to them both, they held for certeine, that though they should seeke to succor him of newe, yet he would not sticke to embrase thaccord (without respect to the confederats) as often as he had meane to obteyne it: Insomuch as it seemed that they were pressed in a matter very new and straunge, to minister ayde to him to thend he might more easily accord with their common enemies: They con­sidered that to leaue him abandoned, would be more preiudiciall to their common affayres: And yet they saw that they could not leaue their men in manifest daunger betweene the Appenyn and the ennemies, and in a contrye become already against them, if, whilest they were in Tuskane, the Pope did eyther confirme thaccord, or made a new: Moreouer the Senate of Venice feared least the Pope made instance to haue their men passe into Tuskane, to thende to constrayne them to consent to a sur­ceance of armes, by meane of the daunger wherein they should be to lose their mē. The Lieuetenant had easily retyred the Marquis of Salusso from those doubts & per­plexities, notwithstanding he was encoraged to the contrary by many of his coun­cell, to thende not to commit his souldiers to daunger: So that euen as he had not bene ready to come to Furly, so he refused not to passe into Tuskane if neede so re­quired: But the Venetians who sought to hold the Pope and Florentyns vnder hope, and on the other side, were apt to stand ready prepared from day to daye, to take such course as the occurrances of things did require: gaue out directions to the Duke of Vrbyn to yssue out of Casalmaior the fourth day of Aprill, and to send the horsemen on that side beyond by the way that leadeth to Pavv, and the footemen alonge the riuer: And the Duke of Vrbin hauing regard to his owne perticular, was fearefull by the course that the Imperialls tooke into Romagnia, in which humor he dispatched a [Page 1053] regiment of two thowsande footemen Venetians, for the gard of his owne estates, notwithstanding many were of opinion and perticularly the Pope, that he had pas­sed a secret promisse to the Duke of Burbon, not to stoppe his passage into Tuskane,

But in this meane while the Duke of Burbon casting to recouer vittells from all partes of which he had great want, sent one part of tharmie affore Cotignola, a towne which after it had endured certeine summonce of the cannon, rendred vnder com­posicion, notwithstanding it was very stronge by fortificacion and walls: for, they of the towne fearing the hauocke and insolencies of souldiers had refused those bands that were sent to defende them: After the action of Cotignola, the Duke of Burbon sent to Lugo foure cannons: And aswell to make prouision of vittells, as for thimpe­diment of waters, he aboad three or foure dayes vppon the riuer of Lamono: And so he passed the riuer of Montono the xiij daye of Aprill and lodged at Villa francho fiue miles from Furly: The same daye did the Marquis of Salusso strippe and robbe fiue hundred footemen Spanish disbanded, who were gon out towards Monto Poggio to make pillage for vittels according to the example of the whole army being constrai­ned by the great penury and necessitie of releefe: The xiiij daye the Duke of Burbon incamped aboue the way that leadeth towards Meldolo, A way to passe into Tuskane by Galearo and Valdibagnio: he was solicited to take that way by them of Sienna who offred to him great quantities of vittells and pyonners: And in the way (insolencies following disorders) the launceknights who burned all as they passed, assaulted the towne of Meldolo which rendred vppon composicion, but was consumed with fire notwithstanding: That day the Duke of Burbon was aduertised that the Viceroy by the consent of the Lord La Motte sent by him for that effect, had capitulated the day before at Florence in this sorte: That without going from other matters, but confir­ming of newe the capitulacion made at Rome, The Duke of Burbon should beginne within fiue dayes next, to retyre him selfe with the armye: That at the first place whereunto he should be retyred, there should be paied to him three skore thowsand duckats, to which the Viceroy did adde twentye thowsande: That he shoulde receiue three skore thowsand more by the ende of the next moneth of Maye, of which the Viceroy by a scedule subsigned with his owne hand, bownd thEmprour to restore and repay fifty thowsand: Onely these last three skore thowsand duckats should not be payed onles Phillip Strossy were deliuered and Iames Saluiatio absolued of the penal­tie of thirty thowsand duckats, as the Viceroy had promised to the Pope though not in the capitulacions of the truce, yet vnder simple and secret words: But neyther the knowledge of this reteyned the Duke of Burbon for passing further, nor the aduertise­ment he had that the Viceroy was departed from Florence to come to the armye to him and to establish with him all things that should be necessary: for, the Viceroy did earnestly desire thaccord, aswell for many other generall causes, as especially (which I haue heard by credible relacion) for that he sought to conuert the armie present­ly against the Venetians: And albeit the Viceroy had promised at Rome to deuide from the Duke of Burbon, his caualarye or horsemen together with the moste parte of the Spanish footemen, yet he refused to make such separacion so long as he was vppon the treatie within Florence, alleaging that it belonged not to him to be the cause of the ruine of thEmprours army: The xvj day the Duke of Burbon marched to lodge at Saint Sophia, A towne of the valley of Galearo subiect to the Elorentyns: And stri­uing with diligence and with deceite to preuent the ennemies to thende no impedi­ment shoulde be giuen to him in passing the Alpes, A place where, for want of vit­tells, euery contrary accident had bene sufficient to disorder him: the xvij day he re­ceived [Page 1054] at Saint Peter at the baines, letters from the Viceroy and the Popes Lieuete­nant signifying to him the comming of the Viceroy, to whome he made aunswer as also to the Lieuetenant, that where the aduertisement came to him in a lodging so vnapt as he could not without incommoditie attende him there, he would exspect him the day following at Saint Mary of the baynes below the Alpes: In the seuerall letter which he wrote a part to the Viceroy, he recommended perticularly the ready desire he had to come to accord, wherein he desired him to impart with the Pope his good inclinacion and deuocion, notwithstanding his intencion was otherwise. At the day assigned the Viceroy went to meete the Duke of Burbon, together with the Lieuetenant Guicciardin who being not without suspicion of his marching & com­ming on with his power, and to thend he should not enter with his army into Tus­kane before the succours prepared to defende it, perswaded the Marquis of Salusso with many reasons to aduaunce and goe before. And after he had with great efficacy of words and spirit disputed the matter against Iohn Vetturio the Venetian Treasorer alwayes assistant with the Marquis, and against others, who for feare least their regi­ments of souldiers were committed to daunger, made their demaunds that before they passed into Tuskane, there should be deliuered vnto them assurance for two hū ­dred thowsande duckats or at least some stronge places in pawne, he brought him with all his companies to goe to Bresiquello: from thence he wrote to the Pope, that he found the Marquis so well disposed and ready to march, that he made no doubt to procure him to passe with his army into Tuskane, assuring him selfe that the Vene­tian regiments would doe the like: But he signified that by howe much the matters of Florence stood assured by their passage, by so much were endaungered the affaires of Rome, because the Duke of Burbon hauing no other hope remaining, would be cō ­strayned to conuert his forces to that enterprise: And that his armye hauing thad­uauntage to be so neare Rome, it would be hard, with the succors that should be sent, to match his diligence and celeritie, seeing he might well passe thappenyn in two remoues of incamping: That for feare of this, the Florentyns sought affore hand to fortefie them selues with the forces of the Venetians and the Duke of Vrbin, to whom they had giuen hope and afterwardes assured it with promise, to enter the league, in case their bands of men of warre did passe into Tuskane: Whereunto they added obligacions for payment of a certaine number of footemen, And not to accord with thEmprour though the Pope would: That they had also offred to the Duke of Vr­bin, (who being passed Pavv at Ficqueroles was arriued the xiij of Aprill at Finalo, and afterwards at Corticello) to render vp to him the castels of Saint Leo & Maiuolo, which offer was sollicited with him by Pallas Rucellai whom they sent to him to follow that negociacion: Insomuch as it was lesse hard for them to haue a ready succour, yea though there was aduertisement that the Viceroy did not onely not find in the place appoynted the Duke of Burbon who the same day dissembling thappoyntmēt sought to passe the Alpes: but also had bene in great daunger to be slayne by the paysants of those quarters rising in armes for thoppressions and harmes they receiued by the army: for, the Marquis was ready to passe the Alpes, notwithstanding the Duke of Vrbin soliciting him to come and speake with him in the borow of Saint Peter, sought by all meane to forslowe and hinder him: But the xxij of Aprill he incamped at the borow of Saint Lavvrence in Mugello. The same being the cause that by his exam­ple, the Duke of Vrbin, who with no honor nor good order could goe farre from him, passed in like sort, and incamped at Barberina the xxv. day of Aprill: Wherein he tooke one principall reason vpon the obiection that might be made against him, [Page 1055] that in case any ill accident or harmes fell vppon them, they should not lay it vppon him, both seeing the readines of the French men, and knowing that the Venetians had referred them selues to his will, though with this relacion and commission, that if immediatly after he were ariued in Tuskane, the Florentyns went not thorow with the consederacion, he should presently repasse and retyre his army.

At last the Duke of Burbon being the same day passed the Alpes, lodged at Saint Stephens, which towne defended brauely thassalt of his souldiers: And the more to blind the Pope with excuses and reasons artificiall, and to haue a greater occasion to offend him, he sent one of his gentlemen to keepe him stil confirmed in his good de­uocion and desire to haue accord with him: Onely he alleaged that as in regard of the obstinacie of his armye which he could not resist, he was driuen to accompany his souldiers to auoyde a greater harme: so he besought him to beleeue well of his fidelitie, with this councell not to leaue of the solicitacions of accorde and not to sticke for any summe of money: But it was a matter superfluous to vse those dili­gences with the Pope, who beleeuing too much the thing which he desired, and de­siring too much to ease him selfe of exspenses, assoone as he was aduertised of the conclusion made at Florence in the presence & priuitie of the procurer of the Duke of Burbon, did vndiscreetly dismisse almost all his footemen of the blacke bands: And in that securitie Monsr Vavvdemont was gon by sea to Marseilles, as if the peace had bene as firme as the Pope was secure: But all the armies beeing thus drawne into the bodye of Tuskane, and the confederats hauing vnderstanding that the Duke of Burbon was gonne in one daye which was the three and twenty daye from Saint Ste­phens to incampe at Chiassa neare to Aretzo conteyning a distance of eyghteene myles: The Capteines who were assembled at Barberina, drewe into councell what was to bee done: Amongest whome many of them together with the agents of the Pope and Florentyns, made instance that the armies knitte in one strength shoulde marche and bee bestowed in some place beyond Florence, to take from the Duke of Burbon all meanes to approache that citie: which instance being somewhat qualifi­ed, it was resolued to suffer the regiments to repose in the lodgings where they were, And that the Captaines the daye following shoulde goe to Ancisa thirteene miles from Florence, to thende afterwardes to call thether all their companies if they founde that place to bee assured, which Federyk Bossolo the Author of that councell did promisse: But as they were the daye after vppon the waye and very neare Flo­rence, there happened an accident which might haue brought forth very daunge­rous effects, if it had not beene remedied, the same hindring greatly thexecucion of that councell and many other good complots which might haue deriued of it: This was the discourse of the accident: At Florence the mindes of men were much stirred, of whome as the most part of the populars were discontented with the pre­sent gouernment, so the youth of the towne concurring in that insolencie, made a prowde instance to the Magistrates to giue them libertie of publike armes to de­fende them as they sayde agaynst the oppressions of the souldiours: But before the Magistrates could establishe any resolucion, the discontentment which before was Tumult in Florence. but in opinion, burst out into a manifest and open tumult in the publike place, where the most part of the Commons and almost all the concurse of the youth, proclay­ming armes, beganne in their furie to ronne to the pallace: One matter that infla­med and pushed on this tumult was the indiscression and tymerousnes of Siluio Cardinall of Cortono, who being determined to yssue out of the towne to goe meete the Duke of Vrbyn to doe him honor, forbare not to abandon the towne, notwith­standing [Page 1056] he was not ignorant before his going that the tumult was in action: So that the towne being possessed with a rumor of his fleing away, euery one was the more ready to ronne to the pallace, which being in the power of the youth that were conspirators, and the Court and greene all full of the Commons armed, The high Magistrate was constrayned to proclayme rebells by a solemne decree, Hipo­lito and Alexander the Popes Nephewes, with intencion to introduce againe the popular gouernment: But in the meane while as the Magistrat held the people ap­peased with this proclamacion, the Duke and the Marquis entred Florence with ma­ny Captaines and were accompanied with the Cardinall of Gortono and Hipolito de Medicis: They managing at first certaine bands of fifteene hundred footemen who had bene kept armed in the citie many dayes for feare of the Duke of Burbon, redu­ced them all into one resolut and firme strength, and drew in warlike order towards the greene or mayne place, which the Commons immediatly abandoned, and in their feare left to their power, the thing which they had no vallour to defend: Neuer­thelesse what by the violence of stones cast from within the pallace, and fury of the small shot that played vpon them, there was no sauetye for them to abide there, but somewhat to auoyd the importunitie of the daunger, and not altogether to be farre from the place they had gotten, they retyred them selues into the streetes and quar­ters thereabouts: The Duke of Vrbin was of opinion (A reason which albeit seemed to beare but small consequence, yet it was the principall cause that Florence that day was deliuered of so great a daunger) that the bands that were within Florence were not sufficient to winne the pallace: And doubting according to thexperience of a souldier that if it were recouered by night, least the Commons would eftsoones haue recoursse to armes, he determined with the priuitie of Cardinalls Cibo, Corto­no, and Radolffo together with the consent of the Marquis of Salusso and the Venetian Legats being all assembled in the streete of Garba ioyning to the pallace greene, to send for one part of the Venetian bands incamped vpon the plaine of Florence neare the citie: By meane of this deuise there was towards, a daungerous encownter, for that neyther the pallace could be subdued without the slaughter of most of the no­bilitie that were within, and also the drommes striking vp to armes, there was daun­ger least the souldiours in that libertie would not put to sacke the residue of the ci­tye: yea that daye had beene very vnhappye for the Florentyns, if the ready witte and councell of the Lieuetenant Guicciardin, had not cutte in sunder the knotte that of it selfe was very harde to bee vndone: he seeing to come towardes them, Federyk Bossolo, and comprehending in his imagination the cause of his comming, left the others with whome he was deuising, and ranne to meete him to thende to bee the first to speake to him: In the beginning of the mutinie Federyk went vp to the pallace hoping to reappease the riot aswell through his authoritie as for the familiaritye he had with the moste parte of the youthe: But muche lesse that he profited by that labour, seeing of the contrary he receyued from some of them wordes iniurious and reprochefull suche as the humor of men drawne into rebel­lion coulde afforde, yea beeing kept reteyned certeyne howers he founde greate difficultie to bee sette at libertye: But beeing got from them more full of disdayne then of compassion, and bringing away a true discouerie and informacion howe easie it were to take the place bothe for the litle forces they had, and for the lesse order they kept, he perswaded the residue to assault it presently: But the Lieue­tenant cutting of that deuise, stept in and with very short speeches tolde him what greese the Pope woulde conceyue by those disorders together with the domage [Page 1057] that consequently woulde followe vppon all the affayres of the Confederates: In which regardes as it were better to labour rather to appease and settle then to kin­dle and incense the heartes of men, So also it was a matter not a little preiudiciall to make knowen to the Duke of Vrbin and others so great a facilitie to carye it: In so muche as raunging him to his opinion he procured him so to temper with the residue, and to reconcile the mutinie without the helpe of armes, that they all ap­proued his deuise, and made choyse of them two to goe vp to the Pallace to deale with the Conspirators, and assure them in generall and particular that what so e­uer they had committed agaynst the lawes of the state that daye, shoulde not in any sorte be imputed agaynst them: And beeing gone vp to the Pallace vnder safecon­duit of those that were within, they induced them at laste after many difficulties; to condiscende to abandon the Pallace which they coulde no longer keepe. Thus was the tumulte appeased more by industrie then by armes, And the Citie that earst was full of insolencie and furie, was thus by counsell deliuered from daunger, and all thinges returned to the same estate wherein they were before the mutinie. But oftentimes as ingratitude and reproche are farre more ready then the remune­ration ‘and prayse of good workes, So albeit for the present the operation and witte of the lieftenant Guicciardin was highly esteemed and commended,’ yet not long af­ter the Cardinall of Cortono burst out into murmure and complayntes agaynst him, that holding more deare the safety of the Citizens, and particularly Levvis Guicciar­din his brother being at that time chiefe Magistrate, then carefull ouer the greatnes of the house of Medicis, his artificial dealing had bin the cause why thestate had not bin that day established for euer in the house of Medicis, with the armes & blood of the Citisens: And on the other side, the commons and populars followed him with accusations and complayntes, for that bringing backe from the Pallace reaportes that the daungers were farre greater then they were, he had betrayed the vallour of the Nobility by inducing them for the benefite of the famulie of the Medicis, to ren­der without any necessitie: So hard it is to do the thing that beareth a cleare sight ‘in the eyes of all men, for that no good action what dignitie so euer it hath, if it bring not with it the fauour of the time wherin it is done, and the opinion & iudge­ment of those into whose hearts it seeketh to insinuate and winne place, it is but a candle that burneth dimme, and whose shadowe seemeth more then the lighte.’ Albeit you see the tumulte of Florence appeased the same daye without murder and blood, yet from that originall ground did ensue successiuely many great disorders: yea it may be inferred that had it not bin for that accident, the ruine that happned immediatly after, had bin accompanied with his euasion: for bothe the Duke of Vrbin and Marquis of Salusse abyding still at Florence for the occasion of the muti­nie, went not on according to the first resolution, to view the lodging of Ancisa: And also the day after the appeasement, Lovvis Pisan, and Marke Foscaro Embas­sadour for the Venetians with the Florentins, taking occasion vppon the inconstan­cie of the Citie, protested that they would not suffer the armie to passe Florence, vnlesse there were made a conclusion of the confederation which had bin negocia­ted: In which they demaunded contribution for ten thousande footemen, seeking through the oportunity of the time to serue their turnes of the necessities of the Flo­rentins: But in the end the cōclusion was accomplished the xxviij. day, referring the matter of the cōtribution to the sentence of the Pope, who was beleued to be alredy reunited with the confederates: Besides, the time being accomplished for the payes of the Svvizzers, & Loys Pisan hauing no mony to furnish them for the yll ordenāce [Page 1058] and addresse which the Venetians had giuen, there past certen dayes before he could make prouision of money: In so muche as through these variations and other im­pedimentes subsisting, the good counsell to drawe with the armies to Aneisa, was made vayne. But in this estate and condition of affayres, the Pope looking with bet­ter eye into the wyles wherewith the Duke of Burbon had abused the Viceroy, and also seeing him to aduaunce forwarde into the heart of Tuskane, turned by neces­sitie all his cogitations to the warre, And in that humor discerning on all sides no­thing The Pope compelled to harken to the warre. but visions of daunger and feare, after the xxv. daye, he made a newe con­federation with the Frenche king and the Venetians, by the whiche as they were bounde to minister to him a greate summe of money, so he would not restrayne him selfe nor the Florentines to anye further obligation then their faculties were hable to beare, alleaging that vppon them both had bene layde already heauy bur­dens of exspences and trauelles! But albeit these conditions very grieuous of themselues, were approued by thEmbassadours of the confederates, to seperate entirely the Pope from the accordes made with the Viceroy: yet they had not their perfecti­on and confirmation by their maisters and heades principall, in whom eyther their authoritie or their will did muche to dissolue the conditions of the action: for the Venetians charged Dominike Venerio with a great errour, for that without commis­sion of the Senate he had concluded a confederation of great exspences and little frute, since they gathered by the Popes inconstancie, that in all occasions he would eftsoones turne to his firste desire to accorde with the Viceroy: And touching the French king, both drayned of money, and driuen more to weary themprour with the longnes of the warre, then with the victorie, he iudged it would suffice nowe to enterteyne the warre with a small exspence: And which more is, albeit in the begin­ning whē he vnderstood the Pope had made truce with the Viceroy, both the matter and manner of the truce were grieuous to him: yet looking better afterwardes into thestate of affayres, he wished that the Pope would dispose the Venetians (without whom he could make no conuention) to embrace the truce. But at this tyme the Pope was not a little discontented to see the body of the warre transferred into Tuskane, and yet lesse grieued then if it had imbraced the towne of Rome: and in that regarde he leauyed bands of souldiours, & made prouisions for money, but not with that property of diligence which the estate of his daungers required: He had also a purpose to sende Ranso de Cere agaynst them of Sienna, and also to inuade them by sea, to thende that the duke of Burbon being intangled in Tuskane, might be stopped for taking his way to Rome: Of which expedition neuertheles he had euery day so much the lesse feare and doubt, by how much more he hoped, that both for the dif­ficulties of the duke of Burbon to leade his army to Rome without vittels and money, and for the cōmoditie of thestate of Sienna where at the least his souldiors would be refreshed, he would be driuen to stay himselfe vpon thenterprise against the Floren­tins. But the Duke of Burbon, eyther for that hys firste counsell was otherwyse, whiche he had secretly determined at Finalo by the authoritie of the duke of Ferrara and aduise of Ierome Moron: or distrusting to driue to any good issue the enterprise of Florence, for that the mayn forces of the league were assembled neare there for the defence of the citie: and lastly being no longer able to enterteine the army without money, which he had till that day caried through so many difficulties with promises & hopes: and now seing time had reduced him to this straite, either to perish amid the murmures of his souldiors, which could not but be miserable to a mā of his hart, or els to hazard the fortune of battell in so great a weaknes and disorder, wherein if [Page 1059] there were anye certentye it was in the losse of the victory: he determined to march with all diligence to surprise the towne of Rome, where the rewardes of the victorie would be equall with the daunger of thaduenture, and to themprour it would bring no lesse renowme and honor, then to the souldiours a full satisfaction of their long and weary trauells: He was pushed on to this enterprise by a hope which he felt to carye the towne, seeing the Pope with an euill counsell had firste decassed the Svvizzers, and afterwardes dismissed the blacke bandes, and begon so slowely to refurnishe him selfe at suche tyme as the accord was desperate, that it was thought he could not in good time assemble forces sufficient to defende his daungers: And The duke of Burbon dra­weth his army directly to Rome. so the Duke of Burbon with whom nothing was more familiar then the enterprise of Rome, departed the xxvj. of Aprill from the countrey of Aretze, with his armie no lesse speedy in marching then swift in hope: his celeritie to march & winne time tooke from him all care to cary artilleries or anye trayne or baggage of campe, so well was he disposed to see executed the thing whiche in his heart he had determi­ned, or rather so violent was his destenie, to call him to the ende of his life which he could now no longer prolong: In so much as marching with this incredible diligēce neyther being hindred by the raynes which in those dayes fell in great abundance, nor with the want of vittells which is no small impediment to all great actions, he drewe neare to Rome at a time when the Pope was scarcely aduertised of his com­ming: All the wayes where he passed were as free from resistance, as his desire was farre from alteration and chaunge, seeing he found no impediment neyther at Vi­terba whither the Pope had not sent strength in time, nor in any other place apte to staye the resolution of the armie so well prepared to endomage him. Nowe began the Pope to haue recourse to those remedies, which if he had vsed in their due time and place, might haue bene to speciall purpose to turne awaye so great storme: and nowe founde he too late theffect and truth of the counselles of some wise men a­bout him, prophesying that he would deferre the ministration of those helpes vntill eyther his necessities were greater then his remedies, or at leaste they woulde pro­fite little beeing applyed out of due season: Nowe did he create three Cardinalles for money, which eyther could not be leauyed for the speedy importunitie of thaf­fayres, or else if he should receiue it, the vse would be vnprofitable by reason of hys daungers that hastned on so faste: He called together the people of Rome, whome in great compassion he besought that in so great a hazarde of their countrey, they would readely runne to armes to defende it, wherein he disposed the bodies of the popular sort to protect their libertie, and imposed vppon the rycher loanes of mo­ney to wage souldiours: A taxation which ranne amongest the people with no au­thoritie, seeing vppon the leauying of the impostes one Dominike Maximo of the greatest wealth amongst the Romains, offred to lende but an hundred duckets: for which couetousnes he bare a sharpe punishment, for that his sonnes were made a pray to the souldiours, and himselfe falling into the calamitie of a prisoner, was ra­ted at a huge raunsome to redeme his libertie. But after they vnderstood at Florence the newes of the discamping of the duke of Burbon, which beeing written by Vitelly lying then within Aretzo, lingred a daye in comming more then ordinary: The cap­teins determined that the count Guido Rangon with his horsmen & with the trowpes of the count Caiezze, together with a thousand footmen of Florence & the Church, should march spedely without baggage towards the towne of Rome, and that the o­ther part of the army should follow after: They hoped that if the D. of Burbon drew with him hs artilleries, that proportion of succours woulde be at Rome before him, [Page 1060] And if he marched with expedition, it would aryue so soone after him, that hauing no artilleries, and the citie of Rome beeing furnished with six thousand footmen by the Popes reaport, the towne would be hable to maynteine defence vntill the first succours were come, which being aryued, there could be no danger of the losing of Rome: But the celeritie of the Duke of Burbon and the slow prouisions made at Rome, preuented theffect of all those deuises: for as Ranso de Cero to whom the Pope had recommended the principall charge of the defence of Rome, had according to his short time leauyed very few footmen of seruice, but gathered a great crewe of men ignorant and vntrained in warre, whom he had drawne by force out of the stables of Cardinals and prelates, and shoppes of artificers, besides Innes and other domesti­call places of the towne: So he laboured to cast rampars in the suburbes, such as in his iudgement were sufficient for defence, though in the account of others they were farre to weake to holde out the daunger that was toward: his confidence was such to defend them, that he would not suffer (for the safety of the towne) to breake vp the bridge of Tyber in case the suburbes and quarter beyond Tyber coulde not be defended: and in that humor of securitie holding for superfluous all other sortes of succours, when he was aduertised of the comming of Count Guido, he wrote letters to him in the Popes name by the Bishop of Verona, that seeing the citie of Rome was furnished and fortified sufficiently, he should only sende a proportion of six or eight hundred harquebuziers, and for himselfe with the residue of his people, he aduised him to goe ioyne himselfe to the army of the league, where he should do more pro­fite, then if he were inclosed within the towne of Rome: Which letter albeit did litle harme for that the Count was not so farre aduaunced as he might aryue in time, yet it made good declaratiō what slender sense or feling he had of the present dangers: But if it may be referred to a wonder that mortall men neither can not nor know not howe to resist destenie, it was a matter no lesse maruelous that the Pope, who before was wont to despise Ranso de Cere aboue all other capteins, threw himselfe now into his armes, and reapposed his life and estate wholly vpon his confidence and iudge­ment: And yet this was a matter more straunge and contrary, that he who in farre lesser daungers was wont to be vexed with feare and terror, beeing euen vppon the poynt to abandon the Citie at such time as the Viceroy drew with his campe to Fru­solono, Now in so great a tempest of perill and hazard, cōtrary to his custome, his na­ture and all exspectation, did not only constantly remayne in Rome, but had so great a hope to defend it, that being as it were the aduocate & somner to solicit for thene­mies, he did not only forbid men to go away, but also in the same obstinacy he gaue out ordenance that there should not be transportation nor outcarying of goodes, suche as Marchantes with other natures of Artificers woulde for safety haue sente downe the ryuer.

The fift day of May the duke of Burbon incamped within the medowe neare to Rome, from whence with the insolencie of a souldiour he sent a trumpet to demaund passage of the Pope through the citie of Rome, to go with his army to the Realme of Naples: The morning following vppon the poynt of the daye, by the consideration of his case and thaduersities therof, he found there remayned no other hope for hys affayres, then to be resolute to releeue the afflictions of his armie, and according to the oportunitie that was offred by the citie of Rome, eyther to dye or to vanquish: In which resolution pushed on more and more by the murmures and exclamations of his souldiors in whom he could not discerne which was greater either their inso­lencies or their necessities, he drew neare the suburbes by the way of the Mountaine [Page 1061] and Santo Spirito, where he began to giue a furious assault: wherein he seemed to haue the fauour of fortune, who made him present the armie in more surety by the benefite of a thicke mist, which beeing rysen before day and increased with degrees of fogge and thicknes, became such a couer to his whole campe that his souldiours were not discerned til they were neare the place where they began to giue the assalt: The Duke of Burbon through a laste dispayre of his estate aduaunced before all his companies, eyther for that he had no other exspectation of refuge in case he retur­ned not victorious, or else by his owne example, he thought to call on with a grea­ter courage the Launceknightes whome it seemed went not resolutely to the ser­uice: But suche was his destenie to determine his life and his glorie together, or ra­ther suche the rewarde of his wilfull forwardnes, which for the most parte heapeth wretched effectes vpon such as seeke not to accompanie their vallour with counsell and discression: In the beginning of the assaulte he was striken with a bullet of a The Duke of Burbon slayne at the assault of Rome. harquebuze, of which wound he fell downe dead to the earth, receiuing iustly vpon his body and life the price of the action which contrary to all iustice and pyetie he went about to execute: But muche lesse that his death did abate or diminishe, see­ing it did inflame and redouble the courage of his souldiours, who feighting with a wonderfull constancie the space of two houres, made way at last by their hands and weapons to enter the suburbes, wherein they were not onely holpen by the weak­nes of the rampiers which were great and generall, but also they found helpe in the slender resistance which the defendantes made: An experience of right good doc­trine ‘to such as haue not as yet gotten by the benefite of examples paste, the know­ledge of things present, who in that action may discerne what property of difference is betwene the vertue of souldiours exercised & trayned in warre, and armies newly and hastily leauied and compounded of the multitude of a people more wilful then skilfull, and by so muche lesse apt to be drawne vnder discipline, by how much more by their nature and custome they are seldome conformable to any good order. For there was at the defence of the suburbes one parte of the youth of Rome vnder the enseignes of the people,’ notwithstanding that many of the Gebelins and faction of Colonno desired or at least did not feare the victorie of thimperialls: They hoped in regard of their faction, to receiue no harme or offence by the victors, the same being the cause why they proceded so coldly in the defence: Neuertheles for that accor­ding to the rules of warre, it is a hard matter to take townes without artilleries, there dyed of the assaylants, partly by that want, and partly through their wilfull forward­nes, Rome taken and sacked. about a thousand footemen: who hauing once by their vallour made the waye open to enter in, all the defendantes fled before them as men whose feare was farre aboue any other sense or passion in them, In which disorder some tooke the waye which his fortune and not his witte layde out for him: some in the astonishment se­king to flee who durst no more feight, was slayne by thenemy afore he could resolue vpon the way of his safety, some eyther better prepared or more happly preserued, found that safety in running away which they could not but dout if they had longer endured the fight: and some with that resolutiō which their present calamity would suffer, ranne by heapes towards the Castell, where in place of reskew they founde a feare conformable to their owne, In so much as all things beeing reduced to con­fusion and manyfest flight, the suburbes were entirely abandoned and lefte a pray to the victors: And the person of the Pope who exspected with great deuotion in the pallace of Vattican what would be the issue of thassault, hearing that the ene­mies were entred, had also (with the others) his passions of feare and frayltie, and [Page 1062] in that tymerous contemplation of hys owne perill, he fledde with certayne Cardi­nalls to the Castell: His feare kept him from beeing resolute in a perill that was so desperate, neyther dyd he thinke that with the presence and maiestie of his person though it was couered with the vayle of the highest dignitie vpon earth, he was hable to put by the daunger, which the vallour and fidelitie of his souldiours could not defende with their weapons: There he consulted with the Cardinalls whether it were more for his safety to remayne there, or during the fury of thastonishment to retyre with the light horsemen of his garde into some place of more suretie by the waye of Rome: But he who was appoynted by destenie to be an example of the calamities that may thunder vpon Popes, and howe frayle is thauthoritie and ma­iestie of that sea, beeing certified by the relation of Berard de Padoa who was fledde from tharmy imperiall, that the Duke of Burbon was dead, and that the whole army standing abated in courage for the death of their Capteine, desyred to come to ac­corde with him, In which matter they sent out men to parley with the principalls there, he wretchedly left there all his counsells to goe awaye, both he and his Cap­teines remayning no lesse irresolute in the prouisions for defence, then they had bin slowe in thexpeditions: So that the day following, the Spaniardes neyther seeing order nor counsell to defende the quarter beyonde Tyber, entred the place without any resistance: and from thence, not finding any impedimentes to stoppe their vi­ctorie, the same euening they entred the Citie of Rome by the bridge Xisto, where except suche as reapposed in the confidence of their faction, and certayne Cardi­nalls, who for that they bare a name to embrace themprours quarrell, beleeued to finde more suretie then the others, all the residue of the Court and Citie (as hap­pneth in accidentes so furious) was conuerted into fleeing and confusion: But the souldiours beeing within the Citie whiche they knewe wanted nothing to make them right, glorious, and well satisfied of all things apperteining to their desyres, they began to omit no tyme to execute the thing they had so dearely bought: euery one ranne to pillage with the same vnbridled libertie whiche in suche cases maketh souldiours both insolent and impious: There was small care or regarde borne ey­ther to the name of friends, factions, or fauorers, and muche lesse was respected the authoritie of Cardinalls and prelates, or dignitie of temples and monasteries, and lastely not reserued from violation the holy Relickes brought thither from all partes of the world, yea euen things sacred and specially dedicated, were prophaned from their shrines and holy places, and made subiect to the furious willes and discression of the souldiours: it is not onely impossible to reaccount, but also to imagine the calamities of that Citie raysed to a wonderfull greatnes, and appoynted by Gods ordinance to suffer many fortunes and directions, hauing bene sacked by the Gothes within nyne hundred and foureskore yeres: It is harde to particulate the greatnes of the pray, both for the generall wealth and riches which the greedy hands of the souldiours had made vp in heapes, and for other thinges more rare and precious drawne out of the store houses of Marchauntes and courtiers: But the matter which made the spoyle infinite in value, was the qualitie and great number of priso­ners redeemed with most riche and huge raunsomes: And to make vp a full trage­die of miserie and infamie, the Launceknightes beeing so muche the more insolent and cruell, by howe muche they bare hatred to the name of the Churche of Rome, tooke prisoners certayne Prelates, whom with great contempt and indignitie they set vpon Asses and leane Moyles, and with their faces reuersed to the crowpe of the beastes, they ledde them through the Citie of Rome apparelled with the habites [Page 1063] and markes of their dignitie: yea they passed many of them to cruell tormentes, who eyther dyed in the furie of the action, or at least with the paynefulnes thereof they lyued not long after, first yeelding a raunsome, and afterwards rendring their liues: The generall slaughter aswell at the assault as in the rage of sacking, was about foure thousande bodies: All the pallaces of the Cardinals were sacked, except some particulars, who to saue the Marchantes that were retyred thither with their goods together with the persons and goods of many others reserued of the generall cala­mitie, made promise of great summes of money: To whom notwithstanding was vsed this iniquitie, that some of them that had compounded with the Spaniardes, were afterwards sacked by the launceknightes, or at least constrayned to a seconde raunsome: The Lady Marquis of Mantua compounded for her pallace for the summe of fiftie thousande duckets which were payed by the Marchants and others retyred thither: of which summe the rumor ranne that Ferrand her sonne had ten thousande for his share: The Cardinall of Sienna dedicated in a perpetuall deuo­tion to the name of themprour, after he had agreed with the Spaniardes aswell for himselfe as for his pallace, was afterwardes made prisoner by the Launceknightes, who made bootie and pray of his pallace, and afterwardes leading him all naked with buffers and bastonadoes into the Borow, he was driuen to redeeme his lyfe out of their handes with a promise of fiue thousande duckets: The Cardinalls Minerua and Ponsero passed vnder almoste the like calamitie: who beeing prisoners to the Launceknightes, were rated at a raunsome which they payed, after they had bene in a vyle spectacle caryed in procession through the towne of Rome: This furie of souldiours executed in a place of so great riches and profite, could endure no dis­pensation of any sorte or qualitie of men, seeing the Prelates and Cardinalls Spa­nish and Germains, who made themselues assured that the souldiours of their Na­tion would spare them from oppression and taxation, were taken and passed by the same measure of miserie and calamitie as others did: Right pitifull were the cryings and lamentations of the women of Rome, and no lesse worthy of compassion the ca­lamitie of Nonnes and Virgins professed, whom the souldiours rauished by trowpes out of their houses to satisfie their lust, no age, no sex, no dignitie or calling was free from the violation of souldiours, in whom it was doubtfull whether bare more rule the humor of crueltie to kill, or the appetite of luste to deflowre, or lastely the rage of couetousnes to robbe and spoyle: yea in the violation of these women might be discerned a confirmation of the iudgementes of God hidden from mortall men, for that he suffred to be deliuered vp to the vilenes of men barbarous and bloudy, the renowmed chastitie of women professed and virgins: To this compassion was ioy­ned the infinite clamours of men forced agaynst all law of humanitie, partly to wrest from them vnreasonable raunsomes, and partly to disclose their goods which they had hidden from the rauine of the souldiours: All holy things, Sacraments, and re­likes of Saintes whereof the Churches were full, beeing dispoyled of their orna­mentes, were pulde downe and layde vpon the earth, suffring no small prophana­tions by the vyle handes of the Launceknightes: And what so euer remayned vpon the prayes and spoylings of thimperialls, which were things but base and vyle, were raked and caryed away by the peysantes and tennantes of the lands of the Colonnois, whose insolencie caryed them into Rome during the generall furie: Onely the Car­dinall of Colonno aryuing the day after, preserued in his compassion the honour of many women that happly were fledde for reskew into his house. The rumor went that the valuation and prise of this sacke in golde, siluer, and iewells, amounted to [Page 1064] more then a million of duckets, but the matter of raunsomes conteyned a greater quantitie.

The same day that thimperials tooke Rome, Count Guido aryued with his light hors­men and eight hundred harquebuziers, thinking to enter the same night by the bridge of Salaro: But hearing of the accident and dolorous estate of the towne, he retyred to Otricoly, where the residue of his forces came to him: for notwithstanding the letters he had receyued from Rome, by which he vnderstoode there was no rec­koning made of his succours, yet he forbare not to kepe on his waye, reteining this special deuotion to be reputed the man that should giue reskew to Rome in her grea­test afflictions: And yet like as it is the nature of men to be gracious and easy inter­preters of their owne actions, but hard and seuere censors of the actions of others, so there wanted not some who in that humor reprehended the Count Guido for not knowing howe to vse a fayre occasion: for that as the Imperialls beeing wholly dis­posed to followe so riche a pray, to robbe houses, to searche out treasour that was hidde, to take prisoners, and to reduce to places of suretie suche as they had taken, were dispersed into all the partes of the Citie, without order for their lodging, with­out knowing their enseignes, and without obeying the commaundementes of their Capteins: their confusion was suche, as if Count Guido with his reskewes had made a sodayne entrie into Rome and showed their faces to the Castell which was neyther besieged nor garded, it was beleeued that they had not onely obteyned the deliue­raunce of the Pope, but also in that oportunitie had done some braue exployte: wherein they should haue had so muche the more facilitie, by howe muche they might haue commaunded ouer the disorders of the souldiours, who were so vni­uersally drowned in the action of pillage, that for any accident that might happen, there could be scarcely reordred or drawne together any notable number, the same beeing verified by the experience of certayne dayes after, when vppon sounding the ‘Alarme, not a souldiour was in readynes to resort to his enseigne: But suche are the errours and imperfections of men that being caryed with selfe opinion, without the ground of reason or example, they oftentimes beleeue that if things had taken an other course, the issue had bene otherwise, wherof if thexperience might be seene, their iudgementes would oftentimes be founde fallible and false.’ But nowe there remayned onely to those that were inclosed within the Castell, a hope to be reske­wed by the armie of the league, who beeing departed from Florence no sooner then the thirde of May for the long tyme the Venetians tooke to paye the Svvizzers, dis­posed their marching in suche sort as the Marquis of Salusse went a dayes iourney before the Venetian regimentes, but vnder this ordenance and agreement betweene him and the Duke that he should followe him the same way: Neuertheles the Duke contrary to that resolution, tooke the seuenth day the way from the lodging of Cor­tona to Perousa, to aryue at Lody, and afterwardes at Otrio, and there passing Ty­ber to ioyne with the residue: Who as they marched along the waye appoynted, forced and sackt the borow of Pieua refusing in their obstinacie to lodge the Svviz­zers, in which conflict were passed to the sworde six or eight hundred of those that were within: By reason of this disorder which drew the souldiours to consume time in pillage and spoyle, the armie aryued no sooner then the tenth day at the bridge of Graniauola, where they had aduertisement of the taking of Rome, and the eleuenth daye they came to Oruieto, where by the counsell of Federike de Bossolo, he and the Marquis and Hugo Peppoly with a great trowpe of horse drewe towards the Castell, with this intention, that he and Hugo should go vp euen to the Castell, and the Mar­quis [Page 1065] to remayne behinde to backe them: In which deuise they had this hope, that finding thimperialls disordered, the suddennes of their aryuing both not looked for, and in their greatest heate of spoyle and pillage, would happly fauour them with occasion to drawe out of the Castell the Pope and his Cardinalls, wherein they see­med chiefly to take the aduauntage of the disorders of the souldiours, in whom was more care to robbe and spoyle then to foresee daungers: But that deuise drewe to no effect, both for that beeing not farre from Rome, Federiks horse falling vnder him he receyued suche a hurt as he was not hable without greater hazarde to goe from the place, and also Hugo showing him selfe before the Castell at high dayes where by his direction he should haue aryued in the night, retyred his companies, allea­ging that thenterprise was discouered, but as Federike sayde, he forsooke the action committed to him because his feare was greater then his vallour.

In this meane while the duke of Vrbin vnderstanding the accident of Rome, albeit he assured that he would succour the Pope with all his forces, yet taking the fauour of the tyme and occasion to depriue the estate of Perousa out of the hands of Gentill Baillon who was supported and confirmed in it by the Popes authoritie, and to re­store it to the arbitration and disposing of the sonnes of Iohn Pavvle, made his ap­proches to Perousa with the Venetian regimentes, & what with threates which were sharpe and rigorous, and with the terrour of his armie standing prepared in their presence, he compelled Gentill to depart from the thing which he kept by vsurpa­tion: He consumed three daies in that action, and leauing there certayne comman­ders, suche as depended vpon Malateste and Horatio, of whom the one was inclosed in the Castell S. Angeo, and the other managed the warre in Lombardy with the Ve­netian regimentes, he departed from thence the sixtenth day to Orbietta, the waye which he tooke at comming out of Cortona to goe to Rome beyonde Tyber, being the cause that he had lingred long. At Orbietta all the Capteines and commaunders of the armie tooke counsell together, to set downe a resolution of their proceedings hereafter: Amongst whom the duke of Vrbin, after many protestations of his deare and right great affection, propounded many difficulties, recōmending them chiefly to thinke vpon the suretie of their retrayte in case the succours of the Castel soarted to no good successe: In which reason he vrged of them of Orbietta to giue him o­stages for assurance not to releeue the army with vittells at their returning: And in­terposing in all the affayres of that enterprise a temporising and tract of time, he re­solued at laste to be at Nep [...] the xix. day, and that the same day the Marquis with his people and the Count Guido with his Italian footemen, should likewise be at Bracia­no, to thende to goe the next day in one strength to the Ile, whiche is a place nyne myles from Rome: The Pope vnderstanding of the approching of these succours by the relation of Guicciardin writing to him from Viterbo, tooke occasion, that hauing almoste concluded thaccorde with thimperialls, he refused to subsigne the articles: Not so much for the hope hereceyued by the letters, which (albeit they were adui­sedly written) made some discouery to him of things which by discoursing of mat­ters past, he was to looke and hope for of the time to come, as to auoyde thimputa­tion and note of ignominie to saye vpon his fearfulnes and rashnes the sault that he had not bene reskewed. There was in the French an vniuersall readynes to succout the Castell, in whom the Venetians with letters and relations of great affection, aug­mented the same disposition, the prince soliciting the matter with great vehemen­cy in the counsell of the Pregati: So that all excuses beeing taken away from the Duke, he consented that the day following a mooster should be made of all the ar­mies [Page 1066] and men of warre, hoping perhaps that finding suche diminution of numbers amongst the regimentes and particular bandes, that he might make it a iuste cause to refuse the feight: A deuise which he could not reasonably vse to serue his turne, since vpon presenting the armies to the moosters, there were founde fifteene thou­sande footemen strong, with an vniuersall resolution to feight and do the office of souldiours: Immediatly after the mooster and suruey of the armies, a generall coun­sell was taken for the maner of their proceeding further, whiche drewe to this de­termination to leade the armie to incampe at the crosse of Montmary according to the great instance and solicitation of those of the Castell: They alleaged that in respect of the strength of the place and the small distance thereof from Rome con­teyning but three myles, together that there was no feare of thimperialls to issue out of Rome to incampe, They might not onely remayne there in safety, but also re­tyre without daunger, And lastely that by the oportunitie of that place they might better take a view and better execute the occasion to succour the Castell. But this resolution nothing pleasing the Duke of Vrbin, he embraced an other deuise pro­pounded by Guido Rangon, who offred to approche the Castell the same night with all the horsemen and footemen of the Churche, and in that action to aduenture to reskew the Pope out of the Castell, So farre foorth as the Duke of Vrbin with the residue of the mayne armie would marche vp to the three Cauannes to backe him: But that deuise was not executed that night, because the Duke went vp to suruey the lodging of Montmary being earnestly pressed by the importunities of the Pope: And albeit he offred to make his approches that night, yet eyther for his wante of vallour, or his too much iealousie of his own safety, he passed not the three Cauannes, In so much as many howres being vaynly spent in that temporising, they were driuē to deferre thexecution of thenterprise till the night following: But the same daye they were aduertised by their espials (whether true or suborned) that as the trēches which the Imperialls had made in the medowes, were more strong and braue then they were in deede, So also that they had broken vp in many places (which also was false) the gallery wall that leadeth from the Vatican to the Castell Saint Angeo, to thend to minister succours of many sides, in case any inuasion were offred: Vppon which reaport the Duke tooke occasion to alleage many difficulties, which were all consented vnto by Guido and approued almost by all the other capteines: Where­vpon ensued the conclusion that it was a matter impossible to giue succours to the Castell for the present, wherein some other of the Capteines that rose vp to dispute & defend the contrarie opinion, were bitterly reprehended of the Duke, who wan­ted patience to be drawne to that by reasons and argumentes, wherunto he had no inclination of will and vallour. In this sorte the person and presence of the Pope remayned in pray, not one launce beeing broken to reskewe and recouer out of prison, him who to succour others had leauyed so many bandes of souldiours, ex­spended suche huge masses of money and treasure, and stirred vp to warre almoste all the Nations of the worlde: Neuerthelesse they disputed if the helpes that were not to be giuen presently, might be ministred at an other tyme with more forces: A deuise which beeing proponed by the Duke, was also aunswered by him selfe, that vndoubtedly the Castell might be succoured when so euer the armie were pos­sessed of a strength of sixteene thousande Svvizzers leauyed by ordenance of the Cantons, not comprehending in the reckoning suche as were there already, as beeing become vnprofitable for the seruice by their long abyding in Italy: And besides this cooplement of Svvizzers, he required a newe proportion often thou­sande [Page 1067] harquebuziers Italians, three thousande pyoners, and fortie peeces of artil­leries: With which resolution he required the Lieftenaunt to comfort the Pope, whom they knewe to be furnished with vittells for a weeke, that amid his aduersities he woulde temporise and deferre to make anye accorde till his forces might be as­sembled together. The Lieftenaunt aunswered, that as he lyked of his deuise so farreforth as in the meane whyle the estate of affayres did not chaunge: So beeing very likely that those within Rome would make the reskew more harde with newe trenches and fortifications, and also that from Naples woulde come to Rome the bandes which the Viceroy had ledde thither by sea, he desyred to knowe what pro­pertie of hope he could giue to the Pope in case matters drew that successe accor­ding to the sensible apparances and coniectures that were discerned. But the Duke replied, that in suche case should be omitted no indeuour or action tending to so good an office, adding withall, that if the bandes that were at Naples were ioyned with those of Rome, their strength woulde be in all more then twelue thousande Launceknightes, and eight or ten thousande Spanish footemen, and that if the Ca­stell were loste, there could be made no rekoning to remayne maisters of the warre, if there were not at least xxij. or xxiiij. thousande Svvizzers strong: Whiche de­maundes being contemned of all the Capteins as vnreasonable and impossible, the army beeing diminished in footemen, retyred the first day of Iune to Monterga, not­withstanding the great instance which the Pope made, not to depart so soone to thend to make his aduauntage of tharmy in the practise & negociation of thaccord: The same night Peter Mariarossa & Alexander Vitelly with two hundred light hors­men passed vp to Rome towards thenemies. But nowe the Pope hauing small expe­ctation of succours, and no lesse feare and ielousie of his life by the rage of the Co­lonnois and furie of the Launceknightes, sente for the Viceroy who was at Sienna to come to Rome, And as the Pope hoped that by the interposing of the Viceroy his composition would be both more easie and reasonable, so the Viceroy went with great will and readynes to finde the armie, with intention and hope to be created Capteine generall: But beeinge aryued at Rome whither he passed vnder safe­conduit of the Capteines of the armie, he founde no good inclination in the Launceknightes and Spaniardes, who after the death of the Duke of Burbon had elected to that place the Prince of Orange: By reason of whiche preuention toge­ther with the yll disposition of the armie continuing, he had no reason to abyde at Rome, And yet as he went towardes Naples, he was encountred in the waye by the Marquis of Guast, Don Hugo, and Capteine Alarcon, by whose counsells he returned eftsones to Rome: Neuerthelesse for that he was not agreable to the ar­mye, he bare no more authoritie neyther in the affayres of the warre, nor in the negociation of accorde with the Pope: Who beeing by his aduersitie made na­ked of all helpe present, and lesse exspectation to be reskewed where was so great want of vallour and order, was dryuen to runne the race of his fortune, compoun­ding the sixth day of Iune with the Imperialles almost vnder the same conditions The Pope be­ing abādoned of all hopes, compoundeth with the Im­perialls. with the which he mighte haue accorded before: That the Pope should pay to the Armie foure hundred thousande duckets in this order: one hundred thousande presently to be defrayed of the golde, money, and treasure reserued in the Castell: fiftie thousande within twentie dayes, and two hundred and fiftie thousande with­in two monethes, Assigning to him for these defraymentes, an imposte of money to be charged vpon the whole Church state: That he should deliuer into the power of themprour to reteyne them so long as he thought good, the Castell Saint Angeo, [Page 1068] the Rockes of Ostia, of Ciuitavecchia, and of Ciuita Castellano, together with the Ci­ties of Parma, Plaisanca, and Modena: That the Pope together with all those Car­dinalls that were with him, which were thirteene in number, should remayne priso­ners within the Castell vntill the firste payment of an hundred and fiftie thousande duckets were satisfied: That afterwards they should goe to Naples or to Caietta to exspect what themprour would determine of them: That for assurance of the pay­mentes whereof the thirde parte apperteined to the Spaniardes, he should deliuer in for ostages, the Archbishops of Siponto and Pisa, the Bishoppes of Pistoia and Verona, together with Iames Saluiatio, Simon de Ricasola, and Lavvrence brother to Cardinall Rodolffo: That Ranso de Cero, Albert Pio, Oratio Baillon, the knight Casalo, thembassadour of Englande, with all others that were saued within the Castell, ex­cept the Pope and the Cardinalles, shoulde departe in suretie: That the Pope should giue absolution to the Colonnois of the censures they had incurred: And that when he shoulde bee ledde out of Rome, a Legate shoulde remayne there for him with authoritie to dispose and administer iustice. Assoone as this accorde was passed, Capteine Alarcon entred within the Castell with three bandes of Spanishe footemen, and three companies of Launceknights: who because there was put vp­pon him the confidence and deputation to garde the Castell, and the Pope, he perfourmed it with a very strayte and seuere watche, suche as shutte vp from the prisoners almoste all libertie. But touching the other castells and townes promi­sed, they were not so easily consigned, for that as the Castell of Ciuitavecchia was kepte and defended in the name of the Confederates, so Andrea Dore notwith­standing he had receyued warrant and commaundement from the Pope, refused to deliuer vp the Castell of Ciuita Castellano, vnlesse he were firste satisfied of foure­teene thousande duckets which he sayde were due to him for his paye. Iulian Le­no a Romaine was sent to Parma and Plaisanca in the Popes name, and Lodovvike Count of Lodron accompanied in the name of the Capteines, with commaunde­ment to those Cities to obey the will of themprour, notwithstanding the Pope had giuen them secrete aduertisement to the contrarie: And accordingly, those Ci­ties abhorring the iurisdiction of the Spaniardes, refused to receyue them. Tou­ching them of Modena, they stoode not in their owne power, for that the Duke of Ferrara letting not passe any occasion whiche the calamities of the Pope offred him, threatned them to ouerrunne and waste all their corne whiche was nowe type, by whiche compulsion he constrayned them to render vp the towne to hym the sixt of Iune, not without the infamie of Count Lodovvike Rangon, who notwith­standing the Duke had but a small strength with him, lefte the towne abandoned without making any signe of resistance. In this action the Duke respected not the authoritie of the Venetians, who perswaded him to attempt or innouate nothing a­gaynst the Church in such troubled times: And yet they themselues enterteyning intelligence with the Guelffes of Rauenna, after they had sent certeine bands of foote­men vnder cooller to defende the towne for feare of those of Cotignola, conuerted to themselues the iurisdiction & possession of that city, and vnder the same cloke tooke the castell, after thay had made secret slaughter of the capteine, publishing that they would holde it in the name of the whole league: Not many dayes after they posses­sed thēselues of Ceruia & the saltes that were there, apperteining to the Pope, whose estates being neither garded nor defended further then the people and inhabitantes for their own interests, stoode in defence of their places and libertie: Sigismond Ma­latesta with the same facilitie seased vpon the towne and castell of Rimini.

[Page 1069]The affayres of the Pope proceeded with no better course in the citie of Flo­rence, where when the accidence and losse of Rome was related to them, the Cardi­nall Cortono, whose feare was farre greater then his assurance, resolued to giue place to necessitie and fortune: He sawe he was abandoned of those partakers and Citi­zens who made profession to be friendes to the house of Medicis: he sawe there re­meyned no meane for him to leauy money without vsing meanes violent and ex­traordinary: And lastly lacking deuocion to employe his owne purse at least till he saw a further euent and yssue of the armies who were marched to succour the Pope, he stoode possessed with passions of feare and cowardisse, and gaue skoape to the aduersities of the towne without laying to his hande to restrayne or moderat the v­niuersall perill: In which disposicion, after he had made an assembly of the Citizens together, he deposed vnto them the free administracion of the common weale, ha­uing before obteined certeine priuileages and exempcions together with faculty to the Popes Nephewes to remeyne at Florence as Citizens priuat being clearly absol­ued and pardoned of all things past, which they had committed ioyntly or seuerally against the estate: Vppon the conclusion of which graunts, the sixt daye of May he went to Lucquay with the Popes Nephewes, where reprehending and repenting his departure in so greate timerousnes, he practised to reteyne to him selfe the castells of Pysa and Lyuorna, beeing already in the handes of Capteines of the Popes confi­dence, who neuerthelesse, hauing no hope of succours by reason of the Popes cap­tiuity, and being corrupted with some secret summe of money, within very few daies after, deliuered vp those castells to the Florentyns: In the meane while the people of Florence had reduced their citie to a popular gouernment, and in that humor had created Gonfalonier and chiefe Magistrate of the pollicie for one yeare with facultie of confirmation for three yeares, one Nicholas Cappony, A Citizen of great authoritie and a louer of the publike libertie: This man desiring wholly the concord and vni­tie of the Citizens, and no lesse zealous to reduce the gouernment to the most per­fect forme of a common weale that was possible, debated the action with reasons graue and resolued, in a conuocacion of the great councell in whome rested abso­lute power to establishe lawes and create all Magistrates: And sure if the Citizens had giuen faith to the perswasions of this man, their new libertie had happly endu­red longer: But as for the most parte the passion of spite and disdaine is stronger in ‘him that recouereth libertie, then in an other that defendeth it, so the hatreds being great against the house of Medicis for many causes, but especially for that they haue bene driuen to beare out for the most part with their owne money,’ all the enterpri­ses that they had begonne: The people began to persecute immoderatly all those Citizens that were friendes to the Medicis, together with such as boare affection to the name of the Pope: They called into remembraunce how the citie had exspen­ded not onely in the occupacion but also in the defence of the Duchie of Vrbyn, more then fiue hundred thowsand duckats, And as much in the warre which Pope Leo managed against the French king, and in matters hapning after his death de­pending vppon the same warre: Neither did they forget the three hundred thow­sand duckats which were payed to the Capteines Imperialls and to the Viceroy, be­fore the creacion of Clement: And lastly they reduced into reckoning the six hun­dred thowsand duckats disburssed aswell since that tyme, as employed in this last warre agaynst the Emprour: These reckonings beeing ioyned to the humor of their vniuersall hatreds, so aggrauated their rage and furye, that they defaced and reuersed through all the partes of the citie, the armes and enseignes of the [Page 1070] house of Medicis, not forbearing in that course of insolencie to pull downe euen those skootchions which were affixed and emboasted to the publike pallaices buil­ded by them selues: They brake the images or portraictes of Leo and Clement set vp in so greate glorye in the temple of Annuciado so much celebrated through all the worlde: yea the moste parte of them omitted nothing apperteyning to moue the Popes disdaine, and to nourish the diuisions and discords of the citie, wherein they had risen into greater degrees of disorder, if the authoritie & discression of the Gon­falonier had not bene interposed, which yet was not sufficient to remedie many in­solencies.

