THE COMICALL HISTORIE OF Alphonsus, King of Aragon. As it hath bene sundrie times Acted. Made by R. G.
LONDON Brinted by Thomas Creede. 1599.
[Page] [Page]The Comicall Historie of Alphonsus, King of Arragon.
Act. I.
After you haue sounded thrise, let
Venus be let downe from the top of the Stage, and when she is downe, say.
POets are scarce when Goddesses themselues
Are forst to leaue their high and stately seates
Placed on the top of high
Olympus Mount,
To seeke them out, to pen their Champions praise.
The time hath bene when
Homers sugred Muse,
Did make each Eccho to repeate his verse,
That euery coward that durst crack a speare,
And Tilt and Turney for his Ladies sake,
Was painted out in colours of such price
As might become the proudest Potentate.
But now a dayes so yrksome Idels slights,
And cursed charmes haue witch'd each students mind,
That death it is to any of them all,
If that their hands to penning you do call:
Virgil, Virgil, wert thou now aliue,
Whose painfull pen in stout
Augustus dayes,
Did daigne to let the base and silly flea
To scape away without thy praise of her.
I do not doubt but long or ere this time,
Alphonsus fame vnto the heauen's should clime:
Alphonsus fame that man of
Ioue his seed,
Sprung from the loines of the immortall Gods,
[Page] Whose sire although he habit on the earth,
May claime a portion in the fierie Pole,
As well as any one what ere he be.
But setting by
Alphonsus power diuine,
What man aliue or now amongst the ghoasts
Could counteruaile his courage and his strength?
But thou art dead, yea
Virgil thou art gon:
And all his acts drownd in obliuion.
And all his acts drownd in obliuion?
Venus no, though Poets proue vnkind,
And loth to stand in penning of his deeds,
Yet rather then they shall be cleane forgot,
I which was wont to sollow
Cupids games
Will put in vre
Mineruaes sacred Art,
And this my hand which vsed for to pen
The praise of loue, and
Cupids peerles power,
Will now begin to treat of bloudie
Of doughtie deeds and valiant victories.
Melpomine, Clio, Errato, with their sisters, playing all vpvpon sundrie Instruments,
Calliope onely excepted, who comming last, hangeth downe the head, and plaies not of her Instrument.
But see whereas the stately
Muses come,
Whose harmony doth very far surpasse
The heauenly musick of
Appolloes pipe.
But what meanes this
Melpomine her selfe
With all her sisters sound their Instruments,
Onely excepted faire
Who comming last & hanging downe her head,
Doth plainly shewe by outward actions
What secret sorrow doth torment her heart.
Stands a side.
Calliope thou which so oft didst crake,
How that such clients clustred to thy Court
By thick and threefold, as not any any one
Of all thy sisters might compare with thee:
Where be thy schollers now become I troe?
Where are they vanisht in such suddain sort,
That while as we do play vpon our strings,
You stand still lazing, and haue nought to do?
Melpomine make you a why of that?
I know full oft you haue Authors red,
The higher tree the sooner is his fall,
And they which first do flourish and beare sway,
Vpon the sudden vanish cleane away.
Mocke on apace, my backe is broad enough
To beare yout flouts as many as they be.
That yeare is rare, that nere feeles winters stormes:
That tree is fertile which nere wanteth frute.
And that same Muse hath heaped well in store:
Which neuer wanteth clients at her doore.
But yet my sisters, when the surgent seas
Haue ebde their fill, their waues do rise againe
And fill their bankes vp to the very brimmes:
And when my pipe hath easd her selfe a while,
Such store of suters shall my seate frequent,
That you shall see my schollers be not spent.
Spent (quoth you) sister, then we were too blame
If we should say your schollers all were spent:
But pray now tell me when your painfull pen will rest enough?
When husbandmen sheere hogs.
Melpomine, Errato and the rest,
From thickest shrubs dame
Venus did espie
The mortall hatred which you ioyntly beare
Vnto your sister high
What do you thinke if that the tree do bend,
[Page] It followes therefore that it needs must breakes
And since her pipe a litle while doth rest,
It neuer shall be able for to sound?
Muses yes, if that she wil vouchsafe
To ente
[...]tain Dame
Venus in her schoole,
And further me with her insti
She shall haue schollers which wil daine to be
In any other
Muses companie.
Most sacred
Venus do you doubt of that?
[...]ope would thinke her three times blest,
For to receiue a Goddes in her schoole,
Especially so high an one as you,
Which rules the earth, and guides the heauens too.
Then sound your pipes, and let vs bend our steps
Vnto the top of high
Pernassus hill,
And there togither do our best deuoyr
For to describe
Alphonsus warlike fame:
And in the maner of a Comedie,
Set downe his noble valour presently.
Venus wils, so bids
And as you bid your sisters do agree.
Clarinus the Father, and
Alphonsus his sonne.
My noble sonne, since first I did recount
The noble acts your predecessors did
Aragon, against their war
[...]ke foes,
I neuer yet could see thee ioy at all,
But hanging downe thy head as malcontent:
Thy youthfull dayes in mourning haue bene spent.
Tell me
Alphonsus what might be the cause
That makes thee thus to pine away with care?
Hath old
Carinus done thee any offence
In reckning vp these stories vnto thee?
Vnles your Fathers fatall day you seeke.
Although deare father I haue often vowde
Nere to vnfold the secrets of my heart
To any man or woman, who some ere
Dwels vnderneath the circle of the
Yet do your words so coniure me deare sire,
That needs I must fulfil that you require.
Then so it is, amongst the famous tales
Which you rehearst done by our sires in warre,
When as you came vnto your fathers daies,
With sobbing notes, with sighs & blubbring teares,
And much ado, at length you thus began.
Next to
Alphonsus should my father come,
For to possesse the Diadem by right
Aragon, but that the wicked wretch
His yonger brother, with aspiring mind,
By secret treason robd him of his life,
And me his sonne, of that which was my due.
These words my sire, did so torment my mind,
As had I bene with
Ixion in hell,
The rauening bird could neuer plague me worse:
For euer since my mind hath troubled bene
Which way I might reuenge this traiterous fact,
And that recouer which is ours by right.
Ah my
Alphònsus neuer thinke on that,
In vaine it is to sttiue against the streame,
The Crowne is lost, and now in hucksters hands,
And all our hope is cast
[...]to the dust:
Bridle these thoughts, and learne the same of me,
A quiet life doth passe an Emperie.
Yet noble father, ere
Carinus brood
Shall brooke his foe for to vsu
[...] his seate,
Heele die the death with honour in the field,
And so his life and sorrowes briefly end.
[Page] But did I know my froward fate were such,
[...] I should faile in this my iust attempt:
This sword deare father should the Author be,
To make an end of this my Tragedie.
Therefore sweet sire, remaine you here a while,
And let me walke my Fortune for to t
I do not doubt but ere the time be long,
Ile quite his cost, or else my selfe will die.
My noble sonne, since that thy mind is such
For to reuenge thy fathers foule abuse,
As that my words may not a whit preuaile
To stay thy iourney, go with happie fate,
And soone returne vnto thy fathers Cell,
With such a t
[...]ne as
Iulius C
[...]ar came
To noble
Rome, when as he had atchiu'd
The mightie Monarch of the triple wo
Meane time
Carinus in this sillie groue
Will spend his daies with praier and horizons,
To mightie
Ioue, to further thine intent:
Farewell deare sonne
[...] fare you well.
And is he gone? then hie
Alphonsus hie,
To trie thy fortune where thy fates do call:
A noble mind disdaines to hide his head,
And let his foes triumph in his ouerthrow.
Enter Albinius.
Alphonsus mal
[...] as though thou goest out,
[...]s sa
What loytring follow haue we spied here?
Presume not vill
[...] her for to go,
Vnles you do at length the same
Alphonsus comes towards
Villain sai
[...]t thou, nay vilain in thy throat:
What knowst
[...]ou skip
[...]ck whom thou vilain calst?
