The Golden Aphroditis: A pleasant discourse, penned by Iohn Grange Gentle­man, Student in the Common Lavve of Englande.

Wherevnto be annexed by the same Au­thour asvvell certayne Metres vpon sundry poyntes, as also diuers Pamphlets in prose, which he enti­tuleth His GARDEN: pleasant to the eare, and delightful to the Reader, if he abuse not the scente of the floures.

Habet & musca splenem,
Et formicae sua bilis inest.


¶ To the right Honorable and his sin­gular good Lord the Lord Sturton, Iohn Grange vvisheth health, vvelth, and prosperitie, vvith increase of Honour.

I Knowe ( moste Honora­ble) your vvisedome may mar­uell, and not vvithout cause, that I vvho of all other am to be repu­ted the moste vnlearned, vvoulde take vpon me, hauing small skill, or little or none in Palmistrie, to discourse or rather intreate of the eleuation or declination of the Mount of Venus, seing both finer vvittes, and [...]yper heads before this time herein haue vvaded ouer shoes for vvāt of greater skill. Yet my Lord, vnder your most Honorable correction, to this your ad­miration, in mine ovvne defence I obiect this lavvful ex­cuse: Hono [...] (as Tullie sayth) alit artes, omnes (que) incenduntur ad studia gloriae VVherfore reconing my selfe as one of this genera­litie, and yet desirous to keepe me vvithin the boundes of this phrase, Ne [...]utor vltra crepidam, lavvfully alluded of A­pelles for the curious carping at his vndeserued pensell, I may (vvanting feete to runne) creepe, though as slovve as doth the Snayle, vvho refusing to come at the cal of Iupiter vnto his generall feast for all liuing creatures, vvas iustly punished as you see, vvith the cariage of hir house on hir backe, vvherby straying vvhether she list, is neuer the far­ther from home. Thus your vvisedome may see the great desire vvhich I had, somvvhat to set forth, and that, vvhat best might agree vvith your Honours youthfull yeeres, & [Page] not mislike my youthfull aucthoritie, vvho desirous to paint, as vvel the pleasure as displeasure of Loue, thought good (mingling the svveete vvith the soure) not onely to discourse of the eleuation, but also of the declinatiō of the Mount of Venus, for that they are dependant (as fellovv [...]a­bians) the one to the other. And though (my Lord) nothing ought to be penned svvaruing or not proceding frō graue aucthoritie, yet often times vnder a defuse garmēt lieth a clodde of vvisdome. Likevvise, if vnskilfull heds shoulde frame thēselues to the limitation of this Greeke prouerbe, Quam quisque [...]orit artem in bac se exerceat: then skill muste dye vvith the Auctor for vvant of youthfull exercise, yea, no­thing should be practised, much lesse learned, fevve then do as Plato, Pithagoras, and Democritus did, vvho (as some say) sought all the partes of the vvorlde vvherein any thing vvas that might or coulde be learned. Yea Democritus, and Anaxago [...]as, lofte bothe their goodes and patrimonies (as all men do knovv) onely for the desire of learning. Also Diodo [...]us the Stoike, is not much incōparable to these, vvho thorovv his continuall vvatch and excessiue studie, being blinde of long time, knovving nothing but vvhat vvas red vnto him by a little childe, yet gaue himselfe vnto the stu­die of Geometrie, teaching vvith vvordes vvho vvere de­sirous to learne, hovv and in vvhat māner each liue should be layed. VVherfore (O grafte of noble stocke) hauing the like desire (if so I might say) as these haue had to lear­ning, my desire and not my skill, my good vvill and not my penne is to be accepted, as the simple Raddish roote vvrapped in a peece of greene Sarcenet vvas better ac­cepted at the Prince his handes, than vvas a goodly fayre Horse gorgeously trapped giuen him of his marchaunt, for that in deede he knevv their vvilles vvere not alike: the [Page] poore man gaue his Radish roote for pure loue, but the o­ther his sumptuous Horse in hope of a greater benefite. Thus preacing (more boldly than vvisely) vpō your Ho­nours curtesie, I haue brought vnto your Lordshippe a handfull of fragrant floures (though not gathered in A­donis garden). the chiefe vvhereof are Primeroses and Vio­lettes. Your choyce is not great, yet chuse vvhat likes you best, the vvorst turne backe againe. For if some may please, and none displease, I shall not onely thinke my time vvel spent, and my diligence better imployed, but al­so my labour and trauell best of al bestovved. And vvher­as I seeme (as you shall hereafter perceyue) to ground my Paganicall Pamphlet vpon the song of Apollo, most melo­diously song vnto me (as me thought) in a visiō: I vvould not your Honour should thinke the painting of my pēne to be Verbatim spoken of Apollo his mouth, but rather the grounde thereof, vvhiche in most ample manner follovv­ing I haue delated, vvherby eche one may see (as it vvere in a gorgeous garish glasse before their eyes) a pretie poe­ticall Pamphlet, shevving paganically, as vvell the lavvful copulacion betvveene Vulcano and Venus, as the vnlavvfull combat betvveene hir and Mars. Also in this mery meane a playne mirrour of youthful vanities shall play his parte, and the shade thereof shall bereaue you of your senses. In the ensigne likevvise of this army, your Honour shall finde vvritte (as it vvere vvith letters of pure Gold) a chiefe poynte of vvomens vanities, videlicet, looke vvhat they may haue, coste it neuer so muche, they esteeme not: but by a toy of light valevve, and not easily commen by, they [...]o [...]great store, vvherof this Prouerbe came, Far fe [...] and deere bought are good for Ladyes. Also diuers other pointes in this glasse your L. shall perceyue vvorthie of noting, [Page] but vvhy seeme I (vvho as yet neuer receyued one poynt of discourtesie of any veneriall Dame) to display vvith penne and inke vpō the imbecillitie of their natures? God graunt (say I) Euripides may vvell vvithstand their boyste­rous blasts, vvho in his Tragedie intituled Medea, affirmeth that vvomens vvittes are vnapte to goodnesse, but very vvell inclined to vnhappinesse, bicause (sayde he) vvomen are creatures vnperfect, and vvhere perfectiō is not, there can nothing rest that is good. It seemeth the nebbe of my penne is long, and that I lesse do feare the stubbing therof. Such surmises (beleue me) assent to veritie, my yōg yeres say, I speake not by experience, but rather by heare say: and vvhat of this? riper yeares & mellovver vvittes knovv I fayne not herein, for many of them vnvvillingly haue the proofe thereof. Yet vvould I not, vvho haue no title hereunto, should seeme to chalēge me as their vniust ac­cuser, for I meane not generally, my surmise is not vn­knovvne, Rubbe a gauld Horse on the backe and it is a chaunce if [...]ee kicketh not. I vvill not say but that Dame Nature hath played hir part in deuiding and distributing hir gifts equally, as vvell to the one as to the other. For vve see, as vve haue Apollo and Mercurie for Goddes, so Pallas and Mi­nerua for Goddesses of vvisdome as Mars so Bellona for vvar: as Cupide so Venus for loue: as Pan so Ceres for inuention of husbandrie: yea, as Morpheus so Murcas for sleepe. Thus (to be shorte) God hath appointed the pleasure of vvomen to conteruayle the toyle of man. Neither are the deedes of men more valiant than the mindes of vvomē, vvhose cou­rage abateth no not vvith the fiercenesse of Tygres, as ap­peared by the vviues and matrones of Persia, vvho thorovv their valiant hartes, noble courage and impudencie, being ashamed of the flight of their husbandes, prouoked them [Page] to returne againe vnto battel, and not onely to ouercome them of vvhome sometimes not onely they, but Cyrus him selfe stood in dread, but also in the same battell to take king Astyages prisoner. Moreouer, vvho hath not redde of the valiantnesse of Queene Thomyris? vvho hearing of the death of hir onely sonne, began not to reuenge the same vvith teares, sobbes, sighes, and pensiuenesse, as vvomen vse to do ( Tullie testifying the same in his seconde boke of Tusculanes questions, vvho inferring vpon this proposition De tolerando dolore, afirmeth that Fletus muliebr [...] ingenio additus) but girded hir self vvith the svvorde, and armed hir body vvith the shielde of Mars, cutting off the heare of hir head, and attiring hir selfe in the manner of a man, vntill such time as shee had gotten the head of Cyrus, vvith the like vvyles that he vsed tovvard hir sonne. Also vvho knovv­eth not that the Amazones ruled their realme betvveene themselues of a long time vvithout the ayde of any man, cutting off their right dugges for hindring the casting of their dartes, vvherof they tooke this name Amazones (that is) vvanting their right dugges? But softe here I checke, least some sticke not to say behinde my backe, a blasing starre vvil shoote. But vvhat if they do? It is a greate winde that shaketh corns: neither do I thinke but that the stan­ders by vvhiche heare this (hauing any iudgement at all) vvil easily descerne a difference betveene Orpheus and Pan. I knovv all men are not giuen to say vvell, neither to iudge alike. For (as Plato sayeth) Quot capitatet sunt sententiae▪ some men vvill say, this poynt vvas penned to mystically: and an other vvill say behinde my backe, this shade vvas to grosse: here vvas to much learning shevved, and here vvas none at all: here Apollo and Pallas guided his penne: here Pan molested him vvith his oten pipe: here vvill th [...] male [Page] kinde say, Naestor dreamed, here vvill the female say A­chilles raigned. Thus in euery corner of the house I looke to finde a bayting [...]ogge, and not vvithout a cause, for I knovv they can not speake so euill of me as my penne de­serueth. But yet vvhat so euer they say, the blinde man may see in this glasse, vvhat apishe vvittes vvomen haue to inuestigate by interrogatiue similitudes the perfect mea­ning and the sure grounde of their louers harte: and those vvhiche haue their cleare sight to looke stedfastly herein, shall see perchaunce an Ape vvhipped, vvhich somvvhat may delight him. VVherevpon certen yong Gentlemen and those of my professed friendes (vvell vievving this vvorke) requested me earnestly to haue intituled it A nettle for an Ape, but yet (being somvvhat vvedded as most fooles are) to mine ovvne opinion, vvho vvould hardly forgoe their bable for the Tovver of London) I thought it good (somvvhat to stop a zoilous mouth) to sette a more clean­ly name vpon it, that is, Golden Aphroditis. For if the other had stoode, vvho most had bene bitten herevvith perad­uenture vvould haue sought all the meanes they could to haue turned this vvhippe for mine ovvne tale. But stay here a little, I loue not to be coūted a ranger, least thorovv my appearing aboue the vvater, I seeme to prognosticate thereby (as doth the Dolphin) that some storme or tem­pest approcheth at hande. I trust though my penne dothe seeme to paint at large, yet not to lauishe. For vvhereas it seemeth to blase or painte the incineration of Veneriall dames and ruffling Nymphes, it proceedeth not of any spite, malice, hatred, melancholy, or euil vvill that I beare vnto the chaste Matrones, or vnto any one that may iust­ly chalenge vnto themselues one little sparke of the spice thereof. Therefore vvho are vvilling to vnderstande, I [Page] vvishe them to shunne the fountaine Chi [...]s, and rather to open the gates of their eares, vvherby they might the bet­ter vnderstand my meaning: iudge likevvise and knovve the difference of my voyces and soundes. If any one see­meth to be touched herevvith to the quicke, let them pro­pounde their Quare, and I vvill alvvaies be at hande Reddere rationem therevnto. Yet on vvhome so euer it chaunceth to sounde forth this interrogation (vvhat outvvard coun­tenaunce so euer she beare) yet can it not be sounded, but as it vvere Tragico boatu, therefore vvho listeth so to do, to ayde them in their enterprise, I thinke it best they cal vpō the dolefull Muse Melp [...]me [...], on vvhome Virgill in his Epi­grams thus vvriteth:

Melp [...]mene Tragico proclamat m [...]esta boatu.

For this I dare auouch, that oftentimes vyho seemeth most of al to blaze their chastitie vvith the Tergate of Me­dusa, they play more legerdemaynes vnder this cleane kind of conueyance, or at the least as many, as do those vvho neuer vvoore the necklace of Iasper, neither knevve so much as the cheyne of Diamantes and Topazes, vvhiche are counted the instrumentes of chastitie. And partly for a profe thereof, vvho marketh vvell each thing comprehen­ded in this little volume, shal finde, that I haue somvvhat noted hereof by the conception of Diana, vvho alvvaies bore the name of Chastitie it self. Many other pointes (moste Honorable) might here be noted, but that I hate the checke of Ne quid nimis, and (as the Prouerbe goeth) Little sayde▪ soone amended. My good vvill I trust, shall suffice for this once, and though my vvell doing may not coun­teruaile the same, yet I trust your Honour vvill not sticke to defende me, in saying in my behalfe, Et voluisse sat est. Thus ceasing to trouble your Lordship any farther at this [Page] time. I commit you to the tuicion of the highest, to di­rect your pathes in true Honour and dignitie: desiring also the Ladies of the destenie, so to prolong the fa­tall threde of this thy terestriall life: that thou mayst runne the race of hoarie Naestor, to the pleasure of the almightie, and the great comfort of those vvhiche vvishe thee vvell.

Your Honors poore Oratour IOHN GRANGE.

¶ To the Courtelike Dames and Ladie-like Gentlevvomen, the Authour sendeth greeting.

I Greete (but whō?) the glittring stars & troupes of Venus crewe,
VVith painefull pen of ranging fiste, bedewde with Ganges dew,
So [...]ocundare leades my will, that wanton needlesse toyle
Of Courtlike Dames, my pestred wittes d [...]claro seekes to foyle.
Draw neare therfore ye weried Nimphes, with such Mineruas toyles,
And vewe this lading scope, which yeeldes for thē Veneriall foyles.
As none so well as Caesars penne, could Caesars deedes indight,
So none but of Morychus secte could dolor put to flight,
Now I who wantes Apollos skill, and eke Dame Pallas witte,
Herein to play Morychus parte, haue thought my selfe most fitte.
Yet shall you finde an Ape, an Ape, in purple be she clothde,
I come not from Trophonius care, for then I should be lothde:
Nor from S. Patrickes purgatorie, but play Nepenth [...]s parte,
The iuyce whereof perforce will keepe such sadnesse frō your harte.
Thus labour I with tooth and nayle of Lethe force to be:
Then with obliuion might I force your carping cares to flee.
VVhiche once exilde, the better might the Muses then take place,
And barefote might the tripping Nimphs the better shew their grace
I ofte haue longde with penne to painte the trade of louers loue,
Yet neare cold find what pen deserude, which was not known before.
Thus dayly musing, where to finde whereon to wreake my spight,
Me thought I harde Apollo sing full sweetely in the night,
And play vpō his twinkling harp, whose warbling notes (me thought)
Perforce cōstraynde my penne to write, what h [...] in songs had tought.
VVhich fed full wel my restles reume with Stories somwhat strāge:
Marke now therfore, who liste to know whereon I list to range.
It chaunste N. C. a valiant knight, possessed riches store,
Yet wāted whom his goodes shold rule when Cloth [...] yeldes no more.
For chaste, and solemne vowe once made, Dianas Nymphe to be,
Dame Nature helde hir as content to heare, and not to see.
VVherefore as one deuoyde of ioy, and hauing issue n [...]ne,
[Page]He oft reparde before the Goddes, with great complaynt, and mone,
For that Cibile had transformde into a Lions shape
Hypponunes his cosin deare: for taking yeelded rape,
VVithout a reuerence of the place: when beautie prickte his harte,
His lust to serue (al [...]s to soone) his hony waxed tarte.
A Nymphe likewise of S [...]os Ile, adornde with beautie rare,
Before the Goddes with earnest sute, full oft she did repare:
As for to haue Atlanta fayre to be restorde againe
Vnto hir former shape, which once Cilele (to hir payne)
Togither with Hyppomenes transformde to Lions route,
And set them both at once to drawe hir chariot wheles aboute.
Thus fortune frayle doth turne hir whele, to giue ech mā his chaūce:
And fraught their laūcing ships with wiles, Da [...] Cupids roūd to daūce
For meeting both (as fortune would) before the Goddes with plaints,
Loue gaue assault, the sparkes whereof, his tender harte attayntes.
Such beautie (as Apollo sayde) consisted in hir face,
That all the Heauens gan cleare to shine, not Phoebus yet in place,
VVho, fearing lest the Gods thēselues with loue should be inflamde▪
Sat all on thorne till she was gone, and was he to be blamde?
No, no.
Thus I at length, haue founde a texte to stubbe a ganders quill:
VVhiche if it proue Ell [...]borus, according to my will,
A heauy harte needes must it purge, from care, and pensiue plight▪
And like vnto Argivus harte inforce it to be light:
To laugh indeede where cause is none, as this Argivus did,
[...]et Aiax [...]ses to frequent, my story doth forbid.
And I forbid a carping knight to catche where catche he can,
For harde it is one dishe to please the mouth of euery man.
VVho spies my fault (as easie) may by suyte I him forbid,
To see and turne it to the worst, as Argus whilome did,
That simple skill (whiche earst I had) I giue it you to vewe,
Not doing as this Argus did, who kepte his vvife in mevv.
For, quicquid in bucc [...]m venit, the same with haste I pende,
No maruell then (deare Dames) if ought herein ye may amende.
Thus standing to your curtesie (madames) loade starres of light,
The sequele shal my meaning shew here offred to your sight.
Tam Mineruae quàm Veneri.


MArke well my frende this ragged ryme,
thrust forth the Elderne pith:
Spare not to cut a hasell wande
to make a winding with.
Seeke forth the grounde of evry thing,
esteeme not filed phrase,
The pythe, but not the paynting penn [...]
doth yeelde the Aucthours prayse.
VVhat though I seeke by wantons witte
each man for to delight?
Shall sense therefore inforced b [...]
by myrth to see no lighte?
Then is the Readers care but small,
what fruyte he reape thereby:
And eke the Aucthours prayse, by this,
shall seeme in duste to lie.
Then who that knovves, so foolishis
his penne to take in h [...]nde?
Sith that the vewers care is more,
to reade, than vnderstande.
Legore & [...] intellige [...] negliger [...] [...].

C. G. Maister of Arte, in the prayse of the Authour.

Io [...]n
In wisedomes schoole Apollo, and dame Pallas thought it fit
Of al, therin your Aucthour here, in highest rome to si [...].
Holde there (quoth shee) the Muses all haue [...]lde thee in their lappe,
Not I alone haue giuen thee sucke, but they haue giuē thee p [...]ppe.
Gange [...], thy streames bedewed, his penne thy sandes haue po'isht eke,
Rare blossomes blowne to mortal men, yet not in him to seeke.
Arethusa, thy influence in him it is not skant,
Not Polymne [...]a eke hir rules of Rhetoricke doth he want,
God guyde thy steps therefore my Grange, and eke what is begunne,
Echidu [...]as sting thou onely soughtes by s [...]cre [...]e meanes to shunne.
Ioue would it so, thou knowest well PeSnassus Mounte to clyme
Of Momus mates, thou needst not care, nor muttring Mucius slym [...]
Holde here therefore thy iust rewarde, a crowne of Lau­rell bayes,
Not sounding trumpe, but due desertes, thy flickering fame shall rayse.
Gra [...]ge
Graūt him ye fatall sisters three, old Naestors race to run
Renoumedly without default, & cracke of fame to shun.
A Grange in deede he may be termde, a Grange for eache delight,
Not Grange, nor groue, nor fertile fielde that is in eache mans sight,
Grange would I so accoūted be, but such a Grange I meane,
For outwarde mirth and secrete sense as earst hath not bene seene.

W. S. in commendation of the Aucthor.

OF siluer pure thy penne is made, dipte in the Muses well,
Thy Eloquence and loftie style all other doth excell:
Thy wisedome great and secrete sense diffusedly disguysde,
Doth shew how Pallas rules thy minde, and Phoebu [...] hath deuisde
Those Golden lines, which polisht are with Tagus glittring sandes.
A pallace playne of pleasures great vnto the vewers handes.
Thy learning doth bewray it selfe and worthie prayse dothe craue,
VVho so thee knew, did little thinke suche learning thee to haue.
Here Vertue seemes to checke at Vice, and wisedome folly tauntes:
Here Venus she is set at naught, and Dame Diane she vauntes:
Here Pallas Cupid doth detest, and all his carpet knightes:
Here doth she shew, that youthfull impes in folly most delightes.
And how when age comes creeping on, with shewe of hoary heares,
Then they the losse of time repent, with sobbes and brynish teares.
Thou Ambodexter playste herein, to take the first rebounde,
And for to shew thy minde at large, in earth doth the same cōpound:
So that Apollo claddes his corps all with Mory [...]us clothes,
And shewes himself still friendliest there, where most of al he lothe [...].

Golden Aphroditis.

ALhaile ye Lidian streames: what meane these dolefull dumpes? hath Io caste hyr hornes? what if shee ha [...]e, yet doe the buddes remayne? what, are ye tas­ked to the prayers of Acharon, that ye f [...]are the passage to his temple? or haue ye to de [...]le with the me [...]orable iudges [...] and Rhad [...]manthus▪ feare ye the [...]orm [...]ntes of Hercules? the plagues of [...] or the bar [...]yng of [...] if aught of the [...]e be the cause feare you not, but draw neare to [...]ethe lake, s [...]one after the tas [...]ing whereof ye s [...]all forget this clodde of car [...]yng [...]are, though in deede ye haue tasted before of the very Well of [...]ensi [...]enesse, videlicet, the S [...]g [...]a lake. But being thus wrapped in y v [...]e of misery, I trust a caul [...] sweete western winde after this your sharp & stormy winter can no sooner come in place, than he shalbe welcomen▪ neither in the Primetyde of the yeere ( v [...]del [...]cet) in Aprill and in May. can Phoe­b [...] so soone display his goldē bright rayes or glistering beames vpō the earth▪ than will eche harte reioyce, & ech hea [...]e which before hath bene penned vp or kept as it were in the pryson of [...]arte froste, now laugh his Iaylour the froste to scorne: so I thinke, be it mornyng or euening▪ come I early or late. I come not to soone to dry vp those surging seas or boystrous streames of carping care, which with p [...] ̄ ­s [...]uenesse oue [...]flow your heauy hartes▪ nor to expell those dolefull dumpes whiche sore oppresse your pestred wittes. For as I take no small d [...]l [...]ght thorowly to bas [...]e my corps with the Nectar wine of the Hom [...]icall Goddes, to reune my dolefull sprytes when I set occasion: so take I a great delight to haue a portion of that mar­uelous hea [...]te [...]epenthes (whiche hath force to driue sadnesse and melancholy f [...]ō each mans hart) about me▪ to imparte to my friends cōmyng in [...]lace where such pensiuenesse doth raigne. Now sir, I commyng from my wonted custome, and associ [...]d with Nepenthes iuyce, chauncing (as fortune would) into this fayre flocke of my faithfull friendes, whome I playnely see as it were in glasse before [Page] mine eyes set altogither lumping and lowring as if ye had lately co­men from Troph [...]nius caue, or rather escaped S. Patrickes Purgato­rie, fully perswade my selfe I can not better bestowe it, than vpon your crased corpses: wherefore (my diligence imployed ye shall see how neate I wil be, not onely in anoynting eche parte of your s [...]o­mak [...], wherby you might the eas [...]er auoyde all Melancholy, but also in curiously wasshing your sweltring hartes, whereby all sadnesse may straight auoyde and giue place to Dame pleasure and all hyr troupe, for so Nepenthes biddes. Yet du [...]be not me for a mery knaue, but Nepenthes iuyce for a pleasant Knight, to whome I am but a seruaunt or rather an instrument to bryng his feates aboute, as now plainly and manifestly appeareth in this amorous discourse of Sir N. O. and the worthy Nymphe A. O. whom the Goddes as­signed at length to be his wyfe. And now (deare Dames) bycause I would not h [...] you (my rare beyng runne) to stande in as foo­lishe or rather in a foolisher doubte than Plato whylome did, who doubted in deede whether he shoulde put your se [...] among reasona­ble or v [...]reasonable creatures: I will make euery thyng so playne vnto you, as [...] coulde not be, though in de [...]de you shoulde be ledde by a lyne or poynted vnto it with Democri [...] Anger. And for your better instruction, seyng menne in these dayes thi [...]ke that the clymate or the countrie w [...]erein a man is borne, importeth not a little towarde his nobility, ye shall vnderstand, I will not faynt (as the Poetes did,) and say, Sir N. O. was brought foorth in flo­ [...]yng [...]elos as Apollo was, nor yet in hollow rockes as was Iupi­ter, neyther that this Nymphe A. O. tooke hyr beginnyng in wa­ [...]yng Seas as Venus did, or was begotten of the [...]rayne of any as was Pallas b [...] Iupiter: but Sir N.O. descended of the auncient house and noble parentage of Hippomenes, as this treatise maketh playne, and the worthie Nymph [...] A.O. [...] the other side (as Apollo sayd) was borne and educated in Pasquilles Heauen, daughter vnto Dame Diana (though the Poetes sayne the contrary) begotten of hy [...] sweete harte Endymyon, whome in hyr huntyng not seldome shee visited by startes (if the Poetes, are to be credited) whiche startes you knowe full oft requireth startyng corners, and if you knowe [Page] not, these hyr startes may gyue you to vnderstande: for why shoulde shee couette to haue hyr Altare besprincled with mans bloude, if shee tooke no delight in man? or why shoulde shee (v­sing huntyng as a copie of hyr countenaunce) visit so ofte by stealth, hyr sweete harte End [...]m [...]on, if not for some suche intent? for this we knowe, that womanhoode and chastitie forbiddeth plea­sure. If then the lyke chastnes [...]e were grafted in hyr▪ as is reported to be, she would not haue vsed in that order his companie, nor yet haue spent hyr dayes cōtinually in hunting, as we see she doth. Yet maruell not (poeticall Nymphes) that thus much hath not bene reuealed vnto you before this tyme of our auncient Poetes: for no maruell it is if the Poetes hereof were ignorant, when none of the Goddes knewe it, exceptyng Apollo, neyther had he knowen it, but thorow hyr commyng to haue the aduice of his Oracle at Delphos (that is) to know whether it were a male or female that she went withall, who courteously answeryng▪ sayde, it was a female whiche with hyr shoulde be Alpha and Omega (that is to say) the firste and the laste that euer she shoulde beare: who was not before so muche dismayed, discomforted, and grieued with hyr conception, least (commyng to lighte) the bandes of chastitie wherewith shee was thought to be [...]ound, should be counted broken, but [...]entymes more now reioyced at this Alpha and Omega, persuadyng hir selfe, that how lendely soeuer she behaued hyr selfe, wantonnesse of pleasure would not be seene. But yet take heede Diana least thorow thy to muche credulitie and light beliefe (as the Prouerbe goeth) Miner­tiam exercit [...]res: For not seldome the Oracle of Apollo beareth a double meanyng (moste lyke to the Images of Alcibi [...]des) who what imported life without, the same inclosed death with­in. Nowe Dame Diana keepyng thys scape very secretely (as wisdome warned hir) and knowing hir time of deliuery to be neare at hande, takyng hir bowe and shaftes as though she woulde haue gone to hir woonted game, conueyed hir selfe primly vnder a clowde into Pasqu [...]lles heauen: where remaynyng vntill the tyme of hyr deliuery was past, the Goddes (not knowing where shee had bene) meruayled much at this hir long absence, and at hir returne, meri­ly [Page] gyving with hir, as they satte at dinner. Iupiter demaunded of hyr where she had bene, and what sporte shee had had all this time. Who first fixed hir eyes vpon hyr [...] strings, secondly lookyng stedfastly in the middest thereof, straight [...]oorth had a ready answere by the ende: which proueth not a little the readinesse, ripenesse, sharp­nesse and suttlety of a womans witte: for she meanyng in deede to disclose the whole matter (least some euesdropper or picketbanke shoulde bewray hyr vnto Venus, who alwayes was and wil be hyr mortall enimie) yet in such secrete manner and after suche a lofty style as the Goddes themselues should hardly vnderst [...]nde hyr, an­swered him in this sorte: Sir (quoth she) in sporte I past the bandes of pleasure, and came to the Court of felicitie, for I had no soo [...]e entered the wilde and fennie forest of my wonted game, but a good­ly Bucke foorth of the thicke and flaking serue began to rouse him­selfe, who contrary to the nature of his sexe, leauyng bothe fierce­nesse and wildenesse (as though he had knowen me) ganne louingly to fawne vpon me, des [...]ryng me with his lippes, and tickyng my garments with his [...]ong. Whereat I beyng amazed, and ta­king it to be some of Circes inchauntments, who had taken vpon him the Crocodiles nature, I sent a percyng shaft to sticke amiddest his ribbes, whiche contrary to his former force rebounded backe a­gayne: the Bucke likewise not f [...]aryng aught, began to licke afresh. Whereat I maruellyng not a little, seyng this change of nature, persuaded my selfe it was some wayned Bucke, whiche of late had strayed from the lodge of my forest (and now forgotten tho­row my tasting of Lethe lake at my firste entring into the same,) wherefore I beganne to play with him, calling him by this name, VVill, VVill: who no otherwise as it were fle [...]ted vpon me, than doth the childe or little infant, who smyl [...]s vpō his mother or nurse callyng him by some childishe name. And perceyuing I had yeel­ded vnto his lore (as in deede I had) thinking I [...]ould folow him, began lightly to trippe before me, vntill such time as he came to a broade gate of a fayre lawne fielde. I like a good bloudhound pur­suyng my chace leasurely, kepte true footing, and drewe neare vnto him, whom when he spied (more like a mā than a beast) he opened [Page] the hatch with his croked horne, and with the same h [...]lde it opē vn­till such tyme as I had entred. Then did I see him make towarde the middle of the lawne, wherein was a slippe hedged aboute with blacke & white thorne, but rather made in the order of a liste where­in a combat had or should be foughten: whom incontinently I fol­lowed: he entred, I entred also: thus beyng entred, he layed him downe to breathe. I fate me downe likewise to reste my wraried limmes, and played with his hornes in my lappe. But (to be short) he suddenly rising, gan fiercely to pushe at me with his prickyng hornes, and so fi [...]rcely pursued his fe [...]nishe thrustes, that before I could recouer my feete agayne▪ he gaue me a go [...]ng woūd. Wher­at I beyng amazed▪ and yet des [...]rous to see farther before I en [...]oyed his death, withstoode him stoutly, nothyng regardyng his force. Wherein I founde that a valiaunt Knight may soone be ouer­comen, but a fierce Souldier sooner tyred, for so was her: yet be­ing vanquished, he yeelded himselfe, fawning vpon me as he did be­fore, to whome (beyng moued with pittie,) and hoping in short time to recouer my hurte, I graunted lyfe, yet brake his [...]o [...]nes and let him goe. Who was no sooner gone, but the sore incontinently be­gan to swell: I (fearing the worste) sought straightfoorth for Elle­borus to purge me thereof, whiche founde, I stamped it and dranke the iuyce thereof at my discretion: soone after the drinking whereof. all the corruption and matter which before was congeled in my go­red wounde, gushed foorth, but to my deadly paynt. Thus in a fair [...] large fielde betweene the listes I incountered with my mortall fo [...]: who receyuing the foyle but not the repulse, I brake his horne, and for the testimoniall thereof beholde the same (shewyng the Goddes in deede the little [...]ngar of a borne gantlet whiche was hyr sweete hartes Endymyon, whiche wee call the louers fingar, but what shee meante thereby I referre to you Madames, whose wittes herein do passe my foolishe skill:) The Goddes hearyng this tale (not per­ceauyng hyr sutteltie) laughyng sore, commended hyr sporte, and beganne (as Terence sayeth) Omnia bona dicere & Laudare fortu­nam eius, saying moreouer, shee had done valiantly, and in gy­ [...]yng order wished themselues there (beyng merily disposed) some [Page] wish cap [...]ace and bodkyn, some with quisshyn and belhedded pin, other some with beere bung and fauset, an other with potlyd and la­del, and some agayne with chāberpot and bedstaf. Thus euery God had his sundry wishe, and euery one his wishe alike. But in the meane tyme Diana hyr scape was kepte vnknowne, the know­ing whereof shee feared the lesse, seyng At [...] and Momus, the Gods of reprehension, long tyme agone were caste downe from heauen thorow the whole consent of the Poeticall Goddes, whiche maketh them now (as Homer sayeth) leade foorth an caste lyfe.

