¶ A Chronicle, conteyning the liues of tenne Emperours of Rome.
Wherin are discouered, their beginnings, procéedings, and endings, worthie to be read, marked, and remembred.
Wherein are also conteyned Lawes of speciall profite and policie.
Sentences of singular shortnesse and swéetenesse.
Orations of great grauitie and Wisedome.
Letters of rare learning and eloquence.
Examples of vices carefully to be auoyded, and notable paternes of vertue fruitfull to be followed.
Compiled by the most famous Syr Anthonie of Gueuara, Bishop of Mondonnedo, Preacher, Chronicler, and counsellour to the Emperour Charles the fift: and translated out of Spanish into English, by Edward Hellowes, Groome of her Maiesties Leashe.
¶ Hereunto is also annexed a table, recapitulating such particularities, as are in this booke mentioned.
Imprinted at London for Ralphe Newberrie dwelling in Fleetestrete.
Anno Gratiae 1577.
TO THE MOST EXcellent and vertuous Princesse, and our gratious souereigne Ladie Elizabeth, by the grace of GOD, of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland, Queene: defender of the Christian Faith. &c. Long life, with accomplishment of all Godly desires.
RIGHT noble & most gratious souereigne: if I should write or dedicate any thinge, as of my selfe, vnto your excellencie, with any spark of presumption or singularitie, as a matter meete for the viewe of the maiestie of your sacred person, or sufficient satisfaction vnto the depth of your diuine iudgment: not only mine owne weakenes would bewray me, [Page] and iustly yeald a cruell scourge of my discredite, but also procure my worthie reprehension, and no lesse deserued chasticemēt. But simply presuming of your maiesties milde & accustomed fauour, prouoked by the eloquence of the Author, encouraged by the profite & pleasure of the matter, imboldened because this historie hath beene dedicated by Syr Antonie of Gueuara, & accepted of Charles the fifth, an Emperour of no common renowne, and no lesse persuaded by the humblenes of a duetifull minde, as one vowed by othe and alegeance to execute my vtter seruice in euery exployt to your Maiestie: the regard whereof not leadeth but cōstraineth (although with blushing & bashfull face) to present vnto your magnificēce this my simple trauell, translated out of Spanish into the Englishe tongue, conteyning [Page] the liues of tenne Emperours of Rome, namely, Traiane Coceius, Adrian, Antoninus Pius, Cōmodus, Pertinax, Iulianus, Seuerus, Bassianus, Heliogabalus, & Alexander Seuerus: whose liues, gouernements, ends and conclusions, giue foorth matter so meete for the spectacle of princes, as wel the vertuous of the one part to take sure direction, & good counsell to their great comfort, thereby as a sounding lead, to obteine knowledge both of the depth & coast, to lead thēselues into all safetie of bodie and minde: as also the licentious, on the other part, to moderate and staye their rash attemptes, as a sheat anchore in all furious stormes of perplexities, to saue from shipwracke both life and honour. All which being considered, in respect that the matter therin cōteyned, treateth of Kings and Emperours, and [Page] hath beene dedicated vnto an Emperour: the woorke of it selfe craueth your milde acceptation, as onely due vnto the souereigntie of your Maiesties estate, to escape the infamie of abasement. I your Maiesties most humble and loyall seruaunt, in most humble wise beseeching, that of your great mildnes and clemencie, it may like your highnesse to accept this my simple present, full fraught, not of skill, but of loyaltie: wherein, for as much as the Authour in the front hereof, hath fixed so worthy a prologue, that there seemeth nothing to be omitted, or that any thing might be added: yeldeth iust cause to cease further to vrge your patience with tediousnes: most humbly beseeching your Maiestie, that it maye please the same of your great bountie to pardon all my defectes that herein may appeare: and I your Maiesties most hū ble [Page] and obedient seruaunt, shall neuer cease to pray, that the blessing of the liuing GOD, may alwayes conduct & follow your Maiestie, with all perfect felicitie, both of bodie and soule, as may yeeld your Maiestie immortal fame before God and man.
¶ The prologue of the famous Syr Anthonie of Gueuara, Byshoppe of Mondonnedo, preacher, chronicler, & counsellour to the Emperour Charles the fifth, vpon the life of tenne Emperours of Rome. (⸫) The Author proponeth.
VARIVS GEMINVS, a man verie glorious, and Consul among the Romains, saide vnto Iulius Caesar: O Caesar and great Augustus, such as dare presume to speake before thee, knowe not thy greatnesse: and those that are abashed to appeare in thy presence, comprehend not thy noblenesse: wordes in deede right worthie of such a person. Conformable to that which Varius Geminus saide, wee do saye: It appertaineth to the greatnesse of Princes, that their persons be much authorised, and on the other parte, that they endeuour to communicate with their common wealthes, for that with their mightinesse they may giue terrour, and with their plaine mildnesse remoue all feare. Sucronius saith of Octauius the emperour, that euer any ambassadours came in his presence, which at the first sight were not touched with feare: and after in communicating did not adore him: because, great was the maiestie wherewith he did receiue them, and after, verie sweete were the woordes wherewith he did dispatch them. Of the great Cato Censorine, Plutarche saith: that being the man of moste honestie, and greatest grauitie that liued amongest the Romaines: he did neuer shewe to any man, a sadde, but cheerefull countenance, or giue [Page 2] euill aunswere, nor shut the doore against any person, either denyed any thing that was iust, neither shamed or disgraced any man. Not onely happie, but also most happie is the Prince, that for rectitude of iustice is feared, and for his good condition beloued. Much weakenesse of Princes, and great Lordes is couered, and vices dissimuled, when with their owne they be of good condition, and with straungers of gratefull conuersation. Of the famous tyrant Dionysius the Siracusan, Plutarche saith: that the immortal hatred which the Sicylians did beare him, was not so much for the tyrannies that he did execute, as for the incomporcable condition which he vsed: for that verie seldome he did permitt him selfe to be seene: and verie oft was heard laughing. The contrarie wherof is read of king Antigonus, the father of the greate Demetrius: whoe was proude, couetous, ambitious, cruell, and effeminate: and with all these conditions the people of his kingdomes did both suffer and serue him: onely for that they founde the dores of his house alwayes open, and in his mouth an amorous aunswere. The ende of all this which we haue saide is, humblie to praye all princes, and giue warning vnto all such as be about them, alwayes to persuade and counsell them to be so humaine, that all may endure their conuersation: and yet so graue, that none presume to make small accompt of them: for that it maketh much to the matter of good gouernement, to be indued with good nature and disposition. No lesse inconuenience doth followe the common wealth, for the Prince to be holden in small estimation, then to be vntractable, ouer haughtie, or straunge: for, if he be inconuersible, they abhorre him: and if not esteemed, they disobey him.
[Page 3]Sardanapalus, the last King of the Assyrians, was with all men so humaine, that women made him spinne: and of Phalaris the tyrant, it is read, that he was so inconuersible, that his owne daughters durst not speake vnto him. To the ende that Princes be not abhorred in their common wealthes, they haue to consider, and also beware to be noted of extremities: which is to witt, in vsing too great familiaritie with some, and no lesse straungenesse with others: because muche straungenesse ingendreth hatred: and too much familiaritie leadeth to contempt. The rule that in this case wee dare giue vnto Princes, mightie and noble men, is: that they be neither so affable with their priuate and fauoured seruants, whereby to giue them hardinesse to craue any thing vniust: either so straunge with them that be not priuate, as to giue them feare to demaund iustice. It is not remoued from Princes, to giue their kingdomes vnto their children, to committ their secretes vnto such as be seruiceable, to vse their liberalitie with their priuate and fauoured seruauntes, to take their pastimes with their friendes, vpon such condition, that their conuersation be somewhat generall: for asmuche as the liberalitie of Princes extendeth not to satisfie euery suite: they supply much more with their amorous aunswers that they giue, then with the rewardes which they bestowe. Not vnworthily was it ordeined of the moste auncient Greekes, that the vse of Princes shoulde not be to pronounce in their letters patents, and commaundementes: I commaund this, I will this, I forbidde this: but that they should saye: We commaund this, We will this, and ordeine this: for their better remembrance, that by speaking in the name of all, they should in time be conuersant with all, be familiar with all, and diuide rewardes amongest all, and that they are of all, and not of them selues.
[Page 4]He that hath to holde the least parte of the prince, ought to be the prince him selfe: for that, great regarde is to be had of all men, as concerning the seruice of his person: and he ought to be vigilant in all things that are profitable to the common wealth. Howe much the more the Prince regardeth him selfe: so muche the more he neglecteth him selfe. And howe muche the lesse he careth for him selfe: so muche the more shall he attaine to him selfe: for that the harmonie of the common wealth consisteth in nothing more, then all men to liue of the liberalitie and bountie of the prince: and that the Prince liue in the loue of all men.
¶The Authour prosecuteth his intent.
It is also necessarie counsell vnto the prince, that he haue a sound minde and disposition, and his intents verie well aduertised: for that if in his affaires he make no accompt to be certeine, he shall hardly cease to erre: and if he be not attentiue to the affaires of the common wealth, he shall neuer vnderstand them.
The prince ought grauely to regarde the thing he doth, before it be done: for the errour of any other whatsoeuer, the offence is onely felt in his own house: but the errour of the prince, redoundeth to the whole common wealth. The princes that be wilfull in the thinges which they will: and headstrong wherein they commaund: besides that they go laden with thoughts, holding their persons in perill, escandalize their common wealth, accused to be ouer amarous of their owne proper iudgement, and moste great enimies of others counsell. The prince also ought very particularly vnderstand the things of the common wealth, if he wil vse good gouernement thereof. And this he hath to be aduertised, not of suche as goe to murmur, but of such as make iust report, and also giue counsel therein: for that [Page 5] twixt the Prince and the common wealth, there shall neuer be peace, if to lyars and murmurers he giue audience. Euen as Princes desire not in their subiectes, but to be serued: euen so their subiects desire not of their princes, but to be beloued, & most truely, the one is annexed vnto y e other, and depēdeth each of other: for if in the Prince there be no loue, there is none that wil serue him with affection. Princes and great lordes, ought to holde in great estimation, that their subiectes do obey them: but much more haue the subiectes to make accompt, when their lordes do loue them: because, without comparison, his bountie is much greater that bindeth vs to loue, then the trauaile of him that offereth to serue. ‘As loue is not repayed but with loue, so Princes are not to be satisfied with only giuing such as do serue and followe them, offices, castels, customes, houses and money: but also they ought to shewe them loue in their palaces, and fauour in their affaires: because, with their liberalitie, they recompence their seruice past: but with their loue they bind them to serue in time to come.’
Princes and men of power, ought in their countenance to be amorous, in their speach milde, in their behauiours muche ordered: for that generous hartes, and blusshing and shamefast faces, that followe courtes, and go in Princes houses, do muche more feele the disfauour whiche they shewe them, then the rewardes that they denye them. To the ende that Princes be deliuered of displeasures: and their kingdomes better gouerned: it shalbe moste sound counsell for them to be affable with all, to giue vnto all, to deale for all, & to loue all: but if they determine to holde some more priuate, they ought much to consider whome they admitt to their speciall fauour: because for one to be priuate in Court, it is not sufficient that the king doe choose him: but that also he be of merite and deseruing.
[Page 6]In giuing rewardes, princes may not alwayes escape errour, but in commending their heartes, they ought to be most certaine: for that, In this whole world there is not the like torment, as a man to haue his loue euill imployed. If Princes and great Lordes will particularly take into their fauour any of their seruaunts, they ought to be of particular deseruing: bycause, loue shall neuer be fixed: when in him that is loued, there wanteth merite. Not without cause we sayde, that it were necessarie in a Prince to be indued with a good mynd and disposition, and with sound meaning and intention: bicause if the Prince be taken with imperfect and vnlawfull affection, Alas of him, and also of his kingdome, that by him is gouerned, It is euill that the Prince haue no rule in feeding, in play, in drinking, in speaking, and also in spending: but it is much worse if he vse it not in his loue and affection: for it is a rule infallible: ‘that euerie disordinate loue, bringeth with it some notable vice. It is a loue disordinate to bee carefull to gather riches, and not to haue a mynde to spend them: bicause vnto the greatnesse of Princes it appertaineth, to seeke what to spend: and not to learne to keepe audit. It is a loue disordinate, for y e prince to folow the direction of his owne proper will: bicause it is impossible but he should fayle to perfourme that which hee ought, that alwayes executeth his owne wilfull minde. Loue is disordinate, when the Prince imployeth his loue in fewe, being Lord of many: bycause Princes in such wise ought to loue, and be bountifull vnto their priuate and fauoured seruaunts, that they disgrace not the nobles of their kingdome. Loue is disordinate, when Princes in vanities, and trifles do consume their times: bycause the curious gouernour [Page 7] in such wise diuideth time betwixt him and the common wealth: that he neither wanteth for affaires, or hath too much to imploy in vices. Loue is disordinate, when the Prince is orgulous, quarellous, ambitious, and proude: for notwithstanding, that as a Prince they ought all to serue him: it followeth not that as a God, they shoulde adore him. Loue is disordinate, to hazarde the giuing and diuiding of rewardes, not as euerie man deserueth, but according to the wil of him that gouerneth: for there is no equal infamie vnto the prince, as it is to chastice vice, & not to remunerate seruice. Loue is disordinate, when of will he taketh away frō another, that of right apperteineth not vnto him self: bicause to y e greatnes & sinceritie of princes, it is iust & conuenient, y t in their rewardes & gifts, they shew their franke liberalitie: & in receiuing, they stande with all men in iustice. The case standeth thus: y t the Prince which is indued with these loues & affections, may not escape many trauels, and also many souden assaults and perils: for y t euerie disordinate affection, she her self, with her self, bringeth griefe and displeasure.’ Plutarche in his bookes of cōmon welth, persuadeth the Emperour Traiane, that hee hath his will at libertie, and his loue subiect to no man: for that according as hee sayeth: It little profiteth that a Prince be Lord of many kingdomes: if on the other part, he become bondman to many vices. The diuine Plato saide, that for a prince to be good, hee ought to giue his heart vnto the common wealth, his rewardes vnto such as serue him, his desires vnto the Gods, and his loue vnto his friendes, his secretes to his priuie counsell: and the time to affaires. Oh how happy were that prince, that according to this Platonicall [Page 8] sentence should diuide and repart his person: bicause he being diuided for all: the whole should be ioyned together, with, and for him.
All that which we haue aboue sayde by writing, (most souereigne Prince) wee will vtter and declare by example: for according to the saying of Eschines the Philosopher, Words well spoken, do awake and reuiue the iudgements: but great and manifest examples persuade the heart. For to leade or intice a man to be vertuous, and to do vertuous woorkes, it maketh muche to the matter, to persuade with discrete reasons, & sweete words: but in conclusiō, for much credite which we giue to y t which he sayth: much more is giuē to that which he doth. The Poet Homer said: ‘that it is, a thing verie easie to write acts of great prowesse, and verie difficil to performe them. For whiche cause it is necessarie, for such as deale with princes, to shewe them by example, all which they persuade thē by writing: to the end they see most cleare, that the great and mightie deedes done by other Princes in the worldes: they want not force to performe them: but a minde to vndertake them. No Prince hath to holde of him selfe so small estimation, that he doubt to performe that which another Prince hath done in time past: for after this manner, Theodosius should be dismaide, by the remembraunce of Seuerus: Seuerus, of Marcus Aurelius: Marcus Aurelius, of Antoninus Pius: Antoninus Pius, of Traiane: Traiane, of good Titus: Titus, of Caesar Augustus: Caesar Augustus, of Iulius Caesar: Iulius Caesar, of Scipio: Scipio, of Marcus Marcellus: Marcus Marcellus, of Quintus Fabius: [Page 9] Quintus Fabius, of Alexander Magnus: and Alexander Magnus, of Achilles the Greeke.’ The heartes of these so high Princes, did not reade and inquire of the deeds of their forefathers, to feare them, but to imitate them: & surely they had great reason: bicause None amongst the mortal hath done any deed so glorious, that by another man may not be beautified and made better. Princes be boūd to do such and so high deedes and enterprises, that of them selues be worthy praise, and very honourable for others to folow: for the same it is not more necessarie, to haue a noble minde to giue the enterprise: thē after wards to haue the aduenture, to finish the same. Plutarche saieth, that Agesilaus the Greeke said, that Fortune did neuer shew her selfe noble, but vnto a minde that was generous and noble: and surely he said most truth, bicause men lose many things, not bicause they may not attaine them, but for that, they dare not attempt them. The Prince ought to straine and enforce him self to be good, and to imitate the vertuous: since with lesse cost, mē be vertuous thē vitious, milde then ouerthwart, valiant then cowards, patient thē furious, and sober then gluttons: for the theefe doth need as desperate a minde to scale an house, as a noble minde is due to a captein that foloweth the wars. Dionysius the tyrant, Gorgius the tyrant, Bias the tyrant, Macrino the tyrant, & Catiline the tyrant: if we might commend them, and they of thē selues giue reason: they would sweare and affirme that they passed more trauell, and found thē selues in more perill in defending their tyrannies, then Scipio and Cato in conseruing their cō mon wealthes. Oh, what great reason, and how much occasion haue Princes to be good, and to fauour the good: since they haue authoritie to commaunde, and riches to giue: whereof if they haue skyll [Page 10] to take the aduauntage, with their potencie they frame them selues to be serued, and with their giftes they bring to passe to be loued. Ioyntly with this, I admonishe and also aduise Princes and great lordes, to be magnificent in their giftes, and verie attemptiue in their commaundements. For, notwithstanding, ‘a Prince may do what he list: it is not conuenient he do what he may. Although the authoritie of the prince be free, absolute, and without measure: to him it is conuenient in all thinges to vse measure and moderation: for that euery gouernement that is absolute, hath a taste or relishe of tyrannie.’ Many Princes haue lost thē selues by their vices which they vsed: and many more haue beene cast away by executing their will and power: for princes in perfourming all that they can, and all which they will: it followeth, that their affection maketh them stumble: & passion, their eyes to dazell. But (moste souereigne Prince) speaking more particularly, by the imitation of Plutarche, and Suetonius Tranquillus, I thought good to translate, compile, and to refourme the storie of the liues of tenne Romaine princes, worthie moste surely to be knowen, and verie pleasant to be read. The purpose wherefore (moste mightie Prince) I haue taken so exceeding trauaile to compounde this worke, is: vnto the ende my penne may aduertise, wherein my tongue with shame dismaieth to speake: for as Bias the philosopher saide: The authoritie of princes is so greate, that of more thinges they haue to giue them to vnderstand, then to dare or presume to speake. The king Artaxerxes trauailing on a certeine daye, a man of the countrie presented him with a little water in the palme of his hand: [Page 11] the which water, the king receiued and dranke: and when some did murmur of that deede, and also detract him: the king made aunswere: It is no lesse noblenesse vnto the Prince to receiue little, then to giue greate and bountifull rewardes. The philosopher Lycurgus, that was lawe giuer vnto the Lacedaemonians, commaunded those of his common wealthe, that they shoulde offer vnto their Gods fewe thinges in number, and not riche of value: whereof, when he was noted and also accused, made aunswere: I commaund not to offer vnto the Gods fewe thinges, for that I thinke them not to deserue muche, but because all men should haue wherewith to offer: since of all men they will be serued: for in the time of Apollo, they saide vnto mee: that they had rather haue little of manie, then much of fewe. In the lawe whiche God gaue vnto the Hebrues, he was so limitted in the thinges he demaunded, and so humaine in that he commaunded: that in the order of the sacrifices which they should offer, he did ordeine and cōmaund that the poore man whiche could not offer a goate, should offer no more but of the hayre therof. In considering that Lycurgus offered vnto his Gods, iewels of small price: and that king Artaxerxes receiued of a poore man an handfull of water: and that vnto the true and liuing God, they durst offer no more but of the hayres of a Goate, giueth mee hardinesse to present this work vnto your Maiestie. (⸫)
The life of the good Emperour, Traiane Coceius, naturally a Spaniard, borne in the citie of Calize, compiled by syr Anthonie of Gueuara, Byshoppe of Mondonnedo, preacher, chronicler, and counsellour vnto the Emperour Charles the fifth.
CHAP. I. Of foure renoumed Cities that perished and were subuerted in Spaine.
BEfore they had Emperours in Rome, either warre was raised in Carthage, ther were in foure prouinces in Spaine, foure right notable cities, which in potencie did matche with Rome, in riches with Tyrus, in beautie with Helia, & in opulencie with Tarento. The firste was Numantia: the seconde, Cantabria: the thirde, Ystobriga: the fourth, Italica. Strabo, Isodore, and Pomponio Mela, giue great admiration vnto the readers, of the great power, richesse, and wealth of these foure cities. And on the other part, it is great pitie to consider, that there is nothing of them remayning to beholde. Not without cause it is saide, that nothing remaineth in them to be séene: because notwithstanding the prouince, boundes, and climate is knowen of the foundation thereof: yet we may hardly attaine to name the verie place where it was bu [...]lt. Vnto the citie of Numantia, Soria succéeded: vnto y e citie of Cantabria, succéeded Tudela of Nauarre: vnto the citie of Ystobriga, succéeded Merida: vnto the citie of Italica, succéeded Ciuil. The situation of the famous Numantia, as some men affirme, was vpon a certeine hill neare vnto Soria on the other side of the bridge: and as others doe thinke, her foundation stoode in Garray a village of Soria ioyning vnto Duero. The situation of Cantabria, was a league from the citie of the Groine, [Page 14] and on that side of Ebro, vpon a certeine height where nowe are planted many vines. The seate of Ystobriga was, where nowe the ventes of Caparra, being bayting places, stand: and others say, yt was on the hill that standeth betwixt the two riuers Las varcas de Alconeta, yel casare de carceres. The situation of Italica was ioyning vnto the citie of Ciuil: and some saye it was vpon the way to Carmona: and that the arches of Carmona were made to furnishe the citie of Italica. O secrete iudgementes of the moste high, or humaine instabilitie, that all these places being viewed personally of my selfe, where these so excellent cities were buylt, I found not so muche as a tower, a wall, a stréete, or a house to beholde: neither so much as a stone almost to stumble at. We haue great reason to exclaime, and much more hath the discréete reader to wonder: since we vnderstand that fourtéene yeres Numantia resisted the power of the Romaines: and now we sée it made a pasture for shéepe. We vnderstande that Cantabria was the last thing whiche the Romaines did subdue in Spaine: and nowe there remaineth but a patche of vineyardes in the same. We certeinly knowe that the greatest strength which king Viriato held in Spaine, was Ystobriga: and nowe there remaineth not but certeine gr [...]ene trées & shrubbes. They which write of the citie of Italica, do saye: that it was the most strong and the most estéemed of all the kingdome of Vandalia: and nowe they gather both wheat and barley in the same. Scipio the Africane destroyed the citie of Numantia, because in y e first Punicke battels, they would not helpe the Romaines. Gracchus a Romaine captaine, subuerted the citie of Ystobriga, because from thence Viriato made him warre. Pompeius hoste destroyed the citie of Italica: for that in the parcialitie of Iulius Caesar they were most faithfull. The Emperour Augustus ouerthrewe the citie of Cantabria, as a man more moued with yre, then directed by reason. The case was thus: that as he had the citie besieged and brought in great distresse, he sent to require of the citizens, to yelde him all their treasure: and giue vnto Rome perpetuall tribute: The Cantabrians considering, what the Emperour demaunded: [Page 15] aunswered in a letter after this manner.
Emperour Augustus, we pray the immortall Gods to receiue thee into their defence, and that it may please them to examine betwixt thee and vs, who in this warre hath more iustice: and thou knowest, O immortall Prince, that men, although they haue power to take warre in hande, it is not in their handes, but in the Gods to obteine victorie: because we men begin many thinges with malice, the which afterwardes, the Gods do finish by iustice: with thy exceeding potencie it may not be denied, but that thou hast brought this sorrowfull citie into great distresse: in such wise that we haue neither bread to eate, either water to drinke, either skinnes to make garments, or corke to make shooes, neither towers to couer vs: but ioyntly with this, thou hast to vnderstande, that if wee want armour wherwith to fight: wee lacke not heartes to abide death. It wel appeareth that thou hast made experience of our weake forces, and vnderstandest not the greatnesse of our mindes: since thou demaundest the treasure of our houses, and the libertie of our persons. The mynes that wee haue, be not of Golde to serue thee, but of yron, to breake thy pride. Doth it not seeme to thee, O emperour Augustus, that since you Romaines haue fought foure hundreth yeres in straunge countries to be lordes, it were great reason for vs to fight in our owne houses, to escape bondage? Prosecute thy warres, and do according to the vse of other captaines of Rome, and care not to threaten vs, and muche lesse to flatter vs: for notwithstanding our countrie & houses be thine by force, neuer whiles we haue life shall wee be, but the Gods and our owne.
This aunswer being hearde by the Emperour Augustus, he did sweare by the immortall Gods, to take none of them to mercie, either to leaue in the citie one stone vppon another. And as he promised, so he accomplished. I would saye in this case, that if it were euill to sweare, it was muche woorse to perfourme the same. Although it be an auncient custome, the worde of a king to be kepte inuiolable: for the good prince ought not to put in effect, that which he hath sworne in his yre.
CHAP. II. Of the countrie and birth of the Emperour Traiane.
PRosecuting our intent, it is to vnderstand that in the dayes when warre was extremely kindled betwixt Iulius Caesar & Pompeius, the Pompeians helde Ystobriga, which nowe is named Lebrixa: and the Caesarians helde Gades, whiche nowe is named Calize: these two cities did serue to gather their banished; to succour their alies, and their wounded. Before the citie of Italica was destroyed by the Pompeians, there did florish two famous knights: the one was named Iulius Coceius, & the other, Rufus Vlpius: and these two knightes, were not onely Captaines at armes, but also were chiefe of those two linages, that is to saye, of the Coceians and of the Vlpians. Before that cruell warres entred the citie of Italica, these two linages had alwayes betwixt them greate contention: but after warres began, they ioyned in great friendship: for that it hapneth many times, that hartes which may not ioyne by loue, do after consent and agree by feare. The citie of Italica being destroyed, these two knightes came to liue at Gades, which nowe is named Calize: the one of them that was named Coceius, was graundfather to the Emperour Nerua: and y e other which was named Rufus Vlpius, was great graundfather of the Emperour Traiane, and of the Emperour Adrian by the mothers side. The Emperour Traiane was borne in the citie of Calize the xxi. of Maye, in the seconde yere of the Empire of Nero, Rufus and Catinus being consuls. In those times there was not in all Europe, so famous, so generous, either yet so profitable a studie, as that of the citie of Calize: because from Africa they repayred to studie: and from Graecia came to learne. And to the ende it shall not séeme a fable, let them reade Plutarche in the life of Traiane, Philon in the booke of Schooles, and Philostrato [Page 17] in the life of Apollonius. In that citie of Calize, vntill the age of xv. Traiane studied the Gréeke toung, the Latine, & Rhetorike. Traiane was high of body, somwhat blacke of face, thinne of haire, thicke of beard, a crooked nose, broade shoulders, large handes, and his eyes, in beholding, amorous. Traiane entring the yeares of xvj. left his studie, and did exercise armes: wherin he was no lesse towarde then valiaunt. Traiane was of great swiftnesse on foote, and of great readinesse on horsbacke: in such wise that it is sayde of him, y t he was neuer throwne, or had fal frō his horse: or euer was ouerrun on foote. There chaūced a certeine fleete of pyrates to arriue at Calize, the which being many, and taking the citizens at vnwares: the good yong man Traiane, did shew him selfe that day so valiaunt in fight, and so venturous in conquest, that to him alone they did attribut the libertie of their countrie, and the glory of the victorie. Amongst the Myrmidons, whiche be they of Merida, and amongst the Ricinians, which be they of Truxillio, there was raised in those dayes a certaine little warre for the pastures of Gaudiano: for that the Myrmidons did say, they had held them time out of mind: they of Truxillio aduouched, that they had lost them, and had receiued of them assistance to win them of the enimies. The Myrmidons did craue succour of them of Calize, in respect of their confederation: the Gauditaines did accept the embassage of the Myrmidons, as concerning their succour, and when they had chosen Traiane for capteine of their armie: he made answere: ‘The destinies neuer permit, either the gods commaund, that I take a sword to shed the bloud of mine owne countrie: bicause if the one be our friends, truly the other be not our enimies. And said more. Since the warre is not begun, and the cause of their debate may be discussed by iustice, it is my opinion, rather to sende them embassadours to bring them friendes: then capteines to attempt wars. Conformable vnto all men, Traianes answere was both giuen and accepted: the which from thence forward, was holden & estéemed for a knight of great valiantnesse: [Page 18] and for a man of great wisedō and iudgement.’ These two vertues goe not alwayes by couples: that is to say, valiantnesse and wisedome: bycause, there be some men that be doutie to take perils in hād, & be not wise to escape thē.
CHAP. III. Howe Traiane passed out of Spaine being a yong man, to goe into Italie.
IN the second yeare of the Empire of the good Vespasian, great Britaine rebelled which is now named England against the Romaine Emperour: vnto which warrs Traiane repaired, and this he did without charges to the Romaines, and for him self to obteine fame accompanied with many others of his countrie: In those warres Drusius Torquatus was capteine for the Romaines: who persuading Traiane to take wages of the Romaine people, as all others did inioy in that warres: Traiane answered. The merchaunts that come from thence hither, they repaire to be more rich, but we Gentlemen not to be richer, but more honoured. The fame that Iugurth obteined in the warres of Numantia, that same Traiane obteined in the warres of Britaine: in that the one and the other were knights of straunge countries, and young venturours, and also fortunate: bycause for their powers and noble déedes, whiche they atchieued in those warrs: Iugurthe was king of Numidia, and the good Traiane came to be Emperor of Rome. That daye whiche Drusius Torquatus entered Rome, triumphing of the Britaines, being accompanied not onely with knightes subdued, but also with knightes and noblemen that had ouercome: all the Romaines did inquire for Traiane to sée him and knowe him, for that his fame was notorious vnto all men, but his person in Rome to verie fewe knowne. And hereof it procéeded in processe of time, when Traiane, and Marius Fabritius, did contend for the Consulship of Germanie: Fabritius taunted Traiane, to be a straunger borne, and disgraced in the feature of his body, vnto whom Traiane made answere: I confesse vnto thee Marius Fabritius, that thy good face was knowne in [Page 19] Rome, before thy euill life: but thou canst not denie, that in Rome they did not knowe mine honest life, before my euill face. At the first when Traiane came to Rome, Titus, sonne to Vespasian the Emperour, placed him Pretour of ten legions: and sent him to the frontiers of Illyria: where he remained all the life of Titus. The Romaine legions did not a little murmur to haue Traiane for their capteine: affirming that in age he was a childe, & in nation a straunger: but after when they found him so valiant in fighting, & so wise in gouernment, they loued him as a father, & obeyed him as a captein. And as in winter Traiane wāted victuals, for that he had taken truce with the Barbarians: a certaine gentleman sayd vnto him: it is not conuenient thou shouldest be so sad, or that we shoulde suffer so great penurie: take in good part, that by dissimulation we break the truce, by which meane we shal prouide for our selues, and our cattel. The good Traiane answered: I am not only grieued with that thou speakest, but also despited with y t y u presumest to say: for those matters which we set downe by promise, we haue not so great cause to obserue our fidelitie made vnto men: as for that we haue sworne by y e immortal Gods. And y e Emperour Titus being dead, his brother Domitian did succéede him in the Empire: which whē Traiane vnderstood, presently he left the charge of frontier capteinship of Illyria. The emperour Domitian was not a little grieued, & the whole armie, as also all the Senate, y e Traiane had forsakē y e frontiers of Illyria: for that in matters of warre he had great experience, & no lesse fortune. The Romaines did vse great vigilancie, in séeking and conseruing fortunate capteines: with whom they did dissemble & suffer more defections, then with al other persons: and this they did, bicause there be many capteines, that if" they be expert in armes, they be moste vnfortunate in the" execution thereof.
Traiane remaining in Rome, without all disposition to take charge of an armie: y e emperour Domitian sayd vnto him: tell me Traiane, it it doutful that my empire is lesse [Page 20] then that which my father Vespasian helde? or that I am more ingrate then my brother Titus was? that for them thou shouldest euerie day aduenture thy life, and for my seruice thou dainest to take a launce in hande? Traiane did answere him: I confesse that thy power is as great as thy fathers, and thy knowledge no lesse then thy brothers: but ioyntly with this, thou arte verie souden in thy commaundements, and very swift in the execution thereof: and it may be, that hauing charge of thy armies, I might be commaunded to doe some thing: the accomplishment whereof, might stand muche against all bountie: and not perfourming the same, I should breake the oth of fidelitie, that I haue made vnto thée.
CHAP. IIII. Of the friendship and parentage that Traiane had with the Emperour Nerua.
IN those dayes there was a certaine Consul named Nerua Coceius, banished out of Rome by the Emperour Domitian, a man in yeares very auncient, and in all that he eyther sayde, or did, of great credite. As Traiane was at that time in the disgrace of the Emperour Domitian, frō Rome he departed vnto Nola, a certain place where Nerua was in Campania: bycause It is a thing very common vnto a man afflicted, to seeke the companie of an other in like trouble. These two right excellent men, whiche is to say, Nerua and Traiane, remained there long time in Campania, poore, banished, persecuted, & out of fauour: abyding the time when Domitian shuld send to kill thē, or when they should heare that he were dead: bicause if they desired his death, no lesse did he séeke occasiō to take away their liues. Traiane, for that he was young, helde Nerua who was olde in great veneration: and Nerua did beare so great affectiō vnto Traiane, that he did loue him & vse him as his sonne: for that Traiane besides his sufficiēcie & ablenesse for all causes, was in his conuersation most amorous. Nerua and Traiane remaining in that banishment, found [Page 21] themselues of neare kinred and affinitie: that is to say, of one countrie, which was Spaine, of one place, which was Italica, and that the one discended of the Coceians, and the other of the Vlpians, two famous and auncient linages: of whome we haue aboue made mention. When Traiaane passed into Italie, he found no other parētage, but Nerua and Vlpius Ricinius his vnckle: which was two times Consul in Rome. Some say that this Vlpius Ricinius, was father vnto Traiane: but the truth is, that he was but his vnckle: for Plutarche in an Epistle that he writeth vnto Traiane, sayth: The good newes in Rome being knowne, howe thou hast ouercome king Decebal, which did tyrannize this lande: so great was the ioy which the people did receiue, that as thy fathers bones be in Spaine, they had bene here in Italie: they would do no lesse honour vnto them in the sepulchre, then they shall yealde vnto thee on that day, when thou shalt enter triumphing into Rome. And for that Nerua was so auncient and so honourable, and Traiane so valiaunt and so wel liked, many Romaines did come and goe betwéene Rome and Campania to sée them: and this was done more secretely then publikely, bycause the Emperour Domitian was verie suspicious: being most true, Verie fewe dare serue or followe such as princes do hate. Amongest all other that went frō Rome vnto Campania to sée these two knights, was the great Philosopher Plutarche: who with Traiane, and Traiane with him, did plante so perfect and sounde friendship, that onely death was able to giue ende to the same. And as Plutarche sawe suche abilitie and will in Traiane to learne, & ioyntly with this there was no wars wherein to be exercised, he was so drunken with learning, that he did abhorre armes: vppon which occasion Nerua saide in iest: By my counsel thou shalt leaue bookes, and returne to armes, since thou haste better handes to fight, then a tong to dispute: for that it is not iust thou shouldest cease to be singular amongest capteines, to be indifferent among Philosophers. Traiane remayning there in [Page 22] Campania, did marrie with Plotina, which was his onely wife: and is sayde only, for that before nor after did euer marrie other: the which vertue vntil his time was found in no Romaine prince: for that by growing olde or misliking of the one, presently they did take another. And as on a day certaine Romaines practised by secrete deuice to kil the Emperour Domitian: and in great secrecie, gaue part therof vnto Traiane, did answere: I do well sée that Domitian deserued not to be elected Emperour, & much lesse deserueth to be sustained in the same: yet neuer the more shal I consent vnto his death: for that I will rather suffer a tyraunt, then recouer the renowne of a traitour. Many Romaines on a time murmuring of the insolencies of the Emperour Domitian, Traiane sayde vnto them: The intention wherwith Domitian hath intreated me, the Gods haue to iudge: for of his works which he hath done, I may not complaine, since he hath bene the occasion ‘that I haue recouered Nerua for my father, Plutarche for my maister, & Plotina for my wife, and aboue al the rest, he brought me acquainted with aduerse Fortune: for that afore I presumed of nothing but to commaund: but now only to serue.’ A yeare before Domitian died, or to say better, before they had slaine him, he went to the wars in Germanie: and in that yeare Traiane was elected Consul, in the Senate of Rome. It was no smal griefe vnto Traiane to accept that Consulship: not for that he liked not to be lincked with the friendship of honour: but for the griefe whiche he felt to leaue the companie of Nerua.
CHAP. V. Howe Nerua was made Emperour, and adopted Traiane his sonne.
[Page 23]THe Romains not able to indure the iniuries and tyrannies of Domitian, determined to kil him, the which out of hande they did perfourme: the xiiii. of October, in the fourtie fifte yeare of his age, when he had reigned xv. yeares. In many a day the Romaine people had nor receiued so ioyful newes, as y e newes of the death of Domitian: in such maner, that they gaue rich rewards vnto currers & postes that brought the same, and made great ioy in the countries where they passed: for that they did as muche desire his death, as they did abhorre his life. Petronius capteine of the guard, and Partenius his chamberleine, were the men that practised the death, and also violated the life of Domitian: and they them selues gaue order, that Nerua presently should be elected Emperour. The Romaines did so extremely hate Domitian, that not contented to sée him deade, & to hale his bodie péecemeale trayling through the streates of Rome, al his pictures and counterfets they did spoyle and take away, all his arches and titles they did raze out, all his edifices whiche he had built they ouerthrewe, all writings which he had firmed they burnt, and all that were named Domitians were banished, in suche wise, that they could neyther indure to sée him aliue, neither heare him named after his death. The day after the death of Domitian, Nerua Coceius was declared Emperour: and of his election all the Romaine people were much pleased: the one cause, for that he was so vertuous, and the other, bicause he was an enimie vnto Domitian. Presently that Nerua was elected Emperour, presently he sent Traiane as Pretour into Germanie, to the end he should take into his power, the legions and gouernement of that prouince: on the one parte, for that Traiane was liked, and muche desired of all the men of warre: and the other for that Calphurinus capteine vnto Domitian was holden somewhat suspected.
Amongest other euill conditions wherewith the Emperour Domitian was possessed, was: that all thinges which séemed vnto him good, riche, or faire, he dyd much [Page 24] praise it, and therof they had to consider for most certaine, that all whiche he praised, fréely they had to present the same: for if otherwise, incontinently he tooke it by force.
Of these like things Nerua found in his palace, much goods of other mens: whiche by publike proclamation were all restored vnto the owners: In suche wise, that this good prince wold not only not take frō other men, but also make restitution of y t which by his predecessours had bin robbed. When Nerua was elected Emperour, he was excéeding olde, and of infirmities much persecuted: for in him there was nothing sound but his toung wherewith he did talke, and his good iudgement wherewith he did gouerne. The Romaines beholding Nerua so olde, and sickly, complayning that he coulde not sléepe, and that for weaknesse of stomach, he durst eate but of verie fewe things: they helde it for most certaine, that his life was verie short, and with this motion they beganne to holde him in smal estimation. Considered by Nerua, that he had not long to liue, and that the Romaines did not estéeme him: he remembred to adopt Traiane as his sonne, and to accept him for companion in the Empire: and so it came to passe, that presently he sent him the imperiall ensigne, which was a certaine manner of cape with a hoode, and with the same he wrote him a letter, wherein were written no other wordes but these: Phoebe tuis telis, lachrimas vlciscere nostras. As if he shuld say: Noble Traiane, thou shalt haue charge with thy venturous armes to reuenge my sorrowfull teares. For the disobedience which the Romaines committed against his commaundements, and the want of reuerence they helde of his person, Nerua of Traiane craued that reuengement, bycause it is a thing much vsed amongest men persecuted & afflicted, that the iniuries which they may not reuenge with their handes, they bewaile with their eyes. In the time that this did passe, Traiane was in Almane, in the citie of Agrippina, which nowe is called Coleine, and the night before that he receiued the imperiall ensigne, and the letter from the Emperour Nerua, he dreamed that he [Page 25] was inuested with a purple garment, and a ring put on his right hand, and crowned with a certaine crowne. Only thrée monethes and fiue dayes did passe after Traiane was elected Emperour, vnto the death of Nerua: who dyed in the age an hundred tenne yeares, ten monethes, and tenne dayes.
THE VI. CHAP. Of the lawes that Traiane made, to the profite of the common wealth.
AT the instant in which Traiane vnderstoode, that the Emperour Nerua was deade, he departed vnto Rome: where at his comming he did celebrate the obsequies of his Lorde and friend Nerua: and they were suche and so riche, that it séemed rather feastes for the liuing, then honours for the dead: bycause there was nothing in them y t moued sadnesse, but to sée Traiane goe verie sad. The first thing that Traiane sayd, promised, & sware in the Senate, was: that no man that was good and peaceable, by his cō maundement or consent, should be put to death: which he obserued, al y e daies of his Empire. After this he cōmanded Emilia to be sent for, which was captaine of the Pretorian armies: whom he commaunded to be discharged of his office, and to be banished the Empire: the one cause, for that he had disobeyed the emperour Nerua: and the other cause, for that he had imbezeled the payes of the men of warre. He commaunded publike proclamation to be made, that all men that had iust cause to complaine of the Consuls, of the Senatours, of the Iudges, or other officers of Rome, that they shoulde come foorth and declare: for that he wished satisfaction vnto the one, and correction vnto the other. Personally Traiane did visite all offices of Rome: which is to vnderstande, where they solde breade, where they weighed flesh, where they measured wine, where the merchaunts dwelt, where straungers did lodge, and so of al [Page 26] other offices: among which, he allowed all that was good, and gaue reformation vnto all that was euill. He forbad the vse of shops or tauernes in Rome, that is to saye: that they should not sell bread, wine, and fleshe drest in one house: affirming, that prepared vices, is the occasion to make many vicious. ‘He commaunded all the neighbours of Rome to be registred: and there was found 285000 houses of married men, and 42000 young men to be married, 7000 priestes of the temples, 32000 common women, 12000 houses de mesones, and 65000 straunger factours.’ He forbad any poore man to goe from doore to doore, but that all which were impotent, should be succoured of the common treasure: and vnto such as could traueile, they gaue them whereon to worke from the Senate. He commaunded all Iuglars and Iesters to learne some occupation, and to mainteine them selues in their owne houses: and otherwise to be banished Rome. Traiane commaunded reformation in all estates, and caused examination to be taken of al students: and they were more without comparison that were banished for vnable and vicious, then remained for learned and vertuous. For that in Rome there were people of many straunge countries, ioyntly therewith so many women, of which many did perishe in childbed: and many children died for want of place to bréede them: For which purpose the good Traiane did cause to be buylt a famous house in the mount Celius, and indued the same very well with his owne patrimonie: where all women that woulde, were kepte and brought abedde by the space of two monethes: and that all the children vntill the age of foure yeres were there brought vp and nourished. Traiane consented not, that in all the yere they should obserue in Rome but xxii. holydayes: saying, that without comparison, the Gods were more serued on such dayes as the Romaines did traueile, then on such dayes as they rested: because the vices were more which they did commit, then the sacrifices which they did offer. Traiane did moderate the sacrifices that were offered vnto the Gods, that [Page 27] is to say, neither to haue so many, nor yet so sumptuous: saying, that the Gods would rather we should amend our liues, then offer our goods. ‘Vnto the priestes of the temple he commaunded to be giuen oyle, vnto the vestall virgins wheate, vnto the olde horsemen cloth for garments, vnto the poore wood to burne, vnto Embassadours wine to drinke: for that all these things were not onely in Rome verie deare to be bought: but also not at all times to be had for money.’
CHAP. VII. ¶Of the noble and notable vertues that were in Traiane.
THE yere that Traiane came to Rome to be Emperour, he was of xlii. yeres, in which age, he had in all thinges such successe, and did vse such moderation, that neither by his youth did hazarde the attempt of any foolish déed: either by slouthfulnesse of old age, did leaue any thing euil prouided. Traiane was a Prince, in whose wordes & workes enuie was neuer knowne: and as on a certeine time the Philosopher Plutarche did commend him for the same, Traiane saide vnto him: ‘ Plutarche, I giue thée to vnderstand, that of pure pride, I am not enuious: for that alwayes I thought my selfe happie, to enterprise suche, so greate, and so notable déedes, that all men should enuie mée for the thinges I should take in hand: and my selfe to mislike no man for any his noble attempts. Traiane was not malitious, either suspicious, although by nature he were of sharpe iudgement: which hapeneth in few persons, for y e commonly, men of sharpe iudgement, be not alwayes of sound condition.’ And as great affaires naturally bring with them great thoughtes and displeasures: although vnto Traiane they gaue some griefe, he was neuer séene of man to be angry, because olde wisedome had more Lordship in him, then soudeine yre. Althoughe Traiane hadde manye that did wishe him euill, and [Page 28] procure him euill: some for malice, some for enuie, and some bycause he did chastice them. He was neuer found that vtterly did séeke his destruction: but that in chastising the quareller and vicious, they more commended him for his clemencie, then complained or murmured for their griefe and punishment Although Traiane were not much learned, he was moste truely a greate friende vnto learned men: whome he did promote vnto honours and to estates, and did much ioy to holde them for his friendes: in suche wise, that in his house and court, a learned man was neuer séene in necessitie. Traiane did much desire to vnderstande the ambitions of Rome, and disorders of his house: but ioyntly therewith he woulde not be aduertised by the manner of murmuring, but rather by the way of aduice. Traiane was a great enimie of liers, & no lesse of detractours: for which cause they say, y t many times he sayd: It is more safe vnto princes, to haue patiēce to heare their own errours, then to giue eare vnto such as reporte other mens defections: and sayde more. That of necessitie the Prince must haue bloudie hands, that giueth eare to murmurers. Traiane wāted y e general vice which vsually reigneth in all men, which is couetousnesse, wherof he was not either accused or noted: but rather of great bountie & larges, he was of all nations well liked & commended, bicause they were infinite that did praise him, for that which they had receiued, and no man did complaine for that which he had taken. Traiane naturally did delight in warres, and after they were begunne, verie diligent in prosecuting, and most constant in finishing the same. Albeit he was giuē vnto warres, yet therfore he ceased not to procure by al meanes to conserue peace: for as he said, The Gods neuer permitted that any should be ouercome in the wars, but such as be enimies vnto peace. Traiane was verie moderate in the ordinarie expēces of his house: & ioyntly with this, most liberall in causes of war: and most certainly in the same he shewed him self to be a prince skilful, prouident & wise: for as Plato sayde, If the expences of the common wealth [Page 29] be not moderated, afterwardes ye shall not faile, to want wherewith to withstand the enimies.
CHAP. VIII. ¶Of the proude and stately buildinges which Traiane made.
TRaiane made in Rome many & very notable buyldings: it is to vnderstande, a great and sumptuous market place, and all the things that were in the compasse thereof. He made a paued calsey, being a broad high waye that lasted two leagues and halfe, whereon they might come & go in Summer without dust, and in Winter without mire. He made a temple vnto the God Apollo, another vnto the god Mars, another vnto the god Iupiter, another vnto the god Esculapius, another vnto the goddesse Ceres, another vnto the goddesse Bellona, another vnto the mother Berecyntha, whome the Romaines named the mother of all the Gods. He repaired the decayed walles, he made tenne paire of milles vppon barkes on the riuer of Tyber, in which he commaunded that the priestes, the vestall virgins, and the olde knightes shoulde first grinde and be serued. He did repaire and inlarge the colledge, and placed gates, porters, and watchemen, and many counterfetes and pictures of golde and siluer: and did vse for custome as oft as he came thither, to be the first that entred, and the last that went foorth. He buylt in all stréetes in Rome publique purging places, and commanded vpon great & grieuous penalties, that no man should be so hardie to defile the streates, or other open places: in such maner, that all the dayes of Traiane, Rome did not séeme, but as a hall cleane swept. In the fourth region ioyning vnto the temple of Serapis, Traiane did buyld most sumptuous baynes, much larger then those which Titus made, and much richer then those which Tyberius buylt. Also Traiane buylt an hundred houses large and strong, wherin [Page 30] to kill and sell their béefe and mutton. In the gardeines of Vulcane, Traiane did buyld an house of pleasure, and made therein a certein fishepoole for delight: but it is not found or recorded, that he did either eate or sléepe in the same. Neare vnto the houses of the Fabians, he brought from farre a founteine, in the compasse whereof he erected a stately house, naming it the place of Datia, Traiane naturally, was a friend not onely of buylding, but also to beholde buyldinges and worke men: whiche is most certeinly knowen, in that he made a lawe: that all such men as should raise any newe buyldinges in Rome, the thirde parte of the charges shoulde be paide from the common treasure. It was a marueilous matter, that in all these & many other buyldings which Traiane made in Rome, he vsed no other mennes money, he constrained no man to trauaile by force, he deferred no man of payement, for he saide and helde opinion, that it were more honest and also more sure vnto Princes, to dwell in poore lodginges: then of other mennes sweat to make riche houses.
CHAP. IX. ¶Of some vices whereof Traiane was noted.
TRaiane wanted not some humaine infirmities, wherein men at times do fall: for, if with reason he were praised for many thinges: not without occasion ‘in some causes he was iustly discommended. Vntill this daye there hath béene no Prince in whome all vertues did concurre, either in whome all vices were founde: bycause, there is no man such an outcast, in whome there is not to be found somewhat to be praised: either any man of life so reformed, that in him there is not somewhat to be amended.’ [Page 31] Traiane naturally was proude and ambitious of honour: and after a manner he did delight, that in open place they should erecte vnto him pictures and counterfetes of golde, and that his fame might be spreade throughout the world. In all his erected buyldinges he placed the titles of his triumphes, and persuaded the Oratours to compounde many méetres to his praise, whiche he made to be grauen in stone in the hyest front of his buyldinges. In the vice of the fleshe, Traiane was not a little fleshly: and yet in this case it is moste true, that he neuer vsed force to any person: but ioyntly therewith, being moste diligent in persuasion, and verie liberall in giuing: he fixed his amorous affection vppon no person, that he inioyed not. In his garmentes, and in the manner of the fashion and wearing thereof, Traiane was most curious and costly: bycause there was no daye, that either of Golde, siluer, or silke, he did not on his person vse some chaunge.
As we haue saide, Traiane was a Prince both wise, and of sharpe and readie iudgement: but ioyntly therewith, muche affectionate vnto his owne opinion: whereof cares many times did followe and persecute him: bycause, there is not, hath beene, or shalbe Prince in this worlde, so wise, that necessitie constraineth not, at times, to chaunge counsell.
Traiane was a verie friende vnto wise men, but he him selfe was not muche learned: whereof béeing reproued by his friende and Philosopher Plutarche: Traiane saide vnto him: the Gods haue not created mee to turne ouer bookes, but to deale with armour. When Traiane had vacant time from warres, he did muche delight to take his pleasure in vaine thinges, wherein he consumed many nightes and dayes, and of this vice he was not a little noted, and also accused: and doubtlesse not without great cause: for that Princes which presume to bee good Princes, in suche wise ought to take their pastime, that they seeme not to lose their time. Notwithstanding that Traiane deliuered Rome of manye vices, [Page 32] and banished from thence many that were vicious: he was noted and also blamed, that he defended and susteined the swoorde players, who were men ydle and seditious, and this he did, because in his youth they had béene his frends, and delighted in them: wherin he had leste reason, for that It is not iust, that Princes take suche recreation for their persons, as tendeth to the preiudice of the comon wealth. Traiane was verie moderate in féeding, but ioyntly therwith, not ouer sober in drinking: for that to obteine good wine, he was somewhat curious and carefull, and in the drinking thereof, not verie temperate. Notwithstanding, that sometimes he dranke somewhat more then was conuenient for the health of his bodie, and to the authoritie of his person: yet, at that time, neuer man sawe him committ or procure any vile déede.
CHAP. X. ¶Of the first warres that Traiane had against the Datians.
IN the xliiij. yere of his age, and in the second of his Empire, Traiane receiued newes, that Decebal king of Datia, which in these dayes is named Denmarke, rebelled against the Romaine Empire: the which newes gaue no small skandal and offence vnto the Senate: for that on the one part naturally they were a nation very warlike: and on the other parte, for that king Decebal was a prince of great vnquietnesse, and also of a minde determined. For that the Emperour Domitian was a greatter friend vnto vices, then an enimie vnto enimies: in all his reigne, king Decebal did neuer yeald obedience vnto the Romaine Empire: whereby the Datians had recouered great boldnesse, and the Romaines lost their credite.
Traiane, in his owne person determined to go in those warres: for which purpose he made choice of a verie small armie, and yet of much strength: for he helde opinion, [Page 33] that, as no other meates should be brought vnto the table, then are to be eaten: so they ought not to leade vnto the warres, but such as must fight: and saide further: by experience I haue proued, as well in eating, as in fighting, that many meates at table be lothesome: and in the warres many men be troublesome. King Decebal béeing aduertised, that Traiane remoued from Rome to make conquest of him and his countrie, determined to marche and encounter with him vppon the waye: and as he purposed so he perfourmed: for he helde the Romaines in so small estimation, that he counted it shame to be béeséeged of them. And when the armies were in sight one of another, the Barbarians being so manye, & the Romaines so fewe: they did not a litle persuade Traiane, to take peace, or to make some honest truce, and without peril to return to Rome. Traiane to this made aunswer: our weakenesse should be great, and with great reason they would blame vs in Rome, if so soudēly we should ceasse to make warre, without first making proofe, to what ende their forces do extende, and also vnderstande what our destinies do containe: bycause it may be, that if their power be great, our fortune may be much greater. ‘King Decebal had taken & fortified all the daungerous passages, and broken all bridges, barkes, & botes of all the riuers, and had taken & spoiled all the victuals where the Romaines should passe: and all these thinges were occasions to increase trauaile vnto Traiane, but not of power sufficient to remoue his enterprise: for that Traiane was of so valliant a minde, that where he sawe fortune most doubtfull, from thence he did hope of victorie moste certeine. Traiane did take & possesse the height of the rockes and mountaines, and thereon with all his armie did trauaile many nights and dayes: & king Decebal did neuer conceiue that Traiane would trauaile by those thornie mountaines: for that he thought it impossible for men to trauaile where beastes could not escape. King Decebal was constrained to returne vnto the plaine countrie, and to fortifie him selfe in strong cities, & [Page 34] to this ende Traiane did purpose not to fight in mountains that be daungerous, but in fieldes that be plaine: for he saide, that they came not to fight with the mountaines, whiche bred bruite beastes: but to tame cities which susteine seditious men.’ In very short space Traiane had taken fiue cities, seuen castels, and many prisoners: among which Mirto was taken, being vnckle, tutour, and captaine of king Decebal: a man of greate grauitie and of no lesse authoritie. Traiane was so rigorous with them that did resist him and so pitifull vnto such as did yelde them, that some for loue, and others for feare, began secretely to practise throughout the kingdome, totally to yeald them selues vnto Traiane: because they sawe euery day Traians force to increase, and the power of king Decebal to decay and growe very weake. Traiane besieging a certeine citie named Myrtha, holding the captaine therof in great distresse, king Decebal forgate not to sende him reliefe & succour of great power: against whome Lucius Metellus, a captaine of Traianes did march and aduaunce him self: who at that instant fought so valiantly and manlike, that he lest not of all the enimies one onely person, that was not either taken or slaine. ‘And as in that battaile manye Romaines were slaine, and many more wounded, lacking clothes to binde vp their woundes, Traiane tare his owne shirt to supply their want in that behalfe.’ Being knowne within the citie, howe their succorour was discomfited, and howe Traiane, to cure his wounded had rent his own shirt, they did feare the victorie, and were amazed at a worke of so great clemencie, and bothe these things were not a litle preiudiciall vnto king Decebal, chiefely for that he was proude and disdainfull: for the good Traiane, if with his engins he ouerthrewe their castels, with y e fame of his good woorkes, he did robbe and steale the mindes of his armie.
The citie of Myrtha beeing taken and rendred into the handes of Romaines, presently king Decebal sent Ambassadours vnto Traiane, aduertising that he woulde [Page 35] become subiect vnto the Romaine Empire: vppon suche condition, that the thinges whereon they should capitulate, were reasonable, and suche thinges as they shoulde commaunde to be perfourmable: for otherwise, he and his were determined rather to dye with libertie, then to liue in bondage. The conditions that Traiane sent to demaund were these.
That he should leaue all armour, discampe his armie, subuert his castels, yelde his engines, restore that which was robbed, become a friende vnto the friendes, and an enimie vnto the enimies of the Senate, render suche captaines as came to his succour, and giue 100000 pesants of golde to paye the armie, and giue one of his sonnes in pledge for suretie of all promises. All these conditions king Decebal was contented to sweare and obserue: except the rendering of the captaines which came in his fauour to succour him: saying that so vile a déede did not agrée with the clemencie of Traiane to demaunde it: neither vnto his royall fidelitie to graunt it: for that he yelded him selfe and his countrey, but to preserue the life of his friendes and alies. King Decebal came vnto the presence of Traiane, and knéeling vpon the grounde, did take off the crowne from his head and kissed the knée and the hand of Traiane: the which lifting him from the grounde and againe placing the crowne vpon his head: saide vnto him: I admitt thee to kisse my knee for the rebellion which thou hast committed, and I gaue thee my hande to kisse for the vassalage whiche thou owest mee: nowe I giue thee place to sitt by mee as a friend: I returne thy crowne vnto thee, as vnto a king: and therefore, learne to vnderstande thy faulte past, and to conserue this present benefite: for otherwise, thou shalt put mee to muche trauaile, and thy selfe in great peril.
CHAP. XI. ¶Howe Traiane triumphed of the Datians, and refourmed his common wealth.
MAny castels being furnished, and others ouerthrowen and subuerted, and the armies being paide with king Decebals money: Traiane departed vnto Rome, leading with him the kinges sonne for pledge, and other noble men for Ambassadours: ‘because it was a lawe much vsed and also obserued amongest the Romaines, that it were of no value which was capitulate in the wars, if it were not confirmed in y e Senate at Rome.’ The Ambassadours of king Decebal arriued at Rome before the Emperour Traiane: who bareheaded, their armour throwne downe, and their hands ioyned and lifted vp, did humbly beséeche the Senate, that it might please them to pardon kinge Decebal the rebellion which he had committed against them, and to confirme all that which the Emperour Traiane had capitulate, bycause for that which had passed, he did repent him, and for time to come did offer amendes. With readie disposition the Romaine senate did approue, allowe, and confirme all actes agréed vppon betwixt Traiane and the Datians: and presently commaunded their armour to be restored them, & to walk in y e citie at their libertie: ‘bycause it was a lawe inuiolable, that the Ambassadours whose Princes helde warres with the Romaine people, might weare no kinde of armour, either walke the stréetes at libertie without licence.’ Many and most extreme were the feastes wherewith the Romaines did receiue the Emperour Traiane, & very great was the riches y t he bestowed in his triumph: & admitting y t the Romains did much reioyce to see their Empire riche & in great power: but it did muche more please them to beholde Traiane returned whole, safe, and aliue: for it is incredible, what affection and loue all men did beare him, and the sacrifices beyonde all valure that for him they did offer.
[Page 37]On the daye of his triumph, the sonne of king Decebal was placed in the arche with Traiane, for that he was a verie childe: whome afterwardes he did intreate, not as a prisoner, but as his owne proper sonne. ‘In the conquest of the Datians, and in visiting the Germaines, Traiane was deteyned willingly two yeares: and at his returne vnto Rome, he found not the common wealth in such order as he left the same, and thereof is no marueile: for Princes making warre with their enimies, presently the citizens make peace with vices. That day in which Traiane entred triumphing into Rome, he that by chaunce was moste noted in those playes and pageantes, and of whome Traiane that day did take moste delight, was a certeine maister of Enterludes named Pilas, who for rewarde of his traueile, did not craue of Traiane but licence to vse his facultie, wherein Traiane did aunswere him: Princes haue to consider that their commaundements be iust: but after commaundement, for no request or seruice they ought to reuoke the same.’ ‘That which I will do for thée, shal be to paye thée yerely out of mine owne treasure, as muche as thou maist gaine by playing in the stréetes of Rome.’
Although Traiane went laden with armour, compassed with affaires, occupied in warres, busied in buyldings, importuned with friendes, tyred with enimies, and aboue all, moste studious in amplifying his fame, and to perpetuate his memorie: he neuer grewe negligent in good gouernement of the common wealth. He was no lesse attentiue in hearing, either lesse diligent in dispatching base & ciuil affaires, then those cases of great weight in the common wealth. Notwithstanding he were much busied in the affaires of warres, he did neuer the more growe negligent in the administration of iustice. All the time that he was remaining in Rome, once or twice a wéeke he did sitt openly to dispatche matters of iustice.
For any motion that good Traiane had to be solitarie in his house, or for any disease whereby he was withdrawne [Page 38] into his chamber, either for any affaires that he [...]ad for the warres, neuer man came to craue iustice, vnto whome he denied audience. When any person came, much troubled and furious in complaining of some friend or enimie, presently he stopte his eare with one of his fingers, saying: that he reserued the same, to heare the accused.
Traiane did neuer sitt to heare and determine matters of iustice, but at the gate of the Emperour Titus, and in the place of Augustus: and being demaunded, why more there, then elsewhere: aunswered, I place my selfe where iust Princes were wont to sitt: because in remembring them, I may committ no want of iustice. Traiane being on horsebacke, and vpon the voyage of the seconde warres into Datia, there came a woman and saide vnto him: Emperour Traiane, I am poore, olde, and a widowe: and hauing but one daughter, one of thy housholde seruaunts hath rauished her. Traiane aunswered: poore woman, be not importune with mée: for I sweare vnto thée, by the immortall Gods, that being returned from the warres, I will do thée iustice: to this the olde woman did replye: and what suretie hast thou Traiane, to returne from the warres: hearing so byting an aunswere, presently he lighted on foote and deferred his departure, vntil he perfourmed iustice with the poore olde woman. Traiane helde for custome, when any person did complaine, presently he commaunded it to be written in a booke which he had in his chamber: & this the good Prince did, to the ende to aske accompt of the Iudge to whome he did remitt the same, or else for his own better remembrance for dispatch thereof.
In some thinges, some Princes were equall vnto Traiane, and in some thinges did surmount him, but in rectitude of iustice, there was no prince like him in Rome: for that he did neuer man wrong in iustice, either at any time had affection or passion in giuing sentence. Many times Traiane did vse to say: that for Princes to be Iusticers, [Page 39] it were right necessarie to be iust in their owne persons: because subiectes and vassals be more easily persuaded to do that which they sée, then to obey in that which they are commaunded. Traiane was the first that placed patrones in the Senate, that should defend the poore: and the first also that gaue order, that one daye in the wéeke, their causes should be hearde. The Censours or Iudges of Rome, did sit but two houres in the morning, and one at after noone, to heare causes: and Traiane did giue order that they should be resident thrée houres before noone, and two houres at after noone, whereof Traiane was much praised, because it was occasion both to cut off suits, and to dispatch suiters. In the dayes of Traiane, none that had charge of Iustice might augment his goods: but in that estate of riches or pouertie, wherein he began to gouerne, in the same he had to conserue him selfe: and in repaymēt of his trauaile, besides the rewardes which the Prince did giue him, his sonnes were married with the goods of the common wealth.
Being knowen vnto Traiane, howe immortall suites were in the Senate: he ordeined that all suites of Italie should continue but one yere, and the suites of straunge countries, but halfe a yere. ‘ Traiane made diuers houses in Rome, where the Censours and Iudges might assemble to heare and administer iustice, and also made strong prisones, in such wise, that this good Prince prouided, that the good should be succoured, and the euil chastised.’
CHAP. XII. ¶Of the seconde warres that Traiane had against the Datians.
[Page 40]TWentie monethes after that Traiane had ouercome the Datians, the sonne of king Decebal died in Rome, whoe remained there as pledge, for that which his father had sworne and promised: and Traiane was no lesse greued with the death of that childe, then if it had béene his owne proper sonne and heire. The day that king Decebals sonne was dead, they saye that Traiane saide: the death of this childe grieueth me not, for that it is a sorrowe to the father, but for breache of promise which he shal committ: for if he haue béene quiet, it was more for y e recouering of his sonne, then for obedience vnto the Senate. Not long after this newes came to Traiane, howe king Decebal was rebelled, and to resist the Romaines he repaired the diches, furnished the castels, entred confederacie with his neighbours, renued and recouered victuals, and more and aboue the rest, made warre with the friendes of Romaines. The campe of Agius, which was a greate and a populous countrie, being restored by Traiane vnto him from whome it was taken, king Decebal reentred, did take and occupie the same, in suche wise, that all thinges which Traiane had set downe and determined, was despised, and in all that king Decebal had sworne, he was forsworne. Relation of these thinges béeing made vnto the Senate, king Decebal was pronounced an enimie, to publishe libertie vnto all persones to giue him and make him warre: bycause it was a law amongest the Romaines, that notwithstanding any did mutine or rebell againste the Prince, vntill in Rome he were declared an enimie, they might not make warre either against him or his countrie.
Traiane once more determined in his owne persone to goe to the warres of Datia, neither woulde he take with him any Consul or Captaine that was notable in Rome, saying: that since king Decebal to him onely had broken his worde: to him onely it did apperteine to reuēge the iniurie. King Decebal, howe soeuer he had made experience of the forces of Traiane, he would not as in the [Page 41] former warres abide him in the fielde: but retired into the most strong holdes of his kingdome, to his small profite: for Traiane had sworne before he departed from Rome, to remaine dead in Datia, or bring king Decebal either dead or aliue vnto Rome. Many of the Hunnes which now are named Hūgarians, & many of the Rhenes, which are y e people inhabitant neare vnto y e riuer Rhene, were come vnto y e succour of king Decebal, al which people, when they vnderstoode that Traiane came with so great a power, and so determined, they forsooke king Decebal in the plaine field: notwithstanding, would he not forsake his wilful purpose, for that his condition was to beginne his attemptes with great rashnesse, and no lesse stout to prosecute them. King Decebal was then of the age of two and fourtie yeares: a Prince most certainly in body of perfect proportion, gratious in conuersation, magnificent in spending, valiaunt in armes, diligent and carefull in the warres, although in the same most vnfortunate: the whiche lost both him and his countrie: bicause little auaileth diligence, where good hap is contrarie. King Decebal was a Prince most vnfortunate, to match in contention with Traiane, whoe was a Prince most fortunate: bycause vnto the one, all thinges did happen vnto his owne liking: and to y e other, all things contrarie to that he did desire. After fiue monethes y t the warre was begun, as y e one Prince did increase, & y e other decrease: King Decebal retired vnto a certain castel, with the most valiaunt men of his armie: where Traiane did vtter & expend the vtterest of his skill, deuice, & policie, to take him: and king Decebal his greatest force and fortitude to defend him selfe. By a Decebal counsel on a certaine night, they conueyed ouer the wall sixe young men, fayning to be fled, which came vnto Traianes campe, with myndes determined to kill him, eyther with weapō or poison. King Decebal had inuented this treason: for that wanting, as he wanted strength: he would profite and prouide for him selfe, by treason and guile. And as Traiane was of a sincere condition, and nothing malicious, had no [Page 42] suspicion of that malice and guile, but rather receiued thē with great pitie, and conferred with them a great parte of the day, inquiring and demaunding them of the armies and conditions of king Decebal: and wherefore he had broken his promise and othe. There wanted not in Traianes campe, that could discerne, by their countenance, gesture and silence, that those young men were traitours, or else théeues: and one of them being taken and examined, did confesse, that by the counsell and commaundement of king Decebal, they were come to murther Traiane. And as king Decebal was disappointed of this treason and deuice, and the traitours chastised according to their demerites, he determined another deuice: and the case was thus. Vpon a truce he craued to speake with Longinus, a famous capteine and much beloued of Traiane: who being come vpon assurance, was taken and bound. Traiane was not a little offended, when he vnderstoode that Longinus was detained as prisoner, & no lesse displeased with Longinus, that had giuen too muche confidence to the assurance of king Decebal: saying, that the person which is a promise breaker with men, and periured vnto the Gods, by no meanes might deserue credite. King Decebal gaue Traiane to vnderstande, that except he might receiue pardon for him selfe and all his knightes, Longinus shoulde continue prisoner: to this Traiane made answere, that if he had taken Longinus in good war, he wold do any thing to giue libertie vnto his person: but since Longinus gaue trust where he ought not vnto his worde, he was bounde to conserue his life: for that good Princes be more bound to mainteine that whiche they promise, then to procure that which they desire. Althoughe Traiane spake these wordes openly, he did geatly trauell to deliuer Longinus, eyther for exchange, or else for money: but Longinus vnderstanding thereof, dranke poyson, wherof he dyed: & sent word vnto Traiane, y t the Gods had neuer to cōmaund, y t for the giuing of his life, they shuld capitulate w t king Decebal, any thing y t were vile or against honour. This Romaine [Page 43] straūge act of Longinus, gaue great admiration vnto friends and confederats, and did yeald great feare vnto the enimies: bycause he deliuered Traiane of care and thought, and for him selfe obteined perpetuall fame. ‘King Decebal perceiuing the greatest part of his kingdome to be taken and lost, without all hope to recouer the same, eyther able to defende that which remained, determined to make slaughter of him selfe, some say with poyson, some affirme that he drowned him selfe in water, other affirme, that he hanged him selfe: finally, he was found dead without any wounde: whose head Traiane commaunded to be cut off, and to be sent vnto Rome.’
CHAP. XIII. Of the great buildings that Traiane made in the kingdome of Datia.
THe vnfortunate king Decebal being dead, and all the whole lande in Traianes power, he made it a Prouince: which is to say, he did take away the title of kingdom, and the preeminence of gouernement by Consuls: and gaue order to be gouerned by Pretors, and to be called a Prouince. Traiane remoued a greate number of the inhabitants of Italie in that countrie: but many more he brought out of that countrie, to be placed in Italie: and this he did as a man of great iudgement: bycause in displacing the one, he obteined sure possession of the kingdom: and remouing the other, of necessitie they must liue as others did liue in the Romaine Empire. When the capteine Longinus dyed, he left a brother yonger of age, but equall in force and valiauntnesse, whome Traiane made Pretour of Datia, and gaue vnto him for euermore the castle where his brother dyed: saying vnto him, of two causes, the one is for thyne owne vertue and valiauntnesse, and the other, bycause thy brother Longinus did serue me.
[Page 44] Traiane caused great search to be made for the body of his capteine Longinus: vnto whome he caused to be erected such and so sumptuous a sepulchre, that it was to be douted, whether he would haue giuen him so great riches for seruice if he had liued, as he spent in making that sepulchre. In all the kingdome of Datia, there was no knight or Gentleman that had any rents, but only the king: whereof the king gaue vnto euerie man as he did serue and deserue: whereof it followed, that the kingdome being so opulent, the king obteined great riches, welth, and power. Whē Traiane came the second time into Datia, king Decebal had great riches both of gold & siluer: not only for the great rents which he receiued throughout his kingdome, but that also he exacted of his subiectes great sūmes of money. ‘King Decebal being doubtfull vnto what destinies he and his kingdome were committed, determined to burie all his treasure in a riuer, which he remoued out of his naturall chanell, and in the greatest depth therof, he made sepulchres of stone to burie his saide treasure: whiche being done, he returned the riuer into his olde chanell, which was named Sargetia: and to the end that no man shoulde discouer this secrete, he commaunded to murder all that were present at the hiding thereof. But to small purpose, for that a fisher, which at that time did fish the riuer, discouered the whole matter vnto Traiane: in suche manner, that there is nothing so much hidden, that humaine couetousnes doth not discouer.’ Those treasures being brought into Traianes power, he diuided thereof amongest his armies, vnto euerie man according to the merites of his seruice: and of his owne share, the first that he commaunded was, to builde a most sumptuous temple vnto the God Iupiter: wherein he left prouided, that for him selfe and the people of Rome, yearely sacrifice to be offered. He reedified there also the royall house, that is to say, where the kings of Datia did vse to be resident: whiche for the antiqutie thereof was somewhat decayed, and through continuall warres, not well repayred: a worke most certeinely delectable [Page 45] to behold, and pleasant to dwell in. He repaired also many decayed bridges and mylles, vpon high wayes he renued their broken calseys in all places, he did build newe houses, and reedified others infinite that were burnt. He brake and made plaine many wayes vpon the sharpe moū taines, and raysed many newe fortes, and renued the old: finally, you might hardly trauell a league throughout all the kingdome, wherein shoulde not be found some notable worke of Traiane. ‘Not yet all satisfied, he built vpon the riuer of Danubie a bridge of stone, which was so curious in the building, and so costly in the making, that fewe works did match it, but none did passe it. That bridge contained twentie arches in length, and euery piller of one square stone, and the arches were of the height of an hundred and fiftie foote, wrought without cymet, and the distaunce betwixt the pillers, were a hundred thréescore and two foote: and the breadth of the arches aloft was fortie foote: and aboue all the rest, the singularitie of the mould and fashion was to be considered, and the richnesse of the stone to be regarded: bycause the stone was of such glosse, that in iudgement it deserued to be set in plate. It séemed incredible to mans iudgement, for a bridge to be made vpon that riuer: bicause the streame was broad, déepe, in course very swifte, and aboue all the rest, on no side it might be turned out of his chanell, to the end it might be drie at any time to lay the cymet.’ That building was so extreme, or to say better, so monstrous, that it néeded to make experiēce of al high iudgements and capacities, and the Romaines there to shewe their strengthes, and Traiane there to spend his treasure: bicause in the worke there required great potencie, and in the order thereof great industrie: it is verie small that the penne can magnifie, in respect of the wonder which he séeth that beholdeth the same: for the better credite therof, at these dayes the pillers giue a muster vpon the fierce waters: declaring the pryde of his power, and the riches of the emperour. Traiane would with that edifice giue terrour vnto the liuing, and admiration to his [Page 46] posteritie, to giue manifest argument, that any thing may not be so impossible, eyther so hard, that with mans hand may not be enterprised, and with y e riches of Rome might not be finished. The cause that moued Traian to build this costly bridge, so monstrous, was, as they say, to the end the barbarous people on the other side Danubie, might come to fight w t the Romaines, although the riuer were ouerflowen: and also that the Romaines that remained there, shuld not giue them selues to pleasure and idlenesse, when they considered them selues to be in the eye of the enimie. The Emperour Domitian had no suche mynde and valiantnesse: whiche for feare that the barbarous people should come to fight with the Romaine hoast, cōmaunded the arches of that bridge to be ouerthrowne: in such wise, that the one made a bridge to prouoke the enimie to fight, and the other did raze the same for feare of battell.
CHAP. XIIII. Of the seconde entring of Rome by the Emperour Traiane, and the notable thing which he did in the same.
IN finishing the warrs, in giuing order for the Prouince, in diuiding the countries, and in yealding perfection vnto all his workes and buildings, Traiane was deteined in Datia more then thrée yeares: in which as he after did report, great were the trauels and perils wherein he did sée his person, and not small were the expences that he made of his goods. The victories that Traiane had obteined, being knowne vnto the Barbarians that did inhabite the other side of Danubie, the mightie buildings that he had made, the great rewardes that he had giuen, and the clemencie that with prisoners he had vsed, sent their ambassadours vnto Traiane: who with verie good will did set down with him a perpetual peace & amitie, & bound them [Page 47] selues to kéepe and defend for him the kingdome of Datia. Incredible was the loue that all those nations did beare vnto Traiane, which was well knowne when he departed from that countrie to goe vnto Rome: in that by all cities where he did passe, and by all wayes where he did trauell, so great were the teares and cries vttered by all persons, that it séemed the grounde to tremble. In respect of the great largesse and prowesse that Traiane had perfourmed in those Prouinces, it was no maruell that his departing was so be wailed: bicause with his great benefites, he had won their hearts, and with his great and sumptuous buildings he had ennobled his people. Vniuersally of al friends and enimies, neuer prince as Traiane was so much feared in warres, either loued in peace. The cause wherby Traiane obteined so great loue, and to be so well liked, and in such especial grace with al men, was, that with his frends he neuer vsed negligence, and also in readinesse and straite reckoning with his enimies: in such wise, that such as stood in his disgrace by his wordes, they had to vnderstand therof: but vnto such as did bende to serue him, both in worde and déede he did manifest the same. They were infinite that praised Traiane, in that he had ben pitiful with them, but none did cōplaine y t he had found him ingrate. Ennius Priscus, a noble & aunciēt Romaine demaūded of y e emperour Traiane, by what meanes more then all other Princes past, of all men he had obteined so speciall loue and lyking: Traiane did answere, for that naturally I delight to pardon such as do offende me, and neuer forget such as do serue me. And truly Traiane saide most truthe: that loue and hatred haue their beginning of thankfulnesse and ingratitude: bycause there is no enimie so fierce or cruel as he which in time past we held for a friend, being remoued by vnkindnesse. All things as concerning Dati [...]a, being dispatched, Traiane returned to Rome. If the triumphes of the first warres were great, when king Decebal was ouercome, muche greater were the triumphes of the second warres, when he was slaine.
[Page 48]The feasts of the triumphes of Datia, endured an hundred and twentie dayes: in which were slaine an hundred Lions, and of other wilde beastes an hundred thousande, which is to vnderstande, Deare red and vallo, Tygres, Bulles, Leopards, Wolues, Beares, Vnicornes, Boares, Panthers, Eliphants, Camels, Ounces, and many other such straunge beastes taken & brought from the deserts of Africa, and the great India. The feastes of the triumphe being finished; presently Traiane commaunded to be made great sacrifices vnto the Godds, in remuneration of the great perils frō which they had deliuered him, and for the great triumphs which they had giuen him. He commaunded newe temples to be made, one vnto the vnknowne God to the Romaines, another vnto the God Mars, whiche was the God of the Datians. He commaunded greate summes of money to be giuen to the Priestes of the temples: vnto the end they should offer daily sacrifice vnto the Gods, for the health and prosperitie of his kingdomes: and also to repaire & ennoble their temples. At his cōming frō Datia, whē Traiane passed the riuer Rubicon, being detained an whole day for want of passage, imediately vpon his cōming to Rome, he sent money & workemen to make a bridge ouer that riuer: whiche was more profitable, although not so sumptuous as the bridge made ouer Danubie. In the marishes of Pontaine, Traiane did rayse and make a calsey both long and large of stone, a worke right profitable and necessarie, although not a little costly: for where as afore there was but water and myre, there succéeded houses and inhabitants. In those dayes there dyed in Rome, a certaine Physician named Suras Lycinus: in whose death Traiane did vtter great sorrowe, vnto whom he commaunded his picture to be aduaunced in the place, and a riche sepulchre to be erected in the field of Mars. There was in Rome two speciall men learned in letters, and vertuous in manners: whiche were perfect friendes of Traiane, and in the common wealth much estéemed: the one was named Palma, and the other Celsus: vnto these [Page 49] he gaue many and great offices of honour, and in the place did erect vnto them pictures of Alabaster. Traiane made in Rome many and great Libraries: wherein he did place bookes of al sciences, and of all languages, where strangers might reade, and citizens learne. ‘Where so euer Traiane entered, were it within the Empire, or in a straunge kingdome, he was alwayes curious, in causing search for fiue things: that is to say, horses of good race, learned men of good inclination, newe armour, faire women, and auncient bookes. All these things, or which soeuer of them, were neyther lost by any negligence: or left vnbought for any money. In the place named Datia, Traiane erected a certaine most highe piller, a worke most certainely being of one stone right stately, and to behold, in breadth and height of great wonder.’ It is not written from whence that piller was brought vnto Traiane, neyther for what intent he did raise the same in that place: but as some doe gesse, he ment vpon the toppe thereof to haue placed his sepulchre: others sayde, to no other ende, but to perpetuate his memorie.
CHAP. XV. Containing what Traiane did in Sicyl, in Africa, and in Spaine.
TRaiane being soakte with delight in the buildinges of Rome, Rufus Galba Pretour of Africa did aduertise, that all Africa was escandalized, by meanes of cruell warres, betwéene the Numidians and the Mauritans. These newes being hearde in the Senate, they say that Traiane sayde. The warre grieueth me, but the occasion to passe into Africa doth muche please me: for that many [Page 50] dayes past I haue desired to sée the famous fieldes of Carthage, where Scipio in so shorte space obteined for him selfe immortall renoune, and Hanibal lost that in one day, whiche he had gotten in sixtéene yeares in Italie. Traiane departed from Rome by the waye of Sicyl: where he stayed al the Winter, and to auoyde idlenesse he scarsely lefte any place in the whole Islande personally vnuisited, none that were then aliue in Sicyl, might remember to haue séene any Romaine Prince within the same: for whiche cause Traiane founde many thinges to be repayred in the walles, and muche more to be amended in their customes and manners. Traiane being infourmed, that many straunge shippes did lurke in the hauen of Mecina to spoyle, and many pyrates barkes did haunt and retyre vnto the same, to execute their robberies, in his owne person went to the viewe thereof, and at his owne coste commaunded thrée bulwarkes to be made, at the mouth of the hauen: whiche eyther for want of diligence of the one part, or too muche malice on the other side, the case was thus: that before it coulde be finished, the pyrates had ouerthrowne it. Amongest the Panormitains, whiche be they of Palermo, and the inhabitaunts of Mecina, of olde time had continued great contention: betwixt whome Traiane not without great trauell, determined & finished all quarelles and debates: and brought to passe, that from thence foorth they continued in great friendshippe. To the ende to perpetuate that peace, and to roote vp all passions and vnkindnesse of that Islande by the rootes: to the principall both of the one and the other, Traiane gaue pensions out of his owne house, and daily did cause them to eate at his owne table. In Palermo, Mecina, and Tatania, Traiane commaunded seuerall temples to be made: and the Gods to whom those temples should be dedicated, the inhabitaunts to make choice. Traiane renued in Sicyl the kinde and race of good horsses, reedified the decayed walles, melted all counterfet money, erected newe castles, builded stately temples, set peace and established quietnesse [Page 51] amongest the mutined cities, & gaue many great rewardes: although no liberties vnto the people. Traiane being demaūded why he gaue no liberties vnto the Sicylians, as he gaue vnto other kingdomes: answered, bycause seruitude doth conserue them, and libertie destroy them.
The Winter being past, and the Spring come, Traiane passed into Africa, and did lande in the hauen, where olde Carthage in time past was situate: & not finding one stone vpon an other, to giue testimonie of the foundation thereof: they say y t he sayd. It grieueth me that Carthage so greatly resisted Rome: but it more forethinketh me, that Rome shoulde not be satisfied, but with the totall destruction thereof. In the place where olde Carthage stoode, Traiane did builde a castle more faire then strong, and erected therein two counterfets. the one of Hanibal the Carthaginian, and the other of Scipio the African: but presently vpon his departing from that countrie, the pyrates layde it flat on the earth. Incontinent after Traiane had arriued into Africa, there grewe a generall pestilence throughout the same, for whiche cause he coulde neyther goe to sée that he desired, eyther perfourme that whiche he determined. And as the pestilence grewe so cruel, Traiane was constrained to retyre vnto y e port of Bona, which was somwhat more sound: and from thence he sent for the principals of the Numidians, and also of the Mauritans: who incontinently in presence of Traiane, were made friends, and left and committed into his onely handes all their affaires. Amongest all the Princes of this worlde, Traiane obteined this excellencie: That neuer man came into his presence, that denied him that, whiche he craued, eyther disobeyed him wherein he commaunded: bycause in his commaundements hee was verie wise, and in requesting verie humble. Traiane thought to haue stayed in Africa, more then two yeares, and yet remained there but foure monethes: and as he sayde afterwardes, that if the pestilence had giuen no impediment, he would of him self haue [Page 52] lefte as great memoriall in Africa, as he did in Datia. Traiane tooke sayle at the porte of Bona, and came by the streightes to Cadix, whiche is nowe called Calize, a citie of Spaine: wherein he had béene bred, and from whence being a verie young man he had departed.
Traiane gaue many Priuileges vnto the Gauditains, as vnto his naturall friendes: amongest whiche, two were most notable: namely, that they shoulde be citizens of Rome, and paye no custome or tribute, for any merchandize whiche they transported. Traiane did builde in Calize a most sumptuous temple vnto God Genius: whiche the Romaines helde for the God of byrthe. He made also a calsey of stone along the shoare: but it was not all finished, when by the furie of the water it was all destroyed. He intended to repayre the pillers of Hercules, whiche by their great antiquitie were then consumed: and being persuaded by certaine persons to erect others in his owne name, to the ende that in time to come, they might be called the pillers of Traiane, and not of Hercules: he answered: that whiche I ought to doe is, that as Hercules came from Graecia vnto Spaine, to obtaine honour: so ought I from Spaine to goe into Graecia to winne fame.
Traiane commaunded the bridge of Alcantara in Spaine to be made, a worke that lasteth to this our age: wherein concurreth statelinesse, subtiltie, cunning, and profite. He made another bridge vpon the riuer Teio, neare vnto Ystobriga, and is the bridge that nowe is broken, at the bankes of Halconeta. Traiane commaunded the way named Publius to be continued, being the waye that nowe is called in Spaine, the Calsey, that goeth from Ciuil vnto Salamanca: and is named the Publian waye, whiche is to say, the waye of Publius: for that the firste that beganne the same, was Publius Fabatus, one of the Consuls that fought with Viriato. That which Traiane made of that calsey, little more or lesse, was from the Casar of Casares, vntil within a league of y e vents of Capara, [Page 53] whiche be lodging or bayting places: and so to be vnderstoode, not bicause the histories do clearely report thereof, but by the pillers which vpon that way be erected: which say in their grauen letters, that they were placed there in the dayes of Traiane. And he that will be curious to goe and sée, (as I many times haue gone to sée and reade, and also to measure:) shal finde within the sayde boundes, the name of no other Prince but of Traiane: and before the Casur which is a towne, neyther after the vents of Caparra, which be lodgings, vpon no piller shall they finde Traiane written. The cause wherefore the Consul Publius Fabatus did raise that calsey, was to make a diuision betwixt the Vetical Prouince, which is Andaluzia, and the Prouince of Lusitania, which is Portugal: diuiding from Ciuil to Salamanca, all on the left hand of the calsey in olde time being Lusitania, and all on the right hande Andaluzia. Betwixt the Proconsul of Betica, and the Proconsul of Lusitania, there did arise great contention, vppon the diuision of their boundes: wherevpon this large and sumptuous calsey was erected and perfourmed. Vpon the riuer of Gadiana, Traiane commaunded a long bridge to be made, on the middest whereof he built a market place for the merchants of both people, to trade and concurre. This bridge appertaineth to the citie of Merida, which at this day appeareth verie large, and had in the middest thereof a diuision, stretching vppe into the riuer, the hurle of a stone, whiche on both sides came backe vnto the bridge, continued, directed, and sustained by walles, in the compasse wherof was the place or market. When the Greeks did first giue foundation vnto Merida, they made therein two streates, and the riuer Gadiana betwixt them both, and where Merida nowe standeth, was the stronger, and that on the other side the riuer was more delectable: in suche wise, that they helde the one to retyre vnto in time of warre: and the other to delight in time of peace. As the Consul Publius Fabatus made diuision of Portugal and Andaluzia, the streate on the other side the [Page 54] riuer fell to the Prouince of Lusitania, and the streate which is nowe Merida, fell to the Prouince of Betica, and frō thenceforth there was alwayes betwixt thē great contention: in such wise, that they ouerthrew the bridge that stoode in the middst of the citie, and the coyne that in times past had ben currant, they made of no value betwixt them. This good Emperour Traiane, meaning to cut off these so old enimities, made in y e midst of the citie, vpon Gadiana the bridge that nowe is: and to remoue all quarels for walking in eache others streates, he made a market place in the midst of the bridge, where they should congregate, talk, and traffike of their merchandize. The prosperitie of Merida continued, vntil the time that the Gothes entered Spaine: whiche holding warre with the Silingues, being in those dayes Lordes of Andaluzia: fortifying them selues in Merida, by the Gothes were there ouercome, and those generous, sumptuous, and auncient buildings, throwen flat vpon the earth. ‘In no citie of all Europe, did ioyntly concurre foure buildings, suche as Merida helde: that is to say, a stately college, certaine conduites and arches for conueyaunce of waters, a temple of Diana, and a bridge that contained a great and large market place: which continued in building many yeares, and perished in one day.’
CHAP. XVI. Howe Traiane did passe out of Spaine, into Asia, and the manner that he vsed in the warres.
AFter that Traiane had visited in Spaine the Prouince of Betica, of Lusitania, and the Prouince of Carpentania, he came through the prouince of Tarragona: in which yere in the whole land, there was great scarsitie of bread: wherby Traiane was constrained to shorten his iourney, and to hasten his imbarkage: in such manner, that the pestilence draue him out of Africa, and hūger out of Spaine. [Page 55] Traiane departed Spaine, with determination not to stay, vntill his arriuall in Asia, and there to take the way vnto y e greater Armenia: would neuer take land in any porte of Italie, but passing like pylgrimes, made no stay, but onely to renue their victuals. All those whiche trauelled with Traiane, were astonied to sée him passe the portes of his kingdomes, as if it had bene the lande of enimies. Traiane had a capteine named Valerius Gracchus: vnto whom the Emperour did beare speciall affection, and did estéeme him as a kinsman: vnto this man they say, that Traiane sayd, in great secrecie. If I had found warres in Sicyl, Africa, or Spaine, as I found in Datia, whereby I might haue obteined some victorie, I woulde not haue passed without landing in Italie: but since it is thus come to passe, I sweare by the immortall Gods, to set no foote a land in Italie, vntil I deserue to enter triumphing into Rome. High & verie high were these wordes, worthy and right worthy to be written in the hearts of Princes: to beholde this Prince that banished him selfe from the delightes of his own proper kingdomes, to séeke fame in straunge landes. With great determination Traiane did enterprise y e voyage into Armenia, wherin he entered, making cruell war: taking occasion of y e king of Armenians, which refused to confesse to haue receiued his kingdome from the Romaines, but of the king of Parthians. Traiane not satisfied to make war vpon the Armenians, but also entered the landes and territories of the Parthians: bicause in the most principall Prouince of Trapa, he deteined his armie more then thrée monethes. Parthurus king of Parthians, a man of great yeares, beholding the warres offered him by the enimie, determined to present peace vnto Traiane: who being demanded of his Parthians why he discouered so great feare within his owne kingdome? he made answere. If the wars were but armie against armie, the Parthians woulde not feare the Romaines: but we fight with the Emperor Traiane: vnto whome the Gods haue giuen so great fortune, that it farre exceedeth our great power.
[Page 56]Without consuming of many dayes, or imploying of many armies, the Parthians made peace with Traiane, and the Armenians did yeald them selues as ouercome. From Parthimisires king of Armenians, the kingdome was remoued, and both crowne and kingdome Traiane gaue with his owne handes vnto his sonne: and this he did, bycause king Parthimisires had sayd: that of the Parthians, and not of the Romaines, he was crowned king: in suche wise, that the good Traiane in remouing the kingdome frō the father, did execute iustice: and in giuing it to the sonne, gaue a shewe of his clemencie. Traiane was not satisfied, that the Parthians shoulde haue peace, and become tributaries vnto the Romaines, but that king Parthurus by the handes of Traiane, must be crowned: and so it came to passe, that knéeling vpon his knées, he receiued his crowne, kissed his hande, and consented to pay tribute. Traiane did marche through all those Prouinces and kingdomes, and vnto the kinges that did yeald obedience, benignly he did intreate them, and in their kingdomes did confirme them: and vnto suche as did vse resistaunce, vnto others he gaue their kingdomes, and sent them prisoners vnto Rome. Traiane helde for custome, that in all principall cities of kingdomes or Prouinces: that he had taken by force of armes, he did commaunde to erect a most strong castle, wherevnto his armies did repayre: and a right sumptuous temple, wherein to worshippe the Goddes of Rome. As Traiane did passe and trauell, visite and conquere all the thrée partes of the world, that is to say, Asia, Africa, and Europa: in all which countries he did trauell to leaue of him selfe immortall fame: the testimonie wherof maketh it credible, that all the Romaine princes ioyntly haue not erected so many buildings, as Traiane onely did performe. Traiane did leade his armies verie well furnished, ordered, corrected, and also in great subiection: & this procéeded, that alwaies in his own person he did accōpany the same, and helde them both paide and rewarded: for as he did vse to say, The hoast that of his owne proper [Page 57] Prince is not visited and paide, is sildome or neuer in subiection. When Traiane was in the warres, in his féeding and apparel, he did rather séeme a companion, then an emperour of Rome: for that sildome he went vnarmed, and many were the dayes wherein he did eate standing. Hauing a bodie somewhat drie and of great sinowes, he was moste patient in tedious trauaile of warres: that is to say, in suffering hunger, colde, thirste, wette, snowe, heate, & perils, whiche he refused not as a cowarde, but sought thē out as one of a valiant mind: for y t in all hazardes & perils, he neuer saide vnto his captaines, go: but, let vs go: do: but, let vs do: fight: but, let vs fight. He gaue in charge vnto his armies, not to attempt to burne houses, set fire in corne, ouerthrowe milles, or cut downe orchardes: affirming, that these thinges are to be obteined, but not destroyed. Whē Traiane would take any citie, he did not imploye his force in any thing more, then to depriue the enimies of their waters. In the campes of his enimies, he did cause to be sowen false newes: that is to wite: that if he had victuals, to saye, that he wanted: that if he had money, to saye, it was spent: that if he had muche people, that they were gone: that if he would shortly giue an assault, to saye, that he would departe: and by this meanes he brought his enimies into negligence, while in meane time he did fortifie his armies. Traiane was of greate liberalitie vnto such as discouered the enimies secretes: and ioyntly therewith, of no lesse prouidence, for the entering of spies within his campes. When he helde warre with any citie or countrye, he did not permitt his souldiers to spoile the borders thereof. for he helde opinion, that smal profit might rise to spoile the poore villages: and greate hurte and offence vnto the armies, by want of victuals. Vnto a captaine that tooke a ploughman, & kilde his two Oxen at the ploughe, Traiane commaunded to be banished with great ignominie, and to giue the ploughman his horse, his armour, and all his wages that was due. For no fault Traiane commaunded any man to be slaine in the [Page 58] warres, but onely him that slept being of the watche, or the captaine that ranne awaye out of the battel, or did rauishe any woman. Traiane was so pitifull, that vsually ‘he did pardon all negligences, especially in the warres, except two faultes which he did neuer remitt, that is to say, such as blasphemed the Gods, and rauished women. Traiane was verie diligent and careful in visiting his camps, and to kéepe a reckoning of all his armies: and this he did to the ende that no vagabonds should wander amongest them: in such wise, that no man went to the warres, that did not beare armour, and go to the battell.’ ‘ Traiane held in his armies maisters of all exercises to teache the young men the arte of knighthood, that is to saye, howe to playe at the swoorde, to shoote in the crossebowe, to runne an horsse, to skale a wall, to mine a castell, to wrastle with the enimie, to swimme ouer a riuer: finally, the greatest of Traianes exercise was, to augment and nobilitate his armie and knighthood.’
CHAP. XVII. ¶Of the honourable titles that the Romaines sent vnto Traiane, and of the earthquake of Antioche.