A common vassall I
[...] villaine call.
That shalt thou soone approoue perswade thy self,
Or else ile die, or thou shalt die for me.
What do I dreame, or do my dazeling eies
Deceiue me? Ist
[...]sus that I see?
Doth now
Medea vse her wonted charmes
For to delude Albinius fantasie?
Or doth black Pluto king of darke
Seeke to flout m
[...] with his cou
His bodie like to Alphonsus framed is:
His face resembles much Alphonsus hewe:
His noble mind declares him for no les.
Tis he indeed, wo worth Albinius,
Whose babling tong hath causde his owne annoy.
Why doth not
Ioue send from the glittring skies
His Thunder bolts to chastice this offence?
Why doth dame
Terra cease with greedie iawes
To swallow vp Albinius presently?
[...]ll I flie and hide my trayterous head,
[...]out Alphonsus whom I so misusde?
Or shall I
[...]eld Tush yeelding is in vaine:
Nor can I flie, but he will follow me.
[...]ast thy selfe downe at his graces seete,
Confesse thy fault, and readie make thy brest,
To entertaine thy well de
[...]ued death.
Albinius knee
[...]s do
What newes my friend? why are you so blanke
That earst before did vau
[...] it to the skies?
Pardon deare Lord, Albinius pardon craues
For this offence, which by the heaue
[...] I vowe,
Vnwittingly I did vnto your grace.
For had I knowne Alphonsus had bene here,
Ere that my tongue had spoke so trayterously,
This hand should make my very
[...]uie to
Rise vp my f
[...]end, thy pardon soon is go
But prithi
[...]ll me what the
[...]auie might be
That in such s
[...]t thou e
[...] m
[...]ses vp.
[Page] Haue compassed the circle of the skie,
Ile clog their toongs, since nothing else will serue
To keep those vilde and threatning speeches in.
Farwell Belinus, loke thou to thy selfe:
Alphonsus meanes to haue thy Crowne ere night.
Exit Alphonsus.
What is he gone, the diuel break his necke,
The fiends of hell torment his traiterous corpes:
Is this the quittance of Belinus grace,
Which he did shewe vnto that thankles wre
That runnagate, that rachell, yea that theefe,
For well I wot he hath robd me of a Crowne.
If euer he had sprung from gentle blood,
He would not thus misuse his fauourer.
[...]nnag, that rachel, yea that theef?
Stay their sir King, your mouth runnes ouer much,
It ill becomes the subiect for to vse
Such trayterous termes against his soueraigne.
Know thou Belinus, that Carinus sonne,
Is neither rachel nor runnagate,
But be thou sure, that ere the darksome night
Do driue God
Phaebus to his
Thetis lap,
Both thou and all the rest of this thy traine,
Shall well repent the words which you haue saine.
What traiterous villain dost thou threaten me?
Lay hold on him, and see he do not scape,
Ile teach the slaue to know to whom he speakes.
To thee I speake, and to thy fellowes all:
And though as now you haue me in your power,
Yet doubt I not but that in litle space,
These eyes shall see thy treason recompenst:
And then I meane to vaunt of our victorie.
Nay proud Albinius, neuer build on that,
[Page] For though the Gods do chance for to appoyn
Alphonsus victor of
Belinus land,
Yet shalt thou neuer liue to see that day,
And therefore
Fabius stand not lingring,
But presently slash off his trayterous head.
Slash off his head, as though Albinius head
Were then so easie to be slashed off.
In faith sir no, when you are gone and dead,
I hope to flourish like the pleasant spring.
Why how now
Fabius, what do you stand in doubt,
To do the deed? what feare you? who dares seek
For to reuenge his death on thee againe,
Since that
Belinus did commaund it so?
Or are you waxt so daintie, that you dare
Not vse your sword for staining of your hands?
If it be so, then let me see thy sword,
And I will be his butcher for this time.
Fabius giue
Belinus thy sword drawne,
Belinus say as followeth.
Now sir Albinius, are you of the minde
That erst you were? what do you looke to see
And triumph in Belinus ouerthrow?
I hope the very sight of this my blade,
Hath chaungde your minde into an other tune.
Not so Belin
[...]s, I am constant still,
My minde is like to the Abeston stone,
Which if it once be heat in flames of fire,
Deineth to becommen colde againe.
Euen so am I, and shall be till I die,
And though I should see Attropos appeare,
With knife in hand,
[...]o slit my threed in twaine,
Yet nere
Albinius should perswaded be,
But that Belinus he should vanquisht see.
Nay then
Albinius, since that words are vaine
For to perswade you from this heresie:
[...] sword shall sure put you out of doubt.
Belinus offers to strike off
Albinius head strike vp alarum, ener
Alphonsus and his men, flie
Belinus and
Fabius, follow
Alphonsus, and
Albinius. Enter
Laelius, Milos, and his seruants.
My noble Lords of
Aragon, I know
You wonder much what might the occasion be,
Laelius which earst did flie the field,
Doth egge you forwards now vnto the warres,
But when you heare my reason, out of doubt
Yowle be content with this my rash attempt.
When first our King,
Flaminius I do meane,
Did set vpon the Neapolitans,
The worst of you did know and plainly see,
How farre they were vnable to withstand
The mightie forces of our royall Campe,
Vntill such time as froward fates we thought,
Although the fates ordaind it for our gaine,
Did send a straunger stout, whose sturdie blowes
And force alone, did cause our ouerthrow.
But to our purpose, this same martiall knight
Did hap to hit vpon
And lent our King then such a friendly blow,
As that his gasping ghost to Lymbo went:
Which when I sawe, and seeking to reuenge,
My noble Lords, did hap on such a prize:
As neuer King nor
Keisar got the like.
Laelius, of force we must confesse to thee,
We wondred all, when as you did perswade
Vs to returne vnto the warres againe,
But since our maruell is increased much
[Page] By these your words, which sound of happinesse,
Therefore good Laelius make no tarrying,
But soone vnfolde thy happie chaunce to vs.
Then friends and fellow souldiers, hark to me.
When Laelius thought for to reuenge his king,
On that same knight, in steed of mortall foe,
I found him for to be our cheefest friend.
Our cheefest friend, I hardly can beleeue,
That he which made such bloudie massacres
Of stout Italians, can in any poynt
Beare friendship to the countrey or the King.
As for your king
Miles, I hold with you,
He beare no friendship to
But hated him as bloudie Attropos,
But for your countrey, Laelius doth a
He loues as well as any other land:
Yea sure he loues it best of all the world:
And for because, you shall not thinke that I
Do say the same without a reason why,
Know that the knight
Alphonsus hath to name,
Both sonne and heire to olde Carinus, whom
Flaminius sire bereaued of his Crowne:
Who did not seeke the ruine of our host,
For any enuie he did beare to vs,
But to reuenge him on his mortall foe,
Which by the helpe of high celestiall
He hath atchieu'd with honour in the field.
Alphonsus man, ile nere perswaded be,
That ere Alphonsus may suruiue againe,
Who with
Carinus many yeares agoe,
Was said to wander in the stigian fieldes.
Truth Noble Miles, these mine eares haue heard,
For certaintie reported vnto me,
That olde Carinus with his peerlesse sonne,
Had felt the sharpnesse of the sisters sheeres,
[Page] And had I not of late
Alphonsus seene
In good estate, though all the world should say
He is aliue, I would not credit them:
But fellow souldiers wend you backe with me,
And let vs lurke within the secret shade,
Which he himselfe appointed vnto vs:
And if you find my words to be vntroth,
Then let me die to recompence the wrong.
Strike vp alarum, Enter
Albinius with his sword drawne, and say.
Laelius make haste, souldiers of
Set lingring by, and come and helpe your King.
