AN ASTRONOMICALL DESCRIPTION OF the late Comet from the 18. of Nouemb. 1618. to the 16. of December following.
With certaine Morall Prognosticks or Applications drawne from the Comets motion and irradiation amongst the celestiall HIEROGLYPHICKS.
BY VIGILANT AND DILIGENT obseruations of IOHN BAINBRIDGE Doctor of Physicke, and louer of the Mathematicks.
LONDON, Printed by Edward Griffin for Henry Fetherstone.
IT was the counsell of Aristides, [...]. To worship GOD with consecration of Temples, but to honour Noble [Page] personages with Dedication of bookes: following this aduice, I beganne not long since the description of Great Britaines Monarchy in three Columnes, Historicall, Panegyricall, and Prophylacticall; intending thereby to stir vp your leige people to a religious admiration of Gods wonderfull Prouidence in vniting these two famous Kingdomes into one Monarchy; to a iust acknowledgement of our exceeding happinesse therein: as also to an vnanimous desire, and endeauour for the absolute Vnion and perpetuall preseruation thereof. In the meane time Heauen it selfe offered a faire occasion to manifest the feruent zeale long smothered in my loyall [Page] breast towards your MAIESTY, the late strange, and admirable Comet, which hath filled so many eies with his rayes, and their thoughts with Meteors, or doubts. An Astronomicall description whereof delineated in a celestiall Planisphere, with some briefe touches in the Prognostickes, and Morall applications thereof, I humbly offer to your princely Excellence, beseeching you to proiect the beames of your sweete, and gracious influence both on it, and the Authour; that, as the glorious Sunne of Heauen with his resplendence enlightned this (otherwise obscure) Comet: So your MAIESTIE our terrestiall [Page] all Phaebus would vouchsafe to illustrate
Rex [...] Dijs charissime, Salue Britannis optime: ‘Saluere iussit nuncius Coeli comatus, regia Spargens Eoi munera. Quacunque transit, sydera Salue canūt Rex maxime, Salue Britannis optime. Nec non amoris tesseras Iungunt saluti nobiles, Hermes potentē virgulam, Et Libra iustè pendulas Lances, aristam floridam Virgo, & Coronā Gnossiam, Serpens ocellum prouidū, Fortis Bootes hastulam, Arctusque regno saecula Optat beato plurima.’ Rex [...] Dijs charissime, Salue Britannis optime.
PAg. 3. l. 31. for head read taile. Pag. 6. l. 6. put out of Planets. Pag. 7. l. 7. for 27. read 30. Pag 7. l. 20. for eleuenth read twelfth. P. 9. l. 10. for 18. read 15. P. 14. l. 12. for vnfold obscure read vnfold this obscure.
Augustiss: Brittanniarum Monarchae Franciae (que) regi IACOBO 1.
Foelix noui anni auspicium et D: Astronomiae tandem instaurandae Symbolum
fecit vouit (que) Ioh: Bambridgius Med: Doctor.
An astronomicall Description of the late Comet, or blazing-star.
I Hope there bee none so farre more precize then wise, as to thinke it vnlawfull to looke on this celestiall Signe with other then vulgar and poreblinde eyes: (which were still to maintaine ignorance mother of deuotion.) Or if any such there be, I shall meet with them in the closure of this Treatise, and therefore without further tedious Prologue;
May it please you to suruay this celestiall Planisspheare, whose lineaments are optically proiected How the Planisspheare is delineate. vpon a plaine touching the Ecliptique in the twentieth degree of the dodecatemory of Libra, the eye being placed in the center of the Spheare, from whence all the great circles doe appeare right lines, as they are in the chart protracted. Which thing is of speciall vse in our present businesse (as you shall anon perceiue) for which cause I preferred this new [Page 2] manner of proiection (though to my greater paines) before any other in common practise.
The Ecliptique. The lowest line of all is the Ecliptique line, from which the Sunne (as other Planets doe to some few degrees) neuer strayeth.
Parallels of latitude. The crooked prickt lines bee parallels of latitude from the Ecliptique towards the Articke Pole therof: the space betwixt euery two lines is fiue degrees.
Circles of longitude. The other right lines falling down perpendicular on the Ecliptique be circles of longitude; beginning at the fifth degree of Virgo, and so forwards to the fifth of Sagittary: the spaces be also fiue degrees: by these two kinde of lines, it is easie to finde the longitude and latitude of any starre in the chart, and also of the Comer.
These circles of longitude do in the Spheare concurre in the pole, but this proiection in plano doth keep them parallel, or at a continued equall distance each from other.
Aequinoctiall line. From the beginning of Libra towards Capricorne, is extended the aequinoctiall line, to whose intersections with the Ecliptique when the Sun commeth, the nights and dayes bee equall; as alwayes in all places of the earth vnder the same.
From this line, towards each Pole, is counted the declinations of Stars, the greatest part of this Planispheare is on the Arcticke or Northerne side: but these things are plainely remonstrate to the eye in the chart, and therefore I will make no further explanation Pictured Constellations. of them; neither of the Constellations emblematically pourtrayed according to the mysticall Hieroglyphicks of ancient Sages.
[Page 3] The stars places. The place of each particular starre is correspondent to the most accurate obseruations of the illustrious Prince William late Lant Graue of Hessen, and that tresnoble Dane Tycho Brahe, of whose admirable Vranicall instruments many honourable witnesses are still suruiuing.
But it (for whom all this preparation is made) is the late Comet, whose delineation is taken from mine owne vigilant and diligent obseruations with Geometricall instruments, especially the Radius, or How the Comet was obserued. Crosse-staffe, eternized by the heroike Poet:
Who with his Iacobs staffe suruay'd the ground,
Did measure times, and all the Heauens round. The first occasion and particular manner of which obseruations with the scrupulous and punctuall places (of the Comet) from them by necessity of sphericall triangles deducted, I leaue to my Latine Cometography, which (if these labours finde acceptance at home) I will adorne for Franckfurt: of whose more curious and ample demonstrations, this little chart is a true Synopticke Epitome; wherein may at once bee seene the Comets place, as it daily appeared in the concaue surface of Heauen: the The Cometary line. line of his proper motion (appearing in the Heauens to be the arch of a perfect great circle) crosseth the Ecliptique in the 15 degree, with ½or thereabouts of Scorpio, running through the Constellation of Libra, ouerthwart Arctophylax, along the extent of Amongst what Constellations. his left arme by the taile of Vrsa maior, towards the Pole Arctick, but a little more Southward.
[Page 4] This Cometary line cutteth the Aequinoctiallline Inclination to the Aequinoctiall. in the 8 degree almost of Scorpio, and 15 of Northerne latitude: making with it an angle of 81 degrees 23 towards Libra and the Pole Arctick. If this angle had heene right 90 degrees, the line of the Comets motion would haue runne into the very Pole, but making some inclination towards Libra, it fell (as I sayd) a little Southwards from the Pole.
