A CATALOGVE of the Bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this Island, together with a briefe History of their liues and memorable actions, so neere as can be gathered out of antiquity.

By F. G. Subdeane of Exceter.

‘Bona quae facereipsi negligimus, haec ad correctionem nobis Deus ab alijs fieri demonstrat, vt qui praeceptum non attendimus, saltem exemplis excitemur, atque in appe­titu rectitudinii nil sibi mens nostra difficile existimes quod perfecte peragi ab alijs videt.’ Greg. Moral. lib. 9.

‘Mementote praepositorum vestrorum, qui vobis loquuti sunt verbum Dei: quorum intuentes exitum conuersa­tionis, imitamini fidem.’ Heb. 13. 7.


LONDINI, Impensis Geor. Bishop. 1601.

TO THE RIGHT Honorable Sir THOMAS SACK­VYLL, Baron of Buckhurst, Knight of the most noble order of the Garter, Lord high Treasurer of England, and Chaun­cellor of the Vniuersitie of Oxford.

THis worke (right Honorable) such as it is, I haue thought it no lesse then my duty to present vnto your Lord­ship, not onely in regard of my selfe, whom by many great and vndeser­ued fauours you haue so bound vnto you, as except I wil be very vnthank­full, I must at all times be ready to tender my selfe and all my poore ability vnto your seruice; but also in respect of the matter, which, as if it had light vpon a writer wor­thy of it, might haue yeelded a discourse not altogether vnwoorthy your Honorable regard. So, being but as it is, a memoriall of the liues and actions of the most me­morable and famous learned men, that our countrey from time hath brought foorth; Me thinkes I cannot commend it vnto a more likely patron then your selfe, that are not onely learned, but also vnder her Maiesty the Supreame gouernour of one of those two welsprings of [Page] learning and learned men, our [...] ( [...] doubt) [...] vnto the worlds ende, continuall matter for the like argument, of this, that in this present worke I haue handled. I humbly beseech your Lordship insteed of some better assurance, to ac­cept it as a pledge and token of a heart and minde in all duety faithfully affected vnto your Honour, for the ad­uauncement whereof in all happinesse, I will not cease (as I am by duty bound) conti­nually to pray vnto Al­mighty God.

Your Lordships Chaplayne euer humbly at commandement, FRANCIS GODWYN.

To the Reader.

I Cannot deny, but my delight in the study of hi­stories and antiquities, hath beene somewhat greater, then was needfull for a man that had dedicated himselfe and his labours vnto the seruice of Gods church in the Ministery. Which [...] acknowledging in my selfe, and being vnable wholy to [...] ( [...] quem (que) voluptas, and I would to God that [...] the woorst might be said of me) I endeuoured long since in some sort to reforme the same by restrayning my selfe with­in the compasse of such antiquities, as seemed to concerne but seasticall causes or persons. My collections the one way (I meane concerning matters ecclesiasticall) can adde nothing vnto that large and painefull worke of Master Foxe. In the other kinde (concerning ecclesiasticall persons) what many yeeres reading & obseruation could yeeld vnto me, some seuen or eight yeeres since I comprised in a volume; which (being perswaded therunto by diuers my friends no lesse godly then wise) I haue at last condiscended (after some conuenient aug­mentation of the same) to publish. The principall reason that mooued me thereunto, is in effect but that, which Tacitus saith euery historiographer should propose vnto himselfe, Ne virtu­tessileātur, vt (que) prauis dictis factis (que) ex posteritate & in­famia metus sit. In the latter of these (the faults of those men of whom I am to write) I need not greatly to paine my selfe. For it is not to be denied, that the most part of the Chroniclers & historiographers of our age, haue borne a hand hard ynough at least vpon the Prelates and Cleargy of former times, euery where like Chams, discouering the nakednes of these fathers, but seldome or neuer indeuouring with Sem to hide the same, much lesse affoording vnto them any honorable mention neuer so well deserued. This kinde of dealing though happily inten­ded to good purposes, might not expect that successe and bles­sing [Page] at Gods hand, that the plame and sincere truth is wont to finde. As Marcellus Bishop of Ancyra ( Socrates reports it) labouring a little too earnestly against one Asterius an Ar­rian, and so derogating impiously from the person and dignity of our Sauiour Christ, byforcing some reasons of Paulus Sa­mosatenus (that swaruing as farre on the other side dispoyled the same our Sauiour of his humanity) he fell at last himselfe and drew many others into those pernicious & impious errors of the Samosatenians: ‘Stulti dum vitant vitia in contraria currunt)’ Euen so, these men inioyning somewhat too furiously the super­stition and errors which the Cleargy of former times (much deale of ignorance) did teach and defend; whilest that the ra­ther to discredit their doctrine, they depraued their persons; it hath pleased God, that this vncharitable course should sort to some other effect then was intended, and that such, as with­out his great mercy, was like to haue caused an inconuenience of little lesse importance (I will not say greater) then that which our late reformation hath redressed. For in the vulgar sort (which distinguish not so easily betweene persons and things) it bred a conceit, not onely that the men were wicked, and so their doctrine corrupt (although I know the consequēce to be weake) but also their functions and callings to be vtterly vnlawful & Antichristian, which opinion once receiued in the minds of the multitude, gaue occasion of diuers plots, coloured with the plausible shew of reformation, but indeed principally ayming at the goods and reuenues of the church, the temporall rewards of learning; which being once taken away, what con­fusion is like to follow, we may easily see by the effects it bring­eth foorth elsewhere. Those countries that heretofore haue yeelded great plenty of able-worke-folkes for the Lords vine­yard; now that brood is spent which attayned learning, the re­wards yet standing whole; they hardly can shew a man able to set pen to paper in defense of the truth. Yea euen amongst vs, [Page] although the godly and excellent care of her Maiestie hath preseraed the state of this our church in such sort, as I thinke no other reformed Church of Christendome any thing neere comparable vnto it; yet the example of other, the knowen [...] of so many sacrilegious cormorāts as await daily the destruction of the same, and the doubt least it will decay, for that we cannot hope for the like piety in all succeeding Princes; it so far foorth discourageth men from the study of diuinity, as the best wits dayly refuse the Vniuersities (or Diuinity at the least, which in some other countries is accounted the surest way to aduauncement) and rather betake themselues to any other kind of life. Hereof it commeth to passe, that euery age bringeth forth lesse plenty of learned men then other amongst vs: And it is much to befeared, least our posterity will too truely say,

AEtas parentum peior Auis tulit
Nos rudiores, mox daturos
Progeniem ineruditiosam.

To make no mention of such other reasons as might induce me to the publishing of these noses, least I make my porch larger then some principall roomes of my intended building; I thinke it necessary now to admonish the Reader, that he expect not any ample discourse of the liues and actions of the Bishops of our owne time or neere vnto it. I hane purposly auoyded to set downe any thing of them, but what either I finde written by other, or elseremayneth to be secne in publike record. And this course I haue taken, because I iudge it neither seemely to praise, nor safe to reprehend (how iustly soeuer) those men, that either by themselues, their neere friends or posterity yet liuing, may seeme either to haue allured me to flatter, or feared me from disclosing that truth, which otherwise I would haue vt­tered. Neither do I thinke it needefull to say much of them, who being either present in action, or fresh in memory, are suf­ficiently knowen vnto vs. Whereas moreouer, I haue passed ouer in silence some two Sees; you shal vnder stand, that I haue [Page] beene forced there [...] for want of some necessary instructi­ons, which, by reason of the far distance of my place of dwelling from them, I haue not had meanes to attayne, although I haue endeuoured the same. I would therefore earnestly pray all men that can, to yeeld me helpe for the supplying of whatsoeuer may seeme to be wanting, either in those Sees or any other. I shall take it very thankfully at their hands. In the meane time, this which now I am able to affoord vnto you, I wish it may be ta­ken in good part; and God grant it may in some measure prooue a meanes of the aduauncement of his glory, and the good of his Church.


The Archbishops of Canterbury.

1. Augustine.

IT is very certaine and witnessed by 596 many histories without exception, that our Island of Britayne receiued the faith of Christ euen in the first in­fancie of the Church. Theodoret and Sophronius Patriarke of Jerusalem affirme that Saint Paul himselfe was héere, and preached the Gospell after his first imprisonment at Rome. Ni­cephorus and some other report that Simon Zelotes came hither, and was the first messenger of the glad tidings of the Gospell to our nation. But it is deliuered by one consent that Saint Philip the Apostle of the Frenchmen vnderstanding how this Island (from whence first sprong the superstitious religion of the Druydes) was seperated from Fraunce by a small cut of a fewe houres saile; thought good to send ouer hi­ther twelue preachers, the chiefe whereof was Ioseph of Ari­mathia that buried the bodie of our Sauiour Christ. These men arriuing héere, the yéere of our Lord 63. did their best in­deuour for the conuersion of our Britaines. It pleased not God they shoulde preuaile with the king, who in no wise would be woone from the superstition of the Druydes: But of the meaner sort of people many there were that hearkened vnto them: yea the king himselfe admiring their great mo­destie, painfulnes and vertuous behauiour, was content to assigne them a place of habitation (where Glastonbury now standeth) which was at that time and long after an Island all compassed about with lakes and standing water. And another king gaue vnto euery of those twelue a hide of lande in the countrey néere adioyning, which are named to this day the twelue hides of Glastonbury. In this Island of Gla­stonbury (then called Auallon) Ioseph and his fellowes found [Page 2] meanes to build a church, which after they were dead stoode desolate, the whole Island being forsaken and remaining without any inhabitant many yéeres, euen vntill the time of king Lucius, which was about the yéere of Christ 180. It hapned then, a lawe héeretofore made by Claudius Caesar (as Suetonius reporteth in his life) was now generally put in execution, by the Romaines (who ruled all this end of the world) commanding that the superstitious religion of the Druydes should euery where be abolished.

The pulling vp of these wéedes gaue good occasion vnto the séede of the Gospell (sowed long before by the preachers afore mentioned) now to spring and bring foorth fruite; whereunto God gaue so good increase, as Lucius the king himselfe was content to put on the swéete yoke of our Saui­our: which that it might be the better and the more fruitfully performed, he sent Eluan (a notable impe and disciple of that holy College at Auallon) and Medwyin a Dutch man (that were the instruments of his conuersion) vnto Eleutherius the bishop of Rome, requesting that he would send other preachers vnto his realme by whom he and his people might be further instructed in the way of truth. He satisfied his de­maund and sent vnto him two notable men, [...] and Phaganus, by whose paines and industrie chiefly the whole realme was finally conuerted. They sought out the ancient church at Glastonbury, repaired the same, and dwelled there for the space of nine yéeres after. Now king Lucius being himselfe Baptised and many of his people, in all parts of his dominions, he caused the temples of his false gods to be dedi­cate to the seruice of the true God, in the place of their priests he appointed preachers of the Gospel, and for their Flamines Bishops to the number of 28. Of these 28. thrée were Arch­bishops; one at London whose prouince was the south part of England: Another at Caerlegion vpon Uske, his prouince was Wales: And a third at Yorke, vnto whose iurisdiction the Bishops of Scotland and North England were subiect. The Gospell hauing taken such déepe roote héere, flourished a while very prosperously: And albeit it were often lopped and pruned afterward, yea the very maine rootes mightily struc­ken at by the violent indeuour of sundry tyrants that sought [Page 3] vtterly to destroy and abolish the same out of this land: yet had it euer many constant and open professors that neuer suf­fred the light thereof vtterly to be extinguished Amongst ma­nie, the most terrible persecution that euer this church sustai­ned was by the Saxons, who expelled not onely Christian religion, but the followers of the same into a corner of this Island. Howbeit, euen amongst these very barbarous Sax­ons, there were diuers from time to time that professed Christ But our countrey being in a manner all growen ouer with Pagamsme (for there was no publike allowance of Christian religion any where but in Wales) it pleased God to giue this occasion of replanting the same héere againe. It chanced that blessed and holy father Saint Gregory one day to espie certaine beautifull children to be sold in the stréetes of Rome, and vnderstanding they were Pagans, asked of what countrey they were: It was answered they were An­gles: well may they be so called quoth he, for they looke like Angels. Demaunding them of what prouince they were, it was said they were of Deira: God grant (saith he) they may be De ira dei eruti, deliuered from the wrath of God and made partaker of his mercies by Christ. Hée procéeded yet further, and asked how the king of that countrey was called: vnderstanding his name was Elle. Alleluia (quoth he) must néedes be sung in those parts in praise of almightie God. Not long after then, this good man being made Pope, hée tooke especiall care of sending preachers into this land for the con­uersion of the same. Yet it is not to be denied, and it appée­reth manifestly by the letters of Saint Gregory himselfe vn­to the king and Quéene of France, that this care of his was much stirred vp by the forwardnes of some good Saxons, that complained vnto him of the negligence of the French priestes, who being so néere, would neuer take any course for the planting of Christianitie amongst them, and therefore praied him that he would send preachers thither. He did so, & made choice of one Augustine a monke of greater vertue then learning, vnto whom he appointed fortie other that shoulde accompanie and aide him in this holy worke. Being now well onward on their way, they enquired of the state of the countrey and manners of the people vnto whom they went, [Page 4] and vnderstoode so much of their barbarous and fierce rude­nes, as they in a manner all vtterly renounced procéeding any farther in the voyage, and as it were compelled Augu­stine to poste backe to Rome, there to craue licence of re­turne. Saint Gregorie much grieued with this [...], writ his letters vnto them, wherein hé vsed many reasons to perswade them in any wise to goe forward; whereun­to at last they yéelded. They arriued at the Iste of Thanet in Kent the yéere 596. nowe iust a thousand yéeres agoe. The king of that countrie (his name was Ethelbert) inter­tained them with all curtesie, the rather (as it is to be sup­posed) by the persuasion of his wife Berta that was a Chri­stian. There was néere vnto the citie of Canterburie a church built of old by the Romaines and dedicated vnto S. Martin, in which the Quéene was woont to pray with Lethardus her Bishop. There these men were allowed to preach, pray, bap­tise and vse all maner of exercise pertaining to Christian reli­gion. The king himselfe all this while gaue them mainte­nance, came often to heare them, and at last being throughly conuerted, tooke on him the badge of Christ by baptisme, all his people quickly following his example. He then also ap­pointed vnto Augustine and his companions a house at Sta­blegate, and allotted competent reuenues vnto the same. The matter being thus far forward, Augustine stept into France and caused himselfe there to be consecrated Archbishop of England by Etherius Archbishop of Arles. Presently vpon his returne thence, he sent two of his companie vnto Rome ( Laurence and Peter) to aduertise the Pope of their good suc­cesse. By them when they returned he sent Augustine a pall, bookes, church-ornaments and other necessaries. He sent also presently vnto the king, and writ diuers letters; some gratu­latorie to the king, some vnto Augustine exhorting him to di­ligence in his calling, and to take héede least the miracles which God wrought by him for the conuersion of this people should make him proud; and lastly, others vnto the Archbi­shop of Arles to thanke him for his good aide and assistance yéelded to these men in this businesse. In the meane time Au­gustine had obtained of the king another church in the midst of the citie, built likewise heretofore by the Romaines and [Page 5] dedicated the same vnto our Sauiour Christ. Soone after, this good king gaue vnto him also his owne palace and chiefe seate of his kingdome, remoouing himselfe vnto Rheaculf, cal­led by the Romaines Regulbium now [...]: And last­ly he laid the foundation of a goodly monasterie which he de­dicated to S. Peter and S. Paule, knowen afterwards by the name of S. Augustines. These things being thus ordered, he indeuoured to make a concord and agréement betwéene the Saxons and the Welchmen, who differed from the Romane church in two things, the manner of baptizing, and the time of the obseruation of Easter. Much paines he tooke to per­suade them, yea wrought a myracle by healing a blinde man for confirmation of his doctrine, as you may read in Beda his Eccl. [...]. lib. 2. cap. 2. But they woulde by no meanes con­sent to any such vnion, much lesse yéeld any kinde of subiecti­on to that authoritie which he claimed to haue ouer all this Island. He gaue not ouer with one repulse, but when at the first he could not preuaile, he procured a second conference, at what time there met him seuen Britaine Bishops and a great number of monks, especially of that famous monaste­rie of Bannachor a place not farre from Chester wherein there liued by the labour of their owne hands 2000. monks. These men before they came to the place of meeting appoin­ted, thought good to aske the counsell of a certaine Anehorite whom they reputed for a very holie and deuout man, and to know of him whether he thought it best for them to yeeld to the directions of Saint Augustine. He aduised them, if hee were a man of God, to take the course he shewed, and to fol­low the same And when they asked how they should discerne whether he were such a one or no, he pronounced this say­ing of our Sauiour, Take my yoke vpon you and learne of me for I am meeke and humble of hart: If therefore this same Augustine be a méeke and humble minded man, it is a great presumption that he beareth the yoke of Christ, and offereth the same vnto you: But if he be stout and proud, he is not of God you may be bold. This therefore saith he is my aduire, haue a care that he and his companie be first in the place where you meete: If then you being the greater number he rise not to doe you reuerence, but despise you, despise you [Page 6] also him and his counsell. Augustine therefore first entered the place with his banner and his crosse, with singing proces­sion and great pompe; and when the Britayne Bishops came in, neuer rose or saluted them at all. This they taking verie ill, gainsaid him in euery thing, told him, that as his opinions were allowed by Gregory, so had theirs long since by E­leutherius both Bishops of Rome, that they had an Arch­bishop then commorant at Caerlegion, him they would obey and none other, especially such a one as he was, a man vnknowne, and a stranger not onely for his person and lan­guage, but much more for his opinions and strange conceits. Augustine much displeased with this short answere, prayed them to yéeld vnto him but in thrée things, to minister Bap­tisme and obserue Easter according to the Roman maner, to assist him in preaching Christ vnto the Saxons. But when they vtterly denied to ioyne with them in any sort, he de­nounced against them the iudgements of God for this [...], and assured them confidently (as saith Beda) of some great calamitie shortly to fall vpon their nation; that they which would not haue peace with their brethren, should haue warre with their enimies, and should finde death by their swords, vnto whom they refused to preach the way of life. It came to passe according to his prediction, that Edel­fride king of Northumbers; a Pagan Saxon came against them shortly after with a huge armie, ouerthrew them in battaile, and slew (besides an infinite number of souldiers and men of armes) a great many monkes, to the number of 1200. that were gathered togither there to fight by praier: onely fiftie persons saued themselues by flight. Soone after this battaile (which some say Augustine liued not to sée) he died, hauing béene Archbishop 16. yéeres, to wit, May 25. (which day is dedicated to his memorie in our Kalender) the yéere 611. or (as some deliuer) ann. 605. He was a man of excéeding tall stature, well fauoured, and of a very [...] countenance. His body at first was buried without doores néere the church of his monasterie, because the church was not yet finished; but afterwards was remooued into the north porch of the said church, in which place all the bodies of the Archbishops following were laid vntill Theodore, who [Page 7] was first buried in the church because the porch was full. Up­on the tombe of this our apostle was engrauen this epitaph, Hic requiescit Diuus Augustinus Dorobernensis Archiepisco­pus, qui olim huc a Beato Gregorio Romanae vrbis Pontifice directus & a Deo operatione [...] suffultus, & Ethel­bertum Regem & gentem illius ab Idolorum cultu ad fidem Christi perdoxit. Héere resteth the body of S. Augustine the first Archbishop of Dorobernia, that was sent into this land by Saint Gregory Bishop of the citie of Rome, approoued of God by the working of miracles, and that brought Ethel­bert the king and his people from the worshipping of idols vnto the faith of Christ.

2. Laurence.

SAint Augustine before his death had appointed to suc­céede 611 him, one Laurence a Romaine borne, a very godly and well learned man. He tooke great paines not onely with his owne charge, but also in labouring to reduce the Britons of Wales, the Scots and Irishmen to one consent in matters of religion. It is likely his diligence might haue done good, but that he was disturbed by the death of that good king Ethelbert. Eadbald his sonne succeeded him in the king­dome, who being a vitious yong man, was not ashamed to marrie the wife of his late deceased father. This and other enormities when Laurence like a good Iohn Baptist doubted not to reprehend him for, he first began to fall out with him, and afterwards, euen with Christian religion which awhile he seemed to like of well inough, but now at last vtterly re­nounced. The people (as commonly it commeth to passe) fol­lowing the example of their king, they likewise returned to the filthie vomite of their abominable idolatrie, although the Archbishop like a good Pastor ceased not by earnest exhorta­tions and what other meanes possibly he might, to stay them from this horrible relapse. Perceiuing at last that his words did no good, but rather incited the king to a more desperate hatred of him and religion: He determined to follow Mellitus and Iustus into France, that (as anon you shall haue occasion to reade) were lately banished by the wicked sonnes of good [Page 8] Sebert king of the East Saxons. The night before the day of his intended departure, he caused his bed to be made in the very church of his monasterie; where after many teares and sighes, he recommended vnto God the miserable state of his poore church and so sel sléepe. It seemed vnto him (saith Beda) that S. Peter came vnto him and first expostulated the mat­ter with him, after chid and reprehended him sharply [...] purposing to forsake the church committed vnto him, and lastly whipped his naked body so terribly, as when he wa­ked, finding it more then a dreame all his body was gore blood. He went immediately vnto the king, shewing him his wounds, and togither related vnto him the occasion of them. This strooke such a terror into the king, as by and by he re­nounced his idols put away his incestuous wife, caused him­selfe to be baptised, and for a farther testimonie and assurance of his vnfained conuersion, builded a church in the monastery of S. Peter, and dedicated the same vnto the blessed Uirgine. Laurence very ioyful of this alteratiō, sent presently for Mel­litus and [...] into France; who comming vnto him, one of them (Iustus) Bishop of Rochester he returned vnto his old charge, the other he retained with him hoping to finde meanes he also might be restored to his Sée againe. In the meane time, euen the same yéere that king Eadbald became a Christian, himselfe (I meane Laurence) died and was buried beside Augustine his predecessor.

3. Mellitus.

AT what time the Britaines refused to ioine with Au­gustine 617 in preaching of Christ, he writ vnto S. Gre­gorie, certifying him, that the haruest here was great, but the labourers very few; and therefore requested him to appoint some that might assist him in this worke of the Lord. He did so, and sent vnto him Mellitus an Abbot of Rome, Iustus, Paulinus, Rufinianus and others, who arriued in Eng­land the yéere 601. To leaue the rest vnto their owne places, Mellitus about thrée yéeres after was consecrate by him Bi­shop of London, where king Ethelbert built a goodly church and dedicated the same vnto S. Paul. The fourth yéere of his [Page 9] consecration he went to Rome to conferre with Boniface the Pope about diuers things, and was by him honourably in­tertained. A yeere or two after his returne died both Ethel­bert king of Kent and [...] (that vnder him ruled the East Saxons) vnto whose iurisdiction London appertained. This Sebert left behinde him thrée wicked sonnes, that being neuer baptised, came notwithstanding one day vnto the church at Communion time, and asked the Bishop what he meant that he deliuered not of that same fine bread vnto them as he was woont to doe vnto their father Saba and did yet vnto the rest of the people. He answered, that if they would be washed in the water of life as he was and the rest of the people there present; then would he [...] vnto them of this bread also, but otherwise neither was it lawfull for him to deliuer nor them to receiue it. This notwithstanding they would haue enforced him, and when they could not preuatle, were so en­raged, as they expelled him their dominion, hardly holding their hands from doing him violence at that time. He being thus exiled, went first vnto Laurence the Archbishop of Can­terburie, and finding him in little better case then himselfe was at London, departed into France together with Iustus Bishop of Rochester. Being sent for soone after by Laurence (as aboue said) it happened the same yeere that the said Lau­rence died, and he was appointed to succeede him. He was a man of great birth, but of greater minde, excéeding carefull of his charge, despising the world, and neuer [...] for any thing but heauen and heauenly things. Hauing beene sicke a long time, he died at last of the gowt, and was buried beside his predecessor.

4. Iustus.

Ivstus (of whom I haue before spoken somewhat) was 622 taken from Rochester to supply the place of Melhtus after his decease; wherein hauing trauelled painfully the space of twelue yeeres, he departed this life Nouemb. 10. ann. 634. and was buried in the porch aboue mentioned.

5. Honorius.

AFter the death of Iustus, Honorius was made Archbi­shop; 634 a very reuerend man: He was a Romane borne, very learned and sometimes a disciple of S. Gregory. He was consecrate at Lincolne by Paulinus Archb of Yorke. He receiued a pall from Rome with letters, wherein autho­ritie was giuen to him and the other Archb. whensoeuer ei­ther of them did faile, to consecrate another in his place with­out posting to Rome. This man appointed diuers Bishops to diuers countries, as in their seuerall places God willing, shall be more at large declared: He also biuided his prouince into parishes, that so he might appoint particular ministers to particular congregations, and hauing sate Archbishop al­most 20. yeeres, died the last day of Februarie, or (as some other deliuer) of September the yeere 653. He was buried amongst his predecessors.

6. Deus-dedit or Adeodatus.

THe Sée was voide after Honorius died the space of 18. 655 moneths. An Englishman or Saxon called sometimes Frithona (famous for his learning and other vertues) was then elected Archbishop, and after that named Deus de­dit. He was consecrate by Ithamar Bishop of Rochester, (Yorke being then without an Archbishop:) and died the last day of June 664. hauing attēded that charge carefully about the space of 9. yéeres. He was the first Englishman that was Archbishop, and the last Archbishop that was buried in the church porch of Saint Augustines.

7. Theodorus.

ONe Wigardus an Englishman, an ancient and lear­ned 668 Priest was chosen to succéede Deus-dedit, and sent to Rome for consecration with letters commen­datorie from Egbert king of Kent, and Oswy king of Nor­thumberland, who also sent presents of great value vnto [Page 11] Vitalianus that was then Pope. It chanced he came to Rome at a time when the plague was very hot there; and died of the same, as did also almost all his companie that came with him. The Pope vnderstanding the See had stood long void, and carefull to sée it furnished, made choice of one Adrian an Abbot of Italy, but borne in Afrike, a graue man and verie learned. He would not be perswaded to take so great a charge vpon him; but being importuned thereunto, he pro­mised to finde out a man that should be of greater both lear­ning and yéeres then himselfe, and in all other respects verie fit for the place. He was familiarly acquainted with one Theodore a Grecian, borne in Tharsus of Cilicia S. Paules countrey; a man well seene in all kinde of good learning & 66. yéeres of age. Vitalianus notwithstanding refused to allow of him, except the other would promise to go into England with him also. He was content, did so, and at his comming thither was made Abbot of S. Augustines. Theodore then was consecrate Archbishop, Aprill 1. 668. when the Sée had béene voide almost fower yéeres. In Maie following they set forward toward England. They had many lets by the way, and got not thither in a yéeres and a halfe. They brought with them great store of bookes both Gréeke and Latin, whereof some remaine yet to be seene at this day, as namely a Homer (so faire and exquisitely written, as no print in the world yet extant is thought to be comparable to it either for truth or beautie) and diuers other. Unto this man all the British Bishops and generally all Britaine yeelded obedi­ence, and vnder him conformed themselues in all things vn­to the rites and discipline of the church of Rome. He was a very stont and rigorous man, exercising the authoritie of his place so [...], as many thinke it a great blot vnto him. How he tooke vpon him to place and displace [...] Bishops at his pleasure, as Wilfride, Cedda and other, see in the beginning of Yorke. In his time were held two Synods, one at Hereford (the Canons whereof you may see in Beda lib. 4. cap. 5.) the other at Clyff beside Rochester, in which he procured all the Prelates there assembled to set downe their opinions touching the heresie of [...], wherewith his countreymen the Grecians were much infected: They all [Page 12] detested it, and gaue their approbation of those fiue famous generall Councels, of Nice, of Ephesus, of Chalcedon and the two first of Constantinople. Neuer before this time had England so happie daies, nor so many learned men as vnder him, and a little after. Amongst a great number of other, these were of his bréeding, Beda, Saint Iohn of Beuerley, Albinus, and Tobias Bishop of Rochester, all excellent and very famous men. He erected (as some say) a kind of schoole or Uniuersitie at Creeklade, or rather Greekeslade in Wilt­shire, so called of the Grecians that taught and studied there. These men soone after remoouing thence, are supposed to haue laide the foundations of our Uniuersitie of Oxford. He left sundrie monuments of his learning in writing behind him, and appointed many Bishops in diuers parts of this land. Hauing continued Archbishop 22. yéeres he died September 19. ann 690. being 88. yéeres of age; vntill which time hée would often say he thought he should liue, for that in a dreme it was so signified vnto him many yéeres before. A litle before his death he sent for Wilfride Archbishop of Yorke, and Er­kenwald Bishop of London, and confessing himselfe vnto them; acknowledged that he had doon Wilfride great wrong, insomuch as, there was no one thing that lay so hard vpon his conscience as that, and therefore with teares besought him to forgiue him and to pray for him. He was buried with­in the church of Saint Augustines Abbey.

8. Birhtuald.

ALmost two yéeres the Sée was voide after the death 692 of Theodore, Birhtuald Abbot of Reculuer which stan­deth vpon the mouth of the riuer Gentad, was then elect Ianuarie 29. ann. 692. and consecrate by Godwyn the Metropolitane of Wales, or of France rather as Beda reporteth. The yéere following Maie 30. he tooke possession of this his Bishopricke. He was a man verie well learned both in Diuinitie and otherwise, but not comparable vnto Theodore his predecessor. He bare a hard hand vpon Wil­fride Archbishop of Yorke as Theodore had done before him, and caused his second banishment, or at least was some [Page 13] meanes of it. He was coniured by the Pope, who turned him about, and dealt so with him by letters, as he made him more earnest for him then euer he had béene against him. No Archbishop euer continued so long in this Sée as he. He sate 38. yeeres and a halfe. Dying then Ianuarie 9. 731. he was buried at Saint Augustines with his predecessors.

9. Tatwyn.

THe same yéere in which Birhtwald died succéeded Tat­wyn 732 otherwise called Cadwyn and Scadwyn. He was borne in Mercia. A man verie religious, and no lesse learned. Soone after his consecration there arose a great con­trouersie betwéene him and the Archbishop of Yorke about the Primacie. Wherein Tatwyn preuailed hauing trauailed to Rome in person and receaued his Pall there. He sate thrée yéeres, died July 30. 734. and was buried at Canterburie. Unto this mans time Beda (who died the same yéere) dedu­ceth his historie, the most ancient that England hath woor­thie credite.

10. Nothelinus.

HEnry Huntingdon affirmeth one Egbright to haue 736 succéeded Tatwyn: I haue not found him mentioned else where: and therefore to follow the report of the greater number, I will omit him and passe vnto Nothelin. He was borne at London, of which citie he was Bishop, till he was translated to Canterburie. Beda acknowledgeth himselfe much beholding to this man for diuers things which vpon his report he inserted into his Ecclesiasticall storie. He receaued his Pall at Rome ann. 736. and was buried at Canterburie.

11. Cuthbert or Cudbrict.

CVthbert an Englishman, of great parentage, being 742 Bishop of Hereford, the yéere 742. was translated to Canterburie. Fiue yéeres after, to wit 747. by the [Page 14] counsell of Boniface Bishop of Mentz he called a conuocation at Cliff beside Rochester, to reforme the manifold enormi­ties wherewith the Church of England at that time was ouergrowen. Our kings forsaking the companie of their owne wiues, in those daies delighted altogether in harlots which were for the most part Nunnes. Regis ad exemplum totus componitur orbis. The rest of the nobilitie therefore following their example, trode also the same trace. The Bi­shops also and other of the cleargie that should haue béene a meanes of reforming these faults in others, were themselues no lesse faultie; spending their times either in contentions and brabbles, or else in luxurie and voluptuousnesse, hauing no care of studie and seldome or neuer preaching. Whereby it came to passe that the whole land was ouerwhelmed with a most darke and palpable mist of ignorance, and polluted with all kinde of wickednesse and impietie in all kinde of peo­ple. Cuthbert therfore endeuouring (like a good Pastor) by the reformation of these things to turne away the wrath of God which séemed to hang ouer this land, and to threaten those plagues which shortly after fell vpon it when the Danes in­uaded the same: gathered together his cleargie at the place before mentioned, and there after long consultation, caused certaine Canons to be decréed which are to be séene at large elsewhere. This man procured Eadbert king of Kent to command, that the bodies of Archbishops deceased hereafter should not be buried at S. Augustines (as heretofore) but at Christchurch: And that he might put his monkes of Christ church as it were in possession of this priuilege; he tooke order his death should be concealed vntill his funerals were ended. He died ann. 758. and was buried according to his owne de­sire in Christchurch, or (as one reporteth) in a little church néere adioyning, which he had built and dedicated vnto S. Iohn Baptist, meaning to settle his consistorie there and to make it a place of buriall for himselfe and his successors. This church many yéeres after was consumed with fire together with Christchurch it selfe and a great part of the monasterie. Christchurch was afterward reedified by Lanfranke.

12. Bregwyn.

BRegwyn was borne of noble parentage amongst the 759 Saxons of Germany, whence he trauailed into Eng­land for the encrease of knowledge, being yet verie yoong. After the death of Cuthbert, in regard of his modesty, integritie and great learning, choice was made of him as the fittest man to succéede. He tooke euen the like course for his buriall as his predecessour had done. He sate onely 3. yéeres.

13. Lambert.

THe monks of S. Augustines taking it very hainously 764 to haue the buriall of their Archbishops discontinued from them; began to make their complaint vnto the Pope. Now though Christchurch-men had no great reason to doubt of the Pope, who had confirmed vnto them this pri­uilege at the sute of Bregwyn, yet to make the matter the more sure, they determined to elect Lambert Abbot of Saint Augustines for their Archbishop, assuring themselues hée would now be as carnest a defender of their liberties, as he had héeretofore béene an oppugner in the behalfe of S. Augu­stins; and so indéed he prooued. In his time Offa king of Mer­ria erected a new Archbishopricke at Lichfield, and obtained of the Pope authoritie for Eadulfus Bishop there to gouerne the Diocesses of Worcester, Legecester, Siuancester, Here­ford, Helmhant and Dunwich. So that Canterburie had left vnto him for his prouince onely these, London, Winche­ster, Rochester, and Sherborne. Some say that Lambert consented vnto this alteration; others report that he spared no cost to reduce things to their old estate. He sate manie yéeres, and perceauing his end to approch, tooke order to bée buried in Saint Augustines, infringing by that meanes the graunts and priuileges of the monks of Christ-church, obtai­ned for the buriall of the Archbishops amongst them. He was very honorablie enterred in the Chapter-house of Saint Augustines.

14. Athelard or Edelred.

AThelard was first Abbot of Malmesbury, then Bishop 793 of Winchester and lastly made Archbishop an. 793. Offa soone after this being dead, together with his sonne Egfride; Athelard made earnest sute vnto Kenulfe the sonne of Cuthbert then king of Mercia that he would restore vnto the Sée of Canterbury, the reuenues and iurisdiction ta­ken from it wrongfully by Offa: Hereunto Kenulfus without much adoe readily assented, as also Leo the third that was then Pope. He sate about an eight or nine yéeres, and dying the yéere 806. was buried in Christ church to the great dis­contentment of the monks of S. Angustines.

15. Wlfred.

VVLfred being a monke of Christchurch in Canter­bury 807 was made Archbishop at Rome by Leo the third. Except this, that the ninth yéere after his consecration he went to Rome about some businesse of his church not recorded, I finde no other action of his reported. He was buried at Canterburie in his owne church.

16. Theologild.

ALittle while after Wlfred, Theologild or Fleogild 832 sometimes Abbot of Canterburie was Archbishop, and dying was buried also in Christchurch. One na­med Syred succéeded him; but being taken away before he had full possession, is not reckoned amongst the Archbishops.

17. Celnoth.

CElnoth that is said to haue béene Deane of the church 832 of Canterburie, succéeded Theologild and continued Archb. 38. yéeres. His time was excéeding trouble­some by reason of the continuall inuasions of the Danes: yet no memorie remaineth of any action of his in so long space [Page 17] of so memorable a time. He lieth buried in Christchurch in Canterburie.

18. Athelredus.

AThelredus a great diuine, sometimes a monke of Christ 793 church in Canterburie, and then Bishop of Winchester, was Archbishop after Celnoth 18. yéeres. In his time all the monasteries of England were destroied by the Danes, so as, for the space of 90. yéeres after, monkerie ceased throughout the realme; yea in the North parts there was not séene any either monke or nunne in two hundred yéeres after, viz. vntill about the middle of the raigne of William Conqueror. Ma­ried priests euery where inhabited monasteries, whence for a long time after with much adoe they were hardly remooued. This Athelredus (as in a manner all his successors) was bu­ried in his church of Christ in Canterburie.

19. Plegmund.

PLegmund the most excellent learned man of his time 889 was borne in the kingdome of Mercia. In his youth he first dedicated himselfe vnto a solitarie life and liued an eremite in the Island of Chester, which of him (as it should séeme) was woont to be called Plegmundsham. He was ta­ken thence to teach Alfred that was afterward king of Eng­land. Being chosen Archbishop, he trauailed to Rome in per­son, and was there consecrate. Soone after his returne (to requite belike the curtesie he had found there) he tooke great paines in collecting the almes of al men wel disposed through the land, which the king sent together with much treasure of his owne vnto the Pope by Athelmus Bishop of Winche­ster, appointing a certaine portion of the same to be conueied vnto Ierusalem. Marianus then Pope, a little before had gra­tified the king diuers waies: He had granted immunitie of tribute vnto the Saxons schoole at Rome, and sent sundrie presents vnto him; namely (amongst other things) a péece of the crosse vpon which our Sauiour was thought to haue suf­fered death. By this contribution his kindnesse was suffici­ently [Page 18] requited. The most memorable action of this Archbi­shop is, that the yéere 905. he consecrated seuen Bishops in one day. By reason of continuall warres, all the prouince of the West Saxons had béene without any Bishop seuen yéeres: Which Formosus the Pope imputing vnto the negligence of the king, sent out an excommunication against him. He ther­fore caused Plegmund the Archbishop to call a conuocation, wherein it was ordered, that the country of the Gewisses (which till that time had but two Bishops, one at Winche­ster another at Shirburne) should hereafter haue fiue; viz. besides the Sées before named, Welles in Sommersetshire, Criditon in Deuonshire, and Saint Petrocks in Cornwall. Unto Winchester was appointed Frithstan, to Shirburne Wolstan, to Criditon [...], and to Saint Petrocks Athel­stan. Moreouer at the same time were consecrate with them, Burnegus Bishop of the South Saxons, and Kenulsus Bi­shop of Dorchester. Plegmund sate Archbishop 26. yéeres, and dying ann. 915. was buried in his owne church.

20. Athelmus.

AThelm that had béene Abbot of Glastonburie and (as 915 before is mentioned) was appointed the first Bishop of Wels, was chosen to succéed Plegmund in Canterburie. William of Malmesbury saith that this Archbishop laide the first foundation of the Abbey of Malmesburie: but it séemeth to be more ancient then so. He sate nine yéeres, died ann. 924. and was buried with his predecessors.

21. Wlfelmus.

VVLfelm succéeded Athelm, first in Wels, and then 924 afterwards in Canterburie also. He continued there ten yéeres and died ann. 934.

22. Odo Seuerus.

ODo was [...] in the countrey of the [...] Angles. 934 His [...] were Danes, of great wealth and nobi­litis, but [...] and vtter enimies of Christ and [Page 19] Christian religion; insomuch as, they disinherited their sonne Odo for kéeping companie with Christians. He therefore for­saking his country, betooke himselfe to the seruice of a noble man in the court of king Edward the elder named Ethelelm; who perceiuing in him a great forwardnesse and excellencie of wit, set him to schoole, where he profited excéedingly. He was not baptised till he was come euen vnto mans estate. Soone after his baptisme, by the counsel of his Lord and Ma­ster he entred into orders and became a Deacon; in which of­fice he continued preaching very painfully, vntill at last he was made priest. Some report that he serued in the wars, some while vnder king Edward before he became a cleargie man; and it is not vnlikely. For after he was Bishop he was thrise in the field, & did his prince notable seruice. He was pre­ferred to the Bishopricke of Wiltshire (the Sée whereof was then seated at ramsbury) by the special fauour of king Athel­ston the yéere 920. King Athelston being dead, Edmund his brother that succéeded fauouring him no lesse then his bro­ther had done, vpon the death of Wlfhelm, procured him to be chosen Archbishop. A great while Odo refused (because he was no monke) to take that charge vpon him, saying, that neuer any man had held that place hetherto but he was a monke. Therein he was deceiued; For Nothelmus and two or thrée other before him were secular priests, & not monks.) But he resolute in this errour, and loath to breake the dance, was perswaded first to become a monke of Floriake in France; and that done, accepted of the election. He continued Archbishop 24. yéeres, in great fauour and authoritie vnder diuers princes, Edmund, Edward, Athelstan, and Eadred. Towards the latter end of his time, Edwyn a yoong Gentle­man obtained the crowne, with whom he had very ill agrée­ment. He caused him to be diuorced from his Quéene, some say for consanguinity, some alleage other reasons. He excom­municated his concubines, and causing one of them whom the king doted vnreasonably vpon, to be fetcht out of the court by violence, burnt her in the forehead with a hot yron, & banished her into Ireland. These things exasperated the king much against him: But he was taken away by death soone after, and so deliuered from al feare of the kings displea­sure. [Page 20] He was buried on the south side of the high alter, in a tombe built somewhat after the forme of a Pyramis. I take it to be the tombe of ieate standing in the grate néere the steps that lead vp to S. Thomas chappell. After his death (which hapned the yéere 958.) Elsinus Bishop of Winchester (that could neuer brooke Odo in his life time) by bribery & corrupt meanes, obtained election vnto Canterbury, and comming thither, spurned at his tombe despitefully, vsing these spée­ches, now at last (quoth he) thou art dead old dotard, and much against thy will hast left thy place vnto a man woor­thier of it then thy selfe. Our stories report, that the next night Odo appéered vnto him in his sléepe, threatning a spée­die and fearefull vengeance of this insolency. According vnto which prediction it fell out, that trauailing to Rome for his pall, vpon the Alpes he was so oppressed with cold, as he was constrained to put his féete wherewith he had so contumeli­ously disgraced his deceased predecessor, into the bellies of his horses, & yet at last to die for cold. Brithelm Bishop of Wels was then chosen Archbishop, a vertuous and méeke man, but not very fit for gouernment: In regard whereof king Edgar intreated him and he easily condiscended to abide still at his old charge.

23. Dunstan.

VVIth the approbation of all men Dunstan Bishop 959 of London was then elected to this Metropoliti­call Sée. Of whom I know not how to write, that which is deliuered of him is so infinite. But I will hold my selfe within my determined bounds, and send the Reader that is desirous to heare more of him vnto other histories. He was borne in Somersetshire of good parentage: his fathers name was Herstan, & his mothers Kinedeid. He was brought vp for the most part in the Abbey of Glastonbury, where be­side other good learning he was also taught to sing, play vpon iustruments, to paint and carue, in all which he prooued very excellent. From thence he went vnto Athelm Archbishop of Canterburie his vncle, who commended him vnto the king; And he partly in regard of the manifold good parts he sawe in [Page 21] him, partly also for that he was néere of kinne vnto him, made very much of him. So he liued in the court a while, till for a certaine miracle (as the monks call it, which was then imputed to coniuration) with much disgrace he was driuen out of the court. After this he betooke himselfe vnto the ser­uice of Elphege Bishop of Winchester, another vncle of his, who perswaded him continually to become a monke. He could not heare of that side in any wise, till vpon a time fal­ling dangerously sicke, and thinking his disease a plague sent of God for his backwardnesse in that holy course whereto his vncle directed him, in great hast professed himselfe a monke. This done, & hauing recouered his health, he went to his first nurse Glastonbury, leading there (in outward shew at least) an excéeding straite life. King Edward hearing great fame of his holinesse, sent for him vnto the court, where he liued in very diuers reputation, sometimes iudged too familar with faire women, sometimes accounted a coniurer, but for the most part admired as a most holy and vertuous man. Under two princes Edmund and Eldred (with whom he was most gracious) he ruled all things at his pleasure. Edwyn the sonne of king Edmund that succéeded Eldred, could in no wise brooke him. Some say it was because Dunstan was forward in reprehending the kings vices; as namely, that when the king rising from the feast of his coronation, went immediate­ly to his chamber, where a certaine beautifull concubine at­tended his comming; Dunstan that had gotten some inkling of the businesse he went about, followed him boldly, and forced him not onely to leaue that enterprise for that time, but also to forsweare the companie of that woman. But the vndoubted ground of this dislike was this. Dunstan had so bewitched the former kings with the loue of monkery, as they not onely tooke violently from married priestes their liuings to erect monasteries, but also spent very lauishly of their owne treasures, which they should rather haue im­ploied in resisting the common enimy both of God and their country the Dane. King Edwyn perceiuing all the wealth of the land to be crept into monasteries, not onely refrained to bestow more vpon them, but recalled diuers of those prodi­gall gifts his predecessors had made, and when the monks [Page 22] refused to render them at his demaund, he became a very bit­ter persecutor of them, and their patrons. Dunstan therefore séeing nothing before him at home but danger and continuall disgrace, got him away into France, and there liued in ba­nishment the space of a yéere. In the meane time king Ed­wyn by the rebellion of his subiects (at the instigation it is likely of our monks and their fauourers) was depriued both of his life and kingdome. Edgar that succéeded, warned by his brothers example, was content to curry fauour with them, and to that purpose restored whatsoeuer was taken from them, and not onely called home Dunstan, but promo­ted him, first vnto the Bishoprick of Worcester, soone after of London, and lastly hauing béene but two yéeres at London, to the Archbishopricke of Canterbury. In that place he con­tinued 27. yéeres, applying all his endeuours to the enriching of monks and monasteries inhabited by them, persecuting and hunting maried priests euery where out of their liuing. He died at last May 19. 988. and was long after canonised a Saint.

24. Ethelgar.

AFter Dunstan succéeded Aethelgar, abbot first of the new 988 abbey of Winchester, then Bishop of Seolsey, and last­ly made Archbishop of Canterburie 989. He continued in that See onely one yéere and thrée monethes: Dying then he was buried in his owne church.

25. Siricius.

SIricius of a monke of Glastonbury was made abbot of 989 Saint Augustine in Canterbury by Dunstan, and by his meanes preferred to the Bishopricke of Winchester (as one saith) but it was the Bishop of Wiltshire or Wilton. Ethelgar being dead, he became Archbishop the yéere 989. He is blamed much in our histories for perswading to buy peace of the Danes with 10000. l. He sate sower yéeres, died 993. and was buried at Canterbury.

26. Aluricius alias Alfricus.

ALuricius was also brought vp at Glastonbury, and suc­céeded 993 Siricius first at Wilton in the Bishopricke there, then at Canterbury. He died ann. 1006. and was buried first at Abingdon, but was afterward remooued to Canterbury.

27. Elphege.

ELphege was borne of great parentage, and spent his 1006 yoonger yéeres in the monasterie of Hirst, where he first entred into religion. Departing thence, he gaue him­selfe to a very strait kinde of life at Bathe, and was so much admired for the same (the rather because he was a gentleman of great linage) as many went about to imitate him, and ioy­ning themselues to him, made him their gouernour by the name of an abbot. Hauing liued so a certaine space, he was called to the Bishopricke of Winchester the yéere 984. There he continued twelue yeeres, and the yéere 1006. was remoo­ued to Canterbury. He was a man of woonderfnll abstinence, neuer eating, drinking or sleeping more then necessitie com­pelled him, spending his time altogether either in praier, stu­dy or other necessary businesse. So that what with preaching and example of holy life he conuerted many vnto Christ. The yéere 1012. it happened the Danes to be disappointed of cer­taine tribute which they claimed as due vnto them: For want whereof they spoiled and burnt the citie and church of Canterbury. The monks and people thereof, men, women and children they tithed, putting nine to the sword, and let­ting go a tenth onely: So for 804. that were suffered to es­cape, 7236. went to the pot. As for the Archbishop, they kept him in prison seuen monethes, and at last put him to death at Gréenwich. The vengeance of God suffered not these cruell hell-hounds to escape vnpunished: By sundry kindes of mis­fortune they were little and little in a manner all consumed very shortly after: The body of Elphege was first buried in Saint Paules church in London, afterward carried to Can­terbury, by the commandement of king Knute and there en­terred. [Page 24] He was made a Saint and allowed the 19. day of Aprill for celebration of his memorie.

28. Liunig alias Lifwing.

LIunig surnamed Elstan was first Bishop of Wels, and 1013 translated to Canterbury soone after the death of El­phege. His time was very troublesome, by reason of the continuall inuasion of the Danes. Besides many other cala­mities, he endured seuen monethes imprisonment at their hands; from which being deliuered, he departed into volun­tarie exile, and bewailed there the miserie of his country, vn­till such time as king Swanus being dead and Ethelred retur­ning, all troubles were appcased. So it pleased God to suffer him at last to end his daies in peace the yéere 1020. when he had béene Archbishop about seuen yéeres.

29. Agelnothus alias Aethelnotus.

AGelnothus surnamed The Good, was the sonne of an 1020 Earle called Agelmare, and is said to haue beene Deane of Christchurch in Canterbury, which at that time was re­plenished for the most part with canons wearing the habite and garments of monks, but in profession and manner of life differing much from them. Therefore when as in that same terrible tithing of the Danes mentioned in the life of Elphege all the monks were slaine except onely fower; the canons that were now the greater number, gaue vnto their gouernour the name of Deane. From this place Agelnoth was taken to be Archbishop. Going to Rome to fetch his pall, he bought (as one reporteth) an arme of that blessed fa­ther Saint Augustine Bishop of Hippo for an hundred ta­lents of siluer, and bestowed it vpon the church of Couentry. He sustained great paines and cost in repairing his church and monastery destroied and burnt by the Danes; and by his good aduise directed king Knute (that fauoured him excéeding­ly) vnto many honourable enterprises. He died at last hauing sate Archbishop 17. yéeres and vpward, October 29. anno 1038.

30. Eadsin.

EAdsin was a seculer priest, and first chapleine vnto king 1038 Harold, who preferred him to the Bishopricke of Win­chester. Thence he was remooued to Canterbury soone after the death of Agelnoth. He continued Archbishop almost 12. yéeres; All which time he was so oppressed with sicknesse, as he could not attend his pastoral charge, but was faine to commit the same to another: and he made choice of one [...]. Abbot of Abingdon, whom he termed sometimes Vicarium [...], sometimes [...], and sometimes Archiepiscopi [...]. He discharged not his duty according to the trust reposed in him: for he abused much not onely his authoritie, but also the goods, yea and person al­so of the Archbishop that committed the same vnto him. In regard whereof, though [...] besought the king and other about him very earnestly, that he might succéede him, (not knowing belike how ill he was vsed so well as they) yet they would not condescend thereunto: but bestowed vp­on him the Bishopricke of Rochester. Henry Huntingdon saith he was consecrated Archv. But he is mistaken, out of all doubt. Edsinus departed this life October 28. 1050. was buried in his owne church, and after his death made a Saint.

31. Robert, surnamed Gemeticensis.

RObert a Norman succéeded by the fauour of king Ed­ward 1050 the Confessor, with whom he became acquain­ted, at what time he was exiled into Normandy. He preferred him first vnto London, and then presently after the death of Eadsin vnto Canterburie. This man is said to haue laid the first foundation of the Normans conquest in Eng­land, perswading the king to make Duke William his heire; wherunto when the king had condescended, himselfe became the messenger of this good tidings vnto the Duke, taking Ha­rold with him, peraduenture to that purpose, that he might so hamper him with an oth (as indéed he did) and so barre him from all possibilitie of the kingdome. This oth Harold after­ward [Page 26] broke; but he sped thereafter, loosing his life and ill gotten kingdome both togither. The Archbishop now assu­ring himselfe of the fauour not onely of the king present, but of him also that was to succeede: could not indure that any should beare so great sway as himselfe in court, and therefore began to deuise how he might ouerthrow Emma the kings mother, who onely séemed to ouertop him. He began there­fore to beate into the kings head (that was a milde & soft na­tured gentleman) how hard a hand his mother had held vpon him when he liued in Normandy; how likely it was that his brother came to his death by the practise of her and Earle Godwyn; and lastly that she vsed the company of Alwyn Bishop of Winchester, somwhat more familiarly then an ho­nest woman néeded. The king somewhat too rashly crediting these tales, without any further examination or debating of the matter, seased vpon all his mothers goods, and commit­ted her to prison in the Nunry of Warwell; banished Earle Godwyn and his sonnes; and commanded Alwyn vpon pain of death not to come foorth of the gates of Winchester. The Quéene made the best friends she could to be called to her an­swere: But the Archbishop so possessed the king, as other try­all of her innocency might not be allowed then this; She must walke ouer nine plowshares red hot in the midst of the Cathedrall church of Winchester. If either she perfour­med not this kind of purgation, or were found any thing at all hurt, she and the Bishop both should be estéemed guilty; If otherwise, the Archbishop was content to submit himselfe to such punishment as they should haue endured. To make short, the Quéene lead betwéene two Bishops in open sight of all the people, perfourmed (as all our histories report) this hard kind of purgation, and so acquit herselfe and Alwyn the Bishop of these crimes obiected. The king then greatly be­wailing the wrong done to his mother, asked her forgiuenes vpon his knées, restored both her and the Bishop vnto their goods and former places, and lastly (to make some satis­faction for his fault committed) would needes be whipped by the hands of the Bishops there present, and recea­uing thrée stripes of his mother, was by her cléerely forgi­uen, and the wrong promised for euer héereafter to be forgot­ten. [Page 27] Emma now and the Bishop to shew themselues thank­ful vnto God for this miraculous deliuerance, for a perpetual memorial of the same, gaue each of them vnto the monastery of S. Swithun nine Mannors, in remembrance of the nine plowshares. This gift of theirs the king confirmed, and gaue moreouer two Mannors of his owne, to wit, Meones and Portland. Now to returne vnto the Archbishop; he doubting of the successe of this matter, vnder pretence of sick­nesse held himselfe at Douer, and assoone as he heard how the world went, well knowing England would prooue too hot for him, he got him ouer into his owne country to the Abbey of Gemetica where he was brought vp, and there ouercome (it is like with shame and sorrow) within a short time after en­ded his daies, and was buried in the Monastery aforesaid, hauing beene Archbishop about the space of two yeeres or scarcely so much.

32. Stigand.

STigand was chaplaine vnto king Edward the Confes­sor, 1052 and preferred by him first vnto the Bishopricke of the East Saxons at Helmham 1043. and after vnto Winchester the yeere 1047. He was a man stout and wise inough, but very vnlearned (as in a manner all the Bishops were of those times) and vnreasonable couetous. Perceiuing the king highly displeased with Robert the Archbishop, he thrust himselfe into his roome (not expecting either his death, depriuation or other auoydance) without any performance of vsuall ceremonies. And whether it were that he mistrusted his title to Canterbury, or inercusable couetousnesse I can­not tell; certaine it is, that he kept Winchester also together with Canterbury, euen vntill a little before his death he was forced to forgoe them both. Many times he was cited vnto Rome about it; but by giftes, delayes and one meanes or other he droue it off, neuer being able to procure his pall thence so long as king Edward liued. William the Conque­ror hauing slaine king Harold in the field, all England yéel­ded presently vnto his obedience, except onely Kentishmen, who following the counsell of Stigand and Egelsin the abbot [Page 28] of S. Augustines, gathered al their forces togither at Swans­combe néere Grauesend, and there attended the comming of the king (who doubted of no such matter) euery man holding a gréene bough in his hand; whereby it came to passe that he was in the midst of them before he dreamed of any such busi­nesse toward. He was greatly amased at the first, till he was giuen to vnderstande by Stigand, there was no hurt meant vnto him, so that he would graunt vnto that contrey their ancient liberties, and suffer them to be gouerned by their former customes and lawes, called then and til this day Gauelkind. These things he easily yeelded vnto, vpon this armed intercession, and afterward very honourably perfor­med: But he conceiued so profound a displeasure against Stigand for it, as he neuer ceased till he had reuenged it with the others destruction. A while he gaue him very good counte­nance, calling him father, méeting him vpon the way when he vnderstood of his repaire toward him, and affording him all kinde of gratious and fauourable vsage both in words and behauiour: but it lasted not long. The first signe of his hidden rancour and hatred towarde him was, that he would not suffer himselfe to be crowned by him, but made choise of Al­dred Archbishop of Yorke: for which he alleaged other rea­sons, as that he had not yet receiued his pall &c. But the mat­ter was, he was loth in that action to acknowledge him for Archbishop. Soone after his coronation, he departed into Normandy carrying with him Stigand and many English nobles, vnder pretence to doe them honour: But in truth he stood in doubt least in his absence they should practise some­what against him: And namely Stigand he knew to be a man of a haughty spirit, subtile, rich, gracious and of great power in his countrey. Presently vpon his returne, certaine Cardinals arriued in England, sent from the Pope as le­gates to redresse (as they said) certaine enormities and abu­ses of the English clergy. Stigand by and by perceiuing him­selfe to be the marke that was specially shot at, hid himfelfe a while in Scotland with Alexander Bishop of Lincolne and after in the Isle of Ely. At last perceiuing a conuocation to be called at Winchester, he came thither and besought the king in regarde of his owne honour, and the promise made vnto [Page 29] him at Swanscombe (which was not to be offended with him or any other for their attempt at that time) to saue him from the calamity he saw growing toward him, which he could not impute vnto any thing so probably, as his vndeser­ued displeasure. The king answered him with very gentle words, that he was so farre from endeuouring to take any reuenge of that or any other matter, as he loued him, and wished he knew how to protect him from the danger immi­nent: But that which was to be done at that time, must be done by the Popes authoritie which he might not counter­maund. So do what he could, he was depriued of his liuings by these legates. The causes alleaged against him were these; First, that he had held Canterbury and Winchester both to­gether (which was no very strange thing, for Saint Oswald had long before held Worceter with Yorke, and S. Dunstan Worceter with London.) Secondly, that he had inuaded the Sée of Canterbury, Robert the Archbishop being yet aliue vndepriued; And lastly that he presumed to vse the pall of his predecessor Robert left at Canterbury, and had neuer recei­ued any pall but of Pope Benedict, at what time he stood ex­communicate for simony and other like crimes. In the same conuocation many other Prelates were depriued of their promotions, as [...] Bishop of Helmham brother vnto Stigand, diuers abbots and men of meaner places. All which was done by the procurement of the king, that was desirous to place his countrymen in the roomes of the depriued for the establishment of his new gotten kingdome. Poore Stigand being thus depriued, as though he had not yet harme inough, was also clapt vp presently in prison within the castell of Winchester, and very hardly vsed there, being scarcely al­lowed meate inough to hold life and soule together. That was thought to be done to force him to confesse where his treasure lay, whereof being demaunded, he protested with great othes he had no mony at all; hoping belike so to procure his liberty the rather, and then to make himselfe mery with that he had laid vp against such a déere yéere. He died soone after of sorrow and griefe of minde, or (as other report) of vo­luntary famine, 17. yéeres after he first obtained the Archbi­shopricke. After his death, a little key was found about his [Page 30] necke, the locke whereof being carefully sought out, shewed a note or direction of infinite treasures hid vnder ground in di­uers places. All that the king pursed in his owne coffers. The bones of this archbishoply entoombed at this day vpon the top of the north wall of the Presbytery of the church of Winchester in a coffin of lead, vpon the north side whereof are written these words, Hic iacet Stigandus Archiepiscopus. he was depriued ann. 1069. and died within the compasse of the same yéere.

33. Lanfrank.

STigand being yet aliue, but depriued as is beforesaid, 1070 Lanfranke was consecrate Archbishop. This Lanfrank was borne at Papia in Lumbardy, twenty myles from Millayn, where being brought vp in learning, and now come vnto mans state, he determined to trauaile. Through France he came into Normandy, prouoked by the fame and great re­ports he had heard of Eluin abbot of Becco. Upon the way thitherward, it was his hap to be encountred with théeues that spoiled him of all he had, bound him and threw him into a thicket, where he might haue perished with cold and hun­ger had not God sent some extraordinary company that way that loosed him, hauing laien there onely one night. Thence he got him vnto the monastery of Becco, and for very want and penury was faine to become a Reader of Logike there, vntill he was admitted to the place of a monke. Soone after that, he was made Prior of Becco, whence in regard of his singular wisedome and great knowledge in all good learning that those times could affoord) he was called by Duke Wil­liam to be abbot of S. Stephens in Cane, a monastery that the said Duke had founded. Now Stigand being displaced in manner aboue rehearsed, the conquerour well knowing how much it behooued him to the establishment of his new erected throne in England, to haue a man wise and faithfull in that place; made a speciall choice of him, as one in all respects most fit and woorthy; which being well knowne to all men, the Couent at the kings first nomination readily chose him, the nobilitie and courtiers willingly assented, and receaued [Page 31] him with great applause, and lastly the Pope affoorded him his pall with extraordinary fauour. It is said, at his first com­ming the Pope rose vp vnto him and mette him, telling him he yeelded him that honour not of dutie, but in regard of his excellent learning, whereof he had heard great fame. Thomas Archbishop of Yorke was present the same time, together with [...] Bishop of Dorchester. This Thomas had béene lately consecrated vnto Yorke by Lanfrank, and for a certaine time refused to make profession of obedience vnto the See of Canterbury, euen vntill by the commandement of the king he was inforced thereunto. Now whether it were discontentment and perswasion of a wrong, or else enuie at Lanfranks either vertue or good fortune that mooued him, hée presently began to make complaint vnto the Pope of a great miury offered vnto his Sée, in the demaund of his profession. Lanfrank pleaded prescription for his right, and offred to make proofe of the same. The Pope therefore not willing to trouble himselfe any more with the matter, committed the hearing thereof vnto the king, who in the yéere 1072. iudged it for Canterbury. Sée more of this quarrell in Thomas of Yorke. Lanfrank himselfe was consecrated very solemnly at Canterbury, all the Bishops in England being present them­selues or by their proctors August 29. 1070. Almost 18. yeres he continued Archbishop, gouerning his charge laudably and happily, till that about the end of his time one action obscu­red his former praises, and furthermore was the cause of ma­ny great calamities vnto him. It is thought that William the Conqueror left the kingdome of England vnto his yoon­ger sonne William Rufus, at the perswasion especially of this Archbishop, who the rather wisht well vnto the yoong prince, because he had béene brought vp vnder him in his childhood. He is blamed much for putting the eldest sonne Robert from that which might séeme in some sort due vnto him; and sure­ly God blessed him not in that action. The king thus aduan­ced by him, fel out with him, and droue him out of the realme. The cause of this displeasure is diuersly reported: But most men agree it was none other then this, that the king thought him a little too busie in exhorting him to vertue and godli­nesse, and reprehending his manifold vices. Being thus: [Page 30] [...] [Page 31] [...] [Page 32] banished, he trauatled to Rome, and wandred vp and downe many countries, till at last (by what intercession I finde not) he was suffred to come home againe. Soone after his return, he fell sicke of an ague, and so ended his daies, Iune 4. 1088. or (as Houeden hath) May 24. 1089. He was buried at Canterbury in his owne church, vnto which he was a great benefactor. He bestowed much vpon the fabrike and repa­ration of the same, built much housing for the monkes (whose number he increased from 30. to 140.) restored the dignities and offices of old belonging to the monastery, and recouered vnto the same 25. Mannors that had béene taken from it wrongfully in times past by Odo Bishop of Bayon and earle of Rent. Moreouer he built the Archbishops pallace at Can­terbury in a manner all, he founded two hospitals without the citie of Canterbury, and endowed them with competent reuenewes; (Saint Iohns and Harbaldown) He bestowed large mony toward the building of the cathedrall Church of Rochester, (or rather indéed built it all) and did much (the par­ticulars I cannot set downe) for the abbey of Saint Albons. He was a great student, writ many learned works, and (which deserueth especiall remembrance) tooke great paines in reforming the Bible, the copies whereof were much cor­rupted throughout England by the negligence of the wri­ters.

34. Anselm.

FOwer yéeres the Sée continued void after the death of 1093 Lanfranke, and the king pursed the profits thereof. In what good moode I knowe not, he which was woont to sell all other ecclesiastical promotions as it were by the drum, bestowed this Archbishopricke fréely, vpon a most woorthy man, Anselm abbot of Becco. This Anselm was borne at Augusta a city of Burgundy standing at the foot of the Alpes. His fathers name was Gundulfe (a man of great account in his country) and his mothers Hemeberg. He came vnto Bec­co of the like errand as Lanfranke had done, mooued thereunto by the great fame of the said Lanfranke, and professed himselfe a monke there in the 27. yéere of his age. Lanfranke being [Page 33] called away to Cane, he was made Prior, and soone after Abbot, Eluyn the old Abbot being dead. In that place he con­tinued 15. yéeres, and then was earnestly requested by Hugh Earle of Chester lying very sicke, to come into England vnto him, to conferre with him, and to order certaine affairesof his. Hither he came and had much honour done him euery where of all forts of people. The king himselfe amongst the rest, beside many verball fauours, made offer vnto him of the Archbishopricke of Canterbury, verily hoping belike that a man giuen to monasticall contemplation and not estéeming worldly pompe, would vndoubtedly haue refused the same: For it is certaine, that after Anselm had accepted the offer, pitying belike the spoile and desolation of the church for want of a pastor; the king would faine haue retracted his gift, and perswaded him with many reasons to leaue it; shewing him how the burthen and trouble of the place was greater then he should be able to inoure, a man that had spent his time with­in the wals of a monastery, and not experienced in managing of great affaires. But he lost his labour: Anselm kept fast his hold, and was soone after consecrated by Walkelm Bishop of Winchester, or (as I finde also recorded) by Thomas Arch­bishop of Yorke, Decemb. 4. 1093. all the Bishops of the land that could possibly come being present at that solemnity. Pre­sently after his consecration the king and he fel out. Not long before, the king had throwen downe thirty churches to make his new forest néere Winchester. This, [...] reprehended him sharply for, and besought him to amend that and other faults, as namely his simony, his extortion, his cruelty &c. wherein he daily offended God gréeuously, and greatly disho­noured himselfe. This admonition of his displeased the king very much; but his quarrell in shew was none other then this, that asking leaue to go to Rome to fetch his pall, he had named Vrban Pope, whom the king as yet had not acknow­ledged for Pope, and for so doing, accused him of no lesse then high treason. After great stirre and much adoe betwéene them about this matter, it was determined that all the abbots and Bishops of England should be called together to iudge of this controuersy. They met at Rochingham castell, and the mat­ter being proposed by the king, for feare or flattery they all [Page 34] assented vnto him and forsooke their Archbishop, except one­ly Gundulphus Bishop of Rochester. A while [...] indured to liue in continuall seare and disgrace, euen vntill he was commanded out of the realme by the king. Being at Douer ready to take ship, all his carriages were searcht, his goodes there and elsewhere soeuer taken from him and sold to the kings vse, his temporalties seased, and himselfe set aland in France in a manner naked. He trauailed presently to Lyons and was sent for thence by the Pope. At his first comming to Rome he had all manner of fauour: But by that time the king with golden eloquence [...] him of the cause, his entertainment began to wax colder. He determined ther­fore to haue returned to Lyons, but was staied by the Pope, whose pleasure while he was content to await a while lon­ger, the Pope died. Soone after him, the king died also being chaunceably slain by the glaunce of an arrow as he was hun­ting in that forest, for the making whereof Anselm had repre­hended him. He was a very vitious man, couetous in getting and prodigall in spending, the most sacrilegious symonist that euer raigned in England. Reioycing in the gain he made that way, he would often say, Panis Christi panis pinguis. His death as some report, was miraculously signified vnto An­selme in France. A paper was put into the hand of one of his chaplaines no man knew how, in which was found written, [...] occisus est. Within a few daies after, cer­taine word was brought of the tyrants death, and this no­tice taken as sent from heauen. Henry the first succéeded Wil­liam Rufus in the kingdome, who presently called home An­selme and restored him to his former place. The first thing he did at his returne, he called a conuocation at London, where­in he depriued many prelates of great place for their seuerall offences, Guy abbot of [...] & Eldwyn of Ramsey for symony; Geftry of Peterburgh, Haymo of Cheswel, & Egelric of Middleton for not being in orders; Richard of Ely, & Robert of S. Edmunds, all abbots, for other enormities. Diuers ca­nons were agréed vpon in the same conuocation too long to re­hearse: Some of them tended to the restraining of clergy men from mariage; which notwithstanding, many maried daily, & many that came for orders refused vtterly to make profession [Page 35] of chastity, as we may sée reported by Girard Archbishop of Yorke in an epistle written by him vnto Anselm in the end of S. Anselmes Epistles. The falling out also of Anselm with the king (which happened presently after) was a great weakning vnto these canons. All the time that the Archbishop was ab­sent (which was three yéeres) the king had disposed of all Bi­shopricks that fell, at his pleasure, giuing inuestiture and pos­session of them, by deliuery of the staffe and the ring. And in deed the princes in a maner of all christendom, had taken this kind of authority vnto themselues euery where about this time. Bishops thus appointed demanded consecration of An­selm, which he vtterly denied vnto them, professing withall, that he would neuer receaue or repute them for Bishops that were already cōsecrated by other vpon such election, aleaging how it was lately forbidden in a councel held by Pope Vrban 2. that any clerke should take inuestiture of any spiritual pre­ferment at the hand of any king, prince or other lay man. The king vpon Anselms refusall, required Gerard Archbishop of Yorke to giue these Bishops consecration, whereunto he readily assented. But William Gifford nominated to Win­chester, stoode so in awe of Anselm, as that he durst not accept consecration at Gerards hands. This incensed the king woonderfully, so as presently he commanded Giffards goods to be confiscate, and himselfe banished the Realme. Great adoo now there was about this matter throughout the realm, some defending the kings right, others taking part with the Archbishop. In the end, the king doubting what might come of it, and being loth to giue occasion of tumult, considering that himselfe was a stranger borne, and that his father by force and much bloudshed, had not many yéeres since obtai­ned the rule of this land; he determined to send an Ambassa­dor to the Pope, togither with the Archbishop, so to grow to some reasonable conclusion. The Pope (Palchalis 2.) would not yéeld one iote vnto the king, insomuch as when the kings Embassador William Warelwast (after Bishop of Excester) said he knew the king would rather loose his crowne then this priuilege, he answered, yea let him loose his head also if he will, while I liue he shall neuer appoint Bishop but I will resist him what I may. So without dooing any good, home­ward [Page 36] they came. But the king vnderstanding before hand how the world went, sent a messenger to forbid Anselm en­trance into the realme, and presently seised all his goods, mooueable and unmooueable into his hands. Thrée yéeres more this good man spent in exile, all which time he liued with Hugh Archbishop of Lyons. At last it pleased God to open this passage of his reconciliation to the king. Adela Countesse of Bloys the kings sister, fell dangerously sicke in those parts where it chanced the Archbishop to abide. He went to visite her, and yéelded so great comfort vnto her in that time of her distresse; as recouering afterward, she neuer ceased importuning her brother, vntill she had wrought an agréement betwéene them, the conditions whereof were these; First that Anselm should be content to consecrate the Bishops alreadie nominated by the king: And then that the king should renounce all right to such nomination or inues­titure for the time to come. These conditions were allowed by the Pope, and the Archbishop restored not onely to his place, but to all his goods and fruites gathered in the time of his absence. Two yeeres he liued after this his last returne; in which time he persecuted married priests very extremely. Dunstan, Oswald, Ethelwald, and other enimies to the ma­riage of clergie men, had onely expelled them that out of mo­nasteries that had wiues: But Anselm vtterly forbidding them mariage, depriued them of their promotions that were maried, confiscated their goods vnto the Bishop of the Dio­ces, adiudged them and their wiues adulterers, and forced al that entred into orders to vow chastity. Halfe the clergy of England at this time were either maried men, or the sonnes of maried priests. The king therefore pitying the generality of this calamity, sought to protect them a while from An­selms seuerity in this point: But he (I meane Anselm) was a little to resolute in all his determinations, in so much as he might neuer be perswaded to yéeld one iot in any thing he once intended. So, notwithstanding the kings inclinati­on to succour so many distressed poore families, the canons of the Conuocation before mentioned were generally put in execution throughout England. About this time it hapned Gerard Archbishop of Yorke to decease, and a second Thomas [Page 37] to be elected for his successor. What adoo there was betwéene him and Anselm about profession of obedience, and how it was ended, see in the historie of the said Thomas. To make an end at last with this Archbishop, the yéere 1109. he fell ex­tremely sicke at Saint Edmundsbury, and thence got him to Canterbury, where he lay languishing a long time, and at last departed this life Aprill 21. in the 16. yéere of his gouern­ment, and of his age 76. He was buried at the head of his predecessor Lanfrank in his owne church, vpon the building and beautifying whereof, he had bestowed very much mony. This Archbishop was a man of great learning, as his works yet extant testifie, and for integrity of life and conuer­sation admirable. That he was more peremptory in diuers of his resolutions then became him, and so hote against Cler­gy mens mariage, I impute it but to a blind zeale far from any malicious intent of dooing wrong. Undoubtedly not­withstanding these imperfections he was a good and holy man, and as woorthy the honor of a Saint, as any I thinke that euer was Canonised by the Pope since his time. In fa­uour of him (to note that by the way) the Pope affoorded vn­to his sée this honour, that whereas the Archbishop of Can­terbury was woont to sit next the Bishop of Saint Ruffine in all generall Councels, hereafter his place should be at the Popes right foote, and with all vsed these words, Includamus hunc in orbe nostro tanquam alterius orbis Papam.

35. Rodolphus.

THe King well remembring how troublesome the au­thority 1114 of Anselme had beene vnto him, and knowing it greatly imported him to make choise of some quiet tractable man to succéed in that place; tooke foure or fiue yéers deliberation before he would appoint any thereunto. He was once resolued vpon one Farecius Abbot of Abindon: But (vp­on what consideration I know not) chaunging his determi­nation, aduanced Ralfe Bishop of Rochester to that sée. This Ralfe or Rodolph was a Norman borne, a Monke first of the order of Saint Benet and a disciple of Lanfranke in the Ab­bay of Cane. Then he became Abbot of Say, was called [Page 38] thence by Saint Anselm vnto the Bishopricke of Rochester, consecrate thereunto August. 11. 1108. and remooued to Can­terbury, in Iune 1114. His pall was very solemnely deliue­red vnto him by Anselm Abbot of Saint Sauines, nephew vnto Saint Anselm June 27 at Canterbury. In this mans time [...] obtained consecration of the Pope vnto the Archbishop of Yorke without making the vsuall profession of obediēce. About this matter there was long time much adoo. This our Archbishop being an aged and sickly man much troubled with the [...] and lame in his féete, would yet néeds trauaile to Rome in person about this matter. Sée the end of this controuersie in Thurstan of Yorke. Eight yéeres Ralfe continued Archbishop, behauing himselfe well in the place, but that he was sometimes wayward and péenish in mat­ters of small moment. Generally he was a very affable and courteous man, willing to pleasure and not especially noted with any great vice: Onely some blame him for being more delighted with iesting [...] merry toyes, then became the gra­uitie of his age and place, in regard whereof some haue giuen vnto him the surname (or rather nickname) of [...]. Thrée yéeres before his decease he was continually held of a palsie whereof at last he died Octob. 20. 1122. and thrée daies after was buried in the middle of the body of Christ church in Canterbury.

36. William Corbell.

VVIlliam Corbel or Corbois, was first a secular priest, 1122 then a monke of the order of Saint Benet, and lastly prior of Saint Sythes in [...]. From thence he was taken to be Archbishop of Canterbury and the Popes legate, vpon Candlemas day 1122. This man in the yéere 1126. called a conuocation at Westminster, where [...] de [...] the Popes legate [...] most bitterly a­gainst the mariage of priests, and was the next night taken in bed with a common strumpet: for shame whereof he present­ly got him away [...] all his [...] at sixe and seuen, neuer taking leaue of any body. In this Synode more Ca­nons were [...] against the mariage of Clergy men: [Page 39] which notwithstanding, the Archbishop (that in déede was but a weake man) not able to restraine them of his time from taking wiues; prayed ayd of the King, who either set them all to a yéerely pension (so many as were maried) or else tooke some large summe of present money to beare with them. The yéere 1130. Christchurch in Canterbury that had lately béene new built by Lanfranke, soone after fell downe (a great part of it at least, and was quickly repaired by the industry of Ear­dult the Prior) was now I know not by what chaunce all burnt & consumed with fire. This Archbishop found meanes to repaire it, and in Rogation weeke the yéere following did dedicate the same [...] solemnely, in the presence of the King, the Quéene, Dauid King of Scottes, and a great num­ber of the nobility of both realmes. King Henry dying that did prefer him, he was content to betray his daughter Mawd the Empresse, and contrary to his othe to ioine with Stephen Earle of Bloys, whom he crowned with his owne hands; but with such feare and terror of conscience, as it is noted that the consecrate host fell out [...] his hand in the middle of masse, by reason of his trembling and fearefull amasednesse. Soone after he died, viz. the yeere 1136. hauing sate almost 14 yéeres, and lieth buries in his owne church, the particular place I find not.

37. Theobald.

IN a Conuocation held at London by the commandement 1138 of Albert Bishop of Hostia the Popes legate. (Theobald was chosen Archbishop) by the suffragan Bishops of his owne Prouince, and consecrate in the same conuocation or synode by the legate afore named. He receiued his pall at Rome of Innocentius the second, who also indued him and his successors for euer with the title of Legatus natus. This Theo­bald was first a Bendictine monke and then (till he was cho­sen Archbishop) Abbot of Becco. A man of no great learning, but of so gentle and swéete behauiour (being very wise with­all) as he was greatly [...] of high and lowe, Kings, no­bles and commons. With the Pope he had often much adoe. One Sylnester a man infamous for many notorious offen­ces, [Page 40] was presented vnto the Abbotship of Saint Augustines in Canterbury, whon: in respect of his knowen vnworthines, the Archbishop [...] to admit. But the Popes letters came so thicke and thréefold in fauour of him, that after many de­laies, excuses and allegations against him, at last he was faine to receiue him. There was at the same time one Ieremy prior of that Abbey, an olde acquaintance and friend of the Archbishops, whom notwithstanding (vpon some great oc­casion it is like) the Archbishop [...] and remooued from his place. In the behalfe of this man also, the Pope (who ne­uer was woont to faile where he [...] be well paide for his paines) began to stickle and to interpose his authority, resto­ring Ieremy to his place againe till the cause might be heard and determined before him. Whereat Theobald, though a mild man of nature, being excéedingly mooued, in a great fury vowed he would neuer exercise any ecclesiasticall iurisdiction so long as Ieremy held that place. He therfore seeing the Arch­bishop so resolute against him, and fearing some great incon­uenience would fall vpon the monastery by meanes of this businesse, and so procure him the hatred of his owne compa­ny; vpon paiment of 100. markes was content to leaue his place, and liued a priuate monke in the same house euer after. Now in the third yéere of his consecration it happened a Councell was summoned at Rhemes, whereunto he was called. Henry therefore Bishop of Winchester King Stephens brother (that by vertue of his power [...] had often contended with him, and euer opposed himselfe against him in the Popes behalfe) circumuented this good plaine-mea­ning man in this fort. He dealt first with the Pope in no wise to dispence with his absence, and then with his brother the King to forbid his passage, and perforce to stay him at home. But such were those times, as it was safer then to offend the King then the Pope, and therefore he resolued to goe, and in no wise to giue the Pope such an aduantage, against whom he had now twice opposed himselfe already dangerously. Go therefore he would, but all the difficulty was in getting pas­sasse. All the ports of England were laid for him: yet so cun­ningly he handled the matter, that ouer the seas he got and was at the Councell in good time. The King then following [Page 41] the aduice of his brother the Bishop of Winchester, seased vp­on his goods and temporalities and banished him the realme. He like a tall fellow interdicted the King and the whole [...], and taking aduantage of the time which was very troublesome (notwithstanding the Kings commaundement) came home and liued in Norfolke, till by the intercession of certaine Bishops he was restored. Afterward he grew into great fauour with the King, and was the chiefe meanes of concluding that finall peace at Wallingford betwéene him and Mawd the Empresse. In the yeere 1152. he summoned a conuocation at London, where the King would haue con­strained the Clergy to make [...] his sonne King, to the disheriting and great iniury of Duke Henry the Empresses sonne. The intent was spied before, and letters procured from the Pope to forbid the Clergy to meddle in any such matter. This notwithstanding, the matter was earnestly followed in behalfe of the yoong Prince [...], in so much as, when they perceiued the businesse was not effected according to their desire, they [...] them vp in the place where they were gathered together, and thought by force and threatning to compell them. The greater part séemed to yéeld, when Theo­bald stealing secretly out of the place, tooke his barge, and rowing downe the Thames, got him beyond sea, and so by his absence the synode was dissolued. His goods by and by were once more confiscate, and his temporalties seased into the kings hands. But in a short time after king Stephen died, and Henry Duke of Normandy surnamed Fitz- [...] suc­ceeded, who restored him immediately to all his possessions [...]. Under him he passed the rest of his daies quietly in great fauour and estimation with him. He departed this life the yéere 1160. when he had sate Archbishop two and twen­ty yéeres. Perceiuing his end to approch, he made his will, and gaue all his goods vnto the poore or other like good vses. Helieth buried in the South part of Saint Thomas chap­pell in a marble tombe ioyning to the wall.

38. Thomas Becket.

[...] the Conquest neuer any English man obtained 1161 this Archbishopricke before Thomas Becket. He was borne in London, his fathers name was Giltert a Mer­chant, his mother was a stranger borne in Syria. He was first taught and brought vp during the time of his childhood by the Prior of Merton, and seeming towardly, was sent to the Uniuersity of Paris: Hauing there attained some more lear­ning and also the knowledge of the French tongue, he retur­ned and became an officer in some Court about London, it is said he was a Justice: But waring soone weary of that kind os life, he found meanes to get into the seruice of Theobald the Archbishop, who quickly espiyng his manifold good parts, [...] him entierly and sent him into Italy to study the Ca­non Lawe, [...] there might be any thing wanting in him [...] in a common-wealthes-man, for the managing whereof he discerned him then very fit and likely. Upon his returne thence, he was quickly preferred by the Archbishop vnto the Archdeaconry of Canterbury the Prouostship of [...] and the personage of Bromfield. The Archbishop then séeing him selfe weake and sickly, which made him al­together vnable to looke throughly into the drifts and deuices of Courtyers (that in all ages seeke to pray vpon the Church and euer néede some watchfull eye to ouerlooke their practi­ses) commended Thomas Becket vnto the King so effectually, as he was content first to receiue him into the number of his Chapleines, then made him Chauncellor of England, and loaded him with all kind of spirituall preferment. For The­obald being a wise man, well perceiued Becket to be first so [...] and [...], so painefull and industrious, as the King being yet yoong, he [...] surely possesse him altogether & be able to withstand any endeuours that might be preiudiciall vnto the Church; And againe he could not doubt either of his faithfulnesse to him, or his stoutnesse in so good a cause, of which both he had had long experience. In regard hereof, he imployed all his indeuours to plant a perfect liking of Thomas Becket in the mind of the King; wherein he prospe­red [Page 43] so well, as in a short time no man was so farre in the Kings bookes as he, nay no man could doo any thing in a ma­ner with the King but he. For the maintaining of this his credit (saith one) he thought it good to relinquish and forsake by little and little all Priestly either behauior or attyre, to af­fect the pompe and brauery of the Court, to liue as other Courtyers, to fare daintily, to ly long in bed, to hawke, to hunt, to haue many followers, &c. in so much as some sticked not to say, the Chauncellor had forgotten he was an Arch­deacon also, and blamed him for not liuing like a Clergy man. But by this meanes (saith he) T. Becket was euer at the Kings elbow, was partaker of all his counsels, and either by notize giuen to the Archbishop, or some deuice of his owne otherwise, could and did stop any courses that might be preiudiciall to the Church. Hauing continued thus in the of­fice of Chauncellor foure or fiue yéeres with the great fauour and liking of the King; it hapened Theobald the Archbishop to dye: The king little thinking what a snake he nourished in his bosome, determined by & by to doo his vtmost indeuor for the aduauncement of him (T. Becket) vnto the Archbi­shoppricke. Being therefore at that time in Normandy, he sent Richard Lucy a counsellor of speciall trust into England with charge to effect these two things; first to procure all the Nobles and best of the comminalty to sweare fealty vnto yoong Prince Henry his sonne; and then to cause the Monkes of Canterbury to elect Thomas his Chauncellor Archbishop. The first he quickly brought to passe (the rather by the helpe of the Chauncellor that was ioined in commission with him) And in the second also he bestirred him selfe so well, as he cau­sed the whole conuocation of the Clergy (a wost authenticall kind of election) to choose Thomas Becket for their Archbishop no one man gainesaying it except Gilbert Foliot Bishop of London. He was consecrate Archbishop vpon Whitsonday (being made Priest but iust the day before) by the Bishop of Wintchester. ann. 1162. being not yet full 44. yéeres of age. Presently after his consecration, he altered all the whole course of his life; became so graue, so austere and so deuout in all outward shewe, as he séemed quite another man. Also he resigned his Chauncellorship, certifiyng the King by letters [Page 44] (who was then in Normandy) he could not serue the Church and the Court both at once. The King that euer hitherto thought to vse Thomas Becket as a schoole master to instruct and inure his sonne in matters of state and policy; was now very sory that he had made him Archbishop, séeing he threw off all care of temporall gouernment; and considering the hawtinesse of his spirits, sore doubted wherunto this strange dealing would growe at the last. Another thing the King greatly disliked in him was this; that being yet scarcely warme in his seate, he began to looke so narrowly into the state of the land belonging to his sée, and to challenge with­all extremity whatsouer might séeme to pertaine vnto him, as he prouoked many of all sorts of people against him, who euery where exclaimed with open mouth and made their complaints thicke and thréefold vnto the King, saying that hauing some authority and more knowledge in the Lawe, vnder colour of defending the rights of his Church, he tooke violently from euery man what he list. But the maine quar­rell betwixt the King and him was this: The Cleargy of those times bare them selues so bold vpon the priuileges of the Church, whereby, in crymes neuer so haynous they clay­med to be exempted from the iudgement of temporall courts; as, dayly infinite outrages were committed by Cleargy men, murthers, robberies, rapes, &c. which temporall Judges might not meddle withall, and in the spirituall courtes they were either not punished, or for the most part very lightly. For the amendment and preuention of this inconuenience in [...] to come, the King intended to publish a certaine decla­ration of the customes of England, set downe long since by King Henry the first his grandfather, wherein this intollera­ble and licencious liberty of the Cleargy was somewhat re­strained. And that it might not be spurned at by any (the Arch­bishop especially he doubted:) he deuised to send this declara­cion vnto the Pope and to craue his allowance of the same. But the Archbishop hauing some inkling of the Kings intent before hand, had so dealt with the Pope, as it was no sooner séene but it was streight reiected. Herewith the King was so incensed, as after that time he bent himselfe altogether to the diminishing and breaking of all immunities and liberties of [Page 45] the church. And the Archbishop was so farre from séeking to pacifie the Kings displeasure, as daily he prouoked him more and more. The particularities thereof to passe ouer, the King thought good to try whether he could put in execution the contents of the foresaid declaration euen in despite of the Archbishop or no. He offered the same vnto all the Clergy gathered togither in a synode; who as if they had learned all one lesson, told the King seuerally in the same words, that they were content to allow it, [...] ordine [...], so farre foorth as they might without [...] of their owne coat and cal­ling: Onely one man Hilary Bishop of Chichester was con­tent to yéeld vnto it simpliciter and without condition, but was so bayted and reuiled for his labour, as it is like he often repented it. Yet so the matter was handled not long after, as first diuers other Bishops were content to yeeld vnto the King in this demaund, and at last euen the Archbishop him­selfe with all his followers. So at a time appointed they met at Clarindon, and theresware vnto the obseruation of the ar­ticles comprised in that declaration. This notwithstanding, soone after they disliking that they had done, got the Pope to assoile them of this oath. But the Archbishop now well assu­ring himselfe he had so offended the king, as there was no abiding for him heere, he tooke ship at Kumney, intending to auoid the [...], but missed of his purpose, for he was forced by a contrarie winde to returne to land againe. Presently vpon his arriuall he was apprehended and carried prisoner to Northampton (where the king then held a Councell) and was there accused of extortion, periury, treason, forgery, and many other crimes. His owne suffragan Bishops, though he had appealed vnto the Pope, gaue sentence against him, and warranted the king they would make proofe of these ac­cusations vnto the Pope. The next night after his condem­nation, he scaped away and once more hasted vnto the sea, committed himselfe very desperately vnto a little bad rotten fisher boat, and accompanied onely with three seruitors cros­sedthe sea, and got into the low Countries, and thence posted to the Pope at Senon, who placed him in the monastery of Pontiniac. While he there rested himselfe, he thundred out excommunications apace against all such as did obserue [Page 46] the articles contayned in the declaration set foorth at Clarin­don, whereunto himselfe had once sworne. The King as fast bestird himselfe in seasing all the goods and temporalties of the Archbishop into his hand. He sent also ambassadors vnto the Earle of Flaunders, the French King and the Pope pray­ing them in no wise to foster or suffer him in their dominions, requesting moreouer of the Pope, that he would confirme and allow of the declaration published at Clarindon. The Pope made an answere (though friuolous) saying he would consider of the matter. But the French (with whom the King of England had amity and a league of friendship at that time) he thinking that this agreement betweene him and the Archbishop would bréed some stirre in England, presently fell to inuading the King of Englands dominions & tooke by as­sault certaine holds of his in Normandy. The Archbishop also about the same time sent out particular excommunicati­ons against all the suffragan Bishops of his Prouince. The King mightily offended with this excéeding boldnesse of the Archbishop, whereunto he well knew he was hartned and animated by the Pope and the French King: bethough him­selfe how by all meanes possible he might vere and grieue him: First, because he knew he delighted much in the mona­stery of Pontiniac (which was an Abbey of Cistercian monkes) he signified to all the monkes of that order in his do­minions, that he would banish them euery one, if they would not procure the Archbishop to be thrust out of that monastery, which for feare of so great calamity to so many men was ef­fected. Then he also droue out of the realme, all his kinsfolks, friends and professed welwillers of whom he suspected him to be any way aided or comforted. Alexander the Pope Thomas Beckets surest card, was ferited in much like sort the same time by Friderike [...] the Emperor, as he himselfe was. The King therefore by the counsell of Gilbert Bishop of London determined to ioyns in league with the Emperor, (if possibly he might) that was a professed enimy both to the French King and the Pope. To this purpose he sent two am­bassadors vnto him, perswading him to deals with the Car­dinals ( Lucius the Antipope being then lately dead) to set vp another in his roome, to whom he promised all his dominions [Page 47] should yéelde obedience. The Pope hauing notize of this prac­tise, began presentlyto quaile, sent the King word he would order all things betwéene the Archbishop and him to his [...] liking and that out of hand. Now it had hapened a little be­fore, that the Pope had graunted vnto the Archbishop a very large licence of excommunicating whom he list in England; the King the Queene and a very few other excepted. This authority he abused very intemperately at that time when [...] matters were thus in hammering betwéene the Pope and [...] King, in so much as he had marred all if the Pope had not spéedly yeelded a reason thereof to the King. By this time the French King (the Popes onely Protector against the Emperor) began to spy that he was much more cold in the defence of the Archbishop then he had beene and reprehended him sharply for it. The Pope therefore not knowing which way to turne him selfe; for the satisfiyng of both these potentates, (neither of which he could safcly offend as things stoode) he determined first to labour a reconciliation betweene them, and then to make the French King a media­tor for the Archbishop. This he effected, and brought the two Kings together at Paris. Thither also came Thomas Becket: And sute being made vnto the King in his behalfe, that he might returne, be restored to his goods and reuenues arising in the time of his absence and lastly (vpon his humble sub­mission) to the Kings fauour; The King answered, that for the rest he was contented, but (faith he) the profites of his Archbishopricke since his banishment I can not allow him, for that I haue already giuen them to others: Mary recom­pence I will make him for them to the [...] of the French King or the Senate of Paris or else of the [...] of the Uniuersity. Presently the Archbishop was called for, who falling downe vpon his knees, vsed these words, My Lord and soueraigne, I doo here commit vnto your owne iudge­ment the cause and controuersie betwéene vs, so farre foorth as I may, sauing the honor of [...] God. The King much offended with that last exception ( [...] honore Dei) turned him about vnto the French King and telling him how much he had doone for the Archbishop, and how he had vsed him, I am (quoth he at last) so well acquainted with the tricks [Page 48] of this fellow, that I can not hope for any good dealing at his hands. Sée you not how he goeth about to delude me with this clause (sauing the honor of God?) For whatsoeuer shall displease him, he will by and by alleage to be preiudiciall to the honor of Almighty God. But this I will say vnto you, whereas there haue béene Kings of England many before me, whereof some were peraduenture of greater power than I, the most part farre lesse; and againe many Archbishops before this man holy and notable men: Looke what duty was euer perfourmed by the greatest Archbishop that euer was to the weakest and simplest of my predecessours, let him yéeld me but that and it shall abundantly content me. Hereunto the Archbishop answered cunningly and stoutly ynough, that the times were altered, his predecessors which could not bring all things to passe at the first dash were content to beare with many things, and that as men they fell and omitted their du­ty oftentimes; that which the Church had gotten, was by the constancy of good Prelates, whose example he would follow thus farre foorth, as though he could not augment the priui­leges of the Church in his time, yet he would neuer consent they should be diminished. This answeare being heard, all men cryed shame vpon him and generally imputed the fault of these sturs vnto him. But this was the issue for that time, that they parted without reconciliation. The King doub­ting what might come of these broiles, caused his sonne Hen­ry (that died soone after) to be crowned King in his owne life time, so to assure him of the succession. Afterwards comming into Fraunce againe, they were vpon the point of reconci­liation when the casting out of some such word or another as before, marred all. At length, the King and he were made friends, but his full restitution deferred till he had behaued himselfe quietly a while at Canterbury, which he promised to doo. But he, was so farre from perfourming that promise, as he sent into England before him diuers excommunicati­ons which the Pope had graunted out long before, and com­mitted to his discretion. Amongst other, the Archbishop of Yorke, the Bishop of London and Salisbury were named in them, together with so many as had béene dooers in the coro­nation of the yoong King, which the Archbishop said might [Page 49] not be performed of any but by his appointment. The men thus strucken with this holy fire, hasted them ouer into Nor­mandy to make their complaint vnto the king, who infi­nitely grieued at this kinde of dealing, cursed the time that euer he made him Archbishop, or restored him to his place againe, adding, it was his chaunce euer to do for vnthanke­full men, otherwise some or other would long ere this haue made this proud priest an example to all such troublesome perturbers of his realme and state. It happened amongst other, fower knights to be present at this spéech of the kings, who gathered thereby, they should do a deed very acceptable vnto him if they killed the Archbishop. Their names were Reynald Fitz-Vrse, Hugh de Mortuill, William de Tracy, and Richard Briton. In this meane time the Archbishop was come to Canterbury, and was receiued there with great ioy. Thence he went to London and so to Woodstocke where the yoong king then lay. But before he could get to the kings presence, word was brought him, the kings pleasure was he should first go to Canterbury and reuoke those excommuni­cations before he the king would talke with him. So he re­turned againe to Canterbury without seeing the king at all. Soone after his returne thither, the fower knights before mentioned arriued at Canterbury, to wit vpon Innocents day. They comming vnto the Archbishop, told him the kings pleasure was, he should goe to his sonne and reuerently make offer of doing homage and fealty vnto him, for the Barony of his Archbishopricke: secondly, that he should cause all the strangers he brought into the realme with him to be sworne to his obedience; and thirdly, that he should retrcat those ex­communications which he had caused to be denounced a­gainst the instruments of the yoong kings coronation. To this [...] he answered, that neither the king nor any other mortall man should extort from him, or any of his by his consent, any [...] or vnreasonable othe. And as for the Bishops and other excommunicate concerning the corona­tion, it was indeede (quoth) he a thing done in my behalfe and for an iniury offred to my church; But it was the Act of the Pope. If therefore they will sweare they shall be ready to make me amends at the Popes discretion, I will absolue [Page 50] them, otherwise not. And whatsoeuer you say, it was the kings pleasure, I should take my best course for the redresse of this abuse by ecclestasticall authority. Many other words passed betwéene them the same time, they breathing out terrible threats, and he continuing still the same man with­out [...] one iotte. At last the knights departed, giuing the monkes charge in the kings name, to see the Archbishop foorth comming, and not to suffer him to escape away. At euening prayer time the same day, they came suddenly into the church, with their swords drawen, crying, Wheres the Traytor, Wheres the Traytor: The Archbishop who was then going vp the steps toward the quire, hearing the noyse, turned backe vnto them, and euery one of the fower striking mainely at him, vpon the third or fourth greice of those stops was slaine. His body these knights had determined to haue cast into the sea, or else to haue hewen into a thousand pieces: but the Prior and the monkes doubting some such thing, bu­ried it immediately in the vndercraft, whence shortly it was taken vp and laid in a most sumptuous shrine in the East end of the church. The Pope hearing of this massacre, excom­municated immediately all that were either authors or con­senters to the same. The king was faine to purge himselfe by othe, and yet could not be absolued before he had done certaine strange penance as first, that he should pray deuout­ly at the tombe of this new Martyr, that he should be whipt in the chapter house, receiuing of euery monke one lash, that he should maintaine 200. soldiers for the space of one yeere at Jerusalem, & lastly reuoke the declaration published at Cla­rindon, that originally gaue the occasion of this murther. All this (such were those times) the king was faine to performe.

39. Richard.

IN the moneth of February following the death of Tho­mas 1173 Becket (which was December 28. 1170.) one Ro­bert Abbot of Becco was chosen Archbishop. But he li­king better a quiet life, chose rather to sit [...] where he was, then to aduenture him selfe in a place subiect to the blasts of such terrible tempests as Thomas Becket was tossed withall. [Page 51] The king then dealt earnestly with the Couent of Canter­bury to choose some mild and soft spirited man, to preuent such broiles as had béene raised by the last Archbishop. They followed his direction, [...] elected one Richard, a Benedic­tine Monke Prior of the Monastery of Saint Martins in Douer, who was presently allowed of the king and the Pope and soone after consecrate. He was a man very liberall, gen­tle and passing wise. So he handled the matter, that in all his time he neuer was out either with the Pope or the king. The Pope be entertained with often gifts and money, the kings fauour he retained by yéelding and [...] him selfe to his pleasure. This man continued Archbishop about the space of ten or eleuen yeeres. In all which time, there happened not any thing concerning him woorthy memory, except per­aduenture the stir betwéen him and the Archbishop of Yorke Roger. The olde quarrell chaunced to be renued betwéene these two Archbishops concerning the Primacy; And one Hugocio the Popes Legate comming into England, both of them requested him to heare and iudge this controuersie be­tweene them. Upon this and other occasions, a Conuocation was summoned at Westminster, where was a stately throne prouided for the Legate. At the time appointed the Legate came and tooke his place, and the Archbishop of Canterbury sate him downe next vnto the Legate vpon the right hand. After this in came Roger Archbishop of Yorke and would néedes haue displaced [...] to sit aboue him: that, when the other would not suffer, he sate him [...] in his lap. The other Bishops present amased at this strange be­hautor of the Archbishop of Yorke, cried out all vpon him, the Archbishop of Canterburies men by violence drew the other out of his ill chosen place, threw him dewne [...] his robes almost from his backe, trode vpon him, beate him, and vsed him so despitefully, as the Legate, whether for shame or for doubt what might happen to him selfe in such a [...], got him out and went his way. The Archbishop of Yorke all ragged as he was, bloudy and [...] went to the king, who first was exceeding angry, but when he heard the truth, laught merily at it and said he was well ynough ferued. Much adoo there was long after at Rome about this and the [Page 52] old controuersie; the ende whereof at last was, that much money was spent and neither party euer a whit the néerer. The end of this man is thus reported, how that being a sléepe at his mannor of Wrotham, there séemed to come vnto him a certaine terrible personage demaunding of him who he was? whereunto when for feare the Archbishop answered nothing, Thou art he (quoth the other) that hast destroied the goods of the Church, and I will destroy thée front of the earth: This hauing said, he vanished away. In the morning betime the Archbishop got him vp and, taking his iourney to­ward Rochester, related this fearefull vision vnto a friend of his by the way. He had no sooner told the tale, but he was [...] sodainly with a great cold & stifnesse in his limmes, so that they had much adoo to get him so farre as Halling a house belonging to the Bishop of Rochester. There he tooke his bed and being horribly tormented with the cholike and other gréefes vntill the next day, the night following the sixtéenth of February he gaue vp the Ghost. ann. 1183. His body was caried to Canterbury and honorably interred in the La­dy Chappell.

40. Baldwin.

AFter the death of Richard the Archbishop, a controuer­sie 1184 grew betwéene the Couent of Christs Church in Canterbury, and the Suffragan Bishops of the Pro­uince of Canterbury, who of right ought to choose the Arch­bishop. For it had béene often done by both as (in that which I haue before deliuered) you may perceiue. The king desi­rous to haue some honest quiet man, dealt first with the Co­uent, praying them to make choice of such a one as he might haue cause to like, and after made the same request vnto the Bishops. The Monkes (though mooued thereto) would in no wise ioyne with the Bishops, but perceiuing the Bishops began indéede to set foote into the matter, appealed to Rome. Much adoo there was there about it the space of nine mo­nethes. At last the Bishops got a mandate wherein the Monkes and they were commaunded to ioyne together. The day of election was appointed, but the Monkes for curst [Page 53] hart would not come vnto it. So the Bishops procéeded and made choice of Baldwin Bishop of Worcester. This election the monkes labored mightily to disanul; professing, that they liked the man elect very well, but they must not indure such a president. The king therefore (who fauoured Baldwin ex­ceedingly) wrought so with one party and the other, as the Monkes were content to elect him, vpon condition he would renounce all benefite of his former election, and the Bishops themselues would confesse the same to be void and of no ef­fect. All this was done and he receiued into quiet and peace­able possession of this Metropoliticall sée. This Baldwin was a poore mans sonne and borne in Excester. He was first a schoolemaster, then entred into orders and became an Arch­deadon: his Archdeaconry he voluntarily resigned, and in­tending to forsake the world, became a Cistercian or white Monke. Hauing liued so a certaine space, he was made Ab­bot of Ford in Deuonshire. From thence he was called to the Bishopricke of Worcester consecrate thereunto the yéere 1181. translated to Canterbury in the end of the yéere 1184. and solemnely installed there May 19. 1185. being the first white Monke that euer was Archbishop. Giraldus Cambr. describeth the person of the man in this sort. He was of complexion somewhat swarthy, his countenance simple and like a plaine meaning man but very comely, his stature indifferent, well made of body, but slender timbred. For his maners, he was modest and sober, of such abstinence, as fame durst neuer stamp any sinister report vpō him, of few words, slowe to anger, and very studious from his very childhood. It is a woonder that a man of this disposition should be so much troubled as he was: with the King he alwaies a­greed very well: But betwéene the Monkes of Canterbury and him there was much and continuall debate. The occa­sion thereof was this. The king greatly misliking the inso­lency of the Monkes, thought to wrest from them the pre­heminence of choosing the Archbishop in time to come by this deuice. He gaue direction vnto Baldwin their Arch­bishop, to beginne the foundation of a Colledge at Hacking­ton now called Saint Stephens being distant from Can­terbury about halfe a mile. This Colledge it was deuised [Page 54] should haue one prebend erected by the king, and by euery seuerall Bishop of that prouince of Canterbury one other, which should euer be of the gift and patronage of their foun­ders. As for the Archbishop, the building of the church and other edifices was appointed vnto him for his share, which he intended to performe with great magnificence. The ende of this foundation was none other then this, that it might be a meane of traducing the right of election of the Archbishop, (a matter greatly importing the king and the whole realme) from the monkes (men of little learning, lesse discretion, and smalest experience in matters of gouernment, yet very obsti­nate and altogether wedded to their owne wils) to other men, in whom the king and the rest of the Bishops (as being their patrones) might chalenge an interest. For the better execution of this plot, it was ordained, that this colledge should be dedicated vnto Saint Thomas, who was now growen so famous throughout the world, as euery man thought himselfe happy that could do any thing to his honor. In regard hereof they made no doubt, but the Pope would soone be intreated to take from Christ (vnto whose name the monastery of Canterbury was consecrate) all priuiledge of election, and to confer the same with many other vpon Saint Thomas that famous martyr. The matter was now very forward and growen to good perfection, in so much as the foundations were digged, stone, timber, and other prouision laide ready in place for the building, when as the subtile monkes suspecting wherunto this great forwardnesse of the king and Bishops tended, made their complaint at Rome. That notwithanding, on went the worke: The church part­ly built was solemnely consecrate, and diuers secular priests (such Saint Thomas himselfe was) instituted and installed into their prebends, when the monks that neuer linne laying on load by requests, gifts and al maner of importunate sute to disturbe this platforme, procured the Pope to set downe an order, that this corporation should be dissolued, the buildings thereof rased and made euen to the ground. Such were the times, the Popes pleasure was aneuitable necessity; it must be and was performed. It happened then soone after that Vr­ban the Pope died, who was a great protector of the monkes [Page 55] cause. Gregory the eight succéeded, a man with whom Bald­wyn might do very much. He determined therfore once more to set on foote his former deuise, but in another place. He pro­cured of the Bishop and Couent of Rochester, for exchange of other land, a certaine quantity of ground at Lambhith, where the Archbishops pallace and house of chiefe residence is now situate. Thither he caused to be brought by water all the pro­uision of stones, timber, &c. that was intended to the building of the colledge at Hackington, and began the foundation of a goodly church there, which he liued not to finish. King Ri­chard the first to expiate the fault of his rebellion & disobedi­ence vnto his father, determined to carry a great power into the holy land. Baldwyn would néedes attend him thither, and did so. By preaching, counsell, liberall almes, and continuall erample of a most vertuous life, he did great good there, vntill at last in the siege of the city of Acon being taken with a grie­uous sicknesse he died, when he had béene Archbishop euen almost seuen yéeres, and was buried there. He gaue all his goods vnto the soldiers to be diuided amongst them at the dis­cretion of Hubert the Bishop of Salisbury, that soone after succeeded him.

41. Reginald Fitz-iocelinc.

PResently after the death of Baldwyn, the King dispat­ched 1191 a messenger from Acon with letters, wherein he earnestly prayed the monkes to make election of some such man to succéed, as he might haue cause to like. And the rather to bring the same to passe, he wrote vnto the Archbi­shop of Roan, who (the Bishop of Ely being then newly dis­placed) gouerned the realme in his absence, to cause all the Bi­shops of the prouince of Canterbury to méete at Canterbu­ry, and to take the best course they might for the placing of some fit man in that Sée. The monkes (who were excéeding ioyfull to heare of the Archbishops death) casting many doubts by reason of this méeting, procéeded first vnto their election, and chose Reginald Bishop of Bathe that was sonne to Ioceline Bishop of Salisbury, but concealed it till the Bi­shops were come together; at what time in the presence of [Page 56] them all [...] their election, and withall laid hands [...] [...] there present, drew him vnto the Archiepisco­pall throne, and violently placed him in the same. Albeit at that time he withstood them what he might, and with teares [...] besought them to make choice of some other; yet being asked the next day by the Archbishop of Roan, whether he assented vnto the election, he answered, that so farre he was from ambitious desire of that place, as it was a great griefe vnto him to be chosen, and that he would be very glad they would take some other in his roome: Howbeit (quoth he) if they will néeds stand to their election, though with griefe and hearty sorrow, I must and will accept of the same. Messen­gers were by and by dispatched vnto the Pope, who present­ly affoorded the pall and other vsuall ceremonies vnto this [...] elect. But before newes could be brought of his confir­mation, or he take possession of his new honor, he died at his house of Dogmersfield in Hamshire vpon Christmas day, fiftéene daies (or as other deliuer the nine and fortie) after his election vnto Canterbury. He was buried at Bathe. Sée more of him in Bathe and Wels.

42. Hubert Walter.

KIng Richard the first, surnamed Cueur de Lyon, being 1193 taken prisoner in his returne from the holy land, by Leo­pold [...] of [...], at what time the Sée of Canter­bury was yet void; well knowing how notable a stay a good Archbishoppe might be vnto the whole realme in his [...] and hauing experience of the great wisedome and other manifold vertues of [...] Bishop of Salisbury that had attended [...] in all that long and dangerous voyage; he vsed what [...] he might possibly to procure him to be transla­ted thither. This Hubert was borne at a place called West Derham in Norfolke, and brought vp vnder Raynulph de Glandfeld chiefe Justice of England. The first preferment he [...] was the Deamy of Yorke, [...] he was called in the [...] yéere of king Richard vnto the [...] of Sa­lisbury, by the [...] of Baldwyn the Archbishop, who loued him [...] in his life time, and at his death trusted him with [Page 57] the disposition of all his goods. Being yet Deane of Yorke, he bought certaine land of Geoffry Fitz Geoffry in West Der­ham where he was borne, and founded a monastery in the same for his owne soules health (so himselfe speaketh in his foundation) as also for the soules of his father, mother, Ray­nulphde Glandfeld, and Berta his wife who brought him vp. The manner of his election vnto Canterbury was this. The king writ earnestly to the Couent to choose some wise, quiet, & moderate man, but refrayned to name any, in regard of the former repulses taken by him and his father. But his minde and particular desire could not be vnknowen vnto them. He signified vnto Elianor his mother, to the Archbishop of Roan and other, what course he wished to be taken: And so wisely they handled the matter, as before any man looked for it, the monkes (who well saw how greatly it imported the realme in that dangerous time to haue some woorthy prelate in that place) had elected him and published suddenly their election at Paules crosse, to the great contentment of the Quéene and councell, and no lesse ioy of all other sorts and states of people. While his pall was fetching at Rome, consi­dering how odious Baldwyn had beene to his Monkes of Canterbury for not beeing a Monke as themselues were and in a manner all his predecessors had béene; went to Merton and there professed him selfe a Monke in like ma­ner as Regmald the last Archbishoppe had done. Then he began to bestir him in leuiyng of money for the kings ran­some. So discretly he wrought, as the Cleargy aud commo­nalty of the whole realme did very willingly yéeld a quarter of all their reuenues for one yéere, which (together with the plate and ornaments of Churches that were fame to be sold in this extrenuty) amounted vnto 150000. marks, the sum required by the Emperor. The king returning, made him presently Lord Chauncelor, chiefe Justice of England, and high gouernor of all his dominions immediately vnder him. So that being already Archbishop and the Popes Logate, he wanted no authority that was possible to be laid vpon him. Neuer was there any Cleargy man either before or after him of so great power, neuer any man vsed his authority more moderately. He was blamed and much enuied for ta­king [Page 58] so many offices vpon him. It is remembred that a No­ble man said vnto him in scorne, at what time he was made Chauncellor, I haue heard of many Chauncellors made Bishops, but of an Archbishop that would vouchsafe to stoup to the Chauncellorship, till now I neuer heard of any. With in two yéers after his first promotion to these high places, the better to excuse his ambition, he made a dissembling and counterfeit shew of being desirous to leaue these temporall offices, in so much as, he dealt effectually with the king by letters to giue him leaue to resigne them, saying, that the charge of his Church was worke ynough for one man, whereunto onely he would hereafter gladly dedicate him­selfe. This he did, assuring him selfe in his owne conceite, that the king had no man about him so likely to manage those affaires as him selfe, and not being able to want him, would intreate him to retaine them still. It fell out otherwise then he expected: For though at first the king séemed and perad­uenture was vnwilling to yéeld to this his request, yet he found it so reasonable in the end, as he could not any longer deny the same. Here now this Archbishop manifestly be­wrayed his insatiable desire of rule and gouernment: Being thus taken tardy in his owne snare; as though his mind and determination were sodainely altered, he signified vnto the king by letters, that notwithstanding his great desire of be­taking himselfe onely to spirituall matters and the manifold infirmities of his age; he would be content to afford his la­bor and diligence in his other offices yet a while longer, if therein he might doo him any profitable seruice. And that the king should not think it possible to prouide himselfe elsewhere of better officers, he certified him withall, that in these two yéeres since his preferment, he had gathered for his vse 1100000. marks which he was ready to pay into his cof­fers, augmenting it is like the summe, and adding thereto out of his owne purse, that so he might in cleanly sort buy a­againe those honorable and gainfull offices, which his subtile dissimulation had almost lost him. Setting this fault aside whereunto the greatest wits are most subiect (I meane am­bition) he was an excellent and memorable man, a bridle (saith on) vnto the king, and an obstacle of tyranny, the peace [Page 59] and comfort of the people, & lastly a notable refuge of all both high and low against all manner of iniury and oppression. Faithfull and loyall he was vnto his Prince, louing aud ve­ry carefull of his Countrey, in which he caused many excel­lent lawes to be established; He it was that first deuised our assise of bread, our waights & measures of wine, oyle, corne, &c. Uery valiant he was also and performed many great ser­uices in the warres, the report whereof I leaue vnto the Chronicles. His house kéeping they say was such, as the ex­pence thereof was thought to be nothing inferior vnto the kings: And yet he performed many great workes of inesti­mable charge. Beside the monastery of Derham before men­tioned, he also founded another for Cistercian Monkes at Wulferhampton, but liued not to finish the same; he compas­sed the Tower of London with a strong wall and a déepe moate, so as the water inclosed the same quite round, which before that time could neuer be brought to passe; he encrea­sed the reuenues of his sée uery much, adorned it with many sumptuous and stately buildings, and lastly procured diuers notable priuileges vnto the same, called in olde English, Gled, Dangeld, Hidage, Warpon, Bloodwhite, Childwhite, Uillenage, &c. Now notwithstanding this his great power and riches, with the monkes of Canterbury he had as much to doo as other of his predecessors. By intreaty and faire meanes he indeuoured to procure their consent for the finish­ing of the Chappell at Lambhith begun by Baldwin, sor with­out their leaue to goe about it, he knew it was to no purpose. To this end he sent vnto them the Abbots of Waltam, Rea­ding, and Chertsey, to debate this matter with them. The very mention thereof was so odious vnto them, as by and by they made a great complaint vnto the Pope not only of this, but many other things also, especially of his intermedling in ciuill affaires. Hereupon the Pope presently enioyned him, without farther delay to resigne all his temporall offices, which he (how loath soeuer) was faine to doo. As for the mat­ter of the Chappell, after it had hung long in the Popes court, the parties grew to a composition, that vpon condition it were pulled downe, it should be lawfull for the Archbishop to build another vpon a new foundation, to endue the same with an [Page 60] hundred pound a yéere reuenues and no more, and lastly to place in the same twentie Canons or Prebendaries. Mary it was conditioned, that no Bishops in any wise should be consecrate there, no Abbots admitted, no orders admini­sted, &c. After this, the rest of his daies he ended in peace. King Iohn that had attempted many times to depose his brother King Richard, and was alwaies hindered in those practises by the diligence faithfulnesse and wisedome of this worthy Prelate, estranged him selfe a while from him, and gaue him no countenance. But finding at last how ill he might spare him, vsed his counsell, receiued intertaiment of him (which was very royall) at Canterbury; trusted him with the gouernment of the whole realme at his departure into Normandy, and affoorded him many other gratious fa­uours. Hauing béene Archbishop twelue yéeres sauing fower moneths, he fell into a kinde of ague vpon the way as he was riding to Rochester to worke an agréement betwéene the Bishop and the monkes there, turned into his mannour of Tenham, made his will, and lying sicke there onely fower daies departed this life. He was buried July 13. 1205. in the South wall of the church beside the quier néere Walter Reynald, that long after succéeded him.