Thus I trust (my glittryng starres) ye are fully resolued of the byrth and natiuity of the Lady A. O. ye neede not farther to doubt hereof, for though my rude stile be not penned with the goldē Liduos streames, neyther curiously polisshed with Hermus glitteryng sandes, yet (my louyng troupe) if yee diligently marke the glose thereof, you shall finde it penned with Ganges siluery streames, the force whereof will drawe Golden sandes vnto it to shade the same. Here resteth nowe (to goe consequently) the cause why Dame Diana named this Nymphe A. O. whiche is, bycause the Oracle of Apollo, ( Alpha Omega) signified vnto hyr mother firste and laste, therefore did she call hyr by the firste letters of the same ( vi­delicet) A. O. But nowe I knowe yee looke I shoulde returne to my matter (that is) to shewe in deede the firste originall acquayn­taunce of Sir V. O. and the worthie Nymphe Alpha Omega, which as briefly as I can, I will declare. N. O. beyng a man of great possessions, detestyng alwayes the frothe of Venus, before such time as the wonderfull beautie of this Nymphe had not onely dasled his eyes, but also bestraught hym of hys former senses, hauing neither male nor female to inioy his goodes and landes, what tyme the fatall threede of this his terestriall lyfe was thorowly expired and ended, lamented sore the Metamorphosis of his cousin Hippomenes, and dayly repayred before the presence of all the homericall Gods, crāuyng moste earnestly vpon his knees his cousins shape to bee restored agayne, (whome Cibele the mother of the Goddes had tur­ned into a whyte Lyons shape with the beautifull Atlanta his wyfe, for seekyng the fraytes of Venus in the woodde where hyr [Page] dayly habitation was, without any reuerence of the place) whiche by no meanes hee coulde obtayne. Alpha Omega likewyse re­maynyng in the Ilande Seiros, bryng praysed of all others for hyr wonderfull beautie (settyng no lesse thereby than in deede o­thers did) hearyng of the fayre mayden Atlanta who lately li­ued in the sayde Ilande, whome Hippomenes thorowe the coun­sel of Venus wonne to be his wedded wife, desired vpō a time of the Goddes that hyr righte shape might bee restored agayne, meanyng thereby (as I suppose) to see which of their beauties were most to be esteemed, seyng they were bothe of all menne so highly allowed, and so greatly proued (for sure it is, one woman enuieth the beautie of an other) and thinketh hyr self fayrest of all. So frownyng for­tune and cruell destinie yet withstoode hyr enterpryse, that naught hyr suyte before the Goddes coulde preuayle ( Venus especially being hyr heauy friend (onely for hyr beauties sake.) It happened so, these two hauing bothe a like suyte vnto the Goddes, met [...]e (by chaunce) in the heauenly throne of the mighty and thundryng Iupiter, at suche tyme as the Goddes were disposed to heare mortall mennes vowes and supplications (whiche I iudge to bee in the forenoone and sober houres of the day) for in the after noone, when th [...]y are well and thorowly whirled with the Nectar wine, then lis [...]e they not to treate on earnest affayres, but looke on whiche side the heauens bendeth lowest towardes the earth, there sitte they intentiue­ly beholding mortall mens doings, whiche vnto them are as it were a Theatre of tragical discourses to moue them to laughter: But be­holde (fayre Dames) Venus bearyng their supplications▪ grudgyng at N. O. for detesting hir froth and hating A. O. for hyr beautie (not contented to denie their petitions) called Cupide that blinde and conkered boy vnto hyr, commaunding him vnder affection to strike this N. O. in moste ardent loue with A. O. who (obeying hir beste,) straightfoorth ascended to the Mount Pernossus, where his guyuer of arrowes lay, who (chusing among the reste what beste mighte worke this feate) suddenly stroke his silly harte, who felte no sooner the arrow pricke, but straightfoorth came bo [...]nde to Louers lore, yea, in such sorte, that he sat all on thorne till shee was g [...]ne; [Page] whereby he might finde time and place to vtter his moning minde vnto hir, and also to bewray his sweltring harte. Loue made hym volde, he feared nought but least the Goddes shoulde bee inflamed with hyr, who (rauisht with hyr sight) might barre him of his will. Such was hyr beautie, (sayd Apollo) as all y e heauēs gan clearly to shine (not Phoebus yet in place.) But to be short (hir suyte not auay­lyng she departed from thence to hyr wonted Ile of Scyros, whome N.O. incontinently followed: and (gardyng hyr to hyr lodge) in the way of familiaritie taking the gentle conge of hyr (as a [...] guer­don in lien of his paynes) vsed vnto hyr these wordes followyng: Oh Goddesse of worthie price (quoth he) if so I might thee call, re­buke me not for my boldnesse, for what my lippes haue done and now professe, my harte hath wished long before. I graunt (not vaū ­ting of my parētage) a grafte of wilding stocke (as I am) deserueth not to incoūter with the sugred lippes of so worthie a Goddesse (as by thine outward app [...]rāce) thou [...]eemest in my sight to be: say ther­fore (O well of life) if trespasse aught herein I haue cōmitted, then let my lyfe a guerdon be for these my euil desertes, but in y e me [...]ne time Ladie (as doubtful of my offēce,) I appeale to thy courtesie for grace. Who courteously answering, sayd: No Goddesse sir, yet oft we see blinde bayarde hitteth the nayle on the hedde, but tell me good sir I pray you what meaneth this kinde of salutation? I, lesse than sel­dome haue founde in my woonted friendes the like curtesie, much lesse in a straunger, wherefore your curteous demeanoure (whatso­euer it pleaseth you to say of your selfe) giueth me to thinke, your race to haue commen of some noble parentage, or rather of a wor­thie line. N.O. fearing the imbecillitie of his witte, and the foltering of his toung (though in deede he needed not) answered in this sorte: alasse (thou fountayne of my ioy) my foltring tong is bashefull to recite the lingring loue whiche this mine inwarde harte with dead­ly payne retayneth: wherefore by humble suyte I craue, that what my trembling tongue for feare is bashfull to recite, the same my painefull penne may put in writing. I graunt (quoth she) seyng no­thing but reason you do require▪ if so you had leue [...] your penne to paynte, than your tong to expresse the same. Yet as it hath pleased [Page] you of your courtesie, to accompany me in this so long a voyage (I vnworthie thereof) so I desire you to so [...]o [...]e with me this night, takyng a small repast in lieu of your good will, and a harde lodgyng to reste your weried limmes, in parte of satisfaction to recompence your profered payne. No doubte but N.O. willingly accepted hyr courteous profer: for at what time this proffer was made they were in the [...]ight of the house, which bring most gorgeously adorned with highe poyntes, curious turrets, and fewe glasse windowes rounde about▪ inflamed his hart with a great desire to viewe the situation, and not onely the rules and principles, but also the chiefest poyntes and moste centous workemanship thorow the deuice of Geometry whiche therein were vsed, whiche sure he had no sooner entered, but the [...]egall pompe and princely furniture, seemed in all poyntes cor­respondent to the braue paynting, and the curious workemanship of the ba [...]tle [...]s & turrets without. But I will omit this sumptuous bu [...]lding (least while I seeme to prayse it at the full) not giuing it his true title (I deminish the glory thereof) and speake of his friend­ly intertaynement, bycause it appertayneth partely to my charge, At si [...] N.O. his first entraunce into the house, Alpha Omega taking him by the hande and bidding him according to the rules of courte­sie moste hartely welcome, shewed him all the commodities of the house, and ledde him into a fayre large gallerie lying on the west side of the house, where first desirous to know his name, his natiue coū ­try and linage, and after great parlance more (which were to tedi­ou [...] here to recite:) the borde beyng couered after a stately manner, supper drewe neare, whereof beyng warned by the Steward of the house, she desired him to take a smal repast, who (thanking hir for hir curtesie) sat downe as he was placed of the Grome, whiche was at the vpper end of the borde nexte to his Ladie, on whome he many a sheepish eye did cast. What should I here bryng in the number and sortes of dayntie dishes, or the curious caruyng and seruice at the borde? y e shewyng whereof is as caste as the numbring of the s [...]arres in the skies, or the telling of the sandes in the seas. Yet thinke I it good and Opere precium, here to reduce their pretie Poems and Poë­ticall Pamphlets conueyed from the one to the other, for he that [Page] seeketh the grounde and pithe therof, shall fynd aliquid salis, in them (as the prouerbe goeth.) First N. O. marking greatly hir behauiour and gestures, oft tymes cast his glauncing eyes (as he thought) by stealth vpon hir, winking muche withall wherat A. O. maruelling, asked him if the light of the candle das [...]d his eyes. To whome he re­plyed thus: Not so (dere dame) I winke for feare, least my too much contemplation of thy wonderful beautie daze my greedy eyes, for by proofe I fynd it not ouer easy to clyme the Egles nest, and thy great curtesie is a ready repulse to my rudenesse, yet beare with my blyn­king folly: for it is great good will that grauelleth me, and the feare of repulse maketh my heart to freese. Wherfore I beseech thee, graūt fire in time to thaw. Good sir (quoth she) to find fire in frost, I count it [...]etter lost. I graunt (said N O.) who findeth fire in frost, he finds, but yet he liues by losse▪ but who findeth frost in fire, hee gapeth for good lucke. And yet although for feare my hart doth freese, and cra­ueth your liuely countenance to thawe the same, yet hath the trump of thy beautie kindled suche sparkes of hote burning coales, as not all the water in the sea is able, yet one drop of the deaw of thy liuely countenance may qu [...]nch the same. Wherefore as after a maner I craued fire to thawe my fearful freesing: so now (as inforced to the same) I craue the liuely draw of thy [...]ountenance, to quench or lay the heat of these my kindling coales. Wherat with simpering lyps she smyled▪ thinking he coulde not perceyue hir, but therof she was deceyued. Which cheared him on further to haue sayd, but that the boord being discouered, the sweete musicke and melodious harmo­nie called vppon them to daunce. His Ladie lykewise (maruelling at his Ephonicall toung,) tooke him by the hand, crauing him to lead hir a gallyarde: wherof I dare sweare not mis [...]yking) he granting hir request, fulfilled hir demaunde: they traced (as neare as I can remember Ap [...]llo his wordes) the gracious galliardes dedicated to the Goddes, and afterwards those measures, whose footing and ge­stures serued best his turne, and some of their harts likewise daunced priuily loth to departe. But (their legges fainting) he gaue his la­die the zucado d [...]z [...]labro [...], and led hir again to the place from whēce she yelded hir selfe. Soone after the companie leauing their past once [Page] (the Chamberlayn willing to shew him his chamber (he curteously bid his Ladie good night, saying what she had graunted, he meant to put in vre. Wherby (as I suppose) he meant the graunt of de­claring his mynd by writing. Who graciously wishing him good rest, sayde: What my lippes haue spoken, myne honour can not denye. Thus takyng his leaue, he marched towarde his chamber. whiche he l [...]unde all hanged with whyte and blacke. Who know­ing well the vertue of eche coloure, and the myrting of the same, thought veryly hee swymmed agaynst the streame. For (as I haue heard some say) these colours pretended virginitie vnto death. But yet N. O. knowyng that out of one mouthe, commeth bothe ho [...]te and colde, and knowyng his hearte wyth feare to s [...]cese more and more, thought long vntyll suche time as some t [...]tale paper had bla­zed his priuie scalding sighes and salte teares to whome her loued best Wherfore soone after his entring into the chamber, he dischar­ged the Chamberlayn of his duetie, and made this letter folowing in a redinesse, to giue to hir Ladie at hir firste flight.

N. O. to his best beloued A.O.

WIth the morning salutation, or rather with an humble kinde of gratulation, which Venus vouchsafed to call the gentle co [...] ­ge, and Mars hir darling the Bezolas manes. (as [...]ingring loue com­maundeth me) I salute the [...] my second selfe, and greete thee here in blabbing paper poetically, not licētiously as testifieth the same. For why? if springs and seas were turned to ynke▪ if lands were turned to paper▪ if shrubs & trees wee turned to pennes, if al the sāds in seas were mē, if euery man toke pen in hand, if Apollo & Pallas shuld giue them wisdom, if Mercur [...] ambages, and A [...]ethusa influēce, yet wold their inke be dried vp, their paper spent, [...] pennes stubbed, & (to be short) their wittes grauelled: yet would thy features be vntouched, the which in number passe the sands in seas, and eke the glittering starres in skies. Thy faint doth perce y e cloudy roupes which [...] wyndes suborne, it pierced vashe the duskye skyes: thus arte thou borne from Mount to mounte, whose same shall neuer die: and if I [Page] might be bolde to speake without the wrath of fayned Goddes, then would I say, that Iuno, Pallas, and Venus adorned themselues with thy beautie, and Egeria supported hyr selfe by thy shape. No maruel then (deare Dame) if I through the sound of thy Ueneriall trumpe haue not onely bene trapped, but also rauished of my fatall senses: for none otherwise doth thy relucēt beauty and surpassing qualities dayly display before mine eies, than doth the goldē glistring beames or bright arayes of Phoebus display vpon the earth, when through his force, the dimme and darkesome skyes with clowdie roupes are put to flight, the whiche (O well of life) hath not onely with firie flakes, and flasshing flames of ardent loue set my harte on fire, but also (as annexed vnto it) hath raysed suche surging seas of carpyng car [...], as not Iupiter his head (I thinke) was euer so pestered, what tyme he borrowed Vulcanus axe to hewe Pallas out of his brayne, as at this time am I through the feruent desire whiche I beare vn­to thee. Thus hath the trumpe of thy beautie conueyed me to the narrow of Cilla and Charybdu. Either if I seeke to shunne, my ru­sticall deedes will shewe me to be Pan, and my folly in seekyng to kicke against the gode, will say playnly in foolishnesse I passe Mo­rychus. Wherefore I see, either I muste sinke in Syrtes sandes, tis drowne in Lethe lake. Thus is thy loue a Labyrinth to me for my likyng. I a toyling Theseus, and all for speeding: yet suffer me not to be tossed in thy Labyrinth, whome great good will hath grauel­led. My hart is in thy thrall, my corpse requires no lesse, by suite I craue, graunt, saue my life, by [...]hinne to holde me vp, least that thy beautie bidde me say I tasted Circes cuppe. For though I haue ta­sted a sharpe stormy winter, yet (standing to thy curtesie) I gape for a newe Prymetide, florishyng with his causine sweete Westerne winde Let me not therfore be fed with a vayne hope, if yea raignes, [...]ay yea, if n [...], nav, yet such a weake nay, as thereon I may buylde such a stedfast fundation of perfite requitaunce, as not Eolus with al his windes may shake the toppe, much lesse moue the fundation thereof, whiche graunted, perswade thy selfe to finde me as tried in truth, as Romeus and [...]uliet, and as stedfast in faith, as P [...]sistratus to Catanea, who doest in my sight Home [...] hir golden Aphroditis passe. [Page] Wherefore blame me not, if I wishe the sharpnesse of Lynceus his sight, that euery creuice I might find out, yea that thorow the harde flinte and stony walles my glauncing eyes might be fixed vpon the liuely shape of the corporall hewe, whereby I might inioye thy cō ­pany, or at the least haue the fruition of those sweete Westerne windes, whiche I hope will breath out of those thy sugered lippes. For if (as one constrayned therevnto) I went aboute of Lethe lake to taste, yet should I but doe as the Giants did, who (as the Portes fayned) with their engins of Sciēces, moued warre against nature, whiche assuredly exceedeth the bandes of my force, wherefore take pitie vpon him, who is, and wil be whyle life doth laste, more yours than his owne.

Yours in harte N. O.

This (being finished) he layed his drowsie head vpon his softe pillow to sleepe: but (God wote) it was so sore pestered with the te­dious thoughtes of his fayre Ladie, that whilest he thought to haue rested his weried limmes in a bedde of security, his senses were res­ted (as it were to the thirde heauen) with feare of digression. Thus (as one being placed where pleasure was, and could not participate the same) with many a sobbing sighe, and skalding teare he wrested foorth the tedious night, in hope, that if the Muses Thaleia and Pe­lymneia fauoured his tong, as well as Phoebus and Calliope the dire­ction of his penne, his rising shoulde be on the right side on that day: yet wresled he so his effeminate bande to the siege of backewarde affection, that both trumpe and drumme sounded nothing for their Larum, but Baccare, Baccare: yet as the sound of trumpe and stroke of drumme incourageth not a little the▪ henlyke man to martiall feates, blouddy actes, and warlike prowes, thinking thereby to rayse an euerlasting fame whiche neither the obliuion of memory should [...]oulde in earth, nor yet the antiquitie of tyme shall turne to duste: so the onely sounde of trumpe & drumme (though in deede the troupe of frowarde affection, stoode as it were a bande of mortall enimies before him, seekyng the spoyle of his innocent bloudde) inforced him to sette the best legge forewarde, knowing that Phoebus with his ra­l [...]ant rayes is able to put the cloudie roupes to flighte, and therefore [Page] with a good courage be gan to rouse himself. Who (after eche thing placed in order about him (thought to haue greeted his Ladie wyth the morning salutation, as other of his sect haue vsed to do, and cō ­ming through the galery which led him to his chamber, he met (as fortune would) with his ladie vpon the sodayne, who not grieued with his chaunce, wel liking the place, and not misliking the tyme, taking hir by the hand, & giuing hir the curtesie of Aurora, she con­maunded hir nimble feete to encounter a turne or twayne about the galerie, where leauing forain matters, they parled at the flest of do­mesticall and priuate affaires. But yet as one word driueth foorth an other, so this parlance being soone ended, N.O. issued forth in this sort: Lady (quoth he) I see dame Pa [...]las in thee hath played hir part, wherfore be not offended with my incroching vpon thee, being desi­rous to be absolued of this doubt, which is: A valiant captain tru­sting the craking wordes of his souldiers [...]not knowing their man­hood, & pressed in hast thervnto) bringeth thē to the field, whom sort assault (for the most part) proues rather cackling hennes, than skil­ful souldiors in martial exploits. For being inuironed, or rather (as it were, hedged in rounde about of their enimies (who in deed were too strong for them) hauing no way to flee but through the surging Sea, some like hennes hauing small lust to cackle, being expulsed off their nestes, aduenture to scape the seas, and are drowned. The second companie stand to the direfull dent of [...]attred shield, and are slaine. The third (seeing no resistance) yeld to their enimies, in hope to fynde lyfe, where not seldome we finde life to be none. The cap­taine seing his hand broken, and his armye scattered, standeth in a quandare, not knowing what to doe. Thus good Lady (my questi­on being moued) my demaund is in this case, if you were captayn, which of these three companies would you hold withall? The La­die marking well his proposition▪ made answere in thys sort: Syr knyght (quoth she) this case is playne, the valyaunt Souldioure hadde rather truste to the force of hys armes amiddest hys eni­mies, than in the fielde a fayre payre of heeles to shew. Therfore, who vsed that vayne of manhoode, I iudge were iustly serued: the [Page] toys [...] and skylfull Souldieors (s [...]ing Mars to withstande them, and Mercuries shiftings not to preuayle) will rather yeld, standing to the curtesie of their enimies, than more boldly than wisely runne headlong into their owne destruction: For nought but direful death by seekyng the extremitie at tyrennous handes doeth happen. Wherefore, who courteously yeeldeed (seing none other remedy, if I hadde bene theyr Captayne, with them I woulde haue holden. Then (quoth N O. marke well the consequent: the case being myne, and you the Castell whyche I seeke to wynne, ( Mars frow­nyng v [...]pon mee) I yeelde, what woulde you doe? Take all your goodes (quoth the Ladye) for inueying agaynste mee, then bynding you by solemne othe and protestation whyle l [...]fe do [...]th laste, neuer to bea [...]e speare and shielde agaynste mee in the fielde agayne, with lyfe and lymme you shoulde departe. Nowe as­suredly (sayth he) as a greater curtesie I woulde not wish, so thus muche (as inforced thereto) I craue. For why (fayre Ladye) in suche thunderyng sorte doth clipping Eccho sounde foorth the loftye Taratantara of thy amyable trumpe, that needes I muste preferre my rude wordes vnto thy learned eares. Thou art (ob amarous dame) that strong and stedfast Castell of amitie whych Cupide in­forceth my heart to inuey: Loue is my standerde whiche b [...]art [...]h vp the banner of affection, vnder whome Dame Venus, inf [...]rceth my wittes to fyghte: I am that capitayne, whose wa [...]le [...]ull eyes be­holdeth myne armye scattered. Feare of denyall is that platte soul­diour, who wyth open mouth and continuall crye calleth vppon me to aduenture the daungerous Lethe, whyche I see by no mea­nes can bee compassed without the Ferrye of Chav [...]n. Wherfore it is iustly alluded, not all the weapons of Bre [...]e [...], are able to arme feare: and Hope (for breuities sake) is that Souldiour whyche standeth to youre curtesye, whose shoulders in this my extremi­tie) as seemed beste by your former opynion) I make my piller of assistaunce. Wherefore (thou radyant Starre) seyng an ea­sye conqueste requireth the Conqueroures clemencye, my trem­blyng toungue gyueth place. Alpha Omega lykyng well [Page] this ready deriuation, so aptly alluded with an vnfayned similitude, with brydeled lippes answeared, Rome was not buylded in one day, wherewith N.O. helde him as content for that tyme, deliuering vnto hyr this fore recited letter, saying: if she wanted a bottome where­on to winde hyr silke, that waste paper would aptly serue hir turne. Whereat (she plucking foorth hir sampler) accepted his wryting wil­lingly, saying: if it serued not for white it should serue for blacke, but (perceauing sodenly somewhat to be inclosed therein) shee turnyng hir backe towardes him, opened it hastely, wherein she founde a pre­tie ring, hauyng a true louers knot of white and blewe ribben tyed therevpon, the po [...]s [...]e wherein grauen was this, Par parirefer, at the ende whereof she found a hande reachyng foorth a harte, who had no sooner spied it, but closed it vp as hastely as earst shee vnfolded it, and turnyng hir face towarde him agayne, filled his cares with a womans excuse, saying, if all were golde that glistered, shee had a harte of golde, meaning as well by the colours of the knot, as by the grauing of the hande and harte in the ring, who answered: what you meane (fayre Dame) I know not, but this I know, that [...]yme trieth truth in euery place. She replied him againe, then holde you content, for hereafter commeth not yet, but N.O. desirous of farther hope, bolted foorth once more saying, I graunt to your silence, for haste maketh waste. A.O perceauyng this wide shotte, inferred, delay breedeth daunger: what she meant thereby I can not tell, but yet it was pretily deuised, seing him hote on the spurre (as in taking his leaue) to make a poste returne, but yet I thinke if his businesse had not bene thereafter, his spurres would haue frosen (for want of heat) vnto his heeles, before he would haue departed: for iudge ye whether his harte daunted lothe to departe or no, when as breakefast beyng ended, and he ready to mounte vpon his Cheuall, taking his leaue after the pleasantest order that might be, sayed, Ladie, though my body departes, my harte and minde yet remayneth in thy custodie, thus hopyng thy corpse to be the houre wherein two faithfull hartes do shrowde, I commit you to the highest to direct thy pathes as wel in the diuision of Venus as Cupide: who mistically answering▪ sayd, The Dyamant cutteth the Glasse. Thus vsing the trade of Dame [Page] Venus hir souldiours, in shewing their myndes by signes & noddes he departed, but (God wote) full sore agaynste his will, thinkyng eche houre ten till his returne againe. Yet was he no sooner depar­ted, but in short tyme after, came I.I an olde courtier of A.O. who seeing in all his dealings the more he ranne, the more behynd, thin­king it in vayne longer tyme to waste, stayed not, but wrote vpon the gallerie doore, Veni, vidi, saying vnto his Ladye: Seing you haue ofte giuen me (as Terence sayth) Nodum in scirpo quaerere, be­holde here your rushe agayne, the knottes whereof are as ready to grauell your wits, as in time past they haue bin to wast my wynd. Thus departing, he gaue his Lady this letter following, saying: The peache will haue wine, and the figge water.

I.I. his deuice to. A.O.

THe soaring Hauke beyonde his skill who seekes to soare so hye,
That weeried wings shall him anoy before he footing fyndes:
The recklesse birde on euery branche that seekes to prone and prye,
The sayler of his launching ship the [...] which weakly bindes,
At length shal breed their bathing bane to scourge thē in their kinds.
And though the change of pasture helpes by proofe to make fat calues,
Through slickenesse yet, the rolling stone we see can take no mosse.
Wherfore sith you will dayly seeke eche thing to part by halues,
Think for your part, & for your pains, nought else to gain but drosse
For while you seeke a greater gaine, your wittes in vaine you tosse.
Your selfe to be the rolling stone, and I your Sisiphus
You sought to make, but all in vaine, I learned haue to shunne,
The poysoning plagues of Circes cup (as did Prometheus)
Which was him sent as sawce, for y e which erst by stelth he won:
Wherfore with leysure now repent, with haste what you begon.
Sith Socrates vs byd deuide one Venus into two,
In two likewise Dan Cupid God, loue tormentes to abate:
[Page]Therfore you wil (as none erst did) hir corps deuid [...] in moe,
Which plainly shewes your chāge w t choice, your chāge I mean of late,
Which turnd your frends to mortal foes, by chāging of your mate.
When Aeolus mindes to raigne, then Boreas nedes must hast,
Elleborus hath me purged, I now defie thy crew.
By profe I finde an ape an ape, in purple be she plast.
Let who list do as Argus did, kepe thee within their mew:
Yet who so list, or who so doth shal neuer finde thee true.
And sith you thinke your beautie such, as none inioyes the like:
To Platos Citie, fairies lande, or to Vtopia wenne:
Yea sith you thinke your wisedome such, as no man hath the like:
In desertes shrinke (as Tymon did) go seeke some caue or denne,
There to inioy your giftes alone, imparted not to men.
Perhappes dan Phaebus in the day, Minippus else by night,
In sight, which passe Linceus eyes, will spie thee forth at length,
With bēding eyes from sun & Moone, who rauisht with thy sight,
In heauē wil place thee as a star, none can withstād their strength.
Thus thou dispising mortall men, the Goddes enioyes at length.
Mitto tibi frōtem Veneris, mediumque Dianae,
Principium lucis quod mare claudat item.
Tempus erit quo tu quia nunc excludis amātes
Frigidia disertè nocte iacebis anus.
This token herein closed I sende as for my last farewel.
Tis Eglantine, which plainly shews where swete there soure lay.
My loue at first (most like the leaues) did giue a fragrant smell.
But now at last, tis like the prickes most hurtful bearing sway.
Yet as the prickes do yeelde no hurt,
Unlesse some one abuse the smell:
So had my last bene like my first,
If thou the first had vsed wel.
Hereafter set by none so light,
As I haue founde thee set by me:
Least they then doe as I do now,
Take of thy belles, and let thee flee.

She receyued this letter with a coy looke, saying: adew good sir, I suffer the yll, hoping for the good: but in hoping to take two pige­ons with one beane you are deceyued (quod I.I) and thus hee tooke his flight. She seeing this, red his letter, which pricked hir not a little: and set hir ouer the shoes in dumpes. I wil not say she would willingly haue bene reuenged, but yet I dare say it rubbed hir on y e gall as muche as the strokes greeued Venus which Diomedes gaue hir, when with weapon she woulde haue bene reuenged vpon him, but that Iupiter calling hir aside, sayde: Daughter mine, thine office is not to be occupied in warlik affaires, but aboute toyers & louers, wherfore attende about loue kisses, embracings and pleasures, and as for martiall Princes, Mars and Bellona haue the charge thereof: thus all women are not acquainted with Tisiphones nature (though for the most part they are) as appeareth by A. O. for she not desirous of reuengement, & fearing least it should be blowne by Boreas blasts of S [...]mati [...] vnto hir louers eares, brydeled hir nature with the bytte of affection, and clapped him in Sampsons post. For I.I. not minding longer to proceede in suche hauens of assistaunce, seeing Nept [...]ne with his three forked mace in this his long nauigatiō neuer furthe­red his sute. And A. O. for hir wittes securitie refrayned [...]ir pen frō blotting further paper in answering y e cragged cliffes of his former letter, wherby thys matter quailed, as one whose browes had Mor­pheus bound and layde to stiepe ouer head and eares in the snowe of Tygetus, vntyl such tyme as Titan with his parching beames hadde turned his bed to naught. But while their wits thus sayled in a bed of securitie. N.O. (dayly troubled with the ruby blushings of Auro­ra, & oft warned by the example of Lady Ver, to greete his lady by writing in the absēce of his body, who sheweth hir grace in greene til Autumne yeldes the fruit thereof) greeted his lady in this order.

N.O his visitation of A.O. by writing.

NEre drownd in dūps of drowsines, shal Morpheus bind my bed
With kercher dipte in Limbo lake? shall drowsy dumps forbed
My penne to shewe the zelous loue which I to thee do beare?
No no: if Dy [...] dungeon darke did hedge thee in▪ to feare
I woulde not yeelde my liuely spirites: for why▪ not Tartars denne,
Not Cerberus he, Auerne deepe, nor yet the G [...]gon fenne,
Not Plutoes grisly gates I say, nor yet M [...]gera fierce,
The Stygi [...]n poole, with thousand more, which now for to reherse
It were too long: not Phlegethons flame shuld bar me fro thy sight,
But needes I would aduenture all to winne thee in despight.
Wherfore accept my willing pen descrying thus my hart,
Until my corps doth come in place, and maketh good his part.
Thus fare you well my gemme of ioy, the fountayn of delight.
Farewell once more, thou wel of lyfe, thus takes my pen his flight.
Fil vp my lampe with oyle of grace.
N.O. whome I vowe to be, [...] loyall be. Ade [...]e.

This Letter pleased A.O verie wel for y e time. But yet as mirth, so sorow requireth a time. For soone after the reading hereof, the trumpet of newes sounded in hir eares a strange amorous combat foughten in the north part of the world, wherin all remorse of con­science being banished quite, and pitie taking no place, so lōg as the baner of affection was holden vp, and the arming weapons of Ve­nus would holde, they spared not what beautie forced to, but lying with l [...]yaltie they forced not of brutishnesse, thinking consentaneum what ly [...]ed best their lust, for mistrust they knew might well [...] [...]et not c [...]ndemne them. A.O. crediting the bruite of thys [...] E [...]ch [...] full ofte resoundeth an vntrouth, (as nowe mani [...]estly a [...]p [...]a [...]eth) who bruted (contrary to veritie) N.O. to be one of their [...] souldiers, or rather hungrie-dogges who filled then [...] like to the carryon Kyte) with du [...]ie puddyngs, & [...] [...]abitation to be in y e defiled & vnlucky clymat zone, whi [...] thus [...]ad [...]ansackt hir v [...]ynes, all (cladding hir corps with [Page] mourning weedes, most lyke a vestall mayd, or rather a sacred vir­gin, long lulled in Muses lappes) with vapoured eyes and boyled breast, which earst had bathed him in good will, caused hir secretarie to write vnto him in this order.