But by this tyme were comen to Rome with the Marquis of Guast and Don Hugo, all those footebands of launceknights and Spanyards which were in the Realme of Naples: So that it was sayd they had stronge within the towne of Rome eyght thow­sande Spanish footemen, twelue thowsand launceknights, and foure thowsand Ita­lians: An armye sufficient to doe in Italy what they would, aswell for the reputa­cion they had gotten, as for the vniuersall astonishment of those regions, together with the weake prouisions that were made to oppose against them: Onely the ar­mye tooke such libertie in their insolencies and disorders, the Prince of Orenge be­ing Capteine generall in title and name, but not in authoritie and effect, that they tooke litle care of thinterests of thEmprour, beeing wholly caried with the humor of praye and spoyle, and to raunsom prisoners and racke the purse of the Pope: Mat­ters whose sweetenes deteyned them still in Rome, where running a race of tumult and mutinie, the Viceroy and the Marquis of Guast feared least they woulde extend Plague in Rome. their furye vppon their persons to the daunger of their liues, In which feare they fled, leauing the souldiours to the hazard and stroake of the plague, which beeing already begonne, kindled amongest them greater bronds of infection to their vni­uersall domage: for these reasons thImperialls lost thoccasion of many enterpri­ses, but especially they omitted the oportunitie to conquer Bolognia, A citie which albeit the Count Hugo de Pepoly went thether after the losse of Rome with an army of a thowsand footemen payed by the Venetians, yet it stoode and perseuered in the o­bedience of the sea Apostolike, though not without difficultie by reason of the tu­mult which Lavvrence Maluezzo made by the secret consent of Ramassotto and the fauor of the faction of the Bentyuoleis, yea, (which was of no lesse importance then the residue) their disorder and carelesnes gaue tyme to the French king to dispatch into Italy a moste mightye armye, with great daunger to the Emperor to lose the Realme of Naples after he had triumphed gloriously in so great a victorye: for, mat­ters going on long time before in Fraunce to a preparacion of a newe warre, there was established the foure and twenty of Aprill, A conclusion of the confederacion Confederaci­on betwene the French king and the king of Eng­land. solycited many moneths, betwene the French king and king of England: Wherein one condicion was that the Daughter of the king of England shoulde be maryed to the french king, or to the Duke of Orleans his second sonne, the election of which shoulde be resolued at the tyme of the enteruiewe of the two kinges which was to bee performed at Whitsontyde betweene Callyce and Bolleyne: An other article was that the kinge of Englande shoulde renownce the title of kinge of Fraunce, receyuing in recompense a yearely pension of fiftye thowsande duckats: The thirde article bare that the kinge of Englande shoulde enter the league made at Rome, and to bee bownde by the next moneth of Iulye, to moue warre beyonde the Mountes agaynste thEmprour with nyne thowsande footemen, and the Frenche Kinge with eyghteene thowsande, and a conuenient number of [Page 1071] launces and artilleries: That in the meane whyle bothe the one and the other of them, shoulde sende Embassadors to thEmprour, bothe to signifie the confe­deracion made by them, to summon him to restore the kinges children, and to enter into the peace with comely condicions: Which in case he woulde not ac­cept within one moneth, their Embassadors shoulde denownce warre to him, and beginne it: Assoone as this accorde was passed, the king of England entred the league, who together with the Frenche king dispatched two gentlemen in post to present to thEmprour conuenient summonce: Matters which were done by the Embassadors of the Frenche and Englishe with a farre greater readines then they were performed by the Popes commission: for that his Nuncio Baltasar Castilli­on, sparing to sharpen the mynde of thEmprour, would not consent to denownce warre agaynst him: But afterwardes the Court of Fraunce beeing possessed with the newes of the losse of Rome, And the displeasure of the accident of the Pope beeing ballanced with the gladnes of the deathe of the Duke of Burbon, And lastly the Frenche kinge not holding it good pollicye to suffer the thinges of Italy so to declyne, he contracted the fiftenth daye of Maye with the Venetians, that they shoulde wage in common tenne thowsande Svvyzzers, he to furnishe the first paye, and the Venetians the seconde, and so forwarde according to that rule: That he shoulde sende into Italy tenne thowsande Frenche men, vnder Peter Na­uarre: That in lyke sorte the Venetians ioyntly with the Duke of Myllan shoulde wage tenne thowsande footemen Italyans: That he shoulde fende thether a newe supplye of fiue hundred launces and eyghteene peeces of artilleries: And bicause the king of England notwithstanding tharticles of the contract, shewed no greate readines to make warre beyonde the Mountes, A dealing which was not very agre­able to the French king, They dispensed with that obligacion, and in place of that, they couenanted: That the king of England to furnishe the warre of Italy shoulde defraye the paye of tenne thowsande footemen for six monethes full: And at the speciall instance of the sayde kinge of England, Monsr de Lavvtrech almoste a­gaynst his will, was declared Capteine generall of the whole armye, during whose preparacion to marche and passe with conuenient prouisions of money and o­ther thinges necessarye, there was nothinge done in Italy that was of any conse­quence: for, bothe thEmprours armye styrred not out of Rome notwithstanding that many perished dayly by the rage of the plague which at that tyme ranne also with greate mortalitye in Florence, and through many partes of Italy: And also the armye of the league, into which at thinstance of the Marquis of Salusso and the Venetians, the Florentyns were entred of newe with obligacion to defraye fiue thowsande footemen wherewith thEmprour felt him selfe greeuously offended for that hauing at their instance giuen to the Duke of Ferrara authoritie to compownd in his name, was almost assoone aduertised of their contrary deliberacion: This ar­mye beeing greatly diminished in numbers for that the regiments of the Veneti­ans, of the Marquis, and the Svvyzzers were yll payed, was retyred towardes Vi­terba, And looking altogether to temporise and enterteyne, they labored to holde in the deuocion of the league, Perousa, Orbieta, Spoleto with other places thereabowts: And afterwardes hauing vnderstandinge in that place that one parte of thEm­prours armye was yssued out of Rome somewhat to take breathe with the large­nes and skoape of ayre fearing least the residue shoulde doe the lyke after the first payments were made, they retyred to Orbietta and afterwardes neare to the bo­rowe of Pyeua: And in that inclinacion they had retyred vppon the landes of the [Page 1072] Florentyns, if they would haue giuen consent: In this rage of the plague the castell of Saint Angeo was visited, to the great daunger of the life of the Pope abowt whom dyed certeine speciall men that did seruice to his person: who amyd so many affli­ctions and aduersities and no other hope remeyning to him then in the clemencie of thEmprour, appoynted for Legat with the consent of the Capteines, Cardinall Alexander of Farneso, who notwithstanding being yssued out of the castell and Rome, refused vnder that occasion to goe in the sayd legacion: The Capteines desired to cary the person of the Pope with the thirteene Cardinals that were with him, to Ca­ietto, but he labored against that resolucion with greate diligence, peticions, and arte.

At last Monsr de Lavvtrech, after he had giuen order to thinges necessary, de­parted Monsr Law­trech Capteine generall of the league. from the Court the last of Iune with eyght hundred launces, and honored with the title of Capteine generall of the whole league. And the king of England in place to present tenne thowsand footemen, was taxed to paye in money for eue­ry moneth beginning the first of Iune, the summe of xxx. thowsand duckats: Which money should be conuerted to the payment of tenne thowsand launceknights vn­der Monsr Vavvdemont, which was a regiment of very good exercise and pra­ctise, for that they had many times broken the bands of the Lutherans: The French king tooke also to his paye Andre Dore with eyght gallyes and xxxvj. crownes for euery yeare: But before Monsr Lavvtrech was past the Mounts, the regiments of the Venetians and the Duke of Myllan ioyned together, marched to Marig­nan, whome Antho. de Leua yssuing out of Myllan with eyght hundred Spanyards and the like number of Italyans together with a very fewe horsemen, constrayned them to retyre: About which tyme Iohn Iames de Medicis Captaine of Mus who was in pay with the French king, and exspected vppon the lake the comming of the Svvyzzers, made him selfe Lord by suttle meanes vppon the castell of Monguzzo seated betwene Lecqua and Coma, wherein dwelt Alexander Bentyuolo as in his owne house: for the recouering of it, Antho. de Leua sent thether Lodovvyk de Belioyense, who hauing assalted it in vaine, turned to Monceo: But afterwards, Antho. de Leua ha­uing espiall that the sayd Capteine Mus with two thowsand fiue hundred footemen, was come to the village of Carato foureteene myles from Myllan, returned to Myl­lan: where leauing onely two hundred men notwithstanding the Venetians were al­most ten thowsand, and yssuing out by night with the rest of the armye, he charged suddeinly, vppon the rising of the Sunne, the bands of Capteine Mus, who at the a­larme leauing their houses wherein they were lodged, they retyred into a playne place enuyroned with hedges not farre from the village, not thinking that all the bands were there: And albeit they cast them selues into order, yet by the disad­uauntage of the place beeing lowe and strayted as a prison, they fell all without a­ny resistance into the calamitye of the sworde or prisoners, except many who in the beginning sought their sauetye by fleeing, taking their example of the Cap­teine.

In this meane while, ThEmprour had aduertisement of the Popes captiuitie, by letters which his high Chauncellor wrote to him from Monaco, as he went into Ita­ly, whether he was sent by his authoritie: And albeit by his speeches and outward forme of behauior he expressed how greeuous that accident was to him, yet it was discerned by his secrete mocions and affections that he was not muche disconten­ted with it, which he well declared in publike demonstracions not forbearing to followe the feastes and torneyes begonne before for the byrthe of his Sonne: [Page 1073] But as the deliuerie of the Pope was vehemently desired by the king of England and Cardinall of Yorke, and for their authoritie no lesse displeasing to the French kinge, who in case he coulde otherwayes haue recouered his children, woulde haue taken litle care and greefe for the calamities of the Pope and vniuersall do­mages of all Italy: So in a cause so generally inducing to compassion, bothe the one and the other king sent Embassadors to thEmprour, to demaunde the deliue­rance of the Pope as a matter apperteyning in common to all the Princes Christi­an, and particularly due by the Emprour vnder whose faith he had beene reduced to that estate of miserye, by his Capteynes and by his armye. Abowt this tyme the Cardinalls that were in Italy made a mocion, that aswell they as the other Cardi­nalls beyonde the Mountes might assemble together at Auignion, to take coun­cell in so troublesom a tyme, what coursse to holde for the stabilitie of the Church: But because they woulde not all at one tyme raunge them selues vnder the power of so mightye Princes, they refused to goe thether though with diuerse excuses: By whose example also the Cardinall Saluiatio Legat in the Frenche Court, bee­ing required by the Pope to goe to thEmprour to helpe his affayres at the com­ming of Don Hugo who according to the capitulacion, was to go vp to thEmprour, refused to accomplish that legacion as though it had beene a matter hurtfull to de­liuer vppe to the power of thEmprour at one tyme, so many Cardinalls: Onely he sent by one of his seruaunts of credit thinstructions he had receyued from Rome, to thAuditor of the chamber resident with thEmprour, to thende he might nego­ciat with him, who brought from him very gracious wordes, but such as promised a diuerse and vncerteine resolucion: And albeit thEmprour could haue desired that the Pope had beene ledde into Spayne, yet for that it was a matter full of infamye and greatly tending to incense the king of England, And withall for that all the Po­tentates and prouinces of Spayne and principally the Prelats and Lordes, detested not a litle that an Emprour of Rome Protector and Aduocat of the Church should, with so great indignitie to all Christendom, holde in prison the man in whome was represented the person of Iesus Christ in earth: In those regardes he made graci­ous aunswers to all thEmbassadors which occupied his presence there, At whose instance also to goe thorowe with a peace, he sayde he was content to referre the a­ction of it to the king of England, which was accepted by them: And seeming to confirme this good inclinacion with corespondencye of effects, he dispatched into Italy the thirde daye of August the generall of the Graye Frears, and foure dayes af­ter him Veri de Miglian enhabling both the one and other with commissions suffici­ent to the Viceroy for the deliuery of the Pope and restitucion of all such townes and castells as had bene taken from him: he consented also for the better releeuing of the Pope, that his Nuncio should send him a certeine summe of money exacted vp­pon the collection of his Realmes who in their Courts and parlyaments had refused to contribute money to thEmprour.

In this time about the ende of Iuly, the Cardinall of Yorke passed the sea to Cal­lyce The Cardinal of Yorke in Fraunce. with twelue hundred horse: The French king who had great desire to receyue him with all showes of honor, sent to meete him at his landing the Cardinal of Lor­raine, and went afterwardes in personne to Amyens where the Cardinall of Yorke made his entrey the daye after with very greate pompe: Wherein one thinge that muche augmented his glorye and reputacion, was the treasor he had brought with him amownting to three hundred thowsande crownes, bothe to furnishe thexspenses occurringe, and to imparte it with the Frenche Kinge by waye [Page 1074] of loane if neede were: They debated betwene them aswel of matters apperteyning to the peace, as of occasions tending to nourish the warre: Wherein albeit the ends and intencions of the French king were different from the purposes of the king of England, for that to haue his children restored he cared not to leaue abandoned to manifest praye both the Pope and all the state of Italy: yet what by the authoritie of the king of England, and necessitie of his owne affayres, he was driuen to promisse to make no accord with thEmprour without the deliuery of the Pope: And there­fore thEmprour hauing sent to the king of England the articles of the peace, aun­swer was made to him by both the kings that they woulde accept the peace vnder condicions of restitucion of the children of Fraunce receyuing for raunsom of them two millions of duckats within a certeine tyme, and deliuerye of the Popes person with the state Ecclesiastike, together with the conseruacion of all the gouernments and estates of Italy as they were at that present, and lastly vnder condicion of an vni­uersall and generall peace: And bicause the mariage of the French king with the Emprours sister should still continue, there was set downe a speciall couenant that thEmprour accepting these articles, the Daughter of the king of England should be maryed to the Duke of Orleans: But in case the peace succeeded not, the king him selfe should take her to wife: After these articles were sent, they refused to giue safe conduit to a man whome the Emprour required to send into Fraunce, aunswering that they had done enough to send him the articles of their resolucion: Which be­ing not accepted by thEmprour, the peace and confederacion betweene the two kings was sworne and published solemnly the eyght day of August: They determi­ned to employ all their forces in the warre of Italy hauing for their principall obiect, the deliuerye of the Pope, And touching the manner to proceede in that warre, they reapposed them selues vppon Monsr Lavvtrech, to whome according to the confidence they had in him, they gaue absolute power, and before he tooke his leaue to depart with his expedicion, they suffered him to obteyne of the French king all his demaundes, for that the king ment in that warre to set vppe his last rest: The Cardinall of Yorke would also that the knight Casalo shoulde goe to the campe on the behalfe of his king and that the thirty thowsande duckats which were his monthly contribucion, should be deliuered to him to thende to be assured if the nū ­ber of Almaines were compleate. Thus after the resolucions and directions of the warre were established, the Cardinall of Yorke returned, and at his departure he dispatched the pronotorye Gambaro to the Pope to induce him to make him his Viccaire generall in England, in Fraunce, and in Germanye so longe as he was in pri­son, Whereunto though the French king seemed by demonstracions to consent, yet secretly and in effect he did impugne so great an ambicion.

In this meane whyle there passed but very fewe actions and exploytes of warre in Italy, thexspectacion of the comming of Lavvtrech being very great: The rea­son was, that as the Imperiall armye full of disorder and disobedience to their Capteynes, and no lesse chargeable to their friendes and townes that were ren­dred, made no greate mouing and gaue no feare at all to their enemyes: so the footebandes of Spanyardes and Italyans fleeing from the infection of the plague, laye dispearsed and wandring abowt the confynes of Rome, And the Prince of Orenge with an hundred and fiftye horsemen was gonne vppe to Sy­enna, aswell to eschewe the daunger of the plague, as to keepe that citie in the deuocion of thEmperour: And for the better conteyning the Citie in fidelitie and order, he had sent thyther before, certeyne bandes of footemen, the rather [Page 1075] for that the people beeing drawne into commocion at the incensing of certeine sedicious Citizens, had, in that tumult sacked the houses of such as were of the fa­milie of Montenouo, and had slaine in their rage Peter Bourgeso a Citizen of authority together with one of his sonnes and seuenteene or eighteene others: There remai­ned only within Rome the Launceknightes, as full of infection and plague as ripe in disorder and insolencie, who, being satisfied by the Pope with verie great difficul­tie of the first hundred thowsande duckats which were partely payed in money, and parte to be aunswered vpon bills of marchants of Genovvay being to be repayed v­pon the tenthes of the realme of Naples and vpon the sale of Beneuent, required for the residue of their payes due, other sureties, and other assignacion, then the impo­sicion of the state Ecclesiastike, a matter impossible to the Pope being a prisoner: By reason whereof after many threatninges made to the ostages and sureties whom in great crueltie they kept in chaines, they led them in a manifest ignominy to the field of Flora, where they sette vp a gibbet as though they would haue made present exe­cucion of them: Afterwardes they issued all out of Rome without any Capteines of authoritie, rather to lodge abroade and refresh them selues, then to execute any ex­ployt of importaunce: In which inhumanitie and insolencie, after they had sacked the Cities of Perno and Naruo, Spoleto agreed to giue them passage and vittells: By which occasion the armie of the confederats to assure Perousa, went to lodge at Pon­tonouo beyond Perousa, they were incamped before vpon the lake of Perousa, but they were much diminished in numbers in regard of thobligacion of the confederates: for, the Marquis had with him three hundred launces and three hundred french ar­chers, three thowsand Svvizzers and a thowsand footemen Italians: The Duke of Vrbin had with him fiue hundred men at armes, three hundred light horsemen, a thowsand footemen Almains, and two thowsand Italians: The Venetians alleaged for their excuses, that they supplied their promise and obligacion with the bandes of souldiours whom they held in the Duchy of Millan: The Florentins had foure score men at armes, an hundred and fiftie light horsemen, and foure thowsand footemen: And as they were constrained to maintaine a better prouision then all the others, for a continual feare they had least thEmperours army would assaile Tuskane: So in that respect they failed not to make payes to their souldiors in times due, wherin they did contrarie to all the residue: But the Duke of Vrbin ouer & besides his auncient diffi­culties was not without his passions of greefe and disquiemes tending almost to di­spaire, for that he knew that both the french king and Monsr Lavvtreth spake not of him to his honor, and also the Venetians were drawne into a very ill opinion of him: Who, suspecting either his fidelitie or his inconstancie, had set a diligent and care­full gard vpon his wife & children that were at Venice least they should depart with­out their leaue: And in that humor of gelousie and suspicion, they reproued open­lie his councell, which was, that Lavvtrech should drawe directlie to Rome without attempting any thing in Lombardie.

So that all matters of action or enterprise lay on sleepe in that armie, who inter­preted it to a speciall grace that thimperialls passed not further: And thimperialls hauing a litle afterwards receiued two crownes a peece of the Marquis of Guast who went to tharmie, returned, the Launceknightes (who agreed not well with the Spa­nyardes) to Rome, and the Spanyardes were seuerallie dispersed to Aluiano, Tegliano Chastillion, and Bolseno: Only the generall numbers were so muche diminished espe­ciallie the Launceknights, by the stroke of the plague, that it was thought the whole army of thEmprour conteyned not aboue tenne thowsand footemen: Here is not [Page 1076] to be omitted the reapport of an act worthy of perpetuall infamy committed by the Imperiall Capteines before their departure: The discourse of it was this, Gentill Bail­lon being returned to Perousa with the will and consent of Horacio, who perswading that the disorders betwene them were hurtfull to euery one, had made show that he would reconcile him selfe to him: Thither went Federike Bossolo with the priuitie & Awicked act. authority of all the Capteines to signifie vnto him, that forasmuch as they had foūd out that he practised secretlie with thennemies, they thought good to be assured of his person notwithstanding he iustified him selfe and promised that he would go to Chastillion: he was left in the gard of Gigant Corse Coronell of the Venetians suppo­sing though his libertie was restrained, yet there was no daunger to his life: But the malice of his ennemies pulling on by violent handes, the last degree of his destinie, he was the same night slaine with two of his Nephewes by certeine murtherers of Horacio subborned by his commission: Which bloodie accident he caused to be al­so accompanied at the same time with the slaughter of Galeotto, brother to Braccio & one of the Nephewes of Gentill: After this the confederates sent souldiours to enter within Camerino, by reason they had aduertisement that the Duke was dead, but they were preuented by Sforce Baillon in the name of the Imperialls: Insomuch as Sero Co­lonno made his entrie on the behalfe of Rodolff his sonne in law bastard sonne to the late Duke: Afterwards the Marquis of Salussa and Federik with many horsemen and a thowsand footmen, assaulted by night the Abbay of S. Peter which is neare Ferno, wherein were Peter Maria Rossa & Alexander Vitelly with a strength of two hundred horsemen and foure hundred footemen: This enterprise verie rash of it selfe, since for the garrison that was there, the place was not pregnable but by artilleries, succe­ded well to them either by fortune which is vainlie supposed to beare some sway in actions, or by indiscression which leades all thinges in errour and confusion, or else through the couetousnesse of the Capteines who hauing sent out the same day an hundred and fiftie harquebuziers to make pillage of a towne fast by, had depriued them selues of a strength necessary to defend it: Insomuch as after they had maintai­ned resistance for certeine howers, they yeelded to discression reseruing onely the persons and goodes of Peter Maria Rossa and Alexander Vitelly who in defending the place which they could not keepe, had receiued wounds with the bollet, the one in the legge, and the other in the hande: About this time the riuer of Tiber rising in two or three places aboue the bankes, ouerflowed with great hurt, the campe of the league, which went to lodge at Ascesa, thimperialls being as yet betwene Farno and Naruo: And then passing further, the Duke of Vrbin lodged at Naruo, the Frenche men at Bouagno, and the blacke bands commaunded by Horacio Baillon Capteine ge­nerall of thinfanterie of the Florentins, seeing there was no lodging prepared for them, entred into the towne of Montfalcon and sackt it: In which course of insolen­cie certeine bandes of his footemen inuaded afterwardes Pressia, whether were re­tyred Rodolffo de Varano and Bettrice his wife, who in so great an aduersitie hauing no meane to defende them selues, yeelded to discression: Neuerthelesse not long after, they recouered their libertie, for that Sero being not hable to remeine longer within Camerino for the displeasures he receiued of that armie, compounded to abandon it vnder condicion to recouer his sonne in lawe and his daughter: And in this enter­chaunge of actions and affaires, the Marquis of Salusso and Federik made a practise, with the French horsemen and two thowsand footemen, to surprise and strippe the Spanishe horsemen who were lodged at Monte Rotondo without gard and watche as Maria Vrsin reapported: They had three dayes marching to the place where thex­ployt [Page 1077] shoulde be done, wherein they proceeded with so litle order, that they were disclosed & returned without doing any thing, notwithstanding, they had determi­ned, the better to take from the Spanyards all meanes to flie away, to breake downe at the same time the bridge of Feuerono.

During the whole time of this sommer the actions of the souldiours that were in Lombardie, were of the like propertie: for, as the bandes of the Venetians and the Duke being drawne into one strength neere to Millan, with intencion to leauie and take away the corne of that countrey, had ouerthrowen the eskert or garde of vit­tells, and slaine an hundred footemen, taken thirtie men at armes, and three hun­dred horse of seruice and others: So, they forbare to proceede any further against their corne, for that the bandes of the Venetians according to their custome, did immediatlie disperse and diminishe: Andre Dore was retyred with his fleete to­wardes Sauona: And the Genovvaies vnder that occasion had reconquered Spetia: But afterwardes the affaires of Lombardye beganne to take a newe life for the discen­ding of Monsr de Lavvtrech into Piedmont with one parte of tharmie: Who ha­uing no minde to remeyne idle whilest he exspected the residue of his forces, went to incampe in the beginning of August affore the towne of Bosco in the countrey of Alexandria wherein were left for garrison a thowsande footemen: The most parte of them were Launceknightes who defended their liues with so muche the more obstinacie and resolucion, by howe much Lavvtrech made angrie for that they had slaine certeine Svvizzers, woulde not receiue them to rendering onlesse they reser­red them selues whollie to his discression, wherein the more to confirme them in hart and courage, Lodovvike Count of Lodron to whome was committed in charge Alexandria, sent to them oftentimes and comforted them by all the meanes they coulde: In which good office he had speciall interest for that his wife and children were beseeged also within Bosco: Neuerthelesse their aduersitie being farre aboue their power, at last after they had day and night for the space of tenne dayes endu­red the importunate furie of thartilleries, the mindes that through their vallour were no longer hable to make resistance, were compelled through the malice of their calamitie, to submitte whollie their liues and goodes to the arbitracion of Monsr Lavvtrech: Who tempering his seueritie and iustice with compassion and clemencie, reteined the Capteines prisoners and saued the life of the souldiours, but with this condicion that the Spanyardes shoulde returne into Spaine thorowe Fraunce, and the Launceknightes to take their way into Germanie by the countrey of Svvizzerland, & euerie particular of euerie nation of them, according to the braue­rie of warre, to goe out of Bosco without armes, euerie one bearing a white rodde in his hand: Only in this his magnanimitie exceeded his iustice, that he liberallie ren­dred to the Count Lodron his wife & his children: This conquest was accompanied with a happie successe of the affaires of Genes: for, fiue shippes, whereof foure were laden with corne, and the fift with marchandise which went to Genes, being ariued at Portofino, and to thende they might passe in safetie, nine gallies being sent out of Genes to accompany them: It hapned that by reason of an aduertisement that Caesar Fregoso approached to Genes by land with two thowsand footemen, almost all those that were at Portofino went to Genes leauing the fleete abandoned, the same giuing Genoway re­turneth to thobedience of the French king. occasion to Andre Dore to enclose it with his gallies in the same porte: At which place the Genovvaies knowing that they were not hable to resist, disarmed their gal­lies and set their souldiours on land, by which meane, of the nine gallies (one being burned) the others fell into the power of thenemies together with the shippes laden [Page 1078] with corne and the carracke iustinian, which being come out of Leuant was suppo­sed to haue a lading in value worthe an hundred thowsande duckats: At this ex­ployt were also the other Frenche gallies, who hauing taken before, fiue shippes la­den with corne which were bound for Genes, were afterwardes drawne behinde Co­domont betwene Portofino and Genes: Moreouer at that instant certeine bands of foot­men which the Adorneys had leauied to bestowe within Genes, were ouerthrowne at Priacroce a place scituated in the same mountaines: This calamitie ioyned to many other losses of money and sundrie vessells, tooke from the Genovvaies being now re­duced to extremitie, all hope to make good any further resistance, notwithstanding that at the same time Caesar Fregoso being drawne neare to Saint Peter de Rene, was constrained to retyre him selfe: But the stroke of famine being ioyned to the forces and vexacions of thennemies, and no further necessitie remaining to make their ca­lamitie more wretched, they sent Embassadors to Monsr Lavvtrech, to capitulate: Antho. Adorney who was Duke of Genes, retyred within the castell: Insomuch as the tumultes being appeased principallie by the industrie of Philip Dore who was priso­ner there, the Citie diuolued to the obedience of the Frenche king who created go­uernor there Theoder Triuulco: By the example of this felicitie, Monsr Lavvtrech drewe neare to Alexandria hauing in his armie eight thowsande Svvizzers, who diminished dayly in number, and the tenne thowsande footemen commaunded by Peter Nauare, together with three thowsande Gascons whom the Barron of Bear had newlie brought into Italie, and also three thowsande footemen of the Duchie of Millan: There were within Alexandria fifteene hundred footemen, who for the o­uerthrowe and losse of the Almains of Bosco, were both muche weakened, and no lesse terrified, but being releeued afterwardes with fiue hundred footemen entring by the fauour of the hills next to the Citie, and guided by Alberig de Belioyense, they resumed their spirites and made a valliant defense: Neuerthelesse what by the furie of the batteries redoubled in many places, and freshe courage of the Venetian bandes newlie ariued in the armie, (who notwithstanding did nothing aunswere neither by sea nor lande the numbers they were bounde vnto) and also the defen­dantes Alexandria taken. at the same time being muche trauelled and weakened with the trenches and mynes which Peter Nauare cast, their aduersities compelled them to yeelde vp the place with safetie of goodes and life. This conquest of Alexandria bredde a­mongest the confederates a beginning of some contencion: for, as Monsr Lavv­trech layed his plot to leaue there in garrison fiue hundred footemen, to thend that in all euentes, his bandes and regimentes might haue a sure retraite there, and also suche companies as shoulde come out of Fraunce might orderlie reassemble and re­freshe them selues in that Citie: So, thEmbassador of the Duke of Millan who be­ganne to suspect least that beginning extended to vsurpe and occupie that state for his king, opposed against it with protestacions and wordes full of efficacie: Where­in thEmbassador of Venice concurring with him in that minde and the Englishe in­terposing in the action, Monsr Lavvtrech at last agreed albeit with great indignacion to leaue it freely to the Duke of Millan: A matter which happilie was of great pre­iudice for that enterprise, for that according to thopinion of many he vsed a grea­ter negligence in the conquest of Millan either through disdaine, or else to reserue him selfe to doe it in a time when without the regard of others, he might make his proffit of it: But after the losse of Alexandria, it was not doubted but Monsr Lavv­trech would conuert his forces either to Millan or to Pauia, and therfore that Antho. de Leua who had there with him an hundred, and fiftie men at armes and fiue thow­sand [Page 1079] and fiue thousand footemen Spanish and Lanceknightes, distrusting to be able to de­fende Millan with so small forces, and amid so many difficulties, shoulde retyre his companies to Pauia: neuertheles, considering that Pauya gaue smalreliefe or store of vittels, and lesse exspectation to mainteine the armie there with robberies & ex­tortions as hadde bene done rudely and iniuriously at Myllan, he chaunged purpose and stayed at Myllan, sending to the garde of Pauya Lodovvyke Belioyense, and to the Myllanois who with money would buy libertie to depart, he solde for corruption and gaine the thing that he could not lawfully giue: But Monsr Lavvtrech notwithstan­ding he was much weakened in nombers of Svvizzers, marched on and tooke Vi­geuena, and afterwardes making a bridge vpon the riuer of Thesin, and by the ayde of the same past his armie ouer, he drewe towards Benerolo, which is a village within iiij. miles of Myllan: In this order of proceeding he made shew as though he would in campe before that Citie, whereunto he was also counselled by the Venetians, but in deede he was resolued to take that course which seemed most easie: And because he vnderstoode when he was within eight miles of Myllan, that Lodovvyke Belioyense had sent thyther the night before, foure hundred footemen, by which meane there remayned no more then eight hundred within Pauya: He turned way and went the day folowing being the xxviij. of September, to the Monasterie of Charterhouse, and from thence with great celeritie he went to incampe before Pauya: To the suc­cours or reskue of which Citie, Anthonie de leua, taking occasion vpon the alteration of Monsr Lavvtrech and chaunging his way, dispatched thyther three ensignes of footemen, who coulde not enter: by which impediment together with the small nombers of men of warre that were there, it seemed the Towne coulde make no great resistance: And in that weakenes and feare, notwithstanding they of the Towne besought Belioyense to make some composition to auoyde the sacke and de­struction of the Citie, yet herefused to graunt them that compassion: But when he saw with what importunitie Lavvtrech continued his batterie by the space of foure dayes, hauing reuersed so much of the wall, that the small nomber of men that were within, sufficed not to reenforce it: The necessitie of the place ioyned to the complaintes of the townesmen, compelled at last Belioyense to sende a trumpet to Lavvtrech, who hauing no speedie accesse to him by reason that he was by chaunce gone to the Venetian campe, The souldiers drawing neare the towne, entred into it by the ruines of the wall: which, being a spectacle greeuous to Belioyense, and no meane to remedie or resist it, he set open the gates of the towne, and issued out in his misfortune to yelde himselfe to the Frenchmen, who sent him prisoner to Genes. The Citie was sackt, in which action the Frenchmen spent eight dayes in pillage The sacke of Pauya. and crueltie, putting fire into diuers houses, which intheir furie they consumed in reuenge of the battel which they lost within the parke: Then they drewe to counsel, whether they shoulde execute the enterprise of Myllan, or addresse their forces to Rome: The Florentines made instance to passe further, for feare least Lavvtrech staying in Lombardie, the imperiall armie issued not out of Rome to distresse them: The Venetians and Duke of Myllan who was expresly come from Myllan, impugned it, alleaging what great opportunitie there was to take Myllan, and the profite that would rise by it for the enterprise of Naples: for that as Myllan being taken, there re­mayned no hope to thimperials to haue succours out of Germanie, so that gate being layde open, it was to be alwayes feared that a great armie comming from that part, woulde not eyther put Lavvtrech in daunger, or at least diuert him from the enterprise of Naples: But he aunswered that he must necessarily passe further [Page 1080] by the commaundementes of his king and the king of Englande, who had sent him into Italie chiefelie to deliuer the Pope: To which resolucion it was beleued he might be induced by suspicion, that if the Duchie of Millan were got, the Vene­tians thinking them selues assured from all daunger of the greatnesse of thEmpe­rour, would not be negligent to ayde the king in the enterprise of the realme of Na­ples: And happily he was no lesse induced by this that the king supposed it would be for the benefitte and proffit of his affaires not to suffer Frauncis Sforce to recouer whollie that state, to thende that reteyning the power to offer to the Emperour to leaue it, he might the easelier obteyne the deliueraunce of his children by way of thaccorde which continuallie was negociated with thEmperour by thEmbassadors of Fraunce, Englande, and Venice: But in the negociacion of the same appeared ma­ny difficulties, for that thEmperour made instance that the cause of Frauncis Sforce should be referred to the sentence of the lawe, and that during the triall, thestate of Millan to be holden by him, promising in all accidentes not to appropriat it to him Demaundes which the Emperour made to the armie of the confederats if thaccord went on. selfe: He required that the Venetians shoulde pay to thArchduke the residue of the two hundred thowsande duckats which were due to him by the capitulacions of VVormes, which the Venetian Embassador refused not so farre foorth as thArchduke woulde accomplishe the sayd capitulacions and render such places as he was bound by the obligacions of the same: he demaunded of the sayd Venetians to giue to their exiles according to couenaunt an hundred thowsande duckats, or at least assigna­cion for fiue thowsande duckats of reuenue: That they should pay that which they ought him for the cōfederacion made with him, which he wished might be renued That they shoulde render Rauenna to the Church, and whollie to giue ouer all that they helde in the Duchie of Millan: he required thirtie thowsande duckats of the Florentins in recompense of the defrayments and exspenses made, and for domages receiued by reason of their inobseruancie: He consented that the Frenche king shoulde pay for him to the king of England a dette of foure hundred and fiftie thow­sande duckats, and for the residue amounting to two millions, he required ostages, he required to be prouided for him the twelue gallies of the Frenche king for the conuey of his person into Italie, onely he cut of all proporcions of horsemen and footemen: Lastlie he demaunded that as soone as thaccorde were resolued, all the Frenche regimentes should issue out of Italie, an article which the Frenche king re­fused, onlesse his children were first restored to him: Yea when it was hoped that he would mitigate these demaundes for the losse of Alexandria and Pauia, it was then he showed him selfe more firme, and resolute following his custome which was not to yeelde to difficulties: In so muche as when the Auditor of the Chamber came to him out of Englande the fifteenth of October to solicite the Popes deli­uerie in the name of the king of Englande, he aunswered that he had taken order for that by the Generall: And that touching the accorde, he woulde not eyther for loue or by force, alter the condicions he had established before: But assuredlie it was discerned manifestlie that thEmperour bare no great inclinacion to the peace, for that many thinges gaue him corage against the puissance of his ennemies: for, he called into consideracion that in Italy he might make resistance through the ver­tue of his armie, and for the facilitie to defende townes: That he coulde alwayes with small difficultie make passe newe supplies of Launceknightes: That the long tract of exspenses had drayned of money and treasor, the Frenche king and the Ve­netians: That according to the custome of leagues, their prouisions were defectiue and diminished: he had confidence to draw out of Spaine sufficient store of money, [Page 1081] seeing he bare out the warre with farre lesser exspenses then did the confederates being much impouerished by the pillage and robberie of souldiers, and also for that he hoped by seperating the confederates to make them more weake or negligent. Lastlye, he promised much to himselfe of his great felicitie both approoued by thexperience of so many yeeres, and had bene assured from his infancie by manye predictions.

But in this time Monsr Lavvtrech solicited that the armies by sea prepared to inuade either Cicilia or the Realme of Naples, shoulde aduaunce and come on: of which, the fleete of the Venetians (whose prouisions eyther by sea or lande aunswered nothing thobligations,) was at Corfon, and sixteene gallies were to ioyne with Andre Dore, who exspected in the ryuer of Genes Ransode Cero, appoyn­ted to the footemen of that enterprise: After Lavvtreth sent backe agayne into Fraunce foure hundred launces, and three thousande footemen, and contracted with the Venetians whom he counselled to render Rauenna to the colleage of Car­dinals, and with the Duke of Millan, that to defende that which hadde bene conquered, they shoulde reteyne their bands with whom were Ianus Fregosa and Count Caiesse, in a place well fortified at Landriano, which is a village within two miles of Millan: By reason of whose neighbourhead for that the companies that were within Millan coulde not goe abroade, it was supposed an easyer gard woulde be made of Pauia, Moncia, Biagrassa, Marignan, Binasquo, Vigeuena, and Alexan­dria: After he hadde established these thinges, the eighteene of October he marched with fifteene hundred Svvizzers, the like nomber of Launceknightes, and sixe thowsande aswell Frenche as Gascons, And with this strength he passed the ryuer of Pavv right ouer agaynst the Borowe of Saint Iohn, with intention to a­bide there the comming of the Launceknightes, of whom till then was arriued but a very slender nomber, and also an other regiment of footemen of the same na­tion, which the French king had sent to leuye of newe in place of the Svvizzers, who were almost gone away: But from this place he was driuen to sende backe a­gayne beyonde Pavv, Peter Nauarre, with the bands of footemen Gascons and I­talians, to the succours of Biagrassa, before which towne garded by the Duke of Mil­lan, Antho. de Leua, was gone to incampe the xxviij. of October with foure thow­sande footemen, and seuen peeces of artilleries, taking his reason of that enterprise vpon the wantes and ill prouisions of the towne: which being yelded to him the se­cond day by accorde, he prepared to passe into Lomelino, to the ende to reconquer Vigeuena and Nouaro,: But being aduertised by good espiall that Peter Nauare was come with a greater supplie of forces, he returned backe againe to Millan: By which retyring he made easie to Peter Nauare, to get againe Biagressa, in whiche Frauncis Sforce bestowed better prouisions. It was nowe discerned that Monsr Lavvtrech de­ferred with great industrie and art, to depart: Wherein albeit he alleaged that the thing that reteyned him, was the tarying of the Launceknightes, of whom one band being at last arriued vnder the charge of Monsr Vaudemont, he abode the comming of the others, And albeit he cunningly accompanied that excuse with a complaint of the slender prouisions of the Venetians, yet it was supposed that the onely cause that helde him in deferring and lingring, was the money which he exspected out of Fraunce: But the true and most stronge reason was, that the French king hoping much in the peace, the negotiacion whereof was stil continued with themperour, he gaue direction to Lavvtrech to dissemble vnderslowe proceedings, his aduaun­cing on: whereupon also it came to passe that the kyng was not readie to satisfie [Page 1082] his part of the pay of those Almains which were leauyed in place of the Svvizzers, and much lesse the other bands that were before reserued to go with Monsr Vavv­demont. With these necessities or rather excuses Monsr Lavvtrech soiourning at Plaisanca, and his companies being bestowed betwene Plaisanca and Parma, the diffi­cultie which before was had of the duke of Ferrara was nowe taken awaye: This Duke, like as Monsr Lavvtrech assone as he was entred into Italy, had solicited to en­ter into the league, which was a matter desired of thone side by the Duke in respect of thalliance that was offred to him with the French king, and on the other side the same reteining him, both for a distrust he had of the vallour of the French, and for a suspicion he had least the king for the recouery of his children, would not at last ac­cord with themprour: So neuertheles fearing the threats of Lavvtrech, he was re­duced conformable to the will of the French, demaunding only that the negociatiō of those affayres might be performed at Ferrara, for that he would in his owne per­son manage a cause that imported him so muche: So that thembassadours of the whole confederates went vp to Ferrara, together with Cardinall Cibo in the name of those Cardinalls that were assembled at Parma: And the Duke beeing not a litle moued to see Lavvtrech aduaunce, after he had laboured to insinuate his reasons, and make them seeme good to Capteine George and Andrevv de Burgo, (these were within Ferrara and greatly honoured and entertoyned by him) he lefte them satisfied of the necessitie that compelled him to compound. And at last he accorded but with conditions well showing eyther his industrie & knowledge howe to nego­ciate, The Duke of Ferrara en­treth into the league. & that it was not in vayne that he sought to draw the action into his presence, or else by the conditions were well declared the great desire the other partie had to draw him into the confederation: Wherin he entred with obligation to pay month­ly for the space of sixe moneths, six or ten thousand crownes according to the arbi­tration of the french king, who resolued afterwards vpon six thousand, with bond to deliuer to Monsr Lavvtrech a company of an hundred men at armes payed: On the other side, the confederates bound themselues to the protection of him & his estate: To deliuer to him Cotignolo (which a litle before the Venetians had taken from the Spaniards) in exchange of the auncient and almost desolate citie of Adria, which he demaunded with great importunity: To render vnto him the pallaces which before time he had possessed in Venice & in Florence: To giue him suffrance to winne vpon Albert Pio the castell de Nouy standing vpon the confines of Mantua, which he helde besieged at the same time: That they would pay the frutes of the Archbishoprike of Millan, to his sonne who was Archbishop there, if the imperials gaue no impedimēt to him to receiue them: The Cardinall Cibo in the name of those Cardinalls who promised the ratification of the College, bound the Pope to renew thinuestiture of Ferrara: To renounce the rights of Modena in regard of the purchase he had made of it with Maximilian: To cancell the obligations for the saltes: To consent to the protection which the confederates tooke of him and his: To promise by Buls Apo­stolike to suffer aswell him as his successors to possesse all that they nowe enioyed: and that the Pope should create his sonne Cardinall, and bestow vpon him the Bi­shoprike of Modena vacant by the death of the Cardinall Rangon. To this consedera­tion was added that Renea the daughter of king Lovvis should be giuen in mariage to Hercules his eldest sonne, & to indue the mariage with the duchy of Chartres and other honorable conditions. By the example of the duke of Ferrara, concurring also the instance & solicitation of Monsr Lavvtrech, the Marquis of Mantua entred into the league, notwithstanding he had put himselfe before into the pay of themprour.

[Page 1083]But at this time the confederate armie was very weake, and laye many dayes without doing any thing, betweene Fuglino, Montfalcon, and Beuaguo: And the duke of Vrbin who had aduertisement of the restrayning of his wife and children at Venice, being departed from the army agaynst the commission of the Senate to iu­stifie his cause, was tolde by the way that they were deliuered, and that the Senate beeing well satisfied of his gouernment desyred him to passe further: by reason of which aduertisement he returned to the army, In whiche the Svvizzers and the footbands of the Marquis were not payed: Neither did the Venetians eyther there or in Lombardy where they were bound to mainteine nine thousand footmen, aduance the third part: By which negligence accompanied with an vniuersall sparing of ex­spences, the army was decliued to great debilitie: in which weaknes they retired af­terwards to the territory of Lody & the confines therabout. And the Spaniards vpon the end of Nouember were gone vp towards Corncto and Toscanello, and the launce­knights remained at Rome, to whom the prince of Orenge was returned from Sienna, where he had made but small abode, for that he saw he could not be apt to reorder that gouernment as he thought he could haue done. Assuredly it was not to be dou­ted that if themprours army had aduaunced, the duke of Vrbin and the Marquis of Salusse had not retired with their forces to the walls of Florence, notwithstāding they had made many vauntes that to stoppe them from entring into Tuskane, they would plant a campe eyther within Orbietto or Viterba, or els vpon the territorie of Sienna towards Chiusa and Sertiano: But Monsr Lavvtrech notwithstanding the bandes of launceknightes were ariued, proceding, for thexspectation of the issue of the peace, so slowly as he was wont, made his abode within Parma: where albeit he had redu­ced into his power the castells of that citie, and had leauyed vpon that towne and Plaisanca and their territories about fiftie thousande duckets, yet it was beleued that he had an intention not onely to subdue to his deuotion and power Parma and Plai­sanca, but also to thend to draw Bolognia to depend vpon the authoritie of his king, he had impression to conuert the iurisdiction of that citie into the famuly of the Pe­polies: But those deuises sorted to no effect by reason of the Popes deliuery: To the which albeit it seemed at the first that themprour was not to condiscend readily (for since the newes of his calamitie he had temporised one whole moneth before he would resolue) yet both vnderstanding that Lavvtrech was passed into Italy, and also not ignorant of the king of Englands readines to the warre, he had dispatched into Italy the Generall of the grayfreers and Verio de Migliato, with commission to the Viceroy to debate that action: But the Generall finding the Viceroy dead before he ariued at Caietto, he was then to transfer the negociatiō of those affayres to Don Hu­go de Moncado, to whom as themprours cōmission did also extend, so the Viceroy had orderly substituted him in his place vntil themprour should send some new addresse for the gouernment of the realme? And after the General had communicated with Don Hugo, he went to Rome, accōpanied with Migliato who was come out of Spayne with the like cōmissions: This busines & negociation conteined two principal arti­cles, the one that the Pope should satisfie the army to whom was owing a very great summe of mony, And the other that the Pope being deliuered should not be adhe­rent to his enemies: To which two articles were tyed hard conditions of ostages & townes for assurance: Which difficulties as they drew a long tract and delay in the general matter, so to make the issue easy, the Pope failed not by secret meanes to so­licit cōtinually Monsr Lavvtrech to aduāce, assuring him that as his intentiō was to promise nothing to thimperials but by force, so also in that case, being once out of [Page 1084] prison, he would obserue nothing so soone as his person were once transferred into a place of suretie, whiche he forgat not to bring to passe in giuing to them the least oportunities he could: But in case he did accorde, he besought him that the com­passion of his aduersities and necessities might serue him for excuse. But during the solicitation of these matters the Ostages stale away secretly from Rome in the ende of Nouember, not without the great indignation of the Launceknightes.

Long was the disputation vpon this matter, euen those being not of one opinion and aduise, in whom was most power to determine: for albeit Don Hago had sent to Rome Serenon his secretorie together with the others. yet what for his yll nature and the litle loue he bare to the Pope, he had no great inclination to his deliuery: The Generall bare a contrary affection, eyther in true regarde of office and compassion, or for that he aspired to be Cardinall: And Migliato impugned it as a matter most daungerous for themprour, and beeing not hable to resist it, he went from them to Naples, of which impietie he bare a right punishment, for that at the first besieging of Naples leading the skirmish, he was slayne with the shot of a harquebuze. The Pope omitted nothing that by industrie might be made for his purpose, for he allu­red to his opinion, and wonne on his side the witte and toung of Ierome Moron, the counsels of whom bare great authoritie with the imperials in al their deliberations: The meane with the which he did allure him was, that the Pope transferred the Bi­shoprike of Madena to his sonne, and corrupted him with the promise of certayne corne which he had at Cornetta amounting in value to aboue twelue thousand duc­kets: He made fauourable the Cardinall Colonno with a lesse industrie, both by pro­mising him the legation of la Marqua, and also assuring him at such time as he came to visite him in the castell, that he would principally acknowledge so great a benefit of him: wherein he forgat not to worke vpon the humor of the man, that he could not wishe a greater degree of glorie and felicitie, then to let all the world know that it was in his power to pul downe Popes, and being once embased and reuersed, that it was in his hand to reamount them and rayse them to their former estate of great­nes: With which insinuations of them selues full of compassion, and for the party that preferred them of no lesse pyetie and deuotion, ioyned to the propertie of the Cardinall being by nature hawty and glorious, inclined him to a ready disposition to deliuer the Pope, beleeuing that it would be as easie for the Pope in his libertie to forgette so many wronges and iniuries, as beeing prisoner he was apte with prayers and teares humbly to recommend vnto him his deliueraunce. But all sortes of difficulties were somewhat eased by a newe commission from themprour, by the which he gaue order that the Pope should be deliuered to his contētment as much as was possible, Wherein it seemed he helde it sufficient that being in his libertie, he would be for the confederates no more then for him: Neuertheles the matter that more then all other wrought for his deliuery, was, a necessitie they had, which made them fearefull, least Monsr Lavvtrech would leade his armie to the defence of the Realme of Naples: Which was a matter impossible vnlesse they were firste assured of the payes due to them, in recompence whereof they would not suffer so ma­ny prayes and great gaynes as they had made at the same tyme: This necessitie to prouide for the payes, was also the cause why there was made lesse accounte to bee assured of the Pope in tyme to come. At laste after longe negociation and practise, and many accidentes and difficulties occurring, there was concluded in Rome the laste of October, a resolution of accorde wyth the Generall and wyth Serenon in the name of Don Hago, who afterwardes ratified it: These were [Page 1085] the articles of the composition: That the Pope shoulde bee no partie agaynst Accorde be­t [...]eene the Pope and themprours Agents. thEmprour, neyther in the affayres of Millan, nor in the kingdome of Naples; That he should accord vnto themprour the Croysade in Spayne, and a tenth of the reuenues ecclesiastike through all his dominions: That to assure thobseruation of these things, Ostia should remayne in the handes of themprour, and Ciuitavecchia which Andrea Dore had left to him before: That he should assigne ouer to him Ciui­ta Castellano, a towne which had refused to receiue thimperialls, Mario Perusquo, procurer of the fiske being entred within the rocke by secret commission from the Pope, notwithstanding he made semblance of the contrary: That he should also de­liuer ouer to him the rocke of Furly, and to put into his hands for ostages Hipolito & Alexander his nephewes, And tyll they were come from Parma themprour to be possessed of the Cardinalls Pisani, Triuulco, and Gaddi, whom they led to the realme of Naples: That he should make present payment to the Launceknightes of three skore thousande duckets, and to the Spaniardes thirtie and fiue thousande: That in so doing they should let him come out at libertie with all the Cardinalls, and they to goe out of Rome & out of the castoll, alwayes interpreting to libertie when soeuer they should be conueyed in safety to Orbietto, Spoletto, or Perousa: That within fiftene dayes after his going out of Rome he should paye the like quantitie of money to the launceknights, and afterwards the residue within three monethes to the Spaniards and launceknightes ioyntly, according to their shares & portions: Which residue together with the summes payed amounted to more then three hundred and fiftie thousande duckets. The Pope to haue the better meane to obserue these payments, and withall to deliuer himselfe of the heauy yoke of his imprisonment, had recourse to those remedies, which he would not apply before to keepe him out of that cala­mitie: And in that necessitie he created for money certeine Cardinalls, of whome the most part for their doctrine or vertue, were vnworthy so great honor: The same property of extremitie forced him also to consent to the Article of the tenthes through the realm of Naples, with power to alienate the goods of the Church: In so much that that which was dedicated to the seruice of God (so deepe and prosound are his iudgementes) was conuerted to the vse and enterteyning of Heretikes, and that by the permission and consent of the Vicare of Christe: With which meanes hauing assured the paymentes of the money according to the times promised, he deliuered also for ostage for the suretie of the souldiors, the Cardinalls Cesis & Vrsin, who were led by the Cardinall Colonno to Grottaferara: And so all things hauing their orderly expedition, and the resolution set downe that the tenth of December the Spaniards should accompany him into a place of suretie, he fearing some varia­tion eyther for the yll minde which he knewe Don Hugo bare to him, or for any o­ther accident that might happen, the night before he stale secretly out of the Ca­stell The Pope goeth out of prison. in the closing of the euening, disguysed in the attyre of a Marchaunt: Levvis de Gonsaguo who was in the paye of the Emprour, taryed for him in the medowes with a strong companie of harquebuziers, and with that garde did accompanie him to Montfalcon, where dismissing almoste all his bandes of footemen, he was ledde by the same Levvis euen to Orbietto, into whiche Citie he entred by nighte without the company of any one Cardinall: An example worthy of consideration, and perhaps neuer happned since the Churche was great, that a Pope shoulde in that sorte fall from so great a puissance and reuerence, his eyes to beholde the losse and sacke of Rome, his person to bee turned ouer into captiuitie, and his whole estate reduced to the disposing of an other, and within fewe monethes after, to be [Page 1086] restored and reestablished in hys former greatnes: So greate towardes princes Christian is thauthoritie of the Pope, and the respect which mortall men do beare to him.

About this time which was immediatly after Monsr Lavvtrech was departed from Plaisanca, Antho. de Leua sent out of Millan the bandes of Spanishe and Italian footemen, both to feede and refresh themselues, and also to recouer suche places of the contrey as were most weake, to thend to open a way and commodity to bring a traffike of vitttelles to Myllan: These bandes exchaunging the captiuitie of the towne wherein they were kept strayte, for the libertie of the countrey which gaue them skope, tooke that part of the countrey which is called Spetio. He sent out al­so at the same time and to the same ends Phillip Toruiello with eleuen hundred foot­men and certayne light horsemen to Nouaro, in which citle was a garrison of foure hundren footemen of the duke of Millan: Toruiello made his entrye by the Rocke which had bene alwayes holden in the name of the Emprour: and finding a very slender defence, he made himselfe maister of the towne, where making pillage of some of the footemen, and sending the residue to their houses, he kept within No­uaro, holding it for a retrayte to ouerrunne all the countrey thereabout: But there were part of the Launceknightes got into Arond, and an other part bestowed with­in Moraro, To whom for that the Duke had sent a strength of other footmen for the defence of Lomelina, and the countrey, they became impedimentes to Toruiello that he had no libertie to make his incursions farre off: In so much as that wynter running foorth in no other exploytes then in many skirmishes, both partes made pillage aswell vpon their friendes as their enemies, & in that libertie of warre ranne ouer the whole countrey with an vniuersall ruine of all sortes of people. In like sort at that time were ioyned and assembled at Liuorno, the gallies of Andrea Dore, and fourteene French gallies, with sixteene gallies of the Venetians: who after they had receyued in Ranso de Cere, with three thousande footemen to put on lande, they waighed anker the xiij. of Nouember, to departe out of the port of Liuorno: And albeit it was determined before, that they should make an inuasion vpon the Ile of Sicile, yet that resolution beeing innouated, they were conuerted to the enterprise of Sardignia, at the perswasion as was supposed of Andrea Dore, who happly had in his minde other conceptions: Monsr Lavvtreth consented easily to embrace this enterprise, hoping that Sardignia beeing taken, the conquest of Sicilie woulde be of lesse difficultie: But what so euer the cause was, the issue and effect was straunge and diuerse, for that falling into the rage of a verye violent storme, they were sepe­rated and turned to their seuerall hazardes of the sea: One of the Frenche gal­lies perished neare the shoares of Sardignia, and foure of the Venetians beeing sore beaten with the fury of tempests, returned to Liuorno: the other gallies of the french were driuen into Corsa by the rage of the windes, agaynst which the skill of the Py­lotes had no force, and afterwardes they reassembled with the foure Venetian gal­lies within Portovecchio: the other eight of the Venetians were caried by violence of sea and storme into Liuorno: So that after many perills by storme and weather that enterprise stoode dissolued, Andrea Dore and Ranso de Cere remayning in great discorde together. But Monsr Lavvtrech beeing within Reggia, assone as he was aduertised of the Popes deliuerie, he left the castell of Parma to the officers of the Church, and went vp to Bolognia, In which Citie he made his abode, exspecting the comming of the last bandes of the Launceknightes, who within fewe dayes after­wardes aryued vppon the countreys of Bolognia, not in number of sixe thousande as [Page 1087] was appoynted, but only three thousand, which was farre lesse then was looked for: And neuertheles after they were aryued, Lavvtrech soiourned twentie dayes within Bolognia, attending the kings aduertisemēt for the last resolution touching the nego­ciation of the peace: He vsed in the meane whyle a great diligence wherin was also interposed the authoritie of the king of England to draw the Pope to make an open protestation to cleaue to the confederates: But immediatly after he was aryued at Orbietta, like as there went to congratulate with him the duke of Vrbin, the Marquis of Salusso, Federike Bossolo who dyed a litle after ar Lody, and Levvis Pisano cōmissarie for the Venetians: So he besought them with great instance to retire their cōpanies & bands of men of warre from thestate ecclesiastik, assuring them that the imperials had promised him to withdrawe their forces, if they might discerne the armies of the confederats to do the like. And in that cōpassion he wrote also a letter to Monsr The Pope thanketh Monsr Lavv­trech for his deliuerie. Lavvtrech tending to thanke him both for that he had done to purchase his deliue­rance, and also for the counsell he gaue him to procure his libertie in any sorte what so euer: He debated with him that his actions and industrie had bin of so great con­sequence to constrayne thimperialls to resolue vpon his deliuerie, that he did no lesse acknowledge himselfe bound to the king and to him, then if his person had bin taken out of that calamitie with the force of their armes: The ayde and procee­dings of which he would willingly haue taryed for, had not his necessitie compelled him to abandon all temporising, the rather for that the conditions that were pro­poned were alwayes chaunged from yll to worse, the same testifying vnto him in cleare apparance that his fortune had lefte vnto him no other meane of deliuerye, then by the benefite and operation of accorde: which by how muche more it was deferred and put of, by so muche more the authoritie and estate of the Church was to fall into manyfest reuersement: But the chiefest matter that induced him to de­termine his aduersitie by accorde, was a hope he had conceyued that beeing at li­bertie, he should be made an apt instrument to solicite a common tranquillitie both with his king and the other princes of Christendome. Such were at first his phrases and manner of speeches protested in simplicitie and roundnes, as became the office of a Bishop, but especially a Pope who had receyued at the hands of God so seueare and sharpe admonitions: Neuertheles it was not long ere he returned to his natural custome, hauing not left for the calamitie of his imprisonment, neither his suttleties wherin he could depely dissemble, nor his couetousnes which he could not auoyde: for when the Agents which Lavvtrech sent together with the Embassadour of the 1528. king of Englande were come before him to solicite him to consederate with the re­sidue, he began to giue them diuerse aunsweres, Sometimes he dismissed them with hope that he would be reduced conformable to their desires, and sometimes he would inferre excuses that hauing neyther men, money, nor authoritie, as it coulde not helpe them muche to haue him to ioyne with them, so the action could not but be preiudiciall to himselfe, for that thimperialls would take occasion to vex him in many places: And sometimes he showed a ready inclination to satisfie their de­maundes, so farrefoorth as Monsr Lavvtrech did aduaunce: A matter which he de­syred greatly to thend the Launceknightes were compelled to depart out of Rome, who going on consuming the remaynders of that miserable citie and all the coun­trey confining, would not be brought to giue ouer to hunt the praye whiche they founde so sweete, but in their insolencies neyther respecting their Capteines with obedience, nor for bearing ciuill tumult and mutinies amongest them selues, they demaunded new payes.