To the Ecliptique. This line also and the Ecliptique (towards Capricorne and the North) comprehended an angle of 116 degrees. So that the Pole of the Comets proper motion was about 15 ½. degrees of Aquarius▪ with 25 degrees ⅔ of Northerne latitude.
The Comets motion in this line. The motion it selfe (reckoned in this line) from my first obseruation on Wednesday morning the 18 of Nouember, to Wensday the 16 of December when I last saw the Comet, amounted almost to 73 degrees in 28 dayes: which is not 2 degrees ⅔ one A little swifter at the first. day with another: but the Comets apparant motion at the first was somewhat swifter, though not much, and in the end a little slower.
I haue for the further remonstrance heereof graduated the Cometary line; beginning at the intersection To finde it by the Planispheare. with the Aequinoctiall both wayes: and by the Comets place set downe the time.
Heere I would haue those who ranke Comets amongst inconstant Meteors, to take speciall notice Note ther gu'arity thereof. of this Comets constant regularity, for that the inequality of his motion was not onely little, but ordinate, successiuely decreasing sensim sine sensa, by so little and little, that it could not be perceiued, but by comparing many dayes obseruations.
[Page 5] Scarse one fourth part of the Moones motion. Let them also obserue that his motion in this line was scarse at the swiftest one fourth part of the Moones celerity: but of this anon.
I will also propound to Masters in Astronomy this Comets exact and direct description (by his apparant In one exact great circle. motion) of a great circle without any deuiations. What was the true line of his motion in the aetheriall Ocean? What inclination it kept to this our habitable Orb? By what Primum Mobile this Comet (keeping so iust a line) was whirled about the Astronomicall propositions cocerning the Comets motion. earth euery foure and twenty houres?
These considerations bee onely fit for those who haue beene rapt vp aboue the elementary regions of vulgar Schooles: and slept not in Parnassus, but Olympus, vnder the spangled canopy of Vrania; I can hardly keepe within the spheare of this little Treatise, and scarsely refraine from the Samian Philosophy of Aristarchus in the earths motion, were it not I feared another Aristarchus his broach: and that I must reserue these mysteries for a more learned language. Wherefore to prosecute our present description: Vpon the inclination of this Cometary The Comets motion in Longitude and latitude. circle or line to the Ecliptique and Aequinoctiall, depend the Comets places and motion in longitude, latitude, right ascension and declination, as appeares in the Planispheare; wherein is manifest, that the Comets motion of longitude was continually retrograde, Continually retrograde. contrary to the order of the signes, from the middle almost of Scorpio, through Libra into Virgo▪ which retrogression hath beene noted in many other Comets, as I shall elsewhere relate; but the cause of their retrogression hath laien hid in the mysticall [Page 6] cabinet of Astronomy. It were vaine to affirme But not from Saturne. Saturne now also retrograde in his Acronichiall opposition in Gemini, to hale backe this Comet by the haire after him (as simple Astrologians conceit) for that these planetary retrogressions and stations▪ of Planets bee but [...], appearances; the Planets still making progresse in their owne circles, (as is well knowen to them who are well versed From whence was caused his retrogression. in the Labyrinths of Astronomy) but this Comets retrogression depends on the inclination of his true line in the aetheriall Regions, which though it appeared to vs circular in the concaue of Heauen, yet in it selfe was right: but I may not breake Pythagorean silence.
This retrograde motion being referred to the Ecliptique in longitude was (contrary to the motion Slower in the beginning. in his proper circle) slow in the beginning, and much swifter in the end; which is caused from the great inclination of the Cometary line to the Ecliptique, which plainely appeareth in the Chart, by which you shall easily finde the Comets place in longitude and latitude for any day of his tearme.
Comets declination from the Aequinoctiall. The Comet also euery day changed his parallel of declination (mounting continually Northwards) and therewith his verticall passage ouer the Earth.
The common sort, at his first appearing, thought him to bee ouer Spaine, making I know not what prognosticks thereof: but their eyes deceiued them, Was not at first ouer Spaine. they aimed many thousand miles too short: At my first obseruation he declined twelue degrees towards the South, making his diurnall gyre ouer that terrestiall circle wherein lie Noua Guinea, the Iles Timor [Page 7] and Iaua in the East, the north part of S t. Laurence, Mozambique in Africa, the middle of Brasilia, & Peru Ouer what place. in the west. About the twentie two of Nouember it entred the aequinoctiall plaine ouer the Moluccas, Malaca, Sumatra, Abassia, S t. Thomas, Guiana; euery day ascending higher towards our Pole Arctick, about the 30. entring the Tropick of Cancer, afterward passing ouer all the regions of the earth, euen ouer the vtmost limites of the British Empire.
How to know ouer whose head it was eueryday. By the Comets declination is easie to know ouer what place the Comet was euery day verticall: for if his declination be equall to the Latitude, or Poles elevation, (which may be knowne by Tables or Mappes) then of necessity did the Comet passe ouer head in that place. The middle of Spaine lyes in fortie degrees of Latitude from the equinoctiall When ouer Spaine. northward; but the Comets declination was not so much, till about the sixt of December; and therefore could not be verticall to them before that time.
Over London. About the eleuenth of December his declination was fiftie one degrees and halfe, and therefore passed ouer London in the morning, and so hasted more Northwards euen as farre as the Orcades.
The Comets declination may be had in the chart by the line of his motion being graduated on both sides the aequinoctiall: for the distance from the aequinoctiall is (with a little correction) the declination: for from one degree to twentie, the distance is within a few minutes the declination: but from To finde the Comets declination by the planisphere. twentie degrees to fortie substract one fourth part of a degree, from fortie to fiftie substract halfe a degree, and from fiftie to sixtie substract one degree [Page 8] from the Comets distance (from the aequinoctiall) and there remaines his declination, which whether it were South or North the Plani-sphere will shew.
On the third of December his distance in his own line from the aequinoctiall was 30. degrees 40. min. from whence 15. min. substracted there remaines 30. degrees & twenty fiue minutes the declination.
The alteration of his rising. By reason of this mounting Northwards, the Comet did euery day rise sooner then other, withall changing his azimuth, or point of compasse (in his rising) from South-east and by East towards the north vntill at length it made continual abode aboue our Horizon.
Seen after Sunset. I may not forget that the Comet in the later part of his period was North-west after sunne-set, which gaue occasion to some not skilfull in Astronomie to affirme a second Comet. But from the beginning I fore-told (which was no great matter to doe) that if the Comet continued awhile, it would aduance neere to the tayle of Vrsa maior, and be seene in the euening after the Sunne.
The Comets blazing stream. Now are we come to that from which Comets, or Blazing-stars are denominated; the tayle, or rather the blazing streame, which in this Comet was very remarkable, and is truely pourtraied in the planisphere, as it appeared in the heauens, being alwaies in opposition to the Sunne, or extended in length according to a right line issuing from the Sunne Alwaies in opposition to the Sun. through the Comets body. For plainer remonstrance whereof I specially invented this new manner of proiecting the Spheare in plano, and haue caused the Elipticke to be protracted to the beginning [Page 9] of Capicorne, and in it the Suns place exactly noted on seuerall daies of the Comets apparition, also from the Sunnes Center proceede right lines through the body of the Comet which doe precisely shew the true prospect of his bushie lockes.