A.O. to hir louer, charging him with an vntruth.

WIth vapourd eyes, & scalding sighes, my tedious steps I trace,
w t wa [...]lful weeds I clad my corps, salt tears bedews my face:
A boiling brest like Aetna hill subdues my sweltring hart,
And ransackt vaines perswades me now to thinke on Cupids darte.
I see my heart with inward thoughts hath bathed in good will,
That hounde which seekes by ranging foote a virgins rule to spill.
Which lothsom death w t fearful mace cōmands to work my dome,
With ayde lykewise of sisters three to finish foorth my tombe.
O Ladyes of the Destiny, shal this a guerdon bee
In lieu of my good will bestowed? may nought occasion bee
To bulwarke my defence in neede? haue I a rolling stone
All wrapt in gold, as if it were a gemme that peere had none?
Well well N O. vnlesse you proue your selfe a peerlesse gemme:
Unconstancie will me perforce constrayne thee to condemne.
By proofe we see, what golden is, the same hath glittering spheares,
As Phebus hath his radyant rayes, Pactolus eke that beares
His siluerie sands on shore, and Tagus castes his golde to lande
Yea Lydius hath his golden streames and Hermes glittring sande:
So Uertue would not lurke vnknowne, if vertue did thee rule,
But needs wold shine like glittring beams, though wrapt in Friers [...]ule.
Report could not subuert thy fame, if thou y e virgins path
Had trode by rule of Uirgins lawe, or bathde thy selfe in bath
Of loyall loue. But yet I hope how that Dan Eccho failes,
With mūbling voice of foltring tong (thogh truth imbark y e sailes.)
Wherfore as one d [...]uoide of ioye, and yet would faine reioyce,
Imbarke this foming froth of waues, then with of pleasure choyce
I may adorne my daisy banke, whiche delectable seemes
To those, whose greedie senses seekes the scent which floures teems.
And thus Adieu. I [...] lodge where I march all with my dumpishe Muse. videlicet Me [...]pomenes. A. O.

[Page]This letter being written with the iuyce of a Lemmon for the secrecie thereof, bycause (as some say) it can not be red vnlesse it be helde nere to the fyre, and eke this sudden charge seemed very strāge vnto N. O. and no maruell, seeing he was accused of his enemies, & halfe condemned of his Lady, not being guiltie of the crime, neither knowing what she ment therby. Yet many thoughts occurred hys mazed wittes, but which to take vnto his senses serued not, neither knewe hee howe to answere this letter (hir meaning lying vn­knowen) the inditing whereof caused him much to muse, for that it seemed rather vnto him the deuice of Melpomenes the chiefest Muse than the wit of any other learned clearke, though in deede he had of long tyme bene fostered vp with Muses mylke, hir cleark like pen he thought condemned his rurall wittes. Yet knowing himselfe in all respectes vnspotted and vndefiled, seeing Veritas non quaeri [...] Angulos, he framed his rurall penne (as he thought) to answere in this sorte.

N. O In his owne defence.

Shal zoilus he, or Momus mates imbash my penne to write?
Or shal the want of Homers quill, or Virgils vayne to endyte,
A new diffused Chaos make of these my pestred wittes?
Not so, though Tritons trumpet shrill on fynned fish that sittes,
Hath blased vnto your tentiue eares, what honor might defame,
Sith I vnguiltie am thereof, I wil not seeke the same
Texcuse, for why? I know that tyme ech thing wil bring to light:
And truth it selfe wil come in place gainst falshoodes force to fight.
By phrase of filed style you seeme a verdict rash to giue
Of prisoner yours to dye, but yet it grauntes my state to liue.
By rolling stone, and ranging hounde vnconstant me to be,
Your painting penne by art declares: yet shal you neuer see,
Nor know my senses, for to know the breath of any wight
Saue thou alone, as Biblia, who when Duellus hight
Him selfe to haue a stinking breath by open parlance mayde
Of Roman dames vnto his face: I haue not knowen (she sayde,)
[Page]But all mens breath haue bene alike, such was the vestal line
Of that hir chosen path, as wel the stories doe define.
Wherefore in suspence now let hang, the iudgemente of my dome,
Tyl truth through time for falshodes corps hath finisht vp a tome.
Thus fare thou wel my iemme of ioy Let not our absence breede anoy.

N.O. After the deliuery of this letter thought lōg, as louers do) to heare an answer of y e same. Which seeing it came not according to his expectation, he mounted vpon his bayarde gray, making a poste iorney (being hotte on the spurre) partely to visite his Ladye, and partely to aunswere vnto hir obiections, whiche no doubte but in thundering wise soone after his comming she poured forth. Note here­by howe harde it is for women to keepe a­ny thing secrete, and the waigh­tier the thing, the harder the restraint of blabbing the same, I might doe wel here to bring in the curiosity of louers & the care they haue al things should be as neare as might at y e greting of their Ladies. But especially in things about their forehead, bycause it is y t fronte of their army which stādeth in case to make or marre, as in mundi­flyng their beardes, cristalling their teeth, correcting their haires, cutting their sublabes, or in demediating the haires of their heads, some again in turning their monchachous the Turkie way, in wa­shing their temples with rose water, & other some desire to perfume their clothes, and set their ruffes after the french fashion. Thus to be short, euery one delighteth in one thing or an other wherby they should eleuate the spirites of their faire Dames, as with fragrante floures, which represent their Ladies, or else with sweete perfumes whiche giue occasion to the prouocation of pleasure, as in opening their appetites, or else they haue taken it of a custome of Venus ▪ who (as the greeke Poetes affirme) neuer departed from any place not leauing an exquisite perfume and odorous smell behinde hir in token of hir presence: and as for their floures (as I saide before) some weare them for a representatiō of their ladyes, as things most desired, and some agayne weare them to gyue vnto their La­dyes, as thinges moste agreeyng wyth theyr appetites. But happye is he [...] (I thinke) to whome hys Ladye gyueth [Page] a nosegay, bicause the propretie of al women is rather, to take than giue, and thus by such trifling toyes louers vse to dye in themselues and liue in others, the hart being more where he loueth, than where he giueth life: the eye likewise wil alway be fixed where the hart is entered, thorow the preaching of Cupids leaden shaftes. But softe bold you here contented with these foolish toyes, vntil occasion serue to bring such like in place. N. O. had no sooner greeted his Ladye with an humble salutation, but (she hardly forbearing the suppressiō of hir hart tolde him incontinently what she had hearde: Who an­swering sayde, the higher the Sun, the lesser our shadowes are, and Asterites keeping his light within, sheweth it foorth by little and little, yet who so beholdeth it thorowly shal find it in propertie most like to the star [...]e. Wherewith and such like he clearely acquited him selfe from all hir former suspitions, to the great contentation of thē both. For such was the force of the preuy stroke of affection (as hee sayth) that beauty hir self semed but vgly in his sighte, in compari­son of the rosed cheekes of his lady, which his outward eyes and in­ward hart had chosen by vowe to be his wedded mate: whervpon he craued of his Trust (for so he had termed hir) that what soeuer he said in hir presence (as perforce constrained therunto) it might bee taken not to proceede of any dissimulation, but rather of a pure and con­trite hart, who (refrayning hir tong for a season) said. As I finde so in time will I loose (meaning therby) (as I thinke) that if she found him loyal, faythful, and trusty as he had professed, then woulde she lose him from suspition of dissimulation. But tel me sir (quoth she) can the force of affection so rule in any creature, that what seemeth not only foule and filthy, but also thorow missehap of body vggly in others sight, the same should seeme moste beautifull and wel pro­portioned in his sight? why not Lady (quoth he) for if a womā hath matched hir selfe to one as vggly, misseshapen, and misfauored as Thersites, a [...] hoary, wrinckled, tanned, and withered thorow age as Nestor, and yet perswade hir selfe, that neither beautiful Nireus, faire Phaon, nor yet Phebus him selfe were comparable vnto him, why shold not this man, as wel like hir as if he were y e best fauoured and comeliest person, aliue? likewise if a mā taking to wife one, so vgly [Page] misseshapen, foule, filthy, and misfauored, that vglyer coulde not be, as seemely as a cowe in a Cage, a dogge in a dublet, or a sowe with a saddle, yea such a one indeede as hath no our sparke of comelinesse wherby to delight the meanest mā aliue, though his innocēcie were such, as to choose for Minerua a Sowe, (as y e proue [...]be goeth) & yet thinketh hir to be as comely in personage as Aegeri [...], and of as faire a complexion as Venus, why should not this disfigured thing be vnto him (so supposing) an [...] A [...]geria in persuage as it were, & a second Venus in beautie? Maruell not lady at this, for dayly ex­amples do testifie thus much, and more thā this for nede approues: for what was it but blinde affection whiche moued Syblis to fall in loue with hir owne brother? and Mir [...]ha to fansie hir father most of al? or where was affectiō when poore Pasiphae was rauisht with the sight of a Bul? But how far forth did fonde affection rule in Cliso­phus, raging ( non mediocri [...]er) vppon an Image at Samos made of white paciā Marble? In Pigmalion, towards a white yuorie image of naked Venus? & in a yong man a Citizen of Athens, who so fer­uently raged in fleshly lust towardes an image of good fortune, stā ­ding at the Prytaneum of Athens, that most oftētimes he louingly imbraced it, and kissed it most sweetely, being very desirous to buy it of the Senate, offering for the same a mightie masse of money? but so outragiously did it raigne in the three Gentlewomen mētio­ned in y e Courtier, that they fel in loue with a gentlemā at the sight of a letter in his cōmendatiōs, whom as yet they neuer saw. Such is the force of fonde affection. If this be true whiche stories make plaine, what maruell is it then (faire Ladye) that I with the sight of thee am rauisht? whose liuely countenance feedeth as well myne eye, as did the disputations of learned men in schooles feede the earen of the worthy Emperour Charles the fourth, who seemest in my sight faire Helen of Troy, Polixene, Caliope, yea Atlanta hir selfe in beautie to surpasse, Pandoras in qualities, Penelope and Lucretia in chastenesse to deface. Oh God why seeme I thus thy dower to disgrace? who seemest rather in honour Iuno, in wisedome Pallas, in beautie Venus, in shape of personage Aegeria, in chastitie Diana, & to be short, in huswifery Minerua. Or how durst I presume to lay [Page] my based finger vpon thy stately corps (I vnworthy thereof) whose relucent beames as yet Gradatim doe increace, whiche shewes by perfect plea thy courteous harte, and eke thy braue demeanure ther­withal: These fonde fayned fansies (quod she) and wanton foolish eyes deserueth a glasse of dissemblyng water, but an x, or a nod shall serue for a due garde, & yet what make you then of beautie by this quoth she?) Plato defined it lady (quoth he) to be a priuiledge of nature: Carneades a solitary kingdome: but Pomitius sayde, that there was nothing more acceptable in an honest woman: Aristo­tle affirmed, that beautie is more worth than all the letters of com­mendation: Homer commended it for a glorious gifte of nature, and Quid called it a grace of God. You seemed me thought (sayed A.O) to define this vpon the beautie of an honest woman: but what thinke you of a Curtisan? who answered: their beautie (sayeth Socrates) is a tyrannie of shorte tyme: Theophrastu [...] a secret deceyte: and Theocritus a delectable damage. This prety defini­tion, and clawyng by course of tongue lyked A. O. very well: but especially to heare hyr selfe commended of hyr bestbeloued before Atlanta, who sometyme bore the bell of beauties price in that hyr natiue soyle. Wherfore (his talke beyng ended) she sayde, his tongue was made of massiue golde, inferryng moreouer, that Apelles pen­sell, nor yet Sulpicia the Romayne dame, were able so to paynte or carue in tables of brasse, the stately corps of Venus rufflyng Nimphes, as was his tong their features to discrie. Not so (deare dame) I would (quoth he) my tongue such vigor had, as to expresse thy vertues all which harte could neuer thinke, ne penne much lesse (as I suppose) with ease might well subscribe, whome Marcia she, that all surpassed hath in perfect worke in imagerie, could not hyr pensell frame in hande thy outwarde shape to graue, although in deede (as stories doe vnfolde) she nought did vse in those hyr liuing dayes but caruing worke, to paynte, or else to drawe the shapes of those whose beautie was a patterne to beholde for rufflyng dames, yet woulde she neuer carue nor drawe the shape of any man, least that the sight of carnall things might rayse such carnall lustes, as might abridge hyr virgins lawes. Suche was hyr chosen pathe. [Page] This praysing of N.O. his rolling tongue did encourage him not a little by polished phrase of filed style to feede his Ladies appetites or humors with some one thing or other, whereby he might fancie what fancie most requyred. And therefore fillyng his ladyes eares with wordes (occasion seruing him so) he fell from this treatise in­to the discourse of chaste Matrones, as in declaryng how that, when Atropos, Lachesis and Cloth [...]e, beyng the Ladies of the deste­nie had graunted to Admetus kyng of Thessalia (at the request of Apollo, being throwne into exile, or rather banished from the state­ly throne of the potentiall Goddes by force of Iupiters fearefull mace) that what tyme soeuer the turnyng spindle had thorowly twyned his fatall threede, if any one would take vpon him death to awarde King Admetus his life, his proffer shoulde be accepted to [...]iourne his former wishe. This day beyng common, & none would yeelde his lyfe for Admetus his sake, then Alceste she his true and faythfull wyfe did yeelde to death for to awarde hys life. Marke how N.O. seeketh to frame his tongue altogither in the commen­dation and setting foorth of women, on whome shee incroched in this order. No doubte N.O. but the like constancie is to be founde in men? Alas Madame (quoth he) I can not for thy sake but say and thinke well of all womenkinde. Yet coulde I say as much as this of men, alluding the one with the other if so occasiō serued. And this perswade thy selfe, whylest life dothe laste, my care shall grea­ter be of thee than of my selfe: yea Artemisia hyr selfe, was neuer founde more constant to hyr make than I wilbe to thee: although in deede the brute of blasing trumpe hath informed the very skies of hyr chastitie, and fethered hyr fame, for that hyr pure loue: who when M [...]usolus King of Caria, had yeelded his lyfe to the fearefull mace of lothsome death, did call for death tenne thousande tymes to change hyr state with his, who seeyng hir suite coulde not pre­uayle, in regall sorte with princely pōpe inclosed his corps in tome, yet did she keepe his harte aboue the ground to keepe hyr company, vntill continuance of tyme had turned the same by course to moul­tryng duste. Then putting the same in a cup of wine, she dranke it vp, saying: whyle lyfe did last his harte from hyrs asunder should [Page] not parte. But softe, holde you here content (quoth A.O.) and yeelde to silence for a season, for my vewyng eyes haue seene your paynting penne, and my listnyng eares haue hearde your rollyng tongue. But who dothe knowe your priuy thoughtes? not I. Why Lady (quoth he) is the winde at that dore now? then I playnly see the more I seeke the lesse I finde. Sometime your wise­dome sayde, the Diamond cuttes the glasse: but as yet me thinketh it hath not rased the skinne. Which dayly cōsumes my languished lymmes with lothsome lyfe, and inforceth my monyng mynde to crie vpon my harmes so huge. Yet wisedome warneth me to rue and not to rage, still lokyng for that lingryng houre whiche shoulde forbid my carping cares. For though thy harte were made of harde flinte and sturdie steele, yet (as Terence sayth) N [...]l tam difficale est quod non solercia vincat. And eke in tyme the brasen walles will starte: whiche putteth me in hope (faire Ladie) that (doing as the Poete Anacrion did by Bathillus, Horace by Ligurius, and the Poe­tes by Numa and Seruius, who alwayes had them eyther in their songs, or else at the ende of their pennes thou canst not but in time yeelde vp the title of thy harte. I trust (Lady) I haue not deser­ued, that thy loue shoulde waxe colder and colder towardes mee, neyther that thy charitie shoulde decrease, if so I haue, then vse the Adamant stone whiche (as Dioscorides sayeth) will inforce thee to drawe it downe agayne. But what neede I thus to mistruste thy discourtesie? who already haue founde thy tongue to be made of pure Alabaster, whiche perforce will keepe thee in amitie and cha­ritie with all men: thy lippes of Achates of Crete, whiche maketh thee gracious: and thy face of Ger [...]tites (not for his colour but for his singuler vertue) whiche maketh thee so amiable, that no man can that seeth thee, but he enamoured with thee. Likewyse the force of it (Ladie) is suche, that who carieth it close in his mouthe, knoweth what euery one thinketh of hym. Wherefore (Lady) I I neede not longer to blaze vnto thee, for thou knowest full well my harte beyng once sette on fire with the pure l [...]ue which I beare vnto thee (moste lyke to the stone Albeston) can not be quenched agayne: neyther my mynde beyng once frosen with feare, can by [Page] any meanes but thorowe thy gracious goodnesse be thawed againe, lyke to the operation of Gelacia a very white gem, whose coldnesse in suche, that no [...]re can heate the same. I well perceyue your glo­sing talke (quoth A.O.) but tell me sir (quoth she) if your harte continually burne why vadeth it not? who answeared, as well Ladie you mighte haue asked mee why the hyll Aetna whiche burneth day and nighte is not mouldered to ashes: or why Eni­d [...] beyng but a little stone alwayes sweatyng and droppyng, is not turned to noughte? who seyng shee coulde not preuayle, sayde, it is but in vayne longer to argue with thee, for I see thy tongue is made of the pale and wanne stone Calcedon, which great­ly befriendeth your secte in pleadyng your cause at Dame Ve [...]us hir barre. Why lady (sayde N.O.) doe you take me to be suche a colde Oratour, that if I coulde shake Dan Cup [...]ds shafte out of my ribbes I woulde? no no, if I had (faire Dame) the hearbe Dicta­mus, or Tragion, plāted in my bosome, the growth whereof should touche my lippes, yet woulde I not taste thereof: although in deede they auayled as muche in man as in the Harte or Deare, who so soone as they feele the arrowe sticke amiddest their ribbes, straight­foorth (tastyng thereof) can shake it foorth. Say you so (quoth A. O.) what make you then of loue? by this I compare it Lady (sayd he) vnto a kynde of stone called Pirr [...]tes, whiche touchyng it light­ly is tollerable, but holdyng it harde in your hande it burneth your fingers before you are aware: so loue beyng once grafted in your harte, vsing it moderately, not caryng who knowe thereof, is tol­lerable: but beyng a secrete kynde of loue, and seekyng by all meanes possible to byde or oppresse the same, it taketh on lyke [...] bedlem, tormentyng the owner with waues of woe, and bur­nyng his harte with vnsatiable heate. Wherefore not with­out a cause did Socrates will vs to deuide one Venus into twoo Ve­nus, and one Cupide into twoo Cupids. It is also lyke vnto a gem called Lipparia, whiche Huntesmen vse to tame their game withall when course of Greyhoundes fayles, the propertie where­of is to delight and enamour all kynde of beastes with his looke and shewe, vnto the sighte whereof they all doe hastily runne, [Page] staying there vntill their followers stricke thē downe, so loue when nothing can, yet it will all men tame: so you (quoth she) when no man can, yet you the game will gayne. N.O. knewe full well what she meant thereby, and was not a litle gladde thereof, but yet bycause she should knowe that he vnderstoode hyr meanyng (seyng it made so well for him if at any time hereafter she should denie it) he sayde: gladde am I (Ladie) Kabiates so to fauour me, that I shoulde not onely seeme eloquent in thy sight, but also winne fa­uour of thy grace. But (ladie quoth he) seyng the Musicke and company breaketh off our talke, remember the Prouerbe, Eate well of the Cresses. Whereby he meant, remember our talke, for Cresses is an hearbe whiche helpeth muche the memory. Away shee went, and nought she sayde but mumme. Gentles of all sorte bothe male and female wanted not in this company, who seyng supper tyme was paste, they sought to recreate theyr spirites, some in dauncing, some in cardyng, some in dycing, and some agayne in pleasantly arguyng of Ueneriall disputations, but N.O. thynkyng his Lady rather to delight in dauncyng than in any other exercise there vsed, (bycause the propertie of moste women is to delight in the same) he tooke hys Ladie by the tender fiste, fetchyng hyr from the place where she satte, and ledde hyr a stately daunce called Thias rounde, a daunce sometime dedicated vnto Bacchus, whereto the gentles gaue theyr whole consent, and helde by handes a rounde: It fell by course N.O. shoulde leade this trace, bycause he knewe it beste, the tracyng of this rounde requyred in the middle thereof a conge, whiche he (forsakyng his marroll) bestowed vpon an other Gentle­woman, holdyng with handes the rounde, but not dauncing, whe­ther he mistooke the one for the other, or thought that at all times he might be bold to kisse his owne though not the other, so wel as then, bycause the daunce was as a cloke to couer the rayne as touchyng his desire to the same, or the daunce so requyred, I knowe not: but sure it is A.O. thought no small discourtesie herein, who for man­ners sake stayed till the daunce was ended. But then she suddenly departed fro their companies, whome N.O. perceyuing, pursued ha­stily, desirous to knowe the cause thereof, to whome she answered [Page] snappingly, One pearch may not suff [...]ce a byrde to prone and prie vpon. Who knowing what she meant thereby, preaced to haue entered the chamber to haue excused himself, but she lockyng the dore, sayd: Auaunt, Go rouse t [...]y self in flaking ferne. Who answered, The pri­uie is paste, and flaking ferne dothe wither. Thus perceyuing hir frowarde nature, beyng very sorrowfull, he went to his company agayne, and argued with them for a space, least they should take a­ny discourtesie in his suddayne departure. Their theame was this, whether he was moste in fauour with his Ladie that receyueth a­ny thing at hyr hande, or he of whome his Ladie receyueth ought. N.O tooke the firste parte, & the other the la [...]t [...], but N.O. his tongue bare the bell away, it chaunced N.O. talkyng of the dying of wo­mens heare and paynting of theyr faces (occasion seruyng him so) he tolde a Gentlewomen howe to clarifie hyr face, and to make it fayre (although he needed not) for Dame nature had played hyr parte) videlicet with the roote of an hearbe called Dragaunce, beaten to powder and mingled with rose water. Whiche cōming to his Ladies eares, Noctuas Athenas misit, or rather Opposuit ignem igni, as it were. But N.O. (freesing as it were with feare vntill suche time as he had heard and also withstoode the boysterous blastes of his Ladie, hastily cut off his former disputations: and sittyng close in his chamber, deuised these verses followyng in hyr commenda­tion, to lay in place where they should be founde before they were loste.

Ye Muses nine
With grace deuine
My wittes to shrine
Giue not consent,
But ayding hand
To beare my hand
Through sea & land
For good intent
To rime not rayle
Hold vp my sayle
Let not breth faile
the vertuous mode
With trumpe to blase
The condigne phrase
Of hyr who stayed
Where vertue stoode.
ALthough of Helicone that well
my tongue hath not assayde:
[Page]And though the Horne of Acheloye
his knowledge hath denayde:
Yea, though Alcinous Orcharde hath
his fruyte denayde my lore,
Whereby I might the apter be
my landing carme to score:
Yet Arethusa, yeelde me thine
influence to indite,
And Phebus sharpe my willyng penne,
expresly for to write
The blasing feates displaying wise
of Natures darlyng deare,
Whome Uertue she with golden mace
and trumpe dothe seeke to reare.
Yet sithe my selfe by paynting penne
I would so fayne disguise,
Lucina graunt Apollo may
melodiously deuise
My filed phrase, so polished
with Tagus glittring sandes,
Whereby hyr vewyng eyes might thinke
she redde of golden landes.
Ye Goddes seclude my rurall penne,
and yeelde a glosing stile,
With curious polished phrase,
with relucent file,
Of Tullies famous eloquence
To prayse hir worthy excellence.
Come yeelde thy leaues thou Laurell tree
to make a garland rounde:
To Crowne hyr head, and let the trumpe
hyr flying fame resounde.
Whose features all so many are,
so worthie, and so cleare.
[Page]That of my selfe I dare be holde
to say, she hath no peare.
Suche paynting forme, some comely hue
consisteth in hyr face,
That from the Goddes I well suppose
she may define hyr race.
Polixene fayre, Caliop, and
Penelop may giue place.
Atlanta, and dame Lucres fayre,
she doth them bothe deface.
The precious orient pearle
so fayre and gorgeous cleare,
Doth testifie vnto hyr mates
the whitenesse of hyr leare.
Hir lusty, liuely gallant lookes
with rosed ruby ruddes,
Resembleth right to standers off
the pleasant red rose buddes.
Hyr sweete and eke hyr sugred lippes,
softe, rounded lyke the berrie,
Right well to me resemble doe
the crimson bloomed cherrie.
So that to me poore wretche I counte
it were an heauenly blisse,
At suche a sweete and sugred mouthe
to steale a pleasant kisse.
Hyr rounde, fayre, and fl [...]uting cheekes
rosedlyke are paynted,
What though dame Fortune caused hir
fronte to be attainted?
Perforce eche harte with truth must graunt,
it can not be denayed,
But that this skar vpon hyr fronte
was womanly conueyed.
[Page]Whiche seemeth from a farre
To be a radyant Starre
Hyr butned, ruby chinne, hir face,
and eke hir necke did shine,
As though they were with Iu [...]ry white
all burnisht maruelous fine.
Hir prety nose is somewhat shorte,
it well becōmes hyr face,
Hir fryseled heare in knotted wi [...]e
is to hyr fronte a grace.
Hir temples smothe, and eke hir vaines
stande full of lustie crue.
I liken them therefore as likest
to Indie Saphire blew.
Hir twinckling ey [...]e bothe steepe and grey,
they seeme like Christ all cleare.
Hir siluery teeth, and golden tongue,
doe say shee hath no peare.
Hir fingers are bothe long and small,
hir handes are softe as silke:
The palmes thereof are somewhat shorte,
yet whiter than the milke.
Hir comely sides are long and straight,
all shapde in massiue golde.
What harte aliue coulde hyr denie
with fame to be in [...]olde?
My harte it dothe bothe skippe and ioye
to see hir trace the grounde.
Hir feete they are so fine, and feate,
hir heeles so shorte and rounde.
But stay, O Muse, thy golden mace,
and Gange now bedewe
My paynting penne with siluery streames,
that I foorthwith may shewe
[Page]What feates within this comely corps
by parant proofe doth rest,
I thanke thee that thou seemst to graunt
at first to my request.
Hir curteous harte, and [...]owly minde
a [...]ornde with vertues rare:
Hir sober lookes with brydeled cheere
doth shewe she hath a care
To trace the chaste Dianas lawes
as well by deede as thought,
That nought may seeme to scape hyr handes
whiche vertue hath not taught.
Hir tongue it rolles in Rethoricke termes
to giue eche man delighte:
Whiche rauisht hath my sencelesse wittes
by cancred Cupids spighte.
Alas poore wretche what should I say?
to looke on hir agayne
I may nor can it not abide,
though tis a pleasant payne.
With hyr aye to remayne,
Some hartes ease for to gayne:
This blossome of freshe flower
Beares Hartes case for hyr bower.
A. O. VVorthie to be in rolde, VVith letters of golde. Car elle vault.

These clawyng verses did N.O. lay in a narrow entrie, whiche led to A.O hir chāber, whiche according to his expectation (as for­tune would) she found in the morning at hir first flighte: which be­ing red, hyr minde did chalenge them as hir right & dew: she made no wordes therof, but closed it by againe, mistrusting the author, & [Page] maruellyng at the vnperfect ende therof, whiche N.O. lefte so rawe, bycause he minded was to greete his Lady with a letter depen­dyng vpon these former verses, before suche tyme as he spake with hir face to face, whereby she might the easier iudge the author ther­of. His mo [...]ing letter in manner of complainte thus began.

WHiche flower faire and freshe in Adones garden sawe I gro [...]:
The sight whereof hath rauisht me, ill might I it forgoe.
But (to my griefe) to winne the same, no way finde out I can:
Wherfore this fragrant flower I mighte full iustly curse and ban,
The sight whereof and pleasant h [...] hath forced me to yeelde
Unto their lore, as Si [...]enes, whose songs bothe sweete and milde,
Perforce them to doe drawe the saylers by, but none escape
Fro them aliue, no more shall I: for whyle with hope I gape
My ioyes to winne, my life departes: what do I then preuayle,
Unlesse I had Vl [...]sses arte, then might I safely sayle?
For while through pleasant outwarde sight I seeke for to obtayne
My hartes desire, and winne it not, what ioyes do then remaine?
I woulde to God my wit had serude to vse that famous grace
Of Percian Kings, who neuer go [...] abroade with open face,
But with some lawne or silken scarfe: then it I had not spyde,
The wante whereof dothe force me now in [...]orments to abide.
For why? I can not turne my selfe into a golden rayne,
Nor to a Bull, as Goddes they can, their pleasure to obtayne.
Wherefore thus much, though strange it be, yet iustly may I say,
I pleasure take, yet as my foe, it brings me to decay.
For whyle I pleasure take to see, the sight doth me confounde:
As doth the Gorgon whose fierce eyes do yeelde a deadly wounde.
And when I striue to come away, and leaue that pleasant sight,
I seeme as though with Hydra fierce that serpent I did fight:
Who lee [...]ng one of all his heddes, seuen springeth in his ryne,
So I through voiding of this sight, seuē times my cares do twine,
With [...] I play the Faukner kinde, I hallowe, and I whoupe,
I shake my fiste, I whistle shrill, but nought will make hir stoupe,
Wherefore (though sore against my wil) I finde the prouerbe true,
[Page] Vnmanned Haukes forsake the lure, whiche maketh me to rue,
I see I swimme agaynst the streame, I kicke against a gode,
I caste a stone against the winde: my tongue that nere abode
To say thee wel, my feete to goe, my handes to do the like,
Yet you deniall giue, whiche doth my harte asunder strike.
Yet somewhat would my greedy gripes, & eke my carping cares,
My griping grieues, my sobbing sighes, and eke my tedious teares
Abate, if that but halfe my harte it would returne againe:
What doth preuaile cōplainte or none, for nought therby I gaine?
Yet Poetes say that Triton can with sounding trumpe inforce
Eche thing that hath exceeded bandes receiue his former corce.
If this be true, then Triton come retreyte with me to blowe:
I call in vaine, there is no such, the Poetes braines did crowe.
Yet will I wofull wighte my corps with stedfast colours clad,
As Russet decte with Blew, as stedfast suites as may be had
To represent my faithfull harte, a banner to be true,
And like vnto the turtle Doue whiche changeth not for new.
As carped knight thus standes my eace, woe to me wofull wight,
Whose harte is like to Aetna hill which burneth day and night.
I spende my time in sobbing sighes, from sighes I turne to [...]ares,
From tedious teares to pensiue playnt, and thus my life it weares.
Yea thus the shell of carping care hath put my ioyes to flight:
That ioyfull times increase my woe, thus doe I mourne aright,
And if by chaunce I heare the sounde of song or instrument,
Me thinkes the tune that dolefull is doth helpe me to lament.
And as the deare whiche stricken is, dothe drawe himselfe alone,
So will I seeke some secrete place where I might make my mone,
Secluding ioy, imbracing c [...]e, the Incresse trade to vse
I will incline, who closde in walles no pleasure can peruse.
Eche side inclosde, parte of my graue my nayles shal dayly scrape,
In token that my death shall soone rewarde my cursed happe.
Yet mayst thou al with ease preuent, if pittie taketh place,
If not, then dolefull dumpes approch to rue my wretched cace.
N. O.