[Page 1088]But from the ende of the yere going before, and much more in the beginning of the yere following, the industrie and solicitations of the peace began to appeare vayne, and by that reason the mindes of Princes and states beganne to be so muche more incensed and kindled, by how much lesse they saw themselues excluded from the hope of peace: For as all the difficulties were almost resolued, seing themprour refused not to render to Frauncis Sforce the Duchie of Millan, and to compounde with the Venetians, the Florentins, and the other confederates: So this rested onely in question, which of these two things should be put first in execution, eyther the withdrawing of the French armie out of Italy, or the restitution of the kinges chil­dren: The king would not be bound to reuoke his armie out of Italy, if first he reco­uered not his children, offring to put ostages into the handes of the king of England to assure the obseruation of the penalties wherein he was bounde, if vpon the refir­ming of his children he retyred not presently his armie: But themprour made in­stance to the contrarie, offring the same cawtions into the king of Englands hands: Wherein the question and disputation running, in whether of them it would bee more comely or honest to trust the other, themprour sayde it was not reasonable to reapose confidence in him who had once deceyued him. To the which the French Embassadours aunswered, that by how muche more he pretended to be deceiued by their king, by so much lesse could their king reapose confidence in him: They al­leaged also that themprours offer to consigne into the hands of the king of England the same assurances which their king offred, was neyther equall nor indifferent: for that both the case varyed in this, that the thing which themprour promised to do, was of farre greater consequence then thobligation of their king, and therefore not reasonable to be assured vnder the same cawtions: And also they added, that the English Embassadours who had authoritie to binde their king to obserue what so euer the French king should promise, had no commission to tye him to thobserua­tion of themprours promises: And that their faculties & authoritie being limited and restrayned to tearme and time, they could neither exceed nor anticipate: Vpon which disputation could soart no resolution, for that themprour had not the same inclination to the peace, which his Counsell had, the rather for that he enterteined himselfe with this opinion, that though by warre he should lose the kingdome of Naples, yet he should be apt to recouer it by rendring the children of Fraunce: yea the great Chauncellour who long time before was returned into Spayne, was tou­ched muche by imputation, to haue troubled greatly the solicitations of the peace with cauillations and interpretations sophisticall. At last thembassadours of Eng­lande and Fraunce following their commissions in case they dispayred of thaccorde, determined to demaund leaue of themprour to depart, and immediatly afterwards to denounce warre agaynst him: And with that conclusion being brought to his presence the xxj. of Ianuary, his Court being then at Burgos, and beeing folowed with thembassadours of Venice, of the Duke of Millan, and Florence, Thenglishe Embassadours demaunded of him the foure hundred and fiftie thousande duckets which their king had lent to him, and sixe hundred thousande for the penaltie im­posed vpon him in that he had refused his daughter, together with fiue hundred thousande for the pensions of the French king and for other causes: Whiche de­maundes being proponed for greater iustification, all thembassadours of the con­federates asked leaue to depart away: But he tolde them he woulde take aduise of his counsell before he would aunswere that demaunde, beeing in deede necessarie affore they departed that his Embassadours were in places of suretie. Thembassa­dours [Page 1089] were no sooner departed his presence, then the Heraldes of Englande and VVarre de­nounced a­gaynst them­prour by the kings of Eng­lande and Fraunce. Fraunce entred, to denounce warre agaynst him, whiche he accepted with a greate showe of gladnes and brauerie: And in that humor he gaue present direction that thembassadours of Fraunce, Venice, and Florence, should be conueyed to a towne fif­teene leagues from the Court, where beeing garded with archiers and halberdiers, they were forbidden eyther to communicate or to write anye thing what so euer: Touching the duke of Myllans Embassadour, he imposed vpon him a commaun­dement as vpon his subiect, that he should not departe from his Court: Onely on the behalfe of the Embassadour of Englande there was nothing innouated.

Thus all the negociations and hopes of peace being broken, there remayned on­ly inflamed and kindled the cogitatious and thoughts of the warre: which as it de­clared it selfe in manyfest preparation through all the regions of Italy, So to reduce to action and beginning the thing that as yet was but in apparance & show, Monsr Lavvtrech pushed on by the king, but muche more by the king of Englande, since the hope of peace began to diminishe, was departed from Bolognia the nynth of Ia­nuary to marche to the kingdome of Naples by the way of Romagnia and la Marqua: This way after long consultation was chosen by him contrary to thinstance of the Pope, who desyred vnder thoccasion of his marching, to restore into Sienna, Fabio Petruccio and Montenono: That election of the way was also agaynst the instance of the Florentins, who to thend to haue that army more ready to succour them, in case thimperialls marched to inuade Tuskane, desired them to take the way of Tuskane: But Monsr Lavvtrech chose rather to make his entry into the realme of Naples by the way of Tronto, both for the commoditie of that way to leade the artilleries, and also for the fertilitie of the countrey yeelding plenty of vittels: and lastly because he would not giue occasion to thenemies to make head at Sienna or in any other place, hauing a speciall desire to make his entrye into the kingdome of Naples before he should encounter any impediment: And assone as he was departed from Bolognia, Iohn Sassatello rendred to the Pope the rocke of Ymola, of which he had made him­selfe lorde in the time of his imprisonment: And drawing neare afterwards to Rimi­ni, Sigismond Malatesta sonne to Pandolffo, contracted with him to giue vp that Citie to the Pope, vpon condition that he should be bound to suffer his mother to enioy her dowry, to giue to his sister who was not maryed sixe thousande duckets, and to assigne for his father and for him two thousand duckets of reuenue: That Sigismond should depard immediatly out of Rimini, and his father to remayne there vntill the Pope had sent the ratification: And that in the meane while the rocke should abide in the handes of Guido Rangon his cousin, who being in the pay of the French king followed Monsr Lavvtrech to the warre: But the Pope deferring to accomplishe these promises, Sigismond repossessed and occupied agayne the rocke, though not without a great complaynt of the Pope agaynst Guido Rangon, as though he had se­cretly suffred him, and not without suspicion that Lavvtrech and the Venetians had consented, seeming they had desired to kepe him in continuall difficulties: The sus­picion of the Venetians grewe vpon the cause of Rauenna, which the Pope assone as he was deliuered out of the Castell hauing sent to sommon and demaunde it of the Senate by the Archbishop of Siponto, he was aunswered with words generall, refer­ring the matter to the arbitration of Iasper Contarin Embassadour elect resident with him: for notwithstanding they had giuen assurance before that they reteyned it for the sea Apostolike, yet they had no desire to restore it: Wherein they were moued aswell by interests publike as priuate for the commoditie of that Citie to augment [Page 1090] their iurisdiction in Romagnia, fertill of it selfe in grayne, and for the plentie of the countreys adioyning, of great oportunitie to draw to Venice euery yere good quan­tities of corne: Besides many of the citie of Venice had in that territorie, great and goodly possessions: And touching Monsr Lavvtrech the Pope doubted no lesse of him, for that besides many instances which had bin made to him before, Lavvtrech notwithstanding he had sent to him after he was come from Bolognia, Monsr Vavv­demont capteine generall of the Launceknightes, together with Monsr Longeuille whome the king sente to solicite him earnestlye to declare agaynst thEmperour: could not obteine so muche of him, the Pope not refusing expresly, but vnder de­layes and excuses: And in that cunning he had offred to the french king to giue his consent, but vnder this condition that the Venetians should render to him Rauenna: A condition which he knew could not take effect, both for that it behoued not the Venetians to be induced to it by the kings perswasions, neither was it agreable to the time that the king should make them his enemies, to satisfie the Pope: Moreouer he gaue no inclination to thinstance which Lavvtrech made to him to ratifie the accorde made with the Duke of Ferrara, alleaging that it was a matter farre vn­worthye of him to approue in his life time, conditions made in his name why­lest he was dead: and yet he alleaged that he woulde not refuse to contracte with him: By reason whereof the duke of Ferrara taking that occasion, made difficultie (notwithstanding the king and the Venetians had receyued him into their protecti­on) to sende to Monsr Lavvtrech the hundred men at armes and the money which he had promised: Wherin he stoode vpon this obseruation, that doubting the issue of affayres, he would not be so much for the French king, as not to reserue place and meane to appease in all euentes the minde of themprour, to whom he had excused himselfe by his necessitie: Besides he enterteined cōtinually at Ferrara George Fron­spergh and Andrevv de Burgo. Neuerthelesse the armie for all this ceassed not to ad­uaunce, which vnder the leading of Monsr de Lavvtrech aryued the tenth of Fe­bruary vpon the ryuer of Tronto which seperateth the estate ecclesiastike from the kingdome of Naples.

But in Fraunce after aduertisement was brought that themprour had reteined the kings Embassadour, by his example the king caused themprours Agentes to be re­strayned within the Castell of Paris, and all Marchantes subiects to him to be stayed throughout all the regions of Fraunce: The king of Englande did the like by them­prours Embassadour resident with him, whom he eftsones redeliuered, after he was made to vnderstande that no restraynt was made vpon his. And as the warre was nowe published in Fraunce, in Englande, and in Spayne, so the French king stoode vp­pon this request, that the first action might begin ioyntly in Flaunders, in which re­solution he sent certayne bands of souldiours to make incursions into that contrey: Neuertheles the Flemings for all those prouocations, made no emotion nor rising, vnlesse to defende them selues, for that the Lady Margaret of Austria laboring to a­uoyde all occasions to enter warre with the French king, would not suffer her peo­ple to issue out of their boundes and confines: But it was a matter grieuous to the king of Englande to haue warre with the people of Flaunders, for that notwithstan­ding there were to be confined to him assone as they should be conquered, certaine townes promised before by themprour for assurance of the mony he had lent him, yet he helde it also a matter no lesse preiudiciall aswell for his particular reuenues, as for the generall interest and benefite of his realme, to breake the trade and enter­course of his Marchantes with those prouinces: Neuerthelesse according to thob­ligations [Page 1091] of the contract, as he could not apparantly refuse it, so yet he temporised & deferred it asmuch as he could, taking thaduauntage of the capitulacions by the which it was lawfull for him to linger fortie daies after sommonce made, to thende to giue time to the marchants to retire themselues. This excuse of his and inclina­cion being both well knowen & approued by the french king, he solicited him that in place to make warre in Flaunders, he would with an armie by sea, inuade the sea coastes of Spayne, where he assured him he had right good intelligence: By which alteracion of councells it hapned at last, that as the king sending to the french king a bishop to perswade him to giue ouer thenterprise of beyonde the mountes, and to encrease and make stronge the warre of Italy: so by his perswasions and his autho­ritie there was an order established, that for the space of eight monethes next en­suing there should be done no vexacions nor harmes by the french and english, vp­pon the contreys of Flaunders nor any of the estates or subiects of themprour con­fyning vpon those prouinces: Wherein for the more easie induction of the french king to condiscend to this order, the king of England was bound to pay thirtie thow­sand duckats monthly for the warre of Italy, in which was determined the contribu­cion promised before for six monethes.

But by how much were augmented and enforced the preparacions of the warre, The lie giuen by the french king to them­prour. by so much and by the same degrees were kindled & redoubled the hatreds of both the princes hauing especiall interest in this warre: either of them tooke occasion to multiplie iniuries and enforce quarrells, In which passions they contended no lesse with courage and malice, then with force and armes: For, whereas thempror about two yeares before in the towne of Grenado when in like sorte the peace was solicited betwene the french king and him, spake to the President of Grenoble the french em­bassador then, certeine wordes inferring that he would willingly put end to all quar­rells betwene the king and him by a singular combat of both their personnes, to thende to auoide so much bloode and affliction of Christians and personnes inno­cent: And whereas also since that time he had cōfirmed the same wordes to the he­rald the last time he signified the warre to him, with this addicion that the french king had delt with him villanously and cowardly in falsesying the faith he had giuen to him: These speeches being now deliuered ouer to the king, he thought he could not let them lie in silence without his ignominie and dishonor: And therefore al­beit the chalenge might better become the personnes of knightes, then to be per­formed by princes of their estate and greatnes, yet being no lesse guided with the enuie of the chalenge then desirous to purge and iustifie his honor, he caused to as­semble the xxvij. of Marche in a great hall of his pallaice at Paris, all his princes, at­tending his person, all thembassadors resident from the forreine, and the whole presence of his court: And in that aspect and stately view of nobles & embassadors the king in his time discended into the hall with a great pompe and furnishment of sumptuous attire, & no lesse honorably accompanied with a traine of Barons: where after he was with all ceremonies of state & dignitie set in his seate royall, he caused to be called before him themprours embassador who sued for his dispatch for that it was determined that being conueighed to Bayone, he should be deliuered at the same time that the other confederat embassadors were set at libertie, who for that purpose were conducted to Bayone: When thembassador stoode in his presence, the king spake to him, excusing and alleadging that thempror had bene principally the cause of his restraining, for that in an example new and against humanitie, he had kept reteined his embassadors and the agents of his confederats: But seing he [Page 1092] was now to go to Bayone to thende there might be an vniuersall deliuerie at one time, he desired him to cary from him a letter to thempror, and to deliuer a message from him of this tenor: That whereas thempror had saied to his herald that he had falsefied his faith, he had saied falsely, and that hovv many times he had spoken it, so many times had he lied, and that for aunsvvere to thende not to linger the tryall of their qua­rells, he vvould assigne him the place vvhere they might together performe the combat: But thembassador refusing either to cary the letter, or to deliuer the message, the king saied he would send to signifie no lesse to him by a herald: he added also to the message, that albeit he was not ignorant that themprour had spoken wordes against the honor of his brother the king of England, yet he would make no mencion of that, knowing that the saied king was well hable to deale in his owne defense: And yet if thorow the indisposicion of his body he had any lawfull impedimēt, he offred to present his person to hazard for him: Not many daies after the king of England gaue the same deffiance, and with the same solemnities and ceremonies. The same somewhat offending the honor of the princes of Christendome who in their rage of malice could not forbeare to defile their mindes with such passions, hauing ron­ning amongest them a warre of so great importance and so much preiudiciall to all the common wealth of Christendom: But amyd these great heates and furies of warre and armes, the order of our story draweth into discourse some reapport of the king of England touching the refusing of the Lady Katherine of Aragon.

The saied king had to wife the said Lady Katherine daughter to Ferdinand and For what oc­casiō the king of Englād re­fused his wife the Lady Ka­therine of A­ragon. Elyzabeth kings of Spayne, a queene worthy of such parents, and for her vertues and good behauior vniuersally beloued & reuerenced of the whole estate of the realme: In the time of the father of that king, she was maried to prince Arthure eldest sonne to the crowne, but being almost no sooner maried then she was made a widow by the hasty death of her husband, she was eftsoones by the consent of her father and father in law, married to prince Henry the younger brother, but with dispensacion of Pope Iulio in regard of thaffinitie that was neare and straite: of which mariage was procreated a sonne, who died immediatly, and afterwardes there succeded no o­ther generacion of children then a daughter. The same giuing occasion to the court to murmure, that for the vnlawfulnes of the mariage being not dispensable in the first degree, the crowne was by miracle depriued of issue male: This occasion was aptly taken and managed by the Cardinall of Yorke, who knowing the kings desire to haue sonnes, began to perswade him, that refusing his first wife who iustly was not his wife, he might dispose himselfe to marie an other: Wherein much lesse that he was induced by conscience, or of a simple desier to bring issue male to the king, but he was caried in that action with a secret opinion that in drawing his king to embrase a second mariage, he might happlie induce him to fix his affection vpon the Ladie Renea daughter to king Lovvys: A matter which was desired by him with no small industrie and ambicion: for that knowing he was generally hated of all the realme, he sought to prepare remedies for his owne estate against all accidents that might happen both during the life and after the death of the king: he tooke also one strong inducement to that practise vpon the greate malice he had conceiued a­gainst themperour, for that neither in demonstracions nor with effects, he did not further and satisfie his incredible pride: neither did he doute for the great autho­ritie the king and he had with the Pope, to dispose him to publish iudicially the di­uorce: The king opened readely his eares to this councell, not that he was caried with those endes which the Cardinall of Yorke had fashioned: But (according to [Page 1093] thopinion of many) he tooke the chiefest reason of his inducement vppon the loue he bare to a Ladie of the Queenes traine whome he determined to make his wife: In which course of loue and choosing, the king was so secret and priuate, that his pretence was neyther knowen to the Cardinall nor communicated with others, but when it beganne to burst out eyther into knowledge or into conie­cture, the Cardinall of Yorke that first insinnuated the mocion of diuorce, had no meane to disswade him from it, and lesse authoritie to leade him in an other coun­sell then suche as he had perswaded him before: But the king seeking to establishe his conscience vppon good groundes, searched out the opinions of Diuines, Lawyers, and men religious, by whom he was aunswered that his first mariage was not sounde nor lawfull, and vpon their learning iustefied it for such: Therefore as soone as the Pope was deliuered out of prison, he dispatched Embassadours to in­duce him to enter the league and to labour according to the ordenaunce giuen for the restitucion of Rauenna: But the chiefest ende and industrie of these Embas­sadours consisted, to obteyne facultie to proceede in the diuorce, whiche he sought not by way of dispensacion, but by declaracion that the mariage with Katherne was of noane effect: The king beleued that the Pope, for that his estate was weake in forces, and his person voyde of reputacion, and hauing no stay nor supporte vppon the puissance of other Princes, And lastlie in recordacion of the greate fauours receiued of him for his deliuerie, he woulde not be vneasie to consent to the thing whereunto he was deepelie bounde by so many obliga­cions.

To which the king adioyned the consideracion of the Cardinalls credit, whom he knew for that he had alwayes fauoured his affaires and affore him the doings of Pope Leo, he was verie gracious and mightie with the Pope: And to cut of from the Pope all excuses of feare for any offence that might happen to him by thEm­perour being sonne of the sister of Katherne, and the better to allure him with sure­tie, the king offered to wadge for his sauetie a garde of foure thowsande footemen: An offer which the Pope harkened vnto, and in that inclinacion though he con­sidered the importaunce of the matter and the infamie that might redownde to him, yet beeing at Orbietta and as yet in the condicion of a Newter betweene the Frenche king and thEmperour, and of litle confidence with eyther of them, And in that regarde esteeming muche to preserue the amitie of the king of Englande, he had no stomacke to impugne the kinges demaunde: And albeit he declared in showes and demonstracions a readie desire to be agreeable to the king, yet hol­ding thinges in suspense for the difficultie of the meanes that were proponed, he kindled so much the more the hope and importunitie of the king and his Agents, which wellspring or originall of many aduersities, tooke augmentacion and in­creassing dayly.

Assoone as the Pope had geuen audience to Monsr Vavvdemont and Monsr Longeuille and aunswered them with wordes generall, he dispatched to the king together with Longeuille, the Bishoppe of Pistoya, to signifie vnto him, that beeing without money, without force, without authority, and wretched by all other priua­cions, it could litle profit the confederates to haue him to declare: That onely he might do a better office to sollicite a peace, to which ende he had geuen him com­mission to goe to thEmprour to exhort him with wordes sharpe & rigorous to em­brase it: A matter which the king would not consent vnto, not for that he remained ill contented of the Popes newtrality, but that he doubted the negociacion was ex­tended [Page 1094] to some further matter: Neither did thEmprour complayne that the Pope in so great a dissension stoode indifferent.

But nowe at suche tyme as Monsr Lavvtrech marched and came on, and di­rection Lawtrech en­tring into the Realme of Naples, An­dre Dore re­tyreth from Genes. geuen that the armies by sea shoulde doe the like, there were founde ma­ny difficulties to geue impediment to thenterprise: for, the twelue gallies of the Venetians whiche before were reduced to Liuorna, hauinge suffered many vexa­cions in thexployt of Sardignia both by the rage of the sea, and for want of vittells, departed the tenth of Februarie from Liuorna to goe to Corfu to readdresse and re­furnishe their wantes: Neuerthelesse the Venetians promised in their place, to sende twelue other gallyes to ioyne with the Frenche armye by sea, which was not without their difficulties for the perplexities they had passed, and for the contro­uersies happened betwene Andre Dore and Ranso de Cere: by reason of which ac­cidentes albeit Ranso remayned sicke at Pysa, yet it was sette downe that Andre Dore who with all the gallyes was come to the shoares of Liuorna, shoulde with his fleete of gallyes sette his course for the Realme of Naples: And Ranso with the other Frenche gallyes and the foure of Fryer Bernardyn together with the foure of the Venetians, whiche were all assembled into one fleete, shoulde prepare for thenterprise of Sicile: But Andre Dore with his eyght gallyes accompanied with eyght other of the Frenche kinges, crossed sayle and retyred to Genes, taking this excuse that it was necessarie both for him and his gallyes to take some rest, eyther for that suche was the true grounde and occasion, or else the interestes of the af­faires of Genes caried his minde with an inclinacion to newe thoughtes: for, where the Genovvaies had demaunded of the king to suffer them to gouerne freely of them selues, and for that gifte of libertie did offer him two hundred thowsande duckats: The king refusing to gratifie a demaund so farre from the common weale of his affayres, it was beleeued that Andre Dore eyther the Author or at least the furtherer of these demaundes, helde it not reasonable that the king should accom­plishe the conquest of Sicilie, if first he did not consent to the libertie of the Geno­vvaies: There was also brought in question an other cause of controuersie which was of importance: for, the king hauing dismembred the Citie of Sauona from the Genovvaies, it was doubted least most parte of thentercourse and trafficke of Mar­chaunts being transferred in short time to Sauona in fauour of the king, and for the oportunitie and situacion of the place, And that the king making there his staple, and building vessells for his seruice, the City of Genes would stand depriued of most part of her inhabitants and plenty of riches: Andre Dore employed all the arte and industry he could to induce the king to restore Sauona to the auncient subiection of the Genovvaies.

But a farre better successe and felicitie followed the enterprise of Lavvtrech, then the expedicions of the sea, for that as soone as he was arriued at Askoly, and had sent Peter Nauare with his footbands to Aquila, Ieramo and Iulia Noua were ren­dred to him at the first brute of his comming: The Marquis of Salusso by the same direction followed him with his regiments by the way of Lyonessa: And last of all succeeded Horatio Baillon with an hundred and fiftye light horsemen, and foure thowsand footemen Florentyns of the blacke bands: The Venetians had also promi­sed to send him without the person of the Duke of Vrbin, foure hundred light horse­men and foure thowsand footemen of those bands which they had in the towne of Rome: And in supply of the others which they were bound to administer & employ to the warres of Naples, they had accorded to pay three and twenty thowsand duc­kats [Page 1095] for euery moneth: Assuring also that for the regarde of the nauie at sea, they would aduaunce xxxvj. vessells to giue ayde to thenterprise of Sicilie: Neuertheles they gaue manifest signes that they were weary of the burden, and proceeded very slowly in the matter of exspenses, by whose example the French king did the like: seeing at the same time complaynts were comen from Monsr de Lavvtrech that the assignacion for an hundred and fifty thowsand crownes monthly for the charges of the warre which the king had made to him at his departure out of Fraunce, of which was to receiue about two hundred thowsand crownes, was reduced to three skore thowsand crownes onely the moneth, and that but for three monethes to come: A matter which as it brought no small greefe and dispaire to him, so he burst out in complaints against the king and his omission and carelesnes as not to be moued neither with reason, nor with his faith, nor with the memorie and example of his propper domage: This was one especiall poynt of his greefe and complayning, that where the king had conuerted to thenterprise of Fontarabye his treasors and forces which ought to haue serued him for the defense of Myllan, it was the cause to make him to lose the whole estate and Duchie of Myllan: The enterprise of Aquila Peter Naua­re taleth A­quila. succeeded happely, for that as Peter of Nauare made his approches, so the Prince of Melffy went out of it, & for the French king, did enter the sonne of the Count Mon­toiro: In like sort the launceknights of the Venetians tooke by composicion Ciuitella, A litle towne but well fortefied and hath his situacion seuen myles beyond Tronto: The taking of this towne was furthered by the preuencion of two hundred harque­buziers spanish who were sent for the defense of it: All Abruzza followed thexam­ple of Aquila, & the whole residue of the Realme of Naples had done the like, had not thImperiall army yssued out of Rome: This army after passion of many difficulties & The Imperial army yssueth out of Rome. tumults, and the souldiers fully satisfied of all their paies from the tyme of the Popes deliuery, marched out of Rome the seuenteene daye of February: A day which had bene most ioyfull and of speciall respiracion to the long miseries of the wretched people of Rome, if their calamities which they supposed to be ended by the depar­ture of the launceknights, had not eftsoones recontinued in a newe course by the Abbot of Farfa and others of the famulie of the Vrsins, who entring the towne with the peysants of their dominions immediatly vppon the breaking vp of the others, did for many dayes many great insolencies: By reason of these calamities greeuous for their continuance, & lamentable for their wretched succession discending from one enemie yll, to an other that was worse, the citie of Rome was not onely made naked of a greate parte of her inhabitants with the desolacion of many houses and pallaices, But also it stoode rent and defaced, in images of worthy and auncient presence, of pillors representing the monument and memorye of greate Prin­ces and Conquerors, of many singular stones for their vallue precious and for their raretye greately esteemed, and lastly of many ornaments of antiquitye suche as drewe delight to the eyes of the beholders, and gaue greate reputacion to the towne that so longe had preserued them: Neuerthelesse the launceknightes con­tinuing in their mutynies and woulde not departe without imprest for two payes, where the Spanyards were satisfied with more facilitye, The Pope desirous to purge the towne of suche a contagion, was constrayned to furnishe them with twentye thowsande duckatts more, which he payed vnder cooller to deliuer the two Cardinalls ostages: And afterwardes they reteyned twenty thowsand more as from the people of Rome, and albeit it was doubted that this pay was made by the Pope, yet it passed vnder that name to thend to giue lesse occasion of complaynt to [Page 1096] Lavvtrech▪ Who notwithstanding complayned not a litle that the Pope with that money was the cause that thImperiall armye went out of Rome, by which action his victory which was before manifest and certeyne, was nowe reduced to doubtfull tearmes and vncerteyne euents of warre: There yssued out of Rome according to computacion, fifteene hundred horse, foure thowsand footemen spanish, two or three thowsand footemen Italyans, and fiue thowsand launceknights: So great di­minucion had the plague brought vppon that nation.

By the remouing of thImperialls out of Rome, Monsr Lavvtrech, who other­wayes would haue taken the straight waye to Naples, was constrayned to fetche a circuit more long by Povvylla along the sea coast: he had some reason to take that marche for the difficultie to drawe his artilleries if in these places he shoulde haue found impediment of ennemies to passe the Mounteine: But much more to make prouision of vittells least he fell into want if he happly were driuen to plant the coursse of his victorie before the walls of Naples, So that partly by compulsion, and partly vppon those reasons inducing, he tooke his way to Ciuita de Chiora the capi­tall towne of the furthermost Abruzza: for the water of Pescairo makes seperacion of the hethermost Abruzza from the furthermost: There did render vnto him Ser­mono with many other townes of the contry, and in that property of inclinacion, eyther for affection they boare to the French name, or for hatred to the Spanyards, there was almost no towne which sent not out at least xxv. and xxx. myles before, to yeld them selues: And yet because he would passe with a greater sewertie and stabilitie, he forbare to aduaunce with that diligence which both by his felicitie he might, and by his fortune was offred: And it was beleued to thend to gather in safe­tie during the moneth of Marche, the reuenue of the tribute of Povvylla amounting to foure skore thowsand duckats and was leauied in fiue townes, that he would send thether Peter Nauare with his regiments, for whose disagreements and controuer­sies which Monsr Lavvtrech was compelled to endure, there was litle good order in the armye: But being departed from Guast and vnderstanding that one parte of thennemies to whome was ioyned the Prince of Melffe with a thowsand of those launceknights which the Viceroy Don Charles had brought out of Spayne, and two thowsande Italyan footemen comen out of Aquila, was arriued at Nocero fortye myles from Termyny drawing towards the sea: And an other part of the ennemies to be passed to Campo Basso which is thirty miles from Termyny vppon the common or ordinary way to Naples: he sent out before Peter Nauare with his regiments of footemen, and went him selfe the last day of February to Sera within twelue myles of Termyny, from whence the fourth daye of Marche he arriued at Saint Seuero: But Peter Nouare according to the addresse that was giuen him, passed on, and in one day entred within Nocero, and in an other he gat into Foggio, making his entry at one gate when the Spanyards who were retyred to Troya, Barletta, & Manfredonia, would haue entred by the other: The conquest of these places serued greatly for the re­uitteling of the army.

The army that was with Monsr Lavvtrech conteyned in the whole foure hun­dred The contents of Monsr [...]treches army. launces, and twelue thowsand footemen, men not very well prepared and tray­ned for the warre: But there were to ioyne to him, the Marquis of Salusso who mar­ched before all the others, The regiments of the Venetians, and the blacke bands of the Florentyns, whome Lavvtrech desired not a litle to ioyne with him: for that bea­ring a name to be a Colonie of footemen as apt and resolute for assaults as any in­fanterie that then was in Italy, they serued as good examples and whetters on of the [Page 1097] residue of his armye, wherein were bodyes stronge and stable for the fight: But when he vnderstoode by the reapport of Peter Nauare whome he sent to take the view, that there were within Troya and the consynes about it, fiue thowsand Almains, fiue thowsand Spanyards, and fiueteene thowsand Italyans, And that for the bitternes of the cold that then was, he was not able to keepe the field, Monsr Lavvtrech the eyght of Marche went to Nocero with all the footemen and light horsemen: And the Marquis of Salusso newely arriued, put into Foggia with the men at armes and a thowsand footemen: Vppon which dispersing of the armye Monsr Lavvtrech gaue it out that he would giue battell if occasion offred, aswell for many reasons generally mouing, as chiefly for that the assignacions which the king had giuen to him, being withdrawen and diminished, he was not able long time to susteine the exspenses of the warre: he left within Saint Seuero with a slender gard all thEmbassadors and o­ther natures of people that were not apt for the warre. And so he seemed to be there in sewertie, without any necessitie or compulsion to giue battell but vppon aduaun­tage, neither had he want of vittells, though he lacked meale: Afterwards he yssued out the xij of Marche and tooke the field three myles beyond Nocero and within fiue myles of Troya: for, Nocero & Barletta which are distant one from another xij miles, are not further from Troya then eight miles: The Imperials who had now assembled together all the companies that were within Manfredonia and Barletta, & had plenty of vittells within Troya, yssued out to skirmish, though all the bands of footemen ex­cept the launceknights, were not payed: And the day following, they tooke the field without artilleries, in a strong place vppon the hill of Troya: But Lavvtrech the xiiij day inuironed that hil on the part aboue that loketh to the South, drawing towards the Mounteine: And turning his face to Troya, he began to ascend, where after he had wonne the hill in a hoat skirmishe, he incamped in a place that commaunded them, from whence he compelled them with his artilleries to retyre some into the towne and some backe againe: So that both the towne of Troya and the Imperiall army remeyned betwene the french army and Saint Seuero: which both made vnea­sie the passage of succours that might haue comen to Naples, and also stopped for the most part the vittells that might haue bene brought to them, Notwithstanding they consumed not much as being discharged of all vnprofitable mouthes and the generall baggage and traine of the armye: And on the other side was stopped by them the trafficke of vittells that passed from Saint Seuero to the French campe, be­sides that they helde in daunger Saint Seuero which they might assauk with parte of their people and the French not to perceiue it.

The armies lying incamped in this sort, that is to say the french men beyond Troya towards the mounteine, And the Imperials on this side towards Nocero at the backe of the towne, And the most part of the places thereabouts being cōmaunded by the french: They remeined therein that order vntil the xix. day, al the nights being spent in alarmes, & the daies rōning out in skirmishes, in one of which was taken prisoner Martio Colonno: The Imperials oftentimes cut of the vittels that went from Saint Se­uero & Foggia to the french armye, which for that impediment felt some incommo­ditie, & had neede of a strong eskort or cōduit to defend the vittellers. Here the Im­perialists drew into councel what was to be done, Amongst whom the Marquis of Guast perswaded to offer the battel, seing the french army went on increasing daily, & theirs was more & more weakned: But the councell of capteine Alerson caried most authoritie, who proued by reasons & argumēts that there was more hope of the vi­ctory in temporising & suffring the time, then by aduaūcing to referre things to the [Page 1098] arbitracion of fortune: The xix. daye thImperialls retyred within Troya to eschewe the continual vexacions of thartilleries of thennemies: But hauing afterwards ram­pared their place against the furie of the shot, they repayred thether againe in good season, and returned in yll time within Troya: But the xxj. daye at the appearing of the morning, they brake vp and went towardes the mounteine to Ariano making a great dayes marche: They found within Troya a great quantitie of vittells farre sur­mounting that which the French men beleued before, And hauing cut of all passa­ges by the which vittells might be brought to them, they made to them selues a vaine promisse of the victorie: it was then they leauied and brake vp, eyther to draw the French into a place where they might find want of vittells, or for an intelligence they had, that the day following they exspected in their campe the blacke bands: Who as they marched beeing lodged in Aquila, had in their insolencie sacked that citie, not being prouoked by iniurie, or other occasion: The xxij. day Lavvtrech in­camped at Lyonessa vppon the riuer of Ofanto which the Latyns call Aufidium, six miles from Ascoly, hauing sent the blacke bands and Peter Nauare with his regiments and two Cannons, to take Melffo: Where after they had battred a small breach, the Gascoins presented them selues to the wall, and the black bands with more furie then good direction of their Capteines did the like: Wherein the one nation seruing with an emulacion of the other, and they both being well beaten in flanke by small shot, the assalt was repulsed with the death of many Gascoins and three skore of the blacke bands: And the same furie continuing, they ranne the like fortune the next day in an other assalt which they gaue, after the battery had executed: But in the night there came to the campe a succour of artilleries sent by Monsr Lavvtrech, with the which hauing made two great battries the morning following, the paysants within Melffa began in their feare to draw into tumult: by which accident the soul­diers being in number six hundred, & troubled in their ordinary office of seruice by the mutinie of the paysants which still redoubled into worse degrees, they abando­ned the defense of the place: Insomuch as the whole campe entring where no resi­stance was made, they turned their felicitie into blood, slaying in their furie all the paysants & men of the towne: Onely the souldiers retyred into the castell together with the Prince, who not long after yeelded simply as was sayde, to discression not­withstanding they pretended that their liues were excepted: The Prince was saued with a very fewe of his followers, all the others were put to the sword, conteyning three thowsand bodies, & the towne deliuered vp to sacking: In the towne was foūd great store of vittells to the great commoditie and comforting of the French men, who, for their hard prouision, suffred no small wants in Povvylla: The xxiiij day the Spanyards departed from Ariano and incamped at Tripaldo which is xxv. myles from Naples vppon the high waye, and xl. myles from Ofanto: with whome ioyned the Viceroy, the Prince of Salerno, and Fabricio Maramo with a regiment of three thow­sand footemen and twelue peeces of artilleries: it was thought also that Captaine Alarson yssued out of Naples with two thowsand footemen to succour Dogania: But Lavvtrech stayed vpon the territories of Ofanto to make great prouisions of money, & had all his cōpanies incamped betwene Ascalo & Melffe: And since the accident of Melffe, were rendred to him Barletto, Trany and all the townes thereabouts except Manfredonia wherein was a strength of a thowsand footemen: In this successe and rendring of townes, he sent out Peter Nauare with foure thowsand footemen to take the rock of Venosa, which being garded & valliantly defended by ij hundred & fifty spanish footemen, he tooke it at last to discression, & reteyning the Capteines priso­ners, [Page 1099] he sent away the others without weapōs: And there he had giuen order that the reuenue of the tribute of Povvilla should be receyued for him, which for the trou­bles & impediments which the warre brought, aūswered not the value & price that were wont to rise by it. In this place the commissarie Pisano with the Venetian regi­mentes conteining about two thousande footemen, came to Monsr Lavvtrech, who in this sorte was busied to assure him selfe of vittells and prouisions, A matter which was made more easie to him, after he had got into his power Ascoly by the meane of the Venetian regimentes: And at this tyme rising into courage by the happy euent of his affayres, he vrged the Pope with hawty wordes to declare him selfe for the league: Who notwithstanding they of Viterbo would not before receyue him for their gouernour (of which Octauian Spirito was the cause) yet beeing afterwardes raunged and made plyable through feare, he had transported his Court to Viterba: And Vespasian Colonno being dead at the same time, who ordeyned by his testament that Isabell his onely daughter shoulde be maryed to Hipolito de Medicis, the Pope vnder that cooller gatte possession of all those places which he helde in the territo­ries of Rome, notwithstanding Askanio pretended that they apperteyned to him by the ceassing of the line masculine of Prospero Colonno. About this time Monopoly was rendred to the Venetians, for whome and to whose vse according to the laste couenauntes made with the French king, were gotten all those portes of the realme of Naples which they possessed before they were ouerthrowen by king Lovvis the xij. in Guiaradada.

By reason of these prosperities of the French, the Duke of Ferrara was induced to sende his sonne into Fraunce to accomplish and giue perfection to the mariage: A matter which he had deferred before by great industrie, refusing with the same pollicie to be Capteine of the League: But themprour who sent no men out of Spayne to releeue the daungers of the kingdome of Naples, had giuen ordenance that the Duke of Brunsvvich should passe out of Germanie into Italy with new sup­plies of Launceknights for the succour of that kingdome: These supplies were pre­pared with so muche the more care and diligence, by how muche they vnderstoode the necessitie to reskew it was great for the comming on of Monsr Lavvtrech. But to thende the aduauncing of those supplyes should not trouble the hope of the vic­torie, it was agreed by the consent of the king of Englande, the French king, and the Monsr S. Pol appoynted to the warres of Italy. Venetians, that the Lorde Frauncis of Saint Poll, discended of the house of Burbon, should passe into Italy with foure hundred launces, fiue hundred light horsmen, fiue thousande footemen Frenche, two thousande Svvizzers, and two thousande Launceknightes: This armie was appoynted to followe them if they passed to Na­ples, and otherwise, to make warre vppon the Duchie of Millan, adioyning to them the regimentes of the Venetians and the bandes of Frauncis Sforce: For the defray­ment of this armie, was set downe a paye of threescore thousande duckets month­ly: of which the king of Englande was to contribute euery moneth thirtie thousand: And the Venetians had resolued in the counsell of Pregati, to wage ten thousande footemen.

In this time the inhabitants of Millan were reduced to an extreme and miserable Miserable condition of the citie of Millan. subiection for the intollerable exactions imposed by Antho. de Leua: who the better to prouide for the payes of his souldiours, had drawne into his owne handes all the vittells of the Citye, and hauing bestowed them in publike storehouses and Gar­niers, he solde them in his owne name at what rate or prise he would, the inhabi­tantes beeing driuen to buy them according to his lawe, or else to dye for hunger: [Page 1100] And yet the money raysed vppon that extreme meane, beeing not sufficient to pay the Launceknightes that were lodged in houses, they were suffred to make dayly raunsomes of the maisters and owners, of whome suche as woulde yeelde no mo­ney, were kept in chaynes and yrons: And because to auoyde so great cruelties and intollerable impostes, many dyd flee continually out of the Citie notwithstan­ding the rigour of the commaundementes and diligence of the warders, there was confiscation of goodes published agaynst suche as were absent, who were so many in number, that to auoyde the trouble to sette them downe in writing, they caused them to be putte in print: The Nobles and best sorte of Citizens suche as remay­ned there, were seene in their garmentes poore and ragged, and in their countenan­ces astonished and desolate, expressing by a lamentable compassion, the calamities they endured, And their pallaces and places of best frequentation were reduced to ruines and rubbege, suche as were heauye testimonies of the crueltie of the Spaniardes. And yet all thinges succeeded happely to hym that was the causer of all these miseries: For where Capteine Mus laye incamped at Lecqua with sixe hundred footemen as a souldiour of the League, and hauing taken awaye the barkes to thende the Spaniardes that were within Coma, could not reskew it by the waye of the lake: Antho. de Leua with the bandes of footemen that were within No­uaro issued out of Millan and incamped fifteene myles beyonde with the Launce­knightes: And after he had taken the Rocke of Olgina standing vpon the shores of Adda, which capteine Mus had taken before: he sent Phillip Toruiello with the bands of footemen Spanish & Italians, to giue succours to Lecqua standing vpon the other shore of the lake, where capteine Mus with the ayde of the souldiors whom he had drawne from the Venetians and Duke of Millan, and with certayne peeces of artil­leries from the Venetian campe, had taken and fortified all the passages, of them­selues conteining many difficulties for the steepenes of the mountaynes and other places of hard accesse: But thimperialls who tooke the mountayne opposite that commaundeth Lecqua, after they had made many vayne attemptes to passe in many places, at laste they forced that place where the Venetian souldiours garded, Com­panies whom the Capteine eyther for that he had lesse confidence in their vertue, or at least to bestow them where was least daunger, had dispersed into places moste stepe & inaccessible. Capteine Mus with his souldiors and artilleries, was eftsones remounted vpon the barkes and saued himselfe, not without suspicion that the Ve­netians had made a light defence to gratifie the duke of Millan, to whom it was no­thing agreable that he tooke Lecqua: And afterwards to thende to cary by accorde that which he could not winne by armes, he changed both the seruice & pay wher­in he was, and goeth to thimperials, obteining of Anth. de Leua by way of accord for reward of that infidelity, both Lecqua and many other places: And he got of Ierome Moron, who by letters & intelligence had bin the author of this practise, cession of his rights: By reason of this accord Anth. de Leua who before had bin much afflicted by hunger, was releeued both with vittells & money: for the capteine who aspiring to high and great things, tooke afterwardes vppon him the title of Marquis, payed thirtie thousand duckets, and sent into Millan three thousand sackes of corne.

During all this while Monsr Lavvtrech marched towardes Naples, and by the thirde daye of Aprill was come to the Rocke Manarda, hauing lefte for the garde of Povvilla (where onely Manfredonia held for themprour) fiftie men at armes, two hundred light horsemen, and xv. hundred or two thousand footmen, all bands of the Venetians: But the imperials who had reso [...]ued in abandoning al the countrey there­about, [Page 1101] to laye onely for the defence of Naples and Caietta, and to cutte off vittelles from thennemies, after they had sackt Nola, and caryed to Naples all the vittelles that were within Capua: they incamped vppon the hill of Saint Martin, and the daye following entred within Naples with tenne thousande footemen Spanish and Launceknightes, hauing decassed the bandes of the Italians, except sixe hundred who were vnder Fabricio Maramo, for that Sero Colonno was gone to Abruzza with his bandes of footemen. Naples was very naked of inhabitantes, for that almoste all men of qualitie, and suche to whom their fortune had yet lefte any meane, were re­tyred into Ischia, Capria, and other Ilands confining: It was supposed that there was within the towne sufficient prouision of corne for more then two monethes, but for fleshe and other natures of vittelles, the quantities were very small. Capua, Nola, Acero, Auersa, and all the places thereabout yeelded to Monsr Lavvtrech, who re­mayned foure dayes with his army in the Abbey of Acero whiche is seuen myles from Naples: He had aduaunced and did still marche with a verye slowe pase, to thend to tary for the vittells which could not obserue the speede of the armie for thimpediment of fowle wayes and raynes, suche as had made all the countrey full of waters: Besides, it behoued him to make great prouisions of vittels: for that the brute ranne that his armie according to the corruption of the discipline of warre at this daye, conteyned more then twentie thousand horsemen, and fourescore thou­sande footemen, of whom two partes were men vnprofitable for seruice: From this place he sent out to the enterprise of Calabria, Simon Roman with an hundred and fif­tie light horsemen, and fiue hundred Corsegnans not payed, but were come from the campe of thimperialls: And Phillip Dore who with eyght gallies of Andre Dore and two shippes was come into the waters of Naples, bothe tooke a shippe laden with grayne, and with his artilleries draue the Imperialls from Magdelaine: And albeit with the same vallour and fortune he tooke a little afterwards two other shippes loaden with grayne, and brought vppon thennemies many other discom­modities, yet his gallies onely were not sufficient to holde the port of Naples whol­ly besieged: for the helpe whereof Lavvtrech solicited that the sixteene gallies of the Venetians mighte be ioyned with the fleete of Phillip: These after they were with slowe diligence assembled in order at Corfu, were nowe come vp to the port of Trany: But notwithstanding the Cities of Trany and Monopoly were alreadye rendred to the Venetians, yet those gallies preferring their particular profites before forreine interestes, though they knewe that all things depended vppon the victorie of Naples, yet they were slowe to aduaunce, to thend to take also Pulignano, Ottron­to, and Brunduso. The seuententh daye of Aprill Lavvtrech incamped at Cauiano within fiue myles of Naples, And the same daye the light horsemen of thimperialls whose celeritie and diligence appeared farre greater then the negligence of the Frenchmen, tooke from the French a great quantitie of vittells, a prouision which they were not well furnished of: They had also fortified Saint Hermo, whiche is in the toppe of the mount Saint Martin, and commaundes muche the towne of Na­ples, to thend to take from the French men all commodities to vex it with their ar­tilleries, And for that they were maisters of that mountayne, they gaue impedimēt to the French to approche neare the moste partes of the Citie. The Frenche men tooke some hope of good euent by the discordes that were amongest thennemies, of whom the Marquis of Guast for some particular quarrell, hurt the Count Poten­sa and slewe his sonne: But the xxj. daye the Frenche army came to Casoria within three myles of Naples vppon the waye of Auersa: And the same daye was embrased [Page 1102] of both parties a skirmish vnder the walles of Naples, wherein was slayne Migliato, he who had impugned by all his industrie the deliuery of the Pope, for the whiche he was the bearer of the Emprours Commission to his Capteines: The xxij. daye the armie incamped within a myle and an halfe of Naples, where Monsr Lavvtrech forbad his souldiours to skirmish, as a matter vnprofitable to the estate of the ser­uice: There was Pozzolo rendred to him. At last, beeing the last but one of Aprill, he brought his armie very neare the Citie of Naples, and in camped betwene Poggio Royall which is a stately house for pleasure and buylded by Alfonso of Aragon the The Frenche befi [...]g [...] Na­pler. seconde when he was Duke of Calabria, and the hill of Saint Martin: The campe was extended euen within halfe a myle of Naples, and the person of Monsr Lavv­treth laye somewhat before Poggia Royall at the pallace of the Duke de Monte Alto: In this place he had made great fortification, stretching out the sace of his lodging towardes the way of Capua: It was a place of very good situation, and aptly seruing to cutte of from them of Naples the commoditie of the water conduits that come from Poggia Royall: He made account to plant an other lodging somewhat before that, aboue the hyll that is beneath the mount Saint Hermo, to thende to cutte off more commodities from those of Naples, and to vexe the towne more nearer. But to haue a more true and perfect information of these matters, it were necessarie to set downe by description the situation of the Citie of Naples, and the countrey thereaboutes.

The ende of the eyghteenth Booke.

LAwtrech besiegeth Naples: In the meane while Anthonie de Leua taketh Pauia and besiegeth Loda: Andre Dore leaueth the pay of the French: Monsr Lawtrech dyeth: The French breake vp from before Naples: Monsr de Saint Pol reconquereth Pauia: Andre Dore taketh Genes: The Genowaies take Sauona, and put them selues in libertie: Monsr de Saint Pol is taken by Antho­nie de Leua: Themprour falleth to accorde with the Pope: Peace is made at Cambray betwene the Emprour and the French king: The Emprour passeth into Italy, where the warre is made against the Florentins, and peace is soll [...]c [...]ted with all others.

THE NYNTEENTH BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

THVS Monsr Lavvtrech hauing reduced his whole armie vnder the walles of Naples, the first thing he drew into con­sultation was, whether it were best to attempt thexpugna­tion of the towne with the furie of artilleries, and vallour of men: An action whereunto many of his Capteines aduised him, wishing that for the better execution of thenterprise, the regimentes of footemen might be encreased with newe numbers: They alleaged many difficulties, in regarde of which there coulde be no hope to entertayne the armie any long space before the towne: The first difficultie consisted in vittelles, the traffike and reasort whereof was alwayes in daunger by the inroades of thennemies, who hauing many companies of light horsemen, commaunded by their incursions all the wayes and passages of the feeldes: The second impediment rested in the hope very vncertayne that Naples would render for famine, by reason the gallies of Phil­lip Dore beeing not sufficient to holde the porte besieged or restrayned, and the Ve­netian gallies not aryuing notwithstanding they were promised dayly: there came from Caietta to Naples foure gallies laden with meale, and by the weake defence of the hauen, other vessells entred the towne dayly with releefe: The third doubt was referred to the colde prouisions of the Venetians, who beeing taxed to pay month­ly to Monsr Lavvtrech xxij. thowsand duckets, were alreadie become behind with him for lx. thowsand. The successe of thenterprise stood also desperate both by the slender releefe of money that came out of Fraunce, and also by the maladies and dis­eases that generally reigned in the armie, such as did not proceede so much by the stinche and ordinarie corruption of that ayer, which by custome beginneth to deli­uer infection in the ende of Sommer, as through the great quantities of raines that fell, which by so muche more offended the armie, by howe muche most parte of [Page 1104] the souldiours lay in the open fieldes, hauing no other couer then the skie: yet ne­uerthelesse Lavvtrech considering that in so great a multitude and vertue of defen­dantes wherein he knewe to consist not the least difficultie, and for the fortification of the mount Saint Martin which lay apt to be succoured, it woulde be an action verie harde eyther to take the hill, or to force the towne, And happly foreseeing not to exspend his money with small hopes, fearing to want for the furnishment of exspences ordinarie: tooke this resolution not to assault the towne, but to besiege it: hoping that in verie short time the enemies woulde fall into the want of vittells to feede their bodies, or money to conteyne the souldiours: So that vnder those hopes, and the reasons and consideracions of them, he conuerted his whole minde and all his prouisions to the besieging of Naples, cutting off all meanes of accesse or reasort of vittells by lande, and soliciting the comming of the Venetian gallies to reduce the towne to an absolute priuacion of releefe by sea: And yet altering his resolution in some poyntes, he set the campe at libertie to skirmishe, least the soul­diours liuing without action might become effeminate and abated in vallour: In­somuch as there passed many skirmishes betwene the campe and the defendantes of the towne, to the great commendation of the souldiours of the blacke bandes, who being most resolute and ready in that kind of fighting by the discipline of Iohn de Medicis, had not as yet made any show of their vallour in the playne field in any battell pitched and raunged where they were to keepe their grounde, and either to be found dead or liuing in the places appoynted to them. About this time came to the armie fourescore men at armes of the Marquis of Mantua, and an hundred from the Duke of Ferrara, who notwithstanding he had bene amply receyued into the protection of the Frenche king and the Venetians, yet he deferred so long as he coulde to sende to tharmie, reseruing to him selfe to dresse and regulate his delibe­rations according to the coniecture and iudgement of the accidents and euents of the warre.

In this estate and condition of affayres thImperialles were not without their Resolution of thImperialls within Naples hope to bee hable to breake the fleete of Philip Dore, who roade with his Gal­lies in the gulfe of Salerne: In whiche enterprise they reaposed not their funda­tion and hope so muche in the numbers and goodnesse of their vesselles, as in the vallour and dexteritie of their souldiours: For they furnished sixe Gallies, foure Foystes, and two Brigantins, with a thowsande harquebusiers Spanish, and that of the most approued and best choyse of the armie: And with them entred as com­maunders, Don Hugo Viceroy accompanied almost with all the Capteynes and per­sonages of authoritie: To this armie by sea disposed and gouerned by the direc­tion of Gobbo a stowte and famous Capteine for sea seruice, were adioyned ma­ny Barkes of fishermen, to thende to astonishe thennemies a farre of through the multitude and number of vesselles appearinge: This fleete departed from Pos­silipo, and by a directe course made with the Ile of Caprio, where Don Hugo to the great preiudice of that exployte, lost tyme to heare a Spanishe Hermit, who vnder reasons and perswasions of hys profession, inflamed them to feight ac­cording to the glorie of that nation gotten in so manye victories. From thence, leauing on the lefte hande the Cape of Minerua, they entred into the mayne sea, and sente before two Gallies with this direction, that beeing come with­in sighte of the ennemies, they shoulde make showe as thoughe they woulde giue backe and flee to thende to drawe thennemies into the mayne to feighte. But Philippe Dore beeing aduertised the day before by verie faithfull and assured [Page 1105] espialls of the intention and stratageme of the enemies, dispatched a messenger with diligence to Monsr Lavvtrech, to sende to him foorthwith three hundred harquebuziers, who being commaunded by Captaine Croche, were arriued with Phillip Dore a litle before the Nauie of the enemies were discouered: Whiche when he behelde a farre of resembling for the nomber of vessels, a huge wood replenished with manye strong trees, notwithstanding he hadde before with great Fight at sea betweene the Imperials and French. courage aduaunced all necessarie preparations to execute the fight, yet the con­sideration and viewe of the vessels giuing him manye timerous impressions, he stoode long suspended betweene hope and feare: But he was presentlye deliue­red of that perplexitie, when by the drawing neare of the fleete of the enemies, he discerned them to conteyne not aboue sixe vesselles of helme: Therefore with a courage resolute and as a Captaine well experienced in the warres by sea, he caused to enlarge and as it were he caste of as though they woulde runne awaye, three other gallies of his to the ende that with spooning afore the sea and winning the wynde, they might in their time charge the enemies both in side and in powpe: And the personne of him selfe with fiue gallies made directlye with the front of the enemies, who were to discharge their artilleries to take from him by the thicknesse of the smoke, both his leuell and his viewe: But Phillip to turne vppon them selues the daunger he sawe prepared for hym, gaue fyre to a verie greate basiliske, whose force caryed his charge with great violence thorowe the gallie Admirall of the enemie, wherein was the person of Don Hugo, and at the first shoote, killed fourtie men, of whom the Captaine of the gallie was one with many officers and men of place. This furie of the basiliske he folowed with all his other sortes of artilleries by whom were exe­cuted and hurt many bodies of the enemies: who for their partes lost no time both to defende and endomage, for that the artilleries of the gallie of Don Hu­go being fiered at a token giuen, slewe the Captaine and Patron of the gallie of Phillip: In whiche medlye the greate artilleries hauing done their execu­tion, the gallies by the helpe of their oares, drewe neare one to another, and with their s [...]ll shotte and other furies whiche men in fight doe vse beganne a blooddie fight: In whiche the Genovvais who were not without trayning and experience in such encounters, hadde better meanes to auoyde the perill by fighting lowe and as it were bowing downe standing vppon theyr gardes within the bodie of the pauishes or couertes: As these two gallies were in fight together with a woonderfull furie and astonishment, three other gallies of thIm­perialls obseruing their aduauntage inuironed straightly two of the Genovvayes, and hadde alreadie gotte the vpperhande: But the three first gallies of Geno­vvay those that were shaked of and made as though they ranne away, were gotte into the mayne sea, and with the fauour of the wynde came with a fierce charge vppon the enemies, and playing in flanke vppon the gallie Admirall, they reuersed with a shot the mayne yarde of the gallie, called the Neptune which did no smal domageto her seruice: There Don Hugo hauing already a wound in his arme▪ Death of the Viceroy, D [...] Hugo Mon­kado. whilest he was laboring to encourage his souldiers & neuer was free frō the daunger of stones and wyldefyers which were throwen from the tops of the enemies gallies, was slaine in fighting, giuing by his death an honourable [...]estimonie of his vallour [Page 1106] and fidelitie: There the Admirall of Phillip and the gallie called the More rent in peeces the Admirall of Don Hugo, and the other two, with their artilleries sonke the gallie of Gobbo wherein Fieromosquo died: And in the meane while the other gallies of Phillip hadde reskewed and recouered two gallies of their com­panie sore pressed and afflicted by the Spanyardes, and in that action had taken their foystes: Onely two Spanishe gallies not without some greeuous testimonie of the encounter, fell of from the fight, seeing the absolute victorie of the ene­mies: The Marquis of Guaft and Askanio, their gallie being in perill both of wa­ter and fyre, their oares broken and their souldiers bleeding in their deadlye woundes, were made prisoners, the shyning of their armours being gylt pre­feruing their lyues which their vallour could not doe.

In this battell Phillip was much holpen by certaine captiues whom he deliue­red, who being for the most part Turkes and Mores showed their cruelty in the fight, accordinge to the custome of those nations: The dead bodie of Don Hugo was cast into the sea without other ceremonie or regarde of his greatnesse, and like­wise Fieromosquo: The principalls of the prisoners of this battell, were the Mar­quis of G [...]a [...], Askanio Colonno, the Prince of Salerne, Saint [...]ross, Camille Colonno, Gobbo, Ser [...]on, with manye other Captaines and gentlemen of marke: The dead bodies of this battell conteyned more then a thowsande footemen, and of the Spanyardes there were verie fewe who were not eyther slayne or greeuouslie wounded: The prisoners with three gallies were sent by Phillip to Andre Dore, and one of the two gallies that escaped, passed not long after to the pay and seruice of the French.