The 27. of Nouember in the morning the Comets haire was spread ouer the faire starre Arcturus betwixt the thighes of Arctophylax or Bootes. Now the planispheare doth shew that a right line drawne from the Sunne then in the 15 degree of Sagittarie through the Comets body [...] approach the said Starre. So the last of November about midnight following the Comets bush ouer-shadowed a starre of the third light in the left hinder knee of Vrsamaior. Which doth manifestly appeare in the planispheare by a line extended from the Sunne (then in 19. degrees of Sagittarie) through the Comets body; the like may be seene in other places.
In-sooth this Comets forelock was a better Ephemeris for the Sunnes place then many in great request.
The bushie lockes not of the same matter with the Comets head. Hence is detected the grosse ignorance of those writers who neuer or seldome cast vp their eies towards those glorious lights, but onely delighting in solitary contemplation doe much busie their wits in searching the cause of Cometary streamings; affirming them to be of the same matter (but more rare and thin) with the head. Which with many other absurdities may be refuted by this present obseruation; which doth [...] by geometricall and lineall necessitie certainely demonstrate that the What it is. Comets taile is nothing else but an irradiation of the [Page 10] Sunne through the pellucide head of the Comet. For though the Sunne-beames be not of themselues conspicuous in the pure aëry or aetheriall regions, yet passing through the Comets more condensed substance and there by refraction recollected and more neerely vnited they did not onely illustrate the Comet it selfe, but also a long tract beyond him.
According to the refraction and recollection of the Sunnes beames, so was the illustration and illumination of the Comet; which appeared to vs How the Comet varnihed. more or lesse as the Comet was neerer or farther from the earth: and these be the true reasons why the Comet (which at first was illustrate with a bright resplendence) did euery day more and more loose his radiant lustre till at length it appeared like a faint shadow, and quite vanished out of our sight: for neither could the Sun beames be any longer vnited by refraction in the Comets now dissolute and sluide substance, neither could that little glimpse (if any were) be perceiued, being so farre remote from the earth, as shall be anon remonstrate.
By the same reasons did the Comets streaming bush also by little and little vanish away, and so much the rather, by how much the Sunne rayes were there alwayes more dissipate then in the Comet, and those locks euer lesse relucent then the head.
The forelockes dilatation from whence. The dilatation of the Comets fore-locke was caused by a second refraction of the Sunne beames, by which refraction they were brought to an intersection, after which they beganne againe to diverge, [Page 11] or display themselues in that forme which appeared in the heauens, and is delineate in the planispheare.
The exceeding length of it. This dilatation was nothing so strange, as the extent in length, being sometimes more then 45. degrees, and namely the 1. of December, ouershadowing the left hinder knee of Vrsa maior.
Though in the end the Comet did as it were winde vp this long haire about his head.
Some haue doubted, if this long streame of light had touched the earth, whether it would haue caused any combustion? Surely no: Indeede the Sun beames may by reflexion or refraction bee so It had no burning qualitie. concentred & vnited, that (though it were through a peece of ice framed into a burning glasse) they shall easily set any combustible matter on fire; but that happens onely in the center of vnion, or concourse of the recollected beames: but this Comets lockes being diverged, or displaied rayes, could haue no such power though they had touched the earth.
Many strange conclusions may be drawne from the Sunnes irradiation through the Comet. From this one obseruation of the Sunnes irradiation through the Comet many more strange and excellent conclusions may be collected, which neither my leasure will suffer mee to examine particularly, neither can these pages well containe them.
Wherefore now I will tye vp this Comets radiant lockes with admiration of that glorious lampe, wherewith He that inhabits the light inaccessible doth illustrate, and enlighten this whole world. [...]. Psal. 19. Hee hath set The wonderfull light of the Sun. his Tabernacle in the Sunne, and it as a Bridegroome commeth out of his chamber, and reioyceth as a Gyant [Page 12] to runne a race; his going forth is from the end of the heauen, and his circuits vnto the ends of it; and there is nothing hid from the heate thereof. This is the true [...], the onely harth of inquenchable fire, which so many thousand leagues oft warmeth the earth, enlightneth these refulgent bodies, and with them this new Planet.
I haue at large shewed the Comets places as they appeared in the surface of Heauen, both in his owne circle, and also referred to the Ecliptick, and Aequinoctiall; The Comets distance from the earth. but there is another place of more difficult inquisition, and greater admiration, and that is the Comets distance from this our habitable Orbe.
Common schooles treading the wrie steps of that great and witty, but often mis-leading Peripateticke, The error of Aristotle and his followers. would confine this, and other Comets within the higher region of the aire; neither could his palpable error in the place of Galaxia (or the milkie-way in Heauen) acknowledged by most bring them into suspition of the like deuiation from the high aetheriall region of Comets into the Elementary vallies of Meteors; where, and with whom to place this Comet were to hide so glorious a candle vnder a bushell, and not to set it in a candlesticke, that all in the house may see; to set a beacon not on an hill, but in a dale, especially if wee consider that the highest How high the aire is from the earth. region of the aire (by the Optickes demonstration from the time of twilight) is not many aboue 50. english miles from the earth.
The Comets place about the Moone argued from the rigularitic of his motion. Wherefore I may iustly vse the Lacedemonian [...], walke not in the errors of those wandring Philosophers. Let this Comets regular and [Page 13] ordinate motion (for a month together) neuer deuiating from one right line, keepe you in the way of verity.
2 From the quantity therof. This very reason alone many ages agoe perswaded diuine Seneca, and in our Fathers daies that ingenious and subtile Cardane to place all Comets aboue the elementarie regions, wherein only inconstant and momentany Meteors make their sickle vagaries.
The analogie also obserued in the starres betwixt their distance from the earth, and their motion about the same, doth eleuate this Comet aboue the Lunary regions, his proper motion being scarse at any time the fourth part of hers.
This argument was sometimes accounted a firme demonstration, before that conglomeration of solide orbes was with the Aries or engines of Astronomicall obseruations battered and demolished: neither is it yet reiected by those who well deserue the first place in the restauration of this celestiall Art; for though those Babylonian wals be ruinated, yet is the analogie of motion and distance stil preserued. God hath created all things in waight, measure and number. It was the saying of diuine Plato, [...], God is the great Master of Geometrie, hauing created all things in waight, measure, and number, as holy writ doth witnesse. The most accurate and refined Astronomie doth confesse and professe, that flow Saturne is farthest from the earth, and swift Luna neerest, the rest intermediating in their motion, according to their distance from this little terrell, for whose vse especially those vast planetarie globes were created.
[Page 14] 3 From infallible demonstration by parallax. But that abstruse & admirable [...], most irrefragable and infallible remonstrance drawn from the parallax doth place this Comet farther beyond the Moone, then she is from the earth, yea many times her apogaeall or greatest distance. But because this huge distance may seeme strange to many (being as I haue shewed contrary to the long receiued opinion of common Philosophers) and the doctrine of parallax to most no lesse vnknowne, then the word it selfe; I will for their better satisfaction, with as much breuity and perspicuity as I can, vnfold obscure, but sure argument.