[Page] N.O. fouldyng vp this letter in his chamber, Mistresse Angelica one of A.O. hyr gentlewomen hauyng occasion to goe thorow his chamber, and seyng him foulding vp these verses, snatched them away from him, but with his consent, for he knewe she woulde as well shewe them vnto hir Mistresse, as his heauy cheare and sadde countenaunce vsed for the nonce, whiche was his whole desire. For if she had not thus vsed him, he would haue layed them in the place of his other verses, priuily stealyng away vntill such tyme as this cloude were ouercast: which in deede he did. For willyng the yong gentlewoman to remember hir mistresse of this phrase, Eate well of the Cresses, vnknowing to any in the house, he secretely wente his way. A.O. perceyuing the beginning of these morning verses to depēd vpon the other poeticall cōmendation, she perswaded hir selfe then that she perfectly knew the aucthor thereof. N.O. within a day or two after his suddaine departure (as most woers do, sparing no coste) sent many a precious & costly iewell vnto his Lady in token of his great good will towarde hyr. But she nought regarding the coste (by reason as it shoulde seeme of the easie commyng thereby) neglected his giftes, saying: Eche birde can haue corne in the haruest tyme, meanyng thereby (as I thinke) that whyle she lyued in that order, shee coulde not wante what mighte so easily be commen by, what soeuer it coste. Wherevpon he remembryng the commenda­tion which sometime shee sette vpon a rare and sumptuous iewell whiche Venus wore vpon hyr fronte, whose lyke for vertue was not to be founde agayne, and remembryng the common Prouerbe and vsuall experience, Farre fette and deare bought doe fansie Ladyes moste of all, he sought by all meanes possible that mighte be inuen­ted, some pretie deuice whereby to gette the same. Who seyng the wilde horses to haue gotten their raynes at will from vnskilfull Phaeton, who wilfully woulde haue the guyding of the Chariot whiche caried the radyant Sunne aboute the worlde: and know­ing the same of force to prouoke a greate hurlyburly among the Goddes and Goddesses in heauen, repayred thether in haste, whome accordyng to his expectation hee founde almoste besides themselues, fearyng the consumyng bothe of Heauen and Earth [Page] by fire. Where seyng the Goddesses most of all skuddelyng and se­kyng to defende themselues longest from smothering, hee be­sought Diana vppon his knees, as shee loued hyr naturall daugh­ter, to helpe him with the same. Who beyng moued with pittie, willed hym to goe vnto Venus, tellyng hyr that hyr temple is sette on fyre, and Cypres where shee was worshipped moste of all is consumed to naught, whereat (quoth she) shee will not onely rende hyr clothes, but also (neglectyng where) caste them here and there, whiche when you see hir doe, take the Iewell and goe your way. This precept lyked N.O. very well, who (doyng as she had commaunded him) founde eche thing to fall out in all respectes ac­cordyng vnto hyr deuination before, wherefore he taking vp this Iewell, departed with great ioye and gladnesse, and sent it vnto his Lady for a token, who knowyng it at the firste sighte, receyued it ioyfully, although in the bryngers sighte but scornefully, by rea­son of hyr cloked countenaunce: for giuyng the seruaunt thankes, and rewardyng him liberally, shee sente his Master none at all. Thus eche man may see, though the louers purse be strung with the blade of a leeke, as the Poetes faine by Cupide dreaming of their to muche liberalitie, yet nothyng will please the froward mindes of their Ladyes, if affection beare not a stroke among them, or else the gifte be as hardly wonne as this. For Venus perceyuyng hyr Temple to stande, and the Ile of Cypres as yet vnwasted, and seyng the Father of Phaeton had taken vppon hym agayne the guydyng of the Sunne (at the earnest request of Iupiter) waxed very wrothe, with the misinformer of these things, sendyng Cir­ces with a cuppe of all kynde of diseases to plague him for the same. Whiche hee thorowe the aduice of his stepmother Dian [...] vtterly refused. But Venus further perceyuing the Iewell where­of shee sette suche greate store, to be taken fro the place where shee flung hyr vpper garmentes, and knowyng well the bereauer there­of (for nothyng vnto the Goddes and Goddesses are vnknowne) she turned him for his suttlety in stealyng the same into a wylie Foxe. But Diana (perceyuing the same) werried him inconti­nētly with hir houndes, and of his bloud restored his shape againe. [Page] Then fearing the discouery of hyr daughter for wearing the same: she changed not onely the colour, but also the propertie of the iewel, euen as it hanged on hir daughters fronte: So that dame Venus knewe not what was become thereof. But ( ad propositum) whether these moning verses of N.O. moued his Lady to pitie or no, I can not tell, but sure they might, for the thing it selfe was pityfull. No­thing she sayde of a long time: but yet the smothering fire at length breakes forth in flame. For she seing his long absence, and hearing in deede howe heauily he tooke the matter, greatly regardyng also his giftes in token wise, coulde not refrayne, but spent hyr dayes in sobbing sighes for woe, and beyng aboute somewhat to haue writ­ten vnto him, whereby he mighte haue taken hartie grace, these verses following came vnto hir handes.

THe fountayne Granus giueth strēgth vnto the weakened bone,
And eke the force of Spawe doth help al those y t haue y e Stone.
Who hath the lither Feuer, runnes to Padoa for helpe,
And to Veronas well he hies whose wante of bloud doth yelpe.
Yet as by proofe Buckestones do stande, to those that here doth dwel,
In steede of Grane, and Padoa, of Spawe and Verone well:
So mightst thou hartes ease be to me, that al these things do neede,
In steede of Buckstones present help, if so it be thy meede.
For why? I sinke in Syrtes sandes, through tasting Circes cuppe,
Unlesse thou speedy helpe wilt bring by chinne to holde me vp.
For tangled thus in Scyllas bandes, and whelmde in Lethe lake,
Who can me helpe but thou alone? tis onely for thy sake.
If nought may breede remorse, nor make your stony harte relent,
Then may I wake, & wayle the night, my bed w t teares be sprent.
Then may I say as Atlas did, I beare this waighte in vaine.
My thirste doth likewise say, I may with Tantalus complaine.
Then may I say as Sisiphus, I toyle to none effect,
As Theseus, and Ticius, with other of my secte.
Then is thy loue a Labyrinth vnto me for my liking:
Whome great good will hath grauelled, since Cupid fell a striking.
But yet in time I hope to finde such mercie at thy hande:
[Page]That where thy wrath sometime bore sway, thy friendship once shall stand.
If not,
What Cloth [...] doth on distaste place for Lachesis to twyne,
Come Atropos with speedy pace to bryng the same to fyne.

Which red, be dewyng hyr pen w t priuie teares, she answered thus:

A.O. to recomfort hir louer agayne.

THy sudden departure ( N.O.) seemed somewhat strange vnto me, and stranger would haue seemed, if not thy penne & deedes bewrayed had the cause thereof. As touching the whiche thou knowest right well ( N.O.) the Hauke whiche seemes to checke at fiste, deserueth well the losse of siluer belles, but yet, as thou seekest so shalte thou finde, I thyrste for no mans bloud. Your wounde as yet is greene, and I no Surgeon am, but yet if so you graunt your selfe my pacient for to be, if that to heale your griefe my arte may stande in steede, behold good will is preste this cure to take in hand. I haue not much to say, but where your wounde dothe finde his cure, in them repose your truste. And looke who gaue the sore, lette them prouide the salue. Thus fare you well from my lodge where I marche in dumpes of musing minde.

As cause doth serue your l [...]yall shee A. O.

What better coulde haue pleased N.O. than this? or who could gyue a better salue? who could haue giuen a better drinke, or Phi­sicke to the sicke? whose languisht lymmes forthwith recouered strength: whose woundes and sores forthwith shoke off their paine. For findyng a present remedie after the readyng hereof, his poore palfreys tooke small reste vntill suche time as he had washed his hands in the liuely drawe of his Ladies countenaunce: who gretted hyr in this sorte. Al hayle (fayre Ladie) whom proofe declares most full of grace, I see in tyme the brasen walles will starte, and wa­ [...]rishe droppes doe pearce the craggie flynte. By this you seeme [Page] sayde A.O. to condemne my body for brazen walles, and my hart insclosed for stony flinte. Not so Lady (sayde N.O) for if it were, I would not doubte but that in tyme my sorrowfull sighes, and sk [...]ldyng tear [...]s would pearce the same. Who answered, your salte and brynish teares they neede not in this cace, for if I haue anoyn­t [...]d your p [...]la [...] wi [...]h hope, spitte on your handes and take good holde my braynes ar washed with Cr [...]sses iuyce, and mine honour forbiddeth my wordes to [...]ue. I thanke thee Lady (quoth he) for this thy vndeserued curtesie, the which my deedes can not repayre, much l [...]sse my thankes may w [...]ll requyre. Whose constancie and s [...]litie forbiddeth Penelope to be thy mate, and warneth me (as per [...]orce constrayned therevnto by the wonderful iuyce of the hearbe Nimphes to giue my dayly attendance vpon thee, not beyng able to starte from the place where this thy constant body r [...]steth. I craue no more at thy handes (Lady) but the fulfilling of thy let­ter: thou gauest me the sort, wherefore prouide the salue. Who answered, shewe me thy wounde and I will shewe my salue. But he not able this to doe, sayde, my wounde is inwardly, therfore thy outward eyes can not perceyue it. Describe it then (quoth she) who willing therevnto sayde, Dan Cupids dyrefull darte deuided hath my harte in twayne, the one halfe consisteth in thee, the other doth remayne. Why then be holde thy salue (quoth she) Manus ma­num fricat, cal backe thine owne agayne, else take thou half of mine to recompence the same. But N.O not so content, sayde: Isidore affirmeth the liquor or iuyce of malowes beyng tempered with clā ­my oyle, annoynted vpon mans body forbiddeth the s [...]ing of Bees: and Diosc [...]ides lykewise testifieth, that wilde R [...]e beyng applied to any parte of man, no Scorpion can sting or wounde him, or if it do [...], it can not preuayle: whiche oyntment (Lady) or wilde Rue if it were auayleable or of the lyke force agaynst the sting of Loue, yet shoulde not my body once taste thereof. By this you seeme (sayde shee) to agree with Plato, who in wryting set downe that the sudden passions and extreeme rage of feruent louers was not only to be imbraced, but also to be desired and wished for, as the happiest and most blisfull life of al. Who answered, I graunt here­vnto: [Page] and sithence (Lady) Dan Cupid hath inforced me to bestowe halfe my harte vpon thee (whereof I do not repen [...]e mee) I wil­ling am to bestowe the other halfe vpon thee, as a thing moste ne­cessarily dependyng on the former, to retayne lyfe within my crased corps. Wherfore, as you sayde before, One good turne re­quireth an other, so say I nowe, Render like for like. Who (not willing to make him suche an absolute answere: (forsakyng hir texte) sayde: If thy harte remayne in me, howe can thy lyfe re­tayned [...]ee? N.O. (not beyng to seeke of his answere) sayde: I die in my selfe and liue in thee, for where the harte is entred, there the life remayneth: but my harte is in thy corps, Ergo my life consisteth in thee. Who denying his Minor, hee answered: I meane not really but effectually. A O. (mistrustyng more than shee needed) woulde not seeme to graunt ouer hastily, but seekyng the pithe and grounde of euery thyng, asked him, what if thy friende bestowe an acre of grounde vpon thee (not hauing proofe thereof) you plowe it deepe, you harrow it well, and bestowe good sethe thereon, and yet (not fallyng out accordyng to your expe­ctation) it yeeldeth no fruyte to requite your labour, much lesse the seede bestowed thereon? N.O. (perceyuing hir misticall propo­sition) answered thus: Lady (as Tull [...] sayeth) Non nob [...] solum nati sumus, portem potria, partem liberi, & partem amici vendi­cant, wherefore (supposing my selfe to be borne rather for the plea­sure of thee, than to mine owne vse) I am content to yeelde my selfe thy man and not mine owne. And as touchyng the acre of bareyn grounde whereon thy proposition dependeth, be it neuer so meane, so simple, or of so small a value, the good will of the gi­uer and not the gifte is to be accepted. Yet Lady I woulde be lothe (if otherwise I mighte choose) To spende my seede in vayne as [...]xion lunos Secretarie whilom did. But not withstandyng, S [...]rs sua [...]ui (que) est, wherefore my destinie appoynted I am con­tent therewith. Me thinketh you bende to muche (quoth shee) for to intende to good. Who answered, the sweter the Violet the more he bendes to the grounde. But N.O. not so content, de­ [...]rous to knit [...]e suche a sure knotte of amitie before they departed. [Page] as shoulde not be broken without the losse of lyfe, preaced on fur­ther, saying: I know (deare Dame) if it were thy pleasure to shake me of, thy comely personage, thy courteous harte, thy lowly mind, thy friendly cheere, thy cherefull countenaunce, and eke thy braue demeanour therewithall, deserueth to matche with one whose feete standeth higher than euer my head will reache: yet (Lady) where true loue, friendship, and charitie remayneth, there goodes can ne­uer wante. Wherefore though I wante the pompe of Caesar, the goodes of Craesus, the wealth of Crassus, the gold of Midas, and the ex­cessiue treasure of Artalus the olde, yet hope I still a blis [...]ull lyfe to leade. Who answered, They liue not most at ease that haue the world at will, but they whome true loue hath vnited and [...] togither doe leade the pleasant life: for, (as Salus [...] testifieth) Concordia paruares crescunt, discordia maxima dilabuntur. Whiche is, by concord small things growe to great, and discorde maketh great things small. N O. liked this well, yet beyng in the vayne of hope, he was not cō ­tent to feede his eyes with the sight of his Lady, and his eares with the pleasaunt wordes whiche flowed forth of hyr sugred mouth, yea, sweeter to him than the hony or the hony combe, sayde, these wordes (Lady) make me leape for ioye, transporting my corps (as it were) to Paradise, placing my minde in a Pallaice of pleasure, roc­king my wittes in a Cradle of securitie, and penning vp my harte in a Castle of comforte, yet (Lady) God graunt I play not as the swan of Menander or Apolloes birde, who ioyfully sings before his death, euen when the pangs themselues drawe neare. For this we see, the Ca [...]te delights to play a lōg time with the mouse hyr prisoner, before she enioyes his death. A. O. looking frowningly, bending hyr browes, and scowling with hir eye liddes like vnto Pallas, who can no otherwise doe▪ for that shee was ingendred of the braynes of Iupiter, who alwayes are troubled and vexed, answered, am I the Ca [...]e by whome thou meanest? N.O perceyuing hyr bending browes▪ turned himselfe about, as though he had bene anoyed with some impediment, & lifting vp his hands and [...] sayde with a soft voyce, Iuno lucinafer opem, which sayde, he turned his face againe, & answeared hir in this sorte, Lady [...]e not offended, for my wordes [Page] beseeme me very well, intending none euill: my meanyng is this, if thou shouldest (as Terence sayeth) Verba mihi dare, vel me fucum facere, then might I iustly condemne thee comparing thy wordes to the nature of a Cockatrice, whose breath alone suffiseth to mini­ster death. She (hearing this) asked him if womens wordes deser­ued such light credence at his handes? whereat hee stoode as Mutus illico, whiche I suppose was, bicause this sentence was printed in his minde, Mulieri ne credas ne m [...]tuae quidem. Likewise shee de­maunded further of him whether hyr mouth seemed to pronounce the bitter wordes of Achilles, which he vsed leaning ouer y e walles of Troy, or the sweete wordes of h [...]ary N [...]stors mouthe. Who an­swered, Tullie sayeth: Non solium, vtrum honestum an turpe sit, deli­berari solet: sed etiam, duobus propositis us [...]onestis, vtrum honestius, itē (que) duo bus propositis vtilibus, vtrum vtilius. Not withstanding (Lady) seing the two latter questions wante, it resteth to inferre vpon the former proposition, whiche sithe (as Tullie sayeth) it deserueth no deliberation (for blinde men may iudge the difference of contrarie­ties) I awarde my iudgement by this affirmatiō: the buzzing bees whiche flew aboute Platoes mouth, sleeping in his cradle, haue like­wise left parte of their hony in thy mouth, whiche proueth rather it to pronounce the sweete wordes of Naestor, then the bitter talke of Achilles: whiche Bees likewise sitting vpon the mouth of An­brose being a childe without hurting him, I gather thereby, thy wordes proceeding of their relicte hony, pretendeth me no euill. At this she helde hir peace▪ whereby N.O. (remembring this phrase, Qui cacet conse [...]tire videtur,) vnderstoode hir meanyng as touching that poynt, yet shee (perceyuing his vnsatiable thirste in hauing an absolute answere) willed him to spende the night in pleasant con­ceytes, and in the morning to repayre vnto h [...]r for their finall com­position. N.O graunting hyr the aduice of hyr pillow, seemed con­tent, breaking off their talke for that time (supper time especially mouing therevnto) whiche ended, and the borde discouered, N.O. af­ter his olde wonte and accustomed manner, prouoked the whole congregation and common assembly of gentilitie, some to one kind of pastance, and some to another, to driu [...] away with hastie foo [...]e [Page] the long and weary winters night. But he and his Lady, the one taking his Lute in hande, and the other hir Sytherne, tuning and setting them both to one note, sang distically three slaues to their instruments in this sorte:

N. O. beginning, A. O. followeth, crauing ayde of the Muses and chiefe Musitions.

NOw Venus with your ruffling Nimphes
Keepe backe Dianas dearlings deare:
And Muses graunt your ayding impes,
Our strings to tune and notes to reare:
With perfect deawe of Helicons well.
Where Poetes fayne your Muse to dwell.
Orpheus with thy Harpe in hande,
Arion also with the like,
Wrinche vp your strings, and make them stande
In egall heigth: Amphion strike
Thy twinckling Harpe with fingers small,
That ioyfull tunes may rise withall.
Me thinkes I heare Apollo graunt
Melodiously for to deuise,
And Venus bid Minerua vaunt,
So that no dolefull dumpes may rise:
The Muses likewise (graunting ayde,)
Doe bid strike vp, thus none denayde.

These three slaues they sang distically, bothe playing▪ the one and the other by course singyng, nothing meaning thereby but as a preamble or rather an introduction of their song following, to clarifie their throates, endeuoryng the concorde of their in­struments.

WHat man doth longer thinke, than he,
the weary winters nighte,
Whose cares forbiddes his eyes to sleepe?
what is a greater spighte
To him who thinkes he sayles in seas
whose waues of honye are,
Yet time purloynes his former ioy,
and brings him to despayre?
W [...]th gasing eyes for him to looke
whiche hath no care to come
To serue where no acceptance is
(as Ladies deale by some)
To be in bed and not to sleepe,
what greater griefe then this?
To die for wante of foode, and yet
he feedes on daintie dishe [...]
To rue and rage, to frie and freese,
these are the louers panges:
Who dies himselfe and liues in hir
his life in suspence hangs.
Yet if he liue in after hope
his Ladies loue to gaine,
Then holdes his harte, and rendeth not
by direfull darte in twayne.
Hapt looketh for requitance made
whiche oftentimes doth fayle,
Or else to gayne his harte againe
which were a luckie gayle.
But lesse than seldome scene it is,
what giuen doth not returne,
From womens handes, who rather had
to frie then else to turne.
But what if neyther seeme to come,
and hope beginnes to faynte?
Then seeme they all to weepe and wayle,
and teares with streakes doth paynte
Their lether cheekes are (profe declares,)
stale nature to prouoke,
Whose harte opprest with scalding sighes,
their throates doth seeme to choke.
Thus witlesse wightes doe breede their woe:
yea, riper yeares and setled heddes
Herein doe wante their skoking pointes,
whose glauncing eyes by rule forbeddes.
Thus trapte they let these wordes to flie:
oh get my graue in readinesse,
Remedilesse I die, I die,
I die remedilesse.

Whyle they this pithie song did sing, who seemed (to those whose tētiue eares were distilled with a greedy desire of hearing) to haue tasted of the fountayne Tharsa: the force whereof not only cla­rifieth the voyce, but also maketh it seeme both pleasant and armo­nious: certaine of the other yong gentles bothe male and female were arguing harde betweene themselues as touching this poynt. How the poysonous Serpent, or rather venomous snake named Chelidros, can not onely giue an odorous smell, but also cause the grounde whereon she slides to caste the lyke sweete sauour & plea­sant scent, beyng of himselfe thorowe outwarde appearance bothe foule and vgly as all men knowe: whiche N. O. perceyuing, and seing them thorow their [...] opinions and erronious mindes tan­gled as it were with Vulcanes nettes, stepped in among them, easi­ly absoluing their obstinate doubtes, whiche being absolued, they brake off company, marching eche one toward their chambers. But N.O thinking of things to come, coulde not frame himselfe that night to sleepe: wherefore rising somewhat early in the morning, [Page] he walked a pretie space in a groue buttyng or adioyning vpon the house, castyng as it were all suche obiections vnto himselfe as he thought by any meanes she could obiect vnto him in the morning, (whiche done) he labored earnestly to premeditate suche answeres as might refell the same. But being soone weary therof, he retur­ned agayne: and standing in the dore of the Hall of cōmon assem­bly (none as yet sturring in the house saue he alone) he talked to himselfe as touching the great desire whiche he had of his good suc­cesse, which Dan Eccho (neuer sleeping) cut off diffusedly by the lat­ter sillable. N.O. perceyuing this deuision of vocables, thought good to note the sense thereof, bycause (sayde he, as some say) it impor­teth not a litle to the Prognostication or foreshewing of things to come. Wherefore framyng his wordes in this order vnto himself, he noted Verbatim the clipping sounde of Eccho.

N. O. his Eccho. Eccho

God graūt I may preuayle: for wordes I wil not spare. Spare
What: shoulde I spare to speake or not? not
But will she heare, and graunt me therevnto? to
What then should let at large to speake? speake
I graunt: I will most boldly trie obeying thee: thee
For Fortune sayeth aduenture winnes the game. game
Thus if Dan Ecch telles me as it is: is
Then hope doth say, feare not, the game is wonne. wonne.

N. O. seyng his talke or rather surmise ended with full sense, spared not to conster the meanyng of Eccho, whose carpyng silla­bles beyng placed in order Verbatim wise, as his hollow voyce pro­nounced them, tended to this sense:

Spare not to speake, the game is wonne.

Whiche incouraged N. O. to speake more at large, who was so friendly cheared on, wherefore hee issued forth once more in this order.

If feare oppresse, how then may hope me shielde? shielde
Deniall sayes, vayne hope hath pleased well well
Meaning [...] his [...].
But as such hope thou wouldest not be thine, thine
So would I not the like to rule my harte harte
For if thou louest, it biddes thee graunt foorthwith with
Whiche is the ioy whereof I liue in hope. hope.

N.O. placing these wordes in order, picked forth this sense therin, shielde well thine harte with hope. But beholde, they were no sooner ended, and the meanyng thereof constered (whiche A. O. had hearde with the whole discourse vn­knowyng to hyr paragon, for that hir chamber and eke the head of hir bedstead buried vpon the hall) then shee replied with a shrill and hollow voyce in manner following: which N O. (supposing it to haue bene the oracle of Apollo) in steede of an Eccho resounded the latter sillable himselfe.

The conceytes of A.O. N O. his reuiuing.

The hath of loue allured not: why didst thou hathe therin? In
What was y e meaning, tel forthw t? may loue the stād in stede? stede
If that it may, I yeelde it thee: feare not to trust thereof, of
But arme thy self from top to toe, yea, arme thy self w t hope, hope,
For whom y e louest I dare report they wil requite thy loue, loue
And though [...] wight would it withstād, yet I it neuer shal: shall
If it descent then leape for ioy I may thy loue requite. requite
And if you seeme to aske for why? I answere thee for thy, thy
For I am she I say againe that will requi [...] thy payne. payne.

N.O. (hearing this fell in a trance for ioy, perswading himselfe that he nought else but dreamed: but speedily recouering hys for­mer senses againe, be gan to vewe the note whiche he tooke of these verses with his penne in manner of Ecchoes replication: the sense wherof agreyng in al points with the former allusion, inforced him to put no small trust and confidence in this di [...]mation. Yet coulde he not perswade himselfe whether he dreamed all this while or no, [Page] (although he knew of a certentie his eyes winked not) by reason of this vn [...]oth sounde. But if he dreamed I know he wished it of lon­ger continuance: & if it were a perfect voyce, much more he wished it longer to haue bene dilated. Whiche according to his wishe fell forth: for behold, once more it soūded in his tentiue eares in māner following, which he in former manner most diligently noted.

A.O. [...] second allusion. The second [...].

From whence I come, and what I am, you wish to know: tis I. I
Yea, what I would, & what I meane, this stand you loking for. for
It hoteth not to shewe the same: and why? I say for thy: thy
And vow, the end of all these things shall render loue for loue. loue
Than this, how canst y aske for more, ech thing to please thy wil? will
Can any liuing wish for more, than good for good to render? render
who lokes for more through follies rule, tis sure, he knows not loue loue
To stop thy mouth, and ende withall, looke to haue loue againe. againe.

It this full stop, N.O. sought the allusion of these posterior silla­bles: which yeelding him greater ioy than harte could thinke, as wel this, as the other agreyng in dependant sense, iuste feete, and perfite Meter, he rated thus beginning with the former rebecke.

In steede of hope loue shall requite thy payne:
I for thy loue will render loue [...]gayne.

This animation not mislykyng him. garded as it were in a Ca­stle of comforte, and clothed with garmentes of hope, there wan­ted no diligent attendaunce in hym to giue vnto his Lady as shee had willed him in hope to receyue his finall answere. Whiche ac­cordyng to his expectation moste happily fell out. For impartyng a rare salutation vpon hir, she sayde, Good morrow my Truste, wher­by he seemed to gather in more and more, vsing this kinde of speach or familiaritie with hyr. Lady, the curtesie of P [...]ometheus hath yeelded me a body shaped with moulde, whiche craueth lyfe not of Pythagoras quaternion, but of thy courteous harte. Whiche if I receyue not of thy gratious goodnesse, then may my mo [...]ing minde soiourne with Pythagoras his opinion, who for diuerse pretences [Page] being transformed into diuers shapes and likenesses, as to a king, a woman, a horse, a fishe, and a frogge, yea, to sundry other shapes, as to a spunge and suche like, commended yet all things before the lyfe of man, as Grillus, who had rather lye gruntyng in a slie with swyne, than change his state with man. Who answearyng sayde, I see N.O. thy fleshe is nought to heale, yet feare thou not, for eue­ry griefe I haue a salue in store, and eke good will is prest to do the best he can. Who hearing these gentle offers. sayd, then is it no ma­sterie for me (Lady) with streaking armes to swimme in a sea of honny, seyng it hath pleased thee of thy gratious goodnesse with tender fiste to holde me vp by the chinne. A. O. replied, I see you buylde your Castles in the ayre. But yet no doubte their fundations may light on the grounde. But he desirous to make shorte worke thereof, sayd, Lady, some on [...] hath written vpō this gallerie dore, Veni, vidi, who it was I knowe not, but yet the meanyng thereof I partely coniecture: suffer me as a testimoniall that the foundati­ons of my forebuylded castles shal light vpon the grounde, to make full and perfect sense of this phrase, doing eyther as [...]lius Caesar did, who valiantly & moste victoriously conquering his enimies wrote vpon his shield as followeth, Veni, vidi, & vici, or else as the Em­perour Charles the fifte, who taking Iohn Fredericke duke of Saxo­nie prysoner, though i [...] deede with great difficultie by reason of his valiantnesse, Veni, vidi, & dominus Deus vicit. A. O. desirous to see if Lady Fortune in choyce so coy, would him to be hir mate or no, seemed not incontinently to graunt, but sayde, Vici sir knight is eminent to conquestes gotten by dazing din [...]e of dyrefull darte, by force of battered shielde, by pushe of pike, by glitteryng sworde, or else by pealing shotte of gunne, wherefore whatsoeuer the authors meanyng was thereby, yet Vici in your sense in no wise may aptly he alluded therevnto. Who answered, might it please thee (Lady) to yeelde vp vnto me the whole interest and title of thine harte, I would not onely thinke and say, but also proue that no victorious conquerour nor valiaunt knight (be his conquest neuer so great or manfully foughten by force of armes) might better returning from the fielde, cause this phrase Veni, vidi, & vici, to be grauen or im­portered [Page] vpon his arming shielde. Then mighte I pronounce the same at the ende of my tongue: whiche winning so worthy a La­die by the glosing talke therof, deserueth in my iudgement a braūch of Laurell tree before the clinke of ha [...]nesse clapte on backe, or ar­ming weedes that battered tower and towne. For Tullie sayeth, Cedant arma toga concedat Laurea ling [...]ae. The wordes whereof flying faster and swifter than doth the teacher of Ganders quill, en­treth and perceth sooner the heart of any wighte, than doth the force of any glidyng shafte. But beholde (these wordes not fully pro­nounced) [...]. not minding thus easily to be shaken off (most lyke to the toothlesse dogge and grudgying that any one should reapt the seede where sometime his senses were contente with the fragrant flowers thereof, wrote vnto N.O. this letter following, wherein he did not onely accuse the Lady of a former graunt or promise made vnto him, but also offered to gage his gloue with tooth and nayle, to hazarde life and limme if (so occasion serued) to proue the same.

I.I. vnto N.O.

MArs though hee was the firste that Venus ouerwhelmed: yet did he ride vnknowne in ridden bootes. Gnawe on this bone, all is not golde that glistereth, the [...] mouse mistrusting nought, is trapte in sugered hayte, she hath hyr wishe, she sayles in the dewe of Apolloes kyne. But yet at length, hir sayle beyng rente, and dares broken, she duckes, she dyues, yea, yea in hyr moste desired hauen she swims without hir breath. You thinke you are the first whiche hath the graunt of A.O. hir loue. Not so, your Hauke is mewed, and twise reclaymed, she wethered is, and māned well. She needes not sore alofte. I did reclayme hyr soring flighte, I manned hir and mewed hir well, in recompence whereof. I had hyr former graunt: but seing at the first she stouped vnto thy lure, I was con­tent to take hir belles and let hyr flie. If this you thinke I fayne or any parte thereof, herein, I gage my gloue, swearing by the Ser­gian poole, and eke by Iupiters fearefull mace, not onely to answere all commers in this cace, but also to stande in destaunce with all [Page] gainesayers. Neither do I repent me herein, but rather thinke dame Pallas streaked mine oare as well in this cace, as did Vlisses preuaile thorow hyr counsell against the Syrenes in stopping his Mariners eares with wax [...], and binding himselfe to the maste of the shippe. Hir sugered wordes perswadeth you not to beleue my penne: but yet time trieth truth, and therefore tr [...]e and truste. Thus fare you well, from my lodge oppressed with Ti [...]iphone.

Yours, if Mars so will. I.I.