43. Stephen Langton.

THe king did so reioice at Huberts death, as whē it was 1207 first reported vnto him, me thinks (quoth he) I am now in déede king of England. But had he knowen, either how ill he might haue missed him, or how great trouble his death would haue caused him, he would rather haue said, now I begin to loose my kingdome, and would little haue estéemed the wealth he left behind him; which although it were bequeathed by testament, trauelling to Canterbury in his owne person, he seased vpon the same and conuerted it all to his owne vse. The monkes in like sort reioyced, little kno­wing how great calamity hung ouer their heads, and must shortly fall vpon them by reason of his death. For they for­sooth hasty and desirous to vse their priuiledge of election, as also iealous least the libertie of the same should be disturbed [Page 61] by any requeste of the king; secretly at midnight, made choice of one Reginald their supprior, taking an othe of him not to make his election knowen to any, till he came to the Popes presence, whether he was aduised to high himselfe as fast as he might. This othe notwithstanding, as soone as he was gotten ouer the feas, he bare himselfe euery where as Lord elect, not letting to shew the testimoniall of his election to who so demaunded the same. This breach of promise so in­ceused his [...] against him, as presently they determined to become futers to the king for pardon of their fault in choosing without licence, as also that now he would permit a new election, supposing the old frustrate and made void by the [...] of the elect. They did so, and easily obtai­ned their request, but much the rather bicause they made shew of a readinesse in satisfying the kings desire, that wished the Archbishopricke vnto Iohn Gray Bishop of Norwich. He was then in the North countrey about some businesse of the Kings: Being sent for in all haste, at his first comming to Canterbury, he was solemnely elected, and his election pub­lished in the church before the king and an infinite number of people. These two elections being presented vnto the Pope, he determined to make vse of the monkes debate, and discou­raging each side (for the greater part of the monks were then at Rome, some of them [...] their old election for good, others importunately suyng to haue the later confirmed) he practised secretly with either of them, to be cōtent to choose yet a third man that he would nominate vnto them, & that was one Stephen Langton a Cardinall of Rome; a man in regard of many excellent gifts both of mind and body very fit for the place, and no way to be [...], if he had orderly obtained the same. By birth he was an English man, brought vp in the [...] of Paris, greatly esteemed by the king and all the [...] of Fraunce for his singular and rare learning, made Chauncellor of Paris, and lastly called thence by the Pope to be a Cardinall of Rome. Now when by faire means he could not [...] with them (for they feared the kings dis­pleasure whom they knew to be a hot and violent Prince) he began to terrifie them with threatning, & what by one means or other, made them content at last to choose him: which done, [Page 62] the Pope with his owne hands gaue him consecration at [...] June 17. Then well knowing how hainously the king would take this matter, he writ letters vnto him swéet­ned with many gentle intreaties, large praises of the new Archbishop, and seasoned now and then with some touches of doubtfull threatning if he should oppose himselfe against that was then done. This notwithstanding, the king in great indignation, banished all the monkes of Canterbury, seased vpon their goods and lands, and forbid Stephen Langton en­trance into the realme. The Pope hearing of this, sent his mandate vnto thrée Bishops, William of London, Eustach of Ely, and Mauger of Worcester, wherein he willed them first to admonish and perswade the king to restore the monkes to their goods and places, and to giue the Archbishops possession of his temporalties by a day, then if he refused so to do, to in­terdict the whole realme. They durst not but obey, and fin­ding the king resolute in his determination, at the time ap­pointed they published the Popes interdiction, and as well foreséeing the great trouble to come, as the present danger, got them out of the land tegether with [...] Bishop of Bathe, and Gyles of Hereford. The king immediately seased all their goods and temporalties into his hands, and moreo­uer banished all the friends and [...] of these Bishops that were likely to yéeld them any comfort or releife. During the time of this interdict, all seruice ceased throughout the realme, except onely Baptisme of children, auricular confes­sion, and the administration of the sacrament vnto such as lay vpon the point of death. The Pope séeing this course pre­uailed not, proceeded to a particular excommunication of the king, and not long after, depriued him by sentence of all regal authority, a thing till that time in no age euer heard of. All this while the king esteemed the Popes sword blunt and vn­able to wound him, till at last he perceiued the French king ready to take aduantage of this sentence, and prouiding bu­sily to inuade his dominions. His owne people also began to fall from him, and to doubt whom in conscience they ought rather to follow, their owne [...] Prince or a forreine in­truder; a strange and monstrous ignorance. Séeing there­fore no other remedy, he was faine to yéeld, receiued the Arch­bishop [Page 63] restored the other Bishops the monkes and all the rest banished vnto their goods and reueneues, and moreouer was content to resigne his crowne into the Popes hands, & vpon restitution to assure him by his letters patents a yéerely pen­sion of a thousand markes. This done, he thought all trou­bles at an end, when the worst of all was yet behind: For he bare himselfe so bold vpon the Popes fauour (which he had bought deerely) as he doubted not to oppresse diuers of his nobility, with many and continuall wrongs, reuoking all for­mer graunts of priuiledges at his pleasure vpon this point, that he had receiued his kingdome from the Pope absolutely, free from all entanglement of any priuiledges deriued from the same. Heereupon the Barons rebelled, the Archb. taking their part; and when they doubted least they should not make their party good against the king, the Pope stucke so close vn­to him; they procured Lewis the French kings eldest sonne to inuade the realme. Him together with the Archbishop and all the Barons, the Pope excommunicated. This great hurly burly was appeased suddenly by the kings death, who died some say of care & sorrow, some of surfet and some say he was poysoned by a monke. His sonne Henry a Prince often yéeres old was receiued to the kingdome, Lewis forsaken, & the Ba­rons vpon promise of obedience vnto their king, absolued by the Popes legate. Clergy men were debarred a while from [...] absolution that they might compound for the same, which they were glad to do. All things being thus quieted, this our Archbishop called a conuocation at Dsney, wherein many things were decreed, to be seene for the most part a­mong the principall constitutions. Thither came a certaine yoong man that shewing the marks of wounds in his hands, feete, and side, professed himselfe to be no lesse man then Jesus Christ. He brought also two women with him, whereof one tooke vpon her to be our Lady, the other Mary Magdalen. This counterfait Christ, for his labour was woorthily cruci­fied and forced to resemble him in the manner of his death, whose life and person he had [...] immitated and sought to expresse. Soone after he translated the bones of S. Thomas Becket from the place where they were first buri­ed in the vndercraft, into a goodly sumptuous shrine. This [Page 64] was done woonderfull solemnly, the king and greatest part of the nobility of all the realme being present. During the time of this ceremony, all passengers from London to Canterbury were allowed horsemeat at the Arthbishops charge, who also caused vessels of wine to runne continually in diuers parts of the city all the day of this translation, that who so list might drinke of them. This solemnity prooued so chargeable vnto him, as neither he, nor fower of his successors were able to re­couer the debt, he cast his Sée and Church into. He was Arch­bishop in all two and twentie yéeres, and died July 9. 1228. at his mannor of Slyndon in Sussex, from whence his body was conueighed to Canterbury, and there buried in the chap­pell of Saint Michaell. This man was admirably learned, and writ many notable workes, the Catalogue whereof is to be séene in Bale. Amongst the rest, it is especially to be noted, that he first diuided the Bible into Chapters, in such sort as we now account them. The Archbishops pallace at Canter­bury, is said to haue béene built in a manner all by this Ste­phen Langton. Moreouer, it is deliuered that he bestowed great cost in making a faire horologe in the South crosse isle of the church néere which he lieth buried, his monument being situate in a manner iust vnder the altar.

44. Richard Magnus.

VVIthin a fewe daies after the death of Stephen 1229 Langton, the Monkes with the Kings licence procéeded to election & made choice of one Walt. de Hempsham one of their own company & presented him vn­to the K. who by the aduice of diuers prelates refused to allow of him. Which notwithstanding, he got him to Rome hoping by one meanes or other to obtaine the Popes confirmation. The king hauing notize of his intent, sent thither the Bi­shop of Chester to signifie that he was a man very vnlearned and moreouer infamous for his life and conuersation, as namely, that he had gotten diuers children vpon a certaine Nunne, that his father was hanged for theft, and that him­selfe had deserued it by taking the part of the rebellious Ba­rons. All this would not stay the Pope from giuing him con­firmation, [Page 65] vntill the kings Ambassadors had promised him a tenth of all spirituall promotions in England, to aide him in his wars against the Emperor. That being assigned him, he straight way pronounced the election voide and by reason of the insufficiency of the elect, the right of nomination to be deuolued vnto him selfe; by vertue of which title he tooke vp­on him at the kings request to name vnto that see Richard the Chauncellor of Lincolne. This Richard was a man very wel learned, wise, graue, well spoken, and of good report, stout in defending the rights and liberties of the Church and (which is not altogither to be neglected) of a goodly personage, tall, straight, and well fauoured. He was consecrate at Canter­bury by Henry Bishop of Rochester, in the presence of the king and many of the nobility, June 10. 1229. A little while he enioyed that honor, to wit, two yéeres or there abouts. In which time there happened a controuersie betwéene him and [...] de [...] Earle of Kent, concerning some lands of the Earle of Glocester, the profits whereof the Archbishop chal­lenged as due vnto him in the minority of the Earle. Hubert was a man greatly fauored by the king for his long faithfull seruice vnto his father and him selfe; namely for defending the Castle of Douer against Lewis the French man, he made him Earle of Kent, and chiefe iustice of England. He had entred vpon these lands. The Archbishop first complained of the wrong vnto the king, & finding no remedy at his hands excommunicated all the authors of this iniury (the king one­ly excepted) and got him to Rome. The king vnderstanding thereof, dispatched messengers thither also to hinder his pro­céedings there what might be. The Pope notwithstanding delighted much with the eloquence, grauity, and excellent be­hauiour of the Archbishop, graunted presently all his de­mandes. Little ioy had he of this victory: Being thrée daies iourney in his way homewards, he fell sicke at the towne of Saint Genuna and there died in the Friery, where also he was buried. It is [...] that soone after his buriall, cer­taine théeues brake open his toombe and thought to haue rob­bed him of his [...] rings, &c. wherein (according to the ma­ner of those times) he was buried; but that they claue so fast vnto him, as by no deuice they could take them from him. [Page 66] Beléeue it as you list. It shall not be amisse also to note how that in the time of this Archbishop, a great number of Itali­ans had possessed them selues of the best benefices of Eng­land; which being much spited at; certaine madde fellowes tooke vpō them by force to thresh out their corne euery where and giue it away vnto the poore, to rob and spoile them of their money and other goods. It was done so openly and so boldly, as it was manifest that some great men were at one end of that businesse. The Italians after that time were not so eager vpon Euglish benefices.

45. Saint Edmund.

THe monkes of Canterbury by this time weary of con­tending 1234 with the king, soone after the death of the for­mer Archbishop, chose of their owne accord Ralfe Ne­uill Bishop of Chichester, aud Chauncellor of England; a man very wise and highly in fauour with the king, who li­king well of this election, put him in possession of the tempo­ralties by and by. The Pope being requested for his appro­bation, chaunced to inquire of Simon Langton Archdeacon of Canterbury brother vnto Stephen the Archbishop, what maner of man this Ralfe Neuill should be, who told him, that he was a hote fellow, stout, subtile, an olde courtier and very gratious with the king; it was much to be doubted, therefore he would set the king & him together by the eares, and cause him to deny the payment of that tribute graunted vnto him by king Iohn. This was ynough; without more adoo he wil­led the monkes to choose another, neuer alleaging any matter of exceptions against him. So to a second election they pro­céeded, and chose one Iohn their Subprior: He went to Rome and being examined by certaine Cardinals, was adiudged fit ynough for the place; Yet the Pope misliked him for his age, and perswaded the good old man to forbeare to take vp­on him so great a charge in his olde yéeres. He yéelded: and thereupon a third was elected, one Richard Blundy a studient of Oxford. Him also the Pope refused, because forsooth he held two benefices contrary to the Canons, and because it was knowen, he had borrowed a great summe of money of Peter [Page 67] Bishop of Winchester, wherewith it was thought he féed well the monkes that chose him. The Pope then made re­quest vnto such of the monkes as were at Rome to choose Ed­mund Treasurer of Salisbury, a man very wel knowen, and indéed famous for his vertue and great learning. They nei­ther durst deny the Popes request, nor would doo any thing in the matter, till they had vnderstood the pleasure of their Prince, and conferred with the rest of their brethren. He was content to take their silence for a sufficient election, and with­out more adoo sent him the pall into England, little thinking of any such matter. Both the king and the Couent liking well ynough of the man, he was consecrate at Canterbury by Ro­ger Bishop of London ann. 1234. He was borne (as some say) at London, and baptised in the same font Thomas Becket his predecessor had beene. But, other affirme more probably that he was borne at Abingdon in Barkshire sonne vnto one Edward Rich a Merchant: his mothers name was Ma­bell. In their elder yéeres they forsooke each other by mutuall consent and betooke them selues to a monasticall life. Edmund their sonne they caused to be brought vp in the Uniuersity of Oxford. Hauing attained vnto reasonable perfection in the knowledge of Diuinity (whereunto his study was chiefely directed) he applied himselfe to preaching wherein he tooke great paines, namely in the counties of Oxford, Glocester, and Worcester, vntil such time as he was called to the Trea­surership of Salisbury. Being consecrate Archbishop, he pre­sently fell into the kings displeasure, by opposing him selfe a­gainst the mariage of Elianor the kings sister with Simon Mountfort Earle of Leicester, because vponthe death of the Earle Marshal her first husband she had vowed chastity. To haue this vow dispensed withall, the king procured the Pope to send a Legate into England: his name was Otto a Car­dinall. [...] also this good Archbishop offended, and that so grieuously, by reprehending his monstrous couetousnesse, his bribery, and extortion, as euer after he sought to worke him all the mischiefe he might. The monkes of Rochester had presented vnto this Archbishop one Richard de [...] demaunding of him consecration vnto the Bishopricke of their Church. The Archbishop denied to affoord the same, [Page 68] knowing him to be a very vnlearned and vnsufficient man. Héereupon the moonks appealed to Rome, which the Archbi­shop vnderstanding of, hasted him thither also. Otto the Le­gate endeuoured to stay him at home, and failing thereof, did his errand so well at Rome, as not onely in that sute, but an other also which he had against Hugh Earle of Arundell in an other cause of appeale, he was ouerthrowne and condemned in a thousand markes charges to his great disgrace and im­pouerishment. Being at Rome he had complained of many great abuses in England, and amongst the rest, of the long vacacy of Bishoprickes The Pope séemed willing to redresse these things, and namely concerning that matter, set downe this order, that if any cathedrall Church continued voide aboue sixe monethes, it should be lawfull for the Archbishop to conferre it where he list, as well as any smaller benefice. The procuring of this order cost him a great sum of mony: Yet no sooner was his backe turned, but the Pope at the kings request reuoked the same. Being thus continually vexed, thwarted, and disgraced, he departed into voluntary exile, and there bewailing the misery of his countrey, spoyled and wasted by the tyranny of the Pope, spent the rest of his life in continuall teares. Through extreme gréefe and sor­row, or (as some thinke) too much [...], he fell first into a consumption, and after into a strange kinde of ague. Where­upon he thought good to remooue from the Abbey of Ponti­niac in Fraunce (where he had laien euer since his comming out of England) vnto Soissy, and there departed this life No­uember 16. 1236. eight yéeres after his first consecration. His hart and entrailes were buried at Soissy, his body at Pontiniac. Within sixe yéeres after his death he was Cano­nised a Saint by Innocentius, who appointed the foresaid day of his death for euer to be kept holy in memory of him. Lewes the French king caused his body to be translated to a more honorable place then it was first laid in, and bestowed a sumptuous shryne vpon him couered with golde and siluer, and richly adorned with many precious stones.

46. Boniface.

THe monks of Canterbury at the instance of the king 1244 elected vnto the Archbishopricke Boniface, the sonne of Peter Earle of Sauoy, and vncle vnto the Quéene: a man not greatly to be commended for any thing but the no­bility of his stocke, and the comelinesse of his person: For in other respects he was thought vtterly vnfit, and vnwoorthy of that place. The king therefore doubting least the Pope would reiect him, caused in a manner all the Bishops and Ab­bots of England to write their letters commendatory in his behalfe, and so sent him to Lyons, where he quickly obtained consecration at the Popes owne hands. At his first entrance into this Sée, he found the same indebted by the ouerlashing of his predecessors, to the value of 22. thousand marks, which he tooke for an occasion of both absenting himselfe from his charge, and also of raking money togither by all kinde of meanes. Departing therefore into his owne country; by fel­ling of woods, making leases and other such like meanes, he made an infinite deale of money, promising to imploy the same and whatsoeuer he could saue by liuing priuately at home, in the payment of his churches debt. By the same pre­tence also he induced the Pope to graunt him in Commen­dam the Bishopricke of Ualentia in Prouence and diuers other spirituall promotions. But he gaue himselfe to war­ring, and spent all he could make in hyring of soldiers. When therefore (notwithstanding all these helpes) the debt was ne­uer the lesse, he was glad by bribing the Pope with a great summe of money, to procure of him a graunt of the profite of all spirituall preferments that should be void within his pro­uince for the space of seuen yéeres. The king a while spurned at this graunt, but in the end halfe for feare of the Pope (of whom he stood in great awe) and partly by sute and interces­sion, he ratified and allowed of the same. Hauing béene many yéeres absent, he returned into England the yéere 1250. and tooke vpon him to visite all his Prouince in some extraordi­narie manner. All men knew it was rather to make mony, then for any desire of reformation, and that caused it to be ta­ken [Page 70] the more odiously. He began first with his owne Dioces, which he so hampered with straight & vnreasonable orders, such as he knew men would rather buy out then endure to obserue; that euery one said the monks of Canterbury were [...] iustly rewarded for their folly in electing an vnlearned stranger, that was more fit and likely to make a souldier then an Archbishop a great deale. Comming then to London, he tooke a small occasion to deface the Bishop there with [...] and reprochfull spéeches; and being resisted by the Deane and Chapter of Paules (who had appealed from his [...] to the Pope) he made no more adoo but excommunicated them euery one, Going the next day about the same businesse to the Priory of Saint Bartholomewes in Smythfield, he was met very honorably by the Subprior and all the Co­nent in their coapes. Telling them by and by he came to vi­site them, one of the company answered him reuerently, he was very welcome vnto them, but they were sory he came for that purpose, wherein they must disappoint him: They knew their Bishop (whose onely office it was) to be a very sufficient man for his place, and so long they must not enter­taine the [...] of any other. This answere (though gen­tle inough) so enraged this lusty Archbishop, as not being able to containe his anger within any bounds of discretion, he ranne violently not to him that had spoken, but to the Sub­prior that was next him, strucke the poore old man downe to the ground, kicked him, beate and buffeted him pitifully, tore his coape from his backe, rent it into a number of péeces, and when he had done stamped vpon it like a madde man. In this conflict it hapned the Archbishop to stumble and fal back­ward, by meanes whereof his apparell loosening, in any per­ceaued a priuy coate vnder the same. His seruitors and atten­dants taking example of their Lord, gaue much like inter­tainment to the rest of the monks as he had giuen to the Sub­prior. By this time the Londoners were vp, and taking the matter very [...] in the behalfe of their Bishop whom this iniury did originally concerne, laid such wait for the Archbishop, as with much adoo he stole secretly to the Thames side, and was conueied by a wherry prouided for him to Lambhith. If they could [...] met with him, they had [Page 71] surely hewen him into 1000. péeces. He was no sooner come home, but he thundred out his excommunications against not onely the whole Couent of Saint Bartholomew, but the Bishop of London also, as a fauourer of theirs. They all agreeing togither, determined to send the Deane of Paules a graue and wise man to Rome, and by the letters of certaine Bishops (they knew the Pope would credite) to aduertise him of this strange disorder. The Archbishop vnderstanding heereof, followed thither apace, and entred Rome with great pompe, nothing [...] but the King and Quéenes letters which he had brought, his nobility and great linage, or if all failed, his purse, should beare him out in this matter well inough. But vnderstanding how odiously it was taken by all that heard it, & how hardly the Pope was informed against him; he fell to intreatie of his aduersaries, the Deane of Paules and the rest, whom partly by faire promises, and partly by threates, at last he subdued and made them content to stay their complaint. That matter being so ended, he dealt earnestly with the Pope to ratifie the dooings of his [...]. The Bishops of his prouince vnderstanding thereof, and knowing how great an inconuenience it would be to them and all their Clergy; they made a collection of two pence in the marke out of all spirituall promotions in the Prouince to be expended in sute of lawe against the Archibishop. In the meane time the king had written his letters earnestly to the Pope in the Archbishops behalfe, which so inchanted him with partialitie, as the Bishop of London vtterly despairing of any iustice, gaue ouer the matter in the plaine field: Onely thus much was obtained, that he, the Chapter of Paules, and the Couent of S. [...] should be absolued from their excommunication. Soone after this it hapned that the Archbishop (the old malice still boyling in his brest) taking a small aduantage, excommunicated againe the Deane and Chapter of Paules; the indignitie whereof so mooued all the Cleargy, as they tooke order to méete at Dunstable, and there laying their purses togither, gathered the sum of fower thousand markes, which they determined to bribe the Pope withall, so he would deliuer them from the misery of this vn­reasonable kinde of Uisitation. The Pope tooke their mony, [Page 72] and promised them faire: And the Archbishoppe séeing no remedie but he must [...] clauo pellere, by taking the same course, fedde him as well on the other side. He whose affection was euer woont to be measured according to his rewards, so diuided his fauour, as he tooke not away from the Archbishoppe all authority of visiting, and yet so moderated the same with circumstances, as it was like to prooue tolerable inough. As soone then as he returned, he went forward in his visitation, wherein he dealt at the first somewhat mildly, but soone falling to his old byas, caused eue­ry where such stirs and tumults, as it was long after called by the name of the troublous Uisitation. At Lincoln he fell out with the Chapter there (the Sée being then voide) about the gift of prebends and benefices which he chalenged, and had euer heretofore in the vacacy belonged vnto them. One William Lupus Archdeacon of Lincoln especially resisted him in this matter, and appealed vnto the Pope. This poore man he so vexed and hurryed with his excommunications, and all manner of molestation he could deuise, as at last he enforced him to hide himselfe and to steale secretly to Rome, where he was so pitied, as the Pope was entreated not only to absolue him, but to protect him from the violence of Boni­face, and at last to iudge the controuersie of his side. So home­wards he got him with assured hope of restoring his church to her auncient priuiledge. But being worne out with con­tinual trauel and vexation which he had indured three yéeres, vpon the way he died. Now while he was abroad in the rest of his prouince, his monkes of Christ church in Canterbury had procured of the Pope a Charter of immunity from all visitation. This being tendred vnto him at Saint Albons, he made no more adoo, but cast it in the fire. The matter be­ing complained of both to the Pope and the king, no redresse could be found. The king durst not disgrace him for feare of offending his Quéene to whom he was vncle, and the Pope, partly for his kinreds sake (that were mighty men and his néere neighbours) partly because he was his instrument for polling of England, and brought him in much money, would hardly giue eare vnto any accusation against him. This boi­sterous visitation ended, he got him beyond sea, and with [Page 73] the money he had scraped togither in the same, hired a great number of soldiers to rescue his brother Thomas, sometime Earle of Sauoy that was kept in prison by the citizens of [...], who could not indure his tyranny. In this war he had the Popes Buls and excommunications at comman­dement to assist him, of which hauing spent a great many, all his money, and no smal number of his soldiers to no purpose, with [...] and sorrow for his losse and disgrace, home he came. Toward the later end of his time he waxed more mo­derate, and applied himselfe in some reasonable sort to the go­uernment of his church. The realme being filled with stran­gers of the kings blood by his mother side and their atten­dants, that still snatcht vp all places of preferment, especially [...]: He was content to ioine with the rest of the Bishops in a request to the king, wherein he besought him to hauc some regard of his owne countriemen, among whom he might sinde choice ynough of wise, vertuous and learned men. The king taking this speech of his in very euill part, told him he was content to do as he wished him, and because saith he, it is indéed great reason that I should fauour woor­thy men of my owne nation before any vnwoorthy stranger. You and my brother Aethelmar of Winchester (men vtterly vnlearned and altens, whom I haue preferred for no other respect then kinred or affinity) shall do well to giue ouer your places; and you shall see I will soone fill them with men you shal take no exceptions against. By this and diuers other ma­nifest tokens perceiuing the kings mind to be alienated from him, and knowing himselfe very ill beloued of all the com­mous and clergic in generall, waxing weary of England, he selled his woods, let leases, forced from his tenants and others what money he could possibly; and hauing gathered great summes by one meanes or other, caried it all with him into Sauoy, whence he neuer meant to returne againe. He liued not long after his arriuall there, but deceased in the castle of Saint Helen, July 18. 1270. after his first consecration 26. yeeres sixe moneths and sixteene daies, and from the time of his first election nine and twenty yeeres. He performed three notable things woorthy memory; he payed the debt of two and twenty thousand markes that he found his Sée indebted [Page 74] in. He built a goodly hospitall at Maidstone called the New workes, and indued it with large reuenewes. (William Courtney long after translated the same into a colledge of se­cular priests.) And lastly, he finished that most stately hall at Canterbury with the buildings adioining, which had onely béene begun by Hubert, and little or nothing continued by them that followed, but by him at last was throughly per­fited.

47. Robert Kilwardby.

Soone after the death of Boniface, the Couent of Can­terbury 1272 by the licence of the king, elected William Chil­linden their Supprior to succéede him. The Pope tooke exceptions against him as an vnsufficient man for the place, & ex plenitudine potestatis, thrust into the same one Robert Kilwardby. This Robert was a great Clarke, and left many monuments of the same in writing behind him, an English man borne, brought vp in Paris; whence (hauing proceeded there Master of Arts) he returned and became first a Frier Minor, and then Prouinciall of that order here. The monkes that many times opposed themselues against their kings and lawfull Princes, durst not resist this intruder of the Popes sending, but to preserue their right of election, were content forsooth to chose him the Pope had before appointed them. He was consecrate February 26. 1272. being the first Sun­day in Lent; at what time the Prior of Canterbury deman­ded of him the summe of 3000 markes spent in the election of William Chillenden, which the Pope promised the next Archbishop should repay. But he loath to disburse this mo­ney, began to pick holes in the Priors coate, and threat­ning to depriue him of his place, neuer linne sifting of him, till he had intreated his Couent to abate 1300. of the 3000. markes. In the first yéere of his consecration, he re­nued the Statutes made by his predecessors for his Court of the Arches, and contracted them briefely into fiue articles. Then shortly after he visited all his Prouince and both the Uniuersities, in which he disputed excellently, and shewed himselfe in diuers kinds of exercise. Toward the later ende [Page 75] of his time he made a collection for the building of a Mona­stery for the Frier Minors in London. Men contributed so largely thereunto, (and he had the helpe of a certaine olde Tower which yéelded him stones without charge) as he fini­shed the same with other mens money, & filled his own purse well beside. Hauing béene Archbishop about the space of sixe yéeres, he was sent for to Rome by Pope Nicholas the third and made Cardinall of Hostia and Bishop of Portua. He re­signed then his Archbishopricke, and getting him into Italy, with in a fewe monethes after fell sicke and died (of poison some say) at Uiterbium, where also he was buried.

48. Iohn Peckham.

THe resignation of Robert Kilwardby once knowen, the 1278 monkes mate hast to their election, and with the kings good liking, chose Robert Burnell Bishop of Bath, at that time Chauncellor of England. But the Pope who had therefore promoted Robert Kilwardby that he might place another in his roome, such a one as he would be sure should serue his turne at all times, perceiuing him selfe preuented in the election; thrust in ex plenitudine potestatis, in like sort as last time he had done, Iohn Peckham another Frier. He was borne of meane parentage in Susser, spent his childhood in the Abbey of Lewes, brought vp in Oxford (where he be­came a Frier) and succeeded Robert Kilwardby in the office of Prouinctall of their order. From Oxford he went to Pa­ris to study Diuinity, and after a while to Lyons to get some knowledge in the Canon Law, without the which, Diuiuity was esteemed vnperfect in those daies. At Lions he was cho­sen Canon or Prebendary of the Cathedrall Church, and by that meanes being furnished with allowance to trauaile; for the encrease of his knowledge in the Canon Law, he went into Italy, & visiting personally all the Uniuersities of Italy, came lastly to Rome. His rare learning being soone percetued there, he was made by the Pope Auditor or chiefe Iudge of his Pallace, and so continued till his preferment to Canter­bury. He was consecrate the first Sunday in Lent, which fell vpon the sixt day of March 1278. Soone after his arriuall in [Page 76] England the Pope his creator (as he called him) sent vnto him a mandate of making payment of 4000. markes vpon very short warning, or else assured him to be spéedily excom­municate. It shall not be amisse to set downe the wordes of his answere to this demaund; Ecce me creastis saith he, &c. Behold you haue created me: And if the creature cannot but desire naturally what perfection the creator can yéeld, how can I but resort vnto you for succour in all my oppressions & calamities. I receiued of late certaine letters horrible to sée and fearefull to heare, denouncing, that except I make pay­ment of 4000. marks that I became indebted vnto certaine Merchants of Luca at Rome within the space of a moneth af­ter Michaelmas next, I was to be excommunicate with bell, booke, and candle, and that excommunication to be published in my Church, &c. Then (to make short) he declareth how his predecessor at his departure caried away all the mooue­able goods belonging to the Sée, that Boniface had left all his houses very ruinous, that the King had taken vp be­fore hand, one yéeres profitte of his lands that in the meane space he was faine himselfe to liue vpon credit, and that to borow to serue his necessary vses (the realme being so exhaust with contiuuall payments) it was excéeding hard. In re­gard héereof, he besought him (whom onely in truth the matter concerned, though merchants of Luca bore the name of this debt) to order the matter so, as he might be allowed a yéeres day of paiment, which at last with much adoo was granted him by the sute of Robert Kilwardby his predecessor, who died (as before is rehearsed) soone after. The new Arch­bishop then became a suter vnto the Pope, that he would cause to be restored vnto his Church fiue thousand markes, the value whereof, the said Robert had caried away with him of the goods belonging to his Sée. This he was so far from obtaining, as by and by the Pope began to call vpon him a­gaine very hastily for the fower thousand marks aboue men­tioned, and so made him glad to hold his peace for that time, and yet to pay the money at his day. In the first yéere of his consecration he sommoned a Conuocation at Lambhith, at what time the Archbishop of Yorke comming to London, caused his crosse to be borne before him within the Prouince [Page 77] of Canterbury which the Archbishop of Canterbury tooke to be a great wrong vnto him and his Sée. It had béene often in question heretofore whether it might be done or no, and much adoo there had béene about it. Therefore to redresse this abuse quickly and good cheape, our Frier deuised this course to be taken. He caused proclamations to be made in all places where he vnderstood the other Archbishop meant to passe, in which he commaunded all men vnder paine of excommuni­cation to affoord no manner of intertainment, no not so much as bread, or drinke, vnto him or any of his company, so long as he bare vp his crosse in that manner. So except he and his traine should starue, downe must the crosse there was no re­medy. The Conuocation ended, he began a generall visitati­on of his whole prouince, and being desirous to know the state of euery Dioces, went him selfe in person to most of them, vsing great lenity and gentlenesse euery where. For he was a man though very stately both in his gesture, gate, words, and all outward shew, yet of an excéeding méeke, fa­rile and liberall mind. He tooke great paines in labouring a peace betwéene King Edward the first, and Leolin Prince of Wales, vnto whom he went in person, and trauailed long with him, but altogether in vaine. He bare a very hard hand vpon the Jewes, whose Sinagogues he commaunded to be pulled downe to the ground throughout his prouince. But the king was a meanes to stay the execution of that comman­dement so farre foorth, as he would haue one Church allow­ed vnto them, in the City in which with certaine restraints they should practise their ceremonies. Unto double beneficed men and non residents he was very hard. Diuers elected vn­to Bishopricks he reiected, hauing no other exception against them. Many he compelled to reforme themselues according to the Canons in that behalfe, and some that refused to be conformable, he finally depriued. Abultery he was woont to punish very seuerely. He persecuted a Bishop terribly (his name is not deliuered) for keeping a concubine. One Roger Ham a Priest, he enioyned to thrée yéeres penance for forni­cation, enioyining him to spend all that time in fasting, pray­er, and pilgrimages to Rome, Compostella, and Colon, and moreouer sequestred the fruites of his benefice during those [Page 78] thrée yéeres, appointing them to be giuen vnto the poore. Nei­ther [...] he thus with men of his owne coate onely. There was a certaine knight of [...] called Sir Osborn Gif­ford: He had stollen two Nunnes out of the Nunry of Wil­ton: which comming to the Archbishops eares, he first excom­municated him, and after absolued vpon these conditions; first that he should neuer after come within any Nunry, or in the company of a Nunne; then, that thrée Sundaies toge­ther he should be whipped in the parish Church of Wilton, so likewise in the market and Church of Shaftsbury thrée other daies, that he should fast a certaine number of moneths, that he should not weare any shirt in thrée yéeres, and lastly that he should not any more take vpon him the habite or title of a knight, but weare apparrell of a russet colour, vntill he had spent thrée yéers in the holy land. All this he sware should be performed before he might haue absolution. If some of our gentlemen were now and then thus serued, they would not be so wanton as they are. Thirtéene yéeres and almost a halfe this man continued Archbishop holding all this while his prebend he had first at Lyons, which when diuers begged of him, he would answere, that he might not in any wise spare it; for hée looked euery day when being drouen out of England by the king (against whom indéede he often very boldly op­posed him selfe) he should haue no other home to take to. For the same cause belike it was annexed vnto the Sée of Can­terbury. Many succéeding Archbishops enioyed the same a long time after. He [...] very rich, and yet in his life time, founded at Wingham a Colledge valued when it was sup­pressed at fower score and fower pounds of yéerely reuenues, and aduanced diuers of his kinred to great possessions, whose posterity haue continued in the state of Knightsand Esquiers euen vntill our time. He was buried in his owne Church, but in what particular place I find not.

49. Robert Winchelsey.

VVHat countreyman Robert Winchelsey should be, 1294 no man deliuereth: But it is certaine he first went to schoole at Canterbury, where he was so admired for his towardlinesse, and loued for his gentle and modest behauiour (being also a very welfauoured childe) as euery man would take vpon him, euen then to prophecie that he should one day be Archbish. of Canterbury. Being ripe for the Uniuersity, he was sent to Paris. There he procéeded Master of art, and before his departure thence was chosen Rector of that Uniuersity. Hauing passed through that office (which séemeth to be annuall) with great commendation of integrity and wisedome, he returned into England, and com­ming to Oxford, gaue such proofe there of his excellent knowledge in all good learning by preaching, disputing, &c. as they thought good to honour him with the degrée of a Doctor, and shortly after made him Chauncellor of their U­niuersity. His gouernment there was such, as all men easily discerned him fit for a much higher place. He made many good and profitable statutes, and tooke away diuers fond and per­nicious customes, to the great honor of the Uniuersity, and no lesse aduauncement of good learning. His first spirituall pro­motion was a prebend in Paules church and the Archdea­conry of Esser. His Archdeacoury he visited himselfe in per­son duly euery yeere, and did reside vpon his prebend, prea­ching in that cathedral church or some other place almost eue­ry day. By reason hereof & his manifold good parts, he grew so famous, as Peckham being dead, he was straightway pointed out by the expectation of all men vnto the Archbi­shopricke. The monkes therefore chose him with the kings very good liking & great applause of all men. It was his chāce to come to Rome while Coelestious was Pope, a good & ver­tuous man, but so simple, as Boniface that succéeded him could perswade him by counterfeiting the voice of an Angell through a trunke in the night, to resigne his Papacy and be­come an Heremite againe, as before his election he had beene. Not onely this simple Heremite, but euen all the prelates [Page 80] and Cardinals there were amased at his woonderfull rare learning, the like whereof (especially to be ioined with such discretion and wisedome) they well assured themselues was no where to be found. They were desirous therefore to haue made him a Cardinall so to haue retained him amongst them: But he yéelding many reasons why he might not be spared at home, obtained at last consecration and hasted him vnto his charge. Upon the day of his inthronization, it is said he consecrated Bishop of Landaffe one Iohn Mone­mouth Doctor of Diuinity, and bestowed twenty benefices, ten of very good value vpon ten Doctors, and ten lesse vpon ten Batchelers of Diuinity. The Sée being yet voide, the king had caused a conuocation to be summoned, in which he required one halfe of all ecclesiasticall reueneues for one yéere toward the charge of his wars. This intollerable exaction the cleargy not intending to yéeld vnto, sent the Deane of Paules William de Montfort with diuers other Prelates vnto the king to craue pardon, and to shew how hard it were for them to yéeld to this demaund. Being admitted vnto his presence, the Deane began his spéech, and after a few words fell downe suddenly starke dead. Herewith the king nothing mooued, sent a knight the next day vnto the conuocation to know whether any of them durst withstand the king in this de­maund: if there be any such (quoth he) let him come foorth that I may take order with him as a disturber of the kings peace. So no man daring to gainesay it, the graunt passed for good. The Archbishop now comming home soone after, called another Synode, wherein his cleargy complained much of the last exaction. The Archbishop told them it was more thē they could [...] that they had done, for that in the late Councell of Lyons it was decréed, no cleargy man should pay any thing to any temporall magistrate without the Popes licence: that therefore they now set downe for a canon to be kept hereafter inuiolably. At that time the king that had had so liberall allowance very lately, demaunded nothing. But within a yéere or two after hauing spent an in­finite deale of money in the conquest of Scotland, he summo­ned a Parliament at Berwicke, wherein when the Tempo­ralty contributed liberally toward the charge of that warre, [Page 81] the cleargy alleaging the foresaid canon, would graunt no thing. The king would not take this for payment: And there­fore presently he tooke order, that all barnes of cleargy men should be locked vp: he also made proclamation that from that time forward, all cleargy men were excluded from vn­der his protection, so that hereafter it should be lawfull for any man to sue them, but they might not commence sute against any other. This constrained them to yéeld, and all submitted themselues to allowance of such a proportion as the king li­ked (it was a fift part of their reuenewes) except onely the Archv. who would make no other answere vnto the king but this, vnder God our vniuersall Lord, saith he, we haue two other Lords, a spirituall Lord the Pope, and a temporall Lord the king, and though we be to obey both, yet rather the spirituall Lord then the temporall. When therefore he sawe all the rest inclined to yéeld, vsing no other words then this, Saluet [...] animam suam, he rose vp and suddenly de­parted. For this contumacy the king caused all his goods to be seased into his hands, and made shew of greater displea­sure. Shortly after, notwithstanding being to make warre in Fraunce, before his departure he thought good to receiue the Archbishop to fauour againe, but this grace indured for a very little while. Presently vpon his returne, he laid diuers treasons to his charge, as that he had dehorted his subjects in his absence from payment of their subsidies, that he had con­spired with diuers of his nobility to depriue him of his king­dome, and to crowne his sonne Edward, &c. Whether the Archbishop were guilty of all the crimes obiected against him or no, I cannot tell. But certaine it is, that as guilty, he submitted himselfe to the kings mercy, and besought him for the same in most humble manner, or rather in déede deiected himselfe more basely, and lamented his cause more passio­nately then became a man that were guiltlesse, much lesse a prelate that would be esteemed, graue, learned or wise. Not­withstanding this his submission, the king commenced a complaint against him at Rome, banished him the realme, and seased vpon all his goods, mooueable and vnmooueable, forbidding all his subiects vpon great paine to foster him or yéeld him any manner of intertainment. He was in that case [Page 82] he must haue starued for want of sustenance, had not the monkes of Canterbury secretly taken him in and aduentured to yéeld him things necessary, till they found meanes to shift him beyond sea; which the king afterwards vnderstan­ding, seased vpon all their goods and lands, turned them all euen fowerscore monks a begging, forbid all men to harbour them, and kept them in that miserable state, till after a cer­taine space he was content to restore them againe. These were the violent courses were taken by Princes in those daies: how happy are we that in all peace, liberty and assu­rance, quietly enioy our owne without great desert to the contrary? Two yéeres the Archbishop continued in exile: In which time the king (Edward the first) died, and his sonne Edward the second that was to succeed, thinking it conueni­ent belike at his first entrance to shew all examples of cle­mency, called him home by letters, and restored him to all his goods, euen euery peny of that which had béene receiued of his temporalties in his absence. Hereby it came to passe that he was the richest Archbishop of many that were, either before or after him, so that his trouble turned him to great good. In regard whereof, he was woont to say ‘(Nihil nocebit aduersitas vbi nulla iniquitas dominatur)’ so often as he talked of his trouble and banishment. He was no sooner come home but a new danger encountred him occasioned by his owne woonted boldnesse. The yoong king by the counsell of Piers Gaueston (a wanton and vicious man, banished into Ireland by king Edward the first for corrupting his sonne) had com­mitted the Bishop of Couentry to ward at Yorke: A conuo­cation being gathered, the Archbishop would not suffer any matter to be debated in the house till the Bishop were set at liberty. This the king was content to beare with all at that time, & afterward he so behaued himselfe, as there neuer grew any dislike betwéene them. So the rest of his age after his re­turne from banishment (which was sixe yéeres) he passed in quietnes and great prosperity, and died at last at Oxford, May 11. 1313. hauing béene Archbishop about the space of ninetéene yéeres. He was a stout prelate and a seuere punisher of sinne. He opposed himselfe against Piers Gaueston, the Spensers, and other corrupters of the yoong king very boldly. [Page 83] He enforced Iohn Warren Earle of Surrey to sorsweare the company of a certaine beautifull harlot, with the loue of whom he was greatly bewitched. And afterwards when notwithstanding his oath he returned to her company againe and got children vpon her, he accused him to the Conuocati­on of adultery and periury both, and at last made him to leaue her. Such preferments as fell to his disposition, he euer bestowed vpon men of excellent learning, despising letters and requests of noble men, which he estéemed not a rush. Ma­ny poore schollers he maintained at the Uniuersities with li­berall exhibition, and vnto all kind of poore people was excée­ding bountiful, insomuch as therin I thinke he excelled all the Archbishops that euer were, either before him or after him. Beside the daily fragments of his house, he gaue euery Fri­day and Sunday vnto euery begger that came to his doore a loase of bread of a farthing price (which no doubt was bigger then our peny-loafe now.) And there were vsually euery such almes day in time of dearth to the number of 5000. but in a plentifull 4000. and seldome or neuer vnder, which com­mumbus annis amounted vnto 500. pound a yéere. Ouer and aboue this, he vsed to giue euery great festiuall day 150. pence to so many poore people, to send daily meate, drinke and bread vnto such as by reason of age or sicknes were not able to fetch almes at his gate, & to send money, meate, apparel &c. to such as he thought wanted the same, and were ashamed to begge. But of all other, he was woont to take greatest com­passion vpon those that by any misfortune were decaied and had fallen from wealth to poorer estate. For these and other vertues, the common people would needes estéeme him a Saint, and frequented much the place of his buriall: There­fore his tombe (which was situate beside the altar of S, Gre­gory néere the south wall) was afterwards pulled downe. His bookes, apparell, and other mooueables (which were but of very small value) he gaue all such as they were vnto his church of Canterbury. Of all the Archbishops that possessed this Sée before this man, (which were 48. there was neuer any two that had one Christian name.

50. Walter Raynolds.

RObert Winchelsey being dead, the monks of Canter­bury 1313 elected for his successour one Thomas Cobham that was Deane of Salisbury, and Prebendary of Yorke, a man of such vertue and learning, as he was com­monly called by the name of the good Clerke. The king (Ed­ward the second) was desirous to preferre vnto that place Walter Raynolds Bishop of Worcester; whom he fauoured singularly for his assured fidelity and great wisedome. Before therefore that the saide Thomas Cobham could get away to Rome, the king vnderstanding of his election, sent thither in all post haste, earnestly requesting the Pope to finde meanes that this Walter might be made Archbishop. He glad of such an occasion to exercise the vtmost of his vsurped authority, without any more adoo, thrust in the said Walter Raynolds into that Sée, pretending, that he had reserued the gift of the Archbishoprick for that time vnto himselfe before it fell. Cob­ham a while stoode vpon the right of his election, but percea­uing to how little purpose it was to stirre with so mighty ad­uersaries as the Pope and the king both at once, was content to accept of the Bishopricke of Worcester which the other left. This Walter had béene a Courtier a long time, Chap­leyne first vnto Edward the first, and Parson of Wimberton, then by Edward the second (whose schoolemaster some say he was) made Treasurer and Chauncellour of England, and preferred to the Bishopricke of Worcester the yéere 1308. The buls of his translation were published in Bowe Church Ianuary 4. 1313. He receaued his pall Febr. 17. following, and was installed with great pompe and solemnity April 19. in the presence of the king the Quéene and many nobles. The first thing he did after his comming to Canterbury, was to take order by giuing pensions and diuers sums of money at Rome, that appeales made from him to the court there should finde no fauourable intertainment. He precured also eight seuerall Buls, containing so many great and extraordi­narie priuileges. The first gauc him authority of visiting all his prouince, so as he should haue procurations euery where, [Page 85] and yet his charges borne; The second to visite monasteries and all other exempt places; The third to absolue and restore to their former state two hundred Cleargy men that had in­curred irregularitie; The fourth to dispense with the Mino­ritie of a hundred Clearks, and enable them to take spirituall liuings; The fifth to absolue a hundred of such as by striking any Cleargy man had fallen into the danger of excommuni­cation; The sixt, to grant forty pluralities; The seuenth, to require the gift of any one dignitie or spirituall promotion in any church or college where he should visite; The eight, to grant pardon of a hundred daies in any place where he should visite, preach, giue almes, or kéepe hospitality. Being thus ar­med, he perfourmed his visitation, trauailing himselfe in the same till by the Barons wars he was hindered, and sent for vnto the Court by the king. That warre being ended, and execution done vpon diuers of the nobles that had rebelled: Adam Tarlton Bishop of Hereford was apprehended and brought to the barre to be arraigned for the like fault. All the Bishops of England almost were then at London. The Arch­bishops of Canterbury, Yorke, and Dublin hearing of it, in great haste hied them thither, and hauing their crosses borne before them, entred the court, by violence tooke the prisoner from the barre, and carried him away with them. Much adoo there was about this matter a good while: & the stir was not quight ended when the Quéene rising against her husband, and setting vp her sonne to [...] the kingdome, at last procured him to be deposed. This our Archb. then shewed himselfe a very weake man: He was content a while out­wardly to stand with the king (as beside the common duty of a subiect, he was bound to do by benefites receaued infinite) but first vnderhand he aided the Queene with great sums of money, and at last vtterly for sooke him, his lawfull prince, his master, his patron that had aduaunced him by so many de­grées vnto an estate so honorable. It pleased God, that [...] timorousnesse should be his destruction: By the Quéene aforesaid (of whom he stood so greatly in awe) he was commanded to consecrate one Iames Barkley elected Bi­shop of Excester. He did so, but for his labor was so threat­ned, taunted, and reuiled by the Pope, that saide he had reser­ued [Page 86] the gift of that Bishoprick vnto himselfe, as for griefe and anger togither he died, when he had sate Archbishop 13. yéeres, 9. moneths, and thrée wéekes. He was buried in the south wall of Christs church in Canterbury néere the Quier, where his tombe is yet to be seene, with an inscription which I haue read long since, but I thinke is now defaced. This man was but meanly learned, yet very wise & of good gouern­ment, except when for feare and want of courage he neglected his dutie. He gaue vnto his Couent the Manour of Caldcote, and the wood of Thorlehot.

51. Simon Mepham.

SImon Mepham Doctor of Diuinitie, Canon of Chiche­ster, Prebendary of Landaff, and Parson of Tunstall, a Kentish man borne, one very well learned (as lear­ning went in those daies) was then elected by the monks, ap­prooued by the king, and affoorded consecration by the Pope at Auinion the yéere 1327. The first thing he did at his re­turne home was, that he excommunicated all the authors of the death of Walter Stapleton Bishop of Excester, as they had well deserued. Soone after, he began to wrangle with his monks of Canterbury about certaine land: They com­plained them vnto the Pope, who sent a Nuncio to Canter­bury to heare and determine of this controuersie. He condem­ned the Archbishop in seuen hundred pound charges. After this, he began to visite his prouince in like sort as his prede­cessors had done before him. The Bishop of Excester Iohn Graundson resisted him (for what cause I finde not) appealed to Rome, and would not suffer him so much as to enter into his Cathedrall Church, much lesse to visite in the same. These two repulses he tooke so tenderly, as being yet scarcely retur­ned home, he fell sicke and died, October 12. 1333. at Mag­field. His body was conueighed to Canterbury, and laid in a marble fombe vpon the North side of Saint Anselmes chap­pell. He sate Archbishop fiue yéeres and somewhat more.

52. Iohn Stratford.

THe Pope (who now tooke vpon him to dispose of all 1333 Bishoprickes at his pleasure) was content at the kings request to nominate vnto Canterbury. (Uoid by the death of [...]:) Iohn Stratford Bishop of Winche­ster. This Iohn Stratford hauing long and to good purpose studied the Canon and ciuill Law, was called to the Arch­deaconry of Lincolne. Being famous for his learning and good gouernment of that iurisdiction, Walter the Archbishop made him his principall Officiall and Deane of the Arches, and king Edward the second shortly after that appointed him Secretary, and so one of his priuy counsell. It chaunced he was Embassadour vnto the Pope at what time the Bishop of Winchester died; and he at the request of Walter the Archbishop bestowed that Bishopricke vpon this Iohn Strat­ford then present with him. This was done without the kings priuity, who desired to haue preferred vnto that place Robert Baldock his Chauncellor. Therefore taking it very ill, that either the one should giue, or the other dare to take it without his knowledge; he was content to giue eare vnto Robert Baldock who plotted many deuises, a while how to kéepe him from it, and after how to make him weary of it. He was consecrate vpon the Sunday called then [...] tri­bulat. iustorū, which he thought boaded vnto him, how in the whole course of his life he should find nothing but continuall trouble. It fell out according to that ominous prediction. Ne­uer I thinke any Archb. either before or after him, giuing so little cause, & dooing his indeuour to please, was more encom­bred with vndeserued and often crosses. He had no sooner set foote into this Bishopricke of Winchester, but the king (who at that time was altogether ruled by the said Robert Bal­dock) caused all his goods to be seased, and his liuings to be sequestred to his vse. Moreouer, he caused him to be summo­ned by certaine strange kind of writs to appeare I know not where; and when for feare he was faine to hide himselfe, proclamation was made that no man should dare to harbor him, or giue him any kind of entertainment by meate, lodg­ing, [Page 88] or otherwise. Hauing endured these miseries the space of a yéere, he intreated the Archbishop to be an intercessor vnto the king for him; who relating vnto him how dishono­rable a thing it was for him to persecute a true subiect so terribly, both for an other mans fault, and an other mans pleasure too; he was soone woonne to receiue the poore Bishop to his grace, and laid all the blame of that iniury vpon Ro­bert Baldock. Being thus restored, he grew dayly more and more into the kings fauour, whom he serued both diligently and faithfully to the last hower. When all other forsooke him, euen Walter the Archbishop of whom he had deserued so notably; this good Bishop would neuer be allured vnto the contrary part by any meanes; in so much as, the Quéene and Roger Mortimer began to deuise how they might make him away. This he being certified of, hid him selfe, and was faine so to hold him selfe close a long time. In the ende, the king being dead, and all his fauourites or partakers either executed, or otherwise consumed; the Quéene and her sonne king Edward the third, wel knowing they had nothing to lay against this man, but that he was true and loyall to his Prince, they were content not onely to receiue him to their fauour, but also to make him Lord Chauncellor of England. Simon Mepham the Archbishop being then dead soone after, the king was also content to write earnestly vnto the Pope to preferre him vnto that Sée of Canterbury. He did so (as before I haue said.) And the monkes thinking it good to make a vertue of necessity, they forsooth elected him also. About this time it hapened that King Edward the third began to lay claime vnto the crowne of Fraunce, and passing the seas with a great power to iustifie his claime; he thought good to commit the gouernment of the realme here at home vnto the Archbishop. He beside other generall promises of faithfulnes diligence, &c. In the charge deliuered vnto him, assured the king he should want no money to expend in this exploit; whereunto all kind of people shewed them selues so willing to yéelde what helpe they possibly might, as he tooke vpon him to discerne, the king might commaund of them what he list. He was not deceiued in this coniecture: For no sooner was the king ouer the seas, but infinite summes of money [Page 89] were collected with the very good liking of all people. This money (which all men thought would haue maintained the charge of that warre two or thrée yéeres, the king being yoong and so easie to be either mistaken or deceiued) was spent in lesse then one yeere. The Archbishop meruelling thereat, [...] the king by letters, to remooue from him such as had had the disposing of his treasure, for that without imbesilling and falsehood it was impossible so much money should be so soone consumed. The king on the other side, he put the Arch­bishop in minde of his promise, and called vpon him con­tinually for more money. He well knowing how hard it would be to collect any reasonable summe so soone after so liberall contribution as had béene lately yéelded; fell to per­swading the king to accept reasonable conditions, which he heard the French King had offred him and to come home. The king either was or seemed to be excéeding angry with this motion: yet knowing there was no remedy but he must get him home, his money being now spent, and his credite amongst the vsurers stretched to the highest pinne; He tolde his souldiers on the one side that the Archbishop had betraied him vnto the French king, who no doubt had hired him to detaine their pay in his hands; and on the other side made his creditors beleeue that the Archbishop had taken vpon him the discharge of all his debt, as hauing now gathered money suf­ficient for that purpose. So the discontentment of these peo­ple being either alaied, or cast vpon the Archbishop, it was deuised that for the farther countenance of this plot, the king should step ouer into England sodainly, and cast into prison the Archbishop, togither with the Bishop of Chichester the Chauncelour, and the Bishop of Lichfield the Treasurer. To London he came secretly in a night, caught the two Bi­shops and sent them to the Tower; but the Archbishop by meere chance was gone from Lambhith elsewhether the day before, and hauing some inkling afterwards of that was meant vnto him, got him to Canterbury and there stood vpon his guard. A knight was sent vnto him to require him to make present paiment of a certaine huge sum of mony which the king said he had taken vp of outlandish merchants vpon his (the Archbi.) credit, or else to get him ouer the seas imme­diately [Page 90] vnto them, and to yéeld them his body till the debt were satisfied, for that so the king had vndertaken he should, being animated thereunto by his owne promise. Soone af­ter, there came certaine messengers from the duke of Bra­bant desiring to speake with the Archbishop, and when he re­fused to conferre with them, cited him by writings to make payment of certaine great summes of money, which they al­leaged he ought to the Duke for money the king of England had receaued. This citation they fixed vpon the high crosse at Canterbury with many ceremonies. Now the Archbishop perceauing what a terrible tempest was growing toward him, (for he was charged not onely with the debt of many thousand pounds more then euer he should be able to make, but with horrible treason, that might not onely take away his life, but make him odious in his life time, and infamous for euer with all posterity.) He wrote many letters vnto the king, wherein he purged himselfe most cléerely of whatsoeuer was obiected, and prayed him not to commaund his repaire vnto his presence, vntil a parliament were assembled, where­in, if he were to be charged with any crime, he vowed to offer himselfe vnto iustice. Understanding then that the king had written diuers discourses against him vnto the Bishop of London, the couent of Canterbury and others, to the intent they might be publike; for defence of his credit, he thought it requisite to make his Apology in the pulpit, which he did, ta­king this for his text, Non pertinuit Principem, & potentia nemo vieit illum, &c. Eccles. 48. At last a parliament was summoned, whereunto vpon safe conduct he came. He was not suffered to come into the parliament house before he had answered to certaine crimes obiected against him in the court of the Exchequer. He went thither and receiuing a copy of the articles promised to make answere vnto them. The next day comming againe vnto the parliament, he was once more for­bidden entrance. A great number of people flocking about him in the meane time, he told them how he had béene sum­moned to the parliament, whereof he was a principall mem­ber, and now being come, was kept out by violence. But saith he (taking his crosse into his owne hand) I will not hence till I either be suffered to come in, or heare some cause [Page 91] alleaged why I should not. While he stoode there, some of the company began to reuile him and to tell him he had be­traied the realme, &c. Unto whom he answered thus, The curse of almighty God (quoth he) of his blessed mother and mine also, be vpon the heads of them that informe the king so, Amen, Amen. In the meane time certaine noble men chaunced to come out, whom he besought to request the king in his behalfe. By their meanes he was at last admitted, and being charged with diuers hainous crimes, offered to purge himselfe of them, and if they might be prooued to submit him­selfe vnto iustice. Twelue men were chosen to examine this matter, viz. fower Prelates, the Bishops, of London, Bathe, Hereford and Exceter; fower Earles, Arundell, Salisbury, Huntington and Suffolke, and lastly, fower Barons, Henry Percy, Thomas Wake, Ralfe Basset, and Ralfe [...]. All this was but to make the Archbishop odious with the common people: A fault was committed; And the king willing the blame therof should lie any where rather then vpon himselfe, made al this ado to bleere the peoples eies. The matter neuer came to the hearing of these nobles: but was so handled, that the Archbishop vpon great sute and intreaty of in a ma­ner the whole parliament, must be pardoned all that was past, and receiued to fauour againe. After this, he liued cer­taine yeeres quietly. Hauing beene Archbishop about fiftéene yeeres, he fell sicke at Magfield, and making his will (where­in he gaue all he had vnto his seruants) died there. He was buried in a goodly tombe of alabaster on the South side of the high altar beside the steps of Saint Dunstanes altar. He was a very gentle and mercifull man, rather to [...] then any way rigorous vnto offenders. His manner was thrise euery day to giue almes to thirtéene poore people; in the morning pence a péece; at nine a clocke, bread, meate and pottage, and at noone againe euery one a loafe and a peny. He gaue vnto his church of Canterbury a very sumptuous miter and cer­taine bookes. He assigned also vnto the same a pension of fiue pound out of the parsonages of Boughton and Preston ap­propriated vnto the Abbey of Feuersham: and some deliuer that he founded a colledge at Stratford vpon Auon where he was borne.

53. Iohn Vfford.

THe Pope at this time had so farre incroched vpon vs 1348 here in England, as he would seldome or neuer suffer any orderly election to take place, but bestow all Bi­shoprickes where it pleased him. The king (Edward the third) much discontented herewith, writ vnto him, very ear­nestly praying him to forbeare his prouisions and reseruati­ons whereby he robbed patrones of their right and chapters of their elections: telling him, that the disposition of Bishop­rickes belonged of old vnto the king onely, that his progeni­tors at the sute of diuers Popes had giuen that their autho­rity vnto Chapters, which if they vsed not, he assured him­selfe it deuolued againe vnto the first graunter, which was the king. The copy of this letter is to be seene in Thomas [...], and many other. After the receit of this letter, the Pope would seldome or neuer take vpon to giue any Bi­shopricke, but vnto such as the king made request for. But so, betwéene the king and the Pope, elections were altogither deluded and made frustrate. And therefore Simon Mepham being dead, whereas the Couent made choice of one Thomas Bradwardin to succéede him, the king writing somewhat ear­nestly to the Pope in fauour of Iohn Vfford, he was by and by pronounced Archbishop by the Popes oracle and the other vtterly reiected. This Iohn Vfford was sonne vnto the Earle of Suffolke, brought vp in Cambridge and made Doctor of Law there, promoted first vnto the Deanry of Lincolne, then to the Chauncellorship of England, and lastly the Archbi­shopricke. He neuer receiued either his pall, or consecration: Hauing expected the same the space of sixe moneths, he died in the time of that great plague that consumed halfe the men of England, Iune 7. 1348. His body without any pomp or woonted solemnity, was caried to Canterbury, and there se­cretly buried by the North wall beside the wall of Thomas Becket, at that place (if I mistake not) where we sée an olde woodden toombe néere to the toombe of Bishop Warham. This man began to build the Archbishops pallace at Maid­stone, but died before he could bring it to any perfection.

54. Thomas Bradwardin.

THomas Bradwardin (of whom somewhat is said be­fore) 1349 was borne at Hartfield in Sussex, and brought vp in the Uniuersity of Oxford, where hauing trauay­led along time in the study of good learning, he procéeded Doctor of Diuinity. He was a good Mathematician, a great Philosopher and an excellent Diuinc, as diuers workes of his not yet perished doo testifie. But aboue all he is espe­cially to be commended for his sinceryty of life and con­uersation. Iohn Stratford the Archbishoppe in regard of these vertues commended him vnto that noble Prince King Edward the third for his Confessor. In that office he beha­ued him selfe so, as he deserueth eternal memory for the same. He was woont to reprehend the king with great boldnesse for such things as he sawe amisse in him. In that long and pain­full warre which the king had in Fraunce, he neuer would be from him, but admonished him often secretly and all his ar­my in learned and most cloquent sermons publikely, to take heede they wared not proud and insolent because of the mani­fold victories God had sent them; but to be thankefull vnto him for them, and to haue a care to vse them moderately. Some there be that haue not doubted to ascribe that notable conquest rather to the vertue and holinesse of this man, then to any other meanes either of prowesse or wisedome in other instruments of the same. This man that might haue obtai­ned of the king any preferment he would haue craued, was so [...] from ambitious desire of promotion, as it was long besore he could be perswaded to take a prebend of Lincolne, when it was offred him being before that Chauncelor of Paules in London. It is certaine also, that he was elected vnto the Archbishopricke without his owne séeking, & might easily haue made the king for him if he had indeuoured it. When some men maruailed that the king should refuse him, and preferre any other before him, he answered he could very ill spare him, & he perceiued not he was desirous to be spard. Iohn Vfford being sodainly taken away as before is decla­red, the Couent of Canterbury once more chose him, the king [Page 94] very willingly allowed of their choice, and the Pope hauing not yet heard of this their second election of his owne accord before any request made cast vpon him this dignity. Hardly shal you find any Archbishop in any age to haue attained his place in better sort. He was consecrate at Auinion by one Bertrand a Cardinal in the church of the Frier minors there. That ceremony once perfourmed, he hasted him home into England, where first doing his duety to the king, he receiued of him immediately his temporalties with all fauour. From the court he departed to Lambhith to rest himselfe after his long iourney. Lying there a while with the Bishop of Ro­chester, he fell sicke, and within fiue weekes and fower daies after his consecration died, so that he was neuer inthronized at all. He was buried in the chappell of Saint Anselme to­ward the South wall.

55. Simon Islip.

SImon Islip being doctor of law became canon of Paules, 1349 then Deane of the Arches, after that was chosen to be of the priuy counsell of king Edward the third, first in the place of secretary, and then kéeper of the priuy seale. Iohn Stratford lying vpon his death bed, foretold he should be Archbishoppe. It came to passe, within two yéeres after his death, though two other were serued before him. The monkes with the kings very good liking chose him, and the Pope would not refuse him: yet being loath to ratifie the monkes election, he reiected the same, and ex [...] po­testatis bestowed the Archbishopricke vpon him. His bulles were published in Bowe church, October 4. 1349. and in the moneth of December following he was consecrate by the Bishop of London in Paules church. He was inthronized secretly to saue charge. For he was a very frugal and sparing man, neuer estéeming pompe or outward brauery. He was also very seuere. When he first visited his owne Dioces, he depriued many cleargy men of their liuings. He passed tho­rough the Diocesses of Kochester and Chichester without kéeping any great adoo: So that euery one made account he was content to winke at the faults he espied. But they found [Page 95] it otherwise: For he afterward called home vnto him the of­fenders, and there dealt so with them, as all men might as­sure themselues he would prooue a very austere man in his gouernment. Iohn Synwall Bishop of Lincolne, standing in doubt of this asperity of his, with great cost procured a priui­ledge from Rome to exempt himselfe from his authority and iurisdiction But the Archbishop caused the same afterward to be reuoked. The Uniuersity of Oxford had presented vnto him the said Bish. of Lincoln (vnto whose iurisdiction Oxford then appertained) one William Palmor [...] for their Chaun­cellour and prayed him to admit him. The Bishop (I know not for what cause) delayed his admission from time to time, and enforced the Uniuersity to complaine of this hard dealing vnto the Archbishop. He presently set downe a day wherein he enioined the Bishop to admit this Chauncellor, or else to render a reason of his refusall. At that time appointed the pro­ctors of the Uniuersity were ready together with this William. Palmo [...]e to demaund admission: And when the Bi­shop of Lincolne came not (trusting belike to his priui­ledge aforesaid) the Archbishop caused his Chauncellor Iohn Carlton Deane of Wels to admit him, write to the Uni­uersity to receiue him, and cited the Bishop to answere be­fore him for his contempt. He appealed to the Pope, would not come, and for his contumacy was interdicted. Much mo­ney was spent in this sute after wards at Rome. The ende was, that the Archbishop preuailed, and the others priue­ledge was by speciall order of the Pope reuoked, who also graunted vnto the Uniuersity at the same time that the Chauncellor hereafter should onely be elected by the schollers them selues, and so presently authorised to gouerne them without the admission of any other. This conquest thus at­chiued, he entred yet into another combate in the same land, I meane at Rome. He serued Andrew Vfford Archbishop of Middlesex the Administrator of Iohn Vfford his predecessor for delapidations and recouered of him 1101. l. fiftéene shil­lings two pence halpeny farthing, that money he imployed in repairing the pallace at Canterbury. He pulled downe the manner house at Wrotham and imploied the stones and tim­ber of the same in ending the building that Iohn Vfford his [Page 96] predecessor aforesaid had begun at Maidstone. Toward this and other charges he obtained of the Pope leaue to craue a contribution of foure pence out of euery marke from all the Cleargy of his Prouince. But his officers (whether of pur­pose, or peraduenture mistaking) demaunded and had a whole tenth. All this was within a yéere or two of his first comming to the Archbishopricke; at which time also in a Parliament held at Westminster: the yéere 1350. the old controuersie betwéen him and the Archbishop of Yorke, about bearing vp his crosse in the prouince of Canterburybegan to be renewed, was compromitted vnto the hearing and iudgement of the king, who set downe a finall order for the same, viz. that the Archbishop of Yorke should beare his crosse in the others prouince yéelding all preeminence other­wise vnto Canterbury, but that in token of subiection euery Archbishop at his entrance should offer an image of gold to the value of forty pound, at the shrine of Saint Thomas, the same to be sent by some Knight or Doctor of the Law within the space of two monethes after his inthronizati­on. Amongst the rest of his actions, I may not in any wise forget his Colledge of Canterbury, (which is now become a parcell of Christ Church in Oxford). He built it, and endowed it with good possessions, appropriating vnto the same the parsonages of Pagham and Magfield. He graunted also vnto the Couent of Canterbury the Chur­ches of Monkton and Estrey. It is worthy remembrance likewise, that when a certaine Countesse of Kent after the Earle her husbands death had prosessed her selfe a Nunne, [...] hauing liued so certaine yéeres, suddenly married a cer­taine knight named Eustace Abricourt contrary to her vow, and that secretly without asking of banes or dispensation; he punished them seuerely for it, but suffered them to liue still to­gether and seuered them not. Amongst many good déeds, he is blamed for selling vnto the Earle of Arundell the right which he had vnto sixe and twenty Déere yéerely out of certaine grounds of his. He had for them onely two hundred and forty markes. After he had béene Archbishop sixetéene yéeres, fower moneths and twelue daies, he died Aprill 26. 1366. Kiding to Magfield, his horse chaunced to cast him into a meiry [Page 97] poole. Wet as he [...] he fell a sléepe at his comming thither, and waking, found himselfe in a palsy, whereof within a few daies after he died. He bequeathed vnto his church of Can­terbury a thousand shéepe, his vestments which were al cloth of gold, a very sumptuous coape and much plate, viz. sixe do­zin of siluer dishes, sixe salts, and fower goodly basons all en­chased with his armes. He lieth buried in the middle of the body of his church of Canterbury, vnder a faire toombe of marble inlaid with brasse whereon is engrauen this Epi­taphe:

Ospes sanctorum decus & pie Christe tuorum,
Coetibus ipsorum prece iung as [...] precor horum.
Simon [...] oriens, vir bina lege probatus,
Vt nascens, moriens sic nunciacet arcte locatus,
Arcem qui tenuit [...] quondam Pontificatus,
Clero quique fuit regno toti quoque gratus.
Princeps pastorum fac Simon Apostolorum,
Simon vt iste chorum per eos pertingat eorum.
Mil trecenteno sexageno modo seno,
Eius septeno pastoratus quoque deno
Hic kal. Maij seno rupto carnis nece freno
Flos cadit èfoeno coelo peto qui sit amoeno.

He tooke order to be buried obscurely, desiring therein (as in all other things) to auoid superfluous expence what he might, and not estéeming outward pompe.

56. Simon Langham.

AFter the decease of Simon [...], the monkes of Canter­bury 1366 chose William Edindon Bishop of Winchester for Archbishop, who refused the place. The Pope then with the kings good liking, remooued to Canterbury Simon Langham Bishop of Ely and Treasurer of England. He was first a monke of Westmin. then Prior, & lastly Abbot there. Thence he was elected Bishop of London, but before he was consecrate thereunto, obtayned Ely where he continued fiue yéeres. He receiued his pall by the hands of the Bishop of Bathe in Saint Nicholas chappel at Westminster Nouem­ber 4. 1366. and was inthronized the Lady day following. [Page 98] He was Archbishop but a little while, viz. two yéeres or little more, and therefore did not many things very memorable. There was a great strife betwéene the Londoners and their cleargy about tything, which he thus composed; he tooke or­der that they should pay, their offrings, personall tithes, and then also for the rest a farthing of euery 10. s̄. rent. From Canterbury colledge (which his predecessor had founded) he sequestred the fruits of the benefice of Pagham, and other­wise molested the schollers there intending to displace them all, and to put in monkes which in the ende he brought to passe. Iohn Wickliffe was one of them that were so displaced, and had withstood the Archbishop in this businesse with might and maine. By the Popes fauour and the Archbishops power the monkes ouerbore [...] and his fellowes. If then [...] were angry with Pope; Archbishoppe, monkes and all you cannot maruell. But to returne to our Archbishop he sate here onely two yéeres. For being made Cardinal of Saint Sixtus by Pope Vrban the fift Septem­ber 21. 1368. he left his Archbishopricke and went to Rome, where shortly after he was made Bishop Cardinall of Pre­neste by Gregory the eleuenth, and held diuers liuings in Commendam, as the Archdeaconry and Treasurership of Wels with other. He liued there in great estimation about eight yeeres, and died July 22. 1376. of the same disease his predecessor had done, viz. a palsy, wherewith he was sud­denly taken as he sate at dinner. He was buried first in the church of the Carthusians (whose house he had founded) at Auinion, but after thrée yéeres his bones (by his owne ap­pointment while he liued) were taken vp and buried a second time at Westminster in a goodly toombe of alabaster. It is scarce credible that is reported of his woonderfull bounty and liberality to that monastery, I meane Westminster. When he was first made Abbot, he bestowed all that he had gathe­red together being monke and prior, in paying the debt of the house, which was to the valew of two thousand and two hundred markes: he discharged it euery whit, and diuers o­ther summes of money, also that particular monkes did owe; whom he tendered and cherished as his owne children, neuer taking any thing from them, but rather augmenting; their [Page 99] portions out of that which was due to himselfe. Being Chauncellor and Treasurer, he purchased diuers good pei­ces of land and gaue it vnto them. When he went out of England, he left them bookes to the value of 830. l. and roaps, vestments, &c. estéemed worth 437. l. At his death he bequeathed vnto them all his plate, prised at 2700. l. and all his debts any where due; they amounted vnto 3954 l. thir­teene shillings and fower pence. He also sent vnto the said monastery the summe of one thousand markes to buy forty markes a yeere land, to increase the portions os fower monks that daily should say masse for the soules of himselfe and his parents. To say nothing of the monastery which he built for the Carthusians at Auinion, the money that he bestowed onely vpon the Abbey of Westminster one way or other, is reckoned by a monke of the same to be no lesse then 10800. l. They caused this Epitaphe to be engrauen vpon his toombe,

Simon de Langham [...] petris hijs tumulatus
[...] ecclesiae monachus fuerat, Prior, Abbas;
Sede vacante, fuit electus Londoniensis
[...], & insignis Ely, sed postea primas
Totius regni, magnus Regisque minister:
Nam Thesaurarius & Cancellarius eius
Ac Cardinalis in Roma Presbyter iste.
Postque Praenestinus est factus Episcopus, atque
Nuncius ex parte Papae transmittitur istuc.
Orbe dolente, pater quem nuncreuocare nequimus,
Magdalenae festo, milleno septuageno
Et ter centeno sexto Christi ruit anno.
Hunc Deus absoluat de cunctis quae male [...],
Et meritis matris sibi coelica gaudia donet.

57. William Wittlesey.

SImon [...] was vncle vnto a yoong man named William 1368 Wittlesey, whom he caused to be carefully brought vp and directed vnto the study of the Cannon law. Hauing procéeded doctor in that faculty his vncle (y t now was become Archb.) sent him to Rome, that there he might both sollicite all his causes, and also get experience by seeing the practise of [Page 100] that Court. After he had staied there a while, he was called home, and preferred by his vncle aforesaid, vnto the place of vicar Generall, then to the Deanry of the Arches, the Arch­deaconry of Huntingdon, the Parsonages of Croydon and Clyff, and lastly the Bishopricke of Rochester. From Roche­ster he was remooued to Worcester, (his vncle yet liuing and ioying much in this his aduancement) the yéere 1; 63. Frō thence some say he was translated to London, but that I take to be mistaken. Simon Sudbury was Bishop of Londō before he came to Worcester, and so continued till that after his death he succeded him in Canterbury. Thether this man was aduanced by the Popes onely authority presently after Simon Langham was made Cardinall, viz. the yéere 1368. At two seuerall synods he preached in Latine very learnedly; The later of those sermons he could hardly end for sicknesse, where with he had béene so much troubled before, as for two yeeres space he was faine to kéepe his chamber almost altogi­ther. Not being able to resist the force of this tedious wearing disease any longer, he paid the debt of his mortality October 11. 1374. hauing continued in this Sée almost seuen yéeres. He was buried ouer-against his vncle betwéene two pil­lers, vnder a faire marble tombe inlaid with brasse, which is lately defaced by tearing out the brasse: I remember that some sixtéene yéeres since I read the Epitaph engrauen vpon the same. This man procured the Uniuersitie of Oxford to be exempt from the iurisdiction of the Bishop of Lincolne, and al authority of gouerning the same to be committed vnto the Chauncellour and Proctors.

58. Simon Sudbury.

PResently after the death of William Wittlesey, the 1375 monks of Canterbury elected for their Archbishop a cer­taine Cardinall that was an Englishman borne, but throughly Italianate, hauing lead his life in a manner altogi­ther at Rome. I take it his name was Adam Easton. The king with this choice of theirs was so gréeuously offended, as he determined to banish them (the monks I meane) out of the realme, and to confiscate their goods. Gregory the 11. [Page 101] that then was Pope, though he fauoured his Cardinall, to shield the poore monkes from the danger of such a tempest, was content to refuse this election, and to bestow the Archbi­shopricke by way of prouision vpon Simon Sudbury Bishop of London, whom he knew the king liked well inough. This Simon was the sonne of a gentleman named Nigellus Tibold, so that his true name was Simon Tibold: But he was borne at Sudbury a towne of Suffolke in the parish of S. George, and of that [...] tooke his name, according to the manner of many cleargy men in those daies. He was alwaies brought vp at schoole, and being yet very yoong, was sent by his father beyond the seas to study the canon lawe; and hauing procée­ded Doctor of that faculty, became houshold Chaplein vnto Pope Innocent: and one of the Judges or Auditors of his Kota. The said Pope by way of prouision thrust him first in­to the Chancellorship of Salisbury, and then afterward, viz. the yéere 1364. into the Bishopricke of London. He receiued the bulles of his translation thence, June 6. 1375. Two sy­nods or conuocations were held in his time, at both which he preached in Latin very learnedly. Sixe yeeres one month and ten daies he gouerned the Sée of Canterbury laudably, and at last was most vnwoorthily slaine, or rather wickedly murthered by a company of villanous rebels. By the instiga­tion of one Iohn Ball a seditions malcontent and hypocriticall preacher, the baser sort of the commons arose in diuers parts of the realme, and intending to destroy all gentlemen, law­yers, cleargymen, and whosoeuer were of any account, either for their riches linage or authority in the common wealth, came vp to London, appointing for their leaders Wat Tyler, Iacke Straw, Iohn Lister, Robert Westhrom, &c. The king vnderstanding of their comming, sent vnto them to know the cause of their repaire in so great numbers. They answered, they were to impart vnto him certaine matters greatly importing the state of the common wealth, which if he would vnderstand, he should spéedily resort vnto them. The king hauing receiued this saury answere, began to con­sult with his friends whether he were best to goe to them or not. The greater number [...] him to goe. But the Archbishop and Sir Robert Hales Treasurer of England, [Page 102] [...] him, saying, it was a thing not onely [...] and shamefull for a Prince to be commanded by such rascals, but also dangerous vnto his person to commit himselfe to a route of seditious people, that hauing once broken the bands of all duty and alleageance, feared no more to violate the sacred maiesty of their annointed prince, then to wrong their neigh­bours of farre meaner condition, of whom they had already slaine, spoiled and robbed an infinite number; for wich cause they thought it more safe for the king, more honorable and euery way more expedient, to gather some power together spéedily and to set vpon them, who being yet vnprouided of armour, destitute of good leaders, and without all skill or ex­perience of warlike affaires would soone be dispersed and ouerthrowen. This spéech of theirs (I know not by what tell-tales) was carried vnto the rebels who sware by and by they would haue off the heads of these cruell counsellers. So in all haste to the Tower they came, where the court then lay, requiring with great outcries the Archbishop, and the said Sir Robert Hales to be deliuered vnto them. The Arch­bishop hauing heard some inckling of their intent the day be­fore, had spent all that might in prayer, and iust when they called for him, was saying of masse in the chappell of the Tower. That ended, and hearing of their comming; Let vs now go (saith he vnto his men) Surely it is best to dye, sée­ing to liue it can be no pleasure. With that, in came these murtherous rebels crying, where is the Traytour, where is the Traytor. He answered, I am the Archbishop (whom I thinke you seeke) but no Traytor. With great violence then they drew him out of the chappell and caried him to the Tower hill. Séeing there nothing but swords, and weapons, and hearing nothing but Kill, kill, away with the Traytor, &c. Yet he was not so [...], but with great [...] he could go about to perswade them not to imbrue their hands in the bloud of their Archbishop their chiefe [...], that [...] offended them to his knowledge, nor [...] so cruell a death at their hands, assuring them, that all the [...] would be interdicted for it, that the [...] be puni­shed [...] or last by the temporal Law, and lastly, that though both these failed, God the iust Iudge would [...] it [...] [Page 103] in this, or the world to come, if not both. He was a man ad­mirably wise, and excéeding well spoken. But these varlets were so egerly bent, as the very songs of the Syrens would nothing haue mooued them at all from their intended course. Séeing therefore nothing but death before his face, with com­fortable words, forgiuing the executioner (that scarce euer requested him so to doo) with a very chéerefull countenance he knéeled downe and yéelded him selfe vnto their fury. Once he was stricken in the necke so weakely, as that notwithstan­ding, he knéeled still vpright, and putting his hand vp to the wound, he vsed these words, a ha, it is the hand of God. He had not remoued his hand from the place when a second stroke cut of his fingers ends, and felled him to the ground. With much adoo, hauing hacked and hewen his necke with eight blowes, they got off his head. This horrible murther was committed vpon Fryday June 14. 1381. all which day, and a part of the next, his body lay there headlesse, no man daring to offer it buriall: as for his head they nayled his hood vpon it, and so fixing it vpon a poale, set it on London bridge. Sir Robert Hales and a great many of others that day, tasted of the same cup the Archbishop had done. Thus ended this no­ble Prelate his daies, who though he were very wise, lear­ned, eloquent, liberall, mercifull, and for his age and place reuerend, yet might it not deliuer him from the rage of this beast with many heads the multitude, then which being once incensed, there is no brute beast more cruell, more outragi­ous, more vnreasonable. How this monstrous tumult was appeased at the last, and the Authors of the same punished, according to their demerites, the Chronicles at large declare. To passe it ouer, the body of this our Archb. after all sturres ended, was caried to Canterbury, & there honorably enterred vpon the Southside of the altar of S. Dunstane, a little aboue the toombe of Bishop Stratford. Being yet Bishop of London, he builded the vpper end of Saint Gregories Church at Sud­bury; and in the place where his fathers house stoode founded a goodly Colledge which he furnished with secular Clearks and other Ministers. At the time of the suppression thereof, it was valued at one hundred twentie two pounds eightéene shilllings lands by the yéere. After his translation to Canter­bury, [Page 104] he built the West gate of the City, and all the wal from that gate vnto Norgate, commonly called by the name of the long wal; A great worke, no lesse necessary and profitable vn­to the City, then costly and chargeable vnto the builder.

55. William Courtney.

SOone after the lamentable death of Simon Sudbury the 1381 monkes of Canterbury elected for their Archbishop William Courtney Bishop of London, and the Pope knowing nothing of their election, about the same time be­stowed the Archbishopricke vpon him by way of prouision. He was the sonne of Hugh Courtney Earle of Deuonshire, in his youth studied the Canon Lawe, and had no sooner en­tred into orders, but he was quickly loaded with spirituall liuing ynough, as a prebend in Wels, an other in Exceter, & a third in Yorke, beside benefices with cure innow. The yeere 1369. he was consecrate Bishop of Hereford, sate there flue yéers & a halfe, and then remooued to London, at what tune Si­mon Sudbury was made Archbishop. Thomas Walsingham addeth to these former honours, that the yéere 1378. he was made Cardinall. I find no mention of it elsewhere, and there­fore doubt much of it. The bulles of his translation to Can­terbury were published in Christchurch there Ianuary 9. 1381. Hauing then receiued his temporalties of the King, and done his homage, he went to Lambhith. Thither came vnto him a monke sent from the Couent and Prior of Can­terbury to deliuer him his crosse, which he did in the Chap­pell of Lambhith vsing these words, Reuerend father, I am the messenger of the great King that doth require and com­maund you to take on you the gouernment of his Church, to loue and defend the same. In token whereof, I deliuer you this his ensigne. Soone after he receiued his pall; and then being throughly setled, began his Metropoliticall visitation which he entended to performe in euery Dioces of his pro­uince. Hauing passed quietly through Rochester, Chichester, Bathe, and Worceter; at Exceter he found some resistance as well as Simon Mepham his predecessor had done. After the time of his first inhibition, he prorogued diuers times the [Page 105] day of his visitation, and when he had sate, was not so ha sty in graunting a relaxation of the inhibition as they would haue him. Hereby it came to passe that the Bishop and his Archdeacons were suspended from their iurisdiction longer (as it seemed vnto them) then they ought, and not disposed to await the Archbishops pleasure any longer, rushed into their iurisdictions againe, his visitation nothing neere finished, commaunding all men vpon paine of excommunication to repaire vnto their woonted ordinaries for proofe of wils, ad­ministrations, institutions, or any other such like occasions. This commaundement published in many places of the Di­oces, the Archbishop pronounced to be void and required all men in these and the like cases to repaire vnto him and none other. Hereupon the Bishop appealed to Rome, and the Arch­bishop cited diuers of the Bishops officers to appeare be­fore him. His apparator (named Peter Hill) had also in his bosome a citation for the Bishop himselfe. It hapened that some of the Bishops followers, méeting this gentle soumer at Tapsham, beate him wel and thriftily and after forced him to eate the citation war paper and all. This fact was very preiudiciall to the Bishop of Exceters cause: For it incensed the king against him; in so much as though a while he did pro­secute his aupcale at Rome diligently, he sawe himselfe so ouerborne by the king, he was like to doo no good at all, and therefore resolued to make his peace with the Archbishop vp­on reasonable conditions, which he easily obtained. But they that had abused his Apparator, were put to terrible penance, in diuers parts of the realme, and were faine to performe the same. One William Byd a Doctor of the Arches had giuen counsell vnto the Bishop in this cause: For so dooing he was displaced, and vpon that occasion an othe was ordained of this Archbishop, that euery Aduocate of that Court should take at his admission. This visitation ended, the Archbishop proceeded to the Dioces of Salisbury, where he likewise found some resistance. The Bishop there had procured apri­uiledge from Pope Boniface (Vrban the 6. being lately dead) that it should not be lawfull for any Metropolitane to visite him or his Dioces by vertue of any authority granted from Pope Vrbane. The Archbishop (that was a great Lawyer) [Page 106] [...] he had [...] of himselfe as being [...] to visite without the Popes licence, and therefore procéeded [...] (notwithstanding that vaine priuilege) [...] the Bishop with excommunications aud [...] censures, as he was [...] to yeeld at last and cry pec­cani. Since that time our Archbishops haue [...] quietly all [...] of their [...] without resistance. Towars the latter end of his time he procured a licence of the Pope to gather [...] pence of the pound in all Ecclesiasticall pre­ferments within his prouince. The Bishop of Lincolne re­fused to make this collection in his Dioces, and appealed vn­to the Pope? That appeale yet depending, the Archbishop died Iuly 31. 1396. at Maidstone, when he had sate 12. yéers lacking one moneth. The old worke at Maidstone first built by Boniface his predecessor for an Hospitall, he pulled downe and building it after a more stately manner, translated it into a Colledge of secular priests, which at the time of the suppres­sion was valued at one hundred thirty nine pounds seuen shillings fixe pence by the yéere. The church of Mepham quite fallen downe, he repaired againe and built certaine almes houses néere it for the vse of poore people. Toward the repa­ration of the body of his Church and cloysters he gaue 1000. marks; He gaue also vnto the same Church a certaine image of siluer waighing one hundred and thréescore pounds, [...] vestments & thirtéene coapes of great value, besides a num­ber of bookes. He lieth buried vpon the South side of Thomas Beckets shrine, at the féete of the blacke Prince, in a goodly toombe of Alabaster.

60. Thomas Arundell.

BY the Popes prouision Thomas Arondell Archbishop 1396 of Yorke was remooued to Canterbury about Christ­mas after William Courtneyes death. His bulles were published at Canterbury Ianuary 11. Soone after his crosse was deliuered vnto him at Westminster by Henry Chillin­den the Prior of Canterbury with [...] solemnity, in the presence of the king and many nobles. February 10. fol­lowing he receiued his pall, [...] the 19. of the same moneth [Page 107] he was inthronised at Canterbury with great pomp. He was sonne vnto Robert Earle of Arundell and Warren, first Bi­shop of Ely, then of Yorke. Sée more of him there. He was scarce warme in his seate when by the kings displeasure he was dispossessed of the same. In the second yéere of his tran­slation a parliament was held at London. The king there accused the Duke of Glocester, the Earle of Arundell that was the Archbishops brother, and diuers other of high trea­son. Now because cleargy men were forbidden by the Ca­nons to be present at any triall or iudgement vpon life and death; the matter being once proposed, all the Bishops de­parted the house as their maner was in like cases. The Arch­bishop being absent vpon this occasion, was condemned to­gither with his brother of high treason; for which his brother was presently executed, and he commaunded within forty daies to depart the realme vpon paine of death. He (thus banished) got him to Rome and found such fauour with the Pope, as first he was content to write earnestly vnto the king for his restitution; and when he could do no good that way, he translated him to the Archbishopricke of Saint An­drewes in Scotland, intending to heape so much ecclesiasti­call liuing vpon him by benefices, &c. in England, as he should be able to liue in state honorable ynough. The king vnder­standing of his intent, writ a maruellous sharpe letter vnto the Pope, telling him plainly he must repute him for his eni­my, if he yéelded any maner of succour vnto him, whom he knew too well to hate him deadly. That letter so wrought with the Pope, as after that time he neuer indeuoured to prefer him farther, and moreouer, at the kings request made Roger Walden (Deane of Yorke, and treasurer of England) Archbishop. He was consecrate, inthronised, &c. held Synods and did all things belonging vnto that place the space of two yéeres. It hapened in the meane time, that the king (Richard the second) wos deposed, or at least inforced to resigne his crowne vnto Henry Duke of Lancaster, that after possessed the same by the name of king Henry the fourth. Boniface the Pope vnderstanding then of the fall of king Richard, pro­nounced the said Roger to be an intruder and vsurper of the Archbishopricke, and by his omnipotent bulles restored Tho­mas [Page 108] Arundell vnto the same againe. As for Roger Walden that was now a Bishop without a Bishopricke (for it is Cha­racter indelebilis) he liued so a while, til at last by the kind en­deuor of the Archb. his charitable aduersary, he was promo­ted vnto the Bishopricke of London, which he enioyed but a short time, being taken away by death within one yere after. About a twelue moneth after the Archbishops restitution, a conuocation was held at London, whether the king sent the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland, that told the cleargy they came from the king, but not of that errand that courtiers were woont to be sent for to that place; they came not for money, but onely to signifie the kings harty and fauo­rable goodwill vnto them, and to request their daily prayers for him and the good estate of the realme. This new broome with swéeping so cleane at the first, was so worne out vnto the stumpes, in a yéere or two, as not contented with a bare tenth, the next conuocation after, he was very angry that a more liberall allowance was not made vnto him; and began to hearken vnto the sacrilegious motions of certaine impi­ous politicians, that intending to cast the burthen of all subsi­dies and other kind of tributes vpon the cleargy, letted not to say openly in the parliament house, how the laity was not able to yéeld any thing vnto the kings coffers, for that the cleargy had all the wealth of the land in their hands: And therefore the king must either take from them their tempo­ralties, or else lay all the burthen vpon them that onely were able to beare it. The Archbishop (that was vndoubtedly a woorthy prelate, wise and very stout) rose vp and prooued by manifest arguments that the contributions of the Cleargy were after the proportion of their ability, much more liberall then the subsidies or other paiments of the temporalty in ma­ny respects. For (saith he) we pay the tenth of our liuings of­tener then they pay fifteenths, and though we serue not in the warres our selues, our seruants and tenants do; neither are we altogither idle, in as much as we pray daily for the king and the realme, as well in time of peace as war. The prolo­cutor of the parliament house at that time was a knight cal­led Sir Iohn Cleyn, that hauing béene a cleargyman some­times, without any dispensation forsooke the calling & became [Page 109] a soldier. This prophane Apostata was not ashamed to say, it was no matter for their praiers, so the king might haue their mony. I sée now (quoth the Arch.) whither the fortune of this realme tendeth, the prayers of the church being despised, which should appease the wrath of God iustly kindled a­gainst vs by the daily monstrous iniquities of our age. Per­ceauing then that the king (who at his first comming to the crowne had made many open and publike protestations of his loue to the church, and his intent to defend and protect the same to the vtmost) that he I say began to harken somewhat too patiently to these wicked motions; he turned him toward him, and making lowe obeisance, humbly besought him, it would please his maiesty to remember those gratious and most honorable spéeches, wherein he had often signified his resolute determination of protecting the church from all in­iury, as also his othe taken to the same purpose at the time of his coronation, the danger and dishonour of breaking the same, and lastly, that he should feare to offend him by whom kings raigne, and before whose tribunall all princes and mo­narchs neuer so great must one day come to be iudged. The king seemed to be somewhat mooued with these words, and desiring the Archbishop to take his place againe, well (quoth he) howsoeuer I doe otherwise I will leaue the church in as good estate as I found it. The Archbishop then turning him about vnto the proloquutor and certaine other knights of the lower house that accompanied him: You it was (faith he and such as you are) that perswaded the last king to take into his hands all such celles in England as appertained vnto any religious houses of Fraunce or Normandy, assuring him it would so stuffe his coffers, as he could not want in many yéeres after, and there is no question, but the land belonging to such celles was woorth an infinite summe of mony: How­beit it is certaine and well inough knowne, that within one yéere after he had taken that course, he was not the value of halfe a marke the richer; and how he thriued afterwarde otherwise, I néede not tell you. After that time there were no other attempts against the church in his daies. But the cler­gy were so terrified with that wauering doubtfulnesse of the king, as they durst not but grant him a tenth euery yéere af­ter, [Page 110] and though there were no other occasion, the Archbishop was faine to call a conuocation euen for that purpose. His end (being as some report it) was very miserable: his tongue swelled so big in his mouth, as he was able neither to eate, drinke, nor speake in many dayes before his death, and died at last of hunger about the end of Ianuary 1413. when he had sate one moneth aboue 17. yéeres. He lyeth buried on the North side of the body of Christchurch in Canterbury, at the West end whereof toward the North, he built a faire spire stéeple called to this day by the name of Arundell steeple, and bestowed a goodly ring of fiue belles vpon the same; the first of them, he dedicated to the holy trinity, the second to the bles­sed virgin the third to the Angel Gabriell, the fourth to Saint Blase, and the fift to Saint Iohn the Euangelist.

61. Henry Chichley.

AFter the death of Thomas Arundell, Henry Chichley Bishop of Saint Dauids was elected by the Couent of Canterbury to succéeds him. Now though many Lawes had béene made against the Popes vsurped authority 1414 in bestowing Ecclesiasticall preferments by way of prouist­on: Yet durst not this man consent vnto this election so made, but committed the matter vnto the Popes determination, who first pronounced the election of the monkes void and then bestowed the Archbishopricke vpon him. This Henry Chichley was borne at Highamferrys in Northamptonshire brought vp in New Colledge in Oxford (where he procéeded Doctor of Law) and first preferred vnto the Chauncellorship of Salisbury. Hauing beene imployed much in Embassages and other businesses of the king (wherein he euer behaued himselfe wisely and to the kings great good liking) by his meanes he was made first Bishop of Saint Dauids and then Archbishop. He receiued his pall at the hands of the Bishop of Winchester, the 29. of July, 1414. and bought of the king the fruites of the vacacy (which was halfe a yéere) for sixe hundred markes. The yéere 1428. he was made Car­dinall of Saint Eusebius & the Popes Legate, but refused to exercise his power Legatiue further then he was authorised thereunto by the king. He was a man happy (enioying al­waies [Page 111] his princes fauour, wealth, honour and all kinde of prosperity many yéeres) wise in gouerning his Sée laudably, bountifull in bestowing his goods to the behoofe of the com­mon wealth, and lastly stout and seuere in due administrati­on of iustice. In the towne of Nigham ferrys where he was borne, he founded a goodly college for secular priests, which he endowed with large reuenues. He built also in the same towne an hospital for poore people, which he likewise endow­ed liberally; and his brethren Robert and Wil. Chichley citi­zens of London, his executors, gaue much land vnto the same. These two foundations finished, he began two other at Ox­ford, one called Bernard College (now knowne by the name of Saint Johns college) and All Soules college which yet continueth in such state as he left the same, one of the fai­rest and seemeliest of our Uniuersity. He bestowed much mo­ney in repairing the library at Canterbury, and then repleni­shed the same with a number of goodly bookes: He gaue vnto his Church many rich ornaments and iewels of great price, and built a great part of the Tower called Oxford Tower in the said Church. William Molash Prior there (that I may take any occasion to record so good a déede) the yéere 1430. furnished that Tower with a goodly bell called to this day Bell Dunstan. The [...] of that bell at the lowest brim is two yards and somewhat more. But to returne to Henry Chichley no Archbishop euer enioied that honor so long as he did in 500. yeeres before him. He sate 29. yéeres and dying Aprill 12. 1443. was laid in a very faire toombe built by him selfe in his life time, standing vpon the North side of the Presbitery. On it I find engrauen this Epitaph.

Hic [...] Henr. Chicheley Ll. Doctor quondam Cancella­rius Sarum, qui anno septimo Henr. 4. Regisad Gregorium Papam 12. in Ambassiata transmissus, in ciuitate Sanensi per manus [...] Papae in Episcopum [...] consecra­tus est. Hic etiam Henricus anno 2. Henr. 5. Regis, in [...] sancta ecclesia in Archiepiscopum postulatus & a [...] Pa­pa 23. ad eandem translatus, qui obijt anno. dom. 1443. men­sis Apr. die 12.

Coetus sanctornm concorditer iste precetur,
Vt Deus ipsorum meritis sibi propiciatur.

62. Iohn Stafford.

EVgenius 4. the Pope of his absolute authority transla­ted 1443 then from Bathe and Wels Iohn Stafford, lately also made Cardinall (as I finde reported at leastwise.) He was sonne vnto the Earle of Stafford, borne at Hooke in Dorsetshire in the parish of Abbots bury, and brought vp in Oxford, where also he procéeded Doctor of lawe. A while he practised in the Arches, euen vntill Henry Chich­ley the Archbishoppe made him his vicar generall there. By his fauour also he obtayned the Deanry of Saint Mar­tins in London, and the prebend of Milton in the church of Lincoln. King Henry the fifth a little before his death be­gan to fauour him much, found meanes to preferre him first to the Deanry of Wels, then a prebend in the church of Sa­lisbury, and afterward made him one of his priuy counsell, first kéeper of the priuy seale, and in the ende Treasurer of England. This renowmed king being taken away by vn­timely death, though he found not his passage so cléere, yet he still went forward in the way of preferment, and obtained of Pope Martin the fifth, the Bishopricke of Bathe and Wels the yéere 1425. Eightéene yéere he continued in that Sée, and August 23. 1443. was remooued to Canterbury. In the meane time, viz. the yéere 1431. in February he was made Chauncellor of England, and held that place (which you shall hardly finde any other man to haue done) eightéene yéeres, euen vntill the yéere 1449. Waxing weary then of so paine­full a place, it is likely he resigned voluntarily the same. He sate Archbishop almost nine yéeres. Holding a conuocation at London the yéere 1452. he fell sicke, and thereupon depar­ted to Maidstone, where shortly after he died, viz. July 6. He lieth buried at Canterbury in the place called the Martyr­dom, vnder a flat marble stone, whereupon I finde written this bald Epitaphe:

Quis fuit enuclees quem celas saxea moles?
Stafford Antistes, fuerat dictusque Ioannes.
Qua sedit sede, marmor quaeso simul ede?
Pridem Bathoniae, regnitotius & inde
Primas egregius. Pro praesule funde precatus.
Aureolam gratus huic det de virgine natus.

Sée more of this man in Bathe and Wels.

63. Iohn Kemp.

THe funerall rites and exequies of Iohn Stafford being performed, the monkes with the kings licence procée­ded 1452 to election of a new Archbishop, and made choice of Iohn [...] Archbishop of Yorke. The Pope would not al­low of the monkes election, but yet not daring to put any other into the place, of his owne good nature he bestowed it vpon the same man that they had chosen. He receiued his crosse September 24. 1452. at London, and his pall the next day at Fulham by the hands of Thomas Kemp the Bishop of London his nephew. Dec. 11. following he was inthronized with great pomp and solemnity. This Archbishop was born at Wye in Rent: Being Doctor of lawe, he was made first Archdeacon of Durham, then Deane of the Arches and Wi­car generall vnto the Archbishop. The yéere 1418. he was rōsecrate Bishop of Rochester, remooued thence to Chichester 1422. from Chichester to London the same yéere, and from London to Yorke 1425. Dec. 28. 1439. he was made Car­dinal of Saint Balbine, and afterwards being Archbishop of Canterbury was remooued to the title of S. Kusine. These his preferments are briefly expressed in this verse:

Bis primas, ter praeses & bis cardine functus.

He continued not at Canterbury aboue a yéere and a halfe, but died a very old man March 22. 1453. In his life time he conuerted the parish church of Wye where he was borne in­to a colledge, in which he placed secular priests to attend di­uine seruice, & to teach the youth of the parish. Their gouer­nor was called a Prebendary. This college at the time of the suppression was valued at fowerscore and thirtéene pound two shillings by the yéere. He was also a benefactor vnto our Uniuersity of Oxford. He died very rich, and in his life time aduanced diuers of his kinred to great wealth; some to the dignity of knighthood, whose posterity continue yet of great worship and reputation His body was buried in a séemely monument on the South side of the prerbytery a little aboue the Archbishops Sée. Of him read more in Yorke.


65. Iohn Moorton.

IOhn Moorton was borne at Béere or Bery in [...], 1487 and brought vp a while in the Uniuersitie of Oxford, where hauing spent some time in the study of the Ciuill and Canon law, he procéeded Doctor of that faculty, and then became a Doctor of the Arches. By reason of his practise there, the Archbishop his predecessor (Thomas Bourchier) got knowledge of his manifold good parts, his great learning in the law, his wisedome, discretion and other vertues, which he not onely rewarded by preferring him to much good spirituall liuing, but also commended him vnto the king, who made him of his priuy Counsell. In all those miseries and afflictions which that good king endured, he euer stucke fast vnto him, & by no meanes would be drawne to forsake him when all the world in a manner betooke them vnto his victorious aduersary. This so notable loialty and faithfulnesse king Ed­ward himselfe honored so much in him, as king Henry being dead, he neuer ceased to allure him vnto his seruice, & hauing woone him, sware him of his Counsell, and trusted him with his greatest secrets; assuring himselfe belike, that he that had béene so faithfull vnto his aduersary in so great [...], would no doubt be as faithfull vnto him in the like case if oc­casion should serue. After many yéeres tryall of him and di­uers other preferments whereunto he aduanced him, he pro­cured him to be elected vnto the Bishopricke of Ely, the yéere 1474. Not long after his consecration to that Sée, it hapned king Edward to die, who not reposing greater trust in any one then in this Bishop, made him one of his executors. The Duke of Yorke therefore his vnnaturall brother, intending by the destruction of his children to make a passage for him­selfe vnto the crowne, and knowing how watchfull an eie this man caried ouer them, as also how impossible it was to corrupt him and draw him to be a partner in his wicked con­fort; accused him of many great and vnlikely treasons, for which he committed him to the Tower. The innocency of the man would not suffer him to lie there long: Not being able to stampe vpon him any probality of such matter as he [Page 116] laid to his charge, he tooke him thence & deliuered him to the kéeping of the Duke of Buckingham, who at that time lay for the most part at y t castle of Brecknock in Wales. This Duke was the onely instrument of displacing the children of king Edward from the crowne, and procured the same to be most vniustly set vpon the head of their wicked vncle the Duke of Yorke before mentioned, who was appointed Protectour of them & the realme. These lambs committed vnto the kéeping of such a woolfe, were soone deuoured, being not onely despoi­led of the rule and gouernment of the kingdome which de­scended vnto them by inheritance, but of their liues [...], which were violently taken from them, by smoothering the poore innocent children betwéene fetherbeds. Now whe­ther it were the detestation of this abhominable murther (which the duke of Buckingham pretended) or the vnthank­fulnesse of the tyrant, in not gratifying him according to his expectation, (which is the opinion of most men) or the enuie of his so great aduancement, whereof he thought himselfe better woorthy (which also is likely enough) certaine it is that he quickly began to grow malcontent, and being egged on by the Bishop his ghest, entred at last into a conspiracie against him, plotted the remoouing of him, and endeuoured to match the Earle of Richmond heire of the house of Lanca­ster with the eldest daughter of king Edward that (her bre­thren being made away) was now out of all question heire of the house of Yorke, so to throwe downe headlong the ty­rant from the throwne which he vsurped, to restore it to them to whom of right it appertained, and to ioyne in one these two noble houses, whose contention had wasted away al­most all the nobility of the land. How this deuice was deba­ted betwéene the Duke and the Bishop, euery Chronicle re­porteth. To let that passe, when the Bishop sawe the Duke had waded so farre in the matter as step backe he could not, and séeing how he was able to do the Earle of Richmond bet­ter seruice elsewhere then where he was, he found a meanes to slip away in a night disguised; neuer making his host the Duke acquainted with his departure. And first he gat him into his Isle of Ely: but not daring to stay there long, he tooke ship and sailed into Flaunders. It pleased God, that as the [Page 117] Duke had béene a partner with the tyrant in his offence, so he should be a partner also with him in the punishment. For being destitute of the aduise of this wise prelate, or rather I may say destitute of the assistance of God that had determi­ned to reuenge his disloyalty vnto his naturall prince, he fell soone after into the hands of his enimy the vsurping king that cut off his head, and was within a short space after ouer­throwne himselfe and slame in the field by the noble Earle of Richmond, who tooke vpon him the gouernment of our land by the name of king Henry the 7. He calling home this our Bishop, made him Chauncellour of England, and Thomas [...] the Archbishop dying, he found meanes that the monks of Canterbury elected him for successour, and the Pope not only confirmed and allowed readily of their choice, but also within fewe yéeres after, to wit, September 20. 1493. created him Cardinall of Saint Arastasia. Thirtéene yéeres he enioyed quietly the Archbishopricke, and died at last the yéere 1500. At his first comming he laid a great imposi­tion vpon the Cleargy of his prouince, forcing them by the Popes authority to contribute so largely toward the charges of his translation, as of his owne Dioces onely (which is one of the least in England) he receaued 354 pound. The yéere before he died, with great charge he procured Anselme one of his predecessors to be Canonized a Saint. He bequeathed in a manner all he had either vnto good vses, or vnto such of his seruants as he had yet beene able to do nothing for. He gaue vnto the king a Portuis, to the Quéene a Psalter, to the La­dy Margaret his God daughter a cup of gold and forty pound in money, to the church of Ely his miter and his crosse. Unto his [...] and other friendes he gaue nothing as hauing preferred them sufficiently in his life time. His executors he bound by oath to maintaine sufficiently twenty poore schol­lers at Oxford, and ten at Cambridge for the space of twen­ty yéeres after his decease. He bestowed great summes in repairing and augmenting his houses at Bnoll, Mayd­stone, Alington parke, Charing, Ford, [...], and Can­terbury, and built while he liued a sumptuous chappell in the vndercrofte or vault which is vnder the quier. He lieth buri­ed in the saide chappell vnder a marble stone: Howbeit a [Page 118] goodly [...] is erected in [...] of him vpon the [...] of the chappell. Sée more of him in Ely.

66. Henry Deane.

BIshop Moorton being dead, the monks of Canterbury 1501 chose Thomas Langton Bishop of Winchester for their Archbishop: But he died of the plague before his tran­slation could be perfited. Then they elected Henry Deane Bi­shop of [...]. At what time Perkin Warbeck began to shew himselfe in the likenesse of Richard the yoong Duke of Yorke king Edwards second sonne: this Henry Deane was Abbot of Lanthony. King Henry the seuenth that knew him to be a wise and [...] man, made him Chauncelour of Ireland, where this counterseit Duke began first to play his part. By his care and diligence he was driuen out of Ire­land, and forced to [...] into Scotland. The rather in regard of this good seruice, the king procured him to be elected vnto the Bishoprick of Bangor, which (by reason y t Bishops had laien from it a long time, holding euer some [...] or other spirituall liuing in Commendam, whereupon they liued) was horribly wasted and spoiled. But this man comming thither, tooke great pains in recouering diuers parcels of land that by the incrochment of other for want of looking to [...] woone from his Sée. Amongst other things a certaine Island betwéene Holy-head and Anglesey called [...] i. Moylr [...], or the Island of Seales was vniustly detained from him by the possessors thereof. He euicted the same [...] in law, and yet was faine afterwards to bring a great power of armed men thither to driue the inhabitants by force out of the same. His church and pallace had béene burned and de­stroied long before in the time of Henry the 4. by Owen Glen­dowr that famous rebell: He bestowed much money in re­pairing them, but before he was able to bring thē to any per­fection, he was called away thence to Salisbury. Being yet very destrous the worke should go forward, he left vnto his successour a Myter and a Crosyer of good value, vpon condi­tion he should finish those buildings. After he had béene a few monethes at [...], the Archbishop dying, he was [Page 119] preferred vnto Canterbury. His pall was sent vnto him by Hadrian de Castello the Popes Secretary, (that after was Bishop of Hereford and Wels) and deliuered by the Bishop of Couentry with these words. Ad honorem Dei omnipoten­tis & B. Mariae Virginis ac Bb. Petri & Pauli Apostolorum, & D. N. Alexandri Pp. sexti, & S. Romanae Ecclesiae, nec non & Cantuariensis Ecclesiae tibi commissae, tradimus pallium de corpore B. Petri sumptum, plenitudinem viz. Pontificalis of­ficij; vt vtaris eo infra ecclesiam tuam certis diebus qui ex­primuntur in priuilegijs ei ab Apostolica sede concessis. Ha­uing receaued his pall, he was to take his oath vnto the Pope, which once for all it shall not be amisse to set downe. Ego Henticus Archiep. Cantuariensis, ab hac hora in antea fidelis & obediens ero B. Petro sanctae (que) Apostolicae Romanae Ecclesiae, & Domino meo D. Alexandro Pp. 6. suisque succes­soribus Canonice intrantibus. Non ero in consilio aut concensu vel facto vt vitam perdant vel membrum, seu capiantur mala captione, Consilium vero quod mihi credituri sunt, per se aut nuntios ad eorum dam [...] me sciente nemini pandam. Pa­patum Rom. & regalia S. Petri adiutor ero eis ad retinendum & defendendum saluo ordine meo contra omnem hominem. Legatum sedis Apostolicae in eundo & redeundo honorificè tractabo, & in suis necessitatibus adiuuabo, vocatus ad Syno­dum veniam nisi prepeditus fuero Canonica praepeditione. Apostolorum limina Rom. curia existente citra Alpes singulis annis, vltra vero montes singulis biennijs visitabo aut per me aut per meum nuntium nisi Apostolica absoluar licentia. Pos­sessiones vero ad mensam mei Archiepiscopatus pertinentes non vendam, neque donabo, neque impignerabo, neque de nouo infeudabo, velaliquo modo alienabo in consulto Rom. Pontifice, sicut me Deus admuet &c. With what ceremony the crosse was woont to be deliuered, sée before in William Courtney pag. 104. This Archbishop died February 15. 1502. the second yéere after his translation, at Lambhith. His body was conueighed to Feuersam by water, conducted with 33. watermen all apparelled in blacke, (a great number of tapers burning day and night in the boate) and from thence was caried to Canterbury, where it was buried in the mid­dle of the place called the martyrdome, vnder a faire marble [Page 120] stone, inlaid with brasse. He bequeathed to his Church a sil­uer image of 51. ounces waight, and appointed 500. l. to be bestowed in his funerals: He built the most part of Otford house, and made the yron worke vpon the coping of Roche­ster bridge.

67. William Warham.

VVIlliam Warham a gentleman of an ancient house, 1504 was borne in Hamshire, brought vp in the Col­ledge of Winchester, and chosen thence to New Colledge in Oxford where he procéeded Doctor of Law. In­tending then to vse and put in practice the knowledge he had gotten at the Uniuersity, he became an aduocate or Doctor of the Arches, and soone after Master of the Rolles. While he was in that office, King Henry the seuenth, sent him Em­bassador to the Duke of Burgundy to perswade him that he should not beléeue the false reports of his Duchesse, and to signifie how notably she had abused him and all the world, in setting vp two counterfeits against him, Lambert that made himselfe the Earle of Warwicke, who was then to be séene in the Tower safe ynough, and Perkin Warbeck whom she had taught to name him selfe Richard Duke of Yorke, that was certainly knowen to haue béene murthered by his wic­ked vncle long before. In this businesse he behaued himselfe so wisely, as the king greatly commended him for the same, and the Bishopricke of London happening to be void soone af­ter his returne home, he procured him to be elected thereunto. He had not beene Bishop there two whole yéeres when Hen­ry Deane the Archbishop died, to whose place also by the kings speciall indeuour he was aduaunced. He was inthronised March 9. 1504. with woonderfull great solemnity. The day before his comming to Canterbury, the Duke of Bucking­ham that was his high steward, came thither attended with seuen score horse to sée all things in a readinesse. The said Duke had also the office of chiefe Butler, and therefore being vnable to doo the duties of both; he deputed Sir George Bourchier vnto the Butlership. Him selfe tooke great paines to sée that nothing might be wanting requisite for the perfor­mance [Page 121] of this ceremony in most magnificent manner. The next day (which was Sunday) he met the Archbishop ouer against Saint Andrewes Church, and dooing low obeysance vnto him, went before him to Christ church. At the great gate néere the market place, the Prior and Couent receiued him honorably and caried him to the Church (whether he went from Saint Andrewes Church barefoote) said masse there, and was placed in his throne after the accustomed manner. From Church he was attended by the Duke as he was the­therward. The cheere at dinner was as great as for money it might be made. Before the first messe, the Duke him selfe came ridinginto the hall vpon a great horse bare headed with his white staffe in his hand, and when the first dish was set on the table, made obeysance by bowing of his body. Hauing so done, he betooke him to his chamber, where was prouision made for him according to his state. With the Archbishop sate the Earle of Esser, the Bishop of Man, the Lord Abur­gauenny, the Lord Brooke, the Prior of Canterbury, and the Abbot of Saint Augustines. The Duke at his table was ac­companied with the Lord [...], Sir Edward Poynings, the chiefe Justice of England, named Phineux, Sir Wilham Scot, Sir Thomas Kemp, and others. A great many other guests were serued in other places, noble men and knights, at one table, Doctors of Diuinity and Law at another, and Gentlemen of the country at a third besides an infinite num­ber of meaner calling, placed by them selues, according to their seuerall degrées. But to let passe these matters, and to come vnto his gouernement, all the time of King Henry the seuenth (vnder whom he liued Archbishop some thrée yéeres) he enioyed all manner of prosperity, being in so great fauor with his Prince, as no man greater. He dying, and his sonne Bing Henry the eight succeeding, Cardinall Wolsey that was then but Almosuer and Deaue of Lincolne, diued so cunning­ly into the bosome of the yong king, as by and by he ouer­topped the Archbishop, and quickly wound him out of all au­thority. First by the kings meanes he got from him the Chauncellorship of England: Then being Cardinall, and the Popes Legate a latere by speciall commisson, he set vp a new court called Curia [...], vnder colour whereof, he [Page 122] drewe [...] of iurisdiction throughout England into his owne hands, and appointed Officials Registers, &c. in [...] Dioces, who tooke vp all causes and suffered other [...] (to whom the iurisdiction of right appertained to sitte still without either regard or profit. This deiection of the Archbishop wherein men estéemed him for the time very vn­hapy, fell out to his great good, the others immoderate great­nesse, was the cause of his destruction. At what time the K. [...] to be diuorced from his first wife D. Catherine; she [...] choice of this our Archb. & Nicholas West Bish. of Ely, two lawyers, and of I. Fisher [...] of Rochester, and Henry Standish Bishop of Assaph Doctors of Diuinity, to assist and direct her in that sute: they did so, and behaued themselues in such sort, as neither the king had cause to be offended with their ouerforwardnes, nor she to blame their stacknes or neg­ligēce. But the Cardinall y t was ioined with Cardinall Cam­peius in commission, wherein they were authorised by the Pope to examine the circumstances of that cause, he I say be­ing more slacke in his procéedings, then the king expected he should, so incensed him against him, as shortly after he was content first to take the aduantage of a Premunire against him, & then to cause him to be arrested of high treason, where­of sée more in Yorke. Soone after the Cardinals death there was a conuocation held, wherein the cleargy was aduertised that they all had fallen into apremunire by yéelding vnto the Cardinals power legantine neuer allowed by the king. They determined therefore to redéeme the penalty they had incurred with the paiment of 118. thousand pounds, where­of the prouince of Yorke should pay eightéene thousand, and Canterbury the rest which was 100000. l. When this gift was to haue béene presented, they were certified that the king would not accept of the same, except they declared in a Canon that he was supreame head of the church. Long this matter was hammering. But at last they agréed to giue vn­to him this new title, and inserted the same into the instru­ment of their gift. In the conuocation many canons were made against Lutherans, and many motions for renouncing the Popes authority, wherein the greatest part being feare­full of resoluing either way, the connocation was often pro­rogued. [Page 123] After many adiournments it was once more put ouer from Aprill till October 5. In which meane space the Archbishop died at Saint Stephens néere Canterbury, in the house of William Warham his kinsman, Archdeacon of Can­terbury. That house at y t time belonged vnto the Archdeacon­ry, but (by what facrilegious meanes I know not) was long since nipped away from the same, so that the Archdeacon, ex­cept he be otherwise prouided for them by his Archdeaconry, is now houselesse. But to returne vnto our Archbishop, he was buried without any great funerall pompe, giuing mour­ning clothes onely to the poore, and laide in a little chappell built by himselse for the place of his buriall vpon the North side of the Martyrdome, and hath there a reasonable faire toombe. He purchased much land for his kinred, and bestowed very much in repairing and beutifying his houses with faire buildings, euen to the value of thirty thousand pound, (as he professeth in his will) for which cause he prayed his successor to forbeare sute for dilapidations against his executors: They were the Duke of Norfolke and the Lord Windsor. He con­tinued Archbishop eight and twenty yéeres, and died in the sommer the yéere 1532.

68. Thomas Cranmer.

A Famous and memorable man succéeded William 1533 Warham, Thomas Cranmer Doctor of Diuinity, whose life is written at large by Master Foxe and others. I should loose labour therefore in writing any long discourse of the same. Briefly to set downe that which I can­not omit without interrupting my course, you shall vnder­stand that he was borne at Arstacton in Nottingham shire, of a very ancient house which as it should séeme came out of Normandy with the conquerour; for it is certaine that in the time of this Archbishop a certaine French gentleman named Cranmer came into England, bearing the same armes that the Archbishop did, who gaue him great intertainment and did him much honour. He was brought vp in Iesus colledge in Cambridge. Being yet very yoong, he maried, and so lost his fellowship in the said colledge: But his wife dying with­in [Page 124] one yéere, he was receiued into his old place againe. For the maner & occasion of his aduancement, his diuers imploy­ments before & his actions in the same, his lamentable fal, his heroicall and [...] combats, and lastly his constant death, I will as (before I said) send the Reader vnto Master Foxe, who hath exactly set downe all the particularities of these things. Onely thus much heare, that he suffered most vnworthy death at Oxford March 21. 1556. being the first Archbishop that euer was put to death by order of lawe in England, except onely Richard Scroope Archbishop of Yorke.

