LITTLE TIMOTHE his Lesson: Or A Summary relation of the Histori­call part of holy Scripture, plainely and familiarly comprised in Meeter, for the helpe of memory, and instru­ction of the ignorant in the Writings of God.

By E. G. M r. in Arts, and practitioner in Physicke for the Kings Hospitall of S t. Bartholomew, in the City of Glocester.

DEVT. 11. 19. You shall teach them your children, speaking of them, when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest downe, and when thou risest vp.
COLOSS. 3. 16. Let the word of Christ dwell in you plenteously, in all wisdome, teaching and admonishing your own selues in Psalmes and in Hymnes, and spiritu­all Songs, &c.

LONDON, Printed by William Hall for Ionas Man, and are to bee sold in Pater-noster-row at the signe of the Talbot. 1611.

TO THE WORSHIPFVLL, and other the Officers of the Hos­pitall of S t. Bartholmew, M r. Iohn Browne Maior of the City of Glocester, and President of the House: M r. Laurence Wilshire Alderman and Suruei­our, M r. John Thorne, Alderman and Treasurer, M r. Richard Smith, Sheriffe and Surueiour, M r. William Locksmith, and M r. Iohn Moore, Al­moners, M r. Iohn Bruster and M r. Antony Robinson Scrutaners, or Visiters of the poore.

BEing long since enioined by that Reuerend Father and painefull preacher, the Lord Bishop that lately liued amongst vs, to pub­lish this little Pamphlet; I haue at last aduentured it into the view of all. Many Criticks it must make account to meet with, and moe curious Readers then courteous, in this so literate and censorious age; wherein many Poems of the same argument are already ex­tant, but moe of many other, and for due ca­dence [Page] of words and poeticall measure, farre more excellent. Sith then the acceptance here­of may well seeme doubtfull, and the tenuity and nakednesse of it, is so apparant as iustly shameth to looke great learned men in face; I haue thought meete and most conuenient to shaddow it vnder your worships protection. Equity craueth at my hands no lesse: First, in respect of you, who being by place and Office protectors of the poore, may iustly challenge to patronize and support, whatsoeuer poore and lame labours doe creepe out of the House. Se­condly, in regard of my selfe, who being much bounden to the body of this City, for the loue and fauour I found in my free election, should much forget what I owe, if I should not vpon so iust occasion, thankfully acknowledge what is due. Thirdly, in respect of the poore people of the pl [...]ce, whose benefit and good, charity doth challenge, and particular relation require me by all iust meanes and fit opportunities to purchase and procure. All the good that may be done them, must necessarily concerne either their soules or their bodies. For the body, as the miseries thereof are more sensible, so is your care commendable, who at your ordinary and monthly Court, indeauour to increase their weekely pay. For the soule, I would to God [Page] there were not some cause of complaint: and seeing this present argument is spirituall and diuine, giue me leaue in presenting the same, to begge for them this heauenly benefit, that euen the soules of forty poore people, may by your due regard and prouision appeare to bee deare [...]nto you, as their bodily estate is tende­red, pitied, and prouided for. What their case is, I neede not expresse: Saint Iohn describeth it at full, and in few words, Reuel. 3. 17. where he calleth the Laodiceans, wretched, miserable, poore, blind and naked: a dan­gerous state, and (which is most to bee lamen­ted) they know it not. That it is to be succou­red and releeued, I shall not need to vse many arguments for proofe or perswasion: I will on­ly remember you of the intention; first, of the Foundresse, and then of the poore people. In the eie of the Foundresse both soule and bodie had their due respect; and if shee were so carefull for the benefit of the body, as by a Physitian and Chirurgion to prouide for their griefes, and by meanes of maintenance in some measure for life and lodging, to bring their gray heads in peace vnto the graue; it cannot once bee imagi­ned (without wrong vnto the dead) but that by the Ministers office and place appointed, a greater care was intended of sending their [Page] soules with comfort to their Sauiour. And as touching the poore people that come to bee placed; it is knowne, to be the profession of all, as to be maintained by the charity of the House; so, to end their daies in the seruice of God. Con­sider therefore I beseech you, that the sacrifice they offer, is halt, blinde and lame; t [...]at the daies they consecrate, are their last and worst; wherein they are neither fit to serue sin and the lusts thereof, nor yet the Lord and his holy will; and seeing they professe a desire of the choice of the better part, let them not lacke helpe to di­rect them thereunto, that the eies of their vn­derstanding may be opened, the hand of their faith strōgthned, and their feet guided to make streight steps towards that narrow gate that leadeth vnto life. That this blessing may be vpon them, and the danger of the ditch auoided, Mat. 1 5. 14. insteed of trash and riffe raffe Vrs [...]n Cat. [...] Epist.(rightly so valued by the same Reuerend Fa­ther) let true wisdome dwell among them, and a man of vnderstanding be procured them, that so together with their daily double praying they may haue also often instruction, and plaine teaching. And the laborer (you know) is worthy of his hire; and the hire (you wil say) you know not where to haue, so that herewithall commeth all the difficulty. Here also let me be bold to put [Page] you in minde (and to put it in Print, that it may remaine to put your successors in minde) that speciall care be had for raising and conferring maintenance to this purpose, by your prouident dispensation and husbanding of the profits ap­propriated heereunto. Your good endeuours heerein, may be a meanes (when God shall grant opportunity) to moue the heart of our noble King Iames, or the hopeful Prince Henry his sonne, to raise this spirituall building higher, vpon so worthy a foundation, laid by that ex­cellent Princesse, and peerelesse Queene, Eliza­beth of blessed memory and admired. Whatso­euer you gaine the poore people, you shall reape to your selues a worthy recompence; praise and good report among men, peace & cōfort to your own consciences for discharge of your duty, and confidence before God in that great day of the appearing of your Sauiour and Iudge, when you shall without feare or fainting, giue vp an ac­count, as of other actions, so of the trust com­mitted vnto you, of many the mēbers of Christ, the bodies & soules of your poor brethren. If I seeme tedious, if importunate, if elamorous, let it be remembred, that it is no shame for a Bar­tholmews man to beg. Hoping therefore that I shall in time be heard, I leaue pleading, and conclude praying; first and principally for [Page] your worships, and the rest of your worthy ranke, that you may be euer found such as the Exo. 18. 21Lord requireth, you should be, men of courage fearing God, dealing truely, and hating couetousnesse; next and generally for the whole people of this City, that as they are politi­cally one body, so the Lord would giue them one heart, for conscience sake to feare him and obey their Superiours, and to serue one another tho­row loue; that so his blessings may be continu­ed and increased vpon both Magistrates and people, from generation to generation for euer.

Your worships in all duty E. G.

TO THE RIGHT VVorshipfull Sir William Throckmorton, Knight; and to the Lady Cecilie his vertuous and beloued wife, E▪ G. wisheth continuance and increase of all heauenly and earthly happinesse, to their perpe­tuall comfort.

TO none more rightly then to you I owe,
this Map (for memory) of holy writ:
The former part, you quickned as you know
by daining grace and liking vnto it,
When as in dust it lay, a birth forlorne
And durst not further [...]ye for feare of scorne.
And from that influence, the later budde
hath sprouted out to satisfie desire:
But all in priuate meant, for walles of mudde,
fit countrey Cottages, but mount not higher.
And that it comes with characters thus clad,
Authority gaue charge they should be had.
To presse vnto the Presse, this world in Print,
where wit with wisdome vvarres, and humors hold;
The raines on reason, to prescribe the stint
and measures that the best, which seemes most bold,
In meaner vvits I doe it madnesse deeme
Since worthier works doe misse of right esteeme.
But call you that oppression of the Presse,
when higher powers command and I obey?
I rather thinke, I should be iudg'd no lesse
then void of reason heerein to gaine-say.
The spreading theirs, the springing is your owne▪
And by the timely fruit, let tree be known.
Gen. 18. 17. 18▪ 1. Sam. 1. 24 2. Iohn v. 4.
If masters would in Abrahams steps insist,
if Mothers Bathsh eha's, or Hanna's vvere,
If Ladies like th'Elect, from vvhat they list,
Would curbe their families to God his feare,
Then should this simple plant haue place inough,
Then should the fruits be seene to follow proofe.
If grand-dame Lois, her Lesson were in vse
vve should not see young children from the shell
To sweare, to curse, to practise all abuse,
and by their parents patterne to rebell:
2. Tim. 1. 5. compared with cap. 3. 15
For from the faith that in her first did dwell,
young Timothy could talke and Scriptures tell.
And for impression in that tender mould,
and best those vessels nevv at first to season,
This paines was meant, and by all meanes I could,
made fitte for their capacity and reason.
Story we know, with pleasure spendeth time,
And what runnes readier on the tongue then ryme?
Blessed be God, good Ioshua his minde,
doth plenteously, your worships hearts possesse,
The comforts in his sacred worde you finde,
procure no doubt the fruits which shew no lesse.
And that you may with grace be euer blest
I humbly pray, and euermore I rest
Your worships most bounden EDMVND GRAILE.

Vpon the Authors Worke.

THey that haue pleas'd their knowledge to im­part
And to bequeath their skil to after-times,
Haue euer writ their chiefest grounds of Arte
In some Perspicuous and compendious rymes:
Which being well obseru'd and con'd by heart▪
Sticke faster by vs, and do long remaine
Firmely imprinted in the weakest braine.
So long discourses that whole volumes fill
Containing Rules of life, or true narrations
Of mighty men that liued well or ill,
Or some good counsell, or sound disputations
In verse abridged, and with heedfull skill
Summ'd vp in briefe, are by that means confin'd
Within the narrow closet of mans mind.
This and such helpes hath humane skill prepard,
For humane frailty: but vntill this day
For other arts howeuer men haue car'd,
The Art of Arts wanted this locke and keye
To shut her treasures vp: no man hath spar'd
Time for this taske, vntill Grayle vndertook▪
In this small cheste to locke vp Gods great booke▪
Tis not to please the nice he tooke this paine,
Their itching eares, and curious eies delight,
In such a fluent stile that must containe
More words then matter: t'is his veine to write
Much in fewe words, and in their sense so plaine,
That the vnlearned in his shallowe hart
May now contayne the great Soule▪sauing Art.
I. M.

In Momum.

VVAs Mamus (crow you) whelp'd in butchers stall,
That he resembles so that greedie kinde?
For marke: the worst that is of men let fall,
Lying in midst of better fare halfe pind,
He chambers, as a baite pleasing his mind▪
Fie on him, fie, that he so currishlie,
Should ioy in that, which others do defie!
Or was he of that curres most spitefull broode,
Which sat in cribbe, keeping the oxe from meat?
For he from others keepes that wholesome foode,
Which (hungrie soules) they seeke for with their svveat,
And yet himselfe disdaines thereof to eat.
O cursed enuie, that to stroy the more,
Will euen himselfe leade way vnto deaths dore.
Or rather sprang he from that hellish hound,
That welcoms damned soules to Plutoes place?
He so doth triumph vvhen ought may be found
In others, that may turne to their disgrace.
(O worthy progenie, O noble race!)
What ere he deemed vvas, I am sure of this,
Were he a God, yet now a Dogge he is.
What, what, a Dogge? and should his snarling bay,
Scarre men from that the wise haue healthfull tried?
No: worthy Jason held on in his way,
Though he might seeme by sea, and land denied,
By Buls repeld, by Dragons fell enuied▪
Shall hope of treasures earthlie so inflame,
And shall not heauenlie much more do the same?
Io. Gr.

The Author to the curious Reader.

I Leaue perfection of a Poets skill,
(which doth with siluer raies poor rusticks daunt)
To Siluesters, and to Du Bartas quill,
and such as harbour, where the Muses haunt,
Bathing in crystall streames of rare conceits,
conceiting what they list, of any subiect,
Subiecting whatsoeuer them delights,
vnto their witte and art, their natures obiect.
To such leaue I, the maiestie,
of Poetrie diuine:
more rife is their dexteritie,
their wittes more ripe then mine.
There needes no garland where the wine is good,
nor colours, where the substance is most pure.
Sinceritie by Truth hath euer stood,
and shall, so long as doth the Truth indure▪
More truth then Sacred veritie:
no creature can require.
And who so likes simplicitie,
lo heere his full desire▪


The first Section.

IN the beginning God the Lord,
did heauen & earth create
Of nought; by his almighty word,
as Scriptures doe relate.
Out of a void and formelesse masse,
the matter of each creature,
He wrought them all in sixe daies space,
and gaue them shape and feature. cap. 1
The first day he commanded light,
the darkenesse to preuent:
[Page 2] The second day, hee reard in sight,
the stately Firmament:
The third, the earth with fruits adorn'd
the swelling sea debarres:
The fourth, the Sunne and Moone were form'd,
with all the glorious Starres:
The fifth, the Fish with scales and sinnes,
and then the feathred Foule:
The sixth, the beasts and creeping things:
and then that liuing Soule,
Which that one God in persons three,
made, as by consultation,
With purpose that the same should bee,
the glory of his Creation,
Euen man, fram'd out of earthly dust▪
yet Gods owne image bearing,
Thereby right holy, wise, and iust,
(earth farre aboue earth rearing.)
And for his aide, who was alone,
of Adams rib made Eue,
That both, as of one flesh and bone,
might mutuall comfort giue.
Thus hauing finish'd all with speed,
and blest them, and protested,
That each thing made was good indeed;
the seuenth day he rested.
Man made in perfect state most pure,
Cap. 2 in paradise was placed;
[Page 3] As Lord of euery creature
with power aboue them graced.
There had he euery fruit for meat,
that then in Eden grew,
Saue one; whereof when he did eat,
death, death, should then ensue.
But this strict charge did not restraine, cap. 3
the Serpent Eue beguiled,
And Adam shee; so both to paine,
with shame were thence exiled.
Now wretched man was wrap't in woe,
and in his loines, his heires,
For cursed and corrupt they goe;
yet to preuent despaires,
vers. 15.
God promised them to restore,
vnto a state more stable.
And Eue vnto her husband bore,
his two sonnes Kain and Abel. cap. 4
Kain was accur'st for bloody deede,
against his better brother;
Anno Mund 130.
But Habel slaine, God in his steed
gaue Sheth vnto his mother.