THE Romaines did much desire, that when Traiane did saile from Spaine into Asia, that he should haue landed in Italie: but when they vnderstoode of the great victories and prosperities which he had receiued in Asia, great was the ioye and sportes which were done at Rome. In times past, some Princes ouercame the Parthians, and others of them were ouercome: but neuer prince, as Traiane, did make them by feare yeald vp their kingdome: and that of his owne will, knéeling vppon his knées, would by a Romaine Prince be crowned. The Parthians were a people so vntameable to be subdued, that they saide of thē selues: the Gods could absolutely confound them: but impossible for men to ouercome them. Many dayes they were debating in the Senate vpon determination, of the manner of [Page 59] thankes which they should write vnto Traiane, and what ensignes of honour they should sende vnto him: since by his vertue they were all honoured, and by his valiant actes, feared throughout the worlde. All the Senate came to consent to one aduice, the which in déede was very generous and noble: that is to vnderstande, that all maner of coyne should be melted within the Empire, and made a certeine newe money in the name of Traiane: wherein Traiane was ingrauen, and in the compasse thereof, these letters were written: Imp. Vlp. Tr. Opti. Da. Parth. P. P. Tr. P. Con. 2. Sem. Aug. Which is to saye: this is the Emperour Vlpius Traianus, which was verie good, and right fortunate: he ouercame the Parthians, triumphed ouer the Datians, father of the countrie, tribune of the people, two times Consul, his memorie shalbe immortal. Great was the ioy y e Traiane receiued, when he sawe that money which the Senate had made: and when he read the writing therin conteined: but of all the titles whiche they gaue him, he gloried in none so much as to intitle him Imperator optimus, that is to saye: best Emperour: for he affirmed, y t all other titles he had obteined by armes, but this other with vertues. ‘For defence of colde, & prouision of victuals, Traiane retired in Winter vnto the citie and prouince of Antioche: where whiles he remained, suche & so fierce an earthquake happened, as neuer in the worlde past was euer heard or séene. The chaunce was thus, that on the 22. day of October, before the breake of the day, soudenly there rose such winde & storme so extreme & importune, that puld vp trées, beate downe birdes, threw down tiles, & shooke the houses: forthwith it began to lighten and thunder, & did so sparckle and flame, that being night, it séemed to be broade daye. After the thunder and lightening, presently did followe so terrible tempestes and flashinges of fire, which with their furious violence, brake downe statelye houses, set hilles on fire, kild men at the soudeine: finally, it seemed not, but that all the world was on fire, and that the earth did open. And if the earth were [Page 60] afflicted, no doubt but the Sea was cruelly tormented: for the waters began to swell, the windes to alter, fishes to be troubled, the ayre to be darkened: and that which séemed moste terrible, the waters did so yell, roare, braye, and rage, as if they had béene wilde, fierce, & moste cruell beastes: presently vppon the souden there followed, suche, and so straunge a heate, that it constrained al men to giue aire vnto their breastes, vnbuckle their gyrdle, to throwe off their cloathes, to mount into galleries, their bodies to sweate: and that which was woorste of all, that if they went foorth into the ayre, the violence thereof did ouerthrowe them: if into the sea, the rage therof did drowne them. As the windes did vse their furie so straunge or neuer séene, and the earth so parched and dryed by the drought of the Summer, they raised so sharpe a dust, that the ayre séemed to be farsed or compound with dust. The matter was marueilous monstruous, and terrible to beholde: the ayre so thicke with dust, the Seas to yell and roare, the windes in so furious combat, that one might not sée another, that they durst not open their mouthes, neither drawe breath at their nostrils: for so greate was the dust that they did swallowe and receiue into their bodies, that soudeinly they fell downe dead vppon the earth. All these calamities, and marueilous wonders, were no doubt verie fearefull: but vniuersally not so daungerous: for although many did perishe, many also were saued. Then presently began the earth to quake so strangely and vnusually, that olde houses did fall, walles did open, towers did cleaue, the monuments did rent, and stones did encounter eche other. In some places, the houses were vtterly ouerthrowne, in other partes halfe throwne down, in other places walles opened, in other some places trées pulde vp by the rootes, domesticall beastes slaine: finally, there was no stréete in the whole citie, wherein the earthquake had not vsed his violence. If such destruction was executed amongest trées and stones: howe great was the calamitie that passed amongest men? the case was right [Page 61] lamentable to heare men crye, women scriche, children waile, beastes howle and braye, one crossing and encountering another, some dead, some with broken heades, some with broken legges, some lamed in their armes, and some striken cleane through the bodie. At suche time as these thinges did chaunce, great numbers of people were come from all the partes of the worlde vnto Antioche, some to sée Traiane, some to aske iustice, some that went to the warres, some brought prisoners, and others that were straungers: and in so great a multitude, there was no man that escaped either deadly wounded or hurte, except one woman and one slaue. Vppon that night of the earth quake, Traiane was lodged in a place of pleasure without the citie, who leaping out at a windowe, not with such spéede, but that he was hurte on his right arme not able to saye of the cause, whether it procéeded, of timber, tile, or stone. Traiane was so terrified with the earthquake, that all the time in which he staide at Antioche, he would not remaine in any house, but in the fieldes in a tent, wherein he did eate and sléepe. Many dayes after these thinges did passe, certeine persons walking to behold the falne houses, heard the voice of a woman: and digging very déepe, they found a woman and her childe, that vnder the hollownesse of a vawt were escaped: a thing admirable, how the mother without meate so long time, might haue milke to nourishe her childe. In reedifying of other houses, they found a dead woman, and a liue childe sucking the brest. At the time of the earthquake in Antioch, the mountaine Caucasus did so open and tremble, that all the cities adioyning, doubted to be ouerwhelmed with the fal therof. Running riuers of immortall memorie became drye. Springs neuer séene or heard of, did flow & remaine. and olde fountaines for euermore dried vp: many hilles made plaine, and many vallies made euen. Finally, there was no house in Antioche, or within the compasse of the territories therof, that was not totally destroyed, or changed after a maner into some other order or fashion.’
CHAP. XVIII. ¶Howe Traiane subdued Assyria, and what he did in Babylon.
NOwe when Summer was come, Traiane prepared to departe the confines of Antioche towardes the iourney of Assyria, to conquer that countrie, if that by peace they did not yeald the same: and being arriued at the great riuer Euphrates, he found the ships burnt, all the bridges broken, and all the Barbarians in armes, with a minde to dye, or to defend their countries. The Barbarians vnderstanding of Traians approche, made an vtter spoile of all their woods, to remoue all meanes of renuing their nauie, or to reedifie bridges. Traiane had intelligence that farre from thence, certeine shippes vppon the hill Nisibin were a making, whiche presently he sent for, and brought in cartes, and in very shorte space, a flote vppon Euphrates rigged and armed. The riuer Euphrates being passed, Traiane founde another riuer named Pessin, ioyning vnto the hill Cardius, which also was of great strength, and almost impassable, but Traiane brake vp his shippes, and once more by land did carrie the same vnto that riuer: wherin he fought with the Barbarians that defended their bankes. And as they after reported, vtterly determined rather to dye, then to submitt themselues to subiection. But that they conceiued, Traiane to be no mortall man, which would fight against them, but some of the immortall Gods that came to destroye them: moued thereunto, in beholding Traians readie carriage for shippes by lande, as they had by Sea. That countrie was named the prouince of Adiabena: which being all ouerrunne & brought vnder subiection: he passed vnto Arbela, and vnto Anguaguemela two most opulent prouinces, in whose fieldes, in [Page 63] the olde worldes past, the greate king Darius, was ouercome of Alexander Magnus. Traiane spent all that Summer in conquering those prouinces: whiche although they differ in names, yet differ not in seignorie, because they be alwayes annexed vnto the kingdome Assyria, whiche the Barbarians changing the S. into T. do call the same Attyria. And nowe when Summer began to decline, Traiane determined to winter at Babylon: in all which way he neither found enimies that did resist him, either friends to accompany him: because those desertes be so solitarie and drye, that hardly bruite beastes be found in the same. ‘Before Traiane did enter Babylon, he would first personally sée the lake of Bytamin: the water whereof hath this propertie, that bricke, tile, sande, lime, or chalke, that is tempered therewith, maketh a cyment thereof so harde and strong, that yeldeth not vnto stone or yron. With this water the tiles and brickes were made, and all other mater tempered, that did erect all y e walles of Babylon. Also Traiane went to sée the caue where y e water came soaking foorth, whereout procéeded a stench so pestilential, that kilde all cattel that came neare thereunto, and all birdes that did flye ouer the same. Men that passe that waye dare not venter the viewe thereof, muche lesse to approch the smell, except the Eunuches that be gelded, which feare not to beholde, neither are indaungered by the sauour.’ Traiane might not be satisfied with the view and contemplation of Babylon, muche delighting to viewe the infinite antiquities therein conteined, and had thereof great compassion: and also saide it many times, howe many and howe renowned Princes had consumed there their treasure, and imployed the chiefest parte of their life, to perpetuate their fame, which were nowe forgotten, and their stately buyldings vtterly ruinated and falne downe. Traiane attempted a certeine woorke within that lande which did not onely excell all that he had done in Rome, Italic, Sicyl, Datia, and Spaine, but also all that Ninus, Belus, Semyramis, and Alexander had made in Babylon. [Page 64] Traiane was of so high thoughtes, and so singular in his conceites, which he attempted, and in his buyldings which he erected, he was not satisfied that others should thinke him equall with Princes past: but iudge and confesse him to be singular amongest the rest. The case was thus: he opened the mother of the riuer Tygris, and of the riuer Euphrates: & made from the one to the other, a great & a déepe chanell, to vnite them both into one streame: a thing for the present easie to be written, but at that time, verie terrible to beholde: because the chanell that Traiane caused to be made from the one riuer to the other, was so high, so large, and so déepe, that verie greate shippes might turne, saile, and ride at anchor. Vppon that chanell Traiane did builde a moste stately and a right loftie bridge, a strong castell, a riche and sumptuous palace, and certeine gardeines and orchardes most pleasant, and on either side the riuer, he built faire houses to dwell in, and store houses for merchaunts: and to place there his perpetuall memorie, did name the same Traianicall Babylon. This buylding endured not long, and the cause thereof procéeded, that the riuer Euphrates had his channell more high then the riuer Tygris, whereby Tygris did increase, and Euphrates diminish: and the Babylonians doubted the one for want of water to be lost: and the other with the furie of the water to be destroyed. From Babylon, Traiane departed to the citie Tesiphont being the head of that prouince: which although some dayes it stoode in defence of it selfe, in the ende it came to be yealded: and there it is said, that Traiane found so greate summes of money, that he had sufficient to pay his armies, to raise vp newe buyldings, and also to furnishe his treasurie. Greate were the newes that daily came to the Senate, of the marueilous victories which Traiane obteined throughout the worlde, and howe beyond all Princes past, he had augmented the Empire of Rome.
The inhabitants of Tesiphont were ignorant to sacrifice vnto the Gods, or to obserue feastes and holy dayes: [Page 65] whereupon Traiane commaunded to erect a temple vnto the greate God Iupiter, and gaue them instruction, what feastes they shoulde obserue, and howe they should sacrifice vnto their Gods.
CHAP. XIX. ¶Howe Traiane, after great trauaile to passe into the Indiaes, was constreined to retire.
ALl these countries being ouercome and sett in order, Traiane determined to saile by the read Sea, which is very great, and runneth from the Ocean of the Indiaes, vnto Arabia, and is otherwise named the Sea Eritrean, in memorie of king Eritreus which in old time reigned there. The riuer Tygris in the discourse of his currant maketh an Ilande, conteinining xxx. miles in bredth, and lx. in length: wherein reigned Athabilus a Prince both proude and warlike: whome without armes Traiane brought vnder his Empire. The ayre of those Seas being different in nature from other Seas, and being then in the greatest heate of Summer, Traiane in that nauigation passed much trauaile and perill: and being persuaded by certeine to forsake the Sea, and take the land, aunswered: the vicious go from hence to Rome to séeke delight, and the vertuous come from Rome hither to séeke trauailes: bycause our predecessours in exchaunge of great trauailes, receiued great and glorious triumphes: wherefore I will neuer cease fighting for feare, either nauigation for perill or daunger. At the mouth of those Seas, there was a people named Sipassinos, so called of certeine fieldes whiche they helde: whether from manye partes they brought their heards to féede: these Sipassinos were subiects to king Athabilus: who vnderstanding of his submission vnto the Romaines, ioyntly with great good will came foorth to receiue Traiane. Passing along those Ilandes, and all the cities [Page 66] along y e Sea coasts on either side being subdued, Traiane entred the Ocean Sea, and therewith vnderstanding the wracke & decaye of his shippes, the darkenesse of y e ayre, & his pylots to want experience vpon those coasts, he arriued to land to renewe his nauie. Traiane was informed, y t those Seas were of such condition, that they endured not shippes made of straunge timber, but of wood of the Indies, for otherwise they did consume, or at times drowne them. The sorrowe of Traianes harte, might not be expressed, for that, to passe into the great Indies, he had no preparation, because of y e insufficiēcie of his own ships, and want of timber of the Indies. And when Traiane saw his voyage to be frustrate & without remedie, they saye, y t he saide with a great sigh: Of all Princes past, onely vnto Alexander I giue the preeminence, for that he passed into the Indies: but if fortune had not hindered mee: him, as others, I woulde haue excelled: for I had a wil not only to conquer all the Indies, but therein to haue erected a nowe Rome. All the time that Traiane stayed there, he gaue him selfe particularly to vnderstand of the state of al thinges in the greate Indiaes: that is to saye, what Gods they worshipped, what temples they helde, what kinges they obeyed, what dyet they vsed, what garmentes they did weare, howe they did fight, in what cities they did inhabite, wherein they were exercised: and howe muche the greater things they did report: so muche the more, the sorrowe of his heart did augment. From thence Traiane sēt certeine messengers vnto Rome, with great riches for the treasurie: Also a memoriall of all the prouinces, kingdomes, Ilandes, nations, and people that he had subdued and takē, and brought vnder the Empire of Rome. Great ioy was receiued in Rome vpon the manifestation of these newes: no lesse wonderfull vnto the Romaines, to read so many, and so variable people to be ouercome by Traiane: because it was affirmed amongest them in the Senate of Rome, that none had séene them, either as muche as to haue heard of them. ‘Presently they erected in Rome vnto Traiane an arche triumphant, wherin was grauen the [Page 67] names of the kingdomes that Traiane had subdued, and y e principall prouinces that he had taken: for if they shuld haue placed them all, conformable vnto his memoriall, they should want marble to be wrought, and workemen to graue the same. When Traiane might not passe into the great Indies, he came vnto the house of Alexander the greate, where (as it was saide) he died: and there did buylde all that by antiquitie was decayed & falne downe: & also did adde other newe buyldings thereunto, & offered riche sacrifices vnto the Gods, in memorie & reuerence of Alexander.’ Traiane sayling on the Ocean Sea towardes the Indians, & the Tesiponts, supposing that he should neuer returne into that prouince, determined to rebel, and therwith slewe all the Romaines, that remained in garrison, & brought all their countrie in armes. Against these & other people that rebelled, Traiane sent Maximinus and Lucius w t an armie of greate power, who fought most vnfortunatly: for that y e one fled, & the other died. He that escaped was Lucius, who to refourme all faultes past, tooke the citie of Nisibin & Edessa, which he destroyed & burnt w t fire, wherof Traiane was not a little offended: because in the warres, he would not any spoile to be made by fire. Eritius Clarus, & Alexander Seuerus, two Romaine Pretours, made their entrie by Seleucia, whiche they totally did sacke & destroy: being aduertised y e Traiane was drowned at Sea, they rebelled & slewe y e Romaine magistrates. Traiane doubting the rebellion of the Parthians, entred their countrie, hauing intelligence of the death of Parthurus their king, & the alteration of their kingdom. Traiane commaunded all the principals of Parthia to appeare before him, who assēbled in the fields of Tesipont, where Traiane being aduaunced did aduertise thē of his determination, which if they did admitt & consent vnto, they might safely hold him for a pitifull father: and otherwise they should finde him a most cruell enimie.
The Parthians ioyntly aunswered, that their desire was much more to hold him as a father, then an enimie: and did yeld them selues both to beléeue, and to obey him: [Page 68] making their humble suite, to giue them no king, except he were a natiue of their kingdome: for that a straunger should want both loue and obedience. Presently Traiane tooke a crowne in his handes and set it vppon the heade of Persnapate, declaring him to be their king and lorde, of which prouision they helde them selues marueilously wel pleased, for that he was not onely of their kingdome, and well knowen vnto them, but also bothe vertuous and warlike.
CHAP. XX. ¶Howe Traiane comming from Asia to triumph in Rome, was staide by death in Sicyl.
THE land of Parthians being stayed & pacified, Traiane was in disposition to go to Rome: partly to rest, and to cease from traueile, and chiefely to triumph ouer so many nations and kingdomes: but being aduertised of the rebellion of the Agarens, and that the Romaine pretours were fledd: presently Traiane departed vnto the lande of Agarens, which is in Arabia, hauing a citie as principall of their prouince, very little, but marueilous strong: the destinie whereof was such, that being sieged by infinite Princes, was neuer taken or ouercome. For defence of that citie, the nature and situation of the countrie did not a litle helpe: for that the assailants had neither wood or timber to aduaunce their engins, either water or forage, for reliefe of them selues or cattel: & the same vnto straungers not vsed thereunto, did rather séeme to burne, then to giue light. Traiane commaunded an assault to be giuen vnto the citie: the most valiant captaines being mounted vpon the wall, at an instant some were slaine, and some ouerthrowen. Traiane disguised, and in disposition to viewe the citie, was of the enimies both knowen, wounded, and his Squire slaine.
[Page 69]The Agarens beeing demaunded, if at that instant they had notice of the Emperours person: they aunswered, that his grauitie, and the maiestie of his presence did discouer his estate. Traiane being at that siege, there arose terrible lightening and thunder, which in that countrie was neuer séene: and besides, there descended vppon the Romaine campe flies so many & importune, that both their meate and drinke, and their owne persons, were continually couered with the same. Traiane considering the citie to be impregnable, did retire his armie. They saye, that he saide, at his retraite: Since the Agarens, with mine armies, either my wordes, be neither subdued or persuaded: the destinies haue reserued this triumph for some other Prince in the world to come. ‘In the prouince of Cyrene, Traiane had a greate armie both of Greekes as of Romaines: and the pretor of those armies was a certeine Romaine named Andreas, against whome the Iewes of those partes did rebell, and slewe both captaine, Greekes, and Romaines. The Iewes were not onely contented to haue slaine the Romaines, but also brought the dead bodies vnto the shambles, and there did quarter, cut in péeces, and solde by weight: & with no lesse appetite did eate that humaine fleshe, then if it had béene hennes and fesants. Adding crueltie vppon crueltie, they brought forth certeine Romaines whiche they had in prison, and did wage one with another, a denéere, or a point, to strike off the head of a Romaine at a blowe. Another thing, not more vile then horrible, the Iewes committed vppon those miserable Romaines, that is, they fleyed them quicke, and tanned their skinnes for leather: and further, with greatest disgrace, did cut off their most shamefast partes, and plaide and tost them as a ball in the market place. As the Iewes left no Romaine vnslaine, so left they no crueltie or kind of death that they did not experiment: and in this matter, we haue no lesse to marueile, at y e hearts of the one to execute, then of the patience of the other to suffer. That which was don by y e Iewes of Cyrene, was executed by y e Iewes of Aegypt, [Page 70] and of the Ilands of Cypres, who slewe all the Romaines within their common wealthes: which slaughter was no lesse, then 500000 Greekes and Romaines.’ When these sorrowfull newes came vnto Traiane, he was very sicke: but notwithstanding prouided what was conuenient for so desperate a case: and presently sent Lucius into Cyrene, Marcus into Cypres, and Seuerus into Aegypt: who committed so great spoiles among the people, and executed so cruell iustice vppon the inhabitants, that if the dead had béene liuing, they would haue yelded them selues for sufficiently reuenged. Elius Adrianus was captaine vnto Traiane for the guarde of Syria, and hearing what had passed in this matter, soudeinly he descended into Iurie, and did execute therein a greate slaughter: and they of Cypres, receiuing warning by this great treason, did ordeine that no Iewe shoulde dare to inhabite, or passe into that kingdome: and that if tempest shoulde bring them by chaunce into that Ilande, to haue no redemption therof, but by the losse of their heades.
‘ Traiane naturally was alwayes of greate health: but in the traueile of so many prouinces, following of so many warres, sayling vpon so many Seas, and enduring so many woundes, the griefe or disease of the piles did not a little vexe him. But the case was thus: that from the daye that Traiane might not passe into the Indies, they neuer sawe health in his person, or ioy in his face. Through the cause or disease of the piles, at chaunge of weather, Traiane had a fluxe of bloude, which for his health was very profitable. Either by the colde which he had passed, or angers which in him selfe he suffered, or greate age, wherewith he was laden: there increased vnto the good Prince, a Pasma or numnesse of his arme, and his purgation by fluxe of bloud was stopped. Ioyning vnto the citie of Seleuca, there were certeine famous bathes, whereunto sicke people of all partes did concurre, whether Traiane did cause him selfe to be remoued, to make proofe for recouerie of his health. And as experience, did after declare, [Page 71] those bathes did not profite, but hinder: for being weake, consumed, and spent, although he had force to bathe, he had no strength to sweate. Nowe when Traiane sawe him selfe without hope of life, he wrote a letter vnto the Senate of Rome, commending the state of his house vnto Lucius, and the affaires of the warres vnto Elius Adrianus. He dyed in the citie of Seleuca which is in the prouince of Sicyl, which from thence foorth was named Traginopolis, in the age of 63. yeres, and in the reigne of his Empire 21. yeres, 6. monethes, and 15. dayes.’
¶The life of the Emperour Adrian: Compiled by sir Anthonie of Gueuara, Byshoppe of Mondonnedo, Preacher, Chronicler, and Counseller vnto the Emperour Charles the fift. (⸫)
CHAP. I. ¶Of the linage from whence Adrian descended, and of the place and countrie where he was bred and nourished.
THE greate Emperour Traiane being dead, Adrian succéeded in the Empire: who was seruaunt, friend, and cousin of the saide Traiane. The beginning and linage of Adrian by the fathers side, was of Italie, borne in a citie named Hadra: and of the mothers side a Spaniard, borne at Cades, whiche nowe is named Calize, a citie of Andoloizia.
[Page 72]His fathers name was Elius Adrianus maried vnto a woman of Spaine named Domitia Paulina, a woman sufficient wise and faire, borne in the citie of Calize, shée was néece vnto the Emperour Traiane & his sisters daughter, whome he did much loue, for that of a childe shée was bred in his house. Adrian had a sister named Paulina, who was married vnto a Consul named Seuerinus: and the graundfather of Adrianus was named Marillinus, of the linage of the Priscans: which linage did not a little florishe in the time of the Scipions. Adrian was borne in Rome the 9. daye of Februarie, in the consulship of Vespasianus septimus, and Titus quintus: ‘in the yere of the foundation of Rome 488. Adrian had an high bodie of perfecte proportion, except his necke, which was somewhat stouping, his nose somewhat hawked, his face swart, his eyes more grey then blacke, his bearde blacke and thicke, his handes more of sinewes then of fleshe, his head great and round, and a broade forehead, a great signe (as he had) of greate memorie.’ When his father dyed he was but of ten yeres, who left him for tutors, Vlpius Traianus, and Celius Tatianus, the one béeing his vnckle, and the other his friend: effectually requestinge to traine and instruct that childe in wisedome and valiantnesse: for that he had no lesse abilitie for the one then for the other.
At the age of tenne yeres, Adrian studied Grammar, and after his fathers death, his tutours set him to learne the Greeke tongue, wherein he was so learned and expert, that for excellencie therein, in Rome they named him the Greeke childe: for that he was as readie in the Greeke tongue, as others in the Romaine speache. At the age of xvi. yeares, he had a desire to passe into Spaine, to sée his olde countrie, he arriued at Calize, where his mother was borne, and from whence Traiane was natiue, and there leauing his letters, did exercise him selfe in armes: because in those dayes the Spaniardes had there a famous studie of science, and the Romaines helde there a schoole for the warres.
[Page 73] Adrian bothe in leaping and running was verie light: wherein it is sayd of him, that he ranne for many wagers, and not a fewe times by running and leaping, did winne, to supply his necessitie. He greatly delighted to ride swift running horses, and did much presume, to iudge and make choyce of them: and after in his olde age, he would vaunt and say of him selfe, that he neuer roade in coche, mule, or other beast, but an horse. In the time of Adrian his youth, he was an enimie to idlenesse, and also of them that were giuen therevnto: and many times sayde, that he remembred not since the age of tenne yeares, whether hee stoode still, or walked by the way, that he had not eyther a booke to reade in, or some weapō to fight with. ‘ Adrian was naturally sharpe of wit, and of great life, most apparant, in that he was not satisfied, to knowe what some men did knowe: but trauelled to haue skill in all things that men vnderstoode: with Philosophers he woulde dispute, with maisters at weapons he woulde fight, with artificers he would worke, and with painters he would paint. Adrian did praise him selfe, and according to writings of olde time, he had great reason so to do: bycause there was no Art, science, occupation, or inuention in the worlde, that he knew not, or at the least did not trauell to knowe. When Adrian was young, he was but of small patience, for that he indured not any to excell him, neyther yet to compare with him: and rare was that quarell, which he did not make or mainteine.’ When Tatian, Adrians tutor, did reprehend him for his impatience, and bycause he was not mylde, as the young man his cousen Emilius, he made answere: My cousen Emilius is not patient, but for that he is a coward, and I by quarelling, am become valiaunt. Neyther being a childe, or growne to more yeares: Adrian vsed not to breake foorth into foule wordes, although they sayde, or did him great iniuries: but indéede, although his toung were slowe, his handes were very ready. Adrian was of a sound bodie, except that sometimes he complained of his left eare, and that one of his eyes at times did water: but [Page 74] two euils did not hinder his hearing, much lesse his sight.
CHAP. II. Of some euill inclinations that possessed and had power in Adrian.
THe Emperour Adrian did muche delight in hunting, which he did not exercise in the plaines, but in mountaines for he tooke no care to flée with haukes, but to fight with fierce beastes, to make a shewe of his valiauntnesse. So giuen and so venterous was Adrian in his chace, that with great reason I will not say did reproue, but note, the time that he consumed: and that not onely for much time he spent therein, but for that many times he was in great daunger. It hapned somtimes, that in following the chace of wilde beasts, Adrian did loose himself, in those rough and craggie moūtaines: wherof there folowed not a few times, that he would haue eaten if he had had breade, and woulde haue dranke, if he had had water. When he went to hunt, he carried his crosbowe to shoote, his quiuer of quarels, and his wallet of victuals: and alwayes did place him, in the pace, where the beast should passe: and had so little feare, and so desirous of chace, that if it were a beare, he did execute some aduenture: and if it were a Lion, he did abide him. It is not read, that he siue any Lion, but one: but beares and other cruell beastes, that he siue with his owne hands, were infinite. Adrian followed most fiercely a certaine beast with so great desire, and did so trauel to attain the same, that he fell ouer a rocke, put his shoulder out of ioynt, brake one of his legs, and cast much bloud out of his mouth. In the Prouince of Misia, Adrian built a citie, which he did name The chace of Adrian, bicause there he vsed to pitch his Pauilion, and from thence at mornings he went foorth to hunt, and at night did returne to bed. He had an horsse very ready for hunting, which would staye and make ready as a man, when he vnderstoode the chace comming: and therewithall ranne as sure downe the hill, as vp the hill. This horsse was named Borystenes, which being deade, Adrian did not only cause to be buried with [Page 75] muche honour, but also commaunded for the same a very riche sepulchre of Marble to be made and erected. ‘ Adrian did muche estéeme and delight, to paynt figures and counterfets very naturally, and to graue in Marble with great skil and deuice: sometimes in waxe to make newe inuentions: and was in these Arts so curious, that he made the Goddesse Venus in Alabaster, and with a pencill did paint the wars of Carthage: and of ware did fourme the whole Island Creta. And albeit, that in these things he were readie and expert, ioyntly therewith he was very ambitious: bycause he had as great enuie, and also rancour at an artificer, which was sayde to paynt or worke more curiously then him selfe, as if the maintenance of his liuing had consisted therein. There were in Rome two excellent men, the one named Dionysius, the other Milesius, men right famous in the liberall Arts: for that many in Rome did frequent their studies, but muche more did peayse their workes: Adrian did take thereof so great enuie, that although he found no cause to kill them, he wanted not occasion to banish them. A certaine skilfull carpenter in drawing plots for buildings, being in some question with the Emperour Traiane, of the fourme and manner of placing of a staire, Adrian being present, sayd his iudgement somwhat besides y e purpose: whervnto y e carpenter Polydorus answered: Maister Adrian, if your cunning did not serue you better to paint gourdes and coocumers, then to place staires, you shuld obteine a smal credite amōgst painters, as you haue amongst artificers.’ Although Adrian could dissemble those words, he might not in any wise forget them: for after y e death of Traiane, he attaining the empire, those iniurious words were no more costly vnto the sorrowfull Polydorus, but to serue Adrian for sufficient reuenge, to take away his life. Adrian being so great a Grecian, and also a Latinist, compounded certaine workes in Heroicall metre, as also in prease, & did muche delight to haue them praised, & could not indure but y e some must read them. In those daies the Gréek tong flourishing in Rome, brought y e [Page 76] of Homer in great estimation: whereof Adrian did take so great enuie, that he gaue streight commaundement, that none shoulde reade Homer, eyther openly or secretly, but the workes of Anthimachus, who was a Philosopher most obscure. Adrian had condition curiously to inquire, of common and small matters: whereof he was both noted and murmured: bicause, Princes being giuen to make search of trifling causes, proue variable in prouiding for matters of importance. Also Adrian was of fickle disposition: for that at the souden, he woulde determine, to perfourme some enterprise, and after growe colde, and incontinent omit the same: of this, as of the rest, with great reason, he was noted and accused: bycause graue Princes ought to haue a reposed deliberation, and a diligent execution. Adrian was in two things most extreme: that is to say, he vsed no measure or weight in his loue, or hatred: for vnto whom he did loue, he gaue all his heart: and where he did abhorre, he did imploy all his strength. Admitting that this manner of loue, or hatred, is tollerable in others, yet most truely of vertuous Princes not permitted: bycause if they be vnbridled in loue, in others which they loue not, they cause enuie: and if they be absolute in hatred, they séeke vnto them selues great infamie: wherefore it is conuenient in loue, to be discrete, and in hatred, prouident and aduised, He was likewise most extreme, that if he praised any thing, he did aduaunce it to the cloudes: and if it fell not into his fauour, he dispraised it to the déepest bottome: in such manner, that all sayd of Adrian, that in praising, he was verie gracious, and in nippes, tauntes, and gyrdes, not a little malicious. Adrian had great delight in faire women, who was so absolute and also so dissolute in that vice, that he did not onely inioy virgins, persuade married women, but also in the houses of his verie friendes, he had his secrete loues. Of the one part, considering his iniustice, and of the other parte, the great iustice that he did execute: the historiographers would not place him amongest the pitifull Princes: neither condemne him [Page 77] that were tyrannous: bycause most truly if he did chastice some by iustice, also he siue others by enuie.
CHAP. III. Of the friends and enimies which Adrian had.
ADrian being of the age of ninetene yeres, Traiane conceiuing the abilitie and towardnesse of the yong man, as well in letters as in armes, sent to Spaine for him to come to Rome, with whome he did so behaue himselfe, that for entertainment, he did receiue him into his chamber, and in his loue, did place him as a childe. The naturall bountie, and great abilitie of Adrian being in apparance, Traiane from thence foorth did so regard and fixe his eyes, as well to honour him, all the dayes of his life: as also to leaue him Emperour, after his death. Adrian being in so great fauour with the Emperour Traiane, there folowed thereof in processe of time, no small displeasures to his person, and perils vnto his life: for his enimies by enuie, with the Emperour procured his disgrace, and with their malice, did maligne him with the people. It is an auncient pestilence in the courtes of Princes, that the Prince being pleased to beare affection, or to honour any person, forthwith they ioyne to murmur, & procure to persecute the same. As Seuerianus being husband vnto a sister of Adrian, did murmur of him vnto Traiane, saying y t it was a wonder vnto all men in Rome, to sée Adrian to priuate, & so far in fauour, & that they presumed y t after his dayes, he should leaue him the Empire: vnto whome Traiane made answere: Who hath to succéede me in the Empire? only the Gods be acquainted therewith: but admitting, that it were my will, and the Goddes permitting, that Adrian shoulde succéede me in the Empire: I can say vnto thée, that to gouerne the same he will proue no foole, neyther a cowarde to defende it. The answere that Traiane made, [Page 78] was very good, and yet not without a secret taunt, for that the Consul Seuerianus, had neyther praised him for valiaunt, eyther held him for wise. This Seuerianus was alwaies a great enimie of Adrian, & did not cease trauelling to disgrace him with the Emperour: wherby Adrian hapned at times, to be both in fauour, and disfauour: in suche manner, that Adrian burned betwixt two fiers, whiche is to wit, eare to resist his enimies, and solicitude in conseruing his frends. The first office that Adrian had in Rome, Traiane being Consul, and Domitian being emperour, he was made a Decem viriato: that is to say, he was appointed for one of the ten men, that were deputed, to determin contentions amongst the people. Adrian gaue so good account of his office, and recouered in Rome so good fame, that he séemed sufficient vnto al men, alone and in his own person, to gouerne a common wealth: and so it came to passe, that in the yeare folowing, he was deputed Tribune of the second legion: that is to say, that he had charge to gouerne and correct the seconde capteinship, of the armies that were in the wars: ‘bycause it was a custome in Rome, that euerie capteinship should haue a capteine to fight: and a Tribune to rule and gouerne.’ The yeare of the tribune office being past, he was sent vnto the inferiour Misia, gouerning that Prouince with so great prudence, and was of suche readinesse and skill amongest those Barbarians, that some delighted to obey him, & the others durst not resist him. Adrian was in no small perplexitie, for the doubt he had to be remoued from Traianes fauour, which he suspected, to sée him selfe in Misia, & his enimie Seuerianus with Traiane in Rome: that vppon any report that might be made of him there, y e malice of his enimie had place to aggrauate, and he for him selfe being farre distant, not able to answere. Traiane had in his chamber one whome he much fauoured, named Gallus, a most speciall friend vnto Adrian: and Adrian being aduertised, that Gallus his most faithfull friende was deade, made for him great obsequies, and wept for him many teares. There succéeded in [Page 79] fauour vnto this Gallus another named Surus, a man sufficiently wise and prudent: and also this, as Gallus, was most special friend vnto Adrian: and the very cause wherby he obteined the fauoured to be his friends, was: for that in his giftes he was very liberall: and to doe for his friend, no lesse determined. ‘Also Adrian gaue him self to content, serue, and please Plotina, Traianes wife, and vsed therein so great skill, and came so farre into fauour with Plotina, that out of that so narrowe friendship, he gathered more profit, then she did honour. Traiane had in his house a néece named Sabina, whiche was to marrie, and requested for wife, of many noble Romaines: but Plotina and Surus trauelled and persuaded Traiane to marrie her vnto Adrian: affirming that with this marriage, he was excused of two marriages, that is to say: to séeke a wife for Adrian, and an husband for Sabina.’ When as Adrian had presented many giftes, and offered many seruices vnto Plotina: partely for the great loue that she did beare him, and for that she had married him vnto Sabina, she made him answere: Adrian, according to the good will which I beare thée, it is smal which I haue done for thée, in respect of that which I meane to doe: for that I may doe little with my Lord Traiane, but as he hath chosen thée to be his nephew, he shall also adopt thée to be his sonne. After Adrian had obteined Plotina for his good Ladie, Sabina for his wife, and Surus for his friend, he little estéemed the enimitie of Seuerianus his enimie: bycause in Traianes house, all did honour him as one in fauour, & did serue him as a maister.
CHAP. IIII. Of the loue that the Emperour Traiane had vnto Adrian.
BY the marriage that Adrian had with Sabina, néece vnto the Emperour Traiane, there followed him, not a litle, but very much profite: for, besides that he was most [Page 80] in fauour with the Emperour, and verie well liked of the Empresse Plotina, the greatest parte of the affaires of the Empire, was dispatcht by his handes. Adrian presuming of great eloquence, presented vppon a day before the Senate, a certaine pastorall enterlude, whereat the Senatours and Oratours did greatly laugh: not onely of that whiche he sayde, but also of the base style wherein he did speake the same. ‘He gaue him selfe to the Latine toung, and to the Art of an Oratour, wherin he grew so profound, y t they gaue to him as great glory for his speache, as vnto Cicero for his writing.’ In the first warres that Traiane had with the Datians, Adrian was made Questor, that is to say, he had charge to prouide, victuals and furniture for the campe: whiche was an office amongest the armies, of great honour, and of much confidence: for he had both the treasure in his custodie, and the payment of the campe. When Traiane was eyther sicke, or not at leasure, on his behalfe Adrian went to the Senate: but the Senators although they did admit him to speake, they did not permit him to excéede or to take the chiefe place: ‘for it was a lawe amongest them much vsed, that being assembled in the Senate, none should presume to clap his handes, to cause silence, or cōmaūd the doore to be shut, neyther enter being clad with a long gowne, or to place him selfe in the highest seate, but onely the Emperour.’ Being notorious vnto all men, that Adrian was priuate with the Emperour Traiane, and in great fauour with Plotina his wife, and therewithall, that he was a man both prudent and politique: and although in the Senate not permitted to the chiefest place, yet all things were directed by his counsell, in suche wise, that at home all things were done as he thought good, and abroade as he did commaund. When it was knowne in Rome, that the king of Datia eftsoones had rebelled, Adrian presently persuaded Traiane, in his owne person to go to that war, and to leaue the enterprise to no other man: wherein Adrian did followe and serue Traiane, more then any other capteine: and certainly did there [Page 81] so valiaunt and notable déedes, that with Traiane he obteined fauour, and aduaunced his person to great estimation. Adrian being thus notified in the warres of Datia, Traiane thought it méete to commende vnto him the seconde legion, which was vnder the protection of the Goddesse Minerua: and in such manner did gouerne the same, and gaue his souldiers so great courage, that he was the man, that did most grieue the enimie, and least did feare perilles. ‘The thing moste estéemed of the Emperour Traiane, was a Diamond which Nerua had giuen him: this Diamond Traiane gaue Adrian, in the time of the warres of Datia, which was so kept and estéemed of Adrian, that vntill the day of his death, it was neuer séene off from his finger.’ The warres of Datia being finished, Traiane returned to Rome, leauing Adrian as Pretour of that Prouince, Sussurus and Seuerianus being consuls. He had not long gouerned Datia, when Adrian receiued from the Senate newe prouision to passe into Panonia: where he was not only gouernour in causes of iustice, but also had charge of all martiall affaires: bycause certaine barbarous Danubians had entered those Prouinces, sacking and spoyling greate countries. Adrian being arriued into Panonia, did in short time expell the enimies, visited the countries, refourmed the armies, chasticed the Romaine officers: and founde by infourmation, that they were great friendes of idlenesse, and no enimies of robberie. The fame being come to Rome, of the commendable gouernement of Adrian in Panonia: in the yeare following, in the Kalends of Ianuarie, the Senate did elect him Consul: and truely, as they were many, that did alowe this election, so they were not few that did resist it: but in fine, the procurers had more force in their diligence, then the malice of them which resisted.
CHAP. V. Of the care and solicitude of Adrian, to obteine the Empire.
IN all Kingdomes and Prouinces, where Adrian was eyther Pretour or Questour, presently he made diligent inquisition, if there were any Magicians of Soothsayers: and if he founde any he did persuade them, with swéete wordes, and riche rewardes, to be certified, if after the death of Traiane, the Empire should come vnto his handes: for that he was not onely desirous to obteine the same, but carefull to know the issue thereof. Being resident in the Prouince of Mesia, he was aduertised by a Mathematike, that he should be Emperour: and demaunding howe and by what meanes, he vnderstoode thereof, answered: by a certaine friend which was not onely learned in the naturall courses, but also did vnderstande the secretes of the immortall Gods. Although Adrian was resident in straunge Prouinces, he was not slacke to serue the Empresse Plotina, and to please the chamberleine Surus: in such wise, that if his enimies did thinke him farre off, they found his seruice, alwayes ready and at hande. Nowe when Traiane was stricken in age, and become sickly, Adrian continued no lesse diligent, to solicite Plotina and Surus, to persuade the Emperour, to adopt him for his sonne: but on the other side the Consul Seuerianus, Palma and Celsus, and other his enimies, did withstande: whose diligence and malice did little profite, bycause they did but discouer their intent, and coulde not obteine their desire. Eyther by the onely will of Traiane, or by the importunitie of Plotina, nor by the suite of Surus, eyther by the merite of his owne person, the Emperour Traiane determined to those Elius Adrian to be his sonne, after his dayes to succéede him in the Empire: for the Emperour had many kingdomes to giue, but no sonne to whome he might leaue the same.
Before Traiane had elected Adrian, he was long determined, to make no assignment of any person, to succéed him [Page 83] in the Empire, but to haue vsed the order of Alexander the great: who being demaunded, whome he woulde assigne to succéede him in his Monarchie, answered, Vnto the most worthy. Traiane made a memoriall, of all the most vertuous, wise, and of most worthinesse within the Empire: and ioyntly therewith, caused to be written of them, seuerall Orations, in Gréeke and Latine: and he him selfe did adde with his owne hande, what he thought agréeable to their conditions and abilities. To the ende that after his dayes, the Senate might open and reade the same, and from thence to make election: not of him that did most procure, but that did best deserue. At one time a certaine Consul, named Neratius Priscus, was greatly in his fauour, vnto whom he had thought to haue left y e Empire, in so much, y e one day Traiane said vnto him: Neratius Priscus, from hencefoorth I comend y e Empire vnto thée, if any sorrowfull or souden destinie shall happen vnto me. All such as did withstande the adoption of Adrian, did fauour the election of Neratius Priscus: but Fortune that should haue framed the effect, brought Neratius into Traianes great hatred, not a little to the profite of Adrian: bycause from thence foorth, although their remained enimies to hinder his intent, none as an opposite, durst demaunde the same. When Traiane passed from Spaine into Asia, to the wars of the Parthians, Plotina and Surus, made great suite that Adrian might be sente, as Pretour into Syria: whoe being in Antioche, was aduertised by a messinger from Traiane, which in times past had bene his tutor, how he was elected to be Traianes sonne, and assigned his successour in the Empire. Excéeding was the ioy that Adrian receiued with that newes, which he did vtter in such excessiue manner and degrée, that presently he did celebrate, with great games and feastes, the day of his natiuitie: and not only vpon that day, but euery yeare, all the dayes of his life: bicause it was the thing, that his heart most desired, and for the attainement whereof, he had imployed his greatest skill and strength.
[Page 84]At that time were Consuls, Sosius and Pretorius, with whome Adrian entered newe friendshippe: and the ende wherefore he did vndertake this newe affection, was, that as Plotina & Surus did solicite & procure the Empire with Traiane, so those two Consuls shuld subsist him in the Senate: in such wise, that if he did watch to obtaine it, he did ouerwatch to sustaine it. Not long after that Adrian was adopted, that is to say, after fourtéene monethes, Traiane dyed: presently Plotina his wife, and the Consul Tatianus, being chiefe friendes vnto Adrian, did take order and vse great diligence, that Adrians admission vnto the Empire, might first be notified and knowne in Rome, before the death of the Emperour Traiane: whiche was concealed and couered for certaine dayes, saying, that he was so sicke, that he would not be visited, vntill they were possest of the power of the armies, and had obteined the good will of the Senate. Adrian did write vnto the Senatours, giuing them to vnderstand, that Traiane was at the point of death, and that also he was assigned and adopted to be his successour and heire in the Empire: and did right instantly request them, to take the same in good parte, and therevppon did promise, and sweare vnto them, to diuide or giue offices, but at their owne liking and consent.
CHAP. VI. Howe at Traianes death Adrian was declared Emperour.
THe newes of Traianes death being arriued at Rome, presently it was published, that the succession of the empire was cōmitted vnto Adrian: & vpon the confirmation, or refusal of this election, there arose no smal contention in the Senate: and the matter so far argued & prosecuted, [Page 85] by his friendes, and so resisted by his enimies: that it gaue no small doubt of intestine warrs, no lesse cruell, then the warres betwixt Caesar and Pompey. The seruaunts of Traiane, the friends of Plotina, and the kinred and alies of Tatian, did vse suche diligence in this case, that within thrée dayes they confirmed Adrian, in the Empire: and the greatest cause to moue the Senate therevnto, was: that they had intelligence, that Adrian was in Syria, in full power, possession, and authoritie, of the whole armie: and might haue bene constrained to yealde by force, which they refused to perfourme by good will. Presently after Adrian was confirmed in the Empire, he did write vnto the Senate, gratifying their friendly fact, and requesting that Traiane might be collocate amongst the Gods, since he had bene a Prince so diuine, whereto the Senate gladly consented, saying: that although Traiane had finished his life, for euermore in Rome his fame shoulde indure. In memorie y t Traiane had ouercome the Parthians, they ordeined y t euery yeare the Parthik playes should be celebrated in Rome, which indured amongst the Romains many yeres: but in fine, they and their playes had an end. ‘Before all thinges, Adrian gaue order, that the body of Traiane might be brought into Italie, where it shoulde be giuen a generous sepulchre, and to effectuate the same, commanded his ashes to be inclosed in a boxe of Vnicorne, which also was inclosed with golde, and placed in a piller of most excellent marble, lyned with most rich purple: all which being ladē into a gallie, he sent Tatian and Plotina, w t the body vnto Rome: al Rome went foorth to receiue y e body of Traiane: and as it is sayd and written, there was neuer so muche ioy vttered for any man, that entered being aliue: but muche more sorrowe was discouered, for Traianes comming deade. Adrian stayed in Antioche, whiche is the heade of Syria, partly to assemble the whole armie, and partly to recouer money: for being then winter, he could neyther campe for coldenesse of the weather: eyther marche or iourney for want of money.’
[Page 86] Adrian was there aduertised, howe the Mauritans did defie him, the Sarmatians did mutinate, the Britans did rebell, the Palestines resist, the Aegyptians disobey, and that all the Barbarians were in commotion. Finally, it is to be vnderstoode, that vpon the death of Traiane, al people and nations were so escandalized, that it séemed not, but that he left the world without a maister or an owner. Adrian perceiuing the greater part of the Empire in commotion, determined to make them no war, but to intreate them by peace: and for this cause he refused and forsooke al those kingdomes and Prouinces, that lay beyond the riuer Euphrates, and the riuer Tygris, which the good Traiane had wonne and conquered: in which conquest he imployed his noble person, and gaue ende vnto his honourable life. Vnto all kingdomes and Prouinces, Adrian sent Embassadours, to confederate with some, and to confirme peace with others: and with some he did capitulate thinges so slaunderous, and with so great disaduauntage: that it had bene much better to haue raysed warre, then to haue procured a peace so infamous. Parsnapate king of the Parthians, came to complaine vnto Adrian, saying, that the good Traiane had giuen him that kingdome, and crowned him with his owne hands, and now vpon the death of Traiane, they would neyther obey him, or suffer him to liue within the kingdome. Adrian would not, or else durst not, make warres with the Parthians: but gaue vnto Parsnapate, the Seigniorie of certaine countries and Prouinces of Syria, being vacant at that time, as Lorde to inioy the fruites thereof, and as Romaine Pretour to gouerne the people. ‘When Adrian had obteined the Empire, presently he published and sayd vnto all men, that he wold become a pitifull Prince: and truly, in some pitifull causes, he did shew him selfe to be the sonne of Traiane: but in some rigorous matters, he séemed to be the brother of Nero.’ A certaine man named Bebius, was Prefect in Rome, who was contrarie vnto Adrian, in all thinges that eyther touched his honour or profite: and being counselled to kill Bebius, for [Page 87] that he ceased not to be his aduersarie, made answere: I will not onely permit Bebius to liue, but also the office of Pretour, which hee helde but for a yeare, I will confirme vnto him during his life. Laberius and Frugius, two Romaine Senatours, were banished vnto the Isle of Pontus, whom he commaunded to returne to their houses, and their goodes to be restored them: but the Consul Frugius being mutinous, mouing commotion betwixt Adrian and the Senate, he commaunded to be throwne aliue into Tyber: and obteined no lesse honour, in the executing of the one, then in pardoning the other. Vnto certaine Gentlemen of the armie, that sayde vnto Adrian in times past, that he should be Emperour, he gaue double rewardes: affirming, that he gaue them not for their aduertisement, but for their good will.
CHAP. VII. Of his entrie into Rome.
NOwe when Summer was come, Adrian parted from Antioche to come to Rome: and lefte for Preposite of Syria, Catalius Seuerus, and tooke his way throughe Illyria, and determined to make warre with the Sarmatians, which would not receiue the Ambassadours of peace. Lucius Turbon, that had béene Pretour tenne yeares in Mauritania, came foorth to méete him vpon the waye, with whome Adrian had great friendship, being a young man, and in house with his Lorde Traiane: presently he made him Pretour of the Prouince of Datia, and Panonia. At that time Lucius Turbon was in Africa, maister of the horsse men, of whome Adrian was aduertised, that he was verie riche, and in greate power throughout the kingdome, and that he had not obteined all that riches, in the time of warre, but by briberie in time of peace.
[Page 88] Adrian was not a little grieued, of that which was sayde by Lucius Turbone, bycause he was his friende, and also seruaunt vnto Traiane: but all this notwithstanding, he applyed all that he had, vnto the common treasure, and disarmed him of his knighthoode. As muche as Adrian did increase in potencie, so much did his enimies increase in enuie: in suche manner, that they coulde neyther incline their harts to loue him, eyther yeald their strēgth to serue him. ‘The case was thus, that Palma, Celsus, Sobaius, and Lucius, Adrian going on hunting, were determined in the middest of the chace, to rid him of his life: wherevpon they were agréed, that in his swiftest pursuit of any wild beast, they would attend him in the most thickest pace or track: & there vnder the colour to misse their leuell at the beast, would shoote and kill the Emperour. All these foure were men of noble bloud, and rich in goods, and were called Cō sulares: bycause at other times they had bene Consuls: but as their treason was discouered, first by iustice they were beheaded, before Adrian went on hunting.’ Great was the murmuring and mutinie throughout all Rome, when they vnderstoode howe Adrian had executed so cruell iustice, vpon these foure Consulares or noble men: partly for that they helde opinion, that Adrian had raised that quarell againste them: and partly for custome and manner, for that fewe were the chastisements, whiche the good Traiane did execute, but great was the number that receiued pardon. Adrian being aduertised, that for the death of the foure Consulares, all Rome was escandalized, and that for a man reuenging and cruell, his person was defamed, determined with all spéede to come to Rome, to excuse him selfe of that fault. The affaires of Adrian stood not in so euill estate, as vpon the way, they gaue him aduertisement: which did well appeare, in that the Senate did offer him the triumph due vnto Traiane, being cut off by death to inioy the same: but Adrian refusing, gaue order, that the Image of Traiane shoulde be placed in the triumphant chariote: to the ende that good Traiane [Page 89] shoulde not want a triumphe, although but after his death. Presently when Adrian came to Rome, he went to visite the Sepulchre of his Lorde Traiane, where his eyes did shed many teares, and for him did offer vnto the Gods most sumptuous sacrifices. All the Senate being ioyned, and also all the most principal of the people, vnto whome Adrian made a long oration: wherin he gaue them to vnderstand of the state of the Empire: and did excuse him selfe of the death of the aforesaide foure Consulares: because the officers of the Senate had made searche and inquisition of the cause, and the Pretors of y e armies did execute the sentence. The Senate did offer Adrian the title of Pater patriae, but he would not receiue it, affirming it to be one of the titles of his lord Traiane: and since he had been a good father, it were great reason he should proue a good sonne. It was a custome in Rome and throughout all Italie, that when their Princes came newely to gouerne the Empire, that all cities and other people should furnishe him with a certeine summe of golde and siluer: with the golde to make a crowne, and the siluer for the seruice of his house: and sometimes they did present so much golde to make the crowne, that the remnant was sufficient to mainteine the warres. Adrian refused not onely this seruice to be demaunded, but also returned that which was brought him: saying, that his crowne should be riche, when his subiectes should be in wealth. The officers of the treasurie, that is to saye, suche as had the collection and kéeping of the masse of Rome, had raised greate rentes, daily inuenting newe manner of tributes, in the common wealth: which being knowen vnto Adrian, he commaunded all newe impositions to be remoued from the common wealth, and the inuentors thereof to be displaced from their offices. Generally the Romains complained vnto Adrian of the dearth of victuals: foorthwith he prouided for prouision of wheat from Sicyl, wines from Candie, and oyle from Spaine: and further, gaue such prices vnto the same, and all other victuals, that the poore [Page 90] might féede with the riche. He did promise and sweare in the Senate to put no Senatour vnto death, although he were culpable, without the accused should first be heard, and his cause considered by all the Senate: and truely this othe did excuse Adrian of many executions, and was no lesse occasion that the Senatours committed many faultes. Princes haue to consider what they sweare and promise: for, from that day wherein Princes shal vnable thē selues, to punishe vice and sinne, from thenceforth their vassals shal followe wickednesse. In the yere that Adrian entred Rome, all thinges were deare, and the people not sounde or in health: who vsing greate magnificence, commaunded much money to be giuen to the poore of the common wealth: in such wise, that it was not founde that any died for hunger, either suffered any extreme necessitie.
There were many that had béene banished, and diuerse in prison for debt due vnto the Fiscall: that is to saye, vnto his chamber. Adrian gaue commaundement by publique proclamation, that all such debtes should be absolued, and that for any such debte, none should be runnagates, either kept in prison. Adrian did derogate the law & custome of his predecessours, which is to wéet, that y e goods of the condemned, should be for the Prince, which he commaunded from thenceforth to be imployed not to his chā ber, but to the comfort of the common wealth: for he saide and helde opinion, that the Iudge should neuer be grieued, to punishe offendours, when he should remember, to inherite a share of the offendours goods. He extremely delighted when any person came to craue, and much more did reioyce, if he had to giue: but if by chaunce he had not to satisfie his demaund, at the least he gaue him a friendly aunswer. From the time that Adrian was in possession of y e Empire: he was neuer heard to say, or name, Traiane: but, my Lord Traiane.
CHAP. VIII. ¶Of the good conditions and inclinations of Adrian.
[Page 91]WIth much diligence and no lesse secrecie, Adrian inquired, what life the Senatours did leade, and what exercise they vsed: and such as he found poore and vertuous, he augmented their patrimonie: and such as he found riche and vicious, he found meane to depriue them from y e Senate. ‘ Adrian was a Prince, verie skilfull, and muche considerate in punishing his officers and seruauntes, that is to saye: he kept secrete from the people the causes why he remoued any person from his office. And further, if he displaced any person from his commoditie, he did not forget otherwise to recompence him, in such maner, that if he did chastice them, he did not dishonor them. Many times, did Adrian speake these woordes: Whome I shal see esteemed and worshipped in the common wealth, I wil rather determin to take away his hed then his honour.’ The rēts which the good Traiane left in many partes of Italie, for y e bréeding of children, the sustaining of widowes, & the marriage of Orphans, he did not only confirme, but also made better. All the seruants of Traiane he did aduaunce to better offices: & such as were not méete for offices, he gaue thē money. Adrian commaunded serch to be made, how many noble men were falne into pouertie: & such as were decayed by mischaunce, he relieued: & such as procured pouertie by vice, he gaue them leaue to endure necessitie. He gaue help to al y e Romaine widowes to marrie their daughters, & he was not more boūtiful in giuing relief vnto y e daughters, then he was an enimie to succour the sonnes: for he helde opinion, that, that young man deserued not to be married, that with his handes did not obteine a marriage. By thrée dayes space, he did celebrate the feast of the god Genius: that is to saye, the daye of his birthe: and commaūded vpon those dayes, to giue pitances vnto all y e people, and he with all the Senatours and nobles did eate and banquet in his imperiall palace: the cost whereof did not amount vnto so little, but as they were thrée, if they had béene sixe, the rentes of the whole Empire had béen spent, and parte of their treasure.
[Page 92]By the space of sixe continuall dayes he did cause them to represent the game of swoorde players: and the people craued certeine other playes, which he would not consent: not for that he delighted not therein, but to giue them to vnderstand in Rome, that it appertained vnto Princes, as much to moderate their pleasures, as to giue order for thinges of importance. Before Adrian was Emperour, he was thrise Consul, for which cause he made diuers Romaines thrée times Consuls: and whereas some were offended, for want of like fauour, he did aunswer: Such as did exceede mee in merite, ought to be equall with mee in dignitie. ‘Within the compasse of Rome, neuer before the dayes of Adrian, were permitted more then two Consuls: the one to gouerne the common wealth, the other to go to the warres: but Adrian did adde and create a thirde Consul: for that if y e one should be sicke, and the other resident in the warres, the common wealth shoulde not remaine without an head.’ Tutinus a noble knight of Rome, Adrian did create Senatour, and gaue him the ensignes of Consul, whereat the whole Senate was offended: affirming, that the Emperour ought or might not create in such manner: partely, because Tutinus was not of deseruing, and partly, for that the aduise of the Senate should haue béene vsed therein. Adrian was displeased with these wordes of the Romaines, and from thence foorth did vse more libertie in reparting offices, and lesse companye in determining causes. He helde Seuerianus in greate veneration, which had married his sister, vnto whome he gaue both honour and great rewardes: and at all times, when Seuerianus came vnto his chamber to conferre, and to vnderstand his pleasure, Adrian came foorth to méete and receiue him at the doore. Although Seuerianus came to visite Adrian, and Adrian came foorth to receiue Seuerianus, yet auncient and very mortall was the hatred betwixt them: for in this case, either of them did vtter and discouer, to be possessed with a moste vile intent: for that Seuerianus did trauaile to depriue Adrian from Empire [Page 93] and honour, and Adrian with no lesse facilitie did take away his life. When Adrian was in Rome, at the least he went thrise a wéeke vnto the Senate: and if he were either sicke, or muche busied, they did repaire vnto his presence: in such maner, that nothing of importance did passe in the Senate, wherein they did not vse his iudgement. Adrian, was of familiar conuersation with his speciall friendes, and with his particular seruaunts, with whome he went to eate in their gardeines, to fishe at riuers, to hunt in the fieldes, and all other such like pastimes. Naturally he was giuen to haue compassion of the sicke, and herein he did neither consider whether they were friends or foes: for that indifferently he did visite them, and at his owne charges did prouide for them. He did not onely visite the sicke, but also the olde men, decrepite with age: of whome at large he woulde inquire of the yeres that they had liued, the kingdomes they had trauelled, the daungers they had passed, the enimies which they had helde, & the necessities that they had endured, in suche wise, that many times, of the things which they had saide, of times past, he tooke example for the time present. Adrian was a most singular friende of vertuous men, and wise Philosophers, and neuer wanted their companie, either in warre or peace: because of the vertuous he learned how to liue, and of the Philosophers howe to gouerne.
Turbone, maister of the horse men had a sonne with Adrian, sufficiently valiant, and with Adrian very priuate: but ioyntly w t this, he held him for presumptuous in spéech, and couetous in dealings, because all which Adrian did at his request and suite, he solde it all for money: the truthe of this case being knowen, Adrian receiued therof so great displeasure, that presently he commaunded the young man to be apprehended, and that all things which by briberie he had purloined shoulde be taken from him, and restored vnto the owners, and to be transported as a banished man to the Isle of Pontus: vnto whome Adrian saide, of this offence, thou shalt remaine chasticed, and I [Page 94] warned for euer more, to shewe ouermuch and extreme fauour vnto my seruaunt, whereby to conuert loue into pride, or to sell fauour for couetise.
CHAP. IX. ¶Of the maner which Adrian vsed with the men of warre.
WHen Adrian parted from Almaine to come to Rome, not as then determined to haue stayed long there: but the occasion of his staye, was, for that the good Traiane, in his latter yeres, was deteined so long time in the warres of Asia, & Europa, that the cōmon wealthes of Italie were growen to greate and ouermuch libertie. Adrian departing from Rome, came streight vnto Gallia Transalpina: not to conquer but to visite the same. The frenchemen did much reioyce at his cōming, and in euery prouince did him great seruice, because Adrian was the first Romaine Prince that euer entred Fraunce in peace, for that all his predecessours brake in by violent hostilitie. Personally visiting all Gallia, wherein he did erect newe buildinges, repaired the olde, reedified temples, reformed priestes, set at libertie certeine gentlemen, gaue giftes vnto the people, pardoned some offences, and punished others: finally all his déedes, were gratefull vnto the citizens, & profitable vnto the common wealth. The affaires of Fraunce being set in order, once more he returned to passe y e Alps, and tooke his way into Almaine, without any disposition to make warre, but to procure peace: for that Adrian naturally was giuen friendly with all men to haue peace, whiche if they would not accept, he was not after easie to intreate.
In the time that Adrian had most peace, then did he exercise his men of warre, as if he had béene amongest his enimies: and for this cause he helde opinion, that al Princes did craue his peace, for that he was neuer vnreadie to [Page 95] make warre. Adrian inuented many deuises, wherin his knightes might exercise their strength, as wagers to runne, towers, and fortes of wood, and earth, to assault, marche tenne against tenne in combat: he sought out strong places to practise the arte of mining, prouoked them to go to wrastling, and brought them to riuers to learne to swim: finally, he held them so occupied, that they desired rather to fight an whole day in earnest, then so many dayes in iest. Also Adrian did vse to féede of the common victuals of the camp, that is to saye, grose baken, rat eaten chéese, powdred béefe, and barley bread: and if any thinge were drest for his owne person, more delicate then y e rest, he made suche diuision, that the least parte came to him selfe. What more or lesse, he alwayes did weare some armour: and if by chaunce he found any gentleman vnarmed, presently he was checked of his wages: affirming, that the man that goeth vnarmed, ought not to be intreated and honoured as a gentlemā. In the armies, amongst the greater or lesse, better or woorse, their worke or exercise was equally diuided: whiche is to wéete, when the time was to drawe, all did hale and drawe: and when the time was to dig, all without exception at their turne, did dig and mine: at the time of watching in their course, euery man did watche: in these trauels he did no more excuse him selfe then others: for at his turne, he did both watche and dig in the mine with his owne handes. He had not, neither consented in the warres, the vse of high tables to féede on, either portals to passe the time, neither canes to coole or recreate, either warmed water to bathe, neither cookerie or dressing of meate, either selling of swéete oyntments: for he helde opinion, that the good and valiant souldiers, did not annoynt them selues, but with the blood of enimies. Adrians garments were not curious or costlye, but very cleanly, whereunto he was addicted, both in diet, and apparell: and after a maner he did abhorre suche men as were not nete and fine: affirming, that filthie men be alwayes of drousie iudgements.
[Page 96]In the warres he did neuer weare silk, purple, or riche vesture, either buttons, or agglets of golde, or his dagger, swoorde, or armour gilte: but notwithstanding verye fine and strong. When any was notified in the warres, of valiant and doubtie déedes, presently he did notifie him, with great and bountifull rewardes: in such manner, that he did not deferre to recompence at Rome any seruice don in the warres. When he trauailed through mountaines, most times he did alight to bring other men on foote, and did marche xv. or xx. miles in his armour: and this he did, to kéepe their horses freshe and lusty, if they should hap to encounter with the enimie. He did alwayes lodg within the campe, and ordinarily he went from tent to tent, to visite the wounded, and with the whole and sound to haue conuersation. Adrian was so familiar with his men of warre, that he called verie many by their names, and knew all men by their gesture: in such wise, that no enimie or straunger, might enter his campe that to him was vnknowen. When a horsemans rome was vacant in the warres, the captaines sought out such as should succéede: but Adrian in his owne person would examine him, and this he did, to knowe his face, and try his strength. Such as he did elect tribunes, or captaines of his armies, were verie valiant, but not couetous: and ioyntly therewith, he admitted not young men without beardes, either olde men brokē or decayed: doubting, in too much youth, want of gouernement: and in too much age, strength to fight. He made good paye vnto his men of warre, streightly forbidding his captaines to imbezill any wages, or to take awaye present giuing vnto the souldiers: and this Adrian did, to auoide necessitie in the one, and couetise in the other. He did prohibite by a publique lawe, that none should carrie vnto the warres any superfluous thing, and that none should presume to buy or sell any thing that was not necessarie. Very diligent to furnishe his camps with victuals, which being brought vnto the campe, he did so prise them, that the buyer was not robbed, either the [Page 97] seller defrauded. Imitating Vegetius, Adrian did write a booke, wherein he did instruct the captaines, howe they should fight: and an order, how tribunes shoulde gouerne the armies: to conformitie whereof he made many excellent lawes, which for long time were obserued of the Romaine Princes. In this case, of order, prouision, and correction of the men of warre, they were onely thrée Princes that attained vnto the chiefe perfection thereof: that is to saye, Augustus, Traiane, and Adrian, because all other Princes, helde men of warre not to defend, but to dissipate the common wealth.
CHAP. X. ¶Of the actes that Adrian did in Englande, Fraunce, and Spaine.
‘ALl the time that Adrian was in Almaine, he did moste occupie him selfe in reforming his men of warre into good customes and order, which he did not without greate prudence, after the manner of a good mariner, whiche in time, when the Sea is calme, doeth dresse and mende his failes, & order his anchors against the storme and soudein chaunces that may followe in time to come.’
From Almaine, Adrian came vnto greate Britaine, whiche is nowe called England, and there founde peace, as in Fraunce, which was then holden for a greate maruaile: because from the time of Iulius Caesar, whiche did first conquer the same, vnto the dayes of Adrian, they were neuer without warres with the Frenche men, or rebelling against the Romaines. ‘Presently vppon his entrie into Britaine, he sought curiously to be informed of the lawes they helde, and of the customes they vsed: which being perused and examined, some he did allowe, and some he did remoue and make frustrate: especially, he did adnihilate that lawe, whereby the man should holde ii. wiues, and the woman .vii. husbandes. When Iulius Caesar did [Page 98] conquer the Ilande of England, he brought many people out of Italie to inhabite that countrie: and although the natiue, with the straunger, helde no warre, yet liued they not in perfect peace: for the Britans did terme y e Romaines newe come men, and the Romaines did call them Barbarians.’ Adrian finding that no friendship might be framed by prayer, or amendment by correction, deuised to diuide the kingdome in the middest: and the case was thus: that in the middes of the kingdome, he made a wall from Sea to Sea, a worke most straunge, wherein this Prince did imploy great treasure. Adrian being resident in Britaine, was aduertised from Rome of the want of good gouernement that was vsed in his wiues house, by the occasion of certeine Romaines, which aduentured to accompany the Empresse: whose conuersation was more to the preiudice of his fame, then to the profite of his seruice. Septicius Prefectus, and Sortonius Tranquillus, which at that time were Secretaries vnto the Senate: these & others grewe very familiar with the Empresse Sabina: whome Adrian sent commaundement to be depriued of their offices, and to be banished Rome, Sabina, Adrians wife, was holden to be franke of speache, and of life somewhat licentious. Adrian did greatly abhorre to haue Sabina vnto his wife: and would saye, not in secrete, but openly, that if he were a common person, he would haue béene diuorced, for that in her conuersation shée was presumptuous, & in life loose & dissolute. ‘ Adrian was much inclined to vnderstand, not onely the conditions & inclinations of his frinds but also of the manner which they vsed to liue in their houses: for the vnderstanding wherof, he woulde inquire of the seruaunts, slaues and labourers that brought them victuals, what they did eate, and what they did drinke, & what their maisters spent in their houses.’ Sabina wife vnto Adrian, did write a certeine letter vnto a Romaine gentleman, complaining that he would not come to visite her, through y e pleasures of Britaine, & newe loues in that countrey y t he had taken in hand, which letter happening by chaunce into the handes of Adrian, & the knight vnderstanding [Page 99] therof, neither went to Rome or abode in Britan. All things set in order in greate Britan, Adrian had intelligence, that in Gallia Transalpina, which nowe is named swéete Fraunce, a popular sedition was raised, in such euil maner, that if it were not presently cut off, it might break out into a long & cruel warre. All the contention was raised vpon certein boūds & pastures, in a place called Apim: ‘Presently Adrian passed into Gallia, & personally went to sée y e marks & bounds therof: & the one & the other heard, he did diuide those bounds & limits equally betwixt them. When as a Romaine saide vnto Adrian, y t it was the office of a poore Iudge, & not of a mightie Emperour, he answered: I had rather diuide boundes in peace, then conquer countries with warre. Now, when Adrian would departe from Fraunce, he receiued newes from Rome, howe Plotina wife vnto Traiane was dead: and as shée had béen his onely mistresse, & his special friend, he felt her death so sensibly y t besides sighing & wéeping, he grewe so extremly sorrowful, y t he did not eate in long time.’ He staide in the place where he receiued these newes many moneths, and presently did write vnto y e Senate, y t Plotina should be adored amongst y e Goddessses: and on the other parte, he cō maunded costly & generous sacrifices to be offered for her: he did edifie vnto her honour & perpetual memorie, a temple neare vnto Mansin, which he erected vppon pillers of marueilous marble, & did endue with great riches. The affaires of Fraunce being dispatched, he came by y e Pyrineā hilles, into Spaine, & staied a whole Winter in the citie of Taragon: which in those auncient times, was the moste strong, riche, & also most estéemed in all Spaine. When the Emperour Octauius did conquer Cantabria, he did builde in Taragon, a most noble house, which by the antiquitie therof was much decayed: y e emperour Adrian at his own cost, cōmaūding to be reedified in such wise, y t by repairing the decayed edificies, he renued there y e name of Romanes. The imperiall house being made, Adrian kept court there with all the mightie and noble men of Spaine: where and with whome he made manye and good lawes: and in [Page 100] especiall, ‘he commaunded that the father whiche had but one sonne, should commit the same vnto the warres, if he had twaine, the second should be committed vnto science, and the thirde shoulde learne some occupation in the common wealth.’
The Spaniardes complained, that the shippes of Italie did transport many thinges out of Spaine, that is to saye, golde, siluer, silke, oyle, yarne, wheate, and wine: and out of Italie, they brought nothing into Spane: whereupon Adrian commaunded, that no straunge ship shoulde lade any thing out of Spaine. Adrian gaue greate rewardes vnto many, and some for company, he caused to goe with him, and others some he gaue offices bothe by Sea and land, of great honour: and generally, he gaue money vnto all cities, to repaire their decaied walles, in suche wise, that all Spaine, of him, helde them selues right well contented. There in Taragon, Adrian walking alone in a garden, by chaunce, a young man being madde, brake forth vppon him with swoorde drawne: Adrian, although without armour, did take away his swoord, without commaundement of correction, either to him or his maister, & also with great pitie, prouided for his cure: of which déed Adrian was praised for valiant and pitifull. Also in the prouince of Taragon, they had cotētion for their bounds, wherein Adrian prouided to plant lande markes of stone, after the maner of pillers, to the ende, that they shoulde neither be stolne or chaunged.
CHAP. XI. ¶Howe Adrian did passe into Asia, and of the things that chaunced there.
ALl the prouinces of Spaine being visited, Adrian made his nauigation, by the Sea Mediterrane vnto the Isle of Sicyl, where he mounted the hill Aetna, to behold the marueilous thinges therein conteined: from whence he [Page 101] descended more in feare and abashed, then either instructed or satisfied. Adrian being descended from the hill Aetna, astonied, wearied and also derided, staide not in that kingdome, but to visite the woorkes of the good Traiane, which he did amplifie with buyldinges, and indued with patrimonies. Adrian being resident in Sicyl, vnderstoode that Asterlike the greatest lorde of Germanie was dead, in whose place he presently created a king, whom he sent to gouerne the same, bothe well receiued, and better obeyed: bycause the Germaines helde them selues escandalized, in that they had not kinges to gouerne them, but Consuls to chastice them.
The Mauritans, and the Numidians being diuided in cruell dissention, and vnderstanding that Adrian was in Sicyl, readie to passe into Africa: amongest them selues they cut off all causes of warre, and concluded an assured peace. At that time also the Parthians soudeinly did arme them selues, came into the fielde, made captaines, and fortified their frontiers: and brought their seigniorie to be ouer the Romaines, and not the Romaines ouer the Parthians. Adrian being aduertised of this commotion, prepared a greate armie to passe into Asia, and also did write vnto the Parthians, giuing to vnderstand, that he helde them as his friendes, and the Senate estéemed them as brethren, and not as vassals: wherewith the Barbarians were so muche satisfied, that presently they left their armour, and proclaimed peace throughout the lands. Notwithstanding, he was aduertised of the Parthians retire, he alwayes continued his nauigation into Asia: and descended first in Achaia, and entred Elusin, a famous citie of that prouince: and leading a great armie, & possessing but little money, he seazed the sacred thinges of the temples, saying, that he did it not, as a Romain Prince, but as a Grecian: for that Hercules and Philip béeing Greeke Princes, had first done and attempted the same. He alone did enter the temples of Asia, which was holden for great valiantnesse: because without armour, he entred amongest [Page 102] the armed Priestes: and being demaunded, why he would enter to robbe those temples alone and vnarmed, aunswered: because, from our barbarous enimies we take by violence, but from the Gods by request.
Adrian departed also vnto Athens, and curiously did consider the order of their studies, and the maner of their life: and saide, that in Athens, there was nothing perfect, but Agonata the swoorde player: because he had greater readinesse and skill to playe with the swoorde, then the Philosophers in teaching Sciences: Whiche notwithstanding, he did greatly honour the Philosophers: and to some townes, he gaue great liberties: from thence, he returned to Rome, where he stayed but to visite, to honour, and also to bewaile and mourne vppon the tumbe of Plotina. Which being finished, Adrian againe went into Sicyl, and from thence into Africa, where he did visit many townes and cities, reedified certeine buyldinges, banished diuers Numidians, and also Mauritanes, for their mutinies. From thence he did passe once more into Asia, streight vnto Athens, where he finished a certeine temple which he had begonne, dedicating y e same vnto the God Iupiter, wherein he did ingraue the Image of Traiane, & did paint with his owne handes the figure of Plotina, his ‘moste especiall souereigne ladye and mistresse. The greatest exercise that Adrian did vse in Asia, was in buylding, repairing, and consecrating temples: wherein he did place his name, and paint with the pencill, or else in Alabaster did graue his figure.’
Adrian feasted and made a greate banquet vnto king Cosdroe, at that time king of Parthians, & also did restore him his daughter, which was committed for hostage vnto the good Traiane, and a litter curiously wrought with siluer, golde and Vnicorne, and gaue him also many other iewels. Many kinges of Asia and other greate Princes, came to visite and to honour Adrian, who gaue them all so noble entertainement, and so highly rewarded them, that greate was the honour and magnificence he obtained amongest [Page 103] them. Pharasmano king of the Albans refusinge to visite the Emperour Adrian, and to renue the league made betwixt him and the good Traiane: not many dayes after, Adrian wanted not occasion to dispossesse him of his estate, and to banishe him all Asia, constrained thereby to craue vpon his knees, which would haue béen giuen him, sitting in his chayre. Adrian, traueiling and iourneying throughout Asia, visiting his presidentes, procurors, and chiefe officers, finding amongest them faultes of great enormitie, did punishe the same with moste cruell chastisementes. The cause is not vnknowen of the displeasure that Adrian did beare vnto Antioche, which hatred was so greate, that he trauailed to diuide Syria from Phoenicia, to the ende that Antioche shoulde not be the head of so many prouinces. Visiting also the whole countrie of Arabia, he came vnto the renoumed citie of Peluno, onely to visite the sepulture of the great Pompeius, which he renued and enriched, and also did offer greate and sumptuous sacrific [...]s, in the honour of the great Pompeius: wherof the Romaine people being aduertised, receiued no small delight. He did not onely honour the sepulture of Pompeius, but also gaue greate rewardes vnto the people of Pelusio, because they had that sepulchre in reuerence, placing vppon the sepulchre with his owne handes this verse as followeth: Ossa viri magni, tenni quam blausa sepulchro.
CHAP. XII. ¶Of the great liberalitie that Adrian vsed, and some cruelties that he committed.
ONe of the thinges, wherin the Emperour Adrian deserued most iustly to be praised was, y t w t al mē he vsed [Page 104] great magnificence and liberalitie: for that naturally, in receiuing he was a niggard: but in giuing very bountifull. There was not euer any thing demaunded, that he gaue not: if it were not preuented by some others suite, which alwayes he did recomfort with hope for time to come. ‘The rewardes of his noblenesse, was the gift of townes, cities, castles, Prouinces, kingdomes, mountaines, riuers, flockes or heardes, salt marishes, milles, offices: and not onely such as hapned in the gouernement of the common wealth: but also he gaue the horsses out of his stable, the garments for his person, the prouision for his dispences, and the money for his chamber: in such wise, that to deliuer others from necessitie, he brought him selfe in to want of prouision.’ Adrian in his life was noted of diuers weaknesses and defections, which were both coloured and couered, with his large and bountifull giftes. Great were the rewardes that he gaue vnto Epiteus, and Eliodorus philosophers: but much more was his liberalitie towardes Phauorinus, bycause he both gaue him great goodes, and honour in the common wealth. His custome was, when he sent for any to serue him in the warres, to giue him al things necessarie for y e same, that is to say, armour to fight, & money to spend. Adrian being aduertised of a noble gentleman of Numidia, named Malacon, a man both valiant & warlike: who refusing to receiue the vsuall rewarde that Adrian gaue vnto suche as did accompanie him in warres, sayde vnto him: It is more reason that I should preuent thée, in doing mine office, then thou shouldest precede mée in doing thy dutie: which is to say, that before thou beginne to fight, I shoulde beginne to gratifie thée: for in the end, it is much more that thou doest for me, in aduenturing thy life, then I in rewarding thée with my goods. Many times Adrian would boast him selfe, that he coulde neuer remember that he had eaten alone, but alwayes did eate in the companie of Philosophers that disputed in Philosophie: eyther else of capteines, that did talke and conferre in matters of warre.
[Page 105]He was neate in his apparell, curious and delicate in his diet. ‘Examining the order of the diet of his housholde, and finding the prouision prouided for the honour thereof, to be imbeziled and purloyned by officers, he commaunded them to be whipt, and turned out of his gates: for notwithstanding, he had a noble mynde, to giue a Prouince for a reward, he had not patience to suffer or endure, the deceit or stealth of a pennie. Adrian was a man both seuere, gladsome, graue, courteous, pleasant, suffering, rashe, patient, furious, a sauer, liberall, a dissembler, pitifull, & cruell: finally, he was variable in his vices, and inconstant in vertues: bycause he did not long absteine from euill, eyther long continue in doing good.’ ‘ Adrian vnto his friendes, was bothe gratefull and vnkinde: that is to say, he gaue them much goods, and did not much estéeme their honour. Great inconuenience did followe the Emperour Adrian, for his infidelitie and want of faith vnto his friendes: which did most clearely shewe it selfe in Tatianus, Nietus, Seuerus, and Septitius: whom at one time he helde for friends, & after did persecute them as enimies. Eudemius a noble Gentleman of Rome, he was so great a frend with Adrian, that he offered sacrifices vnto the gods to giue him the Empire: and after Adrian did beare him so great hatred, that he did persecute him, not onely to cast him out of Rome, but also vntill he had brought him to extreme pouertie. Polenus and Marcellus, were of Adrian so euil handled and persecuted, that they chose rather to dye with their owne handes: then to liue vnder his gouernement. Eliodorus, a most famous man in letters, both Gréeke and Latine, was not onely of Adrian persecuted, but also put to death, and torne in pieces: whose death was much be wailed for that he was profitable vnto the whole comon wealth. Oluidius, Quadratus, Catalius, & Turbon, auncient Consuls, were by Adrian persecuted, although not put to death, bycause euery one séeking to saue his life, were banished Rome and all Italie. The noble Consul Seuerianus, husbande vnto Sabina, sister vnto [Page 106] Adrian, of the age of a hundred and ninetie yeares, was constrained to dye, for no more, but for that he had reported to haue liued the death of thirtene Emperours, & that if Adrian should dye first, it should make vp the number of xiiij. the which, when Adrian vnderstoode, he rather determined to take him from amongest the liuing, then he should reckon him amongst the deade.’ In all things Adrian was very wel learned: that is to say, reading, writing, singing, painting, fighting, hunting, playing, and disputing: but that he had therewith a tache or a fault: which was, that if he knewe muche, he presumed much, wherein he was noted of all men, bycause he scorned all men. After he entered into Aegypt, he gaue him selfe vnto Astrologie: and held for custome yearely to write out of that science, of al things that should happen that yeare: which also he did in the yeare that he dyed, but obteined not the knowledge thereof.
Adrian in one thing did séeme to excell, in that he neuer desired the knowledge of any facultie, art, or science: but that he procured to be singular. He ouercame many warres with armes, but he did appease and cut off many more with giftes: bicause vnto diuers peoples, cities, and townes, he gaue libertie and priuileges, and to his Lords and viceroyes, he gaue great rewardes. Although in some particular things, touching both friendes and enimies, he shewed him selfe both affectionate, and also passionate: vniuersally, as touching the weale of the common welth, Adrian was alwayes friend in ministring iustice. When there happened any graue matters, at the souden, he wold furiously be altered: but at the time of iudgement and determinatiō, seriously he did both consider & examine them. He did sildome determine matters without counsel, and to this end chiefly vsed the aduice of Siluius and Neratius, the most learned of that age, and approued by the Senate. Naturally, he was of an vnquiet heart, and of condition intermedling. It did happen vnto him many times in reading of histories, when he found of any place or coū trie, [Page 107] that was possessed of any extremitie, or singularitie, that he could not come to the viewe thereof, with extreme desire, he did many times growe both sicke and sorrowfull. Notwithstanding he was large and of great magnanimitie with Philosophers, with countries, with men of warre, and with his friends: much more was his magnificence to the ministers of iustice: and being demaunded of Fauorinus, why he was so boūtiful vnto them, answered: I make the ministers of iustice riche: bycause, by robberie of iustice, they shall not make other men poore.
CHAP. XIII. Of the lawes that Adrian made.
MAny and right necessarie lawes were made by Adrian, whiche were approued by the Senate, and receiued of the common wealth, and long time obserued. He did ordeine, that if any man would remoue from one citie to an other, that at his owne libertie he might sell his house, but not to aduenture to pull it downe, eyther to sel or make profite of the stuffe therof: bycause the authoritie of a common wealth is impayred, when the buildings be ruinated. ‘He did also ordeine, that when any man was condemned to dye for offences of great enormitie, and his goodes confiscate, that his children, shoulde inioy the tenth part of those goodes: in suche wise, that for that, whiche was taken from them, they had to bewaile the offence of their fathers, and for that which was giuen them, they shoulde féele, and also commende the clemencie of the Prince.’
Also there were certaine cases forbidden, in whiche if any man did fall, or incurre, he was accused as if he had committed great treason againste the estate Royall [Page 108] of the Prince: all whiche Adrian did remoue and adnihilate: affirming, that those lawes, were but of small seruice, to the behoofe of the Prince, and to the great offence of the common wealth. Also the Romaine Princes did vse to inherite the goods of straungers: wherin Adrian did ordeine, that the children, or the next of the kinne shoulde inioye the same. Also he ordeined, that what so euer he were, that founde hid treasure, in his owne inheritaunce, should inioy the whole: and if it were founde in an other mans inheritaunce, the owner thereof should haue the one moitie: and if it were founde in publike or common place, that then it should be equally parted with the Confiscator. Also he ordeined, that no man what so euer, of his own authoritie should kill his slaue, for any offence: but to be remitted vnto the Iudge, deputed by the Prince. Also he made a lawe of refourmation, both for eating of superfluous meates, and also for wearing of garments, eyther too many, or ouer costly. ‘Also he did ordeine, that none what so euer, should goe or be carried in a litter: and one whiche he had, he commaunded for example, to be burnt, in the market place.’ He also commaunded that Consuls, and Senatours, within the compasse of Rome, should weare their gownes, whiche was a garment of peace. He also ordeined, that yong men that wanted their parentes, shuld haue tutors vnto the age of fiue and twentie yeares: although they were married. He also did ordeine, that no slaue should be solde, eyther man or woman, to any ruffian, iester, or iuggler: affirming the possession of slaues, to be most vniust, vnto suche as wander in idlenesse all the dayes of their life. Also ‘he did ordeine, that merchants, or suche as dealt with exchaunge, that brake their credite, or were bankrupts without iust cause, but only of couetousnesse, by defraude to inrich them selues: to be set vpon the pillorie in the market place, and afterwardes to be banished Rome for euermore.’ He did ordeine, that none what so euer, should suffer execution within the citie of Rome: affirming, that so generous a citie, and consecrate vnto the [Page 109] Gods, were not conuenient to be defiled with the bloude of wicked men. ‘Also he did ordeine, that men and women shoulde haue their seuerall bathes, and that who so euer should enter into the forbidden place, to suffer death for the same.’ Also he did ordaine, that neyther for the Prince or Consuls, any victuals should be taken from any man: but that euery man might sell to whome he would, where he would, and how he might. He did ordeine, that no woman shuld aduēture to heale with words, eyther that any man shuld presume to cure with cōpound medicines: but to perfourme all their cures, with simple hearbes. In buildings he did chiefly imitate his Lord Traiane: that is to say, that in all countries, Prouinces, and kingdomes, where he had bene, he erected many and very famous buildings: wherein it is to be noted, that he neuer placed his owne name, but in the temple of Traiane. In Rome, in a manner he wholy renued the temple named Pantheus, dedicated vnto the Goddesse Berecyntha, and where all the Gods were honoured. The fielde of Mars in olde time was compassed, and by great antiquitie the buildings falne flat vnto the grounde: wherein Adrian did not only renue the decayed wals, but also did furnish y e same w t very stately buildings. He edified the reall palace named Neptunus, he enlarged the palace of Augustus, he reedified the bath of Tyberius, he much aduaunced the temple of Titus: in all these edifices, he placed the names of the Princes that in times past built them, and not his owne name whiche had reedified them. From the foūdation he built a stately bridge, which was afterwards named Adrians bridge. He made also for him selfe a sepulchre, ioyning vnto y e riuer Tyber, y e stones whereof were brought from India, and the workemen out of Greece. ‘He translated the temple of the Goddesse of good Fortune, and the figure of Decian the artificer that was placed therein: that was of so great weight, that hardly foure & twentie Eliphants might remoue y e same, the whiche figure was dedicated vnto the Sunne: Adrian did erect one other to be dedicated vnto the Moone, [Page 110] of no lesse weight or riches then the other: whereof the great Polydore was workman.’ He built in Rome a certaine building, which many yeares after was named, the mole of Adrian: and at these dayes is called, the castle of of Saint Angelo. He remoued many riuers out of their chanels to water the fieldes, brought many fountaines, for prouision of cities. In Greece he edified a citie, which in time past, was named Adrianopolis. In the kingdome of Palestine, he reedified the great citie Hierusalem, which had béene destroyed by Titus and Vespasian, and gaue it for name, Elia, for that his owne name was Elius Adrianus.
CHAP. XIIII. Of some of his gratious and pythie sentences.
THe Emperour Adrian was a Prince, not only sharpe of iudgement, and prouident in his affaires, but also of great vrbanitie, and gratious in speache. And the case was thus, ‘that Fauorinus a very friende to Adrian, hauing an olde house, at the enterie whereof, he had raysed a stately porche paynted white, he sayde vnto him: This house of thine, seemeth a gilded pill, whiche outwardly giueth pleasure, but within is full of bitternesse. An other friende of Adrians, named Siluius, very blacke of face, and of euill shape of body, and comming on a certaine day vnto the Palace, all clad in white: Adrian sayde vnto those that were present: That blacke face with that white garment, seemeth no other but a flye drowned in a sponefull of mylke. The Emperour Adrian, vppon a time from his Palace, behelde a Senatour, in a long blacke gowne, wearing vpon the same a short crimson cloake in graine: [Page 111] and demaunding, why he did weare such apparell in that place: the Senatour answered.’ ‘ Syr, I walke here with this red cloake, to see if my good hap may chaunce to fish some faire Ladie. Wherevnto Adrian readily answered: Thou seemest rather a red worme to fish frogs, then as a man enamoured to fishe Ladies.’ A certaine person with a hoarie heade, crauing a rewarde, whiche at that time the Emperour denyed: the sayde hoare headed fellowe, remembring him selfe, pouling his heade, and shauing his bearde, came againe vnto the Emperour, to renue his suite: and Adrian beholding howe he was altered, made fresh, and growne young, did answere: That which now thou crauest, I denyed vnto thy father. They helde in Rome many fierce beastes, to magnifie a daye of greate feasting: and when certaine Senatours sayde vnto Adrian, that it was somewhat late, and highe time to go chace the beasts, he made answere: Ye might better haue sayd, to be chaced of them, then the beasts to be chaced of men: for if there be ten that dare abide them, there be ten myllians that runne away.
‘There was in Rome, a certaine man named Enatius, somewhat entered in age, and of naturall condition, mutinous, ambitious, importune, intermedling, quarellous, & full of garboyle: and being aduertised that Enatius was deade, he fell into a greate laughter, and sware, that he could not a little maruell, howe he coulde intend to dye: considering his great businesse both night and daye. A certaine auncient citizen comming vnto the Emperour Adrian, for certaine suites and causes propounding his demaunde, and also replying an answere without intermission, remouing without all manner, any meane for the Emperour to speake, answered: Friende, if thou feede on both cheekes, we may not eate both together: Surely, it was an answere very fayre, and of great vrbanitie: for, thereby he gaue him to vnderstande, that if he both propounde and answere, he could not giue him iustice.’ [Page 112] ‘There was a Senatour in Rome, named Fabius Cato, of auncient yeares, and amongst the people, in great credite: but ioyntly therewith he was a man of a small stature, which would soone be offended, and as soone be pleased: vnto whome on a time Adrian sayde: Since your chimney is so small, you must beware to lay much wood vpon the fire: for otherwise it will be alwayes smoakie.’
CHAP. XV. Of the thinges that he did woorthy prayse, and some other things worthy dispraise.
THe Emperour Adrian, did vse and intreate such as did serue him, very well and with great affection: but he might not indure them, to presume to be ouer priuate: for he would say, that he held them not to commaund him, but to serue him: and grewe not a little displeased, with such as were not moderate in their déedes, and courteous in their wordes. Being in Spaine in the citie of Taragon, he behelde in a garden, one of his meane seruaunts, walking betwixt two Senatours: vnto whome he commaunded to be giuen a great blowe, with this aduertisement: The Emperour commandeth this blow to be giuen thee, bycause thou shalt be ashamed to presume to walke, with such as thou art bound to serue. In his dyet he was neyther temperate, much lesse a gormound that vsed excesse: for that he left not to eate of any thing, in respect of health, or vertue: but without dyet, did eate, both what and whē he liked. In wine he had a good rellish, and at times dranke thereof so frankly, that he hindered the health of his person, and also the credite of his fame. There was in his dayes great earthquakes, pestilences, dearth, and hunger: in which calamities, he shewed him selfe a pitifull Prince, and of great magnanimitie: bycause in time of hunger, he [Page 113] gaue the people wherewith to be susteined, and in time of earthquakes, money to reedifie. He discharged many cities of their whole tributes, and to others some part he released: in suche wise, that in all his Empire there was no citie, that newly receiued not, some benefite at his hande, eyther deliuered not from some olde payment. In the first yeare of his Empire, the riuer Tyber did so ouerflowe, that thrée dayes damage thereof, was not repayred in thrée yeares. He was of the men of warre much feared, for that he did chastise them: and no lesse beloued, bycause he did pay them. The chiefest cause, of his great prayse in Chronicles, or of writers of histories, and the tender affection that the Romaines did beare him, procéeded, that in time of peace, he helde his men of warre in great ciuilitie: and in time of warre, he gouerned the common wealth, as if it had béene in peace. ‘Alwayes when the Senatours repayred vnto him, eyther to eate, or for affaires, he did alwayes entertaine them standing: and if they were Consuls, he came foorth to receiue them, and if they were Iudges, he did rise when they came before him: and if they were officers of the Senate, he would somewhat stoupe or nod with the head: in suche wise, that with all, he vsed greate courtesie: and in speache and conference, no lesse vrbanitie. To repaire temples, to prouide priestes, and to offer sacrifices, he was a Prince both carefull and diligent: and ioyntly therewith it is to be noted, he consented not to the inuention of newe deuices, and muche lesse did he admit straunge customes.’
CHAP. XVI. Whome Adrian did adopt to succeede him in his Empire.
AFter the Emperour Adrian had trauelled in a manner throughout the world, by sea and lande, and passed both colde and heate, he fell into a grieuous sicknesse: he [Page 114] himselfe, giuing occasion therof, for that in his dyet, either in the time of heate, or colde, did sildome or hardly vse any order. Presently vpon his sicknesse, his heart was touched with great care, vpon the determination, whom he should adopt to the succession of the Empire: bycause many did followe him, that did much desire it, but verie fewe that did deserue it. The death of Seuerian, Dion doth report, was after this manner. ‘ Adrian on a certaine daye at his dinner, sayd vnto the Consuls that sate at his table: I would haue you name me ten men, in science learned, and sincere of life: vnto one of which I may commend, after my dayes, the estate of the common wealth. They all vsing silence vnto that demaund, Adrian sayd: reckon me but nine, for I haue one, and such a one, as is my brother in lawe, Seuerian: for that he hath both age, and grauitie, After a fewe dayes, that these things did passe, Adrian being in great daunger through a fluxe of bloude, that brake foorth without ceassing at his nose: doubting that first his life shoulde haue finished, before the bloude would haue staunched: did point with his finger, Lucius Cōmodus to be his successour. And after recouering more health, he was aduertised, that Seuerian and Fuscus his nephew, continued murmuring, at that whiche he had commaunded: and that vnto him the Empire was not directed: Adrian beganne to disdaine and abhorre him with great hatred. This Seuerian of the age of ninetie yeares, Adrian commaunded to be slaine: bycause he set him selfe in the imperiall chaire, and gaue vnto such as were in fauour with the Emperour, a solemne supper, and bycause in secrete, he had conference with the capteines of warres. Before that Seuerian dyed, hée determined to haue giuen the Empire vnto the Consul Fuscus, which was his nephewe: but when Adrian vnderstoode, that Fuscus had conference with Magicians and Soothsayers, to be aduertised, if he should inioy the Empire, he put him to death: in suche wise, that he both lost the inheritaunce, and also his life. Pletorius Metus, came to visite Adrian in his sicknesse: [Page 115] which being his great frend, he would neither heare nor sée: bicause he did imagine, y t he came not to visite, but to inherite. Gentian the Consul, a noble and auncient Romaine, also he persecuted, for no other cause, but for that he vnderstoode, he was both liked and honoured of the Senate: and that all men did hope hée shoulde succéede him in the Empire. The Emperour Adrian did neuer shewe him selfe so cruell in his life, as he did somewhat before his death: bycause all those that he thought, did hope to succéede him in the Empire, he commaunded to be banished or slayne. Being sicke in a village, named Tiburtina, of a fluxe of bloude, where he remained many dayes bothe desperate, vnruly, and out of temper: for that he had no patience, to thinke that he shoulde dye, and an other shoulde succéede him.’
‘There was alwayes some vnkindnesse betwixt him, and the emperesse Sabina, but in the end, Adrian vsed such skill, that secretly he gaue poyson vnto his wife Sabina, whereby she finished his life, and he lost his suspicion. When Adrian perceiued that of necessitie he must néeds dye, and that an other must haue his Empire, he appointed Cenoio for his successour, sonne in lawe vnto Niger: and this he did against the mindes of all them whiche did serue him, and also of all such as did best loue him: bicause many others séemed to be of more deseruing, and also of more abilitie to gouerne the Empire. Vnto this Cenoio he gaue the name of Elio vero Caesar: and to the ende it should be gratefull vnto the people, and confirmed of the Senate: he gaue them the Circen playes, which was vnto them very acceptable, & did distribute throughout Rome, foure thousand Sextercies. Presently vpon the adoptiō of Cenoio, he gaue him the Pretourship, he placed him before the Panoniaes, which were admitted to goe next his person, did create him the second time Consul, did set him at his owne table, and did permit to accompanie him in the litter: finally, Adrian did intreate him as his sonne, and all did serue him as their Lord.’
[Page 116]Presently after that, Cenoio was adopted, he fell sicke, of the disease of death: in suche wise, as he had not leasure to giue thankes vnto the Senate: whereof Adrian being aduertised, sayde vnto the Senate: Vnto a weake wall were we stated, that day when Cenoio was elected. ‘ Cenoio dyed in the Kalends of Ianuarie, for which cause he was not bewailed of the people: for that moneth being dedicated vnto the God Ianus, no Romaine durst bewaile the dead, eyther vtter any sorrowes for the liuing.’ Adrian finding him selfe more oppressed with infirmitie, did adopt and declare Antoninus Pius his successour: vpon condition, that he should adopt the good Marcus Aurelius, and his brother Annius Verus. The adoption of Antoninus, was displeasant vnto som, but especially vnto Attilius Seuerus who with great care did solicite the Empire for him selfe: and at that time being Prefect of the citie, some he did corrupt with money, and some with faire promises: but Adrian being aduertised of y e web that Attilius had in hande, did not commaund him to be slaine, but to be banished all Italie.
CHAP. XVII. Howe and where the Emperour Adrian dyed.
ON the day that Adrian commaunded the olde Seuerian to be put to death, before the executioner came to cut his throte, in a vessel he put certaine coles, adding thervnto some incense, lifting vp his eyes vnto heauen, he said: You immortall Gods I take to witnesse, if I be culpable wherein I am accused, and for which this daye I am condemned and put to death, and ioyntly therewith I request and beseech you, that in testimonie of my innocencie, ye giue me no other reuengement: but that when Adrian shall desire to dye, he may not dye.