69. Reginald Poole.

CArdinal Poole was the sonne of sir Richard Poole (who 1555 was cosin germaine vnto king Henry the seuenth) and Margaret Countesse of Salisbury, that was daughter vnto George Duke of Clarence the second brother of king Edward the fourth. They caused him to spend some time in Magdalen colledge in Oxford, and being yet very yoong, sent him beyond sea by trauell to get both learning and experience in the world. In the meane time king Henry the eight that fauored him much (as being néere of kinne vnto him both by father and mother) before his departure had bestowed vpon him the Deanry of Exceter. He had béene in Italy (lying for the most part at Padua) the space of 7. yéeres, at what time the king hauing abolished the Popes authority, sent for him home, & he not comming, proclaimed him Traytor, and gaue away his Deanry vnto another. This losse he estéemed little of. Petrus Bembus an old acquaintance of his was become the Popes chiefe secretary, who so commended him vnto his master, that shortly after he was content to make him a Car­dinall, perswading himselfe belike that he would prooue a good instrument for English matters as occasion should serue. And surely if he regarded the woorthinesse of the man, in respect of his manifold rare and excellent partes, he could not lightly preferre any man lesse obnoxious to exceptions. For he was not onely very learned (which is better kno­wen then that itnéedeth many wordes) but also of such mo­desty [Page 125] in outward behauiour and integrity of life and conuer­sation, as he was of all men both loued and reuerenced. I know well that Pasquill played his parts with him, and fa­thered a brat or two vpon him, but without any probability at all. He was made Cardinall Maye 22. 1536. The Pope employed him then in diuers Embassages vnto the Emperor and the French King, wherein he did his best endeuour to ioine them against his owne soueraigne the King of Eng­land; and not content therewith, he dealt so busily with his letters amongst his friends in England, wherein he dehor­ted them from the Kings obedience, and all conformity vnto reformation, as it turned many of them to great trouble, and amongst the rest, cost his mother her head. It pleased not God that any of his platformes should take successe: And there­fore partly malcontent, and partly also weary of the paines and continuall danger these Embassages forced him vnto, he procured the Pope to make him Legate of Uiterbio, where he determined to leade the rest of his life quietly; But he was disappointed of his purpose. The Pope (Paul 3.) sum­moned a Councell at Trent. Cardinall Poole and one or two other ioyned with him, must néedes be his Uicegerents there. He for his part was nothing so resolute in matters of religion as men expected he would. In the question of iustification he professed to be on our side, and perswaded one Morell to be of his opinion, a learned Spaniard that lay in the same house he did, and that was sent out of Spaine of purpose to defend the Popes quarrell in disputation, wherein he was estéemed ex­cellent. Soone after his returne from the Counsell, it hapned the Pope to die. A great faction there was at that time in the college of Cardinals, some taking part with the Emperour, and some with the French king: Cardinall Poole was alto­gither Imperiall. All that side and diuers that were indiffe­rent gaue him their voices for the Papacy, whereunto when they had elected him orderly, he forsooth found fault with them for their rashnesse, and perswaded them to take further deliberation in so great and waighty a matter. Héereof the French party taking aduantage, began to cry out, it was rea­son regard should be had of many French Cardinals and other that were absent, and could not possibly repaire vnto [Page 126] the [...], [...] had lately [...] as it were in [...], and that it was [...] to [...] feared if they elected any man that were altoge­ther [...] vnto him, it would be a cause of great sturres and [...]. One of their company then rising vp, began to take particular exceptions against Cardinall Poole, charging him with suspition of incontinency (whereof he alleaged some reasons, though peraduenture [...]) as also with heresie, for that he had reasoned for iustification by faith in the Councell of Trent, that he preferred Ant. Flaminius a knowen Protestant, and kept company much with him, and other thought ill of that way, and lastly, that in the time he was Legate of [...] he had béene so slacke in [...] of heretikes, vpon whom he seldome [...] any punish­ment, but death vpon none: This accuser was the Cardinall Caraffa that afterward was Pope Paul the fourth, an olde acquaintance of Cardinall Pooles many yéeres, euen vntill such time as that partaking in this faction betwéene the French and Spanish sundred them. Caraffa thought him selfe the likeliest of the French side, and in that respect was the rather induced in this sort to deface his old friend, so to set vp him selfe. But he was vtterly deceiued in his expectation. Cardinall Poole cléered him selfe of all those suspitions abso­lutely, so that the next day (or rather I should say the night after the next day) the company were more resolute for him then they had béene before, and once more elected him Pope. Cardinal Farnesius the last Popes nephew was the mightiest of that [...]. For so euer all Popes lightly take order, that some Cardinall of their kinne shall strike a great stroake in the election of their successor, that he may be a meanes to shield the rest of his friends from that hard measure which successors are woont to [...] vnto the fauorites of their pre­decessor. This Cardinall Farnesius excéeding ioyfull that he had brought the matter to so good [...], came vnto Cardinall Poole and would néedes adore him by the name of holyfather kissing his féete, &c. But he would not suffer him so to doo, say­ing he would not haue their election a worke of darknesse, that the day was the onely time for the orderly dispatch of such businesse, and therefore he desired them to [...] the ac­complishment [Page 127] of their choice vntill the [...]. They were faine so to doo. But whether it were that his friends were [...] with this double delay, or that they were induced otherwise to alter their determination; so it fell out, that the next morning they chose another, the Cardinall de [...] that named himselfe Iulius 3. He well knowing that the back­wardnesse of Poole made him Pope, euer after made very much of him and yéelded him all mannor of fauour. And first, to begin with, he enforced Cardinall Caraffa to aske him for­giuenes before they departed out of the [...]. Cardinall Poole professed to be nothing at all [...] with loosing that place which he tooke to be a burthen importable, and saying his onely desire was to lead his life in quiet contemplation, craued licence to depart vnto a certaine [...] in the [...] of [...] replenished with monkes of Saint Benet, of which order he was taken for patrone during the time of his residence in Rome. He was scarcely setled there when newes came that king Edward was dead, and that his sister the Lady Mary had obtained the crowne, who was brought vp a great while vnder the Countesse his mother by the espe­ciall choice and direction of Quéene [...] her mother. And many are of opinion that the Quéene committed her the rather vnto the tuition of the Countesse, for that she wished some [...] betwéene one of her sonnes the Pooles and the Lady Mary to strengthen her title to the crowne in case the king her husband should die without issue male, for that (as before I haue declared) they were descended from Goorge Duke of Clarence the next heire male of the house of Yorke. Now Cardinall Poole knowing the Queene had a speciall affection vnto him for his learning, his nobility, but aboue all for his religion (and he was a man personable ynough) lon­ged fore homeward, not doubting a dispensation for his cler­gy would soone be obtained of the Pope in this case, and as­suring himselfe that though he missed of the crowne, he should not faile of the myter. He procured himselfe therefore to be appointed of the Popes legate and to be dispatched into Eng­land with all spéed. The Emperour by this time had [...] to endeuour a match betwéene his sonne [...] and Queene Mary. Doubting therefore least the presence of the [Page 128] Cardinall should disturbe his platforme, he vsed many deui­ses to stop and hinder his passage, till such time as the mari­age was concluded. At last (but a day after the faire) ouer came this iolly legate, reconciled the realme of England to the Pope, caused the Archbishop of Canterbury to be depri­ued and degraded, seating himselfe in his Sée, which things and many more are discoursed of him at large by Master Foxe, and therefore I passe them ouer. He was consecrate March 22. 1555. in the gray Friers church at Gréenwich. The Lady day following he receiued his pal in Bow church, where he made a dry and friuolous sermon touching the vse, profit, signification, and first institution of the pall. March 31. he was installed by a proctor one Robert Collins his commis­sary. While these things were a dooing, Cardinall Caraffa his ancient enimy became Pope. He presently discharged our Cardinall of his power legantine, and made one Frier Peto first a Cardinall, then his legate, and bestowed the Bishop­ricke of Salisbury vpon him. He alleaged against Cardinall Poole that he was vnwoorthy the honour of the legate Apo­stolicall that would suffer the Quéene to proclaime warres against the French king; but the matter was, the old quar­rels were not yet digested, & this way he thought to pay him home. The Quéene kept Frier Peto out of the realme by force, vntill the Pope was reconciled vnto Cardinall Poole againe. Two yéere and almost 8. months this man continued Archb. In y e yere 1558. many old mē fel into quartaine agues (a disease fatall vnto elderly folke.) Amongst the rest, a quar­tane had seased vpon him, and brought him to a low ebbe, at what time newes being brought of Quéene Maries death, strucke him quite dead. For he departed this life euen the same day that she did, viz. Nouember 17. 1558. being 58. yéeres of age, and sixe moneths. He procured in his life time, the gift and patronage of 19. benefices from the Quéene vnto his Sée, which he no way else benefited, except by the buil­ding of a certaine gallery toward the East at Lambhith, and some few roomes adioyning. He purposed indéede to haue be­stowed much cost vpon his pallace at Canterbury, but was preuented by death. He was a man of indifferent stature, slender, wel coloured, somewhat broad visaged, his eyes gray [Page 129] and chéerefull, and his countenance milde. His goods he left to the disposition of one Aloysius Priolus an Italian, who bestowed them all to good vses, reseruing nothing vnto him selfe, but two praier bookes. His body was conueighed to Canterbury, aud entoombed on the North side of a litle chap­pell that is at the East end of Thomas Beckets chappell.

70. Matthew Parker.

MAtthew Parker was borne at Norwich, August 6. 1559 1504. and brought vp by his mother (for his father died he being but twelue yéeres of age) in the Uniuer­sity of Cambridge. He was first a Bible clerke of Corpus-Christ College there, and afterwards fellow. His first pre­ferment was the Deanry of Stoke, which he obtained by the fauor of Queene Anne Bulleyn whose Chaplaine he was. That Colledge (though he resisted it what he might) was suppressed in the first yeere of King Edward the sixt. After the death of that noble Lady King Henry her husband tooke him for his Chapleme, in which place he also serued King Edward his sonne. By these two Princes he was preferred vnto ma­ny other good Ecclesiasticall promotions, as a Prebend in Ely, by King Henry the eight, the Mastership of Corpus chri­sti Colledge (where he was brought vp) by the election of the fellowes but commandement of the same king, and lastly the Deanry of Lincolne, with the prebend of Coldingham giuen him by king Edward the sixt. Besides these liuings he had also the Parsonage of Landbeach foure miles from Cam­bridge by the gift of the Colledge whereof he was Master. These liuings he quietly enioyed till the second yeere of Queene Mary, at what time for being married, he was depriued and liued poorely all the time of her raigne. That terrible fire being extinguished that consumed so many zea­lous and learned men, and the Archbishopricke left void by the death of Cardinall Poole, this Matthew Parker then Doctor of Diuinity sometimes Deane of Lincolne, and Ma­ster of Corpus-christi Colledge, in Cambridge (as afore said) was thought méetest for that high place and preserment. He was consecrate thereunto, December 17. 1559. held the same [Page 130] fifteene yéeres, [...] moneths, and deceased Maye 17. 1575. being 72. yéeres of age. He founded a Grammer Schoole at Rochdale in Lancashire: Unto Corpus christi Colledge in Cambridge (where he was brought vp) he procured thirtéene schollerships, built the inward Library, and two faire cham­bers in the same. Moreouer, he gaue to the Library of that Colledge a great number of Bookés some printed, other written, but very rare, and much to be estéemed for their va­lue and antiquity. He gaue them also thrée hundred and ten ounces of plate double guilt, the perpetuall patronage of S. Mary Abchurch in London, land for the maintenance of two fellowes aboue the ordinary number, a leasse for seuentéene yéeres, worth fourtéene pounds eight shillings de claro, and one hundred pounds to mainetaine a fire in the Hall there, from Allhallowentide till Candlemas. He tooke order for the preaching of fire Sermons yéerely in the Rogation weeke, in fiue seuerall Churches in Norfolke. Unto the City of Norwich (where he was borne) he gaue a Bason and Ewer double guilt weighing one hundred seuenty three oun­ces, and fifty shillings yee ely reuenew, to be deuided among poore people of the same City. Unto Gunnell and Caius Col­ledge a pot double guilt, of fifty sixe ounces, together with a neast of goblets, and certaine bookes: To Trinity Hall a Scholers place, a Cuppe waighing fifty thrée ounces, a neast of goblets and bookes likewise; To the Uniuersity fifty written bookes of great value, and fifty printed; And other­wise bestowed much money vnto charitable vses, not neces­sary particularly to be remembred. Upon the reparation of his pallace at Canterbury (which was now greatly derayed) he bestowed one thousand foure hūdred pound. At Lambhith also he repaired and built much to his great charge. But a­boue any thing I may not forget his great care of preseruing antiquities, vnto which his care we are beholding for most of our ancient histories, that but for him were euen vpon the point vtterly to perish. He lyeth buried in the Chàppell be­longing to his house at Lambhith vnder a faire marble stone.

71. Edmund Gryndall.

IN the moneth of February following Edmund Gryndall 1575 Archbishop of Yorke was translated to Canterbury. This man was borne at Saint Bees in Cumberland, fellow first, then [...] of Penbroke Hall in Cambridge, of which [...] he was for one yeere one of the Proctors. A while he was chaplame vnto Master [...] Bishop of London, who preferred him vnto the seruice of king Edward the sixt. In the end of which kings raigne, there was an intent that the said Bishop should haue beene remooued to Durham, and it was thought that Master Gryndall should succeede him in London. But the death of that good king disturbed the pro­gresse of this platforme, and in steed of the expected honoura­ble aduauncement forced him to a voluntary exile in Germa­ny, where he liued all the raigne of Quéene Mary. She dying, & our now gratious Princesse happily succéeding, he was ap­pointed vnto the gouernment so long before intended, elected thereunto July 26. 1559. and enioyed the same about eleuen yeeres, viz. vntill May 20. 1570. at what time he was remoo­ued to Yorke. There he sate almost sixe yeeres and as before is mentioned was once more translated to Canterbury. Two yeeres before his death he became blind, and died at Croydon (where also he was buried) July. 6. 1583. being 64. yéeres of age, hauing continued Archbishop seuen yéeres and almost a halfe. In the place where he was borne he founded a frée schoole, which he endowed with thirty pound land. To Quéenes colledge in Oxford he gaue twenty pound lande to maintaine a fellowe and two schollers to be taken out of his said schoole: He gaue them also the greatest part of his bookes, and 87. ounces of plate besides forty pound debt which he forgaue them. To Pembroke Hall in Cambridge he gaue two and twenty pound land for the maintenance of a Gréeke lecture, of a fellow and two schollers, to be like­wise taken out of his schoole. To [...] he also gaue some bookes, and forty ounces of plate. To Magdalen colledge in Cambridge he gaue fiue pound land for one fellow to be ta­ken from his schoole; To Christs colledge there fiue and for­ty [Page 132] ounces of plate: To eight little almeshouses in Croydon fifty pound to be bestowed in land for their reliefe; and lastly to the city of Canterbury an hundred pound to be imployed vpon a stocke to set the poore on worke.

72. Iohn Whitegift.

SOone after the death of Edmund Gryndall, Iohn White­gift 1583 Doctor of Diuinity, Bishop of Worcester, was ap­pointed to succéede him, and his translation confirmed September 23. following. He was borne at Grymsby in Lincolnshire, brought vp a while vnder Master Bradford in Penbroke Hall, and afterwards became fellow of Peter house in Cambridge. The yéere 1567. he procéeded Doctor of Diuinity, and being chosen Master of Pembroke Hall, with­in the compasse of the same yéere was called to the gouerne­ment of Trinity colledge. In the meane time he had béene reader of both the diuinity lectures, first the Lady Margarets, & after the Quéenes. Ten yéeres he continued Master of Tri­nity colledge, in which space he was twice Uicechauncellour, and the yéere 1573. by the gift of her Maiestie (whose chap­laine he was) became Deane of Lincoln. In the beginning then of the yéere 1577. he was aduaunced vnto the Bishop­ricke of Worcester, in September following had the gouern­ment of the Principality of Wales committed vnto him and held the same two yeeres and a halfe, euen all the time that Sir Henry Sydney the President liued in Ireland as Lord Deputy. Sixe yéeres and almost a halfe he had beene at Wor­cester whē he was called vnto the metropolitical Sée of Can­terbury which he yet holdeth. Upon Candlemas day 1585. he was sworne of her Maiesties priuy counsell. God graunt him long and happily to enioy these honorable places to his glory and the good of his Church.


The Archbishopricke of Canterbury is valued in the Queenes bookes at 3093, l. 18. s. 8. d. ob. farthing, and was woont to pay to the Pope 1000. ducats at euery in­come, besides 5000. for his pall.

The old corporation of Prior and Couent of Christchurch being dissolued; king Henry the eight made a new, of a Deane and 12. Prebendaries. The names of the Deanes I haue thought not amisse here to set downe:

1. Nicolas Wotton, Doctor of Lawe.
2. Thomas Godwyn, Doctor of Diuinity. 1566.
3. Richard Rogers, Bishop of Douer. 1584.
4. Thomas Neuyll, Doctor of Diuinity. 1597.

The Bishops of London.

AT what time Christian religion was first publikely receaued in this Island, there were established in the same 28. Sées or Cathedrall churches; whereof thrée were Archbishopricks; Yorke, whose prouince was Scotland and the North of England; Caerlegion (now called Caerleon vpon Usk) to which the Churches of Wales were subiect; and lastly Lon­don that had iurisdiction ouer the rest of England. To speake of the Archbishops of London (with whom onely we haue now to do) there is not any precise Catalogue or continuate history deliuered of them. Some I finde mentioned Sparsim in our histories; their names I will set downe, and the Rea­der must content him selfe with them.

  • 1. Thean, It is said he built Saint Peters church in Corn­hill, with the helpe of one Cyran chiefe butler vnto king Lucius, and made it his Metropoliticall Sée.
  • 2. Eluanus, is named the second Archbishop. He built a Li­brary néere vnto the same church and conuerted many of the Druydes to Christian religion.
  • 3. Cadar.
  • 4. Obinus.
  • 5. Conan.
  • 6. Paladius.
  • 7. Stephan.
  • 8. Iltut.
  • 9. Theodwyn or Dedwyn.
  • 10. Thedred.
  • 11. Hillary.
  • 12. Guiteline.
  • 13. Restitutus, he was present at the Counsell of Arles in Fraunce the yéere 326. vnder Constantius the sonne of Constantine the great, and subscribed vitto the Decrées [Page 135] of the same Counsell, which he brought ouer with him: One Decrée amongst the rest was, that if a Deacon at the time of his ordering did protest he intended to mary, it should be lawfull for him so to do. Restitutus himselfe was maried.
  • 14. Fastidius, Gennadius in his Catalogue illustrium viro­rum, mentioneth him by the name of Fastidius Britannia­rum Episcopus, and commendeth certaine works of his.
  • 15. Vodinus, he was slaine ann. 436. by the procurement of Hengist first king of the Saxons, for reprehending king Vortigers vnlawfull mariage with Rowen Hengists daughter, his Quéene and lawfull wife being yet aliue.

    After the comming in of the Saxons, the succession of Archbi­shops was stil continued in London for the space of thrée hundreth yeeres, (but secretly) euen vntill the time that Saint Gregory sent Augustine hither. I finde onely one of them named, viz.

  • 15. [...] that being first Bishop of Glocester, forsooke it and tooke the charge of London vpon him the yéere 553.

1. Mellitus.

SAint Augustine hauing established his Metrapoliticall 604 See at Canterbury, for that it was the seate of the king of Kent, who commanded the kings of the East and South Saxons as his vassals, and holding their kingdomes at his pleasure; He thought good to appoint a Bishop at Lon­don; and he made choice of Mellitus, whom he consecrated ann. 604. This Mellitus conuerted vnto the faith of Christ Sebert king of East Saxons, who soone after built the church of Westminster, and dedicated it to Saint Peter. In his time also Ethelbert king of Kent built the Cathedrall church of Saint Paule, that being often increased by Erkenwald and other, was burnt at last downe to the ground some 500. yéeres after, and built a new in that stately forme it now hath by Mauritius Bishop of London, and his successors. King Ethelbert moreouer gaue Tillingham and other lands vnto this church. Of Mellitus sée more in Canterbury, whether he was translated.

2. Ceadda.

AFter the departure of Mellitus the Church of London 654 was long without a Pastor, euen vntill that Sigebert obtaining the kingdome of the East Saxons, by the perswasion of Oswy king of Northumberland, he became a Christian and procured Ceadda a vertuous and Godly priest to be consecrate Bishop of his countrey. That charge he at­tended painfully many yéeres. At last, building a Monastery in the North country called Lestinghen; the same was scarce­ly finished, when the infection of the plague being brought thither, tooke away not onely this Bishop the founder, but al­most all the monks that were now newly placed in the same. Of this man Beda writeth much in his Eccl. historie Lib. 3. cap. 22. & 23. He was buried in the foresaid Monastery of Lestinghen.

3. Wina.

ABout the time that Ceadda died, it hapned Kenwal­chus 666 K. of the West Saxons to fall out with Wina the Bishop of his countrey, insomuch as, he forced him to flie vnto Wlfher king of Mercia, of whom (being now desti­tute of liuing) he bought for money the Bishopricke of Lon­don. Sée more in Winchester.

4. Erkenwald.

VVIna being dead, Erkenwald the sonne of Offa king 675 of East Saxons (a very deuout and vertuous man) became Bishop of London. His owne pa­trimony he bestowed in building of two monasteries, one for monkes at Chertsey, another for Nunnes at Barking, ma­king Edelburg his sister the first Abbesse there. He conuerted vnto the faith of Christ Sebba king of the East Saxons: He bestowed much vpon building in his Cathedrall church of Saint Paule, encreased much the reuenues of the same, and obtained for it of diuers princes many notable and impor­tant [Page 137] priuileges. Hauing sate 11. yéeres he died about the yéere of our Lord 685. and after his death was honoured for a Saint. His body was laied in a very sumptuous shryne, which not many yéeres since stoode in the East part of the church aboue the high altar.

After Erkenwald sate these in or­der successiuely.

  • 5. Waldhere, of him Beda maketh mention, Hist. eccles. lib. 4. cap. 11.
  • 6. Ingwald, this man liued in the time of Beda, and died 744.
  • 7. [...].
  • 8. Wighed.
  • 9. Eadbright.
  • 10. Eadgar.
  • 11. Kenwalch.
  • 12. Eadbald.
  • 13. Hecbert or Heathobert. He died the yéere 802.
  • 14. Osmund or Oswyn, he liued 833.
  • 15. Ethelnoth.
  • 16. Ceolbert.
  • 17. Renulf or Ceorolf.
  • 18. Swithulf, he liued the yéere 851.
  • 19. Eadstan, liued 860.
  • 20. Wulfsius.
  • 21. Ethelward.
  • 22. Elstan, he died an. 898. or as Asserius saith, an. 900.
  • 23. Theodred, surnamed the Good. His body was laid in a 900 high toombe by the window of the vault or vndercroft, now called (if I mistake not) Saint Faiths church.
  • 24. Wulstan.
  • 25. Brithelm, he died the yéere 958.
  • 26. Dunstan. See more of him in Canterbury.
  • 27. Alfstan, he liued 966. and 996. 959
  • 28. Wulfstan.
  • 29. Albun, he taught the children of king Ethelred, and car­ried them into Normandy the yéere 1013.
  • [Page 148]30. Alwy.
  • 31. Elfward, before he was Bishop, Abbot of Eueshain; be­ing Bishop, held still his Abbotship in Commendam: waxing olde, he intended to resigne his Bishopricke, and returning thither againe to spend the rest of his daies there: but the monkes refused to receiue him, whereupon he tooke from them many bookes and rich ornaments that he had sent thither (yea some also that other men had bestowed) and gaue them vnto the Ab­bey of Kanisey where he lieth buried. He died Iuly 25. ann. 1044.
  • 32. Robert, he was translated to Canterbury 1050. Sée more there.

33. William.

BY what meanes I know not, Spearheafocus Abbot of 1050 Abingdon set foote into the Bishopricke of London, Ro­bert being translated. But the king displaced him, would not suffer him to be consecrate, and bestowed the same vpon one William that was a Norman (as his predecessor was) and came into the realme with Quéene Emma his (I meane the Confessors) mother. Unto this man the city of London ac­knoledgeth it selfe greatly beholding, for that king William the Conquerour by his meanes & instant sute, graunted vnto them all kind of liberties, in as ample manner as they en­ioyed them in the time of his predecessor. In thankfulnesse hereof, the citizens haue caused to be engrauen this Epitaphe vpon his graue (which is in the middle of the body of his church.)

Guilielmo viro sapientia & vitae sanctitate claro, qui pri­mum Diuo Edwardo Regi & Confessori familiaris, nuper in Episcopum Londinensem erectus, nec multo post apud in­uictissimum Principem Guilielmum Angliae Regem eius no­minis primum ob prudentiam fidemque singularem in consi­lium adhibitus, amplistima huic vrbi celeberrimae priuilegia ab eodem impetrauit; Senatus populusque Londinensis benè merenti posuit. Sedit Episcopus ann. 20. Decessit an. a Chri­sto nato 1070.

Haec tibi clare pater posuerunt marmora clues,
Praemia, non meritis aequiparanda tuis.
Namque sibi populus, te Londinensis amicum
Sensit, & huic vrbi non leue praesidium.
Reddita libertas duce te, donataque multis
Te duce, resfuerat publica muneribus.
Diuitias, genus & formam breuis opprimit hora,
Haec tua sed pietas & benefacta manent.

34. Hugh d' Oriuall.

AFter the death of Bishop William, the Conquerour 1070 aduaunced vnto this Sée one Hugh d' Oriuall a Nor­man. Within a short space after his preferment, he fell into a leprosie; for cure whereof by the counsell of phisitions he was gelded. It little auailed him; that notwithstanding, he continued a leper all his life, and so died Ianuary 12. ann. 1085.

35. Mauritius.

MAuritius Chaplaine and Chauncellor to the Conque­ror, 1087 was consecrate Bishop of London the yéere 1087. A man not of the best report for his life, but famous for his memorable endeuour of building Paules Church in London. It happened the yéere 1086. the whole City of London (in a manner) to be consumed with fire. The Cathedrall church amongst the rest going to wrack; Maurice the yéere following (which was the first yéere of his consecra­tion) intending to reedifie the same, laid the foundation of so huge a plot, as all men thought it would neuer be finished. The same fire destroyed a great Castle standing in that place where Robert Killwardby Archbishop of Canterbury did af­terwards build the Blacke Friers. The ruines of this castle the K. was content should be imployed vpon Paules Church. He gaue also vnto the Bishop and his successors for euer the Castle of Scortford with the Appurtenances. Notwithstan­ding these and many other helps, this Bishop dooing his vt­most endeuor, for the aduancement of this noble worke, in [Page 140] twenty yéeres that he sate, was not able to bring it to any perfection. He deceased, September 26. 1107.

36. Richard Beauveys.

RIchard Beauveys sirnamed Rufus by some (for diffe­rence 1108 I thinke of his nephew of the same name, that afterward succéeded him) was consecrate vnto the Sée of London at Pagham, the yéere 1108. He purchased diuers whole stréetes, and much housing néere to his Cathedrall Church, all which he pulled downe, and leauing the ground vnbuilt for a Cemitery or Churchyard, enclosed the same with a wall, which yet for the most part remaineth, but so co­uered with houses, as it cannot be séene but here and there. This man sitting (as his [...] did) twenty yéeres, and employing all his reuenewes vpon this fabrike almost all his time, was nothing néere able to finish it. Toward his latter end, waxing weary of that tedious worke, he gaue it ouer, and endeuoured the foundation of a Monastery at Saint Osythes in Essex, which place he procured, giuing Lads­worth in exchange for it. Diuers times he was about to re­signe his Bishopricke, that he might become a regular Cha­non in his owne new built Monastery; and that the rather, because being taken with a desperate and irrecouerable pal­sey, he wel knew his time to be short: But he deferred so long the execution of this intent from day to day, that he was sur­prised by death before he could performe it, viz. Ianuary, 16 1127.

37. Gilbertus Vniuersalis.

A Canon of Lyons was then preferred to this Sée, one 1128 Gilbert surnamed Vniuersalis, vir probus & grandae­vus (saith Florent. Wigorn:) avery aged, but a very good man. Other report of him, that he was a very couetous man, and a very rich man, but a very learned man. It sée­meth he was a man of some note in those daies: Saint Bar­nard writeth diuers Epistles vnto him. He died the yéere 1133. trauayling toward Rome.

38. Robertus de Sigillo.

AFter the death of Bishop Gilbert one [...] Abbot 1140 of [...], nephew to Saint Anselme, was elected Bi­shop of London, and had his election confirmed at Rome. But presently such exceptions were taken against him, as thereupon he was not onely stayed from consecrati­on, but depriued also of his Abbotship. His electors were William the Deane of [...], Ralfe Langford, and Richard [...] (the same I beleeue) that afterwards was Bishop. The King who very much mistiked this election (hauing made request for some other) amongst other effects of his dis­pleasure, caused the wiues of these Canons (as Bale repor­teth) to be imprisoned, and otherwise shainefully intreated. True it is, that a little before this time, euen vntill Anselme was Archbishop, many Clergy men had wiues: But he so farre foorth restrained them, as if any were maried after­wards, they were very fewe, and durst not in any wise be ac­knowen of it. By reason of the [...] that were about this election, the Sée continued void a long time. The yeere 1140. Mawde the Empresse hauing taken King Stephen prisoner, came to London, and finding the Bishopricke void, caused one Robert de Sigillo a monke of Reading (or as others say Archdeacon of London) to be elected and consecrate Bishop. Within a yeere or two after, he was taken prisoner at Full­ham by [...] de Mandeuill a captaine of king Stephens, who ye may be sure could ill brooke any man that the Em­presse fauoured. He sate Bishop about ten yeeres.

39. Richard Beauveys.

THe yéere 1151. Richard Beauveys Archdeacon of 1151 Middlesex, and nephew vnto the former Richard Be­auveys became Bishop. He died ann. 1162.

40. Gilbert Foliot.

GIlbert Foliot was first Abbot of Glocester (as M. 1161 Westm. hath) but Bale affirmeth he was Abbot of Leycester, and not of Glocester. The yéere 1149. he was consecrate Bishop of Hereford, continued in that Sée almost twelue yeeres, and in 1161. vpon the kings speciall request, he was translated to London. In all the stirres be­twéene Thomas Becket and the king, he stucke vnto the king very faithfully, and was partaker of all his counsels. Mat. Paris reporteth a strange thing of him (beléeue it if you list) that one night comming from the king, after long conference concerning the businesse betwéene the King, and the Archbi­shop: as he lay musing of those things in his bed, a terrible and an vnknowen voice sounded these words in his eares, O Gilberte [...], dum reuoluis tot & tot, Deus [...] est Ascarot. Taking it to be the deuill, he answered boldly, Mentiris Dae­mon, Deus [...] est Deus Sabaoth. At what time the King banished certaine fauorites of the Archbishop, that were Clergy men, he commaunded this Bishop to receiue the fruites of their liuings into his hand. For obeying the autho­rity of his Prince herein, the Archbishop excommunicated him. And presently vpon the death of the said Archbishop, the Pope excommunicated him also, but affirming by othe he was not guilty of the murther, he was absolued. He died Fe­bruary 18. 1187. It séemeth he was not onely wise, but (for those times) very learned; He writ diuers bookes mentioned by Bale. I finde in Polycraticus, a note concerning him, that because it expresseth very well an humour much raigning now a daies, I thinke not vnnecessary to offer vnto the Rea­der euen as I find it. Venerabilis Pater, &c. The reuerend father Gilbert Bishop of Hereford, would sometimes dis­course vnto me (saith he) a certaine guise of Cloyster men, the experience whereof he found in him selfe. When first he entred into the Monastery, hote with the fire newly kindled in him, he was woont to blame very much the sluggishnesse of his gouernors. Being preferred him selfe, he was still mo­ued with [...] toward his equals, but spared not his [Page 143] betters. He became first a Prior; taking part then with Pri­ors, he would complaine of Abbots. Afterwards being made an Abbot, fauouring his fellow Abbots, he ceased not to re­prehend Bishops. And lastly, when he was a Bishop him­selfe, he began to see how much more easie a thing it is to find faults then to mend them. I thinke not (saith he) that this Bishop was to be esteemed enuious, but being a wise man he expressed pretily an affection, as it were naturally engraffed in euery man; and was the more willing to take that kind of fault vpon him selfe, that he might be the better heard of others. Ioan. Sarisb. Polycrat. lib. 7. cap. 24. A very wise and reuerend Bishop now deceased, in my hearing hath often ac­knowledged the like humour in him selfe before his prefer­ments, and therefore adiudged it the rather to be borne with­all in other men.

41. Richard Fitz-neale.

NIgellus Bishop of Ely (that was nephew to Roger 1189 Bishop of Salisbury had a sonne named Richard, for whom he bought of King Henry the second the Trea­surership of England, and payed for the same 400. markes. He held that office almost all the raigne of the said king, and was so good a husband in it, as that at the kings death, his treasure [...] vnto 100000. markes. In the latter end of his raigne he found meanes to preferre him vnto the Bi­shopricke of London, whereunto he was consecrate Decem­ber 31. 1189. He bestowed much vpon the building of his Church and other edifices belonging to his See, sate there about nine yeeres, and died September 10. 1198.

42. William de Sancta Maria.

VVIlliam de Sancta Maria succéeded, a Canon of 1199 Paules, and sometimes secretary to king Richard the first. He was consecrate, June 22. 1199. This Bishop was one of them that interdicted the whole realme, and excommunicated king Iohn by the commaundement of the Pope. They all indured fiue yéeres banishment for their [Page 144] labours, as elsewhere is more at large declared. He resigned his Bishopricke Ianuary 26. 1221.

43. Eustachius de Fauconbridge.

EVstachius de Fauconbridge was elected vnto the Sée of 1222 London February 25. following, and then vpon Saint Markes day consecrate at Westminster. The next yéere a great controuersie was ended by arbitrators betweene him and his Cathedrall church of Saint Paule on the one part, and the Abbey of Westminster on the other. The arbitrators were the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Winche­ster and Sarum. Thomas Prior of Merton and Richard of Dunstaple. Their order was, that the Abbey of Westmin­ster should be exempt from the iurisdiction of the Bishop of London, that the church of Stanes should euer hereafter be­long to Westminster, the mannor and church of Sunbery vnto the Cathedrall church of Paules. This Eustache had béene one of the kings Iustices, Chauncellour of the exche­quer, Treasurer of England, and twise Embassador into Fraunce. He was a great benefactor vnto his Cathedrall church, in which he lyeth intoombed in a faire monument of marble standing in the South wall of the East ende of the churchurch. He died October 31. 1228.

44. Rogerus Niger.

ROger (in our histories surnamed Niger) Archdeacon of 1229 Colchester, was chosen Bishop the yéere 1228. soone af­ter the death of Eustachius, and consecrate by loceline Bishop of Bathe Iune 10. following being Trinity Sun­day, togither with Richard Archbishop of Canterbury and Hugh Bishop of Ely. This Roger (saith M. Paris) was a very reuerend man, religious, learned, painefull in preaching, elo­quent, a great house-kéeper, of very gentle and curteous beha­uiour. Whereunto he might haue added that he was also stout and very couragious. One Rustandus the Popes Nun­tio being earnest in a conuocation for setting forward a cer­taine prolling deuise to scrape vp money for his Master; he [Page 145] not onely withstood him openly, but cryed out vpon the vn­reasonable and shamelesse couetousnes of the court of Rome, and was the onely meanes of staying the course of that exa­ction. For reuenge hereof not long after they began to frame an accusation against him at Rome, alleaging matters alto­gither false and friuolous. It forced him to trauell thither, and cost him great summes of money before he could rid his hands of that brabble. The yéere 1233. Walter Mauclerke Bishop of Carlile taking ship to passe ouer the seas, was hin­dered by some of the kings officers, for that he had no licence to depart the realme. These officers for so doing, he excom­municated, and riding straight vnto the court, certified the king what he had done, and there renewed the same sentence againe. About the same time the king gaue commandement for the apprehending of Hubert de Burgo Earle of Kent, who hauing sudden notice thereof at midnight, got him vp and fled into a church in Esser. They to whom the businesse was committed, finding him vpon his knées before the high altar with the sacrament in one hand and a crosse in the other, ca­ried him away neuertheles vnto the Tower of London. The Bishop taking this to be a great violence and wrong offered vnto holy church, would neuer leaue the king (that was in­déed a Prince religious ynough) vntill he had caused the Earle to be caried vnto the place whence he was taken. It is thought it was a meanes of sauing the Earles life. For though order was taken he should not scape thence, yet it gaue the kings wrath a time to coole, and himselfe leysure to make proofe of his innocency: By reason whereof, he was afterward restored to the kings fauour and former places of honour. This Bishop died at his mannor of Bishops hall in the parish of Stupenheath on Michaelmas day 1241. or as some report (I thinke vntruly) October 3. 1243. and was buried in his owne church, where Matthew Paris saies di­uers miracles were wrought at his toombe. It standeth in the enter close or North wall of the Presbytery a little aboue the quire, where is to be read this Epitaphe:

Ecclesiae quondam Praeful praesentis, in anno
M. bis C. quater X. iacet hic Rogerus humatus.
Huius erat manibus domino locus iste dicatus.
Christe suis precibus veniam des, tolle reatus.

45. Fulco Basset.

ABout Christmas following, Fulco Basset Deane of 1244 Yorke was elected vnto the Sée of London, but not consecrate vntill October 9. 1244. for that the king, who earnestly desired to haue remooued Peter Bishop of He­reford vnto London, misliked greatly their choice. This our Fulco was a gentleman of a grcat house, but a second bro­ther. After he had entred orders, his elder brother and the onely sonne of that brother, died within the compasse of a yéere, leauing the inheritance vnto him. Our histories blame him for not being forward ynough in the cause of the Ba­rons, that is for being too true vnto his Prince: Otherwise, they giue him the praise of a good man, a discréet and vigilant pastor. Questionlesse he was a man stout, and no lesse coura­gious then his predecessor. The yéere 1255. Rustandus the Popes legate held a connocation at London, in which when he went about to lay an importable exaction vpon the clear­gy (and it was knowen the king was hired to winke at it) this Bishop rose vp and openly professed that he would suffer his head to be chopped off before he would consent vnto so shamefull and vnreasonable oppression of the church. Yea when the king stormed at this his resistance, and reuiled him, saying, that neither he nor any of his name was euer true vnto him, threatning moreouer that he would finde meanes to plague him for it: In the presence of some that he knew would tell the king of it, he sticked not to say (a spéech I con­fesse not commendable, but bold and couragious) My Bi­shopricke indéed, my myter and crosier the king and the Pope may take away from me (though vniustly) but my helmet and sword I hope they shall not. He died of the plague at London the yéere 1258. and was buried in his owne church vpon Saint Urbans day.

46. Henry de Wingham.

HEnry de Wingham Chauncellor of England, cham­berlaine 1259 of Gascoigne, Deane of Tottenhall and S. Martins, hauing béene twice Embassador into Fraunce, was chosen Bishop of Winchester the yéere 1258. but refused to accept of that place. Sée why in Ethelmare of Winchester. The yéere following, the like offer being made for London, he neuer made bones of it, and was consecrate about Midsommer the same yéere. A small time he enioyed that preferment, being taken away by death July 13. 1261. He lyeth intoombed in the South wall neere to the monu­ment of Bishop Fauconbridge.

47. Kichard Talbot.

SOone after the death of Henry Wingham, Richard Tal­bot was elected and confirmed Bishop of London, whe­ther consecrate or no I can not tel. Certaine it is he died vpon Michaelinas day the yéere following, viz. 1262.

48. Henry de Sandwich.

BEfore the ende of that yéere, Henry de Sandwich was 1262 consecrate Bishop. So London had thrée Bishops in one yéere. This man was excommunicate by Ottobonus the Popes legate (as he had well deserued) for taking part with the rebellious Barons against their Prince. He died September 16. 1273.

49. Iohn de [...].

IOhn de Chishull Deane of Paules, sometimes Archdea­con 1274 of London, hauing béene first Kéeper of the great seale, and then Treasurer of England, was consecrate Aprill 29. 1274. He died February 10. 1279.

50. Richard de Grauesend.

RIchard de Grauesend Archdeacon of Northhampton, 1280 was consecrate Bishop of London at Couentry August 12. 1280. He died at Fulham December 9. 1303. and was buried at London.

51. Ralfe de Baldocke.

BY the consent of the whole Chapter, Ralfe Baldocke 1305 was then chosen Bishoppe vpon Saint Matthias day following. Howbeit he might not haue consecra­tion till the Pope had confirmed the election, for that thrée Canons lately depriued from their Prebends by the Archbi­shop, being excluded from the election, had appealed from the same vnto the Pope. By the commandement of the Pope (Clement. 5.) he was consecrate at Lyons Ianuary 30. 1305 by the hands of one Petrus Hispanus a Cardinall. He was ve­ry well learned, and amongst other things, he writ (as Bale recordeth) an history or Chronicle of England in the Latine toong. In his life time he gaue two hundred markes toward the building of the new worke of the chappell on the East end of his church, now called the Lady chappell, and in his will bequeathed much toward the finishing of the same. And here by the way it shall not be amisse to note, that in digging the foundation of this building, there were found more then an hundred heads of cattell, as oxen, kine, &c. which séemeth to confirme the opinion of those that thinke the Temple of Iupi­ter was situate in that place before the planting of Christian religion, tooke away those Idolatrous sacrifices. This Bi­shop died at Stell July 24. 1313. and lieth buried vnder a flat marble in the said chappell.

52. Gilbert Segraue.

GIlbert Segraue borne in Leicester shire, and brought vp 1313 in Oxford, was a man very well learned, and left di­uers good monuments of his knowledge behinde [Page 149] him. He was consecrate Bishop of London, Nouember 25. 1313. and sate about thrée yéeres.

53. Richard Newport.

RIchard Newport was consecrate Bishop of London, 1317 March 26. 1317. and died August 24. 1318.

54. Stephen Grauesend.

STephen Grauesend was consecrate Ianuary 14. follow­ing, 1318 and sate about twenty yéeres.

55. Richard Byntworth, or Wentworth.

RIchard Byntworth had his election confirmed, May 23. 1338 1338. was consecrate afterwards at Lambhith by the Bishop of Chichester, and died December 8. 1339.

56. Ralfe Stratford.

RAlfe Stratford was consecrate at Canterbury, March 1348 12. 1348. He purchased the péece of ground called No­mans-land beside Smithfield, and dedicated it to the vse of buriall. He was borne at Stratford vpon Avon, where he builded the Chappell of Saint Thomas, and died at Stupen­heath hauing sate Bishop about the space of fourtéene yéeres.

57. Michaell Northbrooke.

MIchaell Northbrooke Doctor of Law, had his election 1355 confirmed, July 7. 1355. and died the yéere 1361.

58. Simon Sudbury.

SImon Sudbury alias Tibald Doctor of Law succéeded He 1361 sate Bishop about fiftéene yéeres, and was translated to Canterbury. Sée more of him there.

59. William Courtney.

THe yéere 1375. at what time Bishop Sudbury was re­mooued 1375 to Canterbury, William Courtney Bishop of Hereford was called to London, and afterwards suc­céeded the same man in Canterbury also, viz. in the end of the yéere 1381. Sée more of him in Canterbury.

60. Robert Braybrooke.

RObert Braybrooke was consecrate Ianuary 5. 1381. In 1381 Sept. 1382. he was made Lord Chauncellor, but held not that office past halfe a yéere. He died August 27. 1404. or (as his Epitaphe reporteth) 1405. and lyeth buried in the middle of the Lady Chappell, vnder a faire Marble stone in laid with letters made euery one of a seuerall péece of brasse.

61. Roger Walden.

ONe Thomas Langley was then elected Bishop, Octo­ber 1404 20. following. But the Pope little regarding this election, of his méere authority (according to his man­ner) bestowed this Bishopricke, December 10. 1404. vpon Roger Walden, that for a time had held the place and autho­rity of Archbishop of Canterbury. Neuer had any man better experience of the variable vncertainty of worldly felicity. From the estate of a very poore man, he was sodainly raysed to be Treasurer of England (hauing béene first Secretary to the king, Deane of Yorke, and Treasurer of the Towne of Calis) and then made Archbishop of Canterbury. That ho­nor he enioied not past two yéeres, but he was remooued from the same, and forced to lead a priuate life a great while. At last being once more lift vp into a place of honor, he was not suffred to enioy the same any long time; within the compasse of a yéere after he was made Bishop of London, he died and was buried in the Priory of S. [...] in [...]. See more of him in T. Arundell of Canterbury.

62. Nicholas Bubwith.

IN the beginning of the yéere 1406. Nicholas Bubwith was 1406 consecrate Bishop of London. Within little more then the compasse of that one yéere, he was twice translated; first to Salisbury, and then to Bathe. Sée more of him in Bathe.

63. Richard Clifford.

THe Pope had bestowed the Bishopricke of Bathe (by 1407 way of prouision) vpon Richard [...] Archdeacon of Canterbury, the yéere 1401. But king Henry the fourth then newly come to the crowne, being very desirous of preferring another man to that place, assured him, he would neuer giue him possession of his temporalties, yet promised him his fauour in some other matter. Hereupon he was con­tent to let go this hold, and begin a new sute for Worcester, which in the ende of the same yéere he easily obtained. There he sate about sixe yéeres, and October 13. 1407. was tran­slated to London. The yéere 1414. he trauayled to the Coun­sell of Constance, and preached in Latine before the Empe­ror, and other estates there assembled. In that Counsell, the long schisme was ended, and Martin the fift, chosen the sole Pope. The Counsell thinking it méete that thirty persons should be added to the Cardinals in this election, this Bishop was one of that number: In which also, there were that na­med him vnto the Papacy. Himselfe was the first that named the Cardinall Columna, who thereupon, the rest consenting, was immediately elected. This Bishop lyeth buried néere the place where the shrine of Saint Erkenwald stood toward the South: to wit, hard by the monument of Sir Christofer Hatton.

64 Iohn Kemp.

AFter him, the yéere 1422. succéeded Iohn Kemp, first 1422 Bishop of Rochester, then of Chichester. The yéere 1425. he was translated from London to Yorke, and [Page 152] afterwards to Canterbury. Sée more of him in Canterbury and Yorke.

65. William Gray.

VVIlliam Gray Deane of Yorke, was consecrate 1426 May 26. 1426. and the yéere 1431. translated to Lincolne. Sée Lincolne.

66. Robert Fitz-hugh.

RObert Fitz-hugh Doctor of Lawe, and Archdeacon of Northampton, was consecrate September 16. 1431. This man had béene twice Embassadour, once into Germa­ny, and another time to Rome. The yéere 1435. he was elec­ted Bishop of Ely, but died before his intended translation could be perfected, viz. vpon S. Maurices day 1435. and lyeth buried in the Presbitery, a little aboue the Bishops Sée, vn­der a Marble stone, inlaid with brasse.

67. Robert Gilbert.

RObert Gilbert Doctor of Diuinitie and Deane of Yorke, 1432 was consecrate the yéere 1432. and died 1448.

68. Thomas Kemp.

THe Pope of his absolute authoritie bestowed the Bi­shopricke 1449 of London vpon T. Kemp, the yéere 1449. He was consecrate at Yorke place (now called White Hall) February 8. 1449. by the handes of his vncle Iohn Kemp then Archbishop of Yorke. This man sate Bishop al­most 40. yéeres. He died March 28. 1489. and was buried in the vpper end of the body of his church betwéene two pillers, where he caused to be built ouer his tombe a sumptuous chappell, and erected (as I take it) a Chauntry in the same. He built Paules crosse in forme as now it standeth, & was a benefactor of our Uniuersity of Oxford, the particularity how farre foorth I know not.

69. I ohn Marshall.

THe Chapter elected for their Bishop one Richard Hyll, 1489 August 19. 1489. But I finde that Iohn Marshall (by the Popes appointment no doubt) became Bishop of London the same yeere, and died the yéere 1493. This man (if I be not deceiued) was Bishop of Landaff before his prefer­ment to London.

70. Richard Hyll.

MArshall being dead, the forenamed Richard Hyll (whe­ther 1493 by vertue of his old election or no I know not) obtained consecration the same yéere 1493. He lieth buried in the body of the church vnder a marble stone, bea­ring yet the title of his name though euen almost worne out.

71. Thomas Sauage.

THomas Sauage was first Bishop of Rochester, translated 1496 thence to London 1496. and from London to Yorke 1501. Sée more of him in Yorke.

72. William Warham.

VVIlliam Warham Doctor of Law, became Bishop 1503 of London in the beginning of the yéere 1503. In the end of 1504. he was translated to Canter­bury. Sée more of him there.

73. William Barnes.

IN the beginning of 1505. William Barnes was made Bi­shop 1505 of London, and died before the end of the same yéere.

74. Richard Fitz-Iames.

RIchard Fitz-Iames Doctor of Lawe, brought vp in Mer­ton 1506 college in Oxford, was consecrated Bishop of Ro­chester [Page 154] the yéere 1496. translated thence to Chichester 1504. & from Chichester to London 1506. He died the yéere 1521. A gentleman of an ancient house, learned and very vertuous. He was buried betwéene the two pillers next vnto the stéeple on the north side of the body of the church, vnder a marble stone, ouer which was built a kinde of tombe or chappell of wood, that by the burning of the stéeple was also consumed and quight defaced, June 4. 1561.

75. Cuthbert Tonstall.

CVthbert Tonstall Doctor of Lawe, Master of the 1521 Rolles, and kéeper of the priuy Seale, succéeded Ri­chard Fitz-Iames in the Bishopricke of London, and was translated to Durham March 25. 1530. Sée more of him in Durham.

76. Iohn Stokesley.

IOhn Stokesley was inthronized July 19. 1530. and de­parted 1530 this life September 8. 1539. He lieth buried in the Lady Chappell vnder a marble inlaid with brasse.

77. Edmund Boner.

EEmund Boner Doctor of Law and Archdeacon of Ley­cester, 1540 sometimes Master of the Cardinals faculties, had the Bishopricke of Hereford bestowed vpon him, at what time he was out of the realme Embassador vnto the Pope from king Henry the eight, for renouncing his autho­rity here in England. Soone after his returne, hauing yet scarcely entred vpon Hereford he was called to London, ele­cted October 20. 1539. and installed Aprill 3. 1540. How butcherly he behaued himselfe in that place, I referre you vn­to the report of Master Foxe. He was depriued October 1. 1549. restored by Quéene Mary August. 5. 1553. and lastly displaced againe by authority of Parliament May 30. 1559. He died in the Marshalsea September 5. 1569.

78. Nicolas Ridley.

AFter the first displacing of Bishop Boner, Nicholas 1549 Ridley Bishop of Rochester was translated to Lon­don and installed there Aprill 12. 1550. He was a gen­tleman of an ancient house, borne in the Bishopricke of Dur­ham, brought vp in Pembrooke Hall in Cambridge (where he proceeded Doctor of Diuinity) consecrate Bishop of Ro­chester September 25. 1547. remooued to London (as be­fore is mentioned, and lastly died for the constant profession of his faith October 16. 1555. the historie whereof and his whole life ye may read in Master Foxe more at large.

79. Edmund Grindall.

BIshop Boner being the second time depriued, Edmund 1559 Grindall was elected July 26. following, consecrate De­cember 1. 1559. translated to Yorke May 20. 1570. and after to Canterbury. Sée more of him in Canterbury.

80. Edwyn Sands.

EDwyn Sands Bishop of Worcester was confirmed Bi­shop 1570 of London July 13. 1570. He sate there about the space of sixe yeeres and was translated to Yorke. Sée more in Yorke.

81. Iohn Elmer.

IOhn Elmer Doctor of Diuinity and Archdeacon of Lin­colne 1576 succéeded. He sate almost eightéen yéeres, died at Ful­ham June 3. 1594 and was buried toward the North side of the East part of the church aboue the high altar.

82. Richard Fletcher.

THe Sée of Bristow hauing béene void many yéeres, Ri­chard 1594 Fletcher Doctor of Diuinity, Deane of Peterbo­rough, [Page 156] and one of her Maiesties chaplaines, was consecrate thereunto in December 1589. translated thence to Worce­ster in February 1593. and in the ende of the yéere 1594. to London. He died suddenly in his house at London, being (to sée to) well, sicke and dead in one quarter of an hower, June 15. 1596. and was buried in his owne Cathedrall church.

83. Richard Bancroft.

RIchard Bancroft Doctor of Diuinity was consecrate the 1597 eight of May 1597.

This Bishopricke is valued in the Queenes bookes at 1119, l. 8, s. 4, d. and yeelded the Pope from euery Bishop at his first entrance 3000. florens.

The Bishops of Winchester.

THE Cathedrall Church of Winches­ter (according to a report that I finde) was first built and erected by King Lu­cius who abolishing Paganisike, em­braced Christ the first yere of his raigne being the yéere of our Lord 180. and placing monks in the same, alotted for their mainteynance large reuenewes, which heretofore had belonged for the most part vnto the Flamines, and other heathen priests. This Church (as the same Author saith) was hallowed and dedicated vnto the ho­nor of our Sauiour. October 29. 189. by Faganus, and Da­mianus Bishops. About the space of 100. yéeres the Church of Christ had peace in this land, viz. vntill the raigne of Dio­clesian, who endeuouring to roote out Christian Religion, not onely killed the professors of the same, but also pulled downe all Churches, and Temples, any where consecrate vnto the exercise thereof. Amongst the rest, this of Winchester at that time went to wracke, the buildings thereof being ruinated and made euen with the ground, and the monkes, and all the officers belonging vnto it, either slaine, or enforced to fly for the present time, and yet afterward to deny Christ. This happened Ann. 289. Not long after the death of this cruell tyrant, to wit, the yeere 309. it was againe reedified, and that with such woonderfull for wardnesse and zeale, as within one yeere and thirty daies, both it and all the edifices belonging vnto it (as chambers, and other buildings, for the monkes and officers) were quite finished in very séemely and conue­nient manner. The 15. day of March following, it was a­gaine hallowed and dedicated vnto the honor and memory of Amphibalus (that had suffred death for Christ in the late per­secution) by Constans Bish (as my Author saith) of Winche­ster, at the request of Deadatus Abbot of this new erected Mo­nastery. 200. yéers and vpward it then continued in the same [Page 158] state, to wit, vntill the yéere 319. at which time Cerdick the first king of the West Saxons, being a Pagan, conuerted the Church into the temple of Dagon, slew & chased away all the monks and ministers of the same. Thus much for the first foundation of this Church, and the estate of the [...], vntill the comming of the Saxons. Now let vs procéede vnto the discourse of the Bishops, whose faries and succession after this time had neuer any notable interruption or disconti­nuance.

1. Birnius.

THe Prouince or kingdome of the Gewisses or West Saxons, containing the West part of England, was goucrned along time by one Bishop that was called the Bishop of the West Saxons. This Countrey after the Saxons inuaded the same, receiued first the faith of Christ in the time of King Kinigilsus by the preaching of Byroius the first Bishop, who being a very zealous and deuout man, ob­tained leaue of Honorus the Pope of Rome to aduenture himselfe in preaching Christ vnto Infidels. And his promise was to trauaile vnto the most Sauage and Barbarous peo­ple in the furthermost part of this Ile, that amongst them he might sowe the séedes of the Gospell: whereupon he was con­secrated Bishop by Asterius then Bishop of Genoa. But comming thither, and finding the countrey of the Gewisses, where he first arriued to be altogether Pagans, and without any knowledge of Christianity, he determined to go no far­ther to séeke that which euen there he had already met with­all. It pleased God so to blesse his labours, that in a short time not onely great numbers of the common people, and many of the nobles, but euen Kingilsus the king himselfe beléeued in Christ, and tooke on them the badge and cognisance of Chri­stianity by Baptisme. Oswald the king of Northumberland was present at what time Kinigilsus receiued this Sacra­ment and was his Godfather, being afterwards to become his sonne by the mariage of his daughter. These two Kings appointed vnto Birnius the City of Dorchester for his Cathe­drall Sée, where spending his time in preaching, aud other [Page 159] pastorall offices (not without great an inestimable profit) he died about the yeere 650. 15. yéeres after his first comming into this Countrey, & was buried there in his owne Church.

2. Agilbertus.

IN the meane time it had fallen out that Kinigilsus dying, 650 kenwalchus his sonne raigned in his stéede: who refusing the offer of the kingdome of heauen by refusing Christ, lost also soone after his earthly kingdome. He had maried the daughter of Penda king of Mercia or Mid-England, & (vpon what occasion I know not) putting her away, married ano­ther. For this cause Penda tooke armes against him and for­ced him out of his kingdome. Then for succour he fled vnto Anna king of Esser, a good man and very religious, in whose court he liued the space of thrée yéeres, and there was first brought vnto the faith of Christ. By the helpe of this good Prince he also was restored to his kingdome againe. His fa­ther had pulled downe the temple of Dagon, and begun the building of a very faire church in Winchester, but was taken away by death before he could finish it, and for maintenance of the ministers of the same had alotted al the countrey round about within seuen mile of the city. This building Kenwal­chus finished, and not onely ratified the foresaid gift of his fa­ther, but also himselfe bestowed vpon the same church the mannours of Downton, Alresford and Wordiam. Soone af­ter the conuersion of Kenwalchus, one Agilbertus (a French­man borne) that had spent a great time in Ireland in preach­ing the Gospell there, came into this countrey ann. 650. and of his owne accord tooke great paines in instructing the peo­ple. The king being giuen to vnderstaud of his learning and painefulnesse, prayed him to accept the pastorall charge of his Countrey; whereunto he agréed and continued in the same a long time.

3. Wina.

AT last it came to passe that the King misliking his spéech and vtterance (as not being able to deliuer his minde, but in broken and very bad English, caused an other [...] to be ordained one Wina a French man like­wise, but one that could speake very good English,) and diui­ding his Countrey into two parts, alotted the one vnto Agil­bert who held his Episcopall Sée as before is said at Dorche­ster, And the other vnto this same Wini appointing vnto him for his Sée the City of Winchester. This matter Agilbert taking very grieuously, (the rather for that it was done alto­gether without either his consent or knowledge) returned in a great chafe into his owne countrey, where soone after he was made Bishop of Paris. So Wini or Wina, was the first Bishop of Winchester, of whom some vainely suppose, the City to haue taken his name. He lyeth entoombed in the North part of the Presbitery vpon the top of a wall, where is to be seene this inscription, Hic iacent [...] Wini Episcopi. Not long after the departure of Agilbert, the king, (I know not for what cause) fell into great mislike of Wina and droue him out of his countrey, who flying vnto Wulfhere king of Mercia or Mid-England, bought of him for money (as it is said) the Bishopricke of London being the first Simonist that is mentioned in our histories.

4. Elentherius.

THe West Saxons were then a long time without a Bishop. In which meane space Kenwalchus perceiuing all things to go against the haire with him, and no­thing to prosper vnder his hand, but crosses and mischaunces to come thicke one in the necke of another; began to consider with him selfe, how that by neglecting religion, he first lost his kingdome, and no sooner embraced Christ, but he was re­stored to his crowne againe, and therefore perswaded him­selfe, that his negligence in appointing a Pastor that might looke vnto the seruice of God, was the cause why his worldly [Page 161] affaires had no better successe. Hereupon he sent an Emba­ssador into France vnto Agilbert to excuse the wrong hereto­fore done vnto him, & with all earnestnes to perswade him to returne vnto his former charge there againe. This though A­gilbert refused to do, alleaging that he was bound by promise not to forsake the place he now held: yet that he might shew his readines to gratifie the king in what he might, he sent ouer with the Embassador a priest named Elentherius his owne nephew that might (if so it pleased him) be ordained Pastor and Bishop of that countrey, testifying that (for his owne part) he thought him not vnworthy of the place. He was honorably receiued of the king and his people, and at their request consecrate Bishop by Theodorus then Archbi­shop of Canterbury. He continued Bishop seuen yéeres.

5. Headda.

AFter Elentherius succéeded Headda a very holy and 673 vertuous man, but one that profited more his charge in example of good life & cōuersation then in often prea­ching vnto them; (for as it should seeme) very learned he was not. Yet (if Beda say true) God approued his gouernment by the testimony of many miracles.

6. Daniell.

HE dying in the yéere 704. or (as some deliuer) 705. af­ter 704 he had sate somewhat aboue thirty yéeres; it seemed good to Ina then king of the West Saxons to diuide the pro­uince into two parts: whereof the one he committed vnto a kinsman of his owne called Aldelmus, commaunding him to make Sherborne his Sée, and vnto the other was ordained Daniell, who following the steps of his predecessors, conti­nued at Winchester. This man sate 43. yeeres, and at last perceiuing himselfe vnable to gouerne by reason of old age, he resigned his Bishopriche an. 741. and became a monke at Meldune or Malmesbury where he lieth buried.

7. Humfridus.

HVmfridus then gouerned this Sée for the space of eight yéeres, and died an. 756.

8. Kinehardus.

AFter him came Kinehardus of whom I finde nothing 756 recorded.

9. Hathelardus.

ANd after him Athelardus or Hathelardus Abbot of Meldune, who the yéere 794. was translated to the Metropoliticall Sée of Canterbury. Sée more in Can­terbury.

Then these:

  • 10. Egbaldus.
  • 11. Dudda.
  • 12. Kineberthus.
  • 13. [...].
  • 14. Wightheinus.
  • 15. Herefridus slaine of the Danes in battell, ann. 834.
  • 16. Edmundus.

ANd Helmstanus of whom likewise little or nothing is deliuered, but that he lieth buried vpon the North wall of the presbytery togither with one of his successors Kenul­phus, as these verses there written do shew.

Pontifices haec capsa duos tenet incineratos,
Primus Helstanus huic successorque Kenulphus.

ABout this time many suppose Athelwulf or Athulf (that was king of the West Saxons twenty yéeres) to haue béene first Bishop of Winchester by the space of seuen yeeres. Others report that he was a Cardinall of Rome also. Nei­ther of these can well be true. Certaine it is, that being in or­ders, [Page 163] viz. a Subdeacon, by the dispensation of Pope Leo he was taken out of the monastery of Winchester to be king: and that is all I finde of this matter worthy credit.

18. Swithunus.

AFter him succéeded Swithunus, the opinion of whose ho­lines hath procured him the reputation of a Saint. How miraculously he made whole a basket of egges that were all broken, and some other things scarce woorth the rehearsall: who so list may read them in Matthew Westminster in his report of the yeere 862. at what time (as he writeth) this Bi­shop died, and (according to his owne appointment) was bu­ried in the Church-yard. Some (I know not how truely) make him Chauncellor of England. Whatsoeuer his holi­nes was, his learning questionlesse was great; in respect whereof Egbert king of the West Saxons committed vnto his gonernment that same Ethelwolfe his yoonger sonne that of a Subdeacon in the church of Winchester, was afterward made king, as before is declared.

19. Adferthus.

ADferthus succéeded him in this Bishopricke, a man (saith Florilegus) sufficiently learned, and that a while discréet­ly and wisely gouerned this See.

20. Dumbertus.

DVmbertus the successor of Adferthus died in the yéere 879. and left his Bishopricke vnto Denewulsus.

21. Denewulsus.

THis Denewulsus (as the fame goeth) was sometimes 879 a hogheard, and dwelt in the place where the Abbey of Athelney in Sommersetshire was afterward builded. It happened at that time king Alfred that famous king of the West Saxons to be so néere followed of the Danes that [Page 164] sought nothing more than his life, as being abandoned of all his followers. He knew no better or more likely course for his safety then, (dissembling his estate) to deliuer himselfe for a time into the seruice of this hogheard, dwelling in a place (at that time) almost inaccessible & so of very little or no resort. So long he continued there, as his Master and Dame were almost weary of his seruice, wherein he was not so ready as a man should that had had education accordingly. Of her it is particularly deliuered, that when the King let certaine Cakes burne that she had set him to toast, she reprehended him sharply as an vnprofitable seruant in these words.

Vere quos cernis panes girare moraris,
Cum nimium gaudes hos manducare calentes.
These cakes that now to toast thou makest no hast,
When they are ready, thou wilt eate too fast.

At last it sell out, that the kings friends gathering them­selues together, he ioyned himselfe vnto them, and his sub­iectes (that now a great while thought him dead) resorted vnto him in so great numbers, as setting vpon the Danes, he ouerthrew them, and in a short time not onely brought them vnder his obedience, but also reduced in a manner the whole Realme of England into one Monarchy. Hauing thus reco­uered the peaceable possession of his crowne, he was not vn­mindfull of his olde Master, in whom perceiuing an excellent sharpnesse of wit, he caused him (though it were now late be­ing a man growen) to study, and hauing obtained some com­petency of learning, he preferred him to the Bishopricke of Winchester. Moreouer that he might shew himself thankfull vnto God aswell as man, in the place where this hogheard dwelt, he builte a stately Monastery, the wals whereof are yet partly standing.

22. Athelmus.

OF Athelmus that succéeded, this onely is recorded, that the yéere 888. he traueyled to Rome, to cary thi­ther the almes of king Alfred. I find not mention of this man any where but in Matth. Westm.


HE also reporteth that one Bertulsus Bishop of Winche­ster, ann. 897. was appointed a Gardian of the realme (amongst many others) by king Alfred to defend it against the Danes. Elsewhere I find him not mentioned.

23. Frithstane.

CErtaine it is, that in the yéere 905. one Frithstane was 905 consecrate with six other Bishops by Plegmund Arch­bishop of Canterbury at the commaundement of king Edmund the elder, the occasion whereof is elsewhere set downe. He was a man highly estéemed of for his learning, but much morefor his great vertue and holinosse. He sate a long time, and at last resigned, procuring one Brinstan to be his successor, ann. 931. the next yéere after he died: viz. 932.

24. Brinstan.

Brinstan (as is said) became Bishop, ann. 931. and died thrée yéeres after, viz. 934.

25. Elphegus Calvus.

HE died in the yéere 946. Of these thrée Bishops, diuers miracles are reported in histories, which néede not to be rehearsed.

26. Elfsinus, alias Alfsins.

HE sate till the yéeres 958. and then by bribery, and great summes of money, procured himselfe to be [...] to the Sée of Canterbury, of which preferment he had [...] ioye. Sée Cant.

27. Brithelmus.

He sate about fiue yéeres. For ann. 963. he died.

27. Ethelwald.

EThelwald Abbot of Abindon continued Bishop nine­téene 963 yéeres and died, 984. Angust 1. How Brinstan his predecessor appeared vnto him, challenging the ho­nor of a Saint, &c. Sée Matth. Westminster in ann. 965. he was a great patron of monkes, and no lesse enimy vnto ma­ried priests. At his first comming [...] expelled them out of the olde Monastery to place monks. In the yéere 867. the Danes had slaine all the monkes they could finde in Winchester. From which time, secular priests inhabited the same (being authorized by the king so to doo) till the yéere 971. a company of monkes were brought from Abingdon (of the Bishops old acquaintance it is like) to shoulder them out of the doores. Not contented thus to haue replenished his owne Church with monkes, hauing bought the Isle of Ely, he played the like rex in that Church (not yet Cathedrall) turning a long eight honest Priests into the world, with their wiues and children, to put in monkes. And then at Thorney, he built new or at leastwise repaired an old Monastery that had lay­en waste many yéeres. I may not let passe one commendable action of this bishop, that in time of a great dearth brake all the plats belonging to his Church, and gaue it to the poore; saying, that the Church might in good time hereafter againe be prouided of ornaments necessary, but the poore perished for want of foode, could not be recouered.

29. Elphegus.

ELphegus Abbot of Bathe succéeded him, an honest and 984 learned man. He was translated to Canterbury ann. 1006. sée more of him in Cant.

30. Kenulphus, alias Elsius.

THis man againe is infamous for simony, and aspiring 1006 by corrupt meanes to this place. He was Abbot of Pe­terborough, and hauing enioyed his deare bought pre­ferment litle more then one yéere was called from it by death. Euen so it fell out with Elsius for Canterbury to make the old saying true, ill gotten goods seldome prosper. Kenulphus died ann. 1008. And lyeth buried in his owne Church, as before is mentioned.

31. Brithwold.

BRithwold (whom Matth. Westm. séemeth to call Elthel­wold) was Bishop after Kenulphus. It is written of him, that one night being late at his prayers, he chaunced to thinke of the lowe ebbe of the bloud royall of England, which now was almost all consumed and brought to nothing. In the middest of this cogitation falling a sléepe, it séemed vnto him he sawe Saint Peter crowning yoong Prince Edward, that li­ued in exile at that time in Normandy, and furthermore, to shew how he should raigne 24. yéers, and die at the last with­out issue. This Bishop then (as he thought) asked him who should raigne next, whereunto this answere was made. The Kingdome of England is Gods Kingdome, and he shall pro­uide a King for it. This dreame reported by very Auncient writers and falling out iust according to the prediction, may be an example vnto vs, not altogether to neglect and despise the admonition of dreames, which often fall out strangely. This Bishop whether Brithwold or Ethelwold died the yéere 1015.

32. Elsinus, or Eadsinus.

ELsinus or Ealsinus otherwise called Eadsinus, was first Chaplaine vnto King Harald, and by him preferred to the Bishopricke of Winchester, from whence the yéere 1038. he was translated to Canterbury, sée more of him in Cant.

33. Alwynus.

HE was of very great authority with Emma the kings mother, that fauoured him so much, as many suspected them for liuing ill together. Robert the Archbishop of Canter­bury acquainted the king with this rumor. Whereupon the king presently imprisoned Alwyn and dealt little better with his mother, with whom also he was otherwise offended for allowing him so scantly in time of his minority. She séemed to purge her selfe by miracle, offring to walke vpon nine plow shares red hotte to prooue her innocency, which shée is said to haue performed, and so was restored to the fauour of her sonne againe. Alwyn also was set at liberty; and Ro­bert the Archbishop their accuser (whether for shame or feare I cannot tell) was glad to get him out of the realme. What else is to be deliuered of this Bishop, this his Epitaphe con­taineth.

Hic iacet Alwyni corpus qui munera nobis,
Contulit egregia, [...] Christe rogamus.
Obijt anno 1047.

He lieth entoombed vpon the North wall of the Presbytery in Winchester, with [...] of his predecessors before men­tioned. Sée more of him in Robert Archbishop of Canter bury.

34. Stigandus.

HE was chaplaine vnto Edward the Confessor, and by 1047 him preferred to the Bishopricke of Elmham (whence that Sée was shortly remooued to Norwich) 1043. In the short time he staied there (not past fower yéeres) he had much adoo with one Grinketell, that by money found meanes to cast out Stigand and placed himselfe. He could not kéepe his hold long: For Stigand quietly recouered it againe, and held it till that the yéere 1047. he was translated to Winchester: from whence also he was remooued to Canterbury in the yéere 1052. But whether he [...] his title to Canter­bury, Robert the former Archbishop being yet aliue, or whe­ther [Page 169] insatiable couetousnes prouoked him thereunto, I can not tell; he retained still Winchester, notwithstanding his preferment to Canterbury, which was the cause of his vndo­ing at last. For the Conqueror who came into this realme while he was Archbishop, being desirous to place his owne countrey men in all roomes of speciall authority; and besides hauing a priuate grudge at Stigand for forcing him to yéeld Kentish men their ancient liberties (whereof sée more in Can­terbury) procured him to be depriued of both his Bishopricks vpon this point, that he had contrary to the lawe held them both together. He lieth intoombed at Winchester with Wyni the first Bishop, inclosed (as it séemeth to me) with him in the same coffin: vpon the North side thereof is written:

Hiciacet Stigandus Archiepiscopus.

He was depriued an. 1069. and died a prisoner in the castle of Winchester soone after.

35. Walkelyn.

SOone after the depriuation of Stigand, Walkelyn a 1070 chaplaine of the kings was consecrate Bishop of Win­chester, viz. an. 1070. He fauoured not monkes, but dis­placed them where he might, and put in secular priests in their roomes. He died Ianuary 3. 1097. So he continued Bi­shop 27 yéeres. In his time, to wit, the yéere 1079. the Ca­thedrall church of Winchester that now standeth began first to be built.

36. William Giffard.

AT this time lay Princes euery where tooke vpon them 1107 to bestowe Bishoprickes, giuing inuestiture and possession of them by deliuering the ring and the cro­sier. Pope Gregory the seuenth first withstood Henry the Emperour in this case, and made him at last glad to yéeld vnto canonicall elections. King Henry the first taking vnto himselfe the like authority, placed diuers of his chaplaines in Bishoprickes (without election) commanding the Archbi­shop to consecrate them. Amongst diuers other he appointed [Page 170] this William Giffard Bishop of Winchester, and required Anselme the Archbishop to consecrate him. Anselme vtterly denied to afford consecration either vnto him or any other in the like case. The king sent then vnto Girard Archbishop of Yorke whom he found nothing strange. But Giffard (saith Matthew Westminster) timens rigorem Sancti Anselm, sper­nit consecrationem eius, stood so much in awe of Saint An­selme as he durst not but reiect the offer of the others conse­cration. The king angry hitherto with the Archbishop one­ly, was now much more incensed against this Giffard, and in great displeasure banished him the realme. In the ende, the king and the Archbishop grew to this agréement, that the gifts of the king already passed should be ratified, and his clerkes nominated to Bishoprickes, haue consecration vpon promise, that hereafter he should not disturbe canonicall elections, and vtterly renounce his pretended priuiledge. So after much adoo he was consecrate together with diuers other, an. 1107. He sate 21. yéeres, and dying Ianuary 25. 1128. was buried at Winchester in his owne church: how­beit I sée no memoriall of him there at all.

37. Henry de Bloys.

THis man was brother vnto king Stephen, first Abbot 1129 of Bermondsey, then of Glastonbury, and Nouember 17. 1129. consecrated Bishop of Winchester: yet not preferred to these places for fauour onely, and regard of his nobility, for he was very learned. He writ many things both in prose and verse (if Bale say true) and amongst the rest one booke extant conteining an history of the finding of king Arthurs bones in the abbey of Glastonbury, at what time himselfe was Abbot, and a speciall dooer in that action. If in all the stures and contentions betwixt his brother and Maud the Empresse concerning the kingdome, he stucke close vnto his brother, it is no great maruaile. Yet true it is, that his brother being taken prisoner by the Empresse ann. 1141. he accursed and excommunicate all those that stoode against her, whom no man doubted to be the true inheretrice of the crowne. By his meanes notwithstanding, his brother reco­couered [Page 171] quickly his liberty and kingdome. In the meane time the Empresse being iealous of the Bishop, came sodainly to Winchester; and the Bishop doubting her comming to be to no other end but to surprise him, went out at one gate as she entred at another. Within a fewe daies hauing gotten force about him, he returned to Winchester in an vnhappy houre. For (whether by his direction or no, it is not certaine; but by his company out of all question) the city was fired, the grea­test part thereof being burnt downe to the ground, togither with the Nunnery, the Monastery of Saint Grimbald, and more then 20. other Churches, (some say 40.) This hap­ned vpon the 2. day of August 1141. Soone after, his men burnt and spoiled the Nunnery of Warwell, and himselfe re­turning to Winch. tooke off from the crosse that was burnt in the new Monastery 500. l. of siluer & 30. marke of gold, thrée crownes with so many seates of fine Arabike gold set with precious stones. All this he put in his owne purse. Now to remember his good déedes also, you shall vnderstand that he founded that woorthy Hospitall of Saint Crosse néere Win­chester: In which place some thing had beene built long be­fore to some such good vse. But it was destroied by the Danes, and quite ruinated, til this Bishop reedified it, or rather laide new foundations in the same place, ann. 1132. and endowed it with the reuenew it now hath. He also built the castell of Farnham, destroied afterward by king Henry the 3. but re­edified by the Bishops of Winch. He was a man as of great bloud, so of a great and high minde. He contended often with the Archbishop of Canterbury for superiority, vnder colour that he was the Popes legate a latere, and (as some deliuer) a Cardinall. Matthew Westm. reporteth that he obtained of Pope Lucius the title of an Archbishop, receauing from him a pall and authority ouer seuen churches; But what or which they were I finde not. In the 47. yéere of his consecra­tion, he fell sicke dangerously: whereof the king, Henry the 2. hearing, came to visite him: But he was so farre from yeel­ding the king thanks for this great grace, as he gaue him no lookes but frowning, nor spéeches but very sharpe and curst: reprehending him with very bitter words as the causer of Thomas Beckets death. Yet such was the great méekenesse of [Page 172] this prince, as he not onely tooke very patiently this reproofe, but long after thought much of the same. And surely no great maruell: The memory of a dying mans words abideth long: How much more of a Bishop, a graue, wise, and ancient pre­late. He departed this life August 6. 1171. where he was bu­ried I know not.

38. Richard Tocline alias More.

AFter the death of the former Bishop, the Sée stood void 1174 thrée yéeres: many other Churches likewise at the same time stoode long voide. At last the yéere 1173. by the instance of two Cardinals, the king granted licence of frée election vnto them all. Unto Winchester was then cho­sen Richard Tocline Archdeacon of Poitiers, by some called More, by other Richard de Iuelcester: He was consecrate at Lambhith the yéere following, viz. 1174. togither with thrée other Bishops, Geffery of Ely, Robert of Herford, and Iohn of Chichester. He died December 22. 1187. or as his Epi­taph hath 1189. He lieth entombed in the north wall of the Presbytery, iust vnder Wina, where is ingrauen this that followeth:

Obijt anno. Dom. 1189.
Presulis egregij pausant hic membra Ricardi
Tocline, cui summi gaudio sunto poli.

39. Godfridus de Lucy.

HE was sonne vnto Richard Lucy chiefe Justice of En­gland, 1189 consecrate Bishop of Winchester Nouember 1. 1189. and died an. 1204. so he sate 15. yéeres. This man pur­chased of king Richard the first the mannors of Wergraue and Menes, which in times past had belonged vnto his Sée of Winchester, but (I know not how) had béene alienated from the same. Moreouer, he became a great benefactor vnto the Priory of Westwood in Kent founded by his father.

40. Peter de la Roche.

THis man borne in Poytiers being a knight was con­secrate 1204 Bishop of Winchester at Rome an 1204. A no­table wise prelate, and of such authority vnder king Iohn first, and Henry the third after, as none greater in those times. He with two other Bishops, viz. Philip his countrey­man of Durham, and Iohn Gray of Norwich, animated king Iohn to withstand the Popes excommunication: but they were all faine to cry peccaui at last. The yéere 1214. king Iohn made him chiefe Justice of England: the nobles of the realme grudging very much that a stranger borne should rule ouer them. After the death of king Iohn, king Henry be­ing a childe, the realme was long gouerned almost altoge­ther by this Bishop. For William Earle Marshall dying, he was chosen in his roome Protector of the king and realme: And afterwards the king being growen to yéeres of discreti­on, relyed altogither vpon his counsell. He had a nephew (or as some say a sonne) named Peter d' Orinall Treasurer of England, in maruellous great fauour also with king Henry. Yet as court fauours are variable; so were they often disgra­ced and often restored againe to the height of worldly happi­nes, I meane the Princes great and entire fauour. The yéere 1226 he tooke his voyage to the Holy land, and being absent fiue yéeres, at his returne was receiued with [...] and all signes of great ioy. He died June 9. 1238. at Faruham, when he had sate Bishop the space of 24. yéeres, and was bu­ried (according to his owne appointment) very meanely and euen obscurely in his owne church. In his death (saith M. Paris) the counsell of England receiued a great wound. What good soeuer happened vnto the church, either by peace or warre in the Holy land at the comming of the Emperour Fredericke, it is specially to be ascribed vnto the wisedome of this Bishop. Againe (saith he) when as discord betwéene the Pope and the Emperour threatned the destruction of the whole church; he was the speciall meanes of compounding a peace betwéene them. Now of the religious houses he built, and being built enriched with reuenewes for their mainte­nance; [Page 174] These be the names. Hales of the order of Premon­stratenses, Tickford of the same order, Saleburne of the order of Saint Augustine, viz. Canons regular, and a goodly hospi­tall at Portsmouth. Againe he remooued the Church of S. Thomas the Martyr, in the holy land from a very vnfit place, vnto a more conuenient, and reformed the statues of the com­pany belonging to the Church, causing the Patriark of Hie­rusalem to take order, that whereas they were heretofore méere lay men, now they should be vnder the Templers and of their society. And lastly, he bestowed great cost in fortifying and repayring the Towne of Joppa, a notable succour and refuge of the Christians in those parts. He made a worthy and memorable will, giuing vnto euery of the foresaid places a huge summe of money: for the least that he gaue was vnto the house of S. Thomas of Acon, vnto which he beaqueathed 500. marks. All this notwithstanding, he left his Bishopricke very rich, his houses furnished, and his grounds ready Stoc­ked for his successor. Thus farre M. Paris.

41. William de Raley.

THe Sée being thus voide by the death of Peter derupi­bus, 1243 the king Henry the 3. dealt very earnestly with the monks of Winchester to choose in his place the Bishop elect of Ualentia, the Quéenes vncle. But they were agréed vpon W. de Raley, Bishop of Norwich, and tooke exceptions against the elect of Ualentia, calling him virum sanguinum. When the king heard of their intent, he was excéeding angry and made great hauocke of the Bishops temporalties, swea­ring, he would haue his will at last, or they should neuer haue Bishop. The monks then séeing him so obstinately set against the Bishop of Norwich, determined to alter their purpose, and were content to choose Ralfe Neuill Bishop of Chichester, the kings Chauncellor: wherein they were so farre from con­tenting him, as he was much more incensed against them then before; and not against them onely, but the new elect also; from whom immediately, he tooke the great seale and gaue it to another. As for the election, not without great char­ges, he caused the same to be [...] and made void at Rome. [Page 175] Much adoo there was, for the space of fiue or sixe yéeres about this matter. At last the monkes séeing no end, and being re­solued against the Ualentine; they procéeded to election a­gaine, and chose according to their first determination, the Bishop of Norwich. This election was suddenly made and quickly confirmed at Rome. Yet the king ceased not to spurne at the same, commaunding the Mayor of Winchester to for­bid the new Bishop entrance, which he did, and was by him excommunicate for his labor, and the whole City interdicted. In the meane time the Bishop fealt the burthen of the Kings displeasure so heauy vpon him in England, as he thought good to flie the realme. He got him into Fraunce, and was honora­bly receiued of the king there. At last, by the intercession of Boniface the Archbishop, and the Popes earnest letters vnto the King and the Quéene, he was restored to the Kings fauor and obtained licence to returne. For recompence of this be­nefite and his fatherly care, the Bishop (saith Matth. Westm.) in thankfulnesse bestowed vpon the Pope 6000. markes, which he in good nature tooke euery penny, without disdaine­full returne of one denier. The payment of this money, and the charges of his trouble stucke so close vnto him, as though he liued very priuately, in all his life long, he was neuer a­ble to recouer himselfe out of debt. He died about the twentith day of September, 1249. at Turon, whither he had with­drawen himselfe with a very small traine almost a yéere be­fore. It is recorded of him, that being néere death, he had the Sacrament brought vnto him. And perceiuing the Priest to enter his chamber with it, he cryed out, stay good friend, let the Lord come no néerer vnto me, it is more fit that I be drawen vnto him as a traytor, that in many things haue been a traytor vnto him. His seruants therefore by his commaun­dement drew him out of his bed vnto the place where the Priest was, and there with teares he receiued the Sacra­ment, and spending much time in prayer, afterward, he so ended his life, when he had béene Bishop about the space of sixe yéeres: for he was translated, ann. 1243. so that the Sée was void fiue yéeres.

42. Ethelmarus.

THe King being certified ef his death, sent immediately two of his Chaplaines to Winchester, to perswade the monkes to elect Ethelmarus the sonne of Hugh Earle of March, and Isabell the Quéene his mother, so that he was halfe brother vnto the king, a man (saith M. Paris) in respect of his orders, yéeres, and learning, vtterly vnsufficient. By that time they had labored the matter the space of a fortnight, the king himselfe came vnto Winchester, and in the Chap­ter house made a most earnest request in the behalfe of his brother. The monkes too well remembring what great trou­ble & sorrow they had endured for denying the kings last re­quest, some of them beaten and sore wounded, many tormen­ted with hunger, and laden with chaines, in long imprison­ment, besides continuall charges, of sutes and trauaile, and knowing wel they should haue no assistance at Rome, so long as the Kings purse was better then theirs: they resolued (though they knew the man most vnfit) to gratifie the King, and so no man daring to say no, with one consent he was elec­ted. He had at that time other spirituall liuing equiualent in reuenue to the Archbishopricke of Canterbury, which that he might kéepe and yet receiue all the profits of the Bishopricke of Winchester; he determined not to be consecrate at all, but to hold it by his election, and so did indéed, for the space of 9. yéeres. In the meane time, he and the rest of his countreymen (with whom the realme was much pestered) were growen very odious as well with the nobility, as the commons, not onely for that their infinite wealth and immoderate prefer­ment, was much enuied, but much more for their pride, and insolency which a man can hardly beare in his owne friend, much lesse in an alien and stranger, whom men naturally dislike much sooner then their owne Countreymen. Amongst the rest, this [...] bare himselfe so bold vpon the King his brother, as he gaue commaundement to his seruants to force a clergy man out of the possession of a benefice, where­unto he pretended some right; and if he withstood them, to draw him out of his possession in contumelious manner. [Page 177] The poore man loath to loose his liuing, defended it so long, til by my Lord Electes men he was slaine himselfe, and his people so soare beaten, as within few daies one or two of them died. This fact and other like brought all the Pictaui­ans into such hatred, as the realme [...] ready to rise against them: which perceiuing, to auoid the tēpest growing towards them, the yeere 1268. they all [...] the realme. Ethelmar sent ouer for his treasure whereof he had laide vp great store: but much of it came short being intercepted at Douer, and taken away from those to whom it was committed. The yéere af­ter the departure of the Pictauians, viz. 1259. the monkes of Winchester thought good to procéed to the election of a new Bishop. And knowing it was to no purpose to make choice of any, but such as the king fauoured, elected Henry de Wing­ham then Chauncellor of England. But he, although (he doubted not of the kings fauour) in regard that another being elected it might prooue litigious, refused to consent vnto their election, alleaging his owne vnwoorthines for want of lear­ning. The king was content to allow of him condicionally that some stay might be made for a time to sée whether his brother Ethelmar might attaine consecration of the Pope. While the king stood vpon these vncertaine tearmes, Henry de Wengham became Bishop of London the yéere 1259 & 2. yéeres; after, viz. 1261. Ethelmar died. He tooke order his hart should be brought to Winchester where it was intoombed in the South wal of the presbytery as this Elogium witnesseth.

Obijt anno Dom. 1261.
Corpus [...], [...] cor nunc tenet istud
[...], [...] morte [...].

43. Iohn Gernsey.

IOhn Gernsey or Iohn of Oxford (for so also I find him cal­led) 1265 was consecrate Bishop an. 1265. at Rome, where it is said he paid vnto the Pope 6000. markes for his conse­cration, and so much more vnto Iordanus the Popes Chaun­cellor. Presently vpon his returne he was suspended by Ot­tobonus the Popes legate for taking part against the king in the Barons wars, he enioyed a small time his honor so déere­ly [Page 178] bought: the yéere 1268. he died in Italy and was buried there at Uiterbium.

44. Nicholas de Ely.

RIchard Moore a Doctor of Diuinity was then chosen 1268 Bishop. But Fryer Peckham at that time Archbishop of Canterbury tooke exception against him for holding of many benefices. And said, that a man of such conscience as were fit for that place, would rather content himselfe with lesse liuing, then load himselfe with the cure of so many soules. He being refused, Nicholas de Ely hauing béene scarcely one yere Bishop of Worcester, was called to this church. He sate 12. yéeres, & died an. 1290. his body was buried at Wauerly, his hart lieth entoombed in the South wall of the Presbytery with this inscription:

Intus est cor Nicholai Episcop. cuius corpus est apud Wauerley.

One of his name was first Chauncellor, then treasurer of England about the yéere 1260. I assure my selfe it was he.

45. Iohn de Pontissara.

ABout this time the Pope began to take vpon him the 1280 bestowing of Bishoprickes for the most part euery where. This Iohn de Pontissara was placed by him vpon his absolute authority. He was a great enimy vnto the monkes of his church, whose liuing he much diminished to encrease his owne. He died the yéere 1304. hauing sate néere 24. yéeres, and lyeth buried in the North wall of the Presby­tery. His toombe hath this Epitaphe engrauen:

Defuncti corpus, tumulus tenet iste Ioannis.
Pountes, Wintoniae presulis eximij.
Obijt anno Dom. 1304.

46. Henry Woodloke.

HEnry Woodloke succéeded him. Robert Winchelsey 1304 Archbishop of Canterbury being banished the realme by king Edward the first, who charged him with trea­son, this Bishop became an intercessor for him, and in the re­quest he made to the king in his behalfe chaunced to call him his good Lord: which the king tooke so haynously, as by and by he caused all the Bishops goods to be confiscate and re­nounced all protection of him. How he recouered the kings fa­uour againe, I finde not. Not long after the said king dying, by the permission of the foresaid Archbishop he crowned king Edward the second Ianuary 22. 1307. and died an. 1316. the 13. yéere of his consecration.

47. Iohn Sendall.

VVAlsingham called this man Iohn Kendall, he was 1316 Chauncellor of England, and died 1320. hauing scarcely sate fower yéeres.

48. Reginaldus Asserius.

THe Pope then thrust in Reginald de Asser[?] his legate, 1320 the king being very angry that the Pope tooke so much vpon him in these things. He was consecrate by the Bishop of London ( Walter the Archbishop refusing to afford it vnto him) sate little aboue two yéeres, and died an. 1323.

49. Iohn de Stratford.

IOhn de Stratford Doctor of Law succéeded. When he had 1323 continued in this seat 10. yeeres an. 1333. He was tran­slated to Canterbury. Sée more of him in Canterbury.

50. Adam Tarlton, alias de Orlton.

ADam de Arlton Doctor of law borne in Hereford, was 1333 consecrate Bishop of Hereford September 26. 1317. In a parliament holden at London an. 1324. he was accused of treason, as hauing aided the Mortimers with men and armor against the king. When he should haue béene arraigned (a thing till that time neuer heard of that a Bishop should be arraigned) the Archbishops of Canterbu­ry, Yorke and Dublin with their Suffragan Bishops came vnto the barre and violently tooke him away. Notwithstan­ding the accusation being found true, his temporalties were seased into the kings hāds, vntill such time as the king (much deale by his machination and deuise) was deposed of his kingdome. If he which had béene a Traytor vnto his Prince before, after deserued punishment for the same, would soone be entreated to ioyne with other in the like attempt, it is no maruell No man so forward as he in taking part with Isabel the Quéene against her husband king Edward the second. Shée with her sonnes aud army being at Oxford, this good Bishop stept vp into the pulpit, and there taking for his text these words (My head grieueth me) he made a long discourse to prooue that an euill head, not otherwise to be cured, must be taken away. Hauing gotten the king into their power, he fearing least if the king at any time recouered his liberty and crowne againe, they might receiue condigne punishment, counselled the Quéene to make him away. Whereunto she being as ready and willing as he to haue it done, they writ certaine letters vnto the kéepers of the old king, signifieng in couert termes what they desired. They either not perfect­ly vnderstanding their meaning, or desirous to haue some­what to shew for their discharge, pray them in expresse words to declare vnto them whether they would haue them put the king to death or no. To which question this subtill foxe fra­med this answere, Edwardum occidere nolite timere, bonum est. If you set the point betwéene nolite and timere it forbid­deth: if betwéene timere and bonum it exhorteth them to the committing of the fact: whereupon the king was made [Page 181] away, and most pitifully murthered by thrusting a hot spit into his fundament. And who then so earnest a persecutor of the murtherers as this Bishop, that when diuers of his let­ters were shewed against him, eluded and auoyded them by sophisticall interpretation, and vtterly denied that he was any way consenting to that haynous fact. How cleanely he excused himselfe I know [...]: But sure I am he was so farre from receiuing punishment, as within two moneths after, viz. in Nouember 1327. he was preferred vnto the Bishop­ricke of Worcester sixe yéeres after that he was translated thence to winchester by the Pope December 1. 1333. at the request of the French king: which king Edward taking in very ill part, for that the French king and he were enimies, deteined from [...] his temporalties till that in a parlia­ment at the sute of the whole cleargy, he was content to yéeld them vnto him. He sate Bishop of Winchester 11. yeeres 7. moneths and 17. daies: and being a long time blind before his death, departed this life July 18. 1345.

51. William Edendon.

THe same yeere William Edendon was consecrate Bi­shop, 1345 a man in very great fauour with King Edward the third, being treasurer of England, he caused groats and halfe groats, to be coyned the yeere 1350. (coyne not séene in England before) but they wanted some thing of the iust sterling waight, which was the cause that the prices of all things rose then very much. And where as many other times the like practise hath béene vsed, in so much that fiue shillings hath now scarce so much siluer in it, as fiue groats had 300. yéeres since, no maruell if things be sold for treble the price that they were 300. yéere agoe. Hereof also it com­meth to passe, that the Prince and Nobility cannot possible maintaine their estates, with their auncient rents and reue­newes, which bring in, though the wonted tale and number, yet not the due waight and quantity of mettall. But to re­turne to William Edendon, he was also Chauncellor of Eng­land, and once elect Archbishop of Canterbury, but refused to accept it. He founded a Monastery at Edendon (where he [Page 182] was borne) for a kinde of religious men called Bon-hommes: he died ann. 1366. when he had béene Bishop almost one and twenty yéeres, and lyeth in a very faire toombe of Alaba­ster on the South side of the entrance into the quier, whereon is engrauen this rude Epitaphe.

Edindon natus, Willmus hic est tumulatus,
Praesul praegratus in Wintonia Cathedratus.
Qui pertransitis eius memorare velitis,
[...] & mitis, ausit cum mille peritis.
Peruigil anglorum fuit adiutor populorum,
[...] egenorum pater & protector eorum.
M. C. tribus [...] post LXV. sit I. punctum.

His successor William Wickham sewed his Executors for dilapidations, and recouered of them 1662. l. 10. s. besides 1556. head of neate, 3876. weathers, 4717. ewes, 3521. lambes, and 127. swyne, all which stocke it séemeth belonged vnto the Bishopricke of Winchester at that time.

52. William Wickham.

AT the Kings request, William Wickham, his Chap­laine, principall Secretary, and kéeper of the priuy seale, soone after Edendons death was both elected by the Prior and couent of Winchester, and allowed of by the Pope who now tooke vpon him to haue an interest in the dis­position of all our Bishoprickes, as elsewhere I haue more at large discoursed. This man was the sonne of one Iohn Perot and Sibill his wife, for whose place of buriall, he erected a Chappell afterwards at Tichfield néere the towne of Wick­ham in Hampshire. In that towne he was borne the yéere of our Lord 1324. and (according to the manner of most clear­gy men in those times) of that towne the place of his birth tooke his sirname. I finde also recorded, that he was woont to be called sometimes by the name of Long, and that (as it is probably supposed) for no other cause, but in regard of his stature, which they say was very tall. He was brought vp first at Winchester, and then at Oxford, at the charge of a Gentleman called Nicholas Vnedall or Woodall. In these places (hauing first passed the rudiments of Grammer) he [Page 183] studied Logicke, Geometry, Arithmetique, and the French tongue, but principally the Ciuill and Canon lawes. In all which as he profited excéedingly for the time he spent in them; so there is no doubt he would haue prooued so excellent as men are woont that doo long and painefully imploy good wits to such purposes, had he not béene euen as it were violently drawne from them when his abode and continuance in the Uniuersity might séeme most requisite. His Patrone and ex­hibitioner being appointed Constable of Winchester Castle, (an office of great importance in those daies) he would imploy this his yoong scholler as his clarke or secretary, and so tooke him from the Uniuersity when he had as yet continued there not fully sixe yéeres. How long he liued so vnder him I finde not: But certaine it is, his seruice was very well liked of him: For besides his personage (which was tall and excée­ding comely) not to speake any thing of his learning (where­of his Master could make no great vse) he writ very faire, penned excellently, & spake no man better. By reason where­of, he was often imployed in writing letters, yea and some­times in messages also to the Court, not onely by his master, but by the Bishop, that a while vsed to borrow him of his ma­ster, and at the last drew him to his seruice. It happened then after a while, king Edward the third to come to Winchester, who taking speciall note of the behauiour & other good partes of this yoong man, would néedes haue him to serue him. He imployed him much at the first, in surueighing his buildings at Douer, Duynborough, Henly, Windsor, Yestanstead, and elsewhere. In which & all other businesses committed to him, he behaued himselfe so well, as he soone grew into great fauour and high estimation with the king, and quickly reaped those fruites that Princes fauours are woont to yéeld, many rich and honorable preferments. It shall not be amisse to re­member, how that hauing obtained diuers goodly promoti­ons which he acknowledged to haue receiued rather as re­wards of seruice, then in regard of any extraordinary desert otherwise, he caused to be engrauen in Winchester Tower at Windsor these words, (This made Wickham.) Whereof when some complained to the King as a thing derogating from his honor, that another should seeme to beare the charge [Page 184] of his buildings, and the king in great displeasure reprehen­ded him for it: He answered, that his meaning was not to ascribe the honor of that building to himselfe, but his owne honor of preferments vnto that building; Not importing that Wickham made the Tower, but that the Tower was the meanes of making Wickham, and raising him from base estate, vnto those great places of honor he then enioyed. He was first Parson of Saint Martins in London, then Deane of Saint Martin le graund, Archdeacon successiuely of Lin­colne, Northampton, and Buckingham, all of the gift of his old acquaintance Iohn Bokingham Bishop of Lincolne, with whom & Simon Burleigh (a knight afterwards of great honor) he onely in a manner conuersed during his abode in Oxford. Besides these ecclesiasticall preferments, the Pro­uostship of Wels, a number of benefices, and twelue Pre­bends in seuerall Churches, he held many temporall offices, as the Secretaryship, the kéeping of the priuy seale, the Ma­stership of wardes, the treasurership of the Kings reuenues in Fraunce, and diuers other with whose stiles I am not ac­quainted. But the yéerely reuenewes of his spirituall promo­tions onely according as they were then rated in the Kings bookes, amounted vnto 876. l. 13. s. 4. d. He was consecrate Bishop of Winchester, the yéere 1367. and was made soone after first treasurer, then Chauncellor of England, (although whether he were treasurer or no I find some doubt made, and I dare not [...] it too confidently) whether he were treasu­rer or no, certaine it is, that many yéeres after he was Bishop he was trusted with all the waighty affaires of the realme disposed of the kings treasure, and gouerned all things at his will. In this greatnesse of his authority, the king found two notable commodities, one, that without his care all thinges were ordred so well, as by a wise and trusty seruant they might; the other, that if any thing fell out amisse, wheresoe­uer the fault were, the king had oportunity to cast all the blame vpon the Bishop of Winchester. Now whereas long and continuall warre (whereby lightly each party is a looser) had consumed, not that onely that many victories brought in, by the raunsome of two kings, and by the spoyle of diuers large countries which this noble Prince subdued; but other [Page 185] huge summes of money also gathered at home by vnusuall subsidies, and taxations much grudged at by the commons; all which notwithstanding, the king was so bare, as, for the paiment of debts, he was constrained to bethinke him first of some new deuice to raise money: The Bishops enimies ta­king the aduantage of this occasion; induced the king to be content that a solemne complaint might be framed against him, as if by his misgouernement, the kings treasure had beene either vainely wasted, or falsely imbesilled, for that otherwise for sooth it was impossible the king should so be fal­len behind hand: They charge him therefore with the receite of 1109600. l. (which amounteth to more then a million of poundes) besides a hundred thousand frankes paied vnto him by Galeace Duke of Millaine. For all this they demaund sodainely an account, and to set a better colour vpon the mat­ter, patch vp a number of other accusations, partly vntrue, partly friuolous, yet sufficient happily to bleare the eies of the common people, and diuerting the displeasure of this in­conuenience from them on whom otherwise it must haue lighted, to deriue it vnto him, vpon whom if it fell neuer so heauily, it could cast him no lower then that place frō whence the king had first raised him. Amongst many enimies that go­uernement and enuy had prouoked against him; Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster for some other cause néedlesse here to be [...], bare vnto him an implacable hatred. The King was then old and very impotent, the Duke his eldest sonne [...], and so gouerning all thinges vnder him. The Duke therefore found meanes that William Skipwith Lord chiefe Justice condemned him as guilty of those accusations, pro­cured his temporalties to be taken from him, and to be be­stowed vpon the yoong Prince of Wales, and lastly comman­ded him in the kings name, not to come within twenty miles of the Court. The yeere 1376. happened vnto him this trou­ble, which I may call the Prologue or [...] of the page­ant to be plaid the yéere following. I meane the Parliament, the chiefe end and purpose whereof was a subsidy, that this Prelates vexation must make way vnto. The Cleargy as­sembled, gréeuing much at the vniust oppression of so woor­thy and reuerend a man; (for his sidelity vnto his Prince, [Page 186] his great care of the common good, his wisedome and in­tegrity were well inough knowen to such as vnderstoode any thing) they vtterly refused to debate of any matter what soeuer, till the Bishop of Winchester, a principall member of that assembly might be present with them. By this meanes, licence was obtained for his repaire thi­ther, and thither he came, glad he might be néere to the meanes of his restitution: but whether it were that he wanted money to beare the charge, or to the intent to mooue commiseration, or that he thought it safest to passe obscure­ly; he that was woont to ride with the greatest traine of any Prelate in England, came then very slenderly attended, tra­uelling through by-waies, as standing in doubt what snares his enimies might lay for him. After two yéeres trouble and the losse of ten thousand markes sustained by reason of the same: with much adoo he obtained restitution of his tempo­ralties, by the mediation of Alice Piers, a gentlewoman that in the last times of king Edward altogether possessed him. Returning then vnto Winchester, he was receiued into the city with solemne procession and many signes of great ioy. Soone after his returne king Edward died, and the Duke ho­ping by reason of the yoong kings nonage to worke some mis­chiefe vnto this Bishop, whom of all mortall men he most hated; began to rub vp some of the old accusations with ad­ditions of new complaints. But the Dukes malice being as well knowen as the Bishops innocency, the king thought good to be a meanes of reconciling these two personages, and then was easily intreated, vnder the broad seale of Eng­land to pardon all those supposed offences, wherewith the Bishop had heretofore béene charged. This tempest thus ouerblowen, the rest of his daies he passed in great peace and quietnesse. Two yéeres after his restitution he began the foundation of that woorthy monument, the colledge common­ly called the New colledge in Oxford, laying the first stone of the same himselfe March 5. 1379. and dedicating it vnto the honor of God and the blessed virgin Mary. Being finished, the first warden & fellowes all together tooke possession of it Aprill 14. 1386. at thrée of the clocke in the morning. The very next yéere he began his other colledge néere Woluesey [Page 187] the Bishops pallace at Winchester, laide the first stone of it March 26. 1387. and finished it also in sixe yéeres space, so as the Warden and fellowes cntred into the same at thrée of the clocke in the morning March 28. 1393. Beside the charge of these two woorthy foundations, he build all the body of his church of Winchester from the quier westward, excepting on­ly a little begun by Bishop Edington: he procured many pri­uiledges and liberties vnto his Sée: he bestowed 20000. markes in reparation of his house: he paid the debts of men imprisoned for that cause to the summe of 2000. l. he mended all the high waies betwéene London and Winchester: he purchased vnto his Sée two hundred markes land: he for­gaue his officers two thousand markes which they owed him: he bestowed two hundred pound vpon the church of Windsor: he released his tenants of 520. l. due for a reliefe at his incomme: he ordayned a Chauntry of fiue priests at Southwyke: he kept continually in his house fower & twen­ty poore almesmen: he maintained at the Uniuersity fifty schollers for the space of seuen yéeres before the building of his colledge: he built a chappell (as before is mentioned) at Tichfield for the buriall of his parents; & lastly prouided for himselfe ten yéeres before his death a goodly monument in the body of his church. All these charges notwithstanding, he bequeathed legacies to the value of 6270. l. left ready money to pay them, left his heire 100. l. land, and all his houses fur­nished plentifully with most rich and sumptuons houshold stuffe. After all these so memorable actions, hauing runne the course of a long, a happy and most honorable life, he ended his daies in peace the yéere 1404 being full fowerscore yéeres of age, and was laid in the toombe so long before prouided for him. Upon it I finde engrauen these verses, which rather for his honor then any great commendation they deserue, I haue thought good to set downe:

Wilhelmus dictus Wickham iacet hic nece victus,
Istius ecclesiae praesul, reparauit eamque,
Largus erat, dapifer, probat hoc cum [...] pauper,
[...] pariter regni fuerat bene dexter.
Hunc docet esse pium fun datio collegiorum;
Oxoniae primum stat, Wintoniaeque secundum.
Iugiter oretis tumulum quicunque videtis
Pro tantis meritis quod sit sibi vita perennis.

53. Henry Beauforte.

THe Pope was now growen to that height of tyranny, 1405 that he not onely placed, but displaced Bishops at his pleasure. And his meanes to do it, was by [...] them to some other Bishopricke peraduenture of lesse value and peraduenture nothing woorth at all. So was Alex. Neuill perforce translated from Yorke to S. Andrewes in Scotland, whence (wars being at that time betwéene England & Scot­land) he was sure neuer to receiue peny. And so he translated Iohn Buckingham from Lincolne to Lichfield, a Bishopricke not halfe so good. But he choosing rather to haue no bread then but halfe a loafe; in a very malecontent humor and great chafe put on a monkes cowle at Canterbury, and there liued priuately the rest of his life. To his Bishopricke of Lincolne was then preferred Henry Beaufort, sonne to Iohn of Gaunt by Katherine Swinford, the yéere 1397. He was brought vp for the most part at Aken in Germany where he studied the ciuill and canon law many yéeres; and comming home, was preferred to Lincolne very yoong. He continued there seuen yeres, & presently vpon the death of W. Wickham was tran­slated to Winch. June 23. 1426. he was made cardinal of S. Eusebius, & receiued his hat with great solc̄nity at Calis the Lady day following. A man of great frugality and therefore excéeding rich. King Henry the fift in the latter ende of his raigne, by great and continuall warres being waxen much behind hand, and greatly indebted; began to cast a couetous eye vpon the goods of the Church, which at that time were growen to the full height: and there wanted not many that incited him vnto the spoile of the same. This wealthy Pre­late (best knowen by the name of the rich Cardinall) supply­ed his want out of his owne purse, to diuert him from that sacrilegious course, and lent him 20000. pound, a great deale of money in those daies. He was also valiant and very wise. Pope Martin the fift, determining to make warre vpon the Bohemians that had renounced al obedience vnto the Sée [Page 189] of Rome, made this Cardinall his Legate into that Country, and appointed such forces as he could make to be at his com­mandement. Toward the charges of this voyage, the Clergy of England gaue a tenth of all their promotions, and furni­shed out 4000. men and more, with this power, he passed by Fraunce (dooing there some seruice for his Prince and Coun­trey) into Bothemia, the yéere 1429. There he remained certaine moneths, behauing himselfe very valiantly till by the Pope he was discharged. In his youth he was wantonly giuen, and gate a base daughter named Iane vpon Alice the daughter of Richard Earle of Arundell. Her he maried after vnto Ed. Stradling or Easterlling a knight of Wales. But this as­done, before he entred into orders. Toward his latter end he imployed his time altogether either in matters of Coun­saile & businesse of the common wealth, or the seruice of God and the Church committed vnto him. Amongst other good déedes, it is remembred that he built an hospitall in Winche­ster which he presently endued with land to the value of 158. l. 13. s. 4. d. of yéerely rent. He died Aprill. 11. 1447. when he had beene Bishop of Winchester 43. yéeres, and from the time of his first consecration, 50. yéeres. Except Thomas Bourchier that was Bishop 51. yéeres, I read of no English man that euer enioyed that honor longer. He lyeth buried in a reasonable stately toombe behind the high aulter of his Church at Winchester toward the South, the inscription is much defaced: of it remaineth onely this; Tribularer si ne­scirem misericordias tuas.

54. William Waynflet.

A Woorthy Prelate succéeded him, William Waynflet 1447 Prouost of Eaton colledge, then lately founded by king Henry the sixt, who for his great wisedome and integrity was long Chauncellor of England. He was sonne and heire vnto Richard Pattyn a gentleman of an ancient house, brother vnto Iohn Pattyn Deane of Chichester, and Richard Pattyn that liued at Bas [...]o in Darbishire, where he left (as I haue heard) a posterity behinde him. It appéereth hereby that his name was not indéed Waynflet but Pattyn. [Page 190] It was an ancient custome euen till those daies that cleargy men should take their surname according to the place where they were borne; and amongst monkes and fryers it conti­nued till the very suppression of monasteries. This William (whether Waynflet or Pattyn) was brought vp first in Win­chester schoole, & then in New colledge in Oxford. His fellow­ship there he left to become schoolemaster of Winchester, but was taken by king Henry the sixt to teach in his new college of Eaton, whereof at last he made him (as before is said) Prouost. He continued Bishop many yéeres, and would haue done much more good then he did, had he not béene hindred by those continuall warres betwéene the houses of Lanca­ster and Yorke: in all which stormes, he stucke alwaies vnto his patron and first preferrer king Henry the sixt. And after his death, king Edward the fourth knowing the faithfull affe­ction and true hart he alwaies bore vnto Henry the sixt his enimy, carried euer a hard hand vpon him. Time notwith­standing and the reuenewes of that goodly Bishopricke, ena­bled him to the foundation of that excellent and stately col­ledge in Oxford dedicated vnto Saint Mary Magdalene; to the which I thinke the world hath not any one colledge in all perfections comparable. He died (as I haue béene told) Au­gust 6. 1486. hauing first séene the house of Lancaster (to his great ioy) restored againe to the crowne in king Henry the seuenth. So that betwéene the consecration of William Wickham, and the death of William Waynflet his next suc­cessor sauing one, it is 119, yéeres. A strange thing that thrée men should hold one Bishopricke sixscore yéeres. He lieth bu­ried in the North part of the roome beyond the high Aulter ouer against the Cardinall, in a very faire toombe, the Epi­taphe whereof is quite defaced.

55. Peter Courtney.

IN the moneth of Nouember 1477. Peter Courtney the 1486 sonne of [...] Philip Courtney of Powderham knight, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter to Walter Lord Hungerford was consecrate Bishop of Exeter, whence he was translated to Winchester, in the latter end of the yéere 1486. At Exeter [Page 191] he bestowed much money in finishing the North Tower, vn­to which he gaue a goodly bel called after his name Peter bell. He died December the 20. 1491. hauing gouerned the Dio­ces of Winchester the space of fiue yéeres, and was buried in his owne Church, whereabouts I know not.

56. Thomas Langton.

THe Bishopricke hauing béene voide somewhat more 1493 then one yéere, Thomas Langton Bishop of Salisbury was preferred thereunto. He was consecrate to Salis­bury the yéere 1485 sate Bishop of Winchester seuen yéeres, and was remooued to Canterbury, but died of the plague, an. 1500. before his translation was perfited. He built a ve­ry faire Chappell in the South side of the Lady Chappell in the Cathedrall Church of Winchester, in the middle of which Chappell his body resteth in a very sumptuous toombe of Marble. This Thomas Langton was some time fellow of Pembrooke Hall in Cambridge, in memory whereof he be­stowed vpon that house a Cup of siluer double guilt waigh­ing 67. ounces, whereupon are engrauen these words. Tho. Langton Winton Eps. aulae Penbr. olim socius, dedit hanc [...] coopertam [...] aulae 1497. qui alienarit anathe­ma sit.

57. Richard Foxe.

AT what time Henry Earle of Richmont abiding at 1502 Uenice, was requested by letters from many of the English Nobility to deliuer his Countrey from the ty­ranny of that wicked Paricide Richard the third, and to take on him the kingdome; He willing to furnish him selfe as well as he might for the setting foorth of so great an enterprise, de­termined to craue aide of the French king. [...] there­fore to Paris, he onely commenced his sute vnto the king, and hauing manifold businesse elsewhere, he left the farther pro­secution of this matter vnto Richard Foxe a Doctor of Diui­nity, that chaunced to liue a student in Paris at that time. Whether the Earle knew him before, or else discerned at the [Page 192] first sight (as it were) his excellent [...], certaine it is, he deemed him a fit man for the managing of this great af­faire. Neither was he any thing at all deceiued in him: For the matter was followed with so great diligence and indu­stry, as in a very short time all things were dispatched accor­ding to the Earles desire, who soone after obtaining the king­dome, mindfull of the good seruice done him by Doctor Foxe, preferred him immediatly vnto the kéeping of the priuy scale, made him one of his Councell, and laid vpon him what spiri­tuall liuing might possibly be procured him. In the meane time he imployed him continually either in matters of coun­sell at home, or in ambassages of great importance abroad. The second yéere of King Henries raigne he was sent into Scotland for the establishing of a peace with the king there; whence he was scarcely returned, when the Bishopricke of Exeter falling void, was bestowed vpon him. He held it not past sixe yéeres but he was remooued to Bath and Wels, and thence within thrée yéeres after to Durham. There he stayed sixe yéeres, and the yéere 1502. was once more translated, viz. to Winchester, where he spent the rest of his life in great prosperity. For such was his fauor with the king, as no man could euer doo so much with him, no man there was vpon whose counsell he so much relied. Amongst other honors done vnto him, it was not the least, that he made him Godfather vnto his second sonne, that was afterward King Henry the eight, the Father of our worthy and most happy Quéene. In one onely mischaunce he was vnfortunate. He liued many yéeres blind before he died. Whereby ghessing his end not to be sarre off, hc determined to make vnto him selfe friends of the vnrighteous Mammon bestowing wel his goods while he liued. And first he was purposed to haue built a Monastery, vntill that conferring with Hugh Oldam, Bishop of Exeter, a very wise man; He was aduised by him rather to bestow his money vpon the foundation of some Colledge in one of the Uniuersities, which should be more profitable vnto the com­mon wealth, and more auaileable to the preseruation of his memory. As for Monasteries (quoth he) they haue more al­ready, then they are like long to kéepe. So by the Counsell of this wise Prelate (whose purse also was a great helpe to the [Page 193] finishing thereof) the colledge of Corpus Christi in Oxford was built and endowed with competent possessions the yéere 1516. by this Bishop Richard Foxe. Afterward in the yéere 1522. he bestowed the cost of building a faire frée schoole by the castell in Taunton, and conuenient housing néere it for the schoolemaster to dwell in: lastely, it is to be remembred, that he couered the quier of Winchester, the presbytery and [...] adioyning with a goodly vault, and new glased all the windowes of that part of the church. It is said also that he built the partition betwéene the presbytery and the said [...], causing the bones of such Princes and prelates as had béene buried here and there dispersed about the church, to be remoo­ued and placed in séemely monuments vpon the top of that new partition. Many other notable things no doubt he did which haue not come vnto my knowledge. He died at last a very old man and full of daies ann. 1528. when he had woor­thily gouerned the church of Winchester the space of 27. yéeres. He lieth entoombed vpon the south side of the high al­tar in a monument, rather sumptuons then stately, of the same building with the partition.

58. Thomas Woolsey.

OF this man I will onely say thus much in this place, 1530 that he was first Bishop of Turney in Fraunce, then of Lincolne, and lastly of Yorke. He was made Car­dinall an. 1515. and being so qualified to hold more liuings: he held first the Bishopricke of Bathe and Wels in Com­mendam with Yorke; then resigning Wels, he tooke Dur­ham; and lastly resigning Durham also, held Winchester in the like sort a little while, scarcely one yéere I take it: for I find that he left Durham the yéere 1530. and in the end of the same yéere, viz. Nouember the 29. he died. Sée more of him in Yorke.

59. Stephen Gardiner.

THe Sée then continued voide almost fower yéeres. At 1534 last Stephen Gardiner Doctor of Law, borne at Bury in Suffolke, was preferred thereunto and consecrate ann. 1534. Fouretéene yéeres after, viz. June 30. 1548. he was committed to the Tower for a sermon he preached be­fore the king the day before, being S. Peters day at West­minster. When he had continued there the space of two yéeres and a halfe, he was by authority depriued of his Bishopricke, February 14. 1550. sent to prison againe, and there kept till beginning of Queene Mary, at what time he was not onely restored to his Bishopricke and set at liberty, but made Lord Chauncellor of England, viz. in the moneth of August 1553. A man of great learning (as diuers of his workes extant do testifie) and of two much wit, except it had beene better im­ploied. For the extreme malice he bare to our religion, he not onely burnt many poore men, but wrought all the meanes his wily head could deuise to make away our blessed Soue­raigne Quéene Elizabeth: saying often, it was in vaine to strike off a few leaues or branches when the roote remained whole. And surely in all reason his cursed policy must haue preuailed, if God had not touched the hart of Quéene Mary her sister with a very kinde and natural affection toward her: which notwithstanding, it is much to be doubted what he might haue wrought in time, had not God in mercy taken him away the more spéedily. He died Nouember 13. 1555. excéeding rich, leauing behinde him 40000. markes in ready money (if Bale say true) beside much sumptuous houshold stuffe. He was buried on the North side of the high altar in Winchester in a toombe both in place and building answera­ble to Bishop Foxe.

60. Iohn Poynet.

PResently vpon the depriuation of Stephen Gardiner, 1550 Iohn Poynet Doctor of [...], a kentish man borne, consecrate Bishop of Rochester April 3. 1549. was tran­slated [Page 195] to Winchester. Quéene Mary hauing attained the crown, he well knew there was no liuing for him in Englād, and therfore fled the realme & died at Strausburg in Germa­ny Aprill 11. 1556. being scarce forty yéeres of age. A man of great learning, whereof he left diuers testimonies in writing workes yet extant both in Latine and English: beside the Gréeke and Latin he was very well séene in the Italian and Dutch toong, and an excellent Mathematician. He gaue vnto king Henry the eight a dyall of his owne [...], she wing not onely the hower of the day, but also the day of the moneth, the signe of the sonne, the planetary hower; yea the change of the moone, the ebbing and flowing of the sea; with diuers other things as strange to the great woonder of the king and his owne no lesse commendation. He was preferred [...] by king Edward in regard of certaine excellent sermons preached before him.

61. Iohn White.

AFter the death of Stephen Gardiner, Iohn White Do­ctor 1556 of Diuinity was translated from Lincolne. He was borne in the Dioces of Winchester, and was Warden of Winchester colledge till he was made Bishop of Lincolne. Small time he enioyed his new honor, being de­priued by parliament in the beginning of her Maiestie that now raigneth.

62. Robert Horne.

IAnuary 16. 1560. Robert Horne borne in the Bishopricke 1560 of Durham, and in king Edwards daies Deane of the Church of Durham, comming then newly out of Germany (where he liued all Quéene Maries daies) was consecrate Bishop of Winchester. He sate well néere twenty yéeres: but that and what else I haue to say of him, let his Epitaphe de­clare. He lieth vnder a flat marble stone neere the pulpit in the body of the church, whereon I finde engrauen these wordes:

Robertus Horne theologiae doctor eximius, quondam Christi causa exul, deinde Episcopus Winton, pie obijt in Domino Iun. 1. 1580. Episcopatus sui anno 19.

63. Iohn Watson.

SOone after his death, it pleased her Maiestie to bestow 1580 the Bishopricke vpon Iohn Watson. He lieth buried ouer against his predecessor on the other side of the body of the Church, hauing these wordes engrauen vpon the mar­ble stone that couereth him:

D. Ioannes Watson huius eccclesiae Winton. Praeben­darius, Decanus, ac deinde Episcopus, [...] pater, vir optimus, praecipue erga inopes [...], obijt in Domino Ianuar. 23. anno aetatis suae 63. Episcopatus 4. 1583.