THis letter caused N.O. to scratch where it itched not. Whiche A.O perceiuing, not changing hir modest countenaūce, said: I see the prouerbe is true▪ who wil she curnell of the nut must b [...]ake the shell. But yet (as Terence sayeth) who speaketh what he liste, muste heare what be listeth not. Which N.O. hearing, sayd, why (Lady) cā you gainsay these wordes? or know you not y e mā? who answered, thought is free, [...] wordes are but winde, although in this case they lie as logs before my feete to stūble at in y e darke. But yet, I know in this middest of darknesse, truth wilbe a lanterne for me. I cānot stoppe his mouth, neither forbid, yet may I reproue his penne, con­demne his yrefull harte, & also with his former quill ref [...]ll his nowe debated minde: in token whereof beholde here, how rudely he r [...]ed vpon me in his former letter, bicause I seemed not to graunt what [...] he craued hath. Also for a further proofe hereof, this raw sentēce, Veni, vidi, which you se [...] here writtē, was his owne h [...]ndy worke at his last departure from me, bicause in deede he tried his wittes in vayne. If this you beleue, in token thereof to make ful sense, set vici, herevnto. N.O. thanking his Lady in most humble māner, felte not the ground whereon he stoode till this he had done, & done, he whis­pering the messenger in his eare, willed him to carrie his martiall gloue vnto his master (as vnto one vnknowne) in token that accor­ding to the subscriptiō of his letter, he minded was in such a place, at such an hou [...]e of suche a day, to incounter with him personally, man to man in the defence of his Lady. Thus rewarding well the fellow, be willingly departed, A.O. was very inquisitiue (as moste women are of their husbands affaires) what answere he had sent in [Page] this ence. But N.O (fearyng the worste) not certifying hir of the truth (as wise men will doe) sayde, he willed him to commend him vnto his maister (as vnto one vnknowne saying, not trustyng his spitefull penne, I tooke great scorne to answere the pen: she poynts thereof. A.O. thinkyng eche sore to be thorowly salurd, seemed herewith content (and occasion seruyng hir so) shee brake off com­pany for that tyme. N.O. likewise preased into the company of the yong youthes, bycause as yet the houre was not comen for the In­stie yong gentlewomen to rouse from slothfull sleepe: whome fin­ding idle for wante of some Dallida to make them whette their poe­ticall tongues, and taking pittie that such ripe heads, sharpe wittes, and fine tongues should be as it were anulled for want (as I sayd before) of some wanton & toying Dallida, or else of some lusty yong Phaon to prouoke their solitarie company eyther to laughter or else to some youthfull exercise (leauyng suche questions as intended to the Loue, bycause the chiefest oratours and greatest arguers as touchyng that poynt were not in place) he deuidyng the route in twoo companies, propounded two morall questions in manner followyng. Firste if the fragilitie of terrene nature, or the tere­striall lyfe of man may aptly bende and yeelde, or with facilitie frame themselues to the information of this phrase penned by Tulli [...] in his fourth booke of Tusculanes questions, Videlicet, Dum­modo [...]oleat aliquid, doleat quod lubet. The seconde alluded in the same booke, if nature may and can consent to Tullie his exhortatiō herein, Nihilo plus aga [...] quàm sides operam vt cum ratione insani [...]: that is, firste if pleasure may displease? and then if menne may craue with reason? whiche twoo pretie poyntes helde them tugge with harde holde vntill suche tyme as the Ladyes of pleasure were sturryng, whiche was aboute dinner tyme, for (as Terence sayeth) Dum comuntur annu [...] est. But then (no doubt) as the companie changed, so their talke altered: for sure (in my mynde, the companie of menne is nothyng worthe, if wo­men bee not in place, whose payntyng forme and lyuely sh [...]pes importeth suche vertue, as sufficeth alone to make an elo­quent tongue: for proofe declares theyr fayre wordes maketh fooles [Page] sayn [...]. especially be they somewhat snoutefayre and cleanly, vnder the clo [...]e whereof let them vse what pryde they will. But Phabu [...] restrayning the raynes of his breathlesse horses in the midway of his circut [...] or rounde circle to stay his chariot wheeles withall, these lusty Ladies then ( [...]oary Hyem [...] forbidding the libertie whiche o­therwise Lady [...] would haue prouoked them vnto began to rea­son earnes [...]ly as touching the great affection whiche Plato, Pythago­ras, and Democritus bare vnto learning, whom they say, traueled in­to all the partes of the worlde wherein any thing was that mighte or coulde be learned. But afterwarde, one nayle driuyng forth an other, they fell in great admiration at the sudden and shorte anger of louers, whiche N O. sayde, fayre Ladies vsed for the renewing of loue, but the women snarring at this, defined it in this order. First (sayde they) the humors and sprites of louers b [...]ing exceeding [...]ote and continually boyling, doth contaminate their wittes, and then earnestly shooting at one marke, the wagging of a strawe (thynke they) hindreth the [...]ight thereof. But seyng the occasions of their anger are small, they indure the lesser while. (These reasons beyng allowed of all sides) N.O (remembring the loyaltie which he ought vnto his amorous paramour) sodenly departed (vnknowing to the Ladies) to get those things in a readinesse whiche shoulde performe the gaging of his gloue. Whiche were not so soone prepared, but as soone he had conquered hir enimie (hauing the best ende of the staffe in his hande) but A. O. maru [...]ng hereat, mistrusted forthwith the veriti [...], and fearyng the worste, hyr fleshe tremblyng, hyr pul­ses beate, hyr sinowes shro [...]ke, eche parte fell nūme, hir liuely bloud descended, hyr deadly face bring wanne, hir colour came and went, the crampe ouertooke hir feeling. hyr sheuering nayles started, hyr saphyre vaines racked, hir ioynts in order cracked, yea hyr eyes sta­ring, the yellow hayre of hir hedde stoode vprigh [...] thus was shee [...]lly soule racked, from extreeme agonies to tormenting woes, frō dyning p [...]ngs to gryping grieues, from greedy grypes to carpyng cares, from plunging paynt to sorrowfull sighes, from scalding sobbes to tedious [...]eares, from thence to pensiu [...] playnt. What bet­ter did become hir cace then monyng weedes to [...]ladde hir corps? [Page] who cryed & wished ten thousand times, that earth it might inclose the same. Thus (abandoning eche ioy with pensinenesse) she inclo­sed hyr crased corps within hyr solatarie chamber, vntill suche time as hir victorious Pa [...]agon was returned againe. The sighte of whom conducted home in safetie, recomforted hir moning mynde. Such was hir whole desire to counteruayle his loue. Who finding his Lady in such a perplexitie, rollyng and sweltung as it were in sudden pass [...]ōs of the minde, or rather in extremitie of raging woe, refrayned not his tongue, but sayde: Is this the Target of Me usa (Lady) to blase thy chastitie in mine absence? why speake you not? is this the speare and shielde of Pallas to encounter with my Mar­tiall deedes? what sudden chaūce is this? what nothing but mūme? thou knowest quoth he) the fountayne Epy [...] is not farre hence, dippe thy fingar and b [...]the thy tongue therein, the water whereof suffiseth to extinguishe thy sorrow newly lightned, and lykewise to lighten thy pleasures lately extinguished. Who answered, esteeme not my silence a banner of defiance (my Lorde) neyther blame my harte but good wil, for these my spring [...] of teares. But tell me sir (quoth [...]he) haue you tasted of the floud Dalmatida since your de­parture, that you seeme more amorous, than in times paste or did our presence breede anoy? N.O maruellyng hereat▪ sayde: Let this suffice (Lady) the valiantnesse of Mars made him better esteemed of Venus, then Vulcane that halting lymphalt smith giuen hyr in mariage. What neede you range thus farre (quoth she?) her [...]in you seeme to blaze your selfe after the Poeticall paynting of the rurall God Pan, to trotte on gotishe feete. (Whose patience beyng somewhat moued hereat) answered, eyther you haue mistaken my wordes (Lady) or else misconstered my meanyng: for w [...]ereas I seemed before, more boldly than wisely) to say the valiantnesse of souldiers to be greatly accepted of couragious women▪ and also had of great pryce & in no lesse veneration of dayntir Dames: my mea­ning was thereby, y t the triall of my manhoode & souldierly grace, maketh me rather to resemble nowe the amarous B [...]all vnto thee, than I did before. Well well (quoth she by this I see the mount [...]f Mars was eleuated at your entraunce into the fielde. I founde it [Page] so (quoth he) and also the mounte of Venus not declyned when I firste repayred vnto this Castle of comforte. Who curteously infer­red. the lusty gre [...]ne of Lady Ver inforced your harte to liue in hope. Yea (Lady sayde he) and the wante of chaungeable colours maketh me not to mistrust inconstancie. For as thou hast vnfol­ded me ofte in thy colours whyte and blacke: so haue I replyed white and blewe. But beholde, I.I. knowyng their knotte of a­mitie to be stedfastly knitte (pretendyng much euill and mischiefe) sought many a pret [...]e, yet croftie and suttle deuised meane is reduce himselfe (forgettyng his former derogation) into the former and accustomed league of amitie, not only with A. O. but also with hir lately gayned paragon (not in the way of preferment, for why, hee knew it was in vayne, and se [...]ed also very wel content therwith) but onely to vse hyr friendship, if so he sl [...]de in neede thereof, as he woulde hyr to make holde with him, in the like case, if occasion ser­ued. Wherevnto they seemed to graunte, beyng very well content therewith, & not mistrusting his spitefull harte, which so he shewed with sweete and fugered wordes. Thus as it were a newe fayned friendship my [...]ed betwene them: it chaunced vpon a time being me­erly disposed, he tolde Angelica for wante of other talke, or else (as I thinke) of better matter, that hyr beautie made hyr a torcht bea­rer, and that beautie hyr selfe was but a [...]ugered bayte confected of gall and honny, bearing inwardly the contrary to hir outward im­portance (moste like to the double images of Alcibiades) for looke what beareth life without (sayd he) inclosed death within: wherfore it ought to heare in his mouth a scrolle, whereon should be written this phrase Far and neare. This wanton, but not lasciuions talke, she forthwith (according vnto the nature of most women, who can hardly keepe any thing se [...]re [...]e: for the greater the waight thereof, y greater is their desire to tell it, who thinkes they should burst if they should not [...]a [...]e their stomacke with y telling thereof) caried vnto hir mistrisse hir cares. which was no soner told hir, but she straightforth preased into his cōpany to heare his former allu [...], or rather (as I might iustly terme it) illusions. I.I. seing hi [...] desirous of his cōpa­ny (thinking to haue sped the better with his enterprise) was very [Page] glad therof, & walking togither alone in a place (as he thought most [...]tte for his villany) that is, to defloure hir, for this was his only se­king) he tolde hir he bore a hungry Hauke vpon his fiste without a­ny alteratiō of his countenance, yea, with a bolde & impudent face,) who for wante of a Feasant or Partridge, desired muche to gorge hir selfe vpon the braynes of a Pigeon wherof she bore the charge. But A.O. vnderstanding his meanyng thereby, answered very scornefully (and not without cause) that a sta [...]e pigeon was to good or at the least might very well serue a carion Kite to plume vpon. Not so (lady quoth he) I am no carriō kite, neither loue I to plash in a massie grosid. Why (sayd she) do you feare the alteratiō of your complexion? assuredly me thinketh you neede not, for it must be a whote restority in deede that moueth your waynscot face and bra­sen countenaunce to blushe. If needes you woulde haue opened (quoth she) your budget of villany vnto me, yet better mighte you haue done it with penne and inke, who (as the Prouerbe goeth) ne­uer blusheth, then with that shamefull tongue of yours: but thougt your villany giueth somewhat an extraordinary motion to my lippes, yet a small griefe dothe it sette to my harte. For the vncon­stancie and falsehood of suche brutes as you are (vnto their La­dies) is not vnknowne to me: it appeareth not a litle by Demophon, Theseus, Pha [...], Aeneas, and Iason. Wherefore you had neede to rise very early, if that flatteryng face of yours coulde goe beyonde me herein. Why Lady, if you got to that (quoth hee) what shoulde wee thynke of Lollia Paulina the wyfe of Caligula? Agrippina wife vnto Claudius Caesar? Poppea wyfe vnto Nero? Cleop [...]t [...] Queene of Egypte? Domicia wyfe to Domitian the Emperour, who defiled hyr body with Paru a stage player? and yet not long before was [...] proclaymed Augusta of hir husband the emperour: or what should we thinke of Marci [...], who sought to poyson hir husband? Of hir in England in the raigne of Henry the eight, who hauyng twelue sonnes, and lying sore sicke, confessed to hir husbande that after the firste yeare shee was neuer true vnto him? and was not Cre­sida turned vnto a Lepre for hyr vnconstancie? deuie this if you cā.) But yet further to proue the lightnesse of womē: do we not read [Page] that in a company of Gentlemen and Gentlewomen there befell a discourse of a noble woman of Siena, comonly accounted fayre and honest, & albeit she were praysed in a manner of all mē (as she that deserued it) their were some who eyther for desire they had to speake against womenkynde▪ or else to haue a repulse at hyr hande, repro­ued hyr of vanitie and lightnesse? the honorable Lady the Pecc [...] hearyng this, answered: why sir if you will take vanitie and light­nesse from vs, what shall we haue lefte? as though vanitie & light­nesse were their proper and peculiar indewments. How thinke you by [...]as? and yet I haue not r [...]cyted the hundred parte of those ex­amples whiche I haue or could rehearse of your lightnesse: For if I should resite them all, a volume of an hūdred quyre of paper were to little to retayne the sa [...]. But whether thinke you that women are the onely allurers of menne to folly or no, when as their owne tongues bewrayeth their secretes, vnconstancie and lightnesse of [...], as appeareth somewhat more at large by this? when the Emperour Sigismunde was dead, one of his kinred persuaded the Empresse to remayne a widdowe: shewyng hir at large a greate circumstaunce of the Turtle, who l [...]sing hir mate, aboue all other birdes liueth chaste euer after: but she smyling hereat, answered: [...]the that you counsell me to followe an vnreasonable birde, why do you not rather set before me the do [...]e or the sparrow which haue a more pleasant nature for women? and yet of common vnwed­ded hoores I meane not, for they can not bee vnconstant to their mates, bycause they haue them not: to proue then on the otherside the faithfulnesse of men to their lemmans or paramours, do we not reade that Paru, Leander, and Troylus, with a thousande more died for loue and their false Ladies sakes? ah poore Pyramus, what re­warde haddest thou for thy poore Ladies sake? ah poore Thi [...]be (quoth she) how false waste thou to him againe? I trust your rol­ling tongue hath not enioyned me yet to silence, although for a space I haue refrayned the vse thereof. Howe false I pray you hath Dido, Hipsiphile, Phillis, Ari [...]dne, Oenon, and Sappho bene to theirs? died these for loue? howe vnconstant or waueryng I pray you was Alcest to Admetus kyng of Thessalia? or what mā [Page] was euer more constant, faythfull, true, louing, or more luste to his mate, then Artemesia was to hirs? No doubte but I. wished his wordes vnspoken, although he sette a good face thereon, saying: A blasing starre will s [...]oote. Wherevnto moste bytingly she answe­red, if the shooting of blasing starres, and euery clappe of thunder­boltes, yea, if euery gale and little puffe of winde should rende and teare the sayle: no doubte but these boystrous blastes would shake muche corne in tyme. I.I. reioyced inwardly at this worde (if) for hereby he feared the lesse the discouerie of his shamefull demaunde. Thus in lou [...]yng manner they departed for that time, but in the nexte morning she lette these tauntyng verses followyng droppe downe thorow the creuice of the bordes into his chamber as he lay in his bed.

[...]It fatall fooles fat fedde with foode
of talped minde and rangyng hed:
O talpes, thinke ye to change the moode
of buzzyng Bees with Mel so fed?
O talped talpes, O buzzing Bees,
thinke ye Dame Venus hath no wit
To shunne the ginne when she it sees
but that she must needes fall in it?
Then she and all Uenereall kinde
Apollo wanted for his skill
To cleare their eyes, whiche were too blinde,
if not they coulde withstande your will.
Of naughty seede since you haue store,
will you it cast on others grounde:
Then are they common to foolishe lore,
whiche pokes it vp and hath it founde.
When Venus listeth for to ride,
to decke hyr heeles with your spurres,
[Page]Hir nature can it not abyde
she hath no gappe that wanteth furres.
Of ought whereof shee standes in neede,
she needeth not to seeke redresse,
When Vulcane fayles, Mars stands in steede
hyr corps with his for to suppresse.
But yet,
What needes a mate while Marrowe liues,
this is the marke whereat you shoote:
To tell eche hole conteynde in slues
v [...]bende y [...]r bowe it is no boo [...]e.
Unmanned Haukes forsake the lure,
all whistlyng brings them not to fiste:
Wherefore with shame put vp your lure,
a Hauke will checke still when she liste.

I.I. styng the fall of these verses, rose forth of his bedde to take them vp to read: whiche red, his guiltie conscience challenged them vnto himselfe, although they wanted (as you see,) bothe direction and vnderscription, who (nought regardyng hir womanly taunts, whiche gaue him (as it were) a bitte to gnawe vpon) kepte the by­ting thereof secretely vnto himselfe, vntill suche tyme as occasion serued him to craue hyr company into the open ayre: whiche shee vtterly refused saying, she was no hare for Greyhoundes course. Whereat I.I. callyng to minde the description of Venus after the order of Phidias payntyng, (that is) to sette hyr feete vpon a Tor­toise, hir deniall moued him not, considering, that Ladies of honor, courtlike Dames, and Ladylike gentlewomen are seldome [...]iners forth of theyr dores, but much lesse strayers abroade, least the sharp windes of Eolus, or the boysterous blastes of Boreas shoulde nippe their liuely bloud, or the excessiue heate of [...]itans parching beames, shoulde turne their rosed lookes, whiche are so Christall cleare into [Page] a berry browne: whiche maketh them eyther to refrayne their feete from straying abroade like housedours or else if they peepe neuer so litle into the open ayre, either to couer their fronte with a half paile, or else wholy to shade that phisnomicall face of theirs with a large silken or lawne skarffe, lyke vnto the stately grace of Persian kings when they straye forth of their dores. I knowe some dayntie Dames will not sticke to take holde at the greedy desire which I.I. had vnto the wanton wyll of pleasure: but what of this? it mighte be the merry moneth of May, or else the prescription of August moued hym vnto it thorowe the aduice aswell of the Phisition as of the Astronomer for his health sake. And if it were so, then were he greatly to be borne withall. And peraduenture also Asmodeus of Hell, thorow the continuall company of his amorous para­mour, moued him to become a Satyre for the tyme, whiche haue their toyes moste fitte for Ladies lustes. For euen as the wynde (called Secias) East and by North, hath power to draw the clowdes vnto him bycause his motions are rounde: euen so hath the sweete Southwest winde, whiche proceedes from beauties pryce, the force, to be as it were a Ueneriall rampyre to s [...]urre vp carnall lustes. Whiche once thorowe greedy affection beyng sette on fire, can hardely bee quenched agayne. For looke howe the Bee di­eth by prycking with hyr owne s [...]yng, bycause shee can not drawe backe agayne the poynte thereof without the greate hurte of hyr selfe, as in burstyng hyr belly: so dothe the amorous person die be­fore such time as his delectable dartes (once flong by violent sorce of armes) can b [...] reuoked agayne: by reason that, the repulse of the feruent louers dartes dothe rende his harte in twayne: whiche of force not able to indure, or abyde the deuision (and loue herewith not mitigated) dothe sende his grysly ghoste amiddes the clowdy ro [...]pes. Therfore I would wish eche hunter which delighteth in the chace of this game, to buylde vpon a rocke & not on the sandes, to lay a sure fundatiō, to chose his marke in a mudde & not in a stony wall, least it reboūdeth backe again: & then his marke thus chosen, to shoote leuell with a stedfast and not with a quiueryng hande. [Page] For he that followeth the limitation or prescription of this lyne, shalbe sure to make a speedy ioy thereof: bycause here wanteth a Laberinth to tosse his wauering minded shippe. But eche man lo­keth to matche so hie in these dayes, that the riches and not the loue of the partie byeth a husbande. For be she neuer so soule a pece, misshaped, crokebacked, vntydy, vncomely, withered, misfauored, yea be she neuer so croked a peece, so wrinckled, so olde, or so tanned a hagge, that a wife of cloutes may stande a man in better steede, yet for hir riches sake shee can not wante a lustie yong Phaon to be hir mate, to whome once wedded, then gladde she is to hyre some princockes buye to daube hir lether cheekes, least thorow hyr vggly and misfauored face, he forced be to caste his wanton and youthfull tye aside. And this is the dayly ende of such toothlesse hagges, which matcheth with heardlesse boyes: and also of suche olde dotardes as marieth with garishe ge [...]les, who seing his youthfull dayes are spent, and also such scarcitie of sowing seede, that an ill, much lesse a good croppe can hardely be reaped thereof, are gladde for pleasure sake, to hyre newe and sundrie workemen to s [...]tte on worke, some to plowe. some to harrowe, and some to sowe. But yet who soe­uer ploweth, harroweth, and soweth it, hyr [...] husband is sure to reape it (mistrusting nought) & she to carrie it home to the barne. Thus of eche side they beare a warrant to bidde eche other to picke a worme betweene two forked fingars. For a better ende of bought mariages are seldome seene. Wherefore they hold themselues con­tent, saying seldome commeth a better. There be also certain made mariages betwene infantes of their parents sides, and all for a litle lucre or mucke of the worlde, whiche moste commonly come to the like effect. For being matched so yong (thorow the folly of their pa­rents) not seldome seene it is (loue takyng no roote) a greate dispa­ragement riseth when they come to age or yeares of discretion, eche saying to the other for wante of lyking, folly and not wis [...]dome, yea, goodes and not loue brought vs together. Thus not agreyng, but continually [...]cring the one at the other, sometimes they seeke diuorcement, whiche if they do not, yet better I thinke were these mariages vnmade. Who mindeth therefore to matche himselfe in [Page] such order as to leade a godly life, might doe very well to followe Socrates rule therein, who thus prescribed vnto a certen yong gen­tleman, demaunding of him what wife were best to marie, Nu­be equalem, for so (sayde he) thou shalte be sure in no poynt to mis­like or disagree. But why seeme I thus to stray from my texte? a good penne man will say, or at the least thinke, rither I did it for wante of matter, else was I no perfite dilater in this cace. To whome I answere thus, though I swarue from my te [...]te, yet not from the matter. But ( Ad rem redeam) for I know my recorded notes yee looke for. The sacked loue of A.O beyng wonne as you see by my former style, N. O. was very desirous to know of a cer­tenty the day wherein this solemne mariage should be solemnised, for that the preparation thereof required a long deliberation, wher­by eche thing belongyng to this sumptuous furniture mighte be had in such a readinesse, as no hart aliue could wish it better to be. And iudge yee whether time wanted to consulte thereof, when as this demaunde being made before Christmasse, the time appoyn­ted was contriued or deferred vntil Easter, bicause in deede of force she must so doe, what though he thought it long? it was a brauen to liue in hope. Neyther passed this tedious tyme (as he thought) without vnfayned ioyes & vnspeakeable pleasure, for eche day they fedde their reume, and pleased their appetites with choyce thereof. For first N.O caused (as the time required the twelue labours of Hercules, and also his owne death to be liuely sette sorth in tragi­call manner before hyr eyes, videlicet, firste the ouercommyng of the Lion thorow the ayde of Nemea: secōdly the sleyng of the poy­sonous seuen hedded snake, called Hydra: thirdly the conquering of the foule sowe of Erymanthius: fourthly the death of the harte with his gilde [...] hornes: fiftly the oppression of the birdes of S [...]ym­phalide with his bēded bowe: s [...]tly the loosing of Hyppolita frō hir binding chaynes: seuenthly the clensing of the stable of Augia by his deuice of running waters: for the eyght the conquering of the mighty Bull in wrestlyng: then for the ninth as well the conquest of the horses of Diomedes, as of the King himselfe: for the tenth his ouercomming of Geriones with his triple body. In the eleuenth the [Page] victory of Cerberus in descending for Proserpina: and laste of all, beyng conquerour of Hesperides, the winnyng of the goldē apples. Yet being the author of so many worthy deedes, howe miserably and pityfully, yea in what lamentable order at the length he ended his lyfe thorowe the wearing of a shyrte whiche De [...]anira put him on for the nonst, besprinkled with the bloud of a Centaure, whiche cleaned so faste vnto his vnwitting body, that with greedy grypes it rente his harte asunder. Also in this tragedie was mencioned the betray [...]ng of Sampson thorowe a womans wilt. Whereat some of the company departed with a dogge in their sleeue. Who in mine opinion it becomed rather to haue stayed, and lulled hir fancie in hi [...] lappe: whose stinking breath anoyes the gentle route. But what of this? I dare sweare, they are not onely perswaded that the scente therof is perfite restoritie, but also it to caste as odoriferous a smell to their noses, and to be as sweete to them, and better accepted, than the codde it selfe of muske. But much good may it do them. From such sweete and sauory smels God shielde me. And yet, so long as they perswade themselues this stewe or hoate bathe to be both a re­storitie and perfitte muske: I see no cause but that to them so sup­posing it shoulde be muske it selfe. For I remember diuers prety iestes looking in my budget of pleasāt cōceyts: First betwene a yōg man who perswaded himselfe that his nose was so greate that no ro [...]me be it neuer so wide could receyue him, neither was there any Monster aliue so foule as he, although indeede his nose was in as good forme and fashiō as needed to be. But notwithstanding such was his foolish persuasion & fonde beliefe, that vntill a Barbor had deceyued him in the cutting thereof at his owne request, that hee woulde not beleeue it. I finde also that an other persuaded himselfe that he was a glasse, and none might come neare, much lesse touche him least he should breake. And to be shorte, I finde an other me­ry ieste as touching this poynt, betweene a man of the countrey and his parishe Priest, who lying very sore sicke (and the people a­boute him looking alwayes when he shoulde say, In manus Domini commendo spiritum meum) bycause the pangs of deathe had infor­ced [Page] him oft before to say in raging wise, Cupio dissolui & esse cum Christo, sente vnto maister Parson earnestly requesting him to cō ­municate the holy Sacrament vnto him, before he yeelded vp his ghost: but this beyng at midnight, and he lying warme in his bed, was lothe to forgoe the same: Wherefore he wrote to this pacient by the messenger (as touchyng the Sacrament) C [...]ode quod edu & edu. Thus master Parson (litle regarding the egernesse of y e wolfe, and much lesse his soules saluation, forgetting also this sentence, B [...]n [...] est Pastoris [...]ndere pecus non diglubere) by no meanes coulde be gotten forth of his warme bedde. It chaunced yet in shorte time after, this grieuous sicke man recouered his health againe, and ha­uing occasion to ryde a litle way vppon some earnest businesse, he sent to this Parson to borrow his horse, who (nothing mistrusting) [...]ente it him. But knowing afterwarde that he was returned a­gayne, he sente for his horse. Who remembryng his newe kinde of ministring the Sacrament, kepte still the horse, and wrote vnto him in this order: Non meministi, quid mihi dixisti, de corpore Chri­sti, Crede quod edu & edis: Sic ego rescribo, de tuo Palphrido, Crede quod habes & habes. Now sir whether he serued him well or no, I referre the iudgement thereof to some apishe witte. For eche man knoweth the feather of an Eagle is of force to consume the feathers of meaner byrdes. But I will [...]-omitte these cragged snubbes and croked boughes to take holde once agayne of the streight body of the tree. Firste I.I. seyng hee coulde not preuayle with his glosed talke, hee gaue the assaulte once more (not onely by profered ser­uice and professed friendshippe) but also by offryng hyr rare Iewels and costly giftes, intendyng thorowe dispayre to bee the more couragious. Whereof Virgill thus wryteth, Optima spes victis nullam sperare salutem. Yet shee nought regardyng his vayne offers and lesse his profered seruice with professed good will, answered: It seemeth you are well acquaynted with this phrase of Iuuenall, Rara in tenui facundia panno est, and that maketh you to offer such large summes of money in this case: but yet in vayne you spende your wynde, for I knowe too well by proofe, that [Page] Fistula d [...]lce cani [...] volueres dum decipit auceps. Stay therefore here­in thy clattering bell, for Nulla fides fronti, as Iuuenall doth report. In deede Lady quoth he) not aff [...]ction alone, but this verse of Ouid moued me toward this liberalitie, seing Munera (crede mihi) placant homines (que) deos [...]. I thought asmuch quoth she, Ex abūdantia cordis os loqu [...]tur. And thinkest y u therfore I am so foolish, so light of belief, so light of behau [...]our, or so couetous, as to accept thy fayned friend­ship? no no I defie thy crew, thy progenie, and eke thy race. I set not so much by the mucke of the worlde, as to yeelde vnto thy fil­thy greedy lust, neither to make a God thereof For whyle I liue, as I doe, so will I alwayes become as subiect vnto this verse of Horace, Et mihi res non me rebus, submittere con [...]r. And I tell thee playne for my laste adewe that if thou were able to mayntayne me as I reade of a Cardinals harlot (although this comparison is odious who set so light of pearle and precious stone that she set the vpper parte of hir shoes cleane ouer with the same. Or if thou were able to giue mee as precious a pearle as Iulius Caesar bestowed vpon his lemman Seruilia, the pryce whereof was Sexagies, whiche is in our coyne sixe and fortie thousande eight hundred threescore and seuentene poundes and ten shillings, yet neyther couldest nor shouldest thou nor any other whatsoeuer in­ioye the same at my handes. Why arte thou armed with Dia­mondes (as the Poetes fayne by Mars) (quoth he) that thou see­mest so obstinately to withstande? yea in this respect, quoth she) and suche like eche one shall finde me. Then for my laste farewell (sayde he) to thee and thine adewe. Who answered, adew likewise by lande, thy lucke in boates is barking. Thus by hir outwarde ap­pearaunce she seemed glad thereof. It resteth now by lyneal course to inferre vpon the peregrination of hir peerlesse paragon, marching pedetent [...]m vnto the barke of loue, whome finding bedecked with a greene robe after the paynting of Zenius, caused him the more to liue in hope. But yet this Epigram written in his forehead by A­pelles: Spring time and sommer: caused him to iudge thereby that it fostered bothe prosperitie and aduersitie with one pappe, and [...]ul­led both life & death togither in one lappe. Wherefore he indeuored [Page] by all inuented meanes to please hyr as well after as before hyr graunt of loue, not onely by loyaltie of seruice, but also by gorgi­ous attyre (whiche pleaseth women not a litle) delicate fare, cost­ly byre, and sumptuous giftes, with the whole discourse of his bu­sinesse, no counsell kepte vnknowne, whiche pleased hyr most of al. But the new yeare stealing vpon them, whose presence he thought his duetie prouoked him to adore with some rare gifte, to imparte or represent vnto his, Lady in token of his great good wil towards hyr. Or for a pledge of his eminent loyalty, with an vnfayned fi­delity. Eche countrey far and neare by a vision he soughte, and in his rolling mind he vewed eche thing therin. Yet nothing he found therein worthy (as he thought) to bestow vpon hyr, yet did his sted­fast loue persuade him no trauell spent [...]aine, who turning him­selfe aboute, and vewing eche thing at will, misliked the vnwor­thinesse thereof. Wherfore he hied hastily vnto the Muses of Boetia the daughters of Iupiter, whome the Poetes fayne continually to dwell at the bathe of Helicon. But yet by dayly industry he founde them at the length (by his owne reporte) in a pleasaunt greene ar­bor, sitting all togither moste huswifely occupied eche one in their proper vocation: singing most melodiously to passe the time away. This greene Arbor (sayde he) was planted in a dale not farre from this former well wherein they bathe themselues, most curiously be­decked with fragrant flowers that keepeth their pleasant hewe all times of the yeare alike: at the hedde hereof eche one had hir seuerall bedde of long greene grasse, intermingled with all kinde of sweete and fragrant floures, the growth whereof shorte vp in heigth aboue the lower grasse (by his report) two foote, curiously carued and cut of eche side, adorned with pinnacles and pillers in māner of a fayre large bedsteede, besette with goodly greene Iuie, twined about with some shoring preuy. Thus was their beddes most formally framed and eke as softe as is the pillow downe. Then had they maniles to couer them with intermingled yuie: the ouercasting of the Arbor serued for a Cannape, and the caruing of eche side stoode for inden­ted vallāce. At the feete of their beddes, was erected a good [...] greene Mounte, with round cirkled steppes vp to the toppe. But there was [Page] to be founde a stately chayre all made of Iuory whyte, wherein Melpomene the chiefest Muse ( Phaebus displaying) dothe place hyr selfe, the other eyght Muses sittyng in order beneath hyr vpon the former rounde steppes. Thus squatted vpon this pleasaunt mount from mornyng to euenyng they spende their tyme moste earnest­ly in their vocation (if no one interrupt them with callyng them vpon, to ayde them in their enterpryse, as the Poetes were accusto­med to doe) eche one singyng by course in the commendation of hir owne Arte ( Melpomene alwayes beginnyng, bycause of hir wor­thinesse among them) and while the one singeth, the other eyght helpeth hir recorded song with the varietie of notes, it was com­monly called the Arbor of amitie. N.O. seyng them in this order, thought verily he had [...]nded to heauē it self. Wherfore his wits abashed at the firste to vtter his mynde vnto them, but Melpomene seyng him to stande in suche amaze, coniectured thereby hee had some matter to breake vnto them, whiche not the imbecilitie of witte, but the bashefulnesse of hys tongue forbidde hym there to vt­ter. Wherefore moste courteously shee cheared him on, saying: what is thy will? feare not but shewe it foorth at large: whereat N. O. takyng a better courage, tolde foorth his will and chiefe de­sire in this order. O Muses worthie of musing, by earnest suyte I craue of your wonted & accustomed courtesie, to vnlace your li­beralitie, extendyng your beneuolence in fillyng this Goblet of mine, with the heauenly and vnspeakeable dewe of your gratious Fountayne. Whereat Melpomene answered for them all as you shall heare. This sacred well (quoth shee) is of suche force, that who tasteth thereof partaketh of our vertues: and by this meanes if it shoulde be made common, wee shoulde in tyme bee had in the lesse reputation and honor. Also our father Iupiter gaue vs the same, condicionally, that none shoulde be partaker thereof, except they coulde define their race to haue descended from the mighty powers. Alas Goddesse (quoth hee) I craue it not for my selfe but for my vowed wyfe, whose byrthe I knowe to thee is not vnknowen. No sir (quoth shee) I knowe hyr race full well, thy Lady is in my libertie, and eke I know the cause of thy demaund. [Page] Thou shalte not come in vayne, I graunt thee thy request, and herewith shee tooke hyr siluer pensell (and dippyng it in this well) shee graued within the couer of his Goblet in wauing manner these verses following.