Parallax (in Astronomy) is a commutation or changing of any Planets or Comets true place (pointed out by a line drawne from the Earths center through the Planets, or Comets) into another place appearing to our eye on the superficies of this terrestriall speculatorie. Or parallax, is the difference of these two places.
This commutation or difference ariseth from that [...], reason, or (to vse the vulgar tearme, though here vnproper) proportion, which the earths semidiameter (or thicknesse from the center to his superficies) hath to the planets or Comets distance from the earth: for if this semidiameter hold any sensible proportion to the distance, it is not possible that the eye vpon the earth should see the Comet or Planet in the same place which it hath in respect of the center, but there will be a parallax, commutation, or difference more or lesse according to the distance. So the Moones perigaeal or shortest distance being not much more then fiftie two semidiameters of the [Page 15] earth, fals into a notorious parallax (or difference of her true and apparant place) and that of one degree and 6. minutes, for the proportion of one to fiftie two, or 1/52 part is very sensible: but the Sun being remote when he is perigeall, no lesse then 1100 [...] Semidiameters from the earth (by all Astronomers consent) hath very little parallax of 3 m. for the proportion of 1 m. to 1100 [...] is very little, or nothing: but according to the more accurate & late obseruations of Keplerus (Mathematician to two Emperors) the Sun being 1800 [...] Semidiameters of the earth from it, shall haue but 2 min: of parallax: But the vpper Planets, Iupiter & Saturne, are so exceedingly remote, that the earths semidiameter can cause in them no parallax at all, much lesse in the fixed stars, which are almost infinitely remote from the earth, retaining their mutuall distances and situations (in what place of the earth soeuer they be obserued) yea from their first creation, being set by the Almighty, as so many markes, whereunto the terrestriall inhabitants might refer the seuen Planets, or any other celestiall light, as Comets and new Stars.
[Page 16] For the better vnderstanding of this parallacticall discourse, I must entreat you to examine this following Diagram.
Diagram of parallax.
Where o, l, is the earths semidiameter, 1, 2, 3, be three Planets or Comets diuersely remote from the earth, and all in one line from o, the earths center, which refers them all to one place in v, amongst the Euplication of the Diagram. fixed Stars: but the eye being on the earths superficies in l, doth cause a parallax or change of place, more or lesse, as they be distant from the earth: for 1 the neerest to the earth doth from l appeare in a, making a great parallax, the angle v, 1, a, or more plainely the arch v, a, which (in the eighth Spheare) [Page 17] is equall to the angle, but the 2 being further from the earth, doth from l appeare in b. hauing v, b, lesse parallax, then the former: but 3 being yet further from the earth, doth from l appeare in c, hauing v, c, but a little parallax.
Parallax greatest in the Horizon. Any of these parallaxes are greatest when the Planet is in the Horizon, as 1 is, the other being a little aboue: but in the Zenith or Verticall poynt ouer our heads, there can be no parallax at all, for then the line from the Center doth runne into the line from the Superficies, making one line. as you see z, l, o. So that the parallax doth from the Horizon vpwards continually decrease, and at length Nothing in the Zenith. vanish away in the Zenith.
So much lesse as the Comet is farther from the earth. By this which hath beene sayd is manifest, that the farther any visible thing is from the earth, the lesse parallax it must needes haue: but the finding of the parallax is not so easie; Hic labor, hoc opus est: this requires more then ordinary skill in Astronomy.
To finde the parallax. There bee two speciall wayes to finde the parallax: The one is by two obseruations made at one time in two remote places of the earth, for if the Comet doth in both of them appeare in one and the 1 By obseruations in two diuers places at one time same place amongst the fixed starres, then cannot the earths semidiameter haue any proportion to the distance of the Comet: but if the Comet doth appeare diuersly amongst the fixed starres, then hath it parallax more or lesse according to his distance from the earth. In the former Diagram let L be London, R be some other remote place, 1 the Comet, which from L will appeare amongst the fixed starres in A, but [Page 18] from R it will appeare in V: so that the difference is A. V. very much, because 1 is neere the earth: Let there be also another Comet 3 which from L will appeare in C, but from R in V, the difference V C very little, because 3 is very farre from the earth. I At London. haue beene very diligent in obseruing all the Comets places amongst the fixed starres, that so hereafter comparing them with those which appeared in other countries, the true parallax of this Comet may be knowne, which I dare say by this triall will proue 2. In one place by two obseruations in one night. little or none. In the meane time I haue not neglected the second way of finding the parallax, which is by comparing two apparant places of the Comet in one and the same night, one place being neere the Horizon, and the other neere the Zenith. For the difference of these two places will manifest the parallax: where regard must be had of the starres proper motion in the interuall of time, which is very easie to performe. There be many kindes of obseruations, by altitudes, declinations, ascensions, &c. which are very difficult, and perplexed with diuers species of parallaxes, besides refraction. And therefore An easie and certaine way to finde the parallax. omitting them, I will acquaint you with an easie and most certaine way to search forth any Comets parallax, & that without error of 5 or 6 mi. which is nothing to 66 mi. of the Moones parallax. This is by obseruing the Comet a very little ouer or vnder some starre neere the Horizon, and afterwards the same night neere the Zenith or verticall point. For if the Comet (hauing parallax) neere the Horizon appeare a little vnder the starre, it will towards the Zenith appeare neere, yea (it may be) eclipse the star, [Page 19] or be a little aboue him, which is plaine by the Diagram, for the Comet 3 appearing from l in c vnder the starre v will in z the verticall point bee in coniunction with him, and eclipfe him from your sight. Here the Comet is supposed to haue no motion, besides that from the primum mobile: but if hee haue any, as this Comet had, it is easie to make allowance for the same, especially being so little in 5 or 6 houres betwixt the two obseruations. As for refraction Refraction here no hindrance. neere the Horizon, it cannot bring any incumbrance, for that it doth as well eleuate the Starre, as the Comet.
An obseruation of the Comets parallax. The night before the third of December, about one houre after midnight, I obserued the Comet not yet 10. degrees aboue the Horizon, vnder two little starres of the fourth light in the girdle of Arctophylax. The distance of these starres is but 50. min. which serued as a ready and certaine measure, wherunto I might compare the distance of the Comet from them, for the more perspicuous distinction whereof I vsed the Telescopium or Trunke-spectacle.