64. Thomas Cooper.

THomas Cooper Doctor of Diuinity succéeded him, be­ing 1584 translated from Lincolne. He was consecrate Bi­shop there February 24. 1570. and before that was Deane of Christchurch in Oxford. In the Bishopricke of Winchester he continued ten yéeres, and departed this life Aprill 29, 1594. A man from whose prayses I can hardly temper my pen, but I am determined to say nothing of those men whose memory is yet so fresh: my reason I haue else where set downe.

65. William Wickham.

HE that succéeded him in Lincolne, succéeded him in the 1594 Sée of Winchester also, William Wickham, whose very name I reuerence in memory of William Wickham his famous and woorthy predecessor. No Bishop of Winchester euer enioyed that honor so short a time, he was translated about our Lady day in the beginning of the yéere 1595. and died of the stone in the bladder (or some like disease) the 12. day of June following at Winchester house in [Page 197] Southwarke, hauing not made water in fowertéene daies before.

66. William Day.

VVIlliam Day Deane of Windsor and [...] of Eaton colledge succéeded, and holding this place little longer then his predecessor, died a few daies before Michaelmas day 1596.

67. Thomas Bilson.

THomas Bilson Doctor of Diuinity and Warden of Winchester, became Bishop of Worceter the yéere 1595. and staying there not past two yéeres was tran­slated to Winchester, where he yet liueth.

The Bishopricke of Winchester is valued in the Queenes bookes at 2491, l. 9, s. 8, d. ob. and paid to the Pope for first fruits 12000. ducats.

The Bishops of Ely.

SAint Etheldred (of whom the Cathe­drall Church of Ely hath his name) was the daughter of Anna King of the East Augles. She was twise maried: First vnto Tombert Prince of the South Angles (who gaue her the Isle of Ely to her Dower) And then, he diyng within thrée yéeres, to Egfrid king of Northumberland. With him she liued twelue yéeres, and at last left him, and all the pomp and pleasure she might haue liued in, to serue God in such sort as she thought was most acceptable vnto him. She betooke her, vnto her Isle of Ely, and whereas Ethelbert king of Kent had long before (viz. ann. 607.) built a Church there by the counsell of Saint Augustine, she reedified the same, and much increased it the yéere 677. and by the counsell of Wil­frid Archbishop of Yorke (but not without the helpe of Al­dulph her brother king of the East Angles) conuerted it into a Monastery of Nunnes, whereof she her selfe became Abbesse. This Monastery was vnder her, Sexbing, [...], Wer­burg, and other Abbesses 183. yéeres vntill it was destroyed by Pagans, Inguar, and Hubba, the yéere 890. It lay then waste a great while. In the end certaine secular Priests to the number of eight, began to inhabite there, but were dis­placed by Ethelwald Bishop of Winchester, who bought the whole Island of King Edgar, and by his authority placed in their roomes an Abbot and monkes, vnto whom he procured many great and notable priuileges. Brithnod Prouost of Winchester was appointed the first Abbot, ann. 970. He is said to haue béene murthered by Elsticha the Quéene of King Edilred, causing bodkins to be thrust into his arme holes, be­cause like an vnhappy Actaeon he had séene her in a certaine wood busie about sorcery. Elfsius was the second Abbot, Leof­sinus the third, Leofricus the fourth, and another Leofsinus [Page 199] the [...]. He by the Kings consent let out the farmes of the mo­nastery, in such sort as they should finde the house prouision all the yéere, Shalford payed 2. wéekes prouision, Stableford 1. Littleberry 2. Triplaw 2. Hawkston 1. Newton 1. Mel­burne 2. Grantsden 2. Toften 1. Cotnam 1. Wellingham 1. Ditton 2. Horningsey 2. Stenchworth 2. Balsam 2. Ca­thenho 4. daies prouision, and Swansham 3. Spaldwich 2. wéekes prouision, Somersham 2. Blunsham 1. Colne 1. Hor­therst 1. Drinkston 1. Katsden 2. Hackam 2. Berking 2. Née­ding 1. Wederingseat 1. Breckham 2. Pulham 2. Thorp and Dirham 2. Norwald 2. and Feltwell 2. Merham was appointed to carry the rent to a certaine Church in Norfolke and there to intertaine commers and goers to or from the Monastery. Wilfricus the sixt Abbot, bought the mannor of Bereham for 25. marks of gold. In the time of Thurstan the seuenth Abbot, the Isle was held by many of the olde Saxon nobility against King William the Conquerer. He therefore by the counsell of Walter Bishop of Hereford, and other, gaue all the Church goods and lands without the Isle to his soldi­ers. After seuen yéeres resistance, the Saxon gentlemen, some vpon promise of pardon submitted them selues, others beta­king themselues to flight, the place was deliuered into the possession of the Conqueror. [...] Reges plectuntur Achi­mi; For the fault of these noble men, the poore monkes must be punished: to be restored to their lands, and to enioy their Auncient priuileges quietly, they were faine to giue the king 1000. marks. For making which money they were constrai­ned to sell all the platc and siluer that was in their Church. The king also fearefull least from the same place the like trou­ble might happen vnto him hereafter, appointed them to maintaine a garrison of 40. soldiers, which they did vntill such time as himselfe called them away, to imploy them else where, which was fiue yéeres after. Theodwinus was the eight Abbot, Godfry the ninth, and Simon the tenth. After whose death the place stoode voide seuen yéeres. Richard the sonne of the Earle Gilbert was then made Abbot.

1. Heruaeus.

BY this time the reuenues of the monastery were 1109 growne to be very great. Their yéerely receit was not so little as 1400. l. which summe contained then more mettall, and would goe farther in those daies then 6000. l. of our money. Of that 1400. l. the Abbot allowed scarce 300. vnto the monks, conuerting the rest vnto his own vse. This Richard therefore, if his minde were any thing so great as his linage, could not but disdaine to liue vnder the iurisdiction of the Bishop of Lincolne, to whose Dioces Cam­bridgeshire at that time appertained. But he had reasonable pretences for his ambition. He caused the king to be told, that the Dioces of Lincolne was too large for one mans gouern­ment: that Ely were a fit place for an Episcopall Sée, &c. These reasons amplified with golden Rhetoricke, so perswa­ded the king, as he not onely consented himselfe that this mo­nastery should be conuerted into a Cathedrall Church, and the Abbot made a Bishop; but also procured the Pope to confirme and allow of the same. After that Richard the Ab­bot had with great paines and more cost, beaten this bush a great while, the birde that he had so long and earnestly thir­sted after, fell to another mans share. Himselfe was taken away by death when the matter was growen to good perfec­tion and ready to be finished. The Bishop of Lincolne a while hindred the procéeding of this businesse; but his mouth was stopt with thrée Mannors which the king being liberall of another mans purse, was content to bestow vpon him, such as héeretofore belonged vnto the monastery of Ely, viz. Spaldwich, Bickleswoorth, and Bokeden: these were giuen to the Sée of Lyncolne in recompence of the losse the Bishop sustained by exempting of Cambridgshire from his iurisdicti­on: And that the reuenues of the new Bishop might notwith­standing this gift be no lesse then the Abbots were, but rather greater, they diuised to diminish the number of monks which were then 70. and to draw them downe vnto 40. Richard the 11. and last Abbot being thus taken away when he would most gladly haue liued. King Henry the first with the consent [Page 201] of the monks appointed this Bishopricke vnto one Heruaeus that had beene Bishop of Bangor; and agréeing ill with the Welchmen, was faine to leaue his Bishopricke there, and séeke abroad for somewhat elsewhere. He was translated the yeere 1109. sate 22. yéeres, and died August the 30. 1131.

2. Nigellus.

THe Sée hauing béene voide then two yéere, Nigellus 1131 Treasurer of England, and Nephew vnto Roger Bi­shop of Salisbury was placed therein May the 28. 1133. He was receaued with such ioy into his city of Ely, that all the stréete where he should passe was hanged with curtaines, carpets, and tapestry, the monks and clergy of his Church meeting him with procession. By reason of his im­ployment in matters of state and Counsell, he could not at­tend his pastorall charge, and therefore committed the ma­naging & gouernment of his Bishoprick vnto one Ranulphus somtime a monk of Glastonbury, that had now cast away his cowle, a couetous & wicked man. For his faithfulnes vnto his patrone and first preferrer king Henry, this Nigellus is much to be commended. When as Stephen Earle of Bloys contra­ry to his oath and promise to king Henry the first his vncle vsurped the crowne due to Maude the Empresse king Hen­ries daughter; This Bishop could neuer be induced to for­sake her, but most constantly stucke vnto her, and endured much for her sake. Sée more heereof in the life of Roger Bi­shop of Salisbury. Notwithstanding those his great trou­bles, he found meanes to erect an hospitall for Regular Can­nons, in that place where Saint Iohns Colledge in Cam­bridge now standeth: the foundation of which house was af­terwards twise altered: first by Hugh Norwold his successor, who placed therein a certaine number of schollers to cohabite with the Cannons, giuing allowance for their maintenance: and afterwards by Margaret Countesse of Richmond and Darby, who new built it, partly in her life time, and partly by her executors after her death, endowing it with (in a man­ner) all the reuenues it possesseth, and raising it vnto that beautie and perfection which now it hath. This man was [Page 200] [...] [Page 201] [...] [Page 202] Bishop 36. [...], and [...] 29. day of May 1169. hauing long before séene the issue of his Lord and first patrone King Henry restored to the crowne in Henry the 2. He is saide [...] haue bene buried before the alter of Saint Crosse in his owne church. Sée more of him in the discourse of Richard his sonne, that was Bishop of London.

3. Galfridus Rydall.

AFter his death, the Dioces of Ely continued without 1174 a Bishop fiue yéeres. The yéere 1174. Geoffry Rydell or Rydall Archdeacon of Canterbury was consecrate Bishop: a very lofty and high minded man, called therefore commonly the proud Bishop of Ely. He bestowed great [...] vpon the building of the new worke of his Cathedrall church toward the West, and vpon the stéeple, which he built [...] vnto the battlements. He died intestate at Winchester the 21. day of August 1189. a fower daies before the [...] of king Richard the first, leauing in his coffers great [...] of ready money, viz. 3060. marks of siluer, and 205. marks of gold. All which the king was content to take vnto [...] tò helpe to beare the charges of his coronation. He sate Bi­shop 14. yéeres, 10. moneths, and 14. daies.

4. William Langchamp.

THe last day of December the same yéere, William 1189 Langeshamp Chauncellor of England, was consecrate Bishop of Ely. One greatly fauoured by King Richard the first, and a man very worthy of that fauour for many [...] parts in him, had not those his vertues béene matched and ouermatched, with as many great and notorious [...]. When the king tooke that his famous voyage to [...], he made this Bishop (Chauncellor before) chiefe Iustice of the South part of England, and Protector of the Realme in his absence. And least he should want any Authority that might be giuen him, he procured the Pope to make him his Legate, the obtaining whereof (notwithstanding the Kings request) cost him 1000. l. of ready money. It is a true say­ing [Page 203] Magistratus indicat virum, the man that in base fortune séemed to all men not onely wise, but vertuous and humble ynough; being raised vnto this height of power and autho­rity, as being either drunken and infatuate with too much and sodaine prosperity, or amased with the brightnesse of his owne good fortune, began presently to do many things, not onely vntowardly, and vndiscréetly, but very arrogantly and insolently, sauouring aswell of vnconscionable couetousnesse and cruelty, as lacke of wisedome and policy in so great a gouernor requisite. That which in our histories is most bla­med, and most odiously mentioned, I finde no such great fault withall, that calling a conuoctiou by vertue of his power Legantine; at the suggestion and intreaty of Hugh Nouaunt Bishop of Chester, he displaced the monkes of Co­uentrée, & put in secular Priests in their roomes. Officers ap­pointed by the king himselfe he discharged; Geoffry Archbi­shop of Yorke the kings bastard brother, at his first arriuall in England after his consecration, he caused to be apprehen­ded and drawne from the very Aulter of the Church of Saint Martins in Douer vnto prison. Iohn the Kings brother, and afterwards king him selfe, he sought to kéepe vnder and disgrace by all meanes possible, being iealous (as he said) least the king dying without issue, he should defraude Arthur his elder brother of the kingdome; and whether vnto his brother now king, he would continue loyall, hauing power to inuade his kingdome, for certaine he wist not. True it is, that Iohn the kings brother began to take some what more vpon him then néeded, and being [...] a reason of some of his do­ings, made no other answere but this, I know not whether my brother Richard be aliue or not: Whereunto the Chaun­cellor replied, if he be liuing it were vntruth to take his king­dome from him; if he be dead, Arthur the eldest brother must enioy the same. Now he that feared not to deale thus with the kings owne brother, no maruell if he vsed such of the no­bility farre worse that in any sort opposed themselues against him. As for the commonalty, he not onely gréeued them with continual and néedlesse exactions, and tyrannised intollerably ouer them otherwise, but offended them much also with his glorious pomp, and vnreasonable proud behauiour. His ma­ner [Page 204] was to ride with no lesse then 1500. horse, and in his tra­uaile to lodge for the most part at some Monastery or another to their great and [...] yea there was not any Church in England either [...] or Cathedrall vnto which he was not very burdensome some way or other. And his officers were such prolling companions, bearing themselues bold vpon their masters absolute Authority, as there was no sort of people whom they gréeued not by some kinde of extortion. Yea (saith Matth. Paris) all the wealth of the land, was come into their hands, in so much as scarce any ordinary person had left him a siluer belt to gird him withall, any woman either brooche, or bracelet, any gentleman a ring, to weare vpon his finger. But the Chauncellor he purchased and bestowed aswell Abbotships, benefices and spirituall pre­ferment as temporall offices all that fell where him pleased, whereby his sernants and kinred were all growen [...] rich. Among other his follies it is remembred that he built the outer wall about the Tower of London, and spent an in­finite deale of money in making a deepe ditch about the same, thinking he could haue caused the Riuer of Thames [...] go round about it. But that coste was bestowed in vaine. These and many other his misbehauiours incited the peo­ple and Nobility woonderfully against him. In so much as, he feared greatly least some sedition being raised, force would be offered vnto him. He thought it therefore no lesse then néedefull in all places of any publike assembly to render reasons openly of his doings; which being considered, I know not whether he may iustly be thought so blame­woorthy as our Histories for the most part make him. Offi­cers placed by the king he said he discharged, least the people being gréeued with so many Gouernors would [...], that instéede of one king they now were constrained too bey many. What reason he yéelded of his dealing with Earle Iohn you heard before. For his exactions he said they were but such as the maintenance and incredible charge of so great a warre as the king had then in hand required: and lastly, for a generall defence, he protested he had not taken any course in these or any other matters of importance, for which he had not some particular direction from the king. These excuses satisfied [Page 205] not men so fully, but that infinite complaints were dai­ly made vnto the king against him, so that he could doe no lesse then discharge him from his place of protectorship, which he did, and sent ouer William Archbishop of Roan to succéede him, but ioyning some other in Commission with him, as finding an inconuenience in giuing so much and absolute au­thoritie to one man. At this newes his enimies greatly re­ioycing, and thinking him a man now easie enough to deale withall, they conspire against him, and causing a Conuocati­on to be sommoued, they procure him to be excommunicate for the violence done vnto the Archbishop of Yorke, and with him all other, that were his aiders and ministers in that en­terprize. As soone as he vnderstood of these things, fearing greater dangers, he bethought himselfe how he might do to get ouer the seas: and knowing that his enimies if they should haue any inkling of his intent, would assuredly [...] the same, or worke him some mischiefe by the way; He deui­sed to disguise himselfe in womans apparell, and so went vn­to the sea side at Douer muffled, with a metyard in his hand, and a webbe of cloth vpon his arme. There he sate vpon a rocke ready to take shippe, when a certaine lewde marriner thinking him to be some strumpet began to dally wantonly with him, whereby it came to passe, that whereas he was a stranger borne and could speake no English, being not able to answere this merry marriner, either in words or deedes; he supposed him to be a man, and called a company of [...], who pulling off his kerchiefe and muffler, found his crowne and beard shauen, and quickly knew him to be that hatefull Chancellour whom so many had so long cursed and feared. In great despite they threw him to the ground, spitting vpon him, beate him sore, and drew him along the sands. Where­upon a great crie being made, the Burgesses of the towne tooke him away from the [...], and though his seruants endeuoured to rescue him, thrust him into a seller, there to kéepe him prisoner till notize might be giuen of this his de­parture. It is a world to sée, how he that was a few moneths before honored and reuerenced of all men like an halfe God, attended by noble mens sonnes and gentlemen of great worship whom he matched vnto his néeces and kinswomen, [Page 206] [...] himselfe happy that he [...], [...] to be well acquainted with his porters and officers was ac­counted [...] small matter: This man once downe and stan­ding in [...] of his friends help, had no man to defend him, no man to speake for him, no man that mooued a [...] to [...] him out of the present calamity and trouble. The [...] Iohn was [...] to haue [...] him some farther notable [...] and [...] Neither was there any man that for his [...] sake [...] it. The Bishops diuers of them his [...] regarding notwithstanding his calling and place, would not suffer it, but causes him to be set at liberty. [...] not long after he got him ouer into Normandy, where he was borne & there rested himselfe after all this turmoile, till the returne of king Richard, with whom he made such faire weather, and so [...] excused all things obiected against him, that in short time he was as greatly in fauor with him as euer heretofore. The yéere 1197. he was sent Embassador to the Pope, toge­ther with the Bishop of Durham and other: and falling sicke by the way, died at Poytiers the last day of Ianuary, one [...] aboue seuen yeere after his [...]. He was buried in a monastery of the order of the [...] called [...].

5. Eustachius.

THe Sée was then [...] one whole yéere [...] somwhat 1197 more. The ninth day of August [...] after [...] death, Eustachius Deane of Salisbury was elected, but not [...] till the fourth Sunday in Lent the yéere fol­lowing. A man (saith Florilogus) very well séene aswel in [...] as diuine and holy learning. He was one of them [...] pronounced the Popes excommunication against king [...], & interdicted the whole Realme. For dooing thereof, he [...] the kings displeasure would lye so heauy vpon him, as [...] was no [...] in the realme, and therefore got him [...] the seas. This fell out the yéere 1208. After [...] yéeres [...], king Iohn being reconciled to the Pope, he [...] home, [...]. the yéere 1213. and liued not long after. [...] sate [...] yéeres wanting nine [...], and departed [...] the third day of [...] 1214. The [...] [Page 207] at the West end of the Cathedrall Church was of his building.

6. Iohn de Fontibus.

AFter his death Galfridus de Burgo Archdeacon of 1219 Norwich and brother vnto Hubert de Burgo or Bur­rough Earle of Kent and chiefe Justice of England was elected Bishop of Ely. But before the publication of this election one Robert of Yorke was also chosen, who held the temporalities of the Bishopricke without consecration, and disposed of benefices that fell, and all things belonging to the Sée, as Bishop for the space of fiue yéeres. The Pope at last disanulling both these elections, conferred the Bishopricks March 8. 1219. vpon Iohn Abbot of Fountney, a iust and vertuous man. He was Treasurer of England for flue yeeres and died the yéere 1225. He is said to be buried before the aul­ter of Saint Andrew.

7. Geoffry de Burgo.

HE being dead, Geoffry Burrough before mentioned was 1225 againe elected and obtayned consecration, which he re­ceiued vpon Saint Peters day the yéere 1225. Of him [...] Virgil giueth the same testimony that Matthew Westm. doth of his predecessor Eustachius, that he was vir in [...] & humanis literis eruditus, a man well learned both in diuine and prophane literature. He gaue two hundred acres of Moore in Wisbich marsh to the augmentation of the priory of Ely. He continued Bishop about thrée yéeres, and dying the 17. of May 1229. was buried vpon the North side of the Quier..

8. Hugh NorWold.

HVgh Norwold Abbot of Saint [...] succée­ded 1226 him, and was consecrate by Ioceline Bishop of Bathe and Wels togither with Richard Archbishop of Can­terbury, and Roger Bishop of London, vpon Trinity sunday [Page 208] 1229. [...] the tenth of June. This [...] is much commen­ded for his house kéeping and liberality vnto the poore, which may well séeme strange, considering the infinite deale of [...] spent by him in building of his church and houses. The presbytery of the cathedrall church he raised from the very foundation, and built a steeple of wood toward the [...] at the West end of the church. This noble worke he [...] in seuentéene yéeres with the charge of 5350, l. 18, s. 8, d. And the seuentéene daie of September [...]. he dedicated, [...] (as we commonly call it) hallowed the same in the [...] of the king ( Henry the third) and his sonne Prince Edward, the Bishops of Norwich [...], and many other great personages. All these and an infinite number of other people of all sorts he feasted many daies togither in his pallace of Ely, which he built euery whit out of the ground, and coue­red it with lead. In Ditton and other houses belonging to his Sée he also bestowed much money. He died at [...] 9. day of August 1254. being well contented (as he professed) now to depart the world, after he had séene the building [...] his church finished, which [...] so earnestly desired. He sate two moneths aboue 25. yéeres, and was buried in the [...] ytery which he had built.

9. William de Kilkenny.

ABout the middle of October following, [...] de 1254 Kelkenny (that then for a time supplied the [...] of the Chauncellor of England) was elected by the monkes vnto the Sée of Ely, and was consecrate the fiftéenth of August beyond the seas. He was chaplaine vnto the king, a councellor of speciall credit with him, and (as the [...] of Ely reporteth, I find it no where els) Chancellor of England A goodly man of person, well spoken, very wise and learned in the lawes. He enioyed that preserment a small time: be­ing sent Ambassador into Spaine, he died there vpon Saint Mathewes day 1256. when he had béene Bishop one yeere, one moneth, and sixe daies. He tooke order his hart should be brought vnto Ely and buried there.

10. Hugh Balsam.

NEwes being brought vnto the Court of the death of 1257 William de Kylkeny: The king by and by, dispatched his letters vnto the Prior and Couent of Ely, requi­ring them in very gratious manner, to choose for their Bishop Henry de Wingham his Chauncellor, vsing many reasons to perswade them thereunto. But they preferring their owne knowledge before the kings cemmendations, the 13. day of Nouember, made choise of Hugh Balfam or de [...] (for so also I find him called) their Prior, one (as they perswaded themselues) most fitte for the place. Hereat the king being greatly displeased, refused to accept of their election, and cau­sed the woods, of the Bishopricke to be cut downe, the parks to be spoyled, and [...] to be made of all things. Many times he vrged them to a new election, telling them it was not fit, that a place of that strength should be committed vn­to a simple cloyster man, that had neuer béene acquainted with matters of state. The new elect therefore got him ouer the sea to Rome, hoping there to obtaine that which in Eng­land would not be affoorded him. Boniface the Archbishop of Canterbury hearing thereof, although hauing diligently sis­ted and examined him, he could take no exception against him; yet to gratifie the king, writ [...] letters to his friends at Roome against him, and set vp one Adam de [...] to be a countersuter to the Pope for that Bishopricke. This Adam was a man of great learning, and had written diuers bookes much commended. But he was a very aged man, and more­ouer a fryer minor, and therefore one that had renounced the world, and all medling in worldly matters: which notwith­standing he followed gladly the directions of the Archbishop, and was well content to haue béene a Bishop before he died. As for Henry Wingham the Chauncellor, it is said that he neuer stirred at all in the matter, but confessed them both more woorthy of the place then himselfe. It is said likewise, that the sute in his behalfe was first commenced by the king without his knowledge, and that when he saw the king so earnest and deale so violently in it, he went vnto him and [Page 210] humbly besought him to let alone the monkes in the course they had begun, and to cease farther solliciting of them by his armed and imperious requests: for (saith he) after [...] of the [...] of God, the grace and direction of his holy spirit, they haue chosen a man more woorthy then my selfe. And God forbid that I should as it were inuade by force that no­ble Bishopricke, and vsurpe the ministery of the same, with a [...] or cauterised conscience. The ende of this sute [...] this, Henry Wingham was afterward made Bishop of Lon­don. Sée more of him there. Hugh Balsam came home from Rome confirmed by the Pope and was consecrate March 10. 1257. He sate 28. yéeres and thrée moneths. In which time he founded a colledge in Cambridge, by the name of S. Peters colledge, now commonly called Peter house. He first began the same being yet Pryor of Ely, and finished it in the yéere 1284. He departed this life June 16. 1286. at [...], and was buried at Ely before the high Altar by Thomas Englethorp Bishop of Rochester.

11. Iohn de Kyrkby.

AFter him succéeded Iohn de Kyrkby Deane of [...], 1286 Archdeacon of Couentry, and Treasurer of England. He was once elected vnto the Sée of [...]: but the election was [...] and disanulled by Fryer Iohn Peckham Archbishop of Canterbury, who tooke exception against him for holding many seueral spirituall preferments, saying, y t a man of so good conscience as a Bishop ought to be, would rather content himselfe with a little liuing, then [...] himselfe with so many charges. He was consecrate [...] Ely at Paris the 26. or (as other report) the 29. of [...] 1286. And sitting Bishop of Ely but thrée yéeres and [...] moneths, died March 26. 1290. He was buried in his [...] church by Ralph Walpoole Bishop of Norwich that [...] succéeded him) on the North part of the quier before the altar of Saint John Baptist.

12. William de Luda.

THe fourth day of May following was elected William 1290 [...] Deane of Saint Martins, Archdeacon of Durham, and Treasurer of the kings house. He sate seuen yoeres, and [...] buried in the South part of the church betweene two pillers at the entrance into the old Lady chap­pell. This Bishop gaue the mannor of Oldburne with the appurtenances vnto his Sée, vpon condition that his next successor should [...] 1000. marks to prouide maintenance for thrée chaplaines to serue in the chappell there.

13. Ralph Walpoole.

[...] adoo there was now about the election of a new 1299 Bishop. The couent could not agrée within them­selues; one part (and the greater) made choice of Iohn their Pryor, the rest of Iohn Langton Chauncellor of Eng­land. This election being examined before the Archbishop, and iudgement by him giuen for the Pryor, the Chauncel­lour appealed vnto the Pope & trauelled to Rome in his own person. The Pryor hearing of his iourney, [...] him after as fast as he might, neither was he long behinde him, al­though many blocks were cast in his way. Being there, they were [...] to resigne all their interest into the Popes hand. He then in fauour of the couent set downe this order, that they should be at liberty (Notwithstanding these electi­ons) to choose againe, so they chose any one Abbot in Eng­land, except thrée, to wit, of Westminster, Bury and Saint Augustines: they belike were not in the Popes fauour. The Proctors of the couent they would not agrée to this order, so fauourable for them. Wherefore the Pope being very angry, vpon his owne absolute authority remoued Ralph Walpoole from Norwich vnto Ely, gaue Norwich vnto the Pryor; and least the Chancellor should altogether loose his labor, he made him Archdeacon of Canterbury in the place of Richard Fe­ringes that was then appointed by him Archbishop of [...]. This Ralph Walpoole was consecrat Bishop of Nor­wich [Page 212] in the beginning of the yéere 1288. and sate there 11. yéeres. At Ely he continued scarce 3. yéeres, but died March 22. in the beginning of the yéere 1302. He was buried in the [...] of the [...] before the [...] altar.

14. Robert Orford.

THis time they agréed better, and with one [...], 1302 chose Robert [...] their Prior vpon the 14. day of Aprill ensuing. He sate somewhat more then 7. yéeres, and ended his life at Dunham Ianuary 21. 1309. [...] buried in the pauement aforesaid néere R. Walpoole his pre­decessour.

15. Iohn de Keeton.

AFter him followed Iohn de Keeton Almoner vnto the 1310 Church of Ely, he sate likewise 7. yéeres and dying May the 14. 1316. was buried also in the same pauement.

16. Iohn Hotham.

VVIthin the compasse of the same yéere a chapleyne 1316 of the kings named Iohn Hotham or Hothun was made Bishop of Ely; and the next yéere viz. 1317. Chauncellour of England. A man wise and vertuous, [...] ve­ry vnlearned. He continued in that office two yéeres, and [...] giuing it ouer, was made Treasurer. That place also he re­signed within a twelue moneth, and betooke himselfe altogi­ther to the gouernment of his church. In his time the [...] in a night fell downe vpon the quier, making a most horrible and [...] noise. This stéeple (now called the Lanterne) [...], and built it in such order as now we sée it; [...] of worke both for cost and workmanship singular. It stoode him in 2406. l. 16. s. 11. d. The new building also of the Presbytery (not so fully finished by Hugh Northwould, but that somewhat might séeme to be wanting) he [...] in euery point, bestowing vpon the same the summe of 2034. l. 12. s. [...]. d. ob, as a writing yet to be séene vpon the [Page 213] north wall of the said Presbytery witnesseth. So that vpon the very fabricke and building of the church he spent 4441. l. 9. s. 7. d. ob. farthing. Besides which, this woorthy Benefac­tour gaue vnto his Couent the Mannour of Holbourne with sixe tenements belonging to the same, and to his church a chalice and two crewets of pure gold, very costly wrought. He sate almost 20. yeeres, and died of the palsey at Somer­sham vpon Saint Paules day Ianuary 25. 1336. He [...] in a monument of Alabaster that was somtimes a very stately and goodly building, but now shamefully defa­ced, as are also al other monuments of the church. It standeth east from the lesse Altar, in the middle, but to the west end of the presbytery.

17. Simon Mountacute.

ABout the middle of March after his death Pope Ben. 1336 the 11. translated [...] Monntacute from Worcester (where he had sate thrée yéeres) vnto Ely. He began the building of that beautifull Lady Chappell on the north side of the Church, and bestowed an infinite deale of mony vpon the same, but could not finish it being preuented by death. Iohn de [...] a monke of Ely (as I remember) continued that worke, and much deale by the contribution of well disposed people ended it at last. It is said, that in digging thereabout, he found a [...] of treasure which serued to pay the worke mens wages a great while. This Bishop holding his place here little aboue seuen yeeres, departed from it and the world, June 20. 1344. and was buried in the Chappell afore mentioned.

18. Thomas Lysle.

ALan de Walsingham prior of Ely being then chosen 1344 Bishop, his election was disanulled and pronounced voide by the pope Clement 5. who [...] po­testatis without any more adoe, thrust into his place Thomas Lysle or Lyld a frier preacher, and caused him to be consecrate at Auinion in the moneth of July 1344. He was a doctor of diuinity, brought vp in Cambridge and much estéemed for [Page 214] his learning. He preached often with great [...] and writ diuers works mentioned by Bale. Within a [...] or two before his death he endured great trouble and [...] by the meanes of Blanch Wake [...] Marshall, the circumstance whereof it shall not be amisse briefly to set downe. This Lady had certaine lands néere vnto one or [...] of the Bishops houses; by reason of which neighbourhoode, many controuersies daily arose betwéene them concerning bounds and other such like matters. The Bishop was a rough and plaine man, hardly brooking such indignities as it is likely a woman of that nobilitie, rich, and néere of [...] vnto the king, would be ready enough to offer. By reason héereof the Lady conceiued a deadly and inueterate [...] against him; for wreaking whereof, she awaited this [...]. The Pope at the request of the king (or rather the blacke prince his sonne) had suffred one Robert [...] to be consecrate Bishop of Lichfield; a man in many respects very vnwoorthy of that honour. This good Bishop was not afraide (like another Iohn Baptist) to steppe vnto the king, and reprehend him for it; which he taking very tenderly, commanded him in great displeasure to [...] his presence. The Lady before named thinking it now a fitte time to deale with the Bishop, commenced a sute a­gainst him, the ground and colour whereof was this. Cer­taine lewde persons had fired some housing belonging to the Countesse, and being apprehended, were content to accuse the Bishop as accessary to this foule fact. Where­upon before euer the Bishop heard any thing of the mat­ter, at the instance of the Lady, and commandement of the king, a Nisi prius passed against him, and adiudged him to the paiment of 900. l. which presently he was [...] to lay downe. But estéeming more the discredife then the [...], neuer ceased to importune the king till he obtained licence of him to call the Jury and witnesses to a reckoning of their do­ings. The time being come when the matter was to be de­termined, in the [...] at Huntington, the Countesse [...] a meanes to hinder the Bishops procéedings by corrupting the officers, who denied him the copie of the former iudge­ment, without which nothing could be done. Being much [Page 215] gréeued héerewith, he went vnto the king, and complained how he was oppressed, requesting him as he was the guide and life of the law, so he would direct the same according to iustce, and not sée him so ouerborne. This his speeche was de­liuered in somewhat more rough tearmes then beséemed him (as the king tooke it at leastwise) who making the worst of it, accused him to the parliament then assembled. Some things the king laid to his charge he denied, and extenuated the rest what he might. But the king affirmed euery thing vpon his honor and made some mention of witnesses; who then durst but take this proofe for good? So he was condem­ned by parliament and this punishment laid vpon him, that hereafter he should neuer presume to come in the kings pre­sence. Not long after this, it happened that his seruants mée­ting with certaine of the Countesses men, in a [...], one of her men were slaine. Of this murther the Bishop, is by and by déemed an accessarie and howsoeuer he knew himselfe gilt­lesse, fearing the successe of this matter would proue but as his other sutes had done, he sold all his mooueable goods, put the mony into the hands of his trusty friends, and hid him­selfe. It might not serue his turne; being absent, he was found guiltie by inquest, and his temporalties seised into the kings hands. Séeing therefore now the woorst (as he thought) he was content (vpon safe conduct) to appéere before the king and there desired to be tried by his péeres. Whether his re­quest in that point were satisfied or no I cannot tell; But cer­taine it is, that by the kings owne mouth sentence was pro­nounced against him. For it was the manner in those daies the king should determine causes of great waight sitting himselfe in open court. The matter being growen to this passe, he called vpon the Archbishop of Canterbury to [...] him such aide as the priuileges of the Church affoorded him. he expected belike, that he should by force & strong arme rescue him in such sort as Adam Tarlton Bishop of Hereford being accused of treason in the daies of this kings father, was vio­lently taken from the barre by the Archbishop that then was, and other Bishops. But this king ( Edward the 3.) was no babe; well enough they knew he would take no such iest; therefore they aduised him to submit himselfe vnto the kings [Page 216] mercy. That he vtterly refused to do, and hauing no other hope of succour, tooke the benefite of his safeconduct, tanquam ad anchoram sacram [...] vnto the Pope for helpe, and ac­quainted him with all the circumstances of his trouble, from the beginning vnto the end. Hereupon his accusers were cited to appéere in the Popes courte, and for not [...] were excommunicate. The Bishop of Lincolne was com­manded to denounce this excommunication (which he did vn­to his great trouble:) and also that if any of the excommuni­cate were dead, he should cause them to be digged out of their graues, and forbid them buriall in holy earth. This [...] dealing of the Pope mooued the king vnto great [...]: for diuers of those that were excommunicate, were persons of no small account; some of them of his priuy [...]. Proclamation therefore was made throughout the realme, that vpon paine of death, no man should héereafter be so har­dy as to bring into the realme any kinde of writing from the Popes court. Some notwithstanding contrary to this pro­hibition, deliuered letters to the Bishop of Rochester then Treasurer of England, from the Pope concerning this mat­ter, and fearing the woorst had armed themselues. This [...], they shrunke away and fled, but were soone after [...], and diuersly punished, some dismembred, other faire and well hanged. The Pope hearing of this, was so incensed, that he wrote a very sharpe letter vnto the king, breathing out terrible threats against him, if he did not presently reconcile himselfe vnto the Bishop and cause full amends to be made him for all the losse he had sustained either by the Countesse or him in these troubles. The king was too wise either to doe all he required, or vtterly to despise his authority. The [...] he knew was not for his honor, nor (so farre had this tyrant in­croched vpon the authority of princes) the other for his [...]. Warned by the examples of king Iohn, Henry the emperour and other; he thought good not to exasperate him too [...]; and so was content to yéeld vnto somewhat. But before the matter could grow to a full conclusion, it was otherwise en­ded by God, who tooke away the Bishop by death. He decea­sed at Auinion June 23. 1361. and was there buried, [...] béen Bishop euen almost 17. yéeres.

19. Simon Laugham.

INnocentius translated then Reginald Bryan Bishop of 1361 Worcester vnto Ely. But he died before he could take benefit of the Popes gift. Iohn Buckingham afterward Bishop of Lincolne was then chosen, and was reiected by the Pope, who preferred to this Sée Simon Laugham Abbot of Westminster. He continued here but fiue yeeres, being in that space first Treasurer, then Chauncellor of England, and was remooued to Canterbury. Of his translation some merry fel­low made these verses:

Laetentur [...] quia Simon transit ab Ely,
Cuius in aduentum flent in Kent [...] centum.

Sée more of him in Canterbury.

20. Iohn Barnet.

AT what time Simon Laugham was translated to Can­terbury, 1366 Iohn Barnet was remooued from Bathe to succeede him in Ely. He was first consecrate Bishop of Worcester 1362. and staying there but one yéere, ob­tayned Bathe 1363. and lastly Ely 1366. He was Treasu­rer of England. Being a very old man before his comming to Ely, he liued there notwithstanding sixe yéeres, in which tune he bestowed the making of fower windowes, two in the South side, and two in the North side of the Presbytery. He died June 7. 1379. at Bishops [...], & lieth buried vpon the south side of the high altar; in which place there is to be soone a goodly toombe monstrously defaced, the head of the image being broken off, I take that to be Barnets toombe.

21. Thomas Arundell.

AFter the death of Iohn Barnet the king writ earnestly 1375 vnto the couent to choose Iohn Woodrone his confessor. But they elected Henry Wakefield Treasurer of the kings house. This election was made voide by the Pope, who pla­ced of his owne authority (as I [...] deliuered) Thomas A­rundell [Page 218] Archdeacon of Taunton, sonne vnto Robert [...] of Arundell and Warren, being an aged gentleman of two and twenty yéeres old, and as yet but a Subdeacon. How be it, some report, that order being taken by parliament about this time for the ratifying of capitular elections, and stopping the iniurious prouisions of the Pope, that this Thomas [...] was chosen orderly and consecrate at Otford by the Archbishop William Witlesey Aprill 6. 1375. Hauing [...] there sowertéene yéeres thrée moneths and eightéene [...], he was translated to Yorke and after to Canterbury. He left for an implement of his house at Ely a woonderfull sumptu­ous and costly table decked with gold and precious stones. It belonged first vnto the king of Spaine, and was sold to this Bishop by the Blacke Prince for 300. markes. He also bestowed the building of the great gate house in the house at Holburne. Sée more of him in Yorke and Caterbury.

22. Iohn Fordham.

THe Sée had béene void but fowertéene daies when Iohn 1388 Fordham Bishop of Durham was translated to Ely by the Pope. He was first Deane of Wels, consecrate Bishop of Durham May 29. 1381. and inthronized there in Sep­tember 1382. He was Treasurer of England; and to his great griefe was displaced from that office the yéere 1386. and Iohn Gilbert Bishop of Hereford made treasurer. Seuen yéeres he continued at Durham, and September 27. 1388. was by the authority of the Pope translated to Ely; in which Sée he sate seuen and thirty yéeres two moneths and 24. daies. He died Nouember 19. 1425. and lieth bu­ried in the West part of the Lady chappell. It appée­reth by this reckoning, that he was Bishop in all from the time of his first consecration 46. yéeres and vpward. Sée more of him in Durham.

23. Philip Morgan.

THe king then and manie noble men commended vnto 1425 the couent William [...] doctor of law the kings confessor and kéeper of the priuie Seale, who was af­ter Bishop of Lincolne. But they chose Peter their Prior. That election being disliked at home by the Archbishop, he was fame to seeke vnto the Pope, whose manner was litle or nothing to regard elections, but to bestow any Bishoprick or other preferment that fell according to his owne pleasure, if it were not filled before the auoidance might come to his know­ledge. According to this custome hauing no respect of the e­lection of the couent; of his owne authoritie he thrust in Phil­lip Morgan into this Bishopricke. This man being doctor of law, was consecrate Bishop of worcester 1419. and soone af­ter [...] death viz. before the end of the yeere 1425. re­moued as is aforesaid vnto Ely. He was a very wise man, gouerned there with great commendation nine yeeres sixe moneths, and fower daies. And departed this life at Bishops [...] October 25. 1434. He was buried at charter house in London.

24. Lewes Lushborough.

PResently after his death the Monks elected Robert Fitz hugh Bishop of london: who died before his translation could be perfected. The king then writ for Thomas Rod­burne Bishop of saint [...]: which notwithstanding, they make choise of another, to wit Thomas Bourchier Bishop of worcester, whose election the Pope confirmed, but the king vtterly refused to restore to him the temporalties of that see. And so for feare of a premunire, he durst not receiue the popes bulles of confirmation, but renounced all his interest by this election. The king then appointed this Bishopricke vnto Lewes Lushbrough Archbishoppe of Roan Cardinall and Chauncellor both of Fraunce and Normandy that was some way I know not how kinne vnto him. By his meanes a dis­pensation was gotten of the Pope to hold Ely in commendam [Page 220] with his Archbishopricke. He enioyed it sixe yéeres and sixe monethes and then died at Hatfild Septem. 18. 1443. He is said to haue bene buried betwéene two marble pillers beside the altar of reliques.

25. Thomas Bourchier.

THomas Bourchier being now once more chosen, with­out 1443 any great difficultie obtained full confirmation March 12. following. He was brother vnto Henrie Earle of Esser, forst deane of saint Martins, then consecrate Bishop of worcester 1435. and sate there eight yéeres. Here he continued ten yéeres fiue monethes and twelue daies, and was then remoued to Canterbury. Sée more of him in Can­terbury.

26. William Gray.

THe Sée hauing béene voide onely 14. daies, Pope Ni­cholas 1454 the 5. vpon an especiall [...] he had of William Gray, doctor of Diuinity, placed him in the same. This William was a gentleman very well borne, to [...] of the noble and auncient house of the Lord Gray of [...], whose friends perceiuing in him a notable [...] and sharpnesse of witte, dedicated him vnto learning. He was brought vp in Baylioll Colledge in Oxford. Hauing spent much time there profitably, and to very good purpose, [...] the study as well of Diuinitie as Philosophy; he passed ouer the seas and trauailed into Italy, where he frequented much the lectures of one Guarinus of Uerona, a great learned man in those daies. Following thus his study, and profiting excee­dingly therein, he grew very famous; and no [...], for to see a gentleman of great linage, hauing maintenance at will, to become very learned, especially in Diuinity, is in déede a woonder, and seldome séene. He writ many things both before and after his preferment, whereof I thinke no­thing now remaineth. Neither was he a simple [...] and a bookeman onely. King Henry the 6. perceiuing him not on­lylearned, but very discrete, & no lesse industrious, appointed [Page 221] him his Proctor for the following of all his businesse in the Popes court. By this occasion hauing often recourse vnto the Pope, his great learning and other excellent parts were soone [...] by him, and woorthily rewarded with this Bi­shopricke. It was impossible such a man should not be im­ploted in State matters. The yeere 1469. he was made Treasurer of England by king Edward the 4. 24. yeeres two moneths and 21. daies, he was Bishop of this Sée. In which meane space he bestowed great sums of money vpon buil­ding of the steeple, at the west end of his Church, and at his death (which hapned at Downham August 4. 1478.) he be­queathed many goodly ornaments vnto the same his church, in which he was buried betweene two marble pillers.

27. Iohn Moorton.

A Happie and memorable man succéeded him, Iohn 1478 Moorton doctor of law from whose wisedome and de­uise sprung that blessed coniunction of the two noble houses of Lancaster and Yorke after so many yeeres war be­twéene them. This man was borne at Berry néere Bland­ford in Dorsetshire, first parson of S. Dunstans in London and prebendary of S. Decumans in [...] (as my selfe also sometimes was) then Master of the Rolles & lord Chauncel­lor of England. August 9. 1478. (viz. within [...] daies af­ter the death of Bishop Gray) he was elect Bishop of Ely, where he continued about eight yéeres, and the yeere 1486. was translated to Canterbury. Being yet Bishop of Ely, he bestowed great cost vpon his house at Hatfild. At [...] ca­stell likewise all the building of brick was of his charge. As also y t new leame that he caused to be made for more conuent­ent cariage to his towne, which they say serueth now to smale purpose, and many complaine that the course of the riuer Nine into the sea by Clowcrosse is very much hindred there­by. See more of him in Canterbury.

28. Iohn Alcock.

AFter the translation of Iohn Morton the Sée was void 1486 (as one saith) thrée yéeres. Howbeit I finde that Iohn Alcock doctor of Law, and Bishop of Worcester, was preferred therevnto the yéere 1486. A man of admirable temperance, for his life and behauiour vnspotted, and from a childe so earnestly giuen to the study, not onely of learning, but of all vertue and godlinesse; as in those daies neuer any man bare a greater opinion and reputation of holinesse. He liued all his life time most soberly and chastly, resisting the temptations of the flesh, and subduing them by fasting, stu­die, praier, & other such good meanes, abhorring as [...] all foode that was likely to stir him vp vnto wantonnes. He was borne at Beuerley in Yorkeshire; first Deane of Saint Ste­phens in Westminster and Master of the Rolles, consecrate Bishop, of Rochester 1471. translated first to Worcester 1476. and then to Ely (as I said) 1486. about which time he was for a while Lord Chauncellour of England by the appointment of that prudent and most excellent prince king Henry the 7. Being yet at Worcester he founded a [...], at kingstone vpon Hul; built a chappel vpon the south side of the parish church, where his parents were buried, and [...] a Chauntrey there. He built moreouer from the very foundation that stately hall in the pallace of Ely, togither with the gallerie; and in almost euery house belonging to his Bishopricke, bestowed very great cost. Lastly, he was the author of a goodly Colledge in Cambridge, now called [...] Colledge: it was first a Monastery of Nunnes, dedicated to Saint Radegund, and being fallen greatly in decay, the goods and ornaments of the church wasted, the lands diminished, and the Nunnes themselues hauing for saken it, insomuch as onely two were left, where of one was determined to be gone shortly, the other but an infant: This good Bishop obtained licence of K. Henry the 7. to conuert y t same to a college, wher­in he placed a master, 6. fellowes, & a certain number of schol­lers (since augmented by other benefactors) and dedicated the same vnto the honor of y t holy Trinity, the blessed Uirgin, S. [Page 223] Iohn the [...], and S. Radegund: what was not ex­pended vpon these buildings, or to other good purposes of like profite, he bestowed in hospitality and house keeping euery whit. Hauing sate 14. yeeres and somewhat more, he was taken out of this life to that place where no doubt he findeth the reward of his doings, viz. vpon the first day of October 1500. He lieth buried in a chappell of his owne building, on the North side of the Presbytery, where is to be seene a very goodly & sumptuous toombe, erected in memory of him, which by the barbarous and [...] of some body, is pit­tifully defaced, the head of the Image being broken off, the compartiment and other buildings torne downe.

29. Richard Redman.

ONe whole yéere the Bishopricke had béene voide after 1502 Alcockes death, when as Richard Redman Doctor of Diuinity, first Bishop of Saint Assaph, then of Exe­ter, was translated thence vnto Ely. He sate there but thrée yéeres and an halfe, and dying was buried betweene two pil­lers on the North side of the presbytery, where we sée a very stately toombe of frée stone well built. He was very liberall vnto the poore. His manner (they say) was, in trauelling to giue vnto euery poore person that demaunded almes of him a piece of money, sixe pence at least; and least many should loose it for want of knowledge of his being in towne, at his com­ming to any place, he would cause a bell to ring to giue notice thereof vnto the poore. No doubt, but he that bestowed thus much in publike, bestowed also very much in priuate that all the world knew not of.

30. Iames Stanley.

IAmes Stanley Doctor of Duinity, and brother vnto the 1506 Earle of Darby succeeded him. Other good I finde none re­ported of him, but rather much euill. He was made Bishop the yeere 1506. and enioyed that preferment eight yeeres and a halfe; of which time he spent very little or none at Ely: But liued all the sommer time at Somer sham, kéeping company [Page 224] much there with a certaine woman in very [...] me [...] and all the winter, he would be with his brother in Darby­shire. So drownd in pleasures he passed his time without doing any one thing woorthy commendation or [...].

31. Nicholas West.

IN the moneth of October 1515. Nicholas West Doctor of 1515 Diuinity became Bishop of Ely. He [...] borne néere Ful­ham, being the sonne of one Iohn West a baker. This Bi­shop (as I finde noted) kept daily in his house an hundred seruants; of which, to the one halfe he gaue yéerely [...] markes wages, and the rest forty shillings, euery one being allowed fower yards of cloath for his winter liuery to make him a gowne, and three yards and a halfe for a coat to weare insommer. Daily he gaue at his gate warme meate and drinke to two hundred poore folke: and moreouer in [...] of dearth distributed diuers summes of money vnto the poore. He gouerned the Dioces of Ely seuentéene yéeres and sixe moneths. At last falling into the kings displeasure for some matter concerning his first marriage: the griefe [...] (as it is thought) cast him into a disease, which being the woorse able to sustaine because of a fistula that he had néere his fun­dament: He yéelded vnto the necessity of Nature Aprill 6. 1533. He lieth buried in a chappell very sumptuously built by himselfe in the South east part of the Presbytery of Ely.

32. Thomas Gooderich

AYéere and 14. daies the Sée of Ely was voide after the 1534 death of B, West. In which time I finde that [...] Ni­cholas Hawkins Doctor of Law was elect vnto the same: It is like he died before he could be consecrate; for he neuer enioyed it I am sure. The 20. day of Aprill 1534. Tho­mas Gooderich Doctor of Diuinity was consecrate, and sate 20. daies aboue 20. yéeres. He built a faire gallery in the North side of the pallace of Ely, and otherwise in that house bestowed much cost. He died at Somersham of the [...] [Page 225] tenth of May 1554. and lieth buried almost in the middle of the Presbytery. More would be said of him: but I had ra­ther you should heare it in other mens words then mine. For I now grow néere the time of which I meane to speake lit­tle, as iudging it neither safe to reprehend, nor séemely to praise (though truely) those men whose memoryare fresh and diuers their friends liuing. This therefore that I finde writ­ten vpon his toombe I will impart vnto you, and concerning hun no more:

Thomas Goodricus annis plus minus 20. huius [...] E­piscopus hocloco [...] est. Duobus Angliae [...] regibus [...] & [...], foris [...] apud exteros principes saepe legatus, [...] quidem cum [...] Edwardo eius nominis sexto aliquandiu [...], magnus tandem factus Angliae Cancellarius. Cha­riorne [...] propter singularem prudentiam, an [...] populo propter integritatem & abstmentiam fuerit, ad [...] est per quam difficile.

In English thus:

Thomas Goodrich for 20. yéeres Bishop of this Church [...] buried in this place. A man very acceptable vnto two noble kings of this realme, in many actions both concerning the church and common wealth. For abroad he was often imployed in embassages to forraine Princes, and at home, after he bad béene of the priuy Councell a while vnto king Edward the sixt of that name, he was made at last high Chan­cellor of England. Whether he were more déere vnto his Prince for his singular wisedome, or more beloued of the commonalty for his integrity and abstinence, it is euen very hard to say. He died the 10. of May 1554.

33. Thomas Thirlby.

AT what time it pleased king Henry the eight to make 1554 the church of Westminster a cathedrall Sée, he appoin­ted for the first Bishop of the same (who also was the last) Thomas Thirlby Doctor of Diuinity. The yéere 1550. he was [Page 226] [...], by [...] vnto the Bishop­ricke of Ely, but also [...] of her priuy Councell. After her death, [...] the reformation intended by our grand [...] Elizabeth; he was com­mitted[?] to the tower [...] from his Bishoprick by act of parlilament. Hauing [...] a time of imprisonment, nei­ther very sharpe nor very long, his friends easily obtayned licence for him, and the late secretary Boxall to liue in the Archbishops house, where they had also the company of Bi­shop Tonstall till such time as he died. The Archbishop in­treated them all most kindly, as considering no doubt the variablenes of this mutable world, how possible it was for God that so lately had set him vp, to cast him downe, as he had done those[?] men. He liued in this sort the space of 10. yeres and vpwards; taking more pleasure (I assure my selfe) in this time of his imprisonment (for so some men will needes estéeme it) then euer heretofore in the middest and fullest[?] streame of his highest honors. He departed this life at Lamb­hith August 26. 1570. and lieth buried in the middle of the chauncell there at the head of Bishop Tunstall vnder a mar­ble stone.

34. Richard Coxe.

BIshop [...] being remooued from his place by [...] (as is before said) Richard Coxe Doctor of Diuini­ty was appointed thereunto by her Maiesty that now [...], and was consecrate December 21. 1559. He was borne in Buckingham shire, in king Edwards daies Chaun­cellor of the University of Oxford, Deane of Westminster, and Christchurch in Oxford, [...] vnto the saide king, Almosner vnto him, and (as Bale also reporteth) of his priuy Councell. All [...] Maries time he liued in Germa­ny. He was Bishop of Ely seuen moneths aboue 21. yéeres, and departed this life July 22. 1581. He lieth buried [...] Bishop Goodrich vnder a marble stone, vpon which (though much of the [...]) I [...] these [...]:

Vita [...] vale, [...] vita [...],
Corpus [...], [...].
Interra Christi gallus [...],
Da Christe in coelis te sine fine sonem.

35. Martyn [...].

THe Sée hauing continued voide almost 20. yéeres, it pleased her Maiesty at last to appoint vnto the same Martyn Heton Doctor of Diuinity and Deane of Winchester, who was consecrate in the end of the yere 1599. long and happily may he well enioy the [...].

The valuation of this Bishoprick in the Exchequer is 2134, l. 18, s. 5, d. halfe farthing and the third part of a farthing: in the Popes bookes 7000. ducats.

The Bishops of Lincolne.

THe Bishop of that Dioces, whereof Lincolne is now the Sée, sate [...] at [...], a place distant from Ox­ford about 10. [...]. [...] was all that countrey, which now be­longeth vnto the Bishops of Winche­ster, Lincolne, Salisbury, Oxford, Bristow, Wels, Lichfield, [...], and [...]; and he (notwithstanding that he gouerned also the Mercians or Saxons of Mid-England, who for a while had not any Bishop peculiar vnto themselues) he I say [...] called the Bishop of the West Saxons. Birinus was the first Bishop of this so large a territory; Of him sée more in Win­chester. The second was Agilbert a French man. In his time Kenwalchus king of the West Saxons, caused this huge [...] to be diuided into two parts, the one of which he left vn­to Agilbert, vnto the other he caused one Wina to be conse­crate, appointing Winchester to be his Sée, and all the West countrey his iurisdiction. After Agilbert there was no other Bishop of Dorchester a long time. He departing into France, Wina and his successors Bishops of Winchester, gouerned that Sée also, or part of it at least. For it happened not long after that Oswy king of Mercia erected an Episcopall [...] at Lichfield, and placed one Diuma in the same. He had all Mid­England for his Dioces; so had sixe or seuen of his successors, butill the yéere 678. at what time a Bishop was [...] at Sidnacester, one Eadhead: He dying within one yéere, Ethel­wine succéeded.

Then these;
  • Edgar.
  • Kinebert, Beda calleth him Embert, and acknow­ledgeth himselfe much holpen by him in the [...] of his Ecclesiasticall historie. He dyed 733.
  • [Page 229]
    • 733. Alwigh.
    • 751. Ealdulf, he died ann. 764.
    • 764. Ceolulf, he died 787.
    • 787. Ealdulf.

After Ealdulf, the Sée continued void many yéeres. The yéere 872. Brightred became Bishop. In the meane time, viz. the yéere 737. another Sée was erected at Legecester, now called Leicester (but soone after remooued to Dorchester) and one Tota made Bishop there;

Then these;
  • Edbertus consecrate ann. 764.
  • Werenbert. He died 768.
  • Vuwona suceeded him (as hath Florilegus.) Other put him before Werenbert. He liued ann. 806. [...]. He died 851.
  • Aldred, consecrate 861. or rather as Matth. West. repor­teth ann. 851. The yéere 873. he was depriued of his Bi­shopricke.
  • [...], consecrate 873.
  • Halard, by king Alfred appointed one of the Guardians of the realme to defend it against the irruption of the Danes, ann. 897.
  • Kenulfus or rather [...] consecrate ann. 905. together with sixe other Bishops by [...] the Archbishop.
  • [...], vnto him the Dioces of Sidnamcester was also committed (which had now continued void almost fourscore yéeres) and his See for both established againe at Dorchester. He was a great benefactor to the Abbey Ramsey, and died the yéere, 959.
  • Ailnoth, consecrate 960.
  • [...] or Aeswy.
  • [...].
  • Eadnoth, slaine by the Danes in battell, 1016.
  • Eadheric, he died 1034. and was buried at Ramsey.
  • Eadnoth, He built the Church of our Lady in Stowe, and died the yéere 1050.
  • Vlf. He was a Norman, brought into England by Emma [Page 230] the Quéene of king Ethelred, sister to Richard Duke of Nor­mandy. She commended him vnto her sonne Saint Edward, and found meanes vpon the death of Eadnoth to aduaunce him (though a man very vnlearned) vnto this Bishopricke. [...] 1052. He and all the [...] (that through the [...] of Quéene Emma possessed the chiefe places of [...] in all the realme) were compelled to depart the land. This man amongst the rest going to the Councell of Uercels to complaine vnto the Pope of his wrongfull vanishment, [...] farre soorth bewrayed his owne weakenesse and insufficien­cy, as the Pope was determined to haue displaced him [...] his Bishoprick, vntill with giftes, and golden eloquence [...] perswaded him to winke at his imperfections. It seemeth [...] died the yéere following.
  • [...] or [...], was consecrate the yéere 1053. [...] 1067. and was buried in his Cathedrall Church of Dor chester.

1. Remingius de Feschamp.

THe last Bishop of Dorchester and first of Lincolne 1070 was [...], a monke of Feschamp that (as Bale noseth) was the sonne of a priest. Unto this man Wil­liam the Conquerour (for diuers good seruices done vnto him) had promised long before a Bishopricke in England, [...] it should please God to send him [...]. He was as good as his word, and the yéere 1070. preferred him to Dorchester, voide by the death of the former Bishop. The consideration of this gift comming to the Popes eare, he woulde [...] it symony, and as a [...] actually depriued him of his Bishopricke: But at the request of Lanfrank the Archbishop of Canterbury, he restored him to his ring and crosyer againe. Soone after his first preferment, he began to build at Dorchester, and intended great matters there. But order being taken in a Conuocation at London by the kings procurement, that Episcopall sées euery where should be re­moued from obscure townes to greater cities, he diuerted the course of his liberality from Dorchester to Lincolne. Lincolne at that time (saith William Malmsburie) was one of the most [Page 231] populous cities of England, of great resort and traffique both by sea and land. Remigius therefore thinking it a fit place for a Cathedrall church, bought certaine ground vpon the top of the hill neere the castle then lately built by William the con­querour, and began the foundation of a goodly church. The Archbishop of Yorke endcuoured to hinder the execution of this worthie designement by laying challenge to the iurisdic­tion of that country: This allegation, though friuolous, was a meane of some charge vnto the Bishop, who (not without gifts) was faine to worke the king to be a meanes of cleering that title. [...] fabrike of the church being now finished, and 21. prebends founded in the same, al which he furnished with Incumbents very wel esteemed of both for learning and con­uersation; He made great prouision for the dedication of this his new church, procuring all the Bishops of England by the kings authoritie to be summoned thereunto. The rest came at the time appointed, which was May 9. 1092. Onely Ro­bert Bishop of Hereford absented him selfe, foreseeing by his skill in Astrology (as Bale and other affirme) that Remigius could not liue vnto the day prefixed, which also he foretold long before. It fell out (according vnto his prediction) that [...] died two daies before the time appointed for this great solemnity. He was buried in that his owne new built church. This Remigius was a man, though of so high and no­ble a mind, yet so vnreasonable low of stature, as hardly hée might attaine vnto the pitch and reputation of a dwarfe. So as, it séemed, nature had framed him in that sort, to shew how possible it was that an excellent mind might dwell in a defor­med and miserable body. Besides this worthy foundation at Lincoln, he reedified the church and Abbey at [...], as also the Abbey of Bardney. By his perswasion king William the conquerour erected the Abbeyes of Cane in Normandy, and Battell in Susser vpon the very place where he had ouer­throwne king Harold in battell, and so made a passage vnto the conquest of the whole [...]. The superstitious and credu­lous posterity ascribe diuers miracles vnto the holinesse of this Bishop, wrought (not in his life time, but) many yéeres after his death.

2. Robert Bloett.

IT happened soone after the death of [...], the king 1092 (William Rufus) to fall dangerously sick at Glocester: And thinking he should die, began seriously to repent him of his dissolute and vicious life forepassed: Especially, he shewed great griefe for his Simony and sacrilegious oppression of the church and Cleargy men. In this good moode he bestowed the Archbishopricke of Canterbury (hauing kept it voide fower yéeres) vpon Saint Anselm, and Lincolne vpon Robert Bloet or Bluet his Chauncellor. When he recouered, he much repented his repentance, wished they were in his hands againe, and tell to his old practises as [...] as euer hereto­fore. This Robert Bloet was a man passing wise, liberall, [...], curteous and very personable, but vnlearned, light of behauiour, and much giuen to lust. Bale reporteth he had a sonne named Simon (base borne no doubt) whom he made Deane of Lincolne. He dedicated his church; bestowed very much in furnishing the same with ornaments requisite. Un­to the 21. Prebends founded by his predecessor, he added 21. more, and very largely endued (or as some deliuer foun­ded) the Abbey of Eynsham besides Oxford, vnto the which monastery he remooued the monkes of Stow. Againe he be­stowed the mannor of Charlton vpon the monkes of Ber­mondsey, and gaue vnto the king 500, l. (or as H. Hunting­don hath 5000.) to cléere the title that the Archbishop of Yorke laid vnto the iurisdiction of his Sée. He was consecrate the yeere 1092. sate almost 30. yéeres, and died at last sudden­ly Ianuary 10. 1122. Riding by the kings side talking with him neere Woodstocke, he shranke downe spéechlesse, and be­ing caried to his lodging, died in a manner presently. His bowels were buried at Eynsham, his body was conueghed to Lincolne, and there in his owne church solemnely interred. Upon his toombe was engrauen this Epitaphe:

Pontificum Robertus honor, quem fama superstes
Perpetuare dabit, non obiturus obit.
Hic humilis, diues, (res mira) potens, pius vltor,
Compatiens, mitis, cum pateretur, erat.
Noluit esse sui Dominus, studuit pater esse,
Semper in aduersis murus & arma suis.
In decima Iani, mendacis somnia mundi
Liquit, & euigilans, vera perenne vidit.

3. Alexander.

ROger that famous Bishop of Salisbury, was now so 1123 great a man with the king ( Henry the first) as being able to do with him what he list, he easily entreated him to bestow the Bishopricke of Lincolne vpon one Alexander his owne brothers sonne, a Norman borne, whom not long before he had made Archdeacon of Salisbury, and chiefe Ju­stice of England. He was consecrate at Canterbury July 22. 1123. The next yéere after, his Cathedrall church so late­ly built, and yet scarcely finished, was burnt and horribly de­faced by casuall fire. This man repayred it againe, and added vnto it a speciall ornament, a goodly vault of stone, which be­fore it had not, and therefore was the more subiect vnto fire. He also increased the number of his Prebends, & purchased vnto his church certaine mannors and other lands. But his chiefe delight was in building of castels, wherein he imitated his vncle the Bishop of Salisbury. This humor was the vn­doing of them both. To leaue the other vnto his owne place, Alexander built a stately castle at Banbury, another at Ne­warke, and a third at Sleford. William Par [...]s reporteth that he also founded two monasteries, but what or where I finde not. These castles were such eie-sores vnto king Ste­phen, as they prouoked him to picke a quarrell otherwise vnto the Bishops, to clappe them vp in prison (where the other died) and to bereaue them at once of these munitions and all their treasure, whereof they had hoorded vp great store. They that kept the castle of Newarke refused to deliuer it at the kings summons, till such time as the Bishop intrea­ted them to yéeld, signifying (and it was true indeede) that the king had sworne he should nether eate nor drinke before he had possession of the castle. Hereupon they set open the gates vnto the king, and then with much adoo hauing lyen by it cer­taine moneths, he was at last released of his imprisonment. [Page 234] After that, [...] the [...] of his [...], [...] himselfe wholy to [...] the [...] of his church, performed that which [...], and [...] made it simply the most beautifull church of England at that time. He was thrice at Rome, to wit, the [...] 1142. and 1144. where he behaued himselfe so, as he pleased both the king and the Pope very well. The first time he was [...], the Pope gaue him authority to call a [...] as his [...], and especially [...] vnto him the redresse of cer­taine [...]; for the effecting whereof he caused [...] canons to be made very necessary for those times. A third iourney he made vnto the Pope, lying then in Fraunce, in the moneth of August 1147. where through immoderate heat of the weather during the time of his trauell, he fell [...], and with much [...] getting home, not long after his returne he died hauing sate Bishop about the space of 24. yéeres. I [...] in Henry Huntingdon certaine verses written in com­mendation of him which I thinke not amisse here to be in­serted:

Splendor Alexandri non tam renitescit honore,
Quam per eum renitescit honor, flos namque virorum.
Dando tenere [...], thesauros cogit honoris,
Et gratis dare festinans, ne danda rogentur.
Quod nondum dederit, nondum se credit habere.
O decus, ô moruoo directio; quo veniente,
Certa fides, hilaris clementia, cauta potestas,
Lene [...], doctrina placens, correctio dulcis,
Libercasque decens venêre, pudorque facetus.
Lincoliae gens magna prius, nunc maxima semper;
Talis & ille diu sit nobis tutor honoris.

4. Robert de Chisuey.

AFter Alexander succéeded Robert Archdeacon of Ley­cester, 1147 surnamed by some de Chisuey or Chisueto, by others de Taueto, Querceto or Euerceto (for so diuers­ly I finde him called) a very yoong man. He was consecrate in September 1147. and died Ianuary 8. 1167. This man added one Prebend vnto those that were founded by his pre­decessors, [Page 235] purchased a house for himselfe and his successors [...] vnto the temple at London, and built the Bishops pal­lace at Lincolne in a manner all. He left his Sée indebted vnto one Aaron a Iew the summe of 300, l. (a great deale of money in those daies) and his successors were faine to see it discharged long after.

5. Geoffry Plantagenet.

THe Sée of Lincolne continued then void after the death of the said Robert almost seuenteene [...]; in so much as all men were of opinion, there should neuer be any more Bishop there. A certaine conuert of Tame reputed a ve­ry holy man, and halfe a prophet in regard of many things he had strangely foretold, this man I say had giuen out, that the said Robert lately deceased should be the last Bishop of Lin­colne. This prediction of his many men [...], when not long after the death of the Bishop before mentioned, they saw Geoffry king Henry the second his base sonne and Archdea­con of Lincoln, elected vnto that Sée. But he contenting him­selfe with the large reuenewes of that rich Bishoprick, neuer sought consecration, well knowing he might so sheare the fleece, though he listed not to take the charge of feeding the sheepe. Seuen yeeres he reaped the fruits of that See by co­lour of his election; and then by his fathers commaundement resigned all his interest in the same, became an entire courtier for eight yéeres more, & at last returning to the church againe, became Archbishop of Yorke. See more of him there.

6. Walter de Constantijs.

ABout the latter ende of the yéere 1183. when all men 1183 now assured themselues the prophecy of that conuert of Tame must needes fall out true, Walter de Con­stantijs Archdeacon of Oxford, was elect and consecrate Bi­shop of Lincolne. He was very fearefull to accept of the elec­tion, thinking assuredly he might not liue to be Bishop, in re­gard of that vaine and false prophecy before mentioned. Be­ing yet scarce warme in his seate, the Archbishopricke of [Page 236] [...] was [...] vnto him, a place of much higher dignity, but of lesse reuenues then Lincoln a great deale. [...] the pow­er and force of ambition, that could prouoke this man, nota­bly [...], to forsake riches, and content him selfe with [...] place [...] lesse wealth, but a litle more honorable. He was translated to [...] the next yeere after his comming to Lin­colne, viz. 1184.

7. Saint Hugh.

TWo yéeres after the departure of Walter to Koan, the 1186 Sée of Lincolne continued void. Upon Saint Mat­thewes day 1186. one Hugh the first Prior of the Charterhouse monkes at Witteham in Somersetshire was consecrate Bishop of the said Church. This Hugh (who by his integrity of life and conuersation, and the opinion of di­uers myracles wrought by him, hath purchased vnto him­selfe the honour and reputation of a Saint) was borne in a City of Burgundy, called Gratianopolis. By the aduise and direction of his Father, (who hauing buried his wife, had made himselfe a regular Channon) he also entred the same profession being yet very yoong: But waring elder, he betooke him selfe afterwards vnto the straight and seuere orders of the Carthusians or Charterhouse monkes (as we commonly call them.) In that kind of life he not only obserued all things requisite by the rule of their order, but so farre surmounted the same in performing much more then it required, as he grew very famous farre and néere for his extraordinary ab­stinence and austerity of life. It chaunced the report thereof to come vnto the eares of king Henry the second: who buil­ding a house for Carthusian monkes at Witteham aboue mentioned, thought good to send Reginald Bishop of Bathe into Burgundy, to intreate this holy man, to accept the place of the Prior of this new foundation. With much adoo he as­sented, and came ouer with the Bishop. The king (who for the opinion he had of his holinesse, vsed often priuately to conferre with him) remembring how great wrong he had done the Church of Lincolne in so long kéeping it without a Bishop, determined to make amends by giuing them a good [Page 237] one at last, and procured this Hugh before he vnderstood of a­ny such thing toward, to be elected Bishop of that Sée. He gouerned very stoutly and with great seuerity, yet so, as he was more reuerenced and loued then feared. His excommu­nications were very terrible vnto all men, and the rather, for that it was noted (as I find deliuered) some notable calami­ty otherwise did lightly follow them. His Church of Lincolne he caused to be all new built from the foundation, a great and memorable worke, and not possible to be performed by him without infinite helpe. Moreouer, he gaue vnto the King 1000. markes, to acquite him and his successors, from the yeerely payment of a Mantell of Sables, wherewith by an auncient custome they were woont euery newyeares tide to present him. The yeere 1200. he would néedes make a voy­age to Carthusia the chiefe and originall house of their order. In his returne home, he fell sicke of a quartane ague at Lon­don and there died, Nouember. 17. 1200. His body was presently conueighed to Lincolne, & hapened to be brought thither, at a time, when king Iohn of England and William king of Scots were mette there, with an infinite number of the nobility of both realmes. The two kings, for the great re­uerence they bare vnto his holynesse, would needes set their shoulders vnto the beere, and helped to cary his coarse from the gates of the City, vntill it came to the Church doore: There it was receiued by the Prelates, caried into the quire and the funer all rites being ended, buried in the body of the East part of the Church aboue the high Aulter, neere the aul­ter of Saint Iohn Baptist. The yeere 1220. [...] was Cano­nised at Rome, and his body being taken vp, October 7. 1282. was placed in a siluer shrine, Who so listeth to read the miracles that are ascribed vnto him, may find them in Matth. Paris that describeth his life at large in his report of the yeere 1200. Amongst many things omitted for breuity, I can not let passe one thing which I finde elsewhere deliue­red concerning him, how that comming to Godstowe a house of Nunnes neere Oxford, and seeing a hearse in the middle of the quire couered with silke, & tapers burning round about it, he asked who was buried there. Understanding then, it was that faire Rosamond the Concubine of king Henry the second, [Page 238] who at her intreaty had done much for that house, and in re­gard[?] of those fauours was [...] that honours [...] her body to be digged Vp immediately, a [...] buried[?] in the Church yard, saying it was a plac [...] a great deale t [...]o good for a harlot, and it should be an example to other women to terrifie them from such a wicked and filthy kind of life.

8. William de Bleys.

VVIlliam de Bleys [...] and Canon of the 1203 Church of [...], was elected Bishop of the same Church, the yéere 1201. but not consecrate till [...] day, 1203. He died vpon [...], 1206.

9. Hugh de Wels.

HVgh [...] of [...], and sometimes [...] 1209 of England, [...] the yéere 1209, at what time king Iohn [...] to [...] Stephen [...] for Archbishop of [...], (whereof sée more in [...]) [...] this the elect of [...] to repaire [...] the Archbishop of Roan for consecration. [...] this [...] of the King, he got vnto Stephen Langton and of him was consecrate. The king hearing of it, [...] vpon his [...] and kept him [...] from them, till the yéere 1213. This Bishop and Ioceline of [...], laying their purses together, [...] a [...] hospitall at [...]. [...] more thereof [...] the life of the said Ioceline. [...], [...] a [...] in his Church of Lincolne. I haue [...] of a [...] made by him 1211. in which [...] great [...] to his friends [...] kinred, he [...] 5000. markes. He [...] long after, to [...] 7. 1234. [...] then, he was [...] in [...] Church.

10. Robert Grosse-teste

IUne 11. following, to wit, the yéere 1235. Robert Grosse­test 1235 or Grosthead Archdeacon of Leycester was consecrate Bishop of Lincolne. A man famous for his excellent learning and vertues otherwise. He was borne in Suffolke, of very meane or rather base parentage. In his youth (according vn­to the maner of all students in those times) he trauelled into Fraunce, partly to increase his knowledge in other learning, but especially to attaine the French toong, which was then almost as common here as the English. At his returne he was made Archdeacon of Leycester, and afterwards (as be­fore is mentioned) Bishop of Lincolne. In his time, the ty­ranny of the Pope was now growen to the full height and [...]. What for appeales vnto Rome & bribes at Rome, no iurisdiction here could punish any fault neuer so [...]. No iurisdiction or other preferment was likely to fall, but the Popes reseruation would take it vp before hand, and bestow it at last vpon some stranger (happily a childe) that would neuer come néere it all his life long. The yéere 1252. notice being taken of this matter, the spiritual promotions of stran­gers within this realme were found to amount vnto the summe of 70000. markes by the yéere, whereas the kings yeerely reuenewes at that time came not to the third part of that summe. At these and other intollerable abuses, he repi­ning very much; thought good in person to go to Rome & ac­quaint y t Pope with his grieues. He did so, was heard, & with saire promises dismissed. But when at his return he found no maner of redresse of those things he complained, he feared not to write vnto the Pope a very sharpe & Satyricall letter, shewing how farre he had degenerated from the holinesse of his predecessors, and exhorting him earnestly to reforme the monstrous enormities, that flowing from Rome, as from a corrupt and poysoned fountaine infected the whole Church. This Epistle (if any man desire to sée it) is to be found in Matth. Paris. The Pope hauing read it, grew into great choller, and breathing out many threats, intended some ter­rible reuenge of this so intollerable a reproch (as he tooke it) [Page 240] vntill such time as, one Gyles a Cardinall of Spaine [...] vnto him, vsed these words; Holy father, it shall not doo well (in my opinion) to take any hard or extreme course against this man. It is but too true that he hath written. He is [...] re­ligion a Catholike as well as we, but for life and conuersati­on so farre [...] vs, as it is thought Christendome hath not his like. Againe, he is knowen to to be a great learned man, an excellent Philosopher, well séene in the Gréeke tongue as well as the Latine, a profound Diuine, and a diligent preach­er; These things are well knowen to all the Cleargy, both of Fraunce and England: We haue no iust matter against him, we are not able to touch him, yea though we were, it [...] not wisedome. We shall doo well to remember, how [...] it is, quod [...], [...] est ventura, that there shall one day be a departure, and let vs take héede that we giue not the occasion. My aduice therefore is, that we [...] content to winke at this matter, and euen let him alone. Some say his counsell was followed, and the matter passed ouer in silence. Howbeit, it is also reported (and both may be true) that afterwards (vpon some new quarrell [...]) he was suspended at Rome, excommunicate, and hor­ribly persecuted. And indéede it is certaine, that he would ne­uer be iuduced to obey any of those monstrous and vnreaso­nable bulles: Of [...], discoursing sometimes with his fa­miliars, he would very confidently affirme, that the Pope was an Heretike, yea and Antichrist. So Matth. Paris [...]. Notwithstanding these broyles, he was a continuall and diligent Preacher, writ bookes to the number of all most 200. l. (the Catalogue whereof you may finde in Bale) and yet tooke infinite paines in attending matters of gouernment and iurisdiction, so farre [...] as by the Pope he was not hindred. He died at last at his mannour of Buckden, Octo­ber 9. 1253. giuing all his bookes (an excellent library) vnto the Frier Minors at [...]. He lyeth buried in the [...] South [...] of his Cathedrall Church, & hath a goodly [...] of marble, with an image of brasse [...] it. The Pope not [...] to persecute him after his death, was once of the mind [...] digge vp his body againe, vntill by the perswasion of [...] other his mind was altered. But sée the iust iudgement of [Page 241] God vpon this wicked Pope (it was Innocent 4.) Lying at Naples in his way toward [...] (the kingdome whereof in hope he had now deuoured) this bishop appeared vnto him in the night, & strake him a great blow vpon the left side, which shewed all bloudy in the morning; and soone after the Pope died. This Bale reporteth out of Ranulfus, Fabian, and others. Matthew Paris ascribeth diuers myracles vnto him, & doubt­teth not to account him a Saint, although the Pope ought him not so much goodwill as to affoord him Canonisation. Doubtlesse he was an excellent man, and deserueth the com­mendation giuen vnto him by the consent of all writers. Not to trouble my selfe with any longer discourse concerning him, I will set downe this briefe Elogium of Matthew Paris: He was (saith he) Domini Papae & Regis redargutor manifestus, Praelatorum correptor, Monachorum corrector, Presbitero­rum director, clericorū instructor, scholarium sustentator, po­puli predicator, incontinentium persecutor, scripturarum se­dulus perscrutator, Romanorum [...] & contemptor. In mensa refectionis corporalis [...], [...] & [...], hila­ris & [...]: In mensa vero spirituali deuotus, lachrymosus & contritus: In officio pontificali sedulus, venerabilis, & [...]. Much more you may reade of him in Master Foxe.

11. Henry Lexinton.

THe King now was very earnest with the Chapter of 1254 Lincolne, to elect Petet d'Egueblank Bishop of Here­ford vnto that their Sée. They alleaged, he was a stranger, vnderstood not the English tongue, and was more­ouer an euill man, not gouerning well the charge already committed vnto him. In regard hereof, they humbly besought the king to hold them excused, and made choice of Henry Lex­inton their Deane. He was chosen December 30. 1253. consecrate. May 17. following. died August 8. 1258. & was buried at Lincolne in his owne Church. The yéere before his death, he offred some kind of hard measure vnto the Uniuer­sity of Oxford, by [...] certaine liberties that of old be­longed vnto it. For redresse hereof, they were forced to make their complaint vnto the King lying then at Saint Albons, [Page 242] [...] Matthew Paris a [...] of [...], was [...] the [...] of their petition, and (as [...]) [...] bold to [...] vnto the king, vsing these [...] vnto [...] in priuate. I beseech your grace, euen for Gods sake, to haue compassion vpon the Church now tottering and in great dan­ger of vtter subuersion. The [...] of Paris, the nurse of so many excellent and famous Prelates, is now greatly troubled. If the Uniuersity of Oxford be disquieted and [...] also (especially at this time) being the second Uniuer­sity of Christendome and euen an other foundation of the Church, it is much to be feared, least it cause a generall [...] and vtter ruine of the whole Church. God forbid [...] the King that that should happen, especially in my time; I will indeuour to preuent it. I doubt not he was as good as his word: For I find no more mention of any farther stirres. This, I haue thought good the rather to set downe, to shew, what was the reputation of our Uniuersity of Oxford in those daies.

12. Benedictus Grauesend

ANother Deane of Lincolne succéeded him, Benedic­tus 1258 Grauesend, whom I [...] called also Richard Grauesend. He was consecrate Nouember 3. 1258. and died December 18. 1279.

13. Oliuer Sutton.

OLiuer Sutton (as Walsingham saith) was likewise 1280 Deane of [...], a very good and [...] man. He was elected Bishop February 6. [...] May 18. 1180. died in the middle of a [...] prayer Nouember 13. 1299. and lyeth [...] in the North Isle of the vpper part of his Church, vnder a flat Marble stone [...] the [...] of Bishop Flemming.

14. Iohn d'Aldarby.

IOhn'D'alderby or D'aderly, Chauncellor of Lincolne suc­céeded 1200 the next yéere, and died at Stow parke, Ianuary 5. 1319. He was buried at Lincolne in the lower South crosse Isle. But his [...] was taken away for that it was super­stitiously frequented by the common people.

15. Thomas Beake.

IAnuary 27. following, the Chapter of Lincolne made 1320 choice of one Thomas Beake Chauncellor of Lincolne, for their Bishop. The Archbishop of Canterbury, vpon what quarrell I know not reiected this election: But at Rome (where all things were to be had for money) he got it confir­med. The yéere 1278. one Thomas Beake Archdeacon of Dorchester was Lord Treasurer of England. It may be this was the man. And it should seeme he was very old; for he sate but a very short time; which I take to be the cause that some men make Burwash next successor to D'Alderby. Hely­eth buried (as it séemeth by a note that I haue séene) in the highest crosse North Isle.

16. Henry Burwash.

HEnry Burwash was nephew vnto Sir Bartholomew 1320 Badilismer Baron of Leedes, a man of great authority vnder king Edward the second. The king by his meanes dealt earnestly for the preferment of the said Henry vnto the Sée of Lincolne, which he obtained and was inthronised there about Christmas 1320. within a yéere or two after, he fell into the kings displeasure so far, as that his temporalties were seased vpon and detained from him the space of two yéeres. The yeere 1224. they were restored vnto him againe, and he vnto the kings fauour: but the grudge thereof [...] so in his stomacke, as the Queene rising against her husband séeking to depose him (as afterward she did) an. 1326. no man was so forward to take her part as this Bishop; no man so [Page 244] eager against the king his vndoubted, true and naturall Prince. He was also a very [...] and miserable man (as Walsingham reporteth.) Toward the latter end of his time, he made a new parke at Tynghurst, and inclosed within the same much ground that belonged to diuers poore men his te­nants, for the which he had many a bitter curse of them. After his death, it is said he appéered vnto one that had béene one of his gentlemen, in the likenes of a kéeper, with bow & arrowes in his hand, a horne by his side and a gréene ierkin on his backe, telling him, that for the iniurious inclosure of that parke, he was appointed to the kéeping of the same and to be tormented there, till it were disparked and [...] open againe. He therefore also besought him to intreate his brethren the Canons of Lincolne, that the wrong done by him, by their [...] meanes might be righted. They were so wise as to giue credit vnto this report, and sent one of their company named William Bacheler to see it performed. He did so, hurled abroad the pale, filled vp the ditches, and caused the poore tenants to be restored vnto their right againe. This Bishop died at Gaunt in the ende of December 1340. hauing béene succes­siuely Treasurer and Chauncellor of England, and was bu­ried in the East ende of his Cathedrall church toward the North. At his féete lyeth a brother of his named Robert, a knight, a great soldier, and a sonne of the said Robert called Bartholomew. They founded a Grammar schoole in Lin­colne and left maintenance for fiue priests and fiue poore schollers.

17. Thomas le Becke.

AFter Henry Burwash, it is said that another Thomas Beake 1341 succéeded, called by some Thomas le Becke, and by others Thomas Weke, a famous and woorthy Clerke (as Walsingham reporteth.) He lieth buried in the lower crosse Isle. When he died, or what time he sate I find not.

18. Iohn Synwell.

IOhn Synwell succéeded. The yéere 1351. a great contro­uersie 1351 fell out betweene him and the Uniuersity of Oxford, about y t election of their Chancellor. The discourse whereof you may see pag. 133. This ouely I thinke good to note, that whereas some writers report this controuersie to haue fallen out in the time of Bishop Buckingham, it must needes be they are mistaken for that this Iohn Synwell died not till the yéere 1361. This man (if I mistake not) built a great chappell of Saint Mary Magdalene without the North wall of the Ca­thedrall church, and lieth buried in the West part or body of the said church.

19. Iohn Bokingham.

IOhn Bokingham kéeper of the priuy Seale, by the helpe of 1362 his purse and the kings instant request, with much adoo shouldred into the Bishopricke of Lincolne the yeere 1362. This man is said to haue beene very vnlearned, and it may be so. But certaine it is, that one Iohn Bokingham liued about those times a Doctor of Diuinity of Oxford, a great [...] man in scholasticall Diuinity, as diuers workes of his yet extant may testifie: and for my part I thinke this Bi­shop to be the man. The yeere 1397. the Pope bearing him some grudge, translated him perforce from Lincolne vnto [...], a Bishopricke not halfe so good. For [...] hart he would not take it, but as though he had rather haue no bread then halfe a loafe, forsooke both and became a monke at Can­terbury.

20. Henry Beaufort.

HEnry Beaufort became Bishop of Lincolne in his place. 1397 This man was brother vnto king Henry the fourth, and is best knowen by the name of the rich Cardinal. He sate here seuen yéees, and the yeere 1404. was translated to Win­chester. Sée more of him in Winchester.

21. Philip Repingdon.

PHilip Repingdon Abbot of Leicester, vpon the [...] 1404 of Henry Beaufort vnto [...], was preferred vnto Lincolne. This man was sometimes a great follower of Wickliffe and defender of his [...] not [...] in preaching and open [...] in the [...], but by writing also; to which purpose, [...] of his [...] yet remaine to be séene. Afterwards, whether it were that time altered his [...], or that he was ouercome [...] with [...] of trouble or hope of [...]; he was [...] to recant his opinions at [...]. That done, [...] Cleargy glad of gaining such a man vnto their party (for [...] was greatly reputed of for his learning) [...] vpon him all manner of preferment. Being now Bishop of Lincolne, the yéere 1408. he was made Cardinall of [...] Nereus [...]. He continued in that [...] many yeeres, and in [...] end resigned it. He lieth buried vnder a [...] stone [...] Grosthead.

22. Richard Flemming.

BIshop Flemming is famous for two things, one that [...] caused the [...] of Wickliffe to be taken vp and [...] the yéere 1425. and the other, that he founded Lincolne [...] in Oxford 1430. When he first attained this [...], or [...] what time he died I find not. He was [...] where we sée a high tombe in the North [...], in the vpper [...] of the church, in the [...]; in which place also Robert Flem­ming his kinseman Deane of Lincolne, lieth buried hard be­side him. They were bothe great learned men, brought vp in Oxford, bothe Doctors of Diuinity and writ diuers learned workes.

23. William Gray.

MAy 26. 1426. William Gray was [...] Bishop of London. [...] he was translated to Lincolne the yéere 1431. and [...] there about the space of [...] [Page 247] yéeres. He founded a Colledge at Theale in Hartfordshire for a Master and fower Cannons, and made it a cell to Elsing spittle in London.

24. William Alnewike.

THe yéere 1426. William Alnewike doctor of law was 1439 consecrate Bishop of Norwich. He built there a great window and a goodly faire gate at the west end of the church. The yeere 1436. he was remooued vnto Lincolne. He was buried in the body or west end of his church. This Bi­shop was confessor to that vertuous king Henry the fist.

25. Marmaduke Lumley.

VVHat time Bishop Alnewike died, I finde not; but certaine it is, that [...] Lumley Bishop of Carlioll succeeded him in that Sée. He was some times Treasurer of England consecrate vnto Carlioll 1430. sate there 20. yeere, was translated hether 1450. and hauing continued heere scarcely one yéere, died at London. Toward the building of Quéenes colledge in Cambridge (of which vniuersity he was sometimes Chauncellour) he gaue 200, l. and bestowed vpon the library of that Colledge a great many good bookes.

26. Iohn Chedworth.

IOhn Chedworth succéeded him, of whom I finde nothing, but that helieth buried vnder a flat stone by Bishop Sut­ton, néere the toombe of Bishop Flemming. He was Bishop (as I gather) about an 18. yeeres.

27. Thomas Rotheram.

THomas Scot, alias Rotheram Bishop of Rochester, was 1471 remooued to Lincolne ann. 1471. and thence to Yorke nine yéeres after. Sée more ofhim in Yorke.

28. Iohn Russell.

IN the Sée of Lincolne Iohn Russell Doctor of Diuinity and 1480 [...] of Barkshire succéeded him, a wise and [...] man. A while he was Chauncellor of England by the ap­pointment of Richard Duke of Glocester that afterward vsurped the crowne. He hath a reasonable faire toombe in a chappell cast out of the vpper wall of the South part of the Church.

29. William Smith.

THe yéere 1492. William Smith was consecrate Bishop 1492 of Couentry & Lichfield. He ordained there (I meane at Lichfield) an hospitall for a master, two priestes, and ten poore men. He also founded a frée schoole there for the education of poore mens children, and found meanes that king Henry the seuenth bestowed vpon it an Hospitall called Donhal in Chesshyre, with [...] lands belonging to it. At Farm­worth where he was borne he bestowed ten pound land for the maintenance of a schoolemaster there. Lastly he became founder of a goodly colledge (the colledge of Brasennose in Oxford) ann. 1513. but liued not to finish it in such sort as he intended Hauing sate but onely fower yéeres at Lichfield, he was translated to Lincolne, and died the yéere before mentio­ned 1513. He lieth buried in the West part or body of the church. This Bishop was the first President of Wales, and gouerned that countrey from the 17. yere of king Henry the 7. vntill the fourth yéere of king Henry the 8. at what time he died.

30. Thomas Woolsey.

A Uery little while, scarcely one whole yéere, Cardinall 1514 Woolsey (not yet Cardinall) was Bishop of Lincoln: Thence he was remooued to [...] almost the [...] of the yéere 1514. Sée more of him in [...].

31. William Atwater.

ONe William Atwater succéeded Cardinall. Woolsey, 1515 and sate (as it seemeth to me) but a very short time. He lieth buried in the West end of Lincolne Pinster.

32. Iohn Longland.

IOhn Longland Doctor of Diuinity and Confessor vnto king Henry the 8. vpon the death of William Atwater was aduannced vnto the Bishoprick of Lincolne, and enioyed the same a long time, being almost all that while Chauncellor of the Uniuersity of Oxford. He died the yeere 1547. and is burt­ed néere vnto Bishop Russell in a toombe very like vnto his.

33. Henry Holbech.

HEnry Holbech Doctor of Diuinity was consecrate Bi­shop 1547 of Rochester the yéere 1544. translated to Lincolne 1547. and continued there about 5. yeeres.

34. Iohn Tayler.

IOhn Tayler Doctor of Diuinity was consecrate ann. 1552. 1552 and within 2. yeeres after (viz. in the beginning of Queene [...] ratgne) was displaced.

35. Iohn White.

IOhn White Doctor also of Diuinity was appointed Bi­shop 1554 of Lincolne by Queene Mary. The yéere 1557. He was remooued to Winchester. Sée more of him there.

36. Thomas Watson.

VPon the remooue of Doctor White, the Bishopricke of 1557 Lincoln was bestowed vpon Thomas [...] Doctor of Diuinity, a very austere or rather a sower and chur­lish [Page 250] man. He was scarce [...] in his [...], when [...] Mary dying, he was [...] to [...] the same, [...] he [...] not [...] himselfe vnto the happy [...] by [...]. [...] yeres [...] he [...] a [...] and [...] about the yéere 1584.

37. Nicholas Bullingham.

NIcholas Bullingham Doctor of Lawe was consecrate 1559 Bishop of [...] Ianuary 21. 1559. He sate there 11. yéeres, and was translated in [...] 26. 1570. [...] of him in [...].

38. Thomas Cooper.

THomas Cooper Doctor of Diuinity & Deane of [...] 1570 church in Oxford, was consecrate Febr. 24. 1570. [...] yéere 1584. he was translated to Winchester. [...] of him there.

39. William Wickham.

VVIlliam Wickham succéeded Bishop Cooper immedi­ately 1584 both in Lincolne and Winchester. Sée more of him [...].

40. William Chaderton.

VVIlliam [...] Doctor of Diuinity was conse­crate 1594 Bishop of West-Chester continued there [...], and in the [...] of the yéere 1594. was [...] to Lincolne, where he yet [...].

The Bishoprick of Lincolne is valued in the Queenes bookes at 894, l. 18, s. 1, d. ob. and paid to the Pope for first [...] 5000 ducats.

The Bishops of Couentry and Lichfield.

1. Dwyna.

OSwy king of Mercia or Mid England erected [...] 656 Episcopall Sée at Lichfield the yéere 656. and ordai­ned one Diuma or Dwyna Bishop there.

2. Cellach.

CEllach was the second Bishop of Lichfield. He was a Srot (as also his predecessor was.) After a few yéeres. giuing ouer his Bishopricke, he returned into his owne country.

3. Trumhere.

TRumhere was an Englishman borne, but brought vp, taught and ordered among the Scots. Hée had béene Abbot of Ingethling a monastery built where king Oswyn was slaine.

4. Iaruman.

HE conuerted the East Saxons vnto Christianity a­gaine, hauing forsaken it vnder Sighere their king. In his time to wit, the yéere 666. the Cathedrall church of Lich­field was first founded.

5. Cedda.

THe yéere 669. Cedda was consecrate Archbishop of 669 Yorke, in the absence of Wilfride. But Wilfride retur­ning, he gaue place, and liuing a while a monasticall life at [...], accepted at last the Bishopricke of Lichfield vn­der Wulfnere king of Percia ann. 669. He [...] to haue [Page 252] béene a godly and very denout man, as [...] in Beca his Eccl. hist. lib. 4. cap. 3. where his life and death, are at large reported. He died March 2. 672. hauing sate there two yéeres and a halfe, and was buried at Lichfield.

6. Winfride.

VVInfride a Chaplaine of Ceddaes was then [...] 672 Bishop of Lichfield, a man vertuous and modest (as Beda witnesseth.) Yet it is said that Theodore the Archbishop of Canterbury, depriued him for I know not what disobedience the yéere 674. He returned vnto Catbarne a Monastery built by Cedda, vnder whom he had liued in the same heretofore, and there lead a very holy life many yéeres after.

7. Saxulf.

VVInfride being displaced, it was thought good his 676 Dioces should be diuided into two parts: One was allotted vnto Saxulf who continued his [...] at Lichfield still; the other was committed vnto Eadhead. He and his successors (of whom you may sée a Catalogue Fol. 1) sate at Sidnacester. This Saxulf was the first Abbot of [...] now called Peterborough, and perswaded Wolfer king of Mercia to the foundation of that Monaster.

8. Headda.

AFter Saxulf the Dioces was once more diuided, and 692 a Bishop placed at Leicester. His name was Wilfride But he being drouen away thence after a short space, Headda that before was Bishop of Lichfield, recouered the Iurisdiction againe, and gouerned the same in sort as his pre­decessor had done.

9. Aldwyn.

AFter Headda succéeded Aldwyn, that liued in the time of Beda. He died the yéere 737.

10. Witta.

THe Countrey of Mercia was then diuided into thrée Bi­shoprickes. One was continued at Lichfield, another 737 was appointed to sit at Leycester, and the third at Dorche­ster. Lichfield was giuen to Witta, Leicester to Tota, and Dorchester to Eadhead. Sée more of them in Lincolne. Fol. 228.

After Witta succeeded these.
  • 11. Hemel. He died ann. 764.
  • 12. Cuthfrid. 764
  • 13. Berthun.
  • 14. Aldulf. Off a King of Mercia procured the Pope to make this Al­dulf 766 an Archbishop and gaue him authority ouer the Sées of Winchester, Hereford, Legecester, Sidnacester, Helmham, and Dunwich. He liued ann. 793. Iun.
  • 15. Humbert. Matth. Westm. saith this man died the yéere 795. and cal­leth 795 him Archbishop of Lichfield, as he doth also Higbert his successor. Howbeit I am out of doubt that Aldwin as he was the first, so he was the last Archbishop that euer sate there.
  • 16. Herewin. He liued ann. 833. as appeareth by a Charter in Ingulfus confirmed by him. Pag. 488.
  • 17. Higbert.
  • 18. Ethelwold. He died 858.
  • 19. Humberhtus. He died 164. 858
  • 20. Kenferth or rather Kinebert. He died 872. 864
  • 21. Cumbert. 872
  • 22. Tunbriht or Bumfrith. He died 928.

By the way now it shall not be amisse to remember that [Page 254] Florentius Wigorn: (from whom William of [...]. [...] little biffenteth) reporteth this order of succession, as [...] as I can gather.

  • 13. Berthun.
  • 14. Higbert.
  • 15. Aldulf.
  • 16. Herewyn.
  • 17. Ethelwald.
  • 18. Hunberht.
  • 19. Cineferth.
  • 20. Tunbright.

That wherein I differ from them, I find in Matth. West­minster, whom I follow the rather, for that he setteth downe not their bare names, but their times of consecration now and then, yea and their death also.

After Tunbright without all controuer sie succeeded,
  • 23. Ella. 928
  • 24. Alfgar.
  • 25. Kinsy. He liued ann. 966. and 948.
  • 26. Winsy.
  • 27. Elseth or Ealfeage.
  • 28. Godwyn.
  • 29. Leosgar.
  • 30. Brithmar. He died 1039.
  • 31. Wlsius. He died 1054. 1039
  • 32. Leofwyn, Abbot of Couentry. 1054

33. Peter.

THis man forsaking Lichfield, remooued his [...] 1067 Sée to Chester the yéere 1055. He was consecrate 1067. died the yéere 1086. and was buried at Chester.

34. Robert de Limesey.

HE was consecrate the yéere 1088. translated his [...] 1088 from [...] to Couentry 1095. died September 1. 1116. and was buried at Couentry.

35. Robert Peche, alias Peccam.

RObert, surnamed Peccatum or Peche, and sometimes 1117 Peccam, Chaplame vnto king Henry the first, was con­secrate 1117. died August 22. 1127. and was buried at Co­uentry.

36. Roger de Clinton.

THe king then bellowed this Bishopricke vpon Roger 1129 de [...] that was nephew vnto [...] Lord Clin­ton, a man of great account and authority in his time. De­cember 21. 1129. he was ordered Priest at Canterbury, and consecrate Bishop the day following. This man built a great part of the Church of Lichfield, increased the number of his Prebends, fensed the towne of Lichfield with a ditch, and be­stowed much vpon the castle there. No part of that castle now standeth; onely the ditch remayneth to be seene, and the place where it stood, retaineth the name of Castle field. He tooke vpon him the crosse at last, went to Jerusalem, and died at Antioch. Aprill 16. 1148.

37. Walter Durdent.

VVAlter Durdent Prior of Canterbury succéeded him. 1149 He was consecrate 1149. died 1161. and was bu­ried at Couentry.

38. Richard Peche.

RIchard Peche was sonne vnto Robert Peche Bishop of 1162 Couentry. By him he was preferred vnto the Archdea­conry of Couentry, and the yeere 1162. succéeded him in his Bishopricke. This man in his latter daies, tooke on him the habite of a Chanon in the Church of Saint Thomas néere Stafford, of which house some name him the founder. He was buried there, dying the yéere 1181.

39. Girardus Puella.

OF this man, Robertus Montensis writeth thus. Magi­ster Girardus cognomento Puella, &c. Master Ge­rard surnamed Puella, a man of great learning, and vertue, the yéere 1181. was chosen Bishop of Chester in Eng­land. That Bishopricke hath thrée Episcopall Sées, Chester, Couentry, and Lichfield. He died Ianuary 12. 1184. and was buried at Couentry.

40. Hugh Nouaunt.

THe yéere 1186. Hugh Nouaunt a Norman was conse­crate 1186 Bishop of Lichfield. He bought of king Richard the first the monastery of Couentry for 300. markes, [...] to place secular priestes in the same, he came thither [...] a power of armed men the yéere 1190. and when the monkes would not giue place, inuading them with fine force, chased away some, beate and lamed other, spoyled their house, burnt their charters and euidences, &c. and then put in secular priests in their roomes. Bale reporteth that he could not cary this matter so cléere as that it cost him not some [...]: In the conflict himselfe was wounded, and that in the church iust before the high altar. It séemeth he was a man learned, stouts, and wise ynough, but not so straight and carefull a cen­surer of his owne manners and conuersation as he should be. No doubt our monkes (that were the onely writers of those times) speake no better of him then he deserues: yet they commend him much for his religious and penitent ende he made. Trauelling toward Rome, in his owne countrey of Normandy he fell sicke, and perceiuing his end to approch, sent for diuers religious persons, vnto whom he acknow­ledged the loosenesse of his life, and with continuall teares greatly lamented the same, hartily requested them to pray for him, gaue all his money and goods vnto the poore, and lastly put on a monkes cowle, thereby thinking to make the monks amends for all the trouble & vexation he had wrought them. He died at Beccummer hill, or (as R. Homden reporteth) at [Page 257] Betherleuin March 27. 1199. and was buried at Cane, in the 14. yéere of his troublesom gouernment. The yéere 1193. he was robbed of an infinite deale of treasure néere Canter­bury trauelling toward king Richard that was then prisoner in Germany. And not long after, being banished the realme for taking part with king Iohn rebelling against his brother king Richard then prisoner in Germany, he was saine to buy restitution vnto his place with the summe of 5000. markes.

41. Geffry de Muschamp.

THe monkes soone after the death of Bishop Hugh recoue­red 1199 their places againe, got them a new Pryor, and pro­céeding to the election of a Bishop, made choice of one Geffry de Muschamp Archdeacon of Cleueland. He was consecrate at Westminster (saith one) March 15. 1199. But Matthew Paris (whom I rather beleeue) saith it was at Canterbury June 21. He died the yéere 1208. and was buried at Lich­fielde.

42. Walter de Gray.

THe yéere 1210. Walter de Gray was elected vnto this 1210 Sée, translated to Worcester the yéere 1214. and after­wards to Yorke. Sée more of him there.

43. William de Cornehull.

HE was consecrate Ianuary 25. 1215. died Iune 19. 1215 1223. and was buried at Lichfield.

44. Alexander de Sauensby.

ALexander de Sauensby (whom Bale calleth Alexander 1224 Wendocke) spent much time in diuers Uniuersities, as namely in Tholouse, Bononia and others, in which he had the reputation of a great Philosopher, and a profound Dinine. He writ diuers workes well esteemed of in times past. In them he maketh report of diuers visions & strange [Page 258] apparitions he had séene [...]. He was consecrate at Rome vpon Easter day 1224. In his time a great contro­versie was raised betwéene the monkes of Chester and the Cannons of [...] about the election of their Bishoppe, which euer since the remoouing of the Sée from [...] had belonged vnto the monkes. After the spending of much money vpon this sute in the court of Rome, the matter was or­dered there by diffinitiue sentence in this sort. It was agreed that they should choose alternis vicibus, the monkes one time and the cannons of Lichfield the next. But in all elections as well at Lichfield as at Couentry, the prior of Couentry was allowed to giue a voice, and it must be the first voice. This Bishop was founder of a house for the Gray fryers in the Southwest part of Lichfield, died at Andeuer December 26. 1238. and was buried at Lichfield.

45. Hugh de Pateshull.

SOone after the death of the forenamed Alexander, the 1240 monkes of Couentry with the good liking of the cannons of Lichfield, elected for their Bishop one William Ra­leigh. About the same time the Couent of Norwich (that Sée also being voide) chose him likewise; and he accepting the se­cond offer as the better of the two, left Lichfield. By reason hereof a new controuersie arose betwéene the monkes of [...] and the chapter of Lichfield, whether the turne of Co­uentry wer serued in this election or no. Each party standing vpon their title, Lichfield men elected their Deane, and the monks one Nicholas [...] that was afterwards bishop of Durham: Sée more of him there. This Nicholas Fernham hauing notice of the election, presently renounced the same. The Deane (that was a very good man) hearing great [...] of the said Fernham, and thinking he refused to consent vnto the election because the title séemed doubtful and litigious, neuer ceased importuning his chapter till they also [...] named him. This notwithstanding, Nicholas Fernham [...] in his [...], both parties through the kings [...] were induced to consent vnto the choice of Hugh Pate­shull Treasurer of Paules, that had béene Treasurer, and [Page 259] was at that time Chauncellor of England. He was sonne vnto Simon Pateshull sometime Lord chiefe Iustice of Eng­lane. In the beginning of the yéere 1240. he was consecrate. Being yet in his best age and full strength, he was taken a­way by vntimely death December 7. 1241. hauing sate not fully two yéeres. A man for his life & conuersation vnblama­ble and not vnlearned; yet misliked in our histories because in that little time he gouerned, he shewed himselfe more fa­uourable vnto his cannons of Lichfield, then the monkes of Couentry.

46. Roger de Weseham.

THe king now made earnest request for the election of 1245 Richard Abbot of Euesham and keeper of the great Seale. Some chose him: but the greater part agréed vpon a monke thot was chaunter of Couentry. The Abbot by the meanes of the king and his owne purse, notwithstan­ding the insufficiency of his election, had now obtained the Popes fauour for his consecration, at what time he was ta­ken away by death in Riola a city of Gascoigne, hauing first resigned the custody of the great seale into the kings hand. After his death, with consent of all parties there was chosen one William de Monte Pessulano, a vertuous and learned man: him also the king misliked. Once more they procéeded to election, and by perswasion of Robert Grosthead Bishop of Lincolne, made choise of Roger de Weseham Deane of Lin­colne: a man very commendable (saith Matthew Paris) both for life & learning. There had beene much ado in former times betweene the Deanes and the Bishops of Lincolne. This Bishop thinking the reason thereof to be the greatnes of their liuing, endeuoured the more earnestly to preferre this man, that the Deanry being void, he might somewhat weaken [...] same by disposing elsewhere the parsonage of Aylsbery that heretofore belonged vnto it. This Roger Weseham was al­lowed of by the Pope, & consecrate at Lyons the yéere 1245. before the king euer heard of any such thing toward, For they had concealed it from him of purpose, thinking if he might once get notice of it, the businesse was like neuer to be effe­cted, [Page 260] Hauing sate about 11. yéeres, and being now waren old and very sickely, he resigned his Bishopricke vpon [...] day 1256. Two yeeres after he died of a palsey, where­of he had laine sicke a long time.

47. Roger de Molend, alias Longespe.

VPon his resignation, the king laboured earnestly to 1257 preferre Philip Louell his Treasurer vnto this Bi­shopricke. The Monkes of Couentry, that of all other men could not like of the said Louell (for what cause I know not) that they might be sure to auoyd him, as also at the re­quest of Richard Earlé of Cornewall the kings brother, ele­cted Roger Molend, one to whom the king and the said Earle were both vncles. Him the king readily accepted, and so March 10. 1257. he was affoorded consecration. This man was borne and brought vp altogether beyond the seas: [...] reason whereof he was vtterly ignorant of the English [...]. Being therefore called vpon to be resident vpon his Bishop­ricke the yéere 1283. he made that his excuse: but it might not serue his turne. Iohn Peckham Archbishop of [...]; not onely forced him to residence, but reprehended him excéeding sharply for his neglect and carelesnes of his charge. He sate long and died a very old man the yéere 1295.

47. Walter de Langton.

THe Pope meaning a good turne vnto Iohn Bokingham 1296 Bishop of Lincolne, of his absolute authority tooke vpon him to translate him to this Sée from Lincolne, which was then worth thrée Lichfields. He chose rather to forsake all, and became a monke at Canterbury. Upon his refusall Wa­ter Langton Treasurer of England was preferred thereunto and consecrate December 22, 1296. He liued in great autho­rity vnder king Edward the first that fauoured him much. But his sonne Edward the second molested and disgraced [...] all that euer he might. His father dying in the North coun­trey, commaunded this Bishop to couduct his corpse vp to London, and when he had so done, for reward of his [...] [Page 261] he caused sir Iohn Felton Constable of the Tower to arrest him, seased vpon all his goods, and imprisoned him, first in the Tower, then in the Castle of Wallingford, of which impri­sonment he was not released in two yéeres after. In his fa­thers life time he had often reprehended the yoong Prince for his insolent and dissolute behauiour; which good admonitions he taking in [...] part, wronged and disgraced him many waies, namely one time, he brake downe his parks, spoyled and droue away his deere, &c. The Bishop complained of this outrage vnto the king his father, who being greatly displea­sed therewith, committed the Prince his sonne for certaine daies. And this was the cause of the grudge betwéene the yong king & him. About y t same time (or I thinke a litle sooner viz. the yere 1301.) he was accused of certain heinous crimes before the Pope, and compelled to answere the accusation at Rome in his owne person. Though the proofes brought a­gainst him were either none or very slender; yet well know­ing whom they had in hand ( Nonerant [...] prae [...] bo­uem valde [...], saith Matth. [...].) they were con­tent to detaine him there so long, as it forced him to spend an infinite deale of money, and yet was neuer a whit the néerer at last: For the Pope remitted the hearing of the cause to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and yet referred the determi­nation of the same vnto him selfe at last. The tempests of those troubles being ouer blowen, the rest of his time he liued (for ought I find) quietly, and being happily [...] from the Court, attended onely the gouernment of his charge. Un­to his Church of Lichfield he was a wonderfull great bene­factor. He laid the first foundation of the Lady Chappell there and at his death left order with his Executors for the full finishing of it. He compassed the cloyster of Lichfield with a stone wall, and bestowed a sumptuous shrine vpon S. Cedda his predecessor with 2000. l. charge. He ditched and walled all the Cathedrall church round about, made one gate of great strength and maiesty at the West part of the close, and ano­ther (but a lesse) on the South part. He builded the great bridge beyond the Uineyard at Lichfield, ann. 1310. He gaue his owne house or pallace vnto the Uicars for their dwelling, and built a new for him selfe at the East end of the close. He [Page 262] [...] ( [...] being altogether [...]) [...] of [...], the mannour place of [...], [...] the [...] by the [...] at London. He [...] vnto the high [...] at Lichfield [...], and two [...] of [...] worth 24. l. [...] about with [...] stones to the value of 200. l. besides many copes, & [...] of [...] price. He [...] vpon the [...] a [...] cup of [...], [...] a pension of 20. s. by the yeere: And [...], [...] both vnto them and his Church many charters and [...] from the king. He [...] at London [...] 16. 1321. [...] was buried in the Lady Chappell which he built.

48. Roger Northbrough.

THe yéere 1313. Roger Northborough then kéeper of 1322 the great seale, was taken prisoner by the Scots in the battell of [...]. Being afterwards clerke of the Wardrobe (so I find him called) and treasurer of Eng­land, by great sute and the kings often [...] he [...] meanes to shoulder into this [...]. He was consecrate June 27. 1322. sate almost 38. yéeres (a very long time) and died in the end of the yéere 1359.

49. Robert Stretton.

SOone after the death of the former Bishop, Robert Stret­ton 1360 a Canon of Lichfield, by the importunity of the blacke Prince (to whom he was Chaplaine) was elec­cted Bishop there, a man very [...] & [...] vnworthy so high a [...] in all respects. The Pope hauing notize of his [...], by speciall mandate prohibited his conse­cration. Here upon the new elect was faine to make repaire vnto Rome. The Pope him selfe examined him, but was [...] earnestly requested by the blacke Prince to [...] his sute, as [...] he could not with [...] honesty allow of him, yet he was content to leaue him to the [...] of the Archbi­shop of Canterbury, The Archbishop would by no [...] to [...] him any testimony of sufficiency. At last [...] [Page 263] much adoo, he procured the Pope to authorise two other Bi­shops for the allowance or reiecting of him (who they were I can not call to remembrance) and they by the excéeding great importunity of the Prince admitted him to consecration, which he receiued September 26. 1360. Sée more of this matter in Thomas Lylde Bishop of Ely. He sate Bishop here 25. yeeres.

50. Walter Skirlawe.

VVAlter Skirlawe Doctor of Law, was consecrate 1385 Ianuary 14. 1385. remooued to Bathe and Wels the yéere following, and soone after to Durham. Sée more of him in Durham.

51. Richard Scroope.

RIchard Scroope Doctor of Lawe, brother vnto Willi­am 1386 Scroope Earle of Wiltshire, and Tresurer of Eng­land, was consecrate August [...]. 1386. Sate here 10. yéeres and was translated to Yorke. His life and lamentable death, you may sée there more at large described.

52. Iohn Brughill.

IOhn Brughill a Frier preacher was first Bishop of Lan­daff, 1398 and Confessor vnto king Richard the second, transla­ted to Lichfield in the moneth of September 1398. and sate there 17. yéeres.

53. Iohn Keterich.

IOhn Keterich a Notary of Rome, and Archdencon of Sur­ry, 1415 was consecrate Bishop of S. Dauids the yéere 1414. and translated thence to this Sée in the moneth of May 1415 The yéere 1417. he was at the Councell of Constance and was one of the 30. electors that chose Martyn the fift Pope (authorised thereunto by the councell) together with the Car­dinals. He sate almost 5. yéeres, & was translated to Exceter.

54. Iames Cary.

AUery little while one Iames Cary was Bishop of Co­uentry 1419 and Lichfield. He happened to be at Florence with the Pope at what time newes was brought thi­ther of the Bishop of Exceters death, and easily obtained that Bishopricke of him, being preferred vnto Lichfield but very lately. He enioyed neither of these places any long time. Ne­uer comming home to sée either the one or the other, he died and was buried there.

55. William Haworth.

WIlliam Haworth Abbot of Saint Albons was conse 1420 crate Nouember 28. 1420. and sate 27. yéeres.

56. William Boothe.

WIlliam Boothe was consecrate July 9. 1447. sate 6 1447 yéeres and was translated to Yorke. Sée more of him there.

57. Nicholas Close.

NIcholas Close consecrate Bishop of Carlioll 1450. was 1452 translated from Carlioll hither the yeere 1452. and died the same yéere.

58. Reginald Buller.

REginald Buller or Butler (for so some call him) was con­secrate 1453 Bishop of Hereford the yéere 1450. being Abbot of Glocester before. He was translated to Lichfield Aprill 3. 1453. and sate there 6. yéeres.

59. Iohn Halse.

IOhn Halse was consecrate in the moneth of Nouember 1459 1459. sate 32. yéeres, and lieth buried at Lichfield.

60. William Smith.

WIlliam Smith was consecrate 1492. sate 4. yéeres, and 1492 was translated to Lincolne. See more there.

61. Iohn Arundell.

IOhn Arundell was consecrate Nouember 6. 1496. and 1496 translated to Exceter 1502. See more in Exceter.

62. Geoffry Blythe.

GEoffry Blythe Doctor of Lawe was consecrate Sep­tember 1503 7. 1503. The yeere 1512. he became Lord Pre­sident of Walles by the appointment of king Henry the eight, and continued in that place till the yeere 1524. at what time it seemes he died. The yeere 1523. he was atta­ched for treason, but happily acquitted. He [...] buried at Lichfield.

63. Rowland Lee.

[...] Leigh Doctor of Lawe succéeded. A man sa­mons for two things. He [...] King Henry the eight vnto Quéene Anne Bulleyn, which happy marriage was the occasion of that happinesse that we now enioy vnder our noble soueraigne Queene Elizabeth their daughter. A­gaine, it is to be remembred of him, that being made Presi­dent of Wales, the yéere 1535. in the time of his gouern­ment (and peraduenture partly by his procurement) the countrey of Wales was by Parliament incorporated and vnited to the kingdome of England, the liberties, lawes, and other respects made common vnto the Welch with the natu­rall English. This Bishop died Lord President the yeere 1543. and was buried at Shrewsbury.

64. Richard Sampson.

AFter him Richard Sampson Bishop of Chichester be­came 1543 Bishop of Lichfield. He was translated March 12 [Page 266] 1543. This R. Sampson being a Doctor of Law, and Deane of the Chappell writ some what for the kings supremacy and was aunswered by Cochloeus. He writ also commentaries vpon the [...], and vpon the Epistles to the [...], and [...]. He was consecrate Bishop of [...] the yéere 1537. and presently vpon his remooue to this [...], made President of Wales. In that office he continued till the second yéere of king Edward, at what time he began to shew him selfe a [...], notwithstanding his [...] writing [...] a­gainst the Pope. He died at [...] September 25. 1554.

65. Ralf Bane.

RAlf Bayne Doctor of Diuinity borne in Yorkeshire, 1555 brought vp in S. Iohns Colledge in Cambridge, & reader or professor of the [...] tongue in Paris, was consecrate Bishop of Lichfield soone after the death of the other. He [...] vpon the Prouerbs of Salomon, and dedicated his worke vnto Francis the French king. Hauing béene Bishop almost fiue yéeres, he died of the stone at London, and was buried in Saint Dunstans Church there.

66. Thomas Bentham.

THomas Bentham was consecrate March 24. 1559. [...] 1559 died February 21. 1578.

67. William Ouerton.

William Ouerton Doctor of [...] succéeded. 1579

This Bishopricke is valued in the Exchequer at 559. l. 17. s. 2. d. ob. farthing, and in the Popes bookes at 1733. ducates or Florenes.

The Bishops of Salisbury.

1. Aldelm.

AFter the death of Headda the fifth Bi­shop 705 of Winchester, it pleased Iua king of the west Saxons to [...] his Dio­ces (which before contained all the country of the west Saxons) into two parts. The one of them he committed vnto Damell, allotting vnto him Winchester for his Sée, and that Dio­ces which now doth, and euer since hath belonged vnto the same: The other part containing the counties of Dorset, So­merset, Wiltshire, Deuon and Cornwall he ordained to be gouerned by a Bishop, whose Sée he established at Sher­borne, and appointed vnto the same one Aldhelme a neere [...] of his owne, being the sonne of Kenred his brother. This Aldhelm spent all his youth in trauaile, and hauing vi­sited the most famous vniuersities of Fraunce and Italy, be­came very learned; in Poetry especially he was excellent and writ much in Gréeke and Latine, prose and verse. He deligh­ted much in musicke and was very skilfull in the same. But his chiefe study was diuinity, in the knowledge whereof no man of his time was comparable to him. After his returne, he became first a monk, and after Abbot of Malmsbury for the space of fower and thirty yéeres. The yéere 705. he was consecrate Bishop of Sherborne, and that (as it séemeth vnto me) at Rome. For it is remembred that while he staied there for the Popes approbation, the same Pope (his name was Sergius) was charged with getting of a bastard, for which fact he was bold to reprehend his holinesse sharpely. He writ di­uers learned works mentioned by Beda h. 4. c. 19. and died the yéere 709.