I meane
Alphonsus, who whilest that he did
Belinus at the very heeles,
Was suddenly enuironed about,
With all the troupes of mightie
Millain land.
What newes is this, and is it very so?
Is our
Alphonsus yet in humane state,
Whom all the world did iudge for to be dead.
Yet can I scarce giue credit to the same.
Giue credit, yes, and since the Millain Duke,
Hath broke his league of friendship, be he sure,
[...]e Cynthia, the shining lampe of night,
Doth scale the heauens with her horned head,
Both he and his shall very plainly see,
The league is burst, that caused long the glee.
And could the traytor harbor in his brest
Such mortall treason gainst his soueraigne,
As when he should with fire and sword defend
Him from his foes, he seekes his ouerthrow?
March on my friends, I nere shall ioy at all,
Vntill I see that bloudie traytors fall.
Strike vp alar
[...], flie
Belinus, follow
Laelius: flie
Fabius, foll
Albinius: flie the Duke of
Millaine, follow
Act. 3.
Strike vp alarum, Enter
NO sooner did
Alphonsus with his troupe,
Set on the souldiers of
Belinus band,
But that the furie of his sturdie blowes,
Did strike such terror to their daunted mindes,
That glad was he which could escape away,
With life and limme, forth of that bloudie fray.
Belinus flies vnto the Turkish soyle,
To craue the aide of
[...]r their King:
Vnto the which he willingly did consent,
And sends
Belinus with two other Kings,
To know god
[...]ets pleasure in the same:
Meane time the Empresse by
Medeas helpe,
Did vse such charmes, that
Amuracke did see
In soundest sleepe, what afterward should hap:
Amuracke did recompence her paine,
With mickle more, this Act shall shew you plaine.
Enter one, carrying two Crownes vpon a Crest,
Alphonsus, Albinius, Laelius and
Miles, with their souldiers.
Welcome braue youthes of
Aragon to me.
Yea welcome
Miles, Lali
[...]s and the rest,
Whose prowesse alone hath bene the onely cause,
That we like victors haue subdued our foes.
Lord what a pleasure was it to my minde,
To see
[...]s, which not long before,
Did with his threatnings terrefie the Gods,
Now scudde apace, from warlike
[...]lius blowes:
The Duke of
Millaine he increast our sport,
When doubting that his force was ouerweake,
[Page] For to withstand Miles, thy sturdie arme
Did giue more credence to his frisking skippes
Then to the sharpnesse of his cutting blade,
Fabius did to pleasure vs withall,
Albinius knowes as well as I my selfe:
For well I wot, if that thy tyred steed
Had bene as fresh and swift in foote as his,
He should haue felt, yea knowne for certaintie,
To checke
Alphonsus, did deserue to die.
Breefly my friends and fellow peeres in armes,
The worst of you doo deserue such mickle praise,
As that my tongue denies for to set forth
The demie parcell of your valiant deeds,
So that perforce, I must by dutie be
Bound to you all, for this your curtesie.
Not so my Lord, for if our willing armes
Haue pleasured you so much, as you do say,
We haue done nought but that becommeth vs:
For to defend our mightie soueraigne.
As for my part, I count my labour small,
Yea though it had bene twise as much againe,
Since that Alphonsus doth accept thereof.
Thankes worthie Miles, least all the world
Should count Alphonsus thanklesse for to be,
Laelius sit downe, and Miles sit by him,
And that receiue, the which your swords haue wonne.
Sit downe Laelius
and Miles.
First, for because thou Laelius in these broyles,
By martiall might, didst proude
Belinus chase,
From troupe to troupe, from side to side about,
And neuer ceast from this thy swift pursute,
Vntill thou hadst obtaind his royall Crowne,
Therefore I say, ile do thee nought but right,
And giue thee that which thou well hast wonne.
[Page] Set the Crowne on his head.
Here doth Alphonsus Crowne thee Laelius, King
Naples Towne, with all dominions
That earst belonged to our trayterous foe,
That proud Belinus in his regiment.
Sound Trumpets and Drummes.
Miles, thy share the
Millaine Dukedome is,
For well I wot thy sword deseru'd no lesse.
Set the Crowne on his head.
The which Alphonsus frankly giueth thee,
In presen
[...] of his warlike men at armes.
And if that any stomacke this my deed,
Alphonsus can reuenge thy wrong with speed.
Sound Trumpets and Drummes.
Now to Albinius which in all my toyles
I haue both faithfull, yea and friendly found:
Since that the Gods and friendly Fates assigne
This present time to me to recompence,
The sundry pleasures thou hast done to me,
Sit downe by them, and on thy faithfull head
Take the Crowne from thy owne head.
Receiue the Crowne of peerlesse
Pardon deare Lord Albinius at this time,
It ill becomes me for to weare a Crowne,
When as my Lord is destitute himselfe:
Why high Alphonsus, if I should receiue
This Crowne of you, the which high
Ioue forbid,
Where would your selfe obtaine a Diadem?
Naples is gone,
Millaine possessed is,
And nought is left for you but
And nought is left for me but
Yes surely yes, my Fates haue so decreed,
Aragon should be too base a thing,
For to obtaine Alphonsus for her King.
What heare you not how that our scattered foes,
Belinus, Fabius, and the Millaine Duke,
Are fled for succour to the Turkish Court?
And thinke you not that
Amurack their King,
Will with the mightiest power of all his land,
Seeke to reuenge
Belinus ouerthrow?
Then doubt I not but ere these broyles do end,
Alphonsus shall possesse the Diadem
Amurack now weares vpon his head.
Sit downe therefore and that receiue of mee:
The which the Fates appointed vnto thee.
Thou king of heauen, which by thy power diuine,
Dost see the secrets of each liuers heart,
Beare record now with what vnwilling mind,
I do receiue the Crowne of
Albinius sit downe by
Laelius & Miles, Alphonsus set the Crowne on his head, and say.
A rise
Albinius King of
Crowned by me, who till my gasping ghost
Do part asunder from my breathlesse corpes,
Will be thy shield against all men aliue:
That for thy kingdome any way do striue.
Sound Trumpets and Drummes.
Now since we haue in such an happie houre
Confirmd three kings, come let vs march with speed
Into the Citie, for to celebrate
With mirth and ioy, this blisfull festiuall.
Exeunt omnes.
Amurack the great Turke,
Belinus, Fabius, Arcastus King of Moores.
Claramount, King of
Barbery. Baiazet a Lord, with their trai
Belinus to thy cosens Court,
Whose late arriuall in such posting pace,
[Page] Doth bring both ioy and sorrow to vs all:
Sorrow because the Fates haue bene so false,
To let
Alphonsus driue thee from thy land:
And ioy, since that now mightie
Hath giuen me cause to recompence at full,
The sundry pleasures I receiu'd of thee.
Belinus do but aske and haue:
Amurack doth grant what ere you craue.
Thou second sun which with thy glimsing beames
Doest clarifie each corner of the earth,
Belinus comes not, as earst
Mydas did,
To mightie
Bacchus, to desire of him,
That what so ere at any time he toucht,
Might turned be to gold incontinent.
Nor do I come as
Iuppiter did erst
Vnto the Pallace of
For any fond or foule concupiscence,
Which I do beare to
Alcumenaes hew.
But as poore
Saturne, forst by mightie
To flie his Countrey, banisht and forlorne,
Did craue the aide of
Troos, King of
So comes
Belinus to high
And if he can but once your aide obtaine,
He turnes with speed to
Naples backe againe.
My aide
Belinus, do you doubt of that?
If all the men at armes of
Asia likewise, will sufficient be,
To presse the pompe of that vsurping mate:
Assure thy selfe, thy kingdome shalbe thine,
Mahomet say I vnto the same:
For were I sure to vanquish all our foes,
And find such spoiles in ransacking their Tents,
As neuer any
Keisar did obtaine,
Yet would I not set foote forth of this land:
If Mahomet our iourney did withstand.