By this victorie as the Frenchmen rose into great hopes of good successe for the generall enterprise, wherein happelie their presuming was not without pre­iudice, for that it reduced Lavvtrech to a more negligence or omission in the prouisions that were to be made: So on the other side it replenished the impe­rialls with no small feare and astonishment to fall into wante of vittels, seeyng both they remayned depriued of all commaundement by sea, and also the fauors of the lande were taken from them in many partes, but especiallie since the losse Disc [...]di­ties aswel of the imperials as the French during the siege of Na­ples. of Pozzolo a place whiche administred a great traffike of vittels to Naples: And the towne of Naples was alreadie fallen into great wantes of meale and fleshe, and the store of their wine wel wasted: Inso much as being through their necessi­tie driuen to folowe the examples and cruelties of men of warre in that case, the daye after the ouerthrowe at sea, they put out of the Citie no small nombers of mouthes vnprofitable, and establishing orders for the distribution of vittels, they prouided in any wise that the Launceknights shoulde haue lesse wantes then the other souldiours: By these expulsions and good informacion of their other doings within the towne, Lavvtrech nourished his first hope which was also wel encreased and confirmed by a surprise made of a Brigantyn the seuenth daye of Maye wherein he founde by certaine letters written to the Emperour by his Cap­tai [...], that the flower of the armie was loste, The towne was not prouided of corne for a moneth and a halfe, that they were driuen to grynde theyr meale with the force of theyr handes, that the Launceknightes beganne to incline to tumult, that there was no money to furnish their pay, and that there [Page 1107] remayned no remedie for his affayres, vnlesse he comforted them with a speedie prouision of money and succours both by sea and land: To which extremities was not forgot to be adioyned the stroke of the plague begunne in Naples which is so much the more contagious where Launcknightes doe frequent, by howemuch in their rudenesse they forbeare not to conuerse with suche as are infected, and muche lesse to manage and vse in their owne persons, anye thing that was theirs.

On the other side the French men were not free from those afflictions and cala­mities which a warre trayneth after it: They suffered great want of water for that from Poggio Royall, euen vnto the front of the armie, the campe was serued onely with cesternes: The malladies of the campe went on multiplying and encreasing, which diminished not a litle the strength of the armie: And the enemies being farre aboue them in light horsemen, made continual sallies especially by the way that lea­deth to Soma, and did not onely bring to the reliefe of the towne much fleshe and many sortes of wines, but also cut of oftentimes the traffike of vittels that passed to the French campe: Many of the Captaines dealt with Lavvtrech to wage more companies of light horsemen to oppose against the cauallerie of the enemie, which he did not onely refuse to doe, contrarie to good foresight and order of warre, but Obstinacie of Monsr Lavv­trech. also he gaue sufferaunce to the most part of the French horsemen to lie dispersed within Capua, Auersa, and Nola, a matter which made easie to the enemies all their exploytes: others perswaded him for that diseases had done much to diminish the infanterie or footmen of the armie, to leuie a proporcion of seuen or eight thow­sand footmen, aswel to supplie the weaknes of the armie, as to be more strong and mightie according to their desire in the beginning: A counsel which as he had be­gunne to denie alreadie, so he stoode resolute to refuse it still, alleadging that he had no money, notwithstanding he had at that time receiued from Fraunce a con­uenient prouision, and had gathered the tribute of the cattell of Povvilla together with the taxation of the townes which he had taken, and lastly the Barons of the Realme that were with him were readie to lende him any reasonable quantitie of money he woulde require: By which experience I may say that it is a worke worth the labour, to obserue and consider what disorders are bredde by the obstinacie of those that are preferred to great thinges, or do manage the place of high authoritie: for Monsr Lavvtrech no dout the principall captaine of the Realme of Fraunce, as he caryed with him a long experience in matters of warre and enterprise, and com­maunded in the armie with great respect and authoritie: So on the other side he was by nature hawtie and imperius, and hauing a singuler weening in him selfe, would reiect the counsel of all others, and stopping his eares from the reasons of other men, he interpreted it to his dishonour that the worlde shoulde perceyue that he gouerned not alwayes by his owne arbitracion and iudgement: In which con­ceyte of singularitie and weening, he refused to make those prouisions whiche if he hadde accomplished, might happlie haue giuen him the victorie, but being reiected, were the causes that the enterprise begunne with so great a hope was pas­sed into extreame ruine: The souldiers of the blacke bands who were lodged in the front of the armie, skirmished dayly, wherein running on in the hu­mour of their courage and forwardnesse, they woulde oftentimes presse so neare the walles of Naples, that the small shotte within the towne had power of them, and in their retyring because they hadde not horsemen to backe them, they fel into the mercie of the horsemen of the enemies: In so much as prouing to their harmes the [Page 1108] disaduauntage to make skirmishes without horsemen vnder the walles of Naples, they began to giue ouer the often practise of the thing, which so often had brought them harme.

After this victorie by sea, the towne of Stabia standing vpon the sea side, yeelded to Monsr Lavvtrech, but not the Castel, by whose example also was rendred Saint Iermyne: And by this successe and victorie of the fleete, the garrisons that were with­in Caietta hauing recouered Fondy and the countrey there abouts, Lavvtrech dispat­ched thyther Don Ferrand of Caietta, sonne to the Duke of Tracetta, and the Prince of Melffe, he who had newly contracted with the Frenchmen taking his reason vpon the omission of thimperials, whose Captaines he thought were carelesse to deliuer him: Moreouer, the streame of victorie running with many courses, Simon Romaine at the same time made a great aduaūcement in Calabria, much helping him in that action the readines and inclinacion of the people crying with great affecti­on vpon the name of the French.

But all these exploytes for their qualitie good and happie, and for their maner honourable and full of valour, were not sufficient to carie the victorie of the warre, for that it depended wholly eyther vpon the conquering or vpon the defending of Naples: The same inducing Monsr Lavvtrech who chiefly applied the siege & not altogether desperate to take the towne by force for the slaughter of so many of their good souldiers of Spanyards at the battell vpon the sea, solicited earnestly the com­ming of the French and Venetian Nauie to the end to depriue whollie that Citie of all vittels that might be brought to it by sea: he caused also to remoue the campe and planted it in front vpon a hil both more neare Naples, and more commaunding the Mount Saint Martin: Where the blacke bands cast a trenche, not onely to drawe from that hill a trench, which being stretched out to the sea side and hauing vpon that end to the seawarde a bastilion, closed vp the way of Somma: But also to the end that immediatly after the sea armies were come, they might with better oportunitie cary by force the Mount Saint Martin, hauing cut out before, another trench betweene the citie and the Mount to stoppe them for succouring one an­other: And afterwards at one time to execute Naples by water with the sayd armies by sea and land, beating it within from the front of their campe, and vexing it with­out with one part of the armie, and conuerting the other part to inuade the Mount: So might the enemies, whose necessities to defende so many seuerall places would driue them to deuide their forces, be more easely ouercome in some place: And yet they helde it not good to abandon Poggio Royall, though the front of the campe were farre of, to thende that if the enemies did recouer it, they should not cut from them the commoditie of fresh waters, onely they closed vp their campe be­hinde or on the backside.

These counsels and deuises albeit they were considered with great skil and know­ledge in warre, yet many difficulties were opposed against them: first the trenches conteyning more then a mile euen to the sea, could not be cast with speede aswell for want of pioners to laye out the worke, as for the diseases of the souldiers being weakned from all hardnes of labour: secondly (which was very necessary for the be­sieging and inuasion of the towne) the armies by sea did not come, for that neyther Andre Dore with his gallies that were at Genes did stirre, neither was there any aduer­tisement of the comming of the Nauie prepared at Marceilles, and also the Venetians regarding more their profit particuler then the benefite generall and common, or rather respecting lesse, interests principall, then ends more inferior and accidentall, [Page 1109] employed their Nauie at the expedition of Brundusa and Ottranta: of which cities Ottranta had couenanted to yeeld, if within sixteene dayes it were not reskued, and for Brundusa notwithstanding it had receyued by accorde the Venetians, yet the Ca­stel helde good for thEmperour, whereofthe one hauing a strong situacion vpon the sea, gaue small hope to be taken, and the other standing within the towne and of greater circuite then the other, seemed not to be able to make long resistaunce for that it had lost two rockes: The xij. day of May they made a battrie with thartille­ries vpon the hill, which executed a torret that vexed not a litle the fielde: They shot oftentimes also into the towne but that offended litle, and many skirmishes were performed at Saint Anthonies: The sixteenth day the artilleries being planted vpon the top of the mountaine vpon certaine torrets betweene Saint Gennaraes gate and the gate of Capua, and kept them also from erecting a bastilion whiche the defendants had begunne: within the towne most mouthes were fedde with sodden corne, & for feare of extreme famine, they deliuered the towne dayly of many nom­bers of people whom the calamities of the warre had reduced to a harde election, either to languish in famine within the towne in the eyes and compassion of their friends, or to runne to the mercie of the enemie in whom it was not reasonable they shoulde hope for sauetie and succour, hauing so iustly offended them: And the Launcknightes notwithstanding they suffred [...]lesse then the other nations of souldiers, yet both for want of bread and farre greater necessities of wine and flesh, they protested oftentimes to mutine: But they were estsoones reclaymed with many good offers and meanes, and for the moste parte kept enterteyned with false letters and promises of succours.

The xix. day the pionners and souldiers were brought to worke at the newe tren­ches, and planting two cannons vpon the bastilion when it was made, they wonne and reuersed two myles neare to Magdaleine, garded by two ensignes of Launce­knightes, against which they neuer addressed any enterprise for that they were apt to be reskued from Naples.

Hytherunto the affaires of the Frenchmen haue runne in a course happie and The affaires of the French men begin to decline. pleasing, but they beganne to swarue to declination for many causes manifest and apparant: for, as Phillip Dore by the secrete ordinance of Andre Dore was retyred with his gallies to lie about Pozzovv, so by that meane there entred dayly within Naples where were left no other sortes of people then souldiers, some quantitie of vittels in Barkes: And albeit the Venetian Nauie after they had conquered Ottranta, gaue continuall hopes to discend and fall with Naples, yet they temporised and in­terposed dayly newe delaies and excuses, hoping to get speedely the great Castell of Brundusa: Lastly the affliction of diseases and sicknesse encreased dayly in the ar­mie, and where the blacke bands were wont to be in all actions three thowsande strong, Nowe what for their hurt men who were vnprofitable to the seruice, and what for their sicke men in whom was more weaknes then vallour, and what for the bodies dead whose places were emptie, they were reduced to a nomber of two thowsand.

The xxij. day the Spanyardes made a braue sallie vpon those that defended the newe trenches, where was a continual labour and working of men in hope to per­fect them within sixe or eight dayes: At this sallie Horatio Baillon being appointed to a place of perill with a very litle companie, was slaine as he was fighting in good example to his souldiers, a death more meete for a simple souldier then worthie such a Captaine. [Page 1110] The Imperials rising into courage and hope by the successe of this sallie, made it good with a newe action and greater forces, but the whole campe being in armes and running to the defence of the trenches, they retyred againe into the towne▪ Philip returned in the ende to the golfe of Naples for the great instance and solicita­tion that was made to him: The trenches that had bene begunne to close vp the way of Somma, were not finished the xxvij. day: The Spanyards made roades dayly through the countrey, brake downe wayes, and made open passages, and brought into the towne great quantities of fleshe: Against whom the horsemen of the campe made litle head for that they went rarely to the feeld: And Monsr Lavvtrech beginning nowe to wishe for a supplie of footmen (though he yelded not wholly to the counsell of others) solicited that they would send him out of Fraunce by sea sixe thowsand footmen of any nation, alleadging that for want of vittels, and the stroke of maladies and diseases, the campe was much diminished: And yet amongst so many difficulties, and in so small exspectation of remedie, it was he onely that had hope of the victorie, reaposing himselfe whollie vpon the famine of that Citie.

In this time things fel out well in Calabria with Simon Roman, who had with him two thowsand footmen aswel corsegnans as souldiers leuyed of the countrey: And albeit the Prince of Bisignan and one of the sonnes of Captaine Alerson were oppo­sed against him with a regiment of fifteene hundred footmen waged of the coun­trey, yet they found it a hard matter to stande against him, insomuch as the sonne of Alerson retyred to Tarenta leauing the Prince in the field: Not long after, Si­mon folowing the course of his fortune, got Cosense by accorde, and successiuely af­ter that, he tooke in a towne thereby the Prince of Stigliano, and the Marquis of La­uie his sonne with two other of his children: But in Povvylla the garrison that helde Manfredonia for themprour vexed all the countrey with incursions and roades with­out any resistance of the horsemen or footmen of the Venetians, who were gone vp to the conquest of those townes: Moreouer, in the quarters about Rome, things were not well appeased, for that Ferro Colonno hauing taken Paliano notwithstanding he was forbidden in the Popes name on the behalfe of the daughter of Vespasian, yet the Abbot of Farfa recouered it, making prisoners Serro, and Prospero de Gauy, though af­terwards Serro made escape by the helpe of Lovvys Gonzaguo.

Whilest the armies were in action about Naples, and trauailed with those difficul­ties Antho. de Le­ua recouereth Pauia. and with those hopes, Antho. de Leua being aduertised by good espiall, that there was negligent garde in Pauya, in which towne was Peter Lungeno with foure hundred horsemen, and a thowsand footmen Venetians, and Hannibal Pissynard Cap­taine of Cremona with three hundred footmen which he had ledde thyther to main­teyne in the deuotion of the Duke, all the countrey beyonde Pavv: he drewe to him a companie of souldiers of confidence and choyse, whom he led thyther one night when was least dout of any action, & hauing with no lesse fortune then celeri­tie skaled the towne by ladders in three places, he tooke it by assault before the soul­diers heard the alarme: in this exployt he made prisoners Peter Lungeno, and one of the sonnes of Ianus Fregoso: From thence he followed his victorie to Biagrassa, where the garrison and townesmen rendred vp the place to him after they had endured some execucion of the Cannon, & so preparing to goe to Arona, Federike Boromes compounded with him bynding himselfe to followe thEmperours faction.

About this time the Duke of Brundsvvyke being issued out of Trente, had passed Duke of Br [...]dswyke in Italie for the Empe­rour. the tenth day of May the riuer of Adice with an armie of x. thousand footmen, & vj. hūdred horsmen wel armed many of thē being gentlemen: This army being repulsed [Page 1111] frō Chiusa discended vpon the territories of Verona. And albeit for that it was knowē long time before that he would come, there was a resolution set downe that Monsr saint Pol should go before to meete him: yet making no greater speede in this expe­dicion then in others, the launceknights were in Italy before saint Pol could be in or­der to marche: And as to omitte occasions is to breede impediment and difficulties, so comming on with his marche with so slowe a foote, he was driuen afterwardes to abide many daies in Ast, both to reassemble and mooster his companies, and to obey the difficultie of vittells, of which a greate darth and skarcety raigned in all the partes of Italy, but chiefly in the quarters of Lombardie: And there was not to be hoped for, a more great and more ready succour for the generall affaires, then of the Senat of Venice, who albeit had assured that their armie should take the fielde with xij. thowsand footemen, yet the Duke of Vrbyn being within Verona, disposed himselfe to no other enterprise then to defend the townes of most importance of their estate. By which omission the Launceknights who were discended vpon the lake of Garda, had Pisquiero by accord, and successiuelie Riuolto and Lunaro. In so much as being vnder that propertie of fortune, made Lords almost of the whole lake, they drew contribucions of money from many places, committing to fire and sworde such as had no meane to satisfie them with raunsom: Antho. Adorno who was ariued in this armie, perswaded them to goe vp towardes Genes▪ but both for their necessity and want of money, and for other impediments and difficulties: and also for their desire to haue conference with Antho. de Leua issued out of Myllan to that ende, they marched slowly along the contrey of Bressia, whether went to meete them Andre de Burgos and captaine George: By whose meanes it was feared the Duke of Ferrara, who in so great a feare of others made no preparacion, enterteined some secret intelligence or practise: After this the Launceknights marched vp towardes Adda to ioine with Antho, de Leua: who being passed the riuer of Adda the ix. of Iune with an armie of six thowsand footemen and sixtene greate peeces of artilleries, and being incamped neare those companies that were within three miles of Bergama, in which citie and also in Bressia and Verona, the Duke of Vrbyn had distributed his bandes of soldiers: he perswaded them for an extreame desire he had to reconquer Loda, to embrase the recouerie of thestate of Myllan, before they passed to Naples: Loda besieged by thimpe­rialls. By whose perswasions they incamped the xx. of May before that citie, out of which issued the Duke of Myllan, who retyring to Bressia left for the defense of the towne, Iohn Pavvle his bastard brother with a garrison of three thowsand footemen. And after the artilleries had plaied which being planted in two seuerall places, did greate execucion, Antho. de Leua to whom the first assalt apparteined, brought his bandes of Spaniards neare the place where the ruine was greatest. There they fought breauelie for the space of three howers, but at last the vertue of thItalians defendāts being nothing inferior to the vallour of the Spaniards assailants, they were repulsed by the same vertue which ledde them first to the fight: So that reiecting all hope to carie it by assalt, they reduced all their confidence to the fauor and working of fa­mine: The rather for that the haruest being not yet made, there was within Loda so greate wante of vittells that the share and distribution of breade ronning equally betwene the soldiors and the inhabitantes, the towne of necessitie was either to pe­rishe vnder the rage of famine, or the townesmen to issue out to the great perill of their liues: But the plage began now to be warme amongest the Launceknights, and the armie withall, suffring no small afflictions for want of vittells, they began to breake vp, and many returned into their contreis by the waies of the Svvizzers [Page 1112] and Grisons: An action which bred no great care in the Duke of Brundsvvike their captaine, who hauing conceiued greate hopes in Germanie for thexample of the regiment which George Fronspergh ledde, he found by proofe and triall the matters of Italy to befarre more intricat and hard then he imagined: And his money falling short, much lesse that he could leade them to the kingdom of Naples, seeing it was impossible for him to conteine them before Loda: Neither was he releued with any comfort by Antho. de Leua, who rather tooke awaie all his hope of remedie, that waie filling him with continuall complaintes of the pouertie and wantes of Myllan: For, after he had lost all hope to recouer Loda, he deuised all the waies he coulde to giue them occasion to breake vp and goe awaie, fearing least they would esta­blish their abiding in the Duchie of Myllan, and by that meane would intrude themselues to be competitor with him in the gouernment, and share with him in the spoile▪ And he forgatte not in this time of temporising to giue order both to thresh out the corne thorow all thestate of Myllan, and to carie and laie vp all their haruest within the towne of Myllan: At last the xiij. of Iulie as they were going The bandes of Laūceknights vnder Brund­swike do mu­tine. to giue a newe assalt to Loda, the Launceknightes in their discontentments fell in­to mutinie: in which rage a thowsand of them went their waie to Coma, and the others that remained retired in greate disorder thartilleries from before Loda: But feating least they woulde returne into Germanie, the Marquis of Guast whom An­dre Dore lette goe for twelue daies vppon his faith, came to Myllan to perswade Br [...]ndsvvike not to suffer his souldiours to returne into Germanie: Neuerthelesse the soldiers whose rudenes could not be reclaimed with wordes and reasons, re­teined their resolucion to goe awaie and passed by Coma, except two thowsand who remained with Antho. de Leua to whom in those daies Moraro was rendred. And it was not dowted that if the Launceknightes had continued before Loda a few daies more, they had honorably caried the towne both by their vertue, and want of vittells in the towne: In which expedicion many desired a readines in the Duke of Vrbyn, to thende that whilest they laie about Loda, he might draw neare Crema, or Pisquaiton, or at least kepe menteined there some cornetts of horsemen to vexe them: And albeit whilest they were vpon the confins of Bressia, he did sometimes both accoast them and molest them, yet neuer comming so neare them as three miles, and standing onely vpon defending of the estate of the Venetyans, he passed no further then the riuer of Eglia: Neither was Monsr saint Pol for his parte more diligent to aduaunce and come on, who, notwithstanding all the resolucions sette downe and confirmed by so many promises made by the king to send on his behalfe bandes of soldiers against the Launceknightes, ariued not in Piedmont but at such time as the Launceknightes departed, and yet his armie conteined farre fewer nomber then had bene promised and published: Neuerthelesse the confederates forbeare not for all this to solicite of newe the Pope to declare himselfe for them, wherein they required him that proceeding against themperour with armes spiri­tuall, he would also depriue him of the Empire and the realme of Naples: But he The Popes excuses to the confederats. stoode vpon these excuses, that if he should declare for them, he could then be no more a conuenient meane to practise & solicite peace▪ That his declaracion would sturre vp a greater combustion amongest the princes of Christendome and yet bringe no profit to the confederats for that his pouertie and weaknes would al­waies impugne the good they exspected in him: That the priuacion of the em­prour for Naples and the empire would sette all Germanie in an vprore: both for suspicion that he would appropriate to himselfe thauthoritie to elect themperour, [Page 1113] & for ielowsie that he would establish that election in the person of the french king: Lastly he reduced to their memories the imminēt daunger of the Lutherans which went on encreasing by the diuision of the time: Neuerthelesse not being hable in reason and comlynes to resist thimportunities that were vrged to him, he promised to enter with them so farforth as the Venetians would restore to him Rauenna, which condicion he proponed as impossible to be graunted, and confirmed this offer with his promise and obligation not to molest thestate of Florence: vpon which occasion thembassadors of England came to Venice the xx. of Iune to solicite the Senat to render Rauenna, protesting for the Pope to assure the obseruacion of his promises: But being not liable to induce the Senat, they went away ill contented.

In this time the Pope recouered the citie of Rymyny, which Iohn Sassatello hauing before assaied in vaine to recouer, was at last yeelded vp vppon condicion of life and goods saued.

But now by the operacion of the time and course of euentes and affaires, began The Popes in [...]ion tou­ching [...]l [...]rice. to be laied open and disclosed the Popes most deepe and secret thoughtes, such as he had before dissembled with great art: For, where before, he had firmely imprin­ted in his minde a desire to restore to his house the greatnes which aunciently it had had in Florence, he was driuen in publishing by singular cunning, the contrarie, to perswade the Florentyns that much lesse that he had any such thought, seeing all that he desired of that common wealth was, that they would according to thexam­ple of other Christian princes, acknowledge him for Pope, and that in causes particular they would forbeare to persecute such as depended vpon him, or deface or reuerse the armes and ornamentes proper to his house: To these endes and with such commissions, he sent to Florence as his embassador when he was deliuered, a Florentyn prelat: And for that thestate of Florence would not giue him audience, he forgat not, the better to cloake his dissimulacion, to recontinue a new instance by the solicitacion of the french king that they would send to him an embassador, see­king by these simplicities & offers to haue them familiar with him, & to draw them with more facilitie into the ambushes, he had dressed against them: But when he sawe these deuises and labors soart to none effect, he began to perswade Monsr Lavvtrech, that where as such as gouerned thestate of Siena were dependants and deuote to themperour, it were conuenient for the better course of his affaires there, to referre to that gouernment Fabio Petruccio: Neuerthelesse albeit Lavvtrech saw reason and conueniency in the deuise, yet in regard of the contradiction of the Flo­rentyns, he forbeare either to follow it or to effect it: And when the Pope sawe he could worke none of these to his driftes, and hauing no inclinacion to dissolue or leaue of the practise which his ambiciō kept enterteined in him, he wrought secret­ly in such sort that Pirrhus di Castello vnder pretence that thinhabitants of Siena had done him wrong, made him selfe Lorde of Chiusa with a strength of eight hundred footemen▪ and by the good diligence & office of certeine exiles of that towne: The Popes reason to raise this man to the iurisdiction of Chiusa, was to make him an in­strument vnder that oportunitie, to trauell and trouble the gouernment of Siena: But the Florentyns discerning depelie into the Popes driftes, complained to the Vi­cont of Loraine embassador to the french king, that the doinges of the Pope tended to no other ende then with the commoditie of Siena to trouble and disorder the af­faires of Florence: In which regard thembassador procured of the Pope that the a­ction of Chiusa should cesse.

In this meane while the affaires of the kingdom of Naples proceeded diuersely, [Page 1114] for that on the one side the Count of Burello was passed from Sicile into Calabria with a thowsand footemen, where he ioined himselfe with the residue: And on the other side, Symon Roman had raunged to discression with the fauor of mines, and trenches the Castell of Cosenso, though by a wounde he receiued of a harquebuze in the shoulder, the course of the victorie was somewhat hindred: he ioined his forces afterwardes with the Duke of Somma who with the bandes of footemen of the con­trey, held besieged Catanzara, a towne strong by fortificacion but weake by the want of vittells: In this towne was the sonne in law of Alarson with two hundred horsmen and a thowsand footemen: And as in taking this towne they stoode in good degree to commaund the whole contrey euen vp to high Calabria: so neuerthelesse necessi­tie constrained them to turne against the forces vnited with the succours that were come from Sicile who had now made some aduauncing: But Symon being abando­ned of one parte of his footemen leaiued of the contrey, was driuen for his sauetie to retire within the castell of Cosensa, and the other parte of his footebands not with­out the slaughter of many of them, disparsed and went away: The Corsegnans went wandring towardes the army, in so much as not only the region of Calabria was left in daunger, but also it was feared least the victors would aduaunce & addresse their forces to Naples. On the contrary, the affaires of the frenchmen drewe good suc­cesse and issue in Abruzza by this accident, as the bishop Colonno was approched within xij. miles of Aquila to sturre vp Abruzz [...] to commotion, he was ouerthrowen and slaine by the Abbot of Farfa, with whom were put to the sworde iiij. hundred bodies of soldiours, and eight hundred taken prisoners: In the confins of Caietta the Spaniardes went wandring and retiring being caried with feare for the ariuall of the prince of Melffe, And the garrison of Manfredonia, through the slender vallour and action of the Venetyan bandes, committed many domages without perill or resistance.

Like as the Pope perseuered still in his resolucion to declare himselfe for neither Cardinall Cā ­peius Lega [...] in England. partie: So the french king espying the intelligences and practises which he enter­teined, began to hold him for suspected. And to themprour he was nothing aggrea­ble, though for no other cause, yet for that he had sent as Legat into England Car­dinall Campeius to debate there the controuersie delegated to him, and to the Cardi­nall of Yorke: for, where the king of England solicited vehemently to haue published the inualiditie of the first mariage: The Pope hauing delt verie liberally in wordes and promises with his Agents, and also being of litle fidelitie or credit with other princes, laboured to kepe himselfe vnder his protection: he made at last secretly a Bull decretall by the which he pronounced the mariage to be of no force, and gaue the Bull to the Cardinall Campeius: he charged him withall that in showing it to the king and the Cardinall of Yorke, he should tell them that he had commission to pu­blish it if in iudgement the knowledge and informacion of the cause succeded not wel: wherein it seamed the Pope wrought vpon this ground. That both they should be brought with more facilitie to consent to haue the cause iudicially debated, and also indure with better temperance of minde the delaies and longenes of the iudge­ment: Which he had inioined his Legat to holde of and prolonge to as long a tract of time as he could: And as he should not deliuer the Bull vntil he had receiued new commission from him, so neuerthelesse he should labour to perswade the king by all the meanes he could that his intention was to deliuer it vp to his handes in the ende: of this embassage in the person of that man & of the delegation of the cause, them­prours embassadors that were within Rome complained not a litle, though with lesse [Page 1115] authoritie for the ill termes of his affaires in the kingdom of Naples.

About Naples many were the difficulties happening vpon both the one & other partie, but such as in all discoursse of reason, made more apparant on the french side the hope of the victorie though it was hindred by the vertue and obstinacie of the ennemies: Within the towne of Naples the wantes of vittells grew daily to extremi­ties, especially of wine and flesh, a calamitie without his comfort for that no proui­sion could enter the towne by sea for the impediments of the Venetian gallies being after so longe exspectation ariued nowe the x. of Iune in the goulffe of Naples, to the nomber of xxij. And albeit the horsmen of the towne made daily sallies out not towardes the face of the armie, but to those quarters of the contrey where they thought to find vittells, by whose industry some praies of flesh were alwaies brought in, and the whole estate of the towne somwhat releued and refreshed: yet these pro­uisions and comforts brought in by these aduentures, were not such as being de­priued of the commoditie of the sea, they might suffice to nourishe and enterteine them longe: Besides, they began to grow short in money, the stroake of the plage afflicted them much, and they had much to doe to kepe enterteined the Launce­knightes whome they coulde no longer abuse with vaine hopes and promises: In which discontentment many of them went by troupes to the french armie notwith­standing the authoritie and grace which the prince of Orenge, who by the death of Don Hugo commaunded in the place of Viceroy had with them, was of some force to reteine them: who the better to frame their mindes with authoritie & discipline which he coulde not raunge by lenitie and easynes, he made prisoner captaine Cat­tay a Gascon with many of his soldiours beinge of the remeindars of the regiments of the Duke of Bo [...]rbon, And afterwardes he did the like by suspicion, to Fabricio Maramo whom notwithstanding he sette at libertie presently. On the other side dis­eases encreased daily in the french campe, the same beinge the cause that Lavv­trech, to thende not to haue so great a space or circuit to garde, would not suffer to be perfected the last trenches, which neuerthelesse coulde not easely be finished for the impediment of certeine waters: Besides, the campe suffred want of vittells and nourriture though more for the ill order and gouernment that was vsed, then through any other occasion▪ Neuerthelesse Monsr Lavvtrech obseruing his owne rule and councell hoped more in the necessities that were within Naples, then he feared or douted his proper difficulties, and perswading himselfe of thexpedicion of the victorie, either for that cause, or for their want of money, he forbare to make any newe leauies of footemen, a matter which the whole armie desired for the vniuersall diminucion which was made by death and diseases, not onely of personnes meane and base, but euen of such as satte in places of authoritie as the Popes Nuncio and Loys Pisano commissarie of the Venetians, who died in the face of the towne the xv. daie. He hoped also to allure to the campe either all or the most parte of those bandes of Launceknightes that were within Naples, a practise wherein the Marquis of Sal [...]sfa first, and afterwardes himselfe, had reaposed of longe time greate confidence in vaine: So that vpon these groundes together with cer­teine hopes that were giuen him to draw to the armie certeine light horsmen that were within Naples, he forbare to make any newe leauies of light horsmen such as had bene most necessarie for the seruice, of whom if he had waged but foure hundred he had stopped in good time the hurtfull incursions which the soldiours of the towne made so often to his disaduauntage: And yet in those actions of praie and bootie, he was not without his felicitie, for that as the horsmen of Naples re­turned [Page 1116] one daie with a riche spoile of cattell, they were encountred by the blacke bandes, who as they were th [...]inewes and strength of the armie▪ so without them there had bene no seege planted before the walles of Naples: By them the bootie was recouered from the Napolitains with the losse of three skore horsmen notwith­standing the Spaniards issued out of the towne to reskew them: Thus Monsr Lavv­trech was not without hope that thimperialls would be constrained to leaue Na­ples to discression: And therefore laying to cutte them of from all retraite within Caietta, he gaue order to garde well Capua and kepe in deuocion the sea towne of Vulturno: And to depriue them also of meane to retire into Calabria, besides that he cutte of certeine passages, apte for their purpose, he recontinued the working at the trenche begon so often and left of for sondrie accidents he now raised it so high that the springes and waters which before gaue impediment were nowe beneath the worke: besides, he sought to put in defense certeine houses adioyned neare to Na­ples, and to haue them garded with a thowsand footemen which he ment to leauie to that ende, turning also to that seruice the fauour of the Venetyan gallies which were come vp right ouer against the trenche. This trenche also serued aptly for that resort of vittells to the armie that came from the sea coast, and was no lesse conue­nient to cutte of the ennemies if they returned that waie with their booties: for, by reason of the greate ditches and waters at Poggio Royall that had bene cut vp, the waie from the campe to the sea conteined a greate and daungerous circuit: Thim­perialls [...]ought to vexe and hinder those that wrought at the trenche, And beinge one daie [...]ted out in very stronge troupes, the pioners by the ordenance of Peter Nauare who solicited the worke, made as though they fledde, and thimperialls pur­suing them more in rashnes then in good gouernment of warre, fell vpon an am­bushe dressed for their destruction, wherein were hurte and slaine an hundred bo­dies: Neuerthelesse the trenche was not halfe finished aswell for wante of pioners as by other accidentes ioyned to an ordinarie negligence which oftentimes hin­dreth the effect of the good directions and ordenances that are giuen: In which good course of direction if the campe had continued, many were of opinion that considering the straite tearmes and condicion of Naples, Monsr Lavvtrech had ho­norably caried the towne. And at the same time was offred a faire occasion and of greate consequencie, if the execucion had bene as resolute as the offer was ready: Monsr Lavvtrech being informed that the souldiours of Naples were issued out in greate troupes to goe on forraging and for bootie, and for that he would at one blow ridde the contrey of those incursions and open himselfe a waie to the absolute victorie, sent out the xxv▪ of Iune by night, the regiment of the blacke bandes, the horsemen of Florence, and three skore french launces with a bande of Svvizzers and Launceknightes, whom he directed to take the waie of Beluedere and Pedegro [...] ­to, to encounter the forraigers, and to vexe them in their retire: he appointed cap­teine B [...]i [...] with the Gascon footemen to stande vpon the hill which is aboue Grotta, and vpon the alarme giuen, to discende and cutte the ennemies from entring into Grotta. The beginning of this exploit was well executed and drew with it a good issue, for that the companies of Lavvtrech hauing encountred thimperialls, they charged them and put them to fleight, more then three hundred bodies remaining prisoners and slaine, besides an hundred horses of seruice and greate stoare of bag­gage: And in the encounter Don Ferrand of Gonsaguo was striken from his horse at he fought, and being made prisoner he was estsoones recouered by the furie of the Launceknightes: But this medley had his imperfection by captaine Burie, [Page 1117] who eyther through negligence which is yll, or by feare which is worse, appeared not in the place to the which he was appoynted, which if he had done according to his direction; they had no doubt giuen an absolute ouerthrow to thimperials▪ Monsr Lavvtrech had also sent to Caiette six gallies of the Venetians▪ and had appoynted two to ryde at the mouth of Garillan to fauour the Prince of Melffe: And because that notwithstanding the impedimentes of the gallies, some releefe of vittels entred into Naples by the fauour of certayne Frigots, he put out to the sea certayne small Barkes to oppose agaynst the seruice of the Frigots: And lastely he gaue order that all the heardes of cattell should be driuen away fifteene myles compasse from Na­ples, to thend thimperialls should not with such facilitie chase them.

But nowe by reason of a newe accident whiche long tyme before had disclosed Andre Dore leaueth the paye of the French. certayne signes and tokens, the French affayres were not a little intangled: Andre Dore eyther by corruption and long working wyth him, or of his owne proper mo­tion whiche in cases of alteration caryeth men not a little, determined to leaue the French paye, to the which he was bounde tyll the ende of Iune, A resolution which he had long tyme before established in his mynde as was gathered by many argu­mentes and coniectures: In that disposition he retyred to Genes, and would not go vp with his Gallies to the kingdome of Naples, no though the French king offred to make him capteine generall of the army by sea which he prepared at Merseilles: A­gainst which offer he alleaged only his impotencie of body in which reigned so ma­ny maladies drawne on with yeres and old age, that he was nowe no more hable to beare the trauels of an army: But the originall and first motion of this chaunge was afterwards attributed aswell by himselfe as others, to diuerse causes: Touching him selfe he complained that the French king to whom he had done faithfull seruice for the space of fiue yeres, had raysed to the place of high Admirall by sea Monsr Barbe­sieux, A place which though he had refused once, yet he looked that the king would make a newe instance to him to take it: Secondly, that the king had not satisfied him of the xx. thousande duckets due for his payes past, without the which he was not hable to enterteine his gallies: That he would not harken to his iuste petitions to restore to the Genovvayes their accustomed iurisdiction of Sauona, And lastely, that because he vrged these petitions with importunitie, the king had debated in hys counsell to cutte off hys head as one that vsed too arrogantly hys authoritie. Others were of opinion that hys yll contentment grewe fyrst from the difference and controuersies betweene hym and Ranso de Cero for the enterprise of Sardi­gnia: In whiche contention he construed agaynst the kinge that he had with more partialitie inclined to the reaportes of Ranso, then fauoured hys iustifications: That the king had too muche importuned hym to delyuer vp hys prisoners whom he desyred, but especially the Marquis of Guast, and Askanio Colonno, as a matter of great importaunce, neuerthelesse offering to paye their raunsome. These were the causes coniecturall gathered by straungers: but afterwardes it was both belee­ued and discerned manyfestlye that in thys reuolte he was not caryed so muche wyth disdayne that the Frenche helde not reputation of him according to his me­rites, or wyth anye other propertie of yll contentment, as wyth an ambition and emulation to delyuer Genes, and so to make hym selfe greate vnder cooller of the lybertie of hys countrey: Wherein hauinge no other meanes to dryue hys dryftes to their true effecte, he resolued to followe no more the Frenche, nor to ayde them wyth hys Gallies in the action of Naples, lyke as also it was belee­ued that to hynder the conqueste of Sicile, he had aduaunced and brought on [Page 1118] the enterprise of Sardignia. So that hauing replenished all the thoughtes of hys minde wyth this deuise of ambition, and seeking to confirme it with some greater authoritie, he solicited by the interposing of the Marquis of G [...]ast, to enter into the paye of themprour, notwithstanding the profession of great hatred whiche for the memory of the sacke of Genes he had made many yeres agaynst the Spanish nation, accompanied with seuere cruelties executed vppon any particulars of them when so euer they fell into his handes: But for that he couered his intention with a cloke of deepe arte and dissimulation, the matter was not yet come to the knowledge of the Frenche kinge, who in that ignoraunce had not looked to remedie an euill of so great importaunce, though he was not without some suspicion of the reuolte by the occasion of surprising a Gallie: wherein passed as a passanger into Spayne a Spaniarde sente vnder the cooller to raunsome certayne prisoners, and amongest other thinges was founde aboute hym a letter of credence from Andre Dore to thEmperour, And yet suche was the suttletie of the Spaniarde or compassion of suche as had him in hande, that they suffred hym to continue hys waye with­oute examining hym. At laste Monsr Barbisieux beeing aryued at Sauona with a fleete of fourteene Gallies, Andre Dore fearing some stratageame, retyred with hys Gallies to Genes, and afterwardes conueyed hys prisoners to Lerice, A matter whiche when the Frenche king vnderstoode by credible relation, and tasting the daunger whiche was nowe become wythout remedie, he dispatched to hym Pe­ter Frauncis Nocere to reduce hym to hys paye agayne: By hym the king offred him to satisfie hys desyre touching Sauona, to paye in the twentie thowsande duc­kettes that were due before, and to giue hym twentie thowsande more for the raunsome of the Prince of Orenge whome he had taken before, and the kinge sette hym afterwardes at libertye at suche tyme as he made peace wyth thempe­rour at Madrill: Lastely he offered hym that in case he woulde delyuer his pri­soners, he woulde defraye their raunsome before they came oute of his handes, And yet if he refused to delyuer them, the kinge promised not to impute or charge agaynst hym hys deniall. But Andre Dore, whose resolution was more constant and settled, then that the kinges offers coulde remoue it, gaue small eare to the solicitation, but iustified wyth complayntes hys going from the king: In so muche as Monsr Barbesieux, to the greate preiudice of the affayres of Naples, was constrayned by the necessitie of thinges, to staye at Sauona: And yet passing further afterwardes, he lefte for the garde of Genes fiue hundred footmen, with direction to remayne within tenne myles of the Citie for the rage of the plague that raygned there: And for the same seruice he putte on lande thyrtie myles from Genes twelue hundred Launceknightes newly aryued, who as they had receyued their firste paye of the Frenche men, so for that the Venetians had not made good the seconde according to their bonde, Triuulco gouernour of Genes was driuen to leauye it by his meanes.

Vpon this reuolting of Andre Dore, the Pope being aduertised that he entertei­ned practise with the Emprour, signified the same to Lavvtrech the xxj. of Iune, whome he required to consent that he mighte reteyne hym in his paye to thende to depriue themprour of his seruice, assuring him that Phillip Dore should depart from Naples within ten dayes: for which cause Monsr Lavvtrech restored to Phillip for that he would not kindle or incense him, the Secretorie Serenon whom he had alwayes reteyned with him to thende to come by his meane to the knowledge and light of many things that lay in darknes and shadow: And yet for the suspicion he [Page 1119] had conceyued of the Pope, he interpreted sinisterly the aduertisement he had sent him. At laste Andre Dore, notwithstanding that Bardesicux in passing further wyth his armie by sea conteyning nynteene gallies, two foystes, and foure brigantines, as­sisted with the person of the Prince of Nauarre, had spoken with him: yet forbea­ring to cloake or dissemble any longer the thing he intended to do, he dispatched a gentleman to thEmprour in the companie of the generall of Grayfreets, who was nowe created Cardinall and was sente to themprour from the Pope: There was resolued with this Gentleman a contract bearing these couenauntes: The libertye Couenantes betwene them­prour and An­dre dore. of Genes to be vnder the protection of themprour: the iurisdiction of Sauona to re­mayne to the Genovvayes: Pardon to Andre Dore that had bene so great a perse­cutor of the Spanishe name: Enterteynment in themprours seruice with twelue gallies, and threescore thousande duckets by the yeare, with manye other articles very honorable. In regarde of this league Phillip departed the fourth daye of Iulye from before Naples wyth all his Gallies: Whose going away was nothing preiudi­ciall to the Frenche but onely in reputation, for that he had of late not onely made yll garde, but also had suffred his Brigantines to conueye into Naples by stealth, certayne proportions of releefe: He had also caryed the sonne of Anthony de Le­ua to Caietta, and was a backe for many dayes to the forreagers to passe vittells in­to Naples: But if he had followed that seruice with the same fidelitie he showed in the beginning, his going awaye had bene very hurtefull to their affayres. Monsr Lavvtrech taking occasion vppon his departing, solicited so muche the more the comming of the French army, which according to the Popes ordinance was stayed with great indiscression about the action of Giuitavecchia.

But for the retyring of Phillippe wyth his gallies, the Venetian armie by sea who had taken the charge of the worke from the sea shoare vntill they mette with the trenches of Peter Nauarre, was dryuen to leaue that action, and apply to the garde and seruice of the sea: Whiche to thende to holde more strayte and enclosed, there were appoynted certayne armed Frigottes to scoure day and night the coast: vsing likewise a greater diligence by lande in opposing agaynst the dayly incursions of the Spaniardes, whome notwithstanding when they encountred, their vallour was turned into feare, and in that feare they fledde away without feighting: In so muche as Naples was reduced to an extreme necessitie, and the Launceknightes protested oftentimes to goe awaye if they had not speedie succours both of money and vittells: By reason whereof Monsr Lavvtrech who had reapposed a great con­fidence in those operations, perswaded him selfe that for the long practise and in­telligence he had holden with them, they would in those disorders and wantes passe dayly to his armie.

But the fyfteenth daye of Iulye all the Fleete of the Venetian Gallies except Many diffi­culties in the [...]army. those that were aboute Caietta, returned into Calabria to bee reuittelled of bis­kytte: By whose going awaye the hauen beeing layde open, manye Frigots pas­sed into Naples with vittelles of all sortes excepte wyne: A releefe comming in a tyme apte, for that within Naples there was not so muche stoare of corne as woulde laste tyll the ende of Iulye. And on the other syde, in the Campe which was filled full of the plague by the infection of suche as came out of Na­ples, maladies and diseases encreased greatly: which respecting neyther place, au­thoritie, nor complexion, so touched Monsr Vavvdemont that he bare more likely­hood of death then hope of lyfe, and reduced Monsr Lavvtrech into great mala­dies: By whose absence and restrayning for the sicknesse he suffred, the seruice [Page 1120] declined to suche disorder, that the Imperialls had leasure to execute their incur­sions without impediments and wyth the same facilitie cut off the vittelles that came to the armie, reducing the whole campe to great wantes of releefe: And yet muche lesse that the Frenche coulde bee broughte to leauye newe companies of light horsemen, seeing in these disorders Valerio Vrsin beeing in the paye of the Ve­netians with an hundred light horsemen, went from the armie for that he was not payed, by whose example many other companies of light horsemen left the seruice for want of pay, and the residue were made vnprofitable by reason of diseases: The men at armes of the Frenche were bestowed in garrison in the places thereabout, And the bandes of the Gascons beeing dispersed into seuerall places of the coun­trey, were busie in gathering in of haruest and seeking praye and bootie. Neuer­thelesse there was great hope in certayne bandes of footemen which were sayde to come with the armie by sea, which armie hauing stayed more then twentie dayes after they parted from the porte of Liuorno, aryued at laste the eyghteenth of Iu­ly, with many gentlemen and money to comforte the campe: Onely this supply brought to the armie but eyght hundred footemen, the residue that marched with it remayning bestowed partely for the garde of Genes, and partly to follow thenter­prise of the castell of Ciuitavecchia: At the comming of these succours Monsr Lavv­trech hauing sent to the sea side bandes of souldiours to receyue the money that was brought, the gallies could not come to land for the impediment of the sea that was great and swelled with waters: And therefore the next day the Marquis of Sa­lussa returned thither againe with his launces, and with a grosse regiment of Gascons, Svvizzers, and Launceknightes, accompanied with the blacke bands: But in their returning they were encountred by the Imperials being issued out of Naples in great trowpes, who gaue so furious a charge vppon the Frenche horsemen, that they turned their backes, and in fleeing they so shaked and troade their footemen that they disordered them whome they shoulde haue defended: In this encoun­ter Don Dugo de Pepoly succeding by the death of Horatio Baillon to the gouernment of the Florentine bandes, beeing set on foote with fortie harquebuziers before the esquadron of the blacke bands, became prisoner to the horsemen: yea suche was the furie of thimperialls that if the vallour of the blacke bandes had not reteyned them, they had in this medley made a great slaughter, for that they foughte wyth a wonderfull resolution, but chiefly the horsemen: There were lefte dead of the French men more then an hundred bodies, and no lesse number passed ouer to the calamitie of prisoners, amongst whom were many of the gentlemen of the sea army that were sette on lande, And also Monsr de Candales Nephewe to the Marquis of Salussa: Onelye the money was preserued and sente in safetye to the Campe: The faulte of this disorder was layde vppon the Frenche horsemen, beeing farre inferiour in vallour to the ennemies, A matter whiche dyd not a little diminishe the vertue of the footemen of the armie, as knowing that nowe they coulde not stande assured of reskewe in the horsemen: But the matter that moste endoma­ged and weakned the armie, was the sicknesse of Monsr Lavvtrech, who albeit laboured with the vertue of his mynde and courage to susteyne and beare oute the feeblenesse of hys body, yet beeing not hable with his hande and presence to assist actions, he could not prouide and remedie many things that went to declina­tion: for thimperialls taking libertie to make roades abrode, did not only make pur­ueiance of all things they stoode neede of except wine which they could not cary, but also in that libertie they cutte from the armie oftentimes the resorte of vittelles [Page 1121] and norriture, taking their baggage and forrage euen vppon their ramparts, and winning their horses sometimes as they were ledde to the watering: In so muche as besides the generall diminution of the armie by diseases, euen thinges necessarye beganne to fayle in the campe, which was almoste reduced of an armie besieging, to a campe besieged, if they had not sene to the garding of the passages agaynst the footmen that ranne away. And of the contrarie, within Naples all commodities and hopes encreased, the launceknightes mutined no more, and all the other bandes of souldiours in glory and emulation stroue to suffer and endure: With these dangers no lesse manyfest then still increasing, the obstinacie of Monsr Lavvtrech was at last vanquished, who both had sent into Fraunce to be supplied with six thousand foot­men by sea, and also had dispatched Ranso de Cero being come with the army by sea, towards Aquila to leauy foure thousande footemen and six hundred horsemen, gi­uing him assignation for money to the treasorer of Aquila and Abruzza: Whiche supplies as Ranso vndertooke by promise to bring to the campe within few dayes, so they would haue serued better for the aduauncement of the affayres, if they had bin prepared before: By the xxix. daye the wayes and straytes were so broken, that there was no suretie of passage to Capua whiche laye vppon the backe of the armie, and wherein almoste all sortes of people laboured of diseases and sicknes: Monsr Lavvtrech who somewhat before had bene eased of his feauer, was eftsoones falne into it agayne with a more infirmitie and daunger then before: The men at armes were almoste all dispersed in the villages, eyther for diseases and sicknes in deede, or at leaste to refreshe them vnder suche an excuse: The regimentes and bandes of footemen were almoste reduced to nothing: And within the towne of Naples bothe the plague abating and other diseases diminishing, by whiche helpes there were as yet seuen thousande footemen strong, there was feare least they woulde fallye out and inuade the Campe: In whiche regarde Monsr Lavvtrech caused to tarye the fiue hundred footemen whiche Ranso de Cero had sente after the ouer­throwe of Symon Roman, to thende to stoppe that the bandes of ennemies who were in Calabria came not vp towardes Naples: He sente also to leauye a thou­sande footemen in the countrey thereaboute: He reteyned the Duke of Nola wyth two hundred lighte horsemen, and Rinuccio Farneso wyth an hundred, whom they promised to bring to him foorthwyth: He sente for backe agayne two hun­dred Estradiottes of the Venetians who were gone to thenterprise of Tarenta: He reuoked vppon greate penalties all the men at armes that were whole and hable: He solicited daylye the comming of Ranso, and hastned (albeit very late) wyth a greate vehemencie and efficacie, all other prouisions. By the seconde daye of August there were scarcely in the Frenche campe an hundred horse, by reason of which diminution the Imperialls made dayly incursions euen vp to their trenches: They tooke all aduauntages of their weaknes, and omitted no oportunitie whiche their disorders or declination offred to them: They wonne Somma, performing thex­ployte by the ayde of skaling ladders, and they sacked it, finding within it a com­panie of men at armes and a cornet of light horsmen: By these actions growing on to extremities, Monsr Lavvtrech seeing him selfe almost besieged, solicited Monsr Saint Pol to sende him succours of men by sea, and called vppon the Florentins to turne to his reskew the two thousand footemen whom they had leauyed to sende to Saint Pol, which they consented to readily: Monsr Candales who was let goe vppon his fayth, was dead in the campe: The prince of Nauarre, Vavvdemont, Camillo Tri­vulco, and the old & new masters of camp, were falne sicke: Lavvtrech was eftsones [Page 1122] falne into the pangs of his feuer, All thembassadours were sicke, all the Secretories passed by maladies, and al personages of account were kept suppressed by the disea­ses of the campe, except the Marquis of Salusso and the Count Guido: yea there was scarsly to bee founde through the whole campe a body who coulde boast of hys soundnes: The bands of footemen perished miserably of hunger, and almost all the cesternes being drawne dry, there was an vniuersall want of water. Suche were the disorders of the campe by these afflictions, and muche more redoubled by omission and negligence, that all action was taken from the armie other then to stande vpon their gardes and defende their campe, abyding the comfort of reskew. After this the Spaniardes brake vp the water conduit of Poggia Royall, and notwithstanding it was eftsones recouered, yet they coulde make no vse of it without great daunger. Monsr Lavvtrech exspected within two dayes the Duke of Somma with fifteene hundred footemen, and with the same expedition he looked for the bands of horse­men and footemen of the Abbot of Farfa, which he had sent for since he had giuen the defeate to the Bishop of Colonno.

About this time and in these extremities returned the gallies of the Venetians, very yll armed and appoynted, and so slenderly furnished with vittels & prouisions, that to get meate and norriture conuenient for their feeding, they were driuen to runne all along the sea shores thereabout, and by that occasion had no care to gard the port of Naples: But the Spaniardes in whom was equall their insolencie & their fortune, beeing returned the eyght day to Somma, made pillage of it of newe, and tooke away with them all the residue of the horse which Count Guido had there in garrison: They charged also the skort or garde of the French vittels, who were two hundred Launceknightes, and they fleeing in their cowardise into two houses, yel­ded their lyues to discression. By reason of these incursions and felicities of thimpe­rialls, the souldiours that kept the campe were oftentimes without meate to eate, A calamitie of all others moste wretched when is wanting foode to feede the bodye which standes to defende his lyfe: All their incommodities were made greater by the huge circuite of place where the army was incamped, which propertie of error as it was discerned in the beginning, so the daunger redoubling by the fauour of the place, their eyes beheld a miserable consuming of their souldiours euery day by the necessitie of too muche action: And yet Monsr Lavvtrech standing firmely vpon the hope and dayly exspectation of succours, could not be brought to restrayne it or make it lesse, who albeit in his owne person he was not well restored, yet in that weaknes of body he tooke payne to visite the whole campe to maynteine due order of watche and warde, fearing to be inuaded: But so swiftly did things runne to de­clining, that by the xv. daye the great puissance and vallour of the imperiall horse­men had cut of all reasort and entercourse betweene the campe and the gallies, neither coulde the souldiours of the campe, for wante of the seruice of horsemen, make any incursion or do exploytes beneficiall: Euery night the alarme was giuen to the campe twise or thrise, in so muche as the souldiours wasted with so manye paynes and incommodities, were not hable to sende out suche skort for vittells as was needefull: But the thing that amid so many calamities, made them moste dis­comforted, was the death of Monsr Lavvtrech, yeelding vp his life the same night, Death of Monsr Law­trech. vpon whose authoritie and vertue all the counsells and actions of that seruice de­pended, and in whose person stoode represented the hope and exspectation of that warre: It was thought he fell into the relaps of his disease by the continuall paynes he put his body vnto before it was well confirmed.

[Page 1123]The whole charge and gouernment of the campe remeyned now in the person of the Marquis of Salussa, A man whose weakenes made him vnhable to manage wel so great an authoritie: And in this dayly increasing of the French disorders, Andre Dore with twelue gallies arriued at Caietta as souldiour to thEmprour, the same re­ducing the French nauye to such straights, that they beganne to make no more so good gard as they had wont: At that time also the Count of Sarny with a thowsand Spanish footemen, tooke Sarny, expulsing three hundred footemen that were there in garrison: And afterwardes marching by night the xxij. of August, with a greater force to Nola, he tooke it, and droaue Valerio Vrsin lying there in garrison to retyre into the castell, alleaging for his excuse that he was deceiued by the men of the con­try: he sent to demaund reskew of the Marquis of Salussa, who sent him a strength of two thowsand footemen, but carying with them the ordinary infelicitie of the campe as they marched towards the place by night, they were set vppon by the bands of Naples, and cut in peeces: The xxij. daye the campe beeing both naked of men and voyde of gouernment, stoode enterteyned onely with hope of the com­ming of Ranso, who being asyet in Naples, was not wished to haste on for the taking of Naples, nor in hope to be hable to make any resistance in that place where they were incamped, but onely that by a greater strength they might breake vp and lea­uy the seege: By this time Monsr Vavvdemont was dead, and the Marquis of Salussa, Count Guido, Count Hugo, and Peter of Nouare extremely afflicted with sicknes: In which generall persecucion of the french campe, Maramo to thend to depriue them wholly of foode and vittells, yssued out of Naples with foure hundred footemen, and finding Capua almost abandoned, entred into it, by whose comming thether, the French men forsaking Pozzolo, bestowed the garrison that was there, within Auersa, A place of very speciall importance for the campe: But when Capua and Nola were lost, the army was at a maze where to seeke vittells to conteine the bodies which the stroake of diseases had yet left on liue: So that their extremities making them no longer to hold good, and the rage of their necessities carying them necessarily to o­bey the aduersitie of the time, they resolued to embrase their last shift, and brake vp by night to retyre to Auersa: ButthImperialls keeping a ielous eye vppon their do­ings, and hauing good informacion of their dislodging, set vppon them and ouer­threwe them in the waye, where beeing taken Peter Nauare with many other chief­taines and personages of condicion, The Marquis of Salussa escaped & retyred with one part of the army into Auersa: But being pursued no lesse by his owne infelicitie then by the vallour of thImperialls, and being reduced to an estate not to menteyne defense, he sent out of Auersa Count Guido Rangon to perley with the Prince of O­renge, Capitulations of the Mar­quis of Salus­sa with the Imperialls. betwene whome ranne these capitulacions: That aswell he as the other Cap­teines should remeine prisoners, except Count Guido, to whome in recompense of thaccord, was graunted libertie: That the Marquis should do all that he could with the French men and Venetians for the rendring & giuing vp of the whole kingdom: That the souldiers and such as by thaccord were to haue libertie, should leaue their enseignes, their armes, their horses and their goods, graunting onely to those that were of greatest qualitie, the seruice of moyles and curtalls: That the Italian souldi­ours should not beare armes against thEmprour for six monethes: In this sorte all bands and regiments were defeated, all Capteines cut of by death, or made prisoners in fleing, or at least takē in the accord: Auersa was sacked by the army Imperial, who afterwards retyred to Naples & demaūded eight paies: Ranso who the day following was drawen neare to Capua with the Prince of Melffe and the Abbot of Farfa, hea­ring [Page 1124] of the accident and aduenture of the army, returned into Abruzza, which con­try onely together with certeine peeces in Povvylla and Calabria, held good for the confederats.