2. Fordhere.

HE liued in the time of Beda, who saith, he also was a 709 man very well séene in the knowledge of the scriptmes. The yéere 738. he attended the Quéene of the west [...] vnto Rome.

After him succeeded these;

  • 3. [...].
  • 4. Ethelnod. 737
  • 5. Denefrith.
  • 6. Wilbert. He was at Rome with Wlfred Archbishop of Canterbury an. 815.
  • 7. Alstane. A famous warrier. He subdued vnto king Fg­bright 818 the kingdomes of Kent and the East Saxons. He fought many battailes with the Danes and euer [...] had the victory, namely at a place in Somersetshire then called Pedredsmouth, now Comage, he slue a great number of them the yéere 845. King Ethelwlf being at Rome in pilgrimage, he set vp his sonne Ethelbald a­gainst him and forced the father at his returne to [...] his kingdome with his sonne. He died the yéere 867. ha­uing sate Bishop of Sherborne 50. yéeres. A man [...] wise, valiant, carefull for the good of his country, and [...] liberall. He augmented the reuenues of his Bishop­ricke wonderfully.
  • 7. Edmund or Heahmund, slaine in battell by the [...] 868 the yéere 872. at Meredune.
  • 8. Etheleage. 872
  • 9. Alssy.
  • 10. Asser. This man writ a certaine Chronicle of [...] (amongst diuers other works) wherein he reporteth of him selfe that he was a disciple and scholler of that fa­mous welchman Iohn, that hauing studied long in A­thens, perswaded king Alfred to institute a vniuersitie at Oxford, and him selfe became the first publique [...] there. He writeth furthermore that he was [...] [Page 269] Chauncellor vnto Asser the Archbishop of Saint [...] his néere kinsman, who both endured great vexa­tion and trouble at the hands of one Hemeyd a mighty man of those parts, that tyrannised intollerably ouer the cleargy there. By reason thereof waring weary of his office, he left his countrey, and comming into Eng­land to king Alfred, became schoolemaster of his chil­dren, vntill such time as [...] Bishop of Sherborne dying, he was preferred to his place. Unto this man the said king gaue the mannors of Wellington, Buck­land, and Lydyard in Sommersetshyre, which since haue come vnto the Bishops of Wels, whereof one (Buckland) yet remaineth vnto that See. By his ex­hortation also that good king did much for the Uniuer­sity of Oxford, alotting diuers stipends vnto the rea­ders and professors there. This Bishop died the yéere 883. and was buried at Sherborne.
  • 11. [...] or Sigelm trauelled into India to the place of 883 Saint Thomas his buriall, carried thither the almes or [...] of king Alfred, and brought home many pre­tious stones of great price.
  • 12. [...] or [...]. He died 898.

After Ethelwald the Sée of Sherborne stoode void seuen yéeres by reason of the Danish wars. The yéere 905. Pleg­mund by the commaundement of king Edward the elder con­secrate seuen Bishops in one day as I haue before mentioned in Canterbury & elsewhere. Thrée of them were appointed to Sees newly erected all taken out of the Dioces of Sherborne. One had iurisdiction ouer Cornewall, another ouer Deuon­shire, and a third ouer Sommersetshire. Soone after that, a fourth was placed in Wiltshire, hauing his Sée some say at Ramsvery, others say at Sunnyng, and some other at Wil­ton. So Sherborn had now left vnto it only Dorsetshire and Barkshire. Of the rest we shall speake God willing seueral­ly in their particular places. But these Bishops of Wilt­shire, because their See at last returned backe againe whence it first sprang. I will deliuer them and their succession next after Sherborne.


  • 13. Werstane. He died 918. [...] by the Danes in [...].
  • 14. Ethelbald. 918
  • 15. Sigelm. Florilegus mentioneth one Sigelm to haue been slaine by the Danes the yéere 834. I beléeue he [...] it [...] 934.
  • 16. Alfred. He died 940.
  • 17. [...]. This man was made Abbot of [...] 940 by Dunstan then Bishop of London. Being [...] to the Bishopricke of Sherborne, he displaced [...] priests and put in monkes. It is reported that when he lay a dying, he cried out suddenly, I sée the [...] open, and Jesus Christ standing at the right hand of God, immediately after those wordes giuing vp the ghost an. 958.
  • 18. Alfwold. He died 978. and was buried at Sherborne. 958
  • 19. Ethelrike. 978
  • 20. Ethelsius.
  • 21. Brithwin or Brithwicke. He died 1009.
  • 22. Elmer. 1009
  • 23. Brinwyn or Birthwyn.
  • 24. Elfwold. He was a man of great temperance and [...]; for the which in that luxurious age he was much admired. After his death, these two Sées [...] againe [...] and made one.


  • 1. Ethelstane. He died 920.
  • 2. Odo that became Archbishop of Canterbury the yéere 934.
  • 3. Osulf. He died 870. and was buried at [...].
  • 4. [...]. He died 981. and was buried at Abondon.
  • 5. Alfgar or Wolfgar.
  • 6. [...], [...] to [...] 989. [...].
  • [Page 271]7. [...] or Aluricius, he succéeded his predecessor in Can­terbury likewise the yeere 995.
  • 8. Brithwold, a monke of Glastonbury, a great benefactor of that Abbey, as also of the Abbey of Malmesbury. He died 1045. and was buried at Glastonbury.
  • 9. Herman a Flemming Chaplaine vnto King Edward the Confessor was the last Bishop of this petty- Sée. He la­bored to haue his See remoued to Malmsbery, and had once obtained it of king Edward the Confessor, but by a countersute of the monkes there, he was disappointed. Uery angry with this repulse, he left his Bishopricke, and became a monke at Bertine in Fraunce. But hea­ring soone after how that Elfwold Bishop of Sherborn was dead, he returned home againe, and with much adoo obtained that Sherborne and his Dioces might once more be vnited together againe.

1. Herman.

THe fore named Herman liuing vnto the time of Willi­am Conquerour, when as he gaue commaundment that all Bishops should remooue their Sees from ob­scure townes to the fairest cities of their Dioces, made choise of Salisbury & there laid the foundation of a Church which he liued not to finish. Salisbury (saith W. of Malmsbury) is a place built on the toppe of a hill, resembling rather a Castle then a Towne, compassed about with a strong wall, and well prouided otherwise of all commodities, but wanteth water so vnreasonably, (as a strange kind of merchandise) it is there to be sold. This place we now call old Salisbury, whereof no­thing remaineth at this time but certaine desert ruines. How 1083 it decaied, we shall haue cause hereafter to discourse.

2. Osmond.

OSmond being a knight, and a Norman by birth, came into England with King William the Conquerour. He had béene Captaine of Say in Normandy and by the foresaid king was made Chauncellor of England, Earle [Page 272] of [...], and after Hermans death, Bishop of Salisbury. He was a man well learned and passing wise, in regard whereof he was alwaies of the [...] counsell and might seldome be spared from the Court. He continued the building begun by his predecessor and at last finished the same, adding vnto it a library, which he furnished with many excellent bookes. This new Church at olde Salisbury was finished, and in an [...] hower dedicated very solemnly by the foresaid [...] [...] with Walkelin Bishop of Winchester, and Iohn of [...] the yéere 1092. In an euill hower I say; for the very next day after, the steple of the same was [...] on fire by lightning. That he afterwards repaired, and furnished his Church with all maner of ornaments. At last he departed this life Saterday, December 3. 1099. and was buried in his owne [...]. His bones were after remoued to new Salisbury, where they now lye, in the middle of the Lady Chappell vnder a Marble stone bearing this onely inscription ANNO. [...]. Aboue any thing I may not forget, that amongst diuers bookes he writ (as the life of Saint Aldelme the first Bishop of Sherborne, &c.) he was first Author of the ordinale se­cundum vsum Sarum. It séemeth he was made a Saint [...] his death: For I find his name in our Calender the foresaid third day of December.

3. Roger.

KIng Henry the first being yet a priuate man, and seruing 1107 his brother in his wars in Normandy, it chaunced him and his troupe to turne into a Church in the Subburbes of Cane to heare seruice. Roger that rich and mighty Bishop of Salisbury that was afterwards, serued the cure there at that time, for some very poore salary. This [...] Curate well knowing how to fit the deuotion of soldiers, was so [...] at his businesse, as he had made an ende of his worke before some of the company were aware he had begunne. They all cryed out he was the [...] Chaplaine for soldiers that might he found. Whereupon halfe in iest, halfe in earnest, the yoong Prince bid him follow him. He did so; and albeit he was in a manner altogether vnlearned, yet being very subtile [...] [Page 273] [...], in a short time he wound him selfe so fast into the Princes liking, as he acquainted him with his most secrete affaires, and vsed his counsell in matters of greatest impor­tance. Hereby it came to passe, that he not onely obtained ea­sily for him selfe the Bishopricke of Salisbury, soone after the said Princes aduauncement vnto the crowne, but also pro­cured the like or greater preferments for many of his kinred. He had a sonne of his owne called Roger, [...] [...], whom he made Chauncellor of England. He had also two nephewes which he made Bishops, Alexander of Lincolne, and [...] of Ely. This Nigellus likewise had a sonne called Richard [...] that long after became Bi­shop of London. Neither was he so carefull of seruing other mens turnes, as that he forgat to feather his owne neast: what by the reuenewes of his Bishopricke and his temporall offices (for he was Chauncellor of England, and otherwise much imployed about the king) he gathered together infinite treasures, whereof some he bestowed very vainely, and the rest that vuhappily he reserued, was the cause of hie destructi­on. He built most sumptuously two castles, one at Sher­borne, the other at Deuises, cōmonly called y t [...], [...] foolishly to make them without comparison the goodliest and most magnificent buildings of England. Then afterwards somewhat to [...] the vanity of this humour, he founded two monasteries also, but what they were I find not. All the time of king Henry he flourished in great honour, viz for the space of 30. yéeres & (I doubt not) had ended his daies in the like prosperity, if his owne treachery had not prouoked the iustice of God to punish the same with the vengeance of an extraordinary calamity. The said king Henry hauing lost his onely sonne and apparant heire Prince William, by misfor­tune vpon the sea; and hauing no issue lawfully begotten, left to inherite his kingdome but onely Mawde the Empresse. He thought good to take an oath of all the nobility, wherein they promised to yéeld obedience to her after his death as their so­ueraigne, and to none other. This oath, our Roger did not onely take himselfe, but minister vnto the rest of the nobility, for that he was Chauncellor. Which notwithstanding, for­getting all dueties of religion toward God, of thankefulnes [Page 274] toward his patrone, and loyalty to his Prince; he was the first man (the king being dead) that fell to plotting [...]: the aduancement of Stephen vnto the kingdome, which [...] his perswasiou he first attempted, and much deale by his vngra­tious counsell at last obtained. Sée how the saying fell out to be true in him, [...] consilium consultori [...]. With­in two or three yeeres after his comming to the crowne, this vsurping periured king (for he also had sworne sworne vnto Mawde the Empresse) he (I say) lacked money for many pur­poses, especially for the compassing of a marriage betweene Enstace his onely sonne, and Constantia the French kings sister, which he thought would be a great establishment of his new erected throne. Now séeing no other readier meane, he determined to search the coffers of this old Bishop, assuring himselfe there to find that might well serue his turne. Being therefore at Oxford, he sent for him in very friendly manner, praying him to come and affoord him his counsell in matters greatly importing him. Such was the estate of the [...] at that time, that almost euery man stood vpon his gard. But the Bishop being an old Foxe and suspitious of what might hap­pen; entreated his sonne and the Bishops before named his nephewes, to ride with him, that vnder the colour of their re­tinue, he might carry strength ynough with him to resist the king, if he should indeuour to offer him violence. The king at their méeting gaue him very gratious countenance, but secretly tooke order, that a quarrel should be picked vnto some of his retinue. So when he least suspected any such matter, his people were set vpon (vnder colour they had disappointed some of the kings men of their lodgings) and forced to [...]. The Bishop, his sonne, & nephewes fled also. But the [...] was made too sure beforehand for them to escape. They were all taken, except onely the Bishop of Ely, that [...] him to the castell of Deuises, which he found very well pro­vided, and determined to hold it against the king. Thither he trauelled with all spéed (the king I meane) carrying his pri­soners with him, whom he caused to ve very hardly vsed and straightly imprisoned, shutting vp the one in an oxestall, the other in a [...] backe roome more loathsome then the other. At his first comming, he summoned the castell, intending to [Page 275] prooue all meanes, rather then he would let this occasion slippe, of rifling the same. Therefore when no other practise would take successe (for he tryed many) he set vp a faire paire of gallowes, and sware he would hang Roger the Bishops sonne, it the castell were not presently deliuered vp vnto him. The Bishop of Ely continuing obstinate in his denyall, though his vncle of Salisbury had intreated him earnestly to yeeld: the halter was now about the yoong mans necke and he euen ready to trusse, when his father hnmbly besought the king, that he would accept his best endeuour for the effecting of his desire, & to saue his sonnes life, was content to sweare, he would neither eate nor drinke before the castell were deli­uered vnto him. Hereupon the execution of the sonne was staied, but it cost the father his life. For the Bishop of Ely his nephew. notwithstanding what intreaty could be made, suffred his vncle to fast three whole daies before he would giue ouer. The Bishop of Salisbury being now very aged, partly peraduenture by reason of griefe, but partly also by reason of so long abstinence, fell sicke and died, rauing and taking on like a man distract of his wits certaine daies be­fore his departure. There was found in that castell of his forty thousand markes of siluer ready coyned, beside gold, plate and iewels of inestimable price. All that the king laide hands vpon, and with that money procured indéed the mar­riage before mentioned to be effected. The Bishops sonne was kept long in prison, and dealt earnestly withall to re­nounce the [...] and deuote himselfe to the party of the king, which he most honestly and constantly refusing, with long sute obtayned at last for a great fauour, that he might be banished the realme. To make an ende now with this Bi­shop, he was elected April. 13. 1102. consecrate August 11. 1207. with diuers other, and died December 4. 1139. So he was Bishop (accounting the time from his first election) al­most 37. yéeres, flourishing all that while in woonderful great prosperity, and yet had a miserable and most vnhappyend.

4. Ioceline.

ROger being dead, K. Stephen nominated vnto his place one Philip his Chauncellor. But the Popes Legate & the cleargy of Salisbury, vtterly refusing to receiue him, he made sute for the Bishopricke of Bayon and obtained the same. Af­ter that, it séemeth vnto me one Galfridus became Bishop of Sarum. But because my proofes are not pregnant, and di­uers affirme Ioceline to be the next successor of Roger except that same Philip (whom no man reckeneth amongst the Bi­shops of this Sée) I will passe him ouer in silence. Certaine it is that one Ioceline became Bishop of Salisbury, continued so many yéeres, & died the yéere 1184. He was excommuni­cate together with the Bishop of London in the cause of Tho­mas Becket, and indured much trouble about him (as you may sée more at large in the life of the said Thomas.) He had a sonne named Reginald Bishop of Bathe, and after Archbi­shop of Canterbury.

5. Hubert.

NOuember 1. 1189. Hubert surnamed Walter [...] 1189 of Yorke was consecrate Bishop of Sarum. He at­tended King Richard Ceur-de-lyon in his famous voyage to the holy land: Hereof sée more in Canterbury, whe­ther he was translated the yéere 1193.

6. Robert.

AFter him sate one Robert, of whom I find nothing else recorded.

7. Richard Poore.

RIchard Poore sometimes Deane of Salisbury, was con­secrate 1217 Bishop of Chichester, 1215. and remooued to Salisbury the yéere 1217. This Bishop considering the vn­conuenient situation of his Cathedrall Sée in a place so [...], [Page 277] and bleake, as also wearied with the often insolencies and malapert demeanure of the soldiers that garded the Earles Castle; forsooke the same, and sending for diuers famous workemen from beyond the Seas, began the foundation of a new Church, in a place then called Meryfield. Pandulph the Popes Legate laid the fiue first stones, the first for the Pope, the second for the King, the third for the Earle of Salis­bury, the fourth for the Countesse, and the fist for the Bishop. In this worke, though he had great helpe of the king, and di­uers of the nobility, yet was he so farre from ending it, as [...]. yeeres after his departure, it was scarcely finished. The Townsmen of olde Salisbury they likewise remooued their habitation to the same place, and left the Castle all alone, which hauing béene the seate of the Earles of Salisbury ma­ny yéeres, was giuen ouer into the Bishops hands about the yeere 1360. and in the time of king Henry the seuenth lette downe; so as now except a broken tower or two, and some péeces of walles, there is nothing of it remaining. This good Bishop was translated to Durham the yéere 1228. or as some deliuer 1225. See much more of him there.

8. Robert Byngham.

THe Chapter of Salisbury elected then for their Bishop 1229 Robert [...] one of their owne company, the yeere 1228. and the yéere following he was consecrate at Shaftsbury. This man with great diligence set forward the worke begunne by his predecessor, yet was not able to finish the same although he sate Bishop well neare 20 yeeres. He died Nouember 3. 1246. and left his Church indebted 1700. markes. A man of great yeeres, great learning, and great vertue. He lyeth buried vpon one side of the Presbitery, and his successor on the other.

9. William of Yorke.

WIlliam of Yorke Prouost of Benerley succéeded. 1247 A Courtier from his very childhood, and better seene in the lawes of the realme (which he chiefly [Page 278] studied) then in the law of God a great deale. Matthew Paris reporteth that he first brought in the custome that Tenaunts should be suters vnto the Courts of their Landlords. He de­parted from these worldly cares the last day of March 1256. hauing taken much paines in finishing the building of his Church, and was buried (as is aboue said) ouer against his predecessor.

10. Gyles de Brideport.

GYles de Brideport or Bridlesford, Deane of Wels, was 1256 consecrate Bishop of Salisbury the yéere 1256. and had licence of the Pope to hold the said [...] in Commendam still. The new Church of our Lady in newe Salisbury being now quite finished, he hallowed or dedicated the same with great solemnity, September 30. 1258. in the presence of the King, and a great number of Prelates, No­bles, & other great personages, all which he feasted very mag­nificently. He lyeth entoombed in a faire monument on the South side of the quire.

11. Walter de la Wyle.

VVAlter de la Wyle succéeded him the yéere 1264. and 1264 died 1270.

12. Robert de Wikehampton.

RObert de Wikehampton Deane of Salisbury was 1274 elect by the Chapter of Salisbury soone after the decease of his predecessor, and had his election confirmed by the Prior and Couent of Canterbury, the Archbishopricke being void. The Bishops of the realme thinking it an [...] that the Couent should performe that which they perswaded them selues belonged vnto them, not onely refused to conse­crate the elect, but also appealed against this confirmation (the Papacy being void) vnto the Colledge of Carbinals. After three or foure yéeres contention, iudgement was given for the elect, who thereupon was consecrate the yéere 1274. [Page 279] In his time, viz. the yéere 1280. vpon Michaelmasse day the Cathedrall Church (vpon what occasion I can not tell) was againe new hallowed by Boniface Archbishop of Canterbu­ry. He dyed the yeere 1283.

13. Walter Scammell.

VVIthin the space of fiue yéeres the Church of Sa­lisbury 1284 about this time had fiue Bishops accoun­ting the forenamed Robert for one; Walter Scam­mell Deane also of Salisbury was the second. He was con­secrate the yeere 1284. and died within a yeere or two after.

14. Henry de Braundstone.

THe third was Henry de Braundstone who being conse­crate 1286 the yéere 1286. sate onely one yéere and then died.

15. Laurence de Hawkborne.

THe fourth Laurence de Hawkborne being consecrate 1287 1287. died within a few daies after his consecration.

16. William de Comer.

LAstly William de Comer became Bishop 1288. and sate 1288 scarcely three yéeres.

17. Nicolas de Longespe.

NIcolas de Longespe was sonne (I take it) vnto Wil­liam 1291 Longespe base sonne of king Henry the second and Earle of Salisbury that lieth buried on the left hand of the entrance into the Lady chappell. [...] this Earle lying very sicke, the Bishop brought the Sacrament. He vn­derstanding of the Bishops comming, met him at the cham­ber doore halfe naked, with a halter about his necke, threw himselfe downe prostrate at his féete and would not be taken vp vntill hauing made confession of his sinnes with teares [Page 280] and other [...] of woonderfull hearty and sincere [...], he had receaued the Sacrament in most deuoute man­ner. Some two or thrée daies after he liued, continually be­wailing his sinfull life with whole flouds of teares, and de­parted 1226. This Nicolas, his whether sonne or [...] was consecrate 1291. and dying 1297. was buried [...] by him vnder a huge marble stone sometimes inlaid with brasse and adorned with the armes of their house.

18. Simon de Gaunt.

AFter him succéeded Simon de Gaunt a [...] 1298 borne. He was a great Diuine and made many good statutes whereby the church is yet gouerned.

19. Roger de Mortiuall.

Roger de Mortiuall consecrate 1315 died 1329. 1315

20. Robert Wyuyl.

AT the request of the Quéene, the Pope was content to 1329 bestow this Bishopricke vpon Robert Wiuyll, a man not onely not furnished with competent giftes of lear­ning, but so vnpersonable (saith Walsingham) as if the Pope had but seene him, he would neuer haue cast so high a dignity vpon him. He sate a long time, to wit flue and forty yeeres and vpward, in which it were a great maruaile he should not per­fourme some thing memorable. About the yéere 1355. he [...] William Montacute Earle of Salisbury with a writ of right for the castle of Salisbury. The Earle pleaded that he would defend his title by combat. Whereupon, at a time appointed, the Bishop was faine to bring his Champion vnto the [...] prouided for this purpose. He was clothed all in white, sauing that ouer the rest of his apparrell was cast the coate armor of the Bishop. After him came one with a staffe and another with his target. The Earle likewise brought in his Champi­on much in like sort, and all things were now ready for them to goe together, when vpon a sodaine, by commaundement of [Page 281] the kings leters the matter was staid for a time. Before the second meeting the parties fell to agréement. The Bishop gaue vnto the Earle 2500. markes to leaue the castle with his apurtenances vnto him and his successors for euer. Beside this, he also recouered the chace of Béere, and the castle of Sherborne, which had beene detained from his Sée euer since king Stephen tooke it violently from Rogre his predecessor, for the space of 200. yéeres He died the sixe and fortie yeere of his consecration September. 4. 1375. and lieth buried vnder a faire marble stone in the middle of the quire néere the Bi­shops See. On the South side close by him, lieth Bishop lew­ell, who (as I haue heard) desired to lie beside him.

21. Ralfe Erghum.

RAlfe Erghum Doctor of law was consecrate at Brugis 1375 in Flaunders December 9. 1375. and was translated to Wels September 14. 1388. Sée more there.

22. Iohn Waltham.

IOhn Waltham Master of the Rolles and kéeper of the prt­uy 1388 [...] succeeded. The yeere 1391. he became Treasurer of England, and so continued till he died: king Richard the second loued him entierly and greatly bewailed his death: In token whereof, he commaunded that he should be buried in Westminster among the kings, many men much enuying him that honour. He died the yeere 1395 and lieth iust beside king Edward the first vnder a flat marble, the inscription whereof is (though partly defaced) not yet quite perished. How he resisted W. Courtney Archbishop of Canterbury in his visitation, and the successe thereof, sée more in the said W. Courtney.

23. Richard Meltford.

THe yéere 1388. in the Parliament called the Parlia­ment 1395 that wrought woonders, the Barones apprehen­ded so many of the kings fauorites as they could come [Page 282] by [...] to prison. The lay [...] the most part they caused to be executed. But the Cleargy men lying by[?] it a while, by the next turne of fortunes wheele were not onely set as high as they were before, but some of them much higher. Amongst the rest, Richard Metford (a man of [...] eminent place otherwise then by the kings fauour) was im­prisoned a great while in the Castle of Bristow. Soone after his inlargement, the king found meanes first to aduance him to the Bishopricke of Chichester, and then after Bishop [...] death to translate him vnto Salisbury, where he sate about 12. yéeres and died 1407.

24. Nicholas Bubwith.

NIcholas Bubwith Bishop of London, and Treasurer of 1407 England was translated to Salisbury the yéere 1407. and from thence to Wels, within the [...] of the [...] yéere. Sée more of him in Wels.

25. Robert Halam.

VPon the remooue of Bishop Bubwith, one Robert Ha­lam 1408 became Bishop of Sarum. Iune 6. 1411. he was made Cardinall. He died at the Councell of [...] (the councell being not yet ended) September 4. 1417.

26. Iohn Chaundler.

AT what time Bishop Halam died, Martin the [...] was 1417 not yet chosen Pope. By reason whereof (the Papacy being after a sort void, and so the Popes [...]) the Chapter of Sarum had the liberty of a frée election, and chose one Iohn Chaundler, who sate Bi­shop about 10. yéeres.

27. Robert Neuill.

RObert Neuill consecrate 1427. was translated to Dur­ham. 1427 1438.

28. William Ayscoth.

VVIlliam Ayscoth Doctor of Lawe and Clerke of 1438 the Counsell was consecrate in the Chappell of Windsor Iuly 20. 1438. The yéere 1450. [...] hap­pened the commons to arise in sundry parts of the realme, by the stirring of [...] Cade, naming himselfe Iohn [...]. A certaine number of lewd persons (tenants for the most part to this Bishop) intending to ioyne themselues to the rest of that crew, came to [...], where he was then saying of masse. What was their quarrell to him I finde not. But cer­taine it is, they drew him from the altar in his albe with his stole about his [...] to the top of an [...] not far off, and there as he [...] on his [...] praying, they [...] his head, [...] him to the [...], and [...] his [...] shirt into a number of pieces, tooke euery man a ragge to keepe for a monument of their worthy exploit. The day before, they had robbed his ca­riages of 10000. markes in ready money. This barbarous murther was committed Iune 29. the yeere aforesaid.

29. Richard Beauchamp.

RIchard [...] succeeded. He built a beautifull and 1450 sumptuous chappel on the South side of the Lady chap­pell, and lieth buried in the same vnder a very faire toombe of marble.

30. Leonell Wooduill.

LEonell Wooduill consecrate the yéere 1482. was sonne 1482 to [...] Earle [...], and brother to [...] the Queene of Edward the fourth. A neere [...] of his hath assured me, that Stephen Gardmer Bishop of Winche­ster was begotten by this man; who to couer his fault, mar­ried his mother vnto [...] [...], one of his meanest follo­wers, and caused another of better sort to bring vp the childe as it were of almes. When or how he left his Bishopricke, I finde not.

31. Thomas Langton.

THomas Langton Doctor of Lawe was consecrate 1485. 1485 and translated to Winchester 1493. Sée more of him [...].

32. Iohn Blythe.

IOhn Blythe was consecrate February 23. 1493. and died 1493 August 23. 1499. He lieth buried vpon the backe side of the high altar, and hath a faire toombe, not standing after the maner of other toombes East and West, but ouerthwart the church North and South; for which cause some call him the ouerthwart Bishop.

33. Henry Deane.

HEnry Deane Doctor of Diuinity, Abbot of Lanthony, 1500 sometimes Chauncellor of Ireland, and then Bishop of Bangor, was translated to Salisbury the yeere 1500. and within two yéeres after to Canterbury. Sée more of him there.

34. Edmund Audeley.

THe yéere 1480. Edmund Audeley, a gentleman of the 1502 auncient house of the Lord Audeleys, became Bishop of Rochester. Thencs he was translated 1493. to [...], and from Hereford the yéere 1502. vnto Salisbury. He lieth buried in a goodly chappell built for the purpose on the South side of the high altar, where also it séemeth he founded a chauntry for [...] to be sung for his soule.

35. Laurent. Campegius.

LAurentius Campegius borne in Bononia, Bishop of [...], 1524 and one of the Auditors of the Rota in Rome, was made Cardinall of Saint Thomas (and after of Saint [Page 285] [...]) June 27. 1517. The yéere 1524. he became Bishop of Salisbury, and died Bishop-Cardinall of Preneste at Rome in the moneth of August 1539. He was buried in our Lady church beyond Tyber.

36. Nicholas Shaxston.

IT should séeme that the said Cardinal might not be suffred 1535 to enioy his Bishoprick any longer whē as the Popes au­thority was abrogated & all sute to Rome forbidden. The yeere 1535. fower yeeres befere he died, Nicholas Shaxston Doctor of Dunnity was consecrate vnto this Sée, and sate Bishop fower yeeres. He resigned it July 1. 1539. the same day that Bishop Latymer resigned Worceter.

37. Iohn Capon.

IOhn Salcot, alias Capon Doctor of Diuinity, was conse­crate 1539 Bishop of Bangor 1534. and translated to Salisbury 1539. He [...] buried vpon the South side of the Quire al­most behind the Bishops See.

38. Iohn Iewell.

POpe Paule the fourth bearing an olde grudge against 1560 Cardinall Poole, soone after his aduauncement vnto the Papacy, bestowed a Cardinals hat vpon one Peter Pe­tow an obseruant Fryer, and a gentleman of an [...] house, whom he made also his legate a latere, ex [...] potestatis gaue him the Bishopricke of Salisbury, and sent him into England to confront the said Cardinall Poole. But Quéene Mary stood so stoutely in defence of her kinsman (and the rather for that the knew this course to be taken in despite of her, the Pope being all togither addicted vnto the French party) as she would not suffer this new legate either to enter the realme as legate, or to enioy the Bishopricke the Pope had assigned him. While this matter hung thus in question, Fryer Peto died first, and Queene Mary seene after. It plea­sed then her Majesty that now is to appoint vnto the Bishop­ricke [Page 286] of Salisbury Iohn Iewell Batcheler of Diuinity. He was borne at Berynarber in Deuonshire, brought vp in Ox­ford, first in Merton colledge, and then in Corpus Christi. Thence he fled the yéere 1554. into Germany, and after 4. yéeres [...] returning was consecrate Bishop of this church Ianuary 21. 1559. Hauing sate here well neere 12. yéeres, he died at Monketon Farley Septem 23. 1571. in the 50. yeere of his age, and was buried almost in the middle of the quire.

39. Edmund Gheast.

EDmund Gheast Doctor of Diuinity was consecrate Bi­shop 1571 of Rochester Ianuary 21. 1559. translated [...] to Salisbury December 24. 1571. died February 28. 1578. the 63. yéere of his age, and was buried in the quier vp­on the North side of Bishop Wiuyll. He writ diuers workes mentioned by Bale in his Centuries.

40. Iohn Piers.

IOhn Piers Doctor of Diuinity and Deane of Christchurch 1577 in Oxford, succéeded Bishop Gheast, both in Rochester (whereunto he was consecrate March 10. 1576) and in Sa­lisbury the yéere 1577. There he sate 11. yéeres (continuing all that while the Quéenes Almoner) and was translated to Yorke the yéere 1588.

41. Iohn Coldwell

THe Sée hauing then continued voide 3. yéeres, Iohn Coldwell Doctor of phisicke and Deane of Rochester, was consecrate vnto the same December 26. 1591. He died in October 1596. and was laid in the same graue where Bishop Wiuyll had long since beene buried.

42. Henry Cotton.

HEnry Cotton Chaplaine vnto her Maiesty was conse­crate togither with the Bishops of Exceter, Glocester, and Bangor, in Nouember 1598.

The Bishopricke of Salisbury is valued at 1385, l. 5, s. ob. and paide to the Pope at euery exchaunge of the Incumbent 4000. ducats.

The Bishops of Bathe and Welles.

WElles (that sometimes heretofore was called [...]) is not a [...] of any very great antiquity. It seemeth not to haue béene a place of any extra­ordinary note, vntill the yeere 704 at what time [...] King of the West Sax­ons built a Church there, and dedica­ted the same vnto S. Andrew. some­what more then 60. yéeres after, Kenulphus King also of the West Saxons, gaue vnto the maintenance of the Ministers belonging vnto that Church, all the lands néere adioyning. The very words of his Charter I haue thought good to set downe for the antiquity, and some other things in the same worthy consideration.

In nomine Domini nostri Iesu Christi. Cum constet [...] Catholicis & recte credentibus in Domino, quod tempo­ra huius temporalis vitae longe lateque per orbem [...] ac diuersis causis quotidie transeunt, nec non [...] aegritudine preuenti, statim vitam finiendo deserunt, [...] omnia fugitiua [...]; beneficia domini sine aliqua tar­ditate pauperibus hic tribuendo erogemus, vt illic [...] mercedis in aeterna patria sine fine cum Domino [...] ac­cipiamus. Quapropter, ego Cynewlphus occ. Saxonum Rex, aliquam terrae partem, pro amore Dei, & pro [...] delictorum meorum, nec non (quod verbo dolendum [...]) pro aliqua vexatione inimicorum nostrorum Corunbiorum gen­tis, cum consensu Episcoporum atque satraparum [...], Dei Apostolo [...] ministro Sancto Andreae humiliter ascri­bendo donabo; hoc est 11. manentium prope fluuium qui [...] Weluue, ad augmentum monasterij quod situm [...] iux­ta fontem magnum quem vocitant Wielea, (vt eo diligenti­us in Ecclesia Sancti Andreae Apostoli, deo soli [...]) [...] territorijs circumseriptam: A mendie de valle quae dici­tur Asancumb, in occidentali plaga in vnum fontem qui ap­pellatur [Page 289] Diernanwiell, deinde in collem quem incolae appel­lant Dornhil, deinde in defertum on picelon dorn, & tunc vl­tra flumen Weluue in fontem Holanwielle, & inde in deser­tum in [...] quae est iuxta fontem riuuli quem incolae [...] Sealtbroc, & tunc in eundem [...] flumen Welwe, [...] in ripam [...] vsque [...] Welwe, & [...] in [...] publicam vsque [...] quem vocitant El­lentrow, & [...] in torrentem [...] in vadum [...], [...] per campestria inter duas petrosas vias ad supra nominatum vallem Asancumb.

Si quis [...] infringere vel imminuere ausus sit, sciat se coram Christo & Sanctis Angelis [...] in [...] examine rationem redditurum. Scripta est haec Syngrapha ann. Dom. incarn. 766. Inductione 12.

  • † Ego Cynewlfus Gewisorum Rex, hanc meam donatio­nem cum signaculo Sanctae crucis roboraui.
  • † Ego Herewaldus Episcopus, huius munificentiae car­tulam propria manu signaui.
  • † Ego Ernchardus Episcopus huic largitati consensi & [...].

1. Plegmund. Aldeim

ALl this while, there was no Cathedrall Church there, 905 but onely a Colledge. It happened then the yéere 905. that [...] Archbishop of Canterbury by the com­maundement of the King, consecrated seuen Bishops in one day, whereof thrée were appointed vnto Sées newly ereded; Amongst the rest Aldelm Abbot of Glastonbury was ordai­ned Bishop of Wels and Somersetshire alotted vnto him for his Dioces. He sate here 10. yeeres, and after the death of Plegmund, was remooued to Canterbury. Sée there more of him, and this new erection. After him followed these.

  • 2. Wifelnius, who succeeded Aldelm both here and at Can­terbury. He liued here nine yéeres and there 14. a man (saith Pol. Virg.) famous as well for vertue as lear­ning. Sée more of him in Canterbury.
  • 3. Elfeth.
  • 4. Wlfhelm.
  • [Page 290]5. Brithelm. He was a monke of Glastonbury and became Bishop of Wels the yéere 958. He gaue vnto the Ab­bey of Glastonbury his nurse, the iurisdiction of the Countrey adioyning and made it an Archdeaconry an­nuall, to be bestowed vpon a monke of Glastonbury, and he to be elected yéerely by the Couent. [...] [...] the yéere 959. was elected Archbishop of Canter­bury. Whereof see more in Dunstan of Canterbury. He continued Bishop here 15. yéeres and died 973.
  • 6. Kinewardus or Kinewaldus Abbot of Middleton became Bishop of Wels the yéere following, sate 11. yéeres and died 985.
  • 7. Sigar. He was Abbot of Glastonbury, sate also 11. yéeres and died ann. 985.
  • 8. Alwyn, called by some Adelwyn and by others [...].
  • 9. Burwold. His toombe is to be séene with his [...] en­grauen vpon the South side of the Quier at Wels.
  • 10. Leoningus translated to Canterbury the yéere 1012. Sée more of him there.
  • 11. Ethelwyn expelled his Bishopricke by Brithwyn, reco­uered the same againe from him, and shortly after his restitution died.
  • 12. Brithwyn, who entring into peaceable possession of this Sée presently vpon the decease of Ethelwyn, with in 13. daies after died him selfe also.
  • 13. [...] Abbot of Glattonbury.
  • 14. [...] whom some name Bodeca. He was a Saxon of Germany, or (as some deliuer) borne in [...]. In his time king Edward the Confessor gaue vnto this Church the mannors of Congresbury and [...]. He was consecrate the yéere 1031. sate 27. [...] 7. monethes and seuen daies, and was buried vpon the South side of the high Aultar in [...]. It [...] his toombe is the highest of those ancient monuments that we sée vpon the South outside of the Duier.

15. Giso.

Giso a Frenchman of Lorraine, borne in a village cal­led 1059 Saint Trudo within the territory of Hasban, was sent Embassador to Rome by king Edward the Confes­sor, to to be resolued there of certaine doubts concerning mat­ter of religion, about the time that [...] died. Being so ab­sent, he was elected Bishop by the Chapter of Wels, and re­ceiued consecration at Rome April 4 being Easter day 1059. together with Aldred Archbishop of Yorke, and Walter Bi­shop of Hereford. At his returne, he found the estate of his Church very miserable; Harald the queenes brother that afterwards became for a while king of England, being yet a priuate man, ‘(Q [...]id Domini facient, audent qui talia [...])’

Upon what occasion I know not, had spoyled the Church of all ornaments, chased away the Canons, and inuading all the possessions of the same, had conuerted them to his owne vse; so that the Canons remaining which fled not for seare of this tyrant (they were onely fiue) they (I say) were faine to begge their bread The Bishop complaining vnto the King of this outragious hauocke, found cold comfort at his hands: [...], whether it were for feare of Haralds power or his wiues displeasure, he caused no restitution at all to be made. Onely the Queene was content to giue of her owne. Marke and Modesly vnto the Church. After the death of king Edward, Giso was faine to fly the land, till such time as [...] the [...] vsurper being vanquished and slaine, William the Conqueror was a meane to restore, not only him to his place and countrey, but his Church also to all that the other had vi­olently taken from it, except some small parcels that (I know not by what meanes) had beene [...] vnto the Mona­stery of Glocester. Yet in stead of them also, he was pleased to bestow vpon the Church, the mannour of Yatton, with the Patronage of the benefice there; and moreouer caused one Ealsi to restore vnto the same the mannour of [...], which long since had beene altenated from it, by some [...] practise as it should seeme. Giso being thus setled, tooke great [Page 292] paines, in recouering such other things as had béene [...] from his church, in procuring charters of confirmation for the better assurance of what already they had, and procu­ring such things as séemed to be wanting: Namely, of one [...] a Courtier he found meanes to obtaine the [...] of Coonth-Nicolas, [...] and Lytton. Then [...] the state of his church so well amended, he thought good to aug­ment the number of his Canons, and for their better [...] built then a cloyster, a hall, and a dorter or place for their lodging. Lastly he appointed one Isaac by the name of a Prouost to be their gouernor. Hauing béene Bishop the space of 28. yéeres he departed this life, and was buried vpon the North side of that place where the high altar then stoode. I take his to be the highest of those olde toombes that lye vpon the outside of the quier toward the North.

16. Iohn de Villula.

HE that succeeded ( Iohn de Villula a Frenchman borne in Tours, and a phisician heretofore by his profession) not content to do nothing toward the amendment of the state of his church, vsed all the meanes he might to impaire and di­minish the same. The cloyster and other buildings [...] by Gyso for his canons, he pulled downe, and in the place where they stoode build a pallace for himselfe and his successors, for­cing them to séeke dwellings abroad in the towne. But the greatest wrong of al other was, that neuer acquainting them with it, he procured his Episcopall Sée, which [...] had béene seated at Welles, to be remooued to Bathe; and whereas all his predecessors had béene knowen by the names of the Bishoppes of Welles, hee renouncing Welles, entitled himselfe Bishoppe of Bathe, which city he bought of the king for fiue hundreth markes, and foun­ded in the same a monastary for the receit of his new remoo­ued Episcopall throne. This monastery was first built by Offa king of Mercia ann. 775. and being destroyed by the Danes (who burnt and razed to the ground almost all the monasteries of England) was afterwardes an. 1010. ree­dified by Elphegus that at last was Archbishop of Canterbu­ry. [Page 293] His building stoode no long time: For the yéere 1087. both it and in a manner all the city was consumed and vtter­ly destroyed by fire; in such sort, as this Bishop building it a new from the ground, and augmenting the reuenues (which before were little or nothing) vnto a competent proportion; may not vnworthily séeme to be the founder and author of the same. He had scarcely (or indeed not [...] it, whē being a very aged man, he was taken away by [...], to wit, Dec. 29. 1122. hauing sate 34. yeres. He was [...] in the church himselfe had built.

17. Godfry.

ONe Godfry a Dutchman and chaplaine vnto the 1123 Queene, was then by her meanes preferred to this See, and consecrate August 20, 1123. He was also for a time Chauncellor of England vnder king Henry the first. Hauing [...] here 12. yeres, he died Aug. 16. 1135. & was buried at Bathe.

18. Robert.

AFter him succéeded one Robert a monke of Lewes, 1136 borne in Normandy, but by parentage a Flemming. In the beginning of his time, to wit, July 29. 1137. the church of Bathe lately built by Iohn de Villula was a­gaine consumed with fire. He reedified it, and added what­soeuer might seeme to haue beene left vnperfect by the other. In the stirres betweene Mawd the Empresse and king Ste­phen, he indured much trouble, being taken prisener at Bathe and held in captiuity a long time by the king. The continuer of Florent. [...]. setteth downe the history thereof at large. After his deliuerance he tooke great [...] in labou­ring an agreement between the churches of Wels and Bathe who had now many yeeres contended which of them should be honored with the Episcopall See. At last with the good liking of both parties, he set downe this order, that the Bi­shops hereafter should be called, Bishops of Bathe & Wels; y t each of them should by [...] appoint electors (the See being voide) by whose voyces the Bishop should be chosen; & that he should be installed in both of these churches. Then, [Page 294] whereas a kinsman of Iohn de [...] being appointed by him Prouost, by vertue of that office had withdrawen and conuerted vnto his owne vse, in a manner all the reuenues of old belonging to the cannons; with great labour and cost at last he procured, all that had appertained vnto them to [...] re­stored againe. And to take away all occasion of the like vsur­pation, he thought good to diuide the landes of the church [...] two parts, whereof the one he assigned vnto the chapter in common; out of the rest he allotted to euery cannon a porti­on, by the name of a Prebend. He also it was that first [...] a Deane to be the President of the chapter, and a Subdeane to supply his place in absence; a [...] to gouerne the quier, and a Subchaunter vnder him; a Chaun­cellour to instruct the yoonger sort of Cannons; and lastly, a Treasurer to looke to the ornaments of the church. The Sub­chauntership togither with the Prouostship an. 1547. were taken away and suppressed by act of Parliament, to patch vp a Deanry, the lands and reuenewes of the Deanry being de­uoured by sacrilegious cormorants. Moreouer, and [...] all this, whereas our church of Welles at this time was ex­ceeding ruinous, and likely euery day to fall to the ground, he pulled downe a great part of it and repaired it. At last he died, hauing sate 29. yeeres and 4. moneths, and was buried at Bathe.

19. Reginald Fitzioceline.

[...] Sée was then voide eight yéeres, eight moneths, 1174 and fiftéene daies. At last Reginald Fitzioceline a [...], sonne vnto Ioceline Bishop of Salisbury, and by his gift Archdeadon of Salisbury was appointed thereunto, being but 33. yeres of age (or as one deliuereth but 24.) This man by suite obtayned for the Chapter of king Richard the first, at what time he set forward in his voyage toward the Holy land', the mannors of Curry, Wrentich and Hatch. He founded the hospitall of Saint Iohns in Bathe and cer­taine Prebends in the church. Moreouer, he graunted vnto the city of Welles a corporation and many priuiledges which by his gift they enioy to this day. The yéere 1191. he was translated to Canterbury. Sée more of him there.

20. Sauaricus.

KIng Richard the first being taken prisoner in Germany 1192 by Leopold Duke of Austria; The Emperor tooke order with him, that besides other conditions to be required of the king for his deliuerance; he should make him promise to pre­ferre a [...] of his (the Emperors; called [...] (then Archdeacon of Northampton) vnto the Bishopricke of Bathe and Wels, & moreouer to annexe vnto the same Bishopricke the Abbotship of [...]. For the better effecting of which purpose, [...] was content to returne vnto the king the possession of the City of Bathe, which his predeces­sor Iohn de Villula had bought of king [...]. These things being brought to passe according to his desire, he alte­red his style and would needes be called Bishop of Gloston­bury. He was consecrate on Michaelmas day 1192. at Rome and returning into England by Germany, was there stayed and left for an hostage, in assurance of paiment of the kings raunsome. After his deliuery, he yet continued there a long time and became Chauncellor vnto the Emperor: till that the yeere 1197. the Emperor falling sicke, (as [...] [...] uereth) he was sent by him into England, to release vnto the king all such moneies, as yet remained vnpaid of that wrong­full and vnconscionable raunsome. The Emperor then dying before he could returne, he thought good to remaine here still vpon his charge. In 12. yeeres that he sate Bishop, he did not any thing memorable, except happily this may seeme worthy remembrance, that he impropriated the Parsonages of Il­mister and Longsutton, making them Prebends, and ap­pointing the one of them alwaies to be alotted vnto the Ab­bot of Muchelney, and the [...] to the Abbot of Athelney, for the time being. The Prebend of [...] is vanished toge­ther with the Abbey of [...]: Longsutton Parsonage by the [...] of Queene Mary was restored to the Church of Welles, and remaineth to this day a part of our possessions. This Bishop died August 8. 1205. and was buried at Bathe. Concerning him and the great summes he died indebted, who so list may reade somewhat in the Decretals of Greg. lib. 3. tit. 9. cap. Nouit ille.

21. Ioceline de Welles.

SAuarike being dead, the monkes of Glastonbury made 1205 importunate sute at Rome to be restored vnto their olde gouernment vnder an Abbot. Their importunity gaue occasion of setting downe a decree in the Court of Rome. [...], [...], [...] being void, nothing is to be altered in the state of the [...]. Before the end of the yeere 1205. [...] a Canon of [...] borne also and brought vp in Welles (at leastwise as to me by diuers arguments it seemeth) was consecrate vnto this See at Reading. The monkes of Glastonbury were by and by dooing with him; and after much contention preuailed but so, as they were faine to buy their victory at a deare [...] al­lowing vnto the [...] of Welles out of [...], the mannors of [...], Pucklechurch, [...] and Cranmer, and the patronage of the beneffces of Wins­combe, Pucklechurch, Ashbery, Christ Malford, Buckland and Blackford. Soone after this composition made, he [...] faine to fly the realme aad continued in banishment the space of fiue yeeres. The cause and mannor thereof you may [...] in Stephen Langton of Canterbury After his returne he gaue him selfe altogether to adorning and increasing the [...] of his Church. He founded diuers Prebends, impropriated di­uers Parsonages to the [...] of his Chapter, and gaue them the mannour of Winscombe. He allotted reasonable reuencwes to euery of the dignities, which before that time had small profite by their places. He appointed bicars to [...] the Prebends in dooing the seruice of the Church: and laid vnto the Bishopricke the mannors of Congresbury, Chedder, and [...]. He also and Hugh Bishop of Lincolne, [...] their purses together, founded the Hospitall of S. Iohns in Welles which being suppressed by act of Parliament & [...] to the Earle of Southampton, he [...] it with Bishop Clarke for Dogmersfield. Moreouer in building he bestow­ed inestimable summes of money. He built a [...] Chappell in [...] pallace at Welles, and an other at Owky, as also ma­ny other edifices in the same houses: And lastly, the Church [Page 297] of Welles it selfe being now ready to fall to the ground, not­withstanding the great cost bestowed vpon it by Bishop Ro­bere; he pulled downe the greatest part of it, to witte, all the West ende, built it a new from the very foundation, and hal­lowed or dedicated it October 22. 1239. Hauing continued in this Bishopricke 27. yeeres he died at last Nouember 19. 1242. and was [...] in the middle of the [...] that he had built, under a [...] toombe of late yeeres monsterously defared.

22. Roger.

NOtwithstanding the composition lately made by Bi­shop 1244 [...] for the order of election, the monkes of [...] to [...] with the Chapter of [...], [...] of [...], one Roger the Chaunter of Salūbury for Bishop [...], for that a kinsman of the Popes had the ad­uouson of his [...]) obtained easily consecration by the Popes meanes September 11. 1244. After long sute in law betweene the two Churches for the righting of this wrong; the end was, that Welles men must [...] vp the wrong, and they of Bathe yeeld assurance of performing the composition for the time to come; which was done accordingly. The Bi­shop (by whose meanes this accord [...] made) not liuing long after, departed this [...] Ianuary 13. 1274. hauing sate not past foure monethes above three yéeres. He onely of all the [...] of this Church for the space of almost 600. yeeres died [...] the [...] of 6 yeeres after his comming [...], which in [...] hath yet neuer happened to any other. [...] is the [...] of our [...] at Bathe.

23. William Bitton, or Button.

THe [...] of Bathe, according to their promise, now at 1247 [...] with the Chapter of Welles, William But­ton, [...], and then [...] of Welles, was with one [...] elected. This man had much to doo with the monkes of [...], concerning those lands which by composition they had yeelded to the See of [...]: And al­though [Page 298] the Bishop had sustained great charge in diners of the kings seruices, namely and especially in trauayling into the furthermost part of Spaine about his affaires: Yet he fauo­red altogether the part of the monkes, and gaue them h [...]s vt­termost assistance in their sutes. They were ended at by the Bishops death, who deceased in the beginning of the yeere 1264. hauing first possessed his brethren and kinsfolkes of all the principall places of our Church of Welles. For I finde, that about this time, there was another William Button, his brothers sonne, Archdeacon of Welles, and after Bishop; one Richard Button Chaunter, Nicolas Button a brother of the Bishops Treasurer, Iohn Button another brother of his Prouost of Coomb and Parson of Ashbery, aster whose death one Thomas Button succéeded in the Prouostship; and that one Thomas Button (whether the same man or no I can not tell) was first Archdeacon after William Button aforesaid, then Deane of Welles, and lastly, the yéere 1292. Bishop of Exceter. This Thomas Button it was that for the soule of this William Button our Bishop, gaue to our Church the bell commonly called the sermon bell, as in a French inscription vpon the same bell is yet to be séene. He lyeth buried in the middle of our Lady Chappell vnder a Marble toombe.

24. Walter Giffard.

VVAlter Giffard Canon of Welles and a [...] laine 1264 of the Popes, was elected May 22. 1264 and soone after consecrate by the Bishop of [...] in the absence of Boniface the Archbishop [...] 2. yeeres, he was translated to [...] Sée Yorke.

25. William Button or Bitton.

VVIlliam Button [...] of Welles and nephew 1267 to the former William Button, obtained this Bi­shopricke the yéere 1267. A man so greatly ac­counted of for his holinesse (saith Matthew Paris) as when Robert Killwardby Archbishop of Canterbury had licence of the Pope to take consecration at the hand of any Catholique [Page 299] Bishop; he made choice of him, only in respect of his holinesse. He made many good statutes by which our Church is yet go­uerned: Amongst other things, he ordained foure generall Chapter daies in the yeere, at which onely times, such things should be ordred as might [...]. It were greatly to be wished, that all other Churches were to obserue the same or­der. He deceased in the moneth of Nouember 1274. Many [...] people (especially such as were troubled with the tooth ake) were woont (euen of late yeeres) to frequent much the place of his [...], being without the North side of the [...], where we see a Marble stone, hauing a [...] image grauen vpon it. He gaue vnto our Church the mannor of Bicknaller.

26. Robert Burnell.

IN the moneth of Ianuary following Robert Burnell Arch­deacon 1274 of Yorke and Canon of Welles was elected A man of great power and authoritie in those daies, being first Trea­surer, then Chauncellor of England and alwaies of the [...] vnder king Edward the first. That gaue him meanes of gathering great wealth, which he [...], partly in buil­ding his houses (as namely that goodly hall of the pallace at Welles, pulled downe some fifty yeeres since by a [...] of the court, that for a [...] reward of his [...], soone after lost his head. But his principall care was to inrich his brethren and [...], whom he greatly advanced. He was much [...] in [...] affaires, from which he could be so ill spared, as the king was content for a [...] to let him [...] his court of [...] at Bristoll Some there be suppose the castle of [...] in [...] to haue beene built by him, at what time he was occasioned to hue in those parts. He sate eighteene yeeres, and [...] burted in the middle of the body of his church, vnder a marble stone, somewhat below the pulpit.

27. William de Marchia.

THe same yéere that Burnell dicd, William de Marchio, then Treasurer of England succéeded. I haue séene, amongst the records of our church of Welles, the [...] pies of diuers letters vnto the [...] and [...] from [...] king, from diuers of the nobility and the cleargy of [...] church, commending this man so far foorth for his holinesse, testified (as they write) by many miracles; as they [...] very earnestly for his Canonisation. I maruaile much at [...] For Matthew of Westminster and Polydor virgill, [...] grieuously of him, as the author of a hainous sacrilege, in [...] sing the king to spoile all the Churches and Monasteries of England, of such plate and mony as lay hoorded vp in them, for the paiment of his souldiers. It was Edward the first, [...] prince, that wanted neither wit to deuise, nor courage to [...] cute such an exploit, and to lay the fault vpon another at last. Yet likely inough it is, that such a fault stamped vpon him (how vndeseruedly soeuer) might barre him out of the [...] Calender, who otherwise was not woont to be ouer dainty [...] affoording that kind of honour, where fees might be [...] paid in for it. He sate ten yeeres, and lieth entoombed in [...] South wall néere the Cloister doore. In this mans time, the Chapter house was built, by the contribution of well disposed people; a stately and sumptuous worke.

28. Walter Haselshaw.

VVAlter Haselshaw, first Deane, then Bishop [...] 1302 Welles, sate ten yeeres, and lieth buried vnder a huge marble in the body of the church toward the North almost ouer against the pulpit. He made many statutes.

29. Iohn Drokensford.

IOhn Drokensford kéeper of the kings Ward-robe succée­ded. 1309 Following the steps of his predecessor [...], he be­stowed [Page 301] somewhat in increasing the buildings and liberties of his See, but much more vpon his [...]. He had much con­tention with his Chapter (the story whereof is to be seene in the [...] booke) sate 19. yeeres, and lieth buried vnder a rea­sonable saemcly toombe of free stone in the chappell of Saint Batherme, which is vpon the right hand going toward the Lady chappell.

30. Ralfc of Shrewsbury.

VVIth one cōsent of the chapter of Wels & the couent 1329 of Bathe, [...] of Shrewsbury was then elected, & dared to be consecrate (a great venture in those daies) before the [...] had allowed of him. His approbation (saith [...]) cost him at last a huge summe of money. This man is famous for the first foundation of our [...] close in Wels. The memory of which benefit is to be seene er­pressed in a [...] vpon the wal at the foot of the hall staires. In [...] the [...], [...] to request the Bishop in these words:

[...] about the [...], we humbly pray.
Together, through [...], dwell we may.

He answereth them thus:

For your [...], deserts do plead, I will do that you craue,
To this purpose established, here dwellings shall you haue.

This picture being now almost worne out; at what time of late yeeres, the [...] by the gratious fauour of her Maie­sty had their reuenues confirmed to them, being in danger to be spoyled of them by certaine sacrilegious cormorants; they likewise caused a picture of excellent workmanship to be dra­wen, [...] a memoriall of both the one and the other. These buildings being erected, toward the maintenance of some hospitality in them, he gaue vnto that new Colledge, the mannor of [...], and allotted them twenty nobles yere­ly to be paid out of the vicarage of Chew. He built moreouer [Page 302] a house for the Queristers and their master: He built like­wise the church of Winscomb and the court house at Clauer­ton, a great chamber at Cuercrich, and much other [...] in other of his houses. His pallace of Welles he inclosed with an excéeding strong wall and a large mote, into which he [...] the riuer running hard by: He gaue vnto his church [...] things, of which nothing now remaineth (I thinke) but a great chest bound with iron, in which the Chapter seale is kept. Lastly, it is to be remembred, that with great [...] he procured the forest of [...] to be disparked. Hauing per­formed these and many other things deseruing perpetual [...]; he departed this life at Wiuelescomb Aug. 14. 1363. hauing continued Bishop 34. yéeres. His body was buried before the high altar vnder a goodly monument of Alabaster, compassed about with grates of yron. About a 60. yéeres since (for what cause I know not) it was remooued to the [...] side of the presbytery, but lost his grates by the way. The image of Alabaster that lieth vpon it, is said to be very like him.

31. Iohn Barnet.

IOhn Barnet remooued from Worcester succéeded him, sate 1363 two yéeres, and was translated to Ely. Sée Ely.

32. Iohn Harewell.

EDward surnamed the Blacke Prince, obtayned then of 1366 the Pope this Bishopricke for Iohn Harewell, a chap­laine of his that was Chauncellour of Gascoigne. [...] was consecrate at Burdeaur March 7. 1366. by the Archbi­shop there. He contributed the third penny toward the buil­ding of the Southwest tower at the ende of the church, the Chapter bearing the rest of the charge. He paid 100. markes for glasing the window at the West ende of the church, [...] gaue two great bels, the bigest of which being cast fower times since I was of this church, now at last serueth for [...] greatest of a ring, the goodliest for that number (being [...]) (I thinke) in England. He died in the moneth of June 1386. hauing sate 19. yéeres, and was interred ouer [...] [Page 303] Burwold, where we sée a toombe of alabaster, that séemeth to haue béene a sumptuous piece of worke, but is now much defaced.

33. Walter Skirlaw.

VVAlter Skirlaw was translated from Lichfield hether, 1386 and after two yeeres from hence to Durham. See Durham.

34. Ralfe Erghum.

RAlfe Erghum Doctor oslawe was consecrate Bishop of 1388 Salisbury at Bruges in Flanders December 9. 1375. From thence he was translated [...] September 14. 1388. & died Aprill 10. 1401. He impropred to the chapter of Welles the parsonage of Puklechurch, and gaue vnto them a certaine house, called the George, beside certaine plate and church ornaments to the value 140, l. Moreouer, he built a colledge at Welles for fowerteene priests, at the ende of the lane now called Colledge-lane. He lieth buried in the body of the church, vpon the North side of that chappell that ioyneth to the great pulpit.

35. Henry Bowet.

THe Bishopricke so void, was conferred by the Pope 1401 vpon Richard Clifford Archdeacon of Canterbury who being denied his temporalties by the king, was faine, notwithstanding the Popes prouisory Bulles, to giue place vnto Henry Bowet Doctor of law and Canon of Welles, that with the kings fauour was lawfully elect thereunto. Sée more hereof in Richard Clifford of London. To Welles he was consecrate Nouemb. 16. 1401. in Saint Paules church in London, the king and all the Nobility being present; and was translated to Yorke December 1. 1407. See Yorke.

36. Nicolas Bubwith.

NIcolas Bubwith being Bishop of London and Treasurer 1408 of England, left both those places for Salisbury, which also he was content to forsake to accept Welles, within the compasse of one yéere after he was first consecrate to London. This man being at the Counsell of Constance, was appoin­ted one of those thirty persons that were ioyned with the [...] in the election of Pope Martin the fifth. He built [...] almeshouse vpon the North side of Saint Cuthberts church, endowing it with good possessions for the reliefe of many [...] persons: They were much increased afterwards by [...] Storthwayth, somewhat also by Bishop Bourne and other: So that now it maintaineth 24. poore people. He [...] vnto our church the parsonage of Bucklaud Abbatis: He built our Library ouer the Cloysters, and a little Chappell for mor­row masse ouer against the great pulpit. In that Chappell (built belike for the place of his buriall) he founded a Chaun­try, and dying October 27. 1424. was there enterred. [...] supposed he was a great benefactor and contributor toward the building of the Northwest tower at the West ende of [...] Church: which his armes fixed vpon diuers places of [...] same doo partly shew. It is deliuered also, that he gaue [...] vnto the Church, which I find to be the gift of [...] Button the second, and not his, as before is declared.

37. Iohn Stafford.

BY the Popes gift, Iohn Stafford, a man very noble [...] 1425 no lesse learned, became Bishop of Welles after Bub­with. August 23. 1443. he was aduaunced to Canter­bury. Sée Canterbury.

38. Thomas Bekinton.

THomas de Bekinton Doctor of Lawe and Deane of the Arches, writ a very learned discourse [...] of the Law Salique of the Frenchmen; (An [...] [Page 305] very necessary for those times; and being as well taken by other, as handled by himselfe; got him such fauour with that vertuous king Henry the [...], as it was a meanes to aduance him, first, vnto the keeping of the priuy seale, and then to this See, whereunto he was consecrate in the chappell of Caton October 13. 1443. at what time, the foundations of that chappell being but newly laid, it was hallowed & he [...] the first masse in the same. This man built the ranke of houses on the North side of the market place at Welles, called the New workes. He made a [...] in the market place, bringing the water from Saint Andrewes well. He built (as to me it least wise seemeth) the east side of the cloyster. He was a great benefactor to Lincolne College in Oxford; and a great builder of his owne houses, vpon the repayring and beautify­ing of which, he spent first and last (as himselfe professeth in his will) 6000. markes. Perceiuing himselfe sickely and not like long to continue, he made his will: and doubting least king Edward the fourth should make it void by picking some quarrell of treason vnto him; (a thing no doubt easie to be done, for that this Bishop had beene alwaies a constant follo­wer of the house of Lancaster) with great cost he procured from the said king a confirmation of his will, dated Nouem­ber 3. 1464. In it he bequeathed to the church of Wels 20, l. in money, fower very sumptuous vestments, 400, l. to buy ropes, a vessell for holy water of siluer waighing 10, l. Troy, a crosse of siluer parcell gilt of the same waight, a chaire for the Bishop to vse in the church (which yet remayneth) and certaine cushions with other ornaments. To the church of Bathe he bequeathed a cup, a censure and a pare of siluer, all waighing 30. ounces beside 30. coapes and other vestments. To New colledge in [...] (where it seemes he was brought vp) a siluer crosse of 10, l. waight, a faire bible in 4. volumes, a siluer bason of 10, l. waight, certaine [...] and other trifles. To Winchester colledge a siluer crosse double gilt waying 9, l. and ten ounces, two siluer candlestickes of the same waight and a number of vestments. To the hospi­tall of Saint Batherines in London (whereof he had beene master) many vestments and 50, l. in money. To the church of Sutton Courtney (a benefice of his) he gaue many vest­ments, [Page 306] [...] 5, l. in money, to be diuided to the [...] of [...]; [...] also the like [...] to the [...] of [...], [...] which church it is said he was Prebendary: and so much more (beside certaine vestments) to the [...] of [...] of which place (as being borne there) most men suppose [...] his name. For my part I thinke not so; for I [...] swade my selfe, his liberality in that case (I meane to [...] place of his natiuity) could not haue béene contayned [...] so narrow a scantling. But (to procéed) vnto the Austin Fry­ers of [...] he gaue 20, s̄. and to the Fryer Minors of Bridgewater 20, s̄. To ten priests that should study at Oxe­ford, and dayly say masse for the soules of himselfe, his pa­rents and benefactors, especially of Humfrey Duke of Gloce­ster, William Wickham [...] of [...] Iohn [...]: and Walter Thurston 5, l. a piece: and to ten poore [...] of the same [...] for [...] yéeres 10, d. a wéeke. To [...] of the better sort he bequeathed 5, l. a piece; [...] yeomen fiue markes; to euery boy of his house­hold 40, s̄. and to so many of his seruants as were not proui­ded of abiding places, meate, drinke and woonted wages [...] thrée moneths after his decease. To his successor he [...] 100, l. vpon condition he would accept it in lieu of all dilapi­dations, otherwise willing his executors to spend it in [...] against him: and lastly vnto his executors he left onely 20, l. a piece, requiring them to imploy all the rest of his [...] good vses at their discretion. They answered very iustly, [...] trust reposed in them, and that with such discretion as wellas [...], that I should do them wrong not to remember [...]. The one was Richard Swanne, [...] of [...] and parson of Yeuelton, that heretofore had béene executor after the same sort vnto Richard Praty Bishop of Chichester (this man dwelt in the cannonicall house that is néere the market place.) Another was, Hugh Sugar Doctor oflawe and Trea­surer of Welles (he built the chappell all offrée stone, [...] of wood before, adioyning to the great pulpit, and dwelt where I now do, in the middle house of the thrée that ioyne vpon the Cambray.) And the third was Iohn Pope Doctor of Diuinity Prebendary of Saint Decumans and parson of Shyre. These thrée (as I haue béene told by old men) lye bu­ried [Page 307] in a ranke together, ouer against the great pulpit, vnder thrée Marble stones of one fashion. The Bishops goods that remained vnbequeathed, they bestowed for the most part, in building the Uicars close at Welles, which had béene begun by Bishop Ralfe long before; a sumptuous and beautifull worke. This great benefactor of our Church departed this life, Ianuary 14. 1464. and was buried in a goodly toombe built by him selfe in his life time, situate vpon the South side of the Presbytery.

39. Robert Stillington.

IN the moneth of July next after the death of Bishop Be­kinton, Robert Stillington, Doctor of Law, Archdeacon of Taunton, first keeper of the priuy seale, and then Chaun­cellor of England, was elected to this Sée, and consecrate in April following. He built that goodly Lady Chappell in the cloysters, that was pulled downe by him which destroyed also the great hall of the palace mentioned in Robert Burnell pag. 12. He died a prisoner in the Castle of [...], whether he was committed for foure yéeres before his death (for what cause I know not) in the moneth of October 1487. and was intoombed in the said Chappell, but rested not long there: For it is reported, that diuers olde men, who in their youth had not onely séene the [...] of his funerals, but also the building of his toombe, Chappell and all; did also see, toombe and Chappell destroyed, and the bones of the Bishop that built them, turned out of the lead in which they were interred. Concerning this man & many other Bishops of this Church, if any desire to vnderstand more, I must referre them to a dis­course heretofore written by me in Latin of them, which is in many mens hands, though neuer published.

40. Richard Foxe

Soone after the death of Bishop Stillington, Richard Foxe 1491 Bishop of Exceter was appointed his successor, and so continuing for thrée yéeres, was translated first to Dur­ham and after to Winchester. Sée Winchester.

41. Oliuer King.

OLiuer King Doctor of Law and principall Secretary 1495 to the king, became Bishop of Exceter, the yéere 1492. and succeeding him in this Church as well as Exceter was translated hither Nouember 6. 1495. He pulling downe the old Church of the Abbey of Bathe, began the foundation of a faire and sumptuous building, but at the time of his death left it very vnperfect. His successor bestowed some cost on it, and William Bird the last Prior there, endeuouring what he might by him selfe & other to see it finished; had euen brought it to perfection, when the dissolution of the Abbey had almost ouerthrowen what before was set vp. It is great pitty that some good man or other, whom God hath enabled, vnderta­keth not the finishing of it; a worke then which, I thinke no­things is to be performed with so little cost, that were more likely to be pleasing to Almighty God, acceptable vnto men, & memorable with all [...]. This man sate Bishop eight yéeres, and is thought to lye buried at Windsor in a little Chappell vpon the South side of the Quier, ouer against which place, vpon the enterclose of the Quier I find written (vnder the pictures of king Henry the sixt, and his sonne, king Edward the fourth, and Henry the seuenth) this that follow­eth, Orate pro domino Olmero King iuris professore, ac illu­stri Edwardi (primogeniti Henry Sexti) & [...] Regum Edw. quarti, Edw. quinti, & Henr. 7. principali Secre­tario, [...] ordinis Garterij Registrario, & huius Sancti Collegij Canonicqanno Dom. 1489. & postea per dictum il­lustrillimum Regein Henry 7. ann. 1492. ad sedem Exon. commendato.

42. Hadrian de Castello.

POpe Innocent the eight hearing of a certaine dangerous [...] raised vp against Iames the third king of Scots; thought good to send into Scotland one Hadrian de Ca­stello, as a man for his wisedome and other good parts likely to appease those [...]. Being at London he was certified [Page 309] of the king of Scots death, whom his own subiects had [...] in battell. So resting him selfe a while there he grew into acquaintance with Iohn Moorton the Archbishop of Canter­bury. He much delighted with his learning, and discreete ca­riage; commended him so effectually vnto the king (Henry the seuenth) as he thought good to [...] his Proctor for the dispatch of all his causes at Rome. In that place he behaued him selfe so, as the King at [...] in [...] of his paines and fidelity, was [...] of [...] vnto the Bishopricke of [...], the yeere 1503. and then, the yeere following, of this See. Pope Alexander the sixt in the meane time, a little before his translation hither, had made him Cardinall. Here he continued 12. yeeres, vntill that the yeere 1518. he was depriued of this and all other promo­tions vpon this occasion: A Cardinall of Rome called Alfon­so Petruccio consptred with certaine other Cardinals, the death of Pope Leo 10. Amongst them, this our Hadrian was content to make one; mooued thereunto (as P. Iouius affirmeth) not by any grudge or priuate displeasure, but onely by an ambitious [...], that surely he should be Pope [...] were once dead. A certaine witch or wise woman as we call them) hauing heretofore foretold him very strangely diuers things that had happened to him selfe & other of his friends; tooke vpon her to assure him, that after the death of Pope Leo, it should come to passe, that a certaine old man named Hadri­an, borne of meane parentage, preferred onely for his lear­ning, wisedome, and other good parts, should be aduaunced vnto the Papacy. These particularities, Hadrian was per­swaded could agree to none other but him selfe: For he being borne at Corneto a poore fisher towne of Hetruria, of meane (or rather very base) parentage; onely by vertue and good de­serts rose by many degrees vnto the preferments before men­tioned. The witches prediction fell out true, but in an other: For Hadrian a Dutchman, the sonne of a Erelver of Utright, that had beene schoolemaster to Charles the fift [...], fell out to be the man that succeeded Leo by the name of [...] the sixt. What became of this Hadrian afterward, or when he died, I find not.

43. Thomas Woolsey.

VPon the depriuation of Hadrian, Cardinall Woolsey 1518 held this Bishopricke in Commendam fower yéeres, euen till that resigning it, he tooke Durham. Sée more of this man in Yorke.

44. Iohn Clerke.

IOhn Clarke Doctor of Diuinity and Master of the [...] 1523 was consecrate the yéere 1523. A man much emploied [...] embassages. He died in the end of the yeere 1540. being poiso­ned (as it was supposed) in Germany, when he went Embas­sadour to the Duke of Clyue to render a reason of the [...] diuorce from the Lady Anne of Cleue his sister. He is [...] in the Mineries at London.

45. William Knight.

VVIlliam Knight Doctor of Lawe and Archdeacon of 1541 Richmund, a man likewise much emploied in em­bassages by king Henry the eight, sate sixe yéeres, died Sep­tember 29. 1547. and was buried vnder the great Pulpit, which he caused to be built for his toombe. In the [...] place of Welles, there is a goodly crosse erected partly by this man, as this inscription engrauen witnesseth, Ad honorem [...] omnipotentis & commodom pauperum mercatum Wel­liae freqnentantium, impensis Gulielmi Knight Episcopi & Richardi Wooleman huius ecclesiae Cathedralis olim Decani, hic locus erectus est. Laus Deo, pax viuis, requies defunctis. Amen. Ann. Dom. 1542.

46. William Barlowe.

VVIlliam Barlowe Doctor of Diuinity, sometimes [...] 1548 Chanon of Saint Osythes hauing béene Bishop of Saint Dauids the space of tenne yéeres or there abouts, was translated hether to succéede Bishop Knight, and continued [Page 311] here all the daies of R. Edward. In the beginning of Queene Mary, he was forced to leaue his countrey, Bishopricke and all, & to liue exiled in Germany, vntill that by her death, & the most happy aduauncement of our now Soueraigne, he was at once restored to his Countrey, and preferred to the Bishop­pricke of Chichester. There he liued about the space of tenne yeeres, and dying the yéere 1569. was buried in his owne Church.

47. Gilbert Bourne.

BIshop Barlow being forced to forsake his Bishopricke 1554 here, Gilbert Bourne Doctor of Diuinity was appoin­ted thereunto by Queene Mary. The nonage of that good king Edward the sixt, giuing opportunity to those horri­ble sacrileges, that robbed the cathedrall churches of Eng­land of (I dare say) the tone halfe of that they possessed; had béene an occasion of the vtter ruine and destruction of this See, if Bishop Barlow taking aduantage of the death of some men in the [...] ende of king Edward, and Bishop Bourne making vse of the zeale of Quéene Mary in tendring the state of the church; had not béene the meanes of recouering what is now left vnto the same, euen the lands of the Bishopricke in a manner euery whit, all the land belonging to the Arch­deacon of Welles, and some land of the Chapter, to wit, the parsonages of Duluerton and Longsutton. And it is suppo­sed that this man (had he stoode vp but a little while longer) had recouered diuers other possessions to his See, that now are thought to be lost irrecouerably. He was a benefactor vn­to the Uicars close, & to the almehouse, and began the foun­dation of a certaine colledge in the canonicall house that stan­deth néere the market place; but was hindered by the death of Quéene Mary and his depriuation, from finishing it. Being displaced for not subscribing according to order, he was com­mitted to the custody of master Carey Deane of her Maiesties chappell, liued with him many yéeres, and died at Sylfer­ton in Deuonshire (where he lieth buried) September 10. 1569.

48. Gilbert Barkley.

IT pleased then the Quéenes Maiestie that now is, in the 1560 beginning of her most happy raigne, to nominate vnto this See one Gilbert Barkley, borne in Norfolke, but descended of the auncient and most honorable house of the Lord Bark­ley, at least wise as the armes assigned vnto him by the He­raulds do seeme to testifie. He sate somewhat more then 20. yéeres, and growing into a lethargy (which diminished much of the vigor and strength as wel of his minde as his body cer­taine moneths before his decease) at last departed this world Nouember 2. 1581. being 80. yéeres of age, and was buried vpon the North side of the high altar in his owne church, where we sée a hansome monument of frée stone built ouer him.

49. Thomas Godwyn.

THomas Godwyn my déere and most reuerend father, was borne at Okingham in Barkshire, and brought vp first in the frée schoole there, then for a little while vnder one Doctor Layton Deane of Yorke, who sent him to Dreford, and so long as he liued (which was not past a two or thrée yéere) exhibited vnto him there. He being taken a­way, it pleased God to prouide for him otherwise by raising vp friends that procured him to be chosen fellow of [...] colledge. Towards the latter ende of king Edwards raigne, forsaking that place, he tooke on him the teaching of a free schoole at Brackley, directing his studies partly to diuini­ty, and partly also to Phisicke, the practise whereof in Quéens Maries time (when he might not be suffred to teach any lon­ger) maintained him, his wife and children honestly. He re­ceiued orders and his first spirituall preferments at the hand of Bishop Bollingham, then of Lincolne, after of [...], in the beginning of her Maiesties raigne that now is. By her gratious appointment, he became first Deane of Christchurch in Oxeford in the seuenth, then of Canterbury in the ninth yeere of her raigue, and lastly Bishop of Bathe and [...], [Page 313] being consecrate thereunto September 13. 1584. Hauing sate fixe yéeres, two moneths and sixe daies, he departed this mortall life Nouember 19. 1590. at Okingham, the place where he was borne, and there lyeth buried vpon the South side of the chauncell, vnder a marble, and néere vnto a monu­ment (fixed in the wall) farre more answerable vnto the abi­lity of him that set it vp, then vnto the vertues and deserts of him to whose memory it was erected.

50. Iohn Styll.

THe Sée hauing continued voide two yéeres and some­what more, Iohn Styli Doctor of Diuinity, and Master of Trinity college in Cambridge, was consecrate ther­unto in February 1592. He yet liueth in the same.

This Bishopricke is valued in the Queenes bookes at 533, l. and 15, d. and paid to the Pope for an In­come, onely 430. slorens, although in those daies it were one of the richest Sees of England.

The Deanry of Welles was first erected in the time of king Stephen about the yéere 1150. as before is deliuered, and one Iuo made the first Deane, after whom haue succeeded these:

  • 2. Richard de Spakeston 1160.
  • 3. Alexander.
  • 4. Leonius 1205.
  • 5. Ralph de Lechlade.
  • 6. Peter de Ciceter.
  • 7. William de Merton. 1236.
  • 8. Ioannes Sarracenus. 1241.
  • 9. Gyles de Brideport. 1255.
  • 10. Edward de la Knoll. 1256.
  • 11. Thomas de Button. 1284.
  • 12. William Burnell. 1292.
  • 13. Walter de Haselshaw. 1295.
  • 14. Henry Husee. 1302.
  • [Page 314]15. Iohn de Godeley. 1303.
  • 16. Richard de Bury. 1333.
  • 17. Wibert de Luttleton elect. 1334.
  • 18. Walter de London. 1336.
  • 19. Iohn de Carlton. William de Camell elect. 1361. refused the place.
  • 20. Stephen de Penpel. 1361.
  • 21. Iohn Fordham. 1379.
  • 22. Thomas de Sudbury. 1381.
  • 23. Nicolas Slake. 1396.
  • 24. Thomas Stanley. 1402.
  • 25. Richard Courtney. 1409.
  • 26. Walter Metford. 1413.
  • 27. Iohn Stafford.
  • 28. Iohn Forest. 1425.
  • 29. Nicolas Carent. 1448.
  • 30. William Witham. 1467.
  • 31. Iohn Gunthorp. 1472.
  • 32. William Cosyn 1498.
  • 33. Thomas Winter. 1525.
  • 34. Ridhard Woolman.
  • 35. Thomas Cromwell, 1537.
  • 36. William Fitz-Williams. 1540.
  • 37. Iohn Goodman. 1548.
  • 38. William Turner. 1556.
  • 39. Robert Weston. 1566.
  • 40. Valentine Dale. 1574.
  • 41. Iohn Herbert. 1589.

The Bishops of Exceter.
This discourse following is taken (for the most part) Ver­batim out of Master Iohn Hookers Catalogue of the Bishops of Exceter.

THe Countries of Deuonshire & Corn­wall, after their conuersion vnto Chri­stian religion, were a while vnder the iurisdiction of the Bishop of the West Saxons, whose See was established at Dorchester. Afterwards Winchester being appointed a Cathedrall Sée a­bout the yéere 660. All the West coun­trey was alotted to the gouernment of the Bishop of that Church, and so continued vnder him till that the yéere 705. Sherborne was made a Cathedrall Church. Two hundred yeeres they were subiect vnto the Bishop of Sherborne, to wit, vntill the yeere 905. At what time Plegmund Archbi­shop of Canterbury, by the commaundement of the king (as else where I haue declared more at large) erected diuers new Sees, namely at Welles in Somersetshire one, in Cornewall another, and a third in Deuonshire. The See of Athelstan the Bishop of Cornwall, was for a while S. Petrockes in Bod­myn, and afterwards Saint Germanes. Werstan Bishop of Deuonshire placed him selfe first at Tawton, but soone after remooued to Credyton now called kyrton: The successors of Athelstan in the Dioces of Cornwall (as I find) were these:

  • Conanus.
  • Ruydocus.
  • Aldredus.
  • Britwyn.
  • Athelstan, he liued the yéere 966.
  • Wolfi.
  • Woronus.
  • Wolocus.
  • [Page 316]Stidio.
  • Adelredus.
  • Burwoldus.

About the yéere 1040. (or soone after) Saint Peters church in Exceter was appointed the Sée for both Deuonshire, and Cornwall. And hath euer since that time so continued.

NOw to come vnto the particular history of this church you shall vnderstand, that amongst many religious houses erected heretofore in and about the City of Er­ceter, thrée there haue béene sometimes within the seite and circuite of that place, which is now called the close of Saint Peters. The first of these was a house of Nunnes where the Deanes house & the Callander Nay or Uicars close doo now stand: The second was a Monastery for monkes supposed to be built by king [...] the third, sonne of king Ethelwo ph about the yéere 868. And the third was also for monkes, to witte, of the order of Saint Benet, founded by king Athel­stan, the yéere 932. thereabout where the East parts of the Church now called the Lady chappell standeth. Of this foun­dation thus one writeth.

Hanc vrbem primus Rex Athelstanus, in potestatem Anglo­rum effugatis Britonibus redactam, turribus muniuit & moro ex quadratis lapidibus cinxit, ac antiquitus vocatum [...], nunc Exeter vocari voluit; ac ibisedens, mansum quod­dam de dit ad fundandum monasterium pro monachis Den & Sancto Petro famulantibus. Now besides the great charges he was at in building; He gaue also sufficient lands and re­uenewes for their liuing, whereof Morkshut and [...], be yet remaining, and are appertaining to the Treasurer of the said Church. But after the time of King Athelstane, the Danes with great hostility and cruelty ha­uing ouerrun this land, this City and Church was much in­fested and troubled: for with no lesse cruelty did the Danes pursue the English men and Saxons, then did the Saxons before pursue the Britaines. And then the monkes not able to endure the same, fled and forsooke their house, séeking pla­ces of refuge and better safety. And so was this monastery lest [Page 317] destitute, and forsaken for sundry yéeres, vntill the time of king Edgar. He making a progresse into these West partes to visite Ordogarus Earle of Deuon. (whose daughter he had maried) came to this City ann. 986. and pittying their di­stressed state, restored them their house and liuelihoods; And appointed [...] (who afterwards was Bishop) To be their Abbot. After that, they continued together (although in great troubles) vntill the time of king Swanus the Dane. He with a great troupe and Army of his Danes came to this City ann. 1019. besieged it, and at length hauing taken the same, spoyled, destroyed, and burnt both City and Monaste­ry. But yet shortly after it was againe restored; For King [...] being aduertised of the great cruelties done by his Father [...]: did at the request of one of his Dukes named [...], make restitution vnto Atheiuoldus then Abbot, both of lands, liuings, and priuileges, as appeareth by his Charter dated ann. 1019. About thirty yeeres after this, king Edward the Confessor comming to Exceter, by the aduise of Leophricus Bishop of Crediton, sometimes Lord Chauncel­lor of England, and of his priuy Councell, partly for the bet­ter safety of the Bishop and his successors, and partly to pro­uide a more apt place for the monkes, translated the Bishops Sée from Crediton to Exceter, and sent the monkes to West­minster. The Bishop then thus remooued from the old, and placed in the new; indoweth his new Sée with the lands and liuelihoods of his former Church, pulled downe the two mo­nasteries néere adioyning, the one of Nunnes, the other of monkes, and addeth them to his owne Church. After Leo­phricus his successors following his example, did euery of them for the most part indeuour the augmentation and in­crease of their Church, some in liuelihoods, some in liberties and priuileges, some in buildings, and some in one thing, some in an other.

ANno 1112. William Warwest the third Bishop of Exceter began to enlarge his cathedrall church (which at that time was no bigger then that part which is called the Lady Chappell) and laied the foundation of that which is now thequier. Anno 1235. or there abouts William [Page 318] Brewer [...], and a Chapter of [...] and twenty[?] prebendaries; He appro­priated to the Deanery Brampton[?] and Coliton Rawleigh[?]: For the prebendaries he purchased lands, allotting to [...] of them, the like portion of fower pound by the yéere. Anno 1284. Peter Quiuill Bishop, finding the Chauncell of his church to be builded and finished to his hands, built the lower part or body of his church from the quier westward; He alsos appointed a Chanter and a Subdeane in the church; to the one he impropriated Painton and Cudleigh, and to the other the parsonage of Cgloshalle in Cornwall. Moreouer he im­propriated the parsonage of Saint Newlin in Cornwall, and of Stoke Gabriell in Deuonshire to the Chancellor of the church for reading of a Diuinity Lecture. Anno 1340. Iohn Grandisson Bishop; did increase the length of his church from the sont Westward and vaulted the roofe of the whole church, so ending and fully finishing the same.

ABout the yéere of our Lord 1450. Edmund Lacy be­gan to build the Chapter house, and George [...] fi­nished it. The Cloisters were built by the Deane and Chapter.

Hereby it appeareth that from the first foundation of this church vnder king Athelstane, vntill the time that Bishop Graundsone [...] the building thereof, it was aboue 400. yéeres, which notwithstanding, so vniformely the same is compact, as if by one and the same man it had béene plotted, begun, continued and ended.

A Catalogue of the Bishops of Deuonshire.

VVErstanus (called by some Adulphus) the first Bi­shop of Deuonshire was consecrated Bishop of this Dioces an. 905. and had his Sée at Bishops Tawton. In the yéere following, viz. 906. he died and was bu­ried in his owne Church.

PVtta after the death of Werstanus, was elected and con­secrate Bishop, and had his See at Tawton. He ta­taking his iourney towards Crediton to sée the king (or as some say, Vsfa the kings licutenant) was by the said Vffas men slaine. Upon his death the See was remooued to Cre­diton.

EAdulphus brother to [...] Duke of Deuonshyre and Cornewall, and founder of Launceston, was consecra­ted Bishop of Deuonshire, but installed at Crediton where he had his See, and continued Bishop two and twen­ty yéeres. He died the yéere 934. and was buried in his owne church.

EThelgarus an. [...]. succéeded Eadulphus. This Ethelga­rus after he had beene Bishop ten yéeres; he died and was buried in his owne church.

ALgarus an. 942. after Ethelgarus was constituted and installed Bishop at Crediton. And hauing beene Bi­shop about ten yeeres died and was buried in his owne Church.

ALfwoldus, as Matthew of Westminster writeth, was next Bishop after Algarus, and consecrated by the ad­uise of Dunstane ann. 952. He died 972. and was bu­ried in his owne church.

ALwolfus sate nine yéeres after Alfwoldus, and was buri­ed in his owne church.

SYdemanus Abbot of Saint Peters succéeded. In this mans time the Danes ouercame and spoyled the whole countries of Deuonshire and Cornewall, burned the towne of Bodwyn, and the cathedrall church of Saint Pe­troks, with the Bishops house. Whereupon the Bishops See was remooued from thence to S Germans, in which place it continued vntill the remoouing and vniting thereof vnto Cre­diton. Sydemannus in th 12. yéere after his consecration died, and was buried at Crediton in his owne church 990.

ALfredus (whom Dicetus calleth Alfricus) abbot of Mal­mesbury, was consecrated Bishop, & installed at Cre­diton. He was taken for a learned man, and wrote two bookes, the one intituled de rebus coenobij sui, and the other de rerum naturis. In his time king Etheldred endowed the Bishopricke of Saint Germans with lands, liberties, and priuileges. The Danes made a fresh [...] vpon all De­uonshire and Cornewall, burned & spoyled the Abbey of Dr­dolphus at Tauistorke, besieged Exceter, and being remooued from thence, were fought withall at Pynhow about 3. [...] from the city and ouerthrowen. Alphredus after he had beene Bishop about 9. yeres, died an. 999. & was buried in his owne church.

ALwolfus (as Dicetus writeth) was the next Bishop. In his time Sweno king of Denmarke by inticement of one Hugh then Earle of Deuonshire, came with a great hoste and besieged the city of Exceter, tooke it and burned it, and with great cruelty vsed the people, vntill in the end Almarus Earle of Deuonshire, and the gentlemen did yéeld and submit them­selues, and so obtayned peace. This Alwolfus about the 15. yéere of his Bishoprick 1030. died & was buried in his owne church.

LIuyngus procured the county of Cornwall to be added vnto his Dioces: he was consecrate 1032. and after be­came Bishop of Worcester. Sée more there.

The Bishops of Exceter.

FIrst Leofricus, a man descended of the 1 blood and line of Butus, brought vp in the land of Lotharingia or Loreine, was so well commended not onely for his nobilitie, but much more for his wisedome and learning; that king Edward the Confessor had him in great fauour, and made him first one of the prinie Councell, then Chauncellor of England, and lastly (the Bishopricke of this Dioces being voide) he was prefer­red thereunto. By his meanes the Bishops See was remoo­ued from Crediton to this citie of Exceter. The yeere 1049. (or thereabout) king Edward the Confessor comming to Exe­ter, together with his Quéene; tooke order that the monks of Saint Peters should be placed at Westminster (as before is mentioned) and remooued the Episcopall See from Crediton to this citie. It is remembred, that himselfe taking the Bi­shop by the right hand, and Edeth his Quéene by the left, led him vp vnto the Altar of his new church, and there placed him in a seate appointed for him. This Bishop obtained of the same king much good land and many notable priuileges for his church. He made biuers statutes, and amongst other things, he ordained, that all his Canons or Prebendaries should lodge in one chamber, and take their diet at one table. He appointed them likewise a steward that should prouide them victualls daily, and once in the yéere deliuered them new clothes. This kinde of gouernment (saith William Malmes­bury) he learned in Lorraine, and it is (saith he) continued by the posterity, although by the corruption and luxury of our time somewhat altered and decaied. After that he had well and woorthily ruled his church and Diocesse, by the space of thrée and twenty yéeres, he ended his daies in peace Anno 1073. and was buried in the Cemitory or churchyard of his owne church vnder a simple and a broken marble stone, [Page 322] which place by the [...] of his Church is now within the South Tower of the same, whereof of late Anno. 1568. A new monument was erected in the memory of so good, worthy, and notable a personage, by the industry of the writer hereof: but at the charges of the Deane and Chapter.

OSbertus or Osbernus a Normaine borne, and brother 2 to an [...] William, was preferred to this Bishoprick the yéere 1074. He was Bishop 30. yéers, toward his [...] blind, died 1103. and was bu­ried in his owne Church. H. Huntingdon, and others that [...] him, make mention of one Gaufridus Bishop of Erce­ter about this time; but they are mistaken. It is [...] [...] [...] Bishop of Constantia that ioyned with Odo [...] of Kent, &c.

VVIlliam Warewest a Normaine borne, and Chap­laine 3 both to the Conqueror and his two sonnes, William and Henry; a very graue and a wise man, hauing béene much imployed in sundry Ambassayes, was preferred at last vnto this Bishopricke by king Henry the first, and consecrate thereunto in August 1107. together with [...] other. He first began to enlarge his Church (as aboue I haue mentioned) & obtained from the king Plymp­ton, Brampton, and Saint Stephens in Exceter. Brampton he gaue to his Cathedrall Church, and it was afterwards a­lotted vnto the Deane for a part of the corps of his Deanery. Saint Stephens with the Sée belonging to the same he reser­ued to him selfe and to his successors, who thereby are Ba­rons and lords in the Parliament. As for Plympton, he gaue it vnto a Monastery, which he built there for Reguler Can­nons. In his later daies he became blind: which imperfecti­on notwithstanding, the king thought good to send him Em­bassador vnto Pope Paschalis the second, and he dispatched the bussnesse commended vnto him, to the Kings great [...]. Not long after his returne, hauing small ioy of the world, he gaue ouer his Bishopricke & became one of the re­guler Canons of his owne house at Plympton, where he died 1127. and was buried. He was Bishop about 20. yéeres.

RObert Chichester Deane of Sarisbury, was consecra­ted 4 Bishop ann. 1128. He was a Gentleman borne, very zelous and deuout in his religion according to the manner of those daies. He went often in Pilgrimage, some­time to Rome, sometime to one place, sometime to another, and euer would bring with him some one relike or other. He was also a liberall Contributer to the buildings of his church. After that he had continued two and twenty yéeres, he died the yéere 1150. and was buried in his owne Church.

RObert Warewest nephew to William Warewest his 5 predecessor and Deane of Salisbury, was consecrate Bishop by Theobaldus Archbishop of Canterbury ann. 1150. After that he had occupied this Sée nine yeres or thereabout, he died ann. 1159. & was buried at Plympton by his vncle.

BArtholomeus Iscanus, otherwise Bartholomew of Exce­ter, 6 was consecrated Bishop of Exceter, ann. 1159. or rather (as it séemeth to me) 1161. He was called Isca­nus of Isca, which is one of the ancientest names of this Ci­ty: a meane Citizens sonne, but very well learned; & wrote sundry bookes, as of Predestination, Fréewill, Penance, and others. He was estéemed also very deuout, holy, and a pain­full Preacher. Matthew Paris in his report of the yéere 1161. telleth a long tale, of a certaine strange apparition or reuela­tion which happened vnto him in the countrey as he visited his Dioces. He was a great aduersary of Thomas Becket. I marueile that any such thing might be credibly reported of him. After he had béene Bishop about fourteene yéeres, ann. 1184. he died, but where he died or was buried it appeareth not.

IOhn the Chaunter of the Cathedrall Church of this City, 7 and Subdeane of Sarum, was consecrated Bishop of this Church ann. 1186. He was well reported of for his libera­lity, in continuing the buildings of this Church, wherein he was nothing inferior to his predecessors. Hauing béene Bi­shop about sixe yéeres, he died ann. 1191.

HEnry Marshall Archdeacon of Stafford and Deane of 8 Yorke, brother to William the Earle Marshall of En­gland, was consecrated Bishop by Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury an. 1191. he finished the building of his church according to the plat and foundation which his predecessors had laide, and that done, he purchased the patronage and Lordship of Wodbery of one Albemarly, which he gaue and impropriated vnto the Uicars chorall of his church. After that he had liued 12. yéeres in his Bishopricke, he died ann. 1200. and lieth buried in the North side of the presbytery of his church in a very faire tombe of Marble.

SImon de Apulia Deane of Yorke was consecrated [...] 9 of this Sée 1206. Of him there remayneth no me­moriall at all but this, that hauing béene Bishop 18. yéeres he died an. 1224. and was buried in his owne church. In this mans time, to wit, the yéere 1222. the city of Exceter was diuided into parishes.

VVIlliam Brewer, very shortly after the death of the 10 foresaid Simon was elected Bishop, and consecra­ted vpon Easter day an. 1224. A man very well borne, being brother to Sir William Brewer knight, the [...] of the eldest daughter, and one of the heires to William de Verona Earle of Deuonshire founder of the Abbeyes of Tor, Hartland, and other monasteries. He was of the pri­uy Councell vnder king Henry the third, and greatly in fa­uour with him. The yéere 1235. he trauelled into Germany, to conduct thither the Lady Isabell the kings sister, to be mar­ried vnto Fridericke the Empéror: and not long after, the said Emperor making a voyage into the holy land, he atten­ded him thither. Being returned home, and minding (as his predecessors had done) to leaue some good memoriall behind him, he made a Deane, and constituted 24. Prebendaries within his church. To the one he impropriated Brampton and [...] Rawleigh; for the others he purchased so much land, as out whereof he assigned to euery prebendary [...] pound by the yéere, and of these he [...] his chapter. [...] [Page 325] that he had continued here ninetéene yéeres, he died anno 1244. and lieth buried in his owne church vnder a plaine marble stone in the middle of the presbytery, not farre from the Bishops See.

RIchard Blondy was consecrated 1245. This Richard 11 was a man of a milde spirit, but very flout against such as in his time did offer any imury to the church. In his old yeeres being but a weake man, he was much carried and ruled by such as were about him. They taking the opportu­nity of time, vsed all the meanes they might to much them­selues. His chiefest officers were one [...] his chaun­cellor, [...] his register, [...] his official and [...] the keeper of his scale: these, with other of the houshold, comparred amongst themselues, [...] the Bishop was yet [...] who then lay sicke and very weake in his bed to make vnto themselues conueyances of such liuelihoods as then lay in the Bishops disposition; and accordingly made out ad­uousons and other such graunts, as to them seemed best: all which were foorthwith sealed and deliuered according to the orders among them concluded. These their subtill dealings were not so closely conueyed, but that the next Bishop follow­ing, boulted and found the same out; and did not onely re­reuerse all their doings, but also excommunicate them; nei­ther were they absolued vntill they had done penance for the same at Saint Peters church openly vpon Palme Sunday being the 19. day of March 1267. This Bishop in the twelfe yeere of his Bishoprick died, to wit, an. 1257. and was buri­ed in his owne church.

VVAlter Bronescome Archdeacon of Surry, was 12 consecrated vpon Passion Sunday March 10. 1257. He was borne in the city of Exeter of poore & very meane parentage. At the time of his electiō he was not priest, and therefore not capable of any such dignity: but im­mediately he tooke that order vpon him, and foorthwith was consecrated Bishop: al which was donc within fifteen [...]. So many digmties to be cast vpon one man in so shert a time, had not beene lightly seene. He founded the colledge of [Page 326] Glaseney in Perin in Cornewall, and endowed the [...] with faire possessions and reuenewes, being induced there­unto by a vision or dreame as himselfe reporteth in the [...] of the same He purchased the Barton of [...] & Clist, and gaue it to the Hospitall of Saint Johns within the Eastgate of the city of Exceter. He instituted in his owne church the feast called Gabriels feast; and gaue a piece of land for the maintenance thereof. He also did by a policy purchase the Lordship and house of Clist Sachfield, and enlarged the Barton thereof by gayning of Cornish wood from his Deane and Chapter fraudulently: building then a very faire and sumptuous house there; he called it Bishops Clist, and [...] the same to his successors. Likewise he got the patronage of Clist Fomesone now called Sowton, and annexed the same to his new lordship, which (as it was said) he procured by this meanes. He had a Fryer to be his chaplaine and consellor, which died in his said house of Clist, and should haue beene buried at the parish church of Farryngdon, because the saide house was and is in that parish: but because the [...] church was somewhat farre of, the waies foule, and the wea­ther rainy, or sor some other causes, the Bishop commaun­ded the corps to be carried to the parish church of Sowton, then called Clist Fomeson, which is very néere and bordereth vpon the Bishops Lordship, the two parishes there being di­uided by a little lake called Clist. At this time, one [...] a gentleman was Lord and patrone of Clist Fomeson: and he being aduertised of such a buriall towards in his parish, and a [...] way to be made ouer his land, without his [...] consent required therein; calleth his tenants togither, goeth to the bridge ouer the lake betweene the Bishops land and his, there meeteth the Bishops men bringing the said corps, and forbiddeth them to come ouer the water. The Bishops men nothing regarding this prohibition, do presse forwards to come ouer the water, and the others do withstand so long, that in the end my Lords Fryer is fallen into the water. The Bishop taketh this matter in such griefe, that a holy Fryer, a religious man, his owne chaplaine and confessor, should so vnreuerently be cast into the water, that he falleth out with the gentleman, and vpon what occasion I know not he [Page 327] sueth him in the law, and so vereth and tormenteth him, that in the end he was saine to yéeld himselfe to the Bishops deuo­tion, and seeketh all the waies he could to curry the Bishops good will, which he could not obtaine, vntill for redemption, he had giuen and surrendred vp his patronage of Sowton, with a piece of land: All which the said Bishop annexeth to his new Lordship. Thus by policy he purchaseth the man­nor of Bishops Clist, by a deuise gayneth Cornish wood, and by power wresteth the patronage of Sowton from the true ownor. This Bishop after he had occupted this See about 23. yeeres, died July 22. 1280. and was buried in his owne church, in a sumptuous tombe of Alabaster standing vpon the South side of the entrance into the Lady chappell. Upon it this Epitaphe following is yet to be séene.

Olim syncerus pater, omni dignus amore,
Primus Walterus magno [...] hic in honore.
Edidit hic plura [...] laude statuta,
Quae tanquam [...] seruant hic omnia tuta.
Atque hoc collegium quod Glaseney plebs vocat omnis,
Condidit egregmm, pro voce data sibi somnis.
Quot loca construxit, [...] quot bona [...],
Quam sanctam duxit vitam, vox dicere quae scit?
[...] gens Exomensis,
Et chorus & turbae, quod natus in hac fuit vrbe.
Plus [...], festum [...] Gabrielis.
Gaudeat in [...] pater iste fidelis.

PEter Quiuill ann. 1281. was consecrated Bishop of Er­ceter. 13 He first instituted a Chaunter and a Subdeane in this Church. To the one he impropriated Painton, & Chid­leigh, and to the other the rectory of Eglosheyl in Cornewall. He was a liberall and a speciall Benefactor to the Hospitall of Saint Iohns in Exceter, as well in goods as in liuelyhoods. He first began to enlarge and encrease his Church from the Chauncell downewards, and layed the foundation thereof. In his time ann. 1285. Walter Lichlade the first Chaunter, was slame in a morning as he came from the morning ser­uice then called the Mattens which was woont to be said [Page 328] shortly after midnight, vpon which occasion the king earne vnto this City, and kept his Christmas in the same: And thereupon a composition was made betweene the Bishop and the City, for inclosing of the Church yard, and building of certaine gates there, as appeareth by the said composition bearing date, in festo [...] Mariae, 1286. The king at [...] sute of the Earle of Hereford, (who at his [...] here, was lodged in the house of the Gray Friers, which then was neere the house of Saint Nicholas) obtained of the Bi­shop, that they should be remooued from thence to a [...] wholesome place without South gate; whereof after the kings departure grew some controuersie, because the Bishop resused to performe his promise made to the king. This man also impropriated the parish of Saint [...], and the [...] of Stoke Gabriell, and vnited the same to the office of the Chauncellor of the Cathedrall Church, that the said Chaun­cellor should continually read a lecture within the said City of Diuinity, or of the Decretals. In the eleuenth yeere of his Bishopricke he died, being choked in drinking of a [...]. ann. 1292. He was buried in the middle of the Lady Chap­pell. Upon his toombe is written, [...] tegit Petrum, [...]. The Franciscanes or Gray Friers of this City, imputed his death to his hard dealing with them. For whereas he had promised the king to prouide a conuenient place sor them to build their house in, and had willed their warden, named Deodatus to seeke out and make inquiry for the same; yet notwithstanding when he had so doone, because the same was in his Sée, swaruing from his said promise, he vtterly denied to performe the same, being diswaded by Pe­ter Kenefield, a Dominicane or a blacke Frier, and [...] vnto the said Bishop: For he enuying the good successe of the Franciscanes, aduiseth the Bishop, that in no wise he [...] permit them to enioy the place which they had gotten. [...] (saith he) as vnder colour of simplicity, they créepe into the harts of the people, and hinder vs poore Preachers from our gaines and liuings; so be ye sure that if they put foote [...] your Liberties, they will in time find meanes to be [...] from out of your Liberty and iurisdiction. The Bishop being soone diswaded, vtterly forbiddeth them to build, or to doo any [Page 329] thing within his Sée or liberty. About two yéeres after, the Bishop kept a great feast vpon the Sundaynext before Saint Francis day; And among others, was present with him one Walter Winborne, one of the kings chiefe Justices of the bench, who was present when the Bishop at the request of the king made promise to further & helpe the Franciscanes. He now in their behalfe, did put the Bishop in mind thereof, and requested him to haue consideration both of his owne promise, and their distresse. The Bishop misliking this mo­tion waxed angry, and did not onely deny to yeeld thereunto, but wished himselfe to be choked what day soeuer he did con­sent vnto it. It fortuned that the same weeke, and vpon the day of Saint Francis eue, the Bishop tooke a certaine Sirope to drinke, & in too hasty swallowing thereof, his breath was stopped, and he foorthwith died. The Franciscanes hearing thereof, made no little adoo about this matter, but blased it abroad, that Saint Francis wrought this miracle vpon the Bishop, because he was so hard against them.

THomas Bitton Deane of Welles, the yere following was 14 elected Bishop, and the See of Canterbury being voyd. He was consecrated by I. Roman Archbishop of Yorke. He left no memoriall of any great things done by him, sauing that he continued the building of his church. Fourteene yéeres after that he had occupied this See, he died September 21. 1307. and was buried vnder a faire Marble inlayed with brasse before the high aultar.

VVAlter Stapleden, a man learned, wise, and of great 15 parentage, was consecrate Bishop of Exceter March 18 1307. The inthronization or installation of Bishops was a Ceremony of great Solemnity in these [...]; the particu­larity whereof it shall not be [...] once for all to describe in this man. At Eastgate he alighted from his horse, and went on foote to Saint Peters church. All the way where he should passe being laid and couered with black cloth; on each hand he was conducted by a gentleman of great [...]; and Sir Hugh [...] (who [...] to be [...] of this [...]) went next before him. At broade gate he was receaued by his [Page 330] Chapter and Quier in their ornaments, with Te Deum, and so caried into the church. The vsuall Ceremonies being per­formed there, at his pallace a great feast was prepared, for the entertainement of such noblemen and other parsonages of account as repaired hither at that time. It is incredible how many oxen, tunnes of Ale, and Wine, are said to haue béene vsually spent at this kind of solemnity. Euen so much, as the whole yéerely reuenue at this time would not suffice to pay for. This Bishop was greatly in fauour with king Ed­ward the second, who made him first of his priuy Councell, then Lord Treasurer of England, and imploied him in diuers Embassages of great importance. The yéere 1329. he was sent Embassadour to the French king, and ioyned in commis­sion with the Quéene, for the conclusion of a peace betweene these two princes. That being ordered and brought to passe according to his desire, he returned home, leauing the Quéene with the French king her brother, to perfect and finish the agréement already made. She whether weary of her hust and, or prouoked by the insolency of the Spencers and other fauo­rites about the king; had long since determined to depose her husband from the kingdome, if possibly she might; and to set vp her sonne Prince Edward. Hauing therefore rid away this Bishop, whose loialty and faithfullnesse to his soueraigne she well knew was vnmooueable; she began to put in practise the execution of this long plotted designement, and in the end (to be short) exploited the same. While these matters were a brewing, it happened the king to take his iourney to Bri­stow; and he thought good to commit the gouernment and custody of the citie of London to the fidelity of this Bishop. At what time therefore the Quéene began to approach néere vnto the city with her power, he required the Maior to send vnto him the keies of the gates. The Commons (who altoge­ther fauoured the Quéenes party) hearing this, and percea­uing the Bishop purposed to withstand her; set vpon him vio­lently, drew him into Cheape side, and beheaded him there, together with Sir Richard Stapleton a Knight his brother. Then they caried his body to his house without Temple bar, and buried if basely in a heape of sand, in the backside of the same house. In this sort did this woorthy prelate loose his life, [Page 331] in defence of his Prince, and that by their meanes, who of all other were bound in the strongest bands of duty and allea­geance to haue done as he did, I meane the Queene and the Prince her sonne. They shortly after, whether regarding his calling, or destring to make semblance of disliking the man­ner of his death, or happily mooued with some remorse of con­science, commanded his body to be taken from the place where it was first [...], and being conueighed to Exceter, with all funerall pompe, there to be solemnly enterred. He li­eth [...] vpon the North side of the high Altar, in a faire toombe of free stone: And his brother before mentioned lieth ouer against him in the North wall of the North Isle. This murther was committed October 15 1326. And his funerals were solemnised at Exceter March 28. following. The yéere 1316. he erected two houses in Oxford for the better increase and aduancement of learning; the one named Hart hall, the other Stapledons Inne, now called Exceter college; in which he placed thirteene fellowes, and a Rector, whom he appoin­ted to be chosen annually. This foundation is much encrea­sed of late yeeres, by the liberality of Sir William Peter, late principall Secretary, and others. Moreouer it is to be re­membred, that he was a speciall benefactor vnto the hospitall of Saint Johns in Exceter, to which he impropriated for the releeuing of certaine poore children, the Rectory or personage of Ernscombe.

IAmes Barkley descēded of the noble house of the Lord Burk­ley, 16 was consecrated March 15. anno 1326. by Walter Raynold Archbishop of Canterbury at the commanndement of [...] the Queene. The Pope very angry here withall, did so [...] the Archbishop, as he died for griefe and anger soone after. Neither did the new consecrate Bishop stay long be­hinde him: for he died also the 24. of June following. A man reputed very godly and wise. He was buried (as some say in his owne church, but others deliuer that he neuer came hither at all.

IOhn Grandesson, being in Italy with Pope Iohn the 22. 17 after the death of Iohn Barkley, he at the kings request be­stowed this Bishopricke vpon him, and caused him tobe consecrate at Rome October 18. 1327. He was borne and descended of the auncient house of the Grandessons, Dukes of Burgundy. His Father was named Gilbert, the brother of Otho, the great Lord Grandesson; which Gilbert [...] into this Land, was well intertained by the king and nobili­ty. By meanes of Henry Earle of Lancaster (with whom he came into England) he maried the Lady [...], daughter and one of the heires to Iohn Tregos Lord of the Castle of Ewias néere Hereford East, and by her had issue fiue sonnes and foure daughters, of which this Bishop was one, who was borne in the parish of Aishpertone in the Dioces of He­reford. He was from his childhood very studious, became ear­ned, and wrote diuers bookes, one intituled [...], an other [...] minores, and a third de vitis sar cto­rum. He was also very graue, wise, and politike. And there­by grew into such credit with Pope Iohn, that he was not onely of his priuy counsell, but also his Nuntio or Embas­sadour in matters of great waight and unportance, to the Emperor, to the king of Spaine, Fraunce, England, and other the mightiest Princes of Christendome. Being on a time sent in an Embassage to king Edward the third; he so be­haued him selfe, that the king neuer ceased vntill he had pro­cured him from the Pope, and then he gaue him the Archbea­conry of Nothingham and other great liuings; he made him one of the priuy councell, and in the end preferred him to his Bishopricke. After this, some matter of dislike falling out betwéene Pope Clement the sixt, and the King, he for his ap­proued wisedome, was sent in Ambassage to the Pope, ann. 1343. for an intreaty of a peace, and an amity betwéene [...] to be had; and with such wisedome he did his message, that he obtained his purpose, and made a reconciliation. After his re­turne home to his Bishopricke, he spent his time altogether in adorning and beautifying of his Church, or building and erecting some good monument or other. He founded the Col­ledge of S. Mary Otrey, and endowed the same with great [Page 333] and goodly liuelihoods; He was a liberall Benefactor to the Uicars Chorall of his owne Church, as also to the Colledge of Glaseney in Peryn: he builded the two last Arches in the West end of his Church, vaulted the roofe of all the Church, and fully ended the buildings of the same. Leauing it in such sort, as we sée it at this day. Thē also he inriched it with plate and other ornaments of inestimable value. Moreouer he built a faire house at Bishops Taingtonwhich he left full furnished vnto his successors, and did impropriate vnto the same the Parsonage of Radway, to the ende (as he setteth downe in his Testament) Vt haberent Episcopi locum vbi caput su­um [...], si forte in manum regis eorum [...] ca­perentur. Before his death he made his last Will, wherein he gaue such large and bouteous legacies, to the Pope, Em­peror, King, Queene, Archbishop, Bishops, Colledges, Churches, and to sundry parsons of high estates and callings; that a man would maruell considering his great and charge­able buildings and workes otherwise, how and by what meanes he could haue attained to such a masse of wealth and riches. He was alwaies very frugall, kept no more men or horses about him then necessary, and euer despised the vanity of all outward pompe. But this it was not that enabled him to performe these great workes, and yet to leaue so much mo­ney behind him. He procured an order to be taken, that all Ecclesiasticall persons of his Diocesse, at the time of their deaths, should leaue and bequeath their goods to him, or to some other in trust towards his chargeable buildings, or otherwise to be bestowed in pios vsus at his discretion. This was the meanes wherby he grew to this infinite wealth and riches. He died July 15. 1369. hauing sate Bishop here al­most 42. yeeres, and was buried in a Chappell which he built in the wall of the West end of his Church. His funerals by his owne commaundement were performed without any mannerof pompe or extraordinary solemnity: In so much as he allowed not either his seruants, Executors or néerest kins­folkes any mourning clothes at all. See more of him in Simon Mepham of Canterbury.

THomas Brentingham the kings [...] in the [...] 18 of [...]. [...] & Calis, was at [...] chosen Bishop of [...] and [...]. He [...], and was [...] vnto the [...] vpon [...]: 1. of March ann. 1370. He was a man very well learned, ex­pert as well in politique gouernment, as ecclesiasticall mat­ters, and in both these respects greatly reuerenced and estee­med. For which cause, at the parliament holden at West­minster in the tenth yéere of king Richard the second, he was chosen to be one of the twelue Péeres of the realme vnder the king. He was a benefactor to the callenderhay of the Uicars chorall of his owne church, supplied in buildings and other­wise what his predecessors had left vndone, & hauing been Bi­shop 24. yeres, died at Clist the third of December an. 1394 & was buried in the North side of the body of his owne church, in a little chappell standing betwéene two pillers.

EDmund Stafford, brother to Ralph Earle of Stafford, 19 was consecrate Bishop of Exceter June 20. 1395. He was Chauncellor of England vnder king Edward the third. At the Parliament holden at Westminster the one and twentieth yéere of king Richard the second, he being speaker of the higher house, made a very learned and pithie oration to proue the absolute authority of a king. His theame was Rex vnus erit omnibus; and hauing discoursed at large to that purpose, did conclude, Quod potestas regis esset sibi [...] annexa & solida; and whosoeuer did by any meanes impeach the same, Poena legis merito essee plectendus. For the [...] of good letters, he did increase two fellowships in the colledge of Stapledons Iune in Oxford, reformed the sta­tutes of the house, and altered the name of it, calling it Erce­ter colledge. After that he had continued Bishop in much ho­nor about thrée and twenty yéeres, he died the fourth of Sep­tember, being the seuenth yéere of king Henry the fift, and ly­eth buried in his owne church in a very faire tombe of Ala­baster vpon the North side of the entrance into the Ladis chappell.

IAmes Cary Bishop of Lichfield, being at Florence when 20 newes was brought to Pope Martyn the fift of Bishop Staffords death; was then and there made Bishop of this church an. 1419. He inioyed not long this place, for he died and was buried there.

EDmund Laey Bishop of Hereford was translated from 21 thence vnto this church about Easter an. 1420. A man very deuont and religious, but subiect to [...], who carried him to their pleasure. Great contentions were be­twéene him and the city for liberties, which by arbitrement were compounded. He built the chapter house in his owne church, and was a liberall benefactor vnto the Uicars of Ca­lenderhay. Hauing continued in this See 35. yéeres, he died 1475. and lyeth buried in the North wall of the presbytery vnder a plaine marble tombe, where many miracles are said to haue beene wrought, and are ascribed to his helines.

GEorge Neuill was consecrated Nouemb. 26. an. 1455. 22 He finished the chapter house which his predecessor had begun. And after that he had beene Bishop about tenne yeeres, was remooued to Yorke. See more of him in Yorke.

IOhn Boothe Batcheler of the ciuill Law was consecrated 23 vpon the two and twentith day of February an 1466. He gouerned his church very well, and builded (as some suppose) the Bishops Sée in the quier: but being weary of the great troubles which were in this countrey betwéene king Edward the fourth and the Earle of Warwicke, he remooued from hence to his house of Horsleigh in Hampshire, where he died vpon the first day of Aprill an. 1478. & lieth buried at Saint Elements in London.

PEter Courtmay Bishop of Exceter, was [...] in 24 Nouember an. 1477. at Saint Stephans in Westmin­ster. He was translated from this church vnto Win­chester in the ninth yéere of his being Bishop here. [...] more in Winchester.

RIchard Foxe succéeded him, and hauing continued Bishop 25 here 6. yéeres, he was translated first to Welles and after to Winchester. See more in Winchester.

OLiuer King was consecrate Bishop of this church in 26 February 1492. He also was remooued to Bathe, ha­uing sate here thrée yéeres. Sée more in Bathe.

RIchard Redman Doctor of diuinity, and Bishop of Saint 27 Assaph became Bishop of this church: from whence he was remooued to Ely in September 1501. See more in Ely.

IOhn Arundell descended of the ancient and most worship­full 28 house of the Arundels of Lanherne in Cornewall, was translated from [...] to this Church in the ende of the yéere 1501. He died at London the yéere 1503. and was bu­ried at Saint Clements church without Temple Barre, vp­on the South side of the high altar, vnder a toombe of marble inlaid with brasse.

HVgh Oldam was preferred vnto this Bishoprick by the 29 meanes of the Lady Margaret countesse of Richmond, whose chaplaine he was. A man of more zeale then know­ledge, and more deuotion then learning; somewhat rough in spéeche, but in deede and action friendly. He was carefull in the sauing and defending of his liberties, for which continual sutes were betwéene him and the Abbot of Tauestocke. He was also liberall to the Uicars Chorall of his Church, and re­duced them to the kéeping of commons: Towards the main­tenance whereof, he gaue them certaine reuenewes and im­propriated vnto them the rectory of Cornwood. Albeit he [Page 337] suere not very well learned; yet a great fauourer and a fur­therer of learning he was. Once he had intended to haue inlarged Exceter colledge in Oxeford, as well in building as in reuenewes; but being denied a fellowship there which he had earnestly requested in the behalfe of one Atkins, he altered his determination, and contributed largely toward the foundation of Corpus Christi colledge, whereof he is esteemed (and worthily) the principall benefactor. He chanced to dye excommunicate at the sute of the Abbot of Tauistock June 25. 1519. and might not be buried vntill an absolution was procured from Rome. He lyeth in a Chappel of his owne building, cast out of the vppermost ende of the South wall of the Church, where he hath a sumptuous & faire monument.