Section 2.

FRom Sheth did spring a righteous line cap. 5
of iust and holy men,
[Page 4] Henoch a rare and pure Diuine
God tooke away as then.
Anno. 1056.
His grand-child Lamech did beget
Noah: and then began,
The sonnes of God their face to set,
Cap. 6 on daughters faire of man:
Thence Giants came, a mungrel kinde
on whom the Lord did frowne,
And for their sinne and wicked minde,
did threat the world to drowne.
Noah alone one earth did liue
vprightly; him God sent,
And did an hundred yeeres them giue,
and twenty to repent.
Meane while built Noah as his charge
an Arke three stories high:
The wicked world liu'd still at large,
and dream'd that Noe did lie:
Till fountaines burst, and open stood
cap. 7 heauen windowes all, for raine,
Which quickely caus'd a fearefull flood,
for downe it powres amaine,
Anno. 1656.
And all the earth with ruine fils;
men, beasts, and birds must die,
When as the flood aboue the hils
flow'd fifteene cubits high.
For twelue months space wel neere it rag'd:
and then was Noah bidden,
[Page 5] To loose those creatures few, which cag'd,
and in the Arke were hidden.
So Noah, his wife, his sonnes, and theirs
came foorth in number eight;
The vncleane creatures all by peires,
the cleane by seuens: streight
He offered sacrifice, God smell'd, cap. 8
a smell of rest: wherefore
He promised though man rebell'd
to drowne the world no more:
And gaue the Raine-bow for a pledge,
and also did make good.
Aboue the beasts, mans priuiledge, cap. 9
giuing their flesh for food.
So, hauing now his couenant made
of mercy, grace and peace,
Blest Noah, and his sonnes he bade
they should mankinde increase.
Of Iapheth did the Gentiles spring, cap. 10
the Canaanites of Cham, cap 9. 22
Who cursed was for opening
his fathers sinne and shame.
Now all the world in speech was one, cap 11
Anno. 17 [...]6.
and did to build conspire
A Babel, and confusion
they gained for their hire.

Section 3.

FRom Shem the sonne of Noah came,
an holy race and fruitfull,
Anno 2008.
Continued euen to Abraham
the father of the faithfull.
Who left his land, his kindred all,
and fathers house most deare,
When him the Lord his God did call
to goe, he knew not where.
cap. 12 From Vr, he went to Canaan,
with Sarai and with Lot,
To settle there he scarce began
but that by famine hot,
To Aegypt he was forc'd to flie,
where fearing much his life,
Before King Pharaoh fainingly
he did deny his wife.
cap. 13 To Bethel he goes backe againe,
where strife began to grow,
Twixt Lot and him; for wealth amaine,
did in vpon them flow.
Old Abraham with humble heart,
to yonger Lot gaue place,
And after that in loue tooke part,
cap. 14 and rescued him in chase.
[Page 7] So Melchizedek did him blesse,
but childlesse still he staid
Till Ismael: and that increase Cap. 16
was but by [...]arai's maide.
Yet God by speciall promises, Cap. 13. 16. 15. 5. 17. 6.
himselfe did often tie,
As heauens stars, and sand of seas,
his seed to mu tiplie.
And for assurance, thereupon
a seale he did ordaine, Cap. 17
The signe of circumeision, 10
on each male to remaine.
Jam. 2. 23.
And as a friend did entertaine
him, full familiarly:
As (once for al) appeared plaine
when Sodoms sinnefull cry Cap. 18
Did pierce the skies, and God down came,
and if but tenne good men
Could there be found; for Abraham,
the Lordhad spar'd it then.
So, fire and brimstone fearefully
from heauen fell apace,
And furnace-like the smoake did flie. Cap. 19
poore Lot preserued was,
And vnto Zoar fled for life,
where, in a drunken moode,
On's daughters, (hauing lost his wife)
he got a

Moab the father of the Mo­abites.

Beniam­mi the fa­ther of the Ammo­ni [...]s.

cursed broode.

Section 4.

cap. 20 THence Abraham went to Gerar land,
where he againe for feare,
His wife denied: and by Gods hand,
Abimelech did forbeare.
Long had he waited, hope was past,
yet still he did beleene:
cap. 21 So, God remembred him at last,
and Sarah did conceiue:
And in her old age Izhaak bare,
her selfe becomming nurse:
Marke heere a good old Ladies care;
the child was neare the worse.
This onely sonne, and onely heire
of promise, God commands
Anno. 2108.
Must now be slaine, and burnt with fire
and that by Abrahams hands:
Well, he obei'd, and call'd his men,
wood, knife, and sonne he tooke,
On to the place they goe: and when
was bent the fatall strooke,
God staid his hand, and in the steed
of Izhaak there was tied,
cap. 22 A Ramme by th'hornes, and thus indeed,
good Abrahams faith was tried.
[Page 9] His sonne thus spar'd, his godly care
was next about to spie
For him a wife, and therefore sware cap. 24
his mans fidelity.
Who full religiously perform'd
the office on him laid,
And with Rebeckah soone return'd,
a faire and vertuous maid,
Whom Izhaak married; but still,
she barren was; they praid: cap. 25
God heard, and granted all their will,
and further to her said,
That in her wombe the babes that stroue,
Anno. 2168.
were twinnes and nations twaine,
The yonger should preuaile aboue:
the elder should remaine
A seruant: Esau was his name,
and as he venison sought,
And wearied backe and hungry came,
his yonger brother bought
His birth right, for a messe of broth:
God Izhaak blest meane while,
For which his enemies were wroth, Cap. 26
vers. 14. 15.
and plaied parts most vile.
When age came on and eies waxt dimme,
then solemnely he ment,
To blesse his sonne, requiring him,
Venison for that intent,
[Page 10] About goes Esau with his bow,
but Iaacob doth preuent him;
The meanes his mother did him showe,
cap. 27 and cunningly present him,
In Esaus clothes and skinnes of kids,
vnto his father; who
Mistrusts the voice, and therefore bids,
come neere to feele and know.
With fat of earth, and heauens dew,
with happy seed and kinne,
Hee blest him: (reuerend was the shew)
and then came Esau in.
And he with teares and piteous mone,
the blessing sought in vaine,
He came too late, alas 'twas gone.
With that he whet his braine,
Reuenge to seeke, and worke: and then,
the daies (quoth he) make speede
Of mourning for my father, when
I will pay home this deede.

Section 5.

THen did Rebekah forthwith call,
and send Iaacob away,
Lest Esau in his rage should fall
on him, and should him slay.
[Page 11] And Izhaak charg'd him (taking leaue)
to play a wiser part
Then Esau; who did vexe and grieue
by heathen wiues, their heart.
But he should to his vncle goe, cap. 28
and match in godly race,
And blessing should be with him; so
he went out from their face.
As he in fields that night did sleepe,
in Haran, on a stone,
By dreame he saw a ladder steepe
from heauen; and there-on
The Angels passing, and aboue
God standing all in view,
The blessed promise of his loue,
with Iaacob to renew.
There Iacob vow'd, the Lord to feare:
thence on he went apace,
Inquiring in the fields to heare,
of Labans dwelling place.
The shepheards shewed him readily,
his cosen Rahel there: cap. 29
Whom he saluted cheerfully,
and shee could not forbeare,
But ran and caried home the newes:
then Laban hies to meet him,
To dwell there he must not refuse,
where all his kindred greet him,
[Page 12] A match was made, and seuen yeeres,
for Rahel he must worke,
But Leah in the light appeares,
(deceits in darkenesse lurke.)
Well, seuen moe he was content
to serue for his beloued,
Cap. 29 And thought the time full quickly spent,
vers. 20.
though full of toile it proued.
Cap. 31. 38. 39. God blessed Laban for his sake,
but him he blest much more,
What euer wages he did take,
to him was gaine in store.
Then Laban did enuie his wealth,
Yet loath'd to let him goe.
Cap. 31 So Iaakob fled away by stealth,
and made him (following) know
The wrong he did; and both good friends,
after a chiding, parted.
Then Iaakob in his iourney sends
to pacifie hard-hearted
Esau his brother, who in Armes
was then against him bent;
But God preuented all the harmes,
by altering his intent.
Cap. 32 So Iaakob, called Israel,
(for God had chang'd his name
When he preuail'd at Peniel)
in peace to Shechem came.
[Page 13] Heere Dinah must a gadding goe, Cap. 34
but sauc'd her sport with shame,
And caus'd the Shechemits much woe,
being too too much to blame.

Section 6.

THence vp to Bethel had he word, Cap. 35
to goe to pay his vow
Of holy worship: for the Lord
againe to Canaan now,
From Padan Aram had him fet;
where mightily he grew,
In cattle, seruants, substance great,
and sonnes, whose names ensue:
Reuben, Dan, Leui, Simeon, Cap. 29
Issachar, Napthalim, 30
Asher, Gad, Iudah, Zebulon,
Ioseph and Beniamin.
These Patriarks were, of whom great men
and Princes did proceed,
God keeping promise vnto them
and their succeeding seed.
Iudah the royall line enioi'd,
who for a deede amisse,
Had Tamars life with fire destroi'd, Cap. 38
but that the fault was his.
[Page 14] Yong Ioseph, Iaakobs ioy, the rest
still stomacked and spited,
Yet hatred he deserued least,
had him his brethren righted.
For enuie they conspir'd to kill;
Cap. 37 but Ruben did perswade:
Yet secretly they did him sell,
to men of Merchants trade;
Who sold him vnto Potiphar,
Cap. 39 where though he liued chast,
And faithfully himselfe did beare,
he was in prison cast.
But God beheld his miserie,
and gaue him wisedom great,
Cap. 41 By which he was aduanced high,
euen next to Pharaohs seat.
For when the king no rest could finde,
of dreames that him had past,
Th' vngratefull buttler, then to mind
doth Ioseph call at last.
And then he was from prison sent,
and set before the King;
Where he to Pharaohs great content,
expounded euery thing.
Besides, he▪ shew'd a ready way,
the famine to withstand;
Which Pharaoh lik'd, and then did lay
on him the charge in hand.
[Page 15] So by him was prouision made, Cap. 47
vers 14. 17. 19.
against the time of neede,
Wherewith (to Pharaoh gainefull trade)
all Aegypt he did feed.

Section 7.

OLd Iaakob and his sonnes also, Cap. 42
Were pinch'd with penurie,
Wherefore he charged them to goe
and foode in Egypt buy.
They went with griefe, and bought in feare,
not dreaming of their brother,
Nor did he countenance them beare
more kinde then any other.
Till when they came to him againe, Cap. 45
affection was so great,
He could no longer it containe,
which in his brest for heate
With weeping eie and ioifull tongue,
he then did plainely tell,
He was their brother, whom with wrong
to Egypt they did sell.
The ioy of either was so much,
that neither now could beare it:
Their sobbing passion was such,
that Pharaohs house did heare it▪
[Page 16] Who then aduertised of it,
commanded presently,
With Charets and what else was fit,
For Iacob they should hie.
Anno 2298.
So he, with all his family
went thither out of hand,
Cap. 46 Where they were welcom'd louingly,
and plac'd in Goshen Land.
Cap. 47 In Goshen Land did Iacob see
the fulnesse of his daies,
In Iosephs liues prosperity,
his fill of earthly ioies.
Cap. 49 But solemnely before his death
he blest his sonnes each one:
And Ioseph eke gaue vp the breath,
Cap. 50 ere many yeeres were gone.
Now when these fathers both were dead,
and still their seede did grow:
There rose a Pharaoh in his stead,
that did not Ioseph know.
He tyrant-like, with heauy hand,
Cap. 1 of bondage prest them downe,
And gaue the midwiues strait command,
the males to kill or drowne.

Section 8.

Anno 2428.
Borne in these flames was Moses milde,
and by Gods prouidence,
Though cast in Riuer flags (poore child)
yet was he freed thence,
By Pharaohs daughter, who did take,
and keepe him as her owne cap. 2
Vntill he came to mans estate,
when fearing to be knowne,
For killing an Egyptian; he
forsooke the Court and fled:
And all this was by Gods decree,
whose worke must now be sped.
For God had heard the grieuous crie
of Hebrues, sore oppressed,
And Moses he ment to imploy cap. 3
in hauing it redressed.
Him then he call'd and sent away
to proud King Pharaoh, cap. 4
Requiring him without delay
to let his people goe.
Anno 2508.
But he the Lord God did despise,
and asked, what was he?
Increasing more and more their cries,
by greater cruelty. cap 5
[Page 18] The Lord, to tame this Tyrant stout,
and his own folke to right,
With Moses sendeth Aaron out,
cap. 7
The ten plagues numbred in their order.
to make him know his might.
They caused Blood, Frogs, Lice, and Flies,
and Murraine, Scabs and Haile,
cap. 8 And Grashoppers and darkne Skies,
all Aegypt to assaile.
Cap 9 cap. 10 Excepting Goshen land, where dwelt
Gods people Israel.
Yet Pharaohs heart did nothing melt,
for still he did rebell.
Cap. 12 Then God the Passe-ouer ordain'd
And bade them with the blood,
Their dore-posts should be ouerstain'd,
for their safe-gard and good.
Lest that his Angel passing by,
should smite them with the rest:
For he the first borne did destroy,
of Egypt, man and beast
From Egypt then they forced went,
with borrowed Iewels plenty,
When they in Egypt, yeeres had spent,
foure hundred ten and twenty.
But Pharaoh did repent the deed,
and forthwith did not slack,
With men and charrets to make speed,
againe to fetch them back.
[Page 19] And to the red Sea them pursued, cap. 14
they passed thorow dry,
He followed with courage proud,
but in the midst did lie.
For God affrighted man and horse,
and made his Charets fall;
The Sea return'd with raging force,
and drowned king and all.
Of this so strange deliuerance,
was then a worthy song, Cap. 15
Recorded for remembrance,
and so they march'd along.