The Comet appeared from the vppermost starre (which was directly in his way) the distance of the two stars, & moreouer ⅓ part thereof, in all one deg. 6. min. Towards morning, the Comet being mounted 53. degrees aboue the Horizon, the Comet appeared from the said starre a little more then ⅔ of the two stars distance, about 36 mi: so that in 5. houres the Comet was come but 30. minutes neerer to the starre; no more then his proper motion in that time (according to former and following nights obseruations) required. Wherefore remouing this proper [Page 20] motion, he would haue appeared at both times a like distant from the starre; and therefore had none or little parallax. For suppose the Comet to haue had as much parallax as the Moone (in her perigaeon) which is (in 10. degrees aboue the Horizon) 65. min. and in 53. deg. of altitude scarce 40. m. the difference is 25. m. and so much should the Comet by alteration of his parallax haue appeared neerer the starre at the second obseruation, then at the first, to which if you adde his proper motion in the mean space, it will be 55. m. & so the Comet should haue been but ⅕ part of the 2 stars distance from the vpper starre; whereas he was more then ⅔, which is a notorious difference, and could not escape the sight; and therfore had not so great parallax as the moone, Found much lesse than the Moones parallax. and by necessary consequence was aboue her, ▪yea many times her distance from the earth, which I might easily confirme by the like obseruation the night following, when the Comet had ouertaken the starre more then a degree; but especially by my obseruations the nights preceding the 10. 11. and 12. daies, when the Comet was very neere vnto a little starre in the left arme of Arctophylax, at the first vnder him and after aboue, and also by his distance from another obscure star (which I found by the Telescopium 15 mi. aboue the Comet: this little starre I could finde in no globe nor mappe, but onely in the excellent Vranimetria of that diligent and industrious Beyerus. By diligent and curious noting the Comets distance from these starres, first neere Not aboue 6. m. the Horizon, and afterwards towards the Zenith in the same nights, I dare be bold to conclude that [Page 21] this Comet had not 6. minutes of parallax (for within these limites I may confine the incertaintie of my obseruations) and therefore more then 600. semidiameters of the earth distant from it.
Proued also from prospect of the Comets forelocke. How strange so euer this may seeme, yet is it enforced from most certaine demonstration parallacticall. Which may moreouer be confirmed from the prospect and irradiation of this Comets forelocke. Which if the head had any notable parallax, must of necessitie haue twice so much, and so could not appeare in one line with the Comet, and the Sunne as I haue formerly demonstrated.
But least the Reader not acquainted with Mathematicall demonstrations, should thinke it a nouell position, yea [...], a strange vncouth & neuer heard of opinion to elevate Comets so far aboue the Elementary, yea lunary regions. I must relate vnto them that besides those famous new stars, the one in Cassiopaea 1572. and the other in the foot History of new starres, and Comets far aboue the Moone. of Ophiuchus 1604. both which lasted more then a yeere, and that in Cygnus continuing many yeeres; all three from all places of the earth appearing in one and the same position amongst the fixed stars, (an argument of their huge distance aboue the Moone) besides these and that new starre noted by Hipparchus 2000. yeeres almost since, diuers excellent Mathematicians of this age, haue by certaine remonstrances shewed many Comets farther aboue the Mone, then I affirme this to be. Amongst, others, that second Hipparchus, Tycho Brahe in the Comets 1577. 1580. 1582. 1585. 1590. could not with all his admirable, sumptuous, and exquisite Vranical [Page 22] engines finde the least parallax, no not of one minute; and therefore iustly affirmed them far beyond the Moone: yea, which is most remarkable, and caused no small admiration, and delight in the Heroicke Lantgraue of Hessen, as it pleased him by letters to signifie to Tycho▪ Rothmannus the Lantgraues Mathematician, obseruing the Comet in 1585. agreed with Tycho in the place thereof to a scruple, (at one and the same instant) and yet the one was remote from the other almost 300. English miles, the distance betwixt Cassels, and Vrani-burge, which punctuall agreement had been impossible if the Comet had not beene exceedingly remote beyond the moone. I must also remember that Albumasar 1000. yeares almost since obserued a Comet aboue the spheare of Mercury.
This Comet 600. semidiameters of the earth from it. Wherefore it is no such strange distance from the earth that I assigne to this our Comet, 600. semidiameters of the earth; which is but ⅓ of the Suns distance. I might iustly account this Comet higher, but I will keepe within the limites of my obseruations.
And for your better satisfaction, reduce this distance into english miles, allowing (by the statute How many English miles the earths semidiameter is. of 25. Elizabethae) 5280. foote to a mile; & 3834. of these miles to the earths Semidiameter, therein following the late ingenious and painefull measurations of Willebrordus Snellius. Wherefore the Comets How many miles the Comet was from the earth. distance from the earth was uot lesse then 2300000. english miles, whereas the Moone (when she is neerest) is little more then 200900. miles.
The irradiation also of this Comets streame, [Page 23] (though in the end it seemed very short) was sometime How many miles the forelocke extended. extended to a wonderfull length, more then 2000000. miles, which is nothing to the Sunnes ejaculation of his beames vpon the earth, more then 6900000. miles. From the Comets distance doth necessarily follow the vast globositie of his body, How many miles the Comet was in thicknesse. though to vs his diameter seemed but a few minutes, which being no lesse then 4. minutes will extend to 2668. miles, which is ⅓ almost of the earths diameter, and therefore the Comets bulke was at least 1/27 of the whole earth; and not fully twice greater How much the globositie thereof was, compared to the Earth, Moone, and Sunne. then the Moone; but the Comet compared to the Sunne was scarce 1. to 8000. so little is this great Comet in respect of that glorious lampe; and yet the Sunne but a point to the immense spheare of fixed starres; and all this lesse then nothing in comparison of that infinite Circle, Cuius centrum est vbiquè, The infinitenesse of the Almightie. circumferentia nusquam, The center of whose presence, and prescience is euery where, and his limits no where: That great [...], and Creator, who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, meeted out heauen with a spanne, comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, watghed the mountaines in scales, and the hills in a balance. O Lord when I consider the Heauens, the worke of thy fingers, the Moone, and the Starres, which thou hast ordained, what is man that thou art mindfull of him, and the sonne of man that thou visitest him?
The Comet▪ was not compact of exhalations. This Comets huge distance from the earth, and vast magnitude will cause to vanish all these smoakie exhalations which by common opinion being by the caelestiall light attracted from the earth into the [Page 24] higher regions of the aire, are there condensed, and by motion set on fire, continually burning in the forme of a Comet, vntill all the materiall be spent. But this Comet was farre aboue the highest ascent of grosse and sulphurous exhalations, his quantitie more then could be caused by a great part of the earth turned into smoake, his motion too regular, and his durance too long for such wandring, and soone vanishing exhalations.
Those Philosophers, who still walke in the way of the Gentiles, are afraide to induce generation, or any other mutation into the heauens, rather choosing to follow their blinde guide (who denied the world to haue any beginning, or ending) then to beleeue the infallible truth of sacred Scripture.
Others haue beene scrupulous to conceit any creation since that first Saboth.
What was the Comets materials. But whether this Comet and the like were caused by efficacie of nature (the ordinary power which God hath put into all his creatures) compacting the liquid aetheriall substance, or whether by the immediate power of the worlds Architect (qui dixit, & facta sunt, mandauit, & creata sunt: Spake and they were made, commanded and they were created) a new matter was presently created:
I will not here curiously dispute▪ either of these waies doth acknowledge a celestiall matter, and diuine prouidence.