Nor would Belinus for King
Craesus trash,
Wish Amurack to displease the Gods;
In pleasuring me in such à
[...]ling toy.
[...] Monarch, if it be thy will,
Get the
[...] consents, and then the act fulfill.
You counsel well, therefore Belinus haste,
And Claramount go beare him companie,
With King Arcastus, to the Citie walles.
Then bend with speed vnto the darksome groue,
Where Mahomet this many a hundred yeare
Hath prophesied vnto our auncesters,
Tell to his Priests, that Amurack your King
Is now selecting all his men at armes,
To set vpon that proud Alphonsus troupe.
The cause you know, and can enforme him well,
That makes me take these bloudie broyles in hand:
And say that I desire their sacred God,
That Mahomet which ruleth all the skies,
To send me word and that most speedely,
Which of vs shall obtaine the victory.
Exeunt omnes, preter
Baiazet and
You Baiazet go poste away apace,
Siria, Scythia, and
Babylon, with
Asia, Armenia, and all other lands
Which owe their homage to high Amurack.
Charge all their Kings with expedition
To gather vp the ch
[...]est men at armes
Which now remaine in their dominions,
And on the twentie day of the same month,
To come and wait on Amurack their King,
At his chiefe Citie
Tell them moreouer, that who so doth faile,
Nought else but death, from prison shall him baile.
Exit Baiazct.
[Page] Assoone as he is gone, sound musicke within.
What heauenly Musicke soundeth in my eare?
Peace Amurack and hearken to the same.
Sound musicke, hearken
Amurack, and fall a sleepe.
Medea, Fausta the Empresse,
Iphigina her daughter.
Now haue our charmes fulfild our minds full well,
High Amurack is lulled fast a sleepe,
And doubt I not, but ere he wakes againe,
You shall perceiue Medea did not gibe,
When as she put this practise in your mind:
Sit worthie Fausta at thy spowse his feete.
and Iphigina,
sit downe at Amuracks
Iphigina, sit thou on the other side:
What ere you see be not agast thereat,
But beare in mind what Amurack doth chat.
Medea do ceremonies belonging to coniuring, and say.
Thou which wert wont in Agamemnons dayes
To vtter forth
Apolloes Oracles
At sacred
Delphos, Calchas I do meane,
I charge thee come, all lingring set aside,
Vnles the pennance you thereof abide.
I coniure thee by
Plutoes loathsome lake,
By all the hags which harbour in the same,
By stinking
Stix, and filthie
To come with speed, and truly to fulfill
That which
Medea to thee streight shall will.
[Page] Rise
Calehas vp in a white Cirples and a Cardinals Myter, and say.
Thou wretched witch, when wilt thou make an end
Of troubling vs with these thy cursed Charmes?
What meanst thou thus to call me from my graue?
Shall nere my ghost obtaine his quiet rest?
Calchas yes, your rest doth now approch
Medea meanes to trouble thee no more,
When as thou hast fulfild her mind this once.
Go get thee hence to
Pluto backe againe,
And there enquire of the Destinies,
Amurack shall speed in these his warres:
[...]use their bookes, and marke what is decreed
Ioue himselfe, and all his fellow Gods:
And when thou knowst the certaintie thereof,
By fleshlesse visions shewe it presently
Amuracke, in paine of penaltie.
Forst by thy charme though with vnwilling minde:
I hast to hell, the certaintie to finde.
Calchas sinke downe where you came vp.
Now peerles Princes I must needs be gon,
My hast
[...] buns
[...]esse calls me from this place.
There resteth nought, but that you beare in minde,
Amuracke in this his fit doth say.
For marke what dreaming madam he doth prate:
Assure your selfe, that that shalbe his fate.
Though very loth to let thee so depart,
Medea, easer of my hart.
Exit Medea.
Sound Instruments within,
Amurack as it were in a dreame, say.
Amurack doest thou begin to nod?
Is this the care that thou hast of thy warres?
[Page] As when thou shouldst be prancing of thy steed,
To egge thy souldiers forward in thy warres:
Thou sittest moping by the fire side?
See where thy Viceroies grouell on the ground.
Looke where
Belinus breatheth forth his ghost.
Behold by millions how thy men do fall
Alphonsus like to sillie sheepe.
And canst thou stand still lazing in this sort?
No proud
Alphonsus, Amurack doth flie
To quaile thy courage, and that speedilie.
Sound Instruments a while within, and then
Amuracke say.
And doest thou think thou proud iniurious God,
Mahound I meane since thy vaine prophesies
Amurack into this dolefull case,
To haue his Princely feete in irons clapt,
Which erst the proudest kings were fo
[...]st to kisse,
That thou shalt scape vnpunisht for the same?
No no, assoone as by the helpe of
I scape this bondage, downe go all thy groues.
Thy alters tumble round about the streets.
And whereas erst we sacrifisde to thee:
Now all the Turks thy mortall foes shall bee.
Sound Instruments a while within,
Amuracke say.
Behold the Iemme and Iewel of mine age,
See where she comes, whose heauenly maiestie
Doth far surpasse the braue and gorgeous pace
Cytherea daughter vnto
Did put in vre when as she had obtaind
The golden Apple at the shepheards hands.
See worth
Fausta where
Alphonsus stands,
Whose valiant courage could not daunted be,
[Page] Brid'ed my thoughts, and pressed downe my rage,
In recompence of which my good intent,
I h
[...]ue receiu'd this wofull bamshment.
[...]l said I? nay happie I did meane,
If that be happie, which doth set one free:
For by this meanes, I do not doubt ere long,
Fausta shall with ease, reuenge her wrong.
Come daughter come, my minde fore
[...]lleth me:
Amuracke shall soone requited be.
Make as though you were a going out,
Medea meete her and say.
Fausta, what meanes this sudden flight of yours?
Why do you leaue your husbands princely Court,
And all alone passe through these thickest groues,
More fit to harbour brutish sauadge beasts,
Then to receiue so high a Queene as you?
Although your credit would not stay your steps,
From bending them into these daikish dennes,
Yet should the daunger which is imminent,
To euery one which passeth by these pathes,
Keepe you at home with fay
What fool
[...]h toy hath tickled you to this?
I greatly feare some hap hath hit amis.
No toy
Medea, tickl
Faustaes head,
Nor foolish fancie ledde me to these grou
[...]nest businesse egges my tre
[...]'ing steps,
To passe all dangers what so ere they be.
I banisht am
Medea, I which erst
Was Empresse ouer all the triple world,
Am banisht now from pallace and from pompe,
But if the gods be fauou
[...]ers to me,
Ere twentie dayes, I will reuenged be.
I thought as much, when first from thickest leaues,
I saw you trudging in such posting pace.
But to the purpose, what may be the cause,
[Page] Of this strnnge and sudden banishment?
The cause aske you, a simple cause god wo
Twas neither treason, nor yet felonie,
But for because I blamde his foolishnes.
I heare you say so, but I greatly feare,
Ere that your tale be brought vnto an end,
Youle proue your selfe the author of the same:
But pray be briefe, what follie did your spowse?
And how will you reuenge your wrong on him?
What follie quoth you? such as neuer yet
Was heard or seene, since
Phoebus first gan shine,
You know how he was gathering in all haste,
His men at armes, to set vpon the troupe
Of proude
Alphonsus, yea you well do know,
How you and I did do the best we could,
To make him shew vs in his drowsie dreame,
What afterward should happen in his warres:
Much talke he had, which now I haue forgot.
But at the length, this surely was decreed,
How that
Alphonsus and
Should be conioynd in
Iunoes sacred rites,
Which when I heard, as one that did despise,
That such a traytor should be sonne to me,
I did rebuke my husband
And since my words could take no better place,
My sword with helpe of all
Shall make him soone repent his foolishnes.
This is the cause then of your banishment,
And now you goe vnto
To gather all your may dens in array,
To set vpon the migh
Oh foolish Queene, what meant you by this talke?