Section 9.

ABout this time (the learned Iudge)
did patient Iob indure
All mischiefs that the Diuels grudge,
and malice could procure.
Spoile of his goods and children deare,
torments of bodie and minde,
As by his botches might appeare,
and wife and friends vnkind.
Who long and large discourses had,
to proue him plagu'd for sinne,
Whereby they did affliction adde,
to misery he was in.
[Page 20] And to such passions did him driue,
twixt hearts despaire and hope,
That flesh and spirit did strongly striue,
and scarce to breath gaue scope:
cap. 42 But God in fine, his Iob commends
doubling his former weale,
And check'd his vniust iudging friends.
But now to Israel.
cap. 13 The Lord their God in open sight
directed them the way,
By firie pillar in the night,
and shading clowde by day.
With Angels foode and waters fine,
from rocks that forced streame
c. 15. 24. He fill'd them: yet they did repine,
16. 3. full oft, ere that they came
17. 3. To Sinai; where the mighty God,
cap 19 in glory did appeare.
And they in feare, far off abode,
nor durst, nor might come neere.
cap. 20 There did he giue the tenne commands,
and other Lawes did write,
For to containe them in the bands
of holinesse and right.
There did he vnto Moses show,
cap. 26 the Tabernacles frame,
In euery point he taught him how
to make and vse the same.
[Page 21] There made he choice of Leuies tribe, cap. 28
the Priesthood to attend,
Their duties all he did describe,
and what to them pertain'd;
Meane while had Israel made a Calfe, cap. 32
and grieuously offended;
But Moses zeale in Gods behalfe
deserues to be commended:
Who sharpely punish'd with the sword,
about three thousand men,
And earnestly besought the Lord
to spare the remnant then.
God granted it, and promised cap. 33
his Angell should (in token
Of loue) them leade; and then hee did cap, 34
renew the Tables broken.
Full forty daies and forty nights,
was Moses in the hill,
Recording what the Lord indites,
his precepts, lawes, and will.
Familiarly and face to face,
and fasting from all food,
He waited in that holy place:
And thence he came and stood,
In prease of people to repeat
all that the Lord had said;
When of his face, the brightnesse great
made them the while afraid.

Section 10.

Anno 2510.
VVHen as the Tabernacle now,
was rear'd and finished:
cap. 40 And all wherewith in order due,
it should be furnished:
Towards Canaan the promised land
cap. 10 that flow'd with milke and hony,
They marched forth band after band;
But stubborne still and stony:
For by the way they soone forgot
Gods mercy and his power,
And car'd not how they him prouok't
to anger euery houre.
They long for flesh, they Manna loath,
Cap. 11 and backe they will retire,
cap. 14 They fret at God and Moses both,
for crossing their desire.
Nor would they warned be, though they
his dreadfull iudgements law,
On them inflicted day by day,
which liu'd not vnder law.
Cap. 16 As Korah, Dathan, Abiram,
with thousands moe among,
cap. 12 Nadah, Abil [...], Miriam
and such as serpents stong.
[Page 23] Yet tempted they the Lord so long, Cap. 12
and with so high an hand,
That in his wrath he sware, not one
should enter to the land,
Saue Ioshua and Caleb, who Cap. 14
returning with the spies,
Affirm'd the truth that they did know,
and cross'd their fellowes lies,
So wandred they in wildernesse,
the space of forty yeares,
Till all were dead that did transgresse; cap. 26
as by Gods booke appeares.
Their children then he forward led,
but others kept them backe;
As Sihon, Og, and Moahs head, c. 15. 21.
who nam'd was Balaak,
Who hired Balaam them to curse,
and so thought to molest them:
But for himselfe it was much worse, cap. 22
for Balaam three times blest them.
He with those two, and fiue kings moe, cap. 31
which were of Midian,
Were in reuenge of Baal-peor
subdued, spoiled, slaine.
Heere Rubens Tribe, and also Gads, cap. 32
their heritage possest:
But they in armes, like lusty lads,
must march before the rest,
[Page 24]
Num. 34.
Heere Moses named euery one,
that should the Land diuide,
And giue a fit possession,
to euery Tribe beside.
Deut. 31.
But Moses now must make an end,
as did his fathers all:
Wherefore he did not time misspend,
but foorth did Ioshua call,
As God had bid: and gaue him charge
the people to conduct,
cap. 28 Whom he by Sermons long and large,
29 diuinely did instruct.
30 Which with a sweet and Swan-like song,
32 in heauenly wise he ended,
33 And blest the Tribes, each one along,
and foorth with hee ascended
cap. 34 Mount Nebo, vnto Pisgah top,
where as he did suruay
The Canaan land, the earthly hope,
God tooke his soule away,
Anno 2549.
To heauens rest; and buried then,
his body none know where,
When peere-lesse he amongst all men,
had liu'd full sixe score yeare,
And yet his eie-sight was not dimme,
nor natures force did wither,
There Israel lamented him,
for thirty daies together.

Section 11.

Josh. 1.
THen did the Lord call Ioshua,
and bid him to be strong,
And trust in him who was his stay,
and boldly goe along.
So he the Captaine sends out spies, cap. 2
whom Rahab safe did hide,
And they return'd in ioifull wise,
which made them to prouide
To passe with speed into the land. cap. 3
At Ioshuah's powerfull word
The Iordan waters backe did stand,
and passage drie afford.
In mid'st whereof in open view, cap 4
they did a pillar reare.
The circumcision they renew,
the Manna ceased there. cap. 5
Then set they vpon Iericho, cap. 6
and also vpon Ai. cap. 7
But Achans sinne did worke them woe,
and from the conquest stay.
The Gibeonites dealt craftily, cap. 9
so they escap'd alone.
The rest they voided vtterly,
to place the Tribes each one.
[Page 26] They cast them out and did them kill,
with a victorious hand.
Cap. 10 For this the Sunne and Moone stood still,
at Ioshuahs command.
When he had now fully possest,
each seuerall Tribe in order,
And giuen to all, content and rest
by lot, in euery border:
cap, 24 He bent himselfe, and grauely spake,
to stay them from back-sliding,
vers. 24.
Twixt God and them, a league he strake,
by his example guiding.
And still exhorting them to feare
the Lord, and him obey,
Anno. 2566.
He witnessed for them his care,
and pass'd by death away.
Full soone had they the Lord forgot,
when Ioshua was dead.
cap. 1 Then Iudah had the charge and lot
their Armies forth to lead.
But for their great transgressions,
and league with Canaanite,
God gaue them to oppressions,
of cruell men of might.
Who spoil'd them without meane or end
and did them sorely grieue,
cap. 2 Vntill their God did Iudges send,
their greeuance to releeue.
[Page 27] Against King Cushans tyranny, cap. 3
stout Othniel raised he.
And when fat Eglon made them crie,
lame Ehud set them free.
Gainst Sisera of Canaan, cap 4
did Deborah preuaile.
Now Ruth good Boaz woed and wan,
when neerer kinne did faile.
Gainst Midian a mighty host, cap. 7
march'd captaine Gedeon.
Bloody Abimelech did boast, cap. 9
he next would raigne, or none.
The proud oppressing Ammonite, Cap. 11
by Iphtah was subdued.
The Philistines for all their spite, Cap. 15
the birth of Sampson rued.
Whose matchlesse strength miraculous,
was ouermatch'd by guile,
Of Dalilah perfidious, Cap. 16
who wrought his bane the while.
When none amongst them rul'd as king
ech what he listed did;
Then Micah made a molten thing, Cap. 17
and it he worshipped.
And at such time, that hainous sinne,
vpon the Leuites wife, cap. 19
Twixt Israel and twixt Beniamin,
cost many a thousands life. cap. 20

Section 12.

1. Sam.
ELi was Iudge in Israel,
when for his sonnes lewd waies,
cap. 3 God threatned him by Samuel,
sharpe vengeance he would raise.
This Samuel a righteous man,
Anno 2905.
was last of all that iudged,
And in his time the Kings began,
cap. 8 for then the people grudged,
And in their discontented moode
would haue a king to raigne:
Which motion Samuel withstood,
as tending to ther paine.
Cap 9 But yet the Lord did them appoint,
a goodly man and taule,
And Samuel did him annoint
their King, his name was Saul.
A Princely minde God to him gaue,
with complements of place,
cap. 13 And he with Ionathan did braue
cap. 14 his enemies oft in chase.
Yet God that him aduanc'd so high,
cap. 15. 2 from toile and Asses care,
Hee disobeied when foolishly,
Cap. 15 King Agag he did spare.
[Page 29] Therefore the Lord did him reiect,
and little Dauid chose,
Annointed Israels king elect, Cap. 16
when he should Saul depose.
Now great Goliah plaid his prize, Cap. 17
but Dauid knockt him downe,
The people shout with ioifull cries,
and giue him chiefe renoune.
Saul bit the lip at Dauids praise, cap. 18
and hated him the more,
Yea sought his life all manner waies,
and chas'd him lik a Bore cap. 19
With Iauelling and with threatning sword 20
with troupes of horse and men,
From house and home, from bed & boord Cap. 22
from desert den to den. 23
Forced he was himselfe to faine, cap. 21
with Achish to be mad,
And for defense to entertaine cap. 22
lewd runnagates, was glad.
But Ionathan his faithfull frend, Cap. 18
at no time did forsake him, Cap. 19
And warning did of danger send,
when Saul vs'd meanes to take him, cap. 20
Although for it he did engage,
himselfe in danger deepe,
For such was Sauls suspitious rage,
None might his counsell keepe.
[Page 30] Cap. 22 Ahimelech did giue him bread
in his necessity,
cap. 22 But for it he was murdered,
and all his progeny.
Had Dauid laboured like for like,
to Saul for to repay,
He had both time and place to strike,
and followers bade him slay.
Cap. 24 As in the caue; and from his head
cap. 26 when he tooke pot and speare.
But he, to touch did euer dread
the Lords annoited deare.
And that he did both mercy loue,
and bloody vengeance flee,
cap. 25 When churlish Nabal did him proue,
wise Abigail did see.
Now Saul with enuie almost pin'de
and driuen to distresse,
cap. 28 Sought by a wrethed witch to finde
some comfort and redresse.
Of which he fail'd, and in the field
as desperatly he fought,
His sonnes were slaine, his soldiers yeeld,
and gastly he besought
Cap. 31 His Armour-bearer, him to kill;
but he the deed, abhor'd;
His owne heart blood then did he spill,
with his owne hand and sword.

Section 13.

2. Sam. Anno 2945.
THen Dauid was proclaim'd, and raign'd
in Hebron, Iudahs King:
But Ishbosheth had Israel gain'd
by Abners counselling.
Long warre was twixt the houses both, cap. 2
of Dauid and of Saul,
Till Abner with his new king wroth, cap. 3
to Dauids side did fall.
This Abner and eke Ishbosheth,
were slaine by villany:
But Dauid did lament their death,
and murderers all defie. cap. 4
So, now he was established
sole king of all the Land;
His warres and all things flourished, cap. 5
that he did take in hand.
Then solemnely he thought it fit, cap. 6
to fetch the Arke more neere him,
But Vzzahs death did hinder it,
Gods iudgement did so feare him.
Yet afterward he brought it on,
and purposed to reare
A house for God; but he would none, cap. 7
as Nathan did declare.
[Page 32] When he had all his foes subdued,
and as a Monarch raigned,
In peace and ease; see what ensu'd,
Cap. 11 his vpright life was stained
With murder and adultery:
Cap. 12 whereof though he repented,
Yet was he punish'd diuersly
with haps to bee lamented.
First, Absalom shed Amnons blood,
(vengeance doth incest close)
Cap. 13 Cap. 15 And after like a Rebel stood,
His father to depose.
Achitophel that crafty wretch
had chiefe hand in this matter,
Cap. 17 But Hushai did him ouer-reach,
by skill hee had to flatter.
Cap. 16 Base Shimei with open throte,
did curse him as he fled:
cap. 20 And Sheba shortly blowes his note,
but lost his traitors head.
Loe yet againe, sinne of the king
Gods fearefull wrath reuiues,
Cap. 24 The peoples hastie numbering,
cost seuenty thousands liues.
And lastly, in his aged yeares,
1. Kings
his sonne, a wanton bred,
cap. 1 Euen Adoniah, boldly teares
the Crowne from off his head.
[Page 33] This prophet after Gods owne heart,
Psalmist of Israel,
Did yet at last in peace depart, cap. 2
and clos'd his daies full well.

Section 14.