For the time that the Consul Seuerian was executed, Adrian neuer inioyed one day of health, but many times desired to dye, and sought occasions to kyll him selfe: [Page 117] but Antoninus Pius vnderstanding thereof, commaunded him to be guarded by daye, and watched by night. ‘Being assayled with extreme infirmitie, and not able eyther to eate, or sléepe, he many times sought venome to drinke, sometimes he would haue a knife to kill him selfe, sometimes he wold not eate, by pure hūger to hasten his death: whereof the Senate being aduertised, they did humbly craue, that it might please his excellencie, to haue patience in that infirmitie, since the Gods were pleased to lengthen his life. Adrian was much despited, with this suite of the Senate: and so much displeased with him that sayd it, that he should be taken and put to death. Adrian had a Barbar named Mastor, both faithfull and valiaunt, that did attend on his person when he did hunt, being his auncient seruaunt: whom he did most instantly desire, and secretly threaten, to dispatch him of his life: but the barbar being terrified, to heare such wordes, fled out at gates.’ By chaunce he recouered a knife into his handes, wherewith he would haue dispatched him selfe: but by force it was taken from him, but therewith and from thence forwarde, more desirous to dye, and his life more hatefull vnto him. ‘ Adrian had also a Physician borne in Africa, this man he did most instantly request, to minister vnto him some poyson, to finish his sorrowful and most wretched life: so hatefull vnto him selfe: but the Physician was so faithfull vnto his lord, & not able to resist the suit of his souereigne, determined to drink y e same, & to die. Adrian holding him self,’ for y e most vnfortunat, & the extremest wretch in distresse, that so much desired death, and could not but liue: & most truly y e suit of Seuerian vnto the gods, was most throughly perfourmed in him: that is to say, that they woulde inlarge his life, when he should desire to dye. Antoninus Pius being now declared, and confirmed for Caesar, and Adrian euery day finding him selfe to growe in weaknesse, departed from Rome, vnto the port of Baias, where he remained, vsing many experiences in medicines and Physicke: which for his health did little profite, and to shorten [Page 118] his life, gaue some assistaunce. Adrian dyed in that port of Baias, the sixt day of Iuly: and was buried in a village named Ciceroniana. He liued thréescore and two yeares, and reigned one and twentie yeares, sixe monethes, and sixtene dayes. Before Adrian dyed, he commaunded this verse to be placed vpon his sepulchre. Turba medicorum, Regem interfecit. Which is to say, The Emperour Adrian by trusting Physicians, gaue so hastie an end vnto his yeares.
The life of the Emperour Antoninus Pius, compiled by Syr Anthonie of Gueuara, Bishop of Mō donnedo, Preacher, Chronicler, & Counseler vnto Charles the fifte.
CHAP. I. ¶ Of the lineage and countrie of the Emperour Antoninus Pius.
THe naturall countrie of the Emperour Antoninus Pius, was of Gallia Transalpina, whiche is as muche to say, of swéete Fraunce: and was borne in a citie named Nemesa, whiche from the time of Iulius Caesar, was established a Colonell of Rome. His grandfather was named Titus Fuluius, a man both generous and valiaunt, who in the times that Iulius Caesar did conquer Fraunce, did vtter his greate parcialitie in the behalfe of the Romaine Empire: for whiche cause after the warres were ended, he came to Rome. Titus Fuluius in passing [Page 119] into Italie, and setling in Rome, had happie and great successe: for the Fathers of the Senate, besides their recompence for seruice, they made him a citizen of Rome. He had suche skill to profite him selfe by that libertie, and proued so cunning to content the people, that within the space of foure yeares, he was twice Consul, once Gouernour of the citie, and once Iudge: in suche wise, that his vertue was more beneficiall then others, to be naturall of the countrie.
The father of Antoninus Pius, was named Fuluius Aurelius: a man vertuous and learned, and no lesse then his grandfather Titus, was twice Consul: his grandmother of the mothers side, was named Bobinia, and the father of his mother, whiche was, Arrius Antoninus, was no lesse estéemed in the Romaine Empire, then was his other grādfather: for he was Iudge two yeres, Master of the horsse men one yeare, Tribune of the people an other yeare, and in the ende, two times Consul. This Arrius Antoninus, was a great persecuter of Domitian, a great friende of Nerua, and verie priuate with Traiane: whiche when he perceiued Nerua to accept the Empire being so olde, he had greate compassion of him, and sayde these wordes: My friende Nerua, I giue thee to vnderstande, eyther it is some cursse from thy predecessours, or some vengeaunce that the Goddes will take of thee: since they permitte thee to take the Empire, and at the time of most neede, to haue counsell, they depriue thee of thy sound and good iudgement.
The good olde Nerua, did so sensibly féele these wordes, spoken by his friende Antoninus, that had it not béene by the great importunitie of Traiane, he had presently renounced the Empire: which if he had done, as afterwards he did, he had not erred: bycause his age was too greate, and his strength but weake. Antoninus Pius had a father in lawe, named Iulius Lupus, which long time was a Senatour, that desired not to beare office, but with his patrimonie to liue in quietnesse.
[Page 120] Antoninus Pius married with the daughter of Annius Verus, who was named Annia Faustina, a woman of excelling beautie, and this was mother vnto the famous Faustine, wife vnto the great Emperour Marcus Aurelius. Antoninus Pius, and Faustine his wife had two sonnes, which died in their youth: and also two daughters, of which the elder was married vnto the Consul Sillanus, which also died in their youth. The second daughter (as the mother) was named Faustine, & married vnto Marcus Aurelius, in whome the succession of the Empire did remaine. Antoninus Pius had but one sister, named Iulia Fadilla, whome he tenderly loued: not onely, for that he had no more, but because they were twinnes and borne both at a birth, Antoninus Pius was borne the xiii. daye of October, at a certeine place named Laurina: which afterwardes he did nobilitate with stately buyldinges, and indued with great priuileges, and also did amplifie the boundes thereof, which were but short and narrowe. In the moste time of his infancie, he was nourished with his fathers father: and being more entred into yeres, he continued with his other graund father by the mothers side: and was so vertuous and so well inclined, that he was pleasing vnto all men, and beloued of all persons: he attained to be knowen vnto all his grandfathers both of father and mother, who all fixed their eyes vppon Antoninus, as well to inuest him with learning, as to endue him with riches and wealth: for, as he afterwards reported of them, they vsed to saye, that they fauoured him more for his vertue, then for affinitie. With his graundfathers he learned both tounges of Greeke and Latine, he gaue him selfe more to Cosmographie, then to any other science, and did muche delight to talke with men of straunge nations, to giue them to vnderstande, that he did knowe all the particularities of their countries, by science, as they did by experience. Being so intirely beloued of his graundfathers, they helde him alwayes in company with Philosophers: who of his owne natural: condition, delighted not, [Page 121] but in the company of the vertuous: whereof it procéeded, that after he became so cruell an enimie vnto the wicked, and so perfect a friend vnto good men. The customes and companies that Princes do take in their youth: they loue and followe afterwardes when they be men.
CHAP. II. ¶Of the inclination, proportion, and naturall fashion of his bodie.
ANtoninus Pius was of an high stature, slender and very streight, his eyes somewhat outward, black hayre, thicke bearde, white, rare, and gaptothed, his face white, merrie, gladsome, and faire, in such wise, that he did rather prouoke, to be loued, then feared. Naturally, he was of great health: his téeth excepted, which he lost before he came to age. ‘When a certeine cunning man made offer to be bound to place him téethe wherewith to speake and eate: Antoninus made him aunswere: Since neuer from my harte proceeded fained or double woords: there shall neuer enter into my mouth, counterfete teeth. The want of his téeth, made him to eat with paine, and stutter in his spéeche. Being touched with a Iester for his stammering, Antoninus aunswered: I recke not greatly to stumble in wordes, so that I erre not, and stand vp right in deedes. In Rome there was a Senatour named Taurinus, liberall in spéeche, and not sober in diet, who reprouing Antoninus for that his téeth failed him, bothe to eate and speake, aunswering, saide: I consent to that which thou saiest: for that I, if I woulde, may not be a glutton: but thou maist, and wilt not leaue to be malicious. Many Princes did excell Antoninus Pius in science, but none did matche him in eloquence: for that ordinarily, he did talke in the Latine tounge, & did dispute in the Greeke.’ He was naturally very well conditioned, which had in him moste apparance, for that alwayes his woords [Page 122] were without malice, and his thoughtes without suspicion. Although he were of complexion cholerike sanguine which giueth men occasion to be rashe and soudein, it had no place in Antoninus Pius, for that he was constant in aduersities, and patient in iniuries. When in his presence they saide any woordes that did grieue or offende him, or brought him any sorrowfull newes: in biting of his lipp, in casting downe his eyes, and laying one hand vpon another, they vnderstood his great sorrow: but ioyntly herewith, he was neuer séene of any man, soudeinly to chaunge countenaunce, muche lesse to speake any cruell or iniurious woorde. Before he was Emperour, he was the welthiest man of all the Empire: for that he did inherite from his foure graundfathers, greate and ample patrimonies: vnto whome he was sole inheritour. He was giuen to gather, conserue and augment his goodes, riches and wealth, but without all oppression to any person, for that he liued onely of him selfe, defrauding no man of his suite. After he obteined the Empire, when by chaunce any talke was moued of the couetousnesse of men, and of the necessitie of Princes, many times he woulde saye: I giue thankes to the immortall Gods, that since I haue beene Emperour, I haue not taken any thing from any man: either before, that euer I was benighted with debt. ‘He had great affection to the woorkes of the fielde, and therein had not onely the tooles and thinges necessarie for the purpose: that is to saye, buffes, oxen, cartes, ploughes, but he him self would be occupied in sowing corne, cutting vines, pruning trées, and at times would take the plough, and make a dozen of furrowes.’ He was extreme in nothing, but that in, and for all thinges, he placed him selfe in the middest: which he did very well discouer in the gouernement of his person and estate: wherein, neither for his prodigall expence, he was noted proude: either for want of a noble minde, estéemed a niggard. Many times the Heauens being cleare, and a settled faire weather in apparance, he would saye: vppon suche a daye wee shall [Page 123] haue raine, or chaunge of weather, wherein he neuer erred: and manye times did aduouche, that the knowledge thereof procéeded not of science, either of Philosophie, but of certeine experiences, which he gathered, when he vsed the labour of the fielde. ‘When on a certeine time, with his knife he was pruning of a plumb trée in his orcharde ioyning vnto the high way, a Senatour saide vnto him: since you are an Emperour, ceasse to vse the office of a labourer, vnto whome Antoninus aunswered: it is lesse euil for an Emperour to prune trées in his orcharde, then to consume lost time in his palace. He was very attentiue to that which was saide, and curiously he did consider, what others did: chiefely to the ende to attaine knowledge: for that naturally, he was sharpe and of delicate iudgement.’ He was alwayes occupied, either in reading, studying, disputing, or doing somethinge with his handes: and wherein he wanted skill, he disdained not to craue to be taught. Alwayes for the more parte, he went bare headed, through much heate he had therein: and one aduising him, the ayre of Rome to be very hurtfull, and therefore right necessarie to haue his head couered, aunswered: assure mée from troubles of men on earth, and I am assured that nothing shall offende mée, which the Gods shal send mée from Heauen. He was of him selfe excellent in Musike, delighted therein, and a greate friende to Musicians. Antoninus Pius, was suche and so good, that all heartes did loue him, all toungs did praise him, and all suche as did not knowe him, but by reporte, had him in admiration: finally, he was compared vnto Numa Pompilius, because in him there were not more vertues to be desired, either one onely vice to be reprehended.
CHAP. III. ¶The workes of pietie which he did, and the cause, why he was intituled Antoninus Pius.
ANnius Verus, father of the first Faustine, and father in lawe vnto Antoninus Pius, became so olde, that he was not able to sit on horsebacke, either to go on foote, but that he was led and staide by the arme, to saye his opinion in the Senate: because, from olde putrified men, ripe and found counsels do proceede. Antoninus Pius beeing the man that delighted to leade his old father, did not only giue him way in foule places, but in going vp of staires, did rather séeme to beare him, then leade him. ‘Passing on a certeine day, and beholding an olde man named Iulianus led vnto prison for debt, and vnderstanding the cause, he presently payed the same, and added a worke of more pittie, that payde not onely all his debtes, but gaue him also to susteine him & his house. For that a penall lawe, prouided in that behalf, that by iustice or otherwise, none shuld shead bloud within the compasse of Rome:’ for his cause at the gate Salaria, a place deputed for execution of offenders, and maisters also did there chastice their seruaunts: and thus it chaunced, that Antoninus Pius, passing that way, found there, many slaues bounde and beaten moste cruelly: he conceiued so great pitie, to sée them so beaten without pitie, that presently he bought them all: and the same daye he bought them, the verie same daye he made them frée. ‘From his youth it was his inclination to visite the sicke, and to accompany suche as were in sorrowe, distresse, and out of comfort: wherein the good Antoninus did so muche vtter the griefe, that he had of their griefe, & he so much sorrowed of their sorrowe, that no man did so sensibly féele his owne griefe, as he did bewaile the misfortune of others.’
[Page 125] ‘An auncient Romaine widowe, which had but one sonne, whose misfortune was to kill another young man, and being condemned to dye, the sorrowfull mother came lamē ting, wailing, and crying vnto the Emperour Antoninus: with whome he did so earnestly and so grieuously wéepe, as if it had béene his owne sonne. And being aduertised by his friendes, and his most speciall and priuate seruaunts how euil it became him to wéepe with and like a woman, aunswered: that sorrowfull woman came to craue helpe and succour for her sonne: and for that I may not relieue her with some remedie, I did assist to bewaile her mischaunce.’
‘The Romaines had a custome, to leaue the dead bodies of men executed in the fieldes: but Antoninus Pius was the first that gaue order for such bodies to be buried: affirming it sufficient, to take from men their liues, and not to féede beastes with their carcases. From the time of the proude Tarquine, the Romaines held for custome, to giue malefactours great tormentes: the good Antoninus did take away all tortures, wherwith the members of mans bodie was put in daunger: saying, that the torment was sufficient that were to chastice, but not to dismember. Fabatus, Dioscorus, Lipolus, Macrinus, Fuluius, Torquatus, Eucenius, Bruscos, and Emilius, whereof foure being Consuls, thrée Iudges, and two Pretors, and banished by Adrian, Antoninus gaue them all pardon: and for that many did mislike this déede, affirming it to be done to the preiudice of the fame and memorie of Adrian, he aunswered: Adrian my Lorde did not erre in that which he then did: and I thinke I do not erre in that which I nowe doe: because then, he did it to profite him selfe by his iustice, as I nowe doe to obteine aduauntage by clemencie.’ Whether so euer he went, either in Rome or other places of Italie, wéekely he did visite the prisoners, and the poore which he found there for debt, he commaunded the creditours with his owne money to be payde: and after that he had thrée times paide for one man, and the fourth time [Page 126] found in prison for debt: he commaunded him to be deliuered vnto his creditour for his slaue. A fewe dayes after this commaundement, his clemencie not able to endure so rigorous Iustice: notwithstanding the sentence was moste iust, he prouided at his owne cost once more to buy and to giue libertie vnto that poore man. As before recited, when Adrian was sicke, and so distempered with his infirmities, that some he commaunded to be taken, some banished, and some put to death: but Antoninus Pius being adopted Augustus, and being inuested with the whole gouernement, did neither arrest, banishe, or kill them: but onely commaunded to absent them selues, and not to appeare in his presence. Amongest all the notable workes of pietie that Antoninus did perfourme, was, that Adrian striuing and watching to kill him selfe, Antoninus did ouerwhatche to preserue a liue: being moste true according to sensualitie, he shoulde haue procured, and not haue giuen any impediment to haue finished his life: since vnto him, bothe house, goods, and estate shoulde succéede.
The Senatours, & many other magistrates of Rome, did attempt to adnihilate the lawes, and monumentes of Adrian: whiche Antoninus did most stiffely denye, withstand and repulse: and in the ende not onely did cause all his actes to be ratified, confirmed, and allowed: but also did frame and bring to passe with the Senate, that Adrian should be accompted amongest the Gods. He built in the honour of Adrian a moste solemne temple in a certeine place, named Pusoll, and did furnishe the same with Priestes to serue him, and endued them with rents to find them, and were commonly named Adrians priests. In the honour of Adrian, he did institute certeine playes, intituled Lustra, to be played euery fifth yere, for the maintenaunce whereof, he gaue great rentes.
‘Before Adrian died, he had made for him selfe a sumptuous sepulchre neare vnto the riuer Tiber, whether Antoninus brought him to be buried, and brought to [Page 127] passe with the Senatours, and the people of Rome, to receiue him with no lesse honour, then if he had béene a liue. No Prince had reigned in the Empire, that had not béene noted either cruell, or of small pietie, Antoninus Pius excepted: whoe with his tounge, neuer commaunded man to be slaine: either woulde euer firme sentence of death, or euer woulde beholde any man executed: because so greate was his clemencie, that he might not beholde the sheading of bloud.’
CHAP. IIII. ¶Of the woordes that Adrian saide vnto the Senate, when he did adopt Antoninus Pius.
AFter that the Emperour Adrian was recouered of a certeine great surfet, it hapned afterwards as he sate at his dinner, he was taken w t an incessant cough, whereof followed a bléeding at the nose, in suche abundance, and with such continuance, that both him selfe, and others thought, first to haue seene him dead, yer the bloud woulde haue ceassed to runne. Adrian perceiuing, the greater that his fluxe of bloud did increase, so muche the more his life did shorten: desiring like a good Prince, to prouide for the weale of his subiectes, comaunded all the Senatours, Consuls, and all other the notable officers of Rome to come before him, vnto whome he briefely saide certeine woordes, right worthie to be committed vnto memorie, as followeth.
His Oration to the assemblie.
Fathers conscript, you see with greate certeintie, howe soudeinly and vnawares death hath assailed mee, and by howe small occasion I lose my life. Let mee be an example vnto you, and all men, [Page 128] and holde it for most certeine, that that parte of life is most times in peril, where, of certeintie of life we had setled most affiance. Nature hath not graunted me to haue children of mine owne, but therefore I giue great thankes vnto the immortall Gods, because in deliuering mee from children, they haue discharged mee of greate and many cares. There goeth muche difference betwixt the ingendering, or the electing of a sonne: for the one proceedeth of necessitie, the other is elect at large, will, and libertie. The sonnes that nature giueth vs, are many times lame, filthie, and also foolishe: but such as wee adopt, wee elect them able, sound and discrete: for that no man is so imprudent which at the time of election, chooseth not the best. In time past, I elected Lucius, sufficiently knowen vnto you: but the destinies were so contrary vnto him, that before he had power to commaunde in the state of Rome, he was buried in his sepulture: but now we haue elected Antoninus for your emperour, whoe wee promise you, shall proue milde, benigne, quiet, and mercifull: for that clemencie is as naturall vnto him, as it is vnto the Sunne to giue light by daye. He receiueth the Empire in a competent age, to the ende ye feare not, by his too muche youth, to committ some rashe deede, either by too muche olde age, negligently to gouerne the common wealth. He hath beene bred and nourished in our own countrie, and therefore will obserue the customes thereof. Also his life hath been trained vnder our own lawes, a sufficient occasion to auoide all searche of vnnecessarie lawes of straunge countries, and this you haue to regarde, not as a matter of small importance: because there is not any thing that more doeth offende [Page 129] the common wealth, then to infecte the same with straunge and vnused customes. He knoweth what thing it is to go on warrefare, to gouerne armies, to suffer both passions and motions of people, to vse clemencie with some, and to correct others: in suche wise, that in him is conteined greate sufficience, for the gouernement of the common wealth, since in all thinges he hath experience. Ye knowe him, and he knoweth you, ye haue dealt with him, and he hath dealt with you: & I hold of him such opinion, that he will neither despise you, either forget you: in such manner, that his obedience shalbe vnto mee, as vnto a father, and shal deale with you in loue, like a brother. And I woulde that all you which be here present, as also all other persons in Rome, that vpon such condition I transferre the Empire, that after his dayes he leaue the same vnto Marcus Aurelius his sonne in lawe, and my seruaunt: and from henceforth, I sweare and protest, that these two elections shalbe acceptable vnto the Gods, and profitable vnto men. In credite, life, and science, Marcus Aurelius doth exceede Antoninus: but that hitherto Antoninus hath had more experience: for which cause vnto him, the rather we haue commended the Empire, because, for the generall gouernement of any estate or common wealth, one yeare of experience is more worth then ten yeres of science. I haue beene weake, carelesse and negligent, in many thinges of the common wealth, partely inforced therunto by the greatnesse of mine enimies, but for the recompence thereof, I do leaue two suche Princes one after the other, to gouerne the Empire, which for their singularitie in science and vertue, shall excell all that be past, and I [Page 130] doubt in equalitie, not to be matched with any their successours.
These wordes being saide by Adrian, he drewe a ring from his finger, and put the same vppon the fingar of Antoninus Pius, and after that houre he was holden, serued, and obeyed as Romaine Emperour: notwithstandinge that Adrian liued some time after. Perfect was the election of the Emperour Nerua, in the good Traiane, and no lesse of Traiane in the adoption of Adrian, and moste iust of Adrian in the election of Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius, which fiue Emperours were such and so good, one after the other: which séemed a Prognostication, that the felicitie of Romaine Emperours, should in them take an ende.
CHAP. V. ¶Of the offices that Antoninus helde before he was Emperour.
‘BEfore Antoninus Pius came vnto the height of y e Empire, he did oft put foorth his money to vsurie, but all the gaines of that trade, he spent in succouring the poore, and redéeming captiues. He was sent on a time by Adrian to visite the Isle of Sicyl: in which visitation he reformed many people, chasticed many tyraunts, depriued many officers, remoued many enimities, repaired ruinous buildinges, did melt manye counterfeit coynes: but moste of all in suche manner did gouerne the common wealth, that no man remained discontented.’
He was iiij. yeares Pretor within Rome, he was Consul in Campania, with Catilinus Seuerus, he was Iudge thrée yeres together, in al which offices he was neuer noted, either rashe in commaundements, or rigorous in his chasticements.
[Page 131] Adrian diuided all Italie into foure iurisdictions, placing in euery one a Consul for gouernement thereof, and established Antoninus supreme gouernour of them all: in such wise, that he helde such authoritie and credite, that in Rome all was gouerned by his counsell: and in Italie all did obey his commaundementes. Were his person farre distant, alwayes Adrian and the Senate had his counsell present: the cause whereof procéeded of his cleare iudgement, in the foundation of that which he saide: and through the bountie of his vertue, he frankly did speake his opinion.
Wée saide not without iust cause, that by his vertue, he did fréely saye his opinion: for speaking the very truth, he is not onely vniust, but verie wicked, that hath libertie in his speeche, and hath not vertue in his life. Exercising in Asia the office of Proconsul, he vttered so greate wisedome in his commaundementes, and so much without couetousnesse in his dealings, that he was intituled, the holy proconsul, which gouernement amongest strangers, by a straunger, was a case somewhat straunge, because detestation alwayes accompanieth such gouernement.
Comming from Asia vnto Rome, in Antioche he buried his eldest daughter: whoe had such fame in her life, that after her death she left behinde a slaunderous memorie. Wée haue saide howe the wife of Antoninus was named Faustine, which was mother vnto the faire Faustine wife vnto Marcus Aurelius: and moste truely, both mother and daughter were touched with infamie, by the meane of too muche libertie, and too little vertue.
It was neuer séene in the Romaine Empire, that two so vertuous Princes, had wiues so licentious: notwithstanding the one was sufficiētly aduised, the other corrected: but for that they were so gratious in their conuersation, and so perfect beautifull of their persons: it was very little which was saide vnto them, in respect of that which was dissembled.
[Page 132] Antoninus was so limitted in that which he saide, and so aduised in the counsels which he gaue, that he neuer repented that demaunded the same. Before Antoninus came vnto the Empire, he was couetous, but afterwardes very liberall: and his wife reprehending, that he vsed no order in giuing or spending, he aunswered: Faustine, simple is thy iudgement, since thou vnderstandest not, that after we were aduaunced vnto the Empire, we lost all that euer we had, because all Princes of noble mindes be bounde to giue, but haue no licence to kéepe or hoorde.
The tribute coronall, that is to saye, the money that was giuen vnto the Emperours for their coronation: the one halfe therof he gaue vnto the cities of Italie, to relieue the charges of the common wealth. His wife he did both honour, and cause to be honoured: and it was in such maner, that he obtained and brought to passe with the Senate, that shée shoulde be intituled Augusta Faustina, and in her owne name to graue and stampe certeine money, the whiche is séene at these dayes. Antoninus was imbraced with so ardent affection of the Senate, that without his request, they erected the pictures and counterfeits of his father and mother, his graundfathers, and graundmothers, his brothers and sisters, notwithstanding they were all dead.
The Circene playes, which were vsed euery fifth yeare, the Senate did ordeine to celebrate euery yere on the daye of his natiuitie. And after that he therefore had greatly gratified the Senate: by greate request he obteyned the celebration of them, to be perfourmed on the day of Adrians death.
The Senate to satisfie Antoninus, consented that his wife Faustina, shoulde be intituled Augusta: and also in the coynes whiche they made, vnto her honour, there shoulde be ingrauen, Augusta Faustina: whiche excellencie, was neuer graunted to anye Woman [Page 133] of Rome: for that in giuing her the title of Augusta, they gaue her authoritie to set her hande to the thinges of the common wealth.
CHAP. VI. ¶Howe he helde all prouinces in peace, not by armes, but with letters.
AMongest al the Romaine Princes, there was none, that performed so great constancie in his affaires, as Antoninus Pius: which procéeded, for that he was not rashe in his commaundements, either variable in his determinations, but that exactly he considered and examined, what he did commaunde: and after, for no importunitie would reuoke the same. Antoninus being resident in the prouince of Campania, sending vnto the Senate to request a certeine matter, which notwithstanding the difficultie thereof, was graunted: Gaius Rufus a Senatour, saide vnto him. Serene Prince, I beséeche thée to giue mée to vnderstande, by what reason it is brought to passe, that in all thy enterprises thou doest neuer repent: in all thy requestes thou art neuer denied: either in al thy commaundements thou arte neuer disobeyed. To whome Antoninus made aunswere: If I repent mée not of any my déedes, it is because I do them according to reason: and if my requests are not denied of the Senate, it is because I craue not but that which is iust: and if in my commaundements I am not disobeyed, it procéedeth that they are more profitable vnto the common welth then for mine owne person.
Most truely these were words right worthie of such a mā, and to y e memorie of Princes most chiefely to be commended. It was an auncient custome amongst y e Romaines, to haue the time limitted for their residence in their offices, [Page 134] that is to say, the Dictatour, sixe monethes, the Consul one yere, the Pretor two yeres, the Censour three yeres, the maister of the horssemen halfe a yeare, and so of the rest.
Antoninus woulde not consent vnto this custome, but in euery respect did alter the same, in such wise, that with some that shoulde haue continued but two or thrée yeares, he helde them in office seuen or eight yeares: and others that shoulde haue continued thrée yeares, hee displaced them in thrée monethes: affirminge, that the good officer ought to be conserued all the dayes of his life, but the euill, not to be suffered one onely daye.
‘He sent Fuluius Tusculanus, as Pretor into y e prouince of Mauritania, whome w tin half a yere he depriued of his office: for y t he was bothe impatient & some what couetous: and complaining of the iniurie, saide and alledged, that in times past, he had béene friend vnto Antoninus, which nowe was forgotten. Whereunto Antoninus Pius did aunswer: thou hast no reason thus vniustly to blame mée, because the office was giuen thée by the Emperour, and not by Antoninus: and since thou diddest offende, not as Fuluius, but as Pretor: euen so I discharged thée of thine office, not as Antoninus thy old friende, but as an Emperour of the Romaine Empire.’ He was not inclined to beginne warres, either in his owne person to prosecute the same: for he holde opinion, that the Prince with more sounde counsell shoulde commend his warres vnto his Captaines, to the ende in his owne person to gouerne the common wealth, then to goe to the warres him selfe, and leaue his common wealth vnto others.
Talkinge on a time in his presence, of warres and battels, that Iulius Caesar, Scipio, and Hanibal, had fought and ouercame in the worlde, Antoninus Pius aunswered: Let euery man holde opinion what he [Page 135] thinketh good, and praise what it pleaseth him: but for mine owne parte, I doe more glorie in conseruing peace many yeares: then with warres to conquere many battailes.
In the seconde yere of his Empire, the Britains rebelled, against whome he sent the Consul Laelius Vrbicus, whoe subdued that Islande, although afterwards by mischaunce he lost his life.
In the thirde yeare of his Empire, the Mauritanes also rebelled, whiche are a people of Africa: againste whome he sent the Consul Murus Cespitius, whoe vsed so greate policie in those warres, that hée constrained them to craue peace. In those dayes the Germaines and the Datians had greate warres amongest them selues, vppon the diuision of certeine territories: but in the ende, after their owne destruction, amongest them selues, they came to suche concorde, that they bent their whole force, as cruell enimies against Rome, and the countries thereof: protesting and affirminge, their charges to bée muche more in paying so greate, and so continuall tribute, then might arrise by defence of their persons against the Romaine power.
Antoninus vnderstanding of this rebellion, hee woulde not presently sende foorth an armie, but a Iudge with greate power, to visite those countries, to mittigate and vnfolde all griefes, and to remoue all vniust tributes, and ioyntly therewith did write suche and so good woordes, that at the instant those Barbarians left their armour, and did yeld their countries vnto the obedience of Rome.
Of this example, all mightie Princes haue to take example, to the ende, that with furie they vndertake not to tame a furious people: because manye times, hartes be more tamed with swéete woordes then with cruell armes.
[Page 136]The Iewes that were in the prouince of Pentapolis, also he did represse and tame, which was don by the hands of the president that was in Assyria, whom he commaunded first to offer them peace before he made them warre. In Achaia and Aegypt also certeine people did rebell: vnderstanding the occasion to procéede of the Romaine Pretors, whiche were rigorous in their commaundements, and couetous in their dealings, gaue order, that his officers were chastised and the people pardoned.
The Pretors that were resident in the countries of the Alanes, sent to complaine at Rome, howe daily they were threatened to be slaine, onely for demaunding tribute: vnto whome Antoninus aunswered. We haue receiued your letters, and be grieued with your perils, and no lesse sorrowe your trauailes: if these people do paye their tribute which they doe owe: suffer their threateninge which they make: because it is néedelesse to thinke that any man which is a tributarie, shall liue contented. In any wise, aduenture not to giue them iniurious woordes, to committ briberie, or to do them wrong: because in suche cases, wée haue to heare their complaintes, and to correct your offences. The Gods haue you in keeping, and guide well your Fortune.
CHAP. II. ¶Howe he did visite the officers of his common wealth, and the reformation of his house.
WHen Antoninus sent any Pretor to gouerne any prouince, he was not satisfied that he were wise, prudent, and valiaunt: but also without any infection of pride, or couetousnesse: for he helde opinion, that he may euill gouerne a common wealthe, that is a [Page 137] subiect to pride or couetousnesse. ‘Vnto Pretours, Censours, and Questours, before he gaue them any gouernement of any countrie, first, he caused them to giue an inuentorie, of their owne proper goods: to the end that when their charge were finished, the increase of their wealth might be considered: and ioyntly therewith he did both say and warne them, that he sent them to minister iustice, and not by fraude to rob countries. In all thinges that Antoninus commaunded, prouided, and chastised, he was very pitifull: such excepted, as did offend in the execution of iustice: with whom he was both rigorous & extreme: in such wise, that other offences, were they very great, he did pardon them: but as concerning iustice, the smallest offence was grieuously punished. On a time certaine officers of his treasure, brought him a memoriall: wherein was conteined the manner and fourme, yearely to increase his rents, which being séene and read, in the backe thereof, he did write these wordes: the order and fourme that you haue to searche, ought not to be to the augmentation of my rents: but for the aduancement of my common welth: eyther to impose newe tributes, but to deuise with order, to auoyde excessiue expences: for if Romaine Princes vse no rule to moderate their charges, eyther we shall lose our selues, or rob our common wealthes. Amongest all the Princes past, onely Antoninus did neuer permit, the rents of his estate, eyther more or lesse to be augmented: but rather did pardon many common wealthes, of their olde debts, and also relieued others of some newe impositions.’ Presents that were brought him, of siluer, golde, silke, purple, iuels, or other riche things, he woulde not receiue them, were it not of the kings that payde tribute vnto the Empire: for he helde opinion, that the common wealthes, rather then him selfe, had néede thereof. The things that he vsed most commonly to receiue, were bookes to reade in, horsses to runne, and fruite to féede on: which he forgate not, gratefully to recompence. In affaires he vsed great expedition, that is to say, that if he [Page 138] once did vndertake any businesse, he neuer withdrewe his hand, vntill it were finished. ‘Euery yeare he caused his house to be visited, as concerning excessiue expences: if exaction or briberie were committed by any of his houshold, against straungers: if they did serue, which receiued wages: if amongest them, there were any that were notably vicious: finally, all that whiche the visitour for the remedie hereof did set downe, presently was perfourmed.’ For the time of Domitian, the Emperours officers had a custome, to receiue many & chargeable fées of al men, that by warrant of the Princes liberalitie receiued reliefe: which the Emperour Antoninus, as a vile custome, did vtterly take away: affirming, that a gratious rewarde, ought gratis to be dispatched. The pryde, the presumption, the hautinesse, and also the tediousnesse of the whole Empire, he brought, placed, and restored vnto the plat of great humilitie: in suche wise, that as easily they dispatched affaires, with the Emperour Antoninus, as with a citizen of Rome. A matter surely to be noted, to beholde the Court of Rome, in the dayes of this good Prince, howe perfect the refourmation thereof was established: for surely, whether their affaires, were eyther with the Prince, or with the Senate, ‘neyther did they beginne their suit with feare, or were dispatched, with iust cause to murmur. The officers of his house, and also of the Senate, by whose handes matters were dispatched, some he aduaunced, and to others he gaue double fée: to no other ende, but to remoue them from aduenturing to take any bribe.’ Being (as he was) a great friend vnto the common wealth, and not a little delighted to be in the grace thereof, and to this ende, with the good he vsed great liberalitie, and with the euill great clemencie: in such wise, that of all men he was beloued, and also praysed: as well for that he pardoned the one, as gaue vnto the other. All that euer he sayde or wished, to be vsed of good Princes, the same did he perfourme after he was Emperour: and refourmed all things, that he thought were to be amended.
[Page 139] ‘In the third yeare of his Empire, Faustine his dearely beloued wife dyed, in whose death he did vtter so great sorrowe, that it exceeded the authoritie of his estate, and also the grauitie of his person. In the memorie of Faustine, he placed hir picture in all the temples, and perfourmed with the Senate, that she should be recounted amongest the Goddesses, which was, as to canonize hir: all whiche was truely agréed by the Senate, more at the request of Antoninus, then for the deseruings of Faustine.’
CHAP. VIII. Of certaine notable buildings erected by Antoninus.
THe buildings which he made were not many, but excéeding stately and sumptuous: for in them appeared and were represented the greatnes of his estate, and the magnanimitie that he had in spending. He built a temple in the reuerence of his Lorde Adrian: wherein he erected a picture of siluer, with a Coronet of golde, and a chaplet of Nacre: a worke most certainly, no lesse curious then costly. He reedified a certaine building, called Gregostasens: which serued to lodge all straunge ambassadours: bycause the Romaines did vse to giue ambassadours, an house to dwell in, and a stipend for their dyet. He did amplifie and nobilitate the sepulchre of his Lord Adrian: wherevnto none durst approch, but on their knées. The greatest session house of al Rome, was burnt in the time of Domitian: which the good Antoninus, built from the foundation. He built the temple of Agrippa, and indued and dedicated the same, in the reuerence of the Goddesse Ceres. Ouer the riuer Rubicon, he built a sumptuous and a stately bridge, and also not a little necessarie: bycause afore time many were there daungered, and aftewardes that way muche victuall, and prouision was carried.
[Page 140]Not farre distant from the port of Hostia, neare vnto the sea, he built a right strong tower, for the safetie and defence of the ships of Rome: which a foretime might not bring in any victuall or other prouision, but were distressed of pyrates. The hauen or port of Gaieta, whiche had bene long through great antiquitie forsaken, he freshly reedified, that is to say, built newe houses, erected a mightie tower, made a strong wall, placed inhabitants, and gaue them great priuileges: in such wise, that whereas afore time, it was a thing vtterly forgotten, it was from thence foorth most estéemed. That whiche he did in Gaieta, he perfourmed in a porte of Spaine named Taragon: whiche he reedified, & amplified, with great buildings and priuileges. A myle from the port of Hostia, he built a sumptuous and a curious bathe, and indued the same in suche manner, ‘that in all Italie it was the onely bath, that was vnto all men frée without charges. A myle without Rome he built thrée temples, naming them Laurianos, for that many bay trées grewe there, to this ende: that the dames and matrones of Rome, walking according vnto their manner, should encounter with some Church to pray in.’
CHAP. IX. Of certaine lawes which the Emperour Antoninus Pius made.
IT was a law amongst the Romaines, that such as were put to death by iustice, might make no testament: but that in loosing their life, they lost also their goods. Antoninus moued with pietie, did ordein, that none for any fault, what so euer, should ioyntly loose both life and goods: but if any were put to death, he might frankly make a testament of his owne proper goods. Where he had placed any good and sound Iudge in any common wealth: he did not onely permit him not to be remoued: but also with giftes and requestes he did susteine him. This good Prince made a law, [Page 141] that none should presume to sue to the Prince or Senate, for the office of iustice: vppon paine to be banished Rome. There was in Rome a Iudge, named Gaius Maximus, who in Rome continued a iudge twentie yeares: of whom Antoninus wold oft say, that he had neuer séene, heard, or read of a man more cleare of life, eyther right in iustice. In the place of Gaius Maximus, there succéeded Tatius Succinus, a man surely of many hoare haires, and of muche learning: but the office of Pretour being so tedious, and he of yeares so auncient, dyed immediately vpon the burthen thereof. Antoninus being infourmed, that the good olde Tatius dyed with the burthen of his office, diuided the same betwixt Cornelius, and Repentinus: but after the Emperour being infourmed, howe the Senate had giuen the same vnto Repentinus, not for his deseruing, but at the suite of a Gentlewoman of the Courte: he commaunded him publikely to be banished, declaring by the voice of a cryar throughout all Rome, that he was banished for obteining the office of a Iudge, by the suit of a woman. This was the first officer of Rome, that in the dayes of Antoninus, suffered punishment, which correction gaue so greate feare throughout the Romaine Empire, that from thencefoorth the Emperour Antoninus was as muche feared of the euill, as beloued of the good. ‘A mightie Senatour named Tranquillus, confessing to haue procured his fathers death, of extreme desire to inherite: he commaunded to be remoued into an Island, onely to passe his life with the breade of sorrowe, and the water of teares. All the time of his Empire, he gaue wheate and oyle vnto the citizens of Rome.’ The people of Rome in those dayes, being giuen to drinke wine without measure: he commaunded that none shuld presume to sel wine, but in Apothecaries shops for the sicke or diseased. He established a lawe for him self and his successours, that openly thrée dayes in the wéeke, they should shewe them selues in Rome: and if by any weightie cause, there happened some impediment, that on suche dayes their gates should stand wide open, without [Page 142] porters, that fréely the poore might repaire to follow their suits. In deare yeres he did ordeine through Italie, that no gardener should dare to sowe in his garden any féede, but wheate and barley: whereby the poore of the common wealthe might be relieued of their penurie. He made an vniuersall lawe, throughout the Empire, that gouerners and rulers of the people, should not aduenture to spende the goods of the common wealth, in matters eyther vnprofitable or superfluous: but to the defence of enimies, or repayring of fortifications, eyther else for prouision of the common wealth in time of deare yeares. There was in Rome certaine stipendarie interpreters of all languages, to manifest the meaning of straunge ambassadours: whose fée and office Antoninus commanded to be forbidden, and taken away, affirming it to be verie conuenient vnto the greatnesse and maiestie of Rome, that al nations and kingdomes should learne to speake their speache: and that it were abasement for them, to learne any straunge toung. ‘Also he did ordeine, that al the old, impotent, & blind people in Rome, should be susteined at the charges of the common wealth: but such as were younger and more able, shoulde be constrained, eyther to boult meale at the bakers, or to blowe the bellowes at the smythes.’ By chaunce on a certaine day, he founde an olde seruitour, whiche he had knowne long in the warres, rubbing and clawing him selfe against the pillers of the Churche: Adrian demaunding why he did so rubbe him selfe, and weare out his clothes: the olde man made answere, I haue no garments to clothe my selfe, neyther any man giueth me to eate: yet if it may please thée, Adrian, I haue founde meane to rub my selfe. Adrian tooke great compassion of that whiche he did sée, but much more of that which he heard: and presently he commaunded goods to be giuen him, and slaues to serue him. And as enuie, is naturall vnto the poore, as pryde is common among the riche: The next day other two poore men came before Adrian, rubbing them selues amongst the pillers, in hope to receiue the like liberalitie: [Page 143] whom he willed to be called vnto him, commaunding the one to scratch the other, and by turne to ease each other of his itch. Vnto king Pharasmaco of the Parthians, Adrian gaue great giftes: that is to say, fiftie Eliphants armed with their towers, and thrée hundred men of Hiberin in the countrie of Spaine, which were of his guard.
CHAP. XI. Of the prodigious and monstruous things that happened during the Empire of Antoninus.
MAny trauels and hard aduentures followed the Emperour Antoninus while he liued, and also in all his kingdomes, in the time of his reigne: bicause Fortune is so variable, that she neuer stayeth her wheele, or euer ceaseth to be turning thereof. ‘In the second yeare of his reigne, hunger was so great, so sharpe, and so generall throughout all Italie, that thereof there dyed no lesse, then if it had bene of a fierce pestilence. There was in Asia, so cruell, and so generall an earthquake, that many houses and buildings were subuerted, many people slayne, and not a fewe cities disinhabited: for the repayring of which great hurtes, he sent not onely money from the common wealth of Rome, but also plentifully sent his treasure out of his owne coffers. In the moneth of Ianuarie, there was in Rome so furious a fire, that it burnt ten thousand houses, wherein there perished of men, women, and children, more then tenne thousande. In the same yeare was burnt the stately place of Carthage, the one halfe of Antioche, and in a manner the whole citie of Narbona. In the moneth of August, there was at Rome great floudes: and besides, losse of their corne, both reapt and vnreapt. The riuer Tyber did so swell and ouerflowe, that one dayes losse was not repayred in thrée yeares. On the fourth of the monethe of Maie, there appeared a starre ouer Rome, conteyning the quantitie of the whéele of a myll: [Page 144] which threw out sparkes so thicke and so continuall, that it séemed rather the fire of a forge, then the shining of a starre. In the sixt yeare of the Empire of Antoninus, in Rome was borne a childe with two heades, the one like a man, the other like a dogge: but the straungenesse of the matter did more excéede, in that, with one head he did cry and barke, as a whelpe: and with the other did wéepe as a childe. In the citie of Capua, a woman was brought a bed and deliuered of fiue sonnes. At that time was séene in Arabia, a great and a most huge serpent: which being séene of many persons, vpon the height of a rocke, did eate halfe his owne tayle: in which yeare, there was throughout all Arabia, & maruellous greate pestilence. In the ninthe yeare of the Empire of Antoninus, in the citie of Mesia, barley was séene to growe in the heads of their trées: in such wise, that no trée bare fruite that yeare, but eares of of barley. In the same yeare, there happened in the kingdome of Artenitos, in a citie named Triponia: foure wilde and vnknowne Lions to lye downe in the market place: which became so tame, that they made them packehorsse to the mountaines for wood, and boyes became horssemen vppon their backes. In the kingdome of Mauritania, a childe was borne, which had the heade turned backwards, which liued, and was bred vp, and also suche as would eyther sée or speake with him, most conueniently did place them selues at his backe: which notwithstanding, coulde both sée, speake, and go, but with his hands might not féede him selfe. There died in Rome a Senatour, named Rufus, a man of great wealth and credite, whiche after his death did many times come to the Senate: sitting in his wonted place, and clad with garments, after his olde fashion, but was neuer hearde speake one worde: and this vision continued in the Senate, full two yeares.’
CHAP. XI. Of the warres that happened in the reigne of Antoninus Pius, and other his actes.
IT chaunced vnto no Romaine prince, as it did vnto Antoninus: which alwayes remaining within the bounds of Italie, and commonly within Rome, was so beloued, feared, and serued of all straunge kings and kingdomes, as if personally he visited & had conquered thē. In the fourth yeare of his empire, king Pharasmaco came to Rome, but onely to sée Antoninus, and brought and presented vnto him, so muche and so maruellous thinges, that the eyes of men were not satisfied in beholding, eyther their hearts in wishing them. The king of Parthians, had taken awaye much landes from the king of Armenia: who sent to complaine vnto the Romaines, as vnto their friends, alies, and confederates: for whome the Emperour Antoninus did write his letters vnto the king of Parthians, to cease to do wrong, and also to make restitution vnto the Armenians: whose letters being receiued and read, was presently obeied and perfourmed. King Abogarus one of the mightiest and most notable kinges of the Orient, the Emperour Antoninus did force to come to Rome: bycause that owing a great summe of money vnto one of his vassals, he would not come to account. The good Emperour Traiane, had constrained the Parthians to receiue their seate and royall crowne, at the handes of the Romaines: which subiection, the Parthians both denyed and refused: but Antoninus not only by letters, but also by apparant threatnings, did force them to yealde and consent vnto the obedience of Rome. Rometalce king of the Pindaroes, was accused in y e Senate, of disloyaltie vnto the Romaines, in the warres they helde against the Rhodes: who cōming vnto Rome, to quite him selfe, the good Antoninus did not onely confirme him in his kingdome: but also did not permit, that [Page 146] for any thing past, any motion should be made: affirming that his offence might not be so great, but that his submissiue apparance did reforme the same. The Olbiopolites a people in Asia, held warre with y e Taurocistes, alies of Rome: vnto whom Antoninus sente succour by sea, and with assistance of the Romanes, subdued the Olbiopolites, who not only paid all charges of the warres, but also gaue hostages to maintaine peace. Antoninus neuer raised warre, but that first he sought to conserue peace, and praised not a little that saying of Scipio: that is to say, Hee rather wished the life of one citizen of Rome, thē the death of a thousand enimies. When hée married his daughter Faustina vnto Marcus Aurelius, he made a sūptuous feast, and gaue great rewards vnto his men of warre. He held his sonne Marcus Aurelius in great reuerence, and would haue made [...]im Consul, which hee refused, holding it for more happie, to turne bookes, then to appease nations.
After he had sent vnto Calcedonie for the great Philosopher Apollonius, and had giuen him an house to dwell in solitarilie, neare vnto the riuer Tiber: Antoninus sent for him, who refusing to come sent answeare, That schollers do vse to come to their maisters, and not maisters vnto their scholers: whereat Antoninus laughing said: A trim ieste, that Apollonius hath paste so many seas, from Calcedonie vnto Rome, and now refuseth from his house to come to mine. Although Apollonius were learned in Philosophie, yet was hée in his life very couetous: whereat when certaine in presence of the Emperour did murmur, hée aunsweared: for very deare that Philosophers sell vs their Philosophie: alwayes their science is more worthe which they teach vs, then the goodes which wée giue them.
CHAP. XII. ¶ Of the succession of the Empire, and the occasion of his death.
AS y e Emperour Antoninus in his youth was alwayes a frend vnto the vertuous, euen so in his age carefully hée did séeke the conuersation of the wise: and therewith had no lesse care of publique matters, then of his owne priuate affaires. Generally hée was so liked and loued of al nations, that in all temples, in all walles, gates, and buildings, these foure letters were placed, namely V.A.C.R. whiche is to saye Vita Antonini Conseruatur Respublica: which is to saye, On the life of Antoninus, the whole weale of the Romane Empire dependeth. Leauing a part many good lawes, which he made for the Common wealth, for which purpose, hee had alwayes attendant about him, men in the lawes singularly learned, who among y e chiefe was Vindemius Verus, Siluius Valente, Abolusius Metianus, Vlpius Marcellus, and Iabolinus: before whome hée set the lawes of all kingdomes, and of the most necessarie and approued, to take the choice to be established in his kingdomes. When he did institute any lawe, either ordeine any proclamation, he alwayes expressed therein so great reason, that his commaundements were neuer disobeyed, either his lawes reuoked. ‘The cause of his death they say was after this maner: from Gallia Transalpina, that is to say, swéete Fraunce, they did present him certaine chéeses, whereof he eating at his supper more then was conuenient, they ministred vnto him a perillous vomit, whereby they discharged his stomache not onely of meate superfluous, but also of bloud righte necessarie, which bredd in him a furious feuer, and finding himselfe [Page 148] in great weaknesse, without disposition to sléepe, either appetite to eate: he commaunded al the Senatours and chief gouernours, to be called vnto his presence: and before thē all did commende the common wealth vnto Marcus Aurelius his sonne, and Faustine his daughter. And making his testament in verie good order, wherin he gaue vnto his seruants great gifts, which being finished and perfourmed, he gaue vnto his daughter Faustine, the inheritaunce of all his lands which he possessed before he came vnto the Empire. His feauer increasing, and his strength and life wasting, the fourth day of his sicknesse about noone, beholding and viewing all the circumstants, and shutting his eyes as if he would sléepe, gaue vp the ghost: who was no lesse bewailed at his death, then he was beloued in time of life: and presently by conformitie of the whole Senate, was intituled Holie: and all the people at the newes of his death, a vie in euery streate did grite, skrich, and cry, aduauncing and magnifying his bountie, clemencie, benignitie, liberalitie, iustice, patience, prudence, and prouidence. Al the honours were done vnto him, and all the famous titles were giuen him, that vpon any noble Prince had bene imployed. And deserued that in the temple of Iupiter, a priest of his owne name should be institute. Also they built him a temple, and dedicated vnto his honour the Circene playes, and a fraternitie: where they were all called Antonines. This Prince onely amongest all Princes, liued and dyed without sheading of bloude: and for likelinesse, compared vnto Numa Pompilius, not onely in good gouernement of the common wealth, but also for sinceritie of life.’
The life of the Emperour Commodus, the sonne of good Marcus Aurelius: compiled by Syr Anthonie of Gueuara, byshop of Mondonnedo, preacher, Chronicler, and Coūseler vnto the Emperour Charles the fift.
CHAP. I. ¶ Of the byrth of the Emperour Commodus,
THe Emperour Commodus had to his grandfather Annius Verus, and his father was the good Emperour Marcus Aurelius: and his mother was the right faire and renouned Faustine: on whose side, he was nephewe vnto the Emperour Antoninus Pius, a man of a refourmed life, and very beneficiall vnto the common wealth of Rome. He was borne in a certaine place named Lodie, on the eight day of September: at the time that his father, and Drusius his vnckle, were Consuls: the one gouerning matters of warre in Datia, and the other in refourmation of causes in the common wealth. The Empresse Faustine being great with childe, and neare vnto the time of her childe byrth, dreamed that she was deliuered of certaine serpents, but especially of one, more fierce then the rest: of which dreame, when his father Marcus Aurelius was infourmed, they say, that he sayde: I feare me Faustine, that the sonne of this birth, shall proue so fierce a Serpent, that shall be of power to commit a murther of our fame, and to poyson the whole common wealth of Rome. The Astronomers and Nekromantiques, which in those dayes were [Page 150] resident in Rome, they sayde and prognosticated many things of the byrth of the Emperour Commodus: and as it appeared afterwardes they sayde very little, in respect of that which followed: bycause this miserable and vnfortunate Prince, in his manners, did rather resemble the infernall furies, then reasonable creatures. From his infancie his father Marcus Aurelius, carefully did trauell, in the learning and instruction of his sonne Commodus: for whiche purpose, he made inquisition throughout the whole Empire, for men learned in science, and of life and manners refourmed. His first scholemaisters were, Onesicrates to teach him Gréeke, Capilus to instruct him in the Latine, Teyus to instruct him in the Art of Oratorie, Pulion to infourme him in Musike, Calphurnius to giue him order for behauiour on horsbacke, and Marcius to giue him rules for good manners: for that his father hauing no more sonnes, did not a little trauell, to frame in him suche perfection, as was due vnto a most noble and perfect Prince. But alas for pitie, that so many and so excellent men, neyther could persuade him to followe or imbrace vertue, eyther seperate him from his detestable vices. Right happie may we call those fathers, whose hap is to haue children inclined to vertue: for if they naturally be euill inclined, neyther doth it profite, that whiche their maisters teach them, eyther wherefore their parents do correct them. ‘After Faustine was conceiued with Commodus, she neuer ceassed to say, howe painefull he was in bréeding, and howe daungerous in his birth: and his nourses for his byting when he did sucke, alwayes complained: in suche wise, that from the time of his first conception he was painefull, and tedious in conuersation. After Commodus was weined, and began to féede him self and learne to talke: presently it appeared, that he was harde of condition, intollerable to serue, ingrateful of benefites, a glutton in féeding, malicious in countenaunce, cruell in reuengement, impatient in iniuries, proude in commaundements, and aboue all, filthy, double, and vncertaine in his [Page 151] talke. At the sixte yeare of his age, it was maruellous to sée howe in so tender yeares, he was giuen to all manner of vice: that none whatsoeuer in times past, had vsed such industrie to proue eyther valiant or learned, as the vnfortunate Commodus did trauell to be vicious. He was sharpe and of a delicate wit, and of excellent memorie: he was also, quarelling, valiaunt, and doughtie: most apparant in him from his infancie: for he was neuer séene to feare eyther water, or fire, sworde, or wilde beastes. Nature also had indued him with naturall abilities, whiche valiauntnesse if he had imployed in warres, eyther his memorie vnto learning, or his wit vnto vertues, he might haue proued an other Alexander in prowesse: or Plato in science, eyther Traiane in iustice: but by euill conuersation, he rightly resembled Brute the traytour, Nero the cruell, and Catiline the tyrant.’
CHAP. II. Of the honourable titles, giuen vnto the Emperour Commodus, in time of his youth.
NOtwithstanding that Commodus was as yet but young, he was ouerthwart, quarellous, hatefull, and generally of the people not well liked. At the age of fourtene yeares, the Senate gaue him the title of Caesar: not for the merite of the sonne, but to yealde to the vertue of the father. The Emperour Marcus Aurelius, séeing his sonne increase in age, and decrease in vertue, aduised to place him in a college of priestes, with whom many sonnes of noble men were bred: but in the end, he as little profited, by the companie of priestes, as by the doctrine of his scholemaisters: for he helde alwayes, enimitie with other mens counsell, and great friendship with his owne will. When his father came from the Parthike warres, in token of gratefulnesse, the Senate gaue vnto Commodus the title of Prince: which name vnto that day, was neuer giuen vnto the sonne of any Emperour.
[Page 152]The Romaine Princes held a custome, yearely to giue vnto the people for their sustentation, wheate, wine, and oyle, and other thinges, on which day alwayes in Rome they made great feastes. Commodus being then of fiftene yeares of age, and also placed in the temple of Traiane, gaue and diuided vnto the people, their accustomed shares of wheate, oyle, and wine: on that day Commodus was so feasted of all the Senate, as his father was the day he entered triumphing into Rome. When the Emperour Marcus Aurelius came from the warres of the Argonautes, he was receiued into Rome with great triumphe: and the more to honour and to do him pleasure, the Senate did ordeine, that his sonne Commodus, should with him be placed, in the chariot triumphant: & further & beside this, they did inuest him with the garment imperiall: that is to say, they did abilitate and elect him, that after the death of his father, his sonne Commodus should be Emperour. Marcus Aurelius went into Aegypt, and also into Assyria, to visite those countries, and lead with him his sonne Commodus. The Senate vnderstanding the noble works and déedes which he performed in al those countries and prouinces, sent him a dispensatiō of the law Annuaria, which did prohibite, that no young man might be admitted to be Consul: to the end that fréely he might establish his sonne Commodus, Romaine Consul. Commodus was but xvij. yeares of age, when he sawe him selfe clad with the imperiall garment, when he diuided shares of reliefe vnto the common people, when he was elected a Romaine Consul, and was placed with his father in the chariot triumphant: which foure titles and honours, were not giuen to honour the sonne, but to please the father. His proportiō was after this manner: ‘his body long and slender, his face faire and well bearded, his eyes great and blacke, his handes white and long fingred, his haire yellow & thicke: finally, he was so faire and so gratious, that in his person there was no blemish, either in his life any thing to be praysed.’
‘It was monstrous and also lamentable to sée, howe [Page 153] this Prince was naturally endued with so high a witt, and of such perfect singularitie of proportion, and further, being named Commodus, howe to all purposes, he was incommodious, that according to the iudgement of al mē, he was not onely vnworthie of so great and singular graces, but possessed his life with great indignitie.’
‘ Commodus had his lockes so perfect yelow, that when they were moued in the sunne with the ayre, they séemed not hayres, but thredes of golde: and many helde opinion, considering the incomparable beautie & finenesse of his person, and the liuely freshenesse of his face, that he had not béene ingendred by mankinde, but that the Gods had made him with their owne handes. At all times when he did ride through Rome, a vie both men & womē left their businesse, placing them selues at windowes, vppon houses, and all stréetes, to beholde him, as though they had neuer séene him: but as much as they praised him for his beautie: so muche did they dispraise and abhorre him for his wicked life. Commodus was farre out of fauour with his father Marcus Aurelius, and too muche cherished of his mother Faustine: wherein bothe the one and the other had great reason: for doubtlesse, he gathered too small profite of his fathers counsell, and folowed too much the libertie of his mother.’ Commodus had another brother named Verissimus, vnto whome, if he had not dyed young, the father had left the Empire: but so the destinies did ordeine, that he died which deserued to liue, and that he liued which deserued to dye. When in the presence of Marcus Aurelius, talke was moued of Princes that had béene honourable and happye: some praising Alexander, that ouercame Darius: others, Scipio that subdued Haniball: others, Iulius Caesar that conquered Pō peius: others, Augustus that defeated Marcus Antonius: Marcus Aurelius made this aunswer: I holde the Emperour Nerua more happie then all the rest, and for no other cause, but for that he adopted Traiane for his sonne, in such wise, that he elected whome he liked, and [Page 154] not as I moste sorrowful, that must take such as they haue giuen mee.
CHAP. III. ¶Howe Commodus did inherite the Empire of his father Marcus Aurelius, and of a certeine speech which he vsed vnto the Senate.
JN the xvi. yere of the reigne of Marcus Aurelius, and in the 63. yere of his age, warre was raised in Panonia, which at these dayes is otherwise named Hungarie: in which warres the good Emperour woulde goe in his owne person, leading also with him his sonne Commodus, according vnto his accustomed manner, that by the taste of trauels in the warres, he should bende and yelde him selfe to conserue peace. The Emperour in the greatest heate and furie of those martiall affaires, was soudeinly striken with a deadly sicknesse, and in fewe dayes depriued of his life: Commodus being then in so tender yeares, that he neither felt what he lost, either the daunger wherin he stoode. At the death of Marcus Aurelius, his sonne Commodus was elected Prince, and confirmed Caesar, whereof procéeded (but chiefely for affection they bare vnto his father) that presently he was obeyed of all the armies, as true Emperour: notwithstanding they all suspected, he should be the losse of their common wealth, and procure to his person some euil conclusion. Before the emperour Aurelius died, he left his sonne Commodus commended vnto certeine tutours, as well fortunately to finishe those warres begonne, as also to assist and counsell him in the gouernement of the common wealth, because y e father comprehending the sonne, did feare, that leauing y e enimies, he would abandon him selfe vnto vices: and although the common wealth were forgotten, would dedicate him selfe vnto the pleasures of his person.
[Page 155]The exequies for the good Prince Marcus Aurelius being celebrated, and sumptuous sacrifices also offered for him vnto the Gods, Commodus was aduised by his coū sell, to vse some speache vnto all his Senatours, and captaines attendant in those warres: who being aduaunced vppon an high skaffolde, began after this manner to make his Oration.
The Oration of Commodus made to the Senate.
The vniuersall calamitie, and the particular sorrowe, which for the death of my father, this sorrowfull day doth represent, is no lesse common vnto you then to mee: for if I haue lost a pittifull father, you haue lost a righteous and a iust Prince. My losse is not small, that haue lost such a father, but much more haue you lost, that haue lost such a Prince: because the hurte of one is tollerable, but that which redoundeth to the offence of many, for euer is to be lamented. Experience teacheth vs, that of an hundred fathers, there be not twaine, that are euill vnto their children: and by the contrarie, of an hundreth princes, ye shall hardly finde twaine, that exquisitely shal proue good for their subiectes. If this be true, as it is moste true, that I haue saide: it is iust, and verie iust, that if sonnes lament the death of their parentes, with teares of their eyes: that subiectes bewaile the death of their good Princes, with drops from their heartes.
Howe humble my father hath beene vnto the Gods, how seuere with y e wicked, howe affable with good men, how patient in iniuries, how grateful for [Page 156] seruice, howe bountifull in his house, and howe zealous for the common wealth: although you haue seene, you haue not throughly comprehended: for that good Princes be not exactly knowen, vntil they be lost. My father was so fortunate and venturous in the warres, so singular in science, so sincere and cleane of life, and so perfecte a louer of the common wealth, that the dead had enuie at the liuing, not of the life which they possessed, but of the Prince which they inioyed. It may not be denied, but that the Romaine Empire is in debt and beholding vnto many Princes past: but I saye and affirme, that Rome is more in debt vnto my father, aboue all other: for others made the common wealth riche, but my father made it vertuous: others repaired walles, but he reformed manners: and that which is more, others brought to passe that Rome was feared of all strange nations: but my father framed, that Rome of all in generall was both serued and beloued. You all well vnderstande, what difference there goeth betwixt voluntarie, and forceable seruice: for as my father did vse to saye, it is more tollerable to be commaunded of suche as loue vs, then to be serued of such as abhorre vs. My father hath now finished his iourney, and certeinly, moste perfectly hath runne out his race: herein ye may conceiue his inestimable loue towardes you, in that he commended mee his onely sonne into your handes: and if I followe and perfourme his will, he gaue mee not the Empire to commaund you, but to the ende I should serue you, for he expressely gaue in charge, that my Empire should tende more to your vtilitie, then to mine owne profite, humbly beseeching the immortal Gods, to make [Page 157] mee such, as my father at his death commaunded, & as you Romaines do wishe and desire: because there is no man in this worlde so euil, that desireth not to be gouerned by a Prince that is good. You with me, and I with you, in the manner of our gouernement after his death, he did verie well expresse in the time of his life, directing me by commaundement to call you fellowes, and forbidding you to call me Lord: for his desire was, that you should fauour, and counsell me as a sonne: and that I should deale with you as with brethren, and trust & beleeue you as fathers. The loue which the gods do beare vs, the same my father alwayes vsed with you: that is to say, he did so tenderly loue you all, as if ye all had beene but one man: whereof it foloweth that you are not so much in his debt, for that which he did for you, as for y e hee woulde haue done, and coulde not. I remember me, that many times being a childe, my father delighted that ye should take, imbrace, kisse, and cherish me: to the end that imbracing of me in your armes, ye shuld place me in your hartes: and also, that I finding your armes open, shoulde not vniustely close my bowels from you. My Empire is not as the Empire of others, y t is, I neither bought it with money, either obteined it by voices, or wonne it by armes, or toke it by guile: no doubtles, it is not so: for as others obteine by aduēture, naturally I inherite. You haue great reason in minde to be satisfied, and in harte contented, since ye haue a prince not deliuered by the hands of strangers, but borne in your owne houses. I confesse that to proue good, it auaileth muche to desire and also procure to be good: but ioyntly herewith I saye, that to be a prince, it necessarily requireth to haue the [Page 158] fauour of his kingdome: for otherwise, if straungers do repugne, and subiects do not succour, it may be in his owne handes to be a good man, but not in his power to be a good Prince.
My father was olde, and I am yong, wherof it foloweth, y t more glorie redoundeth vnto you, by yealding obedience vnto me, then vnto my father: bicause obedience done vnto him, proceeded of the merit of his authoritie: but that which yee shall yealde vnto mee, proceedeth of your owne pure vertue. All the rewardes, honours, and offices, that my father gaue in time of his life from henceforth I confirme them vnto such as hold them: for that being (as he was) both holy and vertuous, the Gods aproouing all his actes, it were not iust, they should be disalowed of men. Neither in the dignities of the Senate, the captainshippes of the armies, the offices of my house, there is nothing to be sayd, much lesse to be altered: only one thing remaineth betwixt my father and mee, which is, that I confirme his good works, & change my vnreformed maners. Let vs ioyntly put on noble minds, to giue good end vnto the warres whiche my father hath so happily begunne, which being finished, wee will all goe to our ease and solace, and inioy the pleasures of Rome: whiche warres, if wee should leaue vndone, although the hurte should redound to mee, the faulte should proceede and be imputed vnto you. I will not saye more vnto you, my friendes & companions, but that I request and desire you, alwayes to commend vnto your memorie, the great loue that my father hath borne you, and the good dealing he alwayes vsed with you: that from his antiquitie, my tender yeres, and your greate vertue, ye [Page 159] maye frame a Prince, good for your selues, and profitable for the common wealth.
Finally, I saye that if ye haue my father in remē braunce, ye will neuer forget or disobey mee his sonne: for comparing his vertue with my libertie: doubtlesse and without comparison, ye shal be much more persuaded by his noblenesse, then altered by my youthfulnesse.
‘This talke being finished, much money was throwen out amongest the armyes because, on such dayes, it was amongest the Romaines muche vsed. The Romaine Princes did not muche varie from reason, to giue and promise muche money in the beginninge of their Empires: for as muche as the malice of man is greedie and couetous: they are more persuaded withe a little money which is giuen, then with many wordes that are spoken vnto them.’
CHAP. IIII. ¶Of a certeine famous and notable speeche, vsed by one of his tutours: for that he would leaue the warre of Panonia vnfinished.
ALl the officers of the Senate, and all the captaines of the armie did marueilously mitigate their sorrowe, for the death of their moste louing Lorde Marcus Aurelius, when they hearde his sonne Commodus talke with so greate singularitie: not onely for that he confirmed, whatsoeuer his father had done, but also because he promised by imitation most naturally to resemble him.
But what and howe great difference was betwixt the wordes of this Prince at that instant, & the workes which after he perfourmed in his life, was muche & too muche: for nothing was more aparant, then that al his good words [Page 160] and woorkes, vppon that day did finishe and take an ende, because from that day, he did not onely speake euil, and do euill: but that which is woorst of all, it was neuer séene, that euer he had any motion or desire to do good. Many be wicked, and desire to amende: but this person so vnhappie and solde to sinne, was not to day so euil: that he desired and procured not to morrowe to be woorse. Certeine dayes after he had vsed this talke vnto the army, he permitted to be gouerned by the aduise of his tutours: but euen shortly after he both forgate the commaū dement of his father, and his promise made vnto his men of warre: for that he lost not onely the feare of his tutors, but also the loue and shame vnto his friendes. ‘ Commodus when he did inherite the Empire, was weake, delicate, and of tender yeares: but notwithstanding did vse such licence and libertie of life, that decayed his person, and damnified his inclination and manners. His tutors and gouernours finding the offence that insued therof, aduised to remoue the mischiefe by information and counsel in secrete: but so peruerse was his condition, that for their gentle admonition, he did presently abhorre them. Nowe when Commodus had publiquely lost his feare vnto tutors, his obedience vnto gouernours, and reuerence vnto his friendes, he woulde neither beholde the one, or speake with the other: but that all his communication, and conuersation was with persons light, young and vicious, vnto whome he committed all his secretes: who began to persuade him to leaue the warres, to go to Rome, renuing his memorie with the opulencie of Italie, and the beautie of Rome: and ioyntly did murmur at the land of Panonia, saying, it was barren, drye, colde, poore, and contagious: and that to drinke a pitcher of water, they were first constrained to breake the Ice.’
With these and suche like woordes, Commodus was easily persuaded to leaue the warres of Panonia, and take his waye into Italie: and to bring the same to effect, calling his tutours and gouernours into his presence, [Page 161] fained to haue greate suspicion, that while he remained in y e warrs, some others should cōspire & rebel in Rome: in respect whereof to avoyde y e woorste, he was determined first to assure him selfe of his owne countries, before hée conquered straung kingdoms. So greate sorrowe entred the harts of the gouerners and capteines, that were present at that assemblye, that heauily castinge their countenaunces on the grounde, they were not able to aunswere one woord. A Senatour named Pōpeyanus being present at that counsell, who had married Lucilla, daughter vnto Marcus Aurelius, and elder sister vnto Commodus: besids his aliance in marriage, he was a man both rich, wise, valiaunte, and aunciente: and therewithall had greate boldnesse in that which he did, and no lesse credit in that which he saide. This Consul Pompeyanus, beholding all the assembly in great silence, thought good to take in hand, to aunswere the Emperour Commodus after this manner.
The Oration of Pompeyanus to Commodus.
Oh my sonne, and my Lord, for thee to haue desire to see Rome, & to go into Italie, is no meruel: for the same which thou desirest, all we haue longe wished, but folowing and imbracing reason, we endure not to be ouercome or carried away with sensualitie. I call thee sonne, because I haue bred and nourished thee from thy youth: and I call thee Lord, because thou art Lorde of my mother Rome: by the one I am bounde as a faithfull vassall to followe and obeye thee, and by the other thou art bound as vnto a good father to beleeue me: and may it please the immortall gods, that thou haue as ready an harte to beleeue [Page 162] my counsels, as I haue, redilie to obeye thy commaundements.
Many yeares I did folowe and serue thy father, and also am fully persuaded, that my seruice was gratefull vnto his harte, and did not onely tenderly loue me, but also frankely gaue and recompenced me: for which reason, vnto him and his house I will neuer become ingratefull: and am determined, one for one to counsell thee, in that which thou oughtest to doe, and afterwardes employ my life where in thou shalt cōmaund me. In that which I shal now say, if I haue not that reuerence, that from a vassall is due vnto the Lorde, at the leaste I shall haue that loue that a father doth owe vnto his sonne: and if nowe thou shalt be displeased with my words, and shalt take them to other ende then they be spoken, the time shall come, wherein thou shalt repente thee, for not beleeuing the old Pompeyanus, and that thou hast followed thine owne will and iudgment. But comming to the purpose, thou seest (moste souereigne prince) that all which be present, neither do beholde or answer thee, which may not proceede, but that either they knowe not to speake, or dare not answere, or els they thinke thou wilte not beleeue them: any of which, is too muche hurtefull and daungerous: because it is a faulte in a prince, to demaunde counsell of him that knoweth not to giue it: but it is muche woorsse when they dare not speake that whiche is meete to be saide: but that whiche is woorste of all, is, when a prince knoweth not to take the benefite of good counsell.
If thou hadst in remembraunce, what thy father commaunded, it were superfluous at this present to [Page 163] aduaunce my selfe to giue thee counsell: and I dread, that as thou haste made no accompt of his commaundement, in muche lesse estimation thou wilt holde my request: but in the ende I will say my opinion, and after wardes, make choyce of what shall, or may please thee.
My sonne, call to remembrance whose sonne thou wert, that is to say, of my Lorde Marcus Aurelius. for if thou doest consider that thou hadst to father so good a father: thou art muche bounde, being his sonne, to proue a very good sonne. Thou didest inherite of thy father his house, his goodes, his estate, and his memorie: all which doubtlesse is verie little, if thou didst not inherite his noblenesse: because, for thy onely vertue thou art to be honoured & obeyed: as touching the rest, as thou didst inherite in one day thou maist lose in one houre. The glorie which thou receiuest, to haue so good a father, so neare and in companie with the Gods, the same shoulde hee haue there, to haue so good a sonne here amongst men: for other wise, as muche pleasure as thou takest of his glorie, so much griefe shall he receiue of thy infamie.
Thou wilte (my sonne) leaue this warre whiche thy father hath begonne, and wilt go to enioy the delights of Rome: I sweare by the immortall Gods, I may not immagine y e vnworthinesse of him that put the same into thy heade: because suche and so greate an enterprise as this, ought not to be lefte vnfinished, either if it were not begonne, vnperfourmed.
Thou mayest not denie, but that thy father was wise, aduised, patient, & valiante, which being so [Page 164] in my iudgmente it shoulde be right iuste, that thou shouldest aduenture thy goods, where in he aduentured and also lost his life. The affaires of Italie are in peace, in Rome ther is no mutinous person, in Asia, & Africa, there is no common wealth out of quiet: the cause therof procedeth, of y e great affectiō which they did beare vnto thy father: and of the greate power, y t here they vnderstand his sonne doth possesse, which if thou forsake, & lose therewithall so great reputation: thou shalt leaue the Barbarians in peace, and make warre against thy self. If thou (my sonne) wilt obteine rest and a good life, susteine and conserue that which thy father did winne and gette in time of his life: and thou shalte finde, that he conquered all, wonne all, recouered all, and made all plaine: and it is not vniustly saide, that he had all: for if he conquered walles with armour, he wonne hartes with good woorkes and noble deedes. My sonne, what wilte thou seeke out of Panonia, y t thou mayest not find in Panonia: if thou desire to see Rome, I giue thee vnderstanding, that true Rome is where the Emperour of Rome is resident: because Rome is not holden for Rome, for the stately walles where with it is compassed, but for the heroicall men wher with it is gouerned.
If thou wilt haue riches, behold here is y e treasure and the collectors thereof. If thou wilt haue men of counsell, here is the whole sacred Senate. If thou wilte haue men of noble mindes, there are none in the worlde, as those of thine armie.
If thou wilte haue lustie younge men of thine age, here are the sonnes of all the noble Romaines.
[Page 165]If thou wilt fishe, behold here the great riuer Danubic, if thou wilt hunte and chace the wilde beaste, here are sharpe mountaines, if thou wilte haue faire women, behold here women both of Rome and Germanie moste beautifull. If this be true, as it is most true, wherefore my sonne wilt thou departe from Rome, to go and seeke Rome? If vpon the soudaine thou leaue this warre, thou shalt staine thy fame with a greate blemish, and also put thy common wealth in great daunger: because the barbarous shal thinke, that thy power is not sufficiēt to ouercome them, and also that thou darest not attempt to assaile them. Thy father lefte thee with greate power, and greate reputation in the Empire: and thou (my sonne) shouldest rather bend and fixe thine eyes to conserue thy reputation, then thy potencie: because thy power only profiteth against thine enimies: but thy reputation profiteth to conquer enimies, & to conserue friends. And thou oughtest not to conceiue or think that y e power of the Romaine princes is so great, that it lieth in their handes at their owne likinge to make warre or peace with the barbarous nations: bycause there is nothing wherin fortune is lesse correspondent then Martial affaires. The good princes ought to do muche, trauell muche, and also aduenture muche, to avoyde warre and to obteine peace: but after they are determined to attempt and prosecute the same, they ought to respecte nothing more then the finishing thereof: because many euiles are cutte off, by a good warre, which may not be finished or brought to passe with a suspicious or a doubtfull peace. It is greate folly for any man to endaunger him selfe, onely vppon the hope of a remedie: but much more is it, when a man [Page 166] hath allredie thruste him selfe into daunger, not to seeke to escape the perill thereof.
CHAP. V. How Commodus left the warres of Panonia to go to Rome.
After that Pompeyanus had ended his Oration, Commodus did shew him selfe offended, for the opening thereof in so common assembly, and pleased for the integritie of his woordes, giuing for an answere, that for the present he woulde deferre his departing: vntill ripe counsell, should determine some other matter. Not withstanding his small age, he was of suche dissimulation in matters he woulde bringe to passe, and so double in his words which he did speake, that the aunswere which he made, was not to the intente to stay his departing, but to confirme them in negligence and want of prouidence. It was published in the whole armie, what Pompeyanus had sayd vnto Commodus, and that the departing into Italie was deferred vntill the warres were finished: of which newes some were pleased, and some displeased: because the auncient and vertuous wished all thinges to be done to the honour of the common wealth: but the younger persons and suche as were vitious, had desire to go the vices of Rome. Some remaining quiet, and others negligent, Commodus determined to procéede with his purpose: and wrote certeine letters vnto Rome, wherin he commaunded, they shoulde order his house and prepare for his comminge: and he did also write, that they shoulde relieue him with some monye, for that with the warres he was much consumed. His letters being dispatched vnto Rome, Commodus commaunded all the valiant capteins to come vnto his presence, with whome he did communicate the [Page 167] manner and fashion which he woulde vse with those barbarous people, to frame them to yeald to some honest truce: & if a better cōclusion might not be obteined, to finish the same with a peace dearly bought. After that messengers had passed betwixt Commodus and the Barbarians diuersly to and fro: in the ende it was resolued, that hee rendered many countries, that had bene taken from the enimies, and also gaue thē a great summe of money: and they promised to continue friendes, but not vassals vnto the Romaines. This conclusion being knowne and published, was not a little grieuous vnto all noble minds of the armie: because most truely the capitulation thereof was too too infamous, that in respect of the state of those warrs it was not onely not to be done, either as much as to be talked of. Of these infamous conclusions, and y e paimente of so greate summes of money, he gaue no parte therof vnto y e Senate or gouernours to vnderstande, but vnto such men of warre as he vnderstoode had desire to be gone, and such as he thought durst not repugne. The fame beinge published that Commodus would depart towards Rome, the whole armie was so altered, that none would remaine in the frontiers, but that euery man without order, prepared with greate hast to returne into Italie: in such wise that Commodus, not onely ceased to continue hostilitie against y e Barbarians, but also left no garrisons, to guard the Romaine people. The Emperour Commodus parted from Panonia to go to Rome, y e tenth day of y e moneth of Februarie: and so greate was his desire to come to Rome, that in many cities which were in his way, where they came foorth to receiue him, he would not onely stay to heare what they would say, either receiue y t which they would present: but also alone and disguised, in poste woulde passe theire stréets.
Incredible was the pleasure which they receiued in Rome, when Commodus did write of his partinge from Panonia: but muche greater was their ioye, when they vnderstoode that he was at hande: for remembringe [Page 168] that he was borne amongest them, and that they had bred and nourished him, and that he was the sonne of so good a father: they helde it for certeine, that in his time Rome (more then euer it did) should flourish, and that euery man in particular, should augment his estate. In respect of the greate loue and reuerence they did beare vnto the father Marcus Aurelius, and the reporte blowne amongst the Romaines of y e singular beautie of his sonne Commodus, they did so extremly desire to sée him, that he held him selfe most happy that came furthest off to receiue him. Marche was halfe past when Commodus came to Rome, at which time trées do yealde foorth their flowers, and fields their fragrant smelles: against the day that he shoulde enter Rome, the Romains had made all wayes euen and cleane, and banqueting houses deckte with boughes to eate and drincke in: the Senatours came forth in great order, the women of Rome in sumptuous apparel, & the townesmen all with boughes and greene braunches, in such manner they receiued him that day with as greate pleasure and ioy, as if he had entered in his chariote triumphant triumphinge of all Asia. After he entred the citie, that whiche he firste did, was, in visitinge all the temples within the same: chieflye he stayed in y e temple of Iupiter, where he offered sumptuous sacrifices, all the noble men of Rome being present. Also he did visite certaine auncient sepulchers, especially y e sepulchre of Adrian, of Traiane, of Antoninus Pius his grandfather, of Faustina his grand mother, & Faustina also his mother: and some thinges y t were in them euill handled, or decayed, he cōmaunded to be repaired and made better. Ioyning vnto the sepulchre of Adrian, he commaunded another sepulchre to be made, riche and sumptuous, wherein the bones of his father Marcus Aurelius shoulde be translated, which sepulchre being finished, and hauing in remembraunce howe greate loue Marcus Aurelius did beare them, and the good & sincere dealing he vsed with them, the Romaines did visite, honour, and helde his sepulchre in as greate reuerence, as [Page 169] their chiefest temples. This done, Commodus on a day went vnto y e Senate, saying and giuinge them warning, that in all and for all thinges, they shoulde followe the ordinaunce of his father, and performe and execute all that he had commaunded them: because after this manner, the imperial state should be conserued as concerning straunge nations: and the common wealth wel gouerned amongst them selues. Also hee commaunded all Iudges of Rome to come before him, charginge and commaundinge them, that without all exception of persons, equally to giue sentence accordinge to iustice: with a warninge, that if any of them shoulde presume to attempt the contrarie, to haue his sentence reuoked, and his person chasticed.
The Romaines receiued greate delight, to sée how Commodus was obedient vnto the Gods, a louer of temples, grateful vnto his friendes, and zelous of the cōmon welth: but alas for sorrowe, so fewe were the monethes, and also the dayes, that this gratious heate endured, that it semed rather they had dreamed it, then that he had done or performed it.
CHAP. VI. Howe Commodus was cruell, and of the cruelties which he vsed.
‘IN the nintéenth yeare of his age and the thirde yeare of his Empire, he aduertised the Senate, that he would visite all the cities in Italie: at his departinge from Rome he went vnto the mountaines to hunte, on whiche chace, many were the dayes that he imployed, much mony hee spente, but muche and many more were the vices which he there committed.’
‘Thrée monethes and odde dayes he went a fishing at riuers, passinge the fieldes, and huntinge in mountaines: in all whiche time he neuer entered citie, towne, or village, either slepte in anye house: and then sent his [Page 170] commaundement vnto the Senate to prepare a triumph, for that he woulde enter triumphinge into Rome: affirminge, that he better deserued triumph, for killing beasts that did eate corne, then other Emperours for killinge of men that liued in townes. The Senate neither might or durst, but to receiue him with great triumph: & the abhominable Commodus, most odiously in the chariot triumphant, placed a younge man named Anterus, and opēly, after the manner of man and wife, did imbrace eche other. In his progresse and pastimes whiche hee vsed in those mountaines, he lost no parte of his euill customes: but rather added euill vpon euill: that is to say, the fiercenesse which he recouered in slaying of wilde beastes, after his comming to Rome he imploied in murdering of many honourable personages. As touchinge the first, it is to wéete he banished xxiiii. Consuls, possest their goods, and made a rewarde therof vnto his strumpets, & other infamous persons: whereof fiue by importunate suite, of his gratious fauour were restored to their houses, and shortly after he cutt off their heads. There was in Rome a Senatour named Birrius, a man in y e days of Marcus Aurelius much estéemed, who deserued to marry with a sister of Commodus: who for that he warned and informed Commodus of his euill and foule life, he commaunded him and all his friends to be slaine: and also al the alies and seruants vnto his sister.’
‘From the time of Commodus father, there was remaining a certaine prefect named Ebutianus a man moste truely auncient in yeares, and no yonglinge in vertues: Commodus being aduertised that Ebutianus had much lamented the death of the Consul Birrius: vnto whom Commodus sent a messenger to say vnto him: that he woulde vnderstand of him, if he woulde wéepe for the death whiche he sente him, as he had wéept with the life which he possessed: whiche being saide, by the commaundement of Commodus he cutte off his head.’
‘Another Senatour named Apolaustus, who also sorowed [Page 171] the death of Ebutianus, Commodus commaunded to be slaine.’
‘The daye that Apolaustus was executed certeine young gentlemen of Commodus his chamber, when they vnderstoode of execution done vnto suche as mourned for Ebutianus: they deuised to make a shewe of great ioye for the death of Apolaustus to escape the like daunger: whereof Commodus being aduertised, he commaunded their throtes to be cutte: saying y t for any acte done of the prince, they ought neither to laugh or weepe: but heare and see and holde their peace. Also he slewe Seruilius and Dulius with all their parentage which were descended of the linage of Silla: and he slewe Antius Lupus Petronius, and Mamertus, with all their bande, which were of the linage of Marius, affirminge, that he executed the Sillans, to reuenge the Marians, and executed the Marians to reuenge the Sillans.’
‘There was in Rome a younge gentleman a cousen to Commodus, both very faire and valiant: and one saying by chaunce vnto Commodus, that Mamertus Antonianus his cousen, did resemble him in fauour, and imitate him in valiantnesse: he commaunded them both presently to be slaine, affirming, that he shoulde be an Emperour that did so resemble and compare with him. Amongst other anciente Romaines, there were sixe olde Consuls, whose names were, Alius Fuscus, Celius Felices, Lucius Torquatus, Alatius Ropianus, Valerius Bassianus and Patulius Magnus, who for their impotencie were not able to come vnto the Senate, he commaunded them all to be slaine: saying, that he was bounde to do in Rome, as the good gardener in his orchard: y t is to say, that the drie olde tree must be cutte or puld vp by the roote and cast into the fire. In the gouernement of Asia, the Senate had placed Sulpitius Crassus, Iulius Proculus, and Claudius Lucanus, as Proconsuls to gouerne those prouinces: whome withe their families, Commodus gaue order to be murthered with poyson: because in [Page 172] his presence they were praised, for their déedes done in Asia: and also for communication, which they had of his euils committed in Rome. Marcus Aurelius visitinge the kingdome of Achaia, had borne vnto him a Néece, and daughter of his sister, named Annia Faustina, whome also Commodus commaunded to be slayne: but the quarell that he had to take away her life, was, for that shée had married without his licence. On a certaine day vpon the bridge of Tiber, were fourtéene noble Romaines talking and passinge the time: and Commodus at that instant passinge that way, saide vnto one that he should demaunde as of him selfe, whereof they talked: vnto whome they answeared, that they were recountinge the vertues of Marcus Aurelius, and that they had great sorrowe of his death. Commodus hearing this answere, presently and out of hande, commaunded all the xiiii. gentlemen to be hurled headlong ouer the bridge into the riuer: affirming, that they coulde not speake well of his father, but that they must speake euil of him which was his sonne. He woulde many times play with the sworde players: and betwixte ieste and earnest he killed a thousand of them. He was so cruell of nature, and so doughtie in his déedes, that he had no scruple to kill, either feare to be slaine. Commodus perceiuinge that al the Romaines fledd, either to sée, heare, speake, or to be conuersant with him, to no other ende but to auoyde occasion to be slaine at his handes: he remembred to inuente a conspiracie, which is to wéete, to say and publishe, that many had conspired against him to his destruction: all which he commaunded to be strangled and cutt in péeces, notwithstandinge that any suche conspiracie was neuer thought of or intended.’
CHAP. VII. Of a certaine conspiracie attempted against Cōmodus, and of Perennius his most fauoured counsellour.
[Page 173]Amongst other sisters, Commodus had one named Lucilla who in y e life of her father Marcus Aurelius, maried with a Consul whose name was Lucius Verus, whōe he admitted with him selfe to be cōpanion in the Empire, by such meane as Lucilla was intituled Empresse, & her husbande Emperour. But a yeare and three monethes, Lucius Verus liued as companion in the Empire with Marcus Aurelius, his father in lawe: in suche wise, that euen then, when he was very younge, he loste his life, and Lucilla as younge became a widowe. Lucius Verus being dead, Marcus Aurelius married his daughter Lucilla vnto a noble Romaine named Pompeyanus, a man verie wise in letters, experte in armes, and aunciente in yeares. ‘After the death of Marcus Aurelius, Commodus succeding in the Empire, and not then married, did allwayes intreate his sister Lucilla as Empresse, for as muche as shée had beene wife vnto an Emperour: and also being an auncient custome, continued in the malice of man, that although the state be finished, and the goods cōsumed, notwithstanding folly remaineth. Thus stoode the case: Commodus was after married vnto a Romaine ladie named Crispina, vnto whome from thence foorthe honour was done, that was accustomed to be vsed vnto Lucilla, y t is to say, in y e Theatre or open place to sitt in y e chiefest seate, to receiue giftes & presents of frée men, and by the ways to haue torchlight, and to be recited by name in prayers made in Temples. Mortall was the enuie that Lucilla receiued, to beholde the honour imperiall whiche shée had once in possession, to be remoued, and passe vnto her sister Crispina: and from thence foorth, all her deuice, practise, and speach, tended but to ridde her brother Commodus of his life, and Crispina her sister in lawe of her honour.’
‘There was at courte with the prince a young gentleman of Rome, of noble bloude, & of face beautifull, with whom it was bruted, Lucilla vsed vnhonest loue: his name was Quadratus, the sonne of a very riche father, vnto [Page 174] whome shée discouered the secrete of her intent, to kill her brother Commodus, because he persecuted her husbande Pompeyanus, & the Empresse Crispina did deadly hate her.’
‘ Quadratus desirous to do Lucilla a pleasure, consented to performe that act, & the order which he vsed therin was, that he ioyned in counsell with the sonne of a Senatour named Quincianus, a yong man both doughtie & valiaunt: who shoulde vpon the soudaine, with a swoord drawne, enter vpon Commodus in his chamber, with these words: This present the Senate sendeth thee: and at the instante to cutt off his life. Quincianus accepted this enterprise, that is to say, to kill the Emperour Commodus: but failed at the time of the execution thereof: for notwithstanding he had courage sufficiēt to enter y e chamber with a sword drawen, yet to performe the dede his hart was dismaide: in such wise, that the treason was vttered and the déede vnperformed.’
‘ Quincianus was presently taken, and discouered the conspiracie that Quadratus and Lucilla had deuised for the destructiō of the Emperour Commodus. And for as much as Quincianus was sonne vnto a Senatour, Commodus did beare so mortall hatred vnto the Senate, that from thence forth, whosoeuer named him selfe a Senatour, he helde him for a traitour. Immediately after Commodus beganne to reigne, a warrlike capteine named Perennius, fell into his fauour: who in martiall affaires was verie experte, and of inclination and condition no lesse peruerse: for his pride was intollerable, & his couetousnesse, insatiable. The fauour, conuersation, and credite, that Perennius had with Commodus was to the greate preiudice of al the Romaine people: because if Commodus were cruell, Perennius was most cruell: if Commodus had yre, Perennius did persuade to take vengeance: and beyonde al the rest, did not disuade from vice, but inuented new deuises to leade vnto wickednesse. Pompeyanus being a mā both honourable and aunciente, and husband vnto Lucilla sister vnto Commodus, the Emperour did beare him [Page 175] some reuerence: and ioyntly therewith, Lucilla had the fame of great riches, in money & iewells: wherof procéeded no small displeasure vnto Perennius, whoe hardely indured the estimation of others in the courte of the Emperour Commodus.’
‘Where vpon, the treason being discouered, he with greate impatience did incite the Emperour Commodus, on Pompeyanus and Lucilla to execute cruel iustice, which he incessantly persuaded, not for iustice sake, but to finish y e fauour which the Emperour did beare vnto Pompeyanus, and to gette vnto him selfe the treasure of the ladie, Lucilla.’
‘ When princes be in yre, and furious, they haue much to consider, of whome they demaunde counsell: because, not a fewe but manie times it hapneth, that the priuate and fauoured courtiour giueth counsell vnto the prince, not so muche for the fauour he beareth to the execution of iustice, as for the reuengement of his owne cruell and damnified harte. The tyrant Perennius beholding Cōmodus inflamed with yre, did knowe to take the profite and benefite of time: that is to say, Pompeyanus, Lucilla, Quadratus, Quincianus and al their affinitie, brothers, friends & seruants, he caused to be slaine, put to death, their goods to be confiscate, in such wise, that he was not onlie reuenged of all his enimies, but also applied vnto him selfe all their treasure.’
‘After the death of these persons, all the affaires of the Empire were gouerned at the will, wisedome, & pleasure of Perennius: who grewe to be a lord so absolute of the Empire, that al ambassages that came to Commodus, he only heard them: and all letters missiue he reade and answered them, in such manner, that Commodus bare y e name of Emperour, & Perennius did enioy the empire. All offices and rewards being giuen by the handes of Perennius, procured seruice and diligence from all men, y t in as much, as he that might do most, saued most: but he was so harde of condition, and of golde and riches so cruel [Page 176] and couetous, that of méere grace he gaue no office, but by the weight of pure money alwayes did sell the same: and to him that woulde not buy, hee gaue presentes more deare then the money which he demaunded. Perennius had enrolde the names of all the moneyed men in Italie, which if they did not present him some riche iuells, hee procured them to be placed in offices: wherein he did séeke quarells, to spoile them of their liues, and to robbe them of their goods.’
CHAP. VIII. Of a conspiracie that Perennius wrought against the Emperour Commodus.
IN verye shorte time Perennius became very riche, but his presumption and riches being examined and laide together, without comparison muche greater was the pride whiche he did shewe, then the treasures which he possessed. Commodus had suche confidence in Perennius, that he not onely committed vnto him the gouernement of the whole common wealth, but also the order and honour of his house: in so muche that Perennius was of the one and the other so absolute & so dissolute, that he was not contented to robbe Cōmodus of his riches, but also vsed vnlawfull companie with his owne especiall courtisans, by whōe he had both sonnes and daughters. Perennius had sonnes growne to mans estate, whiche were in the armies: and when any notable déede was done in the warres, he would reporte at the Emperours table, that it was perfourmed and atchiued by his sonnes: in such wise, that frō them y e were in peace he bereft their goods, and them that died in y e warrs he spoiled of their honour. ‘In y e fifte yeare of Commodus reigne, the Senate sent an huge armie against the Britaines, whereof Perennius was admitted both Consul and capteine: in whiche iourney he was not satisfied, to be serued as one in fauour, and obeyed as Consul: but would bee reuerenced as a prince, and adored as a God.’
[Page 177] ‘ Perennius prospering in his martiall affaires, and holding the whole common wealth in his owne handes, and possessing wealth aboue all reckoning, he then immagined to want nothing but the attainement of the Romaine empire: for the accomplishement whereof, he throughly determined to kill his Lorde and maister Commodus, placing his sonnes Pretors ouer all the armies, to be readie at hande in time vppon the newes of the death of the Emperour Commodus. Perennius also had drawne vnto his parcialitie certeine Senatoures, and other the welthiest neighbours and citizens of Rome by giftes and rewardes in secret, but in especiall by aggrauating the wicked life of Commodus. On the fourth day of May, the Romaines did celebrate the greate feast of Iupiter Capitoline, whereunto not onely the whole people of Rome, but also of all cities of Italie did concurre: and when the Emperour on that day was resident in Rome, alwayes in his owne person went to authorize and sée the feast. The Emperour Commodus beholding the playes and pageants prouided for that triumph, and Crispina his wife being placed on the one hande, and Perennius the priuate and greately fauoured courtier, set on the other hande: they behelde a carte comming al couered with boughes, crying continually for roome and audience. And when they were come vnto the presence of the Emperour Cō modus and all persons by his commaundement vsing silence, the people thinking they would haue vttered some pageant or matter of disporte: soudeinly there appeared a man aloft vppon the carte, which had a long bearde, a shéepeheardes hooke in one hande, and a sling in the other: and from the girdle vpwarde all naked, his other garments very poore, and after the manner of a Philosopher, and directing his woordes vnto Commodus, saide:’
The Oration to Commodus
O Commodus, it well seemeth that thou arte a [Page 178] Prince, and that verie young, whiche arte in these playes and delightes so carelesse and negligent, which thou oughtest not to doe, because Princes of thy age, estate, and condition, runne muche more in perill, in their excessiue pleasures, then in their meane trauailes. Being (as thou arte) rigorous with thine owne, and furious and vnbridled with straungers, thou oughtest to consider, and not to be vnmindfull, that thou hast enimies: for the Prince that is feared of manie, hath iust cause also to feare manie. The greatest riches, and the best treasure in this world, is trueth, whereof Princes be moste poore of all people: for that their eares being fild and led away with lyes, may take no taste in matters of trueth. Thou Commodus and other Princes, do not euil gouerne your common wealthes of any prepenced malice to destroye the same: but because ye giue not, either delight your selues to heare the poore that be grieued and oppressed, when they complaine, neither the good, godly, and vertuous, when they giue aduisement, of the greate and horrible vices of briberie, extortion, and violent robberies, committed by officers, by the priuate and fauoured, by the mightie and men of power. Great is the fault of Princes, for the vices which they committ, but much greater is their offence in dissembling the offences of their fauoured seruaunts, because ye offend not, but onely the Gods, but they both offende the Gods, vexe and trouble men, & are traitours to your own persons. Although Commodus, thou be licentious, dissolute, wilfull, & also not very honest: it is impossible, but if the hurtes and mischiefes, scandals, and robberies, committed by thy officers & fauoured seruants, were notified & [Page 179] giuen thee to vnderstand, thou wouldest commaund them to be amēded, & also to be remedied: for in the ende there is no Prince so euill, that desireth not his common wealth to flourish. At these dayes, trueth in Princes houses is so odious, that who so aduentureth but to make reporte therof, of death he must haue determination: and if any such do escape with life, it proceedeth of some conceite to be spoken of madnesse. That, which at this present I will say & discouer, I protest vnto the immortal Gods, it proceedeth not of madnesse, for that my natural iudgement is confirmed with reason: either do I say it of malice, to be reuenged of any person: but onely (Oh Commodus) to deliuer thy life of great peril, and to franchise Rome from seruitude of a tyrant: for that which I presume to saye, and aduenture to discouer, I am assured before my tale be ended, my life shalbe taken away. But (O Commodus) I giue thee to vnderstande, that if thou wilt not giue faith vnto my woordes, the time will come, when thou shalt vnderstand the trueth, of all that I haue saide, when thy mischiefe may haue no remedie. Thou (Commodus) art there set & placed, with the Empresse Crispina on thy right hand, & on thy left hand thy priuate & fauoured Perennius, but hadst thou certeine intelligēce, what he hath ordeined against thee, with thine owne hands y u wouldest burie him quick. Perennius hath not been satisfied, to put to death all good men, to be reuenged of his enimies, to haue destroyed all thy seruants, to haue robbed all thy treasures: but that nowe he practiseth to take away thine owne life, to aduaunce and exalt him selfe to the whole power of this citie and common wealth.