Those pra
[...]ing speeches haue vndone you all.
Do you disdaine to haue that migh
[...]ie Prince,
I meane
Alphonsus, counted for your sonne?
[Page] I tell you
Fausta, he is borne to be,
The ruler of a mightie Monarchie:
I must confesse the powers of
Be great, his confines stretch both far and neare,
Yet are they not the third part of the lands,
Which shall be ruled by
Alphonsus hands,
And yet you daine to call him sonne in law:
But when you see his sharpe and cutting sword
Piercing the heart of this your gallant gyrle,
Youle curse the houre wherein you did denay,
To ioyne
Alphonsus with
The gods forbid, that ere it happen so.
Nay neuer pray, for it must happen so.
And is there then no remedie for it?
No none but one, & that you haue forsworn,
As though an oath can bridle so my minde,
As that I d
[...]re not breake a thousand oathes,
For to eschew the danger imminent.
Speake good Medea, tell that way to me,
And I will do it, what so ere it be.
Then as already you haue well decreed,
Packe to your countrey, and in readinesse,
Select the armie of
When you haue done, march with your female troupe
Naples Towne, to succour
And so by marriage of
You soone shall driue the danger cleane away.
So shall we soone eschew
Caribdis lake,
And headlong fall to
Syllaes greedie gulph,
I vowd before, and now do vow againe:
Before I wedde
Alphonsus, Ile be slaine.
In vaine it is, to striue against the streame,
Fates must be followed, and the gods decree
Must needs take place in euery kinde of cause.
Therfore faire maide, bridle these brutish thoughts,
[Page] And learne to follow what the fates assigne,
Saturne heard that
Iuppiter his sonne
Should driue him headlong from his heauenly seat,
Downe to the bottome of the darke
He did command his mother presently,
To do to death, the young and guiltlesse childe:
But what of that, the mother
[...]oathd in heart,
For to commit so vile a massacre.
Ioue did liue, and as the fates did say,
From heauenly seate, draue
Saturne cleane away.
What did auaile the Castle all of Steele,
The which
Acrisius caused to be made,
To keepe his daughter
Danae clogged in?
She was with childe for all her Castles force,
And by that child,
Acrisius her sire,
Was after slaine, so did the fates require.
A thousand examples, I could bring hereof.
But Marble stones needs no colouring,
And that which euery one doth know for truth,
Needs no examples to confirme the same.
That which the fates appoint must happen so,
Though heauenly
Ioue, and all the Gods say no.
Iphigina, she sayth nought but truth,
Fates must be followed in their iust decrees:
And therefore setting all delayes aside,
Come let vs wend vnto
And gather vp our forces out of hand.
Fausta wils, and fates do so command,
Iphigina will neuer it withstand.
Exeunt omnes.
Act. 3.
Enter Venus.
THus haue you seene, how
Amuracke himselfe,
Fausta his wife, and euery other King,
[Page] Which holds their seepters at the Turke his hands,
Are now in armes, entending to destroy
And bring to nought, the Prince of
Charmes haue bene vsde by wise
Medeas art,
To know before what afterward shall hap,
And King
Belinus with high
Ioynd to
Alphonsus, which with Princely pompe,
Doth rule and gouerne all the warlike Moores,
Are sent as Legats to god
To know his counsell in these high affaires.
Mahound proupk
[...] by
Amurackes discourse,
Which as you heard, he in his dreame did vse,
Denies to play the Prophet any more,
But by the long in
[...]atie of his Priests,
He prophesies in such a craftie sort,
As that the hearers needs must laugh for sport.
Yet poore
Belinus with his fellow Kings,
Did giue such credence to that forged tale,
As that they lost their dearest liues thereby,
Amuracke became a prisoner
Alphonsus, as straight shall appeare.
Exit Venus.
Let there be a brazen Head set in the middle of the place behind the Stage, out of the which, cast flames of fire, drums rumble within, Enter two Priests.
1. Pr.
My fellow Priests of
Mahounds holy house,
What can you iudge of these strange miracles,
Which daily happen in this sacred seate?
Drums rumble within.
Harke what a rumbling ratleth in our cares.
Cast flames of fire forth of the brazen Head.
See flakes of fire proceeding from the mouth
[Page] Of
Mahomet that God of peereles power.
Nor can I tell with all the wit I haue,
Mahomet by these his signes doth craue.
2. Pr.
Thrise ten times
Phoebus with his golden beames,
Hath compassed the circle of the skie,
Thrise ten times
Ceres, hath her workemen hir'd,
And fild her barnes with frutefull crops of corne,
Since first in Priesthood I did lead my life:
Yet in this time I neuer heard before,
Such feareful sounds, nor saw such wondrous sights,
Nor can I tell, with all the wit I haue,
Mahomet by these his signes doth craue.
Speake out of the brazen Head.
You cannot tell, nor will you seeke to know,
Oh peruerse Priest, how carelesse are you waxt?
As when my foes approach vnto my gates,
You stand still talking of I cannot tell:
Go packe you hence, and meete the Turkish kings,
Which now are drawing to my Temple ward:
Tell them from me, God
Mahomet is dispos'd
To prophesie no more to
Since that his tongue is waxen now so free,
As that it needs-must chat and raile at me.
Kneele downe both.
1. Pr.
Mahomet, if all the solemne prayers
Which from our childhood we haue offered th
Can make thee call this sentence backe againe,
Bring not thy Priest into this dangerous state:
For when the Turke doth heare of this repulse,
We shall be sure to die the death therefore.
Thou sayest truth, go call the Princes in,
Ile prophesie vnto them for this once,
But in such wise, as they shall neither boast,
Nor you be hurt in any kinde of wise.
[Page] Enter
Belinus, Claramont, Arcastus, go both the Priests to meet him: the first say.
1. Pr.
You Kings of
Turkie, Mahomet our God,
By sacred science, hauing notice that
You were sent Legats from high
Vnto this place, commaunded vs his Priests,
That we should cause you make as mickle speed,
As well you might, to heare for certaintie,
Of that shall happen to your King and ye.
For that intent we came into this place,
And sithens that, the mightie
Is now at leisure for to tell the same,
Let vs make haste and take time while we may:
For mickle daunger hapneth through delay.
2. Pri.
Truth worthy king, and therfore you your selfe,
With your companions, kneele before this place,
And listen well what
Mahomet doth say.
Kneele all downe before the brasen Head.
As you do will, we
[...]oyntly will obey.
Princes of
Turkie, and Embassadors
Amuracke, to mightie
I needs must muse, that you which e
[...]st haue bene
The readiest souldiers of the triple world,
Are now become so slacke in your affaires,
As when you should with bloudie blade in hand,
Be hacking he mes in thickest of your foes,
You stand still loytering in the Turkish soyle.
What know you not, how that it is decreed,
By all the gods, and chiefly by my selfe
That you with triumph should all Crowned bee:
Make haste Kings, least when the fates do see,
How carlesly you do neglect their words,
[Page] They call a Counsell, and force
Against his will some other thing to set.
Fabius backe to
Amuracke againe,
To haste him forwards in his enterprise:
And march you on with all the troupes you haue,
Naples ward, to conquer
For if you stay, both you and all your men,
Must needs be sent downe straight to
Lymbo den.
2. Pri.
Muse not braue kings at
Mahomets discourse,
For marke what he forth of that mouth doth say,
Assure your selfe it needs must happen so.
Therefore make hast, go mount you on your steeds,
And set vpon
Alphonsus presently.
So shall you reape great honor for your paine:
And scape the scourge, which els the Fates ordaine.
Rise allvp.
Then proud
Alphonsus, looke thou to thy Crowne,
Belinus comes in glittring armor clad,
All readie prest for to reuenge the wrong
Which not long since, you offred vnto him.
And since we haue God
Mahound on our side:
The victorie must needs to vs betide.