Anno 2985.
NExt him did Salomon his sonne,
the kingdomes Scepter sway,
There neuer sate on Regall throne,
his peere, vnto this day.
For wealth, for state, for princely port,
for plenty and for peace,
For wisdome rare, and great resort;
which made his fame increase. cap. 3
Witnesse his sentence in that case,
of queanes crying out of wrongs.
His purueiance, his horses race, cap. 4
his Prouerbs, Writings, Songs:
Witnesse the glorious Temple, which cap. 6
he built for Gods great name;
The costly furniture and rich,
the treasures of the same.
Witnesse his praiers that excell, cap. 8
for knowledge zeale and fitnesse.
His offerings great, wall'd townes, & well
may queene of Saba witnesse,
[Page 34] Who tooke some paines to find out fame]
a liar in her kind,
But found that though she loaden came,
cap. 10. 7 she left much more behinde.
Yet Salomon, in midst of mines,
of wisdome and of treasure,
Cap. 11 A thousand Wiues and Concubines,
got to him for his pleasure.
These drew him from religion
and from sincerity,
To wicked superstition,
and grosse Idolatry.
For which Gods iudgement did beginne,
his kingdome rent in twaine,
Iudah alone and Beniamin,
did to his heires remaine.
The other Tribes, in number ten.
from their allegeance fell,
Set vp a king, and nam'd him then,
the King of Israel.
Samaria held the throne Roiall,
on which he ruled them;
But Iudahs seate Imperiall,
was faire Ierusalem.
Anno 3025.
And there did Rehoboam raigne,
when Shishak rob'd the Temple:
Cap. 12 And next him, his sonne Abiam,
Cap. 14 the worse for his example.
[Page 35] Then Asa, then Iehosaphat,
both, good and godly kings, c. 15. 14.
For reformation; sauing that, c. 22. 43.
they let alone some things.

Section 15.
Kings of Israel.

MEane while in Israel, Nebats sonne, Cap. 12
King Ieroboam raign'd,
An arch-idolater and knowne,
by withered hand he gain'd. cap. 15
Nadab his sonne, King Baasa,
king Elah, and king Zimri,
Did for the Crowne each other slea, cap. 16
so likewise did king Omri:
But his sonne Ahab, with his wife,
that cursed Iezabel,
Did worke such villany and strife,
and to such fury fell:
That good Eliah fled for feare, Cap. 17
who was by Rauens fed;
Who rais'd the widowes sonne so deare;
who laid Baals Prophets dead. Cap. 18
By whom king Ahab warning had:
But words did nought preuaile,
[Page 36]
vers. 2.
Nor famine; not yet Benhadad,
who strongly did assaile
Samaria: yet for all that
he killed Naboth iust.
Cap. 21 And after, got Iehosaphat,
cap. 22 to serue vnto his lust.
For crossing which, poore Micaiah,
vers. 27.
was in the dungeon cast.
But Iosaphat in battle saw
vers. 34.
proud Ahab slaine at last.
His sonne tooke place when he was dead,
cap. 1 euen wicked Ahaziah;
And after him was Ioram head.
as then did good Eliah
cap. 2 In firy charret take his flight
to heauen; and in his place,
His spirit did on Elisha light,
with speciall power and grace,
To worke great miracles, as by
cap. 4 the increased oile was proued,
And by Naamans leprosie,
cap. 5 which strangely he remoued.
And by the plenty prophecied,
cap. 7 in staru'd Samaria,
which th'infidel that said he lied,
to his small comfort saw.
cap. 9 But Iehu did this Ioram quell,
and raigned in his steed.
[Page 37] He slew also vile Iezebel, cap. 10
Baals Priests and Ahabs seed.
His wicked sonne Iehoahaz, cap. 13
vers. 3. 4.
succeeded; and the next
vers. 25.
Was his sonne Ioash: either was
by Arams armies vext.

Section 16.
Kings of Judah.

IN Iudah next Iehosaphat, cap. 8
did his sonne Ioram raigne,
vers. 25.
Then Ahaziah; then vp start
Athalia, who had slaine,
All the Kings sonnes that she could catch:
young Ioash scap'd alone, Cap. 11
By helpe of friends who did him fetch,
and placed on the throne.
Gods house decai'd he did repaire, Cap. 12
and left king, when he died,
Amaziah his hopefull heire; cap. 14
then Ioel prophesied.
Vzziah, Amazia'hs sonne, cap. 15
was strooke with leprosie,
As he did raigne: and then began
Isaiahs prophesie.
[Page 38]
vers. 5.
Iotham a Prince of Gods behest,
succeeded next Vzziah:
Cap. 16 And after him, Ahaz that beast,
Cap. 18 and then raign'd Hezekiah.

Section 17.
Kings of Israel.

NExt vnto Ioash, Israels king,
cap. 14 did Ieroboam raigne,
To Niniue now did Ionas bring
Gods message, not in vaine.
Then did Hosea take his text,
and Amos prophesie.
Cap. 15 But Ieroboam dead; the next
was his sonne Zacharie.
vers. 10.
Whom Shallum slew in open sight,
and raigned in his steed.
vers. 14.
But Menahem did him requite,
and in his seat succeede.
vers. 23.
Then Pekahia, Men'hems sonne,
did weare the Crowne vntill
vers. 25▪
His Captaine Pekah seaz'd thereon,
and did his Soueraigne kill.
Nor had this Pekah raigned long,
but he receiu'd his doome,
[Page 39]
vers. 30.
Hoshea did reuenge the wrong,
and raigned in his roome.
In his time did Salmanaser, Cap. 17
besiege Samaria strong,
vers. 6.
And tooke Hoshea prisoner,
and led with him along
Anno 3265.
All Israel into Syria;
where they did still remaine,
And planted in Samaria,
of his Assyrian traine.
vers 25.
Whom God by Lions did molest,
for their blinde superstition,
Which made them get an Ebrue priest,
to mend their bad religion.

Section 18.
Kings of Judah.

Anno 3260.
THus leauing Israel dispossest,
lets now returne againe,
To Iudah, whom the Lord had blest,
with Hezechias raigne.
Against him, proud Saneherib, Cap. 18
sent railing Rabshekee,
Who to his cost was answered, cap. 19
and caus'd with shame to flee.
[Page 40] Now was the Prophet Micah heard,
and Nahum: but we finde,
Cap. 20 That this good king, from death preseru'd
to Babel is too kind.
Next him, his sonne Manasse raign'd,
cap. 21 a wicked cruell king,
2. Chron. 33. 12. 13.
Vntill he was in Babel chain'd:
but thence God did him bring.
Ammon his sonne, the next in row,
was for Idolatry,
2. Kings 21. 23.
Slaine of his seruants: and as now,
Habakuk did prophesie.
Then yong Iosiah, Ammons sonne,
a worthy Prince and zealous,
cap. 22 Made such a reformation
as was and will be famous.
Now Ieremiah Trumpet-like
cries out; and Zephaniah:
cap. 23 But Necho's men in battle strike,
and slea good king Iosiah.
His sonne Iehoahaz the Crowne
obtain'd; but raign'd not long,
For Pharaoh Necho put him downe,
and chain'd with fetters strong,
2. Chron. 36. 4. 2. Kings 24. 1.
And plac'd his brother in his roome,
Iehoiachim by name,
Who Babels vassell did become
for three yeeres space with shame.
[Page 41]
Anno 3389.
And then rebelling brought againe
great Nabuchadnezer
With all his huge and warlike traine:
who tooke him prisoner,
And bound and caried him away,
with whom to Babylon,
Ezechiel, and Mordecai,
and Daniel are gone,
With other moe of roiall seed.
1. Chron. 3. 16. 2. Kings 24. 8. vers. 10. 11.
yong Iechoni alone
Was left behind in's fathers steed,
to sit on Iudahs throne:
Nor sate he long but Babel doth,
his Souldiers stout command,
To fetch him and his treasure both,
and chiefe men of of the Land.
Anno 3399.
His vncle Zedekiah plac'd,
was in his roome, and crowned:
Who likewise did rebell at last:
but Babels king so frowned, Cap. 24
That vp against Ierusalem, 17
vers. 17. 20.
the fowerth time he came,
And by strong siege so starued them, cap. 25
that warriours fled with shame.
vers. 3. 5.
King Zedekiah also fled,
but Chaldees quickly caught him,
And that due iudgement might be had, cap. 25
They vnto Riblah brought him,
[Page 42]
vers. 6.
And slew his sonnes before his face,
and then put out his eies,
And chained him with all disgrace,
that else they could deuise.
Anno 3400.
And so to Babel they returne,
with prisoners and with pray.
The Temple after that they burne,
and take all thence away.
vers. 8. 9.
Yea burnt the Palace faire and rich
which Solomon did build:
And all the goodly houses which
Ierusalem did yeeld.

Section 19.

BEing now at Babel fast in hold
cap. 1 the finest wits were sought,
Of captiue children, to be school'd,
and Chaldea learning taught.
There Daniel among the rest,
did to such ripenesse come,
That when a dreame the king opprest,
and Wisards all were dumbe,
cap. 2 The dreame forgotten, he disclos'd;
vers. 27.
which was an Image great,
Of metals different compos'd,
from head vnto the feet.
[Page 43]
vers. 46.
This made the king much to admire,
him and his fellowes all;
Yet three were cast into the fire, cap. 3
for that they would not fall
Before his image hugely trimme:
but fire could take no hold.
Another dreame then vexed him, cap. 4
which Daniel did vnfold;
And eke the state of future times, cap. 7
of Monarchs Crownes surprising. 8
Of Christ precisely he diuines 11
and of the deads arising. 12
But Babels king restored back,
from beasts, made better end. cap. 4
Next him, raign'd Euilmerodach,
euen Ieconiahs friend.
Ier. 52.
To him succeeded Balshazzar,
who, in his drunken feast,
Did neither God nor's people spare, cap. 5
for blasphemy and iest;
Till fingers writing on a wall,
dazling his very sight,
vers. 6.
Did so his countenance appall,
was neuer man so fright:
This writng Daniel expounds;
and so without delay,
vers. 30.
That night Darius all confounds,
and tooke his Crowne away.

Section 20.

VVHen now full seuenty yeeres were spent
Anno 3458.
in their Captiuity;
King Cyrus Proclamation sent,
for their deliuery.
Zerubbabel doth them retire,
with all the Temples treasure,
Cap. 1 And full commission to repaire
the ruines at their pleasure.
cap. 4 But crafty foes did plot apace,
the Lords worke to withstand,
By flattering speech vnto their face,
and letters vnder hand;
Yea Hammans hatred cankered,
had made an vtter riddance,
Had not Queene Ester ventured,
cap. 3 her life for Iewes deliuerance.
Then Haggai; also Zacharie,
Cap. 5 their slacknesse doe reproue;
And shortly after Malachi,
their lacke of zeale and loue.
cap. 6. 15. So was the Temple finished,
by Duke Zerubbabel,
Cap. 2 And Nehemi with patent sped,
the walles to build as well,
[Page 45] Which he perform'd for all the hate, cap. 6. 15
of enemies prophane,
Tobiah, wicked Sanballat
and worse Samaritane. Cap. 4
vers. 1. 2.
And then he kept a solemne feast,
whereat the Law was read, Cap. 8
And seal'd a couenant with the rest,
their God to serue and dread. cap. 10
Next Kings and Dukes, the Maccabees,
(as stories doe recite)

1 The Ba­bylonians.

2. The Gre­cians

3. The Ro­mans.

Did rule them: but the Monarchies,
still top't them by their might.
In such subiection did they mourne,
foure hundred yeeres and od,
Vntill Messiah, Christ was borne,
true Man, and very God.

The Dukes of Dauids stocke, after the returne out of Captiuity.

  • 1 Ieconias, Ier. 52.
  • 2 Shealthiel, Hag. 1.
  • 3 Zorobabel.
  • 4 Reza,
  • 5 Ioanna.
  • 6 Iudas Hyrcanus.
  • 7 Ioseph Primus,
  • 8 Abner Semei.
  • 9 Eli Mattathia.
  • 10 Azar Mahat.
  • 11 Nagid Artaxad.
  • 12 Haggai Eli.
  • [Page 46] 13 Maslot Naum.
  • 14 Amos Syrac.
  • 15 Mattathia Siloath.
  • 16 Ioseph Secundus.
  • 17 Ianna Hyrcanus.

This Ianna was slaine by Antiochus Epi­phanes king of Syria, who tyrannized ouer them vntill Mattathias the high Priest ar­med and incouraged his sonnes against him, who draue him out of the countrey and successiuely raigned in his roome.

The Princes and Kings of the Family of the Maccabees.

1 Iudas Maccebeus the sonne of Mat­tathias raigned— 5. yeeres
2 Ionathan an other sonne— 19. yeeres
3 Simon a third sonne,— 8. yeeres
4 Iohannes Hyrcanus— 31 yeeres
5 Aristobulus his sonne— 1 yeere
6 Alexander Ianneus— 27 yeeres
7 Alexandra his wife— 9 yeeres

8 Hyrcanus her sonne succeeded, but Ari­stobulus his younger brother rebelled and made warre against him: wherefore Hyrca­nus sent Embassadours to Pompey the Ro­mane captaine for aid. Pompey came to Ie­rusalem, subdued the Rebels, gaue the go­uernment [Page 47] and Priesthood to Hyrcanus, and caried Aristobulus with his two sonnes A­lexander and Antigonus captiues towards Rome. Alexander escaped by the way, and returned and got part of Galile, but was taken againe by Gabinius, and afterward put to death at Antioch by Scipio the father in law of Pompey. Antigonus was set at li­berty by Iulius Caesar after the battle be­tweene him and Pompey. But comming into Iewry hee dealt cruelly with his old vncle Hyrcanus the high Priest, cutting off his eares and banishing him into Parthia, for which cause hee was taken againe and executed at Antioch, by Antony, Herods Lieutenant in Iewry.