This was the yssue and euent of thenterprise of the kingdome of Naples, disorde­red by many causes, but guided to his last errour by two principal reasons: The one, for the maladies and diseases engendred partely by the cutting away of the water conduits of Poggio royall to depriue them within Naples of the meane and vsage of grinding: for, when the waters were dispersed all ouer the playnes, and hauing no yssue, were driuen to stand still & gather modde, they so corrupted the ayre, that the french men by nature intemperat and impatient of heat, fell into maladies, and they in time were turned into the nature of the plague, whose contagion was caried in­to the body of the armie by certeine that were infected who were expresly sent out of Naples: The other errour was that Monsr Lavvtrech who had drawne out of Fraunce all the best experienced Capteines of that nation, was too singuler in his owne hope and weening: And not remembring what litle honor it brought to him at such time as he lay at the defense of the estate of Myllan, to write to his king that he would stoppe thennemies for passing the riuer of Adda, he had nowe in the same partialitie since the seege of Naples, assured his king by sundry letters that he would not leauy his campe from before the walls of Naples, till he had honorably caried the victory of the towne: By which proppertie of errour and selfe promise for that he would not be reproued of his worde and iudgement, he stoode obstinate not to leauye the seege contrary to the councell of his other Capteines, who seeing the campe full of maladies and infection, perswaded him alwayes to retyre in sauety to Capus to some other place of refreshing: The rather for that hauing in his hands and deuocion almost all the kingdom, much lesse that he could haue wanted eyther vittells or money, seeing he might with facilitie haue consumed the Imperialls to whome all things were lacking.

During these proceedings in the Realme of Naples, the affaires of Lombardy were The procee­dings of Mōsr Saint Pol in Lombardy. not without trauel and diuersitie of fortune, for that after Monsr Saint Pol had assem­bled his forces and made prouision of vittells, he tooke beyonde Pavv certeine townes and borowes commaunded before by Antho. de Leua, who the thirde of Au­gust was gone to Torretta, laboring to gather into Myllan so great prouisions of vit­tells as he could, for that thorow the whole estate of Myllan, the haruests were so poore and barreine, that it was thought there were skarcely sufficient vittells to feede for eyght moneths the mouthes that were in the contry: Afterwardes he re­tyred to Marignan beeing not able for want of money to abide long tyme in that place: At this tyme the Duke of Vrbyn was at Bressia, and Saint Pol at Neweca­stell in Tortono, from whence beeing comen to Plaisanca, they met and had confe­rence together at Monticella vppon the ryuer of Pavv, where it was resolued that the armies should vnite and assemble about Loda: from thence Saint Pol passed the ryuer of Pavv neare to Cremona, they of Plaisanca suffering him without resistance to conuert the barkes that were there to the vse of a bridge: And therefore Antho. de Leua who had at his deuocion the bridge of Cassan, Caruaggia, and Treuy, brake downe the bridge and abandoned the places of Guiaradada, lyke as he had before abandoned Nouaro: onely he had bestowed within Pauya, seuen hundred footemen, and fiue hundred within Saint Angeo: Monsr Saint Pol had in estate and payment foure hundred launces, fiue hundred light horsemen & fiueteene hundred launce­knights, but in numbers & true mooster farre lesse both through his own negligence [Page 1125] and deceite of his officers: for these forces and other companies of Svvizzers and Launceknightes which were exspected, the Venetains had agreed to pay for euerie moneth twelue thowsande duckats, to Monsr Saint Pol, who had also at Turea three hundred Svvizzers enterteined and payed for nine hundred, and three thowsande footmen French: The Venetians had three hundred men at armes, a thowsand light horsemen, and six thowsande footemen: And with the Duke of Millan were more then two thowsand footmen of choise. Antho. de Leua had foure thowsand Launce­knightes, a thowsande Spanyards, three thowsande Italians and three hundred light horsemen: The regiments of the confederates passed the riuer of Adda, and ioyned their forces together the two and twentie of August, Antho. de Leua being yet at Marignan: from that place the Duke of Vrbin sent to Saint Angeo, a strength of three thowsand footmen, and three hundred light horsemen with six cannons, vnder the conduit of Iohn Naldo, who as he was in camping was slaine with a bollet from the artilleries, for reuenge of whose death the Duke went thither in person and caried the towne: The fiue and twentie of August, the armie of the confederats lodged at Saint Zenon vppon the riuer of Ambra which is within two myles and an halfe of Marignan: The seuen and twentie day they passed ouer Ambra, and drewe neare to Marignan: The Spanyards at their approaching retyred within Marignan to an olde rampart, and after they had skirmished many howers, they issued and spredde them selues at large, making as though they would either giue or take the battell: But af­ter thartilleries had played on both sides the space of an hower by which time the night drew on, they retyred within Marignan & Riozzo, and at the lodging or plan­ting of the campe, they assaulted it brauely: The day after Antho. de Leua made his retraite with all his companies to Millan, and the confederates went to Landriano: There they tooke councell whether they should attempt to force Millan, & during the action of that consultacion, the armie marched with intencion to enter the towne of Myllan by surprise, which enterprise was broken by a great abundance of raine, which making the wayes heauy and troublesom, stopped them for going to the gate of Verceill where they should haue entred: But seeing that exployt frustrat and the deuise disapoynted wherein they were more confirmed of the impossibility of the action, by the relacion of a gentleman whome they sent to take a viewe of Myllan, they determined to goe incampe before Pauya by the way of Biagrassa: Both for that there remeyned no other nature of action for the armie, & also for the hope they had to cary it easily, hauing no greater a strength to defende it then two hun­dred launceknights and eyght hundred Italyans: Thus keeping that waye they sent out beyond the ryuer of Thesin, certeine bands of footemen, which tooke Vigeuena: And the nynth of September Monsr Saint Pol arriued at Saint Alexis within three myles of Pauya, where both the armies approching neare together, there came an aduertisement that put them in a greater astonishment: for, the plague being great in Genes, for feare of whose infection the towne being almost left abandoned of in­habitants and souldiers, in which generall confusion Theoder Tryuulco gouernor of the towne, being retyred into the castell: Andre Dore tooke the aduauntage of that occasion and drew neare the towne with certeine gallies, hauing neuerthelesse a ve­ry slender hope to force it for that he had with him but fiue hundred footemen. But as where the feare is generall there the mindes and corages are least assured, so the The taking of Genoway by Andre Do­re. French nauy that roade in the hauen, fearing least their way to returne into Fraunce would be cloased vp, left without care or gard the matters of Genes, and hoyssed faile to goe to Sauona, the first vessell that arriued there, being the gallye of Monsr Barbe­sieux: [Page 1126] So that both for the weake forces of souldiours that were within the citie not­withstanding Theoder was returned to keepe the pallaice, And for that the people and commons for the iniurie of the libertie done to the towne of Sauona, were be­comen ennemies to the name of the Frenche, Andre Dore made his entry into the towne finding made against him no great resistance: Suche was his ambicion and so stronge and violent his appetit of dominion, that the plague which forced the naturall inhabitants to leaue their patrimonye and place of abiding, had not power to make him tymerous to enter, where the others in their feare fled from thinfecti­on: But this fowle losse of the citie hapned chiefly by the negligence and too much securitie of the French king: for, both not looking that the matters of Naples would so speedily fall to ruyne, and also beeing perswaded that in all accidents the retrait of the nauye to Genes and the neighbourhood of Monsr Saint Pol, would suffice ey­ther to saue or reskewe, he omitted to make necessarye prouisions: Theoder who was retyred within the castell, demaunded succours of Saint Pol whome he put in hope to reconquer the towne, if there were sent to him forthwith a strength of three thowsand footemen: which demaund being consulted vppon amongest the Cap­teines confederat, the French men shewed a disposicion to goe thether presently with the whole campe: But the Duke of Vrbyn proued that to prouide boates to make a bridge vppon Pavv, and to leauye necessarye proporcions of vittells, was a matter which woulde drawe a longer tract of tyme then the present busines requi­red: So that according to his councell it was determined that Monsr MontiIan should turne from Alexandria to Genes, A regimēt of three thowsand launceknights and Svvyzzers who were come out of Fraunce to the armye of Saint Pol, and were arriued at Alexandria: But in case they would not be led thether, then the resolucion boare, that they should be led to the campe, & in their places should be dispatched and bestowed a colonie of three thowsand others: and that as in the meane while there should be made labor and practise to presse Pauya: So the Venetians promised that if thenterprise of Pauya fayled, they would conuert to the succours of Genes all their companies, so farre forth as they might dwel assured of the affaires on that side.

Thus was resolued and continued the seege of Pauya, & the better to aduaunce it to a good end & yssue, there were planted the xiiij day on this side the riuer of Thesin in the plaine there below, nyne cannons which executed vpon a bastillion adioyning to the arsenack or storehouse for municions, which in fewe howers was reduced al­most to ruine, And beyond the riuer of Thesin were braked three cannons to beate (when the assalt should be giuen) a flanke that aunswered the arsenack: And vppon a litle hill side on this side Thesin were bestowed fiue cannons which cōmaunded two other bastillions: And vpon the point of the said litle hill were bestowed three other cannons which plaied vppon the wal: Al which fury of artilleries belōged to the Ve­netians, reseruing the great shot of Monsr Saint Pol to beate vpon the defenses: By the day following Annyball Capteine of Cremona was come with a trench as farre as the ditch of the bastilliō on that side of the arsenack, of which two parts were already so reuersed to the earth, that the soldiers that were within had almost abādoned it: This day was slain with a bollet frō the artilleries, Malatesta Sogliano one of the capteines of the Venetians: And after the artilleries had plaied with a cōtinual execution al the day & night following, the army was raūged & prepared to giue the assalt, most part of the wall on all sides of the three bastillions, being made euen with the earth: But when in the morning following they went about to draine the water out of the dit­ches, they found so great a resistance by the fundacion of the wal, that they cōsumed [Page 1127] there all that day and the day following, by which occasion the assalt was prolonged till the xix. day, when the ditch was almost cleared of all the water: By this the bastil­lion at the corner being wonne by the first appearing of the day, they began to giue thassalt, And deuiding their companies into three, the first action apperteyned to Antho. de Castello with the Venetian regiments, the second to Monsr de Logers, leading the souldiers of Saint Pol, and the last to the Capteine of Cremona commaunding the regiments of the Duke of Myllan being twelue hundred footemē: The person of the Duke of Vrbyn came on foote with two hundred men at armes, and affronted the bastyllions which made a valliant defense for more then two howers, vnder the val­lour of two hundred launceknights and eight hundred Italyans with a very fewe Spa­nyards, who notwithstanding in the action they shewed great courage and resoluci­on, yet for the smalnes of their numbers they defended their bodies with great ha­zard and difficultie, the rather for the rage of thartilleries planted beyonde Thesin, which alwayes executed vpon the principall part or flower of the ramparts: In the assault Peter Viragno was hurt in the thighe with a shot of a harquebuze, of which wound albeit he dyed within fewe dayes after, yet he would not haue his body re­moued from the place, to thend his souldiours should not abandon the assalt: In like sort was wounded with a harquebuze Peter Botticello, but with more fauor for that he dyed not, and with lesseshow of constancye for that he retyred from the assault: They were both Capteines of the Duke of Myllan: At last within xxij. howers the assaylants by their vallour made their entry with small hurt to them selues, and right great commendacion to the Duke of Vrbyn: The slaughter of the souldiours with­in, was about seuen hundred bodies, almost all launceknights: But when the armye began to enter the towne, Galeas Biragno being no longer hable to preserue the place which he saw by all properties of destinie to declyne from him, retyred into the ca­stell with all the souldiers that remeyned of the slaughter at the assalt, together with many inhabitants of the towne, which immediatly was deliuered to sacke and spoy­ling, though of litle profit by reason it had passed that affliction twyse before: The castel was receiued by composicion without any assalt or exployt of warre, both for that there were in the campe no municions to batter it, and also the ditches which were both large and deepe were not in so short time to be filled vp, And lastly there were within it aregiment of fiue hundred men of warre stronge: These were the ca­pitulacions betwene the army and the castel: That the Spanyards with all those sorts of artilleries and municions which they could cary in their hands, and with all their trayne of baggage, should goe to Myllan together with the launceknights of whom was left of the generall slaughter, a very small number: And that thItalians might goe whether they would, except to Myllan.

Vppon the taking of Pauia, the Duke of Vrbyn gaue out his reasons that it were not good to force Myllan, onles they had an armye sufficient for two batteries: But to thende to veke it and restrayne it, he thought it good to take Biagrassa, Saint George, Monce, Coma, and to minister succours to Genes: for, notwithstanding the launceknights and Svvyzzers had made aunswer to Monsr MontiIan that they would go to Genes, yet the launceknights taking thoccasion that they were not pay­ed, went away to T [...]rea, by which alteracion there was no propertie of succours sent to the castell which Andre Dore labored to vndermyne with all diligence, for which cause and to apply a remedy so necessary, Monsr Saint Pol with an hundred launces and two thowsand footemen remeining with him, prepared the xxvij. day to goe to the succors of Genes: he passed Pavv at Port [...]stella in the mouth of theriuer of The­sin, [Page 1128] and drew towards Tortono with promise to turne backe againe, if he saw his suc­cours could not be made profitable to the place: All this while the Duke of Vrbyn, stayed for him at Pauya, and with him were foure thowsand footemen Venetians, and a thowsand of the regiments of the Duke of Myllan. At this time Antho. de Leua who was retyred to Myllan, made an order that no man should keepe or make any meale in their houses except such as had redeemed and bought the tribute of it, who pay­ed vnto him for the space of ix. moneths, three duckats for euery measure of meale: with the money growing of this imposicion, he payed for all that tyme the horse­men, and the footemen Spanish and launceknights. A contribucion which did not onely defend him from the daunger present, but did enterteyne him all the winter following, hauing dispersed his regiments of Italian footemen within Nouaro & cer­teine townes of Lomelino with other villages of the territories of Myllan, In which wretched townes he gaue suffrance to the souldiours during the whole time of the winter, to spoyle and raunsom the miserable inhabitants: The first daye of October Monsr Saint Pol arriued at Gauy a place within xxv. myles of Genes hauing for his bet­ter expedicion, left his artilleries at Noui: The day following he tooke the rocke of the borow of Fornaro, but passing further towards Genes, and vnderstanding there was entred a newe strength of seuen hundred footemen Corsegans, he returned eft­soones to the borow of Fornaro: Such was his want of money, that he had not with him in all, aboue foure thowsand footemen aswell of his owne as of the companies of MontiIan, & a thowsand who had bene sent from the campe with Nicholas Dore: And yet of those fewe that were with him, many trowpes passed continually into Fraūce, which making h [...] dispaire of the successe of thēterprise, he dispatched Mon­tiIan with three hundred footemen to Sauona before which towne the Genovvaies were in camped: But there was no meane for them to enter, both for that it was re­strained & enuyroned with trenches, and all the passages & places of accesse taken: The x. of October he retyred him self within Alexandria, & afterwards to Senazzar [...] betwene Alexandria & Pauya, to haue conference with the Duke of Vrbyn: onely he was almost left without soldiers: And there consulting vppon the common affayres, where the Duke declared that there was remeyning but foure thowsand footemen of all nations & natures, And that Antho. de Leua had what without & within Millan foure thowsand launceknights strong, six hundred Spanyards, and xiiij hundred Itali­ans: It was resolued that the Duke should retyre to Pauya, & Saint Pol to Alexandria, A matter accorded vnto him by the Duke of Myllan: There were also occupied spe­ches and deuises to make new leauies of footemen, and then if the tyme fauored, to aduaunce to execute thenterprise of Biagrassa, Mortaro, and the castell of Nouaro.

But when the inhabitants of Sauona saw that MontiIan could not enter for their succors they agreed amyd so many distresses, to render the towne the xxj. of Octo­ber, if within certeine dayes they were not reskewed: And therefore Saint Pol who was carefull to releeue it, and not hauing of his owne companies aboue a thowsand footemen strong, required a supply of three thowsand footemen of the Duke of Vr­byn & Myllan, who furnished him but with xij. hundred, Insomuch as hauing no as­surance to be able to reskew it with so small a number, he suffred it to be lost: And after the Genovvaies had it they ch [...]aked the hauen with stones for that they would make it v [...] profitable to seruice: And by the example of that aduersitie, Theoder T [...] [...], dispayring to besuccored, and being without money and comfort, gaue him self vp to composicion: Assoone as the castel was conquered, it was in a popular fu­ry New gouern­ment establi­shed in Ge­ [...]ay. rased by the Genevvaies, who with the authority of Andre Dore established in that [Page 1129] citie a newe gouernment such as had bene affore time solicited vnder the name of libertie: This was the substance of it: That by the councell of foure hundred ci­tysens should be created all the magistrates and dignities of their citie, but chiefely the Duke and supreame Magistrat, to continue for two yeares: They abrogated the lawe by the which the gentlemen were excluded before out of that creacion: And seeing the fundacion and ground of greatest importance rested in this to establishe their libertie, that they should presently labour to reconcile the factions and diui­sions of the Citysens, which of long time had bene there more greate and hurte­full then in any other citie of Italye, seeing besides contencions priuate, there had raged for longe time the factions of Guelffes and Gebelins: To deface themu­lacion betwene the gentlemen and populars, which populars were not yet re­duced to one vnitie of will amongest themselues: And lastely to reappease the mightie and stronge partialitie and controuersie betweene the two famulies of A­dorney and Fregosey: By reason of which diuisions it was likely that their citie, most conuenient to commaunde the Sea aswell for the situacion as for the science and knowledge of marine matters, had not bene onely at seuerall seasons ve­xed and depressed, but also for longe time had bene kept vnder a crosse of con­tinuall subiection: Therefore to cure that euill euen to the roote, they proceeded by obscuring the names of all the famulies and houses of the citie, conseruing and reteining onely the memorie and name of xxviij. of the most noble and no­table, except the Adorneys and Fregoseis, which they vtterly suppressed and aboli­shed: vnder the name and nomber of which famulies, they gathered all those gentle­men and populars who remeined without name of their houses: wherein the better to confound the memory of all factions, they sought to intangle and intermedle the famulies of the gentlemē with the houses of the populars, & reciprocally the names of the populars whith the gentlemen: Such as had bene parteners with the Adorneys they coopled with those that had folowed the name of the Fregosey, & so of the con­trary, establishing vnder that commixtion of houses and names, an equall affinitie betwene both: And as by this lawe it was ordeined that there should be no distinctiō of power to hinder the one more then the other to aspire to honours and magistra­cies: so by this confusion of names and men they hoped that within the course of a few yeares, the poisoned memorie of factions and quarrells would be vtterly defa­ced & quēched: And in the meane while thauthoritie of Andre Dore remeined great amongest them, without whose consent and priuitie both for the reputacion of the man and for the authoritie of themprours gallies which he commaunded, and for his other condicions & parts, they would not passe any deliberaciō of things which were of greatest importance: only the thing which made his puissance and greatnes lesse troublesome, was, that he would neither suffer the treasor to be administred with his ordenance, nor intrude himselfe into thelection of the duke and other ma­gistrats, & much lesse communicat in causes more particular & lesse: By which ma­ner of behauiour the citysens being reduced to mindes peasible, became more incli­ned to marchandize then to ambicion, & reteining still impressions of their trauells and subiections passed, they had greatreason to loue & folow that forme of gouern­ment: After this the french fleete and the nauie of Andre Dore buckled together be­twene Monaro and Nice, where one of Dores gallies was sonke.

After the losse of Sauona, the Duke of Vrbyn and Monsr saint Pol, mette together of new at Seuaro betwene Alexandria and Pauya: where the Duke of Vrbyn to the greate discontentment of Frauncis Sforce, and Monsr saint Pol, resolued to repasse [Page 1130] on the other side the riuer of Adda, both leauing to the Duke of Myllan, the garde of Pauya, and councelling Monsr saint Pol to spende the winter in Alexandria: with which alteracions the french kinges officers were not onely discontented, but also himselfe not taking for payment certeine light excuses which the Venetians made to him, complained bitterly that they had not succoured the castell of Genes and the citie of Sauona which the Genovvayes in their rage had vtterly deformed: After this, a supplie of a thowsand Launceknights were sent to Saint Pol, with whom, accomp­ting the thowsand footemen which Villecero had in Lomelyno, remained a strength of foure thowsand footemen.

In this time hapned a tumult in the Marquisedom of Salussa: The accident was this: After the death of the Marquis Michaell Anthonie, Frauncis his brother hauing taken vpon him the iurisdiction by reason that Gabriel the second brother to Antho­nie, euen in the time of his eldest brother by direction of the mother who had ma­naged the gouernment of the children during their minoritie, had bene kept pri­soner in the rocke of Rauel vnder cooller that he was almost estraunged from his vnderstanding: it hapned that the capteine of the Rocke deliuered him, by which meane seazing vppon the mother who had holden him prisoner and being glad­somely embrased of the people, he conquered the whole estate: To which feli­citie of the time it seamed his brother gaue place, and fledde, in his feare to Car­magnola, where, hauing afterwardes reassembled his forces, he ouerthrew his brother Gabriel.

There passed no more actions of consequency in Lombardie for this yeare, sauing that Count Caiezza ranne vppe euen as farre as Myllan, taking aduauntage vpon the negligence of the Venetians, who omitted to sende to Monsr saint Pol the forces they had promised for the enterprise of Sarauallo, Gauy, and other places of the Ge­novvays: There was also made an attempt of an exploit of greate importance: for, Monti Ian and Vecellero with two thowsand footemen and fiftie horsemen, depar­ted Mont Ian misseth to sur­prise Andre Dore. in the euening to Vitado to surprise Andre Dore in his pallacie, the which stan­ding vpō the Sea coast reteineth a verie neare neighbourhood to the walls of Genes: But this plotte was vaine in the effect, for that the footemen for the tediousnes and longnes of the waie conteining xxij. miles, could not reach the place where they were to execute their enterprise before the night was wasted, and being discoue­red by the clearnes and benefitte of the daie, the alarme aroase which from hande to hande was brought at laste to Andre Dore, who conueighing himselfe out of the backeside, was receiued into a barke and by her swiftenes of sailes and oares, he auoyded the daunger that was prepared against his life. Onely the french men missing by misaduenture the personne of Andre Dore, conuerted their rage vppon his pallaice which they sacked and afterwardes returned in sauetie: Al­so Count Caiezzo hauing layed an ambushe betweene Myllan and Monceo, o­uerthrew fiue hundred Launceknightes and an hundred light horsemen who were sent out to skorte or saffe conduit the vittellours: But being afterwardes sent to Bergama, he so afflicted that citie with pillage and robbinge, that the Senate of Venice who had established him capteine generall ouer their infanterie, decas­sed him and depriued him with infamie of their paye, whom in their compassion they could not endure in so greate a custome of insolencie and auarice: About this time the Spaniards tooke the towne of Vigeuena: And Belioyense who was escaped out of the handes of the french men, being sent by Antho. de Leua with two thow­sand footemen to surprise Pauya wherein was a garrison of fiue hundred footemen [Page 1131] of the Duke of Myllan, presented himselfe one night before the walls, but being dis­couered he was compelled to retire without any effect: There ariued in the con­trey of Genovvay a supplie of two thowsand footemen Spaniardes, whom the em­prour sent out of Spaine either to defend Genes, or else to be conuerted to Myllan according to the necessitie and occasion of affaires: Belioyense wente out to meete this supplie and conduct them: who as they made showe that they would take the waie either to Plaisanca or of Casa, so Monsr saint Pol put himselfe in preparacion to stoppe their comming, and sent to solicite the Venetyan bandes to make them selues strong at Loda, to the ende that the bandes of Myllan should not come out to backe them: he laboured also to perswade them to execute iointly the enterprise of Myl­lan, being thereunto induced through the wante of vittells and other dispaires of those wretched inhabitantes: But the Duke of Vrbyn was not of that opinion, like as also the Venetyans proceeded coldly in the braue actions of that time, wherein both for the rapporte of Andre Nauager their embassadour nowe returned out of Spaine, and in regard of a certeine practise and intelligence which was interteined at Rome with themperours embassadour, the opinions of the Senat were diuerse, many inclining to haue an accord with themprour: and yet it was at last resolued to continue the confederaciō with the french king: at which time Torniello hauing pas­sed the riuer of Thesin with two thowsand footemē, tooke Basignan & went towards Lomelina: And thabbot of Farfa going with his cornets of horsemen to Crescentyn a place of the Duke of Sauoye, was defeated by night & taken prisoner: but being after­wardes set at liberty by the working of the Marquis Montferat and the Marquis of Mus, he ouerthrew certeine regiments of Antho. de Leua, and tooke their artilleries.

There began to rise a dout that the Pope inclined to themperors side, both for that the Cardinal Saint Crosse being ariued at Naples, caused to be deliuered three Cardi­nalls who were there in ostage: and also according to the rumor that ran, he had cō ­mission from themperour to cause to be rendred Ostia and Ciuitavecchia, And by his meane and working the Pope being also solicited, Andre Dore restored to the Syen­noys Portohercole: But there were daily more and more arguments and testimonies that the Popes minde was caried with a disposicion to new thinges, for that by his meane though secretly, Braccio Baillon for the interest of the affaires of Perousa, mo­lested Malatesta, notwithstanding he was in his paie: And when he vnderstoode that the Duke of Ferrara was come to Modena, he conspired to take him in his retur­ning with an ambush of two hundred horsemen layed by Pavvle Luzasquo vpon the confins of Modena: But for that the Duke stirred not out of Modena both the deuise was disclosed and the effect disappointed.

About this time the realme of Naples notwithstāding the ouerthrow of the Frēch was not entyrely deliuered of the calamities of the warre: for, as Symon Romain ha­uing assembled newe companies, had taken Nauo, Oriolo, and Amigdalaro, townes standing vpon the sea side at the pointe of thappenin: So drawing to him into one strength Federik Caraffa whom the Duke of Grauino had sent with a thowsand foote­men, together with many others of the contrey, he had an armie reasonably well compounded. But after the victorie of thimperialls about Naples, and being aban­doned of the companies of the Duke of Grauyna he entred into the towne of Bar­letta by the Castell, and putting it to facke and pillage, he staied there: At what time the Venetians helde Trany garded by Camylla, and Monopoly defended by Iohn Con­rardo, both captaines of the familie of the Vrsins: After this Ranso de Cero and the prince of Melffe came into the kingdom with a thowsand footemen: who being re­duced [Page 1132] betwene Nocero & Gualdo, and afterwardes retiring from thence by the com­mandement of the Pope who would not offend the mindes of the victors, embar­ked themselues at Sinigalo and went by sea to Barletto with intencion to renewe the warre in Povvilla: a matter determined vpon by common consent of the confede­rates to the ende to constraine thimperiall armie to make their aboade in the king­dom of Naples vntill springe time, at what time they drewe to counsell and confe­rence to make new prouisions for their cōmon sauetie: for which matter the french king sent to Ranso a releefe and succours of money, like as also the Venetians con­curring with the king in the same desier, the rather to reteine more easely and kepe still by the helpe of others, the townes which they had taken in Povvylla, offred to furnish him of twelue gallies: But when the king vrged them to arme and appointe those gallies, reseruing to defraie the charge and exspenses vppon the foure skore thowsand duckats whereunto they were bounde by the contribucion promised to Monsr Lavvtrech, they would not harken to it: The king of England promised not to be behinde with his parte of the prouisions ordinarie: And the Florentyns had contracted to pay the thirde parte of the companies which Ranso had leauied: The imperialls shewed no greate readines or disposicion to quench so greate a prepa­racion of trouble, beinge buysied on all partes to exact money to satisfie the sol­diours of their duties and paies past: wherein both to leauie those exactions with more facilitie, and the better to assure the kingdom with examples of seueretie: the prince of Orenge euen in the market place of Naples where the plage raged most, and in the publike view of the people, caused to be beheaded Federike Cai [...]tan sonne to the Duke of Tracetto, and Henry Pandon Duke of Bouiano a discendant of one of Execucions at Naples. the daughters of olde Ferdinand king of Naples, together with foure other Napoli­tains, extending also the same rigour of punishment vpon other places of the king­dom: with which maner of proceding no lesse pityfull in the persons, thē dangerous for the example, he reduced into feare and astonishment the mindes of all men, not omitting to proceede against the absent such as had folowed the french faction with confisquacion of their goods, which afterwardes he suffred to be compounded for with money, & did not forget any violence or extremity by the which he might draw greatest summes of money: All which actions of murder and oppression were supposed to haue their deuise and resolucion by the witte of Ierom Moron to whom was giuen in recompense of his seruices, the Duchie of Bouiano: To these emotions and sturres was added the exploit of Iohn Iacques Franquo in Abruzza, who entred for the french king into Matrina which is neare to Aquila, by whose comming all the partes & people of the contrey drew into commocion, neither was the region of A­quila without suspiciō of rising, where lay sicke with six hundred footemen Serro Co­lonno: Moreouer the Venetians made prouision for the affaires of Povvylla, who sen­ding by sea certeine companies of light horsmen to furnish Barletto, one part of the vessells which caried them perished in the lakes of Barletto and Trany, where there Treasorer was drowned seeking to saue his life in a litle skiffe: The companies of horsemen who had for their leader Iohn Conrardo Vrsin, being sore beaten with the rage of the tempest, fell into the handes of the imperialls: & Iohn Pavvle de Cero who made his shipwracke neare Guast, remeined prisoner to the Marquis: In the latter end of the yeare, the region of Aquila became for the league by the meane of the Bishop there and good working of Count Montoiro with others of the exiles, who being hardly vsed by the imperialls sought their remedie by reuolt.

In the beginning of the yeare 1529. began to appeare on all sides certeine signes [Page 1133] & good disposicions to peace, which seamed to carie a generall desier to be solicited & negociated in the Popes court: for, as there was good aduertisemēt that the Car­dinall Saint Crosse (such was the title of the Spanish generall) was gon vp to Rome with warrant from themprour to conclude a peace: so the french king whose desier to end the warres was nothing inferiour, dispatched to the same end a commission to his embassadours, in which action also the king of England tooke interest, and in the same regard sent agents to Rome, which matters of negociaciō & hope of peace ioy­ned to the trauell & wearynes of princes, brought the confederats to proceede slow­ly in the prouisions of the warre: for that in Lombardie their greatest thought & care was whether the Spaniards being come to Genes could passe to Millan, from whēce the launceknights for want of pay, were almost all retired: and to conduit them the­ther, Belioyense with a hundred horsemen was gonne vp as farre as Casa: and from thence in habit disguised was passed into Genes, from whence he led the saied foote­bands of Spaniards to Sauona, with intencion to gather together fiue hundred more newly come out of Spaine, and were disbarked at Villa franco.

But in the realme of Naples the imperialls could not but dowt, that the rebellion of Aquila and Matricia together with the sturres and risinges that had bene made in Povvilla, would breede & bringforth some matter of farre greater importaunce: and therefore to cut of and remedie the mischiefe affore the ill were come to his fulnes, they determined to conuerte to thexpugnacion and suppression of those places, the forces they had: & in that resolucion the Marquis of Guast with his regiment of Spa­nish footemen, was sent out to recouer the townes of Povvilla, and the prince of O­renge likewise with his Launceknights was dispatched to reconquer Aquila and Ma­tricia: who assoone as he made his approches to Aquila, they that were within is­sued out and left the place abandoned, The prince compounding for the citie and the whole contrey at a raunsom of an hundred thowsand duckats, and tooke awaie by vertue of his conquest & contract the oblacion of siluer which the french king Loys the tenth had consecrated to Saint Barnard: from thence he sent soldiours to Matricia where lay in garrison Camyllo Pardo with foure hūdred footemen, who was gonne awaie not many daies before with promise to retorne againe: But being not without his seuerall feares, both for the wante of wine, whereof was left no stoare, the necessity of waters which were all c [...]o from them, and for the faction betwene the towne and the souldiours which was stronge and violent, and lastely for some other reason which men in their timerusnesse wante not: he did not onely not re­tourne againe, but also he kept from them some of that releiffe of money which the Florentyns had sent to him for the defending and succouring of that place: By rea­son of which disorders, both their leader hauing left them, and their wantes with­out comfort or hope of releuing, the soldiours went in their araie vpon the walls, and the townesmen rendred the place. The consideracion of these good euents and issues, brought a feare least the prince of Orenge would passe into Tuskane, at the instance of the Pope, who being deliuered of a most daungerous but short dis­ease, ceassed not to solicite and giue hopes to all men▪ he promised the frenchmen to sticke to the league, so farrefoorthe as Rauenna and Seruia were rendred to him: And he offred to compound vnder reasonable condicions with the Florentyns and Duke of Ferrara, who touching the payments of money made before to Monsr Lavvtrech, affirmed that what he did in those paymentes was of his liberalitie and not by vertue of obligacion, for that the Pope had forborne to ratifie. On the other side, now that he had recouered (though at great charges) the Castells of Ostia and [Page 1134] Ci [...]ita vechia by vertue of a cōmission which the Cardinal Saint Crosse had brought, he enterteined with themperour intelligences more secrete and practises more cer­teine then before: yea they debated rather vpon their affaires particular (which be­gan to be managed in a course more assured and secret) then that there passed be­twene them any action or solicitacion tending to the vniuersall peace. Onely in Barletto thestate of affaires was this: Barletto was holden for the frenche king, with­in the which was Ranso de Cero, and with him the prince of Melffe, Federike Caraffa, Symon Roman, Camyllo Perdo, Galeas de Farurso, Iohn Conrard Vrsin, and the prince of Stigliano: The Venetyans had Trany, Pulignany and Monopoly: their forces in those places were two thowsand footemen and six hundred horsemen Albenois, whereof two hundred were within Monopoly: They had also at their deuocion the port of Biestry: Nowe after the french king had sent in the beginning a small prouision of money to those companies, he forbare afterwardes to releue them with any further supplies, nor did not accept the xij. bodies of Gallies offred to him by the Venetyans of which three perished in the lake of Biestry with a great foyst, as they wēt to reuit­tell Trany and Barletto: And of the residue they had loste at sundrie times fiue more sauing notwithstanding their artilleries and other furnishments: The french men helde also the mount Saint Angeo, and Nardo in the quarter of Ottranto, and Ca­stro wherein was the Count Dagēto: The actions of the warre were perfourmed with the bodies and men of the kingdom, and with the forces of the contrey, many re­belles to themprour were assembled in sundrie places, and many were drawne into companies and strength, who as aduenturers folowed the warre for pillage one­ly: So that the condicion of the contrey was farre more miserable then any man would haue beleeued, euery towne and place being layed open to robberies, prayes, raunsoms and wretched burninges on all sides: Onely the extorsions and inuasions of Symon Roman were more intollerable then any other, who ouer running with his light horsemen and a bande of two hundred and fitie footemen all the partes and confins of those contreys, brought oftentimes into Barletto greate droaues of cat­tell, and greate quantitie of corne, with other nature of bootie and spoile: And in that libertie of warre running a race of vexacion and crueltie, he woulde sometimes by surprise and sometimes with force, inuade townes and places with wretched examples and actions of in humanitie: of which the towne of Ca [...]osa was a lamenta­ble experience, where entring by night by the benefitte of skaling ladders, he putte the towne to sacke and many of thinhabitantes to death whom he founde sleeping in their last rest, he stripped likewise in that exploit many horsemen of the fortie men at armes that laie in the castell: At last the Marquis of Guast forbearing to exe­cute any action vpon Barletto being a towne stronge and fortified, setled his campe in march before the towne of Monopoly with iiij. thowsand Spaniards footemen and two thowsand Italyans, for, the Launceknightes beinge in nomber two thowsand fiue hundred, & staying in Abruzza, refused to go to Povvylla: he incamped himselfe in a small vallie so shadowed and couered with the mountaine, that he could not be endomaged with the artilleries of the towne: In the towne were Ca [...]illo Vrsi [...] & Iohn Vettur [...]o treasorer, to whom Ra [...]so sent speedely vpō the gallies three hundred foote­men: Monopoly is a towne of small circuit, and hath the sea on three partes of it, and towards the land it beareth a wall of three hundred or three hundred & fifty passes with a ditch about it: right against this wall the Marquis caused to be made a bastil­lion within the shot of harquebuze, & two others vpon the sea shoare, of either side one: They bette the sea and the gate towardes the sea and gaue impediment that no [Page 1135] succours or vittels shoulde enter by the helpe of the gallies: And so hauing made these preparations in the beginning of April, the Marquis gaue the assault to Monopoly where he lost more then fiue hundred souldiers and many pioners, besides three peeces of artilleries which were broken, retyring with his harmes about a mile and an halfe from the place for that he was not able to endure the vexation of the artilleries out of the towne: By reason of which retiring the Venetians issued out and ranne vpon the bastillions which he hadde made, making slaughter of more then an hundred bodies, and with the same felicitie they assured the Port or Hauen by a mount which they raised vpon the shore right oueragainst the bastillion of the e­nemies: Neuerthelesse, though the Marquis was repulsed, yet he coulde not bee made desperate, but making newe approches to Monopoly, and returning from whence he was repulsed, he raised two caualiers to beate within the towne, he cast also trenches to leade him euen vnto their ditches, and filled them with sixe hun­dred loades of earth rammed in baskets: But not long after, that Bastillion was bur­ned by the industrie of two hundred footmen issuing to that ende out of Monopoly: Afterwards the Marquis being approched with a trench vpon the right side of the batterie: and hauing driuen another trenche on the right side of the lodging of the Spaniards within a hand throwing of the ditch, and also after he had fortified a Ba­stillion behinde the same, he planted vpon it his artilleries and executed three score faddoms of wall there about within foure faddoms of the earth: But vnderstanding that the same night were entred newe companies sent by Ranso, he retyred his ar­tilleries, and consequently the end of the moneth of May drawing on, he brake vp his campe: During the lying of this campe before Monopoly and after it was leuied and retyred, there followed diuers factions and emotions, both for the great harmes and domages done by them of Barletta by spoyle and bootie, and also the garrison that was within mount Saint Angeo hauing for commaunder Federik, Caraffo, tooke Saint Seuero, and reskewing the towne of Viro, they compelled thImperi­alls to leuie their campe from before it: After that Caraffa went by sea with xxvj. sailes to Lanciano, where laye an hundred and three score men at armes, and en­tring the place by force, he brought awaye as testimonies of his valloure three hundred horse of seruice, and a great bootie of other natures of thinges, without leauing anye garrison in the place: There were also manye trowpes of exiles who did greate harmes in Basillicato, for whiche difficulties as the imperials exacted with all their industrie the taxes and impositions: So there is no dout that if the French king had sent money and any reasonable supplie of succours, newe affaires and busines had not growen vpon the imperials throughout the whole kingdome, which had at least so encombred thEmperours armie that it would haue entangled the course of their owne affaires: But so disordred were their companies both vn­disciplined and accustomed to tumults, and deliuered vp without any succours or refreshing (for the Florentins ministred onely reliefe to Ranso) that they coulde not doe any action of great consequence, seeing withall that both the Duke of Ferrara refused to sende to Ranso by sea foure peeces of artilleries, and also the store of mo­ney and corne began to diminish within Barletta: Moreouer, about sixe hundred re­bels of the countrey of Calabria, besieged by the Viceroy within Montlyon, were driuen for want of municion and vittels to render the place, and in that calamitie were led prisoners to Naples: Afterwards the Prince of Melffe with the armie by sea, and Federik Caraffa by land, went to incampe before Malfetta, a place aforetime be­longing to the Prince, where Federik in fighting for the sauetie of his life, was slaine [Page 1136] with a stone: In reuenge of whose death the Prince extended his indignacion so farre vpon the towne, that taking it by force, he put it to a miserable sacke: A lyke misaduenture fel vpon Simon Roman, for that as the Venetian armie which from the cape of Ottronta vexed all the countrey, was drawen neare to Brunduso, they set on land certaine companies of souldiers with whom was Simon Roman, and caryed the towne, but in assaulting the rocke Simon was slaine with a bollet.

Whilest the Realme of Naples was thus trauelled with diuers successes, the mat­ters Proceedings of Monsr Saint Polin Lombardy. of Lombardie suffred no great tranquillitie: Monsr Saint Pol about the ende of march tooke by force the towne of Seuarella, and the Castel compounded to stand newter: But the vallour of the enemies recouered againe the thing whiche by his industrie he could not keepe, for that he lost one night by surprise, the towne which [...]rst he had wonne by force, the same with other reasons driuing a feare into him, that he was no longer able to stoppe the Spanyardes the way to Millan, he sawe also a dayly diminucion of the nombers of his campe for want of money, whereof as he receiued but very litle from the King, so of that litle being a Captaine of litle gouernment, he exspended one part for him selfe and suffred another part to bee imbeacelled and robbed by his officers: The King and Venetians disputed what en­terprise were good to take in hand: The King made instance to aduaunce the ex­ployte of Genes, both for the importance of that citie, and also for that it beganne to be a beleefe amongst them that the next sommer the Emperour woulde passe in­to Italie: And for that the King esteemed that the Venetians had neuer holpen him eyther to reskewe or to recouer that Citie, Wherein notwithstanding they excu­sed them selues by an vniuersall rumour running in Italie of the discending of newe Launceknightes, yet he could not but dout that they were ill contented to fauour the victorie of that enterprise: But the Venetians to obscure for the time the me­morie of that exployte, brought into deuise the action of Millan whiche both they layde out to be very easie for the small nomber of souldiers that were with Antho. de Leua, and also they offred that when the conquest of Millan were perfourmed they would administer to the enterprise and besieging of Genes: In which regarde the re­solution went by the Kings consent to imbrace the enterprise of Millan with a camp of sixteene thousand footmen, of whom euery one to make prouision for the moyty: This resolucion was made in march and in the absence of the Duke of Vrbin, who for that the Prince of Orenge and the Launceknightes were drawen neare the con­fines of the kingdome, was retyred vpon his owne estate almost against the will of the Venetians: who neuerthelesse reteyned him of newe into their paye with the same condicions which aforetime they hadde passed to Bartl. Aluiano and the Co [...] Petillano, sending him also for his defence three hundred horsemen and three thou­sande footemen according to the contract of their obligacion, and gaue the title of gouernour to Ianus Fregoso: There were in the armie of the Venetians sixe hun­dred men at armes, a thowsande light horsemen, and foure thousande foote­men, notwithstanding they were bounde to mainteine xij. thousand: This armie the fixt of April tooke by force Cassiano, and the rocke rendred to discression, when Antho. de Leua & Toruiello being commen out of Millan to diuert or draw away the enemies, returned back without doing anything▪ The Spaniards passed frō Genes to Millan, notwithstanding to stop them, there had bene made so many deuises & reso­lucions: for, where Monsr Saint Pol & the Venetians had supposed that they would make their passage by the par [...]es of Tortona & Alexandria, they tooke at their depar­ture frō Vostaggio & by the direction of Belioyenso, the way that was more long by the moūtaine of Plaisa [...]a & places subiect to the church: And being comen to Varsy in [Page 1137] the sayde mountaine, notwithstanding Saint Pol made to march from thence an hundred and fiftie horsemen appoynting their waye to Loda, and also the com­panies of the Venetians, who for that they woulde be before, sent one parte of their bands to the Duke of Millan, but both later by one daye then they shoulde, and in lesse nombers then they promised, yet they passed by night the ryuer of Pavv at Areno vsing the seruice of the vessels of Plaisanca: So that being no more able to stoppe their vniting with Antho. de Leua, whoe for the more safetie and facilitie of their ioyning was come to Landriano within twelue miles of Fauia, they mette and ioyned with him, and so being conduited to Millan so poore and naked of al things that they seemed to beare the resemblance of rogues, they encreased the calamities of the inhabitants there, by putting them to spoyle and robberie euen in the streets: Thus was litle profitable to the French and Venetians al their actions and doings of the whole winter, which were extended to stoppe the passage of their souldiers to take Gauy and places inuironing Gonos and Casa, places doing great domages to the whole countrey: Moreouer, Antho. de Leua tooke Binasquo by composition: But where the Spaniards had serued their turnes of the Barkes of Plaisanca, and that as was beleeued, they had not remoued had they not bene assured that in case of ne­cessitie they might retire into that citie, besides many other apparances and tokens, the confederates began to rise in suspicion, that the Pope specially touching the re­stitution of the Castels, was either entirely accorded, or at least verie neare to ac­corde with thEmperour.

Nowe where the Pope in great secrecie, had disposed all his thoughtes to reco­uer Deuises of the Pope [...] re­store his house in Florence. the estate of Florence, wherein albeit to circumuent the French Ambassadours, he enterteyned sundrie practises and ledde both them and the other confederates in diuers humours of hope to accord with the league: Yet being partly mooued with feare of the greatnesse of the Emperour and the prosperitie of his affaires, and part­ly through hope to induce him more easely then he could induce the French King, to restore and reestablish his house in Florence, he enclined much more on the Em­perours side then on the French Kings: He had also a vehement desire to make ea­sie his deuise to drawe to his deuocion the estate of Perousa, in which action it was beleeued that he enterteyned Braccio Baillon, who managed euery day newe driftes in those confines: By reason whereof Malatesta douting least whilest he was in his pay, he should be oppressed with his fauour, thought it necessarie for him to seeke to put him selfe in the protection of an other: Therefore either induced with that reason, or caryed with a couetousnes after greater parties, or pushed on with a passion of auncient hatred, he refused to reenter into his paye, pretending that he was not bounde for the whole yeare, but at his election, for that as he alleaged the contract appeared not by writing, notwithstanding the Pope mainteyned a fur­ther obligation: So that he solicited to enter into the paye of the French and Flo­rentins, complayning bitterly of certaine intelligences and practises enterteyned a­gainst him by the Cardinall of Cortono, and of a letter which he had surprised writ­ten by the Cardinall Medicis to Braccio Baillon: But the Pope seeking indirectly to stoppe the effect of his deuice, forbad by Edicts publike that none of his subiectes without his leaue, shoulde take the payes of other Princes vpon paine of confiscati­on: Neuerthelesse, Malatesta forbare not for that to prosecute his deuise: The Frenchmen bounde them to indue him with a charge of two hundred horsemen, two thowsand crownes pension, the order of Saint Michael, and in time of warre with two thowsand footemen: And the Florentines gaue him the title of Gouernor, [Page 1138] two thousand crownes pension, a thousand footmen in time of warre, fiftie horse­men for his sonne, and fiftie for the sonne of Horatio with fiue hundred crownes for the paye of them both: They tooke vpon them the protection of his estate and of Perousa, and aswel the French King as they made him one ioynt allowance in time of peace of an hundred crownes the moneth to enterteyne ten Captaines: And the Florentines a part made him a paie for two hundred footmen for the garde of Perou­sa, and for his part he was onely bounde to this to goe to their seruice with a thou­sande footemen when their affaires required, yea, though he shoulde not haue the bandes promised from the Frenche King: Of this dealing the Pope complayned highlye to the Frenche King as a matter done directlye to let him for disposing ac­cording to his will, of a Citie whiche was vassall and subiect to the Churche, the same making the King who bare no mynd to kindle the Pope, to deferre the acti­on of ratification: and for the same cause the Pope hoping to be able to alter or re­tyre Malatesta, perswaded him to continue out his yeare, and at the same time he enterteyned secretly Braccio Baillon, Sero Colonno, and the exiles of Perousa, who ha­uing assembled and mustered bands of souldiers, lay incamped at Norcio: But all these practises together with all offers and oblacions serued to no purpose, for that Malatesta was resolutely fixed to continue no longer in the Popes paye, and as the Florentins ministred ayde to him openly, so he feared so much the lesse those stirres or emocions by howe much they ceassed foorthwith, the Pope finding they were vnperfect and insufficient to leade on his hopes to their effectes: Besides, the Pope would not suffer the Duke of Ferrara to dwelin rest, and he was so farre of from ob­seruing the couenants made with the Duke in the name of the Colledge of Car­dinals, that the byshoprike of Modena being newly fallen into vacacion by the death of Cardinall Gonzaguo, an estate promised to the Dukes sonne by the sayde coue­nants, he bestowed it by his authoritie vpon Ierom Moron, seeking vnder colour of refusing the possession, occasion to prouoke against him suche a personage and minister bearing great authoritie in the Emperours armie: He enterteyned also a practise with Ierom Pio, to occupie Reggia, and that by the meane and operacion of Hubert de Gambaro gouernour of Bolognia: But when the Duke was informed of the state of the practise and how farre it extended, he passed Pio to such propertie of punishment as his offence deserued: He layde plotts also to surprise Rauenna, which likewise sorted to none effect: And about this time inclining dayly by apparant de­grees to the Emperours part, and being also well aduaunced in the solicitation of things, he sent vnto him the Byshop of Vasono his stewarde, he called backe the cause of diuorce of the King of Englande which he had done long time before, had not the regarde of the Bull which was already in Englande in the hands of his Le­gat Campeius reteyned him: For, as the good fortunes of the Emperour encreased in Italie, so he sought not onely not to offende him further, but also to reuoke the offence he had done him alreadie, being in deede determined before he was sicke, to reuoke the cause: In which action he sent Frauncis Compagnio into Englande to the Cardinall Campeius, dissembling to the King that he was sent for other matters including notwithstanding matter apparteyning to that cause, where in deede he brought commission to Campcius to burne the Bull: And albeit Campeius for a ma­ladie the Pope was fallen into, deferred for a time the execution of that commissi­on, yet when he knewe he was recured, he perfourmed the thyng he was com­maunded: So that the Pope being thus deliuered of that feare, reuoked the cause though not without great indignation of that King, especiallie when he required [Page 1139] the Bull of the Legate and vnderstoode by him the vnworthie accident of it: These matters made both more seuere and more readie the ruine and fall of the Cardinall of Yorke, whose authoritie the King supposed to be so great and gracious with the Cause of the ruine of the Cardinal of Yorke. Pope, that if his mariage with the Lady Anne had bene agreeable to him, he might haue obteyned of the Pope what dispensation he had woulde: By whiche occasion opening his eares to the enuie and mallice of his aduersaries, he grewe kindled a­gainst him euen to the taking from him his goodes and treasure of a wonderful va­lue, and in his indignation leauing him a smal part of the reuenues of his benefices, he restrayned him to his Byshoprike with a slender traine of seruants: And so not long after, eyther by a surprise of letters which he wrote to the French King, or for some other propertie of malice of his enemies, who gathering by the Kings speches that he was not without inclinacion towardes him, and therefore feared least he woulde rise againe into his auncient authoritie, he was conuented to appeare in counsell to speake for him selfe in matters to be obiected against him: For whiche cause as he was brought towards the Court as prisoner, he was suddenly taken with a fluxe, engendred either of the humour of disdaine, or of the passion of feare, of which he dyed the seconde day after he was apprehended with the maladie, an ex­ample in our dayes worthie of memorie touching the power whiche fortune and enuie hath in the Courts of Princes.

About this time fell out in Florence to the greate preiudice of the gouernment that then was, a newe chalenge against Nicholas Cappony Gonfalonier, it happened almost vpon the end of the second yeare of his magistracie, and was incensed prin­cipallie by the enuie of some of the chiefe citisens, who tooke occasion of the vaine suspicions and fond ignorancies of the commons: Nicho. Cappony during all the time of his magistracie hath had these two principall obiectes, the one to defend him selfe against the freshe enuie of those that had bene honored of the house of Medicis, suffring the principals amongst them to communicat with the other Citi­sens in the honors and counsels publike: And the other not to stirre or make angrie the minde of the Pope in matters which were not of importance touching the li­bertie: Of whiche things both the one and other had bene founde profitable to the common wealth: for, like as many euen of those who were persecuted as enemies to the gouernment, being assured and embrased had bene firmely conioyned with the others to preserue the state, knowing withall that the Pope for matters happe­ning in the times when the gouernment chaunged, was ill contented with them: So touching the Pope, albeit he desired vehemently the returning and restauration of his friends, yet hauing no newe prouocation or matter of wrong, he had so much the lesse occasion to burst out & to complaine as he did cōtinually with other Prin­ces: But against these matters was opposed the ambition of certaine particulers of them, who knowing wel ynough that if such shoulde be admitted to the gouern­ment as had bene friends to the Medicis being in deede men of most experience and vallour, that their estate and authoritie should be made lesse, labored by all the stu­dies and deuises they coulde to keepe the common people full of suspicion both of the Pope and of them, not sparing to slaunder the Gonfalonier aswel for those cau­ses, as also to thende to depriue him of his magistracie for the thirde yeare, to charge him that he bare not a minde so farre estraunged from the familie of Medicis, as the interest and profite of the common weale required: Which imputacions and cha­lenges not mouing him at all, and holding it very necessarie not to haue the Pope in­censed, he tooke the more libertie to enterteyne him priuatly with letters and em­bassages, [Page 1140] yet such as he had not begunne nor prosecuted without the continual pri­uitie and knowledge of some such as were principals & chiefe magistrates, neyther did he manage them to other ende then to reteyne or retyre the Pope frō some act of precipitation: But where as a letter that was sent to him from Rome fel by misfor­tune into interception, bearing certaine wordes to breede suspicion in such as knew not the ground and foundation of those thinges, and the same letter being passed ouer into the hands of some of those that sate and managed the supreme function: There were certaine youngmen prepared to sedition, who rising into armes inua­ded by force the publike pallace, and in their insolencie restrained the Gonfalonier al­most vnder garde, and going on to confirme this beginning with actes of manifest rebellion, they summoned together in maner of a tumult, almost all the magi­strates and many citisens, where they debated to depriue him of his magistracie: Whiche being approued in the great counsel, his cause was afterwards referred to the examination of the law, wherein being absolued by iudgement and sentence, he was ledde with great honour to his houses accompanied with the greatest presence of the Nobilitie: In his place was preferred Frauncis Carduccio, a personage vnwor­thie of so great a dignitie regarding his lyfe passed, his customes and his wicked endes and intentions.

Nowe beganne new stirres to appeare in Lombardie, Monsr Saint Pol hauing past the riuer of Pavv at Valencia, the xxvij. of Aprill, by reason of which proceeding the Imperialls abandoned the Borowe of Basignagua, and the parishe of Caira: From thence Saint Pol sent Guido Rangon with one parte of the armie to Montaro, a place strong for the double ditches, flankes and waters: And as they had planted by night their artilleries without prouisions of baskets, without trenches and other like pre­parations, they were by day charged by those that were within, suche as did them greate harmes, and cloyed two peeces of their artilleries and put the residue in daunger to be lost: At that time albeit there was within Millan a slender prouision of thinges necessarie, yet the preparacions of the French and Venetians were in no better condicion, who complayning one of an other, were both negligent to fur­nishe thinges needefull: In so muche as amongst other difficulties the confede­rates fell into some dout, that the Duke of Millan for the litle hope he sawe re­mayning to reconquer that state eyther by his owne forces or with their succours, woulde make some accorde with the imperials by the meane and working of Mo­ron: But the thoughtes and deuises of the Frenche King tended altogether to peace for a distrust he hadde not to bee able otherwaies to recouer his children: All the Prin­ces harken to peace. Whereunto also the Emperour bearing a manifest inclination, two gentlemen whom the Lady Margarit had sent to him for that effect, were returned from Spaine bringing to her ample commission to goe through with the peace: Of whiche when the French King was aduertised by a secretarie of his whom for that matter he had dispatched into Flaunders, he required the confederates for their partes to addresse commissioners also: And hauing determined in him selfe to leaue there all the prouisions of the warre, yet seeking to worke vnder some iust colour, he com­plained that the Venetians had refused to contribute to the money for his passage: Who albeit in the beginning (so farre foorth as the Emperour passed) they had earnestlye solicited him to passe, which also the King had offred to perfourme with two thousande foure hundred Launces, a thousand light horsemen & xx. thousand footmen, in case the confederates would giue him mony to paie aboue this, a thou­sand light horsemen and xx. thousande footmen, & contribute to the moytie of the [Page 1141] exspenses of thartilleries: yet what soeuer was thoccasion, they chaunged councell and retyred from those offers.