It were vaine to refute those who haue imagined The Comet not made of Galaxia. Comets, and new starres to be made of the Galaxia, or milkie way; for so before this day would all that milke haue beene turned into curds; neither is that [Page 17] way any whit more condense then the rest of the The Comet not made of Galaxia heauen, but onely an irradiation of innumerable starres close together, as the Telescopium doth ocularly demonstrate.
Neither shall I need to reproue those ancient Philosophers, who (in the dawning of Astronomie) thought Comets to be [...], a co-apparition of Not a co-apparition of planets. Planets seeming to touch one another; or (as our simple vulgar still doe) some planet, especially Merc. Nor morningstarre. or Venus appearing after a long latitat vnder the Sun beames; or some fixed starre disguised (I know not how) with borrowed locks. Not much vnlike to some late writers, who suppose Comets to be starres Not created from the beginning. from the beginning created, but hidden in the deepe abysse of heauen, and at certaine times descending lower, become visible to the earth.
But whatsoeuer was the materiall of this Comet, howsoeuer compact, and dissolued, I am enforced in conclusion of this Astronomicall part, to lie prostrate A religions conclusion. at the Almighties power in the globositie thereof, to admire his wisdome in the motion, and adore his goodnesse in the present apparition.
MORALL PROGNOSTICKS or Applications of the late
Comet or Blazing-Starre.
Tu Iupiter me ducito, & Fatalitas.
IT now remaines (with my readers friendly censure) to point a Mercuriall finger in the Prognosticks, especially the morall applications of this new Comet, by diuine prouidence set on the high Olympian Mount, to some the Herald of wrath, but to others the ioyfull Embassador of peace and mercy; the place and body thereof farre surmounting the region, and no lesse excelling the matter of common Meteors, the signification also doth as much transcend their effects, [Page 28] This Comet a signe of more then elementarie alterations. being not so much a cause (as they be) of elementary alterations, as a colestiall signe of greater consequents▪ There be not yet lacking some, who erect Chancels to the blinde Goddesse Chance, sacrificing to that abominable Idoll, not without impious contumelie of the omnipotent God, & vile contempt of his power and prouidence in the fabrique and regiment Against Epicurean chance. of the world. These true
filthy and brutish swine, [...] whose God (as the Apostle saith) is their bellie, wallowing in the mire of voluptuous sensualitie, little regard the apparition of these new celestiall signes, taking more And neglect of these celestiall signes. care to frizle and brisle their superfluous haire, than of this Comets blazing lockes. These Epicurean pigs in stead of sober Elegies, grunt forth their wanton Ditties,
Away, away prophane, irreligious wretches: it is [Page 29] God, it is God omnipotent, and omniscient, to the God doth appeare in these signes. wicked most fearfull and terrible, to the repentant most gracious and mercifull, that appeares in these celestiall signes. I might easily fill a volume with verses of holy enraged Poets, who haue sounded a loud alarme of these blazing starres; yea and confirme their propheticke lines with particular histories of the strange mutations ensuing these presages Mutations ensuing them. both in Church and Common▪weale. Let that Epiphonema of Manilius to Augustus Caesar suffice:
If any euill follow, wee our selues are in fault. But I list not to be an ominous Scrich-owle: I had rather be the Halcyon of calme serenitie, which doubtlesse I shall be if our selues hinder not.
My deare Countrimen, Heauen forbid that I should be to you a Cassandra, but a Calchas. Will you haue my lines the comfortable raies of Phoebus, more true then those Delphicke Oracles? Will you not haue this Comet an infortunate Helene, and wofull messenger of tempest? Then cast ouer boord sleepie disobedient Ianas; let no rebellious transgressions, no sinfull fugitiues lurke and snort in your Cabines.
Sinne being banished, these signes need not be feared. Preuent the diuine anger with timely and serious repentance, then dare I say to you with Ieremiah, feare not the signes of heauen, at which the heathen are dismaide.
[Page 30] Charlemaines fearefulnesse. Indeede Charlemaine did religiously answere in this very case; That he feared not the signe, but the great and potent Creator thereof; yet I suppose that iealous feare wrought much in the Emperours feeble spirits, ready of themselues to vanish through age.
Vespasians answer concerning a Comet. It was more couragiously replied by Vespasian (as Dion reports) when the apparition of a Comet was thought to portend his death. No, said he, this bushie starre noteth not me, but the Parthian King, [...]. For he hath the Comets lockes, I am bald.
The wicked haue only cause to seare. And insooth those Gorgons heads, whose snakie haires of filthy and loathsome sinnes affright earth, and prouoke heauen, haue only or speciall cause to suspect these caelestiall signes; but others that can be content to cut off these monstrous and vicious lockes, yea preferre the baldnesse of Innocencie before Comets rayes of diuine fauour to the godly. the curles of Iniquity; need not to feare, but rather hope, that these new Starres be to them the rayes of diuine fauour, and goodnesse.
God only knowes what this Comet doth signifie in particular. What this Comet doth in particular signifie is not possible to declare without an [...] or diuine inspiration.
The Star which led the Wisemen to Christ. Yet to discend somewhat lower then Vniuersalities: That blessed Starre, which conducted the Magi to Christs poore, but sacred nurcery (of whose incarnation, and happinesse to mankinde thereby [Page 31] that Starre was an heauenly Harbenger) doth enforce me often to thinke that those many new stars and Comets, which haue beene more this last Century Comets signifie the light of the Gospell. of the world, then in many ages before, did amongst other things signifie that glorious light of the Gospell, which hath lately illumined the whole world.
Fiue Comets in 10. yeares about the preaching of Luther. About the preaching of Luther were at least fiue Comets in tenne yeares, after which followed the happy departure of Germany, England, and many other Northerne parts from the spirituall Babylon. This new Comet doth giue vs hope, that the rest of Christendome before long will follow; and so at Sybillaes prophesie against Rome. length shall be verified the Prophesie of Sybilla vpon occasion of these new stars.
The Comet 1558▪ a good signe to the Protestants. Did not our Fathers finde the Comet in 1558. to be a signe of much happinesse to the persecuted Protestants in England, and Germany? yea did not that admirable new Starre in Cassiopaea 1572. and The new Starre 1572. and the▪ Comet 1577. that remarkable Comet 1577. plainly from heauen remonstrate, that howsoeuer the Euangelicall Churches in France, and the Low-countries might be for a time greiuously afflicted, yet maugre Sathan, and all his hellish Furies they should at length flourish, and triumph ouer their cruell aduersaries. Besides The Gospell hath shined amongst the Jndians. these regions of Europe, a blessed light hath in this age shined to another world, which did long fit in most fearefull darkenesse; I meane the East and West Indies. I am verily perswaded that the [Page 32] new Star which appeared so long from September The late new Stars in Ophiuclius and Cygnus. 1604. to Ianuary, 1606. in the foot of Serpentarius, hauing coincidance with the great coniunction of the three superiour Planets, and that other so many yeares in Cygnus, doth promise (being with this present Comet conformed) a more cleare illustration of those remote regions with the resplendent light of saluation: according to our Sauiours Oracle; The Gospell shall be preached through the whole world. Praedicabitur Euangelium hoc in vniuerso terrarum orbe: And this Gospell shall be preached throughout the whole earth. Which giues vs hope, that his other gracious promise shall shortly be accomplished. And Ierusalem shall be troden downe by the Gentiles, Calling of the Iewes. vntill the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled. Which certainly shall precede the second comming of our blessed Sauiour; Fore runners whereof (he saith) shall be signes in the Sunne, Moone, and Starres.