Belinus, set such threats away,
And let vs haste as fast as horse can trot,
To set vpon presumptuous
Fabius, hast as
Mahound did commaund,
Amuracke, with all the speed you may.
With willing mind I hasten on my way.
Exit Fabius.
And thinking long till that we be in fight,
Belinus hastes to quaile
Alphonsus might.
Exeunt omnes.
Strike vp alarum a while. Enter
No sooner had God
[...]bus brightsome beames
[Page] Both
Millaine land, and all the parts thereof.
Why then I doubt not but you can resolue
Me of a question that I shall demaund.
I that I can, what euer that it be.
Then to be briefe, not twentie winters past
When these my lims which withered are with age,
Were in the prime and spring of all their youth,
I still desirous as voong gallants be,
To see the fashions of
My natiue soyle, and in this pilgrims weed,
Began to trauell through vnkenned lands,
Much ground I past, and many soyles I saw,
But when my feete in
Millain land I set,
Such sumptuous triumphs daily there I saw,
As neuer in my life I found the like.
I pray good sir, what might the occasion bee:
That made the
Millains make such mirth and glee?
This solemne ioy wherof you now do speak,
Was not solemnized my friend in vaine.
For at that time there came into the land,
The happiest tidings that they ere did heare.
For newes was brought vpon that solemne day,
Vnto our Court, that
Ferdinandus proud
Was slaine himselfe,
Carinus and his sonne
Were banisht both for euer from
And for these happie newes that ioy was made.
But what I pray did afterward become,
Of old
Carinus with his banisht sonne?
What heare you nothing of them all this while?
Yes too too much, the
Millain Duke may say.
Alphonsus first by secret meanes did get
To be a souldier in
Belinus warres:
Wherein he did behaue himselfe so well,
As that he got the Crowne of
Which being got, he dispossest also,
[Page] The King
Belinus which had fostered him:
As for
Carinus he is dead and gone,
I would his sonne were his companion.
A blister build vpon that traytors tongue,
But for thy friendship which thou shewedst me,
Take that of me, I frankly giue it thee.
Stab him.
Now will I haste to
Naples with all speed,
To see if
Fortune will so fauour me,
To view
Alphonsus in his happie state.
Exit Carinus.
Amuracke, Crocon King of
Arabia, Faustus, King of
Babilon, Fabius, with the Turkes Ganesaries.
Fabius come hither, what is that thou sayest?
What did god
Mahound prophecie to vs?
Why do our Viceroyes wend vnto the warres,
Before their king had notice of the same?
What do they thinke to play bob foole with me?
Or are they waxt so frolicke now of late,
Since that they had the leading of our bands,
As that they thinke that mightie
Dares do no other then to soothe them vp?
Why speakest thou not? what fond or franticke fit
Did make those carelesse Kings to venture it?
Pardon deare Lord, no franticke fit at all,
No frolicke vaine, nor no presumptuous mind,
Did make your Viceroies take these wars in hand.
But forst they were by
Mahounds prophecie,
To do the same, or else resolue to die.
So sir, I heare you, but can scare beleeue
Mahomet would charge them go before
Alphonsus with so small a troupe,
Whose number farre exceeds king
[...] troupe,
Yes Noble Lord, and more then that hee said,
[Page] That ere that you with these your warlike men,
Should come to bring your succour to the field:
Belinus, Claramount,
and Arcastus
Should al be crownd with crownes of beaten gold,
And bo
[...]ne with triumphes round about their tēts.
With triumph man, did
Mahound tell them so
Prouost go carrie
Fabius presently,
Vnto the Marshalsie, there let him rest,
Clapt sure and safe in fetters all of steele,
Amuracke discharge him from the same.
For be he sure, vnles it happen so
As he did say,
Mahound did prophesie,
By this my hand, forthwith the slaue shall die.
Lay hold of
Fabius, and make as though you carrie him out, Enter a souldier and say.
Stay Prouost stay, let
Fabius alone,
More fitteth now, that euery lustie lad
Be buckling on his helmet, then to stand
In carrying souldiers to the Marshalsie.
Why what art thou,
That darest once presume,
For to gainsay that
Amuracke did bid?
I am my Lord,
The wretcheds man aliue:
Borne vnderneath the Planet of mishap:
Erewhile, a souldier of
Belinus band
But now.
What now?
The mirror of mishap:
[Page] Whose Captaine is slaine, and all his armie dead:
Onely excepted me vnhappie wretch.
What newes is this, and is
Belinus Slaine?
Is this the Crowne which
Mahomet did say,
He should with triumph weare vpon his head?
Is this the honour which that cursed god
Did prophesie, should hapen to them all?
Dadalus, and wert thou now aliue,
To fasten wings vpon high
Mahound should know, and that for certaintie,
That turkish Kings can brooke no iniurie.
Tush tush my Lord,
I wonder what you meane,
Thus to exclaime against high
Ile lay my life, that ere this day be past,
You shall perceiue, his tidings all be waste.
We shall perceiue, accursed
Suffice it not that thou hast bene the man,
That first didst beate those bables in my braine,
But that to helpe me forward in my greefe,
Thou seekest to confirme so fowle a lie.
Stab him.
Go get thee hence, and tell thy trayterous King
What gift you had, which did such tidings bring.
And now my Lords, since nothing else will serue,
Buckle your helmes, clap on your steeled coates,
Mount on your steeds, take Launces in your hands,
Amuracke doth meane this very day,
Mahomet with weapons to assay.
Mercie high Monarch, tis no time now
To spend the day in such vaine threatnings,
Against our god, the mightie
[Page] More fitteth thee to place thy men at armes
In battle ray, for to withstand your foes,
Which now are drawing towards you with speed.
Sound drummes within.
Hark how their drummes with dub a dub do come,
To armes high Lord, and set these trifles by:
That you may set vpon them valiantly.
And do they come you kings of
Now is the time, in which your warlike armes
Must raise your names aboue the starrie skies:
Call to your minde your predecessors acts,
Whose martiall might, this many a hundred yeare,
Did keepe those fearefull dogs in dread and awe,
And let your weapons shew
Alphonsus plaine,
That though that they be clapped vp in clay,
Yet there be branches sprung vp from those trees,
In Turkish land, which brooke no iniuries.
Besides the same, remember with your selues,
What foes we haue, not mightie Tamberlaine,
Nor souldiers trained vp amongst the warres,
But fearefull bodies, pickt from their rurall flocke,
Which till this time were wholy ignorant
What weapons ment, or bloudie
Mars doth craue.
More would I say, but horses that be free,
Do need no spur
[...] and souldiers which themselues
Long and desire to buckle with the foe,
Do need no words to egge them to the same.
Alphonsus, with a Canapie carried ouer him by three Lords, hauing ouer each corner a Kings head, crowned with him,
Albinius, Laelius, Miles, with Crownes on their heads, and their souldiers.
Besides the same, behold whereas our foes
Are marching towards vs most speedilie.
[Page] Courage my Lords, ours is the victorie.
Thou Pagan dog how darst thou be so bold
To set thy foote within
Alphonsus land?
What art thou come to view thy wretched kings,
Whose traiterous heads bedeckt my tents so well?
Or else thou hearing that on top thereof,
There is a place left vacant, art thou come
To haue thy head possesse the highest seate?
If it be so, lie downe, and this my sword
Shall presently that honor thee affoord.
If not, pack hence, or by the heauens I vow,
Both thou and thine shall verie soone perceiue,
That he that seekes to moue my patience,
Must yeeld his life to thee for recompence.
Why proud
Alphonsus, thinkst thou
Whose mightie force doth terrefie the Gods,
Can ere be found to turne his heeles and flie
Away for feare, from such a boy as thou?