IOhn [...] otherwise Harman, succéeded Oldham by the preferment of K. Henry the eight, whose Chaplaine he then 30 was, and Deane of his Chappell, as also of his Church. He was Doctor of the Lawes, very well learned, wise, and in great fauor with the king, who sent him sundry times in em­bassages to forraine Princes. He was Lord President of Wales, and had the gouernment of the kings onely daugh­ter the Lady Mary Princesse of Wales. Of all the Bishops in the land, he was accounted the best Courtier, and although he were well reported for his learning, yet better liked for his courtlike behauior, which in the end turned not so much to his credite as to the vtter ruine and spoyle of the Church. For of two and twenty Lordships and Mannours which his pre­decessors had left vnto him of a goodly yéerely reuenew, he left but thrée, and them also leased out: And where he found thirteene houses well furnished, he left onely one house bare and without furniture, and yet charged with sundry fees and Annuities. By these meanes, this Bishopricke, which sometimes was counted one of the best, is now become in temporall lands one of the meanest. He was a great fauou­rer of learned men, and especially of Diuines, whom he pre­serred in his Church aboue others, He was very bounteous and liberall vnto all men, but especially vnto Courtiers, vnto his owne kindred and countreymen. He bestowed much also, as wel paines as cost, in building Sutton Coltstil (the towne where he was borne) in procuriug the same to be incorporate, [Page 338] and endeuouring to set vp the making of [...] there, all which prooued to little purpose as I haue heard. In his time, after the death of king Henry the eight, there was an altera­tion of religion by king Edward the sixt, whereof ensued re­bellion and a commotion in this Diocesse, which in some part was imputed to this Bishop, because he lay farre from his Diocesse and dwelled in his owne countrey. Whereupon, he resigned the Bishopricke into the kings hands, after he had béene Bishop about thirty yéeres, and liued by the rents of the temporality of the Bishopricke, which when he [...] he did reserue vnto himselfe for terme of his owne life. After the depriuation of Miles Couerdale in Quéene Maries time, he was restored to his Church, and for the better setling of the Romish Religion, did here stay for a while: But his minde was so addided to his owne countrey, that he returned thi­ther shortly after, and made his onely abode there, practising what he could, to settle there the making of [...]. But whether it were that that kind of trade fitteth not that coun­trey, or that God would not blesse a practise founded vpon such horrible sacriledge, it fell out in triall to be more charge­able then profitable, and so was soone giuen ouer. This man being very olde, died in a pang at Sutton [...] before mentioned the yéere 1555. and was buried there.

MIles Couerdale after the resignation of Voysye, was 31 by king Edward made Bishop of this city, and conse­crate an. 1550. After that he had béene Bishop about 3. yéeres, king Edward died, & then Quéene Mary hauing the crowne, the religion was altered and he depriued. For a far­ther discourse of his life, and especially his deliuerance out of prison at the sute and importunate request of the king of Denmarke, I commend the Reader vnto Master Foxe. Of his death onely thus much, that not caring to returne to his Bishopricke, in the beginning of her Maiestie that now raig­neth, he setled himselfe at London, and there leading a pri­uate life, he died at last a very old man, and was buried in Saint Magnus church.

IAmes Turbeuill a gentleman well borne (Bishop Voysey 32 being dead) was consecrate an. 1556. He was very careful [Page 339] to recouer some part of the lands of his Bishoprick which his predecessor wasted, and did obtaine of Queene Mary to him and his successors the seefarme of the mannor of Crediton. After that he had beene Bishop about two yeeres, Quéene Mary died, he was displaced, and after lead a priuate life many yeeres.

VVIlliam Alley reader of Diuinity in the cathedrall 33 church of Saint Paule, was consecrate Bishop of Exceter an 1561. He lieth buried vnder a large marble to­wards the South side of the presbytery.

VVIlliam Bradbridge Doctor of Diuinity and Deane 34 of Salisbury was consecrate March 18. 1570. He died in a manner suddenly at Newton Ferries June 27. 1578. and was buried in the North side of the high altar neere Bishop Lacy, in which place there is a seemely mo­nument of freestone built ouer him.

IOhn Wolton cannon residensary of the church of Exceter, 35 was consecrate in the beginning of Aug. 1579. He sate Bi­shop almost 14. yéeres, died March 13. 1593. and lieth buried toward the Southside of the presbytery néer theplace where we see a monument of touch and free stone erected vnto the memory of him.

GEruase Babington Doctor of Diuinity and Bishop of 36 Landaffe was translated to this church in February 1594. and hence to Worceter October 4 1597.

VVIlliam Coton Doctor of Diuinity and cannon resi­dent 37 of Paules, was consecrate in Nouember 1598.

This Bishopricke by a new valuation rated in the daies of King Edward the sixt, is now esteemed in the Exchequer but at 500, l. yet paid heretofore vnto the Pope after 6000. ducats.

Foelix first Bishop of Norwich.
A Catalogue of the Bishops of Norwich collected (for the most part) out of M. Alexander Neuill his Norwicus, by R. T.

SIgebert king of the East Angles, after the death of Corpwald returning out of Frannce (where he liued in banish­ment) and obtayning his kingdome, brought with him one Foelix a Bur­gundian (with whom he had liued fa­miliarly during the time of his eryle) and made him Bishop of the East An­gles; which conuerting the people to the faith of Christ, had his Sée at Dunwich. When he had béene Bishop 17. yéeres, he died ann. 649. and was buried at Soham, now called Some, a monastery, afterward destroied by the Danes: his body was then remooued to Kamsey.

After him succéeded Thomas which sate fiue yeeres.

Bonifacius 17. yéeres.

Bissus after the death of Bonifacius was preferred to this dignity, after whose decease, the Bishopricke which before was but one, was diuided into two, the one hauing his Sée at Elmham, the other at Dunwich.

The Bishops of Elmham, were
  • 1. Bedwyne.
  • 2. Northbertus.
  • 3. Headewlacus.
  • 4. Neathilferthus.
  • 5. Eanferethus.
  • 6. Athelwolph.
  • 7. Alcarus.
  • [Page 341]8. Sybba.
  • 9. Humferthus.
  • 10. Humbyrctus.
  • 11. Weremundus.
  • 12. Wilredus.
The Bishops of Dunwich, were
  • 1. Acceius.
  • 2. Astwolfus.
  • 3. Aerdredus.
  • 4. Cutherinus.
  • 5. Aldberthus.
  • 6. Eglasius.
  • 7. Heardredus.
  • 8. Aelphunus.
  • 9. Tydferthus.
  • 10. Weremundus.
  • 11. Wylredus.

In this estate it remained vnto the time of Humbertus Bishop of Elmham, and Wylred Bishop of Dunwich, at what time it was restored to the former estate, and of two vnited againe into one. Athelfus being the first which enioy­ed the same in the time of king Edwyn, and had his Sée at Elmham, after whom succéeded:

  • 2. Alfridus.
  • 3. Theodredus.
  • 4. Theodredus.
  • 5. Athelstanus.
  • 6. Algarus.
  • 7. Alwynus.
  • 8. Alfricus, he died 1038.
  • 9. Alyfreius.

10. Stigandus.

AFter that Alfreius was dead, Stigandus [...] him. He enioying the place but a short time, was de­priued.

11. Grinketellus.

THe like happened to Grinketellus, which being conui­cted to haue vsed vnlawfull meanes in obtaining this dignity, was likewise depriued, and Stigandus resto­red vnto it againe. This Stigandus was after Bishop of Winchester and Archbishop of Canterbury. See more of him in Canterbury.

12. Egelmare.

STigandus being so preferred, found a meanes also to procure the Bishopricke of the East Saxons vnto Egel­mare his brother. All these vntill the time of William the conquerour had their Sées at Elmham.

Arfastus the first Bishop of Thetford.

KIng William the first substituted his Chapleine Arfastus in the place of Eglemarus, by whose aduise the Sée was translated from Elmham to Thetford.

William Herbert last of Thetford and first Bishop of Norwich.

NExt after him, William Herbert obtained this digni­ty: A man very famous for his excellent learning. He was borne at Oxford. His father was Robert is de Losinge Abbot of Winchester. This Herbertus being Pryor of the Monastery of Fiscanum in Normandy, came into England at the request of William Rufus, and liuing in the Court for a time, behaued himselfe in such sort, that he was [Page 343] not onely entierly beloued of the king, but obtained many great gists at his hands: In so much, that within the space of thrée yéeres, he had so feathered his nest, that he bought for his Father the Abbacy of Winchester, and for himselfe this Bishopricke, paying to the king for the same as it is reported the summe of 1900, l. For satisfaction of which Symony, this pennance was enioyned him by [...] the Pope, that he should erect diuers Churches and [...] as hereaf­ter it is declared. He translated the See from Thetford to Norwich, and built there the Cathedrall Church at his owne charges, laying the first stone of the foundation with his own hands, as this elogium declareth, which he caused to be ingra­uen vpon the Wall: [...] primum hums temph [...], dominus Herebertus posuit in nomine patris & [...] & [...] sancti, Amen. This Church he dedicated to the blessed Tri­nity, endowing it with great lands and possessions. bookes, and all other necessaries. Hauing finished it, according to his mind, he then determineth to build an house for himselfe (for as yet he had none in Norwich, the See being so lately remo­ued from Thetford) and therefore on the North side of the Church, he founded a stately pallace. Againe he built fine Churches; one ouer against the Cathedrall Church on the other side of the Riuer called Saint [...], another at Norwich also, another at Elmham, a fourth at Lynne, and a fist at Yermouth He departed this life July 22. in the yeere of our Lord, 1119. And was buried in his Cathedrall church of Norwich by the high Aulter.

2. Euerard.

HErbert being dead, Euerard Archdeacon of Salisbury was consecrate Bishop of Norwich June 12. 1121. which dignity although he enioyed a long space, yet time the deuourer of all things, hath left nothing of him to our re­membrance, but that when he had gouerned his Church 29. yeeres he ended this life October 15. 1150.

3. William Turbus.

AFter him succéeded William Turbus, a Norman by birth, being in his youth a monke in Norwich, and af­terwards Prior there. In his time the Cathedrall Church of Norwich was burned by casuall fire. He died in the 25. yeere of his consecration the 17. of Ianuary.

4. Iohannes Oxoniensis.

IN the yéere of our Lord 1270. Iohn of Oxford Deane of Salisbury was elect Bishop of Norwich. This man fini­shed the Church, which Herbert (being preuented by death) had left vnperfected. He builded diuers Hospitals for impo­tent & diseased people. He founded Trinity Church at [...], and reedified diuers houses which were by fire [...]. He died the 26. yéere of his consecration June 2. 1200. and was buried neere to the high Aulter. In his time the Cathe­drall Church was againe defaced with fire in the second yeere of king Iohn.

5. Iohannes de Grey.

IOhn de Grey was nert preferred to this place. He was a man well seene in the Lawes of the realme, wise, and of great integrity. In regard hereof, King Iohn was very desi­rous to haue made him Archbishop of Canterbury. Sée more of that matter in Stephen Langton of Canterbury. He built that goodly hall at Gaywood, and the rest of the housing adioy­ning; Sate about 14. yeeres, died néere Poytiers in his re­turne from Rome, Nouember 1. 1214. and was buried in his owne Church.

6. Pandulfus.

AFter the death of Iohn de Grey, the Sée was [...] for the space of seuen yéeres, after which time, [...] the Popes Legate was elected to the same by the Co­tent. [Page 345] He was consecrate at Rome by Honorius the Pope ann. 1222. and died the fift yéere of his consecration, the 17. of Au­gust. After his death the Sée was void againe for the space of thrée yéeres.

7. Thomas de Blundeuill.

THomas de Blundeuill an officer of the Exchequer was then preferred vnto the Bishopricke of Norwich by the meanes of Hubert de Burgo that famous chiefe Justice of England, and consecrate December 20. 1226. He died August 16. 1236.

8. Radulphus.

AFter Bishop Blundeuill, William Raleigh is said to haue succeeded immediately. But Matthew Westmin­ster witnesseth that one Radulphus was consecrate October 28. 1236. and died the yéere following.

9. William de Raleigh.

THe Bishopricke was then voyd by the space almost of 3. yeeres. The couent had chosen orderly for their pastor Symon the Prior of their Church, a graue and Reue­rend man, not iustly to be excepted against: yet it pleased the King to mislike him, and easily procured their election to be [...]. A Cannon of Paules William de Raleigh at last obtained the same, 1239. Within a short time after, the Monkes of Winchester required him for their Bishop, and at last after many great [...], obtained him, the King all that euer he might resisting the same. Sée more of him in Winchester.

Walter de Sufield.

WAlter de Sufield succéeded, a man highly commended for his excellent learning. He founded the hospitall of Saint Giles in Norwich, indowing it with lands and great possessions. He built also the chappell of our [...] in the cathedrall church, and in the same chappell was after­ward buried. Moreouer, it is remembred of him, that in a time of great dearth he sold his plate, and distributed the mo­ney euery whit vnto the poore. He was consecrate the yéere 1244. and died May 18. 1257. at Colchester, but was buried as aboue said, in which place diuers miracles are reported to haue béene wrought, and are ascribed to his holinesse.

11. Simon de Wanton.

SImon de Wanton the kings chaplaine, and one of his Justices, was consecrate Bishop of Norwich March 10. 1257. When he had sate 8. yéeres, he died and was bu­ried by his predecessor. This man obtayned licence of the Pope to hold all his former liuings in Commendam for so­wer yéeres.

12. Rogerus de Skerwyng.

ROgerus de Skerwyng was the next Bishop of Nor­wich, being preferred thereunto an. 1265. In his time there was a dangerous sedition raysed betweene the citizens of Norwich and the monks of the Cathedral church; the history whereof is briefly this: In a faire that was kept before the gates of the priory, there happened a fray, in which some seruants of the couent flew certaine citizens. A Jury being empanncied hereupon, found them guilty, and the offi­cers tooke order for the apprehending of the murtherers if they might be met withall. The monkes greatly offended herewith, first excommunicated the citizens, then shutting the gates; not onely prepared themselues to defence, but also be­gan to offend the other, shooting at the passengers first, and af­terward [Page 347] issuing out of their gates, killing diuers persons and spoyling many houses. The citizens greatly incensed here­with, fired the gates, entred the monastery, and after a long conflict, a great number being flaine on both sides preuayled, rifled the priory, and set fire on the same in diuers places at once. This fire consumed not onely the celles and offices of the monkes; but the almes house also, the steeple, and greatest part of the cathedrall church. The king hearing of this tu­mult (king Henry the third) with all speede posted thither, and caused diuers citizens to be hanged, drawen and quarte­red; Amongst the rest that were executed, a woman that first carried fire to the gates was burned. The monkes for their part appealed to Rome, and so handled the matter, that they not onely escaped punishment, but also forced the citizens to pay them 3000. markes after 500. markes a yeere towarde the reparation of their church, and to present them with a Pare of gold of seuen pound waight. This end was made by king Edward the first (his father being now dead) at the re­quest and solicitation of the Bishop, who died an. 1278. ha­uing sate 13. yeeres.

13. William Middleton.

AFter him succéeded William Middleton Archdeacon of Canterbury. He reedified the church, being so de­stroyed and prophaned in the time of Bishop Roger, and hallowed the same in the presence of the king and many of his nobles. In the 11. yeere of his consecration, he depar­ted this life the last of August 1288.

14. Radulphus de Walpoole.

IN his roome Randulph de Walpoole was elected by the monkes, and consecrated 1288. When he had gouerned with great commendation the space of 11 yeeres, he was by Boniface the Pope translated to Ely, and liued scarce three yeeres after his translation. See more in Ely.

5. Iohn Salmon.

THe Pope hauing translated Radulph to Ely, placed in the See of Norwich one Iohn Salmon Pryor of Ely. The yéere 1319. he became Lord Chauncellor [...] Eng­land, and continued so about [...] yéeres. This Bishop built the great hall, and the chappell in the Bishops pallace, [...] a chappell at the West ende of the church, in which he ordayned fower priests to [...] masse continually. He died in the mona­stery of Folkstan an. 1325. July 6.

16. Gulielmus Ayerminus.

IT is reported by some, that after the death of Bishop Sal­mon, Robert Baldooke king Edwards Chauncellor, was elected by the monkes and receiued his temporalties the yéere 1325. But it seemeth likelier (which other affirme) that he renounced his election of his owne accord. William [...] by the Popes authority, was then placed in this Sée, and made Chauncellor by the king. He gaue two hun­dred pound for order to be taken that two monkes (the cel­lerers of the couent) should alwaies sing masse for his soule. Hauing sate almost 11. yeres, he died March 27. at [...] neere London.

17. Anthony de Beck.

AFter him Anthony de Beck Doctor of Diuinity, [...] to the court of Rome obtayned this dignity at the Popes hands. This man behaued himselfe so imperiously in the place, that he bereaued the monkes of di­uers auncient & long enioyed priuiledges, suffring them to do nothing but what seemed good vnto him, plucking downe and preferring amongst them whom he listed. Neither could he onely be content thus to tyrannize ouer them but [...] to haue his acctions reformed or called in question by any others He openly withstood Robert Winchesley Archbishop of Can­terbury in his visitation; affrming, that he would not answer [Page 349] to those things which were obiected against him, vnlesse it were at that court of Rome. This boysterous and vnruly [...] purchased him such hatred of all men, that at the last he was poysoned by some of his owne seruants.

18. Gulielmus Bateman.

VVIlliam Bateman Doctor of the Ciuill Lawe; borne at Norwich, and Archdeacon of the same, was next elected Bishop by the [...] consent of the whole Couent: a man of [...], and so great constancy, that he could not by any meanes be brought to Impaire and diminish the priuileges and liberties of his church, although he were oftentimes by many of the nobility [...] thereunto: alway to the vttermost of his power re­sisting and punishing the sacrilegious drifts of them, which attempted the same. Amongst the rest it is remembred, that the Lord Morly hauing killed certaine deere in one of his parkes, and ill intreated his kéepers, he forced the noble man, to cary a burning Taper in his hand through the streetes of Norwich vnto the high Altar. Though the king became an earnest intercessor for him, yea mingling sometimes threates with requests; nothing could mooue the Bishop from follow­ing his determined course. Furthermore, whereas the estate of his Bishopricke was very litigious before his time, he ne­uer rested, vntill he had rid it from all [...] and contention, obtaining also of Pope Clement all the fruits and reuenues of the vacant churches in Norwich, which he left vnto his successors. He builded Trinity hall in Cambridge, giuing certaine lands for the maintainance thereof, and prouoking other mē to imitate his good example; he perswaded one Gon­well to found another hall in the same vniuersity, which of late at the costs and charges of Iohn Caius a learned Phisiti­on, hath béene very much enlarged. At what time king Ed­ward the third laid claime first vnto the crowne of Fraunce, he made choise of this Bishop to informe the Pope of his ti­tle. In this voiage he died at Auinion the yéere 1354. In this mans time happened that great plague memorable in all our histories, whereof (as some doubt not to affirme) there died so [Page 350] [...], [...]. In the city of Norwich there died ( [...]) to the number of 57104. persons [...] the first of Ianuary and the first of July 1348.

19. Thomas Percy.

HEnry Duke of Lancaster bearing a great affect on [...] Thomas Percy brother to the Earle of Nortumber­land, [...] of the Pope (for the Monks refused him) that this dignity [...] be vestowed vpon him. This [...] gaue vnto the repairing of the church (which in his time was greatly defaced with a violent tempest) the some of [...] hundred markes, and obtained of the rest of the cleargy a great [...] to the same purpose. He departed this [...] the [...] yéere of his consecration, and [...] to the Chaunter of the church of Norwich, a house and certaine lands lying within the Lordship of [...] Caerlton, [...], Granthorp, and [...], vpon condition, he should procure masse daily to be said for his [...].

20. Henricus Spencer.

THe [...] of his death swiftly flying beyond the Seas, came vnto the eares of one Spencer, A Gentleman greatly estéemed for his valour and skill in Martiall [...], that serued the Pope at that time in his warres: Of him with small intreaty, be obtained this dignity, for a bro­ther of his named Henry, a man of his own profession, which of a soldier being made a bishop, came into England, March 16. 1370. was consecrate in his owne Church, by the Arch­deacon of Norwich. Changing then his vesture, but no: his conditions, in what manner of life he spent his youth, in the same he most delighted euen in his [...] yéeres. And being a better Butcher then a Shepheard, he procured the Popes authority for leauying an Army; which (not with standing the kings commaundement to the contrary) [...] transported into the Low [...]. And after that he has [...] 7000. [...] an Army of 30. thousand, and burnt the townes of [Page 351] [...], Dunkyrke, Newport, with certaine others: he returned againe into England, where shortly after occasion was giuen of employing his valure at home to better pur­pose. The yeere 1381. the commons of this realme arose in di­uers parts, and appointed them selues Captaines, as Wat Tyler, Iacke [...], &c. And amongst the rest, the Commons of Suffolke and Norfolke made one Iohn Lyster their Lea­der, a dier of Norwich, and called him the king of the Com­mons. This fellow endeuouring to ioyne his power with the rest that were now at London, conducting them thither ward, By the way they determined to haue surprised William Vf­ford Earle of Suffolke, and hauing him, to vse his name for the setting forward of their diuelish intents. Missing of him, they seased vpon all the knights they could find, & made them sweare to assist them. One there was named sir Robert Sale, that seeming to [...] their dooings, had his braines stricken out, by one of his owne bondmen. Amongst the rest, that ter­rified by his example, were glad to dissemble, sir Stephen Hales, a comely Gentleman, was chosen to be the caruer for­sooth of this goodly king. But to proceede, being now on their way, they determined to send in a message vnto the king, two knights, sir W. Morley and sir Iohn Brewes with three Arch­rebels. These happened to be encountred with their Bishop, at a towne called [...], not far from New market. Being at his mannor of Burle neere Ockam Castle, he heard of this [...], & determined to ride thither where he vnderstood they were assembled. At what time he came to [...], he had in his company but onely eight speares, and a few Archers: Notwithstanding, the weaknesse of his forces he boldly inquired of the knights, whether any of the kings traitors were there: They dissembled a while for scare, but after, told him plainely, that two notorious Rebels were at the Inne and the third was gone into the towne, to take order for their dinner. These he presently layed hold vpon, and without more adoo, cut off their heads, which he caused to be set vpon poales at New market Thence he hasted toward Northwalsham, where he vnderstoode the rebels had deter­mined to make some stay. By the way diuers Gentlemen that had hid themselues, ioyned with him, so that by that time [Page 352] he [...] there, he had a reasonable company [...] him, with that company (such as it was) he set vpon them, who had [...] themselues with trenches and [...] very [...]. The Bishop for his part recouering the [...], rode into the very midst of them, and [...] him selfe so manful­ly, as if it had beene an action agréeble vnto his calling, had deserued great commendation. By his courage especially, the victory in the end was atchieued. The king (Iohn [...]) and the rest of the chiefetaines, were saine to leane their heads be­hind them, and the whole Countrey reduced to a [...] obedience. Now to procéede vnto his other actions, there was great contention betwéene him and his monkes for the space of fiftéene yéeres: they being too weake for him, at last were glad to giue him 400. markes to enioy their [...] in like sort as heretofore they had done. He sate Bishop [...] 37. yéeres, and died 1406.

21. Alexander.

ALexander Prior of Norwich, was elected Bishop by the monkes, but the king so misliked their choise, as he not onely kept him from his dignity; but also imprisoned him at Winsor almost a whole yéere after his election. At the [...] of Thomas Arondell Archbishop of Canterbury, and [...] other of the Nobility, he was released, set at liberty, and af­forded consecration, ann. 1408. He sate sixe yéeres, and was buried in our Ladies Chappell, at the féete of Walter Surfield.

22. Richard Courtney.

AT the earnest sute of king Henry the [...], Richard Court­ney Channcellor of the Uniuersity of Oxford, a [...] fa­mous for his excellent knowledge, in both Lawes, was cho­sen by the Couent, and consecrated at Canterbury by the Archbishop, in the presence of the King and many of the No­bles. A man of great nobility, great learning, and [...] ver­tue, very personable also, much fauoured by the king, and no lesse beloued among the common people. He died of a [...] in Normandy, in the second yéere after his consecration, ann. [Page 353] 1415. his body being brought into England, was honorably interred at Westminster.

23. Iohn Wakering.

IOhn Wakering, that for his life, learning, and wisedome, was esteemed nothing inferior to his predecessor, being kée­per of the [...] seale, was elected by the Couent, and conse­crated Bishop of Norwich, by Henry Chichley Archbishop of Canterbury ann. 1416. In his time the Counsell of Con­stance was holden; vnto the which this Bishop with many other, were sent out of England by the King. In that charge he so behaued him selfe, that he obtained great commenda­tion for the same. He built the Cloyster which is now to be seene in the Bishops pallace, pauing the same with stones of diuers colours: And hauing gouerned his charge with great praise, he died and was buried in the Cathedrall Church be­fore the Aulter of Saint George.

24. William [...].

ANno 1426. William [...] Doctor of the lawes was elected Bishop and consecrated at Saint Paules church in London, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and in the 10. yéere of his [...], was translated to Lincolne. Sée more of him there.

25. Thomas Browne.

THomas Browne Bishop of Rochester being at the [...] of Basill, had the Bishopricke of Norwich cast vp­on him before euer he vnderstood of any such intent to­ward. In his time the citizens of Norwich harboring their old grudge in their enuious mindes; attempted many things against the church: but such was the singular wisedome and courage of this Bishop, that all their enterprises came to none effect. He died when he had bene Bishop nine yéeres Anno 1445.

26. Gualter Hart.

AFter him succéeded Walter Hart, Doctor of [...], by whose wisedome and discretion the malitious hu­mours of the malecontent [...], before [...] wel [...], were now altogether extinguished. He [...] the church, and during his life maintained [...] at Cambridge with all things necessary for them at his owne charges. He departed this life the sixth of May. 1472. in the 26. yéere of his Consecration, and was buried in his church of Norwich, néere vnto the [...], which he [...].

27. Iames Goldwell.

THis man [...] 25. yéeres. Of him otherwise there [...] no remembrance.

28. Thomas Ian.

This man died the first yéere of his consecration.

29. Richard Nyx.

AFter the decease of Ian, Richard Nyx [...], of whom I finde little woorth the rehearsing. He hath the report of a vicious and dissolute liuer, was blinde long before his death, sate 36. yéeres, and died an. 1536.

30. William Rugge.

NExt vnto Nyx, William Rugge was preferred vnto this dignity, he sate Bishop 14. yéeres, & deceased an. [...].

31. Thomas Thyrlbey.

RVgge being dead, Thomas Thyrlbey Doctor of Law, the first and last Bishop of Westminster, was remoued from thence vnto Norwich. He sate about 4. yeeres, and the yeere 1554. was translated to Ely. See more in Ely.

32. Iohn Hopton.

THyrlbev being [...] to Ely. Iohn Hopton was elected Bishop of Norwich: he sate 4. yeeres, and died the same yeere that Queene Mary did, for griefe as it is supposed.

33. Thomas Parkhurst.

AFter him T. Parkhorst succéeded, which by the proui­dence of God being preserued from many great dan­gers and afflictions which he suffered in the daies of Quéene Mary, was by our gratious Soueraigne Queene Elizabeth preferred vnto this place, & consecrate September 1. 1560. He died an. 1574. hauing sate Bishop almost 15. yeeres.

34. Edmund Freake.

MArch 9. 1571. Edmund Freake Doctor of Diuinity, was consecrate Bishop of Rochester: Thence pre­sently vpon the death of Bishop Parkhurst he was re­mooued to Norwich, and thence also the yéere 1584. vnto Worceter, where he died about the 20. of March 1590. and [...] buried vpon the South side of the body of the church there, vnder a seemely monument néere the wall.

35. Edmund Scambler.

EDmund Scambler houshold [...] a while vnto the Archbishop was consecrate Bishop of Peterbourough Ianuary 16. an. 1560. vpon the translation of Bishop Freake he was preferred vnto Norwich.

36. William Redman.

William Redman Archdeacon of Canterbury [...].

The value of this Bishopricke in the Queenes bookes, is 899, l. 8, s. 7, d. farthing and was [...] at Rome in 5000. ducats.

The Bishops of Worceter.

WVlfher the first Christian king of Mer­cia being dead, Ethelred his brother succéeded him in the kingdome. He, by the perswasion of Osher gouernor of Wiccia, diuided his countrey (which till that time had neuer had more then one Bishop) into 5 parts or Diocesses which he appointed vnto fiue Bishop­rickes (whereof one was Lichfield) & erected 4. new Cathe­dral Sées; one at Dorchester, another at Leicester, another at Sidnacester, and the fourth at Worceter. And for the first Bishop of Worceter, choice was made of one Tatfrith, a man of great learning, who died before he could be consecrate. After his decease, Boselus was chosen, and consecrate by The­odore Archbishop of Canterbury. This was done (as our histories deliuer for the most part) the yéere 679.

  • 1. After [...] before mentioned, these succéeded: 679
  • 2. [...] consecrate 692. 692
  • 3. Saint [...] consecrate [...]. This man went to 693 Rome with Offa king of Mercia, & there got licence of Con­stantine the Pope to build a monastery in Worceter, and so did, the same that is now the cathedrall church.
  • 4. [...] consecrate 717. This man liued in the 717 time of Beda.
  • 5. Mylredus. 743 [...] reporteth one Deuehertus to haue béene Bishop of Worceter the yéere 766. but I thinke it an error.
  • 6. Weremundus. 776
  • 7. Tilherus. 779
  • 8. Eathoredus. He gaue I comb vnto his church. 782
  • 9. Deuebertus.
  • 10. Eadbertus or Hubertus. He gaue Croley. 822
  • 11. Alwyn or [...]. He built the chappell of Saint An­drew 848 at Kimesey 868.
  • [Page 358]12. Werebertus, called by [...] [...] and [...], 872 was consecrate vpon [...] being June 7. 872. He was greatly estéemed of king Alfred for his singular lear­ning, and translated at his request the Dialogues of Saint Gregory into the Saxon or English [...].
  • 13. Wilferth. He died an. 911. 892
  • 14. [...] Abbot of Barkley. 911
  • 15. Kinewold, he gaue Odingley vnto his Church. 930
  • 16. Saint Dunstan [...] to London 958. and after­ward 957 to Canterbury. Sée more of him there.
  • 17. Saint Oswald The yeere 971. he became after­ward 959 of Yorke, and yet held Worceter still in Commendam till his death. Concerning him and his two next successors. See more in Yorke.
  • 18. Aldulf was also Archbishop of Yorke. 992
  • 19. Wulstan, he likewise held Yorke [...] like sort. He is 1002 by some surnamed (or rather I thinke) nicknamed Repro­bus.
  • 20. Leofsius, he died at [...] Aug. 19. 1033. [...] was 1023 buried at Worceter.
  • 21. [...] Abbot of Parshore, the sonne of [...] 1033 sister his predecessor. He died December 20. 1038.
  • 22. [...], first a monke of Winchester, and after [...] 1038 of [...], nephew vnto Brithwaldus Bishop of Saint Germans in Cornewall, was consecrate Bishop of Crediton or Deuonshire 1032. He was greatly in fauour with king [...], and attended him in his pilgrimage to Rome. After his vncles death, he procured Saint Germans to be vnited vnto his Sée, and (as it séemeth vnto me) held not onely both them, but Worceter also (to which he was preferred 1038.) vntill his death. The yéere 1040. he was accused for procu­ring (or consenting vnto) the death of Alfred the eldest [...] of king [...]. Some say he purged himselfe of that accu­sation; others say, he was depriued of his liuings as [...] guilty, and returning to [...], died there. But I take the third report to be truest, to wit, that he was once displa­ced, and afterwards vpon better examination of the cause re­stored againe. He died 1046. at which time euen iust when he gaue vp the Ghost there was such a horrible [...] of [Page 359] thunder and lightning, as men thought the day of doome had béene come. He was buried at Tauestocke, vnto which mo­nastery he had béene a great benefactor.
  • 23. Aldred the yeere 1060. was translated to Yorke. Sée 1046 more of him there.
  • 24. Saint Wulstan. Alfred being constrained to giue 1062 ouer Worceter before he might obtaine the Popes approba­tion for Yorke (as in Yorke you may see more at large) he de­termined at his departure to fleece it, and then to foyst in some simple fellow into that roome, such a one as might seeme like­ly to swallow his gudgyn quietly. He esteemed Wulstan, Pryor of Worceter such a one, and (the king graunting free licence to choose whom they liked best) he easily procured the consent of the cleargy and commonalty of the Dioces for his election. This plot neuer so cunningly layde, had not the suc­cesse that was expected. For [...] prooued nothing so tractable as he thought, yéelded not to all that he demaunded, and yet neuer synne wrangling and complayning, vntill partly in his time, partly in his successors, he had recoue­red againe whatsoeuer was taken from his Sée. Lan­franke Archbishop of Canterbury assisted very fauourably his cause, vrgens aemulum [...] & potentiae (saith W. Malmbury) the rather no doubt saith he, because he thought it best in policy to weakē the see of York what he might, that contended with him in authority & greatnes. This Wulstan was borneat Hichenton in Warwickshire. His Father and Mother (whose names were Eatstan and [...]) long before their death, seuered them selues by mutuall consent, and lead a Monasticall life: Then, as though heauen were not to be entred without a monks cowle, they not onely cau­sed [...] sonne to be taught and brought vp in the Monastery of Peterborough, but also exhorted him earnestly (especially his Mother) in any wise to become a monke. He did so, fol­lowed their direction, & professed himselfe a monke at Wor­ceter vnder Brittegus his predecessor. He was by & by much admired for the straight life he led; and for the opinion men had of his holinesse so estéemed, as no preferment might [...] whereof he was capable, but immediately it was cast vpon [Page 360] him. He was first made [...] of the [...], [...] and Treasurer of the Church, after [...] there, the [...] of Glocester, and lastly Bishop of that [...]. It is said, he [...] to [...] consent vnto his election [...] time, protesting he had rather lay his head vpon a [...] to be [...] off, then to take so great a [...] vpon him No man could perswade him to [...], vntill that one [...] [...] him sharply for his backwardnes [...] him, he offended God much in the same. His excuse was [...] learning: And certaine it is, that his defect that way, was so notable, as in the time of [...] Conquerour ( [...] all English Prelates were sifted to the [...]) he was called [...] question for insufficiency, and had beene depriued (as it is thought, at least wise) if he had not beene found somewhat more sufficient then was expected. He was consecrate Sep­tember 8. 1062 by Aldred Archbishop of Yorke, [...] be­ing then suspended. But that he might acquite him selfe from vsurpation of any right belonging to Canterbury, he not one­ly required him to make his othe of profession vnto Canter­bury, but also renounced all right of pretended iurisdiction vnto the Dioces of Worceter, acknowledging the same to be­long not to Yorke (as some of his predecessors had [...]) but to Canterbury, as to the Metropolitane of the same. New to come vnto his gouernment, we are to remember especially two things memorable of him. One, the building of the Ca­thedrall church which he raised from the foundation. At what time it was come vnto such perfection, as that the monkes forsaking their old habitation, [...] them selues vnto this new built, the other Fabrike whereof [...] was Author, (as in Yorke you may read more at large) was pulled down. Which Wulstan seeing, burst out into teares, and being de­maunded a reason thereof, by some that told him he had ra­ther cause to reioyce; Our predecessors (saith he) whose mo­numents we deface, rather (I doubt) to set vp the [...] of our vaine glory, then to glorifie God, they indeed (quoth he) were not acquainted with such stately buildings, but euery place was a Church sufficient for them to offer them selues a reasonable holy and liuely sacrifice vnto God: We contrari­wise are double diligent in laying heapes of stones, so to frame [Page 361] a materiall Temple, but are too too negligent in setting for­ward the building of that liuely Temple the Church of God. The other thing that I determined to mention is, a notable testimony of his [...] fidelity vnto his Prince. All most all the Nobility of England rebelled against the king William [...] the first yeere of his [...]. Certaine of them, Roger Earle of Mount-gomery, [...] Newmarket, Roger Lacy, [...] and other, attempted to take the City of Worceter. This Bishop, not onely [...] them, and by con­tinuall [...] in preaching and otherwise contained them in very [...] obedience, but also arming such a num­ber of people as the City [...] affoord, caused them to [...] out and set vpon the [...], whom they [...], killing and taking a number of them prisoners. He died being [...] yeeres of age, 1095. Ianuary 19. which day after­wards [...] being [...] was made a holy day, & appoin­ted vnto the celebration of his memory He was buried in his owne Church. [...] the Church being burnt his [...] onely escaped the violence of the fire, how he appeared vnto his old [...] [...] bishop of [...] (being at Creeklade) at the [...] of his death, [...] the same vnto him, and many things more strange; if any man desire to read them, let him [...] them in [...], [...], and other, that discourse them at large. This (for my part) I thinke [...], if not too much.
  • 25. [...], a Canon of Bayon was consecrate Bishop 1097 of Worcester at Canterbury, June 15. [...]. A man well learned, very eloquent, & a great house keeper. He tooke away [...] the monkes that [...] had placed there, and died afterwards at that place. May 5. 1112. He was buried in the body of his Church, [...] before the roodlost. He had an elder brother named [...] then Archbishop of York and a sonne that afterwards was [...] Archbishop there. Of them and some other matter [...] him, see more in Yorke. Soone after his death, to wit, May 20. [...] the Ca­thedrall Church, [...], and City of Worceter were burnt and quite [...] with casuall [...]. One monke, three seruants of the Monastery, and [...] townesmen perished in that fire..
  • [Page 362]26. Theulphus a Canon of Bayon likewise, was elected 1115 Bishop of Worceter, December 28. 1113. but not [...] vntill Iune 27. 1115. He died at his mannor of [...], October 21. 1123. and was buryed hard by [...] his predecessor, in that place (I doubt not) where vpon one Mar­ble lying iust before the [...] doore, we see the defaced ima­ges of two Bishops.
  • 27. Simon, Chaplaine and Chauncellor vnto Quéene 1125 Adelicia, the second wife of King Henry the first; was conse­crate May 23. 1125. He was liberall, according to the pro­portion of his ability, affable and very courteons.
  • 28. Alured. After Symon, W. [...] that liued in those daies placeth Alured for his next successor. [...], some put Iohn [...] before him, and Florent. Wigorn, lea­ueth him quite out of the reckening.
  • 29. Iohn Pagham. He gaue Bibery vnto the Abbey of [...], and the mannor of Elme Bishop vnto his owne See.
  • 30. Roger sonne vnto the Earle of Glocester, died August 9. 1179. at Tours in Fraunce and was buryed there.
  • 31. Baldwyn Abbot of Ford consecrate 1181. was tran­slated 1181 to Canterbury, 1184. Sée more there.
  • 32. William de Northale consecrate September 21. 1186 1186. died 1190.
  • 33. Robert a Canon of Lincolne, sonne vnto William 1191 Fitz-Ralf Seneschall of Normandy, became Bishop of Wor­ceter 1191. and died the yeere following.
  • 34. Henry Abbot of Glastonbury was made Bishop of Worceter that Sanarike Bishop of Bathe and Wels [...] vnite that Abbey to his Sée. Sée more of that matter in Wels. He died 1195.
  • 35. Iohn de Constantijs Deane of Roane was consecrate 1196 at Stratford October 20. 1196. He died the yéere 1198.
  • 36. Mangere Deane of Yorke and Chaplaine vnto king 1200 Richard the first, was consecrate 1200. He was one of them that excommunicated king Iohn and interdicted the [...] at the Popes commaundement the yéere 1208. Thereupon he was faine to flie the [...] and died at Pontiniac in France 1212. the yéere before the rest of his brethren were called home.
  • [Page 363]37. Walter Gray Bishop of Lichfield was translated he­ther 1214 1214. and 1216. to Yorke. See more of him there.
  • 38. [...], sometimes a Monke, and after Prior of Worceter, succeeded. He remoued the body of Saint Wulstan into a sumptuous shrine, and (the church being now through­ly repaired since the burning of it in Bishop Sampson, time) he hallowed the same very solemply, dedicating it vnto the honour of the blessed virgin, Saint Peter, Saint Oswald and Saint [...]. This was done 1218. in which yeere also he died.
  • 39. William de [...] Archdeacon of Buckingham was 1218 consecrate October 7. 1218. He gaue vnto the Prior and Co­uent, Wyke with the [...], as also the parsonage of Sobbury, and died the yeere [...].
  • 40. Walter de [...], the sonne of William Lord 1237 [...] succeeded 1237. A man as of great birth, so of no lesse stomack and courage. He often opposed himselfe against the couetous practises and shifting deuises of the Pope and his officers. The first yeere of his preferment, Otto the Popes Legate, at a Conuocation, sought to take order, for the [...] of such as enioyed any benefices against law, not beeing dispensed withall; thinking belike, it would prouoke many to the purchase of dispensations, they cared not at what rate. He counselled the Legate to take farther aduise of the Pope be­fore he proceeded too far in this matter, saying, there were ma­ny of great birth whom it concerned; and they were either old, (such hauing liued long in very worshipfull state, to [...] them now so lowe he thought it very hard) or else they were yong and lusty, and had rather venture their lines in any desperate course, then suffer their liuing to be deminished. I speake this (quoth he) by mine owne experience. At what time it was mine owne case, I was of the same minde. Ha­uing said thus much, he put on his Myter and sate him down againe. Other were about to second him, when the Legate seeing no good was to be doone in this matter. bid them trou­ble themselues no farther, the Bishop of Worceters aduice was good, and he was determined for this time to follow it. Another time, to witte, the yéere 1255. [...] another legate, demaunded of the cleargy of England a huge summe [Page 364] of [...], and [...] not onely bought the kings consent there­unto, but dealing priuately with many priuate [...] men, promising some and threatning other, had made a very [...] canuasse. The matter being proposed, when no man opening his mouth, the [...] assured himselfe the game was gatten; this Bishop suddenly rose vp, and exclaimed [...] a­gainst this horrible exaction, saying at last, he would suffer himselfe to be hanged rather then he would euer consent vnto it. Other then following his example, this impudent [...] was sent away with a sleeuelesse answere The yeere 1257. he was sent ambassador into Fraunce. The yéere 1254. he tooke great paines to worke a peace betwéene the king and the Barons, in whose behalfe when he had offered the king conditions (as he thought most reasonable) which might not be accepted; he addicted himselfe vnto their party, [...] them to fight valiantly in the cause, and promised heauen ve­ry confidently to them that should dye in defence of the [...]. For this, he was after iustly excommunicated by the Popes legate. He died February 5. 1267. at what time repenting much this fault of disobedience vnto his Prince, he humbly [...] and receiued absolution from that excommunica­tion.
  • 41. Nicolas de Ely was consecrate in the beginning of the 1268 yéere 1268. and translated to Winchester before the [...] of the same yéere. Sée more in Winchester.
  • 42. Godfry Giffard succéeded. He beautified the pillers of 1269 the East part of the church by enterlacing little pillers [...] mar­ble which he fastened with rings of copper guilt. [...] died 1304. hauing sate Bishop 34. yéeres, fower moneths & [...] daies.
  • 43. William de Geynsborough Doctor of Diuinity was 1305 the 26. reader of Diuinity of his order in Oxeford. Thence he trauelled to Rome, and became Lector sacri palatij, [...] the Pope bestowed vpon him this Bishopricke. He was a great learned man accounted in those times and writ much.
  • 44. Walter Reynald, sometime schoolemaster vnto king 1308 Edward the second, first Treasurer, then Chauncellor of Eng­land, became Bishop of Worceter 1308. and was [...] [Page 365] to the Archbishoprick of Canterbury 1313. Sée more there.
  • 45. Walter [...] succéeded. 1313
  • 46. Thomas [...] Doctor of Diusnity Cannon and 1317 Subdeane of Salisbury was elected Archbishop of Canter­bury [...]. Hauing contended a while with the aboue na­med Walter [...] (whereof see more in Canterbury) he was glad in the end to accept of this Bishopricke, into which he entred March 31. 1317. He was a great learned man, writ much, and was moreouer so honest and vertuous a man, as he was commonly called by the name of the good Clerke. He lieth buried (as one deliuereth) in the North Ile of the body of his church, which Ile he caused all to be vaulted [...] at his owne charge. I should gesse by some shadow of the [...] armes yet to be [...], that his toombe is that which we see vpon the south side of the chappell standing on the North side of the body of the church.
  • 47. Adam de Orleton Doctor of Lawe, was consecrate 1327 Bishop of Hereford September 26. 1317. translated to Worceter in Nouember 1327. and then December 1. 1333. vnto Winchester. See more there.
  • 48. [...] Mont-acute cousecrate 1333. was by the 1333 Pope translated to Ely, 1336. See Ely.
  • 49. Thomas [...] consecrate 1337. 1337
  • 50. Wulstan de [...] Prior of Worceter, conse­crate 1338 1338. He built the Priors great hall and the bridge of Brandsford vpon Twede, two [...] aboue Powike.
  • 51. Iohn Thorsby Bishop of Saint Dauids was transla­ted 1349 to Worceter 1349. and in October 1352. from thence to Yorke. See Yorke.
  • 52. Reginald Bryan consecrate Bishop of Saint Dauids 1352 1349. the yéere 1352. was translated hither. He was by the Pepes gift translated to Ely the yeere 1361. but died before his translation might be perfected by acceptance. He lyeth bu­ried by the North wall of a little chappell, vpon the North side of the body of the Church, as I gather (at least wise) by his armes engrauen vpon a faire toombe there.
  • 53. Dauid, consecrate 1361. 1361
  • 54. Iohn Barnet Treasurer of England, was consecrate 1362 [Page 366] 1362. [...] hence to Welles, 1363. and [...] to Ely, 1366. Sée Ely.
  • 55. William Wittlesey nephew vnto Simon Islip Archbi­shop 1363 of Canterbury, was first Bishop of Rochester, [...] to Worceter 1363. and then the yéere 1368. to Canter­bury. Sée more of him there.
  • 56. William de Lynne consecrate Bishop of [...], 1369 the yéere 1462. was translated hither 1368. This [...] ta­king horse to ride vnto the Parliament the yéere 1375. was sodainly surprised with an Apoplexy, whereof he [...] soone after.
  • 57. Henry Wakefield became bishop of [...] 1375. 1375 and the yéere following Treasurer of England. He made the body of his Church longer by adding two Arches [...] it, built the North Porch, and died March 11. 1394. the 20. yéere after his consecration. He lyeth buried vnder a great Marble in the middle of the body of his Church toward the West end.
  • 58. Tidemannus de Winchcombe. Bale reporteth one 1395 William Badby Doctor of Diuinity, & Consessor [...] Iohn of Gaunt Duke of [...], to [...] béene Bishop of Wor­ceter about the yéere 1380. It can not be true, and therefore I omitte him. Certaine it is that Tydemannus de Winch­comb, a monke and the kings [...], was thrust into this Sée, by the Pope at the kings earnest request (notwithstand­ing that one Iohn Greene was lawfully elect thereunto) the yéere 1395. Thomas Walsingham calleth this man ( [...] I doubt not) Robert Tideman. It should seeme vnto me, that this man was for a little while Bishop of Landaff before his preferment to Worceter. Sée Landaff.
  • 59. Richard Clifford Archdeacon of Canterbury was con­secrate 1401 1401. and translated to London 1407. See Lon­don.
  • 60. Thomas Peuerell a Gentleman of an [...] house, 1407 borne in Suffolke, and brought vp in Oxford (where he pro­céeded Doctor of Diuinity) was first a Carmelite [...], made Bishop of [...] in Ireland by king Richard the [...] at his vnfortunate being there, 1398. [...] thence [...] 1399. and [...] to Worceter 1407. [...] sate [Page 367] Bishop ten yéeres, died March 1. 1417. and was buried in his owne Church.
  • 61. Philip Morgan Doctor of law was consecrate the 1419 yéere 1419. and translated vnto Ely in the end of the yéere 1425. See Ely.
  • 62. Thomas Pulton was consecrate Bishop of Hereford 1426 1420. staying there but one yeere and three monethes, was remooued to Chichester 1422. and lastly the yeere 1426. be­came Bishop of Worceter. He died at Rome and was buried there.
  • 63. Thomas [...] succéeded. The yéere 1435. soone 1435 after his [...] to Worceter he was elected vnto Ely, but [...] not accept of the same. Long after at another [...] he was againe chosen, to wit 1443. and enioyed that place till the yéere 1454. at what time he was remooued to Canterbury See more in Ely and Canterbury.
  • 64. Iohn Carpenter. This man had so great affection vnto 1443 Westbury, a place néere Bristow, as he not onely bestowed exceeding great cost vpon the colledge there, and chose it for his place of buriall, but also intended (as I find reported) to haue honoured it with a part of his [...], and to haue taken vpon him the name of the Bishop of Worceter and Westbu­ry. There had bene an old colledge in that place long before: He pulled it downe and in the new building [...] it very much compassing it about with a strong wall embatteled, ad­ding a [...] gate with diuers towers (more like vnto a castle then a colledge) and lastly bestowed much good land for aug­menting the reuenew of the same. One that hauing beene long a merchant of Bristow, in the later ende of his life be­came Deane of this colledge, built the church of Ratcliff neere Bristow (a notable worke) and lieth buried in the same But to returne to our Bishop, who also built the [...] at [...]: he died at Bishops Northweeke, and was bu­ried (as before said) at Westbury.
  • 65. Iohn [...] Bishop of Rochester was translated to 1476 Worceter 1476. and thence to Ely. Sée Ely.
  • 66. Robert Moorton nephew to Iohn Moorton Archbi­shop 1486 of Canterbury succéeded. He lieth buried in the body of Saint Paules church in London.
  • [Page 368]67. Iohn Gygles or de Lilijs an Italian borne in [...] suc­céeded 1497 him.
  • 68. Syluester Gigles nephew vnto Iohn Gigles [...] 1521 his vncle.
  • 69. Iolius Medices a Cardinall of Rome, nephew vnto 1522 the Pope Leo 10. and afterwards Pope himselfe by the name of Clement the seuenth was Bishop of Worceter a little while in the yéere 1522. in which yéere he both accepted and resigned this Bishopricke.
  • 70. Hieronymus de Nugutijs an Italian also, obtained this 1522 Bishopricke by the resignation of [...], and enioyed it many yeeres.
  • 71. Hugh Latimer borne in Leicetershire, and brought vp in Cambridge, became Bishop of Worceter 1535. The yéere 1539. (except he would yéeld a wicked and dissembling con­sent vnto the sixe Articles) there was no remedy but [...] must resigne his Bishopricke. He resigned (togither with [...] Shaxton Bishop of Salisbury) July 1. & afterwards, to wit, October 16. 1555. sealed the doctrine which he had long prea­ched with his blood, ending his life in the fire, for the circum­stances whereof, as also of his whole life and actions, I refer you to Master Foxe.
  • 72. Iohn Bell Doctor of Lawe, and Archdeacon of Gloce­ter 1539 succéeded, he was of the kings counsell in the cause of his diuorce from Quéene Katherine. He [...] buried at Clarken­well by London on the North side of the East end of the chan­cell vnder a marble stone whereon is fixed this Epitaph:

    Contegit hoc marmor Doctorem nomine Bellum
    Qui belle rexit praesulis officium.
    Moribus, ingenio, vitae probitate vigebat
    Laudato cunctis cultus & eloquio.
    Ann. 1556. Aug. 11.
  • 73. Nicolas Heath Bishop of Rochester was translated to 1543 Worceter 1543. and displaced October 10. 1551. Queene Mary restored him againe in the beginning of her raigne, made him first Lord President of Wales, then Archbishop of Yorke the yéere 1553. and lastly Lord Chauncellor of Eng­land, See Yorke.
  • [Page 369]74. Iohn Hooper, held Gloceter in Commendam. Sée 1551 Gloceter.
  • 75. Richard Pates (as it should séeme by a report that I 1554 finde) became Bishop of Worceter about the yeere 1534. and being sent beyond the seas in [...], refused to returne. Whereupon his Bishopricke was bestowed vpon M. Laty­mer. Certaine it is, that he subscribed to the Councel of Trent by the name of Rich. Patus Wigorn Epis. Queene Mary least she should seeme to do him wrong, hauing appointed Heath to the Archbishoprick of Yorke, restored him to Worceter.
  • 76. Edwyn Sandes, translated from London hither, and 1560 hence to Yorke.
  • 77. Nicolas Bullingham translated from Lincolne. 1570
  • 78. Iohn [...] translated to Canterbury. Sée Can­terbury. 1577
  • 79. Edmund Freake translated from Norwich, died in 1584 the end of the yéere 1590. about the 20. of March. Sée Nor­wich.
  • 80. Richard Fletcher translated from Bristoll to Worce­ter, 1593 and from Worceter to London.
  • 81. Thomas [...] translated to Winchester. 1595
  • 82. Geruase Babington Bishop first of Landaff, then of 1597 Exceter, and lastly translated hither an. 1597.

This Bishopricke is now valued at 1049, l. 17, s. 3, d. ob. farthing. In the Popes bookes at 2000. ducats.

The Bishops of Hereford.

AN Episcopall Sée was first established at Hereford, and 680 Putta made the first Bishop there the yeere 680.

After him these:
  • 2. Tirhtellus.
  • 3. Torteras.
  • 4. Wastold, alias Walstod. He began the making of a sumptuous crosse, which his successor finished.
  • 5. [...], onsecrate 736, was translated to Canter­bury 736 740. He bestowed a goodly monument [...] his predecessors, and caused this Epitaph to be en­grauen vpon the same:
    Qui quondam extiterant famosi altique per orbem,
    Corpora [...] hominum hic marmor obumbrans.
    Tumbaque mirifico [...] fabricata [...],
    Desuper exalto [...] cum colmine [...].
    Hos ego Cuthbertus sacri successor honoris,
    Inclusi titulis exornauique [...].
    Pontifices ex his ternos sancta infula cinxit,
    Nomina sunt quorum, Walstoldus Torhere, Tirtill.
    Regulus est quartus Milfrith, [...] coniuge pulchra.
    Quenburga: senis haec extitit ordine quinta.
    Sextus preterca est [...] filius Offrith.
  • 6. Podda. 740
  • 7. Ecca.
  • 8. Cedda. He died 857.
  • 9. Albertus. 857
  • 10. Esna died 885.
  • 11. Celmund. 885
  • 12. Vtellus.
  • 13. Wlfhard.
  • [Page 371]14. Benna.
  • 15. Edulf.
  • 16. Cuthwulf.
  • 17. [...].
  • 18. [...].
  • 19. Cunemund.
  • 20. Edgar.
  • 21. [...].
  • 22. Wlfhelm.
  • 23. Alfrike.
  • 24. Athulf.
  • 25. Ethelstan, 13. yéeres before his death he was blinde, and gouerned by a deputy. He builded the Cathedral Church of Hereford from the ground, died at his mannor of Bosanbi­rig February 10. 1055. and was buried in his owne church.
  • 26. [...], chaplaine vnto Duke Harald succéeded 1056 him. Mat. Westminster giueth this testimony of him, that he was vndoubtedly, Deitamulus, in omni religione perfectus, ecclesiarum amator, pauperum recreator, viduarum & orpha­norum defensor, oppressorum subuertor, virginitatis [...]. [...] king of Wales hauing ouerthrowen the forces of the English men about two miles from Hereford, immediately assaulted the city, tooke it, slew the Bishop and seuen of the Cannons, that denied him entrance into the church, and held it against him, spoyled it of all the reliques and ornaments that were portable, and lastly fired both church, city and all. This Bishop being yet scarce warme in his seat, was thus slaine June 16 1056. when he had béene Bishop but onely twelue weekes and 4. daies.
  • 27. Walter. After the death of Leofgar, the Sée continued 1060 voyd fower yéeres, and was gouerned by Aldred Bishop of Worceter. He being translated thence to Yorke, Walter borne in Lorraine, and chaplaine to Queene Edith was con­secrate at Rome by the Pope the yeere 1060. His ende was much more vnhappy then his [...]. He chaunced to fall in loue with a certaine comely woman that he met in the [Page 372] stréete. A long time he contended with this vile and [...] affection; and he thought he had quenched the same, when a small occasion renewed it to his destruction. Hauing cer­taine linnen to cut out, this woman was commended to him for a very cunning seamster. He sent for her, and his old [...] of [...] desire easily kindling by this little sparke, he [...] errands to [...] his men out of the way, while he set vpon her, first with words, and they not preuayling, by force. She resisted what she might, but finding him too strong for her, thrust her sheeres into his belly, and gaue him his deaths wound. This W. Malmesbury telleth by hearsay of an vncer­taine relation, adding moreouer, that the king being desirous it should be esteemed false, forbid the report of it. No other [...] liuing néere those times maketh any [...] of this so memorable an accident, and therefore it is pos­sible to be vntrue.
  • 28. Robert surnamed Lozing was also borne in [...], 1079 had trauailed and read in diuers Uniuersities beyond the seas, and being much fauoured by William the Conqueror for his manifold good parts (especially his learning) was pre­ferred by him vnto the Bishopricke of Hereford, whereunto he was consecrate December 29. 1079. This man was well séene in diuers kinds of good learning, but in the Mathema­tiques he was excellent, and writ diuers discourses in that kind much admired in those daies. There was a great league of friendship betwéene him and Saint VVulstan, who certi­fied him of his owne death in a dreame (as our stories report) called him to his buriall, and assured him he might not stay long after. It fell out true, for within halfe a yéere after [...] other, he deceased June 26. 1095. Now he foresaw the death of [...] Bishop of Lincolne by Astrology, and therefore refused to come to the dedication of his new church, I haue re­lated in Lincolne. Sée Lincolne. He built his church of He­reford anew, following the platforme of the church of [...] or Aquisgraue, and lieth buried in the fame, by the Northwall a little aboue the chappell of Bishop Stanbery, as the inscrip­tion (at least wise) importeth. For my part I am [...] that he rather [...] in that toombe which is ascribed to Bi­shop [Page 373] Raynelm, for that the Image of the same holdeth the signe of the church in his hand, which me thinkes argueth the builder of the church to be in that place enterred.
  • 29. Gerard nephew vnto VValkelin Bishop of Winche­ster succéeded. Uery shortly after his comming to Hereford he was remooued to Yorke. Sée Yorke.
  • 30. Rainelmus. King Henry the first bestowed then this 1107 Bishopricke vpon one Roger his Larderer. Within a day or two after (not yet consecrate) he fell sicke at London, and being loth to die before he were a complete Bishop, earnest­ly requested [...] the Archbishop to affoorde him conse­cration; which foolish demand he could not but laugh at, and answered with silence. Much against his will he died vnbi­shopped twelue daies after his nomination. He being dead, the king gaue this Bishopricke (intended to him) vnto [...] the Queenes Chauncellor. He receiued it (as the ma­ner had then long beene) at the kings hands, and was inue­sted into it by the deliuery of the ring and the crosier. An­selm the Archbishop refused to consecrate him and diuers other that obtayned their preferments in like manner, as in his life you may read more at large. He was so farre from importuning him in this matter, as being now perswaded his election to be vnsufficient, he renounced the same, deliue­ring againe into the kings hand the ring and crosier that he had receiued. Herewith the king was so offended, as present­ly he banished him the realme. After much adoo betweene the king and [...], a reconciliation at last was wrought, and this man consecrate with diuers other the yeere 1107. He was very vertuous, deuout, and of good report, except onely for his housekeeping, wherein he was not so liberall as his neighbours wished him. He died October 28. 1115. of the gout, wherewith he was much tormented long before his death, and was entoombed in the out side of the South parti­tion of the Presbytery, if haply his toombe be not mistaken for Bishop Roberts, and Roberts for his.
  • 31. Geoffry de Clyue Chaplaine to king Henry the first 1115 was consecrate December 26. 1115. A man of great tempe­rance [Page 374] [...]. [...] well his houses; and [...] the [...] belonging to his Sée into a [...] good order, being much wasted and [...] in the time of his predecessors. He [...] a [...] vnto the [...], and left much wealth [...] him, which better might haue béene bestowed vpon them. He died February 3. 1119. and was laid in the North wall a little aboue Robert his predecessor.
  • 32. Richard kéeper of the Seale vnder the Chauncellour 1120 of England, was consecrate at [...] Ianuary 16. 1120. died at [...] August 15. 1127 and was buried at Here­ford the particular place I find not. It was an opinion of [...] men about this time, that the Bishopricke of Hereford was a fatall [...] and might not suffer any one man long to [...] it.
  • 33. Robert de [...] Prior of [...] was consecrate 1131 at Oxford June 29. 1131. A man of great authority, and much emploied by the Pope in all his [...] within the [...]. He died April 27. 1148. and [...] buried in the South wall ouer against the Presbitery.
  • 34. Gilbert [...] consecrate 1149. The yéere 1161. (or 1149 [...] some deliuer) 1163. he was translated to London. See London.
  • 35. Robert de [...] succéeded. He died February [...]. 1167. and was buried hard by Robert de [...].
  • 36. Robert Foliot [...] of Oxford was [...] by the Chapter of Hereford (the king granting licence of [...] e­lection) 1174 the yéere 1173. and the yéere following he was [...] with diuers other, whose Sées likewise had stood long voide, by reason of the [...] betwéene the king and Thomas Becket. Sée Richard More of Winch. He studied in [...] vniuersities of [...], and grew there [...] with Thomas Becket the [...] who [...] much for his singular learning and other [...] parts, in regard whereof he also preferred him to his [...], and [...] the foundation of his aduancement to this Bishopricke. He died May 9. 1186. and was buried next his pedecessor.
  • 37. William le Vere a great builder, was consecrate 1186 1186 and died December 24. 1199. He was buried [...]. So these [...] lie together, Robert de [Page 375] Betune, Robert de [...], Robert Foliot and this man. Their toombs are very like, and but by their place and order hardly to be distinguished.
  • 38. Gyles de Bruse, the sonne of William Bruse, a man of 1200 great power and nobility, was consecrate September 24. 1200. In the Barons wars he tooke part with them against king Iohn, and at last, was faine to [...] the realme. After­wards, being suffered to returne and receaued into the kings fauour, he trauailed homeward and died in the way at Glo­reter Nouember 17. 1215. He left great possessions descended vnto him by his auncestors, he left them (I say) to [...] de Bruse his brother, that maried the daughter of Llewellyn ap [...] Prince of Northwales. This man lieth buried vp­on the North side of the Presbitery. The image that lieth vp­on his toombe holdeth the likenesse of a stéeple in his hand: whereby it should seeme he built one of the towers or stee­ples.
  • 39. [...] de Mapenore succéeded. He died about Easter 1219 and lieth buried (as I remember) in the North wall neere the toombe of Bishop Egueblank.
  • 40. Hugh Foliot consecrate in the beginning of Nouemb. 1219 1219. died Iul. 26. 1234.
  • 41. Ralf de Maydenstan succéeded him. This man bought 1234 of a gentleman named Monthault the house belonging to the Bishopricke of Hereford in London, together with the patro­nage [...] the parsonage of Saint Mary Monthault adioyning, and gaue them vnto his See. The yéere 1239 he resigned his Bishopricke and tooke on him the habite of a Franciscane Frier at Oxford. He liued afterwards a [...] life at Gloceter the space of fiue yéeres, and then dying, was buried there.
  • 42. Peter d' Egueblank borne in Sauoy was elected Au­gust 1239 24. 1239. and consecrate soone after. He is very odious in our histories for [...] the king vnto a strange and intolle­rable kind of exaction the yeere 1255. such and so great, as it euen quite beggered all the Cleargy of that time. The yéere following he tooke great paines in canuassing for the Archbi­shoprick of [...], and hauing spent much mony in pro­curing letters from the king and diuers other great parsona­ges [Page 376] to request in his behalfe; newes was brought that the old Archbishop (that he tooke to be dead and whose place he sought) was yet aliue and aliues-like. The yéere 1263. the Barons arrested him in his owne Cathedrall church, [...] vpon his goods, deuided his treasure vnto their souldiers [...] his face, and imprisoned him a long time in the castle of Ordley. He was cursed of so many (saith one) it was impossi­ble that many calamities should not light vpon him. Long before this captiuity, his face was horribly deformed with a kind of leprosy which some call Polypus, and (though he left no meanes vnsought) could not be cured of it till his dying day. He departed this life Nouember 27. 1268. and lieth bu­ried vnder a large and faire toombe ouer against the North doore of the quier. This man gaue vnto his church two [...] of corne of ninety sixe bushels a piece, yéerely to be [...] to the Ministers of the same for euer. He also founded a Mo­nastery at Aqua-bella in Sauoy, at which place it séemeth he was borne, and caused his heart to be buried there, as [...] by a monument in the church of that house yet [...].
  • 43. Iohn Breton Doctor of bothe lawes was also very 1268 well séene in the common Lawes of the land and writ a great volume de iuribus Anglicanis. He died May 12. 1275.
  • 44. Thomas Cantilupe was a gentleman of a very [...] 1275 and auncient house, but of a much more noble and excellent mind, being not only maruailous witty, but euer from a [...] very studious and painefull, very harmelesse and vertuously giuen. He was brought vp in the vniuersity of Oxford, where he procéeded first Master of Art, then studied the Cannon [...] and (as it seemeth) procéeded Doctor of Law. [...] is and without all question, that he procéeded Doctor of [...] the yéere 1273. Robert Kilwardby (with whome he was very familiarly acquainted) was then Prouinciall of the [...] Preachers and Doctor of the Chaire in Oxford when he was presented; but before the time came he should stand in the [...], the said Doctor Kilwardby was become Archbishop of Canterbury. That notwithstanding, he [...] this his old friend that honour, as to make a iourney downe to the vniuersity of purpose, and there (being Archbishop) to [...] [Page 377] him the ceremonies of his creation. And it is reported more­ouer that amongst many other praises he gaue him in his oration, he signified, that hauing bene long his Confessor, he neuer [...] him guilty of any mortall sinne. Omnis [...] mendax: Either the Confessor, or the Confessée, or the re­porter, lied I doubt not. He was consecrate Bishop of Here­ford September 8. 1275. being then Archdeacon of Stafford and Chauncellor of England. The yéere 1282. he was faine to trauaile to Rome about a controuersy betweene him and Iohn Peckham Archbishop of Canterbury. In the way thether he died at [...]- [...], August 25. 1282. His body was brought to Hereford and there solempnly enterred néere the East wall of the North crosse Ile, where we see a high toombe of marble. Many miracles are said to haue beene wrought at the place of his buriall, in regard whereof, it pleased the Pope afterwards to make him a Saint, and all the Bishops of He­reford since his time, in honour of him, doo beare his coate of armes as the coate of their See, viz. G. 3. leopards heads iea­sant 3. Flower-deluces O.
  • 45. Richard de Swinfield succéeded, Doctor of Diuinity, 1382 a Kentish man borne, a very eloquent man and a great prea­ther. He was consecrate March 7. following, sate 34. yéeres, and died March 15. 1316. He lieth buried on the North side of the North Ile aboue the quier, as an Elogium witnesseth engrauen vpon a marble that couereth his toombe.
  • 46. Adam d'Orleton Doctor of Law borne in Hereford, 1317 was consecrate September 26. 1317. In the moneth of Oc­tober 1327. he was translated to Worceter, and after that to Winchester. Sée Winchester.
  • 47. Thomas Charlton Doctor of Lawe, and Cannon of 1327 Yorke, was consecrate by the Popes commandement Octo­ber 18. 1327 The yéere 1329. he was for a while Treasurer of England. He sate 16. yéeres, and died Ianuary 11. 1343. He hath a reasonable faire toombe in the North wall of the North crosse Ile ouer against the clocke.
  • 48. Iohn Trillecke sate 16. yéeres and a halfe. 1344
  • 49. Lewes Sherlton or Charlton sate 8. yéeres, and died the 1361 yéere 1369. He lieth in a faire monument in the North wall of the South Ile aboue the quier.
  • [Page 378]50. William Courtney consecrate 1369. sate 5. yéeres [...] 1369 [...], [...] to London 1375. and afterwards [...].
  • 51. Iohn Gilbert Bishop of [...], a [...] 1376 him in [...]. The yeere 1385. he was sent Am­bassador into [...]. 1286. he was made Treasurer of Eng­land [...], [...] 1389. & (as one deliuereth) [...]. It is [...] he was translated to Saint [...] about the [...] of the yéere 1389.
  • 52. Iohn [...] or Trefrant, a Cannon of Saint [...], 1389 one of the Auditors of the [...] in Rome, became Bi­shop of Hereford the yéere 1389. The [...] 1400. he was sent ambassador to Rome, to informe the Pope of the title of [...] Henry the fourth [...] the crowne. He sate Bishop about [...] yéeres and a [...], died 1404. and lieth buried [...] the South wall of the South crosse [...], where we sée a faire and costly monument erected for him.
  • 53. Robert Mascall, being yet very yoong, became a [...] 1405 Carmelite at Ludlow. After that he went to Oxford, where he so [...] in learning and other vertues, as he was [...] and [...] of all [...]. King Henry the fourth [...] choice of him for his Confessor, and [...] meanes to preferre him vnto the [...] of Hereford. He built the [...], [...] and [...] of the white [...] at London. [...] many rich [...] vnto that house, died there December 21. 1417. and there was [...] in a goodly monument of [...]. He was often Ambassador vnto [...] Princes, and the yéere 1415. was sent to the Counsell of [...] with two other Bishops.
  • 54. [...], Doctor of [...] béene [...] 1417 of [...], was [...] to [...] 1420. Sée [...].
  • 55. Thomas [...] [...] [...] was consecrate 1420. [...] 1420 Bishop [...] yéere and thrée [...], and [...] was remooued first to [...], after that to [...]. Sée Worceter.
  • 56. Thomas [...] Abbot of Saint Maries in Yorke, 1422 [...] Bishop [...] 26. yéeres.
  • 57. Richard Beauchamp hauing [...] here two yéeres [...] 1448 [Page 379] thrée moneths, was [...] to Salisbury an. 1450.
  • 58. Reynold Butler Abbot of [...] 1450 two yeeres and a halfe, and was translated to [...] April 3. [...].
  • 59. Iohn Stanbery was [...] brought [...] in 1453 the Uniuersity of Oxford, where he proceeded doctor of [...], and read the Lecture of that faculty. King Henry the sixt called him thence to be the first Prouost of his new [...] colledge at [...], and moreouer made him this Confes­sor. The yéere 1446. he was elected Bishop of Norwich. But [...] de la Poole Duke of Suffolke thrust in a chaplaine of his owne (notwithstanding this election) and so disappoin­ted him. Shortly after, to wit, the yeere 1448. the king found meanes to preferre him to Bangor, and fiue yeeres after that to Hereford, where he sate one and twenty yeeres. He died at Ludlow in the house of the Carmelites, May 11. 1474. and was buried in his owne church vpon the North side of the high altar in a too [...] be of alabaster. A man not only very lear­ned (whereof he left many monuments in writing) but very wise exceeding well spoken, and (which is not to be omitted) tall of stature, and of a very comely presence. But I [...] his greatest commendation, his constant and vnmooueable fidelity vnto his Prince, for which being taken prisoner at the battle of Northampton 1460; he was committed to the castle of Warwicke and lay in durance [...] long time. Upon his toombe are fixed these barbarous verses:
    [...], tetra [...],
    Stanbery [...] Ioannis.
    Doctoralis erat [...] per [...].
    [...] o Christe [...] sordem;
    [...] bene sedem.
    [...] I [...] & [...].
    Mors [...] trux [...].
    Anno M. C. [...] L. X. [...] bino
    [...] his [...] in [...].
    Qui legis [...] pro [...] benigna
    Vt sint absque mora [...] sibigaudia digna.
  • [Page 380]60. Thomas Myllyng being yet very yoong, became a 1474 [...] of [...], and then went to Oxford, where he [...] till he became Doctor of Diuinity, hauing in the meane time attayned good knowledge in the Gréeke [...] which in those daies was geason. Returning then to West­minster, he was made Abbot there, and shortly after [...] vnto the Bishopricke of Hereford by king Edward the fourth, vnder whom he was of the priuy counsell, and was godfather vnto Prince Edward his eldest sonne. He died the yéere 1493. and lieth buried at Westminster in the middle of the chappel of Saint Iohn Baptist, where against the North wall there is a fleight monument erected in memory of him.
  • 61. Edmund Audeley Bishop of Rochester was [...] 1493 to Hereford 1493. and thence to Salisbury 1502. Sée Sa­lisbury.
  • 62. Hadrian de Castello consecrate 1502. was made [...] 1502 the next yéere, and then translated to Welles 1504. Sée Welles.
  • 63. Richard Mayo Chauncellour and Archdeacon of Ox­ford, 1504 as also President of Magdalene colledge there for the space of 27. yéeres, and Almoner vnto king Henry the 7. the yere 1501. was sent Ambassador into Spaine to [...] y t Ladie Katherine to be married vnto Prince Arthur. Not long after his returne thence, to wit, the yéere 1504. he was [...] vnto the Bishopricke of [...], which he held eleuen yéeres and somewhat more. He deceased Aprill 18. 1516. and was buried on the South side of the high altar, where there is a goodly toombe erected in memory of him.
  • 64. Charles Boothe Doctor of Diuinity, Archdeacon of 1516 Buckingham, and Chauncellour of the Marches of Wales, was consecrate 1516. He bestowed great cost in repayring his house at London, and sate eighteene yéeres and fiue mo­neths. He lieth entoombed in the North wall of the body of his church.
  • 65. Edward Foxe Doctor of Diuinity, and [...] vn­to 1535 king Henry the eight, was brought vp in Kings colledge in Cambridge; often Ambassador in Germany, Italy, and elsewhere, and became Bishop of Hereford the yéere 1535. A [Page 381] man very well learned, and secretly a fauourer of religion. M. [...] doth dedicate his commentary vpon the Euange­lists vnto him. Himselfe also writ diuers bookes yet extant. He sate onely two yeeres and seuen moneths. But where he died or was buried I finde not.
  • 66. Edmund Boner hauing béene Bishop of Hereford on­ly 1538 7. moneths, was [...] to London. See London.
  • 67. Iohn Skyp Doctor of Diuinity, and Archdeacon of 1539 Dorset, became Bishop of Hereford 1539. sate 4. moneths aboue 12. yeeres, died at London in time of a Parliament, and was buried in the church of Saint Mary Mont-hault.
  • 68. Iohn Harley, sometime fellow of Magdalene colledge in Oxford, was displaced by Quéene Mary, and died soone after.
  • 69. Robert Parsew, alias Warbington succéeded.
  • 70. Iohn Scory, late Bishop of Chichester, was appoin­ted vnto this Sée by the Queenes Maiesty that now is in the beginning of her raigne. He died in the beginning of the yéere 1585.
  • 71. Herbert Westfayling Doctor of Diuinity, and Can­non of Christchurch in Oxford, was consecrate Decemb. 12. 1585.

The Bishopricke of Hereford is valued in the Ex­checquer at 768, l. 10, s. 10, d. ob. farthing, and yeelded the Pope for first fruits 1800. florens.

The Bishops of Chichester.

  • 1. WIlfride Archbishop of Yorke being 681 banished by Egfride king of Nor­thumberland (as in Yorke you may reade more at large) he thought good to occupy his talent by prea­ching the word of God amongst the South Saxons. [...] the king of that country, a little before his comming, had receaued the faith of Christ, by the perswas on of Wlfhere king of Mercia. He willing to increase his owne knowledge, and [...] that his subiects should be directed the way of saluation; made very much of Wilfride, and assigned him an habitation in Seolsey, a place all compassed a­bout with the sea except one way. All that land, containing eighty seuen housholds, this king gaue vnto Wilfride for his maintainance. He built a Monastery there, and established his Cathedrall Sée in the same. Now it pleased God [...] blesse his labours, as in a short time, great numbers of the people being conuerted, embraced Christian religion: And a day being appointed for their Baptisme, they had no sooner [...] the same, but immediately it rained plentifully, the want whereof had caused a dearth the space of thrée yéeres be­fore, and that so great, as not onely many died daily for hun­ger, but great numbers ioyning hand in hand forty or fifty in a company, threw themselues headlong into the sea, choosing rather to die then to indure that torment of hunger any lon­ger. Thus it pleased God, at once to deliuer these men from temporall death by famine, and euerlasting destruction that their ignorance threatned vnto them. Neither was this all the good that Wilfride did vnto them. Their sea and riuers abounding with great store of good fish which they knew not how to take, he taught them, and caused great store to be caught, wherewith many poore people were greatly relieued. Hauing staid fiue yéeres there, he was called home into his [Page 383] owne countrey againe, and restored to his Archbishop­ricke of Yorke.
  • 2. Eadbert. After his departure, Sussex was gouerned by 711 the Bishops of Winchester vntill the yéere 711. at what time Eadbert was consecrate Bishop of Seolsey, which place before that, he gouerned as Abbot.
  • 3. Eolla; he being dead, the Sée stood voyde vntill after the death of Beda.
  • 4. Sigga or Sigelm, alias Sigfridus. 733
  • 5. Alubrith.
  • 6. Osa, alias Bosa. 790
  • 7. Giselher.
  • 8. Tota.
  • 9. Wighthun.
  • 10. [...].
  • 11. Beornege. Matthew Westminster maketh mention of 906 one Camelec Bishop of the South Saxons that (as he saith) was taken prisoner of the Danes the yéere 915. and afterwards redeemed with the price of 40, l. ster­ling by king Edward the elder.
  • 12. Coenred.
  • 13. Gutheard, he died 960.
  • 14. Alfred, he died 970. 960
  • 15. Eadelm. 970
  • 16. Ethelgar Abbot of the new Abbey at Winchester, conse­crate 980 May 6. 980. translated to Canterbury 988.
  • 17. Ordbright. 988
  • 18. Elmar, he died 1019.
  • 19. Ethelrike, he died 1038. Nouember 5. 1019
  • 20. Grinketell being depriued of the Bishoprick of the East 1039 Angles for Symony, obtayned this 1039.
  • 21. Heca Chaplayne vnto king Edward the Confessor, con­secrate 1047 1047. he died 1057.
  • 22. Agelrike, a man singularly commended for his skill in 1057 the lawes and customes of the realme, was appointed by William the Conqueror to assist Gosfrid Bishop of Constantia, in iudging a great controuersie betwéene Lanfranke the Archbishop, and Odo Earle of Kent the kings brother, concerning title of diuers landes; and [Page 384] because being a very aged man, he was vnable [...] from Chichester vnto Pikenden hoath in Kent, where the whole County in a manner were assembled about this matter: he was brought thither in a wagon or cha­riot. In a [...] holden at Windsor he was [...], and that (as Florent. Wigorn. supposeth) [...], the yéere 1070. and imprisoned at Marleborough.
  • 1. Stigand chaplaine vnto the Conqueror, translated his Sée from Seolsey (an obscure place at that time, and 1070 now caten vp with the sea that euery high water [...] it) vnto Chichester, in old time called [...], so he was the first Bishop of Chichester. He died an 1087.
  • 2. William.
  • 3. Ralfe A man of very high [...], and no lesse high of minde. He stoode very stoutly in defence of [...] the Arch­bishop: in so much as when the king William Rufus threatned him for the same, he offered him his ring and crosier, say­ing, it should better become him to leaue his place then his duety. Neither could he euer be induced to forsake the said Archbishop, vntill he séemed to forsake his owne cause by flying the country. After that, when the king was content to winke at the mariage of many Priests in the realme (vnto whom the Archbishop was a grieuous and heauy aduersary) and receiued of them yéerely a great summe of money for de­fending them against the austerity of the other, (I meane An­selme) this Bishop resisted the collection of that money in his Dioces, calling it the tribute of fornication, and when (not­withstanding his resistance) it was paied, he interdicted his owne Dioces, commanding the Church doores euery where to be stopped vp with thornes. The king (a wise and gentle Prince, Henry the first) whether not vouchsafing to contend with him, or taking his well meaning in good part, was not onely content to pardon this disobedience, but also bestowed the money so gathered in his Dioces vpon him, saying it was a poore Bishopricke, and néeded such helpes. And certaine it is, that before the comming of this man, it was indéede ex­céeding poore. He increased it wonderfully, and yet notwith­standing built his Cathedrall Church of Chichester from the [Page 385] ground. It was scarcely finished, when as May the fift 1114. it was quite defaced and a great part of the City con­sumed with casuall fire He found meanes to repaire it againe being helped much with the liberality of the king and some other. This Bishop sate many yéeres (the certaine time I know not) and drawing toward his end, deliuered vnto the poore with his owne hands whatsoeuer he had in the world, leauing him selfe scarce clothes to couer him. He was euer a great almes man, and notwithstanding his great building, a great house keeper also. Neither was he lesse carefull of the spirituall Temple of Christ then the materiall; he was a ve­ry painefull Preacher, yéerely visiting his whole Dioces (preaching in euery place) thrice, reprehending and punishing sinne seuerely, and lastly performing such other pastorall du­ties as he thought vnto his charge might belong.
  • 4. Seffridus Abbot of Glastonbury, was brother vnto 1125 Ralfe Archbishop of Canterbury. He was consecrate Aprill 12. 1125.
  • 5. Hilarius. This man onely of all the Bishops in Eng­land, was content absolutely to allow of the declaration after published at Clarindon, without mention of that odious clause (saluo ordine fuo) but was shrewdly bayted of his bre­thren for his labor, as in the life of Thomas Becket you may read more at large.
  • 6. Iohn de Greenford Deane of Chichester was elected 1174 the yéere 1173. consecrate 1174. and died 1180.
  • 7. Seffridus the second succéeded. In his time to witte, October 19. 1187. the Cathedrall Church together with the whole City was once more consumed with casuall fire. The Church and his owne palace he both reedified in very good sort.
  • 8. Simon de Welles was elected Bishop December 22. 1199 ann. 1198.
  • 9. Richard Poore Deane of Salisbury was consecrate 1215 1215. translated to Salisbury 1117. and after to Durham. Sée Durham.
  • 10. Ralfe, first Officiall, then Prior of Norwich, succée­ded him in Chichester. He gaue to the Church a Windmill in Bishopstone and died 1222.
  • [Page 386]11. Ralfe Neuil al. de Noua villa was elected Nouember 1223 1. 1222. and consecrate the yéere following, being then lately made Chauncellor of England by the consent and good liking of the whole realme, for the great opinion they had of his vp­rightnesse and sincerity; whereof indéede he yéelded such proofe in the execution of that office, as neuer any man held the same with greater commendation. About the yeere 1230. he was chosen Archbishop of Canterbury, but was so farre from [...] that dignity corruptly, as he refused to giue the monkes money to pay for their charges in certifying this election vnto the Pope. Now he missed it, see Canterbury in the life of S. Edmund. After that he was elect Bishop of Winchester. See the successe thereof in William de Raleigh of Winchester. He died February 1. 1244. at London in that house which is now knowen by the name of Lincolnes Inne. He built it from the ground to be a house of receite for himselfe and his successors when they should come to London. After his time (I know not by what meanes) it came to the possession of Henry Lacy Earle of Lincolne, who somwhat enlarged it and left it the name it now hath. This Bishop moreouer builded a Chappell and dedicated it to Saint Michaell with­out the East gate of Chichester, and was otherwise a great Benefactor vnto his owne Church.
  • 12. Richard de la Wich. After the death of Ralf Neuil, the 1245 Canons of Chichester to curry fauour with the king, chose a Chaplaine of his for their Bishop, one Robert Passelew, a man wise inough, and one that had done the king much good seruice, but so vnlearned, as the Bishops of the realme [...] much to be ioyned with him, procured his election to be disanulled, and Richard de Wiche to be chosen. This Richard de Wiche was borne at Wiche in Worcetershire, of which place he tooke his surname, and was brought vp in the vni­uersities of Oxford first, and Paris afterward. Being come to mans state, he trauailed to Bononia where hauing studied the Canon Law seuen yéeres, he became publique reader of the same. After that, he spent some time at Orleans in France, and then returning home, was made Chauncellour vnto Saint Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury as also of the vniuersity of Oxford. He was consecrate by the Pope him [Page 387] selfe at Lyons 1245. and so gouerned the charge committed to him, as all men greatly reuerenced him, not onely for his great learning, but much more for his diligence in preaching, his manifold vertues, and aboue all his integrity of life and conuersation. In regard of these things, as also of many mi­racles that are fathered vpon him, he was canonised and made a Saint some seuen yéeres after his death. He deceased Aprill 2. 1253. the ninth yeere after his consecration, and of his age the fifty sixt. He was buried in his owne church, and the yeere 1276 his body was remooued from the first place of buriall and laid in a sumptnous shrine.
  • 13. Iohn Clypping a Canon of Chichester succéeded him. 1253 This man amongst other things, gaue vnto his church the Mannour of Drungwick, vpon which he built much at his owne cost, euen all the Mannour house there.
  • 14. Stephen. Of whom I find nothing but this, that he was excommunicate the yéere 1265. for taking part with the Barons against the king.
  • 15. Gilbertus de Sancto Leofardo died the yéere 1305. He was (saith Matthew Westminster) a father of the fatherlesse, a comforter of mourners, a defender of widdowes, a releeuer of the poore, a helper of the distressed and a diligent visiter of the sick, especially the poore, vnto whom he resorted more of­ten then vnto the rich. He ascribeth also diuers miracles vnto him, beléeue him as you list. He raised from the foundation the Chappell of Saint Mary.
  • 16. Iohn de Langton sometimes Chauncellor of Eng­land, builded a costly window in the south part of the church. This Bishop (or at least he that was Bishop of Chichester the yéere 1315.) excommunicated the Earle Warren for adultery, whereupon the Earle came vnto him with armed men, and made shew of some intent to lay violent hands vp­on him. The Bishops men perceiuing it, set vpon them, and by their Masters commaundement put both the Earle and his men in prison.
  • 17. Robert Stratford Archdeacon of Canterbury, Chann­cellor of the Uniuersity of Oxford, and Lord Chauncellor of England, at what time he was preferred to the Bishopricke of Chichester, made suite, he might with the kings good fauor [Page 388] giue ouer his office, which was graunted him; but not long after it was layd vpon him againe. He died the yéere 1361.
  • 18. William de Lenne, alias [...], Doctor of law and 1362 Deane of Chichester, was translated to Worceter 1368. See Worceter.
  • 19. William Reade was sometimes fellow of Perton 1369 colledge in Oxford, where he gaue himselfe most part vnto the study of y t Mathematikes, & that to so good purpose, as he hath the reputation of the most excellent Mathematician of his age. In his riper yéeres he fell to Diuinity, and [...] Doctor in that faculty. He built the castle of Amberly from the ground, left his picture, many tables and Astronomicall in­struments to Merton colledge, where (I heare) they are yet kept.
  • 20. Thomas Rushooke a Fryer preacher, Doctor of Di­uinity, and Confessor vnto the king, was first Bishop of Lan­daff and (the time certaine I know not) afterward remooued thence to Chichester. He was drouen away from the [...] by the Barons, and his goods confiscate by Parliament in March 1388.
  • 21. Richard Mitford was translated to Salisbury the yéere 1395. Sée Salisbury.
  • 22. Robert Waldby was translated from Dublin 1395 1395 and from Chichester to Yorke the yéere following. [...] Yorke.
  • 23. Robert Reade, a Fryer preacher became Bishop of 1396 Carlioll 1396. by the Popes gift, who notwihstanding [...] one William Stirkland was elected lawfully, bestowed [...] place vpon him at the kings request. In the ende of the [...] yéere he was translated to Chichester.
  • 24. Roger Packinton.
  • 25. Henry Ware Doctor of Law.
  • 26. Iohn Kemp Bishop of Rochester, translated [...] 1422 1422. and hence to London the same yéere, afterwards to Yorke and Canterbury. Sée Canterbury.
  • 27. Thomas Poldon, first Bishop of Hereford was trans­lated 1423 hence to Worceter 1426. Sée Worceter.
  • 28. Iohn Rickingale Doctor of Diuinity. 1426
  • 29. Simon Sidenham Doctor of Law.
  • [Page 389]30. Richard Praty.
  • 31. Adam Molins Doctor of Law and sometimes Clarke of the Councell, being Bishop of Chichester, had the kéeping of the priuy seale committed to him. He was slaine at Ports­mouth, by Mariners, suborned thereunto by Richard Duke of Yorke, Iune 9. 1449. He gaue to the high Altar certaine rich clothes of crimosin veluet.
  • 32. Reginald Peacocke, was borne in Wales, brought 1450 vp in Oriall colledge in Oxford, where he proceeded Doctor of Diuinity, became Chaplayne vnto [...] Duke of [...], vncle and Protector of king Henry the sixt, and was preferred by him vnto the Bishopricke of Saint Assaph: from whence the yeere 1450. he was translated to Chichester He was a great defender of the doctrine of [...], which he was constrained to recant at Paules crosse December 4. 1457. had his bookes burnt there before his face, & that not­withstanding he was depriued of his Bishopricke, hauing a certaine pension assigned to maintaine him in an Abbey, and soone after died.
  • 33. Iohn [...] Doctor of Phisicke succéeded, one of 1458 that name became Bishop of Lichfield the yeere 1496. It could not well be he, although I finde somwhat to induce me to thinke so.
  • 34. Edward Story Doctor of Diuinity was consecrate Bi­shop 1477 of Carltoll October 14. 1468. sate there nine yeeres, and was translated hether the yeere 1477. He built the new crosse in the market place.
  • 35. Richard [...] was translated from Rochester 1504 1504. and remooued hence to London 1506. See London.
  • 36. Robert Sherborne, was translated from Saint Da­uids 1508 1508. He sate Bishop of Chichester 28. yeeres, and died August 21. 1536. being 96 yeeres of age. A man very wise. often employed in Ambassages by king Henry the 7. a great housekeeper, a great almes-man, bestowed much money in [...] his church, and increased the number of the Ministers belonging thereunto.
  • 37. Richard Sampson, Doctor of Law, consecrate 1536. 1536 was translated to Lichfield 1543. March 12. See Lich­field.
  • [Page 390]38. George Day, Doctor of Diuinity, consecrate 1543. 1543 was depriued October 10. 1551. restored by Quéen [...] 1553. and died Aug. 2. 1556.
  • 39. Iohn Scory, Bacheler of Dininity, was [...] 1551 1551. displaced by Queene Mary, and afterwards [...] by Queene Elizabeth vnto the Sée of Hereford.
  • 40. Iohn Christopherson, Doctor of Diuinity, [...] of 1557 Trinity colledge in Cambridge, and Deane of Norwich, was appointed Bishop of Chichester by Quéene Mary some after the death of Day. He was borne in Lancashire, and brought vp in Saint Johns colledge in Cambridge. Aman very learned, whereof he hath left many testimonies behinde him. He was depriued by acte of Parliament in the begin­ning of the happy raigne of our now Queene Elizabeth.
  • 41. William Barlow, Doctor of Diuinity, sometimes Bi­shop 1559 of Saint Dauids, and after of Welles, was [...] Bishop of Chichester December 20. 1559. and sate [...] a­bout ten yéeres. See Welles.
  • 42. Richard [...], Doctor of Diuinity, was consecrate 1570 May 20. 1570. and after translated to Salisbury.
  • 43. Thomas Bickley Doctor of Dininity, [...] of 1585 Merton colledge in Oxford, was consecrate about the begin­ning of the yeere 1585. He was borne at Stow in Bucking­ham shire brought vp in Magdalene colledge, where he was first Chorister, then one of the Demies, and lastly fellow. In Quéene Maries time he was faine to forsake, not onely his fellowship, but the realme also. Most part of her raigne he liued in Fraunce, at Paris and Orleans. In the beginning of her Maiesties raigne, returning home, he became [...] vnto the Archbishop of Canterbury, Matth. Parker, by whose meanes he was preferred vnto the [...] of Merton colledge. Thomas Bentam Bishop of Lichfield his old acquaintance in Magdalene colledge, and his [...] in exile, bestowed vpon him moreouer the Archdeacomy of Stafford, and a Preuend in Lichfield. Hauing gouerned the said colledge twenty yéeres, he was called to the [...] [Page 391] of Chichester, where he sate 11. yéeres. He died at Alding­burne Aprill 30. 1596. being well néere 90. yéeres of age, and was honorably enterred in his Cathedrall Church of Chi­chester. He bequeathed vnto Merton colledge in Oxford 100, l. to Magdalene colledge 40, l. and diuers other summes of money to diuers other good vses.
  • 44. Anthony Watson Deane of Bristow, and one of her 1596 Maiesties chaplaines was consecrate the yeere 1596.

The Bishopricke of Chichester is valued in the Queenes bookes at 677, l. 15, d. in the Popes bookes at 333. ducats.

The Bishops of Rochester.

SAint Augustine hauing laid some [...] 604 foundation of Christian religion at Canterbury; for the farther propaga­tion of the same, thought good to cr­daine Bishops vnto other cities neere adioyning, and therefore in one [...] consecrated two, viz. [...] to Lon­don and [...] a Romaine to [...]. This was the yeere 604. About seuen yéeres after he was faine to flie the realme together with Melhtus Bishop of London, as in his life you may [...] more at large. The yeere 622. he was translated to Canterbu­ry. See Canterbury.

  • 1. Iustus therefore was the first Bishop of Rochester.
  • 2. Romanus was the second. Trauailing to Rome, [...] a 622 message betwéene Iustus the Archbishop and Honorius [...] Pope, he was drowned by the way.
  • 3. Paulinus the first Archbishop of Yorke being forced 631 thence by persecution, was content to take charge of Roche­ster (as in Yorke it shall be declared) sate there thirteene yeeres, and died October 10. 644. He was buried in the church of Saint Andrew, which Echelbert the good king of [...] from the ground.
  • 4. Ithamar was then made Bishop of Rochester, an [...] 644 by birth and education, yet nothing inferior either in life or learning vnto any of his predeccssors. He was the first Bishop of our nation I meane the first Englishman.
  • 5. [...]. After his death the See continued long 656 voyde.
  • 6. Putta at last was consecrate thereunto by [...] 669 Archb. of Canterbury. He was a very good man, but very simple, and altogether vnexpert in worldly matters. Waxing therfore soone weary of his Bishoprick, he was halfe [...] to leaue it, when Edilred king of Mercia burning his [Page 393] church and city, resolued and setled him in that determina­tion. So he went into Mercia, where he accepted the charge of a parish church vnder Saxulf Bishop there, mending his liuing by teaching a song schoole, for he was a great and cun­ning Musitian. In that kinde of life he spent the rest of his time, and could neuer abide to heare of returning to his Bi­shopricke.
  • 7. Quichelmus or Gulielmus (so Beda calleth him) a little 677 while after his ordination left his Bishoprick also, being for­ced thereunto by want and pouerty.
  • 8. Gebmundus or Godwyndus accepted it, and held it du­ring 681 his life.
  • 9. Tobias an Englishman succeeded. He was brought vp 693 vnder Theodore Archbishop of Canterbury, and Hadrian Abbot of Saint Augustines. A great learned man, a payne­full Preacher and so well seene both in the Latin and Greeke toongs, as he spake them no lesse readily then his own mother language. He died the yeere 726. and was buried in his owne church.
  • 10. Aldulfus. 727
  • 11. Dun or Duna. 740
  • 12. Eardulf. O [...]a king of Mercia gaue vnto him and his successors Freindsbury by the name of Ellingham about the yeere 77 [...]. Ecgbert a king of Kent gaue him certaine land within the Castle of Rochester the yeere 763. And Ethelbert an other king of Kent gaue him Woldham ann. 759.
  • 13. Diora, vnto him the foresaid Ecgbert (that seemeth to haue beene but some petty king, for it could uot be Egbert the fourth Christened king, that liued 100. yeeres before these times) he I say gaue to this Diora 10. ploughlands in Hal­ling, together with certaine Deanes in the Weald or common wood.
  • 14. Weremund. He died the yeere 800.
  • 15. Beornmod. He died 804. 800
  • 16. Tadnoth.
  • 17. Bedenoth.
  • 18. Godwyn the first.

    It is here to be acknowledged, that the series or Cata­logue [Page 394] of the Bishops of Rochester from Beornmod to Si­ward, euen for the space of eight score yeeres, is but very maymed and vnperfect. William [...]. affoordeth vs for all the time betweene Beda and the Conquest (330. yéeres) but nine Bishops. [...] Wigorn: mentioneth one more only. A Catalogue remaining in the Church of Roche­ster inserteth at once seuen other: vnto which I must néedes adde this first Godwyn, that was vndoubtedly Bishop of Rochester the yéeres 833. and 851. as appeareth [...] in two Charters, the one of Withlaf and the other of [...] kings of Mercia, bearing that date and confirmed [...] him. Both of them are exemplified in Ingulphus. And there­fore I should doo ill not to allow him a place although whe­ther this be his due place and order or no I am not able [...] to say.

  • 19. Cutherwulf.
  • 20. Swithulf appointed one of the Gardians of the realme to defend it against the Danes ann. 897. which yéere he died, as Asserius reporteth.
  • 21. Buiricus.
  • 22. Cheolmond.
  • 23. Chineferth.
  • 24. Burrhicus. Unto him Edmund the brother of King Athelstane, gaue the towne of Malling by the name of thrée plough lands in Mealings ann. 945.
  • 25. Alfstane.
  • 26. Godwyne 2.
    27. Godwyne 3. One of these confirmed a Charter of King Edgar exemplified in Ingulphus ann. 966. One of them also as I [...] noted, confirmed a charter concerning Wulfrunhampton [...] the yeere 996. Againe it is deliuered by Florentius Wigorn: that Godwyn Bishop of Rochester was taken prisoner by the Danes the yeere 1011. And therefore whereas Matthew Westminster and others report that king Ethelrede [...] the Bishop of Rochester in that his owne City a long time, the yéere 983. and that being warned by Saint Dunstane, he should take héede least he prouoked against him Saint An­drew Patron of that Church; yet he would not depart [...] till he had wrong from the Bishop 100. l. we néede not make [Page 395] any great doubt but the Bishop so raunsomed, was called Godwyn, although I find not his name any where set down. It should seeme then, that the See being become very poore, what through the particular troubles of these men, and the generall calanuties of the times; after their decease, it stoode void a long time, viz. vntill the yeere 1058.
  • 28. [...] Abbot of Abingdon was then consecrate. Up­on 1058 what occasion he was preferred to Rochester, you may sée in Eadsine of Canterbury pag. 25. He died (saith William Malmsbury) at Abingdon the yeere 1067. a few daies after the Conquest of England by the Normans: Howbeit it is mamfest that the yeere 1072 he liued, aud was present at that Synod gathered together about Whitsontide, begun at Winchester, and ended at Windsore, as in the third books of the same William de [...]. ye may perceiue. Whensoeuer he died, certaine it is he left behind him a miserable poore Church, destitute of all things necessary. It had not aboue foure Canons which liued very hardly, and that for the most part by the almes of such well disposed people as tooke com­passion of their pouerty.
  • 29. Arnostus. Lanfranke Archbishop of Canterbury in­tending to reduce this Church to some better order, consecra­ted Bishop vnto this See one Arnostus a monke of Becco, a man well knowen vnto him. He liued not to performe any great matter. Within a yeere after his preferment he died.
  • 30. Gundulph a monke likewise was placed in his roome 1077 by the meanes of the said Lanfranke, who also caused him to take into his church (not secular priests, as hitherto had beene accustomed) but monkes. This Bishop was a man not great­ly learned, but wise, and very industrious. For he handled the matter so, as he procured not onely his church to be new built, but also the reuenewes to be increased to that height, as at the time of his death, it did and was able to maintaine fif­ty monkes, some say 60. He was very much helped in these things by Lanfrank, that beside diuers summes of ready mo­ney which he contributed, bought a certaine mannor called Heddre, and gaue it to the church of Rochester. Morcouer, wheras Odo Earle of Kent had incroched vpon diuers lāds & [Page 396] possessions belonging to the Sées both of Canterbury and Rochester; by law they recouered them from him; [...], vnto Rochester were restored, by the meanes of [...], at the suite of Gundolph, and by the iudgement of [...] Bishop of Constantia, together with Egelrike Bishop of Chi­chester, these mannors. Dettiyng, Stoce, Preston, Daniton, and diuers other parcels. This triall was held vpon [...] hothe, where all the County were assembled at the kings commaundement to giue in euidence. Afterward he [...] a Nunry at Malling, and the hospitalt of Saint Barthelomews in Chettham: Moreouer, he built a great part of the castle of Rochester, namely the great Tower which yet stan­deth. In recompence of that charge amounting to [...] pound, the king bestowed a mannor vpon his See. [...] March 7. 1107.
  • 31. Ralf Abbot of Say, was consecrate August 11. 1108. 1108 The yéere 1114. he was translated to Canterbury. Sée Can­terbury.
  • 32. Earnulph was a Frenchman, brought vp a while vn­der 1115 Lanfranke at Becco, and after became a monke at Beau­ueys. Lanfranke, vnderstanding that he liued very [...] at Beauueys (vpon what occasion I finde not) & know­ing him to be a man of excellent good parts, aduised him to come to him into England. A while after his comming ouer, he liued a priuate monke in Canterbury, afterwards became Pryor there, then was preferred to the Abbotship of [...], and lastly, had the Bishopricke of Rochester giuen him by his predecessor the Archb. of Canterbury December 26. 1115. In all these places he so bestirred himselfe, as he left diuers notable monuments of his industrious [...]. The vpper end of Christchurch in Canterbury built by Lan­franke being fallen down, he procured to be built againe must magnificently, pauing it with marble, glasing and beautify­ing it with sundry kinde of stately ornaments. At Peterbo­rough he encreased the number of his monkes, and built [...]. A little before his comming away, that, and all other edifices of the monastery were consumed by casuall fire. Now though the diligence and long time of [...] his prede­cessor, left nothing very néedfull for him to performe at Ro­chester; [Page 397] yet would he neuer be idle, but still was either men­ding and repayring of old, or setting vp some new building. He died in the moneth of March 1124. being 84. yéeres of age. I find it reported, that he writ an history of the church of Rochester, which (if it be not perished) I wish it might be my hap to see.
  • 33. Iohn Archdeacon of Canterbury, was consecrate 1125 May 23. 1125. and died the yeere 1137. which yeere Iune 3. the church and city were burnt by casuall fire.
  • 34. [...], whom some call [...] (but falsely) died 1137 1147.
  • 35. Walter, Archdeacon of Canterbury, was the first that 1147 euer was elected by the monkes. The Archbishop of Canter­bury was woont till this time to nominate to this Bishoprick whom pleased him. Theobald the Archbishop bestowed this priuiledge vpon them. This Walter died in Iuly 1182. the 35. yeere after his consecration.
  • 36. Gualeranus, Archdeacon of Bayon succéeded, and died 1183 the yeere 1184. After his death a great controuersie arose be­tweene the monkes of Christchurch in Canterbury, and the monkes of Saint Andrewes in Rochester; they of Canter­bury alledging, that the Crosier of Rochester after the death of euery Bishop should lie vpon the altar with them, by them to be deliuered to the next Bishop. This the monkes of Ro­chester gainesaid in words, and de facto detayned the Cro­sier with them, till at last each party referring the matter to the Archbishop of Canterbury: the monkes of Rochester de­liuered into his hands the crosier, which he presently deliue­red ouer againe vnto the Pryor of Canterbury: and he soone after vnto Gilbert Glannyll the next Bishop.
  • 37. Gilbert de Glannyll, Archdeacon of Luxouia, was 1185 consecrate September 29. 1185. Betweene this man and his monkes of Rochester was long and continuall debate. By occasion whereof, he tooke away from them all their moouea­ble goods, all the ornaments of their church, their writings and euidences, yea and a great part os their lands, possessions and priuiledges. Wanting money to follow their suites a­gainst him, they were forced to coyue the siluer of Saint Pau­lines shryne into money. These controuersies were ended no [Page 398] otherwise then by his death, which happened June 24. 1214. But their hatred against him was so far from dying with him as they would affoord him no maner of obsequies, but buried him most obscurely, or rather basely, without either ringing, singing, or any other manner of solemnity. The hospitall at Strowde néere Rochester (called Neworke) was built, [...], and by him endowed with those possessions it now en­ioyeth, to wit, the value of 52, l. yéerely reuenew.
  • 38 Benedictus Chaunter of Saint Paules church in 1214 London was consecrate February 22. 1214. He died 1226.
  • 39. Henry de Sanford Archdeacon of Canterbury conse­crate 1227 1227. Within two yéeres after, it happened that Ri­chard the elect of Canterbury, Hugh of Ely and Roger of London, were to be consecrated. Ioceline Bishop of Willes challenged the perfourmance of this ceremony as due to him, for that he was the most auncient Bishop of the prouince of Canterbury. But this Bishop of Rochester alledged it belon­ged to his Sée (Canterbury being void) to consecrate all the Bishops of that prouince. With much adoo, this agréement was made betwéene them, that Rochester should consecrate the Archbishop, and Ioceline of Welles the other two. Ano­ther thing is remembred of this Bishop scarce woorthy the rehearsall, which yet I will not omit, to shew how aptmen euen of the grauest sort were to be deceaued and deluded in those times. Preaching at Sittingborne before a great audi­tory, at a time when he gaue generall orders, he declared o­penly, that God had reuealed vnto him now thrée seuerall times, how that such a day the soules of king Richard the first, Stephen Langton late Archbishop, and another priest, were deliuered out of purgatory, and no more soules that day but onely they thrée. He died February 24. 1235.
  • 40. Richard de Wendouer Parson of Bromley [...] 1238 lawfully elected Bishop of Rochester was reiected as a man vnsufficient by Edmund the Archbishop. He appealing to Rome, was confirmed there in despite of the Archbishop, with whome the Pope was very angry for withstanding his shamelesse and intollerable exactions here. He was [...] [Page 399] 1238. died 1250. and was buried at Westminster by the kings speciall commaundement, for that he was accounted a very holy and vertuous man.
  • 41. Laurentius de Sancto Martino a Chaplaine & coun­sellor 1250 of king Henry the third, gotte a dispensation from the Pope to hold al his former liuings in commendam with this Bishopricke: And yet alledging that his Bishopricke was the poorest of England, much meaner then Carltoll, & there­fore his liuing yet vnable to maintaine the port of a Bishop; he neuer ceased till he had ertorted from the Cleargy of his Dioces a graunt of a fift part of all their spirituall liuings for fiue yeeres, and appropriated vnto his See for euer the Parsonage of Freindsbury. [...] the Archbishop of Canterbury vsed this man hardly, inuading his possessions, & violently taking from him without all right diuers things of old belonging to his Bishopricke. He complained vnto the king, vnto whose Quéene, [...] was vncle The king an­swered him in plaine tearmes, he knew he should offend his wife much, if he should become a stickler betweene them, wished him to seeke some other remedy, if by importunity he inforced him to interpose his authority, he should doo him more hurt then good. Hereupon he sought vnto the Pope, but he, was so neere a neighbour to the Duke of Sauoy the Arch­bishops brother, as perceiuing quickly little good was to be done there, he was fame to take patience for an amends, and so sit him downe. He departed this life the yeere 1274.
  • 42. Walter de [...] Lord Chauncellor of England, 1274 long before he was Bishop (to wit the yeere 1264.) began the foundation of a Colledge at Maldon in Surrey, but 10 yeers after, changing his purpose, left that, & erected that which we now call Merton Colledge in Oxford, indewing it with (in effect) all the lands that now it possesseth. About the same time, viz. the yeere 1274. he became Bishop of Rochester, and liuing there but onely foure yéeres, died vpon Saint Lukes day, 1278. He lyeth buried vnder a reasonable plaine Mar­ble toombe in the North Ile of his church of Rochester, almost ouer against the Bishops Sée.
  • 43. Iohn de Bradfeild, a Monke and Chaunter of the 1279 [Page 400] Church of Rochester, was consecrate 1279. and died 1282.
  • 44. Thomas Inglethorp, Deane of Saint Paules Church 1282 in London, consecrate 1282. died in the moneth of June 1291.
  • 45. Thomas de Wuldham, Prior of Rochester. 1291
  • 46. Haymo, Confessor to king Edward the second, [...] na­med at Heathe (or rather de Heathe) of the Towne of [...] in Kent where he was borne. He built much at Hawling the yeere 1323. to wit, the Hall and high front of the Bishops place there now standing, reedified the Wall at Holborough néere vnto it, & repaired the rest of the buildings in the same house, as he did also at Troscliff another mannor house be­longing to this Sée. Moreouer in the Towne of Hithe [...] named, he founded the Hospitall of Saint [...], for reliefe of 10. poore people, endewing the same with 20. markes of yéerely reuenew. The yéere 1352. he resigned his Bishopricke into the Popes hands.
  • 47. Iohn de Shepey. He was made Treasurer of England 1352 the yeere 1358.
  • 48. William Wittlesey, translated to Worceter 1363 and after to Canterbury Sée Canterbury.
  • 49. Thomas Trilleck. He died 1372. 1363
  • 50. Thomas Brinton sometime a Benedictine Monke of 1372 Norwich, trauailed in many places, and lastly comming to Rome, preached in Latine before the Pope many learned ser­mons, which he left in writing behind him. For them & other exercises wherein he shewed himselfe to his great commen­dation, he was much admired, and became very famous. The Pope also made him his Penitentiary, & bestowed vpon him the Bishopricke of Rochester. He was Confessor vnto king Richard the 2. and died 1389.
  • 51. William de Bottlesham, or Boltsham, whom Wal­singham, 1389 Bale, and other call (but I doubt not falsely) Iohn Bottlesham was borne at Bottlesham in Cambridgeshire, from whence he tooke his name. He was a Frier preacher, a Doctor of Diuinitie, greatly accounted of for his learning, more for his eloquence and rare gift in preaching, for which also he was much estéemed by king Richard the 2. preferred by his meanes vnto the Bishopricke of Landaffe, and after (notwithstanding the election of on Richard Barnet) transla­ted [Page 401] vnto Rochester. He died the yéere 1401. in the moneth of May.
  • 52. Iohn Boltsham, or Bottlesham, Chaplaine vnto the 1402 Archbishop of Canterbury, after the time of his consecration neuer sawe his Cathedrall church.
  • 53. Richard Yoong made the windowes of the parrish church of Freindsbury.
  • 54. Iohn Kempe, was translated first to Chichester 1422. 1418 then to London, and after that to Yorke and Canterbury. Sée Canterbury.
  • 55. Iohn Langdon, a monke of Canterbury. He was borne 1422 in Kent, and brought vp in Oxford, where he procéeded doctor of Diuinitie. A man very well learned, in histories and anti­quities especially he was very well seene. Amongst other things, I finde he writ a Chronicle of England, which whe­ther it be yet extant or no I know not. He died at the Coun­cell of Basill 1434.
  • 56. Thomas Browne. He being at the Councell of Basill, 1434 was elected to Norwich, and shortly after translated thither, before he wist of any such businesse toward. See Norwich.
  • 57. William Wels, Abbot of Yorke. He died 1443. 1436
  • 58. Iohn Lowe, a white Monke, Doctor of Diuinitie, 1443 and Prouinciall of his order, was preferred vnto the Bishop­ricke of Saint Assaph by king Henry the 6. in regard of his great learning and painfulnesse in preaching. After that, hee also procured him to be translated to Rochester 1443. He writ diuers good workes very well woorth reading, and was a carefull searcher after good bookes, so as diuers copies of some auncient fathers had vtterly perished but for his diligence. He died the yeere 1467. and lieth buried in his owne Cathedrall church ouer against Bishop Merton, where he hath a same marble toombe, the inscription being not yet altogether de­faced.
  • 59. Thomas Rotheram, translated to Lincolne 1471. and 1467 after to Yorke. Sée Yorke.
  • 60. Iohn Alcocke, translated to Worcester 1476. and af­ter 1471 to Ely. Sée Ely.
  • 61. Iohn Russell, translated to Lincolne, 1480. Sée Lin­colne. 1476
  • [Page 402]62. Edmund Audley, translated to [...]. 1480 Sée Salisbury.
  • 63. Thomas Sauage, translated to London and Yorke. [...] 1493 Yorke.
  • 64. Richard Fitz iames, translated to Chichester 1504. 1496 and after to London. Sée London.
  • 65. Iohn Fisher, Doctor of Diuinitie. For denying [...] ac­knowledge 1504 the kings supremacy in ecclestasticall matters, he was executed on Tower hill June 22. 1535. being made Cardinall about a moneth before. His head was set on Lon­don bridge, and his body buried in Barking churchyard.
  • 66. Iohn Fisher, commonly called the blacke Frier of 1535 Bristow.
  • 67. Nicholas Heath, became Bishop of Rochester about the yéere 1539. was remooued to Worceter, 1543. and after to Yorke. Sée Yorke.
  • 68. Henry Holbech, translated to Lincolne 1547. 1544
  • 69. Nicolas Ridley, conseccated in September 1547. was 1547 translated to London 1549. Sée London.
  • 70. Iohn Poynet, consecrated Aprill 3. 1549. was tran­slated 1549 to Winchester within a yéere after. See Winton.
  • 71. Iohn Scory, consecrated 1550. was depriued in the be­ginning 1550 of Quéene Mary, and by Quéene Elizabeth preferred to Hereford.
  • 72. Maurice Griffyn, Archdeacon of Rochester, was con­secrated 1554 Aprill 1. 1554.
  • 73. Edmund Guest, consecrated Ianuary 21. 1559. was 1559 translated to Salisbury December 24. 1571.
  • 74. Edmund Freake, doctor of Diuinitie, consecrated 1571 March 9. 1571. was translated to Norwich, 1576. and after to Worceter.
  • 75. Iohn Piers, doctor of Diuinitie, Deane of Christ [...] 1576 in Oxford, consecrated March 10. 1576. was translated to Salisbury 1577 and after to Yorke.
  • 76. Iohn Yoong, doctor of Diuinitie consecrated 1578. yet 1578 liueth.

This Bishoprick is valued in the Exchequer at 358. l. 3. s. 7. d. farthing, in the Popes bookes at 1300. ducates.

The Bishops of Oxford.

ABout the yéere of our Lord 730. there liued a Duke of Oxford called Didan. He had a daughter of excellent beauty named Frideswyde, who though she had many importunate suters, men of great wealthand nobility; yet desiring to serue God in such sort as she thought might be most acceptable vnto him, would néedes dedicate her selfe vnto a sole and Monasticall life. Amongst the rest of her wooers, there was one a yoong Gentleman of great power (some say he was a King) his name was Algarus. He not preuayling by intreaty, thought to vse force; and vpon a time, getting company about him, had almost seased vpon his desired pray; which he had so nar­rowly beset, as she had no way to escape his hands, but by flying into a wood. Thither also he followed her, and that so néere, as leauing it, she had much adoo to recouer Oxford. Perceiuing then that neither she was able to fly any further for wearinesse, nor yet to withstand him there; she called vn­to God for assistance against this importunate louer, who thereupon (as the story saith) was miraculously stricken blind; And he continued in that case, till by her prayers he recouered his sight againe. Upon this occasion (saith Willi­am Malmsbury and the rest of our Histories) the Kings of England tooke a conceite, that it was not safe for any Prince to enter Oxford, in so much, as euery one, being loath to ven­ture the tryall of it in himselfe, it was euer auoyded by them, till the time that King Henry the third prooued it altogether vaine by his owne experience. In this place, Didan, by the intreaty of his daughter, built a Monastery for Nunnes, and appointed her the Abbesse. It happened then obout the yéere of grace 847. in the time of King Egelred, that certaine Danes flying into this Monastery to saue their liues from the bloody cruelty of the English pursuing them; when other­wise [Page 404] they could not [...] gotten out, the Monastery was [...], and they all burnt in the same; But it was reedified shortly after by the said king, and further enriched with diuers pos­sessions This notwithstanding, soone after it sell into won­derfull great decay, so as no body caring to inhabite the same, it was giuen by William the Conqneror vnto the Abbey of Abingdon for a Cell or remoouing house. They not [...] estéeming it, were content that Roger Bishop of Salisbury their Ordinary, should confirme it vnto one [...]. Chaplaine vnto king Henry the first, a man, wise, learned, and religious, that tooke vpon him to place Regular [...] in the same. He did so the yéere 1110. became [...]; of this new (or rather renewed) Monastery himselfe, tooke-other vnto him, repayred in very good sort the ruinous [...], and by the fauour of King Henry the first, recouered [...] it what lands soeuer had béene giuen heretofore vnto the Nunnes. In this state then it continued, vntill that [...] Woolsey gotte licence to conuert it into a Colledge 1524. calling it by the name of the Cardinals Colledge. [...] leauing it vnperfect, it pleased King Henry the eight of [...] memory, to giue it a foundation, by the name of Colle­gium [...] exfundatione Regis Henrici Octaui, and more­uer made it the Sée of a new erected Cathedrall Church, pla­cing in it not onely a Bishop, but also a Deane, [...], a [...] and other officers, besides 100. [...] that he appointed to be maintained in the same, of [...] number my selfe some times was one.

1. Robert King.

THis new erected Episcopall Sée was first established in the Abbey of Osney, where Robert King the last Ab­bot of the same house, and the first Bishop of Oxford had his Installation the yéere 1541. About fiue yéeres after, to wit, an 1546. it was remooued vnto Christchurch, then commonly called the Cardinals colledge. This Robert King being yet Abbot of Osney, was consecrate a titulary Bishop by the name of Episcopus Roanensis, which is a Sée in the Prouince of the Archbishopricke of Athens. He was transla­ted [Page 405] from this imaginary Bishopricke to Oxford the yéere 1541. (as before is mensioned) taken away by death Decem­ber 4. 1557. and is entoombed on the North side of the East end of the quier in his owne church, where is this Epitaphe to be seene.

Hic [...] Robertus King S. Theologiae professor & prioous Episcopus Oxon. quiobijt 4. die Decemb. 1557.

2. Hugh Curwyn.

HVgh Curwyn or Coren, Doctor of Law, first Archdea­con of Oxford, and Deane of Hereford, then Archbishop of Dublyn, and Lord Chauncellor of Ireland was translated from thence to Oxford (a place of lesse honor, but more quiet) October 14. 1567. Hauing sate there little more then a yeere, he died at Swynbrooke, néere to Burford, and was buried in the parish church there Nouember 1. 1568.

3. Iohn Vnderhyll.

AFter his death, the Bishopricke continued voyde ma­ny yéeres. At last it pleased her Maiestie to bestow it vpon a chaplaine of her owne, Iohn Vnderhyll, doctor of diuinity, and Rector of Lincolne colledge in Oxford. He was consecrate thereunto in December 1589. died in the be­ginning of May 1592. and was buried in the middle of the quier of his Cathedrall church toward the vpper end.

This Bishoprick of Oxford is valued at 354, l, 16, s, 3, d. farthing.

The Bishops of Glocester.

OSrike king of Northumberland, foun­ded a Nunry in the city of [...], about the yeere of our Lord 700. Kine­burg, Eadburg, and Eua, Quéenes of Mercia, were Abbesses of this mona­stery one after another. It was de­stroyed by the Danes and lay wasle, vntill that Aldred Archbishop of Yorke began to reedifie the same about the yéere 1060. replenished it with monkes, and erected from the very foundation that goodly church, which is now the [...] Sée of that Dioces. Being giuen into the hands of king Henry the eight by Parliament, it pleased him to alot the [...] of it vnto the mayntenance of a Bishop, a Deane, sixe Prebendaries, and other ministers.