At this time Monsr Saint Pol with foure cannons tooke Saint Angeo by force, wherein was a garrison of foure hundred footemen, and in the same expedicion he conuerted his strength to Columbano to open to his campe a passage of vittells from Plaisanca, and made him selfe maister of the place by composicion. Afterwards be­ing informed that there lay a force of foure thowsand footemen within Myllan but much weakned with maladies, he thought to assalt it: The second of Maye Moraro rendred to Monsr Saint Pol at discression, though after it had suffred so great an exe­cucion of thartilleries that there was no more possibilitie to make defense: Torniello left also the towne of Nouaro but not the castel, wherin he put a very slēder strength of footemen, & retyred his person to Myllan: So that the Imperials helde no other peece beyond the ryuer of Thesin then Gaya and the rocke of Biagrassa, Monsr Saint Pol hauing also gotten the rock of Vigeuena. The tenth day he marched to the bridg of Locqua to ioyne with the Venetians at the borow of Saint Martyn: Here the Duke of Vrbyn came to the armie, And from thence being gone vp to Belioyenso to haue conference together, the resolucion was in the common councell to incampe be­fore Myllan with two armies on two sides, for which expedicion Monsr Saint Pol passing ouer Thesin should turne to Biagrassa to force it, & the same day the Venetians to go to the borow Saint Martyn which is within fiue miles of Millan, the Venetians assuring that their campe conteined xij thowsand footemen, & Monsr Saint Pols viij thowsand, to whom was to be ioyned the bands of footemen of the Duke of Millan. By this direction Monsr Saint Pol passed the riuer of Thesin, and finding the towne of Biagrassa abandoned, he caried the castell by accord, And so incamping at Gazzano about eight miles from Millan, he conferred of newe with the Duke of Vrbyn at Bi­nasquo the third of Iune: In which place they were credibly certefied that the Vene­tians had not in their campe the one halfe of xij. thowsand footemen according to the capitulacions of the contract, A matter which for that Monsr Saint Pol complai­ned greatly vpon, it was set downe that Millan should be approched with one camp onely on that side of Lazzaretto, notwithstanding the protestacion of Count Guido, who alleaged that Antho. de Leua at whose deuocion remeined only Millan & Coma, was wont to say that Millan could not be forced but with two camps: But not many daies after those opinions & councels being chaunged, the Chieftaines of both the armies being assembled within Loda, The Dukes of Millan & Vrbin notwithstanding they solicited before to haue the campe go to Myllan & were flatly against thexpe­dicion of Genes, yet they were now of a contrary aduise, the Duke of Vrbin alleaging many reasons to iustifie that newe councell: But principally he insisted vppon this that seing thEmprour made preparacion to passe into Italy for whose conduit An­dre Dore was departed from Genes with his gallies the eight of Iune, And withall se­ing in Germany there was intencion to send newe companies of launceknights into Italy vnder Capteine Felix, he stood indifferent, & in his reason & experience could not finde out whether it were better to take Millan or not to take it: These were the reasons he inferred, But it was beleued that for an opiniō he had of the succeding of the peace which was negociated in Flaunders, he had signified to the Senat of Venice that it was a matter vnprofitable to put them selues in exspenses for the recouerie of Myllan: The summe & conclusion of his councell was that the regiments of the Venetians shoulde tarye at Cassiana, the companies of the Duke of Myllan to keepe within Pauya, and Monsr Saint Pol to lye at Biagrassa, And they by the seruice of their [Page 1142] horsemen to stoppe that there entred no releeffe of vittels into Myllan where it was supposed they would within short time fall into want of foode, for that a very small porcion of the contry was conuerted to tillage and sowing: This opinion could not be altered in him by any reasons or inducements of Monsr Saint Pol, neither did he approue the abiding of him and his army at Biagrassa, alleaging that to pyne & hun­ger Myllan, it was enough that the Venetian regiments remeyned at Moncio, and the bands of the Duke of Myllan at Pauya, & at Vegeuena: he sayd also that the king pres­sed him, that in case he went not vp to incampe before Myllan, then to execut then­terprise of Genes, which he had in intencion to attempt with a great celerity, hoping that in the absence of Andre Dore, Caesar Fregosa to whom the French king had made a graunt to be gouernor & not his father, would reduce that state to alteracion with a very small strength of footemen: But these proceedings and expedicions toge­ther with an informacion how much was diminished in footemen the armye of the confederats, did so assure Antho▪ de Leua of all daungers for Myllan, that he sent out Torniello with a very slender strength of horsemen and three hundred footemen to recouer Nouaro, obseruing the oportunitie whilest the French and Venetians were wandring betweene the ryuer of Thesin and Myllan: he made his entrye by the ca­stell which was holden for thImperialls, by which commoditie he recouered Noua­ro, and afterwards sallyed out with his forces to pyll the contrey and get vittells: But this conquest was not without his contrary accidents, for that as the Capteine of Nouaro was yssued out of the castell and walked into the towne, two souldiours of the Duke of Myllan and three inhabitants of Nouaro that were prisoners in the castel, fell vppon the Capteine and slue him with the ayde of certeine others that wrought at the castell, And in the same fortune making prisoners certeine Spanish footemen, their vallour made them Lordes of the place hoping after so great an aduenture to be succoured by their frendes: They tooke the reason of their hope vppon this that the Duke of Millan as soone as he vnderstoode that Torniello was gone out, hauing a feare and iealouzie of Nouaro, had dispatched into those quarters his bro­ther Iohn Pavvle with a good strength of horsemen and footemen, and he in that expedicion was alreadie gone vp and ariued at Vegeuena: But Torniello was no soo­ner aduertised of the accident of the castell, then he returned with speede to Nouaro, where what with threates which priuaileth muche where the hope is lesse then the peril, & what with preparacions to giue thassault which can not but make timerous such as haue no remedy in their daunger, he so astonished the said souldiours of the Duke of Millan, that compounding only for the safety of their persons, they rendred the castel without caring for the liues of the inhabitants of Nouaro by whose vallour they executed thexployt of the castell: It was determined to vex Millan as much as might be with the forces of the Venetians & regiments of the Duke of Millan, not­withstanding the Duke of Millan alleaged that because he would be more neare the lands of the Venetians, he would not abide at Moncio, but at Cass [...]ano: and Monsr Saint Pol who lay incamped at the Abbay of Bibaldono, determined to returne beyond the riuer of Pavv to draw towards Genes: According to which resoluciō he marched vp to lodge at Landriano which is xij. miles from Millan betwene the waies of Loda and Pauia: And minding the day following which was the xxj. of Iune, to incāpe at Lar­diragno vpon the way of Pauia, he sent before, his artilleries, his cariage, & the auant­gard, and departed him selfe somewhat later with the battell and the rearegard: But when Antho. de Leua was aduertised by his espialls where he made his abiding and how the auauntgard was gone before, he issued out of Millan with his souldiours all [Page 1143] couered for their vppermost garments with white shirts, And because of long tyme his body had beene reduced to debilitie by dolors and griefes, he caused his owne person to be armed in a chaire which foure men bare: And by that time he was co­men within two myles of Landriano without sownd of drom, he vnderstoode by his espialls that Saint Pol was not yet departed from Landriano, So that ioyning celeritie to the fauors which the tyme and occasion offred, he hastned his march & charged vppon them before they were aware of his comming: The first esquadron of the French men commaunded by Iohn Thomas de Gallera, was so farre marched away, that he could not in time be at the succors of the residue: And albeit Monsr Saint Pol reaposing much in a regiment of two thowsand launceknights, was discended on foote and fought valliantly, yet after they had menteyned a light defense, he saw them beginne to retyre in whose vallour he had layed vp his chiefest confidence: And albeit they were susteyned and reskewed by Iohn Ieronimo de Castillon & Clavv­do Rangon, Commaunders ouer two thowsand Italians who expressed great effects of their vallour: yet in the ende both the horsemen and launceknightes not hable to stand against the furie and fortune of their ennemies, turned their backs leauing a wretched effect of the hope that was conceyued of them: By their example thIta­lyans did the like: And Monsr Saint Pol dispayring to finde by fighting the sauetie which the residue could not finde by fleeing, was eftsoones remounted vppon his horse, and as he would haue passed ouer a great ditche, he fell into the calamitie of Monsr Saint Pol prisoner to Antho. d [...] Leua. a prisoner, hauing pertaking with him in that fortune Iohn Ieronimo de Castillon, Clavvdo Rangon, Liquack, Carbon, with other leaders of importance: All the compa­nies were defeated, many horsemen taken prisoners and all the baggage and trayne of the armye and the artilleries ryffled: Almost all the men at armes founde saue­tye in the swiftnes and ronning of their horses together with Count Guido leading the auauntegarde with whome he retyred into Pauya, and from thence in the be­ginning of the night, the same seare following them nowe beeing free and at large, which they sawe in thextremitie of their perill, they went to Loda but so perplexed with astonishment that they were almost at poynt to breake and disorder of them selues: Many of the souldiours remeyned in the wayes, their horses hauing no for­ces to cary them whether their feare would chasse them, And the Capteines excu­sed their ronning awaye for that their companies were not payed, of whome the French bands returned all into Fraunce.

Thus armes and warre beeing almost layed aside thorowe all Italy by reason of The Pope at accord with thEmprour. the harde euents and aduersities of the French men, The cogitacions of the grea­test Princes were conuerted and disposed to accord: The first accord that succee­ded was betweene the Pope and the Emprour which was concluded at Barselona to the Popes greate aduauntage: Wherein thEmprour had the one of these two reasons, eyther for that hauing a greate desire to passe into Italye, he sought to take awaye all impediments to his voyage, accompting it in that regarde verye ne­cessarye to haue the Popes amitye: or els for that he woulde with verye large and ample capitulacions giue the Pope a greater occasion to forgette the wronges and offences which he had receyued of his Agents and his armye: The substance of thaccorde was this: That betweene the Pope and the Emperour shoulde be a perpetual peace and confederacion: That the Pope should giue passage to the Em­prours armye through the dominions of the Churche, in case it should depart out of the kingdom of Naples: That thEmprour in contemplacion of the new mariage and for the tranquillitie of Italy, should restore in Florence the sonne of Lavvrence [Page 1118] de Medicis, to the same estate of greatnes wherin were his predecessors before they were expulsed, hauing notwithstanding regarde to the exspenses which were to be defrayed for the sayd restitucion according to the arbitracion to be made aswell by him as the Pope: That thEmprour shoulde assaye assoone as he coulde, eyther by armes or some other way more comely, to reestablish the Pope in the possession of Ceruia, Rauenna, Modona, Reggia, and Rubiero, without preiudice to the rights of the Empire and the sea Apostolike: That the Pope hauing recouered the townes aboue sayd, should accord to thEmprour thinuestiture of the Realme of Naples in remu­neracion of that benefit, and shoulde reduce the tribute of the last inuestiture to a white horse for a fyne or acknowledgement of chiefe: That he should accord to him the nominacion of xxiiij Cathedrall Churches, for the which they were in dif­ference, remeyning to the Pope the disposicion of the Churches which should not be in patronage, & of other benefices: That when thEmprour should be passed into Italy, the Pope and he should meete & common together to consult of the particu­lar quiet of Italy & the vniuersal peace of Christendom, receiuing one an other with ceremonies and honors due and accustomed: That thEmprour, in case the Pope required the ayde of the arme secular to reconquer Ferrara, should assist him euen to the ende as Aduocate, Protector and eldest sonne of the sea Apostolike, & that with all the good meanes which at that time should be in his power: And that they should agree of thexspenses, proceedings, and formes to be vsed according to the qualitie of times and accidents: That the Pope and Emprour with a common councel should deuise some meanes to drawe lawfully into iustice and examinacion of the lawe by Iudges not suspected, the cause of Frauncis Sforce, to thende he might be restored if he were found innocent: That otherwayes thEmprour offered notwithstanding the disposing of the Duchie of Myllan apperteyned to him, to dispose of it with the councell and priuitie of the Pope, and to inuest in it no person which should not be agreable to him, nor otherwise to transferre it but in sorte as he shall thinke most expedient for the tranquillitie of Italie. That the Emperour promised to make to consent Ferdinand king of Hungria his brother, that for the tyme of the Popes life and two yeares after, the Duchie of Myllan shoulde be furnished of saltes from Ceruya, according to the confederacion made betwene thEmperour and Pope Leo confirmed in the last inuestiture of the kingdome of Naples, not approuing neuer­thelesse the couenaunt that had bene made with the French king, and without pre­iudice to the rightes of thEmpire and the king of Hungria: That neyther of them a parte, to the preiudice of this confederacion, shoulde make touching matters of Italie, new leagues, nor obserue suche as were made to the contrarie of this: And yet neuerthelesse the Venetians might enter this league, so farre foorth as they left all that they possessed in the Realme of Naples, and accomplished all their obliga­cions to the Emperour and Ferdinand by vertue of the last confederacion made betwene them, And also to restore Rauenna and Ceruya, reseruing the rightes of the domages and interestes suffered in regarde of these matters: That thEmperour and Ferdinand shoulde doe all that they coulde to haue the Heretikes reduced and brought home to the true waye, wherein as the Pope shoulde vse spirituall reme­dies, so in case they woulde stande obstinate, thEmperour and Ferdinand shoulde force them by armes, and the Pope to labour other Christian Princes to assist them according to their seuerall meanes: That the Pope and thEmperour shoulde not receiue the protection of the subiectes, vassalls, and feodatories of one an other, but for the regarde of the iurisdiction direct which they had of any one, without [Page 1145] extending any further: And that all protections taken in other forme should be in­terpreted voyde and derogate within one moneth: That to make this amitie and coniunction more firme and stable, they were to confirme it with the straite knots of parentage, ThEmprour promising to giue for wife Margarit his bastard daugh­ter with a dowrye of twenty thowsand duckats of yearely reuenue, to Alexander Medicis sonne to Lavvrence late Duke of Vrbyn, vppon whose person the Pope determined to conuert and bestowe the temporall greatnes of his house, hauing at such tyme as he was in daunger of death created Cardinall Hipolito, sonne of Iu­lian. They contracted at the same tyme in articles seperat: That the Pope shoulde accord to thEmprour and to his brother to resist the Turke, the fourth part of the reuenues of benefices Ecclesiastike in the same manner that his Predecessor A­drian had done: That the Pope should giue absolucion to all those who within Rome and other places had offended against the sea Apostolike, and to all such as had mi­nistred any proppertie of ayde, councell or fauor, or that any way participated, or secretly approued, or expresly allowed, or directly had consented, to the actions that had beene done: That where the Emprour had not published the Croissade graunted by the Pope which was lesse ample then others that had bene beforetimes graunted, That the Pope (the first beeing reuoked) shoulde passe an other of more full and ample forme according to the skoape of those that had bene graunted by the late Popes Iulio and Leo. Before this accorde was passed and after all the diffi­culties were resolued, aduertisement came to thEmprour of the ouerthrowe of Monsr Saint Pol: In regarde of which successe so honorable for the reputacion of his armies there, and no lesse profitable for the generall estate of his affayres, albeit it was doubted that to help his condicions, he would haue chaunged some braunch or article of matters agreed vppon, yet he confirmed them all both in substance and circumstance, and with a singuler readines ratified them the same daye which was the xxix. of Iune, accomplishing with solemne othe before the high alter of the ca­thedrall Church of Barselona.

But the negociacions of peace betwene thEmprour and the French king were Peace betwen thEmprour & French king negociated in Cambray. not pursued with lesse deuocion and diligence, And the better to aduaunce them to some good successe & yssue, after the cōmissions on all sides were comen, the towne of Cambray was indifferently appoynted for the assemblie and meeting, A place fatal for so great conclusions, and where were to conferre together the Lady Margaret of Austria and the Lady Regent mother to the French king: The French king labored with all his meanes and diligence, (though he ment not in him selfe to performe it) which also he confirmed by promisses to the confederat Embassadors of Italy (ha­uing therein the consent & priuitie of the king of England) not to make any accord with thEmprour without the consent & satisfaction of the confederats: for, he fea­red lest they entring into a ielousie & suspicion of his will, would not preuent him & be the first that would compownd with the Emprour, and by that meane to leaue him excluded out of the amitie of both sides: In which respect he sought to per­swade them not to hope in the peace, but rather to keepe their thoughts disposed & turned to the prouisiōs of the warre: wherein to establish some good order & forme of proceeding, not ceassing to solicit continually, he had sent into Italy the Bishop of Tarby with commission to goe to the states of Venice, the Dukes of Millan, Ferrara & Florence, both to solicit prouisions apperteyning to the warre, and to promisse that if the Emperour passed into Italy, he woulde also discend at the same tyme with a mightie armye, so farre forthe as the other confederats woulde contribute for [Page 1146] their parte touching the preparacions needefull: Neuerthelesse the negociacions of accord continued more and more, Insomuch as the seuenth day of Iuly both the Ladies made their entries into Cambray by seuerall gates with a great pompe, And being lodged in two houses adioyning hauing an entrye the one within the other, they spake together the same day, and gaue order to their agents to treate of the ar­ticles: Wherein because the kinge woulde be neare at hand to resolue all difficul­ties occurring, he was gone vp to Compiequo, to whome the Venetians hauing feare of the yssue of that coniunction had made many large and great offers: And for the more absolute negociacion of this peace there were sent to Cambray as interposers in the action, the Bishop of London and the Duke of Suffolke Embassadors for the king of England with whose consent and participacion that assembly was made: The Pope sent thether the Archbishop of Capua: There was also a presence of Embassa­dors from all the confederats: To whome the French men made relacion of things farre otherwise then was the truth of that that was debated: Wherein the king ey­ther reteyned so great an impietie, or els had so simple and sole a thought of his in­terest perticular which consisted wholly in the recouerie of his children: That where the Florentyns made greate instance to him, that according to thexample of king Levvys his father in lawe and his predecessor in the yeare a thowsand fiue hun­dred and twelue, he woulde consent that they might accorde with thEmprour for their sauetie: he refused it vnder this promise that he would neuer make any accord without comprehending them in it, Assuring them also that he was most ready to follow the warre and promised no lesse to all the others euen in the greatest heate of solicitacion for peace. About the xxiij. of Iuly came aduertisement of the capitu­lacions made betweene the Pope and thEmprour, at what tyme albeit the present negociacion was well aduaunced, yet it was so troubled and hindred for some diffi­culties touching certeine townes of Franche Counte, that the Lady Regent gaue or­der to prepare to depart: Neuerthelesse by the working of the Popes Legat, & prin­cipally by the operacion and good office of thArchbishop of Capua, the conclusion was established, the French king not leauing to promise to the confederats the same things he had offred before. At last being the fift daye of August, the peace was so­lemnly published in the great Church of Cambray, whereof the first article contey­ned: That the kings sonnes should be redeliuered so farre forth as their father pay­ed to thEmprour for their raunsome twelue hundred thowsande crownes in ready money, and to the king of England for him two hundred thowsand: That the king should render to the Emprour within six weekes after the ratificacion, all that he possessed in the Duchie of Myllan: That he should leaue vnto him Ast with resig­nacion of the rights apperteyning: That he should leaue assoone as he could, Bar­letto with all those peeces which he helde in the Realme of Naples: That he should require the Venetians that according to the forme of the capitulacions of Coignar, they should render the townes of Povvylla: That in case they would not, he should declare him selfe their ennemie and ayde the Emprour to recouer them with a monthely contribucion of thirtye thowsande crownes, and with twelue gallies, foure shippes, and foure gallions payed for sixe monethes: That he shoulde re­store as muche as was in his power of the pryce of the gallyes taken at Portofino, or els to aunswer the value deducting and defalking so muche as had beene ta­ken synce by Andre Dore or other the Emprours Ministers: That according to the former couenants at Madrill, he shoulde renownce the soueraintye of Flaun­ders and Artoys, and resigne the rights of Tournay and Arras: That he should call [Page 1147] in the processe agaynst the duke of Burbon, and render to him that was dead his ho­nour, and to his heyres his goods: and yet themprour complayned afterwards, that assoone as the king had recouered his children, he tooke them from them: That the goods of whom so euer occupied in regarde of the warre, should be restored to their successours: in which poynt themprour tooke occasion also to complaine, for that the king made not restitution of the goods occupied vpō the prince of Orenge: That all billes of defiance and chalenge should be suppressed and cancelled, and chiefly that of Robert de la Marche. The Pope was comprehended in this peace as principall, and the Duke of Sauoy was generally included as subiect to themprour, and specially brought in by the nomination of themprour: It was also set downe that the king should meddle no more in the affayres of Italy nor of Germany in fauor of any potentate, to the preiudice of themprour, notwithstanding the French king in times following maynteined that he was not by that defended to recouer that which the duke of Sauoy vsurped vpon the realme of Fraunce, as also all that he pre­tended to apperteine vnto him by reason of the rightes and claymes of the Ladye Regent his mother: There was also one article whiche bare that in the peace it was ment that the Venetians and Florentins should be comprehended, so farrefoorth as within foure monethes they were at a poynt with themprour for their differences, which was a kinde of secret and silent exclusion: That the like should be of the duke of Ferrara: But touching the Barons and exiles of the Realme of Naples, there was no mention made of them.

Assone as this accorde was past to conclusion, the French king went immediatly to Cambray to visite the Lady Margaret: And being not without some shame for so fowle a fact agaynst the confederates, he eschewed for certayne dayes with sundrye euasions, eyther to see or heare their Embassadours: But in the ende giuing them audience apart, he excused him selfe vpon the impossibilitie to recouer otherwyse his children: Onely he gaue them comfort that he would sende the Admirall to the Emperour for their benefite: He gaue them also sundrye other sweete and vayne hopes, promising seuerally to the Florentins to lende them for the remedie of their daungers imminent, fortie thousande duckets, A promise performed with the same fidelitie that his other offers were: And he suffred as though it tended to their be­nefite, Peter Stephen Colonno whose seruice he would accept no more, to go to their paye. But during the action and solicitation of these things, Antho. de Leua had re­couered Biagrassa, and the Duke of Vrbin remayning at Cassiano which he laboured with the hands working of infinit pyoners to fortifie, compelled them of Pauia and Saint Angeo to holde good, saying that the lodging of Cassiano was very apt to mini­ster succours to Loda and Pauia. Afterwards Antho. de Leua went vp to Enzagua, A place within three myles of Cassiana, from whence he sent out continually bandes of souldiours to skirmishe with the Venetians: And lastely from Enzagua he drewe to Vavvry, eyther for that he ment to runne vp vppon the territories of Bargamasquo, or else because the Venetians had cut from him the course and vsage of all water.

Vistarino about this time entred into Valentia by the castell, and cut in peeces a garrison of two hundred footemen that were there: And by this time were aryued Themprour sendeth to the P. of Orenge to inuade the states of the Florentins. by sea at Genes a regiment of two thousande Spaniards to tary for the comming of themprour, who immediatly after he had passed the accorde with the Pope, sent di­rection to the Prince of Orenge to reenforce the army and inuade at the Popes re­quest thestate of the Florentins: And when the Prince was come to Aquila and moo­stred his companies vppon the frontiers of the kingdome, he was solicited vehe­mently [Page 1148] by the Pope to aduaunce and passe further: For which solicitation he went vp to Rome the laste of Iuly without his forces, to resolue with the Pope vppon the prouisions for the warre: Where after many actions and negociations which some­times were vppon the poynt to be broken for the difficulties whiche the Pope ob­iected touching the defraymentes: It was at laste resolued that the Pope should de­lyuer to him presently thirtie thousande duckets, and within a very shorte tyme af­ter fortie thousande more, to thende that at thEmperours exspences he might first reduce to the obedience of the Churche thestate of Perousa by chasing out Mala­testa Baillon, and afterwardes make inuasion vppon the Florentins, to readdresse in that Citie the famulie of the Medicis: An enterprise whiche the Pope esteemed of very easie action, for an opinion he had that beeing abandoned on all sydes, they woulde according to the custome of their elders, rather giue place to the tyme, then to bring vppon their countrey a moste manyfest daunger: Vppon these con­ditions the Prince of Orenge assembled hys forces which conteyned three thow­sand Launceknights, the remaynders aswell of those companies which the Viceroy had brought oute of Spayne, as of others who had passed oute of Germanye into Italye vnder George Fronspergh, and foure thowsande Italians not payed vnder these Colonells, Peter Levvis de Farnose, the Count Saint Second, Colonel Mar­tio, and Serre Colonno: For their better safetie in approching anye place, and to execute anye peece of force, the Pope caused to bee drawen oute of the Castell Saint Angeo, and to bee carryed wyth them, three Cannons with other peeces of Artilleries: And after the Prince of Orenge, was to followe the Marquis of Guast with the bandes of Spanish footemen that were in Povvilla. But at Florence both the generall deliberation was farre otherwise, and the mindes of particular men ve­ry resolute to defende their countrey and their libertie, An euent contrary to that which the Pope exspected of that Citie.

Whilest these preparations were managed on all partes, the person of thempe­rour Themprour at Genes, vvhi­ther the prin­ces of Italy send embassa­dours to him. departed from Barselona with a great fleete of shippes and gallies, fraughted with a thowsande horsemen, and nyne thowsande footemen: And after he had runne not without perill and trauell a course of fifteene dayes at sea, he aryued the twelfth of August at Genes, where was brought to him the first aduertisement of thaccorde made at Cambray: And at the same tyme passed for him into the partes of Lombardye, Capteine Felix, whom he had taken into his paye with eyght thowsande Launceknightes. The discending of themprour with such a puissant preparation, made astonished the minds of all the regions of Italy, beeing nowe assured that they were left and deliuered vp for pray by the french king: And therfore the Florentins who in that astonishment were not lesse carefull then apperteined to the charge of good citisens, vpon the first aduertisements they had of his comming, sent out foure Embassadors of the most principall and chosen of their towne, to congratulate his comming, and to labour to make some composition with him for their affayres: But afterwards eyther vpon better consideration of things, or vpon the cōmon custome of men to receyue comfort when they knowe the vttermost of their mishap, they tooke courage and began to moderate their commissions, restraining their embassa­dors to debate only with him of their interests, & not to meddle with the differences of the Pope: wherin they hoped that both for the memory of things past, and for the litle cōfidēce which is wont to be betwene Popes & Emprors, he would be so much discontented with themprours greatnes, as to be driuen to desire that the authoritie and forces of thestate of Florence might be adioyned to the power of the Church. [Page 1149] The Venetians were discontented that the Florentins being ioynt confederates with them, had sent Embassadours to their common enemie without communicating with them: The Duke of Ferrara made also the same complaynt, notwithstanding that following their example he dispatched Embassadours to themprour aswell as they: The Venetians consented that the duke of Millan should do the like: But he had long tyme before enterteyned a secret practise with the Pope to bring him to com­pound with themprour, which he did so muche the more solicite and aduaunce, by how much he knew euen before the ouerthrowe of Saint Pol, that he could lay no good ground of hope in the French king nor in the Venetians.

Themprour disbarked at Sauona the bands of Spanish footemen whiche he had brought with him, and conuerted them into Lombardy to thend Anth de Leua might issue out strong into the field: He made an offer to disbarke them at Spetio to thende to sende them into Tuskane, but the Pope had an opinion that so many forces were not necessarie, especially seeing he wished for the preseruation of the countrey, not to addresse without neede so great a furie agaynst the towne of Florence: And yet proceding nowe openly agaynst that state and agaynst Malatesta, he caused to be stayed in the townes of the Church the knight Sperello, who before the capitulation of Cambray beeing sent with money by the French king to Malatesta who had rati­fied his paye, returned to Perousa: He caused also to be stayed neare to Bracciano, the money sent by the Florentins to the Abbot of Farfa beeing interteyned in their paye with two hundred horsemen, to thende he mighte leauye for their seruice a thousande footemen: But he was constrayned eftsones to render it to him againe, for that where the Pope had appoynted Legates with themprour, the Cardinalls of Farnesa, Saint Cross, and Medicis, of whom Saint Cross passing by his landes, the Abbot caused him to be stayed, and would not redeliuer him if first he had not re­stored to him his money.

The Florentins continued still in their preparations, And as they had in vayne moued themprour for a surceassing of armes vntill he had giuen audience to their Embassadours, so prouiding for the euill before the mischiefe happned, they sent to sommon Don Hercules eldest sonne to the duke of Ferrara, whom six monethes be­fore they had taken into their paye with title of Capteine generall, to come to their succours with his companies according to the Articles of his contract: But not­withstanding he had receyued the money that was sent him for imprest to wage a thowsande footemen allowed for his garde when he marched, yet his father prefer­ring considerations of estate before fidelitie, made him refuse to goe thither, with­out that he payed backe agayne the money, but sent to their aydes his bandes of horsemen: By reason of which dealing the Florentins denied him the election of the seconde yere.

By the xix. daye of August the Prince of Orenge was come to Terny, and the Launceknightes to Fuligno where was moostred the whole army: But it was a mat­ter ridiculous that notwithstanding the peace was made and published betweene themprour and Frenche king, yet the Bishop of Tarba as the kinges Embassadour at Venice, Florence, Ferrara, and Perousa, did not onely boast of the mightie prouisions his king made for the warre, but also comforted them to do the lyke. After this the Prince of Orenge with six thousande footemen aswell Launceknightes as Italians, came and incamped neare to Spello, where presenting him selfe before the towne accompanied with many horsemen to view the situation, it happned that Iohn Vr­bina a man for his long trayning in the warres of Italy of the best place and reputa­tion [Page 1150] amongest all the Capteines of the Spanish infanterie, was hurt with a shot out of the towne in the thigh, of which wound he dyed within fewe dayes after, to the great domage of the army, for that almost the whole course of the warre passed by his counsell and gouernment: In reuenge of whose death thartilleries were planted before Spello, wherin was a strength of more then fiue hundred footemen & twenty horse vnder the leading of Lyon Baillon bastard brother to Malatesta: But after there were spent certayne bolleys of shot vpon a tower whiche is without the towne on the wall side, The defendants notwithstanding Lyon had giuen a great hope to Ma­latesta to preserue the towne, yeelded immediatly vpon condition that the towne & inhabitantes should remayne at the discression of the Prince, and the souldiors with their liues saued & so much goods as they could cary, should go out in safetie wyth their swordes onely, and not to serue agaynst the Pope nor themprour in three moneths: Neuertheles contrary to their assurance giuen which by the law of armes is a warrant sufficient and hable, they were almost all stripped & spoyled at their go­ing out: Iohn Baptista Burgeso one of thexiles of Siena was vehemently charged with this accord, who hauing begon to treate with Fabio Petruccio that was in the army, made perfect the conclusion by the ayde of the other capteines, A matter whiche Malatesta referred to disloyaltie, but many others attributed it to faintnes of corage. After thembassadours of Florence who first presented themselues before themprour had congratulated his comming, they began to signifie vnto him that as their Citie was not ambicious, but thankfull for benefites receyued, and ready to offer all the offices and commodities they could to whom soeuer would professe the protection and preseruation of it: So they sought to excuse their action of entring into league with the french king, vpon the wil and inclination of the Pope who then commaun­ded them, and vpon the law of necessitie which had hithervnto compelled them to continue in it: They sayd they could not passe further, for that they were not enha­bled by commission: only they had expresse commaundement from their common wealth not to open their eares to any practise with the Pope, and to visite his other Embassadours, but not the Cardinall Medicis. The great Chauncellor newly called to the dignity of Cardinall, made them aunswere, that it was necessary they should satisfie the Pope and reduce him contented both of their doings and of their mea­nings: And they complayning of the iniustice of that demaund, he eftsones replied that seeing their Citie was confederate with thenemies of themprour, and had sent out armed bandes agaynst him, that it was falne from her priuileages and diuolued to thempire, and therefore it was in themprour to dispose of it according to hys owne arbitration: But at last it was sayde vnto them on themprours behalfe, that they should procure to be sent to them sufficient commission to compounde with the Pope, and that afterwardes shoulde be considered the differences that were be­twene the Pope and them, which if they were not first resolued and compounded, themprour would not common with them of their proper interests. Whereuppon thestate of Florence dispatched a commission very large and ample to compounde with the Emprour, but not to accord with the Pope: In so much as themprour de­parting from Genes the xxx. of August and went vp to Plaisanca, the Embassadours following his Court were not admitted into Plaisanca, for that is was vnderstanded that their commission was not such as themprour had demaunded: By which meane all things suspended and remayned without accord. Themprour caused also to de­part from his Court thembassadors of the duke of Ferrara, whom he receiued with hard tearmes: and yet returning afterwardes with new conditions and happly with [Page 1151] new fauors, they were admitted and heard. Moreouer the emprour sent embassador to the french king, the Count Nausavv, to congratulate with him the newe accorde confirmed with the knot of parentage, and to receiue the ratification: In recōpense of which embassage and for the same expedition, the king sent to him thadmirall of Fraunce. The king sent money to Ranso de Cero to thend that with all his companies he might retyre from Povvilla: and caused to be rigged twelue gallies to be sent thi­ther vnder Phillip Dore agaynst the Venetians, agaynst whom themprour sent out Andre Dore with xxxvij. gallies: Neuertheles the king iudging that the recouering of his children would be more certayne, if there remayned any difficultie in Italy to themprour, he continued to giue diuerse hopes to the confederates, and promised particularly to the Florentins to sende money to them secretly by thadmirall, Not that he had any desire to minister to the wantes of them or the others, but to thend they should shew themselues more hard and seuere to compound with themprour.

During all this while there was solicited a continuall practise of accord betwene themprour and the Duke of Millan, the action wherof was managed wholly by the Pronotory Caraccioll, whose office was to come and go from Cremona to Plaisanca: But where themprour helde it straunge that the Duke reapposed lesse confidence in him then he looked for, and the Duke on the other side was hardly brought to trust him at all: there was an ouerture and motion made that tyll the Dukes cause were throughly examined, Alexandria and Pauia should be deposed of trust into the Popes handes. To this thEmprour would not consent, bothe for that he thought the Duke was not hable to resiste his forces, and also for that Anthony de Leua was gone vp to Plaisanca, who beeing alwayes an enemie to peace and quietnes, had incensed themprour with many reasons to pursue the warre: And therefore them­prour charged him to goe on with thenterprise of Pauia, hauing a deuise also that at the same tyme Capteine Felix who was come with the new supplies of Almains aswell footemen as horsemen and with artilleries, and had first passed by Pesquiero, and afterwards was entred vpon the lands of Bressia, should make warre on that side vpon the Venetians: of which expedition he had made Capteine generall the Mar­quis of Mantua, newly returned to the deuotion of the Imperialls.

All this whyle the Pope was not ydle to labour a peace betwene themprour and the Venetians, with hope to conclude it at his cōming to Bolognia: for that where he had before solicited to meete themprour and confer with him at Genes, they had si­thence by cōmon consent referred the place of their enteruiew to Bolognia, chiefly for many apt cōmodities which that city yelded to so great an assembly. They were not induced being Princes of the greatest importance to meete together by a com­mon desire only to confirme the league of their new amitie and coniunction: but also they had to cary them their further seuerall respects, themprour pushed on by necessitie, being determined to take the Crowne of the Empire, & the Pope by am­bition, hauing a desire to aduance the enterprise of Florence: and in thē both indiffe­rently did concur a ioynt deuotion to establish some orderly forme ouer the affaires of Italy: a matter which they could not accomplish without resoluing the affaires of the Venetians & duke of Millan, and without keping some good hande vpon the im­minent dangers of the Turke, who being entred into Hungria with a puissant army, came on to inuade Austria & take Vienna. In this time were done no actions of con­sequence betwene thempror & Venetians, for that the Venetians hauing an absolute inclination to accord with him, & because they would not incense him further, had giuen order to retyre their army by sea frō thenterprise of the castell of Brundusa to [Page 1152] Cor [...]u: And seking only to preserue the townes which they helde, they forbare also for that time all exploytes in the regions of Lombardy, except certen light rodes and incursions: and so being only carefull for the gard of their townes, they had put into Bressia the duke of Vrbin. Touching the Almains they were reduced to Lunaro, con­teining a nūber of a thousand horsmen & eight or ten thousand footmen: They had resolued together with the Marquis of Mantua, to execute thenterprise of Cremona, where was the duke of Millan, who seeing himselfe excluded from all accorde with thempror, & that Anth. de Leua was gone to incampe before Pauia, & Caracciol gone vp to Cremona to denounce warre to him, cōtracted with the Venetians to conclude no accord with thempror without their consent: and in recompence of that cōtract they bound thēselues to minister to him for the defence of his estates, a regiment of 2000. footmen payed, with contribution of 8000. duckets for euery moneth: They sent also artilleries & men to Cremona, with which proportiō of succors & promises, the duke had confidence to be able to defend Cremona & Loda: For touching Pauia, it made a very slender resistance agaynst Anth. de Leua, not only for that it conteined not sufficient vittels for two moneths, but also because capteine Pissinard to whom it was cōmitted to kepe & gard it, had not many dayes before sent out of the towne foure companies of footmen to S. Angeo, where Ant. de Leua had made as though he would incampe: for which want of vittels & weaknes of men of whom the numbers were very small within the towne, and worse furnished for the seruice, there was no confidence in all construction of warre and warre causes, to be hable to defende it, and therfore whē he saw thartilleries were planted & bent to execute, not enduring the proofe of one bollet, nor the venture of one assalt, he rēdred the town vnder saf­tie of life & goods aswell for himselfe as his souldiours: In this action he was char­ged greatly (which also was a cause to hasten the rendring of the town) that he was more caryed by couetousnes not to loase the wealth and ryches he had gathered together vpon so many prayes and pillages, then induced by any desire to preserue the glory he had gotten in so many excellent and braue exploytes of warre, and chiefly in the seruices of Pauia.

Now was the warre very hotly kindled in Tuskane, for that as the Prince of Orenge had taken Spello, and the Marquis of Guast who followed him with the Spanish in­fanterie beginning to drawe neare him with his armie, so he went on and aduaun­ced by good degrees till he came at the bridge of Saint Iohn neare to Perousa vppon Tyber, where ioyned with him the regimentes of Spanish footemen: In this Citie was a strength of three thousand footmen of the Florentins: And the Prince before he planted his campe before Spello, sent a messenger to Perousa to perswade Mala­testa to obey the will of the Pope: Who seeking to appropriate to hym selfe by The Pope maketh offers to Malates [...]a. what waye so euer, the Citie of Perousa, and to thende the armie might passe fur­ther, made this offer to Malatesta, that if he would leaue Perousa, he would preserue his estates and his proper goods, he would consent that he might freely goe to the defence of the Florentins, and would be bound that Braccio and Sforce Baillons, nor any other his enemies should reenter into Perousa: And albeit Malatesta assured him that he woulde not accept any offer without consent of the Florentins, yet he opened more and more hys eares to thembassages of the Prince, who after he had conquered Spello, solicited hym more vehemently: All these offers and deuises Malatesta communicated wyth the Florentins, beeing happly inclined to passe thaccorde, for that both he feared the ende of things, and was no lesse doubtfull that the Florentins would not continue to giue him all the aydes and succours he [Page 1153] desired: and when by necessitie he shoulde be driuen to accorde, he had no hope to find better condicions then those that were offred him, holding it a better way that without offending the Pope, or to giue him occasion to depriue him of the goodes and places which he preserued for him, to keepe him selfe possessed of the paye of the Florentins, then in standing to his defence which by many arguments was fraile and casuall, both to put wilfully into daunger his whole estate, and also to pul vpon him the hatred of his friends and the towne: So that as he assured dayly and perse­uered in this that he woulde not accorde without their priuitie, so also he added that if they would haue him to defende Perousa, they must of necessitie supplie him of new with a thousande footemen, and turne the residue of their companies to make head at Orsaio, a place within fiue miles of Cortona vpon the confines of Cortona and Perousa, a matter which they could not doe without decaying the garrisons of their other townes: And yet the weaknes of the towne was such, that by necessitie they must retyre at euery moouing of the enemies: he perswaded with them also, that in case he did not accord, the Prince leauing the enterprise of Perousa woulde take his way to Florence, in which case also it was needfull that they left him within Perousa a thousand footemen of seruice, which yet would not be sufficient since the Pope had meanes to vexe the Citie with other forces then with the regiments imperial: But if he did accorde, then the Florentins were to retire to them selues all their bands of footemen who should be accompanied with two or three hundred men of choyse of his owne trayning, and for his part his estates and goods being left to him, and his enemies excluded from all exspectation to haue Perousa, he shoulde bee reduced to better tearmes and estate of quietnes to hearken to their defence, if the election had rested in the Florentins, they coulde haue bene better contented to continue the warre at Perousa: But discerning that Malatesta interteyned a continuall intelligence with the Prince, and no lesse assured that he had not discontinued to practise with the Pope, they douted vpon these good grounds, least by the incitation and impor­tunitie of his friends and folowers, and in compassion of the domages of the citie and countrey, and lastly for suspicion of the enemies and instabilitie of the people, he would in the end giue place to the power of the time: They interpreted it also to too great a daunger & hazard to put into Perousa almost the whole reputacion and flower of their forces, exsposed to the peril of the fidelitie of Malatesta, to the ap­parant daūger to be forced by thenemies, & to the manifest difficulty to reuoke thē againe in case Malatesta should accord: They also brought into consideration that the chaunging of Perousa could preiudice them litle, both the friends of Malatesta remayning there still, and he reteyning his Castels and Borowes, & none of his bro­thers returning thyther at all, so that so long as it perseuered in this estate, it could not be that the Pope would not be in suspicion of it: Thus they wandred in suspence and incertaintie of mynde, and in that perplexitie making their chiefest care of the safetie of their men, and hauing no assured confidence in the constancie of Mala­testa, they dispatched secretly the sixt of september a man of credence to drawe a­way their bands of souldiers from Perousa fearing to bee abused if the accorde went on: But being informed afterwards that they could not get away for that thenemies were comen neare at hand, they sent with diligence to Malatesta their consent that he might compound: But his necessities and feare of further daunger were swifter then the diligence they made to dispatch to him their consent, for that before the messenger aryued, the Prince of Orenge the ix. of September hauing passed Tiber at the bridge of Saint Iohn, and being drawen into campe and offering certaine skir­mishes, [Page 1154] he was driuen to compounde the same night: By whiche composition he bound him selfe to depart from Perousa, with obligacion of sufferaunce to enioy his goodes to goe to the seruice of the Florentins, and to retire their companies in safe­tie, and to giue him the better time to leade them vpon the dominions of Florence, the Prince of Orenge promised not to remoue in two dayes from the place where he lay incamped: So that they issued out of Perousa the xij. daye, and making very spedie marches, they went the same day to Cortono by the waye of the mountaines long & troublesome, but free and assured: Thus was the body of the warre reduced vpon the lands of the Florentins, to whom albeit the Venetians and Duke of Vrbyn had giuen many hopes that they would ayde them with three thousand footemen, a strength which for suspicion of the Princes comming into those quarters, they had sent vpon the state of Vrbyn, yet because they would not displease the Pope, that pro­mise soarted to none effect: Onely the Venetians gaue money to the commissarie Castrocaro to wage two hundred footemen, and notwithstanding that state and the Duke of Ferrara enterteined continual solicitation to compounde with the Empe­rour, yet they forbare not to comfort the Florentins and encourage them to stande to their defence, hoping vnder such propertie of difficultie to raunge thEmperour more easely, and to get to them selues better condicions: The Florentins at that in­stant had principallie two actions in hand, the one to temporise and delay the armie so long as they might haue time to rampart and fortifie their towne, vnder the walls whereof they looked that in the end the warre would be reduced: the other, to labor to appease the mind of thEmperour, yea euen in according with the Pope, so farre­foorth as the forme of their libertie and gouernment popular, were not innouated: By reason whereof, being not yet come the exclusion of their Embassadors, they had sent a messenger to the Prince of Orenge and made a nominacion of embassa­dors to goe to the Pope, desiring him when they signified vnto him the election, that he would make a surceance of the armie vntil they were ariued, which he refused to doe: So that the Prince being aduaunced and come on with his forces, he battred and gaue the assault to the subburbs of Cortono which looke to Orsaio, in which citie were seuen hundred footemen strong, he was repulsed from thence finding both force and vallour where he exspected but weaknes or disloialtie: There was a grea­ter strength of footemen within Aretzo: But as Antho. Frauncis Albizi commissarie, fearing least the Prince, after the taking of Cortono leauing Aretzo behinde him, would take the way of Florence, and preuenting the companies that were with him in Aretzo, the citie of Florence in that astonishment would draw to accord for want of the readiest succours that they had, determined to abandon it: So, for those rea­sons and considerations, without the publike consent of the state though happly ob­seruing a secret intencion of the Gonfalonier, he went from Aretzo with al his com­panies leauing onely two hundred footemen within the Castel: But being arriued at Feguina by the counsel of Malatesta that was there who allowed well that they should reduce all their forces to the defence of Florence, he sent backe againe to A­retzo a thousand footemen to the end it should not be left altogether abandoned: And as in the course of calamities accidents happen by succession, so the xvij. day the towne of Cortono for whose keeping and defending a thousand men had bene a strength sufficient seeing the Florentines vsed not such order as they ought, rendred notwithstandyng it was verye litle pressed by the Prince with whome the towne compounded to pay him xx. thousand Duckats: By the accident of Cortono the soul­diers that lay within Aretzo douting of their sufficiency to defend it, abandoned that [Page 1155] Citie, which the xix. day compounded also with the Prince, but with capitulaciōs & clauses rather to rule & gouerne them selues in their libertie vnder shadow of the Emperours protectiō, then to beare any longer the yoke & subiection of the Floren­tins, declaring to be false & fayned the professiō which to this day they had made to be friends to the family of Medieis & enemies to the gouernmēt popular: At which time thEmperour refused expresly to giue any more audience to the Florentine em­bassadors, vnles they restored the house of Medicis, & the Prince of Orenge, notwith­standing thembassadors that were with him detested without any regard the Popes couetousnes and the iniquity of that enterprise, had neuertheles told thē that with­out restoring the Medicis he must of necessity cōtinue the warre: whereupon calling his army into view & muster, he found that he had strong three hūdred mē at armes, fiue hundred light horsmen, two thousand fiue hundred laūceknights braue bodies, two thousand footmen Spanish, & three thousand Italians, al disposed vnder the lea­ding of these captaines, Sero Colonno, Peter Maria Rossa, Peter Levvys de Faruesa, and Iohn Baptista Sauella, and to them afterwards came Iohn Sassatello bringing with him the mony which he had receiued before of the Florentins whose pay he had accep­ted: To thē also was adioyned Alexander Vitelly hauing betwene three & foure thou­sand footmen: Onely the Prince had smal store of artilleries, & therefore he prayed ayde of them of Siena to furnish him, who standing in case not to refuse to so mighty an army of themperour any thing they demaūded, they gaue order to refurnish him with some proporcion of artilleries, but prepared it with as great delayes & longnes as they could, both for the hatred they bare against the Pope, & ielousie they had of his greatnes, & also for that they were ill cōtented with the mutacion of the gouern­ment of Florence, with whō by reason of their cōmon hatred against the Pope, they had for certaine moneths enterteined together a secret peace & intelligence: In this meane while the Pope had giuē audience to the Florentyn embassadors, to whom he answered that as his intencion was not to alter the libertie of the citie, so he was not caryed into this way of enterprise & armes, so much for the iniuries he had receiued of that gouernment & necessity to assure his owne estate, as in regard of the capitu­lations he had made with thEmperour, in which debating now vpon the interest of his honor, he required no other thing of thē then that they would voluntarily referre themselues to his arbitrement & power, which being done, he would make to them good declaration & testimonie with what propertie of zeale & deuocion he desired the benefit & aduancement of their cōmon countrey, and vnderstanding afterwards that the feare & astonishment was encreased at Florence specially since they were ad­uertised that thEmperour had refused to heare their embassadors, & in that regarde where they had elected new embassadors to go to him, which he thought was done to submit & accord to him that he demaunded, & desiring that the matter might be suddenly done to auoyd the destruction of the countrey: he dispatched in post to the armie the Archbyshop of Capua, who passing by Florence, found them of the towne otherwaies disposed then the Pope was persuaded: But in this meane while the Prince of Orenge aduaunced, & was come the xxiiij. to Mountuarche in the vale of Arno whiche is within xxv. miles of Florence, abiding there for eight cannons from Sienna whiche were sent away the daye after, onely they continued to bee caryed with the same tract and slownesse with the whiche they had been prepared, in so muche as by their wantand impediment the Prince who the xxvii. day had led the armie euen vp to Feguina and Anchisa was driuen to abide in that place vnto thend of the fourth of October: And from thence proceeded the difficultie of the whole [Page 1156] enterprise: For, after the losse of Aretzo when the Florentins found that their hopes failed together with the fauours and promises made from all partes, and also that the fortifications which were made in the citie on that side towards the mountaine notwithstanding the continuall labour of pioners and workemen, could not by the iudgement of souldiers be reduced to defence, sooner then eight or ten dayes: And being aduertised on the other side that the armie of the enemies aduaunced and wonne way, and Ramassotto who was in armes by the Popes ordinaunce with three thousand footemen, had sacked Firensolo and was entred into the countrey of Mu­gello, which was not without daunger that he would goe vp to Prato: By these ar­guments of feare and impediments the citisens being reduced to an vniuersall asto­nishment, began to incline to accorde, the rather for that many in their feare were fled from the daunger which in their cowardise they durst not defend: So that at the counsel board of the Dieci where are debated the affaires of the warre, and in which counsel were present the principall citisens of the gouernment, the vniuer­sall consent and aduise was to dispatch to Rome a free and ample commission to sub­mit and referre themselues to the Popes wil: But when this resolucion was related to the supreame magistrate without whose consent there could no deliberacion passe, the Gonfalonier who obstinately susteyned the contrarie opinion, was against it, who ioyning with him the Magistrate popular of the colledges (who participated with the authoritie of the tribunes of the people of Rome) in which office or societie were happly many persons of sinister vnderstanding and great temeritie & insolency: And hauing also their opiniō supported with the boldnes & threatnings of many young men: he brought to passe that that day nothing was established: And yet it was a thing manifest that if the day folowing which was the xxviii. of September, the Prince had aduaunced and comen on one remoue, the faction that impugned and inueyed against the accorde, had not bene able to resist the strong inclinacion of all the others, of so small causes depend oftentimes the moments of right great things: Thus the surceance and temporising of the armie made by the Prince of Orenge in vaine, whiche some interpreted to bee done expresly to interteine the warre for that he had not sufficient artilleries to affront the Citie of Florence, was the cause that within the towne many entred into courage and resumed the spirits which through the former astonishment they had lost: But the thing that confirmed them in this resolution, was, that the fortificacion continued without any intermission of time and whiche the hands of many nombers of men did so raise and aduaunce, that be­fore the Prince of Orenge remoued from the place where he lay incamped, the cap­taines iudged that the ramparts were sufficient for defence: So that ceassing nowe all inclination to accord, the citisens with a generall resolucion stoode prepared to defende with their bodies & liues the place which til then they had labored to make strong by their industrie and worke of their hands: wherein the better to assure their mindes so wel induced they were aduertised that Ramassotto who led with him with­out pay or discipline, not souldiers trayned but peysants rawe & vnarmed, & had ta­ken the field not with intencion of fight but to rob & spoile, after he had wasted with raking and sacking the whole countrey of Mugello: He retired with the booties he had taken vppon the territories of Bolognia, where did dissolue in disorder and dis­agreement the bandes he hadde leuyed and ledde in insolencie and licenciousnesse, though after they hadde solde to him their shares and most parte of the spoyles: Thus of a warre easye and tractable, and whiche might haue taken ende with a small losse to anye partie, was deriued a warre most heauye and hurtfull to all, [Page 1157] and such as could not be led to his end till the whole countrey was wasted, and the principall Citie in hazard of her latest desolacion: The fift of October the Prince of Orenge departed from Feguino, but he ordred his marching so slowly to tarie for the artilleries of Syenna which now drue neare, that he coulde not before the xx. daye raunge all his companies and artilleries into the plaine of Ripoly which is within two miles of Florence: He incamped all his armie the xxiiij. day vpon the litle hills neare the rampars obseruing with the sauetie of his owne, the places that most helped him to anoye his enemies: And of this armie as one parte occupied all the litle hills eminent to the Citie which stretch from the gate saint Myniato to the gate saint George: So the other part from the said gate saint Myniato was extended euen to the way of the gate saint Nicholas: There were within Florence eight thousand foote­men, all bodies of seruice, and their chiefest resolucion was to defend Prato, Pistoya, Employ, Pisa and Lyuorna, which places they had strengthned and fortified with suffi­cient garrisons, leauing all other places and peeces rather to the fidelitie and discres­sion of the peoples, and the fortresses to the benefite of their situacion, then to be­stowe great bands of souldiers to garde them: But now the warre rising by burning degrees into his heate, all the countrey was filled full of combustion, of incursions, and bands of licensious souldiers: And the Siennoys notwithstanding their former profession of league and amitie with the state of Florence, did not onely rise vp to make pillage in euery place, but also in that libertie of warre they sent bands of souldiers to occupie Montpulsion, hoping that afterwards the Prince woulde con­sent that they might reteyne it: Neuerthelesse, finding it defended by a garrison of the Florentins, their ambicion was easely stopped, and their aspiring inuentions pre­sently defeated, the rather for that not long after Napoleon Vrsin arriued there a soul­dier of the Florentins with three hundred horsemen, who woulde not depart from Rome before the Pope were vpon his way to goe to Bolognia: The Prince of Orenge when he had bestowed his army and stretched it out at large vpon the hills of Mon­ticio, Gallo, and Giramont, and after he had brought to him from Lucquay both pio­ners and certaine peeces of artilleries, he caused to cast a rampart to the ende to make it profitable to giue an assault to the bastillion of saint Myniato: But on the o­ther side to hinder the vse and seruice of it, were planted in the garden of saint Mi­niato, foure Cannons vpon a caualier: The townes of Collo and saint Gimignano ren­dred immediatly to the Prince, they were places of importance to make easie and safe the resort of vittels, that came from Sienna: The xxix. day the Prince planted vpon the bastillion of Giramont foure Cannons to beate the steeple of saint Myniato for that a saker which the defendants of the towne had mounted there, played with great hurt vpon the armie: Two of those cannons were broken and reduced not seruiceable within fewe houres, to recompence which default the day folowing an other cannon being brought to the place, after they had executed in vaine about an hundred and fiftie shotte of bollette, and yet coulde not dismount the saker, they forbare to shoote anye more where so litle good was done by their laboure: By whiche resistaunce and other difficulties and impediments concurryng, euerye one interpretyng it to a harde matter to carie Florence speciallie with one onelye armie, the actions and exploytes afterwardes beganne to proceede slowlye and rather in manner of skirmishes then in forme of assaulte: The seconde of Nouem­ber was perfourmed a great skirmishe against the bastillion of Saint George, ano­ther vppon the bastillion of Saint Nicholas, and a thirde vppon the waye that goeth to Rome: The fourth daye was planted vppon Giramont a culuerine [Page 1158] right against the pallace of the Lordes whiche set open the gates at the first shotte: But at this time the horsemen that were within Florence ranne vp to Valdipeso, and made pray of an hundred horse most part horses of seruice: And in the same fortune certayne horsemen and harquebuziers of the Florentines issuing out of Pontadero tooke three score horse betweene the cabans and the tower of Saint Romain.

By this time the Pope was arriued at Bolognia, after whom thEmperour folowed The Pope & the Emperour as Bolognia. according to the ceremonie and custome of great Princes, for that when two Prin­ces are to enterviewe and meete together, the tradicion beareth that he that repre­senteth the greatest dignitie shall come first to the place appointed, seeing it is both iudged and taken for a great signe of reuerence that he that is inferior shall showe office and go to the other: And there being receiued of the Pope with great showes and testimonies of honour, and lodged in the same pallace with him ioyning one to the other, it seemed by the demonstracions of office and familiaritie passing be­tweene them that they had alwayes liued in an indissoluble league of amitie and good will: There the Emperour receiued aduertisements which cleared him of all suspicion of inuasion by the Turkes, whose armie together with the person of their Lorde and Prince being presented before Vyenna, wherein was a great garrison of Launceknightes, they had not onely giuen in vaine many assaultes to the place, but also hadde bene so repulsed with so great a staughter, that with the small confi­dence they had to carie it, and what with the want of great artilleries to batter it, & what by the compulsion of the time which in that region is very sharpe, being in the moneth of October: They brake vp and went their wayes, not retyring to anye other place neare vnto it, but tooke the way of Constantinople which is a marche of three monethes: So that thEmperour being cleared and assured of that suspicion whiche before hadde not onely made him inclined notwithstanding the con­quest of Pauia, to accorde with the Duke of Millan, but also had induced him to deale with the Pope to thinke vpon a meane to compounde with the Florentines, to the ende that being eased and dispatched of the affaires of Italie, he might passe with all his forces into Almany to the succours of Vyenna and his brother: According to which perswasion as the Pope and he began to debate vpon the affaires of Italie: So the thing that most concerned the Pope and lay nearest his hart, was the enter­prise against the Florentins, whereunto also thEmperour seemed to beare a manifest inclinacion aswel to satisfie the Pope touching the matter of capitulation at Barsel­lona, as also for that the citie of Florence being alwayes caryed with a deuocion to the crowne of Fraunce, it could not be but the embasing of his greatnesse was very agreeable to them: Therefore when the Florentins had chosen foure embassadours to goe to the Pope at Bolognia, and making also peticion to speake to the Emperour, he woulde neuer giue them audience but one time, and that when it pleased the Pope, from whome also he drewe the substaunce of the aunswere he made them: Thus they concluded to continue the enterprise, and because it fell out more hard, and entangled then the Pope exspected, there was a determinacion to employ in this action all the bands and companies of souldiers that were in Lombardy in case there hapned occasion of accord with the Venetians & Frauncis Sforce: which com­panies as they were to be payd by the Emperour, so also the Pope was to contribute monthly to the Prince of Orenge who was gone vpto Bolognia to solicite those mat­ters three score thousande Duckats, to thend that where themperour found the bur­den too heauy to beare out so great exspenses, he might be shared to defray all those regiments that were alreadie about Florence: After this was brought in question and [Page 1159] conference the other interest of the Pope, which was cōcerning the matters of Mo­dena & Reggia: wherein the Pope, to auoide the note of obstinacie and selfewill, ma­king show to continue in the same inclinacion he had professed many times before, that as if the interest of thoses two townes only were brought into questiō he would make no difficultie to dispose of them according to the will of themprour: So neuer­thelesse he protested that in case of alienacion of Modena and Reggia, Parma & Plai­sanca would so remaine seperat and cutte of from thestate ecclesiastike, that in con­sequence they would seame to be more then halfe aliened: Themperour aunswered him that it was a regard and consideracion both iust and reasonable: But for his part he could do no more then vse his authoritie whilest his forces were occupied in the enterprise of Florence: Neuerthelesse in secrete he could haue wished that with the good satisfaction of the Pope, those townes had remained to the Duke of Ferrara, with whom in his waie to Bolognia he had had conference & giuen him great hope and comfort to worke with the Pope what he could for the benefite of his affaires: so much had that Duke by his good industrie and working made insinuacion into themperours grace and fauour, and also made such impressions of compassion in the mindes of those that gouerned him most, that he wanted not in his court the operacions of greate personages to make his cause fauoured and recommended. There remained now the two articles of most importance and difficultie, concer­ning the Venetians and Frauncis Sforce, with whom as touching to accord and com­pounde themprour seamed now nothing so seuere and hard as he had bene before: which as it was altogether contrary to the inclinacion with the which he was come into Italye, so he tooke his reason both vpon the difficultie of thinges appearing greater then he imagined in Spaine: and also for that he found by reason of the new coniunctiō which Frauncis Sforce had made with the Venetians, that the conquest of thestate of Myllan would not be a matter of easie action: he saw also how farre he was imbarked into exspenses and charges by so greate a traine of soldiours and fo­lowers which he had brought with him and caused to come after him aswell out of Spaine as Germanie: But the chiefe cause was thimportunitie of his brother, who for the tumultes of the Lutherians and other signes appearing of innouacion, solicited him to passe into Almanie, whether it was credible that within a shorte time the power of the Turkes would eftsones retorne: a matter which he gathered vpon the protestacion which Solyman made, who in his passion of spite and ignominie, had sworne at his breaking vp from before Vienna that he would eftsones recontinue the quarrell with an armie more mighty and prepared: In these regardes were equally concurring thinterests of his honour and sauetie: For that themprour to whom it seamed that if he should go out of Italye and leaue thinges vnperfect, he could nei­ther cary awaie assurance for him selfe, nor reputacion to his name, beganne to giue out many signes and tokens of a minde inclined not onely to come to accord with the Venetyans, but also to pardon Frauncis Sforce: In which good disposicion the Pope omitted no good office of perswacion and inducement both to solicite & con­firme him, no lesse mouing him a deuowt desier to haue an vniuersall tranquillity, then for that themprour standing no more restrained and intangled with other en­terprises, he might with better opportunitie drawe him to conuert all his forces a­gainst Florence: Onely themperour seamed most of all to be deteined by this reason, that it could not but be against his dignitie to giue occasion to the world to beleue, that necessitie had almost induced him to pardon the crime of Frauncis Sforce: And Antho. de Leua being with him at Bolognia solicited vehemently that he would make [Page 1160] an other resolucion and disposing of that estate, sometimes preferring the memorie of Alexander the Popes nephew, and some times naming others meete to receiue such a preferment: Neuerthelesse for that there could not easely be found out to gouerne that estate, a personage with whom Italie would be contented, & the Pope hauing no inclinacion to conuert it to any of his, not that he wanted ambicion to embrace so great a thing, but because he sawe he could not accomplishe it without newe warres and newe troubles: ThEmperour at last was brought to consent to graunt safeconduit to Frauncis Sforce vnder colour to haue accesse to him to submit and iustefie him selfe, but in true meaning that libertie of accesse was graunted to thende thinges might be reduced to some composicion: The Venetians were not ill contented with his going to themprour, for that they hoped that at one time would be introduced some forme of accord to their affaires.