No no, although that
Mars this mickle while
Hath fortified thy weake and feeble arme,
And Fortune oft hath viewd with friendly face,
Thy armies marching victors from the field,
Yet at the presence of high
Fortune shall change, and
Mars that God of might
Shall succour me, and leaue
Alphonsus quight.
Pagan I say, thou greatly art deceiu'd,
I clap vp Fortune in a cage of gold,
To make her turne her wheele as I thinke best.
And as for
Mars whom you do say will change,
He moping sits behind the kitchin doore,
Prest at commaund of euery Skullians mouth
Who dares not stir, nor once to moue a whit
For feare
Alphonsus then should stomack it.
Blasphemous dog, I wonder that the earth
Doth cease from renting vnderneath thy feete,
[Page] What froward fortune hapned on your side:
I hope your king in safetie doth abide?
I noble madam,
Amurack doth liue:
And long I hope he shall enioy his life.
But yet I feare, vnles more succour come,
We shall both loose our king and soueraigne.
How so king
Crocon, dost thou speak in iest?
To proue if
Fausta would lament his death?
Or else hath any thing hapt him amis?
Speake quickly
Crocon what the cause might be,
That thou dost vtter forth these words to me?
Then worthie
Fausta know, that
Our mightie king, and your approued spowse,
Prickt with desire of euerlasting fame,
As he was pressing in the thickest rankes
Of Aragonians, was with much adoo
At length tooke prisoner, by
Alphonsus hands.
So that vnles you succour soone do bring,
You loose your spowse, and we shall want our king.
Oh haples hap, oh dire and cruell fate!
What iniurie hath
Amuracke my sire
Done to the Gods, which now I know are wrath?
Although vniustly and without a cause.
For well I wot, not any other king
Which now doth liue, or since the world begun
Did sway a scepter, had a greater care
To please the Gods, then mightie
And for to quite our fathers great good will,
Seeke they thu
[...] basely all his fame to spill.
Iphigina, leaue off these wofull tunes,
It is not words can cure and ease this wound:
But warlike swords, not teares, but sturdie speares:
Amuracke is prisoner to our foes.
What then? thinke you that our
Ioynd with the forces of the Turkish troupe,
[Page] Are not sufficient for to set him free?
Yes daughter yes, I meane not for to sleepe,
Vntill he is free, or we him company keepe.
March on my mates.
Exeunt omnes.
Strike vp alarum, flie
Alphonsus, follow
Iphigina and say.
How now
Alphonsus, you which neuer yet
Could meete your equall in the feates of armes,
How haps it now that in such sudden sort
You flie the presence of a sillie maide?
What haue you found mine arme of such a force,
As that you thinke your bodie ouerweake
For to withstand the furie of my blowes?
Or do you else disdaine to fight with me:
For staining of your high nobilitie?
No daintie dame, I wold not haue thee think
That euer thou or any other wight,
Shall liue to see
Alphnosus flie the field
From any king or
Keisar who some ere,
First will I die in thickest of my fo,
Before I will disbase mine honour so.
Nor do I scorne thou goddes for to staine
My prowes with thee, although it be a shame
For knights to combat with the female sect.
But loue sweete mouse hath so benumbd my wit,
That though I would, I must refraine from it.
I thought as much when first I came to wars,
Your noble acts were fitter to be writ
Within the Tables of dame
Venus sun,
Then in God
Mars his warlike registers.
When as your Lords are hacking helm es abroad,
And make their speares to shiuer in the aire,
Your mind is busied in fond
Cupids toyes.
[Page] Come on I faith, ile teach you for to know
We came to fight, and not to loue I trow.
Nay virgin stay, and if thou wilt vouchsafe
To entertaine
Alphonsus simple sute,
Thou shalt ere long be Monarch of the world:
All christned kings, with all your Pagan dogs
Shall bend their knees vnto
The Indian soyle shalbe thine at command,
Where euery step thou settest on the ground,
Shall be receiued on the golden mines.
Pactolus that riuer of account,
Which doth descend from top of
Tiuole mount,
Shall be thine owne, and all the world beside:
If you will graunt to be
Alphonsus bride.
Alphonsus bride? nay villain do not thinke
That fame or riches can so rule my thoughts,
As for to make me loue and fancie him
Whom I do hate, and in such sort despise,
As if my death could bring to passe his baine:
I would not long from
Plutoes port remaine.
Nay then proud pecock since thou art so stou
As that intreatie will not moue thy minde
For to consent to be my wedded spowse,
Thou shalt in spite of Gods and Fortune too,
Serue high.
Alphonsus as a concubine.
Ile rather die then euer that shall hap.
And thou shalt die vnles it come to pas.
Alphonsus and
Iphigina fight,
Iphigina flie, follow
Alphonsus. Strike vp alarum. Enter
Alphonsus with his rapier,
Albinius, Laelius, Miles with their souldiers.
Amurack, Fausta, Iphigina, Crocon and
Faustus all bounde with their
[...]ands behind them,
Amuracke looke angerly on Fausta.
Enter Medea, and say.
Amurack this is no time to iarre,
Although thy wife did in her franticke moode
Vse speeches which might better haue bene sparde,
Yet do thou not iudge the same time to be
A season to requite that iniurie:
More fitteth thee with all the wit thou hast,
To call to mind which way thou maist release
Thy selfe, thy wife, and faire
Forth of the power of stout
Alphonsus hands.
For well I wot, since first you breathed breath,
You neuer were so nie the snares of death.
[...]our high and kingly seate,
Your ro
[...]all scepter, and your stately Crowne,
Your mightie Countrey, and your men at armes,
Be conquered all, and can no succour bring.
Put then no trust in these same paltrie toyes:
But call to mind that thou a prisoner art:
Clapt vp in chaines, whose life and deaths depends
Vpon the hands of thy most mortall foe.
Then take thou heed that what some ere he say,
Thou doest not once presume for to gainsay.
Away you foole, thinke you your cursed-charmes
Can bridle so the mind of
As that he will stand croaching to his foe?
No no, be sure that if that beggers brat
Do dare but once to contrary my will,
Ile make him soone in heart for to repent,
That ere such words gainst
Amuracke he spent.
Then since thou dost disdaine my good aduise,
Looke to thy selfe, and if you fare amis
[Page] Remember that
Medea counsell gaue,
Which might you safe from all those perils saue.
Fausta you, as well you haue begun,
Beware you follow still your friends aduise.
If that
Alphonsus do desire of thee
To haue your daughter for his wedded spowse,
Beware you do not once the same gainsay:
Vnles with death he do your rashnes pay.
No worthie wight, first
Fausta means to die,
Alphonsus she will contrarie.
Why then farwell, but you
Beware you do not ouersqueamish wax,
When as your mother giueth her consent.
The Gods forbid that ere I should gainsay
That which
Medea bids me to obay.
Rise vp
Alphonsus out of his chaire, who all this while hath bene talking to
Albinius, and say.
Amurack the proud blasphemous dogs
(For so
[...]ou termed vs) which did brall and raile
Against God
Mars, and fickle Fortunes wheele,
Haue got the gole for all your solemne praiers:
Your selfe are prisoner, which as then did thinke
That all the forces of the triple world,
Were insufficient to fulfill the same.
How like you this? is Fortune of such might,
Or hath God
Mars such force or power diuine,
As that he can with all the power he hath,
Set thee and thine forth of
Alphonsus hands?
I do not thinke but that your hopes so small,
As that you would with verie willing mind,
Yeeld for my spowse the faire
On that condition, that without delay,
Fausta and you may scotfree scape away.
What thinkst thou vilain that high
[Page] Beares such a minde, as for the feare of death,
Heele yeeld his daughter, yea his onely ioy,
Into the hands of such a dunghill Knight?
No traytor no, for as now I lie
Clapt vp in Irons, and with bolts of steele:
Yet do there lurke within the Turkish soyle,
Such troupes of souldiers, that with small ado,
Theile set me scotfree from your men and you.