[Page 180]O Commodus, if thou knowe not, I giue thee to vnderstand, y t the sonnes of Perennius, by fraud haue incēsed thy armies of Illyria agaīst the. Perēnius him selfe ceaseth not to corrupt the Senate, and secretly seketh to winne the mindes of men, giuing giftes, and large rewardes vnto the people: and all to the ende that vpon the first newes of thy death, without contradictiō, he may possesse y e whole estate of y e Romane Empire. And think not, that Perennius doth now be gin to attēpt this treason, for y t of great certeintie I do assure thee, that many dayes past he hath put the same in practise, & is vpon the point, at this instant, to haue it to be executed: in so much that if on this day I had not aduentured to giue thee warning, be thou assured, that on this present day before this feast had bene finished, thy life had here bene ended.
‘Vntil that poore man had saide, that on that day Commodus death was prepared, not onely the people gaue eare, but also Perennius: whoe presently rose out of his chayre with greate furie, commaunding the swoord players to kill that presumptuous and rashe dizarde, who was presently slaine, drawne, cut in péeces and burnt.’
‘ Perennius of all men so deadly hated, by this poore mannes tale, sunke into suspicion of the people, and also Commodus conceiued against him some scruple: but that Philosopher béeing there slaine, and Perennius in so greate power, although they had all suspicion of his treason, yet no man there durst speake a worde. The matter remaining certeine dayes more suspicious then cleare: there came gentlemen from Illyria, and brought certein péeces of golde, wherein bothe the name & also the Image of Perennius was ingrauen: whiche money Perennius commaunded his sonnes in greate secrecie to be made.’
[Page 181] ‘The coyners thereof being aduertised what the Philosopher had saide, and being in greate doubt in processe of time to be discouered, came vnto Commodus and manifested the whole matter, which were not onely pardoned, but also largely rewarded. The treason being detected, which the traitour and tyrant Perennius had deuised, it séemed good vnto the friendes of Commodus, and the enimies of Perennius, to the ende to deliuer him from all suspicion, first and immediately to cut off his head: for that Perennius being guilefull, and in great power, might haue preuented his owne execution with the slaughter of others.’
‘A great parte of the night being past, and Perennius reposing in his owne house, Commodus commaunded him to be called in great haste, aduertising him at the instant of letters out of Asia: who entring the Emperours chamber, founde not Commodus, but yet wanted not that presently cut off his head. At the instant that Perennius was put to death, a post with greate spéede was sent into Illyria, by whome Commodus did write vnto the sonnes of Perennius, that all thinges set aparte, they should repaire to Rome to visite their father being sicke in his bedde: to the ende that if the destinies shoulde permit his death, to succéede in his place. The sonnes of Perennius did well thinke that all had béene truthe which was written vnto them, and nothing doubting the detection of their treason, presently departed towards Come: but at their entrie of the first citie of Italie, they were made shorter by bothe their heades. This in conclusion was the ende of y e tyrant Perennius, which lost his sonnes, his goods, his honour, and his life: not rather for any mischiefe, then for his presumption and pride. Of this example, let all Princes take warning, howe they magnifie their seruauntes with too greate wealth and power: and this is saide, because potencie ingendreth enuie: and ouermuch riches doth breede and bring forth pride.’
CHAP. IX. ¶Of the tyrant Maternus, and of his treason against Commodus.
EXcéeding ioy did the Romaines receiue of the death of Perennius, and his sonnes, because his auarice and pride was more sharpe and intollerable, then the folly of Commodus. The offices of Perennius were diuided amongest many: because it séemed, that so greate authoritie and power, to be placed and committed in one person, were to put his life in perill, and his Empire to commission. Incredible and innumerable were the richesse, iewels, and money, that were confiscate by the death of Perennius and his sonnes: but they were so wilfully and wickedly diuided and spent, that whatsoeuer Perennius gathered by extortion and briberie, Commodus spent & imployed in vices. There was in those dayes in Italie a certeine man named Maternus, who from his childhood was bred in the armies of Illyria: of nature bolde and valiant, subtile, painefull, sharpe or quicke, proude, seditious, and stammering, in such wise, that as he was filthie of his toung, so was he soudeine of his handes. In all debates, seditions, and mutinies which happened in the campes, or cities, this Maternus was euer founde one, either the chiefe authour thereof, or else to be noted aboue the rest, because they saye, ‘this was his common speache, that on that daye, wherein he shed no bloude, wine had no good relishe.’ The captaines of the armies did partly beare with him for his valiantnesse, but on the other side, they might not endure his continuall quarelinges, and in the ende his lewdnesse being growen intollerable, they did not onely dispatche him from the warres, but also did banishe him the confines of Italie.
This Maternus being a ringleader of all wicked and desperate persons that were in the armies, many did accompanie [Page 183] and also followe him in that exile: not to remaine as bounde to leade a better life, but to haue libertie to committ muche euil. With those companions that Maternus had recouered from the armies, and with others that dayly ioyned with him, he obteined vnder his Standarde twentie thousande footemen, and two thousand horssemen within the space of foure monethes: with which people Maternus committed so many robberies, burnings, and slaughters in the cities and territories of Italie, as if an Hanibal had béene raised from the dead to conquere Rome.
Italie being robbed and sacked, Maternus departed into Lombardie, and from thence into Fraunce, and after into Spaine: in which kingdomes, he continued in that courtesie whiche he vsed in Italie: and that whiche was moste to be marueiled, was, that his armie daily increased, and no man attempted to resist him, in suche wise, wise, that with them which were present, he did yeld occasion to be busied, and with them that were absent, he ministred matter of communication. This tyrant Maternus and his people, helde no other trade but to rob temples, to sacke townes, to scowre the fieldes, to spoyle corne, to burne houses, to force women, to defile virgins: and that whiche was woorste, that not contented for them selues to liue at libertie, they brake prisons, and set at large all malefactours.
It is amongest euils the supreme euil, and in tyrantes the greatest tyrannie, that they of them selues will not liue according to reason and iustice, but that also they wil not consent that malefactours be committed to iustice. ‘ Maternus and his armie remaining in Spaine, Cō modus wrote vnto all the Pretors of those countries, to raise an armie of great power, to destroy the tyrant Maternus, and to make greate promises by publique proclamations, that vnto him whiche should cutt off the heade, or take the bodie or person of Maternus, shoulde haue in rewarde all his goodes, and his picture aduaunced and [Page 184] set vp in Rome.’
‘The first proclamations were published in Saragosa, at which time Maternus was resident in Taragon, who being aduertised that they of Spaine prepared an armie against him, and that amongest the captaines great wagers were laide, who shoulde first ridde him of his life: he determined to returne into Italie with determination to kill Commodus in Rome. Where vpon Maternus moste secreatly conferred, with his chief and special friends & arrantest théeues and most doughtie personages, to forsake the armye: seuerally diuidinge them selues, by sundrye wayes vpon one certaine and appointed day without faile to make their méeting in Rome. Presently after Maternus was gonne out of sight, al y e remnant of his army was dismaide and fel in péeces, wherof there were infinite taken, strangled, drowned, drawne & hāged: in such wise, that in so great a number of theues, none had better aduenture, then to be slaine or put to death, except he had friendly fauour of fortune to be made a bondman. Maternus & his cōpanions, the day, houre, & place, on which they had agréed in Spaine, ioyntly did encounter at Rome: whiche for a time wente dispersed & disguised by day, but ioyned by night to committ their theftes: being furnished for their prouision, but onely with suche prouision as they might pick by day, and steale by night, wherein they vsed so greate shiftes, guile, and skill, that although they accompanied but by couples, yet, if the warde or watche by daye or night did attempt to arrest or offende any one, at an instant they were all ready for his defence: in such wise, that although they wer of great disorder in their life: yet they vsed great conformitie in agréement for the manner and fashion of their robberies’
One of the thinges wherein the malice of man moste readily doeth shewe it selfe is, that to doe euill, wee are soone agreed: but to perfourme a good woorke, wee consent with greate difficultie.
‘ Commodus was well persuaded, that the tyraunt [Page 185] Maternus was nowe deade, imagining in his owne conceit, that at the forsaking of his campe, and renouncing of his armie, of extreme desperation and horrour of him selfe, he had desperately drowned or committed him selfe to the halter. But Maternus in recompence of the losse of his potencie, and negligence of his honour, bent all his studie to deliuer Commodus from his life. The Romaines helde a custome vppon the tenth day of Marche, to celebrate the feast of the Goddesse Berecyntha: on that day the Emperour and the Senate went vnto her temple, to offer sacrifices, which done and perfourmed, generally all persons for the most part disguised them selues, masking and feasting throughout the whole citie: in suche manner, their faces being couered, the one was vnknowne vnto the other. Maternus and other his fellowe théeues and friendes, had agréed to weare secrete armour, with face disguised, that when the Emperour Commodus should most chiefly be addicted to viewe and beholde the playes, and his guarde most carelesse of his person: by a coūterfet braule amongst them selues, to finde ready meane to cut off his life. But notwithstanding Maternus had lost his welth, power, and honour, he ceased not to continue proude, hautie, and disdainefull: seeking to be serued and reuerenced, not as a friende and poore companion, but after the manner of a Prince, and as one that were very rich. Wherevpon certaine of his companions, being not onely wéeryed, but tyred, to walke lurkingly in corners, and not able to indure to be handled with so great seruitude: and further, fearing some day to be discouered, they repayred vnto Commodus, and with great secrecie manifesting the whole matter, which is to wit, that Maternus the tyrant was a liue, and fully determined in those playes and feastes to kill him. Incredible was the feare wherewith Commodus was touched, when he hearde that Maternus the tyrant was aliue: and no lesse was his ioy, to consider the conspiracie to be detected: and notwithstanding Commodus had intelligence thereof certaine dayes before the [Page 186] feast, hée suspended the execution thereof vntill the day of the Goddesse Berecyntha: to the end that nothing should be reuealed vnto Maternus, of that which was discouered vnto Commodus. The maner that Maternus deuised to murder Commodus, the same did Commodus vse to take and kill Maternus, that is to say: the great day of the feast being come, as Maternus and his band came masked and armed: so Commodus brought forth his men armed and disguised: and with a set quarell the traitour and tyraunt Maternus was slaine, and his men cutt all to péeces. The greatest feast of that feast was celebrate, in strāgling, hewing, mangling, drawing & burning of the bodies of these miserable théeues: because it is an euident lawe for tyrants, that the hurtes, robberies, slaughters, violences, and burninges, which they haue committed in many dayes, they come to make repayment thereof in one houre.’
CHAP. X. ¶ Of the inexpected death of Cleander, a fauoured and most priuate seruant vnto Commodus.
AFter the death of the tyrant Maternus, the Emperour Commodus passed his life in great doubt and feare, imagining with himselfe, that some day they would dispatch him, either eating or sléeping: for he did both knowe, and also would say, that they were fewe which prayed for his life, but very many that sighed for his death. Vntill Commodus died hée euer walked warely: for hée doubled his guard, to guard him by day, and strongly shutt in his house by nighte: in that which hée did eate, in his lodging where he slept, on the palfrey wheron he roade, on the garments which hée did weare, hée set great watche: in such wise, that hée paid it but only with his life that durst touch his garment.
Very séeldome he went to the Senate, and much lesse [Page 187] did ride openly in the citie: hée had not talke with strangers but by writing: with his subiects he had no conference, but by a person intermitted: and that which was more maruell, hée had many times such conceite, not onely to refuse to write, aunsweare, heare causes, or dispatch affayres: but also in foure or fiue dayes would not speake onely one word. ‘In the xi. yeare of his Empyre, Maternus the tyraunt was slaine: on the next yeare there followed a great pestilence, and a generall hunger, in which hunger and pestilence, the third part of Italie was consumed. Immediatly after the pestilence had entred Rome, Commodus departed vnto y e citie of Laurento, where were planted many Laurel trées, for which cause the citie was named Laurento: where also the Emperour more remayned, then in any other place: the Physicians giuing him to vnderstand, that to be vnder the shadowe therof, was very proper and conuenient for defence of the pestilence. Notwithstanding the scarsitie of bread and wine that was that yeare, further, a certaine occasion of great hūger happened in Rome, which was as followeth. When the good Marcus Aurelius triumphed ouer the Argonautes, he brought amongest other captiues a younge man named Cleander: who was openly solde in the market place in Rome, and by chaunce bought by a clarke of the kitchin, to swéepe & make cleane the larder at courte. This slaue Cleander became so handsome in swéeping, seruing, and pleasing his maister, that not many yeares after, he did not onely make him frée, and marrie him with his daughter, but also did aduance him to the office of Clarke of the kitchin: in such maner, that from the estate of a bondman, hée indued him with the condition of a sonne. Nowe when Clēander sawe himselfe frée, married, and in office in the Court, he trauelled to obteine the good will of the Emperour Marcus Aurelius, which he obteyned by carefulnesse in seruice, and diligence in his office: and vsed therin so great diligence and promptnesse, that he was neuer noted, either slacke in prouision, or false in reckoning.’
[Page 188] ‘ Marcus Aurelius being deade, Commodus forgate not to remoue Cleander from the affayres of the kitchin, and made him capitaine of his guard, and Lord great Chamberlaine of his chamber. Vnto none of as many as did serue & accompany Commodus in his youth that hée was gratefull, but vnto Cleander: vnto whom it had bin much better, neuer to haue risen to so great honour: for thereof onely procéeded the losse of his life. Althoughe the fauour of Cleander did rise in iest or of small causes, he framed in fewe dayes to performe the same in earnest, which was as followeth: that as Commodus grew into disgrace, & was abhorred and had no care of the gouernement of the Empire, Cleander did presse and in such maner did thronge to entermedle with affayres, that for the more part all matter were dispatched at his will and pleasure: in such wise, that Commodus gaue or firmed nothinge, if Cleander did not signe or allowe the same. Commodus had neuer any priuate or fauoured seruaunt, that in all points could so winne his will as Cleander: who affirmed to wishe nothing, that Commodus wished not, either to allowe any thing that hée said not: but aduouched also that he did not thinke or dreame, but that which Commodus did dreame and thinke: and with these and suche like lyes and flatteries, hee wan the hart of Commodus, and obteyned seruice of the whole Empire. After Cleander beheld himselfe the onely priuate and fauoured seruaunt of Commodus, hée easily made himselfe rich: obteyning the custodie, not onely of the whole common treasure, but also the kéeping of all the monie and iewels of the Emperour Cō modus: and further in giuing offices, and receiuing presentes, his sinceritie excéeded not. But Cleander finding himselfe in so great magnificence, began not greatly to regarde so great fauour, or much lesse the obteyning of so great wealth: conceyuing in the end, that Commodus did vse him as a vassall, and that hée must accompt him as his Lord: to cut off which opprobrie, and to giue contentation vnto his heart, he determined to kill Commodus, and for [Page 189] himselfe to vsurpe the Empire. Cleander did build at the port Salaria, most costly and delectable bathes, and comaunded proclamation to be made in Rome, to notifie vnto all men, that would bathe therein, to be discharged of all cost, and fréely to vse the same: and also added thereunto great pastimes, and preparations vnto all kinde of vices: in such wise, that there they cleansed their bodies, & defiled their soules. Many times Cleander did inuite the Senate, and sent them particular presents home to their houses: The Pretors, Censors, Questors, Tribunes, Prefectes, and other Romane officers, he caused their dueties to be paied: and all the men of warre he did not onely pay them, but also did trauel to hold them contented: in such maner, that some with vitious delights and pleasures, and some by rewards, giftes, and monie, in a maner he recouered all men for his friendes. In the yeare of great hunger and pestilence in Italie, Cleander bought all the wheat in the countries adioyning vnto Rome: wherein his intent was, not to gaine or make a profite thereof, but to bring Rome into a necessitie, to y e end that all men should come to his house for wheate: and therein to haue vsed so great liberalitie, in selling good cheape, and giuing plentifully, in a yeare so deare, that after the death of the Emperour Commodus, they should not mislike to giue him the Empire. And as hunger increased cruelly, a great part of the yeare beeing as yet to come, and the people not knowing Cleanders intent, who did neither giue or sell any wheate: soudainly al Rome did rise, exclaming death and treason against Cleander, as an vsurper of the goodes of the common wealth. Cleander being a man valiaunt, of great power, and Captaine of the guard, comaunded all the men of his captaineship, to be armed: who did place themselues in the compasse of his house, for the garde of his person, and to resiste that ciuil furie: although it be most true, that hée rather defended the sacking of his house, then of feare to defende his life. The townesmen on the one side, and Cleander on the other part, trauersed amongest themselues so long and [Page 190] perillous a contention: that it séemed no other matter, but that Silla and Marius were once more fallen into fight, for the seignorie of Rome. And as Cleanders partie was defended with men both armed and determined, in the first onset they executed so great slaughter amongest the people, that scarsly a streate was to be founde in Rome, that was not bathed with bloud: either any place great or litle, that was not filled with dead bodies. The townesmen perceyuing the slaughter and hauocke which the men of warre so cruelly did performe amongest them, retired euery man into his house: and fortifying their doores, they fought from their windowes and house toppes, and from thence threw and whirld out stones, tiles, spitts, potts, and caldrons: and in that so common danger, no lesse did womē fight then men: & Cleanders partie so hardly handled, that scarcely remained a hundred y t were not slaine or woūded. Whilst these déeds were doing at Rome, Commodus was recreating himselfe in an house which he had in an orchard, and Cleander being of great power, of some feared, and of others beloued, no man durst make report therof vnto Cō modus, because so strong was the frendship betwixt them, that they feared the displeasure of the one, and the vnkindnes of them both. There was in the Courte a sister vnto Commodus named Fadilla: whose eyes being charged w t teares, and tearing her haire from her head, as one in gret distresse, said vnto her brother Commodus. Most serene prince, and right deare brother, if thou wert aduertised of the condition and estate of Rome, thou wouldest not be so carelesse solacing in this garden: because I giue thee to vnderstand, that the yeomē of thy guard in the fauour of Cleander, and al the other people of the common wealth, haue trauersed amongest themselues so cruell a fight, that if presētly at this instant thou prouide not some remedie, this day wil be the end of the Romane people. The exceding honour, the great riches, & to to much fauour which thou hast imployed vppon Cleander, hath raised him into exceeding great pride, wherof although he be in the fault, [Page 191] yet the occasion hath beene giuen by thee: for as thou makest Lordes of bondmen, it is most certaine that they will make slaues of Lords & noblemen. The people be so furious against Cleander, & Cleander and his men so flesht against the people, that thou haste to chuse one of two thinges: which is to witt, to yeld Cleander vnto the common people, or els to abide what fortune of them and vs shalbe proued: for as the case standeth now impoisoned, it is impossible, that ioyntly thy life and his person this day may be preserued. These words being spoken by the infant Fadilla, all men present recouered new boldnes, persuading Commodus to remoue Cleander from amongest them, and so to appease the whole people of Rome: and to hold the ease of the common wealth more deare, then the friendship or life of Cleander. Commodus hearing these matters, & dismaid with feare, forthwith cōmaunded Cleander to come vnto his presence: and at the instante of his appearance, commaunded his head to be cut off, which being set vpon a lance, and carried about Rome, immediatly the whole multitude was pacified. Cleander being put to death, his children, seruauntes, & friends, were executed, whose bodies after they were drawen by boyes throughout Rome, were throwen into sinkes and places of vile ordure. This was the conclusion and end of Cleander, and the end of his children, his house, goodes, and honour: who though for many things, ought to be reprehended, yet onely for one thing he deserueth praise, namely, that he had rather die a gentleman, then liue a slaue.’
CHAP. XI. ¶The report of a fire which descended from heauen, and burnt in Rome the temple of peace.
ONe of the most notable exāples, wherin fortune hath discouered the inconstancie of her whéele, was in the [Page 192] discourse that she had & vsed wyth Cleander and his house: whoe in short space, of a slaue made a fréeman, of a fréeman a Steward, of a Steward a Pretour, of a Pretour a Chamberlaine, & of a Chamberlaine, in effect a Monarche of the world: and afterwards in one day, and in one houre, was vtterly destroyed: whereby wée haue to learne, that While wee liue in this life, with suretie wee possesse nothing. Hee ought not to be dismaide, that from an high estate, is descended vnto a poore degree: neither ought he to glorie or grow proud, that from a base estate, is aduanced to honour: for ther is none in so wretched condition, that hopeth not to growe better: either is there any so set a loft, that needeth not to doubt to catch a fall.
The present day that Cleander was put to death, Commodus repaired vnto his imperial Palace, & neuer more returned vnto his garden, neither to dwell, either as much as to solace: and if in times past hee had bin cruell, from thence forth hée was much more cruell, and also suspicious: for hée conceyued that popular sedition procéeded not, to take vengeaunce of Cleander, but for deuice to dispatch him of his life. His friends, his kinsefolks, his counsellers, his seruaunts, his natural subiects, and also strangers, hée held them all his vtter enimies: ‘because he doubted that all maner of men, that came to speake with him, came to deceiue him: and such as repaired to visite him, that by treason they would kill him. In the xij. yeare of his Empire on the xvij. day of March, at noone the heauen was séene full of starres, as if it had béene midnight: and that which was most meruell, and neuer read in bookes, or séen with eyes, that on the euening when the Sunne naturally was accustomed to be séene to sett in the Weste, they beheld rising in the East. In y e moneth of Iuly next following, a Comet appeared in heauen, as large as a great beame, and so flamed with fire, directing his sparkles vnto the citie of Rome. On the xx. day of the moneth of August, soudenly the heauens being cleare, neither raynie or cloudie, in Rome there strake an horrible clap of [Page 193] thunder: and after the thunder, there came a globe of fire, which burned the temple, named the temple of peace.’ This tēple in authoritie was most auncient, in buildinges most stately, in riches most wealthie, with priestes most published, and in deuotion most estéemed: because in all other Churches, the Romanes might pray vnto their Gods sitting or standing: but there were forced to pray on their knées. All men which had monie, treasure, iewels, or rich stuffe, layd it all vp in the temple of peace: not onely thinking them most safe, by y e stronge building of the Church, but also of deuotion to commende and offer their goodes vnto the God of peace, to obteine permission to enioy quietnes. ‘The losse which the Romanes receiued, by those flames of fire, did excéede all reckoning: for y t in a maner all rich men had there their riches burnt & consumed: in such wise, that no heart might endure, either yet dissemble, to heare the cries of men, and the exclamation of women: euery man recounting his losse vnto his neighbour, & ioyntly bewayling the burning of the temple. Now when the temple of peace was burnt, visibly they did sée it passe, vnto the temple of the vestall virgins: which wholy it consumed, leauing no signe of any building thereof. And yet notwithstanding, better order was taken for the remedie thereof, then in the other temple: for presently vppon the kindling of the fire, they tooke out the vestall virgins, whiche there were inclosed, and the reliques which the Romanes had there reposed And for as much as wée haue said of reliques, it is to vnderstand, that the Romanes had in that temple the Palladium: that is to say, the image of the goddesse Pallas, which fell from heauen vpon the walls of Troy, and from thence was brought to Rome: which was holden in as great veneration, as the arke of the Lord amonges the Israelites. The Romanes held that Image of the Goddesse Pallas, so shut vp, inclosed and hidden: that long time after shée was brought from Troy, of mortall man being neuer séene: either of Consul, Emperour, or priest: for they had a prophecie, that in the yeare, in which [Page 194] that Image should be séene, there should be great chaunge in the prosperitie of Rome.’
The Romanes remoued their vestall virgins, and the Image of their Goddesse Pallas, vnto the house of Commodus: and so great was the lamentation amongest the Romanes, to behold their vestall virgins set at large, and their Palladium discouered, that without comparison they did much more bewaile the burning of their temple of reliques, then the other temple that conteyned all their riches. ‘After this globe of fire had burned the temple of Peace, and the temple of Reliques, it burned also many other sumptuous buildinges: not burning alongest after the manner of other fire, but amongest many houses burnt one, and farre off from thence would burne another: wherof the Romanes did gather, that it was not the fire in vse amongest men, seruing onely to burne: but a fire sent from the Godds, to consume and chastice.’ These terrible fireinges, and prodigious spectacles, of the Romanes being cō sidered, if vntil that time they did wishe the Emperour euill, from thenceforth they could neither endure to behold him, either abide with patience to heare his name: for they held it for certeintie, ‘that all those euill signes wherwith the Godds did threaten the Common wealth, were all sent for his foule and filthie life. This globe of fire continued by the space of a xi. dayes: in all which time it ceased not to burne temples and houses. On the xij. day Commodus rode out of the citie, and at the instante that he went out at the gates, soudainely the fire ceased: which confirmed the Romanes in their opinion, namely that during the life of Commodus, the Romane people of the gods should alwayes be scourged.’
CHAP. XII. ¶ Of many cruelties, and not a fewe phantastical practises of Commodus.
AS it hath béene said, Commodus continued certaine dayes very sad and pensiue, when he considered how traytors sought occasion to take away his life, and the terrible flames and burninges of Rome: but in short time after, hee both forgat the chastisement of the Gods, and conspiracies of men: and this manifestly appeared, for that he so stoutly returned to all his vices, as if he had neuer beene vitious. Cleander being dead, hée made Niger Prefect, and after sixe houres hee did reuoke his power, and commaunded him to be banished: and prouided also Galba Rufus for his Chamberlaine, whom after foure houres he discharged of his office, and sent him in exile: and when Niger & Rufus complained of their griefes, Commodus aunsweared, hée did not banishe them for that which they had done, but for that which they might doe. He created Prefect Marcus Dulius, a man (most certaine) right generous and auncient: whome after thrée dayes hée remoued from his office, and comaunded him vntill his death, in his house to be prisoner, the occasion whereof was, for that (as hée affirmed) Marcus was very old and spente, and therefore it were no reason he should be troubled of any person: and also, that if any man should request any thing, hée mighte aunsweare him, that hée was a prisoner, and might not go out of his doores to doe him pleasure. He gaue the Senate to vnderstand, that hée would go into Africa, and had necessitie, for his nauie by sea, & his army by land, of a great summe of monie: although the Senate did suspect it but a collusion, they durst not but open the treasurie, and diuide with him the treasure: for otherwise, he would both make hauoche of their liues and treasure.
In April the Senate gaue foorth their monie, and when [Page 196] Commodus was in possession thereof, he bruted his departing vnto Campania, to take men of warre: where hée remayned ail that Summer, and also parte of the next winter, eating, drinking, fishing, hunting, playing, wrastling, running, leaping, dauncing, swimming, and such other vanities. All the Senate was much ashamed, and all the Romanes not a litle touched, after they vnderstood the monie which was giuen out for the warres of Africa, to be so vitiously consumed by Commodus in Campania. After his returne to Rome, Commodus was aduertised, that Motilenus Prefect for that yeare, had murmured more at him, then any other person: and for very griefe and despight did wéepe, to sée their monie prouided for the warres, spent in so wicked vses: Commodus confected certaine figgs, and inuited Motilenus to dinner, who being fed with figs died ‘y e third day following. One day he clad himself as a priest, right pontifically, and placed himselfe aloft on a choche of 4. furious horses: the Romanes supposing he would offer sacrifices at the temple, he mounted certeine rockie cliftes & mountaines: and there against all reason ran his charriot, where his horses happened to be all to torne, & his chariot rent all to péeces, and hée brake his head, and wrenched his foote: finally he made a narrow misse, in repayment of his follie, that day to haue lost his life.’ On a day he went to y e Senate, and said that hee would not haue Rome named Rome, but Cōmodiana: and the Senate aunswered, they were both pleased to call Rome Cōmodiana, and the Senate Cōmodiano. That which the Senators supposed to be demaunded in iest, also consenting in iest, Commodus did accept in earnest: & from thenceforth, the letters which were written, the prouisions which were made, & the seals therto ioyned, in al such instruments Rome was intituled Cōmodiana, & the Senate Cōmodiano: and if by negligēce any man happened to be obliuious therof, & to vse y e name of Rome, presently he was banished from thence, to séeke Rome: for that was not, but Cōmodiana. ‘The priests of y e Goddesse Isis were commanded to come into his presence, [Page 197] and said vnto them, that shée had reuealed vnto him, that their heads should be shauen, and that hée was commaunded as high priest to performe the same: and with a blunte knife hée cutt their nailes, and blunting his knife vppon stones, would drie shaue their heades: in such wyse, that as their haire was drie, and his knife blunt, it might more truely be said, that hée did rather fley them, then trimme or dresse them. Such as garded the temple of the Goddesse Bellona, hée caused their right armes to be thrust out of ioynte: alledging, that since they painted the Goddesse with a broken arme, her priestes ought not to haue their armes whole and sound. The Romanes painted their Goddesse Isis with naked brestes: and Commodus on a day visiting that temple, and beholding the image of Isis, painted with brestes discouered: hée caused the brestes of the priests to be scrat with combs of yron in his presence, affirming that it were vniuste for their Goddesse to haue naked brestes, and they to hold their entrailes hidden.’
‘ Commodus commaunded all men to call him Hercules, which, to the end hée would resemble, hée made a coate of Lions skinnes, and tooke in hand an huge clubb, wherwith hée wente day and night killing men, breaking doores, and ouerthrowing pillers, with such other vanities: in so much that a fierce cruell Lion would not haue done so great hurtes, as Commodus committed as a Lion, but counterfect. With many other vaine and wicked déedes vnworthie to be written.’
CHAP. XIII. ¶ A discourse of the prouinces that rebelled in his reigne, and the prodigies of his death.
THere rebelled against the Romane Empire, in the reigne of Commodus, the Mauritanes, the Datians, the Sarmatians, and the Germaines, all which were onely [Page 198] come by the Romane capiteines: for that Commodus did rather imploy his valiauntnesse in vices, then in resisting enimies. Hée was not onely in his woordes and workes, vaine and friuolous, but also in his letters which hée wrote for the Empire: for that many times being aduertised frō countries and prouinces, of causes of great importance, he would answeare them with matters of vanitie: and sometimes would sende an whole shéete of paper sealed and firmed, conteyning onely one Latine woord, that is to say, Vale. Notwithstanding the dayes of his reigne were the most vnfortunate dayes, yet would hee néedes commaund them to be termed y e golden world. Most heynous offences hée would pardon for monie: if any person being absent were condemned to die, hée would finde out some other of his age and name, to be executed for his offence: affirming that since he did resemble him in age and name, hée should not varie in the maner of his death: in such wise, that this tyrant did kill innocents for the wicked, and let offenders escape for monie. If any man had an enimie of whom he would take vengeaunce, hée néeded no other meane to performe the same, but to bargaine with Commodus for a summe of monie, which being agréed he neuer wanted occasion to rid him of his life. At all the vile and filthie déeds which Commodus committed, he was not gréeued, but delighted in the publication thereof: in so much that he was not onely euil, but also boasted himselfe to be euill: for that he entred so great follie or madnes, ‘that all thinges which hée either did, or said, whether allowed or misliked of himselfe or all other men, expressely hee commaunded them to be written, in the registre Capitoline. On a certeine time he determined to burne y e whole citie of Rome: and being prest to giue fire to many parts, Letus a Consul came vnto him, and said vnto him so many things, and put him in so great feare of the hazard of his life, that he ceased that day to execute so desperate a déed: and being demaunded, why hée would burne his mother Rome, aunsweared: that he would not burne Rome, but his Commodian Colonell: [Page 199] because at that time it was named Rome. These prodigies following did precede his death. There came out of his house certeine little birds, of the fashion and colour of turtles: which were neuer séene either in Rome, or in any the confines of Italie, and remained iij. dayes vppon his house, neither flying or remouing to any other house: and their note and songe which they vsed, did rather giue motion of wéeping, then of mirth. Soudeinly the ports of Ianus did open, the copper Image of the god Mercurie was séene to sweat, the Image of Hercules without approch of any person was séene to moue, and vppon his chamber where hée slept the skrich owle nightly ceased not to houle. Commodus cōsidering these causes, departed to remaine at mount Celius: affirming that he was feared by night, & might not sléepe. On the next day, being demaunded for the celebration of certeine feastes & games, which were to be done before the gates of his Palace, what garmentes his guard should weare, hée aunswered and commaunded them to be clad with hooded capes for the raine, a garment much vsed in Rome for mourners: in such wise that on the other day hée was in such maner accompanied, that it seemed rather they wente to honour his obsequies, then to celebrate or magnifie his feastes.’
CHAP. XIIII. ¶ Howe Commodus was slaine by the deuice and counsel of his Courtisane Martia.
THe time approching, wherein the follies and wickednesses of the Emperour Commodus should finish, and the sorrowfull Rome obteine libertie from the seruitude of so cruell a tyrant: the occasion both of the one and the other was after this maner.
[Page 200] ‘The first day of the moneth of Ianuary, the Romanes did celebrate the feast of the God Ianus: on which day Commodus determined to shewe himselfe in the habite, not of an Emperour, but of a sword player: whereof Martia his cōcubine being aduertised, with great instāce did humblie pray him, and with many teares no lesse request and béeseech him, that it might please him to take some other order, both to auoyde the perill that might happen vnto his person, as also the blemishe vnto his authoritie. This Martia was so loued and so tenderly cherished and honoured of the Emperour Commodus, that notwithstanding shée did serue him as a concubine, yet hée brought to passe that all men did serue her as Empresse. To restraine Cō modus from that feast in the shewe and forme of a sword-player, neither were the abundant teares powred forth of Martia sufficient, either her humble sute so instantly requested, either the feare and hazard of his person so flatly informed, either the amorous intisementes so exactly performed, remoue his purpose: the which Martia considering, forgat not to request others to be assistant in that sute: for as afterwardes shée reported, her heart did giue her, that Commodus that day should passe great perill. At that time Letus was his Chamberlaine, and Electus Capiteine of his guard, whoe were priuate and in great fauour with the Emperour Commodus, & friendes vnto Martia: these both shée requested to be humble furtherers in her former sute. But Commodus was so obstinate, and determined to celebrate that feast of Ianus, in forme of a fenser: that he was not onely vnwilling to heare them, but also grew to be offended with them. On the eues eue of the great feast of the God Ianus, Commodus cōmaunded the Capiteines of the sword players, to prepare him the armes & ensignes of a sword player: for that hée would celebrate those feasts not as an Emperour, but as a swoord player. This done and prouided, Commodus cōmaunded Letus and Electus to depart to their lodging, to the end he might repose: and séeing himselfe alone in his chamber inclosed with doores [Page 201] shut, he tooke paper and incke, and did write with his owne handes, the names of all such persons which he determined on the next day should be slaine with the swoord players: for his meaning was not principally to adorne those feastes and to honour them, but to dispatch manye men of their liues. This memorial being made, of al such persons as the nexte day shoulde be slaine: partely of excesse, and partely of wearinesse in writinge, he was taken with deade sleape: laying his memoriall vnder his pillowe, not doubting that any person should encounter therewith. Commodus had in his chamber a little boye sufficiently faire, named Pugius, whome he did loue and fauour aboue all the rest, not for his seruice, but for delight he had of him in bedde. As Pugius was but childishe, and in so greate fauour, comming and going alwayes into Commodus chamber, fortune would, or to say better, God so ordayned, that he shoulde take that paper in hande wherein were contained the names of al such as were appointed to the slaughter: and came forth vnto the lodging, where Martia receiued him to play, according vnto the custome vsed with children: and finding the paper in his handes, suspecting it to be some writinge of importance, tooke the childe into her armes, imbracinge, kissinge, and dallying with the childe Pugius, and giuing him another iuell wherewith to play, tooke the paper into her hands, without all suspicion to finde that, which therein was conteined. Martia coulde both write and reade, and vnderstoode y e Gréeke, and spake the Latine toung, and presently begane to reade the contents thereof, written by Commodus his owne handes: wherein shée founde firste her owne proper name, as appointed amongst the reste to be slaine: the seconde was the chamberlaine Letus, the thirde the captaine Electus, and so consequentely the most auncient, wealthy, & the most noble personages of Rome, Martia being astonnied and terrified to find what she foūd in that libell, began to sobbe and wéepe: and saying with her selfe: what is this? may it be, that I am Martia that [Page 202] reade this writing, and shalbe executed to morrowe? Oh Commodus, ioy & take no care: for whereas thou hadst thought to haue done vengeaunce vppon thine enimies: this daye, they shal be reuenged of thee, in suche wife, as men shall praise it, and the Gods allowe it: that in thy rigorous chasticements, all tyraunts shall obteine and recouer both warning and example.’ If thou euer in all thy life, didest committ or perfourme any good deede, it hath beene to place mee amongst suche persones as thou hast appointed to be slaine to morowe: for that shee deserueth moste iustly to dye, that abandoneth her conuersation vnto so vile a person. Since the Gods haue so permitted, and my good fortune woulde, that this matter should be discouered, full contrarie to thy purpose, it shall haue successe: because thou thoughtest to haue slaine mee, and all other vertuous, noble, and most wealthie of the Empire: but the case shall be thus: that this daye thou shalt see the ende of thy wicked life, and wee all shall beholde our mother Rome set at libertie.
‘These and suche other woordes being spoken, shée sent for Letus and Electus, to whome in greate secrecie, shée shewed this writing: and when they considered, that on the next daye they shoulde all be slaine, they forgate not to determine to kill Commodus that night: but hardely might agree vppon the deuice and manner of his death.’
‘It was the euen of the feast of Ianus, and also a great parte of the daye alreadie past, and not as yet determined with what manner of death they shoulde finishe Commodus his life: for that, if they shoulde kill him on the soudeine, he might defende him selfe, and the case discouered: and if their affaires were deferred, on the next daye they were iudged to dye: but finally, they concluded to dispatche him with poison, offered by the hands of Martia. The manner was thus.’
‘ Martia persuaded Commodus that night to bathe him selfe, and comming from the bathe, Martia bare [Page 203] him in hande that he was pale and colourlesse, and prayed him to drinke and to eate a morsell, and in that same whiche shée gaue him in a colation to eate, in the same shée ministred poison for him to dye.’
‘Not long after this surfeting dyet, his head began to ake: and being counselled by Martia to take his bedde, shée prouided to sende foorth all persones that might seeme either to hinder his rest, or her determined purpose. He had reposed little more then an houre, when the poison began to come to his heart, and taking occasion with his fingers to cast, Martia, Letus, & Electus, doubting that by vomite he might throwe foorth the poison, and so they by matter committed might iustly be put to death, beganne to féare and dismaye in their enterprise. But Martia more like a man then a woman, perceiuing her complaintes to be daunted with feare, brought in Narcissus, a beardlesse and shamelesse young man, fleshed in murthers: to whome shée promised a greate summe of money, who entring the chamber finished the murther. This was the ende of the vnchast and filthie life of Commodus, whose life and death may yealde vnto all Princes bothe example and terrour: for, notwithstanding the wicked are forborne for a time, yet Gods iustice doth not permitte them to escape vnpunished.’ (⸫)
The life of the Emperour Pertinax, compiled by syr Anthonie of Gueuara, Bishop of Mondonnedo, preacher, chronicler, & counseller vnto the Emperour Charles the fifth.
CHAP. I. ¶Of the linage and countrie of the Emperour Pertinax.
THE emperour Publius Pertinax was borne in the prouince of Apennia in a certeine place named Martos, in the second yere of the Empire of Traiane: and his father was named Lineotinus, a man that liued by his owne proper sweate and trauaile. Pertinax beeing a stripling, serued his father with the carriage of wood vpō an asse, to be solde at the towne, who vsed to sell so déere, contentious, and pinching, that if they gaue him not his first demaunde, he did rather leaue his wood vnsolde, then abate one blanke of his price. And being noted of all men, and but for a packeman, it procéeded thereof to be named Pertinax, that is to say, contentious: for that before time he was named Publius. Pertinax perceiuing that he was now called, not Publius, but Pertinax, contentious and packman, he parted from his countrie in a greate chafe, and shamed, giuing him selfe to write and read: whiche when he had learned, he traueiled to atteine the Gréeke & Latine tounges, which also he obteined: in such wise, that he became more handsome in science, then in selling of wood. Nowe when Pertinax perceiued him selfe to be instructed bothe in the Gréeke and Latine tounges, he gaue him selfe vnto the warres, to learne the arte of warrefare, [Page 205] perceiuing that from his studie there procéeded much traueile, and no profit: and that his life diminished, and his goods nothing increased. In those dayes the Romaines helde warres with the Assyrians, against whome the Consul Lolianus was capteine, where Pertinax being repaired, made couenant with a capteine of Rome to serue him for his prouision, in the condition of a cater: who vsing his seruice in that office verie faithfully, and in skirmishe and encounter with the enimie no lesse valiantly, his maister remoued from his saide office, and aduaunced him to the state of a Souldiour. Not long after that Pertinax had serued in the condition of a souldiour, but he was raised to an office of more honour and credite, which in these dayes, is termed Sergeant of the hande, that is to wéete, to giue order vnto the souldiours, to sette in arraye. Pertinax euery daye recouered fame in the warres, and his valiantnesse and noble minde was notorious vnto all men in the campe. It chaunced at the furious encounter of the enimie, the capteine of his hande to be slaine: whereof the Consul Lolianus commaunded him to take the charge, wherein he did so behaue him self, that not long after, he did not onely with bloud, reuenge the bloud of his capteine, but also brought to passe, to be loued of the Romaines, and feared of the enimies. The warres of Assyria being finished, Pertinax remained as pretor thereof, and as he was feared of the Assyrians in the time of warre: so was he afterwardes beloued in time of peace: for if in times past he had béene rigorous, as vnto enimies: so was he in processe without all comparison, more pittifull vnto offenders. In the seconde yeare of the Empire of y e good Marcus Aurelius, the king of Parthians rebelled against the Romanes, & amongst other Capteines that were called vnto that conquest, was Pertinax the Pretor of Assyria: in which warres, so straight and sound frindship was planted betwixt Marcus Aurelius and Pertinax, that from thenceforth they dealte not as maister and seruaunt, but as father and sonne: because no matter, [Page 206] were it of moste greate importance whiche Marcus Aurelius commaunded, that Pertinax perfourmed not, and exactly did not accomplishe: either any counsell ministred by Pertinax vnto Marcus Aurelius, vnto whiche he yealded not. In those Parthian warres, Pertinax proued so prouident in perils, so doughtie in hazardes, so wise in counsell, so venturous in sallies, and so valiant in battaile, that by reporte of the enimies and iudgement of the armies, he onely deserued more glorie then all the rest. The warres of Asia being finished, the Emperour Marcus Aurelius sente him as Pretor vnto the prouince of great Britaine, which nowe is called Englande.
Two yeares after he arriued into Britaine, warre was raised against the Germaines, vnto which warres Pertinax was also called, and there had the charge of the Eagle, which was to be bearer of the royall standarde, and was called the Eagle, because the Romanes had alwayes in that speciall standard an Eagle brauely painted.
‘ Pertinax being resident in the warres of Germanie, his owne mother from Rome, came to visite him, for that tenne yeres had passed in whiche shée had not séene him: and not tenne dayes after shée had inioyed the sight of her desired sonne, shée dyed and passed out of this worlde. Vnto whom Pertinax erected so solemne and sumptuous obsequies, and so generous a sepulchre, whereof was diuined that shée was the mother of some Emperour to come, and that the Empire should fall into his handes.’ The affaires of Germanie being settled, the Emperour Marcus Aurelias sent his commaundement vnto Pertinax, to passe into Datia, which nowe is named Denmarke: and did assigne him fiftie thousande sextercies for his stipend, whiche may amount to fiue thousande Ducates of our money: whereat manye did enuie, no lesse for the greate summies of money which he gaue him, then for the honourable gouernement that he committed vnto him.
[Page 207]Nowe Pertinax being growen verie riche, and notified bothe valiant, hardie, and in greate estimation, hee was there withall enuied of manie: which hatred borne him by his contemporants and companions in the warrs, they discouered by their extreme publishing his negligences, darkening and inféebling his heroicall actes.
It is an auncient custome in the malice of man, to holde nothing for well done, but that which we loue, although it be euil: and to esteeme nothinge for euill, but that which we hate, although it be right perfect. There came from Datia certeine souldiours to Rome, whiche gaue foorth so peruerse and foule information againste Pertinax, that presently the Emperour did suspende his office, and discharged him of his stipende, and that he shoulde serue one whole yeare at his owne proper costes in Illyria.
This imperiall commaundement being notified vnto Pertinax, presently with greate patience he obeyed, and departed vnto Illyria to perfourme his banishement with much constancie: and they saye, that he saide these words at his departing.
I am not grieued for the honour whereof they haue depriued mee, either for the stipende which they haue taken from mee, either of this exile whiche they haue sent mee: but it grieueth mee that this commaundement shuld proceede from so good a Prince, and I not hearde, either he well infourmed: because mine innocencie being knowen (as shortly it shalbe knowen) the Emperour, my Lord, shalbe noted of all men, as a Prince of light beliefe, and I shall obteine the credite and fame of a gentleman, bothe sincere and patient.
And as Pertinax said, so it succeded, which is to wéete: the Senate commaunding inquisition to be made, and finding Pertinax frée and cleare from all matters, wherof he was accused, and manye thinges wherefore to be commaunded, he was by publique sentence restored vnto his honour, & to his aduersaries was giuen the paine that [Page 208] he did and shoulde haue suffered: although, notwithstanding in short time after, by his owne sute, they were pardoned, because Pertinax naturally was pittifull, and not giuen to reuenge.
CHAP. II. ¶Of the variable fortune that Pertinax did passe before he obteined the Empire.
THE emperour Marcus Aurelius helde Pertinax in reputation of a man both vertuous, valiant, silent, of a noble minde, and also fortunate: but after he had by false report exiled him, he helde him both for wise, and of great patience, considering howe mildly he endured so vniust banishment, and afterwardes howe friendly he sued for his aduersaries. In recompence of the iniurie whiche Marcus Aurelius the Emperour had done vnto Pertinax, he made him Pretor of Datia, and sent him ioyntly with his prouision, the ensigne, and did also constitute him capteine of the first legion: that is to saye, to haue the vauntgarde of the armie, which in the warres is a matter of moste trust, and also of honour: in suche wise, that where as his enimies had thought moste to haue confounded him, from thence he receiued occasion to be most aduaunced. The prouince of Noricus and Retius rebelled against the Romaines: against whome the armies of Illyria were sent, vnto whome they gaue aduertisement that they were readie to be reduced vnto the seruice of the Romaine Empire, if the Pretor that presently did gouerne them were remoued, and in his place they might obteine Pertinax for their Protector: saying and affirming, that they rebelled not, to retire from the subiection of Rome: but because their officers did oppresse them with cruell dealing. Great ioye had the Emperour Marcus Aurelius when he vnderstood those prouinces to be reduced vnto his [Page 209] seruice: but much more did he reioyce, when he was aduertised, howe instantly they craued Pertinax for the gouernement of that countrie: vnto whome presently he sent, both crauing and commaunding: and to the ende that Pertinax shoulde accept his suite, and condescende vnto his commaundement, he sent him the ensigne and liuerie of Consulship. Many dayes after that these matters had passed, the Emperour Marcus Aurelius sent for Pertinax, which had béene absent sixtéene yeares, and as he was in martial affaires, famous, so generally they came foorth into the stréetes of Rome to beholde him, as it had béene some monster, brought from the desertes of Aegypt: and being arriued at Rome, he was conducted by the Emperour Marcus Aurelius vnto the Senate: and after all sortes and fashions was praised and honoured as an assured friende doeth vse to praise and honour his approued friende, which was great noueltie in Rome: that is to saye, for one Prince to speake for another in the Senate: for vnto such like Capteines as vnto Pertinax, they did onely heare what they would saye, but vsed not to aunswere any one woorde within the Senate. Presently in the Kalendes of Ianuary next ensuing, Pertinax was created Consul: which the Emperour wished the Senate had not perfourmed, to the ende he woulde haue made him Pretor principall, because he estéemed him to be in possession of greate wisedome, for gouernement of matters of the common wealth, and very vpright to administer iustice. The people inhabitant neare vnto Danubie, did write vnto the Emperour Marcus Aurelius, howe they were robbed, lost, and euil gouerned: and that if Pertinax were not sent to gouerne that prouince, er long the whole countrie would rebell: which Marcus Aurelius vnderstanding, framed and forced him to returne vnto Danubie: and to the same ende he gaue him power and stipende so accomplished, that he reserued vnto him selfe but onely the name of Emperour his Lord,
One yere after that Pertinax had gouerned Danubie, [Page 210] the Senate sent him newe prouision for the gouernement of Datia, by the occasion of the death of Cassius: and that also he should vse the residence of the Pretor of Panonia: in suche wise, that there was no matter, either in the inferiour or higher Almaine, that by the handes of Pertinax was not gouerned and prouided. Two yeares after the death of the Emperour Marcus Aurelius, Pertinax was remoued from the gouernement of Germanie, and assigned vnto Syria: the gouernement whereof was the best, the most honourable, and also the moste profitable that was giuen by the Romanes: ‘for that it was not bestowed, but vppon the moste auncient Consul, or the moste valiant capteine, or the moste graue Senatour, or the ambassadour that hest had perfourmed his charge. All the life of the good Emperour Marcus Aurelius, Pertinax in all his offices was founde to be verie wise, verie iust, seuere, and no lesse sincere: but after the good Emperour was dead, he grewe negligent, and also was noted with the blemishe of a nigarde, and couetousnesse, because from thenceforth, he did rather imploye his forces to gather richesse, then to gouerne the common wealth.’ Of this notable example it may be inferred, of that which euerye day we sée to chaunce: which is, that good Princes, of euil men make good seruauntes, and euil Princes of good men, make euil seruauntes: for that many times, notwithstanding the seruaunt naturally be euil, he doth endeuour and enforce him selfe to be good, in respect of his maister which is good: and so by the contrarie, if the Prince be euil, the seruaunt strayeth vnto euill, although of his owne nature he be good.
Nowe Commodus being Emperour in Rome, when Pertinax bribed, and gathered money in Asia, againste whome certeine people did rise and mutine, exclaming that he helde them oppressed and robbed, he was constrained thereby to retyre vnto Rome, to escape their pretented practises, to dispatche him of his life: nothing displeasant vnto Commodus, to the ende he might inherite [Page 211] his goods.
Pertinax being come to Rome, and the tyraunt Perennius in those dayes gouerning the Empire, and commaunding Commodus, gaue him verie euill entertaynement, and woorse conuersation: not for that Pertinax had so deserued, but the rather to giue him occasion to departe from Rome: for that being (as he was) verie wise, and of great iudgement, valiant, riche, and also auncient: he doubted to bée depriued by Pertinax from the fauour of Commodus.
‘ Pertinax beholding the follies of Commodus, the tyrannies of Perennius, the losse and spoyle of the common wealth of Rome: aduised to departe from thence, and to goe vnto the countrie of Liguria, separating him selfe to liue in a poore village, where in times past, his father had liued and kepte shoppe: and buying that poore dwelling, where his father had solde oyle, fishe, wine, bread, and other victualls, buylt in the compasse thereof a stately buylding, permitting the olde to remaine in the midest without any addition or diminishing thereof. Pertinax excéedingly delighted to beholde that countrie, wherein he had passed his life being but a childe, and from whence he had departed so abiect, and nowe returned with suche wealth and credite.’
‘And being aduertised of the foale of the Asse, whereon he had vsed to carrie wood, to be aliue, he bought it, and did so vse & féede it, as it had béene some auncient seruaunt of great deseruing. He there erected manye and solemne buyldinges, bought great and many purchases, gaue great summes of money vnto his kinred, old friends, and acquaintaunce: and did so ioye to sée him selfe so riche, where he had béene so poore, and to obteine so great quietnesse, after so muche trauaile: that he saide, and wrote vnto his friendes, that if Princes had throughly tasted and knowen the rellishe of reposed rest: of them selues, and of their owne proper will, they would abandon their Empires.’
[Page 212] Pertinax being setled in quietnesse, Commodus sent his commaundement, that he shoulde departe into Britaine to execute the office of Pretor: which he obeyed, more for feare then of good will, and presently began to reforme the armies: whiche were in robberies verie absolute, and of life no lesse dissolute. And on a time a certeine mutinous legion made commotion, not because they had contention amongest them selues, but early to awake Pertinax, to violate his life. The matter fell out after this manner, that Pertinax found him selfe in so great perill, that all men thought he had béene slaine: yet amongst the dead he escaped aliue, notwithstanding cruelly wounded. After these matters were pacified, and Pertinax cured of his woundes, hee so seriously chasticed that treason which they had conspired against him, that he ministred matter to murmur at Rome, and to bewaile in Britaine. The Senate being aduertised, what had passed betwixt the armie and Pertinax, sent a suspense of, and for his pretorian office, and gaue him charge of prouision for victuals and munition, whiche he woulde not accept, but sued for his discharge to departe: for that the armies helde him extreme and cruell, and he of the armies had greate doubt and suspicion. Pertinax being arriued at Rome, founde that Perennius the tyraunt was nowe dead: and Pertinax being a man of authoritie and grauitie, a small time fell into the fauour of Commodus, vnto whome he commended the prefecture or gouernement of the citie of Rome: and succéeding Fussianus whoe vsed his office with great crueltie, Pertinax obteined greate good liking of all the people, who perfourmed his charge with no lesse mildnesse and pietie.
Commodus not contented that Pertinax had recouered so greate fauour in the common wealth, and finding no occasion either to kill or banishe him, aduised to discouer his euill will whiche he did beare him, bothe in worde and déede, that of him selfe he would séeke occasion to departe frō Rome: who finding apt & sure meanes [Page 213] to renounce his office, retired vnto his owne proper house and countrie, supposing neuer more to haue béene remoued from thence all the dayes of his life: partely, for that he perceiued howe Commodus sought occasions to take away his life: and partly moued of olde age, to repose the remnant of his dayes.
CHAP. III. ¶What was saide, and what he aunswered vnto those persons, that offered him the Empire.
AFter that Martia, Letus, Electus, and Narcissus had slaine the Emperour Commodus, a greate parte of the night being passed, and all persons in y e palace being couched vnder the gouernement of profound sléepe, Martia and her companions tooke the carkase of Commodus, and wrapt it in an olde Seron, wherein the slaues did beare out the ordure of the stable: giuing them to vnderstande, that it was a certeine vessel, with a charge also to carrie it forth. After the bodie was remoued out of the courte, they laide it into a carre, and conueyed it into a certeine village named Aristro where Commodus did vse to bathe and solace: but on the next daye his death being published, the Romanes pursued, and although he were dead, they cutt off his head, and trailed his bodie throughout all the stréetes of Rome. Martia, Letus, and Electus, considering they had slaine Commodus, and bestowed his carkase at their pleasure, aduised amongest them selues to séeke out, and to name an Emperour before daye shoulde come vppon them: to the ende the Empire should haue an owner, as also to haue defence vnder his protection: and so it came to passe, when the death of the one was manifested, the election of the other was published.
[Page 214]the matter hapned after this manner: Letus and Electus talkinge with them, certeine of their especiall frindes departed streight vnto the house of Pertinax, knocking at the gate to haue it opened with greate haste: one of the sonnes of Pertinax beholding them to come armed, at such an hour, and with such hast, was taken with so great feare, that when he woulde haue made reporte thereof vnto his father, terrour and trembling woulde not suffer him to speake.
At the instant that Pertinax vnderstood how Letus and Electus were come with armed men, he leapt from his bedde and commaunded his gates with greate spede to be opened, which procéeded of a noble and a valiaunt minde, for that he helde it for most certaine, that for as much as they were both so priuate with Commodus, who did beare him so mortall hatred, and comming vnto his house at suche an houre, might be to no other end then to take away his life. And all the time whilest these matters did passe betwixt the one and the other parte, Pertinax was neither troubled or altered: but after the maner of a man determined to die, saide vnto Letus and Electus these woordes.
I do well vnderstande that the Emperour Commodus, my Lord, hath sente to kill me, whereof I doe not meruel: but wonder it is, that so long he suffered me to liue: because of all the olde seruants that were bred with his father Marcus Aurelius I onelie am aliue, a small remnant of all the reste whiche hee hath slaine. I may not with reason complaine me, y e Commodus in my quietnesse and securitie doth send to put me to death, since certaine dayes past, I haue attēded this last day & houre: for that abhorring, as I did abhorre his wicked life, I was moste sure hee [Page 215] woulde procure my death. It grieueth me not to die, but for that I die before I see my countrie deliuered from the handes of so cruell a tyrant: for I sweare vnto you by the immortall Godds, that I neuer wished anie thinge rather vnto my selfe, either my posteritie, then that it might please them, before they woulde take away my life I might beholde my mother Rome set at libertie. I haue been a right perfect and sincere Romaine, and zealous for the common wealth of my countrie, and doe hope in the immortall Godds, that I shall obteine that in their presence whiche they haue denyed mee in their absence, before whome, his malice and mine innocencie shalbe examined. You Letus, and Electus, seruauntes, friendes, and fauoured with Commodus, doe that whiche he hath commaunded you, and dispatche mee out of this tedious and miserable worlde: for in the ende to dye with the swoorde, or to dye with an ague, all is but death.
Letus and Electus were astonnied to beholde the constancie that Pertinax had, and to consider the excellent woordes whiche he saide: whereunto they made aunswere.
Oh, howe secrete are the iudgementes of God, and howe variable are the thoughtes of menne. This wee saye vnto thee Pertinax, because thou thinkest that wee are come to take awaye thy life: and wee are not come, but to the ende thou shouldest giue vs life, and take wretched Rome [Page 216] vnder thy defence.
Wee may not speake or aduertise thee at large, for want of time, the breake of day being at hande: but the case is thus, that the tyrante Commodus is deade, the cause thereof proceeded, for that he had determined (as was founde in memoriall written with his owne handes) this day to haue slaine vs all: and as by a certaine manner neuer harde of, the matter was discouered, we determined to preserue our own liues, and giue an ende to his tyrannies. In this deed which we haue done, we neither thinke to haue offended the Gods, or committed treason: for that the life of this tyrant was odious vnto the Gods, and daungerous vnto men. It was nowe high time that some man shoulde giue an ende vnto his life, that had taken away the life of so many good men. We, as we were in his fauour, had perfect intelligēce, whom he helde for friends, or enimies: and also we knowe right certeinely, that if thou Pertinax be now aliue, it is not, that he so wished it, or that he procured not to kil thee, but the Gods gaue him no place, but haue reserued thee to the ende thou shouldest deliuer Rome, and restore the common wealth.
No man knoweth vnto this houre that Cōmodus is dead, but Martia and we that haue slaine him: and as we haue laide our handes vpon him to finishe his dayes, so haue we fixed our eyes vpon thee to make thee Emperour.
And beleeue vs, Pertinax, that if we coulde haue made choice of any better then thy selfe, we woulde haue chosen better: because they are so many and so greate euills which haue beene committed by this tyrant, that they may not be amended or repayred, [Page 217] but by the hands of some most vertuous prince. That which hath moued vs to elect and giue thee this Empire, is, because thou art auncient, wise, valiaunt, vertuous, riche, and of great experience, aboue all the rest loued & desired of all the people: for that Prince whiche is not acceptable vnto his people, he shal of many be disobeyed & of many much lesse duely esteemed.
‘These woordes being noted of Pertinax, determinatly did thincke them to be spoken fainedly and with collusion, and thereto aunsweared. Oh Letus and thou Electus, you ought to be satisfied, simply to accomplish the vniust commaundement of Commodus, without derision of these my poore auncient yeres, y t is to say, first gilefully to flatter me and afterwards to kill mée. As I haue said, performe that which ye haue to doe, which the sooner ye shall accomplish, the greater ioy shal ye yéeld vnto Commodus, and deliuer me of griefe. I well know that Commodus now sléepeth not, but carefully abideth your returne, for at this present he attēdeth no better newes, then the report, that ye haue giuen an end vnto my wretched life. Letus and Electus considering that Pertinax continued doubtful and suspicious, began to say and replie: there is so small time for so great affaires as wée haue to do, that there resteth no time to contend vpon our ambassage and thy suspicion: and because thou shalt sée the truthe of that which we haue said, and not as thou supposest, take and reade this memoriall, written with Commodus his owne hand, and there shalt thou sée, how great reason wée had to kill him this night, since to morrow he ment to haue slaine vs all. Pertinax receiuing the memorial into his hands, and knowing it to be Commodus writing, found himselfe placed in the fourth degrée, which is to witt, that on the morrowe Commodus would haue killed Martia, Letus, Electus and Pertinax: & so by degrées, many other Senators & Consuls of Rome. Pertinax hauing read y e memoriall, stayed as one astonied [Page 218] againe demaunding if Commodus were dead in déede: they aduouched no lesse, and thoroughly affirmed the same: whereuppon hee beganne most pitiously to wéepe: saying, that he wept not for the death of Commodus, but because the memorie of the good Marcus Aurelius in him was finished.’ And lifting his eyes vp to heauen, said: Oh vnfortunate Marcus Aurelius, Oh vnfortunate Marcus Aurelius, Oh infortunate Marcus Aurelius: (thrée times exclaming him to be vnfortunate and vnhappie) because thou wast vnfortunate in thy wife, whiche thou possessedst: in thy daughters which thou nourishedst, & in thy sonnes which thou begattedst.
CHAP. IIII. ¶ A certeine notable speach vttered by Letus vnto the armie, in the fauour of Pertinax.
AFter that Pertinax had bewayled the death of Commodus, not for his owne condition, but for that he had béene the sonne of the good Marcus Aurelius, hée said vnto Letus & Electus, that he would not by any meane receiue the Empire, if the Senate did not commaund it, and the armie consent vnto it: because to hold the Empire safe and established, and not to enter the same as a tyrant: vnto the Senate, it apperteyned to vse their election, and the armie their confirmation. Letus made offer to finishe all that which Pertinax demaunded: that is to say, the Senate should elect and choose him, & the armie confirme and allow their election: and the hope that he had to obteine the same was, that hée had amongest them many friends and kinsefolke: and the ioy that all would receiue vppon the newes of his death. Letus departing to talke with the Capteines and leaders of the armie, made vnto them a compendious speach after this manner.
His Oration to the assemblie.
THAT which now I meane to say (right excellent Princes, and my martial companions) will be verie straunge vnto your hearing, although not farre distant from your desires: because of many things whiche we desire, the least and fewest parts thereof we do obteine. Neither are the Gods so liberall to giue vs al that we desire, either so niggard to denie vs all that we craue: and this they do, because we shal acknowledge them to be good, for that which they giue vs: and cō fesse our selues to be euill for that which they denie vs. The good and vertuous be not onely knowen, in the good woorkes which they doe, but also in their good desires which they haue: because the euill and wicked, if they durst, would neuer cease to commit mischiefe: and the vertuous if they might would neuer growe cold in doing vertuous acts. The Gods neuer ioyntly accomplished the desires of so many, as this day they haue accomplished all your desires: for being (as you are) noble, generous, valiaunt, true, and no counterfect Romanes: it is not to be thought that ye should wish or desire, but the libertie of our mother Rome, and the reformation of our auncient common wealthe.
Ye haue all seene what the Emperour Commodus hath beene, whiche is to witt, howe large in commaundement, howe cruell in killing, howe carelesse in gouernment, & how filthie of life: through which [Page 220] cause, we not onely held our houses as consumed & lost, and our persons in perill, but also were defamed throughout all straunge nations. The Prince that is ouer youthly, foolish, absolute or dissolute, looseth his people, and defameth his kingdome. Since ye haue seene the euils and cruelties which hee hath done, I would haue you see, heare, & vnderstād, what he mēt to doe: for as it seemeth by this memoriall written with his owne hand, hee had a will to haue slaine all persons within the Empire: and if hee might haue brought it to passe, it is credible, he would haue cut the throtes of so many as be in this world. It was neuer seene or heard off in this world, of any tyraunte that hath beene of the maner and condition of Commodus: for that naturally he delighted in losse of friends, and did glorie to haue enimies. Commodus your Emperour is now dead, & if I be not deceiued, I suppose he dieth with conformitie of the whole Empire: because there is nothing more certaine, then that hee which liueth to the preiudice of all men, should die to the conformitie of all men. In as much as the Gods haue taken in good part to deliuer vs from the seruitude of this tyrant, it is necessary that another Emperour be prouided and chosen, and this election may indure no delay, but must be dispatched at this instāt: because otherwise, as the great dignitie of the empire, is a thing that many desire, & few deserue: so it might happen that at the time wee would bestowe the same vppon some vertuous man, it might be vsurped by some straunge tyrant. If vnto euery man that is here present, we should haue due respect, according to their deseruing: I sweare by the immortall Gods, wee should want Empires, and not Emperours: but considering [Page 221] the Empire is but one, & is not to be giuen but vnto one, in the end none shall obteine the same, but he vnto whome the Gods shall assigne, and the destinies permit. The prince that ye haue to electe, ought (in my iudgement) to be natiue of your countrie: because the prince that is not natiue but a straunger, he shall rather first finishe his dayes, then attaine to the loue of his common wealth. Ye haue also to elect & chuse an Emperour, that possesseth age & grauitie: for that it furthereth not a little the profit and reputation of the common wealth, to haue a beard on the face, & hoarie haires on the head. Also it is right necessarie in the Emperour which ye shal elect, that he be no foole, either a coward: but that he be wise, pregnant, noble minded, & of experience: because in naturall science, and long experience, the good gouernement of the whole common wealth doth consist. Manifesting my minde more clearely, I say againe vnto that which I haue said: that if my opinion might be taken in this case, we ought to determine and fixe our eyes vppon Publius Pertinax, in whome concurre all the conditions aforesaid: that is to say, naturalitie, age, grauitie, science, and experience: & that this is most true, there needeth no greater testimonie for the credite thereof, then that Commodus held him for his enimie. It is not to be thought, that the Gods in vaine, haue conserued the life of Pertinax vntil this day, Commodus procuring by a thousand meanes to put him to death: as it is most true, that of al the old seruaunts of his father by him slaine, onely Pertinax is reserued aliue. As wee haue all wel knowen that be here present, that Pertinax hath been the man most afflicted, banished, enuied, toyled, and persecuted, of al the men that now [Page 222] are aliue in this world: and surely it is a great argument, to thinke that for him, & for no other the Empire hath beene reserued: because the Gods do neuer preserue the life of any man amongest so many perils, but afterwards greatly they aduaunce him. Wee ought all to hold it for great good hap, and greatly to gratifie the gods in respecte of such and so many as haue bin slaine in our common wealth, that we finde such a prince for our mother Rome, whom they shal not aduenture to contemne, because of his grauitie: neither be daūted with feare, for that he is noble minded: either noted of simplicitie, in as much, as hee is sapient: neither accused of vice, for that he is vertuous: either reproued of feeblenes, because he is reposed: finally, no man may deceiue him in words, in so much as he hath experience of all thinges. O most excellent princes and my commilitants, I will say no more vnto you, but that, if ye may persuade your selues to the election of Pertinax, ye shall not onely yeeld a good Emperour vnto your Common wealth, but also euerie man shall obteine in him, a father for his familie: for as he hath bin a leader vnto vs all, so he cānot deale with vs, but as with his children.
All the time that Letus was reasoning these matters vnto the armie, they stoode all astonied and rapt: partly in hearing the memoriall, conteyning the treason that Commodus had ordeyned, & partly for the newes of his death: and also in considering how aptly & eloquently Letus had vsed his speach in opening the matter. Presently at the instant that Letus had finished his talke, the whole armie began to say & exclame: Viuat viuat Pertinax Augustus, whiche is to say, Long & many yeares may Pertinax liue our Romane Emperour. All the principal of the armie departed [Page 223] to visite Pertinax at his owne house, & found him not, but in the temple of victorie, and taking him vppon their shoulders they carried him about all Rome: and as it was then, as yet not throughly day, the townesmen were abashed to heare such newes: because not knowing that Commodus was dead, they heard that Pertinax was proclaimed Emperour. The Romanes afterwardes did sweare and affirme, that in long time past there was euer any newes diuulgate in Rome, that generally gaue so great ioy vnto all persons, partly for the newes of Cōmodus death, as also for that y e good old Pertinax was made Emperour.
CHAP. V. ¶ Of an Oration made by Pertinax in the Senate immediatly after he was elected Emperour.
VEry great was the ioy that was manifested throughout all Rome, because they had obteyned Pertinax for their Lord, and no lesse was the heauinesse that Pertinax discouered, to behold himselfe an Emperour: for he said, that this name or title of imperie or regiment, was the thing that euery man desired for himself, and in others did most abhorre. No signe of an Emperour would Pertinax cōsent to accompanie him, vntil he and the Senatours had séene, conferred, and saluted ech other, and all ioyntly being mounted vpon the height of the Capitol, where y e imperial cloth of estate was placed, Pertinax would by no meane sit downe in that imperial seat, but tooke the Consul Glabriō by the arme, and by strong hand would haue set him in the same, seriously affirming, that it apperteined much better vnto his deseruing. Glabrion was a Romane, in age very auncient, in cōdition very mild, in gouernment very wise, in life of great sinceritie, & in bloud much estéemed: for that he was descended by the right line of king Aeneas sonne vnto Anchises, and sonne in lawe vnto king Priamus, [Page 224] and father to Aschanius. When Glabrion perceiued Pertinax to persist with so great instance to inuest him with the Empire, he said vnto him in the presence of the whole Senate: the humble humilitie which thou shewest Pertinax in the want of merit of the Empire, the same maketh thée of deseruing sufficient of the Empire, vnto which election all wée of the Senate do consent: not moued thereunto by the election of the armie, but to sée thée make so smal accompt of thy selfe: in such wise, that this thy refusal yeldeth thy merit sufficient. A great while was the whole Senat persuading Pertinax to condescend to their request, which is to wit, to accept the Empire: but his repugnance was so great, that in a manner by force they placed him in the chayre: and that which is more, the whole Senate perceiued, that he did nothing feynedly: for it was lamentable to heare the lamentation which hee made, and to sée the abundance of teares which he shed. But afterwards, when hée was placed in the imperial chaire, Pertinax spake vnto the Senate after this maner.
His Oration to the Senate.
THAT which I will now speake vnto you (fathers conscript) the God Iupiter, in whose house now we stand, be my witnes, I wil not therin deceiue you: for this place being consecrate vnto the gods (as it is) it should be great sacrilege, for men to aduenture to lye therein. For all weaknesse which men commit, they may haue excuse, except it be for lying: because vnto other vices, humane weakenes doth inuite or intice vs: but to lye, we are not moued but with our owne proper malice. Fathers conscript, ye see how Commodus your Emperour is dead, and the destinies haue brought to passe that I succeede him in the Empire: perchance, for as much as he did wishe mee euill, and [Page 225] his workes of my part not very well liked, it may be thought of you, that the manner of his death was first notified vnto mee, and his life cut off by my deuice: wherein throughly to satisfie you, I sweare and protest by the immortall gods, that of this fault I am not guiltie: because I was so innocent thereof, that when they said that Commodus was dead, at that instant I thought he had sent to haue slaine mee. Notwithstanding, that both he and we shal all die, I would not that so straunge a death should haue finished his dayes: not because Commodus did not deserue the same, but for the great bond which our mother Rome doth owe vnto his father Marcus Aurelius: for it many times happeneth, that the errours of the children, be recompenced with the merittes of their fathers. I was seruant and aduaunced of the good Marcus Aurelius, which is the greatest weale that the destinies might haue giuen me in this world, & I say it is to this end, because it should be great griefe vnto me, if in my presence any thing should be said, either in my absence any thing should be done, against his sonne Commodus, although he be now dead: for that in my heart, I finde my selfe much more bound to acknowledge the great goodnes which I receiued of my Lord Marcus Aurelius: then to reueng the iniuries that I suffered of his sonne Commodus. Beleue mee (fathers cōscript) that if ye shall do cōtrary vnto this which I haue said, it may be, that obseruing time wherin I shall find my selfe, it shalbe necessarie to dissemble it, but I may not cease greatly to feele it. The prouidence of the gods is farre different from the deuices of men, & that which moueth me to this speach, is, that when I was a yong man, I much desired the Empire, and might not atteine [Page 226] it: and now that I am old and do abhorre it, they force mee to take it: in such wise, they giue vs that which we hate, and denie vs that which we seeke or craue. When I began to hold offices in the common wealth, I thought it most certeine, that it was no humaine matter, but a diuine dignitie, to be a Romane Emperour: but after I tasted of the trauells of commaundements, and of authoritie, and vnderstoode the peril to reigne: I did clearely see that amongest all the trauels of men, to be an Emperour is the greatest.
Neither merueile, either be escādalized (O ye fathers conscript, to see me so vntractable, and with so many teares to refuse the Empire: for if I thought to vse my selfe therein as a tyrant, I would not caste it off, but would rather procure the same: but as my meaning is to liue & gouerne more to the profite of the common wealth, thē to the aduancement of mine owne house: respecting my small strength, the Empire is to mee, a great burthen. Being, as I was, most truly satisfied with the acquaintance and conuersation of the trauels of the Empire, there were no reason to think, I should desire the Empire: because there is none so foolish, as the man, that with the hope of a remedie, would offer himselfe vnto an hazard. Vnto this day I haue beene esteemed in possession of great wealth, but now that I am an Emperour, I am forced to become poore: for y t a prince, in respect of such, with whō he hath to deale and accomplish, hath fewe thinges to giue, and hath a thousand necessities that constreine him to bribe and robbe. Vntil this day I haue had some quietnesse, but from henceforth I shalbe constreined to liue discontented: because from the trauel and disquietnes of the prince, peace and quietnesse doeth proceede vnto the common [Page 227] wealth. The office of the prince is not to sleepe, but to watche: not to be idle, but to trauell: for that euerie excessiue recreation, which his person taketh, forthwith redoundeth to the offence of the common wealth. From my birth vntill this day, of any thing I haue not had greater experiēce, then to see, heare, read, suffer, and experiment trauels: wherof many I beheld farre off: but alas of my selfe, that nowe am inuironed therewith: because the appetite of the vulgar people is so feeble and variable, that if to day they giue and elect a good prince, to morrow they would relishe and haue a taste of the gouernement of some other. Naturallie, all men, in all thinges, and at all houres, desire to heare and see nouelties, and much more desire the same in the estate of gouernement, then in all other thinges: for that no prince gouerneth so well, but that they conceiue an other should gouerne better. Vntill this day I haue beene well liked, serued, and reuerenced, but from henceforth al men for the most part, shal beare me enuie and hatred: because the estate of princes is so enuied, that hee shall want sand in the Sea to reckon his enimies: but the number of his fingers of one hand, shal exceede to point out his friends.
All this I haue said (fathers conscript) to the end ye shall not merueile, why I haue refused the burthen of the Empire, but rather am escandalized, knowing what I know, to see my selfe charged and ouer laden with y e Empire: because to renounce it, a thousād thinges do moue me, & to attempt it, nothing inuite me. But since the gods haue so willed, my destinies so permitted, & ye also haue so ordeined: I determin to lode my selfe with this burdē, although I am assured it wil cost me my life: but I yeld it al for wel imployed, if it [Page 228] perfourmed to the benefite of the common wealth.
These woordes being said by Pertinax, the Senate receiued great pleasure, and chiefly praised him, for that hée forbad all men to speake euill of Commodus, knowing (as they all did knowe) that hée had béene his mortall enimie. The Senat receiued Pertinax in the midst amōgest them, and did accompany and attend vpon him, vnto all the temples: and ‘euery temple did offer vnto the Gods, notable sacrifices. And most truly this was a notable and also a laudable custome amongest the Romans, which is to witt, that princes newly elected, did first visite the Gods, before they permitted themselues to be visited of men. As Pertinax had his person in so great authoritie, and being elected by the armie, and the Senat with so great concord: and further, being old and hoarie headed, and so long time knowen in Rome, it was a monstruous thing to behold, when he came forth into Rome, how al men hasted to sée his face: for truly it seemed litle vnto euery man to obey him as a prince, but to loue and serue him as a father.’
CHAP. VI. ¶ Of many thinges which he did after he was Emperour.
THe first thing that Pertinax commaunded, or prouided, was, that the men of warre were very wel payed: and therwith practised great discipline, in which matter, more then in any other, he presently gaue reformation: for that in the Empire of Commodus, the armie was abandoned vnto great libertie.
Cōmodus consumed so great summes of monie in vices, y t there was not sufficient to pay the men of warre: & by this occasion they did filche by night, rob on high wayes, sacke houses, spoile corne, oppresse the poore, and were bribers with rich men: finally, they were desperate, and so flesht, [Page 229] that for feare of any paine, they neuer absteyned from offence. Not many dayes after that Pertinax was published Emperour, and with great seriousnes on a certeine day, vsed familiaritie with Letus and Electus, a Consul named Falcus said vnto him: what an Emperour (O Pertinax) thou shalt proue, thy workes begin to make demonstration: since thou leadest after thee Letus and Electus, which as traytours did kill their Lord Commodus: doing what thou doest, and consenting to that wherto thou didst consent, it may be no lesse, besides the euill example which thou yéeldest vnto Rome, thou giuest also such scruple vnto thy fame: whereby we thinke, that if thou wert not the inuentour of his death, at the least thou delightest to cloke the same. Vnto this Pertinax made aunswere, it well séemeth, that although thou be a Cōsul, thou art but a yongling: since thou knowest not to make difference of times. It maketh no great matter, that I doe with Letus and Electus, as they did with their Lord Commodus, that is to say, they obeyed him and followed him, and that whiche they most desired, they most dissembled: and at the houre of opportunitie, they dispatched him of his life. The same day that hée was created Augustus and Emperour, hée was intituled Pater patriae: this excellencie vnto none, either since or before, was giuen vppon that day. His wife was named Flauia Titiana, vnto whome likewise on the same day that he was inuested Augustus, she was intituled Augusta. The Emperour Pertinax did greatly trauell, to allowe all thinges that his Lord Marcus Aurelius did fauour, to finish that which hée had begon, to susteine that which hée had left, to repaire that which he had built and to imitate all that which hée had done: for hée said, it was impossible to erre, in following the stepps of the good Marcus Aurelius. The fame being diuulgate thoroughout the Empire, howe Commodus was dead, and Pertinax chosen Emperour: the countries, cities, prouinces, and kingdomes, gaue very large rewards vnto the messengers thereof, no lesse for the death of Commodus, then for the [Page 230] election of Pertinax. As hée had béene in so long time in so many prouinces, Pretor, Censor, Quirite, Edil, Consul, Proconsul, and Censor, Pertinax was one of the most famous Romanes in the Empire: whereof succéeded, that after the Barbarians were aduertised, that Pertinax was Emperour of Rome, such as were rebelles, left their armour, and such as had taken truce, made peace. Pertinax had a sonne, whome the Romanes would haue created Augustus, to the end hée should succéede him after his dayes in the Empire: which he could neuer like off, or consent vnto, saying: The Gods neuer graunt, that with the hope of the Empire, my sonne should be nourished vnto vice and idlenesse. Commodus had laide intollerable impostes and tributes vpon his people, which Pertinax commaunded to be made frustrate: affirming, that of the will of princes in charging their kingdomes with vniust tributes, there succedeth a wilful denial of due and most iust paiments. ‘False witnesses hee commaunded to be punished according vnto the lawe named, Pena del talion, that is to say, they should be executed by Iustice, wherein they had accused others by malice. Hée ordeyned that the testament which had béen made by the husband & wise ioyntly, might not be altered by the suruiuer. Also he did ordeyne, that any man dying intestate, should not forfett his landes or goods vnto y e fiscall, but that his sonne, or most néere kinsman should inherite the same: saying, there were no reason or iust lawe, where the dead for want of speach should loose his goods. The Senators on a day said vnto Pertinax, how the Questors of the treasurie, and the officers of the fiscal, had murmured at him, for the law that he made in the fauour for the dead intestate, vnto whom hee aunsweared: Fathers conscript, I may safely say, there are not so many that complaine of this lawe, as there be that praise and alowe it: but I recke not whether the one doth praise or the other mislike: but in my iudgement, it is no worke of Romanes, but the inuētion of tyrants, of robberies, briberies & rapines, to fill the treasurie with riches.’ He made a lawe, [Page 231] that no fiscall should sue anye person for landes, or goodes that were doubtfull, saying: that the fiscall ought to remoue nothing that clearely were not his owne: and that in case of doubt, more sure and more conformable vnto iustice were it, to remaine with him that doth possesse it, thā with the fiscall that doth demaunde it. He commaunded all things vniustly taken by his predecessour Commodus, to be restoared vnto the owners. When the Secretarie came to firme this lawe to be proclaimed, and Pertinax reading the same, wherein it was said: Wee commaunde that all thinges which our predecessour Commodus hath robbed, which word robbed, he blotted out with his pen, and enterlined this woord gotten: saying, it is sufficient that the lawe be in the fauour of the liuing: without iniuring, with foule woordes, Princes that be dead. All that which was knowen manifestly to be Commodus debt, he commaunded to be payed, and all which he had promised to be giuen: and besides all this, the wheat, oyle, and other things which particularly were vsed to be giuen and diuided amongest the people of Rome, he caused with great diligence to be brought from all kingdomes, and in great abundance and liberalitie commaunded it to be bestowed. Many vniust tributs being takē away by Pertinax, there succéeded a great necessitie for the paiment and reliefe of the armie of Africa: whereby he was constreyned to exact new impositions of his common wealth, whereuppon the Consul Gelianus toke occasion to say, that he had done contrary to that which he had begon in the Empire, & against that which he had said in the Senat: Pertinax aunswering said. When I was Consul (as thou art) I did meruaile at the déedes of princes, and now that I am an Emperour, I meruaile of that which you Consuls do speake: thus much Gelianus I say to this end, because thou shalt vnderstand, that Emperours at times, make lawes as they ought, and at other times not as they would, but as they may.
CHAP. VII. ¶ Of many thinges which he did ordeine and reforme in the common wealth.
THere was in Rome and in the confines of Italie, much roughe ground for corne, which being barren for want of manuring, Pertinax commaunded proclamation to bée made, that if any man would grub, manure, or till y e same, hée should fréely for tenne yeares, take the profite thereof. Before Pertinax vsed this diligence in Italie, frō Aegypt, Spaine, and Sicyl, they brought wheat to furnish the same: for which cause Traiane did vse to say, that Rome was more tributarie then any place of the world: for that they could not eate, but if it were giuen them from other kingdomes. ‘There were many particular thinges said to be the Emperours, namely, hills, heards, gardēs, riuers, palaces, and houses: which hée commaunded to be altered, naming them hils, gardens and riuers, not of the Emperour, but of the common wealth, for hée affirmed, that on that day, in which any whatsoeuer, was made Emperour, hée might haue nothing proper vnto himselfe: and said further, that if this name Prince be well vnderstoode, it giueth no other dignitie to the person that vseth the same, but to make him defender of the territories of the countrie, and procurer of the common wealthe. In the dayes of his predecessours, they had attempted new impositions, that is to say, in ports of the sea, at the ports of cities, for passage of high wayes, of barkes vppon riuers, and for baking in ouens: al which were to the great detriment of the common wealth, and the auncient libertie of Rome: the collection whereof Pertinax from thence forth, commaunded to ceasse.’ Being demaunded of the Consul Tortelius, why he made frustrat lawes so profitable, aunsweared: because without comparison much more are the displeasures which they giue me, [Page 233] then the money which they bring me: and as mée séemeth, we may not saye, that that money is verie cleanely that comes imbrewed with displeasures. He commaunded that in criminall causes, offendours should be verie well hearde: and if in case any should dye, fourtie dayes to be expired before he should suffer. It was a matter verye monstruous and scandalous, that was consumed in expences, in the dayes of Commodus: wherein Pertinax in suche wise prouided, that they murmured no lesse against him for his frugalitie, then against Commodus for his prodigalitie. ‘They muche blame Pertinax, who set before his guestes whiche did eate at his table, halfe pigges, and halfe géese: and many times sent two soppes betwixt two plates for a present, and sometime the legge of a Phesant, & at other times the wing of a capon, and reserued also in the morning somewhat to be eaten at night. Princes ought verie muche to consider, and also to auoyde, not to be noted miserable at their table: for it is verie small that in such trifles may be saued, and verie much that they giue vnto the multitude to murmur.’ He many times came foorth vnto the fielde of Mars, and there he caused the whole armie to exercise feates of war, rewarding such as were industrious, and reprehendinge such as were dull and hartelesse. There were many Romaines, and others in the confines of Italie, whiche did owe great summes of money, not onely vnto the fiscall, but also vnto the treasurie, among whome, some in times past had béene his friendes, and others that were in great necessitie, he cōmaunded both the one & the other to bee deliuered of the fiscall, since it was due vnto him selfe, and made payement of their whole debt that was due vnto the treasurie. ‘Amongest other vertues, the Emperour Pertinax of twaine was muche noted and praised: whiche is to wéete, of clemencie and gratefulnesse: for that he was pitifull vnto the afflicted, and thankfull vnto his friendes. Pertinax had a sonne, whome, after he was Emperour, he would not permit to come to the court, either as much [Page 234] as vnto Rome: but that he helde him in his countrey, following his owne affaires, and the profite of his owne house: whereuppon the Consul Fuluius Turbone saide vnto Pertinax, that he séemed rather the sonne of a labourer, then of an Emperour: he lift vp his eyes to heauen and with a greate sigh, saide: My mother Rome hath cause to be contented, that I offer and put my life in perill for her cause, without venturing my sonne and house in like daunger. Most surely the saying was lamentable, and the more it is considered, the more profounde it is: whereby it appeareth, that he helde him self for moste vnfortunate, to be established in the Empire: and that he left his sonne in greatest felicitie, to be depriued of the Empire.’
Although Pertinax were olde and graue, and was placed in the height of the Empire, he alwayes vsed greate vrbanitie towardes all men, in suche wise that no man did him reuerence, vnto whome he did not vtter some courtesie: according to the qualitie of the person. ‘Fiftie seruauntes in Rome in one night and in one houre, slewe their maisters, for whome the Emperour caused so diligent searche, that onely fiue escaped: and the paine that he commaunded they should suffer, was, to carrie the dead bodies bounde fast backe to backe, in suche wise, that the stenche of the dead, did finishe the wretched life of the liuing.’
In the schoole where Pertinax studied, a certeine Romaine named Valerius was there also a student, and being alwayes in companie, and of age not much vnlike, and continuing in greate friendship, did many times eate with Pertinax, which during their repast were neuer hearde to talke, but of science, knighthood, repayring of Rome, or else the reformation of the common wealth.
It did well appeare in Pertinax, that he tooke the Empire against his will: for truely, neither in his dyet, either in his apparell, either in his gesture or spéeche, either [Page 235] in any other thing, did he behaue him selfe as an Emperour, in suche wise, that he presumed not to represent what he was, but what he had béene, He saide manie times, that in this worlde he neuer made the like faulte, as when he accepted the Empire: and many times made motion to leaue the same, and to returne vnto his house: but that he did recomfort him selfe with this saying: that for as muche as he was of so greate age, he might not liue longe, but be deliuered of his tedious life.
CHAP. VIII. ¶Of certeine vices wherewith he was infected, and of the prodigies of his death.
AS the Emperour Pertinax was olde, so was he charged with the infirmities of olde age: that is to saye, with auarice, because in gathering and kéeping of money he was verie diligent: and in giuing or spending verie dull and vnwilling.
Also he was noted to be a man verie flexible in his affaires: that is to saye, he was not stiffe, either greatly did vse therein any contradiction, but that which one did counsell him, another might easily persuade the contrarye: the cause whereof was his good naturall inclination, whiche coulde not without griefe, beholde any man that was in sorrowe.
[Page 236]Also Pertinax was noted, that he neuer denied any thing that was demaunded, although many his promises were neuer perfourmed: for, at moste times he promised to giue that which was impossible to be accomplished. And because the maiestie and greatenesse of Princes doth consist to haue and possesse, whereof to giue: they ought much to be aduertised in consideration, what is craued of them, and what they promise: for hauing to do (as they haue) with so manie, and to furnishe so infinite necessities: they ought, if their subiectes be vnshamefast in crauing, to be graue in promising. Ioyntly with this, Princes ought to be aduertised, that where they haue once gaged their royall worde, all things set aparte, they ought to perfourme the same. Pertinax was twise married, his seconde marriage was with the daughter of Vulpitianus, whome he made prefecte when he was made Emperour. As concerning the vnchastitie of his wife, also Pertinax was noted: whiche is to wéete, of negligence in gouerning, and remisse in reprehending her, for that truely shée was both young and faire, absolute and dissolute: and reported in Rome, to be more enamoured with a young Musician then with Pertinax her olde husbande. Also Pertinax was much noted to haue vsed vnlawfull loue with Cornificia his néere kinswoman, whome he had nourished from her childhood: for shée was committed by her father vnto his protection: this matter was no lesse scandalous then foule and no lesse foule, then scandalous: for that suche like, and so great euill, was not conuenient to a man of so greate age, either permissible in a Prince of so great grauitie. ‘Some prodigious and straunge signes appeared before his death, especially on a time, offering certeine sacrafices vnto the Goddes Penates, that when the coales were moste kindled and on fire, soudeinly they were séene all dead and quenched: whiche did signifie, that in the greatest certeintie of his life, soudeinly death should assaile him.’
‘Not sixe dayes before he was slaine, as in the temple [Page 237] of Iupiter he was offering great sacrifices, with his own handes he offered a Pecocke, wherein he found no hearte when it was opened, and soudeinely the head vanished, when the throate was cutt. Eight dayes before he was slaine, a Starre ioyned with the Sunne, and did shine at noone dayes, as if it had béene midnight. Thrée dayes before he was slaine, Pertinax dreamed that he fell into a fishepond: and that there was a man with an huge knife to kill him, and woulde haue fled and could not. Iulianus whiche after succéeded Pertinax in the Empire, hauing a Nephewe newe married vnto his Néece, and hauing repaired vnto Pertinax to visite him, Pertinax saide vnto the young married man: be good, and I shall holde and esteeme thee as my sonne: serue thy vncle Iulianus as a father, because he is my fellowe in office and successour.’ They had béene ioyntly Consuls, and afterwardes Iulianus in the proconsulship was successour vnto Pertinax: and although he spake it of the succession of the proconsulship, yet they conceiued his spéeche to be a prognostication of his succession in the Empire. It was discouered vnto Pertinax, that the Consul Falconius desired and also procured to succéede him in the Empire, and to that ende had taken a deuise to dispatche him of his life, of whiche case Pertinax grieuously complained vnto the Senate: the trueth whereof being afterwardes tryed and knowen, he as instantly intreated that Falconius might be pardoned: saying, he had rather extoll him selfe by his clemencie, then boaste him selfe of his vengeance: whereupon Falconius was pardoned, leading his life euer after in his house: and for that he had béene in greate honour, and amongest the Romaines muche estéemed, but by that treason had lost his credite, within fewe dayes, méere sorrowe gaue an ende vnto his life.
CHAP. IX. Of the occasion that the Pretorians tooke to murther him.
THE officers that Commodus vsed for his seruice in court, as Chamberlaines, Secretaries, maisters of housholde, clarkes of the kitchin, porters, cookes, and such other, Pertinax had not chaunged, staying that chaunge vntil the daye of celebration of the buylding of Rome: for he helde opinion, that before the euil shoulde be remoued, it were greate reason, at leasure to make election of others that were good. That which Pertinax had thought to haue done in his house, he determined also to execute amongest the captaines of warres, and other officers of the common wealth, because they were so absolute in commaunding, and so couetous in robbing, that if the paine were recompenced with the fault, it had béene a small matter, from euery one of them to haue taken away life.
When affaires of importaunce are deferred, the secreat thereof incurreth greate daunger: and for this cause, as Pertinax deferred this matter from day to day, all officers suspected what he woulde do with them, and therfore determined to dispatche him of his life. Extremely was Pertinax hated of the men of warre, and of the particular officers of the common wealth: which hatred procéeded not of any iust offence, done by this good Prince, but for that he consented not that they should robbe & cō mitte vile déedes. Many times the wicked beare enuie vnto the good, not because the vertuous suffer them to do well, but for that they consent not vnto them to do euill: for so peruerse is the malice of some peruerse persons, that they take more delight to do euil vnto others, [Page 239] then to receiue benefite vnto them selues.
Vnto all the officers of the common wealth, Pertinax commaunded that they shoulde enioye intierly all fées and profites appertaining vnto their offices: and vnto all the Pretors, and souldiers of the warres, he prouided their wages very well paide them: and besides all this he dealte not with them as with vassals, but the chiefteines he did honour as brethren, and to meaner persones he spake as vnto his sonnes: but all this notwithstanding, they liued in greate passion, and no lesse discontented: for that in times past, their extraordinarie robberies were muche more then their wages. But thus was the case.
‘On a daye, certeine Pretors of the armies did assemble at a dinner, with other officers of the citie, as also diuers seruitours of the courte: and after they had largely eaten, and aboundantly drunken, they beganne to talke of the dayes of Commodus: that is to saye, howe then they were at libertie, riche, and honoured: and now since Pertinax reigned, they were poore, captiues, and defaced: and that the faulte thereof consisted more in their owne cowardise, then in any other person. And further procéeding in this matter, they concluded to spoile Pertinax of his life, and to choose another Emperour of Rome at their liking, which shoulde renewe the memorie of their Lorde Commodus, and violate all actes that Pertinax had confirmed: and that it was a more safer waye to bee gouerned by a wise young man like Commodus, then by an olde dotyng foole, as Pertinax.’
‘Partely, for that they had their heades troubled with drinke, and their stomaches hoate with eating, but aboue all the rest, furiously inflamed with talke, soudeinly they rose all from the boorde, and euery man goeth home to be armed, with a determination to dye in that enterprise: or, that same daye to dispatche Pertinax of his life.’
[Page 240] ‘All the people being at quiet, and Pertinax rechelesse and without regarde, the pretorians of the armies, with a greate number of armed men, some trayling their lances, and others with swordes drawen, marche vnto the imperiall palace, where Pertinax was reposing: for that it was but little more then past noone. And as they approched the house, they began to exclaime: the memorie of Commodus liue for euer, and the false olde Pertinax is but dead. All such as were present with Pertinax in the palace, neither knewe what to doe, and muche lesse what to counsell: some saide vnto Pertinax that he should sende for succour vnto the people: others, that he shoulde hide him selfe in some secrete place: others, that he shuld fight vntil his friendes shoulde sende reliefe: finally, the case conteined so great confusion, that he whiche feared least, did feare to lose his life: because all those deintie courtiers had excesse of garments to walke in the stréetes, but wanted armour to come foorth to fight. It séemed vnto Pertinax that to demaund succour, there was no time: and to attempt to fight, they were too fewe: to put them selues to flight, there was no place: to traueile to be hidden, were a great blemishe: the good prince determined to come foorth & to talke with the Pretorians, to sée if with wordes he might apease them. And as afterwardes they reported which were present with him [...] that great conflict, Pertinax did wel discouer the greatnesse of his mind, and howe little he estéemed the Empire, and also, howe muche he lothed the vanities of this worlde, because hee neither shewed any apparance of feare, for that he heard, either chaunge of countenaunce, either was troubled in any thing that he had to saye. Pertinax caused the gates of his court to be set wide open, and came foorth of his chamber, hauing no manner of armour or weapon, and began to reason with them that did inuiron him after this manner.’
CHAP. X. Of a notable speach that the Emperour Pertinax vsed, when his souldiours came to kill him.
IF this so greate commotion, whiche this day ye haue raised (O my friendes and commilitants) be for that I seeme not woorthy of the Empire of Rome: ye haue to remember, that I neither obtained the same by suite or request, either bought it for money, but that forceably ye made me to take it, I of my parte imploying my forces to resist it. And if it be, for that I haue had no regard vnto the common wealth, yee knowe howe ofte I haue requested to cease from gouernement, and to departe vnto my house: and since this is moste true, I knowe not to what end ye shoulde remoue me perforce from that whiche I woulde haue lefte and remitted with greate good will. And if for that I haue beene ingrate vnto my mother Rome, or haue vsed euill gouernement in the common wealth, ye will take away my life, then I cannot but confesse it to be a worke most iust, albeit thereby I shoulde be pursued, not onely with paine and griefe, but also with infamie: because suche a death yealdeth more paine and shame to deserue it, then to suffer it. And if ye thinke your selues disgraced, to haue a Prince that is not descended of the Fabians, of the Metells, of the Fabritians, or [Page 242] of some other notable Romanes: in this case impute the fault vnto the Gods, whiche so haue created me, and vnto your selues who with such conditions woulde electe me Emperour: because in naturall matters neither deserue we prayse, for y t we haue, either reprehension, for that whiche wee lacke. It were more iust (O my friendes and commilitants) in this case to haue respecte, not to the shadowe and vanitie of linage, but vnto the vertue & grauitie of the persō: for it stretcheth vnto small purpose in good gouernemente, to be descended of generous bloude, and to bee of filthy life. And if ye haue been altered, for wante of pay of wages, for the whole or in parte, presently giue me to vnderstande, and I sweare and promise, that presently euerie man shall entirelie be paide: whiche if it be so, I am vtterly without faulte: since vntill this present I neuer hearde thereof. And seeing ye be gentlemen of greate power, and Romanes of noble bloud, ye haue to consider in this case, that according vnto our lawes, innocencie and ignorance of the fault mitigateth & diminisheth the extremitie of punishmēt. And if in case ye be escā dalized for y t ye see mee rigorous, hard, & extreme, & y t I am so reputed amongst the people: as small reason haue ye in this case, as in the rest, because vniuersaly they craue that iustice be done, and yet they abhorre y e execution thereof. And if ye would blame me for the death of Commodus my predecessour, and your Lorde: ye haue seene by experience howe muche I am blamelesse, and that vnto mee, more then to anie man, his death was grienous: and that this is true, call to your remembrance [Page 243] the day on which Commodus was slaine: where in I sawe you singe for ioy: and of greate griefe ye sawe me to weepe. You Romaines, you may not denie mee, but that the death of Commodus was of you all desired, and my election of you all alowed: and since it was so, I maruell that men of so greate authoritie and grauitie, should inuente so straunge a noueltie as this that is to say, in so shorte space, to hate that whiche ye procured: and to haue an appetite to that which ye loathed. I sweare by the immortall Gods, I knowe not of anie vile deede which I haue don against the common wealthe, wherefore ye should abhorre mee: neither knowe I anie thinge that Commodus hath done since hee died, wherefore ye shoulde loue and desire him: for if we sighe for the dead, it is not for their deedes done, after that they died: but for the good woorkes whiche they perfourmed when they were liuinge. If for no other cause then to take away my life, ye haue ioyned and armed all these men of warre: certeinlie it is a thinge superfluous and vaine, in as much as I am both sicke & olde, and with the burthen of the Empire so muche discontented, and with my life so muche displeased, I esteeme little to liue, and much lesse to die.