Herod also sent for Hyrcanus out of Par­thia, and put him to death, and so came the family of the Maccabees fully to an end, and the kingdome of Iewry was esta­blished to Herod and his heires.

The posterity of Herod.

THe kingdome or prouince of Iewrie was giuen by Iulius Caesar to Antipa­ter of I dumaea the father of Herod, in re­compence of the faithfull and good seruice [Page 48] which he did him in Egypt, in the time of his warres and danger there.

1 Herod the sonne of Antipater, called Herod the great, was made King by the Senate of Rome, and raigned 37. yeeres. He pulled downe the Temple that was built after the Captiuity, and built an­other after the patterne of Salomons won­derfull richly and stately. He put to death Aristobulus and Alexander his sonnes vpon suspition of Treason.

2 Archelaus another of his sonnes ru­led Iudea nine yeeres.

3 Herod Antipas another sonne gouer­ned Galile; he beheaded Iohn Baptist.

4 Plilip another sonne gouerned Ituria.

5 Herod Agrippa the sonne of Aristobu­lus, who killed Iames, and was eaten vp of wormes, Acts cap. 12.

Agrippa his sonne (mentioned with Ber­nice his sister, Acts 5.) being a child was caried into Syria, and the Romans tooke the gouernment of Iewry againe into their owne hands as in former time.

A briefe supputation of the yeres and times, from the Creation of the World, vnto the birth of Christ: collected out of Iunius, according to the Scriptures. The age of the World.

  • Genesis 5.
    • ADam being 130 yeeres old begat Sheth130
    • Sheth at 105 yeeres old begat Enosh235
    • Enosh at 90 begat Kenan325
    • Kenan at 70 begat Mahalaleel395
    • Mahalaleel at 65 begat Iared460
    • Iared at 162 begat Henoch622
    • Henoch at 65 begat Methushelah 687
    • Methushelah at 187 begat Lamech874
    • Lamech at 182 begat Noah1056
    • Noah at 502 begat Shem1558
    • In his 500. yeere he begat Ia­phet, for thus Iunius readeth it out of the Hebrue (brother to Iapheth the elder,) Gen. 10. 21.
  • [Page 50] Genesis 11.
    • 1658 Shem at 100. yeeres old begat Arphachshad.
    • This being two yeeres after the flood, (which came in Noahs sixe hundreth yeers) it followeth that he was begotten in the fiue hun­dred and second yeere of Noah, Gen. 11. vers. 10.
    • 1693 Arphachshad at 35. begat Shelah.
    • 1723Shelah at 30. begat Heber.
    • 1757Heber at 35. begat Peleg.
    • 1787Peleg at 30. begat Reu.
    • 1819Reu at 32. begat Serug.
    • 1849Serug at 30. begat Nahor.
    • 1878Nahor at 29. begat Terah.
    • Terah at 70. began to beget chil­dren, (saith Iunius) and at 130. 2 begat Abram

This plainely appeareth, for Terah was 205. yeeres old when hee died in Haran, Gen. 11. 32. and Abram going out of Haran shortly after was but 75. Gen. 12. 4. Now diduct the sonnes age out of the fathers, and there remaineth 130. to Terah at A­brams birth.

2108 Abraham at 100 yeeres old begat Izhaak.

2168 Izhaak at 60. begat Esau and Iaakob.

2298 Iaakob being 130. yeeres old, goeth down [Page 51] into Egypt, Gen. 47. 9.

Iaakob died 17. yeeres after his comming 2315 into Egypt, Gen. 47. 28

Ioseph died 53. yeeres after his father Iaa­kob, 2368 Gen. 50,

Moses was borne 60. yeeres after the death 2428 of Ioseph.

Moses was 80. yeeres old, when hee stood 2508 before Pharaoh, Exod. 7. 7.

The Tabernacle was reared the second 2510 yeere after, Exod. 40. 17.

Moses died 40. yeeres after the departure 2549 out of Aegypt, and 39. after the Taber­nacle erect, Deut. 1. 3.

Ioshua died 17. yeeres after Moses. 2566

Othniel died 40. yeeres after Ioshua. 2606

Ehud died 80. yeeres after Othniel. 2686

Deborah died 40. yeeres after Ehud. 2726

Gedeon died 40, yeeres after Deborah. 2766

Abimelech vsurped 3. yeeres. 2769

Tola died 23. yeeres after Abimelech. 2792

Iair died 22. yeeres after Tola. 2814

Iphtah died 6. yeeres after Iair. 2820

Ibzan died 7. yeeres after Iphtah 2827

Elon died 10. yeeres after Ibzan. 2837

Abdon died 8. yeeres after Elon. 2845

Sampson died 20. yeeres after Abdon. 2865

Eli died 40. yeeres after Sampson. 2905

[Page 52] Samuel succeeded to the time of Saul.

2905 Saul began his raigne, and raigned alone, and with Samuel—40. yeeres.

2945 Dauid raigned 40. yeeres

2985 Salomon raigned 40. yeeres

3025 Rehoboam raigned 17. yeeres.

3042 Abiam raigned 3. yeeres.

3045 Asa raigned—41 yeeres.

3086 Iehosaphat raigned 25 yeeres.

3111 Iehoram raigned 4. yeeres after his fathers death; hauing beene made Viceroy twice in his fathers life time. First, in his se­uenteenth yeere, as appeareth 1. Kings 22. 51. compared with 2. Kings 1. 17. And againe, in his 22. yeeres, as appeareth 2. Kings 3. 1. compared with cap. 8. 16.

3115 Athaliah raigned 6. yeeres.

3121 Ioash raigned 39. yeeres.

3160 Amasiah raigned 29. yeeres.

In his seuenteenth yeere (or the fourth of Ieroboam K. of Israel) there was a con­spiracie against him, and he fled to Lachish, and liued there a banished man 11. yeeres, Vzziah his sonne being in the meane space made king by the common people, 2. Ki. 14. 21. See Iunius his note on the place.

3177 Vzziah raigned 52. yeeres

About this time began the Greeke Olym­piads, [Page 53] by which they made a computation of all memorable matters. It was againe instituted by Hercules on the hill Olympus in Greece, which was held in the beginning of euery fifth yeere, and continued fiue daies, with great solemnity, and concourse out of all Countries. 3229

Iotham raigned alone—15. yeeres— 3244

Ahaz raigned—16. yeeres— 3260

Hezekiah raigned—29 yeeres— 3289

Manasse raigned—55 yeeres. 3344

Ammon raigned—2 yeeres— 3346

Iosiah raigned—31. yeeres.— 3377

Iehoiakim raigned—11 yeeres— 3388

Ieconiah raigned three months and was ca­ried captiue to Babel, 2. Chron. 36. 3399

Zedekiah raigned— [...]1 yeeres.— 3425

From Zedekiah to the exaltation of Iehoia­kin 2. King. 25. 30.—26 yeeres—

In Summe.
  • From the Creation of Adam to the flood, are—1656 yeeres.
  • From the flood to the death of Ioshua, are—910 yeeres.
  • From Ioshua to the death of Eli, are—339 yeeres.
  • From Eli to the deportation of Ieconias, are—473 yeeres.
  • [Page 54]
    Anno 3458.
    From the Captiuity of Ieconias to the E­dict of Cyrus for their deliuerance (pro­mised, Ier. 25. 11. and performed in the first yeere of his raigne) are—70. yeres.
  • From the Edict of Cyrus, beginneth the first of Daniels 70. weekes.
  • These 70. weekes are to bee expounded as the Sabbaths, or Weekes of the yeere of Iubile, Leuit. 25. 8. and they containe in the whole—490 yeeres.

These are diuided by Gabriel the Angel into three parts, Dan. 9. 25.

First he appointeth 7. weekes, or a Sab­bath of weekes, or a Iubile of 49. yeeres, for the building of the Temple, and re­storing of the pure worship of God.

Secondly, hee appointeth 62. weekes (which containe 434. yeeres) for repairing of the City, and building the walles. And these beginne with the commission of Ne­hemiah, from Darius Artaxerxes Longima­nus Neh. 2. 9. and reach vnto the last weeke in which Messiah began to preach.

Thirdly, he speaketh of the last weeke, and diuideth it into two parts.

1 In the first part, and middest of it, or in the fourth yeere, he saith that Mes­siah shall abolish the sacrifice and oblati­on: [Page 55] namely by offering vp himselfe once for all, Heb. 10. 14. Which is more plaine­ly expressed, Dan. 9. 26. where he is said to be cut off, or crucified and deliuered to death. But nothing to him, that is, death shall not preuaile ouer him, but that hee shall make good his iudgements vpon a rebellious and gaine-saying people. For it is said, [He shall destroy the City, and the ho­ly things,] or the Temple; and that with such seuerity, as if a flood of wrath and iudgement swallowed vp all.

These 69. weekes and a halfe weeke, containe 487. yeeres, which fall out iust, by this account.

  • From the Edict of Cyrus to the re-edi­fying of the Temple, and the returne of
    Ezra. 6, 15 7, 12 Anno 3507.
    the people, by the command of Artaxer­xes, the whole time of Ezra his story, are—49. yeeres,
  • From the Temple finished, to the repai­ring of the City Ierusalem, and the end of
    Anno 3577.
    Arsanes his raigne; the time of Nehemiahs story,—70. yeeres
  • From thence to the death of Alexander the great, are—12. yeeres.
  • Alexander died in the first yeere of the 114. Olympiade, and Christ was crucified [Page 56] the last yeere of the 202. Olympiade. Which 89. Olympiades containe—356. yeeres,
    Anno 3945.
    and so is the summe 487. fully made vp.

The latter part, or other halfe of the weeke, is referred vnto the Reuelation of the new Testament, cap. 11. 3. where it is said, that the two Witnesses should prophecy, 1260 daies, or 42. months; which make vp three yeeres and a halfe: and so the full number of the 70. weekes.

The second Part.

The first Section.

OF Abrahams seed and Dauids line,
directly he descended;
Mat. 1.
So haue th' Euangelists diuine
Luk 3.
by scripture left cōmended
Before him was an Herauld sent,
his comming to proclaime:
Mat. 3.
Wo cried in wildernesse repent,
the paths of God make plaine.
His cloathing was of haire and skinne,
his meat, of no great cost:
Mat. 14.
And for reprouing Herods sinne,
his head at last he lost.
Iohn Baptist he was call'd: his name,
by Gabriel was fore-told
Luk. 1.
(And eke his birth, and why he came)
to Zacharias old;
[Page 58] Too old to haue such newes beleeu'd,
vers. 18.
and therefore was strooke dumbe,
Vntill Elizabeth conceiu'd,
and all to passe was come.
vers. 26.
To Mary eke of Nazaret,
a Virgin pure and chaste,
With salutation high and great,
this Gabriel did haste.
Shewing that she must mother be,
Gods deare Sonne forth to bring,
The Holy Ghost by high decree
her ouer-shadowing.
Yet was shee at that time betroth'd
Mat. 1.
to Ioseph (Scriptures say)
Who finding her with child, bethought,
to put her close away.
But then an Angell warned him,
by dreame, to keepe her still,
For that she had conceiu'd within
was Gods owne worke and will.

Section 2.

Luk 2.
AT Bethlehem was Iesus borne,
the Sauiour of mankind;
And laid in cratch, as one forlorne,
such welcome did he finde.
[Page 59] By Angels was his birth made knowne,
to Shepheards: forthwith they
Found out the Babe, as had beene showne,
and published it with ioy.
The eight day was he circumcis'd,
th [...]n did the Temple grace him,
Where good old Simon well aduis'd,
and Anne, were glad t'imbrace him.
Mat. 2.
Out of the East there came from farre,
wise men, him worshipping,
Directed by a speciall starre,
to find out Iudahs king.
They offered gifts, and warned were
by God, in their returne,
To take good heede, and not come neere
king Herod, who did burne
With wrath and enuie for the bruit,
of this great king of kings,
And being mocked sendeth out,
and slew all the sucklings.
God vnto Ioseph warning gaue
to Egypt thence to flye,
The babe and mother there to saue,
from Herods cruelty.
King Herod dead, then hasted he
to Israel againe:
But turn'd aside to Galilee,
because his sonne did raigne,
[Page 60] And all this was for to acquite
the Prophecies of old,
From Egypt and a Nazarite,
to come, he was fore-told

Section 3.

AT twelue yeeres old, with Doctors he
Luk 2,
in Temple doth dispute;
The hearers all amazed be,
vers. 46.
his mother also is mute.
At thirty yeeres he was baptiz'd
Mat. 3
by Iohn in Iordan flood;
And by God, for his son agniz'd
while heauen open stood.
Mat. 4.
To wildernesse then was he led,
and fasted forty daies:
The diuell there he vanquished,
though tempted many waies.
And so, his ministry of waight,
he closely sets about:
He chuseth twelue Apostles straight,
Mat. 10.
and also sends them out:
Luk. 10.
And seuenty mo, by two and two,
he sent with like command,
To preach, to heale, and to subdue
the diuels that did withstand.
[Page 61]
Mat. 17
To quicken them the more, he did
part of his glory shew,
On mountaine high transfigured
into an heauenlie hew.
Nor was he idle, but did purge
Ioh, 2. 14.
the Temple first and last,
Luk. 19. 45
And still he did repentance vrge,
as vp and downe he past.

Section 4.