Villain sayest thou, traitor & dunghil knight,
Now by the heauens, since that thou dost denie,
For to fulfill that which in gentle wise
Alphonsus craues, both thou and all thy traine
Shall with your liues requite that iniurie.
Albinius lay holde of
And carrie him to prison presently,
There to remaine vntill I do returne
Into my tent, for by high
Ioue I vowe,
Vnles he waxe more calmer out of hand,
His head amongst his fellow Kings shall stand.
Albinius carrie
Amuracke forth, who as he is a going, must say.
No villaine, thinke not that the feare of death
Shall make me calmer while I draw my breath.
Laelius, take you
Her mother
Fausta, with these other Kings,
And put them into prisons seuerally:
Amuracks stout stomacke shall vndo,
Both he himselfe and all his other crew.
kneele downe.
Oh sacred Prince, if that the salt-brine teares,
Distilling downe poore
Faustas withered cheekes,
What nere a word
Alphonsus, art thou dumb?
[...] d
[...]th my presence so perturbe thy minde,
That for because I come in Pilgrims weed,
You thinke each word which you do spend to me
A great disgrace vnto your name to be?
Why speakest thou not? if that my place you craue,
I will be gone and you my place shall haue.
Nay father stay, the Gods of heauen forbid,
That ere
Alphonsus should desire or wish
To haue his absence whom he doth account
To be the Loadstone of his life.
What though the fates and fortune both in one,
Haue bene content to call your louing sonne,
From beggers state, vnto this princely seate,
Should I therefore disdaine my aged sire?
No first both Crowne and life I will detest,
Before such venome breed within my brest.
What erst I did, the sudden ioy I tooke,
To see
Carinus in such happie state,
Did make me do, and nothing else at all,
Ioue himselfe do I to witnes call.
These words are vaine, I knew as much before:
But yet
Alphonsus I must wonder needs,
That you whose yeares are proue to
Cupids snares,
Can suffer such a Goddes as this dame,
Thus for to shead such store of Christall teares.
Beleeue me sonne, although my yeares be spent,
Her sighes and sobs in twaine my heart do rent.
Like power deare father had she ouer me,
Vntill for loue, I looking to receiue
Loue backe againe, not onely was denied,
But also taunted in most spightfull sort:
[Page] Which made me loathe that which I erst did loue,
As she her selfe, with all her friends shall proue.
How now
Alphonsus, you which haue so lōg
Bene trained vp in bloudie broyles of
What know you not, that Castles are not wonne
At first assault, and women are not wooed
When first their suters profer loue to them:
As for my part, I should account that maide
A wanton wench, vnconstant lewde and light,
That yeelds the field, before she venture fight.
Especially vnto her mortall foe,
As you were then vnto
But for because I see you fitter are
To enter Lists and combat with your foes,
Then court faire Ladyes in God
Cupids tents,
Carinus meanes, your spokesman for to bee,
And if that she consent, you shall agree.
What you commaund,
Alphonsus must not flie:
Though otherwise perhaps he would denie.
Then daintie damsell stint these trickling teares,
Cease sighes and sobs, yea make a merrie cheare,
Your pardon is already purchased:
So that you be not ouer curious
In granting to
Alphonsus iust demand.
Thankes mightie Prince, no curioser ile bee,
Then doth become a maide of my degree.
The Gods forbid that ere
Carinus tongue
Should go about to make a mayd consent
Vnto the thing which modestie denies:
That which I aske, is neither hurt to thee,
Danger to parents, nor disgrace to friends,
But good and honest, and will profit bring,
To thee and those which leane vnto that thing.
[Page] And that is this, since first
Alphonsus eyes,
Did hap to glaunce vpon your heauenly hew,
And saw the rare perfection of the same,
He hath desired to become your spowse.
Now if you will vnto the same agree,
I dare assure you, that you shall be free.
Pardon deare Lord, the world goes very hard,
When women kinde are forced for to wooe,
If that your sonne had loued me so well,
Why did he not informe me of the same?
Why did he not? what haue you clean forgot
What ample profers he did make to you,
When hand to hand he did encounter you?
No worthy sir, I haue not it forgot,
Cupid cannot enter in the brest,
Mars before had tooke possession:
That was no time to talke of
Venus games,
When all our fellowes were pressed in the warres.
Well, let that passe, now canst thou be content
To loue
Alphonsus, and become his spowse?
I if the high
Alphonsus could vouchsafe
To entertaine me as his wedded spowse.
If that he could? what dost thou doubt of that
Iason did iet when as he had obtaind,
The golden fleece by wise
Medeas art,
The Greekes reioyced when they had subdued
The famous bulwarkes of most stately
But all their mirth was nothing in respect
Of this my ioy, since that I now haue got,
That which I long desired in my heart.
But what sayes
Fausta to her daughters choice?
Fausta doth say, the Gods haue bin her friends
To let her liue to see
Bestowed so vnto her hearts content.
Thankes mightie Empresse for your gentlenes,
And if
Alphonsus can at any time
With all his power requite this curtesie,
You shall perceiue how kindly he doth take
Your forwardnesse in this his happie chance.
Albinius go call forth
Weele see what he doth say vnto this match.
Albinius, bring forth
Most mightie Turke, I with my warlike sonne
Alphonsus, loathing that so great a Prince
As you should liue in such vnseemly sort,
Haue sent for you to profer life or death:
Life, if you do consent to our demand,
And death if that you dare gainsay the same,
Your wife, high
Fausta, with
Haue giuen consent that this my warlike sonne
Should haue your daughter for his bedfellow,
Now resteth nought but that you do agree,
And so to purchase sure tranquilitie.
[...]ack aduise thee what thou sayest,
Bethinke thee well what answere thou wilt make:
Thy life and death dependeth on thy words,
If thou denie to be
Alphonsus sire,
Death is thy share: but if that thou consent,
Thy life is sau'd, consent? nay rather die.
Should I consent to giue
Into the hands of such a beggers brat?
Amuracke thou dost deceiue thy selfe,
Alphonsus is the sonne vnto a King:
What then? the worthy of thy daughters loue
She is agreed, and
Fausta is content:
Amuracke will not be discontent.
Iphigina by the hand, giue her to
[Page] Heere braue
Alphonsus, take thou at my hand,
Iphigina, I giue her vnto thee:
And for her dowrie, when her father die,
Thou shalt possesse the Turkish Emperie.
Take her I say, and liue King
Nestors yeeres,
So would the Tu
[...]ke and all his Noble Peeres.
[...]tall thanks I giue vnto your grace.
Now worthy Princes, since by helpe of
On either side the wedding is decreed,
Come let vs wend to
Naples speedily,
For to solemnize it with mirth and glee.
As you do will, we ioyntly do agree.
Exeunt omnes.
Venus with the Muses, and say.
Now worthy
Muses with vnwilling mind,
Venus is forst to trudge to heauens againe:
luppiter that God of peerles power,
Proclaimed hath a solemne festiuall,
In honour of dame
Danaes luckles death:
Vnto the which, in paine of his displeasure
He hath inuited all the immortall Gods
And Goddesses, so that I must be there,
Vnlesse I will his high displeasure beare:
You see
Alphonsus hath with much ado,
At length obtaind fayre
Amuracke her father, for his wife.
Who now are going to the Temple wards,
For to perfo
[...]me dame
Iunoes sacred rites,
[...]e we will leaue them till the feast be done:
Which in the heauens by this time is begun,
Foorth of the path of high
Pernassus hill:
That when I come to finish vp his life,
You may be readie for to succour me.
Adieu deare dames, farwell
Venus. Or if you can conueniently, let a chaire come downe from the top of the stage, and draw her vp.
A dieu you sacred Goddes of the skie.
Well louing sisters, since that she is gone,
Come let vs haste vnto
Pernassus hill,
Citherea did lately will.
Then make you haste her mind for to fulfill.
Exeunt omnes, playing on their Instruments.