It grieueth me not so muche to lose my life, as it doth of the slaunder and infamie whiche ye lay vpon our mother Rome: whiche is to say, that the Romans which haue bene renowned for their loyaltie towardes their princes, shoulde haue reporte throughout the worlde, to haue slaine their Emperour.
[Page 244]Ye knowe that ye beeing (as ye are) men of warre, and to no other ende so well payed and relieued of y e tribute, but to chastice suche as rebell in the common wealth, and to defende the house and the imperiall persone of your prince: and since it is thus, what may be more vnseemlie, impertinent, and scandalous, then suche as be admitted for my guarde and safetie, that they and no other should come to take away my life. And for as muche as ye be men of warre, ye are bounde to obserue the lawes there of: that is to say, euen in the warrs of enimies, yee may not, or ought not to kill children or olde men: and since I am an olde man, and a citizen of Rome, wherefore will yee do with mee, that which yee will not do with an enimie? In these wordes whiche ye haue saide, in the disorder whiche ye haue vsed, and in the houre wherin ye haue vndertaken this matter, it clearely appeareth that to enterprise so greate a matter, ye haue not vsed greate prouidence: for if ye had considered and examined the matter, ye shoulde moste certainlie haue founde, that in your determination to kill mee, there is no other fruite gathered, but to raise in your mother Rome a greate scandal, and to thruste your selues in great daunger. And since one shall inherite the Empire, and not all: with what folly are you taken (ye Romaines) for ye al to hazarde and lose your selues for one mans gaine, and yet knowe not, if afterwardes that one man shall be gratefull or vnthankefull. I may not flee that whiche the destinies haue ordayned, either what ye haue determined: but in case [Page 245] this be my last day, and my fatall houre be come: I pray the immortall Godes, that the innocent bloude whiche shal be shead of me, that the vengeance thereof fall not vpon my mother Rome: but that euerie one of you doe feele it in his person and his house.
‘ When Pertinax came to the pointe, to speake these woordes, for the moste parte al that were presente let fall teares from their eyes, and beganne to departe, turning their backes, and holding downe their weapons: because they had greate shame, to offende and to wante reuerence vnto so honourable horie haires, and to wordes so wel spoken. He that moste vilelie had spoken against Pertinax, & he that most had moued y e men of warre, was one named Tuncius of y e countrie of Theutonio: this wretched caytiue whē he sawe that al men returned, and had renounced to kill Pertinax, he thrust a lance, through the midest of his bodie: with whiche wounde, Pertinax fell to the earth, and therevpon gaue him other woundes wherof he presentlie dyed. Greate sorrowe was it vnto the people of Rome, when they vnderstode that Pertinax was dead, and hauing reigned but fourtéene moneths & xx. dayes, he profited more the commonwealth, thē others in fourtéene yeares. The traytour Tuncius was not cōtented to haue slaine Pertinax, but he also and his companions forgotte not to cute off his head, to fixe it on a lance, and to beare it through the stréets of Rome. Pertinax died the fifte daye of April Falconius & Clarus being Consuls, his head was throwne of his enimies into Tiber, his bodie burieed by his friends and kinsfolkes in the sepulchre of his father in lawe, at that present without anie funerall pomp, because they slewe all persons that vttered sorrowe or griefe for his death.’
The life of the Emperour Iulianus, that bought the Empire, compiled by syr Anthonie of Gueuara, Bishop of Mondonnedo, preacher, chronicler, & counseller vnto the Emperour Charles the fifte.
CHAP. I. Of the life, linage, and countrie of the Emperour Iulianus.
THe Emperour Didiꝰ Iulianꝰ, had to his great graundfather a Romaine named Salianus, who was a learned lawyer, twise Consul, Pretour of the citie, and died in the secōd yeare of the reigne and Empire of Nero: and they say, he died of pure sorrowe, to sée the common wealth in the handes of so furious a tyrant, as Nero.
His graundfather was named Salbius Iulianus, who gaue him selfe more to armes, then to letters: and went vnto the warres of Datia with Traiane, and was captaine of the seconde Legion, and longe time diuider of the victualls, and in the ende dyed in his office, that is to say, in the warres against kinge Dacus. His father was named Didius Petronius, who neither gaue him selfe to science, either folowed the warrs as his predecessours, but was residente and liued alwayes in Rome, folowing his affaires, and holdinge offices in the common wealth: hee was an [Page 247] assured friende vnto Antoninus Pius, and dyed in the Empire of the good Marcus Aurelius. His mother was named Clara Emilia, a generous and noble Romaine, a greate friende and kinswoman of Domitia Lucilla, that was mother vnto Marcus Aurelius: so did she intreate and fauour him as a sonne, and he did obey her as a mother. The first office that Didius Iulianus did beare in the common wealth, was Decemviriato, which is to wéete, to be one of the x. visitours of y e people: and though he wanted age to vse it, yet he wanted not fauour to obteine it, because Domitia, mother vnto Marcus Aurelius, did craue this office for him in the Senate. He was also Questor two yeares together, which office he helde against the Romane lawes, for that he was vnder the age of xxx. yeares: but as hee obtained the office of Decemviriato by the sute of the mother, so did they graunte the other, by the fauour of the sonne, which is to wéete Marcus Aurelius. And after that Didius Iulianus was past the age of thirtie yeares, he neuer wanted offices in the common wealth: for vntill that age, y e Romanes had rather that yongemen shoulde occupie them selues in learning, then in commaunding and gouernement.
Iulianus was Edil, Pretor, and Censor diuerse times, diuers yeares, and at times muche distant: but the office wherein he continued longest time, was Romane Pretor: because he had learning to gouerne, and iustice to execute. He was naturallie giuen to the warres, and with this motion he went one time into Germanie, where hee neither obtained fame, either augmented his goods: for that certeinely he was more handsome in gouernemente, then hardie in fight.
He gouerned by the space of three yeares, the prouince of Belgica, whiche nowe is named Swetia, in which gouernement, he behaued him selfe so venturouslie, y t he obteined what he had lost in the warre, which is to say, much reputation in the common wealth, and greate goodes for his house.
[Page 248]In the seconde yeare of the Empire of Marcus Aurelius, the inhabitantes neere vnto the riuer Albo (whiche is in the kingdome of Bohemia) rebelled, vnto which commotion Didius Iulianus repayred: and as hee was humble of speache, skilful and aduised in his affaires, so in short space he reduced them vnto y e seruice of the Romaine Empire. When the Senate had intelligence what Iulianus had done in Bohemia, the Emperoure thoughte him selfe therein verie well serued, and the Senate no lesse contented: chieflie, for that so exactlie hee had perfourmed the same, without requeste or commaundemente: and in recompence of this so singular a seruice, they sent him the Consulshippe, without his requeste, or anie other to solicite the same. When the newes of Consulshipe came vnto Iulianus, they saye that he saide: I sweare by the immortall Godes, that I neither solicited the Consulship, either thought to haue obteined the same: but here in it clearelie appeareth, that the good dothe more solicite with his good woorkes, then the euill with his manie guiles.
After he had accomplished the yeare of Consulshipe, hee was sent vnto y e lower Germanie as Pretor, which countrie is nowe called Flanders, where he remained two years: & frō thēce returned to Rome, where he had charge of victuals which office amongst the Romaines was more profitable, then honourable. The Emperour Marcus Aurelius being deade, his sonne Commodus reigning in the Empire, Iulianus was accused for a traitour, for that he, and Siluius his cousen, had conspired to haue slaine Commodus: his accuser was a noble gentleman of Rome named Seuerus: but for that he might not proue his accusation, they cut off his heade, and set Iulianus at libertie. At one time Iulianus was in fauour with Commodus, & an other time in disgrace: but after that he was accused of conspiracie, he did allwayes beare him mortall hatred: and when he vnderstoode this in Commodus, both in worde and deede, moste times he kéept his house and [Page 249] excused him selfe from the offices of the common wealth. ‘ Iulianus was a lawyer, and in letters moste learned: of whome it is said, that fewe did surpasse him in science, and none was equall vnto him in eloquence: for hee did neuer pleade anie cause in the Senate, but he obteined the victorie. He was prompt in speache, sharpe in propounding, and graue in determination, of stature somewhat lowe, of sanguine complexion, and in his youth beganne to be horeheaded: of whome in this case it may be saide, that hee was a monster in nature: for that he had neuer a white haire in his bearde, either anie blacke haire in his heade. His wife was named Malia Escantilia, and had but one daughter named Didia Clara. In this also as in the other, nature woulde be extreme: because the mother was the moste foule woman that had bene seene in Rome, and the daughter was the fairest dame, that euer was séene in Italie.’
As Iulianus had gouerned manie countries, had the charge of victuales, & was chiefest aduocate in lawe in al Rome, so he obteined the possession of manie iuells, and the hoording vp of greate summes of money: for whiche cause, all the principall Romaines sought to be his sonnes in lawe: partelie to marrie with the daughter that was so faire, as also to inherite the goods that were so greate. Iulianus was slender, drie, and towards his later dayes he was growne to be cholerik adust, he neuer drank wine, and therefore did eate muche: and yet notwithstanding, he was so curious and so costlie in his manner to drinke water, that with lesse cost he might haue druncke wine. Beinge nowe growne olde, and rich, and hauing but one daughter whiche also was married. Iulianus gaue him selfe to liue in ioy and pleasure, that is to say, vsed not but to solace alongst the riuers, to haunte places frequē ted with people, to recreate with friends, to talke of times paste, to séeke exquisite and delicate meates, and alwayes to haue new guestes: in such wise, that hee did flie eache thinge, that was displeasante: and did and procured what [Page 250] so euer might yealde pleasure. Iulianus longe time perseuered in Rome in this manner of life, according to which life, he had neither faithfull friendes, or feared and cruell enimies, because if anie did loue him, it was for that hee gaue them some of his money: and if others did hate him, it was because they receiued no parte of his riches.
CHAP. II. Howe the Empire of Rome was set to sale, and also soulde by proclamation.
AT the instante that y e Pretorian bandes had slaine the Emperour Pertinax, they aduised to ioyne in one, to seaze the walles, to take the gates of Rome, and that with an armed power: partelie for that the people should not rise against them, as also to choose an Emperour at their owne liking. Although the common people behelde the imperiall palace besette, yet they did not thinke that they woulde haue slaine the Emperour: because the fame went amongst them, that Pertinax was come foorth, and that with milde wordes he had intreated them: but as it after chaunced, though the greate troupes were retyred, Pertinax was slaine by the fewer number. Whē y e death of Pertinax was notified vnto the commō people, al Rome was readie in armour. Verie greate was the confusion whiche was that day in Rome, both of the one parte, to see Pertinax slaine, and also for that y e armie was bent against the people, and euerie houre redie to ioyne & kill eache other, but that they knewe not againste whome to fight: because the people woulde haue taken vengeaunce of the traitours that had slaine the Emperour, but the armie woulde not deliuer them: in suche wise, that they [Page 251] were all faultie in that facte, the one in the acte, the other for consent.
The moste principall of the Senate, manie matrones of Rome, moste wealthy persons, and such as loued peace and quietnesse, after that they sawe the walles besette, the towers taken, the gates lockt, and the streetes stopte through out al Rome, they departed vnto their inheritances, vntill they might see the conclusion of that so perilous & scandalous a tumulte: for they had had experience, that no man might be safe in his house, vntill there were a new Emperour: and that the election of him, shoulde be consecrated with the handes of manie persons. The Pretorian bandes beholding the moste parte of the people to be fled, and none lefte that durste reuenge the death of Pertinax, or resiste their attempts: they lost al feare, and recouered a newe courage, not to amende the fault whiche they had committed, but to giue and sell the Romane Empire. The case was thus, that a man at armes mounted vpon the wall at the gate Salaria, who in the name of the whole armie made proclamation, and saide with a loude voice: Is there anie man that will giue more for the Empire of Rome? is there anie man that will set a price? for vnto him that will giue most money, we will giue it for his owne. Of all the iniuries, disgraces, and calamities, that the Frenchmen, the Assyrians, the Hunnes, the Gothes & the Lombards did vnto Rome, none was equal vnto this, which is to say, to set the greatnesse and maiestie of Rome in open sale. It was greate griefe to sée it, and also presētlie to write it, to sée and heare proclamation, who will giue money for the Empire of Rome: vnto whome a fore time the whole worlde had giuen tribute. By this so notable example, princes and mightie Potentates are to be admonished, what greate mutabilitie is conteined in thinges of this worlde, since the same persons, that had seene Rome the ladie of so manie and greate kingdomes, did also see her solde, proclamed, and bought for money.
[Page 252]Al the gentlemen, auncient Romanes, and Senatours, coulde not fill or satisfie them selues with wéeping, when they behelde and hearde the proclamations made out at windowes: and that which did more grieue them, was the greate infamie whiche allwayes shoulde followe Rome, in that shée was set to sale: and of the daunger also of the common wealth, which was to be bought of some tyrante. Those that woulde haue bought the Empire, had no money, for that Commodus had ouerviewed and ransackt their store: and those that coulde haue bought, of greate griefe and no lesse shame, woulde not deale therein: for in respect of the iniurie that they should haue committed vnto their mother Rome, it might not be saide, that they bought it for money, but solde it vnto some enimie. In conclusion the segniorie of Rome, and the greatnesse and maiestie of y e Empire, passed in publique proclamations, by the space of three dayes, in whiche no man woulde buye it, or sette it in price: in so muche as the Pretorians were despited that no man would giue money, and the common people in greate sadnesse that they woulde sell it. The fourth day after Pertinax was slaine, as Didius Iulianus was at supper with greate pleasure, and talking howe the Empire continued in proclamations, his wife, daughter, and sonne in lawe persuading him to aduēture to buy it since the Pretorians were growne to so great wante of shame as to sell it. Iulianus consideringe of the one parte what was saide by proclamation, and on the other parte, what his friendes did persuade him, left his eating, cast downe his heade, and gaue him selfe profoundlie to consider of the matter, whiche is to wéete, whether it were simplicitie to leaue, or vilanie with money to buy the common wealth.
Iulianus being verie pensatiue with him selfe, and indetermined, his wife, daughter, and kinsfolke, yet againe replied, saying, that it was not nowe time to blinde him selfe with studie, but to profite him selfe by his money: and that also he had to consider, that it were lesse euill to buy [Page 253] the Empire with his owne proper money, thē as other, to obteine the same by losse of mens liues: and that he shoulde not care to deferre the euente by delayes, since the Pretorians grewe displeased, and proclamations to be cut off. As Iulianus naturally was proude, founde him selfe riche, and also importunated by his friendes, he determined to buy the Empire: and for the purpose presently goeth to the foote of the wall, and crieth out vnto the watch that was thereon, saying: for bloud, ye knowe me to be descended of noble Romanes, and in riches most wealthy: and that he woulde giue them so muche money for the Empire, that they shoulde be abashed to sée it, and tyred to tell it. The Consul Sulpitius, father in lawe vnto the Emperour Pertinax, in secrete did solicite the Pretorians to giue him the Empire, not to the ende he woulde buy it, but that they shoulde electe him: but the Pretorians although they sawe that he was a noble Romane, and not vnworthy, but verie conuenient for the Empire, they durste not put them selues into his handes, doubting that he afterwardes remembring the death of his sonne Pertinax, would execute on them some rigorous reuengement. Sulpitius was a man wise and sapient, reposed, and auncient: with the good wil of the Senate, and request of the people, to him and no other woulde they haue giuen the Empire: and doubtlesse had it not béene for the aliaunce which he had with Pertinax, who was his sonne in lawe, they woulde rather haue giuen it him franckely for nothinge, then haue solde it vnto the other for money. The Pretorians being muche despited, that they might not receiue money for the Empire, since foure dayes they had proclamed the sale thereof, and nowe finding Iulianus at the foote of the wall, who had offered money for y e Empire, they put downe a ladder, and toke him vp vnto them. Nowe, when Iulianus sawe him selfe in grace with y e Pretorians, and y e Pretorians hauing him in their handes, they demaunded [Page 254] more then he possessed, and hee did offer more then hee had. The case was thus: that they with him, and he with them, did capitulate iiii. thinges, whereof none was to the honour of Rome, & much lesse to the profite of the common wealth. ‘Their firste capitulation was, that he should giue them presently 300000. sextercies: the second was, that he shoulde neither reuenge the death, or sustaine the fame of the Emperour Pertinax: the third was, that he should erect y e picture, & renewe the memorie of Commodus: the fourth was, that freelie they might do, vnder his Empire, as they had done in the dayes of Commodus: in such wise, that Iulianus did not onelie buy the Empire for money, but also gaue them licence to liue wickedlie. This donne and concluded, the euent of the Empire was stopt in Iulianus, the Pretorians receiuing him in the mids, and attending him throughout all the citie, publishinge with loude voices, Long life be euer vnto the Emperour Iulianus, Commodus alwayes Augustus.’ Iulianus would take that ouername of Commodus, to do thē pleasure that had sould him the Empire: who in their nourture were bred vp w t Commodus, & in their manners and vices as his owne naturall children.
CHAP. III. Of the great and mortall hatred which the Romaines did beare vnto Iulianus, for buying the Empire.
Iulianus being created Emperour, his first act was, to offer vnto y e gods sūptuous sacrifices: being (as it was) the custome of all newe Romane Emperours, presentlye he sent vnto his treasurie for money, to pay them of whom he had bought the Empire. It was a monstruous matter to sée y e iuels that he brought forth, & the diuersitie of money which he had: the cause therof was, that he [Page 255] had bene a gouernour in diuerse kingdomes, and from them al, brought no small sūmes of their coyne. ‘Incontinēt after Iulianus obtained the Empire, he brought his wife and daughter vnto y e court, whoe toke vpon them y e names of Augustaes, & began to be serued, not as Empresses, but as Goddesses: because in their statelinesse & presumption, they sought rather to be adored then serued. The Consul Sulpitius at the houre in which he vnderstode that Iulianus had bought the Empire, departed vnto a certeine house that he had in the countrie, giuing his office vnto Cornelius Repentinus his sonne in lawe, who (as they say) did much resemble Commodus, namely, in disposition of person, and corruption of manners.’ Iulianus gaue vnto the army most great thanks, not only for that they had giuen him the Empire, but also because they had intituled his wife & daughter Augustaes and without his request also, had giuen him the name of Pater Patriae, father of y e coūtrie: which title was y e most famous y t y e Romans gaue vnto their Emperours. On y e other day after he was intituled Pater patriae, early in the morning they founde these Latine letters written vpō his gates: P.V.E.P. soūding in this sense, Proditor, Venditor, Emptor, Patriae: and thus meant in english: thou art the traytor, the seller, & buyer of thy country. ‘Vnquenchable was the fury & hatred y t the whole people conceiued against Iulianus, only for y t he had bought the Empire, which rancor and hatred they coulde not so couer within their breastes, but that they published it with their tounges, and shewed it with their handes: for on the first day that he came forth into Rome, they not onely blasphemed him in the stretes, but also from their windowes threwe stones at him: neither did they dine, suppe, or walke in Rome, or in all Italie, but alwayes their talke was of y e treason which the Pretorians had committed in selling the Empire, & the greate mischiefe that Iulianus had done in buying the same.’
The Senate going to the highe Capitol, to visite the [Page 256] newe Emperour, resistance was made against them: ‘which was not done with armed people, but by boyes in the stréetes hurling stones at them, and the women from their windowes did curse them: which being constoered by the Senate, they aduised for that time, to returne to their houses, no lesse offended, then séared.’ Al men bewayled the case with manie teares, and offered vnto their Gods many sacrifices, humbly praying that it might please them, shortlie to take away the life of Iulianus, & to execute cruel vengeance on y t murderers of Pertinax. On a certaine time ‘the Circen playes beeing prepared, and the seate emperiall placed aloft vpon the Theater, when the Emperour Iulianus shoulde haue set, certaine of y e people rashly not only did remoue it, but also did breake it in péeces: and he as he was wise and aduised did féele it as a man, and did dissemble it as one that was discrete. Besides that whiche they sayd in his absence, they despised him in his presence: and he happened manie times to heare with his owne eares, wordes not a little ouerthwarte and iniurious: but he was so subtile in that whiche he saide, and no lesse dissembling in that whiche he hearde, that all the iniuries whiche they saide or did, either he toke them in leste, or did counterfete, not to heare them.’ Naturally Iulianus was a prince of greate vrbanitie, that is to say, courteous, affable, gratious, and pleasaunt, and did honoure & reuerence euery man according to the merit of his person & the estate which he held: yet notwithstanding, he could neither get frinds, either apease enimies. ‘Neither Catiline with his tyrannies, either Silla w t his seditiōs, either Nero with his cruelties, either Commodus w t his vices, were not vniuersallie so muche hated in the Romane Empire, as Didius Iulianus: and their hatred was so extreme, that they shut their eyes, because they woulde not beholde him: and did abstaine to murmur at him, because they woulde not name him. When they sawe his horsse passe the stréetes where on hee [Page 257] did vse to ride, generally they would praye vnto the Gods that he might traile him: or if they had séene his meates carried, they did wishe it might choke him: finally, they did all abhorre his life, & wished his death. Iulianus his enimies bruted among the people, that on the daye, when the Pretorians had slaine Pertinax, he had made a generous and curious banket, wherein he gaue to eate oysters of the Adriatike Seas, Capons of Capua, wine of Creete, and water of Cantabria: but aboue all, had Musicke and daunceing after dinner.’ Others saide, it was most false, but on that day he kept his house, and of pure sorrowe to sée Pertinax slaine, did not eate, vntil they had giuen a sepulture vnto the dead bodie. Moreouer they saye, that although Iulianus was gladsome, pleasant, and also vicious, yet he did not excéede in extraordinarie expences, and that it was vnlikely and also impossible, for him to haue made so sumptuous a banket: for it was many times notorious vnto al mē, y t he did eate in his house no other flesh by the space of iii. dayes, but on Hare, whiche was sent him. ‘He was such a miser to spend, & so desirous to hoord and lay vp money, y t had it not béene for some dayes of sacrifices, or his bidden guests, not a morsel of flesh was eaten in his house: but only fed of his prouision from his garden.’ Many euil customes that Pertinax had remoued from the common wealth, brought in by Commodus, he consented y t the Pretorians & other vicious persons should vse them: not that he delighted therein, but to recouer them to be his friendes. At all times when talke was moued of his predecessour Pertinax, he would say neither good nor euil, but that either he changed into some other matter, or else by dissimulation would séeme not to heare. And being demaunded, why he did neither alowe or condemne that which was saide of Pertinax in his presence: he aunswered, of the one parte Pertinax was so holy, that there was not in him to be reprehended: and of the other parte, he was so hated of y e pretorians, that he durst not in their presence giue him his due commendation.
CHAP. IIII. ¶Of two Romaine Capteines named Seuerus and Pessenius that rebelled against the Emperour Iulianus.
AT the time that Iulianus bought the empire of Rome, there was a Pretor of the armies in Assyria, named Pessenins Niger: who although he was inferiour vnto Iulianus in wealth, yet in vertue he excéeded Iulianus: this Pessenius was a man, grosse, rough, and of greate courage, and naturally was more happie in martiall affaires, then fortunate in the gouernement of the common wealth: all which procéeded, for that in periles he was not daunted with feare, and in trauels had no patience. At the first letters that Pessenius receiued from Iulianus, they saye, he aunswered: the Romane Empire, doth not vse to suffer it selfe to be gouerned by so euil a man, as is Iulianus: wherefore, if this commaundement be onely from the Emperour, I obey it: but if it be Iulianus commaundement, I appeale from it: wherupon it followed, that from thenceforth, when any commaundement was sent vnto Pessenius from Rome, Iulianus name was not in the firme thereof, but onely superscribed with the Emperour of Rome. After this matter was discouered, in Rome, they laide great wagers, which was most to be praised, the minde of Pessenius for his haughtie attempt, or the patience of Iulianus that could dissemble the same. Also at that time the armies were gouerned in Illyria, by a capteine named Septimius Seuerus, borne in Africa, and bred in Rome, which in iustice was verie right, in condition sharpe, and in martial affaires most fortunate. This Septimius Seuerus from the houre he had intelligence of the death of the Emperour Pertinax, and that in his place succéeded Iulianus, would neither receiue letter, [Page 259] either obey commaundement, that came from Iulianus, either else from the Senate: saying, that they for consenting, and he for buying the Empire, were inabilitate of all power to commaund or to gouerne: and further, an euil friend was Iulianus vnto Pertinax, that sold his bloud vnto enimies, and bought his Empire for money. But the case was thus, that Pessenius in Assyria, and Seuerus in Illyria, reuolted with all their armies against Iulianus: whereof being aduertised, they saye that he said: the gods be pleased to retaine in my seruice, all such as be in peace: small is my care, if the rest had taken their leaue. Although Iulianus saide thus much openly, secretely he conceiued the contrarie, which was afterwardes better knowen by his works which he did, then by the words which he saide. If Seuerus had deadly hatred vnto Iulianus, moste surely Iulianus was not in loue with Seuerus: for presently, when he vnderstood that he had rebelled against him, he framed and brought to passe in the Senate, that Seuerus was proclaimed a publique enimie of the people of Rome, and all his armie dispatched and condemned. The Senate prouided at the request of Iulianus, that Vespertinus Candidus, a man both olde & a Consul should departe to Assyria & Illyria: which was not onely disobeyed in the armies, but also not so much as heard: the cause therof was, the infamous Ambassage which he brought: & because afore time, he was much hated being a Pretor in the warres. After Vespertinus was returned vnto Rome, they sent againe vnto Illyria, Valerius Catulus, but to small purpose: for if they disobeyed the prouisions of Candidus, at Valerius they ran with lances. Candidus & Valerius being returned to Rome, Iulianus and the Senate sent againe Aquilius Centurius, who had comaundement to kil Seuerus, & that by any manner y t he might: that is to say, either fighting w t him in the field, or secretely to giue him poison. Seuerus being aduised, howe the Emperour Iulianus and the Senate had sent the third time Aquilius against him, determined to bring foorth his armies [Page 260] from Illyria, and to come to Rome to séeke Iulianus: and marched with so greate spéede vppon the way, that when Aquilus came foorth of Rome, Seuerus was then in the confines of Italie. Incredible was the feare that fell on y t Romanes, after they vnderstood that Seuerus was come against them with all his armies: and their terrour was increased, to consider that he was a capteine of Rome, which vntil that time, had béene a defender of the cōmon wealth, and also for that he had made so great spéede vpon the way, and leade his armies with so great reformation, that in one and the selfe same day, they heard of his arriuall, and also behelde him in the face. The Capuans sent a solemne ambassage vnto Seuerus, to be aduertised of the purpose of his iourney, and to offer him their help and assistance: whome Seuerus receiued with great benignitie, and saide these wordes in greate secrecie. I come not to destroye Italie, either haue I taken armour to go against my mother Rome: the ende of my comming is for three thinges: which is to weete, to rescue the Empire from the tyrant Iulianus, to reuenge the death of the Emperour Pertinax, that was old & honourable, & to refourme the Senate, of such as dare amongest them to aduenture to giue euil counsel: for that I conceiue to serue my common wealth no lesse, in clensing vices, then defending enimies. That which Seuerus saide vnto the Ambassadours of Capua in secrete, presently they discouered openly: which being vnderstood in Rome, the Senatours receiued thereof greate sorrowe, and the people greate pleasure: because the one did hope to attaine libertie, and the other did feare chasticement.
Iulianus gathered all his men of warre, to the vttermost of his power, and sent them against Seuerus, vnder the conduction of Tullius Crispinus: the which, after he was aduertised that Seuerus had taken Rauenna, and all the countrie adioyning, returned vnto Rome: which feminine acte gaue dismaye vnto Iulianus, and courage vnto Seuerus.
[Page 261] Iulianus also commaunded a muster to be made in the field of Mars, of all the Pretorian armies, and he him selfe came to take a view, and an accompt of them, conferring such as came vnto the muster, with the names that were written and receiued money at the paye: of thrée partes, there appeared not one: whereof Iulianus collected, that Seuerus came not onely with confidence of such as he lead with him, but also of them which remained in Rome.
Greate pleasure was it vnto the popular sorte, to beholde howe Iulianus was forsaken of his capteines, and not attended on of his Pretorians: because euery daye their hatred did increase against him, and their loue with Seuerus. Notwithstanding Iulianus procured munition & victuals, repaired the walles, made trenches, aduaunced engins, and sent scoutes into the fieldes: all which deuises smally profited the sorrowfull Emperour Iulianus: for if he helde the walles of Rome, his enimies possessed the heartes of the Romaines. Iulianus suspecting that Letus and Martianus being two Consuls, and men of greate reputation, should practise with Seuerus, commaunded them to be slaine, without accusation or iudgement.
CHAP. V. ¶Howe by the commaundement of the Senate, the Emperour Iulianus was slaine.
‘VNtill Iulianus had slaine the afore named noble Consuls, the Romaines reputed him onely couetous and ambitious, but from thencefoorth they published him to be couetous, ambitious, suspicious, and cruell: for it was a lawe amongest them much vsed, to take away the life of no citizen of Rome, before he were heard to saye for him selfe. After that Iulianus perceiued the Senate to growe sorrowfull, and the people escandalized, for the death of [Page 262] Letus and Martianus, he came to greate repentance, although to small purpose: for it was past his handes to giue life vnto the dead, either to reconcile him selfe into the grace and fauour of the liuing.’ Princes and ministers of iustice ought to be very muche considered, and no lesse aduised, in crediting their suspicions, and to auoide either choler or rashenesse in their executions: to the ende, that after it happen not, that for the deedes of one daye, they haue to remedie and also to bewaile all the dayes of their life.
With greate instance Iulianus requested the Senate, that they with the Priestes and vestall virgins would méete Seuerus and his armie with procession, to sée if they might pacifie with prayers whome they might not resist with armes. This suite the Consul Faustius resisted, saying, that it were not conuenient, that the sacred Senate, either the Priestes of the temples, or the holie vestall virgins, should intend matters of warre: for the office of such was to solicite the Gods to giue vs peace: and further, the Consul Faustius saide: he that possesseth an Empire, and knoweth not to defend an Empire, containeth the indignitie of an Empire. This answere was no lesse displeasant vnto Iulianus, then pleasant vnto the Senatours, whereby he obteined not, that which he desired, and they grewe vnbridled to speake at large. Iulianus not contented with that which was done, but called in secret certeine his capteines and friendes, whome he commaunded soudeinly to enter armed into the Senate, and to saye vnto the Senatours, that of two thinges they had to make choyce, that is to say: to lose their liues, or else to obey his commaundementes. Amongest the other capteines there was one named Crispinus, which saide vnto Iulianus, he is to be thought no small enimie of thine, that gaue this counsell: because, if thou be well aduised, for thy loue the Senate haue declared them selues to be an enimie to Seuerus: and nowe, if thou attempt to kil them, [Page 263] they will aunswere, that they will obey thée: and on the other parte, they will declare Seuerus to be a friende vnto the people, and thou an enimie vnto Seuerus: and further, the Gods neuer permitte, that thou shouldest giue foorth any such commaundement, or that I should perfourme it: for, if he be euil that giueth euil counsell, more vile is he that executeth the same. Iulianus chaunging his conceite, practised with the Senate, that he woulde yelde vp the Empire vnto whome it might please them: which they liked verie well, but durst not at that present to debate therein: for Seuerus at that time was so neare vnto Rome, that it was rather in his handes to take the Empire, then to receiue it at the handes of the Senate. Iulianus forgate not to sende his Capteine Crispinus against Seuerus: against whome, Seuerus sent another capteine named Iulius Lucius, who ouercame in the battaile, and slewe Crispinus.
When Iulianus considered howe his enimies preuailed, and his friendes did forsake him, he purposed to take the aduise of Witches, inchaunters, and soothesayers, to vnderstand his destinies, and the Fortune of Seuerus: and the case was thus: that after he assembled many Sorcerers and Magicians in his owne house, he made them practise many sorceries and inchauntments, and to sing and praye many filthie, terrible, and fowle thinges. And (as they after reported which were present) he him selfe chaunged countenaunce, and with staring hayres, discouered him self to be in great terrour. Iulianus came vnto the Senatours, crauing their aduise, howe he should prouide and behaue him selfe: for that Seuerus approched, and fauoured of Fortune, who had him in contempt.
None of the Senatours aunswered one worde, but the Cōsul Geminus, which said: neither art thou worthie of counsell, or deseruest remedie, since thou hast forsaken the Senators, which should haue giuē thee counsell, and [Page 264] wentest vnto Sorcerers, who could not but deceiue: for that in such a case, being inuironed with sinister fortune it had beene more sounde and sure counsell, to haue gone vnto the priestes, to haue pacified the Gods with their sacrifices, then vnto sorcerers which by witchcrafts should leade thee into their indignation. Iulianus sent vnto Capua, all his guarde, & the swoorde players of Rome, whose capteines were Lelius Titianus, and Claudianus Pompeyanus, which he did to the ende Seuerus shoulde thinke, that since he had courage to sende to offende him, he should haue no lesse to abide him. The father in lawe of Iulianus was named Aratmensis, whome Iulianus persuaded and requested to take halfe the Empire, in suche wise, that bothe should haue béene intituled Emperours of Rome: and ioyntly therewith sware and affirmed, that he did it not to remedie the necessitie wherein he stoode: but for greate good wil which he did beare him: who aunswered, this which thou sayest, Iulianus, be thou assured, that I will neither do it, either do I loue, but yrketh mée to heare it: because to gouerne the Empire I am blinde, to traueile I am weake, and to inioye it am become olde: and much more respecting the age which I possesse, and the trauels which I haue passed: I am more apte to make peace with the Gods, then to take warres in hande against men.
All the men of warre that were in Etruria, did passe vnto the seruice of Seuerus, whome he would not by any meanes receiue, vntil they had sworne to be innocent of the death of Pertinax. Seuerus at the breake of the day, discouered him selfe with all his armies, two leagues from Rome: whiche being knowen vnto the Senate, ioyntly they agréed to determine two thinges: whiche is to wéete, to remoue Iulianus from the Empire, and to depriue him of his life, and in his place to elect Seuerus Emperour.
Then one of the Senatours came foorth from the Senate, and published with open voice vnto the people, [Page 265] that they should hold it for certeine, that by the authoritie of the sacred Senat, Iulianus was depriued of the Empire, and in his stéede Seuerus elected Emperour. ‘Great was the ioy that the people receiued, when they heard Iulianus to be depriued of the Empire: and presently at the instant who best might, made most hast to receiue the newe Emperour: and none passed by Iulianus house, that threw not stones at the windowes, and spat not vppon the walles. At the houre that the Senate went forth to receiue Seuerus, they sent a Gentleman to kill Iulianus, who expressing the sorrowful ambassage which he brought, with many teares Iulianus requested that he might not be slaine, before hee had séene Seuerus: but the gentleman durst do no lesse, then to cut off his head, because the Senate stayed at the porte Salaria, and had sworne not to procéede to receiue Seuerus, vntill they were certeinly aduertised, that Iulianus was slaine. The vnfortunate Emperour Iulianus being dead, his wife Malia and his daughter Escutilia tooke the body, & buried him in a Sepulcher of his great graundfather, on the right hand of the way of Lauinia. Iulianus was noted to be a glutton, a gamster, couetous, and ambitious: and on the other part, he was pitifull, amorous, eloquent, graue, and subtile. He liued 56. yeares and 4. monethes: be reigned 11. monethes and 5. dayes. After his death they did neither giue his body honourable funeralls, or contemned his Sepulcher. This was the end of Iulianus, who being old, honourable, & rich, would for the exchaunge of the Empire, giue his goods, aduenture his fame, and loose his life.’
The life of the Emperour Seuerus, compiled by syr Anthonie of Gueuara, bishop of Mondonnedo, preacher, chronicler, and counseller, vnto the Emperour Charles the fift.
CHAP. I. ¶Of the linage and countrie of the Emperour Seuerus.
THE auncient linage of the Emperour Seuerus was of Africa, his grandfather was named Fuluius Pius, and his grandmother Agrippa, which came and died in Lepe, an auncient citie in Mauritania, & was destroyed in the warres of Iugurtha, & Massimila: his father was named Geta, and his mother Fuluia Pia, a people neither renowmed in armes, or glorious in bloud, either indued with riches. ‘ Seuerus was borne in Etrutio, Clarus and Seuerus being Consuls, the 4. day of April: and as his mother reported, she had with him a difficult childbirth, & very tedious to nourse. In his first infancie, he chiefly delighted to play with other children his fellowes, the play of Iudges: and when his lot fell to be Iudge, as sharpely did he chastice their trifling faultes, as he did afterwards chastice their errours in earnest. Hee learned the Gréeke and latine tongues with such singular perfection, and was so prompt to speake, write, read, & dispute in the said tongues, as if hee had béene borne in those countries, and learned no other languages.’ At the age of xviij. yeres he was a publique aduocate, and defended causes in lawe: in such wise, that if he had followed Science, as hée did Warres, hée had béene no lesse renowmed in science and letters, then he was famous in armes. He was not full xx. yeares of age, when he first entered Rome: in which dayes, there reigned the right happie Marcus Aurelius, and by intercession of his kinseman Septimius Seuerus, hée had the office to register daily such as either died [Page 267] or were borne in Rome: which office, although it were not profitable, yet was it an occasion of great acquaintance, & to be throughly knowen: because nightly he wēt to Court to report who was borne, or had died that day. ‘The first night y t he entred Rome, by chance his host wher he lodged was reading the life of y e Emperour Adrian, wherin was relation of y e great perils which he passed, before he might atteine the Empire: Seuerus said vnto his host in iest. In trauels & perills I imitate Adrian: I hope also that I shall succede him in the Empire. By chance, as y e Emperour M. Aurelius made a general & sumptuous supper vnto many noble Romans, Seuerus was amongest them, & at the time that he shuld haue taken his seat at the table, w tout regard he placed him in the Emperours chaire: and when others derided him for his negligence & folly which he had comitted, Seuerus aunswered: Peace & gibe not, it is possible (my destinies may be such) that as I nowe sitt in the imperiall chaire in iest, so one day I may sit therin in earnest. Seuerus dreamed on a night, y t he suckt the teats of the wolfe y t noursed Remus and Romulus, which dreame he alwayes held for a great good signe of his future Empire.’ In y e time of his youth, he was both absolute and dissolute, especially in womens matters, & other vanities: for which causes hee was many times taken, banished, & shamed. In the offices of warre, he was placed in them all, especially the office of Questor, which he held long time: and it is said of him, that hauing by that office charge of monie, he was diligēt in recouering, & faithful in diuiding & parting therof. In y e moneth of Ianuary, in the 5. yeare of the Empire of M. Aurelius, it chaunced him to be Proconsul of Betica, which now in Spaine is named the kingdome of Andoloizia, where he remained y e space of a yeare & a halfe: in which gouernment he was no lesse loued then feared, and feared then loued.
Seuerus being Proconsul in Betica, receiued newes of his fathers death in Africa: wherupon he presently passed into Africa, partly to execute the obsequies, and to giue his father an honourable Sepulcher, and partly to take [Page 268] order for a sister that was left vnto him, and goods whiche he did inherite. The Consul that then was resident in Africa, sent Seuerus for his Embassadour to the Sardinians, which were reuolted from the Romanes: and entering into Sardinia with certeine burning torches, according to the maner of an Embassadour of Rome, there came vnto him a townesman after the fashion of a iester, and did imbrace him, whom Seuerus commaunded to be whipt, saying: In the act of so great grauitie, trifling gibes be inconuenient. For that which this iester did, and for the disgrace which Seuerus receiued, they ordeyned in Rome, that from thence forth, Embassadours alwayes should enter all cities on horsebacke, as in times past they had vsed on foote. Continuing Proconsul in Africa, he would néeds vnderstand of a Mathematiciā or Astronomer, how farre his fortune extē ded or did reach: and hauing receiued the day and houre, and also the ascendent of his natiuitie, the Astrologian being amased and terrified of the Fortune which his natiuitie did promise him, said vnto him: It is not possible that this be thy natiuitie, & therfore were it meete thou shouldest giue me thine owne, and not the natiuitie of another: for were it true, that thou wast borne vnder such a cōstellation, thou shouldest be Emperour of Rome. ‘At the age of 32. yeares, hée was in Rome elected Tribune of the people: more for the pleasure of Marcus Aurelius whome he serued, then for the seruice that Seuerus had done in the common wealth: but afterwards he proued so toward, and was so vpright in causes of iustice, that it neither repented the cōmon wealth to haue chosen him, either Marcus Aurelius to haue procured the same.’ His Tribunal office being ended, he was named Pretor of the people: and on the day of his election, the more to aduaunce his honour, the Emperour passing throughe the streates of Rome, placed him with himselfe in the Licter: which déede was not a litle reproched, of some through enuie, and of othersome thorough disdaine.
CHAP. II. ¶ Of the offices which Seuerus held in the Empire, before he was Emperour.
THe affaires of Spaine being dispatched, Seuerus failed into Asia: and assone as he had set his foole a land, hee departed vnto Athens: partly to behold the gouernement of the Greekes, and partly also to heare the doctrine of Philosophers: because in those dayes, they talked not of any matter more in all this world, then of the great Fortune of the Romanes, and the profound eloquēce of the Greekes. Not a few dayes he remayned in Athens hearing the Philosophers, conferring with the Senatours, visiting temples, and viewing buildings: because naturally he was a friend of new inuentions, & desired no lesse the knowledge of antiquities. Although Seuerus of person was valiant, and Capitaine of Rome, and also of indifferent eloquence, yet they gaue him no good interteinment in all Grecia: for which cause when he came afterwardes vnto the Empire, he streightly reuenged the olde vnkindnesse which he bare vnto the Greekes, euery day diminishing their priuiledges. Being returned from Asia vnto Rome, hee was sente Embassadour vnto the prouince of Lugdune, which nowe in Fraunce, is named Lion of Sonorona: and being at that time a widower, they practised with him a marriage with a certeine Lady of noble bloud, in countenance most faire, and gratious in gesture. That Lady was named Iulia, & of royall bloud: vnto whome purposing to present iewels of great price, and finding no goldsmith sufficient to performe the same: being also aduertised of a goldsmith in Syria that excelled all men in that facultie, and doubting all messengers to be insufficient, trauelled in his owne person, to fetch the same: & as he after made reporte vnto his spouse, that with the rewards which he gaue vnto the goldsmith, and the charge of that voyage, hée might twise haue béene [Page 270] maried. The Senators sēt to reproue Seuerus, not because he had married, but for the great iourney and large expences which he had passed for a woman: aduising him, that it was not conuenient for a citizen of Rome, to imploy his person, but to aduaunce his honour: either consume his goods, but for defence of the common wealth: whereunto Senerus aunsweared, that for none of those matters wherof he was blamed, he either deserued blame or punishmēt: because without all comparison, much more was the merite of that Lady with whom he was married, then the expences or trauells which for her seruice he had suffered. And further he said: it seemeth vnto mée (fathers conscript) that for this acte I deserue honour, & no blame, since thereby ariseth vnto Rome, both honour and profite: because strange kingdoms haue séene, that Captaines of Rome, to obteine riches, haue strēgth & skil, and to spend them haue noble minds. Seuerus stayed ioyntly 3. yeares in Fraunce, both loued and feared, & no lesse reuerenced of the Frenchmen: not onely for that he was iust in iudgment, and liberal in expences, but aboue the rest, in that he was of a sincere life. The Calends of Ianuarie being come, (at what time in Rome they diuide their offices) the Proconsulship of Sicylia was allotted vnto Seuerus, wherof he receiued no smal griefe, partly for that he found himself very wel placed in Fraunce, & feared the condition of the Sicylians. Being resident in the Isle of Sicyl, he was accused by his enimies of Rome, that he did not exercise the gouernement of the common wealth, so much as the search of southsayers, who should be Emperour of Rome: because in those dayes Commodus was Emperour of Rome, and all men held it for certaine, that for his wickednesse he should be slaine, or himselfe, for his great vitiousnes, should die. Commodus receiued great displeasure when hee vnderstoode, that being (as hee was) aliue, and but a young man, Seuerus should séeke for the succession of his Empire: for which cause Seuerus was forced presently to depart from Sicyl, & come to Rome, there to discouer and make proofe of his innocencie: [Page 271] because the daunger was no greater, then losse of honour and life. Presently vppon his arriuall at Rome, he did yéeld himselfe vnto the gaile Mamortina, and would not depart from thence, vntill by publique sentence his innocencie was vttered, and his accusers depriued of their liues. Two monethes after these matters passed, the Calends of Ianuarie were come, in which Seuerus was elected Consul, ioyntly with Apuleius Rufinus: the day that this was published, they say that Seuerus said. This day it is manifested in mee, that men neither know what prosperities be conuenient for them, either what aduersities doe impeache them: and I say it for this cause, for that criminally I was accused in Rome, and my person prisoner in the place of malefactours: whereof there proceded, that I departed from Sicyl, came to Rome, giue safetie vnto my life, augment my goods, recouer fame, take vengeance of mine enimies, and obtaine the Consulship of the common wealth.
The time passed of his Consulship, hee stoode an whole yeare without any office: and as he afterwards said many times, the best and merriest dayes of all his life, were conteined in that yeare, wherein he had no office in the cōmon wealth. In those dayes, Letus the Captaine of the guard was greatly in fauour with y e Emperour Commodus: by whose intercession they cōmended the garrisons of Germanie vnto Seuerus, who so skilfully behaued himselfe in that iourney, that he returned 2. yeares after vnto Rome with great honour, & no smal riches. At his returne vnto Rome, Seuerus bought a certaine compasse of land wherein to till for corne, and to féede and bréede cattell, and alongest the riuer Tiber hée bought certaine stately and fertill gardens, where hee builte houses of great pride, which long time after were called Seuerians.
‘At a certaine time supping in those gardens vppon the grasse, where the freshnesse of the greene was verye great, and vigualls very small, the case was thus. His owne sonne, of the age of fiue yeares, did giue and [Page 272] diuide vnto all persons, of all thinges that were there, vnto whome the father said: temper thy hand (sonne) in reparting, because thou hast no reall riches to giue. The childe made aunswere: if I haue them not nowe when I am a child, I shall haue them when I am a man. All men present wondered, considering the age of the child, that so graue an aunsweare should procéede from so tender youth.’
CHAP. III. ¶ How the Pretorians did electe him Emperour.
IN the 10. yeare of the Empire of Commodus, Seuerus was sent in message vnto the prouince of Germanie: in which Ambassage, he obteyned much honour, and no small wealth: for naturally he was of great dispatch in affaires, and skilfull to gather monie. Hée was resident in Germanie the space of thrée yeares, that is to say, vntill in Rome they had slaine the Emperour Commodus: of whole death he had great pleasure, and of the election of Pertinax no lesse ioy: because the liuing was his most special friend, and the dead his mortall enimie. Not many monethes after he receiued newes how y e Emperour Pertinax was slaine by the Pretorians, and that hée (for very monie) had bought the Empire, he was much gréeued with the death of y e one and the election of the other. Seuerus was aduertised how Iulianus was in great hatred of the people, for merchandizing of the Empire: presently at the instant the men of warre that he had with him, declared him Emperour: whiche was done in a citie named Carunto, on the xii. day of the moneth of August. That day whereon the armies did aduaunce him as Emperour, he gaue and diuided amongst them so great summes of monie, as neuer any Emperour had done afore time: for he gaue, not onely all his owne, but also the treasure of his friends. With great speede Seuerus sent vnto y e armies of Illyria in Pannonia, in Spaine, [Page 273] Fraunce, and Britaine, and gaue them to vnderstand how Pertinax was dead, that Iulianus had bought the Empire, and that the armies of Germanie had elected him Emperour: but that hée would not accept the same, vnlesse they (as true defenders of y e Empire) would consent vnto their election: wherein all, with one conformitie, did alowe that election which the Germaines had made of Seuerus, and vtterly did adnihilate all consents and elections that had or might be to the aduauncement of the Empire of Iulianus: and vppon condition that Seuerus should first be sworne, to reuenge the death of the good Emperour Pertinax: and to giue his fauour vnto the men of warre. Presently when y e Seuerus sawe his Empire confirmed by the men of warre, spéedily he toke his way towards Rome: vpon which way not onely he had no resistance, but in all places was receiued with great ioy. Two Consuls, 100. Senatours, 30. Questors, 22. Iudges, 14. Tribunes, 10. Pretours. 400. priestes, and 50. vestal virgins, came forth to receiue Seuerus: vnto whom he sent to giue vnderstanding, that if they would behold his face milde, that all persons of al armour, either open or secret, should disarme themselues: for that it was sufficient that he was of the warres, and they to receiue him in peace. They being persons of so great honour, riches, and auncient, that came foorth to receiue him, were not a litle despited, that Seuerus should commaund them to be disarmed, but in the end they accomplished that which was commaunded them, and from thence foorth conceiued against Seuerus mortall hatred: because if they disarmed their persons of armour, they did arme their hartes with malice. And as Seuerus was proud with his Empire, and the Consuls and Senatours wise and aduised, neither did he perceiue them to be offēded, either did they discouer themselues to be gréeued or despited: for that, if they had patience to suffer the iniurie, they wāted not wisedome to dissemble the same. As Seuerus was subtile and skilful, he did two thinges before he entered Rome, wherewith hée greatly wanthe fauour of the common people: wherof the [Page 274] first was, that he publikely changed his ouer name, which is to wit, that as he afore time was named Septimius Seuerus, after he was named Seuerus Pertinax: & this he did, to the end al men should perceiue, y e taking the name of the good Emperour Pertinax, he would likewise folow y e steps of his good life, and profite himselfe by his good doctrine: for Pertinax was not only loued as a man, but also adored as a God. And the second thing which he did, was, to cōmaund al the bands of Pretorians, which were the men at armes which guarded Rome, that leauing all armour, they shuld come & do him reuerence: which were the men y t had slaine th'emperour Pertinax, not for his owne deseruing, but for that he consented not to their wickednes. Seuerus secretly had agréed with his armie, that they should haue regard to compasse them round, in such wise, y t finding them vnarmed, they should stop al meanes to recouer y e same for their defence: either place of safetie to flie vnto. And now, when they stood all vnarmed, & compassed, Seuerus commaunded a general silence thoroughout his armieꝭ and directed his words vnto those homicides or mansiears, speaking after this maner.
CHAP. IIII. ¶How he reuenged the death of the good Emperour Pertinax.
ALthough al humaine things be subiect vnto vanitie & mutabilitie: yet this preeminēce haue y e gods aboue men, y t al things being subiect to changing and variablenes, they remaine immutable: & al things perishing & finishing, they for euer do continue: because there is nothing perpetual, but such things, vnto whiche the gods do giue perpetuitie. The great Romaine Empire much resēbleth the immortal gods of heauen: because all the kingdomes of the earth be finishing & [Page 275] haue their ends, but she is perpetual: all are weake, and she strong: all be subiect, she at libertie: all vanquished, and she inuincible: finally, she is she, y t neuer suffered her better, or endured another y t was her equal. And as it is most true, y t the gods neuer giue reward without a preceding merit: so do they not giue punishment without some fault in him, whom they chastise: wher of it followeth, y t since the gods haue giuen vnto the Romanes so many and so great triūphes, there ought to be in them many & very notable deseruings. There be two things which cause the Romans to hold frēdship with y e gods, & to be lords of mē, which is to wit, great worshippers of temples, and conseruers of people in iustice: for that countrie where temples be not honoured, and the wicked chastised, may be better termed a den of theeues, then a kingdome of good men. Ye all vnderstand that be here present, howe ye haue slaine the Emperour Pertinax, a mā most surely both holy and most holy, because the greatnes of the Empire, being conferred with the sinceritie of his deseruing, it had not beene much for him, but rather a smal reward, to haue beene Lord of the whole world. In this deede ye haue offended the gods, escandalized men, committed treason vnto your Lord, defamed your countrie, troubled your common wealth, and brought all Rome vnto confusion, in such wise, that your fault being so exceeding, it may not deserue any parcialitie in punishment.
Now that ye haue slaine him, is it as if ye had slaine Caligula, Nero, Sergius, Vitellius, Domitiā, or Commodꝰ? no, but Pertinax, which was one of the princes most without reprehēsion, that euer reigned in y e Romaine Empire. As princes be few & wilful, so it is a [Page 276] venture, to chance on such as be good: & so much the more deserue ye the greater paine, as the good Pertinax was profitable vnto the common wealth. Vnto whome shall Rome aduenture to commit her trust, since they which were appointed for her guard, haue set her a sale? O treason neuer thought of! Oh wickednes neuer heard of! to kill the Emperour, and to sell the Empire. After the vassals haue slaine their Lord, and the natiues of the countrie haue sold their common wealth, I know not why the gods cōmaund not the ground to swallow you vp, and presently put not fire into Rome to consume it: for, after so great an infamie, Rome ought neuer more to be named in this world. Who should haue said to Quintus Cincinatus, Numa Pompilius, Camillus, Marcus Fabritius, Mutius Scaeuola, Silla, Marius, Scipio, Iulius Caesar, Augustus, Germanicus (who with great and many triumphes did both beautifie and magnifie Rome) that ye should haue set Rome in open sale? I firmely beleeue, and am out of doubte, that they would haue died of pure sorrowe: or else would haue slaine your progenitours from whom ye are descended. Frō the time I departed out of Germanie, I came musing vppon the way, what punishment I should giue you: for of the one part, if I suffer euery one of you with his life, it redoundeth to the scandal of the common wealth: and if I would take the same from you, the paine is very smal, in respecte of your extreme fault: for vnto one that is euil, they doe him no small benefite, to rid him out of this world. I cōmaund your noses to be slit, your tongues to be boared, your garments beneth the wast to be cut off, and your beards halfe shauen: yee shall liue without honour, credite, [Page 277] or libertie as slaues & bondmen in the common wealth: in such wise, that ye shall not die as the good do vse to die, to the end to liue: but ye shal liue as the wicked do liue, to the end to die. Neither doe I suffer you to liue, because ye deserue life: but for that I will not staine my fame with your filthie bloud. If in giuing you al death, I might giue the good Pertinax his life: not onely yours, but also right willingly would I offer mine owne: because there is no vent more iust, then y t one good life (by y e exchange of many wicked liues) might be bought & redemed. If the gods would permit, that at the houre I should cōmaunde ye to bee slaine, ye should reuiue and recouer life, a thousand times would I take away your liues, because the horror of your offence deserueth a thousād deathes: but since losse of life, in a momēt, doth deliuer the malefactour of his scourge and torment, and afterwardes no other meane remayning to take vengeaunce: it is more iust that ye should liue euery day desiring death, then that ye should die abhorring life. There is nothing more iust, then to kil him that killeth: but I commaund not that ye be slaine, although ye durst kill the good Pertinax: and this I do not, to the end to do no iustice, either to doe you good or pleasure: but for that many yeares ye shall haue time to bewaile your wretched life, and his innocent death.
CHAP. V. ¶Of thinges that he did in Rome, presently after he was Emperour.
AFter that Seuerus had said and finished his speach, and cōdemned and banished the murtherers of the Emperour [Page 278] Pertinax, he determined to enter Rome, and his receyuing was mixt with ioy and sorow: because of the one part seing him so great a frend of iustice, they reioyced: and on the other part to sée him cōpassed with so great armies, they feared him. Presently vpon his entrie into Rome, he visited y e temples (according to the custome of the Romane Emperours) and ‘there he offered no small, but generous & sumptuous sacrifices. Although in his receyuing, a great part of the day was spent, and in visiting temples the rest was consumed, and now whē it was night, he was requested of all men to take his ease, and to withdrawe vnto his palace: yet he would in no wise consent, vntil he had visited the Sepulcher of the good Marcus Aurelius: where he remained a great space vppon his knées, and poured foorth many lamentable teares.’ The next day he went vnto the high Capitol, where all the Senate was assembled, and there he spake vnto all the Senatours, Consuls, and all other Romane officers: to whome he said many good words, and gaue them great hope of many rewards. All the people of Rome were astonied, & terrified, to behold the great audacitie and fortune of Seuerus: which procéeded of consideration howe without daunger, and lesse trauell, hée obteyned the Empire: for that he gat it not by sheding others bloud, neither by the exchange of his owne proper goodes. The first day that Seuerus spake in the Senate, he made a solemne vow before them all: Neuer to kill any Romane, if he were not iudged by iustice: or to take the goods of any person, if by the fiscal he were not condemned. If it had béene found in Seuerus workes, which hée sware that day in wordes, namely, that they might not accuse him of crueltie, either note him of couetousnes, it had béene a great weale for the Romane Empire: ‘for there is nothing wherwith princes doe more destroy their common wealthes, and also staine their persons, then to bee giuen to reuenge their owne proper iniuries, and couetous of other mens goodes. Forthwith at his beginning, Seuerus did shew himselfe milde, benigne, pitifull, liberall, valiant harted, [Page 279] affable, gratious, and humaine, imbracing his familiars, ioying and laughing with straungers: in such wise, that the Romanes went after him, hearing what he said, and praising what he did. If in humaine affaires he were prouident, in diuine matters surely he was not negligent: for that euery day hée visited temples, honoured priestes, offered sacrifices, repaired edifices, heard orphans and afflicted: in such wise, that in victories they compared him vnto Iulius Caesar, in humaine policies to Augustus, and in diuine thinges to Pompilius. The old Senatours and auncient Romanes, that had béen bred with Seuerus from their youth, were amased to sée how his euil condition was changed: and on the other part they thought with themselues, that all which he did was but fained: for of his owne naturall condition, he was subtile, warie, milde, and double: and did know how to denie his owne will for a time, in that which hée wished, to doe afterwardes with all men all that he desired.’ It is a point of wise and skilfull men, to ouercome their owne wills in small matters: afterwardes to drawe others after them for causes of greater importaunce.
Althoughe there bee more credite to bee giuen to that which wée sée, then vnto that which wée suspect: yet in this case they were more deceiued, that praised Seuerus in his good woorkes, then those which did suspecte him for his old subtilties: for that in shorte space they vnderstoode in him great cruelties, and no lesse disordinate couetousnesse. Those that from their youth bee not bredd in vertuous woorkes, or that naturally of themselues bee not of good condition, they may for a time deceiue some persons with their guiles: but in the end their malice commeth to the notice of all men: all which was experimented in Seuerus, who vsed violence with his owne proper nature, vntill hée sawe himselfe in possession of the common wealth. The first office that hée gaue in Rome, was vnto Flauius Iuuenal, whome hee made Pretor of the people: of whiche prouision of the one part he pleased all men, because Flauius [Page 280] was a vertuous person: and on the other parte it did grieue them, because he was seruaunt vnto Iulianus. The whole armie that Seuerus led with him, he also brought into the citie of Rome: and being in quantitie great, and of condition proud, they might not be contained within the citie: for which cause they lodged not onely in houses priuileged, and in sacred temples, but forceably brake vp doores and entred houses. The Romanes receiued the same for a very great iniurie, because they onely felt not the despight done vnto their persons, but also did bewaile the breach & losse of their liberties. Thrée dayes after Seuerus entered Rome, the captaines of his armies sent to demaund of the Senate, to haue giuen them an hundred thousand pesants of gold, which were due vnto them: for that in times past, so much was giuen vnto them that first entered with the Emperour Augustus. At the houre when y e captaines sent these words vnto the Senat, presently and ioyntly they armed themselues, and marched vnto the field, swearing and forswearing, by the life of Seuerus, & by the world of Marcus, that if it were not giuen that day, at night they would sack Rome. After that Seuerus heard, that his armie was in readinesse in the field of Mars, and without his cōmaundement, he was not a litle escandalized, thinking there had béene some treason against him amongest y e people: but the truth being knowen, he requested them to be pacified, and to disarme themselues, saying: that it proceeded not of wise Captaines, but of seditious persons, to demaund with threatenings, that which would be giuen by request. Seuerus saw himselfe in great trauell, to finish agréement betwixt the one & the other: but in the end giuing them some monie out of his owne coffers, and some from the common wealth, he brought them all to a vnitie: which was, y t vnto the Captaines was giuen lesse then they demaunded, and the Romanes paid somewhat more then they offered. Before all things, Seuerus did celebrate the obsequies of Pertinax: whereat all the Romanes were present, and offered that day vnto the Gods great sacrifices, accompting [Page 281] Pertinax amongest the Gods, and placeing Priestes to do sacrifices vpon the sepulchre, that for euermore should susteine his memorie. When Seuerus entred the Empire, he found many rents of y e treasurie morgaged, which is to wéete, the royall patrimonie, wherein he gaue order for the redéeming thereof, to be reduced vnto the royall crowne. Seuerus had two daughters of ripe age, the one of xxv. the other of xxx. yeres, whome he married within twentie dayes after he came to Rome, the one with Prolus, and the other with Laertius, men of greate wealthe and riches, and generous in bloud. Seuerus offered his sonne Prolus the office of Censor, which he refused, saying, that he fought not to be sonne in lawe vnto the Emperour, to be a scourge of euill men: but to be serued of good men. Seuerus made bothe his sonnes in lawe Consuls, and about Rome he bought them great rentes, and also gaue them large summes of money to spend, and to his daughters he gaue Iewels, wherewith to honour them.
CHAP. VI. ¶Howe the Emperour Seuerus passed into Asia against capteine Pessenius that rebelled against him.
ONe of the famous capteines that rebelled against the Emperour Iulianus, as hath béene recounted in his life, was Pessenius Niger, who with the armies that were in Assyria, did gouerne and rule all Asia. Seuerus rose in Germanie, and Pessenins in Asia: and notwithstā ding they were both traitours vnto their Lorde, the difference betwixt them was, that Seuerus for his comming vnto Rome, they aduaunced vnto the Empire: and Pessenius for remaining at his ease in Asia, was condemned for a traitour. At the houre that Iulianus his death was published, presently Pessenius inuested him selfe with the [Page 282] title of Emperour and Augustus: in such wise, that Seuerus in Europa, and Pessenius in Asia, had diuided betwixt them selues all countries and prouinces: and much more the one from the other had diuided their willes & mindes. Pessenius was very wel aduertised in Asia, howe Seuerus had entred Rome with a great power: and was in state of gouernement as naturall Emperour of the common wealth: but neither for letters that were written vnto him, or for any thing that might be saide vnto him, would he obey Seuerus, or muche lesse shewe any feare of him, Pessenius was grosse of person, valiant, warlike, and of al men, with whome he dealt, very well liked: and surely, if he lost the Empire, it was not for want of friendes in Rome, but that he abounded with vices in Asia. After that Seuerus sawe, that neither for threateninges, either for promises that he made, or for letters that he wrote, he might not drawe Pessenius Niger vnto his seruice, he determined to conquer him as an enimie: although (as he afterwardes saide) he wished not with him to come in contention: because Pessenius was a friende in earnest, and no enimie in iest.
Seuerus commaunded a muster to be taken of all the men he had, and tooke the names of all persons that he might haue with him out of Italie, commaundinge them to prepare, and to pay his officers, & that all thinges should be done with moste spéedie diligence: for his intent was to enter with so greate haste into Asia, that his arriuall, and the newes thereof, at one instant, might appeare vnto Pessenius.
All the armies of Illyria which he had left in Thracia, he commaunded to passe into Asia: and all the Senatours, all the warrelike officers of Rome, all the riche men, and all the sonnes of mightie and greate Lordes that were in Italie, he ledde with him in that warre. ‘He armed in the Sea Mediterrane an hundred galleys, and also rigged foorth two hundreth shippes, fiftie barkes, and innumerable foystes: all which went laden with [Page 283] men, armour, and victuals: in such wise, that in respecte of his greatnesse and potencie, there was none that woulde encounter with him by lande, either abide at the Sea.’
Onelie xxx. dayes Seuerus was in Rome, dispatchinge with the Senate, he departed vnto the porte of Hostia, to beholde his nauie, and from thence he departed to Nola in Campania, where his armye was assembled, where he added many thinges that wanted, and also remoued many thinges that were superfluous: because in thinges of greate importance, he was not satisfied to giue them in charge to men of experience: but that he woulde see and beholde them with his owne proper eyes. When Pessenius Niger heard the newes, howe Seuerus came against him by sea and lande: they say that he saide, these woordes: If the destinies be bente against me, small may it auaile me, that men fauour mee: and if Gods be pleased to help me mē may little hinder me. And further he saide: Seuerus is not satisfied to haue slaine his Lorde Iulianus, and to vsurpe the Empire, but hath made mee an enimie vnto the people of Rome: but I beseche the immortall Gods, that if it shal not please them to giue me victorie in this warre, that Seuerus may bee conquered, when hee moste desireth to ouercome. Although Pessenius commended his fortune into the handes of God, not withstanding he left not to seeke the aide of men: & to this ende he did write and send Ambassadours, vnto the kinge of the Parthians, to the king of the Arthabanes, and to the king of the Armenians to succour him with men & money, because Seuerus came with a determinate minde to destroy them all.
The kinge of the Armenians aunsweared the Ambassadours of Pessenius Niger, that he woulde neither helpe the one, or offende the other, but defende and conserue his owne kingdome: moued therevnto, for that Pessenius was his friende, and Seuerus not his enimie.
The kinge of Parthians, presently sente his letters [Page 284] throughout his kingdome, commaunding them to repaire vnto Pessenius, and refuse Seuerus: which he did not for the narrowe friendship that he helde with Pessenius, but for the auncient enimitie that he did beare vnto the Romane Empire. The king of Arthabanes sent vnto Pessenius, ten thousand archers with crossebowes, all natiues of the prouinces of Bersezana, which throughout the worlde were much renowmed, and in the warres no lesse feared, because they were of valiant mindes in fight, and excéeding readie in shooting. Further, Pessenius Niger commaunded his armie to be renewed with twentie thousand footemen, and sixe thousand horsemen, whereof the moste parte being taken out of Antioche (where the people be most féeble) their names being registred, and receiuing paye, neuer afterwardes came to the warres. Vnto all them that vsed this guyle, Seuerus afterwardes gaue great punishment: not for that they had béene traytours vnto Pessenius, but for example to terrifie others. Vpon the mount Taurus parte of Cappadocia and Sicyl, Pessenius, as a man of experience in martiall affaires, prouided that the woodes were feld vpon the toppes of mounteines, and in streightes, and most perillous places made strong watche and warde, in such wise, that no enimie might approche, that was not séene: or passe, that were not slaine. In those dayes, there was not in all Thracia a citie more opulent then was Byzantio, nowe named Cō stantinople, which in buildinges did excéede all cities of Asia, and in fertilitie was equall with the best in Europa. Amongest other thinges conteined therein that was faire to beholde, and much to be praised, were the walles, the stones whereof were brought from Mylesius, curiously squared, as if it had béene timber sawen with a sawe: which was the cause that the wall being made of many stones, the whole wall séemed but one stone. Although with the calamities of time, the walles be nowe ruinated: yet notwithstanding, of the same there remaineth some steppes and signes: in the viewe whereof there is [Page 285] none but wil praise the witt of them that made it: & cursse the handes of them that did subuert it. When Pessenius sawe him selfe a Lorde so absolute of all Asia, and accompanied with so many & so noble men of warre, he thought him selfe sure of the victorie: but as in such cases, that which Fortune guydeth, is farre differēt from that which the person desireth: so, very cōtrarie to his former purpose it afterwardes succéeded.
CHAP. VII. ¶Of the warres that passed betwixt Pessenius and Seuerus in Asia.
IT was great griefe vnto Seuerus, when he vnderstoode howe Pessenius was in so greate redinesse, that thought not onely to defende, but publiquely to offende. Seuerus being certified that Pessenius was in possession of y e greate citie Byzantio, marched with more spéede, with intent to batter the same, before Pessenius might come to the succour thereof: for that by secrete practises, Seuerus had within the citie newe friendes: and Pessenius in gouernement had recouered some enimies. Neither the intelligences which Seuerus practised secretely, either the diligences whiche he vsed publiquely, might profite him to obteine Byzantio: which when he vnderstoode, he traueiled to recouer another citie not farre from thence, named Cyzica: which was both rockie and compassed with marrishes, that is to saye, it stoode vppon a rocke, & inuironed with a riuer. Pessenius had for his capteine generall of all his hostes, a certeine knight named Emilianus, in whome he reposed confidence, not onely for matters of warre, but also for expedition of causes of peace, for that he had bothe wisedome for the one, and fortitude for the other. The capteine Emilianus put him selfe into the citie of Cyzica, whē presently after, the souldiours of Seuerus came to besiege it. There was betwixt both the armies at diuers times, [Page 286] diuers encounters, & repulses, wherin Fortune indifferētly discouered her selfe vnto either partie: for at all times, when they fought at the wall, Seuerus side had the woorse: but when they fought in the field, Pessenius bandes had y t repulse. Two monethes after the citie of Cizica was besieged, they made a salle, and as they would haue retyred, Seuerus capteines pursued and entred pelle melle with the capteines of Pessenius: and notwithstanding there was betwixt them greate slaughter for the recouering of a gate, and to fortifie a certeine place: in the ende Pessenius lost the citie, and Seuerus obteined the victorie. Pessenius greatly complained, and so was it bruted amongst the people, which is to wéete, that the capteine Emilianus had secrete practise with Seuerus: for, considering the stately walles wherewith the citie Cizica was compassed, and the valiant people wherewith it was defended: al men iudged it impossible to take it, and follie to besiege it. The cause that moued the capteine Emilianus to do this vnworthie déede, was: that his sonnes, who were left at Rome, Seuerus brought with him into that warre, vnder great garde: and it is to be thought, that to giue libertie vnto his sonnes which he had ingendred, he made a breache of his fidelitie and othe which he had sworne. The Emperour Commodus, as he was suspicious of them, with whome he had to deale: and so euil wished of all such as did serue him: so it was his fashion, for the most parte, when he sent any noble Roman to gouerne any prouince, presently to place their sonnes in a fort: and this he did, to the end their fathers should not be traitours, respectinge their children that were kept vnder ward. From the time that Commodus reigned in Rome, Emilianus gouerned the prouinces in Asia: by which cause Seuerus recouered the children, & Pessenius lost the father. The fame being diuulgate throughout all Asia, that the citie Cizica was sacked, & that Seuerus kept the field with victorie: all Pessenius knightes that scaped from thence, & all other their companions that heard therof, gaue them selues to flight: [Page 287] to séeke places of fortificatiō wherein to hide their persōs. Seuerus not onely recouered honour & profite of this victorie, but also planted both feare & discorde almoste throughout all Grecia: for some rebelled against Pessenius, and others did obey Seuerus. Although the people of Grecia haue ablenesse to learne science, they are no lesse mutable in martial affaires: for in warres which they prosequute, they follow not the Prince that hath most iustice, but him that most is fauoured of Fortune. The citizens of Bithynia sent Ambassadours vnto Seuerus, saying, that they & their children were at his commaundement: and on the other side, the people of Nicena gaue Pessenius to vnderstand, that if he sent his armie thither, they woulde not only receiue them, but also mainteine them: which offers they presēted not vnto these two Roman princes, for loue or friendship that they did beare them: but for the auncient enimitie which they had betwixt them selues. Seuerus w t his armie entring Bithynia, and Pessenius into Nicena, from thence, as from two fortes, they did issue to fight: & in the end betwixt the two armies vpon a certeine day, they trauersed so fierce a skirmishe, that in bloud & slaughter it was no lesse then a battel: where the field remained vnto Seuerus, & Pessenius bands were put to flight. Pesseniꝰ neither for the losse of the citie Cizica, neither for that he was beaten out of the field at Bithynia, did shewe either feare or weakenesse: but diuiding his armie that remained in two partes, he sent the one to mount Taurus to defend that passage from Seuerus, & the other parte he ledde with him selfe vnto Antioche, partely to take money out of his treasurie, & partly to renue, as also relieue his armie. Seuerus marched w t his armie frō Bithynia vnto Galatia, & from Galatia vnto Cappadocia, which stoode in defence on the behalf of Pessenius, where Seuerus souldiours w t great furie did assault the same: in which iourney the Seuerians receiued no small losse, because the citie was situate vpō the side of an hill, frō whence to execute slaughter amongest their enimies, they néeded no other defence, but to whirle stones.
[Page 288]The affaires standing in this estate, there chaunced two cities of Phoenicia to reuolt from Pessenius, and to yelde them selues vnto Seuerus, that is to saye, Laodycia and Tyrus: of which newes Pessenius tooke greate griefe, and no small hatred, which passions conceiued against those cities, he not onely vttered in the foule wordes which he sent to be saide vnto them: but also in the cruel acts which he commaunded to be done vnto them. Pessenius had in his armie fiftéene thousand archers, which were called Mauri, people that naturally of their owne inclination were giuen to bloud, and without al feare of death: these, Pessenius commaunded to go vnto Laodycia and Tyrus, vtterly to burne and consume both citie and people: with a warning confirmed by an othe, that if they tooke any prisoners to giue any man life, the person that vsed that pitie should be slaine. These fiftéene thousand archers named Mauri departed vnto Laodycia and Tyrus, and manie other that ioyned with them: & as they tooke them at the soudeine being vnprouided, and hauing no time to demaund succour of Seuerus: so cruell and inhumane was that barbarous people, to those so generous and noble cities, that they left not vpon the walles one stone vpon an other, either house that they subuerted not, either the hed of man woman or childe that they did not cutt off. When these matters passed in Assyria, the knightes of Seuerus were in Cappadocia, traueiling greatly to possesse the mount Taurus: but as it was naturally of great height, and rockie, & Pessenius possessing all the passages, so they might not by any meane assaile them, or conceiue hope of any profitable or honourable attempt. Vpon the top of this mount Taurus, Pessenius his people had brought an huge number of great stones and rockes, to throwe down vpon Seuerus souldiours, if they should attempt to climbe the hill: but as on the side of the mounteine, there grewe many trées, both high and great, which Seuerus souldiers cut downe in great heapes & multitudes to stay the stones before they tumbled vpon men, that might be throwne [Page 289] In hauing redy captaines to fight, and skilfull to defende none of the armies had cause to complaine, either of their enimies to haue enuie, except that Pessenius was more vertuous, and Seuerus more venturous,
CHAP. VIII. Of a cruell and furious battell, betwixt Pessenius and Seuerus, wherein Pessenius was slaine.
IN certaine broken, worne, and hollowe places, as in suche groundes the waters do vse to make, Pessenius souldiers had fortified w t stones & boughes, whiche serued them to blinde and stoppe the waye for passage, as also from thence both to defende and offend their enimies. Neither for trauell to climbe the hill, either for feare of death, did Seuerus his captaines ceasse any houre to attempt the recouering of the mounte: but the waye [...] and passages were so narrowe, and the mountaines so rockie & maccessible, that tenne defended an hundred, an hundred a thousand: & a thousand tenne thousand. The case was thus, that the Seuerian armies more daunted with despaire, thē aduaunced with hope, soudenly on a night there fel vpon Pessenius souldiours retired from theire rampiers, and fortified rockes: and that whiche was worse, many persons and beastes were there daungered & also lost, and their victualls all caste and carried away. By time that shoulde do the deede, and the sorrowfull destinies of Pessenius that shoulde conduct the same: it chaunced vpon the thirde day after the snowe had fallen, the sunne did shine with as hote a glome as in y e heate of summer, wherwith all the snowe being throughly thawed, the violence of most furious waters that descended the hil, ouerthrewe and carried away all bulworkes and rampiers that Pessenius had made in that mountaine: in such wise, that nature [Page 290] framed in one houre y t Art might not bring to passe in many dayes: that is to say, the snowe draue away the people, and soone opened the way. When the Seuerian armies founde, that Pessenius souldiours had forsaken the mounte Taurus, and y e thawed snowe had opened their way: they not onely recouered greate courage, but also presumed to haue obtained diuine fauour: saying, that Seuerus did gouerne them, but that the Godds did guide them. Vpon the fifte day after the snowe, Seuerus souldiours mounted vpon y e toppe of Taurus, & al the snowe beeing thawed and gonne, and trackes and wayes beeing dried vp, in euery place they founde deade men, drowned beastes, broken armour, and victualls scattered: in the viewe whereof they tooke no small pleasure, because they had nowe set their feete, where before they imployed but their eyes. Pessenius being aduertised, howe his souldiours had forsaken the mounte Taurus, departed with all his hoste from Antioche, & toke the way vnto Sicyl: the multitude of people that hee ledde with him was maruelous and terrible to beholde: and yet truly notwithstanding, more fearefull in viewe, then in fight: for admitting they were many, & younge men well armed, yet they were more accustomed to haue peace with vices, then warr w t enimies. Seuerus w t his armies, & Pessenius w t his hostes incountred in Sicyl, not a league one from an other, hauing betwixt them a greate plaine which was named by the men of the country, the field of Ysico, where was giuen the laste and most famous battel betwixt Alexander and Darius, in which the great king Darius was ouercōe, and the great Alexander remained monarche of y e world. In memory of which notable battell, there is situated at these dayes, ‘the renowmed citie of Alexandria, wherein there is is a picture of brasse, so naturall a counterfeite of Alexander, that to beholde doth partly terrifie, and also giueth motion of great reuerence.’ Two dayes after these princes came to this place, with conformitie they determined to giue the battell, since either of thē had ioyned their [Page 291] whole powers, with the presence of their proper persones: vntill which time, betwixt them there was but small difference, for that either of them had greate hope to haue the victorie. The night before they fought, Seuerus & Pessenius were both sadde, and their armies in greate watch: for as the fatall houre of fight drewe neare (although their generous hartes gaue them hope to ouercome) their mortal bodies did feare to die. At the breake of y e day al the captaines made ready to y e battell: continually two houres before the charge, both of the one parte and the other, they played vpō instrumētes of musicke, which w t their melody did yealde such dolefulnesse, that exactly it discouered the sorrowfull successe that shoulde followe in that cruell battell. The hostes béeing ioyned the one w t the other, there was trauersed betwixt thē so cruel a fight, & of euery parte so traueled to obtaine the victory, y t the day ended, & y e battell not finished. That battell was so bloudie, wounded, & of both partes so much contended, y t within the compasse of two leagues, there was not iii. foote of ground, y t was not couered w t mans bloude. If the two armies were valiant in fighting, surely y e two princes, their lordes, were no cowardes: but in the ende, when night was come, the Pessenians turned their backes: & the whole conclusion was, that Pessenius fledde wounded, and Seuerus remained lorde of y t field. Vpon an horse of greate swiftnesse, & accompanied w t fewe persons, Pessenius tooke the way vnto Antioche: as the enimies did pursue him, at the doore of a poore cottage where he neither had time to rest, either place to hide him selfe, but groueling vpon his breastes, drinking with a pitcher, at a blowe his enimies cutte off his head. This was the sorrowfull end of Pessenius Niger, vpon whose sepulture they placed this Epitaph: Here lieth Pessenius Niger, an auncient Romane, whiche in merite was equall with the vertuous: but in misfortunes exceeded the most vnfortunate.
When Seuerus sawe him selfe aduaunced to so great victorie, and that in all Asia, there was not one launce [Page 292] in the Rest against him, he procured to seaze vpon al principall persons, that had escaped from the campe of Pessenius: and commaunded not onely to kill them all, but also to execute them with greate tormentes. Many were founde in the campe of Pessenius, whiche did followe him against their willes, whome also Seuerus commaunded to be slaine as the rest: whiche in déede was rather the acte of a cruell tyrante, then a vertuous prince. Seuerus had with him the mother and the sonnes of Pessenius, whome he sente (both mother and sonnes) banished vnto an Islande.
All thinges set in order, that were conueniente for the prouision of the good gouernement of Asia, Seuerus moued talke amongst his moste familiar friendes, for the conquest of the kinge of Parthia, and the kinge of Thebes: not because they helde him as an enimie, but for that they were friendes vnto his enimie Pessenius. Seuerus friendes did counsell him, that by no meanes he should publish any intente of warre againste the kinge of Parthians, or the kinge of Thebanes: for y e notwithstanding Pessenius was dead in the East, Albinius was aliue in the kingdomes of the Weste: and that hee was not so sure of the Empire, but y t it were better counsell for him to seeke newe friends, then to awake olde enimies. Seuerus dealt cruelly with the inhabitants of Antioche, because they had receiued and obeyed his enimie Pessenius, and with them did not onely vse iniurious wordes, but also did discharge them of al their auncient liberties. He slewe all the Senatours of Rome, that is to say, suche as folowed Pessenius and tooke the name of captaines and Tribunes: & of other persones he slewe but one, and woulde neuer say, wherfore but he alone, and none other was put to death.
CHAP. IX. Of the Consul Albinius, and howe he rebelled against Seuerus being in Englande.
[Page 293]AMongest the moste extreme young gentlemen, that were bred in the house of the good Marcus Aurelius, were three, which in those dayes were placed for captains in the most famous and daungerous places of the empire, that is to say, Seuerus in Illyria, Pessenius in Asia, & Albinius in greate Britaine. Their Lorde Marcus Aurelius had brought them vp so expert in science, so accustomed to vertues, so readie in armes, so skilfull in perills, and so made vnto trauels, that if they them selues, had not warred & destroyed them selues, al the world had not bene sufficient to haue defeated thē. Aboue, it is said, how Seuerus came to Rome to take the Empire, and howe Pessenius was ouercome in Asia: there resteth nowe to speake of Albinius, who was in Britaine: a man in his life righte venturous, and in his deathe no lesse vnfortunate. Albinius was natiue of Rome, and as soone as he was of age sufficient, he was made a Senatour, being of most auncient linage, and did inherite of his predecessours, greate wealth, whiche he wanted no skill to conserue, as also to increase, and excellently to inioy: for, notwithstanding his degree was but a Senatour: yet in seruice of his house, and behauiour of his person, he was after y e manner of an Emperour. In the dayes of the empire of Pertinax, Albinius was sente as captaine and gouernour vnto greate Britaine: in whiche gouernement hee was very well loued, and no lesse feared: for by his greate iustice he was feared and with his greate liberalitie he was beloued. When Seuerus departed vnto Asia, to warre with Pessenius, vnderstandinge how renouned the name of Albinius was throughout all the worlde, and howe well liked of the Romaine Empire: hee greatly doubted to aduaunce him selfe with the Romane Empire: and the rather, for that he perceiued the principall Romanes, to fixe their eyes vpon Albinius. Seuerus aduised him selfe to vse a certaine cautele with Albinius, which was: before he departed frō Rome, to write vnto him into Britaine, aduertising him, that he would [Page 294] haue his felowship in the Empire, from thence forth intituling him Augustus: & since his departing to y e warrs of Asia, requesting him to take the charge of the gouernement of the common wealth. With these and suche like wordes whiche hee sente him, and with a letter written vnto him, and certaine iuells whiche hee gaue him, Albinius did endure to be deceiued, though voide of all misstrust to be deceiued.
Albinius had with him an auncient knight named Cypro Albo, who (as it is reported) saide vnto Albinius: thou art not so neare a kinseman, either so deare a friende vnto Seuerus, that without thy request, hee will with thee diuide the Empire: for that truely, euen betwixt the father and the sonne, it were verie muche: but that I thinke hee will nowe be assured of thee, to the ende when hee returneth from the warres to destroy thee: because from a man so noble as Seuerus is, so amorous letters, and iuells so precious, may not proceede, but wrapt in malice. Albinius woulde giue no credit vnto Cypro Albo, but openly did reade his letters, and shewed his iuells: whiche when Seuerus vnderstoode, hee receiued greate pleasure thereof: and the better to finishe his guile, hee made money in both their names, placing Albinius his picture in the Senate. The minde of Albinius being wonne and obtained, to the ende to holde safe and sure the kingdomes of Europa, hee departed into Asia: and sundry times did write vnto Albinius, and not vnto the Senate: giuing accompt of y t whiche hee had donne, and demaundinge counsell in that whiche hee mente to do.
Fifteene monethes Seuerus stayed in the warres with Pessenius: whome, after hee had ouercome and slaine, he determined to destroy Albinius: and because hee had no occasion, either greate or small to make him publike warre, hee aduised to kill him by guile. Many Senatours and noble Romanes did write him letters, and also persuaded Albinius in woordes, that hee shoulde aduaunce [Page 295] him selfe with the Empire: and to the same ende, they did sweare and affirme vnto him, that although Seuerus were farre from his countrie, yet without comparison, hee was muche more distante from their willes. The case was thus, the warres of Asia béeing finished, Seuerus in greate secrecie conferred with certaine Purseuantes by whome hee was accustomed to write letters: whome he commaunded to departe vnto greate Britaine, and to presente their letters openlye vnto Albinius: and further, to giue him to vnderstande, howe they had secretly to say vnto him: and that: if with them hee shoulde seperate him selfe, presently to kill him: promising them, that if they perfourmed that enterprise, hee should make them the greatest men of Rome. Hee gaue them also a boxe of fine poyson, & therew t this instruction, that if they might not by chaūce dispatch & kil Albinius, by such meane: they shoulde trauell in some meate to giue him of that poyson.
Albinius was gro [...] [...]mewhat suspicious of Seuerus, partely for that so rarely hee did write vnto him, and also because hee was aduertised, that in secrete hee vsed euill speach of him: wherefore he liued more warely, not onely with suche as hee had talke, but also of his meate whiche hee shoulde eate. These Purseuaunts béeing arriued in greate Britaine, deliuered their letters openly vnto Albinius, saying, that they had to tell him in secret, and being nowe in doubt and suspicion of Seuerus his matters, he commaunded these Purseuauntes to be taken, and grieuously tormented: which presently confessed, that Seuerus sente them, for none other purpose, but either w t yron or with poyson to take away the life of Albinius.
Presently Seuerus was aduertised, y t Albinius had taken, tormented, and put to death his Purseuantes: where vppon followed, that the one did publishe the other open enimies: and for suche they exclaymed them selues in woordes, defied in letters, and also vttered in workes.
[Page 296] Seuerus had greate sorrowe, for that Albinius had manifested him selfe his enimie: and the greater was his griefe, for that his enimies made common reporte, that he would haue slaine Albinius as a cowarde, and not deale with him openly as a man of a valiant minde. Seuerus also had greate griefe, of the generall reporte of Albinius boaste, before all men that woulde heare the same: of the greate numbers of people and armies of men that did obey him in greate Britaine: and muche more, that did loue and wish him in Rome. Seuerus not able to endure with patience, the reports that ranne of Albinius, aduised to assemble his armies, vnto whome hee did speake after this manner.
CHAP. X. Of a famous speach that Seuerus vttered vnto his armies, to bringe them in hatred with his [...] Albinius.
IT were not iuste, that any prince shoulde be noted vnstable, if by chaunce they be seene to abhorre at one time, that which they did loue at an other time: for that subiects changing their custōes, it is not much that Lordes alter their opinions. As much as a friend shalbe vertuous, so muche and no more, he shall be loued of his friendes: for if it be a thing commendable to loue the good, it is no lesse vituperable to loue the euill. Admitting that princes deale hardly with some, and fauour others, neither for the one are they to be praised, either blamed for the other: because rewarde, or punishmente, is neither giuen or ought to be giuen conformable vnto princes wills: but agreeable vnto the subiects merite. Ye all vnderstand, how [Page 297] Albinius and I, beeing young men, were bred in the house of the good Emperour Marcus Aurelius: and truly, vnto this day, I haue intreated him, not as a companion, but as a brother: which seemeth no lesse true, for that I parted with him the Empire, which sildome is diuided betwixt the father and the sonne. I did not onely deale with him as with a brother, and with him did parte the Empire: but also at my iourney vnto the warres of Asia, vnto him onely I recō mended the gouernement of the common wealth: respecting the possession which I had of him, and the confidence which I committed vnto him, when I did trust him with the cōmō wealth: I would haue parted my soule with him, if it had benepartible. Being (as I was) wounded in the warres of Asia, and he placed in the gouernement of great Britaine: notwithstanding the distance that was betwixt them, there passed fewe monethes wherein I did not write vnto him, giuing large accōpt of that which was done, and hideing nothinge of all that I determined to do: In suche wise, that in him was registred al my triumphs, and he was the hoorde of al my profound secreats. Betwixt me & Albinius, there was neuer any thing y t was not common, in my house there was neuer doore shut against him, the letters which he wrote I did with greate ioy reade, that which he requested me I alwayes perfourmed, whereof he warned me I euer corrected: finally, he neuer desired any thing of me, that he obtayned not: and neuer had trauell, but I was present, and prest to succour him. After all these things, his sorrowfull destinies woulde, and no lesse hath my fortune without al felicitie perfourmed, that our friendship is turned to enimitie, our felicitie vnto treason, our benefits [Page 298] to ingratitude, our loue vnto hatred, our communion to diuorce, our confidence to suspicion, in such wise, that at this day there is nothing spoken more commonly throughout the Romane Empire, but of the greate friendship whiche wee haue had, and the cruell enimitie whiche nowe we haue. That Albinius desireth to be Lorde, and procureth to be Emperour, I neither wonder, either is it to be marueled: but that which maketh me amased, is, that I placeing him with confidence in gouernement of the common wealth, he shuld procure to rise or rebell with Rome: that speaking according to the lawe of a good man, y t if Albinius had thought to attempte so foule a dede, if I had requested him to take the charge, he ought not to haue cōsented: for there is not the like traitour in this world, as he to whom I cōmitted my house, to robbe me of mine honour, and spoile mee of my goods. A greater faulte in lesse magistrates hath Albinius committed thē Pessenius Niger: for that Pessenius from the time that I was elected Emperour, presently manifested him selfe mine enimie: & more, y t I neuer helde him as my friende, either did he accepte me as his Lord: and to say that which I had thought neuer to haue saide, Pessenius Niger did write vnto vs, that if wee would perpetuate the principalitie of Asia vnto him, he woulde vtterly yealde vnto vs all obedience: and for that we would not graunt it him, speaking without passion, although he had no reason to rebell, he had occasion to be offended. The matter hath not so passed betwixt Albinius and me, but that without his owne sute, or any other mannes for him, besides the gouernement of Britaine, I gaue him the principalitie of al Europe, sent him the ensigne of the [Page 299] Empire, commaunded him by proclamation to be intituled Augustus. & y t which is not smally to be estemed, I caused with his image & mine, money to be grauen, and with mine owne proper handes I placed his statuie or picture in the Senate. In repaimente of these so notable benefites, he hath committed an hundreth thousand insolences, namely, hee hath mutined the armies, altered and offended the people, robbed our treasures, taken our castels, escandalized me with the Romanes, and nowe of late hath slaine my Purseuaunts: and that whiche grieueth me moste, is, that he made them say in their tormentes, that which neuer was in my thought. I hauing slaine the prince Pessenius, and beeing (as I was) triumphant of the fielde, no man hath to beleeue that I haue so small estimation of my honour, that he beeing my detected enimie, shoulde be slaine in secrete at my commaundemente.
In what heart may it be conceiued, that I hauinge (as I haue) armies of so greate power and dexteritie, here in my presence, shoulde procure to kill him with poyson. For to haue slaine Albinius by treason, it had beene blame to me, and shame vnto you, but to him glory: for as his name is renowned, and his fame spread throughout the Empire, his person to haue beene so inuincible, that wee durst not giue him battell as an enimie, but murther him as traytours.
The Godds neuer consent, neither my venturous destinies permit, that the slaunderous renowne of a traytour, whiche hee hath recouered with his euill life, shoulde cleaue vnto mee by his secreate deathe: for that (to conclude) I had rather [Page 300] holde him as an enimie all the dayes of my life, then to fixe any scruple in my fame. Albinius did sweare by the simulachre of Diana, not once, but thrice: not with one hande, but with both handes: not in one temple, but in many: for euer more to holde the gods in greate veneration, the people in iustice, the temples in reuerence, and to me obedience: all which the periured Albinius hath broken, and neither hath feare or shame for that which he hath done: but I hope in the Gods, it shal not come to passe as he thinketh, that is, to die with poyson: but the time shall come, that hee shall pay in the fielde, that which he hath sworne in y e temple. If this infamous deede had bene done against any particular person, they should both heare and see throughout the world, the amends that I would take thereof: but in as muche as it toucheth none but my selfe, who at this present am had in suspicion, Albinius being held as innocente, it sufficeth that it is not in me, but to aduertise you thereof: and to you it appertaineth to reuenge the same. In y e warres against Pessenius Niger, ye folowed me: in this against Albinius, I will folow you: and I hope in the immortall Gods, that they wil giue you the victorie: and in my behalfe on Albinius wil take vengeance.
CHAP. XI. Howe Seuerus departed from Asia to Fraunce, and fought with Albinius and slewe him.
[Page 301]AT the instante that Seuerus had finished his speach, all the army exclaming with lowde voyces, againe confirming Seuerus in the Empire, manifested Albinius an enimie vnto the Romaine Empire. And for as much as none that was present, vnderstoode the treason that Seuerus had attempted against Albinius, they gaue him credite in all that he saide: & so in generall they conceiued as greate hatred against the one, as loue vnto the other: proceeding no lesse by the presence of Seuerus, then by the absence of Albinius: for (according to the olde prouerbe) the absent is neuer without blame, nor the present without excuse. When Seuerus sawe that he had wonne y e hearts of his armies, hee recouered newe hope to be reuenged of Albinius: and to the purpose he made a generall muster of his men of warre, and founde tenne thousande horsemen, and xl. thousand foote men: all whiche he presently payde, not onely that whiche he did owe them: but also gaue them many and greate rewardes, adding therevnto many faire promises. ‘The first iourney that Seuerus made, was to besiege Bizantio (for thither the captaines repaired that had escaped the mortall battaile of Pessenius Niger) and in the ende tooke it, not by force, but by hunger: and hauing the citie vnder his power, he displaced the bulworkes, made plaine the towers, ouerthrewe the Theaters, subuerted their bathes, burnt their houses, strangled the straungers, & the natiues he did captiuate: finally, he behaued him selfe not as a Romane prince, but as a moste cruel tyrant.’
‘With the riches that hee recouered in Bizantio, and the aboundance whiche he robbed in other partes, he commaunded the cities to be repaired, that Pessenius souldiours had sackt: and charged the fortes to be erected that they had throwne downe: and leauing officers necessarie for gouernement, and men of warre to defende those countries, he departed with greate celeritie vnto greate Britaine, with a determined intente to make furious warres against Albinius.’
[Page 302] ‘His desire was so disordinate to encounter with Albinius, that he traueled night and day, thicke and thinne, foule and faire: and that wherefore they most blamed him, was, that he neither obserued the solemne festiuall dayes, or had compassion of the tyred. Traueling on those wayes when it snowed, manie times hee was bare headed: and in the mire, hee woulde trauell one foote: when it rained, hee woulde marche in his doublet and hose: and wanting victualles, he woulde eate bareley bread: and (as he after reported) to be reuenged of his enimie, he thought it all well imployed. Hee sent before him valiant captaines, and men very light & of greate swiftnesse, to cleare the wayes vpon the highte of the mountaines, and to defende the most perilous places: chiefly when he passed the Alpes of Italie, doubting that Albinius might haue in that place some hidden ambushe. Nowe, when Seuerus sawe him selfe and all his armies in Gallia Transalpina, and that in so longe a iourney hee had incountered with no stumbling blocke: if vntill that time he went with hope, from thence foorth he marched in certeintie to obtaine victorie: for the feare whiche he had, was, that his armie trauelinge both weary and spent, Albinius at the souden might discouer to giue him battell. In al this time Albinius remained in the Isle of Britane, which nowe is Englande: but presently after hee vnderstoode that Seuerus had passed y e Alpes, he brought foorth all his armie out of y e Isle, & sente them into Fraunce, rather to defende the frontiers, then without any commaundement to make warre: because Seuerus was so souden in his arriuall, y e he was then in Fraunce, whē they belieued him not to be departed from Italie. With great speede Albinius did write vnto the cities adioyning, requesting their helpe for money, and commaunding them to be stronge and valiant in his seruice, of whom manie disobeyed, and other rebelled against him: notwithstanding, they all confessed, that they rather did it for feare of the potencie of Seuerus, then for the hatred whiche they did beare vnto Albinius. But in the ende, [Page 303] the two armies beeing ioyned, and all the cities diuided into parcialities, euery day betwixt them there was incounters, and daily meetings to skirmishe: and for the moste parte, the souldiours of Seuerus departed with broken heades, and Albinius his bandes returned victorious.’