Mat. 13
AT Nazeret he tooke his text
in Esai's prophecie:
Luk. 4.
Whence hardly scaping, he did next,
to Capernaum hie.
There Satan shew'd his discontent
Mat. 4.
but strongly was cast out,
Vnto the great astonishment,
of all that stood about.
Ioh. 3.
To Doctor Nichodemus old,
a lesson strange he taught.
The woman of Samaria bold,
Ioh. 4.
and crafty, yet was caught:
Vpon the Mount he shew'd at large,
Mat. 5.
true blessednes most cleare,
And then set out the weighty charge
his ministers doe beare.
[Page 62] The Lawes of God he likewise there
did perfectly expound,
Mat. 6.
He taught them how to pray and where,
and did a forme set downe,
Of almes, of fasting, carking care,
of iudgeing, knocking, striuing,
Of Prophets false how to beware,
and other Christian liuing.
Which, partly he by Parable,
and partly, plainely taught.
Eche word and euery syllable,
with power in hearers wrought.
By a Builders, b Bridegrome, c Birds and d Bread
by e Beasts, f Theeues, g Spirits vncleane,
By h Seruants i Shepherds, k Salt, & l Seed,
by m Nets, n new Cloth and Wine.

Christs Parables.

  • a Note: Mat. 7. 24. THe Builders on the rocke and the sand—
  • Note: Mat. 21. 22 The Stone which the Builders refused—
  • Note: Luk. 14. 28. To count the cost, before building—
  • b Note: Mat. 9. 15The children of the Bride-chamber—
  • Note: Mat. 22. 2.The Mariage of the Kings sonne—
  • Note: Mat. 25. 1. The Bridgrome and ten Virgines—
  • c Note: Mat. 6-26.The Foules of heauen sow not—
  • [Page 63] Note: Mat. 10. [...]9 Two Sparrowes sold for a farthing—
  • Note: Ma. 23. 37Oh Ierusalem, Ierusalem, how often—
  • d Note: Ma. 15. 26Not to take the childrens bread—
  • Note: Mat. 7. 9.If a sonne aske bread, will he giue—
  • Note: Joh. 6 48.I am the bread of life—
  • e Note: Mat. 8. 20. Foxes haue holes—
  • Note: Mat. 7. 6.Giue not holy things to Dogges—
  • Note: Ma. 12 34.Generation of Vipers, how can ye speak
  • f Note: Ma. 24. 43 The th [...]efs time vnknowne—
  • Note: Luk. 10. 30A Traueller fell among theeues—
  • Note: Joh. 10. 1Climbers another way are theeues—
  • g Note: Ma. 12. 27.If I by Belzebub cast out—
  • Note: vers. 47.When the vncleane spirit is gone—
  • h Note: Mat. 6. 24.No man can serue two Masters—
  • Note: Ma. 18. 32The cut throat seruant—
  • Note: Ma. 24. 46The seruant blessed, so doing—
  • Note: Luk. 17. 7.Who bids his seruant, sit downe
  • i Note: M. 18. 12The straied sheepe, of a hundred
  • Note: Joh. 10. 11The good shepheard giuing his life
  • Note: Ma. 25. 33The sheepe, and the goates
  • Note: Mat. 9. 36. The multitude scattered as sheepe
  • k Note: Ma. 5. 13 Yee are the salt of the earth.
  • Note: Luk. 14. 34 Salt is good, but if it hath lost.
  • Note: Mar. 9. 49Euery man shall be salted with fire
  • l Note: Mat. 13. 3The Sower went forth to sow
  • Note: Ma. 13. 24.The enemy sowing Tares
  • Note: vers. 31.The kingdome of heauen like a mustard­seede
  • [Page 64] Note: Mat. 17. 20Faith as a graine of Mustard seed.
  • m Note: Ma. 13. 4The kingdome of heauen like a draw­net.
  • n Note: Ma. 9. 16New patches, old garments.
  • New wine, old bottles.
  • o Note: Ma. 5. 14Ye are the the light of the world.
  • Note: Mat. 5. 15.A candle vnder a bushell.
  • Note: Mat. 6. 22.The light of the body is the eie.
  • Note: Ma. 7. 3.The mote in thy brothers eie.
  • Note: Joh. 8. 12I am the light of the world.
  • p Note: Ma. 13. 33It is like Leuen which a woman hid.
  • Note: Mat. 16. 6.The Leuen of the Pharisies.
  • q Note: Luk. 14. 8Sit not vpermost at a feast.
  • Note: vers. 12.Call not thy friends to feast.
  • Note: vers. 16.The great supper.
  • r Note: Luk. 16. 9.Friends with the riches of iniquity.
  • Note: Luk. 11. 5The friend comming at midnight.
  • ſ
    Luk. 12. 16
    The rich Farmer pulling down his barns
  • Luk. 16. 19.
    The rich Glutton, clothed in purple.
  • Luk. 16. 1
    The rich mans Steward that wasted.
  • Note: Luk. 18. 10The rich Pharisie, and poore Publican.
  • t Note: M. 7. 17Euery good tree beareth good fruit.
  • Note: Ma. 1 [...]. 13Euery plant which my heauenly father.
  • Note: Mat. 21. 19The barren Fig-tree cursed.
  • Note: Ma 26 32The greene fig-tree sheweth Summer.
  • Note: Luk. 13. 6.The fruitlesse fig-tree spared.
  • u Note: Ma 2 [...]. 14The Talents bestowed.
  • Note: Ma▪ 6. 19.The Treasure in heauen.
  • [Page 65] Note: Ma. 12. 35Treasures of the heart.
  • Note: Ma. 13. 44Treasures in the field.
  • Note: vers. 52.The good Scribes treasure.
  • x Note: Lu. 15. 11The prodigall sonne.
  • Note: Ma. 11. 16The little children piping.
  • Note: Ma▪. 18. 3Except ye be conuerted as children.
  • Note: Mat. 21. 28The dissembling sonne and his brother
  • y Note: Luk. 15. 8.The womans lost groate.
  • Note: Luk. 18. 2.The importunate widdow.
  • Note: Mat. 24. 41Two women grinding,
  • Note: Ma. 12. 50 Christ his mother, sister and brother.
  • z Note: M. 7. 13 The straight gate leading to life.
  • Note: Joh. 14. 6 I am the way.
  • * Note: Ioh. 15. 1.I am the true Vine.
  • Note: Ma. 21. 33The Vineyard hedged and husbanded.
  • Note: Mat. 20. 1. The labourers hired into the Vineyard.
By o Light and p Leuen, q Feasts & r Friends
by s Rich men, t Trees, and u Treasure.
By x Children, y Women, z Waies, and * Vines.
he vttered out of measure
Deepe mysteries which long lay hid,
which he from heauen brought:
And by miraculous power he did
confirme what he had taught.

Section. 5.

AT Cana he did at their need
Ioh. 2.
turne water into wine.
[Page 66]
Mat. 14.
And with fiue loaues, fiue thousand fed,
by his great power diuine.
Mat. 15. Mat. 14. 26 Mat. 8. 26. Christs miracles.
Another time fower thousand men,
with seuen loaues he filled.
He walked on the sea: and when
it raged, the waues he stilled.
Ma 9. 27 Mat. 12. 22 Mat. 20. 31 Mar. 8. 23. John. 9. 1.
sight he gaue to many blind
Ma. 9. 32 Ma. 12. 22 Mar. 7. 32.
speech vnto the dumb,
Ma. 12. 10 Joh. 5. 8. Luk. 13. 11.
lame their limmes do firmely finde,
Mar. 7. 32.
deafe to hearing come.
Mat. 8. 6. Mat. 8. 14. Mat. 9. 2. Mat. 9 20. Mat. 14. 26 Mat 22.
healed sicknesses long bred,
Mat. 8. 3. Luk. 17. 12.
foule and leprous euils.
Yea more,
Luk. 7. 12 Iohn 11. 1. Iohn 5. [...]7.
he raised vp the dead;
Ma. 8. 19 Mat. 9. 32 Ma [...]. 17. 1 [...]. Mar. 9. 20
disposses'd the diuels.
Yet for all this he was not free
but had controllers many
To carpe and quarrell, prie and see,
if fault they could find any:
Among the rest, the Sadduces,
with those of Herods traine,
Cap. 21 Cap. 9 The Scribes also and Pharises,
did euer more remaine,
His deadly enemies and did seeke,
to trap him in a snare,
By crafty questions, rough or meeke;
what way, they did not care.
But yet his hower was not come
he still preach'd painfully▪
[Page 67] And them bequeath'd a heauy doom,
For their hypocrisie.
Mat. 23. Mat. 24.
Ierusalem her fearefull state,
he did with greefe fore-say.
The manner eke he did relate,
of the last iudgement day.
But comforteth his chosen ones
John 14.
with spirituall consolation,
As sweetly may be seene in Iohn's 15
diuine, and long relation. 16
And so to Bethani he went, 17
where Simon him receiued:
And Maries box vpon him spent,
Mat. 26.
dissembling Iudas grieued.
Then was the passeouer prepar'd,
and Iudas pointed out,
A traitor to his Soueraigne Lord:
and then he went about,
A work of grace, a Sacrament,
a Supper to ordaine,
A seale of loue, a testament
that should with his remaine.
Thence went he to Mount Oliuet,
as was his vse to pray:
Of scattering and of scandall great,
he told them by the way.

Section 6.

MEane while did Priests a Councill cal,
and did his death conspire,
They hired Iudas in their Hall,
to worke them their desire:
Who promis'd to effect it so,
as that they should not misse,
With him their Captaine, on they goe,
their token is a kisse.
As Christ in garden praying was,
with sighs and groanes most deepe,
That fearefull Cup to haue it passe:
the rest opprest with sleepe.
In comes this rude and bloody route,
which Peter could not beare
But drew his sword, and laid about,
and cut off Malchus eare;
Ioh. 18.
Which heal'd; they led him quietly,
with torches, clubs and swords,
Who at his very entery
Ioh, 18. 6.
did fell them with his words.
The poore Apostles scattered are.
Mat. 26.
yea Peter void of hope,
Deni'd his Master, curs'd and sware
Mat. 27▪
but Iudas stretch'd a rope.
[Page 69] To high Priests Hall, they led him then,
and witnesse false suborned.
Mar. 14▪
Spat in his face, and by their men,
he was both beate and scorned.
Mat. 27
Then did they him to Pilat send,
where being found most cleare:
To free him Pilat did intend,
and that the Iewes did feare,
Luk. 23.
And then began with might and maine,
tumultuously to cry,
To let loose Barrabas againe,
and Christ to crucifie.
Mat. 27.
Nor were the common Souldiers slacke.
to strip him of his weede.
A Scarlet robe put on his back,
and in his hand a reede,
And on his head a crowne of thornes,
then doe they bow the knee.
So, on him hauing spent their scornes,
to Golgatha goes hee.
They forced Simon by the way,
to helpe his Crosse to beare,
On which, his hands they did display,
his flesh they pierce and teare.
Betwixt to Theeues they did him place,
and gaue him gall to drinke,
They shew'd him all the vile disgrace
that heart of man could thinke.
[Page 70]
Luk. 23. 34. Mar. 15▪ 29
Which patiently he did indure,
from all that by did passe.
Vntill was come that blessed houre,
wherein all finish'd was.

Section 7.

Mat. 27.
THen rent the Temple vaile in twaine,
the rocks did cleaue asunder,
The graues did ope, the dead againe,
did rise and walke with wonder.
The earth lay trembling, and the sunne
abasht in darknes bode,
Luke 23▪ Mat. 27.
And then cried the Centurion,
this was the Sonne of God.
His body Ioseph did take downe,
and lap'd in linnen sweet,
And in a new tombe of his owne,
did bury it as was meet.
The Priests his resurrection fear'd,
and therefore tooke good heede,
To keep him sure with watch and ward,
and seal'd the tombe with speed.
Mat. 28.
But he the third day did arise,
as he had them fore-told.
Then did the Priests, to publish lies,
corrupt the guard with gold,
[Page 71] He being risen did appeare
and charged the eleuen,
To preach & baptize euery where
by warranty from heauen.
And purposing to furnish them,
with knowledg tongues and art,
He bids them, from Ierusalem, Cap. 1
in no wise to depart,
Till promises performed were:
which said: out of their sight,
A cloud to Heauen did him bear:
and two in garments white,
Did check their gazing and foreshewd,
his comming backe againe.
Then to the City backe they goe,
where all as one remaine
In praier and request to God:
There Peter doth propose
To fill the number that was od:
the lot Matthias chose.

Section 8.

VPon the day of Pentecost, Cap. 2
in clouen tongues like fire,
From Heauen high, the holy Ghost,
th' Apostles did inspire.
[Page 72] Then did they in strange tongues report,
the wondrous workes of God,
Astoni'st was their with each sort
of strangers that abode
Within the City; others mock't,
but Peter tooke their part,
cap. 3 And by his Sermon, soundly knock'd,
three thousand at the heart.
cap. 3 Then Iohn and he together ioin'd,
and heal'd the Creeple lame.
To prison though they were confin'd,
cap. 4 yet were they freed for shame.
To preach the truth they were all bold,
and many wonders wrought,
Nor would they be by Priests controul'd,
though oft in danger brought.
For they in suffering did reioice,
and God sent helpe at need;
cap. 5 The Hypocrites at Peters voice,
were suddenly strooke deade.
Then did they for poore widowes moane,
cap. 6 seuen honest Deacons chuse,
Of which, was worthy Stephen one,
cap. 7 who martired was by Iewes.
Saul was consenting to this deed,
cap. 8 and with his threatnings sore,
Scatered th' Apostles farre and wide,
but Gods word grew the more.
[Page 73] By Philip in Samaria,
with power it was taught.
And into Aethiopia,
'twas by the Eunuch brought.
Damascus was an harbourough,
for Saints: but Saul he frets,
And by high Priests commission now, cap. 9
not one spares whom he gets,
But by the way he was withstood,
God turned all about.
Saul of a persecutor proud,
was made a Preacher stout.
At Ioppa Peter rais'd the dead
and did the Gospell plant, cap. 10
And in Caesaria he sped,
Captaine Cornelius want.
At Antioch the Word was spred, Cap. 11
by Preachers there disperst,
Who truely following Christ their head,
were there call'd Christians first.
Now Herod storm's, kill's Iames, and close Cap. 12
in prison Peter cast,
An Angell sent, his chaines doth lose,
wormes eate the King at last.