  • 1. Iohn Wakeman, Abbot of Teuksbury, was the first Bi­shop of this new erection. He prouided a toombe for his place of buriall at Teuksbury in the North side of a little chappell, standing Southeast from the high altar. Part of it yet [...]. But his body lyeth at Worthington where he died a house belonging vnto the Bishopricke of Glocester.
  • 2. Iohn Hooper Bishop of Worceter held Glocester in Commendam with Worceter, by the licence of king Edward the sixt. His life, actions, and Heroicall end are written at large by Master Foxe.
  • 3. Iames Brookes Doctor of Diuinity, and Master of Baylioll colledge in Oxford succéeded him.
  • 4. Richard Cheyney, Bacheler of Diuinity was conse­crate April 19. 1562. He died the yéere 1578. Both he and his predecessor lye buried in one vault with Abbot Parker the [...] [Page 407] Abbot. His toombe standeth in a little chappell on the North side of the Presbytery almost ouer against the Bishops Sée.
  • 5. Iohn Bullingham, Doctor of Diuinity, was consecrate September 3. 1581. the Sée hauing beene voyd almost three yeeres He died about the 20. day of May. 1598.
  • 6. Godfry Goldsborough, Doctor of Diuinity and Arch­deacon of Worceter, was consecrate Nouemb. 19. 1598.

The Bishopricke of Glocester is valued in the Queenes bookes at 315, l. 17, s. 2, d.

The Bishops of Peterborough.

IN the middle of the riuer of [...], (which runneth by the south side [...] Peterborough) there is a whirlpoole of infinite depth, that by reason of springs continually arising there, in the coldest winter was yet neuer quite frozen ouer. This place in [...] time was called Medefwell, and the towne adioyning (taking name of it) Medeswell- [...], or Medeshamstead. Peada the sonne of Penda, the first Chri­stian king of Mercia, began the foundation of a monastery there, the yéere 656. but was taken away by the treachery of his wife before he could bring it to any perfection. Wolpher his brother was so farre from endeuouring to finish this worke, as being an obstinate Pagane, he put to death [...] and Ruffyn two of his owne sonnes, for no other cause then this, that they were Christians Afterwards notwithstanding it pleased God so to touch his heart, as of a persecuting Saul [...] became a good Paul, and in token of his griefe and sorrow for his cruelty to his sonnes, determined to builde vp this mona­stery, in the most magnificent and stately manner he could [...], which indéed he performed, being very much holpen in the same by the contribution of Ethelred his brother, as also of Kineburg, and Kineswith his sisters, who as (W. [...] deliuereth, doo there ly buried. This Monastery he dedica­ted vnto Saint Peter, and appointed one Saxulf (by whose perswasion he tooke in hand this worke) to be the first [...] of the same. (He afterwards became Bishop of Lichfield.) Two hundred yéeres after the first foundation and somewhat more, it flourished in wealth, and great prosperity, to [...], vntill the comming of the Danes, who slew the Monkes and vtterly destroyed all those sumptuous buildings erected by Wolpher. Hauing then layen desolate 109. yéeres; Ethel­wold Bishop of Winchester (a great Patron of Monkery) [Page 409] reedified it. He had begun a new Oundale at Northampton in Northampton shire, when by chaunce comming to this place, he thought good to omitte that former and to bestow his cost here. So he made a parish church of his building at Oundale, and reedified this decayed Monastery of Medeshamstead In digging vp some of the old foundations, it is remembred there were found stones of such huge greatnesse, as eight yoke of Oren were scarce able to draw one of them away. King Ed­gar holp the Bishop much in this foundation, and Aldulf that was Chauncellor vnto the said king, partly for deuotion, partly for malcontentment and greefe, that he had layen vpon his onely child and so [...] him in his sleepe, bestowed all his substance vpon it, and betaking himselfe vnto a monasticall life, became Abbot there. After him Kenulfus another Abbot compassed about this Monastery with a strong Wall about the yéere of our Lord 1000. And then (saith W. Malmsbury) because it bare the shew of a towne or burrough, it began to leaue the old name, and to be called altogether Burgh or Bur­rough. and sometimes (because it was dedicated vnto Saint Peter) Peterburrough. Through the liberality of diuers Be­nefactors it grew to that greatnesse of wealth and possessions, as all the Countrey round about belonged vnto it. In that state it continued till that fatall day of all our Monasteries, at what time it pleased King Henry the eight, to conuert the same into a Cathedrall Church and to imploy the reuenewes vpon the maintenance of a Bishop, a Deane, 6. Prebendaries, and other Ministers necessary for the celebration of Diuine seruice. Northamtonshire, and Kutlandshire were ta­ken from Lincolne and appointed the Dioces of this newe crected Sée.

1. Iohn Chambers.

IOhn Chambers the last Abbot of Peterborough, was the first Bishop.

2. Dauid Poole.

DAuid Poole Doctor of Law, Deane of the Arches, and sometimes Chauncellor of the Dioces of Lichfield.

3. Edmund Scambler.

EDmund Scambler was consecrate Ianuary 16. 1560. and the yéere 1584. remooued to Norwich. Sée Norwich.

4. Richard Howland.

RIchard Howland Doctor of Diuinity and Master of Saint Iohns Colledge in Cambridge succéeded. He died in the moneth of Iune, 1600.

5. Thomas Doue.

THomas Doue Deane of Norwich, and Chaplaine to her Maiesty, was consecrate in the end of the yéere. 1600.

This Bishoprick is valued in the Exchecquer at 414, l. 19, s. 11, d.

The Bishops of Bristoll.

RObert, surnamed Fitz-Harding, be­cause his father (that was sonne vnto the king of Denmarke) was called Harding; this Robert (I say) being a citizen of Bristoll, and sometimes Maior there, founded the monastery of Saint Augustines néere vnto the said city, and placed Channons in the same, the yere 1148. being the 14. yere of king Stephen. This foundation was afterwards confir­med and augmented by king Henry the second, who so great­ly fauoured the author of the same, as he preferred him to the marriage of the daughter and sole heire of the Lord Barkley. Of them are descended all the Lord Barkleys since that time. And many of them, as challenging an interest in this founda­tion of their auncestors, haue chosen the church there for the place of their buriall. In that church it pleased king Henry the eight to erect an Episcopall Sée, and to conuert the reuenues of the same vnto the maintenance of a Bishop, a Deane, sixe Prebendaries, and other officers. The Dioces of this Bi­shopricke is the city of Bristoll and the county of Dorset.

1. Paul Bush.

PAul Bush Prouinciall of the [...], was the first Bishop of Bristoll: a man well learned both in diuinity and phisicke, as his workes yet extant may testifie, writ­ten in both kindes, some in prose, some in verse. In the begin­ning of Quéene Maries raigne he was depriued for being maried, and died vnhappily a few daies before her. He lieth entoombed on the North side of the quier ouer against the Bi­shops See in a séemely monument thus inscribed: Hiciacet D. Paulus Bush primus huius ecclesiae Episcopus, qui obijt 11. die Octob. an. dom. 1558. aetatis suae 68. cuius animae, &c.

2. Iohn Holyman.

IOhn Holyman was appointed Bishoppe of Bristoll by Quéene Mary, his predecessor yet liuing, and died about the same time that he did.

3. Richard Cheyny.

RIchard Chey [...] consecrate Bishop of Glocester Apr. 19. 1562. was allowed to how Bristoll in [...] with Glocester, and so did for the space of 16. yéeres, viz. vntill his death, which happened the yéere 1578.

4. Iohn Bullingham.

Iohn Bullingham succéeded him in both these Bishopricks.

5. Richard Fletcher.

RIchard [...] doctor of diuinity and Deane of [...] was consecrate Bishop of Bristoll (Bishop Bullingham yet liuing) in December 1589. When as the Sée had stoode voyde (otherwise then as it was held by Commendam) 31. yeres. In the end of the yéere 1593. he was translated to Worceter, and soone after to London. Sée Lon­don.

Bristoll is valued at 383, l. 8, s. 4, d.

The Bishops of S. Dauids.

THe British histories doo all report that in this Island at the first planting of Christian religion here, there were established 28. Episcopall Sees (as in Saint Aug. of Canterbury I haue be­fore declared.) Of these 28. three were Archbishoprickes, London, York, and Carlegion, or Caerlheon vpon Usk in Monmouthshire. At Carleon (which was then a great and populous City) in the time of King Arthur, sate [...] the sonne of Eurdila a gentlewoman of great birth, but who was his father it was neuer knowen. He was a man of excellent learning and singular integrity, in regard whereof, when first he had taken great paines many yéeres, as well in teaching and reading vnto his schollers (whereof he had a great num­ber) as in preaching vnto the people; he was appointed first Bishop of Landaff; and hauing stayed there no long time, was made Archbishop of all Wales, by Germanus and [...] two Bishops of Fraunce, that were intreated by [...] Ambrosius king of Britaine, to come ouer and yeelde their best helpe for extinguishing the [...] heresie, that had then taken great roote in this Countrey. Vther [...] being dead, he crowned Vther Pendragon, and afterward that great Arthar king of this Island, and waring old, resig­ned his Bishopricke vnto Dauid a disciple of his. He died and was buried in the Isle of Enlhi, now called Bardsey (where he lead a solitary life many yeeres) Nouember 14. ann 612. His bones were afterwards remooued to Landaff by [...] Bishop there, May 7. 1120.

1. Saint Dauid.

DAuid before named, was vncle vnto king Arthur, [...] son of Xantus a Prince of Wales, begotten vpon one Melearia a Nunne. A man very learned, eloquent, [...] incredible austerity, of life and conuersation. He was also ve­ry tall of stature, and of a comely personage. By his diligence, [...] was quite rooted out, and many earnest profes­sors of the same conuerted vnto the truth. With the consent of king Arthur, he remooued his Sée from Caerlegion to [...], which euer since of him is called of the Welch Twy Dewi, and of vs Saint Dauids. A place neither pleasant, fer­tile, or [...]: For (as Giraldus Cambr. reporteth of it) it is neither furnished with wood, watered with riuers, beautified with medowes, nor inriched with any kind of fruitfull [...]; affoording plentifully nothing but rockes and barren hils ve­hement winds, and tempests, and lastly the dangers and in­iuries whereunto solitary places néere the Sea are subiect by Pyrates and otherwise. It séemeth he [...] the frequency of people at [...], as a meanes to withdraw him from contemplation, whereunto that he might be more free, he made choice of this place for his Sée rather then for any fit­nesse of the same otherwise. He sate long, to witte, 65. yéeres and died at last ann. 642. (hauing first built 12. Monasteries in the Countrey thereabout) being now 146. yéeres of age, as Bale out of the British histories reporteth. He was buried in his owne Cathedrall Church, and many hundreth yéeres after Canonised a Saint by Pope Calixtus the second. Many things are reported of him incredible, & therefore not worth rehearsing, although I doubt not but God affoorded many miracles to the first infancy of our Church, neither therefore would I be so peremptory in derogating too much from such reports as we sée no reason why they may not be true. Of him they say, that his birth was foretold [...]. yéeres before hand, that he was alwaies attended by an Angell that kept him company, that he bestowed vpon the waters at [...] that extraordinary heate they haue, and (to repeat no more, for this is much more then any discrete man will beléeue) that [Page 415] vpon a time preaching to a great multitude of people, at Bre­uy, the plaine ground grew vp in their sight, and increased vnder his féete vnto a pretty hillocke.

After Saint Dauidsate successiuely these, as Giraldus setteth them downe.
  • 2. Cenanc.
  • 3. Eliud or Teilau.
  • 4. Ceneu.
  • 5. Morwal.
  • 6. Haerunen, or Haernurier.
  • 7. Elwaed.
  • 8. Gurnuen.
  • 9. Lendiuord.
  • 10. Gorwyst.
  • 11. Gorgan.
  • 12. Cledaue.
  • 13. Anian.
  • 14. Eluoed.
  • 15. Ethelmen.
  • 16. Elanc.
  • 17. Malscoed.
  • 18. Sadermen.
  • 19. Catellus.
  • 20. Sulhaithnay.
  • 21. Nonis.
  • 22. Etwall.
  • 23. Asser.
  • 24. Arthuael.
Acertaine antiquity belonging vnto the Church of Saint Dauid, reporteth a Catalogue somewhat different from this of Giraldus, to wit, this that followeth:
  • 1. Saint Dauid.
  • 2. Eliud.
  • 3. Theliaus.
  • [Page 416]4. Kenea.
  • 5. Morwal.
  • 6. Haernurier.
  • 7. Eluaeth.
  • 8. Gurnel.
  • 9. Lendywyth.
  • 10. Gorwist.
  • 11. Gorgan.
  • 12. Cledaucke.
  • 13. Eynaen.
  • 14. Eludgeth.
  • 15. Eldunen.
  • 16. Eluaeth.
  • 17. Maelsehwyth.
  • 18. Madenew.
  • 19. Catulus.
  • 20. Syluay.
  • 21. Namys.
  • 22. Sathueney.
  • 23. Doythwall.
  • 24. Asser.
  • 25. Athuael.
  • 26. Sampson.

Of these forenamed Bishops, vntill Sampson, there [...] no memoriall, but their names onely. In his time, the Sée of Saint Dauid had seuen Bishops Suffragans [...] vnto it (as the foresaid antiquity declareth) to wit, Exceter, Bathe, Hereford, Landaff, Bangor, Saint Assaph, & Fernes in Ireland. While he was Bishop, it happened, the people of all that countrey were woonderfully vexed with the Iaun­dise, so as, great numbers of them died daily of that disease. By the [...] of his cleargy and disciples, he was in­duced to fly the countrey, and sayled into Britaine, where the Bishopricke of Dola being void, he was straight way [...] vnto the same. He had brought thither with him the Archie­piscopall pall of Saint Dauid, and vsed it during his life, as did also his successors for many yéeres, vntill they were [...] by the Pope, atthe suite of the Archbishop of [...] to leaue it, and make profession of obedience vnto him, [...] [Page 417] former times. By this occasion it fell out, that she successors of Sampson in Saint Dauids, what for want of their pall, or for pouerty, or negligence, or by some other occasion, lost their title of Archbishop, and to this day neuer recouered the same. Howbeit they vsed all authority belonging to an Archbishop, by consecrating of other Bishops, &c. Neither euer did they make profession of subiection vnto Canterbury vntil the time of Henry the 1. king of England, whereof we shal speak more hereafter.

After Sampson succeeded these:
  • 26. Rucline.
  • 27. Rodherch.
  • 28. Elguin.
  • 29. Lunuerd, or Lywarch.
  • 30. Nergu, or Vergw.
  • 31. [...], or [...].
  • 32. Eneuris.
  • 33. Morgeneu. This man (saith Giraldus) of all the Bi­shops of S. Dauids, presumed first to eate flesh, which none of them had euer done before him. For punish­ment of which haynous offence, he supposeth it fel out, that afterwards he was murthered of Pirates; repor­ting withall, how that after his death he appoored to a Bishop in Ireland, vsing these words: Quia carnes co­medi, caro factus sum: For eating of flesh, I am now become nothing but flesh.
  • 34. [...].
  • 35. Ieuan. He continued Bishop one onely night.
  • 36. Argustell.
  • 37. Morgenueth.
  • 38. Eruyn, or Hernnn, a godly and learned man, died an. 1038.
  • 39. Trameriu, or Carmerin.
  • 40. Ioseph.
  • 41. Bleithud. He died the [...] 1070.
  • 42. Sulghein. He for sooke his Bishopricke the yéere 1076.
  • 43. Abraham. The yere 1078. or therabout S. [...] was spoyled and destroyed by strangers, and Abraham the [Page 418] Bishop what through [...] or [...]. [...] [...] was constrained to [...] his [...], [...] notwithstanding he [...] about the [...] 1085. and 1088. died being 80. yéeres of age, the [...] and [...] man, and the greatest Clerke in al [...]; so saith the [...] Chronicle of him.
  • 44. After him a sonne of his called Rythmarch succéeded (as the Chronicle of Wales deliuereth) and died about the yéere 1100. the godliest, wisest, and greatest Clerks that had beene heere in [...] many yeeres before, sauing his father, (saith the Chronicle) who had brought him vp, and a great number of learned disciples.
  • 45. Wylfred. He died the yéere 1115. It séemeth the [...] Chronicle calleth him Griffri.
  • 46. Bernard, a Norman, Chaplaine vnto king Henry the first, and Chauncellour to his Queene, was [...] by the Archbishop of Canterbury July 12. 1115. not [...] by the Clergie of Wales, (as hitherto had béene [...]) but forced vpon them by the king that had then newly con­quered Wales. This man being in great [...] with the king, and [...] vpon the goodnesse of his [...], beg in to take on him the [...] of [...], and caused his [...] som­times in Wales to be [...] before him. After long [...] and much money spent in this cause [...] him and the Arch­bishop of Canterbury, Bernard had preuailed at the [...] (as [...]. [...]) had not two [...] witnesses deposed a flat [...] in the [...] of the Pope. Giraldus aforesaid doubteth not confidently to [...] that the power and wealth of the Archbishops of Canterbury hath ouerborne the poore Bishops of Saint Dauids in this mat­ter without all right. This Bishop (saith Giraldus) was a man in some other respects praise woorthy, but vnreasonable proud and ambitious, as most of the Englishmen were that in those times were thrust into Welch Bishopricks. Againe he was a very euill husband vnto his Church, [...] di­uers landes, and letting others for the tenth peny of that his predecessors made of them, so thinking to make a way by gra­tifying of Courtiers, vnto some better Bishopricke in Eng­land. He was deceaued of his expectation. Hauing béene Bi­shop [Page 219] of Saint Dauids about the space of 33. yéeres he died ann. 1148.
  • 46. Dauid Fitz-gerald, Archdeacon of Cardigan succée­ded. He died the yéere 1176.
  • 47. Peter, or Piers, (so the Welch Chronicle calleth him) a Benedictine monke, Prior of Wenlock, was consecrated the same yéere. His Cathedrall Church dedicated vnto Saint Andrew and Saint Dauid, had beene often destroyed in for­mer times by Danes and other pyrats, and in his time was almost quite [...]; He bestowed much in reedifying of the same, and may in sonie sort be said to haue built the church which now standeth.
  • 48. [...], Prior of Lanthony, aregular Chanon, was preserred to this See by the meanes of Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury.
  • 49. [...] Giraldus, was borne in Pembrooke shire, néere Tynby, of very noble parentage, being neere of kinne vnto the Princes of Wales; a very comely and personable man of body, and for his minde, wittie, discrete, studious, ver­tuous and well giuen. In his youth he trauailed ouer most part of Christendome. At Paris he read publikely in the En­glish Colledge with great commendation. Returning home, he grew into great estimation with king Henry the 2. and be­came Secretary vnto his sonne Iohn, with whom he went in­to Ireland, and being there, writ a description of the coun­trey, as he did also of England and Wales. Some affir me he was Archdeacon of Landaff; of Brecknock and Saint Da­uids he was for certaine. Being elect vnto this See an. 1199. he made challenge vnto the title of an Archbishop at Rome, which controuersie how it was debated and ended, yee may read at large in R. Houeden, his report of the yeere aforesaid. He was once accused oftreason, but happily acquitted, liued till he was 70. yéeres of age and vpward, and dying, was bu­ried in his owne church. He writ many bookes, the Cata­logue whereof yee may finde in Bale.
  • 50. [...], or Edward, was consecrate 1215.
  • 51. Alselmus.
  • 52. Thomas, Archdeacon of Lincolne, a Welchman, and a great [...], forsaking other good preferments, accepted of [Page 420] this Bishopricks (being a miserable poore thing at that [...]) the yeere 1247.
  • 53. Richard Carren.
  • 54. Thomas Beck. He founded two colleges, one at [...], and another at Llan dewy breuy.
  • 55. Dauid Martyn.
  • 56. Henry Gower. He built the Bishops pallace at Saint Dauids, and died the yeere 1347.
  • 57. Iohn Theresby, or Thorsby, translated to [...] 1349. and thence to Yorke, 1352.
  • 58. Reginald Brian, translated likewise to Worceter, 1352.
  • 59. Thomas Fastocke, died the yéere 1361.
  • 60. Adam Houghton, founded a colledge néere to the Ca­thedrall church of S. Dauid. He was Chauncellour of Eng­land for a time, about the yéere 1376.
  • 61. Iohn Gilbert, Bishop of Bangor, was translated [...] Hereford 1376. and thence hither 1389. Sée Hereford.
  • 62. Guido de Mona, died the yéere 1407. who while [...] li­ued (saith Walsingham) was a cause of much mischiefe.
  • 63. Henry [...], was consecrated at Siena by the Popes owne hands, Iune 12. 1409. sate 5 yeeres and was translated to Canterbury, Sée Canterbury.
  • 64. Iohn Keterich, or Catarick, sometimes Archdeacon of Surrey, was translated hence to Couentry [...] the yéere 1415. and after to Oxceter.
  • 65. Stephen Patrington, a Iacobine Fryer as one [...], or rather a Carmelite as an other saith, being at the Counsell of Constance, was by the Pope translated to Chichester in December, 1417. (as the records of Saint Dauids [...] af­firme.) Howbeit, other say (and I take it to be true) that he refused to accept of the Popes gift.
  • 66. Benet Nicols, Bishop of Bangor succéeded him.
  • 67. Thomas Rodburne, a man of great learning, was brought vp in Oxford, and became first [...] of [...], then Bishop of Saint Dauids. He write diuers [...], amongst the rest an history or Chronicle. The yéere 1434. the king [...] to translate him to Ely, but could not effect it.
  • [Page 421]67. William Lynwood, Doctor of Law was first Chaun­cellor to the Archbishop of Canterbury then kéeper of the pri­uy seale, hauing beene first imployed in Embassages to the kings of Spaine, Portugall, and other Princes. He writ much. Amongst other his works, he is famous for putting in order such Prouinciall constitutions as had beene made by the Archbishops of Canterbury from the time of Stephen Langton vnto Henry [...]. He florished about the yéere 1440. but iust what time he became Bishop, or when he died I can not tell. He lyeth buried at Saint Stephens in West­minster.
  • 68. Iohn Longton died within 15. dayes after his conse­cration.
  • 69. Iohn de le Beere.
  • 70. Robert Tully a monke of Glocester. This man I take to be him, that by the name of Robert [...] is said to haue beene translated to Chichester the yéere 1508.
  • 71. Richard Martyn.
  • 72. Thomas Langton.
  • 73. Hugh Pauy. He impropred to the Uicars Chorall of Saint Dauids, the Church of Llan Saint Fred.
  • 74. Iohn Morgan died in the Priory of Caermerthin, and was buried in his owne Church.
  • 75. [...] Vaughan built a new Chappell in his church of Saint Dauid.
  • 76. Richard Rawlyns.
  • 77. William Barlowe, translated to Welles (hauing safe here 10. yéeres) about the yéere 1548. and after to Chichester. See Welles.
  • 78. Robert Farrar, ended his life in the fire for profession of his faith, the history whereof, and of his whole life are to be read in Master Foxe.
  • 79. Henry Morgan died December 23. 1559.
  • 80. Thomas Yong, staying here but a very short time, was translated to Yorke February 25. 1561. See Yorke.
  • 81. Richard Dauyes Bishop of Saint Assaph.
  • 82. Marmaduke Middleton Bishop of Waterford in Ire­land.
  • [Page 422]83. Anthony Rudde Doctor of Diuinity, borne in York­shire, brought vp in Cambridge, hauing béene for the space of 9. yéeres Deane of Glocester, was consecrate Iune 9. [...].

The Bishopricke of Saint Dauids is valued in the [...] at 426, l. 22, d. ob. and in the [...] bookes at 1500. ducates.

The Bishops of Landaff.

  • THe Cathedrall church of Landaff is re­ported to haue beene first built in the time of king [...], about the yéere of Christ 180. But I perceiue not that any Bishop sate there before [...] y t by [...] Bishop of Altisiodore, & Lupus of Trecasia (two Bishops of Fraunce) was remooued to the Archbi­shoprick of Caerleon. Of y t occasion of their double iourney in­to these parts for they were twice héere) & of [...], whom former ages haue made a Saint, see more in the beginning of Saint Dauids. So we must account Saint [...] the first Bishop of Landaff; not that I deny any other to haue sate there before him, but because he is the first whose name is re­membred: And it is probable he had no predecessors, because the memory of all his successors is so carefully preserued.
  • 2. Saint [...], alias [...], the second Bishop, was very nobly borne, and brought vp vnder Dubritius his predecessor, and [...], together with Saint Dauid. I finde deliuered, that soone after his comming to this Bishopricke, he was con­strained by a strange disease raigning in those parts to flie in­to Fraunce, whence after a season, he returned againe, bring­ing home with him in three ships, his countrimen that had fled with him vpon the same occasion. He was afterward slaine in the church of Llan Delio Fechan by a certaine noble man cal­led [...] His cathedral church (where it séemeth he was buried) hath euer since borne his name. Unto it in the time of this man and his successors, many kings of England and princes of Wales haue giuen much land, and granted diuers notable priuiledge. Amongst which these are accounted the chiefest benefactors.

    King Iddon the sonne of Inyr gwent, gaue Lanarth with all the lands there, that belonged héeretofore to Saint Dubri­tius. He gaue also Llanteilian porth halawg, with the territo­rie vnto the same belonging.

  • [Page 424]
    • Maredudd y t son of Rein K. of west Wales gaue 3. [...].
    • Aircol Lawhir the sonne of Tryfan K. of west Wales gaue diuers lands.
    • Cadwgawn, a king was also a great benefactour, as were all these that follow,
    • Meuric king of Morganwg.
    • Tewdric, or Theodorike, a king.
    • Morgant, king of Morganwg.
    • Augustus, king of Brecheiniawc.
    • Iddug, the sonne of [...], a king.
    • Morgant, king of Glewissig.
    • Ithael, a king.
    • King's of Erging.
      • Gwrwodius
      • Cinuin
      • Gwrgant.
    • Noble men of Wales called in euidences by the name of kings.
      • Clodri,
      • Lluddgwallawn,
      • Clydiawe,
      • Nogwy,
      • Hywell,
      • Gruffydd ap Owen,
    • Rys, king of Glewissig.
    • kings of Gwent.
      • Arthmael,
      • Rhrodri,
    • kings of Morgannwc.
      • Rydderch,
      • Iestinap Gwrgant,
      • Caradock,
    • Gruffydd ap Llewelin king of all Wales.
  • 3. Oudoceus, or Odoceus succéeded Saint Telian. He was also very nobly borne, and after his death reputed a Saint as was also his predecessor. He died Iuly 2. the yéere I find not.
  • 4. Vbelwinus alias Vbelwin.
  • 5. [...].
  • 6. Elgistil.
  • 7. Lunapeius.
  • 8. Gomergwinus, alias Gomergius.
  • 9. Argwistil.
  • 10. Goruanus, alias Guruan.
  • 11. Gwydlonius, alias Gwodloiw.
  • [Page 425]12. Edilbinus, alias Edilbin.
  • 13. Grecielus.
  • 14. Berthgwynus.
  • 15. Trichanus, alias Trycan.
  • 16. Eluogus.
  • 17. Cadgwaret.
  • 18. [...].
  • 19. [...].
  • 20. Pater.
  • 21. Gulfridus, alias [...].
  • 22. Nuth. Nudd.
  • 23. [...], alias [...]. He died an. 927.
  • 24. Libiauth. Libiauch. He died an. 929.
  • 25. Gogwanus was consecrate by [...] Archbishop of Canterbury 982. So it seemeth this See was long void.
  • 26. [...], [...].
  • 27. [...], or [...], chosen by the kings cleargy and people of the countrey, was [...] by [...] Archbi­shop of Canterbury 993 he died an. 1022.
  • 28. [...], was consecrate by [...] Archbishop of Canterbury Octob. 1. 1022. He died at Rome the yere 1046.
  • 29. Herewald, was consecrate at London by Stigand the Archbishop of Canterbury in Whitson weeke 1056. He died March 6. 1103. being 100. yeeres of age, and hauing conti­nued in this Bishopricke 48. yeeres.
  • 30. [...] Archdeacon of Landaff, was consecrate to­gether with diuers other Bishops August 10. 1108. being then but 32. yeeree of age. At his first comming he found his Bishopricke in very poore and miserable estate. The church ruinated euen almost to the ground in the time of the late warres vnder [...] Conqueror; the reuenues of them­selues small, and yet so ill husbanded by the negligence of his predecessors, as they could now scarcely maintaine two cha­nons beside the Bishop, whereas there were woont to be 24. Complaining hereof to the Pope, Calixtus the second, at what time he was at the counsell of Rhemes, viz. the yeere 1119. he affoorded him his letters to the king, as also to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and to the cleargy and gentlemen of his owne Dioces, earnestly praying them to yeelde him [Page 426] their best [...] for the reformation of his church so [...]. The Archbishop the rather to draw on the liberality of men in contributing toward the new building of the church, tooke vpon him to release the fourth part of all penance [...] vnto such as should bestow any thing toward the [...]. By this meanes (no doubt) hauing gathered great [...] of money, he began the building of that church which now stan­deth April 14. 1120. and hauing finished it, built a new also all the housing belonging to it. Then next endeuouring to recouer the lands lost or alienated from his See, he chalenged diuers parcels withheld by Barnard bishop of Saint [...], and Richard Bishop of Hereford, and moreouer complayned that they had vsurped vpon the iurisdiction of these places, Gwhyr, Cedwely, Cantref Bychan, Ystrad Yw, & [...]. Upon depositiō of 6. witnesses, that al these were of y t Dioces of Landaff, they were so adiudged by the Popes [...] sentence, who also writ vnto the king and Archbishop [...] re­store that right vnto the Bishop of Landaff, and to [...] to yéeld obedience to him and his successors, as their Diocesan. Howbeit (how it commeth to passe I know not) those places are now and long haue beene estéemed, part of the Dioces of Saint Dauids, and part of Hereford, and none of them of Landaff. This Bishop died beyond the [...] tra­uelling betwéene this and Rome an. 1133.
  • 31. [...] that succéeded, had a daughter, married to Iorwerth ap Owen ap Caradocke, Lord of Caerlheon [...], a great and mighty man in those parts. He died [...] 1141.
  • 32. [...] died 1153.
  • 33. Nicolas ap [...] died 1183.
  • 34. William de [...].
  • 35. Henry, Prior of [...]. was the founder of 14. [...] in the Church of Landaff. He died 1218.
  • 36. William, Pryor of [...] died Ianuary 28. an. 1229.
  • 37. Elis de Radnor, died May 6. 1240.
  • 38. William de Burgo, chaplaine vnto king Henry the 3. was consecrate the yéere 1244. and died Iune 11. [...]. ha­uing liued blind 7. yéeres before his death.
  • [Page 427]39 Iohn [...] Ware Abbot of Margan died about the end of Iune 1253.
  • 40. [...] de [...] died Ianuary 9. 1265.
  • 41. [...] de [...] died in the ende of March 1287. and lyeth [...] vnder a Marble engrauen in the East end of the Church of Landaff toward the North Wall.
  • 42. [...] de [...] Doctor of Diuinity was conse­crate February 10. 1296. at Canterbury, and died Aprill 8. 1323. He lyeth in the midst of the East ende of the Church, (elsewhere commonly called the Lady Chappell) vnder a flat Marble, hauing a French inscription now somewhat de­faced.
  • 43. Iohn de [...] a Frier Preacher, was consecrate at Rome, and came to his Dioces of Landaff vpon the [...] of Trinity Sunday 1223. He died at [...] Ia­nuary 2. 1346. and was buried at [...].
  • 44. Iohn Paschall Doctor of Diuinity, a Carmelite of Ipswich, was a gentleman borne in [...], of a family yet remaining there, and brought vp in the Uniuersity of Cambridge; By William [...] Bishop of Norwich was made a Titulary Bishop and his Suffragan, by the name of [...]. From that imaginary See he was translated by the Pope to Landaff ann. 1347. died 1361. and was buried at Landaff. He was a man of great learning (for those times) and left diuers monuments there­of in writing behind him.
  • 45. [...] a Frier Minor.
  • 46. Thomas [...] a Frier Preacher, and Doctor of Diuinity, was translated to Chichester.
  • 47. William de [...] made Bishop of Bethlehem by the Pope, was translated first to Landaff and after (viz. the yéere 1389.) to Rochester. See more of him there.
  • 48. [...] de [...], was a Doctor of Diuinity, and Monke of Bury where being knowen for a man of a very pragmaticall and [...] humour; that he might not trouble them at home, the Couent thought good to maintaine him at Rome for the dispatch of their ordinary businesses there, taking first a [...] of him, neuer to seeke any office or [...] of [...] house without [...] priuity and [Page 428] direction. This othe notwithstanding, when shortly after it fell out that the Abbot died, he found meanes that the Pope should by his omnipotent bulles intitle him to that Abbot­ship, whereunto the Couent (with the kings good [...]) had now already elected another man far more meete [...] Iohn [...]. For this bad kind of dealing, as also bicause those prouisory bulles had heretofore béen forbidden by Act [...] Par­liament, he was committed to the Tower, and there [...] pri­soner a long time. Neither durst the Pope yéelde him any assistance for the iustifying of his owne gift, bicause there was then an Antipope, whom, if the Cleargy of England should haue béene induced to follow (as by the kings [...] easily they might) it must néedes haue béene to his great pre­iudice and hinderance. At the first therefore, the Pope was determined to haue made him a Bishop in Ireland, and whe­ther he did or no I well know not: But this is certaine that the yéere 1389. Thomas Brinton Bishop of Rochester [...], the Pope, with the kings good liking, translated the Bishop of Landaffe to Rochester, and gaue Landaff to this Brum­field.
  • 49. Tydemannus Abbot of Beaulien succéeded Brumfield and (if I mistake not) was that Tydemannus de [...] that ann. 1395. became Bishop of Worceter.
  • 50. Andrew Barret, Doctor of Law.
  • 51. Iohn Burghyll a Frier preacher being Bishop [...] Lan­daff and Confessor vnto the king, was translated vnto Lich­field in September 1398.
  • 52. Thomas Peuerell a Carmelite and Doctor of Diui­nity, was first Bishop of Ossery in Ireland, [...] thence to Landaff 1399. and thence to Worceter 1407. See Worceter.
  • 53. Iohn la Zouche, a Frier minor, and doctor of Diui­nitie. It should séeme that this man built either a [...] part, or else happily all of the house at Mathern néere Chepstow, the onely house that is nowe left the Bishop to put his head in. His armes fixed in diuers places of the wals and win­dowes, to my iudgement import so much.
  • 54. Iohn Wellys was likewise a Minorite, and doctor of Diuinitie.
  • [Page 429]55. Nicolas Ashby, Prior of Westminster.
  • 56. Iohn Hunden, a Minorite, doctor of Diuinitie, and Prior of kings Langley.
  • 57. Iohn Marshall, doctor of Diuinitie, sometime fellow of Merton colledge in Oxford, was consecrated 1479. and was (I take it) translated to London the [...] 1489.
  • 58. Iohn Ingleby, sometime Prior of Shéene, a Carthu­sian.
  • 59. Iohn Smyth, doctor of Diuinitie, died October 16. 1511. and was buried at Christ church in London, in the chappell of all Saints, on the north side of the altar.
  • 60. Miles [...], sometimes [...] to the Abbey of Abingdon, and afterwards Abbot of Eynesham.
  • 61. George de Attigua, a Spaniard, a Frier preacher, and doctor of Diuinitie, was consecrated March 8. 1516.
  • 62. Robert Holgate, doctor of Diuinitie, was consecrated March 25. 1537. and ann. 1544. was translated to Yorke. See Yorke.
  • 63. Anthony Kitchen, alias Dunstan, doctor of Diuinity, and sometimes Abbot of Eynesham, was consecrated May 3. 1545. and enduring all the tempestuous changes that hap­ned in the meane time, continued till the 5. yeere of her Ma­iestie that now reigneth, viz. the yeere [...]. and then died, hauing first so impouerished the Bishopricke by vnreasona­ble demises, of whatsoeuer was demisable, as there was no great cause he should be so loth to leaue it.
  • 64. [...] Iones, Bacheler of Law was consecrated May 5. 1556.
  • 65. William Blethyn, Batcheler of Law, was consecrate Aprill 17. 1575.
  • 66. Geruale Babington Doctor of Diuinity, was conse­crate Aug. 29. 1591. in February 1594. translated to Exce­ter, and afterward to Worceter.
  • 67. William Morgan, Doctor of Diuinity, was conse­crate Iuly 20. 1595. and translated to Saint Assaph Sep­tember 16. 1601.

This Bishopricke is valued in the Exchecquer at 154, l. 14, s. 1, d. and paid to the Pope for first fruits 700. ducats.

For want of some instructions, I can not as yet set downe a perfect Catalogue of the Bishops of Bangor and Saint Assaph. And therefore lea­uing them till some other occasion, I must now passe vnto the Prouince of Yorke, which contay­neth (besides Yorke the Metropolitane Church) three other Sees, Durham, Carliol, and Chester.

The Archbishops of Yorke.

1. Paulinus.

NOt to say any thing of the manifold 625 Testimonies of very credible authors who witnesse, that the Faith of Christ was receiued in diuers particular pla­ces of this Island presently after the ascension of Christ, or at least while the Apostles yet liued; it can not be de­nied, but [...] Bishop of Rome. At the request of Lucius then K. of Britaine, sent [...], Faganus and other learned Preachers to sowe the seede of the Gospell here, about the yéere of our Lord 180. And it should séeme (which our histories also witnesse.) That God so farre foorth blessed [...] labours, That they not onely conuerted many vnto the faith of Christ themselues, but also left a po­sterity of other, which with like painfulnesse continued the same doctrine in this Island, till by diuers tyrants, they were in diuers places oppressed and consumed. Notwithstanding, whether it were that the Church by them planted had many notable wanes, & intermissions, or rather eclipses, in which the light of heauenly doctrine was altogether darkened by great persecution, and so no Ecclesiasticall history preserued; or whether the same being preserued, was destroyed by per­secutors, scarcely any mention remaineth of any of their Bi­shops. [...] of London, there are remembred 15. Archbi­shops, and of Yorke [...]. The first of these, and the first Arch­bishop that euer Yorke had, was one named [...], ap­pointed by the foresaid king Lucius. Againe I find it repor­ted, that king [...] made one [...] Archbishop there: And lastly that Tadiacus was the last Archbishop before the comming of the Saxons. When they had gotten possession of this Realme, the Britons (that were the old inhabitants) being drouen into a corner thereof (Wales and Cornewall) [Page 432] the rest of England was without any knowledge, or [...] of the Gospel, vntill the comming of Saint Augustine. And after him a great while the North parts of this Realme re­mained in the darknesse of their wonted ignorance, till God tooking vpon them with the eye of his mercy, gaue this oc­casion of their conuersion. Edwyn king of [...], was very desirous to marry Edilburge the sister of [...] king of Kent. She being not onely a Christian, but a [...] vertuous gentlewoman; vtterly refused to match with him being a Pagan, but signified, that vpon condition he [...] promise to become a Christian, she would accept him for her husband. He answered, he could be very well content [...] doo nothing in preiudice of her faith; and to suffer that not [...] her [...], but her seruants and traine should practise what [...] they would: And [...] withall, that if vpon consi­deration and conference with wise men, Christian Religion should séeme more holy and woorthier of God then his [...], he would not refuse to embrace the same. Upon these [...], Edilburg was sent vnto him to be his Quéene. And least by kéeping company with heathen people, she and those that went with her, might in time be [...] with their Pa­ganisme, It was thought conuenient to send some [...] and godly man with her, that might not only instruct [...] ad­monish them dayly, but also minister the Sacraments vnto them, yea and preach the Gospell vnto [...]. [...] a [...] man was made choise of, whom they thought good to consecrate Archbishop of Yorke, which was done by [...] Archbishop of Canterbury the 21. day of July, in the yéere of our Lord 625. or as some account, 622. He mindfull [...] his vocation, as soone as he came into the Countrey, laboured di­ligently to winne soules vnto Christ, but without any profit at all a great while: ‘Regis ad exemplum totus componitur [...].’

So long as the King remained obstinate, little good was to be done with the rest of the people. Him therefore he often exhorted to embrace Christ, and preuailed at last so far with him, as he promised to doo it, if it might please God to send him victory against Guichelm King of the West Saxons, that had conspired his death. This victory being [...] [Page 433] according to his desire. He yet kept not promise, but delay­ed the matter vnder pretence of perswading his Nobles first to be content therewith; And longer still he would haue delayed it, had not God by Paulinus put him in mind of a vision, he had séene long since (as Beda reporteth) and it is this. [...] that raigned ouer the Northumbers next before him, sought nothing more then the death of this Edwyn, to whom indeede the Crowne of right appertay­ned. He therefore flying from this enimy, ranged vp and downe in many Countries, and that in the most secrete manner hee might, till at last hee came vnto Redwald King of the East Angles, humbly [...] him that he would saue his life by shielding him from [...] his cru­ell enimy. The king bid him welcome, and promised to ful­fill his request. Notwithstanding which his promise being offered a great summe of money by Edilfrid to betray him, and threatned with warre, if he condiscended not vnto him; he yéelded at last, and determined to gratifie him therein, though contrary to his word and faith giuen. This resolution of the kings being vnderstood bya companion of Edwins, he called him out of his bed late in the night, told him how the world went, and bid him thift for himselfe; whereunto he answered couragiously, that for his part he would not first breake with the king: if the king esteemed so little of his ho­nor, as to sell it for money, better it was for him to die by the appointment of him that he knew loued him (though he loued money better) then by the appointment of his deadly enimy, whom by flying he well saw he could no longer auoid. Hereupon his companion departed from him leauing him very pensiue, sitting without doore vpon a stone. Soone after he was gone, Edwyn espied one comming toward him that he knew not, who demaunding of him why he sate there at that time of the night, other men being a sléepe? What is that vnto you saith Edwyn whether I spend the night within doore or without? Hereunto the other answered, thinke not my friend that I am ignorant of thy sadnes, and the cause of thy present griefe, I know them very well: But tell me (quoth he) what reward wouldest thou giue vnto him that should rid thée of all this care and trouble, and perswade Red­wald [Page 434] neither to [...] thée [...], nor to [...] do it. When he promised to do any thing in the [...] that lay in his power to performe, the other [...]; what [...] he [...] also promise thee the kingdome [...] vnto [...], and the [...] of thine [...] that [...]; [...] and [...] that thou shalt be the mightiest king, not onely of all thy [...], but [...] all the Saxons that euer were in this I [...] Hereunto he answered in effect as before, he would [...] his best to requite so great a benefit. Why then (quoth the other, and withall laid his hand vpon [...] head) when all these things shall come to passe, and that thou shalt be [...] a more excellent way, to direct the course and maner of thy life, then euer was imparted vnto any of thy predecessors: Re­member by this token (of laying my hand on thy head) to fol­low without delay the directions that shall be giuen [...]. This hauing said, he vanished away to the great [...] and astonishment of Edwyn who had not sate there long but his companion before mentioned, came [...] foorth [...] him with great ioy, and told him that Redwald by the per­swasion of his Quéene had altered his determination, and was resolued (whatsoeuer came of it) to stand to his word, and to be true vnto him. To make short, God so [...] his heart that he was not only content to [...] Edwyn [...] here­tofore; but also gathered suddenly a great army, and [...] in person against Edilfrid, he ouer came and [...] him in the [...]: whereby it came to passe, that Edwyn with one consent of all his subiects was made king. Now this vision (saith [...]) God reuealed vnto [...] the Archbishop, who comming vnto the king Edwyn at a time when he chaunced to sit alone, deliberating with himselfe what religion he were best to fol­low; he stept vnto him, and laying his right hand vpon his head, asked him if he knew that token: Presently the king forgetting all Princely maiesty, [...] downe trembling at poore [...] [...], and said he [...] it very well, in so much as, hereafter he would follow his direction (for matters of Religion) in all things. The king being thus woonne vnto Christ, and hauing receiued his badge and cognisance by Baptisme; the rest of the nobility first, and then the [...] gaue diligent eare vnto the Bishops preaching, and [Page 435] were conuerted daily in great numbers. It is said that for 36. daies together he neuer rested one moment, but either in­structed the people by preaching that flocked continually a­bout him, or else imparted Christ vnto them in Baptisme, which he ministred in the open fieldes and riuers, churches being not yet built. King Edwyn against the time of his owne Baptisme, had caused a little church to be erected of boords in the city of Yorke, and dedicated the same to Saint Peter. Afterward he layd the foundation of a very stately building round about the woodden church, which (he being taken away by vntimely death) his successor [...] fini­shed. Sedwall king of Wales, and [...] of Mercia or Mid­England came against this good king, and (God in his secret iudgement permitting the same) ouerthrew him in the field and slue him. The countrey by reason hereof being full of trouble, Paulinus (that saw he might not with safety abide any longer there) sixe yeeres after his comming thither, returned by water into Kent againe, and there was intreated to take on him the gouernment of the See of Rochester then voyd. He sate 13. yeeres, and October 10. 644. was called away to receiue the glorious reward of his blessed labours, 19. yeeres, two moneths and 21. daies after his first consecration. He was a man of a tall stature (as Beda describeth him) a little stooping, blacke haired, leane faced, his nose thinne and hoo­ked, of a countenance both terrible and very reuerend. He was buried after his death in his Cathedrall Church of Ro­chester.

2. Cedda.

AFter the departure of Paulinus, the Church of Yorke 667 was twenty (some say thirty) yeeres without a Pa­stor by reason of the continuall warres and other trou­bles that happened by the persecution of Pagans. [...], [...] Colonanus and Tuda, succeeding one another in the Bishopricke of Lindisfarne, gouerned all Northumberland as well as they could during the time of this troublesome va­cacie. At last Egfrid king of Northumberland appointed one Wilfrid vnto the Sée of Yorke, sending him to Agelbert Bi­shop [Page 436] of Paris (sometime of Winchester) to [...] of him; where Wilfrid staying very long, and not giuing any hope of spéedy returne, the same [...]. [...] [...] (a very holy man) without all right vnto the same to thrust [...] into the place due to Wilfrid. Pauing carefully attended that charge not pertaining to him the space of thrée yéeres, he was admonished by Theodorus Archbishop of Canterbury [...] he was not rightly and lawfully called to that Sée, [...] he presently forsooke it, and was made by meanes of the same Theodorus Bishop of Lichfield.

3. Wilfridus.

THis Wilfrid was borne in the North [...] of 666 meane parentage. The time of his childhood he [...] in his Fathers house, being vntaught vntill he [...] 14. yéeres of age, at what time not sustayning the frowardnes of his stepmother, he went abroad to séeke his fortune as they say. And first he light vpon certaine Courtiers that had been beholding vnto his Father for diuers [...]. By [...] he was presented vnto the Quéene, as child for wit and beau­ty not vnfit to doo her seruice; She by questioning [...] the inclination of the boye, that he was desirous to [...] a scholler. Therefore the sent him to one Cedda, that of a Councellor and [...] to the king, had [...] a Monke at Lindisfarne. By him he was [...], being very sharp witted, profited wonderfully vnder him. At that time there was a great contention in the Church a­bout the obseruation of Easter; whereof this youth being desirous to be fully informed, determined to go to Rome and study there a while. By meanes of Eanfled the Quéene [...] and Ercombert king of kent, he was furnished for this voyage, and sent along with one or two other. In the way he fell acquainted with [...] Archbishop of Lyons, who made very much of him, & stayed him with him a time, to the great increase of his knowledge. Continuing then no long time at Rome, in his returne homeward, he was ordered by the Archbishop of Lyons aforesaid, who also adopted him to be his sonne. He meant not to haue returned into his owne [Page 437] Countrey, but that this Archbishop was taken from him be­ing [...] by [...] the Quéene that had cruelly staine 9. other Bishops before. Presently vpon his returne home, king Egfrid gaue him a house and maintenance, and many uoblemen admiting much his learning and eloquence, bestowed diuers things vpō him. At last with great applause & liking of all men, he was chosen bishop, & sent into Fraunce, where he was consecrate by 12. other Bishops: for he refused to take consecration at the hands of the Scottish bishops that were counsed schisinatiques in not agreeing with the Church of Rome concerning the time and obseruation of Easter. Be­yond the Seas he stayed somewhat longer then he needed, being delighted with the company of many learned men, of that countrie: and when he would haue returned, by tem­pest of weather he was driuen into far countries, where he wandred a long time. Comming home and finding another man in his place, he liued a while a priuate life. In which meane space he was often inuited by [...] king of Me­rce-land vnto the Bishopricke of Lichfield. In the end Cedda being remooued (as before is said) he setled himselfe at Yarke, and hosced Cedda to Lichfield. Then, the first thing he went about was to finish his cathedrall church left vnperfect by [...], and since his departure very much decaied (for the roofe was fallen, and the walles in many places ruinous) this his church I say he repaired, and finished, mending the walles, couering it with leade, glasing the windowes and moreouer beautified the same with many goodly ornaments. He was so greatly beloued of all men for his gentlenesse [...] and liberality, as many men liuing, but more at their death (especially cleargie men) would put their goods and chil­dren into his hands, the one assuring themselues of a [...] kéeper, the other of a discréete and conscionable [...]. Hereby it came to passe that in short time he became excee­ding rich, hauing many seruitors to attend vpon him, and great store of plate, and other houshould [...] very sumptu­ous. The report whereof comming to the eares of Theodore Archbishop of Canterbury: it put him in mind of the great­nesse of that dioces and the ability of the country to main­taine more Bishops. Wherefore he went about to appoint [Page 438] two or thrée [...] VVil­fride obstinately [...], and the other ceased not to [...] very earnestly, he appealed vnto the Pope, and went vnto him in person. Some report (I thinke vntruly) that he went [...] to perswade the Quéene to forsake her husband, and [...] take her selfe to a monastery, and that the king being greatly dis­pleased herewith, first sought to diminish his authority by making more Bishops, and afterward made diners [...] vnto the Pope against him, séeking to haue him [...]. Whosoeuer caused it, certaine it is, that to the [...] he trauailed. In passing of the sea, he was driuen by a [...] winde into Frizia, and [...] there all winter preaching the gospell (neuer hard of in that country before) vnto the king and people, whom before his Departure he conuerted vnto Christ. The Pope was then at the Counsell of [...], where, both by him and his counsell it was ordered, that the [...] of the [...] of Yorke should not be altered with­out [...] owne consent. But Egfride the king so [...] Theodores deuise, as Wilfride at his returne [...], he must either yéeld vnto it or forsake the country. Herein me thinkes he was to blame: Not induring to take a repulse in a matter he had trauailed so much in; He rather chose to [...] Bishopricke, country and all, and to liue in pouerty and [...]. He went into Sussex, and there [...] to [...] the people of that country vnto the [...] of Christ, became their first Bishop, and laid the foundations of a Cathedrall church, the Sée being afterward remooued to Chichester. Sée [...] hereof in Chichester. After ten yéeres banishment, king Eg­frid dying, Alfrid that succéeded him sent for Wilfride and desired him to returne to his Sée of Yorke: which he did. But after fiue yéeres, the king fell out with him, and [...] him to Rome againe. There purging himselfe of all the accu­sations laid against him by the king, he obtained the [...] letters in fauour of him, by meanes whereof, and [...] of many friends, with much a doo, at last he was restored [...] more vnto his first charge, in which after this his last [...], he liued peaceably the space of sower yeeres, and [...] then being seuenty sixe yéeres of age, October the [...] the yéere 711. forty fiue yéeres after his first consecration. He [Page 439] was buried in the monastery of Rippon which himselfe built: many other things are at large reported of him by Beda lib. 5. cap. 20. Amongst the rest his Epitaphe there set downe I thought good to insert.

Wilfridus [...] magnus requiescit corpore praesul,
Hane domino qui aulam ductus pietatis amore
Fecit, & eximio [...] nomine Petri,
Cui claues coeli Christus dedit arbiter orbis,
Atque auro [...] ostro.
Quinetiam sublime crucis radiante metallo
Hic posuit trophaeum, nee non quatuor auro
Scribi Euangelij praecepit in ordine libros,
Ac thecam è rutilo his condignam condidit auro.
Paschalis qui etiam solemnia tempora [...]
Catholiciad iustum correxit [...],
Quem statuere patres, dubioque errore remoto,
Certa suae genti ostendit modermina ritus;
Inque locis [...] monachorum examina crebra
Colligit, ac monitis cauit quae regula patrum
Sedulus instituit, multisque domique forisque,
Iactatus nimium per tempora longa periclis,
[...] ternos postquam egit episcopos annos,
Transijt & gaudens caelestia regna petiuit,
Dona Iesu Grex vt pastoris calle sequatur.

Sée more of this Wilfride in Theodore of Canterbury.

4. Bosa.

AFter the first departure of Wilfrid from Yorke, Theo­dore procéeding in his intended platforme, diuided his Dioces into 4. placing one Eata at Hagustald whom after­ward he remooued to Lindissarne (another of his new erecti­ons) appointing Tumbert to succéede him, in the Prouince of the Pictes Trumwyn, and lastly in the ancient Sée of York Bosa. At the returne of Wilfrid, [...] was faine to giue place, as also Iohn that had succéeded Eata (dead in the mean time.) Wilfrid being expelled the second time, they were both resto­red.) Before then the second restitution of Wilfrid, Bosa died, and Iohn succéeded him. This Iohn, Wilfrid would not dis­place [Page 440] [...]. [...] [...] the report of a very [...] man. He [...] ten [...] his [...], and dying, was the first Archbishop that was buried in [...].

5. Iohn.

THis Iohn called afterward Saint Iohn of Beuerley, 687 was a gentleman borne of a very good house, & brought vp first vnder Hilda that [...] Abbesse, then vnder Theodore the first Archbishop of Canterbury, who also prefer­red him to the Bishopricke of [...]. He alwaies had the reputation of a wonderfull holy man, and Beda reporteth many miracles done by him, lib. 5. cap. 2. 3. 4. 5. and 6. as the curing of diuers folkes desperately sicke, by prayer; ope­ning the mouth of a dumb man, &c. which things either they were true, or Beda was much to blame: For he not onely li­ued in his time and Dioces, But knew him and receiued the order of priesthood at his hand. Waxing very old, and hauing béene a Bishop now 33. yéeres, 8. monethes and 13. daies, with the consent of his Cleargy, he resigned and procured another Wilfred his Chaplaine to be consecrate in his roome. After which he liued priuately at Beuerley, in the Colledge there built and founded by himselfe for Priests, and dying the seuenth day of May, the yéere 721. was buried in the Porch of the Church belonging to that Colledge. In a [...] held at London the yéere, 1416. the foresaid day of his death was appointed to be kept holy day yéerly in memorial of him. Amongst many priuileges granted by diuers kings vnto the Colledge of Beuerly for his sake, it is remembred that King Athelstan made it a Sanctuary, and placed a certaine chaire of stone in the church there, vpon which he caused this inscrip­tion to be engrauen, Haec sedea lapidea dicitur Freedstoole 1. [...] Cathedra, ad quam reus [...], omnimo­dam habet [...]. This chaire of stone is called Fréed­stoole, that is the stoole of feéedome, vnto which who so com­meth, hath all manner of security.

6. Wilfridus. 2.

THe forefaid Wilfride sate 11. yéeres, and died the yéere, 731:

7. Egbert.

AFter him sucéeded Egbert the brother of king Eadbert, 731 he sate 36. yeeres. and died ann. 767. This man byhis owne wisedome and the authority of his brother, amended greatly the state of his Church and Sée; He procured the Archepiscopall pall to be restored to his Church againe, and erected a famous Library in Yorke, which he stored plentiful­ly with an infinite number of excellent bookes. This Library is honorably mētioned by Flaccus Albinus or Alcuinus (some­time kéeper of the same, but then schoolemaster vnto Charles the great, in an Epistle to the Church of England in these words. Date [...] eruditionis [...] quales in patria mea Anglia per industriam magistrimei Egberti habui, & [...] vobis aliquos expueris nostris vt excipiant inde necessa­ria & reuehant in [...] flores Britanniae, & non sit tan­tum in Eboraco hortus conclusus, sed etiam in Turome emis­siones Paradisi, &c. Neither was this man onely a fauorer of learning in other, but himselfe also was very learned, and writ many things, a Catalogue whereof you may sée in Bale. He was buried at Yorke by his brother the King in the Church Porch.

8. Coena alias Albertus.

ALbert called by Florentius Coena sate after Egbertus 7. yéeres, and died at Chester.

9. Eanbaldus.

COEna yet liuing (whether he resigned or tooke him to him for a Coadiutor, it appeareth not) Eanbald, being, an old man, was consecrate Archbishop, and liued af ter his consecration 17. yéeres. He was buried in his owne Church.

10. Eanbaldus. 2.

ANother Eanbaldus [...], a Priest of the Church of Yorke. In the yéere 798. he cal­led a Synod or [...] of his [...] in which he caused diuers things [...] to be reformed. What time he died or how long he sate, I find not.

11. Wulsius.

A Little time Wulsius enioyed his honour, and died the yéere 831.

12. Wimundus.

WImundus succéeded Wulsius, and sate 17. yéeres. He 831 died (as Matthew Westminster reporteth) the yéere 854.

13. Wilferus.

AFter him Wilferus was Archbishop a long time, 46. 854 yéeres and vpwards. The yéere 873. his [...] droue him out of the countrey together with Egbert their king, who went vnto Burrhede king of Mercia, and of him were honorably intertained, till that the yéere following, king Egbert died, and by the helpe of king Ricsinus his succes­sor, Wulferus was called home againe. He deceased about the yéere of our Lord 900. or as Matthew Westminster hath it (whose computation I [...] very vncertaine) 895. In his time the Danes made such hauocke in the North countrey, as a great while after the Archbishopricke was little worth, and was faine to be mended often times with the Commen­dam of Worcester.

14. Ethelbalde.

Then followed these: Ethelbald. 895

15. Redwarde.

And after him Redward, of whom nothing is recorded.

16. Wulstanus.

BY the fauour of the king Athelstan, Wulstanus was then preferred to this Sée: In whose time the same king gaue vnto the Church of Yorke Agmundernes which he bought of the Danes This Bishop was conuict of a haynous crime; forgetting the dutifull affection that he ought to beare vnto Edred his king, for Athelstane his brothers sake that preferred him; forgetting his oath and allegiance vnto the same king being his naturall Prince; yea forgetting that he was either an Englishman or a Christian: He was not ashamed to leane vnto the Danes, and sauour them, a hea­then people, and such as sought not onely to destroy his coun­trey, but also to roote out Christian Religion. For this trea­son (deseruing a thousand deaths) he was onely committed to prison the yéere 952. and a yeere after inlarged againe. This is the report of William Malmesbury. Matthew West­minster saith, he was punished in this fort for killing diuers citizens of Thetford in reuenge of the death of one Adelm an Abbot, whom they had slaine, and [...] without cause: two yeeres after his enlargement, he died vpon Saint Ste­phens day, the yeere 955. He was buried at a place called Undalum. Except it be Owndlc in Northhampton shire, how it is now termed I cannot gesse.

17. Oskitell.

OSkitell then succéeded, a man of good life and well lear­ned, 955 who gouerned his Sée laudably 16. yeeres, and died the yéere 971.

18. Athelwold.

NExt followed Athelwold, that hauing as it were a 971 taste onely of this honour, was quickly weary of it, and after a very short time gaue it ouer, choosing ra­ther to liue obscurely, so he might liue quietly.

19. Oswald.

WIthin the compasse of one yéere, viz. the yéere 971. 971 Yorke had three Archbishoppes, Oskitell that [...], Athelwold that resigned, and this Oswald. He was néere of kinne vnto Oskitell his predecessor, but [...] vnto Odo Archbishop of Canterbury being his brothers [...]. By his [...] he was made first Chanon of Win­chester, after [...]: for at that time, the Cathedrall Church of Winchester had no monkes, but maintained a company of secular priests, whereof many were married men. Percei­uing the [...] onely were now in [...], and other cleargy men little [...]; by the [...] of his vncle [...] his place in Winchester, and trauelled to Floriake in Fraunce, where he became a monke. Hauing continued there some [...] or fire yéeres, his vncle writ often very importunatly vnto him to come home, but could neuer preuaile, till he sent him word of his last sicknesse, whereof soone after [...] died. Oswald then destrous to haue séene him once more, made [...] into England, but came too late; the old Archbishop was [...] first. Oskitell then his other kinsman gaue him entertaine­ment, till that by the meanes of Saint Dunstan he was pre­ferred to the Bishoprick of Worceter, viz. the yéere 960. two yéeres after his arriual in England. He built there the church dedicated to the blessed virgine Mary hard by the church of Saint Peter, and placed monkes in the same, to the ende that the priests of Saint Peters church being continually disgra­ced by the people (that very much reuerenced the monkes) might become a weary of their places. He was not deceiued of his expectation; the people flocked all vnto the monkes and left the priests of S. Peters alone. Partly for shame, & partly for griefe thereof (being per aduenture molested otherwise) the most of them departed thēce, & y t rest were faine to take coules vnto them & become monks. The Sée of Yorke being voide, King Edgar carefull to place a fit man in the North country (which was then very rude and barbarous) and thinking none so fit as Oswald, made offer of the same, vnto him: and when he séemed loth to forsake Worceter, was content he [Page 445] should hold bothe. This man was the first founder of the Ab­bey of Ramsey in the Isle of Ely, and a very liberal benefactor vnto the Abbey of Floriake where he was brought vp; A great patrone of Monks, and a terrible persecutor of marri­ed priests, whereof there were many in those daies. He died at Worceter sodainely, hauing washed the féete of certaine poore men, (as daily he accustomed) After which knéeling downe to say certaine praiers, without any sicknesse prece­dent, he gaue vp the ghost. William [...] (who repor­this) addeth, that the day before his death, he told diuers of his friends that he should die. He was very learned, and left some testimonies thereof in writing, not yet perished: for the integrity also of his life & rōuersation, he was much reueren­ced. The greatest fault I finde in him, is, that he was very earnest in setting foorth that doctrine of diuels that debarreth men of lawfull marriage. The time of his departure was February 27 an. 992. 32. yéeres after his first consecration, when he had inioyed Yorke 22. yéeres. He was buried at Worceter in the church himselfe had built. Many miracles are reported to haue béen done at his tombe, in regard where­of the posterity would néedes make him a Saint.

20. Aldulfe.

ALdulfe Abbot of Peterborough, succéeded Oswald in 993 both his Sees, viz of Yorke and Worceter, a holy and reuerend man (saith [...]) and one that striued with his predecessor in liberality toward the monastery of Flori­ake. He died May 6. 1002. and was buried in Saint Maries church at Worceter.

21. Wulstan 2.

ANother Wulstan then by the fauour of king Knute, 1003 held also both the said Sees of Yorke and Worceter; for which cause Malmesbury findeth great fault with him, that in Aldulf and Oswald liked it well ynough. And all the exceptions he takes against him, is this, That he was not of so holy a profession as they, that is, he was not a monke. [Page 446] Hauing béene Archbishop 20. yéeres he died the yéere 1023. and was buried at Ely.

22. Alfricus Puttoc.

ONe Leoffius then obtayned Worceter, Alfricus Put­toc 1023 [...] of Winchester being made Archbishop of Yorke. He was very angry with Worceter men, for not admitting him to that Sée also, which thrée of his prede­cessors had held in Commendam before him. And in reuenge of this repulse, caused Hardeknute the king (with whom he could do much) At a time when they had béen somwhat back­wards in payments to be made vnto him, to fire that goodly city. He is blamed also for another barbarous part of the same king, that caused the dead body of his owne brother Ha­rold to be digged vp, beheaded, & then cast into the Thames. This they say was done by Alfricus the Archbishops coun­cell. He bestowed much money vpon the colledge of Beuer­ley, first in a new & sumptuous shrine for the body of Saint Iohn his predecessor, and then in purchasing lands to increase the reuenewes thereof, viz. some at Milton, other at [...], and againe at [...]. He died at Southwell the yéere 1051. and was buried at Peterborough.

23. Kinsius

AChaplaine of king Edward the Confessor one Kinsius 1050 succeeded Alfrike. He built very much at Beuerley, to wit, the Hall, the Church, and diuers other edisices, gaue many bookes and ornaments to Shyrestone, and other churches of his Dioces, sate 10. yéeres, died at Yorke 1059. December 22. and was buried at Peterborough where he had sometimes lined a monke.

24. Aldredus.

THe Sée of Yorke falling void by the death of Kinsius, Aldredus 1060 that being first a Monke of Winchester, then Abbot of Tauestock, was consecrate Bishop of Wor­ceter the yeere 1046. making his way by money and bribes liberally bestowed amongst Courtiers, found a meanes to [...] and abuse the simplicity of king Edward the Con­fessor, and by alleadging the example of his predecessors that had held Worceter in commendam with Yorke, obtained li­cence of him to hold them both, wherein so holy a man as [...]. Edward (me thinkes) should haue beene more precise. Hauing preuailed thus farre, he went to Rome for his pall together with the Earle [...] brother to the Quéene, Giso after Bi­shop of Welles, and Walter of Hereford. The Pope at that time was Nic. the second, a great enimy to simony, which in this age began to grow very rise. Whether he had heard som­what of Aldredes bribing in obtaining this preferment, or whether he fisht it out by strict examination (which is deli­uered) he not onely refused to establish him in his Archbi­shopricke, but also depriued him of the Bishopricke he had before. Homewards they came together in one company, but with diuers affections; Gilo and Walter ioyfull for the honor newly done vnto them: (for being found men, not onely lear­ned, [...] of good conuersation, and not culpable of any corrup­tion; They were consecrate at Rome with all fauor and ho­nor that might be: [...] the Earle, peasiue for his friend, whose bribes he had receiued to the others ouerthrow; and lastly Aldred almost desperate for so great a calamity as was fallen vpon him. Sée the power of Almighty God, that not onely raiseth as it were in a moment from the bottome of mi­sery, vnto the toppe of happinesse; But also doth it by such meanes oftentimes as we thinke more likely to cast vs down farther, then to relieue vs any thing at all. This iolly compa­ny, trauailing from Rome toward the Alpes, by the way were encountred with a company of good fellowes (in a hap­py hower for Aldred) that spoyled them of all they had about them, leauing them neither horse nor money, nor any thing [Page 448] money worth but their apparrell. So there was no remedy, but backe to Rome they must againe to furnish them a new for their iourney. There Tosti with open mouth exclaimed against the Pope, saying, there was no reason that farre re­mote nations should sogreatly stand in awe of his excōmu­nications, which théeues and robbers cared not a halfpenny for, but contemned openly and derided euen vnder his derided that amongst poore Priests, he would play Rex, but let re­bellious varlets doo what they list. If by his meanes (quoth he) our goods be not restored to vs againe, let him giue vs leaue to say, that by his fault and misgouernment we haue lost them; and we hope that our King will haue such consideration of vs, as in the end, this iniury (if he heare of it) shall prooue a greater losse to the Pope then to vs. For my part, I will not faile to certifie him of the truth, and to [...] him daily for recompence, which out of the tribute the Pope hath of England, will soone be made. And except he [...] it better, why he should haue any at all. I see not. Partly by meanes of these threats, partly in commiseration and pitie, partly by importunity of suite, Aldred at last obtai­ned his Archbishopricke, & had his pall giuen him vpon con­dition that he should leaue Worceter. Into which Sée at his returne he wrought [...], but hampered him so, as here­tained almost all the commodity to himselfe, leauing Wulstan only 12. mannors to maintaine his state. In defence of which dealing he alledged, that the lands & possessions of the Arch­bishopricke were so wasted and spoyled by the Danes and other in the time of Wulfere, as since that, they yéelded little or no profit. It could not be altogether true. For Alfrike and Kinsius (as before you heard) built and purchased much, ha­uing no commendam at all. This Aldred likewise built much; A Hall for the Cannons to dine in together at Yorke, and another at Southwell; At Beuerley the Hall begun by his predecessors & left vnperfect, he finished; the Presbytery there he raised frō the very foundation, as also a goodly church at Glocester, euen the same which is now the Cathedrall Church. This likewise is commended in him, that whereas the Cleargy of those times were very vndecently appareled nothing differing from Lay men, he brought all the ministery [Page 449] of his prouince to an vniforme and séemely kinde of habit. Not many yéeres after his returne, king Edward the Confes­sor died, and Harold inuading the dignity royall no way [...] vnto him, was crowned by Aldred. Wallian, the Conqueror also refusing to receiue the Crowne at Stigands hands (whom he called the vsurper of Canterbury) desired him to performe that solemnity, which he did, requiring first an oath of him to defend the Church, minister iustice (and amongst other things) to vse English men as fauorably as Normans. This oath it séemed vnto Aldred the king had broken, and therefore (like a couragious Prelate) he stucke not to thunder out an excommunication against him, saying that now worthily he had cursed, whom once vnworthily he had blessed. This bold pranke being reported vnto the king, incensed him very much at first, but thinking better of it, he determined to giue faire words a while, and so sent some to entreat for his absolution. These messengers came too late for the Bishop being troubled much in mind after the performance of that action, and either amased with feare of what might happen after it, or ouer­come with gréefe and repentance of that he had done; neuer could be mery after, and so by conceit was cast into a disease, whereof he died. September 11. 1069. This is the report of W. Malmesbury, others say (namely Florentius Wigorne) that he was so grieued with the comming in of a Nauy of the Danes, as he prayed to God to take him out of this life, that he might not sée the slaughter and spoyle which he thought they would make; And that this griefe was the cause of his death. He was more reuerenced afterward then while he li­ued a great deale, No English man succéeded him in many yéeres after; And the Normans being odious vnto the people they gladly reprehended all their actions, & comparing them with such English Bishops as they could remember, made most fauorable report of them. One thing also encreased his credite much: Vrsus Earle of Worceter had built a Castle there to some preiudice of the monks, in so much as the ditch of the said Castle empaired a little of the Church yard. Al­dred went vnto the Earle (hauing before admonished him to right the wrong) and hauing demaunded of him whether it were done, by his appointment (which he could not deny) loo­king [Page 450] [...] vpon [...], he [...]; [...] Vrse Haue thou Gods [...]; and mine, and of all [...] heads, except thou [...] away this castle, and know thou assuredly, that thy posterity shall not inherite the land [...] inheritance of Saint Mary. This his [...] seemed to take effect, for [...] died [...] after, and Roger his sonne a very small time enioying his fathers honour, lost the same, and was saine to flye the realme for killing an officer of the kings. Thus much for Aldred, who after his death was bu­ried in his owne church.

25. Thomas.

THe king then appointed Thomas a Channon of Bayon 1070 to be his successor, a Norman by birth, but he was brought vp altogither in the schooles of the Saxons in Fraunce, except a little time he spent in Spaine. He was the sonne of a priest (a married priest I take it) and brother vnto Sampson Bishop of Worceter, whose sonne Thomas succée­ded afterwards this Thomas in this Sée of Yorke. A man very learned, gentle both in countenance and words, of a ve­ry swéete and amiable behauiour, chaste, and (which is not to be despised) of a goodly personage, being in his youth beauti­full, in his latter time well coloured, and his haire, both head and beard as white as snow. At his first entrance, he had some what to do with Lanfranke Archbishop of Canterbury, vnto whom he would not make profession of obediencē neuer (as he alledged) before that time required. And indéed before the comming of William the Conqueror (saith one) the two Metropolitanes of England, were not onely in authority, dignity and office, but also in number of suffragane Bishops [...]. But at this time (saith he) they of Canterbury [...] the new king, that Yorke ought to be subiect vnto their Sée, and that it was for the good and safety of the king, that the church thereof should be obedient principally vnto one; for that otherwise one might set the crowne vpon one mans [...], and the other doe as much for some body else. This [...] is more at large debated in Canterbury. The ende for that time was, that Thomas ouerborne by the [Page 451] Archbishop of Canterbury Lanfranke and the king (who fa­uoured him) was faine to appeale vnto Rome; both of them being there in person before the Pope, they fell (as commonly it happeneth in like cases) from the chiefe point, into by mat­ters and articling one against another. What Thomas laide against Lanfranke I find not. And all that Lanfranke had to say against him was, that he was a priests son ( [...]) and that the king for his faithfull seruice had promised him a Bishopricke before his comming into Eng­land. These were so great matters in the Popes iudgement, as Thomas must be depriued of his ring and crosier, and not restored to them but by the entreaty of Lanfranke. As for the matter of Primacy, he left it to the iudgment of the king and Bishops of England, who forced Thomas to yeeld. Comming then to Yorke, he found y t estate of his whole Dioces (the city & church especially) most miserable. The Danes before men­tioned comming toward Yorke; the Normans that held the castle thought good to burne certaine houses neere the castle, least they might be a furtherance vnto the enemy. This vn­gentle fire would not be entreated to stay iust where they would haue it, but procéeding farther then his commission, de­stroyed the monastery and church of Saint Peter, and in fine the whole city. Before the fire was out, the Danes came and tooke both city and castle by force, putting to the sword all the Normans they found there (to the number of 3000) sauing none aliue, but one William Mallet, his wife, children, and a few other. Soone after the destruction of this goodly city, the king came into these parts with a puissant army against the Danes, not ceasing to make all manner of spoile as if he had béene in the enemies countrey. So betwéene the Danes and the Normans, such hauocke was made, as all the land from the great riuer of Humber vnto the riuer of Tine, lay waste, and not inhabited by any man for the space of nine yeeres af­ter. In the church of Yorke there were onely thrée Chanons left, the rest being all either dead or fled away: & they had left vnto them neither house to put their heads in, nor any good meanes how to line and maintaine themselues. All these faults this industrious Bishop endeuoured to amend. First he new couered and repaired his church as well as he might [Page 452] to serue the turne for a time. But afterwards he pulled downe all the old building, and erected from the very foundation a new, to wit, the Minster that now standeth. His channons dispersed abroad, he called home againe, and tooke order they should be reasonably prouided for. He built them a hall and a dorter, and appointed one of them to be the Prouost, and go­uernour of the rest. Also he bestowed certaine mannors and lands vpon them, and caused other to be restored that had béen taken from them. The church then hauing continued in this state a good while, I know not by whose aduise, the Archbi­shop thought good to diuide the land of Saint Peters church into Prebends, and so to allot a particular portion vnto eue­ry channon, whereas before they liued together vpon the common charges of the church at one table, much in like sort as fellowes of houses do now in the Uniuersities. At the same time also he appointed a Deane, a Treasurer, and a chanter; and also for the Chauncellorship it was founded of him be­fore. The church newly built by him he furnished with books, and all kind of ornaments necessary; but his speciall care was to furnish the same and the rest of his Dioces with lear­ned and honest men, with whom he was woont continually to conferre and reason (sometime with one, and sometime with another) partly for his owne exercise, and partly to sée, what was in them, and to raise them vp to a diligence in in­creasing their knowledge. Himselfe was very learned, and writ diuers things both in prose and verse. He was also a ve­ry good musition, and could not onely sing, but play very well vpon the organs, and did set many songs. Hauing crowned king Henry the first, August 5. 1100. with the helpe of Mau­rice Bishop of London (because Anselm Archbishop of Can­terbury liued then in banishment) the 18. of Nouember fol­lowing being sunday he died at Rippon, and was buried at Yorke in the Minster himselfe had built, next vnto Aldred his predecessor.

26. Gerard.

AFter the death of Thomas, Gerard nephew vnto Wal­kenlin 1101 Bishop of Winchester and Chauncellor of En­gland vnder William the Conquerour, and Rofus his sonne, hauing beene Bishop of Heresord no long time, he was elected vnto Yorke, but obtayned not confirmation a great while. For he refused to make profession of obedience vnto Canterbury, till being commaunded by the Popes let­ters, he performed the same. He sate Archbishop seuen yéeres, and almost sixe moneths, and died suddenly in his garden at Southwell, at a time when no body was with him. He was a good benefactor vnto the Church of Yorke; for he was a meanes vnto the king, to bestow the Church of Laxton vp­on the Chapter: and himselfe hauing obtayued of him the Churches of Dryfield, Kilne, Pockington and Burgh, he gaue them all likewise to the Chapter. This notwithstan­ding, after his death they would not suffer him (bying so sud­denly) to be buried within their church (hardly in the church­yard. So he was laide at the entrance of the church porch. But Thomas his successor not suffering such an indignity to be offered vnto an Archbishop, remooued his bones into the Church afterward, and caused them to be honorably in­toombed. He was a man of great learning, and for elo­quence admirable; but somewhat too eager against mar­ried Priests, whom by no meanes he could abide. Bale chargeth him with forcery and coniuration, because for­sooth, that after his death, there was found in his cham­ber a volume of [...], who writ of Astrology indéed, but of coniuration nothing that euer I heard.

27. Thomas. 2.

A Second Thomas succéeded, a Chaplain of the kings, ne­phew 1108 vnto the former Thomas, and sonne vnto Samp­son Bishop of Worceter. Euen as his predecessor, he was very loath to make his profession vnto Caterbury. Be­ing called vpon by Anselme the Archbishop; He made many [Page 454] [...]. Wherefore Anselme lying very [...], and perceiuing his end to be néere, [...] all the Bishops of England, commanding them not to consecrate him before he had made his [...], laying a terrible curse, and [...] vpon whosoeuer [...] doo it. The king after [...] death [...] the Bishop of Worceter (whose sonne he was) to consecrate him: But he answered that he would not haue the curse of Father [...], for any worldly good. So in the end being perswaded to yéeld, as other had done before him; consecration was afforded vnto him, and performed by his Father [...] the foresaid Bishop of [...], or (as other report) by the Bishop of London, Iune 27. 1108. This man erected [...] newe [...] in his Church of Yorke, he placed [...] reguler at [...], he [...] parcels of land vnto the Colledge of [...], and purchased of the king the like liberties & priuileges for them that the [...] of Yorke, [...] and [...]. He sate little aboue 5. yéeres, and died (I thinke I [...] say) [...] Martyr. Lying dangerously [...], he was aduertised by the [...], the nature of his disease, to be such, as if he vsed the company of a woman, he neede not doubt of his [...] otherwise nothing was to be looked for but death. He [...] rather to [...], then to [...] so high and sacred a calling with so soule and haynous an [...]. So he ended his life Februa­ry. 19. 1114. and was buried beside the former Thomas his vncle.

28. Thurstan.

THomas the Archbishop being taken away (as before I 1115 haue declared) Thurstan a Cannon of Paules and the Kings Chaplaine was chosen to succéed him He, when he could by no meanes obtaine consecration of Ralph Archbi­shop of Canterbury, without making profession of subiection, [...] and forsooke the [...] of his election. Yet re­membring himselfe at last, he went to Rome, to plead his cause before the Pope, and obtained letters to the king and Archbishop of Canterbury in commendation of his cause. These letters preuailing nothing with the Archbishop that [Page 455] would be wonne by no meanes, and Thurstan continuing as obstinate in his resolution; The Sée remained void along time. At last, it fell out, that a Counsell was summoned to be held at [...]. Thurstan crauing leaue of the king, to goe thither, could not obtaine it before he had promised that he would not receiue consecration there. Which promise not­withstanding, so well he followed his businesse, that be­fore the comming ouer of other English Bishops to the Counsell, he was a Bishop ready consecrate as well as they, and that by the hand of the Pope himselfe. So he (and he on­ly I thinke of all the Archbishops of York since the Conquest) neuer made profession of subiection to the Metropoliticall See of Canterbury. The King hearing of this dealing. was ve­ry greatly offended with Thurstan, and for bad him England. Neither could the Pope (méeting with the King at Gisors and intreating for him) so pacifie his displeasure, as that he would suffer him to returne. After fiue yeeres banishment, the Pope writ a very sharpe letter vnto the king, signifying, that he would excommunicate both him, and the Archbishop of Canterbury also, if Thurstan were any longer kept from his See and charge. Hereupon he was called home, and soone after reconciled vnto the King. This man is much praysed, first for his learning, then for his great wisedome and discretion, and lastly for his industry and diligence, his care and painefulnesse, in well gouerning the charge committed to him. He was a very kinde man to his Can­nons, vnto whom amongst other things, he affoorded this priuiledge, that, the yeerely profite of their prebends, being deuided into thrée parts, it should be lawfull for any Canon to bequeath two parts of the yéere next ensuing his death, alotting the third vnto the Fabricke, that is toward the re­paration of the church. This order he set downe, not onely at Yorke, but at Beuerley also, at Southwell, at Rippon, and at Glocester; all which were colledges founded by Archbishops of Yorke. Moreouer it is to be remembred, that he either founded a [...], or renued and repaired eight monasteries. In the latter end of his time, to wit June 4. 1137. a lamentable chaunce befell his church and city. By casuall fire Saint Pe­ters church in Yorke, Saint Maries without the walles, a [Page 456] [...] all of his owne [...] were [...], and the [...] city [...]. Hauing continued in that [...], from the time of his election, and being a very [...], he determined to forsake the [...] and [...] a [...] Pontsract, which he did, [...] his Bishopricke Ianuary 25. 1140. His cowle was [...] warme vpon his back when death appointed him the vse of an other garment. [...] daies after his resignation he died, viz. February 5. the yeere aforesaid.

29. Henry Murdac.

VVIlliam Treasurer of Yorke a kinsman of king Stephens tooke then vpon [...] the [...] of that Sée. A man very noble by birth and [...], but much more noble in [...] and [...] manners. [...] obtained not onely election, but [...] also (as [...] vnto me) he sent vnto Rome for his [...]. His [...] there, was not so good as he looked for: By some [...] many [...] were taken against him, whereby it came to passe not onely his sute was put of and staid for that [...], but also processe awarded to admonish him to come thither in person to answere the accusations laied against him. At his comming to Rome, he found his aduersaries many [...] mighty. And amongst the rest, it is remembred that Saint Bernard then liuing was very earnest against him. [...] the Pope had [...] brought vp in the Abbey of Clareuall vn­der Saint Bernard, together with Henry Murdas, whom Williams aduersaries had set vp to [...] a suter for this Archbi­shopricke. The Pope being thus caried away with the per­swasion of his old acquintance, and some shew of matter & was content to [...] William, and to place Henry Murdac in his roome, whom he caused to be consecrate presently, and sent him home into England with his Pall. King Stephen hearing this newes, was [...] with the [...] of [...], which all men [...]. [...] he [...] vpon [...] with the [...] Archbishop [...] him to [...] vnto him in [...] man­ner; [Page 457] and when he denied, easily tooke occasion of displeasure against him. The townesmen of Yorke that loued William excéedingly for his gentlenesse and vertuous behauiour a­mongst them; hearing how the king was affected; refused to receiue [...] into their city. For this resistance he suspen­deth the city; which notwithstanding, Eustach the kings sonne commaunded seruice to be said as at other times was accustomed. By meanes hereof, as also by reason that the kings officers were very terrible and heauy enemies vnto all that had laboured for the depriuation of William; sediti­ons and [...] were daily raised in the city, amongst which a certaine Archdeacon, a friend of the Archbishoppes was slaine. Two or thrée yéeres these stirs continued, till at last, the kings wrath by meanes being appeased, Yorke men were content to receiue their Archbishop peaceably. He go­uerned very austerely the space of ten yeeres, died October 14. 1153. at Sherborne, and was buried in his Cathedrall church.

3. Saint William.

VVIlliam, immediately after his depriuation, got him 1153 home into England, and in great patience awai­ting the pleasure of God, betooke himselfe to the monastery of Winchester, liuing much in the company of Henry the Bishop, that did first consecrate him. Now ye shall vnderstand, that a little before the death of Henry Murdac, [...] the Pope his old companion, and Saint Bernard the Master of them bothe (for they had bene his scollers) were taken out of this life. William then was greatly animated by his friends to make complaint vnto Anastasius the uew Pope of the wrong heretofore done vnto him; and prouoked by their importunity, did so indeede, trauailing to Rome, in his owne person. He had [...] commenced his complaint, when newes was brought that Henry Murdac also his old aduersa­ry was departed this life. Following then, the aduise of Gre­gory a Cardinall, a very pollitique and subtill fellow; with­out any great sute he was restored vnto all his honours and had the pall deliuered vnto him. He was returned into En­gland [Page 458] [...], which he kept [...] the Bishop of Winchester. [...] church, he was [...] vpon the way by [...] [...] [...] the [...] of [...] who [...] him [...] into [...] church, and appealed vnto [...] against him, which he little estéemed, but went forward notwithstanding. All the rest of the cleargy and commonalty [...] him with [...] ioy. [...] Virg, reporteth, that passing ouer the riuer beyond [...], the number of people that followed him to [...] honour was so [...], as the bridge being but a wo­den bridge, brake euen inst as the Bishop was oner, and throw them all into the water. But the blessing and praier of this holy man (he supposeth) preuailed so much with God, as they were all [...] preserued from drowning. Into his city he was honorably receiued, and began a very [...] and gentle gouernment, shewing no token of gall or malice toward his ancient and most bitter cnimies; but he was ta­ken away by death before he could performe any great mat­ter otherwise. Soone after Whitsuntide he fell sicke (as it séemed) of a kinde of ague, and within a day or two after de­parted this life. The common report is, that he was poyso­ned in the challice at masse. But Newbrigensis [...] this opinion at large, li. 1. [...]. 26. Certaine it is y t it was [...] suspected to be so, not only after his death, but also while he yet liued, in his [...] times, In so much as one of his chaplaines aduised him to [...] some [...] or [...] poyson, which he also did as one [...]; but other say he answered, quod antidotum dioinum non adijceret humano, that he would not adde the [...] of the body vnto the preseruatiue of the soule, becanse forsooth he had then lately receined the sacrament. Howsoeuer it was, he died very sud­denly, his teeth waxing very blacke a little before his death, and not without some other notes and [...] of poy­son. The time of his departure was June 8. 1154. After his death he was made a Saint, and the day aforesaid June 8, appointed vnto the celebration of his memory. Many mira­cles are said to haue beene wrought at his toombe in the Ca­shedrall church of Yorke. Beleeue it that list, I cannot: to say­no more, me thinkes the man whose depriuation Saint Bar­nard [Page 459] procured, should not be worthy to be reputed a Saint, or like to worke miracles.

31. Roger.

NO sooner was William dead, but Robert the Deane, and Osbert the Archdeacon, laide plots for the electi­on of Roger Archdeacon of Canterbury, and procu­ring the Archbishop and the Popes Legate to become suters for him, with much adoo they induced the Chapter to choose him. He was consecrate by Anastasius the Pope about the end of the yéere 1154. This man is not gratious in our sto­ries; yet he is confessed to haue béene very learned, well spo­ken, passing wise, and a great augmenter of the state of his Bishopricke, both in reuenewes and buildings. The reason is, he fauoured not monkes, by whom in a manner all our histories are written. He was wont to say, that Thurstan ne­uer did a worse deede, then in erecting the Monastery of Fountney. And that it may [...], he faigned not this mislike, you shall find in Newbridg. lib. 3. cap. 5. That a cer­taine religious man comming vnto him when he lay vpon his death bed, requested him to confirme certaine graunts made vnto their house: to whom he answered, you see my friend I am now vpon the point of death, it is no time to dis­semble; I feare God, and in regard thereof refraine to satisfie your request, which I protest I can not doo with a good con­science; A strange doctrine in those daies; but being a wise man and learned, he must néedes discerne, that the monkes of his time were so farre swarued and degenerate from the holinesse of those first excellent men of the primitiue Church, as they resembled rather any other kinde of people, then those whom they pretended in profession to succeed. These men (the monkes I meane) to be reuenged vpon him, haue stamped vpon him two notable faults, one, that he preferred whipping boyes vnto the chiefe dignities of the Church, wherein (were it true) no body can excuse him; The other thing they lay to his charge is manifestly false; They say he was miserably co­uetous, and how doo they prooue it? Because forsooth he left a certaine deale of ready money behind him. Surely in my


[Page 461]same, made no haste to receiue consecration, as knowing bet­ter how to sheare his shéepe, then to feed them, which he knew he might do without consecration as well as with it. Seuen yéeres he held the Bishoprick after that sort, and at length by the perswasion of his father, desirous to haue his sonne néere about him (as some say) or perceiuing him vnfit to make a cleargy man (as other say) He resigned his interest in the church of Lincolne, and got him to the court, where he was made Lord Chanucellour of England, and held that office about eight yéeres, viz. vntill the yéere 1189. at what time his father died. Many Bishoprickes at that time were void, and had béene some of them a long time, as Yorke now ten yeeres, and Lincolne seuenteene. King Richard therefore vn­derstanding the people murmured and grudged much at these long vacations, and knowing also it imported him to see his brother prouided for; he thought to stop two gaps with one bush, and at once to furnish Yorke with an Archbishop, and his brother with a liuing. So he writ his letters vnto the chapter of Yorke in his brothers behalfe, who (not with­out some difficulty) elected him. He was consecrate at Tours in Fraunce in the moneth of August 1191. Presently after his consecration comming ouer into England, he was impri­soned by [...] Bishop of Ely the Chauncellour, being drawen from the very altar of Saint Martins church in [...] but he was quickly set at liberty againe. And the proude Chauncellour [...] repented him of his rashnesse and folly, being excommunicate for the same, and otherwise hardly ynough vsed, as you may see more at large in his life. This man prooued a better Bishop then was expected, gouerning his Prouince (if not somewhat too stoutely, according to the courage [...] in a man of so high birth and nobility) very well and [...]. He is praysed much for his tempe­rance, [...] and [...] both of conntenance and beha­uiour. All the time of his brother [...] (expecting the wrong done vnto him by the Bishop of Ely) he liued quietly without [...] or complaint of any. Betweene him and king Iohn (who was his brother also) there was much adoe. In the second yeere of his raigne, he commaunded the Sheriffe of Yorkeshire to seise vpon all the goods and lands of the Arch­bishop, [Page 462] and his seisure to returne into the exchecquer, which was done accordingly: whereupon the said Archbishop ex­communicated, not onely the Sherisie that had done him this violence, but all those in generall that were the authors of the same, and that had béene any meanes to stirre vp the kings indignation against him. The cause of this trouble is diuersly reported: some say, that he hindered the kings offi­cers in gathering a kind of taxe through his [...]; others, that he refused to saile into Norwandy with him, when he went to make a marriage for his neice, and to conclude a league with the French king. Whether one of these were the cause, or both, or none, I can not tell; But certaine it is, that one whole yéere his temporalities were detained from him, his mooueable goods neuer restored, and yet moreouer he was saine to pay a thousand pound sterling for his restituti­on. This was a greater wound then that it might easily be cured. Sixe or 7. yéeres after, it brake out againe, to wit, an. 1207. King Iohn then being at Winchester required such of the cleargy & Nobility, as were there present to consent, that payment should be made vnto him, of the thirtéenth shilling of all the mooueable goods in England; This motion no man gainesaid, but Geffrye the Archb. his brother. After this, whe­ther it were he were guilty of some greater attempt, or that he vnderstood, his brother to be gréeuously offended with him for withstanding, this his desire; well perceiuing England was too hote for him, secretly he auoyded the Realme, ex­communicating before his departure such of his iurisdiction, as either had paied the said taxe, or should hereafter pay it. He liued then in banishment 5. yéeres, euen vntill he was called to his long home by death, which was the yéere 1213. So he continued Archbishop somewhat more then 21. yéeres.

33. Walter Gray.

THe Sée was void after the death of Geffry, the space of 1217 foure yéeres. In the meane space, Symon de Langton brother vnto Stephen Langton Archbishop of Canter­bury was elected by the Chapter of Yorke. But king Iohn being lately become tributary, vnto the church of Rome, [...] [Page 463] found meanes to Cassire and disanull that election. If the old quarrell betwéene the Archbishop and him, stucke yet some thing in his stomacke, I maruell not: but he alledged that he thought it dangerous and very inconuenient the whole Church of England should be ruled by two brethren, one at Canterbury in the South, an other at Yorke in the North. He laboured then very earnestly to haue Walter Gray his Counsellor remooued from Worceter to Yorke. The channons there refused him for want of learning (as they said) but at last they were content to accept him, in re­gard (forsooth) of his singular temperance and chastity: they seemed to be perswaded that he had continued till that time a pure maide. The matter was, they durst do no other but yeeld, and then thought good to make a vertue of necessity. This man was first Bishop of Chester, consecrate the yéere 1210. translated thence to Worceter 1214. and lastly the yéere 1216 to Yorke; but vpon such conditions as I thinke he had béene better to haue staid at Worceter still. The Pope would haue no lesse then 10000, l. for wresting him into the Archbishoprick; for y t gathering of which mony, he was faine to be so thrifty, as in all our histories he is infamous for a mi­serable couetous wretch: for proofe whereof, I will recount vnto you a strange report of M. [...]. The yéere 1234. there was great dearth & scarcity of corne, and (by reason that the dearth had continued then thrée yeeres) mortality of people also, as well by pestilence as famine. Amongst many rich men that were nothing mooued with compassion toward the poore dayly perishing for want of reliefe, this Archbishop is especially noted, that he had fiue yéeres corne in store, and would not thresh it out. Being told at last by his officers, that it was much to be feared, it was consumed by mice, or some other way much the woorse for so long standing; he [...] them to deliuer it to the husbandmen that dwelt in his man­nors, vpon condition they should pay as much new corne for it after haruest. They intending to doe as he commanded, went about to take downe a great mow of corne he had at Rippon. And first comming toward it, they saw the heads of many serpents, snakes, [...] and other venemous creatures pearing out at the ends of the sheaues. This being told vnto [Page 464] the Archbishop, he sent his steward, and diuers of good credit, to enquire the truth thereof: who seeing that which the other had seene, enforced notwithstanding certaine poore men to go vp vnto the top of it with ladders. They were scarcely [...], when they saw a blacke smoake rise out of the corne, and felt a most toathsome [...] which compelled them withall hast possible to get thē downe againe. Moreouer, they all heard an vnknowen voice saying vnto them, Let the corne alone, for the Archb. and all he hath is the diuels possession. To make short they were faine to build a wal about it, and then to set it on fire, fearing least such an infinite deale of venemous crea­tures might infect and poyson, or at least greatly annoy the whole countrey. The credit of this report I leaue vnto the Readers discretion. Matthew Westminster commendeth the man greatly for his wisedome in gouerment and his loyall [...] vnto his Prince; and that he deserued this commenda­tion, I account it no slender proofe; that Quéene Elianore (to whom her husband king Henry the third had committed the charge of the realme trauelling into Fraunce) she (I say) ha­uing occasion to crosse the seas to conferre with her husband, committed the rule and gouernment of the same vnto this Archbishop. It was in the yéere 1253. at what time he being a very aged man and sickely, was excéeding loath to take it vpon him. He sate Archbishop aboue 39. yéeres, in which space he did many things to the good and benefit, both of his Sée and church. The mannor of Thorpe he purchased and the church of the same, both which he gaue vnto his Sée. He erected many Chauntries in diuers places. He gaue vnto his church 32. wonderful sumptuous coapes; and left a goodly stocke of cattle vnto his successors, procuring the king to con­firme the gift, and to take order that euery Archbishop should be bound to leaue it as he found it. He bought vnto his Sée the house now called White Hall (and heretofore Yorke place) Hubert de Burgo Earle of Kent built it, and gaue it vn­the Fryer preachers in London, who sold it vnto this Arch­bishop. In the time of Cardinall Woolsies disgrace, the king required it of him, & he either for feare, or els hope of currying a little fauor with the king that way, yéelded by & by. He died at last on May day 1255. & was buried in S. Peters church.

34. Sewall.

VVHen the king heard of his death, he determined 1259 not to suffer his place to be filled ouer hastily. All other Bishopricks of England (saith he) haue bene in my hands heretofore, but this neuer: Therefore I must be aduised how I let it passe out of my fingers. The Chapter af­ter a conuenient space, made choise of Sewall their Deane a man modest, vertuous and learned, being well seene not one­ly in diuinity, but in law also and much other good learning. Diuers of his writings remaine and are remembred by Bale in his centuries. He was a diligent hearer of Edmund of A­benden (after Archbishop of Canterbury, and canonized a Saint) at what time he read the diuinity lecture in Oxford. This Saint [...] (as Matthew Paris reporteth) would often tell his scholler Sewall, that out of all question he should die a Martyr. Now far foorth this prediction fell out true, you shall heare anon. Now the king not liking this spéede of the Chapter men, as not being for his profit, hindred the new elect what he might, and for want of better matter, alleaged against him, that he was a bastard, and so by the Cannons vncapeable of that honour. It was true enough, and how he salued that soare I cannot tell; A dispensation belike from Rome (where all things were then to be had for mony) tooke away that obstacle. I find he was consecrate by the suffragan Bishops, of his owne prouince: Iuly 23. 1256 a yeere and almost three moneths, [...] the death of his predecessor. His Deanery being thus void, the Pope tooke vpon him to bestow the same vpon one Iordan a stranger, that vnderstood [...] one word of English, and otherwise [...] vnworthy of that goodly preferment. This Iordan doubting least in taking pos­session he might happily be resisted, came into the church of Yorke, at dinner time, and inquiring of one (whom by chance he found then at his praiers) which was the Deanes stall? Caused two of his owne company to deliuer him possession thereof. This being done, though in hugger mugger, was quickly brought vnto the Archbishops eares, who grieued in­finitely at the same, and sought, by all meanes possible to dis­annull [Page 466] and make voide the Popes gift. The [...] church men were so amazed with this strange and [...] course (strange in those daies, but afterwards too com­mon) as they knew not what to do or say. It seemed most [...] and detestable vnto them, that so high a dignity, and an office of such importance, in place and authoritie next vnto the Archbishop, should be conferred vpon a base ob­scure and contemptible fellow. But they stood so in awe of the Popes tyranny, whereunto the king had subiected, and as it were prostrate himselfe, that they durst not make any profes­sion of mislike About the same time the Pope sent a comman­dement into England, that 300. of the next benefices that fel, should he bestowed vpon certaine Italians that he named, men ignorant of the English toong, and though otherwise perhaps worthy the places appointed them (which is greatly to be doubted) yet in that respect most vnfit to haue cure of soules committed vnto them. In this iniurious course, our Sewall couragiously withstood him, and not onely by word and letter sharpely reprehended him, but also in deeds resisted this his tyranny; vtterly refusing to admit either Iordan vn­to the Deanry, or any other of his Italians to any other pro­motion in his Dioces. For his labour he was quickely sus­spended. Wherewith he was so little terrified, as that not­withstanding, he stood still stoutly to his tackling, and yeelded not one inch. Iordan therefore, whether doubting of good suc­cesse, or wearied with trouble, or in regard, that he perceiued himselfe very odious in Yorke, resigned his Deanry, accep­ting a pension of 100. markes out of it. This composition with Iordan, nothing apeased the Popes fury. Determining belike to make him an example to other, he first caused his crosse in contumelious maner to be taken from him, and soone after thundred ont his greatest excōmunication against him, causing him to be cursed throughout England with bell, booke and candle. By these, and infinite other vexations (saith Matthew Paris) he was much disgraced in the fight of the world; but became no doubt far the more acceptable in the sight of God. So long he denied to how his knees vnto this [...], as ouercome with care, and not induring those [...] all molestations, he died at last hart broken, much better de­seruing [Page 467] the name of a Martyr, then many other to whom the church of Rome hath afforded that title. Lying vpon his death bed, & perceiuing his end to approch, with watry eies looking [...] towards heauen in y t bitternes of his soule he made this prayer, which I thinke not vnworthy in this place to be inserted: Lord Iesus Christ thou most iust iudge, from whose [...] wisedome nothing is hid, thou knowest how the Pope (vnto whom thou hast suffered the gouernment of thy church to be deliuered) hath with manifold [...] ouerwhel med my innocencie, for no other cause (as thou canst witnes, & the world doubteth not) then this, that I would not admit men altogether vnknowne, yea and most vnfit, vnto the cure and care of those churches, the rule and charge whereof vnto me (though vnwoorthie) thou hast committed: Notwith­standing least by my contempt the Popes [...] sentence of excommunication become iust and deserued, with all humili­tie I craue to be absolued from the same. But I appeale vnto thee the supreme and vncorruptible iudge; and both heauen and earth shall be my witnesses, that he hath most vniustly vexed and many waies as gréeuously, as wrongfully offen­ded me. Before his end also he writ vnto the Pope a very ef­fectuall, and pithie letter, wherein he laied before him at large the miserable estate into which the [...] of him and his predecessors had brought the church; praying him to haue a care to amend what was amisse, & to remember that Christ repeated vnto Peter thrice, Feede my sheepe, but not so much as once or halfe once bid him either to flay them or to sheere them, much lesse to teare out their very bowels to deuours or destroy them, as he did. But the Pope was so farre from following this good aduise, as he not onely contemned the same, but first derided the good Bishop for his labor, & after­ward grew into great choller, taking it hainously, that any mortall man should be so presumptuous, as to admonish him of his dutie. He sate Archbishop onely two yéeres, in which time he reformed many things amisse in the state of his Church. He caused the stipend of the ministers of Saint Sepulchres chappell to be increased, and appointed them to be called Cannons: He erected Uicariges in diuers impro­priate churches, which till that time were very ill serued, and [Page 468] did many other things woorth memorie, but more [...] haue done if his time had béene either longer or more quiet and peaceable. He died vpon, or neere vnto Ascention [...], 1258. and was buried in his Cathedrall church: The place of his sepulture there, was much frequented of the ignorant people, that esteemed him a Saint. Notwithstanding the great conflicts betweene him and the Pope, our monkes doubt not to father vpon him a miracle of turning water into wine, by blessing it in time of his sicknesse. The [...] whereof I leaue vnto the Reader.

35. Godfry de Kinton.

ABout this time (saith Matthew Paris) an order was 1285 taken at Rome that euery elect Bishop of England must before his consecration fetch the Popes approbation at Rome, whence (if his purse helped him not the better) he was sure to returne home, as wise as he went foorth. The first that was inforced to this vagare was [...] de Kinton, or (as other write him) Godfry de Ludham. He was Deane of Yorke, and being elect at home. trauailed to Rome where he receaued consecration September 23. 1258. This man (J know not vpon what quarrell) interdicted the whole city of Yorke, in the beginning of lent and restored it not till the third of May following, which was in the yeere 1261. He sate sixe yeeres three moneths, and eigghtéene daies dying then about Twelfetide 1264. he was buried in his owne church.

36. Walter Giffard.

AFter the death of Godfry, William de Langton Deane 1266 of Yorke was elected to succéede him. But the Pope (for what cause I know not peraduenture, because he brought not mony enough in his purse) reiected him and translated Wal­ter Giffard from Bathe and Welles to Yorke; He was the Popes Chaplaine, and Cannon of Welles, first Treasurer, then Chauncellor of England; Elected to Bathe May 22. 1264. From whence he was remooued 1266. hauing conti­nued [Page 469] there onely two yéeres. He liued at Yorke thirtéen yéeres departed this life Aprill 25. 1279. and lieth buried there in Saint Peters church.

37. William Wickwane.

IT shall not be amisse, here to remember, that Onuphrius 1279 reporteth Saint Bonauenture (whom he calleth Bona­uentura Fidanza) to haue bene preferred about this time from the Archbishopricke of Yorke vnto the place of a Cardi­nall, viz. in the yeere 1274. Paulus [...] de [...], [...] saith, that at what time diuers [...] came to the Councell of Lyons, to conferre with the learned men of our Westerne church concerning the difference of opinions be­twéene vs and them; Thomas Aquinas (who then read Diui­nitie at Naples) was sent for as the fittest man of that age to deale with them; but he died in the way. Bonauenture was then appointed to supply his place, and least the [...] should despise him being but a frier [...] The Pope offered him the Archbishopricke of Yorke: He was loath saith Paulus [...] to take so great a charge vpon him, and vp­on his refusall was made a Cardinall. I cannot see how ei­ther of these reports should be true. For the See of Yorke at that time and long both before and after was full, being pos­sessed by Walter Giffard from the yeere 1266. til 1279. Now to leaue Bonauenture as we finde him, ye shall vnderstand, that the Deane and Chapter of Yorke soone after the death of Walter Giffard elected for their Archbishop William Wick­wane, one of their owne company, and Chauncellour of their church. Of him little is recorded but that the first yeere of his consecration, he remooued the bones of Saint [...] his predecessor, and caused them to be placed in a costly shrine with great solemnity. The king, Queene, eleuen other Bi­shops, and many nobles being present. He died August 27. 1285. hauing continued Archbishop scarcely 6. yeeres.

38. Iohn Romano.

THe 28. of Nouember following, viz. 1285. a cannon of 1285 Yorke was elected Archbishop, and shortly after conse­crate at Rome. Because his father was a Romane borne, he was called by the name of Iohn Romane This man was of base parentage, but very learned. He built the crosse Jle on the North side of the church toward the pallace, and a goodly steeple in the middle of the church, all at his owne pro­per costs. He built much in the hospitall of Saint Peter, and with his owne hands laide the first stone of the great body of the church vpon the South side of the same. He liued not to bring that noble worke to any perfection, being taken away by death March 15. 1295. when he had continued in that Sée little more than 10 yéeres. The yéere before he died, he excommunicated Anthony Beake Bishop of Durham, being one of the kings Councell, and at that time, beyond the seas in his seruice. Whereat the king being highly displeased, the Archbishop thought it his best course, to put himselfe to his mercy. He did so, and was saine to [...] the kings fauour with 4000. markes. The indignation of a Prince is death (saith the Wise man) And likely ynough it is, that the [...] of his displeasure, and the trouble that ensued it, might soone cause some incurable disease that tooke him away. He was buried in his Cathedrall church, which with goodly building he had much augmented and beautified.

39. Henry Newerk.

THe Deane of Yorke Henry de Newerk) was then cho­sen 1296 Archbishop the seuenth day of May following. He was consecrate at home in his owne church about a twelue moneth after; to wit in the beginning of the yeere 1297. He had enioyed that honour but two yeeres when by death he was forced to leaue the same.

40. Thomas de Corbridg.

AFter him succéeded Thomas de Corbridge Cannon of 1299 Yorke, a great learned diuine. He denied the king to haue the disposition of a certaine spirituall promotion that fell in his gift, wherewith the king was so greatly displeased, as he violently tooke from him three Baronies (as one saith I thinke he meaneth Mannors) appertaining of old vnto his See, and detained them so long as this Archbishop liued, which was indeede but a short time. He sate in all but three yeeres seuen monethes and ten daies. Whether it be that few mens minds are so great, as to sustaine the burthen of a prin­ces displeasure, or that God which promiseth a reward of long life vnto those that [...] honour vnto their superiors, in his iust iudgement do soonest cut of such as are backward in this duety: So surely it hath fallen out for the most part, that those Bishops that haue presumed most in opposing them­selues against their princes, haue least time indured, and euer quickly bene taken away; whereof I could yeelde infinite ex­amples. This Thomas Corbridg died at Lanham the yeere 1303. and was buried at Southwell.

41. William de Greenfield.

HE that then succéeded William de Greenfild was Ca­non 1305 of Yorke and Chauncellour of England vnder king Edward the first. A great and wise councellor, very eloquent, and not vnlearned. After his election he was faine to awaite the Popes pleasure two yéeres, before he could obtaine conse­cration, which at last he receiued of Pope Clement the fifth anno 1305. But it cost him 9500. markes beside the charge that he was at while he lay in the Popes court a suter. By reason of these immoderate expenses he became so bare, that at his first returne into England he was faine to make two collections amongst his cleargy in one yeere: the first he called a beneuolence, the second an aide. He was a great fauourer of the templers, euery where oppressed in those daies, especially by the Pope & Philip the french king. When he had sate nine [Page 472] yéeres, eleuen monethes and two daies, he departed this [...] at [...] December 13. 1315. and was buried in his cathe­drall church in the porch of Saint Nicholas.

42. William de Melton.

SOne after Greenfields death, before the end of the yéere, 1317 1315. William de Melton Prouost of Beuerly, and Ca­non of Yorke, was elected at the instance and earnest request of the king Edward the 2. With the Pope he found no more grace, then his predecessor had done; vnder two yéeres sute consecration coulde not be had. It was at last affoorded him September 25. 1317. at Auinion. Almost 23. yéeres hée gouerned the Sée of Yorke, and that very woorthily: atten­ding diligently not onely the affaires and businesse of his church, but also his owne priuate actions, indeuoring by cha­stitie, fasting, prayer, almesdaedes, hospitalitie, and vertuous behauior, like a good pastor to teach and instruct, as well by example of life as preaching and doctrine. He was very good to his Tenaunts; but carefull to preserue; and rather to in­crease, then any way to unpaire the state, liberties and reue­nues of his Church. Yet was he not carelesse of the prefer­ment of his seruants and kinred, whom (as occasion serued) he pleasured and aduanced to very good places: amongst the rest, and by the Popes licence, he purchased to a brothers sonne, the Mannor of [...], Kingsclere, and Went­worth, which till that time belonged to the Archbishops of Roan. He bestowed great cost vpon the shryne of Saint William, and finished the west part of the body of his church, with the expences of 700. markes. He enclosed also a place called the old [...] at Yorke, with a goodly wall. He decea­sed Aprill 22. (or as one deliuereth Aprill 5.) 1. 340. at Ca­wood, hauing sate 22. yéeres and almost 7. moneths, in which time, he had béene successiuely Treasurer and Chauncellor of England. His body lieth buried néere the [...] in Saint Pe­ters Church.

43. William de Zouche.

VVIlliam de la Souch Deane of Yorke succéeded. He 1342 had much to doe with one William Kilsby that contended with him two whole yéeres for this Archbishopricke. He was consecrate at last by Pope Clement the 6. at Auinion, an. [...]. The [...] 1346. king Edward going into France, left this man his [...] heere. The Scots taking aduantage of his absence, came with a great armie into England. At a place called Bewre Parke néere [...] crosse, they were mette by this Archbishop and di­uers of our Nobilitie, October 17. where our men so valtant­ly behaued themselues, as the Scots were cuerthrowne, two Earles, 21. knights, and an [...] number of other slaine, many also taken prisoners, and amongst the rest, Dauid le [...] then king. This Bishop a little before his death be­gan the foundation of a Chappell, on the south side of the church, intending to be buried in the same, but being taken away before it could be brought to any perfection, he was laied before the altar of Saint Edmund the Confessor. He died August 8. 1352.

44. Iohn Thursby.

THe yéere 1349. Iohn Thursby Bishop of Saint [...] 1352 was translated to Worceter, and about the mid­dle of October 1352. (being then Chauncelor of Eng­land) to Yorke. He was brought vp in Oxford, where he was very much esteemed for his learning, being a great [...], and a very good Canonist. He writ diuers things, both in English and Latine: amongst the rest, he published an expo­sition vpon the ten Commandements in his mother toong, which he required all the Clergy men in his Dioces to read diligently vnto their parishioners. That worke I haue and keepe as a [...] worthy to be esteemed. Diuinity books in the English toong were geason in those dates. I pray God they be not now too common. The yaere he was Car­dinall of Saint Sabine by Pope Vrban the [...], whom I ho­mas [Page 474] Walsingham repeateth to haue [...] an English man. In the 10. yéere after his [...], he began to build [...] the quier of his Cathedrall church: laying the first stone him­selfe July 29. toward the charge of which work he presently laide downe 100. l. (or as some report 500. l.) and promised to contribute yéerely 200. markes, or as others say 200. l. till it were [...]; which [...] long as he liued, he faithfully per­formed. He bestowed great cost in beautifying the Lady chappell with images and pictures of excellent workman­ship; and [...] the bodies of diuers of his predecessors that lay buried else where about the church, caused them to be [...] in the said chappell in very [...] manner, lea­uing a place for [...] in the middle thereof, where, dying Nouember 6. 1373. at Thorp, he was [...] after solemnly enterred.

45. Alexander Neuill.

VNto this Sée the Pope then appointed Alexander Ne­uill 1373 a Canon of Yorke; a man greatly fauoured of king Richard the second which was his destruction. Diuers of the nobility malecontent, tooke armes against the king, caused many whom they misliked to be condemned by parli­ament, some to death; some to prison, &c. Amongst the rest, this Archbishop was accused to be one that abused the kings youth by flattery, and with whispering tales inticed him against the nobility, and for this cause, he was condemned to perpetuall prison, and appointed vnto the castell of Rochester there to be kept. But he, foreséeing the tempest that grew [...] him, fled out of the realme. The Pope then ( Vrbane the [...]) whether in commiseration thinking to relieue him, or else v­sing it as a meanes to make his Archbishopricke voide, [...] he might bestow it; translated him from Yorke vnto [...] Andrewes in Scotland. Howsoeuer it was meant, sure it fell out to be a very bad exchaunge, for his part. Scotland at that time refused to acknowledge Vrbane for Pope and yeelded obedience to the Antipope. By meanes whereof, Vrbans [...] was not of sufficient force, to inuest him in Saint Andrewes and yet quite cut him of from Yorke, at home. Hereby it [...] [Page 475] to passe, that hauing the reuenues, neither of the one, nor the other, for very want he was [...] to become a parish priest, and so liued thrae yeere at Louane, euen vntill his death. He was banished the yéere 1386. liued in [...] almost fiue yeres, died 1391. and was buried in the church of the Frier Carme­lites there. This man bestowed much cost in repayring the castle of Cawod, building diuers towers, and other edifices about the same.

46. Thomas Arundell.

ALexander Neuill being thus displaced vnder presence 1388 of preferment to a new place; The Pope tooke vpon him to bestow Yorke; And least if he should aduance one to it not greatly preferred before, the old incumbent might chaunce in time to recouer it from him againe; He thought good to bestow it so, as benefiting many he might procure so many aduersaries vnto Neuill, whereof any one alone might hardly saeme able to withstand him, but all these together he knew very well: To this end, as also to gaine the more in first fruits, he called Thomas Arundell from Ely to Yorke, translated the Bishops of Durham to Ely, Bath to Durham, Salisbury to Bath, and gaue Salisbury to Iohn Waltham the kings chaplaine, a man very gracious with him, and keeper of his priuie seale. This Thomas Arundell the yéere 1396 was remooued to Canterbury, the first that [...] was translated from Yorke [...]. While he was at Yorke, he bestowed much in building vpon diuers of his houses, and vnto the church he gaue, besides many rich orna­ments, two great Basons of siluer and gilt, two great Cen­sers, two other Basons of siluer, and two Crewettes. He gaue to the vse of the Uicars, a siluer Cuppe of great waight, and a Bowle of siluer very massiue and costly vnto the Ca­nons. Being yet Bishop of Ely, he was Lord Chauncellor of England, and so continued till the yéere 1396. at what time being remooued to Canterbury, he gaue ouer immedi­ately that office. See more of him, in Ely and Canterbury.

47. Robert Waldby.

RObert Waldby Bishop of Chichester succéeded Tho­mas 1396 Arundell in Yorke. Being yet a yoong man, he fol­lowed Edward the blacke Prince, into Fraunce, where he continued long a student, and profited so much, as no man in the [...] where he liued (Tholous) might be compa­red with him for all kinde of learning. He was a good Lin­guist, very well séene in Philosophie both naturall and mo­rall, in Phyficke, and the Canon Law also; very eloquent, an excellent Preacher, and estéemed so profound a Diuine, [...] he was thought méete to be the Professor of Diuinitie, or doctor of the chaire in the said Uniuersitie. For these his good gifts, he was much fauoured of the blacke Prince first, then of king Richard his sonne; and by their fauour obtayned first a Bishopricke in Gascoigne (as Bale reporteth) but by another antiquity that I haue seene, he was first Bishop of the Isle of Man; and his Epitaph saith he was first Praesul [...]. From that first preferment whatsoeuer it was, he was tran­slated an. 1387. to the Archbishopricke of Dublin in Ireland thence to Chichester 1395. and the yéere following, became an Archbishop once more, viz. of Yorke. There he sate not fully three yéeres, but he died May 29. 1397. and was buriet in Westminster almost in the middle of the chappell of Saint [...], where an Epitaph is to be séene vpon his graue partly [...], and otherwise not worth the reciting.

48. Richard Scroope.

RIchard Scroope that succéeded Robet Waldby, though 1397 a gentleman of great bloud, being brother vnto Willi­am Scroope that was Earle of Wilshire, and Treasu­rer of England vnder king Richard; yet obtained not [...] high promotion without desert, in regard of many good [...] in him. For he was incomparably learned (saith Thomas Walsingham) of singular integrity for his life and conuersati­on; and (which is not altogether to be neglected) of a goodly and amiable personage. He was brought vp in Cambridge, [Page 477] and procéeded there first Master of Arte, then doctor of Law: thence he trauelled throngh Fraunce into Italy, and became an aduocate in the Popes Court, vntill (such time as he was preferred to the Bishopricke of Couentry & Lichfield, where­unto he was consecrate August 9. 1386 There he sate tenne yéeres, and was translated to Yorke [...]. Nine yéeres he gouerned that Church landably, and is commended as well for his owne priuate manners and behauiour, as his publike gouernment. His [...] was vnhappy and very [...]. King Henry had lately deposed king Richard, by whom this man was preferred, and had cansed his brother the Earle of [...] to be [...] at Bristow. Whether it were de­sire to reuenge these wrongs done to his friendes, or some other respect, I know not; certaine it is, that the yeere 1405. he ioined with the Earle of Nothumberland, the Earle Mar­shall, the Lord Bardolph, and other in a conspiracy against king Henry. The Earle of Westmerland, and Iohn Duke of Lancaster, the kings sonne, were then in the North coun­trey when these men began to stirre, and gathering what for­ces they could, came against them. But finding the other too strong for them, they inquire of them in peaceable manner what their intent is, in taking armes. The Archbishoppe answered, that he meant nothing but good vnto the King and the Realme, as he would gladly certifie him if hee had secure and safe accesse vnto him. And therewithall shewed a writing vnto them containing a reason of his dooing. The [...] of Westmerland hauing reade this wrting, professed to allow of their enterprise, and pray­sed it for honest and reasonable; insomuch, as meeting with the Archbishop at a Parley, after a very fewe speeches, they seemed to become friends shaking hands together, and drinking to ech other in sight of both their armies. The Arch­bishop now [...] of nothing, suffered his men to disperse themselues for a time: But the Earle contrariwise waxed stronger and stronger, and at last seeing himselfe well able to deale with the Archbishop, came vpon him sodemly, and ar­rested him little thinking of any such matter. The king by this time was come northward as farre as Pomfret. Thi­ther the Archbishop and other prisoners arrested with him, [Page 478] were also brought, and caried with the king backe to Yorke againe, (or as other deliuer) to Thorpe, where Sir William Fulford, a knight learned in the Lawe sitting on a high stage in the Hall condemned him to be beheaded: Presently after iudgement giuen, he was set vpon an ill fauored Iade, his face toward the horse taile, and caried with great scorne and shame to a [...] hard by, where his head lastly was striken off, by a fellow that did his office very ill, not being able to dispatch him with lesse then fiue strokes. He was executed vpon [...] being June 8. 1405. and buried in the east part of the new works of his Church of Yorke, in which place, as also the [...] where he died, certaine miracles are said to haue béene done, and are ascribed vnto his holinesse. It is deliuered also that the king was presently striken with a [...] after his death. He was the first Bishop that I [...] put to death by order of Law. No maruell if an execution so [...] and extraordinary, performed in so odious and [...] a manner, gaue occasion of many tales, and rumours. The Pope excommunicated the authors of his death, but was easily intreated to absolue them againe.