‘They trauersed on a certaine day so furious a skirmish, that it was necessarie Seuerus shoulde come foorth armed vnto the same: and as hee was not able to make his souldiours to retire, neither constraine his enimies to flie, thinking to enter to haue parted the fray, hee was vrged to fight in his owne person: in whiche fight he receiued so greate a blowe with a plummette of leade, that hee was feld downe to the grounde, and lay for deade so longe space, that many did kisse the handes of his sonne Geta, as Emperour. After Seuerus had escaped that daunger, and was cured of his wounde, in greate secrecie he called into his presence certaine Sorcerers and Inchanters that hee brought with him, both requesting, threatening, and promising them manie thinges, if they woulde tell him the ende of those warres: for if hee shoulde be conquerour, hee woulde prosecute the same: and if hee shoulde be ouercome, he woulde returne into Italie. The Sorcerers and Inchaunters answered, that his armie should receiue greate hurte, but in the ende his enimie Albinius shoulde be ouercome: and that hee shoulde not obtaine in this case, that which he desired, that is to say, to kill Albinius with his owne handes: but that hee shoulde sée him deade before his eyes. The tenth of March, Seuerus receiued this answere of his Inchanters, and presently on the next day, he tooke muster of all his men, commaundinge them to shooe their horse, and amend their armour: and the third day hee gaue battell vnto Albinius, neare to a citie named Lugduno, whiche nowe in Fraunce is called Lions Sonarona, whiche on bothe sides was so extremely contended, that a greate parte of the day it might not be knowne, vnto whome the victorie would incline.’
[Page 304] ‘When al the day was passed, and darke within night, the one army fighting with the other, in the ende Albinius was ouercome. This battaile was so bloudie, that of so greate a number of people, as both the hoastes did conteine, there escaped not a man, that was not slaine in the fielde, or returned vnto his tente vnwounded. Albinius remained to keepe the citie, and sent his capteines to giue battaile, who beeing beaten out of the fielde, the Seuerians entred into the citie, spoyling goodes, burning houses, and slaying people. Seuerus had a captaine named Letus, whiche was the cause of the conquest of that battell: for y t Seuerus his souldiours beeing in a manner ouercome, and Seuerus ready and prest to flie, he relieued the battell with a fresh bande of souldiours: Letus of skill and industrie woulde not fight that day, vntil he sawe Seuerus fledde, and also fall from his horse: thinking, that if Seuerus shoulde die or be slaine, and hee ouercomminge and conquering the battell, to aduaunce him selfe with the Romaine Empire. Seuerus was not ignorant of the good seruice whiche his captaine had done him at that instant, either did he hide the intente wherewith he perfourmed the same: for whiche cause the warres beeing finished, he commaunded his heade to be cut off: not for that whiche hee did, but for that which he woulde haue done.’
‘When the Seuerians destroyed the citie of Lugduno, amongst the reste they slewe the sorrowfull Albinius, who so slaine they brought vnto Seuerus, commaunding to cutte off his heade, and to dismember and mangle his bodie all to pieces: whiche beeing done, he riding vpon a rough horse, all to trampled the body of Albinius, whiche was hackt and hewed to mamocks. All men that behelde Seuerus vse so greate inhumanitie with the body of Albinius, wepte: and all men that hearde the reporte thereof, were escandalized, and not without greate reason, for The office of a prince of moste perfecte pietie, is, to pardon the liuinge, and to bury the deade.’
[Page 305] ‘ Seuerus treading and trampling the bodie of Albinius (after the maner of a fierce Lion) his horse grewe fearefull, and gaue him so shrewde a fall against the grounde, that he remained a great space astonnied and in dismay, in such wise, that he missed verie narrowly, presently to haue paide with life, so enorme an iniurie. These matters being finished, Seuerus dispatched his Purseuaunts into all partes, with the newes of this victorie: and the head of Albinius vnto Rome, and his bodie, as it was all to pieces troaden, trampled and drawen, he commaunded to be throwen into the riuer Rhodanus, to the ende that as he had taken away his life, so by no meanes any memorie should remaine of Albinius’
CHAP. XII. ¶Howe after the death of Albinius, Seuerus returned to Rome, and there slewe many.
‘ SEuerus not satisfied with slaying his enimie Albinius, treading his bodie vnder his horsse féete, casting the pieces thereof into the riuer Rhodanus, and sending his head vnto Rome to be set in the pillorie: but commaunded serch to be made for the bodies of all the noble Romans, which had béene slaine in the seruice of Albinius: and for that he might not chastice them in time of their life, he aduised to vituperate and defile them after their death, causing their bodies to be drawen, cut in pieces, and burnte: some throwen into riuers, to the ende they should neuer more appeare: and othersome vnto beastes to be deuoured. In all cities that receiued, obeyed, or succoured Albinius or his souldiours, Seuerus did greate hurte, robbing their goods, and punishing their persons. Manie cities and people made their excuse, saying, they had not serued or followed Albinius, for that they had a desire so to do: but because they were not succoured of Seuerus, and yet ceased [Page 306] not to chastice and robbe them. Albinius had thrée sonnes, a daughter, and a wife, generous in bloud and beautifull of face, whose throte with his children he commaunded to be cutt, and their bodies also to be cast into the riuer Rhodanus. And as Albinius was of greate power in all the Empire of Europe, and of him self verie gratious, liberal, valiant, and noble minded: so in a manner all the nobles of Spaine and Fraunce, had followed his parte alike: the throtes of all which, Seuerus (after the battaile) cōmaunded to be cutt: and though he slewe the fathers, yet he did not therefore pardon the wife and children. Albinius his wife and his children being slaine, and execution done vpon all persons that followed his opinion: Seuerus applyed all their goods and riches, for his owne chamber, which were so great, and of such value, that it was doubted whether any Emperour had euer attained vnto the like. The prouinces of Spaine and Fraunce being ordered, and two gouernours placed in greate Britaine, Seuerus departed vnto Rome, and led with him all his armie: not for that, in all Italie he had any enimie bent against him, but to terrifie the common wealth of Rome. Seuerus of his owne naturall inclination was so quarelous, proude, vnquiet, bloudie, and doubtfull, that although he had peace, yet he woulde goe alwayes after the fashion of a warriour. Seuerus was receiued with greate ioye of the Romanes, although most certeinly many of them stoode in greate feare, for that they had wished that Albinius might haue preuailed, whereof Seuerus had certeine intelligence: whose condition was so harde, that to giue a cruell chasticement, a small occasion was sufficient. After that he had visited the great temple of Iupiter, he diuided amongst the capteines that followed in the warres, many iewels and greate riches: and further, gaue them certeine liberties, which is to wéete, that they might wear rings of golde vpon their fingers, and entertaine Courtisans within their houses. It was no small griefe vnto the Romanes, that Seuerus had giuen such liberties vnto his men of warre: saying, that from thenceforth for euer to [Page 307] weare ringes of golde, they woulde spende their owne, & robbe others: and to vse concubines in their houses, would cause dissention amongest the people, and also debilitate their persons. In Rome there was a Consul named Claudius, which had his picture placed in the Senate, & was praised before all the people with a publique Oration for his worthie actes done in Asia: whereof Seuerus tooke greate despight, because this Claudius was kinsman vnto Albinius. Seuerus did not knowe how to be reuenged of the Senate, but publiquely by proclamation, commaunded (vpon paine of death) that al men should call Commodus a God: for confirmation whereof, he did not only place his picture in the Senate, to the end they should reuerence him, but also in the temples to be adored. To commaund the Romanes to adore & reuerence Commodus, as one of the Gods, being (as he was) the woorst of all men, it was vnto them so grieuous to heare, & so harde to perfourme, y t they determined, not to go to the church, either to offer sacrifice vnto their Gods: because no parte thereof should be allotted vnto the God Commodus. Seuerus vppon a daye went vnto the Senate, & made there a long and truculent Oration, wherin, after he had spoken many threateninge & malicious woords, he commaunded certeine letters to be read, which he found amongst Albinius writings, made by many Consuls, Senatours, & other gentlemen amongst y e people, vnto Albinius, offering him their persons, sending their goods, & that he should not be dismaid in those warrs: for that in the common wealth he was much desired. The reading of these letters being ended, he commaunded them presently to be torne: & for the time did dissemble the matter, or to say better, did deferre the chastisemēt: for y t after wardes, as well of such as were absent, as of them y t were present, he tooke so great reuengement, y t as y e stréets were bathed in bloud, y e fields filled w t carcases, y e wayes scattered with quarters, & the pillories beset with heades: they saide in Rome, y e Silla was reuiued, & Nero was not dead. Seuerus made a memoriall of all the riche men, valiant, & [Page 308] of power, that were in all the Empire: the greater parte whereof he charged to haue béene the seruauntes, friends or fauourers of Iulianus, of Niger, or else of Albinius, his mortall enimies: for which cause, of frée men, he made them slaues: of lordes, seruauntes: of riche, poore: and also of liuing, dead men: in such wise, that he slewe many, not for offences which they had committed, but to rob them of their goods, which they had gathered togeather. Seuerus slewe some, with some reason, & others vpon smal occasion: but all these which followe, he killed without all reason or occasion: that is to say, Munius, Sellius, Claudius, Bitalius, Papianius, Elius, Iulius, Lolius, Aurelius, Antoninus, Posthumius, Sergius, Fabius, Nenius, Amussius, Casperius, Seyonius, Sulpitianus, Coceyus, Eructus, Assilonius, Claudius, Honoratus, Petronius, Pessenius, Cestus, Aurelianus, Materius, Iulianus, Albinius, Cerelius, Faustinianus, Herenius, Valerius, Nobius, Arabianus, Marcus, Fabatus. These men were glorious, both of bloud & also for noble déedes & riches: for they were either Consuls, Censors, Pretors, Senatours, Ediles, Tribunes, or capteines: whose goods he imployed not vnto the publique treasurie, but did incorporate vnto his patrimonie, for him selfe to inioy the dayes of his own life, & to leaue vnto his children after his death. Seuerus defamed Cincius an auncient Consul, affirming, that he had procured poyson to kill him, wherfore he commaunded him to be slaine: but the trueth being knowen as Seuerus afterward reported, but y e Cincius did much delight to goe on hunting, & had a fine yeark to kill the Bore & other venerie in the mountaines. He commaunded also Narcissus to be cast vnto y e Lyons, who at the request of Martia choked Commodus: it was nothing to commaund them to be slaine, but y t with his owne eyes he would behold them executed, which was wont to be so straunge vnto Romaine princes, that they neuer vsed to sée any person put to deth, neither so much as in the citie to be resident: but they vsed, if any suffered, to ride or go foorth on hunting.’
CHAP. XIII. ¶Howe Seuerus returned into Asia, and conquered many prouinces.
AFter that Seuerus had conquered and slaine thrée Emperours, that is to saye, Iulianus in Rome, Niger in Asia, and Albinius in Fraunce: it séemed vnto him, that since he had chasticed and triumphed ouer the Romans, he ought also to make his name glorious amongest the Barbarians: because all the warres that he helde vnto that daye, were more to make him selfe Lorde of the common wealth, then to magnifie his name. Seuerus aduised him selfe to go in his owne person to make warres with the Parthians, the occasion of which enterprise was: for that the king of Atrenoes had fauoured y e parcialitie of Niger, but had deferred the reuengement thereof, to make conquest of Albinius being in great Britain. If Seuerus in this case had taken the opinion of the people, either the counsell of the Senate, he woulde neither haue taken those warres in hande, or made accompt of the iniurie: because at that time, those kingdomes were neither friendes or foes with Rome. And as the Romans were fatigated & tyred with warres, so they were contented (for the time) to ceasse the recouering of them for their vassals, to obtein them for quiet enimies. Seuerus departed vnto Asia, and in the way would first take the kingdōe of y e higher Armenia, whereof the king of Armenia being aduertised, and that he came with an armie of so greate power, and so determined to take his kingdome, met him vppon the way, not armed as a man of warre, but clad with the garments of peace: his truce being set downe with Seuerus, presently he gaue him much money, and offered to sende him succour: for the accomplishment wherof, he deliuered vnto Seuerus his two sonnes in pledge: Seuerus did not onely confirme him in his kingdome, but also tooke him [Page 310] vnder his protection. The affaires of Armenia being dispatched, Seuerus departed towardes the kingdom of Hosdroenos, whose king was named Anguaro, bothe crooked and same, but yet no foole: for he had such skill to recouer the good will of Seuerus, that he neither admitted him as a vassall, tooke no money, demaunded no hostages, or did his countrie hurt, but receiued him to his familiar friendship, and made him a confederate with the people of Rome. Hauing passed the kingdome of Hosdroenos, Seuerus entred the landes and countries of Albanos, and being then the moneth of April, and spring time, he founde the fieldes full of flowers and grasse, and commaunded his horsses for the space of fiftéen dayes to be fedde, and his armie to be recreated and refreshed: ‘because his horsses were growen leane, and his men tyred. Seuerus beeing departed from the fieldes of Albanos, entred the countrie of Arabia Felix, where they found that, which they found not in all the kingdomes of the worlde: namely, the trées that hare the precious Aromatike spices, and the boughes whereof they gathered the most fine and excellent baulme. Seuerus sacked all the townes of Arabia Felix, cut downe their fieldes, spoyled and oppressed all people, and as he afterwardes saide, he would not haue entred therein: for that being (as it was) so riche, so ioyfull, pleasant, and delectable: but because he found him selfe in greate cumber, to withdrawe his souldiours from thence: for that they felt them selues more delighted with the vices of Arabia, then with the hazardes and daungers of the warres. Hauing passed the delectable countrie of Arabia Felix, Seuerus entred the countrie and kingdom of Athrabanos, against whose king principally he made that iourney.’ Athras was a great citie, situated vpon the top of a most high hill, and chiefest citie of all the kingdome: and for that cause was named the kingdome of Athrabanos. Seuerus went presently to the siege thereof: but as the king had inclosed him selfe therein, with great readinesse and prouision, the wall being strong, the citie rockye, the people [Page 311] warrelike, and furnished with munition and victuals: small was the hurte that Seuerus did vnto them within, but which the Romans receiued was very greate. And as Seuerus gaue foorth no other bruite, when he came from Rome, but to be reuenged of the Athrabanos, he perfourmed that warre so exactly, that there was no daye but he battered the citie of Athras, and occupied his warlike engins, deuised and practised all manner fights and offences, that might be against the enimie, and the moste notified Romans, that there did not notifie them selues: but in the ende, might neither take the same, either as much as a capteine, or ouerthrow one windowe. ‘Those that were besieged within that citie, to iest with their enimies, tyed very subtily, little earthen pottes, vnto a kinde of byrdes like vnto Crowes, which flying ouer the armies of Seuerus, let fall their pottes vpon their pates: by which iest many had their heades broken: but much more were the Romans despighted, to consider howe little they did estéeme them, not fighting with them in armour, but with pottes, and tankardes. The ayre of that mountaine was verie subtile, the waters verie thinne, fruites in great aboundaunce, and the Sunne verie hoat, and the grounde somewhat moyst: by which occasion Seuerus his whole campe fell into the disease of the fluxe, and there died amongest the rest seuen notable capteines, two of Seuerus cousins, and a little bastarde sonne, which all men likewise thought to be his cousin: but by his greate sorrowe & teares, he discouered the childe to be of his owne proper fleshe.’
Seuerus considering the citie of Athras to be inexpugnable, the people therein inuincible, and his campe also weakened through greate sickenesse, aduised to rayse his siege, before his armie were vtterly lost, which he did, not without greate griefe, and no lesse despight, being as he was, giuen vnto so many triumphes, and victories, he thought him self vāquished, since he might not ouercome: but fortune y t naturally discouereth her self to be variable, [Page 312] the victorie which shée denied Seuerus in fighting, shée in his flight gaue afterwardes more largely. The case was thus: that sailing on the Sea with all his armie, it was his chaunce to encounter with a tempest, and being forced to followe the disposition of the weather, and not as his heart desired, they brought him to riuers of the kingdome of Parthia, not thrée leagues distant from the greate citie of Tesiphont, where the king was further entred into feasting, then compassed with armour. Seuerus entred into the fielde of Tesiphont, committing so greate spoiles and robberies, that he put the people into greate feare, which as Seuerus did take at the soudeine and vnwares, and being amazed, neither able to saye or aunswere, if they were demaunded: for that to flye they had no time, and to resist they had no force: & that whiche was woorst of all, to make agréement, it was not in their handes: neither might they endure to submitt themselues vnto the Romans. Seuerus arriuing at Tesiphont did subuert it vnto the ground, slewe al that made resistance, and did captiuate man, woman, and childe: he tooke al the treasure and riches, bothe of the citie and royall palace: ‘finally all the countrie, treasure, goods and persons came to the handes of Seuerus, except the king Arthabanus, who escaped on horsebacke. Seuerus led with him certeine skilfull painters, which as he went traueiling, they went drawing and painting, all cities, castels, riuers, mountaines, nations, kingdomes, and prouinces, by & throughe which he passed: and all the battels and victories whiche he had made and obteined.’ Seuerus sent a greate Ambassage vnto the Senate and people of Rome, with whome he sent many captiues, much riches, and the tables wherin his victories were set out at large: the Romains gaue greate thankes vnto the Gods, and also greate praises vnto Seuerus: although moste true, that all men were pleased with the victories, but would not, that they shoulde haue béene obteined by Seuerus. ‘Departing from the kingdome of Parthia, he diuided amongest his armies all [Page 313] that he had taken from the Parthians: and for himselfe reserued nothing but that which he sent vnto the Senat, and a ring of Vnicorne, a white parat or popingay, and a gréen horse: the which thinges he toke not for their value, but forthe straungnes of their colours. Seuerus came through the kingdome of Palestina, and gaue them many lawes conformable vnto the lawes of the Romanes: commaunding vppon paine of death, that none should name himselfe a Iew, either call himselfe a Christian, or obserue the lawe’ of Christians. From Palestina he came through Assyria, vnto the citie of Alexandria, where also he placed new customes, and also made newe lawes, which he caused them to write and obserue: howbeit, they endured but the life of Seuerus: for after his death, they did not onely breake them, but also burnt the tables wherin they were writen.
CHAP. XIIII. ¶ Of Seuerus his sonnes, and of their euill inclination.
THe kinges that were enimies being ouercome, new cō federation made with old friends, and all the prouinces of Asia reformed, he came vnto Rome, and as the Romans had prepared the Parthicke triumph, he might not enter triumphing: for that he came so weake of a quartane, and so lame of the goute, that he might neither indure the chariott, or suffer the intertainement of the people. It had chaunced to none of y e Romane Empire, as it fortuned vnto Seuerus, that is to say, that had slaine so many princes, & obteyned so many victories, and yet neuer entered triumphing into Rome: which was not for his demerits, or repugnancie of the Romanes: but for his thrée first victories he might not triumphe, because they were Romane princes, and to his other victories of Asia his disease gaue impediment.
Seuerus had two legitimate sonnes, y e elder was named [Page 314] Bassianus, the other Geta, who notwithstanding they were brothers in bloud, yet were they much different in conditions, which infirmitie was not onely manifested in their infancie: ‘for that in their childish playes they could neuer agrée, either in weightie affaires yeld one consent. It was much noted amongest the Romanes, that y e two bretherne being but children, might neuer agrée in their childishe playes and deuises, that is to say, in making houses of clay, running at base, driuing topps, meating strawes, trilling the bowle, striking the drumme, and other such like childishe trifles. That the one delighted, the other lothed: that which the elder affirmed, the younger denied: and if it happened their tutours to commaund them to play together, if the one did winne, and the other loose, they tare their haire, scratched their faces, whirled stones, strucke with their fistes, in such wise, that as from their téeth and face they drue bloud, and rent off their lockes, so they séemed rather to kill eche other as enimies, then to iest as brethren.’
It was no small griefe vnto Seuerus, when hée vnderstoode of the euil condition of his sonnes, and that alwayes they were diuided amongest themselues, who trauelled (by al meanes possible) to bring them to conformitie, which he might neuer (by any meanes) bring to passe, althoughe he requested: either would they obey, although hée commaunded: for his sonnes were so wilfull, that they ceased not to execute their owne wills, notwithstanding their fathers gentle sute, or his extréeme commaundement. Seuerus also had a brother named Geta, a person of great bolonesse, and warrlike, who in all warres followed Seuerus, and if Seuerus had hautie thoughtes, truly Geta his thoughtes were not humble: for hée helde it for most certaine, that vnto him Seuerus should leaue the Empire. Besides that Geta was valiaunt and warrlike, so was he also guilefull and diligent, that is to say, in seruing Seuerus, contenting the Senate, and pleasing the people.
[Page 315]The hatred and brabbling that passed betwixte Bassianus and Geta his cousins, vsually hée reported it vnto all men, in such wyse, that Geta supposed to obteine by guile the Empire, that Seuerus had gotten with armes. Seuerus well vnderstoode, howe Geta wente thus anglinge for the Empire, and therein to take awaye all occasions, in the fourth yeare of his Empire, going against Albinius, at that time in the citie of Millaine, before hée passed the Alpes, hee created his elder sonne Caesar, and his younger Consul: whereuppon a certaine Capitaine said vnto Seuerus: it well séemeth Seuerus, thou remembrest not the displeasures that Bassianus and Geta thy sonnes haue done thée, either the seruice which thy brother Geta hath performed on thy behalfe.
To this Seuerus aunsweared, it well appeareth that thou speakest by hearesaye, rather then by anye experience whiche thou hast in this case: for, as thou haste no brothers, either hast béene married to haue any children, no more knowest thou, what difference of loue is beetwixte the one and the other: For I giue to vnderstande, that without all comparison, wee fathers doe more loue the thwartes of oure children, then the seruice of oure brethren.
The elder brother whiche was named Bassianus, changed his name, and commaunded all men to call him Antoninus Aurelius, in the memorie of Antoninus Pius, and of Marcus Aurelius: because these Princes were verye glorious in their liues, and in their Common wealthes no lesse beloued.
‘When Seuerus returned from the warres of Parthia, his sonnes Bassianus and Geta were then men: and for that hee vnderstoode that the Romanes were thereof then very doubtfull, hée requested his sonnes, that notwithstandinge the variaunce betwixte themselues, they woulde bée in peace wyth the people: but héerewith mighte hee not tame the condition of the young men, either persuade them to be in friendshippe with the Romanes: for as much [Page 316] as he soldered with his good woords, so much did they escā dalize with their lewd woorkes. Seuerus finding himselfe infected with infirmities, compassed with enimies, and his sonnes so euill inclined, was alwayes sad, pensiue, melancholie, and (in a manner) in despaire: not onely doubting, they would diminish the estate wherein he left them, but also lose the honour which they did inherite. Seuerus considering the daily complaints made of his sonnes in the Senate, and the continual displeasures which they gaue him, aduised to banishe them the vices and pleasures of Rome: the one hee sent into Germanie, the other into Panonia: but if they were euil in his presence, they were much worse in his absence: for that aforetime, by their subiection, they absceined from some vices, but afterwards with libertie they committed all mischiefe.’ The parents that with their owne hands, and in their owne houses, may not frame vertue in their children, will hardly atteine it at the hands of others: for that vertue is not obteyned in seeking straunge countries, but in the amendment of old errours.
CHAP. XV. ¶Of a fauoured seruaunt of Seuerus named Plautianus.
JN the dayes of the Empire of the good Marcus Aurelius, there came from Africa vnto Rome, a gentlemā named Plautianus, poore, blind in sight, craftie and subtile in condition: and being (as hee was) mutinous and quarelling, and wheresoeuer he went, mouing some debate, Marcus Aurelius commaunded him to be banished Rome: for he was a prince of such patience, that he suffered not in his common wealth a man that was vitious, or any young mā that was quarellous. Plautianus being banished Rome, departed vnto the garrisons of Illyria: and from thence also being caste as a seditious person, repaired at last, into the company of Seuerus, of whome he was very well handled, [Page 317] and also honoured, and in all thinges placed aboue all men: some said that it was done of Seuerus, for that hée was of his countrie: some for kindred, and some durst say that hée serued not onely for martiall affayres, but also to do him seruice in the chamber. After that Seuerus came to be Emperour, he gaue so great credite vnto Plautianus, and so strictly did follow his counsell, that he neither read letter, but hée did sée it, or signed commission that hée liked not, either gaue any reward that he craued not. In the Senate, he was placed in the most honourable seate: when he came forth into Rome, all the Gentlemen did accompanie him: when he came out of his house, all Embassadours did attend on him: in time of warre, all captaines sued vnto him: if there were playes and pastimes, they were alwayes represented before his palace: if they had to giue or receiue any money, all did passe through his hands: in such wise, that it was neuer séene in Rome, that any man without the title of an Emperour, enioyed so great portion of y e Empire. ‘ Plautianus naturally was proud, ambitious, couetous, and cruell: and the more to shewe his fiercenesse, crueltie, & magnificence, he alwayes had a drawne sword borne before him: and when he passed through the streats, hee would that none should dare to behold him in the face, but cast downe their eyes to the ground: and when hée trauelled vpon the way, he had alwayes one that went before, to giue warning to all persons to giue way, where he should passe: in such wise, that hee neither would behold straungers, either be séene of the countrie natiues.’
Seuerus gaue in reward vnto Plautianus, the goods of al persons that were condemned and confiscate in the Empire: and as hée was of a gréedie and couetous nature, so they were infinite that he caused to be slaine in y e Empire: not because they had so deserued, but for their goods which they possessed.
The elder sonne of Seuerus named Bassianꝰ, being come to ripe vnderstāding, and perceiuing how al things went, was greatly gréeued, to se Plautianus haue so great power [Page 318] in the gouernement of the common wealth: and Plautianus presently finding y e hatred of Bassianus, practised with Seuerus that Bassianus should marrie with his only daughter: and incōtinently, the elder sonne of Seuerus was married vnto the daughter of Plautianus. Plautianus beholding himselfe not onely the alone fauoured, but also father in lawe with Seuerus, it séemed vnto him but a trifle to be Lord of the whole world: and most truly, Plautianus in heaping honour vpon honour, and estate vpon estate, bredd his owne destruction: for that men neuer surfet to eate that which is necessarie, but in eating and drinking more then the stomache will beare. Though Plautianus daughter was very faire, of good condition, and brought with her a most rich dowrie, yet did her husband Bassianus, most cruelly hate her: which he discouered both in woord and déede, affirming her to be the daughter of a base and vile person, and that hée would one day kill both her and her father: and yet not therewithall satisfied, they did neither sléepe in one chamber, or dine at one table. Bassianus aunsweared certaine Romanes that requested him to bee friend with his wife, and to honour his father in law: I giue you Romanes to vnderstand, that I did not marrie, but my father did marrie mée, which I would not haue done if he had cō maunded me, but to defloure the daughter, and enioy the treasure of her father: and since it is done, let her séeke an husband, for I will séeke a wife. Plautianus vnderstanding what his sonne Bassianus had said, and that his daughter was not married, but dishonoured, that Seuerus was old & sicke, and that Bassianus held him not as a father in lawe, but as an enimie, determined to reuenge that iniurie: either els to loose both life and honour in the enterprise.
Bassianus informed his father Seuerus, of many tyrannies which Plautianus committed in the common wealth, and Plautianus also complained howe euill hée vsed his daughter: and thus they went on cōfirming their enimitie, and giuing euery day new passions & tedious complaintes vnto Seuerus: but in the end, hée gaue eare vnto the complaints [Page 319] of Plautianus, as vnto a seruaunt: but vnto Bassiaaus, as vnto a sonne. Seuerus considering the continuall displeasure giuen him by Plautianus, the tyrannies hee executed in the Empire, the enimitie betwixt him and Bassianus, and that also with his great fauour he estaéemed him litle, conceiued that some day he might rise with the Empire: wherefore, from thenceforth hée neither shewed him good countenaunce, either gaue him so great authoritie in the common wealth.
Plautianus did well perceiue, that he had not onely Bassianus vnto his enimie, but also stoode in disgrace of Seuerus: and thought with himselfe, that to escape best cheape, either they would take away his life, or cast him out of fauour: and to deliuer himselfe of so great an infamie, he determined to kill them, to quite himselfe.
CHAP. XVI. ¶Of a certaine treason that Plautianus had ordeined against Seuerus, and how it was discouered.
THe order that Plautianus vsed, or to say better, the disorder that he practised to kill Seuerus and Bassianus, procéeded as from a passioned tyraunt, and not as a man aduised: and so it afterwards redounded to his losse and destruction. The case was thus, there was in Rome a Tribune named Saturninus, natiue of Assyria, who was the greatest friend that Plautianus had, with whome hée did most communicate, to whom he did most commend his secretes, and also for whom he did most pleasure. Plautianus sending for this Saturninus an houre within night, and inclosing themselues within a chamber, said in great secrecie these wordes following.
Plautianus his Oration to Saturninus.
Saturninus, thou knowest how great loue I haue borne thee, and how many good deedes I haue done to thee, & thy house: wherof there needeth no other token, but the beholding of thee so highly aduaunced in the Court, & so accepted in my seruice, many with me be offended, & at thee al men haue enuie. Friends, parents, acquaintance, recommended, and seruaunts, I had for whome to haue done: vnto some of whom I was much beholding, & of others I was to haue cō sidered for seruice: all these notwithstanding, on thee onely I fixed mine eyes, to magnifie thee: and in thee I imployed my hart to loue thee. I sent now for thee, to recompt vnto thee my trauels and sorrowes, to the end thou shouldest helpe to deliuer mee from them: and herein thou shalt perceiue, the affectionate loue which I beare thee, in that I repose my confidence in thee, wherein I would not trust mine owne proper sonne: for sonnes thincke not, but howe to inherite their fathers goods, but verie friendes haue care to deliuer their friendes from griefe and sorrowe. Thou well knowest, Saturninus, what great seruice I haue done to Seuerus, and since my youth haue followed him in the warres. I say, I serued him so young, that I alone am his most auncient seruaunt: although I bee now the most forgotten and abhorred. Setting a part all seruices which I haue done for him, and all great daungers that I haue passed to deliuer him from perill, I haue borne so tender affection vnto my Lord Seuerus, that I left to like him as a man, and did adore [Page 321] him as a God and that this is true, it appeareth most cleare, in that I gaue my daughter vnto his sonne Bassianus, and my selfe to be his perpetuall slaue. After I spent my youth in his seruice, & followed the father throughout the world, his sonne Bassianus nourished in my armes from his infancie, I did yeeld him my goods, I gaue him my onely daughter, I gouerned his common wealth in peace, of his euill life I framed in al men an opinion of great vertue, his cruelties and tyrannie I made all men beleeue to be zeale of iustice: in such wise, that they neuer committed vile deede, that I soldered not: either at any time commaunded any difficult matter, that I accomplished not. The matter is thus come to passe, the Gods permitting, or my sorrowfull destinies procuring, I am fallen into so great hatred of Seuerus, and in so cruel contempt and enimitie with Bassianus, that in recompence of al my seruice which I haue done them all the dayes of my life, they are nowe determined to take away my life. Thou seest now, Saturninꝰ, whether it be reason that I endure the same, whereunto if I should giue place, I should perish, my house should be lost, the gods vnserued, the whole Empire escandalized: and therefore it is cōuenient, that I execute on them that which they would execute vppon mee: for that it is more consonant vnto reason, that the euil be corrected of y e good, then that the vertuous should come vnder the power of the wicked. Behold Saturninus, what affection I beare thee, that haue layd vp in thy breast so great a secrete, this terrible deede I will put into thy handes: therefore presently thou must depart vnto the Court, and go into his chamber, where Seuerus sleepeth, and cut off his head: & from Bassianus his sonne also thou [Page 322] shalt take away his life. Thou shalt say vnto y e guard, at Court, that euen nowe there came vnto mee a post out of Asia, and art sent by mee, to giue Seuerus intelligence thereof, and goest at such an houre, for that daunger dependeth thereon. And since thou hast not beene abashed to heare it, be not terrified to performe it: for that I sweare vnto thee by the immortal gods, that after Seuerus is dead, and I in the possession of the Empire, conformable vnto the great perill wherein nowe thou doest aduenture thy selfe, shall be thy rewards that then thou shalt receiue.
These and such other thinges Plautianus said vnto Saturninus: who aunsweared, that hée was readie to do his commaundement, vppon condition, that hée would giue him in writing, in what manner he would haue him to kill Seuerus, and Bassianus his sonne: which he desired to this end, that if in time he should forget the recompence of so great a seruice, he might shewe him that writing, both to remēber the seruice past, as also the reward vnperformed. Plautianus doubted not to giue Saturninus a writing signed with his owne hand, wherein hee commaunded to kill Seuerus, and Bassianus his eldest sonne: the contents of the writing was thus.
Saturninus, as a man skilfull and subtile, for more assuraunce vnto Plautianus, vppon his knées kist his hand, as though alreadie he had béene sure of the Empire: and then being in y e déepe of the night, he departeth vnto the Court, [Page 323] the guard presently giuing place, and the chāberlaines in like maner: who placing himselfe directly before Seuerus as he lay in his bed, said these words. O Seuerus, how carelesse art thou of the ambassage that thy greatly fauoured Plautianus doth send thée, whose messenger I am, not to giue thée warning (as I do aduise thée) but to kill thée and thy sonne Bassianus: for that as thou hast trusted him with thine honour, and giuen him of thy goodes, it séemeth vnto him also, that thou shouldest serue him with thy life. Great was the admiration of Seuerus, when hee heard what Saturninus said: and yet most true, that presently hee mighte not beléeue the same, or could thincke that so vile treason might be conteyned in Plautianus: but rather y t his sonne Bassianus had béene the inuenter thereof, to lead him into disdaine and hatred against Plautianus. Bassianus being lodged within his father, at his voyce did awake and came foorth, whome his father Seuerus reproued & blamed with words very sharpe, for the inuention of so great euill: and sware (by the immortal Gods) to receiue him from thenceforth into his further grace and fauour, in the way of reuenge, for so great an impietie: for Plautianus was not a man to haue any such thought in his heart. And as Bassianus had not heard the beginning of Saturninus speach, so was hee abashed to sée his father so gréeuously offended: wheruppon Saturninus seeing the incredulitie of the Emperour Seuerus, & how entirely he loued Plautianus, puld foorth his writing, wherein hee was commaunded to kill both him & his sonne: and further, did humbly craue, that Plautianus might be sent for, with aduertisement, that Seuerus and his sonne were slaine, and then it should be séene that he would come apparelled not in silk, but in yron. One was sent as from Saturninus, vnto Plautianus to come to Court, where, at his arriuall finding all in silence, Saturninus met him at the chamber doore, & receiuing him as new Emperour, vppon his knées did kisse his hands, and taking him by the hand in y e darke, said he would direct him where Seuerus was strangled, and his sonne Bassianus slaine. [Page 324] Plautianus thinking all safe & sure that Saturninus saide, entered the chāber alone, where Seuerus & Bassianus with certaine assistants were readie to receiue them: whome, when hée beheld liuing, that hée had thought to be dead, he chaunged countenaunce, and lost his speach.
‘A long time was Seuerus reprehending Plautianus, putting him in remembraunce of all thinges which he had done for him, and in especiall, so many & great displeasures which he had passed for his sake, and had aduaunced him aboue all persons in the Empire, and aboue all the rest, had reuenged him of all his enimies. After Plautianus had a little recouered himself, he bowed his knées before his lord Seuerus, and with teares began to craue pardon for his offence, promising amendment in time to come, saying: that for his owne cause, hee ought to pardon him, although hee wanted all deseruing for any mercie, but to take away all occasion of reporte in the Empire, that euer he had fauoured so wicked a person. Beholding Plautianus teares, the promises which he made, the hoarie head & beard that he so tare, and the great loue that he had borne him, Seuerus was in a maner determined to pardon him: but in the end, being found to be clad in a shirt of male, wheron Bassianus laying his hand, said. Tell mee Plautianus, into princes chambers at such an houre as this, do seruauntes enter apparelled in silke, or armed with yron: I sweare vnto thee by the immortall Gods, since thou bringest yron to kill vs, thou shalt here die with yron. And hardly had ended these woords, when he began to stab him with his dagger, whoe presently fell downe dead, and was beheaded: whose head was fixed vppon a launce ouer the port of Hostia, the body deliuered vnto boyes to trayle alongest the streates of Rome.’
This was the ende and conclusion of the fauoured and priuate Plautianus, whome Fortune s [...]st aduaunced, and follie afterwards cast away.
CHAP. XVII. ¶ Of the particular vices and vertues of Seuerus.
THe newes being spread throughout Rome, that Plautianus was dead, al the people tooke great pleasure: and no lesse would haue ioyed, if Plautianus had slaine Seuerus and his sonne Bassianus: for that all thrée were so euil wished in the common wealth, that the least euill which they would them in the common wealth, was but death. The offices that Plautianus held in the common wealth, Seuerus diuided amongest the Tribunes, simple and plaine mē, and not giuen to trouble: but the loue and fauour which he had vnto Plautianus, he neuer after committed vnto any person: for as afterwardes he said, he knew not whome to trust, since his priuate and fauoured seruaunt Plautianus would murther him. Plautianus being dead, there was none that might suffer or indure y e cruelties of the prince Bassianus, or follerate his tyrannies: for Bassianus stoode in awe of Plautianus, partly for that he was his father in lawe, as also for that he had bred him from his infancie. Seuerus considering his sonnes Bassianus & Geta to increase in age, & decrease in wit, caused wilde beasts to be brought for them to kill, horses to runne, inuenting new playes to practise, & therein to occupie their persons, diuerting their mindes to those games, to reinoue them from vices. ‘Finding no profite to lead his sonnes to vertue by those warlike exercises, he would cal them in secrete, and tel them of many old examples how such and such princes were cast away by discord: and that the same mischance must happen vnto them, if they did not behaue themselues as friends, & fauour eche other as brothers: for that with concord smal things increase, & by discord great things came to nought. Besids that, y e two brethren were ouerthwart in maners, and peruerse of conditions, (as before hath beene said) their [Page 326] tutours did them much hurt: that is to say, in dissembling their vices, & inciting them to greater enimities: whereof Seuerus being aduertised, some of them he banished, some he dispatched, & some he drowned in welles: affirming that they deserued more punishment that kindled enimities, then the persons that did execute them.’ Plautianus left a daughter, that was wife vnto Bassianus, and her sonne nephue vnto Seuerus, and sonne vnto Bassianus: as well the mother that was young, as y e sonne which was a child they banished into Sicyl, giuing them of al that which they had, no more but to serue them wherw t to eate: which Seuerus did, not for enuie that he bare to his nephue & daughter in law, but not to offēd his sonne Bassianus, Seuerus did vaunt himself, y t his predecessours had bin of a citie in Africa, named Tripol, which he did nobilitate, not only in buildings, but also in rents & priuileges, and plāted there and orchard of Oliue trées, which did yéeld so great quantitie of oyle, y t it was sufficient for a great part of Africa and Italie, Seuerus was a friend of wisemē, fauoured, studious, & delt very well with such as were learned: but ioyntly with this, hee did most abhorre them, if they were either ouerthwart, or troublesome: for he vsed to say, that fooles set neighbours at variance, but men that were wise & malicious brought kingdomes together by the eares. He was also inclined to read books, and to vnderstand antiquities: & if he might not by his important affaires read himselfe, he made others to read: and further, if he chaunced to be so busied, y t he might not read himselfe, either heare reading at such times they read vnto him when he was eating or whē he went to bed. ‘He himselfe did write his owne life, & did write it as truly as if he had béen a chronicler that is to say praising his victories, & reprehending his vices: and also most truly, made report of all men that he kild, but not of the smal reason y t he had so to do. Seuerus was much blamed for his great couetise of goods, & for want of care & negligēce of his honour: for y t his wife Iulia was a cōmon adulteresse, whom he did neither chastice, or put away: neither is it written, y t euer [Page 327] he did aduise or blame her.’ ‘It was sufficient for Seuerus to know his wife to be euil, to be named Iulia, whiche name was euer infamous amongest y e womē of Rome. Although he were an enimie of vices, and of vicious mē, much more was he enimie of théeues, aboue all other kinde of wicked people: and so is it said and found of him, that he did beare with many malefactors, but neuer pardoned any théefe. In his apparel he was not curious or costly, but alwaies was apparelled as a man of great sobernes: especially, much cō mended, that in his Empire he neuer beheld any person in Rome clad with silke or purple. Also in his féeding he was not disordinate, & yet truly of certaine fruits of Africa giuē to féede somewhat ouermuch, and vsed to say, that they had a better relishe then others: for that being a child, hee was bred with them. Hée delighted also more to eate fishe then flesh, and sometimes passed an whole moneth without the tast of any flesh: the flesh that he best loued was mutton, & of fish, the Trout. In many cities of y e Empire, they made by his comaundement very notable woorkes: especially in the citie of Tripol in Africa, where he was borne, he made there a fort, & an house, & compassed it with a very stronge wall. He was a prince very careful, that the citie of Rome should alwayes be well prouided, which was manifested at his death, at what time they found vij. yeares prouision in wheat and oyle.’
CHAP. XVIII. ¶ How Seuerus passed into great Britaine, where he died.
SEuerus being settled in securitie, and intending certaine buildinges in Rome, receiued letters from y e gouernour of great Britaine, which now is named England, y t a great part of the Island was reuolted from the seruice of Rome: and to appease & force them to obedience, his presence was right necessarie: because the Prefect himselfe was not only denied al obedience, but they sought meanes also to kill him. Seuerus was not displeased with this newes, although he were both old and sickly: for that he alwayes desired the [Page 328] offer of great things to magnifie his fame, and perpetuate his memorie. Seuerus also was pleased with those warres, to haue occasion to withdraw his sonnes from the vices of Rome: and so it came to passe, that his elder sonne Bassianus he made captaine of the armie that he led by land: & to his younger sonne Geta, he gaue the charge of his armie & nauie that passed by sea. Seuerus at the soudeine and vnprouided, assailed the Britaines, who at that instāt they vnderstoode of his arriuall in the Isle, sent their Ambassadours: partly to yéeld accompt, and partly to discharge themselues of their rebellion, as also to set downe betwixt them a certeine concord, which Seuerus would neither yéeld vnto, or abide to heare off: for he vented rather to obteine y e renoune of Britaine, then for any reason to make them warre. His armies being disimbarked, & the Ambassadours dispatched, euery man prepared, the one to offend, and the other to defend: Seuerus first prouided bridges, wheruppon his horsemen might passe, & his foote men auoyd occasion to swim. ‘The Britaines of that part of Britaine, in those dayes, had a custome in time of warre, to encounter their enimies in lakes & waters, where they did place themselues vp vnto the arme pits, and from thence did fight and shew their skil: & when their enimies did shoote or whirle their dartes, they would stoope or diue vnder water: in such wise, that it chā ced thrée sundrie times, that neuer happened in any part of the world: which is to witt, that 100. naked men, ouercame 1000. armed persons. Whē at any time they would fight in the field, they vsed certaine targets after the maner of bucklers, & halfe swords girt vppon their bare flesh.’ All matters apperteining vnto the warres brought vnto perfection, Seuerus confirmed his younger sonne Geta, gouernour of a certaine place of the Island that had not rebelled, and kept his elder sonne Bassianus néere vnto his owne person: executing cruel warres vppon the Barbarians, who vppon determination to doe hurte, or offend their enimies, dyed with great hardinesse: and vppon other determination, would put themselues to flighte: in whiche [Page 329] flight their enimies alwayes had the woorsse.
The warres being trauersed after this manner, the gowt did grieuously increase vppon Seuerus, in such manner, that he could neither go out of his campe, either sitt in counsel with his capteines: in so much, that he was constrained to commende the whole charge of the armie vnto his sonne Bassianus, who more did practise secreately to frame hatred amongest the armies vnto his brother Geta, then to make conquest of the enimies. ‘ Bassianus so much reioyced of his fathers griefe, and had so great care to inherite, that he sawe no houre, wherein he wished not his fathers death. Not meaning to leaue any euil vnperfourmed that touched an euil nature, adding euill vnto euill, he suborned the Physicians that did cure him, and the seruaunts that serued him, in such wise, the one to serue him, and the other cure him, that if the gowte did not finish him, poison shoulde dispatche him. Although no man said vnto Seuerus any one woorde, he did well perceiue what his sonne Bassianus desired: and so it came to passe, that beholding the disobedience which his sonne did beare him, & howe euil his seruaunts serued him, and howe slenderly his Physician did visite him: although he were olde and sickely, he died of pure sorrowe, and melancholy. The last wordes which Seuerus saide, before he dyed, they saye were these.’ When I tooke the Empire, I founde the common wealth throughout the worlde in trouble, and nowe I dye, I leaue it in peace: and although I dye without power to testar ny firmar, yet I leaue the Empire firme vnto my two sonnes Antonines: if they shal proue good, they remaine exactly made princes: and if they shal be euil, I leaue them nothing. Before Seuerus dyed, he commaunded two Fortunes of gold to be made, for either of his sonnes one: because it was the ensigne of the Empire, to take away all occasion after his death, for any of them, by him selfe, or for him selfe, to be aduaunced with the Empire, but equally to remaine in power and estate. This was the ende of Seuerus, whome his enimies might [Page 330] not kill with armes: ‘and yet with griefe and sorrowe was slaine by his sonnes. Seuerus liued thrée score and fiftéene yeres, and reigned two and twentie yeres: his bones were burnt, and the ashes carried to Rome.’
‘Of this Emperour Seuerus, the Senate determined that, which of no other prince was determined, namely, Illum aut nasci non debuisse, aut mori: whiche is to saye: It had beene good (in respect of his cruelties which he did) he had not beene borne: and since that he was borne, (in consideration of the profite which he did in the common wealth) it had beene good he had not died.’
The life of the Emperour Bassianus, sonne vnto Seuerus, compiled by syr Anthonie of Gueuara, Bishop of Mondonnedo, preacher, chronicler, and counseller vnto the Emperour Charles the fifte.
CHAP. I. ¶Howe Bassianus and his brother Geta did inherite the Empire of their father Seuerus.
PResently after the death of the Emperour Seuerus in great Britaine, his two sonnes, Bassianus and Geta, did succéed him in the Empire, betwixt whome there was extreme discorde and cruell hatred: for, notwithstanding in bloude they were brothers, yet in wil & works they dealt as enimies. As Bassianꝰ was elder brother, and also more cauillous & troublesome, so he began secretely to practise and subborne the capteines of [Page 331] the armie to him onely to giue the Empire, and to exclude Geta his younger brother from the inheritaunce: and to drawe them vnto his purpose, he spake swéete wordes, blinded them with faire promises of greate hope, and also gaue them riche Iewels. Nothing might Bassianus attaine with the capteines of his armie, for that euery one in particular, and all in generall, made him aunswer, that since they were sonnes vnto their lord Seuerus, and bothe brethren, and ioyntly had sworne vnto them as their Lordes and Princes, it were not iust they should be traytours in their promise vnto their father: or shoulde make a breache of their othe, that in the temples they had sworn vnto the Gods.
After that Bassianus might not corrupt the armie with woordes, déedes, or giftes, he tooke peace with the Britans, to the ende presently to departe towardes Rome: and his brother Geta being aduertised that Bassianus sought the Empire vnto him selfe, which the father Seuerus had lefte vnto them both, grewe into great hatred & disdaine with his brother: in such wise, that from thenceforth, the two brethren behaued them selues, not only as vtter enimies, but also the courte was diuided into bandes. Bassianus & Geta were brethren by the father, but not by the mother: for that Bassianus was his sonne by his first wife, and Geta by Iulia whiche was the second wife. Geta his mother, and the auncient and honourable Romanes that were remaining after the death of Seuerus, did not a little trauaile to confederate and set them at agréement: but in the ende, they were neither conuinced with the infinite beares of the mother, either might be persuaded by the great requestes and instant intreatance of their friendes. The affaires of Britaine being set in order, the two brethren much without order, departed towardes Rome, carrying with them the reliques of their father Seuerus, that is to say, his bones made ashes, which in all cities, as they passed, were receiued with as great reuerence, as if Seuerus had béene aliue.
[Page 332]From the time that Bassianus & Geta departed from Britaine, vntil they entred Rome, they neuer lodged in one lodging, or fedde at one table, or had conference vppon the waye, but had of eache other great suspicion: yea in meat and drinke to haue receiued poyson. To go in so greate doubt and suspicion, was cause of small staye vppon the waye, although it were very long: and before their comming vnto Rome, either of them had sent their secreate messengers, not onely to take vp the best lodginges in Rome, but also to solicite and to winne the willes of the common wealth, because they conceiued, that they might not ioyntly be conserued in their seigniorie, but that one must remaine with the Empire. That day on which Bassianus and Geta his brother shoulde enter Rome, all Rome came foorth to receiue them, which was mixed w t ioye and sorrowe: sorrowe, for the death and buriall of Seuerus: and ioye, for that his children were come aliue to reigne in his steade. Entring into the citie, the two brethren and newe Emperours went before, appareled in purple, on horssebacke: after them, came the Senatours all on foote, who bare on their shoulders, a chest of Unicorne, wherein was placed the ashes of Seuerus: such persons as attended the dead went wéeping: and those that accompanied Bassianus & Geta went singing. Being entred into the citie, and the day farre spent, they went vnto the temple of the greate Emperour Marcus Aurelius, where the two newe Princes fell on their knées to adore his sepulchre, as a moste holie man, and there bestowed the ashes of their father Seuerus. Before Seuerus departed vnto the second warres of Britaine, he had begon a most sumptuous sepulchre in the fielde of Mars: amongest other ornaments that it had, were seuen pillers polished verie high and stately, wherein was grauen all his actes and victories: but his life first was finished, before his sepulture was ended.
CHAP. II. ¶Howe in Rome they burie their Emperours, and of greate ceremonies which there they vsed.
After that Bassianus and Geta his brother had reposed the body of their father Seuerus in the temple of the Emperour Marcus Aurelius, presently they beganne to consecrate his body, and to place his soule with the Gods, accordinge to the custome of the Romans: whiche ceremony was not done, but vnto dead Emperours: and the order thereof was thus. ‘Presently vpon the death of an Emperour, the Senate did assemble to determine, if hee deserued to be buried with the Godes, either els after his burial to leaue him to obliuion as other men: and if he had beene euill, the Senate woulde be absent at his buriall: and if he had bene good, all clad in blacke, woulde attend to consecrate his body. And to do the same, their firste attempt was to bury the body of the deade prince without any ceremonie, and then made him an image of woode after the manner of a sicke and colourlesse man, which they placed alofte vpon a scaffolde ouer the Courte gate: and that image, although it were of a sicke man, yet did they clad it with garmentes of silcke and golde, as though the counterfeite were aliue. In the hight of that scaffolde, or throne, the Senate were set on the lefte hande, and on the right hand all the matrones of Rome: of whome none might he apareled richly, either deckt with iuels of gold or stone: [...]ut all persones were there clad in white, for that all white apparell in Rome was counted mourning. The Senatours and matrones were placed and sett at the risinge of the sunne, and did not rise vntill the sunne was set: there might they neither speake, or gaze about, but all that time was consumed in sighing, wéeping, and wayling’
[Page 334]From houre to houre, Physicians came and went to visite that Image, and so did raise, beholde, and féele his pulses, as if the Emperour him selfe had béene there aliue, and alwayes at their parting would report vnto the Senatours and ladies, that the sicke person drewe on to death. At which newes, the matrones did grite and shriche, and the Senatours did wéepe and waile. This order they vsed seuen dayes together, but first vpon the sixt day, the Physicians did forsake the sicke person, and finally, on the seuenth day manifestly would publish his death: presently after he was denounced for dead, placeing the handles of the baire whereon the Image of the dead was laide vpon their shoulders, the chiefest and moste honourable Senatours on horssebacke did beare the same: and after this maner went vnto the place named Vaieia, and might not go by any other way but by the sacred waye, whiche was a tracke where no man durst passe, but Emperours that were dead and priestes that were aliue. In that place named Vaieia, there was another buylding made of stone, after the manner of a Throne, hauing on bothe sides degrées and staires to mount aloft, where they did place the Image of the dead Emperour: vpon the one staires, stoode children, the sonnes of the gentlemen of Rome, and on the other parte stoode the damsels and virgins of Rome, and there did singe many sorrowfull songes and hymnes, published in the praise of the dead. From thence they remoued the baire with the Image of the dead, vnto the fielde of Mars, where also was made another scaffold, all of drie woode, vnder the vaut whereof was laide stubble, stalkes, and strawe, and other kindling matter to burne: the outside was brauely painted, and hanged with rich tapestrie, and aloft vpon the highest parte thereof, they placed the Image of the dead Emperour. On the day in which this ceremonie was perfourmed in Rome, they did concurre to beholde the same from all partes of Italie: and euerye Lord and ladie that was present, did throwe vppon the degrées of that Throne, Myre, incense, aloes, amber, roses, [Page 335] and other thinges of fragrant sauours. When all men had offered their swéet perfumes, the Senatours did skirmish on horsseback, and presently after them the two Cō suls gaue a boylt aloft on their chariots gorgeously adorned: and after them there followed on foote, all the auncient Romanes and neighbourhood of Rome, and all such as had béene captaines of the warres: all which after they had gone a turne about the Throne, fel downe groueling, exclaming very lowde against the ground. After the thrée processions were done, which is to wéete, of y e Senatours, of the Consuls, and of the capteines, came he that did inherite the Empire, who with a burning torche, gaue fire to that Throne, whiche being all of drye stuffe, presently was consumed. Before the beginning of this great ceremonie, the Senate sought out against that day a braue Eagle, which was placed betwixt the handles of y e baire, where the Image of the dead was laide: with great skill and subtiltie, at the time that the Image burnt, the Eagle was loosed and flewe away: and as her proper nature is to flye vpwarde, all men saide with loude voices, that it was the soule of the dead Emperour, that was gone to the Goddes vp to heauen. As oft as ye shall finde these words written of any Prince or notable personage, namely: Inter diuos relatus est, that is, they haue placed him with the Gods, all these ceremonies were done vnto him: vnto such a one, from thenceforth, they might sacrifice, adore, make temples, and place Priestes, in such manner, they had to honour him as a God, and not to talke of him, as of a man.
CHAP. IIII. ¶Of the mortall hatred betwixt Bassianus and Geta his brother.
AFter the two brethren had accomplished the funerall office of their father Seuerus, they went bothe to lodge [Page 336] in the sacred palace: not ioyntly, but parting the lodging betwixt them, euery one placing porters by them selues, and their gard to attende vpon them. Although their lodging was one, yet their willes and dispositions were diuers: and suche as had to deale in matters of importance, conferred not with them, but with their mother: who tooke the opinion of the one, and so of the other, whiche afterwardes was perfourmed by aduise and consent of the Senate: because otherwise the common wealth shoulde haue runne at randon and be lost. These two Princes neuer ioyntly came foorth, but when they went to the Senate, or to visite the temple of the greate Emperour Marcus Aurelius: for Seuerus had commaunded, that weekely they should offer sacrifices in that temple, and monethly his heires should visite that sepulchre. Bassianus and his brother Geta, had small care to visite temples, offer sacrifices, go to the Senate, reforme the comon wealth, either prouide necessarie matter for the warres: but all their bent and studie was, the one to beguyle the other, & to winne the willes of the people: to the ende that one being dead, the other might reigne without contradiction. Both the brethren being thus diuided, and bothe leading the Empire into handes: notwithstanding that bothe had enimies and friendes, ‘yet alwayes the greater parte of the common wealth were more affectionate to the younger sonne, which was Geta. Geta was white and redde, high, sharpe, milde, nimble, of groase lightuesse, and of verie good condition: and yet in respect of reigning he was as proude as Bassianus. Bassianus his brother was a falowe blacke, cholerike adust, little of bodie, broade forehead, muche skinne on his handes, hollowe and hoarse of voice, preignant, subtile, diligent, and a iyar: for if he néeded anything, he would flatter all men with faire words, and after enuen all things in lies.’ The diuisions euery day proceedinge from euil to woorse, it was beyonde all mennes powers, to bring them agreed, or make them friendes: they bothe deuised, without aduertisement of [Page 337] any person to diuide the Empire: the manner was, that all kingdomes should equally be diuided in two partes, & that the name of Emperour should be indifferent vnto them both.
There was allotted vnto Bassianus all Europe, & vnto Geta his brother the kingdoms of Asia: and the end wherfore they diuided the Empire, was, not to be friendes from thenceforth, but to haue libertie, men, and riches, to rise with Rome: and he that might do most, to dispatche the other of his life. When this agréement was made, they determined to call their mother Iulia, and all the aunciēt seruauntes and friendes of the house of Seuerus their father: vnto whome Bassianus gaue to vnderstand, how his brother and he had agréed, and were become friendes: and their agréement was, that they had diuided the Empire, he remaining with the estate and seat of Rome, and Geta his brother hauing Antioche the head of his Empire, and the estate of all Asia. As Bassianus then saide, so it was agréed, that y e goods of the patrimonie were diuided in thrée partes, two partes for the two brethren, and the third for Iulia their mother: and further, that all Senatours, capteines, and other notable persons of the Empire, fréely (if they so liked) might go with Geta into Asia, or remaine with Bassianus in Rome. There was no man there that liked this agréement, much lesse allowed y e same: for they all did sée it was but fained, and that ere long the Empire would be inflamed with warres, as in the dayes of Iulius Caesar and Pompeyus, of Caesar Augustus, and Marcus Antonius. Although all men were grieued with y t which was saide, yet all men did both dissemble and kéepe silence, w t sad countenance casting their eyes to the ground: which their mother Iulia, possessing patience in sufficient, aunswered and saide vnto them as followeth.
CHAP. IIII. ¶Of an excellent speache vttered by the mother vnto her sonnes.
[Page 338]I may wel call ye sonnes (O children of my heart) since thou Geta proceededst from mine intrailes, & thee Bassianus I haue nourished with my breastes: & I sweare by the immortall Gods, that much greater is the loue that I bare thee, then the affinitie which I haue with thy brother. Thou well knowest Bassianus, that from the first houre that I came to the court, & was wife vnto thy father Seuerus, I had the name of mother in lawe, & the works of a perfect mother: and that many times thou didst request mee to cherish thy brother Geta, for that it seemed vnto thee he was not fauoured: in such wise, that if he be the only person that I haue borne, thou only wast he that was cherished. I haue great reason to call you my children, & to bewaile you as children, to talke with you as children: for on the day y t the one proceeded frō my bowels, the other entred into my harte. Maruell ye not to see mee powre forth so many teares, & at euery worde to be dismaide & swoone? for, as ye see my sorrowfull eyes, so may you behold my lamentable heart: ye should well perceiue it gush out more with bloud, then mine eyes doe flowe with teares. If my husbande & your father shoulde heare that which I heare, and should see that which I see, it would grieue him that euer ye were borne: and no lesse, that euer he begate you: because you wil giue no credite vnto your friendes, either obey me your sorrowfull mother, or perfourme his will & cōmaundemēt. Wherfore do ye seeke the whole for one, since he left the same for bothe? what an heauie matter is this my children? the Gods haue created ye brethren, and you haue conuerted your selues enimies: the glory which ye possesse, to haue had such a father: ye would quite [Page 339] him with so much griefe, to haue so frowarde children. To leaue the Empire entire, your father slewe Iulianus, Pessenius Niger, and Albinius, that helde it diuided in three partes: and nowe againe ye will diuide and rent it in pieces. Do ye not vnderstand, howe Princes that haue their willes vnited, neede not to diuide their countries? Haue ye not heard say, that to obteine honour, & to defende that which we possesse, for these two only things, & for no other cause warre is raised betwixt kinges and princes? If this be true (as it is) and both you falling out for goods, knowe ye not, that your father onely of him self, hath left ye more then all the Princes of the worlde haue left vnto them? And if it so be, that ye striue for the attainement of honour, I knowe not to what ende ye would haue more honour, then to be Emperours of Rome. O immortall Gods! I inuocate, and moste humbly pray you, that ye deale not according to the childishnesse of these young men, but agreeable vnto the great seruice which their father hath done you, & the abundance of teares which their lamentable mother hath powred foorth: for otherwise, the memory of my Lord Seuerus shal perish & be lost, & the maiestie of y e Empire put in great danger. If we did think (my children) y t this diuision of the Empire, might be an occasiō frō henceforth to deale & liue like brethrē, we would hold it all for good, and thinke it all right well: but what doth it profite, that ye haue diuided the Empire onely in two partes: and ye twaine remaine diuided in an hundreth thousande differences? If ye wil be fauoured of the Gods, & obeyed of men, call to remembrance your fathers commaundement: condescend vnto your mothers request, and yealde [Page 340] your selues vnto the iudgement of your friendes: for that young Princes do neuer knowe to gouerne wel, if they permitt not to be gouerned of the vertuous. Consider children, that ye are but younglings, and in great affaires haue small experience: and that your youth shall leade you vnto many vices, & your smal experience cause you to fall in great & many errours. Also (my children) ye haue to consider, that ye possesse your heartes too much passioned, and go inuironed with many lyars: which two thinges be most cruell and enorme, in the persons & houses of princes: because with their passion, they committ much iniustice, and by lies, they cloake many foule and pernicious deedes. The passioned and furious hearte is sufficed with his owne furie, to be lead into all errours: and the lyar defendeth him from all knowlege and acquaintaunce of his owne fault. If ye remember your selues, that ye be men, and that I am a woman, with great reason ye might haue small regarde vnto that which I do say: but if ye consider that ye be my children, and I your mother, greate estimation should ye conceiue of my counselles: for that credite which I lose to be a woman, I recouer for that I am your mother. If ye did loue your father, as your father loued you, your sorrowful mother should haue no cause so much to persuade you to be friendes: for that to remoue all causes to bring his honour in disputation, ye would refuse & cast behind you all interest whatsoeuer of any goods. Since ye will not liue in peace, in as muche as it toucheth the seruice vnto the Gods, and the great mischiefes that must follow your owne persons, and the infamie wherewith ye shall infect your dead father, yet shoulde ye doe the [Page 341] same, for the loue and behalfe of your liuing mother: because the dissentions, trauelles, and infidelities of the children, many they be that doe beholde them: but in the ende, the mothers do onely bewaile them. Against the testament of your father, without the will of your mother, contrarie vnto the custome of the Senate, and without aduise of any friend, ye haue betwixt you diuided the empire, leauing me vnto my selfe to be diuided: wherein, speaking conformably vnto iustice, it had beene more reason ye should haue diuided your owne proper mother, then the landes & countries of others. O immortal Gods, vvhy haue ye taken away my Lord Seuerus vnto your selues, and left me placed in so many daungers and trauels? since ye haue giuen me two children, why was not giuen me two heartes? and if I craue two hearts, it is but to loue them: but two thousand hearts wil not suffice to endure their vnkindnesse. O my children, (although no children of my counselles) for that, though ye be mine by birth, yet are ye become straungers by disobedience. I knowe not my childrē, what to say more vnto you: but since ye be twaine, and my heart but one: that ye pull it foorth, & open it in the middest, and diuide it as ye haue diuided the Empire: and yet by the vestall mother, I sweare vnto you, that if ye opened my heart, and made search therein, ye shoulde finde in the same the greatnesse of my loue, but much more, that I suffer and am tormented.
CHAP. V. ¶Howe Bassianus, to obteine the Empire vnto him selfe, slewe his brother in his mothers armes.
[Page 342]JT was lamentable to heare the Empresse Iulia, but much more to beholde her, who séeing her children so extremely diuided, and so farre from fraternitie, at euery woorde which shée saide, the Heauens did cleaue with sighes, and the ground was watered with teares. At the instant shée finished her talke, shée rose from her chayre, & going to her sonnes▪ with the right hande shée taketh Bassianus, and Geta with the left, imbraceing them with her selfe, traueiling to cause them to imbrace, and to be reconciled and ioyning all their thrée faces together, with y e aboundaunt teares of the mother, the faces of her sonnes were all wett and bedewed. Many Romanes that were present began to mourne, in hearing what Iulia saide, and afterwardes howe with her children shée did behaue her selfe: no man replyed or spake more woordes, in as much as all men did allowe that which the mother saide: and improued the diuision of the Empire which the sonnes had made.
The heartes of these two Princes were so muche passioned, and ioyntly therewith of nature so indurate, that when the mother did talke vnto them, it seemed not, but that they were thinking of some other matter: which had most perfect apparaunce, because at that time they were neither moued with compassion of her teares, either afterwardes did take any profite of her counsell. The mother only profited not in her traueile to reconcile them, but that from thenceforth th [...]y ceased not to discouer greter hatred: that is to saye, in that either of them sought to corrupt each others bloud, promising greate wealth in Rome to be giuen vnto him that would confect his lordes meate with poyson. When Bassianus perceiued, that he might not (by any meane) dispatche his brother Geta with poyson, and ioyntly therewith, that the Romanes were somewhat inclined vnto him by affection, determined on a daye, when all persons were moste inclined to sléepe at after noone, to go vnto the lodging of his mother Iulia, [Page 343] with whome Geta remained: and finding them at their rest, he gaue Geta so many stabbes with a dagger, that he was bereft of his life. When Bassianus set vpon his brother Geta, the mother to saue him, cast her selfe vppon him: notwithstanding he ceased not to wound him, and kill him, The case was thus, that with one blowe he both wounded his brother, and imbrewed the garment of the mother: and finally, the brother remained dead, and the mothers garments defiled.
This done Bassianus goeth foorth through al the court, exclaming with a loude voyce, and with greate feare and trembling: treason, treason, my brother Geta would haue slaine me by treason in my bed, and if I had not leapt out at a windowe, and the destinies beene fauourable vnto mee at that instant, I had not escaped with life: and not satisfied with that which was saide, he commaunded his garde to conduct him out of the court, and to garde and attende him vnto mount Celius, where the Pretorian bands were lodged, infourminge that in y e palace there was no safetie: for that his brother had attempted to murther him.
All men that heard the exclamation that Bassianus made, did beléeue that all things had passed as he had said: and the Esquiers of the bodie did accompanie and attende him, vntil they had brought him amongest the Pretorians: and entring the tent where they had their armour and pendons, knéeling vppon his knées, hee gaue greate thankes vnto the Gods, that had preserued him vnto that place: and also vnto his garde, that had succoured him in time of so great néede. To beholde Bassianus go at suche an houre, with so greate an heate, through the middest of Rome, and that with so great furie, all that beheld him were escandalized: and did imagine amongest them selues, that he had slaine his brother, or done some vile déede vnto his mother in lawe. Assoone as he sawe him selfe amongest the Pretorians, he diuided amongest them, two thousande & fiue hundreth drachmes of golde, according [Page 344] to the weight of Athens ▪ & further, promised to giue them yerely, wheate to furnish their families, besides their ordinarie wages. The fame being divulgate throughout Rome, and the trueth knowen of the great treason which Bassianus had committed, Geta his friends ioyned to séeke him, with a determined purpose extremely to haue reuē ged Geta: and as the matter was put to armes, and came to hande gripes, Geta his friendes being the fewer in number, were soone ouercom: which although they were subdued, yet truely deserue no dispraise: being but fewe in number, séeing their Lorde dead, and Bassianus in possession of the armie, they wanted no hardinesse to fight, & no lesse courage to dye: but what shall we saye, but that if their quarell were iust, their fortune was verie crosse. Small aduantageth it that the minde be generous, and the bodie warlike, if he that taketh armes be vnfortunate: for that one houre of happie fortune, is more woorth then all policies of warre. Greate was the compassion that all men conceiued of the cruell death of Geta, and no lesse was the hate which they did beare vnto Bassianus, not only to kill him vppon so greate assurance, but also to murther him in a place of so great priuiledge, that is to saye, within the sacred palace, & imbraced within the breastes of his mother. When Bassianus sawe that his brother ‘ Geta was dead, all his alies and seruaunts ouercome, & that whatsoeuer he had attempted with temeritie, succéeded with great prosperitie: he went vnto the temples, and tooke from thence all their treasure, in such wise, hee tooke away in one daye, that which manie princes had giuen in many yeres. A greate quantitie of those treasures Bassianus diuided amongest his Pretorians: who seeing themselues riche in money, and that their enimies were subdued, went into Rome, began to enter into the houses, and killed all persons with whome they had vnkindnesse: but that which was more odious, vppon wagers would kill a whole kinred, vntil they left no persone, in whome any remembrance might remaine.’
[Page 345]Many noble persons were determined to haue slaine Bassianus, in the beginning of his Empire: which they left not vndone for his deseruing, either for want of will, but for doubt that after his death, many should rise with the Empire: for presently they thought it lesse euill to suffer one, then to resist many.
Now when Bassianus sawe himselfe rich in treasure of the temples, and obeyed of the Pretorians, he determined to mount aloft vpon the high Capitol, and there to speake vnto the Senat: partly to giue accompt of that which was done, and partly to giue them to vnderstād what he would doe. Being placed in the middest of the Senate, and set in the imperiall chaire, and euery man vsing silence, he said after this manner.
CHAP. VI. ¶ Of a certaine speach vsed of Bassianus vnto the Senate, excusing himselfe of the death of his brother Geta.
ALthough in age I am but younge, and in mine attemptes reputed as rash, yet I cease not to confesse that I am in great hatred with the people: and that my death should as much content them, as now my life is displeasant vnto them. And as princes are in the view of all persons, so are all their works iudged of al men: and from thence it procedeth, that their iust attempts are praised of many, but their errours condemned of all. They that presume to iudge the woorkes of princes, are not alwayes so iuste, that they iudge continually conformable vnto iustice: for as many times they praise the prince with lies: so it may happen, y t they accuse them with malice. One of the extremest trauels [Page 346] that princes haue, is: that such as throng in themselues to talke of our liues, and to examine our deeds and actes, they talke not as we liue, but as we vse and deale with them: for if we honour & magnifie them, they report we be no princes, but gods: but if we chastise and bring them downe, they say wee be no men but furies. Many times princes do chastise many, not because we delight to punish, but y t it so agreeth with the imperiall authoritie so to be done: for as with rewardes and pardons wee magnifie our pierie & clemencie, so it is cōuenient, that with rigorous chastisements, wee make our iustice to bee esteemed. Many presume to iudge the vices of princes, which if they were princes, would not onely commit thinges worthie of iudgement, but also iustly to be depriued of the Empire: for the knowledge of good gouernement, is not a thing that men obtaine of themselues: but a gift which the Gods do giue vnto whome they please.
There is no prince so absolute or dissolute, that at the least, in his gouernment desireth not to be iust: but what shall wee doe, that haue no more power but to wish to do well? and the gods onely to giue grace to gouerne well. But comming to the case now chaunced, for which the whole multitude with me be escā dalized: I sweare by the immortall gods, y t if the truth as it was were manifested, I should be found without blame: but I am of the one part so vnfortunate, and of th other part the multitude is so variable, that it many times happeneth, that of my manifest actes they say nothing: and of that which neuer passed my thought, they accuse me. O ye iust gods, vnto you all I appeale as witnesses: who first would haue kild y e other, either whether my brother Geta would haue slaine mee, or [Page 347] I would haue slaine him: for ye well vnderstand, that being reposed on my bed, he entered vpon me with a naked sword: with which hee would haue drawne forth my soule, if by chaunce I had not found one at my beds head. If hee was the beginner of that quarrel, and that fortune would fauour me at that instant, wherefore being vtterly without any fault, should I be blamed of all persons in Rome? What greater testimonie would ye of my innocencie, but respecting that hee being the person that offended, and I the man that defended my selfe, the gods haue brought vppon him, that which hee ment to perfourme on mee: neither in any good iudgement may it be conteined, that if by malice or enuie I would haue slaine my brother, that I should execute the same by stealth, and within the sacred palace, for that in so enorme a case, I deserued not so much chastisement for the deede, as to committe the same in the place where that was done.
I will not denie, that vnto my brother I was not bound to honour him, loue him, succour him, and to deale well with him: but I will not confesse that I was bound, for all treasons and iniuries to suffer him: for as it is honourable for great princes, to dissemble & pardō iniuries, that are done to them by their inferiours: so necessarie is it for them to reuenge the discourtesies and displeasures, done vnto them by their betters or equals. It is notorious vnto al men, that in times past, many princes of the Romaine Empire had brethren, with whom they might not endure, but that many of them were slaine▪ or at the least driuen out of the Empire: for in fine, there is none of so great temperaunce, that in case of commaundement, [Page 348] would haue a companion: no not his brother.
Consider the behauiour of Remus and Romulus, Tiberius and Germanicus, Titus and Domitian, Marcus and Lucius, & others infinite that were brethren: amongest whome, vppon the point of commaundement and gouernement, there arose so great displeasures and vnkindnes: not as though they had beene natural brethren, but as most cruel enimies. O fathers conscript and friends, giue thanks vnto the Gods, that haue preserued your prince safe & soūd. for that with out cause they would not haue giuen him his death, and conserued my life: for the workes of our gods are so profound, secreate, and vnknowne, that althoughe wee see what they doe: yet wee see not the end why they do it. Amongest all the gods, onely Iupiter is he that hath dominion, and so amongest al men the god Iupiter would not, but that onely one should possesse the Empire: for it were no lesse monstruous to gouerne the Empire by two persons, then one body to haue two heads. If for all the Heauens, one God be sufficient, and for all Bees but one king, and all members be gouerned with one heart, & all birds haue but one guide: I demaund of you my friends, to gouerne the common wealth of Rome, if one man be not sufficient? As we haue read in bookes of our forefathers, and as we haue seene in our dayes, there is nothing more conuenient vnto the Romane Empire, as to be gouerned by one only person: for that we haue seene more warres raised, vppon which prince should commaund, then for any disobedience of subiects. Howe fierce warres were raised betwixt Silla & Marius, Caesar and Pompeie, Augustus and Marcus Antoninus, Galba and Othos, Othos and Bytellus, Bytellus [Page 349] and Vaspasianus: & now of late betwixt Seuerus my father, and Iulianus and Albinius. All these great calamities, whiche the miserable common wealth of Rome hath suffered, was not for that many would not be commaunded: but for that many would commaund. Admitting that my father commaunded in his testament, that Geta my brother and I should diuide the Empire: yet many doe know, & they are not fewe which presume, that he would neuer haue done it, but his wife and my mother in lawe constrained him so to assigne: and in a case so great, hard & graue, respect ought not to be giuen to that whiche hee did, but vnto that which he would haue done: because the magnificence of the Empire, and the wisedome of the Senate, ought not to be bound, to the procurement of a vaine woman: but vnto that which is most conuenient for the common wealth.
CHAP. VII. ¶Of the great crueltie of Bassianus, and of such as he commaunded to be slaine.
ALl the time that Bassianus vsed this speach vnto y e Senate, no mā cut off his talk, or when he had finished, no person durst aunswere one word: but that he in ending his tale, beheld all his friends: & such as he suspected, he would not once looke vppon: wherof they remained not only despited, but also terrified: because the thinge that the heart loueth, is seene and knowne by the vents and windowes of the eyes. Neither for that Bassianus had said in open place, either for any aduisement of friends in secrete, did he cease to continue his cruelties: but that presently he commaunded to be slaine, not onely such as his brother Geta held for [Page 350] friends, but also the friends of his friends. ‘He slue all the seruaunts and officers of his brother, not only such as serued him in the common wealth, but all such also, as serued him in all maner of vile things of his house: that is to say, cookes, butlers, caters, swéepers, moile kepers, turne spits, and boyes of the kitchen: at the death of whom, albeit both before and after he slue many: yet of none had they so great compassion in Rome as of those persons. Also he slue al his wagginers, all his horsekéepers, all his bakers, all his laū derers, all his musicians, al his taylers, finallie, he slue all that his brother loued: and all such as did serue him. Hée slue all the Senatours and officers of Rome, that folowed the parcialitie of his brother Geta, and kilde all Questors, Pretors, and valiant capitaines, throughout the Empire. He slue Lucilla, an excellent matrone of Rome, sister vnto the Emperour Commodus, and daughter vnto the great Marcus Aurelius, whome all Emperours past did honour as an Empresse, and serued as a mother: and this was in such wise, that as any temple of Rome her house was priuileged. The cause wherefore they say, he slue the Lady Lucilla, was: for that, when she heard of the death of Geta, shee went vnto the Courte to comfort the mother, and bewailed her sorrowe: whereof Bassianus being aduertised, said. Since Lucilla mourneth for the death of my brother Geta, with my mother in law: it signifieth that she would ioy of his life, and of my death: but I will liue, and she shal die. Also he slue many of the vestall virgins, some that he accused for breaking their virginitie: and others, for that they presumed to be virgins: saying it was a iest, to beleue that any might liue and die a virgine in this life.’
‘He slue an auncient knight named Letus, which was at the death of Commodus: and also was acquainted with the death of Geta his brother. He slue Rufus a knight of Africa, and his néere kinsman, that is to say, his vnckles sonne, who at the euening did inuite him to supper, and in the morning commaunded to be slaine.’ ‘He slue Pompeyanus [Page 351] the sonne of Lucilla, and nephue vnto Marcus Aurelius, a man of great courage in warres, and venturous in armes, whome he commaunded to be slaine trauelling vppon the way, and cast foorth report that théeues had slaine him. Hée slue Papianus the learned Lawyer, who in those dayes was most famous in knowledge and counsell, that was in all the Romane Empire: and thus it passed, that Bassianus when hée came out of the Senate, did take Papianus on his right hand, and all alongest the streate layde his righte arme vppon his shoulder, vntill they came vnto the entrie of the house at the foote of the staire, where, with an axe, (such as they cleaue woode,) hee commaunded his head to be cut off.’
‘Hee slue Petronius whiche had béene Consul, Senatour, Questour, Pretor, Edil, and Flamen fourtie yeares: in all whiche time, hee neuer offended any man, either any person had complained of him: wherefore hee was named the good Petronius. Hee slue Samonicus Serenus, whiche also was a Lawyer: and of this man it is said, that in eloquence hee was very sweete, and in writing no lesse Satyricall.’
‘Also hee slue a sonne of the Emperour Pertinax, named Elius Pertinax, who for a wonder was said in Rome, that in either woord or déede, it was neuer perceiued in him, that euer in his whole life hee did so muche as vent for the Romane Empire: whiche was not a little to bee praised, and also meruailed: because sonnes naturally are not onely inclined to inherite their fathers goodes: but also to succeede them in their honours. Furthermore, hee commaunded a notable Romane to be slaine, named Chilus, because hee had continually traueiled to make him friende wyth his brother Geta: whoe presupposing that they came to kill him, stripte himselfe cleane oute of his apparell, and escaped oute at a certaine windowe of his house.’
‘He killed his first wife, y e daughter of Plautianus, which was exiled into Sicyl, & caused search to be made in Rome [Page 352] throughout the Empire, for al that were sonnes, cousines, vnckles, nephues, or néere parentes vnto the bloud royall, all which hée commaunded to be slaine, both men and women: because neither roote, branche, or memorie, should remaine of auncient or generous bloud.’ As well in Rome, as els where throughout the Empire, Bassianus cōmaunded many others to be slaine: but that which was more cruell, the erecutioners had authoritie to take away their miserable liues, but not to burie their bodies, leauing them to the foules of the ayre: as for the noblest, they were carried in carres on heapes, and consumed with fire euen to ashes. He was not onely euill and cruell, but also did boast himselfe to be a friend of such as were noted to be euil & cruell: for they neuer heard him say well of any prince past, but of Silla the cruell, Brute the traitour, Catiline the tyrant, the Gracchies seditious, Domitian the defamed, and Commodus the dissolute. Exactly to accomplishe his cruelties, it chaunced on a certaine day, represēting the Circen playes in Rome (vnto which feast an huge nūber of people were come to behold) that as the guide of the imperiall chariot, might not passe, because the streats were stopt with multitudes of people, he began by force to make his way, and teare and treade the people: who made resistance for their safetie, adding thereunto woordes ouer furious, as people passioned. And as the Emperour then being placed in the same chariot, although they said no word to his offence, he receiued the cochemans iniurie as his owne: presently cōmaunding al his Pretorians which there did guard his person, to make slaughter at their libertie. And as al persons there present were more deckt and trimmed for the feast, then armed, either in redinesse for battel: so great cō passion was it to behold the multitudes of people that died there, without any offence, and sheading of bloud of so many innocentes: for if tenne or twelue had offended, they were more then 15. thousād that were there executed. The Romanes did neither eate, drincke, sléepe, or doe any thing, but with great trembling, not doubting when they should [Page 353] be accused, but when Bassianus shoulde commaunde them to be slaine: for neuer tyrant did execute that, which he ordinarily perfourmed in Rome: which is to wéete, without any accusement of fiscall, or complaint of enimie, or wante of seruice, to commaunde any man to be slaine.
CHAP. VIII. Of the prouinces whiche Bassianus did trauell, and the thinges which he did therein.
AFter that Bassianus had slaine his brother Geta, and his enimies, as also manie of his friendes, and infinite others y t were neither friends nor foes: he departed from Rome, iourneying towardes Germanie, whiche nowe is named high Almaine: with determination to visite those Prouinces, and to refourme his armies, whiche by continuance of peace, were growne to greate negligence in matters of warre. A whole summer hee lodged neare vnto the riuer of Danubie, where he exercised hunting, fishing, playing, running, torneying, and sometimes sate in iudgmente: and a matter wherein he made all men to woonder, was, that in hearing anie cause at the instant, he gaue sentence wherein he neuer erred, and also iudgmente according to iustice. He had greate delectatiō of that countrie, and the people of the same, makinge choyce of the valiauntest and gallantest personages of the youthe of Germanie, for the guarde of his person. The prouinces adioyning vnto Danubie being set in order, he passed into Thracia, and from thence into the lande of Macedonia: with determinatiō to visite the natiue countrie of Alexander the greate. All thinges wherein the actes of Alexander were grauen or painted, hee repaired, renewed, and made better: & manie other thinges he did both adde and inuente, in such wise, that in al the kingdome of Macedonie there was neither citie or temple, where he did not erecte some edifice, or place some picture or counterfeite.
[Page 354] Bassianus perfourmed manie notable things in Macedonia right worthy praise, and some other thinges no lesse to be derided: because in manie places he caused a bodie with two heads to be painted and also grauen, whereof one he intituled vnto him selfe, and the other vnto Alexander. The Macedonians did not a little scorne this acte, that Bassianus woulde compare with the greate Alexander: for they estéemed their kinge in suche possession and estate, that they say and affirme, neither anie in this life to be equall vnto him: either in the other worlde surmoū ted of none of the Gods. Bassianus grewe so proude, when he sawe him self so generally praysed for his woorthy actes done in Macedonia, that he cōmaunded al his househoulde, not to call hym Bassianus, but Alexander: and commaūded al the captains of his armie, to intitule thē selues w t the names of Alexanders auncient captaines: whereof the Romanes receiued no small griefe, and al the aunciente seruaunts of his father were not a little disgraced: for it séemed vnto them, y t since he did not trust them with the garde of his person, he woulde not loue them, either deale with them according vnto his accustomed manner. ‘Hee woulde ofte put off all his Romaine apparrell, and cladde him selfe after y e Flemmish fashion: and further, the more aptly to resemble them, he woulde weare counterfeite red haire: and howe muche the more he vsed these thinges, so muche the greater was the griefe vnto the Romaines. Also he obserued a custome, both in eating and drinking, in his apparrell and seruice, as in all other trauels which all wayes followe the warres, but as a common souldiour. It happened manie times, that if a trench were to be made, he firste woulde digge, carrie forth earth, marche on foote, grinde breade corne for his owne diet, and bake it vnder the asshes.’
‘Hee delighted in base lodging, to resemble the common soldiour, and woulde not drinke in golde or siluer, but in woodden tankards: finally, he did not onely abhorre all thinges that séemed superfluous: but also manie times, [Page 355] that which was right necessarie.’
Hee commaunded also, that none shoulde attende him, except he were commaunded, or call him Emperour, but companion: all whiche hee did to obtaine their loue, and to seeme admirable in his trauels. He commaunded his armie to be diuided into three partes, and the one to be called Macedonike, the other Laconike, and the thirde Spartanike, in memorie of three famous prouinces of Grecia, whiche folowed the greate Alexander in all his wars, and the people which he estéemed most valiaunt and warlike.
From Macedonie hee tooke his way vnto Pergamus, a famous citie in Asia, to viewe y e temple of Esculapius: the father and founder of physicke, in which temple he slept manie nights: and as he afterwardes saide, receiued there manie aunswers of y e God Esculapius, & many coūsels, as well for conseruation of his health, as the gouernemente of his cōmō wealth. From Pergamus, Bassianus departed to the citie Ilion, that in times paste had beene head of the kingdome of Troy, where greate warres were long continued betwixt the Greekes and the Troyans, whiche hee founde not onelie destroyed, but also plowed and sowen. Bassianus did there greately desire to burie some persone, after the fashion as in times past they had buried Patroclus: and for accomplishment of his desire, he commaunded poyson to be giuen vnto Festus his priuate and fauoured seruaunt: whome, after he was deade, he buried there according to the fashion whiche the Troyans vsed with Patroclus: whiche fact of his some excuse, affirming that Festus died without Bassianus his commaundemente. Before y t Bassianus entred high Almaine, he would visite Gallia Transalpina, & after a fewe dayes of his entraunce therin, commaunded y e Proconsul of Narbona to be slaine: of which déede, as also of others which he executed he fel into y e hatred of y t cōmō people, & deserued y e name of a tyrant. In his nauigatiō frō Germanie into Asia, he foūd him self in so great danger, y t y e ship it selfe wherin he sailed [Page 356] did rent & sinke, & he escaped in a litle barke. He was strikē with so greate feare on sea, that after he had escaped that daunger, he woulde oftentimes say: I knowe not what man hauing breade to eate, and garments to weare and couer him selfe on lande, woulde (to become an Emperour) go to Sea.
CHAP. IX. Of an horrible crueltie that Bassianus committed in Alexandria.
AFter that Bassianus had séene the greate Ilion, and the moste parte of Asia and Bithynia, he came vnto the citie of Antioche, wher he was receiued w t great ceremonie: and all the time that he remained there, no lesse feasted. From Antioche he tooke his way into Alexandrie, with greate desire to sée that famous citie, which the greate Alexander had builte: whereof the citizens beeing aduertised, they made moste solemne & costly preparation, wherewith to receiue him, which neuer had beene done to anie prince, either Greeke or Romaine: chiefly moued there vnto, because it was saide, that he was a friende vnto Alexander. Manie leagues before Bassianus came vnto the citie, they repaired the bridges, amended the high wayes, furnished all places with victuales, made manie summer houses with boughes, and scattered all the wayes with flowers: and further, all his traine did take all thinges at their owne pleasure, without paymente of anie money. But when he arriued in the citie, generally the Alexandrines came foorth to receiue him, in moste gorgeous apparell, accompanied with instruments and manie kindes of musick. Presently at his entrie into Alexandrie, he went on foote vnto the temples: where he offered verie greate sacrifices, and burned therein great quantities of incense, myrrhe, aloes, and suche other fumes.
This beeing done, hee went to visite the sepulchre of [Page 357] the greate Alexander, where he vsed an imperiall magnificence, that is to wéete, he put off a most rich robe wherewith he was clad, he tooke from his cappe a brooch of greate price, a curious collar from his necke, from his breste a stone of value inestimable, and from his fingers all his rings: & knéeling vpon y e ground did offer the same vpon the sepulchre of the greate Alexander. Incredible was the ioy that the Alexandrines conceiued, to behold a liuing prince of Rome, to haue a Greeke prince which was deade in so greate veneration: in respect whereof, they loued him with all their hartes, and serued him with all their power.
All whiche thinges Bassianus performed, not of intente to honour Alexander, or to pleasure the Alexandrines: but with more certintie to assure him selfe of them all, and afterwardes ioyntlie to kill them all. Manie dayes had past, since Bassianus had borne greate hatred vnto the Alexandrines and the occasion of his vnkindnesse was, because it was saide, that they scorned him with words, and also derided him in enterludes: saying, it was a scoffing matter for him to make cōparison w t Alexander, to name himselfe Achilles, and to imitate Hercules. Also Bassianus vnderstoode howe they had muche despised him, for y e death of his brother Geta, & laide their toungs vpon his owne mother, notinge her vnchastitie: which iniuries hee wanted not skill to dissemble manie dayes, & after to reuenge the same at an instant.
The case was thus: the feasts beeing finished, he commanded proclamation to be made, that al the lustie young men, either straungers, or natiues of the countrie, shoulde muster in a fielde, to the ende he would see, viewe, and also arme them after y e olde manner: saying, that frō thence foorth his will was, that al his men of warre should fight, not after the order of the Romanes, but according to the fashion of the Greekes.
Greate glorie, and also vaine glorie possessed the Alexandrines, when they hearde these proclamations: and [Page 358] he that might soonest, came first into the fielde: conceiuing, that such as were the wordes of the crier, such should be the workes of the Emperour. All the youth of Alexandria remaining in the fielde, Bassianus with all his armie in armour issued forth to beholde them, and he commaunded to bring them selues into a square, to y e end, that one by one, shoulde passe before him, of whome he woulde take his choyce and presently after giue them armour. Nowe when the miserable Alexandrines stoode all as sheepe together vnarmed, Bassianus gaue a signe vnto his soldiours, to giue the charge as vpon enimies: who in their slaughter made so great haste, that within an houre, those fieldes were all couered, not with flowers, but with dead bodies.
Greate was the hurte that Bassianus committed that day vpon the Alexandrines: for that he lefte the widowes without sonnes, graundfathers without nephues, vnckles without cousines, brethren without brethren, and neighbours without friends: in such wise, that none remained that was not slaine, or else tormented with the death of others. The place where Bassianus committed this greate treason, and so inhumaine crueltie, was in a broade plaine fielde neare vnto the greate riuer Nilus: and the number was so greate of them which were slaine, that the bloude by streames ranne through those fieldes, and stayned and died that riuer Nilus: in such extreme manner, that that so stately a riuer semed not to runne with water, but with bloude. The Alexandrines may not be excused of their faulte, in speaking euill of Bassianus, defameing his mother, & representing his vile factes in enterludes. Admitting that of euil we can speake but euill, yet princes enter not into this reckoning, whose workes we haue licence to iudge onely in our hartes, but not with the toung to blaspheme and despise them.
And albeit the offence of the Alexandrines was verie great, yea, though it had béene much greater, yet without comparison, muche more vehement was the crueltie that [Page 359] Bassianus did execute on them: which if he had bene, as he ought to haue bene, the contrarie he would haue perfourmed: for In the houses of heroycall and excellent princes, chastisement is giuen by ounces, and clemencie without measure.
CHAP. X. Of a letter which Bassianus did write vnto the kinge of Parthians to haue his daughter in marriage.
IT séemed vnto Bassianus, that to robbe temples, to sacke townes, to subuert walles, and to kill the whole neighbourhood of Alexandrie, was but a smal matter, in respect of his vile and cruell conditions wherwith he was inclined: and to this ende he determined to attempt so rare and odious a treason, y t all men which should heare or reade therof, might counte his crueltie past but a trifle. Euen as amongst such as be vertuous, one vertue awaketh another vertue: so amongst the wicked, one euill or mischiefe draweth with it another mischiefe: in such wise, that there are some persons so vowed vnto euill and mischiefe, that without delaie fall into the profunditie of all manner of vice and mischiefe. The case was thus, that Bassianus séeing himselfe in the Easte partes, had a desire to make a conquest of the Parthians: and for that he durste not make them warre openly, he remembred to deuise a treason for them in secreate. So much more vile was the facte, as small was y e occasion which moued him to commit the same: for at that present the Parthians with the Romanes, & the Romanes with the Parthians, were in greate friendship, and confederacie.
Without aduice of parentes, friends, or counselers, Bassianus sente a greate Ambassage vnto Arthabanus king of Parthia, sending also manie and rich iuels, and writinge with his owne hande a letter after this manner.
Bassianus Antoninus, onely Emperour of the Romanes, to Arthabanus the greate king of Parthians, health, and good fortune. ⸫
The famous auncient Romanes, and many of the principall of my predecessours, came from the West into Asia, onely to make warre vppon this thy kingdome: but I come not to make thee warre, but to seek peace, and to this peace, both thou & I haue to search a meane, that it may be perpetuall: for otherwise, a iust warre were more safe for princes, then a fayned peace. As wee read in bookes, and heare of our forefathers, there is not a more briefe and sounde waye, for greate enimies to growe to bee faithfull friendes, then by recouering newe aliance by the waye of marriage: for in true and faithfull marriages, as the married be ioyned in bodies: so be they lincked and confederate in heartes and mindes. Although some Princes haue married with the daughters of Consuls and Senatours, and admitting they haue so done, I will not so doe: for that I was borne a prince, and am a prince, and will dye a prince: wherefore, I will not marrie but with the daughter of a Prince. When congruently or aptly it may be done, it agreeth not with the maiestie of the Empire, that the Prince this day should holde him for his father in lawe, whome he helde yesterday for his vassall. Although the wiues of Princes vse not to commaunde and gouerne, yet we must graunt, that when [Page 361] Princesses be the daughters of high Princes, and desscended of royall bloud, the people and subiectes are more honoured, satisfied, and pleased: and such bring foorth children more noble and generous. The Empire of the Romanes, and the Empire of the Parthians, are two the moste renoumed Princes throughout the whole worlde: for, notwithstanding the one at times hath subdued the other: yet neuer intirely had the one lordship of the other. I am prince of the Romanes, and thou art Prince of the Parthians: if thou wilt marrie thy daughter with mee, with greate good will I would matche with her: and after this manner, of two diuided Empires wee shall make one in concorde. These two Empires beeing ioyned, may there be any kingdome that will disobey them? or any king that shall dare to saye against them? I demaunde not thy daughter for her beautie, for there are others muche fairer in mine Empire: neither doe I request her for thy richesse, for I haue sufficient, neither doe I craue her, to recouer more vassals: for I haue kingdomes ynough subiecte vnto mee. But I do it, because of auncient enimies, wee might frame our selues immortall friendes: in such wise, that as hitherto we haue had you in contempt, as barbarians, from hencefoorth wee shall behaue our selues as brethren.
Thincke not that I write thus vnto thee, by thy fauour to be reuenged of mine enimies: or, for that my kingdomes haue rebelled against mee (as thou shalte vnderstande by these mine Ambassadours) which my father lefte vnto mee so plaine, and their Princes so dedicated to obedience, that they doe not onely accomplishe what I commaunde them, but [Page 362] also request mee to inioyne them more.
If in this which I write to thee, thou thinkest there be deceipte, thou oughtest also to conceiue, that I shalbee most deceiued: partely, for that beeing (as I am) a Romane Prince, and partely, because I am the person whiche sueth: for that in this marriage thou aduenturest not more then thy daughter: but I committe vnto Fortune, mine honour, goods, and person. Herein I will saye no more, but I praye thee to receiue these iewelles which I sende thee in good parte: and to that which mine Ambassadours shall saye, giue credite.
The king of the Parthians, after he had read this letter, and hearde the Ambassadours what they had to saye in the behalfe of Bassianus, did aunswer him after this manner.
CHAP. XI. ¶Of another solemne letter, wherein the king of the Parthians aunswered Bassianus.
Arthabanus, king of the auncient kingdome of the Parthians, to Antoninus Bassianus, the onely Romane Emperour, health, & prosperitie.