Section. 9.

BVt Paul) call'd Saul) surpast them all,
in patience and paines-taking.
[Page 74] To preach the word to great and small,
he euermore was waking;
By day, by night, by sea, by land,
by pen and eke by mouth.
Though perils great were oft at hand,
yet publish'd he the truth:
Foure speciall iourneies did he make,
in lesser Asia one,
And twice he cross'd the
or Mare AEgaeum.
Graecian lake,
and then to Rome is gone.
With him also the holy Ghost,
cap. 13 set Barnabas apart,
Their charge was in the heathen coast,
the Gentiles to conuert.
From Antioch they first set out
and vnto Paphos came:
Where Sergius to the faith was brought,
and Elymas to shame.
Then in Pisidia did he preach,
and in Iconion
cap. 14 He staied long, and still did teach,
till stirres cause him be gone.
cap. 14 Thence did hee vnto Listra flee,
v. 11. 19.
and there he heal'd the lame,
For which, a god, then ston'd, but he,
thence backe to Antioch came.
Th'Apostles at Ierusalem
cap. 15 did now a Councell call,
[Page 75] A false opinion to condemne
which did the Church befall.
A second iourney they intend,
but Iohn Marke doth diuide them:
Barnabas doth to Cyprus bend,
but Paul and Silas hide them
Through Syria and Silicia,
and with them they consort
Yong Timothe, of whom they haue, Cap. 16
a speciall good report.
To Macedonia by night,
they called were and sent,
The Diuell there giues God his right,
there [...]ydia doth repent,
And eke the Iailor: foorthwith they
to Thessalonica come,
Noble Berea next with ioy Cap. 17
doth lend them eares and rome.
In Athens next he did dispute, Cap. 18
vers. 3.
and thence to Corinth came,
With Aquila he there doth sute,
and Crispus christian frame.
There Gallio doth shift his hand,
though hardly Iewes complaine.
vers. 22.
So, backe he goes to Syria, and
to Antioch againe.

Section 10.

THen did he his third iourney haste,
towards Graecia once more,
Thorow lesser Asia he past,
as he had done before.
cap. 19 At Ephesus he made some stay,
for their the word preuailed,
There was Appoll's shew'd the way,
and there Demetrius railed.
Philippi last he visited,
Cap. 20 and thence he sailed backe,
To Troas; where he rais'd the dead
and after, did not slacke,
Vnto Ierusalem to come;
yet sailing thither-ward,
The planted Churches al and some
to see, he had regard.
For in his iourneies as he went,
he preach'd and Churches planted.
Returning too, was diligent,
for to supply what wanted.
He them confirm'd, ordain'd by choise,
cap. 14 Elders in euery place,
And lastly did with cheerefull voice,
commend them to Gods grace.)
[Page 77] At Ptolemais one day they bide, cap. 21
and to Caesaria walked,
Where Philips daughters prophesied,
and Agabus fore-talked,
Of Paul his bands and sufferings great,
but he was naught dismai'd.
To suffer death (though they intreat)
he ready was he said.
So, vp he went, and being there
made to them full relation;
With praise to God they gladly heare,
the Gentiles strange vocation.
To please the Iewes, they did aduise
to purifie him there.
But in the Temple stirres arise,
and like to cost him deere.
Had not the Captaine ceas'd the striefe,
and by his great friendship.
Account he rendred of his life cap. 22
and faith, and scapt the whipe.
Then was he brought before the Priest,
and smitten, but the fraie.
Twixt Saduces, Scribes, and the rest▪ cap. 23
hindred the plea that day.
Then was he vnto Foelix sent
his answere there to make,
Thither also the high Priest went, Cap. 24
and did Tertullus take,
[Page 78] The Oratour, to plead their case;
but nothing yet they gained,
Till Festus came in Felix place,
before him being 'raigned,
cap. 25 And King Agrippa: he thinks well
to yeelde him vp in bands,
Cap. 26 But Paul to Caesar did appeale,
and so escap'd their hands.
To Italie then was he bound,
Cap. 27 with a Centurions guard:
But perils great on sea they found,
the like haue scarce beene heard.
Tost vp and downe, the ship at last,
cap. 27 stucke fast within the sand:
And there was all to peeces dasht;
yet all came safe to land,
At Malta: where the Viper quick,
cap. 28 made the Barbarians quail,
Paul scap'd the danger, heal'd their sicke,
and thence to Rome did saile.
Where he arriuing was by Iewes,
both mette and entertained,
Hee told the brethren ioifull newes,
and two yeeres there remained,
In his owne house, and guarded by
a souldier of the traine,
Vntill that Nero cruelly,
did cause him to be slaine.

Reuelation Section 11.

AS Paul in preaching got the prize,
so, Iohn did mount most high,
Gods holy hidden mysteries,
and secrets to descrie.
In Patmos on the Lord his day, cap. 1
he rauish'd was in spirit.
Blessed from heauen are all they,
that read and keepe his writ.
First, to the seuen Churches he
sends healthful saluation, cap. 4
Then sets he out Gods maiesty cap. 5
with a booke of Reuelation.
But seuen seales this Booke did close,
and none could be found out
Worthy the seales for to vnlose,
till came the Lion stout
Of Iuda's Tribe, the Lambe once slaine,
he euery seale did open,
And each seale drew as in a chaine,
some strange and speciall token.
The first, produc'd a Horse milke-white,
(the Gospels speed and power)
The second red, and did delight cap. 6
by blood-shed to deuoure.
[Page 80] The third was blacke, and notice had
of plague and famine fell.
The fourth horse full pall and sad,
did Antichrist foretell.
The fifth Seale open'd did bewray,
Saints soules that had beene killed;
Which vnder heauens alter lay,
till were the number filled,
The sixth vnsealed, their were seene
most fearefull signes and wonders:
But God seal'd (spite of Satans spleene)
Cap. 7 twelue times, twelue thousand numbers
Last, opening the seuenth seale,
cap. 8 loe, Angels seuen attend,
c. 11. 15. Before the Lord, and they reueale
Cap. 8 things to the worlds full end.
9 These Angels, seuen Trumpets had,
11 but each in order bloes,
And for the world would be so bad,
denounced nought but woes.

Section 12.

cap. 10 THen mightely with glorious looke,
Christ Iesus is reuealed,
And in his hand a little booke,
but open and vnseled.
[Page 81] This Booke S t. Iohn did take and ate,
and it th'estate contained,
Of Gods Church present, and of that
her glory which remained.
For present state, she neuer wants,
the preaching of Gods spell,
Two Candlesticks, two Oliue plants, Cap. 11
two witnesses this tell.
And though she cloath'd be with the Sun
and on the Moone doe tread,
Yet warres against her are begun,
by foes that make her dread.
And first the Dragon caus'd her fly, Cap. 12
into Gods wildernesse:
But Michael from heauen high,
his fury doth represse.
Then did a Beast make warre on her, cap. 13
seuen headed, and ten horned:
And after him there did appeare
another Beast adorned
Like to the Lambe, with hornes but two,
Yet Dragon-like he spake,
And did what the first beast could doe,
compelling all to take
His marke vpon their fore-head: yet
the Lambe hath thousands still,
On earth that him with praises greet, cap. 14
signed to doe his will.

Section 13.

NOr doth he Babylon forget,
the Idolatrous drunken whore,
Three Angels he against her set,
and after, seuen more:
cap. 14 The first, by preaching to descry,
the next, to shew her fall,
The third doth torments notifie,
bequeath'd her louers all.
Those seuen, seuen vials had,
cap. 15 full of the wrath of God,
Which they powr'd out as they were bad
on all the earth abroad,
cap. 16 Vnto the ruine of the Beast,
and of the whore of Rome,
Cap. 17 That golden-purple Antichrist:
for this her heauy dome,
Kings of the earth and Marchants proud,
Cap. 18 take vp a lamentation:
But holy Saints, sing praises lowd,
Cap. 19 for Churches preseruation,
Vnto the Conquerour of fame,
that cloath'd is with the word,
And beares on thigh, a mighty name,
and in his mouth a sword;
[Page 83] Who summoned triumphantly,
to his victorious feast,
The fowles that by mid-heauen fly.
As for his foe, the Beast,
He with the Prophet false were cast,
into the brimstone lake:
The sword deuoured all the rest,
that part with him did take.
And then the Diuell that Dragon stout, cap. 20
that Serpent old (once chained,
A thousand yeeres, and then let out,
he fiercely rag'd and raigned,
With Gog and Magogs armed strength,
whom God consum'd in ire.) cap. 20 9
The Diuell (I say) was cast at length,
in lake of brimstone fire.
And with him, all the damned race:
for God comes on his throne,
A dreadfull Iudge▪ before whose face,
both heauen and earth are gone,
And hell and graue and sea and land,
deliuer vp their dead;
Who all before the Iudge doe stand,
and bookes are opened;
As they haue done, doom doth begin,
his worke eche one commendeth;
The wicked out, the godly in,
and so the Session endeth.

Section 14.

Now doth S t. Iohn liuely describe,
the Church her glorious state,
Wife of the Lambe, th'espoused bride,
Christ Iesus heauenly mate:
cap. 19 Who was found worthy to be clad,
in pure and bright aray:
And was exhorted to be glad,
against her mariage day.
Ierusalem new, holy great,
cap. 21 from heauen downe descending,
God and the Lambe there hold their seat,
it lightning and defending.
The forme is ech way fower square,
the matter gold and pearle,
The Citizens more noble are,
then earthly Lord or Earle.
Twelue gates there are for entrance wide,
the Porters, Angels stout,
A wall most high on euery side,
doth compasse it about.
The weight of glory there reseru'd,
can no mans tongue impart,
Eie hath not seene, eare hath not heard,
nor enter can mans heart.
[Page 85] There is no sorrow, paine, nor care,
no want of cloth or foode,
No filth, no darkenesse, curse nor feare,
no want of any good.
There is of life the tree and spring, cap. 22
the store-house of all treasures:
There Saints triumph, there Angels sing,
in paradise of pleasures.
There liu's our head, let vs not slacke,
but euer watch and pray:
Our Sauiour will come quickly backe:
euen so, come L [...]d away.

Sine fine sit laus Deo.

Certaine briefe notes, collected out of late and approued wri­ters, for the better vnderstan­ ding of the booke of REVELATION.

SAint Iohn receiued & wrote this Apocalyps, or Reuelation of the mysteries of God, when hee was in Patmos. Patmos is an Iland, lying in the Aegaean, or Grecian Sea, which diui­deth Asia from Europ, whither he was bani­shed by Domitian the persecuting Emperor of Rome, about the yeere—96.

The seuen Churches to which he wrote were seuen famous Cities of Asia the les­ser, and Greece, where the Gospell was plan­ted.

The seuen Seales.

THe first is referred to the times of the primitiue Church, wherein Christ by his Apostles and Ministers, subdued nati­ons [Page 88] to the obedience of the Gospell, Acts 2. 41.

2 The second, is referred to the time of the cruell persecutions, vnder the bloody Emperours, Caligula, Nero, Domitian, and the rest, vntill the time of Constantine, who comforted the Church.

3 The third, shewing the plagues of Fa­mine, Pestilence and Warres, that follow­ed the contempt of the Gospell, is refer­red, chiefely to the times of the Gothes, Hunnes and Vandals. And these plagues come on Horsebacke] noting the genera­lity or dispersion of them into many countries.

4 The fourth, some make to signifie a part of the plagues fore-mentioned: but more probably it signifieth Antichrist; as King Iames is of opinion. See more in the description of Antichrist following; and more at large in that Christian, learned, and magnanimous premonition of his Excellent Maiestie, prefixed to his Apology for the oath of Alleagiance.

5 The fifth, sheweth the safe estate of them that haue suffered for the truth, be­ing vnder the altar of Gods protection.

6 The sixth, sheweth great alterations, [Page 89] and commotions of states and kingdoms; the Diuell stopping the course of the Gos­pell; and Christ preseruing his, in all cor­ners of the earth. Cap. 7. 2.

The seuenth sheweth the effect of the Diuells rage, namely the springing vp of heresies, the fall of ministers and teachers, the height of corruption and abomina­tion in the Pope and Turke.

The 7. Trumpets.

BY these, God proclaimeth open warre with the world; but his elect are still in safe estate. Cap. 8. 3.

The foure first trumpets shew the hat­ching of heresies and errors, and the in­crease of them after the first 300. yeares.

The three last shew the full growth and diuellish power of them, in the Pope, and Turke, to the affliction of the Church and the finall iudgement and torment of A­theists and Papists, denounced by three woes: Cap. 8. 13.

A Description of the Church.

SHe is called a woman, Cap. 12.

First because without Christ her hus­band she is weake, and can do nothing▪

2. By coniunction with Christ she bring­eth forth children vnto God.

3. Because her loue & affection is alwaies set on Christ her husband.

She is cloathed with the Sun) of righte­ousnes Christ Iesus.

She treadeth on the Moon, that is, con­temneth the world and earthly things.

She hath a crowne of twelue starres, that is, the doctrine of the Gospell garnished with the Ministry of the twelue Apo­stles.