COngealed ayre doth make the starres to shote.
But seldome yet tis seene such starres to fal:
By earnest suyte not I but all our route
We yeelded haue to ayde you when you call.
And that you should such call as best can ayde
I sende thee here what is eche one hir trayde.

But in the Goblet she graued these verses following in the same order as she had done before.

I For my parte, loue tragedies to penne.
And Cleo notes the worthinesse of menne.
Thaleia she delights in cunnyng talke.
In soundyng trumpe Euterpes wittes do walke:
In Musicke rules Terpsichore delightes.
Erato loues Geometry that hightes.
Heroicall verse Calliope firste did knowe.
Euranea loues Astrologie to showe.
And last of all Polymneia shee,
Will force thy tongue Rhetoricall to bee.
Thus to vsurpe at any time our ayde,
Take heede of this, least that you be denayde.

No doubte but N. O. reioyced much that hee had gotten suche a gifte to gyue vnto his Lady: wherefore (not tastyng of it him selfe through his vnworthinesse of byrthe) hee sente it with all ex­pedition vnto hyr, whiche shee receyued very thankefully, and would fayne haue requi [...]ed him with such like againe, but it wan­ted in hyr: wherefore she sente vnto him for his new yeares gift these verses following.

Sith Craesus wealth, with Crassus pompe, & Midas golde is skant, It shall suffise to wishe you well, good will shall neuer wante: [Page] Thryce Naestors yeares to liue in age I craue that Cloth [...] graunt, that of your helth good fame & welth, your willers wel might vaūt.

Atropos and Lachesis with Clotho graunt you the lyfe of
Long lyfed Naestor, whose youth not soone being cut off,
Aged and hoar [...]e as Hyem [...] who did call him?
Wrinkled, yet sugred in wordes, so who hath not termde him?

These verses N.O. receyued as thankefully, as worthily, and in as good parte as if they had bene a thing of greater pryce: and in shorte time after, he visited his Lady with his presence, whereas be­fore he had greeted hyr with his giftes and good will. His cōming was somewhat late, and (according vnto the time) he founde them at supper, where after his salutation, due reuerence and courtesie he sat him downe: it chaunced in this supper (as a poynt of courtesie) he offered a Gentlewoman salte vpon hyr trencher, who at that profered curtesie weeped most bitterly, and would haue risen from the borde if hyr trencher had not bene quickly changed. But an o­ther gentlewomā on the contrary nature, weeped bicause she was denayed salte after this at his handes, who made a vowe (for hyr sake) he would neuer giue women salte againe: their contrarietie of natures caused the Gentlemen to demaunde at the boorde, whiche seemed of them to be most▪ testie of nature? she to whome the salte was offered, or she to whome it was denayed? some helde that shee who loued it was most angry: and some helde the contrary, shew­ing how the Doue whiche delighteth most therein, is the gentlest, lowliest, louingest, meekest, and friendliest byrde that is. But the other side argued to proue their reason, that all those kynde of creatures whiche haue the gall, if they delight in salte, of force can not be testie, affirmyng also that the Doue hath no [...], which is the onely cause of hir simplenesse. Thus in open parlance theyr nature was bewrayed. On the morrowe after, N.O to trie the wittes of the yong Gentlemen which argued so harde and so pre [...]ily the euening before, he wrote with a redde [...] stone vpon the shrine of the ha [...] this De [...]ir ( who will the) foure times on a rowe, hoping that some [Page] of them would breake their heades (not a litle) to make full sense thereof. At the sight whereof all men mused, but none would take it in hande: at the length as an vnknowen Aucthor, he ended them thus:

Who will the curnell of the nutie,
must breake the shell:
Who will the spoyle of any towne,
must sacke the walles:
Who will the harte of any Dame,
must touch hir harpe:
Who will the fruyte that haruest yeeldes,
must take the payne.

All men desired much to know the true Author of these verses, but muche more the sense and meanyng thereof. But N.O in no cace would be acknowne thereof. His meaning thereby was this, he perceyuing certen gentlemen to be inflamed with loue towarde a lusty yong Lady of the company, who were abashed to shewe their great good wil towards hyr, thought by the sight hereof pry­uily to bolden them to giue the attempt: but the Ladyes burned so inwardly with a greedy desire of knowing the Author, that at the borde Alpha Omega with the reste of the gentlewomen, wished o­penly no greater treasure than his wisedome to counteruayle their beautie. Whereat three droppes of liuely bloudde fell downe from N.O. his nose, whiche ( A.O. perceyuing) mistrusted thereby the Author: and meaning to discouer him in some secrete order (shee sayde) how cheare you ( N O.) I see Apolloe sings, but not bewrayes his penne. Why Madame (quoth he) it is too freshe to be superflu­ous bloud, meaning thereby, that it was penned to mistically to intende to none effect. But what shoulde I further speake hereof? the faggots were dry and the fire flamed. It resteth to inferre vpon their solemne mariage, for the day wherein it should be accōplished approched at hand. Whereof Diana (as meetest thereof) was made ouerseer at the request of hir sonne in lawe, and eke of hir onely daughter Alpha Omega (as well for the ordering of the feast, as for [Page] the placing of the Goddes and Goddesses in their degree.) and for their right vsage and due seruice of them in their kinde, whome D [...]a [...] after a solemne manner had bidden therevnto. Who beyng [...] according vnto hir request, shee placed in order thus. But first by the way yee muste vnderstand, that for the solemnizing of this mariage, a stately, a gorgeous, a costly, and a curious house w [...]s ordeyned, of the building whereof [...]ra [...] hyr selfe that Muse whiche firste inuented Geometrie of voluntary good will became a diligent and carefull ouerseer. The pyllers whereof were made of Iasper, and Marble stone. The pinnacles and ba [...]lettes of white f [...]ee stone, the braue and curious turrets were made of slur­dy s [...]le intermingled with [...]led yron, moste curiously carued of Vulcanes proper handes: It farre surmounted in brauery and coste the buyldings of Lucius Lucull [...], [...]ius C [...]sar, Appian, Paulus Clodius, Ne [...]o, or Heliogabalus, who vsed to strewe his floores with the filings of golde and siluer: yea the sumptuous house of Caligula, whose floores of his chamber were vsually set with pearle and precious stone eche point seeming correspondent to the other. In th [...]s house also was three stately chambers erected, one straight aboue an other, made for the purpose, in euery whereof was a fayre large & long table, at the ende wherof was a chayre of state with a curious crowne all made of the purest and finest golde, most ritch­ly besette with precious p [...]a [...]les, and costly iemmes hangyng ouer the same, for the three imperiall brethren, Iupiter, Neptune, and Pl [...]to, the firste beyng the mightie and thundring God of heauen, he s [...]tte according to his degree & worthinesse in the stately chayre of the highest roume in a Robe of reuerence rounded and horned as his manner was with a fearefull mace in his hande, at the shaking whereof bothe Heauen and Earth dothe quake for feare. In the seconde chayre and middle roume satte Neptune, the God of the lande and sea, with his three for [...]ed mace in hande, and also with a riche tarantyne rode commyng downe to the grounde. But in the lower chayre and lower chamber did Pluto the riche God of Hell place himselfe, hauyng a golden mace in his hande twyned aboute with lothesome and vgly snakes moste horrible and scare­full [Page] to beholde. At this vpper borde nexte vnto Iupiter on the righte hande, sat Iuno that Honorable and gratious Goddesse his wyfe: Nexte vnto hyr satte Venus the Goddesse of loue with a gloue made of floures stickyng in hyr bosome, whome Homer hath termed Golden Aphrodit [...]s: Nexte vnto hyr Minerua that wyse and housewifely Goddesse with a Scythian bowe and a clubbe ly­ing by hyr: and nexte vnto hir Egeria the Goddesse of all shape and comelynesse: but on his lefte hande was placed firste and highest of all Cibile the mother of the Goddes with diuers panes and woodnymphes wayting vpon hyr. And then on a rowe satte Pal [...]as the Goddesse of wysedome, with a shielde lying by hir, and a speare crosse at hyr backe. Diana hyr selfe whome the Poetes fayne and suppose to be the Goddesse of Chastitie, hir bowe and arrowes ly­ing by hir. Cares shee that firste inuented husbandry with a fine plowe share of beaten golde hangyng downe on hyr kirile. And Murcea the Goddesse of sleepe. As for the other meaner Goddesses they placed themselues as they thought good (whome beyng pla­ced in order) beneath them all satte Alpha Omega the byrde, but belowe hir satte Apollo the God of wisedome, Ph [...]bus the God whiche ruleth the Sunne, Cupid the God whiche striketh hartes in Loue, Bacchus that dronken God, for so the Pottes haue ter­med him, bycause hee (sayde they) inuented first of al sortes of wine. Mars y e God of warre, Mercurie that craftie theeuish & iugling god with a Petasus on his head & a Caduceus at his side, Priapus the great toole [...] god, Vulcane that limphault smith, Momu [...] the God of repre­hēsion, Pan the rurall God, and Morpheus the God of sleepe, with y e whole route of y e homericall goddes, which were to tedious here to name. What shold my grosse wit speake of their spirituall & heauē ­ly foode? it was Māna it self, their bread was Nectar, & their drinke Ambrosia. It pittieth me to speake of y e toyle of their seruitours for I know (poore Ganymedes) thy feete fainted vnder thee with trotting so oft to & fro w t goblets & cups of wine quaffed frō the one to y e o­ther. I wil omit therfore y e recognizing of the wayters toyle to re­gister (as it were in marble stone) their pleasant mirth their sweete & delectable harmony, their vnspeakeable pastimes and dalliaunce, [Page] their heauenly musicke, and their strange and wonderfull sightes, with vnnumerable toyes to cheare them vp, and to prouoke their sens & to laughter, mirth, and solace. First at Iupiters borde stoode Orpheus, Amp [...]on, and Aryo [...], Lorceas, H [...]rmogines, Hellycontus, and laste of all [...], playing eche one moste sweetely vppon their Harpes, wrinched and set to the highest note of D [...]ateasse [...]o [...], striuing each one who should excell the other. To these their harpes did T [...]en, Ag [...]h [...], and An [...]reon frame their voyces, singyng moste sweetely in the commendation of the Goddes and God­desses at the borde. Of this their heauenly noyse and sweete melo­dy was Apollo, and Minerua appoynted for iudge [...], who bycause they would not discourage any one of them in their doyng, sayde, they played all so well and so alike, that no iudgement consisted therein. After these Pan himselfe began to play on his O [...]en pype, Babys likewise singing and harpyng so rustically, that hee whiche had but one laughter in his belly coulde not but haue laughed here­at. It woulde haue made a sicke horse to haue broken his halter to haue hearde their iarring, who made as pleasant a scraping, as if ye [...] had set (as the prouerbe goeth) Asinus ad Lyram. Yet notwith­standing they perswaded themselues they did surpasse therein: and surely in my iudgement it was good inough to make sporte (as at that tyme) whome they had rather heare (beyng thorowly whitled with these Nectar wine) than the Muses themselues. To this their rusticall harping came Polyphemus boysterously stampyng, with a [...]oute fayre tru [...] in his hand to foote it cheeke by cheeke: after these came Silenus that hoarehedded louer, treadyng the hornpype: the Woodnymphes l [...]kewise followed moste nicely tripping, and tra­cing the grounde barefooted with their clothes as shorte as their knees. And the Sa [...]yr [...]s halfe goates to make vp the [...] followed them daunsing the Anticke. But after all these came the Muses themselues in a rancke, vaunting it so smothely vpon the grounde as if a shippe had laūched vpon the seas, they were in number nine, and (as the Poetes faine) the daughters of Iupiter and M [...]emosynes, at whose presence all things were whis [...]e. At their firste entraunce Melpomene with a stately courtesie deliuered to Iupiter hir fathers [Page] hande a curious carued cuppe all made of mass [...] golde filled with the water of the fountayne Helicon, whereof Iupiter [...]asting, he deli­uered it vnto Iuno, from whose handes it went thorough the whole borde. After the tasting whereof, Iupiter willed them (according as the tyme requyred) to frame their song vpon the discourse of wow­ing, and to diuide themselues into two cōpanies, fiue on the one side, and foure on the other. Whereby they shoulde seeme not onely to declare the order of wowyng, but rather as it were in liuely or­der to doe the thing it selfe (the one side taking the Paragons pa [...]e, and the other the paramouras). And for your better vnder­standing the order of my prescription, lette ( F) stande for the Courtyer, and ( G) for the Courtresse. And where you finde ( P) before the verse, there vnderstande you the man speaketh, and where you finde ( G) before the verse, there presuppose likewise the wo­man answereth. Thus markyng this rule, you can not fayle the vnderstanding of my minde. This note marke also further, that where you finde ( All) sette before the verse, there ( F and G imbra­cing) all the Muses sing togither, and where a lyne deuideth, there the staffe doth ende.

Thus beginneth their song.

Unfolde your courtesie oh amorous dame,
Ioyne leagues of amity my deare by name.
Unlace your loyalty, breake vp your loue,
For so fidelity it doth behoue.
I can though I vaunt not,
So I though I graunt not,
May yeelde thy request.
Dan Cupid constrayneth.
So Venus refrayneth
No tyme for to les [...]e.
I ieste not,
I weste not,
Then it for to trie
I vowe this my harte within that doth lie,
Thine owne vndefiled and euer to be.
Soone hoate, soone colde I see,
Soone withered what redresse?
This counsell giue I thee,
Suth like for like professe.
My fancie layes liking, oh let thy suyte fall,
Withstand Cupides striking, oh giue him a fall.
I can not, nor will not, it pricketh myne harte,
I dare not, I may not, withstand that his darte.
My fancie denayes thee,
But yet sithe I like thee
Oh say me not nay.
Affection scholeth
No reason it ruleth
To say me denay.
And what then?
Be flatte then,
No likyng I haue,
To wedde gaynst liking, your pardon I craue:
For good will deserueth good will for to haue.
Then render loue for loue,
Els shall I die for woe:
We see how pynes the doue,
But yet he dyes not tho.
May nothing purchase grace my ioyes to renewe?
Shall pitty take no place? then pleasure adewe.
Tis folly I tell thee you lull in your lappe,
It grieues me (beleeue me) that such was your happe.
My bale then delightes me,
Curse Cupid that strucke thee,
To like for no gayne.
That will not suffice me,
That loue should so tyce thee,
The greater thy payne.
I finde it:
Untwyne it:
[...] lasse I can not,
So Vulcanes nettes twyne me, that not a denay
Can force me to leaue thee, though twere my decay.
My fancie biddes auaunte,
You spende your winde in vayne.
Though thus you seeme to taunt,
I hope your harte to gayne.
Ouer loued soone lost, betroth not your h [...]nde:
Least you gayne to your cost, a willow garland.
Alas, fancy moues me, to change for no newe,
But still for to loue thee, my payne to renewe.
And what though you change not?
The harder were my lotte
Thus farre for to range.
Your folly it harmeth:
Is wisedome you warneth,
Yet be not to strange.
I graunt it,
I vaunt it,
Then if you fayne not,
I vowe vndefiled thine owne for to bee:
Thy faith it shall bynde me agayne to loue thee.
My ioyes are vnfayned,
And bannish my gryping:
My harte thou hast gayned,
In lieu of thy liking.
Then coll me and kisse, whiche arte my delight:
Let flaunta, galanta, put sorrowes to flight.
In hope that Dame pleasure vs neuer will fayle,
Let flanta galanta stiffe holde vp our sayle.
Then hoyste it and vaunt it:
Yea vaunt it, and graunt it:
With huff and with hi [...].
To spa [...]e I beshrowe thee,
To flaunt it beleeue me,
I sit in my ruff.
Then vaunt it,
I graunt it,
F all
So this [...] well:
Our [...] are squenched, with pleasaunt delight,
Huff, huff, let vs huff it, by day and by night.
Let pleasure [...]e hoysted,
New fangles deuised,
Yea lette it be ioysted,
And newe pastyme trysed:
With all a flantare then let vs beginne,
Our goodes haue no ending, sing let vs not linne.

THis pleasaunt and newe deuised song liked them very well, for suche was their warbling notes and varietie of tunes, that than the hearing of them, there could be no greater ioy. But Venus aboue all other liked it most of all, in so much that she caused Hyp­parchus (whome the Poets fayne to be secretary to the Goddes) to wryte it for hir. But least I should seeme somewhat tedious vnto [Page] you, who will not sticke to say behinde my backe that this litle volume of mine smelleth of the oyle and candle (as Pythias the O­ratour sometime reported of the workes of Demosthenes) I will the slightlier passe ouer the commendation of this song to speake of their other pasta [...]nce. At the ende of this pleasaunt and delectable harmony, the borde was discouered, & the Goddes began ech one to play their parte. For Iupiter touching the heauens with his wande, caused them to thunder & vainbrishe lightnings. Vulcane beyng [...] smothered, and swarted with the embers and smoke of his forge, with a knacke of his office shewyng in liuely forme and manner (as with his gestures and motions of his body,) the continuall to­sting toyle of his arte, and the order and course they keepe some­times in pitpatting with their hammers (as a shifte of deskant [...] mitigate the fame.) Cupid that fayre and wāton boy, he sittes play­ing and iestyng, shewing many a fonde toye, and yet prety deuices in the Goddesses lappes. Minerua shee fell harde to hir musicke, singing moste sweetely, whome Pan with his sudden frayments and tumultes disquieted muche. Apollo he shewed there his cun­nyng at the Harpe. Bacchus he beyng as dronke as an Ape, disco­uered many a vanitie: And Mercurie (to be briefe) what with his thefte, and iuggling, iuggled so long, that some of them dropped vnder the borde with laughing, or else to smoother a skape (as Prya­p [...]o [...] did for feare, when he chaūced to see by night season the sorce­ries of the two witches Canidia and Sagana: but mumme lacke, no more of these b [...]gges wordes for forty pound, [...]e, will you be a tel­tale, and carry tales out of the schoole? you shal be no more a La­dies chambermayde. Thus I haue briefly shewed vnto you the merry conceytes vsed at that borde. Let vs therefore beholde (as it were in a glasse) the strange and wonderfull sightes which were to be seene in Neptunes roume: for I know ech one delighteth in new fangles and toyes. First at this borde satte Neptune in his chayre of maiesty, accompanied with E [...]lus the king of windes, and Bo­reas his lief [...] tenaunt, the sea Nimphes and all suche as he thought good to be placed at his borde. His wayters were Tryton and such like, but the sightes were these: first the Syrenes appeared in num­ber [Page] three, Pa [...]then [...]e, Lygea, and Lucasia, the daughter of Ache­lous, and Callio [...]e singing as sweetely, and making as heauenly a noyse, as doth an arbor of Nightingales in a calme winded night. Who had hearde them, would haue thought a Nightingale had breathed vpon their mouthes being suckyng babes, as they did by Steficho [...]u [...] lying in his cradle. They shewed there (at the requ [...]st of Neptune) before the common assemble, their habitation to be in a litle Isle, beset aboute with Willowes & Sallowes, in suche order, as none might easily see them as they p [...]ssed by: it was betwixt [...]a­l [...]e and Cicile, where thorow their sweete musicke, they allured and perforce constrayned with their sugred bayte, all suche as sayled by, to come vnto them, whome incontinently they slew. The Poetes fayne that none euer passed them but Vlisses, who thorow the force of an hear [...]e whiche was giuen him, escaped them, bindyng him­selfe to the maste of the shippe, and stopping his Manners eares with waxe. Some say this was dame Pallas hir aduice, whose pre­scription he vsed in all his affayres and dealings. But they tooke such a displeasure at his escaping of them, and sorrowed [...]o, that in shorte tyme after they threwe themselues headlong into the Sea, whome ( Neptune foreseyng) hath turned into Marmaydes. The sea Nymphes they displayed with liuely gestures theyr watrishe streakes, and eke the pleasure they haue in the bottome of the seas, with the dayly contention they haue with the Marmaydes and their harde escapyng of the Crocodiles allurements. Here Boreas with his swelling checkes shewed a caste of his office, with many other prety sightes whiche were to tedious here to name. But now by course I come to the description of Pluto that golden God with his recreation. At his borde was placed Orchus, Saturnus, and Chaos, Charon the fer [...]y man of [...]ll with his three daughters A­lecto, Tisiphone, and Megera: Prose [...]pina, and vgly Medusa, a Lady of whome the Poetes fayne, that [...] Minerua hir haires were tur­ned into Adders, and they whiche [...]elde hir head were turned in­to stones. Yea, all the hellish bagges of Tarcurs denne, and the fu­ries of hell were placed in order aboute him. Whose delights were onely to see, how Ixion turned the wheele full of Serpents. Ticius [Page] whose entrailes were torne by greedy grypes: Tantalus standing vp to y e chinne in water died for thurst. The cousins of Lyncius that drawes vp water continually to fill a brinklesse tubbe, S [...]siphus that rolled continually a stone to the toppe of an high hill, whiche beyng thither brought, rolleth downe agayne. Pethemena boyling in pitch, with diuers others, who there receyued their purgatorie. And last of all how Minos and Rhadamanthus those in [...]orable iud­ges satte iudging and condemning of them to the lyke plagues and torments. Thus briefly I haue discoursed vnto you the whole manner of this mariage, with each priuate collusion touchyng the same. Yet one chiefe poynt of so many I had almost ouerslipped, whiche is, the excesse of their Nectar and Ambrosia, for I sweare by the Stygian poole, and by the Homericall fayth, it had ouer­flowed the whole earth if not Neptune had caused a gulfe to receyue the same. Thus (to be shorte) eache courte of charges beyng bro­ken vp, and the presence of the Goddes discharged, my kercher of drowsinesse beyng vnknitte I beganne to wake my Muse, leauing eache surmise vnto your after wittes. Thus fare you well, and [...] you mery, be not oppressed with dolefull dumpes, repeate each fancie vpon your Lute, weary not your needles, but clappe your handes all togither (as Virgill exhorteth you in this verse.) Clau­dire iam ri [...]os pueri: sat prata biberunt.

‘Sine Cerere & Baccho friget Venus.’

The conclusion of this Booke, and an Introduction of the Booke followyng.

WHereas (most Honorable) I sayde in my former Epistle, I haue brought vnto your honor a han [...] ­full of fragrant floures, Videlice [...], Primroses and Uiolets: I trust your wisedome (beholdyng myne inwarde meaning, and not my phrase of wryting) vnderstandeth the hidden mystery here­in. For (accordyng vnto my iudgement) well might they be so ter­med, bicause (as yet) they are the first fruytes which my Muse hath yeelded. Notwithstanding, your Lordship knoweth right well, that of these Prymeroses and Uiolets, there be diuers and sundry kindes: whereof some are double, and some agayne are single: the double we see are peculiar to pryuate gardens, and become so double thorow theyr oft planting, but the single are wilde, and grow in the common fieldes: the one forte is farre more beautifull to the eye, and sweeter than the other. Whereof (moste Honorable) I counte these my Prymeroses to be of the worser and meaner sorte, by rea­son of their firste plantyng. But if your Honor shall lyke well ther­of, I do not double but that by oft mouing of them in their kindes, they may aspyre to some liuely sparkes of sauour, and become as double as the better sorte. But yet, thus much I doe coniecture, that if they were the sweetest floures of all, yet would they be mis­lyked of some, and, those of the greater sorte, whiche maketh some in deede for feare of their Z [...]ilus mouthes to refrayne their learned pen. But who so bolde as blinde Bayarde? for he mistrusting nought, comes stumbling forth at will. My meanyng is hereby, that if I had Virgilles vayne to indite, or Homers quill, Terence his familiar kinde of talke, or Chaucers vayne in wryting, yea, if I were as eloquent as Cicero himselfe, yet coulde I not wante a Cicer [...]nian whippe (as the Prouerbe goeth) by Salust, his great malice towards [Page] him. Thinke yee that Polymneia that rhetoricall Muse is commen­ded of all men? no, though they seeme not openly to rayle vpō hir with their Z [...]ilus mouthes, or to bee carping at hir like Mo [...]ius mates, yet lie they sweltering inwardly as muttering Mu [...]ius doth. And although it lieth not in my power to requite suche curious carping Knightes, as it lay in Virgill to requite bothe Bauiu [...] and Meuius: notwithstanding I trust a better end will not fall to the one than the other. But whatsoeuer it shall please the common sorte to thinke of me (as pardie I partely coniecture) yet trusting to your Honors curtesie, I hope your wisedome will consider, that at the making hereof, I was neyther at Athens, nor yet in the hea­ryng of Cratippus. The deawe of Helicone is not free to all men: neyther hath Apollo and Pallas graunted wisedome to all alike. E­uery one cā not aspyre to the right rhetoricke of Polymneia. Wher­fore I desire your Honors curtesie to beare with my rude penne, and to excuse my bolde attempte in wryting. For though I seeme at the first to intreate of trifling toyes ( [...] Virgill did in praysing the silly Gnatte, & Oui [...] likewise in commendyng the [...]asell Nutte (yet (no doubte) but thorow your Honors well liking hereof, I may hereafter atcheeue some greater enterpryce, as in grafting some bet­ter peece of worke. But if my Muse would take in hande to in­treate or rather to declare, what the orbes of the whole worlde, the [...]rmament, the skies, the Starres, the Moone and the Sunne, or to make manifest thru things whiche passe man his capacitie, yea if I coulde doe these things, (as in deede I cannot) so liuely and so learnedly, that none coulde surpasse me therein: yet shoulde I bee sure to haue some of them whiche coulde doe least herein, to thinke themselues in all poyntes equiualent with me. As Marcias suppo­sed himselfe equall to Apollo, and Thamiras to the Muses. But what was their rewarde? Apollo he all to bee beate the one, and the Muses put out the other his eyes, such was their iuste de [...]erres. And whereas (moste Honorable) heretofore I haue anoyed your senses with the vnsauorie scente of my wild floures: I haue thought it good, to bryng your Lordship now into that rude garden wher­in [Page] these my vnsau [...]ry floures growe: bycause if your Honor can finde there any floures among them all, whiche shall better please, like, or delight you, than these haue done: I willing am, and with as free a haire to bestow them vpon your Honor, as [...]a [...]st I haue done these before. But (woe alas) a peece of wilde ground▪ lately ta­ken into the gardiners hands, and [...]edged in, being but new set, can not, or very hardly delight any man. Notwithstanding, to please your Honor I am cōtented to graūt you free liberty at your wise­domes pleasure to croppe ech floure therin, although in deede as yet they haue hardly taken roote. But seing this phrase ( Boni est pastoris condere pec [...] non diglubere) is not vnknowen to your Honour, I lesse regard or f [...]are the pulling of thē vp by the rootes, so boldly doe I builde vpō your Honors curtesie. Whose curteous hart, & friend­ly cheare, with bountifull hands to requite each curtesie: whose no­ble minde, lowly behauiour, gentle language, and good demeanure therwithal, so shineth toward all men, that needes I must cōmend thee, & with a sounding trumpe resounde thy worthy actes, & fether thy fame with immortall wings: that when the Ladies haue con­sulted vpon thy destiny, yet mayst thou liue through worthinesse in ech mans mouth, and touch the skies with flying fame. But what neede I to blase thy golden giftes of nature, when as thy wisedome of it selfe doth counteruayle thy curtesie, and fame already hath in­countered with thy worthinesse? stay therfore O Muse, least while I seeke to prayse him at the full, for wante of abilitie I seeme ra­ther to diminishe his fame than otherwise: or to discommend in see­king to commend him. Your Honors wisedome may wel surmise that my homely stile is so plainly paynted without any shade or cannopie, that a great many will blushe in the reading thereof, and rather reape harme than profite thereby. Such bashfull youthes I exhorte to do as Socrates did, who when he heard any one talke dis­honestly, did hide his head with his cloake vntill the tale was ended. But as for those which rather reape harme thā good by the reading hereof, I compare thē to the spyder, who sucketh poison forth of the Honny suckle, whereas the Bee before did reape the chiefe of his [Page] honie. Also who are euil giuen wil be nought, although they be loc­ked in stony walles: for although power wanteth to do euill, yet an euill disposed minde or a wicked thought shall not be wanting in them. But who so marketh well my glosing stile, shall finde Ali­quid sal [...] (as the Prouerb goeth) in the meanest or basest point ther­of. For if they could conten [...] themselues [...]il with one coate as Dio­nisius of Siracusa did, being called from a priuate man to be a King, (that is) if they could diligently reade this pleasant volume, and be drawne neyther one way nor other with the reading thereof, then should they finde some taste therein: whereas otherwise it wil seeme but an vnsauory morsell of meate to disgest. For by what meanes could Skelton that Laureat poet, or Erasmus that great and learned clarke haue vttered their mindes [...]o well at large, as thorowe their clokes of mery conceytes in wryting of toyes and foolish theames? as Skelton did by Speake Parr [...]t, VVare the hauke, The Tunning of E­lynour rumming, VVhy come ye not to the Courte? Phillip Sparrowe, & such like, yet what greater sense or better matter can be, than is in this ragged tyme contayned? or who would haue hearde his fault so playnely tolde him if not in suche givyng sorte? also Erasmus vnder his prayse of folly, what matters hath he touched therein, euen the chiefest poyntes whiche pertayneth to mans saluation? And sure in my minde he shewed no greater learnyng in any one booke of his penning, than he did in this. But I passe beyonde my boundes, thus much I thought good to bryng in for the allowing of my pleasaunt stile of wryting. And as for my rudenesse there­in, I trust no reader will seeme to condemne me for the least faulte therein, as Domician the Emperour, who for euery faulte commit­ted, woulde condemne the malefactor to die. Least thorowe their tyranny and rashe iudgement they purchase the lyke hatred as Do­mician whilom did: for Iudicium durum sequitur sententia dura. Beare therefore (gentle Reader) I beseeche thee with my bolde attempte in wrytyng, accepting rather my good will herein than the thing it selfe (vnlesse in your owne iudgement it deserueth to bee accepted) yet iudge thereof with equitie. And if it deserue [Page] commendation, so it is, if not, then vse thy discretion therein. For I must needes say that such Tragedies as intend to inhuma­nitie, are not worthie of reading, neyther to be put in printe. But yet the Tragedies of Euripides and Sophocles interlaced with pretie Poemes and pleasaunt talke I condemne not, whose sweete language did as it were intermedle the graces with the Muses. Wherefore suche Paganicall histories and poeticall Pam­phlets ought to be red [...]e with indiffe­rency. Thus trusting to your Honors curtesie, at noone I bid good night.