[Page 363]Before all thinges, I giue thankes vnto the immortall Gods, because they haue put into thy heart, that which thou hast written: and that which thou with thy Ambassadours hast sent to saye vnto vs. By that which I haue read in thy letters, and hearde of thy Ambassadours, I knowe that thou beleeuest in the Gods, and hast not taken counsell of men: for men alwayes giue counsell vnto Princes to make warre: but the Gods alwayes persuade them to keepe peace. Thou sayest that the Romane Princes, thy predecessours, alwayes passed into Asia, with a minde determined to make warre with the Parthians▪ but ioyntly herewith, I would thou shouldest consider, that as the warre which ye tooke in hand against vs was vniust, so fortune was vnto them, alwayos vnfortunate: for it is not the will of the Gods, that by an vniust warre, an entire victorie should be obteined. Ye Romanes tooke the enterprise to be Lordes of the whole worlde: and to prosecute the same, ye rigged foorth many nauies and fleetes, ye ioyned greate armies, conquered straunge prouinces, destroyed many kingdomes, killed much people, robbed infinite treasures, and aduentured your selues into great and immeasurable daungers: and in the ende, that which they had obteyned, they lost, yea, the conquerours also lost them selues: because, whatsoeuer is gotten to the preiudice of another man, is lost to the greate hurte & offence of him that obteined the same. That which thou promisest in thy letter, and in thy name thy Ambassadours offer mee, I am not onely bound to accepte, but also deserued greate displeasure, if I durst denie the same: beecause it is a thinge moste iuste, that the Goddes make warre vppon [Page 364] y t prince, which refuseth the request of men in peace. Thou sayest that the chiefest meane to cōfirme peace is, for princes to practise marriage betwixt thēselues. I denie not, but that in some persons it is moste true, but it is no generall rule for all men: for we daily see betwixte moste neare kinred and alies, moste greate quarelles and scandals to arise. My greate graundfather was father in lawe vnto kinge Arsacidas, and afterwardes the one slewe the other in y e fielde: and y e verie same we heare reported to haue chaunced amongst you: Pompey married with the daughter of Iulius, and afterwardes Iulius ouercame and destroyed Pompey his sonne in lawe: in suche wise, that the marriages which they made to conserue peace, did awake and inflame them to more cruell warre. The Prince that hath feare of the Goddes, and is naturallie giuen to peace, may not finde a better meane to obtaine the same, thē to be quiet in his owne realme: for, speakinge the verie trueth, the prince that is satisfied with his owne proper estate, needeth not to seeke affinitie in straunge kingdomes. Vnto my father were offered greate, noble, and mightie mariages frō straunge kingdomes: whereunto he woulde neuer consente, either hardely indure to heare thereof: and woulde ofte say vnto me, that manie kinges and kingdomes he had seene lost by mariage in straunge countries, and therefore woulde not marrie me, but within his owne kingdome: and saide, at the houre of his death, that if I woulde liue manie yeares in peace, I shoulde not abandon my children to straunge marriages.
I had three sonnes, whiche nowe bee all deade, and there remaineth vnto me but only one daughter, [Page 365] in whome remaineth all my hope: and if the Gods would, and my destinies permitte, I woulde giue her an husbande within mine owne naturall countrie, whome I might esteeme as my sonne, and he me as his father: for my intent, is, not to giue her an husband that hath much goods, but in his person greate worthinesse.
To that which thou sayest of the kingdoms of Parthians, & the Empire of Romanes, would do verie wel to be ioyned in one: thou hast great reason in that which y u sayest, if it might be done with as great facilitie, as it is spoken: but how is it possible they may be made one, being (as they are) so strange in nation? so distant in situation? so distinct in language? so diuers in lawes? and aboue all the reste, so contrarie in conditions? Since betwixt you and vs, there are so manie landes, countries, nations, hills, and seas: howe is it possible, the bodies beeing so distante, that the harts may be vnited? Wee are much better knowne vnto the Godds, then wee knowe our selues: and since they haue created vs, and separated vs, the one from the other: howe is it possible for vs to liue, and enioy together? for by greate diligence that men may vse, either power that princes may practise, it is impossible for them to scatter that, whiche the Godds do gather together: or to ioyne that whiche they do separate.
If thou wilte haue men for thy warres, I wil sende them! If thou wilt haue money to inrich thy treasure, I will furnishe thee! If y u wilt enter peace with mee, I will graunte it! If thou wilte that wee be brothers in armes, by othe I will confirme it! Finally, I excepte nothing betwixte thee and mee, but that thou [Page 366] do not craue my daughter to wife: I am determined, & wil not, for giuing my daughter a good marriage, leaue my countrie tributarie vnto straunge people. The precious iuells and greate riches which thou sentest me, I haue receiued with greate good will, and I sende thee others, although not such, either so riche: neuerthelesse thou mayest alwayes cōceiue by them, that the kinges of the Parthians, haue greate treasures in their keeping, and no lesse noblenesse of minde to spende them. No more, but the Goddes be thy defence, and that thou of me, and I of thee may see good fortune.
CHAP. XII. Howe Bassianus committed a greate treason against the Parthians.
THis letter being receiued by Bassianus, he made semblance of greate sorrowe, that the kinge of Parthians would not giue him his daughter to wife: howbeit, he ceased not therefore eftsones to write, & sende more presents, to bringe to passe by importunities, that which of will he might not frame. Arthabanus considering the importunities of Bassianus in writinge, and his largesse in sending more riche iuells, not doubting y t anie guile might be concealed in that marriage, did yealde him selfe vnto the iudgmente of his friendes: who counselled him, that hee shoulde not in anie wise, but accept the Emperour of Romaines for his sonne in lawe: for it might be, that hee shoulde recouer him for an enimie, that would not accept him for a sonne. The fame beeing spread throughout all [Page 367] Asia, that the kinges daughter shoulde marrie with the Emperour of Rome, Bassianus aduised to repaire and prepare with all speede: so that in all cities of the Parthians where he passed, they did not only not resiste him, but with greate ioy did receiue and feast him: for they helde it for greate vaine glorie, to sée their princesse demaunded for wife by the great Emperour of Rome. In all places where Bassianus passed, he offered riche sacrifices in their temples, and gaue greate rewardes vnto suche as did attende and receiue him: all whiche he dissembled, to escape suspicion of the exceeding malice, whiche he determined to execute. Bassianus beeing arriued at the greate citie Parthinia, where most times the greate kinge of Parthians was residente: Arthabanus issued foorth to receiue his sonne Bassianus, who most truly ranne foorth, as cōformable vnto peace, as Bassianus readie and determined for the warres. There issued foorth with kinge Arthabanus, not only the noble and valiaunt personages of his house and courte, but also all the men of power and wealth of his kingdome, which against that day were called and did attende: in such wise, y t by his traine y e kinge discouered his valure, as also the noblenesse of his people. Nowe when the Parthians beganne to ioyne with the Romaines, and of both partes greate courtesies offered, Bassianus gaue a signe vnto his armed knights, to giue a charge vpon the Parthians, vpon whome they executed as greate a slaughter, as Hanibal at Canasse, and Scipio at Carthage. The kinge Arthabanus as he came in the troupe of all his royaltie, tooke his seruaunts horse, and gaue him selfe to flight: and then as it was night, & his horse verie swift, he had leasure to escape with his life: although not able to defende his countrie.
This beeing donne, he sackt the royall palace, and al the citie, and after commaunded fire to be giuen to all partes thereof, whiche he perfourmed in all cities where he passed, all the time that he remained in Parthia: and freely gaue licence vnto his armie, to take what they might, & to kill whome they would. This was y e manner y t [Page 368] Bassianus vsed, to subdue the Parthians: whiche conquest with more reason may be termed y e inuention of a traytour, then the conquest of an Emperour: for the innocente Parthians were rather solde, then ouercome. At the presente when these thinges passed, Bassianus did write vnto the Senate: aduertisinge them that hee had subdued all prouinces and kingdomes of the Easte vnto the Romaine Empire: some by force, and others by good will: and that allthough the Romane princes, his predecessours, did excéede him in yeares and riches: yet not to be comparable vnto him in victories. The Senate béeing ignorante of the greate treason of Bassianus practised against the Parthians (because they receiued his letters, before anie other messenger had made reporte thereof) were verie ioyfull, and made greate feastes in Rome, placeing his counterfeit vpon all the gates of the citie: but after they vnderstoode the trueth of the treason committed, they were so muche grieued with that so vile a deede, that if the Parthians did suffer, the Romanes did bewayle.
CHAP. XIIII. How Bassianus was slaine by the commaundemente of his priuate captaine Macrinus.
THe Emperour Bassianus beeing departed from the territories of Parthia, came vnto the prouince of Mesopotamia, which was in the moneth of October: and beeinge full of woodes wherin were bred manie wilde beastes, he woulde remaine in the thickest thereof: for that he was more giuen to chase in mountaines, then to hawke in fieldes.
The captaines of Bassianus armie were two Romanes, named Audentius, and Macrinus. Audentius was a rustical person, as concerning maters of y e cōmon wealth: but verie expert & valiaunt in warrelike affaires. Macrinus [Page 369] contrarywise, in gouerning the common wealth, was wise and skilfull: but in martiall affaires, somewhat negligent, and not ouer fortunate. Bassianus did like very well of Audentius, and no lesse euill of Macrinus, and did not only wishe, but also said of him much euill: murmuring that hée was negligent, a coward, vitious, an epicure, a glutton that did eate much, and drincke not a litle: and that at his comming to Rome, he would remoue him from all charge in matters of warre. Macrinus was a man very wel learned, and in his speach no lesse reformed: and in all thinges that they said vnto him, touching that which Bassianus should speake of him, he aunswered: that whatsoeuer his good lord had said of him, was spoken of great affection, not to the end to defame him as an enimie, but to correcte him as a sonne. Although Macrinus vsed this speach openly, yet he had other matter in his hart secretly, as afterwards in the successe of affaires it manifestly appeared: for, at such time as Bassianus would haue remoued Macrinus from his honour and estate, Macrinus dispatched him of his life.
The case was thus, that Bassianus being inclined of his owne proper nature, to knowe secretes, not onely of men, but also of Gods, and diuels, alwayes fearing himselfe, that by practise of some treason, they would take away his life, hée was neuer void of the conuersation of Sorcerers, sothsayers, and inchanters, to aduertise him how long hee should liue, and what death hee should die. Not satisfied with such Magicians, sothsayers, sorcerers, and inchaunters, as did attend on his person in the warres, hee would send vnto the Prefect of Rome named Maternianus, to whome Bassianus committed the credite of his secretes: writinge a letter vnto him with his owne proper hande, commaunding him, with great diligence and secrecie, to assemble Magicians, Sorcerers, Sothsayers, Inchaunters, and Astrologians, to know of them, not onely how long he should liue, and how he should die: but also to demaund of them, if there were any person within the Empire, that [Page 370] desired or procured to be Emperour. Maternianus performed all that, which his Lord Bassianus had written vnto him: whether it were any magician or sothsayer that said it, either any enimie of Macrinus finding opportunitie for his purpose: Maternianus did write and aduertise Bassianus, that he had assembled all the sorcerers, inchanters, diuiners, magicians, sothesayers, astrologians and augurs: and that the resolution of their counsell was, that if hee would enioy y e Empire, it were conuenient that Macrinus were slaine. At the instant when the post returned w t his letters from Rome, Bassianus was placed in his coche, to go foorth on hunting: & not remēbring what he had written, either presuming what might be writtē, said vnto Macrinus, that he should open and read them all: and if that he found therin matter of great importance, to consult therin: and al other smal matters, that he himselfe should prouide aunswere, and dispatch. Macrinus reading these letters, as wel such as were written vnto Bassianus, as vnto himself, came also to read the letter of Maternianus, wherin he aduertised Bassianus of the aunswere which the magicians had giuen him, which is to say, that presently it were conuenient that Macrinus should be put to death: whereof he was not a litle abashed, holding it for great good hap, that this secrete had chaunced into his onely handes, before any other person: for, at the instant that Bassianus might haue read this letter, he would haue cōmaunded Macrinus his head to flée from his shoulders. Macrinus doubting, that Maternianus might returne to write of the former matter vnto Bassianus, and that, were it but for cōcealing that letter, hee would shorten him by the shoulders, aduised to practise the death of Bassianus, before he should experiment the same on him. Amongest them that garded the person of Bassianus, there was one Martianus, who accordingly had a brother also of his guard (him for a small displeasure Bassianus commaunded to be slaine) and with Martianus vsed woords of great despite: in such maner, that Martianus w t those woords remayned disgraced, & of his brothers death [Page 371] gréeued and afflicted. After Macrinus vnderstoode this passion to reigne in Martianus against Bassianus, hee first entered with him in familiaritie, and gaue him siluer and gold, receiued him into his friendship, and euery day lead him into remembrance of the vniust death of his brother: to the ende hee should not growe cold, but hote in hatred against Bassianus. Now when Macrinus felt, that by his benefits he had recouered Martianus for his faithful friēd, and brought him into great disdaine and mortall hatred of Bassianus, he grew to cōposition to depriue him of his life, for which déede, his reward should be great: whereof Martianus did take great delighte, and bound himselfe to performe the same: partly to reuenge the death of his brother, as also to condescend vnto the request of his friend Macrinus. Bassianus being resident in Careuca a citie of Mesopotamia, came foorth to visite a temple of the Goddesse Luna, two miles distant from the citie: and being constrayned vppon the way, to vnburden his bellie, hee entered the thickest of the couert, accompanied but with one seruaunt: and Martianus that attended but opportunitie to accōplish his promise, entered vppon Bassianus being withdrawen into the thickest of the shrubs, prosecuting his necessitie al alone, Martianus strake him with a launce downe flat vppon the ground: which wound was so mortall, that without more woordes, or strength to moue, where the launce went in, the life came out. After that Martianus had slaine Bassianus, he toke his horse and fled: but as the imperiall guard was at hand, within a leage he was ouertaken, and slaine with launces: in such wise, that after hee had taken reuengmēt of his enimie, he enioyed his life but one hour. This was the end of the vnhappie Emperour Bassianus, whose life did merite a slaunderous death: for that it was not vnreasonable, that he which had kild so many friends, by treason should be slaine with enimies.
CHAP. XIIII. ¶How Macrinus excusing himselfe of the death of Bassianus, did aduaunce himselfe with the Empire.
ON the selfe same day that Antoninus Bassianus was borne, which was the eight of April, he was slaine, xliiij. yeares of his age being accomplished, and vj, yeares of his Empire and reigne expired. The first man that came vnto him after he was slaine, was Macrinus, who bewailed his death with so great dissimutation, as if he had not béene the mā that procured so vile a déede. Macrinus was right fortunate that Martianus was slaine when hee was taken: for all men thought and also said, that Martianus had slaine his Lord Bassianus, not by inducemente of any person, but to reuenge his brothers death. Many others were of this conspiracie besids Macrinus, that ordeyned it, and Martianus that sought y e same: y t is to say Nemesianus & his brother Apolinarius, Renonuus & Agrippa, al which had sworn his death: some for iniuries which they had receiued, & others for seruice vnrecompenced. Presently vppon Bassianus his death, Macrinus commaunded his body to be burnt, and his ashes to be placed in a coffin of gold: & so with great gard, and no lesse accompanied, hee sente the same vnto Iulia his mother in law, being then at Antioch: who at the instante when she vnderstoode Bassianus to be dead, dranke a litle poison, wherewith she finished her life. The case stāding in this estate, newes arriued at the Romaine campe, that Arthabanus king of Parthians pursued Antoninus Bassianus, to execute vengeance for the iniurie which he had receiued: and to the same end, the king & his knightes, before they came to the field, made a vowe vnto their Gods, neuer more to returne with life, before they had slaine the Emperour Bassianus. The Romanes beheld themselues in great confusion, on the one parte, findeing themselues in so straunge a Countrie wythout [Page 373] hope of succour, and also for the death of their prince and their enimie so néere at hand: to repaire and remedie which mischiefe, with great diligence they elected a prince named Audentius, a man of honest life, and of great experience in the warres: which he refused, alledging for himselfe, age and sickenesse: and that of his election hee might not gather but trauel & offence vnto the common wealth. Two dayes was the armie without an Emperour, and in the end vppon Audentius his refusall, they elected Macrinus for Emperour, which election did rather procéed of necessitie, then of will: because their Parthian enimies were very néere, & the worthie persons of the Empire very farre. ‘Aboue wée made mention of Iulia, the mother in law vnto Bassianus: this Ladie being a widowe, and resident in the Court, in the summer time Bassianus beheld her at a feast, as she was, halfe naked, and inflamed with her loue said vnto her these words. If it were possible to renounce this name mother, which I owe thee: from henceforth I would call thee wife. Iulia aunswered: If thou wilt, thou mayest, because princes haue authoritie to make lawes, but are not bound to obserue them. And as in Bassianus loue did abound; so finding in Iulia a readie minde, presently he married with her: in such wise, that vnto patricide he added incest: that is to say, that hauing slaine his brother Geta, also he married his fathers wife.’
Bassianus naturally was euil inclined: and if his father were cruell, he was most cruell: in eating disordinate, in drincking vntemperate: for many times in his excesse of drinke, he would talke at large. From his infancie he was hated of all persons, no lesse of his owne, then of strangers, the Pretorian knights onely excepted: which was not for the benefites, that of him they had receiued: but for the libertie which he gaue them to robb and steale. Some notable buildinges hee erected in Rome, especially certaine stately bathes, which hee named after his owne name, in cost and curiousnes excéeding all workes and buildinges in Rome. He made also a gate in Rome, & called it Seueriana, [Page 374] in the reuerence of the name of his father Seuerus: wherin he caused to be grauen al the victories and triumphes that his father had obteined, either after or before he was Emperour. Hee was the first that brought vnto Rome the image of the Goddesse Isis: vnto whome he edified a sumptuous temple, and therein did constitute priestes. He left no child either legitimate or not legitimate, but Heliogabalus, whom he had by a néece of his mother Iulia, of whom we will speake in the historie following.
The life of the Emperour Heliogabalus, compiled by sir Anthonie of Gueuara, Bishop of Mondonnedo, preacher, chronicler, and counseller vnto the Emperour Charles the fifte.
CHAP. I. ¶Of the linage and nouriture of the Emperour Heliogabalus.
THE second wife of Seuerus was named Iulia, which was mother vnto Geta, and mother in lawe vnto Bassianus: this Iulia, when she was married vnto Seuerus, brought vnto Court with her an elder sister, named Mesia, a woman of proportion sufficient faire and comely, but of condition very wilie. This Mesia had with her two daughters, whereof the elder was named Semiamira, and the yonger Manea: both borne in the Emperour Seuerus his Courte, and bred and nourished a long time after in the house of the Emperour Bassianus. The writers of those times do not name, who was the husband of Mesia, and the father of Semiamira, & [Page 375] of Manea: and therefore doubted to be conceiued in adulterie, or that the father was of linage obscure.
Mesia remayning in the Court of Seuerus with her two daughters, being young & very faire, Bassianus the sonne of Seuerus had accesse vnto Semiamira, and begate of her a sonne named Antoninus Caracalla: and for the loue of Iulia his aunt, and also to the end the damosell should not bee despised in the sighte of Seuerus, the graundmother vsed so great skill in this busines, that no person of the Courte might perceiue the daughter to be with child, or brought a bed: or whether y e child was put foorth to be noursed. The auncient linage of this womā Mesia, was of Phoenicia, & borne she was in a citie called Mesania, néere vnto whiche place (in times past) a battell had béene fought, betwéene y e Rhodians and the Phoenicians. Antoninus Caracalla on the fathers side, was sonne vnto the Emperour Bassianus, and on the mothers side sonne of Semiamira: and conceiued in adulterie. Whē y e child was fiue yeares of age, he was brought vnto the Courte, and there bred & nourished with the mother and graundmother: but all the dayes that Bassianus liued; they neuer durst say that it was his sonne: because Iulia his aunt and mother in lawe to Bassianus, had married with the selfe same Bassianus: and if she had knowen the child to be such, she would haue slaine it, banished her Néece, & sent away her sister. This woman Mesia was so wise, & prouident, that in the reigne of Seuerus, at Court all men did serue her, & after in the dayes of Bassianus shée commaunded and gouerned all thinges at her owne pleasure: and this was in such extréeme wise, y t with her he did take counsel for the affaires of the cōmon wealth, and shée did alwayes accompanie him, whither soeuer he went out of Rome, although it were vnto the warres. This Mesia was frank of speach, & of no great reformation of life, howbeit very skilful in al things which she aduentured to take in hand: for, notw tstanding al men had of her great suspiciō, yet they were fewe y t atteyned vnto her secrete drifts. Although on the one part, she was accused to be lewd & loase [Page 376] of life, yet on the other shée was praised, because shée was very wise in all thinges wherein she gaue counsell: which most clearely appeared, for that in the 16. yeares in which she remained in the Courte and manours of those princes (who by her iudgement and opinion were gouerned) shée was neuer séene to twite or reproue any person with her tongue: or giue counsel in any thing that offended the common wealth. Being (as she was) sister vnto Iulia the Empresse, and so accepted with those princes, this Mesia was marueilous riche: and the cause thereof was, that all good thinges which were vacant in the Empire she craued, and whatsoeuer was giuen her shee receiued. The second daughter of this Mesia, named Manea, maried with a Cō sul named Verius, and brought him forth a sonne, then named Alexius, but afterwards Alexander the Emperour: in such wise, that this Mesia had one sister, an Empresse: & sawe her two nephues Emperours. Mesia doubting that some day it might come to the notice of Iulia her sister, ‘that Antoninus Caracalla was the sonne of her husband Bassianus, aduised to send both her nephues vnto her owne proper countrie of Phoenicia, there to hold them more safe, and better taught. In the prouince of Phoenicia was a most sumptuous temple, dedicated vnto the God Heliogabalus, the woorkemanship whereof was wrought all of sawen stone, as if it had béene timber, in the ioyning whereof their appeared no seame, but all mē iudged (that knew not that secrete) that the whole temple had béene made of one stone. There was not in that temple, as was in other tē ples, which is to wit, any image or simulachre of any God: but that which it conteyned, was a blacke shining stone, great & large beneath, and vpwards more narrow, wherein was grauen the Sunne and the Moone, right curiously & subtily, which in viewe and beholding did dazill the eyes of men. The people of Phoenicia did report, that the temple was made by mans hand, but the stone was sent by the Gods from heauen: for which cause they offered vpon the same, siluer, gold, iewels, and other great riches: and it [Page 377] was visited, not onely by the natiues of Phoenicia, but also from many partes of Asia.’
‘In that temple, there were not onely priestes, but also Philosophers: to the ende that some should sacrifice, and others teache and refourme maners: because that temple was indued with so great riches, that there was sufficient both for the one & the other. Heliogabalus being of y e age of xiiii. yeres, and his cousin Alexius of the age of twelue yeares, their graundmother Mesia placed them in that temple, to enure them to offer sacrifices, & to learne Philosophie. These two brethren went apparailed after the manner of two Priestes, which is to wéete, in shirtes of Linsey woolsey, their garments of gold and cotton, their sléeues buttoned with Corrall, their robes trailing, their heades couered with silke calles, about their neckes collars of golde, their féete bare vppon the instep, leaden ringes vppon their little fingers, and ringes of golde vpon their thumbes: but aboue al the rest, they might not eate but in their houses: either sléepe but in their temples. And because Antoninus was Priest, and brought vp in the temple of the God Heliogabalus, that is to saye, a Priest of the Sunne, he was afterwardes named Antoninus Heliogabalus: and also many dayes after that he was exalted vnto the height of the Empire, he kepte the garments, and receiued the stipend of his auncient priesthood. Heliogabalus was of meane stature, redde haired, white faced, small mouthed, shorte legged, and largely, bearded: and as at that time he was young and faire, and his sacerdotall vestmentes did so adourne him: although the secrete of his parentage was vnknowen, yet all men presupposed that he was of noble bloud.’
CHAP. II. ¶Howe capteine Macrinus did exalt him selfe with the Empire, after the death of Bassianus.
[Page 378]AFter that Martianus had slaine Bassianus his Lorde, through the counsell of Macrinus, presently he exalted him selfe, or (to saye better) did tyrannize the Empire: neuerthelesse, the armies elected him, and the Romanes allowed him: not because they were pleased with Macrinus, but for ioy to sée them selues frée and deliuered of Bassianus.
So generall was the ioye amongest the Romane people, to sée Bassianus dead, that they cared not to consider of Macrinus that should succéede, whether he were good or bad: because, heartes that be tormented, and men that be despighted, when they hap to oppresse their enimies, consider not so much of their profite, as they respect their reuengement. Tenne dayes after Macrinus sawe him selfe Emperour, Arthabanus king of the Parthians gaue him battell, to reuenge the iniurie which Bassianus had done vnto him: this battell betwixt both partes was so contended and so bloudie, that the victorie on that daye remained on neither side: yet least was the losse vnto the Romanes. Arthabanus being aduertised of the death of his enimie Bassianus, and his choler also somewhat alaide, made peace with the Romanes, and with his armies retired into his countrie. After Macrinus behelde him selfe elected, and confirmed Emperour, and king Arthabanus returned vnto his kingdome, and that in all Asia, not so much as a lance in the rest against him, he departed to the citie of Antioche: not of any intent to refourme his armie, but of purpose totally to vowe him selfe vnto vice and filthinesse.
The case was thus, that being setled in Antioche, he gaue héede vnto no other matter, but to the vse of the Bathe, trimming his head, annoynting his bearde, going on hunting, prosecuting gluttonie and excesse, giuing him selfe vnto women: and that which was woorst, he fledde from affaires, and followed vices.
When at any time Macrinus did issue foorth, to viewe [Page 379] his men of warre, he walked not with a lance, but with a Caane in his hande, which they helde for no small iniurie: for that amongest them it was a lawe, that none might passe through their bandes except he were armed, with some armour.
It was a lawe muche vsed and obserued amongest the Romanes, that their Princes did neuer enter armed into the Senate, either vnarmed did viewe their Campes and armies: since in the one they did manage matters of peace, and in the other nothing but warres. ‘ Macrinus heard by reporte, that the good Marcus Aurelius spake sildome, and with lowe voice: and so he vsed for resemblance to aunswere suters, with fewe woordes, and verie base: in such wise, that in his speache he did imitate Marcus Aurelius, and in his life did resemble Nero.’ With none of the Antiochians, either with any person of all Asia, did he consent to haue conference, or to be serued at his table, either enter into his chamber, or sléepe in his house: but after the manner of a tyraunt, with his owne he stoode vppon his guarde, and with straungers not a little suspicious.
‘Auncient persons, his olde horsemen, and the Capteines of his armies, he woulde not commaund to stande vp, although they had long continued vppon their knées: either to put on their cappes, when they stoode bareheaded: wherein, the Romane Princes alwayes vsed greate measure and consideration: for that curtesie costeth little, and profiteth much.’
The money which Macrinus receiued of his rents, or were presented him from the cities, he consumed them all in vices: and on the other parte, he woulde neither paye what he owed, or succour his men of warre: in suche wise, that the people stoode in despaire, and the armies (for want of paye) no lesse despighted.
The Romanes were afflicted with no small griefe, to beholde the tyraunt Macrinus in all his déedes and attempts, and to sée howe the Asians despised him: for they [Page 380] frankely saide, that he did not inherite, but they did electe him Emperour: and their fact to be imputed with greater indignitie, that had chosen a person of so great vnworthinesse. In his apparell, in his diet, and in all his manners and fashions, Macrinus would néedes imitate, not the Romanes, but the Asians: which the Romanes receiued with great griefe, and the Asians with no lesse ignominie: for that so euil a person would néedes resemble thē. For so muche as there were no warres in Asia, or in all the East, either by Sea or lande, the Romane armies would haue returned to Rome, but Macrinus would not consent: doubting (as they were discontented) that they should ioyne with the Senate, and determine to depose him from the Empire. Macrinus was muche blamed, for that he stayed to go to Rome: and much more, for want of pay vnto his men of warre: ‘for that many times, more hurt redoundeth to Princes by holding their armies discontented, then to encounter their armed enimies. In very short space Macrinus had recouered mortall hatred of his armies: of the one parte, to be so absolute a tyraunt, and on the other parte, to be in vice so dissolute, and also so much puffed vp with pride: for that he séemed to extoll himselfe by commaunding, and loathed and despighted with suites of his subiectes.’ ‘ Macrinus was a man of a lowe stature, quarellous, ambitious, and also couetous: but ioyntly herewith, he was valiant in the field, and yet woulde séeke great meanes to liue in peace: & notwithstā ding all these conditions, both good and euil, they woulde neuer haue taken away his life and Empire, if he had not béene nummed with the vices of Asia.’
CHAP. III. ¶Howe the great matrone Mesia bought the Empire for her nephue Heliogabalus.
[Page 381]IN the time that Macrinus was resident in Antioche, the Romane hosts, were in defence of the prouince of Phoenicia: because in that yere, that coūtrie did abound in grain for bread, and the people also were not fatigate or spent with warres. Wée haue said, how in that countrie, there was a temple dedicated vnto the God Heliogabalus: which in buildings was verie magnificent, and of priests much populated. Many Romane captaines, went many times to visite that temple: some to sée, some to pray, and some to offer sacrifices: for that, naturally, the Romanes presumed to be great worshipers of their gods, and to hold their tēples in singular reuerēce. Ther was in those daies, in those temples, two young priestes first cousins: one of whiche was named Heliogabalus, and the other Alexius: these yong men, in their vestments which they did weare, and in their life which they did leade, were iudged to bée priestes: one the other part, they well séemed by their grauitie, to bée the sonnes of princes. The matrone Mesia was so discreet, secret, and aduised, that the children being of the age of fiftéene yeres, neither them selues, or any other for them, did either knowe, or suspect, who were their fathers, either who their grandmother: but that shée sayd vnto all men, that those children were orphans, and sonnes vnto her auncient seruaunts. When Macrinus did tyrannize y e empire, amongst other errors which hee committed, hée banished the famous matrone Mesia from the courte: not for that hee did so much as suspect her of any euill, but béeing therunto vrged by his vile inclination: for that all princes, his predecessors, estéemed her as a mother, and honored her as a ladie of great souereigntie. ‘In the courte of eight emperours, by the space of 53. yeres, the great matrone Mesia had béene resident, with all which shée vttered of her selfe so great valure, and yealded such estimation of her person, and also of them recouered so great gaine, that when Macrinus did reiect her from the court, she had more riches in her exile, thē Macrinus might finde in the whole empire.’
[Page 382]The matrone Mesia departed vnto Phoenicia, where her two nephues remained, namely Heliogabalus, and Alexius: and as there remained manie Romane gentlemen euill payed and worse pleased, so they ioyned with Mesia, and Mesia with them, to talke and murmur howe Macrinus had slaine, by treason, his lorde the Emperour Bassianus, and made hauock of the Empire & common wealth: whiche matter was moued amongst persons that had desired to remoue this mischief, and on the tyrante also to take vengeance. The matrone Mesia receiued excéeding ioy, to heare with her owne eares, and see with her eyes, howe all the armie was bente against the tyrant Macrinus: and their greatest care was, to finde a man sufficient, and of merite meete for the Empire: because the Romanes stoode with him in great and cruel hatred, for want of pay, and the matrone Mesia no lesse grieued with her exile. The matrone Mesia beholding her selfe in so good & apt assembly, to make her nephue Heliogabalus Romane Emperour, called in great secrecie, sixe Romane captaines of the chiefest of the armie: all which were of great authoritie, and no lesse grauitie. Vnto these sixe captaines Mesia sayd in secrete, howe her nephue Heliogabalus was sonne vnto the Emperour Bassianus, and Semiamira her daughter: and that shée had helde him hidden in Asia, for doubt of y e Empresse Iulia: who (had she knowne it) would haue slaine the childe, and banished the mother. Mesia was not only satisfied to say & certifie these vi. captaines, that the Emperour Bassianus most truely was father vnto that younge man, and nephue vnto her selfe: but ioyntly therewith, she brought them into her chamber, and discouered vnto them an huge masse of golde & siluer, whiche she promised, and sware vpon the altars of the temple, to distribute totally vpon the armie, if they woulde giue the Romaine Empire vnto her nephue.
Vnto these sixe captaines (to whome the matrone Mesia had committed this secreate, and discouered this treasure) shee both promised and sware, to bringe to passe [Page 383] with her nephue Heliogabalus, that he shoulde giue them the moste honourable offices in all the Empire, if in case they shoulde vse the meane to make him Emperour: in so muche that, if other men were payed and recompenced, they shoulde remaine both remunerated and honoured. Greate wisdome was vsed by the matrone Mesia, in this matter of so greate importance, especially in the choyce of so honourable captaines: whose credite was sufficient to frame the whole armie to perfourme the same. Of this example, princes and greate potentates may collecte, that in anie affaires, there is not greater daunger, either more safetie, then soundly to consider, in to whose hands they commende their causes.
The Pretorian bands being euill intreated, and worse payde, great was their ioy, when they hearde that Heliogabalus was y e sonne of Bassianus, for whom the grandmother craued the Empire: whome they all accepted, and bound them selues to receiue for their Emperour: not only to be reuenged of y e tyrant Macrinꝰ, but also to possesse the money. For so much as the temple where he was Priest, was without the citie, agréement was made betweene the matrone Mesia, and the armie, that presently the same night (notwithstanding it were verie late) both her nephue and also her owne person, by strēgth and deuise should be conueyed ouer the wall into the citie, that at the breake of day, they shoulde seaze the citie, and aduaunce Heliogabalus vnto the Empire. Neither was the matrone Mesia slack to acomplish their request, either was there anie wante in the promise made by the Pretorians: but that Mesia and her nephue approching to the foote of the wall, w t purposed engins mounted them ouer into the citie: the young man being placed amids the Romaine captaines, beléeuinge him to be the sonne of Bassianus, by resemblance of his face, and by a marke in his hande, as Bassianus had.
The Romane armies receiued greate ioy, to beholde Mesia and her nephue Heliogabalus: chiefly, to see the [Page 384] young man so comely, faire, and towarde: ‘and in beholding they would all say, that since he had so good a face, necessarily it followed, that his déedes shoulde be vertuous: but his inclination beeing discouered, there was no vice wherein he was not noted: either any vertue wherefore to be praised. The great matrone Mesia (as a woman that dealt in affaires both daungerous and escandalous) would first assure the Empire vnto her nephue, before shée departed from her treasure: and the case was thus. Shée framed all the principals of the armie, presently to sweare vnto Heliogabalus, as their onely Emperour, & to kisse his hande as their naturall Lorde. A matter most truely verie marueilous, and no lesse worthie to be commended vnto memorie, namely, the dispatche and diligence vsed by Mesia in one night: moste manifestly apparant, that within sixe houres, shée brought forth her nephue from the temple, passed him ouer the wall, did yeald him credite to be the sonne of Bassianus, obteined their othes as vnto their Emperour, kissed his hand as loyall subiectes, diuided her treasure amongst the armies, fortified them selues in the fortes of the citie, and brought the whole hoste into armour. At the breake of daye, in euery tower they did sound their trumpets, placed their Standards and Pendons, bothe on bulworkes and corteines, and with loude voices exclaimed through all streates: Viua, viua el Emperador Heliogabalo, hiio del buen Bassiano: that is to saye: happie and long life vnto the emperoure Heliogabalus, sonne to the good Bassianus. This béeing done & proclaymed, Heliogabalus came foorth into the citie, neither on foote or on horse backe, but vppon the shoulders of the moste auncient and honourable of the armie, wearing the imperiall crowne vppon his head, and holding the royall scepter in his hande, and haueing vppon his shoulders, the ensigne of Augusta, & before him the pendon of the Eagle: because these were the ensignes whereby the emperours of Rome were knowen. And now, after y e standards were placed, and the strength of the citie possessed, the armie [Page 385] publiquely proclaimed, and receiued the Emperour Heliogabalus for their lorde and Emperour: presently, the renowmed matrone Mesia did yelde vnto them all her treasure, both siluer and golde, without breache of any promise, or reseruing of any one Iewell. The Romanes were so contented with the matrone Mesia, that there they did both sweare and vowe, to estéeme her as a mother, to hold Heliogabalus for their Lorde, and to persecute the tyrant Macrinus, euen to death.’
CHAP. IIII. ¶Howe Macrinus did write a letter vnto the renowmed Mesia, after he vnderstoode his depriuation of the Empire.
THE tyrant Macrinus was settled with greate securitie, in the citie of Antioche, when they remoued him from the Empire in Phoenicia: for so it hath béene, is, and shalbe, that when Princes moste greedily doe prosecute vices, then their enimies are weauing some webb of most deadly daunger. Heliogabalus was not the full age of seuentéene yeres when he was aduaunced to the Empire: when Macrinus in Antioche heard the newes of y t whiche was don in Phoenicia, he fell into a great laughter, & made a iest of it: chiefely, being certified to be so very a childe, & framed by his grandmother Mesia, whome he helde bothe for a woman ambitious, and also contentious. Those persons that remained with Macrinus (after they hearde of a newe Emperour, & that y e Romane hosts had don him homage and fealtie) aduised & also prayed him, that he would not estéeme the matter ouer light, but with better and riper counsell, should thinke and consider for the remedie thereof: for it might come to passe, by conceiuing it to be but a iest, that the other might remaine Emperour in earnest.
[Page 386]As Macrinus naturally was both ambitious, orgulous, and disdaineful: so he demaunding ynke and paper, presently did write a cholerike letter with his own hands, vnto the famous matrone Mesia after this maner.
Macrinus Ancius, onely Emperour and vniuersall Lord, to the matrone Mesia her person, small health, and lesse grace with the Gods.
Here I am aduertised, that in the offence of the Gods, & vnto my great want of reuerence, thou hast attempted with mine armies, to establish a newe Emperour: which deede exactly declareth thee to be (as in deede thou art) a woman both seditious, and also ambitious: since thou knowest that by meanes of thy toung and mutinie in the common wealth, I did banishe thee my house. Also they saye, that the emperour which thou hast made, is a boye, a priest, a bastard, and thy nephue: whereunto there is no more to be aunswered, but that I shal chastice thee as a woman, and him as a childe: that is to saye, commaund him to be whipt, & thy selfe to spinne. I sweare vnto thee Mesia (by the immortall Gods) that if thou driue mee to take my lance in hand, I will force thee to put thy distaffe vnder thy girdle: for vnto women (such as thou) it were more honestie to be spinning, then to practice mutinies amongst souldiours. Also it is saide vnto me, that thou hast giuen infinite treasures vnto mine armies, to moue them to reuolt from mee, and to elect thy nephue Emperour: these with the rest, be the fruites of thy guyle: for that only [Page 387] of thee, and neuer of any other, it is saide, or shall be saide, that thou hast robbed the Empire, to buy the Empire.
If all princes past had knowen thee as I do knowe thee, neither would they haue giuen credite vnto thy woordes, or faith vnto thy fained workes: but as by thy guileful diligence in their seruice, and presuming attempts in their affaires, thou didst commaund their housholdes, and gathered the fruites of their goodes. I haue heard thee many times boast thy selfe, that thou wast borne in the house of Marcus Aurelius, nourished with Antoninus Pius, and didst dwell in house with Commodus, Pertinax, Iulianus, and Seuerus, Princes very glorious: which if thou hadst remembred, thou wouldest neuer haue committed a deede so vile: for there may not be in the whole worlde a deede more vnseeming, then for him that was bred in the palace of kings, to committ treason against a person of such maiestie. If it shall hap the Gods to permitt, and my sorrowfull destinies so to direct, that in this enterprise I lose both honour and life, I can saye vnto thee Mesia, that which historiographers, who shall write of thee and mee, with trueth may saye, that the Empire came vnto mee by election, but to thine through treason. If thou hadst beene a woman of honestie or honour, thou wouldst not so openly haue defamed thy daughter Semiamira, whome thou chargest to haue accompanied Bassianus, and of her bodie this boye Heliogabalus to haue sproung, for whome nowe thou procurest the Empire: because in the houses of blushing faces, generous and noble heartes, they more esteeme an ounce of honour, then all the wealth and estate of this life. [Page 388] Oh Mesia, howe greate an errour hast thou made in this thine enterprise, onely to reuenge thy rauenous heart, and to make thy nephue an Emperour? namely, thou hast raised a slaunder vppon Bassianus, defamed the royal palace of incest, dishonoured thine vnchast daughter Semiamira, blemished the Empresse Iulia of vnhonest consent, & not stained but imbrued thine owne fame, with the filthie couerture of incestuous adulterie. And since Bassianus, Iulia, Semiamira, and Seuerus haue ended their dayes: wherefore wilt thou (oh traytresse Mesia) dishonour so many that be dead, to honour but one that is aliue? Nowe I knowe (oh Mesia) howe tedious and perilous it is, for quiet men to deale with mutinous women, and passioned as thou art: who hauing no yron to hurte our fleshe, yet committest deedes to defame vs, and speakest woordes to torment vs. Of this treason which thou hast committed against me, I doubt not to be reuenged, and my heart throughly satisfied: for so greate an offence is treason, that if it be in men to offende therein, the Gods haue onely charge to reuenge y e same. It is giuē me also to vnderstand, that this thy nephue was a priest in the temple of the God Heliogabalus: in which matter I do not entermedle and say little, since in this iniurie ye haue not committed offence vnto men, but vnto the gods: but ioyntly therewith I dare saye vnto thee, that since thou hast drawen him foorth of the temple, where he was consecrated vnto the Gods, thou shalt neuer enioy good dayes of him: for that of thy parte, to haue done seruice vnto the Goddes, of Princes thou shouldest haue made priestes, and not of priests Princes.
[Page 389]The Gods demaund nothing which we haue, but if by chaunce wee offer any thing vnto them, they like it not, that wee should returne to take it awaye: for which cause I say vnto thee, and from hencefoorth, do prophecie (O Mesia) that for so muche as thou hast drawne foorth thy nephue from the holy temple, he shall lose the Empire, and thou thy money. The confidence which thou committedst vnto the men of warre, by diuiding amongest them so greate quantitie of golde and siluer, I hope in the immortall Gods, shall all conclude in smoke: for it is an auncient custome among the Romane hostes, not to giue the Empire to the person of moste merite, but vnto him that payeth best. The matter that moste grieueth mee (O Mesia) in this traiterous enterprise, is, to thinke, that I being a man, and a Romane prince, must deale, fight, and contende with a woman: because there may not bee in this whole worlde an equall despight, then for a man to arme him selfe against a woman, whose weapons are but woordes. But the conclusion shalbe, since thou wast borne in the palace of the good Marcus Aurelius, and Heliogabalus being thy nephue, if thou wilt be remoued from this follye, and reduce thy selfe into my subiection and obedience, I will relieue thee of this exile, and to thy nephue Heliogabalus will I giue a Consulship: and if not, wee are come vnto the time, that men must doe what they may, and the Gods as they please.
CHAP. V. Of a letter written by the great matrone Mesia vnto the tyrant Macrinus.
When Mesia receiued the letter from the tyrant Macrinus, her nephue Heliogabalus, & al the principall captaines of the armies beeing present (who of set purpose did beholde her countenance all the time that shée read the same, which matter was both merueilous and to be noted, in consideration of such a letter, so furnished with malice, and fraught with despite) she neither chaunged countenance, or saide one worde after the reading of the same. Aboue all men or women of her dayes, in two pointes this famous matrone Mesia excelled, which is to wéete, for great solicitude in affaires, and souereigne patience in trauells: and so it came to passe, she ofte vsed to say, that shée neuer loste matter by negligence, or euer aunsweared anie man as one passioned. Heliogabalus and all that were present, did not a litle request the renouned matrone Mesia to reade that letter vnto them, or tell what it conteined, which she vtterly refused, saying vnto them, that it were a facte verie euill, presently to reade it, and a déede much woorsse, if after in time and place shée did not shewe it. This beeing done and Mesia withdrawne, shée aunswered to Macrinus his letter after this manner.
Mesia Phoenicia, vnto Ancius Macrinus his person, health and consolation in the Gods.
In this the fronte of my letter, I do not cursse or banne thee as thou didst me, in y e beginning of thine: for wee that be persons bred and trayned in princes [Page 391] courtes, do not a little presume to be praised for our good nourture: and to escape to be noted malicious. Vrbanitie, beneuolence, and good manners, ought not to be loste for anie vnkindnesse, or forgotten for any occasion: for that amongst persons noble & shamfaste, although they doe them iniuries, yet they endure not to speake vile wordes. Thou shouldest haue remembred (Macrinus) that I was a woman, to whōe thou didst write, and thou a man that didst take the same in hande: and that, if thou hadst founde thy selfe offended or dishonoured by me, thou shouldest haue reuenged thy selfe with thy lance, as a noble person, and not with thy penne as a cowarde. The armour and defence of women is the toung, but men defend them selues with their swordes or weapons: wherfore my Lorde Seuerus did vse to say, that it were a great wante in a man, to reuenge his cause with woordes: and too muche lightnesse in a woman to defende her griefe with weapons. But the case shalbe thus, that since thou takest my office, which is to speake, I will take thine which is to fight: for that the glorie wherof thou presumest to haue slaine so manie men, thou shalte be depriued in receiuing thy death at the hands of a woman.
Thou sayest in thy letter, that thou didst banishe me thy house, and caste me out of Rome, as a woman of an euill toung, and seditious in the common welth: Macrinus, thou haste to vnderstande, that I am not so much grieued with that which thou writest to me, as for the occasion whiche thou giuest mee to aunswere thee: because I may not directly aunswere vnto thy vilenesse, without disgraceing of my grauitie.
[Page 392]If I had beene a woman of an euil toung, and reuolting from the common wealth, (as thou Macrinus vniustly reportest) would they haue suffered mee in their courtes? and would the good Marcus Aurelius, Antoninus Pius, and my lorde Seuerus haue retained mee in their houses? In Princes palaces, and in all citizens houses, all vices are couered, or at the least, shadowed, except the person that is seditious, or foule and liberall tounged: which is, not onely intollerable, but much lesse to be hidden. I appeale vnto the immortall Gods for witnesses, if in fiftie & three yeres, in which I haue beene trained and resident in Princes courtes, I did euer hurte any person, either in worde or deede, which thou knowest to be moste true, because all men did loue mee, for that I traueiled and did good for all persons. Thou Macrinus didst banishe mee thy courte, to haue more scope to followe thy vice: for thou wel knowest, & also all persons in Rome, that thy lewdnesse and my grauitie might not dwell vnder one couert. Thou sayest in thy letter, that my nephue Heliogabalus shalbe whipt as a boye, and I, as a woman shalbe sent to spinne: vnto woordes so farre distempered, and of so greate despight as these are, I doe not permitt to be aunswered, but to be reuenged. If, when thou didst write vnto mee and my nephue, woordes so foule, and of so great enormitie, thou hadst remē bred what I was, and what thou arte: which is to weete, that my father was a knight of Phoenicia, & thy father a smith of Capua: thou shouldest haue cō sidered, that in sending mee to spinne on a distaffe, I would send thee to blowe at the bellowes.
To that which thou sayest, that it were more for [Page 393] my honestie amōgest frames to be weauing, then bribing and seducing the armies, which as thou sayest so haue I performed: for I giue thee to vnderstand, that I haue warpt such a webb, as thou neither knowest to vnframe, or mayst cut off when it is finished. Macrinus, thou hadst neede of more vnderstanding, and also of more power, either to whip my nephue Heliogabalus, or set me to spinne: for, notwithstanding our thoughtes be lowe, yet our fortune is high: but thou hast a base fortune, and a hautie hart. Also thou sayest in thy letter, that to make my nephue an Emperour, I haue diuided all my treasure amongest the men of warre: and that of me onely it may be said, that I robbed the Empire, to buye y e empire. To this I answere, that thou hast said right well: if, as thou art a tyraunt thou wert an Emperour: but I buy not the Empire for my nephue, but redeeme it from thee which art a tyrant, and no lesse assured, that the fathers of the sacred Senate wil allow my election, and violate thy tyrannie. In that thou sayest that I robbed the Empire to buye the Empire, proceedeth of vile slaunder, and no lesse falshood: since thou, Macrinus, dost know most certainly, that to obteine riches, I needed not rob the cōmon wealth: because my patrimonie is very great, my husbād left me rich, my sister Iulia gaue me al her treasure, my Lord Seuerus ceased not to giue me monie, the Consul Furius mine vnckle, gaue me a yearely stipend, & for al men for whom I sued, somewhat was presented me: in such wise, that I had alwayes to giue, and at no time founde my selfe in necessitie to craue. If this be true (as it is most true) being a Lady of so great wealth: why shouldest thou Macrinus defame mee with theft? Beleeue me (thou Macrinus) if I [Page 396] iustice, or haddest it by inheritance: but diddest rob it by tyrannie. Also thou sayest in thy letter, that if I & my nephue would yeeld obedience, thou wilt pardon my exile, and giue him a Consulship. To this I aunswere, that now al thinges are so farre concluded, that there remayneth no time to talke of shares: and if wee should vnderstand therein, thou shouldest take what were offered thee, without thy electiō of what should please thee: for that partes and shares in such like cases, are not accustomed to be giuen by traytours, but by Lords absolute in estate. Thou & I Macrinus are incountred in so narrowe a condition, that the Gods, fortune, and also armes, haue to declare thy malice, & my innocencie: thy tyrannie, and my iustice: thy treason, and my fidelitie: thy falshod, and my trueth: thy crueltie, and my zeale: thy pride and my patience: thy treason, and my simple intent: which being done, they shal giue the Empire, not vnto him that desireth, but vnto him that shall deserue the same.
CHAP. VI. ¶Howe the tyraunt Macrinus was slaine in battell.
AFter that Mesia had written her letter, and dispatched Macrinus messengers, she conferred with the principal Captaines of the armie: vnto whom she discouered what Macrinus had written, and how she had answered y e same: who were not a litle gréeued with the discourtesies that it conteyned, and greatly commended the aunswere whiche Mesia had made. And as Macrinus had said in his letter, that the Romaine hostes did vse to giue the Empire, not vnto the person of most deseruing, but vnto him that best did pay them: so y t Romaine captaines were not therewith [Page 397] a litle despited, presently swearing, not once but many times, that Macrinus might not satisfie that iniurie with lesse cost, then with the losse of his head. Macrinus committed no small error, in banishing Mesia, but much more in writing that letter, but most of all in charging the armies with such an outrage: for that it was the totall occasion, for Mesia to recouer more fauour, and Macrinus to lose his credite. ‘Of this so notable example, princes and other great potentates haue to take example, that when their people or vassals shall be altered, or mutined, very much to consider, not only what they do, but also what they say and write: for that in rebellious times, more hurt is done with a word or a letter, then at another time with a notable iniurie. The Matrone Mesia, with her exile not a litle gréeued, and with the letter no lesse displeased: neither would sléepe by night, or rest by day: prouiding thinges necessarie for the warres, and dispatching posts for Italie: for her intent was, to susteine her estate in Asia with armes, and in Rome with letters and promises.’ This citie which Mesia possessed, was of 2000. housholdes, where she made preparation of engins wherewith to whirle, and bulworkes to defend: and further, gaue commaundement, that the moste valiante persons, and most cheyst capitaines should remaine within the same: not onely to resist, but also to offend. When Macrinus read the letter that Mesia had written, and was aduertised by his messengers, how patiently, and without alteration shee read his letter, he was not a little gréeued therewith: for he had opinion of y e matrone Mesia, that shee had skill to dissemble iniuries, and after in processe to reuenge the same.
The Prefect of Macrinus armie, was a valiaunt Capitaine, named Iulianus, whom he sent with his greatest power vnto the citie which Mesia and her nephue Heliogabalus did possesse: giuing commaundement, that he should trauel to take them aliue, to performe his promise whiche he had sworne: which is to witt to set Mesia to spinne, and her nephue to bee whipt. Iulianus was a Capitaine bold [Page 398] and valiaunt, who beséeging the citie, which he thought to be in distresse, more then it was, and giuing a furious assault, hauing skarcely mounted on the topp of the wall, the souldiours of the citie by plaine strength pulled him ouer, cut off his head, and hanged it out on a tower. The morrowe after that these thinges had passed, Mesia commaunded certaine of Macrinus Capitaines, to be called into her presence, who vpon assurance approching vnto the foote of the wall, said vnto them these woords: that which I haue to say vnto you (my friends) is, that ye behold and consider vppon this turret, the head of your sorrowfull Capitaine Iulianus: and say vnto your maister Macrinus, that the distaffe wherewith I spinne is that launce, & that head is the call which I doe weaue and knit. When Macrinus heard the newes of the misfortune that had happened vnto his Capitaine Iulianus, and what woordes the matrone Mesia had said vnto the souldiers of his armie: hée said (as it was reported) with a roring voyce: my destinies be finished, my houre is come, and my fortune is ended. Macrinus with feare had his courage so daunted, that secretely he began to practise with the matrone Mesia, to diuide the Empire with her nephue Heliogabalus: but being (as shée was) in so great readinesse, & no lesse passioned, she would in no wise accept, either as much as giue eare thereunto: and that, if y e Empire were to be diuided, it should be with an Emperour, and not with a Tyrant.
Macrinus perceiuing his offers to be reiected, his words despised, and his presents nothing regarded, determined to make a proofe of fortune, which with the whirle of her variable whéele, many times doeth wound without threatening: and sometimes threateneth without wounding. Macrinus gathering and also paying his armie which hée had in the confines of Antioche, departed vnto Phoenicia, where hee camped very néere vnto the citie, which Mesia and her nephue Heliogabalus defended: who presently sent to giue Macrinus to vnderstand, that hee should not neede to take the paine to assault the towne, for that within [Page 399] very fewe dayes they would issue to giue him battell in the field. Two Romane armies, and two Romane Emperours, were in Phoenicia one against another: Macrinus partie euery day diminishing, and the other not only increasing but also preuailing: for that daily the souldiers parted from Macrinus vnto Heliogabalus, vnderstanding that hee was sonne vnto Bassianus, and did acknowledge him for their Emperour, & kissed his hands as their natural Lord and souereigne.
By the number that daily fledd from him, in their double speach which they vsed with him, in the fickle seruice which they did him, by his bands which daily diminished, and by their weake courage in fighting: Macrinus did clearely perceiue, that hee might not obtaine victorie, but sawe himselfe to be in daunger of a sale vnto his enimies. Macrinus counterfected a shew vnto his souldiers of courage to fight, and yet was in great readinesse to flye: for that at all times, when he issued to encounter or skirmish, he was mounted vpon an horse of great swiftnes, and likewise disguised.
Mesia being aduertised, that Macrinus had greater regard to the safetie of his life, then his honour or goods, prouided to issue at the soudeine to giue him battel: the which although on both sides was throughly imbrued in bloud, and not a litle daungerously contended, yet in the end, Macrinus was put to flight, and staied in a village, but with the losse of his head. This was the end and conclusion of the tyrant Macrinus, which vsurped the Romane dominion xiiij. monethes, and tenne dayes: who was so cruell (besides all other vices) that amongest his owne souldiers he was termed, not Macrinus, but Macellinꝰ, which is to say, butcher: for that in respecte of the humaine bloud whiche hee shedde, hee more séemed a butcher, then a Romane Prince.
CHAP. VII. ¶Of a notable letter written by the matrone Mesia, vnto the Senate of Rome, crauing the confirmation of the Empire vnto Heliogabalus her nephue.
THe tyrant Macrinus being dead and beheaded, presently the two armies ioyned in one: and notwithstanding the one part had followed Heliogabalus, & the other Macrinus, yet the matrone Mesia thought it not méet to moue disputatiō, who had béene traytours, or who had béene loyall: affirming it to be more conuenient time, to win minds, then to reuenge iniuries. Although the matrone Mesia in al other matters past, had discouered her great wisedome, yet in this case aboue the rest she made a shew of her great prudence: for that (to say the truth) in rebellious times, & amongest mutinous people, princes ought not to occupie themselues in chastisements, but in reconcilementes. All the capitaines of Macrinus that escaped the battell, conceyuing howe Mesia commaunded by publicke proclamation, that no man should presume to call them traytours, either vse them with foule woordes, ioyntly assembled of their owne francke minds, to confesse her to be their souereigne Lady: and to kisse the handes of Heliogabalus for their Emperour.
The matrone Mesia vowed her selfe to ioy, for obteyning reuenge of the tyrant Macrinus, and to behold the armies ioyned in one, yéelding due obedience to her nephue Heliogabalus: that from the yeares of lxvj. she discouered a gesture and countenaunce but of xl. yeares of age. Although the matrone Mesia held the Empire of her nephue Heliogabalus safe and established, partly to sée the enimie slaine, as also for the obediēce receiued of both the armies: yet she prouided that Heliogabalus should not intitle himselfe [Page 401] Vniuersal Lord, or Onely Emperour, vntill the Romanes had receiued him, and the Senate confirmed him. Not sixe dayes after these thinges had passed in Phoenicia, the matrone Mesia sent a solemne embassage vnto Rome: and secretly gaue vnto the Embassadors many Iewels to diuide amongest the Senatours, and for time to come in her behalfe to make them great offers: to the end with iewels to trayne them to her purpose, and with hope to enterteine them. This being done, Mesia wrote vnto the Senate a letter sufficiently well indited, after this maner.
Mesia Phoenicia, vnto the sacred Romane Senate, health and grace.
Vnto men so glorious in acts, & so graue in precepts and doctrine, (as ye are right reuerent fathers cōscript) it may seme a matter both new & straunge, for a woman to write vnto the sacred Romane Senate: which renowmed name the Gods to reuerence, & men therat do tremble and are terrified. The matters, which by my embassadours I send to giue you to vnderstand, neither for that I am a woman that may do litle, your grauitie hath not to cōsider of the same as a matter of smal importance: because all men are not so wise, that none doth misse: either al womē so vnable but y t some escape error. Those thīgs which ye shal read in this my letter, or shal heare at y e mouth of my Embassadours, I sweare vnto you by the immortall gods, and by the sepulchres of mine elders, that they be most true & not feigned: for that in a Lady of mine estate, it were lesse infamie to be vnchast, then to be a lyar. I haue heard my Lord Mar. Aurelius say, when I was but a child, that in women alwayes were conioyned, truth & chastitie, [Page 402] and a woman of trueth, was neuer but chaste: & a woman addicted to lying, did neuer continue in cō tinencie. Some of you that now are liuing may remē ber, when y e Empresse Iulia my sister, came to be wife of the Emperour Seuerus, and how in her company I came to the Court, wherin I was long & many yeares both serued and also persecuted: for as in courts of princes, they that seeke their singular aduancement: y e one ceaseth not to persecute the other. Although in princes palaces where I liued, I haue beene persecuted, defamed, and also enuied: yet I beseech the immortal gods, y t the dealing & entreatance, which then I vsed, with such as wished me euil, that the same & no other, they will performe on me, which now wish me well. In 53. yeares y t I haue stayed in diuers princes courts, I neuer dasht any person out of countenance, I neuer toke the tale out of their mouth, I neuer spake any iniurious word, I neuer reproued any persō, I neuer did preiudice any mans name, & neuer iniuriously tooke any vengeance: because in houses of great princes, no man maye obteine aduauncement, if hee lacke skil to suffer. This which I here relate (fathers conscript) is, not to recouer praise, but to the end ye should beleeue me: for if my persō possesse no credite, my embassage must needs haue issue of no effect. Speaking more in particular, I say: ye know that many yeares since my sister and I departed Rome, attending on the emperour Bassianus, and after that the traitour Macrinus had slaine him, Iulia his vnfortunate wife, so sensiblie did feele his death, that by extreeme sorrowe she finished her life. Fortune would not cōsent to depriue me of my vital spirits, when my sister Iulia was bereft of life: and this she did, not to the end to forget mee, but [Page 403] the more to greeue mee: because in great perils and misfortunes, if at y t time fortune did dissemble, it was not so much as to honour them, as afterwardes to bee reuenged of them. Of the death of Bassianus my lord and your emperour, as it was in my hands to bewaile him, if it had beene as well to defende him, either hee had neuer died, or else had beene raised to life: for that most truly, although Bassianus were yonge, vaine, fickle, absolute, & dissolute, yet on the other part, he was patient, silent, and pitiful: and it might haue beene, in the burthen of greater age, he would haue forgotten y e vices of his youth. There is no confidence at al times in most wise men, either despaire in fickle yonge mē: for that we see all day long, that many times age doth bring forth fruite, where reason did not yeld as much as leaues. He that in deede laide hands on Bassianus, was that caytiue Martianus: but he that commaunded him to be slaine, was the traitour Macrinus: a man most truly of base condition, infamous life, obscure linage, an idiot in letters, intemperant in speach, vicious in maners, and a tyrant in his workes. Ye perfectly perceiue (fathers conscript) that a man so much defamed, were a slaunder to be receiued & accepted for a prince: for that in great estates & Segniories, it is not sufficient that their princes be valiant, but also honourable: which is to wit, not to want proportion in their persons, and to haue noblenes in bloud, of all whiche things Macrinus hath no possession: for, besids that he is of obscure linage, infamous of life, cruel of cōdition and false of promise: so had he a swarte visage, and a dwarfs body, he was splay footed, & also proare blind.
Macrinus was not satisfied to haue slaine Bassianus, but also vsurped the Empire: and to heape euill [Page 404] vppon euil, did sweare vppon the altar of the temple, that he had not slaine Bassianus, in such wise, that the periured Macrinus, was not cōtented with homicide and manslaughter: but before the Gods was also periured. But as the Gods are iust in rewarding the vertuous, and not carelesse to chastice the wicked, & that the election of men, being not confirmed of the gods: my nephue Heliogabalus and I, haue herein vsed so great skill, that at the time when the tyrant Macrinus was most abandoned vnto the vices of Antioche, wee cut off his head: in such wise, that Asia was set free frō his tyrannie, and the death of Bassianus well reuēged. The armies that were scattered, discōtented, diuided, and euil payed, we haue gathered together, payed, and vnited: and possesse all Asia in obedience vnto the Romane Empire. Also (fathers conscript) I wish ye to vnderstand, that in the time of life, and also after the death of the tyrant Macrinus, the armies did elect my nephue Heliogabalus Emperour: which election I will not denie but that I desired, practised, procured, and also bought: for that it seemed vnto mee, that the Empire being in the hands of such a tyrant as Macrinus, it was not bought, but redeemed. If in this marte of the Empire I haue offended, I wil yeeld my selfe to al maner of punishment: but therwith I would haue ye to vnderstand, that I bought it with my money, openly of your armie, from a tyrant, farre from Rome, in a rebellious time, and for the sonne of Basssianus: and I say for the sonne of Bassianus, which with most iuste title should haue inherited the Empire: if Macrinus had not vsurped the same.
Fathers conscript, it seemeth not y t I haue deserued blame, much lesse any chastisemēt: because by my industrie [Page 405] and proper goods, I haue paied your armies, set Asia in peace, slaine the tyrant, redeemed the Empire, and aboue all the reste, haue reuenged the death of Bassianꝰ, & giuen as his inheritance apperteined vnto his sonne. As your armies do heare report, and there doe write, they were so poore and in such distresse, y t more iustly it may be said, not that I suborned but succoured them with my monie: because the more part had not to eate, nor garments to weare, aduēturing to rob vppon the wayes, and in townes to silch & steale. And since my nephue is sonne vnto Bassianus, nephue vnto Seuerus, & a young man of himselfe in semblance of good inclination, it seemeth not that we haue erred in his electiō, either shal ye swarue in his cōfirmation: for that in life he resembleth the father, and in courage and noblenesse of minde the graundfather. Neither is this election to be reproued, for his euil nourturing or doctrine: for as ye know, he was not trained in vices, but in temples: not with prophane men, but with honest priests: not robbing on high wayes, but offering sacrifices: not sheading bloud, but teares: not wandering at large, but withdrawen: not persecuting men, but seruing the gods. From a child of much infancie, I offered my nephue Heliogabalus to the gods in the temple: where he hath beene instructed to be milde, chaste, silent, patient, sober pitiful, and abstinent: and if by hap, he shall proue otherwise then nowe hee is, it may be for the libertie that he shal obteine, and not for the doctrine which he hath learned,
All princes past haue beene elected onely of men, but my nephue both of Gods and men: for that I vowed him to doe sacrifices, & the Gods haue rendered him to gouerne kingdomes. [Page 406] Ye Romanes do greatly cōmend your selues, y t ye remoued Quintus Cincinatꝰ from earing at the plough to be Dictatour: but more is my nephue to be praised, that was praying in the temple: for of more excellencie is that man that prayeth before the gods, then he y t ploweth after oxen. In Rome alwayes in times past, the priesthood was diuided from the Empire: but ye see that whiche was neuer seene of your forefathers, namely, that the priest is an Emperour, and the Emperour a priest: in such wise, that with his sacrifices, hee shal reconcile vs with the gods, & with the empire defend vs against our enimies. Fathers cōscript, great & infinite thanckes haue we to render vnto all the gods, for that they haue giuen vs an Emperour which knoweth to pray, & hath skil to fight: for as ye al knowe, few victories are obteined by fight of mē, if the gods do not dispose the same. Although the election of my nephue hath beene done by the armie, and supposed also to be confirmed by the gods: yet neither will I y t he rule the empire, or be established Emperour, vntill by the sacred Senate it be considered, & also cōfirmed: for I hold him not Emperour that is obeyed in Asia, but that is loued & elected at Rome. Since this young mā Heliogabalus is the sonne of a prince, the nephue, the cousen, the brother of a prince, & a prince elected, we haue al to presume y t he shal proue a good prince: for that he is much bound to be good, that is descēded of many good persons. As long as I enioy life, I shall not cease to trauel that his life be such, as the doctrine and nourture which I haue giuen him: and if after my death he shal proue euil, the fault shal then be none of mine, for as ye (fathers conscript) do wel vnderstand, no blame is to be imputed to him that is alreadie dead [Page 407] neither may any excuse serue the manifest fault of the liueing.
CHAP. VIII. ¶How the Romane Senate did allow the election of Heliogabalus, & of the present apparance of his wickednes.
THe Embassadors being arriued, & their Embassage also knowen at Rome, both the Senate and people were in excéeding admiration, when they vnderstood of y e great acts which Mesia had done in Asia, & heard of the letter that she wrote vnto Rome: whereof many copies were made, and sent to diuers townes & cities. In Rome they found themselues in great confusiō, vpon determinatiō of an answere to y e demaund which the matrone Mesia had made, because the Senate doubted her attēpts in time to come: in respect wherof they so deferd their aunswere, y t the Embassadors cōplained vnto y e Tribune of the people. By letters of her Embassadors, the matrone Mesia was aduertised of y e dissention betwixt the Senate and people, as concerning y e election & confirmation of her nephue Heliogabalus: whervpon presently she determined to depart frō Asia, to Italie, vowing w t an othe to constraine the Senat to performe by force, that which they refused to accomplish of their owne accord. The Senate hauing intelligence, the matrone. Mesia to be departed frō Asia to Rome, not to sue or make request, but to fight, forgate not to allow the election of Heliogabalus: commaunding by publique proclamation, that from thēceforth they should hold & estéeme him as their souereigne lord, & obey him as emperour. The matrone Mesia iourneying from Asia to Rome, & vnderstanding that the Senate had confirmed the election of Heliogabalus, stayed in the borders of Greece: for that to returne vnto Phoenicia was very far, & to saile vnto Italie, no lesse late. The winter being past, Mesia in the prime of the Spring sayled into Italie, directing her course streight vnto Rome, where she was wel receiued, and no lesse feasted: although [Page 408] it be most true, at that instant shee was more feared, then beloued: that shee was of so great skill, and of so much patience, that she most wisely could dissemble iniuries, and accept and also gratifie seruice. Mesia was so prudent and aduised, that neither in countenaunce, gesture, wordes or workes, she did either secretly or openly, discouer any malice against any person: but delt with all persons as with her sonnes, and honoured al men as her brethrene. All the Romanes were so pleased with the grauitie of her speach, and the honestie of her life, that on a day the Senate & people being conioyned, requested with great instance, that it might please her to accept the gouernement of the cōmon wealth, since she had therein so great experience, and that her nephue was in Asia. To this demaund Mesia aunswered. Fathers conscript, I do greatly gratifie your request, which vnto me appertayneth not: for that it rather agreeth, with the condition of women, to breede and nourish Emperours, and vnto men to gouerne Empires.
When these matters passed in Rome, Heliogabalus stayed in Phoenicia, attending an answere from his grandmother Mesia: who being aduertised that he was accepted in Rome for their absolute Lord, & souereigne Emperour, came immediatly vnto Antioch, with intent the yeare following to passe into Italie. Heliogabalus finding himselfe escaped, & fréely deliuered from the church, confirmed Emperour, dispatched of the hands of tutours, absent from his grandmother, and in possession of libertie, to liue at his liking, his euil inclination presently appeared: because the vertue (if he had any) of his former life, was but feyned: for the euill inclination of young men, may for a time be dissembled: ‘ but being at libertie, they cannot cloake it. The first insolencie y t Heliogabalus committed in Asia, was, y t he appareled himselfe in a robe wouen w t gold, silke, cotton, flax, & woll, large downe vnto y e foote, sowen all ouer wyth pearles & precious stones: and set a crowne on his head after the maner of Thyara; bracelets on his armes, & earings on his eares: in such maner, that vnto the simple hee gaue [Page 409] occasion to gaze, vaine persons to talke, and wise men to woonder. All that winter he gaue him selfe to learning, not of science, but to playe on drommes, fluites, and suche other pipes, to daunce as a shepeheard, & rustically to sing as a man of the countrie, and to iest as a Iuggler: in such wise, that for him selfe he sought out schooles agréeable vnto the life which he meant to leade. The spring of the yeare béeing come, Heliogabalus departed towardes Rome, where at the porte of Hostia, his graundmother Mesia receiued him: and when shée sawe her nephue, in such libertie of life, and so straunge in apparell, shée was touched with no small disgrace, in respect of suche Romanes as did accompanie her: and no lesse offended of the priuate and fauoured seruauntes that did attende him.’ The matrone Mesia was so wise in her counsels, and so aduised in her actes, that shée conferred with her nephue in secrete, crauing mosted instantly, that in no wise hée shoulde aduenture to enter Rome with that manner of garment: for that it might fall out, in beholding him in the habite of so straunge attyre, they would bothe mutine and be escandalized.
Heliogabalus gaue good eare vnto the counsell of his graundmother, but her request he lefte vtterly vnperfourmed, which was vnto her no small griefe and displeasure: for that shée heard it with her owne eares, and the Romanes also saide it vnto her face, howe contrary the actes of her nephue were to the writing that shée had sent touching him out of Asia.
Heliogabalus béeing arriued at Rome, was receiued of the common people with greate ioye and solemnitie: but the auncient and noble personages of Rome, beholding his presumption in commaunding, his rashe and hastie speache, his greedinesse in féedinge, his straungenesse in attyre, and vnsteddinesse and wantonnesse in gesture, could not satisfie them selues with sighing, & much lesse with murmuring. When a certeine Senatour demaunded that matrone Mesia, why shée did permitt her [Page 410] nepheu to be clad in a vesture, so vnaccustomed, sighing she aunswered: It grieueth me not so much of his straunge attire, as of his wicked manners: because we may steale his garmente, but his lewde conditions wee cannot alter. ‘To celebrate certeine feasts named Quirinales, Heliogabalus commaunded manie beastes to be slaine: and the moste auncient and honourable Senatours to beare the spittes, being fixed vnto lances: in such wise, that he thought to do them no small honour, vnto whome he gaue a lance and a spitte. The matrone Mesia beholding her nephue Heliogabalus, euerie day increasing from better to woorse, the people of him to growe into hatred, and that he would neither beleeue her, either as muche as reuerence her, she forgate not to leaue Rome, and to returne into Phoenicia, where shee had lefte her house, and also her riches.’
CHAP. IX. Of manie vices that were conteined in the Emperour Heliogabalus.
TO reporte at large all the vices of Heliogabalus, were to emptie and drawe drie droppe by droppe the riuer Nilus, or to wade the great riuer of Danubie: because they are so manie, so vile, and so scandalous, that it shoulde be shame to write them, and loste time to read them. Of many we shall write a fewe, and of the most vile the least dishonest: to the ende, y t all men whiche shall sée or read this writing, may conceiue the deserued blame of the Romains, to holde and suffer such a beaste for their Emperour: for that he was not onely vnméete to gouerne a common wealth: but also his life in him was moste euill imployed.
We will write partly of his euil life, to discouer vnto men his euill end: for as y e diuine Plato saide, though men can [Page 411] cloke and dissemble others faultes: yet do not the Goddes pardon their iniuries. This vnfortunate Prince was vicious, absolute, dissolute, and (whereof we haue moste to wonder) neuer weried in his wickednes: for, if vertue be tedious, vice is yrkesome. ‘ Heliogabalus entring the Empire, presently his house was furnished with lyars, Iugglers, & iesters: vnto whome he neither denyed the entrie of his chamber, or the secretes of his house. Heliogabalus greatly delighted to playe and represent the fable and storie of Paris the Troyan, and the Goddesse Venus, who with his complices were clad in such garmentes, as in the chiefest of their playe fell from them, and discouered their nakednesse: that vnto all graue persons, occasion was giuen of murmuring, and to all light persons, of laughing.’
This déede was not onely of greate indignitie, but also escandalous to be represented of a Prince: for it sufficeth not, that Princes be honest in their owne persons: but they must not permitte either worde or deede that is vnhonest, to be saide or done in their presence. They did yerely celebrate a certeine feast named Salabona, which continued thrée dayes, in the firste day they were washed and let bloud, on the seconde they sighed and were silent, and on the thirde they feasted and reioyced in their moste costly attyre, in the memorie of Adonides the greatest louer that had béene in the worlde: the ende of this feast was, to represent the trauels, sighes, sorrowes, graces and disgraces, that louers susteined before their souereigne delight was obteined. Heliogabalus had in his chamber a young man named Zotipus, of bodye, face, and gesture, verie faire and gracious: but of maners and conditions no lesse corrupted: for that in his woordes he was a lyar, in dealing double, false of promise, periured of his othe, and malicious in all his thoughtes.
Heliogabalus was oft aduertised of the words, déedes, and lewd life of Zotipus: but as affection did more reigne [Page 412] in him, then reason, so could he neither be seperated from his conuersation, or giue credit to anie reported that was saide of him, accompting gibes and iestes, gratious recreations: guile, liuelinesse of spirite: deceites, diligence: crosse dealinge, pastime: and malice, subtiltie. Verie worthy was Zotipus of chasticemente, and Heliogabalus of much greater reprehensiō: because if princes haue licence to dissemble the faultes of their fauoured seruants, they ought not to allowe and confirme them: for of great reason none ought to be so acceptable vnto the prince, that opēly dare aduenture to committe euill. At the time of his repaste, he did manie times commaunde Philosophers and orators to appeare in his presence, not to dispute of naturall courses, but of vnchaste adulteries. ‘At time of conference with Ambassadours, Senators, or other graue persons, he would either play with his handes, or twinkle and winke with his eyes, in such wise, that suters departed with disgrace, and not answered. As concerning women he neither spared matrones, married women, virgins, or widowes: but that all such as he fauoured, he either obteined, or else defamed.’
‘In drinking he was also disordinate, for at some times he woulde drinke water, somtimes wine, somtimes ale, somtimes sider, somtimes sodde water, somtimes golden water, some times stild water, and at other times hee woulde not drinke, but brothes and collesses. In the manner of his feeding, he neither vsed authoritie, or obserued grauitie: for at some times, he woulde eate sittinge in a chaire, sometimes on a bench, and sometimes walking: for he vsed to say, that in such manner, he did both eate and digest. Naturally hee was giuen to sleepe verie litle, through the weakenesse of his braine: and slepte in all places without respect, as well in the temple, as in the Senate, in the garden, in the bath, in the bedde, and also in the market place: in suche wise, that hee wanted force to resiste the leaste motions and affections of his inclination.’
[Page 413] Heliogabalus did inuent at Rome, a certeine manner of feasting named, Festum vindemiarum, that is to saye, the feast of grape gathering: which feast was so dissolute & vnshamefast vnto the viewe of y e common people, that afterwards in Rome they neuer cōsented to y e celebratiō therof. He was also greatly addicted to playe at tennis, and whē he was offended with any olde Senatour, either any auncient or honourable Romane, he would sende for him to playe and accompany him: with whome he would playe so much, that in the end the sorrowfull gentleman should departe vnto his house, both tyred, beswett, and drudged, and also many times despoyled of his money. He went verie seldome vnto the temples, was vtterly voide and barren of all friendship or affection vnto wise men, was neuer séene to read in bookes, greatly abhorred suters & affaires, was negligent, either to paye or refourme the armies, made small accompt either of friendes or enimies: finally he was addicted vnto his owne opinion, and a mortall enimie vnto reason.
CHAP. X. ¶Of a letter written by the great matrone Mesia vnto her nephue the Emperour Heliogabalus.
THE greate matrone Mesia being aduertised in Asia, of her nephue Heliogabalus so farre inraged with vice in Rome, did write him a letter after his manner.
My sonne Heliogabalus, when thou departedst from Asia vnto Rome, I hoped to haue heard such newes of thee, as might be ioyfull to thy common wealth, and haue giuen vnto mee greate renounce & glorie: but as I am aduertised here, and also giuen to [Page 414] vnderstand from thence, there thou doest minister matter for all men to murmur: and here vnto mee sufficient cause to weepe. Sixtie sixe yeares are past since I was borne into this worlde, in which I haue buried and bewailed my father Torquatus, my mother Aristina, my sister Phillis, and her husbande Tharsus. Also I buried and bewailed my husband Aristippus, my sonne Lucius Francus, my daughter Dolobella, and her husband Martianus. Also I bewailed and buried the good Emperour Marcus Aurelius, and the Empresse Faustina my good and gratious Ladie: in whose house I was borne, and in whose palace I was married. I also buried and bewailed the Emperour Commodus, the Emperour Pertinax, Annius Pastor mine vnckle, Mirtha mine aunte, Camillus my nephue, and Ioanna my neece. Also I buried and bewailed the Emperour Seuerus, my onely good Lorde and famous Emperour. Also I bewailed and buried thine vnfortunate father, my deare and moste desired sonne: whose name I dare not, either any other, expresse in my presence: because the sounde thereof constraineth mee to breake foorth in teares. I thought it expedient (my sonne) to leade thee vnto remembrance of al these thy predecessours, to the ende thou mayst see, howe small reason it were, that I should bewaile the liuing, since I haue wept all the dayes of my life, for so many persons that are dead. When thou wast borne by stealth, and I did both hide and couer thee: when I did remoue thee from Rome, and brought thee vnto Grecia: when I caused thee to be instructed in Greeke letters, and bred and nourished thee in companie of wise men: when I did offer thee vnto [Page 415] the God Heliogabalus, and made thee a priest in his sacred temple: I thought (my sonne) that all these thinges should serue mee for ioye and peace in my reposed age: and not to bewaile thy childishe youthfulnesse.
In this I acknowledge, how free the iudgements of the Gods are from the thoughtes of men: in that the gods determine one thing, and men suppose another: which hath chaunced both vnto thee and to mee (O my sonne Heliogabalus:) because the childishnesse which thou doest vse, and the vices thou possessest, I did not onely thinke, thou wouldst not committe: but also, that in thy minde they shoulde neuer haue had passage. When I did place thee with the greate prieste Gorgias, caused thee to be apparayled in the sacred vesture, prayedst daily vnto the gods, and also euery weeke diddest offer sacrifice in the temple: I hoped thou shouldest haue proued a Paragon in vertue, and not (as thou arte) a monster in all vice.
If thou wouldest consider, many thinges do persuade, and also binde thee to be good, but nothinge prouoketh thee to be euill: that is to weete▪ to be a man reasonable, to haue beene a priest, to be borne in Rome, to be nowe an Emperour, to haue nourished thee in my house, and to be descended of bloud so noble and generous: for it much prouoketh men to perfourme that which they ought to do, & to remember from whence they be descended. Beleeue mee, my sonne, that with lesse cost, and more ease, thou shalt be vertuous, then vicious: because vices content the fleshe when they are committed, and torment the hearte after they be perfourmed: but vertues [Page 416] yelde not so much griefe in their woorking, as pleasure when we haue giuen repulse vnto vice. I may not comprehende the froward fortune that foloweth thee, or the sorrowfull destinies which haue pursued mee: since I nourished thee in trueth, and thou prouest, and arte become a lyar: I bred thee chaste, and thou arte imbrued with impudicitie: I brought thee vp in temperance, & thou hast stained thy selfe with excesse and gluttonie: I trayned thee in shamefastnesse, and thou rendrest a life moste dissolute: and that which is woorst aboue the rest, thou doest neither feare to offende the Gods, or escandalize men. Admitting thou wouldest not be good, for any offence vnto the Gods that haue created thee, or anye griefe or scandal vnto men with whome thou doest liue: yet oughtest thou so to be, to remoue all heauinesse and displeasure from mee thy olde and sorrowfull grandmother: since thou knowest, I bought for thee the Empire, by the weight of money drawen out of my chestes, and by force of teares issuing & breaking from mine entrailes. My sonne, thou doest well knowe, that to make thee a Romane Prince, I gaue greate giftes vnto the temples, offered vnto the Gods infinite sacrifices, gaue vnto the Pretorians all my treasures, made vnto the Priestes great offers, & sent vnto the Senatours moste riche iewels, all which is nothing: for if it had beene possible, I would haue giuen my bloud vnto the immortall Gods, that thou mightest be one of them. And if I haue erred in purchaseing the Empire, much more should I erre to make thee one of the Gods, since in thee no vertue is to be founde, either any vice wanting. The Gods haue made thee faire of face, gallant of proportion, [Page 417] stout of strength, learned in letters, expert in armes, valiant of heart, delicate in iudgement, and bolde in perils: but what profite all these graces, since thou art so greate an enimie of others counsel: and so farre enamored of thine owne proper iudgement? Thou followest vanitie, as one most inconstant: thou dost prosecute thine age, as one ouerchildishe: thou pursuest sensualitie, as one most wilfull in follies: which thing for a while may be dissembled, but long time may not be suffered: in such wise, that either the Empire shal be lost betwixt thine handes: or thou must dye within fewe dayes. As the seate of the Empire is consecrated vnto the Gods, so they suffer not euil Princes long to reigne▪ which thou mayst consider in Tyberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Domitian, Commodus, Iulianus, Bassianus & Niger, al which had so euil an ende, that where the yron of the enimie entred, by the same place the soule departed. Oh my sorrowful and vnfortunate sonne Bassianus: of whome vntil this time I goe laden with sorrowes: and also thou hast to holde it for most certeine, that since thou arte a disciple of his euil manners, so shalt thou be also a follower of his most miserable death. Being verie young, and as then but a childe, I hearde my Lorde Marcus Aurelius verie oft saye, that the immortall Gods did sooner slaye euil Princes, then other wicked persons: because the euil man, is only euil vnto his owne house and person: but the euil prince liueth to the hurte of the whole cōmon wealth. I bought not the Empire, for any other cause, but chiefely to renue the memorie of the good Emperour Antoninus Pius: but alas alas of mee? whoe greately feare [Page 418] and also hold it for certeine, that as in Nero the generation of the Caesars finished: euen so in thee the sincere linage of the Antonines shalbe ended.
In the dayes that I remained at Rome, I vnderstoode, and since I came into Asia, I haue also seene, that by the prosperitie of a good man, many be aduaunced: and by mishap of a wicked person, many finish and decaye.
I am aduertised, that in thy house and chamber, men of wicked life, and little wisedome, haue free entraunce and familiaritie: which in princes houses, is verie perillous, and no lesse pernitious: for that such persons do procure thee to followe the counsels which they shall giue, and to dissemble the excesse which they shall committe. If thou bee euill, and such as attende thee be wicked: howe maist thou haue hardinesse to chastice any euill? To refourme others, thou must firste refourme thy selfe: and to chastice others, thou hast firste to punishe thy seruaunts: for that, if the priuate and fauoured seruants of Princes be dissolute, the cōmon wealth doeth fall out to be absolute. In the reigne of my lorde Marcus Aurelius, I sawe his courte furnished with vertuous persons, and in the dayes of his sonne Commodus, I sawe his house filled with wicked people: and am well able to saye vnto thee, my sonne, that as their houses were, so was their common wealths. If thou wilt liue in quiet, go alwayes in peace, and auoide suspicion: keepe in thine house continually men of honestie, grauitie, and wisedome, because honourable and wise men in Princes houses, yealde authoritie with their persons, and profite with their counsels.
[Page 419]Nowe, or neuer, thou maist withdrawe thine hande, cease to be euil, and binde thy selfe to bee good: because of all that is past, we will impute the fault to thy youth: which if thou refusest to do, then will wee referre it whollie vnto thy wilfull vanitie. It profiteth not a litle for the healpe of good gouernement of the common wealth, that the Prince be of good life: for subiects hauing good Princes, imitate what they see, and perfourme what they commaunde.
CHAP. XI. ¶Of certeine lawes which the Emperour Heliogabalus made in Rome.
HEliogabalus made certeine lawes, wherof some were good, some indifferent, and others neither good nor euill, but moste vaine: for as he vsed to saye, so greate authoritie haue Princes in their kingdomes, as the gods in the heauens. He made a lawe that no vestall virgine should make a vowe of chastitie, but to stande at her libertie to be inclosed, or to be married: for he helde opinion, that women were verie weake to perfourme vowes: and at euery houre, variable of opinion and aduise. He made a lawe, that no widowe might marrie within a yeare of her husbandes death: on the one parte sufficiently to bewaile the dead, and on the other parte, exactly to consider of him that shoulde marrie her. He made a lawe, that no fleshe, breade, wine, or any fruite shoulde be solde in Rome by viewe, but by weight and measure: because in selling of thinges by weight and measure, they are bought according to their value, and not as they are praised.
[Page 420]He made a lawe that al taylers in receiuing garments to make, shoulde take the same by weight, to auoyd purloyning of any parte thereof. He made a lawe that no young man vnder the gouernement of father, mother, or tutour, might giue, take, or playe any money: because it were to be presupposed, that such a one, being in no possession of inheritance, had either stolne, or made some euil marte. He made a lawe that all maides, hauing attained the age of xxv. yeares, might marrie, althoughe their parents would not thereunto consent: for he vsed to saye, that good parents haue more care to marrie one daughter, then to breede x. sonnes. He made a lawe, that on holy dayes, and dayes of publique feastes and ioye, they should not openly burie their dead: saying, it were an euil signe vnto the common wealth, if at the time of ioy, others should begin to weepe. He made a lawe, that no Romane should presume to throwe out at doore, any seruaunt, slaue, or horse, or any other beast, were it but a dogg, either for any olde age or sicknesse: saying, that for the same purpose, men serue from their youth, to be succoured when they come to age. He made a lawe, that punishment should not be giuen vnto théeues as Iudges cō maunded, but at the wil of the persons which were robbed: affirming theaft to be so foule a fault, that by the hands of all persons they deserued chasticement. He made a lawe, that no citizen of Rome should presume to drawe, to drowne, to strangle, or hang his slaue for any offence: saying, that to the Gods alone, and to Princes, power is giuen to slaye and kill, and to others onely to punishe. He made a lawe, that if any married woman should committ adulterie with any kinsman or friend of her husband, he might neither chastice, reproue or blame her, if shée proued that her husband had first brought him to y e house: affirming: that a woman naturally of her selfe is weake, and beeing moued by any occasion, hath no power to make resistance. He made a lawe, that fréely all manner of persons within the walles of Rome, might departe [Page 421] from their wiues, and their wiues from their husbands, after sixe yeares marriage: affirming, that since from yere to yere was a long time to chaunge a garment, it were not much, that from sixe to sixe yeres, there shoulde be chaunge of marriage. He made a lawe, that in all Rome they should haue no shoppe wherin to sell compoūd medicines, but only simples and holesome hearbes, to auoide resemblance of tauernes, wherein they solde newe wines, but in shops only old medicines. He made a lawe, that none should marrie in Rome but with his equal: that is to saye, a merchant with a merchant, a goldsmith w t a goldsmith, a seruaunt with a seruaunt, & a rusticall with a rusticall: for he helde opinion, that men, in making vnequall marriages, do inforce them selues to more then they may, and spend much more then they ought. He made a lawe, that when any house burned in Rome, all the neighbourhood should runne to the healp and succour thereof, vppon the paine of any mans default therein, to contribute to the repairing thereof. Many other lawes were made by Heliogabalus, as Historiographers of him do reporte, of greate indignitie to be written, and no lesse vnshamefaste to be reade.
CHAP. XII. ¶Howe Heliogabalus was thrice married, and of his marrying of the Gods together.
AFter that Heliogabalus was come from Asia, he stayed in Rome an whole yeare without marriage: after which time he married with a gentlewoman of Rome, beautifull of face, and noble of bloud: and it well appeared, that he rather married her for beautie, then noblenesse: for that a yeare beeing scarcely passed, he was diuorced.
[Page 422]He did not onely remoue her from all honour, but also cast her out of his house, spoyled her of all her Iewels and apparel, and constrained her by spinning and weauing openly to get her liuing. The first wife being repudiate, he grewe enamoured of one of the vestal virgins, whome he remoued out of the churche, and openly espoused: for which fact, the Senate was not a little grieued, & Rome no lesse escandalized: because the vestal virgines, were offered in the temples vnto the Gods, and sworne and vowed to perpetual chastitie. After he vnderstood the griefe of the Senate, and the murmuring of y e people, he mounted one day into the Senate, and wished them not to be sorrowfull for his marriage with a vestall virgin, for that if it were an offence, it were but an humaine offence: and being (as he was) a Priest, it apperteined not vnto him to marrie, but with a woman that were a Priest: and if that were not sufficient, yet it sufficed that he was a Prince and an Emperour moste supreme, vnto whose greatnesse it appertained to make lawes, without all obligation to obserue them. More then a yere, and lesse then twaine, he was married vnto this vestall virgin: to whome, as to the first, he gaue a libell of diuorce: and the sorrowfull woman came to so greate and miserable pouertie, that if the other did obteine liuing by spinning, this did purchase the same by adulterie: in such wise, that of a consecrated virgin, and of a noble Empresse, shée became a common adulteresse. He married the third time with a widowe, and matrone of Rome, and for better occasion he would oft saye, that shée was descended from the linage of Commodus: and that from thence foorth he would not take a wife, but of bloud very high, of beautie singular, and of condition moste discréete. ‘ Heliogabalus would oft saye, any Prince might escape errour in his first marriage: that is to saye, if shée were of base condition, to estéeme her of no reputation: if shée were foule, to abhorre her: and if shée were foolishe, to kill her.’
Heliogabalus procéeded vnto so greate madnesse, that [Page 423] he did not onely deride humaine marriages, but also scoffed at diuine matrimonies: for that he determined openly to marrie his God Heliogabalus, and to celebrate matrimonie with some other Goddesse. The case was thus, that the thing which the Romanes held vnder greatest guarde, reuerence, and veneration, was the Image of the Goddesse Pallas, which was saide to fall from heauen vppon the walles of Troye: this Image Heliogabalus commaunded to be taken out of the churche, where shée remained hidden, and to be transferred vnto his house: and from the day that shée was brought from Troye, was neuer séene with mannes eye vntil that daye. He made a coche of plate ouer gilded, aloft whereon he placed the Goddesse Pallas, apparelled in riche robes, and charged with moste precious iewels: one of the Oxen wherewith the coche was drawen, was white without any spott of blacke: and the other was blacke without any spott of white. Heliogabalus went before with a goad in his hande, guyding the Oxen, and turning his face alwayes towardes the Chariot, in such manner, that still to beholde the Goddesse, he marched backwardes. The Romanes vnderstanding, that Heliogabalus would that day playe the Carter, prouided from the imperiall palace vnto the temple, a broade and a sandie waye, that in his backewarde walke he should not finde whereat to stumble, much lesse to fall. And when they were all come vnto the churche, they tooke the God Heliogabalus, and the Goddesse Pallas, married them, and ioyned them as man and wife, and made them a right sumptuous bedd in the midst of the temple, where they ioyntly slept all that night. The Romanes receiued no small griefe, to behold Heliogabalus committ such follies: for that presuming (as they presumed) to be so greate worshippers of the Gods, it seemed vnto them that in making such marriages, was to deride the Gods: and it might happen, that what he did but in ieste, they might repaye in earnest.
[Page 424]Nowe, when these Gods were espoused, Heliogabalus woulde solemnize that marriage with ioyes: for which purpose, he commaunded the Circene playes to be prepared: wherin he commaunded infinite beastes to be slaine, and the fleshe of them all, both good & bad, to be eaten of all persons: in suche wise, that there they did eate Lions, Beares, Woolues, Tygers, Vnicornes, Ounces, Horses, Asses, Doggs, Beeues, Buffes, & other wilde beastes, Bores excepted, which they vsed not to eate in Phoenicia, where he was bred and nourished. Nowe, when all these feastes were finished, and al playes perfourmed and concluded, Heliogabalus woulde make a shewe of the greatnesse of his minde, and the wealth and riches of his person: and being aduaunced vpon the highest steps or degrees of the church, he threwe amongst the circumstants, a great summe of money, and no lesse riches in iewels: for the scambling and getting wherof, manie were wounded, choked, strangled, and slaine: and the hurte was not so small, but that muche greater was the sorrowe in Rome and all Italie, for the greate numbers whiche there died: then anie pleasure of the money whiche they had gotten.
CHAP. XIII. Howe Heliogabalus solde offices, and practised manie vanities.
HEliogabalus did marte and sell all offices of iustice, & of the Senate, as well Censors & Edils, as Pretors and Tribunes, in such wise, that he which gaue most money, although leste vertuous, did beare greatest office. It was a custome in Rome, to electe no Senatour, excepte he were in linage an auncient Patritian: and of age, at the leaste fiftie yeares: but he made his election (for the most parte) of base persons, as gardeners, potters, and taylers: and [Page 425] other young men of the age of xx. yeares. He did not onely sell the offices of the common wealth, but also of the gouernement of his house: as porters, cookes, caters, chamberlains, and auditours: whereof followed, that at times when he would dispatch them for their euill seruice, they would plead, that they had bought it of him for monie.
Heliogabalus being a friend vnto ieasters, and greatly delighting in their conuersation, it happened against the celebration of the feast of May, in the euen thereof, xx. carte loades of Roses were brought vnto the Court, which being cast all into one chamber, against the next dayes feast, hee commaunded those iugglers and ieasters to be throwen amongest those Roses, which béeing many, and they ouerwhelmed therein, were all strangled with Roses. He did neuer eate but at tables of siluer, or sit in chaire that was not wrought with siluer, gold, and Vnicorne: and all the prouision of pots, skilets, ladels, spits, and all other things of the kitchin, were of siluer, and his cookes in silke. Secretely Heliogabalus commaunded an hundreth pitchars of flies to be taken, and being brought to the Court, he feasted certaine Romanes: and being then Summer and time of great heate, and in chiefest of their dinner, he commaunded his hungrie flies to be set at large, who with their libertie gaue an onset vppon the guestes, as vppon a campe of enimies, in such wise, that the guestes gaue themselues to flight, and the flies sate downe to eate.
On the day of the great feast of his God, all the sacred Senate, and whole multitude of people, offering sacrifices in the temple, and all the doores fast shut, soudeinly he caused to be set loose amongest y e troups of people, an hundreth cattes, tenne thousand rattes, an hundreth greyhounds, & a thousand hares: where the fighte and slaughter was so great, and the confusion, rumble, and crie of people so extréeme, that it séemed, hee went rather to scorne the Gods, then offer sacrifices.
The chamber where he slept, his Gallerie where he walked, the place where he did eate, & also dispatche affayres, [Page 426] was alwayes swept, not with broomes of any cōmon matter, but of thréeds of gold: which office he gaue vnto one of the chiefest persons of his Court. When he would at any time walke a litle on foote, it was not on hard ground, but on sand of gold. ‘ Heliogabalus was not satisfied to weare shoes of any silke, or veluet, either of clothe of gold, or gold wrought with the hāmer: but the soles were of Vnicorne, and gold of Nilus: and the instep and vpper part therof set with pearle and most rich stones: in such wise, that Heliogabalus shoes were of more value, then the crowne of Iulius Caesar, or Augustus. He was much addicted to weare rings on his fingers, and sometimes would weare them of brasse, yron, lead, amber, and of leather: in such wise, that this prince, the more to discouer his madnesse, did weare shoes of gold, and ringes of lether.’ On a time there came from Alexandria, 10. shippes laden with great and most precious riches: and vnderstanding that they were arriued at the porte of Hostia, secreately he commaunded the mariners to sincke them: whereof beeing reproued in the Senate, hee aunswered: that thereby they had to vnderstand his small couetousnes, for that he spent the riches of the earth, and drowned that which came by Sea. ‘ Heliogabalus was prodigall and curious, not onely openly, but also in secreate: for that his Vrinall was of Vnicorne, and his stoole of fine gold. When he chaūced to issue out of Rome, he had w t him no lesse then 600. wagons, which were al laden, not with chestes, apparel, either any thing necessarie or apperteyning vnto persons of the Courte: but with women, ieasters, musicians, hunters, fishers, exquisite wines, and victuals neuer heard off: for that he neuer went foorth of Rome to visite countries, or conquere enimies, but to séeke delectable places, the more fréely to giue him selfe to vice.’ A certaine Senatour demaunding why hee vsed such excesse in spending, he made him answere: My friend, I giue thée to vnderstād, that none doth inherite but after the death of some person: and therefore I will in my life time, make my self mine owne heire.
[Page 427]The armies did not a little repent them to haue elected him Emperour, and the Senate no lesse to haue accepted and allowed the same: for that he was so wilfull in all thinges, that he was not onely satisfied to be vitious in all humaine vices: but watched and studied to inuent newe wickednes. Mesia the grandmother of Heliogabalus, whiche procured, or (to say better) bought him the Empire, had sufficiently aduised and also persuaded him to be good and vertuous: but hee was so obstinate in his euill, and so vowed and dedicated vnto vice, that he litle estéemed the counsell of his friends, either the threatenings of his enimies.