Neuerthelesse the course of armes and warre ceassed not for all these in the re­gions of Lombardie: for that Belioyenso who in the absence of Antho. de Leua was chiefe Commaunder at Myllan, went out with seuen thowsande footemen, to in­campe before Saint Angeo, wherein were remayning for the strength and garrison of the towne, foure companies of footemen of the Venetians and the Duke of Mil­lan: And after he had vsed vppon it the seruice of his great artilleries, and that by reason of certeine raynes and showers that fell from aboue, the harquebuzes that manned and defended the walls vncouered, were made vnprofitable: He brought neare his souldiours couered with their shields, and being armed with their swords and pykes, he gaue thassault in which he presented in his owne person no lesse val­lour and resolucion then was seene in any of the others: But when the defendantes were no longer hable to keepe fire in their matches by reason they stoode open to the rayne, and in that regarde being driuen to feight with other weapons, they be­ganne to abandon the walls no lesse thorow the vallour of their enemies who pres­sed on with a furie equall to the fortune that fauoured them, then for their owne a­stonishment which was made so much the greater by howe much they were made lesse apt to doe seruice by the wretched accident of rayne that tooke away the vse of their peeces: As soone as thImperialls saw the walls abandoned of bodies to de­fende them, the same fiercenesse that ledde them to giue the assault, brought them on to enter the place, where, in the rage of their victorie, all suche wretched crea­tures as they founde, they made them eyther passe by the edge of the sworde, or at least put them vnder the sentence of bitter captiuitie: After this, he determined to passe ouer to the other side of the riuer of Adda, and by that time he had put o­uer one parte of his armie at the bridge of Casciano, he saw certeyne bands of Spa­nyardes of a newe leauie departing to goe to Millan, but preuenting them, he cau­sed the souldiours that were left in the towne to take armes, by which impediment being stopped and denied to enter, they returned againe to the armie: But notwith­standing all these euents, and that the armie of Launceknightes was alreadie vpon the landes of the Venetians, the negociacions of the peace were so farre aduaun­ced and in so good tearmes, that all councells and studies of the warre beganne to vanish and growe colde: for, when Frauncis Sforce was brought to the presence of thEmperour at Bolognia, and hauing with humilitie and submission praised his be­nignitie in admitting him to his presence: He tolde him that so much did he reap­pose for him selfe in his owne iustice and equitie, that for all thinges happened before the Marquis of Pisquairo restrained him within the castell of Myllan, he desi­red no other propertie of suretie or supporte then his owne innocencie: And that [Page 1161] therefore he renounced frankely the safe conduit, the bill or escript whereof the Duke holding in his hande, he layed it at his feete, a matter which much pleased the Emprour: There was a moneth spent in debating of the difficulties aswell concer­ning his accord as the composition with the Venetians: But at last by the conti­nuall working and interposing of the Pope, both the one and the other were con­cluded the xxiij. of December, Frauncis Sforce being bounde to paie to the Em­prour Capitulacions betwene the Emprour the Venetians & duke of Mil­lan. within one yeare, foure hundred thowsand duckats, and fiue hundred more within tenne yeares, that is fiftie thowsand euerie yeare: and for the pawne and assuring of these payments themprour to kepe in his handes Coma and the Castell of Millan, which he bounde himselfe to render and readelyuer vp to Frauncis Sforce assone as the payment of the first yeare were finished: he gaue him also the inue­stiture of the Duchie, or rather confirmed that which had bene giuen to him be­fore: But to furnish three payments and to perfourme the giftes and bribes which he promised to those that gouerned the emprour, he imposed greate taxes vpon the towne of Myllan and throwe the whole Duchie, notwithstanding the people had bene miserably wasted and consumed both by the crueltie of their long warres, and also by the rage of hunger and pestilence: Touching the Venetians they ac­corded: That they should render to the Pope Rauenna and Ceruia with their terri­tories, sauing their rightes, and also the Pope to pardon all such as had conspired or donne any thing against him: That they should giue vp to themprour by the ende of the next Ianuarie, all that they possessed in the realme of Naples, and to paye him the residue of the two hundred thowsand duckats due vpon the thirde article of the last peace contracted with them: That is to saie xxv. thowsand within one moneth next folowing, and xxv. thowsand at the yeares ende, but vpon condicion that their peeces should be rendred to them within one yeare, if either they were not rendred alreadie according to the tenor of the saied peace, or at last the con­trouersies and differences iudged by common arbitratours: That they should paie to the exiles fiue thowsand duckats for euerie yeare for the reuenues of their goods according to the disposicion of the treatise of the same peace: That ouer and be­sides this, they should paie to the Emprour an hundred thowsand duckats, the one moitie within tenne monethes, and the other halfe within a yeare after: it was fur­ther accorded that the rightes of the patriarch of Aquilea which had bene reserued to him in the capitulacion of VVormes against the king of Hungria, should be de­cided: That the Duke of Vrbin should be comprehended in this peace and confe­deracion, because he was an adherent and in the protection of the Venetians: That the Venetyans should pardon the Count Brunoro de Gambaro: That the traffike and entercoursse should be free amongest all their subiects: and that there should be gi­uen no place of retraite to the corsaires or roauers who would trouble either partie: That it should be lawfull to the Venetyans to continue peasibly in the possession of all those thinges which they helde: That all those that had bene published rebelles for folowing the faction of Maximilian, the Emprour, and the king of Hungria since the yeare 1523. should be restored: onely the restitucion should not ex­tende to the goods that had bene brought to their fiske: That betwene the saied parties there should not onely be a peace but also a perpetuall league defensible for their estates of Italye against all Christian princes: The emprour promised that the Duke of Myllan should kepe and holde in his estate, a strength of fiue hundred men at armes, fiue hundred light horsemen, six thowsand footemen, and a good bande of artilleries, for the defense of the Venetians, and the Venetians to menteine the [Page 1162] like strength for the defense of the Duke of Myllan: In which article was set downe, that whē either of their estates were molested, the other throw their cōtreys should giue no passage of vittells, municions, corriers, nor embassadonrs, restraining all natures of aide in their estates, and all passage or suffrance of succours what so euer: That if any Christian prince though he were of supreame dignitie should in­uade the realme of Naples, the Venetians to bring to the defending of it fiftene light gallies well armed: That in this present accord should be comprehended, all such as the affore named and to name, helde in their protection, though without other obligacion of the Venetians then for their defense: That in case the Duke of Fer­rara accorded with the Pope and with thEmprour, it was ment he should be com­prehended in this confederacion: for the execucion of which accordes and com­posicions Myllan ren­dred by them­prour to Fraū ­cis Sforce. thEmprour rendred to Frauncis Sforce Myllan and all the Dukedom, and reuoked all the souldiours excepte such as were thought necessa­rie for the garde of the Castell and of Coma, which places he rendred afterwardes according to the time couenan­ted: The Venetians restored to the Pope the townes of Romagnia, and to thEm­prour the peeces which they helde in Povvilla.


The ende of the ninteenth Booke.

THemprour taketh the imperiall crowne at Bolognia, and from thence passeth into Almanie: The famulie of Medicis by the aide of themprours armie retorne to Florence: Ferdinand is chosen king of Romains: The Pope will not harken to a councell: The french king stirreth vp the Turke against themprour, and hath conference with the Pope at Marseilles.

THE TVVENTEETH BOOKE OF THE historie and discourse of Guicciardin.

IT seamed that the conclusion of this peace and confede­racion had reduced to their last ende, the warres of Italye which for their continuance, and longnes, had drawne a space of viij. or x. yeares, and for their horrible accidents had left to all the regions of that climat, matter of lamenta­ble and iust compassion: Onely the citie of Florence, either more wretched in destinie, or lesse worthy of so good par­ticipacion, was not dispensed from tumultes and daungers of armes, seeing that as she was a meane & helpe to reduce others to peace, so of the contrarie, in the tranquillity of others was wrought to her selfe, matter of a more heauy and daungerous warre: for, where it was supposed that all natures of difficulties were so resolued and disgested that there was no further dowt nor impediment to deteine the accord from his perfection: Themprour lea­uying his companies & bandes of men of warre from thestate of the Venetians, sent out to make warre against the Florentins, an army of foure thowsand launceknights, two thowsand fiue hundred Spanish footemen, eight hundred Italians, and more then three hundred light horsemen with fiue and twenty peeces of artilleries: But in this warre either for the ill directiō of the capteines, or worse order of the soldiours, much lesse that there was done any exploit notable, seeing there was performed no action worthy thexercise of a penne to write it, The assailantes lacking harts to in­uade the towne, and the defendantes hauing no deuocion to assaie the fortune of a battell: They saw in the accompt of their prouisions that they had meanes sufficient to make defence for many monethes: and in the reckoning of the mindes and in­clinacions of men, they dowted not of an vniuersall resolucion of the citie to resiste the quarrell inflicted against their common libertie: in which regards they hoped by tēporising so to make weary the campe of thenemies, that either for want of money which maketh the soldiour mutinus, or for some other accidēts which ordinarily en­sue a cāpe, they would driue the ennemies through difficulties to dissolue the warre which they durst not resist by their vallor: Neuertheles either to auoid these difficul­ties or to prepare a remedy, the prince of Orenge had sent out xv. hundred footemen, & iiij. hūdred horsemen with iiij. peces of artilleries, to take Lastra wherin were three Lastra taken. enseignes of footemē, of whom was passed to the sword two hundred bodies and the [Page 1164] towne taken before the reskewes of Florence could ariue: it hapned also that in the night of the xj. of December, Stephen Colonno with a thowsand harquebuziers and iiij. hundred halberdiers and partisanes all armed with corselets and cassakins after the maner of camisado of Spaine, set vpon the regiment of Sero Colonno lying in the Camisado. houses neare to the Church of Saint Margaret de Monticio, and in that surprise they slew and wounded many soldiours without the losse of one person of theirs: About that time were slaine with the bollette within the gardin of Saint Mymato, Maria Vrsin and Iulio saint Crosse: And in the like fortune, Pirrhus going to Saint Peters Bo­rovv to take Montopoly which is a towne of the contrey of Pisa, he was cut of by the footemen that were within Employ, and being defeated in the waie betwene Palaia & Montopoly, many of his companies fell into the fortune of prisoners: The Florentyns sent to the borow of Saint Sepulchro, Napolion Vrsin with an hundred & fiftie horse­men, to encounter Alexander Vitelly who was sent to destroie the contrey all a long the saied borow and Anguiaro.

But now the warre beginning to fall into action of terror and astonishment: after the regimēts newly sent by themprour were passed the Alpes, the townes of Pistoya and Prato being abandoned of the Florentyn garrisons, were yeelded vp to the Pope: By reason whereof the armie that had left behind them no impediment, marched not to ioine with the others, but remaining incamped on the other side of Arno, they went to lodge at Peretola neare the walls of the citie, vnder the authoritie & gouern­ment of the Marquis of Guast, though the prince of Orenge was alwaies superior and absolute aboue all: By which disposing of the armie apart and separate, things were rather reduced to the forme of a seege, then to an action of oppugnacion: At this time also Pietrasanta was rendred to the Pope: And as the Pope labored with a per­petuall studie and care of minde, to leade to perfection the purposes he had pre­tended to reestablish and sette vp his house in Florence, so towardes the ende of this yeare partly at the request of Malatesta Baillon who gaue him hope of accord, he sent to Florence directly to him Rodolffo Pio bishop of Faensa, with whom were debated di­uerse and sundrie thinges, some with the priuitie of the citie and for their profitte, and some in secrecie by Malatesta against the weale of the citie, matters which much lesse that they soarted to any effect, seeing it was discerned that Malatesta who was now come to the expiracion and full time of his paie, had enterteined them with art & conning to thend that the Florentins fearing to be abandoned of him, would est­sones reteine him into their pay with title of capteine general of the warre, which in thend he obteined: This enterprise of Florence continued also the yeare a thowsand fiue hundred and thirtie: and albeit the prince of Orenge in beginning to make new caualiers & cast new trenches, made demonstraciō to batter vehemently the bastilli­ons but chefly the bastillion of Saint George which was very strong: yet what thorow his ignorance which could not be without his ignominie, and what for the difficul­tie in the action wherein his errour was nothing lesse, not one deuise was put in exe­cucion, the garde of the whole Mount apparteining to Stephen Colonno.

In the beginning of this yeare, the Florentins, taking hope in the matters of nego­ciacion with the bishoppe of Faensa, sent of newe other embassadours to the Pope, and to themprour, but with expresse commission to innouate nothing nor harken to any mocion by the which the gouernment might be altered, or the generall iuris­diction diminished: So that as they were repugnant in the principall article, so they could neuer obteine audience of themprour, but according to the vanitie of their commission they retorned to Florence without any conclusion.

[Page 1165]There were within Florence nyne or tenne thowsande footemen strong, but payed according to the number of foureteene thowsande: And as the souldiours were resolute to defende the Citie with a great affection and readynes of fayth, So to confirme them the more, all the Capteines being assembled in the Church of Saint Nicholas, after the celebration of the Masse, and in the presence of Mala­testa, they made a solemne othe to stande against the iniuries and inuasions offred agaynst the Citie vntill the laste man: Onely in this vniuersall constancie, was founde vnconstant Napoleon Vrsin, who notwithstanding he professed him selfe assured to the Florentins by receyuing their money and imprest, yet he became a reuolte, and returning to Bracciano, compounded his affayres with thEmperour and the Pope, and reuoked from the seruice of Florence certaine capteines whom he had sent thither before.

But the Pope omitted no diligence wherein he thought was any meane to ad­uaunce his intention, Wherein he so wrought with the French king that he sent Monsr Cleremont to excuse thaccorde he had made by necessitie to redeme his children: And where he alleaged how impossible it was to comprehend that state in thaccorde, he counselled them with reasons & inducements to lay themselues downe to the necessitie of the time, and take suche conditions as they might, so farreforth as they were conducible to the profit and conseruation of their liberty: In which good inclination, & to helpe to raunge the issue of things to their weale and benefite, he offred as it were to interpose in the action: He also commaunded by publike protestation Malatesta and Stephen Colonno being of the kings creation and dependancy, to depart from Florence, notwithstanding a part and seuerally he gaue them comfort to the contrary: But the thing that imported moste to staye his reputation and astonishe the people, was, that to satisfie the Pope and the Emprour, he retyred his ordinarie Embassador resident at Florence, leauing there notwithstanding as a person priuate Emilio Ferier, by whom for that he woulde not vtterly leaue them desperate, he made secret promise to ayde thē assone as he had recouered his children. Such was the Popes ambition in this action, and so suttle was his humor to serue his turne of all meanes that eyther art or industrie could insinuate, that he had almoste brought the Frenche king to make retyre from his Court thembassadour resident for Florence: Wherein to drawe better fauour to his purposes, he sent by the Bishop of Tarby the Cardinalls Hatte to the Lorde Chauncellor, and not long after he gratified him with the legation of the realme of Fraunce: And by him he solicited a new enteruiew and conference at Thurin betwene themprour, the French king, and himselfe: But he was aun­swered in the full counsell of the king sitting, that it was enough that the children of the Crowne of Fraunce were vnder captiuitie, without that the person of the king should seeke to intrude himselfe into that calamitie.

The Pope and themprour did now determine to go to Sienna, to be more ready Themprour taketh the Crowne at Bolognia. and apt to fauor thenterprise of Florence, and afterwards to drawe to Rome for the coronation of the Emprour: But whether it was a true or false deliberatiō, as they were vppon the poynt prepared to depart, the Emprour receiued letters out of Germany soliciting him to returne thither, the electors making instance for regard of the dyets, and Ferdinand standing to be chosen king of Romains, and others in respect to celebrate the counsell. By these new instances whether more effectuall for their sodennes or for their cōformitie to themprors will, al deuises & counsels to passe further were dashed, in which variatiō the empror was cōtēted to receiue [Page 1166] the Imperiall Crowne within Bolognia, beeing assisted with a great affluence of people, but susteyning a verye slender pompe and exspences: He was crow­ned vppon Saint Matthievves daye, a daye of many happye predictions, for that on that daye was he borne, in that daye was the Frenche king taken priso­ner, and during that daye was he celebrated with the enseignes and ornamentes of thImperiall dignitie.

But before thEmperour departed to returne into Germanie, he laboured to accorde wyth the Pope, the Duke of Ferrara, who the seuenth daye of Marche came to Bolognia vnder safeconduit: And because there was no o­ther meane of issue or ende betweene them, they referred to the person of the Emperour the arbitration and Compromise of righte and action touchinge all their controuersies: To the whiche the Pope was induced by the gene­ralitie of the Compromise, suche as comprehended also the quarrell and tytle of Ferrara, whiche the Pope doubting that according to tearmes of righte, it woulde not diuolue to the sea Apostolike, he thoughte thEmperoure had an easie meane in vsing silence for Ferrara, to bringe hym to render Modena and Reggia: The Pope also was induced by the worde and promyse whiche thEm­perour made to hym, that if he founde that he had righte to those two Ci­ties, he woulde pronownce iudgemente of hys syde, but if by examination it appeared otherwyse, he woulde suffer to expyre and determine the tyme of the Compromise. And to assure the obseruation of the sentence and resolu­tion of the Compromise, there wente a couenaunt that the Duke shoulde de­pose Modena into the handes of thEmperour, at whose instance he had reuo­ked before his Embassadours from Florence, and ayded the army with a propor­tion of Pyoners.

After this thEmperour departed from Bolognia the xxij. daye, the Pope ha­uing lefte hym satisfied that hys intention was to consente to the Councell, if he thoughte it mighte anye waye auayle for thextirpation of the Heresies of the Lutherans: The Cardinall Campeius wente wyth hym as Legate, And so he passed by Mantua, where after he had receyued threescore thowsande duc­kettes of the Duke of Ferrara, he gaue to hym in chiefe for euer the towne of Carpy: After whome the Pope the xxxj. daye tooke hys waye to Rome, leauing the matters of Florence in the same estate of difficulties they were be­fore.

The Imperialls made many signes and braueries as though they would assault the Citie, for whiche cause they had begon a trenche before the Bastillion of Saint George, where beeing perfourmed a hoate skirmishe the xxj. of Marche, they without receyued greate harmes: The xxv. daye the Prince of Orenge finding his campe muche vexed by a towre adioyning to the side of the Bastil­lion of Saint George towardes the gate of Rome, battered it with hys artilleries, But finding it very strong and well appoynted, after certayne volues of Cannon, he forbare any further execution. There aryued dayly at the campe newe com­panies and bands of souldiours, by whose insolencie and licentiousnesse for that there was no warres in any other parte of Italie, the harmes and ruines of the countrey of Florence encreased continually. The Citie of Voltero was rendred to the Pope, but the Castell holding good for the Florentins, suffred greate executions with two Cannons of thimperialles, and two Coluerines broughte from Genes: And the Florentines desyring to succour it, sente oute to Employ [Page 1167] an hundred and fyftie horsemen and fiue enseignes of footemen, who making their marche by nighte, passed by the Campe neare the Mounte Olyuet, and beeing discouered, there were sente oute after them certayne guidons of horsemen, who ouertooke them, but beeing skirmished withall by the harquebuziers, they retyred with some losse: And the horsemen that were issued out of Florence by an other waye behinde the campe, saued them selues at the same tyme with the foot­men within Employ, where they were receyued by Frauncis Feruccio commaunder of that place: This man beeing sente in the beginning of the warre by the Floren­tins to Employ as commaunder ouer a verye small companie of horsemen, and with a verye little authoritie, had, what with the obseruation of the warre, and with tho­portunitie of that seate, and with thoccasion of prayes and ordinarie incursions, assembled together a good crewe of souldiours of choyse: with whome bothe by hys vallour whiche he had well expressed, and also by his lyberalitie which was in­finite in hym, he was rysen to so good estate of reputation, that the Florentins had no small exspectation of hym: Feruccio then departed from Employ with two thou­sande footemen and fiue hundred horse, with whiche armie marching with great celeritie, he entred within the castell of Voltero the xxvj. of Aprill earely in the mor­ning, where hauing well refreshed his souldiours, he assaulted presently the towne which was garded by Iohn Baptista Borgueso with a verye slender strength of foote­men, and winning before night two of their trenches, he had the towne the next moarning together with the artilleries that were come from Genes: The first acti­on he managed after he was Lorde of the towne, was by extorsions and wayes compulsiue to exacte money of thinhabitauntes of Voltero, and no lesse by that good helpe then by his vallour and industrie, he constrayned to reuolte Gimigna­na and Collo, and cutting off the traffike of vittelles that came from Sienna by that waye, he had reduced the armie of the ennemies to greate difficulties, whose cap­teines thinking of no other expedition then of the siege, the Marquis of Guast retyred thartilleries within Prato. But (so suddayne and vncertayne are the things of warre) there happned into those quarters vnlooked for, Capteyne Maramus lea­ding a regiment of two thowsande fiue hundred footemen without paye: By rea­son of which succour beeing come agaynst the Popes will, he kepte on his course, for that Maramus went to incampe with his people at the suburbes of Voltero. The nynth of Maye was executed a greate skirmishe without the gate called Romegate, wherein remayned dead and wounded of them within the towne an hundred and thirtie persons, & of the souldiors without more then two hundred bodies, amongst whom was Capteine Baragnino a Spaniard. Amidde these enterchaunges of skir­mishes and factions of warre, the Florentines forbare not to hope continually for some succours from the Frenche king, who accordingly fayled not to enterteyne their hope wyth promise of a sufficient reskewe when so euer he had recouered hys children: Wherein the better to assure and confirme them, he gaue assig­nation to the Florentin Marchuntes for twentie thowsande ducketts due to them long tyme before, which summe beeing lente by them to the Citie, was brought to Pisa by Levvis Alaman, but by suche parcelles and dribletts, that it dyd little comforte the warre: Moreouer Iohn Pavvle de Cere whome the Florentins had taken into their paye for the garde of that Citie, came awaye to Pisa. But by the conquering of Voltero was bredde to the Florentins a domage of farre greater im­portance: for that where Feruccio both contrary to the commission giuen to him, and also because he woulde goe the stronger to the action of Voltero, and hauing [Page 1168] withall to secure a confidēce in the fortres of Empoly, had left for the defence of it so small a garrison, that thimperials vsing thoccasion that was offred, went to incampe about it vnder the conduit and leading of the Marquis of Guast: And as for the Empoly sackt by the Mar­quis of Guast. weaknes of the defendantes and garrison, they tooke it without any resistance and with many harmes put it to sacke: So in the losse of that was brought to the Floren­tins more matter of affliction then in anye other thing during the warre, for that hauing determined to assemble in that place newe companies and regimentes, they hoped by the oportunitie of the situation which importeth muche, both to reduce into distresse and difficulties the armie that lay on that side of Arno, and also to o­pen the commoditie and waye for vittells to passe to that Citie which began alrea­dy to feele the want of norriture and comfort. To this also was added a newe occa­sion to depriue them more of the hopes they had conceyued: for after the French king had deliuered ouer his money which he was to paye to themprour, and rety­red his children which was in the beginning of Iune: In place of so many aydes & succours which by his promises he had reserued till that time, he sent into Italy at the instance of the Pope (who to haue wholly at his deuotion the kinges Agents, created Cardinall the Bishop of Tarby Embassadour resident in his Court) one Pe­ter Frauncis Pontriemoly, a man of great confidence with him, to insinuate some mo­tions and practise of accorde with the Florentins, who by that manner of dealing discerned no further hope to be succoured by the king: Wherein they beleued the more by this inducement, that both he and the king of Englande ioyning together, The Floren­tins out of hope to be succoured by the fr. king. did all that they could so to allure and gouerne the Pope, as they might hope to seperate him from the Emprour: And in that regarde the Frenche king laboured to haue some participation and interest to reduce and conuerte the Florentins to the Popes amitie. After the Marquis of Guast had taken Empoly, he went with the bands of souldiours whom he ledde, to ioyne with Maramus in the suburbes of Voltero: where hauing in one strength almoste six thowsande footemen, they began to bat­ter the towne, and when they sawe they had brought to the earth more then fortie faddomes of wall, they followed thexecution of thartilleries with three furious as­saultes, but with worse effect then their vallour deserued, since in the action they lost more then foure hundred men: They made afterwardes a newe batterye, and with certayne chosen bands of Spaniardes and Italians consoarted together, they gaue an other very braue and resolute assault, but with greater domage & harmes then the former assaultes: in which regarde the campe brake vp rather with great prayse then good effecte of their doinges. The same moarning about an howre before day, Stephen Colonno issuing out of the gate of Faenza, and Malatesta by the posterne that leadeth to Prato, went to giue the Camisado with three thowsande footemen to the launceknightes that were lodged in the Monastery of Saint Donat where they had fortified themselues: Stephen passed the trenches and slew many of them, But the alarme being giuen to the residue, they put themselues in order with resolution to defend their place to the last man: So that after Stephen had receyued a light hurt in the mouth, he retyred for feare of greater reskewes, complayning muche that Malatesta had not followed him.

But in Florence were entred no nature of vittells nor norriture from anye parte, albeit their wantes of comfortes went on encreasing dayly, yet so resolute were they to defende their lybertie, that there could be discerned no diminution of that constancie and fidelitie that at first armed them to so holy an action: And where Feruccio was gone from Voltero to Pisa, and laboured by his authoritie and in­dustrie [Page 1169] to assemble as great a strength as he coulde, all the hopes of the Floren­tins were reduced to his comming: for they had signifyed to hym to aduaunce and come on, and not to forbeare for anye waye or other daunger to ioyne hym­selfe to the defence of the Citie, beeing resolued to giue battell to thennemies as­soone as he had ioyned his forces with the mayne armie that was within Florence: Of whiche deuise the successe and issue was not so good and happie, as was greate and manyfest the rashnes of the resolution, if I maye tearme those counsels rashe whiche are drawne or deryued from a laste necessitie: for in this rested the errour of that counsell, that they were to passe thorowe the countreys of thennemies, suche as were occupyed and commaunded by a verye strong armie though disper­sed into manye seuerall places. The Prince of Orenge who had aduertisement of this deuise, thought to goe before wyth one parte of the armie, whereof he made his greatest assemblie of the Italian footemen: And Malatesta Baillon with whom he had many secrete and strayte intelligences, hauing happlye assured him in se­crete that the Florentins suspected least in hys absence he woulde assayle the ar­mie, wente out to meete hym: And fynding him neare to Ciuiniano in the moun­tayne of Pistoya, a waye whiche he tooke passing from Pisa towardes Lucquaye in regarde of confidence reapposed in the Chauncellours faction well affected to the popular gouernment, he gaue hym the skirmishe with a verye small compa­nie of men: At the firste shocke the Prince, whose rashnesse was greater then The prince of Orenge slaine. his conduite, and in whome was lesse the humor of counsell and discression then apperteyned to the place he managed, was slayne doing rather the office of a pri­uate souldiour then of a Capteyne or commaunder: Neuerthelesse his souldiours gotte the victorie, and made prisoners together with manye others, Iohn Pavvle de Cere, and Feruccio whome Maramus slewe beeing prisoner, in reuenge as he confessed of a trumpet whome he had caused to be hanged beeing sente to him at the siege of Voltero to declare a message.

Thus the Florentins seemed delyuered vp to a condition abandoned of all suc­cours bothe diuine and humaine, in whome also increased dayly afflictions of fa­mine without hope of further remedie or comforte: And yet albeit their extre­mities for their nature were no lesse heauye and greeuous, then their remedies de­sperate, yet the obstinacie of those that opposed agaynst the accorde, was nothing abated, but was augmented by the same degrees which multiplied their wantes and extremities: Those men beeing induced by a laste dispayre not to pull vpon them their owne ruine without the distruction of the countrey, and standing nowe no more wilfully resolued to dye for the safety of the countrey, but that their common countrey and their lyues should take ende together: were also followed of many, who flattered them selues with this impression that the succours of the great God of wonders woulde not appeare before thinges were reduced to suche tearmes as there remayned no further exspectation in humayne helpe: And as the Magi­strates and almoste all suche as managed any publike authoritie, were concurrant in this obstinacie, and no place left to impugne it, for that greater was the awe of the Magistrates and threates of armes, then the reasons or perswasions of those that were of the contrarie opinion: So there had bene daunger that the warre woulde haue ended with the laste destruction of that Citie, had it not bene for the indu­strie of Malatesta, who seeing the aduersitie of the Citie to be without reme­die, dyd as it were constrayne them to incline to accorde: Wherein happlye he was caryed by pitie and compassion to see wholly perishe throughe the rage of [Page 1170] her Citisens, a Citie so auncient and flourishing: And happly he was moued by the dishonour and domage that mighte come to him to bee present at so greate a ruine: But the principall cause of his induction was, that he hoped to obteyne of the Pope by the meane of that accorde, suffraunce to returne to Perousa: So that whilest the Magistrates and suche as were most furious and forward, were consul­ting to make issue out of the Citie the souldiours to giue battell to thenemies, who both exceeded them in numbers and aduauntage and strength of place, and that he refused to go out with them: They suffred their passion to cary them so farre, that they decassed him and deposed hym from his charge of Capteine, and sente cer­tayne of the moste disordered amongest them to denownce agaynst him a com­maundement to go out of the towne with his companies: A matter which both for the soddennes comming vnlooked for, and for the property of iniurie being not de­serued, did so inflame and kindle him, that striking at one of them with his dagger, the assistantes that were by him had muche to do to deliuer him with his life out of his hands: By which accident the present company being astonished, & the whole Citie beginning to ryse, those that were not so farre incensed with passion and fury, began in better temperāce to reprehend the rashnes of the Gonfalonier, who though he went to arme himselfe, protesting sometimes that he would set vpon Malatesta, The issue of the vvarre of Florence. and sometimes that he woulde issue out to feight with thenemies, at laste thinges were qualified to this moderation, that the desperate obstinacie of many gaue place to the extreme necessitie of the whole: In so muche as in those moodes they sente out foure Embassadours the nynth of August to capitulate with Don Ferrand Gonsa­guo, who for the death of the Prince of Orenge commaunded in the army, the Mar­quis of Guast beeing retyred before: with whom the day following the conclusion was made, of which these were the principall articles, that the Citie within very few dayes should pay fourescore thousande duckets for the withdrawing of the armie: That the Pope and the Citie shoulde giue authoritie to themprour to declare within three monethes what should be the fourme of the gouernment, alwayes reseruing and sauing their lybertie: That there was generally pardoned all maner of iniuries done agaynst the Pope, his friendes, and his seruauntes: That tyll the declaration and sentence of themprour were passed, Malatesta Baillon should re­mayne within the Citie in garrison with two thowsande footemen. Assone as this accorde was made, and whilest the money was collected for the armie, whereof there was neede of a farre greater summe, for that in the Pope was found little rea­dines to releeue the Citie with money in so great a daunger: The Popes Commis­sarie called Bart. Valory ioyning with Malatesta who aspired altogether to returne to Perousa, made a conuocation of the people in the publike place according to the auncient customes of that Citie, to the which the Magistrates and multitudes agreed through feare: And in that Parliament they introduced a newe fourme of The fla [...]e of the Ci [...]ie of Florence af­ter the siege. gouernment, by the whiche was giuen authoritie to twelfe Citisens of the fac­tion of the Medicis, to dispose as they thought good of the pollicie of the Ci­tie, who reduced it to that fourme whiche it was wont to carye before the yeare a thowsande fiue hundred seuen and twentie. After this the armie dislodged and brake vp, and hauing receyued money for the orderly pay and satisfying of the vni­uersall bandes, the Italian capteines conuerting to their owne priuate vsage to the great ignominy of their discipline, that which should haue runne amongst the soul­diours by share, retyred into Florence loaden with the money which was appoynted to paye the armie: They contented with a litle the regiments of footemen and dis­missed [Page 1171] them, who remeining without leaders or commaunders went dispersed into diuers places of the contry: But for the Spanyards & launceknights being fully aun­swered of all their payes, they went out of the townes and iurisdiction of Florence, & drew to the contry of Sienna to reorder the gouernment of that citie: And as Ma­latesta Baillon, whome the Pope suffred to returne to Perousa without tarying for the declaracion of thEmprour, left the citie wholly to the arbitracion and will of the Pope: So, after the souldiours were gone out of it, the persecutions & punishments of the Citizens began, the ende of one calamitie being the beginning of an other: for, those into whose power and administracion was diuolued the gouernment and authoritie, partly to assure better the state, and partly by malice conceiued against the authors of so many euills, and partly for memorie of iniuries perticularly recey­ued, but principally to satisfie the intencion and endes of the Pope though he made small manifestacion thereof: Those I say (obseruing happly the superficies and out­ward declaracion of the wordes but wresting and peruerting the inward sense) in­terpreted that the chapter or article by the which pardon was promised to such as had iniuried the Pope and his friendes, extended not to deface and wipe out the wrongs & crymes which by them selues were committed in matters that cōcerned the common weale: In which inclinacion to reuenge thinformacion, things being preferred vp to the Magistrates, six of the principalls were beheaded, many impri­soned, and a great number bownd ouer according to the tradicions and statutes of the citie: Insomuch as the citie being so much the more made weake and feeble, by how much she was shaked in her pillors and chiefe foundacions, And withall those that had pertaked in these reuenges and punishments being reduced into greater necessities and difficulties: The power of the Medicis returned more free, and more absolute, yea almost royally into that citie, which had for so long and great a warre, remeyned much impouerished of money, made naked both within and without of many inhabitants, and spoyled both of dwellings and goods abroad, & lastly stoode now more then euer deuided in it selfe: A calamitie which yet was made so much the more great and heauy, by how much had bene more lamentable for many yeres their vniuersall necessitie and difficultie to make prouision of vitteis in forreine con­tries for the generall skarcetie and darth which the whole contry endured: for, as for that yeare by reason of the afflictions and impediments of the warre they made neither seede time nor haruest, so it was so seueare a calamitie continued to the yeares succeeding, that the citie being raked and dreyned had yssued out more mo­ney to make prouision of corne from forreine regions and cattell without the lymits of their own dominions, then had bene defrayed for thexspenses of so great a warre full of heauy burdens and charges.

In this meane while thEmprour assembling the dyet at Auspurge, had caused to be elected king of Romains, Ferdinand his brother: And calling into question the Ferdinand e­lected king of Romaines. cause of the Lutherans, both suspected touching the power of Princes, and for the multitude and ambicion of their followers deuided into diuers heresies, and euen the life and example of Martyn Luther the originall Author of that opinion, being now almost of no consideracion: The Princes of Germany could deuise of no better remedie then to assemble and celebrate a councell: for, both the Lutherans seeking to couer their cause with the authoritie of religion, solicited vehemently to haue their cause disputed in a publike and free councell: And on the other parte it was beleued that the decrees which the councell should set downe would beare autho­ritie sufficient, if not to reduce and remoue the minds of the heretikes from their er­rours, [Page 1172] at least to retyre and recouer to a more sownd opinion one parte of the mul­titudes infected: But in Germany euen those that followed the factions and opini­ons of the Catholikes, desired the conuocacion of a councell, to thende to reforme the excessiue charges and abuses of the Court of Rome: Where, what with the au­thoritie of indulgences, and with the profit of dispensacions, and lastly with the annates or yearely frutes of benefices that were giuen, together with the allowan­ces that in thexpedicion of them reuerted to the offices infinitely multiplyed in that Court: It seemed there was no other studye or carethen to exacte by those corrupcions a huge masse of treasor throughout all Christendome, without re­garding the health and true comforting of soules, nor that matters Ecclesiastike were rightly administred and gouerned: for, both many benefices incompatible were transferred and heaped vppon one person, and also without respecting the merits and worthines of men, they were eyther bestowed by partialitie and fauor, or at least such persons were introduced who for their age were incapable, or for their doctrine insufficient, or (which worse is) for their life and example, most slaun­derous.

The Emperour was verye forwarde to satisfie this vniuersall instance and soli­citacion of the partes and states of Germanye, And helde it also not out of pur­posse for his affayres to appease in those prouinces the causes of the tumultes and contumacye of the peoples: In which regardes he vrged the Pope by reducing to his memorye the conference they had together at Bolognia, to call a councell, promising him (least he feared his authoritye and dignitye shoulde fall into daun­ger) to bee there in personne to take perticularly care of him: But for the Pope, albeit there was nothinge in the worlde that coulde bee offered more to his dis­pleasing or discontentement then the assemblye of a councell, yet, to nourishe the opinion that men had of his good intencion, he dissembled that inclinacion or rather cause of feare: And yet in effecte he had many deepe and setled feares: one was, least the councell, to moderate the abuses of the Court and the indis­creete permissions of many Popes, woulde not too much diminishe and restrayne the power of the sea Apostolyke: an other was (which was no small impression in him) that albeit when he was called to bee Cardinall he had proued by witnes­ses that he was borne in lawefull mariage, yet in truthe he knewe it was contra­rye, And albeit there coulde bee founde no lawe written that forbadde any man (not lawefully borne) to ascende to the Papacie, yet there was enterteyned a­mongest them an auncient and common opinion, that no man vppon whome coulde bee proued illegittimacion coulde bee capable of a Cardinalls place: Thirdely he reduced to remorsse and conscience, that he was raysed to the sea Apostolyke not without some suspicion of symonie practised with the Cardinall Colonno: And lastely he feared least for the seuerities and rudenes whiche he had vsed towardes his naturall contrye, accompanyed with so manye tumultes and aduersities of warre, he shoulde bee made perpetually infamous in the generall councell, the rather for that it had appeared vppon theffectes that he was mo­ued not to reduce that citye to a good and moderate gouernment, but was in­duced with ambicion and enuye to put it eftsoones vnder the yoke and ser­uitude of his house: In regarde of these causes and feares, lyke as he abhor­red the name of a councell, and coulde not accompt the fidelitie of the Em­perour a sufficient sewertye to him: So, after he had communicated the whole matter with some Cardinalls deputed to the discussion of a cause of so greate [Page 1173] waight, who also stoode in feare to be corrected by the councell: he aunswered that there were many reasons against the calling of a councell in that time, both for that there was no assured stabilitie of peace amongest the Princes of Christendom, And also the feare was no lesse that the Prince of Turkes would recōtinue the warre, in which case it were not good that he found the regions of Christendom encom­bred with the disputacions and contencions of the councell: Neuerthelesse ma­king show to referre the resolucion of it to thEmprour, he concluded that he was contented that he should promisse in the dyet, the induction of the councell with these obseruacions: That it might be celebrated in Italy: That a reasonable tyme were assigned for the calling of it: That it be assisted with the person and presence of thEmprour: And that the Lutherans and other heretikes promising to refer them selues to the determinacion of the councell, should in the meane while desist from the practise of their corrupcions, And rendring to the sea Apostolike their due obe­dience, they should returne to their former conuersation of Christian Catholikes: This article made more hard the whole practise and negociacion of the councell▪ for, the Lutherans were not onely not to desist from their opinions, and ceremonies before the celebracion of the councell: but also it was beleued that they had no in­clinacion to the councell, where they could exspect no other matter then a repro­bacion of their doctrine, the rather for that their principall opinions had bene many times refuted as hereticall, by the former councells: yea it was thought they insi­sted vppon the conuocacion of this councell, for that knowing it was a matter fear­full to Popes to stand in presence of a councell, they were of opinion that the court of Rome would not accorde to it, And so by that meane, they should support their cause with the nations of the world, with a greater authoritie.

With these actions and intencions determined the yeare a thowsand fiue hun­dred and thirty, and successiuely followed the yeare 1531. wherein was wrought no The French king and king of England ill disposed to the Emprour. great matter of emocion and stirre: for, notwithstanding it was comprehended by many signes that the French king was not onely ill contented with the accords and contracts made with the Emprour, but also stoode very desirous to innouate things to new tumults, with whom the king of England bare the same inclinacion especi­ally against thEmprour for that standing in defence of the cause of the sister of his mother, he impugned the matter of his diuorce: yet the French king beeing both impouerished of money, & litle leasure to respire from the trauells of so long warrs, he sawe the time was not yet apt to kindle matters of innouacion: Neuerthelesse he omitted not in the meane while to conspire aswell in Germany with such Princes as bare mindes estraunged from thEmprour, as in Italy with the Pope, to whome the better to assure his amitie, he made an ouerture of mariage betweene his seconde sonne and the Popes Neece: In which practises and conspiracies he suffered him selfe to be so much ouercaried with malice and reuenge, that to the great offence of The French king inci [...] the Turke against thEm­prour. God and perpetuall infamie to the crowne of Fraunce which alwayes made princi­pall profession to defend Christian religion, and for those merits was honored with the title of Christianissimus: he enterteyned practises with the Prince of Turkes to stirre him vp against the Emprour: Towards whome the Turkes were ordinarily ill disposed, no lesse for a naturall hatred they bare to the name of Christians, then for the matter of controuersies they had with his brother tending to questions for the Realme of Hungrie with the Vayuode whome he had taken into his protection: The Turkes also began with much ielousie to suspect and enuye the greatnes of thEm­prour.

[Page 1174]By this time thImperiall Capteines leauied their forces from the territories of Sienna to leade them to Piemont: But before they departed, to satisfie the Pope, they reestablished within Sienna the famulie of Montonouo, repossessing them of their cō ­try and goods & yet altered not the forme of the gouernment: And to assure them in their estate, they left them a garde of three hundred Spanyards depending vppon the Duke of Malfy, vnder whome, beeing not able to keepe his authoritie, thinges so reuerted forthwith to their olde disorders, that suche as had beene reestablished and restored, left for feare the thinge they could not holde by force. Moreouer the Emperour pronownced the forme of gouernment for Florence, dissembling that parte of the authoritie giuen to him, which lymited their libertie saued: for that ac­cording to the very instructions which the Pope had sent to him, he expressed that the citie shoulde be gouerned with the same Magistrate and in the same manner it was wont in the tymes when the Medicis ruled it: he declared also for chiefe of the gouernment Alexander the Popes Nephewe, and his sonne in lawe: And that in case of him and his yssue extinct, there shoulde succeede from hand to hande, the children, the descendants, and the next procreated of the same famulie: he restored to the citie all the priuileadges agreed vnto beforetymes by him and by his prede­cessors, but with this condicion annexed to be deposed from them as often as the citie shoulde attempt any thinge against the greatnes of the famulie of Medicis, inserting throw all the decree, wordes which showed that he tooke not his ground and inducement onely vppon the power that had beene giuen to him by the par­ties, but also vppon the authoritie and dignitie imperiall: In which manner of dea­ling where he happly satisfied the Pope more then was extended by the facultie gi­uen him by the writ of compromisse: he offended him as much immediatly after in a matter which was no lesse greeuous to him then the other was agreeable: for, af­ter the Doctors especially assigned had heard and examined the controuersie be­twene the Pope and Duke of Ferrara, before whome both the parties had produ­ced many testimonies and inscripcions, with a long course of processe and pleading, he pronownced sentence according to their councell and relacion, that as Modena and Reggia apperteyned of right to the Duke of Ferrara, so the Pope in receiuing of him an hundred thowsand duckats, and reducing the tributes to the auncient man­ner, he should inuest him of new in the iurisdiction of Ferrara: Wherein the Em­prour labored to insinuat into the Pope, that where contrary to his promisse made in Bolognia not to pronownce in case he founde his cause not to be iust, he had gi­uen sentence: That he was not to complaine against him, but rather to blame the Bishoppe of Vasona his Nuncio, to whome he alwayes gaue significacion that he woulde not pronownce sentence, for that he woulde not bee constrayned to passe iudgement against the Pope: But he perswading the contrarye and interpreting those significacions for a discharge of the promisse he had made to giue sentence if the right were in him, had pressed so muche the publicacion of the sentence that he was halfe constrayned to it for the regarde of his honour: An excuse whiche the Pope woulde sooner haue admitted, if the sentence and iudge­ment had not beene in the same sorte and manner, Wherein thEmprour had The Pope holdeth him selfe offended with the Em­pr [...]. many tymes assayed to reduce the matter by accorde: But the poynte wherein the Pope was moste offended, was, that the Emperour in pronowncinge vp­pon the matters of Modena and Reggia, hadde followed a waye and taken a coursse of a Iudge moste rogorous, but in the action of Ferrara wherein the rigour was manifestelye for hym, he hadde donne the office of a friendelye [Page 1175] Arbitrator and Compromittor: Therefore though he woulde neither ratifie the sentence pronownced, nor accept the payment of the money wherein the Duke was condemned, neither did he at the next feaste of Saint Peter accept the tribute which was publikely offred to him according to auncient custom: yet the Emprour forbare not for all that to consigne vnto the Duke of Ferrara Modena which he had deteyned in deputacion till that daye leauing them to decyde afterwards the diffe­rences betweene them: So that by reason of that dealing, there was not for many moneths betwene the Pope and the Duke of Ferrara, neither an open warre nor an assured peace, the Popelying alwayes in watche, to oppresse him with conspiracies and surprise, or els to exspect the occasion to heape against him an open warre with the supportacion of greater Princes.

This yeare of 1531. brought forth no other accidents, and the tranquillitie also went on continuing for the yeare following, A yeare more daungerous for forreine warres, then for the emocions of Italy: for, the Turke beeing kindled with the igno­minie of his repulse at Vienna, and no lesse vnderstanding howe thEmprour was in­tangled in Germany, prepared a right huge and great armye, wherein boasting inso­lently of his forces, he let not to publish that his intencion was to constraine thEm­prour to come to battell with him: By the rumor and renowme of which prepara­cions, both the Emprour put him selfe in as good order as he could, reuoking into Germany the Marquis of Guast with his Spanish regiments and a great band of horse­men and footemen Italyans: And the Pope promised to contribute to him a defrai­ment of forty thowsand duckats for euery moneth, sending for the same expedicion as Legat Apostolike, his Nephew the Cardinall of Medicis: And lastly the Princes and free townes of Germany, prepared in fauor of thEmprour and for the common defense of Germany, A very huge and mighty army: But the effects aunswered no­thing The Turke returneth with shame to Con­stantinople. the renowme and the feare: for, Solyman who for the greatnes of his prepara­cions, and difficultie and distance of the way could not enter into Hungarie but ve­rie late, did not drawe directlie with his armie where thEmperour was, but exhibi­ting onely a show of warre together with certeine bragging Caualcadoes and braue­ries of horsemen, he returned to Constantinople leauing the enterprise vnperfect for want of vallour which he had induced and managed with so mightie preparacions: Neither did thEmperour shew any greater deuocion or readines, seeing that when he vnderstood the Turkes drew neare, much lesse that he made out to meete them, seeing vppon their retyring he omitted to pursue with all his forces the faire occa­sion that was offered him to reconquer Hungarie for his brother: Onely yeelding to his importunate desire to go into Spaine, he gaue order that certeine bands of Spa­nish footemen & some regiments of Launceknightes should be conuerted to then­terprise of Hungarie: But that order was immediatlie disordered by the insolent be­hauiours of thItalians, who pushed on by certeine their Captaines disdaining that the authority and conduit of the enterprise was giuen to others and not to them, so mutined, That hauing no reason to alleage for their tumult and the presence of the Emperour who went thither to appease them, being not sufficient to conteine them, They tooke resolutely and vniuersally their way into Italie, in which disorder they marched with great hast for feare to be followed, and in their way with minds malicious they burned many villages and houses in reuenge as they said of the bur­nings & wasting committed in many places in Italie by the Launceknights: ThEm­perour also returned by the way of Italie, and where he had set downe in what order and by what places should passe his Court and all his trayne, The Cardinall Medi­cis, [Page 1176] caried with humors and passions of youth, would not obey the order generallie giuen to all the traine, but in his insolencie respecting lesse the Emperours order then his owne ambicious will, he aduaunced and gotte before together with Peter Maria Rossa vppon whom chiefly was layed the fault of that sedicion: This bred no litle indignacion in thEmperour, either for that he imputed the beginning and dis­course of the matter to the Cardinall, or else he feared least the Cardinall standing ill contented that Alexander his cossin was preferred to the administracion of the­state of Florence, would goe after the bandes of Italians to lead them to trouble the affaires of Tuskane: In which regard he caused to be apprehended by the way, the Cardinall and with him Peter Maria Rossa: But after he had better considered of thimportaunce of the matter, he wrote letters for the redeliuerie of the Cardinall to whome as well as to the Pope he protested many excuses: Onely Peter Maria remeyned prisoner, though not long after he was released, working greatlie for him with thEmperour, the iniurie which it seemed he had done to the Cardinall.

The retyring of the Turke deliuered the regions of Italie of a great warre that Enteruiew of the king of England and French king. threatned to fall vpon them: for, where the Frenche king and king of England with mindes full of emulacion against thEmperour, had an enteruiewe and conference together betwene Calice and Bolleyne, where taking their groundes that the Turke would abide that winter in Hungarie and hold intangled the forces of thEmperour: They consulted that the French king vnder that oportunitie should inuade the Du­chie of Millan, and hauing a disposicion to draw the Pope to their parte by violence and astonishment whom they could neuer allure by other meanes, they deuised to take from him the obedience of their kingdoms in case he would not cōsent to that which they desired of him, which was for the action of Millan for the French king, & for the king of England to giue sentence on his side in the cause of diuorce: And to relate their intencions, they were determined to sende to him with sharpe com­missions, the Cardinalls of Tournon and Tarbes both which bare no small authoritie with the Frenche king: But the newes which they receiued of the retyring of the Turke before the time of their enteruiew was determined, did not onely well mode­rate those deuises and their seuerities, but were also the cause that the king of Eng­land would not suffer to passe to Calyce the Lady Anne Bulleine to celebrate mariage with her publikely in that assembly, Notwithstanding that both the cause was han­ging in the Court of Rome, & also he was forbidden by writs Apostolike vnder paine of very great iudgements to innouate nothing to the preiudice of the first mariage▪ But so deepe did the French king dissemble that albeit to confirme the minde of the king of England that he would be against the Pope, he imposed by his owne autho­ritie vppon the Clergie of his Realme a taxe of tenthes, & dispatched the two Car­dinalls to the Pope, yet not obseruing the fidelitie of his word and promisse, he sent them furnished with commissions farre differing from the resolucion of the two kings in the beginning.