To draw neerer home, not by the rules of vulgar Against vulgar Astrologie. Astrologie, whose precepts I esteeme no better then [...], Phantasticke dreames (as Metrocles said of his bookes, which hee consecrated to Vulcan) but directed by these celestiall Hieroglyphickes, in which I may say as the Poet long agoe:
Morall application of the Comets motion amongst the constallations. Directed (I say) by this Hieroglyphicke doctrine, as by a sure Cynosure, and conducting Pole-starre: I dare boldly affirme, that this Comet being followed in his Emblemated motion is to great Britaines [Page 33] Maiestie, and Monarchie, Signum foelix, faustum, This Comet followed in his motion a happie signe to great Britaine. & fortunatum: An auspicious signe of great honour and happinesse.
About the 17. of Nouember, the Comet was in coniunction with Mercury, supposed by the ancients The Comets coniunction with Mercurie. the Messenger, and Interpreter of Heauen, Patrone of Arts and trafficke: this fortunate meeting was neere the Ecliptique on this Northerne side; as if Royall Phaebus had sent him to entertaine this new Embassador with ioyfull embraces, and honourably to receiue him into these arcticke regions: yea, as it were to giue him some speciall charge from the great Monarch of the Starrie Empire. And here (me This Comet brings vs hope of good from the East Indies. thinks) the East Indies do by these two Legates present great Britaine with her odoriferous and healthfull spices, her precious Iewels, and other orientall riches.
The Comets passage through the constellation of Libra. The place of this congresse is most remarkable, amidst the balance of Libra; which the Comet passing through doth withall, as it were from Heauen, proclaime to Prince and people:
Commendeth Iustice and Equitie vnto vs. Iustice by learned Politicians is diuided into Geometricall, or distributiue, and arithmeticall or correctiue Iustice; and both of these doth this heauenly Embassador commend to mortall men, especially the Inhabitants of these British Iles. And for the first doth tell them that Cyclopicall Anarchy is dangerous, Distributiue Iustice. and no lesse is Anabaptisticall [...], or equalitie: And thankes be to God our Church, and Common-weale are well rid of these saucie Mates. Equalitie dangerous. But this Messenger of Heauen doth warne vs of [Page 34] Pride of apparel. another proud parity, which beginnes to affront all degrees in sumptuous, and presumptuous apparell, with strange, and inconstant fashions; a disorder much reproued by God himselfe, and withstood in well gouerned Common-weales.
The other is correctiue Iustice, an indifferent and equall administration of right to all. When the Lawes be not as Anacharsis said, like Spiders webs, which the great Hornets breake through, but the silly flies are intangled; when the Widow and fatherlesse are protected, and the poore mans cause gratis pleaded; where the scant measure (so abhominable to God) is made vp; where there is no wicked balance (which he will not iustifie) nor secret bagges of deceitfull waights.
Exhortation to equitie. Wherefore my Countrimen, doe iustly one with another, and shew mercy; so shall you bee more acceptable to God, then if you offred a thousand Hecatombs, or tenne thousand riuers of oyle. Behold, behold this celestiall Messenger from Heauen doth bring you an euen poysing balance, & equall waights, receiue and vse them, so shall it be the signe of good to you and yours: ô excellent Iustice.
O would it were no worse, ô that wee were so purged of this deceitfull iniquitie; then might wee [Page 35] with cheerefull eies behold this Embassador from Heauen, and with ioyfull hearts receiue his message.
But least wee should without waighing their worth, neglect these golden balances of right and equitie, the Comet doth another way againe, and againe inforce the necessitie of this excellent virtue of virtues.
The Comet by spreading his haire ouer Virgo doth enforce his commendation of Iustice. Which this Starre would blazen forth by displaying his golden lockes ouer the skirts of Virgo, that iust Astraea, which last of all the virtues forsooke the earth, polluted with so many vices.
But this Sydereus nuncius doth as it were intreat her to returne with her flourishing spike, and aduise vs to giue her content, least as in former times our corrupt manners make her wearie of the earth. From Libra the Comet posting ouer the aetheriall The Comet presents a crowne to the Prince, and a spike of plenty to the people, for reward of Iustice. plaines camposque liquentes, at length comes neere to Ariadnes crowne, which hee taketh to him for a princely reward of Iustice, reseruing the Virgins spike for the people. O all preseruing Iustice, fructificas solum & firmas solium: Thou fructifiest the ground, and establishest the throne! Blessed are they that doe iustice at all times (saith the royall Psalmist)
The iust mans seede shall neuer perish, but flourish like the Palme-tree.
With these rich presents the Comet enters the celestiall The Comets long residence in Arctophylax. mansion of Arctophylax (mightie guardian of the Northerne Beares) where finding gracious welcome, he makes a long residence.
Great Britaine gouerned with the scales of Iustice, florisheth with her spike of plentie. It is Great Britaines royall Court, which diuine Astraea doth illustrate with her gracious and healthfull rayes, it is this fortunate Iland that is gouerned with her scales of iustice, and enriched with her spike of plentie. The worlds great Monarch hath crowned Her Imperiall Diadem vnited, and preserued from Heauen. his Maiestie with the Imperiall Diademe of all the British Iles; and by this his Embassador doth promise him a long and happie possession thereof, and to his posteritie for euer. As for his enemies, he hath and will cloath them with shame, but on him and his shall his crowne flourish in this life, and an immortall crowne of glory in the heauens.
Two Protectors of Crowne and Spike. But I may not forget two associates of Iustice, (and with her sure protectors of this Crowne and Spike) which this celestiall Legate doth together with them present: the one a iewell of inestimable Serpents eye of vigilancie. value, [...], a sharpe piercing eye of vigilancy and circumspection, wherewith the subtill serpent did congratulate his passage by: the other an inchanted 2. An Achillean speare. Achillean speare in the hand of Arctophylax, to defend our Arcticke Beares, and offend all barking currs and sauage wolues; as the Serpents eye will watch the craftie foxes.
Serpents types of wisedome. Serpents both in sacred and humane writings are the symboles or types of wisdome and prudent vigilancie. [Page 37] Yea, without this Serpents eie, strength is but an one-eyd Polyphemus, mole suâ ruens, destroying himselfe with his owne corpulencie.