When his graundmother Mesia perceiued, that good persuasions would neither profite, either great threatenings pearce him with any feare, shée remembred to fixe her eyes vppon her other nephue named Alexander, that the one being dead, the other might succede: for shée helde it for most certeine, that in fewe dayes, respect being had of his many vices, his Empire should finishe. As Mesia was auncient, prouident, and of experience: so shée persuaded Heliogabalus with such wordes, that he accepted his cousin Alexander as companion of the Empire, which election the Senate approued and allowed with great affection, and no lesse gratefull vnto the whole people: and from thence foorth, although they obeyed Heliogabalus, yet they did yeald al their loue vnto his cousin Alexander. Heliogabalus being aduertised by certeine Nekromantike Priestes of Aegypt, that he should haue a death according vnto his life (whereby, he doubted that his life should be short, and his death shamefull:) began to deuise with him selfe, what kinde of death might be giuen him by his enimies: and considered, that either they would cutt his throte, or hang him, or cast him down frō some rocke, or drowne him, or end his dayes w t some poyson: & thus it was, he filled a ponde full of rose water, wherein to be drowned: at the foote of a Tower of his house, he placed golden sande, to fall on: he made twisted [Page 428] silke halters wherewith to be hanged: hée commaunded daggers and swordes of gold, wherewith to be slaine: and conserued poyson in Vnicorne boxes, wherewith to be poysoned: all which he prouided of purpose, that at the time of néede he might one way or other end his wretched life: for (as he vsed to say) he greatly did not estéeme to die, if with such, and so stately instruments he might be put to death. But the successe happened quite contrarie to the forcastes of Heliogabalus, as well in dying when he would not, as in the maner of his death, whereof he did not thincke: for it is a thing notorious vnto all men, that we may neither inlarge our life as we desire, either shunne that death whiche we abhorre.
CHAP. XIIII. ¶Of the shamefull death of the Emperour Heliogabalus.
AFter that Heliogabalus had accepted his cousen Alexander companion of the Empire, he not a litle repēted him thereof: for that hee clearely perceiued himselfe to bée abhorred, and his cousen greatly beloued: he determinately purposed to depriue Alexander of his honour, as also to deuise a drift to dispatch him of his life. Manea, the mother of Alexander, vnderstanding the extreeme hatred of Heliogabalus so furiously bent against her sonne Alexā der, had ouer him great regard, that he should not walke alone by night, accompany suspicious persons, féede of any meate that were presented, or passe by dangerous places: because she was assured, y t to kil him, Heliogabalus sought not occasion, but opportunitie.
After that Heliogabalus found the great gard & watch of the mother and grandmother ouer Alexander, he went on a day vnto the Senate, persuading with swéete woords, and after commaunding vppon great paines, to take that name Caesar from Alexander, which they had giuen him: [Page 429] this demaunde being heard of the whole Senate, euery man caste downe his head, and aunswered not so much as one word. When he sawe the Senate refuse his request, he did write a letter vnto the Prefects, and most principal of the armies, to giue them to vnderstand that from thēcefoorth they should giue no honour vnto Alexander, much lesse yéeld him seruice as vnto Caesar: but the armies finding it rather to procéede of his ouermuch malice, then of any fault in Alexander, did not obey his cōmaundements, neither aunswered his letters.
When hee might not persuade the Senatours, or constraine the armies, he aduised to bribe and corrupt his seruaunts and household officers, promising them many and great rewards, if they would temper his meate with some poyson, to rid him of his life. He conferred also with the tutours of Alexander, to finde if he might frame them to lead him foorth in to some Orchard or gardeine, or to séeke some deuice to leaue him alone: vnto whome he did not only promise great riches & wealth, but also promotions to great offices. Heliogabalus perceiuing that hee mighte neither corrupt the one, or persuade the other, for that hee was loued of al men, commaunded his counterfects openly to be ouerthrowen and defiled with dyrte: whiche was holden amongest the Romanes, as great an iniurie, as exactly to take away a mans life.
On that day in which Heliogabalus had commaunded the counterfects of Alexander to be defaced and defiled, he prepared also in secreate, certaine his friends to kill Alexander, if vpon the chaunce of any mutinie that might happen, hee should come forth: for he did beare him so mortall hatred, that it séemed his life to prosper to none effecte, if he might not spoile him of his life. The day before this matter grewe to effect, Heliogabalus issued out of Rome, to solace at a gardeine: and when they began to ouerthrowe and traile the pictures of Alexander, the Pretors of the armies assembled with great spéede, to stay the same: by which meane there was raised no small scandal, in so [Page 430] much that they did not onely repell that iniurie, but also pursued Heliogabalus vnto his garden to haue slaine him. All Rome being armed, the mother and grandmother of Heliogabalus, departed with great hast vnto the garden, where he was persuading him to take Alexāder in a Licter, and ioyntly to passe through the streats: that after this maner, seing them both friends, the armies might be pacified and disseuered. Heliogabalus being vtterly voide of care of the scandal that passed in Rome, attended rather euery houre with great ioy, y e newes of Alexanders death, and the spoile of his pictures. As much as Heliogabalus determined to haue slaine Alexander, so much were the armies purposed to haue killed Heliogabalus: and for the execution thereof, with great furie they marched to séeke him at his garden: vnto whom there came forth to talke, not himselfe, but his grandmother, of whom she obteyned at that time the safetie of his life: which they graunted vppon condition, that hee should correct his person, reforme his house, and visite the common wealthes. On the nexte day, they caste foorth and ridd the house of Heliogabalus, of Gabalus, Herodes, Gordius, and Murius, which were his fauoured seruauntes, and companions of his vices: and those in déede, that from a foole, conuerted him into an idiot. A moneth after these things had passed, and the tumult pacified, in the Calends of Ianus, which is the beginning of Ianuarie, Heliogabalus refused to go vnto the Senate, either to send Alexander his substitute: whereof the Senatours found themselues greatly iniuried, & remayned thereof very suspicious.
And being as then very late at night, when the Senatours came from the Senate, they there presently at the gates thereof, receiued commaundement from Heliogabalus, that without all delay vppon paine of their liues, they should depart out of the citie of Rome, without visitation either of house or friend: and as there were of them both sicke and old, so it was lamentable to behold them wander in the darcke, stumbling in those fieldes, and so [Page 431] bitterly wéeping. ‘The Consuls and Senatours being banished, there remayned in Rome a certaine auncient Consul named Sabinus, a man excellently learned, vnto whom Vlpianus did dedicate his bookes, and of whome the Romanes receiued counsell, in all their graue affaires. This Sabinus, by reason of his great age, came not out of his house: and Heliogabalus thincking hee had no other enimie remayning in all Rome, called a Centurion, and said in his eare, that hee should go vnto Sabinus house and cut off his head: and as it chaunced, the Centurion being deafe, and not vnderstanding the commaundement to haue him slaine, but banished as the othe Senatours, by defence of the Centurion, Sabinus escaped with his life.’
‘The Pretorians, and men of warre being aduertised, that Heliogabalus had banished the Consuls and Senatours, and also commaunded the good old Sabinus to bée slaine, strangled Siluius, tutour vnto Alexander, and remoued Vlpianus from his Censorship: with furious rage wente vnto the Courte, and breaking the gates they slue Heliogabalus, and his mother that bare him: and they killed, not onely all his seruauntes, but also his cattes and dogges, his Parratts, horses, peacockes, and monkies: in such wise, that in all his house they lefte nothinge aliue.’
‘When Heliogabalus vnderstoode the breaking vp of his gates, and the slaughter of his household, thincking to saue his person, hid himselfe in a priuie vp to the chinne, where they discharged him of his head: in such wise, that conformable to his filthie life, hée receiued a nastie death. Although Heliogabalus and his mother were ioyntly slaine, yet most truly she discouered a more noble minde: for that shée died in her chamber as a Ladie, and hée most cowardly in a priuie. Heliogabalus and his mother being dead, they tooke their naked & mangled bodies, and trailed them in the dirte alongest the streates vnto Tiber, in the depth whereof they were cast to be eaten of fishe, and not to bee sought or found of men.’
Many Princes, his predecessours, & successours were very [Page 432] euil, wicked of life, and pernicious vnto the cōmon wealth: but amongest all, Heliogabalus alone was hee, in whome was found no good worke: so he alone wanted a Sepulchre. By this Prince, all princes ought to take example, to flie wilfulnesse, and the hatred of their people: because a detested life remoueth all merite of honourable buriall.
The Romanes not satisfied to haue slaine, drawen, and drowned Heliogabalus, ouerthrew and whirled stones at his counterfects that were placed in the Capitol, & scrapte out his name in all places where it was written: and the more to discouer their hatred, they did not onely kil all his seruauntes and friends, but burned all his apparell and iewels: in such wise, that of him remayned no other memorie in Rome, but the report of his name, whereat they did spet on the ground.
Heliogabalus reigned 6. yeares, 3 monethes, and tenne dayes: he liued 32. yeares, 4. monethes, and fiue dayes: wherof 26. yeares he was a young man, very vertuous, & a priest withdrawen and also solitarie: the other 6. yeares hee was an Emperour more absolute and vicious, then euer reigned in the Romane Empire: for that the vices which were scattered in other persons, were found ioyntly in his possession.
The life of the good Emperour Alexā der Seuerus, sonne of the good matrone Manea, compiled by Syr Anthonie of Gueuara, bishop of Mondonnedo, preacher, chronicler and counsellour, vnto the Emperour Charles the fifte.
CHAP. I. ¶Of the nouriture and naturall countrie of the Emperour Alexander Seuerus.
AVRELIVS Alexander was naturally an Assyrian borne, his father was named Varius, and his mother Manea: hée was cousen germane vnto the emperour Heliogabalus, for their mothers were sisters: and although he were borne in Assyria, yet he was bred and nourished in Rome: for that in those dayes his grandmother, the great matrone Mesia, gouerned Seuerus & his household, and also the whole common wealth. ‘ Alexander was tall of body, of blacke curled haire, sallow & leane faced, with great eyes, a thicke short necke, his hands drie, and of bigge sinewes, slender legged, high of instep, and his complexion somewhat cholerike, but much flegmatike, which afterwards he discouered in the course of his life: because he was mild of conuersation, and in gouernement pitiful. Alexander was borne in the citie of Arsena, Septimus Seuerus being Emperour: hee was nourished the first foure yeares in Assyria, & then brought vnto Rome, vnder the gouernement of his grandmother, where after she had kept him with her, other thrée yeares in Rome, she returned him into Assyria: partly to auoyde the idle nouriture of the Court, and also for that Bassianus should not murther him.’ The presages of his Empire [Page 434] were these: ‘it was found most truly, that on the day that Alexander Magnus died, this Alexander Aurelius was borne: & at the time of child birth his mother came to visite the Sepulchre of Alexander, where she fell in trauell and brought forth this sonne, who was named Alexander, his nourse being called Olympia, and his tutour Philip: which were the two names of the father & mother of Alexander Magnus. The selfe same day that Alexander was borne, there came an old woman to her house, and offered vnto y e mother a red egge, which a stock doue had layd at y e houre: aduouching that red egge to signifie no other matter, but y t the same child should be Emperour.’ Manea the mother of this prince, was a woman very wise, prudent, aduised, and no lesse faire: and the speciall cause why shee deserued so greatly to be estéemed and honoured, was: because no Romane woman did excéede her in honestie of person, either was equal vnto her in kéeping her house. As this matrone Manea naturally was vertuous, and inclined vnto good, so she had great solicitude to nourishe & instruct her sonne Alexander in good maners, and to learne good and profitable sciences: and to the end he should not forget, in the companie of other yonge men, what he had learned of his masters and tutors, she set great watch, that none were permitted, either to talke, confer, or to be conuersant with him, y t were not wise & learned. After that Alexander was able to goe, his mother taught him to be temperate in diet, neat in his apparel, reposed in his pace, and reformed in his speach. He held so great measure in all thinges apperteyning to good maners, sinceritie in vertues, and cleannesse from all vice, (which that age alwayes doth yeld) y t all men (vnto whom he was knowen) said, that it was as much to sée Alexāder in time of his youth, as Tullius when he was an old man. It was not to be found all the time hee was gouerned by his mother, that any one day hee did passe without learning or exercise, either in letters or cheualrie: wherof they both deserued perpetuall praise, which is to witt, the mother in her cōmaundements, & the sonne for his obedience. [Page 435] Many sonns would proue good, if their fathers had knowledge to giue them instructions: neither would so many proue euil, if they did yeeld obedience vnto their parents: to whiche purpose the diuine Plato said in his bookes of common wealth, that that familie was happie & blessed, where the parents were prudent, & the children obedient. Manea vsed most special vigilancie in the gard of her sonne, not onely from all vsual vices, but also vicious persons: for that many times, good inclinations are corrupted by vicious conuersation. In his infancie, his scholemasters were Valerius, Gordius, & Viturius: this Viturius was he that afterwards was most estéemed in his house, and wrote the discourse of his life, which historie was lost when the Gothēs entered Rome. His maister for Grāmar, was Nebon the Grecian: in Philosophie, Estelion the first: and in Rhetorike, Serapio the vertuous: & afterwards when he came to Rome, he had for his maisters, Escarius, Iulius, and Macrinus: graue persons to instruct, & learned to teach. Aboue all other Romane princes, Alexander was a friend of wise men, for whom he made diligent search, & enriched them if they were poore, honoured, enterteined, & gaue them credit when they counselled him: finally, a wise mā of him neuer receiued an ill answere, or foūd in his house any doore shut against him. Being demaunded, why he did so generally delight in the wise & learned, he answered: I loue them for that which they know, & honour them for that which they may: for in time to come, vnder their histories which they shall write, our same shal shine and flourish. Alexander, in the dayes of his youth, was deadly hated of his cousen Heliogabalus: & this procéeded, not of the sharpe condition of Alexander, but for the euil nature of Heliogabalus, that is to say, for that he would not consent to be a cōpanion in his wickednes, as by birth he was his kinseman. ‘There were neuer séene, two princes so conioyned in parentage, so nere in succession, & so different in liues, as Heliogabalus, & Alexander: for y t in Heliogabalus there was not one vertue to be praised, either in Alexander one vice to be reprehended.’
CHAP. II. ¶ Howe Alexander was aduaunced vnto the Empire, and of his laudable manners.
TWo yeares before the Pretorians killed Heliogabalus the Emperour, Alexander was elected Augustus, to y e great grace, liking, and conformitie of al the Romane people: whereof procéeded, that on the day in which they had slaine the vnworthie Heliogabalus, they gaue vnto Alexander the ensignes of the empire. When Alexander began to reigne, he was very younge: wherfore, Mesia the [...]randmother, and Manea the mother, did take the charge [...] gouernement of the empire: who although in condition they were womē, yet most truly in gouernement they discouered themselues to be men. They elected xij. persons to assist them in the affaires of the Empire, which were chosen amongest the auncient, the most experte: & amongst y e learned, the most wise: & without determination & iudgment of all these, they did neither heare what was demaunded, either determined any matter that they had to doe. The first déede of Alexander, & his grandmother Mesia, his mother Manea, & his xii. counsellours, was, to take order for reformation of temples: namely, to repaire the decaide, to clense the defiled, inrich such as were robbed, and to populate such as were disinhabited: because in the dayes of his predecessour Heliogabalus, not only humaine matters went to wracke, but the gods also were profaned. Diuine matters being reformed, presently they toke order for cō seruation of the cōmon wealth: & before all things, all vicious persons were resolued from their offices: and not satisfied to punish their offences, with depriuation of their offices, he forced them to make restitution of whatsoeuer they had either bribed, or purloyned, & from thencefoorth to liue of their owne proper sweate. Matters of iustice were not handled, but of men very well learned: Martiall affaires were not commended, but vnto men of great experience: [Page 437] causes of the common wealth were not manured, but of persons skilfull therein: in such wise, that they prouided, not offices for men, but men for offices.
Also Alexander reformed the whole condition & estate of his house, as well the ministers, as the expences thereof: which all the dayes of Heliogabalus excéeded in disorder, & was no lesse defiled with vice: for which cause he set a seazment of the charges thereof, and elected faithful officers to spend the same: in such wise, that in the house of Alexander, there was neither immoderate expences, either men wanting offices. Although order was taken for the ordinarie expences of his house, yet notwithstanding, his houshold had all things in abundance, conuenient vnto his imperial magnificence: and many strangers that came from farre, praised Alexander, because they might not accuse him of prodigalitie, either note him of auarice. The temples, the common wealth, and his house being ordered, the good prince forgat not to reforme his owne person: not only for the maner of consuming of time, but also for y e order and maner of his apparel: for that he vsed to say, if the monie which princes spend in robes superfluous, & the time which they cōsume in apparelling & decking themselues, were spent to the profite of their common wealthes, they should obteine more fauour of the gods, & lesse hatred of men. ‘ Alexander was so humble in condition, y t publikely he cōmaunded, none should call him, Lord, either by word or writing: but, the priests should call him, brother: the Senatours, sonne: men at armes, companion: and common persons, friend: and this he did, for that he held the gods in so great reuerence, that he would they only should be called Lords. On the superscriptiōs of letters brought him by Embassadours, or sent him from any prouince, they wrote theron exquisite and stately titles: wherin he prouided, no other superscription to be added, but this: Vnto our sonne, our Brother, our Companion or Friend, Aurelius Alexā der Romane Emperour. Heliogabalus his predecessour, did commonly weare precious stones on his feete, and most [Page 438] costly iewels of gold and Vnicorne in his apparel: whiche thinges Alexander neuer vsed, either delighted to weare: for as he was wont to say, princes are not to be knowen of their vassals, by their rich robes, but by their good works performed in their common wealthes.’ He was apparelled most cōmonly, in white: in winter, with a certaine kind of blāket of Britaine, and in summer, with a certaine maner of cotton that was brought him from Asia. Some times he would make him garments of cotton & linnen wouen together: oftentimes saying, that he much delighted therein, for that it was very cheape to be bought, light to weare, & might best be washed in summer. ‘He would many times walke in Rome with a friend or twaine, holding his hands behind: and finding himselfe wearie, would enter into the first neighbours house, and sit downe vppon a banke of earth, & some times would there fall a sléepe: in such maner, that he had so great familiaritie with all men, as if he had béene one of them. He was mild, pitiful, patiēt, silent, in all things of great continencie, & was neuer séene extréemely distēpered, or at any time to vse furious words w t any person: for which cause, no maner of person did wish him euil for his euil déeds, but of a cancred and corrupt nature wherewith he was defiled.’
CHAP. III. ¶ How Alexander being inuested with the Empire, presently did visite and reforme his common wealth.
IN the second yeare of y e Empire of Alexander, his grandmother the great and renowmed matrone Mesia died: in whose death he & the Romane people also discouered great sorrow, bestowing vppon her coarse, so honourable a funeral, and such solemne obsequies, as apperteined to one that had béene cousen vnto the Emperour Seuerus, and had for nephues the Emperour Heliogabalus, and Alexander. Mesia being dead, the burden of gouernement was layed [Page 439] vpon Manea, mother vnto Alexander: whome al men conceiued to be in full possession of chastitie, temperance, prudence, and patience, but notwithstanding somewhat inclined to auarice: whereof procéeded, these words earely in y e morning to be written vppon the gates: if Manea had not charge of monie in the cōmon wealth, such a Romane had neuer béene borne in Rome. Long time passed in which the Senate had not béene visited: which Alexander forgat not, as wel to visite, as also to reforme: not only by inquisition how they liued and gouerned the common wealth, but also how they ordered their houses & ruled their families: for he vsed oft to say, that the man which knewe not to gouerne his wife, to prouide for his house, and direct his familie, the prince might not cōmit a greater follie, then to place such a one in the gouernment of the cōmon wealth. In Rome they were named Milites veterani, that long time had serued in warres, and were withdrawen vnto their houses: these were mainteyned at the charges of the common wealth, and priuileged for apparance before a Iudge: and as Alexander was infourmed of their licentious and vicious liues, he commaunded them to be banished Rome, and no more to be mainteyned by the common wealth. When he signed the sentence of their exile, with his owne hands, he added these words: It is as iust that the vicious and wicked, frō a free man, be conuerted to a slaue: as the vertuous from a bond man, to be made free: for where there is corruption of manners, liberties haue no place: Most truely these wordes were spoken, as of a prince right worthie veneration. Also he visited the officers of the common treasurie, as if we should say, the Auditors and others that had charge of the goods of the kingdome: amongest whome hée found many bribers, and néedelesse officers: those hée commaunded to be punished, and these to be disfranchised. Alexander was greatly affectionate vnto the affayres of the common wealth: with which zeale he vsed so great diligence, that the goodes of the common wealthe were recouered & gotten againe from the handes of robbers, and [Page 440] spent and imployed in matters profitable: for it was his opinion, y e Good princes ought not to consent, that vagabounds should liue of the entrails of the people. He wrote vnto all prouinces, that in all ciuil causes, Iudges should procéede according to the order and right therof, théeues & matters of felonie excepted: who within thrée dayes after their apprehension, should either be punished, executed, made slaues for the seruice of men, or condemned to cōmon works for publique profite, and for no cause to let them escape: for as he oft said, Neuer mā which had made a proofe in the knowledge of thefte, vntill his death, might at any time depart from so foule a vice. He also visited the officers, that had the charge of pay for the men of warre: ‘against whome he receiued accusations for payment of euil monie, imbezeling of payes, reckoning the dead with the liuing, and valuing their victuals more then they were woorthe: whome Alexander commaunded openly to be whipt, and for euermore to be banished. He established by publique edicte, that whosoeuer should aduenture from thencefoorth to steale, or imbezill any paiment due for matters of warre, should, for the same, loose his life.’ All thinges which he had to commaunde, or prouide in the common wealth, hée did first communicate with such persons as hee thought to haue knowledge and experience thereof: and his manner was to say, that in following his owne proper iudgment, he had neuer but tedious successe: but by repayring vnto other mens aduise, hee alwayes gathered some fruite.
Hée held in his house many, and very notable persons, of whome alwayes hée was accompanied: but amongest al whome he best loued, and did most commend his secréetes, was Vlpianus: this Vlpianus, besides his great learning, was a man so vertuous, that Alexander would oft say, hée had rather aduenture the committing of some odious déede before the Gods, then speake a foule woorde in presence of Vlpianus.
His predecessour Heliogabalus, had ordeyned many [Page 441] lawes in the fauour of the fiscall, to the greate preiudice of the people: for, admitting that goods were augmented: yet on the other parte, the common wealth daily diminished: for which cause Alexander commaunded, that all those lawes should be reuiewed, considered, and refourmed: for, as he vsed to saye, it were more commodious for the Prince which is no tyrant, that his cōmon wealth be riche, and his house poore: then the common wealth to be poore, and his house riche. When he beganne to reigne, the people were abandoned to dissolute manners: for which cause he made some rigorous lawes, and other milde and pittifull: but, when he commaunded them to be proclaimed openly, he gaue aduertisement vnto his ministers, to execute them in secrete. Consider not so much what I commaund you, as the intent wherewith I commaund you, which is to weete, that rigorous lawes are not, but to terrifie: but lawes which are pitifull, to be executed, because we make not lawes, to take away mennes liues, but to roote and weede vices out of our common wealthes.
When the Senatours did sitt in graue affaires, he was not contented that they should saye their opinions by woorde, but by writing: neither was he yet satisfyed that they should set it down in writing, but adde also therunto y e reasons which moued them to y t their opinion: saying, he did it to this ende, that none should aduenture to yeld his opinion, either forced with affection, or corrupted with passion: but as reason and vertue should direct him. ‘Naturally, he was an enimie vnto lyes and lyers: and if any man presumed to lye in his presence, he receiued thereof as great despight, as though he had done him an iniurie. He woulde oft saye, that good Princes haue to esteeme such for greater enimies, that deceiue them with flattering and lyes, then such as do intrude vppon their countries: for the one taketh not but of his goods, but the other robbeth him of his fame. At all times, when they had talk of the election of any Senatour or Iudge, he was [Page 442] alwayes hearde to speake these woordes in the Senate: If, as nowe being present with men, I were in presence of the Gods, I would craue their opinions in the electiō of Senatours and Iudges: for that the choice of gouernours in a common wealth, doth more seeme diuine, then humaine election.’
CHAP. IIII. ¶Of the milde conditions of Alexander, and of his gratefull conuersation.
ALexander was friendly vnto his seruaunts, whome he would visite indifferently in their sicknesse: that is to wéete, as well the meaner, as the more fauoured: and in repayment of such his visitation, he woulde request them to giue him aduertisement what was saide of him in the common wealth: and if they saide vnto him any thinge more worthie amendement, then praise, he gaue them as greate thankes for that aduise, as at another time he vsed to giue for any greate and notable seruice. The Consul Vncoiasson, on a certeine time in great secrete, saide vnto Alexander: I am not a little astonnied at thee, (moste serene Prince) that doest permitt thy selfe to bee gouerned of thy graundmother Mesia, thy mother Manea, and thy wife Meania: who haue framed thy conditions so milde, that thereby thou doest impaire the estimation, both of thy person, and also of thine Empire: for that a base and ouerfamiliar condition, leadeth vnto cō tempt.
Vnto this Alexander aunswered: I owe reuerence vnto my graundemother, because shee nourished mee: vnto my mother, for that shee bred mee: & vnto my wife good companie, for as much as she hath married with mee: and [Page 443] since it is thus, with reason I ought of no man to be euill iudged, for that I do no more but duetie.
From the daye that he was elected Emperour, vntill he was placed in his Sepulchre, there passed no day wherin he did not some notable déede woorthie to be marked, and no lesse to be followed: which is to saye, hearing causes in Iustice, visiting temples, being resident in the Senate, repayring walles, pardoning offences, dooing good vnto the poore, and dispatching such other affaires. Hee was bountifull to Ambassadours and straungers, and no lesse refourmed in his ordinarie expences: aboue the rest, he helde narrowe and straight reckoning, and was well aduised with the officers of his common treasurie, alwayes to haue in possession treasure in store. Hée saide manie times, that the poore and needie Prince might neither be serued affectionately of his subiectes, or with armes resist his enimies.
‘Vnto such as were sound, & strong to trauell, and yet wanted money to mainteine a trade, hee commaunded them to be succoured with the goods of the common treasurie: vppon condition, to repaye the same in processe of time, with the fruites and profites of his trade: by which meane he discharged his Empire, not onely of many poore persons, but also of théeues and vagabondes. All persons that receiued either wages or stypende, he had registred in a booke: wherein was written their age, linage, and seruice which they had done him, vsing when he was alone, to read in that booke: in such wise, he did so speake, name, and had notice of all persons, as if they had béene but one man.’
The common store house for wheate, and oyle, founded and furnished by Seuerus, Heliogabalus had bothe wasted and destroyed: in such wise, that there remayned nothing in store: this storehouse Alexander reedified, endued, and also prouided with excéeding greate aboundaunce of wheate and oyle: so that in his dayes, wheate and oyle did flowe and abound as water.
[Page 444]The Iewes that were in Italie, of all men were euill handeled, and the Christians no lesse persecuted and banished: nowe, when bothe the one and the other made complaint, Alexander commaunded them to liue within their lawes: vppon such condition, as they perfourmed their ceremonies in secrete. He did much honour the Presidents of prouinces, and when he traueiled vpon the way, they onely were placed with him in his Coche or licter: which he did, to the ende that all men might beholde howe much he honoured the ministers of Iustice, as also to be infourmed of the state of the common wealth of that countrie: for that naturally, he was so greate a friend, in that which touched the common wealth, that he did not onely take pleasure to prouide and talke thereof, but also held it for a vice, to be forgetfull of the same. Hee vsed vnto no kinde of people so great liberalitie, as vnto Iudges, Tribunes, and Pretors, which had charge, and were sincere in ministring Iustice: and aduouched vnto the Senate, that a Prince with reason ought not to bee intituled a Prince, vnlesse he were carefull for the execution of Iustice: and if he finde any that is iust in the administration thereof, such a one iustly may not be recompenced: for which cause, I giue them more then any other persons which serue me, that by their enrichement, all occasions to make other men poore, from them may be remoued. In the behalfe of the common wealth he was aduertised, that béefe and bacon was excéeding déere in Rome: in respect whereof he straitely charged and commaunded, that no person should aduenture to kill either calfe or suckinge pig, by the space of two yeres: whereof it came to passe, within the space aforesaide, that a pounde of flesh, which was solde for eight, was woorth but twaine. Of men y t séemed graue, prudent, and sincere, he woulde alwayes be infourmed & receiue aduise, for prouision of all graue and doubtfull cases, and yet would neuer communicate or commende his trust to any speciall persons: for he vsed to saye, that when the people do vnderstand, that the prince [Page 445] is counselled or directed by any one person, such a one, with giftes and requestes may easily be corrupted.
Alexander had a seruaunt named Belon, who promised a gentleman to dispatch a certeine matter of great importance with Alexander, that touched him not a little, giuing to vnderstande, that he was verie priuate with the Prince: and in remuneration of his promised trauell, hee receiued of that gentleman a greate summe of money: whereof Alexander being aduertised, and that which hee promised to obteine, to be a matter most vniust, & no smal offence vnto the common wealth, he commaunded him to be crucified: affirming, that none should dare to aduenture to sell the fauour of the Prince, to the preiudice of the common people. He would many times assemble the chiefest of the people, and warne them to be vertuous, noble minded, and pitifull vnto the common sorte: aduertising them, that assuredly he would deale with the vertuous, as with sonnes, and with the wicked, as with enimies.
Thrée times hee gaue vnto the Romane people, greate quantities of wheate, in time of greate dearth. Also, at other times he gaue, of his grace, vnto the auncient horsemen, great summes of money: vnderstandinge the greatest parte of them to be in debt. There were in Rome many persones that liued not, but by vsurie, by which meane much goods were lost, and many houses become tributarie: wherein Alexander commaunded excéeding diligence to be vsed in the reuiewe of such contracts, and a memoriall of the moste notable griefes to be giuen him: which when he had considered, he punished the vsurers, and gaue libertie vnto the poore men that were oppressed.
The manner of his dispatche in affaires, was, to be patient in hearing, mylde in answering, skilfull in conceiuing, and pittifull in denying: in such wise, that if he gaue not that which they demaunded, at the least he gaue them comfort with his woordes. After he came from the [Page 446] Senate, and had dispatched the affaires of suters, he did alwayes passe the time in reading Gréeke rather then Latine: amongest all other thinges which he vsed to reade, was Plato his comon wealth, Cicero his offices, Horace, and Quintus Curtius, with the life of Alexander: whom (his vices excepted) he diligently did imitate. If he sawe any of his officers, that for age, or impotencie, might not serue: he did either call him or visite him, giuing him many thankes for the seruice which he had done him: and would request him to take it in good parte, to receiue his whole stipend, with ease and rest in his owne house: and to place some other in that office, méete for his seruice. Vsually he did eate twise a daye, and in his féeding more cleanly and curious, then costly and sumptuous: and neuer was offended with his officers, for the lacke of many, or exquisite meates: but for want of cleanlinesse, and good seasoning.
Many persons wandring in Rome, and vagarant throughout all Italie, yole as castawayes, who disdaining to learne some occupation after they were so charged by commaundement: hee gaue licence vnto all men, without further authoritie, to take them for their slaues: which if they renounced, then fréely to kill them. He did permitt none of his seruauntes to weare any silke, clothe of golde, or siluer: for that he oft vsed to saye, that open excesse of apparel, and secrete vice, were the destruction of Courtiers. Also he often aduouched, the condition of a good Prince was, more to be recreated with hearing wise men talke, then in tasting delicate meates. Alexander had in his house a certeine person named Veturius Turinus, whome he loued: ‘against him going and comming to his chamber, no dore was shutt: this fellowe was both guylefull and lying, and made all men, that were suters vnto Alexander, beléeue that he had more conference with him, then with any person of the Empire.’
‘The case was thus, that Alexander being aduertised of his vanitie and lewdnesse, and howe he deceiued, and [Page 447] was bribed of many, caused a Foster to request Turinus to dispatche a certeine suite with Alexander: who comming and going daily into the Princes chamber, alwayes aduertised the suter: thus, and so I haue saide in thy matter, and thus and so was I aunswered of Alexander: the good Prince had true intelligence what Turinus vsed to saye, and of the bribes which he had receiued: whervpon presently he prouided that Turinus was taken, and in his presence by witnesse conuinced of the guyle and deceite which he had committed, of his huge promises also, and howe muche he had robbed: which inquisition exactly made, he commaunded him to be fixed aloft vppon a stake openly in Rome, and vnder him was set gréene woode and wette strawe, which being set on fire, did yelde vnto his nose a moste cruell smoke, which was not so little, but that in shorte space it deliuered the miserable caytife of his life: a cryer with a loude voice makinge proclamation, Fumo punitur qui fumum vendidit: which is to saye: He that solde smoke, is smooldered in smoke. In all famous cities, he caused storehouses to be made, onely seruing for safe kéeping of the goodes and riches of such neighbours as doubted robbing.’
He made in Rome newe principall stréetes, wherein he buylt stately and delightsome houses, which he gaue in rewarde vnto his friendes and seruauntes that were wise and vertuous.
Garmentes of pure silcke he was neuer knowen, either to buy or weare: and if by chaunce any were giuen or presented vnto him, he bestowed them vpon the priests of the Temples, to be apparelled when they shoulde offer sacrifices. He was neither enuious, or couetous of other mennes goods: and in this case he vsed to saye, that the couetous Prince doth finishe and conclude in tyrannie.
Naturally he had compassion of the poore, but moste chiefely of the néedie shamefaste man: that is to saye, that in former times had béen in honour, & afterwards fell [Page 448] into extreme pouertie: for he vsed to saye: there is no kind of mishappe so vnfortunate, as for a man to call to remē brance that in times past he had beene fortunate. All that he did take and confiscate of malefactours, he commaunded to be giuen vnto shamefaste poore men: with an inquisition before hande, howe he fell into such pouertie: whether by vicious aduersitie, or by some other casualtie: for he helde opinion, that to make him riche, which by vice was made poore, were a cruell deede.
CHAP. V. ¶Of his zeale of iustice and other commendable actes, as well touching his person, as his common wealth.
ALl the dayes of his Empire, he enterteined but one Physician, vnto whom, or any other, he did not at any time yelde his pulse, either of any Physician tooke counsell: and to him would oft saye in iest, thinke not that I giue thée to eate, to cure mée: but to the ende thou shalt not cure mée. He neither delighted in Physicke, or that Physicians should remaine in Rome: and for defence of his opinion he vsed to saye, that as greate infirmities doe not happen but by great excesse: so it argueth that the Prince which is compassed with Physicians, goeth charged with many vices. Presidents of prouinces, when he sent them to be resident in their circuites, he did not onely instruct what they ought to doe, but also prouided them for all necessities: and at their returne, if they had done well, he relieued their necessities with his great liberalitie: but if they had done euil, he distressed them both of goods and fame. Pretors, Censors, and presidentes that had charge of iustice, if they had no wiues, he compelled to take concubines into their houses, to the ende they [Page 449] should not followe other mennes wiues: for he helde opinion, that it were not agréeable vnto Iustice, or according vnto the honour of Rome, that the Iudges for adulterie, should be accused of adulterie. Vnto CHRIST he would haue made a temple in Rome, and placed him in the number of their Gods, which also was said of the Emperour Adrian: but the priestes of the temples disuaded him, saying: that they had receiued aunswer of the oracle that if he should perfourme that acte, all other temples should perishe, and all persons would conuert themselues and become Christians. Alexander in Iestes, was gracious: in fables, inuentiue: in bankets, a companion: in gathering of golde, skilfull: in conseruing, aduised: in searching of mines, diligent: in giuing, liberall: and in speculation of newe deuices, exceeding carefull. In earnest or in iest, in worde or in writing, he would not be called, but Romane: for which purpose, he made sundry diligent searches of his genealogie, wherby he gaue demonstration of his descent from the Fabioes Metelloes, which were noble and auncient Romanes. ‘Hee brought vnto Rome great learned men, to reade all Sciences: to which effect he erected many colledges and studies, and indued them with greate rents, where the sonnes onely of poore men were receiued and taught. Gouernours of Prouinces he punished moste grieuously, for their offence in Iustice: especially, if they were noted, or rather accused, of bryberie: but if by malice they were wrongfully accused, the accuser receiued the chasticement of the accused. This good Prince was pittifull vnto all offendours, except théeues, and false witnesses:’ against whome he vsed extreme iustice: and respecting the offence to redound, not so much vnto him selfe, as vnto others, he affirmed: that y e Prince ought not to giue them pardon. Hee had alwayes in his chamber a booke wherein were written all notable seruices which had béene done vnto him: he also entred into the same, all greate rewardes that he had giuen: and if any man happened to do him some notable seruice, and [Page 450] craued no recompence in consideration thereof: ‘he woulde call him and saye these, or such like wordes: What is the matter that thou demaundest nothing of mée? perchaunce thou wouldest haue mée thy debtour for thy seruice, since thou séekest not the recompence of thy trauell. Séemeth it well vnto thée, that thou shouldest obteine the fame of a faithfull seruaunt, and by thy meane I should purchase the renoune of an ingrate prince? Howe shall others receiue courage to serue mee, when they sée thee vnrecompenced for seruice past? knowest thou not, that if it bée iuste, that seruants for treason comitted, be put to death: is it not also most iust, that Princes for their ingratitude be abhorred? presupposing that thou wouldst serue mée, without respect to profite thy selfe, of my magnificence: wherein I giue thée to vnderstande, I finde my selfe more offended then serued: for at all times when they shall praise thée for that which thou hast done for mée, they shall despise mée, not onely for ingratitude, but rather for hatred which I shall seeme to beare vnto thée. And if thou ceasest to craue, in thinking mée to be in necessitie, and not able to accomplish with all persons, moste vaine is thy iudgement: for that the Prince, hauing no other meane to paye, is so muche bound to recompence seruice, that he hath to redéeme it, euen from his ordinarie diet. Conformable vnto thine estate, demaunde what thou wilt: for since thou beeing a seruaunt, hadst a minde to serue: it is iust, that I beeing a Prince, shoulde haue rewardes to giue thée.’
These, and such other woordes Alexander vsed to say, vnto such as were mindfull to serue him: and forgettfull to craue of him. Those that serued him, and others that craued of him, he did neuer recompence with the reward of any office of iustice: but such as had serued him, he recompenced their seruice, with houses, Iewels, inheritances, or money.
For any importunitie which they should vse with him, any seruice which they should do him, any Iewels which [Page 451] they should present him, or any fauour which they had of him, he gaue not at any time, vnto any person, any office for gouernement of iustice: if he had not séene abilitie in his person, and merite in his life. Euery seuentéene dayes, he payed his men of warre: and when they departed out of Italie, to conquere any countrey, he did ease them with beastes whereon to ride, and succoured them with money to spende, for maintenaunce of their horsses of seruice in courage, and their persons from wearinesse. When he trauelled vppon the way, he payde for the lodging of all his traine, & did beare the charges of all sicke persons.
‘Certeine Christians, and certeine tauerners came before him to plead for a parcell of ground, where the Christians would haue erected an house of prayer, there to worship Christ their God: and on the other side, the tauerners alledged their great necessitie of that situation, for tauernes for the people: in which matter Alexander gaue this sentence. Diuine thinges ought alwayes to haue preferment before humaine matters: wherefore, I saye and commaunde, that the Christians make their house for Christe their God: for, admitting their God is vnto vs vnknowen, yet his honour is to be preferred before the profite of tauerners.’
CHAP. VI. ¶Howe warre was offered in Asia vnto Alexander, and what was saide vnto his Ambassadours.
JN the eleuenth yere after the beginning of the Empire of Alexander, soudeinly he receiued letters from Asia, [Page 452] wherein he was giuen to vnderstande by his Romane officers, that there were resident, how Artaxerxes king of the Persians had subdued, and also slaine Arthabanus king of the Parthians: and not contented with that victorie, beganne also to occupie and possesse Assyria and Mesopotamia, prouinces subiect vnto Rome. Vppon which newes, Alexander seemed to receiue some trouble of minde, partely to haue warres in Asia, which alwayes was vnto the Romanes both daungerous and costely: and partely, for that in tenne yeares past, he had séene no enimie against him in armour: as also, for that the successe of warres consisteth not in leading greate armies, but in the fauourable prouision of the destinies.
Alexander, from his infancie, had béene bredde in peace, had gouerned the Empire in peace, and naturally also was inclined vnto peace: in respect whereof, it was no marueile thoughe he were annoyed with warres: for that the trouble and disquietnesse which warre bringeth with it, is more conuenient vnto cruell and vnquiet persons, then for men of reposed mindes.
Hée commaunded his priuate seruauntes deputed for his counsel, to ioyne with the Senate, ioyntly to reade the letters that were written to him out of Asia, and to determine howe they should be aunswered: for, as negligence is hurtfull in all graue affaires, so in the warres it slayeth. The letters being read, although they were therein of sundry iudgements, yet in the ende they resumed, that before they made Artaxerxes warre, they shuld request with peace: for, admitting that at that present he destroyed the Romane territories, yet were it not agréeable vnto the greatenesse and sinceritie of Rome, to take warre in hande, before that such warre were very well iustified. With greate breuitie Alexander dispatched Ambassadours into Asia, and by them did write vnto Artaxerxes king of the Persians a letter, after this manner.
Alexander Seuerus, Romane Emperour, to Axtaxerxes king of Persians, health & peace, in the pacified Gods.
Wee salute thee with health, because we wishe it thee: and we salute thee with peace, for that wee bee louers thereof: and thou hast not to holde it in small estimation, that I salute thee in peace, and wish thee health: for vnto Princes that possesse not health, life is tedious: and they which haue not peace, it were lesse euil to be dead. It may chaunce, that the warre which a man hath against his owne proper sensualitie sufficeth not, but that he must inuent warre against some straunge countrie. A man that may not subdue his heart, which within his own body is imprisoned, thinketh he to conquere the whole world that is placed in so great libertie? If in time of peace wee may not liue in quietnesse: what shal wee do when wee awake new enimies against vs? The Prince that may not persuade him selfe to conforme his wil and mind to the iudgement of one onely person, doth he think to constreine all persons to be appliant to his onely iudgement? Great trauell hath the poore man, that wanteth all things: but much more hath the Prince y t is contented with nothing. Here we vnderstand, that y u hast aduentured thy person, spent thy treasure, imployed thy friends, & destroyed many people, to be lord of the Parthians: & we fully beleeue, that nowe thou art no more satisfied, then when thou wert only king of Persia: for, contentation consisteth not in cō quering strange kingdoms, but in taming & moderating our own proper desires. Neither the Parthians [Page 454] there in Asia, neither the Romanes here in Europa, haue committed any deede, wherfore thou shouldest murther thē, or manace vs: but it may come to passe, that they shal reuenge their iniurie, and we destroye thy potencie: because for the more parte, there neuer groweth any daunger towardes vs by our enimies which haue vs in hatred: but from our friends whom we haue offended. The Romanes and Parthians at al times haue beene thy good friendes, and thou hast attempted an enterprise to offend them: but I sweare vnto thee by the immortall Gods, that if thou doest not restore them that which thou hast taken, and to vs, that which wee possesse: in such manner, we Romanes wil make thee warre, that from commaunding as a king of Asia, thou shalt come to serue as a vassal seruaunt in Rome. There wee sende thee our Ambassadours, which shall declare vnto thee our will, heare them and beleeue them: and if thou wilt not giue faith vnto the woordes which they shall speake, thou shalt hereafter giue credit vnto the armies which wee will sende. No more, but that our Gods be with thee, and thine alwayes with mee.
The Romane Ambassadours which passed into Asia with this letter, afterwardes reported, that when king Artaxerxes had perused the same twice or thrice, he spake in this manner.
Certeine woordes vttered by Artaxerxes vppon the receipt of Alexander his Ambassage.
[Page 455]I haue read this letter of your Prince, more then once or twice: and as appeareth by the style thereof, he hath spent more time in the Achademies, studying: then in the fieldes, fighting: because warrelike Princes haue high thoughtes, and reasons very short: but in armes verie doughtie.
I accept your Ambassage, and explicate your credite, since the meaning of your Prince is, that I shall leaue what I haue taken from the Parthians, and not occupie my selfe in possessing that which apperteineth vnto the Romanes: vnto this aunsweringe, I saye: that the lawe which hath ordeined, this is thine, and this is mine, proceeded from base mindes and humble heartes, that wanted hardinesse to enterprise greate thinges: immagining to defende by bookes, that which they durst not winne with armes. The lawes made by poore Philosophers ought not to preiudice the greatenesse of Princes: because the Goddes haue determined, that all thinges shall bee proper, except kingdomes, which amongest Princes should be common: the right whereof consisteth not in such as doe inherite them, but in them which may winne them.
The heroycall Princes, and high mindes, are not to bee satisfied with the patrimonies of their predecessours: muche lesse apperteineth it vnto their greatenesse, to demaund by lawe, that which their enimies haue taken from them: but for preseruation of their inheritaunce to spende their treasure, and for conquering and subduing kingdomes, euery houre to aduenture their liues.
And since it is thus, that there is no king so vertuous, [Page 456] but enuieth anothers kingdome: I am determimined to conserue that which I haue taken from the Parthians, and to take what I may from the Romanes: and if fortune shalbee frowarde in this my iourney, at the least all men shall prayse the greatnes of my minde.
These and such other woordes Artaxerxes vsed with the Romane Ambassadours, which (as they afterwards reported in Rome) did not so much maruell at that which he saide, as of the minde wherewith he did manifest the same: for he séemed not to talke with the toung, but to fight with his handes. Nowe, when the Ambassadours were dispatched and departed from the courte, he called them againe and said: Saye vnto Alexander your prince, that I meane not to aunswere vnto his philosophicall letter: but in place of writing, I assigne him the fielde for paper, the lance for the penne, bloud for ynke, & woundes for wordes. The Ambassadours being returned vnto Rome, and reporting all that had happened with Artaxerxes, the Senate were not a little touched therwith, and all the people conceiued no small indignation, ioyntly swearing to breake the pride of Artaxerxes, & to reuenge the wordes that he had spoken against Rome. This Prince Artaxerxes was much loued and liked of his people, and no lesse feared of straungers: and a thing moste to be noted in him, was, that if in taking from others he had the shewe of a tyrant, after he possessed the same, he did gouerne as a right and iust Prince. Many Romanes requested Alexander, to assemble Sorcerers, and Magicians, to declare the successe of that warre: whiche he woulde not in any wise accomplishe, either might well indure the hearing thereof, affirming: that if as the Magicians & Soothsayers, by their art, haue knowlege to vnderstand things to come, so they had power to remedie the mischief which they should find, it were not vniust to [Page 457] cōferre with them, & also to serue them: but since I am certaine that I may not escape what my destinies wil cast vpō mee, I will rather sticke vnto that which the Gods shall determine, then vnto that which the Magicians shall report and imagine.
CHAP. VII. ¶Of a discreete speach vsed by Alexander vnto his men of warre.
ALexander vnderstanding the proud answere that Artaxerxes had giuen vnto his Embassadours, determined against him to denounce warre: vnto whiche end hee sent his mandats to all prouinces, cities, subiects, and confederats with the Romane Empire, to succour them with monie, and assist them with their most warlike people. Eleuen yeres were past, in which the Empire enioyed most perfecte peace and tranquillitie: and vppon the tidings of these new warres into Asia, they were not a litle amazed and escandalized: partly for exacting newe tributes, and partly for demaunding their husbands and sonnes for the warres. With gratefull minds and readie disposition, the imperialists accepted the Emperour Alexander in his requestes and were no lesse readie to yéeld their monie, their sonnes, and persons to be imployed in his seruice: because they were fully persuaded, that neither by his fault, that warre was raised: either by his want of merite, to finde therein any misfortune. During the time that monie was collecting, and the men of warre assembling, he commaunded all the Capitaines, Centurions, and the most principal of all his garrisons and armies, to come before him: who being placed in the field, and hee himselfe aduaunced aloft, hée spake to them after this maner.
Alexander his Oration, to his Capiteines and armie, ass;embled in the field.
Brethren, companions, and my friends, I beseeche the immortall Gods, to giue vnto my tongue sweete eloquence, touching that which I haue to say: and to place in your hartes congruent attention, concerning that which you haue to heare: because, grace to persuade in him that speaketh, and permission to be persuaded in him that heareth, are gifts that many craue, but verie few obteine. The inclination wherwith we are ledd, is so proud, and the malice of man so wilie, y t there is none which esteemeth himselfe so simple, but thinketh to know that which another vnderstandeth: and therefore, for one man to haue skill to persuade many, is a gift that the gods onely do giue. With the seueritie of Demosthenes, the prudence of Pythagoras, the wisedome of Plato, and the eloquence of Cicero, many may hardly persuade one person: & doth one man thincke to persuade many? That which I haue presently to say vnto you, is not to the ende that ye shal do what I wil, but to vnderstand what it is that you will: because, in great and graue affaires, one hath to propound, but many to determine. But comming to the purpose: you haue knowen & seene, that these xi. yeares we haue gouerned the Romane Empire: in which space we haue trauelled to conserue all men in iustice, & shunned all occasions that might hinder our peace: wherin we haue cause to giue thanks vnto the Gods, since we haue deserued to enioy in oure time, y t which our predecessours neuer obteined. Although a [Page 459] prince in his condition be a Saturnine, and in his life not well aduised, in conuersation vnbridled, in keeping couetous, and proud in his owne estimation: yet all is to bee suffered and dissimuled, if hee hold peace with strangers, and without acception of persons, doe equall iustice vnto his subiectes. It is knowen vnto you all, that Artaxerxes king of Persians, hath destroyed the Parthians, and dealt foulely with all oure confederats & friendes, and yet remayneth in so great power in Asia, y t there is not against him one launce in the Reste: but your heroycall deedes and noble mindes being considered, wee thincke not that ye either meruaile, or haue any doubt thereof: for that admiration proceedeth of small wisedome, and feare of cowardnesse. Heroycall persons, that amongest others would be notified, receiue with equall mindes aduersitie and prosperitie: for vnto such men, though the ioy of prosperitie, and the smarte of aduersitie bee vncertaine, yet is their glorie vnuariable. Leauing the Gods, and speaking of the affaires of men, nothing may iustly bee termed great, but that which bringeth with it great inconuenience: and then one is of more valure then all, when one doeth that whiche all leaue vndone: for, greatnesse consisteth not in possessing proud desires: but in perfourming deedes of noblenesse.
From Rome wee haue sent oure Embassadours vnto Artaxerxes, to persuade him to leaue those prouinces whiche hee hath taken, and to abstaine from them which hee ment to take: which hee not onely refuseth to doe, but hardly might endure the hearing therof: for which cause, it apperteineth vnto the greatnesse of Rome, to employ it selfe to the breaking [Page 460] of his pride: for that it proceeded not of lesse vertue to humble the proud, then to aduaunce the humble. Many of you which be here, haue beene bred, and also present at the glorious acts of Antoninus Pius, and Seuerus my progenitours, noble men of immortall renowne: and notwithstanding that by the antiquitie of your yeares, and the trauels which ye haue passed in the warres, ye may not fight, yet at the least ye shal profite vs by your aduise and counsell: whiche in the warres is verie necessarie, and no lesse profitable: for that in such assembly, one counsell is oft giuen, that exceedeth the seruice of a thousand horsemen. Perfectly wee ought to hope, that wee Romanes shal bee conquerours, and the Barbarians ouerthrowen: not onely for that they first raised this warre, but also because we haue requested them with peace: wherein y e Gods are so iust, that very sildome they permit them to enioy the victorie, who were the occasion to raise that warre. And doubt ye neuer the more, for that our armour is old & rustie: because the felicitie of warre, consisteth not in bright armour, but in doughtie harts and noble mindes. Many which march on land in bright armour, be ouercome: and all men that go by sea, weare rustie armour, and doe conquere: in such wise, that warre is not mainteyned with armour of yron, but with heartes of steele. And be not escādalized with consideration that ye haue to fight vnder the stā dard of a young prince, which wanteth experience in the warres: but as of the rest, so of this ye shal haue no cause to doubt: for that I go determined, intending in the acte of fighting, to fight as one of you: & in matters of counsell, to yeeld my selfe vnto the counsel of the auncient.
[Page 461]For any want of victuals, neither haue ye to suspecte: for that we are prouided alreadie in the chanel of Byzantio, with wheate of Sicyl, wines of Cādie, bacon of Campania, oyle of Spaine, salt of Capua, pouldred beefe of Cerdonia, and oates and beanes of Normandie. For other pleasaunt and delectable things, I neither cōmaund to search, either would I (if they were found) suffer them to be transported: because in the warres, they may hardly subdue their enimies, that are ouercome with vices. Scipio the African, when he went to besiege the renowmed Numantia, founde thirtie thousand Romanes (which xiiii. yeares had beene at the siege thereof) enuironed with two hundreth thousand vices: who (like a skilfull Capitaine) banished both vice & vicious persōs out of his campe: this being accomplished, presently the enimies were ouercome. In this iourny so tedious, perilous, chargeable & costly, I would not that ye should do more thē ye shall see me doe: because in trauell vppon the way, sayling on the sea, defending passages, executing on y e enimies, and in the vsage of my person, ye shall finde mee an affable companion, and no niggardly prince.
These, and such other woordes Alexander vsed vnto his armie: which being heard, with lowde voyces they did all wish the Gods to preserue his life, and said with one assent, that they were readie to go and die in that warre in his seruice. This speach being ended, he diuided amongest his armies much monie, according to the custome of the Romane Emperours: which was not giuen in part of paiment of their wages, but to animate them, that with the better wil they might indure the trauels of warre.
CHAP. VIII. ¶ Howe the Romanes were ouercome of the Persians.
‘AFter that Alexander had discoursed w t his Captaines and prouided all thinges necessarie for his iourney, he commaunded open warre to be proclaimed against Asia, & a day appointed for his departing: before which time, hée made great sacrifices in the temples, and vowes vnto the Gods: because the good Romane princes vsed for custome, first to pacifie the yre of the Gods, before they tooke armes against their enimies.’ On the day in which he issued out of Rome, all the Senate and people did accompanie him 3. miles: & further also (a thing much to be noted) there was none which beheld him departing, but bitterly fell a wéeping: for that being (as he was) a prince so pitiful, of all mē he was cordially and hartily beloued. From the time y t hée departed from Rome, he stayed not, vntil he arriued at the citie Alexandria: to which place he had commaunded all y e garrisons of Illyria to repaire, y t there being assembled, the ignorant might exercise feates of armes: & further, to prouide things necessarie for y e warres. Alexander being arriued at Alexandria, it séemed vnto him, & to his graue Romane counsellers, to send another Embassage to Artaxerxes, king of the Persians, once more to inuite him to peace: which if he refused, then against him to sound defiance.
Artaxerxes being aduertised of Alexander his passage into Asia, & the cōming of his Embassadours into his kingdom, did neither manifest any feare of the Romane power, either was any thing altered with this newe Embassage, making the Legates none other answere, but that shortly he would send a newe embassage. Within 6. dayes after, Artaxerxes sent an embassage of 400. horsemen to Alexander, of the most noble, valiant, and gallantest gentlemen of his armies: and the end wherfore he sent so many and so braue, was, to terrifie the Romanes with the magnificence of y e Persians. The Embassage of those 400. persons, were comprised in fewe words, and after this maner were they written.
The Embassage of Artaxerxes, the Persian king, to Alexander the renowmed Emperour.
The great king Artaxerxes, Lord of the Persians, cōmaundeth thee Alexander, king of the Romanes, to depart out of Asia, and cease to enter possession of Assyria: care not to enter into Ionia, Caria, either to haue to doe with Pontus, the sea Aegeum, either to passe any countrie or prouince which cōfineth or bordereth vpon Europa: for otherwise, in not accōplishing these thinges, it shal be necessarie y t thou be chastised.
‘ Alexander considering this proud Embassage, cōmaunded al the 400. Embassadours to be taken, & rewarding others with all the apparell which they did weare, and the iewels which they had, he sent them banished into Phrygia, there to till the lands, & plow w t oxen. Some gaue Alexander counsel, not to banish but to hang them: to whom he answered: he that saith in his Embassage no more then he is cōmaunded, & fighteth for defence of his coūtrie, vniustly they take away his life. Alexander possessing an armie of great power, forgot not to diuide the same into thrée parts, y t is to say, sending the one by the way of Armenia, y e other along the borders of Tygris & Euphrates, & the third part he ledd with himselfe to enter into the countries and fields of his enimies: to the end, that the Persians beholding themselues assailed on euery side, should yéeld and stoope to the seruice of the Romanes.’ In those dayes, y e Persians had not skil orderly to giue a battel, but y e ioyntly they fought in heapes, & so either they did subdue, or were subdued: and that which is more to be meruailed, as well women went to the warres as men: neither did the prince giue wages vnto the one or the other, more then euery one was able to get, rob, and spoile in the same. Although the Persians were not readie in kéeping of aray, yet on the other parte, they were much accustomed vnto armes, and from their youth addicted to runne horses, and shoote arrowes.
[...] [Page 466] that the Persians had slaine their parentes, & that their wiues and children were now destroyed by the Germaines. Excéeding was the sorrow which stoung Alexanders heart, considering with what haste he was called vnto the warres of Germanie: chiefly, for aduertisement of the necessitie of his personal presence in the same warrs: for otherwise, the Romanes would not repaire: and such as came discomfited from Asia, would all depart. The greatest griefe that did cruciate and torment his heart, was, to thinke that at y e houre in which the fame of his vnfortunat fight should be diuulgate and noysed through the Empire, and the Germaines newly reuolted, his enimies in Rome would attempt some commotion in the common wealthe: for that it is naturall vnto the common people, to desire daily chaunge of newe Lords. The Emperour Alexander determined in his owne person to be in the warrs of Germanie: and on the other part, did write to the Senate amorous letters, sending vnto Rome, to be offered in the temples, great sacrifices: and shippes loaden with wheate and oyle, to be diuided amongest the people: and ioyntly with this, he secreately prouided to furnishe the frontiars with men and victuals: in such wise, that this good prince, in his owne person would goe to the warres against his enimies: and with his goods would winne the heartes of his subiects. With no small diligence, Alexander traueiled from Asia to Germanie: and immediately vppon his arriuall at Rhene, he made bridges of boates, whereon his armies might fréely passe, and also fight with his enimies.
Alexander iourneying towards Germanie, enterteyned certaine people called Maures, which liued in the fieldes Ossroanos, bordering vppon Thracia: who fought with long lances, hauing a head of yron at eche ende, with such dexteritie and readinesse on horseback, that in riding they would take vp their lances falne vnto the ground: and also wound their enimies as well in flight, as assault. Many of these Maures were meruailous readie archers at the crosbowe: and as naturally the Germaines are high of bodie, [Page 467] and slow and laden with flesh, and the Maures on the other part, very skilful in shooting, and of like life in skirmishing: so they behaued themselues no more nor no lesse with the Germaines, then an archer with a white at a Butt, that is to say, without all danger to strike the same all to péeces. Although the Romaines were few, yet in their martial affayres they had prosperous beginning, and no lesse hope of good successe: but y e Germaines, admitting they were many, yet fought they with great misfortune: because the Romanes were men of experience, but the Germaines chiefly practised manuring the fields. Notwithstanding the Germaines did repent them of their warlike attempts, and Alexander not misliking his personall iourney: yet the good prince forgat not to request them, and also pray them with peace: for which purpose, he sent vnto them wise Embassadors, that on his behalfe should say vnto them very good woords, and offer large rewards, with a general pardon of all iniuries: this did hée, not for feare, but yet with some doubt of fortunes variablenesse, which in warlike attēpts discouereth her dealing with most vncertaintie. The Germaines most times beginne their warres with choler, and prosecute the same with furie: but in the end, they endure to be persuaded by requests, & to be ouercome with monie. During the time that the Embassadours practised peace, they established a truce betwixt both armies, whereat the Romane hostes were amazed, and no lesse escandalized: for that as then being fleshed vpon the Germaines, they would reuenge all iniuries, and also rob them of their goods.
‘In Alexanders armie there was a Capteine named Maximius, borne in Thracia, in linage obscure, in condition barbarous, of inclination vicious, in office a mansleyar, and a robber on highe wayes: who, for his valiauntnesse in warrelike affayres, came by all the degrées of cheualrie to haue y e charge of men of warre. And to consider a meruailous matter of this Maximius, which is to say: y t as Nature was his aduersarie in depriuing him of vertues natural, so was Fortune his fauourer in all variable chaunces: [Page 468] because, then fortune sheweth her greatnes, when such as be of small valure, are aduanced to the possession of mightie thinges. The Romanes considering howe Alexander practised peace with the Germaines, and that the truce cō tinuing, he gaue himselfe vnto pleasure and vice, all spoyle and robbing of enimies being remoued, agréed amongest themselues to create Maximius Emperour, & to murther their lord and Emperour Alexander. The case was thus, that Maximius being in the fields, teaching certaine yonge men to play at weapons, the confederate traytours came vnto him, and taking Maximius amongest them, apparelled him with the robe and ensigne of the Empire: who being ignoraunt of their intent, and supposing it to be done in ieast, vsed some resistance. But, when Maximius perceiued his promotion to be no matter of iest, he determined to kill the true Emperour in earnest: wherof Alexander (all carelesse in his tente) being aduertised, began to chaunge countenance as one sore abashed, and his mother also to fall a wéeping. The generous and valiant gentlemen that Alexander had with him, hee did request and persuade to resist the traitour Maximius, and as good vassals & frends, in this case to liue and die with him: which they all promised, but afterwards obserued not.’
‘The next day early in the morning, it was said vnto Alexander, that Maximius came accompanied with all the armie: whereuppon Alexander demaunding armour to issue forth to fight, there was not one mā found that would follow: for y t all his men of warre were returned to Maximius, and the most of his seruauntes that night were fled. When Maximius came within the viewe of the imperiall tent, where Alexander remayned, he stoode still, and commaunded certaine Capitaines to goe to Alexander, not to take, but to kill him: & that by no meanes they should giue him space or place to do any déed, or stay to heare any of his words: for that many times delayes in like cases bring to passe, that hee that should haue died, doth kill him that should haue liued.’
[Page 469] ‘When Maximius his Captaines came vnto Alexanders tente, he was blaming his mother, saying, that by her auarice and couetousnes hée lost both life and honour: but his complaintes, and her lamentations extended to smal purpose: for that ioyntly they slue the sonne, and mangled the mother all to péeces. Herodianus (in his Romane histories) sayth, that this chaunce and death happened vnto Alexander: but other Historiographers, no lesse graue and true, although they say that hee died in Germanie, yet say not that he was subdued in Asia: moreouer, the occasion of his death they report after another maner: because Herodianus knewe not otherwise to excuse the treason committed by Maximius, but to say, for that Alexander had béene ouercome, he was odious vnto all the armie.’
CHAP. X. ¶Of a solemne Oration made by Alexander vnto his men of warre.
WHen Alexander departed from Rome to goe into the warres of Asia, hée had great regard vnto his men of warre, as well for their safetie, as also for robbing such countries as they were to passe: for, as naturall is it for men of warre to rob their neighbours, as to kill enimies. When hée did eate, he had alwayes his tente open: to the end all men of his host should both sée and knowe, that the meate which he did eate, had more taste of the sharpnesse of the warres, then of the delicatenesse of Rome. Nightly hee did visite the circuite of his campe: and at all times would giue them false alarmes, to yéeld them aptnesse vnto armour, and readinesse to repaire vnto their ensignes. If any person did wander from his standard, either to rob, or but so much as to walke, the qualitie of the person considered, hee receiued punishment more or lesse.
If any were a brabler with his hoste, froward with his [Page 470] companions, disobedient vnto his officers, tooke any thing by violence, or was foule mouthed, hee would say these woords vnto him: ‘ wouldest thou, that as thou doest, they should doe, or as thou sayest, they should say vnto thee? Knowest thou not the prouerbe of the Christians, Quod tibi nō vis, alteri ne feceris, that is, what thou wilt not to thy selfe, do not to another. Alexander said that he heard this Prouerbe spoken, and he wist not whether of the Iewes or Christians: whiche in his heart tooke such déepe impression, that he did not onely speake and repeate, but also many times wrote the same vnto his gouernours: and further, caused them to be drawen vppon his ensignes, and grauen vpon all his workes. Alexander being resident in the territories of Antioche, was informed that a certaine Capitaine had abused an auncient woman, both in woord and déede: and both being called into his presence, and the matter heard, he commaunded the Capitaine to be depriued of his roome and office, and of the liberties which hee had receiued in Rome: and further, that hee should be slaue vnto the old woman: furthermore, hee commaunded that in Carpentars craft he should perfourme his seruice, & mainteine his old dame.’ Hee vsed so great seueritie and hardnesse with his men of warre, that many times hee dispatched them by whole bandes: for that he might not endure their ciuil dissentions: or robberies, and scandals amongest neighbours.
All Romane princes had feare of their armies, except Alexander, and the cause why (as he said) hee feared them not, was: for that he payed them very well, and remoued all occasion of reprehension from his owne person and life: for in the ende, none hath true libertie to chastice, but the man that is of a sincere life. The armie remayning in Antioche, he was aduertised that they gaue themselues vnto women, haunted hoate houses, and spente and lost much time in vaine playes and idlenesse: whereuppon hee commaunded all the Capitaines, Tribunes, and Centurions, to be taken, and with yrons to be cast into prison, vppon [Page 471] which cause there grew amongest them, no small scandal: in so much that openly they durst say vnto Alexander, if on that present day hee did not let them lose, the nexte day following they would depart vnto the enimies. Alexander being aduertised what his men of warre had said, & what they ment to do, commaunded them all to appeare before his presēce, both such as were in bonds, as those that were at libertie: saying vnto them these words.
Alexander his Oration, made to his men of warre, at his commaundement before him summoned and assembled.
Brothers, friends, and my companions, that which now I haue to say vnto you, is more for y e loue whiche I beare you, then feare which I haue of you: because, princes that haue feare to execute iustice, either it is for that they are vniust: or because their subiectes should dissemble their owne proper vices. Howe would ye that I should suffer you, being (as ye are) noble Romaines? whom cruell tyrantes would not endure as their subiectes? There is none so euil, althoughe hee endeuour not to be vertuous, that of the good holdeth not good opinion: wherof followeth, that it is much more euill for the common wealthe, the prince being vertuous, to suffer persons vicious: then him that is vicious, to permit no vice in his common wealth.
The prince that consenteth vnto vices, and dissembleth with vicious persons, is not to be named a pitifull father, but a peruersse and a cruell tyraunte: [Page 472] for that, notwithstanding at the present hee doeth not chastice them, yet in processe the one shall destroy the other. One vicious, with another that is vicious, may neuer long continue in friendship: for presently vpon the decay of vice, at the instant their friendship faileth. Being (as I am) your prince according to iustice, and your brother in loue, how would ye that I should suffer you to rauish women, play your wages away at dice, spoile orchardes, with other such like vile & heynous deeds? Admitting that now I would passe and dissemble the same, yet doubtlesse, your selues before others would blame & condemne y e same: because this tribute the good haue ouer the euill, that if they bee greeued with the chastisement giuen vnto the euill, in the end they shall some day praise him y t did iustice. Vnderstand ye not that ye are gentlemen of Rome? and that on the day in which any man taketh the name of a Romane, hee bindeth himselfe to bee vertuous? Because this name of Romanes, was not so much magnified of our predecessours, by killing enimies in Asia, as by weeding vices out of oure common wealthes.
Wee call the Persians, Barbarians, because they haue taken that which was ours: and doubt ye that of Romanes, they shall not intitle vs tyrantes, that haue spoyled others? I am named Alexander, and would imitate Alexander the great: of whome, and of his father king Philip it is said, that when they brought foorth their armies to fighte, they seemed more a Senate in the common wealth, then men of warre. If they had done what ye nowe haue done, neuer might those princes haue obteined so great victories of their enimies, either writers so largely to haue registred [Page 473] their noble and glorious deedes, either might I haue praysed them with so good wordes: whereof foloweth, that the chiefest effecte to ouerthrowe enimies, is, to holde armies verie well disciplined. Princes vse to lose manie victories, not for want of iustified war, but because their men of warre are wicked: and admittinge that some times euill men do conquere, yet in the end they shal be vanquished, or else of the gods cruelly chasticed. Let them be certeine, that are either present or absent, if anie one will be euill, either let him returne vnto his house, or else we shal chasten him if he remaine vnder our standard: because it is not iuste that wee, comminge to recouer that whiche is vsurped from the common wealth, by bearinge with your woorkes, shoulde defame our mother Rome. If we suffer so manie trauels, aduenture our selues in so manie perills, and consume our treasures, it is not for wante of oyle, wheate, wine, plate, or golde, but to magnifie the renowme of the Romaine Empire: and since it is so, howe is it possible for the Gods to permitt, that by the handes of infamous persons, we should obteine honour or renoune. Numa Pompilius, Quintus Cincinnatus, Marcus Marcellus, Paulus Emilius, Quintus Fabius, Cneus Fabricius, and Scipio Africanus brought to passe, with the Gods that the Romaine empire was accepted, and that through the worlde the name of Rome was reuerēced: we read not in histories that these glorious and noble men, in their persons were tyrants, and muche lesse woulde consente their armies to be vicious. Beleeue me, friends and companions, Princes that will mainteine the fame of good Princes, and not recouer the reproche of tyrantes, ought to haue [Page 474] as greate care to preserue their armies from vice, as to auoyde the treason of enimies: for that men do incurre greater daunger by secrete vices, then by open enimies. That whiche ye haue done, is either good or euill: and if robbinge of fieldes, raysinge of mutinies, and forceing of women, be good: then by this accompt, to honour temples, defende orphans, sacrifice vnto the Gods, and to vse iustice with all people, is wicked: since the lawes whiche condemne the one, allowe the other: whiche of all you is neither to be beleued, either so muche as once to be thought: for, not withstandinge of euill we can say but euil: yet is it muche worse to defende, then do it. If these insolencies whiche I haue rehearsed, and you haue committed, ye holde for euill: why conceiue ye not the chasticemente giuen for the same, to be good? If vertue and rewarde be cousines, who wil denie that the trespasse & y e punishment are brethren? He that ordeyned the conquerour to triumph, hath he not appointed the theefe to be hanged? Will ye be paide before hande, for seruice vnperfourmed? and will ye neither pay or restore that whiche ye haue purloyned?
Notwithstanding Princes haue greate libertie in the cōmon wealth, yet are they not exempted or free frō iustice: and will men of warre only be priuileged? The wordes whiche ye haue vttered, and the threatninges which ye haue thundered, neither do I take them as iniuries, or yeald my self to anie grieuous agonie: for in killinge me, ye shall kill but one: yet in the ende, there shall not wante in the Empire, one to succeede mee, and also to chastice you.
That whiche I presently requeste and commaund [Page 475] you, is, to amende that whiche is past, presentely to imbrace quietnesse, and to be aduised in time to come: whiche if ye refuse, I shall be forced to vse rigour, because I am not to supporte mine Empire, by relieuing vicious souldiours, but in maintenance of all men by iustice.
These and such wordes beeing saide, they became al milde and pacified: and further, all armour beeing laide a parte, in token of obedience: and their heades caste downe, in signe of sorrowe: euerie man departed vnto his charge. Hereby, the greate authoritie of Alexander in his commaundements is to bee gathered: and the force whiche he had in his persuadinge speache, to be pondered. The bande and capteineship which he dismissed, after xxx. dayes he did bothe pardon and admitte them: because hee sawe in them greate repentaunce, for that which was past, and readie mindes to serue him in time to come: and so it came to passe, that afterwardes in battell they proued men most notable, and such in déede, as to whome greatest glorie was giuen.
CHAP. XI. ¶Of the victorie that Alexander obteined against the Persians, and of his triumph, as some writers do report.
WHen Alexander departed from Rome, because of the warres in Asia, a great part of Summer was past: for which cause, it was necessarie for him to Winter in Antioche: admitting y e delay increaseth cost, yet was it profitable for perfourmance of his warlike attempts: for that [Page 476] in mene time, he reformed his armies, prouided victuals, repayred high wayes, recouered manie daungerous passages, and also remoued from his enimie manie confederates. When summer began, Alexander marched with his armie: after whose entrance into the lande of Persia, he perfourmed al exploites accustomed in suche a iourney: which is to wéete, brake bridges, ouerthrewe fortes, burned houses, sacked townes, spoyled fieldes, killed men, and did captiuate women: whereof we haue not to meruell, for that notwithstandinge warre be iustified, and all thinges iuste therein demaunded, yet alwayes the déedes thereof be moste vniuste. Certeine dayes beeing past, wherin were trauersed diuers daungerous skirmishes, and no lesse perilous incounters, by the consente of Alexander and Artaxerxes, they committed both their fortunes vnto the merite of a battell: the Persians being ouerthrowen, and the Romains remaining conquerours: wherein, if Artaxerxes had staide his hardinesse, and commended the matter vnto policie, placeing his power in his fortes and moste stronge places: if he had suffered the Romaines by tracte of time to consume thēselues, according to the custome of greate armies, in straunge countries: he might haue preserued, both his countrie and honour. Great riches were recouered in that battell, and infinite the captiues whiche then were taken: and as the Persians holde it for a moste greate iniurie to serue any straunge nation, so Artaxerxes, notwithstandinge hee was poore and ouercome, gathered together greate summes of money, and redéemed all captiues: in suche wise, that in Persia there remained no money, either anie captiues came vnto Rome.
Alexander recouered in those warres, the renoume of valiant, magnanime, and not couetous: and he was iustely intituled valiaunt, for his doughtinesse in fighting: magnanime, for his magnificent liberalitie: and not couetous, for the small share that he reserued vnto him selfe.
[Page 477]The affaires of Persia beeing dispatched. Alexander returned vnto Rome, entering the same with greate triumph, and glorie: for that conformable vnto the people and nation which they had subdued, was the riches that was brought vnto the treasurie. And after being mounted vpon the Capitol, he saide vnto the Senate, after this manner.
A shorte Oration made to the Senate.
Fathers Conscript, for that I come tyred with so long a iourney, and you no lesse wearied in receiuing mee, it were no reason to make long speache, muche lesse to inuent newe eloquence: because there is nothing so eloquently spoken, but if it bee saide out of time or place, seemeth tedious vnto the audience. He that shall speake, or persuade others, hath not only to consider what he saith, but also to obserue time, and respect the assemblie: for the Sea at one time, doth permitt her selfe to be spurned: and at another time not to bee touched. By that which ye haue hearde, as that which this day ye haue seene, ye may vnderstand howe daungerous this warre hath beene, and howe copious a victorie we haue obteined: for as ye vnderstand (Fathers conscript) there is no great haruest, without great tillage.
The case is thus, that the Persians had in their fauour foure score thousand footemen, sixe thousand horssemen, seuen hundreth Elephants, two thousand yron cartes, and two thousand slaues that were young men: the one halfe to beare victuals, and the other halfe to mend high wayes.
[Page 478]On that day in which both the one & the other came foorth into the fielde to fight, no man woulde haue thought, but y t the whole world had bene come together, and also the deade risen out of their graues. Of foote men we slewe twentie thousande, and did captiuate twentie thousande, of horse men two thousande were killed, and three thousande did yealde, of Elephantes we bringe three hundred, and three hundred we haue slaine: the cartes, the slaues, and prisoners, they haue redeemed by the weight of money, in such wise, that we haue taken their countries, ouercome their persons, and brought away their goods. I returne safe & sound, y e armie inriched, king Artaxerxes defeated, the name of Rome magnified, and the confederates satisfied: and with all these trauels though we come wearied, yet are we not fatigated: because victorie is so sweete a thing, that it leadeth al trauells past into obliuion.
Alexander hauing saide these wordes, the Senate exclaimed with loude voices.
The immortal Gods saue thee Alexander, the Gods make thy fame immortall, since this day thou haste honoured Rome with euerlastinge fame. Thou hast ouercome the Persians, visited the Parthians, subdued kinges, inriched the armies, and placed vs in great honour: for which cause, not vnworthily, we intitle thee Pater Patriae father of our countrie, Tribune of the people, most highe Bishoppe, first Consul, & only Emperour of the worlde.
These & such other exclamations manifested by the Senate, at the issue of the Capitol gate, Alexander saide vnto all persons that there did attend him.
Fathers, sonnes, brothers, and companions vnto [Page 479] the fathers of the Senate, we haue giuen accompt of all that we haue done, and will giue you a reason, as apperteineth, of al that we haue saide. For this day, the triumph paste sufficeth: to morowe, we wil visite the temples: the nexte daye, we will offer greate sacrifices: the fourth day, wee will giue libertie vnto prisoners: the fifte day, we will diuide rewardes amongst the poore widowes, and orphans: the sixte day, we wil begin y e Persike & Circen playes: for cō sidering the greatnesse of our victorie, we wil first accomplishe with the Gods, by whom we haue obteined the same: and then with men which gaue vs their assistance.
When Alexander came from the Capitol, hee mounted on horse backe to ride vnto his palace: whome, at that instante, certeine auncient gentlemen of Rome did take & beare vpon their shoulders, the people gathered together exclaminge with lowde voyces, in this manner.
Blessed is Mamea thy mother, blessed art thou Alexander her sonne, blessed is Rome y t bred thee, blessed is y e armie that elected thee, and blessed is y e Senate y t did consecrate thee: for in thee is conteyned y e felicitie of Octauius, & the bountie of Traiane. Thou hast lead with thee into the warres, our husbands, our sonnes, and our friendes, whome thou bringest backe with thee all sounde, all riche, and likewise all contē ted: wherfore, we say vnto thee, that if this day we place thee vpon our shoulders, for euer more we will lay vp thy memorie in our entrayles.
In these exclamations the people continued, before and behinde, for the space of fower houres, extremly pestering all passage, vntill the chariote triumphant, with foure Elephants, made the wayes open. All y t which he saide vnto y e people, he commaunded presently to be accomplished.
[Page 480]At the ende of these feastes, he did institute a temple of Virgines, who were named Maneaes, in reuerence of his mother Manea. At the same time he receiued newes, that at Tanger a citie of Africa, Furius Celsus had obteined victorie, and Iunius Palinatus likewise in Armenia triumphed ouer the enimies, as also Varius Macrinus in Illyria had made a conquest of certeine countries: and the currers which brought y e newes, presented him also with thrée tables of Lawrell. The feastes and triumphes being finished, he woulde be informed of the officers of the common wealth, that is to say: how in his absence they had vsed the people, and howe they had administred iustice: and suche as had not done well, he remoued: and those that had done well, he rewarded: giuinge vnto some more honourable offices, and to others heritages and money. Manie times Alexander woulde say, that they deserued as greate glorie that in time of warre did well gouerne the common wealth, as they whiche in the warres obteined victorie.
CHAP. XII. Of thinges whiche he did in Rome, and howe the tyrant Maximius did kill him in Britaine.
AFter that Alexander had subdued and triumphed ouer the Persians, certeine dayes he was deteined in the gouernement and refourmation of the cōmon wealth: ‘because the longe absence of princes breedeth wante of iustice amongst the multitude. Of all the riches that he brought from the warres of Asia, he did take for him selfe, but one horse, one chariot, foure Elephantes, one sworde, one cuppe of Ius, and a paper of poinctes, which belonged vnto kinge Artaxerxes: for as he saide, The pray of princes, ought to be imployed on princes.’ The [Page 481] defence of the most daungerous frontiers, he commended not but vnto men y t had great wealth in the same: which if he had not, he gaue it them in such wise, that to conserue his fidelitie which he did owe, & to saue his goods which he possessed, he should be forced to defende his countrie, or dye in the enterprise.
There was in Rome in those dayes a Mathematiciā, named Thrasibulus, of whō Alexander demaunded what death he should dye: who aunswered: thou shalt dye in a straunge countrie, not in thine olde age, but by y e swoorde of a Barbarian: whereat Alexander was nothing altered, but rather with excéeding ioy imbracing Thrasibulus said:
A certeine speach of Alexander against the terrour of death.
If the Gods did graunt vnto other princes to liue perpetually, and commaund mee onely to dye, I confesse I should dolefully feele the deede of death: but our life being (as it is) so shorte, and death so necessarie: I had rather dye in the field by the handes of mine enimies, then in my chamber compassed with Physicians. Vnto the greatnesse of Princes it appertaineth, not onely to lead a good life, but also elect an honourable death: and to this ende I say vnto thee Thrasibulus, that all y e felicitie of a Prince consisteth in well gouerning the common wealth, and also to imploye his life for the same. What fame, or glorie, what ease or quietnesse, doth followe the life of that Prince which dieth in his olde yeres, and sickely? in which age, for the most parte, olde men be euil serued of their subiectes, and contemned of straungers. He that conceiueth it to bee good for the priest to dye in the temple, conceiueth no lesse of the Prince that dyeth in the field: for that the office of the one is to praye, & of the other to fight.
[Page 482]I haue seene many dye here in Rome, after the manner which the common people do thinke the best kinde of death: that is to saye, laden with yeares, laide in their beddes, accompanied with sonnes, honoured of parents, compassed with sonnes in lawe, visited of Physicians, and serued of nephues: at whose death, I beare no enuie: since I knewe of them, that before their bodies were tasted of woormes, their hearts were vnbowelled with griefe & thought.
Thrasibulus, thou doest well knowe, that Alexander, Darius, Hector, Pompeyus, Gayus, Tullius, Seneca, and Demosthenes, were men in their persons verie glorious, in doctrines verie wise, and in their deedes no lesse heroycall: and yet all these with many others dyed, not accōpanied with their friends, but by the handes of their enimies: neither were they blemished with so vntimely a death, since of them nothing was lesse esteemed: but rather by their cruell deaths, they aduaunced their fames. No other thing is diuers in death, but onely the manner of the same, sithence death in the ende is alwayes but one thinge: for we should not be afflicted with the manner of our death: but what thinges we should repaire, to the amēdement of our life. Admitting that these cōsiderations, apperteine more vnto Philosophers, then vnto the simple: yet I saye both to thee and other, that as it was not in our handes to be borne, so shal not the manner of our death consist in our selues: but y t houre being arriued, there and then shall euery man finde for him selfe, what fortune hath prouided.
[Page 483]All these thinges Alexander saide vnto Thrasibulus in secrete, and afterwards openly in the hearing of all men. Not manie dayes after these thinges passed, Alexander departed vnto the warres of Germanie, which were not prosecuted in Germanie, but in Gallia transalpina: for because the French men were subiect vnto the Romains, the Germaines did inuade them. Alexander beeing in the greatest heate of these warres, certeine mutinous souldiours and olde seruantes of Heliogabalus, did create a capteine, named Maximius, Emperour: béecause the Emperour Alexander woulde not consente, but vtterly detested their horrible and vicious actes. Alexander remaining in the lesser Britaine in a place named Cilicia, Maximius & his trayterous adherentes determined to kill him their Lorde and Emperour, before it might be manifested through the armies: for y t, notwithstanding diuers of them did doubt his seueritie, yet on the other parte all persons did loue his iustice.
Alexander reposinge at after noone, y e traytours agreed with a iester to murther him in his tente: who beeing entred, fel into such dismay, that he not only gaue ouer his determined attempt vnperfourmed, but also fledde with no small doubt and feare affrighted. But beeing afterwardes retyred vnto Maximius and his companions, persuaded them presently to kill Alexander, beeing at that time on his bedde solitarie and vnaccompanied, for that other wise he woulde discouer their whole intente: which he saide, because it was A lawe Martiall, that anie which shoulde aduenture to enter the tente of the prince without licence, shoulde pay no lesse then the losse of his life. Maximius and his complices consideringe what the iester had saide, presently determined to murther their Lorde and Emperour Alexander: and so ioyntly and furiously entringe his tente, slewe both him, his mother, and all persons that made resistance, or ouerthwarted them [Page 484] with anie displeasaunt speache. Alexander died one the twelfth of Iune, after thirteene yeres & nine dayes of his Empire were expired: he liued twentie & nine yeres, three moneths, and seuen dayes: and was a Prince in Rome moste loued in his life, and most bewayled at his death. The enimies of Alexander did note him, that he despised in him selfe to be natiue in Assyria, that he loued gold, inuented newe tributes, was seuere with souldiours, did what he could to resemble Alexander Magnus, and that he was somewhate suspicious. But the thing wherefore Alexander was most blamed, and iustly deserued to bee noted, was, that being a man, and of greate experience in the gouernement of the Empire, he continued subiect vnto his mother, as when he was a childe: and in this case it was sufficient, that he had reuerenced and honoured her as a mother: and on the other parte to haue considered, that her counsell in the ende, was but of a woman. Alexander was so vniuersally beloued of all nations of the Empire, that it chaunced at his death, which neuer was read to haue chaunced at the death of any Prince of the worlde, that is to saye: that they were all slaine which brought the newes of his death: neither the commaundements of commissions of his successour, woulde they obey: aduouchinge it to bee blasphemie in the place of so vertuous a Prince, to yelde obedience vnto a traytour so detestable.
Errours escaped.
- Page. 136
- Page. 143
- Page. 335
- Page. 366
- Page. 431
- Faultes. Chap. ii.
- Faultes. Chap. xi.
- Faultes. Chap. iiii.
- Faultes. Chap. xii.
- Faultes. Othe.
- Faultes. Manea.
- Correction Chap. vii.
- Correction Chap. x.
- Correction Chap. iii.
- Correction Chap. x.
- Correction Other.
- Correction Mamea, and
so it must be read, wheresoeuer it is found.
¶A generall Table, conteyning the titles or arguments of euery Chapter throughout the bodie of this whole booke. (⸫)
The life of the Emperour Traiane. Pag. 13.
- Chap. 1 OF foure renoumed cities that perished and were subuerted in Spaine.
- 2 Of the countrie and birth of the Emperour Traiane.
- 3 Howe Traiane passed out of Spaine, being a young man to goe into Italie.
- 4 Of the friendship and parentage that Traiane had with the Emperour Nerua.
- 5 Howe Nerua was made Emperour, and adopted Traiane his sonne.
- 6 Of the lawes that Traiane made, to the profite of the common wealth.
- 7 Of the noble and notable vertues that were in Traiane.
- 8 Of the proude and stately buyldinges which Traiane made.
- 9 Of some vices whereof Traiane was noted.
- 10 Of the first warres that Traiane had against the Datians.
- 11 Howe Traiane triumphed ouer the Datians, and refourmed his common wealth.
- 12 Of the second warres that Traiane had against the Datians.
- 13 Of the great buyldings that Traiane made in the kingdome of Datia.
- 14 Of the second entring of Rome by the Emperour Traiane, and the notable thinges, which he did in the same.
- 15 What Traiane did in Sicyl, in Africa, and in Spaine.
- 16 Howe Traiane did passe out of Spaine into Asia, and the [Page] manner that he vsed in the warres.
- 17 Of the honourable titles that the Romanes sent vnto Traiane, and of the earthquake in Antioche.
- 18 Howe Traiane subdued Assyria, and what he did in Babylon.
- 19 Howe Traiane, after great trauell to passe into the Indiaes, was constreined to retyre.
- 20 Howe Traiane comming from Asia to triumph in Rome, was staide by death in Sicyl.
The life of the Emperour Adrian. Pag. 71.
- Chap. 1 Of the lineage from whence Adrian descended, and of the place and countrie where he was bred & nourished.
- 2 Of some euil inclinations that possessed & had power in Adrian.
- 3 Of the friendes and enimies which Adrian had.
- 4 Of the loue that the Emperour Traiane had vnto Adrian.
- 5 Of the care and solicitude of Adrian, to obteine the Empire.
- 6 Howe at Traianes death Adrian was declared Emperour.
- 7 Of his entraunce into Rome.
- 8 Of the good conditions and inclinations of Adrian.
- 9 Of the manner which Adrian vsed with the men of warre.
- 10 Of the actes that Adrian did in Englande, Fraunce, and Spaine.
- 11 Howe Adrian did passe into Asia, and of the things that chaunced there.
- 12 Of the great liberalitie that Adrian vsed, and some cruelties that he committed.
- [Page]13 Of the lawes that Adrian made.
- 14 Of some of his gratious and pythie sentences.
- 15 Of the thinges that he did worthie praise, and some other thinges worthie dispraise.
- 16 Whome Adrian did adopt to succeede him in his Empire.
- 17 Howe, and where the Emperour Adrian died.
The life of the Emperour Antoninus Pius. Pag. 118.
- Chap. 1 Of the lineage and countrie of the Emperour Antoninus Pius.
- 2 Of the inclination, proportion, and naturall fashion of his bodie.
- 3 Of the woorkes of pietie which he did, and the cause why hee was intituled Antoninus Pius.
- 4 Of the woordes that Adrian saide vnto the Senate, when he did adopt Antoninus Pius.
- 5 Of the offices that Antoninus helde before he was Emperour.
- 6 Howe he held all Prouinces in peace, not by armes, but with letters.
- 7 How he did visite the officers of his cōmon wealth, and the reformation of his house.
- 8 Of certeine notable buyldings erected by Antoninus.
- 9 Of certeine lawes which the Emperour Antoninus Pius made.
- 10 Of the prodigious and monsterous things that happened, during the Empire of Antoninus Pius.
- 11 Of the warres that happened in the reigne of Antoninus Pius, and other his actes.
- [Page]12 Of the succession of the Empire, and the occasion of his death.
The life of the Emperour Commodus. Pag. 149.
- Chap. 1 Of the byrth of the Emperour Commodus.
- 2 Of the honourable titles giuen to the Emperour Commodus, in time of his youth.
- 3 Howe Commodus did inherite the Empire of his father Marcus Aurelius, and of a certeine speach which he vsed vnto the Senate.
- 4 Of a certeine famous and notable speache, vsed by one of his Tutours: for that he would leaue the warre of Panonia vnfinished.
- 5 Howe Commodus left the warres of Panonia to go to Rome.
- 6 Howe Commodus was cruell, and of the cruelties which he vsed.
- 7 Of a certeine conspiracie attempted against Commodus, and of Perennius his moste fauoured Counsellour.
- 8 Of a conspiracie that Perennius wrought against the Emperour Commodus.
- 9 Of the tyrant Maternus, and of his treason against Commodus.
- 10 Of the inexpected death of Cleander, a fauoured and moste priuate seruaunt vnto Commodus.
- 11 The reporte of a fyer which descended from Heauen, and burned in Rome the Temple of Peace.
- 12 Of many cruelties, and not a fewe phantasticall practises of Commodus.
- 13 A discourse of the prouinces that rebelled in his reigne, and the prodigies of his death.
- [Page]14 Howe Commodus was slaine, by the deuise and counsell of his Courtesane Martia.
The life of the Emperour Pertinax. Pag. 240.
- Chap. 1 Of the lineage and countrie of the Emperour Pertinax.
- 2 Of the variable fortune that Pertinax did passe, before he obteined the Empire.
- 3 VVhat was saide, and what he aunswered vnto those persons, that offered him the Empire.
- 4 A certeine notable speache vttered by Letus, vnto the armie, in the fauour of Pertinax.
- 5 Of an Oration made by Pertinax in the Senate, immediately after he was elected Emperour.
- 6 Of manie thinges whiche he did after he was Emperour.
- 7 Of many thinges whiche he did ordeine & refourme in the common wealth.
- 8 Of certeine vices wherewith he was infected, and of the prodigies of his death.
- 9 Of the occasion that the Pretorians tooke to murther him.
- 10 Of a notable speache that the Emperour Pertinax vsed, when his souldiours came to kill him.
The life of the Emperour Iulianus. Pag. 246.
- Chap. 1 Of the life, lineage, and countrie of the Emperour Iulianus.
- [Page]2 Howe the Empire of Rome was set to sale, and also soulde by proclamation.
- 3 Of the greate and mortall hatred whiche the Romaines did beare vnto Iulianus, for buying the Empire.
- 4 Of twoe Romaine Capteines named Seuerus and Pessenius, that rebelled against the Emperour Iulianus.
- 5 Howe by the commaundemente of the Senate, the Emperour Iulianus was slaine.
The life of the Emperour Seuerus. Pag. 266.
- Chap. 1 Of the lineage and countrie of the Emperour Seuerus.
- 2 Of the offices which Seuerus helde in the Empire, before he was Emperour.
- 3 Howe the Pretorians did electe him Emperour.
- 4 How he reuenged the deathe of the good Emperour Pertinax.
- 5 Of thinges that he did in Rome, presently after hee was Emperour.
- 6 Howe the Emperour Seuerus passed into Asia against Capteine Pessenius that rebelled againste him.
- 7 Of the warres that passed betwixte Pessenius and Seuerus, in Asia.
- 8 Of a cruell and furious battell, betwixte Pessenius and Seuerus, wherein Pessenius was slaine.
- 9 Of the Consul Albinius, and howe he rebelled against Seuerus in Englande.
- 10 Of a famous speache that Seuerus vttered vnto his armies, to bringe them in hatred with his enimie Albinius.
- [Page]11 Howe Seuerus departed from Asia to Fraunce, and fought with Albinius and slewe him.
- 12 Howe after the death of Albinius, Seuerus returned to Rome, and there slewe many.
- 13 Howe Seuerus returned into Asia, and conquered many prouinces.
- 14 Of Seuerus his sonnes, and of their euill inclination.
- 15 Of a fauoured seruaunt of Seuerus named Plautianus.
- 16 Of a certeine treason that Plautianus had ordeined againste Seuerus, and howe it was discouered,
- 17 Of the particular vices and vertues of Seuerus.
- 18 Howe Seuerus passed into greate Britaine, where he dyed.
The life of the Emperour Bassianus. Pag. .230.
- Chap. 1 Howe Bassianus and his brother Geta did inherite the Empire of their father Seuerus.
- 2 Howe in Rome they burie their Emperours, and of greate ceremonies which there they vsed.
- 3 Of the mortall hatred betwixte Bassianus and Geta his brother.
- 4 Of an excellent speache vttered by the mother vnto her sonnes
- 5 Howe Bassianus, to obteine the Empire vnto himselfe, slewe his brother in his mothers armes.
- 6 Of a certeine speache vsed of Bassianus vnto the Senate, excusinge himselfe of the death of his brother Geta.
- [Page]7 Of the greate crueltie of Bassianus, and of suche as he commaunded to be slaine.
- 8 Of the prouinces which Bassianus did trauell, and the thinges which he did therein.
- 9 Of an horrible crueltie that Bassianus committed in Alexandria.
- 10 Of a letter which Bassianus did write vnto the kinge of Parthians, to haue his daughter in marriage.
- 11 Of another solemne letter, wherein the kinge of the Parthians answered Bassianus.
- 12 Howe Bassianus committed a greate treason against the Parthians.
- 13 Howe Bassianus was slaine by the commaundement of his priuate capteine Macrinus.
- 14 Howe Macrinus excusing him selfe of the death of Bassianus, did aduaunce himselfe with the Empire.
The life of the Emperour Heliogabalus. Pag. 374.
- Chap. 1 Of the lineage and nouriture of the Emperour Heliogabalus.
- 2 Howe Capteine Macrinus did exalte him selfe with the Empire, after the death of Bassianus.
- 3 Howe the great matrone Mesia bought the Empire for her nephue Heliogabalus.
- 4 Howe Macrinus did write a letter vnto the renowmed Mesia, after he vnderstoode his depriuation of the Empire.
- 5 Of a letter written by the great matrone Mesia vnto the Tyrant Macrinus.
- 6 Howe the Tyrante Macrinus was slaine in Battell.
- [Page]7 Of a notable letter, written by the matrone Mesia, vnto the Senate of Rome, crauing the confirmation of the Empire vnto Heliogabalus her nephue.
- 8 Howe the Romane Senate did allowe the election of Heliogabalus, and of the present apparance of his wickednesse.
- 9 Of many vices that were conteined in the Emperour Heliogabalus.
- 10 Of a letter written by the greate matrone Mesia, vnto her nephue the Emperour Heliogabalus.
- 11 Of certeine lawes which the Emperour Heliogabalus made in Rome.
- 12 Howe Heliogabalus was thrice married, and of his marrying of the Gods together.
- 13 Howe Heliogabalus solde offices, and practised many vices.
- 14 Of the shamefull death of the Emperour Heliogabalus.
The life of the Emperour Alexander Seuerus. Pag. 433.
- Chap. 1 Of the nouriture and naturall countrie of the Emperour Alexander Seuerus.
- 2 Howe Alexander was aduaunced vnto the Empire, and of his laudable manners.
- 3 Howe Alexander being inuested with the Empire, presently did visite and refourme his common wealth.
- 4 Of the milde conditions of Alexander, and of his gratefull conuersation.
- 5 Of his zeale of iustice and other commendable actes, as well touching his person, as his common wealth.
- 6 Howe warre was offered in Asia vnto Alexander, and what was saide vnto his Ambassadours.
- [Page]7 Of a discrete speache vsed by Alexander vnto his men of warre.
- 8 Howe the Romanes were ouercome of the Persians.
- 9 Of other warres which he had in Germanie, and (as some do saye) was there slaine.
- 10 Of a solemne Oration made by Alexander vnto his men of warre.
- 11 Of the victorie that Alexander obteined against the Persians, and of his triumph, as some writers doe report.
- 12 Of thinges which he did in Rome, and howe the tyrant Maximius did kill him in Britaine.
Jmprinted at London for Ralphe Newberrie, dwelling in Fleetestreate a little aboue the Conduite. (⸫)