49. Henry Bowett.

THe space of two yéeres and a halfe the Sée was [...] 1406 after the death of Richard Scroope: the pope had [...] placed in the same Robert Halam Chauncellor of the [...] of Oxford. But vnderstanding that the king was greatly displeased therewith, he was content (according to the kings desire) to gratifie Henry Bowet then Bishop of Bath with this preferment, and made Halam Bishop of Sa­lisbury. This Henry Bowet was a doctor of Law, and first [...] Cannon of Wels, had trauailed much in Fraunce & Italy, and was preferred to Bath also at first by the king who fa­uored him much. He was consecrated to that Church No­uember 16. 1401. and translated to Yorke December 1. 1406. About the yéere 1403. he was Treasurer of [...] the space of one yéere. He continued Archbishop almost 17. yéeres; in which time, viz. the yéere 1417. it hapned that [...] Henry the 5. being absent & [...] in the conquest of [...], [Page 479] the Scots came with a great power into the Realme and be­sieged Barwicke and the castle of [...]. This Bi­shop was then a very aged man, and so impotent, as he was able neither to goe nor ride; yet would he néeds accompanie his countrimen that went against the Scots, and caused his men to carrie him in a chaire, that so at least by words and exhortation he might do his best, though he were not able to fight, nay not so much as to stande or go. This man is saide to be the greatest housekeeper of any Archbishop that euer sate in Yorke before him. For proofe whereof it is alleaged, that he spent vsually in his house, of Claret wine onely 80. tunnes. He departed this life at Cawood October 20. 1423. and was buried in the east part of the Minster of Yorke by the altar of all Saints which himselfe built and furnished sumptuously with all things that might belong vnto it. He built also the Hall in the castell of Cawood, and the kitchin of the Mannor house of Oteley.

50. Iohn Kemp.

THe Pope of his owne absolute authority, placed then 1425 in Yorke Richard [...] Bishop of Lincolne. Many statutes and lawes had beene made to represse this ty­rannicall dealing of the Pope. But his excommunications were such terrible bugs, as men durst rather offend the lawes of their countrey, then come within the compasse of his cen­sures. Yet the Deane and chapter of Yorke taking stomack vnto them, vsed such aduantage as the lawe would affoorde them, and by force kept out the new Archbishop from entring his church. Much adoo there was betweene them. The euent was, that the Pope vnable to make good his gift, was saine to returne [...] to Lincolne againe, and to translate Iohn Kempe Bishop of London (a man better fauoured of the Deane and chapter) to Yorke. This Iohn Kempe was first Bishop of Rochester (consecrate the yeere 1418.) remooued thence to Chichester 1422. from Chichester to London the same yeere, & from London to Yorke 1425. when the Sée had beene void 2. yeeres. At Yorke he continued almost 28. yeres, and in his old age, euen one yeere before his death, was con­tent [Page 480] to [...] once more, viz. to Canterbury. The [...] 1449. he was made Cardinall Sanctae Ruffinae and was twise Chauncellor of England. See more of him in Can­terbury.

51. William Boothe.

HE that [...] him ( William Boothe) was sometime 1473 a student of the common lawe in Grayes Inne, & [...] a sudden forsaking that course, became Chauncellor of the Cathedrall church of Saint Paule in London. July 9. 1447. he was consecrate Bishop of Couentry and Lichfield. Ha­uing continued there sixe [...], he was [...] presently vpon the translation of Iohn Kempe vnto [...]. He sate [...] 12. yéeres, died at Southwel September 20. and was buried in the chappell of our Lady there, nigh to the Archbishops pal­lace 1464. He bestowed much cost in repairing the pallace of Yorke. In the latter end of his time, viz. the yéere 1464. [...] Minster of Yorke was burnt, I know not by what chance.

52. George Neuell.

RIchard Neuell that great Earle of Warwicke, that [...] and pulled downe kings at his pleasure, aduanced his brother George Neuell vnto great and high placss, being [...] but a very yoong man: By his meanes he was consecrate Bishop of Exceter Nouember 25. 1455. at what time he was not fully 20. yéeres of age. The yéere 1460. he was made Lord Chauncellour of England; the yoongest Chauncelour I thinke that euer was, either before or since his time. In that office he continued till the yéere 1464. viz. vntill the ma­riage of king Edward the 4. In which action, the king [...] knowing he had giuen cause of offence vnto the Earle of Warwick (for it was done whilest y t Earle was ambassador in Fraunce, and busie in a treatie for a match betweene the king and the French Quéenes sister) He thought it necessa­rie to weaken him what he might, and so first remooued this his brother from the office of Chauncelour, and bestowed it vpon Robert Stillington Bishop of Bath. Notwithstanding [Page 481] this alienation of the king from him, the yéere 1466. [...] obtai­ned the Archbishopricke of yorke, and held the same, (but with great trouble) vntill his death. The [...] of the dishonour done to the Earle by y t [...] mariage, sticking [...] in his mind, & hauing peraduenture continual occasions of new greeses be made a [...] with his brethren to pull downe king Edward that had raigned now almost 9. yeeres, and to set vp king Henry the 6. againe, who had [...] in prison all that while. This indeed they performed partly by the help of George Duke of Clarence, king Edwards brother. And it was the hap of this Archb. to take [...] Edward prisoner, at [...] in Northhampton shire. He carried him thence, first to [...] castell, then to [...] castell in yorke shire. But being of too good a nature to be a good [...], vsed him with such curtesie, suffering him to walke abroad, & often to [...] with a few [...] to attend him, as (were it by the negligence or vnfaithfulnesse of those that had the charge of him, I know not) away he escaped, being met vpon a plaine where he hunted by a troupe of his friends, & wasted by them into a place of safety. [...] halfe a yeere that K. Henry was restored to his crown [...], [...]. Edward so handled y t matter, as comming suddenly to London, & entring y t Bishops palace by aposterne gate, [...] surprised at once king Henry b the Arch­bishop that had not long before taken him, They were both caried thence to the tower of London, where y t good king was soone after pitifully murthered. But the Archbishop vpon the fourth of June following was set at liberty. About a yeere after his inlargement, he chaunced to be with the king a hunting at Windsor; and vpon occasion of the sport, they had seene there, made relation vnto the king of some extraordina­ry kinde of game, wherewith he was woont to solace himselfe at a house he had built, and furnished very [...], cal­led the Moore in Hartfordshire. The king seeming desirous to be partaker of this sport, appointed a day when he would come thither to hunt, and make merry with him. Hereupon the Archbishop taking his leaue, got him home, and thinking to [...] the king in the best manner it was possible for him, he sent for much plate that he had bid during the warres [...] his brethren and the king, and borrowed also much [Page 482] of his friends. The [...] the [...] brought into the [...], the day [...] his [...]; [...] sent for the [...] him, all [...] set a part, to repaire presently vnto him being at [...]. As sone as he came, he was arrested of treason; all his plate, mo­ney, and other [...] (to the value of 20000, l. were seised vpon for the king, and himselfe a long space after was kept prisoner at Calis and Guisnes: during which time, the king [...] vnto himselfe the profits and temporalties of his Bishopricke. Amongst other things then taken from him, he had a [...] of inestimable value, by reason of many rich stones wherewith it was adorned: that the king brake and made thereof a crowne for himselfe. This calamity happe­ned vnto him the yéere 1472. By intercession and intreaty of his friends, with much [...] he obtayned his liberty the yéere 1476. and a little while [...] the same, with griefe and anguish of minde (as is thought) died at Blithlaw comming from Yorke. He was buried in the Minster there. In this mans time Sixtus the fourth made the Bishop of Saint An­drewes Primate of all Scotland, and appointed twelue Bi­shops to be vnder him, that vntill that time were of the Pro­uince of Yorke. The Archbishop [...] it what he might. But the Pope alledging it was very vnfit, that such a [...] should be the Metropolitane of Scotland, as for the most part (by reason of wars was an enemy vnto the same) ouer­ruled it, and would needes haue it so.

53. Lawrence Boothe.

THe Bishop of Durham, Lawrence Boothe, halfe bro­ther vnto William Boothe George Neuils predecessor succéeded them in the Sée of Yorke. He was first Ma­ster of Penbrooke hall in Cambridge, consecrate Bishop of Durham September 25. 1457. and twenty yéeres after viz­the yéere 1477 remooued to Yorke. In August 1472. he was made Lord Chancellour, and continned in that office two [...]. This man bought the mannor of Batersey of one Ni­colas Stanley, and built the house there, all which he gaue vn­to his Sée. He died at Southwell the yéere 1480. when he [...] [Page 483] [...] Archbishop [...] and nine [...], and was bu­ried [...] his brother.

54. Thomas Rotheram alias Scot.

THomas Scot otherwise called Rotheram, was borne at [...] in [...], and according to the manner of religious persons in old time, would [...] take his sur­name of the place where he was borne. [...] such educati­on as the country could afford him, being now ripe for the vniuersity, and towardly, was sent by his friends vnto Cam­bridge, and was chosen fellow of kings colledge: in which place he continued till he was called away by preferment. King Edward (whose Chaplaine he was) procured him first the Prouostship of Beuerley, made him keeper of his priuy Seale, and then Bishop of Rochester the yeere 1467. Staying there scarce fower yeere, he remooued to Lincolne anno 1471. The yeere 1474. he was made Lord Chauncellour, and con­tinued long in that office, euen vntill the raigne of Richard the vsurper, at what time (or a little before) he deliuered the great Seale vnto the [...], and is blamed for committing it vnto her, of whom he receiued it not, and had no right to require it. Being yet at Lincolne, he bestowed great cost in building the goodly beautifull gate of the schooles at Cam­bridge, the walkes on each side thereof, and the new Library that is at the east side of that building, which he caused to be done of his owne charge, with some very little contribution of the Uniuersity. It was begun the yeere 1470. and quite [...] 1476. Hauing beene at Lincolne nine yéeres, he was translated to Yorke, and enioyed that honor twenty yeeres lacking one quarter. In which time he did many notable things worthy memory. At [...] (where he was borne) he founded a colledge, by the name of Jesus colledge, for a Prouost that should be a preacher, fiue priests, sixe choristers, and thrée schoolemasters, one for Grammar, one for song, and another for writing. He finished Lincolne colledge in Ox­ford (left very vnperfect by Bishop Fleming the first founder) and added fiue fellowships vnto the same, beside those seuen which the founder had ordayned. He gaue to the church of [Page 484] Yorke [...] of that, which king Edward had taken away. In divers[?] of his houses he built much; at White Hall (which then belonged to the Bi­shops of Yorke) he built the great kitchin: at Southwell the pantry, bakehouse, and new chambers adioyning to the ri­ [...]ers and at Thorp the pantry, bakehou [...] and chambers on the [...]. He was very carefulll to [...] those which either for good seruice or [...] might [...] he greatly [...]. He died of the plague [...] May 29. 1500. at [...], being 76. yeeres of age, and was buried in the [...] of our Lady chappell in a marble tombe, which himselfe caused to be built in his life-time.

55. Thomas Sauage.

HIs next [...] in [...], was also (but [...]) Bishop of Rochester, [...] to London the yéere 1493. and soone after Thomas Rotherams death [...] Yorke. This man was a Gentleman [...], and (as I take it) a knights sonne; Not preferred for any [...] great learning, (yet he was a doctor of Law) but as it should seeme in regard of seruice. He spent his time in a manner altogether either in temporall businesses (being a great cour­tier) or else in hunting; wherewith he was [...] sonablie [...]. He built much at [...] and Scroby, and maintai­ned a great number of goodly [...] fellowes to attend him. Before his time, it was alwaies the custome that the Archbi­shop at his installation should make a [...] and sumptuous [...]. This [...] a little money [...] brake and [...] his installation by a deputie in secret manner. Hauing béene 7. yéere [...], he died at [...], and [...] order that his body should be buried at [...], but his hart at [...] in Cheshire inhere he was borne, in a chappell of his owne building which he [...] to [...], but death [...] him.

56. Christopher Bambridg.

CHristopher Bambridge succéeded. He was a gentleman likewise of an auncient house, borne neere Appleby in [...]; a doctor of both Lawes, first Master of the Rolles; then Deane of Yorke; consecrate Bishop of Durham in the beginning of the yeere 1507. and the next yeere was translated to Yorke. Being Embassador from king Henry the 8. to the Pope, the yéere 1510. he was made Cardinall at Rome in the moneth of March. Whether he staied there so long, or made a second iorney thither I cannot tell: But certaine it is that being there, the yeere 1514. hée was poisoned by one Rinaldo de Modena an Italian priest his steward, vpon malice and displeasure conceaued, for a blow his Master gaue him, as the said Rinaldo (being execu­ted for that fact) confessed at the time of his death. So P. Ioui­us reporteth. He died July 14 and was buried there in the church belonging to the English house, dedicated to the holy Trinitie.

57. Thomas Woolsey.

THat famous Cardinall Thomas Woolsey ( of whom we are next to discourse) was borne in Ipswich, being the sonne of a poore man, and (as I haue often heard) a butcher. He was sent to Oxford very yoong, & was brought vp there in Magdalene Colledge: He was first schoolemaster of the Grammer schoole belonging to Magdalene Colledge, and preferred to a Benefice in Somersetshire called Lym­myngton, by the Marques Dorset, vnto whose sonnes he had beene Tutor in Oxford. Being there, Sir Amyas Pawlet a knight of that country, did him a great disgrace, setting him in the stocks, vpon what occasion I know not. Of that iniurie the knight much repented him afterward, at what time this poore scholler being aduanced to the high honor of Lorde Chauncellor, not onely rebuked him sharpely in words (as there was great cause) but also made him daunce attendance 5. or 6. yéeres in London, vntill by great sute he obtained li­cense [Page 486] of departure. His Lord and Patrone the Marques dy­ing, he sawe [...] without all likelihood of further prefer­ment, especially if he should settle himselfe vpon his [...]. Leauing it therefore and determining to seeke some [...] fortune, abroad in the world, he happened to be entertai­ned of an ancient [...] called [...] Iohn Naphaunt, who [...] an office, of importance in Callis, wherein (being very [...] himselfe) he altogether [...] this Woolsey his chaplaine, vntill such time, as weary of it, in regard of his owne weak­nesse and impotencie, he gaue it ouer. But mindfull of [...] chaplaines good seruice, he [...] left him till he had [...] meanes to [...] him the kings chaplaine. Now was [...] where he would be. Many times he was [...] to say ( [...] heard) if he could once set but one [...] in the Court, [...] would not doubt but attaine what he [...]. And to speake but the truth, it was not onely his good fortune that exalted [...] to that [...] greatnesse, but much deale his owne [...], and many extraordinarie parts in him. He was mar­uellous wittie, well learned, faire spoken, and passing cun­ning in winning the harts of those whose fauor he affected. The first thing he endeuored (being now a courtier) was [...] make himselfe knowne vnto such as were néerest about the king: and the man he specially followed, was Richard [...] Bishop of Winchester, vpon whose councell he sawe the [...] did most relie. He soone perceiued what was in Woolsey: & at a time whē the king bethought him of some witty [...] to dispatch certaine affaires with the Emperor, mentioned him as a fitte man. The king vpon his commendation, sent for this chaplaine, and committed the busines vnto him. The Emperor lay then in the Low Countries, whether [...] Woolsey made such haste (winde and weather fauouring him) as within lesse then 4. daies after his dispatch, he was backe at the court againe, hauing ordered all the kings busi­nesses to his contentment. By this time, the king sawe [...] to be a man méete for imploiment, and determined [...] to vse him. It was not long then before he [...] him [...] the Deanrie of Lincolne, and a little before his death [...] him Almoner. That wise and excellent Prince being taken away, he soone crept so farre into the fauor of the yoong [...], [Page 487] as he made him one of his priuie Counsell. In which place, he so applied himselfe to the [...] humor, as in short time he possessed him altogether. [...] very [...] and well spo­ken, the rest of y t Counsel vsed him many times as their [...] to [...] their determinations vnto the king. He then hauing this oportunity of perceiuing the kings inclina­tion, followed euer that course which he saw him willing to haue taken, and aduanced earnestly that part whereunto the king inclined, without respect vnto the matter otherwise. A­game, whereas the rest of the Counsell called oft vpon the the king, to acquaint himselfe with matters of state, by resor­ting to the Counsell, and affoording his presence at their deli­berations; he would aduise him to follow his pleasures, & let Counsell matters alone to him, assuring him, that at night he should heare as much of him in one quarter of an houre, as if he had been present all day at those tedious & wearisome con­sultations. By this trick he won himselfe such authority with the king, as he did euen what he list a long time. No maruell now if what preferment soeuer fell stood at his refusall. The Bishopricke of Tourney in France (which city the king had lately taken) falling voide, [...] was elected thereunto. Within lesse then one yéere after, fell first Lincolne (whereunto he was preferred the yeere 1514.) and then immediately after Yorke; which also was presently bestowed vpon him. Fol­lowing the streame still of this good fortune, and thinking it best to take his time, he procured the Pope to make him first his legate a Latere, and soone after (viz. the yeere 1515) Cardi­nall. He handled the matter also in such sort with the king, as he was content to discharge the Archbishop of Canterbury from the office of Chauncellor and bestowed it vpon him. Then as though the Archbishopricke of Yorke and Chaun­cellorship of England were not sufficient for maintenance of a Cardinall, he tooke also vnto him the Bishopricke of Bathe the yéere 1518 holding it and the abbey of Saint Al­bons with diuers other [...] liuings in Commēdam. Fower yéeres, and seuen monethes, he held Bathe and then resigned it to take Durham. Durham also he lastly gaue ouer the yéere 1529. in exchange for Winchester. Now yow sée him at the highest. It was impossible this greatnesse should [Page 488] be able to beare his owne burthen. Presently after his accep­tation of Winchester, he began to fall, and fell so fast, as [...] death had not happily staid him, he had quickly fallen [...] much, to much lesse then nothing. The king vpon a displea­sure (how iust God knoweth) discharged him sodainly [...] the office of Chauncellor. His goods were all seased to [...] kings vse, and himselfe ready to be attaint by parliament, had not Thomas Cromwell after Earle of Essex, then his ser­uant, taken great paines in defending him. When that [...] succéeded not, he was charged to haue fallen into a Premunire by exercising his power Legantine without the kings licence. Hereunto he answered, that he had authority thereunto front the king vnder his broad seale (as it was well ynough kno­wen he could prooue) though that, amongst the rest of his writings were now in the hands of his enemies. But (quoth he) I will neuer stand vpon that point. Whatso­euer I haue, I haue it from the king, if it be his pleasure to haue me in a Premunire, let it be so, I must and will be at his mercie. Almost halfe a yéere he liued néere London in great penurie; one while at Asher (a house belonging to the Bi­shopricke of Winchester) and an other while at Richmond; the which house, the king had lately giuen him in exchange for Hampton court. All which time, he had scarce a cuppe [...] drinke in, or a bed to lie in, but what was [...] him; for [...] mooueables and houshold stuffe of inestimable valew, were all taken away to the kings vse. At last he was sent downe into Yorkeshire, and there liued all a sommer in reasonable good sort. About the beginning of Nouember that yéere, which was 1530. the Earle of Northumberland [...] him of high treason, and tooke order to haue him brought [...] to London: but he fell sicke by the way and died in the [...] of Leicester, (as it should séeme) of a [...]; whereunto a conti­nuall feauer was ioyned. When he had béene sicke the space of 8. daies, he died Nouember 29. 1530. hauing beene Archbi­shop 15. yeeres, and being within a 4. moneths of 60. yéeres of age. His last words are said to be these. If I had serued [...] as diligently as I haue done the king, he would not haue gi­uen me ouer in my gray haires; but this is the iust [...] that I must receiue, for the paines and study that I haue had, [Page 489] to do him seruice, not regarding my seruice to God, but onely to satisfie his pleasure. In his flourishing time, he began the building of two most stately colledges, one at Ipswich, the other at Oxford; and it is great pittie he finished them not. Had they beene perfected, I thinke they woulde haue béene two of the [...] monuments of the world. And surely it were a woonder that any priuate man should take two such péeces of worke in hand at one time, whereof any one might seeme a great matter for a prince to finish; had not his receits beene infinite, and his helpes otherwise very great. I thinke verily (and am able to yéeld good reason of my [...]) that if one man had now in his hands the reuenues of all the Bi­shopricks and [...] also in England, his rents [...] not arise to so high a reconing, as the yeerely receits of this Cardinall. Yet was it not his owne purse that gaue him courage to so great an enterprise: for his bounty was such as he could not but spend all he receiued. The number of his seruants daily attending in his house were well néere [...] hundred, of which there were one Earle, nine Lords, a great number of Knights and [...]. I reckon not all this while his seruants seruants, which it is though grew to a far greater number. He obtayned leaue of the Pope to dissolue forty small monasteries, the spoile whereof furnished him principally for the building of his colledges, but opened a gap withall to king Henry, to destroy all the rest, as soone after he did. The lands he had prouided for his colledge in Oxford (though confiscate by his [...]) the king was content to leaue [...] that colledge (or at least wise other for them) and became the founder thereof, calling it, Collegium [...] ex [...]. Who so desireth to know more of this great and famous Cardinall, let him haue recourse vnto master Stowes Annales of England, where his whole life and actions are largely described. And I [...] myselfe beholding to him, amongst many other helpes, for the greatest part of this discourse, which I haue much [...] gathered thence, and would gladly haue inserted the whole, but that it very much [...] my determined proportion. To make an end, this our Cardinal was buried in the Abbey of Lecester (where he died) in the body of the church before the quier doore.

58. Edward Lee.

THe Sée hauing bene void by the death of Cardinall Woolsey almost one yeere, the king preferred vnto the same, Edward Lee his Almoner, a great Antagonist of Erasmus. He was well learned, but no fit match for him. He was much emploied in embassages, both before his prefer­ment, and after. He sate Archbishop thirtéene yéeres, and dy­ing September 13. 1544. was buried in his owne church, where is this Epitaphe to be séene engrauen vpon his toombe, Edwardus Leus Archiepiscopus Ebor. Theologus eximius, at­que omni literarum genere longe eruditislimus, sapientia & vitae sanctitate clarus, Euangelicae doctrinae praeconem semper agens, pauperibus beneficus, omnibus ordinibus iuxta charus, magno de se apud omnes desiderio relicto, hic sepultus iacet Sedit Archiepiscopus annos paulo minus 13. obijt Ibid. Sept­aetatis suae anno 62. anno Christi 1544. In English thus: Ed­ward Lee Archbishop of Yorke, a great diuine, and very well séene in all kind of learning, famous aswell for wisedome [...] vertue and holinesse of life, a continuall preacher of the gos­pell, a man very liberall vnto the poore, and greatly beloued of all sorts of men, who greatly misse, and bemoane the want of him, lieth buried in this place. He deceased September 10. in the sixty two yéere of his age the yéere of our [...] 1544.

59. Robert Holgate.

BEfore the end of the same yéere, Robert Holgate Doctor of Diuinity, was translated from Landaff in [...] (where he had béene seuen yéeres Bishop) vnto Yorke, and continued there vntill the beginning of Quéene Mary, who caused him to be depriued, and that (as I take it) for [...] married.

60. Nicolas Heath.

ABout the yéere 1539. Nicolas Heath, a Londoner borne, [...] of Diuinity, and Almoner vnto the king, was made Bishop of Rochester. Within [...] yéeres, he was remooued to Worceter: the yeere 1551 he was displaced, and Master Hooper made Bishop there. But Quéene Mary restored him againe in the beginning of her raigne, and made him President of Wales. Soone after, to wit, the yere 1553 he was translated to Yorke, and vpon the death of Stephen Gardiner made Lord Chauncellor of Eng­land. These places he held vntill the happy raigne of our So­neraigne the Quéene that now is, at what time he thought good to resigne them both, and liued afterwards vpon some lands that heretofore he had purchased, being much fauoured by her [...], in regard of his diligent and faithfull [...] for her establishment in the throne royall, which (her si­ster Mary being dead) no man doubted to be due onely vnto her. He did but his [...]; calling together the nobility and commons in the Parliament then assembled, he certified them of [...] [...] death, and (for that he was Lord Chauncellor) gaue order for the proclayming of the Lady E­lizabeth. This it pleased her Maiesty of her gratious clemen­cy to take in so good part, as she was content the rather to beare with faults of his otherwise intollerable.

61. Thomas Yoong.

THomas Yoong sometime Bishop of Saint [...] was the first Bishop of Yorke in this Quéenes daies: He was confirmed therein February 25. 1561. and about the same time made Lord President of the north. This man (for what cause or purpose I know not) pulled downe the great hall in the pallace of Yorke ann. 1562. which was sumptuously built by Thomas the elder his predecessor almost 500. yéeres [...]. He died June 26. 1568. at Sheffield, and was buried in the Minster of Yorke.

62. Edmund Grindall.

VPon the depriuation of Edmund Boner, Edmund Grindall was appointed vnto the Sée of London, whereunto he was elected July 26. 1559. and sate there about 11. yéeres. May 22. 1570. he was translated thence to Yorke, there he continued till the yéere 1575. at what time, he was promoted vnto the Archbishopricke of Canterbury. Sée more of him in Canterbury.

63. Edwyn Sandes.

EDwyn Sandes doctor of Diuinitie was Uicechauncellor of the Uniuersitie of Cambridge, at what time the La­die Iane was proclaimed Quéene, about which matter, he endured much trouble and long imprisonment (The hi­storie whereof is reported at large by Master Foxe vnto whom I remit the reader.) In the beginning of this Quéenes raigne, to wit December 21. 1559. he was consecrate Bi­shop of Worceter, and succéeded Edmund Grindall both in London (whereunto he was confirmed July 13. 1570.) and also in Yorke. He continued there Archbishop about [...]. yéeres, and dying August 8. 1588. was buried at Southwell.

64. Iohn Piers.

IOhn Piers Doctor of Diuinitie, being Deane of Christ church in Oxford, was made Bishop of Rochester and Almoner the yéere 1576. translated to Salisbury (conti­nuing still Almoner) the yéere following; and vpon the death of Bishop Sands preferred to Yorke. This man liued alwaies vnmaried, and departed this life September 27. or thereabouts 1594.

65. Mathew Hutton.

IN the beginning of March following, Mathew Hutton doctor of Diuinitie, first Deane of Yorke, and consecrate Bishop of Durham the yéere 1589. was aduanced to the Metropoliticall See of Yorke, and as yet continueth in the same.

The Bishops of Durham.

1. Aidanus.

THe noble & vertuous Prince [...], hauing attained the kingdome [...] Northumberland the yéere 634. and desirous that his countrimen and [...] should not onely be gouerned by the sword for their temporall good, but also directed by the word and prea­ching of the gospell to the euerlasting saluation of their soules, he sent his Embassador vnto his neighbours the Scots (amongst whom were then many [...] and well learned preachers) requesting them to send vnto him some good man that might instruct his people in the [...] and feare of Christ. To this his most reasonable request, they quickly condiscended; and sent vnto him first a man, that do­ing his best endeuour a while amongst them, and perceauing he could do no good, returned shortly into his owne country againe, complaining that they were a barbarous and [...] people, amongst whom he had bene, and such as he thought he could not spend his time worse, then in séeking to instruct them, that séemed, neither desirous nor capable of knowledge. They that sent him, very sory for this tidings, and consulting amongst themselues what course were now to be taken, it chanced one of them named Aidanus to vse these words. It séemeth to me (quoth he) that this our brother dealt somewhat to roughly with his vnlearned auditors, not [...] them first with the milke of gentle words, and easie do­ctrine, according to the councell of the Apostle, vntill such time as they were enabled to digest stronger meat: And this I take to be the cause of the ill successe his preaching had a­mongst them. All the rest of the company thought it very probable which he had said, and these his (words occasioning them to remember, besides his learning and godlines, his no­table [Page 495] discretion and knowen wisedome, they agréed all, that [...] no man was so likely to amend that fault, as he that had so quickly found and discerned it in the other, and so with one consent ordained him Bishop of Northumbers. This Aidanus an humble minded man, a louer of silence and pouerty (saith William Malmesbury) auoiding of purpose the pomp and frequency of Yorke, chose for his See a little Island called Lindisfarne (now Holy Island) where he and diuers of his successors much deale lead their liues. He was Bishop seuenteene yéeres, during which time, he neglected no duety of a good Pastor, trauelling vp and downe the countrey euen on foote to preach the Gospel, giuing whatsoeuer he could get vn­to the poore, and by the example of his owne abstinency, cha­stity, [...] and all manner of Episcopall vertues, instru­cting, aswell, as by word and doctrine. He departed this life nt August 31. an. 651. for griefe (as it is to be thought) of the death of king Oswald that was traiterously slaine 12. daies before. Beda maketh report of diuers mira­cles to be done by him, which who so desireth to read, shal find them and many things more concerning him Eccl. hist. lib. 3. c. 3. 5. 1415. 16. and 17.

2. Finan.

FIunanus (sent likewise thither out of Scotland) was Bi­shop of [...] after [...] the space of ten yéeres. He first built a church for his Sée in the Island all of timber, and couered it with réede. He had much to doe with one Conan and other about the obseruation of Easter, which they would haue had him to celebrate according to the manner of the church of Rome. He would not be indu­ced by any meanes to any alteration.

3. Coleman.

HIs successor Coleman ( a Scot also) was no lesse obsti­nate in the same matter. After many priuate conflicts, the yéere 664. this controuersie was discust in a solemne di­sputation before the king and all his nobles, who adiudged [Page 496] the victorie vnto his aduersaries. The [...] tation is set downe at large by Beda lib.3 cap. 25. [...] induring the disgrace of this foyle; [...] ­ricke and returned into Scotland againe.

4. Tuda.

AMongst diuers that came out of Scotland with Cole­man, this Tuda was one, who hauing [...] of his [...] for the place, by diligent preaching, and vertuous behauiour vnder Coleman, vpon his departure was chosen to succéede him. He was content to reforme the obseruation of [...], and to yeelde to some other things which had béene stood much vpon & controuerted betwéene the Scots and Saxons. Hauing béene Bishop [...] one whole yéere, he died of the plague anno 665.

5. Eata.

MAny of the Scots that came with Coleman returning with him, the rest chose Eata for their Abbot, and [...] at Mailros, which place king Oswyn gaue vnto them at the request of Coleman. This Eata after the death of Tuda was chosen Bishop both of [...] and [...], and gouerned them iointly the space of 3. yeeres. After the ende of which terme, he gaue ouer [...] vnto one Tumbert. But Tumbert being deposed by a Synod gathered at a place called Twiford, Cutbert was elected vnto his See of Hagustald. Eata then perceiuing that Cutbert had rather be at [...], tooke on him once more the gouernment of [...], and resigned [...] vnto Cutbert.

6. S. Cutbert.

THis Cutbert is said to be descended of the blood royall of the kings of Ireland, being sonne of one [...], and Sabina his wife, that was daughter vnto a king [...]. He was brought vp in the Abbey of [...], first vnder his predecessor Eata, and afterwards vnder [...], [Page 497] that succéeded Eata there. After the death of Boisill, he was made Abbot of that Monasterie, which he ruled with great care and sinceritie. And not content to looke vnto those onely, the gouernment of whom was especially committed vnto him; He vsed often to trauell into the countrie neere ad­ioyning, [...] on horsebacke, sometimes on foote, prea­ching diligently the word of God, instructing the ignorant in the way of life, and sharpely reprehending vice where he saw cause. And his manner was to frequent especially, the most rude and barbarous places, to which he thought no body else would resort, least the people there being altogether neglec­ted, might perish for want of their spirituall foode. He was a very personable man, well spoken, and so mightie in perswa­ding, as none that euer he delt withall was able to withstand the force of his words. Hauing continued this manner of life at Mailros many yéeres, at the importunate request of his old master Eata, he was content to leaue the place and to liue once more vnder him at Lindisfarne. But affecting much an Eremiticall and solitarie life, he refused to liue with the rest of the monks, and seated himselfe in the Island of Farne, a desert place 9 miles within the sea, hauing in it neither house nor water. Yet there he made a shift to liue, labouring with his owne hands, till he was chosen Bishop. A great while he refused obstinately to forsake his solitarie life, euen vntill the king himself comming ouer vnto him, partly by force, & partly by entreatie, iuduced him thereunto. So with much adoo he accepted consecration at last, and receaued the same at Yorke vpon Easter day, at the hande of Theodore Archbishop of Canterbury (6. other Bishops assisting him) the yeere 684. in the presence of king Egfride, and many of his nobles. Af­ter he had beene Bishop two yeeres, he would needes resigne, and returned to his Island againe, where seene after he ended his life. The day of his departure (to wit March 20.) is conse­crate vnto his memory. He was first buried at [...], but afterwards remooued to Durham as hereafter shal be de­clared. The myracles that are ascribed vnto him and many other things not vnwoorthy the reading, you shall find in the latter end of the 4. Booke of Beda his Ecclesiasticall history.

7. Eadbertus.

ONe yéere after the resignation of Saint Cutbert, the church of Lindisfarne was without a Bishop, Edbert was then chosen to succeed him. He couered his Ca­thedrall church with lead; not onely the roofe (which before was thatched with réede) but the walles also. He sate tenne yéeres, and dying May the 6. 698. was buried beside, or ra­ther vnder Saint Cutbert his predecessor, whose body the monkes had now placed in a shyrne aboue the pauement of the church.

After Edbert followed in order successiuely these:

  • 8. Edferth or Edfride that liued in Beda his time.
  • 9. Ethelwood, who died the yéere 738.
  • 10. Kenulfus, he died 781.

11. Higbald.

HIgbald sate twelue yéeres, and died an. 803. In his time the Danes often spoyled the Church and monastery of Lindisfarne, so as the Bishop and monkes were faine to forsake it. Taking therefore the body of Saint Cutbert with them, they determined to seate themselues in Ireland: but being often driuen backe by tempest, so as attempting diuers times to crosse the seas, they could neuer land there; they gaue ouer that enterprise, and rested themselues sometime in one place, sometime in an other, during the time of all these Bishops.

  • 12. Egbert.
  • 13. Egfredus, he died an. 845.
  • 14. Eaubert, he died an. 854.
  • 15. Eardulf.
  • 16. Cuthard, he died an. 915.
  • 17. Tilred, he died an. 927.
  • 18. Withred.
  • [Page 499]19. [...].
  • 20. [...].
  • 21. Aldred, he died an 968.
  • 22. Alfsius, he died an. 990.

23. Aldhunus or Aldiuinus.

ABout the yéere of grace 990. this [...] was con­secrate Bishop. The yeere 995. or nere thereabout, he came to Durham, or rather (for so is the right name) Dunholm, which is compounded of two saxon words Dun, signifying a hill, and Holm, an Island in a riuer. Before his comming thither it was a place wild and not habitable being all a wood, full of thicke bushes and trees; sauing onely a little plaine vpon the top of the hil, that was woont to be sowed aud is the very place where the church now standeth. With the helpe of the country people, and [...] Earle of Northum­berland, he cut downe the wood, cleansed the place, and in short time made it habitable. All the people, dwelling be­tween the riuers of Theise and Coqued, came then and affoor­ded most readily their best helpe vnto the building of a church there, neuer ceasing vntill in the time of this Bishop (who principally caused the same) it was quite finished. He was schoolemaster vnto the children of [...], [...] and Ed­ward that after raigned, and is commonly called Edward the Confessor. The king their father being driuen out of his king­dome by [...] the Dane, the yeere 1013 he sent him with [...] his wife and his two sonnes before named vnto Ri­chard Duke of Normandy their vncle. How seene the Bishop returned I know not, but I find that he died within three yéeres after, to wit, the yeere 1017. hauing continued Bishop almost nine and twenty yeeres.

24. Eadmund.

THrée yéeres after the death of Aldwine the Sée remai­ned voide, by reason of the great troubles and continu­all warres wherewith the realme was vexed by the Danes. At the last, God sending a more peaceable time, the [Page 500] cleargy of Durham determined to procéede vnto an election. As they were conferring about the businesse they had in hand, it happened a certaine graue priest to come into the place where they were gathered together, and (vnderstanding what they were about) to say merrily vnto them, that they were best choose him. These words vsed by him in iest, were [...] vnto by them in good earnest; insomuch as, vpon a little deliberation they agréed indéede to elect him for their Bishop, and so did: Matthew Westminster addeth (credite him as you list) that the monkes fasting thrée daies and pray­ing vnto Saint Cutbert to shew some token of his approba­tion or dislike of this election; there was a voice heard out of his shrine (the priest being at masse) that thrée times named Edmond to the Bishopricke. He was elected the yéere 1020. But not consecrate in fiue yéeres after. He sate alter the time of his consecration 23. yéeres, and dying at Glocester anno 1048. was caried thence to his owne church of Durham and there buried. William of Malmsbury commendeth him much for his industry in adorning his church and citie with buil­dings and otherwise.

25. Eadred.

PResently after his death, Eadred was made Bishop, en­ioyed that honor a very short time, to wit, 10. monethes onely, and then died.

26. Egelric.

EGelricus a monke (or as I finde also reported Abbot) of Peterborough, succeeded him, by the meanes & ende­uour of Godwyn Earle of Kent. He builded a church at Cuneagecester (now called Chester vpon the stréete) in me­morie that the Bishops of Lindisfarne had rested themselues there, together with the body of Saint Cutbert, 113. yéeres during the time of the Danish warres. In digging the foun­dation of this church, he found such an infinite deale of mo­ney, as after that time, not caring for the reuenues of his Bishoprick, he resigned the same vnto Egelwyn his brother, & [Page 501] returned himselfe to the monastery of Peterborough whence he came. There he bestowed great cost in building & repairing the church & monasterie, as also in making a cawsie with tim­ber, lyme and sande, through the fennes betweene Deeping and Spalding, a worke very necessary and of infinite charge. This cawsie was called after the name of the maker Elrich­rode. He resigned the yeere 1056. and hauing led a priuate life now 13 yéeres, in his old age, to wit the yeere 1069. he was charged (I know not how iustly) with treason and con­spiracie against the Conquerour, who drew him out of his cloyster at Peterborough, and imprisoned him at Westmin­ster. There (saith W. Malmsbury) by continuall fasting and abundance of teares, washing away the guilt of his [...] misdéedes, he wanne vnto himselfe such reputation of holi­nesse, as the place of his buriall was much trequented after his death. He died October 15. 1072. and (if I mistake him not for his brother, as many of our writers do, who confound the historie of these men, and attribute diuers actions of the one vnto the other) was buried in the chappell of Saint Ni­cholas in Westminster.

27. Egelwyn.

THis Egelwyn was Bishop at the comming in of the Conquerour, against whom he alwaies opposed him­selfe. At the last séeing himselfe not able to withstande him, and fearing to be too neere him, he forsooke Durham in the end of the yeere 1069. and caried his clergie with him vn­to the church of Lindisfarne. But it was not long before they returned againe. The king hauing withdrawne his forces out of that countrey, and the Bishop (belike) being ta­ken into fauour, about the beginning of Lent the church was furnished againe, and the Bishop himselfe entred the same, April 6. within two yeeres after which time, whether it were the auncient hatred he bore vnto the king that now reboiled in his stomacke, or a vaine hope of recouering the libertie of his countrey enthralled vnto the Normans, or offence taken at the vnreasonable oppression of the same, and especially of clergie men (as Stigand and diuers other that were depri­ued [Page 502] of their Bishoprickes and other promotions. He ioyned with certaine English Noble men, in a flat rebellion, allea­ging at first that they feared imprisonment and hard mea­sure, but indeed purposing to depose the king, and set vp some English man. When things succéeded not according to their expectation, they were faine to hide themselues in woods and secret places, doing great spoile in the countrey, till at last they tooke the Isle of Ely, which they defended against the kings power a long space. In the meane time Egelwyn our Bishop tooke ship and departed (as Matt. [...]. saith) into voluntarie exile. But William Malmesbury chargeth him with piracie and robberie vpon the sea. In the end being ta­ken he was committed to straight prison at Abbingdon, where he died the yeere 1071. in winter, refusing (as Flor. Wigor. deliuereth) for gréefe and anger to take any suste­nance: Howbet other thinke his abstinence was of con­straint, and that he would gladly haue eaten if he could haue gotten meate. It is saide he was buried in Saint Nicholas chappell at Westminster: But I thinke him mistaken for his brother Agelrike.

28. Walter.

EGelwyn yet liuing (but in prison) the king caused one Walter borne in Lorraine, to be consecrate Bishop. He attending more worldly affaires then the charge of his flocke, gaue himselfe altogether to temporal busines, wherein he wholy occupied himselfe. He bought of the king the Earle­dome of Northumberland, and then making himselfe a secu­lar Iudge, tooke vpon him to sit in the court, and to deter­mine all causes at his pleasure, dealing withall very corrupt­ly, and taking still the course that might be most for his owne gaine. Hereby he greatly enriched his coffers, but purchased vnto himselfe extreame hatred amongst the common people, which was his destruction in the end. There was a certaine gentleman of great account named Leolfus, that married Al­githa the daughter of Aldred sometime Earle of Northum­berland, from whom the Lord Lumly that now liueth is line­ally descended. This Leulfus, to the end he might liue néere [Page 503] the church in his later time, and for very deuotion, came to Durham to dwell there, and kept company very much with the Bishop, who loued him entirely, for many good parts he saw in him; as namely, his wisedome in descerning, his equity in deciding, and his discretion in ordering and hand­ling such causes as he committed vnto him; in which respect also he vsed him very [...], imployed him often, and gaue him what countenance he could. Now you shall vnder­stand, that vnto the same Bishop belonged two men, vnto whom for the most part he committed the [...] of all his affaires; [...] or Leobwyn his chaplaine whom he tru­sted withall houshold matters, and Gilbert a kinsman of his owne that dealt in his causes of temporall gouernment. In these offices, they behaued themselues so, as the Bishop had cause to commend their diligence, but to blame their rashnes and wilfulnes in many things. Which notwithstanding, he bare withall, either because their industry, and care of his af­faires so blinded his eies as he could not espie their misbeha­uiour otherwise; or else, being loath to [...] them whom he had once aduaunced. These men, and especially [...], did greatly enuie the credit that [...] had gotten with the Bishop, and euery where opposed themselues against him, not onely in wordes, traducing his actions, but in deedes also still thwarting and crossing his endeuours. Whereby it came to passe, that many tarres fell out be­tweene them. One day amongst the rest, a court being held in the presence of the Bishop, [...] or [...] (for so also I find him called) according vnto his wonted manner, gaue [...] ill speeches, which he not enduring to beare as hereto­fore he had done ( furor fit [...]) answered this sawcy Chaplaine somewhat more roundly then he had ac­customed. Whereupon he rose straight from the court in great indignation ( [...] I meane) and calling [...] aside, with little adoo perswaded him to carry a certaine num­ber of armed men to the house where [...] lay, and in a night to kill him; which indeede he [...] with great cruelty, murthering not onely the innocent gentleman him­selfe, but also his seruants and whole houshold. The newes of this horrible and outragions cruelty, comming vnto the [Page 504] cares of the Bishop, amased him very much and suspecting it was done by the aduice of Leofwin, turning him about vnto him, O Leofwin saith he, thou hast already flaine me by thy toong. So not doubting it would bréede much daunger vnto him, he got him into his castell, and presently dispatched mes­sengers vnto the friends and kinred of Leulfus that was slaine, protesting that the fact was committed without his knowledge, that he was maruailous sory for it, and if any man suspected him, would be ready to submit himselfe to any order of law, whereby he might cleere himselfe. Herewith they seemed to be satisfied; but for conclusion of a firme peace amongst them, it was thought fit they should méete and con­ser of the matter. They met at a place called Goates, head. The Bishop for his better safegard betooke himselfe vnto the church with his company. The people (whereof an infinite number were gathered together) aboade without. Messages a while passed betwéene them, but the more the matter was debated (being very odious of it selfe) the more they were in­censed. At last it was told them how not onely Leofwin but al­so Gilbert had bene harboured in the Bishops house, and af­foorded countenance of him since the murther: which being once heard (and it was true ynough) they all cried out, it was manifest that the Bishop was the author of this fact. It is fur­thermore deliuered by Matthew Paris, that the Bishop not long before this amongst many intollerable exactions laide vpon the countrey by him, had commaunded the summe of 400, l, to be leuied at this time. That being also remembred, while as all the company stoode in a mammering, doubting what course to take, one of some special regard amongst them stept vp, vsing these words, Short read, good read, [...] yee the [...]. Hereupon without more adoo they ran all vnto the church, killed so many of the Bishops [...] as they found without doores, and with horrible noise and outcries bid him and his company to come out vnto them. Too late then he repented that he had committed himselfe vnto the fury of a discontented multitude, with whom he knew himselfe be­fore that time nothing gratious. But to make the best of a badde match, and to try all meanes of ridding himselfe from the danger imminent, he perswaded his kinsman [Page 505] Gilbert there present to goe foorth vnto them, if happily his death (which doubtlesse he had well deserued) might sa­tisfie their [...] and purchase safetie vnto his Lord and Ma­ster. Gilbert was content, and issuing out, with diuers of the Bishops company, were all [...] except onely two English men seruants vnto the Bishop (all the rest were Normans) They being not yet [...], he besought [...] (whose life he knew well was principally [...]) to go out also. But he vtterly refused so to do. The Bishop therefore going vnto the church dore, entreated them not to take his life from him, protested himselfe to be vtterly [...] of the bloud of [...], and shewed them at large, how dangerous it woulde be vnto them in particular, and what inconueniences woulde follow vnto the whole countrey in generall, if they should de­file their hands in shedding his bloud, an vnarmed priest, a sacred and consecrate Bishop, their ruler, their gouernor, their magistrate. Hoping lastly that his very countenance, his gra­uitie, his age, and the sight of his person might somewhat mooue them to compassion for he was indeed a very reuerend man to see to, very tall of stature, head and beard as white as snow, his face fresh and well coloured, and euery way [...] personable.) He went out carying a greene branch in his hand, that so also he might testifie his desire of peace. When he sawe that all this auailed not, and the people ranne furi­ously vpon him, he cast his gowne ouer his owne head in like sort, as we read [...] Caesar did in the like case, and permit­ting himselfe to their fury, with innumerable wounds was [...] massacred, together with all his people and retinue, to the number of 100. onely [...] yet remained within the church and being often called would not come [...]. So they set the Church a fire: Not [...] the fire, he leapt out at a windowe, and was immediately hewen into a thousand peeces. This barbarous slaughter was committed May 14. 1080. The monkes of Yarrow came and fetched away the Bishops body (which they found [...] naked) and coulde hardly know it for the multitude of woundes; they caried it to their monastery, from whence it was [...] to Dur­ham and there buried on the south side of the chapterhouse, but secretly for feare of the [...] that [...] vp and [Page 506] downe the towne, and once assaulted the castell: when they could not preuaile there, they dispersed themselues, and for the most part came to euill and vnhappie endes. The king in the meane time hearing of this tumult, sent his brother Odo Bishop of Bayon with many of his nobles, and a great ar­mie to take punishment of this murther, which while they sought to reuenge, they brought the whole countrey to desola­tion. Those that were guiltie preuented the danger toward them by [...], so as [...] of them could be taken. Of the rest that staied at home, some were vniustly executed, and the rest compelled to raunsome themselues to their vtter impoueri­shing and vndooing. This Odo tooke away from the church of Durham at that time certaine ornaments of great value, amongst which is especially remembred a certaine crosyer of inestimable price. In this Bishops time and by his ende­nour, secular Clerkes were displaced, and the church of Dur­ham replenished with monkes, the Pope, the King, and the Archbishop allowing this alteration.

29. William Kairlipho.

THe Sée of Durham hauing béene voide 6 moneths af­ter 1081 the death of Walter, to wit. Nouember 9. following William Kairlipho Abbot of Saint Uincente, was elected, and receiued consecration at the hands of Thomas Archbishop of Yorke, Ianuary 3. following at Glocester, the king and almost all the Bishops of the realme being present at that solemnitie. The monkes (whom he fauoured much, for he expelled diuers married priests out of his church of Durham, whom Walter was content to beare withall, and suffered onely monkes there) they praise him for a man of great wisedome, learning and vertue. Certaine it is, that he was very subtile, whereby, (as also by the volubilitie of his toong which he had passing readie at commandement) he got very farre into the fauour of the king William the Con­queror, and afterward of his sonne William Rufus, vnder whom he did euen what he list Unto the later ende of these he prooued very vnthankfull, ioyning himselfe with Odo Bi­shop of Bayon in a rebellious conspiracie against him. The [Page 507] rebels being ouerthrowne, he was saine for his safegard to shutte himselfe vp within the walles of Durham. The king hasting thither by great iourneies, besieged [...], and after a thort time had the towne yeelded by composition, where­in it was conditioned, that the Bishop and his companie should depart in safety. So he got him beyond the seas, and liued in [...] three yeeres, viz. vntill September 11. 1090. at what time the king comming to Durham, receaued him to grace, and restored him to his former dignitie, that verie day three yeeres that he had departed thence. After that time he omitted nothing whereby he might curry fauour with the king, euer applying himselfe that way whither he sawe him to [...]. In all the [...] betweene the king and Anselm, he was the [...] stirrer against the Archbishop, hoping be­like, so to assure himselfe of the kings fauour; and if Anselm should be displaced which he endeuored) he thought no man so likely then to succeed him as himselfe. But he failed in both of these purposes, for the kings displeasure was his death. He was summoned to appeere before the king at Glocester, at a day; before which time for griefe as it is thought) he fel sicke. When he appeered not, and it was told the king he was sick; he sware by Lukes face ( [...] was his vsuall oath) he lied, he did but counterfeit, & he would haue him fetcht with a ven­geance. It appeered the excuse was true ynough; for seene af­ter, viz. Ianuary 2. 1095. he died, hauing been Bishop fifteene yeeres. This man pulling downe to the ground the Church that [...] had first built began to erect another far more magnificent, but liued not to finish it. [...], [...] [...] of Scots & Turgot Prior of Durham, [...] the first [...]. stones, July 30. or (as some deliuer Aug. 11.) [...]. It is said, that ly­ing vpon his death bed, & (as was thought past memory (if not dead) diuers Prelates that were in his chamber, confer­red of the order of his [...], and amongst other things ap­pointed the place of his buriall to be in the [...], vpon the building whereof he had bestowed so much. The supposed dead man ouerheard them, and gathering his forces together, made shift to breath out these [...]; It shall not please God saith he, that you preiudice the honor of Saint [...] by my buriall, for [...] of wham, neuer any of my predeces­sors [Page 508] would enduret o be laid there. Bury you me therefore in the chapter house. It was performed accordingly: his body was conueighed from Glocester (where he died vnto Dur­ham, and on the North part of the chapter house there solemn­ly enterred. Within a yeere or two after his first being Bi­shop, he trauelled to Rome, and obtayned there licence of Pope Gregorie the seuenth to bring the monkes from Yar­row and Wermouth into the Cathedrall church of Durham. He also bestowed vpon them, not onely bookes and diuers or­naments for the furnishing of their church, but lands and [...] in sundry places; for the confirmation of all which gifts, he procured the charter of William the Conqueror vn­der Seale.

30. Ranulf Flambard.

AFter the death of William, the Sée of Durham stoode voide thrée yeeres and fower monethes. The king at last bestowed it vpon one Ranulf, rather for the seruice he had done him, then for any speciall seruice he could hope he would doo, either to God or his church. For he was a very wicked man, but such a one as had serued his turne notably. He was first Chaplaine vnto Maurice Bishop of London, and well [...] of him, but not so well as that he would let him haue the Deanery falling voide; which he taking very ill in a [...] left him and (by what meanes I know not) woond himselfe into the court. Being passing subtile and shrewd witted, faire spoken, and nothing scrupulous, but ready to do any thing for preferment; It was no hard matter for him to obtaiue any thing of the king ( William Rufus) a very corrupt and vicious prince. His first practise was, to farme the vaca­cies of Abbotships and Bishopricks of the king; whereby he not onely enriched himselfe, but brought great sommes of mony into the kings coffers that neuer were acquainted with that kinde of profite before. The king perceiuing him to be a fit instrument for his purposes, imploied him daily more and more, and at last made him chiefe gouernour of all his realme vnder him, so as he had all that authority which now the Lord Treasurer, Chauncellor, and diuers other officers haue [Page 509] diuided amongst them. For it séemes vnto me, that few of those offices were then so precisely distinguished as soone af­ter. This authority he abused very impudently, not caring whom he offended so he might [...] either the king or him­selfe. Many times when the king gaue commandement for the leuying of a certaine summe of mony amongst his sub­iects, he would require of the commons twise so much; where­at the king being very well content, would laugh and say, that [...] was the onely man for his turne, who cared not whom he displeased so he might please his Master. It was impossible, but he should be very odious, both vnto the com­mon people and nobility also. And no maruaile if many com­plaints were made vnto the king of him; against all which he shut his [...]. When therefore that way suc­ceeded not, some of those his discontent aduersaries determi­ned to wreake their mallice vpon him by killing him. They famed a message from the Bishop of London his old Master, saying that he was very sick and ready to depart the world, that he was wonderfull desirous to speake with him, and to the end he might make the better spéede had sent him a barge to [...] him vnto his house being then by the water side. He suspecting no fraude, went with them in great hast, atten­ded onely by his secretary and some one or two other; they hauing him thus in their clutches, caried him not to the ap­pointed staires, but rowed [...] on (say he what he would) till they came vnto a ship prouided for him ready to set saile. As seene as he perceiued how he was intrapped, he cast away his ring or manuel seale, and after his great scale (whether the broad Seale of England or no, I know not) into the riuer, least they might giue oportunity of forging false graunts and conueyances Then he fel to intreating and perswading, but all to no purpose, for they were determined he should dye. They had appointed two [...] to dispatch him, either by knocking out his braines, or tossing him a liue [...], for doing whereof they were promised to haue his clothes. These executioners could not agree vpon the diuision of this reward, for his gowne was better woorth then all the rest of his apparell. While they were reasoning vpon that point, it pleased God to raise a terrible and fearefull tempest, such, as [Page 510] they looked euery minute to die themselues, and therefore had no very good leasure to thinke of putting an other man to death. Ranulf then omitting no opportunitie of his deliue­rance, like an other [...], by the musicke of his eloquence seeketh to alay their malice, and to diswade them from the execution of their bloudie determination, laying diligently before them, the danger that was like to ensue vnto them by so cruell a murther, which could not be hid, promising moun­taines of golde if they saued his life, and lastly wishing them to consider, how God by raising this tempest, had threatned to reuenge his death, and had as it were set the image of his vengeance before their eies. Whether it were the feare of God or of man, or else the hope of reward that wrought with them, of such effect were these his perswasions, as first diuers of the companie refused to be pertakers of his murther, one of them then stept foorth, & vowed to defend him to his power, so as he would liue or die with him. And at length, his grea­test enimies were so pacified, as Gerald the author of this conspiracie was content to set him a land, and to conduct him to his owne house. But not trusting a reconciled foe, assoone as he had so done, he got him out of the realme, and durst ne­uer come in England after. So by one danger this man esca­ped another, and might well say as Themistocles, when bani­shed his countrey, he found better entertainment of his eni­mie the king of Persia, then he could haue giuen himselfe at home, Perijssem [...] perijssem, I had indeede béene vtterly vndone, had I not béene vpon the point to be vndone. Seene after his returne from this braue voyage, to wit, the yéere 1099. he was consecrate Bishop of Durham, in the Cathe­drall church of Saint Paule. He was scarce warme in his seate, when his master the king being slaine by the glance of an arrow, as he was a hunting. Henry his brother succéeded in the kingdome. This prince not able to withstand the im­portunitie of his nobles, and the innumerable complaints daily made against this our Bishop, clapt him vp in the Tower: But he so enchanted his kéepers with money and [...] words, as they were content to let him go, and to runne away with him themselues. Into Normandie he got him in the beginning of February 1101. and did neuer linne buzzing [Page 511] into the eares of Robert Duke of Normandy, telling him the kingdome of England was his by right, till he prouoked him to attempt the inuasion of this realme, but to small purpose, as in the Chronicles you may see more at large. How long he liued in exile I finde not; it seemeth not to be long, for he had leisure to bring many great things to passe at home after­wards. He raised the walles of the body of his church vnto the roofe; he translated the reliques of Saint Cutbert into the new Church, and bestowed a shryne vpon him, he compassed the [...] with a wall: he caused a number of houses to be pul­led downe that were neere the church, and might haue béene either noisome vnto it or dangerous by fire hapning among them, he continued diuers banks along the riuer of Were; with great charge, built the castell of Norham vpon a steepe hill neere the riuer of Tweede, the hospitall of kepar, the bridge of Frwgewallate, and performed same other things woorthie commendations. Hauing sate Bishop 29. yéeres or thereabouts, he died September 5. 1128.

31. Geoffry Rusus.

GEoffry surnamed Rufus, Chauncellour of England was then preferred vnto the See of Durham, in which he sat 13. yéeres, and died ann. 1141.

32. Will. de Sancta Barbara.

NExt after him, succéeded William de Sancta Barbara Deane of Yorke, a [...] and very religious man. He continued in this Sée 9. yéeres and, died 1152.

33. Hugh Pusar.

HVgh Pusar, Pudsey or de Putuaw (for thus diuerfly I find him called) Treasurer of Yorke and Archdeacon of Winchesier, was elected vnto the Sée of Durham after the death of the foresaid William; rather in respect of his nobili­ty, and greatnesse of bloud, then of any speciall worthinesse otherwise. For king Stephen was vncle vnto him. He was [Page 512] very wise in ordering of temporall matters, and ( [...] he was not very learned) woonderfull eloquent, excéeding co­uetous, and as cunning in gathering money, as thirstie and desirous of it. Henry Murdac Archbishop of Yorke, not onely refused to consecrate him himselfe, taking exceptions both against his [...] of yéeres and lightnes of behauiour: But al­so sent to Rome to haue a Caueat laid in against him there. Eugenius was Pope at that time, an old acquaintance of the Archbishops, who both were brought vp at Clareual vnder S. Bernard. But such was the good hap of this new elect, as a little before his arriuall there, (I meane at Rome) Pope Eu­genius was dead, and seene after came certaine newes thither of the death of the Archbishop also. Anastasius that succeeded. Eugenius, without much adoo affoorded him consecration, Decemb. 30. 1153. He sate Bishop a long time, almost 42. yéeres; in which time he built diuers houses vpon his man­nors out of the ground, and bestowed much in repairing of the rest. He builte a faire house at Derlington; He founded the Priory of Finchall; he bought Sadbury of king Richard the first, and gaue it vnto his Sée. He built the bridge of El­uet and the Galiley at the west end of his Cathedrall church, in which he placed the bones of venerable Beda. Lastly, he built two hospitals, one at Allerton, an other called Sher­burne at the East end of Durham. To Sherburne he alotted liberall allowance for the maintenance of 65. poore Lasers, and a certaine number of priests. Neubrigenses ascribeth this good worke partly vnto other men, whom he enforced to be­come benefactors vnto this foundation, being loath to be at the whole charge himselfe. At what time king Richard made prouision for his iorney into the Holy land, he also tooke on him the crosse, and vowed to be one of that companie. The king vnderstanding that he had prepared a great masse of money to carry with him, perswaded him to stay at home, and to afford him his money; which if he would do, he pro­mised to make him Earle of Northumberland. The Bishop long since repenting the vow he had made, quickly condiscen­ded to this offer, & accepted the same. The king hauing crea­ted him an Earle, turned him about vnto the companie, and laughing, saide, he had performed a woonderfull exploit; for [Page 513] (quoth he) of an old Bishop I haue made a yoong Earle. Now that he might haue some colourable ercuse of not performing his vow, he caused the king to alledge that he might not be spared out of the realme in his absence: And to make this the more probable, giuing the king 1000. markes, he perswaded him with golden Rhetoricke to make him chiefe Justice of England. The like Rhetoricke it was that induced the Pope to dispence with his vow, vnto which the excuses before allea­ged made some way, but could neuer haue effected the busines without that helpe. At the returne of K Richard from Hieru­salem; he found him not so fauourable as he expected, & thin­king that he grudged him his Earledome, resigned the same into his hands. After which, notwithstanding he loaded him sore with many grieuous exactions, well knowing the Bi­shops bagges to be notably [...], for that he had offered him a great summe of mony for the redemption of his Earledome. The king therefore, being beyond the seas, sent vnto him for this money, as condiscending to his request. But the old Fox well ynough [...] his [...], humbly besought him by letters, either to affoord him the Earldome first, or else to suf­fer him to enioy his money quietly. Whereupon the king that knew how to vse him in his kinde, writ letters vnto him full of reuerend and gratious speeches, wishing him to bring vp his money to London, and there to receiue the gouern­ment of the whole realme which he would commit vnto him, and the Archbishoppe of Canterbury. Being very ioyfull of this fauour, toward London he comes about Shrouetyde, thinking then to take his farewell of flesh, he surffetted vpon the way at Doncaster, and finding himselfe sicke, re­turned home to Houeden, where he died March 3. being the saturday in cleansing weeke. He was 70. yeeres old at the time of his death; & yet would hardly beléeue his phisitions, certifying him a little before he died in what danger he was. An old Heremit named [...], esteemed of many, a very holy man, had told him he should be blinde seuen yéeres before his death, which (said our stories) Godricus meant the blind­nesse of his minde; and he vnderstanding him of the blind­nesse of his bodily eies, neuer cared to prouide for death, assu­ring himselfe he had that seuen yéeres at least to come. Being [Page 514] yet Treasurer of Yorke, he begot thrée [...], all sonnes; the first borne of a gentlewoman of great blood, became a sol­dier; the second, he made Archdeacon of Durham, and loaded him with many other [...] promotions, which he en­ioying but one yéere after his fathers death, was also taken away himselfe. The third (whom the old Bishop loued most tenderly of all) by his fathers great suit and no lesse expence, became Channcellor to the French king. He was so vnhap­py as to see that his best beloued sonne buried. Himselfe de­parted this world (as before is said) in the beginning of Lent an. 1195.

34. Philip of Poitiers.

KIng Henry the second fauoured much one Philip borne at Poitiers in Aquitaine, for the long acceptable seruice he had done vnto him: In reward whereof, he besought him to preferre him vnto the Bishopricke of Durham then void. The king well knowing he could not doo for him any other way better cheape, commended him so effectually vnto the couent, as they durst not but choose him. He was elected De­cember 30. 1195. The next yéere he was sent Embassador vnto the Pope together with William Longshamp that fa­mous Bishop of Ely who died in the way to Rome-ward. There (to wit at Rome) he was consecrate May 12. 1197. The yeere 1200. he went in pilgrimage to Saint Iames of Compostella. He was a great hartner of king Iohn against the Pope, aduising him euer to make no reckoning of his ex­communications. The Pope vnderstanding thereof, excom­municated him also together with the king: Being not yet absolued, he died the yéere 1208. and was buried without the church by the hands of lay men, because he stood excommuni­cate at the time of his death. This Bishop, by the licence of king Richard the first, set vp a Mint at Durham, and began to coine mony there the yéere 1196.

35. Richard de Marisco.

IT séemeth the Sée was long voide after the death of Philip. For Richard de Marisco, Lord Chauncellor of England and Archdeacon of Northumberland an old courtier, was thrust into this Sée by Gualo the Popes Legate, and conse­crate by the Archbishop of Yorke, the yéere 1217. During the time of the vacacy, I find that one Morgan prouost of Be­uerley was elected vnto this Bishopricke. He was bastard brother vnto king Iohn, and begotten vpon the Lady of a knight called Sir Ralf [...] or Blewet. Exceptions were taken against him, that he was a bastard and so by the Ca­nons not capable of ecclesiasticall preferment without speci­all dispensation; which the Pope being loath to graunt, adui­sed him to call himselfe Blewet, and to alledge that he was borne in lawfull wedlocke, promising vpon that condition to affoord him consecration. But he answered, that for any worldly preferment whatsoeuer, he would not renounce his father or deny himselfe to be of the bloud royall. So he lost his Bishoprick and (for ought I find) neuer attained other pre­ferment after. This Richard was a very prodigall man, and spent so liberally the goods of his church, as the monks doub­ting he would vndoo them and himselfe also, went about by course of law to stay him and force him to a moderation of ex­pence. But it fell out quite contrary to their expectation. For he being wilfully set, continued law with them, appealing to Rome, &c. and continued his old course [...] vntill his death. The yéere 1226. in the beginning of Easter terme, he rid vp to London with a troupe of Lawyers attending on him. At Peterborough he was entertayned in the Abbey very hono­rably, and going to bed there in very good health, was found in the morning by his chamberlaines starke dead. He decea­sed May the first leauing his church 40000. marks indebted. A monke of Durham bestowed this ryming Epitaphe vpon him.

  • [...] qui cupitis,
  • Est sedata sitis,
  • Qui populos regitis,
  • Quod mors immitis,
  • Vobis praepositis,
  • Quod sumvos eritis,
  • laudes pompas (que) [...].
  • si me pensare velitis.
  • memores super omnia sitis.
  • non parcit honore potitis.
  • similis fueram bene scitis.
  • ad me currendo venitis.

36. Richard Poore.

THe king earnestly commended one Luke his Chap­laine vnto the Bishopricke of Durham now voide, swearing vnto the monkes that were sent to craue a Congé d'lier, they should haue no Bishop in 7. yéere after if they would not be content to elect him. The couent thinking him vnwoorthy so high a preferment, chose one William Scot, Archdeacon of Worceter, a graue learned man, and the kings Chaplaine: Howbeit the king offended that his desire was not satisfied, refused in great displeasure to ratifie this election. And vnderstanding that they sent vnto Rome to in­treate the Pope to put him in possession of that Sée; he sent likewise his Embassadors, the Bishop of Lichfield and the Prior of Lanthony, to crosse and hinder that designement, which they easily performed: within a yéere or two after, they chose with the kings good liking) Richard Poore Bishop of Salisbury, a notable man. He was first Deane of Salis­burie, consecrated Bishop of Chichester the yéere 1215. tran­slated thence to Salisbury 1217. & lastly to Durham 1228. Being Bishop of Chichester, he purchased vnto that church Amport which he bought of the church of Winchester. At [...] he is famous for remoouing his Sée from old Sa­lisbury, to new Salisbury, where he began the building of that stately church. Sée more of him in Salisbury. He foun­ded a monasterie of Nunnes called the Charnell at Tharent in [...], and gaue it vnto the Quéene, who chose that for the place of her buriall. He builded also a Hospitall for poore people, néere the colledge of Uaulx in Salisburie. Com­ming to Durham, he had ynough to doe to pay the huge debt of 40000. markes that Richard de Marisco left the landes of his Sée bound for. He was a man of rare learning in those [Page 517] times, and of notable integritie for his life and conuersation. A little before his death perceauing his end to draw neere, he caused the people to be called together, and going vp into the pulpit, made a very godly spéech vnto them, desiring them to marke well that his exhortation, for he was now shortly to be taken from them. The next day he did the like, and bidding them farewell, praied them if he had offended any to forgiue him and to pray for him. The third day he sent for al his par­ticular acquaintance, called all his family and seruants be­fore him, and distributed vnto them presently by hand, such summes of money, as either he ought, or was willing to be­stow vpon them: which done, and hauing set euery thing in perfect order, he tooke his leaue of his friends one after an other: and then falling to his prayers, when he came vnto these words (saith M. Paris) In pace [...] dormiam & requiescam, he gaue vp the ghost. He died Aprill 15. 1237. and was buried in the Nunnery of Tharent which he had founded.

37. Nicholas de Farnham.

THomas, Prior of Durham was chosen Bishop vpon the death of Poore. Through the kings backwardnes and dislike, that election was cassate and disannul­led. A long time the monkes had laboured this sute for their Prior, and had spent much money in it. At last, [...] they stroue against the streame, they gaue it ouer, the elect himselfe first yéelding. Then chose they Nicholas de Fern­ham, one greatly commended both for his manners and lear­ning. This man spent his yoonger yeeres in Oxford, and ha­uing furnished himselfe there with the grounds of all good learning, especially Logike, and naturall Philosophie; he [...] beyond the seas, and studied Phisicke at Paris and Bononia a great while. Returning into his natiue countrey, he gaue himselfe much vnto the study of Diuinitie, & profited therein so well, as he was esteemed woorthie to be a Doctor. By the counsell of Otto the Legate, the Bishop of Carlile and other, the king entertained this man into his seruice. And first he was (as it seemeth vnto me) Esquire of his body, [Page 518] then [...] to the [...], [...] ( [...]) her instructer or directer in matters of [...] and [...]. When he had now a long time béene a Courtier, it hap­ned the Sée of Lichfield being voide, the monkes of [...] very carefull of choosing a sufficient man (because they knew their doings woulde be sifted) the yéere 1239. elected him; whom they knew to be a man learned, graue, vertuous, di­scréete, very wise, well spoken, & (which maketh a man some­what the more gratious) tal of stature, personable & of a good­ly presence. He thanked them for their good will, but consi­dering with himselfe that his title to that Bishopricke was like to prooue litigious, (for the Chapter of Lichfield preten­ded a right to the election that time) as also the great burthen and charge of the office pastorall, refused in any sort to accept of the same. The Chapter of Lichfield (who had chosen their Deane) hearing of this refusall; by the exhortation of the same their Deane (who resigned his right) for their part also elected him. Which notwithstanding, he persisted in his for­mer determination, telling them that he felt the burthen al­ready so heauy of a Benefice or two which he had, as he was resolued neuer to accept any greater charge of soules. So they were enforced to choose another. Understanding within two yeeres after how the Couent of Durham with one consent had also chosen him for their Pastor, he likewise refused, and that more earnestly now then the last time, adding vnto the former reasons this also, that if he should accept of this place, men would say, how the hypocrite had refused a poore Bi­shopricke, vnder colour of conscience to stay for a better. In this minde he continued, till Robert Grosthead (that famous Bishop of Lincolne) reprehended him sharpely for this his backwardnesse. Séest thou not (quoth he) how the monks of Durham, destitute of that comfort which a good pastor should yéeld them, intreate thée with teares to affoord the same vnto them, knowing well that if thou accept not the place, the king will immediately thrust in some vnwoorthy stranger to their great gréefe, and the no lesse dishonor of Almighty God? I adiure thée therefore by the bloud of Iesus Christ, that thou be content to put thy necke vnder this yoke, and to imploy thy talent according to the occasion offered. Perswaded thus, [Page 519] with much adoo, atlast he yéelded. The king very readily al­lowing their choice, he was consecrate at Glocester, in the church of Saint Oswald, by the Archbishop of Yorke, Iune 9. 1241. in the presence of the king, the Quéene, many prelates, and other personages of honor. He was not more vnwilling to take this honorable burthen then ready and desirous to leaue the same. The yéere 1249. he obtained licence of the Pope to resigne this his Bishopricke, and about Candlemasse indeede gaue it ouer; reseruing onely vnto himselfe for his maintenance during his life, thrée Mannors, with the appur­tenances, Houeden, Stocton, and Esington. His successor began a little to wrangle with him about that reseruation, but could not infringe it. After he had liued a priuate life the space of eight yeeres, giuing himselfe altogether to prayer and contemplation, about the beginning of February 1257. he departed this world at Stocton. He that is desirous to read more of this man; in Matthew Paris he shall find often men­tion of him, viz. pag. 768. where he telles how by his meanes especially the king was content to receiue into fauor Walter Marshall, & to giue him the Earledome of his brother lately deceased; againe, pag. 988. he maketh a large report of a great controuersie betwéene him and the Abbot of Saint Al­bones; and lastly pag. 848. an incredible tale of his miraculous recouery, being desperately sicke of a dropsie ioined with other diseases. He lyeth buried in the Cathedrall Church of Dur­ham, which together with [...] Melscomb Prior, he coue­red with a new roofe the yéere 1242.

38. Walter de Kirkham.

NO sooner had Nicolas Farnham resigned, but the king was in hand with the monks to elect for successor Ethelmare his owne halfe brother. They would in no sort condiscend to this request; but told him plainely (yet in as good tearmes as they could deuise) how that his brother was such a one, as they could not with a safe conscience com­mit so great a charge vnto him, being as yet very yong and not indued with any competency of learning. The king an­swered, that he would keepe the temporalties eight or nine [Page 520] yéeres in his hands, and by that time (quoth he) he will be [...] ynough. He was not as good as his word; for I [...], that [...] Walter de Kirkham was consecrate the yéere following, [...] that place almost eleuen yéeres, and died 1260.

39. Robert Stitchell.

RObert Stitchell succéeded the same yéere. He founded the hospitall of Gritham. The king had seased vpon all the lands of Simon Mountford Earle of Leicester whereso­euer. But whereas he had something of good value in the Bi­shopricke of Durham, this Bishop chalenged it as due vnto him by the Earles attainder, and at last recouering it from the king by law, imploied it in the erection of that hospitall. He sate fowerteene yeeres and died August 4. 1274.

40. Robert de Insula.

ANother Robert obtained the place after him, Robert de [...]. He continued in the same nine yéeres, and dying Iune 13. 1283. was buried in the Chapterhouse at Durham, where he is couered with a stone very curiously wrought.

41. Antony Beake.

BEfore the end of that yéere, it séemeth Antony Beake was inuested in the Bishopricke of Durham, in which he so flourished, as (Cardinall [...] excepted) neuer I thinke any either of his prdecessors or successors came neere him. He was woonderfull rich, not onely in ready mony, but in lands also and temporall renenues: For he might dispend yeerely (besides that which belonged to his Myter) 5000. markes. Much of that he had of the Lord [...], who think­ing so to conueigh it vnto his base sonne [...] (for that he had no other issue) passed it ouer to this Bishop in trust; which trust men say he neuer answered. The Quéenes house at Eltham was part of that land. He built the house and gaue it vnto Elianor Quéene to king Edward the first, as also the [Page 521] castle of Sourton beside Yorke vnto the king which likewise he built. A man now of this extraordinary welth must not content himselfe with ordinary titles: Therefore he procured the Pope to make him Patriarke of Hierusalem, and obtai­ned of the king the principality of the Isle of Man which he held during his life. The yeere 1294. being Embassador to the Emperor, the Archbishop of Yorke Iohn Roman (vpon what quarrell I know not) excommunicated him. It cost him 4000. markes fine and his life in the end. He died (as it is thought) for sorrow. See more in Yorke. Great sturres there were betweene this man and his couent of Durham. He informed the Pope that the Prior there was a [...] sim­ple and vnsufficient man to rule that house, and procured the gouernment thereof for all matters both spirituall and tem­porall to be committed vnto him. Hereupon he sent certaine officers to execute in his name that new obtained authority, which when they came to the monastery, were shut out of the gates and not suffred to enter. The monkes appealed vnto the Pope, and alleaged, that the king also had required the hearing of these controuersies betweene the Prior and the Bi­shop. This notwithstanding the Bishops officers made no more adoo, but excommunicated Prior, Monkes, and all, for not obeying their authority immediately. Herewith the king greatly offended, caused these officers to be fined and summo­ned the Bishop himselfe to appeare before him at a day ap­pointed; before which time he gotte him to Rome, neuer ac­quainting the King with his determination The King therefore seised into his hand the Bishops liberties, and ap­pointed a new Chauncellor, new Iustices and other officers. He writ also vnto the Pope, in fauor of the Prior, who de­liuering the [...] letters himselfe, was adiudged a sober and discrete man, whatsoeuer the Bishop had reported of him So he was restored to his place againe, but died before he could get home. During the time of the Bishops disgrace, amongst many other things wherein the liberties of the Bishopricke were [...], it is specially to be remembred that the king tooke from him diuers Castles, and lands forfait vnto him by Iohn [...] king of the Scots and other; but [...] Beau­mout one of his successors recouered them againe by Law. [Page 522] These broyles ended, he gaue himselfe very much to building. The Auncient mannor place at Arkland he did [...]. He built the great Hall there (in which are diuers pillers of blacke marble speckled with white) the great Chamber like­wise, and many other roomes adioyning. He also erected that same goodly Chappell there, and placed in the same a Deane and Prebendaries, alotting the quadrant in the West side of the Castle (built likewise by him) for their habitation. He built or repaired with great charges Barnard Castle, the Ca­stles of Alnwike (part of the L. Vessyes land, which he sold afterward to H. Percy) Gainsoorth, Cuncliff, Somerton, (which he gaue vnto the king) and the house at Eltham be­stowed (as afore said) vpon the Quéene. Hauing sate Bishop of Durham 28. yéeres, he deceased at Eltham, March 28. 1311. and was buried in his owne Cathedrall Church.

42. Richard Kellow.

RIchard Kellow [...] Bishop fiue yéeres, in which short space he bestowed very much in building at Middleham, Stocton, and Welhall. He died the yéere 1316.

43. Lewes Beaumont.

THe Couent then chose for their Bishop Henry Stam­ford, Pryor of Finchall, and sent him to Rome to be confirmed by the Pope. But before he could get thi­ther, at the importunate suite of the kings of England and France, the Pope had giuen that Bishoprick vnto one Lewes Beaumont, a French man borne, and of the blood royall there. He was lame [...] both his legs, and so vnlearned, that he could not read the bulles and other instruments of his consecrati­on. When he should haue pronounced this word ( Metropo­liticae) not knowing what to make of it (though he had studied vpon it and laboured his lesson long before) after a litle pause, Soyt purdit (saies he) let it goe for read, & so passed it ouer. In like sort he stumbled at ( [...] aenigmate.) When he had fumbled about it a while, Par Saint Lowys (quoth he) il n'est pas cur­tois qui [...] parolle ici escrit, that is, by Saint Lewes he is to [Page 523] blame that writ this word here. Not without great cause therefore the Pope was somewhat strait laced in admitting him. He obtained consecration so hardly, as in fower­teene yeeres he could scarce creepe out of debt. Riding to Dur­ham to be installed there, he was robbed (together with two Cardinals that were then in his company) vpon Wiglesden Moore neere Derlington. The captaines of this route were named Gilbert Middleton and Walter Selby. Not content to take all the treasure of the Cardinals, the Bishop and their traine, they carried the Bishop prisoner to Morpeth, where they constrained him to pay a great ransom. Gilbert Middle­ton was soone after taken at his owne castle of Nitford, car­ried to London, and there drawen and hanged in the presents of the Cardinals. After this, one Sir [...] and his brother Robert, came with a great company to diuers of the Bishop of Durhams houses in the habits of Fryers, and spoyled them, leauing nothing but bare wals, and did many other notable [...], for which they (I meane the cap­taines and diuers of their company) were soone after hanged at Yorke. This Bishop stood very stoutly in defence of the li­berties of his Sée, recouered diuers lands taken away from Anthony Beake his predecessor (as before is mentioned) and procured this sentence to be giuen in the behalf of his church, quod Episcopus Dunelmen. debet habere [...] guer­rarum intra libertates, sicut Rex extra, that the Bishop of Durham is to haue the forfeitures of warre in as ample sort within his owne liberties as the king without. He compas­sed the city of Durham with a wall, and built a hall, kitchin, and chappell at Middleton. But before he could quite finish the chappell he died, to wit September 22 or (as one deliue­reth) September 28. 1333. He heth buried before the high altar at Durham couered with a marble stone curiously wrought and inlayde with brasse prouided by himselfe in his life time.

44. Richard de Bury.

IN great [...] (but with no great good spéed) the [...] of Durham procéeded vnto the election of a new Bishop (the old being yet scarcely buried) and they made choise of one of their owne company a monke of Durham. This election the Archbishop of Yorke confirmed; yea the matter grew so forward, as the same Archbishop was content to giue him consecration also. All this while the kings good will was not sought, no nor (which was a greater ouersight as the world then went) the Popes neither. The king therefore not onely refused to deliuer possession of the temporalties vnto this elect, but also laboured the Pope, ex plenitudine potestatis to conferre the Bishopricke vpon a chaplaine of his named Ri­chard de Bury, then Deane of Welles. Partly to pleasure the one that requested, partly to displeasure the other for not re­questing, he did so, and commaunded the Bishop of Winche­ster to consecrate him, which being performed at Chertsey soone after Christmasse, the king presently inuested him in the temporalties belonging to that Sée. Now was the monke a Bishop without a Bishopricke. Hauing no other home, he was faine to returne to his cloyster, and therefor very griefe (as it is to be supposed) within a few daies after died. This Richard de Bury was borne at Saint Edmunds Bury in Suffolke, whence he tooke his surname; for he was the sonne of one Sir Richard Angaruill knight. His father died leauing him very yoong, and committed him vnto the tuition of Iohn Willoughby a priest, his vncle, who brought him vp care­fully, and that for the most part in the Uniuersity of Oxford. From thence he was called to teach Edward of Windsor Prince of Wales. At what time the said Prince fled into Fraunce with his mother, he was principall receiuer of the kings reuenewes in Gascoigne. Their money failing, he ayded them secretly with a great summe of that he had recei­ued for the king. It had almost cost him his life, he was so narrowly pursued by some of the kings friends that got vn­derstanding of it, as he was glad to hide himselfe in a steeple in Paris the space of seuen daies. King Edward the third his [Page 525] scholler being come to the crowne, made him first his Coferer, then Treasurer of the Wardrobe, and keeper of the priuy Seale. In this last office he continued fiue yéeres; in which space he was twice sent Ambassador vnto the Pope. The yeere 1333. he was made Deane of Welles (a goodly prefer­ment in those daies, better I thinke then the Bishopricke is now.) He had not enioyed that place one whole yeere, when he was consecrate vnto Durham, which was December 19. 1333. The yeere following he became Chauncellor, and within two yeeres after that, Treasurer of England. Being Bishop, he was often employed in embassages of the greatest importance. What time of leysure he had, he spent either in prayer, or conference with his [...] (whereof he had many about him, & those great learned men) or else in study, wherewith he was woonderfully delighted. He writ many things not yet perished. Anongst the rest, in one worke which he called [...], he saith of himselfe, [...] quodam li­brorū amore potenter [...] abreptū. That he was mightily car­ried away, and euen beside himselfe with immoderate loue of bookes and desire of reading. And indéed his study was so well furnished, as it is thought he had more bookes then all the Bishops in England beside. He was much delighted with the company and acquaintance of learned men. Many letters passed betweene him, Francis Petrarke, and diuers other then famous for learning. He had alwaies in his house (as before I said) many Chaplaines, all great [...]; of which number were T. Bradwardin, after Archb. of Canter­bury, Richard Fitzralph Archb. of Armagh, Walter [...], I. [...], Rob. [...], & R. Killington, Doctors of Diuinity; Richard [...] and Walter Segraue, the one afterward Bishop of London, the other of Chichester. His manner was at dinner and supper time to haue some good booke read vnto him, whereof he would discourse with his Chaplaines a great part of the day following, if busines interrupted not his course. He was very bountifull vnto the poore. Weekely he bestowed for their reliefe 8 quarters of Wheate made into bread, beside the offall and fragments of his Tables. Riding betweene New-castle and Durham he would giue 8. l. in almes, from Durham to Stocton, 5. l. from Durham to Aukland 5. marks [Page 526] from Durham to [...] 5. l. [...]. I [...] it reported that he founded a Hall in Oxford, and [...] it with some [...] for the maintainance of Students in the same; but I thinke it mistaken for that which was done by his next suc­cessor. Certain it is, that he notably furnished a library in that Uniuersity, and tooke order that the kéeping thereof should be committed vnto fiue schollers, to whom he made a certaine allowance for their labour. He also bestowed many sumptu­ous ornaments on his church of Durham. Hauing continued Bishop there 11. yeeres and almost thrée moneths, he depar­ted this life at Aukland, Aprill 24. 1345. being 58. yéeres of age. He lieth buried in the South Angle of his owne church.

45. Thomas Hatfield.

THe Pope had now many yéeres taken vnto himselfe the authority of bestowing all Bishopricks: which the king and nobility of this realme being much agrée­ued with all, made diuers lawes and statutes to restore churches and couents to the liberty of their ancient elections. When the king therefore had laboured a while in this mat­ter; he being destrous of preferring this Hatfield his Secreta­ry vnto Durham (a man that he knew the Pope might iustly except against; and peraduenture doubting the couent would not choose him) was content to request the Pope to giue it vnto him, and thereby opened a passage vnto him, whereby he entred into possession againe of his woonted vsurpation. The Pope glad of this oportunity, without any regard or ex­amination of his worthinesse, by and by accepted of him: And when some of the Cardinalls tooke exceptions against him, saying that he was not onely a méere lay man, but a fellow of light behauiour and no way fit for that place: He answe­red, that if the king of England had requested him for an asse, at that time he would not haue denied him. This man it was that built Durham colledge in Oxford and purchased cer­tainc lands vnto the same for the maintenance of such monks of Durham as should be thought fit to study there. That col­ledge is now called Trinity Colledge, so named by Sir Tho­mas Pope that bestowed a new foundation vpon the same. [Page 527] He built also Durham place in London to receaue himselfe and his successors when they should haue occasion to repaire thither He was consecrate Jul. 10. 1345. and died in the be­ginning of May 1381. So he sate Bishop six and thirty yéeres lacking onely two moneths.

46. Iohn Fordham.

IIohn Fordham Deane of Welles obtained consecration to the Bishoprick of Durham May 29. 1381. and was in­thronised there in September 1382. Seuen yeres he conti­nued in the same and was translated thence to Ely Septemb. 27. 1388. See more of him in Ely.

47. Walter Skirlaw.

IAnuary 14. 1385. Walter Skirlawe Doctor of Law was consecrate Bishop of Lichfield He sate there one yeere, and was translated to Welles. There also he continued but two yéeres, and the yéere 1388. remooued to Durham in the monethe of September. The Cloisters of the Monastery there were much deale built at his charges. He gaue toward that worke 200. l. in his life time, & 400. l. in his Will. He be­stowed also 220. l. in the building of the Diribitory. He new built the bridges of Shinkley, Yarrow and Aukland, and the stéeple of Holme. he repaired the Church and the Hall of the mannour there. He built a great part of the Lanterne at Yorke where his armes are fixed, and raised from the very foundation a faire Chappell at Swyne in Holdernesse where he was borne. Lastly he bequeathed in his Testament great summes of money to the Churches that he had gouerned for the buying of ornaments, as namely to the Church of Welles the value of 150. l. He fate Bishop of Durham 18. yéeres, and died in the beginning of the yéere 1406.

48. Thomas Langley.

THomas Langley Priest, and then Lord [...] of England, was consecrate Bishop of Durham May 7. 1406. at what time he gaue ouer his [...]. But a 11. yéeres after, to wit the yéere 1417. it was laid vp­on him againe and continued in that place about sixe yéeres. In the meane time, viz. June 6. 1411. he was made Cardi­nall (together with Robert [...] Bishop of Salisbury) by Pope Iohn 23. This man bestowed the summe of 499. l. 6. s. 7. d. in repayring of that Galily in the West end of his church which was first built by Hugh [...] his predecessor. He al­so founded two schooles in the Place-gréen, one for Grammar another for Musicke: 31. yéeres he continued Bishop here, and dying the yéere 1437. was buried (as I am informed) in the Galily and lyeth entoombed before the Altar there vnder the Table of the Consistory. I find noted by the way that about this time, to wit, betwéene the yéeres 1408, and 1498. was bestowed vpon the Cloyster of Durham the summe of 838. l. 17. s. ob.

49. Robert Neuill.

RObert Neuill was consecrate Bishop of Salisbury the yéere 1427. and translated thence to Durham 1438. He built the Checquer at the castle gate there, and died anno 1457.

50. Laurence Boothe.

LAurence Boothe was consecrate vnto the Sée of Dur­ham, September 25. 1457. He built the gate of the col­ledge at Aukland, with the [...] adioyning. Hauing sate here 20. yeres, he was translated to Yorke the yere 1477. Sée more of him in Yorke.

51. William Dudley.

WIlliam Dudley succéeded immediately. He was the third sonne of Iohn Dudley, alias Sutton, the eight Lord Dudley, as the Epitaph yet to be séene vpon his toombe doth witnesse. He lieth buried in Westmin­ster in the chappell that is South from the toombe of king Ed­ward the third. His toombe standeth in the South wall of the said chappell. He died an, 1483. and sate 6. yeeres.

52. Iohn Sherwood.

IOhn Sherwood became Bishop of Durham 1483. A great learned man, an excellent Poet, a Grecian, and so good a Lawyer, as for a certaine time before his preserment to this Bishopricke, he was the sollicitor of all king Edward the fourths causes in the court of Rome. He brought many co­pies of diuers rare Gréeke authors out of Italy with him. Hauing continued at Durham about 11. yeeres, he died the yeere 1494.

53. Richard Fox.

RIchard Fox was consecrate Bishop of Exceter, an. 1486. translated to Bathe and Welles 1491. thence to Dur­ham 1494 and lastly 1502 to Winchester. He chaunged the hall of the castle of Durham from better to woorse; where there were two seats of regality, he made but one. Sée more of him in Winchester.

54. William Seuerus.

I Haue heard reported that this man was borne at Shin­kley, and the son of a poore man there, a Syueyer or Syue­maker by his occupation, and thence tooke his surname. He was first Bishop of Carlile, translated to Durham 1502. and enioying that preferment onely two yéeres (or there about) died an. 1505.

55. Christopher Bambridge.

AFter the death of Bishop Seuere, it séemes the Sée was void two yéeres, Christopher Bambridge obtay­ned consecration thereunto the yéere 1507. sate there but one yéere, and was remooued to Yorke. Sée more of him in Yorke.

56. Thomas Ruthall.

THomas Ruthall was borne at Cicester in Gloucestershire and brought vp in Cambridge, where he proceeded Doc­tor of Law. He was preferred to the Bishopricke of Durham by King Henry the seuenth, after whose death, he was made one of the Priuy Counsell vnto the yoong king Henry the 8. who estéemed greatly of him for his wisedome, and learning, and imployed him often in Embassages, and other businesses of importance. Amongst the rest, it pleased the king one time to require him to set downe his iudgement in writing concer­ning the estate of his kingdome in generall, and particular­ly to informe him in certaine things by him specified. This discourse the Bishop writ very carefully, and caused it to be bound in Uelime guilt and otherwise adorned in the best ma­ner. Now you shall vnderstand, how that it chaunced him about the same time to set downe a note of his owne pri­uate estate containing an inuentory not onely of his vtenstles and houshold stuffe in euery of his houses, with their value, but also of his monyes either owing vnto him, or deniers contans ready in his coffers, which amounted vnto an infi­nite treasure, no lesse then 100000. l. This account was written in a paper booke of the same fashion and binding that the other was which he had prouided for the king, whereby it happened, that the king sending Cardinall Wolsey for the other draught that he had so long hefore required of him, the Bishop mistaking, deliuered that which contained the re­port of his owne wealth and priuate state. This the Cardi­nall soone espying and willing to doo the Bishop a displeasure (for there had béen long and great emulation betwéene them) [Page 531] deliuered it as he had receiued it vnto the king shewing, how the Bishop had happily mistalien himselfe; For now (quoth he) you see where you may at any time commaund a great masse of money if you néede it. As soone as the Bishop vnder­stood his owne error, the conceite thereof touched him so néere, as within a very short time after he died. In his time the pa­rish Church of Cicester was built for the greatest part: And he promised to contribut much thereunto, but preuented by death performed nothing. Anne [...] his aunt by the mo­thers side, gaue 100. markes toward that worke. The Bi­shop himselfe built the third part of the bridge ouer the Riuer of [...] toward the South. He also raised from the founda­tion the goodly dining chamber at Aukland, and dying before it might be finished, tooke order with one Stranguidge that was his Administrator to perfect it. He deceased at London the yeere 1523. and lyeth buried at Westminster almost ouer against the the monument of king Henry the third, in a very seemely toombe, vpon which are these words to be read.

Hic iacet Tho. Ruthall Episcopus [...]. & Regis [...] Secretarius, qui obijt 1524.

57. Thomas Woolsey.

IMmediately after the death of Bishop Ruthall, Cardinall Woolsey resigning Bathe (which he held in Commendam with Yorke) tooke Durham in steed thereof, and held the same about the space of seuen yeeres. In the later end of the yeere 1529. he gaue it ouer to haue Winchester, which he held little more then one yéere, and died Nouember 29. 1530. Sée more of him in Yorke.

58. Cutbert Tnnstall.

IN the Sée of Durham a notable man succéeded him, and one no lesse famous for his vertues then the other for his fortune, [...] Bishop of London. He was borne at Hatchford in Richmond shire, and was the base son of one Tunstall a gentleman of a very auncient house. It is reported, that their first auncestor attended William Conque­ror [Page 532] [...] his Barbor[?], and being raised by him [...] fortune, in memory of his former estate, tooke for his armes[?] S. 3. combes A. But I take this for a fable. The speciall vse of armes is to expresse vnto posterity the vertues of such as are raised vnto gentry, and not to remember any thing that may be to the disgrace of the bearer, and make him lesse ho­norable. Were the first of this race as he is supposed; because he was not aduaunced for being a Barbor but for his faithfull and loyall seruice, such armes should rather haue béene giuen him, as might haue registred that vertue, then twighted him with the basenes of his first trade and manner of life. Rather therefore should I gesse some other occasion of these armes, which as they were born by him, may haue many very hono­rable significations. But to leaue his armes & speak of himselfe He was a very rare and admirable man, in whom I thinke no man will blame or reprehend any thing but his religion. There was scarce any kind of good learning in which he was not excellent. A very good Grecian, well seene in the Hebrew toong, a very eloquent Khetorician, a passing skilfull Mathe­matician (famous especially for Arithmetike whereof he writ a worke much estéemed) a great lawier (in that faculty he proceeded Doctor) and a profound Diuine, as diuers his workes yet extant doo very well testify. But his greatest com­mendation of al is that which I find giuen him by Bale out of [...] Thomas Moore, that as there was no man more adorned with knowledge and good literature, no man more seuere and of greater integrity for his life and manners, so there was no man a more swéete and pleasant companion, with whom a [...] would rather choose to conuerse. In regard of these ma­nifold good parts the Archbishop of Canterbury William Warham, not onely made him his vicar generall, but also commended him so effectually vnto the king, as he thought good to employ him in many [...] of great waight, and diuers temporall offices of no lesse trust. He was first Master of the Rolles, then (as I find recorded) kéeper of the [...] Seals, made Bishop of London the yéere 1521. and translated to Durham March 25. 1530. Being yet at London he bestowed much mony [...] Library in Cambridge with good bookes both written and printed. He [Page 533] built from [...] ground a most beautifull porch or gatehouse (with a chappell annexed thereunto of faire stone) in the castle of Durham, & added to the said castle certaine gates with iron barres and portcullices supported with strong walles on each side. He brought water thither with a conduit, whereas be­fore time it was serued with well-water. He made the gate­house at Alnewike, and built the Tolboothe in the market of Durham all of stone, with diuers edifices neere the hinder part of the said Tolboothe, which he gaue also to the city of Durham. Lastly he repaired with great charge the third part of Tyne bridge. Hauing continued in this Sée the space of one and twenty yéeres with great honour, December 20. 1551. he was committed vnto the Tower of London and re­mained prisoner there all the rest of the raigne of king Ed­ward, viz. ninetéene moneths. In which time, amongst many other horrible sacrileges (whereunto the nonage of the king gaue oportunity) meanes was found that the Bishopricke of Durham should be dissolued by act of Parliament. This morsell was ready dished, and in certaine hope already swal­lowed, when it pleased God, to punish the deuouring coue­tousnesse of those times, by taking away that admirable yong prince king Edward. Quéene Mary that succéeded, tooke this bit from the trencher of those rauening Atheists, & by like au­thority, the first yéere of her raigne, restored it vnto the former estate, & y t old Bishop both to his liberty & the possession of the same. Quéene Mary dying; for his contumacy & disobedience vnto her Maiesty that now raigneth (& long may she) he was iustly depriued of his Bishoprick, in the moneth of July 1559. He was then committed vnto the custody of the Archbishop of Canterbury who entertained him most kindly and seemed very glad of his company. But he enioyed it a very litle while For within fower monethes after his depriuation, viz. No­uember 18. following being eighty fiue yéeres of age, he de­parted this life at Lambhith, where he was first consecrate almost forty yeres before. His body was buried in the Chaun­cell of the parish church there, and couered with a faire mar­ble stone, vpon which is [...] this Epithaphe written by Doctor Haddon:

Anglia Cutbertum Tunstallnm [...] requirit
Cuius summa domi laus erat atque foris.
Rhetor, Arithmeticus, iuris consultus & aequis
Legatusque fuit, [...] praesul erat,
Annorum satur, & magnorum [...] honorum,
Vertitur in cineres aureus iste senex.

Iames Pilkinton.

MArch 2. 1560. Iames Pilkinton Batcheler of diuinity, lately come from beyond the seas (where he liued all Quéene Maries time) was consecrate Bishop, and continued in the same Sée about 16. yeres. He died an. 1576. and lieth entoombed in his owne church before the high altar, West from Bishop Beaumont.

60. Richard Barnes.

RIchard Barnes was brought vp in Brasenose colledge in in Oxford, first consecrate Bishop Suffragan of Notting­ham, preferred to Carlile the yéere 1570. and the yeere 1577. translated to Durham, where he sate Bishop about 11. yeres

61. Matthew Hutton.

AFter the death of Bishop Barnes, the Sée was void al­most two yéeres. The yéere 1589. Matthew Hutton doctor of diuinity and Deane of Yorke (in which place he had continued 21. yéeres) was preferred thereunto. He held the same about fiue yéeres, and in the ende of the yeere 1594. was translated to Yorke, where he yet liueth.

62. Tobias Matthew.

OF him that presently succéeded ( Tobias Matthew) I will say no more but what remayneth in publike re­cords, that being doctor of diuinity, by many steps of preferment (as namely the Archdeaconry of Bathe, the Pre­sidentship of Saint Johns colledge in Oxford, a Canonry [Page 535] first, then the Deanry of Christchurch there, and lastly the Deanry of Durham) he ascended at last vnto this place, which (men say) he vseth as honorably, as he obtayned the same worthily. My resolution of onely mentioning those, that either themselues, or in their posterity yet liue, I hold the more willingly in him, because it is well knowen to so many as know me, I am greatly bonnd vnto him, and may be dée­med partiall. He was consecrate in March 1594. long and happily may he liue in that, or such other honorable place, as his vertues do deserue.

This Bishopricke in the Queenes bookes is valued at 1821, l. 17, d. farthing, and in the Popes bookes at 9000. ducats.


THE City of Carlile, called by the Ro­manes and old Britons, Luguballia, by Nennius, Caer Lualid, by the Saxons (as Beda writeth) Luell, by our Chro­nicles (as Roger Houeden and others) Carlwel, by vs now a daies Carleolum, Carlile, and Carlioll (a city no doubt of great antiquity) was wasted, and in a manner vtterly destroyed by the Danes about the yéere of our Lord 900. The yéere 1090. it happened the king of Eng­land William Rufus to passe that way into Scotland. He considering the naturall strenght of the place, the pleasantnes of the seat, the sertility of the soyle, and the necessity of a forti­fication for defence of the countrey thereabout, thought good to [...] it, and according to this determination about thrée yéeres after, not onely raysed againe the wals (then flat to the ground, in so much as great trées grew in the ruines of them) but also bestowed the building of a faire and strong castle in the same, and then enpeopled it, at first with Dutchmen (whom soone after he remooued into Wales) and afterwards with English men of the South parts, he affoording many great and singular priuiledges vnto them. The gouernment of this new erected city (as it should séeme) was committed vnto a certaine Norman Priest named Walter, that came into England with the Conqueror. This man being very rich, began to build in Carlile a goodly church in the honor of the blessed Uirgin, intending to bestow vpon it such pos­sessions as God had endowed him withall, for the mainte­nance of either Prebendaries, or some other kinde of religi­ous persons in the same. But being taken away by death be­sore the accomplishment of this so good a purpose. Adelwald or [...], the first Prior of Saint Oswald in Nostlis, and Confesser vnto king Henry the first (that then raigned) per­swaded the said king to employ the land and reuenewes that Walter left behinde him in the foundation of a colledge (not of Prebendaries but of Regular Cannons) to be annexed vn­to [Page 537] the church of our Lady before named. He did so, and more­ouer bestowed vpon the said colledge sixe churches with their chappels, to be impropriated vnto the same vse, to wit, New­castle, Newburne, Warkeware, Robery, Wichingham and Corbridge. Of this colledge or monastery thus founded and endowed, he appointed the said Adelwald his Confessor to be Pryor. Now you shall vnderstand that not onely the iuris­diction spirituall, but the renewes and temporalties also of the City of Carlile, and all the countrey round about within fiftéene miles, belonged in former times vnto the Bishops of [...], by the gift of Egfrid king of Northumberland, who bestowed all that territory vpon Saint Cutbert the yéere 679. But the Bishops of that Sée being drouen from place to place by the Danes at what time Carlile was de­stroyed, & moreouer all that countrey so wasted, as hardly a man was to be found in many miles compasse, except here & there a few of the Irish. The Archdeacon of Richmond by li­tle & little encroched vpon the iurisdiction of all Cumberland, Westmerland and Tiuidate or Aluedale, now a long time neglected by the Bishops of [...], that in this meane space had seated themselues at Durham. It happened there­fore somtime after the foundation of this colledge, that Thur­stan Archbishop of Yorke visiting this part of his Prouince, séeing the beauty of the church of Carlile, considering how fit it were to be the Sée of a Bishop, & knowing how little right the Archdeacon of Richmond had vnto the iurisdiction of all those countries, yea being willing also peraduenture to haue a Suffragan the more within his Prouince; thought good to endeuour the erection of a Bishopricke there. The king fa­uouring much his owne foundation, easily condiscended to grace the same with an Episcopall Sée; which being establi­shed there by the Pope, licence was giuen to the Channons to elect for their Bishop whom they list, and Cumberland, Westmerland with Aluedale appointed to be his Dioces.

The Bishops of Carlile.

  • 1. A Delwald (whom most of our writers call Athel­wulph) the Prior aboue named, with one consent of his Cannons, was chosen for the first Bishop of this new Cathedrall Church, and consecrate at Yorke, by his Metropolitane the yéere 1133. How long he held it, or when he died I find not.
  • 2. Barnard succéeded him. It séemeth he died about the yéere 1186. For Roger Houeden reporteth that king Henry the second comming to Carlile at that time, procured one [...] de Leedes to be elected Bishop; and when he (vp­on what consideration I know not) refused to accept the place, the king offered him 300. markes of yéerely reuenew for the increase of his liuing there, to witte, the Churches of Ban­burge and Scarthburge with the Chappell of Lickhill, and two mannours of his owne néere Carlile. This notwithstan­ding, he persisted still in his refusall.
  • 3. Hugh the third Bishop died the yéere 1223.
  • 4. Walter Malclerke the yéere 1223. was consecrate vnto the Bishopricke of Carlile, which he acknowledged to haue obtained by euill and corrupt meanes, and therefore re­signed the same (mooued in conscience so to doo as he alledged) June 29. 1246. & tooke on him the habite of a Frier preacher at Oxford, in which he continued till his death. Being Trea­surer of England vnder king Henry the third, the king vpon a sodaine not onely displaced him from that office, but reuo­ked certaine graunts made vnto him heretofore, and charged him with the debt of 100. l. which he acknowledged not. For redresse of these wrongs (as he tooke them) he determined to trauaile to Rome, but was staied at the waters side by the kings officers, whom Roger Bishop of London excommuni­cated for the same, and riding presently to Worceter where the Court lay, renued that excommunication in the Kings presence. How he thriued with these businesses afterward, I find not: But likely ynough it is, that these troubles rather [Page 539] made him weary of the world, then any such scruple induce him to leaue his Bishopricke. He died October. 28. 1248.
  • 5. Syluester was elected the yeere 1246. but not conse­crate till February 5. 1247. A while he refused to accept of the election, alleadging his owne vnworthinesse, but at last vpon better deliberation yéelded. He was one of them that ioyned with Boniface the Archbishop, and Ethelmaire the elect of Winchester in their request to the king, that remem­bring his promise often made, hereafter he would not impeach the liberty of elections by interposing his armed requests &c. (of which matter see more in [...] of Canterbury.) The King acknowledged he had indéede offended that way, and that especially (quoth he) in making meanes for you your selucs, that therefore of all other should least find fault with it. To this man particularly he vsed these words. Ette Syluester [...], qui [...] Lambeus [...], [...] meo­rum clericulus [...], qualiter [...] multis Theolo­gis & [...] reuerendis, te in [...] sublimani, &c. I remember (saith he) how I eralted thée Syluester of Carlile, vnto a Bishopricke, hauing hankered a long time about the Chauncery, and being a petty Chaplame to my Chaplaines, preferring thee before many graue and reuerend Diuines, &c. His conclusion was, that if they would giue ouer their places which they had obtained by so vndue meanes, he would here­after forbeare to commend any so vnworthy. This was the yéere [...]. The yeere following May the [...]. this Bishop riding a horse somwhat too lusty for him, was cast and so bru­sed with the fall, as he died by and by, to wit, May 13. 1254.
  • 6 Thomas [...], or de Veteri ponte (a gentleman of the house of the Viponts that about this time were Lords of Westmerland) was chosen soone after [...] death, not­withstanding that the king made [...] request in the be­halfe of one Iohn a counceller of his that was Prior of New­borough. Hauing enioyed this preferment litle more then one yeere, he died in the beginning of October 1256.
  • 7 Robert de [...] Chaplaine vnto the Quéene, was consecrate by the Bishops of Bathe and Salisbury at Ber­mondsey beside London Aprill 10. 1258. and sate fowerteene yeeres.
  • [Page 540]8. Ralf a Canon of [...] 1272. sate [...] yéeres.
  • 9. Iohn de Halton a Canon of Carlile consecrate 1288. sate thirty two yéeres.
  • 10. Iohn de Rosse Doctor of Law, thrust into this Bisho­prick by the Pope without any election, was consecrate 1318 and sate thirtéene yéeres.
  • 11. Iohn de Kirkby Canon of Carlile and orderly elected there, was consecrate 1332. and sate twenty yeeres.
  • 12. Gilbert de Welton Doctor of Law made Bishop by the Pope was consecrate 1353. and sate ten yéeres.
  • 13. Thomas de Appleby Canon of Carlile, elected there, was glad to [...] the Popes approbation at Rome, and then was consecrate 1363. He sate thirty thrée yéeres and died December 5. 1395.
  • 14. Robert Reade a Frier preacher was consecrate at the commaundement of the Pope, & the request of king Richard the second, 1396. notwithstanding that William Stirkland was chosen by the Chapter. Hauing sate scarcely one yéere, he was translated to Chichester.
  • 15. Thomas Merkes a monke of Westminster was like­wise thrust into this Bishopricke by the Pope at the Kings request, and consecrate 1397. Amongst many vnworthily preferred to Bishoprickes in those daies, he vndoubtedly was a man well deseruing that honor. for he was both lear­ned and wise; but principally to be commended, first for his constant and vnmooueable [...] vnto his Patrone and pre­ferrer king Richard, then, for his excellent courage in profes­sing the same, when he might safely, yea & honestly [...] haue concealed his affection. Some other there were of y t Nobility, that remembring their duty & alleageance, when al the world beside forsooke this vnfortunate Prince, followed him with their best assistance euen til y t time of his captiuity. This man nothing regarding the danger might ensue, not onely refused to forsake him when he had forsaken himself, but desided him & his cause the best he could, when he might well perceaue, his indeuor might hurt himselfe much, without any possibility of helping the other. When the [...] and vnstable multitude, not contented that king Richard had resigned his crowne to [Page 541] saue the head that ware it, and their darling Henry [...] fourth seated himselfe in his royall throne, importuned the Parlia­ment assembled to procéed yet farther against him, [...] no doubt that to make all sure, his life might be taken from him. This worthy and memorable Prelate stepping forth, doub­ted not to tell them, that there was none amongst them méete to giue iudgement vpon so noble a Prince as King Richard was, whom they had taken for their Soueraigne and leige Lord by the space of 22. yéeres and more; And procéeding further, I assure you quoth he (I report his words as I find them in our Chronicles) there is not so ranke a traytor, nor so errant a théefe, nor yet so cruell a murtherer, apprehended or detained in prison for his offence, but he shall be brought before the Justice to heare iudgement; and will you proceede to the iudgement of an annoynted King, hearing neither his answere nor excuse? I say and will auouch, that the Duke of Lancaster (whom ye call King) hath more trespassed to king Richard and his Realme, then king Richard hath done either to him or vs: For it is manifest and well knowen, that the Duke was banished the Realme by King Richard and his counsell, and by the iudgement of his owne Father, for the space of 10. yéeres, for what cause ye remember well ynough. This notwithstanding, without licence of R. R. he is returned againe into the realme, & (that is worse) hath taken vpon him the name, title and [...] of R. And therfore I say that you haue done manifest wrong to procéed against R. Richard in any sort without calling him openly to his answere and defence. This spéech scarcely ended, he was attached by the Earle Marshall, and for a time committed to ward in the Ab­bey of Saint Albones. Continuing yet his loyall affection vnto his distressed Master; soone after his inlargement, he ioyned with the Hollands and other in a conspiracy against King Henry; which being bewrayed to the destruction of all the rest, he onely was pardoned; peraduenture in regard of his calling (for it had neuer beene séene hitherto that any Bi­shop was put to death by order of [...]) peraduenture in some kinde of fauour and admiration of his faithfull constancy (for vertue will be honored euen of her enemies) peraduenture also to this ende, that by forcing him to liue miserably, they [Page 542] might lay a punishment vpon him more [...] death, which they well saw he despised. The Pope (who sel­dome denied the king any request that he might affoord good cheape) was easily intreated, to translate forsooth this good Bishop from the Sée [...] Carlile that yéelded him honorable maintenance, vnto Samos in Greece, whereof he knew he should neuer receiue one [...] profit. He was so happy as neither to take benefit of the gift of his enimy, nor to be hurt by the masked malice of his counterfeit friend: Disdaining (as it were) to take his life by his gift, that tooke away from his Master both life and kingdome, he died shortly after his deliuerance, so deluding also the mockery of his translation, whereby (things so falling out) he was nothing damnisted.
  • 16. William de Stirkland before mentioned, was appoin­ted his successor by the Pope at the request of king Henry, and consecrate at Cawood by the Archbishop of Yorke August 24. 1400. He died August 30. 1419.
  • 17. Roger Whelpdale Doctor of Diuinity was elected by the Chapter and consecrate at London by the Bishop of Winchester the yéere 1419. He was brought vp in Balioll colledge in Oxford. Writ much in Logike, Philosophy & Di­uinity (in which, as also the Mathematikes and other good learning he was very well séene) died in his house at London February 4. 1422. and was buried there in the cathedrall church of Saint Paule. His workes (I heare) remaine yet to be séene in Baylioll colledge library.
  • 18. William Barrow Bishop of Bangor was traslated to Carlile 1423. died at Rose castle September 4. 1429. and was buried at Carlile.
  • 19. Marmaduke Lumley was chosen by the Chapter, consecrate 1430. and hauing sate twenty yéeres, was transla­ted to Lincolne.
  • 20. Nicolas Close consecrate 1450. sate two yéeres and was remoued to Lichfield.
  • 21. William Percy sonne to the Earle of Northumber­land was consecrate 1452. and sate ten yéeres.
  • 22. Iohn Kyngscote Doctor of the Canon Law was con­secrate 1462. and sate onely one yéere.
  • [Page 543]23. Richard Scroope consecrate at Yorke by George Neuill Bishop of Exceter June 24. 1464. sate fower yeeres.
  • 24. Edward Storey Doctor of Diuinity consecrate at Westminster by the foresaid George Neuill now Archbishop of Yorke October 14. 1468. sate nine yéeres and was transla­ted to Chichester.
  • 25. Richard, Prior of Durham consecrate at the Popes commaundement without any election, by the hands of his predecessor, and sate 18. yeeres.
  • 26. William Seuer Abbot of Saint Maryes in Yorke, consecrate 1496. was translated to Durham the yeere 1503.
  • 27. Roger Layburne Doctor of Diuinity a gentleman of a very auncient house borne neere Carlile, was consecrated in September 1503. and sate there eight yéeres.
  • 28. Iohn Penny Doctor of Law consecrate 1511. sate 9. yéeres.
  • 29. Iohn Kite, a Londoner borne, and somtimes the kings Ambassador into Spaine, was first consecrate an Archbi­shop of a Sée in Greece, and then made Bishop of Carlile the yéere 1520. He died June 19. 1537. & was buried at Step­ney beside London, in the middle of the Chancell toward the North side: where is to be seene a rude Epitaphe vpon the marble that couereth him.
  • 30. Robert Aldrich Doctor of Diuinity and Prouost of Kings Colledge in Cambridge, was elected Bishop of Car­lile July 18. 1537. and soone after consecrate. He died at Horne-castle March 5. 1555.
  • 31. Owen Oglethorp, Doctor of Diuinity, and President of Magdalene colledge in Oxford, a gentleman well borne, was consecrate 1556. He was so happy as to set the crowne of this realme vpon the head of her Maiesty that now doth (long and happily may shee) possesse the same. He was de­priued with diuers other Bishops for withstanding her Ma­iesties proceedings the yeere 1559. and soone [...] died sud­denly.
  • 32. Iohn Best, Doctor of Diuinity, was consecrate March 2. 1561, died May 22. 1570. and was buried at Carlile.
  • 33. Richard Barnes, Bishop of Nottingham, Suffragan vnto the Archbishop of Yorke, was translated to Carlile Ju­ly [Page 544] 23. 1570. [...] the yéere 1577. was [...] thence to Durham.
  • 34. Iohn Mey, Doctor of [...], Master of [...] Hall in Cambridge, was consecrate by Iohn Elmer Bishop of London, [...] thereunto by the Archbishop of Yorke, September 29. an. 1577. He died in the moneth of April [...]. 1598.
  • 35. Henry Robinson, Doctor of Diuinity, [...] of Quéenes colledge in Oxford, was consecrate before the ende of the same yéere.

Carlile paide for first fruits to the Pope 1000. du­cats, and is now valued to the Queene in 531, l. 4, s. 11, d. ob.

The Bishops of Chester.

IN the City of Chester there was of old a Nunry, the Church whereof (first built by that famous Earle Leofricus, and dedicated vnto Saint Werburg) being now become very ruinous, Hugh Lupus the first Earle of Chester after the Conquest, repaired the same the yéere 1094. and by the perswasion of Saint Anselme (whom being dangerously sicke, he had sent for into Normandy to be his ghostly father) replenished it with monkes. About the same time (or a little before, to wit the yéere 1075.) Peter Bishop of Lichfield remooued his See thither. But his next successor Robert de Lymesey, forsaking Chester, made choice of Couentry, whence not long after the succéeding Bishops, returned againe to Lichfield. King Henry the eight restored vnto this City that honor, and conuerting the Monastery aforesaid into a Cathedrall Church, erected a new Bishopricke there, appointed the Counties of Chester, Lancaster, and Richmond to be the Dioces of this new Sée and the same to be estéemed in the Prouince of the Archbishop of Yorke.

1. Iohn Byrd.

THe first Bishop of Chester was Iohn Byrd, borne in Couentry, and brought vp in Oxford. Being Doctor of Diuinity and Prouinciall of the [...], he was preferred by King Henry the eight to the Bishopricke of Ossery in Ireland. From thence soone after he was remooued first to Bangor, and lastly vnto Chester. Certaine Sermons preached before the King against the Popes Supremacy, were the occasion of his aduauncement. In Queene [...] daies he was depriued for being maried.

2. Iohn Coates.

BIshop Coates succéeded him. His Christen name (I take it) was Iohn: For certaine, I can not affirme it. He died soone after his preferment in Quéene Maries daies.

3. Cutbert Scot.

SHe then preferred vnto this Sée one Cutbert Scot, who sitting not past two or thrée yéeres, in the beginning of the happy raigne of her Maiesty that now is was displa­ced, and for his disobedience committed to the Fléete; Thence (I know not by what meanes) escaping he fled to [...] and there died.

4. William Downham.

VVIlliam Downham was Chaplaine vnto her Ma­iesty before her comming to the Crowne, and be­ing preferred by her vnto this Sée, continued in the same about twenty yéeres.

5. William Chaderton.

VVIiliam Chaderton Doctor of Diuinity succéeded, and was translated to Lincolne the yéere 1595.

6. Hugh Billet.

HVgh Billet Doctor of Diuinity and Bishop of Bangor, sate not fully one yéere. He died about Whitsontide ann. 1596.

7. Richard Vaughan.

RIchard Vaughan Doctor of Duinity succéeded Bishop Billet in both those places, being translated hither in June 1597. He yet liueth.

This Bishopricke is valued at 420, l. 20, d.


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