Neuer'more need of the Serpents eye. Neuer was there more need of circumspection, then in this faeculent and tartareous age, wherein many are so farre from Numa's erecting a Temple to Fidelitie, that they come neerer to these perfidious Spartans,
Or if they haue any religion at all, the chiefe articles there of be equiuocation, fraud, periurie, treacherie, assasinations, and murders: against whom there is Epicharmus his counsell. no other but that Epicharmian prouision;
His Maiesties searching eye of wisedome preserued the whole Kingdome. And in sooth had not our wise and learned Salomon with this Serpents eye searched into the secret vaults, and darke cauernes of that hellish gunpowder-treason, de Britannia actum esset, there had been a sudden vnexpected end of Great Britaines glory.
Lyons Symbole of magnanimity coupled with Serpents. With these winding Serpents the ancient Sages coupled Lions the symbole of magnanimitie, neither may they be separate, but conioyned doe compleat a royall guardian and protector. Which is excellently typed forth by those who first reduced the starres into symbolicall constellations, placing Virgo in the midst of Libra and Leo. I will not follow the allegorie in Great Britaines royall Lions, hauing done it elsewhere; but applie the present embleme [Page 38] traced in this Comets motion, which with the Serpents eye ioyneth a defensiue and offensiue weapon in the hand of Arctophylax. Let none here expect from me an Alarme; no, my panegyricall part of Great Britaines Monarchie will shew our singular and vnparallelled happinesse in this gracious peace.
said the high-soaring Poet; Inexpert thoughts are vaine and light. Dulce bellum inexpertis, was the royall motto of Englands greatest warriour, and France's terror, Edward the third.
Excellence of peace. It is an ill peace which I would not preferre before the most glorious warre; and with Martian the Emperour, Dum liceat in pace viuere, non licet arma sumere: Whilest wee may liue in peace, wee may not take vp hostile armes.
Warre to be remembred in peace. Yet for all this, would I not counsell to deliuer vp our armes to our enemies, as the foolish shepheards sometimes did their dogges to the wolues.
Oh how are wee degenerate from the generous spirits and warlike meditations of our victorious ancestors! Nimia foelicitate mergimur in voluptates: Voluptuousnesse hindreth warlike meditations. Our ouer-much felicitie hath almost drencht vs in voluptuousnesse.
I will not aske where are the bowes and arrowes wherewith our fathers conquered France, and releened Spaine: but where are our Muskets? Are they not turned into Tabacco pipes? Where are our English [Page 39] valour and courage? Are they not with that outlandish weed vanished into smoake? May I not Muskets turned into Tabacco pipes. say as it was sometimes said of those degenerate Milesians, [...]: The English were once valiant and warlike. Who may not from these smoakie parents feare a fumish generation, whose courage may perhaps be soone inflamed, but sooner quenched? Like as Florus describes the old French; whose first assault (saith he) was maior quàm virorum, The effeminate valour of the old French. more then for men; but presently minor quàm foeminarum, lesse then for women. Or as Iulius Celsus reports of them, their courage was hastie, but effeminate, and vnable to resist. And in sooth what other can we expect from this fumish age, then a furious, but soone exhaling rage, rather then courage? Rage rather then courage. I might iustly take vp a Satyricke, and sharpe reproofe of this degenerate custome. But this noble Citie giues vs better hope, and (though not forgotten in Great Britaines Panegyricke, yet here also) enforces me to a iust Encomion of her Ciuill Censure and Martiall discipline. London (if any) may assume that braue Motto,
being not only the rich staple of trade and trafficke, but also the compleat armorie of all Martiall accoutrements. Her flagge hath waued with all the foure windes, in the frozen North, torrid South, odoriferous East, and hopefull West. Her Crosse hath beene aduanced against Turke and Infidell, and her Dagger died in the bloud of domestick Rebels, and forraine enemies. Her worthy Citizens,
Her military discipline. doe not only by thousands in their yeerely gallant musters, reioyce their Citie, and strike a secret terror into their enemies, but also by their voluntarie and priuate Martiall meditations (each other weeke) Her voluntaries. giue a goodly testimonie of their generous spirits, seruiceable skill, and good affection to their King and Country. Truly these noble mindes, and warlike exercises, doe well deserue from the Commons imitation, and from the State encouragement. Thus much (if not too much) of Arctophylax his speare, and the Comets emblemated motion amongst the Coincidence of this Comet with the Syned at Dort. celestiall Hieroglyphicks. I may not forget the coincidence of this celestiall messenger with the present Synode at Dort, diuine prouidence actually with the rayes of this new Comet dispelling those foggie mists which began to ouer-shadow the glorious light of Euangelicall veritie. Neither may I omit that Comets doe often appeare, that the workes Comets often appeare that the workes of God may be manifested. of God may be made manifest in them (as our Sauiour said in another case) or as S. Paul, that by these visible things we may know the inuisible; God by these new celestiall blazons labouring to eleuate our deiected eyes and base cogitations, from earth to Commendation of Astronomie. the contemplation of his power, wisdome, and goodnesse in these glorious lights most apparant: Coeli enarrant gloriam Dei, The heauens declare the glorie of the Lord, saith the royall Prophet. How often is he rapt vp in the contemplation of the starres? Yea doth not God himselfe (expostulating with Iob) make mention of the celestiall Hieroglyphicks, [Page 41] the sweet influence of the Pleiodes, the bonds of Orion, Mazzaroth, the sonnes of Arcturus, and the crooked Serpent.
S. Paul reprouing the Athenians blinde deuotion [...], to the vnknowne God, doth refute them by testimonie of their owne Poet; [...], for we are also his ofspring: the very words of Aratus the Greeke Poet, and in that very poeme, wherein he at large deciphereth the emblematicall configurations of the starres. Certainly if S. Paul were now againe on the earth, and should to some alleadge this Astronomicall Poet, they would not faile with the Athenians to say, [...], He seemes to be a setter forth of strange Gods; or exclaime with Festus, [...]: Paul thou art beside thy selfe, too much learning doth make thee mad. But these madde Ignoramus must be cured with Hellebore, and not with words. More commendable was the endeuour of Hipparchus, who vpon occasion of a new starre was Endeuour of Hipparchus in Astronomie. stirred vp to such admiration, that hee attempted (a more then humane act) to number the starres vnto posteritie, to measure their distances, and set forth their respectiue situations, yea to leaue the heauen it selfe as it were an inheritance to all men, if any in future times would be found to vnderstand so rare a complot. But how few in so many after ages (two This diuine Art neglected and destitute of Patrons. thousands of yeeres) haue taken possession of this heauenly heritage? How few Caesars and Alphonses haue patronized this noble science? I cannot but bewaile this great neglect. But I hope this new Messenger from Heauen doth bring happie tidings of [Page 42] some munificent and liberall Patron to these rauishing (but impouerishing) studies, by whose gracious bountie the most recondite mysteries of this abstruse and diuine science shall at length be manifested.
Now for a finall closure to this impolished discourse:
Conclusion. Whatsoeuer euill this new Comet may presage, the signe be to them that hate vs, and the interpretation thereof to our enemies: But whatsoeuer good it can promise, the God of Heauen (who there placed it) confirme them all to his royall Maiestie, and Great Britaines Monarchie.
From my house in London neere All-hallowes in the Wall, this last of Decemb. 1618.