GRANGES GARDEN: Conteyning as well certaine verses vpon sundry poyntes, in Metre, as also diuerse Pamphlets in prose: Pleasant to the eare, and delightfull to the Reader, if he abuse not the scente of the Floures.

¶ A valiant yong Gentleman beyng trayned vp in Martiall provves, and allu­red by euill counsell to womens follies, bewayleth his life in this order.

SOmetime in Martiall deedes, I set my whole delight:
And eke my stedfast eyes did hate, of wāton dames the sight.
But now I take delight, each blasing starre to vewe,
My tongue likewise with sugred wordes, inquireth of their mewe.
Then thither fast I hie, if hope doth giue me grace,
And many wanton lookes I cast, to vewe hir comely face.
Thus hath shee wonne my harte, my purse is neuer tide,
Good will hath giuen a dasing dente, fro thence I may not bide.
In hope I spende my time, in hope to gayne my will,
I daunce attendance euery day, in hope to haue my fill.
Sometime I haue my wishe, the bensell of hir bowe,
Sometime I haue my hartes desire, of certen this I knowe.
Sometime againe I wante, what is my hartes desire,
Which as dry wood, and kindling coles, doth set my harte on fire.
Then I to late repent my want on foolishe eye,
Which gustheth forth like springs of teares, my cōstāt hart to trie.
Than this, what greater griefe? to spende my winde in vayne,
On those who nought regarde my harte, & lesse regard my payne.
Then wishe I all to late, that Mars had rulde my will,
Then Cupid he, nor Venus had, not knowen my hart to kill.
My goods are wasted whole, and I consumed am,
Beware therefore by others harmes, a Tygre seemes a lam.
But iudgement here I craue, who greater sorrowes sente,
Of him who tyste me herevnto, or hir to whome I lente?
If he, then all beware, of me who bought my witte,
And shunne the counsell of the naught, a wise mans rule to hitte.
If she, likewise eschewe, th'allurements of the nought,
And learne by me, for sure it is, I haue my wisedome bought.
Though tis a sugred bayte, it is but for the time,
[Page]And riper yeares lamenteth much, the losse of former time.
But youth regardeth not, the things that are to come,
Oh would to God I followed had, the sound of trump & dromme.
For aged yeares forbid to runne this youthfull race,
And warnde me oft, who wold not heare, for lighting in this cace.
Yong men thinks old men fooles, but old men knoweth well,
Yong men are fooles, and wants the witte, wherein they do excell.
Let no man therefore shunne, the counsell of the olde,
For he a foole may counted be▪ whose faultes would not be tolde.
Thus happie I him counte, who can [...]ght well beware,
Of others harmes, least he himselfe, should fall in such a snare.
His Poes [...]
VVhat wisedome warn [...]th marke you well
That follie har [...]th truth dothe tell.

The force of Beauties pryce.

AS Cacia [...] winde, hath force the clowdes to drawe:
Is Gea [...]e, or [...]umbre, likewise doth by strawe:
As Adamant stones, dothe Iron plucke them to:
So amorous lookes, hath force the like to do.
And as Dan Titan, with his radiant guyse,
The withering grasse, doth skorche in smothr [...]ng wise:
Ueneriall Dames do likewise parche the har [...]es,
Of rauening youthes, with there Cupidall dartes.
Thus beyng set on fire with ma [...]ing minde they stande,
Of ardent loue, and waues of woe, to see the vpper hande.
Tace c [...]mmo [...]i.

A Gentleman re [...]ealeth his former life.

WHen youth was in his prime, and florish [...] most of all,
I s [...]t my whole delight to vew, whom gallāt dames mē cal.
So wauring was my wit [...], so wanton was mine eye,
That all the day I walkt the streetes, to see who passed bye.
[Page]And when a crewe I spide, adornd with toppes of pleumes,
Such gasing sights did please me wel, and daintie fed my reumes.
If hir I did suspect a Curtizan to be,
Then would I clap hir on the lippes, though euery man did see.
And say all hayle faire dame. I ioye to see your health,
You will not know your wōted friēds, such is your store of welth.
Then she herewith amazde not knowyng me before,
Will thinke I come (as one a fresh) acquaintance new to score.
If she whome thus I kisse, did sayle in vertues barke,
I crie you mercy then I sayde, I did mistake my marke.
No harme, she would replie: thus I a kisse would gayne,
Of those whome nere I sawe before, else was it to my payne.
And when my hand was in, with those whiche were of welth.
The table [...] hanging on hir necke, sometime I gotte by stealth.
Sometime I got hir ring, sometimes hir chayne of golde,
Sometime she gaue me mony store, to bye me what I would.
Thus making vp my mouth, I made thereof a skoffe,
I counte I got it all by stealth, hir mate knew not thereof.
If hir by chaunce I met, in presence of hyr mate,
I passed by, I knew hir not, nor looked at hir gate.
Yet if he marked not, my nobbes a nodde should haue,
My Connie she would winke againe, but none should it perceaue.
If that she bitte hir lippe, thereby I knew hir harte,
I must be iogging all in haste, hir husband would not starte.
And for a token true, to passe betwixt vs twayne,
Yea, for to keepe our hartes in loue, she broke a ring in twayne.
If ought I stoode in neede, this token did I sende,
At sight whereof she ready was, what might for euer lende.
Yea glad she was to bende, least hir I should forsake,
Who did hir selfe vnto my lure, so curteously betake.
Good cheere I could not wante, when gone he was from home,
Nor nothing else which pleasde mine eye (neglecting sillie mo [...]e)
This got my ranging foote, this got my glauncyng [...]ye,
This got I say my trying tongue, whiche tolde [...]yr many a lye.
But now the pryme is passe, the flower of all my ioye,
[Page]Yea, now my youthful dayes are spent, and fortune seemeth coye.
Each thing most freshe of hue, in tyme of Lady Ver,
Now Titan with his parchyng beames, beginnes himselfe to ste [...].
Now Autumne he is paste, and Hiems cōmes in place,
My goodes are wasted whole & some, whō should I sue for grace?
What should I leane vnto? my pillers now are gone,
And eke the trulles whereto I lente, are changed euery [...]hone.
Now must I turne my coate, and cleaue vnto my God,
Desiring pardon for my crime, that spared hath his rod.
This is the common ende, of those whiche vse the game,
Happie is he that sees the snare, and can eschewe the same.
Compare your former luste, vnto your after witte.
For wisedome sayes for Vertues schoole dame Follie is not fitte.
And tyme will force thee see, how follie did anoy,
For where dame pleasure bēt thy bowe, now fortune seemeth coy.
Thus thou at length wilt turne, if vertue giues thee grace,
If not, assure thy selfe to burne, where pleasures hydes hir face.
His Poesie▪
Serò sapiunt Phryges.

A Gentleman suyng for grace.

NO foolishe fantasie through fonde affection, in this my sore faynting coulde I finde my (deare dame) to turne my payne to pleasure: wherefore, as one through stong with fierce Achid­mas sting, requireth the second time to taste thereof, bicause playne proofe declares one poyson to driue forth an other: so I (as a foolish flie, who seing the bright flame of the candle, neuer linneth buzzing about the same till his wings are scortched with heate) perforce am constrayned willingly to enter the same, as a present remedie to mitigate my former grief. Whiche foreshewing vnto certain of my friendes, one among the rest whiche before that tyme had bene stong with the same sting, wished me rather to seeke forth some cū ­ning Physition who shoulde bathe me in the fountayne Lethe, the [Page] vertue whereof is to leade his ta [...]er vnto Morpheus his house, who of curtesie straightfoorth knitteth his browes with a kercher dipte in Lymbo lake, and layeth him ouer head and eares in the snowe of Taygetus, whereby thorough a sweete slumber whiche ouertaketh his senses, he forgetteth each thing whiche hath passed him before. But I (God knoweth) seeking this bathe at the Physitions hands was deceyued herein. For he (as it should seeme) delighting to see me pyne in payne, gaue me in steede hereof the iuyce of the hearbe Cresses whiche helpeth much the memory: which once perceyuing, I tolde it agayne to my former friende, who grieued thereat, tolde me moste comfortlesse there was no way for remedie but where I tooke my wounde. Wherefore (mine onely Castle of comforte) to thee I sue for grace. Thou knowst right wel (my Diamond deare) that twice before this tyme I haue bene arraigned at dame Venus hir barre, in which arraignment (Lady) as guiltlesse I haue helde vp my hande, standing to your curtesie as one accused I know not whereof but for loyalty. Thus as a poore prysoner haue I helde vp my hande, answeryng at the iudges call, and appealyng to your curtesie onely for some sparke of grace. But you as one willing to heare my pittyfull playn [...]e, commaunded me with retyre to turne againe to the gayle of affection, where being clogged with chaynes of extremitie all libertie was restrayned, neither can my trembling tongue tell foorth so tedious a tale as should expresse the pinchyng payne and pyning penury, wherin my crased corpse and lothsome limmes haue languisht this seuen moneths day and more. Twise hope hath repreued me to appeale my chiefe dorrs herein, whiche as yet I woulde neuer. But the thirde time (in extremity of panges and dreadfull doubte of life) I am content. Braue beautie, demea­nure, Cupid, and affection hath moued me herevnto. Loe, to thy demaund I haue yeelded, graunt therefore grace in tyme, else, I wishe not to liue but die. My gryping griefes would enioyne me to silence but that extremitie forceth me to speake: make answere therefore I pray thee to this demaunde, what should be the cause of the restrainte of your curtesie? as to base of byrth haue I cly­med to hie? then the greater my fall. But my parentage may coun­teruayle▪ [Page] our wealth may incounter, vnlace therefore your loyaltie. But is there any mistrust of true meaning, constancie, greate good will or perfite loue? proofe declares this needed not, or thinke you extremity will cause me change? those mistrustfull handes of dissi­mulation doe but hinder your wittes of well thinking, and yet are no daynties for fine affection to feede vpon it so any curtesie rested in you. Wherefore thinke vpon my paineful pangs, and what I suffer for your sake, all is to little to gayne my wiche, and the least to muche to leese it. Graunt therefore with pittie what resteth to graunt, or else at the least in steede of a perfite yea, graunt but a weake denay. Then lingring hope wil perswade me, that where I tooke a deadly wound, there shall I finde a salue. Thus trusting to your vnknowne curtesie, wayling in woe and doubtfull of re­dresse, I leaue you to likyng. And yet my constancie commendes me thine owne for aye.

Yours and not mine, F. E.

The paynting of a Curtizan.

IT is a worlde to see, eache feate displaying wise,
Of Venus Nimphes, of Curtizans, whom folly doth disguise.
Yea, how, and by what meanes, they doe allure the youth,
To spend vpon thē all they haue, whose beauty whettes their tooth.
Who listeth to beholde, and marke my painting penne,
Shall see their garish trickes set downe, wherby they allure the mē.
First with their lawnes, and calles of golde beset with spangs,
With died, and frizeled perewigs, with hartes fro thence that hāgs,
With veluet cappes, and plumes, they doe adorne their heddes,
With red & white they painte their face, to tice thē to there beddes.
There partlets set with spangs, come close vnto their chinne,
There gorgets fairely wrought without, inclose blacke neck [...] w tin.
And from their eare there hangs, a pearle and siluer ring,
As for a bell, the sounde whereof, such like to hir doth bring.
About hir necke likewise, there hangeth many a chayne,
Yea, many a costly iem they weare, thats giuē thē of their trayne.
[Page]Their gownes in fashion are, there vardingales are greate,
Their gownes likewise which are so side, do sweepe alōg y e streate.
Their pompes most oft are white, their pantables are blacke,
Their wo [...]ed hose are purple bl [...]w, thus nothing do they lacke.
Their gloues are all befumde, with pure and perfect smell,
Yea, all their clothes which smels of muske, loe here she goes they tel.
Their smockes are all bewrought, about the necke & hande,
And (to be short) I tell you playne, all things in order stande.
They onely walke the streates, to see and to be seene,
Their wāton eyes caste here & there, will tell you what they bene.
But if hyr flanting lookes, hath trayned any one,
Unto the mewe wherein she keepes, along as she hath gone,
They shalbe sure to finde, all kinde of musicke there,
And she hir selfe (at his request) to play she will not spare.
Whiche doth inflame his harte, with flashing sparkes of heate,
To trie with sugred wordes, if so, his harte would cease to beate.
Then she to passe the time, at cardes will seeke to play,
Or else [...] tables will they goe, to driue the time away.
Then will they vaunt, and graunt, and for affinitie,
At cardes they will vye, and reuye, each their virginitie.
At Irishe game she will, contrary to the game,
At bearing beare more than she should, by proofe I know the same.
If that she taken be, with this, that hyr foule play,
Then makes she straight thereof a ieste (I saw it not) to say
But with this ouersight, she doth prouoke the man,
To thinke the worste and trie the best, by all the meanes he can.
Then must she haue such cheare, as may be got for quoyne,
That by the foode of dayntie dishe, hir woes he might purloyne.
To spende and make no spare, he must himselfe incline,
No quoyne, good cheare, aray, nor gemmes, for cost he may define.
For, giue me, and fetch me, this is their dayly song,
But yet with this worde Adfer she driues him straight along.
This worde for to fulfill, he settes on sale his lande,
And nought he seeth hir wante, but buyth it out of hande.
His presence doth deserue, remembraunce for to haue,
[Page]But out of sight so out of minde: good will doth presence craue.
And if she grauntes him grace, to mitigate his woes,
His handkercher she will bewet, with water of a rose.
And then such wanton toyes, she wilbe sure to finde,
That he perswades himselfe herewith, to him she is full kinde.
Who would requyre more? it full requites his coste.
And he likewise (as proude thereof) will make thereof his boste.
Yea, yea, she treades so nice, she would not wafers breake,
And maulte horse like she beares hir mayne, y t ayre hir armes doth streake.
Thus as a floting fishe, she glides a long the streete,
As laūcing ships she cuts y e seas, hir plumes the sayles doth greete.
But if by candle light, she chaunce hir selfe to showe,
Hir paynted forme so glistreth, as the starres appearde arowe.
Such cousining trickes they haue, each man for to deceaue,
That while they credite giue therto, hir wordes their wits bereaue.
Wherfore let not thine eye, reduce thy wanton woe,
Nor giue no credite to their wordes, whiche honie like doe flowe.
Light wonne, light lost againe, be sure them thus to finde,
For lightly comen, so lightly gone, this is a harlots kinde.
Beleue a harlots wordes, and weaue a webbe of woe:
No credite therefore giue thereto, beleue it is not so.
She will not sticke to sweare she hath not knowen a man,
And thou alone hir maydenhed, by filed phrase haste wan.
And that no man aliue, could euer gayne his will,
When many an one, yea, evry day, of hir hath had their fill,
No man hath toucht hir skinne, excepting hande and face,
Thus will they lie with euery breath, it is their wonted grace.
Take heede therefore betime, least thou too late repent.
And curse the time that ere you knewe, thereby what folly mente.
Beleeue, my wordes are true, by proofe thou shalt them finde,
Adewe at laste, I wishe thee well, take heede of womenkinde.
The Authours Poesie.
Ne femina, ne tela, non piglia alla candela.

A Gentleman seing his brother desi­rous to goe to the seas, vvrote these verses following, vnwitting to any, and layed them in his brothers vvay.

TRue to see the raging of the seas,
When nothing may king Eolus wrath appease.
Boreas blaste [...] asunder rendes our sayles:
Our tacklings breake, our ankers likewise fayles.
The surging seas, they battred haue my shippe,
And eke mine oares auayle me not a chippe.
The ropes are slackte, the maste standes nothing strong:
Thus am I toste, the surging seas along.
The waues beate in, my barke to ouerflowe,
The rugged seas, my ship will ouerthrowe.
Yea, driuen I am, sometimes against a Rocke,
Sometimes againe a Whale his backe I locke.
When Neptune thus, and Eol falles to stryfe,
Then stand I most in daunger of my lyfe.
And when the winde beginneth moste to rage,
Then out I caste (my barke for to asswage)
Each thing of waight, and then if sea at will
I chaunce to haue, I lesse regard mine ill.
It shipwrack once, I suffer in my life,
Farewell my goodes, farewell my gentle wife.
Adewe my friendes, adewe my children all,
For nought preuayles, though on your helpe I call.
First goe I to the bottome of the seas,
And thrice I rise, but nothing for mine ease.
For why? at length, when last of all I fall,
My winde doth fayle, wherewith I burst my gall.
My body then, so full as it may be
With water store, then may each man me see
All borne alofte, amid the fomyng froth,
And dryuen to lande, if Neptune waxeth wrothe.
[Page]But yet if so I cunnyng haue to swimme,
When first I fall into the water brimme:
With streakyng armes and eke with playing feete,
My parte I play the water flouddes to grete.
And then perchaunce, some shippe comes sayling [...]ye,
Whiche saues my life▪ if me they doe espie.
Perchaunce likewise I drowne before they come,
Perchaunce the crampe my feete it maketh numme.
If so it dothe, then sure I am to die,
In this distresse the sea will ayde denie.
Wherefore (I wishe) who well may liue by lande,
And him forbid the sea to take in hande.

A Gentleman halfe in dispayre seeketh release.

MAkyng repayre (deare dame) to the comely Courte of curiositie where choyse with change of curtesie dothe abounde, hoping to finde it a Castle of Comforte, dame Beautie beyng Queene contra­ry to all exspectation beyng frustrate of hope, amazed I stoode like a carped knight whose eyes had bene dazed with hir to much con­templation, as not of force to gaze vpō the Sunne. In this traunce of troubles my trembling tongue was partly enioyned to silence, but yet extremity forced me to appeale to hir curtesie for grace: not­withstanding boot [...]l [...]sse it was to striue against the streame, for su­spection had accused me vnto this prince, and she hir selfe with rash iudgement had halfe condemned me, for that Affection had sworne to the same: no Lawyerly plea quoth she holdes at the barre vnlesse Affection quitte thee cleare, which [...]ring, with pityfull cheare I got me on my knees, holding vp my handes, and saying in this sorte: I see Mistrust is no mistresse for me in this case, wherefore moste gratious prince it extendeth not to equitie y t in so wayghtie a mat­ter a periured witnesse should iudge vpon my dome. To his peril be it (quoth she) if he iudge thee not aright. Alas (quoth I) S [...]minum iu [...] [Page] summa iniuria est, and if be find me guiltie, tis but of loyalty: wher­fore take pitty and quitte me before of curtesie, no faulte is there in me (most renowmed) for if my hart hath offended, and Affection as foreman of the Iurie, so finde it yet no death, it deserueth but ac­quitaunce: wherefore challenging Affection, as by due order of law licenced, let curtsie I beseeche thee for indifferency iudge betweene vs both. Who climeth so hie (quoth she) must needs get a fal: might not berry browne haue contented dame Pleasure, considering the great store of Menowes that flowe in euery lake? how say you to this? Menowes Lady (I answered) serue but as baytes for greater fishe, & the brightnesse of the Sunne daseth the light of the Moone. Thus my Dyamon hoping vpon an hauen in doubte I stande of shipwracke, lende me therefore thy helping hande, for in doubtfull daunger of destiny, the redie facultie of a womans witte auayleth moste of all: Thus forced to frie in my fustian fumes, extremity calleth vpon your present helpe.

Yours allowed, F. G.

The description of the loue of a Gentleman and a Gentlevvoman.

IN the tyme of Lady Ver, the sweete and fragrant smell
Of each delight, it doth a rangyng foote compell.
For when the Aprill showers, descende with westerne windes,
Each hearbe, ech floure, and plante, doe florish in their kindes.
Each leafe vpon the tree, the grasse vpon the grounde,
The Hatherne buddes new sprung, on earth what may be founde,
Doth yeelde as pleasant scentes, as nature can deuise:
All things in lusty greene, appeares displaying wise.
And eurye birde that liues, then strayneth forth his voyce:
So that of each delight, each man may take his choyce.
Thus in this merry moneth, he tooke delight to vewe,
Ought that of nature was, most pleasaunt in his hewe.
Yea, many a tyme and oft, in springs and groues alone,
[Page]Himselfe he would apply, as yet where none had gone.
There in distilling wise, she tooke delight to see,
The chirpyng birdes full ofte, from bushe to bushe to flee.
Whose warbling notes him thought, inforced to beleue,
That nothing vnder Sunne, such merry liues did liue.
In euery bushe againe, the Primerose did appeere,
The Uiolet at hande, was prest to be his feere:
Which cast such fragrant smelles, amid this pleasant spring,
That eury bushe it did, a newe delight forth bring.
But walking all alone, in this his whole delight,
The Primerose as him thought, and Uiolet did fight.
Wherewith as one amazde, at large he them behelde,
Hoping at length to see, the one or other yelde.
But lighting in a vayne, which fortune had not tryed,
Beholde euen neare at hande, a damsell he espied,
Whose beauty was so braue, and eke so Christall cleere,
That nature could not frame, the like to be hyr peere.
Hir peere I neuer sawe, for beautie in the face,
The like was neuer seene, such was hir comely grace.
And where he tooke delight, before in fragrant scente,
Now hir to gaze vpon, his minde was wholy bente.
And as good fortune would, he stoode behinde a bushe,
Where well he might beholde, and neede not starte the thrushe.
For while she tooke delight, to vewe this pleasant fielde,
He did obtayne his will, at large he hir behelde.
And nought she did suspect, for here he lay vnknowne,
Untill such time as loue, his kindling coles had blowne.
Hir rounde and cherry lippes, and eke hir skarlet hewe,
Hir crymson cheekes was cause, the more he did them vewe.
Hir rosed lookes him thought, his tentiue eares forth folde,
The more that them he did, the more he should beholde.
So fell it forth at length, he could not haue his fill,
The more he did hir vewe, the more he wisht his will.
When long he vewed had through many a pleasant tune,
Him thought this Aprill month, was turnde to [...]oly Iune.
[Page]For in hir face him thought, the redde rose and the white,
In liuely forme did seeme, with other for to fighte.
The Columbine likewise, whiche commendable is,
With Dasles did contend, that delectable blisse.
And as a Marygolde amazde, he hyr behilde,
Untill hir das [...]ng dentes, his rufull harte it filde.
Then out alasse he cried, but all it was in vayne,
His harte fro him was gone, and did with hir remayne.
This damsell single was, and eke did wante a mate,
And he to feede hyr reume, did wante a dayntie date.
But yet his harte was good, and loue did make him [...]olde,
He spared not at length, his meanyng to vnfolde.
For hir he went vnto, and greeted in this wise,
Alhayle deare dame he sayde, the chiefe of vertues pryse.
I see that Lady Ver, with sweete and fragrant scente,
Inflames your harte to see, whereto dame nature lente.
The Nightingale likewise, with hyr recorded song,
Hath giuen you this desire, this groue to walke along.
For now each thing that is, doth florishe in his kinde,
And is of force (me thinkes) to recreate the minde.
And eke no greater health, vpon the earth is founde,
Then early and late to walke, vpon this pleasaunt grounde:
The scente whereof will so, restore your liuely bloud,
That you your selfe will say, therefore tis very good.
A thousande fancies more, for to delight the minde,
Within this pleasaunt groue, by walking you may finde.
A floure by chaunce I spie, whose beautie freshe and gay,
Doth force against my will, what I to you doe say.
It rauisht hath my wittes, wherefore I craue your ayde,
Herewith my garlande make, let me not be denayed.
For you the floure are, wherewith agast I stande,
And choyce there resteth none, for beautie at your hande.
With you my harte shall reste, when as my corpse is slayne,
Take pitie on my woe, take pittie on my payne.
At which she stoode agast, not knowing what to say,
[Page]She soone with loue was prickte, and coulde not say me nay.
So friendly Venus is, so friendly Cupid was,
That fancie brought hir soone, vnto my wisshed passe.
She answered againe, a floure likewise I see,
Wherein the profe declares, my constant harte to be.
And where I heretofore, was mo [...]de by many a voyce,
Yet none my hart coulde gayne, so curious was my choyce.
The sap now creepeth vp, and vapors do increace,
Lust doth inforce the fleshe, to warre and not to peace.
When Ver is in hyr pryme, each one desires a mate:
And now the thing doth please, whiche I before did hate.
For earst I did detest, to see a gallant dame,
But now I take delight, of thee to heare the name.
And sithe that none before, did please my gazing eye,
Untill such time I did, your presence here espie.
So now your loue I craue, my loue for to requite,
Least cause I haue to curse, the canckred Cupides spight.
Betake your selfe I say, vnto a trustie friende,
In me repose such trust, as ye in me shall finde.
For why, in you I liue, and in my selfe I dye:
Whiche as a rampire is, your loue agayne to trye.
My harmes so huge would crie, if it I should not gayne,
And none aliue I thinke, should suffer the like payne.
But hope a Castle is, for me to winter in,
And biddes me not to feare, nor yet my suyte to lin.
With this she walked home, vnto hir mansion place:
And all the way he sued, of hir to purchace grace.
Who fancide him asmuch, as he did fancie hyr,
Though it she kept vnknowne, as best was thought to hyr.
The end it tried all, such loue to him she bare,
He was hir whole delight for him was all hir care.
His sight it did hir good, his absence bredde anoye,
His presence was hir meate, hir drinke, and all hir ioye.
For if he missing were, at most but halfe a day,
Hir eyes like springs of teares would runne i [...] like [...].
[Page]Or else lyke Xanthus streames, hir tricklyng teares ran downe,
As salte as brine, and eke hir skalding sighes vnknowne,
Most ready were sometimes, to ende hir lothsome life,
Or els in haste she callde for Atropos hir knife.
Thus nothing was to much for him that was so kynde,
And yet the more he sought, the lesse his lucke to finde.
Suche peeuishe lucke had he, in vayne to spende his winde,
That, looke the more he ranne, the more he came behinde.
Ioue would it so, I thinke, dame fortune beyng coye,
Delay it daunger bred, and absence bredde anoye.
Though eyther was most true, and faithfull eke in harte,
If fortune turne hyr whele, then pleasure is but tarte.
So quaynte by proofe she was, and to [...]ing in hir chaunce,
That where Dame pleasure stoode, she rygor did aduaunce.
For why? it hapned so, the trumpe of Muse had blowne,
Unto hir eares, that he far forth was better knowne
To other than to hir, and eke betrothed had
His hande, his harte, and faith vnto an other Dame,
So that she did dispayre, and yet he not in blame.
But farther it was noysde, that he nought else did seeke
Of hir, but for to haue his pleasure for a weeke.
Whiche though it was most false, and blased in despight,
Yet it hir rauisht had of all hir fore delight.
For she beleeued straight, how that these wordes were true,
And in this wise began to rage and eke to rue.
Haue I long fostred vp, a naughtie soaring Hauke.
That now forsakes the lure, when I to hir it shake?
May whistling nought preuayle, needes wilt thou cheeke at fiste,
Then soare alofte at will, and take thee vp whose list [...].
In deede thy slicknesse shewed, thou wast a rolling stone,
Wherefore adewe my ioy, sith needes thou wilt be gone.
Sithe fortune was so quaynte, and nothing could preuayle,
With griefe she curste hir hap, and thus began to rayle.
An other hath my right, and it inioyes perforce,
The Goddes reuenge it wil, for this thy sought deuorce.
[Page]Take heede ye Ladies all, on whome ye [...]et your loue,
[...]ce that he constant be, for so it dothe behoue.
Too late now am I wise, be warned all by mee,
By others harmes, beware the snare ye do not see.
The beste that now I can, is others to forewarne.
Least they as I haue done, do light in such like harme.
Wherefore I wishe you all, whom C [...]p [...]d doth assault.
Him to deuide in twayne, least through your owne default,
To late you do repent, the force of Cupid [...] bowe,
And curse the time ye wist, what Venus meant to know.
And learne each one by me, whiche way to frame your loue,
Be constant, iust and true, as is the turtle Doue.
But yet beware on whome, ye let your loue to light,
Least want of [...]endring like, doth put your ioyes to flight.
Know first his nature well, and then repose your trust,
Let nothing be to deare, if so yee finde him iust.
Spende not your loue on those, that will it not requite,
For why? that wante of loue, it can no one delight.
Thus ponder well my wordes, let Pallas be your guyde,
Least that in w [...]ton lust, your feete beginne to slyde,
Adewe my pleasures all, adewe my chiefe delight,
Loue hath me wounded now, and put you all to flight.
Yee Tigr [...]s whelpes vnkinde, and eke yee rauening Wolues,
The Stigian poole and eke, the Acherontes golues.
Yea, yea, the Man [...]icors, the Lyons in their rage,
Cerborus, Alecto, with the Leopardes sauage.
And (to be shorte) drawe neare, ye [...] furi [...]s all of Hell,
Yee Fayries with the reste, elsewhere where so you dwell.
And Cloth [...] now leaue off, thy disloffe aye to hed,
Lachesis sitte still, and spinne no longer thred.
But Atropos make haste, and with thy shredding knyfe,
Asunder cut the threede, which doth prolong my lyfe.
For why? Milecian maydes, your [...]ippes I meane to tr [...],
And as Lucrecia did, my lyfe for to vnlace.
[Page]Wherefore ye dolefull dumpes, and eke ye Ladies all,
Come rue the wretched chaunce, whiche did to me befall.
Come Heraclitus nowe, to weepe and eke to wayle,
And Ladies now to rue, hoyste vp your mourning sayle.
Melpomene likewise, now take thy penne in hande,
In mourning wise to paint, how fortune doth withstande.
Likewise I thee beseeche, Sulpicia of Rome,
Some pos [...]e to indite, to set vpon my tome.
That all whiche heares or sees, may rue my wretched cace,
And know the cause wherefore, my life I did vnlace.
This sayde, with bloudy hande, she tooke hir dyrchill knife,
And to hir harte it thrust, to ende hir lothsome life.
Whiche blowne vnto his eares, he rued in raging wise,
But nought he could withstande, hir fonde and foolish guyse.
Why liue I on the earth, that thus am lefte alone?
Why seeke I not to die, and first to make my mone?
Alas my gem of ioy, and eke my Dymande deere,
Ah fountayne of delight, as dead why liest thou heere.
What shall of me become, my ioyes exiled are,
My harte with griefe will [...]urst, hope lodged is so farre.
Hath Paris, Leander, Pyrame or Troylus,
Aye truer bene than I, to thee my prety mus?
Pesistratus in fayth, or Romeus in truth?
What cause then hast thou had, to fall in such a ruth?
These wordes are but in vayne, I do but seeke to drowne
Thy crased corps in teares, of certaine this is knowne.
It shall not aye be sayde, that thou for me shalt die,
For I the like to doe, thy former deede will trie.
Bloud shall be shedde for bloud, and life shall pay for lyfe,
I haue like force I know, like hande, and the like knyfe.
With lyke, adewe my ghost, adewe my latter breath,
Adewe each pleasure that is founde vpon the earth.
Yet Ladies thus much graunt, our corpse one tome to haue,
One Epitaphe thereon, this onely thing I craue.
This sayde, he kis [...]e hir corpse, ten thousand times and more,
[Page]With teares be fillde those woundes, that greeued him full sore.
He callde vpon hir name, ten thousand times and more,
But life it yeelded had to cruel death his lore.
Hir eyes they were clong fast, prest downe with heauie death,
Adewe my deare he sayde, and thus he stopte his breath.