The Emprour being comen into Italy with a desire to speake with the Pope, the A second en­teruiew of the Pope and Emprour a [...] Bo­lognia. place of their meeting and enteruiewe was eftsoones assigned at Bolognia, A place which the Pope accepted willingly, the rather for that he would giue no occasion to thEmprour to goe to the Realme of Naples and by that occasion to make a lon­ger aboad in Italy: A matter whereunto albeit thEmprour was induced by the rea­sons and perswasions of many of his Court, yet it was entierly contrary to his prin­cipall intencion who desired to make haste into Spaine chiefly for the desire he had to haue sonnes, his wife remeyning there: So that those two personages of that e­state [Page 1177] and greatnes mette at the ende of the yeare at Bolognia, where were obserued betweene them the same demonstrations of amitie and the same offices of fami­liaritie whiche they vsed before, but there was no more the same correspondencie of willes whiche had beene expressed vppon their negociations the other tyme: for themperour had a great desire to aduaunce the Councell, the better to reduce to reste and contentment the regions and peoples of Germanie: He offred to dis­solue the armie liuing at a great charge bothe to him and others, But to thende he might do it with more suretie, he insisted to haue renued the last league made at Bolognia, both to comprehend in it all the Italians, and to taxe the quantities & rates of money which euery particular was to contribute, if the states of Italy were inua­ded Katherine de Medicis. by the French: He desired also to haue Katherine the Popes Neece maryed to Frauncis Sforce, aswel to presse the Pope by a greater necessitie to looke to the preser­uatiō of that state, as also to breake the practise of parentage that was solicited with the french king: Of all these matters not one was acceptable to the Pope, seeing the confederation was a motion contrarie to the desyre he had to stande a new [...]er so much as he could betwene the Princes of Christendome: Wherein both he doub­ted many daungers generally, and especially he feared least the Frenche kinge ta­king his example and instigation by the king of Englande, woulde depriue him of the obedience of his kingdome: Touching the conuocation of a Councell, it was no lesse grieuous to hym then before for the auncient causes and impressions: And for parentage with the Duke of Millan, it pleased hym nothing at all, for that he interpreted it to a meane to take an open hatred with the Frenche kinge, with whose seconde sonne he had a vehement desyre to conioyne his Neece. These mat­ters were drawne into negociation and counsell, but principally was solicited the poynt of the confederation, In whiche action running many monethes, were de­puted for themprour, Cno [...]os, the great Commaunder of Leo, Granuelle, and Prato, his chiefe counsellors: And for the Pope were delegate the Cardinall Medicis, Iames Saluiatio, and Guicciardin: Who as they refused not to go through with the confederation, for that it was all one to vncouer the Popes intention, and to gyue themprour cause to conceyue iustely a greate suspicion of him, So they made in­stance to haue the Venetians sownded and to be drawne to consente to it, alleaging that bothe without them the defence of Italie would be but weake, and that ioynt­ly with them shoulde be protected with more reputation the common affayres if the defence were continued vppon the renowme of the former confederation: Where, if there were resolued an other without them, it would deliuer to the world an opinion that betwene themprour, the Pope, and Venetians were apparant matter of discord: In this regarde the Venetians were solicited to condiscend to a new con­federation for the vniuersall defence of all the regions of Italy, for that by the first league their obligation extended no further then for the affayres of Millan and Na­ples: Themprour also wished with great desire that they might be bound to the de­fence of Genes, where it was thought that when the warre was on foote, the Frenche men would be apt to recontinue their former inuasion, a matter which they might pretende to do lawfully by reason of their rightes and interests particular, without preiudicing the contractes of Madrill and Cambray. But the Senate of Venice refused absolutelye to renewe the confederation, or to amplifye the obligati­ons conteyned in the same, A matter whiche broughte no small discontentment to themperour, thoughe they affirmed to obserue inuiolably that coniunction: But themperour was so much the more importunate, and so refuted all reasons that [Page 1178] were alleaged to the contrarye, that the articles of the confederacion beganne to be commoned vppon: And for the more effectuall handling of thinges there were summoned all the Pottentats of Italy who sent Embassadors to this negociacion: They were required to enter the league, and to contribute in case the warre went on, euery one according to his power and possibilitie, wherein they made no diffi­cultie or resistance, but labored seuerally to ease the demaunde of the contribucion: Onely Alfonso d'Este reasoned with them that it was not reasonable he should enter into a league to defend the states of others, if first he were not assured of his owne: he alleaged there could no accorde be made to warrant him against the Pope, nor to enter league with him: neither could he promisse to contribute with his treasor to the defense of Myllan and Genes, if necessitie compelled him to exspend it conti­nually to keepe bands of souldiours within Modena and Reggia, and also for the sew­ertie of Ferrara: Vppon which reasons was deriued a new practise and labor to ac­cord him with the Pope: who bearing a mind farre estraunged from that mocion, and yet not willing to oppose him selfe so apparantly against the instance of thEm­prour, he proponed condicions very hard and impossible to be obserued, affirming that if he should leaue Modena and Reggia to Alphonso who otherwayes would not come to accord, he would that Alfonso should reacknowledge & hold them in chief of the sea Apostolike: A matter which for that it could not be done in such sort as to be iudicially auaileable without the consent of the electors and Princes of thEm­pire, reduced the Emprour to a difficultie which had no yssue: This brought the Emprour to entreat the Pope, that at the least during the league, he would be boūd not to vexe the state which Alfonso held, Insomuch as after many importunities and disputings the Pope consented to assure him for xviij. monethes: And so at last was resolued the conclusion of the league passed and contracted vppon S. Mathievves day, A day alwayes happy to thEmprour: This league and confederacion contey­ned A league for the defense of Italy. an obligacion of thEmprour, the king of Romaines, and all the other Pottentats of Italy except the Venetians, for the defense of Italy: Onely the Florentyns were not otherwayes named then in the same manner they were expressed in the league of Conguac, and that to thend not to trouble their entercoursse and trades in the Realme of Fraunce: it was set downe with what proporcion of souldiours euery one should be concurrant, and with what quantities of money to contribute for euery moneth: ThEmprours rate was xxx. thowsand duckats, The Pope for him and the Florentyns was taxed at twenty thowsand, The Duke of Myllan at fifteene thowsand, The Duke of Ferrara at ten thowsand, the Genovvaies at six thowsand, the state of Sienna at ten thowsand, and the citie of Lucquay at a thowsand: And to thend to be found prepa­red against all suddeine & vnlooked for inuasions vntill defense might be made with the contribucions afforenamed, it was agreed that immediatly should be leauied a loane of a summe of money almost equall to the taxacions, and that not to be ex­spended onlesse the preparacions to inuade Italy were manifestly discerned: There was also set downe a small contribucion yearely for thinterteinment of those Cap­teines that remeyned in Italy, and to defraye certeine pensions to the Svvyzzers to stoppe that nation for giuing ayde of men to the French king: Ouer this league was declared Capteine generall by common consent, Antho. de Leua, with ordenaunce that he should remeine in the Duchie of Myllan. Touching the generall councell there was nothing cōcluded to the liking of thEmprour, who stil solicited the Pope The Pope wil not [...]arken to [...] councell. to send out present summonce for it: But he refused to accomplishe the mocion al­leaging that as in that ill disposicion of the time and mens mindes, there would be [Page 1179] daunger lest the kings of England and Fraunce would not appeare, So if the councell were celebrated without them much lesse that there could be introduced either v­nion or reformacion of the Church, seeing it was to be feared lest things would di­uolue to a manifest scisme: Onely he was content to send out Nuncioes to all Prin­ces to induce them to so holly a worke: But albeit thEmprour made a question to him what would be the yssue of thinges if those two Princes did dissent from them without iust cause, and pressed him in that case to intimat the councel, yet he could neuer dispose him to it, So that his Nuncioes were assigned and sent out with a ve­ry slender hope to bring backe any good conclusion. ThEmprour was no better sa­tisfied touching the negociacion of the parentage, for that when the two Cardi­nalls which the French king had sent were comen to Bolognia and had eftsoones re­continued the negociacion of the mariage with the second sonne of Fraunce, The Pope gaue aunswer to the offer made for the Duke of Myllan and exhibited by the Emprour: That whereas the Frenche king had long time before made an ouerture The Pope re­fuseth to giue his Neece in mariage to the Duke of Myllan. of mariage for his sonne, & he had harkned to the mocion by the consent of thEm­prour declaring at that time his good consent and liking, he should nowe doe too greate a wronge to the Frenche king if during the negociacion he should giue his Neece in mariage to one of his ennemies: But he perswaded him that that practise was artificially introduced by the French king to enterteine him, and not with in­tencion to conclude it, seing there was betweene the parties so great disagreement and inequalitie of degree and condicion: Lastly he assured him that he would not commit so great an offence to the king, if he sawe not before, the practise and solici­tacion altogether broken: And the Emprour for his parte beeing not to be perswa­ded that the French king would adioyne his sonne to a matche so farre vnequall to him, encouraged and aduised the Pope, that for the better vncouering of the kings dissimulacions, he would presse the Cardinals to send for a procuracion to contract them, which accordingly was accomplished in fewe dayes and exhibited in very ample forme: By which readines and resolute meaning not onely was lost all hope of affinitie with Frauncis Sforce, but also the solicitacion with the French king was pursued with so muche the more importunitie, and to it was further added accor­ding to the deuise betweene them longe before, that the Pope and the Frenche kinge shoulde contracte together at Nyce, A citye of the Duke of Sauoye standing vppon the ryuer of Var and separateth Italye from Prouence. These matters were not a litle discontenting to thEmprour, aswell for a suspicion he had that betwene the Pope and French king were concluded a greater coniunction to his preiudice, as also for that he was ielous that in the Pope remeyned not some secrete memorie and impressions of his imprisonment, of the sacke of Rome, of the mutacion of Flo­rence, and of other wronges: To these he adioyned the passion of disdayne wherein he iudged that the honor which the Pope had done to him in making two iorneyes to Bolognia to speake with him, woulde stande derided and diminished if he shoulde make a voyage by sea so farre as Nyce to meete with the French king. But in vaine were these suspicions and the causes of them, though he could not dissemble them, for that in the Popes mind was vehemently norished and affected the desire of that affinitie, beeing happly moued more with ambicion and appetit of glorye in that beeing of a house almoste simple and priuate he had obteyned in recompense of a bastarde Nephewe of his, A bastard Daughter of so mightye an Emperour, and nowe in exchaunge of his Neece legyttimate, he had honored his howse with the seconde sonne of Fraunce lawefully borne and orderly assured: Then that [Page 1180] he was induced which many councelled him, that by the meane of that parentage he might giue cooller of right (though more apparant then true) to the Frenche king, to enter for his sonne and for his Daughter in law vppon the estate of Florence: To these discontentments of thEmprour, may be added also as a full accomplish­ment of his disliking, That where he made instance to the Pope to create three Car­dinalls exhibited by him, he obteyned onely and that with difficultie the calling of thArchbishop of Bary, the Pope making his excuses vppon the contradiction of the Colleage of Cardinalls: The Emprour stoode litle appeased in the readines which the Pope showed to make a secret confederacion with him, wherein he pro­mised to proceede iudicially to pronownce iudgements and censures and all other things that might be done by right against the king of England and against the La­dy Anne Bolleyne: And they were bownd to make no new confederacions or accords with Princes without reciprocall consent one of an other.

Thus thEmprour departed from Bolognia the daye after the conclusion of the confederacion, being now no lesse assured in him selfe that the sayd mariage would goe on together with thenteruiew betweene the Pope and the French king, Then he had reason to doubt some greater coniunction: And beeing embarked at Genes he passed into Spaine with this resolute intencion that if the mariage of Katherine de Medicis were celebrated with the seconde sonne of Fraunce, he woulde dissolue and breake the matche made betwene his Daughter and Alexander de Medicis: Not ma­ny dayes after the Pope departed to goe to Rome beeing accompanied with the two French Cardinalls and nothing troubled with the newe confederacion: for that as he was excellent in simulacions and practises in which he was not surmounted with feare, so he had told them that vppon concluding the league the spanish armie was to dissolue & decasse, A matter which would turne more to the benefit of the french king, then the league or confederacion could doe him hurt, seeing that aswell for the obligacions it conteyned as for the obseruancie and execucions of the same, many difficulties might happen and sundry impediments arise.

Thus the solicitacions and practises begon, were continued betwene them: And as the French king was desirous in regard of his honor and for ambicion more then for other needefull matter, that the person of the Pope might come to Nyce, so to allure him the more, he promised not to require of him any confederacion, nor to incense him to warre, and much lesse to drawe him from tearmes of iustice in the cause of the king of England, nor to importune him to create newe Cardinalls: Ne­uerthelesse he was somewhat pushed on by the incitacion of the king of England who had now solemnly maried the Ladye Anne Bolleyne, by whome hauing by due order of time procreated a Daughter he had, to the preiudice of the Daughter of his first wife, declared her Princesse of the Realme of England, A title which is trans­ferred to suche as are moste nearest the Crowne: By reason of which action the Pope not hable to dissemble so great a contempt against the sea Apostolike, nor re­fuse to graunt iustice to thEmprour, had with the vowes and iustificacions of the Consistorie published that king guiltie of the cryme of contempt: A matter which moued the king of England to desire with more importunitie both the parentage and enteruiewe of the Pope with the French kinge, hoping muche in that kinge to remedye his cause, and that if the Pope were induced to common vppon new matters against thEmprour, he woulde desire to restore him and to drawe him to their coniunction, and so almoste to constitute a triumuirate to giue lawes to the thinges of Italy: At laste his going was concluded but not to Nyce, for [Page 1181] some difficultie interposed by the Duke of Sauoy touching the consigning of the Castel to the Pope, hauing in likelyhood no inclination to displease the Emperour: But the place was chaunged to Marseilles greatly to the pleasing and appetite of the French king, who interpreted it not a little to his honour to reduce the enteruiew into his kingdome, Neyther was it discontenting to the Pope, as one that desired to satisfie him more with demonstrations to please his ambition, then with effects ac­cording to true meaning. The Pope caused to be published a brute that he went to this enteruiew principally to solicite an vniuersall peace: secondly to perswade an enterprise agaynst the Infidells: thirdly to reduce and call backe to good wayes the king of Englande: and lastely and onely for common and generall interests, and to establish some good fourme in the vniuersall affayres: But beeing in deede not ha­ble to dissemble the true cause of his iourney, before he departed he sent his Neece to Nice vpon the gallies which the French king sent to him, accompanied with the duke of Albania vncle to the young Lady: Which gallies after they had deliuered the Lady to Nice returned to the port Pisan, and tooke in the fourth of October the Enteruiew of the Pope and fr. king at Marseilles. person of the Pope with a trayne of many Cardinalls, whom with a happy nauiga­tion they brought in few dayes to Marseilles: There he made his solemne entry, and after him entred the French king, who had visited him before by night: They were lodged in one Pallace, and exercised reciprocally one vpon an other right great of­fices and demonstrations of amitie, And the king who especially laboured to insi­nuate into his fauour and to winne him, besought him to sende for his Neece to come to Marseilles, which beeing perfourmed with a willing readines in the Pope, who forbare to preuent the king in that motion to shewe that he would first debate of the common affayres, so soone as the Lady was come the contractes wente on which were immediatly confirmed and made perfect by the consommation of the Katherine de Medicis ma­ried to the se­cond sonne of Fraunce. mariage, to the incredible gladnes of the Pope: Who albeit with such art solicited his affayres with the king, that the king reapposed a wonderfull confidence in his wordes, and honored him with a singular affection: yet both contrary to thopinion of all men and especially agaynst thexspectation of themprour, no article or capitu­lation was passed betweene them: Onely the Pope shewed him selfe alwayes well inclined and desirous that the state of Millan might be conuerted to the Duke of Orleance husbande to his Neece: A matter also vehemently thirsted after by the king for a hatred & despite he bare to the Emprour and his greatnes & fortunes, But much more for that the duke of Orleance hauing to his share an estate of that appa­rance & greatnes, he thought that therby would be quenched the occasiōs of con­tentions betwene his children after his death▪ which otherwise he feared might fall amongest them for the title of the Duchie of Britaine▪ An estate which the king in the yere before contrarie to the couenauntes made by king Levvis with those peo­ple, had annexed and vnited to the Crowne of Fraunce, wherevnto he induced the subiects of that state to consent more by his kingly authoritie then of their proper inclination and will. Moreouer in this enteruiew muche lesse that the king coulde obteyne any fauour of the Pope in the cause of the king of Englande, seeing beeing discontented with the inciuilities of the Agentes of that king whom he founde in the Popes chamber protesting and appealing from him to the Councell, he tolde the Pope that it should nothing offende him if he pursued that king and his cause according to the rule of iustice: yea he was so moderate in his demaundes and dea­lings, that in nothing did he offende the minde of the Pope, sauing that more to satisfie others of his Court and counsell then to content himselfe, he solicited him [Page 1182] to create three Cardinalls: A matter not a little discontenting to the Pope, not so muche for thinstance whiche themperours Embassadour made to the contrarie, as for that he interpreted it to an action of great consequence both for thelection of other Popes hereafter, and for the disobediences whiche might happen in hys lyfe and after, to adde so many Cardinalls to the French nation beeing at that time sixe in number: Neuerthelesse to preuent a greater euill with satisfying the les­ser, he accomplished the kings demaunde, making to be concurrante in the action of that creation, a brother of the Duke of Albanie to whome he had before pro­mised the Cardinalls Cappe: In all other regardes they seemed to stande firme and assured in all sortes of fidelitie and satisfaction, and in that good estate of inclina­tion and amitie the Frenche king was not curious to communicate with him ma­ny of his counsells, and especially his determination to stirre vp agaynst themprour certayne Princes of Germany, and chiefly the Lantgraue van Hesse and the Duke of VVittemberg, who the sommer following drewe into commotion: And so wyth these actions and demonstrations of amitie and office, after they had passed a mo­neth at Marseilles, the Pope returned vppon the same Gallies that brought hym: But beeing with great stormes and tempestes of sea aryued at Sauona, where rea­posing no more confidence neyther in the prouisions of the gallies, nor in the in­dustrie and experience of those that gouerned them, he sente backe agayne the same gallies that had deliuered him out of his first perilles, and tooke his course to Ciuitavecchia in the gallies of Andre Dore, from whence beeing returned to Rome with a right great reputation and wonderfull felicitie, especially to suche as had seene him prisoner in the Castell of Saint Angeo, he reioysed as it were at his wyll in the full fauour of fortune, feeling notwithstanding in the secrete apprehensions of his spirite and minde the chaunge that was speedily to happen to him, In which impression he seemed to foresee and discerne his laste ende: for it is certayne that The Pope knoweth his end. almoste assoone as he was returned from his voyage to Marseilles, from whence he seemed to bring certayne predictions and comettes of his death, he caused to make the Ring with all other habites accustomed to bury Popes, assuring his fami­liars with a mind wel reposed & resolute, that his latest dayes could not be deferred for any long time. Neuertheles nothing retyring for all those impressions, from his cares & studies accustomed, he solicited as he thought for the greater suretie of his house, to buyld a very strong Citadell within Florence, not knowing how soone was to ende the felicity of his Nephews: of whō being mortal enemies one to an other, Hippolito the Cardinall dyed before the ende of the yere of the Popes death, not without suspicion of poyson, And Alexander the other Nephew who commanded at Florence was (not without a great note of indiscression) secretly slayne by night in Florence by the handes of Lavvrence one of the same famulie of Medicis.

The Pope sickned about the beginning of sommer, whose griefe in the first ap­prehension was the paines of the stomack, which drawing with them to passions of a feuer & other accidents, kept him long time vexed & tormented, somtimes seming to be reduced to the poynt of death, and sometimes so eased and releeued, that he gaue to others but not to himselfe a kinde of hope of recouering. And during the time of his maladie the Duke of VVittemberg by the ayde of the Lantgraue van Hesse and other Princes, concurring also the money of Fraunce, recouered the Duchie of VVittemberg which the king of Romains possessed: By which occasion fearing a greater combustion they came to composition with the king of Romains agaynst the will of the French king, who well hoped that themprour in regarde of those e­motions [Page 1183] would stande intangled with a long and tedious warre, and that happlye their armies being victorious would discende vpon the duchie of Millan. In lyke sort about that time Barbarousso Bascha & capteine generall to Solyman of all his Na­uies Barberossa a [...] Thunis. and armies by sea, passed to the conquest of the kingdome of Thunis: In his way thither he skowred along the shores of Calabria, and ranne vp aboue Caietta, where setting on lande certayne bandes of his souldiours, he sacked Fondy, with such a feare and astonishment to the Court and peoples of Rome, that it was supposed that the Citie of Rome had bene left abandoned if in that course of victorie they had passed on further: This accident was kept from the knowledge of the Pope, who being no Death of pope Clement the vij. longer hable to make resistance agaynst his maladie, exchaunged this life for a bet­ter the xxv. of September, leauing behinde him in the Castell of Saint Angeo many ryche stones and iewels, more then was exspected of him, and in the Chamber of the sea Apostolike infinite offices, contrary to custome and good order, but in the treasorie a very small store of money, wherein he beguyled the opinion of all men: He was raysed from base degree to the place of the Popedome with a wonderfull felicitie, but in managing the place he proued a verye great variation of fortune, wherin if both the properties of fortune be euenly balanced the one with the other, the worser fortune without all comparison was farre more familiar with him then the better: For as there could happen to him no greater infelicitie then the aduer­sitie of his imprisonment, for that with his owne eyes he behelde with so greate a ruine and destruction, the sacke of Rome, A desolation whiche his fortune suffred him to bewayle with pitie and compassion, but not to turne away or remedie the harme: So also by him moued the generall desolation of his naturall countrey, to the which by howe muche more he was bounde by perpetuall obligations, by so muche greater was his aduersitie to be a chiefe instrument in the ruine of the place where he had taken his first beeing: He dyed hated of all the Court, suspected to most Princes, and for the discourse of his lyfe, he left behind him a renowme rather hatefull then acceptable: for he was accounted couetous, of litle fidelitie, and natu­rally farre of from doing pleasures to men: And in that humor albeit during hys tyme of Pope he created xxxj. Cardinalls, yet vppon none of them did he impose that dignitie to content himselfe, but was drawne as it were by the violent lawe of necessitie and to please others: yea he called to that dignitie the Cardinall of Me­dicis, not of his proper and free election, but at the contemplation and perswasion of others, and at a tyme when beeing oppressed with a daungerous maladie, yf he had dyed, he had lefte his friends and kinred in the state of beggers and depriued of all ayde: Neuerthelesse he was in counsel very graue, and in his actions much fore­seeing: Touching passions and affections a conqueror of himselfe, and for the fa­cultie of his minde and spirite of great capacitie and power, if tymerousnes had not oftentimes corrupted his iudgement. Immediatly after his death the Cardi­nalls Creation of Pope Paule the thirde. going the same night into the Conclaue, elected in his place with full voyce, Alexander of the famulie of Farnesa, a Romayne by Nation, and for his time the most auncient Cardinall of the Court: In which election their voyces seemed con­formable to the iudgement and instance that Clement had made, the person elected being moste worthy to be preferred before all the others to so soueraigne a degree, for that he was both furnished with doctrine and good learning, and fully repleni­shed with good apparances and customes: And for the Cardinalles they were so muche the more forwarde to passe thelection in his person, by howe much for the greatnes of his age beeing already vpon the threescore and seuenth yeare, and sup­posed [Page 1184] to beare a weake and vnsounde complexion (which opinion he nourished with arte) they hoped he would not sitte long in the seate. But touching his actions and operations whether they aunswered thexspectation conceiued of him, or whe­ther they were worthy of the incredible gladnes which the people of Rome tooke to haue after the end of an hundred and three yeres, and after the succession of thir­teene Popes, a Pope of blood and nation a Romaine, and of language and educa­tion of one familiaritie with themselues: it standeth in the testimonie and rela­tion of those who are to write of the accidents hapning in Italy since his election: So is to be verified the sentence of the prouerbe, that The office setteth out the dignitie of the per­son that manageth it.

The ende of the tvventeeth and last Booke.

A TABLE OF THE MOST PRINCIPALL AND GENERALL MATTERS CONTEYNED in the historie, digested according to the order Alphabit.

ASensible and apparant token of the ruyne of Princes, when they esteme themselues more then they are, and make their enemies lesse then they find them.
A good proppertie of wisedom in pa­rents to finde out the disposition of their children.
A thing very daūgerous for men to go­uerne by examples, if there be not &c.
A resolut part of a Councellor.
All things earthly are subiect to their seasons of reuolucion, and in mortal felici­ties can be no assurance nor perpetuity.
Armes do litle aduaunce where policy is not concurrant, and victorie bringeth a very short glory where the gouernment is vnperfect.
Attēpt vpon the towne of Nouaro.
Army of the confederats.
Alfonso king of Aragon dyeth.
A voyce mistaken defeateth an enter­prise.
An errour familiar with Princes ambi­cious, to measure the euēt of things more by &c.
Aluiano taketh Bybienna.
After the seedes of aduersitie be sowen, there is no longe exspectacion for the frutes &c.
A weake surety whose fundatiō is buil­ded vpon the blood of innocents, & a la­mentable example to purge surmised su­spicion by vnlawful murder.
All violent attemptes being set foorth without councell, at the beginning seeme mightie, but &c.
Accord betwene the frenche king and the Florentins.
Aretza rebelleth against the Florentins in fauor of Peter de Medicis.
Amongst vertuous men reconciliacion hath this propertie to knitte with greater suretie of faith & constancy the harts that haue liued in seperacion.
Anthony de Leua.
Ambicion hath infinite operacions, & in this it abuseth the imaginations of men, that &c.
Aluiano being sent to succour Friull, giueth the ouerthrow to thAlmains.
Aluiano taken prisoner.
Ambicion is a busie humor for that in whom it ruleth, it maketh thē hard to be contented with thinges which they haue &c.
An accidēt which made the Cardinals depart from Pisa.
Army of the confederats.
Actions of the Pope.
Army of the league passeth the riuer of Paw.
Alexandria taken by thimperialls.
Army of the league before Millan.
Army of the league come before Mil­lan the second time.
A wicked act.
Alexandria taken.
Accord betwene the Pope & thempe­rours Agents.
Anthony de Leua recouereth Pauia.
Andrewe Dore leaueth the pay of the french.
Beginning of the warre.
Beginning of the warres of Pisa.
Battell of Taro.
Beginning of warres in Naples vnder king Lewys the xij.
Bart. Aluiano commeth to the succors of Consaluo.
Bressia taken and sacked.
Bressia rendered by the frenche to the Viceroy.
Bishop of Gurcy at Rome.
[Page]Bart. Aluiano Capteine generall of the Venetians.
Bart. Aluiano taketh Pesquiero and o­ther places.
Battell of Marignan.
Beginnings of new troubles.
Battell of Pauya wherein the Frenche king is taken prisoner.
Barbarousse at Thunis.
Creacion of Pope Alexander.
Corrupcion of Cardinals in thelection of the Pope.
Confederacion betwene the Pope, the Venetians and Duke of Myllan.
Confederacion betweene the kinge of Fraunce and Lod. Sforce.
Confederacion betwene the Pope and Alfonso king of Naples.
Coniectures against the suttleties of Lod. Sforce.
Cardinall S. Petri ad vincla giues a new life to the expedicion of Naples.
The Collonnoys for the French k.
Cardinal S. P. ad vincla perswadeth the Pysans not to reuolt.
Capitulacions betweene the French k. and the Florentyns.
Capitulacions betweene the Pope and French king.
Cardinal Valence the Popes sonne.
Complaintes of the Pysans before the French king.
Confederat league against the French king.
Citie of Naples riseth to let in Ferdi­nand.
Capitulacions betweene the Frenche king and the Florentyns.
Couenants betwene Ferdinand king of Naples and the Venetians.
Camylla Vrsin slayne.
Consaluo surpriseth the French.
Caesar sendeth Embassadors to Flo­rence.
Caesar is comen to Pisa.
Caesar marcheth to Lyuorna.
Caesar leauieth his campe from Ly­uorna.
Caesar excuseth his suddeine departure
Caesar stealeth in hast into Germany.
Capitulacions betweene the Pope and the Vrsins.
Consaluo entreth Rome.
Cardinal Valēce killeth his brother the d. of Cādia being both the Popes sōns.
Castell of Genes rendred to the Duke of Myllan.
Cardinall of Valence the Popes sonne renownceth his profession.
Cardinal of Valence made Duke of Va­lentynois.
Councell of Melchior Treuisan.
Conclusion of the league betwene the French king and Venice.
Count Caiezza leaueth the Duke of Millan.
Cardinall Askanius leaueth Myllan a­bandoned.
Cardinal Askanius betraied & takē.
Cardinall Askanius deliuered ouer to the French men.
Councell of S. Gregorie against ambi­cion.
The chaunces in warre are diuerse, and haue in them many hiddē fortunes which neither the wisedom of &c.
Capitulacions betwene the D. Valen­tynois and Florentyns.
Computacion of the French army.
Consaluo retyreth to Barletto.
Confederaciō against Valentynois.
Capitulacions betwene the Vrsins and D. Valentynois.
Cardinall Vrsin made prisoner.
Combat betwene twelue French men against twelue Italyans.
Consaluo in Naples.
Castells of Naples takē by the spanish.
Cardinall Amboise aspyreth to the Popedom.
Cardinal S. Petri ad vincla made Pope.
[Page]Complaints of the French.
Consaluo deserueth the title of greate Capteine.
Confederaciō betwene the Pope, king of Romains and the French king, against the Venetians.
Consaluo aydeth the Florentyns.
Capitulacions betwene Ferdinand and Phillip.
The condicion of imperie and dignitie is ielous.
Continuance of the historye of Iulio d'Este.
Citie of Genes rebelleth.
Contents of the French army.
Continuaciō of the warres of Pisa.
Contract betweene the French kinge, king of Spaine and the Florentyns.
Conuencion betweene Caesar and the French king.
Chaumont beseegeth the Pope within Bolognia.
Chaumont retyreth from before Bo­lognia.
Contencion betwene the Florentins & rebellious Cardinalls.
Coūcel of Pisa trāsferred to Millā.
Confederats at the succors of Rauenna
The Confederats army.
Cardinalls councel the Pope to harken to peace.
Cardinal de Medicis escapeth from the French.
Conquest draweth with it ambiciō, in­solencie, and couetousnes, & with &c.
Castell of Genes taken by the Geno­waies.
Creacion of Pope Leo the tenth.
Coronacion of the Pope.
Capteine Martines words to the Swiz­zers.
Cardinal of Syō perswadeth the Swiz­zers in an oracion.
Capitulacions betweene the Frenche king and king Catholike.
Confederacion betwene the Pope and French king.
Charles the v. chosen Emprour.
Commocions in Spayne.
Confederacion betwene the Pope and thEmprour against the French king.
Capteines of the league take councell together.
Castel of Myllan rendred by the french
Cardinall Voltero prisoner.
Confederacion betwene the emprour, the king of England, the Duke of Burbon.
Cardinall Medicis is created Pope and taketh the name of Clement the vij.
Claime of the kings of England to the crowne of Fraunce.
Confederacion betwene the Pope and thEmprour.
Conspiracy against thEmprour.
Capitulacions betweene the confede­rats against thEmprour.
Castell of Myllan rendred to thImpe­rialls.
Cremona rendred to the confederats.
The Confederats resolue to inuade Naples.
Confederacion betweene the Frenche king and king of England.
Cardinall of Yorke in Fraunce.
Cardinal Campeius Legat in England
Couenants betwene Andre Dore and thEmprour.
Causes of the ruyne of the Cardinall of Yorke.
Capitulacions betweene thEmprour, the Venetians, & Duke of Myllan.
Creaciō of Pope Pawle the third.
Duchie of Brittaine inuested in the crowne of Fraunce.
Death of Ferdinand king of Aragō.
Duke of Calabria marcheth towardes Calabria.
Death of Iohn Galeas Duke of Millan.
[Page]Dom Federyk aunswereth the French king.
Death of Ge. Otto a Turke and kept in refuge by the Pope.
Duke of Venice reasoneth in fauour of the Pysans and preuaileth.
Declinacion of the French in the king­dom of Naples.
Duke of Candia generall of the Popes army.
Duke of Myllan practiseth against the Venetians touching Pisa.
Disorders in Florence for the gouern­ment.
Duke of Myllan prosecuteth his pra­ctise against the Venetians.
Death of king Charles the eight.
Death of Sauonarola.
Duke of Venice aunswereth the Flo­rentyn Embassadors.
Doings of the French king during the warre of Pisa.
Duke of Myllan being made astonished with the league, soliciteth an accord.
Duke Valentynois taketh Ymola by the ayde of the French.
Discending of the Turke.
Duke Valentynois taketh Furly.
Disorders in the Frenche gouernment in Myllan.
Duke of Myllan made prisoner by the treason of the Swizzers.
Duke Valentynois beseegeth Faenza.
Duke Valentynois leauieth his campe.
Duke Valentynois disdayneth to be re­pulsed.
Duke Valentynois taketh the Duchie of Vrbyn.
Disorders in Florence touchinge the gouernment.
Duke Valentynois with the frēch k.
Duke Valētynois great with the french king againe.
Duke of Vrbyn recouereth his estate.
Duke Valentynois demaundeth succor of the French king.
Death of Cardinall Vrsin.
Discending of the Swyzzers into the Duchie of Myllan.
Duke Valentynois for the french k.
Duke Valentynois arested by the Pope.
Discourse vpon the nauigacions of the Spanyards.
Death of king Federyk.
Death of Elizabeth Queene of Spaine.
Death of Cardinall Askanius.
Dissimulacions very daungerous in the persons of great men.
Death of king Philip.
Death of Duke Valentynois.
Dyot of Constance.
Deliberacion of the Venetians.
Deliberacion of the Venetians.
Defeate of the Venetians.
Diuerse opinions touching the fall of the Venetians.
Descripcion of Padoa.
Descripcion of Verona.
Death of the Count Petillano.
Discending of the Swizzers to the Du­chie of Myllan.
Duke of Ferrara goeth to Rome to de­maund pardon of the Pope.
Duke of Ferrara in daunger to be priso­ner at Rome.
Disposiciō of Princes to the warre.
Desire of Pope Leo to chase the french king out of Italy.
Death of king Lewys the 12.
Death of Aluiano.
Death of the king Catholike.
Death of the great Capteine.
Duchie of Vrbyn returneth to the obe­dience of the naturall Duke.
Descripcion of the citie of Pezero.
Death of Iohn Ia. Tryunlce.
Death of Law. de Medicis.
Disorder in an army breeds more daū ­ger then the sword of thennemy.
Death of Pope Leo the tenth.
Duke of Vrbyn and the Baillons before [Page] Sienna.
Death of Pope Adrian.
Death of Prospero Colonno and his qualities.
Duke of Burbon commeth to Myllan being not able to do any thing in Burgon­die.
Defendants of Pauya in necessitie.
Duke of Burbon in Spayne.
Death of the Marquis of Pisquaro.
Deuises of Princes against the power of thEmprour.
Duke of Burbon goeth out of Myllan & leaueth there Antho. de Leua.
Duke of Ferrara perswadeth the D. of Burbon.
Duke of Burbon draweth his army di­rectly to Rome.
Duke of Burbon slayne at the assalt of Rome.
Death of the Viceroy Don Hugo Mō ­cado.
Duke of Brundswike in Italy for thEm­prour.
Death of Monsr Lawtrech.
Deuises of the Pope to restore his house in Lombardy.
Death of Pope Clement the vij.
Estate wherein Italy was anno 1490.
Embassadors of Myllan perswade the french king to the voyage of Naples.
Embassadors of Florence confute the complaints of the Pysans.
Encownter of Soriano.
Embassadors of the Florentyns at Ve­nice.
Eldest sonne of king Federyk sent into Spayne.
Experience declareth this to be true, that that which many desire succeedeth rarely, for that theffects of humane acti­ons, &c.
Exploytes of the french armies beyond the mountes.
ThEmprour speaketh in the Dyot.
Enterprise of Bolognia by the Pope & king of Aragon.
English men at Fontaraby against the french.
Estate of humane felicities subiect to e­mulacion, and nothing of more difficultie to mortal mē then to beare wel the height and greatnes of fortune.
English army affore Tournaye.
Elephantes presented to the Pope.
Enteruiew of Pope Leo and the french king in Bolognia.
Emprour in England.
Election of Pope Adrian the sixt.
Emprour Charles maried to the daughter of Portugall.
Emprour writeth to the Pope touching the french kings deliuery.
Emprour ill contented.
Execucion at Naples.
Emprour sendeth to the Prince of O­renge to inuade the Florentyns.
Emprour at Genes.
Emprour taketh the crowne at Bolog­nia.
Employ sackt by the Marquis of Guast.
Enteruiew of the king of England and French king.
Enteruiewe of the Pope and French k. at Marselles.
Ferdinand king of Aragon.
Frenche kinge sendeth Embassadors to the Pope, Florentyns, and Venetians.
Florentyns aunswer the Frenche Em­bassadors.
French king angry with the Florentyns aunswer.
French king prayeth amitie of the Ve­netians.
Foreshowes of the calamities of Italy.
French king doubtfull to goe thorowe with thenterprise of Naples.
French king in Ast.
French king discribed.
[Page]French king visiteth Iohn Galeas Duke of Myllan.
French king in minde to returne into Fraunce.
Florentyns discontented with Peter de Medicis.
French k. draweth towards Florēce.
French king entreth Florence.
French king at Syenna.
French king entreth Rome.
French king kisseth the Popes feete.
French king entreth Naples.
French king maketh offers to Dom Fe­deryk.
French king sendeth an army to inuade Yschia.
French king vseth negligence in orde­ring the things of Naples.
French king taketh councel what to do against the league of confederats.
French k. crowned king of Naples.
French king aspyreth to the surprising of Genes.
French kinges attempts vppon Genes speede euill.
Ferdinand to reconquer his kingdom of Naples.
French pockes & their beginning.
Factions breede insurrections.
French nauy ariue at Caietta.
French king maketh a posting pilgri­mage to Towers and Saint Dennys.
French king determineth to send Try­uulce into Italy as his Lieuetenant.
The french begin to decline in Naples.
The french send to capitulat with Fer­dinand.
Ferdinand dyeth.
Federyk made k. of Naples.
Florentyns haue small hope to be suc­cored by the fr. king.
Florentyns send aūswer to thEmprour
Frenche kinge maketh peace with his neighbours.
French king requireth Pisa in trust.
French king discendeth into Italy.
French men take diuers peeces in the Duchie of Millan.
Florentyns put Pawle Vitelly to death.
French king being at Myllan compoū ­deth with the most part of the Potentats of Italy.
French kinge returneth into Fraunce hauing first set order in the Duchie of Mil­lan.
French men abandon Myllan.
French men affraid to assalt Pisa.
French k. sendeth aide to the Pope.
Faenza yelded to the Duke.
French king commaundeth the D. Va­lentynois to depart from the landes of the Florentyns.
Federik in mind to cōmit him self to the honor & clemency of the french king.
French and Spanyards do disagree vp­pon the deuiding of Naples.
Florentyns haue recourse to the french king.
French king in Ast.
Fortune hath a free will to come & goe when she listeth &c.
Florentyns in the contry of Pysa.
Frenche kinge prepareth mightely a­gainst the king of Spayne.
Frauncis Piccolominy made Pope.
Faenza taken by the Venetians.
Florentyns broken by the Pysans.
Florentins debate whether they should beseege Pisa.
Florentyns army before Pisa.
First defeating of the Genowaies.
French kinge entreth as a Conqueror into Genes.
French king prepareth against the Ve­netians.
French army returneth to the Duchie of Myllan.
French king taketh Bolognia into his protection.
French king demaundeth succours of the Florentyns.
[Page]Frēchmē defeated by the Swizzers.
French king marieth the Ladye Mary, sister to the king of England.
Frauncis the first cōmeth to the crown of Fraunce.
Frenche king assumeth vppon him the title of Duke of Myllan.
French army.
French king returneth to Fraunce.
Fano beseeged.
Francisco Maria sendeth to defie Law. de Medicis.
French k. aspireth to be Emprour.
Fontaraby taken by the french.
Frauncis Guicciardin generall of the army.
Fault of Monsr de Lawtrech.
French men before Parma.
French men before Myllan.
Frenchmē breake vp before Myllā.
French king before Pauya.
French k. sendeth the D. of Albanie in­to Naples.
French king will not followe the coun­cell of his Captaines.
Frēch k. marieth themprours sister.
French king complaineth vpon thEm­prour.
French men beseege Naples.
Feight at sea betwene thImperials and the french.
Ferdinand elected k. of Romanes.
French king and the king of England ill disposed to thEmprour.
French king inciteth the Turke against thEmprour.
Good estate of Italy before the trou­bles.
Greate men doe seldome holde it any breache of iustice to be reuenged of him that doth the first iniurie.
Gilbert Burbon Duke of Montpensier the kings Lieuetenant in Naples.
Great cruelties of the french men.
The great Capteine confirmed in the Duchie of S. Angeo.
Genowaies send to solicit for pardon.
Gentlemen of Venice goe to the suc­cour of Padoa.
Greate is the force of a multitude and people beginning to vary and chaunge, & so much the more &c.
Genes at the deuocion of the Frenche king.
Genes taken by thImperialls.
Genes returneth to the obedience of the fr. king.
Genes taken by Andre Dore.
Howe and when great shot came first into Italy.
Horrible act of a Cardinall.
Hope rather prolongeth then satisfieth &c.
Humilitie of two Cardinalls.
Intencion of the Author.
Impudency of the Pope to iustifie his children.
Iohn Iacques Tryuulce goeth to the french king.
Ieronimo Sauonarola esteemed for a Propher in Florence.
Ieronimo Sauonarola a Freare Prea­cher in Florence.
In warres there is no further assurance of the souldier mercenary then he findeth sewertie of his pay &c.
Intelligence & factiō which Pe. de Me­dicis had in Florence is discouered.
In matters of enterprise wise men will debate all things at large &c.
In matters of daunger, discression and councel, are remedies no lesse assured then courage and discression &c. [...]
Insatiable lust of Duke Valētynois.
In all humane actions there is nothing which with lesse perill may not temporise and exspect then rebellion &c.
In matters of warre it is a daungerous errour to transgresse direction, &c.
[Page]Imaginations of the french king.
In matters of enterprise nothinge is more hurtfull then delayes, and nothing more hindreth &c.
In tymes of perill wise men feare all thinges, and doe hold it necessary for their sewertie to hold a suspicion &c.
Ielousie against Ioh. Ia. Tryuulce.
Imperialls take the castell of Saint An­geo.
Imperialls draw neare to Pauya.
Imperialls determine to accorde with the Pope.
In worldly things there is no assurance till the end be knowen, & all mortall men & their actions are put vnder an estate of incertainty and errours.
Inhabitants of Millan ill handled by the Spanyards.
Inhabitantes of Myllan implore the compassion of the Duke of Burbon.
King of Naples sendeth out his force.
King of Naples sendeth out an army to take the citie of Genoway.
Kingdom of Naples beginneth to con­spire.
Kings of Fraunce and Spayne deuide betwene them the kingdome of Naples.
King Philip faileth out of Flaunders in­to Spayne.
King Philip cast by casualtie of sea vp­pon the coast of England.
Kinge Philip promiseth to redeliuer to the king of England, the Duke of Suffolke.
Kings of Aragon & Fraunce haue en­teruiew together.
King of Aragon taketh the Realme of Nauarre.
King of England sendeth to the french king not to passe into Italy.
King of England for thEmprour.
Katherine de Medicis.
King of Hungarie ouerthrowen in bat­tell by Solyman.
Katherine de Medicis.
Katherine de Medicis.
Katherine de Medicis maried to the se­cond sonne of Fraunce.
Lawrence de Medicis praysed for his vertues and gouernment.
League for twenty yeares betwene the king of Naples, Duke of Myllan and Ve­netians.
Law. de Medicis dyeth.
Lodowyke Sforce is ielous ouer the a­mities betwene Pe. de Medicis and thAr­ragons.
Lod. Sforce insinuateth enuye into the Pope against the Aragons and Medicis.
Lod. Sforce seeketh to drawe the Pope to his purposes.
Lewys Duke of Orleans entreth Genes and preserueth it.
Lod. Sforce goeth to visit the French king in Ast.
Lod. Sforce Duke of Millan by vsurpa­cion.
Lawrence and Iohn de Medicis with the french king.
Lod. Sforce beginneth too late to feare the greatnes of the french.
Lod. Sforce sendeth hawty messages to the D. of Orleance.
Lod. suttle in dissembling.
Lod. vaunteth him selfe to be the sonne of fortune.
Lod. will aswell serue his turne vppon the k. of Romaines for his ambicion, as he did of the fr. k. in his necessitie.
Lodowyk perswadeth Caesar to goe to Pisa.
Lewys Duke of Orleance succeedeth to the crowne.
Lewys the 12. king of Fraunce entite­leth him selfe Duke of Myllan.
Librafatta taken by Pawle Vitelly.
Lod. strengthneth him selfe against the king.
Lod. moostereth all the inhabitants of [Page] Myllan, and laboreth to reconcyle the harts of the people.
Lod. abandoneth Millan.
Lamentacions made at Venice for the ouerthrow.
Last action of the Florentins against the Pisans.
League of Caesar and the frenche king against the Venetians.
Leguaguo taken by Chaumont.
Lanterne of Genes razed by the peo­ple.
Law. de Medicis Ioaseth thoccasion of the victorie.
Law. de Med. is hurt.
Lightning vppon the castell of Millan.
Loda taken by thImperialls.
Ladie Alenson treateth with thEmpe­rour for the french kings deliuery.
Lye geuen to thEmprour by the french king.
League for the defense of Italie.
Mariage of Blanche Maria Sforce with thEmprour Maximilian.
Fol. 25
Manifest aspiring of Lod. Sforce to the Dukedom of Millan.
Mountpensier leader of the vauntgard.
Marquis of Pisquaro slaine.
Mountpensier stealeth from Naples.
Monsr Trimouilles opinion touching the peace.
Marquis of Mantua in the kingdom of Naples for the Venetians.
Mountpensier dyeth.
Monsr d'Aubigny cōsenteth to depart the kingdom of Naples.
Matters of enterprise doe for the most parte nourish their proper impediments.
Monsr Beaumont a chiefe leader of the french armies.
Monsr Beaumont sendeth to demaund Pisa in the kings name.
Monsr de la Palissa made prisoner.
Monsr d'Aubigny ouerthrowē & taken prisoner.
Malice is infinit in her actions &c.
Marquis of Mantua prisoner.
Maximilian returneth into Germanie.
Monsr Chaumont against the Vene­tians.
Marquis of Mantua escapeth out of prison.
Myrandola besieged.
Myrandola yeeldeth to the Pope.
The Man that aspireth is apt to beleue all thinges that are conformable to his hope, and oftentimes &c.
Monsr de Foix his army.
Monsr de Foix encourageth his soul­diours to the battell.
Mindes thirsting after glory are infinite in opinion and weening &c.
Monsr de Foix slaine.
Maximilian Sforce restored to Myl­lan.
Martyn Luther against the Pope.
Martyn Luther.
Monsr d'Escud before Reggia.
Marquis of Mantua for the Pope.
Monsr Lawtrech before Pauia.
Many impediments do follow the deli­beracion of great causes, and &c.
Moderacion and temperance of thEm­prour vpon the newes of the victory.
Maner of the deliuering of the frenche king.
Many errours in popular commocions &c.
Monsr Lawtrech Captaine generall of the league.
Miserable condicion of the city of Mil­lan.
Many difficulties in the frenche armie.
Montiā misseth to surprise Andre Do­re.
Monsr Saint Pol prisoner to Antho. de Leua.
Millan rendred by thEmprour to Fraū ­cis [Page] Sforce.
New Princes haue new councells, and of new councells commonly resorte new effects.
Number of the french kings army.
Nocero taken by Ferdinand.
Newe practises betwene the kinges of Fraunce and Spayne.
New castell of Naples assaulted.
Necessitie is mightie to bende those hartes that are inuincible against all other meanes &c.
Nothing can satisfie the ambicion of man.
Nothing more vnworthy then to adde to a naturall crueltie, a great authoritie &c.
Number of the dead at the battell of Rauenna.
Nothing flieth faster away then occa­sion &c.
Nouaro besieged by the french.
No certaintie in the councells of mor­tall men, and lesse exspectacion of their worldly euents &c.
No greater ennemy to great men then too great prosperitie for that it taketh &c.
Necessarie for Capteines in warre to chaunge councells according to the va­riacion of accidents &c.
Nothing more hard then to auoide de­stinie &c.
Nothing more suttle then occasion, which being taken and applied draweth with it good issue, but &c.
New gouernmēt established in Genes.
Oration of Antho. Grymany.
Occasion doth muche to induce the minds of souldiors, but example is it that confirmeth their vertue, making them &c.
Ouerthrow of the Duke of Atry.
Ouerthrow & death of Monsr de Ne­mours.
Oration of Nicholas Foskarin.
Oration of Andrew Gritty.
Ordenance house in Venice on fire.
Oration of Antho. Iustinian to Caesar.
Oration of Leonard Loredan.
Oration of Tryuulce.
Ouerture of the councell of Pisa.
Order of the frenchmen at the battell of Rauenna.
Of all voluble thinges there is nothing more light then reapport, and in times of Mutacion &c.
Ouerthrow of the Venetian army.
Ouerthrow of the frenche neare Tyre­waine.
Occasions of contention betwene the Emperour and french king.
Ouerthrow of the Swizzers.
Oration of Andrew Gritty.
Oration of George Cornaro.
Oration of the Bishoppe of Osmo tou­ching the taking of the french king.
Oration of the Duke of Alba touching the french kings imprisonment.
Occasions giuen to thEmprour of new emocions.
Oration of the Chauncellor.
Oration of the Viceroy.
Oftentimes ingratitude and reproache are farre more readie then the remunera­cion or praise of good workes.
Occasion why the king of England re­fused the Ladie Kathe. of Aragon, his wife.
Pope innocent the eight dyeth.
Pope Alexander the sixt stayned with many vices.
Peter de Medicis heire to Lawrence.
Preparations in Fraunce for the warres of Italie.
Pope commaundeth the frenche king not to passe into Italie.
Peter de Medicis cōmeth to the french [Page] king.
Peter de Medicis accordeth with the french king.
Peter de Medicis fleeth out of Flo­rence.
The Pisans offer to reuolt.
Pope is gealous of his owne safety.
Perswasions of some Cardinalls to de­pose the Pope.
P. Antho. Soderin reasoneth touching a forme of gouernment for Florence.
And against that opinion reasoneth Gui­do Antho. Vespucci.
Pope commaundeth the frenche king to go out of Italie.
Peace betwene the french king and the confederats.
Prince of Orenge speaketh.
Peter de Medicis at thinstigation of the confederates determineth to returne to Florence.
Pisa in the protection of Venice.
Prince of Bisignian compoundeth for him selfe and others.
Peter Capponi.
The Pisans begin to disclaime from the Duke of Millan.
Peter de Medicis determineth once a­gaine to returne to Florence.
Peter de Medicis aided by them of Sye­na.
Peter de Medicis faileth of his enter­prise.
Pope abhominable in the lust of his daughter.
Pope inuesteth Federike in the king­dom of Naples.
Philip Duke of Sauoy dyeth.
Pope apt to dispense with all things for the greatnes of his sonne.
Pawle Vitelly Capteine generall of the Florentin army.
The Pisans not keeping thaccorde are besieged by the Florentins.
Pisa is besieged.
Pawle leauieth the siege.
The Pisans take Librasatta.
Pope createth twelue Cardinals at one time.
Pope giueth thinuestiture of the realme of Naples to the French and Spaniard in­differently.
Prospero Colonno aduiseth king Fe­derike to aduenture the battell.
Pawle Vrsin strangled.
Philip Archduke of Austrich in Fraūce.
Peace betwene the kings of Spayne & Fraunce.
Prouerbe vpon the Popes dissembling.
Pope Alexander the sixt dead.
Pope Pius the third dieth.
The Pope complaineth to the Vene­tians.
Peter de Medicis drowned.
Peace betwene the Turke and Vene­tians.
Peace betwne the french king and king of Spaine.
The Pope deuiseth to win againe Bo­lognia.
The Pope will go in person to thenter­prise of Bolognia.
The Pope & Venetians incite the k. of Romaines to make warre vpon the french king.
Pope ratifieth the treatie of Cambray.
Popes Bull against the Venetians.
The Popes souldiers in Bolognia.
Pisa rendred to the Florentins.
The Pope threatneth the Duke of Fer­rara.
Popes deliberacion to chase the french out of Italie.
Popes armie against Ferrara & Genes.
Pope in person at the campe before Mirandola.
Pope maketh ouerture of a new coun­cell to breake the councell of Pisa.
Pope holden for dead.
Pope pursueth his enterprise to chase the french king out of Italie.
Pope maketh league with the Venetiās [Page] and king Catholike.
Pope depriueth of the hatte the rebel­lious Cardinalls.
Pandolffo Petruccio councelleth the Pope.
Popes armie retyreth from before Bo­lognia.
Peter Soderin reasoneth in the coun­cell.
Purposes of Pope Iulio the second and his death.
Pope seeketh to appease the king.
Padoa besieged by the Viceroy.
Prouisions of the frenche against the k. of England.
Preparacions of the frenche against the Duke of Millan.
Peter Nauarre before the castell of Millan.
Pope giueth the Duchie of Vrbin to Lawrence de Medicis, his Nephew.
Popes enterprise vpon Ferrara.
Pope executeth Ioh. Pa. Baillon.
Pope Leo the cause of the warre.
Popes Captaines and themprours take councell to passe further.
Prouinces of Italie are taxed for con­seruacion of the Duchy of Millan.
Pope Adrian the sixt cōmeth to Rome.
Pope coūcelleth themprour & french king to peace.
Pope sendeth to visite the frenche king being prisoner.
The Person of the french king led pri­soner into Spaine.
The Person of the fr. king extreamely sicke in the castell of Madrill.
Pope Clement the vij. makes a league against themprour.
People of Millan rise vp against thim­perialls.
Pope, Venetians, and french king make league together.
Pope moueth the confederates to in­uade the realme of Naples.
Prouisions of themperour against the consederats.
Prince of Orenge with the Launce­knights.
Pope loaseth corage, and why.
Pope accordeth with thimperialls.
Pope being abandoned of all hopes, compoundeth with thimperials.
Passion of spite and disdaine is com­monly more strōg in him that recouereth his liberty then in an other that defendeth it.
Plague in Rome.
Pope goeth out of prison.
Pope thanketh Monsr Lawtrech for his deliuerie.
Popes excuses to the cōsederats.
Popes intention touching Florence.
Proceedinges of Monsr Saint Pol in Lombardy.
Pope at accord with themprour.
Peace betwene themprour and french king negociated in Cambray.
Pope maketh offers to Malatesta.
Pope & themprour at Bolognia.
Prince of Orenge slaine.
Pope holdeth him selfe offended with themprour.
Pope wil not harken to a councel.
Pope refuseth to giue his Nece in ma­riage to the Duke of Millan.
The Pope knoweth his end.
Quarrrell betwene the families of Co­lonna and Vrsin.
Qualities of Pope Leo and Clement.
Realme of Naples beginneth to re­claime the name of the Aragons.
Rebellion increaseth by occasions.
Rashnes hath no societie with discres­sion.
The Rebells of Genes yeelde to the french king.
Rauenna sacked.
[Page]Resolucion of the treaty of Mantua by the confederats.
Returne of the Medicis to Florence.
Resolucion of the warre against the frenchmen.
Rhoades taken.
Rhoades rendred to the Turke.
Rights and pretensions of the family of Est.
Rome taken and sacked.
Resolucion of the Imperialls within Naples.
Suttelties of Lod. Sforce.
Seege of Nouaro.
Shiftes of Lod. Sforce to breake the peace.
Suche is the rage of ambicion and so sweete thinsinuacion of rule and imperie &c.
Such as are not accustomed to aduersi­ties, haue least rule ouer their passions &c.
Such is the mutabilitie of men merce­narie, that as &c.
So busie is the humor of treason that in whom it aboundeth, it rageth without respect to the &c.
Suche as haue their destruction deter­mined are seene to decline by degrees &c.
Sorowes of king Federike redoubled.
Straunge affection of a sonne.
Suche a passion is suddeine feare, that it makes men runne not whether councel directeth them, but &c.
So importunate is the passion of re­uenge in the mindes of mortall men, who &c.
Such a thing is feare that ofrentimes it makes men forgetful aboue shame and all other obseruancies &c.
So infallible is the law of iustice to take reuenge vpon wrongs, not obseruing the presence of times &c.
Seedes of new warres.
Submission of the rebels of Genes.
So full of quarrell is aduersitie and so infinite is the malice of the world that &c.
Such is the frayeltie of mans nature, that the suddeinnes of perill is more ter­rible then the daunger it selfe, and by how much it &c.
Swizzers what people they be.
The Seate of Rauenna.
Swizzers rise for the Pope against the frenchmen.
Such is the instability of mortal things, that they are neither certeine in thē selues for an vniuersall frayeltie in all humaine actions, nor can be made assured &c.
Swizzers seeke to stoppe the passage of the frenchmen.
Scituacion of Fossambrono.
Seege of Pauia.
Swizzers leauied by the Pope woulde not march against the french king.
Souldiors of the league passe the riuer of Adda.
Swizzers would leaue the french army for that they were not payed.
So mightie is necessitie that in cases of extremitie it makes tollerable all those thinges which in all other condicions are full of difficulties.
Such is the infirmitie of treason that it hath no further assurance then the partie hath confidence.
Such are the domages of an vniuersall negligence that euen amidde perills that be manifest and apparant they take away the studie and care of thinges that most concerne safety and defense.
Sorowes & feares in Fraunce for thim­prisonment of the king.
Solyman Ottoman in Hungarie.
Sacke of Pauia.
Second enteruiew of the Pope & Em­prour at Bolognia.
The title of the house of Aniow to the [Page] kingdom of Naples.
The name of Iohane a name vnhappie to the kingdom of Naples.
The estate of the realme of Fraunce vnder king Charles the eight.
The thoughtes of Ferdinand king of Naples.
The way which the french army tooke to Naples.
Tumult in Florence.
The young king Ferdinand speaketh in great sorow to the multitude.
Two particular causes of quarrell be­twene Florence and Genes.
The pretended title of the Duke of Mil­lan to Pisa.
Tarenta & Caietta are rendred to Fe­derike new king of Naples.
The french king determineth to set v­pon Genes.
The french prepare new enterprises a­gainst Italie.
Title of the frenche king to the Duchie of Millan.
Truce betwene the Florentins & Syen­noys.
There is nothing endureth so small a time as the memorie of benefits receiued, and the more great they be &c.
The towne of Millan yeeldeth to the frenchmen.
The frenche king commeth to Millan.
The taking of Cassina.
The estate of Romagnia in the time of Duke Valentynois.
The incerteinty of fortune transferreth to one that which she taketh from an o­ther, not regarding the equitie of causes &c.
Those authorities are vniust whose meanes to come to them are vnlawefull &c.
Truce betwene the french king & king of Romaines.
To men afflicted with sorowe it is one consolacion to know thuttermost of their mishaps, and when &c.
That man erreth lesse who promiseth to him selfe a chaunge of thaffaires of this worlde, then he that perswadeth that they are alwaies firme and stable &c.
Truce betwene the kings of Spayne & Fraunce.
There is no possibilitie to auoyde that which the euerlasting councell of God hath determined, nor any reason to pull on the destinie of thinges till times be ac­complished.
Truce betwene the kings of Spayne & Fraunce.
Testament of Queene Elizabeth of Spayne.
The seate of dominion verie casuall where it diuolueth by election.
Truce betwene Maximilian & the Ve­netians.
Thassembly of Cambray.
The armies affront one an other in the field.
Tyrewaine beseeged by the Englishe.
Tournay taken by thEnglish.
Treaty of peace betwene England and Fraunce.
Treatie betwene the frenche king and Swizzers, broken.
Titles of thempire to the Duchie of Millan.
The Taking of Millan by the league.
Tenne thowsand Swizzers discend into the Duchie of Millan for the fr. king.
Thencounter of Bicocquo.
Treaty of Madrill touching the deliue­ry of the french king.
Truce betwene the Pope and them­prour.
Tumult in Florence.
Thimperial army issueth out of Rome.
The Turke returneth with shame to Constantinople.
V. VV.
Venetians Newters.
[Page]Victorie, when it is not assured with moderacion and discression is oftentimes defiled with some accident vnlooked for.
Virginio Vrsin & Count Petillano be­ing the kings prisoners, showe reasons to be redeliuered and their reasons are dis­proued by Monsr de Ligny.
Venetians and Lod. Sforce prepare to stoppe the frenche kinges returning into Fraunce.
Venetians in minde to reskewe the Pi­sans.
Virginio Vrsin in pay with the frenche king.
Venetians in minde to take vpon them the defense of Pisa.
Thestate of Venice debateth vpon the action of Pisa.
Virginio Vrsin prisoner.
Venetians sende Embassadors to the french king.
Vicopisan rendred.
Venetians carefull to succour the Pi­sans.
Venetians take councell whether they should ioyne with the french king or not.
Where things are deuided the suretie is intricate, and where be many competi­tors to one thing &c.
Vitellozzo and the Vrsins made priso­ners by treason.
Vittellozzo & Li. de Fermo strangled.
The Vrsins against Valentinois.
Valentinois distressed by the Vrsins.
Venetians answere the new Pope.
What happened to the frenchmen as they woulde haue passed Garillon.
When extremities & perils be at hand, it hapneth oftentimes that confidence is turned into feare, and when &c.
Vaine feares in many cases are farre more hurtfull then hastie confidence or credulitie &c.
Valentinois prisoner by Consaluo.
Venetians looke to themselues.
The Venetians armie.
Venetians recouer Padoa.
Venetians armie at Vincensa.
Venetians armie vpon the countrey of Ferrara.
Venetians absolued.
The Vincentins yeelde to discression.
Venetians recouer most parte of their townes.
Verona beseeged by the Venetiās.
The warning of a mischiefe brings with it his remedie, & the harme that is looked for before hand &c.
Warres denounced against thempe­rour by the kings of England & Fraunce.
Yt hath bene alwaies true that wisemen haue not at all times a discression & iudge­ment perfect.
Yt hapneth not alwayes that in taking away thoccasions theffects do ceasse.
Yt is daungerous to vse a medecin stronger then the nature of the disease or complexion of the pacient will beare.
Yt is familiar with Princes to holde for suspected the greatnesse of their neigh­bours.
Yt is hard to assure any thing that de­pendeth vpon the wil of an other &c.
Yt hath bene a custom with the Princes of the worlde to enterteine one an other with vaine hopes &c.
Yt is seene often in the course and pra­ctise of worldly affaires, that the falling of one man is the rising of an other.
The end of the Table.

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