She laboureth of child) namely and first of all Christ Iesus the heire of all; and then of his members in all ages: the destruction of whom, the Dragon did and doth stil watch. Cap. 12. 4.

A Description of the Diuell.

HE is called a Dragon, Cap. 12. 3. for his cruelty and malice: and a red Dra­gon, for his thirst and greedy desire after blood.

His 7. heads shew his manifold sleights and subtilties.

His ten horns shew his great and dread­full power.

His seuen Crowns, signifie the victories he hath gotten.

His taile, of ambition, lust, and couetous­nesse, reacheth to Heauen, and brusheth downe the third part of the stars: that is, many of the ministers, from their glorious firmament, to the earth of shame and ob­scurity. verse 4.

This Dragon was chained a thousand yeares▪ Cap. 20. 2.

These yeares the learned do account frō the 36. yeere after the birth of Christ, (for then the Diuell began to bee madde, be­cause the Iewes being cast off, the Church of the Gentiles began to increase by the [Page 92] power of the Gospell preached) vntill the time of Pope Hildebrand, or Gregory the seuenth, who was a wretched coniurer, & familiar of the Diuell, and therefore a fitte instrument at hand, for the Dragons diuel­lish and persecuting purposes, which with rage and eagernesse hee executed, during the time of the seuen Vials, the last seuen plagues.

A description of the first Beast.

HE is called a Beast, Cap. 13. 1. and sig­nifieth in scripture a monarchy som­times. Dan. 7. 17.

The reason is, for the tyranny of it.

He is said to rise out of the Sea) that is, out of the boyling and broyling of heathē nations, did the great citie, the Queene of the nations, or Roman Monarchy arise, to tyrannize ouer the Church of God. Cap. 12, 15.

His seuen heads signifie the seuen go­uernments of Rome, namely Kings, Con­suls, Decemviri, Dictators, Tribuni militum, [Page 93] Emperors and Bishops. Which last was not then come when Saint Iohn wrote. Cap. 17. 10.

His ten heads signifie tenne Kings, that is, great power, large dominion and com­mand.

His ten crowns signifie many victories: but in that they are on his hornes, and not on his heads, it sheweth he preuailed more by his power, then by subtilty; contrarily the Dragon, whose heads are said to bee crowned. Or as petty Kings vse to weare their crownes on their hats, in token of homage they ow, so this beast, on his horns in token of subiection to the dragon, of whom he receiued his throne and autho­ritie. Cap. 13. 2.

The Description of Antichrist, obserued by the learned to be foure times fully and definite­lie set downe in this Booke.

Cap. 6. 8.

The first descriptiō. FIrst by a pale horse, hauing death for his rider, hell for his conuoy, and pow­er [Page 94] ouer the fourth part of the earth (or Europe,) to kill with the sword, and with hunger (or the famine of the word, as the black horse did by corporall famine) and by beasts, (as Locusts and frogs Cap. 9: 16) by whom she procured the death spiritu­all of Kings, and nations, that dranke of the cup of her abominations. This being done, the soules of the Saints cry for ven­geance, ver. 10. and their crie is heard and request graunted vnder the sixth Seale, ver. 12. &. 17.

CAP. 9. 1

The secōd descriptiō, MOre at large and in this kinde, by his craft and strength &c.

He is called a starre fallen from heauen (or some notable person of great dignity in the Church: falling like Lucifer, from gi­uing light vnto the world, and erecting a kingdome by a noysome packe of craftie and cruel vermine. He hath the key of the bottomlesse pit: (Or of hell it selfe, whi­ther he sendeth and letteth in, thousands of soules, thorow the smoakie mists of darknesse, ignorance and superstition; out of which smoake, came those Locusts (or [Page 95] Abbats, Cardinals, Monks, Friers, Priests and Shauelings) which sting like to Scor­pions (or, with damnable errors and here­sies,) al saue the greene ones of God. ver. 4. And these so stung, finding no comfort in pardons, masses, merits, dirges, crosses, and the like, shall in torment of conscience seek for death, and not finde it. verse 6.

These Locusts are strong and fierce as horses; and their crownes shew them to be conquerours. They haue the faces of men (or faire pretenses of holines) but haire of women (or hearts full of lust) teeth of Lions (to catch inough, and hold fast inough: witnesse the manie fat morsels they did deuoure where-euer they were seated.) Their King is a badde one or Abaddon: the Diuell, and his Vicar the Pope, the spoilers and destroyers of the Church of God. Their doctrine is set down, ver. 20. Worship of diuels and idols (or spirituall fornication) murder (both spirituall & corporall) sorcery (by reliques agnus deies, inchanting praiers, to preserue, from shot, sword, thunder, and the like.) Fornication (corporall, through inordi­nate lusts, and lecherie, increased by idle­nesse, and bellicheere, in both sexes, restrai­ned [Page 96] from holy mariage, to a filthy mona­sticall life, as by many proofes hath beene made apparant,) theft, (robbing God of his Titles, and bestowing them on Anti­christ: and cosening men of their goods, by pardons, Iubilees, iugling wares and mar­chandise.

The description is ended, Cap. 10. 6. Where the Angel sweareth, Time shall be no more: and the next Angell or seuenth, blowing the seuenth trumpet, doth shew the mystery of God to be finished. ver. 7.

CAP. 13. 11.

The 3. descriptiō. THirdly by his growth and manner of gouernement. Hee is called another beast (because he dissers from the former (ver. 1.) or ciuill Romane Emperor, in spi­rituall iurisdiction, tyrannizing ouer men by an ecclesiasticall power, which the Em­perors had not. He is said to rise out of the Earth (or from a base and low estate, to mount vp thorugh the Emperors fauor) by little and little. Hee hath two hornes [Page 97] like the Lamb,) signifying his kingdom & his Priest-hood, his ciuill and ecclesiasti­cal power, which he vsurpeth from Christ but hath indeed from the dragon; like whom he spake) in all his Decrees, Ca­nons, practises and proceedings. Hee did all that the first beast could doe) that is, hee is strong and mighty, and nothing inferiour to the Ethnick Emperor, priding himselfe in lies and wonders: verse 13. sen­ding fire) of excommunication from Hea­uen; deceiuing by damnable doctrines of Diuels, verse 14. Killing and burning for heretiks, all that wil not worship the beast, and marking all that do worship, for slaues and vassals. And this marke must be set in their foreheads) to signifie their professiō, and to acknowledge their subiection; or in their right hād) to testifie their absolute actuall obedience to his commands, vpon supposition that he cannot erre. None may buy or sell without this marke, and there­fore periury and breach of promise & faith with Christians, is a vertue in a catholique. Now that Rome is this Antichristian beast, the Number doth signifie and shew, verse [Page 98] 18 & [...], latine seruice, Romish faith, Romish Church, answereth to it in num­ber and measure. Vpon this beast are seuen Vials of Gods wrath and vengeance, pro­pheced to be powred out, cap. 16. and the seuenth being emptied, it is said that Baby­lon came in remembrance before God: Verse 19.

CAP. 17. 3.

LAstly by his dangerous and deadlie allurements. As the true spouse (cap. 12.) so heere the adulterous spouse is likened to a woman; but yet a whore, for her spirituall adultery; and drun­ken with the blood of the Saints, though a gorgeous and glorious whore in out­ward shew. Verse 6. The inscription by which shee is to bee knowne is cal­led a mysterie: Verse 5.

First, as shee takes herselfe to bee the visible head of the Church, the mysti­call bodie of Christ, and the dispenser [Page 99] of the mysteries of God.

Secondly, as shee deserues indeede, and as the rest of her titles beare wit­nesse: Verse 5. mother of whoordoms &c.) or a mysterie of all abominati­ons vnder a pretext of holines.

Now, this whore of Babylon, that ri­deth on the beast, is not any one man, but a succession in gouernment, Cap. 17. 18. The beast is said to haue seuen heads. cap. 13. 1. and cap. 17. 7. Which are expounded to be Roma Septicollis, or Rome built on seuen hills: the names where­of are these, Palatinus, Quirinalis, Auenti­nus, Viminalis, Coelius, Exquilinus, Capi­tolinus▪ Or else seuen formes of gouern­ment, as is shewed before, of which the sixth. viz. the goruernement by Em­perors) was in beeing, when Saint Iohn wrote: Cap. 17. verse 10. The seuenth was not then come, namely the Ecclesi­asticall gouernment by Bishops; which succeeded at Rome, vpon the Translation of the imperiall seat to Constantinople, and was to continue but a short space) or, about two hundred seuenty sixe [Page 100] yeares, viz. from the time of Constan­tine, to the time of Phocas the Emperor, who gaue to Boniface Bishop of Rome, the title of Vniuersall Bishop, and head of al Churches. And by this meanes (the per­fection of defection, and popish corrupti­on comming in) was brought forth [...] eight beast, one of the seuen) in shew▪ [...] still seeming to succeed the Bishops in Ecclesiasticall forme of gouerne­ment.

The meanes by which Anti­christ shall be con­founded.
CAP. 11. 3.

THey are called two witnesses, and they may signifie, either the old, and new Testaments, both which Antichrist hath endeuoured to disgrace, deface, corrupt, suppresse and destroy, calling the Scrip­ture [Page 101] a nose of waxe, a dead letter, a leaden rule; and preferring the tradi­tions of men aboue them. These wit­nesses in the primitiue Church, were cloathed in sackcloth, and preached re­pentance, by the space of fiue or sixe hundred yeares. But hauing done their [...]ssage, the Romane beast made war vpon them, and ouercame them, so that they lay open to contempt, ca­red for of none, vnderstood of few, and feared of all to bee medled withall. Yea they were killed) and the very throat of them cut, by a generall Censure, prin­ted at Venice, anno 1562. Which con­demneth all for hereticall, that contra­dict their traditions.

Thus lay their bodies without vigor, verse 8. (as sometimes the Law, vntill it was reuiued, 2. Chron. 34. 14.) and worldly men reioiced, verse, 10.) for now they had liberty to doe what they listed, a pardon for all might be procu­red by their purse.

Yet at last (praised bee God) we see these witnesses to arise againe, and begin­ning [Page 102] to shine in their former glory verse, 11.

Which happy alteration and exaltati­on of them, hath bred such an earth-quak, among the nations, that a good part of them that were in subiection to that City are fallen from her, and haue reiected her yoke, verse 13.

2 Or these witnesses may signifie the preachers of the word. Two onely are mentioned, because two are sufficient in Law. These for preaching the foresaid truth and doctrine, discouering the man of sinne, and his corruptions, were put to cruell deaths and torments; but rose againe in the person of their successors, supplying their roome, and still bearing witnesse to the same truth. Of which grew that memorable and miraculous obserua­tion, Sanguis Martyrum, semen Ecclesiae, the Martyrs blood, the seed of the Church. The mighty and maruellous power of this truth, hath of latter times so increased that many Kingdomes and great nations, haue in few yeeres beene conuerted there­by, to the true worship of the almightie God.

The seuen last plagues, and vials of Gods wrath.
CHAP. 16. 1.

1 THe first Viall being powred out, there fell a noysome and greeuous sore. Some vnderstand by it the Poxe, called Morbus Neapolitanus, a strange and loth­some vlser, which first lighted on the anci­ent chiefe crutches and supporters of the Pope; namely, the Italians, Spaniards, and Frenchmen, for their filthy whordomes and beastilinesse, in the yeeare of our Lord—1494.

2 The second turned the Sea (of the world) into blood, by Turkish and Popish massacres, murders and mortall warres.

3 The third, sheweth the increase of that plague: It commeth home euen to the very doores, their riuers and fountaines ran blood.

4 The fourth, caused the Sunne (by scor­ching [Page 104] and drying) to torment with dearth, plagues, and sundry diseases.

5 The fifth, darkened the Kingdome of the beast: which is fulfilled in the reuolt of protestant Princes, from obedience to the Pope, and it is to them the greatest plague of all others, vers. 10.

6 The sixth, dried vp the riuer Euphrates, (which was the best trusted defence of the old Babylon) that is, consumed the riches, honour, glory, and strength of Romish Babylon. And this maketh the fish, nay, the frogs, to bestirre themselues: for it is said, that three frogs came out] a plurall number; noting their multitude and their threefold directiō, For, First they are raised and inspired by the Dragon the Di­uell.

Secondly, they are maintained by the Beast, Antichrist.

And thirdly, they are instructed by the false Prophet, the Apostatique Church, to defend the Triple-crowned Monarch the Pope of Rome.

Frogs they are fitly named, being in­deed animals of either Element, Aire, [Page 105] Earth, or water; Church-men by pro­fession, States-men, by practise and po­litike Trading. And they are euermore in action (mates for their walking-master the Diuell, Iob 1. 7.) muddily croaking, and couertly crauling in euery corner, in Princes palaces, courts of Nobles, cham­bers of Gentles, and countrey cottages, and all, to stop the leake, to fill vp their Euphrates, and to gather againe the Kings of the earth, verse 14. murdering and massacring both Prince and people that refuse lo be charmed, and inchaunted by their subtill insinuations.

That this is true, let the abominable and innumerable rabble of Iesuites wit­nesse, who refuse no execrable meanes, to daube vp their Antichristian kingdome of darkenesse, without feare or respect of God and man: their practises proue, and their positions published in Print vn­to the world, approue the same.

7 The seuenth Viall foresheweth the fi­nall ouerthrow of Rome, by rents, con­uulsions, confusions and commotions of their Citie and Kingdome, and the [Page 106] fearefull plagues of God vpon them all, such as neuer were felt, heard, or seene in any age before, Cap. 16. 21.

Goe out of her my people, that yee be not par­takers of her sinnes, and that yee receiue not of her plagues, saith the Lord God, Reu. 18. 4


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