A Song whiche the Gentlewoman made, before she slevve hir selfe.

O Cupide, why arte thou to me vnkynde?
Unequall arte thou in thy raging moode,
Why didst thou seeke with loue to make me blynde?
By loue to die, it will doe thee no good,
Unlesse perchaunce you ioy to see my woe,
I gaue no cause to finde you such a foe.
Did [...] offend thy mother any time?
Whereby she sought on me to wrecke hir spight,
Did I commit at any time a crime,
Whiche moued you to put my ioyes to flight?
If so I haue, then didst thou serue me well,
If not, me thinkes thy nature is to fell.
Ioue knoweth all, but I doe feele the smarte,
I haue the wounde whiche breedes my endlesse woe,
Alas, alas, what meanes that dyrefull darte?
It makes me loue whome neither may forgoe.
Alas to late I may repent the time,
Of my delight, when Ver was in hir pryme.
For my delight hath giuen this deadly wounde,
Whiche by no meanes agayne may cured be,
Alas, alas, loue doth me nowe confounde,
By parant proofe each man the same may see.
And none aliue dothe rest to cure the same,
Thee Cupid now full iustly may I blame.
And Lady Ver, thou arte my mortall foe,
[Page]For thy delights did force my feete to range,
Thou arte the cause of all this endlesse woe,
Though Fortune coy she seemed somewhat strange.
Thus all alike did gyue this mortall wounde,
And all alike hath sought me to confounde.
If Lethe lake shoulde yeelde vnto my lore,
Yet would it want in me his former force.
It could not be a salue for suche a sore,
For Cresses iuyce it would his wonte deuorce.
Wherefore in vayne I crie and looke for ayde,
For hope it selfe at neede hath me denayde.
Come Ladies now, put on your mourning weedes,
Mourne and lament the cause of my distresse,
Through want of will my harte it dayly bleedes.
For hope denies to yeelde me ought redresse.
Mourne and lament each day with dolefull tunes,
For I am she whome lingring loue consumes.
What woman will in man repose hir trust,
And findeth them so oft to be vniust?
Worse than a beast is he that plights his troth,
And then for to performe the same is loth:
But worse is he that giues his faith to one,
When long before to others it was gone.
Falser art thou to me than Demophon,
Theseus, Phaon, Aeneas, Iason:
Falser to me, than euer any wight,
Who waste my ioy, and eke my whole delight:
And of my death thy falshoode is in blame,
Whose bloud shall pay the ransome of the same.
Come rue therefore with me ye wretched wightes,
With dolefull tunes approche yee neare at hande,
Weepe now and wayle forbidding all delightes,
And pleasures eke at elbow yours to stande.
For loue it seekes to make me now a tome,
And loue it will me bryng vnto my dome.

An answere to a letter written vnto him by a Curtyzan.

A Bottome for your silke it seemes
my letters are become,
Whiche with oft winding off and on
are wasted whole and some.
Who nilling other for to finde
but through my paintyng penne,
Thereto to giue occasion
to wryte you will not lenne.
And sith you take such great delight
my bottomes for to spende,
Beholde now grauntyng to your will,
an other here I sende.
Ne sutor vltra crepidam,
I giue this phrase to vewe,
Forbidding Sowters to exceede,
the clowting of a shooe.
Tis seldome seene a Swan to diue,
of Morehennes had bene best
For you to talke, although you seeme
that name for to detest.
Dianas troupe it best may blase
the Swan of Menander,
It best becomes your penne to paynte
the Gose and the gander.
Whose tongue dothe runne before your witte,
and shewes, fooles boltes sone shotte:
You would a good Virgillian be,
if Vir in place were not.
Sometime if Ouid tooke delight
to prayse the hasell Nutte,
If Virgill vaunting of his Gnat,
why doe not I forth put
[Page]My selfe to paynt thy iuggling trickes?
secluding dalliaunce,
Who knowes so well thy legerdemaynes
with false conueyance.
You are Meduse that feendlike mare,
no more a Curtizan,
You are no more a soaryng Hauke,
what then, a chaste Diane?
Not so, what then? the rampyng flie,
who vauntes on euery dishe
Whereon he lightes, and sowes his seedes,
a bayte for those that fishe.
For with your preuy winkes, and noddes,
yea with your smyling lookes,
With wanton toyes, and sugred wordes,
whiche are your chiefest hookes:
With Demi grauntes, and weake denayes,
to those that craue good will.
Thou doest prouoke the bashfull youthes,
a Uirgins rule to spill.
For sure such is thy change with choyce,
and eke thy choyce to change,
That it inforceth many an one
his wanton wittes to range.
Thy beautie as a trumpet is
this Larum forth to sounde,
Tantara, tara, Tantara,
whiche when it dothe rebounde
Intentine eares, of force it is
each man for to delight,
And biddes them s [...]oupe vnto thy lure
to put their cares to flight.
Then Alleluya they crie,
with downe, downe, downe, downe,
Terlyterlowe, terlyterlowe,
pype downe, down [...], down, downe.
[Page]If so the hunte be vp, then sounde,
tathane, tathane, inough.
I see it is the houndes doe yelpe,
bowgh, bowgh, baugh, baugh, baugh, baugh.
The game is dead, beate off the houndes,
rate, rate, hawe, hawe, dead, dead.
They spoyle the hare, tis nothing worthe,
they mangle all his head.
You know my minde, how beauties pryce
contendeth still with lust,
Affection yet once lette aside,
layes pleasure in the dust.
Farewell and thus adewe.
Sound trumpe Aleluya,
It th'ende of Taratantara,
To ioy my pleasant Dallyda,
So clothed with the Lillie.

A song of a Louer, wherein he shewes his loue tovvarde his Lady.

THe feathered foule that flies so hye
And floting fishe whiche swimmes so lowe,
When as their tyme they doe espye,
They take refuge for euery woe.
Yet I forlorne a dolefull wight,
Who liues in vayne vpon the earth,
Doe wishe me set farre from the light:
And ridde of this my spyring breath.
For that no refuge can I finde,
Whiche will abate my raging woe,
Whiche forceth me to erre from kynde:
And eke from nature quite to goe.
It Hobbyes houer in the winde,
When as they seeke to get a praye:
Then am I sure of suche lyke kinde,
Theyr trade in me doth beare suche swaye.
My Lady fayre whose shape doth shine
And glyster in my vading sighte,
Doth force my harte with woe to pine,
And biddes my ioyes at noone good nighte.
Yet houer I full oft in thayre
My Ladies but whiche hedgeth in:
Hoping at length of hir so fayre,
The longed loue with ease to win.
I stryde the streetes both long and wyde,
I stealed sight of hir to haue:
Escaping neyther tyme nor tyde,
But still I seeke for that I craue.
What though hir loue she sayde me nay,
When as I cravde it at hyr hande?
Of trothfull troth hope biddes me say,
That loue hath hedgde me in hir hande.
I Prouerbe olde I beare in mynde,
The whiche I hope will be full true:
The fallyng out of louers kynde,
Is fayned wrath loue to renewe.
If so it be, I lesse regarde
Hir frownyng lookes which fayned are,
If not, what then? my lucke is harde,
And harte from hope is lodged farre.

A Gentleman being halfe forsaken by mistrust, appealeth to his Lady againe by humilitie.

LOyalty (Lady bindeth me, and lingring loue cōmaundeth me to salute thee my double deare. And sith (as the prouerbe goeth) Inke and paper blusheth not. I thinke it beste rather to vnfolde my meaning vnto thee by some teltale paper (hoping thereby to gayne at thy wonted curtesie, the yelding vp of y e Castle of Comforte, which of long time hath bene sacked & sieg [...]d with force) than by trēbling tongue to appeale to Humilitie, whose bashfulnesse in pleading my cause at your barre, neglecteth to coūteruayle good will. Thus [...]o­row defaulte being made by my foltring tongue in this case, wise­dome would inioyne me for a season to silence, but that loue ma­keth me bolde in this raignement of Affection without mistrust of thy wonted curtesie to [...]olde vp my hande, s [...]anding and appealing no lesse to the same for indifferency in [...]earyng my cause, t [...]an e­quitie in iudging of the same. Hope dothe incourage me to stande without feare, not lookyng for a rashe but a well deuised iudge­ment. Lette mee not (Lady) be frustrate of hope. With equity iudge my cause, and accordyng to thy discretion define thereof, though dotage (Lady) in some, yet in me tis no good plea: where­fore lette not my writte abayte, my feete with long standing fayn­teth, my hande with long holdyng werieth, and mine eye with long lookyng daseth, wherefore take pitty on my senses and leane to affection. Mistrust were no Mistresse for me, whome loyalty casteth in thraldome: and distresse were no Master, if liberty were free: discharge me therefore I beseeche thee of these mistrustfull handes of dissimulation, enioynyng me once agayne to thy Ar­bor of amitie, and repose no lesse trust and confidence in me, than my loyalty and true meanyng in equall ballaunce were able to way downe. Trie therefore and tr [...] me. for time trieth truth; truth causeth trust, trust, true loue and friendship, and true loue mans desire. Call therefore thy wittes and senses to a generall counsell, [Page] therein to determine of my life or dome. Thus as your poore pri­soner clogged with chaynes of deepe dispayre (but that hope recom­forteth) I appeale to your curtesie, gaping no lesse for equitie than clemency in this case▪

Your poore prisoner, F. G.

A newe Married man being stung vvith vvedlocke, declareth his minde Cantico more, vpon this texte: Content your selfe as well as I, let reason rule your minde, As Cuck [...]ldes come by destinie, so Cucko [...]s sing by kinde.

WHen as Aurora in the morne, did buskle vp to ryse,
And Lucifer that brode day Star, did vaunce himself in skies.
I gan Morpheus to resist, and eke his mace to skorne,
Murcea likewise stept aside, and I as one new borne.
In stretchyng forth my slouthfull limmes, amid my naked bedde,
Began to thinke opprest with care, whiche way my life to leade.
For thryce seuen times the Lady Ver, had florisht in hir pryme,
And thryce seuen times Dan E [...]tas he, appeared in my time.
No lesse likewise had Autumne he, by course me shewed his face,
With hoary Hyems at his trayne according to his grace.
Which when I saw how Time did passe, and balde he was behind,
I thought it best my selfe tapply, his former bushe to finde,
And founde, thereon to lay fast holde, bicause he flittes away,
For time and tide it tarieth none, nor keepeth at a stay.
Thus musing much w t masing mind, which way for me wer best,
At length I founde that harde it was, for ought to liue at rest.
For if dame Pleasure streake mine oare, in this my youthfull race,
Swete meat sharp sauce, I know requirs no iudgmēt in this cace.
And what though Venus graunts me grace? nought therby shal I
Such pleasures lasteth but a time, & yet they do aske paine. [...]gaine,
And then if so affection fonde, within my brest should raygnt,
[Page]A Lion in an Asses skinne my harte it should retayne.
Whereof Valerius doth reporte, that Aristophnes once,
In templis Acharon [...]s made prayers for the nonce▪
That he in Charons ferry boate might passe the Stygian lake,
To Plutos grysly gates of Hell: which for his daughters sake
He did obtayne, through fayned loue, which he to them did beare,
Alecto, and Tisiphone, Megera: these for feare
He flattered much, to whome I know such credite did they giue,
That they him taught with sops to feede (if so he sought to liue)
The Triceps head of Cerberus the porter of his gate,
But see within thou stay not long, least forth thou come to late.
This councell did he keepe ful well, and as they had him tought
He did, and saw what was his will, he founde eke what he sought.
But what he foūd that restes vnknowne, but when he came againe
Unto Thatheniensians, he gan to warne them playne,
For wanton Lions fostryng vp within the Citie walles,
Least while they thinke of Melt to feede, they taste of bitter galles,
Thus likyng breedes extremitie, lulld in affections lappe,
And looke what others pleaseth moste, therein I finde least sappe.
Alas what one can [...]rame himselfe his youthfull race to spende,
All in Mineruas comely courte? doth not Diana hende
Sometime vnto Dame pleasures lawes? how then cā I withstād
The firie force of Cupid [...]s bowe? doth not dame Venus stande
At Beauties barre with comly crewes & routes of dayntie dames?
Whose smiling lookes & prāking toyes, doth cast such fiery flames
Before my greedy glauncing eyes, that rolleth here and there,
That I poore soule do rest betrayde, as doth the fearfull hare.
What shall I do poore sillie sotte? make answere in this cace:
Where are thy wittes as now become, that arte so wan of face?
If so they wandring be abrode, then call them home againe,
A counsell generall to holde it asketh them no payne.
Therein determine of my life, how I the same shall leade,
But yet determine of thy selfe that perfite path to treade,
That leades vnto the perfite ioyes, else thou thy selfe beshrowe
Mayst soone perchaunce, & vnawares the paine therof shalt know.
[Page]Thus beyng set in counsell graue, this counsell did they giue,
That I my running head to stay, and eke at ease to liue,
A wife should wedde (oh waylfull woe) what could haue chaunced wurse?
The wedded man best liues at ease, when fast bounde in his purse
He hath the tongue of wedded wife, else will she clatter so,
Bothe to his face and at his backe, that gladde he is to goe
His way and leaue hyr all alone, for why a shrewishe tongue,
Is like vnto an Aspen leafe, that nothing vayles to clangue.
But yet for this they councellde me a wedded wife to take,
That I the fishe of cōmon sewer might whole and cleane forsake.
I was content, my wittes did serue, and would me so to doe,
To wiue I wente, as bootelesse bente, a goslyng for to shoe.
For looke whose wife in beautie braue, doth passe the middle sorte,
Each thinkes hir nought, a secrete whore, and giues hir this report.
But further yet of wiues to speake, thus much I haue to say,
Whose wife in welth hir mate exceedes, she then wil beare y e sway,
And treade vpon hir husbandes crowne, as for hir feete to lowe,
Thou mightst haue beggde, this will she say (if so she be a shrowe)
If not for me, thou knowest full well, thus will she beare the rule,
And weare the breeches of hir mate, as wrapt in Friers cule.
I did deserue a better man than euer thou wilt be,
Why seekste thou then thy whole affayres or ought to hide fro me?
Why should not I thy councell be, without restraint of will?
So ought it be, and so it shall, till pleasure hath his fill.
Then she disdayning of hir matche, some one will soone procure,
To pay the boxe, and eke with salue, hir former wounde to cure.
To Cuckoldes hall she will him sende, as warden for to be,
With grifted hornes vpon his head, as euery one may see.
Hir husbandes wealth shall wasted be, vpon hyr bilbowe boyes,
Thus ouerfayre, and all to riche, doe wante no tedious toyes.
Then who so wiues, whome beauty wāts, be she ere poore or ritche,
He will hir lothe, she can not please, she is not for his pitche.
Thus whiche way can a maried man at this day liue at ease,
When neyther faire, the foule, nor riche, his fancy fond may please?
Yet I a merry meane did finde, which is a berry Browne,
[Page]Browne and louely (thus they say) she only beares the crowne.
If so it be (as Goddes it graunt) then am I all to wedde,
For Browne and louely haue I cought, taccompany me in bedde.
New married wiues and yong men too, do thinke the day is long,
Wherein they wedded be, and wishe for wante of other song
The night were come, & so did I, that Phebus to the west,
With steedes were drawne on chariot wheles, and there to take his rest.
His course was done, & Vesper she with Luna playde their partes,
Whiche pleasde vs well, for ioyes approcht, most meete for louing harts,
But passing forth this pleasāt night, w t louely tricks I say,
Alas to soone dan Phebus he did shewe, that it was day.
And with his radiant glittering beames began for to display,
It was not meete for louers, yet so timely for to ryse,
But for to chat an houre or two, this is their wonted guyse:
And playing thus with wātō toyes, y e Cuckow bad good morow,
Alas thought I, a token tis, for me to liue in sorrow:
Cuckow sang he, Cuckow sayd I, what destiny is this?
Who so it heares, he well may thinke, it is no sacred blisse.
Alas (quoth she) what cause haue you, as yet thus for to say,
In Cuckow time few haue a charme, to cause his tongue to stay.
Content your selfe as well as I, let reason rule your minde.
As Cuckolds come by destiny, so Cuckowes sing by kinde.

The Louer forsaken, beway­leth his chaunce.

IF euer man had cause to wayle,
then haue I cause to mourne,
Who ioyes to see my vowed foe,
I like and am forlorne.
[Page]I serue where no acceptance is
and haue this seuen yeares space,
And thryce seuen in yeares I would hir serue
in hope to purchace grace.
But all alas it is in vayne,
I like but to my coste,
For why the loue I haue bestowed
I count it is but loste.
I take delight to vewe that face
whiche yeeldes my deadly wounde,
I loue to serue in loyall thrall
although no thankes are founde.
O gulfes of care, O dolefull dumpes
that sore oppresse my harte,
Why doe yee runne in ragyng wise,
haue I deserude a parte?
No no, I see tis bootelesse now
for me to call or crye,
For none I see doth rest aliue
whose ayde I meane to trye.
Hir breath alone it doth suffise
to ende my lothsome lyfe,
For why the Coccatryce tis lyke
and I deserue no wyfe.
Sith Fortune quaynte hath graunted so,
needes must I be content,
No way there is for to withstande
the chaunce she hath me sent.
Sithe tis my hap my ioyes to cease
dame Pleasure now adewe,
And dolefull dumpes approch at hande.
my wretched case to rewe.

The Louer hearing his Lady to be caste in dumpes, vvriteth vnto hir in this order.

LAdy, I heare of thy sadde perplexitie, but what shoulde be the cause thereof I know not, yet if Hartes ease may heale thee, the Dasle delectable delight thee, or the pleasant Pinke may please thee, beholde here I graunt thee the keye of my garden, gather them, vse them, and weare them at will: for euen the chiefest flower ther­in I afforde it thee willingly to furnishe forth thy garland. Leaue off therefore thy mournyng weedes, lette me be thy comforte, who am thine owne for aye. Trie and trust me, vse and weare me, I am thine owne and wilbe while life dothe laste. I wante the Rhetori­call termes of Polymneia to polishe forth my writing, my harte is true, my loue vnfained, wherfore beare with my rudenesse, for great good will dothe grauell me. Inke and paper blusheth not, wherefore if my penne were able, well might I here vnlace my loyaltie: but neyther tongue can tell, harte thinke, nor penne subscrybe the vn­fayned loue whiche I beare vnto thee, who onely arte the Castle of my Comforte: wherefore I will omitte the shewyng thereof my selfe, committiing each surmise vnto thy after witte. For bashful­nesse in wryting incountreth with my Muse, and facilitie neglec­teth to counteruayle good will. In secrete thought therefore thinke of my loyalty, perpende well my meaning, for constancie it buffe­teth a wauering minde: more yours thā mine owne my tried troth shall binde me. Open therefore thy brest and let it shroude twoo faithfull hartes in one. Cupid hath cōmaunded me to be no change­lyng, for as I am so will I be. O woulde thou couldest perceyue mine inwarde harte or else conceyue my secrete thought. But time [...]eth troth and bringeth all to light, the smothering heate at lēgth breakes foorth in flame Oh open thy brest and let me enter, for the Sunne shall shine at midnight, the Moone and Starres at noone day, the Sea shall become the Lande, and the lande the Sea, yea the Heauen shall become the Earth, and the Earth Heauen, before [Page] suche tyme as I forsake thee. Thus printing my woordes in thine harte, and rolling ful oft the sense thereof in thy minde, I leaue thee to iudge thereof according vnto thy discretion.

Your vowed friende, F. G.

I. G. biddeth his friende A. T. good morrovve.

AVe madama, good morrow if it please.
Bone iour ma mestresse did you lie at ease?
Dieu vou done bone iour, will nothing make you speake?
What rest haue you taken? your minde to me breake.
What nothing but mum? an Almon for parrot,
Speake Parrot I pray thee, may nothing be got?
Your pillow misliketh, else care hath forbid,
Your eyes to be sleepyng, while pleasure is hid.
Else saith M [...]rcea, the sleepe is in thine eyes,
Disdayne else forbiddeth (through vanities cryes)
To bid me good morrowe, if harte will not breake.
Then say but Aueto: I like when you speake.
Comporte vou maddam? in French you doe excell.
Bien sire gramercy, this likes me very well.
Ie suu bien a [...]se p [...]ur vou voye in bone sante:
I am glad to see that your breath is not fainte.
And sith that you speake, now for my god morrowe,
Ie vou prie de bon ceur, take this that I owe,
A verse tis or twayne, wherewith I meane to greete,
Your mornings firste flight as loue hath thought it meete.
Perliez bien ou perliez rien, you know my minde:
Nothing will I speake, whiche shall not seeme full kinde.
As hoarie Hyems froste, keepes backe with pining payne,
Eache braue delight, till Ver doth shewe hir face agayne:
Thy goyng so to bedde doth put my ioyes to flight,
Till mornyng doth appeare, wherefore I hate goodnight.
[Page]For as the fallyng sap whiche creepes into the earth,
Disgrace the trees vntill returne of Ver hir bearth:
As naked seemes the trees whiche gallant were of hew:
So naked seemes the house when layde thou arte in mew.
Thy bedde is lyke thy graue, the earth presents the sheetes:
The fricking fleas are like, the wormes dead corpse which greetes.
But when the liuely sap creepes vp in blowing thorne,
And each delight doth seeme to laugh the frost to scorne:
As Ver most freshe of hue, sendes forth hir newe delightes,
With iust returne, and greetes vs all with pleasant sightes:
So doth Aurora seeme, his giftes for to bes [...]owe,
Although to Lady Ver he be a g [...]e belowe.
For as the spring delights each thing vpon the earth,
Whiche moueth them to wishe and call vpon hir bearth:
So doth the morne (me thinkes) vnclose and eke vnbinde,
Each thing whiche in the night, are closed in their kynde.
And nothing greeues me more, than when the night drawes on,
For then I know full well we sunder most anone.
And then in vayne I wishe the morne for aye remayne,
That then my pleasure loste I might enioy agayne.
For in the morne (me thinkes) I see the sap creepes vp,
Whiche to my will, dothe seeke with ioyes to fill my cup.
As great is my delight to vewe thy comely face,
As is the birdes, to see the Lady Ver in place.
And eury morne by course doth shewe me thee agayne,
Whereas the night before vs parted hath in twayne.
The brydegrome in his course doth take no more delight,
Than I doe dayly take, of thee to haue a sight.
Aue I say therefore, I ioy to see thy face:
Aueto to reply, this poynt I aske of grace:
For whyle my life doth last, with thee my darte shall rest;
And for thy sake I will, all other choyce detest.
For sure it is in time, the brasen walles will starte,
And eke the water flouddes the craggy rockes will parte.
In time the watrishe droppes, we see doth perce the stone.
[Page]Wherefore I hope to finde, as yet where loue is none.
This salutation print it within thy brest,
And (as deserte deserues) therein so let it rest.
As tyme it trieth troth, so then repose thy trust,
I craue good will for aye, and not to serue my lust.

His good night to the same A. T.

I Brone in griefe my towre of truste
to set Morpheus mace:
For needes it will deuide vs bothe
though for a litle space.
Yet can it not so litle be,
though for an howre or twayne,
But sure me thinkes it is a yeare,
asunder to remayne.
For goyng to thy naked bedde
thou goest to thy graue:
And euery thing resembleth right
the course whiche death doth craue.
Within thy face consistes my ioyes,
within thy harte my lyfe,
When death dothe call vpon thy corpse
then doe I ende my lyfe.
At night my ioyes beginne to ende,
bycause we must departe:
And dolefull dumpes oppresse my minde,
so lothe I am to starte.
And when of force departe we must,
with lingring steppes I goe:
For why thy sweete abode I wishe
whose wante doth breede my woe.
My heauy hart within my corpse
loth to departe doth daunce:
[Page]And in my moning mynde me thinkes
whole barkes of care doth launce.
Thy mewe it is a hauen of hope
whereto I cleaue and holde:
Holde Cable ropes, and Ancor faste
for hope dothe make me bolde.
Sith dryuen by drifte we must departe,
Morpheus thus muche graunt,
That all the night I dreame on hyr
whome in the day I haunt.
And that in liuely forme hyr face
before me may appeare,
So that I may perswade my selfe
shee were in presence here.
I would imbracyng in mine armes
I could my selfe perswade,
For sure it were a golden dreame
to walke in suche a shade.
Shall I not lull thee in my lappe
as well by night as day?
Though not, I hope thy harte fro mine
it will not goe astray.
For why I beare thee in my brest
and will while lyfe dothe laste,
My harte to thyne I vowe by othe
it shall be linked faste.
And le [...]te one corpse two faythfull hartes
shrowde vp▪ yea all in one.
We linger time and all in vayne
of force we must be gone.
Good night therefore, God sende you rest,
and eke Hartes ease at will.
God graunt your ioyes they may increase,
also the worlde at will.
[Page]In health the Goddes prolong thy lyfe,
of wealth to haue thy fill.
Good fame I say and good reporte,
according to their will.
With heauy cheere I bidde good night,
tyme calleth vs away:
Against my will we must departe,
and that without delay.

His Farewell to the same.

A Greater griefe can hardly be,
Then faythfull friendes for to departe,
Thy tryed friendship biddes me say,
That absence thyne will cut my harte.
Thou arte my gem of all my ioye,
The Fountayne eke of my delight.
Thou arte the staffe whereto I leane▪
How might I misse thee fro my sight?
Though space is great and myles are long
Whiche seemes to parte our corpse in twayne:
Yet distaunce shall not parte our loue,
Our hartes alike shall still remayne.
O Titus true, O Phenix kynde,
How lothe am I to bidde farewell?
It grieues me that suche faithfull friendes
For aye togither may not dwell.
Shall we asunder parted be,
Who thus haue livde in tryed troth?
If needes we must, then fare you well,
Yet to departe I am full lothe.
No greater ioye on earth is founde
Than faythfull friendes to liue in one.
No greater griefe can likewise chaunce,
Than when the one must needes be gone.
[Page]Ten thousand times I rather had
A grisly ghost to ende my lyfe:
Come Atropos therefore in haste
On me to vse thy shredding knyfe.
Come lothsome death with fearefull mace,
Spare not to worke my latter dome.
Make haste, make haste, I liue to long,
Breath yeelded hath, bryng me my tome.
When thou arte dead, then all the worlde
With me is gone, thou arte so kynde:
Who would then willyng let thee goe?
Suche faithfull friendes are harde to finde.
My lingring feete no power haue
Fro thee at all for to departe.
Eache stone becomes a Mountayne huge
My feete to stoppe, O faythfull harte.
Loue it hath made mine eyes so blinde
I can not see to finde the way.
No maruell then if so I seeke
A bad excuse to make delay.
Eache howre I know will seeme a yeare
Untill thou doest returne againe.
Wherefore agaynst my will adewe.
The want of thee doth breede my payne.
Returne in haste, omitte no tyme,
Thy absence spinnes a webbe of woe.
Lothe to departe come let vs daunce,
And make no haste away to goe.
The time and tyde it tarieth none,
Wherefore this suyte is but in vayne.
Of force I see away you must,
But yet make haste to come agayne.
Adewe, farewell my faithfull friende,
As deare to me as is my harte.
Now griefe, now care, now endelesse woe
[Page]Drawes on bycause thou must departe,
But why seeme I thy steppes to stay?
The longer stay the greater griefe:
As good at first as at the laste
Hope of returne will yeelde reliefe.
No worse to thee than to my selfe,
Adewe therefore God be thy speede.
With faythfull harte and moning minde
I wishe the Lorde to be thy guyde.



THe proude Pecocke (gentle Reader) strouteth and playteth his gorgeous tayle so long, till at the length he discouereth the filthe thereof: so some will thinke, and will not sticke to say, that whyle I indeuour to discouer the imbecillitie of other mens na­tures, I reueale thereby mine owne licencious liuyng, if so (at the least) I speake by experience. And what if I did? yet are they farre deceyued herein, and doe but dreame (as it were) vpon falshoode it selfe. For the market declareth how the coine is solde: and though I am but yong of yeares, yet may I dayly heare & see that where­of by action I am not partaker. It seemeth also the vanities of this world are the greater, when as they lie so open, and are so ma­nifest vnto my youthfull yeares. And though it hath not pleased Polymneia so to fauour my penne, as to counteruayle my well wil­ling: yet I truste yee will accepte of me for my well meanyng, who am not therein & s [...]awe bredth incomparable to Cleanthes. Comparisons are odious, I meane not therefore by his learnyng (for thervnto I am many a degree below) but by the great desire he had in writing, and by the pleasure he tooke all his life time therein. How simple yet so euer this litle volume of mine be, if thou wilte bestowe thy trauell to seeke forth the grounde and the depth therof, [Page] thou shalte soone espie, and quickly percey [...]e, how in euery poynte and clause thereof is hidden, besides the myrthe, some deeper sense and purpose. But vnto the carelesse Reader it is (as it were) a peece of vnleauened dough, wherefore for such I thinke it better to haue their browes knitte harde with the kercher of Morpheus, and so to lay them downe to sleepe, than Legere & non intelligere, nempe ne­glegire est. And as I haue bene briefe in all things heretofore, so will I be likewise herein: and as I haue brought you into my rude Garden, so (turnyng the key) here will I leaue you, to choose what flowers shall like you beste. My penne is stubbed, my paper spente, my Inke wasted, my wittes grauelled, and (to be shorte) tyme calleth me away: wherefore stan­ding to your curtes [...]es, and hoping of your good acceptaunce hereof, wishyng to you as to my selfe, in haste I bidde you Farewell.


Imprinted at London by Henry Bynneman.

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